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Published by iLibrary Sanggar Pustaka Ismail, 2021-06-30 05:21:28

Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers by Christopher Brickell (

by Christopher Brickell (

Keywords: encyclopedia,english

P L A N T S &E N C Y C L O P E D I A O F





Christopher Brickell Rock plants

Duncan Donald Clematis and Lilies

Dawn Edwards Argyranthemum,
Desmodium, Geum,
Indigofera, Pachypodium,
Peperomia, and Streptocarpus

Mike Grant Ferns

Sharon McDonald Chrysanthemums,
Dahlias, and Daffodils

Andrew Mikolajski Annuals, Biennials,
and Perennials

Charles Nelson Heathers

Martin Page Annuals, Aquatics,
Biennials, Grasses, Irises,
Palms, Perennials, and Shrubs

Charles Quest-Ritson Roses

Keith Rushforth Trees

Christopher Sanders Trees, Shrubs, and

Julian Shaw Tender and Exotic plants

Ivor Stokes Rhododendrons

Jennifer Trehane Camellias

David Ward Bulbs

Christopher Whitehouse Tender Trees
and Shrubs


Susyn Andrews Hollies

Larry Barlow with W.B. Wade Chrysanthemums
Kenneth A. Beckett
Shrubs, Climbers,
with David Pycraft Bromeliads, Plant Selector

John Brookes with Linden Hawthorne Introduction

Eric Catterall with Richard Gilbert Begonias
Allen J. Coombes Plant Origins, Trees,

Shrubs, Glossary

Philip Damp with Roger Aylett Dahlias
Kate Donald Peonies, Daffodils
Kath Dryden
Raymond Evison Rock plants
Diana Grenfell Clematis
Peter Harkness Hostas
Linden Hawthorne Roses
Terry Hewitt
David Hitchcock Chapter introductions
Hazel Key Cacti and other Succulents
Sidney Linnegar
Brian Mathew Carnations and Pinks
Victoria Matthews Pelargoniums
David McClintock Irises
Irises, Bulbs
Diana Miller
with Richard Gilbert Climbers, Lilies, Tulips
John Paton Grasses, Bamboos,
Charles Puddle Rushes, and Sedges
African violets

Wilma Rittershausen with Sabina Knees Orchids

Peter Q. Rose with Hazel Key Ivies
Keith Rushforth Conifers
A.D. Schilling Rhododendrons and Azaleas
Arthur Smith Gladioli

Philip Swindells with Peter Barnes Ferns

with Kath Dryden and Jack Wemyss-Cooke Primulas

with Peter Robinson Water plants

John Thirkell Delphiniums

Alan Toogood Annuals and Biennials

Major General Patrick Turpin Heathers

with David Small

Michael Upward Perennials

John Wright with Nancy Darnley Fuchsias


This new edition of the Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers is a testament to
the continuing value of this reference for gardeners. It is nearly 20 years since
the first edition was published, and this special work continues to earn its
place on any bookshelf.

We have endeavored to make information available to all on every aspect of
horticulture. What makes this encyclopedia so special is the breadth of its
appeal to both beginners and experienced gardeners. As a reference work, it
covers all of the key areas of how to create a garden and provides detailed plant
profiles in its extensive A–Z dictionary. It is the plant catalog, however, that
really gives this book its wide reach, removing barriers to accessing
information and providing inspiration for all gardeners. Structured according
to garden use, plant form, color, and size, this section allows readers to find the
plants they need without any prior horticultural knowledge. The detailed
descriptions, accurate naming, and cultivation advice is of use to everyone.
In all, this is the ideal introduction to garden plants and how to use them.

Garden plants continue to increase in diversity. Expert nurseries breed new
forms and gardeners continually experiment with where and how to grow
plants. These advances are especially important today, as the increasing impact
of climate change presents us with both challenges and opportunities. This new
edition is updated with some of these recent introductions, and reflects our
most recent knowledge about our changing world.

As Director of Horticulture for the Royal Horticultural Society in the United
Kingdom, I am privileged to be involved with all four of our established
gardens—RHS Wisley, Rosemoor, Hyde Hall, Harlow Carr, and our developing
fifth garden, RHS Bridgewater in Salford. Walking around these gardens with
the curators and their teams, discussing new plans and developments, is to
enjoy a living reflection of this encyclopedia. Every garden has a well-used copy,
constantly referenced by both students and experienced staff to check facts and
to catalyze new ideas.

Our thanks and gratitude is due again to the Editor-in-Chief, Chris Brickell.
His name is synonymous with many of the books that helped galvanize
my early interest in gardening and my subsequent training, so it’s an immense
pleasure for me to write this preface. I also wish to thank and acknowledge the
extensive number of expert contributors for so freely sharing their knowledge.
I am delighted to introduce this new edition, which I hope will continue to
inspire all to garden.

Dr. Tim Upson

Director of Horticulture, The Royal Horticultural Society, 2019


Preface 5 Climbers and 188 Rock plants 328
How to use this book 8 wall shrubs 198 332
Plant names and origins 10 205 Large
Creating a garden 12 Clematis 207 347
Plant selector 31 Wisteria Small 370
Honeysuckle 212 Gentians 377
Perennials 216
PLANT CATALOG 56 217 Bulbs 378
including Grasses, Bamboos, 218
Trees 60 Rushes, Sedges, and Ferns 221 including Corms and Tubers 382
Large 222 Large 384
including Conifers 69 387
Large 70 Delphiniums 223 Gladioli 388
78 Himalayan poppies 224 Alstroemerias 394
Medium Echinacea 226 Lilies 396
Magnolias 80 Japanese anemones 228 Cannas
Ornamental bark 87 232 Dahlias 399
91 Medium 234 400
Small 94 Irises 236 Medium 404
Flowering dogwoods Aquilegias 238 Tulips 410
Sorbus 95 Peonies 240 Daffodils
Hollies Astilbes 241 Crocosmia 414
99 Persicaria 244 417
Large conifers Penstemons 247 Small
103 Oriental poppies 248 Crocuses
Medium conifers 105 Phlox 249
Campanulas 250 Water and bog plants 430
Small conifers Daylilies 251 440
Dwarf conifers Yarrow 252 Water lilies
Helenium 254
Shrubs 106 Michaelmas daisies Tender and exotic plants 446
110 Salvias 254 450
Large 114 Rudbeckia 257 including Cacti and other
Buddlejas 115 Chrysanthemums 261
Lilacs 118 Red hot pokers 266 succulents
Witch hazels 272
120 Small 279 Trees
Medium 120 Primulas 281
Camellias 124 Lungworts 282 Shrubs 453
Rhododendrons 126 Carnations and pinks
Cornus 134 Hostas 284 Climbers 459
Hydrangeas 142 Hylotelephiums
Shrubs for berries Lenten roses 290 Perennials 465
145 Heuchera and x Heucherella Orchids 466
Small 154 294 Bromeliads 471
Hardy fuchsias 155 Grasses, Bamboos, Rushes, 302 African violets 472
Salvias 158 and Sedges 309 Gingers 477
Lavenders 166 317
Heathers Ferns Cacti and other succulents 479
Agaves 482
Annuals, biennials, Aloes 493
and bedding
172 Fuchsias
Shrub and Old Garden roses 176 Pelargoniums Index of common names 730
Hips and prickles 177 Begonias
Modern roses 184 Glossary of terms 738
Climbing roses
Acknowledgments 740

The core of this book is its two main sections—The Plant Catalog and
the Plant Dictionary. Here you will find descriptions and cultivation WHITE
advice for thousands of plants. Plant Names and Origins explains the
shrubs system for classifying and naming plants, while Creating a Garden
offers advice on design, planting, and basic pruning.

The Plant Selector Catalog page shrubs

The Plant Selector recommends plants for a variety of sites, If you know a plant but

soils, and purposes, making it easy to find one to suit your cannot remember its Choisya x dewitteana ‘Aztec Pearl’ Chaenomeles speciosa ‘Moerloosei’
Evergreen, compact shrub with Vigorous, deciduous, bushy shrub. Has
aromatic, glossy, dark green leaves glossy, dark green leaves and pink-
flushed, white flowers in early spring,
needs. The list is divided into 23 useful categories, including name, have a specimen composed of 3–5 linear leaflets. Clusters followed by greenish-yellow fruits.
plaCEhvneotrisgsyrfeaoerxn,gdcreoowmuiptntaecdatcnsoharvu‘AebrzwtienicthsPueanrl’or shade, drought-tolerant of scented, white flowers, pink-flushed in
plaarnotmsa,tficr,agglorsasny,tdparlkagnrtese,nalneadvetshose suitable for hedges and bud, are produced in profusion 10ft 3m
10ft 3m
in spring and then quite often
thaCthyaoeunwomanetletos sidpeenctioifsya,
‘Moerloosei’again in early fall. 10ft ADZ5–9 10ft
ADZ8–10 3m 0 3m 0

or sViimgoprlyouws,isdhectoidcuhoouos,sbeushy shrub. Has

wicnomdpborseeadkosf.3M–5 alinneyaralreeaflientsc.lCuldusetdersin the Plant Catalog and plagnltossfsoy,r dyaorukrggraerednelneaves and pink-
arobefucsdcr,eaonrsteespd-rr, owedfhueictreeedfnloicnwepedrrost,fuopsiniaoknp-fliucsthuerdeinand full description. basfleudshoend,thwehiritseizfleoworers in early spring,
colfoorlilnogw,etdhebyPglarnetenCiastha-lyoegllow fruits.

in spring and then quite often 10ft 3m is the place to start. 10ft 3m Myrtus communis (Common myrtle) Rhododendron ‘Percy Wiseman’ Camellia x williamsii
Choisya ternata
(Mexican orange) Evergreen, bushy shrub with aromatic, Evergreen rhododendron with a domed, ‘E.G. Waterhouse’

again in early fall.Plants for sandy soil Gaultheria mucronata ‘Wintertime’, p.163 Agapanthus inapertus subsp. pendulus HYLOTELEPHIUM, p.279 Tanacetum argenteum, p.346 Petrea volubilis, p.463 Cryptanthus zonatus Evergreen, rounded, dense shrub with glossy, dark green foliage. Fragrant, compact habit. In late spring, produces Evergreen, upright shrub with
Sandy soil is often termed “light” or “hungry.” It is usually Genista tinctoria, p.148 ‘Graskop’, p.240 Gazania pinnata
well-drained, but dries out rapidly and holds low reserves of plant x Halimiocistus sahucii, p.149 Libertia ixioides ‘Goldfinger’, p.277 Vaccinium vitis-idaea subsp. minus, Plectranthus fructicosus ‘James’, p.454 Ruellia devosiana, p.465 aromatic, glossy, bright green leaves white flowers are borne from midspring open funnel-shaped, pink flowers that lance-shaped, pale green leaves.
nutrients. Many plants have adapted to such soil by developing Halimium ‘Susan’, p.160 Agastache ‘Black Adder’, p.280 Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Laurentii’, p.476
deeply penetrating roots. Their leaves are modified to reduce Hippophae rhamnoides, p.142 Artemisia ludoviciana ‘Valerie Finnis’ p.274 Limonium platyphyllum ‘Blue Cloud’ p.351 Strelitzia reginae, p.476 composed of 3 leaflets. Clusters to early summer, followed by purple- fade to cream, with green markings in Formal double, pink flowers are freely
moisture loss: small and reflexed, evergreen and glossy, or Hypericum x hidcoteense ‘Hidcote’, p.160 Artemisia absinthium ‘Lambrook Silver’ Cacti and succulents
LAVENDERS, p.158 Asphodeline Nepeta ‘Six Hills Giant’, p.240 Climbers AGAVES, p.482
ADZ8–10covered with fine gray or silver hairs. To improve moisture Olearia nummulariifolia, p.128 Aster species, pp.250, 367 ALOES, p.493
retention, incorporate some organic matter when planting in Perovskia ‘Blue Spire’, p.159 Nepeta x faassenii, p.270 BULBS, CORMS, AND TUBERS Bomarea andimarcana Echeveria montana of fragrant, white blooms open black berries. the throat. produced in spring.
fall; little watering will then be needed and plants are able Phlomis fruticosa, p.160 10ftBaptisia australis, p.240 Furcraea parmentieri in late spring and often
to establish well before summer. Robinia hispida, p.133 Oenothera fruticosa ‘Fyrverkeri’, p.275 Allium aflatunense, p.382 Bomarea multiflora, p.207 Rebutia hybrida and cvs, pp.483, 484, 10ft 3m 10ft 3m 10ft 3m 10ft 3m
Rosa spinosissima Berkheya purpurea, p.269
Rosmarinus officinalis, p.157 Campanula persicifolia Origanum vulgare ‘Aureum’, p.274 Allium atropurpureum, p.392 Kennedia rubicunda, p.462 486, 487, 496
SALVIAS, p.155
Santolina pinnata subsp. neapolitana 3mCampanula punctata, C. takesimana, ORIENTAL POPPIES, p.238 Allium ‘Gladiator’, p.392 Solanum wendlandii, p.463 Antirrhinum majus 10ft
p.241 3m
‘Sulphurea’, p.159 Campanula species, selections and Phlomis russeliana, p.243 Allium ‘Globemaster’, p.392 Streptosolen jamesonii, p.464 Eccremocarpus scaber again in fall.
Spartium junceum, p.140
Tamarix ramosissima, p.114 hybrids, pp.241, 242, 342, 360, 367, Platycodon grandiflorus, p.269 Allium ‘Mount Everest’, p.385 Tropaeolum tricolor, p.461 33 122
Teucrium fruticans ‘Azureum’ 368, 369
Yucca gloriosa, p.132 CARNATIONS AND PINKS, pp.266–267 Potentilla ‘Arc-en-ciel’, p.268 Allium neapolitanum, p. 399 Perennials ADZ80–10 10ft ADZ8–9 10ft BDMZ6–9t 10ft 0 BDMZ7–8t 10ft
Centranthus ruber, p.248 Allium oreophilum, p.418 Aphelandra squarrosa ‘Louisae’, p.476 3m 0 3m 0 3m 3m 0
CLIMBERS AND WALL SHRUBS Coreopsis ‘Limerock Ruby’, p.268 0 RED HOT POKER, p.254 Allium ‘Purple Sensation’, p.392
CLEMATIS, pp.198–200 Delphinium grandiflorum ‘Blue Romneya coulteri, p.216
Clianthus puniceus, p.193 Butterfly’, p.217 Solidago ‘Goldenmosa’, p.251 ALSTROEMERIAS, p.387 Billbergia nutans
Eccremocarpus scaber, p.208 Diascia personata, p.223
TREES Pinus radiata, p.98 Lapageria rosea, p.202 Eremurus x isabellinus ‘Cleopatra’, p.220 Symphotrichum ericoides f. prostratum Anemone blanda ‘Violet Star’, p.418
Amelanchier lamarckii, p.110 Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca, p.96 Vitis vinifera ‘Purpurea’, p.210 Eryngium pandanifolium
Betula ermanii, p.78 Thuja occidentalis and cvs Eryngium x tripartitum, p.250 ‘Snowflurry’ Anemone coronaria De Caen Group
Betula pendula ‘Laciniata’ PERENNIALS Erysimum ‘Bowles Mauve’, p.261
Castanea sativa SHRUBS Acanthus spinosus, p.239 Eurybia divaricata Symphotrichum species, selections and ‘Mr Fokker’, p.403
Celtis australis, p.62 Acacia dealbata, p.211 Achillea spp. and cvs, pp.235, 243, Francoa sonchifolia Rogerson’s form
Cercis siliquastrum, p.83 Artemisia arborescens ‘Faith Raven’ Gaillardia ‘Oranges and Lemons’, p.277 hybrids Anemone ranunculoides, p.263
Crataegus laevigata ‘Paul’s Scarlet’, p.84 Berberis empetrifolia, p.148 247, 359 Gaillardia x grandiflora cvs
Genista aetnensis, p.89 Brachyglottis Dunedin Group ‘Sunshine’ Agapanthus ‘Northern Star’, p.241 Stachys officinalis ‘Hummelo’, p.268 Babiana rubrocyanea, p.418
Nothofagus obliqua, p.63 BUDDLEJAS, p.114 Agapanthus ‘Phantom’ BELOW Hot and dry conditions
Phoenix canariensis Calluna vulgaris and cvs, p.166 Agapanthus ‘Purple Cloud’, p.241 Acanthus spinosus and Phlomis Verbascum spp. and cvs, pp.219, 243, Bellevalia romana, p.399
Pinus bungeana, p.78 Caragana arborescens ‘Lorbergii’ russeliana make a perfect planting
Pinus sylvestris, p.78 Ceanothus thyrsiflorus and forms partnership on sandy soil. 246, 345 Calochortus superbus, p.409
Quercus ilex Cistus spp. and cvs, pp.150, 152, 153, 154
Convolvulus cneorum, p.149 Grasses and bamboos Camassia quamash, p.411
Conifers Cotoneaster lacteus, p.117 CROCOSMIA, p.410
Abies grandis, p.98 Elaeagnus pungens ‘Maculata’, p.119 Ampeldesmos mauritanicus, p.287
x Cuprocyparis leylandii and cvs Enkianthus cernuus f. rubens, p.123 CROCUS p.417
Juniperus Erica spp. and cvs, p.166 Chasmanthium latifolium, p.288
Larix decidua, p.97 Gaultheria mucronata ‘Mulberry Wine’, Cyclamen coum subsp. coum f. coum
Pinus pinaster, p.97 Chionochloa rubra, p.285
p.164 Pewter Group, p.429
Cortaderia richardii, p.284
DAFFODILS, pp.404–405 Cultivation, cold-hardiness,
Deschampsia cespitosa ‘Gold Tau’, p.289 DAHLIAS, pp.396–398 and heat tolerance
Eragrostis curvula ‘Totnes Burgundy’, Symbols show the plant’s preferred
Freesia laxa, p.423 growing conditions and tolerance of
p.285 cold and heat. However, the climatic
Miscanthus sinensis and cvs pp.284, 285, Fritillaria imperalis ‘Lutea’, p.382 Perovskia ‘Blue Spire’ and soil conditions of your particular
Fritillaria persica ‘Ivory Bells’, p.382 site should also be taken into account
286 Galanthus ‘Hill Poë’, p.427 as they may affect a plant’s growth.
Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea (See also key, left.)
Galanthus woronowii, p.428
‘Transparent’, p.286 Toxic plants
how to use GLADIOLI, p.384 plant selector This symbol indicates that the plant can
this book Molinia caerulea subsp. caerulea
Gladiolus murielae, p.383
plant selector ‘Moorhexe’
Habenaria radiata, p.408
Panicum virgatum ‘Cloud Nine’
Hesperanthus coccinea ‘Mrs Hegarty’
Pennisetum spp., pp.286, 312
Hippeastrum ‘Black Pearl’
Stipa spp., pp.286, 287, 288
Hyacinthus orientalis ‘Blue Jacket’,

Hyacinthus orientalis ‘White Pearl’,
Antirrhinum majus and cvs, pp.306, 310,
320 Incarvillea delavayi, p.265
Brachyscome iberidifolia
Ipheion uniflorum ‘Froyle Mill’, p.419
Cleome hassleriana and cvs, p.304
Iris reticulata and cvs, p.225
Coreopsis tinctoria, p.321
Ismene x spofforthiae ‘Sulphur Queen’.
Eschscholzia californica, p.326 Helianthemum ‘Wisley Primrose’
Glandularia x hybrida series and cvs
Ixia viridiflora, p.406
Glebionis segetum, p.322
LILIES, pp.388–391
Limnanthes douglasii, p.321
Muscari spp. and cvs, pp.403, 415, 419,
Limonium sinuatum
420, 421
Linaria maroccana ‘Fairy Bouquet’
Nerine bowdenii and cvs, p.413
Papaver rhoeas Shirley Group, p.310
Ornithogalum, spp., pp.382, 399, 408, 414,
415, 416
Portulaca grandiflora series and cvs
Polianthes tuberosa, p.385
Tagetes cvs, pp.308, 324, 326
Romulea bulbocodium, p.419
Tanacetum parthenium, p.300
Scilla spp. and cvs, pp.413, 416, 419, 420,
Xerochrysum bracteatum Monstrosum
Triteleia ixiodes ‘Starlight’, p.407

ROCK PLANTS Triteleia laxa ‘Koningin Fabiola’, p.411

Acaena caesiiglauca, p.374 Tulbaghia simmleri, p.411

Achillea x lewisii ‘King Edward’ TULIPS, pp.400–401

Aethionema ‘Warley Rose’, p.362 Watsonia meriana, p.385

Andromeda polifolia ‘Compacta’, Zephyranthes spp., pp.413, 424


Arenaria montana, p.360 Trees

Armeria juniperifolia, p.352 Agonis flexuosa, p.450

Cytisus x beanii, p.335

Dianthus deltoides Shrubs

Gaultheria procumbens, p.373 Boronia megastigma, p.456

Gypsophila repens Chamelaucium uncinatum, pp.453, 454

Helianthemum spp. and cvs, pp.336, Chorizema ilicifolium, p.454

338, 340, 344, 345 Iochroma cyaneum, p.457

HOUSELEEKS, p.377 Leucospermum reflexum, p.456

Petrorhagia saxifraga, p.361

32 Phlox bifida, p.366 RIGHT A garden on sandy gravel
Saponaria ocymoides, p.364 Alliums and lavenders thrive on light,
Sedum spp. and cvs, pp. 345, 371, 374, sandy soil and are ideal for gravel
gardens in dry areas.
375, 377

Photographic reference Top choices Rhododendron ‘Percy Wiseman’ be toxic. Details are given in the genus
ChoisyaGtaerdrneanttahemes and uses are Myrtus cPolamnmts uanreisar(rCaonmgemdon myrtle) CaminterolldiaucxtiownislliinamthesiPi lant Dictionary.

(Mexicanilluosrtarnagteed), together with Evergreebny, bgurosuhpy, sthhernub with aromatic, Evergreen rhododendron with a domed, ‘E.GSi.zWe aantedrshhoaupsee’
Evergrepehno, troogurnadphesd,odf glossy, dalirsktegdraelepnhafboelitaicgaell.yF. ragrant, compact habit. In late spring, produces EveFrogr rmeoenst, pulpanritgs hthteshaprupbrowximithate height (H)

aromatic, glossy, bright green leaves white flowers are borne from midspring open funnel-shaped, pink flowers that lanacned-sshparepaedd,(Sp)aalreeggriveeennalteathveese.nd of each

composed of 3 leaflets. Clusters to early summer, followed by purple- fade to cream, with green markings in Forcmapatliodno.u(Tbhle,“phienigkhftl”owofearstraarileinfgrepelalynt is

Soinfilfzareategsrcapanrittn,egwghanoitderboieflotesonms open black berries. the throat. 10ft 3m protdheucleendgtinh ospf ritisnsgt.ems, either hanging or
spreading.) For Trees, Conifers, and S1h0rfut 3bms
10ft 3m 10ft 3m

122 Wagitahininimn ofasltl.groups in the Plant differently from group to group. Sizes a scale drawing shows the size and shape

ADCsiazeta(ltohge,Znp8sla–unb1tss0eaqrueeanrtlryanbgyesdeab1s30ymoftn AD0 ahreeigbhatsreadnZogn8es–pfl9oarntlahregieg,hmtse.dTihuem130sm,ftpaencdific BDMZ6–9t 10ft of each plant at maturity. 10ft
3m 0 BDMZ7–8t 3m
0 0

of interest). Size categories range small can be found in the introductory

from large to small, but are defined section for the relevant plant group.

Color order Variegated plants are categorized The Plant Catalog MAGNOLIAS M. ‘Susan’
by the color of their foliage variegation M. BLACK TULIP (‘Jurmag1')
Within each group, plants are arranged (i.e. white or yellow); succulents are This section combines plant A mature magnolia in full bloom makes a spectacular sight
by the color of their main feature. arranged by the color of their flowers, portraits and descriptions in a in spring. Most magnolias are elegant in habit and though
Colors are arranged in the same order: if produced. colorful catalog of 4,000 plants slow-growing, eventually form imposing trees and shrubs.
from white through reds, purples, and divided into groups: Trees The flowers are generally saucer-, star- or goblet-shaped
blues to greens, yellows, and oranges. and often have a subtle fragrance. Colors range from pure
white, white flushed or stained with pink or purple, to pink
and rich red-purple. The genus includes some evergreen,
summer-flowering species. These, and cultivars that are not
fully hardy, are best planted against a sunny wall. Some
magnolias prefer acid or neutral soil, but most tolerate any
soil, provided it is humus-rich. Plenty of organic matter
should be dug into the soil before planting. Avoid planting
in exposed sites, as the flowers can be damaged by frosts.

M. ‘Spectrum’

(including conifers); Shrubs; M. ‘Galaxy’ M. stellata M. doltsopa

Roses; Climbers and Wall Shrubs; M. grandiflora ‘Exmouth’ M. x loebneri M. x soulangeana M. ‘Elizabeth’
Perennials (including grasses, ‘Leonard Messel’ ‘Rustica Rubra’

The symbols Abbreviations

A Prefers sun cv(s) cultivar(s) bamboos, rushes, sedges, and ferns); M. stellata ‘Royal Star’ M. stellata ‘Waterlily’ M. campbellii
subsp. mollicomata

B Prefers partial shade f. forma Annuals, Biennials, and Bedding
C Tolerates full shade
H height (or length of trailing stems) M. ‘Butterflies’
illus. illustrated
Plants; Rock Plants; Bulbs; Water

D Prefers well-drained soil min. minimum and Bog Plants; and Tender and 70 M. liliiflora ‘Nigra’ M. x brooklynensis ‘Yellow Bird’
M. wilsonii

E Prefers moist soil p(p). page(s) Exotic Plants. A short introduction Feature panels
F Prefers wet soil pl. plural to each group is followed by plants
S spread Plant types or genera of special interest
arranged by size, season of interest, to the gardener are presented in separate
m Needs acid soil subsp subspecies

t Toxic plant subspp subspecies (pl.) and color and includes feature feature panels within the appropriate
syn. synonym(s) panels on plants that have group. Close-up photographs of
8 var. varieties individual flowers or plants allow
particular appeal.
quick identification or selection.

RED Page headings Plant Hardiness Zones
Headings reflect the way in
Ribes sanguineum ‘Pulborough which each plant group is A plant’s ability to withstand relative low and high temperatures is referred to as cold-
subdivided—usually by size hardiness and heat tolerance, respectively. To help gardeners select plants based on
and main season of interest. these factors, the US Department of Agriculture has divided the United States into
(See also Size categories, left.) hardiness zones. Although these zones serve as a reliable guide, they are not the only
indicator of the possible success of a plant. Other factors, such as soil type, fertiliy,
Color tabs and sun exposure, can affect it. All plants in this encyclopedia have been assigned
These indicate a change of zone ratings determined by the lowest temperature the plant is likely to withstand.
color within the size group
Scarlet’ (Flowering currant) for each season.

Deciduous, upright shrub that in Plant portraits
Color photographs assist
spring bears pendent, tubular, deep in the identification and
selection of plants.
red flowers amid aromatic, dark green ZONE TEMPERATURE CATEGORY DEFINITION
Tabs 1 RANGE Severest winter
leaves, with 3–5 lobes, sometimes 10ft 3m Color-coded tabs make it easy Only the hardiest plants are
to find each plant group. 2 below –50°F able to withstand winter in this
followed by black fruits with a (–46°C) zone. Others will require protection
Plant names 3 from cold temperatures.
white bloom. The botanical name is given
for each plant, and where Only very hardy plants will survive
ADZ6–8 10ft appropriate, common names winter in this zone. Most plants
3m 0 are listed in brackets. will require protection from
cold temperatures.
Captions describe the plants Evergreens, grasses, and hardy
in detail and draw attention perennial plants that can tolerate
to any special uses. cold winters will grow in this zone.
Prunus mume ‘Beni-chidori’ Telopea truncata (Tasmanian waratah) Acer palmatum ‘Shindeshojo’ htohwis tboooukse–50° to –40°FSevere winter
Deciduous, spreading shrub with Evergreen, upright shrub, bushy with (–46° to –40°C)
fragrant, single, carmine flowers in age. Has deep green leaves and dense, Slow-growing, deciduous, rather shrubs
early spring before pointed, dark rounded heads of small, tubular, crimson
green leaves appear. flowers in late spring and summer. twiggy shrub grown for its pink-red

10ft 3m 10ft 3m leaf coloring in spring. Palmate, deeply

lobed leaves then turn bluish-green.

Much used for bonsai. Hard frost 10ft 3m

can scorch new growth.

ADZ6–8t BDM10ft Z13–15 10ft 0 BDZ6–8 2m
3m 6ft 0
3m 0

–40° to –30°F Severe winter
(–40° to –34°C)

Acer palmatum ‘Corallinum’ Enkianthus cernuus f. rubens Leptospermum scoparium Berberis thunbergii f. atropurpurea
Very slow-growing, deciduous,
bushy-headed shrub or small tree. Deciduous, bushy shrub with dense ‘Red Damask’ Deciduous, arching, dense shrub.
Lobed, bright reddish-pink young
foliage becomes mid-green, then clusters of dull green leaves that turn Evergreen, upright, bushy shrub. Reddish-purple foliage turns bright
brilliant red, orange, or yellow in
fall. Reddish-purple flowers deep reddish-purple in fall. Small, Narrow, aromatic, dark green leaves set red in fall. Globose to cup-shaped, 4 –30° to –20°F Severe winter Perennials in this zone, along with
appear in midspring. 5 (–34° to –29°C) numerous evergreens and grasses,
bell-shaped, deep red flowers appear off sprays of double, dark red flowers in red-tinged, pale yellow flowers in 6 tolerate the very cold winters
7 in this zone.
10ft 3m in late spring. 10ft 3m late spring and summer. 10ft 3m midspring are followed by 10ft 3m 8
red fruits. 9 A great variety of perennials,
10 deciduous trees, evergreens,
ADZ6–8 10ft BEMZ6–8 10ft ADZ9–10 10ft ADZ5–8t 10ft 123 11-15 grasses, and annuals can tolerate
3m 0 3m 0 3m 0 3m the cold winters in this zone.
Cold winters of relatively short
–20° to –10°F Cold winter duration in this zone means a wide
(–29° to –23°C) variety of nontropical plants will
survive here.
The Plant Dictionary –10° to 0°F Cold winter
(–23° to –18°C) Where rainfall is sufficient, the
The Plant Dictionary contains entries for every genus in the relatively mild winters and long
Encyclopedia and includes an additional 4,000 recommended summers here support a wide
plants to those featured in the Plant Catalog. It also functions variety of garden plants and trees.
as an index to the Plant Catalog.
Mild winters and long, hot
Genus names 0° to 10°F Average winter summers support a wide variety of
The genus name is followed (–18° to –12°C) plants here, but high humidity may
by common names and synonyms, RHEUM be a problem for some species.
where appropriate, and family names. 10° to 20°F Mild winter
Rhubarb (–12° to –7°C) Mild, subtropical conditions allow
Genus entries plants from all categories to grow
A concise introduction covers the POLYGONACEAE 20° to 30°F Mild winter here, unless the plant needs a cold
distinctive characteristics and hardiness (–7° to –1°C) period to thrive.
range of plants in the genus, as well as Genus of rhizomatous, often tough
advice on siting, cultivation, propagation, or woody, perennials, grown for their 30° to 40°F Subtropical Tropical plants grow well here.
and, if relevant, pruning, pests and foliage and overall appearance. Includes (–1° to 4°C) Some popular species from
diseases, and toxicity. the edible rhubarb and various temperate regions may find
ornamental plants. Some species are Above 40°F Tropical it too warm.
Plant names extremely large and require plenty of (Above 4°C)
Botanical names, synonyms, and common space. Fully hardy. Prefers sun or partial Tropical and subtropical plants
names are given as appropriate. The genus shade and deep, rich, well-drained soil. dominate gardens in this zone.
name is abbreviated; specific epithets (eg. Propagate by division in spring or by Temperate species may adapt with
nobile) are abbreviated only if previously seed in fall tLeaves may cause severe special care.
given in full. discomfort if ingested.
R. ‘Ace of Hearts’, syn. R. ‘Ace of ZONE NOTE
Plant descriptions Spades’. Clump-forming perennial.H to 4ft
Key characteristics of the plant are (1.2m), S 3ft (90cm). Has elongated, heart- The zones presented in this book are offered as approximate guides
described. Hardiness and cultivation needs shaped, dark green leaves, to 14in (35cm) and should not be considered as absolute. Practicing horitcultural
are included only if specific to the plant. long, red-veined above, purple-veined techniques such as mulching and winter protection will alter a plant’s
Cultivar entries run on from the species beneath. Bears long panicles of numerous, interaction with its environment and may enable it to surive beyond
entry, with the binomial omitted. tiny, star-shaped, very pale pink to white the zones given in this or other publications.
flowers in mid- to late summer. Z4–9
Illustrated plants R. ‘Ace of Spades’. See R. ‘Ace of Hearts’. 9
Descriptions for illustrated plants R. palmatum. Clump-forming
appear in the Plant Catalog, unless part perennial. H to 8ft (2.5m), S to 6ft (1.8m).
of a feature panel (see below left). Has 2–21⁄2ft (60–75cm) long, rounded,
5-lobed, mid-green leaves. In early
Cross-references summer, bears broad panicles of
Synonym cross-references small, creamy-green to deep red
are listed alphabetically. flowers. Z5–9.
‘Atrosanguineum’ illus. p.439.

Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri. See
Hatiora gaertneri.

Rhipsalidopsis rosea. See Hatiora


Plants have always been given local names, with the result that many of
them were called by a different name in different regions and countries.
To overcome this problem, a common naming system was devised and
developed into the plant naming system that is now used worldwide.

The binomial system found to apply to two different plants; or

Greek and Roman scholars laid the because new knowledge changes the plant’s

foundations of our method of naming classification. In this book, synonyms

plants, but the binomial system used today are included so renamed plants can be

was largely established in the 18th century easily recognized.

by Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus (1707– Common names
1778). Linnaeus classified each plant with

two Latin words, rather than the descriptive Although many plants have familiar

phrases used previously. The first word common names, botanical names are used

describes the genus (eg. Ilex) and the second because not all plants possess a common

the epithet (eg. aquifolium). Together they name, or they may share a name with other

provided a name for a particular plant plants. In addition, a common name may be

species such as Ilex aquifolium (English used in different regions to describe

holly). Other species in the same genus different plants. For example, in Scotland

were given different epithets such as Ilex “plane” refers to Acer pseudoplatanus

crenata and Ilex serrata. The system has (sycamore); in England it refers to the

been developed by scientists so that the London plane (Platanus x hispanica), and in

plant names entire plant kingdom is divided into a America both “plane” and “sycamore” are
and origins
universally recognized “family tree” used for (Platanus occidentalis). Common

(see opposite). names may also refer to unrelated plants

The meaning of plant names as is the case with sea holly (Eryngium),
hollyhock (Alcea), and summer holly

Plant names are derived from various (Arctostaphylos diversifolia), none of which

sources. Some are commemorative—the is a true holly (Ilex). Another problem is

Fuchsia is a tribute to German physician that one plant may have several common

Leonhart Fuchs—while others indicate a names: heartsease, love-in-idleness, and

plant’s geographic origins, as with Parrotia Johnny-jump-up all refer to Viola tricolor. ABOVE Wild origins
persica (of Persia). A plant may be named Many plant species that subsequently become garden plants
after the collector who introduced it, such Botanical divisions are initially found in the wild. The North Cape Province of
as Primula forrestii, cultivated by George South Africa is home to many annuals and succulents, from
Divided into a hierachy, plants are classified which breeders have produced new cultivars and hybrids.

Forrest. Alternatively, the name may according to the following groups, which

describe the plant’s characteristics, for help to identify them: in common, and a genus may contain one

example, quinquefolia in Parthenocissus The family or a large number species. For example,
quinquefolia, which means with foliage a member of the genus Lilium could be

made up of five leaflets; it comes from the Plants are grouped in families according any lily, but Lilium candidum denotes just

Latin quinque (five) and folium (leaf). to the structure of their flowers, fruits, one type.

A plant name may change either because and other organs. Families may consist A species is a group of plants that

the plant has been incorrectly identified; of clearly related plants, such as orchids consistently and naturally reproduce

or because it has been given an earlier (family Orchidaceae), or embrace themselves, often by seed or vegetatively,

name; or because the name has been diverse plants as in the family Rosaceae: generating plant populations that share

Alchemilla, Cotoneaster, Crataegus, similar characteristics.

WHAT IS “OF GARDENS”? Malus, Geum, Prunus, Pyracantha, Subspecies, varieties, and forms
Sorbus, and Spiraea.
The epithet “of gardens” is added to names In the wild, even plants of the same species
The genus and its species
can exhibit slight differences, and these are

that have been wrongly applied to plants A family may contain one genus (for split into three subdivisions:
in cultivation—that is, the plant has been example, Eucryphia is the only genus —The subspecies (subsp.) is a distinct
misidentified because of its similarity to in the family Eucryphiaceae) or many— variant of the species.
another plant. It can also be used for plants the daisy family Compositae has more —The variety (var.) differs slightly in its
that have not yet been formally named, such than 1,000 genera. botanical structure.
as a hybrid that has arisen in cultivation. —The form (f.) has only minor variations,
Each genus comprises related plants,

10 such as oaks (genus Quercus) or lilies such as the habit or color of leaf, flower,

(genus Lilium), that have several features or fruit.

Cultivars Visual Key to Plant Classification

Plant breeders are constantly trying to In horticulture, plants are classified according to a hierarchical
improve a plant’s performance, and system and named primarily on the basis of Linnaeus’s binomial
produce new “cultivars” (a contraction of approach (genus followed by species epithet). As an example, part of
cultivated varieties) that are more vigorous, the Rosaceae family is set out below, showing all levels of this system.
produce more flowers, or have other
favorable characteristics that differentiate FAMILY Rosaceae
them from the wild form of the species. A group of several genera that Prunus
share a set of underlying natural
Although many cultivars are bred by characteristics. Family names
specialists, others are found in the wild or usually end in -aceae. Family
occur as mutations and are then introduced limits are often controversial.
to cultivation. To reproduce cultivars that
exhibit a consistent set of characteristics, GENUS (PL. GENERA)
many must be propagated vegetatively A group of one or more plants
(cuttings, grafting, or division) or grown that share a range of distinctive
annually from specially selected seed. characteristics. Several (rarely one)
Cultivars have vernacular names, which genera are classified into one family.
are printed in Roman type within quotes Each genus contains one or more
(eg. Phygelius aequalis ‘Yellow Trumpet’). species and its name is printed in
italic type with an initial capital letter.
When plant breeders raise a new cultivar,
it is given a code name that may be Rosa
different from the name under which
the plant is sold. For example, the rose SPECIES palnadntorniagminess
Casino also has the code name ‘Macca’; A group of plants that breeds
in this book, both names are cited, and naturally to produce offspring with
styled: Rosa casino (‘Macca’). similar characteristics; these keep it
distinct from other populations in
Hybrids nature. Each species has a two-part
name printed in italic type.
Sexual crosses between botanically distinct
species or genera are known as hybrids Rosa rugosa Prunus lusitanica
and are indicated by a multiplication sign.
If the cross is between species in different SUBSPECIES
genera, the result is called an “intergeneric A naturally occurring, distinct
hybrid” and, when two or more genera are variant of a species, differing in one
crossed, the name given is a condensed form or more characteristic. Indicated by
“subsp.” in Roman type and an
of the the relevant genera; x Cuprocyparis, epithet in italic type.

for example, covers hybrids between species VARIETAS AND FORMA Rosa gallica var. Prunus lusitanica
of Chamaecyparis and Cupressus. A varietas (var.) is a minor species officinalis subsp. azorica
subdivision, differing slightly in
If more than three genera are involved, botanical structure. A forma (f.) is Rosa gallica var. Prunus incisa
then the hybrids are named after a person a minor variant of a species, often officinalis ‘Versicolor’ f. yamadei
and given the ending “-ara”. Thus differing in flower color or habit from
others in the species. Prunus ‘Pandora’
x Potinara, a hybrid of Brassavola, Cattleya,
Laelia, and Sophronitis, commemorates Selected or artificially raised,
M. Potin of the French orchid society. More distinct variant of a species,
common are “interspecific hybrids,” which subspecies, varietas, forma, or
are crosses between species in the same hybrid. Indicated by a vernacular
genus. These have a collective name name printed in Roman type
preceded by a multiplication sign: within single quotation marks.

Epimedium x rubrum covers hybrids 11

between E. alpinum and E. grandiflorum.
When a plant is grafted onto another, a

new plant occasionally arises that contains
tissues of both parents. These are named
in the same way as sexual hybrids, but are
denoted by a plus sign: + Laburnocytisus
‘Adamii’, for example, is a graft hybrid
between Laburnum and Chamaecytisus.

Cultivars of hybrids are listed under
a botanical name, or if the parentage
is complex, by giving the generic name
followed solely by the cultivar name
(eg. Rosa ‘Buff Beauty’).


A beautiful garden is everyone’s dream, and this chapter
provides all the information you need to create stunning beds
and borders. There is helpful advice on producing color schemes,
including dazzling hot beds, relaxing pastel designs, and elegant

white displays, as well as ideas for using plant forms and
textures to create arresting images throughout the year. There
are also tips to help you select a garden style, whether you prefer
the informality of a cottage garden or the ordered symmetry of

a formal design. Practical advice on a range of gardening
techniques, including preparing the soil, planting methods, and

pruning basics, completes the picture.


There are many different garden styles, and whether a look that suits both your home and lifestyle if you
you yearn for neat, symmetrical formality, informal are to get the best from your outdoor space. Also
cottage-garden abundance, Japanese minimalism, think about how much time you have to maintain
or contemporary urban chic, it is important to select your design, as this will affect your range of choices.

creating a garden

Formal gardens form knot gardens. If space allows, avenues ABOVE Formal by design
of trees may line paths to accentuate vistas The use of symmetry, clear simple geometric shapes,
A successful formal garden has a balanced and draw the eye to a distant focal point. and dwarf box edging for the borders are typical of
design, achieved through symmetry and a the formal style. The central sculpture creates a focal
clear ground plan. Essential characteristics Balustrades, steps, terraces, and wide point in the structured planting scheme.

are straight lines; order and geometry; and gravel pathways are all key features, with flexible style. The overall layout can be

clearly delineated garden areas. Organized the range of hard-landscaping materials, completely symmetrical, or you can choose

around a central axis or pathway, formal such as gravel and regular paving stones, to adopt just a few formal elements in a

gardens often focus on a key view through kept to a minimum. Decorative elements, more contemporary design. For example,

the garden from the house. The geometry such as cobble mosaics or brick designs, one axis can be more dominant than

is clear, but generous scale and balanced are also popular in formal gardens. Other another, or a series of balanced, rectangular

proportions are key considerations. features include classical ornaments, such beds can be veiled with soft, romantic

Geometric shapes feature strongly, but as Versailles cases, urns and statuary, planting. Another modern interpretation

any regular symmetrical shape can be used and topiary, which is often used as a focal of the formal style is a paved courtyard

as long as it sits on at least one axis. Lawns point. Water is an important element, and garden with architectural planting, large-

and clipped hedges are important features, pools with reflective surfaces or jets and scale containers and a small water feature.

the latter defining spaces or views, while fountains appear in many formal designs. Many formal designs also require very

14 dwarf box hedging can be used to edge Although the rules of formality are little maintenance, apart from annual hedge
simple and clear, it is still a remarkably clipping and shrub pruning.
borders, create decorative parterres, or

Informal gardens for nesting and shelter. An informal pond
is usually a feature, to provide homes for
Country gardens, cottage gardens, wildlife amphibians, reptiles, and insects.
plots, and prairie-style plantings are all
informal designs. Unlike formal schemes, Gardeners with more space may opt for a
they allow a greater degree of flexibility wildflower meadow. These require a sunny
in the design and planting plans. site and infertile soil for the rich profusion
of native wildflowers and grasses to thrive.
Cottage gardens
RIGHT Prairie-style plantings
Cottage gardens are traditionally simple Prairie-style gardens combine the soft, feathery effects
in layout, often with a central path leading of grasses with the muted hues of perennials. Planted in
to the main door and planting beds filled informal drifts, this late summer scheme includes
with flowers, herbs, and vegetables on eupatorium, echinacea, and sedum.
either side. If the garden is large enough,
it may also include more naturalistic areas, BELOW Cottage-garden informality and abundance
such as orchards, meadows, and informal The profuse pink flowers of a climbing rose clambering
wildlife ponds. over an arbor echo the equally abundant planting of
cottage-garden perennials in the beds below.
The edges of flower beds are softened
by a rich profusion of planting, with the inspirational styles
flowers encouraged to fall over the path
and self-seed at random. Typical cottage
garden plants include hellebores, lungworts
(Pulmonaria), grape hyacinths (Muscari),
aquilegias, and species daffodils and tulips
in spring, with hardy geraniums, lilies,
lupins, poppies, campanulas, delphiniums,
hollyhocks (Alcea rosea) and peonies in
summer. Plants are often chosen for their
range of flower forms, textures, and colors.
Edible crops, such as herbs, vegetables,
and fruit trees and bushes, are mixed
with the ornamental plants, adding to the
atmosphere of abundance and informality.

Natural stone, brick, cobbles, and slate
are the best materials for hard landscaping,
while simple post-and-rail or picket fences
are ideal for boundaries and divisions.

Country gardens

Country gardens also have a relaxed
style, with sweeping expanses of lawn
and curved, flower-filled mixed beds
and borders. Hedges are often used to
divide the garden into a series of enclosed
spaces with different planting designs
and atmospheres in each.

Prairie and wildlife gardens 15

Prairie planting, championed by many
contemporary designers, echoes the tightly
woven density of cottage-garden planting
by combining broad sweeps of ornamental
grasses and sturdy perennials. Grasses
such as stipas and calamagrostis are
threaded through perennials, such as
rudbeckias, echinaceas, symphyotrichums,
and heleniums. Prairie schemes suit large,
open sites in full sun, where the bold
swaths of planting produce the best effects.

Wildlife gardens are designed to provide
habitats for birds, insects, and mammals.
Domestic gardens can also be wildlife
gardens, with naturalistic planting schemes
comprising of nectar-rich flowers, and trees

Mediterranean gardens
There are two types of gardens associated

with the Mediterranean region: formal and

informal. The formal gardens feature water

and stone, as well as clipped hedges and

specimen trees such as pencil cypresses.

Decorative parterres are also common,

with the plants selected for foliage rather

than flower color. In some gardens in

Spain, such as the El Alhambra in Granada,

there is a strong Moorish influence, with

formal courtyards and water features.

However, the most attainable garden

style has an informal structure and relaxed,

Mediterranean atmosphere. Gravel is the

main hard landscaping material, and is

used between areas of planting and to

create pathways. Plants native to this region

of Europe often have silvery, sage gray-

green or blue-tinted foliage, which reflects

the strong summer sun. Olive trees, citrus

fruits, figs, vines, santolinas, and artemisias,

as well as herbs like thyme, sage, lavender,

and rosemary, are popular planting choices.

Another informal approach, often seen

creating a garden in urban areas, is to create a courtyard with Desert gardens ABOVE Mediterranean planting
walls that have been painted white, warm Drought-tolerant plants, including spiky
terracotta, or bold blues or pinks. Mosaic- Dramatic, chic, and starkly beautiful, desert phormiums, rock roses, and artemisias, thrive
tiled walls, cobbled floors and terra-cotta gardens have become very fashionable in in the gravel of a Mediterranean-style garden
pots planted with bright pelargoniums or hot, frost-free locations with low rainfall. on a hot, sunny hillside.

white Convolvulus cneorum complete the Pale-colored walls, gravel, rocks, boulders, Japanese gardens

Mediterranean theme. If you live in a cooler and driftwood are features, together with

climate, a sun-drenched courtyard will also tough, drought-tolerant plants like cacti The Japanese garden style is designed

provide some shelter for tender plants. and succulents, such as agaves, aloes, and to reflect the natural landscape using a

Hot, south-facing gardens call for a shady yuccas, which do not need extra irrigation limited planting palette to produce quiet,

arbor or pergola festooned with flowering in these hostile environments. In the right contemplative spaces. The key to creating

climbers, such as bougainvilleas or place, a desert garden is very eco-friendly, a successful Japanese garden is to consider

jasmine, to create a comfortable area for as it focuses on native plants that thrive how the main elements, such as boulders,

alfresco dining or relaxation. with little water. gravel, and plants, relate to one another, and

how they are connected both symbolically

and spiritually to the natural world.

In many instances, traditional Japanese

spiritual beliefs are fundamental to the

designs. Both the ancient religion of Shinto,

and the Buddhist teachings that were

introduced later, celebrate nature, and all

natural elements are regarded as sacred

and worthy of respect. In Zen gardens, key

elements are used to create representations

of natural landscapes. For example, raked

gravel is used to echo flowing water, with

stones symbolizing islands, boats, or

animals. The gravel is raked daily, a ritual

viewed by Buddhists as an important aid

to contemplation, and the gardens often

include little or no planting, relying on

moss and lichens rather than on large,

dramatic plants.

The cultivation of beauty as a spiritual

ABOVE Cool Mediterranean courtyard ABOVE Japanese contemplative space activity is also reflected in Japanese tea
A Mediterranean courtyard, with gleaming white walls Natural materials, such as carefully positioned rocks gardens in which a roji (dewy path) is lit
and gravel, plants like acers and pines, and ornamental by stone lanterns and leads the visitor on
16 and floor that help reflect the heat of the sun, is perfect lanterns are typical features of a Japanese garden. a journey past water basins, stone buddhas,

for growing sun-loving agapanthus.

and other spiritual symbols to the Tropical gardens ABOVE Contemporary urban style inspirational styles
ceremonial tea house. These gardens are This urban, split-level garden, with its smart, outdoor
more heavily planted, and include maples This style of garden is most suitable for seating, shows how contemporary outdoor areas can
(Acer), pines, azaleas, and camellias, which tropical and warm-termperate regions, function in multiple ways—both as outdoor rooms and
are subjected to a tight pruning regime where the native plants are naturally lush, areas for lawns and beautiful plants.
to restrict their size and create miniature but a similar effect can be created in cooler
forms of larger trees or shrubs. The climates with the careful selection of plants. BELOW Tropical abundance
planting does not focus solely on The striking leaves of elephant ears (Alocasia) provide
evergreens and there are splashes of The design is informal, with man-made a dramatic focal point in an exotic, junglelike garden.
color in the form of cherry blossom and structures made from rough-hewn timber Bright sparks of color are provided by the vibrant red
camellias in the spring, elegant summer and unworked stone, reflecting the cannas which stand out amidst the lush green foliage.
irises, and the fiery fall foliage of the maples traditional crafts of people living in tropical
contributing to the seasonal display. environments. Water plays a large part in 17
designs, mimicking the landscapes that
Contemporary gardens inspired the style, with waterfalls, streams,
and, occasionally, swimming pools adding
With many of us living increasingly urban to the lush picture.
lives, contemporary gardens have had to
fulfil a number of different functions, A tropical garden is a celebration
providing a space for planting, relaxation, of foliage shapes, textures, and colors.
play, and entertaining. Modern urban Taller species such as eucalyptus, palms,
gardens can differ in emphasis, and be bamboos, and cordylines provide height,
treated either as purely functional spaces with the space below filled with lower-
in which hard surfaces prevail along with growing shrubs, grasses, and flowering
furniture, lighting effects, and water perennials, such as birds-of-paradise
features to create the ultimate outdoor (Strelitzia) and streptocarpus.
room, or as green oases in which the
planting dominates. This exciting look can be created in
temperate areas with exotic architectural
The layout of an urban garden is plants including tree ferns, bamboos,
generally based on simple lines, often fatsias, ferns, phormiums, and hardy
with an asymmetrical floor plan, and uses bananas (Musa basjoo). For shots of bright
a combination of natural and man-made detail, use vibrant canna lilies, white arum
materials, such as concrete, glass, plastic, lilies (Zantedeschia), dahlias, crocosmias,
acrylic, and steel, to provide textural agapanthus, and lobelias.
interest. Furniture often takes the form
of integral benches, stylishly coordinated
tables and chairs, and recliners, while
sculpture provides a focal point, and can
be combined with water. Jets or cascades
are popular, but tanks of reflective water
are becoming increasingly popular.

Contemporary planting designs

As space can be limited in today's urban
gardens, the planting often focuses on a
more limited choice of species, and those
that provide architectural interest. Grasses,
bamboos, and large-leaved foliage plants,
such as the hardy banana (Musa basjoo),
phormiums, and cordylines are popular
in contemporary schemes.

Modernist designs often employ block
plantings of plants such as small festucas
and ophiopogons. These may be used in
conjunction with pleached trees planted
along the boundaries to provide privacy in
overlooked gardens. Dramatic containers
made from clay, stone, or steel can be used
as focal points or lined up in a row to add
drama and rhythm to the design. Popular
plants for containers include clipped
topiary box, bay or Japanese holly (Ilex
crenata), bamboo, succulents like agaves,
or bold grasses.


It is important to discover as much as possible about and soil conditions, as your plant choices will be
the conditions that prevail in your garden before you determined by these factors. Check the aspect, which
start planning and planting. Take note of the local influences the sun and shade in a garden, and the soil
environment and climate, as well as the topography type, to discover its moisture and nutrient content.

creating a garden Understanding aspect Assessing microclimates ABOVE Plants that thrive in sun
Alliums, with their dramatic globes of rich pinkish-purple
Determining how much sun and shade Variations in the conditions in different flowers, thrive in open, sunny sites, and make great
your garden receives is of paramount parts of a garden are described as “micro- partners for other sun-lovers, like catmints and salvias.
importance when making plant selections. climates,” and may include frost pockets at
Some plants prefer full sun, for example, the bottom of a slope, sheltered hot spots by Types of soil
while others need partial or full shade to a warm wall, pockets of wind turbulence,
thrive. You can use a compass to figure out and exposed sites. Rather than limit your Knowing your soil type is key to growing
which way areas or borders face. Those plant choice, microclimates actually allow healthy plants. It is always preferable to
facing south will be in sun for most of the you to grow a wider range of plants, so note select those that thrive in the soil you have,
day, while those that face north will be the temperature, water levels, and air and rather than fighting it by trying to grow
shady. East-facing areas have morning wind circulation around your garden. plants that are not adapted to your
sun and evening shade, while the opposite conditions, as they will inevitably suffer.
applies to those facing west.
There are three main types of soil:
Patterns of sun and shade also change sand, clay, and silt. They are categorized
throughout the day, and a garden that is in according to the size of the soil particles,
full sun at midday may have areas of shade which determines the level of water and
in the morning and late afternoon. For this plant food they can hold. Most garden
reason, it is wise to study your garden on soils are a combination of sand and clay,
a sunny day and make a note of the way with one type dominating the mix; the
shadows move around the plot. Remember, ideal soil is “loam,” which contains almost
too, that the seasons can affect the level of equal measures of sand and clay.
sunlight in a garden; for example, an area Sandy soils Sandy soil particles are
that is in sun in the summer could be in relatively large and water drains freely
constant shade during the winter, which through the spaces between them. As a
may have an effect on evergreens that result, these soils are free-draining, but
need a sunny site to thrive. because plant nutrients are dissolved in
water, they are also quite infertile. Sandy
However much sun your garden receives, soil is ideal for Mediterranean plants.
there are plenty of plants to choose from Clay soils Clay particles are minute, and
that will thrive in those conditions. As well trap moisture in the gaps between them.
as plants for sun or shade, there are many
that are happy with a little of both.

LEFT Growing shade-lovers
Shade-loving plants, such as the hart’s tongue fern

18 (Asplenium scolopendrium), flourish under the light

shade provided by silver birch trees (Betula pendula).


An easy way to find out what type of soil you
have is to dig up a small sample and roll it
between your fingers to feel the texture. Soils
with a high water content can be rolled into a
ball. You can also use a simple kit to test the pH.

Sandy and silty soil
Soils rich in sand feel gritty between your fingers;
silty soils feel silky. Both fall apart when rolled into
a ball. Sandy soils are easy to dig, and warm up
quickly in spring. You may also find that borderline
hardy plants survive winters better in these dry soils.

The particles are also porous, so these soils ABOVE Plants that thrive in dry, sandy soil assessing your
are very moisture-retentive and rich in Dry, sandy soils and a sunny site provide the perfect site and soil
nutrients. However, clay soils can become conditions for many euphorbias, Californian poppies,
waterlogged in wet conditions and form eremurus, and succulents, such as agaves. Clay soil
impenetrable crusts when dry. They are Smooth, sticky and dense, clay soils retain their
ideal for “hungry” plants like fruit trees. Worms and microorganisms will then work shape when rolled into a ball, and those with
Silt soils Pure silt soils are rare, usually it into the soil. a very high clay content remain intact even when
occurring on river plains. They have a formed into a horseshoe. They are often described
high nutrient content, but can become The structure and drainage of heavy clay as “heavy” soils because they are difficult to dig.
compacted and waterlogged like clay. soils can also be improved by the addition
Loam With almost equal proportions of of horticultural grit. Simply dig the grit Using a pH testing kit
sand and clay, loam offers the best of all into the soil over a large area. In extreme You can buy pH testing kits online and from garden
worlds, retaining enough water for plant circumstances, very heavy, waterlogged centers. Place a small soil sample in the tube and add
roots to absorb, but allowing excess moisture soils may require drains. the solution provided with the kit. Wait until the
to drain away and preventing waterlogging. solution changes color, and then match it to the
It also holds on to nutrients well, making it Understanding pH chart. Take a few readings from different areas of
the perfect garden soil for most plants. the garden, as they may have different pH values.
The pH of a soil is a measure of its acidity
Improving your soil or alkalinity, which also influences the 19
types of plants you can grow successfully.
Whether you have a dry, sandy soil or a It is measured on a scale from 1 to 14;
sticky clay one, your plants will grow better neutral soil has a pH of 7, a number
if you improve its quality by applying below this indicates an acid soil, while
plenty of organic matter, such as well-rotted alkaline soils have a pH above 7. A precise
farmyard manure, garden compost, or measurement can be obtained by
spent mushroom compost. Organic matter performing a simple soil test (see right).
coats sandy soil particles, helping them to Although many plants are tolerant of a wide
retain more water, while it also opens up pH range, there are some that are adapted
the structure of clay soils, allowing water to a particular soil type. Rhododendrons,
to drain more easily. azaleas, and heathers (Erica), for example,
require an acidic soil, while lilacs (Syringa
Either dig it into the soil when preparing vulgaris) and the pineapple broom (Cytisus
for planting or lay a thick layer as a mulch. battandieri) grow best in alkaline soil.


There is a plant for every situation, be it a tree, shrub, one or two groups for a contemporary look. The key
perennial, annual, or bulb. When designing with to success is to vary shapes, textures, and colors, and
plants, you can include examples from all the plant consider how each plant will work with others
groups to ensure year-round interest, or focus on just in your border and in the garden as a whole.

creating a garden Defining plant groups dramatic displays of flowers in spring and ABOVE Creating structural features with plants
colorful foliage in fall. Hedges not only The combination of box hedges and conical yew topiary
Different plant groups fulfill different define boundaries, they also offer shelter creates a dramatic structural and textural contrast to the
functions in a design, and understanding and create privacy. Evergreen hedges less formal perennial flower borders.
how each can be used to the best effect will provide colorful year-round screens and
help you to create a balanced, coordinated backdrops for other planting groups, while a green foliage backdrop to smaller
display. Trees, large shrubs, and some deciduous hedges allow in more light and midrange plants and groundcover.
climbers provide the framework for a offer seasonal color. Either type can be
planting scheme, offering permanent formal or informal in style, with leaf size, You can also use structural plants to
structure, height, and depth, as well as color, and flowers to consider. Leafy shrubs frame or block out views, and to lead the
color and texture. Midrange plants include work in a similar way to hedges, providing eye around the garden. In addition, trees
smaller shrubs, herbaceous perennials, and shrubs can help to create a visual link
some bulbs, and grasses. They help to between the garden and the landscape
define the style of your garden, and provide beyond, extending the display. Repeated
seasonal interest with their flowers and plants will also help to make connections
foliage. Focal plants offer eye-catching between different areas of the garden and
accents, drawing the eye to a border or different planting areas.
vista, while groundcover plants create
a low mat of leaves and blooms at a lower Structural plants come in many different
level. Annuals and biennials will put on forms and shapes; for example, they may
a show from spring to early fall in be rounded and neat, such as choisyas
containers, and fill the gaps between more and photinias; spiky and textural, like
permanent planting groups in borders. mahonias, hollies, and yuccas; or looser in
form, such as laburnums, weeping pears, or
Structural plants garryas. Many plants can be manipulated
to create artificial structural effects, such as
Permanent structural plants, such as climbers clambering over arches, arbors,
trees, shrubs, and hedges, make a vital and pergolas, or along walls. Others can
contribution to the shape and form of the be clipped into topiary shapes; boxwood,
garden, and identifying these key plants, yew, and holly are all good candidates for
and deciding where to position them, is the topiary balls, pyramids, and spirals.
first step in producing a coherent design.

Evergreens provide year-round interest,
while deciduous trees and shrubs inject

LEFT Using focal plants
In this beautiful country garden, naturalized tulips in
vibrant shades create a carpet of spring color. The focal

20 plant in this design is Malus floribunda, with its light-

reflecting white blossom and architectural shape.

Focal plants appearing again in spring, they are not are the trees and shrubs, with acers, designing with plants
able to perform the same role as the more cotoneasters and cotinus all injecting
These are key specimen plants that can permanent woody plants. foliage color. Team them with late-flowering
be used to catch the eye in a bed or border, perennials such as asters. The winter
in the center of a lawn, or at the end of a Groundcover plants garden also provides seasonal interest,
pathway. Most focal plants are evergreen or with witch hazels (Hamamelis), sarcococcas
have a distinctive shape or foliage form, but Not only are groundcover plants highly offering fragrant flowers, color provided
they can also include seasonal plants that ornamental, providing a tapestry of color, by the stems of dogwoods (Cornus) and
perform for short times of the year, texture, and form, they also create a blanket willow (Salix), and berries of hawthorns,
providing an accent when it is needed most. over the soil, helping to suppress weeds. hollies, and viburnums.
Groundcover plants are not restricted to
Use focal plants to direct the eye to key low-growing types, however, and include ABOVE Using midrange plants
areas of interest, or as signposts to guide a range shapes and sizes, the only proviso Midrange plants like hostas are ideal feature plants
the visitor around the garden. Phormiums, being that they form a dense canopy. for a mixed shady border. Repeating plants down the
acers, yuccas, cardoons, and white- length of the border brings cohesion to the design.
stemmed birches will lead the eye to a A dry, sunny site makes an ideal home BELOW Creating winter interest
particular area or distract attention away for drought-tolerant flowering plants, such The golden yellow flowers of Mahonia x media ‘Lionel
from unsightly features, like garbage cans. as dwarf genistas, helianthemums, and Fortescue’ make a striking contrast with the flame-red
hylotelephiums. Leafy groundcover plants stems of Cornus alba ‘Sibirica’ in a winter border.
Midrange plants include thyme and other mat-forming
herbs, Hebe pinguifolia, Santolina
This group of plants are of medium height, chamaecyparissus, and catmint (Nepeta). A
and include the vast array of herbaceous cool, shady site is perfect for groundcover
perennials, bulbs like tulips, daffodils, and plants such as Cornus canadensis, Geranium
alliums, deciduous grasses, and, to a lesser macrorrhizum, and epimediums under
extent, small shrubs, including compact trees, and bergenias, hellebores, and ferns
hebes and shrubby potentillas. by a wall where the soil is reasonably moist.

Some of the most effective midrange Seasonal interest
plants rely on their leaf shape and texture
for interest more than their blooms, By combining different plant groups
although seasonal flower color is an and selecting those with a succession
important feature of many and makes an of seasonal highlights, you can easily
exciting statement when plants are used create a garden with year-round appeal.
en masse in a border. When grouped
together, those with strong foliage forms, In spring, focus on flowering trees, such
such as acanthus, hostas, ligularias, and as cherries, crab apples, magnolias, and
rodgersias, also create bold plantings, or plums, as well as bulbs like hyacinths,
they can be used to separate plants with muscari, crocus, daffodils, and tulips
looser flowers or foliage forms. that provide color. Summer brings an
explosion of flowering perennials, annuals,
Midrange plants contribute to the and bulbs, offering a range of colors,
structure of the garden, but because many heights, and flower shapes. The fall stars
are perennial, dying down in late fall and

ABOVE Blanketing the ground with plants 21
Santolinas, with their buttonlike, yellow flowers, make
excellent groundcover plants in a gravel planting in full
sun, and associate beautifully with spiky eryngiums.


Color choice is largely about personal preferences, but affect colors and that some visually leap forward,
there are some useful theories on how to match and stealing the limelight, while others are more
blend colors that will help you to create pleasing recessive. Color can also affect mood and tone, so
combinations. Remember, too, that light and shade choose carefully to create the desired atmosphere.

Combining colors and pale orange. Harmonious colors
can create different moods, depending on
Before selecting colors for your beds and whether you choose hot reds and oranges
borders, it is a good idea to familiarize or cool blues and greens.
yourself with some of the principles of color
theory, which will help you combine them Triadic color schemes are created by
more successfully. selecting three colors that are spaced
equally apart on the wheel. Green, orange
Many designers use the color wheel to and purple is one example. The contrasting
make their choices. The wheel is divided hues can create eye-catching combinations.
into primary, secondary, and tertiary
colors. The primary colors are red, blue, PRIMARY
and yellow, and when mixed create the
secondary colors, green, orange, and SECONDARY TERTIARY TERTIARY SECONDARY ABOVE Triadic colors
purple. In this way, the primaries blue and Green, orange, and purple are triadic colors. Using
creating a garden red produce secondary purple; red and TERTIARY TERTIARY them together creates a sense of exuberance, as
yellow produce secondary orange; and shown by the fall shades of this group of shrubs.
yellow and blue produce secondary green. PRIMARY TERTIARY TERTIARY PRIMARY
Tertiary colors are produced by mixing ABOVE Harmonious combination
adjacent primary and secondary colors. SECONDARY This border combines adjoining colors: the pale pink
Dictamnus purpureus, purple-pink Allium ‘Purple
The color wheel can help you to create ABOVE The color wheel Sensation’, and a burgundy-red Berberis at the back.
harmonious and contrasting schemes. For Frequently employed by garden designers, the color
example, colors directly opposite one wheel is a simple visual device that shows how to
another on the wheel, such as yellow and combine colors successfully, whether you want
purple or red and green, are considered to a vibrant scheme or a muted, harmonious grouping.
be “complementary.” When placed next to
each other, these contrasting colors create a
sense of vibrancy and excitement.

Colors that sit next to each other on
the wheel are know as “harmonious” or
“analogous colors” and create a sense of
order. Examples of harmonious colors are
blue, purple, and pink, and green, yellow,

ABOVE Tints and shades
This scheme of pale mauve campanulas, darker purple
phlox, and deep pink geraniums, uses tints of mauve
together with pink to create a balanced scheme.

LEFT Complementary colors
Contrasting blue-purple forget-me-nots and bright yellow

22 lily-flowered tulips show how hues on opposite sides of

the wheel produce an exciting contrast that draws the eye.


Mixing contrasting plant textures creates
a lively effect in a border. Combine glossy
and matte, or furry and rough foliage to
make an impact. Look, too, at leaf patterns
and match a variety of shapes and sizes to
add to the interest.

Shiny and glossy
Many hollies (Ilex) have glossy foliage that
reflects light. Their spiny leaves also add impact
to a border, or they can be used as focal plants.

Tints and shades ABOVE Hot fiery border Soft and furry using color
Hot-hued plants in shades of red, orange, and yellow Plants such as lambs ears (Stachys byzantina)
As well as selecting colors from the color are guaranteed to brighten up a garden. This fiery and sages have a compelling, tactile quality.
wheel, also consider the effects of tints, border is perfect for a sunny spot. Plant them at the front of a border where
shades, and tones. As a rule, pure hues or they are easy to reach and enjoy.
saturated colors are more intense, while BELOW Cool pastel shades
colors that have been mixed together are The purple flowers of Salvia x sylvestris ‘Mainacht’ and Rough and crinkled
less vibrant. More subtle colors can be the deeper purple leaves of Persicaria microcephala The coarse-textured leaves of this decorative
created by lightening colors using white ‘Red Dragon’ contrast with green grasses and green- vine (Vitis coignetiae) are held on twisted,
to create a tint, or darkening them by flowered Angelica archangelica. The silvery leaves of gnarled stems that wrap around its support.
adding black to create a shade. When Heuchera ‘Beauty Color’ are also veined with purple,
gray is added to a hue it creates a tone. thus continuing the silver-purple theme. Lacelike tracery
The soft, feathery foliage of artemisia provides
Tints and shades can be used as a foil for larger-leaved plants that like the same
transitional colors between stronger hues sunny conditions, such as hylotelephiums.
and help to blend one color into another.
However, too many muted shades can look
a bit lifeless, so ensure you inject some
stronger colors into your planting schemes
to create highlights.

Creating moods and 23
focal points with color

Color can convey a mood or message, and
has a powerful effect on the atmosphere in
a garden. For instance, vivid, hot colors,
such as crimson, scarlet, magenta, golden
yellow, and orange, generate a feeling of
excitement, while cool colors like pale blue,
pale pink, mauve, muted grays, and blue-
greens create a tranquil feeling. Use these
colors to produce different moods
in your garden, perhaps creating a sizzling
scheme of hot hues by the house, and cooler

creating a garden YEAR-ROUND INTEREST tones in a shady woodland area at the far Creating a succession
end of the garden. Another option is to use of year-round color
When choosing plants for your garden, try the same bed or border to change in mood
to include a selection of feature trees and as the seasons progress, with bright When selecting plants, try to include a
shrubs that have more than one season of daffodils and tulips in spring, followed range that flower or are at their peak at
interest. There is a wide range of trees and by herbaceous summer planting in blues, different times of the year to sustain the
shrubs, both deciduous and evergreen, that purples, pale pinks, and whites, and then interest. This is particularly important in
perform for most of the year. fiery foliage color in the fall. small gardens, where the planting is on
view year-round.
Cornus alba Single-color-themed borders, whether
A deciduous shrub with white flowers in late white and cream or varying shades of Consider the merits of each plant,
spring, as well as striking red shoots in winter. yellow, look highly sophisticated and including its size, habit, leaf shape,
The leaves turn red or orange in fall. produce a satisfying cohesion. The texture and color, flowers, and fruit. For
restricted plant choices can also make a prolonged display, focus on foliage, either
Mahonia x media ‘Charity’ designing a little easier. evergreen for constant color, or deciduous,
which in most cases endures from spring
Mahonias have shiny, evergreen foliage, You can also use color to draw attention to fall. This leafy mix provides a backdrop
plus yellow flowers and purple or black fruits. to a particular feature or planting area. for the succession of flowers that appear.
'Charity' has scented yellow flowers in winter. To produce this effect, ensure your plants When choosing flowering plants, remember
contrast with the surroundings to increase that many have beautiful seedheads,
Nandina domestica their visibility. For example, a single, bright including love-in-a-mist (Nigella), poppies,
The leaves of this evergreen shrub have red tints orange plant against a recessive background hylotelephiums, sedums, and eryngiums,
in spring and fall. Small, white summer flowers color, such as green or blue, will create an that provide two seasons of interest. Also
are followed by bright red berries. effective accent. Planting schemes that use containers to add an extra dimension
combine swaths of warm and cool colors to borders and patio displays; one large
Prunus x subhirtella also work well, with the cooler colors planter can be used for four different
‘Autumnalis Rosea’ providing a foil for the hot hues. seasonal displays.

This cherry tree has tiny, pale pink flowers that You can also exploit the way in which Spring
appear in winter. The green leaves are bronze colors can alter perceptions of distance.
when young, turning golden-yellow in fall. For instance, bright reds and oranges When spring makes a welcome
planted at the end of a garden have a appearance, the garden is soon awash
24 foreshortening effect, making the garden with color. Some is provided by spring-
appear shorter, while pale colors can flowering trees and shrubs, such as
make the garden seem longer. amelanchiers, ornamental cherries, apples,
plums, and almonds (Prunus), magnolias,
The effects of light some viburnums, camellias, and
and shade forsythias, as well as a host of tough rock

The way that we perceive color is Spring match
influenced by the amount of light it Create a balanced display in your borders with a
receives. Sunny borders will make colors mixture of tulips, such as ’Bleu Aimable’, scented
appear bolder and brighter, while shady biennial wallflowers (Erysimum), and dainty violas
areas enhance more subtle colors and providing color in the foreground.
white. The colors of plants can therefore
change depending on their location, the
degree of shade cast on them, and on the
time of day. For example, pale colors that
produce beautiful effects in the early
morning or evening may be bleached out by
strong midday sunlight. Bear this in mind if
you tend to use your garden at a particular
time of day. If you work and sit outside
mainly in the evenings, choose white and
pale flowers that take on a luminous quality
in the fading light.

Choose colors that produce the best
effects for different areas of the garden. Plant
reds, oranges, bright pinks, and yellows in
sunny spaces, as they will look muddy in the
shade. Nature often makes this choice for
you, as many hot-hued flowers need a sunny
spot to thrive. Woodland plants, on the other
hand, tend to produce flowers in whites,
pastel shades of yellow, pink and purple, and
blues, all of which show up better in shade.

plants, including aubretias, saxifrages, and from, providing color in the garden from sorbus, nyssa, and most forms of smoke using color
violas. Add to these a selection of bulbs and early summer to late in the season, while bush (Cotinus).
corms, starting with snowdrops (Galanthus) jasmine, honeysuckle, and the frothy flat
in late winter or early spring, and followed heads of climbing hydrangea (Hydrangea Late-flowering perennials, such as
by crocuses, grape hyacinths (Muscari), petiolaris) are other star performers. Michaelmas daisies (Symphyotrichum)
daffodils (Narcissus), and tulips (Tulipa). As and chrysanthemums, as well as dahlias
the majority of these bold displays of bulbs Perennials are the real stars of the with their rich variety of flower shapes
die down, they are followed by spring- summer border. There are thousands and colors, brighten up the garden until
flowering azaleas and rhododendrons to choose from, including early summer- the arrival of the first frosts. Grasses are
which provide a wealth of colors, flowering aquilegias, and many geraniums also key features of these cooler months.
including magenta, pink, crimson, scarlet, and lupins, followed by campanulas, Pampas grasses (Cortaderia), fountain
golden yellow, and white. As the new salvias, achilleas, and hemerocallis, with grasses (Pennisetum), and Stipa
leaves unfurl in late spring, blue ceanothus heleniums, rudbeckias, and echinaceas calamagrostis produce feather- and brush-
and the scented flowers of viburnums and appearing later in the season. Biennials, like seedheads at this time of the year.
lilacs enhance the spring garden further. such as foxgloves, make great partners for
shade-loving perennials, while hardy and Winter
Summer half hardy annuals produce an explosion
of color in borders and container displays. During winter, flower interest is limited,
As temperatures rise and light levels but valuable sources include the scented
increase, the garden is filled with a Hardy annuals, such as Californian blooms of winter box (Sarcococca) and
profusion of perennials, annuals, and poppies (Eschscholzia californica), annual witch hazels (Hamamelis). Bold sculptural
biennials. Not many trees put on their best mallows (Malope), and the shoo-fly plant shapes and foliage color provided by
performance in summer, but shrubs are a (Nicandra) flower for months on end, evergreens is of most importance now,
key source of color. Roses start to bloom offering great value for money, and self- with conifers, boxwood (Buxus), and ivy
early in the season, many continuing well seeding to produce a repeat performance (Hedera), coming into their own.
into fall. Other beautiful summer-flowering the following summer. Together with half-
shrubs include sweetly scented mock hardy annuals, like cosmos, impatiens, Deciduous trees and shrubs also play
oranges (Philadelphus), lavender, hibiscus, lobelia, and petunias, they provide color an important role, their intricate skeletons
and the flowering dogwoods (Cornus). Even throughout the season, often only ceasing of stems clearly visible at this time of year.
those that flowered in spring still play their to flower when the frosts arrive in fall. Think, too, about bark color and texture;
part by providing a leafy backdrop to the white-stemmed birches (Betula) and the
flowers that offer the main show at this Fall polished coppery-brown stems of Prunus
time of year. serrula are favorite trees, while brightly
As summer fades, the foliage of many trees colored dogwood (Cornus) and willow
Many climbers are also in full swing and shrubs flares into the fiery colors of (Salix) stems make exciting focal points.
in summer. There are a vast number of fall. Some of the best choices for this Enhance the winter scene further with
clematis species and hybrids to choose seasonal display are maples, some cherries, berried shrubs, such as hollies (Ilex),
amelanchiers, liquidambars, cotoneasters, pyracanthas, and sorbus.

Summer profusion Fall brights Frosted features 25
Perennials often lead the border chorus at this time Most perennials die down at this time of year, but a few Winter is a quiet time in the garden, but there is still
of year. Crocosomias and veronicastrums provide leave their best performance till last. Hylotelephiums, asters, beauty to be found in the form of stark borders filled
color and form, with the pinky-purple domes of and symphyotrichums are key features of fall borders, here with frost-encrusted grasses and the enduring seed-
stately eupatoriums offering background color. offset by buff grasses and red-leaved Euonymus alata. heads of perennials such as hylotelephiums and sedums.


Once you have planned your garden, and assessed year after year. Choose a fine day when the soil is not
the aspect and soil, you can begin planting. Giving frozen or waterlogged and, before starting, make
new plants a good start by improving soil will result sure the soil is free of weeds. Water all plants well in
in strong, healthy specimens that put on a display preparation and water them again after planting.

creating a garden Choosing healthy plants Remove the weeds Feed the soil
When weeding, try to remove the root systems completely When making a new bed or border, enrich the soil by
Before going to the garden center or to prevent the weeds from growing back. Pernicious digging in well-rotted organic matter, such as manure or
nursery, make a list of your chosen plants, weeds, such as ground elder and bindweed, may need garden compost, before planting. Apply organic matter
and try to stick to it, to avoid making to be treated with a weed killer. as a mulch around plants on existing beds.
impulsive purchases. If some of the plants
are not available, remember to check the You can apply a weed killer, if necessary, to cleared, enrich the soil with organic matter,
eventual size and required growing tackle pernicious weeds such as bindweed, such as well-rotted manure or garden
conditions of any substitutes to make sure ground elder, Japanese knotweed, horsetail, compost. On a large plot, dig a series of
that they will fulfill your needs. nettles, and brambles. If weeds are really trenches to the depth of a spade across the
problematic, consider covering the site area and add manure to the base of each
Check each plant to ensure you have with some old carpet or plastic sheeting trench. Alternatively, spread an 3in (8cm)
chosen the healthiest specimen. Look at for a few seasons. This forms a physical layer of organic matter over the border, and
the leaves and stems for signs of pests and barrier against settling weed seeds, and dig it into the top 6in (15cm) of soil. Dig in
diseases, and reject any plant with wilted the lack of light and moisture prevents some horticultural grit to heavy clays to
foliage. Then turn over the pot and check weed growth. When the site has been improve drainage. Finally, rake the surface.
to see if there is a mass of roots growing
through the drainage holes, a sign that the
plant is “root bound” and has been growing
in the pot for too long. Finally, select plants
with lots of leafy stems and plump buds.

Preparing the ground

It is always wise to take a few hours to
prepare the soil well before you plant. Clear
the site of any large stones and remove
all weeds, ensuring that you dig out the
whole root system of perennial weeds, like
dandelions. Start by hand-weeding the site.


Shrubs form the backbone of a garden, providing permanent structure, while Most plants need to be planted at the same
most perennials die down in winter and emerge again in spring. Plants grown in depth as they were in their pots or, if they are
containers can be planted at any time of year, but avoid times when the ground bare-root trees or shrubs, plant them at the
is frozen or excessively wet or dry. Also, prepare the soil well before you start depth they were growing at in the field,
(see above), so your plants establish quickly and produce healthy growth. indicated by a dark soil mark on the stems.
Among the exceptions are bearded irises
(below); their rhizomes will rot if buried so
they should be planted with them exposed.
Sun-loving shrubs and perennials, such as
verbascums and sedums, also thrive when
planted slightly above the soil. Moisture-
loving plants like hostas prefer to be buried
a little deeper than ground level.

1 Make a planting hole 2 3Check planting depth Water and mulch
First, water the plants well. Remove the plant from its Water the plant. Spread a

Dig out a planting hole for each pot, teasing out the roots if they mulch of organic matter around

plant, making sure that it is twice are congested. Use a cane to the plant, avoiding the stems, to

the diameter of the container and check that the plant will be at conserve moisture and suppress

a little deeper. Fork the bottom the same depth as it was in its weeds. Water plants in dry spells

and sides of the hole, and add pot. Put the plant in the hole and until fully established. Each spring,

some controlled-release fertilizer steadily trickle in water as you rake in a general-purpose fertilizer

26 to the excavated soil. backfill with soil, firming as you go. around the plant.

Planting in containers Choosing pot sizes therefore more moisture and nutrients, batseicchpnliaqnuteisng
reducing the need for such frequent
When choosing a container, look at the When making your container selections, watering and feeding.
range of different materials and designs choose pots of several different sizes for a
available to find those that suit both your traditional grouping, or opt for a series of Material options
garden style and the types of plants you pots of the same size and line them up for
plan to grow. a contemporary look. The material a container is made from
affects both the price and the maintenance
In late spring, when all frosts have The size of your pots will affect the needs of the plants. Clay is a beautiful
passed, plant your summer bedding outside amount of maintenance they require. Tiny natural material, but because it is porous,
in containers, window boxes, and hanging pots dry out quickly, and need watering on it dries out more rapidly than synthetic
baskets. The method for planting containers a daily basis in summer, unless you plant materials or natural stone. Choose glazed
and window boxes differs slightly from that them with drought-tolerant rock plants. clay or plastic if you want colorful pots.
of hanging baskets (see below) and they Larger pots hold more potting mix and
require watering daily. If you have less time Size matters
to spend watering and feeding, opt for pots Terra-cotta elegance Choose a pot size that balances your chosen plants. Opt
of drought-tolerant shrubs, such as hebes, Natural and the perfect foil for a shrub, such as a hebe, for a tall, slim container for a fountain of foliage, or a small,
lavenders, and phormiums, or rock plants, terracotta is porous and dries out quickly. To prevent wide pot for a rounded shrub or planting group.
like sedums and houseleeks (Sempervivum). moisture loss, line with bubble wrap before planting.

Trees and large shrubs in containers add
height and stature to a design. Those
suitable for growing in pots include
boxwood (Buxus), many dwarf conifers,
Fatsia japonica, Hydrangea serrata, and
choisyas. These will need to be watered
regularly in dry spells. In spring, remove
the top few inches of potting mix and
replace with fresh, together with some
all-purpose controlled-release fertilizer.


You can create exciting displays in containers and window boxes with Globes of flowers and foliage lend an exotic touch to patios and seating areas
easy summer flowers. Some grow quickly from seed, or you can buy throughout summer. Plant a large hanging basket and hang it at about head
plug plants via mail order or larger bedding plants from the garden center. height where you can see the colors and textures at close quarters. Hanging
When combining plants, try to balance the shapes, colors, and textures. baskets filled with ivy, small evergreens, violas, and early bulbs also add a
This example includes red dahlias, French marigolds, and yellow bidens. splash of color in fall and winter.

1 Add drainage material 2 Plant the container 1 Preparing the basket 2 Planting the top
Place a layer of broken clay pot Fill the container to about 2in Line the basket and add a circle Cover the roots of the trailing
pieces in the base of the pot to help (5cm) from the rim with all-purpose of plastic to the bottom to create a plants with more potting mix, and
ensure good drainage. For larger pots, potting mix. Work in some slow- water reservoir. Top with a layer of then start planting the top of the
you can reduce the amount of potting release fertilizer granules. Water potting mix. Cut crosses around the basket. Work from the center out,
mix required and the weight of the the plants about 30 minutes before sides of the liner. Protect the trailing with the tallest plants (such as verbena)
container by filling the bottom third planting. Tip them from their pots or plants with some plastic and thread in the middle, with compact bedding
with pieces of polystyrene. trays and arrange on the soil surface. them through the crosses, as shown. and trailing types around the edges.

Final effects Finishing touches 27
Plant the tallest plants at the back or Fill in around the plants with potting
in the middle of the container, and fill mix and work in some slow-release
in around them with shorter or trailing fertilizer granules. Water well and add
types. Water the plants well, and a layer of gravel over the soil to help
continue to water regularly. To exend retain moisture. Water the basket daily,
the flowering period, remove the faded even if it has rained, and deadhead
blooms with pruning shears at frequent regularly to extend the flower display
intervals throughout summer. throughout the summer.


To keep your garden in peak condition, you will need weeds you must be vigilant from spring to fall. It
to perform regular maintenance tasks throughout pays to give most plants a feed and a mulch every
the year. Watering is essential for young plants and year—usually in spring. Woody plants may also
those in containers, and to win the battle against need to be pruned to keep them in good condition.

creating a garden Weeding methods Dealing with dandelions Slow-release watering
A weeder is the ideal tool for prying out perennial weeds Drip hoses trickle water into the soil above the roots,
You can limit the growth of weeds by top- with deep taproots, such as dandelions. exactly where it is most needed.
dressing the soil with a thick mulch or a
membrane, but you will never be completely containers, and fits easily under a rain- application of fertilizer in spring. The type
free of them. The most useful tool for barrel spigot. For seedlings and new plants, of plant food you choose and how often you
removing annual weeds over a large area use a can with a fine spray, so that you do apply it will be determined by your soil and
is a hoe; as you move it back and forth, the not wash soil away from the roots. what you are trying to grow. Plants require
blade slices through the necks of weeds a range of essential nutrients. The primary
where the stems meet the soil. Choose a dry, If you have a large new area to water, nutrients are nitrogen (N), which plants
sunny day for hoeing and leave the weeds a garden hose is a more practical option. need for leaf growth; phosphorous (P) for
on the surface to die—you can then gather Attach a spray nozzle to give new plantings healthy roots; and potassium (K) for good
them up and compost them. a gentle shower, and direct the hose on the flower and fruit production. The secondary
soil, rather than the leaves or flowers. An nutrients—calcium, magnesium, and
Although hoeing kills annual weeds, such even more efficient watering method is to sulphur—are required in smaller amounts,
as chickweed and groundsel, perennial lay perforated hosepipes round your plants; while the seven trace elements, such as
weeds, including brambles, dock, couch water gradually seeps out at soil level and iron, are needed in very small quantities.
grass, and ground elder will survive and penetrates deeply with little waste.
regrow. Use a weeder to remove those with Fertilizers are either organic (derived
taproots, such as dandelions, and dig out Fertilizing from plants and animals) or inorganic
perennials with fibrous root systems using (chemically manufactured). Most are
a spade or trowel. If you have pernicious Once established, most plants growing concentrated for convenience and available
weeds that you cannot remove by hand, in reasonably good soil need an annual
apply a glyphosate weedkiller.


In summer, watering is the main gardening
task. Young plants in beds and borders and
container displays are especially vulnerable
to drought, and are best watered early in
the morning or in the evening when
evaporation rates are low. A basic watering
can is generally sufficient for small areas or


Most plants benefit from an application of fertilizer once a year in spring. because too much fertilizer, or using the wrong type for a particular plant,
However, some may need extra nutrients to boost them at key times, such may have a detrimental effect. Your local garden center or DIY store will
as flowering. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully stock a selection of organic and inorganic fertilizers.

Chemical fertilizer Organic matter Fish, blood and Soluble food Slow-release
bonemeal granules
A balanced chemical fertilizer Well-rotted manure or Fast-acting soluble liquid

is used to enrich the soil at garden compost is rich in This organic, balanced fertilizers give bedding and These granules are activated

sowing or planting time. It trace elements and soil- fertilizer can be mixed into container plants the nutrients by warmth and moisture, and

can also be applied as an conditioning substances. the soil when planting, and they need. They can also be provide a steady supply of

28 annual top dressing in the Dig it into the ground or applied around plants in the used on plants that need a nutrients for many weeks in

spring for all types of plants. apply it as a surface mulch. spring or early summer. quick boost. borders and containers.

MULCH OPTIONS them from rotting. As well as being functional, many mulches are also
attractive, and produce a decorative surface for borders and containers.
Mulches reduce weed growth and conserve water, which is why they Recycled ground glass and dyed shells are colorful options.
should always be applied when the ground is moist. A gravel mulch helps
to keep the leaves and stems of drought-loving plants dry, and prevents

Gravel Bark chips Garden compost Leaf mold
Gravel laid over landscape fabric Available in different sizes, the Rotted compost and manure lock Although low in nutrients, rotted
creates a weed suppressant and smallest being the most attractive, moisture into the soil and help to leaves help to improve the soil
a decorative foil for alpines and bark breaks down slowly and makes supress weed growth. As the mulch structure and trap moisture in.
Mediterranean-style plantings. a good weed suppressor. It also breaks down it also releases plant They are ideal for woodland and
Plant through the fabric by cutting helps to conserve soil moisture, but foods and improves the structure shade-loving plants, many of which
a cross and folding back the flaps. does not supply many nutrients. of the soil. would be mulched by leaves in their
Apply the gravel on top after planting. Top off worn areas annually. natural habitats.

as liquids, powders that you dilute in water, the plants' needs. For example, bark chips MAKING LEAF MOLD lyoooukri nggaar df teenr
or granules. Organic fertilizers include are spread over the soil surface after
pelleted chicken manure; fish, blood and planting to suppress weeds, but may take Leaf mold is one of the finest soil 29
bonemeal; liquid seaweed fertilizer; and nutrients from the soil as they decompose, conditioners, and makes good use of
homemade plant feeds, such as the diluted so apply a nitrogen-rich fertilizer to fallen autumn leaves. It is very quick and
liquor from a wormery or fertilizers made compensate for this loss. Organic matter, easy to make, but takes at least a year to
from soaking comfrey leaves. Inorganic such as farmyard manure or garden rot down and be ready for use in the garden.
fertilizers include potassium sulfate and compost, helps to retain soil moisture
granular rose fertilizers. while also fertilizing the ground. It must 1 Rake up the leaves
be laid over moist soil, either in spring In fall, rake up the leaves in your garden
Fertilizers are grouped according to (following fall and winter rains) or after and place them in large plastic garbage bags. If
the quantities of N, P, and K they contain. watering. Apply organic mulches in a you chop them up first with a garden spade,
For example, a balanced fertilizer for thick layer about 4in (10cm) deep, and they will decompose faster.
general use, contains equal quantities of replenish them annually as worms and soil
each primary nutrient, while a fertilizer micro-organisms will break them down 2 Water, tie and leave
for lawns has a higher concentration of throughout the year. When the bags are half full, sprinkle the
nitrogen, and those for fruit bushes are leaves with water. Continue to add leaves and
rich in potassium. Composting water again when full. Tie the bag and make a
few holes with a fork to let in some air. After a
Apply an all-purpose granular fertilizer Disposing of your organic kitchen waste year or two, the leaf mold will be ready.
to the soil when planting, and spread and plant prunings by composting creates
around plants in spring. Containers, an excellent eco-friendly soil improver.
baskets, and some bedding annuals may There is a wide range of bins available,
need a regular liquid feed during the including standard plastic composters that
growing season, or apply a controlled- hold plenty of waste, and more decorative
release granular fertilizer when planting. types, such as wooden models that
Remember to follow the manufacturer’s resemble beehives.
directions carefully.
To produce good compost, you will need
Mulching the right mix of ingredients. Too much soft
green material, such as grass clippings and
Mulches are materials that are spread vegetable peelings, turns the heap into
on the soil surface, usually around plants. a slimy mess. On the other hand, if you
Some mulches serve a practical purpose— include too much dry woody material,
feeding the soil, suppressing weeds, such as prunings, the heap will rot down
retaining moisture, or insulating roots too slowly. Aim for an equal measure of
in winter—while others are primarily green and dry ingredients and add them
decorative. Decorative mulches include in layers. A good airflow is also essential
crushed glass or shells, and slate chips. to the composting process, so turn over
the contents regularly.
Mulches are applied at different times of
the year, depending on their purpose and

creating a garden Good garden hygiene army into your plot. If you have to resort to WHY PRUNE?
chemical pesticides and fungicides, use
By keeping your plants in good health and them sparingly and read the manufacturer’s You can achieve many beautiful effects
checking them regularly, you can keep instructions carefully. with careful pruning. Some plants are
many pests and diseases at bay. Aim to grow best trimmed lightly to create a natural
your plants in the right conditions because Pruning guidelines look, while others can be clipped into
healthy specimens are more able to elegant topiary. In addition, some
withstand attacks. Remember, too, that It is not essential to prune any plant, but pruning techniques encourage more
some plants are susceptible to certain thinning and cutting back to varying flowering and fruiting stems to form.
diseases so, whenever possible, buy degrees or selectively removing entire
resistant varieties. branches can be beneficial. Cutting out dead and
diseased wood
A few simple precautions will also pay Pruning can rejuvenate old, congested Whenever you see dead or diseased wood
dividends. Check new plants for signs of specimens and help to extend the life of on any woody plant, remove it immediately. If
pests and diseases to ensure that they do short-lived shrubs. It can also promote the dead wood is left on a plant, disease can enter
not introduce them to your garden, and growth of more flowering and fruiting more easily and move down the stems.
keep all tools and equipment clean to guard wood, improve the shape of a plant, and
against the spread of diseases. Tools such reduce the incidence of disease. Pruning for shape and form
as pruners and seed trays are best cleaned Some plants need a gentle trim to retain their
with household disinfectant. You can also Most pruning is performed annually, shape. This Pittosporum tenuifolium makes an
put up physical barriers, such as cut-off but if you spot dead, damaged, or diseased attractive focal plant. The only pruning it
plastic bottles to help protect your plants wood, or a sucker growing from a grafted requires is to retain the plant’s symmetry
from pests such as slugs and snails. plant, remove it immediately. A general tip by lightly trimming it in late spring.
is to prune plants that flower in spring just
If a plant does succumb to a disease, first after they have bloomed, and prune those
try to identify the problem to gauge its that flower in summer or fall in early spring
seriousness, and remove and either burn before the buds break. Most evergreens
or discard infected plant material. Minor are pruned in late spring.
pest attacks can usually be dealt with
by removing the invaders by hand. Also, It is important to use the right tools
tryto encourage natural predators, such when pruning, as they will make the task
as birds, frogs and toads, ladybugs, easier. The tool you will require depends
hoverflies, spiders, and lacewings into your on the thickness of the material you need to
garden, as together they will help to keep remove. Use sharp pruners for stems the
many pests under control. Pools, ponds, width of a pencil or smaller, and a pruning
berried shrubs and trees, and nectar-rich saw or loppers for larger branches. Never
open flowers will help to lure this pest prune above head height and call in a
professional tree surgeon for large jobs.


Trees, shrubs, and climbers grow in different ways, and their shoots, buds, and stems
differ, too. Before pruning, identify the type of buds and shoots on the plant and their
position. Buds are found at the point where the leaves are about to grow, or where
they have previously been attached to the stem. When pruning, cut just above a bud;
this stimulates hormones that make the bud develop into a new stem.

Cutting opposite buds Cutting alternate buds Cutting to new growth

The buds of some plants are Where the buds are positioned You can recognize new growth

opposite each other. Prune alternately along the stems, try because it looks much fresher Crossing and rubbing branches
Branches that rub each other can create open
above a pair of buds with a flat, to prune to one that is facing than old wood. When pruning, wounds that let in diseases. Remove one
of the branches, choosing the weakest one or
straight cut. When the buds outward, away from the center cut off old wood just above a the stem that has suffered the most damage.

grow, they will produce two of the plant. Make a sloping cut new stem, using a sloping cut so

shoots growing in opposite above the bud, so that water that water runs away from the

directions from one another. runs away from it. young growth.



The lists in this section suggest plants that are suitable
for growing in a range of situations, or that have special
uses or characteristics. While the plants will thrive in the

conditions specified, bear in mind that much of their
success depends on climate, location, aspect, and care.
The list is subdivided into plant groups for each category,
following the arrangement of the Plant Catalog on pages

56–496. Plants that are featured in the Catalog are
followed by page numbers; refer to the Plant Dictionary
for a whole genus or for a plant not followed by a number.

Plants for sandy soil Gaultheria mucronata ‘Wintertime’, p.163 Agapanthus inapertus subsp. pendulus
Genista tinctoria, p.148 ‘Graskop’, p.240
Sandy soil is often termed “light” or “hungry.” It is usually x Halimiocistus sahucii, p.149
well-drained, but dries out rapidly and holds low reserves of plant Halimium ‘Susan’, p.160 Agastache ‘Black Adder’, p.280
nutrients. Many plants have adapted to such soil by developing Hippophae rhamnoides, p.142 Artemisia ludoviciana ‘Valerie Finnis’ p.274
deeply penetrating roots. Their leaves are modified to reduce Hypericum x hidcoteense ‘Hidcote’, p.160 Artemisia absinthium ‘Lambrook Silver’
moisture loss: small and reflexed, evergreen and glossy, or LAVENDERS, p.158 Asphodeline
covered with fine gray or silver hairs. To improve moisture Olearia nummulariifolia, p.128 Aster species, pp.250, 367
retention, incorporate some organic matter when planting in Perovskia ‘Blue Spire’, p.159 Baptisia australis, p.240
fall; little watering will then be needed and plants are able Phlomis fruticosa, p.160 Berkheya purpurea, p.269
to establish well before summer. Robinia hispida, p.133 Campanula persicifolia
Rosa spinosissima Campanula punctata, C. takesimana,
plant selector TREES Pinus radiata, p.98 Rosmarinus officinalis, p.157
Amelanchier lamarckii, p.110 Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca, p.96 SALVIAS, p.155 p.241
Betula ermanii, p.78 Thuja occidentalis and cvs Santolina pinnata subsp. neapolitana Campanula species, selections and
Betula pendula ‘Laciniata’
Castanea sativa SHRUBS ‘Sulphurea’, p.159 hybrids, pp.241, 242, 342, 360, 367,
Celtis australis, p.62 Acacia dealbata, p.211 Spartium junceum, p.140 368, 369
Cercis siliquastrum, p.83 Artemisia arborescens ‘Faith Raven’ Tamarix ramosissima, p.114 CARNATIONS AND PINKS, pp.266–267
Crataegus laevigata ‘Paul’s Scarlet’, p.84 Berberis empetrifolia, p.148 Teucrium fruticans ‘Azureum’ Centranthus ruber, p.248
Genista aetnensis, p.89 Brachyglottis Dunedin Group ‘Sunshine’ Yucca gloriosa, p.132 Coreopsis ‘Limerock Ruby’, p.268
Nothofagus obliqua, p.63 BUDDLEJAS, p.114 Delphinium grandiflorum ‘Blue
Phoenix canariensis Calluna vulgaris and cvs, p.166 CLIMBERS AND WALL SHRUBS Butterfly’, p.217
Pinus bungeana, p.78 Caragana arborescens ‘Lorbergii’ CLEMATIS, pp.198–200 Diascia personata, p.223
Pinus sylvestris, p.78 Ceanothus thyrsiflorus and forms Clianthus puniceus, p.193 Eremurus x isabellinus ‘Cleopatra’, p.220
Quercus ilex Cistus spp. and cvs, pp.150, 152, 153, 154 Eccremocarpus scaber, p.208 Eryngium pandanifolium
Convolvulus cneorum, p.149 Lapageria rosea, p.202 Eryngium x tripartitum, p.250
Conifers Cotoneaster lacteus, p.117 Vitis vinifera ‘Purpurea’, p.210 Erysimum ‘Bowles Mauve’, p.261
Abies grandis, p.98 Elaeagnus pungens ‘Maculata’, p.119 Eurybia divaricata
x Cuprocyparis leylandii and cvs Enkianthus cernuus f. rubens, p.123 PERENNIALS Francoa sonchifolia Rogerson’s form
Juniperus Erica spp. and cvs, p.166 Acanthus spinosus, p.239 Gaillardia ‘Oranges and Lemons’, p.277
Larix decidua, p.97 Gaultheria mucronata ‘Mulberry Wine’, Achillea spp. and cvs, pp.235, 243, Gaillardia x grandiflora cvs
Pinus pinaster, p.97
p.164 247, 359 BELOW Hot and dry conditions
Agapanthus ‘Northern Star’, p.241 Acanthus spinosus and Phlomis
Agapanthus ‘Phantom’ russeliana make a perfect planting
Agapanthus ‘Purple Cloud’, p.241 partnership on sandy soil.


HYLOTELEPHIUM, p.279 Tanacetum argenteum, p.346 Petrea volubilis, p.463 Cryptanthus zonatus plant selector
Libertia ixioides ‘Goldfinger’, p.277 Vaccinium vitis-idaea subsp. minus, Plectranthus fructicosus ‘James’, p.454 Gazania pinnata
Limonium platyphyllum ‘Blue Cloud’ Climbers Ruellia devosiana, p.465
Nepeta ‘Six Hills Giant’, p.240 p.351 Bomarea andimarcana Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Laurentii’, p.476
Nepeta x faassenii, p.270 Bomarea multiflora, p.207 Strelitzia reginae, p.476
Oenothera fruticosa ‘Fyrverkeri’, p.275 BULBS, CORMS, AND TUBERS Kennedia rubicunda, p.462 Cacti and succulents
Origanum vulgare ‘Aureum’, p.274 Allium aflatunense, p.382 Solanum wendlandii, p.463 AGAVES, p.482
ORIENTAL POPPIES, p.238 Allium atropurpureum, p.392 Streptosolen jamesonii, p.464 ALOES, p.493
Phlomis russeliana, p.243 Allium ‘Gladiator’, p.392 Tropaeolum tricolor, p.461 Echeveria montana
Platycodon grandiflorus, p.269 Allium ‘Globemaster’, p.392 Perennials Furcraea parmentieri
Potentilla ‘Arc-en-ciel’, p.268 Allium ‘Mount Everest’, p.385 Aphelandra squarrosa ‘Louisae’, p.476 Rebutia hybrida and cvs, pp.483, 484,
RED HOT POKER, p.254 Allium neapolitanum, p. 399 Billbergia nutans
Romneya coulteri, p.216 Allium oreophilum, p.418 486, 487, 496
Solidago ‘Goldenmosa’, p.251 Allium ‘Purple Sensation’, p.392 Perovskia ‘Blue Spire’
Symphotrichum ericoides f. prostratum ALSTROEMERIAS, p.387 Antirrhinum majus
Anemone blanda ‘Violet Star’, p.418 Helianthemum ‘Wisley Primrose’
‘Snowflurry’ Anemone coronaria De Caen Group Eccremocarpus scaber
Symphotrichum species, selections and
‘Mr Fokker’, p.403
hybrids Anemone ranunculoides, p.263
Stachys officinalis ‘Hummelo’, p.268 Babiana rubrocyanea, p.418
Verbascum spp. and cvs, pp.219, 243, Bellevalia romana, p.399
Calochortus superbus, p.409
246, 345 Camassia quamash, p.411
Grasses and bamboos CROCUS p.417
Ampeldesmos mauritanicus, p.287 Cyclamen coum subsp. coum f. coum
Chasmanthium latifolium, p.288
Chionochloa rubra, p.285 Pewter Group, p.429
Cortaderia richardii, p.284 DAFFODILS, pp.404–405
Deschampsia cespitosa ‘Gold Tau’, p.289 DAHLIAS, pp.396–398
Eragrostis curvula ‘Totnes Burgundy’, Freesia laxa, p.423
Fritillaria imperalis ‘Lutea’, p.382
p.285 Fritillaria persica ‘Ivory Bells’, p.382
Miscanthus sinensis and cvs pp.284, 285, Galanthus ‘Hill Poë’, p.427
Galanthus woronowii, p.428
286 GLADIOLI, p.384
Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea Gladiolus murielae, p.383
Habenaria radiata, p.408
‘Transparent’, p.286 Hesperanthus coccinea ‘Mrs Hegarty’
Molinia caerulea subsp. caerulea Hippeastrum ‘Black Pearl’
Hyacinthus orientalis ‘Blue Jacket’,
Panicum virgatum ‘Cloud Nine’ p.403
Pennisetum spp., pp.286, 312 Hyacinthus orientalis ‘White Pearl’,
Stipa spp., pp.286, 287, 288
ANNUALS AND BIENNIALS Incarvillea delavayi, p.265
Antirrhinum majus and cvs, pp.306, 310, Ipheion uniflorum ‘Froyle Mill’, p.419
Iris reticulata and cvs, p.225
320 Ismene x spofforthiae ‘Sulphur Queen’.
Brachyscome iberidifolia
Cleome hassleriana and cvs, p.304 p.412
Coreopsis tinctoria, p.321 Ixia viridiflora, p.406
Eschscholzia californica, p.326 LILIES, pp.388–391
Glandularia x hybrida series and cvs Muscari spp. and cvs, pp.403, 415, 419,
Glebionis segetum, p.322
Limnanthes douglasii, p.321 420, 421
Limonium sinuatum Nerine bowdenii and cvs, p.413
Linaria maroccana ‘Fairy Bouquet’ Ornithogalum, spp., pp.382, 399, 408, 414,
Papaver rhoeas Shirley Group, p.310
PELARGONIUMS, p.309 415, 416
Portulaca grandiflora series and cvs Polianthes tuberosa, p.385
Tagetes cvs, pp.308, 324, 326 Romulea bulbocodium, p.419
Tanacetum parthenium, p.300 Scilla spp. and cvs, pp.413, 416, 419, 420,
Xerochrysum bracteatum Monstrosum
Series Triteleia ixiodes ‘Starlight’, p.407
Triteleia laxa ‘Koningin Fabiola’, p.411
ROCK PLANTS Tulbaghia simmleri, p.411
Acaena caesiiglauca, p.374 TULIPS, pp.400–401
Achillea x lewisii ‘King Edward’ Watsonia meriana, p.385
Aethionema ‘Warley Rose’, p.362 Zephyranthes spp., pp.413, 424
Andromeda polifolia ‘Compacta’,
p.333 Trees
Arenaria montana, p.360 Agonis flexuosa, p.450
Armeria juniperifolia, p.352
Cytisus x beanii, p.335 Shrubs
Dianthus deltoides Boronia megastigma, p.456
Gaultheria procumbens, p.373 Chamelaucium uncinatum, pp.453, 454
Gypsophila repens Chorizema ilicifolium, p.454
Helianthemum spp. and cvs, pp.336, Iochroma cyaneum, p.457
Leucospermum reflexum, p.456
338, 340, 344, 345
HOUSELEEKS, p.377 RIGHT A garden on sandy gravel 33
Petrorhagia saxifraga, p.361 Alliums and lavenders thrive on light,
Phlox bifida, p.366 sandy soil and are ideal for gravel
Saponaria ocymoides, p.364 gardens in dry areas.
Sedum spp. and cvs, pp. 345, 371, 374,

375, 377

Alnus glutinosa Celastrus scandens
Clay soil is usually wet, glutinous and heavy in winter, and during Betula nigra, p.78 Garrya elliptica ‘James Roof’, p.211
drier summers it can shrink and crack, damaging plant roots. Castanospermum australe Humulus lupulus ‘Aureus’, p.194
Whether establishing a new garden on clay or renovating an older Drimys winteri, p.73 Rosa filipes ‘Kiftsgate’, p.184
one, always choose plants that will grow well in this type of soil. FLOWERING DOGWOODS, p.87 Vitis coignetiae, p.209
Prepare the planting area thoroughly, digging the soil in fall, then Fraxinus spp., pp.60, 66, 71, 74, 79
leaving it over winter to allow the weathering effects of frost and Juglans nigra, p.63 PERENNIALS
winter rain to break down large clods. Dig in organic matter, and Magnolia virginiana Acanthus mollis ‘Hollard’s Gold’, p.219
grit or sharp sand to increase drainage. Plant in early spring, at Oxydendrum arboreum, p.76 Anemone hupehensis and cvs
the beginning of the growing season, to avoid losses over winter. Pinus sylvestris, p.78 Anemone tomentosa
Populus spp. and cvs, pp.60, 61, 62, 63, 74 Bergenia spp. and cvs, pp.255, 256, 280
Prunus maackii, p.74 Chrysosplenium macrophyllum, p.256
Prunus serrula, p.78 Doronicum orientale ‘Magnificum’, p.263
Pterocarya fraxinifolia Eupatorium maculatum ‘Reisenschirm’,
Quercus palustris, p.66
Quercus robur p.221
Quercus suber, p.78 Filipendula ulmaria ‘Aurea’, p.274
Salix babylonica var. pekinensis Geranium ‘Orion’, p.280
Geranium ROZANNE (‘Gerwat’), p.271
‘Tortuosa’, p.80 Geum ‘Bell Bank’, p.268
Salix x sepulcralis var. chrysocoma, p.69 Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’, p.222
SORBUS, p.91 Helonias bullata
Houttuynia cordata ‘Chameleon’, p.444
Conifers Iris laevigata
Cryptomeria japonica and cvs, p.104 JAPANESE ANEMONES, p.222
Metasequoia glyptostroboides, p.96 Leucanthemum x superbum
Taxodium distichum, p.99
‘Sonnenschein’, p.231
plant selector Caltha palustris ‘Flore Pleno’ Anemone hupehensis ‘Hadspen Abundance’ SHRUBS Ligularia ‘Britt Marie Crawford’, p.445
Kalmia latifolia Viburnum opulus Aronia arbutifolia, p.142 Ligularia ‘The Rocket’, p.219
Berberis thunbergii ‘Rose Glow’, p.137 Lythrum salicaria ‘Feuerkerze’, p.234
Berberis valdiviana, p.111 Mimulus guttatus
Calycanthus floridus Omphalodes cappadocia ‘Cherry
Chaenomeles speciosa ‘Snow’, p.146
Choisya x dewitteana ‘Aztec Pearl’, p.122 Ingram’, p.261
Choisya ternata SUNDANCE (‘Lich’), p.148 Primula japonica
Clethra alnifolia Rodgersia pinnata ‘Fireworks’
CORNUS, p.126 Trollius spp. and cvs, pp.358, 436, 445
Cotoneaster conspicuus, p.142
Cotoneaster frigidus, p.142 Grasses and bamboos
Cotoneaster salicifolius, p.142 Luzula sylvatica ‘Hohe Tatra’, p.288
Diervilla sessilifolia Miscanthus sinensis and cvs, pp.284,
Elaeagnus umbellata, p.113
Euonymus europaeus ‘Red Cascade’, 285, 286
Phyllostachys spp. and cvs, pp.286, 287,
Euonymus spp., pp.117, 142 288, 289
Fothergilla gardenii, p.163
Fothergilla major, p.117 Ferns
Kalmia latifolia, p.136 Dryopteris erythrosora, p.293
Mahonia japonica, p.144 Polystichum setiferum groups, p.291
Photinia serratifolia, p.111 Thelypteris palustris, p.291
Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’, p.111
Rhododendron groenlandicum, p.145 BULBS, CORMS, AND TUBERS
Ribes sanguineum ‘Koja’, p.146 Cardiocrinum giganteum, p.385
Ruscus aculeatus, p.167 CANNA, p.394
Salix caprea Zantedeschia ‘Cameo’, p.395
Salix exigua, p.112
Sambucus racemosa ‘Plumosa Aurea’, Aruncus dioicus, p.436
Butomus umbellatus
p.139 Caltha palustris, p.444
Spiraea japonica ‘Anthony Waterer’, Darmera peltata, p.438
Gunnera manicata of gardens, p.443
p.154 Lysichiton americanus, p.444
Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus, Matteuccia struthiopteris, p.443
Onoclea sensibilis, p.443
p.142 Osmunda regalis, p.443
Tetrapanax papyrifer, p.120 Pontederia cordata, p.441
Viburnum x bodnantense ‘Dawn’, p.143 Primula florindae, p.445
Viburnum lentago Ranunculus lingua, p.444
Viburnum opulus and cvs, p.162 Sagittaria latifolia, p.434
Viburnum tinus ‘Eve Price’, p.143 Thalia dealbata

Cyperus papyrus, p.478

LEFT A waterside planting
Yellow skunk cabbage (Lysichiton
americanus) and marsh marigolds

34 (Caltha palustris) flourish together in

the clay soil beside this stream.

Plants for neutral to acidic soil CLIMBERS AND WALL SHRUBS Ourisia spp., pp.360, 362
Asteranthera ovata Phlox adsurgens
Some plants, notably camellias, rhododendrons, and most heathers, Berberidopsis corallina, p.202 Phlox stolonifera
grow naturally in regions such as open woodlands, hillsides or Crinodendron hookerianum, p.202 Phyllodoce spp., pp.333, 334
moorlands where the soil is neutral to acidic, and are intolerant of Desfontainia spinosa, p.203 Shortia spp., pp.349, p.352
alkaline soils such limestone or chalk. They are often termed Mitraria coccinea, p.193
“lime-haters” or “acid-lovers.” Before planting, work in some acidic BULBS, CORMS, AND TUBERS
potting mix or humus. After planting, keep woody plants well PERENNIALS Lilium speciosum var. rubrum
mulched. In drier regions, check water needs regularly. Dianella tasmanica, p.239 Lilium superbum, p.390
Ourisia coccinea, p.269
TREES SHRUBS Smilacina racemosa, p.223 WATER AND BOG PLANTS plant selector
Acer davidii, p.78 Acer palmatum ‘Shindeshojo’, p.123 Tolmiea menziesii Sarracenia flava, p.445
Acer griseum, p.78 Amelanchier lamarckii, p.110 Trillium spp., pp.255, 260, 350
Acer grosseri, p.78 Andromeda polifolia ‘Compacta’, Uvularia grandiflora, p.262 TENDER AND EXOTIC PLANTS
Acer palmatum and cvs, pp.78, 89, 90, 123, Shrubs
p.333 Grasses and Bamboos Boronia megastigma, p.456
138, 156 Arctostaphylos (some), pp.144, 147 Deschampsia cespitosa ‘Gold Tau’, p.289 Epacris impressa, p.455
Acer pensylvanicum ‘Erythrocladum’, p.78 CAMELLIAS, pp.120–121 Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea Gardenia jasminoides
Arbutus menziesii Chamaedaphne calyculata Pimelea ferruginea, p.454
Arbutus unedo, p.93 Enkianthus spp., pp.111, 120, 123 ‘Transparent’, p.286 Protea spp., p.454
Embothrium coccineum, p.86 Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’ Molinia caerulea subsp. caerulea
Eucryphia (most), pp.85, 129 Fatsia japonica Climbers
Magnolia doltsopa, p.71 Fothergilla gardenii ‘Variegata’ Agapetes spp., p.461
Nyssa sinensis, p.77 Fothergilla major, p.117 Allamanda cathartica ‘Hendersonii’,
Nyssa sylvatica, p.66 Gaultheria spp., pp.145, 154, 163, Ferns
Oxydendrum arboreum, p.76 Adiantum spp., pp.291, 292 p.464
Pinus densiflora 164 Blechnum spp., pp.290, 292
Pterostyrax hispida, p.73 HEATHERS, p.166, most Cryptogramma crispa, p.293 Perennials
Stewartia pseudocamellia, p.78 Kalmia spp., pp.136, 156 Aspidistra spp.
Stewartia sinensis Leptospermum scoparium ‘Red ANNUALS AND BIENNIALS Calanthe striata, p.275
Styrax japonicus, p.72 Calibrachoa cvs, pp.300, 306 Caulokaempferia petelotii
Damask’, p.123 Centropogon cordifolius
Conifers Leucothöe fontanesiana and cvs, p.167 ROCK PLANTS Cypripedium reginae, p.466
Abies spp. and cvs, pp.95, 96, 98, 100, Lyonia ligustrina Arctostaphylos uva-ursi spp. and cvs, Drosera spp., p.473
Myrica gale, p.162 Nepenthes x hookeriana, p.473
104, 105 Philesia magellanica pp.375, 376 Peliosanthes arisanensis, p.472
Picea spp. and cvs, pp.98, 99, 100, 101, Pieris spp. and cvs, pp.110, 120, 137 Cassiope spp., pp.332, 349
Rhododendron groenlandicum, p.145 Cornus canadensis, p.360 BELOW A carpet of heather
103, 105 Rhododendron multiflorum var. Corydalis cashmeriana Heathers (Erica) create dramatic sweeps
Pinus densiflora Cyananthus spp., pp.359, 369 of winter color in this heather garden.
Pinus pumila purpureum, p.125 Epigaea gaultherioides, p.351 The majority of heathers thrive in well-
Pinus strobus, p.96 RHODODENDRONS, pp.124–125, most Galax urceolata, p.336 drained, acidic soil in full sun.
Pseudolarix amabilis, p.102 Styrax officinalis, p.112 Gaultheria spp., pp.346, 373
Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca, p.96 Telopea speciosissima, p.137 Gentiana sino-ornata, p.370
Sciadopitys verticillata, p.101 Vaccinium (most), pp.150, 163, 165, 351 Linnaea borealis, p.363
Tsuga heterophylla WITCH HAZELS, p.118 Lithodora diffusa ‘Heavenly Blue’, p.343
Zenobia pulverulenta, p.130 Mitchella repens

Gaultheria mucronata ‘Wintertime’ 35
Fothergilla major

Plants for limestone Ceratostigma griffithii Ruscus aculeatus, p.167
Chaenomeles speciosa ‘Snow’, p.146 Salix exigua, p.112
Limestone regions are rich in wildflowers and wildlife, and where Chaenomeles x superba ‘Crimson and SALVIA, p.155
there is a reasonable depth of topsoil, a wide range of garden plants Sambucus nigra f. porphyrophylla
can be grown. However, often there are only a few inches of soil Gold’, p.193
over bedrock, and here there is an increased risk of drought in Chimonanthus praecox, p.144 ‘Guincho Purple’
summer. It may be necessary to excavate planting holes and Choisya x dewitteana ‘Aztec Pearl’, p.122 Sambucus racemosa ‘Plumosa Aurea’,
incorporate organic matter to increase plants’ chances of survival. Choisya ternata, p.122
On well-drained soil, plant in fall or spring; on wetter soil, delay Choisya ternata SUNDANCE (‘Lich’), p.148 p.139
planting until spring. Keep all young woody plants well mulched Cistus spp, pp.150, 154 Spartium junceum, p.140
and watered until established. Colletia paradoxa, p.131 Spiraea japonica ‘Anthony Waterer’,
Cotinus coggygria GOLDEN SPIRIT (‘Ancot’),
plant selector TREES Prunus avium ‘Plena’, p.71 p.154
Acer negundo ‘Variegatum’, p.74 Prunus maackii, p.74 p.116 Spiraea nipponica ‘Snowmound’, p.131
Aesculus x carnea ‘Briotii’, p.60 Prunus serrula, p.78 Cotoneaster conspicuus, p.142 Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus,
Arbutus andrachne SORBUS (many), p.91 Cotoneaster frigidus, p.142
Betula ermanii, p.78 Tilia tomentosa Cotoneaster ‘Gnom’ p.142
Betula nigra, p.78 Cotoneaster salicifolius, p.142 Viburnum opulus
Betula utilis subsp. albosinensis, p.78 Conifers Daphne bholua ‘Jacqueline Postill’, Viburnum opulus ‘Roseum’
Betula utilis subsp. jacquemontii cvs, Calocedrus decurrens, p.101 Viburnum tinus
Cedrus libani, p.97 p.143 Viburnum tinus ‘Eve Price’, p.143
p.78 Chamaecyparis lawsoniana and cvs Deutzia spp. and cvs, pp.132, 149, 152 Vitex agnus-castus
Catalpa bignonioides, p.73 Edgeworthia chrysantha, p.126 Weigela ‘Nana Variegata’, p.152
Cercis siliquastrum, p.83 pp.96, 102, 103 Escallonia ‘Donard Seedling’, p.131
Crataegus spp. and cvs, pp.80, Cupressus arizonica var. glabra Euonymus europaeus ‘Red Cascade’, CLIMBERS AND WALL
x Cuprocyparis leylandii and cvs SHRUBS
84, 90 Ginkgo biloba, p.97 p.140
Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. niphophila, Juniperus spp and cvs, pp.100, 103, 105 Euonymus hamiltonianus, p.142 Actinidia kolomikta, p.201
Picea omorika, p.98 Euonymus latifolius, p.140 Campsis radicans
p.78 Pinus nigra Euonymus oxyphyllus, p.117 Carpenteria californica, p.197
Fagus sylvatica, p.64 Platycladus orientalis and cvs Genista ‘Porlock’ Celastrus orbiculatus
Fraxinus ornus, p.71 Taxus baccata and cvs, pp.101, 102, 105 HARDY FUCHSIAS, p.154 CLEMATIS, pp.198–200
Gleditsia triacanthos f. inermis Thuja plicata and cvs Hebe carnosula Eccremocarpus scaber, p.208
Hebe ‘Great Orme’, p.153 Forsythia suspensa, p.195
‘Sunburst’, p.72 SHRUBS Hypericum x hidcoteense ‘Hidcote’, p.160 Fremontodendron ‘California Glory’,
HOLLIES, p.94 Abutilon ‘Kentish Belle’, p.162 LAVENDERS, p.158
Laurus nobilis p.80 Abutilon ‘Ashford Red’, p.137 LILACS, p.115 p.206
Malus spp. and cvs, pp.71, 90, 110 Aucuba japonica ‘Crotonifolia’ Olearia ilicifolia, p.130 Garrya elliptica ‘James Roof’, p.211
Morus nigra Azara microphylla, p.118 Olearia macrodonta, p.132 Hedera spp. and cvs, p.211
Berberis darwinii, p.111 Philadelphus spp. and cvs, pp.127, 128, HONEYSUCKLE, p.207
BELOW Early summer scent Berberis valdiviana, p.111 Jasminum officinale f. affine, p.196
A lilac, here combined with deutzia and BUDDLEJA, p.114 131, 149 Parthenocissus henryana
peonies, grows in the shelter of a wall. Ceanothus impressus, p.138 Phlomis fruticosa, p.160 Passiflora caerulea, p.204
Lilacs prefer alkaline soil, as long Photinia serratifolia, p.111
as it is well-drained. Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’, p.111 BELOW Bright yellow display
Potentilla fruticosa and cvs, pp.149, Achillea 'Moonshine' is a perennial that
thrives in limestone soil and will withstand
160, 162 periods of drought. In summer, the flowers
Ribes sanguineum ‘Koja’, p.146 attract bees and butterflies.
ROSES (most), pp.172–187
Rosmarinus officinalis p.157

Philadelphus ‘Dame Blanche’


Lathyrus vernus

Rosa ‘Albéric Barbier’, p.184 Grasses and bamboos Lathyrus vernus, p.260 Gladiolus murielae, p.383 plant selector
Rosa ‘Albertine’, p.185 Ampeldesmos mauritanicus, p.287 Leontopodium nivale subsp. alpinum, Hippeastrum ‘Black Pearl’
Solanum crispum ‘Glasnevin’, p.204 Stipa tenuissima, p.288 Hyacinthus orientalis ‘Blue Jacket’,
Trachelospermum jasminoides, p.195 p.332
Wisteria sinensis Ferns Linum arboreum, p.344 p.403
Asplenium scolopendrium, p.292 Lobularia maritima and cvs, pp.298, 304 Hyacinthus orientalis ‘White Pearl’,
PERENNIALS Asplenium trichomanes, p.291 Origanum dictamnus
Acanthus spinosus, p.239 Dryopteris filix-mas, p.293 Papaver burseri p.415
Anemone tomentosa Polypodium x mantoniae ‘Cornubiense’, Penstemon pinifolius, p.340 Incarvillea delavayi, p.265
Anemone hupehensis Rhodanthemum hosmariense, p.332 Iris reticulata and cvs
AQUILEGIA. p.226 p.291 Saponaria ocymoides, p.364 Iris tuberosa, p.406
CAMPANULA, p.241 Saxifraga, pp.332, 337, 348, 350, Ismene x spofforthiae ‘Sulphur Queen’.
Doronicum spp., pp.227, 263 Ageratum houstonianum and cvs, 358, 377 p.412
Eryngium spp., pp.240, 250, 271 Thymus caespititius, p.366 Lilium regale, p.388
Erysimum ‘Bowles Mauve’, p.261 pp.313, 314 Veronica austriaca subsp. teucrium, Muscari spp. and cvs, pp.403, 415,
Eupatorium maculatum ‘Reisenschirm’, Calendula officinalis and cvs, pp.321,
p.343 420, 421
p.221 325 Veronica prostrata, p.343 Nerine bowdenii ‘Nikita'
Geranium ROZANNE (‘Gerwat’), p.271 Callistephus chinensis series and cvs, Ornithogalum nutans, p.399
Geranium ‘Orion’, p.280 BULBS, CORMS, AND TUBERS Ornithogalum umbellatum, p.416
Geum ‘Bell Bank’, p.268 pp.303, 304, 312 Allium aflatunense, p.382 Pancratium illyricum, p.408
Gypsophila paniculata cvs, p.231 Calomeria amaranthoides Allium atropurpureum, p.392 Polianthes tuberosa, p.385
HELENIUM, p.248 Erysimum cheiri 'Fire King', p.326 Allium neapolitanum Cowanii Group, Scilla spp. and cvs, pp.413, 416, 420, 423
Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’, p.222 Gomphrena globosa, p.303 Triteleia laxa ‘Koningin Fabiola’, p.411
Hesperanthus coccinea ‘Mrs Hegarty’ Lavatera trimestris ‘Silver Cup’, p.305 p.409 Tulbaghia simmleri, p.411
HEUCHERA, p.282 Limonium sinuatum Allium ‘Gladiator’, p.392 TULIPS, pp.400–401
IRISES (most), pp.224–225 Lobularia maritima Allium ‘Globemaster’, p.392 Watsonia meriana, p.385
JAPANESE ANEMONES, p.222 Lunaria annua Allium ‘Mount Everest’, p.385 Zephyranthes spp., pp.413, 424
Leucanthemum x superbum Matthiola incana Giant Excelsior Mix, Allium oreophilum, p.418
Allium ‘Purple Sensation’, p.392 TENDER AND EXOTIC PLANTS
‘Sonnenschein’, p.231 p.303 Anemone blanda ‘Violet Star’, p.418 Shrubs
MICHAELMAS DAISIES, p.249 Tagetes spp. and cvs, pp.308, 320, 326 Anemone coronaria De Caen Group Nerium oleander, p.455
Nepeta ‘Six Hills Giant’, p.240 Ursinia anthemoides, p.322
Omphalodes cappadocia ‘Cherry Xeranthemum annuum, p.305 ‘Mr Fokker’, p.403 Cacti and succulents
Zinnia spp. and cvs, pp.306, 316 Anemone ranunculoides, p.263 Furcraea parmentieri
Ingram’, p.261 Babiana rubrocyanea,p.418
ORIENTAL POPPIES, p.238 ROCK PLANTS Bellavalia romana, p.399 BELOW Colorful crevices
PEONIES, pp.228–229 Aethionema spp. and cvs, pp.338, 362, Calochortus superbus, p.409 Naturally at home in cracks and crevices,
Potentilla ‘Arc-en-ciel’, p.268 Scilla forbesii, p.419 these Saxafraga form neat mounds of
RUDBECKIA , p.251 364 Colchicum spp. and cvs, pp.421, 424, 425 color. They are ideal for sunny, well-drained
SALVIA, p.250 Androsace lanuginosa, p.363 Crinum x powellii, p.385 rock gardens and alpine gardens.
Scabiosa caucasica ‘Clive Greaves’, p.271 Aster alpinus, p.367 CROCUSES, p.417
Sidalcea ‘Oberon’, p.233 Campanula (most rock garden species), Cyclamen coum and cvs, pp.428, 429
Verbascum spp. and cvs, pp.243, 246 Cyclamen hederifolium, p.426
Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Fascination’, pp.342, 368 DAFFODILS, pp.404–405
Dianthus (most rock garden species), Freesia laxa, p.423
p.220 Fritillaria imperalis ‘Lutea’, p.382
YARROW, p.247 pp.363, 364, 366 Fritillaria persica ‘Ivory Bells’, p.382
Draba spp., pp.357, 358 GLADIOLI, p.384
Erysimum helveticum, p.358
Gypsophila repens
Helianthemum spp., pp.336, 340, 345


Plants for coastal sites SHRUBS Fuchsia magellanica, p.154
Acacia verticillata Fuchsia ‘Riccartonii’, p.154
In coastal regions, salt from sea spray is carried a considerable Atriplex halimus Genista canariensis
distance inland on the wind, causing problems for many plants. Baccharis halimifolia Genista hispanica, p.160
However, some can tolerate high salt levels, and have hard-surfaced Berberis darwinii, p.111 Griselinia littoralis
or glossy leaves with low absorbency levels, or foliage covered Brachyglottis Dunedin Group ‘Sunshine’, Halimium lasianthum subsp. formosum,
with fine hairs that prevent salt from reaching the surface. Coastal
gardens are often exposed, so protect plants with hedges or fences. p.161 p.161
Prepare sandy soil by incorporating organic matter and garden Buddleja globosa, p.116 Hebe ‘White Gem’, p.149
loam, to encourage deep root penetration, and use dense ground- Bupleurum fruticosum, p.139 Helichrysum italicum
cover plants to stabilize the sand and keep root areas cool. Cassinia leptophylla subsp. fulvida Hippophae rhamnoides, p.142
Chamaerops humilis, p.165 Hydrangea macrophylla and cvs,
TREES Melaleuca squarrosa Choisya ternata, p.122
Acer pseudoplatanus and cvs, pp.65, Melia azedarach, p.71 Cistus ladanifer, p.150 pp.134–135
Populus alba, p.60 Colutea arborescens, p.139 LAVENDERS, p.158
73, 84 Quercus suber, p.78 Corokia x virgata Lavatera x clementii ‘Rosea’, p.136
Alnus incana, p.61 Salix alba Cotoneaster conspicuus, p.142 Leptospermum scoparium ‘Red Damask’,
Arbutus andrachne SORBUS, p.91 Cotoneaster frigidus, p.142
Arbutus unedo, p.93 Cotoneaster salicifolius, p.142 p.123
Castanea sativa Conifers Cytisus scoparius subsp. maritimus Leycesteria formosa
Cordyline australis Cupressus macrocarpa Elaeagnus pungens ‘Maculata’, p.119 Lonicera ligustrina var. pileata, p.167
Crataegus laevigata ‘Paul’s Scarlet’, p.84 x Cuprocyparis leylandii cvs, pp.95, 99 Elaeagnus umbellata, p.113 Lycium barbarum
Eucalyptus coccifera, p.68 Juniperus rigida subsp. conferta Erica arborea ‘Alpina’, p.166 Olearia ilicifolia, p.130
Eucalpytus gunnii, p.68 Pinus contorta var. latifolia, p.101 Erica cinerea ‘Eden Valley’, p.166 Olearia macrodonta, p.132
Fraxinus excelsior Pinus nigra subsp. nigra, p.98 Escallonia ‘Donard Seedling’, p.131 Ozothamnus ledifolius, p.151
Ilex aquifolium cvs, pp.92, 94 Pinus radiata, p.98 Escallonia rubra ‘Crimson Spire’ Parahebe perfoliata, p.271
Laurus nobilis, p.80 Pinus thunbergii, p.100 Euonymus japonicus and cvs Phillyrea latifolia
Luma apiculata, p.78 Euphorbia characias subsp. characias, Phlomis fruticosa, p.160
Pittosporum tobira
p.147 Pyracantha ‘Orange Glow’
Fabiana imbricata f. violacea, p. 204 Rhamnus alaternus ‘Argenteovariegata’
Felicia amelloides ‘Santa Anita’, p.157 Rosa rugosa, p.176
Rosmarinus officinalis, p.157

plant selector


Sambucus racemosa and cvs, p.139 Artemisia ludhoviciana ‘Valerie Finnis’, Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Fascination’, Gilia capitata, p.314
Spartium junceum, p.140 p.274 p.220 Jacobaea maritima ‘Silver Dust’, p.315
Spiraea japonica ‘Candlelight’ Lavatera trimestris cvs, p.305
Tamarix ramosissima, p.114 Berkheya purpurea, p.269 YARROW, p.247 Limnanthes douglasii, p.321
Ulex europaeus ‘Flore Pleno’ Centaurea hypoleuca ‘John Coutts’, Matthiola incana Giant Excelsior
Viburnum tinus Grasses and bamboos
Yucca gloriosa, p.132 p.265 Ampelodesmos mauritanicus, p.287 Mix, p.303
Centranthus ruber, p.248 Calamagrostis brachytricha, p.284 Rhodanthe chlorocephala subsp. rosea,
CLIMBERS AND WALL SHRUBS Crambe maritima, p.264 Carex flagellifera, p.289
Eccremocarpus scaber, p.208 Dianella caerulea CASSA BLUE (‘Dbb03’), Chionochloa rubra, p.285 p.303
Ercilla volubilis, p.192 Cortadera richardii, p.284 Tagetes spp. and cvs, pp.308, 320, 324
Fallopia baldschuanica, p.208 p.283 Cortaderia selloana spp., pp.284, 285
Garrya elliptica ‘James Roof’, p.211 Echinacea purpurea cvs, p.221 Eragrostis curvula ‘Totnes Burgundy’, ROCK PLANTS
Hedera canariensis Erigeron ‘Charity’, p.264 Achillea clavennae, p.359
Muehlenbeckia complexa Eryngium variifolium, p.271 p.285 Aethionema grandiflorum, p.338
Schisandra rubriflora, p.202 Euphorbia griffithii ‘Fireglow’, p.246 Miscanthus sinensis cvs, pp.285, 286 Armeria maritima ‘Vindictive’, p.365
Solanum crispum ‘Glasnevin’, p.204 Francoa sochifolia Rogerson’s form Pseudosasa japonica, p.287 Aubrieta x cultorum ‘Argenteovariegata’,
Trachelospermum jasminoides, p.195 Hedychium ‘Tara’, p.220 Stipa tenuissima, p.288
Tropaeolum tuberosum var. IRISES (some), pp.224–5 p.354
Leucanthemum x superbum ANNUALS AND BIENNIALS Dianthus deltoides
lineamaculatum ‘Ken Aslet’, p.207 Antirrhinum majus and cvs, pp.306, 310, Draba aizoides
Wisteria sinensis ‘Sonnenschein’, p.231 Geranium sanguineum, p.340
Libertia ixioides ‘Goldfinger’, p.277 320 Iberis sempervirens, p.332
PERENNIALS Myosotidium hortensia, p.271 Argyranthemum frutescens, p.298 Origanum laevigatum, p.340
Anaphalis margaritacea, p.231 Nepeta ‘Six Hills Giant’, p.240 Bassia scoparia f. trichophylla, p.316 Oxalis enneaphylla
Anchusa azurea ‘Loddon Royalist’, p.241 Osteospermum jucundum, p.265 Calendula officinalis and cvs, pp.321, 322, Parahebe catarractae, p.342
Pericallis x hybrida Phlox subulata ‘Marjorie’, p.365
BELOW Coastal retreat Phormium tenax 325 Pulsatilla vulgaris, p.334
Dramatic agapanthus and architectural RED HOT POKERS, p.254 Coreopsis tinctoria, p.321 Saxifraga paniculata
phormiums are ideal plants for exposed Romneya coulteri, p.216 Cynoglossum amabile ‘Firmament’, p.315 Sedum spathulifolium ‘Cape Blanco’,
coastal sites with mild winters. HYLOTELEPHIUMS, p.279 Dianthus chinensis cvs, pp.305, 307
Stachys byzantina, p.274 Cleretum bellidiforme p.375
Stachys officinalis ‘Hummelo’, p.268 Duranta erecta, p.319 Sempervivum arachnoideum, p.377
Verbascum ‘Cotswold Beauty’, p.246 Eschscholzia californica, p.326 Silene schafta, p.346
Thlaspi cepaeifolium subsp.

rotundifolium, p.352

BULBS, CORMS, AND TUBERS plant selector
Agapanthus spp. and cvs, pp.240, 241,
Euphorbia characias subsp. characias Achillea filipendulina ‘Parker’s Variety’
Armeria maritima ‘Vindictive’ 242
Felicia amelloides ‘Santa Anita’ Crinum spp. and cvs, pp.383, 385
DAFFODILS, pp.404–405
Eucharis amazonica, p.414
Galtonia candicans, p.383
Hyacinthus orientalis and cvs, pp.403,

407, 415
Nerine spp. and cvs, pp.413, 414
Scilla spp. and cvs, pp.413, 416, 419,

420, 423
Sprekelia formosissima, p.402
TULIPS, pp.400–401
Veltheimia bracteata, p.414
Zantedeschia aethiopica

Agonis flexuosa, p.450
Ficus macrophylla
Tabebuia chrysantha, p.452

Eryngium variifolium Shrubs
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Nerium oleander, p.455

Bougainvillea glabra, p.462
Ficus pumila
Pandorea jasminoides, p.459
Pyrostegia venusta, p.464
Solandra maxima, p.464

Anthurium andraeanum, p.470
Peperomia obtusifolia ‘Variegata’, p.474
Pilea cadierei, p.465
Tradescantia fluminensis

Sedum spathulifolium ‘Cape Blanco’ Cacti and succulents 39
AGAVE, p.482
Furcraea parmentieri
Lampranthus glaucoides, p.496

Trees and shrubs for exposed sites Climbers and shrubs for shady walls

In cold-climate gardens, particularly those exposed to strong winter Against cold, north- or east-facing walls, it is essential to choose
winds, only the hardiest plants thrive without the protection of a climbers that grow naturally in shade or semishade. These provide
windbreak. Where providing one is not practical, it is essential to reliable and effective foliage cover, and some have attractive flowers.
establish a basic framework of trees, shrubs, and conifers that are A few climbing roses flower reasonably well in partially shaded
fully hardy. Carefully positioned within the garden, in groups, they situations and, together with climbers and shrubs, add color to the
provide sheltered situations where less hardy plants can be grown, backs of borders. Shade-tolerant plants prefer moist, woodland-type
while still retaining a degree of openness if desired. soils; when planting, dig in organic matter, such as leaf mold.

plant selector TREES ABOVE Vibrant fall color SHRUBS CLIMBERS AND WALL SHRUBS
Acer platanoides and cvs, pp.60, 67 Cotinus species and hybrids make a Azara microphylla, p.118 Akebia quinata, p.193
Acer pseudoplatanus dramatic statement in fall. They thrive CAMELLIAS, pp.120–121 Berberidopsis corallina, p.202
Betula utilis subsp. jacquemontii in full sun or partial shade, and tolerate Chaenomeles speciosa ‘Moerloosei’, Celastrus scandens
Crataegus laevigata ‘Paul’s Scarlet’, p.84 exposed sites. Clematis ‘Frances Rivis’, p.200
Crataegus x lavallei ‘Carrierei’ p.122 Cotoneaster horizontalis, p.209
Fagus sylvatica and cvs, pp.61, 64, Cotinus coggygria GOLDEN SPIRIT (‘Ancot’), Chaenomeles x superba ‘Rowallane’, Crinodendron hookerianum, p.202
p.116 Ercilla volubilis, p.192
79 p.147 Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’,
Fraxinus excelsior ‘Jaspidea’, p.60 Cotinus ‘Flame’, p.117 Choisya ternata, p.122 Euonymus fortunei ‘Silver Queen’,
Fraxinus ornus, p.71 Cotoneaster ‘Gnom’ Cotoneaster lacteus, p.117
Laburnum x watereri ‘Vossii’, p.84 Cotoneaster lacteus, p.117 Cotoneaster salicifolius, p.142 p.144
Populus tremula Cotoneaster salicifolius, p.142 Daphne bholua ‘Jacqueline Postill’, x Fatshedera lizei, p.211
SORBUS (many), p.91 Cotoneaster simonsii, p.143 Forsythia suspensa, p.195
Tilia cordata Elaeagnus umbellata, p.113 p.143 Garrya elliptica ‘James Roof’, p.211
Euonymus europaeus ‘Red Cascade’, Drimys winteri, p.73 Hedera colchica ‘Dentata Variegata’
Conifers Eucryphia x nymansensis ‘Nymansay’, Hedera colchica ‘Sulphur Heart’, p.211
Chamaecyparis obtusa and cvs, pp.104, p.140 Hedera helix cvs, p.211
Euonymus hamiltonianus, p.142 p.73 HONEYSUCKLE, p.207
105 Euonymus hamiltonianus subsp. Fatsia japonica Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris,
Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Filifera Aurea’, Jasminum nudiflorum, p.144
sieboldianus, p.142 Mahonia japonica, p.144 p.195
p.105 Euonymus oxyphyllus, p.117 Mahonia x media ‘Charity’, p.118 Itea ilicifolia, p.211
Juniperus communis ‘Hibernica’ LILACS, p.115 Muehlenbeckia complexa Lapageria rosea, p.202
Juniperus x pfitzeriana and cvs, p.105 Lonicera ligustrina var. pileata, p.167 Osmanthus decorus Parthenocissus spp. and cvs, pp.209
Picea breweriana, p.99 Mahonia aquifolium, p.148 Pyracantha spp. and cvs, pp.118, 141 Pileostegia viburnoides, p.196
Pinus nigra subsp. nigra, p.98 Philadelphus ‘Beauclerk’, p.127 Ribes laurifolium, p.165 Schisandra rubriflora, p.202
Pinus sylvestris, p.78 Philadelphus ‘Belle Etoile’, p.128 Rosa ‘Albéric Barbier’, p.184 Schizophragma hydrangeoides, p.197
Taxus baccata and cvs, pp.101, 102, Prunus laurocerasus ‘Otto Luyken’, Rosa ‘Ballerina’, p.178 Schizophragma integrifolium, p.197
Rosa ‘Madame Alfred Carrière’,
105 p.145 BELOW Green-themed shade bed
Tsuga canadensis, p.102 Rhododendron groenlandicum, p.145 p.184 Hostas and acers thrive in the shady
Xanthocyparis nootkatensis Ribes sanguineum ‘Koja’, Rosa ‘Madame Grégoire Staechelin’, conditions at the foot of sunless walls,
providing attractive foliage patterns.
SHRUBS p.146 p.185
Amorpha canescens Rubus thibetanus, p.143 Rosa ‘Maigold’, p.187
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, p.376 Salix purpurea Rosa MARY ROSE (‘Ausmary’)
Berberis darwinii, p.111 Sambucus nigra f. porphyrophylla Rosa OLIVIA ROSE AUSTIN (‘Ausmixture’), p.174
Berberis ‘Rubrostilla’, p.162
Berberis x stenophylla, p.127 ‘Guincho Purple’
Buddleja davidii ‘Royal Red’ Spiraea japonica ‘Goldflame’, p.156
Calluna vulgaris and cvs, p.166 Spiraea x vanhouttei, p.145
Chaenomeles speciosa, p.142 Symphoricarpos x chenaultii ‘Hancock’
Ulex europaeus ‘Flore Pleno’
40 Cornus alba ‘Sibirica’, p.143 Viburnum x burkwoodii, p.122
Viburnum opulus ‘Xanthocarpum’
Corylus maxima ‘Purpurea’, p.115 Viburnum tinus ‘Eve Price’, p.143

Drought-tolerant plants

Hot, sunny locations and free-draining, sandy soils demand plants
that tolerate dry conditions. Drought-resistant plants will survive
the increasing number of long, dry periods that some areas are now
experiencing even in normally wet seasons. All the plants listed
here have adapted to thrive in arid conditions, and need little or
no additional irrigation once established. Avoid planting them in
waterlogged clay soils, in which they will quickly decline and die.

TREES Eremurus x isabellinus ‘Cleopatra’, p.220 Agapanthus praecox subsp. orientalis Miscanthus sinensis ‘Cosmopolitan’ plant selector
Arbutus unedo, p.93 Eryngium pandanifolium
Eucalyptus gunnii, p.68 Erysimum ‘Bowles’s Mauve’, p.261 Hebe recurva, p.151 ABOVE Water-wise gardening
Gleditsia triacanthos Gaillardia x grandiflora ‘Oranges and Parahebe catarractae, p.342 Perovskia and Echinops ritro ‘Veitch's Blue’
Ilex aquifolium, p.94 Sedum spathulifolium ‘Cape Blanco’, can withstand periods of drought, while
Olea europaea Lemons’, p.277 still providing a spectacular display.
Quercus suber, p.78 Geranium ROZANNE (‘Gerwat’), p.271 p.375
Rhus typhina Geranium ‘Orion’, p.280 HOUSELEEKS, p.377 Incarvillea delavayi, p.265
Hedychium ‘Tara’, p.220 BULBS, CORMS, AND TUBERS Iris reticulata and cvs
SHRUBS Lamium maculatum spp., pp.254, 255 Allium aflatunense, p.382 Ismene x spofforthiae ‘Sulphur Queen’.
Abutilon ‘Ashford Red’, p.137 Libertia ixioides ‘Goldfinger’, p.277 Allium atropurpureum, p.392
Acacia dealbata, p.211 Lychnis coronaria, p.268 Allium neopolitanum, p.399 p.412
Artemisia abrotanum, p.165 Nepeta x faassenii, p.270 Allium ‘Gladiator’, p.392 Muscari botryoides ‘Album’, p.415
Artemisia arborescens, p.165 Nepeta ‘Six Hills Giant’, p.240 Allium ‘Globemaster’, p.392 Nerine bowdenii ‘Nikita’
Ballota pseudodictamnus, p.347 ORIENTAL POPPIES, p.238 Allium ‘Mount Everest’, p.385 Ornithogalum nutans, p.399
Ceanothus spp. and cvs, pp. 138, Osteospermum jucundum, p.265 Allium oreophilum, p.418 Ornithogalum umbellatum, p.416
Persicaria polymorpha, p.234 Allium ‘Purple Sensation’, p.392 Polianthes tuberosa, p.385
153, 157, 159, 194, 205, Phormium ‘Dazzler’, p.216 ALSTROEMERIAS, p.387 Scilla bifolia
Ceratostigma griffithii RED HOT POKERS, p.254 Anemone blanda ‘Violet Star’, p.418 Scilla forbesii, p.419
Chaenomeles speciosa ‘Snow’, p.146 SALVIA, p.250 Anemone coronaria De Caen Group Scilla siberica ‘Alba’, p.416
Cistus spp. and cvs, pp.150, 152, 153, Scabiosa caucasica cvs, p.271 Triteleia ixiodes ‘Starlight’, p.407
SEDUM, p.279 ‘Mr Fokker’, p.403 Triteleia laxa ‘Koningin Fabiola’, p.411
154 Sisyrinchium striatum, p.274 Anemone ranunculoides, p.263 Tulbaghia simmleri, p.411
Colletia paradoxa, p.131 Stachys byzantina, p.274 Bellevalia romana, p.399 TULIPS, pp.400–401
Convolvulus cneorum, p.149 Stachys officinalis ‘Hummelo’, p.268 Calochortus superbus, p.409 Watsonia meriana, p.385
Cytisus spp. and cvs, pp.148, 335, 372 Verbascum ‘Cotswold Beauty’, p.246 CROCOSMIA, p.410 TENDER AND EXOTIC PLANTS
Elaeagnus umbellata, p.113 Verbascum ‘Gainsborough’, p.243 CROCUSES, p.417 Shrubs
Escallonia ‘Donard Seedling’, p.131 Verbena bonariensis, p.221 Cyclamen coum subsp. coum f. coum Plectranthus fructicosus ‘James’, p.454
Euonymus hamiltonianus, p.142 YARROW, p.247 Cacti and succulents
Euonymus hamiltonianus subsp. Pewter Group ‘Maurice Dryden’, AGAVES, p.482
Grasses and bamboos p.428 ALOES, p.493
sieboldianus, p.142 Ampeldesmos mauritanicus, p.287 Cyclamen coum subsp. coum f. coum Echeveria montana
Euonymus oxyphyllus, p.117 Calamagrostis brachytricha, p.284 Pewter Group, p.429 Echeveria pulvinata
Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii, Carex flagellifera, p.289 DAHLIAS, pp.396–398 Furcraea parmentieri
Chionochloa rubra, p.285 Freesia laxa, p.423 Kalanchoe laetivirens
p.147 Cortadera richardii, p.284 Fritillaria imperalis ‘Lutea’, p.382
Genista hispanica, p.160 Eragrostis curvula ‘Totnes Burgundy’, Fritillaria persica ‘Ivory Bells’, p.382 41
Hebe spp. and cvs, pp.151, 153, GLADIOLI, p.384
p.285 Gladiolus murielae, p.383
157, 165 Festuca glauca Hippeastrum ‘Apple Blossom’, p.414.
Helichrysum petiolare Helictotrichon sempervirens, p.288 Hippeastrum ‘Black Pearl’
Laurus nobilis, p.80 Hesperanthus coccinea ‘Mrs Hegarty’ Hyacinthus orientalis and cvs,
Lonicera ligustrina var. yunnanesis Miscanthus sinensis ‘Flamingo’, p.286 pp.403, 407, 415
Perovskia ‘Blue Spire’, p.159 Miscanthus sinensis ‘Yakushima Dwarf’,
Phlomis fruticosa, p.160
Rosmarinus officinalis, p.157 p.285
Santolina spp., p.159 Miscanthus sinensis var. condensatus,
Spartium junceum, p.140
Yucca gloriosa, p.132 ‘Cosmopolitan’, p.285
Pennisetum alopecuroides
CLIMBERS AND WALL SHRUBS Pennisetum orientale
Eccremocarpus scaber, p.208 Stipa tenuissima, p.288
Parthenocissus tricuspidata, p.209
Trachelospermum jasminoides, p.195 ANNUALS AND BIENNIALS
Vitis coignetiae, p.209 Cleome hassleriana ‘Colour Fountain’,

Agapanthus ‘Northern Star’, p.241 Crepis aurea, p.345
Agapanthus ‘Phantom’ Gazania Kiss Series, p.324
Agapanthus ‘Purple Cloud’, p.241 Osteospermum ecklonis
Agapanthus inapertus subsp. pendulus PELARGONIUMS, p.309
Rhodanthe chlorocephala subsp.
‘Graskop’, p.240
Anaphalis spp., p.231 rosea, p.303
Anthemis spp. and cvs, pp.243, 264 Zinnia spp. and cvs, pp.298, 306, 316
Artemisia spp. and cvs, pp.242,
274 Achillea clavennae, p.359
Bergenia ‘Beethoven’, p.256 Armeria maritima ‘Vindictive’, p.365
Bergenia ‘Eric Smith’ Aubrieta spp. and cvs, pp.353, 354,
Berkheya purpurea, p.269
Campanula persicifolia 355
CARNATIONS AND PINKS, pp.266–267 Dianthus deltoides
Echinops bannaticus ‘Taplow Blue’, Hebe pinguifolia ‘Pagei’, p.337
Hebe albicans, p.151

Plants for hedges and windbreaks Pyracantha SAPHYR ORANGE (‘Cadange’) Grasses and bamboos
Rosa ‘Céleste’, p.173 Arundo donax
Plants for hedging are often selected for their ornamental qualities, Rosa ‘Felicia’, p.173 Chimonobambusa tumidissinoda, p.287
but there are other aspects to consider. Boundary hedges can Rosa ‘Frühlingsmorgen’ Cortaderia selloana ‘Sunningdale Silver’,
provide visual privacy, or screen unsightly buildings; they may also Rosa gallica var. officinalis
be bushy or thorny to keep out animals or intruders. Make sure that Rosa gallica var. officinalis ‘Versicolor’, p.284
plants for screening will grow to the required height, and select Fargesia nitida
conifers or evergreen shrubs for year-round effect. In exposed sites, p.174 Miscanthus sinensis and cvs, pp.284, 285,
trees and deciduous shrubs can be used as windbreaks; two or three Rosa glauca, p.176
staggered rows are more effective than a single, closely planted one. Rosa GRAHAM THOMAS (‘Ausmas’), p.176 286
Rosa ‘Maiden’s Blush’, p.173 Phyllostachys spp. and cvs, pp.286, 287,
plant selector TREES Forsythia x intermedia cvs p.127 Rosa JACQUELINE DU PRÉ (‘Harwanna’), p.172
Arbutus unedo, p.93 Griselinia littoralis Rosa ‘Marguerite Hilling’, p.173 288, 289
Carpinus betulus Hippophae rhamnoides, p.142 Rosa moyesii ‘Geranium’, p.176 Pseudosasa japonica, p.287
Carpinus betulus ‘Fastigiata’, HYDRANGEAS, p.134 Rosa ‘Nevada’, p.173 Semiarundinaria fastuosa, p.287
LAVENDERS, p.158 Rosa ‘Penelope’, p.172 TENDER AND EXOTIC PLANTS
p.93 Leptospermum scoparium and cvs, p.123 Rosa rugosa, p.176 Trees
Crataegus monogyna Ligustrum ovalifolium, p.119 Rosmarinus officinalis, p.157 Codiaeum variegatum var. pictum, p.459
Fagus sylvatica, p.64 Lonicera ligustrina var. yunnanensis Tamarix ramosissima, p.114 Metrosideros excelsa, p.450
HOLLIES, p.94 Pittosporum tenuifolium, p.120 Viburnum tinus ‘Eve Price’, p.143 Syzygium paniculatum, p.450
Laurus nobilis, p.80 Prunus laurocerasus Shrubs
Melaleuca squarrosa Prunus lusitanica PERENNIALS Dodonaea viscosa ‘Purpurea’, p.457
Nothofagus dombeyi, p.68 Eupatorium maculatum Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Nothofagus obliqua, p.63 Forsythia x intermedia ‘Lynwood’ Filipendula camtschatica
Olea europaea Phormium tenax Lavandula angustifolia ‘Hidcote’
Populus x canadensis ‘Robusta’,
Rosa gallica var. officinalis ‘Versicolor’
Prunus lusitanica
Umbellularia californica, p.69

Abies grandis, p.98
Cedrus deodara, p.96
Cephalotaxus harringtonii
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
x Cuprocyparis ‘Castlewellan’,

Cupressus macrocarpa
Juniperus communis
Larix decidua, p.97
Picea omorika, p.98
Pinus nigra
Pinus radiata, p.98
Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca, p.96
Taxus baccata
Thuja plicata
Tsuga canadensis, p.102

Berberis darwinii, p.111
Berberis thunbergii ‘Rose Glow’,

Buxus sempervirens ‘Suffruticosa’,

Choisya ternata, p.122
Cotoneaster salicifolius, p.142
Cotoneaster simonsii, p.143
Elaeagnus umbellata, p.113
Elaeagnus x submacrophylla
Escallonia ‘Langleyensis’
Escallonia ‘Donard Seedling’, p.131
Euonymus japonicus ‘Macrophyllus’

RIGHT Formal definition
In this mature garden, yew hedges form
green walls, providing shelter as well as

42 excellent structure. Short boxwood hedges

give a formal edge to the flower beds.

Architectural plants

Plants that stand out and draw the eye with their strong, distinctive
appearance are termed “architectural” plants. They give character
and substance to a garden, and help form the basic framework.
Most are trees, conifers, and shrubs, which provide a permanent
effect throughout the year, and they usually have a strong shape,
such as vertical or conical forms of conifer, or bear striking foliage,
such as giant-leaved gunneras and spiky phormiums.

TREES Hedychium ‘Tara’, p.220 Agave americana ‘Marginata’ Yucca gloriosa
Acer griseum, p.78 HOSTAS (many), pp.272–273
Betula utilis subsp. jacquemontii and cvs, Kniphofia caulescens, p.254 plant selector
Kniphofia northiae
p.78 Ligularia ‘Britt Marie Crawford’, p.445 Thalia dealbata ABOVE Architectural beauty 43
Eucalyptus spp., pp.67, 68, 79 Ligularia ‘The Rocket’, p.219 Typha latifolia, p.442 A tropical effect is created by dramatic
Kalopanax septemlobus, p.74 Mathiasella bupleroides ‘Green Dream’, Phoenix canariensis and the vibrant leaves
Luma apiculata, p.78 TENDER AND EXOTIC PLANTS of Imperata cylindrica ‘Rubra’.
MAGNOLIAS, p.70 p.242 Trees
Paulownia tomentosa, p.72 Persicaria polymorpha, p.234 Cordyline australis ‘Atropurpurea’, p.451 Heliconia psittacorum, p.478
Phoenix canariensis Phormium ‘Dazzler’, p.216 Dracaena draco, p.451 Platycerium bifurcatum, p.479
Quercus suber, p.78 Rodgersia pinnata ‘Fireworks’ Jacaranda mimosifolia, p.451 Puya chilensis, p.471
Trachycarpus fortunei, p.80 Rudbeckia maxima, p.251 Washingtonia robusta, p.451 Strelitzia reginae, p.476
Trochodendron aralioides, p.79 Verbascum olympicum, p.219
Shrubs Cacti and succulents
Conifers Grasses and bamboos Cycas revoluta, p.457 Aeonium tabuliforme, p.491
Abies spp., pp.95, 96, 100, 104 Ampeldesmos mauritanicus, p.287 Protea cynaroides, p.454 AGAVES, p.482
Araucaria araucana, p.98 Chimonobambusa tumidissinoda, p.287 ALOES (most), p.493
Calocedrus decurrens, p.101 Chusquea culeou, p.288 Climbers Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis
Cedrus spp., pp.95, 96, 97, 104 Cortadera richardii, p.284 Epipremnum aureum ‘Marble Queen’, Carnegiea gigantea, p.492
Juniperus x pfitzeriana ‘William Pfitzer’ Cortaderia selloana and cvs, pp.284, 285 Cereus spp., p.488
Metasequoia glyptostroboides, p.96 Miscanthus sinensis and cvs, pp.284, p.460 Cylindropuntia tunicata, p.496
Picea glauca ‘Coerulea’, p.99 Monstera deliciosa, p.463 Cyphostemma juttae, p.487
Picea pungens and cvs, pp.99, 105 285, 286 Euphorbia candelabrum
Pinus bungeana, p.78 Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea Perennials Furcraea parmentieri
Pinus densiflora Cyathea australis, p.452 Opuntia spp., pp.481, 483, 488, 494
Pinus sylvestris, p.78 ‘Transparent’, p.286 Ensete ventricosum, p.474
Pseudolarix amabilis, p.102 Phyllostachys spp. and cvs, pp.286, 287, GINGERS, p.477
Sciadopitys verticillata, p.101
Taxodium distichum, p.99 288, 289
Tsuga heterophylla Thamnocalamus crassinodus ‘Kew

SHRUBS Beauty’, p.286
Aesculus parviflora, p.113
Acer palmatum ‘Shindeshojo’, p.123 Ferns
Colletia paradoxa, p.131 Asplenium scolopendrium
CORNUS (many), p.126
Cotoneaster ‘Rothschildianus’ Crispum Group, p.292
Daphniphyllum macropodum, p.111 Dicksonia antarctica, p.290
Eriobotrya japonica, p.194 Dryopteris erythrosora, p.293
Fatsia japonica Polypodium cambricum ‘Richard Kayse’
Mahonia japonica, p.144 p.293
Mahonia x media and cvs, p.118 Polystichum munitum, p.293
Olearia ilicifolia p.130
Olearia macrodonta p.132 ANNUALS AND BIENNIALS
Parkinsonia aculeata Alcea rosea
Rhus typhina ‘Dissecta’, p.117 Amaranthus spp. and cvs, pp.307, 308
Yucca spp., p.132 BEGONIAS, p.317
Calomeria amaranthoides
CLIMBERS Onopordum acanthium, p.304
Schizophragma spp., p.197 Silybum marianum, p.304
Vitis coignetiae, p.209
Arisaema consanguineum, p.393
PERENNIALS Arum creticum, p.407
Acanthus mollis ‘Hollard’s Gold’, p.219 CANNAS, p.394
Acanthus spinosus, p.239 Cardiocrinum giganteum, p.385
Angelica archangelica, p.219 CROCOSMIA, p.410
Astelia chathamica, p.242 Dracunculus vulgaris, p.386
Begonia grandis subsp. evansiana, p.278 GLADIOLI, p.384
Berkheya macrocephala, p.243 Sauromatum venosum, p.403
Cynara cardunculus, p.216 Zantedeschia aethiopica
Echinops bannaticus ‘Taplow Blue’,
p.241 Darmera peltata, p.438
Eremurus x isabellinus ‘Cleopatra’, p.220 Gunnera manicata of gardens, p.443
Eryngium pandanifolium Ligularia spp., p.445
Euphorbia characias subsp. characias, Lysichiton americanus, p.444
Matteuccia struthiopteris, p.443
p.147 Orontium aquaticum, p.444
Pontederia cordata, p.441
Rheum palmatum ‘Atrosanguineum’,

Sagittaria latifolia, p.434

Plants for quick cover Campanula punctata ANNUALS AND BIENNIALS
Campanula takesimana, p.241 Petunia Shock Wave Series
In gardens with steep banks, large spaces that are impractical to Chelidonium majus ‘Flore Pleno’, p.227 Portulaca grandiflora series and cvs
sod or cultivate, or areas that have become neglected, or if there Chrysosplenium macrophyllum, p.256 Tropaeolum majus series and cvs, pp.307,
is little time for maintenance, plants that have good ground- Duchesnea indica
covering qualities provide a practical solution. Their rapid, dense, Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae, p.262 323, 327
leafy or twiggy growth helps suppress weeds, while creating a Geranium ‘Orion’, p.280
decorative blanket of flowers and foliage. Old walls, fences, or Geranium macrorrhizum, p.269 ROCK PLANTS
screens masking utility areas that also need a quick disguise can Geranium x oxonianum ‘Claridge Druce’ Arabis alpina subsp. caucasica and cvs,
be covered with vigorous climbers, such as ivy (Hedera). Always Glechoma hederacea ‘Variegata’, p.277
select plants that are suitable for the soil conditions. Lamium maculatum and cvs, pp.254, 255 pp.347, 352
LUNGWORTS p.261 Asarum europaeum, p.375
CONIFERS Rubus tricolor Nepeta ‘Six Hills Giant’, p.240 Aubrieta deltoidea ‘Argenteovariegata’,
Juniperus rigida subsp. conferta Stephanandra incisa ‘Crispa’ Osteospermum jucundum, p.265
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus ‘Follis PERSICARIA, p.234 p.354
SHRUBS Prunella grandiflora ‘Pink Loveliness’ Campanula portenschlagiana, p.368
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus var. repens, p.159 Variegatis', p.160 Stachys byzantina, p.274 Cerastium tomentosum, p.350
Cotoneaster conspicuus, p.142 Symphytum x uplandicum ‘Variegatum’, Helianthemum spp. and cvs, pp.336, 338,
Cotoneaster x suecicus ‘Skogholm’ Hedera spp. and cvs, p.211 p.227 340, 344, 345
Gaultheria shallon, p.154 Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris, p.195 Persicaria affinis ‘Donald Lowndes’, p.365
Hypericum calycinum, p.161 Lonicera japonica cvs, p.207 Grasses and Bamboos Persicaria vacciniifolia, p.373
Trachelospermum jasminoides, p.195 Carex flagellifera, p.289 Phlox douglasii and cvs, pp.365, 366
BELOW A tapestry of green shades Chimonobambusa tumidissinoda, p.287 Phuopsis stylosa, p.338
The strappy leaves of gardener’s garters PERENNIALS Luzula sylvatica ‘Hohe Tatra’, p.288 Saxifraga stolonifera
(Phalaris arundinacea var. picta) provide Alchemilla mollis, p.275 Phalaris arundinacea var. picta Tiarella cordifolia, p.333
excellent groundcover. Anemone tomentosa Waldsteinia ternata, p.372
Anthemis punctata subsp. cupaniana p.264 Ferns
Dryopteris dilatata TENDER AND EXOTIC PLANTS
Polystichum aculeatum Perennials
Polystichum setiferum groups, p.291 Heterocentron elegans, p.472

plant selector

Pulmonaria ‘Lewis Palmer’ Campanula poscharskyana

Geranium macrorrhizum Anthemis punctata subsp. cupaniana

44 Alchemilla mollis Persicaria affinis ‘Donald Lowndes’

Groundcover plants for shade

An area that is shaded for some or most of the day may be
regarded by some gardeners as a problem space, when in
fact it should be viewed as an opportunity to experiment with
a different, and often equally exciting, range of plants. The
following groundcover plants will provide a wealth of colorful
flowers and foliage, and may be planted in even deep shade,
provided the soil is reasonably fertile. Where the shade is
caused by trees and large shrubs, the soil will also be very
dry. Keep new plants well watered during their first year
until established.

SHRUBS Tellima grandiflora Rubra Group, p.279 Astrantia maxima Geranium sanguineum
Cotoneaster conspicuus, p.142 Tolmiea menziesii Convallaria majalis Epimedium ‘Amber Queen’
Cotoneaster ‘Gnom’ Vancouveria hexandra
Cotoneaster salicifolius ‘Herbstfeuer’ 45plant selector
Daphne laureola subsp. philippi, p.147 Grasses and bamboos
Epigaea asiatica Chasmanthium latifolium, p.288
Euonymus fortunei ‘Kewensis’ Luzula sylvatica ‘Hohe Tatra’, p.288
Gaultheria shallon, p.154 Phalaris arundinacea var. picta
Hypericum calycinum, p.161
Leucothöe fontanesiana Ferns
Lonicera ligustrina var. pileata, p.167 Adiantum venustum, p.292
Mahonia aquifolium, p.148 Athyrium spp. and cvs p.290
Mahonia repens Blechnum penna-marina, p.290
Prunus laurocerasus ‘Otto Luyken’, Blechnum spicant
Polypodium cambricum ‘Richard Kayse’,
Rubus tricolor p.293
Ruscus hypoglossum, p.167 Polypodium vulgare and cvs, p.291
Sarcococca confusa, p.142 Polystichum setiferum groups, pp.291
Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis,
p.164 Asarina procumbens, p.371
Vinca spp., pp.164, 165 Asarum europaeum, p.375
Campanula portenschlagiana, p.368
CLIMBERS AND WALL SHRUBS Campanula poscharskyana, p.367
Hedera spp. and cvs, p.211 Cardamine trifolia, p.348
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides, p.346
PERENNIALS Cornus canadensis, p.360
Acanthus spinosus, p.239 Galax urceolata, p.336
Ajuga pyramidalis Geranium sanguineum, p.340
Ajuga reptans ‘Atropurpurea’ Homogyne alpina
Alchemilla mollis, p.275 Maianthemum bifolium, p.348
Anemone apennina Mitchella repens
Anemone tomentosa Pachysandra terminalis, p.375
Arisarum proboscideum Persicaria affinis ‘Donald Lowndes’,
Asarum caudatum
Astrantia maxima, p.278 p.365
Brunnera macrophylla Prunella grandiflora, p.368
Brunnera macrophylla ‘Jack Frost’, p.261 Saxifraga stolonifera
Chelidonium majus ‘Flore Pleno’, p.227 Saxifraga x urbium
Chrysosplenium macrophyllum, p.256 Tiarella cordifolia, p.333
Convallaria majalis, p.255 Viola riviniana Purpurea Group p.355
Dicentra formosa Waldsteinia ternata, p.372
Duchesnea indica
Epimedium epsteinii, p.260 TENDER AND EXOTIC PLANTS
Epimedium ‘Amber Queen’, p.263 Perennials
Epimedium davidii Fittonia albivenis Argyroneura Group,
Epimedium perralderianum
Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae, p.468
Fittonia albivenis Verschaffeltii Group
Galium odoratum, p.263 RIGHT A covering in shade
Geranium macrorrhizum, p.269 Ferns, hostas, and heucheras fill space
Geranium renardii, p.264 and offer interesting textures and contrasts
Glechoma hederacea ‘Variegata’, p.277 in shady corners.
HOSTAS (some), pp.272–273
Hypsela reniformis
Lamium maculatum and cvs, pp.254, 255
Lamprocapnos spectabilis, p.223
Liriope muscari, p.280
Meehania urticifolia
Omphalodes cappadocica
Pachyphragma macrophyllum, p.255
Plectranthus oertendahlii
Symphytum ibericum

Groundcover plants for sun

Many plants grow naturally in dry, sunny conditions. Some have
developed foliage characteristics to minimize moisture loss from
their leaves; others are densely branched, keeping the soil surface
shaded and cool. Most have extensive root systems that penetrate
deeply to find moisture. These plants are adapted to well-drained
soils; in poorly drained situations, they may not survive prolonged
wet conditions. Although adapted to poorer, dry soils, young
plants may have been grown in richer composts and well watered
so, when planting, incorporate organic matter, such as leaf mold
or coir, and water during dry periods until well established.

CONIFERS Osteospermum jucundum, p.265 Centaurea montana Osteospermum jucundum
Tropaeolum majus Alaska Series
Juniperus communis ‘Prostrata’ Persicaria bistorta ‘Superba’, p.234 Santolina pinnata subsp. neapolitana
Juniperus horizontalis ‘Wiltonii’ Phlomis russeliana, p.243

Juniperus squamata ‘Blue Carpet’, p.105 HYLOTELEPHIUMS, p.279

Microbiota decussata, p.105 Stachys byzantina, p.274

Picea abies ‘Inversa’ Stachys officinalis ‘Hummelo’, p.268

Symphotrichum ericoides f. prostratum

SHRUBS ‘Snowflurry’

Arctostaphylos ‘Emerald Carpet’, p.147 Veronica prostrata and cvs, p.343

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, p.376 Waldsteinia ternata, p.372

Berberis wilsoniae
Brachyglottis Dunedin Group ‘Sunshine’, Grasses and bamboos

p.161 Chionochloa rubra, p.285

Calluna vulgaris ‘White Lawn’
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus var. repens, p.159 ANNUALS AND BIENNIALS

Cotoneaster cashmiriensis Calibrachoa Cabaret Series CABARET APRICOT

Cotoneaster x suecicus ‘Skogholm’ (‘Balcabapt’)

Cytisus x beanii, p.335 Calibrachoa Cabaret Series LIGHT PINK

plant selector Cytisus scoparius subsp. maritimus (‘Balcablitpi’), p.300

Ephedra gerardiana Calibrachoa Can-Can Series ‘Hot Pink

Erica carnea ‘Springwood White’, p.166 Star’, p.306

Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’ Lantana montevidensis, p.310

Euonymus fortunei ‘Kewensis’ Tropaeolum spp. and cvs, pp.276, 202,

Gaultheria myrsinoides 207, 307, 323, 327

Genista hispanica, p.160 ROCK PLANTS

x Halimiocistus sahucii, p.149

Hebe carnosula Antennaria rosea, p.351

Hebe pinguifolia ‘Pagei’, p.337 Arabis alpina subsp. caucasica

Hebe ‘Youngii’ ‘Variegata’, p.347

Hypericum calycinum, p.161 Armeria maritima ‘Vindictive’, p.365

LAVENDERS, p.158 Aubrieta spp. and cvs, pp.353, 354, 355

Leptospermum rupestre, p.151 Aurinia saxatilis and cvs, p.335

Potentilla fruticosa ‘Abbotswood’, p.149 Campanula portenschlagiana, p.368

Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Prostratus’ Campanula poscharskyana, p.367

Salix repens, p.147 Dianthus gratianopolitanus, p.363

Santolina spp., p.159 Dryas octopetala, p.361

Stephanandra incisa ‘Crispa’ Helianthemum spp. and cvs, pp.336, 338,

Symphoricarpos x chenaultii ‘Hancock’ 340, 344, 345,

Ulex europaeus ‘Flore Pleno’ Hypericum olympicum

Vinca major ‘Variegata’, p.164 Iberis sempervirens, p.332

Lithodora diffusa ‘Heavenly Blue’, p.343

CLIMBERS Phlox douglasii ‘Crackerjack’, p.365

Hedera colchica ‘Dentata Variegata’ Phuopsis stylosa, p.338

Hedera helix spp. and cvs, p.211 Thymus ‘Bressingham’, p.365

Lathyrus latifolius, p.201 Thymus caespititius, p.366

Veronica austriaca subsp. teucrium

PERENNIALS ‘Kapitän’, p.343

Alchemilla mollis, p.275
Anthemis punctata subsp. cupaniana, p.264 BOG PLANTS

Artemisia alba ‘Canescens’ Rheum palmatum ‘Atrosanguineum’,

Bergenia ‘Beethoven’, p.256 p.439


Campanula takesimana, p.241 Climbers

Centaurea montana, p.269

Euphorbia epithymoides, p.262 Kennedia rubicunda, p.462

Francoa sochifolia Rogerson’s form Pyrostegia venusta, p.464

Geranium ROZANNE (‘Gerwat’), p.271 Perennials
Geranium ‘Orion’, p.280

Geranium sanguineum, p.340 Centropogon cordifolius

Hypericum spp. and cvs, pp. 161, 206, Heterocentron elegans, p.472

343, 373

Lysimachia punctata, p.243 RIGHT Purple and yellow display

Nepeta ‘Six Hills Giant’, p.240 Aurinia saxatilis contrasts with a deep
purple Aubretia to provide striking
46 Nepeta x faassenii, p.270
Origanum vulgare ‘Aureum’, p.274 groundcovering color in a sunny site.

Plants for dry shade Eurybia divaricata BULBS, CORMS, AND TUBERS
Geranium macrorrhizum, p.269 Camassia quamash, p.411
Dry, shady conditions persist under evergreen trees throughout the Iris foetidissima, p.225 Colchicum autumnale, p.426
year, and although very little moisture penetrates the soil beneath Lamium maculatum Cyclamen coum subsp. coum f. coum
the leaf canopy of deciduous trees, except during prolonged rainfall, Lunaria rediviva
a few early-flowering bulbs, such as bluebells (Hyacinthoides LUNGWORTS, p.261 Pewter Group, p.429
non-scripta), and woodland plants grow naturally in these sites, Pachysandra terminalis, p.375 Cyclamen coum subsp. coum f. coum
dying down as the trees resume growth in spring. In gardens, Polygonatum x hybridum, p.223
dry shade occurs under larger, low-branched trees or where Scopolia carniolica, p.260 Pewter Group ‘Maurice Dryden’, p.428
eaves extend over borders. Plant in the fall, so that roots are well Symphytum ‘Goldsmith’ DAFFODILS, pp.404–405
established by the following spring, feed regularly, and water during Symphytum ibericum Galanthus ‘Hill Poë’, p.427
dry periods until the plants are established. Tellima grandiflora Galanthus woronowii, p.428
Tolmiea menziesii Haemanthus albiflos
Viola riviniana Purpurea Group, p.355 Hyacinthoides x massartiana, p.403
Hyacinthoides non-scripta, p.403
TREES Alchemilla mollis, p.275 Grasses and bamboos Incarvillea delavayi, p.265
HOLLIES, p.94 Anemone tomentosa Carex flagellifera, p.289 Scilla siberica ’Alba’, p.416
Campanula persicifolia Luzula sylvatica ‘Hohe Tatra’, p.288
Conifers Chelidonium majus ‘Flore Pleno’, p.227 TENDER AND EXOTIC PLANTS
Taxus baccata ‘Adpressa’ Corydalis lutea, p.344 Ferns Climbers
Taxus cuspidata, p.104 Digitalis purpurea Asplenium ceterach, p.293 Epipremnum aureum ‘Marble Queen’, p.460
Tsuga canadensis, p.102 Doronicum x excelsum ‘Harpur Crewe’ Asplenium scolopendrium, p.292 Cissus striata
Epimedium spp. and cvs, pp.254, 260, Cyrtomium falcatum, p.291
SHRUBS Dryopteris filix-mas, p.293 Perennials
Berberis thunbergii ‘Rose Glow’, p.137 262, 263 Polypodium vulgare, p.291 Achimenes spp. and cvs, p.469
Berberis valdiviana, p.111 Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae, Polystichum aculeatum Clivia miniata, p.476
Buxus sempervirens Nephrolepis exaltata, p.478
Choisya ternata, p.122 p.262 Tradescantia zebrina ‘Quadricolor’
Cotoneaster salicifolius, p.142
Daphne laureola and forms, p.147 Cotoneaster horizontalis plant selector
Elaeagnus x submacrophylla
Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’
Euonymus japonicus cvs, p.144
Fatsia japonica
Gaultheria shallon, p.154
Hypericum calycinum, p.161
Hypericum x moserianum
Lonicera ligustrina var. pileata, p.167
Mahonia aquifolium, p.148
Mahonia x media and cvs, p.118
Osmanthus decorus
Osmanthus delavayi, p.110
Pachysandra terminalis, p.375
Prunus laurocerasus ‘Otto Luyken’, p.145
Prunus laurocerasus ‘Zabeliana’, p.145
Prunus lusitanica
Rubus tricolor
Ruscus aculeatus, p.167
Ruscus hypoglossum, p.167
Sambucus nigra f. porphyrophylla

‘Guincho Purple’
Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis, p.164
Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus, p.142
Vaccinium angustifolium var. laevifolium,

Viburnum rhytidophyllum, p.112
Viburnum tinus
Viburnum tinus ‘Eve Price’, p.143
Vinca major
Vinca minor, p.165

CLIMBERS AND WALL SHRUBS Sarcococca hookeriana var. digyna
Berberidopsis corallina, p.202
Celastrus orbiculatus
Cotoneaster horizontalis, p.209
Hedera canariensis
Hedera helix and cvs, p.211
Lapageria rosea, p.202
Lonicera japonica ‘Halliana’
Lonicera periclymenum and cvs, p.207

Acanthus mollis ‘Hollard’s Gold’, p.219
Acanthus spinosus, p.239
Ajuga reptans cvs

RIGHT Oceans of blue Geranium phaeum 47
English bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-
scripta) are perfect plants for dry shade,
producing a carpet of blue flowers.

Plants for moist shade Salix magnifica Imperata cylindrica ‘Rubra’, p.285
Sarcococca spp. and cvs, pp.142, 164 Phyllostachys spp. and cvs, pp.286, 287,
In areas with high rainfall, the soil in parts of the garden that receive Skimmia japonica, p.164
little or no sun may be cool and moist throughout the year. Low- Spiraea thunbergii 288, 289
lying gardens with a high water table or drainage problems may Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus, Thamnocalamus crassinodus ‘Kew
also have shady, permanently damp areas. Similar conditions occur
along the margins of natural streams, or when an artificial bog is p.142 Beauty’, p.286
created beside a garden pond. Take advantage of these situations to Viburnum opulus and cvs, p.162
grow plants such as broad-leaved hostas, ferns, and taller moisture- Viburnum ‘Pragense’, p.131 Ferns
loving primulas. Plant in spring, enriching lighter soils with well-rotted Viburnum tinus ‘Eve Price’, p.143 Athyrium ‘Ghost’, p.290
organic matter. Water during extended dry periods, if necessary. Athyrium niponicum
CLIMBERS AND WALL SHRUBS Athyrium niponicum var. pictum
TREES Kalmia latifolia, p.136 Akebia quinata, p.193
Acer spp. and cvs, pp.60, 62, 65, 66, 67, Leucothöe fontanesiana Asteranthera ovata ‘Burgundy Lace’, p.290
Lindera benzoin, p.127 Garrya elliptica ‘James Roof’, p.211 Blechnum chilense
73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 84, 85, 88, 89, 90, Lyonia ligustrina Humulus lupulus ‘Aureus’, p.194 Cyathea medullaris
91, 92, 123, 138, 156 Myrica gale, p.162 Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris, Dicksonia antarctica, p.290
Betula nigra, p.78 Neillia thibetica, p.133 Lygodium japonicum
Stewartia pseudocamellia, p.78 Paeonia ludlowii, p.229 p.195 Osmunda claytoniana
Stewartia sinensis Paeonia rockii Lonicera tragophylla Polypodium cambricum ‘Richard Kayse’,
Pieris formosa var. forrestii ‘Wakehurst’, Pileostegia viburnoides, p.196
SHRUBS Schizophragma integrifolium, p.197 p.293
Anopterus glandulosus, p.110 p.137 Polystichum munitum, p.293
Cassiope lycopodioides, p.349 Prunus laurocerasus PERENNIALS Woodwardia unigemmata
Crataegus laevigata ‘Punicea’ Rhododendron groenlandicum, p.145 Aconitum ‘Stainless Steel’, p.241
Danäe racemosa RHODODENDRONS, pp.124–125 Actaea pachypoda, p.246 ANNUALS AND BIENNIALS
Disanthus cercidifolius, p.141 Ruscus aculeatus, p.167 Actaea racemosa BEGONIAS, p.317
Gaultheria procumbens, p.373 Salix exigua, p.112 Anemone x hybrida cvs, pp.220, 222 Impatiens walleriana and cvs
Anthurium scherzerianum Limnanthes douglasii, p.321
plant selector Asarum europaeum, p.375
Astelia chathamica, p.242 BULBS, CORMS, AND TUBERS
Galanthus elwesii Passiflora coccinea Astrantia major and cvs, p.238 Arisaema spp., pp.393, 406, 408, 412, 422
Begonia grandis subsp. grandis, Arisarum proboscideum
Arum italicum subsp. italicum
Bergenia spp. and cvs, pp.255, 256, 280 ‘Marmoratum’, p.421
Brunnera macrophylla and cvs, p.261 Camassia leichtlinii subsp. leichtlinii,
Calanthe striata, p.275
Cardamine pentaphylla, p.260 p.383
Chrysosplenium macrophyllum, Cardiocrinum giganteum, p.385
Galanthus elwesii, p.427
p.256 Galanthus nivalis and cvs, pp.427, 428
Convallaria majalis, p.255 Galanthus plicatus
Cortusa matthioli, p.341 Leucojum vernum, p.414
Deinanthe caerulea
Dianella caerulea CASSA BLUE (‘Dbb03’), WATER AND BOG PLANTS
Aruncus dioicus, p.436
p.283 Darmera peltata, p.438
Digitalis x mertonensis Leucojum aestivum, p.436
Epigaea gaultherioides, p.351 Ligularia ‘Britt Marie Crawford’, p.445
Hacquetia epipactis, p.356 Matteuccia struthiopteris, p.443
Hedyotis michauxii, p.369 Onoclea sensibilis, p.443
Helleborus x hybridus, p.281
p.282 Dioscorea discolor, p.459
HOSTAS, pp.272–273 Passiflora coccinea, p.462
Jeffersonia diphylla, p.333 Thunbergia mysorensis, p.464
Kirengeshoma palmata, p.251
Lamium maculatum Perennials
Lathraea clandestina, p.260 Alpinia japonica
Ligularia ‘The Rocket’, p.219 Alpinia purpurata, p.477
Lithophragma parviflorum, p.332 Aspidistra spp. and cvs, p.277
Mitella breweri, p.371 Caulokaempferia petelotii
Omphalodes cappadocica and cvs, Curcuma petiolata, p.477
Curcuma zedoaria, p.477
pp.261, 334 Cyathea australis, p.452
Pachysandra terminalis, p.375 Dichorisandra reginae, p.473
Polygonatum x hybridum, p.223 Goeppertia zebrina, p.475
Pratia pedunculata, p.369 Hemiorchis pantlingii
PRIMULAS (many), pp.257–259 Lysionotus pauciflorus
Prunella grandiflora, p.368 Maranta leuconeura ‘Erythroneura’,
Rodgersia pinnata ‘Fireworks’
Tiarella cordifolia, p.333 p.475
Trillium grandiflorum, p.255 Maranta leuconeura ‘Kerchoveana’, p.475
Uvularia grandiflora, p.262 Peliosanthes arisanensis, p.472
Vancouveria hexandra Ruellia devosiana, p.465
Selaginella martensii, p.478
Grasses and bamboos Selaginella kraussiana, p.478
Chasmanthium latifolium, p.288 Streptocarpus spp. and cvs, pp.465, 469,
Chimonobambusa tumidissinoda, p.287
LEFT Fresh, cool greens Xanthosoma sagittifolium, p.474
Ferns and large-leaved hostas, growing Zingiber mioga
here with blue-flowered Corydalis, flourish
48 in cool, moist shade.

Shrubs preferring wall protection Plants for paving and wall crevices

Walls can provide favorable growing conditions for shrubs, In mountainous regions, many alpine plants grow in deep cracks
especially evergreens, that are only moderately frost hardy. and crevices in the rock. Some are clump-forming or trailing in
Some winter-flowering shrubs also bloom more reliably and habit; others, such as saxifrages and sempervivums, grow as rosettes
freely when given wall protection. The best wall-side situations extending by means of runners. If laying paving, leave crevices for
are warm and sunny, and provide good shelter from cold winds small plants, but restrict planting to little-used areas where they can
in winter and early spring. The warmth from heat loss through survive. When building stone retaining walls, tilt slabs slightly
house walls, and the well-drained conditions near the base backward to create deep pockets, and plant them up as the wall is
of walls, also assist the survival of slightly tender shrubs that being constructed. Most wall plants thrive in sunny situations, but
do not like damp soil. ramondas and most small ferns prefer moist shade.

SHRUBS Robinia hispida, p.133 PERENNIALS ABOVE Adorning walls with color plant selector
Abutilon ‘Ashford Red’, p.137 Rosa ‘Mermaid’, p.187 AQUILEGIAS, p.226 Spreading geraniums, ferns, and small,
Abutilon vitifolium ‘Victoria Tennant’, Rosmarinus officinalis, p.157 Geum ‘Bell Bank’, p.268 clump-forming plants can add color
SALVIAS, p.155 Ourisia coccinea, p.269 and texture to walls and paving.
p.114 Vesalea floribunda
Acacia podalyriifolia Vestia foetida, p.194 Grasses and bamboos Campanula poscharskyana, p.367
Acacia pravissima, p.92 Carex flagellifera, p.289 Chamaemelum nobile
Acca sellowiana, p.203 CLIMBERS AND WALL Imperata cylindrica ‘Rubra’, p.285 Cyananthus microphyllus, p.369
Aloysia triphylla, p.132 SHRUBS Stipa tenuissima, p.288 Cymbalaria muralis
Artemisia spp. and cvs, pp.165, 216, Dianthus deltoides ‘Leuchtfunk’, p.365
Abutilon megapotanicum, p.203 Ferns Draba aizoides
242, 274, 374 Azara serrata, p.195 Asplenium ceterach, p.293 Dryas octopetala, p.361
Azara microphylla ‘Variegata’, p.119 Buddleja crispa, p.204 Polypodium cambricum ‘Richard Kayse’, Erigeron karvinskianus, p.363
Buddleja asiatica Callistemon citrinus ‘Splendens’, Erinus alpinus, p.352
Cantua buxifolia, p.146 p.293 Gypsophila repens and cvs, p.362
Ceanothus impressus, p.138 p.203 Haberlea rhodopensis ‘Virginalis’, p.359
Chaenomeles speciosa ‘Moerloosei’, Carpenteria californica, p.197 ANNUALS AND BIENNIALS Helianthemum spp. and cvs, pp.336, 338,
Coronilla valentina subsp. glauca, (FOR PAVING)
p.122 340, 344, 345
Chimonanthus praecox, p.144 p.195 Ageratum houstonianum HOUSELEEKS, p.377
Cytisus ‘Windlesham Ruby’ Dendromecon rigida, p.206 Limnanthes douglasii, p.321 Hypericum olympicum
Daphne odora ‘Aureomarginata’, Fabiana imbricata f. violacea, p.204 Lobelia erinus cvs, pp.311, 314 Lithodora diffusa ‘Heavenly Blue’, p.343
Fremontodendron ‘California Glory’, Lobularia maritima Mazus reptans, p.351
p.164 Malcolmia maritima, p.304 Mentha requienii
Drimys winteri, p.73 p.206 Nemophila maculata, p.299 Nierembergia repens, p.361
Elsholtzia stauntonii Garrya elliptica Nemophila menziesii, p.314 Parahebe lyallii
Escallonia ‘Iveyi’, p.112 Itea ilicifolia, p.211 Portulaca grandiflora series and cvs Phlox douglasii ’Crackerjack’, p.365
Lagerstroemia indica, p.86 Piptanthus nepalensis, p.206 Physoplexis comosa (wall only), p.366
Leptospermum scoparium ‘Red Damask’, Solanum crispum ‘Glasnevin’, p.204 ROCK PLANTS Ramonda myconi (wall only), p.369
Acaena microphylla, p.374 Saxifraga cotyledon
p.123 TENDER AND EXOTIC PLANTS Acantholimon glumaceum, p.363 Sedum spathulifolium ‘Cape Blanco’,
Leptospermum scoparium ‘Snow Flurry’ Shrubs Aethionema ‘Warley Rose’, p.362
Lonicera fragrantissima Brunfelsia pauciflora Androsace sarmentosa p.375
Melianthus major, p.145 Iochroma cyaneum, p.457 Antennaria dioica Thymus ‘Bressingham’, p.365
Myrtus communis, p.122 Tibouchina urvilleana, p.457 Armeria maritima ‘Vindictive’, p.365 Thymus caespititus, p.366
Olearia x scilloniensis, p.131 Artemisia schmidtiana ‘Nana’, p.374 Umbililcus oppositifolius, p.335
Osteomeles schweriniae, p.129 Aubrieta spp. and cvs, pp.353, 354, 355 Vitaliana primuliflora, p.358
Aurinia saxatilis and cvs, p.335
Leptospermum scoparium ‘Red Damask’ Garrya eliptica Campanula cochleariifolia, p.369

Melianthus major Abutilon megapotamicum 49

Plants for containers CLIMBERS AND WALL SHRUBS Hylotelephium ‘Ruby Glow’, p.279
CLEMATIS (small cvs), pp.198–200 LUNGWORTS, p.261
Containers packed with foliage and flowers can brighten patios, Cobaea scandens, p.204 Phormium ‘Dazzler’, p.216
decks, and balconies. Large containers are best in sunny, sheltered Eccremocarpus scaber, p.208 PRIMULAS, pp.257–259
sites, as they retain more moisture than small ones. Small trees, Hedera helix and cvs, p.211 Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii
conifers, or shrubs, together with perennials, give long-term interest HONEYSUCKLE, p.207
with their foliage and forms, and periods of flowering. For colorful Ipomoea lobata, p.202 ‘Goldsturm’, p.251
displays, plant spring-flowering bulbs, followed by summer bedding, Ipomoea tricolor ‘Heavenly Blue’, p.205 SALVIAS, p.250
which will flower from late spring to the first frosts. Ipomoea tricolor ‘Venetian Mixed’ Stachys (some)
Jasminum humile and cvs, pp.139, 206 Verbena (some)
TREES Conifers Jasminum polyanthum, p.208
Acer negundo DWARF CONIFERS, p.105 Lathyrus odoratus and cvs, pp.201, 301 Grasses and bamboos
Crataegus laevigata and cvs, p.84 Passiflora caerulea, p.204 Carex flagellifera, p.289
Eucalyptus (when young), pp.67, 68, 78, SHRUBS Tropaeolum speciosum, p.202 Chionochloa rubra, p.285
Buxus sempervirens and cvs, pp.144, 167 Eragrostis curvula ‘Totnes Burgundy’,
79 Choisya ternata, p.122 PERENNIALS
HOLLIES, p.94 HARDY FUCHSIAS, p.154 Agapanthus ‘Northern Star’, p.241 p.285
Laurus nobilis, p.80 Hebe cupressoides and cvs, pp.165, 347 Agapanthus ‘Purple Cloud’, p.241 Imperata cylindrica ‘Rubra’, p.285
Malus ‘Laura’ HYDRANGEAS, pp.134–135 Agapanthus inapertus subsp. pendulus Miscanthus sinensis ‘Yakushima Dwarf’,
Malus ‘Sun Rival’ LAVENDERS, p.158
Melia azedarach, p.71 Myrtus communis, p.122 ‘Graskop’, p.240 p.285
Olea europaea Pittosporum tenuifolium ‘Tom Thumb’, Astelia chathamica, p.242 Pennisetum orientale
Bergenia spp. and cvs, pp.255, 256, 280 Pennisetum setaceum ‘Rubrum’
BELOW Springtime tulips p.164 DAYLILIES, pp.244–245
Terra-cotta containers planted in late RHODODENDRONS (most), pp.124–125 Dianella caerulea CASSA BLUE (‘Dbb03’), p.283 Ferns
fall with single and double tulip bulbs ROSES (all patio varieties) Geranium ROZANNE (‘Gerwat’), p.271 Adiantum (most)
make a colorful, elegant display the Santolina pinnata subsp. neapolitana Hesperantha coccinea ‘Mrs Hegarty’ Asplenium scolopendrium Marginatum
following spring. HEUCHERA and x HEUCHERELLA,
‘Sulphurea’, p.159 Group, p.292
Viburnum tinus and cvs, p.143 p.282 Asplenium trichomanes, p.291
HOSTAS, pp.272–273 Polypodium x mantoniae ‘Cornubiense’,
Hylotelephium ‘Bertram Anderson’
Polystichum setiferum Divisilobum

Group, p.291

plant selector

Ipomoea tricolor ‘Heavenly Blue’ Phormium ‘Dazzler’

Saxifraga stolonifera ‘Tricolor’ Pelargonium ‘Bullseye Salmon’

50 Viola x wittrockiana Joker Series Narcissus ‘Tête-à-tête’

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