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Published by iLibrary Sanggar Pustaka Ismail, 2021-06-30 05:21:28

Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers by Christopher Brickell (

by Christopher Brickell (

Keywords: encyclopedia,english

T. ‘Bellona’ t [Div. 1] T. kaufmanniana t [Div. 15] T. clusiana var. chrysantha
t [Div. 15]

T. ‘Red Riding Hood’ t T. ‘Maja’ t [Div. 7] T. ‘Apeldoorn’s Elite’ t T. ‘Candela’ t [Div. 13]

[Div. 14] [Div. 4]

T. orphanidea t [Div. 15] T. sprengeri t [Div. 15] T. ‘Negrita’ t [Div. 3] T. ‘Prinses Irene’ t

[Div. 1]

T. ‘Madame Lefeber’ t T. ‘Uncle Tom’ t [Div. 11] T. ‘Queen of Night’ t [Div. 5] T. ‘Golden Apeldoorn’ t [Div. 4] T. ‘Glück’ t [Div. 12]

[Div. 13]

T. praestans ‘Unicum’ t T. ‘Blue Parrot’ t [Div. 10] T. ‘Dreaming Maid’ t [Div. 3] T. sylvestris t [Div. 15] T. ‘Menton’ t [Div. 5]

[Div. 15]

T. ‘Artist’ t [Div. 8] T. acuminata t [Div. 15]


T. ‘Abu Hassan’ t [Div. 3] T. ‘Black Hero’ t [Div. 11] T. ‘Ballerina’ t [Div. 6]


SPRING Anemone pavonina Sprekelia formosissima
PINK Leafy tuber with cup-shaped, single, (Aztec lily, Jacobean lily)
dark-centered, scarlet, purple, or blue Clump-forming, spring-flowering bulb
Erythronium hendersonii flowers rising above divided, frilly with semierect, basal leaves. Stem bears
Spring-flowering tuber with 2 leaves in early spring. H 16in (40cm), a deep red flower, 5in (12cm) across, that
semierect, basal, brown- and green- S 8in (20cm). has 6 narrow petals with green-striped
mottled leaves. Flower stem bears up bases. H 6–14in (15–35cm), S 5–6in
to 10 lavender or lavender-pink flowers, ADZ8–10t (12–15cm). Min. 45–50ºF (7–10ºC)
with reflexed petals and deep purple,
central eyes. H 8–12in (20–30cm), ADZ13–15
S 4–5in (10–12cm).
Fritillaria meleagris
Allium unifolium (Snake’s-head fritillary)
Late spring-flowering bulb with one Spring-flowering bulb with slender
semierect, basal, gray-green leaf. stems producing scattered, narrow,
Each flower stem bears a domed umbel, gray-green leaves. Bears solitary bell-
2in (5cm) across, of up to 30 purplish- shaped, prominently checkered flowers,
pink flowers. H to 1ft (30cm), in shades of pinkish-purple or white.
S 3–4in (8–10cm). H to 1ft (30cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm).

402 AEZ4–9



Fritillaria camschatcensis Anemone coronaria De Caen Group
(Black sarana) ‘Mister Fokker’
Spring-flowering bulb. Stout stems Spring-flowering perennial with
carry lance-shaped, glossy leaves, a knobbly tuber. Bears shallowly cup-
mostly in whorls. Bears up to 8 deep shaped, single, violet-blue flowers, with
blackish-purple or brown flowers. black stamens, above rounded, divided,
Needs humus-rich soil. H 6–24in finely lobed, semierect, basal leaves.
(15–60cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm). H 10in (25cm), S 3in (8cm).

BDZ4–8 ADZ8–11


Sauromatum venosum Muscari latifolium Hyacinthus orientalis ‘Blue Jacket’
(Monarch-of-the-East, Voodoo lily) Spring-flowering bulb with one strap- Mid-spring-flowering bulb with a dense,
Early spring-flowering tuber. Bears shaped, semierect, basal, gray-green cylindrical spike of highly fragrant,
a large, acrid, purple-spotted spathe, leaf. Bears a dense spike of tiny, bell-shaped, waxy, navy-blue flowers
then a lobed leaf on a long, spotted bell-shaped, blackish-violet to -blue with purple veining. Has lance-shaped,
stalk. H 12–18in (30–45cm), S 12–14in flowers with constricted mouths; upper channelled, erect, bright green, basal
(30–35cm). Min. 41–45ºF (5–7ºC). blooms are paler and smaller. H to 10in leaves. H 10in (25cm), S 3in (8cm).
(25cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm).
BDZ7–10 BDZ5–9t

Fritillaria pyrenaica Hyacinthoides x massartiana Hyacinthoides non-scripta Ixiolirion tataricum
Spring-flowering bulb with scattered, (Spanish bluebell) (English bluebell) Spring- to early summer-flowering
lance-shaped leaves, often rather Spring-flowering bulb producing Tuft-forming, spring-flowering bulb bulb with long, narrow, semierect
narrow. Develops 1, or rarely 2, broadly strap-shaped, glossy leaves and pendent, with strap-shaped leaves. An erect leaves on the lower part of stem. Bears
bell-shaped flowers with flared-tipped, bell-shaped, blue, white, or pink flowers. stem, arching at the apex, bears a loose cluster of blue flowers with a
checkered, deep brownish- or blackish- H to 1ft (30cm), S 4–6in (10–15cm). fragrant, blue, pink or white flowers. darker, central line along each petal.
purple petals. H 6–12in (15–30cm), H 8–16in (20–40cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm). H to 16in (40cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm).
S 2–3in (5–8cm).
BEZ4–10t BEZ4–10t ADZ10–11 403

DAFFODILS N. ‘Dove Wings’ t [Div. 6] N. ‘Ice Follies’ t [Div. 2]

Narcissus species and hybrids grace the garden from early to late spring
with diverse flowers, ranging from the tiny Cyclamineus types, with their
swept-back petals, to the stately trumpet daffodils. Some are also scented,
including the Poeticus and Jonquilla types and many of the small-flowered
forms. Daffodils can be naturalized to form a carpet in grass or a wild
garden, or used to brighten up beds and borders, but dwarf forms are
best in rock or gravel gardens, or planted in pots and troughs.

The genus is classified in 13 divisions. Their flower forms are illustrated
below, with the exception of Div. 12, miscellaneous, and Div. 13, which
comprise mostly wild species. Both have varying flowers, including hoop-
petticoat forms, and are produced between fall and early summer.

Div. 1 Trumpet—usually Div. 7 Jonquilla and N. ‘Actaea’ t [Div. 9] N. ‘Canaliculatus’ t [Div. 8]
solitary flowers, each with Apodanthus—sweetly
a trumpet that is as long scented flowers, usually N. ‘Mount Hood’ t [Div. 1]
as, or longer, than the 1–5 per stem. Cups are
petals. Early to late short, sometimes flanged; N. ‘Cheerfulness’ t [Div. 4] N. ‘Empress of Ireland’ t
spring-flowering. petals are often flat, fairly
Div. 2 Large-cupped— broad and rounded. Mid- [Div. 1]
solitary flowers, each to late spring-flowering.
with a cup at least one- Div. 8 Tazetta—clusters
third the length of, but of 12 or more small, fragrant
shorter than, the petals. flowers per stem, or 3 or 4
Spring-flowering. large ones. Cups are small
and often straight-sided;
Div. 3 Small-cupped— petals are broad and mostly
flowers are often borne pointed. Late fall- to
singly, each with a cup mid-spring-flowering.
not more than one-third Div. 9 Poeticus—1–2
the length of the petals. flowers per stem, each
Spring- or early with a small, colored cup
summer-flowering. and glistening white petals.
Div. 4 Double—most Most are sweetly scented.
have solitary, large, fully or Late spring- or early
semidouble flowers with the summer-flowering.
cup and petals, or just the
cup, replaced by petaloid Div. 10 Bulbocodium—
structures. Some have flowers usually borne
smaller flowers in clusters singly on very short
of 4 or more. Spring- or stems, with insignificant
early summer-flowering. petals and large, widely
Div. 5 Triandrus—2–6 flaring cups. Winter- to
nodding flowers per stem, spring-flowering.
each with a short, sometimes
straight-sided cup and Div. 11 Split-cupped—
narrow, reflexed petals. usually solitary flowers
Spring-flowering. with cups split along more
Div. 6 Cyclamineus— than half their length.
usually 1 or 2 flowers per Spring-flowering.
stem with cups that are (a) Collar—wide cup
sometimes flanged and often segments lie back on
longer than those of Div. 5. the petals.
Petals are narrow, pointed, (b) Papillon—narrower
and reflexed. Early to cup segments have tips
mid-spring flowering. arranged at the margin
of the petals.

404 N. ‘Bridal Crown’ t [Div. 4] N. ‘Broadway Star’ t [Div. 11b] N. ‘Fragrant Breeze’ t [Div. 2]
N. ‘Thalia’ t [Div. 5]

N. ‘Jack Snipe’ t [Div. 6] N. bulbocodium t [Div. 13] N. ‘Home Fires’ t [Div. 2]

N. ‘Sir Winston Churchill’ t N. ‘Aircastle’ t [Div. 3] N. ‘Stratosphere’ t [Div. 7]

[Div. 8] N. ‘Arkle’ [Div. 1]

N. ‘Avalanche’ t [Div. 8] N. ‘Charity May’ t [Div. 6] N. ‘Pencrebar’ t [Div. 4] N. ‘Pipit’ t [Div. 7]

N. ‘Panache’ t [Div. 1] N. ‘February Silver’ t [Div. 6] N. ‘Liberty Bells’ t [Div. 5] N. ‘Suzy’ t [Div. 7]

N. ‘Hawera’ t [Div. 5]

N. ‘Jenny’ t [Div. 6] N. ‘Cassata’ t [Div. 11a] N. ‘Binkie’ t [Div. 2] N. ‘Tahiti’ t [Div. 4]


N. ‘Passionale’ t [Div. 2] N. ‘Irene Copeland’ t [Div. 4] N. ‘Spellbinder’ t [Div. 1] N. ‘Golden Ducat’ t [Div. 4] N. ‘Ambergate’ t [Div. 2] N. ‘Altruist’ t [Div. 3]




Fritillaria acmopetala Iris tuberosa Calochortus luteus Erythronium ‘Pagoda’
Spring-flowering bulb with slender (Widow iris) (Yellow mariposa) Robust, spring-flowering tuber with
stems that bear narrowly lance-shaped, Spring-flowering perennial with finger- Late spring-flowering bulb with long, 2 semierect, basal, faintly mottled,
scattered leaves, and 1 or 2 broadly like tubers. Long, narrow, gray-green narrow, erect leaves near the base glossy leaves. Flower stem produces up
bell-shaped, green flowers, with leaves are square in cross section. of the loosely branched stem. Each to 10 pendent, pale yellow flowers with
brown-stained petals flaring outward Bears a fragrant, yellowish-green flower branch produces a 3-petaled, yellow reflexed petals. H 10–14in (25–35cm),
at the tips. H 6–16in (15–40cm), with large, blackish-brown-tipped petals. flower with central, brown blotches. S 6–8in (15–20cm).
S 2–3in (5–8cm). H 8–16in (20–40cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm). H 8–18in (20–45cm), S 2–3in (5–10cm).
BDZ6–8 ADZ7–9 ADZ5–10


Fritillaria pontica Arisaema triphyllum
Spring-flowering bulb with stems (Jack-in-the-pulpit)
bearing lance-shaped, gray-green Summer-flowering tuber with 3-lobed,
leaves, the topmost in a whorl of 3. erect leaves. Produces green or purple
Produces solitary, broadly bell-shaped, spathes, hooded at tips, followed by
green flowers, 11⁄4–13⁄4in (3–4.5cm) long, bright red berries. H 16–20in (40–50cm),
often suffused brown. H 6–18in S 12–18in (30–45cm).
(15–45cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm).

406 Fritillaria cirrhosa Ixia viridiflora Fritillaria pallidiflora
Spring-flowering bulb with slender Spring- to early summer-flowering Robust, spring-flowering bulb with
stems and narrow, whorled leaves; corm with very narrow, erect leaves broadly lance-shaped, gray-green
upper leaves have tendrillike tips. mostly at stem base. Bears a spike leaves, scattered or in pairs on stem.
Produces up to 4 widely bell-shaped of flattish, jade-green flowers, 1–2in Has 1–5 widely bell-shaped, yellow
flowers, purple or yellowish-green (2.5–5cm) across, with purple-black eyes. to greenish-yellow flowers, usually
with dark purple checkered patterns. H 1–2ft (30–60cm), S 1–2in (2.5–5cm). faintly checkered brownish-red within.
H to 2ft (60cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm). H 6–28in (15–70cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm).
ADZ6–8 ADZ4–9


Ferraria crispa
Spring-flowering corm with leafy stem
bearing a succession of upward-facing,
brown or yellowish-brown flowers,
11⁄2–2in (4–5cm) across, with 6 wavy-
edged, spreading petals that are
conspicuously lined and blotched.
H 8–16in (20–40cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm).



Tulipa ‘Giuseppe Verdi’ Hyacinthus orientalis Stenomesson miniatum
Mid-spring-flowering bulb (Div.12) ‘City of Haarlem’ Late spring-flowering bulb with
with purple-marked leaves. Yellow- Late spring-flowering bulb with strap-shaped, semierect, basal
margined, carmine-red flowers are lance-shaped, channeled, erect, leaves. Bears a head of red or orange
golden-yellow with small, red marks bright green, basal leaves. Produces flowers, 3⁄4–11⁄2in (2–4cm) long, with
inside. H 8in (20cm), S to 8in (20cm). a dense, cylindrical spike of fragrant, yellow anthers. H 8–12in (20–30cm),
bell-shaped, primrose-yellow flowers. S 4–6in (10–15cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
ADZ3–8t H 10in (25cm), S 3in (8cm).

Narcissus ‘Grand Soleil d’Or’ Triteleia ixioides ‘Starlight’ Arum creticum Tulipa orphanidea Whittallii Group 407
Late fall to early spring-flowering bulb Free-flowering, late spring-flowering Spring-flowering tuber that bears Mid-spring flowering bulb (Div.15).
(Div. 8). Flowers are sweetly scented with corm with grasslike, semierect, basal white or yellow spathes, each bottle- Green leaves often have reddish
a dash of lemon. Each has rich golden leaves. Open umbels, to 5in (12cm) shaped at the base, slightly reflexed margins. Stem produces 1–4 flowers,
petals and a clear tangerine cup. May be across, of star-shaped, creamy-yellow at the apex and with a protruding, 11⁄4–21⁄2in (3–6cm) long and tapered at
forced for winter flowering but needs flowers have a central, green stripe on yellow spadix. Has arrow-shaped, the base. Oval petals are bright
staking. Excellent for cutting. H 11⁄2ft each petal. Good for cut flowers. H 16in semierect, deep green leaves in fall. brownish-orange. H 12–14in (30–35cm),
(45cm), S to 8in (20cm). (40cm), S 3in (8cm). H 12–20in (30–50cm), S 8–12in (20–30cm). S to 8in (20cm).

ADZ8–11t ADZ7–13 ADZ8–10t ADZ3–7




Triteleia hyacinthina Ornithogalum narbonense
Late spring- to early summer-flowering Clump-forming, late spring- to
corm with long, narrow, semierect or summer-flowering bulb with long,
spreading, basal leaves. Heads of white, narrow, semierect, basal, gray-
sometimes purple-tinged, flowers are green leaves. Leafless stem produces
borne on wiry stems. H 12–20in a spike of star-shaped, white flowers,
(30–45cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm). 3⁄4in (2cm) across. H 12–16in (30–40cm),
S 4–6in (10–15cm).


Pancratium illyricum Zantedeschia aethiopica Ismene narcissiflora
Bulb with strap-shaped, semierect, ‘Green Goddess’ (Peruvian daffodil)
basal, grayish-green leaves. Leafless Robust, summer-flowering tuber with Spring- or summer-flowering bulb
stem bears 5–12 fragrant, 6-petaled, arrow-shaped, semierect, basal, green with semierect, basal leaves, dying down
white flowers, 3in (8cm) across in leaves. Bears several green spathes, each in winter. Bears a loose head
summer. H 11⁄2 ft (45cm), S 10–12in with a large, central, green-splashed, of 2–5 fragrant, white flowers.
(25–30cm). white area. H 18–39in (45cm–1m), H to 2ft (60cm), S 1–11⁄2ft (30–45cm).
S 11⁄2–2ft (45–60cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
ADZ8–10t BDZ8–11

408 Arisaema sikokianum Ornithogalum thyrsoides Habenaria radiata
Early summer-flowering tuber with (Chincherinchee) Evergreen–deciduous, terrestrial orchid
erect leaves divided into 3–5 leaflets. Summer-flowering bulb with strap- with fleshy tubers and linear, gray-
Produces deep brownish-purple and shaped, semierect, basal leaves. Bears green, basal leaves. In midsummer, each
white spathes, 6in (15cm) long, with a dense, conical spike of cup-shaped, slender flower stem bears 2 or 3 white
clublike, white spadices protruding white flowers, 3⁄4–11⁄4in (2–3cm) across. flowers that resemble egret birds in
from the mouths. H 12–20in (30–50cm), H 1–11⁄2ft (30–45cm), S 4–6in (10–15cm). flight. H 1ft (30cm), S 4in (10cm).
S 1–11⁄2ft (30–45cm).
ADZ7–10t AEZ5–10


Eucomis comosa Allium schubertii
Clump-forming bulb with strap-shaped, Early summer-flowering bulb with
wavy-margined leaves, spotted purple widely strap-shaped, semierect, basal
beneath. Purple-spotted stem bears leaves. Bears large umbels of 40 or
a spike of white or greenish-white, more star-shaped, pink or purple
sometimes pink-tinted flowers, with flowers on very unequal stalks, then
purple ovaries. H to 28in (70cm), brown seed capsules. H 1–2ft (30–60cm),
S 1–2ft (30–60cm). S 6–8in (15–20cm).

ADZ8–11 ADZ4–10t


Allium neapolitanum Cowanii Group Allium senescens subsp. montanum
Late spring-flowering bulb with large Vigorous, clump-forming, summer-
umbels of up to 30 star-shaped, white flowering bulb with strap-shaped, often
flowers in late spring or early summer, twisted, gray-green leaves. Bears dense
after the lance-shaped, semierect, umbels, 3⁄4in (2cm) across, of up to 30
mid-green, basal leaves have withered. long-lasting, cup-shaped, pink flowers.
Good for cut flowers. H 16in (40cm), H 11⁄2ft (45cm), S 2ft (60cm).
S 2in (5cm).

Ornithogalum arabicum Calochortus superbus Tritonia disticha subsp. rubrolucens Allium cernuum 409
Early summer-flowering bulb with Bulb with linear, gray-green, basal Late summer-flowering corm with Clump-forming, summer-flowering
strap-shaped, semierect leaves in a basal leaves. In early summer, branched narrowly sword-shaped, erect leaves bulb with narrow, semierect, basal
cluster. Bears a flattish head of up stems bear 1–3 upward-facing, in a flattish, basal fan. Produces pink leaves. Each stem produces up to 30
to 15 scented, white or creamy-white cup-shaped, white, creamy-yellow flowers in a loose, one-sided spike. cup-shaped, pink or white flowers
flowers, 11⁄2–2in (4–5cm) across, with or lavender-blue flowers, with H 12–20in (30–50cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm). in a loose, nodding umbel, 3⁄4–11⁄2in
black centers. H 1–11⁄2ft (30–45cm), purplish-brown markings at the base (2–4cm) across. H 12–28in (30–70cm),
S 4–6in (10–15cm). of each petal. H 16in (40cm), S 3in (8cm). ADZ9–10 S 3–5in (8–12cm).

ADZ9–11t ADZ5–10 ADZ3–9t


Cormous perennials with flowers in vibrant shades SUMMER
of yellow, orange, and red, and sword-shaped, pleated
foliage, crocosmias are real crowd-pleasers. The flowers RED
are held on elegant, arching stems and bloom for many
weeks between midsummer and fall. Most are easy to
grow, spreading quickly when the conditions are right
for them. Plants, rather than corms, are the best choice
for beginners, and should be planted in spring in moist
but well-drained fertile soil in sun or partial shade.
Although many are hardy, borderline types benefit
from a warm site near a protective wall.

Lycoris radiata (Red spider lily)
Late summer-flowering bulb with a
head of 5 or 6 bright rose-red flowers
with narrow, wavy-margined, reflexed
petals and conspicuous anthers.
Produces strap-shaped, semierect,
basal leaves after flowering time.
H 12–16in (30–40cm), S 4–6in (10–15cm).


C. ‘Lucifer’ C. x crocosmiiflora
C. x crocosmiiflora ‘Solfatare’ ‘Honey Angels’

Rhodophiala advena Phaedranassa carmioli
Clump-forming, spring- to summer- Spring- and summer-flowering bulb
flowering bulb with basal, gray-green with upright, elliptic or lance-shaped,
leaves. Leafless stem bears a head basal leaves. Bears a head of 6–10
of 2–8 narrowly funnel-shaped, red pendent, pinkish-red flowers, with
flowers, 2in (5cm) long. H to 16in (40cm), green bases and yellow-edged, green
S 6–8in (15–20cm). lobes at each apex. H 20–28in (50–70cm),
S 12–18in (30–45cm).

C. x crocosmiiflora C. masoniorum C. ‘Severn Sunrise’
‘George Davison’

410 Ranunculus asiaticus Gladiolus communis
(Persian buttercup) subsp. byzantinus
C. x crocosmiiflora ‘Star of the East’ Early summer-flowering perennial with Early summer-flowering corm with a
clawlike tubers and long-stalked leaves dense spike of up to 20 deep purplish-
both at base and on stem. Bears single red or purplish-pink flowers, 11⁄2–21⁄2in
or double flowers in red, white, pink, (4–6cm) long. Produces a fan of
yellow, or orange. H 18–22in (45–55cm), sword-shaped, erect, basal leaves.
S 4in (10cm). H to 28in (70cm), S 4–6in (10–15cm).

ADZ7–11t ADZ8–10

C. x crocosmiiflora ‘Jackanapes’


Tulbaghia simmleri
Semievergreen, bulbous perennial
with clusters of linear, mid-green
leaves (wider than most species).
Produces large, terminal umbels of
fragrant, tubular, light to deep purple
flowers in early to midsummer.
H 2ft (60cm), S 10in (25cm).



Allium cristophii Camassia quamash Allium caeruleum
Summer-flowering bulb with semierect, (Common camassia, Quamash) Clump-forming, summer-flowering bulb
hairy, gray leaves that droop at tips. Clump-forming bulb with racemes of with narrow, erect leaves on the lower
Bears a large, spherical umbel of 50 shallowly cup-shaped, rich to pale blue third of slender flower stems, which
or more star-shaped, purplish-violet or white flowers in late spring and early bear 30–50 star-shaped, blue flowers
flowers, which dry well. H 6–16in summer. Produces long, linear, erect, in a dense, spherical umbel, 11⁄4–11⁄2in
(15–40cm), S 6–8in (15–20cm). basal leaves. H 1ft (30cm), S 2in (5cm). (3–4cm) across. H 8–32in (20–80cm),
S 4–6in (10–15cm).
ADZ5–8t BDZ4–11

Roscoea auriculata Triteleia laxa ‘Koningin Fabiola’ Triteleia laxa 411
Early fall-flowering tuber with linear to Midsummer-flowering corm with Early summer-flowering corm
broadly lance-shaped, semierect, dark linear, semierect, basal leaves. with narrow, semierect, basal leaves.
green leaves. Orchidlike, rich purple These often die back before a loose Stem bears a large, loose umbel of
flowers are borne from upper leaf axils umbel of funnel-shaped, deep violet-blue funnel-shaped, deep to pale purple-blue
from late summer to fall. H 18in (45cm), flowers, on long, slender stalks, is flowers, 3⁄4–2in (2–5cm) long, mostly
S 6in (15cm). produced. Good for cut flowers. held upright. H 4–20in (10–50cm),
H 1ft (30cm), S 2in (5cm). S 3–4in (8–10cm).
ADZ6–10 ADZ6–10




Eucomis bicolor Ismene x spofforthiae ‘Sulphur Queen’
Summer-flowering bulb with wavy- Summer-flowering bulb with strap-
edged, semierect, basal leaves. Stem, shaped, dark green, basal leaves. Bears
often spotted purple, bears a spike of terminal umbels of up to 6 large, fragrant,
green or greenish-white flowers, with 6 sulphur-yellow flowers, each with a
purple-edged petals, topped by a cluster frilly-edged, light yellow cup with green
of leaflike bracts. H 12–20in (30–50cm), stripes and 6 spreading petals. H 2ft
S 1–2ft (30–60cm). (60cm), S 1ft (30cm). Min. 50°F (10°C).

ADZ8–10 ADZ10–11


Arisaema jacquemontii Allium flavum Cypella herbertii
Summer-flowering tuber with 1 or 2 Clump-forming, summer-flowering Summer-flowering bulb with a fan
erect leaves, divided into wavy-edged bulb. Leaves are linear and semierect of narrow, sword-shaped, erect, basal
leaflets. Produces slender, white-lined, on lower half of slender flower stem. leaves. Branched flower stem bears
green spathes that are hooded at Produces a loose umbel of up to 60 a succession of short-lived, irislike,
tips and drawn out into long points. small, bell-shaped, yellow flowers on orange-yellow flowers, each spotted
H 12–20in (30–50cm), S 12–15in thin, arching stalks. H 4–14in (10–35cm), purple in the center. H 12–20in
(30–38cm). S 2–3in (5–8cm). (30–50cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm).

BDZ7–9t ADZ4–10t ADZ11

412 Arisaema griffithii Calochortus barbatus Cyrtanthus mackenii Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora ‘Coleton
Summer-flowering tuber with large, Summer-flowering bulb with narrow, Clump-forming, summer-flowering bulb Fishacre’
erect leaves above a green or purple erect leaves near the base of the loosely with long, narrow, semierect, basal Clump-forming, late summer-flowering
spathe, 8–10in (20–25cm) long, strongly branched stem. Each branch bears a leaves. Leafless stems each bear a head corm with sword-shaped, erect, basal,
netted with paler veins and expanded pendent, yellow or greenish-yellow of up to 10 fragrant, tubular, cream or gray-green leaves. Produces funnel-
like a cobra’s hood. Protect in winter flower that is hairy inside. H 1–2ft yellow flowers, 2in (5cm) long and shaped, clear golden-yellow flowers.
or lift for frost-free storage. H to 2ft (30–60cm), S 2–4in (5–10cm). slightly curved. H 12–16in (30–40cm), H 2–21⁄2ft (60–75cm), S 6–8in (15–20cm).
(60cm), S 11⁄2–2ft (45–60cm). S 3–4in (8–10cm).
ADZ6–10 ADZ6–9
BDZ7–9t ADZ11


Sandersonia aurantiaca Zephyranthes carinata Nerine bowdenii ‘Alba’
(Chinese-lantern lily) Late summer- to early fall-flowering Fall-flowering bulb with a stout stem
Deciduous, summer-flowering, tuberous bulb with narrowly strap-shaped, and strap-shaped, semierect, basal
climber with a slender stem bearing semierect, basal leaves. Each stem leaves. Produces a head of 5–10 white,
scattered, lance-shaped leaves, some bears a funnel-shaped, pink flower, often pink-flushed flowers; petals widen
tendril-tipped. Orange flowers are held almost erect. H 8–12in (20–30cm), slightly toward wavy-margined,
produced in axils of upper leaves. S 3–4in (8–10cm). recurved tips. H 11⁄2–2ft (45–60cm),
H 2ft (60cm), S 10–12in (25–30cm). S 5–6in (12–15cm).
ADZ11–14 ADZ8–10t


Polianthes geminiflora Nerine bowdenii Nerine ‘Orion’
Summer-flowering tuber with narrowly Fall-flowering bulb with a stout stem Fall-flowering bulb with strap-shaped,
strap-shaped, semierect leaves in a basal and strap-shaped, semierect, basal semierect, basal leaves. Stout, leafless
tuft. Stems each bear long spikes of leaves. Carries a head of 5–10 glistening, stem bears a head of pale pink flowers
downward-curving, tubular, red or pink flowers with petals that widen with very wavy-margined petals that
orange flowers in pairs. H 8–16in slightly toward wavy-margined, have recurved tips. H 12–20in (30–50cm),
(20–40cm), S 4–6in (10–15cm). recurved tips. H 11⁄2–2ft (45–60cm), S 8–10in (20–25cm).
S 5–6in (12–15cm).
ADZ10–11 ADZ8–10t

Alstroemeria Ligtu Hybrids Tigridia pavonia (Peacock flower, Scilla scilloides Nerine undulata Crispa Group
Summer-flowering tuber with narrow, Tiger flower) Late summer- and fall-flowering bulb Fall-flowering bulb with narrowly
twisted leaves and heads of widely Summer-flowering bulb with sword- with 2–4 narrowly strap-shaped, strap-shaped, semierect, basal leaves.
flared flowers in shades of pink, yellow, shaped, pleated, erect leaves near stem semierect, basal leaves. Stem bears Flower stem bears a head of pink flowers
or orange, often spotted or streaked base. A succession of short-lived flowers a slender, dense spike of up to 30 with very narrow petals crinkled for
with contrasting colors. H 11⁄2–2ft vary from white to orange, red or yellow, flattish, pink flowers, 1⁄4–1⁄2in (0.5–1cm) their whole length. H 1–11⁄2ft (30–45cm),
(45–60cm), S 2–3ft (60cm–1m). often with contrasting spots. H to 11⁄2ft across. H to 1ft (30cm), S 2in (5cm). S 4–5in (10–12cm).
(45cm), S 4–6in (12–15cm). Min. 50°F (10°C).
ADZ9–11t BDZ4–8t ADZ8–10t 413



Dahlia ‘Julie One’ Eucharis amazonica Hippeastrum ‘Red Lion’ Anemone blanda ‘White Splendour’
Double orchid dahlia. In summer and fall Evergreen, clump-forming bulb Tuft-forming, winter- and spring- nobbly tuber with semierect leaves that
produces orange flowers, 4in (10cm) with strap-shaped, semi-erect, basal flowering bulb with a stout stem have 3 deeply toothed lobes. Bears
across, lightly flushed reddish pink leaves. Bears a head of up to 6 fragrant, bearing a head of 2–6 dark red upright, flattish, white flowers, 11⁄2–2in
toward the tips; florets curl inward slightly pendent, white flowers at almost flowers with yellow anthers. Strap- (4–5cm) across, with 9–14 narrow petals,
from the mid-rib, showing reddish any season. H 16–24in (40–60cm), shaped leaves appear with or just in early spring. H 2–4in (5–10cm), S 4–6in
pink on the reverse. Good for cutting. S 2–3ft (60cm–1m). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). after flowers. H 12–20in (30–50cm), (10–15cm).
H 4ft (1.2m), S 2ft (60cm). S 1ft (30cm). Min. 55ºF (13ºC).
BDZ10–11 ADZ4–8t
BDZ9–11 BDZ9–11t


Hippeastrum ‘Apple Blossom’ Hippeastrum aulicum Leucojum vernum (Spring snowflake)
Winter- to spring-flowering bulb Winter- and spring-flowering bulb Spring-flowering bulb with strap-
with strap-shaped, semierect, basal with a basal cluster of strap-shaped, shaped, semierect, basal leaves.
leaves produced as, or just after, flowers semierect leaves. Stout stem bears Leafless stem carries 1 or 2 pendent,
form. Stout stem has a head of 2–6 white 2 red flowers with green-striped petals bell-shaped flowers, 5⁄8–3⁄4in (1.5–2cm)
flowers, becoming pink at petal tips. and green throats. H 12–20in (30–50cm), long, with 6 green-tipped, white petals.
H 12–20in (30–50cm), S 1ft (30cm). S 1ft (30cm). Min. 55–59ºF (13–15ºC). H 4–6in (10–15cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm).
Min. 55ºF (13ºC).
BDZ9–10t BEZ4–8

414 Nerine sarniensis (Guernsey lily) Hippeastrum ‘Striped’ Veltheimia bracteata Ornithogalum balansae
Fall-flowering bulb with strap-shaped, Winter- to spring-flowering bulb with Clump-forming, winter-flowering Spring-flowering bulb with 2 almost
semierect, basal leaves. Leafless stem strap-shaped, semierect, basal leaves bulb with semierect, strap-shaped, prostrate, inversely lance-shaped,
carries a spherical head of up to 20 produced with or just after flowers. basal, glossy leaves and dense spikes mid-green basal leaves. Has a broad
deep orange-pink flowers, 21⁄2–3in Stout stem has a head of 2–6 widely of pendent, tubular, pink, red, or head of 2–5 flowers, glistening white
(6–8cm) across, with wavy-margined funnel-shaped flowers, striped white yellowish-red flowers. H 12–18in inside, bright green outside, that open
petals. H 18–24in (45–60cm), and red. H 20in (50cm), S 1ft (30cm). Min. (30–45cm), S 10–15in (25–38cm). wide. H 2–6in (5–15cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm).
S 12–15cm (5–6in). 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).
ADZ8–10t BDZ9–11t ADZ13–15

Sternbergia candida Muscari botryoides ‘Album’
Spring-flowering bulb. Strap-shaped, Late spring-flowering bulb with 3–4
semierect, basal, grayish-green leaves narrow, semierect, basal leaves that
appear together with a fragrant, widen slightly at the tips. Produces
funnel-shaped, white flower, 11⁄2–2in dense, conical-shaped racemes of tiny,
(4–5cm) long, borne on a leafless stem. fragrant, white flowers. H 6in (15cm),
H 4–8in (10–20cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm). S 2in (5cm).

ADZ8–10 ADZ2–8


Erythronium californicum Iris ‘Natascha’
Clump-forming, spring-flowering Bulbous iris with solitary, slightly
tuber. Has 2 semierect, basal, mottled fragrant, very pale blue, almost
leaves. Up to 3 white or creamy-white white flowers, with a yellow spot on
flowers, sometimes reddish-brown each petal, borne in early spring. Has
externally, have reflexed petals, yellow linear, mid-green leaves. H 6in (15cm),
eyes and often brown rings near centers. S 3⁄4in (2cm).
H 6–14in (15–35cm), S 4–5in (10–12cm).

Puschkinia scilloides Ornithogalum montanum Ornithogalum lanceolatum Hyacinthus orientalis ‘White Pearl’
var. libanotica ‘Alba’ Clump-forming, spring-flowering Spring-flowering, dwarf bulb with a Mid-spring-flowering bulb with linear
Spring-flowering bulb with usually 2 bulb with strap-shaped, semierect, rosette of prostrate, lance-shaped, basal to lance-shaped, channeled, erect,
strap-shaped, semierect, basal leaves. basal, gray-green leaves. Leafless leaves. Carries a head of flattish, star- bright green, basal leaves. Produces
Produces a dense spike of star-shaped, stem produces a head of star-shaped, shaped, white flowers, 11⁄4–11⁄2in (3–4cm) a dense, cylindrical raceme of sweetly
white flowers, 5⁄8–3⁄4in (1.5–2cm) across. white flowers, 11⁄4–11⁄2in (3–4cm) across, broadly striped green outside. scented, tubular to bell-shaped, pure
H 6in (15cm), S 1–2in (2.5–5cm). across, striped green outside. H 2–4in (5–10cm), S 4–6in (10–15cm). white flowers. H 10in (25cm), S 3in (8cm).
H and S 4–6in (10–15cm).
ADZ3–9 ADZ5–10t BDZ5–9t 415




Ornithogalum umbellatum Allium akaka Anemone tschaernjaewii
Late spring-flowering bulb with linear, Spring-flowering bulb with 1–3 broad, Spring-flowering tuber with 3-palmate,
semierect, mid-green leaves with a prostrate, basal, gray-green leaves. ovate, mid-green leaves, the leaflets
whitish-green midrib. These fade as Bears an almost stemless, spherical shallowly lobed. Bears 5-petaled,
stems each bearing 6–20 star-shaped, umbel, 2–3in (5–7cm) across of 30–40 saucer-shaped, purple-centered, white
white flowers, with green reverses, star-shaped, white to pinkish-white or pink flowers, 3⁄4–13⁄4in (2–4.5cm) across.
are produced in late spring and early flowers with red centers. H 6–8in Needs warm, dry, summer dormancy.
summer. H 8in (20cm), S 4in (10cm). (15–20cm), S 5–6in (12–15cm). H 2–4in (5–10cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm).

ADZ6–10t ADZ4–9t ADZ5–6t


Allium acuminatum
Spring-flowering bulb with 2–4 long,
narrow, semierect, basal leaves. Stem
bears an umbel, 2in (5cm) across, of
up to 30 small, purplish-pink flowers.
H 4–12in (10–30cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm).


Scilla siberica ‘Alba’ Scilla ‘Pink Giant’ Allium karataviense
Early to mid-spring-flowering bulb with Early spring-flowering bulb with Late spring-flowering bulb with
2–4 broadly linear, erect, basal leaves, 2 narrow, semierect, basal leaves. narrowly elliptic to elliptic, prostrate,
widening toward the tips. Racemes Leafless stem produces a spike basal, grayish-purple leaves. Stem bears
of small, pendent, bowl-shaped, white of 5–10 flattish, white-eyed, pink 50 or more star-shaped, pale purplish-
flowers are produced at the same time flowers, 3⁄4–1in (2–2.5cm) across. pink flowers in a spherical umbel, 6in
as the leaves. H 6in (15cm), S 2in (5cm). H 4–10in (10–25cm), S 1–2in (2.5–5cm). (15cm) or more across. H to 8in (20cm),
S 10–12in (25–30cm).
416 ADZ3–9


Crocus species and cultivars are versatile, dwarf, bulbous
plants. Most flower in late winter or early spring; a few
bloom in fall. Colors range from white, cream, and yellow to
pinkish-lilac and purple, and many are attractively striped or
feathered with other colors. The goblet-shaped flowers open
wide in full sun, in some cases revealing contrasting centers
or conspicuous stamens. Most crocuses are also fragrant.
Plant in rock or gravel gardens with other early flowering
dwarf bulbs or perennials, in drifts in grass, or beneath
deciduous trees and shrubs, where they will rapidly spread.
If naturalized in grass, delay mowing until the leaves have
died down. Feed with an all-purpose granular fertilizer once
the flowers have faded.

C. sieberi ‘Hubert C. vernus ‘Remembrance’

C. ‘E.A. Bowles’

C. goulimyi [Fall] C. ‘Eyecatcher’ C. vernus ‘Pickwick’ C. etruscus ‘Zwanenburg’

C. ‘Snow Bunting’ C. ‘Blue Bird’

C. hadriaticus [Fall] C. sieberi subsp. sublimis C. tommasinianus ‘Ruby C. speciosus ‘Conqueror’ C. ‘Zwanenberg Bronze’
f. tricolor Giant’ [Fall]


C. vernus ‘Queen of the Blues’ C. kotschyanus [Fall] C. speciosus [Fall] C. ‘Cream Beauty’




Bulbocodium vernum Anemone x fulgens Iris ‘Pixie’
Spring-flowering corm with stemless, Spring- or early summer-flowering Bulbous iris with solitary, slightly
widely funnel-shaped, reddish-purple tuber with deeply divided, semierect, fragrant, rich deep purple-blue flowers,
flowers. Narrow, semierect, basal basal leaves. Stout stems each bear with yellow midribs and white stripes,
leaves are produced with flowers but an upright, bright red flower, 2–3in borne in late winter and early spring.
do not elongate until later. Dies down (5–7cm) across, with 10–15 petals. Has linear, mid-green leaves.
in summer. H 11⁄4–11⁄2in (3–4cm), H 4–12in (10–30cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm). H 6in (15cm), S 3⁄4in (2cm).
S 11⁄4–2in (3–5cm).
ADZ8–11t ADZ5–9t


Allium oreophilum Erythronium dens-canis Babiana rubrocyanea (Winecups)
Spring- and summer-flowering, dwarf (European Dog’s-tooth violet) Spring-flowering corm with lance-
bulb with 2 narrow, semierect, basal Spring-flowering tuber with 2 basal, shaped, erect, folded leaves in a
leaves. Bears loose, domed umbels of up mottled leaves. Stem has a pendent, basal fan. Produces short spikes
to 10 widely bell-shaped, deep rose- pink, purple or white flower, with of 5–10 flowers, each with 6 petals,
pink flowers, 5⁄8–3⁄4in (1.5–2cm) across. bands of brown, purple and yellow purple-blue at the top and red at the
H 2–4in (5–10cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm). near the center and reflexed petals. base. H 6–8in (15–20cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm).
H 6–10in (15–25cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
BDZ3–9 ADZ11–12

418 Cyclamen libanoticum Anemone blanda var. rosea ‘Radar’ Sparaxis tricolor Anemone blanda ‘Violet Star’
Spring-flowering tuber with ivy-shaped, Knobbly tuber with semierect, deep Spring-flowering corm with erect, Knobbly tuber with rounded, semierect,
dull green leaves with lighter patterns green leaves with 3 deeply toothed lance-shaped leaves in a basal fan. dark green, basal leaves with divided,
and purplish-green undersides. Bears lobes. In early spring, stems each bear Stem produces a loose spike of up to irregularly lobed leaves. In spring,
musty-scented, clear pink flowers, each an upright, flattish, white-centerd, 5 flattish, orange, red, purple, pink, stems each bear a saucer-shaped,
with deep carmine marks at the mouth. deep reddish-carmine flower with or white flowers, 2–21⁄2in (5–6cm) white-centered, amethyst-violet
Grows best in an alpine house. 9–14 narrow petals. H 2–4in (5–10cm), across, with black or red centers. flower that resembles a daisy.
H to 4in (10cm), S 4–6in (10–15cm). S 4–6in (10–15cm). H 4–12in (10–30cm), S 3–5in (8–12cm). H and S 6in (15cm).

BDZ11t BDZ4–8t ADZ7–10 BDZ4–8


Ipheion uniflorum ‘Froyle Mill’ Bellevalia hyacinthoides Scilla forbesii Anemone blanda ‘Atrocaerulea’
Spring-flowering bulb with narrow, Spring-flowering bulb with prostrate, Early spring-flowering bulb with Knobbly tuber with semierect,
semierect, basal, pale green leaves that narrow leaves in a basal cluster. Bears a 2 semierect, narrow, basal leaves. dark green leaves that have 3 deeply
smell of onions if crushed. Each leafless dense spike of up to 20 bell-shaped, pale Bears a spike of 5–10 outward-facing, toothed lobes. In early spring, stems
stem bears a star-shaped, violet-blue lavender-blue, almost white flowers with rich blue-lilac flowers with white eyes. bear an upright, flattish, bright blue
flower, 11⁄4–11⁄2in (3–4cm) across. darker, central veins. H 2–6in (5–15cm), H 4–10in (10–25cm), S 1–2in (2.5–5cm). flower, 11⁄2–2in (4–5cm) across, with
H 4–6in (10–15cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm). S 2in (5cm). 9–14 narrow petals. H 2–4in (5–10cm),
S 4–6in (10–15cm).
BDZ5–9 ADZ7–9 ADZ3–9


Romulea bulbocodium Scilla x allenii
Spring-flowering corm with long, Early spring-flowering bulb producing
semierect, threadlike leaves in a basal 2 narrow, semierect, basal, dark green
tuft. Slender flower stems each bear leaves and a loose spike of flattish,
1–6 upward-facing flowers, usually pale star-shaped, deep blue flowers, 1⁄2–3⁄4in
lilac-purple with yellow or white centers. (1–2cm) across. H 4–6in (10–15cm),
H 2–4in (5–10cm), S 1–2in (2.5–5cm). S 1–2in (2.5–5cm).

ADZ5–9 ADZ3–9

Moraea sisyrinchium Muscari comosum ‘Plumosum’ Brimeura amethystina 419
Spring-flowering corm with 1 or (Feather grape hyacinth) Late spring-flowering bulb with
2 semierect, narrow, basal leaves. Spring-flowering bulb with up to very narrow, semierect, basal leaves.
Wiry stems each bear a succession 5 strap-shaped, semierect, basal, Each leafless stem bears a spike of up
of lavender- to violet-blue flowers, gray-green leaves. Sterile flowers to 15 pendent, tubular, blue flowers.
11⁄4–11⁄2in (3–4cm) across, with white are replaced by a fluffy mass of H 4–10in (10–25cm), S 1–2in (2.5–5cm).
or orange patches on the 3 larger petals. purple threads. H to 10in (25cm),
H 4–8in (10–20cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm). S 4–5in (10–12cm). BDZ5–9

ADZ9–10 ADZ4–8




Scilla luciliae Scilla mischtschenkoana Scilla siberica ‘Atrocoerulea’
Early spring-flowering bulb with Early spring-flowering bulb with Early spring-flowering bulb with
2 somewhat curved, semierect, 2 or 3 strap-shaped, semierect, basal, 2–4 strap-shaped, semierect, basal,
basal leaves. Leafless stem bears mid-green leaves. Stems elongate glossy leaves, widening toward tips.
1–3 upward-facing, blue flowers as cup-shaped or flattish, pale blue Bell-shaped, deep rich blue flowers,
with white eyes. H 2–4in (5–10cm), flowers, with darker blue veins, open. 1⁄2–5⁄8in (1–1.5cm) long, are borne
S 1–2in (2.5–5cm). H 2–4in (5–10cm), S 2in (5cm). in a short spike. H 4–6in (10–15cm),
S 2in (5cm).
ADZ3–9 ADZ4–7t


Muscari neglectum Tecophilaea cyanocrocus
Spring-flowering bulb. Bears 4–6 often var. leichtlinii
prostrate leaves from fall to early Spring-flowering corm with 1 or
summer. Has small, ovoid, deep blue 2 narrowly lance-shaped, semierect,
or blackish-blue flowers with white- basal leaves and solitary upward-
rimmed mouths. Increases rapidly. facing, widely funnel-shaped, pale
H 4–8in (10–20cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm). blue flowers with large, white centers.
H 3–4in (8–10cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm).

Muscari aucheri Muscari armeniacum Tecophilaea cyanocrocus
Spring-flowering bulb with 2 strap- Spring-flowering bulb with (Chilean blue crocus)
shaped, grayish-green leaves. Bears 3–6 long, narrow, semierect, basal Spring-flowering corm with 1 or 2 lance-
small, almost spherical, bright blue leaves. Produces a dense spike of small, shaped, semierect, basal leaves. Carries
flowers with white-rimmed mouths; fragrant, bell-shaped, deep blue flowers upward-facing, funnel-shaped, deep
upper flowers are often paler. with constricted mouths that have a gentian-blue flowers, 11⁄2–2in (4–5cm)
H 2–6in (5–15cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm). rim of small, paler blue or white “teeth.” across, with white throats. H 3–4in
H 6–8in (15–20cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm). (8–10cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm).
ADZ4–8 ADZ7–9


Ledebouria socialis Colchicum luteum
Evergreen, spring-flowering bulb Spring-flowering corm with wineglass-
with lance-shaped, semierect, shaped, yellow flowers—the only
basal, dark-spotted, gray or green known yellow Colchicum. Semierect,
leaves. Produces a short spike of basal leaves are short at flowering time
bell-shaped, purplish-green flowers. but later expand. H 2–4in (5–10cm),
H 2–4in (5–10cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm). S 2–3in (5–8cm).

ADZ11 ADZ4–9t


Puschkinia scilloides var. libanotica Erythronium americanum
(Striped squill) Spring-flowering tuber with 2 semierect,
Spring-flowering bulb with usually basal leaves, mottled green and brown,
2 strap-shaped, semierect, basal leaves. and a pendent, yellow flower, often
Produces a dense spike of star-shaped, bronze outside, with petals reflexing
pale blue flowers with a darker blue in sunlight. Forms clumps by stolons.
stripe down each petal center. H 2–10in (5–25cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm).
H 6in (15cm), S 1–2in (2.5–5cm).

Hyacinthella leucophaea Crocus ‘Blue Pearl’ Arum italicum subsp. italicum Muscari macrocarpum 421
Spring-flowering bulb with 2 narrowly Early spring-flowering corm bearing ‘Marmoratum’ Spring-flowering bulb with 3–5
strap-shaped, semierect, basal leaves narrow, semierect, basal leaves, with Late spring-flowering tuber. Produces semierect, basal, grayish-green
and a thin, wiry, leafless flower stem. white lines along the centers. Fragrant, semierect leaves, with cream or white leaves. Produces a dense spike of
Produces a short spike of tiny, bell- long-tubed, funnel-shaped, soft veins, in fall, followed by pale green fragrant, brown-rimmed, bright yellow
shaped, very pale blue, almost white lavender-blue flowers, bluish-white or creamy-white spathes, then red flowers. Upper flowers may initially be
flowers. H 4in (10cm), S 1–2in (2.5–5cm). within, have golden-yellow throats. berries in fall. H 6–10in (15–25cm), brownish-purple. H 4–8in (10–20cm),
H 3in (7cm), S 5cm (2in). S 8–12in (20–30cm). S 4–6in (10–15cm).
ADZ3–8 ADZ7–9t ADZ7–9

SPRING Allium schoenoprasum (Chives)
Clump-forming, summer-flowering
ORANGE bulb with narrow, hollow, erect, dark
green leaves at base. Stems each bear
Dipcadi serotinum up to 20 tiny, bell-shaped, pale purple
Spring-flowering bulb with 2–5 very or pink flowers in a dense umbel up to
narrow, semierect, basal leaves. 2in (5cm) across. H 5–10in (12–25cm),
Leafless stem bears a loose spike S 2–4in (5–10cm).
of nodding, tubular, brown or dull
orange flowers, 1⁄2–5⁄8in (1–1.5cm) long. ADZ5–11t
H 4–12in (10–30cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm).
Allium narcissiflorum
ADZ8–10 Clump-forming, summer-flowering
bulb with very narrow, erect, gray-
bulbs green leaves on the lower part of the
flower stem. Produces an umbel of up to
Arisaema candidissimum 15 bell-shaped, pinkish-purple flowers.
Early summer-flowering tuber with H 6–12in (15–30cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm).
large, cowllike, pink-striped, white
spathes, enclosing tiny, fragrant ADZ5–8t
flowers on spadices, followed by
broad, 3-palmate, semierect leaves, Cyclamen purpurascens
1ft (30cm) long. H 4–6in (10–15cm), Summer- and fall-flowering tuber
S 1–11⁄2ft (30–45cm). with rounded, silver-patterned leaves.
Bears very fragrant, lilac-pink to
ADZ7–9t reddish-purple flowers. H to 4in (10cm),
S 4–6in (10–15cm).
Fritillaria pudica (Yellow fritillary) Albuca humilis
Spring-flowering bulb with stems Summer-flowering, dwarf bulb with BDZ5–9t
bearing scattered, narrowly lance- very narrow, basal, dark green leaves.
shaped, gray-green leaves. Produces Produces a loose head of 1–3 cup-
1 or 2 deep yellow, sometimes red- shaped, white flowers, 1⁄2in (1cm) long,
tinged flowers, 1⁄2–1in (1–2.5cm) long. striped green, later reddish, outside.
H 2–8in (5–20cm), S 2in (5cm). H 2–4in (5–10cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm).

422 ADZ10–11



Cyrtanthus brachyscyphus Freesia laxa
Clump-forming, summer-flowering Early summer-flowering corm with a
bulb with strap-shaped, semierect, basal, loose spike of up to 6 small, long-tubed,
bright green leaves. Leafless stem bears funnel-shaped, red or orange-red
a head of 6–12 tubular, orange- flowers, with darker red marks on the
or brilliant red flowers with 6 lobes. lower petals, borne among narrowly
H 8–12in (20–30cm), S 4–6in (10–15cm). sword-shaped, erect, mid-green leaves.
H 8in (20cm), S 2in (5cm).


Roscoea humeana
Summer-flowering tuber. Erect, broadly
lance-shaped, rich green leaves form
a stemlike sheath at base. Produces up to
10 long-tubed, purple flowers, each
with a hooded, upper petal, a wide,
pendent lip and 2 narrower petals.
H 6–10in (15–25cm), S 6–8in (15–20cm).


Haemanthus coccineus (Cape tulip) Allium cyathophorum var. farreri Scilla peruviana 423
Summer-flowering bulb with 2–3 elliptic Clump-forming, summer-flowering Early summer-flowering bulb with a
leaves, hairy beneath, that lie flat on bulb with tufts of narrow, erect, basal basal cluster of up to 10 lance-shaped,
the ground. From summer–fall, dark leaves. Each stem bears a small, loose semierect leaves. Stem bears a broadly
red-streaked stems bear up to 100 tiny umbel, 5⁄8–11⁄2in (1.5–4cm) across, of up conical head of up to 50 flattish, violet-
flowers with yellow stamens, surrounded to 30 bell-shaped, dark reddish-purple blue flowers, 5⁄8–11⁄4in (1.5–3cm) across.
by large, scarlet bracts. H to 1ft (30cm), flowers with sharply pointed petals. H 4–10in (10–25cm), S 6–8in (15–20cm).
S 8–12in (20–30cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). H 6–12in (15–30cm), S 4–6in (10–15cm).
ADZ8–11t ADZ4–9t



Allium moly Colchicum speciosum ‘Album’
Clump-forming, summer-flowering Vigorous, fall-flowering corm with large,
bulb with 1–3 broad, semierect, basal, semierect, basal leaves in late winter or
gray-green leaves. Stems each bear spring. Cup-shaped, white flowers
up to 40 star-shaped, yellow flowers successfully withstand bad weather.
in a fairly dense umbel, 11⁄2–3in (4–8cm) H and S 6–8in (15–20cm).
across. H 4–14in (10–35cm),
S 4–5in (10–12cm). ADZ4–9t



Chlidanthus fragrans Cyclamen hederifolium var.
Summer-flowering bulb with hederifolium f. albiflorum
narrow, semierect leaves in a basal Fall-flowering tuber. Pure white flowers,
tuft. Leafless stem bears a head of with reflexed petals, are borne before or
3–5 fragrant, funnel-shaped, yellow with leaves, which vary but are often
flowers, 11⁄2–23⁄4in (4–7cm) long. ivy-shaped with silvery-green patterns.
H 4–12in (10–30cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm). H to 4in (10cm), S 4–6in (10–15cm).
Min. 41–50ºF (5–10ºC).

424 Roscoea cautleyoides Acis autumnalis (Autumn snowflake) Zephyranthes candida Cyclamen africanum
Summer-flowering tuber. Erect, lance- Fall-flowering bulb with thread- Fall-flowering bulb with Fall-flowering tuber with ivy-shaped,
shaped leaves form a stemlike sheath like, erect, basal leaves produced with, narrow, erect, basal leaves forming deep green leaves with lighter patterns.
at base. Bears up to 5 long-tubed, yellow or just after, flowers. Slender stems rushlike tufts. Each leafless stem Bears pendent, white or pink flowers,
flowers, each with a hooded, upper each bear a head of 14 bell-shaped, bears crocuslike, white flowers, to with reflexed petals and darker stains
petal, a broad, 2-lobed, lower lip and white flowers, tinged pink at bases. 21⁄2in (6cm) across. H 6–10in (15–25cm), around mouths, as or just before
2 narrower petals. H 6–10in (15–25cm), H 4–6in (10–15cm), S 1–2in (2.5–5cm). S 2–3in (5–8cm). leaves emerge. H to 4in (10cm),
S 4–6in (10–15cm). S 4–6in (10–15cm).
ADZ5–9 ADZ7–9
ADZ6–9 BDZ8–9t


Colchicum agrippinum Cyclamen graecum
Early-fall-flowering corm. Narrow, Fall-flowering tuber with heart-shaped,
slightly waved, semierect, basal leaves toothed, velvety, dark green leaves,
develop in spring. Bears erect, funnel- patterned silver or light green. Flowers
shaped, bright purplish-pink flowers are pink or white, with purple stains
with a darker checkered pattern and around mouths. Grows best in
pointed petals. H 4–6in (10–15cm), an alpine house. H to 4in (10cm),
S 3–4in (8–10cm). S 4–6in (10–15cm).

ADZ4–9t BDZ5–9t


Colchicum bivonae
Fall-flowering corm with large,
funnel-shaped, pinkish-purple flowers,
strongly checkered darker purple and
with purple anthers. Produces 8–10 erect
leaves in spring. H 4–6in (10–15cm),
S 6–8in (15–20cm).


Colchicum cilicicum Colchicum ‘Waterlily’ Cyclamen mirabile 425
Fall-flowering corm with large, Fall-flowering corm with rather broad, Fall-flowering tuber with pale
cup-shaped, pale pink to deep rose- semierect, basal leaves in winter or pink flowers with toothed petals and
purple flowers, sometimes slightly spring. Tightly double flowers have dark-purple-stained mouths. Heart-
checkered. Very broad, semierect, 20–40 pinkish-lilac petals. H 4–6in shaped, patterned leaves, purplish-
basal leaves, ribbed lengthwise, (10–15cm), S 6–8in (15–20cm). green beneath, are minutely toothed
emerge soon after flowers have faded. on margins. H to 4in (10cm),
H and S 6–8in (15–20cm). ADZ4–9t S 2–3in (5–8cm).

ADZ4–9t BDZ8–9t




Habranthus robustus Colchicum fallale
Late summer- to early fall-flowering (Autumn crocus, Meadow saffron)
bulb with narrowly strap-shaped, Fall-flowering corm with up
semierect, basal leaves. Leafless flower to 8 long-tubed, wineglass-shaped,
stems each bear a funnel-shaped, pink purple, pink or white flowers, followed
flower inclined at an angle. H 8–12in by 3–5 large, strap-shaped, semierect,
(20–30cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm). basal, glossy leaves in spring.
H and S 4–6in (10–15cm).


Cyclamen hederifolium
Fall-flowering tuber. Pale to deep pink
flowers, stained darker at mouths, are
produced before or with foliage. Leaves
vary but are often ivy-shaped with
silvery-green patterns. H to 4in (10cm),
S 4–6in (10–15cm).


Cyclamen rohlfsianum Colchicum x byzantinum Cyclamen cilicium
Fall-flowering tuber with coarsely Robust, fall-flowering corm with Fall-flowering tuber with broadly
toothed leaves, zoned with light and up to 20 large, funnel-shaped, pale heart-shaped leaves that have light
dark green patterns, and pale pink- purplish-pink flowers, 4–6in (10–15cm) and dark green zones. Bears white or
lilac flowers, stained darker at mouths. long. In spring, produces very broad, pink flowers, each with a dark purple
H to 4in (10cm), S 4–6in (10–15cm). semierect, basal leaves, ribbed stain at the mouth, just before or with
lengthwise. H and S 6–8in (15–20cm). leaves. H to 4in (10cm), S 2–4in (5–10cm).
ADZ4–9t BDZ5–9t


Galanthus ‘Atkinsii’ Galanthus nivalis ‘Flore Pleno’ (Double
Vigorous, late winter- and early spring- common snowdrop)
flowering bulb with strap-shaped, Late winter- and early spring-flowering
semierect, basal, grayish-green leaves. bulb with semierect, basal, gray-green
Each stem bears a slender, white leaves. Bears rosetted, many-petaled,
flower with a green mark at the apex double, white flowers, some inner petals
of each inner petal. H 4–10in (10–25cm), having a green mark at the apex.
S 2–31⁄2in (5–9cm). H 4–6in (10–15cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm).

BEZ3–9t BEZ3–8t


Galanthus elwesii Galanthus ‘Hill Poë’ Galanthus nivalis ‘Pusey Green Tip’
Late winter- and early spring-flowering Early spring-flowering bulb with Late winter- and early spring-flowering
bulb with semierect, basal, gray-green strap-shaped, semierect, gray-green bulb with narrowly strap-shaped,
leaves that widen gradually toward tips. leaves. Produces rosetted, double, semierect, basal, gray-green leaves.
Each inner petal of the white flowers white flowers, to 11⁄4in (3cm) long, with Each stem bears a white flower with
bears green marks at the apex and base, 4 larger outer petals and shorter, tightly many mostly green-tipped petals.
which may merge. H 4–12in (10–30cm), packed, green-tipped inner petals. H 4–6in (10–15cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm).
S 2–3in (5–8cm). H 4–7in (10–18cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm).
BEZ3–9t BEZ4–7

Crocus sieberi ‘Albus’ Galanthus gracilis Galanthus ikariae Galanthus plicatus subsp. byzantinus
Spring-flowering corm bearing narrow, Late winter- and early spring-flowering Late winter- and early spring-flowering Late winter- and early spring-flowering
semierect, basal leaves, with white bulb with slightly twisted, strap-shaped, bulb with strap-shaped, semierect, bulb. Semierect, basal, deep green leaves
lines along the centers. Scented, white semierect, basal, gray-green leaves. basal, glossy, bright green leaves. have a gray bloom and reflexed margins.
flowers have large, deep yellow areas Bears white flowers with 3 inner petals, Produces one white flower, 5⁄8–1in White flowers have green marks at bases
in throats and purple staining outside. each marked with a green blotch at the (1.5–2.5cm) long, marked with a green and tips of inner petals. H 4–8in
H 11⁄4in–13⁄4in (3–4.5cm), S 2in (5cm). apex and base. H 4–6in (10–15cm), patch at the apex of each inner petal. (10–20cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm).
S 2–3in (5–8cm). H 4–10in (10–25cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm).
ADZ3–8 BEZ3–9t 427
BEZ3–9t BEZ3–9t




Galanthus woronowii Galanthus rizehensis
Late winter- to early spring-flowering Late winter- and early spring-flowering
bulb with inversely lance-shaped, bulb with very narrow, strap-shaped,
semierect, basal, glossy to matte, dark semierect, basal, dark green leaves.
to mid-green leaves. Produces white Produces white flowers, 5⁄8–3⁄4in (1.5–2cm)
flowers, 3⁄4–1in (2–2.5cm) long, with long, with a green patch at the apex of
a green mark at the apex of each inner each inner petal. H 4–8in (10–20cm),
petal. H 4–6in (10–15cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm). S 2in (5cm).

BEZ4–7 BEZ3–9


Galanthus nivalis ‘Sandersii’
Late winter- and early spring-
flowering bulb with narrowly strap-
shaped, semierect, basal, gray-green
leaves. Flowers, 5⁄8–3⁄4in (1.5–2cm) long,
are white with yellow patches at the
apex of each inner petal. H 4in (10cm),
S 1–2in (2.5–5cm).


Cyclamen coum subsp. coum Galanthus nivalis ‘Scharlockii’ Cyclamen coum subsp. coum f. coum
f. albissimum Vigorous, late winter- and early Pewter Group ‘Maurice Dryden’
Winter-flowering tuber with rounded, spring-flowering bulb with semierect, Winter- to early spring-flowering tuber
deep green leaves, sometimes silver- basal, gray-green leaves. Has white with rounded, silver leaves edged dark
patterned. Produces white flowers, each flowers, with green marks at the apex green. Produces a succession of white
with a maroon mark at the mouth. of inner petals, overtopped by 2 narrow flowers, occasionally pink flushed,
H to 4in (10cm), S 2–4in (5–10cm). spathes that resemble a donkey’s ears. with dark purple-pink mouths.
H 4–6in (10–15cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm). H and S 4–5in (10–12cm).
BEZ3–8t BDZ5–9t



Cyclamen coum subsp. coum f. coum Eranthis hyemalis (Winter aconite)
Pewter Group Clump-forming tuber. Bears stalkless,
Winter- to early spring-flowering tuber cup-shaped, yellow flowers, 3⁄4–1in
with rounded, dark green-margined, (2–2.5cm) across, from late winter to
silvery-green leaves, with a dark green early spring. A cut, leaflike bract
center. Produces a succession of flowers forms a ruff beneath each bloom.
in shades of pink with dark purple-pink H 2–4in (5–10cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm).
mouths. H and S 4–5in (10–12in).

Cyclamen coum Cyclamen persicum Lachenalia aloides ‘Nelsonii’ Lachenalia quadricolor 429
Winter-flowering tuber with rounded Winter- or spring-flowering tuber with Winter- to spring-flowering bulb Winter- to spring-flowering bulb with
leaves, plain deep green or silver- heart-shaped leaves, marked light and with 2 strap-shaped, purple-spotted, 2 strap-shaped, semierect, basal leaves.
patterned. Produces bright carmine dark green, and silver. Bears fragrant, semierect, basal leaves. Bears a spike Produces a spike of 10–20 purplish-red
flowers with dark stains at mouths. slender, white or pink flowers, 11⁄4–11⁄2in of 10–20 pendent, tubular, green-tinged, buds opening to greenish-yellow
H to 4in (10cm), S 2–4in (5–10cm). (3–4cm) long, with carmine mouths. bright yellow flowers, 11⁄4in (3cm) long. or -orange flowers. H 6–10in (15–25cm),
H 4–8in (10–20cm), S 4–6in (10–15cm). H 6–10in (15–25cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm). S 2–3in (5–8cm).
BDZ5–9t Min. 50ºF (10ºC).


The sound and reflective qualities of water have long been used
to animate garden designs, and whether tiny or large, formal or

informal, every garden has space for a water feature. A pond,
pool, or container also greatly extends the range of plants that
you can grow. These plants are classified according to the depth
of water required for them to thrive, and include deep-water
aquatics, marginal plants, and moisture-lovers or bog plants.
Together, they offer a succession of interest, providing a diversity

of foliage, form, and flower color. Informal ponds with
sloping sides and richly planted banks will also encourage
a wide range of wildlife, including frogs, toads, and birds.


Still or moving water reflects light and adds a dynamic quality to garden
designs. It also greatly extends the range of plants that you can grow,
with aquatic and moisture-loving types injecting color, texture, and form
into water features. They also provide an excellent wildlife habitat.

water and bog plantsWhat are water plants? Ornamental planting ABOVE Patio feature
Tiny but perfectly formed, this patio water feature, fringed
to 12in (30cm)The broad definition of water plantsTo maximize your pond’s planting by ferns, supports flowering irises and arum lilies. Flow
6–36in (15–100cm)includes all plants that grow rooted,potential, create areas at varying depthsfrom a pump helps oxygenate the water.
6–36in (15–100cm)submerged, or floating in water. Theyto accommodate different types. Begin
are further subdivided into deep-water planting at the center of your pond, using below for details on plant depths.) Most
aquatics, surface- or free-floating plants, deep-water plants, such as Cape pondweed water lilies need to root at depths of 12–36in
marginals, and bog or moisture-loving (Aponogeton distachyos) with its white (30–100cm), depending on the species
plants, depending on the depth of water flowers that pop up at the surface, and the or cultivar. Dwarf water lilies, such as
they require. floating water soldier (Stratiotes aloides), Nymphaea tetragona, or slender water irises
which has spiky leaves; both require a (Iris laevigata) are good choices for
Water plants are grown for their beauty depth of about 24–36in (60–90cm). (See box
and ornamental value, but when a wide
range of plants are grown together, they
also create a healthy ecosystem that
maintains the quality of the water in a
feature or pond. A balanced range of plants
will regulate the levels of light, oxygen, and
nutrients, helping keep the water clear.

Submerged plants like hornwort
(Ceratophyllum demersum) are known as
oxygenators. These purify the water by
using up nutrients and excluding light,
which prevents algal growth. Surface-
floaters, such as water hyacinths (Eichhornia
crassipes), also absorb dissolved nutrients.
Deep-water plants, including water lilies
(Nymphaea), root at the bottom of ponds,
while their flowers and leaves shade the
surface, again helping prevent the growth
of algae. The roots of marginal plants are
submerged, but their top growth is visible
above the water, providing shelter for fish,
amphibians and other wildlife.


A pond with a range of planting depths allows you to grow a wide range of aquatics on bricks and lower them to their final depth as they grow.
plants. Place plants at their appropriate depths, measured from the top of the Fill the pond a few days before planting to allow the water to reach the air
soil in their containers to the water surface. Support young deep-water temperature and become populated with beneficial microorganisms.

Bog plants are Marginal plants Deep-water aquatic plants Oxygenators root at the
planted deeply in grow in shallow root at the bottom of bottom of the pond or
moist or wet soil. water edges. the pond. float freely in the water.


a small pond or water feature. Marginal advantage of an informal pond is that it offers ABOVE Marginal planting water and bog plants
plants thrive in shallow water. Many are versatility: its sinuous margins are longer than The curving edges of an informal pond offer ideal
planted just below the surface, while water straight-sided ponds of a similar size, and the conditions for marginals such as Pontederia cordata
irises prefer a depth of about 6in (15cm), sloping banks provide a range of planting and Sagittaria latifolia. Marginals disguise plastic
and pickerel weeds (Pontederia) like their depths, increasing your choice of plants. liners and provide shelter for wildlife.
roots submerged to a depth of 12in (30cm).
In small gardens, avoid vigorously foul the water. Aim to reach a balance, so
Marginals help disguise liners at the spreading plants, such as the flag iris that rotting vegetation releases enough
edges of ponds, create reflections, and (Iris pseudacorus) or Glyceria maxima. nutrition for next year’s growth, but not so
provide wildlife cover. They have a range For architectural plants for bogs, try much as to encourage algae.
of habits, from the bog bean (Menyanthes Filipendula camtschatica and Miscanthus
trifoliata) with its clusters of white flowers sacchariflorus. Astilbes, trollius, primulas, Water plants are best divided and
in spring, to the flowering rush (Butomus and ferns provide color around the edges. repotted in spring as they start into growth.
umbellatus) with its umbels of small pink Keep planting baskets weeded, removing
flowers, and the large, arum-like blooms Seasonal care annual weed seedlings as they appear, as
of skunk cabbages (Lysichiton). Larger well as surplus water-plant seedlings. This
areas can be enhanced by bold clumps In fall, cut away dead foliage, trim over- task can be eased by deadheading the
of cattails (Typha latifolia), while grown plants, and remove weeds. It is also plants after flowering. Small ponds and
architectural plants, such as Pontederia a good idea to place a net over ponds close water features will also need topping off
cordata, provide focal points with their to deciduous trees, as the fallen leaves can in summer, using rainwater if possible.
leaves and flower spikes.

The damp areas around the edges of
a pond provide ideal conditions for bog
natives and moisture-lovers. In very wet
bogs, marginals will survive, but in drier
conditions, opt for moisture-lovers. Bog
gardens must have either drainage or water
flowing through them to provide oxygen
for the plant roots.

Designing with
water plants

Every garden has space for a water feature
and its associated plants, but try to match
your plants to the size and design of your
pond. Informal ponds are designed with
sloping sides and boggy banks to attract
amphibians, birds, and small mammals
that prey on garden pests. In winter, water
that is more than 24in (60cm) deep will help
creatures to survive a long freeze. The great


Submerged plants are planted in baskets rather than pots, using aquatic specimens that are free of algae and pond weeds. All submerged plants,
potting mix. Garden soil is unsuitable because it often contains nutrients that such as water lilies and oxygenators, can be planted in the same way. Lift
encourage the growth of algae. When choosing plants, look for healthy them from the pond for dividing and repotting every 2 or 3 years.

Established water lily pond 1 Use a pond basket 2 Position the plant 3 Mulch with gravel 433
Choose a pond basket with small Remove the plant from its pot and Clean any algae or duckweed from
holes to prevent soil from leaking out put it in the center of the basket at the the plant’s leaves and stems. Wash
into the water. Place a layer of aquatic same level. Fill around the plant with some pea gravel and apply a thin layer
potting mix in the bottom. more potting mix, firming as you go. to stabilize the soil’s surface.


Calla palustris (Bog arum) Sagittaria latifolia
Deciduous or semievergreen, (Broadleaf arrowhead, Duck potato,
perennial, spreading, marginal water Wapato)
plant with heart-shaped, glossy, mid- Deciduous, perennial, marginal water
to dark green leaves. In spring, produces plant with curved, soft green leaves and
large, white spathes usually followed by sprays of white flowers in summer. Can
red or orange fruits. H 10in (25cm), be invasive, so confine it in a basket.
S 12in (30cm). H 5ft (1.5m), S 2ft (60cm).

AFZ4–8t AFZ5–11

water and bog plants Menyanthes trifoliata (Bog bean)
Deciduous, perennial, marginal water
plant with 3-parted, green leaves on
floating, spreading stems. To control, cut
off extremities and replant. Fringed,
white flowers open from cerise buds in
early spring. H 9in (23cm), S indefinite.


434 Lysichiton camtschatcensis Leucojum aestivum ‘Gravetye Giant’ Acorus calamus ‘Argenteostriatus’
(White skunk cabbage) Robust, spring-flowering bulb, suitable Semievergreen, perennial, marginal
Vigorous, deciduous, perennial, marginal for moist, boggy sites. Bears heads of water plant. Swordlike, tangerine-
water or bog plant. Pure white spathes, pendent, long-stalked, bell-shaped, scented, mid-green leaves have cream
surrounding spikes of small, insignificant green-tipped, white flowers on leafless variegation and are flushed rose-pink
flowers, are borne in spring, before large, stems, above strap-shaped, semierect, in spring. Increase by division in mid-
oblong to ovate, bright green leaves basal leaves. H 36in (90cm), S 3in (8cm). spring. H 30in (75cm), S 24in (60cm).
emerge. H 30in (75cm), S 24in (60cm).
AFZ4–8 AFZ10–11

Hottonia palustris (Water violet)
Deciduous, perennial, submerged water
plant. Dense whorls of much-divided,
light green leaves form a spreading mass
of foliage. Lilac or whitish flowers are
produced above water surface in
summer. Helps suppress algae.
Increase by division. S indefinite.


Astilboides tabularis Acorus gramineus ‘Variegatus’ water and bog plants
Deciduous, clump-forming perennial, Semievergreen, perennial, marginal or
bog plant with rounded, mid-green submerged water plant. Narrow, stiff,
leaves, 3ft (1m) across. In midsummer, grasslike leaves are dark green with
produces plumelike panicles of cream variegation. Other cultivars with
numerous, tiny, white flowers. different colored foliage are available.
H 4ft (1.2m), S 5ft (1.5m). Useful for patio ponds. H 10in (25cm),
S 6in (15cm).

Saururus cernuus (Lizard’s tail) Aponogeton distachyos Caltha leptosepala Stratiotes aloides (Water soldier) 435
Deciduous, perennial, marginal water (Cape pondweed, Water hawthorn) Deciduous, perennial, marginal water Semievergreen, perennial, submerged,
or bog plant. Produces clumps of Deciduous, perennial, deep-water plant plant with heart-shaped, dark green free-floating water plant. Spiny, olive-
heart-shaped, mid-green leaves and with floating, oblong, mid- to dark green leaves and buttercup-like, white flowers green leaves are arranged in rosettes.
racemes of creamy flowers in summer. leaves, often splashed with purple. Very produced in late spring and early Produces cup-shaped, white, sometimes
Can become invasive; in small ponds fragrant, “forked,” white flowers are summer. Increase by division in pink-tinged flowers in summer.
and water features, keep it confined in borne throughout summer, often into midspring. H and S 12in (30cm). Increases by producing small water
a basket. H 9in (23cm), S 12in (30cm). winter. S 4ft (1.2m). buds. S 12in (30cm).
AFZ5–10 AFZ9–10 AFZ5–11


Glyceria maxima var. variegata Leucojum aestivum
Herbaceous, spreading, perennial (Summer snowflake)
grass with cream-striped leaves, Spring-flowering bulb with long,
often tinged pink at the base. Bears strap-shaped, semierect, basal leaves.
open panicles of greenish spikelets Bears heads of pendent, long-stalked,
in summer. H 30in (80cm), S indefinite. bell-shaped, green-tipped, white flowers
on leafless stems. H 18–36in (50–100cm),
AEZ4–9 S 4–5in (10–12cm).


water and bog plants Aruncus dioicus (Goat’s beard) Rodgersia podophylla
Hummock-forming perennial producing Clump-forming, rhizomatous perennial
large leaves with lance-shaped leaflets with large, many-veined leaves that are
on tall stems and above them, in bronze when young and later become
midsummer, branching plumes mid-green, then copper-tinted. Panicles
of tiny, creamy-white flowers. of creamy-white flowers are borne well
H 6ft (2m), S 4ft (1.2m). above foliage in summer. H 4ft (1.2m),
S 3ft (1m).

Schoenoplectus lacustris subsp. Arundo donax var. versicolor Filipendula ulmaria (Meadowsweet) Trollius x cultorum ‘Alabaster’
tabernaemontani ‘Zebrinus’ Herbaceous, rhizomatous, perennial Deciduous, perennial, bog plant with Clump-forming perennial producing
Evergreen, spreading, perennial grass with strong stems bearing plumelike spikes of creamy-white rounded, yellowish-white flowers in
sedge with leafless stems, striped broad, creamy-white-striped leaves. flowers in midsummer. Leafy stems bear spring. These emerge from a basal mass
horizontally with white, and brown May produce dense, erect panicles of divided, mid-green leaves. Self-seeds of rounded, deeply divided, mid-green
spikelets in summer. Withstands whitish-yellow spikelets in late summer. quite vigorously. H 3ft (1m), S 24in leaves. H 24in (60cm), S 18in (45cm).
brackish water. H 5ft (1.5m), H 8–10ft (2.5–3m), S 2ft (60cm). (60cm).
S indefinite.
436 AEZ7–9 BEZ5–9 AEZ5–8

Zantedeschia aethiopica Rhynchospora colorata
‘Crowborough’ Slow-growing, deciduous, spreading,
Early to mid-summer-flowering perennial, marginal water plant or bog
tuber with arrow-shaped, semierect, plant with pointed, green-tipped, white
basal, deep green leaves. Produces a bracts surrounding an inconspicuous
succession of arum-like, white spathes, flower head in late summer. Has linear,
each with a yellow spadix. H 11⁄2–3ft slightly hairy, mid-green leaves.
(45–100cm), S 1–11⁄2ft (35–45cm). H 18in (45cm), S indefinite.

ADZ8–10t AFZ7–10

Rodgersia aesculifolia water and bog plants
Clump-forming, rhizomatous perennial
that is excellent for a bog garden or
pond margin. In midsummer, plumes
of fragrant, pinkish-white flowers rise
above crinkled, bronze foliage like
that of a horse-chestnut tree.
H and S 3ft (1m).


Sanguisorba canadensis Rodgersia sambucifolia Lysimachia clethroides Anemone rivularis
(Canadian burnet) Deciduous, clump-forming, perennial, Vigorous, clump-forming, spreading Perennial with stiff, free-branching
Clump-forming perennial. In late bog plant with emerald-green leaves, perennial bearing spikes of small, white stems bearing delicate, cup-shaped,
summer, bears slightly pendent spikes sometimes bronze-tinged, divided into flowers above mid-green foliage in late white flowers in summer above
of bottlebrush-like, white flowers on large, lobed leaflets. Bears broad spires summer. H 3ft (1m), S 2–3ft (60–100cm). deeply divided, dark green leaves.
stems that arise from toothed, divided, of creamy-white flowers in summer. H 24in (60cm), S 12in (30cm).
mid-green leaves. H 4–6ft (1.2–2m), H 5ft (1.5m), S 3ft (1m).
S 2ft (60cm).
AEZ5–8 AEZ4–9 BDZ6–8t 437


Nelumbo nucifera (Sacred lotus) Darmera peltata (Umbrella plant) Cardamine raphanifolia Butomus umbellatus (Flowering rush)
Vigorous, deciduous, perennial, marginal Spreading perennial with large, rounded Deciduous, almost evergreen, perennial, Deciduous, perennial, rushlike, marginal
water plant. Sturdy stems bear very leaves. Bears clusters of white or pale bog plant with panicles of dark lilac water plant with narrow, twisted,
large, platelike, blue-green leaves pink flowers in spring on white-haired flowers in late spring. Mid-green leaves mid-green leaves and umbels
and, in summer, large, vivid rose-pink stems before foliage emerges. H 3–4ft are divided into ovate to rounded of pink to rose-red flowers in summer.
flowers, maturing to flesh-pink. Grow (1–1.2m), S 2ft (60cm). leaflets. Self-seeds readily. H 20in (50cm), H 3ft (1m), S 18in (45cm).
under glass. H 3–5ft (1–1.5m) above water, S 8in (20cm).
S 4ft (1.2m). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). AEZ5–9 AFZ3–11

water and bog plants Chelone obliqua (Turtlehead)
Upright perennial that bears terminal
spikes of hooded, lilac-pink flowers in
late summer and fall. Leaves are dark
green and lance-shaped. H 3ft (1m),
S 20in (50cm).


438 Cardamine pratensis (Lady’s smock) Filipendula rubra (Queen of the prairie) Liatris spicata (Blazing star)
Deciduous, clump-forming, perennial, Vigorous, upright perennial with large, Clump-forming perennial. In late
marginal water plant or bog plant with jagged leaves and feathery plumes of summer, bears spikes of crowded,
dense panicles of single or double, lilac tiny, soft pink flowers on tall, branching rose-purple flower heads on stiff stems
or white flowers in spring. Has rosettes stems in midsummer. Will rapidly that arise from basal tufts of grassy,
of glossy, dark green leaves divided colonize a boggy site. H 6–8ft (2–2.5m), mid-green foliage. H 24in (60cm),
into rounded leaflets. H 18in (45cm), S 4ft (1.2m). S 12in (30cm).
S 6in (15cm).
BFZ3–9 ADZ4–9


Rheum palmatum ‘Atrosanguineum’ Lobelia cardinalis (Cardinal flower) Astilbe ‘Fanal’ water and bog plants
Clump-forming perennial with very Deciduous, perennial, bog plant with Leafy perennial with strong stems. In
large, lobed, deeply cut leaves that are narrowly lance-shaped, fresh green summer, bears neat, tapering, feathery
deep red-purple when young. Bears leaves. Produces spires of 2-lipped, panicles of tiny, crimson-red flowers
large, fluffy panicles of crimson flowers brilliant scarlet flowers in summer. that turn brown and keep their shape
in early summer. H and S 6ft (2m). H 30in (75cm), S 9in (23cm). in winter. Broad leaves are divided
into leaflets. Prefers humus-rich soil.
ADZ5–9t AEZ2–8t H 24in (60cm), S to 36in (90cm).


Geum coccineum Iris fulva Sarracenia purpurea 439
Clump-forming perennial with Rhizomatous, beardless iris. In late (Common pitcher plant, Huntsman’s cup)
irregularly lobed leaves, above which spring or summer, produces a slender, Evergreen, erect to semiprostrate,
rise slender, branching, hairy stems slightly branched stem with 4–6 rosette-forming perennial. Inflated,
bearing single, orange flowers with (occasionally more) copper- or green pitchers are tinged purple-red.
prominent, yellow stamens in summer. orange-red flowers, 2–3in (5–7cm) In spring, bears 5-petaled, purple
H and S 12in (30cm). across, with 2 flowers per leaf axil. flowers. H 12in (30cm), S 12–16in
H 18–32in (45–80cm), S indefinite. (30–40cm). Min. 41°F (5°C).
BFZ6–9t BFZ2–9

WATER LILIES N. ‘Froebelii ’ N. ‘Laydekeri Fulgens’ N. ‘Blue Beauty ’
[medium] [medium] [large]
These beautiful plants are often the focal point in a pond
or water feature, be it naturalistic or formal. The leaves N. ‘James Brydon’
and flowers float on the surface, helping control algae [medium]
and providing cover for fish and wildlife. There are nearly
400 species and selections available, with flower colors in
shades of white, yellow, pink and red. Blue water lilies are
not hardy in frost-prone climates. Water lilies vary in size,
and include miniature types that spread up to 24in (60cm)
in diameter and need a water depth of just 8in (20cm);
medium lilies, ranging from 3–5ft (1–1.5m); and large types
that extend 5–12ft (1.5–4m) or more—these require a water
depth of 24in (60cm) or more. All water lilies thrive in full
sun and must be grown in still water. For more details, see
the Plant Dictionary.

N. ‘Aurora’ N. ‘Rose Arey ’ N. ‘Black Princess’ [medium]
[medium] [medium]

N. odorata var. minor N. ‘Pygmaea Helvola’ N. ‘Marliacea Chromatella’
[medium] [miniature] [medium]

N. ‘Gonnère’ N. tetragona N. ‘Attraction’
[medium] [miniature] [medium]

N. ‘Fire Crest ’ N. ‘Lucida’ N. ‘Pink Sensation’ [medium]
[medium] [medium]

440 N. ‘Escarboucle’ [medium] N. ‘Odorata Sulphurea Grandiflora’ [medium]

N. ‘Marliacea Albida’ [medium]


Iris ensata (Japanese iris) Iris setosa (Bristle-pointed iris) Pontederia cordata (Pickerel weed)
Rhizomatous, beardless Japanese iris. Rhizomatous, beardless iris, very variable Deciduous, perennial, marginal water
Branched stem produces 3–15 purple in stature. Bears 2–13 deep blue or plant. In late summer, dense spikes of
or red-purple flowers, 3–6in (8–15cm) purple-blue flowers, 2–3in (5–8cm) across, blue flowers are produced between
across, with a yellow blaze on each fall, from each spathe in late spring and early lance-shaped, glossy, dark green leaves.
from early to midsummer. Many garden summer. Falls have paler blue or white H 30in (75cm), S 18in (45cm).
forms, including doubles and bicolors. marks; each standard is reduced to a
H 24–36in (60–90cm), S indefinite. bristle. H 4–36in (10–90cm), S indefinite. AFZ3–11

BFZ3–9t BFZ3–8t

Mimulus ringens water and bog plants
Deciduous, perennial, marginal water
plant or bog plant with snapdragon-like,
mauve-blue flowers borne in the leaf
axils on tall stems from early to
mid-summer. Has lance-shaped to
narrowly oblong, toothed, mid-green
leaves. H 24in (60cm), S 6in (15cm).


Myosotis scorpioides ‘Mermaid’ Iris sibirica (Siberian iris) Lobelia siphilitica
(Water forget-me-not) Rhizomatous, beardless Siberian iris. (Blue cardinal flower)
Deciduous, perennial, marginal water From late spring to early summer, a Clump-forming perennial with narrowly
plant for mud or very shallow water. branched stem bears 2 or 3 dark-veined, ovate, green leaves. Racemes of 2-lipped,
Narrow, mid-green leaves form blue or blue-purple flowers, 2–4in blue flowers are produced in late
spreading mounds. Bears small, blue, (5–10cm) across, from each spathe. summer and fall. H 3ft (1m),
forget-me-not flowers during summer. H 20–48in (50–120cm), S indefinite. S 9in (23cm).
H 6in (15cm), S 12in (30cm).
BFZ3–8t AEZ4–8 441


water and bog plants Iris versicolor (Blue flag, Wild iris) Typha latifolia (Cattail)
Robust, rhizomatous, beardless iris. Deciduous, perennial, marginal water
Branched stem produces 3–5 or more plant with large clumps of mid-green
purple-blue, reddish-purple, lavender foliage. Produces spikes of beige flowers
or slate-purple flowers, 2–4in (5–10cm) in late summer, followed by decorative,
across, from early to mid-summer. Falls dark brown seed heads. Invasive.
usually have a central white area veined Smaller species available. H to 8ft (2.5m),
purple. H 8–32in (20–80cm). S 2ft (60cm).

BFZ3–9t AFZ2–12

Salvia uliginosa (Bog sage) Veronica beccabunga (Brooklime) Potamogeton crispus Myriophyllum verticillatum
Graceful, upright, branching perennial Usually evergreen, marginal water plant (Curled pondweed) (Whorled water milfoil)
with oblong to lance-shaped, deeply with creeping, hollow, fleshy stems and Deciduous, perennial, submerged water Deciduous, perennial, spreading,
toothed, mid-green leaves. From late rounded, mid-green leaves. Bears blue plant that produces spreading colonies submerged water plant, overwintering
summer to midfall, bears short, terminal flowers with white centers from late of seaweedlike, bronze- or mid-green by club-shaped winter buds. Slender
racemes of clear blue flowers, 3⁄4in (2cm) spring to late summer. Grow in wet soil foliage. Insignificant flowers are borne in stems are covered with whorls of finely
long. H 6ft (2m), S 18in (45cm). or water to 5in (12cm) deep. Invasive. summer. Prefers cool water. Helps keep divided, olive-green leaves. An excellent
H 4in (10cm), S indefinite. water clear. S indefinite. water conditioner. S indefinite.
AFZ5–11 AFZ7–11 AFZ3–11

Matteuccia struthiopteris
(Ostrich fern)
Deciduous, rhizomatous fern. Lance-
shaped, erect, divided fronds are
arranged like a shuttlecock; outermost,
fresh green, sterile fronds surround
denser, dark brown, fertile fronds.
H 3ft (1m), S 18in (45cm).


Typha minima Gunnera manicata of gardens water and bog plants
Deciduous, perennial, marginal water Architectural perennial with rounded,
plant with grasslike leaves. Spikes prickly-edged leaves, to 5ft (1.5m) across.
of rust-brown flowers in late summer Bears conical, light green flower spikes
are followed by decorative, black, in early summer, followed by orange-
cylindrical seed heads. Confine in brown seed pods. Needs mulch cover
a basket to keep under control. for crowns in winter and a sheltered
H 18–24in (45–60cm), S 12in (30cm). site. H 6ft (2m), S 7ft (2.2m).

AFZ3–11 AEZ7–10

Trapa natans (Water chestnut) Sparganium erectum Peltandra virginica Osmunda regalis (Royal fern)
Annual, floating water plant with (Branched bur reed) Deciduous, perennial, marginal water Deciduous fern with elegant, broadly
diamond-shaped, mid-green leaves, Vigorous, deciduous or semievergreen, plant with arrow- to spear-shaped, ovate to oblong, divided, bright green
often marked purple, arranged in perennial, marginal water plant with glossy, dark green leaves, 10in (25cm) fronds, pinkish when young. Mature
rosettes. Bears white flowers in summer. narrow, mid-green leaves. Bears small, long. Produces an inconspicuous, green plants bear tassel-like, rust-brown fertile
In cooler climates it will not survive the greenish-brown burs in summer. In spathe with a paler green spadix in late flower spikes at ends of taller fronds.
winter. Replace annually. S 9in (23cm). small to medium ponds, control in a summer. H and S 24in (60cm). H 6ft (2m), S 3ft (1m).
basket. H 3ft (1m), S 2ft (60cm).
AFZ14–15 BFZ5–9 BFZ2–10 443


Houttuynia cordata ‘Chameleon’ Caltha palustris
Vigorous, deciduous, perennial, (Marsh marigold)
groundcover, marginal water plant. Deciduous, perennial, marginal water
Aromatic, leathery leaves are splashed plant that has rounded, dark green
yellow and red. Bears small sprays of leaves and bears clusters of cup-shaped,
white flowers in summer. Needs some bright golden-yellow flowers in spring.
sun to enhance variegation. Potentially There are several varieties available.
invasive. H 4in (10cm), S indefinite. H 24in (60cm), S 18in (45cm).

BFZ5–11 AFZ3–7

water and bog plants Lysichiton americanus Ranunculus lingua Orontium aquaticum (Golden club)
(Yellow skunk cabbage) Deciduous, perennial, marginal water Deciduous, perennial, deep-water plant
Vigorous, deciduous, perennial, marginal plant with sturdy stems and lance- or, less suitably, marginal water plant.
water or bog plant. Produces bright shaped, glaucous leaves. Clusters of In spring, pencil-like, gold-and-white
yellow spathes in spring, before large, yellow flowers are borne in late spring. flower spikes emerge from floating,
fresh green leaves develop. Avoid Increase by division in March. Spreads oblong, blue-gray or blue-green leaves.
planting near streams; spreads rapidly. rapidly. Confine to a basket in smaller Needs a large basket. Increase by
H 3ft (1m), S 2.5ft (75cm). ponds. H 3ft (90cm), S 18in (45cm). division or seed. S 24in (60cm).

AFZ7–9t AFZ5–9t AFZ6–10

Caltha palustris ‘Flore Pleno’ Nymphoides peltata (Water fringe) Nuphar lutea (Yellow water lily)
Deciduous, perennial, marginal Deciduous, perennial, deep-water plant Vigorous, deciduous, perennial,
water plant with rounded, dark green with floating, small, round, mid-green deep-water plant for a large pool.
leaves. Bears clusters of double, bright leaves, often spotted and splashed with Mid-green leaves are leathery. Small,
golden-yellow flowers in spring. brown. Produces small, fringed, yellow sickly-smelling, bottle-shaped, yellow
Increase by division in March. flowers throughout summer. In smaller flowers open in summer, followed by
H and S 10in (25cm). ponds, keep under control in a basket. decorative seed heads. Increase by
S 24in (60cm). division in early spring. S 5ft (1.5m).
AFZ6–11 BFZ3–9

Primula prolifera Hydrocleys x nymphoides
Rosette-forming, evergreen, Candelabra (Water poppy)
primula producing fragrant, bell-shaped, Deciduous, perennial, deep-water plant,
pale to golden yellow, occasionally dull evergreen in tropical conditions. In
violet, flowers in summer. Spoon- to summer, poppylike, yellow flowers with
diamond-shaped leaves are toothed and yellow centers, 2–3in (5–8cm) across, are
deep green. H and S 24in (60cm). held above the floating, ovate, mid-green
leaves. S to 24in (60cm). Min. 34ºF (1ºC).

Iris pseudacorus var. bastardii Ligularia dentata ‘Britt Marie Ligularia przewalskii water and bog plants
Deciduous, perennial, marginal water Crawford’ Loosely clump-forming perennial with
plant or bog plant bearing single, pale Clump-forming perennial with stems clothed in deeply cut, round, dark
lemon-yellow flowers in late spring and heart-shaped, dark purple leaves and green leaves. Narrow spires of small,
early summer. Leaves are broadly linear, stems. In midsummer, produces sturdy daisylike, yellow flower heads are
ridged, and mid-green. H 3ft (1m), racemes of large, daisylike, orange produced from mid- to late summer.
S 24in (60cm). flower heads. H 5ft (1.5m), S 3ft (1m). H 4–6ft (1.2–2m), S 3ft (1m).

AFZ5–8t BEZ4–8 AEZ4–8

Primula florindae (Giant cowslip) Carex elata ‘Aurea’ Sarracenia flava Trollius europaeus (Globeflower) 445
Bold, rosette-forming perennial (Bowles’ golden sedge) (Yellow pitcher plant) Clump-forming perennial that in
with broadly lance-shaped, toothed, Evergreen, tuft-forming, perennial Erect perennial with red-marked, spring bears rounded, lemon- to
mid-green leaves. In summer, produces sedge with golden-yellow leaves. yellow-green pitchers (modified leaves) mid-yellow flowers above deeply
large heads of pendent, bell-shaped, Solid, triangular stems bear dark brown that have hooded tops. From late divided, mid-green leaves.
scented, sulfur-yellow flowers. flower spikes in summer. spring to early summer, bears nodding, H 24in (60cm), S 18in (45cm).
H 4ft (1.2m), S 3ft (1m). H to 16in (40cm), S 6in (15cm). yellow or greenish-yellow flowers.
H and S 18in (45cm). AEZ5–8
BEZ3–8 AFZ5–9


Tropical and subtropical regions are home to a huge range
of plants, each thriving in varying growing conditions. If you live

in these areas, you can grow tender plants outside and create
dramatic planting schemes with architectural forms and exotic
flowers. In temperate regions, either grow these exotic plants
under glass or indoors as houseplants. There is a wealth of form,
color, and texture available, from plants with handsome foliage

to those with beautiful blooms, including bougainvilleas and
peace lilies. Unlike those grown outside, indoor plants are not

subject to seasonal extremes, and many need relatively little
attention, apart from watering, feeding, and annual repotting.


Gardeners have long been fascinated by tender and exotic plants that
bring color and interest from all corners of the world. In warmer
regions, many of these can be grown in the garden; in cooler areas,
they're best treated as houseplants, at least for part of the year.

tender and What are tender and flower (Anthurium andraeanum), peace lily mainstay of beds and borders, even entire
exotic plants exotic plants? (Spathiphyllum wallisii), and Madagascar gardens, from jungle schemes to desert-
jasmine (Stephanotis floribunda). Other style borders. In cooler areas, where they
This group of plants originates from many plants are more robust and can spend can only spend the warm summer months
parts of the world, including tropical and the summer in sheltered positions in the outside, they can still play a prominent role.
subtropical areas, where they require garden, being brought back in before the Pot-grown plants such as Agave americana,
temperatures no lower than 34–64°F first frosts. These include Banksia coccinea, Ensete ventricosum, and even the bird of
(1–18°C), even in winter. Their specific the Australian heath (Epracris impressa), paradise, Strelitzia reginae, for example, will
cultural demands vary between plants and and king protea (Protea cynaroides). all give a dramatic but temporary display in
can be complex. In addition to warmth, the garden, or on a patio or roof terrace.
many also require high light levels, long Designing with
growing seasons, and often either very arid tender plants Indoors, tender and exotic plants can be
or humid growing conditions. A small put to many uses, from statement plants in
number, including cacti and succulents, can The range of tender and exotic plants is grand reception rooms, and year-round
tolerate frost if kept dry, but most cannot. vast, and includes many with bold flowers, greenery in conservatory planters, to lone
attractive foliage, or an architectural habit. windowsill potted plants for seasonal color.
Where the climate allows, tender and With such a diverse variety to grow, they
exotic plants can be grown in the garden; are ideal for many different situations and BELOW Dramatic foliage
where it doesn’t, they must be grown planting styles. In areas where they can be The Japanese sago palm (Cycas revoluta) is one of many
indoors. The most tender plants require grown outdoors all year, they can form the tender shrubs that can be enjoyed indoors during winter,
permanent protection and are commonly but can be kept outside for summer. It is grown for its
grown as houseplants, including flamingo sculptural foliage and habit.

ABOVE Exotic flowers for indoors
Frangipani (Plumeria rubra) is famed for its rich scent and
must be grown permanently in a large heated conservatory,
where it can become very large. It needs a minimum winter
temperature of 50°F (10°C).

448 ABOVE Conservatory climber
Bougainvillea is a vigorous, shrubby climber in warmer
climates. It needs a minimum temperature of 45°F (7°C),
and must be treated as a large conservatory plant in
cooler areas.

LEFT In a natural setting
In their native hot, dry climates, cacti and other succulents
can achieve spectacular dimensions. Even in cooler
temperate gardens, they can still make a bold impression
but must be brought in for the winter, and repositioned
outside again each summer.

When choosing and positioning tender Caring for tender plants observe their natural growing seasons tender and
plants indoors, consider the conditions they by feeding and watering them more exotic plants
require. Light levels may be poor, even near All tender and exotic plants, like any other frequently when they're in growth and
windows, and air-conditioning and central garden plant, have their preferred growing less so, if at all, when they are dormant.
heating can create a dry atmosphere, which conditions, so consider your site, soil, and
many plants dislike. Another consideration aspect carefully when planting outdoors. Heated conservatories and greenhouses
is how large the plants will become; many This is even more important when growing provide the best indoor habitat for most
exotic plants commonly grown as house- them indoors, as the plants are reliant on tender plants, although many also thrive in
plants, such as the Swiss-cheese plant you for their care. The best approach is to houses. The care they require depends on
(Monstera deliciosa), and Bougainvillea, try and mirror their natural conditions as the plant, but as a guide, position sun-loving
occupy considerable space over time, closely as possible, providing the same plants nearer the windows, shade-lovers
although they can be pruned and trained. degree of heat, light, shade, humidity, and farther away, and maintain high humidity
ventilation. It is also very important to levels by standing your plants on trays of
moist gravel and misting them regularly.
Some plants, such as moth orchids
(Phalaenopsis), require good light but not
direct sunlight. This can be achieved by
positioning them on a north-facing window,
or on a shelf close to a bright window. Also
watch out for pests, which can flourish in
the favorable conditions you provide.

Finding areas that provide optimal
growing conditions for houseplants
indoors can difficult, so it is worth making
best use of them where they occur. A good
approach is to plant “community planters”
and grow plants that enjoy similar
conditions together in a single container.
This is ideal for sun-loving cacti, as well as
epiphytic orchids and bromeliads that need
high humidity and insectivorous plants that
prefer very moist soil.


Orchids, such as Phalaenopsis Allegria gx, require particular conditions on decorative wood can be beneficial to your orchid’s health. It mimics how
to perform at their best. Where you have a suitable spot indoors, take full the orchid would grow naturally and allows for good ventilation to the roots
advantage of it and create an attractive orchid display. Mounting an orchid and good drainage, which will help your plant thrive and prevent disease.

The completed display 1 Remove the orchid from its pot and 2Position the orchid on the wood 3 Decorate the rest of the piece of
tease the potting medium from its with the plant’s crown angled wood with additional handfuls of
roots. Pack sphagnum moss evenly in downward. Wrap wire around the base moss, secured with wire. Place in a
and around the roots, leaving some and roots of the orchid to secure it to humid area and mist daily. When in
outer roots partially exposed. Gently the wood (but not too tightly). When full growth, water 3 times a week by
secure in place with a little wire. the plant is secure, twist the ends of the submerging the entire mount in a deep
wire together and cut away the excess. bowl for 20 minutes until saturated.




Agonis flexuosa Dombeya x cayeuxii (Pink snowball) Metrosideros excelsa
(Peppermint tree, Willow myrtle) Evergreen, bushy tree with rounded, (New Zealand fire tree)
Evergreen, weeping tree. Aromatic, toothed, hairy leaves to 8in (20cm) long. Evergreen, wide-spreading tree.
lance-shaped, leathery leaves are Pink flowers appear in pendent, ball- Ovate, gray-green leaves are white felted
bronze-red when young. In spring– like clusters in winter or spring. beneath. Bears showy tufts of crimson
summer, mature trees bear masses of H 10–15ft (3–5m), S 6–10ft (2–3m). stamens in winter. H to 70ft (20m),
small, white flowers. H 20–40ft (6–12m), Min. 50–55ºF (10–13ºC). S 30–70ft (10–20m).
S 15–30ft (5–10m). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).
ADZ9–11 ADZ11

tender and exotic

Syzygium paniculatum Chorisia speciosa (Floss silk tree) Brachychiton acerifolius
(Australian brush cherry) Fast-growing, deciduous tree, the (Illawarra flame tree)
Evergreen tree with glossy leaves, trunk and branches studded with Deciduous tree with clusters of bright
coppery when young. Bears creamy- thick, conical thorns. Pink to burgundy scarlet flowers in late winter, spring,
white flowers, with reddish sepals, flowers are produced as indented, light or summer before 3–7-lobed, lustrous
and fragrant, rose-purple fruits. green leaves fall. H 50ft (15m), S 5ft leaves develop. H 50–120ft (15–35m),
H 30ft (10m) or more, S 10–30ft (1.5m). Min. 59°F (15°C). S 25–40ft (8–12m). Min. 50°F (10°C).
(3–10m). Min. 50°F (10°C).
ADZ9–11 ADMZ9–10

450 Ficus elastica ‘Doescheri’ Ficus benjamina ‘Variegata’ Bauhinia variegata Grevillea banksii
(Rubber plant) Evergreen, dense, round-headed, Deciduous, rounded tree with broadly Evergreen, loosely branched tree or tall
Strong-growing, evergreen, upright weeping tree, often with aerial ovate, deeply notched leaves. Fragrant, shrub. Divided leaves have 5–11 slender
then spreading tree with oblong to roots. Has slender, pointed, lustrous magenta to lavender flowers, to leaflets, silky-downy beneath. Bears dense
ovate, leathery, lustrous, deep green leaves that are rich green with white 4in (10cm) across, are borne in heads of spiderlike, red (sometimes pink
leaves, patterned with gray-green, variegation. H 100ft (30m) or more, winter–spring, sometimes later. or creamy white) flowers intermittently
yellow and white. H 100–200ft (30–60m), S 50ft (15m) or more. Min. 50°F (10°C). H 25–40ft (8–12m), S 10–25ft (3–8m). throughout the year. H 3–30ft (1–10m),
S 70–200ft (20–60m). Min. 59°F (15°C). Min. 45ºF (7ºC). S 6–15ft (2–5m).
ADZ11t ADZ9–11 ADMZ10–11t

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