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Published by iLibrary Sanggar Pustaka Ismail, 2021-06-30 05:21:28

Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers by Christopher Brickell (

by Christopher Brickell (

Keywords: encyclopedia,english


(20cm) across, overlaid with green and HOHERIA Thin out crowded growth in spring or drained soil. Propagate by division
thinly edged (and occasionally lined) after flowering has finished. Propagate by in spring or by seed in fall.
red. Z9–11 MALVACEAE seed in spring or by softwood or semiripe H. pyrenaicum (Dragon’s mouth,
H. morelianum. See H. aulicum. cuttings in summer. Whitefly and red Pyrenean dead nettle). Basal-rosetted
H. ‘Red Lion’ illus. p.414. Genus of deciduous and evergreen trees spider mite may be troublesome. perennial. H 8in (20cm), S to 12in (30cm).
H. reginae (Mexican lily). Summer- and shrubs, sometimes semievergreen, H. sanguinea (Chinese hat plant, In summer, produces whorls of nodding,
flowering bulb. H 20in (50cm), S 12in grown for their flowers produced mainly Mandarin’s hat plant). Evergreen, scandent short-stalked, funnel-shaped, blue-purple
(30cm). Flower stem produces a head of in summer. Where marginally hardy, grow shrub. H 10–30ft (3–10m), S 5–10ft (1.5–3m). or white flowers above ovate, leathery,
2–4 scarlet flowers, each 4–6in (10–15cm) against a south- or west-facing wall. Leaves are 2–4in (5–10cm) long, ovate and dark green leaves, 3–4in (8–10cm) long. Z6–8
across and with a star-shaped, green mark Requires sun or semishade and fertile, serrated. From summer to fall, bears
in the throat. Long, strap-shaped, well-drained soil. Propagate by semiripe trumpet-shaped flowers with crimson HOSTA H
semierect leaves develop at the base after cuttings in summer or by seed in fall. petals and conspicuous, saucer-shaped,
flowering has finished. Z11–12 H. angustifolia, syn. H. microphylla, illus. orange-red calyces. Z10–11 (min. 59°F/15°C) Plantain lily 601
H. ‘Royal Velvet’. Winter-flowering p.85.
bulb. H 12–20in (30–50cm), S 12in (30cm). H. ‘Glory of Amlwch’. Semievergreen, HOLODISCUS ASPARAGACEAE
Produces large, deep scarlet-red flowers, spreading tree. H 22ft (7m), S 20ft (6m).
4–6in (10–15cm) across. Z9–11 Has long, narrowly ovate, glossy, bright ROSACEAE Genus of mostly clump-forming perennials,
H. rutilum. See H. striatum. green leaves and a profusion of large, occasionally rhizomatous or stem-rooting,
H. striatum, syn. H. rutilum. Spring- 5-petaled, white flowers from mid- to late Genus of one species of deciduous shrub, grown mainly for their decorative foliage.
and summer-flowering bulb. H and S 12in summer. Z9–10 grown for its sprays of creamy-white Forms large clumps that are excellent for
(30cm). Has strap-shaped, semierect, bright H. lyallii, syn. Plagianthus lyallii, flowers. Needs sun or semishade and any groundcover (heights given are those of
green, basal leaves. Up to 4 funnel-shaped illus. p.85. but very dry soil. Propagate by semiripe foliage). Most species prefer shade and
flowers have pointed, scarlet petals, each H. microphylla. See H. angustifolia. cuttings in summer. rich, moist but well-drained, neutral soil.
with a central, green stripe. Z14–15 H. populnea (Lacebark). Evergreen, H. discolor (Ocean spray) illus. p.113. Propagate by division in early spring.
(min. 55–59°F/13–15°C) spreading tree. H 40ft (12m), S 30ft (10m). Seed-raised plants (except of
H. ‘Striped’ illus. p.414. Bears narrowly ovate, glossy, dark green Homeria ochroleuca. See Moraea H. ventricosa) very rarely come true to
H. vittatum (St. Joseph’s lily). Vigorous, leaves and produces dense clusters of ochroleuca. type. Slug and snail control is essential.
spring-flowering bulb. H to 3ft (90cm), S 1ft 5-petaled, white flowers in late summer See also feature panel pp.272–73.
(30cm). Leaves are broadly strap-shaped, and early fall. Bark on mature trees is Homoglossum. See Gladiolus. H. albomarginata. See H. sieboldii
semierect and basal. Sturdy, leafless stem pale brown and white and often flaky. ‘Paxton’s Original’.
precedes leaves and terminates in a head Z9–10 HOMOGYNE H. ‘Allan P. McConnell’ (illus. p.273).
of 2–6 red-striped, white flowers, each 5–8in H. sexstylosa (Ribbonwood). Fast- Clump-forming perennial. H 6–8in (15–
(12–20cm) across. Z13–15 (min. 41°F/5°C) growing, evergreen, upright tree or shrub. ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE 20cm), S 12–18in (30–45cm). Has broadly to
H 25ft (8m), S 20ft (6m). Glossy, pale green narrowly ovate, olive-green leaves with
HIPPOCREPIS leaves are narrowly ovate and sharply Genus of evergreen perennials, useful for narrow, white margins. In midsummer,
toothed. Star-shaped, 5-petaled, white groundcover in rock gardens and produces bell-shaped, purple flowers on
Horseshoe vetch, Vetch flowers are borne in clusters from mid- to woodland. Needs shade and moist soil. scapes 14–16in (35–40cm) long. Z3–9
late summer. Z9–10. ‘Stardust’ bears a Propagate by division in spring or by seed H. ‘American Halo’. Robust, densely
PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE profusion of pure white flowers. when fresh. mounded, clump-forming perennial.
H. alpina (Alpine coltsfoot). Mat-forming, H 22in (55cm), S 5ft (1.5m). Has large,
Genus of annuals and perennials, grown HOLBOELLIA rhizomatous perennial. H 3–6in (8–15cm), broadly ovate, strongly veined, dark blue-
for their small, pealike flowers, which S 6in (15cm) or more. Has kidney-shaped, green leaves, with heart-shaped bases and
are attractive to butterflies. Requires full LARDIZABALACEAE toothed, glossy leaves. In summer, stems, wide, irregular, yellow margins fading to
sun and well-drained soil. Propagate by 3–6in (8–15cm) or more long, each bear a ivory-white with age. Scapes, 2ft (60cm)
seed in spring or fall. Self-seeds readily. Genus of evergreen, twining climbers, daisylike, rose-purple flower head. Z7–11 long, bear broadly funnel-shaped, white
May be invasive. grown mainly for their fine foliage. Both flowers in early and mid-summer. Z3–8
H. comosa (Horseshoe vetch) illus. p.373. male and female flowers are borne on the HOODIA H. ‘Antioch’ (illus. p.272). Robust, clump-
‘E.R. Janes’ is a vigorous, prostrate, same plant. Grow in any well-drained soil, forming perennial. H 20in (50cm), S 3ft
woody-based perennial. H to 3in (8cm), in a position in shade or full light. APOCYNACEAE/ASCLEPIADACEAE (90cm). Has broadly ovate, matte, dark
S indefinite. Rooting stems bear small, Propagate by seed in spring or by stem green leaves irregularly margined gray-
loose spikes of pealike, yellow flowers cuttings in late summer or fall. Genus of branching, leafless, perennial green and creamy-yellow, fading to white.
from late spring to late summer. Mid- H. brachyandra. Evergreen climber. succulents with firm, erect, green stems, In midsummer, bears funnel-shaped,
green leaves are divided, with 3–8 pairs H to 15ft (5m). Bears alternate, trifoliate, generally branching from the base. lavender-blue flowers on scapes 3ft (90cm)
of narrowly ovate leaflets. Excellent for ovate to elliptic, mid-green leaves to 5in Requires full sun and very well-drained long. Z3–9
crevices in a wall, rock or paving. Z6–9 (12cm) long. In summer, produces racemes soil. Difficult to cultivate. Water sparingly H. ‘Argentea Variegata’. See
of 4–8, large, white, fragrant flowers with at all times. Propagate by seed or grafting H. undulata var. undulata.
HIPPOPHAE sepals of female flowers reaching 3–11⁄2in in spring. H. ‘August Moon’ (illus. p.273).
(4cm) long. Z7–11 H. bainii. See H. gordonii. Vigorous, clump-forming perennial. H 20in
ELAEAGNACEAE H. coriacea. Evergreen, twining climber. H. gordonii, syn. H. bainii. Variable, (50cm), S 30in (75cm). Has rounded to
H to 22ft (7m). Has glossy, mid- to dark erect, clump-forming, perennial succulent. heart-shaped, cupped, puckered, pale
Genus of deciduous shrubs and trees, green leaves divided into 3 ovate to elliptic H 18in (45cm) or more, S 12in (30cm). green leaves becoming golden-yellow with
with inconspicuous flowers, grown for leaflets. In early summer, bears racemes of Green stem is covered with short, spine- a faint glaucous bloom. In summer, bears
their foliage and showy fruits. Separate 5–8 fragrant, bell-shaped flowers with tipped tubercles in distorted rows. Often bell-shaped, grayish-white flowers on
male and female plants are required in sepals of female flowers reddish-purple; branches into clumps. Produces 5-lobed, scapes 3ft (90cm) long. Z3–9
order to obtain fruits. Suitable for coastal white, male flowers have purple lines at flesh-colored to brownish flowers in late H. ‘Big Daddy’. Clump-forming
areas, where it is wind-resistant and bases. Sausage-shaped, light purple fruits summer. Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) perennial. H 2ft (60cm), S 3ft (1m). Has
excellent when grown as hedging. Needs sometimes follow. Z10–11 rounded to heart-shaped, cupped, deeply
sun and is especially useful for poor, dry or H. latifolia [purple form] illus. p.194; HORDEUM puckered, glaucous, gray-blue leaves.
very sandy soil. Propagate by softwood [white form] illus. p.192. Bears bell-shaped, grayish-white flowers
cuttings in summer or seed in fall. See also Barley on leafy scapes 32in (80cm) long in early
feature panel p.142. HOLMSKIOLDIA summer. Z3–8
POACEAE/GRAMINEAE H. ‘Birchwood Parky’s Gold’, syn.
H. rhamnoides (Sea buckthorn; illus. LAMIACEAE/VERBENACEAE H. ‘Golden’, H. ‘Golden Nakaiana’
p.142). Deciduous, bushy, arching shrub or See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES, (illus. p.273). Vigorous, clump-forming
small tree. H and S 20ft (6m). Has narrow, Genus of one species of evergreen shrub and SEDGES. perennial. H 14–16in (35–40cm),
gray-green leaves. Tiny, yellow flowers or scrambling climber, grown for its H. jubatum (Foxtail barley, Squirrel tail S indefinite. Has heart-shaped, matte,
borne in midspring are followed in fall by showy flowers. Grow in fertile, well- grass) illus. p.286. yellow-green leaves becoming rich yellow
bright orange berries on female plants. drained soil in a position in full light. with age. In midsummer, bears bell-
Z3–8. ‘Leikora’ produces heavy crops of Water freely in growing season, less at HORMINUM shaped, pale lavender-blue flowers on
edible, teardrop-shaped, bright orange other times. Requires tying to supports. scapes 28in (70cm) long. Z3–9
fruits. ‘Pollmix’ is a male selection LAMIACEAE/LABIATAE
recommended for pollinating ‘Leikora’.
Genus of one species of rhizomatous
perennial, suitable for rock gardens.
Requires a position in sun and in well-


H H. ‘Blue Angel’. Slow-growing, clump- H. ‘Devon Green’ (illus. p.272). Clump- (illus. p.273). Clump-forming perennial. shaped, wavy-margined, glossy, mid-
forming perennial. H 14in (35cm), S 2ft forming perennial. H 18in (45cm), S 16in H 2ft (60cm), S 3ft (1m). Has heart-shaped, green leaves. Funnel-shaped, pale mauve
602 (60cm). Has ovate to heart-shaped, wavy, (40cm). Red-spotted leaf stalks bear lance- cupped, very puckered, thick, glaucous, flowers are borne in summer, on scapes
glaucous, bluish-gray leaves. In mid- shaped, glossy, dark green leaves blue-green leaves, with wide, irregular, 2ft (60cm) long. Z3–9
summer, bears bell-shaped, grayish- or maturing to broadly ovate to heart- green-yellow margins. In early summer, H. ‘Ground Master’ (illus. p.272).
mauvish-white flowers on scapes 3ft (1m) shaped. In midsummer, bears bell-shaped, bears bell-shaped, grayish-white flowers Vigorous, stoloniferous, prostrate
long. Z3–8 grayish-lavender-blue flowers on scapes to on gray-green scapes, 26in (65cm) perennial. H 10in (25cm), S 22in (55cm).
H. ‘Blue Cadet’. Clump-forming 18in (45cm) long. Z3–9 long. Z3–9 Has ovate to lance-shaped, matte, olive-
perennial. H 14–16in (35–40cm), S 30in H. ‘Dream Weaver’ (illus. p.273). H. ‘Ginko Craig’ (illus. p.273). Low- green leaves with wavy, irregular, creamy
(75cm). Has small, broadly ovate leaves, Vigorous, clump-forming perennial. H 18in growing, clump-forming perennial. H and margins, fading to white. In summer, bears
blue-green above and glaucous beneath, (45cm), S 3ft (90cm). Has large, broadly S 1ft (30cm). Has small, narrow, dark green straight, leafy scapes, 2ft (60cm) long, of
with heart-shaped bases. Produces funnel- ovate, strongly-ribbed, chartreuse-green leaves irregularly margined white. In funnel-shaped, purple flowers. Z3–9
shaped, rich lavender flowers in long, leaves, later ivory-white in the center, with summer, produces spikes of bell-shaped, H. ‘Guacamole’. Vigorous, clump-
dense scapes, 22in (55cm) long, from mid- very broad, dark blue-green margins, deep mauve flowers on scapes 22in (55cm) forming perennial. H 18in (45cm), S 26in
to late summer. Z3–8 glaucous beneath. Produces funnel- long. A good edging plant. Z3–9 (65cm). Bold, heart-shaped, slightly wavy,
H. ‘Blue Moon’. Slow-growing, compact, shaped, lavender-striped, white flowers, H. ‘Gold Edger’ (illus. p.272). Densely soft gold leaves are irregularly edged in
clump-forming perennial. H 5in (12cm), on scapes to 28in (70cm) long, in mid- and mounded, clump-forming perennial. green. In midsummer, has flared, very
S 12in (30cm). Ovate to rounded, grayish- late summer. Z3–9 H to 12in (30cm), S 12in (30cm) or more. pale lavender flowers on scapes 34in
blue leaves taper to a point. In midsummer, H. ‘Eldorado’. See H. ‘Frances Williams’. Has heart-shaped, matte, golden-yellow (85cm) long. Leaves color best in good
dense clusters of trumpet-shaped, mauve H. ‘Fire and Ice’ (illus. p.273). Upright, leaves that fade to chartreuse with age. light. Z3–9
flowers, on scapes 8–10in (20–25cm) long, mounding, clump-forming perennial. H 8in In late summer, produces bell-shaped, H. ‘Hadspen Blue’ (illus. p.272). Slow-
are borne just above leaves. Suitable for a (20cm), S 12in (30cm). Has small, narrowly lavender flowers on scapes to 12in (30cm) growing, clump-forming perennial. H and
rock garden. Prefers partial shade. Z3–9 ovate, ivory to white leaves, irregularly long. Z3–9 S 12in (30cm). Smooth leaves are heart-
H. ‘Blue Mouse Ears’. Slow-growing, margined dark green, with twisted, acute H. ‘Golden’. See H. ‘Birchwood Parky’s shaped and deep glaucous blue. Produces
clump-forming perennial. H 6in (15cm), tips. Produces narrowly funnel-shaped, Gold’. short spikes of lavender flowers, on scapes
S 12in (30cm). Has very small, shallowly pale lavender flowers on scapes, 20in H. ‘Golden Nakaiana’. See 14in (35cm) long, in summer. Z3–9
cupped, ovate, rich blue-green leaves, in (50cm) long, in mid- and late summer. Z3–9 H. ‘Birchwood Parky’s Gold’. H. ‘Halcyon’, syn. H. ‘Holstein’ (illus.
mature plants almost round. Bears clusters H. ‘Fire Island’ Clump-forming H. ‘Golden Prayers’ (illus. p.273). p.272). Robust, clump-forming perennial.
of bell-shaped, lavender-striped, rich violet perennial. H 10in (25cm), S 18in (45cm). Upright, clump-forming perennial. H 1ft (30cm), S 3ft (1m). Has heart-shaped,
flowers, on scapes 8in (20cm) long, in mid- Bright red stems bear ovate, puckered, H 6in (15cm), S 12in (30cm). Cupped leaves tapering, grayish-blue leaves that fade to
and late summer. Z3–8 bright yellow leaves becoming greener are puckered and bright golden-green. muddy-green in full sun; texture may be
H. ‘Blue Wedgwood’ (illus. p.273). as they mature, the red stem coloring Flowers on scapes, 18in (45cm) long, are spoiled by heavy rain. Heavy clusters of
Slow-growing, clump-forming perennial. seeping into the leaf blade. In midsummer, white suffused with pale lavender. Suits a trumpet-shaped, violet-mauve flowers, on
H 1ft (30cm), S 11⁄2ft (45cm). Has wedge- has bell-shaped, lavender flowers on rock garden. Z3–9 scapes 18in (45cm) long, open just above
shaped, deeply quilted, blue leaves and, scapes 20in (50cm) long. Z3–8 H. ‘Golden Tiara’ (illus. p.273). foliage in midsummer. Z3–9
in summer, produces lavender flowers on H. fluctuans ‘Variegated’. See Clump-forming perennial. H 6in (15cm), H. ‘Holstein’. See H. ‘Halcyon’.
scapes 16in (40cm) long. Z3–9 H. ‘Sagae’. S 12in (30cm). Neat, broadly heart-shaped, H. ‘Honeybells’. Clump-forming
H. ‘Brim Cup’. Slow-growing, H. fortunei. Group of vigorous, clump- dark green leaves have well-defined, perennial. H 3ft (1m), S 2ft (60cm). Light
clump-forming perennial. H 12in (30cm), forming, hybrid perennials. H 21⁄2–3ft chartreuse-yellow margins. In summer, green leaves are blunt at the tips and have
S 14–16in (35–40cm). Erect, heart-shaped, (75cm–1m), S 3ft (1m) or more. Leaves are produces long spikes of lavender-purple wavy margins. In late summer, bears
slightly cupped and puckered, thick, dark ovate to heart-shaped. Bears funnel- flowers on scapes 2ft (60cm) long. Z3–9 fragrant, white, sometimes lavender-blue
green leaves are irregularly margined shaped, mauve flowers in midsummer. H. ‘Gold Standard’. Vigorous, clump- flowers on 31⁄2ft (1.1m) long scapes. Z3–9
with cream fading to white. Bears pale Z3–9. ‘Albopicta’ see H.f. var. albopicta. forming perennial. H 21⁄2ft (75cm), S 3ft H. ‘Hydon Sunset’. Densely mounded,
lavender-blue flowers, on scapes 18in var. albopicta (syn. H.f. ‘Albopicta’) has (1m). Ovate to heart-shaped leaves are pale clump-forming perennial. H and S to 2ft
(45cm) long, in summer. Z3–9 pale green leaves, with creamy-yellow green, turning to gold from midsummer, (60cm). Has heart-shaped leaves, bright
H. ‘Buckshaw Blue’. Slow-growing, centers, fading to dull green from with narrow, regular, dark green margins. gold in spring, turning mid-green by late
clump-forming perennial. H 14in (35cm), midsummer. Racemes of trumpet-shaped, Racemes of trumpet-shaped, violet flowers summer. In late summer, produces bell-
S 2ft (60cm). Has ovate to heart-shaped, pale violet flowers on scapes, 30in (75cm) on scapes, 31⁄2ft (1.1m) long, are produced shaped, purple flowers on scapes to 2ft
concave, puckered, glaucous, deep blue- long, open above foliage in early summer. above leaves in midsummer. Best in partial (60cm) long. Z3–9
green leaves. In early summer, bears bell- var. aureomarginata (syn. H.f. shade. Z3–9 H. hypoleuca. Clump-forming perennial.
shaped, grayish-white flowers on scapes ‘Aureomarginata’, H.f. ‘Yellow Edge’, H. gracillima. Clump-forming perennial. H 11⁄2ft (45cm), S 3ft (1m). Broadly ovate
to 18in (45cm) long. Z3–8 H. ‘Obscura Marginata’) has mid-green H 2in (5cm), S 7in (18cm). Has lance- leaves have widely spaced veins and are
H. ‘Candy Hearts’. Vigorous, clump- leaves with irregular, creamy-yellow shaped, wavy-margined, glossy, deep pale green above, striking white beneath.
forming perennial. H 14–16in (35–40cm), edges. In midsummer, trumpet-shaped, green leaves, paler beneath. From summer In late summer, bears trumpet-shaped,
S 22in (55cm). Has heart-shaped, pointed, violet flowers on scapes, 30in (75cm) long, to fall, purple-dotted scapes, 10in (25cm) milky-violet flowers, on pendent scapes
greenish-gray-blue leaves. In summer, are borne in racemes above foliage. Mass long, bear widely funnel-shaped, lavender- 14in (35cm) long, with mauve-flecked, pale
bears bell-shaped, pale lavender-blue to planting looks very effective. Tolerates full blue flowers, striped purple within. Z3–8 green bracts. Tolerates full sun. Z3–8
off-white flowers on scapes to 20in (50cm) sun. ‘Yellow Edge’ see H.f. var. H. ‘Grand Tiara’. Vigorous perennial H. ‘Inniswood’. Densely mounding,
long. Z3–8 aureomarginata. forming a compact mound. H 12in (30cm), clump-forming perennial. H 2ft (60cm),
H. ‘Cherry Berry’ (illus. p.272). H. ‘Fragrant Bouquet’ (illus. p.273). S 20in (50cm). Has ovate to heart-shaped, S 3ft (90cm). Has large, broadly ovate to
Mounded, clump-forming perennial. Mounded, clump-forming perennial. mid-green leaves with irregular, wide, rounded, heart-shaped, seersuckered,
H 12in (30cm), S 2ft (60cm). Has broadly H 18in (45cm), S 26in (65cm). Produces yellow margins. In summer, produces bell- rich golden-yellow leaves, with somewhat
lance-shaped, creamy-yellow leaves, heart-shaped, slightly puckered, slightly shaped, sometimes remontant, deep glaucous, dark green leaves. In mid-
becoming ivory-white, with broad, wavy, chartreuse leaves edged in cream. purple flowers, each striped lavender-blue summer, bears funnel-shaped, pale
irregular, green margins. In mid- to In late summer, large, fragrant, flared, very within, on scapes 32in (80cm) long. Z3–9 lavender flowers on scapes 30in (75cm)
late summer, bears funnel-shaped, deep pale lavender flowers are borne on scapes H. ‘Great Expectations’ (illus. p.273). long. Z3–8
purple flowers on red scapes 18in (45cm) 3ft (90cm) long. Z3–9 Clump-forming perennial. H 22in (55cm), H. ‘Invincible’ (illus. p.272). Densely
long. Z3–9 H. ‘Francee’. Vigorous, clump-forming S 34in (85cm). Green-margined, white leaf mounded, clump-forming perennial. H and
H. ‘Cream Delight’. See H. undulata var. perennial. H 22in (55cm), S 3ft (1m). Has stalks bear heart-shaped, stiff, puckered, S to 2ft (60cm). Has heart-shaped, long-
undulata. ovate to heart-shaped, slightly cupped and thick leaves that are glaucous, blue-green, tipped, leathery, glossy, olive-green leaves.
H. decorata, syn. H. ‘Decorata’. puckered, olive-green leaves with and irregularly but widely splashed with In late summer produces slightly fragrant,
Stoloniferous perennial. H 12in (30cm), irregular, white margins. In summer, yellow, fading to white in the centers. In funnel-shaped, pale lavender to white
S 18in (45cm). Ovate to rounded, dark green arching, leafy scapes, 28in (70cm) long, early summer, bell-shaped, grayish-white flowers on scapes to 2ft (60cm) long. Z3–9
leaves have white margins. Dense racemes bear funnel-shaped, lavender-blue flowers. flowers are borne on leafy scapes, 28in H. ‘June’ (illus. p.272). Dense, clump-
of trumpet-shaped, deep violet, sometimes Late to emerge. Z3–9 (70cm) long. Z3–9 forming perennial. H 15in (38cm), S 28in
white flowers, on scapes to 20in (50cm) H. ‘Frances Williams’, syn. H. ‘Green Fountain’. Clump-forming (70cm). Has heart-shaped, smooth, gray-
long, are borne in midsummer. Z3–9. H. ‘Eldorado’, H. sieboldiana ‘Frances perennial. H 2ft (60cm), S 18in (45cm). Red- blue leaves irregularly splashed in centers
f. normalis has plain green leaves. Williams’, H. sieboldiana ‘Yellow Edge’ dotted leaf stalks bear arching, lance- with yellow and yellowish-green.


Bell-shaped, lavender-gray flowers, on white flash. Has narrowly funnel-shaped, (1.2m) long, in midsummer. Z3–9 2ft (60cm) long. Z3–9 H
18in (45cm) scapes, are borne in summer. lavender flowers, on scapes 3ft (90cm) H. ‘Sea Thunder’. Vigorous, dense- H. ‘Stiletto’. Vigorous, clump-forming
A sport of H. ‘Halcyon’. Z3–9 long, in midsummer. Z3–9 mounding, clump-forming perennial. perennial. H 6in (15cm), S 8in (20cm). Has 603
H. ‘Kabitan’. See H. sieboldii var. H. nigrescens (illus. p.272). Vigorous, H 16–20in (40–50cm), S 3ft (1m). lance-shaped, rippled, mid-green leaves
sieboldii f. kabitan. clump-forming perennial. H 28in (70cm), Has narrowly ovate, ivory-cream leaves, margined creamy-white. In summer,
H. kikutii. Clump-forming perennial. S 26in (65cm). Has ovate to heart-shaped, irregularly margined dark olive-green, bears funnel-shaped, purple-striped,
H 16in (40cm), S 2ft (60cm). Has ovate to concave, puckered, glaucous gray-green often with intrusions of olive-green toward lavender-blue flowers on scapes 12in
lance-shaped, deeply veined, dark green leaves. In late summer, bears racemes of the center. Produces broadly funnel- (30cm) long. Z3–8
leaves. Tight bunches of bell-shaped, near- funnel-shaped, pearl-gray to white shaped, purple flowers, on scapes 3ft H. ‘Striptease’. Densely mounding,
white flowers are borne on conspicuously flowers, on undulating scapes 41⁄2ft (1.4m) (90cm) long, in late summer. Z3–8 clump-forming perennial. H 20in (50cm),
leaning scapes, 2ft (60cm) long, in summer. long. Z3–9 H. ‘September Sun’ (illus. p.273). S 4ft (1.2m). Has narrowly ovate leaves,
Z3–9. var. caput-avis is smaller. The H. ‘Obscura Marginata’. See H.f. var. Vigorous, clump-forming perennial. H 26in dark green leaves, glaucous beneath,
flower bud resembles a bird’s head. aureomarginata. (65cm), S 3ft (1m). Has ovate to heart- with chartreuse-green centers, sometimes
H. ‘Krossa Regal’. Vase-shaped, clump- H. ‘Paxton’s Original’. See H. sieboldii shaped, flat, lime-green to yellow leaves, white-flecked, later ivory-yellow. Produces
forming perennial. H and S 3ft (1m). ‘Paxton’s Original’. irregularly edged in dark green; the funnel-shaped, violet then lavender
Arching, deeply ribbed leaves are grayish- H. ‘Piedmont Gold’. Slow-growing, variegation develops as the leaves mature. flowers on scapes, 28in (70cm) long, in
blue. Produces long spikes of pale lilac clump-forming perennial. H 2ft (60cm), In summer, scapes, 30in (75cm) long, bear midsummer. Z3–8
flowers, on scapes 41⁄2ft (1.4m) long, in S 21⁄2ft (75cm). Smooth leaves are bright bell-shaped, pale lavender-blue flowers. H. ‘Sum and Substance’. Vigorous,
summer. Tolerates sun. Z3–9 yellowish-green with fluted margins. Thrives in sun or partial shade. Z3–8 clump-forming perennial. H and S to 3ft
H. lancifolia (illus. p.273). Clump-forming Racemes of white flowers, on scapes to H. ‘Shade Fanfare’. Vigorous, clump- (1m). Produces large, greenish-gold leaves
perennial. H 18in (45cm), S 30in (75cm). 26in (65cm) long, are produced in summer. forming perennial. H 11⁄2ft (45cm), S 21⁄2ft that are thick in texture and, in mid-
Arching, narrowly lance-shaped, glossy, Best in light shade. Z3–9 (75cm). Heart-shaped leaves are pale green summer, pale lavender flowers on scapes
dark green leaves overlap neatly into a H. plantaginea. Lax, clump-forming with cream margins. In summer, has an 3ft (1m) long. Tolerates full sun. Z3–8
dense mound. Bell-shaped, lavender perennial. H 2ft (60cm), S 4ft (1.2m). Leaves abundance of lavender-blue flowers on H. ‘Suzuki Thumbnail’, syn. H. venusta
flowers, on scapes 26in (65cm) long, are are ovate and glossy, pale green. Rising scapes 2ft (60cm) long. Z3–8 ‘Suzuki Thumbnail’. Compact, mound-
produced in late summer. Z3–9 well above these are scapes, to 26–30in H. sieboldiana (illus. p.272). Robust, forming perennial. H 3in (8cm), S 6in
H. ‘Lemon Lime’. Vigorous, clump- (65–75cm) long, crowned in late summer clump-forming perennial. H 3ft (1m) or (15cm). Has small, ovate to heart-shaped,
forming perennial. H 6in (15cm), S 18in and early fall with fragrant, trumpet- more, S 5ft (1.5m). Large, heart-shaped, mid- to dark green leaves. Bears racemes
(45cm). Has small, lance-shaped, wavy, shaped, white flowers that open in the deeply ribbed, puckered leaves are bluish- of trumpet-shaped, purple flowers, on
thin, yellow-green to yellow leaves. In evening. Prefers sunny conditions. Z3–9. gray. Racemes of trumpet-shaped, very scapes well above the foliage, in
summer, produces remontant, bell-shaped, var. japonica (syn. H.p. var. grandiflora) pale lilac flowers, on scapes 2ft (60cm) midsummer. Z3–8
white-striped purple flowers on scapes has wavy leaves and larger, longer-tubed long, open in early summer, just above the H. ‘Tall Boy’. Clump-forming perennial.
12in (30cm) long. Z3–8 flowers, to 5in (13cm) long. var. foliage. Good groundcover. Tolerates sun, H and S 2ft (60cm). Has large, bright green,
H. ‘Love Pat’. Vigorous, clump-forming grandiflora see H.p. var. japonica. but leaves may then turn dull green. Z3–9. long-pointed leaves. In late summer, an
perennial. H and S to 2ft (60cm). Produces H. rectifolia. Upright, clump-forming var. elegans has larger, bluer leaves and abundance of rich lilac flowers is produced
rounded, deeply puckered, deep glaucous- perennial. H 3ft (1m), S 21⁄2ft (75cm). scapes 28in (70cm) long. ‘Frances on scapes 4ft (1.2m) long or more. Z3–9
blue leaves. Bears racemes of off-white Produces ovate to lance-shaped, dark Williams’ see H. ‘Frances Williams’. H. tardiflora. Slow-growing, clump-
flowers, on scapes 22in (55cm) long, green leaves and racemes of large, ‘Yellow Edge’ see H. ‘Frances Williams’. forming perennial. H 1ft (30cm), S 21⁄2ft
during summer. Z3–9 trumpet-shaped, violet flowers, to 24–30in H. sieboldii. Vigorous, clump-forming (75cm). Has narrowly lance-shaped, thick-
H. ‘Mediovariegata’. See H. undulata (60–75cm) long, from mid- to late summer. perennial. H 12in (30cm), S 2ft (60cm). Has textured, dark green leaves. Dense spikes
var. undulata. Z3–9 broadly lance-shaped, blunt-tipped, flat, of trumpet-shaped, lilac-purple flowers, on
H. ‘Minuteman’ (illus. p.272). Clump- H. ‘Regal Splendor’ (illus. p.272). matte, olive-green leaves, thinly and scapes 14in (35cm) long, open just above
forming perennial. H 30in (75cm), S 2ft Clump-forming perennial. H and S 3ft (1m). irregularly margined white. Produces the foliage in fall. Z3–9
(60cm). Has ovate, slightly wavy-rimmed, Arching, grayish-blue leaves are suffused funnel-shaped, deep violet flowers, striped H. ‘Tattoo’ (illus. p.273). Clump-forming
white-margined, dark green leaves. From white or yellow at the margins. Lilac purple and white within, on leafy scapes, perennial. H 12in (30cm), S 18in (45cm).
early to midsummer, produces funnel- flowers, on scapes 41⁄2ft (1.4m) long, are 20in (50cm) long, in late summer and early Broadly ovate, slightly puckered, pale green
shaped, lavender-blue flowers on scapes produced in summer. Z3–9 fall. Z3–8. ‘Kabitan’ see H.s. var. seiboldii leaves each have a maple-leaf-shaped, gold
30in (75cm) long. Z3–9 H. ‘Remember Me’ (illus. p.273). Densely f. kapitan. f. kapitan see H.s. var. seiboldii center edged in darker green. Bears bell-
H. montana. Vigorous, clump-forming mounded, clump-forming perennial. f. kapitan. ‘Paxton’s Original’ (syn. H. shaped, lavender flowers, on scapes 18in
perennial. H 31⁄2ft (1.1m), S 3ft (1m). Has H 16in (40cm), S 12in (30cm). Has narrowly albomarginata, H. ‘Paxton’s Original’), (45cm) long, in midsummer. Z3–9
ovate, prominently veined, glossy, dark ovate, ivory-white to creamy-yellow leaves H 11⁄2ft (45cm), is vigorous, and has round- H. ‘Thomas Hogg’. See H. undulata var.
green leaves. Racemes of trumpet-shaped, with irregular, blue-green margins. tipped, mid- to dark green leaves with albomarginata.
pale violet to white flowers, on scapes 3ft Tubular, lavender-blue flowers are borne irregular, white margins. Bears violet H. tokudama. Very slow-growing,
(90cm) long, open well above foliage in on 16in (40cm) scapes in midsummer. Z3–9 flowers in late summer, followed by egg- clump-forming perennial. H 11⁄2ft (45cm),
midsummer. Z3–9. ‘Aureomarginata’ is H. ‘Revolution’ (illus. p.273). Clump- shaped, glossy, dark green, then brown S 21⁄2ft (75cm). Has cup-shaped, puckered,
slower growing and has leaves irregularly forming perennial. H 20in (50cm), S 31⁄2ft seed heads, useful for flower blue leaves. Racemes of trumpet-shaped,
edged with golden-yellow. Always the first (1.1m). Ivory-white leaf stalks, finely arrangements. var. sieboldii f. kabitan pale lilac-gray flowers, on scapes 16in
hosta to emerge in spring. outlined dark green, bear broadly ovate, (syn. H. ‘Kabitan’, H.s. f. kapitan), has (40cm) long, are borne just above foliage
H. ‘Moonlight’. Clump-forming wavy, lustrous, green-flecked, ivory-cream lance-shaped, thin, glossy leaves with in midsummer. Z3–9. f. aureo-nebulosa
perennial. H 20in (50cm), S 28in (70cm). leaves, margined and splashed dark green yellow centers and thin, wavy, dark green (syn. H.t. ‘Aureonebulosa’, H.t. ‘Variegata’)
Has pale yellow leaves that emerge olive- and overlaid with light olive-green. In margins. In early summer, produces small, illus. p.274. f. flavocircinalis, often
green, narrowly margined white. Produces midsummer, has narrowly funnel-shaped, trumpet-shaped, pale violet flowers on mistaken for a juvenile H. ‘Frances
funnel-shaped, violet-budded, pinkish- lavender-blue flowers on scapes 20in scapes 12–16in (30–40cm) long. Suitable Williams’, has heart-shaped leaves with
lavender flowers, on 28in (70cm) scapes, (50cm) long. Z3–9 for a shaded rock garden. Needs wide, irregular, creamy-yellow margins.
in midsummer. Needs full shade. Z3–9 H. ‘Royal Standard’. Upright, clump- establishing in a container for the first ‘Variegata’ see H.t. f. aureo-nebulosa.
forming perennial. H 2ft (60cm), S 4ft few years. H. ‘Torchlight’. Clump-forming
H. ‘Morning Light’. Clump-forming (1.2m). Broadly ovate leaves are glossy, H. ‘Snowden’. Clump-forming perennial. perennial. H 14in (35cm), S 34in (85cm).
perennial, forming upright mounds of pale green. Pure white, slightly fragrant, H and S 3ft (1m) or more. Has large, Strongly red-streaked leaf stalks bear
foliage. H 18in (45cm), S 28in (70cm). Has trumpet-shaped flowers, to 3ft (1m) long, pointed, glaucous, blue leaves that age to ovate, slightly folded, wavy, smooth,
ovate, long-pointed, rich ivory-yellow are borne well above the foliage and open sage-green. Long stems produce white dark olive-green leaves lightly streaked
leaves, with irregular, dark green margins. in the evening. Prefers sun. Z3–9 flowers tinged with green, on thick chartreuse, with irregular, ivory margins.
Bears narrowly funnel-shaped, lavender H. ‘Sagae’, syn. H. fluctuans ‘Variegated’ scapes, 3ft (1m) long, during summer. Z3–9 Funnel-shaped, rich lavender-blue flowers,
flowers, on scapes to 28in (70cm) long, in (illus. p.273). Semierect, clump-forming H. ‘So Sweet’ (illus. p.273). Clump- on scapes 30in (75cm) long, are produced
midsummer. Z3–9 perennial. H 21⁄2ft (75cm), S 5ft (1.5m). Very forming perennial. H 14in (35cm), S 22in in late summer. Z3–9
H. ‘Night Before Christmas’ (illus. large, roughly triangular, dark green (55cm). Has ovate to lance-shaped, glossy, H. undulata var. undulata, syn.
p.272). Clump-forming perennial. H 2ft leaves have gold edges which fade to mid-green leaves margined creamy-white. H. ‘Argentea Variegata’, H. ‘Cream
(60cm), S 5ft (1.5m). Large, ovate, slightly cream or white. Flared, violet-tinged, In mid- and late summer, lavender-blue Delight’, H. ‘Mediovariegata’,
wavy, rich dark green leaves are each white flowers are borne, on scapes 4ft buds open to fragrant, funnel-shaped, H. ‘Undulata’, H. ‘Variegata’. Clump-
boldly splashed with a central, bright purple-striped, white flowers on scapes forming perennial. H to 3ft (1m), S 18in


H (45cm). Has lance-shaped to elliptic or Large, bright gold leaves are corrugated HOYA HUMULUS
narrowly ovate, slightly pointed, twisted, and have a metallic sheen. White or pale
604 deeply channeled, mid-green leaves that lavender flowers, on scapes 2ft (60cm) Wax flower Hops
are thin but leathery and strongly wavy- long, are produced in early summer. Z3–9
margined, with central, white or pale APOCYNACEAE/ASCLEPIADACEAE CANNABACEAE
yellowish-white markings. Funnel-shaped, HOTTONIA
mauve flowers, on arching leaf scapes, Genus of evergreen, climbing and Genus of herbaceous perennials, with
20–32in (50–80cm) long, are produced in PRIMULACEAE shrubby perennials, grown for their twining stems, grown as climbers. Useful
early and mid-summer. Z3–9. flowers and foliage. Grow in humus-rich, for concealing unsightly garden sheds or
var. albomarginata (syn. H.u. var. Genus of deciduous, perennial, submerged well-drained soil with semishade in tree-stumps. Male and female flowers are
undulata ‘Albomarginata’, H. ‘Thomas water plants, grown for their handsome summer. Water moderately when in full borne on separate plants; female flower
Hogg’), H 22in (55cm), S 2ft (60cm), has foliage and delicate, primula-like flowers. growth, sparingly at other times. Stems spikes become drooping clusters known as
broadly ovate, flat or slightly wavy- Needs sun and clear, cool, still water. require support. Cut back and thin out ‘hops’. Grow in sun or semishade and in
margined, dark green leaves, with Periodically thin overcrowded growth. crowded stems after flowering or in any well-drained soil. Propagate by tip
irregular, cream or pale yellow margins. Propagate by division or stem cuttings spring. Propagate by semiripe cuttings cuttings in spring.
var. erromena, H 11⁄2ft (45cm), S 2ft in spring. in late summer. H. lupulus (Hops). Z4–8.
(60cm), is robust and bears broadly ovate, H. palustris (Water violet) illus. p.435. H. australis, syn. H. darwinii of gardens. ‘Aureus’ (Hop) illus. p.194.
tapering, matte, mid-green leaves. Moderately vigorous, evergreen, woody-
var. undulata ‘Albomarginata’ see Houstonia serpyllifolia. See stemmed, succulent, twining, root climber. HUNNEMANNIA
H.u. var. albomarginata. var. univittata, Hedyotis michauxii. H to 15ft (5m). Has fleshy, rich green
H 18in (45cm), S 28in (70cm), has ovate, leaves. In summer, produces trusses of PAPAVERACEAE
twisted, matte, olive-green leaves with HOUTTUYNIA 12–40 fragrant, star-shaped flowers,
slender, cream centers. white with red-purple markings. Genus of poppylike perennials, usually
H. ‘Undulata’. See H. undulata var. SAURURACEAE Z14–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) grown as annuals. Grow in sun and poor
undulata. H. bella. See H. lanceolata subsp. bella. to fertile, very well-drained soil. Deadhead
H. ‘Variegata’. See H. undulata var. Genus of one species of perennial, H. carnosa (Wax plant) illus. p.460. plants regularly. Provide support,
undulata. deciduous marginal water plant, with far- H. darwinii of gardens. See H. australis. especially in windy areas. Propagate by
H. ventricosa. Clump-forming perennial. spreading rhizomes. Suitable for ground- H. imperialis. Vigorous, evergreen, seed sown under glass in early spring,
H 28in (70cm), S 3ft (1m) or more. Has cover, although invasive. Prefers position woody-stemmed, twining and root or outdoors in midspring.
heart-shaped to ovate, slightly wavy- in semishade and moist soil or shallow climber. H to 20ft (6m). Ovate, leathery, H. fumariifolia (Mexican tulip poppy).
margined, glossy, dark green leaves. water, beside streams and ponds. leaves are covered with down and 4–9in ‘Sunlite’ is a fast-growing, upright
Racemes of bell-shaped, deep purple Propagate by runners in spring. (10–23cm) long. In summer, produces perennial, grown as an annual. H 2ft
flowers, on scapes 32–36in (80–100cm) H. cordata ‘Chameleon’, syn. H.c. large, star-shaped, brown-purple to deep (60cm), S 8in (20cm). Has oblong, very
long, are produced above foliage in late ‘Tricolor’, illus. p.444. ‘Flore Pleno’ magenta flowers, each with a cream divided, bluish-green leaves on lax stems.
summer. Usually comes true from seed. (syn. H.c. ‘Plena’) is a spreading perennial. center. Z12–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) In summer and early fall, produces
Z3–9. ‘Aureomarginata’ (syn. H.v. H 6–24in (15–60cm), S indefinite. In spring, H. lanceolata subsp. bella, syn. poppylike, semidouble, bright yellow
‘Variegata’) produces leaves with irregular, bears spikes of insignificant flowers, H. bella, illus. p.460. flowers, to 3in (8cm) across. Z10–11
cream margins. ‘Variegata’ see H.v. surrounded by 8 or more ovate, white
‘Aureomarginata’. bracts, above aromatic, fleshy, leathery, HUERNIA HYACINTHELLA
H. venusta. Vigorous, mat-forming heart-shaped, pointed leaves. ‘Plena’ see
perennial. H 1in (25cm), S to 12in (30cm). H.c. ‘Flore Pleno’. ‘Tricolor’ see H.c. ASCLEPIADACEAE ASPARAGACEAE
Has ovate to lance-shaped, mid- to dark ‘Chameleon’. Z6–11
green leaves. Abundant, trumpet-shaped, Genus of clump-forming, perennial Genus of spring-flowering bulbs, with
purple flowers, on scapes 10–14in (25– HOVENIA succulents with fingerlike, usually short spikes of small, bell-shaped flowers,
35cm) long, are borne well above foliage 4-angled stems. Has minute, short-lived, suitable for rock gardens and cold
from midsummer to midfall. RHAMNACEAE deciduous leaves on new growth. greenhouses. Requires an open, sunny
Suitable for a rock garden. Z3–9. ‘Suzuki Needs sun or partial shade and very situation and well-drained soil, which
Thumbnail’ see H. ‘Suzuki Thumbnail’. Genus of deciduous, summer-flowering well-drained soil. One of the easiest partially dries out while bulbs are dormant
H. ‘Vera Verde’ (illus. p.273). trees, grown mainly for their fragrant stapeliads to grow. Propagate by seed in summer. Propagate by seed in fall.
Stoloniferous perennial. H 6in (15cm), flowers and small fruits. Young, unripened or stem cuttings in spring or summer. H. leucophaea illus. p.421.
S 14–16in (35–40cm). Has lance-shaped, growth is susceptible to frost damage. H. macrocarpa illus p.488.
flat, olive-green leaves, narrowly edged Does best in a position in full sun and H. pillansii. Deciduous, clump-forming, HYACINTHOIDES
cream. In summer, bears funnel-shaped, requires fertile, well-drained soil. perennial succulent. H 2in (5cm), S 4in
purple-striped, pale mauve flowers on Propagate by softwood cuttings in early (10cm). Has a fingerlike, light green stem syn. ENDYMION
scapes 12in (30cm) long. Z3–8 summer or by seed in fall. that is densely covered with short tubercles Bluebell
H. ‘Whirlwind’ (illus. p.273). Clump- H. dulcis (Raisin-tree) illus. p.74. with hairlike tips. Produces bell-shaped,
forming perennial. H 17in (43cm), S 34in creamy-red flowers, with red spots, at the ASPARAGACEAE
(85cm). Has ovate to heart-shaped, folded, HOWEA base of new growth, from summer to early
twisted and pointed, white to yellowish- fall. Z13–15 (min. 52°F/11°C) Genus of spring-flowering bulbs, grown
green leaves, with wide, dark green syn. HOWEIA, KENTIA H. primulina. See H. thuretii var. for their bluebell flowers. Suitable for a
margins. Funnel-shaped, lavender-blue Sentry palm primulina. growing in borders and for naturalizing
flowers, on scapes 2ft (60cm) long, are H. thuretii var. primulina, syn. in grass beneath trees and shrubs.
produced in mid- and late summer. Z3–9 ARECACEAE/PALMAE H. primulina. Deciduous, clump-forming, Requires partial shade and plenty of
H. ‘Wide Brim’. Vigorous, clump- perennial succulent. H 4in (10cm), S 6in moisture. Prefers heavy soil. Plant bulbs
forming perennial. H and S to 21⁄2ft (75cm). Genus of evergreen palms, grown for their (15cm). Stems are short, thick and gray- in fall 4–6in (10–15cm) deep. Propagate by
Leaves are heavily puckered and dark ornamental appearance. Needs full sun or green. From summer to early fall, division in late summer or by seed in fall.
blue-green, with wide, irregular, creamy- partial shade and humus-rich, well-drained bell-shaped, dull yellow flowers, 3⁄4in (2cm) tAll parts may irritate skin on contact,
white margins. Produces white or very soil. Water container-grown specimens across, with reflexed, blackish tips, are and may cause severe discomfort if
pale lavender flowers, on scapes 22in moderately when in growth, and minimally produced at the base of new growth. ingested.
(55cm) long, in summer. Z3–9 in winter. Propagate by seed in spring at Z13–15 (min. 52°F/11°C) H. hispanica of gardens. See H. x
H. ‘Yellow River’. Clump-forming 79°F (26°C). Prone to red spider mite. H. zebrina (Owl’s eyes). Deciduous, massartiana.
perennial. H 22in (55cm), S 3ft (1m). Has H. forsteriana, syn. Kentia fosteriana clump-forming, perennial succulent. H. italica, syn. Scilla italica. Spring-
ovate to heart-shaped, pointed, thick, dark (Paradise palm, Thatch-leaf palm). H 4in (10cm), S 6in (15cm). Similar to flowering bulb. H 6–8in (15–20cm), S 2–3in
green leaves with irregular, yellow margins. Evergreen, upright palm with a slender H. thuretii var. primulina, but has creamy (5–8cm). Leafless stem bears a conical
Leafy scapes, 3ft (1m) long, of funnel- stem. H 30ft (10m), S 10–12ft (3–4m). Has yellow-green flowers with bands of red- spike of flattish, star-shaped, blue flowers,
shaped, very pale lavender-blue flowers spreading, feather-shaped leaves, 5–8ft brown. Z13–15 (min. 52°F/11°C) 1⁄2in (1cm) across, above a basal cluster of
are produced in early summer. Z3–9 (1.5–2.5m) long, made up of strap-shaped semierect, narrowly strap-shaped leaves.
H. ‘Zounds’. Slow-growing, clump- leaflets. Branching clusters of several Humea. See Calomeria. Z4–9
forming perennial. H and S to 3ft (1m). spikes of small, greenish-brown flowers H. x massartiana, syn. H. hispanica of
are borne in winter. Z11–12 (min. 59°F/15°C) gardens (Spanish bluebell), illus. p.403.
H. non-scripta, syn. Scilla non-scripta,
Howeia. See Howea. S. nutans (English bluebell), illus. p.403.


HYACINTHUS skin allergies. See also feature panel dense heads of mainly sterile flowers; red to purple flowers. ‘Zorro’ (Lacecap), H
pp.134–135. Lacecaps have flat, open heads, each with H 5ft (1.5m), has sturdy, almost black stems
Hyacinth H. anomala subsp. petiolaris, syn. fertile flowers in the center and larger, and flower heads of dazzling blue on acidic 605
H. petiolaris (Climbing hydrangea), illus. sterile flowers on the outside that are soils (pink in alkaline conditions).
ASPARAGACEAE p.195. green in bud. Z6–9. ‘Altona’ (Hortensia; H. paniculata. Vigorous, deciduous,
H. arborescens ‘Grandiflora’ (illus. illus. p.134), H 3ft (1m), S 5ft (1.5m), has spreading to upright shrub. H 6–10ft
Genus of bulbs, grown for their dense p.134). Deciduous, open shrub. H and large heads of rich pink to deep purple- (2–3m), S 8–10ft (2.5–3m). Has ovate,
spikes of fragrant, tubular flowers; is ideal S 8ft (2.5m). Long-stalked, broadly ovate blue flowers. ‘Blaumeise’ (Teller Series; pointed, toothed, mid- to dark green
for spring bedding displays and for pot leaves are glossy, dark green above, Lacecap), H 5ft (1.5m), has light blue, fertile leaves. In summer and early fall, produces
cultivation indoors. Vulnerable to frost paler beneath. Bears large, rounded flowers with white stamens and large, large, usually conical panicles of tiny,
damage in containers. Needs an open, heads of mainly sterile, white flowers in brilliant-blue, sterile flowers; colors best sometimes rose-tinted, creamy-white,
sunny situation or partial shade and summer. Z4–9 on acidic soils high in aluminium. fertile flowers surrounded by large, petal-
well-drained soil. Plant in fall. For winter H. aspera. Deciduous, upright shrub with ‘Europa’ (Hortensia; illus. p.135), H 5ft like, white, sterile flowers that usually age
flowers, force large-sized, specially arching branches. H and S 10ft (3m). (1.5m), S 3ft (1m), produces large florets to varying pink shades. Prune moderately
“treated” bulbs of H. orientalis cultivars by Young stems are finely haired. Has lance- of rich pink flowers. Flower heads of to hard annually to promote vigorous
potting in early fall. Keep cool and damp shaped to ovate, dark green leaves, downy ‘Générale Vicomtesse de Vibraye’ growth and large flower heads. Z4–8.
for several weeks to ensure adequate root beneath. Bears broad heads of pale blue, (Hortensia), H and S 5ft (1.5m), are rounded ‘Big Ben’ (illus. p.134), H and S 5½ft
systems develop. When shoot tips are inner flowers, surrounded by lilac-pink to and pale blue or pink. Foliage is light (1.7m), has an upright habit, red stems
visible, move into max. 50°F (10°C) at first, white, outer ones, in summer. Z6–9. green. ‘Geoffrey Chadbund’ see H.m. and, in midsummer, produces abundant,
raising the temperature as the shoot ‘Anthony Bullivant’ (Lacecap) has ‘Möwe’. ‘Hanabi’ (Lacecap), is tall- large, conical panicles of pale green, sterile
grows and giving as much light as broad, dark blue or plum fertile flowers growing, with double, green, fertile florets that turn white and then age to
possible. After forcing, keep in a cool place surrounded by roundish, pink sterile flowers surrounded by a ring of long- deep pink in midfall. Needs moderate to
to finish growth, then plant outdoors to flowers. stalked, double, star-shaped, blue, sterile hard pruning. ‘Brussels Lace’ has dark
recover. Propagate by offsets in late ‘Macrophylla’ has broad, dark green flowers resembling an exploding firework. green leaves and white flowers in late
summer. tAll parts may cause stomach leaves with margins rolled under and ‘Hamburg’ (Hortensia; illus. p.134), is summer and early fall. Needs moderate
upset if ingested; contact with bulbs may circular, blue-eyed, white, sterile flowers vigorous and has large heads of dark pink pruning. ‘Dharuma’ (illus. p.135), H and
aggravate skin allergies. surrounding bright violet-blue, fertile to dark blue flowers with toothed sepals. S 4ft (1.2m), is a compact, relatively slow-
H. amethystinus. See Brimeura flowers. ‘Mauvette’ (illus. p.135) has ‘Kardinal’ (Teller Series; Lacecap), is growing cultivar with mahogany-red
amethystina. slightly deeper purple-mauve flowers. vigorous, with dark red florets in a double stems, dark green leaves and rounded
H. azureus. See Muscari azureum. subsp. sargentiana (syn. H. sargentiana; ring. ‘Klaveren’ (Lacecap), H 4ft (1.2m), heads of white, sterile flowers in
H. orientalis ‘Amsterdam’. Winter- illus. p.135), H 8ft (2.5m), S 6ft (2m), is has lilac-pink flowers in large heads, to 8in midsummer; these mature to deep pink
or spring-flowering bulb. H 8–12in (20– gaunt, with peeling bark, sturdy shoots, (20cm) across. ‘Lanarth White’ (Lacecap; by midfall. Best left unpruned or given
30cm), S 3in (8cm). Has strap-shaped, and very large, ovate, bristly, dull green illus. p.134), H and S 5ft (1.5m), has pink or only light pruning annually. Good in a
channeled, semierect, glossy, basal leaves leaves, downy beneath. Inner flowers are blue, fertile flowers edged with pure white, small garden.
that develop fully only after flowering. blue or deep purple, the outer ones larger sterile flowers. ‘Libelle’ (Teller Series; ‘Limelight’ (illus. p.135), H 5½ft (1.7m),
Flower stem bears a dense, cylindrical and white, sometimes flushed purplish- Lacecap; illus. p.135), H and S 5ft (1.5m), S 7ft (2.2m), is robust and produces very
spike of fragrant, tubular, bright rose-red pink. Villosa Group (syn. H. villosa) illus. produces very pale blue flowers, fading dense, broadly conical panicles of lime-
flowers, each with 6 recurving petals. p.133. Villosa Group ‘Velvet and Lace’ to creamy-white, over a long period. green, sterile flowers in midsummer,
Z5–9. ‘Anna Marie’ bears spikes of (Lacecap) has ovate to lance-shaped ‘Lilacina’ see H.m. ‘Mariesii Lilacina’. maturing to a mixture of lime-green and
single, pale pink flowers; good for forcing. leaves, softly hairy beneath. Bears flower ‘Love You Kiss’ (Hovaria Series; warm pink by midfall. Needs moderate
‘Blue Jacket’ illus. p.403. ’Carnegie’ heads comprising purple-blue, fertile Lacecap), H 3ft (1m), is low-growing, with pruning. ‘Phantom’ (illus. p.134), H 5ft
produces compact spikes of single, pure flowers and nodding, mauve-pink sterile, red-flushed leaves and white flowers with (1.5m), S 7ft (2.2m), is a robust, upright
white flowers in late spring. ‘City of outer flowers, from midsummer to late fall. deep pink margins. cultivar producing dense, conical, rounded
Haarlem’ illus. p.407. ‘Delft Blue’ has H. heteromalla. Deciduous, arching ‘Mariesii Lilacina’ (syn. H.m. ‘Lilacina’; heads of sterile, white flowers, flushed
violet-flushed, soft blue flowers. shrub. H 15ft (5m), S 10ft (3m). Narrowly Lacecap; illus. p.134), H and S 6ft (2m), has yellow-green at tips, in midsummer; these
‘Distinction’ produces slender, open ovate, dark green leaves turn yellow in fall. deep lilac, central flowers and pinkish- age to warm, deep pink by early fall.
spikes of reddish-purple flowers. ‘Gipsy Broad, flat, open heads of white flowers, purple, outer flowers. ‘Möwe’ (Teller Needs moderate to hard pruning. Flower
Queen’ bears single, salmon-orange 7in (17cm) across, are borne in mid- and Series; syn. H.m. ‘Geoffrey Chadbund’; heads of Pink DiamonD (‘Interhydia’)
flowers; those of ‘Jan Bos’ are crimson. late summer. Z4–9. Bretschneideri Lacecap), H and S 3ft (1m), has broad, flat (illus. p.135), turn pink with age. Pinky-
‘Lady Derby’ bears rose-pink flowers. Group has peeling, chestnut-brown bark flower heads ranging in color from purple- Winky (‘Dvppinky’) (illus. p.134), H 4½ft
‘L’ Innocence’ has ivory-white flowers. and large leaves, to 5in (12cm) long and red to deep pink. ‘Nachtigall’ (Teller (1.4m), S 5½ft (1.6m), has a compact,
‘Ostara’ produces a large spike of blue half as much wide. ‘Snowcap’ (illus. Series; Lacecap), H 5ft (1.5m), has dark upright, slightly spreading habit with dark
flowers, with a dark stripe along each p.134) has large, flat, white flower heads, blue or violet (pink on chalky soils), sterile red stems, yellowish-green leaves and
petal center.‘Pink Pearl’ bears a dense to 10in (25cm) across. flowers in a single ring around pale- dense, tapered, conical heads of lime-
spike of carmine-pink flowers. Flowers of H. integerrima. See H. serratifolia. budded, violet-anthered, fertile flowers. green, sterile flowers in midsummer; these
‘Princess Maria Christina’ are salmon- H. involucrata. Deciduous, spreading, ‘Pfau’ (Teller Series; Lacecap), H 2ft age to deep pink by early fall. Responds
pink; those of ‘Queen of the Pinks’ are open shrub. H 3ft (1m), S 6ft (2m). Has (60cm), is dwarfish, bearing small flower well to moderate pruning.
soft pink. ‘Violet Pearl’ produces spikes broadly heart-shaped, bristly, mid-green heads of bright blue or pink florets with Good in a small garden. ‘Silver Dollar
of violet flowers. ‘White Pearl’ illus. leaves. During late summer, bears heads of pointed sepals. ‘Preziosa’ see H. (illus. p.134), H 4ft (1.2m), S 5½ft (1.7m), is
p.415. small, blue, inner flowers surrounded by ‘Preziosa’. ‘Quadricolor’ (Lacecap), H 5ft compact with strong stems. Bears dense,
large, pale blue to white, outer ones. (1.5m), S 4ft (1.2m), has leaves boldly rounded heads of white, sterile flowers,
HYDRANGEA Z7–11. ‘Hortensis’ (illus. p.134) is smaller variegated in green, cream, and yellow, tipped pale yellow-green, in midsummer;
and has clusters of cream, pink and green and pale pink flowers; often confused with they mature to pink in midfall. Responds
HYDRANGEACEAE flowers. Z7–9 the weaker-growing ‘Tricolor’. well to hard pruning. Good in
Genus of deciduous and evergreen shrubs H. macrophylla (Bigleaf hydrangea). ‘Rotschwanz’ (Teller Series; Lacecap), H a small garden. ‘Unique’ is vigorous and
and climbers, rarely trees, grown for their Deciduous, bushy shrub. H 5–6ft (1.5–2m), 5ft (1.5m), has large flower heads with produces very large flower heads of
mainly domed or flattened flower heads. S 6–8ft (2–2.5m). Has ovate, toothed, glossy, star-shaped, deep red, sterile flowers mainly sterile, white flowers that age to
Each head usually consists of many small, light green leaves. In mid- to late summer, around pink-anthered, pale, fertile flowers. pinkish-white.
inconspicuous, fertile flowers, surrounded blue or purple flowers are produced in subsp. serrata see H. serrata. ‘Tokyo H. petiolaris. See H. anomala subsp.
by or mixed with much larger, sterile acidic soils with a pH of up to about 5.5. Delight’ (Lacecap), H and S 3ft (1m), petiolaris.
flowers bearing showy, petal-like sepals. In neutral or alkaline soils above this level, produces pink or white flowers that H. ‘Preziosa’, syn. H. macrophylla
However, in some forms, all or most of the flowers are pink or red. White flowers are mature to wine-red. ‘Tricolor’ (Lacecap), ‘Preziosa’, H. serrata ‘Preziosa’. Deciduous,
flowers are sterile. Prefers full sun or not affected by pH. Prune older shoots H 6ft (2m), S 5ft (1.5m), has variegated, bushy shrub. H 5–6ft (1.5–2m), S 5ft (1.5m).
semishade and fertile, moist but well- back to base in spring. Trim back winter- gray-green and yellow leaves and bears Has ovate, toothed, light green leaves.
drained soil. Needs more shade in dry damaged shoots to new growth and pale pink to white flowers in late summer. Pink flowers turn to deep crimson. Z6–9
areas. Propagate by softwood cuttings in remove spent flower heads in spring. ‘Veitchii’ (Lacecap) has lilac-blue, fertile H. quercifolia (Oakleaf hydrangea).
summer. tAll parts of hydrangeas may Cultivars of H. macrophylla are divided flowers, surrounded by white, sterile Deciduous, bushy, mound-forming shrub.
cause mild stomach upset if ingested; into 2 groups: Hortensias have domed, flowers that age to pink. ‘Westfalen’
contact with the foliage may aggravate (Hortensia), H and S 3ft (1m), bears bright


H and S 6ft (2m). Deeply lobed, dark green HYLOCEREUS bracts. Z6–9. ‘Frosty Morn’ (syn. Sedum syn. Sedum ‘Stewed Rhubarb Mountain’.
erythrostictum ‘Frosty Morn’) has Clump-forming, compact perennial. H and
leaves turn red and purple in fall. Has CACTACEAE variegated, narrowly spoon-shaped leaves, S 12in (30cm). Has ovate, toothed, fleshy,
edged with white. Flower heads in late pinkish-green leaves on erect stems. In late
white flower heads from midsummer to Genus of fast-growing, perennial, epiphytic summer also display variegation. summer, bears rounded, terminal heads of
midfall. Z5–9. Snowflake (‘Brido’) (illus. cacti with erect, slender, climbing stems ‘Mediovariegatum’ (syn. Sedum star-shaped, pale green, pale pink, and
that are jointed into sections, and many erythrostictum ‘Mediovariegatum’; illus. darker pink flowers. Z3–9
p.134), produces pure white, fertile flower aerial roots. Provides successful grafting p.279) bears yellow-green leaves each with H. tatarinowii, syn. Sedum tatarinowii.
stock, except in northern Europe. Needs a central, creamy-white mark. Arching, spreading, tuberous perennial.
bracts surrounded by a double sun or partial shade and very well-drained H. ewersii, syn. Sedum ewersii. Trailing H 4in (10cm), S 8in (20cm). Has small, ovate,
soil. Propagate by stem cuttings in spring perennial. H 2in (5cm), S 6in (15cm). Similar toothed, green leaves on purplish stems.
rank of white, sterile flower bracts. or summer. to H. cauticola, but has more rounded, Rounded, terminal heads of star-shaped,
Snow Queen (‘Flemygea’) (illus. p.135) H. undatus. Fast-growing, epiphytic or stem-clasping leaves, often tinted red, and pink-flushed, white flowers are produced
has profuse, large, sterile flowers in dense, climbing, perennial cactus. H 3ft (1m), dense, rounded flower heads. Z2–9 in late summer. Suits an alpine house. Z3–9
S indefinite. Has freely branching, H. ‘Herbstfreude’, syn. Sedum ‘Autumn H. telephium, syn. Sedum telephium.
upright flower heads. 3-angled, weakly spined, dark green stems, Joy’, S. ‘Herbstfreude’ (illus. p.279). Clump- Rather variable, clump-forming perennial,
H. sargentiana. See H. aspera subsp. 3in (7cm) wide. In summer, bears flattish, forming perennial. H 2ft (60cm), S 20in sometimes with a rather open, lax habit.
sargentiana. white flowers, 12in (30cm) across, that last (50cm). Has ovate, toothed, fleshy, gray- H 24–28in (60–70cm), S 20in (50cm). Erect
H. scandens subsp. chinensis. only one night. Z11 (min. 59°F/15°C) green leaves on sturdy, erect stems. In late stems bear ovate, fleshy, often toothed,
Deciduous, woody-stemmed, scrambling summer and fall, bears flattened, broad, blue-green leaves. From late summer to
shrub. H and S to 10ft (3m). Has spreading, HYLOMECON terminal heads of small, star-shaped, fall, bears domed, branched, terminal
often pendent, branchlets and lance- brick-red flowers that fade to brown. Z3–9 heads of star-shaped, reddish- or purplish-
shaped, slightly leathery, toothed leaves. PAPAVERACEAE H. ‘Matrona’, syn. Sedum ‘Matrona’ pink flowers. Z4–9. Atropurpureum
In summer, bears numerous, flattened (illus. p.279). Clump-forming perennial. Group (syn. Sedum telephium
flower heads with central clusters of small, Genus of vigorous, rhizomatous H 2ft (60cm), S 20in (50cm). Has ovate, Atropurpureum Group) has red stems,
white, sterile flowers and several blue to perennials, grown for their large, cup- toothed, fleshy, purple-flushed, brown- dark red leaves, and pink flowers.
white, sterile flowers along the margins. shaped flowers. Good for rock gardens, green leaves on erect, purple stems. In late Atropurpureum Group ‘Purple
Suitable for training along a low wall. Z7–9 borders and woodlands, but may be summer, produces flattened, terminal Emperor’ (syn. Sedum telephium ‘Purple
H. seemanii illus. p.196. invasive. Prefers a partially shaded heads of small, star-shaped, pink flowers. Emperor’; illus. p.279), H 20in (50cm),
H. serrata, syn. H. macrophylla subsp. position and humus-rich, moist soil. Z3–8 S 12in (30cm), is neat and compact, with
serrata. Deciduous, bushy, dense shrub. Propagate by division in spring or by seed H. populifolium, syn. Sedum dark purple leaves and pinkish-red
H and S 4ft (1.2m). Has slender stems and in fall. populifolium. Semievergreen, bushy flowers. subsp. maximum ‘Gooseberry
light green leaves. From mid- to late H. japonica illus. p.335. perennial. H 12–18in (30–45cm), S 12in Fool’ (syn. Sedum telephium ‘Gooseberry
summer, bears flat heads of pink, lilac (30cm). Has broadly ovate, fleshy, Fool’; illus. p.279). H 20in (50cm), S 12in
or white, inner flowers and pink or blue, HYLOTELEPHIUM irregularly toothed, mid-green leaves. (30cm), bears red-flushed, greenish-gray
outer flowers. Z6–9. ‘Acuminata’ see Bears terminal clusters of hawthorn- leaves and domed heads of green and
H.s. ‘Bluebird’. ‘Bluebird’ (syn. H.s. CRASSULACEAE scented, star-shaped, pale pink or white white flowers. ‘Strawberries and
‘Acuminata’; illus. p.135) has pale pink, flowers in late summer. Z6–9 Cream’ (syn. Sedum telephium
pale purple, or blue flowers. ‘Diadem’ Genus of deciduous, perennial succulents H. ‘Red Cauli’, syn. Sedum ‘Red Cauli’ ‘Strawberries and Cream’; illus. p.279),
(illus. p.134) has a compact habit and similar to Rhodiola, with annual stems (illus. p.279). Clump-forming, compact H and S 20–24in (50–60cm), has purple
bright blue—sometimes pink—flowers. from a tuberous rootstock, bearing flat perennial. H 12–16in (30–40cm), S 12in stems, toothed, green-purple leaves, and
‘Grayswood’ (illus. p.135), H and S 5ft fleshy leaves and terminal panicles of (30cm). Has ovate, toothed, fleshy, gray- pinkish-green flowers opening from dark
(1.5m), is slow-growing and bears blue, white, pink or red flowers in fall. Best in purple leaves on erect stems. In summer, pink buds.
fertile flowers surrounded by white to full sun or light shade with a well-drained bears cauliflower-like, domed, terminal
soil. Propagate by seed, stem cuttings, or heads of star-shaped, rich red flowers. Z3–8 Hymenanthera. See Melicytus.
H pink, sterile flowers. ‘Kiyosumi’ (illus. root division. Good for bees.tAll parts of H. ‘Ruby Glow’, syn. Sedum ‘Ruby Glow’
p.135) bears purple young leaves and pink the plants may cause mild stomach upset (illus. p.279). Deciduous, clump-forming HYMENOCALLIS
to white, fertile flowers encircled by red- if ingested; contact with the sap may perennial with prostrate stems. H 8in
edged, white, sterile flowers. ‘Preziosa’ irritate skin. (20cm), S 16in (40cm). Has toothed, fleshy, Spider lily
see H. ‘Preziosa’. H. anacampseros, syn. Sedum gray-purple leaves. In late summer, bears
H. serratifolia, syn. H. integerrima, illus. anacampseros. Semievergreen, trailing loose, terminal heads of star-shaped, pink AMARYLLIDACEAE
p.196. perennial with overwintering foliage and ruby-red flowers. Z5–9
H. villosa. See H. aspera Villosa Group. rosettes. H 4in (10cm), S 10in (25cm) or H. sieboldii ‘Misebaya-nakafu’, syn. Genus of bulbs, some of which are
more. Prostrate, loosely rosetted, brown Sedum sieboldii ‘Foliis Medio-variegatis’, evergreen, grown for their fragrant
HYDROCLEYS stems bear oblong to ovate, fleshy, S.s. ‘Mediovariegatum’. Spreading, flowers, somewhat like those of large
glaucous green leaves. Has dense, almost tuberous perennial with long, tapering daffodils. Needs a sheltered site, full sun or
syn. HYDROCLEIS round, terminal heads of small, cup-shaped, tap roots. H 4in (10cm), S 8in (20cm) or partial shade, and well-drained soil. Plant
purplish-pink flowers in summer. Z5–9 more. Whorls of fleshy, rounded, blue- in early summer, lifting for winter in cold
ALISMATACEAE H. ‘Bertram Anderson’, syn. Sedum green leaves have central, cream splashes districts. Alternatively, grow in a heated
‘Bertram Anderson’. Clump-forming and sometimes red edges. Produces open, greenhouse; reduce water in winter,
Genus of deciduous or evergreen, perennial. H 8in (20cm), S 12in (30cm). terminal heads of star-shaped, pink without drying out completely, and repot
annual or perennial, water plants, grown Prostrate stems bear rounded, toothed, flowers in late summer. Good in an alpine in spring. Propagate by offsets in spring
for their floating foliage and attractive fleshy, dusky-purple leaves. In late house. Z6–9 or early summer.
flowers. Best grown in large aquariums summer, produces rounded, flattish, H. spectabile, syn. Sedum spectabile (Ice- H. calathina. See Ismene narcissiflora.
and tropical ponds with good light. terminal heads of star-shaped, dark pink plant). Clump-forming perennial. H and S H. x festalis. See Ismene x deflexa.
Propagate by seed when ripe or by tip flowers. Z2–9 18in (45cm). Has ovate, indented, fleshy, H. x macrostephana, syn. Ismene x
cuttings year-round. H. cauticola, syn. Sedum cauticola. gray-green leaves, above which flat heads macrostephana. Evergreen, spring- or
H. nymphoides (Water poppy) illus. p.445. Trailing, shallow-rooted perennial with of small, star-shaped, pink flowers that summer-flowering bulb. H 32in (80cm),
rooting stems. H 2in (5cm), S 8in (20cm). attract butterflies are borne in late S 12in (30cm). Has strap-shaped,
HYGROPHILA Has ovate to oblong, stalked, fleshy, blue- summer. Z4–9. Brilliant Group semierect, basal leaves. Bears fragrant,
green leaves on lax, purplish-red stems. ‘Brilliant’ (syn. Sedum spectabile white, cream, or greenish-yellow flowers.
606 ACANTHACEAE Bears flattish heads of star-shaped, pale ‘Brilliant’) illus. p.278. ‘Iceberg’ (syn. Z8–10 (min. 41°F/5°C)
purplish-pink flowers in early fall. Sedum spectabile ‘Iceberg’; illus. p.279) H. narcissiflora. See Ismene
Genus of deciduous or evergreen, Cut back old stems in winter. Z5–9 has pale green leaves and heads of narcissiflora.
perennial, marginal and submerged water H. erythrostictum, syn. Sedum greenish-white flowers, pink-tinged with H. speciosa. Evergreen, winter-flowering
plants and marsh plants, grown for their erythrostictum. Clump-forming perennial. age. ‘Stardust’ (syn. Sedum spectabile bulb. H and S 12–18in (30–45cm). Has
foliage. Remove fading leaves regularly. H 16–24in (40–60cm), S 16in (40cm). Has ‘Stardust’) has flower heads that may broadly oblong, semierect, basal leaves.
Propagate by stem cuttings in spring or unbranched stems bearing ovate, toothed, be white or pink on the same plant. Produces a head of up to 12 fragrant,
summer. fleshy, gray-green leaves. In late summer, H. ‘Stewed Rhubarb Mountain’, white or greenish-white flowers, each
H. difformis (Water wisteria). Evergreen, bears domed, terminal heads of star- 8–12in (20–30cm) across, with a funnel-
aquatic perennial. S indefinite. Has slender, shaped, pink and white flowers with leafy
soft stems, clothed in divided, mid-green,
submerged leaves. In summer, bears
whorls of tubular, lilac to violet flowers,
streaked red-violet within, from axils of
thicker, aerial leaves that are lance-shaped,
dark green, and scalloped. Z11–12 (min.


shaped cup and 6 narrow petals. H. x dummeri ‘Peter Dummer’. H. aristata (Ribbon bush). Evergreen, I
Z14–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) Compact, mounding, evergreen or bushy, woody-based perennial. H to 3ft
H. x spofforthiae ‘Sulphur Queen’. semievergreen shrub. H 2ft (60cm), S 20in (1m), S 2ft (60cm). Has ovate, mid-green IBERIS I
See Ismene x spofforthiae ‘Sulphur Queen’. (50cm). Has ovate to lance-shaped, blue- leaves. Small, tubular, deep pink to purple
green leaves, reddish when young, often flowers are produced in terminal spikes in Candytuft
HYMENOSPORUM tinged reddish-purple in winter. From late winter. Z14–15 (min. 55°F/13°C)
early summer, bears large, saucer-shaped, H. phyllostachya, syn. H. sanguinolenta BRASSICACEAE/CRUCIFERAE
Australian frangipani orange-anthered, golden-yellow flowers. of gardens (Freckle face, Polka dot plant),
Red-tinged fruits follow in fall. Z5–7 illus. p.300. Genus of annuals, perennials and
PITTOSPORACEAE H. forrestii, syn. H. patulum var. forrestii. H. sanguinolenta of gardens. See evergreen subshrubs, grown for their
Upright, spreading, deciduous shrub. H 4ft H. phyllostachya. flowers. Excellent for a rock garden.
Genus of one species of evergreen shrub (1.2m), S 5ft (1.5m). Produces mid-green Some species are short-lived, flowering
or tree, grown for its flowers and overall leaves that turn red in late fall and early HYPOXIS themselves to death. Requires sun and
appearance. Prefers full sun, although winter. Abundant, large, cup-shaped, well-drained soil. Propagate by seed in
some shade is tolerated. Requires humus- golden yellow flowers, are borne from Starflower spring, and subshrubs and shrubs by
rich, well-drained soil, ideally neutral to summer to fall. Z5–9 semiripe cuttings in summer.
acidic. Water containerized specimens H. ‘Hidcote’. See H. x hidcoteense HYPOXIDACEAE I. amara illus. p.299. ‘Giant Hyacinth-
freely when in full growth, less at other ‘Hidcote’. flowered’ is a group of fast-growing,
times. Propagate by seed when ripe, in H. x hidcoteense ‘Hidcote’, syn. Genus of spring- or summer-flowering upright, bushy annuals. H 12in (30cm),
fall, or in spring or by semiripe cuttings H. ‘Hidcote’, H. patulum ‘Hidcote’, illus. corms, grown for their flat, star-shaped S 6in (15cm). They have lance-shaped,
in late summer. p.160. flowers. Suits rock gardens. Requires full mid-green leaves and, in summer, bear
H. flavum (Australian frangipani). H. kouytchense, illus. p.161. sun and well-drained soil. Propagate by flattish heads of large, scented, 4-petaled
Evergreen, erect shrub or tree, gradually H. lancasteri. Spreading, deciduous seed in spring. flowers in a variety of colors. Z11
spreading with age. H 30ft (10m) or more, shrub. H and S 3ft (1m). Mid-green leaves, H. angustifolia. Summer-flowering I. commutata. See I. sempervirens.
S 15ft (5m) or more. Has ovate to oblong, bronze when young, are glaucous beneath. corm. H 4–8in (10–20cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm). I. saxatilis illus. p.360.
lustrous, rich green leaves. From spring t In summer, bears clusters of golden yellow Has slender, hairy, semierect, basal leaves. I. sempervirens, syn. I. commutata,
o summer, bears terminal panicles of very flowers, with star-shaped, red-margined Stems each bear 3–7 star-shaped, yellow illus. p.332. ‘Snowflake’ (syn. I.s.
fragrant, tubular, 5-petaled, cream flowers calyces, conspicuous before they open. flowers, 5⁄8–3⁄4in (1.5–2cm) across. Z11–14 ‘Schneeflocke’) is an evergreen, spreading
that age to deep sulfur-yellow. Z9–11 Z6–10 H. capensis, syn. H. stellata, Spiloxene subshrub. H 6–12in (15–30cm), S 18–24in
(min. 41°F/5°C) H. x moserianum. Deciduous, arching capensis. Spring-flowering corm with (45–60cm). Leaves are narrowly oblong,
shrub. H and S 2ft (60cm). Small, bowl- a basal leaf cluster. H 4–8in (10–20cm), glossy and dark green. Dense,
HYPERICUM shaped, yellow flowers are borne above S 2–3in (5–8cm). Has slender, narrowly semispherical heads of 4-petaled, white
ovate, dark green leaves from midsummer lance-shaped, erect leaves. Stems each flowers are produced in late spring and
St. John’s wort to midfall. Z7–9. ‘Tricolor’ (syn. produce an upward-facing flower with early summer. Trim after flowering.
H. ‘Variegatum), has leaves edged in white pointed, white or yellow petals, and a Z5–9
CLUSIACEAE/HYPERICACEAE and pink. Prefers a sheltered position. purple eye. Z9–10 I. umbellata. Fast-growing, upright,
H. olympicum. Deciduous, upright, H. stellata. See H. capensis. bushy annual. H 6–12in (15–30cm), S 8in
Genus of annuals, perennials, and slightly spreading, dense shrub. (20cm). Has lance-shaped, mid-green
deciduous, semievergreen, or evergreen H 6–12in (15–30cm), S to 6in (15cm). Tufts HYPSELA leaves. Heads of small, 4-petaled, white or
shrubs and trees, grown for their showy, of upright stems are covered in small, pale purple flowers, sometimes bicolored,
yellow flowers with prominent stamens. ovate, gray-green leaves. Produces CAMPANULACEAE are borne in summer and early fall. Z6–10.
Large species and cultivars need sun or terminal clusters of up to 5 cup-shaped, Fairy Series illus. p.304.
semishade and fertile, not too dry soil. bright yellow flowers in summer. Z5–8. Genus of vigorous, creeping perennials,
Smaller types, which are good in rock f. uniflorum ‘Citrinum’ (syn. grown for their flowers and heart-shaped IDESIA
gardens, do best in full sun and well- H. ‘Citrinum’) illus. p.343. leaves. Good as groundcover, especially in
drained soil. Propagate species subshrubs H. patulum. Bushy, evergreen or rock gardens. Needs shade and moist soil. SALICACEAE
and shrubs by softwood cuttings in semievergreen, upright shrub. H and S 3ft Propagate by division in spring.
summer or by seed in fall; cultivars by (1m). Large, cup-shaped, golden-yellow H. longiflora. See H. reniformis. Genus of one species of deciduous,
softwood cuttings only in summer; flowers open above ovate, dark green H. reniformis, syn. H. longiflora, Lobelia summer-flowering tree, grown for its
perennials by seed or by division in fall or leaves from midsummer to midfall. Z7–9. oligophylla. Vigorous, creeping, stemless foliage and fruits. Both male and female
spring. Generally trouble-free, but H. x var. forrestii see H. forrestii. ‘Hidcote’ perennial. H 3⁄4in (2cm), S indefinite. Has plants are required to obtain fruits. Needs
inodorum ‘Elstead’ is susceptible to rust, see tiny, heart-shaped, fleshy leaves and, from sun or semishade and fertile, moist but
which produces orange spots on leaves H. x hidcoteense ‘Hidcote’. spring to summer, small, star-shaped, well-drained soil, preferably neutral to
and H. ‘Hidcote’ to a virus that makes H. pseudohenryi (Irish Tutsan) illus. pink-and-white flowers. Z7–9 acidic. Propagate by softwood cuttings
leaves narrow and variegated. p.161 in summer or by seed in fall.
H. balearicum. Evergreen, compact H. rhodoppeum. See H. cerastioides. HYSSOPUS I. polycarpa illus. p.75.
shrub. H and S to 2ft (60cm). Small, ovate, H. ‘Rowallane’ illus. p.206.
green leaves have wavy edges and H. ‘Variegatum’. See H. x moserianum Hyssop ILEX
rounded tips. Solitary, large, fragrant, ‘Tricolor’.
shallowly cup-shaped, yellow flowers are LAMIACEAE/LABIATAE Holly
produced at stem tips above foliage from Hypocyrta radicans. See
early summer to fall. Z6–9 Nematanthus gregarius. Genus of perennials and semievergreen or AQUIFOLIACEAE
H. beanii ‘Gold Cup’. See H. x evergreen shrubs, grown for their flowers,
cyathiflorum ‘Gold Cup’. Hypocyrta strigillosa. See which attract bees and butterflies, and for Genus of evergreen or deciduous
H. bellum. Semievergreen, arching, Nematanthus strigillosus. their aromatic foliage, which has culinary trees, shrubs and, rarely, climbers,
graceful shrub. H 3ft (1m), S 5ft (1.5m). and medicinal uses. May be grown as a grown for their foliage and fruits (berries).
Cup-shaped, golden-yellow flowers are HYPOESTES low hedge. Requires full sun and fertile, Mainly spherical berries, ranging in color
borne in summer. Shoots are red. Ovate, well-drained soil. Cut back hard or, if from red through yellow to black, are
wavy-edged, mid-green leaves redden in Polka dot plant grown as a hedge, trim lightly, in spring. produced in fall, following insignificant,
fall. Z5–9 Propagate by softwood cuttings in usually white, flowers borne in spring.
H. calycinum (Aaron’s beard, Rose of ACANTHACEAE summer or by seed in fall. Almost all plants are unisexual, and to
Sharon) illus. p.161. H. officinalis (Hyssop) illus. p.157. obtain fruits on a female plant, a male
H. cerastioides, syn. H. rhodoppeum, Genus of woody-based, evergreen f. albus is a semievergreen, upright, also needs to be grown. All prefer well-
illus. p.373. perennials, shrubs, and subshrubs, some dense shrub. H 2ft (60cm), S 3ft (1m). drained soil. Grow in sun or shade, but
H. ‘Citrinum’. See H. olympicum of which are grown for their flowers and Aromatic, narrowly lance-shaped leaves deciduous plants and those with
f. uniflorum ‘Citrinum’. some for their foliage. Needs bright light are bright green. Bears densely clustered, variegated foliage do best in sun or
H. x cyathiflorum ‘Gold Cup’, syn. and well-drained soil. Water often in small, white flowers from midsummer to semishade. Hollies resent being
H. beanii ‘Gold Cup’. Semievergreen, growing season, less in winter. Straggly early fall. subsp. aristatus has dark blue transplanted, but respond well to hard
arching shrub. H 5ft (1.5m), S 6ft (2m). stems should be cut back. Propagate by flowers. Z6–8 pruning and pollarding, which should
Produces pinkish-brown shoots, ovate, stem cuttings in spring or summer. H. be done in late spring. Propagate by seed
dark green leaves and, in summer, phyllostachya may be grown as an annual 607
large, cup-shaped, golden-yellow from seed sown in spring.
flowers. Z8–9


I in fall or by semiripe cuttings from late abundance of bright red berries. Good ‘Madame Briot’ (illus. p.94) is a vigorous, Ideal as an accent plant. ‘Golden Gem’ is
summer to early winter. Holly leaf miner for hedging. ‘Argentea Marginata bushy, female tree. H 30ft (10m), S 15ft a compact, low-growing, shy-flowering
608 and holly aphid may cause problems. Pendula’ (Perry’s weeping silver holly) (5m). Young branches are purplish-green. female shrub. H 3½ft (1.1m), S 4–5ft (1.2–
tBerries may cause mild stomach upset is a slow-growing, weeping, female tree. Leaves are large, broadly ovate, spiny and 1.5m). Its golden yellow leaves turn
if ingested. See also feature panel p.94. H 20ft (6m), S 15ft (5m). Has purple young dark green with bright golden borders. yellow-green in summer. Bears black
I. x altaclerensis. Group of vigorous, branches and broadly ovate, spiny, dark Bears scarlet berries. ‘Ovata Aurea’ is a berries. Best grown in full sun. ‘Green
evergreen shrubs and trees. Resistant to green leaves, mottled with gray-green and dense, male shrub. H 15ft (5m), S 12ft (4m). Hedger’ is an excellent, dark-green
pollution and coastal exposure. Z7–9. broadly edged with cream. Bears red Has reddish-brown young branches and leaved selection, ideal as an alternative to
‘Balearica’ (illus. p.94) is an erect, female fruits. Good as a specimen plant in a small ovate, regularly spiny, dark green leaves box where box blight or box caterpillar is
tree. H 40ft (12m), S 15ft (5m). Has green garden. ‘Atlas’ is an erect, male shrub. with bright golden margins. a problem. ‘Variegata’ is an open, male
to olive-green young branches. Large, H 15ft (5m), S 10ft (3m). Has green young ‘Pyramidalis’ is a dense, female tree that shrub. H 12ft (4m), S 8ft (2.5m). Ovate
broadly ovate leaves are spiny- or smooth- branches and ovate, spiny, glossy, dark does not require cross-fertilization to leaves are spotted or blotched with yellow,
edged and glossy, dark green. Freely green leaves. Useful for landscaping produce fruits. H 20ft (6m), S 15ft (5m). but tend to revert to plain green.
produces large, bright red berries. and hedging. ‘Aurea Regina’ see I.a. Has green young branches and narrowly I. x koehneana. Evergreen, conical
‘Belgica’ is an erect, dense, female tree. ‘Golden Queen’. elliptic, slightly spiny, mid-green leaves. shrub. H 20ft (6m), S 15ft (5m). Young
H 40ft (12m), S 15ft (5m). Young branches ‘Aurifodina’ is an erect, dense, female Produces abundant scarlet fruits. Suitable branches are green. Has very large,
are green to yellowish-green. Has large, shrub. H 20ft (6m), S 10ft (3m). Young for a small garden. ‘Pyramidalis oblong, spiny, mid-green leaves and
lance-shaped to oblong, spiny- or smooth- branches are purplish. Ovate, spiny leaves Aureomarginata’ (illus. p.94) is an red fruits. Z7–9. ‘Chestnut Leaf’
edged, glossy, mid-green leaves. Large, are olive-green with golden margins that upright, female shrub. H 20ft (6m), S 15ft (illus. p.94) has elliptic, regularly spined,
orange-red fruits are freely produced. turn tawny-yellow in winter. Produces a (5m). Young branches are green. Has yellow-green leaves reminiscent of
‘Belgica Aurea’ (syn. I. x a. ‘Silver good crop of deep scarlet fruits. narrowly elliptic, mid-green leaves with sweet chestnut.
Sentinel’, I. perado ‘Aurea’; illus. p.94) is ‘Bacciflava’ (syn. f. bacciflava; illus. p.94) prominent, golden margins and spines I. latifolia (Tarajo holly). Evergreen,
an upright, female tree. H 25ft (8m), S 10ft is a much-branched, usually erect shrub or on upper half. Bears a large crop of red upright shrub. H 20ft (6m), S 15ft (5m).
(3m). Young branches are green with tree. H 70ft (20m), S 20ft (6m). Has variably berries. ‘Pyramidalis Fructu Luteo’ Has sturdy, olive-green young branches,
yellow streaks. Has large, lance-shaped, shaped, wavy, sharply spined, glossy, dark is a conical, female shrub that broadens very large, oblong, dark green leaves with
mainly spineless, dark green leaves, green leaves and yellow fruits. ‘Ferox’ with age. H 20ft (6m), S 12ft (4m). short spines and plentiful, red fruits. Z7–9
mottled with gray-green and irregularly (Hedgehog holly) is an open, male shrub. Branches are green when young. Has I. x meserveae (Blue holly). Group of
edged with yellow. Red berries are H 20ft (6m), S 12ft (4m). Has purple young ovate, often spineless, dark green leaves vigorous, evergreen, dense shrubs. Does
produced only rarely. ‘Camelliifolia’ branches and ovate, dark green leaves and bears yellow berries. Excellent for not thrive in a maritime climate. Has ovate,
(illus. p.94) is a narrow, pyramidal, female with spines over the entire leaf surface. a small garden. ‘Silver King’ see I.a. glossy, greenish-blue leaves. Z5–9.
tree. H 45ft (14m), S 10ft (3m). Has purple ‘Ferox Argentea’ (Silver hedgehog ‘Silver Queen’. ‘Silver Milkboy’ see ‘Blue Boy’, H 6ft (2m), is a low-growing,
young branches and large, oblong, holly; illus. p.94) is similar to I.a. ‘Ferox’, I.a. ‘Silver Milkmaid’. ‘Silver Milkmaid’ male shrub with purplish-green stems
mainly smooth-edged, glossy, dark green but has leaves with cream margins. (syn. I.a. ‘Silver Milkboy’; illus. p.94) is a and glossy, dark greenish-blue leaves.
leaves. Reliably produces large, scarlet ‘Flavescens’ (Moonlight holly) is a dense, female shrub. H 18ft (5.5m), S 12ft Blue Prince (‘Conablu’) is a male
fruits; is an excellent specimen tree. columnar, female shrub. H 20ft (6m), S 15ft (4m). Ovate, wavy-edged, very spiny leaves selection, similar to ‘Blue Boy’, H 12ft (4m),
‘Camelliifolia Variegata’ (illus. p.94), (5m). Young branches are purplish-red. are bronze when young, maturing to S 8ft (2.5m), with purplish-green stems
H 25ft (8m), S 10ft (3m), is similar to Variably shaped leaves are dark green, bright green, each with a central, bearing glossy, bright green leaves.
I. x a. ‘Camelliifolia’, but leaves have with a yellowish flush when young that creamy-white blotch, but tend to revert Can be used to pollinate female clones of
broad, yellow margins. ‘Golden King’ will last year-round when grown in good to plain green. Produces an abundance ‘Blue Boy’. Blue Princess (‘Conapri’)
(illus. p.94) is a bushy, female shrub. light. Produces plentiful, red berries. of scarlet berries. A very attractive (illus. p.94), H 10ft (3m), S 4ft (1.2m), is
H 20ft (6m), S 15ft (5m). Young branches ‘Golden Milkboy’ (illus. p.94) is a dense, specimen plant. ‘Silver Queen’ (syn. I.a. female and has purplish-green young
are green with a purplish flush. Has male shrub. H 20ft (6m), S 12ft (4m). Has ‘Silver King’; illus. p.94) is a dense shrub branches, small, ovate, wavy, spiny leaves
large, oblong to ovate, sometimes slightly purplish-green young branches and ovate, that, despite its name, is male. H 15ft (5m), and an abundance of red fruits.
spiny, dark green leaves, each splashed very spiny, bright green leaves with S 12ft (4m). Has purple young branches. I. perado ‘Aurea’. See I. x altaclerensis
with gray-green in the center and with a heavily blotched, bright yellow centers. Ovate, spiny leaves, pink when young, ‘Belgica Aurea’.
bright yellow margin that turns to cream Leaves tend to revert to plain green. mature to very dark green, almost black, I. pernyi (illus. p.94). Slow-growing,
on older leaves. Not a good fruiter, ‘Golden Queen’ (syn. I.a. ‘Aurea Regina’) with broad, cream edging. ‘Watereriana’ evergreen, stiff shrub. H 25ft (8m),
bearing only a few reddish-brown berries, is a dense tree that, despite its name, is (syn. I.a. ‘Waterer’s Gold’) is a dense, male S 12ft (4m). Has pale green young
but excellent as a hedge or a specimen male. H 30ft (10m), S 20ft (6m). Broadly bush. H and S 15ft (5m). Young branches branches and small, oblong, spiny, dark
plant. ‘Hodginsii’ is a vigorous, dense, ovate, very spiny, mid-green leaves are are green, streaked with yellow. Ovate, green leaves. Produces red berries. Z6–9
male tree. H 45ft (14m), S 30ft (10m). Shoots edged with golden-yellow. ‘Golden van spiny- or smooth-edged leaves are I. serrata. Deciduous, bushy shrub.
are purple; leaves are broadly ovate, Tol’, a sport of I.a. ‘J.C. van Tol’, is an grayish-green, with broad, golden H 12ft (4m), S 8ft (2.5m). Small, ovate, finely
sparsely spiny and glossy, blackish-green. upright, female shrub. H 12ft (4m), S 10ft margins. Best grown as a specimen plant. toothed, bright green leaves are downy
‘Lawsoniana’ is a bushy, female shrub. (3m). Young branches are purple. Ovate, ‘Waterer’s Gold’ see I.a. ‘Watereriana’. when young. Pink flowers are followed by
H 20ft (6m), S 15ft (5m). Similar to I. x a. puckered, slightly spiny, dark green leaves I. x aquipernyi. Evergreen, upright shrub. small, red fruits. Z5–7. f. leucocarpa
‘Golden King’, but has leaves splashed have irregular, clear yellow margins. H 15ft (5m), S 10ft (3m). Has small, ovate, bears white berries.
irregularly in the center with gold and Produces a sparse crop of red fruits. spiny, glossy, dark green leaves with long I. verticillata (Winterberry; illus. p.94.).
lighter green. Foliage tends to revert to Good for hedging or as a specimen plant. tips. Berries are large and red. Z6–8 Deciduous, dense, suckering shrub.
plain green. ‘Silver Sentinel’ see I. x a. ‘Handsworth New Silver’ is a dense, I. cornuta (Horned holly). Evergreen, H 6ft (2m), S 4–5ft (1.2–1.5m). Young
‘Belgica Aurea’. ‘Wilsonii’ is a vigorous, columnar, female shrub. H 25ft (8m), S 15ft dense, rounded shrub. H 12ft (4m), S 15ft branches are purplish-green. Produces
female tree. H 25ft (8m), S 15ft (5m). Has (5m). Branches are purple. Oblong to (5m). Rectangular, dull green leaves are ovate or lance-shaped, saw-toothed, bright
purplish-green young branches and large, ovate, spiny, dark green leaves have broad, spiny except on older bushes. Produces green leaves. Bears abundant, long-
oblong to ovate, glossy, mid-green leaves cream margins. Bears a profusion of large, red berries. Z7–9 lasting, red berries that remain on bare
with prominent veins and large spines. bright red fruits. Excellent as a hedge or I. crenata (Box-leaved holly, Japanese branches during winter. Z5–8
Freely produces large, scarlet fruits and specimen plant and is good for a small holly). Evergreen, spreading shrub or tree. I. yunnanensis. Evergreen, spreading
is a good hedging or specimen plant. garden. ‘Hascombensis’ is a slow- H 15ft (5m), S 10ft (3m). Has very small, to erect shrub. H 12ft (4m), S 8ft (2.5m).
I. aquifolium (English holly; illus. p.94). growing, dense shrub of unknown sex. ovate, dark green leaves with rounded Branches are downy. Small, ovate leaves,
Evergreen, much-branched, erect shrub H 5ft (1.5m), S 3–4ft (1–1.2m). Has purplish- teeth. Bears glossy, black fruits. Useful for with rounded teeth, are brownish-green
or tree. H 70ft (20m), S 20ft (6m). Has green young branches and small, ovate, landscaping or as hedging. Z5–7. when young, glossy, dark green in
variably shaped, wavy, sharply spined, spiny, dark green leaves. Does not produce ‘Bullata’ see I.c. ‘Convexa’. ‘Convexa’ maturity. Produces red berries. Z5–8
glossy, dark green leaves and bright red berries. Suits a rock garden. ‘J.C. van (syn. I.c. ‘Bullata’; illus. p.94) is a dense,
berries. Z7–9. ‘Amber’ illus. p.92. Tol’ is an open, female shrub that does not female shrub. H 8ft (2.5m), S 4–5ft (1.2– ILLICIUM
‘Argentea Marginata’ (Silver- require cross-fertilization to produce 1.5m). Has purplish-green young branches
margined holly; illus. p.94) is a columnar, fruits. H 20ft (6m), S 12ft (4m). Branches are and ovate, puckered, glossy leaves. Bears SCHISANDRACEAE
female tree. H 45ft (14m), S 15ft (5m). dark purple when young. Ovate, puckered, glossy, black fruits. ‘Fastigiata’ is a very
Young branches are green, streaked with slightly spiny leaves are dark green. useful dense, narrowly erect female form. Genus of evergreen, spring- to early
cream. Broadly ovate, spiny, dark green Produces a good crop of red berries. H 70ft (20m), S 20ft (6m). Produces neat, summer-flowering trees and shrubs,
leaves, with wide, cream margins, are Useful as a hedge or for growing in a tub. dark green leaves and small, black berries. grown for their foliage and unusual
shrimp-pink when young. Bears an flowers. Does best in semishade or shade


and moist, neutral to acidic soil. (8cm) across, are produced in a range of usually 7–9 ovate leaflets. Long, dense IPOMOEA I
Propagate by semiripe cuttings in summer. colors, including white and shades racemes of small, pale pink flowers are
I. anisatum (Chinese anise). Slow- of pink, coral, orange, salmon, red, lilac- borne from midsummer to early fall. Z7–9 syn. MINA, PHARBITIS 609
growing, evergreen, conical tree or pink and lavender-blue. Tolerate full
shrub. H and S 20ft (6m). Produces ovate, sun. Z10–11 INULA CONVOLVULACEAE
aromatic, glossy, dark green leaves. Star- I. tinctoria illus. p.216.
shaped, greenish-yellow flowers, with I. walleriana (Busy lizzie). Fast- ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE Genus of evergreen shrubs, perennials,
numerous narrow petals, are borne in growing, evergreen, bushy perennial, annuals and soft- or woody-stemmed,
midspring. Z7–9 usually grown as an annual. H and S Genus of summer-flowering, clump- twining climbers. Grow in full light and
I. floridanum (Purple anise). Evergreen, to 2ft (60cm). Has ovate, fresh green forming, sometimes rhizomatous humus-rich, well-drained soil. Water freely
bushy shrub. H and S 6ft (2m). Lance- leaves. From spring to fall, produces perennials, grown for their daisylike, when in full growth, less at other times.
shaped, leathery, deep green leaves are flattish, 5-petaled, spurred, bright red, pink, yellow flowers. Low-growing species Support is needed for climbing species.
very aromatic. Star-shaped, red or purple, violet or white flowers. Z10–15. and cultivars are ideal for a rock garden; Thin out or cut back congested growth in
purplish-red flowers, with numerous, Accent Series ‘Accent Pink’, H 8–10in taller species, are good for a wild garden. spring. Propagate by seed in spring or by
narrow petals, are produced in late (20–25cm), S 10–12in (25–30cm), is compact Most need full sun and moist, well-drained softwood or semiripe cuttings in summer.
spring and early summer. Z7–9 and very long-flowering. Bears blush- soil. Propagate by seed or division in Whitefly and red spider mite may cause
pink flowers, with dark centers, in summer spring or fall. problems. tSeeds are highly toxic if
IMPATIENS and fall. Does not tolerate drought. I. acaulis. Tuft-forming, rhizomatous ingested.
Athena Series cultivars are spreading, perennial. H 2–4in (5–10cm), S 6in (15cm). I. acuminata. See I. indica.
BALSAMINACEAE with double, white, pink, orange or red Has lance-shaped to elliptic, hairy leaves. I. alba, syn. Calonyction aculeatum,
flowers (some variants are bicolors). Solitary, almost stemless, daisylike, I. bona-nox (Moonflower). Evergreen, soft-
Genus of annuals and mainly evergreen DeZire Series cultivars, H 10in (25cm), golden-yellow flower heads are produced stemmed, twining climber with prickly
perennials and subshrubs, often with S 12in (30cm), are compact and in summer. Good for a rock garden. Z4–9 stems that exude milky juice when cut.
brittle, almost succulent, stems. Grown branching, with flowers in a wide I. ensifolia illus. p.277. H 22ft (7m) or more. Ovate or sometimes
mainly for their flowers, some also for range of colors, including white and I. hookeri illus. p.243. 3-lobed leaves are 8in (20cm) long.
their attractive foliage. Most are shades of pink, red, orange and lavender- I. macrocephala of gardens. See Fragrant, tubular, white flowers, to 6in
excellent as houseplants or for summer blue, some with contrasting centers. I. royleana. (15cm) long and expanded at the mouths
bedding, or for containers outdoors. Dreamcoat Mixed, H and S to 10in I. magnifica illus. p.219. to 6in (15cm) across, open at night in
In cold climates, some may be herbaceous. (25cm), is compact and vigorous, with I. oculis-christi. Spreading, rhizomatous summer. Z12–15
Prefers sun or semishade and moist white, pink, or red flowers. perennial. H 1½ft (45cm), S 2ft (60cm). I. batatus Twining, perennial climber,
but not waterlogged soil. Propagate by Stems each bear 2 or 3 daisylike, yellow usually grown as an annual. H 10ft (3m)
seed or by stem cuttings in spring or IMPERATA flower heads, which are borne in summer. or more. Some cultivars are valued for
summer. Red spider mite, aphids and Has lance-shaped to elliptic, hairy, mid- their edible tubers. Has heart-shaped to
whitefly may cause problems in POACEAE/GRAMINAE green leaves. Z4–8 ovate, light green to deep purple leaves,
greenhouses. I. royleana, syn. I. macrocephala of 2–4in (5–10cm) long, sometimes 3-lobed
I. Fusion Series Fusion Peach Frost See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES, gardens, illus. p.277. and sometimes stained purple at the
(‘Balfuspeafro’) illus. p.325. and SEDGES. base. In summer, funnel-shaped, pale
I. New Guinea Group. Subshrubby I. cylindrica ‘Rubra’ illus. p.285. IOCHROMA purple or occasionally white flowers,
hybrid perennials, derived from I. hawkeri with darker purple centers, are produced.
(syn. I. schlechteri) and usually grown as INCARVILLEA SOLANACEAE Ornamental cultivars seldom flower. Z11.
annuals. Z9–15. Clockwork Series ‘Blackie’ illus. p.311. ‘Sweet Caroline
cultivars, H 8–10in (20–25cm), S 10–12in BIGNONIACEAE Genus of evergreen, semievergreen Green’ has bright yellow-green leaves.
(25–30cm), are compact and branching, and deciduous shrubs and small trees, Leaves of ‘Sweet Caroline Purple’ are
bearing long-lasting, white, pink, purple, Genus of late spring- or summer-flowering grown for their flowers. Needs full light deep purple.
lavender, red, magenta or orange flowers, annuals and perennials, suitable for rock or partial shade and fertile, well-drained I. ‘Black Tone’. Compact perennial,
with some bicolors. Divine Series gardens and borders. Protect crowns soil. Water containerized plants freely usually grown as an annual. H and S
cultivars, H 12in (30cm), S 14in (35cm), with garden compost in winter. Requires when in full growth, moderately at other to 20in (50cm). Has heart-shaped, dark
are mildew resistant, with whorled, lance- sun and fertile, well-drained soil. times. Tip prune young plants to stimulate blackish-purple leaves. Pale purple
shaped, toothed, mid-green leaves. From Propagate by seed in fall or spring. a bushy habit. Cut back flowered stems or white flowers are seldom produced.
late spring to fall, they produce abundant, I. delavayi illus. p.265. by half in late winter. Propagate by Z10–11
flattened, white, pink, bright red, dark red I. mairei illus. p.265. greenwood or semiripe cuttings in I. bona-nox. See I. alba.
or lavender-blue flowers, 2½in (6cm) summer. Whitefly and red spider mite I. coccinea. See I. hederifolia.
across. Divine Series Salsa Mixed INDIGOFERA are sometimes troublesome. I. hederifolia, syn. I. coccinea,
illus. p.307. I. cyaneum, syn. I. tubulosum, illus. Quamoclit coccinea (Red morning glory,
I. niamniamensis. Evergreen, bushy PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE p.457. Star ipomoea). Annual, twining climber.
perennial. H to 3ft (90cm), S 1ft (30cm). I. tubulosum. See I. cyaneum. H to 10ft (3m). Arrow- or heart-shaped
Has reddish-green stems and ovate, Genus of annuals, perennials, deciduous leaves are long-pointed and often toothed.
toothed leaves to 8in (20cm) long. Showy, shrubs and, rarely, small trees, grown for IPHEION Fragrant, tubular, scarlet flowers, with
5-petaled, hooded, yellowish-green their foliage and pealike flowers. Hard yellow throats and expanded mouths, are
flowers, 1in (25cm) long, and each with frost may cut plants to ground, but they ALLIACEAE/LILIACEAE produced in late summer and fall.
a long, orange, red, crimson or purple usually regrow from the base in spring. Z10–11
spur, are borne in summer–fall. Needs full sun and fertile, well-drained Genus of perennial bulbs, grown for I. horsfalliae. Strong-growing,
Z13–15. ‘Congo Cockatoo’ illus. p.307. soil. Cut out dead wood in spring. their star-shaped, blue, white or yellow evergreen, woody-stemmed, twining
I. oliveri. See I. sodenii. Propagate by softwood cuttings in flowers, which are freely produced in climber. H 6–10ft (2–3m). Leaves have
I. repens illus. p.476. summer or by seed in fall. spring. Excellent container plants for a 5–7 radiating lobes or leaflets; stalked
I. sodenii, syn. I. oliveri. Evergreen, I. decora. Deciduous, bushy shrub. cold greenhouse. Prefers a sheltered clusters of funnel-shaped, deep rose-pink
strong-growing, bushy perennial. H 4ft H 2ft (60cm), S 3ft (90cm). Glossy, dark situation in dappled sunlight and well- or rose-purple flowers, 21⁄2in (6cm) long,
(1.2m) or more, S 2ft (60cm). Narrowly green leaves each have 7–13 narrowly drained soil. Plant in fall; after flowering, are borne from summer to winter.
ovate, toothed leaves, in whorls of 4–10, oblong leaflets. Long spikes of pink or dies down for summer. Propagate by Z13–15. The flowers of ‘Briggsii’ are
are 6in (15cm) or more long. Almost flat, white flowers are borne from mid- to offsets in late summer or early fall. larger and more richly colored than
white or pale pink to mauve flowers, late summer. Z7–9 I. uniflorum ‘Froyle Mill’ illus. those of the species.
2in (5cm) or more across, are produced I. dielsiana of gardens. See p.419. ‘Wisley Blue’ is a spring- I. indica, syn. I. acuminata, I. learii
mainly in summer. Z10–15 I. himalaynesis. flowering bulb. H 4–6in (10–15cm), (Blue dawn flower), illus. p.462.
I. Sunpatiens Series. Hybrid perennials, I. gerardiana. See I. heterantha. S 2–3in (5–8cm). Has linear, semierect, I. learii. See I. indica.
usually grown as annuals. H and S 2–3ft I. heterantha, syn. I. gerardiana, basal, pale green leaves, which smell I. lobata, syn. I. versicolor, Quamoclit
(60–90cm) depending on habit; compact, illus. p.133. of onions if damaged. Leafless stems lobata, illus. p.202.
spreading or vigorous. They have whorls I. himalayensis, syn. I. dielsiana of each produce an upward-facing, pale I. x multifida, syn. I. x sloteri (Cardinal
of ovate to elliptic, light to dark green gardens, illus. p.152. blue flower, 11⁄4–11⁄2in (3–4cm) across. climber, Hearts-and-honey vine).
leaves, to 3in (8cm) long. Flowers, to 3in I. pseudotinctoria. Deciduous, Z6–9 Annual, twining climber. H 10ft (3m).
arching shrub. H 3ft (1m) or more,
S 6ft (2m). Each dark green leaf has


Triangular-ovate leaves are divided into annual or short-lived perennial. H to 2ft recognized, based mainly on the height are derived from I. xiphium, which is
7–15 segments. Tubular, wide-mouthed, (60cm), S 1½ft (45cm). Has red stems and of the plants in flower. These include: variable in flower color, from blue and
crimson flowers with white eyes are borne rounded, purplish-red leaves, notched at Miniature Dwarf, H to 8in (20cm); violet to yellow and white, and produces
in summer. Z10–11 (min. 45°F/7°C) their tips and 4in (10cm) long, with paler Standard Dwarf, H 8–16in (20–40cm); its channeled leaves in fall.
I. nil ‘Early Call’. Short-lived, soft- or yellowish-red veins. Flowers are Intermediate, H 16–28in (40–70cm); English irises have been produced from
stemmed, perennial, twining climber with insignificant. Z11–12. ‘Aureoreticulata’ and Tall, H 28in (70cm) or more (this last I. latifolia, which varies from blue to violet
hairy stems, best grown as an annual. illus. p.319. category may be further subdivided). (occasionally white) and produces its
H to 12ft (4m). Leaves are heart-shaped or I. lindenii (Bloodleaf). Bushy perennial. In general, the shorter the iris, the earlier channeled leaves in spring. Dutch irises
3-lobed. From summer to early fall bears H 2ft (60cm), S 1½ft (45cm). Has lance- the flowering season (from early spring are hybrids of I. xiphium and the related
large, funnel-shaped flowers in a range shaped, dark red leaves, 2–4in (5–10cm) to early summer). pale to deep blue I. latifolia. They are
of colors, with white tubes. Z10–11. (min. long. Flowers are insignificant. Oncocyclus irises are rhizomatous, with extremely variable in flower color.
45°F/7°C). ‘Scarlett O’Hara’ has bright Z11–12 very large and often bizarrely colored Juno irises have bulbs with thickened,
red flowers. flowers, one to each stem, which have fleshy roots, channeled leaves and very
I. purpurea, syn. Convolvulus purpureus IRIS bearded falls. They require full sun, small standards that are sometimes only
(Common morning glory). Short-lived, sharply drained but fairly rich soil and, bristlelike and usually horizontally placed.
soft-stemmed, perennial, twining climber, IRIDACEAE after flowering, a dry period of dormancy Although very beautiful in flower, they are
best grown as an annual, with hairy stems. in summer and early fall. Difficult to mostly difficult to grow successfully,
H to 15ft (5m). Leaves are heart-shaped or Genus of upright, rhizomatous or bulbous cultivate successfully, they are best grown requiring the same cultivation conditions
3-lobed. From summer to early fall (occasionally fleshy-rooted) perennials, in an alpine house or covered frame in as Oncocyclus irises to thrive. Care must
produces funnel-shaped, deep purple some of which are evergreen, grown for climates subject to summer rains. be taken not to damage the fleshy roots
to bluish-purple or reddish flowers with their distinctive and colorful flowers. Each Regelia irises are closely related to when transplanting or dividing clumps.
white throats and bristly sepals. Z10–11 flower has 3 usually large “falls” (pendent Oncocyclus irises, differing in having Reticulata irises include the dwarf,
(min. 45°F/7°C) or semipendent petals), which bearded standards as well as falls and bulbous irises, valuable for flowering
I. quamoclit, syn. Quamoclit pennata, in a number of species have conspicuous in having 2 flowers to each stem. They early in the year. Unlike other bulbous
illus. p.202. beards or crests; 3 generally smaller require similar conditions of cultivation, irises, they have netlike bulb tunics and
I. rubrocaerulea. See I. tricolor. “standards” (erect, horizontal or, although a few species, such as I. leaves that are 4-sided, or occasionally
I. x sloteri. See I. x multifida. occasionally, pendent petals); and a hoogiana, have proved easier to grow cylindrical. With few exceptions (not
I. tricolor, syn. I. rubrocaerulea (Morning 3-branched style. In many irises, the style than Oncocyclus irises. Hybrids between described here), Reticulata irises grow
glory). Fast-growing, twining annual or branches are petal-like. Unless otherwise the 2 groups have been raised and are well in open, sunny, well-drained sites.
short-lived perennial. H 10–12ft (3–4m). stated below, flower stems are unbranched. known as Regeliocyclus irises.
Has ovate to heart-shaped, slender-tipped, Green, then brown seed pods are ellipsoid Beardless irises, also rhizomatous, lack I. ‘Action Front’. Rhizomatous bearded
light to mid-green leaves, 1½–4in (4–10cm) to cylindrical and often ribbed. hairs on the falls; most have very similar iris (Tall). H 34in (85cm). From late spring
long. Funnel-shaped, bright sky-blue to cultural requirements to bearded irises to early summer, produces flowers with
purple flowers, to 3in (8cm) across, with Irises are suitable for borders, rock but some prefer heavier soil. Various mauve-brown standards and deep
white tubes, golden yellow inside at the gardens, woodlands, watersides, bog groupings are recognized, of which the mahogany-red falls, each with a golden
bases, are borne in summer. Z10–12. (min. gardens, alpine houses, cold frames and following are the most widely known. yellow beard and white veins. Z3–9
45°F/7°C). ‘Electric Mixed’, H 4–6ft (1.2– containers. Some groups may thrive only Pacific Coast irises, a group of I. acutiloba. Rhizomatous Oncocyclus
1.8m), has white, pink, mauve, purple or in the specific growing conditions Californian species and their hybrids, iris. H 3–10in (8–25cm). Has narrowly
mentioned below. Propagate species by prefer acidic to neutral soil and grow well sickle-shaped, mid-green leaves. In late
I blue flowers throughout summer. ‘Flying division of rhizomes or offsets in late in sun or partial shade, appreciating some spring, produces solitary, strongly purple-
Saucers’ has variably marbled, white and summer or by seed in fall, named cultivars humus in the soil; they are best grown violet- or brownish-purple-veined, white
purple-blue flowers. by division only. from seed as they resent being moved. flowers, 2–3in (5–7cm) across, with a
‘Heavenly Blue’ illus. p.205. ‘Star of Spuria irises (I. spuria and its relatives) dark brown blaze around the beard of
Yalta’, H 6ft (2m), has neon blue flowers. Botanically, irises are divided into grow in sun or semishade and well- each fall. Z13–15
‘Venetian Mixed’, H 4–6ft (1.2–1.8m), is a number of sub-genera and sections, drained but moist soil. A number of I. albicans. Rhizomatous, bearded
vigorous, bearing blue-and-white- or pink- and it is convenient, for horticultural species and hybrids prefer moist, iris. H 1–2ft (30–60cm). Has broadly lance-
and-white-striped flowers. purposes, to use some of these botanical waterside conditions; these include the shaped, gray-green leaves, 18in (45cm)
I. tuberosa. See Merremia tuberosa. names for groups of irises with similar well-known Siberian irises (I. sibirica long. In late spring, unbranched stems
I. versicolor. See I. lobata. characteristics and requiring comparable and its relatives) and the Japanese water bear 1–3 fragrant white flowers, 31∕2in
cultural treatment. tAll parts may cause irises, such as I. ensata and I. laevigata, (9cm) across, with yellow-tipped white
IPOMOPSIS severe discomfort if ingested; contact which may also be grown as border beards. Z6–8
with the sap may irritate skin. See also plants, but succeed best in open, sunny, I. ‘Alida’. Bulbous Reticulata iris.
POLEMONIACEAE feature panel pp.224–225. humus-rich, moist positions. H 4–6in (10–15cm), S 11⁄2–21⁄2in (4–6cm).
Crested irises are also rhizomatous and In early spring, bears a solitary, fragrant,
Genus of perennials, biennials and Rhizomatous irises have ridges, or cockscomb-like crests, long-tubed, light blue flower, 11⁄2–21⁄2in
annuals, often grown as potted plants for These irises have rhizomes as rootstocks, instead of beards. They include the (4–6cm) across, with a yellow ridge
greenhouses and conservatories. Grow in close to or on the surface, or just below Evansia irises, with often widely down each fall center. Z13–15
cool, airy conditions with bright light and ground level, which produce sword-shaped spreading, creeping stolons. Most have I. ‘Alizes’. Vigorous, rhizomatous,
in fertile, well-drained soil. Propagate by leaves, usually in a basal fan. Each active very similar cultivation requirements to bearded iris (Tall). H 32in (80cm). In
seed sown under glass in early spring or rhizome produces several new growths bearded irises but some prefer damp, summer, large, frilly white flowers are
summer. every year, and this spread can continue humus-rich conditions. produced with violet-blue falls that pale
I. aggregata. Slow-growing biennial indefinitely. As a rough guide, in 3 years to white in the center of the petals. The
with upright, slender, hairy stems. H to a small iris can attain a spread of 12in Bulbous irises flowers have yellow beards. Z13–15
3ft (1m), S 1ft (30cm). Mid-green leaves (30cm), and a tall one a spread of 2ft These irises are distinguished by having I. ‘Amber Queen’. Dwarf bearded iris.
are divided into linear leaflets. Fragrant, (60cm). Rhizomatous irises are categorized bulbs as storage organs, sometimes with H 10in (25cm). In early summer, bears
trumpet-shaped flowers, borne in summer, in the following groups: thickened, fleshy roots, and leaves that are flowers with deep yellow standards and
are usually red, sometimes spotted yellow, Bearded irises are rhizomatous and have lance-shaped and channeled; 4-sided amber-flushed falls, with golden-yellow
but may be rose, yellow or white. Z6–9 “beards,” consisting of numerous often (more or less square in cross section); or beards. Z5–8
colored hairs, along the center of each fall. almost cylindrical—unlike the flat and I. ‘Annabel Jane’. Vigorous,
610 IRESINE In some irises, the end of the beard is usually sword-shaped leaves of the rhizomatous, bearded iris (Tall). H 4ft
enlarged into the shape of a horn. The rhizomatous irises. All are summer (1.2m). Well-branched stem produces 8–12
AMARANTHACEAE group covers the vast majority of irises, dormant. Bulbous irises fall into 3 groups: flowers, 6–10in (15–25cm) across, with pale
including many named cultivars, grown Xiphium irises include the commonly lilac falls and paler standards. Flowers in
Genus of perennials, annuals and in gardens; all are derived from I. pallida grown Spanish, English and Dutch irises, early summer. Z4–9
subshrubs, grown for their colorful leaves. and related species. Bearded irises thrive which are excellent for garden decoration I. ‘Anniversary’. Rhizomatous,
Requires bright light to retain leaf color in full sun in fairly rich, well-drained, and as cut flowers. All are easy to cultivate beardless Siberian iris. H 30in (75cm).
and a good, loamy, well-drained soil. preferably slightly alkaline soil. Some are in sunny, well-drained sites, preferring In mid- and late spring, bears 1–4
Pinch out tips in growing season to obtain very tolerant and will grow and flower slightly alkaline conditions, but also white flowers, 2–4in (5–10cm) across,
bushy plants. Propagate by stem cuttings reasonably in partial shade in poorer growing well on acidic soil. Spanish irises with a yellow stripe in the throat of
in spring. soil. For horticultural purposes, various
groupings of hybrid bearded irises are
I. herbstii (Beefsteak plant). Bushy


each fall. Thrives in moist soil or a bog paler than those on the broad falls, with Bulbous Reticulata iris. H 4–6in (10–15cm), I. domestica, syn. Belamcanda chinensis I
garden. Z4–9 their yellow-tipped, white beards. Z3–9 S 11⁄2–21⁄2in (4–6cm). In early spring, (Blackberry lily, Leopard lily). Erect,
I. aphylla. Rhizomatous, bearded iris. I. ‘Blue Shimmer’. Robust, rhizomatous, produces a solitary, fragrant, long-tubed, rhizomatous perennial. H 18–36in 611
H 6–12in (15–30cm). Branched stem bearded iris (Tall). H 3ft (90cm). In late pale blue flower, 11⁄2–21⁄2in (4–6cm) across, (45–100cm). Produces a fan of sword-
produces up to 5 pale to dark purple or spring, freely produces large, fragrant with white-flecked, deep violet falls. shaped, semierect leaves. Loosely
blue-violet flowers, 21⁄2–3in (6–7cm) across, flowers, with white standards stippled Narrow, squared leaves elongate after branched stem bears a succession of
in late spring and sometimes again in fall if violet-blue. Falls are darker violet-blue, flowering time. Z5–9 flattish, orange-red flowers, 11⁄2–2in
conditions suit. Z3–9 with a white center, stippled margin and I. clarkei. Rhizomatous, beardless (4–5cm) across, heavily spotted dark red,
I. ‘Apricot Drops’. Free-flowering, white beards. Z3–9 Siberian iris. H 2ft (60cm). From late spring in summer, followed by green seed pods
rhizomatous, bearded iris (Miniature Tall). I. ‘Bold Print’ (illus. p.224). Rhizomatous, to early summer, solid stem produces 2–3 which split to reveal a cluster of shiny,
H 26in (65cm). Produces apricot flowers bearded iris (Intermediate). H 22in (55cm). branches each with 2 blue to red-purple black seeds. Z5–9
from spring to early summer. Falls have In late spring or early summer, branched flowers, 2–4in (5–10cm) across, with a I. douglasiana. Evergreen, rhizomatous,
darker veins and yellow beards. Z3–9 stem bears up to 6 flowers, 5in (13cm) violet-veined, white blaze on each fall. beardless Pacific Coast iris. H 10–28in (25–
across, with purple-edged, white Prefers moist conditions. Z4–9 70cm). Leathery, dark green leaves are
I. aucheri. Bulbous Juno iris. standards and white falls that are each I. confusa (illus. p.224). Evergreen or stained red-purple at base. Branched
H 6–10in (15–25cm), S 6in (15cm). Has purple-stitched at the edge and have a semievergreen, rhizomatous, crested iris. stem bears 1–3 lavender to purple,
channeled, mid-green leaves packed bronze-tipped, white beard. Z3–9 H 3ft (1m) or more. Bamboolike, erect stem occasionally white, flowers, 3–5in (7–12cm)
closely together on stem, looking I. ‘Braithwaite’. Rhizomatous, bearded is crowned by a fan of broad leaves. In across, with variable, central, yellowish
somewhat leeklike. In late spring, bears iris (Tall). H 34in (85cm). Produces flowers midspring, widely branched flower stem zones on the falls, in late spring and early
up to 6 blue to white flowers, 21⁄2–3in with dark purplish-blue falls and lavender- produces a long succession of up summer. Z7–9
(6–7cm) across with yellow-ridged falls, blue standards from late spring to early to 30 short-lived, white flowers, 11⁄2–2in I. ‘Dreaming Spires’. Rhizomatous,
in leaf axils. Z6–10 summer. Falls have purplish-blue veins (4–5cm) across, with yellow or purple beardless Siberian iris. H 3ft (1m). From
I. aurea. See I. crocea. on a white base and golden yellow spots around the yellow crests. Prefers late spring to early summer, branched
I. ‘Az Ap’. Rhizomatous, bearded iris beards. Z3–9 well-drained soil and the protection of a stem produces 1–4 flowers, 2–4in (5–10cm)
(Intermediate). H 22in (55cm). In late spring I. bucharica (illus. p.224). Vigorous, south-facing wall. Z4–10. ‘Martyn Rix’ across, with lavender standards and royal-
to early summer, bears flowers with cobalt- bulbous Juno iris. H 8–16in (20–40cm), has darker, violet-blue flowers. The falls blue falls. Prefers moist soil. Z5–9
blue falls, with gentian blue beards. Z6–10 S 5in (12cm). In late spring, produces 2–6 have an orange flare, surrounded by I. ‘Dreaming Yellow’ (illus. p.224).
flowers, 21⁄2in (6cm) across, golden-yellow striking, violet-blue veins. Rhizomatous, beardless Siberian iris.
I. bakeriana. Bulbous Reticulata iris. to white with yellow falls, from leaf axils. I. ‘Conjuration’. Rhizomatous, bearded H 32in (80cm). From late spring to early
H 4in (10cm), S 2–21⁄2in (5–6cm). In early Has narrowly lance-shaped, channeled, iris (Tall). H 3ft (90cm). In early summer, summer, branched stem produces 1–4
spring, bears a solitary, long-tubed, glossy, mid-green leaves scattered up bears 6–11 flowers with standards that are flowers, 2–4in (5–10cm) across. Standards
pale blue flower, 2–21⁄2in (5–6cm) across, flower stem. Easier to grow than most white at the margins, suffusing inward to are white, falls creamy-yellow fading to
with each fall having a dark blue blotch Juno irises. Z5–9 pale violet-blue, and white falls suffusing to white with age. Prefers moist soil. Z4–9
at the tip and a spotted, deep blue center. I. ‘Bumblebee Deelite’ (illus. p.225). deep amethyst-violet at the margins. The I. ‘Early Light’. Rhizomatous, bearded
Has narrow, almost cylindrical leaves Rhizomatous, bearded iris (Miniature Tall). white horned beard is yellow tipped. Z4–9 iris (Tall). H 3ft (1m). In early summer, well-
that are very short at flowering time but H 18in (45cm). In late spring and early I. cretensis. See I. unguicularis subsp. branched stem bears 8–10 ruffled, white
elongate later. Z3–9 summer, produces flowers with yellow cretensis. flowers, 6–7in (15–18cm) across, heavily
I. ‘Banbury Beauty’. Rhizomatous, standards, yellow-margined, maroon falls I. cristata (illus. p.224). Evansia iris with flushed lemon-yellow on the standards;
beardless Pacific Coast iris. H 18in (45cm). and orange beards. Z3–9 much-branched rhizomes. H 4in (10cm). yellow-veined falls have broad margins
In late spring and early summer, branched I. ‘Butter and Sugar’ illus. p.227. Has neat fans of lance-shaped leaves. In flushed slightly deeper lemon-yellow and
stem produces 2–10 light lavender flowers, I. ‘Butterscotch Kiss’. Rhizomatous, early summer, produces 1 or 2 virtually a yellow beard. Z3–9
4–6in (10–15cm) across, with a purple zone bearded iris (Tall). H 3ft (90cm). Bears stemless, long-tubed, lilac, blue, lavender I. ‘Elmohr’. Rhizomatous, bearded iris
on each fall. Z3–9 flowers with yellow falls, suffused bronze or white flowers, 11⁄4–11⁄2in (3–4cm) across, (Tall). H 3ft (1m). In early summer, well-
I. ‘Before the Storm’. Rhizomatous, and with darker veins, from late spring to with a white patch and orange crest on branched stem produces 2–5 strongly
bearded iris (Tall). H 3ft (90cm). Bears early summer. Standards are yellow and each fall. Prefers semishade and moist soil; veined, red-purple flowers, 6–8in (15–
slightly fragrant, deep black flowers from reflexed. Z3–9 is ideal for peat banks. Z4–10 20cm) across. Z7–9
late spring to early summer. Z3–9 I. ‘Caesar’s Brother’. Vigorous, I. crocea, syn. I. aurea. Rhizomatous, I. ‘English Cottage’ (illus. p.224). Robust,
I. ‘Berlin Tiger’ (illus. p.225). rhizomatous, beardless Siberian iris. beardless Spuria iris. H 3–4ft (1–1.2m). rhizomatous, bearded iris (Tall). H to 3ft
Rhizomatous, beardless Japanese iris. H 4ft H 3ft (90cm). In late spring, produces dark Has long leaves. Strong, erect, (1m). In mid- to late spring, and again in
(1.2m). In early summer, branched stems purple flowers with bold white markings sparsely branched stem bears terminal summer or early fall, produces large,
bear 3–5 small, dark yellow flowers, 2in near the throats. Z3–9 clusters of golden-yellow flowers, 5–7in white flowers with the margins of both
(5cm) across, strongly netted with deep I. ‘Carnaby’ (illus. p.225). Rhizomatous, (12–18cm) across, with wavy-margined standards and falls washed pale blue-
brownish-purple veins. Grow in rich, bearded iris (Tall). H 3ft (1m). Well-branched falls, in early summer. Resents being violet. Has deeper veining at the base of
moist soil. Z3–9 stem bears 6–8 flowers, 6–7in (15–18cm) disturbed. Z5–8 the falls and yellow-tipped, white beards.
I. ‘Beverley Sills’. Rhizomatous, bearded across, with pale pink standards and deep I. cuprea. See I. fulva. Z3–9
iris (Tall). H 3ft (90cm). Bears coral-pink rose-pink falls with orange beards, in I. danfordiae. Bulbous Reticulata iris. I. ensata, syn. I. kaempferi (Japanese
flowers with tangerine beards in early early summer. Z4–9 H 2–4in (5–10cm), S 2in (5cm). In early flag)illus. p.441. ‘Crystal Halo’, H 3ft
summer. Falls have finely toothed margins. I. chamaeiris. See I. lutescens. spring, bears usually one yellow flower, (90cm), bears large, deep violet-blue
Z3–9 I. ‘Champagne Elegance’ (illus. 11⁄4–2in (3–5cm) across, with green spots flowers, with a white rim and a bright
I. ‘Black Swan’. Rhizomatous, bearded p.224). Vigorous, rhizomatous, bearded on each fall. Standards are reduced to yellow blaze at the base of each fall from
iris (Tall). H 3ft (90cm). Bears purplish- iris (Tall). H 34in (85cm). In early to mid- short bristles. Narrow, squared leaves early to midsummer. ‘Freckled Geisha’
black flowers from late spring to early spring, and again in summer, bears are very short at flowering time but bears flowers that have ruffled white falls
summer. Z3–9 scented, strongly ruffled flowers, with elongate later. Tends to produce many with broad violet margins and white
I. ‘Black Tie Affair’. Rhizomatous, pink-washed, white standards and small bulblets and requires deeper standards. ‘Frilled Enchantment’, H
bearded iris (Tall). H 3ft (90cm). Has dark flaring, apricot-pink falls with darker planting than other Reticulata irises to
purplish-black flowers and black beards, veining and pale orange beards. Z4–9 maintain bulbs at flowering size. Z5–8 3½ft (1.1m), bears flowers with white
from late spring to early summer. Z3–9 I. ‘Cherry Garden’. Rhizomatous, I. ‘Deep Black’ (illus. p.224). standards and falls with a narrow rose-red
I. ‘Blenheim Royal’. Rhizomatous, bearded iris (Standard Dwarf). H 8in Rhizomatous, bearded iris (Tall). H 34in border from early to midsummer. Slightly
bearded iris (Tall). H 3ft (1m). A vigorous (20cm). Produces flowers with pansy- (85cm). In early summer, branched stem ruffled petals have yellow, starlike
plant with ruffled rich blue, lightly scented purple standards and falls with darker produces unruffled flowers, 3–4in (7–10cm) markings at the base. ‘Moonlight
flowers in summer. Z3–9 veins in early spring. Z3–9 across, with deep purple standards and Waves’ (illus. p.224), H 3ft (90cm), is
I. ‘Blue King’. Rhizomatous, beardless I. chrysographes (illus. p.225). dark indigo falls, each with an orange- strong-growing and produces large, open,
Siberian iris. H 4ft (1.2m). Produces violet- Rhizomatous, beardless Siberian iris. tipped beard. Z5–8 spreading, white flowers, with lime-green
blue flowers from late spring to early H 16in (40cm). From late spring–early I. ‘Diabolique’. Rhizomatous, bearded blazes at the base of each petal.
summer. Falls have violet-blue veins on a summer, branched stem bears 1–4 deep iris (Tall). H 3ft (1m). Produces ruffled, ‘Murasme’, H 3ft (1m), bears flowers
white background. Z3–9 red-purple or purple-black flowers, claret-purple flowers, with bluish-purple with lavender-edged white standards from
I. ‘Blue Rhythm’ (illus. p.225). Vigorous, 2–4in (5–10cm) across, with gold etching beards, from late spring to early summer. early to midsummer. White falls have
rhizomatous, bearded iris (Tall). H 31⁄2ft down falls. Prefers a moist site. Z3–9 Z3–9 lavender hints and a bright, golden yellow
(1.1m). In early and mid-summer, produces I. ‘Clairette’, syn. I. reticulata ‘Clairette’. blaze at their base. ‘Rose Queen’
lemon-scented, well-formed, violet-blue (syn. I. laevigata ‘Rose Queen’; illus. p.224),
flowers, the veins on the standards slightly


I H to 3ft (1m), is strong-growing and bears beardless iris. H 18in (45cm). Zigzag stems blue flowers and heavily spotted falls. very narrow, grasslike leaves. Strong,
large, soft pink flowers, with deeper pink bear 4–6 (occasionally more) velvety, deep ‘Major’ has darker blue-violet flowers. erect-branched stem bears 2–4 soft lemon-
612 veining and a yellow blaze at the base red-purple flowers, 2–5in (5–12cm) across, I. ‘Holden Clough’ (illus. p.225). or creamy-yellow flowers, 2–5in (5–12cm)
of each fall. ‘Variegata’, H 30in (75cm), with 2 flowers per leaf axil, in summer. across, from each pair of bracts, in early
has narrow leaves, with bright white Has a yellow blaze on each fall. Thrives in Rhizomatous, beardless iris. H 20–28in (50– summer. Resents being disturbed. Z6–9
margins. Z3–9 a bog or water garden. Z6–9 I. ‘Knick Knack’. Rhizomatous, bearded
I. extremorientalis. See I. sanguinea. I. ‘Geisha Gown’. Robust, rhizomatous, 70cm). In early summer, branched stem iris (Miniature dwarf). H 8in (20cm). In
I. ‘Eyebright’ (illus. p.225). Rhizomatous, beardless Japanese iris. H 3ft (90cm). bears 6–12 yellow flowers, each 2in (5cm) spring and early summer, produces
bearded iris (Standard Dwarf). H 12in In mid- and late spring, produces large, across, with very heavy, burnt-sienna flowers with white standards and falls
(30cm). In late spring, produces 2–4 bright delicate, double, white ruffled flowers with veining. Excellent in a bog or water with bold blue-violet veins at the margins,
yellow flowers, 3–4in (7–10cm) across, dark violet-blue veining and a central, garden, but also grows well in any rich, white beard and violet styles. The falls
each with a brown zone on the falls deep purple-violet center. Z3–9 well-drained soil. Z5–8 have a golden yellow throat. Z3–9
surrounding the beard, on usually an I. germanica (Common German flag). I. ‘Honeyplic’. Rhizomatous, bearded I. korolkowii. Regelia iris with sturdy
unbranched stem. Z3–9 Rhizomatous, bearded iris. H 2–4ft (0.6– iris (Intermediate). H 18in (45cm). Bears rhizomes. H 16–24in (40–60cm). From late
I. ‘Feu du Ciel’. Rhizomatous, bearded 1.2m). Sparsely branched stem produces flowers with cream falls, surrounded by a spring to early summer, each spathe
iris (Tall). H 3ft (90cm). Bears bright orange up to 6 yellow-bearded, blue-purple or honey-colored margin and darker veins, encloses 2 or 3 delicately blackish-maroon-
flowers, with dark orange beards, from blue-violet flowers, 4–6in (10–15cm) across, from spring to early summer. The or olive-green-veined, creamy-white or
late spring to early summer. Z3–9 in late spring and early summer. Z3–8. standards are honey-brown. Z3–9 light purple flowers, 21⁄2–3in (6–8cm)
I. ‘Flight of Butterflies’. Elegant, ‘Florentina’ (syn. I. florentina, I. hoogiana (illus. p.224). Regelia iris with across. Best grown in a bulb frame. Z8–9
rhizomatous, beardless Siberian iris. I.g. var. florentina; Orris root; illus. p.224), sturdy rhizomes. H 16–24in (40–60cm). I. laevigata. Rhizomatous, beardless
H 3ft (90cm). From early to midsummer, has strongly scented, white flowers. Produces 2 or 3 scented, delicately veined, Japanese iris. H 2–3ft (60–90cm) or more.
bears delicate flowers with violet-blue I. ‘Gingerbread Man’. Rhizomatous, lilac-blue flowers, 3–4in (7–10cm) across, in Sparsely branched stem produces 2–4
standards and white falls veined deep bearded iris (Standard dwarf). H 14in late spring and early summer. Is relatively blue, blue-purple or white flowers, 2–5in
violet-blue. Z4–9 (35cm). Has deep brown flowers with blue- easy to cultivate. Z7–9 (5–12cm) across, from early to midsummer.
I. florentina. See I. germanica ‘Florentina’. purple beards in mid- and late spring. Z3–9 I. iberica. Rhizomatous Oncocyclus Related to I. ensata but has smooth, not
I. foetidissima (Stinking gladwin, I. ‘Golden Edge’. Rhizomatous, beardless iris. H 6–8in (15–20cm). Has narrow, ridged leaves. Grows well in sun or
Stinking iris; illus. p.225). Evergreen, Siberian iris. H 30in (75cm). In late spring strongly curved, gray-green leaves. semishade in moist conditions or in
rhizomatous, beardless iris. H 12–36in (30– and early summer, bears flowers with Solitary, bicolored flowers, 4–5in (10– shallow water. Z3–9. ‘Rose Queen’ see I.
90cm). Branched stem bears up to 9 violet-blue standards and violet-blue falls 12cm) across, are produced in late spring. ensata ‘Rose Queen’. ‘Snowdrift’ has
yellow-tinged, dull purple or occasionally with a conspicuous yellow, violet-veined Standards are white, pale yellow, or pale single, white flowers marked yellow at the
pure yellow flowers, 2–4in (5–10cm) across, blaze at the base. The slightly ruffled falls blue with slight brownish-purple veining; bases of the falls. ‘Variegata’, H 10in
from early to midsummer. Cylindrical seed are edged with gold. Z3–9 spoon-shaped falls are white or pale lilac, (25cm), has white-and-green-striped leaves
pods open to reveal rounded, bright I. graeberiana. Bulbous Juno iris. spotted and strongly veined brownish- and often repeat flowers in early fall.
scarlet fruits throughout winter. Thrives in H 6–14in (15–35cm), S 21⁄2–3in (6–8cm). purple. Grows best in a frame or alpine I. ‘Langport Storm’. Strong-growing,
a bog or water garden, although tolerates In late spring, bears 4–6 bluish-lavender house. Z7–9 rhizomatous, bearded iris (Intermediate).
drier conditions. Z4–9 flowers, 21⁄2–3in (6–8cm) across, with a I. innominata. Evergreen or H 18in (45cm). In midspring, produces
I. ‘Forever Blue’. Rhizomatous, bearded white crest on each fall, from the leaf axils. semievergreen, rhizomatous, beardless neat, smoky-chartreuse blooms, the falls
iris (Standard dwarf). H 12in (30cm). Pale Lance-shaped, channeled leaves are white- Pacific Coast iris. H 6–10in (16–25cm). Stem overlaid with deep red-brown patches
violet-blue flowers, with darker violet-blue margined, glossy, mid-green above, bears 1 or 2 flowers, 21⁄2–3in (6.5–7.5cm) suffused and veined yellow, with cream
beards are borne in early spring. Falls grayish-green below, and scattered up across, from late spring to early summer. beards. Z5–9
and standards have conspicuous green flower stem. Easier to grow than most Varies greatly in color from cream to I. ‘Langport Wren’. Free-flowering,
veins. Z3–9 Juno irises. Z6–9 yellow or orange and from lilac-pink to rhizomatous, bearded iris (Intermediate).
I. forrestii. Rhizomatous, beardless blue or purple; falls are often veined with H 26in (65cm). Bears claret-red flowers,
Siberian iris. H 6–16in (15–40cm). From late I. graminea. Rhizomatous, beardless maroon or brown. Z7–9 with brown beards from spring to early
spring to early summer, unbranched stem Spuria iris. H 8–16in (20–40cm). In late I. ‘Jane Phillips’. Rhizomatous, bearded summer. Z3–9
bear 1 or 2 fragrant, yellow flowers, spring, narrowly lance-shaped leaves iris (Tall). H 3ft (90cm). In late spring and I. latifolia, syn. I. xiphioides (English iris).
2–21⁄2in (5–6cm) across, with black lines partially hide up to 10 plum-scented early summer, produces pale blue flowers Bulbous Xiphium iris (English). H 32in
on each fall and occasionally brownish- flowers, 2–5in (5–12cm) across, with with deeper blue veining and white (80cm), S 6in (15cm). In late spring and
flushing on standards. Has linear, glossy, wine-purple standards and heavily veined, beards. Z3–9 summer, 1 or 2 blue to deep violet flowers,
mid-green leaves, gray-green below. violet-blue falls, borne on flattened, angled I. japonica (illus. p.224). Vigorous, 3–4in (8–10cm) across, with a yellow stripe
Prefers moist, non-alkaline soil. Z6–9 stem. Resents being disturbed. Z6–9 rhizomatous Evansia iris with slender down center of each very broad fall, are
I. fosteriana. Bulbous Juno iris. I. ‘Green Spot’ (illus. p.224). stolons. H 18–32in (45–80cm). Has fans of produced from the bracts. Lance-shaped,
H 4–6in (10–15cm), S 21⁄2in (6cm). In spring, Rhizomatous, bearded iris (Standard broadly lance-shaped, glossy leaves. In late channeled, mid-green leaves are scattered
produces 1 or 2 long-tubed flowers, Dwarf). H 12in (30cm). Branched stems spring, a branched flower stem bears a up flower stem. Z5–8. Flowers of ‘Mont
11⁄2–2in (4–5cm) across, with downward- bear 2–4 ivory-white flowers, 4in (10cm) long succession of flattish, frilled or ruffled, Blanc’ are pure white.
turned, rich purple standards, which are across, with an olive-green mark and a pale lavender or white flowers, 1⁄2–3in I. lazica. Evergreen, rhizomatous,
larger than those of most Juno irises, and yellow throat on each fall, in late spring. (1–8cm) across, marked violet around an beardless iris. H 6–10in (15–25cm). Has
creamy-yellow falls. Has narrowly lance- Z6–9 orange crest on each fall. Prefers the arching fans of broad, bright green leaves.
shaped, channeled, silver-edged, mid- I. ‘Harpswell Happiness’. Rhizomatous, protection of a sheltered, sunny wall. Z7–9. In early spring, bears stemless, long-tubed,
green leaves scattered on flower stem. beardless Siberian iris. H 30in (75cm). ‘Variegata’, H 28in (70cm), has mid-green lavender-blue flowers. Falls are white in
Difficult to grow and is best in an alpine Produces ruffled, creamy-white flowers leaves boldly striped with white. the lower halves, spotted and veined
house or cold frame. Z6–9 with creamy-white falls in late spring and I. kaempferi. See I. ensata. lavender, each with a central yellow stripe.
I. ‘Frank Elder’. Bulbous Reticulata iris. early summer. The falls have pale, I. ‘Katharine Hodgkin’ (illus. p.225). Thrives in slight shade in moist soil. Z8–10
H 21⁄2–4in (6–10cm), S 2–3in (5–7cm). In greenish-yellow veins and a bright yellow Bulbous Reticulata iris. H 21⁄2–4in (6–10cm), I. lutescens, syn. I. chamaeiris.
early spring, produces a solitary, very basal area. Z3–8 S 2–3in (5–7cm). Similar to I. ‘Frank Fast-growing, very variable, rhizomatous,
pale blue flower, 21⁄2–3in (6–7cm) across, I. ‘Harriet Halloway’. Rhizomatous, Elder’, but has yellower flowers, 21⁄2–3in bearded iris. H 2–12in (5–30cm). Branched
suffused pale yellow and veined and bearded iris (Tall). H 32in (80cm). Bears (6–7cm) across, suffused pale blue, lined stem produces 1 or 2 yellow-bearded,
spotted darker blue. Narrow, squared violet-blue flowers from late spring to and dotted with dark blue. Flowers in violet, purple, yellow, white or bicolored
leaves are very short at flowering time early summer. Falls have yellow beards early spring. Z5–8 flowers, 21⁄2–3in (6–8cm) across, in early
but elongate later. Z3–9 and darker veins. Z3–9 I. ‘Kent Pride’ (illus. p.225). Strong- summer. Z7–9. ‘Nancy Lindsay’ has
I. ‘Frost and Flame’ (illus. p.224). I. histrioides. Bulbous Reticulata iris. growing, rhizomatous, bearded iris (Tall). scented, yellow flowers.
Strong-growing, rhizomatous, bearded H 21⁄2–4in (6–10cm), S 21⁄2–3in (6–7cm). H 3ft (90cm). In midspring, produces deep
iris (Tall). H 3ft (90cm). In early to mid- In early spring, produces solitary flowers, chestnut-brown and white flowers; the I. magnifica (illus. p.224). Bulbous Juno
spring, bears fragrant, glistening, white 21⁄2–3in (6–7cm) across, which vary from standards are faintly suffused yellow and iris. H 1–2ft (30–60cm), S 6in (15cm). In late
flowers with ruffled standards, rounded light to deep violet-blue. Each fall is lightly the falls have a white central patch, yellow spring, produces 3–7 very pale lilac
falls and bright orange beards. Z3–9 to strongly spotted with dark blue and has beards and yellow and brown veining, flowers, 21⁄2–3in (6–8cm) across, with a
I. fulva, syn. I. cuprea, illus. p.439. white marks and a yellow ridge down surrounded by chestnut-brown central, yellow area on each fall, from leaf
I. ‘Fulvala’. See I. x fulvala. center. Narrow, squared leaves are very margins. Z3–9 axils. Bears scattered, lance-shaped,
I. x fulvala, syn. I. ‘Fulvala’. Rhizomatous, short at flowering time but elongate later. I. kerneriana. Rhizomatous, channeled, glossy, mid-green leaves. Z6–8
Z5–8. ‘Lady Beatrix Stanley’ has light beardless Spuria iris. H 10in (25cm). Has


I. ‘Making Eyes’. Rhizomatous, bearded I. ‘Perry’s Blue’ (illus. p.225). Robust, (90cm). In late spring and early summer, rhizomatous, beardless Siberian iris. I
iris (Standard Dwarf). H 12–14in (30–35cm). rhizomatous, beardless Siberian iris. produces lightly ruffled flowers with white H 30in (75cm). In early to midspring, bears
In early spring, produces neat flowers with H 3ft (1m). In late spring and early summer, standards touched purple on the midribs pale blue flowers; the long, arching falls 613
pale lemon-white standards, narrow, produces neat, pale purplish-blue flowers, and dark reddish-purple falls with narrow, have yellow basal markings and darker
white-margined, dark purple-violet falls with noticeably deeper blue veins. Slightly white margins and orange beards. Z5–8 blue veins. Z3–9
and yellowish-white beards. Z3–8 twisted standards and broad, rounded falls I. x robusta ‘Gerald Darby’ (illus. I. spuria. Very variable, rhizomatous,
I. ‘Mary McIlroy’. Rhizomatous, bearded are white margined and creamy-white p.224). Rhizomatous, beardless Species beardless Spuria iris. H 20–36in (50–90cm).
iris (Intermediate). H 16–20in (40–50cm). In near the bases, and have dark yellow Hybrid iris. H 32in (80cm). In late spring Strong, erect-branched stem bears 2–5 pale
early to midspring, bears bright yellow markings in the throats. Z3–8 and early summer, unbranched purplish- blue-purple, sky-blue, violet-blue, white or
blooms, the standards veined slightly I. ‘Pixie’ illus. p.418. green stems produce up to 4 violet-blue yellow flowers, 2–5in (5–12cm) across, in
deeper yellow, with darker veins on the I. ‘Pogo’. Rhizomatous, bearded iris flowers, with deep yellow signals on the early summer. Prefers moist soil. Z6–9
falls and lemon-yellow beards. Z3–8 (Standard Dwarf). H 12in (30cm). Bright falls. Leaves are stained purple at the I. ‘Stepping Out’. Rhizomatous, bearded
I. ‘Matinata’. Rhizomatous, bearded yellow flowers are borne in early spring, bases. Prefers wet conditions. Z4–9 iris (Tall). H 3ft (1m). Well-branched stem
iris (Tall). H 3ft (1m). In early summer, well- Each fall has a large reddish-brown blotch, I. rosenbachiana. Bulbous Juno iris. bears 8–11 white flowers, 51⁄2–6in (14–
branched stem produces 6–9, occasionally and a yellow beard. Z3–9 H 4–6in (10–15cm), S 21⁄2in (6cm). In spring, 15cm) across, with deep blue-purple marks
to 12 flowers, 6in (15cm) across, that are I. ‘Professor Blaauw’. Bulbous Xiphium produces 1 or 2 long-tubed flowers, 11⁄2– in early summer. Z3–9
dark purple-blue throughout. Z3–9 iris (Dutch). H 32in (80cm), 2in (4–5cm) across, with small, downward- I. stylosa. See I. unguicularis.
I. ‘Maui Moonlight’. Rhizomatous, S 6in (15cm). From spring to early summer, turned, rich purple standards and reddish- I. ‘Superstition’. Rhizomatous, bearded
bearded iris (Intermediate). H 26in (65cm). produces 1 or 2 rich violet-blue flowers, purple falls, each with a yellow ridge in the iris (Tall). H 3ft (90cm). Produces striking,
Has fragrant, ruffled, lemon yellow 21⁄2–3in (6–8cm) across. Narrowly lance- center. Has lance-shaped, channeled, mid- dark purple-brown flowers, with blue-
flowers in midspring. Falls have slightly shaped, channeled, mid-green leaves are green leaves in a basal tuft. Difficult to black beards, in early summer. Z3–9
darker veins and yellow beards. Z3-9 scattered up flower stem. Z3–9 grow; best grown in an alpine house or I. ‘Supreme Sultan’. Vigorous,
I. ‘Mer du Sud’. Rhizomatous, bearded I. pseudacorus (Yellow flag; illus. p.225). cold frame. Z4–9 rhizomatous, bearded iris (Tall). H 3ft (1m).
iris (Tall). H 32in (80cm). In early summer, Robust, rhizomatous, beardless iris. I. ‘Ruffled Velvet’. Rhizomatous, In late spring and early summer, bears
produces flowers with sea blue standards H to 6ft (2m). From early to midsummer, beardless Siberian iris. H 22in (55cm). In large, ruffled flowers, with deep golden-
and falls, and light blue beards. Z3–9 branched stem produces 4–12 golden- early summer, produces 2 or 3 red-purple yellow standards, rich dark red-brown
I. missouriensis (Missouri flag). Very yellow flowers, 2–5in (5–12cm) across, flowers marked with yellow. Z4–9 falls that are paler at the margins, and
variable, rhizomatous, beardless Pacific usually with brown or violet veining and I. ‘Sable’. Rhizomatous, bearded iris deep yellow beards. Z3–8
Coast iris. H to 30in (75cm). In late spring a darker yellow patch on the falls. Leaves (Tall). H 3ft (90cm). Has grayish-green I. susiana (Mourning iris). Rhizomatous
or early summer, branched stem produces are broad, ridged and grayish-green. foliage. In early summer, produces flowers Oncocyclus iris. H 14–16in (35–40cm).
2 or 3 pale blue, lavender, lilac, blue or Prefers semishade and thrives in a water with large, dark violet blue standards and In late spring, produces a solitary,
white flowers, 2–3in (5–8cm) across, in garden. Z5–8. var. bastardii illus. p.445. almost black falls, with white markings grayish-white flower, 3–6in (8–15cm)
each spathe. Falls are veined and usually ‘Crème de la Crème’ has creamy white near the throat. Z3–9 across, heavily veined deep purple.
have a yellow blaze. Z3–9 flowers with purple markings. ‘Roy I. ‘Salamander Crossing’. Standards appear larger than incurved
I. ‘Mountain Lake’ (illus. p.224). Davidson’ has brown-veined yellow Rhizomatous, beardless Siberian iris. falls, which each bear a black blaze and
Rhizomatous, beardless Siberian iris. flowers with brown patches on the falls. H 31⁄2ft (1.1m). Flowers from early to late a deep purple beard. Best in a cold frame
H 3ft (1m). From late spring to early ‘Variegata’ has yellow-and-green-striped spring. Pale yellow falls are speckled or alpine house. Z7–9
summer, branched stem produces 1–4 foliage in spring, often turning green with lavender-blue, strongly marked with I. ‘Sweet Musette’. Vigorous,
mid-blue flowers, 2–4in (5–10cm) across, before flowering. lavender-blue veins, and are a deeper rhizomatous, bearded iris (Tall). H 36–38in
with darker veining on falls. Prefers moist I. pumila (Dwarf bearded iris). yellow toward the throats. Pale lavender- (90–95cm). In mid- to late spring, produces
soil. Z3–8 Rhizomatous, bearded iris. H 4–6in (10– blue standards have darker lavender-blue large, ruffled, frilly flowers, with lavender-
I. ‘Natascha’ illus. p.415. 15cm). In midspring, produces a 1⁄2in (1cm) speckles. Z3–9 flushed, peach-pink standards, purplish-
I. ochroleuca. See I. orientalis. long flower stem bearing 2 or 3 long-tubed I. sanguinea, syn. I. extremorientalis, pink falls and orange beards. Z3–8
I. ‘Ola Kala’ (illus. p.225). Robust, flowers, 1–2in (2.5–5cm) across, varying I. orientalis of gardens. Rhizomatous, I. tectorum (Japanese roof iris,
rhizomatous, bearded iris (Tall). H 3ft (1m). from violet-purple to white, yellow or blue, beardless Siberian iris. H to 3ft (90cm). Wall flag). Evansia iris with sturdy
Produces neat, scented, rich deep yellow with yellow or blue beards on the falls. From late spring to early summer, each rhizomes. H 10–14in (25–35cm). Has fans of
flowers; the falls have darker yellow bases Prefers very well-drained, slightly alkaline branched stem produces 2 or 3 deep broadly lance-shaped, ribbed leaves. In
and yellow beards. Z3–9 soil. Z4–9 purple or red-purple flowers, 2–4in early summer, sparsely branched stem
I. orientalis, syn. I. ochroleuca (illus. I. ‘Rajah’. Rhizomatous, bearded iris (5–10cm) across, from each set of bracts. produces 2–3 darker-veined, bright lilac
p.224). Rhizomatous, beardless Spuria iris. (Tall). H 3ft (90cm). A striking iris, bearing Falls are red-purple with white throats flowers, 1⁄2–3in (1–8cm) across with a white
H to 3ft (90cm). In late spring, each stem, flowers with yellow standards and finely veined purple. Z3–9. ‘Snow Queen’ crest on each fall, from each spathe.
usually with one branch, bears 3–5 white reddish-brown falls marked with yellow (illus. p.224) has pure white flowers with Prefers a sheltered, sunny site near a
flowers, 3–4in (8–10cm) across. Falls are stripes in early summer. The falls have a yellow-green marks at the bases of the falls. south- or west-facing wall. Z5–9
white with yellow centers. Leaves are often yellow beard. Z3–9 I. setosa illus. p.441. I. tenax. Rhizomatous, beardless Pacific
present over winter. Z6–9 I. ‘Raspberry Blush’. Rhizomatous I. ‘Shepherd’s Delight’. Rhizomatous, Coast iris. H 6–12in (15–30cm). From late
I. orientalis of gardens. See I. sanguinea. bearded (Intermediate). H 2ft (60cm). bearded iris (Tall). H 3ft (1m). In early spring to early summer, produces 1 or 2
I. ‘Orinoco Flow’. Rhizomatous, bearded Produces bi-tone flowers in spring and summer, well-branched stem produces deep purple to lavender-blue flowers, 3–5in
iris (Intermediate). H 25in (63cm). In mid- early summer. Standards are slightly 6–10 clear pink flowers, 6–7in (15–18cm) (8–12cm) across, often with yellow-and-
and late spring, produces strongly ruffled ruffled and raspberry-pink with darker across, with a yellow cast. Z3–8 white marking on falls. White, cream and
white flowers, with margins heavily veins. The falls have a dark raspberry I. sibirica (Siberian flag; illus. p.441). yellow variants also occur. Narrow, dark
marked in deep purple, and navy-blue center and paler raspberry-pink margins, Rhizomatous, beardless Siberian iris. green leaves are stained pink at base. Z5–9
beards. Z3–9 with a dark orange beard. Z3–9 H 20–48in (50–120cm). From late spring I. ‘Thornbird’. Rhizomatous, bearded
I. pallida (Dalmatian iris). Rhizomatous, to early summer, branched stem produces iris (Tall). H 3ft (90cm). In early summer,
bearded iris. H 28–36in (70–90cm) or more. I. reticulata. Bulbous Reticulata iris. 2 or 3 dark-veined, blue or blue-purple bears up to 7 flowers, with pale greenish-
In late spring and early summer, produces H 4–6in (10–15cm), S 11⁄2–21⁄2in (4–6cm). flowers, 2–4in (5–10cm) across, from white standards and greenish-brown
2–6 scented, lilac-blue flowers, 3–5in In early spring, produces a solitary, each spathe. Prefers moist or boggy falls overlaid with deep violet lines. Long,
(8–12cm) across and with yellow beards, fragrant, long-tubed, deep violet-purple conditions. Z3–8 horned beard is violet, tipped with
from silvery spathes on strong, branched flower, 11⁄2–21⁄2in (4–6cm) across, with a I. ‘Silvery Beauty’. Bulbous iris (Dutch). mustard-yellow. Z3–9
stems. Z4–9. ‘Aurea Variegata’ see I.p. yellow ridge down each fall center. H 28in (70cm). Bears violet blue flowers in I. ‘Titan’s Glory’. Robust, rhizomatous,
‘Variegata’. ‘Variegata’ (syn. I.p. ‘Aurea Narrow, squared leaves elongate after spring and early summer. The falls are well-branched, bearded iris (Tall). H to 3ft
Variegata’) has striped green and yellow flowering time. Z5–8. ‘Cantab’ (illus. white, with a bright yellow center. Best (1m). Produces very large, deep purple-
leaves. p.225) has clear pale blue flowers with a planted in drifts. Z5–9 blue flowers, with an almost silken texture,
I. ‘Papillon’. Clump-forming, deep yellow ridge on each fall. ‘Clairette’ I. sintenisii. Rhizomatous, beardless in midspring. Z3–8
rhizomatous, beardless Siberian iris. see I. ‘Clairette’. Flowers of ‘J.S. Dijt’ Spuria iris. H 12in (30cm). Has linear, dark I. ‘Tropic Night’ (illus. p.225). Strong-
H 3ft (90cm). In late spring and early are reddish-purple with an orange ridge green leaves. In late spring, bears 2 white growing, rhizomatous, beardless Siberian
summer, bears flowers with mid-blue on each fall. ‘Violet Beauty’ see flowers, densely veined blue-purple. Z6–8 iris. H 3ft (90cm). In late spring and early
standards and pale-blue styles. Falls are I. ‘Violet Beauty’. I. sisyrinchium. See Moraea sisyrinchium. summer, produces deep violet-blue
mid-blue, with a yellowish-brown throat, I. ‘Ringo’ (illus. p.224). Vigorous, I. ‘Soft Blue’ (illus. p.225). Robust, flowers; upright standards and rounded
marked by bold, blue veins. Z3–8 falls have strong, white feathering and
rhizomatous, bearded iris (Tall). H 3ft


I veining near the bases and are touched flowers, with slightly ruffled edges to I. narcissiflora, syn. Hymenocallis IXIA
yellow around the throats. Z3–8 standards and a white beard. Z3–9 calathina, H. narcissiflora, I. calanthina
614 I. tuberosa, syn. Hermodactylus tuberosus I. xiphioides. See I. latifolia. (Peruvian daffodil), illus. p.408. IRIDACEAE
(Widow iris), illus. p.406. I. xiphium. Bulbous Xiphium iris I. x spofforthiae ‘Sulphur Queen’, syn.
I. unguicularis, syn. I. stylosa (Algerian (Spanish). H to 32in (80cm), S 6in (15cm). Hymenocallis x spofforthiae ‘Sulphur Genus of spring- and summer-flowering
iris, Algerian winter iris, Winter iris). Bears 1 or 2 blue or violet, occasionally Queen’, illus p.412. corms with wiry stems and spikes of
Evergreen, rhizomatous, beardless iris. yellow or white, flowers, 21⁄2–3in (6–8cm) flattish flowers. Grow in an open, sunny
H to 8in (20cm). Has narrow, tough leaves. across, with central orange or yellow ISOLEPIS situation and in well-drained soil. Plant in
Almost stemless, primrose-scented, lilac marks on the falls, in spring and early fall for spring and early summer flowers;
flowers, 2–3in (5–8cm) across with yellow summer. Narrowly lance-shaped, CYPERACEAE plant in spring for later summer display.
centers to the falls and with very long channeled, mid-green leaves are Dry off after flowering. Propagate in fall
tubes, are produced from late fall to early scattered on flower stem. Z5–9. Flowers See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES, by seed or by
spring. Buds are prone to slug attack. of ‘Lusitanica’ are pure yellow. and SEDGES. offsets at replanting time.
Excellent for cutting. Prefers a sheltered I. setacea, syn. Scirpus setaceus (Bristle I. ‘Mabel’. Spring- to early summer-
site against a south- or west-facing wall. ISATIS club-rush). Tuft-forming, annual or short- flowering corm. H 16in (40cm),
Z7–9. ‘Mary Barnard’ has deep violet- lived, perennial rush. H 4–6in (10–15cm), S 1–2in (2.5–5cm). Has linear, basal,
blue flowers. subsp. cretensis (syn. BRASSICACEAE/CRUCIFERAE S 3in (8cm). Has very slender, lax, basal mid-green leaves and spikes of deep
I. cretensis; illus. p.224), H 4in (10cm), has leaves. Very slender, unbranched stems pink flowers. Z10–11
violet or lavender-blue standards and Genus of summer-flowering annuals, each bear 1–3 minute, egg-shaped, green I. maculata. Spring- to early summer-
white or yellow falls with violet veining at biennials and perennials. Needs sun and spikelets in summer. Z12–15 flowering corm. H 16in (40cm), S 1–2in
the bases and clear violet tips. Flowers of fertile, well-drained soil. Ideal for a wild (2.5–5cm). Leaves are linear, erect and
‘Walter Butt’ are pale silvery-lavender. garden; I. tinctoria is suitable for a herb Isoplexis canariensis. See Digitalis mostly basal. Wiry stem bears a spike of
I. variegata (Variegated iris; illus. p.225). garden. Propagate by seed in fall or spring. canariensis. flattish, orange or yellow flowers, 1–2in
Rhizomatous, bearded iris. H 12–20in (30– I. tinctoria (Woad). Vigorous, upright (2.5–5cm) across, with brown or black
50cm). In early summer, branched stem biennial. H to 4ft (1.2m), S 11⁄2ft (45cm). ISOPYRUM centers. Z10–11
produces 3–6 flowers, 2–3in (5–8cm) Has oblong to lance-shaped, glaucous I. monadelpha. Spring- to early
across, with bright yellow standards and leaves and, in summer, large, terminal RANUNCULACEAE summer-flowering corm. H 1ft (30cm),
white or pale yellow falls, heavily veined panicles of 4-petaled, yellow flowers. Z4–8 S 1–2in (2.5–5cm). Linear, erect leaves are
red-brown and appearing striped. Z5–9 Genus of spring-flowering perennials, mostly basal. Stem produces a dense spike
I. verna. Rhizomatous, beardless iris. ISMELIA grown for their small, anenome-like, of 5–10 flattish, white, pink, purple or blue
H 2in (5cm). In midspring, produces 1, usually white, flowers and delicate foliage. flowers, 11⁄4–11⁄2in (3–4cm) across, often
occasionally 2, lilac-blue flowers, 1–2in ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE Suitable for peat beds, woodland gardens with differently colored eyes. Z10–11
(2.5–5cm) across, with a narrow, orange and rock gardens. Requires shade and I. viridiflora illus. p.406.
stripe in the center of each fall. Prefers Genus of one species of annuals, grown humus-rich, moist soil. Propagate by
semishade and moist but well-drained for its attractive, daisylike flower heads. seed when fresh or by division in fall. IXIOLIRION
soil. Z5–9 Needs full sun and well-drained soil. Self-seeds readily.
I. versicolor (Blue flag, Wild iris) illus. Suitable for a border or wild flower I. thalictroides. Dainty, clump-forming IXIOLIRIACEAE
p.442. Prefers partial shade and thrives meadow. Propagate by seed in spring. perennial. H and S 10in (25cm). Central
in moist soil or in shallow water. Z5–9. I. carinata, syn. Chrysanthemum stalk bears fernlike, deeply divided, Genus of bulbs, grown for their funnel-
‘Kermesina’ bears red-purple flowers. carinatum, C. tricolor. ‘Monarch Court 3-parted leaves, each leaflet being cut shaped flowers mainly in spring. Needs a
I. ‘Violet Beauty’, syn. I. reticulata Jesters’ is a fast-growing, erect, into 3. Produces small, nodding, cup- sheltered, sunny site and well-drained soil
‘Violet Beauty’. Bulbous Reticulata iris. branching annual. H 2ft (60cm), S 1ft shaped, white flowers in spring. Z5–8 that becomes hot and
H 4–6in (10–15cm), S 11⁄2–21⁄2in (4–6cm). (30cm). Has feathery, gray-green leaves dry in summer to ripen the bulb.
In early spring, bears a solitary, fragrant, and, in summer, daisylike, zoned flower ISOTOMA Propagate, by seed or offsets, in fall.
long-tubed, deep violet-purple flower, 11⁄2– heads, to 3in (8cm) across, in various color I. montanum. See I. tataricum.
21⁄2in (4–6cm) across, with an orange ridge combinations. Tricolor Series is a group CAMPANULACEAE I. tataricum, syn. I. montanum, illus.
down the center of each fall. Narrow, of fast-growing, upright, branching p.403.
squared leaves elongate after flowering annuals. H 1–2ft (30–60cm), S 1ft (30cm). Genus of perennials, often grown as
time. Z5–9 Have feathery, light green leaves and, in annuals, for their freely borne, star- IXORA
I. warleyensis. Bulbous Juno iris. summer, daisylike, single or double flower shaped, long-tubed flowers. Frequently
H 8–18in (20–45cm), S 7–3in (8cm). In heads, to 3in (8cm) across, in many color used in containers and as summer bedding. RUBIACEAE
spring, produces up to 5 pale lilac or combinations. Tall cultivars, H 2ft (60cm), Propagate by seed, sown at 61–64ºF (16–
violet-blue flowers, 2–3in (5–7cm) across, S 1ft (30cm), and dwarf, H and S 1ft (30cm), 18ºC) in spring, or by softwood cuttings or Genus of evergreen, summer-flowering
in leaf axils. Each fall has a darker blue are available. Z5–9 division in summer. tContact with the shrubs and trees, grown primarily for
apex and a yellow stain in the center. sap may irritate skin. their flowers, some also for their foliage.
Has scattered, lance-shaped, channeled, ISMENE I. Avant-Garde Series illus. p.313 Prefers full sun and
mid-green leaves. Best in an unheated I. ‘Gemini’. Vigorous, mound-forming humus-rich, well-drained soil. Water
greenhouse. Z6–8 AMARYLLIDACEAE perennial, grown as an annual. H and S 1ft containerized specimens freely when in
I. ‘White City’. Vigorous Rhizomatous, (30cm). Has finely divided, light green full growth, moderately at other times.
bearded iris (Tall). H 3ft (90cm). Bears very Genus of bulbs grown for their large, leaves. Produces abundant, slightly Propagate by seed in spring or by semiripe
pale blue, fragrant flowers, fading to white, scented flowers. Similar to scented, star-shaped, pink or blue flowers cuttings in summer.
white, in early summer. The falls have a Hymenocallis and Pancratium. Requires a throughout summer. Z9–11 I. coccinea illus. p.456.
yellow beard. Z3–9 sheltered position in sun or partial shade,
I. ‘White Swirl’. Rhizomatous, beardless in rich, well drained soil. Plant out in early Isotrema griffithii. See Aristolochia
Siberian iris. H 3ft (1m). In early summer, summer, lifting before the first frosts in griffithii.
produces pure white flowers, flushed cold areas, or grow under glass with a
golden yellow at the bases, with rounded, winter min. 50–60ºF (10–15ºC), reduce ITEA
flaring petals. Z3–9 watering in winter, repot in spring.
I. winogradowii (illus. p.225). Propagate by offsets when repotting or ITEACEAE
Bulbous Reticulata iris. H 21⁄2–4in (6–10cm), by seed sown when ripe.
S 21⁄2–3in (6–7cm). Solitary pale primrose- I. calathina. See I. narcissiflora. Genus of deciduous or evergreen trees
yellow flower, 21⁄2–3in (6–7cm) across, I. x deflexa, syn. Hymenocallis festalis. and shrubs, grown for their hollylike,
spotted green on falls, is produced in early Spring- or summer-flowering bulb. H to foliage, their attractive fall color and their
spring. Narrow, squared leaves are short 32in (80cm), S 12–18in (30–45cm). Produces small, white, cream or green-white
at flowering time but elongate later. Z6–8 a basal cluster of strap-shaped, semierect flowers. Where marginally hardy, protect
I. ‘Winter Olympics’. Rhizomatous, leaves. Bears a head of 2–5 scented, white by growing against a south- or west-
bearded iris (Tall). H 3ft (90cm). In early flowers, each 8in (20cm) across with a facing wall. Needs sun or semishade and
summer, produces striking, pure white deep, central cup and 6 narrow, reflexed fertile, well-drained but not too dry soil.
petals. Z8–10 (min. 50°F/10°C) Propagate by softwood cuttings in
I. x macrostephana. See Hymenocallis summer.
x macrostephana. I. ilicifolia illus. p.211.


JK JAMESBRITTENIA may be pruned. Propagate by semiripe for rock gardens, screes, walls, banks
cuttings in summer. and alpine houses. Needs sun and gritty
JACARANDA SCROPHULARIACEAE J. angulare, syn. J. capense. soil. Takes several years to reach flowering
Evergreen, woody-stemmed, scrambling size. Rosettes die after plants have
BIGNONIACEAE Genus of annuals, perennials and climber. H 6ft (2m) or more. Dark green flowered, but leave numerous offsets.
evergreen shrubs. Needs a position in sun leaves have 3 ovate leaflets. Small clusters Propagate by offsets in summer.
Genus of deciduous or evergreen trees, and in moist but well-drained soil. of fragrant, tubular, 5-lobed, white flowers J. hirta, syn. Sempervivum globiferum
grown for their flowers, borne in spring Propagate by seed or division in spring or are borne in late summer. Z10–11 subsp. hirtum, illus. p.374.
and summer, and for their foliage. Grow by softwood cuttings in spring or summer. J. azoricum. Twining, evergreen J. sobolifera, syn. Sempervivum
in fertile, well-drained soil and in full light. J. grandiflora, syn. Sutera grandiflora. climber, sometimes semiscrambler. H globiferum subsp. globiferum. Vigorous,
Water containerized specimens freely Much-branched, subshrubby perennial, 10–15ft (3–5m). Opposite, pinnate, deep evergreen, mat-forming perennial.
when in full growth, sparingly at other used for summer bedding. H 3ft (1m), green leaves have 3–5 ovate to heart- H 4in (10cm), S 8in (20cm). Rounded,
times. Container plants grown for their S 12–18in (30–45cm). Has ovate to oblong, shaped, wavy-margined leaflets, to 3in grayish-green or olive-green rosettes
foliage only may be cut back hard in late round-toothed leaves. Tubular, 5-lobed, (8cm) long. Small, terminal cymes of 3 are often red-tinged. Flower stems bear
winter. Propagate by seed in spring or by frilled, deep purple flowers are borne from purple-tinted buds, opening to fragrant terminal clusters of small, cup-shaped,
semiripe cuttings in summer. midsummer to fall. Z12–15 (min. 41°F/5°C) white flowers, are borne mainly in late 6-petaled (rarely 5 or 7), pale yellow
J. acutifolia of gardens. See J mimosifolia. summer. Z9–11 flowers in summer. Z5–8
J. mimosifolia, syn. J. acutifolia of JAMESIA J. beesianum illus. p.193.
gardens, J. ovalifolia, illus. p.451. J. capense. See J. angulare. JUANULLOA J
J. ovalifolia. See J. mimosifolia. HYDRANGEACEAE J. grandiflorum of gardens. See K
J. officinale f. affine. SOLANACEAE
JACOBAEA Genus of one species of deciduous shrub, J. humile (Yellow jasmine) illus. p.139.
grown for its flowers. Needs full sun and ‘Revolutum’ illus. p.206. Genus of evergreen, summer-flowering
ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE fertile, well-drained soil. Propagate by f. wallichianum is a scandent shrub, shrubs, grown for their flowers. Low
softwood cuttings in summer. H 10ft (3m). Alternate, pinnate, bright temperatures cause leaf drop. Prefers full
Genus of herbaceous biennials and J. americana. Deciduous, bushy shrub. green leaves have 7–13, hairy leaflets. light and fertile, freely draining soil.
perennials, sometimes grown as annuals. H 5ft (1.5m), S 8ft (2.5m). Rounded, gray- In summer, bears clusters of 3–5, Water potted specimens moderately, less
Usually produces a rosette of often deeply green leaves are gray-white beneath. semipendent, yellow, star-shaped when not in full growth. To encourage
dissected, green or white woolly leaves, Clusters of small, slightly fragrant, star- flowers. Z7–11 branching, tip prune young plants.
followed by an upright stem bearing loose shaped, white flowers are produced  J. mesnyi, syn. J. primulinum (Primrose Propagate by semiripe cuttings in summer.
clusters of daisy-type flower heads. during late spring. Z5–9 jasmine), illus. p.195. Whitefly, red spider mite and mealy bug
Propagate by seed in spring. tParts of  J. nudiflorum (Winter jasmine) illus. may be troublesome.
many species are toxic to humans and JANCAEA p.144. J. aurantiaca. See J. mexicana.
animals if ingested. J. officinale (Common jasmine, J. mexicana, syn. J. aurantiaca.
J. maritima, syn. Senecio cineraria, syn. JANKAEA Jessamine). Semievergreen or deciduous, Evergreen, upright, sparingly branched
S. maritimus. Moderately fast-growing, woody-stemmed, twining climber. H to shrub. H 6ft (2m) or more, S 2–3ft (60–
evergreen, bushy subshrub, often grown GESNERIACEAE 40ft (12m). Leaves comprise 7 or 9 leaflets. 90cm). Leaves are felted beneath. Bears
as an annual. H and S 1ft (30cm). Has long, Bears clusters of fragrant, 4- or 5-lobed, orange flowers, each with a ribbed calyx,
ovate, very deeply lobed, hairy, silver-gray Genus of one species of evergreen, white flowers in summer–fall. Z8–11. in short, nodding clusters in summer.
leaves. Rounded, yellow flower heads are rosetted perennial, grown for its flowers f. affine (syn. J. grandiflorum of gardens) Z13–15 (min. 55°F/13°C)
produced in summer, but are best and silver-green leaves. Good for an alpine illus. p.196. ‘Argenteovariegatum’ has
removed. Z8–11. ‘Cirrus’ has elliptic, house. Difficult to grow, as needs shade gray-green leaves with creamy white JUBAEA
finely toothed or lobed, silvery-green to from mid-day sun in high summer, a margins. Fiona SunriSe (‘Frojas’) has
white leaves. ‘Silver Dust’ illus. p.315. humus-rich, gritty, moist, alkaline soil and strongly flushed, golden yellow leaves ARECACEAE/PALMAE
a gritty collar. Dislikes winter wet. when grown in good light. ‘Inverleith’
Jacobinia carnea. See Justicia Propagate by seed in fall or by leaf is a striking form with pure white flowers, Genus of one species of evergreen
carnea. cuttings in spring. strongly flushed purplish-red on the tube palm, grown for its overall appearance.
J. heldreichii illus. p.355. and reverse of the petals, and in bud. Needs full light and fertile, well-drained
Jacobinia coccinea. See Pachystachys J. parkeri. Evergreen, domed shrub. soil. Water containerized specimens
coccinea. Jankaea. See Jancaea. H 6in (15cm), S 15in (38cm) or more. Has moderately, less frequently in winter.
a tangled mass of fine stems and twigs Propagate by seed in spring at not less
Jacobinia pohliana. See Justicia JASIONE bearing minute, ovate leaves. Abundant than 77°F (25°C). Red spider mite may
carnea. tiny, tubular, 5-lobed, yellow flowers are be a nuisance.
CAMPANULACEAE produced in leaf axils in early summer.  J. chilensis, syn. J. spectabilis (Chilean
Jacobinia spicigera. See Justicia Z7–11 wine palm, Coquito), illus. p.80.
spicigera. Genus of summer-flowering annuals,  J. polyanthum illus. p.208. J. spectabilis. See J. chilensis.
biennials and perennials, grown for their J. primulinum. See J. mesnyi.
JACQUEMONTIA attractive flower heads. Needs sun and J. x stephanense illus. p.201. JUGLANS 615
sandy soil. Remove old stems in fall.
CONVOLVULACEAE Propagate by seed in fall or by division JEFFERSONIA Walnut
in spring.
Genus of evergreen perennials and J. laevis, syn. J. perennis (Sheep’s bit). BERBERIDACEAE JUGLANDACEAE
shrubs, many of them twining climbers, Tufted perennial. H 2–12in (5–30cm),
grown for their attractive flowers. Any S 4–8in (10–20cm). Has narrowly oblong, Genus of spring-flowering perennials. Genus of deciduous trees, sometimes
well-drained soil is suitable with full light. very hairy or glabrous, gray-green leaves Needs shade or partial shade and humus- shrubs, with aromatic leaves, grown for
Water freely except in cold weather. and, in summer, spiky, spherical, blue rich, moist soil. Extensive root systems their foliage, stately habit and, in some
Provide support and thin out by cutting flower heads borne on erect stems. Good resent disturbance. Top-dress crown in species, edible nuts (walnuts). Produces
old stems to ground level in spring. for a rock garden. Z6–8 late fall. Propagate by seed as soon as ripe. greenish-yellow catkins in spring and early
Propagate by seed in spring or by semiripe J. perennis. See J. laevis. J. diphylla illus. p.333. summer. Young plants are vulnerable to
cuttings in summer. Red spider mite and J. dubia, syn. Plagiorhegma dubia, illus. frost damage. Requires full sun and deep,
whitefly may cause problems. JASMINUM p.355. fertile, well-drained soil. Propagate by
J. pentantha, syn. J. violacea. Fast- seed, when ripe, in fall.
growing, evergreen, twining climber. Jasmine JOVIBARBA J. ailantifolia, syn. J. sieboldiana
H 6–10ft (2–3m). Has heart-shaped to (Japanese walnut). Deciduous, spreading
ovate, mid- to bright green leaves. OLEACEAE CRASSULACEAE tree with sturdy shoots. H and S 50ft (15m).
Produces long-stalked clusters of funnel- Very large leaves consist of 11–17 oblong,
shaped, rich violet-blue or pure blue Genus of deciduous or evergreen shrubs Genus of evergreen perennials that glossy, bright green leaflets. Bears edible
flowers, 1in (25cm) across, in summer–fall. and woody-stemmed, scrambling or spread by short stolons and are grown walnuts in fall. Z5–8
Z12–15 (min. 55°F/13°C) twining climbers, grown for their star- for their symmetrical rosettes of ovate J. cathayensis. See J. mandschurica.
J. violacea. See J. pentantha. shaped, often fragrant flowers and their to strap-shaped, pointed, fleshy leaves. J. cinerea (Butternut). Fast-growing,
foliage. Needs full sun and fertile, well- Forms ground-hugging mats, suitable deciduous, spreading tree. H 80ft (25m),
drained soil. J. nudiflorum needs support S 70ft (20m). Leaves are large and very
and benefits from having old shoots
thinned out after flowering, when others


aromatic, with 7–19 ovate to oblong, greenish berries that become glaucous mid-green foliage. ‘William Pfitzer’ ovoid, fleshy, black berries. Z4–9. ‘Blue
(syn. J. x media ‘Pfitzeriana’), H 10ft (3m), Carpet’ (illus. p.105), H 1ft (30cm), S 6–10ft
pointed, bright green leaflets. Bears blue, then ripen to black in their third year. S 10–15ft (3–5m), is a spreading, flat- (2–3m), is vigorous and prostrate, with
Z2–6. ‘Compressa’, H 30in (75cm), topped shrub with grayish-green leaves. glaucous blue foliage. ‘Blue Star’, H 20in
dense clusters of large, rounded nuts J. procumbens (Bonin Isles juniper). (50cm), S 2ft (60cm), forms a dense,
S 6in (15cm), is a dwarf, erect form. Spreading, prostrate, shrubby conifer. rounded bush and has blue foliage.
in fall. Z3–9 ‘Hibernica’, H 10–15ft (3–5m), S 1ft H 21⁄2ft (75cm), S 6ft (2m). Has red-brown ‘Holger’ (illus. p.105), H and S 6ft (2m),
J. mandschurica, syn. J. cathayensis (30cm), is columnar. ‘Hornibrookii’, bark. Thick branches bear needlelike, produces sulfur-yellow young leaves that
(Chinese walnut). Deciduous, spreading, H 20in (50cm), S 6ft (2m), and ‘Prostrata’, aromatic, light green or yellow-green contrast with steel-blue old foliage.
suckering tree. H and S 70ft (20m). Has leaves and globose, fleshy, brown or black ‘Meyeri’, H and S 15ft (5m), has a
very large leaves, consisting of 11–17 ovate H 8–12in (20–30cm), S 3–6ft (1–2m), are berries. Z3–9. ‘Nana’, H 6–8in (15–20cm), sprawling habit and steel-blue foliage.
to oblong, dark green leaflets. Bears edible S 21⁄2ft (75cm), is less vigorous and is J. virginiana (Eastern juniper, Eastern
walnuts in fall. Z5–8 carpeting plants. mat-forming. red cedar). Slow-growing, conical or
J. nigra (Black walnut) illus. p.63. J. conferta. See J. rigida subsp. conferta. J. recurva (Drooping juniper, Himalayan broadly columnar conifer. H 50–70ft (15–
J. regia (English walnut) illus. p.62. J. davurica ‘Expansa Variegata’. See weeping juniper) illus. p.103. var. coxii 20m), S 20–25ft (6–8m). Both scale- and
‘Franquette’ is a vigorous, deciduous, J. chinensis ‘Expansa Variegata’. (Coffin juniper) illus. p.100. ‘Densa’ (syn. needlelike, aromatic, gray-green leaves are
round-headed tree. H 70ft (20m), S 50ft J. drupacea (Syrian juniper). Columnar J. recurva ‘Nana’) is a spreading conifer. borne on same shoot. Ovoid, fleshy berries
(15m). Has been selected for its excellent conifer. H 30–50ft (10–15m), S 3–6ft (1–2m). H 1ft (30cm), S 3ft (1m). Shaggy bark flakes are brownish-violet and extremely
fruit quality; nuts are large, thin-shelled Has needlelike, aromatic, light green in thin sheets. Sprays of long, needlelike, glaucous. Z3–9. ‘Burkii’, H to 20ft (6m),
and late-maturing. Self sterile. ‘Laciniata’ leaves, in 3s, and ovoid or almost globose, aromatic, dark green leaves are erect at S 3ft (1m), has blue-gray leaves that
(Cut-leaved walnut), S 33ft (10m), is a slow- fleshy, brown berries. Z7–10 tips. Ovoid, fleshy berries are black. Z7–11 become purple-tinged over winter. ‘Grey
growing, spreading cultivar with the J. ‘Grey Owl’, syn. J. virginiana ‘Grey ‘Nana’ see J.r. ‘Densa’. Owl’ see J. ‘Grey Owl’. ‘Hetzii’ (syn. J. x
leaflets deeply cut into narrow lobes. Owl’. Large, spreading shrub. H 6–10ft J. rigida (Temple juniper). Sprawling, media ‘Hetzii’), H 10–12ft (3–4m), S 12ft
‘Lara’, H 40ft (12m), S 28ft (9m), has a (2–3m), S 10–12ft (3–4m). Has horizontal shrubby conifer. H and S 25ft (8m). Gray (4m), produces tiers of gray-green foliage.
more compact habit than most. Its large, branches and arching, ovate-diamond- or brown bark peels in strips. Very sharp, ‘Robusta Green’ see J. chinensis
thin-shelled fruits have a sweet creamy shaped, scalelike, soft, silver-gray leaves. needlelike, aromatic, bright green leaves, ‘Robusta Green’. ‘Skyrocket’ see
flavor and are ripe early Bears ovoid, glaucous, brownish-violet in 3s, are borne in nodding sprays. J. scopulorum ‘Skyrocket’.
to mid-season. Self fertile and a heavy fruit, which ripens in the first fall. Z2–9 Globose, fleshy fruits are purplish-black.
cropper. Z3–7 J. horizontalis (Creeping juniper). Z6–9. subsp. conferta (syn. J. conferta; JUSTICIA
J. sieboldiana. See J. ailanthifolia. Prostrate, wide-spreading, shrubby Shore juniper) is a prostrate, shrubby
conifer, eventually forming mats up to 20in conifer. H 6in (15cm), S 3–6ft (1–2m). ACANTHACEAE
JUNCUS (50cm) thick. Has scale- or needlelike, Spreading branches bear dense, needlelike,
aromatic, blue-green or blue-gray leaves aromatic, glossy, bright green leaves, Genus of evergreen perennials, subshrubs
JUNCACEAE glaucous beneath. Produces glaucous and shrubs, grown mainly for their flowers.
and pale blue-gray berries. Z3–9. Leaves of black berries. Tolerates salty, coastal air. Requires full light or partial shade and
See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES, ‘Andorra Compact’ (syn. J.h. ‘Plumosa J. sabina (Savin). Spreading, shrubby fertile, well-drained soil. Water potted
and SEDGES. Compacta’) turn bronze-purple in winter. conifer. H to 12ft (4m), S 10–15ft (3–5m). specimens freely when in full growth,
J. effusus f. spiralis, syn. J. effusus ‘Douglasii’ has glaucous blue foliage that Has flaking, red-brown bark. Slender moderately at other times. Some species
‘Spiralis’, Scirpus lacustris ‘Spiralis’ turns plum-purple in winter. ‘Plumosa’ is shoots bear mainly scalelike, aromatic, need regular pruning. Propagate by
(Corkscrew rush), illus. p.286. less dense than ‘Andorra Compact’ and dark green leaves that give off a fetid smell softwood or greenwood cuttings in spring
has gray-green leaves, becoming purple when crushed. Produces rounded, blue- or early summer. Whitefly may cause
J JUNIPERUS during winter. ‘Plumosa Compacta’ see black berries. Z4–7. ‘Blaue Donau’ (syn. problems.
K J.h. ‘Andorra Compact’. ‘Prince of J.s. ‘Blue Danube’), H 6ft (2m), S 6–12ft J. adhatoda, syn. Adhatoda duvernoia,
Juniper Wales’ has bright green foliage, tinged (2–4m), is a spreading form with branch Duvernoia adhatodoides (Snake bush).
616 blue when young and turning purple- tips curved upward and gray-blue foliage. Evergreen, erect shrub. H 6–10ft (2–3m),
CUPRESSACEAE brown in winter. ‘Turquoise Spreader’ ‘Blue Danube’ see J.s. ‘Blaue Donau’. S 3–6ft (1–2m). Has elliptic, dark green
has turquoise-green foliage. ‘Wiltonii’ has ‘Cupressifolia’, H 6ft (2m), S 12ft (4m), is leaves. Fragrant, tubular, white or mauve
See also CONIFERS. bluish-gray leaves that retain their color a free-fruiting, female form with horizontal flowers, with pink, red or purple marks,
J. chinensis (Chinese juniper). Conical over winter. or ascending branches and blue-green are borne in summer–fall. Z12–15 (min.
conifer, making a tree. H 50ft (15m), J. x media. See J. x pfitzeriana. ‘Blaauw’ leaves. ‘Mas’ has ascending branches. 50°F/10°C)
S 6–10ft (2–3m), or a spreading shrub see J. chinensis ‘Blaauw’. ‘Blue and Leaves are blue above, green below, J. brandegeeana, syn. Beloperone
H 3–15ft (1–5m), S 10–15ft (3–5m). Has Gold’ see J. x pfitzeriana ‘Blue and Gold’. purplish in winter. ‘Tamariscifolia’, guttata, Drejerella guttata (Shrimp plant),
peeling bark. Both scale- and needlelike, ‘Hetzii’ see J. virginiana ‘Hetzii’. H 3ft (1m), S 6ft (2m), produces tiered illus. p.455. ‘Chartreuse’ is an evergreen,
aromatic, dark green leaves, paired or in ‘Pfitzeriana’ see J. x pfitzeriana ‘William layers of mainly needlelike, bright green or arching shrub. H to 3ft (1m), S 24–36in (60–
3s, are borne on same shoot. Globose, Pfitzer’. ‘Pfitzeriana Aurea’ see J. x blue-green leaves. 90cm). Has white flowers surrounded
fleshy, berrylike fruits are glaucous white. pfitzeriana ‘Aurea’. ‘Pfitzeriana Glauca’ J. scopulorum (Rocky Mountain juniper). by bright lime-green bracts mainly in
Many cultivars commonly listed under J. see J. x pfitzeriana ‘Glauca’. ‘Plumosa’ see Slow-growing, round-crowned conifer. summer but also intermittently during
chinensis are forms of J. x pfitzeriana. See J. x pfitzeriana ‘Plumosa’. ‘Plumosa H 30ft (10m), S 12ft (4m). Reddish-brown the year. Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C)
also feature panel p.105. Z3–9. ‘Aurea’, Aurea’ see J. chinensis ‘Plumosa Aurea’. bark is furrowed into strips or squares and J. carnea, syn. Jacobinia carnea,
H 30–50ft (10–15m), S 10–12ft (3–4m), is a J. x pfitzeriana, syn. J. x media. Group of peels on branches. Scalelike, aromatic J. pohliana (King’s crown), illus. p.455.
slow-growing, ovate or conical form with spreading to conical conifers with peeling leaves are gray-green to dark green. J. coccinea. See Pachystachys coccinea.
gold foliage and abundant yellow, male bark. H 50ft (15m), S 6–10ft (2–3m). Mainly Bears globose, fleshy, blue berries. Z3–7. J. floribunda, syn. J. pauciflora,
cones. ‘Blaauw’ (syn. J. x media ‘Blaauw’), scalelike, dark green leaves exude a fetid ‘Blue Arrow’, H to 12ft (4m), S 20in J. rizzinii, Libonia floribunda. Evergreen,
H and S 6ft (2m), is a spreading shrub with smell when crushed. Fruits are globose to (50cm), is similar to ‘Skyrocket’ but with rounded, freely branching shrub. H and
blue-green foliage. ‘Kaizuka’, H 15ft (5m), rounded, white or blue-black. Cultivars are deeper blue leaves. ‘Skyrocket’ (syn. S 1–2ft (30–60cm). Leaves are ovate and
S 10–15ft (3–5m), forms a sprawling, suitable as groundcover or as specimen J. virginiana ‘Skyrocket’; illus. p.105), mid-green. Bears nodding clusters of
irregular bush and has a profusion of plants in a small garden. Some forms are H 26ft (8m), S 21⁄2ft (75cm), is very narrow tubular, yellow-tipped, scarlet flowers
cones. ‘Keteleeri’ illus. p.100. ‘Obelisk’ commonly listed under J. chinensis. Z4–9. in habit with glaucous blue foliage. mainly fall–spring; propagate every few
illus. p.103. ‘Plumosa Aurea’ (syn. J. x ‘Aurea’ (syn. J. x media ‘Pfitzeriana ‘Springbank’ is narrowly conical with years. Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C)
media ‘Plumosa Aurea’) is more erect, with Aurea’) has golden foliage. ‘Blue and drooping branch tips and intense silvery- J. ghiesbreghtiana of gardens. See
green-gold foliage, turning bronze in Gold’ (syn. J. x media ‘Blue and Gold’) blue foliage. ‘Tabletop’, H 6ft (2m), S 15ft J. spicigera.
winter. ‘Pyramidalis’, H 30ft (10m), S 3–6ft H to 3ft (1m), S 3ft (1m), is a spreading form (5m), has a flat-topped habit and silvery- J. pauciflora. See J. floribunda.
(1–2m), is a columnar, dense form with with leaves variegated sky-blue and gold. blue leaves. J. rizzinii. See J. floribunda.
ascending branches bearing needlelike, ‘Glauca’ (syn. J. x media ‘Pfitzeriana J. squamata (Singleseed juniper). J. spicigera, syn. J. ghiesbreghtiana of
blue-green leaves. ‘Robust Green’ (syn. Glauca’) produces gray-blue leaves. Prostrate to sprawling, shrubby conifer. gardens, Jacobinia spicigera. Evergreen,
J. virginiana ‘Robusta Green’) illus. p.103. ‘Old Gold’ (illus. p.105), H 3ft (1m), S 8ft H 1–12ft (0.3–4m), S 3–15ft (1–5m). Bark well-branched shrub. H to 3–6ft (1–1.8m),
‘Stricta’, H to 15ft (5m), S to 3ft (1m), is (2.5m), has a compact, spreading, is red-brown and flaking. Needlelike, S 21∕2–4ft (75–120cm). Bears spikes of
conical, with soft, blue-green, young foliage. flat-topped habit and bronze-yellow aromatic, fresh green or bluish-green tubular, orange or red flowers in summer
J. communis (Common juniper). Conifer, leaves. ‘Pfitzeriana Compacta’, H and leaves spread at tips of shoots. Produces and occasionally other seasons. Z14–15
ranging from a spreading shrub to a S 5ft (1.5m), has a dense, compact habit (min. 50°F/10°C)
narrow, upright tree. H 1–25ft (0.3–8m), and a tendency to produce more juvenile
S 3–12ft (1–4m). Has needlelike, aromatic, leaves. ‘Plumosa’ (syn. J. x media
glossy, mid- or yellow-green leaves in 3s ‘Plumosa’), H 3ft (1m), S 6–10ft (2–3m), is a
and bears globular to ovoid, fleshy, spreading shrub with drooping sprays of


KADSURA K. blossfeldiana (Flaming Katy; illus. of cup-shaped, pale pink flowers with K. coccinea (Common coral vine).
p.487). Bushy, perennial succulent. H and small, red-purple spots just inside the Woody-stemmed, twining climber or
SCHISANDRACEAE S 1ft (30cm). Has ovate to oblong, glossy, rim, from late spring to midsummer. trailer. H 6ft (2m). Has deep green, slightly
dark green leaves with toothed edges and ‘Olympic Fire’ has wavy-margined leathery leaves, divided into 3 leaflets.
Genus of evergreen, twining climbers, clusters of tubular, scarlet flowers, 1⁄4in leaves and large pink flowers, 1in (25cm) From spring to early summer, produces
grown for their foliage and fruits. Male (0.5cm) across, in spring. Prefers partial across, opening from red buds. ‘Pink umbel-like racemes of 4–20 coral-red
and female flowers are borne on separate shade. Hybrids are available in a range of Charm’ has rich pink flowers with a deep flowers. The standard petals are marked
plants, so plants of both sexes must be colors (salmon pink, illus. p.487). Z11. (min. maroon band inside, opening from deep with yellow and purple-margined at the
grown to obtain fruits. Grow in semishade 54°F/12°C). ‘Calandiva’ illus. p.482. reddish-pink buds. Z4–9 base, and open from buds covered with
and in any soil. Propagate by stem cuttings K. daigremontiana (Mexican hat plant) K. procumbens, syn. Loiseleuria soft red hairs. Tolerates coastal sites and
in late summer. illus. p.492. procumbens (Alpine azalea, Trailing alkaline soil. Z10–12 (min. 41–45°F/5–7°C)
K. japonica. Evergreen, twining climber. K. delagoensis, syn. K. tubiflora, illus. azalea), illus. p.364. K. rubicunda (Dusky coral pea) illus.
H 10–12ft (3–4m). Has ovate or lance- p.496. p.462.
shaped, mid-green leaves. Solitary small, K. fedtschenkoi. Bushy, perennial KALMIOPSIS
fragrant, cream flowers are produced in succulent. H and S 3ft (1m). Produces Kennedya. See Kennedia.
leaf axils in summer, followed by bright ovate, indented, blue-gray leaves with ERICACEAE Kentia fosteriana. See Howea
red berries. Prefers well-drained soil. Z6–9 new plantlets in each notch. Bell-shaped,
brownish-pink flowers, 3⁄4in (2cm) long, Genus of one species of evergreen, spring- fosteriana.
KAEMPFERIA are borne in late winter. Prefers a sunny flowering shrub, grown for its flowers.
position. Z11. (min. 54°F/12°C). Needs semishade and moist but well- KERRIA J
ZINGIBERACEAE ‘Variegata’ illus. p.482. drained, acidic soil. Propagate by softwood K
K. laetivirens. Evergreen, perennial or semiripe cuttings in summer. Suits a ROSACEAE
Genus of tufted, rhizomatous perennials, succulent. H 10in (25cm), S 6in (15cm). cool site in a peat garden.
grown for their aromatic leaves and Oblong to elliptic, glaucous, mid-green K. leachiana ‘La Piniec’, syn. K.l. ‘M. Genus of one species of deciduous shrub,
their flowers. Needs a moist atmosphere, leaves, turning pink in strong light, le Piniec’. Evergreen, bushy shrub. H and grown for its showy flowers. Needs sun
partial shade and moist, humus-rich soil. produce small plantlets from notches along S 1ft (30cm). Terminal clusters of small, or semishade and fertile, well-drained soil.
Allow to dry out when plants are dormant. the margins. Bears clusters of tubular, widely bell-shaped, purplish-pink flowers Thin out old shoots after flowering.
Propagate by division in late spring. See greenish-white to purplish flowers, 5⁄8in are borne from early to late spring. Has Propagate by softwood cuttings in
also feature panel p.477. (1.5cm) long, in winter. Z11–12 (min. small, ovate, glossy, dark green leaves. summer or by division in fall.
K. pulchra (illus. p.477). Tufted, 50°F/10°C) Z7–9. ‘M. le Piniec’ see K.l. ‘La Piniec’. K. japonica ‘Golden Guinea’.
rhizomatous perennial. H 6in (15cm), K. pumila. Creeping, perennial succulent. Deciduous, suckering shrub with arching
S 12in (30cm). Has horizontal, aromatic, H 4in (10cm), S indefinite. Has ovate, powdery KALOPANAX green shoots. H 6ft (2m), S 8ft (2.5m). Has
dark green leaves, variegated with paler gray-white leaves with indented margins. ovate, pointed, sharply toothed, bright
green above. Short spikes of lilac-pink Tubular, pink flowers, 1⁄2in (1cm) long, are ARALIACEAE green leaves. In mid- and late spring,
flowers are borne from the center of tufts produced in spring. Suits a hanging basket produces very large, single, golden yellow
in summer. Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C) in a sunny position. Z11 (min. 54°F/12°C) Genus of one species of fall-flowering, flowers, 2–21⁄2in (5–6cm) across. The bright
K. roscoeana. Rhizomatous perennial K. ‘Tessa’ illus. p.487. deciduous tree, grown for its foliage and green stems are conspicuous in winter.
without an obvious stem. H 2–4in (5–10cm), K. tomentosa (Panda plant, Pussy ears) fruits. Unripened wood on young plants is Z5–9. ‘Pleniflora’ illus. p.127. ‘Simplex’
S 8–10in (20–25cm). Usually has only 2 illus. p.490. susceptible to frost damage. Does best in has single, buttercup-like, yellow flowers.
almost rounded, aromatic leaves, to 4in K. tubiflora. See K. delagoensis. sun or semishade in any fertile, moist but
(10cm) long, dark green with pale green K. uniflora, syn. Kitchingia uniflora. well-drained soil. Propagate by softwood KIGELIA
marks above, reddish-green below, that Creeping, perennial succulent. H 21⁄2in cuttings in summer.
are held horizontally. A short spike of pure (6cm), S indefinite. Produces rounded, mid- K. pictus. See K. septemlobus. BIGNONIACEAE
white flowers, each with a deeply lobed green leaves, 1⁄4–11⁄4in (0.5–3cm) long, and K. ricinifolius. See K. septemlobus.
lip, are produced from the center of the bell-shaped, yellow-flushed, reddish-purple K. septemlobus, syn. Acanthopanax Genus of one species of evergreen tree,
leaf tuft in fall. Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C) flowers, 1⁄2in (1cm) long, in late winter. ricinifolius, K. pictus, K. ricinifolius, illus. p.74. grown for its flowers, curious, sausagelike
K. rotunda. Herbacous, rhizomatous Prefers partial shade. Z11–15 (min. fruits and for shade. Requires full light and
perennial. H 2ft (60cm), S 1ft (30cm). Has 50°F/10°C) KELSEYA humus-rich, well-drained soil. Water
2–4 broadly lance-shaped leaves, 8–10in K. ‘Wendy’ illus. p.485. potted specimens moderately, very little
(20–25cm) long, patterned silver and deep ROSACEAE when temperatures low. Propagate by
green, with red undersides. White flowers, KALMIA seed in spring at not less than 73°F (23°C).
with pink to purple lips, borne on a separate Genus of one species of extremely small, K. africana, syn. K. pinnata (Sausage tree).
stem before the leafy stem emerges, open ERICACEAE evergreen subshrub, grown mainly for its Evergreen, spreading, fairly bushy tree.
in succession from late spring to summer. neat rosettes of silvery foliage. Does best H and S 25ft (8m) or more. Leaves have
A number of cultivars are grown for their Genus of evergreen, summer-flowering in an alpine house, as foliage deeply 7–11 oblong to ovate leaflets. Scented, bell-
patterned foliage. Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C) shrubs, grown for their clusters of resents both summer and winter wet. shaped, purplish-red flowers open at night
distinctive, usually cup-shaped flowers. Requires full sun and moist, alkaline soil. from fall to spring. Cylindrical, hard-
KALANCHOE Needs sun or semishade and moist, peaty, Propagate by soft-tip cuttings in late spring shelled, brown fruits, 1–11⁄2ft (30–45cm)
acidic soil. Propagate species by softwood or by seed in fall. Susceptible to mold, so long, are inedible. Z10–11 (min. 61°F/16°C)
syn. BRYOPHYLLUM cuttings in summer or by seed in spring, remove any dead rosettes at once. K. pinnata. See K. africana.
selected forms by softwood cuttings in K. uniflora. Slow-growing, evergreen,
CRASSULACEAE summer. tAll parts may cause severe rosetted subshrub. H 1⁄2in (1cm), S to KIRENGESHOMA 617
discomfort if ingested. 8in (20cm). Forms a hard mat of closely
Genus of annual, biennial, and perennial K. angustifolia (Sheep laurel) illus. p.154. packed, small rosettes of tiny, ovate, dark HYDRANGEACEAE
succulents, shrubs, climbers, and small ‘Rubra’ see K.a. f. rubra. green leaves. In early spring, produces
trees, with very fleshy, mainly cylindrical, f. rubra (syn. K. angustifolia ‘Rubra’) illus. stemless, star-shaped, occasionally pink- Genus of late summer- and fall-flowering
ovate or linear leaves and bell-shaped to p.156. K. buxifolia, syn. Leiophyllum flushed, white flowers. Z5–7 perennials, grown for their nodding, pale
tubular flowers. Many species produce buxifolium. Evergreen, dome-shaped or bright yellow flowers and elegant,
new plantlets from indented leaf margins. shrub. H 10in (25cm), S 18in (45cm). Stems KENNEDIA sycamore-like leaves. Ideal
Needs full sun or partial shade and well- are covered with tiny, ovate, leathery, dark for a shady border or woodland garden.
drained soil. Keep moist from spring to green leaves. In late spring, terminal syn. KENNEDYA Grow in light shade and deep, moist, non-
fall. Water lightly and only occasionally in clusters of deep pink buds develop into alkaline soil. Propagate by seed or by
winter. Propagate by seed, offsets or stem small, star-shaped, white flowers, with PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE division in spring.
cuttings in spring or summer. prominent stamens. Z7–8 K. palmata illus. p.251. Koreana Group
K. beharensis. Bushy, perennial K. latifolia (Calico bush) illus. p.136. Genus of evergreen, woody-stemmed, are deciduous, clump-forming perennials
succulent. H and S to 12ft (4m). Triangular ‘Freckles’ is a dense, bushy, evergreen trailing and twining climbers, grown for with short rhizomes. H 2–4ft (60–120cm),
to lance-shaped, olive-green leaves are shrub. H and S 10ft (3m). Has alternate, their pealike flowers. Provide full light S 21⁄2ft (75cm). Erect, reddish-purple
covered with fine, brown hairs. Plants over ovate to elliptic-lance-shaped, glossy, and moderately fertile, sandy soil. Water stems bear rounded, pale green
6ft (2m) high bear bell-shaped, yellow dark green leaves. Bears large corymbs regularly in full growth, sparingly in cold leaves and outward-facing tubular,
flowers in late winter. Z11–12 (min. weather. Needs support. Thin out pale yellow flowers, in late summer
50°F/10°C) congested growth after flowering or in and early fall. Z5–8
spring. Propagate by seed in spring or
semiripe cuttings in summer.


KITAIBELA K. ‘Bees’ Sunset’ (illus. p.254). perennial. H 4ft (1.2m), S 2ft (60cm). Has seed in fall or by root cuttings in
Semievergreen, clump-forming perennial. arching, linear, dark green leaves. From late winter.
syn. KITAIBELIA H 4ft (1.2m), S 11⁄2ft (45cm). Has long, early to late fall, produces broadly ellipsoid K. paniculata (Golden rain tree, Pride
grasslike, mid-green, basal leaves. In racemes of orange-red flowers, becoming of India) illus. p.89. ‘Coral Sun’ is a
MALVACEAE summer, upright, purplish-green stems orange-yellow. Z6–9 spreading tree, H 12ft (4m), S 10ft (3m),
bear slender racemes of tubular, warm K. ‘Royal Standard’ (illus. p.254). with reddish shoots, and leaf stalks with
Genus of one species of summer-flowering Semievergreen, clump-forming perennial. fernlike, orange-pink young leaves,
perennial. Needs full sun and fertile, moist orange-flushed, yellow flowers. Z6–9 H 3ft (1m) or more, S 22in (55cm). Bears maturing to fresh green, before turning
but well-drained soil. Propagate by seed in K. ‘Brimstone’. Semievergreen, clump- long, lance-shaped, mid-green, basal orange and yellow in fall. Slow-growing,
fall or spring. forming perennial. H 3ft (1m), S 11⁄2ft (45cm). leaves. In summer, upright stems bear but can be pollarded to produce vigorous,
K. vitifolia. Bushy, upright perennial. Has long, narrowly lance-shaped, mid- 2-toned racemes of bright red buds more colorful young growth. Z6–9
H to 5ft (1.5m), S 2ft (60cm). In summer green, basal leaves. In summer, upright opening to tubular, yellow flowers. Z6–9
bears small clusters of open cup-shaped, stems bear slender racemes of tubular, soft K. ‘Samuel’s Sensation’. Semi- KOHLERIA
white or rose-pink flowers. Has palmately greenish-yellow flowers. Z6–11 evergreen, clump-forming perennial.
lobed, coarsely toothed leaves. Z6–8 K. caulescens (illus. p.254). Stately, H 51⁄2ft (1.6cm) or more, S 32in (80cm). GESNERIACEAE
evergreen, upright perennial. H 4ft (1.2m), Bears long, lance-shaped, mid-green,
Kitaibelia. See Kitaibela. S 2ft (60cm). Has basal tufts of narrow, basal leaves. In summer, upright stems Genus of erect perennials and subshrubs
Kitchingia uniflora. See Kalanchoe blue-green leaves and smooth, sturdy bear racemes of tubular, pinkish-red with scaly rhizomes, grown for their
stems bearing terminal spikes of reddish- flowers aging to orange-yellow. Z6–9 showy, tubular flowers. Grow in moist but
uniflora. salmon flowers in fall. Z6–9 K. ‘Strawberries and Cream’. Largely well-drained soil and in full sun or
Kleinia articulata. See Curio articulata. K. ‘C.M. Prichard’ of gardens. See herbaceous, rather compact, clump- semishade. Water sparingly in winter;
K. rooperi. forming perennial. H 2ft (60cm), S 14in over-watering will cause rhizomes to rot.
KNAUTIA (35cm). Has lance-shaped, mid-green, Propagate in spring by division of
K. ‘Cobra’. Semievergreen, clump- basal leaves. In summer, bears upright rhizomes or by seed if available.
CAPRIFOLIACEAE forming perennial. H 3ft (1m) or more, racemes of tubular, pinkish-ivory flowers, K. amabilis. Erect to prostrate,
S 11⁄2ft (45cm). Has long, lance-shaped, opening from darker buds. Z6–10 rhizomatous perennial. H and S 2ft (60cm).
Genus of summer-flowering annuals and mid-green, basal leaves. In summer,  K. ‘Tawny King’ (illus. p.254). Largely Ovate, scalloped, hairy leaves, to 3in (8cm)
perennials. Needs sun and well-drained upright stems bear sturdy, broad, dense herbaceous, clump-forming perennial. long, are often marked with silver and
soil. Requires staking. Propagate by basal racemes of tubular, brown-tinged, orange H 4ft (1.2m), S 3ft (90cm). Produces brown above. Small, nodding, tubular,
cuttings in spring or seed in spring or fall. flowers that age to yellowish-white. Z6–11 brownish-orange buds, opening to cream deep pink flowers, with red-marked lobes,
K. arvensis, syn. Scabiosa arvensis K. ‘Green Jade’ (illus. p.254). flowers on bronzed stems, from are borne in summer. Z14–15. var.
(Scabious). Erect perennial. H 4ft (1.2m), Semievergreen, clump-forming perennial. midsummer to early fall. Z6–11 bogotensis (syn. K. ‘Bogotensis’) is erect
S 11⁄2ft (45cm). Bears heads of pincushion- H 4ft (1.2m), S 22in (55cm). Has long, K. ‘Tetbury Torch’. Semievergreen, with velvety, green leaves, sometimes
like, bluish-lilac flowers in summer. Stems lance-shaped, mid-green, basal leaves. clump-forming perennial. H 3ft (1m), S 11/2ft marked paler green above. Red-and-
are clothed in narrowly ovate to lyre- In summer, upright stems produce elegant, (45cm). Has lance-shaped, mid-green, yellow flowers, with mouths spotted red,
shaped, deeply divided leaves. Z5–9 slender racemes of tubular, pale green basal leaves. In early summer and often in are borne from fall to early winter.
K. macedonica, syn. Scabiosa rumelica, flowers, fading to warm ivory-white. Z6–9 later summer bears erect racemes of K. ‘Bogotensis’. See K. amabilis var.
illus. p.235. K. ‘Ice Queen’ (illus. p.254). Robust, tubular, orange flowers, fading to warm bogotensis.
clump-forming, herbaceous perennial. yellow. Z6–11 K. digitaliflora. See K. warszewiczii.
KNIGHTIA H 5ft (1.5m), S 21⁄2ft (75cm). Bears green- K. thomsonii var. thomsonii ‘Stern’s K. eriantha illus. p.470.
budded flowers opening to pale primrose Trip’. Stoloniferous perennial, deciduous K. warszewiczii, syn. K. digitaliflora,
J PROTEACEAE yellow, fading to ivory, in midsummer. Z6–11 in cold areas. H to 41⁄2ft (1.4m), S 11⁄2ft illus. p.469.
K Genus of evergreen, summer-flowering K. linearifolia. Semievergreen, (45cm). Forms tufts of upright, linear
clump-forming perennial. H 5ft (1.5m), leaves. From midsummer to late fall, bears KOLKWITZIA
trees or shrubs, grown for their flowers, S 32in (80cm). Has very long, rather lax, a succession of curved, yellowish-orange
foliage and overall appearance. Grow in grasslike, mid-green leaves. In summer, flowers, to 2ft (60cm) long. Z6–10 CAPRIFOLIACEAE
fertile, well-drained soil, in sun or partial upright stems bear dense racemes of K. ‘Timothy’. Semievergreen, clump-
shade. Water containerized specimens orange-red buds opening to tubular, forming perennial. H 3ft (1m), S 11⁄2ft Genus of one species of deciduous shrub,
moderately in growth, less in winter. bright yellow flowers. Z7–11 (45cm). Has long, lance-shaped, mid- grown for its abundant flowers. Prefers
Propagate by seed in spring. K. ‘Little Maid’. Semievergreen, clump- green, basal leaves. In summer, upright, full sun and fertile, well-drained soil. Cut
K. excelsa (New Zealand honeysuckle, forming perennial. H 2ft (60cm), S 1ft purplish-green stems bear racemes of out old shoots after flowering. Propagate
Rewa rewa). Evergreen, upright tree. (30cm). Has long, grasslike, mid-green, tubular, warm peachy-pink flowers. Z6–11 by softwood cuttings in summer.
H 70ft (20m) or more, S 6–12ft (2–4m). basal leaves. In summer, upright stems K. ‘Toffee Nosed’ (illus. p.254). Semi- K. amabilis (Beauty bush). Deciduous,
Has oblong to lance-shaped, coarsely bear racemes of tubular, greenish-yellow evergreen, clump-forming perennial. H 3ft arching shrub. H and S 10ft (3m). Has
serrated, leathery leaves, glossy and flowers that fade to creamy-white. Z6–9 (1m), S 11⁄2ft (45cm). Has long, lance- peeling bark and ovate, dark green leaves.
deep green. Dense racemes of slender, K. ‘Nancy’s Red’. Herbaceous perennial shaped, mid-green, basal leaves. In Bears bell-shaped, yellow-throated, white
tubular, deep red flowers are produced with grasslike leaves. H 28in (70cm), S 18in summer, erect stems bear racemes of or pink flowers in late spring and early
in summer. Z10–11 (min. 37–45°F/3–7°C) (45cm). Produces heads of red flowers in tubular, brown-orange flowers, fading summer. Z5–9. ‘Pink Cloud’ illus. p.114.
midsummer. Z6–11 to warm cream. Z6–11
618 KNIPHOFIA K. ‘Nobilis’, syn. K. uvaria ‘Nobilis’. K. uvaria ‘Nobilis’. See K. ‘Nobilis’. Korolkowia sewerzowii. See
Upright, evergreen perennial. H 5–6ft (1.5– K. ‘Wrexham Buttercup’ (illus. p.254). Fritillaria sewerzowii.
Red-hot poker, Torch lily 2m), S 3ft (1m). Bears broad racemes of Semievergreen, clump-forming perennial.
rich orange-red flowers, fading to yellow, H 4ft (1.2m), S 22in (55cm). Has long, KUMARA
ASPHODELACEAE/LILIACEAE in midsummer. Z7–11 lance-shaped, mid-green, basal leaves.
K. northiae. Evergreen, rosette-forming In summer, upright stems bear broad ASPHODELACEAE / ALOEACEAE
Genus of perennials, some of which are perennial. H 5ft (1.5m), S 3ft (1m) or more. racemes of tubular, bright yellow flowers,
evergreen. Needs full sun and well-drained Has rather lax, broadly strap shaped, opening from greenish buds. Z6–9 Genus of perennial succulents that
soil that is constantly moist in summer. pointed, pale green leaves. In summer gradually develop a shrubby, branched,
Propagate species by seed or division in produces dense racemes of tubular, Kochia. See Bassia. corky trunk with age. Grown for their
spring, cultivars by division only in spring. greenish-yellow flowers. Z7–11 strap-shaped leaves, which are arranged
See also feature panel p.254. K. ‘Percy’s Pride’ illus. p.251. KOELREUTERIA in opposing rows like a folded fan.
K. ‘Alcazar’. Semievergreen, clump- K. ‘Prince Igor’ (illus. p.254). Requires free-draining compost.
forming perennial. H 3ft (1m), S 11⁄2ft Semievergreen, clump-forming perennial. SAPINDACEAE Propagate by seed sown in spring.
(45cm). Has long, lance-shaped, mid- H 6ft (2m) or more, S 3ft (1m). Has long, K. plicatilis, syn. Aloe plicatilis. Perennial
green, basal leaves. In summer, upright, lance-shaped, mid-green, basal leaves. In Genus of deciduous, summer-flowering succulent with leaves in a fan-shape on
dark green stems bear racemes of reddish- summer, upright stems bear racemes of trees or shrubs, grown for their foliage, branching stems. H and S to 2ft (60cm).
orange buds opening to tubular, golden- tubular, yellow-tinged, reddish-orange flowers and fruits. Unripened wood is Strap-shaped, smooth, dull to glaucous
yellow flowers. Z7–11 flowers. Z6–9 susceptible to frost damage. Requires full green leaves have minutely toothed
K. ‘Bee’s Lemon’. Upright perennial. K. rooperi, syn. K. ‘C.M. Prichard’ of sun, doing best in hot summers, and margins. In summer, unbranched flower
H 3ft (1m), S 11⁄2ft (45cm). Grasslike, deep gardens (illus. p.254). Robust, evergreen fertile, well-drained soil. Propagate by stems, to 20in (50cm) long, produce
green leaves have serrated edges. Bears cylindrical spikes of bell-shaped, scarlet
dense, terminal racemes of tubular, green- flowers, 2in (5cm) long. Z11 (min. 41°F/5°C)
tinged, citron-yellow flowers on sturdy
stems in late summer and fall. Z6–9


L long with a yellow tube shading to red at hard the previous season’s stems each 2-lipped, lemon-yellow flowers are borne
the apex and with flared, green tips. Z10–11 spring. Propagate by seed in spring or by in summer. ‘Variegatum’ see L.g.
LABLAB ‘Nelsonii’ (syn. L. ‘Nelsonii’) illus. p.429. semiripe cuttings in summer.
var. quadricolor see L. quadricolor. L. indica (Crepe myrtle; illus. p.86). ‘Florentinum’.
PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE L. angustifolia. See L. contaminata. Deciduous, rounded tree or large shrub. L. maculatum. Semievergreen, mat-
L. contaminata, syn. L. angustifolia. H and S 25ft (8m). Bears trusses of flowers forming perennial. H 8in (20cm), S 3ft (1m).
Genus of one species of deciduous, Winter- and spring-flowering bulb. H 21⁄2– with strongly waved, pink, white, or purple Has mauve-tinged, often pink-flushed,
woody-stemmed, twining climber, grown 10in (6–25cm), S 2in (5cm). Has narrowly petals in summer and early fall. Z9–11 leaves with central, silvery stripes. Clusters
for its attractive, pealike flowers (in tropics strap-shaped, semierect leaves in a basal ‘Cedar Red’ has red-flushed young of hooded, mauve-pink flowers are borne
is grown for green manure and animal cluster. Bears a spike of bell-shaped, white growth and deep vibrant red flowers. in mid-spring. Z6–10. ‘Album’ illus. p.255.
feed, and for its edible pods and seeds). flowers, 1⁄4in (0.5cm) long, suffused and Rhapsody in pink (‘Whit VIII’) has dark ‘Aureum’ (syn. L.m. ‘Gold Leaf’), H 8in
Often raised as an annual. Frost tender. tipped with red and green. Z10–11 red young growth and soft pink flowers. (20cm), S 2ft (60cm), has ovate, yellow
Grow in sun and in any well-drained soil. L. glaucina. See L. orchioides var. glaucina. ‘Rosea’ has deep rose-pink flowers. leaves with paler white centers. Whorls of
Propagate by seed in spring. L. mutabilis. Winter- to spring-flowering ‘Seminole’ is compact and bears mid- hooded, pink flowers are borne on short
L. purpureus, syn. Dolichos lablab, bulb. H 4–18in (10–45cm), S 2in (5cm). pink flowers. stems in summer. ‘Beacon Silver’ has
D. purpureus (Australian pea, Hyacinth Has 1 or 2 strap-shaped, semierect, basal mauve-tinged, silver leaves, sometimes
bean, Lablab), illus. p.203. leaves. Stem bears a loose spike of up to LAGUNARIA with narrow, green margins, and clear
25 tubular, flowers, 1⁄2in (1cm) long, purple pale pink flowers. ‘Gold Leaf’ see
+ LABURNOCYTISUS or lilac in bud, opening to reddish-brown- MALVACEAE L.m. ‘Aureum’. ‘White Nancy’ illus. p.254.
tipped petals with a green tube base. L. orvala illus. p.260. f. albiflorum see
PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE Z10–11 Genus of one species of evergreen tree, L.m. ‘Album’. ‘Album’ (syn. L.m.
L. ‘Nelsonii’. See L. aloides ‘Nelsonii’. grown for its flowers in summer–fall and f. albiflorum) is a clump-forming perennial.
Deciduous tree, grown for its flowers. L. orchioides. Winter- and spring- its overall appearance. Frost tender. H and S 1ft (30cm). Forms a mound of
A graft hybrid between Laburnum flowering bulb. H 6–16in (15–40cm), S 2in Prefers fertile, well-drained soil and full toothed, softly hairy, dark green leaves.
anagyroides and Cytisus purpureus. Fully (5cm). Has 2 strap-shaped, semierect, light. Water potted plants liberally when in Spikes of whorled, white flowers open in
hardy. Requires full sun; grows in any but basal, green leaves, sometimes spotted full summer growth, moderately at other late spring to summer. Z6–10
waterlogged soil. Propagate by grafting blackish- or purple-brown. Stem produces times. Pruning is tolerated if required.
on laburnum in late summer. a dense spike of fragrant, semierect, Propagate by seed in spring or by semiripe LAMPRANTHUS L
+ L. ‘Adamii’. Deciduous, spreading tree. tubular, white flowers, 1⁄2in (1cm) long, cuttings in summer. Under cover,
H 25ft (8m), S 20ft (6m). In late spring and blue-tinged and tipped with green. Z10–11 red spider mite may be troublesome. AIZOACEAE
early summer, bears 3 types of blooms: var. glaucina (syn. L. glaucina) flowers tContact with the seeds may irritate skin.
yellow, laburnum flowers; purple, cytisus in late winter and early spring. H to 12in L. patersonii (Norfolk Island hibiscus, Genus of creeping, bushy, perennial
flowers; and laburnumlike, yellow and (30cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm). Leaves are usually Queensland pyramidal tree). Fast-growing, succulents and subshrubs with daisylike
pinkish-purple flowers. Leaves, with spotted purple. Bears a spike of fragrant, evergreen, upright tree, pyramidal when flowers. Becomes woody after several
3 ovate leaflets, are dark green. Z5–7 whitish-blue or pale lilac flowers. young. H to 50ft (15m), S 25–40ft (8–12m). years, when is best replenished. Plants are
L. quadricolor, syn. L. aloides var. Ovate, rough leaves are matte-green above, good for summer bedding, particularly in
LABURNUM quadricolor, illus. p.429. whitish-green beneath. Bears hibiscuslike, arid conditions. Leaves redden in strong
L. rubida. Winter-flowering bulb. H 21⁄2– rose-pink flowers, 2in (5cm) across, in sun. Frost tender. Requires full sun and
PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE 10in (6–25cm), S 2in (5cm). Has 2 semierect, summer. Z10–11 (min. 37–41ºF/3–5ºC) very well-drained soil. Propagate by seed
basal, strap-shaped, purple-spotted, green or stem cuttings in spring or fall.
Genus of deciduous trees, grown for their leaves. Bears a loose spike of pendent, LAGURUS L. aurantiacus. See L. glaucoides.
profuse, pendent flower clusters in spring tubular, red flowers, 3⁄4–11⁄4in (2–3cm) long, L. deltoides. See Oscularia deltoides.
and summer. Fully hardy. Does best in full shading to yellow at tips. Z10–11 POACEAE/GRAMINEAE L. glaucoides, syn. L. aurantiacus, illus.
sun; grows in any but waterlogged soil. L. tricolor. See L. aloides. p.496.
Seeds are very poisonous. Propagate L. ‘Tricolor’. See L. aloides. See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES, L. haworthii. Erect to creeping, perennial
species by seed in fall, hybrids by budding and SEDGES. succulent. H to 20in (50cm), S indefinite.
in summer. tAll parts are highly toxic Lactuca alpina. See Cicerbita alpina. L. ovatus (Hare’s tail grass) illus. p.284. Blue-gray leaves are cylindrical and 2in
if ingested. Lactuca bourgaei. See Cicerbita (5cm) long. In spring, bears abundant,
L. alpinum illus. p.89. LAMARCKIA daisylike, cerise flowers, 3in (7cm) across,
L. anagyroides, syn. L. vulgare (Common bourgaei. that only open in sun. Z10–11 (min. 36ºF/2ºC)
laburnum, Golden chain). Deciduous, POACEAE/GRAMINEAE L. roseus, syn. Mesembryanthemum
spreading tree. H and S 25ft (8m). Leaves LAELIA multiradiatum. Creeping, perennial
have 3 ovate leaflets and are gray-green. See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES, succulent. H to 20in (50cm), S indefinite.
Short, pendent, dense clusters of large, ORCHIDACEAE and SEDGES. Has solid, 3-angled, mid- to glaucous
pealike, yellow flowers are borne in late L. aurea (Golden top). Tuft-forming, green leaves, 2in (5cm) long. Daisylike,
spring and early summer. Z5–7 See also ORCHIDS. annual grass. H 12in (30cm), S 10in (25cm). dark rose-red flowers, 11⁄2in (4cm) across,
L. vulgare. See L. anagyroides. L. anceps (illus. p.466). Evergreen, Wiry stems have scattered, flat, twisted, open only in sun from spring to fall.
L. x watereri ‘Vossii’ (Voss’s laburnum) epiphytic orchid for a cool greenhouse. broadly linear, pale green leaves. From Z10–11 (min. 36ºF/2ºC)
illus. p.84. H 10in (25cm). Lilac-pink flowers, 21⁄2in mid-spring to summer, bears erect, dense, L. spectabilis illus. p.484.
(6cm) across, each with a deep mauve lip, one-sided panicles of golden-yellow or
LACHENALIA are borne in tall spikes in fall. Has ovate, whiteish-green spikelets. Needs sun. Z7–11 LAMPROCAPNOS
rigid leaves, 4–6in (10–15cm) long. Needs
L. cinnabarina. See Cattleya cinnabarina.
Genus of winter- and spring-flowering Deadnettle Genus of one species of perennial,
bulbs with tubular or bell-shaped flowers; x Laeliocattleya Rojo gx ‘Mont previously included in the genus Dicentra,
some have attractively mottled leaves. Millais’. See x Cattlianthe Rojo gx LAMIACEAE/LABIATAE grown for its attractive sprays of pendent
Useful as pot plants and in open borders. ‘Mont Millais’. Genus of spring- or summer-flowering flowers. Fully hardy. Prefers moist but
Half hardy. Requires light, well-drained perennials, most of which are semi- well-drained, humus-rich soil in partial
soil and a sunny site. Plant in early fall; LAGERSTROEMIA evergreen, including a number of weeds; shade. Propagate by seed in spring, or
dry off in summer when foliage has died some species provide useful groundcover. division in early spring or fall after leaves
down. Propagate in fall by seed or freely LYTHRACEAE Fully hardy. Prefers full or partial shade have died down.
produced offsets. and moist but well-drained soil. Resents L. spectabilis, syn. Dicentra spectabilis,
L. aloides, syn. L. tricolor, L. ‘Tricolor’. Genus of deciduous or evergreen, summer- excessive winter wet. Propagate by stem- illus. p.223. ‘Alba’ (syn. Dicentra
Winter- and spring-flowering bulb. flowering shrubs and trees, grown for tip cuttings of non-flowering shoots in spectabilis ‘Alba’) illus. p.223.
H 6–11in (15–28cm), S 2in (5cm). Has their flowers. Half hardy, or frost hardy in midsummer or by division in fall
2 strap-shaped, semierect, basal, purple- areas with hot summers where wood can or early spring. LANTANA 619
spotted, green leaves. Produces a spike ripen fully. Prefers fertile, well-drained soil L. galeobdolon ‘Florentinum’, syn.
of 10–20 pendent flowers, each 11⁄4in (3cm) and full light. Water potted specimens L.g. ‘Variegatum’. Semievergreen, VERBENACEAE
liberally when in full growth, less at other carpeting perennial. H to 1ft (30cm),
times. To maintain as shrubs, cut back S indefinite. Ovate, mid-green leaves are Genus of evergreen perennials and shrubs,
marked with silver. Racemes of tubular, grown for their flowers. Frost tender.


Needs full sunlight and fertile, well-drained LARIX ‘Bristol’ has long, firm stems bearing tree. H to 40ft (12m), S 30ft (10m). Slightly
soil. Water containerized specimens freely racemes of fragrant, pale violet-blue hardier than the species with aromatic,
when in full growth, moderately at other PINACEAE flowers. ‘Charlie’s Angel’ is free- leathery, narrow, lance-shaped pale green
times. Tip-prune young plants to promote flowering, producing racemes of usually leaves. Bears small, star-shaped, pale
a bushy habit and more flowering stems. See also CONIFERS. 4, highly scented, waved, clear silvery blue yellowish-green flowers in spring.
Propagate by seed in spring or by semiripe L. decidua, syn. L. europaea (European flowers that age to lavender-blue. ‘Cupid ‘Aurea’ has golden yellow foliage. Z8–11
cuttings in summer. Red spider mite and larch), illus. p.97. Pink’ illus. p.301. ‘Gwendoline’
whitefly may be troublesome. tAll parts L. europaea. See L. decidua. has strong stems that bear racemes of LAVANDULA
may cause severe discomfort if ingested, L. kaempferi, syn. L. leptolepis (Japanese 4 fragrant, waved, white flowers, heavily
and contact with foliage may irritate skin. larch). Fast-growing, deciduous, columnar suffused with lilac-pink; good for cutting Lavender
L. camara. Evergreen, rounded to conifer with a conical tip. H 80–100ft (25– and exhibiting. ‘High Scent’ bears
spreading shrub. H and S 3–6ft (1–2m). 30m), S 12–20ft (4–6m). Shoots are racemes of up to 5 or more fragrant, LAMIACEAE/LABIATAE
Bears ovate, finely wrinkled, deep green purplish-red and leaves are needlelike, creamy-white flowers, edged with pale
leaves. From spring to fall, tiny, tubular, flattened, grayish-green or bluish. Small blue. ‘Jilly’ produces racemes of 4 waved, Genus of evergreen, mainly summer-
5-lobed flowers, in dense, domed heads, cones have reflexed scales. Z4–9 lightly scented, creamy-white flowers. flowering shrubs and subshrubs, with
open yellow, then turn red. Many L. leptolepis. See L. kaempferi. ‘Just Julia’ bears racemes of large, entire or divided, often gray-green leaves,
color forms have been selected. Z11–12 fragrant, lightly ruffled, mid-blue flowers grown for their aromatic foliage and
(min. 50ºF/ 10ºC). ‘Baluclush’ see LATHRAEA with a paler keel. ‘Matucana’ is bushy flowers. Can be used as a low hedge.
L.c. Lucky Series Lucky Honey BLusH. and bears racemes of 4 fragrant, magenta- Fully to half hardy. Needs full sun and
Lucky Series Lucky Honey BLusH OROBANCHACEAE purple flowers. ‘Mrs. Bernard Jones’ fertile, well-drained soil. Trim hedges
(‘Baluclush’) illus. p.301. illus. p.201. lightly in spring to maintain a compact
L. delicatissima. See L. montevidensis. Genus of spreading perennials that grow L. rotundifolius (Persian everlasting habit. New growth is rarely produced
L. montevidensis, syn. L. delicatissima, as parasites on the roots of trees, in the pea). Herbaceous, tendril climber with from old wood. Propagate by semiripe
L. sellowiana, illus. p.310. case of L. clandestina on willow or poplar. winged stems. H to 3ft (1m). Leaves each cuttings in summer. See also feature
L. ‘Radiation’ illus. p.324. True leaves are not produced. Fully hardy. have narrow stipules, a pair of leaflets, and panel p.158.
L. sellowiana. See L. montevidensis. Grows in dappled shade cast by host tree a 3-branched tendril. Bears small racemes L. angustifolia (Lavender). Evergreen,
L. ‘Spreading Sunset’ illus. p.324. and prefers moist conditions. Roots resent of 3–8 dark purplish pink to brownish red bushy shrub. H 3ft (1m), S 4ft (1.2m). Has
being disturbed. Propagate by seed when flowers in summer. Z5–9 linear to narrowly ovate, aromatic, gray-
LAPAGERIA fresh, in late summer. L. sylvestris (Everlasting pea, Perennial felted leaves. In midsummer, produces
L. clandestina (Toothwort) illus. p.260. pea). Herbaceous, tendril climber with small, fragrant, tubular, pale to deep
PHILESIACEAE/LILIACEAE winged stems. H to 6ft (2m). Leaves each purple flowers in dense spikes to 3in (8cm)
LATHYRUS have narrow stipules, a pair of leaflets, long. Z5. ‘Hidcote’ (syn. L. ‘Hidcote’; illus.
Genus of one species of evergreen, woody- and a terminal, branched tendril. In p.158), H 2ft (60cm), S 21⁄2ft (75cm), is more
stemmed, twining climber, grown for its PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE summer and early fall, bears racemes of compact, with dense spikes of fragrant,
large, waxy blooms. Frost hardy to half 4–10 rose-pink flowers, marked with green deep purple flowers and silver-gray leaves.
hardy. Requires humus-rich, well-drained Genus of annuals and perennials, many and purple. Z5–9 ‘Folgate’, H 21⁄2ft (75cm), S 21⁄2–3ft (75–
soil and partial shade. Water moderately, of them tendril climbers, grown for their L. vernus, syn. Orobus vernus, illus. 90cm), is early flowering, with very bright
scarcely at all when not in full growth. racemes of attractive flowers. Flowers are p.260. ‘Alboroseus’ is a clump-forming violet-blue flowers; good for cutting.
followed by long, thin seed pods. Fully to perennial. H and S 1ft (30cm). In spring, ‘Imperial Gem’ (illus. p.158), H and
L Provide support. Thin out congested half hardy. Grow in humus-rich, fertile, slender stems each bear 3–5 white-and- S 2ft (60cm), is compact, with narrowly
growth in spring. Propagate in spring by well-drained soil and in full light. Provide deep-pink flowers. Has fernlike, much- oblong, silvery-gray leaves, and dense
seed, soaked for 2 days before sowing, or support and remove dead flowers divided, soft leaves. Z5–9 spikes of deep purple flowers.
in spring or fall by layering. regularly. Cut down perennials in late fall. LittLe Lady (‘Batlad’), H and S 16in
L. rosea (Chilean bellflower, Copihue) Propagate annuals by seed (soaked before LAURELIA (40cm), is compact and prolific, with light
illus. p.202. var. albiflora is an evergreen, sowing) in early spring or early fall, blue flowers; suitable for hedging.
woody-stemmed, twining climber. H to 15ft perennials by seed in fall, or by division ATHEROSPERMATACEAE LittLe Lottie (‘Clarmo’) (illus. p.158),
(5m). Has oblong to ovate, leathery, dark in spring. Botrytis and mildew may cause Genus of evergreen trees and shrubs, H and S 1ft (30cm), is dwarf, with bright
green leaves. From summer to late fall, problems. tSeeds may cause mild grown for their aromatic foliage. Fully gray-green leaves and short spikes of pale
produces pendent, fleshy, narrowly bell- stomach upset if ingested. to frost hardy; needs shelter from cold pink flowers. ‘Loddon Blue’ (illus. p.158),
shaped, white flowers. Z9–11 L. grandiflorus (Everlasting pea). winds. Requires sun or partial shade; H and S 20in (50cm), is compact with deep
Herbaceous, tendril climber, spreading by grows in any but very dry soil. Propagate blue-purple flowers. ‘Loddon Pink’,
Lapeirousia cruenta. suckers. H to 5ft (1.5m). Mid-green leaves by semiripe cuttings in summer. H 11⁄2ft (45cm), S 2ft (60cm), is more
See Freesia laxa. usually consist of a pair of leaflets. Has L. sempervirens, syn. L. serrata of compact in habit, with pale pink flowers.
unwinged stems and bears neat racemes of gardens (Chilean laurel). Evergreen, ‘Miss Katherine’ (illus. p.158), H 21⁄2ft
Lapeirousia laxa. pink-purple and red flowers in summer. Z5–8 broadly conical tree or shrub. H 50ft (15m), (75cm), S 2ft (60cm), has light pink flowers
See Freesia laxa. L. latifolius (Everlasting pea) illus. p.201. S 30ft (10m). Ovate, leathery leaves are with silver-green calyces. ‘Munstead’,
‘Albus’ is a herbaceous, tendril climber glossy, dark green and very aromatic. H 11⁄2ft (45cm), S 2ft (60cm), bears purple-
620 LARDIZABALA with winged stems. H 6ft (2m) or more. Produces small, inconspicuous flowers blue flowers ‘Nana Alba’, H and S 1ft
Leaves have broad stipules and a pair of in summer. Z9–11 (30cm), is very compact, with white
LARDIZABALACEAE leaflets. Bears small racemes of white L. serrata of gardens. See L. sempervirens. flowers. ‘Wendy Carlile’ (illus. p.158),
flowers in summer and early fall. H to 1ft (30cm), is similar to ‘Nana Alba’,
Genus of evergreen, woody-stemmed, ‘Rosa Perle’ has rose-pink flowers. Z5–9 LAURUS but with a more erect, uniform habit.
twining climbers, grown for their foliage L. magellanicus of gardens. See L. L. x chaytoriae ‘Richard Gray’.
and striking flowers. Male and female nervosus. Bay tree, Laurel Evergreen, bushy, compact shrub. H 20in
flowers are produced on the same plant L. nervosus, syn. L. magellanicus of (50cm), S 2ft (60cm). Has linear, aromatic,
in late fall to winter. Useful for growing gardens (Lord Anson’s blue pea). LAURACEAE silvery-gray leaves. Long, unbranched
on trellises or pergolas. Frost hardy. Herbaceous, tendril climber. H to 15ft (5m). stalks bear vivid, violet-purple flowers in
Grow in any well-drained soil and in a Veined, leathery, gray-green leaves each Genus of evergreen trees, grown for dense spikes, to 3–4in (8–10cm) long, in
position in sun or partial shade. Propagate have a pair of leaflets, a 3-branched tendril, their foliage. Frost hardy, but foliage summer. Z8–11. ‘Sawyers’ illus. p.157.
by seed in spring, or by stem cuttings in and large stipules. Fragrant, purplish-blue may be scorched by extremely cold L. dentata. Evergreen, bushy shrub.
late summer or fall. flowers are borne in long-stalked racemes weather or strong, cold winds. Needs a H 3ft (1m), S 5ft (1.5m). Aromatic leaves
L. biternata. See L. funaria. in summer. Z9–11 sheltered position in sun or partial shade are fernlike, toothed and gray-green.
L. funaria, syn L. biternata. Evergreen, L. odoratus (Sweet pea). Moderately fast- and fertile, well-drained soil. In tubs may Unbranched stalks bear dense spikes, to
woody-stemmed, twining climber. growing, annual, tendril climber. H to 6ft be grown well as standards, which should 2in (5cm) long, of slightly fragrant, purple-
H 10–12ft (3–4m). Rounded leaves have (2m). Has ovate, mid- to dark green leaves be trimmed during summer. Propagate by blue flowers, tipped with purpled bracts,
broadly ovate, leathery, dark green leaflets. with tendrils. Bears fragrant flowers with semiripe cuttings in summer or by in mid- to late summer. Z9–11
In winter, produces brown flowers with wine-red standard petals and purple wings seed in fall. L. ‘Fathead’ (illus. p.158). Evergreen,
tiny, whitish petals, the males in drooping and keels, from summer to early fall.Many L. nobilis (Bay laurel, Sweet bay) illus. vigorous, rounded, bushy shrub. H and
spikes, the females solitary. In winter– cultivars have been developed, including p.80. f. angustifolia (Willow leaf bay) is S 16in (40cm). Has linear, aromatic, gray-
spring, bears many-seeded, berrylike, dwarf, non-climbing forms. Z9–11 an evergreen large shrub or small conical green leaves. In late spring and summer,
purple fruits, 2–3in (5–8cm) long. Z9–11


bears dense, ovoid-oblong spikes, to 11⁄4in oblong spikes, to 11⁄4in (3cm) long, on Fully hardy to half hardy. Grow in sun LEONTOPODIUM
short, unbranched stalks, to 11⁄4in (3cm) and in poor to fertile, very well-drained
(3cm) long, of dark purple flowers, topped long, from late spring to summer. Z6–10. soil. Propagate by seed sown outdoors Edelweiss
subsp. pedunculata see L. pedunculata in spring or early fall.
by conspicuous purple bracts that fade subsp. pedunculata. subsp. stoechas f. L. elegans. See L. platyglossa. ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE
to pink. Z5–9 leucantha is vigorous, with short spikes L. platyglossa, syn. L. elegans (Tidy tips).
L. x ginginsii ‘Goodwin Creek Grey’. of white flowers topped with white bracts. Fast-growing, upright, bushy annual. Genus of short-lived, spring-flowering,
Evergreen, vigorous, compact shrub. subsp. stoechas f. leucantha H 11⁄2ft (45cm), S 1ft (30cm). Has lance- woolly perennials, grown for their
‘Snowman’ (illus. p.158) is similar, but shaped, grayish-green leaves. Daisylike distinctive flower heads. Suitable for rock
H 2–3ft (60–90cm), S 3ft (90cm). Has more compact. subsp. stoechas f. rosea flower heads, 2in (5cm) across, with white- gardens, containers, and alpine troughs.
linear-oblong, toothed, aromatic, silvery produces pink to rose-red flowers with tipped, yellow ray petals and yellow Fully hardy. Requires sun, gritty, well-
gray leaves. Short stems bear dense reddish-purple bracts. subsp. stoechas centers, are produced from early summer drained soil, and a deep collar of grit to
spikes, to 4in (10cm) long or more, of f. rosea ‘Kew Red’ (illus. p.158), H and to early fall. Suitable for cutting. Z7–10 improve surface drainage. Shelter from
fragrant, soft lavender-blue flowers in S 11⁄2ft (45cm), is compact and upright, prevailing, rain-bearing winds, because
producing spikes of bright cerise-purple Lechenaultia. See Leschenaultia. the crowns are extremely intolerant of
summer and early fall. Z5–9 flowers, topped by pale purple bracts. winter wet and may rot off. Propagate by
L. ‘Helmsdale’ (illus. p.158). Evergreen, L. ‘Willow Vale’ (illus. p.158). Evergreen, LEDEBOURIA division in spring, or by seed when fresh.
vigorous, upright shrub. H 21⁄2ft (75cm), Many seeds are not viable.
compact, bushy shrub. H and S 28in S 2ft (60cm). Has linear, aromatic yellow- ASPARAGACEAE L. alpinum. See L. nivale subsp. alpinum.
(70cm). Has linear, aromatic, gray-green green to gray leaves. In late spring L. nivale subsp. alpinum, syn. L.
leaves. Ovoid-oblong spikes, to 11⁄4in (3cm) and summer, erect stems bear dense Genus of deciduous, evergreen or alpinum (Edelweiss), illus. p.332.
long, bear fragrant, dark purple flowers, spikes, to 11⁄4in (3cm) long, of fragrant, semievergreen bulbs grown for their L. stracheyi. Mound-forming, spreading,
topped by conspicuous burgundy-red deep violet flowers, topped by reddish attractively marked, ornamental, narrowly woolly perennial. H to 20in (50cm), S to 1ft
purple bracts. Z7–9 lance-shaped leaves and their racemes of (30cm). Star-shaped, glistening, yellowish
bracts from late spring to summer. Z5–9 small, bell- or urn-shaped flowers, that white flower heads are produced among
L. ‘Hidcote’. See L angustifolia ‘Hidcote’. LAVATERA are reminiscent of lily-of-the-valley thick, ovate, silver leaves in spring. A good
L. x intermedia (English lavender, (Convallaria). Good pot plants for a cool plant for an alpine house. Z4–9
Lavandin). Evergreen, spreading shrub. Tree mallow greenhouse. Frost hardy to frost tender.
H and S 12–20in (30–50cm). Has oblong to Needs full light, to allow leaf marks to Leopoldia comosa. See Muscari
lance-shaped to almost spoon-shaped, MALVACEAE develop well, and loose, open soil. comosum.
very aromatic, gray-green leaves, covered Propagate by offsets in spring.
in fine, silvery-gray hairs. In summer, light Genus of mainly summer-flowering L. cooperi, syn. Scilla adlamii, S. cooperi. LEPISMIUM L
blue to violet flowers are borne in spikes annuals, biennials, perennials, and semi- Deciduous, very variable bulb. H 2–8in
4–8in (10–20cm) long. The main source evergreen subshrubs and shrubs. Fully (5–20cm), S 2in (5cm). Semierect, basal, CACTACEAE
to frost hardy. Needs sun and well-drained mid- to dark green leaves, with bold
of commercial lavender, lavandine. Z5–9. soil. Propagate perennials, subshrubs, and purple stripes, die away in winter. In Genus of epiphytic and lithophytic
‘Alba’ (illus. p.158) is a vigorous, erect shrubs by softwood cuttings in early summer, bears racemes of up to 50 bell- (growing on rocks) perennial cacti often
shrub with white flowers, occasionally spring or summer, annuals and biennials shaped, small purple-pink flowers, tipped pendulous in habit with cylindrical, ribbed,
tinted pale purple. ‘Hidcote Giant’, by seed in spring or early fall. or striped green. Z10–11 angled, or flat, usually segmented stems.
L. assurgentiflora illus. p.133. L. socialis, syn. L.s. var. violacea, Small, funnel- to disk-shaped flowers are
H 21⁄2ft–3ft (75–100cm), S 3ft (1m), has dense L. cachemiriana, syn. L. cachemirica. Scilla violacea, illus. p.421. followed by spherical, often purple or red
spikes of violet-blue flowers; excellent for Semievergreen, woody-based perennial berries. Frost tender. Needs partial shade
cutting. Old English Group, H to 20in or subshrub. H to 8ft (2.5m), S to 34ft Ledum groenlandicum. See and rich, well-drained soil. Prefers 80%
(50cm), has purple flowers borne on long, (1.2m). Has wiry stems bearing panicles Rhododendron groenlandicum. relative humidity—higher than for most
erect stems. of trumpet-shaped, silky, clear pink cacti. Give only occasional, very light
L. lanata (illus. p.158). Evergreen, bushy flowers in summer and ivy-shaped, Leiophyllum buxifolium. See almia watering in winter. Propagate by seed or
downy, mid-green leaves. Z7–10 buxifolia. stem cuttings in spring or summer.
shrub. H 21⁄2ft (75cm), S 3ft (90cm). Young L. cachemirica. See L. cachemiriana. L. warmingianum, syn. Rhipsalis
shoots and linear leaves are covered with L. x clementii ‘Barnsley’. Vigorous, Lemaireocereus euphorbioides. warmingiana. Erect, then pendent,
whitish “wool.” Bears dense spikes, to semievergreen subshrub. H and S 3–6ft See Neobuxbaumia euphorbioides. perennial cactus. H 3ft (1m), S 20in (50cm).
4in (10cm) long, of fragrant, dark purple (1–2m). Mid-green, palmate leaves have Has slender, notched, cylindrical, green
flowers on unbranched stems in late 3–5 lobes. Throughout summer bears Lemaireocereus marginatus. branches, sometimes tinged red or brown,
summer. Z9–11 profuse racemes of open funnel-shaped, See Pachycereus marginatus. with 2–4 angles, and green-white flowers
L. pedunculata. Evergreen, erect shrub. red-eyed, white flowers, aging to soft in winter and spring, followed by violet
H and S 20–32in (50–80cm). Has linear, pink, with deeply notched petals. Z7–10. Lemaireocereus thurberi. berries. Z11–12 (min. 50ºF/10ºC)
gray-green leaves, and bears ovoid, ‘Bredon Springs’ produces See Stenocereus thurberi.
densely felted flower spikes, 3⁄4–11⁄2in mauve-flushed, dusky pink flowers. LEPTINELLA
(2–4cm) long, topped by 4–6 purplish ‘Burgundy Wine’ produces rich Lemboglossum bictoniense.
violet, sterile bracts on stalks, 1ft (30cm) dark pink flowers with darker veins. See Rhynchostele bictoniensis. ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE
long, in summer. Z9–11. subsp. ‘Candy Floss’ bears pale pink flowers
pedunculata (syn. L. stoechas subsp. throughout summer. ‘Rosea’ (syn. Lemboglossum cervantesii. Genus of annuals and creeping perennials
pedunculata) has violet-blue L. olbia ‘Rosea’) illus. p.136. See Rhynchostele cervantesii. that are effective as low groundcover.
apical bracts with red-purple mid-ribs. L. olbia ‘Rosea’. See L. x clementii Fully hardy. Grow in full sun and sharply
subsp. pedunculata ‘James Compton’ ‘Rosea’. Lemboglossum cordatum. drained, moderately fertile soil. Propagate
(illus. p.158) has purple-margined, green L. trimestris ‘Novella Hot Pink’. See Rhynchostele cordata. by seed when ripe or by division in spring.
stalks and very dark purple apical bracts. Compact and branching annual. H 20in L. atrata, syn. Cotula atrata. Evergreen,
L. ‘Pretty Polly’. Evergreen, compact (50cm), S 1ft (30cm). Produces shallowly Lemboglossum rossii. creeping, tufted perennial. H to 6in (15cm),
shrub. H and S 16in (40cm). Has linear, trumpet-shaped, rose-pink flowers above See Rhynchostele rossii. S to 8in (20cm). Has small, finely cut,
aromatic, gray-green leaves. In late spring deep green leaves in summer. Excellent grayish-green leaves and bears blackish-
and summer, bears dense, ovoid-oblong for growing in containers. H5. ‘Mont Lembotropis nigricans. red flower heads in late spring and early
flower spikes, to 11⁄4in (3cm) long, of Blanc’ is compact, with very dark green See Cytisus nigricans. summer. Not easy to grow successfully.
fragrant, purple-blue flowers, topped by foliage and white flowers. ‘Silver Cup’ Z9–10. subsp. luteola illus. p.349.
white bracts that are veined green. Z4–9 illus. p.305. LEONOTIS
L. ‘Regal Splendour’ (illus. p.158). LEPTOSPERMUM 621
Evergreen, vigorous, erect shrub. H 2–3ft LAYIA LAMIACEAE/LABIATAE
(60–90cm), S 1–2ft (30–60cm). Has linear, MYRTACEAE
aromatic, gray-green leaves. In late spring ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE Genus of annuals, evergreen and semi-
and summer, bears dense, ovoid-oblong evergreen perennials, subshrubs, and Genus of evergreen trees and shrubs,
flower spikes, to 1in (2.5cm) long, of Genus of annuals, grown for their shrubs, grown for their flowers and grown for their foliage and small, often
fragrant, rich violet-blue flowers, topped daisylike flowers, borne profusely in overall appearance. Half hardy. Needs profuse flowers. Grows well in coastal
by wavy-edged, purple-violet bracts, on summer. Useful for a hot, dry site. full sun and rich, well-drained soil. Water areas if not too exposed. Borderline fully
stalks to 5in (12cm) long. Z8–10 containerized specimens freely when in hardy to frost tender; in cold areas best
L. stoechas (French lavender; illus. full growth, much less at other times of
p.158). Evergreen, compact, bushy shrub. year. Cut back perennials, subshrubs, and
H and S 2ft (60cm). Has linear, gray-green shrubs to within 6in (15cm) of the ground
leaves. Fragrant, dark purple flowers, with in early spring. Propagate by seed in
purple bracts, are borne in dense, ovoid- spring or by greenwood cuttings taken
in early summer.
L. leonurus (Lion’s ear) illus. p.141.


planted against a south- or west-facing reliably moist soil. Propagate by division L. ixioides (Glory-of-the-sun). Spring- shrub. H to 6ft (2m), S 5–10ft (1.5–3m).
or basal cuttings in spring. flowering bulb. H 18in (45cm), S 3in (8cm). Elongated, heart-shaped, blue-gray
wall. Requires a position in full sun and L. serotina, syn. Chrysanthemum Has long, narrow, semierect, basal leaves leaves each have a 3-toothed tip. In
serotinum, C. uliginosum, illus. p.220. that wither by flowering time. Wiry, slender summer, very slender, tubular, brick-red
fertile, well-drained soil. Propagate by flower stem has a loose head of up to 10 to orange flowers, each with a long style,
LEUCANTHEMOPSIS lilac-blue flowers. Z10–11 (min. 41ºF/5ºC) are borne in tight heads that resemble
semiripe cuttings in summer. single blooms. Z10–11 (min. 41ºF/5ºC)
L. humifusum. See L. rupestre. ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE LEUCOGENES L. nutans. See L. cordifolium.
L. rupestre, syn. L. humifusum, L. reflexum illus. p.456.
illus. p.151. Genus of dwarf, tufted, clump- or mat- New Zealand edelweiss
L. scoparium (Manuka, New Zealand forming perennials, grown for their LEUCOTHÖE
tea-tree) illus. p.130. ‘Appleblossom’ solitary, daisylike flower heads in summer. ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE
is an evergreen, rounded shrub. H and Fully hardy. Grow in full sun and sharply Genus of evergreen, woody-based ERICACEAE
S 10ft (3m). Narrowly lance-shaped, drained soil. Propagate by seed as soon perennials, grown for their foliage. Good
aromatic, gray-green leaves set off a as they are ripe, or by division or basal for alpine houses in areas where summers Genus of evergreen, semievergreen, or
profusion of large, star-shaped, white cuttings taken in spring. are cool. Borderline fully hardy. Needs sun deciduous shrubs, grown for their white
flowers overlaid with pink, in late spring L. alpina, syn. Chrysanthemum alpinum and gritty, well-drained, peaty soil. Resents flowers and their foliage. Fully hardy.
and summer. ‘Kiwi’, H 3ft (1m), is a (Alpine chrysanthemum). Tuft-forming, winter wet. Propagate by seed when fresh Needs shade or partial shade and moist,
dwarf form with purple-tinged young short-lived perennial. H 4in (10cm), S 8in or by softwood cuttings in late spring. peaty, acid soil. Propagate by semiripe
foliage and dark crimson flowers. Good (20cm). Small tufts of deeply cut leaves are L. grandiceps illus. p.356. cuttings in summer.
for a rock garden or alpine house. produced from short, rhizomatous stems. L. leontopodium, syn. Raoulia L. catesbaei of gardens. See
‘Nicholsii’ has bronze-purple leaves and In summer, bears large, white flower leontopodium (North Island edelweiss). L. fontanesiana.
smaller, crimson flowers. ‘Red Damask’ heads with yellow centers. Good for rock Evergreen, rosetted perennial. H and S 5in L. fontanesiana, syn. L. catesbaei of
illus. p.123. ‘Silver Sheen’ has softly or scree gardens, or alpine planters. Z5–9 (12cm). Overlapping, oblong to ovate gardens, L. walteri (Switch Ivy). Evergreen,
hairy silvery leaves on reddish shoots and leaves are silvery-white to yellowish. Bears arching shrub. H 5ft (1.5m), S 10ft (3m).
white flowers. ‘Snow Flurry’ has double LEUCANTHEMUM up to 15 small, star-shaped, woolly, silvery- Lance-shaped, leathery, glossy, dark green
white flowers. Z8–11 white flower heads, surrounded by thick, leaves have long points and sharp teeth.
ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE felted, white bracts, in early summer. Z7–10 Short racemes of small, urn-shaped, white
LESCHENAULTIA flowers are borne beneath shoots from
Genus of annuals and perennials, grown LEUCOJUM mid- to late spring. Z6–9. ‘Rainbow’ illus.
syn. LECHENAULTIA for their attractive flowers. Fully to frost p.167. Scarletta (‘Zeblid’) see
hardy. Cultivars of L. x superbum are Snowflake L. scarletta (‘Zeblid’). Z6–9
GOODENIACEAE valued for their profusion of large L. keiskei. Evergreen shrub with erect
daisylike summer flowers. Some species AMARYLLIDACEAE or semiprocumbent stems. H and S 2ft
Genus of evergreen shrubs, subshrubs, and are suitable for rock gardens. Needs full (60cm). Ovate, thin-textured, glossy, dark
perennials, grown for their showy flowers. sun and well-drained soil. Taller cultivars Genus of spring-flowering bulbs, grown green leaves have a red flush when young
Frost tender. Needs full light and peaty, require staking. Propagate species by seed for their pendent, bell-shaped, white or and a leathery appearance. Bears pendent,
well-drained soil with few phosphates or division, cultivars by division only. pink flowers. Fully hardy. Some species urn-shaped, white flowers from leaf axils in
and nitrates. Water pot plants moderately L. x superbum, syn. Chrysanthemum prefer a moist, partially shaded site, summer. Good for a rock garden or alpine
during growing season, sparingly at maximum of gardens, C. x superbum others do best in sun and well-drained house. Prefers mild, damp climates. Z5–9
other times. Shorten overlong stems after (Shasta daisy). Robust perennial. H 3ft soil. Propagate by division in spring or L. Scarletta (‘Zeblid’). Upright,
flowering. Propagate by seed in spring (90cm), S 2ft (60cm). Has inversely lance- early fall or by seed in fall. evergreen shrub with arching branches.
or by semiripe cuttings in summer. Most shaped, toothed, glossy, almost fleshy, L. aestivum (Summer snowflake) illus. H and S 3–5ft (1–1.5m). Has dark red-purple
dark green basal leaves and shorter, p.436. ‘Gravetye Giant’ illus. p.434. young foliage, which turns dark green,
L species are not easy to grow under glass; stalkless, stem leaves. From early summer L. fallale. See Acis fallalis. then bronze to burgundy-red in winter.
good ventilation is essential. to early fall, bears solitary, single or L. hiemale. See Acis hiemalis. Plant in good light for best color. Z5–8
L. floribunda. Evergreen, shrubby, double, white flower heads, 4–5in L. nicaeense. See Acis hiemalis. L. walteri. See L. fontanesiana.
woody-based perennial or short-lived (10–12cm) across, with yellow disk florets, L. roseum. See Acis rosea.
shrub. H 18in (45cm), S 14in (35cm). paler in the double-flowered forms. Z5–9. L. vernum (Spring snowflake) LEWISIA
Has narrowly oblong to linear, pointed, ‘Aglaia’ illus. p.230. ‘Elizabeth’ has illus. p.414.
mid-green leaves, and in spring-summer, large, single, pure white flower heads. PORTULACACEAE
short, tubular, pale blue flowers, with 5 ‘Esther Read’ illus. p.263. LEUCOPHYTA
angular petals, in terminal clusters. Z10–11 ‘Sonnenschein’ illus. p.231. ‘Wirral Genus of perennials, some of which are
(min. 41–45ºF/5–7ºC) Pride’ illus. p.246. ‘Wirral Supreme’ Cushion bush evergreen, with rosettes of succulent
is double with short, central florets. leaves and deep tap roots. Most species
LEUCADENDRON ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE are good in alpine houses, troughs, and
LEUCHTENBERGIA rock gardens. Fully to frost hardy.
PROTEACEAE Genus of annuals, evergreen perennials, Evergreen species need partially shaded,
CACTACEAE and small shrubs, often used as summer humus-rich, moist or well-drained, neutral
Genus of evergreen shrubs and trees, bedding. Frost tender. Needs well-drained to acid soil and resent water in their
grown for their flower heads from fall to Genus of one species of perennial cactus. soil and full light. Water container plants rosettes at all times. Herbaceous species
spring and for their foliage. Frost hardy to Looks like Agave in foliage, but its flowers, moderately when in full growth, sparingly shed their leaves in summer and require
frost tender. Needs full light and sharply seed pods, and seeds are similar to at other times. Remove tips to promote a sun and well-drained, neutral to acid soil;
drained soil, mainly of sand and peat, Ferocactus. Tubercles eventually form on bushy habit. Propagate by semiripe dry off after flowering. Propagate
ideally with very little nitrogen and short, rough, woody stems. Frost tender. cuttings in late summer. Botrytis may herbaceous species by seed in spring
phosphates. Water potted specimens Needs full sun and very well-drained soil. be troublesome if plants are kept too cool or fall, evergreen species by seed in
moderately while in growth, sparingly at Keep completely dry in winter; water and damp during winter. spring or by offsets in summer. Seed of
other times. Propagate by seed in spring. sparingly from spring to fall. Propagate L. brownii, syn. Calocephalus brownii, L. Cotyledon Hybrids may not come true.
L. argenteum (Silver tree) illus. p.451. by seed in spring or summer. illus. p.315. L. columbiana. Evergreen, basal-
L. ‘Safari Sunset’. Evergreen, erect, L. principis illus. p.490. rosetted perennial. H and S to 6in (15cm).
freely branching, vigorous shrub. H to 8ft LEUCOSPERMUM Has thick, narrowly oblong, flat, glossy,
(2.5m), S to 6ft (1.8m) or more. Has LEUCOCORYNE green leaves. In early summer, bears
narrowly oblong leaves, deep green PROTEACEAE terminal sprays of small, cup-shaped,
flushed purple-red, more colorful when ALLIACEAE/LILIACEAE deeply veined, white to deep pink flowers.
young. From fall to spring, bears Genus of evergreen shrubs and small trees Prefers moist soil. Z5–9
yellowish-green flower heads surrounded Genus of spring-flowering bulbs with grown for their flower heads. Frost hardy L. Cotyledon Hybrids illus. p.340.
by light red bracts, maturing purple red, loose heads of flattish flowers. Frost to frost tender. Needs full light and sandy, L. ‘George Henley’ illus. p.338.
fading to yellow. Z9–11 tender. Needs sun and well-drained soil. well-drained soil with few nitrates and L. nevadensis. Loose, basal-rosetted
Plant in fall, water well during their phosphates. Water container plants perennial. H and S to 4in (10cm). In summer,
622 LEUCANTHEMELLA growing season, and keep almost dry moderately when in growth, sparingly at large, almost stemless, cup-shaped, white
when dormant in summer. Propagate by other times. Propagate by seed in spring.
ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE seed, or offsets in fall. Not easy to cultivate long term under
glass; good ventilation is essential.
Genus of hairy perennials, grown for their L. cordifolium, syn. L. nutans. Evergreen,
daisylike flower heads in fall. Fully hardy. rounded to spreading, well-branched
Grow in full sun or partial shade and


flowers are borne above small clusters of Libocedrus decurrens. See flowers. ‘Tricolor’ has narrow, green and with recurved petal tips); (d) turkscap.
strap-shaped, dark green leaves. Z5–9 Calocedrus decurrens. gray-green leaves with creamy white For example, ‘African Queen’ VIb-c/a is
L. rediviva (Bitter root) [pink form] illus. margins, pink-tinged when young. a Trumpet/Aurelian hybrid with flowers
p.365; [white form] illus. p.360. Libonia floribunda. See Justicia L. ovateifolium illus. p.119. ‘Aureum’ that are outward- to downward-facing
floribunda. is a vigorous, evergreen or semievergreen, and trumpet-shaped. See also feature
LEYCESTERIA upright, dense shrub. H 12ft (4m), S 10ft panel pp.388–391.
LIGULARIA (3m). Leaves are ovate, glossy, and mid-
CAPRIFOLIACEAE green, broadly edged with bright yellow. Division I (Asiatic hybrids) L
ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE Dense panicles of small, rather These lilies are derived from various
Genus of suckering, deciduous shrubs, unpleasantly scented, tubular, white Asiatic species, including L. bulbiferum,
grown for their showy flower clusters. Genus of perennials, grown for their flowers, with 4 lobes, are borne in mid- L. cernuum, L. concolor, L. davidii,
Fully hardy to half hardy. Needs full sun foliage and large, daisylike flower heads. summer and are followed by spherical, L. lancifolium and L. maculatum. The
and fertile, well-drained soil. Propagate Fully hardy. Grow in sun or partial shade black fruits. Cut back hedges to 1ft (30cm) flowers are borne in racemes or umbels,
by softwood cuttings in summer or by and in moist but well-drained soil. Propagate after planting and prune hard for first and are usually unscented. The leaves are
seed or division in fall. by division in spring or by seed in fall or 2 years; then trim as necessary during the narrowly ovate and arranged alternatively.
L. formosa (Himalayan honeysuckle, spring. Prone to slug and snail attack. growing season. ‘Vicaryi’, syn. L. ‘Vicaryi’, Division II (Martagon hybrids)
Pheasant berry). Deciduous, upright shrub. L. clivorum ‘Desdemona’. See illus. p.140. Z5–9 Derived primarily from L. hansonii and
H and S 6ft (2m). Has blue-green shoots L. dentata ‘Desdemona’. L. sinense illus. p.112. L. martagon, these lilies produce racemes
and slender, ovate, dark green leaves. In L. ‘Britt Marie Crawford’ illus. p.445. L. ‘Vicaryi’. See L. ovateifolium ‘Vicaryi’. of turkscap, sometimes scented flowers,
summer and early fall, small, funnel- L. dentata ‘Desdemona’ (syn. L. vulgare. Deciduous or semievergreen, and have whorls of elliptic leaves.
shaped, white flowers open at tip of each L. clivorum ‘Desdemona’, Senecio clivorum bushy shrub. H and S 10ft (3m). Leaves are Division III (Euro-Caucasian hybrids)
pendent cluster of purplish-red bracts, ‘Desdemona’) is a compact, clump-forming narrowly lance-shaped and dark green. Derived from L. candicum and other
followed by spherical, reddish-purple fruits. perennial. H 4ft (1.2m), S 2ft (60cm). Heart- Bears panicles of small, strongly scented, European species, except L. martagon,
Cut weak shoots to ground level in early shaped, long-stalked, leathery, basal, tubular, white flowers, with 4 lobes, from these lilies produce sometimes scented,
spring. Z7–9. Golden lanterns dark brownish-green leaves, are almost early to midsummer, then spherical, black mostly turkscap flowers, singly or in
(‘Notbruce’) has soft yellow leaves. mahogany beneath. In mid- to late summer, fruits. Cut back hedges to 1ft (30cm) after umbels or racemes. Leaves are elliptic,
bears terminal clusters of large, daisylike, planting and prune hard for the first 2 and spirally arranged or scattered.
LEYMUS vivid orange flower heads on branching years; then trim as necessary during the Division IV (American hybrids)
stems. Z4-8 growing season. Z4–8 Derived from American species, these lilies
POACEAE/GRAMINEAE L. ‘Gregynog Gold’. Clump-forming bear racemes of sometimes scented,
perennial. H to 6ft (1.8m), S 3ft (1m). Leaves LILIUM mostly turkscap, but occasionally funnel-
See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES, are large, heart-shaped, and deep green. shaped flowers, and have whorls of lance-
and SEDGES. Conical panicles of daisylike, orange- Lily shaped to elliptic leaves.
L. arenarius, syn. Elymus arenarius yellow flower heads are borne from mid- Division V (Longiflorum hybrids)
(Lyme grass). Vigorous, spreading, to late summer. Z4–8 LILIACEAE Derived from L. formosanum and L.
herbaceous, rhizomatous, perennial grass. L. przewalskii, syn. Senecio przewalskii, longiflorum, these lilies bear racemes or
H to 5ft (1.5m), S indefinite. Has broad, illus. p.445. Genus of mainly summer-flowering bulbs, umbels of large, often sweetly scented,
glaucous leaves and stout, terminal spikes L. stenocephala. Loosely clump-forming grown for their often fragrant, brightly trumpet- or funnel-shaped flowers, in
of grayish-green flowers on erect stems in perennial. H 5ft (1.5m), S 3ft (1m). Has colored flowers. Each fleshy-scaled bulb some only 2 or 3 per stem. The scattered
late summer. Useful for binding coastal jagged-edged, round, mid-green leaves. produces one unbranched, leafy stem; in leaves are linear to narrowly lance-shaped.
dunes. Z6–9 Large heads of daisylike, yellow-orange some cases roots develop on the stem just Division VI (Trumpet and Aurelian
flowers open on purplish stems from mid- above the bulb. Glossy, mid- to dark green hybrids)
LIATRIS to late summer. Z4–8 leaves are mostly lance-shaped or linear, Derived from Asiatic species, including
L. ‘The Rocket’ illus. p.219. to 9in (22cm) long, and arranged in whorls L. regale, L. henryi and L. sargentiae, these
Gay feathers L. tussilaginea. See Farfugium japonicum. or spirals, or are scattered alternately up lilies bear racemes or umbels of usually
the stems. Flowers, usually several per scented flowers. Leaves are elliptic to
ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE LIGUSTRUM stem, are mainly trumpet- to bowl-shaped linear, and alternate or spirally arranged.
or with the 6 petals strongly reflexed to Division VII (Oriental hybrids)
Genus of summer-flowering perennials Privet form a turkscap shape. (Petals of Lilium are Derived from E. Asian species, such as
with thickened, cormlike rootstocks. known botanically as perianth segments.) L. auratum, L. japonicum and L. speciosum,
Fully hardy. Prefers sun and well-drained OLEACEAE as well as their hybrids with L. henryi,
soil. Propagate by division in spring. Three categories of flower size—small, these lilies have flowers borne in racemes
L. callilepis of gardens. See L. spicata. Genus of deciduous, semievergreen or medium, and large—are used in the or panicles, and are often scented. Leaves
L. pycnostachya (Kansas gay feather). evergreen shrubs and trees, grown for descriptions below. For turkscap, bowl-, are lance-shaped and alternate.
Clump-forming perennial. H 4ft (1.2m), their foliage and, in some species, flowers. cup- and star-shaped flowers: small is Division VIII (Other hybrids)
S 1ft (30cm). In summer, bears tall spikes Fully to frost hardy. Requires sun or partial up to 2in (5cm) across; medium is 2–3in These include the many Interdivisional
of clustered, feathery, mauve-pink flower shade, the variegated forms doing best in (5–7cm) across; large is over 3in (7cm) hybrids which have become increasingly
heads. Grasslike, dark green leaves form full sun. Thrives on any well-drained soil, across. For trumpet- and funnel-shaped popular in recent years, such as
basal tufts. including chalky soil. All except L. lucidum flowers: small is up to 3in (7cm) long; Longiflorum/Asiatic hybrids (LA) and
L. spicata, syn. L. callilepis of gardens, occasionally need cutting back in mid- medium is 3–4in (7–10cm) long; large is Orienpet (Oriental/Trumpet) hybrids (OT).
illus. p.438. spring to restrict growth. Propagate by over 4in (10cm) long. Most lilies vary Division IX All true species or their
semiripe cuttings in summer. tAll parts between 3ft (1m) and 6ft (2m) in height, selected forms.
LIBERTIA may cause severe discomfort if ingested. although a few may reach 10ft (3m).
L. japonicum (Japanese privet). L. ‘African Queen’ (illus. p.391). 623
IRIDACEAE Evergreen, bushy, dense shrub. H 10ft (3m), They do not spread widely—mostly Mid- to late summer-flowering, vigorous
S 8ft (2.5m). Has ovate, glossy, very dark to 1ft (30cm)—therefore only height Division VIb-c/a lily. H 5–6ft (1.5–2m).
Genus of rhizomatous perennials, grown green leaves and, from midsummer to measurements are given below. Fully Bears 3 large fragrant flowers, brownish-
for their foliage, decorative seed pods, early fall, large, conical panicles of small, hardy to half hardy. Need sun and well- purple outside and apricot-orange on the
and flowers. Borderline fully hardy to tubular, white flowers with lobes. Z7–10. drained soil, unless otherwise stated. inside, with recurved petals. Z4–8
frost hardy. Needs a sheltered, sunny, or ‘Coriaceum’ see L.j. ‘Rotundifolium’. Propagate by seed in fall or spring, by L. ‘Altari’ (illus. p.388). Mid- to late
partially shaded site and well-drained soil. ‘Rotundifolium’, syn. L.j. ‘Coriaceum’, bulb scales in summer, or by stem summer-flowering, Division VIIIa-b/b (OT)
Propagate new plants by division in spring, is slow-growing, and produces a dense bulbils (where present) in fall. Virus, lily. H 3–4ft (1–1.2m). Bears highly scented,
or by seed in fall or spring. mass of rounded, leathery leaves. fungal diseases, and lily beetle may white flowers with cranberry-red inner
L. grandiflora (New Zealand satin L. lucidum (Chinese privet). Evergreen, cause problems. Lilies are classified into throats. Z4–8
flower) illus. p.230. upright shrub or tree. H 30ft (10m), S 25ft 9 divisions. They may also be further L. amabile. Mid-summer-flowering
L. ixioides. Clump-forming, rhizomatous (8m). Bears large, ovate, glossy, dark green classified into subdivisions according Division IXc/d lily with stem roots. H 1–3ft
perennial. H and S 2ft (60cm). Produces leaves. Produces large panicles of small, to their flower aspect: (a) for upward- (30–90cm). Scattered leaves are lance-
panicles of saucer-shaped, white flowers in tubular, white flowers, with 4 lobes, in late facing flowers; (b) outward-facing; shaped. Bears up to 10 unpleasant-
summer. Grasslike, dark green leaves turn summer and early fall. Z7–10. (c) downward-facing. Also, they are
orange-brown during winter. Z9–11. ‘Excelsum Superbum’ has bright green classified according to flower form:
‘Goldfinger’ illus. p.277. leaves, marked with pale green and (a) trumpet-shaped; (b) bowl-shaped;
yellow-edged, and small, tubular, white (c) predominantly flat (albeit sometimes
Libocedrus chilensis. See
Austrocedrus chilensis.


L smelling, nodding, turkscap, black-spotted, flowers; petals have recurved tips and a L. ‘Conca d’Or’ (illus. p.390). Mid- L. ‘Golden Joy’. Midsummer-flowering
red flowers; each petal is 2–21⁄4in (5–5.5cm) central, orange streak inside. Z5–9 summer-flowering Division VIIIb/b (OT) Division Ia/c lily. H 1ft (30cm). Bears large,
624 long. Z4–8 L. ‘Brocade’. Early summer-flowering lily. H 4–5ft (1.2–1.5m). Bears to 3 large, upward-facing, flattish, unscented, vivid
L. ‘Amber Gold’. Division Ic/d lily. Division IIc/c lily. H 5ft (1.5m). Produces spicy-scented, creamy-yellow flowers with yellow flowers in midsummer; each petal
H 4–5ft (1.2–1.5m). Bears medium-sized, nodding, turkscap, orange-yellow flowers, lemon-yellow throats. Z5–9 has a triangular, vivid orange flare at the
nodding, turkscap, deep yellow flowers, suffused rosy-pink, with purple-red spots L. ‘Connecticut King’ (illus. p.390). base. Z5–9
each with maroon spots in throat in early on the insides of the recurved petals. Z5–9 Early to midsummer-flowering Division L. Golden Splendor Group illus. p.393.
and midsummer. Z4–8 L. ‘Brushmarks’. Early summer- Ia/b lily. H 3ft (1m). Flowers are medium- L.‘Grand Cru’ (illus. p.391). Early
L. ‘Anastasia’. Division VIIIb-c/b-c (OT) flowering Division Ia/b-c lily. H to 3ft (1m). sized, upward-facing, cup-shaped, and summer-flowering Division Ia/b lily. H 4ft
lily. H 4–6ft (1.2–1.9m). Produces flattish Large, upward-facing, cup-shaped, orange bright yellow. Z5–9 (1.2m). Produces upright, open bowl-
to slightly bowl-shaped, spicily scented, flowers are green-throated. Petals have deep L. ‘Corsage’. Summer-flowering Division shaped, vivid-yellow flowers, strongly red-
rose-pink to white flowers, with red- red blotches and sometimes spots. Z5–9 Ia/b-c lily. H 4ft 1. (2m). Bears outward- suffused in the throats for half the petal
purple flares in late summer. Z5–9 L. bulbiferum (Fire lily, Orange lily). facing, bowl-shaped flowers with recurved lengths, and with a few red spots at the
L. ‘Apollo’. See L. ‘Blizzard’. Early to midsummer-flowering Division petals, pink-flushed outside and pink base internally. Good as a pot plant. Z5–9
L. ‘Arena’ (illus. p.388). Vigorous, late- IXa/b lily with stem roots. H 16in–5ft (0.4– inside with white centers and maroon L. ‘Gran Paradiso’ (illus. p.391). Mid-
summer flowering Division VIIa/b lily. 1.5m). Stems have scattered, lance-shaped spots. Z5–9 summer-flowering Division Ia/b lily. H 3ft
H 4ft (1.2m). Bears large, outward-facing, leaves and, usually, bulbils in leaf axils. L. ‘Côte d’Azur’ (illus. p.389). Summer- (1m). Produces medium-sized, unscented,
bowl-shaped to slightly trumpet-shaped, Bears 1–5 or more upward-facing, flowering Division Ia/b-c lily. H 16in bowl-shaped, red flowers with slightly
recurving, greenish- to yellowish-white shallowly cup-shaped, orange-red flowers. (40cm). Strong stems bear deep rose-pink recurved petals. Z5–9
flowers with deep red central veining on Each petal is 21⁄2–31⁄4in (6–8.5cm) long and flowers with darker-spotted throats. Z5–9 L. hansonii (illus. p.391). Early-summer-
the insides, and yellow-green throats with spotted black or deep red. Z5–9. var. L. ‘Crimson Pixie’ (illus. p.391). Early flowering Division IXb-c/d lily with stem
deep red spots. Z4–8 croceum (illus. p.391) has orange flowers summer-flowering Division Ia/b lily. H 16in roots. H 3–5ft (1–1.5m). Long, lance-shaped
L. auratum (Golden-rayed lily of Japan). and does not normally bear bulbils. (40cm). Has umbels of upright, open bowl- to ovate leaves are produced in whorls.
Summer- and fall-flowering, Division IXb/c L. ‘California Gold’. Vigorous, summer- shaped, unspotted, deep warm red-orange Bears 3–12 scented, nodding, turkscap,
lily with stem roots. H 2–5ft (60cm–1.5m). flowering, Division VIa lily. H 3–4ft (1–1.2m). flowers. Good as a potted plant. Z5–9 orange-yellow flowers. Each thick petal is
Has long, scattered, lance-shaped leaves. Produces sprays of outward-facing, L. x dalhansonii. Variable, early summer- 11⁄4–11⁄2in (3–4cm) long with brown-purple
Produces up to 10, sometimes more, trumpet- to bowl-shaped, deep lemon- flowering Division IIc/d lily. H 3–6ft spots toward base. Z5–9
fragrant, outward-facing, widely bowl- yellow flowers, with the reverses of the (1–1.5m). Bears unpleasant-smelling, L. ‘Harmony’. Summer-flowering
shaped, white flowers; each petal is 5–7in gently recurving petals bronze-green. Z5–9 turkscap flowers, chestnut brown or dark Division Ia-b/b lily. H 11⁄2–3ft (45–90cm).
(12–18cm) long with a central, red or L. canadense (Canada lily, Meadow lily, maroon with gold spots. Z5–9. ‘Marhan’ Orange flowers are upward-facing, cup-
yellow band and often red or yellow spots. Wild yellow lily; illus. p.390). Mid- to late (syn. L. ‘Marhan’) has nodding, turkscap, shaped, and spotted with maroon. Z5–9
Requires partial shade and neutral summer-flowering Division IXc/a lily with deep orange flowers, spotted red-brown. L. heldreichii. See L. chalcedonicum.
to acid soil. Z4–8. var. platyphyllum stem roots. H to 51⁄2ft (1.6m). Narrowly to L. davidii. Summer-flowering Division L. henryi (illus. p.391). Late summer-
(illus. p.388) has broader leaves; petals broadly lance-shaped leaves are mainly in IXc/d lily with stem roots. H 3–4ft (1–1.2m). flowering Division IXc/d lily with stem
have a central, yellow band and fewer whorls. Bears about 10 nodding, bell- Linear leaves are scattered. Produces 5–20 roots. H 3–10ft (1–3m). Has scattered,
spots. L. ‘Black Beauty’. Division VIIIb- shaped, yellow or red flowers; each petal nodding, turkscap, red or reddish-orange lance-shaped leaves. Produces 5–20,
c/d lily. H 41⁄2–6ft (1.4–2m). Bears medium- is 2–3in (5–8cm) long, with dark red or flowers; each petal is 5–8cm (2–3in) long sometimes up to 70, nodding, turkscap,
sized, outward-facing, flattish, very deep purple spots in lower part. Z5–9 with dark purple spots. Z5–9. orange flowers; petals are 21⁄2–3in (6–8cm)
red flowers with recurved, white-margined L. candidum (Madonna lily). Mid- var. willmottiae has slender, arching long with dark spots and prominent warts
petals in midsummer. Z4–8 summer-flowering Division IXb/a lily. stems to 6ft (2m) and pendent flower stalks. toward bases. Prefers lime-rich soil. Z5–9
L. ‘Black Dragon’. See L. leucanthemum H 1–1.8m (3–6ft). Flower stem bears L. ‘Destiny’. Early summer-flowering L. Imperial Crimson Group. See
var. centifolium ‘Black Dragon’. scattered, lance-shaped leaves and 5–20 Division Ia/b lily. H 3–4ft (1–1.2m). Flowers L x parkmanii Imperial Crimson Group.
L. ‘Black Magic’ (illus. p.388). Division fragrant, outward-facing, broadly funnel- are medium-sized, upward-facing, cup- L. Imperial Gold Group. See
VIb/a lily. H 4–6ft (1.2–2m). In summer shaped, white flowers. Each petal is 2–3in shaped and yellow with brown spots. Z5–9 L x parkmanii Imperial Gold Group.
bears scented, outward-facing, trumpet- (5–8cm) long with a yellow base and a L. ‘Journey’s End’. See L. x parkmanii
shaped flowers that are purplish-brown slightly recurved tip. In fall, produces basal L. ‘Dimension’. Midsummer flowering ‘Journey’s End’.
outside and white inside. Z4–8 leaves, which remain throughout winter, L. ‘Karen North’ (illus. p.391). Mid-
L. ‘Black Out’ (illus. p.389). Early to mid- but die off as flowering stems mature. Division Ia/b-c lily. H 3–41⁄2ft (1–1.4m). Bears summer-flowering Division Ic/d lily.
summer-flowering Division Ib/b lily. H 4ft Prefers lime-rich soil. Z5–9 up to 8 large, upward-facing, bowl-shaped, H to 41⁄2ft (1.4m). Produces medium-sized,
(1.2m). Glossy, dark red flowers have black- L. carniolicum. See L. pyrenaicum subsp. dark red (almost black) flowers. Z5–9 downward-facing turkscap flowers, with
red throats, with tiny, black spots. Z4–8 carniolicum. L. duchartrei. Summer-flowering orange-pink petals, sparsely spotted with
L. ‘Black Pearl’. Early to midsummer- L. ‘Casa Blanca’ (illus. p.388). Late Division IXc/d lily. H 2–3ft (60–90cm). deep pink. Z5–9
flowering Division Ia/b lily. H 3ft (1m). summer-flowering Division VIIb/b-c lily. Lance-shaped leaves are scattered up the L. ‘Kushi Maya’. Vigorous Division VIIIc/
Bears deep purple-red flowers. Z4–8 H 3–4ft (1–1.2m). Large, waxy, white stems. Produces up to 12 fragrant, nodding, b-c lily. H 41⁄2–5ft (1.3–1.5m). Produces
L. ‘Blizzard’, syn. L. ‘Apollo’ (of Vletter flowers have yellowish-white midribs and turkscap, white flowers, flushed purple downward-facing, bowl-shaped, strongly
en den Haan) (illus. p.391). Summer- violet-red nectaries. Z5–9 outside and spotted deep purple inside. scented, green-tinged, white flowers, with
flowering Division Ia/b lily. H 4ft (1.2m). L. cernuum (illus. p.389). Early to mid- Z5–9 a deep purplish red patch at the base of
Downward-facing, turkscap, pale orange summer-flowering Division IXc/d lily with L. ‘Elodie’ (illus. p.389). Summer- each petal and in the throats, in
flowers have strongly reflexed petals. Z5–9 stem roots. H to 2ft (60cm). Long, linear flowering Division Ia/b lily. H 4ft (1.2m). midsummer. Z5–9
L. ‘Bonbini’ (illus. p.388). Division VIIIa- leaves are scattered on stems. Produces Semidouble, pale pink flowers have dark L. ‘Lady Bowes Lyon’ (illus. p.391).
b/b (OT) lily. H 4–5ft (1.2–1.5m). Produces 7–15 fragrant, nodding, turkscap flowers, pink-freckled centers. Z5–9 Summer-flowering Division Ic/d lily.
upward- to outward-facing, bowl-shaped, usually pinkish-purple with purple spots. L. ‘Enchantment’ (illus. p.391). Early H 3–4ft (1–1.2m). Produces downward-
sweetly scented, milk-white flowers, with a Each petal is 11⁄2–2in (3.5–5cm) long. Z5–9 summer-flowering Division Ia/b lily. facing, black-spotted, red flowers with
broad, diamond-shaped, purple-margined L. chalcedonicum, syn. L. heldreichii H 2–3ft (60–90cm). Produces medium-sized, reflexed petals. Z5–9
flare at the base of each recurved petal. Z5–9 (Scarlet turkscap lily; illus. p.391). Mid- upward-facing, cup-shaped, orange-red
L. ‘Bonfire’. Late summer-flowering summer-flowering Division IXb-c/d lily flowers with black-spotted throats. Z5–9 L. lancifolium, syn. L. tigrinum (Tiger
Division VIIb/b lily. H 4–5ft (1.2–1.5m). with stem roots. H 20in–5ft (0.5–1.5m). L. ‘Eros’. Midsummer-flowering Division lily). Summer- to early fall-flowering,
Produces outward-facing, bowl-shaped Leaves are scattered on stems and mostly Ic/d lily. H 3–31⁄2ft (1–1.1m). Bears small, Division IXc/d lily with stem roots.
flowers with broad petals, white outside lance-shaped, lower ones spreading, upper unscented, turkscap, buff flowers. Z5–9 H 2–5ft (0.6–1.5m). Has long, scattered,
flushed with pink, and dark crimson ones smaller and closer to stem. Bears up L. ‘Garden Party’. Summer-flowering narrowly lance-shaped leaves. Produces
inside, spotted paler crimson. Z5–9 to 12 slightly scented, nodding, turkscap Division VIIb/b lily. H 20in (50cm). Large, 5–10, sometimes up to 40, nodding,
L. ‘Boogie Woogie’ (illus. p.390). flowers with red or reddish-orange petals, fragrant, outward-facing, red-speckled, turkscap, pink- to red-orange flowers;
Summer-flowering Division VIIIa-b/b lily. each 2–3in (5–7cm) long. Z5–9 white flowers have gold and red or pink each petal is 3–4in (7–10cm) long and
H 3ft (1m). Has large, fragrant flowers with L. Citronella Group (illus. p.390). stripes in the center of each petal. Z5–9 spotted with purple. Z5–9. var.
recurved, pink-edged, yellow petals. Z5–9 Mid-summer-flowering Division Ic/d lily. L. Golden Clarion Group. Late spring flaviflorum has yellow flowers. Vigorous.
L. ‘Bright Star’ (illus. p.390). Summer- H 1.2–1.5m (4–5ft). Bears nodding heads of to early summer-flowering Division VIb/a ‘Splendens’ (illus. p.391) bears larger,
flowering Division VIb-c/c lily. H 3–5ft large, scented flowers with recurved, bulb. H 3–6ft (1–2m). Produces outward- brighter red-orange flowers.
(1–1.5m). Bears large, flattish, white black-spotted, bright yellow petals. Z5–9 facing, trumpet-shaped, pale to deep L. ‘Landini’. Division Ia/b lily. H 41⁄2ft
yellow flowers that may be flushed with (1.3m). Strong stems bear up to 6 large,
reddish-purple on the outside. Z5–9


upward-facing, bowl-shaped, dark red- yellow, orange or flowers with darker spots; L. ‘Nymph’ (illus. p.388). Late summer- L. ponticum. See L. pyrenaicum subsp. L
black flowers in midsummer. Z5–9 flowering Division VIIIa/b-d lily. H 3–6ft ponticum.
L. lankongense (illus. p.389). Mid- each petal is 3–4in (8–10cm) long. Z4–8 (1–2m). Produces large, scented, white L. pumilum, syn. L. tenuifolium. Early 625
summer-flowering Division IXc/d lily with L. ‘Magic Pink’. Early summer-flowering flowers with deep pink stripes along the summer-flowering Division IXc/d lily with
stem roots. H 3–5ft (1–1.5m). Leaves are center of each petal. Z4–8 stem roots. H 6–18in (15–45cm). Small,
scattered and lance-shaped. Bears up to Division VIIb/b lily. H 3–4ft (1–1.2m). Large L. Olympic Group. Vigorous, mid- to scattered leaves are linear. Produces
15 scented, nodding, turkscap, pink flowers. late summer-flowering, Division VIb-c/a usually up to 7 but occasionally up to
Petals, each 11⁄2–21⁄2in (4–6.5cm) long with flowers are pink with darker pink spots. Z4–8 lily. H 4–6ft (1.2–2m). Produces racemes of 30 slightly scented, nodding, turkscap
a central, green stripe and red-purple spots L. ‘Marhan’. See L. x dalhansonii up to 15 large, sweetly scented, trumpet- flowers; each petal is 11⁄4–11⁄2in (3–3.5cm)
mainly on edges, are often mauve-flushed. ‘Marhan’. shaped flowers ranging from white, long and scarlet with or without basal,
Needs partial shade in warm areas. Z4–8 L. martagon (Martagon lily; illus. p.389). greenish-white, cream, and yellow to pink black spots. Z4–8
L. leichtlinii (illus. p.390). Summer- Early and midsummer-flowering Division and purple, often yellow in the throats. L. pyrenaicum (Yellow turkscap lily; illus.
flowering Division IXc/d lily with stem IXc/d lily with stem roots. H 3–6ft (1–2m). Petals are flushed pink or purplish-red on p.390). Early to midsummer-flowering,
roots. H to 4ft (1.2m). Scattered leaves are Has lance-shaped to ovate leaves in the outside. Z4–8 Division IXc/d lily, often with stem roots.
linear to narrowly lance-shaped. Bears whorls and up to 50 scented, nodding, L. ‘Orange Electric’ (illus. p.391). H 1–3ft (30–90cm). Has scattered, linear to
1–6 nodding, turkscap, yellow flowers; turkscap flowers. Petals are 11⁄4–13⁄4in Summer-flowering Division Ia/b lily. H 4ft narrowly elliptic, hairless leaves. Produces
petals are 21⁄2–31⁄4in (6–8.5cm) long with (3–4.5cm) long and pink or purple, often (1.2m). Produces white flowers with up to 12 unpleasant-smelling, nodding,
dark reddish-purple spots. Needs partial with darker spots. Z4–8. var. album (illus. orange and yellow stripes in the center turkscap flowers. Each petal is 11⁄2–21⁄2in
shade. Z4–8 p.388) has pure white flowers. of the petals and brown spots. Z4–8 (4–6.5cm) long and yellow or green-yellow
L. leucanthemum var. centifolium L. medeoloides (illus. p.390). Mid- L. ‘Orange Pixie’ (illus. p.391). Early with prominent dark purple spots and
‘Black Dragon’, syn. L. ‘Black Dragon’. summer-flowering Division IXc/d lily. H to summer-flowering Division Ia/b lily. lines. Z5–9. subsp. carniolicum (syn.
Early summer-flowering Division 9b-c/a 21⁄2ft (75cm). Has lance-shaped leaves and H 10–12in (25–30cm). Bears upright umbels L. carniolicum) has red- or orange-spotted
lily. H 5ft (1.5m). Bears large, outward- up to 10 turkscap, apricot to orange-red of open bowl-shaped, deep golden-orange flowers. Leaves may be hairless or downy.
facing, trumpet-shaped flowers with dark flowers, usually with darker spots. Z4–8 flowers. Good as a container plant. Z4–8 subsp. ponticum (syn. L. ponticum) bears
purplish-red outsides and white insides. Z4–8 L. ‘Miss Lucy’ (illus. p.389). Summer- L. pardalinum (Leopard lily, Panther lily; deep yellow flowers, densely lined and
L. ‘Lime Star’. Vigorous, summer- flowering Division VIIa-b/b-c lily. H 4ft illus. p.391). Midsummer-flowering spotted with red-brown or purple; leaves
flowering, Division VIIa/b lily. H 4ft (1.2m). (1.2m). Produces highly fragrant, double, Division IXc/d lily. H 5–8ft (1.5–2.5m). Long, are downy beneath. subsp. pyrenaicum
Bears outward-facing, bowl-shaped to flat pinkish-white flowers with 18 petals. Z4–8 narrowly elliptic leaves are mainly in f. rubrum (illus. p.391) has orange-red or
flowers, with recurving, white petals. Each L. monadelphum, syn. L. szovitsianum whorls. Produces up to 10 often scented, dark red flowers.
petal is strongly banded bright greenish- (illus. p.390). Early summer-flowering nodding, turkscap flowers. Each petal is L. ‘Red Carpet’ (illus. p.391). Early
yellow and has slightly ruffled margins. Z4–8 Division IXc/d lily with stem roots. H 3–5ft 2–31⁄2in (5–9cm) long with red upper parts. summer-flowering Division Ia/b lily. H 1ft
L. ‘Lionheart’. Mid-summer flowering (1–1.5m). Has scattered, lance-shaped to Orange lower parts have maroon spots, (30cm). Has upright umbels of open bowl-
Division Ia/c lily. H 4–51⁄2ft (1.2–1.7m). Bears ovate leaves. Bears usually 1–5, sometimes some of which are encircled with yellow. shaped, unspotted, deep red flowers. Good
up to 6 medium-sized, upward-facing, up to 30, scented, nodding, turkscap, H6. subsp. wigginsii (syn. L. wigginsii; as a potted plant. Z5–9
flattish, vivid yellow flowers, so heavily yellow flowers, usually with deep red or illus. p.390) has hairless stems and leaves L. regale (Regal lily; illus. p.388).Vigorous,
spotted toward the bases as to appear purple spots inside; petals are 21⁄2–4in that are scattered or in 2–4 whorls roughly midsummer-flowering Division IXb/a lily
almost black. Z5–9 (6–10cm) long. Z5–9 halfway up the stems. Produces few- with stem roots. H 20in–6ft (0.5–2m). Linear
L. LoLLypop (‘Holebibi’). Early summer- L. ‘Mona Lisa’ (illus. p.388). Summer- flowered racemes of unscented, pendent, leaves are scattered. Produces up to 25
flowering Division Ia/b lily. H 20–28in flowering Division VIIb/c lily. H 11⁄2ft turkscap, deep yellow flowers, with purple fragrant, outward-facing, funnel-shaped
(50–70cm). Bears upright, open bowl- (45cm). Bears large, shallowly bowl-shaped spots. Needs moist acid soil, and partial or flowers. Petals are each 5–6in (12–15cm)
shaped, white flowers, with the upper parts to flat, light reddish-purple flowers, with dappled shade; can be stem-rooting. long, white inside with a yellow base and
of the gently recurving petals strongly ivory-white margins suffused red, greenish L. x parkmanii Imperial Crimson pinkish-purple outside. Z5–9. ‘Royal
suffused deep red. Z5–9 petal tips, dark red spots on the lower half Group, syn. L. Imperial Crimson Group. Gold’ (syn. L. ‘Royal Gold’; illus. p.390),
L. longiflorum (Bermuda lily, Easter lily, of each petal and light green throats. Z5–9 Late summer-flowering Division VIIb/c H 4–5ft (1.2–1.5m), bears large, outward-
White trumpet lily; illus. p.388). Summer- L. ‘Mont Blanc’. Early to midsummer- lilies. H 5ft (1.5m). Large, fragrant, flattish, facing, trumpet-shaped flowers, mid-
flowering Division IXb/a lily with stem flowering Division Ia/b-c lily. H 24–28in deep crimson flowers have white throats yellow inside and purple-brown outside.
roots. H 1–3ft (30–90cm). Leaves are (60–70cm). Produces large, upward-facing, and white-margined petals. Z5–9. L. ‘Roma’ (illus. p.390). Early summer-
scattered and lance-shaped. Produces 1–6 creamy-white flowers, spotted brown. Z5–9 Imperial Gold Group (syn. L. Imperial flowering Division Ia/b lily. H 5ft (1.5m).
fragrant, outward-facing, funnel-shaped, L. ‘Montreux’. Midsummer-flowering Gold Group) bear large, fragrant, flattish, Green buds open to cream flowers that
white flowers. Each petal is 5–8in (13– Division Ia/b-c lily. H 32–36in (80–90cm). white flowers, spotted maroon, and with sometimes age to pale greenish-yellow.
20cm) long with slightly recurved tips. Bears about 8 medium-sized, pink flowers a yellow stripe up each petal center. Z5–9
Z9–11. ‘White American’, H 3ft (1m), is a with darker pink midribs; orange-pink ‘Journey’s End’ (syn. L. ‘Journey’s End’; L. RoseLiLy isabeLLa (‘DL044033’).
Division 5 lily and produces white flowers throats are spotted with brown. Z5–9 illus. p.389) bears bowl-shaped, maroon- Midsummer-flowering Division VIIa-b/-
with green tips and deep yellow anthers. L. ‘Muscadet’. Summer-flowering spotted, deep pink flowers with recurved lily. H 3ft (1m). Bears large, double,
Often grown for cutting. ‘White Heaven’ Division VIIa-b/b lily. H 3ft (1m). Large, petals, white at tips and edges. stamen-free flowers with recurved deep
(illus. p.388), H 4ft (1.2m), is a Division 5 lily fragrant, white flowers have pink L. ‘Pearl Carolina’. Vigorous Division pink petals, suffused purplish pink with
with delicately scented, pure white flowers. markings and maroon spots. Z5–9 Ic/c lily. H 41⁄2ft (1.3m). with strong stems. dark red spots in the center, and fading to
L. ‘Luxor’. Vigorous, summer-flowering, L. nanum, syn. Nomocharis nana. Early Bears up to 6 large, long-lasting, white, slightly ruffled margins. Z5–9
Division Ia/b lily. H 3–5ft (1–1.5m). Bears summer-flowering Division IXc/b lily. downward-facing, flattish, vivid reddish L. rosthornii (illus. p.390). Vigorous,
large, outward-facing, bowl-shaped, bright H 21⁄2–12in (6–30cm). Scattered leaves are orange flowers in midsummer. Z5–9 stem-rooting, clump-forming, summer-
yellow flowers, slightly darker yellow and linear. Bears a usually nodding, broadly L. Pink Perfection Group. Mid- flowering, Division IXc/d lily. H 16–39in
speckled with dark red spots on the lower bell-shaped, purplish-pink flower, with summer-flowering Division VIb/a lily with (40–100cm). Has long, scattered, lance-
half of each petal. Z5–9 13⁄4–2in (4.5–5cm) long petals. Needs partial stout stems. H 5–6ft (1.5–2m). Bears large, shaped leaves on the lower part of the
L. mackliniae (Manipur lily; illus. p.389). shade. Z5–9. var. flavidum produces pale scented, slightly nodding Ia/b, trumpet- stem, the upper stem leaves being much
Early to midsummer-flowering, Division yellow flowers. shaped flowers, which are deep purplish- shorter and ovate in shape. Bears up to
IXb-c/a-b lily with stem roots. H 30–60cm L. nepalense. Early to midsummer- red or purple-pink, with bright orange 9 nodding, turkscap, orange or orange-
(1–2ft). Has small, narrowly lance-shaped flowering Division IXc/a lily with stem anthers. Z5–9 yellow flowers. Strongly recurved,
to narrowly ovate leaves, scattered or roots. H 28–36in (70–90cm). Has scattered, L. pomponium (illus. p.391). Slender, channeled petals have green central
whorled near top of stem. Bears 1–6 lance-shaped leaves and often unpleasant- stem-rooting, early to midsummer- bands and purple-red basal spots. Z5–9
usually nodding, broadly bell-shaped, smelling, nodding, funnel-shaped, flowering, Division IXc/d lily. H 1m (3ft). L. ‘Royal Gold’. See L. regale ‘Royal Gold’.
purplish-pink flowers; each petal is 11⁄4–2in greenish-white or greenish-yellow flowers, Has green stems that are spotted purple L. rubellum (illus. p.389). Early summer-
(4.5–5cm) long. Needs partial shade. Z5–9 each with a dark reddish-purple base on the lower halves. Scattered, linear, mid- flowering Division IXb/a lily with stem
L. x maculatum, syn. L. thunbergianum. inside and petals to 6in (15cm) long. Z9–11 green leaves have silver-hairy margins. roots. H 12–32in (30–80cm). Has scattered,
Early and midsummer-flowering Division L. ‘Netty’s Pride’ (illus. p.389). Summer- Bears racemes of up to 6 (rarely up to 10) narrowly ovate leaves and up to 9 scented,
Ia/b lily with stem roots. H to 2ft (60cm). flowering Division Ia/b-c lily. H 2ft (60cm). pungently scented, pendent, turkscap, outward-facing, broadly funnel-shaped,
Scattered leaves are lance-shaped or ovate. Bears dark maroon flowers with ivory- sealing-wax-red flowers, with black spots pink flowers with dark red spots at bases;
Bears 1–6 upward-facing, cup-shaped, red, tipped petals. Z5–9 and streaks in the throats. Alkaline soil in each petal is 21⁄2–3in (6–8cm) long. Z5–9
L. ‘New Wave’. Early to midsummer- full sun or partial shade. Z5–9 L. ‘Shuksan’. Mid-summer-flowering
flowering Division Ia/b lily. H 2ft (60cm). Division IVc/d lily. H 41⁄2–6ft (1.4–2m).
Produces large, pure white flowers with
scattered, maroon spots. Z5–9


L Medium-sized, nodding, turkscap, yellowish- Produces large, highly scented, pink flowers, L. perezii. Evergreen, rounded subshrub. LINDERA
orange flowers are flushed red at petal tips with a pale yellow stripe down the center H and S 3ft (1m) or more. Has long-stalked,
626 and sparsely spotted black. Z5–9 of each petal and pale yellow freckles. ovate to diamond-shaped, deep green LAURACEAE
L. ‘Sixth Sense’. Summer-flowering Z5–9 leaves. Dense clusters, 8in (20cm) across,
Division VIIa/b-c lily. H 28in (70cm). Bears L. TriumphaTor (‘Zanlophator’) (illus. of tiny, tubular, deep mauve-blue flowers Genus of deciduous or evergreen shrubs
white-edged, dark burgundy-red flowers p.388). Summer-flowering Division VIIIb/ are borne well above the leaves in fall. and trees, grown for their foliage, which
with dark purple-brown spots. Z5–9 a-b LO lily. H 3ft (1m). Produces large, Needs good ventilation if grown under is often aromatic, and their fall color.
L. speciosum. Late summer-flowering fragrant, outward-facing, white flowers glass. H2 (min. 45°F/7ºC). Fruits are produced on female plants if
Division IXb-c/d lily with stem roots. with rich rose-pink centers. Z5–9 L. platyphyllum ‘Blue Cloud’, syn. male plants are also grown. Fully hardy
H 3–51⁄2ft (1–1.7m). Has long, scattered, L. tsingtauense (illus. p.391). Mid- L. latifolium ‘Blue Cloud’. Clump-forming to frost tender. Needs partial shade and
broadly lance-shaped leaves. Produces summer-flowering Division IXa/c lily with perennial. H 2ft (60cm), S 11⁄2ft (45cm). moist, acid soil. Propagate by softwood
up to 12 scented, nodding, turkscap, white stem roots. H 28–36in (70–90cm). Lance- In late summer, bears diffuse clusters of cuttings in summer or by seed in fall.
or pink flowers; each petal is up to 4in shaped leaves are mainly in whorls. Bears bluish-mauve flowers that can be dried L. benzoin (Benjamin, Spice bush) illus.
(10cm) long, with pink or crimson spots. 1–5 upward-facing, cup-shaped, orange to for indoor decoration. Has large, leathery, p.127.
Requires neutral to acid soil. Z5–9. var. orange-red flowers; petals are up to 5cm dark green leaves. Z4–9 L. obtusiloba. Deciduous, bushy shrub.
album has white flowers and purple (2in) long and spotted with maroon. Z5–9 L. reticulatum. See L. bellidifolium. H and S 20ft (6m). Bears 3-lobed, aromatic,
stems. Flowers of var. rubrum are L. ‘Venezuela’ (illus. p.388). Late summer L. sinuatum (Statice). Fairly slow- glossy, dark green leaves, becoming
carmine, stems are purple. to early fall-flowering Division VIIa/b lily. growing, bushy, upright perennial, grown butter-yellow in fall. Clusters of small,
L. ‘Starfighter’ (illus. p.389). Summer- H 3–31⁄2ft (1–1.1m). Has large, upward- as an annual. H to 16in (40cm), S 1ft (30cm). star-shaped, deep yellow flowers, borne
flowering Division VIIa-b/c lily. H 20in facing, bowl-shaped, pure white flowers, Has lance-shaped, lobed, deep green on bare shoots from early to mid-spring,
(50cm). Bears spicy-scented, maroon- with a brilliant yellow flare on each ruffled leaves and, in summer and early fall, tiny, are followed by small, spherical, black
speckled, deep pinkish-purple flowers petal, and a dusting of yellow spots. Z5–9 blue, pink, or white flowers borne in fruits. Z6–9
with prominent white-edges. Z5–9 L. wallichianum. Late summer- to fall- clusters on winged stems. Z9–11. Fortress
L. ‘Star Gazer’. Late summer-flowering flowering, Division IXb/a lily with stem Series have small, tubular flowers in a LINDHEIMERA
Division VIIa/c lily. H 3–5ft (1–1.5cm). roots. H 3–6ft (1–2m). Long, scattered mixture of shades such as pink, yellow, or
Large, highly fragrant, rich crimson leaves are linear or lance-shaped. Bears blue. The leaves are often wavy-margined. ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE
flowers are spotted maroon, with white 1–4 fragrant, outward-facing, funnel-shaped, L. suworowii. See Psylliostachys
edges. Z5–9 white or cream flowers that are green or suworowii. Genus of late summer- and early fall-
L. ‘Sterling Star’ (illus. p.388). Early to yellow toward bases. Each petal is 6–12in flowering annuals. Fully hardy. Grow in
midsummer-flowering Division 1a lily. (15–30cm) long. Z9–11 LINARIA sun and in fertile, well-drained soil.
H 1–1.2m (3–4ft). Produces large, upward- L. ‘White Heaven’ (illus. p.388). Propagate by seed sown under glass in
facing, cup-shaped, white flowers with L. wigginsii. See L. pardalinum var. Toadflax early spring or outdoors in late spring.
tiny, brown spots. Z5–9 wigginsii. L. texana (Star daisy). Moderately
L. ‘Sunny Crown’. Summer-flowering L. ‘Zanlophator’. See L. TriumphaTor PLANTAGINACEAE fast-growing, erect, branching annual.
Division VIIIa/b (OT) lily. H 4–41⁄2ft (1.2– (‘Zanlophator’). H 1–2ft (30–60cm), S 1ft (30cm). Has hairy
1.3m). Bears large, upward-facing, bowl- Genus of spring-, summer- or fall-flowering stems and ovate, serrated, hairy leaves.
shaped, lightly scented, pale yellow-green Limnanthemum nymphoides. See annuals, biennials and perennials, grown Daisylike, yellow flower heads are borne
flowers, with a prominent, deep red mark Nymphoides peltata. for their flowers, which resemble in late summer and early fall. Z8–11
in the basal half of each petal. Z5–9 snapdragons (Antirrhinum). Good for rock
L. ‘Sumatra’ (illus. p.389). Mid- to late Limnanthemum peltatum. See gardens and borders. Fully to half hardy. LINNAEA
summer-flowering Division VIIb/b lily. Nymphoides peltata. Prefers sun or light shade; thrives in any
H 3–31⁄2ft (1–1.1m). Produces large, scented, well-drained soil. Propagate by seed in fall Twin flower
dark wine-red flowers with a hint of white LIMNANTHES or spring. Self seeds freely.
at the tips of the petals. Z5–9 L. alpina (Alpine toadflax). Trailing, CAPRIFOLIACEAE
L. superbum (Swamp lily, Turkscap lily; LIMNANTHACEAE short-lived perennial. H 3in (8cm),
illus. p.390). Late summer- to early fall- S to 6in (15cm). Has whorls of linear to Genus of one species of evergreen,
flowering, Division IXc/d lily with stem Genus of annuals, useful for rock gardens, lance-shaped, fleshy, gray-green leaves. prostrate, summer-flowering shrub that
roots. H 5–10ft (1.5–3m). Lance-shaped to containers, and for edging borders; Bears a succession of snapdragonlike, forms an extensive, twiggy mat. Useful as
elliptic leaves are mainly in whorls. Bears L. douglasii is the only species usually yellow-centered, purple-violet flowers groundcover on rock gardens and peat
up to 40 nodding, turkscap, orange cultivated. Fully hardy. Prefers a sunny in loose racemes in summer. Z4–9 beds. Fully hardy. Requires partial shade
flowers. Each petal is 6–10cm (21⁄2–4in) situation and fertile, well-drained soil. L. dalmatica, syn. L. genistifolia subsp. and moist, peaty, acid soil. Propagate by
long, with a green base inside and usually Propagate by seed sown outdoors in dalmatica (Dalmatian toadflax). Upright, rooted runners in spring, by softwood
flushed red and spotted maroon. Requires spring or early fall. Self seeds very freely, branching perennial. H to 4ft (1.2m), S 2ft cuttings in summer, or by seed in fall.
neutral to acid soil. z4–8 although easy to control. (60cm). Has alternate, ovate to lance- L. borealis illus. p.363.
L. ‘Sweet Lord’ (illus. p.389). Early L. douglasii (Meadow foam, Poached- shaped, glaucous green leaves. Bears loose
to midsummer-flowering Division Ia/b lily. egg flower) illus. p.321. racemes of golden-yellow flowers from LINUM
H 20in (50cm). Produces purple-red early to late summer. Z5–9
flowers. Z5–9 LIMONIUM L. genistifolia. Upright perennial. H 3ft LINACEAE
L. szovitsianum. See L. monadelphum. (1m), S 2ft (60cm). From midsummer to fall,
L. tenuifolium. See L. pumilum. Sea lavender, Statice produces racemes of small, snapdragonlike, Genus of annuals, biennials, perennials,
L. x testaceum (Nankeen lily). Early to orange-marked, yellow flowers. Lance- subshrubs, and shrubs, some of which are
midsummer-flowering Division IIIc/d lily. PLUMBAGINACEAE shaped, glossy, mid-green leaves clasp the evergreen or semievergreen, grown for
H 3–5ft (1–1.5m). Has scattered, linear, stems. Z5–9. subsp. dalmatica see L. their flowers. Suitable for rock gardens.
often twisted leaves. Bears 6–12 fragrant, Genus of summer- and fall-flowering dalmatica. Fully to frost hardy, but in cold areas some
nodding, turkscap, light orange to perennials, sometimes grown as annuals, L. maroccana ‘Fairy Bouquet’. Fast- species need a sheltered position. Prefers
brownish-yellow flowers; each petal is and subshrubs, some of which are growing, erect, bushy annual. H to 9in sun and humus-rich, well-drained, peaty
3in (8cm) long, usually with reddish spots evergreen. Fully hardy to frost tender. (23cm), S 6in (15cm). Has lance-shaped, soil. Propagate subshrubs and shrubs by
inside. Z5–9 Grows in full sun and in well-drained soil. pale green leaves. In summer, freely bears semiripe cuttings in summer or by seed
L. thunbergianum. See L. maculatum. Propagate by division in spring, by seed small, snapdragonlike flowers in shades of in fall, annuals, biennials, and perennials
L. ‘Tigerwoods’ (illus. p.389). Summer- in fall or early spring, or by root cuttings yellow, rose-pink, salmon-pink, orange, by seed in fall.
flowering Division VIIa/c lily. H 3ft (1m). in winter. carmine, lavender, or white. Z6–11. L. arboreum illus. p.344.
Bears very large, scented, white flowers L. bellidifolium, syn. L. reticulatum, L. purpurea (Purple toadflax). Upright L. flavum (Golden flax, Yellow flax).
with a rich crimson stripe down the center Statice bellidifolia. Evergreen, dome- perennial. H to 3ft (90cm), S 1ft (30cm). Bushy perennial with a woody rootstock.
of each petal surrounded by crimson shaped perennial with a woody base. From mid- to late summer, racemes of H 12in (30cm), S to 8in (20cm). Has
spots. Z5–9 H and S to 6in (15cm). Has basal rosettes snapdragonlike, purplish-blue flowers, narrowly ovate, green leaves and, in
L. tigrinum. See L. lancifolium. of rounded, dark green leaves. Much- touched with white at throats, are borne summer, upward-facing, funnel-shaped,
L. ‘Tom Pouce’ (illus. p.389). Mid-summer- branched flower stems produce abundant, above narrowly ovate, gray-green leaves. yellow flowers in terminal clusters. Z4–8.
flowering Division VIIa/b lily. H 3ft (1m). small, “everlasting,” trumpet-shaped pale Z5–9. ‘Canon J. Went’ illus. p.232. ‘Compactum’ illus. p.372.
violet or blue-violet flowers in summer– L. triornithophora (Three birds toadflax) L. ‘Gemmell’s Hybrid’. Semievergreen,
fall. Excellent for a rock garden. Z8–10 illus. p.239. domed perennial with a woody rootstock.
L. latifolium ‘Blue Cloud’. See H 6in (15cm), S 8in (20cm). Leaves are
L. platyphyllum ‘Blue Cloud’. ovate and gray-green. In summer, short-
stalked, broadly funnel-shaped, bright


chrome-yellow flowers are produced LIRIOPE swollen, erect leaves that are separated lilac leaves with darker marks on convex,
in terminal clusters. Prefers alkaline upper surfaces. Fissure reaches from side
soil. Z5–8 Lilyturf on upper surface by a fissure from which to side only on mature plants. In late
L. grandiflorum ‘Rubrum’ illus. p.308. a daisylike flower emerges. Each pair of summer or early fall, bears a yellow flower.
L. narbonense. Clump-forming, short- ASPARAGACEAE old leaves splits and dries away to papery Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C). subsp.
lived perennial, best renewed frequently dendritica illus. p.495.
from seed. H 1–2ft (30–60cm), S 11⁄2ft (45cm). Genus of evergreen and semievergreen skin in spring to reveal a pair of new L. schwantesii illus. p.495.
Has lance-shaped, grayish-green leaves perennials with swollen, fleshy rhizomes. leaves growing at right angles to old ones. L. turbiniformis. See L. hookeri.
and heads of cup-shaped, pale to deep Some are grown as groundcover. Fully Slowly forms clumps after 3–5 years.
blue flowers in spring-summer. Z5–8 hardy to frost tender. Requires sun and Lithospermum diffusum. See
L. perenne illus. p.342. well-drained soil. Propagate by division Frost tender. Needs full sun and extremely Lithodora diffusa ‘Grace Ward’.
L. salsoloides. See L. suffruticosum in spring or by seed in fall. well-drained soil or gritty compost. Water
subsp. salsoloides. L. graminifolia var. densiflora. Lithospermum oleifolium. See
L. suffruticosum subsp. salsoloides, See L. muscari. regularly in growing season (midsummer Lithodora oleifolia.
syn. L. salsoloides. Perennial with L. muscari, syn. L. graminifolia var. to early fall), not at all in winter. Propagate
spreading, sometimes woody-based, stems. densiflora, L. platyphylla, illus. p.280. Lithospermum zahnii. See Lithodora
H 4in (10cm), S to 6in (15cm). Slender stems ‘Majestic’ is an evergreen, spreading, by seed in spring or summer. zahnii.
produce fine, heathlike, gray-green leaves rhizomatous perennial. H 1ft (30cm), S 45cm L. aucampiae. Egg-shaped, perennial
and, in summer, a succession of short-lived, (11⁄2ft). Has linear, glossy, green leaves and succulent. H 11⁄4in (3cm), S to 4in (10cm). Litsia glauca. See Neolitsia sericea.
saucer-shaped, pearl-white flowers, flushed spikes of thickly clustered, rounded-bell- Pairs of brown leaves have flat, upper Littonia modesta. See Gloriosa
blue or pink, in terminal clusters. Z5–8 shaped, violet flowers in late fall. Z6–10 surfaces bearing darker marks. Produces
L. platyphylla. See L. muscari. a yellow flower in late summer or early modesta.
Lippia citriodora. See Aloysia L. spicata. Evergreen, spreading, fall. Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C)
triphylla. rhizomatous perennial. H 10in (25cm), L. bella. See L. karasmontana subsp. bella. LIVISTONA L
S 18in (45cm). Grasslike, glossy, dark green L. bromfieldii. Egg-shaped, perennial
LIQUIDAMBAR leaves provide good groundcover. Bears succulent. H 5⁄8in (1.5cm), S 11⁄4–3in (3–8cm). ARECACEAE/PALMAE
spikes of rounded-bell-shaped, pale violet Slightly convex, upper surfaces of paired,
HAMAMELIDACEAE to white flowers in late summer. Z7–10 brown leaves have dark green windows Genus of evergreen palms, grown for
and red dots and lines. Produces a yellow their overall appearance. Bears clusters
Genus of deciduous trees, grown for their Lisianthus. See Eustoma. flower in late summer or early fall. of insignificant flowers in summer. Frost
maplelike foliage and fall color; flowers are Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C) tender. Needs full light or partial shade
inconspicuous. Fully hardy. Needs sun or LITHODORA L. dorotheae illus. p.491. and fertile, well-drained soil, ideally
partial shade and fertile, moist but well- L. fulleri. Egg-shaped, perennial neutral to acid. Water potted specimens
drained soil; grows poorly on shallow, BORAGINACEAE succulent. H and S 3⁄4in (2cm). Paired leaves moderately, less in winter. Propagate by
chalky soil. Propagate by softwood cuttings are dove-gray to brown-yellow. Convex, seed in spring at not less than 73°F (23°C).
in summer or seed in fall. Genus of evergreen subshrubs and shrubs, upper surfaces have sunken, darker marks. Red spider mite may be a nuisance on
L. acalycina ‘Burgundy Flush’. grown for their flowers. Excellent in rock In late summer or early fall, bears a white containerized plants.
Deciduous, broadly conical tree. H 50ft gardens. Fully to frost hardy. Needs full flower. Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C) L. australis (Australian cabbage palm,
(15m), S 30ft (10m). Has large, 3-lobed, sun and moist, well-drained soil; some hate L. hookeri, syn. L. turbiniformis. Egg- Gippsland fountain palm). Slow-growing,
toothed leaves, flushed burgundy-red when limestone and need acid soil. Resents root shaped, perennial succulent. H 1in (2.5cm), evergreen palm with a fairly slender trunk.
young, gradually fading to dark green. Z6–9 disturbance. Propagate by semiripe S to 6in (15cm) or more. Has a flattish, H to 80ft (25m), S to 15ft (5m). Has fan-
L. orientalis (Oriental sweet gum). Slow- cuttings in midsummer or seed in fall. upper surface with, usually, sunken, dark shaped leaves, 4–8ft (1.2–2.5m) wide,
growing, deciduous, bushy tree. H 20ft L. diffusa ‘Grace Ward’, syn. brown marks on paired, brown leaves. divided into narrow, slender-pointed,
(6m), S 12ft (4m). Small, 5-lobed, mid-green Lithospermum diffusum. Evergreen, Bears a yellow flower in late summer or glossy, green leaflets. Leaf stalks are
leaves turn vivid orange in fall. Z4–9 compact, semiprostrate shrub. H 6in early fall. Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C) spiny. Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C)
L. styraciflua (Sweet gum) illus. p.65. (15cm), S to 2ft (60cm). Trailing stems bear L. julii. Egg-shaped, perennial succulent. L. chinensis (Chinese fan palm, Chinese
‘Lane Roberts’ is a deciduous, broadly lance-shaped, hairy, dull green leaves. In H 11⁄4in (3cm), S indefinite. Has paired, fountain palm) illus. p.451.
conical to spreading tree. H 80ft (25m), early summer, bears terminal clusters of pearl- to pink-gray leaves, each with a
S 40ft (12m). Shoots usually have corky funnel-shaped, deep blue flowers. Needs slightly convex, darker-marked, upper LLOYDIA
ridges. Glossy, green leaves, each with 5 acid soil. Trim back after flowering. Z6–8. surface. In late summer or early fall, bears
lobes, turn deep reddish-purple in fall. ‘Heavenly Blue’ illus. p.343. a white flower. Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C) LILIACEAE
‘Slender Silhouette’, H 50–70ft L. oleifolia, syn. Lithospermum L. karasmontana illus. p.481. subsp.
(15–20m), is a narrowly columnar form oleifolium, illus. p.342. bella, syn. L. bella, is an egg-shaped, Genus of summer-flowering bulbs, grown
with lustrous, dark green leaves, turning L. zahnii, syn. Lithospermum zahnii. perennial succulent. H to 11⁄2in (4cm), for their small, graceful, bell-shaped
yellow and orange-red in fall. Evergreen, much-branched, upright shrub. S indefinite. Has pairs of brown to brown- flowers. Fully hardy. Not easy to grow.
‘Worplesdon’ has deeply lobed leaves, H 12in (30cm), S 16in (40cm) or more. Has yellow leaves with darker marks on convex, Requires partial shade and well-drained,
turning purple then orange-yellow ovate, hairy, dark green or grayish-green upper surfaces. Bears a white flower in late peaty soil; provide plenty of moisture in
in fall. Z6–10 leaves. Funnel-shaped, azure-blue flowers, summer or early fall. Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C) summer but, preferably, keep fairly dry in
with spreading lobes, open in succession L. lesliei. Egg-shaped, perennial winter. Propagate by seed in spring.
LIRIODENDRON from early spring to midsummer. Sets succulent. H 5⁄8in (1.5cm), S to 11⁄2in (4cm). L. graeca. See Gagea graeca.
buds and flowers intermittently until mid- Pairs of gray-green to buff to pale terra- L. serotina. Early summer-flowering
MAGNOLIACEAE fall. Prefers alkaline soil. Z8–10 cotta leaves have convex upper surfaces bulb. H 2–6in (5–15cm), S 1–2in (2.5–5cm).
with an olive green panel and transparent Wiry stems bear scattered, threadlike,
Genus of deciduous trees, grown for their LITHOPHRAGMA dots. Produces a yellow flower in late semierect leaves near stem base. Produces
foliage and flowers. The flowers are almost summer or early fall. Z10–11 (min. 41°F/ 1 or 2 bell-shaped, white flowers, 1⁄2–5⁄8in
hidden by the unusual leaves and are not SAXIFRAGACEAE 5°C). var. albinica illus. p.491. (1–1.5cm) long, with purple or purple-red
produced on young trees. Fully hardy. L. marmorata illus. p.489. veins. Z5–9
Needs sun or partial shade and deep, fertile, Genus of tuberous perennials, grown for L. olivacea. Egg-shaped, perennial
well-drained, preferably slightly acid, soil. their campionlike flowers. Dormant in succulent. H and S 3⁄4in (2cm). Paired, dark LOBELIA 627
Propagate species from seed in fall and summer. Fully hardy. Tolerates all but olive-green leaves have darker windows
selected forms by budding in late summer. deepest shade and prefers humus-rich, on convex, upper surfaces. Produces a CAMPANULACEAE
L. chinense (Chinese tulip tree). Fast- moist soil. Propagate by seed or division yellow flower in late summer or early fall.
growing, deciduous, spreading tree. H 80ft in spring or fall. Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C) Genus of annuals, perennials, and
(25m), S 40ft (12m). Bears large, deep L. parviflorum illus. p.332. L. otzeniana. Egg-shaped, perennial deciduous or evergreen shrubs, grown
green leaves, cut off at the tips and with a for their attractive flowers. Some are
deep lobe on each side; leaves become LITHOPS succulent. H 11⁄4in (3cm), S indefinite. suitable for wild gardens or by water.
yellow in fall. Bears cup-shaped, orange- Paired, gray-violet leaves each have a Fully hardy to frost tender. Prefers sun and
based, greenish-white flowers in Living stones, Stone plant moist but well-drained soil. Resents wet
midsummer. Z7–10 convex, upper surface with a light border conditions in winter; in cold areas some
L. tulipifera (Tulip tree) illus. p.60. AIZOACEAE and large, semitranslucent windows. perennials and shrubs are therefore best
‘Aureomarginatum’ illus. p.65. lifted in fall and placed in well-drained
Genus of prostrate, egg-shaped, perennial In late summer or early fall, bears a yellow compost in frames. Propagate annuals by
succulents, with almost united pairs of flower. Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C) seed in spring, perennial species by seed
L. pseudotruncatella. Egg-shaped, or division in spring, perennial cultivars by
perennial succulent. H and S to 11⁄4in division only, and shrubs by semiripe
(3cm). Has pairs of pale gray or blue to


L cuttings in summer. tContact with the green leaves. Performs best in a sheltered, Propagate by seed in fall or spring, by and also good as groundcover, although
milky sap of some species may irritate skin. sunny site with well-drained soil. Z5–8 semiripe cuttings in summer or by requires control if space is limited. Z4–9.
628 L. angulata. See Pratia angulata. L. ‘Vedrariensis’. See L. x speciosa hardwood cuttings in late fall. Aphids ‘Aureoreticulata’ (illus. p.207) has
L. cardinalis, syn. L. fulgens, L. splendens ‘Vedrariensis’. may be a problem. tThe berries may leaves attractively veined yellow.
(Cardinal flower), illus. p.439. ‘Bees L. ‘Will Scarlet’. See L. x speciosa ‘Will cause mild stomach upset if ingested. ‘Halliana’ is very vigorous, with pure
Flame’ is a short-lived, clump-forming Scarlet’. See also feature panel p.207. white flowers that age to dark yellow.
perennial. H 30in (75cm), S 9in (23cm). Has L. x americana, syn. L. x italica of L. ledebourii illus. p.136.
narrowly lance-shaped, fresh green leaves Lobivia. See Echinopsis except for: gardens, illus. p.206. L. ligustrina var. pileata illus. p.167.
and 2-lipped, bright crimson flowers in L. pygmaea for which see Rebutia L. x brownii (Scarlet trumpet var. yunnanensis (syn. L. nitida) is an
mid- and late summer. pygmaea. honeysuckle). Deciduous or semi- evergreen, bushy, dense shrub. H 6ft (2m),
‘Queen Victoria’ illus. p.248. Z4–9 evergreen, twining climber. H 12ft (4m). S 10ft (3m). Small, ovate, paired leaves are
L. erinus cultivars. Low-growing, LOBULARIA Has paired, ovate, blue-green leaves and glossy dark green, lighter beneath. Pairs
bushy or trailing perennials, grown as whorls of tubular, 2-lipped, orange to red of tiny, tubular, fragrant, creamy-white
annuals. H 4–9in (10–23cm), S 4–6in (10– BRASSICACEAE/CRUCIFERAE flowers in summer, sometimes followed by flowers are borne from the leaf axils in late
15cm). Tiny ovate to lance-shaped, toothed red berries. H5. ‘Dropmore Scarlet’ has spring, followed by glossy, purple-blue
leaves are mid- to dark green, or bronze- Genus of summer- and early fall-flowering long, trumpet-shaped, bright scarlet berries. Good for hedging. Z7–9. var.
flushed. From summer to fall, bears small annuals and perennials. Frost hardy. Grow flowers over a long period. yunnanensis ‘Baggesen’s Gold’ illus.
loose racemes of small tubular, 2-lipped, in sun and in fertile, well-drained soil. L. etrusca (Etruscan honeysuckle). p.167.
blue, violet, white, pink, red, or purple Deadhead to encourage continuous Deciduous or semievergreen, woody- L. maackii. Vigorous, deciduous, upright,
flowers, with white or yellow eyes and flowering. Ideal for containers and edging. stemmed, twining climber. H to 12ft 4m often treelike shrub. H and S 15ft (5m).
broad, fan-shaped, lower lips. Z10–11. Propagate by seed sown under glass in (12ft). Paired, ovate, mid-green leaves are Paired, ovate-lance-shaped leaves are dark
‘Cambridge Blue’, H 4in (10cm), is spring, or outdoors in late spring. May blue-green beneath, the upper pairs green. Fragrant, tubular, 2-lipped white
compact and has blue flowers. Cascade self-seed. united. In summer–fall, bears long, tubular, flowers, aging to yellow, are borne in pairs
Series, H 6in (15cm), are trailing, with L. maritima, syn. Alyssum maritimum 2-lipped, fragrant yellow flowers, flushed along the shoots in early summer, followed
carmine-red, violet-blue, blue, pink or (Sweet alyssum). Fast-growing, spreading red and darkening with age, followed by by dark red berries. Z3–8
white flowers. ‘Crystal Palace’ illus. annual. H 2–12in (5–30cm), S 8–12in (20– red berries. Grow in sun. H5. ‘Michael L. morrowii. Deciduous, spreading
p.315. Fountain Series, H 6–8in (15– 30cm). Has lance-shaped, grayish-green Rosse’ (illus. p. 207) has glaucous leaves shrub with arching branches. H 6ft (2m),
20cm), S 10–12in (25–30cm), are trailing, leaves and rounded heads of tiny, scented, and pale yellow flowers that deepen in S 10ft (3m). Has paired, ovate, dark green
with white, rose-pink, blue, or crimson 4-petaled, white flowers in summer. H3. color as they mature. ‘Superba’ (illus. leaves, purple-tinged when young. In late
flowers. ‘Lilac Fountain’ illus. p. 312. Clear Crystal Series, H 6–10in (15–25cm), p. 207) is vigorous, and bears large spring and early summer, bears small,
Regatta Series, H to 8in (20cm), are S 12–14in (30–35cm), are robust with clusters of cream flowers that turn orange. tubular, 5-lobed, creamy-white flowers,
trailing, bloom early, and bear blue, pink, narrow leaves and heads of tiny, 4-petaled, L. fragrantissima. Deciduous or semi- aging to yellow along the shoots, followed
crimson, or white flowers over a very white and lavender-blue flowers in evergreen, bushy, spreading shrub. H 6ft by red berries. Z7–9
long season. Riviera Series, H 4–6in summer–fall. ‘Rosie O’ Day’ illus. p.304. (2m), S 10ft (3m). Paired, ovate leaves are L. nitida. See L. ligustrina var.
(10–15cm), bear very early flowers in ‘Snow Crystals’ illus. p.298. dull, dark green above, blue-green beneath yunnanensis.
lilac-blue, sky-blue, or mottled blue with Snow PrinceSS (‘Inlbusnopr’), H 4–8in with bristly margins. Tubular, 2-lipped,very L. periclymenum (Common
picotee margins. ‘Sapphire’ illus. p.314. (10–20cm), S to 2ft (60cm), is vigorous and fragrant, creamy-white flowers open in honeysuckle, Woodbine). Vigorous,
L. ferruginea. See Centropogon trailing with white flowers. winter and early spring. Berries are dull deciduous, twining or scrambling climber.
ferrugineus. ‘Violet Queen’, H 8in (20cm), is bushy, red. H6 H 20–22ft (6–7m). Paired, ovate to oblong,
L. fulgens. See L. cardinalis. with profuse, fragrant, lilac-purple or deep L. ‘Gold Flame’. See L. x heckrottii mid-green leaves are glaucous beneath.
L. x gerardii ‘Vedrariensis’. See purple flowers. ‘Gold Flame’. From mid- to late summer, produces
L. x speciosa ‘Vedrariensis’. L. x heckrottii. Deciduous or semi- terminal whorls of long, tubular, 2-lipped,
L. oligophylla. See Hypsela reniformis. Loiseleuria procumbens. See almia evergreen, twining climber. H 15ft (5m). very fragrant, white to yellow, often red-
L. pedunculata. See Pratia pedunculata. procumbens. Ovate, dark green leaves are blue-green flushed flowers, followed by bright red
L. siphilitica illus. p.441. beneath, the upper pairs united. In berries. Z4–8. ‘Graham Thomas’ has
L. x speciosa ‘Dark Crusader’. Clump- LOMATIA summer, bears terminal whorls of tubular, cream flowers turning yellow, borne over
forming perennial. H 3ft (1m), S 1ft (30cm). 2-lipped, fragrant, pink flowers, orange- a long period. Serotina Group
From mid- to late summer, bears racemes PROTEACEAE yellow inside, sometimes followed by red (Late Dutch honeysuckle; illus. p.207) bears
of 2-lipped, dark red flowers above lance- berries. Z3–9. ‘Gold Flame’ (syn. L. ‘Gold creamy-white flowers streaked dark red-
shaped, fresh green or red-bronze leaves. Genus of evergreen shrubs and trees, Flame’) is more vigorous, with brighter purple. ‘Sweet Sue’ bears very fragrant,
Z5–8. Fan Series, H 20–24in (50–60cm), grown for their foliage and flowers, which colored flowers. creamy-white flowers that mature yellow.
S to 9in (23cm), have bronze-green or dark have 4 narrow, twisted petals. Frost hardy, L. henryi (illus. p.207). Evergreen or L. pileata. See L. ligustrina var. pileata.
green leaves and compact, dense racemes, but in cold areas needs shelter from strong semievergreen, woody-stemmed, twining L. x purpusii ‘Winter Beauty’ illus.
branching at the bases, of narrow-petalled winds. Needs sun or partial shade and climber. H to 30ft (10m). Has paired, p.163.
flowers in pink, deep carmine-pink, moist but well-drained, acid soil. Propagate narrowly ovate, glossy, dark green leaves. L. sempervirens (Coral honeysuckle;
scarlet, or deep red. Fan Series ‘Fan by softwood or semiripe cuttings in summer. Terminal or axillary whorls of tubular, illus. p.207). Evergreen or deciduous,
Scharlach’ is a selection with bright L. ferruginea. Evergreen, upright shrub 2-lipped, yellow-throated, purple-red woody-stemmed, twining climber. H 12ft
scarlet flowers. Kompliment Series, or tree. H 30ft (10m), S 15ft (5m). Stout, flowers are borne in summer–fall, followed (4m). Paired, ovate leaves, are dark green
H 30in (75cm) or more, S to 9in (23cm), brown-felted shoots bear oblong to ovate, by purple-black berries. Z7–9 above, blue-green beneath, the upper
have dark green leaves and long-stemmed, dark green leaves, deeply cut into 6–15 L. hildebrandiana (Giant Burmese pairs united. Tubular, flowers with 2 short
loose racemes of scarlet, deep red, or blue- oblong lobes. Racemes of yellow-and-red honeysuckle). Evergreen or semievergreen, lips, rich scarlet-orange outside, yellowish-
purple flowers. Kompliment Series flowers are borne in midsummer. Thrives woody-stemmed, twining climber. H 30ft orange inside, are borne in terminal
‘Kompliment Scharlach’ has large, outside only in mild, moist areas. Z8–9 (10m) or more. Paired, ovate or rounded whorls in summer–fall, followed by bright
bright scarlet flowers on unbranched leaves are dark green. Long, tubular, red berries. Z4–9
racemes. ‘Vedrariensis’ (syn. L. x LONICERA 2-lipped, very fragrant, creamy-white L. standishii. Deciduous or semi-
gerardii ‘Vedrariensis’, L. ‘Vedrariensis’) flowers, aging to orange, are borne at the evergreen, upright shrub. H and S 6ft (2m).
has dark green leaves, often suffused red, Honeysuckle end of branches in summer, followed by Paired, oblong-lance-shaped leaves are
and many-flowered racemes of violet- red berries. Grow in full sun. Z10–11 bristly, dark green. Bears tubular, 2-lipped,
purple flowers. ‘Will Scarlet’ (syn. L.‘Will CAPRIFOLIACEAE L. x italica of gardens. See L. x americana. fragrant, creamy-white flowers, sometimes
Scarlet’), H 3ft (90cm), S 1ft (30cm), has L. japonica (Japanese honeysuckle). tinged very pale pink in pairs along the
mid-green leaves suffused maroon and Genus of deciduous, semievergreen or Vigorous, evergreen or semievergreen, shoots from late fall to early spring,
racemes of bright blood-red flowers from evergreen shrubs and woody-stemmed, twining climber. H 30ft (10m). Has paired, followed by red berries. Z5–8
midsummer to early fall. twining climbers, grown mainly for their ovate, sometimes lobed, dark green leaves. L. tatarica illus. p.133. ‘Hack’s Red’
L. splendens. See L. cardinalis. flowers, which are often fragrant. Flowers From summer to early fall bears pairs of is a deciduous, bushy shrub. H and S 8ft
L. tupa. Clump-forming perennial. H 5–6ft are tubular, or funnel- to bell-shaped, with tubular, 2-lipped, very fragrant, white, (2.5m). Leaves are ovate and dark green.
(1.5–2m), S 3ft (1m). Bears large spikes of spreading, 2-lipped petal lobes. Climbers often purple-flushed flowers from the leaf Produces small, tubular, 5-lobed, dark
2-lipped, vivid brick-red flowers in late may be trained into large shrubs. Fully axils, followed by blue-black berries. Ideal purplish red flowers in late spring and early
summer, above narrowly ovate, hairy, light hardy to half hardy. Grows in any fertile, for hiding an unsightly fence, shed, or wall summer, followed by red berries. Z3–8
well-drained soil in sun or partial shade.
Prune out flowered wood of climbers
after flowering. Prune shrubs only to
remove dead shoots or restrain growth.


L. x tellmanniana. Deciduous, woody- LOPHOSTEMON spring. Propagate by seed in spring or leaves. Broad, leafy racemes of scented,
stemmed, twining climber. H 15ft (5m). by semiripe cuttings in summer. 4-petaled, white to light purple flowers in
Has paired, ovate, deep green leaves, MYRTACEAE L. grandifolia. Evergreen, rounded spring and early summer are followed by
blue-white beneath, the upper pairs to upright, robust shrub. H 12–20ft (4–6m), rounded, silvery, seed pods. Z5–9.
united. Bears terminal whorls of tubular, Genus of evergreen trees and shrubs, S 6–12ft (2–4m). Ovate, green leaves have ‘Variegata’ illus. p.306.
2-lipped, bright copper-orange flowers grown for their overall appearance when red veins and stalks. In summer, bears L. biennis. See L. annua.
from late spring to midsummer. Z5–9 mature and for shade. Related to Tristania terminal clusters of fragrant, tubular, white L. rediviva. Rosette-forming perennial.
L. tragophylla. Deciduous, woody- and Eucalyptus. Half hardy to frost tender. flowers, each 21⁄2in (6cm) long, with 5
stemmed, twining climber. H 20ft (6m). Needs sun or partial shade and fertile, rounded petal lobes. Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C) H 2–21⁄2ft (60–75cm), S 1ft (30cm). Bears
Paired, ovate to oblong, mid-green leaves well-drained soil. Other than shaping racemes of 4-petaled, lilac or white flowers
are blue-white beneath, the upper pairs plants in winter, pruning is seldom LUETKEA in spring, followed by elliptical, silvery
united. Long-tubed, 2-lipped, bright yellow necessary. Propagate by seed in spring or seed pods that are useful for indoor
or orange flowers, red-tinted above, are by semiripe cuttings in summer. ROSACEAE decoration. Has ovate, coarse, often
borne in large terminal whorls in mid- to L. confertus, syn. Tristania conferta. maroon-tinted, mid-green leaves. Z6–10
late summer, followed by red berries. Z5–9 (Brisbane box, Brush-box tree). Fast- Genus of one species of deciduous
L. x xylosteoides ‘Clavey’s Dwarf’. growing, evergreen, round-headed tree. subshrub, grown for its fluffy flower LUPINUS L
Deciduous, upright, dense, rounded shrub. H 30–50ft (10–15m), S 10–30ft (3–10m). Bears heads. Suitable for growing on banks and
H 5ft (1.5m), S 3ft (1m). Paired, ovate leaves lance-shaped, leathery, lustrous leaves. In in a rock garden. Fully hardy. Requires Lupin
are gray-green. Pairs of small, tubular, spring bears white flowers with prominent, a position in shade and well-drained but
2-lipped, white flowers are borne from the feathery stamen bundles. Z10–11 not too dry soil. Propagate by division or PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE
leaf axils in late spring and early summer, L. ‘Perth Gold’. Fast-growing, evergreen, by seed in spring.
then red berries. Good as a hedge. Z4–9 round-headed tree. H 30–50ft (10–15m), L. pectinata. Deciduous, spreading, Genus of annuals, perennials, and semi-
L. xylosteum (Fly honeysuckle) illus. p.131. S 10–30ft (3–10m). Produces lance-shaped, decumbent subshrub. H to 12in (30cm), evergreen shrubs, grown for their large
bright green leaves, strongly variegated S 8in (20cm). Stems are clothed in finely racemes of pealike flowers. Fully hardy to
Lophocereus schottii. See yellow. In spring bears white flowers with dissected, very dark green leaves. In half hardy. Prefers sun and well-drained
Pachycereus schottii. prominent, feathery stamen bundles. Z7–12 summer, produces has terminal racemes soil. Remove seed heads of most varieties
of small, fluffy, off-white flower heads. Z5–8 to prevent self-seeding. Propagate species
LOPHOMYRTUS LOROPETALUM by seed when fresh in fall; selected forms
LUMA by cuttings from non-flowering side-
MYRTACEAE HAMAMELIDACEAE shoots in spring or early summer. tThe
MYRTACEAE seeds may cause severe discomfort if
Genus of evergreen shrubs or small trees, Genus of evergreen shrubs or small trees, ingested. Aphids can be a problem.
grown for their flowers, foliage, and fruit. grown for their flowers. Frost hardy to Genus of evergreen shrubs and small L. arboreus (Tree lupin) illus. p.159.
Frost hardy to frost tender. Needs partial half hardy; needs min. 41°F (5°C) to flower trees, grown for their aromatic leaves and ‘Chelsea Blue’ is a fast-growing, semi-
shade and fertile, humus-rich, moist but well. Requires full light or partial shade and cup-shaped, white flowers. Frost hardy. evergreen shrub. H and S 6ft (2m). Bears
well-drained soil. Propagate by seed sown rich, well-drained, neutral to acidic soil. Grow in full sun or partial shade and hairy, gray-green leaves divided into 6–9
as soon as ripe or by semiripe cuttings Water containerized plants freely when fertile, ideally humus-rich, well-drained leaflets. Fragrant, pealike blue flowers are
in summer. in full growth, moderately at other times. soil. Propagate by seed in spring or by borne on upright spikes from late spring
L. bullata, syn. Myrtus bullata. Propagate by layering or seed in spring semiripe cuttings in late summer. into summer. Z5–7
Evergreen, upright shrub. H 10–25ft (3–8m), or by semiripe cuttings in late summer. See also feature panel p.78. L. Band of Nobles Series. Clump-
S 3–10ft (1–3m). Rounded, puckered leaves, L. chinense. Evergreen, rounded, L. apiculata, syn. Amomyrtus luma, forming perennials. H 36in (90cm), S 28in
bronze-purple when young, mature glossy, well-branched shrub. H and S 6ft (1.8m). Myrceugenia apiculata, Myrtus apiculata, (70cm). In early and midsummer, racemes
dark green. Produces saucer-shaped, Asymmetrically ovate leaves are deep M. luma (illus. p.78). Strong-growing, of flowers in white, yellow, pink, red, blue,
white flowers in late spring and early green. White flowers, each with 4 strap- evergreen shrub. H and S 30–50ft (10–15m). or bicolors (usually white or yellow in
summer, followed by egg-shaped, black- shaped petals, are borne in tufted, terminal Has peeling, golden-brown and gray- combination with another color) are borne
red fruits. Z10–11 clusters, mainly in winter–spring. Z8–11 white bark and cup-shaped flowers amid above palmate, deeply divided, mid-green
aromatic leaves in summer–fall. Z8–11. leaves. Z4–7. ‘Chandelier’ produces
LOPHOPHORA LOTUS ‘Glanleam Gold’ (syn. Amomyrtus bright yellow flowers. ‘My Castle’ bears
luma ‘Glanleam Gold’, Myrtus apiculata deep rose-pink flowers. ‘Noble Maiden’
Peyote PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE ‘Glanleam Gold’), H and S 10ft (3m), has produces creamy-white flowers. ‘The
stout stems, peeling, brown-and-white Chatelaine’ illus. p.232. ‘The Page’
CACTACEAE Genus of summer-flowering perennials, bark, and ovate, bright green leaves edged bears deep carmine-red flowers.
some of which are semievergreen, and with creamy-yellow. Bears slightly fragrant
Genus of very slow-growing, perennial evergreen subshrubs, grown for their flowers from midsummer to mid-fall. LURONIUM
cacti that resemble small, blue dumplings, foliage and flowers. Fully hardy to frost L. chequen, syn. Myrtus chequen.
with up to 10 ribs, each separated by tender. Prefers sun and well-drained soil. Strong growing upright-shrub or small ALISMATACEAE
an indented line. Has long tap roots. Propagate by softwood cuttings from tree. H 20ft (6m), S 15ft (5m). Has broadly
Flowering areoles each produce tufts of early to midsummer or by seed in fall or ovate, wavy-margined, aromatic, dark Genus of deciduous, perennial, marginal
short, white hairs. Frost tender. Needs spring. green leaves. In late summer and early fall, water plants and marsh plants, grown
sun and well-drained soil. Very prone to L. berthelotii (Coral gem) illus. p.306. produces cup-shaped white flowers singly for their foliage and flowers. Fully hardy.
rotting, so water lightly from spring to fall. L. hirsutus, syn. Dorycnium hirsutum or in small clusters followed by black Requires shallow water and full sun. Thin
Propagate by seed in spring or summer. (Hairy canary clover). Deciduous, upright berries. Z9–11 plants when overcrowded. Propagate in
L. echinata. See L. williamsii. subshrub. H and S to 2ft 60cm). Bears spring by seed or division.
L. lutea. See L. williamsii. silver-gray leaves with 3 ovate leaflets. LUNARIA L. natans, syn. Alisma natans (Floating
L. williamsii, syn. L. echinata, L. lutea Dense clusters of pealike, pink-tinged, water plantain). Deciduous, perennial,
Dumpling cactus, Mescal button), illus. white flowers in summer and early fall are Honesty marginal water plant. H 1–2in (2.5–5cm),
p.492. followed by oblong to ovoid, reddish- S 1ft (30cm). Produces small, elliptic to
brown seed pods. Z8–9 BRASSIACEAE/CRUCIFERAE lance-shaped, mid-green leaves and, in
LOPHOSPERMUM summer, small, 3-lobed, yellow-spotted,
LUCULIA Genus of annuals, biennials, and perennials, white flowers. Z5–9
PLANTAGINACEAE grown for their tall, open racemes of
RUBIACEAE cross-shaped flowers and their seed pods, LUZULA 629
Genus of deciduous and evergreen, which are good for dried arrangements.
perennial climbers and shrubs. Has Genus of deciduous and evergreen shrubs Fully hardy. Will grow in sun or shade, but Woodrush
triangular to rounded leaves and tubular and small trees, grown for their fragrant prefers partial shade and well-drained soil.
to funnel-shaped flowers. Frost hardy to flowers and large, prominently veined Propagate perennials by seed in fall or JUNCACEAE
frost tender. Needs sun and moist but well- leaves. Frost tender. Needs a position spring, or by division in spring, biennials
drained soil. Propagate by seed in spring in full light or partial shade and fertile, by seed only. Self-seeds prolifically. See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES,
or semiripe cuttings in late summer. well-drained soil. Water containerized L. annua, syn. L. biennis (Honesty). Fast- and SEDGES.
L. erubescens, syn. Asarina specimens freely when in full growth, growing, erect biennial. H 21⁄2ft (75cm), L. maxima. See L. sylvatica.
erubescens, Maurandya erubescens, moderately at other times. If container- S 1ft (30cm). Has ovate to heart-shaped, L. nivea (Snowy woodrush) illus. p.284.
illus. p.460. grown, cut back flowered stems hard in coarsely toothed, light to mid-green L. sylvatica, syn. L. maxima (Greater
woodrush). ‘Aureomarginata’ see L.s.
‘Marginata’. ‘Hohe Tatra’ illus. p.288.
‘Marginata’ (syn. L.s. ‘Aureomarginata’)


is a slow-growing, evergreen, spreading, LYCIANTHES rose-pink flowers, 4in (10cm) long, with LYSIMACHIA
rhizomatous, perennial grass. H to 1ft reflexed petal tips. Strap-shaped,
(30cm), S indefinite. Produces thick tufts SOLANACEAE semierect, basal leaves form after flowers. Loosestrife
of broad, hairy-edged, mid-green leaves, Z10–11
with white margins. Leafy stems bear Genus of perennials and shrubs grown PRIMULACEAE
terminal, open, brown flower spikes in mainly for their attractive flowers, also LYGODIUM
summer. Tolerates shade; suitable for sometimes for their colored or variegated Genus of summer-flowering, herbaceous,
woodland gardens. Z3–8 foliage. Commonly grown in containers LYGODIACEAE and evergreen perennials and shrubs,
for summer bedding; also good for suitable for the border or rock garden.
LYCASTE borders. Half hardy. Needs a sunny site in Genus of deciduous or semievergreen, Fully to frost tender. Prefers a sunny or
moist, but not wet, fertile soil. Propagate climbing ferns, usually with 2 kinds of partially shaded position and moist but
ORCHIDACEAE by semiripe cuttings in summer or by seed fronds: vegetative and fertile. Half hardy well-drained soil. Propagate by division
sown in fall or spring. to frost tender. Requires shade or partial in spring or by seed in fall.
See also ORCHIDS. L. rantonnetii, syn. Solanum rantonnei, shade and humus-rich, moist, peaty soil. L. ciliata ‘Firecracker’. Erect, clump-
L. cruenta (illus. p.467). Vigorous, S. rantonnetti (Blue potato bush). Lax, Best grown among shrubby plants that forming perennial. H 20–36in (50–90m),
deciduous, epiphytic orchid for a cool evergreen shrub. H and S 3–6ft (1–2m). can provide support. Plants grown under S 4–20in (10–50cm). Slender stems bear
greenhouse. H and S 11⁄2ft (45cm). Fragrant, Has ovate to lance-shaped, often wavy- glass in containers need support. Remove solitary or paired, slightly pendent, star-
triangular, green-and-yellow flowers, 2in margined, mid- to deep green leaves. faded fronds regularly. Propagate by shaped, yellow flowers, with small, reddish
(5cm) across, are produced singly in In summer and fall, bears clusters of division in spring or by fresh spores in brown centers, in summer. Ovate to lance-
spring. Has broadly ovate, ribbed, soft shallowly trumpet-shaped, dark blue to summer. shaped leaves are rich deep purple. Z3–8
leaves, to 1ft (30cm) long. Grow in partial violet-blue flowers, to 1in (2.5cm) across, L. japonicum (Japanese climbing fern). L. clethroides illus. p.437.
shade during summer and avoid spraying, with paler blue or yellow-tinged centers, Deciduous, climbing fern. H 6ft (2m), L. congestiflora ‘Outback Sunset’
which can mark leaves. Z11–12 (min. followed by ovoid red fruits. Z9–11. ‘Royal S indefinite. Mid-green fronds consist of illus. p.323.
52ºF/11ºC; max. 86ºF/30ºC) Robe’ illus. p.310. delicate, finger-shaped pinnae; fertile fronds L. ephemerum. Neat, clump-forming
are broader and 3–5 lobed, with a longer, perennial. H 3ft (90cm), S 1ft (30cm). Erect,
L LYCHNIS LYCIUM terminal lobe. Z11–12 (min. 41ºF/5ºC) terminal racemes of star-shaped, grayish-
white flowers are borne on slender stems
630 CARYOPHYLLACEAE SOLANACEAE LYONIA in summer, followed by light green seed
heads. Lance-shaped leaves are leathery
Genus of summer-flowering annuals, Genus of deciduous shrubs, sometimes ERICACEAE and glaucous. Z3–8
biennials, and perennials. Fully hardy. with long, scandent branches, grown for L. nummularia ‘Aurea’ (Golden
Require a wide range of soil-types, from their habit, flowers, and fruits. Useful for Genus of deciduous and evergreen shrubs, creeping Jenny) illus. p.372.
dry to wet, also sunny to partially shaded poor, dry soil and coastal gardens. May sometimes small trees, grown for their L. punctata (Garden loosestrife) illus. p.243.
positions. Propagate by division or seed be grown as a hedge. Fully hardy to frost racemes of urn-shaped flowers. Fully to
in fall or spring. tender. Prefers full sun and not too rich, frost hardy. Needs full or partial shade and LYSIONOTUS
L. ‘Abbotswood Rose’. See L. x walkeri well-drained soil. Remove dead wood in moist, peaty, acid soil. Propagate by
‘Abbotswood Rose’. winter and cut back to restrict growth if semiripe cuttings in summer. GESNERIACEAE
L. alpina, syn. Viscaria alpina (Alpine necessary. Cut back hedges hard in spring. L. ligustrina. Deciduous, bushy shrub.
catchfly). Tuft-forming perennial. H and Propagate by softwood cuttings in H and S 6ft (2m). Ovate, dark green leaves Genus of evergreen, creeping, shrubby
S to 6in (15cm). Has dense tufts of thick, summer, by seed in fall, or by hardwood set off dense racemes of globular urn- perennials, grown for their relatively large,
linear, deep green leaves. In summer, cuttings in winter. shaped, white flowers from mid- to late tubular, inflated, white to pink flowers.
sticky stems each bear a rounded head L. barbarum, syn. L. halimifolium summer. Z7–9 Half hardy. Requires humus-rich, moist
of pale to deep pink or, rarely, white (Chinese box thorn, Duke of Argyll’s tea- L. ovateifolia. Deciduous or semi- but well-drained soil in partial or full
flowers with spreading, frilled petals. tree). Deciduous, arching, often spiny shrub. evergreen, bushy shrub. H 10ft (3m), S 6ft shade. Propagate by cuttings in summer
Suits a rock garden. Z3–8 H 111⁄2ft (3.5m), S 15ft (5m). Lance-shaped (2m). Produces red shoots and ovate, dark or by seed in spring.
L. chalcedonica illus. p.235. leaves are bright green or gray-green. In green leaves. Racemes of urn-shaped, L. pauciflorus. Evergreen, suckering,
L. coeli-rosa. See Silene coeli-rosa. late spring and summer, produces funnel- white flowers are borne in late spring shrubby perennial. H 8–12in (20–30cm),
L. coronaria illus. p.268. ‘Alba’, shaped, purple or pink flowers, followed and early summer. Z6–8 S 20in (50cm). Erect, woody stems have
H 32in (80cm), S 18in (45cm), is a clump- by spherical, orange-red berries. Z5–9 ovate, toothed, rigid, leathery, dark green
forming perennial, often grown as a L. halimifolium. See L. barbarum. LYONOTHAMNUS leaves, 3⁄4–1¼in (2–3cm) long, and bear
biennial. From mid-to late summer, tubular, purple-striped, pale lilac flowers
produces white flowers in panicles LYCORIS ROSACEAE in summer–fall. Z10–11
on branched, gray stems, above gray
leaves. Z4–8 AMARYLLIDACEAE Genus of one species of evergreen tree, LYTHRUM
L. flos-jovis illus. p.265. grown for its foliage and flowers. Frost
L. x haageana, syn. L. x haagena. Genus of late summer- and early fall- hardy. Needs sun or partial shade, a warm, Loosestrife
Short-lived, clump-forming perennial. flowering bulbs with showy flower heads sheltered position, and fertile, well-drained
H 11⁄2ft (45cm), S 1ft (30cm). Clusters of on leafless stems. Frost hardy to half hardy; soil. Propagate by softwood cuttings in LYTHRACEAE
large, 5-petaled, white, orange, or red in cool areas is best grown in containers summer or by seed in fall.
flowers are borne in summer. Ovate or planted in greenhouse borders. Needs L. floribundus (Catalina ironwood). Genus of summer-flowering annuals and
leaves are mid-green. Best raised sun, well-drained soil, and a warm period subsp. aspleniifolius. Evergreen, perennials that thrive by the waterside and
regularly from seed. Z5–8 in summer to ripen bulbs so they flower. slender tree. H 40ft (12m), S 20ft (6m), has in bog gardens. Fully hardy. Grows in full
L. x haagena. See L. x haageana. Provide regular liquid feed while in rather stringy, reddish-brown bark and sun or partial shade and in moist or wet
L. viscaria. Clump-forming perennial. growth. After summer dormancy, water much divided, fernlike, dark green leaves. soil. Propagate cultivars by division in
H 1ft (30cm), S 1–11⁄2ft (30–45cm). from early fall until following summer, Large, flattened heads of 5-petaled, star- spring, species by seed, or division in
From early to midsummer, rather sticky, when foliage dies away. Propagate by seed shaped white flowers are produced in spring or fall. Some species have become
star-shaped, reddish-purple flowers are when ripe or in spring or summer or by early summer. Z8–10 noxious weeds in the US.
borne in dense clusters above narrowly off-sets in late summer. L. salicaria ‘Feuerkerze’, syn. L.s.
ovate to oblong, dark green leaves. L. aurea (Golden spider lily). Late LYSICHITON ‘Firecandle’, illus. p.234. ‘Firecandle’ see
Suitable for the front of a border or a summer- and early fall-flowering bulb. H to L.s. ‘Feuerkerze’. ‘Robert’ is a clump-
rock garden. Z5–8. ‘Splendens Plena’ 2ft (60cm), S to 8in (20cm). Produces a head ARACEAE forming perennial. H 3ft (90cm), S 11⁄2ft
illus. p.265. of 5 or 6 bright yellow flowers that have (45cm). Leaves are mid-green and lance-
L. x walkeri ‘Abbotswood Rose’, syn. narrow, reflexed petals, with very wavy Genus of deciduous, perennial, marginal shaped. Bears racemes of 4-petaled, clear
L. ‘Abbotswood Rose’. Neat, clump- margins, and conspicuous stamens. Strap- water plants and bog plants, grown for pink flowers from mid- to late summer. Z3–8
forming perennial. H 12–15in (30–38cm), shaped, semierect, basal leaves emerge their handsome spathes and very large, L. virgatum ‘Rose Queen’. Clump-
S 9in (23cm). Has ovate, gray leaves and after flowering. Z10–11 glossy foliage. Fully hardy. Prefers full sun, forming perennial. H 2ft (60cm), S 11⁄2ft
gray, branching stems that, from mid- L. radiata (Red spider lily) illus. p.410. but tolerates partial shade. Tolerates both (45cm). Racemes of 4-petaled, star-shaped,
to late summer, bear sprays of rounded, L. squamigera (Resurrection lily). Late still and running water. Propagate by seed light pink flowers are borne from mid- to
5-petaled, bright rose-pink flowers. Z6–9 summer- or early fall-flowering bulb. sown when fresh, in late summer. late summer above lance-shaped, hairless,
H 18–28in (45–70cm), S 1ft (30cm). Bears L. americanum. See L. americanus. mid-green leaves. Z3–8. ‘The Rocket’,
a head of 6–8 fragrant, funnel-shaped, L. americanus, syn. L. americanum, H 32in (80m), bears slender spikes of red
illus. p.444. flowers above mid-green leaves in summer.
L. camtschatcensis illus. p.434. Good for a waterside or bog garden.


M conditions, above 55°F (13°C), will flower green leaves that are sometimes 3-lobed. yellow flowers, 4in (10cm) or more across, M
into winter. Z11–12 (min. 50ºF/10ºC) Has small, rounded clusters of tiny, green tinged green at the bases, in spring. Z3–8
MAACKIA flowers in midsummer. (borderline) Z8–10 M. ‘Butterflies’ (illus. p.70). Deciduous, 631
MACLEANIA upright tree. H and S 10ft (3m). Has ovate,
PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE Macrotomia echioides. See Arnebia mid-green leaves. Goblet- to tulip-shaped,
ERICACEAE pulchra. bright deep yellow flowers, 4in (10cm)
Genus of deciduous, summer-flowering across or more, are borne in mid-spring
trees or shrubs, grown for their foliage Genus of evergreen, spring- to summer- MACROZAMIA opening widely as they mature to reveal
and flowers. Fully hardy. Requires full sun flowering shrubs and climbers, some orange-red stamens. Z3–8
and fertile, well-drained soil. Propagate by scrambling, grown for their flowers. Frost ZAMIACEAE M. ‘Caerhays Belle’. Spreading,
seed in fall or by greenwood cuttings in tender. Requires partial shade and humus- deciduous tree. H 30ft (10m), S 22ft (7m).
early or midsummer. rich, well-drained, acidic soil. Water potted Genus of slow-growing, evergreen shrubs Has ovate, mid-green leaves, tapering at
M. amurensis illus. p.85 specimens moderately, less when not in and small trees, with or without trunks, both ends. Bears large, cup-shaped, light
full growth. Shorten long shoots in winter grown for their palmlike appearance. salmon-pink flowers, to 1ft (30cm) across,
MACADAMIA or after flowering. Propagate by seed in Mature plants may produce conical, green paler inside, in early spring before the
spring, by semiripe cuttings in early flower spikes. Frost tender. Needs full light leaves. Red fruiting cones, like small
PROTEACEAE summer, or by layering in fall. or partial shade and well-drained soil. Water cucumbers, ripen in late summer. May
M. insignis. Evergreen, scrambling containerized plants moderately when in be damaged by spring frosts. Z6–9
Genus of evergreen trees, grown for their climber with erect, sparingly branched, full growth, less at other times. Propagate M. campbellii. Deciduous tree, upright
foliage and fruits. Frost tender. Prefers wandlike stems. H 10ft (3m), S 3–10ft (1–3m). by seed in spring. when young, later spreading. H 50ft (15m),
full light, though some shade is tolerated. Has ovate, leathery, deep green leaves, M. corallipes. See M. spiralis. S 30ft (10m). Bears large, slightly fragrant,
Provide humus-rich, moisture-retentive red-flushed when young. Tubular, waxy, M. spiralis, syn. M. corallipes. Evergreen, white, red, or pale to deep pink flowers,
but well-drained soil. Water freely while scarlet flowers, with white tips, hang in palmlike shrub with a very short, mainly to 1ft (30cm) across, on leafless branches
in full growth, moderately at other times. clusters in summer. Needs support. Z11–12 underground trunk. H and S 2–3ft from late winter to mid-spring on trees
Pruning is not usually necessary, but is (min. 10ºC/50ºF) (60cm–100m). Has a rosette of deep green 15–20 years old or more. Z7–10. ‘Charles
tolerated in fall. Propagate by seed when leaves, each with a spirally twisted midrib Raffill’ bears large, fragrant, cup-shaped,
ripe, in fall or in spring. MACLEAYA and very narrow, leathery leaflets. purplish-pink flowers on trees at least
M. integrifolia (Macadamia nut, Z11–12 (min. 50ºF/10ºC) 15 years old. Leaves are large, ovate and
Queensland nut). Spreading tree. H and Plume poppy mid-green. ‘Darjeeling’ has large, very
S 50ft (15m). Has whorls of leathery, semi- MAGNOLIA deep pink flowers. subsp. mollicomata
glossy leaves and edible, brown nuts in PAPAVERACEAE (illus. p.70) has lilac-pink flowers slightly
fall. Produces panicles of small, creamy- syn. MICHELIA earlier in the year.
yellow flowers in spring. Z11–12 (min. Genus of summer-flowering perennials, M. ‘Daphne’. Compact, upright,
50ºF/10ºC) grown for their flowers and foliage. Fully MAGNOLIACEAE deciduous shrub or small tree. H 15–22ft
hardy. Requires a position in sun and in (5–7m), S 6–10ft (2–3m). Has broadly ovate,
MACFADYENA well-drained soil. May spread rapidly. Genus of deciduous and evergreen trees pointed, mid-green leaves. In late spring,
Propagate by division in late fall or early and shrubs, grown for their showy flowers. bears deep yellow flowers, 4in (10cm)
syn. DOXANTHA spring or by root cuttings in winter. Leaves are mainly ovate. Fully to frost across; they are erect and held above
Cat’s claw vine M. cordata, syn. Bocconia cordata (Plume hardy. Flowers and buds of early-flowering the leaves at first, to avoid damaging
poppy). Rhizomatous perennial. H 5ft (1.5m) magnolias may be damaged by late frosts. frosts. Z5–10
BIGNONIACEAE or more, S 2ft (60cm) or more. Large, Needs sun or partial shade and shelter M. ‘Daybreak’. Floriferous, small to
rounded, lobed, gray-green leaves, gray- from strong winds. Prefers fertile, well- medium-sized, columnar tree. H 20–25ft
Genus of evergreen, woody-stemmed, white beneath, are produced at base of drained soil. M. delavayi, M. kobus, (6–8m), S 6–10ft (2–3m). Has large, ovate,
tendril climbers, grown for their foxglovelike plant and up lower parts of stems. Large, M. sieboldii and M. wilsonii grow on mid-green leaves. Large, upright, very
flowers. Frost hardy to frost tender. Any feathery panicles of dainty, creamy-white chalky soil. Other species prefer neutral fragrant, light rose-pink flowers, to 10in
fertile, well-drained soil is suitable with flowers are borne in summer. Z3–8. to acidic soil, but will grow in alkaline soil (25cm) across, deeper pink outside, are
full light. Water regularly, less when not M. x kewensis ‘Flamingo’. Rhizomatous if deep and humus-rich. Dry, sandy soils borne in late spring, with the emerging
in full growth. Provide support for stems. perennial. H to 8ft (2.5m), S 3ft (1m). Has should be generously enriched with leaves; flowers from an early age. Z5–8
Thin out crowded shoots after flowering large, rounded, lobed, gray-green leaves, manure and leaf mold before planting. M. delavayi. Evergreen, rounded, dense
or in spring. Propagate by semiripe cuttings gray-white beneath. Bears large, feathery Propagate species by semiripe cuttings shrub or tree. H and S 30ft (10m). Large,
in summer. panicles with pink buds and neat, buff-pink in summer or by seed, when ripe, in fall, slightly fragrant, bowl-shaped, parchment-
M. unguis-cati, syn. Bignonia unguis- flowers in summer. Z3–8 selected forms by semiripe cuttings in white flowers, to 8in (20cm) across are
cati, Doxantha unguis-cati (Common cat’s M. microcarpa ‘Kelway’s Coral summer, or grafting in winter. See also short-lived and open intermittently from
claw vine). Fast-growing, evergreen, Plume’ illus. p.216. feature pp.70–71. midsummer to early fall. Large, ovate
woody-stemmed, tendril climber. H 25–30ft M. acuminata (Cucumber tree). leaves are deep blue-green above and
(8–10m). Leaves have 2 leaflets and a MACLURA Vigorous, deciduous tree, conical when bluish-white beneath. Z7–10
tendril. Bears yellow flowers, 4in (10cm) young, later spreading. H 70ft (20m), S 30ft M. denudata, syn. M. heptapeta (Lily tree,
long, in late spring or early summer. Z9–11 MORACEAE (10m). In late spring and early summer, Yulan). Deciduous, spreading shrub or tree.
bears fragrant, cup-shaped, yellow-green H and S 30ft (10m). Bears profuse fragrant,
MACKAYA Genus of usually thorny, evergreen or or bluish-green flowers, to 31⁄2in (9cm) cup-shaped, white flowers, to 6in (15cm)
deciduous trees, shrubs, and climbers, across, amid large, ovate, pale green leaves. across, from mid- to late spring before
ACANTHACEAE with branches often reduced to spines. Flowers are followed by small, egg-shaped, ovate, mid-green leaves emerge. Z3–8
Grown for their foliage and unusual fruits; red or brown fruits. Z3–8 M. doltsopa, syn. Michelia doltsopa (illus.
Genus of one species of evergreen both male and female trees need to be M. ‘Athene’. Vigorous, deciduous, p.70). Evergreen, rounded tree. H 25–50ft
shrub, grown for its flowers and overall planted to obtain fruits. Fully hardy, but upright to spreading, early-flowering tree. (8–15m), S 15–30ft (5–10m). Has ovate,
appearance. Frost tender. Requires full young plants are susceptible to frost H 20ft (6m), S 15ft (5m). Has ovate, mid- glossy, dark green leaves, paler beneath,
light or partial shade and fertile, well- damage. Requires full sun and needs hot green leaves. In early to mid-spring, bears and fragrant, bowl-shaped, white to pale
drained soil. Water potted plants freely summers to thrive in cold areas. Grows large, cup-shaped, creamy-white flowers, yellow flowers, 3–4in (7–10cm) across, from
when in full growth, moderately at other in any but waterlogged soil. Propagate 8–12in (20–30cm) across, violet-pink at the spring to early summer. Z9–11
times. Pruning is tolerated in winter if by softwood cuttings in summer, by seed bases, with thick petals. Z6–8 M. ‘Elizabeth’ (illus. p.70). Small to
necessary. Propagate by seed in spring in fall, or by root cuttings in late winter. M. Black Tulip (‘Jurmag1’) (illus. p.70). medium-sized, deciduous, multi-stemmed
or by semiripe cuttings in summer. M. aurantiaca. See M. pomifera. Vigorous, deciduous, densely branched conical tree. H to 30ft (10m), S to 20ft (6m).
M. bella, syn. Asystasia bella. Evergreen, M. pomifera, syn. M. aurantiaca (Osage tree. H to 40ft (12m), S 20ft (6m). Produces In spring, produces cupped, fragrant,
erect then spreading, well-branched shrub. orange). Deciduous, rounded, spreading large, goblet-shaped, very dark wine- primrose-yellow flowers, to 6in (15cm)
H 3–12ft (1–4m), S 3–6ft (1–2m). Leaves are tree. H 50ft (15m), S 40ft (12m). Has spiny purple flowers, 8in (20cm) across or more, across, with red stamens. Ovate, dark
elliptic, slender-pointed, lustrous and deep shoots and ovate, dark green leaves that in early spring, before the large, ovate, green leaves, to 8in (20cm) long, are
green. Has spikes of narrowly funnel- turn yellow in fall. Tiny, cup-shaped, mid-green leaves unfold. Z5–9 coppery in color when they unfold in
shaped flowers, each with 5 large, flared, yellow flowers in summer are followed on M. x brooklynenesis ‘Yellow Bird’ spring. Z3–8
pale lilac petal lobes finely veined dark female trees by large, rounded, wrinkled, (illus. p.70). Variable, deciduous, upright,
purple, from spring to fall. In warm yellow-green fruits. Z5-9 slightly pyramidal tree. H 40ft (12m), S 20ft
M. tricuspidata, syn. Cudrania (6m). Has ovate, mid-green leaves and deep
tricuspidata. Deciduous, compact tree.
H 22ft (7m), S 20ft (6m). Bears ovate, dark


M M. ernestii, syn. Michelia wilsonii. Tall, flowers, emerge from velvet-brown buds. white flowers, to 4in (10cm) across, suffused hairy beneath, and clear deep pink flowers,
broadly conical, evergreen shrub or small (borderline) Z8–11. ‘Gail’s Favourite’ is purplish-pink at the bases. Z4–8 to 8in (20cm) across. ‘Lanhydrock’ is
632 tree. H 10m (30ft), S 5m (15ft). New green very free-flowering. M. quinquepeta. See M. liliiflora. taller, with deeper pink flowers.
shoots are downy. Ovate to lance-shaped, M. liliiflora, syn. M. quinquepeta. M. ‘Ricki’. Upright, deciduous shrub. M. stellata (Star magnolia; illus. p.70).
glossy leaves are grayish-white beneath. Deciduous, bushy shrub. H 10ft (3m), S 12ft H and S 12ft (4m). Goblet-shaped flowers, Deciduous, bushy then spreading shrub.
In spring, bears fragrant, fleshy, yellow (4m). Bears fragrant, upright, vase-shaped, to 6in (15cm) across, each with 15 twisted H 10ft (3m), S 12ft (4m). Fragrant, star-
flowers, 21⁄2–31⁄2in (6-9cm) across. Z9–11 purplish-pink flowers, to 3in (7cm) across, petals that are pink to dark purple-pink shaped flowers, 5in (12cm) across, with
M. figo, syn. Michelia figo. Evergreen, amid ovate, very dark green leaves, from at the bases, open from dark purple-pink many narrow petals open from silky buds
rounded shrub. H 10–20ft (3–6m), S 5–111⁄2ft mid-spring to midsummer. Z3–8. ‘Nigra’ buds in mid-spring. Leaves are broadly in early to mid-spring. Leaves are narrow
(1.5–3.5m). Has glossy, rich green leaves, (illus. p.70) has large, deep purple flowers. ovate and mid-green. Z3–8 and deep green. Z4–8. ‘Rosea’ has warm
paler beneath. From spring to summer, M. x loebneri ‘Donna’. Deciduous, M. salicifolia (Willow-leaved magnolia). pink buds that open pale pink. ‘Royal
bears banana-scented, white to yellowish- densely branched, roundish to spreading Deciduous, conical tree. H 30ft (10m), S 15ft Star’ (illus. p.70) has faintly pink buds and
green flowers, 11⁄4in (3cm) across, edged shrub. H 30ft (10m), S 22ft (7m). Mid-green (5m). Has aromatic, ovate leaves, mid-green white flowers. ‘Waterlily’ (illus. p.70) has
red or maroon. Z8–10 leaves are narrowly ovate. Pale pink buds above, gray-white beneath. Fragrant, pure large, white flowers with up to 32 petals.
M. fordiana, syn. Manglietia fordiana. open to large, fragrant, pure white flowers, white flowers, to 4in (10cm) across, open M. ‘Susan’ (illus. p.70). Upright, deciduous
Upright shrub or small tree, with a roundish 6–7in (15–18cm) across, before the leaves in mid-spring before foliage develops. Z3–8. shrub. H 12ft (4m), S 10ft (3m). Has ovate,
head. H 22ft (7m), S 20ft (6m). Long, narrow, in mid-spring. Z4–8. ‘Leonard Messel’ ‘Wada’s Memory’ (syn. M. x kewensis mid-green leaves. In mid-spring, narrowly
dark green leaves have sparse, rusty brown (illus. p.70) is more rounded in habit, with ‘Wada’s Memory’) has coppery-red young goblet-shaped, fragrant flowers, to 6in
hairs beneath. In early summer, red- abundant, fragrant, pale lilac-pink flowers. foliage and a profusion of large flowers (15cm) across, with slightly twisted petals,
flushed, gray-green buds open to wide, ‘Mag’s Pirouette’, H and S 8ft (2.5m), borne from mid- to late spring. purple-red outside and paler inside, open
creamy-white flowers, 5–51⁄2in (12–14cm) is small and fairly slow-growing, forming M. sargentiana. Deciduous, broadly from slender, dark red-purple buds. Z4–8
across, with maroon-red anthers. Z8–10 a densely branched, roundish shrub with conical tree. H 50ft (15m), S 30ft (10m). From M. tripetala (Elkwood, Umbrella tree).
M. ‘Galaxy’ (illus. p.70). Deciduous, conical gardenialike, pure white flowers, 2–4in mid- to late spring, bears large, fragrant, Deciduous, broadly conical, open tree.
(5–10cm) across. ‘Merrill’ has initially narrowly bowl-shaped, many-petaled H 30ft (10m), S 25ft (8m). Has large, dark
to upright tree. H 20ft (6m), S 10ft (3m). goblet-shaped, then star-shaped white flowers, 8in (20cm) across, white inside, green leaves, clustered around shoot tips,
flowers. ‘Wildcat’, H 10ft (3m), S 6ft (2m), purplish-pink outside, before ovate, dark and rather unpleasantly scented, creamy-
Large, slightly fragrant, narrowly goblet- is compact and upright. Bears double, green leaves emerge. Z6–10 white flowers, to 6in (15cm) across, with
white flowers, with up to 52 narrow M. sieboldii, syn. M. parviflora. Deciduous, narrow petals, in late spring and early
shaped, pinkish-purple flowers, 5in (12cm) petals, that open from soft-pink buds. arching, spreading shrub. H 25ft (8m), summer. Z4–8
M. ‘Lois’. Vigorous, deciduous, conical S 40ft (12m). Fragrant, cup-shaped, white M. x veitchii ‘Peter Veitch’. Fast-
across, purple-red outside, open from deep tree. H to 15m (50ft), S 10m (30ft). Broadly flowers, to 4in (10cm) across, with crimson growing, deciduous, spreading tree. H 70ft
ovate, bright green leaves turn copper- anthers, are held above ovate, dark green (20m), S 50ft (15m). Bears large, fragrant,
purple buds in early spring before ovate, bronze in fall. Fragrant, cup-shaped, showy, leaves from late spring to late summer. goblet-shaped, pale pink flowers, 6in (15cm)
pale lemon-yellow flowers open in mid- Z6–8. subsp. sinensis (syn. M. sinensis) long, fading to white at petal tips, in mid-
mid-green leaves emerge. Z3–8 spring with the emerging leaves. Flowers has slightly larger, pendent flowers and spring before leaves emerge. Leaves are
M. globosa. Deciduous, rounded shrub are smaller, but darker, than ‘Elizabeth’, more rounded, ovate leaves. purple-green when young, dark green
or tree. H and S 15ft (5m). Has large, ovate, and do not fade. Z4–8 M. sinensis. See. M. sieboldii subsp. when mature. Usually flowers within 10
glossy, dark green leaves and, in early M. macrophylla (Great-leaved magnolia, sinensis. years of planting. Z4–9
summer, fragrant, cup-shaped, creamy- Umbrella tree). Deciduous, broadly upright M. x soulangeana ‘Alba’ see M. x s. M. virginiana (Sweet bay). Deciduous
white flowers, to 5in (12cm) across, with tree, becoming rounded with age. H and ‘Alba Superba’. ‘Alba Superba’ (syn. or semievergreen, conical shrub or tree.
red anthers. Z6–10 S 30ft (10m). Has stout, blue-gray shoots M. x s. ‘Alba’) is a deciduous, rounded, H 28ft (9m), S 20ft (6m). Has very fragrant,
M. ‘Gold Star’. Fast-growing, upright, and very large, ovate, bright green leaves. upright shrub or small tree. H and S 20ft cup-shaped, creamy-white flowers, to 21⁄2in
deciduous shrub or small tree. H 20ft (6m), Large, fragrant, bowl-shaped, parchment- (6m). Produces large, fragrant, tuliplike, (6cm) across, from early summer to early
S 15ft (5m). Has ovate, mid-green leaves, white flowers, to 1ft (30cm) across, open in white flowers, 3–12in (8-30cm) across, fall. Oblong, glossy, mid- to dark green
reddish-bronze when young. Star-shaped, early summer. Z5–8 faintly flushed with pink at the bases, from leaves are bluish-white beneath. Z5–10
creamy-yellow flowers, to 4in (10cm) M. ‘Manchu Fan’. Vigorous, deciduous mid- to early spring, before mid- to dark M. x watsonii. See M. x wieseneri.
across, with strap-shaped petals, are borne shrub or tree. H 20ft (6m), S 15ft (5m). green leaves emerge. ‘Brozzonii’, H 25ft M. x wieseneri, syn. M. x watsonii.
before the leaves in mid-spring. Z5–8 Mid-green leaves are ovate. In late spring, (8m), S 20ft (6m), is treelike and bears Deciduous, spreading, open tree or shrub.
M. grandiflora (Bull bay). Evergreen, bears large, goblet-shaped, creamy-white large, purple-flushed, white flowers. H 25ft (8m), S 15ft (5m). Rounded, white
broadly conical or rounded, dense tree. flowers, to 5in (12cm) across, the inner ‘Etienne Soulange-Bodin’ has purple- buds open in late spring to early summer
H and S 30ft (10m). Bears large, very ones flushed purple-pink at the bases. Z3–8 flushed, white blooms. Flowers of to fragrant, creamy-white flowers, 6in
fragrant, bowl-shaped, white flowers, to M. maudiae, syn. Michelia maudiae. Tall, ‘Lennei’ are large, goblet-shaped, and (15cm) across, flushed pink outside and
10in (25cm) across, intermittently from upright, evergreen shrub or small tree. deep rose-purple. ‘Lennei Alba’ produces with crimson stamens. Z4–9
midsummer to early fall. Has oblong, H 30ft (10m), S 15ft (5m). Has ovate, deep ivory-white blooms. ‘Pickard’s M. wilsonii (illus. p.70). Spreading,
glossy, mid- to dark green leaves. Z6–10. green leaves, gray-green beneath. In early Schmetterling’ has distinctive, slender, deciduous shrub or small tree. H and S 20ft
‘Exmouth’ (illus. p.70) bears creamy- spring, bears fragrant, white flowers, to upright flower buds, opening to long, (6m). Has red-purple shoots and ovate to
white flowers and narrow, leathery leaves. 6in (15cm) across, stained pink at the narrow, creamy-white petals, stained lance-shaped, dark green leaves, felted
‘Kay Parris’ is fast-growing and free- bases, with pale purple stamens. Z7–10 wine-red outside. ‘Picture’, H 25ft (8m), red-brown beneath. In late spring to early
flowering over a long season, with pinkish S 20ft (6m), is vigorous, compact, and erect summer, bears pendent, cup-shaped, white
young leaves, quickly turning green above, M. ‘Milky Way’. Deciduous, vigorous, in habit, with large, deep reddish-purple flowers, to 4in (10cm) across, with crimson
orange-brown beneath. ‘Victoria’ has upright, open-branched tree. H 30ft (10m), flowers. ‘Rubra’ of gardens see M. x s. stamens. Z6–9
leaves that are rich rust-brown beneath. S 25ft (8m). Has variously ovate, mid-green ‘Rustica Rubra’. ‘Rustica Rubra’ (syn. M. ‘Yellow Lantern’. Deciduous,
M. ‘Heaven Scent’ illus. p.72. leaves, to 8in (20cm) long. Bears large, cup- M. x s. ‘Rubra’ of gardens; illus. p.70), has pyramidal to ovate-shaped tree with a
M. heptapeta. See M. denudata. and-saucer-shaped, creamy-white to white purplish-red flowers, suffused pink. Z4–9 single trunk. H 20–28ft (6–9m), S 10–15ft
M. hypoleuca.30Sfete M. obovata. flowers, to 10in (25cm) across, stained soft M. ‘Spectrum’ (illus. p.70). Large, (3–5m). Has large, ovate, dark green leaves.
M. insignis, syn. Manglietia insignis. pink at the bases, in mid-spring. Blooms eventually broadly pyramidal, deciduous In mid- to late spring, erect, tulip-shaped,
Evergreen, erect, then spreading tree. freely even when young. Z7–9 shrub or small tree. H 28ft (9m), S 22ft (7m). pale lemon flowers, 6–8in (15–20cm)
H 25–40ft (8–12m), S 10–15ft (3–5m). Leaves M. obovata, syn. M. hypoleuca (Japanese Has ovate, mid-green leaves. In mid-spring, across, faintly flushed pink at the bases,
are narrowly ovate, lustrous, dark green big-leaf magnolia). Vigorous, deciduous, sickle-shaped, reddish-purple flower buds are borne just before and with emerging
above, bluish-green beneath. In early upright tree. H 50ft (15m), S 30ft (10m). Bears open to deep rose-pink flowers, to 8in leaves. Z4–8
summer, bears solitary, cream-flushed, pink large, fragrant, pink-flushed, white or pale (20cm) across, paler inside. Z4–9
to carmine flowers, 3in (8cm) across. Z7–10 cream flowers, to 8in (20cm) across, with M. sprengeri. Deciduous, spreading tree. x MAHOBERBERIS
M. x kewensis ‘Wada’s Memory’. crimson stamens in early summer. Z3–8 H 50ft x (50ft), S 30ft (10m). In mid-spring,
See M. salicifolia ‘Wada’s Memory’. M. parviflora. See M. sieboldii. has fragrant, bowl-shaped, white flowers, BERBERIDACEAE
M. kobus. Deciduous, broadly conical tree. M. ‘Pegasus’. Deciduous shrub or multi- to 6in (15cm) across, sometimes fringed with
H 30ft (10m), S 25ft (8m). Profuse, fragrant, stemmed tree, initially vase-shaped, later red or pale pink, before ovate, dark green Hybrid genus (Berberis x Mahonia) of
pure white flowers, to 4in (10cm) across, spreading. H and S 20ft (6m). Has ovate, leaves appear. Z4–9. var. diva ‘Copeland evergreen shrubs, grown for their foliage,
open in mid-spring before small, slightly dark green leaves, pale green beneath. In Court’ is taller, with long leaves, silver- flowers and botanical interest. Fully hardy.
aromatic, dark green leaves emerge. Z3–8 spring, before and with the young leaves, Needs partial shade and fertile, well-
M. laevifolia, syn. Michelia yunnanensis. bears cup-shaped, creamy- or yellowish-
Dense, rounded, bushy evergreen shrub.
H and S 12ft (4m). Has ovate, semi-glossy,
dark green leaves, lightly downy beneath.
In mid- to late spring, fragrant, pure white


drained soil. Propagate by semiripe cuttings consist of wavy-edged, ovate leaflets, with MALOPE M. ‘Evereste’. Conical tree. H 22ft (7m), M
in late summer or fall. bristlelike teeth. Dense clusters of deep S 20ft (6m). Has ovate, sometimes lobed,
M. aquisargentii. Evergreen, upright, yellow flowers are borne from mid- to late MALVACEAE dark green leaves. White flowers are freely 633
densely leaved shrub. H and S 6ft (2m). spring, followed by blue-black berries. Z4–8 borne from red buds in late spring. Red-
Leaves are bright green, often with 3 M. ‘Undulata’. See M. x wagneri Genus of annuals and perennials, grown flushed, orange-yellow fruits follow. Z4–8
leaflets, some oblong and finely toothed, ‘Undulata’. for their showy flowers that are ideal for M. x floribunda (Japanese crab apple)
others holly-shaped. Terminal clusters of M. x wagneri ‘Pinnacle’, syn. cutting. Borderline hardy to fully hardy. illus. p.84.
berberislike, yellow flowers are sparsely M. aquifolium ‘Fascicularis’, M. pinnata of Grow in sun and in fertile, well-drained M. hupehensis (Hupeh crab) illus. p.69.
produced in early summer. Z5–9 gardens. Upright, evergreen shrub. H and soil. Propagate by seed sown outdoors in M. Jelly ing (‘Mattfru’). Compact,
S 5ft (1.5m). Has bronze young leaves, spring. Self-seeds freely. round-headed, small tree. H and S 12ft
MAHONIA maturing to bright green, with sharply M. trifida (Annual mallow) illus. p.305. (4m). Has broadly ovate, mid-green leaves.
toothed, dull to dark green leaflets. Dense Produces abundant, fragrant, pure white
BERBERIDACEAE clusters of yellow flowers open in spring, MALUS flowers in mid- to late spring. The
followed by white-frosted, blue-black attractive, orange-pink, roundish fruits
Genus of evergreen shrubs, grown for berries. Z5–8. ‘Undulata’ (syn. M. Apple, Crab apple persist until early winter. Self-fertile; used
their foliage, their often fragrant, rounded, ‘Undulata’) H and S 6ft (2m) has glossy, as a universal pollinator for orchard and
bell-shaped, yellow flowers, and, with the dark green leaves, each with hollylike, ROSACEAE other crab apples. Disease resistant and
tall species and cultivars, for their deeply wavy-edged leaflets that turn red-purple fruits are good for making jelly. Z4–8
fissured bark. Large mahonias are good in winter. Bears deep yellow flowers. Genus of deciduous, mainly spring- M. ‘John Downie’ illus. p.91.
specimen plants; low-growing ones are flowering trees and shrubs, grown for M. ‘Laura’. Slow-growing, columnar
excellent for groundcover. Fully hardy to MAIANTHEMUM their shallowly cup-shaped flowers, fruits, tree with erect branches. H 6ft (2m), S 2ft
frost tender. Prefers shade or partial shade foliage or fall color. Crab apples may be (0.6m). Has ovate, occasionally lobed
and fertile, well-drained, but not too dry, syn. SMILACINA used to make preserves. Fully hardy. leaves, dark purple when young, turning
soil. Propagate species by leaf-bud or False Solomon’s seal, May lily Prefers full sun, but tolerates partial shade; dark reddish-green with red veins by
semiripe cuttings in late summer to fall, or grows in any but waterlogged soil. In midsummer. Bears pink and white flowers
by seed in fall, selected forms by leaf-bud LILIACEAE/CONVALLARIACEAE winter, cut out dead or diseased wood in mid-spring, followed by long-lasting,
or semiripe cuttings only. and prune to maintain a balanced branch large, roundish, maroon-red fruits. Self-
M. aquifolium (Oregon grape) illus. p.148. Genus of perennials with extensive, clump- system. Propagate by budding in late fertile. Ideal for containers; fruits make
‘Apollo’ is a wide-spreading, low, stem- forming or spreading rhizomes, grown for summer or by grafting in midwinter. good jelly. Z4–8
rooting shrub. H 2ft (60cm), S 3ft (1m). Has their sprays of often scented flowers. Useful Trees are sometimes attacked by aphids, M. x moerlandsii ‘Profusion’. See
dark-green, divided leaves, with up to 9 as groundcover in woodlands and wild caterpillars, and red spider mite, and are M. ‘Profusion’.
spiny-toothed leaflets, that turn bronze in areas. Fully hardy to frost tender. Prefers susceptible to fireblight and apple scab. M. ‘Neville Copeman’, syn.
winter. Deep golden yellow flowers are a position in shade and humus-rich, moist, M. ‘Adirondack’, syn. M. AdmirAtion. M. x purpurea ‘Neville Copeman’.
borne in large, pyramidal clusters in spring. sandy, neutral to acidic soil. Propagate by Slow-growing, deciduous, narrowly upright Spreading tree. H and S 28ft (9m). Ovate,
Blue-black berries follow. ‘Fascicularis’ seed in fall or division in early spring. tree. H 12ft (4m), S 6ft (2m). Has ovate, dark green leaves are purplish-red when
see M. x wagneri ‘Pinnacle’. Z5-9 M. bifolium illus. p.348. leathery, dark green leaves. Carmine-red young. Single, dark purplish-pink flowers
M. bealei, syn. M. japonica Bealei Group. M. canadense. Vigorous, ground-cover, buds open to red-tinged, white flowers in are borne from mid- to late spring; these
Erect shrub with stout, upright branches. spreading perennial. H 10cm (4in), mid- to late spring, followed by small, long- are followed by rounded, orange-red to
H 6ft (2m), S 10ft (3m). Blue-green leaves S indefinite. Has pairs of large, upright, lasting, roundish, red fruits on red stalks. Z4–8 carmine crab apples. Z4–8
are divided into broad leaflets. From late ovate, glossy leaves. Slender stems bear M. AdmirAtion. See M. ‘Adirondack’. M. niedzwetskyana, syn. M. pumila var.
fall to early spring, bears fragrant, pale sprays of small, white flowers in early M. baccata (Siberian crab apple). niedzwetskyana. Spreading tree. H 20ft
yellow flowers in short, upright racemes, summer, followed by green mottled Deciduous, rounded tree. H and S 50ft (6m), S 25ft (8m). Ovate leaves are red
followed by blue-purple berries. Z5–9 berries that ripen to red. Z3–8 (15m). Has ovate, dark green leaves and when young, later purple. Produces
M. japonica illus. p.144. Bealei Group M. racemosum, syn. Smilacina produces a profusion of single, white clusters of single, deep reddish-purple
see M. bealei. racemosa (False spikenard), illus. p.223. flowers from mid- to late spring, followed flowers in late spring, then very large,
M. lomariifolia. See M. oiwakensis by tiny, rounded, red or yellow crab apples conical, reddish-purple crab apples. Z4–8
subsp. lomariifolia. MAIHUENIA in fall. H6. var. mandschurica M. prattii. Upright when young, later
M. x media ‘Buckland’ illus. p.118. (Manchurian crab apple) illus. p.69. spreading tree. H and S 30ft (10m). Ovate,
‘Charity’ illus. p.118. ‘Winter Sun’ is an CACTACEAE M. brevipes ‘Wedding Bouquet’. red-stalked, glossy, mid-green leaves
erect shrub. H to 15ft (5m), S to 12ft (4m). Deciduous, compact, wide-spreading tree become orange and red in fall. Single,
Has long leaves with 17–21 ovate to lance- Genus of slow-growing, summer-flowering, or shrub. H 10–12ft (3–4m), S 12–15ft (4–5m). white flowers in late spring are followed
shaped, spiny, dark green leaflets. Bears alpine cacti, clump-forming with age, with Has ovate to oblong, finely toothed, dark by small, rounded or egg-shaped, white-
bright yellow flowers in densely clustered, cylindrical or round stems. Half hardy. green leaves. Abundant clusters of saucer- flecked, red crab apples. Z4–8
arching racemes, from late fall to late Requires dappled shade or full sun and shaped, pure white flowers are borne in M. ‘Princeton Cardinal’ Vigorous,
winter. Z5–9 well-drained soil. Protect from winter rain. late spring, followed by roundish, bright spreading, small, tree. H and S 15–20ft
M. nepalensis ‘Cabaret’. See M. nitens Propagate by seed or stem cuttings in red fruits, which last into winter. Z4–8 (5–6m). Has broadly ovate, glossy leaves,
‘Cabaret’. spring or summer. M. ‘Butterball’ illus. p.92. purplish-red when young, maturing to
M. nitens ‘Cabaret’, syn. M. nepaulensis M. poeppigii illus. p.490. M. ‘Comptesse de Paris’. Small, dark green, reddish beneath. Bears vivid,
‘Cabaret’. Small, compact, freely broadly conical tree. H 15ft (5m), S 12ft (4m). pinkish-red flowers in early spring,
branching shrub. H 5ft (1.5m), S 4ft (1.2m). MALCOLMIA Has variable, wavy-margined, occasionally followed by small, round, purple fruits.
Glossy, ovate, dark green leaves have pairs lobed, mid-green leaves. Pure white flowers Disease resistant. Z4–8
of sparsely spined leaflets, each with a BRASSICACEAE/CRUCIFERAE open from pink buds in mid- to late spring, M. ‘Professor Sprenger’ illus. p.91.
triangular red stain at the base, which is followed by long-stalked, small, lemon- M. ‘Profusion’, syn. M. x moerlandsii
conspicuous in winter. Bears many small, Genus of spring- to fall-flowering annuals shaped, clear yellow fruits that remain on ‘Profusion’, illus. p.71.
deep yellow flowers with red outer petals and perennials. Frost hardy. Grow in sun branches to mid-winter. Z4–8 M. pumila var. niedzwetskyana. See
from midsummer to early fall. Z6–9 and in fertile, well-drained soil. Propagate M. bhutanica, syn. M. toringoides. M. niedzwetskyana.
M. oiwakensis subsp. lomariifolia, by seed sown outdoors in spring, summer Deciduous, spreading tree. H 25ft (8m), M. x purpurea ‘Neville Copeman.’ See
syn. M. lomariifolia. Evergreen, very or early fall. Self-seeds freely. S 30ft (10m). Ovate to lance-shaped, usually M. ‘Neville Copeman’.
upright shrub or small tree. H 10ft (3m), M. maritima (Virginian stock) illus. p.304. deeply lobed, glossy, mid-green leaves M. ‘Red Jade’. Weeping tree. H 12ft (4m),
S 6ft (2m). Large, dark green leaves each turn yellow in fall. Bears single, white S 20ft (6m). Ovate leaves are dark green.
have up to 41 narrow, hollylike, spiny MALEPHORA flowers in late spring, and rounded or egg- In late spring, bears single, white flowers,
leaflets. Fragrant, bright yellow flowers shaped, red-flushed, yellow crab apples in sometimes pale pink-flushed, then long-
are produced in dense, upright spikes AIZOACEAE fall. Z4–8 lasting, rounded to egg-shaped, red crab
from early fall to winter. Z6–9 M. coronaria ‘Charlottae’. Spreading apples. Z4–8
M. pinnata of gardens. See M. x wagneri Genus of prostrate to erect, woody-based, tree. H and S 28ft (9m). Broadly ovate, lobed M. x robusta. Vigorous, deciduous,
‘Pinnacle’. perennial succulents with semicylindrical or deeply toothed leaves are tinged red spreading tree. H 40ft (12m), S 30ft (10m).
M. repens. Evergreen, upright shrub, or bluntly 3-angled leaves. Frost tender. when young, then dark green, and turning Has ovate, dark green leaves. Bears
spreading by underground stems. H 1ft Star-shaped flowers open from late red and orange in fall. Semidouble, pale profuse, single, white or pink flowers
(30cm), S 6ft (2m). Blue-green leaves each summer to fall, in daytime. Needs sun and pink flowers open in late spring. Z4–8
very well-drained soil. Propagate by seed M. ‘Cowichan’ illus. p.90.
or stem cuttings in spring or summer.
M. crocea illus. p.496.


above ovate, dark green leaves in late slightly musk-scented leaves; lower ones Very variable, clump-forming, perennial (Chilean jasmine). Fast-growing, deciduous
spring. These are followed by long-lasting, heart-shaped, upper ones finely divided. In cactus. H 1ft (30cm), S 2ft (60cm). Gray- or semievergreen, woody-stemmed, twining
summer, bears axillary clusters of saucer- green stems have pronounced, angular, climber. H 15ft (5m) or more. Ovate leaves
rounded, yellow or red crab apples. Z4–8. shaped, white flowers. Z3–8 dark green tubercles with white spines of have heart-shaped bases. Clusters of
‘Red Sentinel’, H and S 22ft (7m), is variable length. Bears cream, pink, or red fragrant, white flowers open in summer to
broadly upright. Bears white flowers in Malvastrum capensis. See flowers, in spring and possibly again in early fall. Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C)
late spring, and long-lasting, yellow-flushed Anisodontea capensis. late summer. Z10–11 (min. 34°F/1°C) M. splendens, syn. Dipladenia splendens,
red, later glossy, dark red fruits. ‘Yellow M. microhelia illus. p.491. illus. p.460.
Siberian’ has white flowers, sometimes MALVAVISCUS M. plumosa illus. p.483. M. suaveolens. See M. laxa.
pink-tinged, and yellow crab apples. M. prolifera (Strawberry cactus). Clump- M. tweediana. See M. laxa.
M. ‘Royalty’ illus. p.84. MALVACEAE forming, perennial cactus. H 4in (10cm),
M. sargentii, syn. M. toringo subsp. S 1ft (30cm). Green stem have dense, MANDRAGORA
sargentii, illus. p.110. Genus of evergreen shrubs and trees, golden to white spines. Bears abundant,
M. x scheidekeri ‘Red Jade’. See grown for their flowers. Frost tender. cream or yellow flowers, 1–2cm (1⁄2–3⁄4in) Mandrake
M. ‘Red Jade’. Needs a site in full light and fertile, well- across, in summer, followed by edible red
M. sieboldii. See M. toringo. drained soil. Water containerized plants berries that taste like strawberries. Z10–11 SOLANACEAE
M. ‘Snowcloud’ illus. p.81. freely during growing season, moderately (min. 1°C/34°F)
M. ‘Sun Rival’. Semiweeping, umbrella- at other times. To maintain shape, flowered M. rhodantha. Spherical to columnar, Genus of rosetted perennials with large,
shaped, small tree, with arching branches. stems may be cut back hard in late winter. perennial cactus. H and S 2ft (60cm). Green deep, fleshy roots. Frost hardy. Requires a
H and S 10ft (3m). In mid-spring, clusters Propagate by seed in spring or by semiripe stem, branching from crown with age, is position in sun or partial shade, and deep,
of red buds open to white-tinged, pink cuttings in summer. Whitefly and red densely covered with white to brown and humus-rich, well-drained soil. Resents
flowers. Small, round, red fruits last into spider mite may be troublesome. yellow spines, often curved. In summer, being transplanted. Propagate by seed in
winter. Very attractive to bees and birds. M. arboreus (Sleepy mallow). Vigorous, produces purplish-pink flowers, 3⁄4in (2cm) fall. tAlkaloids in the plant may be
evergreen, rounded shrub. H to 12ft (4m) long. Z10–11 (min. 34°F/1°C) harmful if ingested.
Z4–8 or more, S 5–10ft (1.5–3m). Serrated, bright M. schiedeana. Solitary or clump- M. officinarum (Common mandrake,
M. toringo ‘Scarlett’. Small, round- green leaves are soft-haired. Has bright forming, perennial cactus. H 4in (10cm), Devil’s apple) illus. p.356.
headed tree. H and S 20–25ft (6–8m). Has red flowers with protruding stamens in S 1ft (30cm). The green stem is covered
handsome, deeply lobed leaves, which summer and fall. Z10–11 with short, feathery, yellow spines that MANETTIA
emerge wine-red and age to deep green, turn white. Produces cream flowers and
reddish beneath; fall color may vary from MAMMILLARIA narrow, red seed pods from summer to RUBIACEAE
yellow to orange and red. Bears abundant, fall. Z10–11 (min. 34°F/1°C)
mauve-pink flowers, followed by CACTACEAE M. sempervivi illus. p.484. Genus of evergreen perennials and
persistent, small, round, dark red fruits. M. vetula subsp. gracilis, syn. M. gracilis. woody-stemmed, twining climbers, grown
H6. subsp. sargentii see M. sargentii. Genus of spherical to cylindrical or Clump-forming, perennial cactus. H 2in for their small, showy flowers. Frost tender.
M. toringoides. See M. bhutanica. columnar cacti, grown for their funnel- (5cm), S 8in (20cm). Produces a columnar, Grow in humus-rich, well-drained soil,
M. transitoria. Deciduous, spreading, shaped flowers that develop mainly in green stem, densely covered with brown with partial shade in summer. Water
elegant tree. H 25ft (8m), S 30ft (10m). rings around the crowns. Flowers, offsets, and yellowish-white spines. From spring regularly, sparingly in low temperatures.
Oblong to deeply 3-lobed, mid-green and long, slender to spherical seed pods to summer, bears pale cream flowers, 1⁄2– Stems need support. Cut back if required
leaves turn yellow in fall. Produces grow between tubercles on a spiny, green 3⁄4in (1–2cm) across. Stem is shallow-rooted in spring. Propagate by softwood or
abundant, single, white flowers in late stem with extended areoles. Frost tender. and reroots readily. Z10–11 (min. 34°F/1°C). semiripe cuttings in summer. Whitefly is
Requires full sun and very well-drained var. fragilis, H 11⁄2in (4cm), is more fragile sometimes a problem.
M spring, followed by very small, pealike, soil. Keep completely dry in winter, and has off-white spines. M. bicolor. See M. luteorubra.
pale yellow crab apples. Z4–8 otherwise plants rot easily. Propagate by M. zeilmanniana (Rose pincushion) illus. M. cordifolia (Firecracker vine). Fast-
M. trilobata. Deciduous, conical tree. seed in late winter or early spring. p.486. growing, evergreen, soft-stemmed, twining
H 50ft (15m), S 22ft (7m). Has maplelike, M. bocasana (Snowball cactus) illus. p.480. climber. H 6ft (2m) or more. Has oblong,
lobed, glossy, bright green leaves that M. candida, syn. Mammilloydia candida Mammilloydia candida. See lance-shaped or narrowly heart-shaped,
often become brightly colored in fall. (Snowball cushion cactus). Slow-growing, Mammillaria candida. glossy leaves. Funnel-shaped, red flowers,
Bears single, white flowers in early solitary or clump-forming, perennial cactus. sometimes yellow-flushed on the lobes, are
summer, followed by small, rounded or H and S 6in (15cm). Columnar, green stem MANDEVILLA borne in small clusters in summer.
pear-shaped, red-flushed green fruits. is densely covered with short, stiff, white Z10–12 (min. 45°F/7°C)
spines. Bears white-edged, rose flowers, syn. DIPLADENIA M. inflata. See M. luteorubra.
Z4–8 1⁄2–3⁄4in (1–2cm) across, in spring. Water M. luteorubra, syn. M. bicolor, M. inflata
M. tschonoskii illus. p.77. sparingly in summer. Z10–11 APOCYNACEAE (Brazilian firecracker). Evergreen, fast-
M. ‘Van Eseltine’. Deciduous, upright (min. 41°F/5°C) growing, semiwoody-stemmed, twining
tree. H 20ft (6m), S 12ft (4m). Has ovate, M. centricirrha. See M. magnimamma. Genus of evergreen, semievergreen, or climber. H 6ft (2m). Has slightly sticky, hairy
dark green leaves. Bears double, pink M. conoidea. See Neolloydia conoidea. deciduous, woody-stemmed, twining stems and glossy leaves. Produces small,
flowers in late spring and rounded, red- M. dealbata. See M. haageana. climbers, with some perennials, grown for funnel-shaped, red flowers, with yellow
M. densispina. Slow-growing, solitary their large, trumpet-shaped flowers. Frost tips, in summer. Z10–12 (min. 45°F/7°C)
flushed, yellow crab apples in fall. Z4–8 perennial cactus. H and S 4in (10cm). tender. Grow in any well-drained soil, with
M. ‘Veitch’s Scarlet’ illus. p.89. Spherical or cylindrical, dark green stems light shade in summer. Water freely in full Manfreda maculosa. See Agave
M. x zumi ‘Calocarpa’. Upright, have white-woolly areoles with yellow or growth, sparingly at other times. Provide maculosa.
pyramidal to rounded tree. H 28ft (9m), pale brown radial spines and 5 or 6 reddish support; thin out and spur back congested
S 25ft (8m). Has ovate, often deeply lobed, brown, black-tipped centrals. From spring growth in early spring. Propagate by seed Manglietia. See Magnolia.
dark green leaves. White flowers open to summer, bears sulphur-yellow flowers, in spring or by semiripe cuttings in Manglietia fordiana. See Magnolia
from pink buds in late spring, followed by often with red-flushed outer petals, 3⁄4in summer. Whitefly and red spider mite may
long-lasting, cherrylike, red fruits. (2cm) long. Z10–11 (min. 34°F/1°C) cause problems. tContact with the sap fordiana.
M. elongata (Gold lace cactus) illus. may cause skin irritation, and all parts may Manglietia insignis. See Magnolia
Z4–8 p.494. cause mild stomach upset if ingested.
M. geminispina illus. p.480. M. x amabilis ‘Alice du Pont’, syn. insignis.
634 MALVA M. gracilis. See M. vetula subsp. gracilis. M. x amoena ‘Alice du Pont’, illus. p.461.
M. haageana, syn. M. dealbata. Spherical M. x amoena ‘Alice du Pont’. See MARANTA
Mallow to columnar, perennial cactus, offsetting M. x amabilis ‘Alice du Pont’.
from the base and sides. H 1ft (30cm), S 8in M. boliviensis, syn. Dipladenia MARANTACEAE
MALVACEAE (20cm). Spherical to cylindrical, mid-green boliviensis. Vigorous, evergreen, woody-
stems have short, thin, white radial spines stemmed, twining climber. H to 12ft (4m). Genus of evergreen, rhizomatous
Genus of annuals, biennials and free- and longer, black-tipped, red-brown centrals. Oblong, pointed leaves are lustrous green. perennials, grown for their distinctively
flowering, short-lived perennials. Fully Bears bright red flowers, 1⁄2in (1cm) across, Has large, trumpet-shaped, white flowers patterned, colored foliage. Frost tender.
hardy. Requires sun and fertile, moist but in spring. Z10–11 (min. 34°F/1°C) with gold eyes in small clusters in summer. Needs constant, high humidity and a
well-drained soil. Propagate species by M. hahniana (Old lady cactus) illus. p.479. Z10–12 (min. 50°F/10°C) shaded position away from drafts or wind.
seed in early spring or early summer, M. magnimamma, syn. M. centricirrha. M. laxa, syn. M. suaveolens, M. tweediana Grow in humus-rich, well-drained soil.
selected forms by cuttings from firm, basal Propagate by division or by stem cuttings
shoots in late spring or summer. These in spring.
shoots may be encouraged by cutting the M. leuconeura (Prayer plant).
plant back after first flowers have faded. ‘Erythroneura’ (syn. M.l. ‘Erythrophylla’;
M. moschata (Musk mallow) illus. p.232. Herringbone plant) illus. p.475.
f. alba is an upright, bushy, woody-based
perennial. H 3ft (90cm), S 2ft (60cm). Has


‘Erythrophylla’ see M.l. ‘Erythroneura’. or in pairs, in summer. Needs a position in mainly double, white, pink, violet, or yellow marked purple to dark reddish-brown
‘Kerchoveana’ (Rabbit’s tracks) illus. shade in summer. Z10–11 flowers. Ten Week Mixed cultivars, H 1ft outside, are borne singly beneath foliage
p.475. ‘Massangeana’ is an evergreen, (30cm), S to 10in (25cm), bear mainly in winter. Requires partial shade in summer.
short-stemmed perennial, branching at MATHIASELLA double flowers in shades of crimson, pink, Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C; max. 86°F/30°C)
the base. H and S 1ft (30cm). Each large, lavender-pink, purple, and white. Vintage M. porphyrostele, syn. Brasiliorchis
oblong, velvety, dark green leaf has a wide, APIACEAE Mixed is sturdy and branching, H 16in porphyrostele (illus. p.467). Evergreen,
irregular, pale midrib, white, lateral veins, Genus of one species of perennial, grown (40cm), S 1ft (30cm), bearing spikes of epiphytic orchid for a cool greenhouse.
is often purplish-green below; they stand for its umbels of bell-shaped, green single or double flowers in burgundy red, H 3in (8cm). Has narrowly ovate leaves, 3in
upright at night, but lie flat during the day. flowers. Fully hardy. Needs sun and soil copper orange, lavender, red, white, (8cm) long. Slightly fragrant, white- and
Small, white to mauve flowers are that is well-drained, especially in winter. yellow, and rich crimson pink. red-lipped, yellow flowers, with purple-
produced in slender, upright spikes year- M. bupleuroides ‘Green Dream’ M. longipetala subsp. bicornis, syn. striped throats, are borne singly in summer
round. Z12 (min. 59°F/15°C) illus. p.242. M. bicornis (Night-scented stock). Erect to and fall. Grow in good light in summer.
spreading, single-stemmed to branching Z10–11 (min. 50°F/10°C; max. 86°F/30°C)
Marginatocereus marginatus. See MATTEUCCIA annual. H 12–14in (30–35cm), S 9in (23cm). M. tenuifolia. Evergreen, epiphytic
Pachycereus marginatus. Has narrow, sometimes divided, gray- orchid for a cool greenhouse. H 6in (15cm).
ONOCLEACEAE green leaves. In summer, produces open Has narrowly ovate leaves, 6in (15cm)
MARGYRICARPUS spikes of pink, mauve, or purple flowers long. Fragrant, yellow flowers, heavily
Genus of deciduous, rhizomatous ferns. that are strongly fragrant at night. Z9–10 overlaid with red and with white lips, are
ROSACEAE Fully hardy. Prefers partial shade and borne singly throughout summer. Needs
moist soil. Remove faded fronds regularly MATUCANA good light in summer. Z11–12 (min.
Genus of dwarf, evergreen shrubs, grown and divide plants when crowded. 50ºF/10ºC; max. 86°F/30°C)
for their fruits. Good for rock gardens. Propagate by division in early spring. CACTACEAE
Frost hardy. Needs a sheltered, sunny M. orientalis. Deciduous, rhizomatous Maxillariella. See Maxillaria.
position and well-drained soil. Propagate fern. H and S to 3ft (1m). Has a “shuttlecock” Genus of low-growing, spherical to
by softwood cuttings in late spring or of sterile, arching, broadly ovate, divided shortly cylindrical, solitary to clustering, MAYTENUS M
early summer or by seed in fall. fronds, to 32in (80cm) long, light green perennial cacti, with thick, ribbed stems,
M. pinnatus, syn. M. setosus (Pearl berry). when young, becoming darker. Fertile, often with some spines, usually branching CELASTRACEAE
Evergreen, prostrate shrub. H 9–12in (23– erect, blackish-green fronds emerge from from the base. Solitary, narrowly funnel-
30cm), S 3ft (1m). Dark green leaves are the center of the plant in summer. Z4–8 shaped yellow, orange or red flowers Genus of evergreen trees and shrubs,
divided into linear, silky leaflets. In early M. struthiopteris (Ostrich-feather fern, are produced around the stem tips in grown for their neat foliage. Fully hardy to
summer, produces inconspicuous, green Ostrich fern) illus. p.443. summer. Frost tender. Needs full sun and frost tender, but needs shelter from strong,
flowers, then small, round, glossy, purple- very well-drained, slightly alkaline soil. cold winds when young. Requires sun or
tinted, white fruits. Z8–10 to Z9–11 MATTHIOLA Propagate by seed in spring or summer. partial shade and fertile, well-drained soil.
M. setosus. See M. pinnatus. M aurantiaca, syn. Oreocereus aurantiacus. Propagate by semiripe cuttings in summer
Gillyflower, Stock Very variable, spherical to shortly or by suckers in spring.
MARTYNIA cylindrical, perennial cactus. H 5in (12cm), M. boaria, syn. M. chilensis (Maiten).
BRASSICACEAE/CRUCIFERAE S 16in (40cm). Has a 16-ribbed stem and Evergreen, bushy-headed, elegant tree or
MARTYNIACEAE elongated areoles each bear up to 25 shrub. H 70ft (20m), S 25ft (8m). Produces
Genus of bushy, erect annuals, biennials, spines. Bears orange-red or orange-yellow narrowly ovate to lance-shaped, glossy,
Genus of annuals, grown for their tubular, and perennials, occasionally subshrubs. flowers in summer. Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C) dark green leaves on slender shoots, and
pale pink flowers and horned fruits. Half Flowers of most annual or biennial stocks M. haynei, syn. Oreocereus haynei. Slow- tiny, star-shaped, green flowers in late
hardy. Requires a sunny, sheltered site are highly scented and excellent for cutting. growing, spherical to columnar, perennial spring. Z7–10
and fertile, well-drained soil. Propagate Fully hardy to frost hardy. Grow in sun cactus. H 2ft (60cm), S 4in (10cm). Produces M. chilensis. See M. boaria.
by seed sown under glass in early spring. and in fertile, well-drained, ideally lime- a cylindrical, much-ribbed, grass-green
M. annua (Unicorn plant) illus. p.300. rich soil. Tall cultivars may need support. stem, densely covered with short, white or MAZUS
If grown as biennials outdoors, provide yellowish-brown spines. Bears orange-
MASDEVALLIA cloche protection in winter. For flowers brown, red, or purple-crimson flowers in PHRYMACEAE/SCROPHULARIACEAE
outdoors the same summer, sow seed of summer on plants more than 6in (15cm)
ORCHIDACEAE annuals under glass in early spring, or tall. Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C) Genus of annuals and creeping, spring-
outdoors in mid-spring. Sow seed of flowering perennials. Useful for rock
See also ORCHIDS. perennials under glass in spring or summer. MAURANDYA gardens and in paving. Borderline hardy
M. coccinea (illus. p.466). Evergreen, Propagate subshrubs by semiripe cuttings to fully hardy. Needs a sheltered, sunny
terrestrial orchid for a cool greenhouse. in summer. Prone to aphids, flea beetle, PLANTAGINACEAE/SCROPHULARIACEAE site and moist soil. Propagate by division
H 6in (15cm). Has oblong to lance-shaped club root, downy mildew, and botrytis. in spring or by seed in spring or fall.
leaves, to 8in (20cm) long. Bears white and M. bicornis. See M. longipetala subsp. Genus of twining, woody-based, perennial M. reptans illus. p.351.
yellow, red-orange, crimson, or purple- bicornis. climbers, grown against a wall or to cover
pink flowers, 3in (8cm) long, in summer. M. incana (Gillyflower, Stock). Fast- a trellis. Half hardy. Needs full sun and MECONOPSIS 635
Needs shade in summer. Z11–12 (min. growing, upright, bushy subshrub, or moderately fertile, moist but well-drained
52°F/11°C; max. 75°F/24°C) short-lived perennial, grown as an annual. soil. Propagate by seed in spring, or PAPAVERACEAE
M. infracta. Evergreen, epiphytic orchid H 1–2ft (30–60cm), S 1ft (30cm). Has lance- softwood cuttings in late spring.
for a cool greenhouse. H 6in (15cm). Has shaped, grayish-green leaves and, in M. barclayana, syn. Asarina barclayana. Genus of annuals, biennials, and deciduous
oblong to lance-shaped leaves, to 51⁄2in summer, scented, fragrant, mauve, purple, Evergreen, soft-stemmed climber, or evergreen perennials, some long-lived,
(14cm) long. Bears rounded, yellow- violet, pink, or white flowers borne in herbaceous in cold climates. H to 6ft (2m). some short-lived and others monocarpic
flushed, red to purplish-pink flowers, 2in spikes. (borderline) Z8–10. Cinderella Has angular, heart-shaped, hairless leaves. (dying after flowering), grown for their
(5cm) long, with taillike, greenish sepals, Series cultivars, H 8–10in (20–25cm), S to Trumpet-shaped, white, pink, or purple flowers. Fully hardy. Needs shade and, in
in summer. Requires a position in shade 10in (25cm), have double, dark blue-purple, flowers, each with a green or whitish warm areas, a cool position. Most prefer
from hot summer sun. Z11–12 (min. lavender-blue, red, rose-pink, silvery-blue, throat, 21⁄2–3in (6–7cm) long, are produced humus-rich, moist, neutral to acidic soil.
52°F/11°C; max. 75°F/24°C) or white flowers. Flowers of Excelsior from summer to fall. Z10–11 M. baileyi and M. ‘Crewdson Hybrid’
M. tovarensis (illus. p.466). Evergreen, Mammoth Column Series cultivars, M. erubescens. See Lophospermum tolerate more alkaline soil. Propagate
epiphytic orchid for a cool greenhouse. H to 30in (75cm), S to 1ft (30cm), are mostly erubescens. sterile perennial hybrids and perennial
H 6in (15cm). Has oblong to lance-shaped double, pink, red, pale blue, or white. species by division in late summer or early
leaves, to 6in (15cm) long. In winter, Giant Excelsior Mix illus. p.303 MAXILLARIA spring. Propagate fertile species and
milky-white flowers, 11⁄2in (4cm) long, Hot Cakes Mixed cultivars, S 6–8in (15– hybrids (which set viable seed) by seed in
with short-tailed sepals, singly or up to 20cm), are upright, with spikes of mainly syn. BRASILIORCHIS, MAXILLARIELLA spring. Division of perennial species and
3 to a stem. Grow in shade in summer. double, white, cream, pink, rose-pink, or cultivars is advisable every 3 years.
Z11–12 (min. 52°F/11°C; max. 75°F/24°C) purple flowers. Cultivars in Sentinel ORCHIDACEAE M. baileyi, syn. M. betonicifolia of
M. wageneriana (illus. p.467). Evergreen, Series, H to 30in (75cm), S to 1ft (30cm), gardens (Himalayan blue poppy, Tibetan
epiphytic orchid for a cool greenhouse. have double flowers in hues including See also ORCHIDS. blue poppy). Clump-forming, deciduous
H 3in (8cm). Narrowly ovate leaves are 4in white, pink, carmine-red, and light to dark M. picta, syn. Brasiliorchis picta. perennial. H 3–4ft (1–1.2m), S 11⁄2ft (45cm).
(10cm) long. Produces pale yellow flowers, blue. Sugar and Spice Mixed cultivars Evergreen, epiphytic orchid for a cool Oblong to ovate, hairy, mid-green leaves,
11⁄2in (4cm) long, with taillike sepals, singly are compact and bushy, with spikes of greenhouse. H 9in (23cm). Has one with heart-shaped bases, are produced in
narrowly ovate leaf, 6–9in (15–23cm) long.
Fragrant, deep yellow to white flowers,


M basal rosettes and in decreasing size up to lance-shaped, deeply lobed and cut, Frost hardy to frost tender. Needs full light MELIA
flowering stems. Bears clusters of cup- hairy, yellowish-green leaves. Z5–7 and well-drained soil, preferably without
636 shaped, bright blue, sometimes white or M. quintuplinervia (Harebell poppy). much nitrogen. Some species tolerate MELIACEAE
purple-blue, flowers in early summer. Z5–7. Mat-forming, deciduous perennial. waterlogged soils. Water containerized
var. alba (illus. p.218), H 4–5ft (1.2–1.5m), H 1–11⁄2ft (30–45cm), S 1ft (30cm). Cup- specimens moderately, less in low Genus of deciduous or semievergreen
S 11⁄2–2ft (45–60cm), has pure white flowers. shaped, nodding, lavender-blue flowers, temperatures. Propagate by seed in spring spring-flowering trees and shrubs, grown
M. betonicifolia of gardens. See deepening to purple at the bases, are borne or by semiripe cuttings in summer. for their foliage, flowers and fruits. Useful
M. baileyi. singly on hairy stems, from late spring to M. alternifolia (Tea tree). Large, bushy for very dry soil and does well in coastal
M. cambrica. See Papaver cambricum. late summer, above a dense mat of large, shrub or small tree. H 20ft (6m), S 12ft (4m). gardens in mild areas. Frost tender. Needs
M. x cookei ‘Old Rose’ (illus. p.218). oblong to lance-shaped, mid-green leaves. Has papery, gray-white bark and linear, a site in full sun; grows in any well-drained
Clump-forming, long-lived perennial. Seed is very difficult to germinate. Z5–7 smooth, mid-green leaves scattered soil. Propagate by seed in spring.
H 11⁄2ft (45cm), S 1ft (30cm). Produces irregularly or whorled on the stems. M. azedarach (Bead-tree, Persian lilac)
numerous pendent, cup-shaped, deep pink MEDICAGO In summer, bears small, white flowers in illus. p.71.
flowers in late spring and early summer. dense spikes, 11⁄4–2in (3–5cm) long,
Has basal rosettes of ovate to oblong, Medick followed by small, woody, cup-shaped MELIANTHUS
bristly, mid-green leaves. Does not fruits. Source of tea tree oil. Z9–11
produce viable seed. Z5–7 PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE M. armillaris (Bracelet honey myrtle). MELIANTHACEAE
M. Fertile Blue Group ‘Lingholm’ Evergreen, rounded, wiry-stemmed shrub
(illus. p.218). Clump-forming perennial. Genus of annuals, perennials, and or tree. H 10–20ft (3–6m), S 4–10ft (1.2–3m). Genus of evergreen shrubs, grown mainly
H 4–5ft (1.2–1.5m), S 11⁄2–2ft (45–60cm). evergreen shrubs, grown for their pealike Has needlelike, deep green leaves and, in for their foliage. Frost hardy to frost tender.
In early summer, bears clusters of shallow flowers. Very wind resistent; good in mild, summer, dense, bottlebrushlike clusters, Grow in a border or as specimen plants;
cup-shaped, sky-blue flowers. Has rosettes coastal areas. Fully hardy to frost hardy, 11⁄4–21⁄2in (3–6cm) long, each flower a small they are particularly well suited to coastal
of oblong to ovate to lance-shaped, slightly but in cold areas plant against a warm, brush of white stamens. Z10–11 gardens. Requires sun and fertile,
toothed, hairy, mid-green leaves. Divide sunny wall. Requires sun and well-drained M. hypericifolia. Evergreen, rounded well-drained soil. Water containerized
every 3 years to maintain vigor. Z5–7 soil. Cut out dead wood in spring. shrub or small tree. H and S 6–15ft (2–5m). specimens freely in summer, moderately at
M. grandis (Himalayan blue poppy; illus. Propagate shrubs by semiripe or softwood Leaves are oblong to ovate and mid- to other times. Long stems may be shortened
p.218). Erect perennial. H 3–5ft (1–1.5m), cuttings in summer, or by seed in fall or deep green above, paler beneath. Produces in early spring. Propagate by seed in
S 1ft (30cm). Has basal rosettes of oblong, spring; annuals and perennials by seed in crimson flowers, comprising a 3⁄4–1in spring or by greenwood cuttings in late
slightly toothed, hairy, mid-green leaves. fall or spring. (2–2.5cm) long brush of stamens of the spring or early summer. Red spider mite
In early summer, stout stems bear slightly M. arborea (Moon trefoil). Evergreen, same color, from spring to summer, mainly may be troublesome.
nodding, cup-shaped, deep blue flowers. Z5–7 bushy, dense shrub. H and S 6ft (2m). Bears in bottlebrushlike spikes, 11⁄2–3in M. major (Honeybush) illus. p.145.
M. Infertile Blue Group ‘Crewdson clusters of small, pealike, yellow flowers (4–8cm) long. Z9–11
Hybrid’ (illus. p.218). Clump-forming, from mid-spring to early fall, followed by M. squarrosa (Scented paperbark). MELICA
long-lived perennial. H 3–4ft (1–1.2m), curious, flattened, snaillike, green, then Evergreen, erect, wiry-stemmed shrub
S 11⁄2–2ft (45–60cm). In early summer brown seed pods. Has dark green leaves, or tree. H 10–20ft (3–6m), S 6–12ft (2–4m). Melick
bears clusters of funnel- to cup-shaped, each with 3 narrowly triangular leaflets Has tiny, ovate, deep green leaves. Bears
clear deep blue flowers. Has rosettes of that are silky-haired when young. Z4–10 11⁄2in (4cm) long spikes of scented flowers, POACEAE/GRAMINEAE
oblong, hairy, mid-green leaves with a each comprising a tiny brush of cream
brownish tinge and scalloped edges. Z5–7 MEDINILLA stamens, in late spring and summer. Z9–11 See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES,
M. Infertile Blue Group ‘Slieve and SEDGES.
Donard’ (illus. p.218). Clump-forming, MELASTOMATACEAE MELAMPODIUM M. altissima (Siberian melic). Evergreen,
long-lived perennial. H 4–5ft (1.2–1.5m), tuft-forming, perennial grass. H 2ft (60cm),
S 11⁄2–2ft (45–60cm). In early summer, Genus of evergreen shrubs and scrambling ASTERACEAE S 8in (20cm). Produces slender stems and
bears clusters of shallow, cup-shaped, climbers, some epiphytic, grown for their pointed, linear, pale to mid-green leaves,
sky-blue flowers. Has rosettes of oblong flowers and foliage. Frost tender. Needs Genus of perennials useful for hanging rough beneath, 4–9in (10–23cm) long. In
to ovate, hairy, mid-green leaves with partial shade and humus-rich, well-drained baskets, containers, and summer bedding. summer, pendent, green spikelets are
marginal teeth absent or very few and soil. Water potted plants freely when in Frost-tender. Prefers full sun in well- produced in narrow, erect, one-sided
tiny. Fertile seed is not produced. Z5–7 full growth, moderately at other times. drained soil. Propagate by seed in situ in panicles, 4–10in (10–25cm) long with
M. integrifolia. Monocarpic, deciduous Propagate by greenwood cuttings in spring spring or early fall. densely flowered tips. Z4–8.
perennial. H 11⁄2–2ft (45–60cm), S 2ft (60cm). or summer. M. montanum Aztec Gold (‘Starbini’), ‘Atropurpurea’ illus. p.286.
Bears spikes of large, cup-shaped, pale M. magnifica illus. p.455. syn. Sanvitalia Aztec Gold of gardens.
yellow flowers from late spring to Trailing perennial. H to 5in (12cm). Dark MELICYTUS
midsummer. Has rosettes of large, linear MEEHANIA reddish-brown stems carry paired mid-
to oblong, hairy, pale green leaves. Z5–7 green, lance-shaped leaves with bristly syn. HYMENANTHERA
M. George Sherriff Group ‘Jimmy LAMIACEAE/LABIATAE upper surfaces. From early summer to
Bayne’ (illus. p.218). Rhizomatous, long- early fall, bears small, bright yellow, VIOLACEAE
lived perennial. H to 5ft (1.5m), S 11⁄2–2ft Genus of clump-forming perennials with daisylike flowers at the stem tips. Z8–11
(45–60cm). In early summer, bears clusters creeping stems, grown mainly as Genus of evergreen or semievergreen
of shallowly bowl-shaped flowers, deep groundcover. Fully hardy. Prefers shade MELASTOMA shrubs, grown for their overall appearance
blue or with a purplish tinge. Has rosettes and well-drained, but not dry, humus-rich and ornamental fruits. Borderline fully
of ovate to lance-shaped, hairy, mid-green soil. May be propagated by seed, division, MELASTOMATACEAE hardy to frost tender. Requires a position
leaves, edged with rounded teeth. Z5–7 or stem cuttings in spring. in full light or partial shade and in well-
M. ‘Marit’ (illus. p.218). Clump-forming, M. urticifolia. Clump-forming, Genus of evergreen, mainly summer- drained soil. Needs long, hot summers to
long-lived perennial. H 4–5ft (1.2–1.5m), spreading perennial with long, creeping, flowering shrubs and trees, and a few flower and fruit well. Water potted plants
S 11⁄2–2ft (45–60cm). In early summer, bears leafy stems. H to 1ft (30cm), S indefinite. perennials, grown for their flowers and moderately, less in winter. Pruning is
clusters of cup-shaped, white to pale Ovate to triangular, toothed leaves are foliage. Frost tender. Requires full light or tolerated if required. Propagate by seed
creamy-white flowers. Has rosettes of 4in (10cm) or more long on creeping partial shade and fertile, well-drained soil. in spring or semiripe cuttings in summer.
oblong to lance-shaped, hairy, mid-green stems—smaller on flowering stems. Water containerized specimens freely in M. crassifolius, syn. Hymenanthera
leaves with regular and neatly toothed Whorls of fragrant, 2-lipped, purplish-blue full growth, moderately at other times. crassifolia. Evergreen, densely twiggy
edges. Divide every 3 years to maintain flowers, to 2in (5cm) long, are borne in Pruning is tolerated in late winter if needed. shrub of irregular outline. H and S to 4ft
vigor. Seed is not produced. Z5–7 erect spikes in late spring and early Propagate by seed in spring or softwood (1.2m). Bears narrowly ovate to oblong,
M. napaulensis of gardens (illus. p.218). summer. Z4–8 or greenwood cuttings in summer. leathery, mid-green leaves. Bears tiny,
Clump-forming, short-lived perennial that Whitefly and red spider mite may cause bell-shaped, 5-petaled, yellow flowers in
dies after flowering. H 5ft (1.5m), S 2ft Megasea. See Bergenia. problems. late spring and early summer, followed
(60cm). Produces sprays of nodding, M. candidum. Evergreen, rounded, by egg-shaped, purple fruits. Z5–9
shallowly cup-shaped, yellow, pink, red, MELALEUCA bristly-stemmed shrub. H and S 3–6ft M. ramiflorus (Mahoe, Whiteywood).
or white flowers from late spring to (1–2m). Has ovate, leathery, bristly leaves Evergreen, spreading shrub or tree.
midsummer. Bears large rosettes of oblong Paperbark and bears profuse small, terminal clusters H and S 20–30ft (6–10m). Bark is grayish-
of fragrant, 5–7-petaled, white or pink white. Has lance-shaped, bluntly serrated,
MYRTACEAE flowers in summer. Z11-12 (min. 55°F/13°C) bright green leaves. In summer, bears
small, rounded, greenish flowers in axillary
Genus of evergreen, spring- and summer- clusters, followed by tiny, violet to purple-
flowering trees and shrubs, grown for blue berries. Z9–11
their flowers and overall appearance.


MELINIS M. intortus, syn. M. communis (Melon Suitable for a rock garden or paved path. 1 or 2 upright, funnel-shaped, purple to
cactus), illus. p.494. Needs shade and moist soil. Z4-9 red-purple flowers, sometimes with white
syn. RHYNCHELYTRUM M. matanzanus, syn. M. actinacanthus. M. rotundifolia of gardens. See M. bases. Z5–9
Spherical, perennial cactus. H and S 4in suaveolens.
POACEAE/GRAMINEAE (10cm). Dark green stem has neat, short M. spicata, syn. M. viridis (Spearmint). M. pyrenaica. See M. montana.
spines and develops a woolly crown about Spreading perennial. H to 3ft (1m), M. raddeana. See M. trigyna.
See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES, 5 years from seed. In summer, produces S indefinite. Aromatic, lance-shaped to M. trigyna, syn. Colchicum trigynum,
and SEDGES. pink flowers, 1⁄2in (1cm) across. Z12 (min. ovate, toothed, bright green leaves, are M. caucasica, M. eichleri, M. raddeana.
M. repens, syn. Rhynchelytrum repens, 61°F/16°C) sometimes hairy beneath. In summer, Spring-flowering bulb. H and S 2in (5cm).
R. roseum (Natal grass). Tuft-forming, M. oaxacensis. See M. curvispinus. bears dense, cylindrical spikes of whorls Produces linear to lance-shaped leaves,
annual or short-lived perennial grass. of tiny, pink, lilac, or white flowers. Z3–7. to 7in (17cm) long, at the same time as
H 18–48in (45–120cm), S 24–36in (60– MENISPERMUM ‘Moroccan’ (Moroccan mint), H 16in 1–3 funnel-shaped, purple-pink to white
100cm). Leaves are mid-green, flat, and (40cm), has very aromatic, mid-green leaves.
finely pointed. Produces loose panicles of Moonseed ‘Tashkent’, H 32in (80cm), has ovate, flowers, with narrow petals. Z4–9
awned, bright purple to rose-red spikelets strongly aromatic leaves; rust resistant.
from midsummer to early fall. Z10–11 MENISPERMACEAE M. suaveolens, syn. M. rotundifolia of MERREMIA
gardens (Apple mint). ‘Variegata’
MELIOSMA Genus of deciduous, sometimes semiwoody, (Variegated apple mint) illus. p.274. CONVOLVULACEAE
twining, suckering climbers, grown for M. viridis. See M. spicata.
SABIACEAE/MELIOSMACEAE their attractive fruits that each contain a Genus of deciduous, sometimes evergreen,
crescent-shaped seed—hence the common MENTZELIA woody, twining climbers, grown for their
Genus of evergreen and deciduous trees name. Male and female flowers are borne flowers and fruits. Frost tender. Prefers
and shrubs, grown for their habit, foliage, on separate plants; to produce fruits, Starflower fertile, well-drained soil and full light.
and flowers (which are not produced plants of both sexes must be grown. Fully Water moderately, much less when not in
reliably). Fully hardy to frost hardy. Prefers hardy. Grow in sun and in any well-drained LOASACEAE full growth. Provide support. Thin out
full sun and deep, fertile, well-drained soil. soil. Propagate by seed in fall or suckers in congested stems during spring. Propagate
Propagate by seed in fall. fall or spring. tFruits may cause severe Genus of hairy, spreading to erect, freely by seed in spring. Red spider mite may be
M. oldhamii. See M. pinnata var. oldhamii. discomfort if ingested. branching, annuals, biennials, perennials, a problem.
M. pinnata var. oldhamii, syn. M. canadense (Canada moonseed, and evergreen subshrubs. Fully hardy to M. tuberosa, syn. Ipomoea tuberosa,
M. oldhamii. Deciduous, stout-branched Yellow parilla). Vigorous, deciduous, frost tender. Requires sun and fertile, very Operculina tuberosa (Spanish morning
tree, upright when young, spreading usually woody-stemmed, twining climber, well-drained soil; tender species are best glory, Wood rose, Yellow morning glory).
when mature. H 30ft (10m), S 20ft (6m). producing a dense tangle of stems and grown in pots under glass. Propagate by Fast-growing, evergreen, twining climber.
Has very large, dark green leaves divided spreading by underground suckers. H to seed in spring; shrubs also by semiripe H 20ft (6m) or more. Leaves have 5-7
into 5–13 ovate leaflets. Bears large 15ft (5m). Ovate to heart-shaped, rounded cuttings in summer. lobes. In summer, bears funnel-shaped,
clusters of small, fragrant, star-shaped, leaves are usually 3–7-lobed. Has small, M. lindleyi, syn. Bartonia aurea (Blazing yellow flowers, followed by semiwoody,
white flowers in early summer. Z8–10 cup-shaped, greenish-yellow flowers star). Fairly fast-growing, bushy annual. round, ivory-brown fruits. Z10–12
M. veitchiorum illus. p.74. in summer, then poisonous, spherical, H 11⁄2ft (45cm), S 8in (20cm). Has fleshy (min. 45–50°F/7–10°C)
glossy, blackish fruits. Z4–8 stems and lance-shaped to ovate, serrated
MELITTIS leaves. In summer, bears night-scented, MERTENSIA M
MENTHA cup-shaped, deep yellow flowers, flushed
Bastard balm orange at the bases, with conspicuous BORAGINACEAE
Mint stamens. Z5–10
LAMIACEAE/LABIATAE Genus of clump- or mound-forming or
LAMIACEAE/LABIATAE MENYANTHES prostrate perennials, grown for their
Genus of one species of summer-flowering funnel-shaped flowers. Fully hardy.
perennial, grown for its 2-lipped flowers. Genus of rhizomatous perennials, some of MENYANTHACEAE Requires sun or shade and deep, well-
Fully hardy. Needs light shade and fertile, which are semievergreen, rarely annuals, drained soil. Propagate by division in
well-drained soil. Propagate by seed in fall grown for their aromatic foliage, which Genus of deciduous, perennial, marginal spring or by seed in fall.
or by division in spring. is both decorative and used as a culinary water plants, grown for their foliage and M. echioides. Clump-forming perennial.
M. melissophyllum illus. p.264. herb. Plants are invasive, however, and flowers. Fully hardy. Prefers an open, H 6–9in (15–23cm), S 6in (15cm). Has
should be used with caution. Fully hardy. sunny position. Remove fading flower basal rosettes of long, ovate, hairy, blue-
MELOCACTUS Grow in a sunny or shady position and in heads and foliage, and divide overcrowded green leaves. Slender stems carry many
well-drained soil. Propagate by division in clumps in spring. Propagate by seed in open funnel-shaped, dark blue flowers
Turk’s cap spring or fall. winter or divide rhizomes in summer. in summer. Z6–9
M. citrata. See M. x piperita f. citrata. M. trifoliata (Bog bean) illus. p.434. M. maritima illus. p.356.
CACTACEAE M. corsica. See M. requienii. M. pulmonarioides. See M. virginica.
M. odorata. See M. x piperita f. citrata. Menziesia ciliicalyx var. purpurea. M. virginica, syn. M. pulmonarioides,
Genus of spherical, rarely elongated, M. x piperita f. citrata, syn. M. citrata, See Rhododendron multiflorum var. illus. p.261.
ribbed, perennial cacti that occasionally M. odorata, M. piperita var. citriodora, purpureum.
branch. On reaching flowering size, usually (Eau-de-Cologne mint, Lemon mint) is a MERWILLA
6in (15cm) high, stems produce woolly vigorous, spreading perennial. H 1–2ft (30– MERENDERA
crowns; then stems appear to stop growing 60cm), S 2ft (60cm). Reddish-green stems, ASPARAGACEAE
while woolly crowns develop into columns. bearing terminal spikes of small, 2-lipped, COLCHICACEAE/LILIACEAE
Has funnel-shaped flowers in summer, purple flowers in summer, arise from a Genus of bulbs (ranging from dwarf to tall)
followed by elongated or rounded, red, carpet of ovate, slightly toothed, mid- Genus of bulbs grown for their foliage and grown for their foliage and spikes of blue
pink, or white seed pods. Frost tender. green leaves that have a scent which is flowers. Fully hardy to half hardy. Grow in flowers produced in summer. Half-hardy
Needs a site in full sun and extremely well- similar to eau de Cologne. Z4–9. ‘Basil’ a raised bed, alpine house, or bulb frame; to frost tender. Grows in well-drained soil
drained soil. Propagate by seed in spring. has peppermint- and basil-scented leaves. M. montana is suitable for a sunny rock in full sun. Propagate by division when
M. actinacanthus. See M. matanzanus. ‘Chocolate’ has dark brown-flushed leaves garden. Water moderately in the growing dormant or by seed in fall.
M. bahiensis. Spherical, perennial cactus. that smell of peppermint and chocolate; season. Plants require a hot, dry period of M. plumbea, syn. Scilla natalensis.
H and S 6in (15cm). Dull green stem bears excellent as a garnish for desserts. Leaves summer dormancy. Propagate by seed in Clump-forming, summer-flowering bulb.
10–15 ribs. Produces stout, slightly curved, of ‘Lime’ are slightly purple-flushed, with spring or fall, or by offsets during summer H 12–48in (30–120cm), S 3in (8cm). Has
dark brown spines that become paler with a lime scent. dormancy. lance-shaped, semierect, finely hairy basal
age. Crown bears brown bristles and pink M. piperita var. citriodora. See M. bulbocodium. See M. montana. leaves with a long spike of up to 100 small,
flowers, 1⁄2–3⁄4in (1–2cm) across, in summer. M. x piperita f. citrata. M. caucasica. See M. trigyna. flattish, pale violet-blue, pink or white
Z12 (min. 61°F/16°C) M. requienii, syn. M. corsica (Corsican M. eichleri. See M. trigyna. flowers. Z10–11
M. communis. See M. intortus. mint). Semievergreen, mat-forming, M. montana, syn. Colchicum montanum,
M. curvispinus, syn. M. oaxacensis. creeping perennial. H to 1⁄2in (1cm), M. bulbocodium, M. pyrenaica. Fall- MERYTA 637
Spherical to columnar, perennial cactus. S indefinite. When crushed, the rounded, flowering bulb. H and S 5cm (2in). Has
H 8in (20cm), S 6in (15cm). Green stem bright apple-green leaves exude a strong 3 or 4 linear, channeled leaves, to 9in ARALIACEAE
has 10–15 rounded ribs. Areoles each peppermint scent. Bears tiny, stemless, (22cm) long, produced with or after the
bear 1–2 straight central spines and 8–12 lavender-purple flowers in summer. Genus of evergreen trees, grown for their
curved radial spines. Flat, woolly crown handsome foliage. Frost tender. Requires
bears deep pink flowers in summer. Z12 full light or partial shade and humus-rich,
(min. 61°F/16°C)


moisture-retentive but moderately drained M. athamanticum (Baldmoney, Spignel). MILLA M. pudica (Humble plant, Sensitive plant)
soil. Water freely containerized plants in Upright perennial. H 6–18in (15–45cm), illus. p.457.
full growth, less at other times. Propagate S 4–6in (10–15cm). Mainly basal and deeply ALLIACEAE/LILIACEAE
by semiripe cuttings in summer or by seed dissected leaves have narrowly linear MIMULUS
when ripe in late summer. leaflets. In summer, produces flattish Genus of summer-flowering bulbs, grown
M. sinclairii (Puka) illus. p.451. flower heads consisting of clusters of tiny, for their fragrant flowers, each comprising Monkey flower, Musk
white or purplish-white flowers. Z6–9 a slender tube with 6 star-shaped petals at
Mesembryanthemum cordifolium. the tip. Half hardy. Needs a sheltered, PHRYMACEAE/SCROPHULARIACEAE
See Aptenia cordifolia. Michelia. See Magnolia. sunny position and well-drained soil. Plant
in spring. After flowering, lift bulbs and Genus of annuals, perennials, and
Mesembryanthemum criniflorum. MICROBIOTA partially dry off for winter. Propagate by evergreen shrubs. Small species suit
See Cleretum bellidiforme. seed or by offsets in spring. damp pockets in rock gardens. Fully hardy
CUPRESSACEAE M. biflora. Summer-flowering bulb. to frost tender. Most prefer full sun and
Mesembryanthemum H 1–11⁄2ft (30–45cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm). wet or moist soil; some require a dry site.
multiradiatum. See Lampranthus See also CONIFERS. Has long, narrow, semierect, basal leaves. Propagate perennials by division in spring,
roseus. M. decussata (illus. p.105). Spreading, Stem bears a loose head of 1–8 erect, white shrubs by softwood cuttings in late
coniferous shrub. H 20in (50cm), S 6–10ft or white-flushed, pink or lilac flowers, 11⁄4– summer; annuals and all species by seed in
MESPILUS (2–3m). Has green shoots, later turning 21⁄2in (3–6cm) across, each on a long, fall or early spring.
red-brown, and produces flat sprays of slender stalk. Z10–11 M. ‘Andean Nymph’. See M. naiandinus.
Medlar tiny, scalelike, bright, mid-green leaves M. aurantiacus. See Diplacus
in symmetrical pairs. Leaves turn bronze MILTONIA aurantiacus.
ROSACEAE in winter. Flowers are inconspicuous. M. cupreus ‘Whitecroft Scarlet’, syn.
Female, round, yellow-brown cones have ORCHIDACEAE M. ‘Whitecroft Scarlet’. Short-lived,
Genus of one species of deciduous tree or only one seed. Z3–7 See also ORCHIDS. spreading perennial. H 8–12in (20–30cm),
shrub, grown for its habit, flowers, foliage, M. candida. Evergreen, epiphytic orchid S 1ft (30cm). Has ovate, toothed, mid-green
and edible fruits. Fully hardy. Requires sun Microglossa albescens. See Aster for a cool or intermediate greenhouse. leaves. Bears snapdragonlike, scarlet
or partial shade and fertile, well-drained albescens. H 8in (20cm). Has narrowly ovate leaves, flowers freely from early to late summer.
soil. Propagate species by seed in fall and 4–5in (10–12cm) long, and spikes of cream Z8–10
named forms (for fruit) by budding during MICROMERIA or pink-lipped, greenish-yellow flowers, M. glutinosus. See Diplacus aurantiacus.
late summer. patterned chestnut-brown, 2in (5cm) across, M. guttatus, syn. M. langsdorffii.
M. germanica illus. p.80. ‘Nottingham’ LAMIACEAE/LABIATAE in fall. Needs partial shade in summer. Upright to spreading, mat-forming
is a compact tree or large shrub. H 20ft Z11–12 (min. 55°F/13°C; max. 86°F/30°C) perennial. H and S 2ft (60cm). Ovate
(6m), S 25ft (8m). Has lance-shaped to Genus of annuals, perennials, and dwarf, M. clowesii. Evergreen, epiphytic orchid leaves are coarsely or sometimes deeply
oblong-ovate, dark green leaves, yellow- evergreen shrubs, suitable for banks and for an intermediate greenhouse. H 8in toothed and mid-green. Snapdragonlike,
brown in fall. In late spring and early rock gardens. Borderline fully hardy. Needs (20cm). Has broadly ovate leaves, 1ft bright yellow flowers, spotted with
summer, bears white, sometimes pink- sun and well-drained soil. Propagate by (30cm) long. In fall, bears large spikes of reddish-brown on lower lobes, are
tinged flowers. Produces heavy crops of seed in spring or by softwood cuttings in yellow flowers, 11⁄2in (4cm) across, barred produced in succession in summer and
brown fruit; self-fertile. Z5–8 early summer. with reddish-brown and with a white-and- early fall. Z5–10
M. juliana. Evergreen, downy, bushy mauve lip. Grow in partial shade in summer. M. x hybridus cultivars. Erect, basally
METASEQUOIA shrub. H and S 1ft (30cm). Small, ovate, Z11–12 (min. 55°F/13°C; max. 86°F/30°C) branching, bushy, perennials, often grown
aromatic, green leaves are pressed close to as annuals. H 5–12in (12–30cm), S to 1ft
CUPRESSACEAE the stems. In summer, bears tiny, tubular, MILTONIOPSIS (30cm). Ovate, toothed leaves are mid-
bright deep pink flowers in whorls on to dark green. Tubular, open-mouthed,
M See also CONIFERS. upper parts of stems. (borderline) Z5–8 Pansy orchid brightly colored, usually spotted flowers,
M. glyptostroboides (Dawn redwood) with lobed lips, are borne in summer.
illus. p.96. MIKANIA ORCHIDACEAE Z6–9. Magic Series cultivars, H 6–8in
See also ORCHIDS. (15–20cm), are early-flowering, with
METROSIDEROS ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE M. Anjou gx ‘St. Patrick’ (illus. p.467). small flowers ranging in hue from bright
Evergreen, epiphytic orchid for a cool orange, yellow, and red to more usual
Pohutakawa, Rata Genus of evergreen or deciduous, woody- greenhouse. H 6in (15cm). Narrowly ovate, pastel shades and bicolors. ‘Magic
stemmed or herbaceous, scrambling or soft leaves are 4–5in (10–12cm) long. Has Yellow Blotch’ illus. p.322. Maximus
MYRTACEAE twining climbers grown for their foliage sprays of deep crimson flowers, 4in (10cm) Series, H and S to 10in (25cm), are
and flower heads. Frost hardy to frost across, with red-orange and white patterns vigorous and upright, with large flowers,
Genus of dwart to tall, upright, evergreen, tender. Needs fertile, well-drained soil and on the lip, mainly in summer. Needs shade 21⁄2in (6cm) across, in a range of colors.
winter-flowering shrubs, trees, and partial shade in summer. Water regularly, in summer. Z11–12 (min. 52°F/11°C; max. M. langsdorffii. See M. guttatus.
scrambling climbers, grown for their less when not in full growth. Stem support 75°F/24°C) M. lewisii. Upright perennial. H 2ft
flowers, the trees also for their overall is needed. Thin out congested growth in M. Robert Strauss gx ‘Ardingly’ (illus. (60cm), S 11⁄2ft (45cm). Has downy, sticky,
appearance and for shade. Frost hardy to spring. Propagate by semiripe or softwood p.466). Evergreen, epiphytic orchid for a gray leaves that provide an excellent foil
frost tender. Grows in fertile, well-drained cuttings in spring. Susceptible to aphids. cool greenhouse. H 6in (15cm). Narrowly for snapdragonlike, deep rose-pink,
soil and in full light. Water containerized ovate, soft leaves are 4–5in (10–12cm) long. sometimes white, flowers borne singly in
specimens freely when in full growth, M. scandens (Hemp vine). Twining Bears sprays of white flowers, 4in (10cm) summer. Z9–11
moderately at other times. Pruning is climber, semi- or fully evergreen in tropical across, marked reddish-brown and purple, M. luteus (Monkey musk, Yellow monkey
tolerated if needed. Propagate by seed in areas. H 10–15ft (3–5m). Ovate to triangular, mainly in summer. Needs shade in summer. flower). Spreading perennial. H and S 1ft
spring or by semiripe cuttings in summer. mid-green leaves have 2 basal lobes. Tiny, Z11–12 (min. 52°F/11°C; max. 75°F/24°C) (30cm). Throughout summer, snapdragon-
M. excelsa, syn. M. tomentosa (New groundsellike, vanilla-scented, usually like, occasionally red-spotted, yellow
Zealand fire tree), illus. p.450. white to flesh-pink, or pink to purple, or MIMOSA flowers are freely produced above hairy,
M. robusta (Northern rata, Rata). yellow-tinged white flower heads are borne mid-green foliage. Z6–9
Robust, evergreen, rounded tree, often in compact clusters in from late summer to MIMOSACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE M. moschatus (Musk). Deciduous,
epiphytic when young. H 70–80ft (20–25m) late fall. Z10–12 (min. 41°F/5°C) prostrate, perennial, bog plant. H 4in
or more, S 30–50ft (10–15m). Oblong to Genus of annuals, evergreen perennials, (10cm), S 6in (15cm). Has ovate, hairy, pale
elliptic, leathery leaves are dark green and MILIUM shrubs, trees, and scrambling climbers, green leaves. Small, pale yellow flowers,
lustrous. Has large clusters of flowers, cultivated for their flowers and foliage. lightly speckled with brown, are borne in
which are mostly composed of long, dark POACEAE/GRAMINEAE M. pudica is usually grown as an annual. late summer. Z6–9
red stamens, in summer. Z9–11 Frost tender. Needs partial shade and M. naiandinus, syn. M. ‘Andean Nymph’,
M. tomentosa. See M. excelsa. See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES, fertile, well-drained soil. Water potted illus. p.264.
and SEDGES. specimens freely when in full growth, M. ringens illus. p.441.
638 MEUM M. effusum ‘Aureum’ (Bowles’s golden moderately at other times. Propagate by M. ‘Royal Velvet’. Compact perennial,
grass, Golden wood millet). Semi- seed in spring, shrubs also by semiripe often grown as an annual. H 1ft (30cm),
APIACEAE/UMBELLIFERAE evergreen, tuft-forming, perennial grass. cuttings in summer. Red spider mite may S 9in (23cm). Leaves are mid-green. Bears
H 3ft (1m), S 1ft (30cm). Has flat, golden- be a nuisance. many large, snapdragonlike, mahogany-
Genus of clump-forming, summer- yellow leaves. Produces open, tiered
flowering perennials, grown for their panicles of golden spikelets in summer.
aromatic leaves. Useful on banks and in Self seeds readily in shady sites. Z5–9
wild gardens. Fully hardy. Needs sun and
well-drained soil. Propagate by seed when
fresh, in fall.


red flowers with mahogany-speckled, gold MITELLA propagated by seed sown under glass in during dormancy and start into growth by M
throats throughout summer. Z8–10 spring, or outdoors in late spring. watering in fall. Summer-growing species
M. ‘Whitecroft Scarlet’. See Bishop’s cap, Mitrewort M. laevis (Bells of Ireland, Shell flower) are frost hardy and dormant in winter;
M. cupreus ‘Whitecroft Scarlet’. illus. p.316. grow in a sheltered, sunny site and well-
SAXIFRAGACEAE drained soil. Propagate winter growers
Mina. See Ipomoea. MONARDA by seed in fall, in spring for
Genus of clump-forming, summer- summer growers.
MIRABILIS flowering, slender-stemmed, rhizomatous Bergamot M. huttonii illus. p.393.
perennials. Fully hardy. Requires shade M. ochroleuca, syn. Homeria ochroleuca.
NYCTAGINACEAE and humus-rich, moist soil. Propagate by LAMIACEAE/LABIATAE Spring- or summer-flowering corm. H to
division in spring or by seed in fall. 22in (55cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm). Slender, wiry
Genus of summer-flowering annuals and M. breweri illus. p.371. Genus of annuals and clump-forming stems each have 1 or 2 long, narrow,
tuberous perennials. Frost hardy to frost perennials, grown for their aromatic semierect, basal leaves. Bears a succession
tender. Best grown in a sheltered position MITRARIA foliage as well as for their flowers. Fully of upright, scented, cup-shaped to flattish,
in fertile, well-drained soil and in full sun. hardy. Requires sun and moist soil. yellow flowers, each sometimes with a
Lift tubers and store over winter in frost- GESNERIACEAE Propagate species and cultivars by division central, orange stain. Z8–11
free conditions. Propagate by seed or in spring, species only by seed in spring. M. polystachya. Winter-growing corm.
division of tubers in early spring. Genus of one species of evergreen, woody- M. ‘Adam’. Clump-forming perennial. H to 1ft (30cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm). Bears
M. jalapa (Four o’clock flower, Marvel of stemmed, scrambling or spreading shrub. H 30in (75cm), S 11⁄2ft (45cm). Ovate, usually long, narrow, semierect, basal leaves. Stem
Peru) illus. p.233. Frost hardy. Needs a position in partial toothed, mid-green leaves are aromatic has a succession of erect, flattish, blue or
shade and in peaty, acidic soil. Propagate and hairy. Bears dense whorls of 2-lipped, lilac flowers, 3in (8cm) across, in winter to
MISCANTHUS by seed in spring or stem cuttings in cerise flowers throughout summer. Z7–11 spring. Outer petals each have a central,
summer. M. ‘Beauty of Cobham’. Clump- yellow mark. Z9–11
POACEAE/GRAMINEAE M. coccinea illus. p.193. forming perennial. H 3ft (90cm), S 11⁄2ft M. ramosissima. Late spring- to early
(45cm). Has purplish-green leaves. summer-flowering corm. H 20–48in
See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES, MOLINIA Bears pale pink flowers, with purple-pink (50–120cm), S 4in (10cm). Has numerous,
and SEDGES. bracts, from midsummer to early fall. semierect, narrowly linear, channeled,
M. sacchariflorus (Silver banner grass). POACEAE/GRAMINEAE (borderline) Z4–9 basal leaves. Bears yellow flowers, with
Vigorous, deciduous, slow-spreading, M. ‘Cambridge Scarlet’ illus. p.235. deeper yellow marks on the inner petals,
clump-forming, perennial grass. H 10ft See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES, M. ‘Croftway Pink’ illus. p.233. on many-branched stems. Z9–11
(3m), S indefinite. Hairless, mid-green and SEDGES. M. didyma (Bee balm, Bergamot). Bushy, M. sisyrinchium, syn. Gynandiris
leaves last into winter, often turning M. altissima. See M. caerulea subsp. clump-forming perennial. H 3ft (90cm) or sisyrinchium, Iris sisyrinchium, illus. p.419.
bronze. Produces open, branched panicles arundinacea. more, S 11⁄2ft (45cm). Square stems carry M. spathacea. See M. spathulata.
of hairy, silvery-white spikelets in summer M. caerulea subsp. arundinacea, syn. ovate to lance-shaped, dull, mid-green M. spathulata, syn. M. spathacea.
followed by attractive seedheads. Z4–9 M. altissima. Tuft-forming, herbaceous, leaves, softly hairy beneath. Each Summer-growing corm. H to 3ft (1m),
M. sinensis. Deciduous, clump-forming, perennial grass. H 8ft (2.5m), S 2ft (60cm). flowering stem bears 2 whorls of bright S 4–6in (10–15cm). Has one long, narrow,
erect, perennial grass. H 10ft (3m), S 4ft Has broad, flat, gray-green leaves and scarlet or pink flowers, with red-tinged semierect, basal leaf. Tough flower stem
(1.2m). Has mostly basal, flat, arching or spreading panicles of purple spikelets on bracts, from mid- to late summer. Z4–9 bears a succession of up to 5 upward-
erect, linear, blue-green leaves, to 4ft stiff, erect stems in summer. Needs a dry, M. fistulosa illus. p.239. facing, yellow flowers, 2–3in (5–7cm)
(1.2m) long. Pyramidal plumes of silky- sunny position and acidic soil. Z4–7. M. ‘Prairie Night’. See M. ‘Prärienacht’. across, with reflexed, outer petals, in
hairy, pale gray spikelets, tinted maroon ‘Transparent’ illus. p.286. M. ‘Prärienacht’, syn. M. ‘Prairie Night’. summer. Z9–11
or purple-brown, are borne in fall. Z5–9. ‘Windspiel’, H to 6ft (2m), has airy plumes Clump-forming perennial. H 4ft (1.2m),
var. condensatus ‘Cosmopolitan’ illus. of yellow-brown flowers. subsp. S 11⁄2ft (45cm). Ovate, toothed leaves are MORINA
p.285. ‘Flamingo’ illus. p.286. caerulea ‘Moorhexe’, H 3ft (1m), is very mid-green. Bears dense whorls of rich
‘Gracillimus’ illus. p.286. ‘Kleine upright, with dark purple spikelets held violet-purple, 2-lipped flowers from mid- CAPRIFOLIACEAE
Fontäne’, H 5ft (1.5m), has narrow leaves tightly against erect stems. subsp. summer to early fall. (borderline) Z7–11
and drooping red panicles that quickly caerulea ‘Variegata’, H 2ft (60cm), has M. ‘Violet Queen’. Upright, clump- Genus of evergreen perennials; the most
turn silver. ‘Morning Light’, H 4ft (1.2m), yellow-striped, mid-green leaves and, in forming perennial. H 3ft (90cm), S 11⁄2ft commonly grown species is M. longifolia,
resembles ‘Gracillimus’, but has narrow, late summer, panicles of purplish spikelets. (45cm). Bears bright violet-purple flowers for its thistlelike foliage and its flowers.
white leaf margins, giving a silvery above purple-tinged, mid-green leaves Fully hardy, but protect from drying
effect. ‘Silberfeder’ (syn. M.s. ‘Silver MOLTKIA throughout summer. (borderline) Z4–9 spring winds. Needs full sun and well-
Feather’) H to 8ft (2.5m), is free-flowering, drained, ideally sandy soil. Propagate by
and produces silvery to pale pinkish- BORAGINACEAE MONSTERA division directly after flowering or by seed
brown panicles in early and mid-fall, when fresh, in late summer.
remaining through winter. ‘Silver Genus of perennials, subshrubs, or shrubs, ARACEAE M. longifolia illus. p.231.
Feather’ see M.s. ‘Silberfeder’. some evergreen, grown for their funnel-
‘Yakushima Dwarf’ illus. p.285. shaped flowers in summer. Borderline fully Genus of evergreen, woody-stemmed, MORISIA
‘Zebrinus’ illus. p.284. to frost hardy. Prefers sun and well-drained, often epiphytic root climbers, grown for
neutral to alkaline soil. Propagate by their large, handsome leaves. Insignificant, CRUCIFERAE/BRASSICACEAE
MITCHELLA semiripe cuttings in summer or seed in fall. creamy-white flowers with hooded
M. x intermedia. Evergreen, open, spathes are produced intermittently. Frost Genus of one species of compact, rosette-
Partridge berry dome-shaped subshrub. H 1ft (30cm), tender. Provide humus-rich, well-drained forming perennial with a long tap root.
S 20in (50cm). Stems are clothed in soil and light shade in summer. Water Good for rock gardens and alpine houses.
RUBIACEAE narrowly linear, dark green leaves. moderately, less when temperatures are Borderline hardy to fully hardy. Needs sun
Abundant, loose spikes of small, open low. Provide support. If necessary, shorten and gritty, well-drained soil. Propagate by
Genus of evergreen, trailing perennials, funnel-shaped, bright blue flowers are long stems in spring. Propagate by leaf- seed in spring or root cuttings in winter.
grown for their foliage and fruits. Makes produced in summer. (borderline) Z5–8 bud or stem-tip cuttings in summer. M. monanthos ‘Fred Hemingway’,
excellent groundcover, especially in M. petraea. Semievergreen, bushy shrub. tAll parts except the fruit may cause mild illus. p.358.
woodlands, although is sometimes difficult H 1ft (30cm), S 2ft (60cm). Has long, narrow, stomach upset when ingested, and contact
to establish. Fully hardy. Prefers shade and hairy leaves and clusters of pinkish-purple with the fruit may irritate skin. MORUS 639
humus-rich, neutral to acidic soil. Propagate buds open into funnel-shaped, violet-blue M. deliciosa (Swiss-cheese plant) illus.
by division of rooted runners in spring or flowers in summer. (borderline) Z5–8 p.463. Mulberry
by seed in fall. M. suffruticosa illus. p.342.
M. repens (Creeping box, Partridge MORAEA MORACEAE
berry). Evergreen, trailing, mat-forming MOLUCCELLA
perennial. H 2in (5cm), S indefinite. Bears IRIDACEAE Genus of deciduous, upright to rounded,
small, ovate, white-veined, green leaves LAMIACEAE/LABIATAE shrubs and trees, grown for foliage and
with heart-shaped bases. In early summer Genus of deciduous or semi-deciduous edible fruits. Tiny flowers are borne in
has pairs of tiny, fragrant, tubular, white Genus of erect, branching annuals and corms with short-lived, irislike flowers. spring. Fully hardy to frost tender.
flowers, sometimes purple-tinged, short-lived perennials, grown for their Frost hardy to half hardy. Winter-growing Requires full sun and fertile, well-drained
followed by spherical, bright red fruits. flowers, which may be dried for flower species are half hardy, need full sun and soil. Propagate by softwood cuttings in
Suits a rock garden or peat bed. Z3–8 arrangements. Frost hardy. Grow in sun well-drained soil; keep dry in summer summer or by seed in fall.
and in rich, very well-drained soil. May be


M. alba ‘Laciniata’ (White mulberry) other times. Pruning is tolerated in late MUSCARI MUSSAENDA
illus. p.88. ‘Pendula’ is a deciduous, winter if necessary. Propagate by seed in
weeping tree. H 10ft (3m), S 15ft (5m). spring or by semiripe cuttings in summer. Grape hyacinth RUBIACEAE
Rounded, sometimes lobed, glossy, deep Whitefly may be troublesome.
green leaves turn yellow in fall. Edible, M. exotica. See M. paniculata. ASPARAGACEAE Genus of evergreen perennials, shrubs,
ovate, fleshy, pink, red or purple fruits M. paniculata, syn. M. exotica (Chinese subshrubs, and scrambling climbers,
ripen in summer. Z4–8 box, Orange jasmine). Evergreen, rounded Genus of spring-flowering bulbs, each grown for their flowers. Frost tender;
M. nigra (Black mulberry). Deciduous, shrub or tree. H and S 6–12ft (2–4m). with a cluster of narrowly strap-shaped, where temperatures fall below 15ºC (59ºF)
round-headed tree. H 40ft (12m), S 50ft Pungently aromatic, edible, glossy, rich basal leaves, usually emerging in spring grow in a warm greenhouse. Requires a
(15m). Heart-shaped, dark green leaves green leaves each have ovate leaflets. just before flowers. Leafless flower stems position in full light and fertile, well-
turn yellow in fall. Bears edible, ovate, Bears fragrant, 5-petaled, white flowers in bear dense spikes of small flowers, most drained soil. Water freely when in full
succulent, dark purplish-red fruits in late terminal clusters year-round, followed by of which have constricted mouths. Good growth, less at other times. Provide
summer or early fall. Z6–10. ‘Chelsea’ tiny, egg-shaped, red fruits. Z10–11 for massed displays in a mixed border, support and thin out crowded stems in
has large, succulent fruits; starts cropping for a wild or woodland garden, or for spring. Propagate by seed in spring or by
early in life. MUSA naturalizing in grass. Fully hardy to frost air-layering in summer. Whitefly and red
hardy. Requires sun and fairly well- spider mite may cause problems.
MUCUNA Banana, Plantain drained soil. Plant in groups in fall. M. erythrophylla. Moderately vigorous,
Propagate by division in late summer or evergreen, scrambling climber. H 20–30ft
PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE MUSACEAE by seed in fall. (6–10m). Has broadly ovate, bright green
M. armeniacum illus. p.420. leaves. In summer, bears small, creamy-
Genus of vigorous, evergreen, twining Genus of evergreen, palmlike, suckering ‘Blue Spike’ is a spring-flowering bulb. white flowers, each with one large, ovate,
climbers and shrubs, grown for their large, perennials, with false stems formed from H 6–8in (15–20cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm). Has bractlike, red petal, a red tube, and yellow
pealike flowers. Frost tender. Humus-rich, overlapping leaf sheaths, grown for their 3–6 long, narrow, semierect, basal leaves. petal lobes. Z12 (min. 59ºF/15ºC)
moist but well-drained soil is essential, foliage, flowers and fruits (bananas), not Bears dense spikes of fragrant, bell-shaped,
with partial shade in summer. Water freely all of which are edible. Frost hardy to deep blue flowers; constricted mouths MUTISIA
when in full growth, less at other times. frost tender. In frost-prone areas, grow have rims of paler blue or white “teeth.”
Needs plenty of space to climb; provide in a temperate greenhouse, or as summer ‘Dark Eyes’ has rich, deep blue flowers ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE
support. Thin out crowded stems in bedding. In warmer areas, grow in sun or with contrasting white mouths.
spring. Propagate by seed in spring or by partial shade and in humus-rich, well- ‘Peppermint’ produces bicolored spikes Genus of evergreen shrubs and tendril
layering in late summer. Whitefly and red drained soil. Propagate by division year- of pale blue flowers graduating to white at climbers, grown for their long-lasting
spider mite may cause problems. round, by offsets in summer or by suckers the top. ‘Valerie Finnis’ has dense flower flower heads. Frost to half hardy. Plant
M. bennettii (New Guinea creeper). after flowering. spikes of gray-blue flowers. Z4–8 with roots in shade and leafy parts in sun,
Strong- and fast-growing, evergreen, M. acuminata ‘Dwarf Cavendish’ M. aucheri, syn. M. lingulatum, in well-drained soil. Propagate by seed in
twining climber. H 50–80ft (15–25m). Leaves (Edible banana, French plantain). Upright, illus. p.420. ‘White Magic’ is a spring- fall, by stem cuttings in late spring or
are divided into 3 ovate leaflets. In summer suckering perennial. H and S to 10ft (3m). flowering bulb. H 4–6in (10–15cm), S 2in summer, or by layering in fall.
has pendent clusters of pealike, orange- Has oblong leaf-blades, to 5ft (1.5m) long. (5cm). Has erect or semierect, narrow, M. decurrens illus. p.208.
scarlet flowers. Z11–12 (min. 50ºF/10ºC) Bears pendent clusters of yellow flowers, sickle- to spoon-shaped, mid-green leaves. M. oligodon. Evergreen, tendril climber.
M. deeringiana. See M. pruriens with reddish-purple bracts, irregularly Produces green buds in tight spikes that H to 5ft (1.5m). Oblong, glossy, green leaves
var. utilis. year-round. Seedless yellow fruits, to 8in open to pure white flowers with with sharply toothed margins are 1–11⁄2in
(20cm) long, with sweet-tasting, white constricted mouths. Z4–8 (2.5–3.5cm) long. From summer to fall,
M M. pruriens var. utilis, syn. M. pulp, are borne in long bunches. Should M. azureum, syn. Hyacinthus azureus, produces long-stalked, daisylike, yellow-
deeringiana. Vigorous, evergreen, twining fruit annually at a minimum temperature Pseudomuscari azureum. Spring-flowering centered, pink flower heads. Grow against
climber. H 50ft (15m) or more. Leaves, of of 64°F (18°C). Z9–11 (min. 50ºF/10ºC) bulb. H 4–6in (10–15cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm). a low wall or through a shrub. Z6–10
3 ovate leaflets, are used for fodder and M. arnoldiana. See Ensete venticosum. Has 2–3 narrowly spoon-shaped,
green manure. Has pealike, both green- M. basjoo, syn. M. japonica (Japanese semierect, basal, grayish-green leaves. MYOPORUM
and red-purple flowers in long, pendent banana), illus. p.219. Produces a very dense spike of bell-
clusters in summer and fall. May be short- M. ensete. See Ensete venticosum. shaped, pale clear blue flowers; mouths SCROPHULARIACEAE
lived. Z10–12 (min. 46°F/8°C) M. lasiocarpa (Chinese dwarf banana). have small “teeth” with central, dark blue
Suckering perennial. H to 6ft (1.8m), S to 6ft stripes. May self-seed freely. Z4–8 Genus of spreading, prostrate to upright,
MUEHLENBECKIA (2m). Has oblong to lance-shaped, glaucous, M. botryoides. Spring-flowering bulb. evergreen shrubs and trees, grown for
gray-green leaves, to 2ft (60cm)long. From H 6–8in (15–20cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm). Has 2–4 their overall appearance and as hedges
POLYGONACEAE the second year of growth, in summer and narrowly spoon-shaped, semierect, basal and windbreaks. Frost hardy to frost
lasting up to several months, erect flower leaves. Each tiny, nearly round, bright blue tender. Prefers full light and well-drained
Genus of deciduous or evergreen, slender- heads bear clusters of small flowers, each flower has a constricted mouth and white- soil; will tolerate poor soil. Water potted
stemmed, summer-flowering shrubs and enclosed in a large, bright yellow bract. toothed rim. Z4–8. ‘Album’ illus. p.415. specimens moderately. Propagate by seed
woody-stemmed, scrambling climbers, Has inedible, small fruits. Z8–11 M. comosum, syn. Leopoldia comosa when ripe or in spring or by semiripe
grown for their foliage. Frost hardy to M. ornata (Flowering banana) illus. p.470. (Tassel grape hyacinth). Late spring- cuttings in late summer.
frost tender. Grow in sun or partial shade M. sikkimensis (Darjeeling banana). flowering bulb. H 8–12in (20–30cm), S 4–5in M. laetum (Ngaio). Evergreen, rounded
and in well-drained soil. Propagate by Suckering perennial with red-tinged false (10–12cm). Produces up to 5 strap-shaped, to upright shrub or tree. H 10–30ft (3–10m),
semiripe cuttings in summer. stems. H to 12ft (4m), S to 6ft (2m). Has semierect, basal, gray-green leaves. Bears S 6–15ft (2–5m). Has fleshy, ovate, lustrous,
M. axillaris of gardens. See M. complexa. oblong to lance-shaped, yellowish-green a loose spike of bell-shaped, fertile, bright green leaves. Clusters of small, bell-
M. complexa, syn. M. axillaris of gardens. leaves, to 6ft (2m) long. Young leaves, brownish-yellow flowers with a shaped, white flowers, dotted purple, are
Deciduous, creeping shrub or twining flushed reddish-purple beneath, have red tuft of threadlike, sterile, purplish-blue borne in summer, then tiny, narrowly
climber. H to 10ft (3m), S 3ft (1m). Slender, midribs. Small flowers, each enclosed in flowers at the tip. Z5–8. ‘Monstrosum’ oblong, pale to deep red-purple fruits. Z9–11
wiry stems bear variably shaped (ovate to 1–2 large, purplish-red bracts, are borne see M.c. ‘Plumosum’. ‘Plumosum’ (syn. M. parvifolium illus. p.454.
fiddle-shaped), dark green leaves. Bears in pendent spikes. Angular fruits mature M.c. ‘Monstrosum’; Feather grape
tiny, star-shaped, greenish-white flowers to green, then turn brown. Z8–11. ‘Red hyacinth) illus. p.419. MYOSOTIDIUM
in midsummer that are followed by small, Tiger’ has bold, reddish-purple marks on M. latifolium illus. p.403.
spherical, waxy, white fruits. Z9–11 the upper leaf surfaces. M. lingulatum. See M. aucheri. BORAGINACEAE
M. velutina (Pink banana). Suckering M. macrocarpum, syn. M. moschatum
Mulgedium. See Cicerbita. perennial. H 3–6ft (1–1.8m), S 3–5ft var. flavum, M. muscarimi var. flavum, Genus of one species of evergreen
(1–1.5m). Has paddle-shaped leaves, to 3ft illus. p.421. perennial, with forget-me-not-type
640 MURRAYA (1m) long, sometimes flushed purple. In M. moschatum var. flavum. See flowers, that is suitable for mild, coastal
summer, produces upright flower heads areas. Frost hardy. Prefers partial shade
RUTACEAE with tubular, yellow flowers, each enclosed M. macrocarpum. and moist soil. Seaweed is recommended
by a purplish-pink bract, bright pink as a mulch. Not easy to cultivate, and once
Genus of evergreen trees and shrubs, inside. The small, hairy, pinkish-purple M. muscarimi var. flavum. See established should not be disturbed.
grown for their overall appearance. Frost fruits, split when ripe to reveal numerous Propagate by division in spring or by seed
tender. Requires a position in full light or black seeds. Z9–11 (min. 50ºF/10ºC) M. macrocarpum. when ripe, in summer or fall.
partial shade and in humus-rich, well- M. hortensia, syn. M. nobile (Chatham
drained soil. Water containerized plants M. neglectum, syn. M. racemosum, Island forget-me-not), illus. p.271.
freely when in full growth, moderately at illus. p.420. M. nobile. See M. hortensia.
M. pycnantha. See Bellevalia pycnantha.
M. racemosum. See M. neglectum.


MYOSOTIS MYRRHIS N Div. 5 Triandrus—nodding flowers, with N
short, sometimes straight-sided cups and
Forget-me-not Sweet Cicely NANDINA narrow, reflexed petals, are borne 2–6 per 641
stem. Flowers are produced in spring.
usually 1 or 2 per stem, with cup that may
Genus of annuals, biennials, and clump or Genus of one species of summer-flowering Genus of one species of evergreen or be flanged and often longer than those of
mat-forming perennials, grown for their perennial. Fully hardy. Requires a position semievergreen, summer-flowering shrub, Div.5. Petals are narrow, pointed and
flowers. Most species are good for rock in partial shade and well-drained soil. grown for its foliage and flowers. Frost reflexed. Early to mid-spring-flowering.
gardens and screes; M. scorpioides is best Propagate by seed in fall or spring. hardy. Prefers a sheltered, sunny site and Div. 7 Jonquil and Apodanthus—
grown as a marginal water plant. The M. odorata (Sweet Cicely) illus. p.230. fertile, well-drained but not too dry soil. sweetly scented flowers are borne usually
dwarf perennials are usually short-lived, On established plants prune untidy, old 2 or more per stem. Cup is short, may be
but self-seed freely. Fully hardy. Most MYRSINE stems to base in spring. Propagate by flanged; petals are often flat, fairly broad,
prefer sun or partial shade and fertile, well- semiripe cuttings in summer. and rounded. Spring-flowering.
drained soil. Propagate by seed in spring. PRIMULACEAE N. domestica (Heavenly bamboo). Div. 8 Tazetta—sweetly fragrant flowers
M. alpestris, syn. M. rupicola (Alpine Evergreen or semievergreen, upright, of small-flowered cultivars are borne in
forget-me-not), illus. p.356. Genus of evergreen shrubs and trees, with elegant shrub. H 6ft (2m), S 5ft (1.5m). clusters of 12 or more per stem; large-
M. australis. Short-lived, tuft-forming inconspicuous flowers, grown mainly for Leaves have narrowly lance-shaped, dark flowered cultivars have 3 or 4 flowers per
perennial. H 5in (12cm), S 3in (8cm). Has their foliage. Also bears decorative fruits, green leaflets, purplish-red when young stem. All have a small, often straight-sided
ovate, rough-textured leaves and, in to obtain which plants of both sexes must and in fall-winter. Large panicles of small, cup and broad, mostly pointed petals. Late
summer, produces tight sprays of open be grown. Suitable for rock and peat star-shaped, white flowers, with large fall- to mid-spring-flowering. Most are
funnel-shaped, yellow or white flowers. gardens. Frost hardy to frost tender, but yellow anthers, borne in midsummer frost to half hardy. Fall-flowering hybrids
Good for a scree. Z3–8 in cold areas requires shelter. Requires a are followed in warm climates by provide valuable cut flowers; “prepared”
M. palustris. See M. scorpioides. position in sun or shade and in any fertile, spherical, red fruits. Z9–11. ‘Fire Power’ bulbs may be grown in pots for mid-
M. rupicola. See M. alpestris. well-drained soil other than a shallow, illus. p.143. ‘Richmond’ is vigorous and winter flowering.
M. scorpioides ‘Mermaid’, syn. chalky one. Propagate by seed in fall or free-fruiting, with bright red foliage in fall Div. 9 Poeticus—flowers, sometimes
M. palustris (Water forget-me-not), illus. semiripe cuttings in summer. and winter. borne 2 per stem, may be sweetly fragrant.
p.441. M. africana (African boxwood, Cape Each has a small, colored cup and
M. sylvatica ‘Blue Ball’ illus. p.315. myrtle). Very slow-growing, evergreen, NARCISSUS glistening white petals. Some N. poeticus
‘Mon Amie Blue’ is a low, mound- bushy, dense shrub. H and S 30in (75cm). hybrids are categorized as Div. 3 or 8.
forming, short-lived perennial. H and Small, glossy, dark green leaves are Daffodil Late spring- or early summer-flowering.
S 6–8in (15–20cm). Produces ovate to lance- aromatic and rounded. Tiny, yellowish- Div. 10 Bulbocodium—flowers usually
shaped, gray-green leaves and dense brown flowers in late spring are succeeded AMARYLLIDACEAE borne singly on short stems, showing all
heads of saucer-shaped, light blue flowers by spherical, pale blue fruits. Z9–11 the hallmarks of hoop-petticoat daffodils
in summer. Good for massed plantings. Genus of bulbs, grown for their (N. bulbocodium subsp. bulbocodium),
Sylva Series illus. p.313. ‘Blue Sylva’, MYRTILLOCACTUS ornamental flowers. Daffodils usually with insignificant petals and a widely
H 8in (20cm), is low and spreading and have linear, basal leaves and a spread of flaring, disproportionately large cup.
produces bright blue flowers. Z3–8 CACTACEAE up to 8in (20cm). Each flower has a Winter- to spring-flowering.
trumpet or cup (the corona) and petals Div. 11 Split-corona—usually solitary
Myrceugenia apiculata. See Luma Genus of shrubby or treelike, perennial (botanically known as perianth segments). flowers with cups split for more than half
apiculata. cacti with ribbed, spiny, blue-green stems. Fully hardy, except where otherwise their length. In (a), Collar daffodils, the
Bears star-shaped flowers that open at stated. Prefer sun or light shade and well- overlapping cup segments lie against the
MYRICA night. Frost tender. Needs a sunny, well- drained soil, but Div.8 cultivars (see below) petals. In (b), Papillon daffodils, the cup
drained site. Propagate by seed or stem prefer a sunny site and tolerate lighter segments tend to be narrower, with their
MYRICACEAE cuttings in spring. soils. Deadhead flowers as they fade and tips at the margin of the petals. Most fall
M. geometrizans (Blue candle) illus. remove the spent foliage during into category (a). Spring-flowering.
Genus of deciduous and evergreen, usually p.489. midsummer. Most cultivars increase Div. 12 Miscellaneous—a miscellaneous
suckering shrubs and trees found in moist naturally by offsets; dense clumps should category containing hybrids with varying,
soils worldwide. M. gale is useful for a bog MYRTUS be divided no sooner than 6 weeks after intermediate flower shapes that cannot be
garden and very effective when grown in flowering every 3–5 years. Propagate satisfactorily classified elsewhere. Fall- to
groups. Fully hardy to frost hardy. They Myrtle species by fresh seed in late summer or spring-flowering.
have alternate, lance-shaped to ovate, fall. Narcissus yellow stripe virus, basal Div. 13 Daffodils distinguished solely
usually aromatic, dark green leaves. Needs MYRTACEAE rot, slugs, large narcissus fly, and bulb by botanical name—a wide variety of
humus-rich, moist soil, and a position in and stem eelworm may cause problems. flowers showing the huge range of floral
full sun or partial shade. Genus of evergreen shrubs, sometimes tContact with sap may aggravate skin characteristics of wild daffodils, from
M. gale (Bog myrtle) illus. p.162. treelike, grown for their flowers, fruits, allergies or irritate skin. See feature panel the tiny N. cyclamineus and the sweetly
and aromatic foliage. Frost hardy; in cold pp.404–405. Horticulturally, Narcissus is scented, many-flowered N. tazetta to the
MYRIOPHYLLUM areas plant against a warm, sunny wall. split into the following divisions. stately trumpet species. Flower in early fall
Requires full sun and fertile, well-drained to early summer.
Milfoil soil. May be pruned in spring. Propagate Div. 1 Trumpet—usually solitary flowers
by seed in a cold frame in fall or semiripe each have a trumpet that is as long as, N. ‘Acropolis’, Div. 4. Mid-to late spring-
HALORAGACEAE cuttings in late summer. or longer than, the petals. Early to late flowering bulb. H 28in (70cm). Large,
M. apiculata. See Luma apiculata. spring-flowering. double flowers have white, outer petals
Genus of deciduous, perennial, or annual, M. bullata. See Lophomyrtus bullata. Div. 2 Large-cupped—solitary flowers and petaloids; white, inner petals are
submerged water plants, grown for their M. chequen. See Luma chequen. each have a cup at least one-third the interspersed with shorter, orange-red
foliage. Most species are ideal as M. communis (Common myrtle) illus. length of, but shorter than, the petals. petaloids. Suitable for exhibition. Z3–7
depositories for fish spawn. Fully hardy p.122. ‘Jenny Reitenbach’ see M.c. Spring-flowering. N. ‘Actaea’ (illus. p.404), Div. 9. Late
to frost tender. Requires full sun. Spreads subsp. tarentina. ‘Microphylla’ see M.c. Div. 3 Small-cupped—flowers are often spring-flowering bulb. H 28in (70cm).
widely; keep in check by removing excess subsp. tarentina. subsp. tarentina (syn. borne singly; each has a cup not more Fragrant flowers have glistening white
growth as required. Propagate by root M.c. ‘Jenny Reitenbach’, M.c. ‘Microphylla’; than one-third the length of the petals. petals and shallow, flanged, rich lemon
cuttings in spring or summer. Tarentum myrtle) is a compact, bushy Spring- or early summer-flowering. cups with narrow, orange-red rims. Z3–7
M. hippuroides (Western milfoil). shrub. H and S 6ft (2m). Bears small leaves Div. 4 Double—most have solitary, large, N. ‘Aircastle’ (illus. p.405), Div. 3. Mid-
Deciduous, perennial, spreading, that are narrowly ovate, glossy and dark fully or semidouble flowers, sometimes spring-flowering bulb. H 16in (40cm).
submerged water plant with thin stems. green. Produces fragrant, saucer-shaped, scented, with cup or both cup and petals Flowers have white petals that age
S indefinite. Produces a dense mass of pink-tinted, white flowers, each with a replaced by petaloid structures. Some have greenish; shallow, flat, lemon-yellow
small, feathery, pale green leaves. Tiny, dense cluster of stamens, from mid-to late smaller flowers, borne in clusters of 4 or cups deepen in color at the rim. Z3–7
greenish-cream flowers are borne from the summer or early fall, followed by round, more, which are often sweetly fragrant. N. ‘Albus Plenus Odoratus’. See
axils of the emergent leaves in summer. white fruits. Very wind-resistant and good Spring- or early summer-flowering. N. poeticus ‘Plenus’.
Suitable for a cold-water aquarium. Z9–11 for hedging in mild areas. Z8–11
M. proserpinacoides. See M. aquaticum. M. luma. See Luma apiculata. ‘Glanleam
M. verticillatum (Whorled water milfoil) Gold’ see Luma apiculata ‘Glanleam Gold’.
illus. p.442. M. ugni. See Ugni molinae.


N N. ‘Altruist’ (illus. p.405), Div. 3. Mid- flowers are semidouble, with rounded, tinted shallow, bowl-shaped cup. Flowers H 13in (32cm). Bears 8 or more fragrant
spring-flowering bulb. H 11⁄2ft (45cm). milk-white petals and white petaloids very freely and is suitable for cutting. Z4–8 flowers, each with milk-white petals and
642 Flowers have smooth, pale orange interspersed with shorter, saffron-orange N. ‘Dove Wings’ (illus. p.404), Div. 6. a clear lemon cup, which fades to cream.
petals and a neat, ribbed, shallow, ones toward the center. Z3–7 Mid-spring-flowering bulb. H 1ft (30cm). Force “treated” bulbs for midwinter
orange-red cup. Z3–7 N. ‘Broadway Star’ (illus. p.404), Has small flowers with milk-white petals flowering. Good for cutting. Z3–7
N. ‘Ambergate’ (illus. p.405), Div. 2. Div. 11b. Mid-spring-flowering bulb. and fairly long, soft primrose cups. Z4–8 N. ‘Grand Soleil d’Or’ illus. p.407.
Mid-spring-flowering bulb. H 11⁄2ft (45cm). H 16in (40cm). Bears white flowers, 3in N. ‘Dutch Lemon Drops’, Div. 5. Mid- N. ‘Hawera’ (illus. p.405), Div. 5.
Flowers each have a shallow, widely (8cm) across. The expanded segments of the spring-flowering bulb. H 25cm (10in). Each Late spring-flowering bulb. H 7in (18cm).
expanded, fiery scarlet cup and soft split cups are flattened against the perianth stem bears up to 3 star-shaped flowers, Nodding flowers are a delicate lemon-
tangerine petals. Z3–7 segments; each has a narrow, orange mid- 2.5cm (1in) across, with spreading or yellow. Requires a sunny position. Suitable
N. ‘Arctic Gold’, Div. 1. Mid-spring- stripe running lengthways. Z3–7 slightly reflexed, white perianth segments for rockeries and alpine beds; also good as
flowering bulb. H 16in (40cm). Rich N. ‘Brunswick’, Div. 2. Early spring- surrounding long, pale yellow cups. Z4–8 an indoor potted plant. Z3–7
golden-yellow flowers have broad flowering bulb. H 16in (40cm). Long-lasting N. ‘Empress of Ireland’ (illus. p.404), N. ‘Highfield Beauty’, Div. 8. Mid-
petals and well-proportioned, flanged flowers have white petals and long, flared, Div. 1. Mid-spring-flowering bulb. H 16in spring-flowering bulb. H 20in (50cm).
trumpets with neatly serrated rims. primrose cups, which fade to lemon, with (40cm). Large, robust, milk-white flowers Stems bear up to 3 slightly scented
Suitable for exhibition. Z3–7 darker rims. Foliage is a bluish-green. have broad, overlapping petals, reflexed at flowers, with butter-yellow petals and
N. ‘Arkle’ (illus. p.405), Div. 1. Vigorous Suitable for cutting. Z3–7 the apex, and a slightly darker, flanged slightly darker trumpets. Z3–7
daffodil. H 16in (40cm). Among the largest N. bulbocodium (Hoop-petticoat trumpet with a rolled, crenate mouth. Z3–7 N. ‘Home Fires’ (illus. p.405), Div. 2.
of the yellow trumpet daffodils, it produces daffodil; illus. p.405), Div. 13. Vigorous, N. ‘Eystettensis’, syn. N. ‘Capax Plenus’ Early spring-flowering bulb. H 11⁄2ft
flowers 5in (13cm) across, in mid-spring. spring-flowering bulb. H 4–6in (10–15cm). (Queen Anne’s double daffodil), Div. 4. (45cm). Flowers each have pointed, rich
Perianth segments are smooth, and each Flowers are golden-yellow with conical Mid-spring-flowering bulb. H 8in (20cm). lemon petals and an orange-scarlet cup
corona is slightly flared, with a roll at cups and narrow, pointed petals. Thrives Dainty, double flowers are composed of with a lobed and frilled rim. Z3–7
the mouth. Z4-8 in moist turf in full sun. Z4–8. var. pointed, soft pale primrose petaloids N. ‘Honeybird’, Div. 1. Mid-spring-
N. assoanus, syn. N. juncifolius, citrinus, H 6in (15cm), has slender, dark neatly arranged in whorls. Z3–7 flowering bulb. H 20in (50cm). Well-
N. requienii (Rush-leaved jonquil), Div. 13. green leaves and clear pale lemon flowers. N. ‘Falconet’, Div. 8. Early spring- proportioned flowers, 41⁄2in (10.5cm)
Tiny mid-spring-flowering bulb. H 6in Hybrids of this species are in Div.10. flowering bulb. H 16in (40cm). Each stem across, open greenish-yellow, trumpets
(15cm). Similar to N. jonquilla, but has thin, N. ‘Canaliculatus’ of gardens (illus. bears 3–5 fragrant flowers, 1½in (4cm) gradually fading almost to pure white. Z3–7
cylindrical leaves and rounded, bright clear p.404), Div. 8. Mid-spring-flowering bulb. across,with overlapping, deep yellow N. ‘Ice Follies’ (illus. p.404), Div. 2.
yellow flowers with a sweet, slightly lemony H 13in (33cm). Produces a cluster of 4 or perianth segments, and small, bowl- Mid-spring flowering bulb. H 16in (40cm).
fragrance. Thrives in gritty soil. Z3–7 more small, fragrant flowers per stem, shaped, bright orange trumpets. Z4–8 Flowers have milk-white petals and wide,
N. asturiensis, syn. N. minimus of each with reflexed, white petals and a N. ‘February Gold’, Div. 6. Early spring- almost flat, primrose-yellow cups, fading
gardens, Div. 13. Late winter- or early shallow, straight-sided, yellow cup. Z4–8 flowering bulb. H 1ft (30cm). Solitary, long- to cream. Excellent for cutting. Z3–7
spring-flowering bulb. H 3in (8cm). Small, N. ‘Cantabile’, Div. 9. Late spring- lasting flowers have clear golden petals N. ‘Irene Copeland’ (illus. p.405), Div. 4.
pale yellow flowers have waisted trumpets flowering bulb. H 10in (25cm). Stiff stems and long, flanged, slightly darker trumpets. Mid-spring-flowering bulb. H 14in (35cm).
and slender petals. Prefers full sun. Z3–7 bear neat, well-rounded, glistening white Useful for borders and naturalizing. Z3–7 Bears large, fully double flowers of neat,
N. ‘Avalon’, Div. 2. Mid-spring-flowering flowers, with tiny, red-rimmed, yellow N. ‘February Silver’ (illus. p.405), milk-white petaloids interspersed with
bulb. H 14in (35cm). Rounded, bright cups and a prominent green eye. Z3–7 Div. 6. Robust, early spring-flowering shorter, pale creamy-yellow ones.
lemon-yellow flowers have wide, fluted N. cantabricus (White hoop-petticoat bulb. H 13in (33cm). Long-lasting flowers Excellent for cutting. Z3–7
cups that become white with age. Z3–7 daffodil), Div. 13. Spring- and sometimes with milk-white petals and long, sturdy, N. ‘Jack Snipe’ (illus. p.405), Div. 6.
N. ‘Avalanche’ (illus. p.405), Div. 8. Early winter-flowering bulb. H 6–8in (15–20cm). nodding trumpets open rich lemon and Sturdy, early to mid-spring-flowering
spring-flowering bulb. H 14in (35cm). Similar in form to N. bulbocodium subsp. age to creamy-yellow. Z3–7 bulb. H 8in (20cm). Long-lasting, milk-
Bears 8 or more sweetly fragrant flowers, bulbocodium, but is less robust. Flowers N. ‘Fortune’, Div. 2. Early to mid-spring- white flowers are similar to those of N.
each with white petals and a primrose- are milk- or ice-white. Thrives in an alpine flowering bulb. H 20in (50cm). Flowers have ‘Dove Wings’, but have narrower petals
yellow cup that scarcely fades. May be house or greenhouse. Z4–8 ribbed, dark lemon petals and bold, flared, with incurved margins and medium-length
forced for midwinter flowering. Z4–8 N. ‘Capax Plenus’. See N. ‘Eystettensis’. copper-orange cups. Good for cutting. Z3–7 cups of rich dark lemon-yellow. Z3–7
N. ‘Badbury Rings’, Div. 3. Mid-spring- N. ‘Cassata’ (illus. p.405), Div. 11a. N. ‘Fragrant Breeze’ (illus. p.404), N. ‘Jenny’ (illus. p.405), Div. 6. Early to
flowering bulb. H 11⁄2ft (45cm). Produces Mid-spring-flowering bulb. H 16in (40cm). Div. 2. Early to mid-spring-flowering bulb. mid- spring-flowering bulb. H 1ft (30cm).
slightly scented flowers, 4in (10cm) across, Cups are soft primrose and distinctly split H 17in (43cm). Fragrant flowers have pure Bears long-lasting flowers, each with
with broadly ovate, smooth, deep yellow into segments with ruffled margins, while white petals and vase-shaped, apricot- milk-white petals and a medium-length,
perianth segments. Shallow, bowl-shaped, petals are broad and milk-white. Z3–7 yellow cups. Z3–7 flanged, soft lemon trumpet that turns
vivid yellow cups have clearly defined, N. ‘Charity May’ (illus. p.405), Div. 6. N. ‘Gay Kybo’, Div. 4. Mid-spring- creamy-white. Z3–7
bright orange-red rims. Z4–8 Early to mid-spring-flowering bulb. H 1ft flowering bulb. H 11⁄2ft (45cm). Bears large, N. ‘Jetfire’, Div. 6. Floriferous, early
N. ‘Barrett Browning’, Div. 3. Early to (30cm). Small, pale lemon flowers each double flowers, with multiple layers of spring-flowering bulb. H 8in (20cm).
mid-spring-flowering bulb. H 28in (70cm). have broad, reflexed petals and slightly creamy white petals and shorter, orange, Flowers have overlapping, reflexed, clear
Flowers have pure white petals and short, darker cups. Z4–8 trumpet segments. Z3–7 golden-yellow petals and a cylindrical,
frilled, orange-red cups. Z3–7 N. ‘Cheerfulness’ (illus. p.404), Div. 4. N. ‘Geranium’, Div. 8. Mid- to late- ribbed, vibrant orange cup, slightly
N. ‘Belcanto’, Div. 11a. Late spring- Mid-spring-flowering bulb. H 16in (40cm). spring-flowering bulb. H 14in (35cm). waisted before the crenate rim. Z3–7
flowering bulb. H 11⁄2ft (45cm). Flowers, Long-lasting, small, sweetly scented, fully Stems bear up to 6 scented flowers, with N. jonquilla (Wild jonquil), Div. 13.
3–5in (8–12cm) across, have rounded double flowers, 21⁄4in (5.5cm) across, are white petals and flattened, flared, orange- Late-spring-flowering bulb. H 1ft (30cm).
perianth segments, almost obscured by borne several to a stem, with milk-white red cups. Excellent for cutting and indoor Richly fragrant flowers are borne in a
flattened, pale yellow cups. Z3–7 petals and petaloids interspersed with pots. Z3–7 cluster of 6 or more; each has tapering,
N. x biflorus. See N. x medioluteus. shorter, orange-yellow ones at the center. N. ‘Gold Convention’, Div. 2. Mid- yellow petals and a shallow, dark gold cup.
N. ‘Binkie’ (illus. p.405), Div. 2. Early Excellent for cutting. Z3–7 spring-flowering bulb. H 20in (50cm). Distinctive foliage is semicylindrical, dark,
spring-flowering bulb. H 1ft (30cm). Flowers N. ‘Cool Crystal’, Div. 3. Mid-spring Large, 41⁄2in (11cm), flowers have rich shining. and grooved. Z3–7. ‘Flore Pleno’
open pale lemon and cups turn sulphur- bulb. H 20in (50cm). Has white flowers golden petals and a deep trumpet in the (Queen Anne’s jonquil) has loosely double
white with ruffled, lemon rims. Z3–7 with bowl-shaped, green-eyed cups. Z3–7 same color. Z3–7 flowers; broad, incurved, yellow petals are
N. ‘Birma’, Div. 3. Mid-spring-flowering N. cyclamineus, Div. 13. Late winter- N. ‘Golden Ducat’ (illus. p.405), Div. 4. interspersed with short, darker ones.
bulb. H 11⁄2ft (45cm). Flowers have soft to early spring-flowering bulb. H 6–8in Mid-spring-flowering bulb. H 14in (35cm). N. ‘Jumblie’, Div. 12. Early spring-
yellow petals and fiery orange cups with (15–20cm). Slender, nodding, gold flowers Produces variable, sometimes poorly flowering bulb. H 7in (17cm). Bears 2 or
heavily ruffled rims. Z3–7 have narrow, reflexed petals and long, formed, double, rich golden flowers. 3 long-lasting flowers, each with broad,
N. ‘Bravoure’, Div. 1. Early to mid- slender, flanged, waisted trumpets. Z3–7 Suitable for cutting. Z3–7 golden petals and a sturdy, flanged, orange-
spring-flowering bulb. H 11⁄2ft (45cm). N. ‘Daydream’, Div. 2. Mid-spring- N. ‘Golden Vale’, Div. 1. Mid-spring- yellow cup. Ideal potted plant. Z3–7
Large flowers have overlapping, white flowering bulb. H 14in (35cm). Flowers flowering bulb. H 11⁄2ft (45cm). Flowers N. juncifolius. See N. assoanus.
petals and slender, slightly flared, lemon- have green-yellow petals and a pale have rich, golden yellow petals and a N. ‘Kilworth’, Div. 2. Vigorous, late
yellow trumpets, with entire rims. Z3–7 trumpet that fades to white as it ages. Z3–7 matching, flared trumpet. Suitable for spring-flowering bulb. H 15in (38cm).
N. ‘Bridal Crown’ (illus. p.404), Div. 4. N. ‘Diversity’, Div. 11a. Mid-spring- cutting. Z3–7 Flowers have pointed, milk-white petals
Late spring-flowering bulb. H 20in (50cm). flowering bulb. H 16in (40cm). Flowers N. ‘Grand Primo Citronière’, Div. 8. and dark reddish-orange cups with green
Long-lasting, small, sweetly scented have pure white petals and a large, pink- Late fall- to early spring-flowering bulb. eyes. Is effective in large groups. Z3–7


N. ‘Kingscourt’, Div. 1. Sturdy, mid- cream petals and a stout, straight, dull N. ‘Precocious’, Div. 2. Vigorous, N. ‘Sempre Avanti’, Div. 2. Early to N
spring-flowering bulb. H 17in (42cm). yellow trumpet with a frilled rim. Leaves mid-spring-flowering bulb. H 16in (40cm). mid-spring-flowering bulb. H 16in (40cm).
Flowers have flanged, flared, rich gold are particularly broad. Suitable for Bears flowers, 4in (10cm) across, with Flowers have creamy-white petals and 643
trumpets with broad, rounded, paler gold naturalizing. Z3–7 broadly ovate, spreading, slightly concave, contrasting yellow cups. Suitable for
petals. Z3–7 N. nanus of gardens. See N. minor. white perianth segments. Deep reddish naturalizing in grass. Z3–7
N. ‘Kokopelli’, Div. 7. Mid-spring- N. obvallaris, syn. N. pseudonarcissus rose-pink cups are bowl-shaped, expanded N. ‘Serena Lodge’, Div. 4. Mid- to late-
flowering bulb. H 13in (33cm). Each stem subsp. obvallaris (Tenby daffodil), Div. 13. at the mouths, and heavily frilled. Z4–8 spring flowering daffodil. H 20in (50cm).
bears 2–4 yellow flowers, 1½in (4cm) Sturdy, early spring-flowering bulb. H 1ft N. ‘Pride of Cornwall’, Div.8. Mid- Double flowers, 4¼in (10.5cm) across, have
across. Trumpets are slightly darker and (30cm). Stiff stems bear gold flowers with spring-flowering bulb. H 15in (38cm). broadly ovate, milk-white petals in whorls,
tinged green at the base when young. short petals and broad trumpets. Z3–7 Bears several large, fragrant flowers, interspersed with short, deep buff-yellow
Naturalizes well. Z4–8 N. x odorus (Campernelle jonquil), each with milk-white petals and a rich corona segments. Z4–8
N. ‘Liberty Bells’ (illus. p.405), Div. 5. Div. 13. Robust, mid-spring-flowering yellow cup shading to an orange-red rim N. ‘Shepherds Hey’, Div. 7. Mid-spring-
Sturdy, mid-spring-flowering bulb. H 1ft bulb. H 10in (25cm). Usually bears 2 outside. Excellent for cutting. Z3–7 flowering bulb. H 10in (25cm). Produces
(30cm). Paired, nodding flowers, 9cm richly fragrant, dark gold flowers. Z3–7. N. pseudonarcissus (Lent lily, Wild two or more fragrant flowers per stem,
(31⁄2in) across, are slightly fragrant and ‘Rugulosus’, Div.7, H 11in (28cm), is more daffodil), Div. 13. Extremely variable, early with golden-yellow overlapping petals
clear lemon yellow. Z3–7 vigorous and produces up to 4 small- spring-flowering bulb. H 6–14in (15–35cm). and small fluted cups. Z3–7
N. ‘Little Beauty’, Div. 1. Dwarf, early- cupped, rich gold flowers. Nodding flowers have overlapping, straw- N. ‘Shining Light’, Div. 2. Mid-spring-
spring-flowering bulb. H 5½in (14cm). N. ‘Panache’ (illus. p.405), Div. 1. Mid- yellow petals and large, darker yellow flowering bulb. H 17in (42cm). Refined,
Small flowers, 11⁄4in (3cm) across, have spring-flowering bulb. H 16in (40cm). trumpets. Ideal for naturalizing. Z3–7. well-balanced flowers have overlapping,
creamy white petals and a yellow trumpet. Bears very large, pure white flowers with subsp. obvallaris see N. obvallaris. smooth, clear, pale golden-yellow petals,
Suits rock gardens and containers. Z3–7 well-balanced trumpets tinged green at the N. pumilus, syn. N. minor of gardens, The slightly ribbed, rich orange-red
N. ‘Little Witch’, Div. 6. Early to mid- bases, and broad overlapping petals. Z3–7 N. minor subsp. pumilus, Div. 13. Early cup has a darker, lightly dentate rim.
spring-flowering bulb. H 9in (22cm). Bears N. ‘Paper White Grandiflorus’, syn. spring-flowering bulb. H 6–9in (15–22cm). Excellent for exhibition. Z3–7
golden-yellow flowers with reflexed petals N. papyraceus ‘Grandiflorus’, N. ‘Paper Bears bright gold flowers with separated, N. ‘Silver Chimes’, Div. 8. Mid- to late
and trumpet-shaped cups. Z3–7 White Snowflake’, Div. 8. Winter- to mid- slightly paler petals and large trumpets spring-flowering bulb. H 13in (32cm).
N. ‘Manly’, Div. 4. Early- to mid-spring- spring-flowering bulb. H 28in (70cm). with lobed and frilled rims. Z3–7. ‘Plenus’ Bears up to 10 fragrant flowers, each with
flowering bulb. H 11⁄2ft (45cm). Produces Bears 10 or more long-lived, very fragrant, see N. ‘Rip van Winkle’. broad, milk-white petals and a straight,
double flowers consisting of whorls of star-shaped, glistening white flowers, each N. ‘Rainbow’, Div. 2. Vigorous, mid- shallow, creamy-primrose cup. Thrives in
greenish-yellow petals, interspersed with with long, spreading petals and a small, spring-flowering bulb. H 11⁄2ft (45cm). a warm site. Z4–8
bright orange trumpet segments. Z3–7 flanged cup containing conspicuous, White flowers have cups that are broadly N. ‘Sinopel’, Div. 3. Mid-spring-flowering
N. x medioluteus, syn. N. x biflorus saffron-yellow stamens. Produces flowers banded with coppery-pink at the rim. Z3–7 bulb. H 11⁄2ft (45cm). Flowers have pure
(Primrose peerless), Div. 13. Mid-to late- continuously through winter indoors. Z3–7 N. ‘Replete’, Div. 4. Mid-spring-flowering white petals and green shallow-bowled
spring-flowering bulb. H 16in (40cm). N. ‘Paper White Snowflake’. See bulb. H 16in (40cm). Bears double flowers cups, edged with deep yellow. Z3–7
Bears neat, medium-sized, sweetly N. ‘Paper White Grandiflorus’. with white petals, interspersed with N. ‘Sir Winston Churchill’ (illus. p.405),
scented flowers of rounded outline, with N. papyraceus ‘Grandiflorus’. See reddish-orange trumpet fragments. Z3–7 Div. 4. Mid-spring-flowering bulb. H 16in
overlapping, almost pure white petals and N. ‘Paper White Grandiflorus’. N. requienii. See N. assoanus. (40cm). Produces fragrant, double, white
a small, shallow, primrose-yellow, bowl- N. ‘Passionale’ (illus. p.405), Div. 2. Mid- N. ‘Rip van Winkle’, syn. N. pumilus flowers with orange-yellow segments in
shaped cup. Usually twin-headed. Z3–9 spring-flowering bulb. H 11⁄2ft (45cm). Each ‘Plenus’, Div. 4. Early spring-flowering the centers. Z3–7
N. ‘Menehay’, Div. 11. Mid-spring- flower has milk-white petals and a long, bulb. H 5½in (14cm). Shaggy, double flowers N. ‘Slim Whitman’, Div. 2. Early to mid-
flowering bulb. H 2ft (60cm). Flowers are flanged, apricot-tinged, pink cup. Z3–7 have densely arranged, flat, tapering, spring-flowering bulb. H 16in (40cm).
3½in (9cm) across. Broad, spreading, deep N. ‘Pencrebar’ (illus. p.405), Div. 4. greenish-lemon petals with incurving Flowers have ivory white petals and orange
yellow perianth segments form a double Mid-spring-flowering bulb. H 7in (18cm). tips. Z3–7 cups with a sulphur-yellow rim. Z3–7
triangle around the 2-lobed, frilled, bright Fragrant flowers are small, rounded, and N. romieuxii, Div. 13. Early spring- N. ‘Spellbinder’ (illus. p.405), Div. 1.
reddish orange corona segments. Z4–8 fully double, often in pairs. Outer petaloids flowering bulb. H 3–4in (8–10cm). Best Early spring-flowering bulb. H 17in (42cm).
N. ‘Merlin’, Div. 3. Mid-spring-flowering and large, inner ones are pale gold, and grown in a frame or an alpine house. Long-lasting, bright sulphur-yellow
bulb. H 11⁄2ft (45cm). Flowers have broad, evenly interspersed with darker ones. Z3–7 Similar to N. bulbocodium, but each flowers each have a slender, flanged
rounded, glistening white petals and N. ‘Pipit’ (illus. p.405), Div. 7. Mid-spring- fragrant flower has a large, almost flat, trumpet, reversing to palest sulphur-white
relatively large, almost flat, rich gold cups, flowering bulb. H 10in (25cm). Bears up flanged cup of pale primrose. Z4–8 inside, except for the lobed, rolled-back
each with a small, green eye and a broad, to 3 scented flowers per stem, slightly N. rupicola, Div. 13. Mid-spring- rim, which is tinged with lemon. Z3–7
lightly ruffled, orange-red rim. Excellent greenish sulphur-yellow on opening. flowering bulb. H 6in (15cm). Similar to N. ‘Spoirot’, Div. 10. Vigorous, late
for exhibition. Z3–7 The ruffled, flared cup and the base of the N. assoanus, but has more angled, bluish- winter- to early spring-flowering bulb.
N. minimus of gardens. See N. asturiensis. overlapping petals become almost white at green foliage and solitary, less scented, H 13in (33cm). Bears greenish white
N. ‘Minnow’, Div. 8. Robust, early to mid- maturity. Z4–8 lemon flowers, each with a 6-lobed cup. flowers, 1½in (4cm) across, with narrow,
spring-flowering bulb. H 7in (18cm). Bears N. poeticus (Poet’s daffodil), Div. 13. Z4–8. subsp. watieri, H 4in (10cm), bears acute, separated perianth segments and
a cluster of 4 or more fragrant flowers per Variable, late spring-flowering bulb. larger, fragrant, crystalline-textured, white deep, bowl-shaped coronas. Z4–8
stem, each with rounded, creamy-yellow H 9–17in (22–42cm). Each fragrant flower flowers with shallow, lobed cups. N. ‘Stint’, Div. 5. Mid-spring-flowering
petals and a lemon cup. Increases freely; comprises glistening white petals and a N. ‘Saint Keverne’, Div. 2. Sturdy, bulb. H 1ft (30cm). Produces two or more
will naturalize in grass. Suitable for small, shallow, yellow or orange cup with early to mid-spring-flowering bulb. H 16in pendent bright yellow flowers with pale
rockeries and can be grown indoors as a a red rim. Excellent for naturalizing in (40cm). Solitary flowers have clear rich lemon yellow cups. Z3–7
potted plant. Z3–7 moist turf, although slow to establish. golden petals and slightly darker cups of N. ‘Stratosphere’ (illus. p.405), Div. 7.
N. minor, syn. N. nanus of gardens, Div. Z3–7. ‘Flore Pleno’ see N.p. ‘Plenus’. almost trumpet proportions. Z3–7 Mid-spring-flowering bulb. H 26in (65cm).
13. Early spring-flowering bulb. H 4–6in ‘Plenus’ (syn. N. ‘Albus Plenus Odoratus’; N. ‘Saint Patrick’s Day’, Div. 2. Mid- Bears usually 3 fragrant flowers, each with
(10–15cm). Flowers have slightly N.p. ‘Flore Pleno’), H 16in (40cm), has spring-flowering bulb. H 16in (40cm). rich golden petals and a darker gold cup.
overlapping, soft yellow petals and almost loosely double, pure white flowers, with Flowers have broad, flattish, greenish- Excellent for exhibition. Z3–7
straight, darker yellow trumpets with inconspicuous, greenish-yellow or orange yellow petals and large cups with dark N. ‘Sun Disc’, Div. 7. Mid-spring-
frilled rims. Z4–8. subsp. pumilus see centers, in late spring or early summer. yellow margins. Z3–7 flowering bulb. H 7in (18cm). Each stem
N. pumilus. Good for cutting. var. recurvus (Old N. ‘Salome’, Div. 2. Mid-spring-flowering bears 2 or more rounded, sweetly scented
N. minor of gardens. See N. pumilus. pheasant’s eye), H 14in (35cm), bears bulb. H 11⁄2ft (45cm). Flowers have white flowers, with yellow petals and small
N. ‘Mission Bells’, Div. 5. Mid-spring- larger, long-lasting flowers with strongly petals and long, pink, trumpet-shaped flat cups. Z3–7
flowering bulb. H 10in (25cm). Stems swept-back petals and very shallow, cups, which are slightly frilled with warm N. ‘Suzy’ (illus. p.405), Div. 7. Robust,
bear 1–3 white flowers, with matching greenish-yellow cups, with crimson rims, gold at the rim. Good for cutting. Z3–7 mid-spring-flowering bulb. H 16in (40cm).
trumpets that have greenish centers. Z3–7 in late spring. Z3–7 N. ‘Scarlet Gem’, Div. 8. Mid-spring- Bears 1 or 2 long-lasting, large, fragrant
N. ‘Mount Hood’ (illus. p.404), Div. 1. N. ‘Portrush’, Div. 3. Late spring- to flowering bulb. H 14in (35cm). Bears 7–8 flowers, each with clear golden petals
Vigorous, mid-spring-flowering bulb. early summer-flowering bulb. H 14in scented flowers with golden petals and and a large, flanged, rich tangerine cup.
H 11⁄2ft (45cm). Trumpet-shaped, creamy- (35cm). Produces small flowers, each with scarlet or deep orange-red cups. Z3–7 Suitable for cutting. Z3–7
yellow flowers soon fade to white. Z3–7 green-tinged, glistening, milk-white petals N. ‘Segovia’, Div. 3. Mid-spring-flowering N. ‘Sweetness’, Div. 7. Early spring-
N. nanus, Div. 13. Early spring-flowering and a small, shallow, flanged, creamy- bulb. H 6in (15cm). Pure white flowers have flowering bulb. H 16in (40cm). Sweetly
bulb. H 5in (12cm). Flowers have twisted, white cup with a bright green eye. Z3–7 small lemon-yellow cups. Z3–7 fragrant flowers, occasionally borne in


N pairs, have intense, golden-yellow petals double white flowers interspersed with Ovate to elliptic leaves are sharply toothed N. radicans. See N. gregarius.
and a darker, waved cup of strong bright yellow. Z4–8 and have long, tapered points. From late N. strigillosus, syn. Hypocyrta strigillosa.
644 substance. Good for cutting. Z4–8 N. ‘White Marvel’, Div. 5. Mid-spring- spring to early summer, bears racemes, Evergreen, prostrate subshrub. H 5ft
N. ‘Tahiti’ (illus. p.405), Div. 4. Robust, flowering bulb. H 14in (35cm). Produces 3in (8cm) long, of 10–15, bell-shaped, pink (1.5m), S 3ft (90cm). Elliptic, slightly
mid-spring-flowering bulb. H 11⁄2ft (45cm). two or more pendent, fragrant, double flowers, ¼in (5mm) across. Z5–9 cupped leaves are clothed in dense down.
Solitary, loosely double flowers have white flowers per stem. Z4–8 N. longiracemosa. See N. thibetica. Small, tubular, orange and yellow flowers
golden petals and petaloids, interspersed N. ‘Woodland Star’, Div. 3. Mid-spring- N. thibetica, syn. N. longiracemosa, are produced in leaf axils mainly from
with short, orange, inner petaloids. Z4–8 flowering bulb. H 20in (50cm). Large illus. p.133. spring to fall. Z11–12 (min. 50–59°F/10–15°C).
N. tazetta (Bunch-flowered daffodil, flowers have white petals and small, bowl-
Polyanthus daffodil), Div. 13. Extremely shaped, deep red cups. Z4–8 NELUMBO NEMESIA
variable, late fall- to mid-spring-flowering N. ‘W.P. Milner’, Div. 1. Early spring-
bulb. H 12–16in (30–40cm). Bears 12 or flowering bulb. H 9in (23cm). Nodding NELUMBONACEAE SCROPHULARIACEAE
more fragrant flowers, usually with flowers have slender, twisted, light creamy-
slender, white or yellow petals and yellow petals. The flared, pale lemon Genus of deciduous, perennial, marginal Genus of annuals, perennials, and
shallow, white or yellow cups. Z4–8 trumpet, ages to palest sulphur. Z4–8 water plants, grown for their foliage and evergreen subshrubs, often grown as
N. ‘Tête-à-Tête’, Div. 12. Early spring- N. ‘Yellow Cheerfulness’, Div. 8. flowers. Frost tender. Needs an open, summer bedding and greenhouse plants.
flowering bulb. H 6in (15cm). Long-lasting Mid-spring-flowering bulb. H 11⁄2ft (45cm). sunny position and 2ft (60cm) depth Half to frost hardy. Prefers sun and fertile,
flowers each have reflexed, rich golden Produces multiheaded stems of fragrant of water. Remove fading foliage; flowers well-drained soil. After flowering, cut back
petals and a square, flanged, warm yellow blooms. Z4–8 may be left to develop into decorative seed stems to promote new buds. For a bushy
yellowish-orange cup. Should be twin- pods. Divide overgrown plants in spring. habit, pinch out growing tips of young
flowered. Is susceptible to viruses. Z4–8 NAUTILOCALYX Propagate species by seed and selected plants. Propagate by seed sown under glass
N. ‘Thalia’ (illus. p.404), Div. 5. Vigorous, forms by division in spring. in early spring, or outdoors in late spring.
mid-spring-flowering bulb. H 14in (35cm). GESNERIACEAE N. lutea (American lotus). Vigorous, N. Amelie (‘Fleurame’) illus. p.301.
Bears 2 long-lived, charming, milk-white deciduous, perennial, marginal water N. Aroma Series. Compact, bushy
flowers per stem, each with irregularly Genus of evergreen, erect, bushy plant. H 6ft (2m), S indefinite. Rounded, perennials, grown as annuals. H and S
formed, often propeller-shaped petals and perennials, grown for their flowers and blue-green leaves, prominently veined 10–14in (25–35cm). In summer and fall,
a flanged, bold cup. Z4–8 foliage. Frost tender. Requires high beneath, develop on stout stems, 1–2ft they bear clusters of fragrant, bicolored
N. ‘Tresamble’, Div. 5. Sturdy, early humidity, partial shade, and well-drained (30–60cm) long. Large, chalice-shaped, flowers. Z9–11. AromA BAnAnA Split has
spring-flowering bulb. H 16in (40cm). soil; avoid waterlogging, especially in yellow flowers, to 10in (25cm) across, are butter yellow and white flowers with
Bears 2–3 flowers per stem, each with winter. Propagate by stem cuttings in borne in summer. Z10–12 (min. 45°F/7°C) deeper yellow centers. AromA rhuBArB
milk-white petals and a flanged, creamy- summer or by seed, if available, in spring. N. ‘Mrs. Perry D. Slocum’. Aquatic And CuStArd produces yellow and violet-
white cup that is paler at the rim. Z4–8 N. bullatus, syn. N. tessellatus. perennial. H 4–5ft (1.2–1.5m), S indefinite. purple flowers.
N. ‘Trevithian’, Div. 7. Vigorous, mid- Evergreen, erect, bushy perennial. H 2ft Produces rounded, flat or wavy margined, N. BerrieS And CreAm (‘Fleurbac’).
spring-flowering bulb. H 11⁄2ft (45cm). (60cm), S 14in (35cm). Narrowly ovate, glaucous, gray-green leaves, 32in (80cm) Compact, upright perennial. H and S 14in
Produces 1–3 large, fragrant flowers, wrinkled leaves, to 9in (23cm) long, are across, on stalks to 4½ft (1.4m) long. In (35cm). Has ovate, mid-green leaves and
rounded and soft primrose, each with dark green with a bronze sheen above, summer, bears deep pink flowers, to 1ft from late spring to early fall, bears
broad petals and a short cup. Z4–8 reddish-green beneath. Clusters of small, (30cm) across, turning yellow over a period fragrant, 2-lipped flowers, 3⁄4in (2cm)
N. triandrus (Angel’s tears), Div. 13. tubular, white-haired, pale yellow flowers of several days. Z10–12 (min. 41°F/5°C) across, with rich purple upper petals and
Early spring-flowering bulb. H 5in (12cm). are produced in the leaf axils mainly in N. nucifera (Sacred lotus), illus. p.438. yellow-throated, white lower petals. Z9–11
Bears nodding, milk-white flowers, each summer. Z12 (min. 59ºF/15ºC) ‘Alba Grandiflora’, H 4–6ft (1.2–1.8m), N. Blue lAgoon (‘Pengoon’), syn.
with narrow, reflexed petals and a fairly N. lynchii illus. p.471. S 1.2m (4ft), is a vigorous, deciduous, N. Maritana Series ‘Blue Lagoon’. Rather
long, straight-sided cup. Suitable for N. tessellatus. See N. bullatus. perennial, marginal water plant. Has upright, twiggy perennial, grown as an
rockeries and is a good potted plant. Z4–8 very large, rounded, wavy-margined, annual. H and S 1ft (30cm). Slightly
N. ‘Tripartite’, Div. 11a. Mid-spring- Neanthe bella. See Chamaedorea dark green leaves, on sturdy stems. fragrant, 2-lipped, blue-purple flowers, 3⁄4in
flowering bulb. H 11⁄2ft (45cm). Produces elegans. Fragrant, chalice-shaped, white flowers, (2cm) across, are borne in dense spikes in
1–3 lemon and golden-yellow flowers per 9–10in (22–25cm) across, are borne in summer and fall, above lance shaped,
stem, each with split trumpets that sit flat NECTAROSCORDUM summer. Z10–12 (min. 45°F/7°C) slightly scalloped, mid-green leaves.
against the petals. Z4–8 N. ‘Perry’s Giant Sunburst’. Aquatic Prefers moist soil. Z9–11
N. ‘Trousseau’, Div. 1. Early spring- ALLIACEAE/LILIACEAE perennial. H 4–5½ft (1.2–1.7m), S indefinite. N. Carnival Mixed illus. p.307.
flowering bulb. H 17in (42cm). Flowers Has rounded, flat or wavy margined, N. Maritana Series ‘Blue Lagoon’. See
each have milk-white petals and a straight, Genus of summer-flowering bulbous glaucous, gray-green leaves, 11⁄2ft (45cm) N. Blue lagoon (‘Pengoon’).
flanged, soft lemon trumpet, with a flared, perennials, related to Allium and Lilium, across, on stalks to 5½ft (1.7m) long. In N. Sunsatia Series SunSAtiA mAngo
lobed rim turning rich creamy-buff, tinged with long, linear, erect leaves, and umbels summer, bears fragrant, double, cream (‘Inupyel’) illus. p.320.
with pale pink. Z4–8 of bell-shaped flowers. Exudes a strong flowers, to 14in (35cm) across, with pale
N. ‘Tudor Minstrel’, Div. 2. Mid-spring- garliclike smell when bruised. Stems with green outer petals, golden yellow stamens, NEMOPHILA
flowering bulb. H 17in (42cm). Flowers erect, shuttlecocklike seed heads may be yellow receptacles. Z10–12 (min. 41°F/5°C)
have white, pointed petals and slender, dried for winter decoration. Frost hardy. N. ‘Pink n’ Yellow’. Deciduous perennial, HYDROPHYLLACEAE
chrome-yellow cups, flanged outward. Z4–8 Needs dappled or partial shade. Grow in marginal water plant, smaller than other
N. ‘Verger’, Div. 3. Mid-spring flowering rough grass or borders, in soil that is cultivars. H 11⁄2ft (45cm), S indefinite. Genus of annuals, useful for rock gardens
bulb. H 16in (40cm). Flowers have pure neither too dry nor waterlogged. Propagate Produces rounded, mid-green leaves. and for edging. Fully hardy. Grow in sun
white petals and small, shallow, deep by freely produced offsets in late summer Pink-tipped, pale yellow flowers, up to 2in or partial shade and in fertile, well-drained
orange-red cups. Z4–8 or by seed in fall or spring. (5cm) across, are borne on long stems in soil. Propagate by seed sown outdoors in
N. ‘Warbler’, Div. 6. Mid-spring- summer. Z10–12 (min. 41ºF/5ºC) spring or early fall. Prone to aphids.
flowering bulb. H 14in (35cm). Flowers, N. dioscoridis. See N. siculum subsp. N. insignis. See N. menziesii.
to 2¾in (7cm) across, have broad, strongly bulgaricum. NEMATANTHUS N. maculata (Five-spot baby) illus. p.299.
reflexed, deep yellow petals, touched green N. siculum subsp. bulgaricum, syn. N. menziesii, syn. N. insignis (Baby blue-
at the base. Deep yellow, angled, cylindrical N. dioscoridis, illus. p.385. GESNERIACEAE eyes), illus. p.314.
trumpets are flared and frilled at the
mouth, with orange at the rims. Z4–8 NEILLIA Genus of epiphytic, perennial, evergreen, NEOBUXBAUMIA
N. ‘White Lady’, Div. 3. Vigorous, mid- soft-stemmed, subshrubs, grown for their
spring-flowering bulb. H 11⁄2ft (45cm). ROSACEAE flowers and foliage. Frost tender. Requires CACTACEAE
Large, scented flowers have spreading, partial shade and humus-rich, moist but
slightly overlapping, pure white petals. Genus of deciduous shrubs and subshrubs, well-drained soil. Water potted specimens Genus of columnar or treelike perennial
The small, shallow, heavily frilled cup is grown for their graceful habit and profuse moderately with soft water, allowing soil cacti with cylindrical stems, prickly spines
strong primrose-yellow on opening, clusters of small flowers. Fully hardy. Needs almost to dry out between applications. Tip and usually low-set ribs. Nocturnal white,
maturing to creamy-yellow. Z4–8 sun or partial shade and fertile, well-drained prune young plants to stimulate branching. pink, or red flowers, produced in summer,
N. ‘White Lion’, Div. 4. Tall mid-spring- soil. After flowering, established plants Propagate by softwood or greenwood are followed by angular fruits, which open
flowering bulb. H 28in (70cm). Produces benefit from having some older shoots cut stem-tip cuttings in spring. like stars when ripe. Frost tender. Requires
to base. Propagate by softwood cuttings N. gregarius, syn. Hypocyrta radicans, a sunny position and poor to moderately
in summer. Remove suckers in fall. N. radicans, illus. p.459. fertile, sharply drained, gritty soil.
N. affinis. Upright shrub with arching, Propagate by seed in spring.
red-brown branches. H and S 6ft (2m).


N. euphorbioides, syn. Lemaireocereus S 3m (10ft). Produces large, long-stalked, NEPETA N. afzelii. Evergreen, rhizomatous,
euphorbioides, Rooksbya euphorbioides, leathery leaves with 5 or 7 oblong, dark creeping perennial. H to 30in (75cm),
illus. p.494. green leaflets, to 1ft (30cm) long. Tiny, Catmint S indefinite. Has tufts of arrow-shaped,
greenish-purple flowers, to 8in (20cm) lobed, dark green leaves, to 10in (25cm)
Neochilenia chilensis. See Eriosyce across, are borne in summer, followed by LAMIACEAE/LABIATAE long. Intermittently bears a hooded,
chilensis. rounded, purplish-black fruits on female greenish spathe, enclosing a green spadix,
plants. Z9–11 Genus of summer-flowering perennials, followed by spherical, orange fruits.
Neochilenia mitis of gardens. See useful for edging, particularly where they Z12 (min. 59ºF/15ºC)
Eriosyce napina. Neoporteria. See Eriosyce. can tumble over paving. Fully hardy to half N. triphylla of gardens. See Syngonium
hardy. Grows in sun or partial shade and podophyllum.
NEOLITSEA NEOREGELIA any well-drained soil. Propagate by
division in spring or stem-tip or softwood NERINE N
LAURACEAE BROMELIACEAE cuttings in spring or summer, species only
by seed in fall. Cats may be attracted to AMARYLLIDACEAE 645
Genus of evergreen trees and shrubs, Genus of evergreen, rosette-forming, this plant, rolling on it and crushing it.
grown for their foliage. Frost hardy. epiphytic perennials, grown for the Leaves can be dried and used in cat toys. Genus of bulbs, some evergreen, grown
In cold areas needs shelter from strong striking color of their central leaves and N. ‘Blue Beauty’. See N. sibirica for their spherical heads of wavy-petaled,
winds; does best against a south-or west- bracts when flowering. Frost tender. ‘Souvenir d’André Chaudon’. pink to red, occasionally white, flowers.
facing wall. Requires sun or partial shade Requires partial shade and a rooting N. x faassenii illus. p.270. Most flower in fall before leaves emerge.
and fertile, well-drained soil. Propagate by medium of equal parts humus-rich soil N. grandiflora. Neat, erect perennial. Frost to half hardy. Needs full
semiripe cuttings in late summer. and sphagnum moss, bark or plastic H 30in (75cm), S 1ft (30cm). Has slightly sun and light, sandy soil. Plant in early fall.
N. glauca. See N. sericea. chips used for orchid culture. Water hairy stems and ovate, round-toothed, Dislikes being disturbed. Water until
N. sericea, syn. Litsea glauca, N. glauca. moderately, using soft water, during the light green leaves, with heart-shaped leaves die down, then dry off. Propagate
Evergreen, broadly conical, dense tree growing season, sparingly at other times, bases. In summer, bears racemes of small, by seed when fresh or divide offsets in fall
or shrub. H to 20ft (6m), S to 10ft (3m) or and keep rosette centers filled with water hooded, blue flowers. H6. ‘Bramdean’ or when leaves have died down. tAll
more. Narrowly ovate, pointed leaves are from spring to fall. Propagate by offsets has an upright, open habit and produces parts may cause mild stomach upset if
glossy, mid-green above, white beneath, in spring or summer. deep indigo-blue flowers. ingested.
and covered with silky, brown hairs when N. carolinae, syn. Aregelia carolinae, N. macrantha. See N. sibirica. N. ‘Baghdad’. Fall-flowering bulb. H 2ft
young. Small, star-shaped, yellow flowers Nidularium carolinae (Blushing bromeliad). N. nervosa. Clump-forming perennial. (60cm), S 3in (8cm). Leaves are strap-
are borne in late summer. Z8–11 Evergreen, spreading, open-rosetted, H 45–60cm (11⁄2–2ft), S 1ft (30cm). Forms a shaped, semierect, and basal. Bears
epiphytic perennial. H 8–12in (20–30cm), mound of narrowly oblong to lance- crimson flowers, paler toward centers;
NEOLLOYDIA S 16–24in (40–60cm). Has dense rosettes shaped, pointed, prominently veined, mid- long, narrow petals have recurved tips and
of strap-shaped, toothed, lustrous, green green leaves. Dense racemes of small, crisped margins. Z10–11
CACTACEAE leaves. Each mature rosette bears a tubular, pale blue flowers are produced N. ‘Blanchefleur’. Fall-flowering bulb.
compact cluster of tubular, blue-purple from midsummer to early fall. Z4–9 H 20in (50cm), S 3in (8cm). Produces strap-
Genus of spherical to columnar, perennial flowers, surrounded by red bracts, N. racemosa. Spreading to upright shaped, semierect, basal leaves and a tight
cacti with dense spines and short tubercles usually in summer. Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C). perennial. H to 1ft (30cm), S to 11⁄2ft (45cm). head of 5–10 pure white flowers. Upper
in spirals. Most species are exceptionally ‘Tricolor’ (syn. N.c. f. tricolor) has leaves Has ovate, scalloped, finely hairy, aromatic, parts of petals are twisted. Z10–11
difficult to cultivate unless grafted. Frost striped ivory-white, rose-red, and green. mid-green leaves, with heart-shaped bases. N. bowdenii illus. p.413. ‘Alba’ (syn. N.b.
tender. Requires full sun and well-drained f. tricolor see N.c. ‘Tricolor’. In summer, bears racemelike, whorled f. alba) illus. p.413. f. alba see N.b. ‘Alba’.
soil. Water sparingly from spring to fall; N. concentrica (illus. p.471). Evergreen, cymes of deep violet- to lilac-blue flowers. ‘Isabel’ is a fall-flowering bulb. H 20in
keep dry in winter. Propagate by seed in spreading, basal-rosetted, epiphytic Z3–8. ‘Walker’s Low’ is robust and neat- (50cm), S 3in (8cm). Bears umbels of dark
spring or summer. perennial. H to 1ft (30cm), S to 28in (70cm). growing, with purplish blue flowers. rose-pink flowers with wavy, recurved
N. conoidea, syn. Coryphantha conoidea, Very broadly strap-shaped to ovate, N. sibirica, syn. Dracocephalum sibiricum, petals. Strap-shaped, semierect, basal
Mammillaria conoidea, illus. p.483. glossy, dark green leaves, with spiny, black N. macrantha. Erect, leafy perennial. H 3ft leaves persist during winter and die down
N. macdowellii. See Thelocactus teeth and usually with dark blotches, form (90cm), S 11⁄2ft (45cm). Bears long, whorled in spring. Z8–10. ‘Nikita’ (syn. N. ‘Nikita’),
macdowellii. dense rosettes. In summer, a compact cymes of blue to lavender-blue flowers, in H 11⁄2ft (45cm), S 3in (8cm), has loose
cluster of tubular, pale blue flowers, mid- and late summer. Leaves are dark umbels of funnel-shaped, pale pink flowers
NEOMARICA surrounded by pinkish-lilac bracts, is green and aromatic. Z4–8. ‘Souvenir with wavy-margined, recurved petal tips.
produced at the heart of each mature d’André Chaudron’ (syn. N. ‘Blue ‘Rowie’ bears umbels of soft apricot-pink
IRIDACEAE rosette. Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C). Beauty’) bears dark lavender-blue flowers flowers with recurved petal tips.
var. plutonis (syn. N.c. ‘Plutonis’) has above toothed, gray leaves. ‘Stephanie’ has lilylike, very pale pink
Genus of evergreen, irislike, rhizomatous, bracts flushed with red. ‘Plutonis’ see N. ‘Six Hills Giant’ illus. p.240. flowers with narrow, recurved petals.
herbaceous perennials with clusters of N.c. var. plutonis. N. ‘Corusca Major’. See. N. sarniensis
short-lived flowers in summer. Frost NEPHROLEPIS var. corusca ‘Major’.
tender. Needs partial shade and fertile, NEPENTHES N. crispa. See N. undulata Crispa Group.
moist, preferably humus-rich soil. Water NEPHROLEPIDACEAE/OLEANDRACEAE N. filifolia. Fall-flowering bulb. H 1ft
moderately in summer; reduce water in Pitcher plant (30cm), S 2in (5cm). Has threadlike,
winter, but do not allow plants to dry out. Genus of evergreen or semievergreen semierect leaves in a basal tuft. Slender
Propagate by seed or by division in spring. NEPENTHACEAE ferns. Frost hardy to frost tender. Needs stem produces pale pink flowers with
N. caerulea illus. p.393. a shady position. Prefers moist soil, but is narrow petals. Z9–11
Genus of evergreen, insectivorous, mostly extremely tolerant of both drought and N. flexuosa. See N. undulata Flexuosa
NEOPANAX epiphytic perennials, leaves adapted to waterlogging. Remove fading fronds and Group.
form pendulous, lidded, colored pitchers divide regularly. Propagate by division in N. ‘Fothergillii Major’. Late summer-
ARALIACEAE that trap and digest insects. Suitable for summer or early fall. to early fall-flowering bulb. H 20in (50cm),
hanging baskets. Frost tender. Needs N. cordifolia. Semievergreen fern. H 32in S 5–6in (12–15cm). Leaves are strap-
Small genus of evergreen shrubs, grown a humid atmosphere, partial shade, and (80cm), S 5ft (1.5m). Has narrowly lance- shaped, semierect, and basal. Very strong
for their architectural habit and black moist, fertile soil with added peat and shaped, arching, dark green fronds with stem has about 10 bright scarlet-salmon
fruit. Half hardy to frost hardy. Grow in a moss. Propagate by seed in spring or rounded, finely serrated pinnae. Z9–11 flowers with recurved petals. Z10–11
sheltered position in sun or partial shade by stem cuttings in spring or summer. N. exaltata (Sword fern) illus. p.478. N. masoniorum. Fall-flowering bulb.
in fertile, well-drained soil. Propagate by N. x hookeriana illus. p.473. H 1ft (30cm), S 2in (5cm). Produces
semiripe cuttings in summer or by seed N. rafflesiana. Evergreen, epiphytic, NEPHTHYTIS threadlike, semierect leaves in a basal tuft.
in fall. insectivorous perennial. H to 28ft (9m), Stem bears pink flowers with very crisped
N. arboreum, syn. Pseudopanax arboreus S 3–4ft (1–1.2m). Has lance-shaped, dark ARACEAE petal margins. Z10–11
(Five finger). Evergreen, round-headed, green leaves. Greenish-yellow pitchers, to N. ‘Nikita’. See N. bowdenii ‘Nikita’.
stout-branched tree. H 12–25ft (4–8m), 10in (25cm) long, are mottled purple and Genus of evergreen, tufted perennials, N. ‘Orion’ illus. p.413.
S 8–15ft (2.5–5m). Large, glossy, dark green brown, each with a striped rim and a with horizontal, creeping rhizomes, grown N. sarniensis (Guernsey lily) illus. p.414.
leaves are divided into 5 or 7 oblong leaflets. spurred lid. Racemes of inconspicuous, for their foliage. Frost tender. Requires a var. corusca ‘Major’ (syn. N. ‘Corusca
In summer, bears tiny, honey-scented, green green flowers, are borne intermittently. humid atmosphere, moist, humus-rich soil, Major’), H 2ft (60cm), S 5–6in (12–15cm), is
flowers, followed by rounded, purplish- Z12 (min. 59°F/15°C) and partial shade. Propagate by division
black fruits on female plants. Z9–11 in spring or summer.
N. laetus. Evergreen, round-headed,
stout-branched tree or shrub. H 20ft (6m),


a fall-flowering bulb with strap-shaped, NICOTIANA rosettes of strap-shaped, prickle-toothed, NOMOCHARIS
semierect, basal leaves. Stout stems bear arching, dark green, sometimes reddish-
10–15 scarlet-red flowers with narrow Tobacco plant green leaves, reddish-purple beneath. LILIACEAE
petals. Useful for cutting. Z10–11 Tubular, white flowers, partially hidden
N. undulata Crispa Group, syn. N. SOLANACEAE in a rosette of bright red bracts, are borne Genus of bulbs with a lilylike habit and,
crispa, illus. p.413. Flexuosa Group, mainly in summer. Z11–12 (min. 54°F/12°C) in summer, loose spikes of flattish flowers,
H 16–20in (40–50cm), S 5–6in (12–15cm), Genus of annuals, perennials that are N. procerum. Evergreen, spreading, often conspicuously spotted. Fully hardy.
is a semievergreen, fall-flowering bulb, usually grown as annuals, and basal-rosetted, epiphytic perennial. Needs partial shade and rich, well-drained
with strap-shaped, semierect, basal leaves. semievergreen shrubs. Frost hardy to H 8–12in (20–30cm), S 30in (75cm). Strap- soil with a high humus content. Requires
Produces 10–20 pink flowers; each petal frost tender. Needs sun or partial shade shaped, spiny-toothed, bright green leaves moist but not waterlogged soil in summer.
has a deeper pink mid-vein and a recurved, and fertile, well-drained soil. Propagate are produced in dense rosettes. Clusters of Remains dormant throughout winter.
wavy upper half. Z9–11. annuals and perennials by seed in early small, tubular, blue flowers are produced Propagate by seed in winter or spring.
‘Alba’ has white flowers. spring, shrubs by seed in spring or by in summer. Z11–12 (min. 54°F/12°C) N. mairei. See N. pardanthina.
semiripe cuttings in summer. tAll parts N. nana. See Lilium nanum.
NERIUM may cause severe discomfort if ingested. NIEREMBERGIA N. pardanthina, syn. N. mairei, illus.
Contact with the foliage may irritate skin. p.385.
APOCYNACEAE N. affinis. See N. alata. SOLANACEAE N. saluenensis. Summer-flowering bulb.
N. alata, syn. N. affinis, illus. p.231. H 34in (85cm), S 5–6in (12–15cm). Leafy
Genus of evergreen shrubs or small trees, N. ‘Baby Bella’. Vigorous, compact, Genus of summer-flowering perennials, stems have lance-shaped, scattered leaves.
grown for their often large clusters of branching perennial, grown as an annual. sometimes grown as annuals, and Bears a loose spike of 2–6 saucer-shaped,
colorful flowers. Frost tender. Needs full H 2–21⁄2ft (60–75cm), S to 1ft (30cm). deciduous or semievergreen shrubs. Frost white or pink flowers, with dark purple
sun and well-drained soil. Water potted Has oblong-lance-shaped, dark green to half hardy. Prefers sun and moist but eyes and purple spots. Z6–10
plants moderately when in full growth, leaves, to 4in (10cm) long. Bears fragrant, well-drained soil. Propagate by division in
sparingly at other times. Tip prune young trumpet-shaped, deep red flowers, spring, by semiripe cuttings in summer, or Nopalxochia ackermannii. See
plants to promote branching. Propagate 1¼–1½in (3–4cm) long. Z10–11 by seed in fall. Discocactus ackermannii.
by seed in spring or by semiripe cuttings N. glauca. Semievergreen, upright shrub. N. caerulea. See. N. linariifolia.
in summer. tAll parts are highly toxic H and S 8–10ft (2.5–3m). Stout, blue-gray N. linariifolia, syn. N. caerulea, N. NOTHOFAGUS
if ingested; contact with the foliage may shoots bear narrowly ovate, fleshy, blue- hippomanica. ‘Purple Robe’ illus. p.312.
irritate skin. gray leaves. Showy, tubular, bright yellow N. hippomanica. See N. linariifolia. Southern beech
N. oleander (Rose bay) illus. p.455. flowers are produced in summer and early N. repens, syn. N. rivularis, illus. p.361.
‘Flavescens Plenum’, H 6–20ft (2–6m), fall. Z9–11 N. rivularis. See N. repens. NOTHOFAGACEAE
S 3–10ft (1–3m), is an evergreen, upright, N. langsdorffii illus. p.316.
bushy shrub, with leathery, lance-shaped N. ‘Lime Green’ illus. p.318. NIGELLA Genus of deciduous or evergreen trees,
deep green leaves. In summer, bears N. x sanderae Cuba Series. Compact grown for their habit, foliage, and, in the
clusters of salverform, double, pale yellow branching perennials. H and S 1ft (30cm). RANUNCULACEAE case of deciduous species, fall color. Has
flowers; Z9–11. ‘Little Red’ has single red Upward-facing, fragrant flowers are inconspicuous flowers in late spring. Fully
flowers; Z6–10. ‘Variegatum’ has leaves white, pink, deep lime green, bright red, Genus of annuals, grown for their to frost hardy. Requires sun or partial
with white to pale yellow margins, and or bicolored combining lime green and attractive flowers, which are suitable for shade and, because it is not very resistant
double pink flowers. Z10–11 purple. Z10–11. Domino Series illus. p.299. cutting and their ornamental seed pods. to strong winds, should have the shelter
Sensation Mixed, H 2–21⁄2ft (60–75cm), is Fully hardy. Grows best in sun and fertile, of other trees. Prefers deep, fertile, moist
N compact, producing fragrant, white, pink, well-drained soil. Deadhead plants to but well-drained soil; is not suitable for
red, purple, and lime green flowers that prolong flowering if seed heads are shallow, chalky soil. Propagate by seed
NERTERA stay open in the daytime. not required. Propagate by seed sown in fall.
N. sylvestris. Branching, short-lived outdoors in spring or early fall. N. alpina, syn. N. procera (Rauli), illus.
RUBIACEAE perennial, often grown as a biennnial. N. damascena (Devil-in-a-bush, Love-in- p.64.
H 5ft (1.5m), S 2ft (60cm). Bears panicles of a-mist). Fast-growing, upright annual. N. antarctica (Antarctic beech, Nirre).
Genus of creeping perennials, grown for fragrant, tubular, white flowers at the ends H 20in (50cm), S 9in (23cm). Has feathery, Deciduous, broadly conical tree, sometimes
their abundant, spherical, beadlike fruits, of stems in late summer. The sweet flower bright green leaves. Spurred, many- with several main stems. H 50ft (15m),
produced in fall. Excellent for an alpine scent is strongest at night. Has long, petaled, blue flowers are produced in S 30ft (10m). Small, ovate, crinkly-edged,
house. Half hardy. Requires a sheltered, rough, mid-green leaves that are sticky to summer, followed by inflated, rounded, glossy, dark green leaves turn yellow in
partial shaded position in gritty, moist but the touch. Prefers sun. Z10–11 green, then brown seed pods that may fall. Z7–10
well-drained, sandy soil. Resents winter be cut and dried. Z9–11. ‘Miss Jekyll’ N. betuloides illus. p.69.
wet. Propagate in spring by seed, division, NIDULARIUM illus. p.315. ‘Miss Jekyll Alba’ has N. dombeyi illus. p.68.
or tip cuttings. white flowers with pinkish centers. N. menziesii (Silver beech) illus. p.69.
N. depressa. See N. granadensis. BROMELIACEAE Persian Jewels Group illus. p.314. N. obliqua (Roblé) illus. p.63.
N. granadensis (Bead plant) illus. p.373. N. procera. See N. alpina.
Genus of evergreen, rosette-forming, NOLANA
NICANDRA epiphytic perennials, grown for their NOTHOLIRION
overall appearance. Frost tender. Requires SOLANACEAE
Apple of Peru, Shoo-fly a position in partial shade and a rooting LILIACEAE
medium of equal parts humus-rich soil Genus of annuals, perennials, and
SOLANACEAE and sphagnum moss or bark or plastic subshrubs useful for growing in hot, dry Genus of summer-flowering bulbs, related
chips generally used for orchid culture. sites and rock gardens and as edging. to Fritillaria and Lilium, grown for their
Genus of one species of annual producing Using soft water, water moderately during Frost hardy to half hardy. Grow in sun funnel-shaped flowers. Frost hardy to half
short-lived flowers and fruiting branches the growing season, sparingly at other and in fertile, well-drained soil. Propagate hardy. Often produces early leaves, which
that can be used for dried arrangements. times, and keep centers of rosettes filled by seed sown outdoors in spring. may be damaged by spring frosts, so grow
Fully hardy. Requires a position in sun with water from spring to fall. Propagate N. atriplicifolia. See N. paradoxa. in a cool greenhouse in areas subject to
and fertile, moist but well-drained soil. by offsets in spring or summer. N. grandiflora. See N. paradoxa. alternating mild and cold periods in
Propagate by seed sown in spring. N. carolinae. See Neoregelia carolinae. N. paradoxa, syn. N. atriplicifolia, spring. Prefers partial shade or full sun
N. physalodes (Apple of Peru, Shoo-fly). N. fulgens (Blushing bromeliad). N. grandiflora. Moderately fast-growing, and humus-rich, well-drained soil. Bulb
Fast-growing, upright, branching annual. Evergreen, spreading, basal-rosetted, prostrate annual. H 8–10in (20–25cm), dies after flowering. Propagate in spring
H 3ft (90cm), S 1ft (30cm). Has ovate, epiphytic perennial. H 8in (20cm) or more, S to 2ft (60cm). Has ovate, mid-green or fall by offsets, which take 2–3 years to
serrated, mid-green leaves. From summer S 16–20in (40–50cm). Has dense rosettes leaves and, in summer, funnel-shaped, reach flowering size. Alternatively
to early fall, bears a profusion of bell- of strap-shaped, spiny-toothed, arching, purplish-blue flowers, to 2in (5cm) across, propagate by seed in winter or spring.
shaped, white-throated, light violet-blue glossy, rich green leaves. Tubular, white- that have white-zoned, yellow throats. N. campanulatum illus. p.386.
flowers, more than 1in (2.5cm) across, that and-purple flowers, almost hidden in a Z9–11
last only one day. Flowers are followed by rosette of bright scarlet bracts, are mainly Nothopanax. See Pseudopanax.
brown berries surrounded by green produced in summer. Z12 (min. 59°F/15°C) Nolina recurvata. See Beaucarnea Nothoscordum neriniflorum. See
calyces, 11⁄4–11⁄2in (3–4cm) across. Thought N. innocentii. Evergreen, spreading, recurvata.
to repel flies, hence its name. Z7–10 basal-rosetted, epiphytic perennial. Allium neriniflorum.
H 8–12in (20–30cm), S 2ft (60cm). Has dense Nolina tuberculata. Notocactus. See Parodia.
646 Nicodemia madagascariensis. See See Beaucarnea recurvata. Notospartium. See Carmichaelia.

Buddleja madagascariensis.


NUPHAR star-shaped flowers, 2in (5cm) across, and, in summer, fragrant, rounded, white shaped, yellow flowers, ¾–1¼in (2–4cm)
cream in bud, opening to yellow, then flowers, 6–8in (15–20cm) across. Z3–11 across, in summer. Z3–11
NYMPHAEACEAE passing through orange to blood-red. N. ‘Helvola’. See N. ‘Pygmaea Helvola’. N. ‘Pygmaea Rubra’. Deciduous,
Suits a small- to medium-sized pool. Z3–11 N. ‘James Brydon’ (illus. p.440). perennial water plant with floating leaves.
Genus of deciduous, perennial, deep-water N. ‘Black Princess’ (illus. p.440). Deciduous, perennial water plant with S 2ft (60cm). Small, reddish-green young
plants, grown for their floating foliage Deciduous, perennial water plant with floating leaves. S to 4ft (1.2m). In summer, leaves mature to purplish-green. Produces
and spherical flowers. Fully to frost hardy. floating leaves. S 4ft (1.2m). Rounded, red- bears fragrant, peony-shaped, orange- cup-shaped, blood-red flowers, 5cm (2in)
Grows in shade or sun and in running or bronze leaves mature to dark green. In suffused, crimson flowers, 6–8in (15–20cm) across, in summer. Z3–11
still water; is often grown for a water-lily summer, produces cup-shaped, very dark across, above dark green, glossy leaves. Z3–11 N. ‘Ray Davies’. Deciduous, perennial
effect in conditions where true water lilies blackish-purple flowers, 3in (8cm) across, N. ‘Laydekeri Fulgens’ (Laydekeri water plant with floating leaves. S to 5ft
would not thrive. Remove fading foliage with dark orange stamens. Z3–11 Group), syn. N. ‘Fulgens (illus. p.440). (1.5m). In summer, produces peony-shaped,
and flowers, and divide crowded plants. N. ‘Blue Beauty’ (illus. p.440). Deciduous, Deciduous, perennial water plant with light pink flowers, 15–18cm (6–7in) across,
Propagate by division in spring. perennial water plant with floating leaves. floating leaves. S to 5ft (1.5m). Dark green slightly yellow in the center, above
N. advena. See N. lutea subsp. advena. S to 8ft (2.5m). Leaves are brown-freckled, leaves are purplish-green and marked dark rounded, deep green leaves. Z3–11
N. lutea (Yellow water lily) illus. p.444. dark green above, purplish-green beneath. purple when young. In summer, bears cup- N. ‘Rose Arey’ (illus. p.440). Deciduous,
subsp. advena (syn. N. advena; American Fragrant, rounded, deep blue flowers, to shaped, burgundy-red flowers, to 5–6in perennial water plant with floating leaves.
spatterdock). Deciduous, deep- water 1ft (30cm) across, are produced in summer. (12–15cm), with orange-red stamens. Z3–11 S to 5ft (1.5m). Leaves are reddish-green,
perennial. S 4ft (1.2m). Has broadly ovate, Z12 (min. 59°F/15°C). N. ‘Lucida’ (illus. p.440). Deciduous, purple when young. In summer, bears star-
floating, mid-green leaves; central ones are N. capensis (Cape blue water lily). perennial water plant with floating leaves. shaped, deep rose-pink flowers, 10–15cm
occasionally erect. Small, purple-tinged, Deciduous, perennial water plant with S 5–6ft (1.5–1.8m). Has broadly ovate, mid- (4–6in) across, that pale with age and have
yellow flowers in summer are followed by floating leaves. S to 8ft (2.5m). Large, mid- green leaves. In summer, bears star-shaped a strong aniseed fragrance. Z3–11
decorative seed heads. Z3–7 green leaves are often splashed with flowers, 5–6in (12–15cm) across, with red N. ‘Sunrise’. See N. ‘Odorata Sulphurea
purple beneath. Star-shaped, bright blue inner petals, pink-veined, whitish-pink Grandiflora’.
Nutallia. See Oemleria. flowers, 6–8in (15–20cm) across, are borne outer petals, and yellow stamens. Z3–11 N. tetragona, syn. N. pygmaea (illus.
in summer. Z12 (min. 59°F/15°C). N. ‘Madame Wilfon Gonnère’. p.440). Deciduous, perennial water plant
NYMANIA N. ‘Emily Grant Hutchings’. Deciduous, Deciduous, perennial water plant with with floating leaves. S to 1ft (30cm). Has
perennial water plant with floating leaves. floating leaves. S to 5ft (1.5m). Has mid- small, dark green leaves, purplish-green
MELIACEAE S to 4ft (1.2m). Small, green leaves are green leaves and, in summer, cup-shaped, beneath, and, in summer, star-shaped, white
overlaid with bronze-crimson. Cup-shaped, white flowers, 6in (15cm) across, spotted flowers, 2–3cm (3⁄4–11⁄4in) across. Z3–11.
Genus of one species of evergreen, spring- pinkish-red flowers, 6–8in (15–20cm) across, with deep rose-pink. Z3–11 ‘Helvola’ see N. ‘Pygmaea Helvola’.
flowering shrub, grown for its flowers and open during the night in summer. Z3–11 N. ‘Marliacea Albida’, syn. N. Marliacea N. ‘Virginalis’. Deciduous, perennial
fruits. Frost tender. Needs full light and N. ‘Escarboucle’ (illus. p.440). Deciduous, Group ‘Albida’ (illus. p.440). Deciduous, water plant with floating leaves. S to 4ft
fertile, well-drained soil. Water potted perennial water plant with floating leaves. perennial water plant with floating leaves. (1.2m). Pale green leaves are purple or
specimens moderately, less when not in S 5ft (1.5m). Leaves are dark green. In S to 4ft (1.2m). Deep green leaves have red bronze when young. Bears fragrant, star-
full growth. Propagate by seed in spring summer, bears cup-shaped, deep crimson or purplish-green undersides. Bears shaped, white flowers, 4–6in (10–15cm),
or by semiripe cuttings in summer. flowers, 4–6in (10–15cm) across, with fragrant, cup-shaped, pure white flowers, with yellow stamens, in summer. Z3–11
N. capensis (Chinese lanterns, lapperbos) bright golden centers. Z3–11 6–8in (15–20cm) across, in summer. Z3–11
illus. p.456. N. ‘Fabiola’. Deciduous, perennial water N. ‘Marliacea Chromatella’, syn. NYMPHOIDES N
plant with floating leaves. S to 5ft (1.5m). N. Marliacea Group ‘Chromatella’
NYMPHAEA In summer, produces fragrant, peony- (illus. p.440). Deciduous, perennial water MENYANTHACEAE
shaped flowers, 6–7in (15–18cm) across, plant with floating leaves. S 4–5ft (1.2–
Water lily with strongly flecked pink petals, above 1.5m). Has olive-green leaves, heavily Genus of deciduous, perennial, shallow-
mid-green leaves. Z3–11 mottled with maroon and bronze. In water plants, with floating foliage, grown
NYMPHAEACEAE N. ‘Fire Crest’ (illus. p.440). Deciduous, summer, bears cup-shaped, canary-yellow for their flowers. Fully hardy to frost
perennial water plant with floating leaves. flowers, 15–20cm (6–8in) across. Z3–11 tender. Requires an open, sunny position.
Genus of deciduous, summer-flowering, S to 4ft (1.2m). Mid-green leaves are dark N. Marliacea Group ‘Albida’. See Propagate by division in spring or summer.
perennial water plants, grown for their purple when young, with open sinuses. N. ‘Marliacea Albida’. N. peltata, syn. Limnanthemum
floating, usually rounded leaves and In summer, bears star-shaped, deep pink N. Marliacea Group ‘Chromatella’. nymphoides, L. peltatum, Villarsia
brightly colored flowers. Fully hardy to flowers, 6in x (6in) across, with lavender- See N. ‘Marliacea Chromatella’. nymphoides (Water fringe), illus. p.444.
frost tender. Needs an open, sunny position pink inner petals, orange inner stamens, N. odorata var. minor (illus. p.440).
and still water; they are not suitable for and pink outer stamens. Z3–11 Deciduous, perennial water plant with NYSSA 647
streams, or positions close to fountains. N. ‘Froebelii’ (illus. p.440). Deciduous, floating leaves. S 3–5ft (1–1.5m). Small,
Remove fading foliage to prevent it from perennial water plant with floating leaves. rounded, soft green leaves have dark red Tupelo
polluting water. Plants have tuberlike S 3ft (90cm). Has rounded, pale green beneath. Bears fragrant, star-shaped, white
rhizomes and require dividing and leaves, bronzed when young. In summer, flowers 3in (8cm) across, in summer. Z3–11 CORNACEAE/NYSSACEAE
replanting in spring or early summer produces cup-shaped, later star-shaped, N. ‘Odorata Sulphurea Grandiflora’,
every 3 or 4 years. Most frost tender burgundy-red flowers, 4–5in (10–12cm) syn. N. ‘Sunrise’ (illus. p.440). Deciduous, Genus of deciduous trees grown for their
plants may be treated as annuals. May across, with red stamens. Z3–11 perennial water plant with floating leaves. attractive foliage and brilliant fall color.
also be propagated by seed or by N. ‘Fulgens’. See N. ‘Laydekeri Fulgens’ S to 3ft (1m). Dark green leaves are heavily Inconspicuous, small, green flowers in
separating plantlets in spring or early (Laydekeri Group). mottled with maroon. In summer, bears summer are followed by small, ovoid blue
summer. Water lily beetle and brown N. ‘General Pershing’. Deciduous, fragrant, star-shaped, yellow flowers, fruits. Fully hardy. Needs sun or partial
china-mark moth eat the foliage and can perennial water plant with floating leaves. 4–6in (10–15cm) across. Z3–11 shade; does best in hot summers. Needs
be problems. See also feature panel p.440. S 5–6ft (1.5–1.8m). Leaves are rounded, N. ‘Pink Sensation’ (illus. p.440). moist, neutral to acidic soil. Resents being
N. ‘Amabilis’. Deciduous, perennial wavy-margined, olive-green and marked Deciduous, perennial water plant with transplanted. Propagate by softwood
water plant with floating leaves. S 5–7ft with purple. In summer, bears day- floating leaves. S 4ft (1.2m). In summer, cuttings in summer or by seed in fall.
(1.5–2.2m). Rounded leaves, reddish-purple blooming, cup-shaped, later flat, highly bears cup-shaped, later star-shaped, pink N. sinensis illus. p.77. ‘Jim Russell’ is
when young, mature to dark green with fragrant, lavender-pink flowers, 8–11in flowers, 5–6in (12–15cm) across, with a broadly conical, deciduous tree, with an
red-margined, light green undersides. In (20–27cm) across, with contrasting yellow yellow inner stamens and pink outer upright central leader. H and S 30ft (10m).
summer, bears star-shaped, pink flowers, stamens. Z12 (min. 59°F/15°C) stamens. Produces rounded, mid-green Oblong to elliptic, slenderly tapered, dark
6–7in (15–19cm) across, with light pink tips N. ‘Gladstoniana’. Deciduous, perennial leaves, purple-green when young. Z3–11 green leaves are sparsely hairy and bronze-
and dark yellow stamens. Z3–11 water plant with floating leaves. S to 3m N. pygmaea. See N. tetragona. ‘Helvola’ red when young, turning brilliant shades
N. ‘Attraction’ (illus. p.440). Deciduous, (10ft). Leaves are mid-green. Star-shaped, see N. ‘Pygmaea Helvola’. of orange, red, and yellow in fall, becoming
perennial water plant with floating leaves. white flowers, 6–12in (15–30cm) across, N.‘Pygmaea Helvola’, syn. N. ‘Helvola’, nearly hairless when mature. Z7–9
S 4-5ft (1.2–1.5m). Has dark green leaves open in summer. Z3–11 N. pygmaea ‘Helvola’, N. tetragona ‘Helvola’ N. sylvatica (Black gum) illus. p.66.
and, in summer, bears cup-shaped, garnet- N. ‘Gonnère’ (illus. p.440). Deciduous, (illus. p.440). Deciduous, perennial water ‘Wisley Bonfire’ is a broadly conical,
red flowers, 6in (15cm) across, flecked perennial water plant with floating leaves. plant with floating leaves. S to 11⁄2ft (45cm). deciduous tree, with often pendent, lower
white. Z3–11 S to 5ft (1.5m). Has bright pea-green leaves Small, olive-green leaves have heavy branches. H 20m (70ft), S 30ft (10m).
N. ‘Aurora’ (illus. p.440). Deciduous, purple or brown mottling. Produces star- Produces ovate to obovate, matte or glossy,
perennial water plant with floating leaves. dark green leaves, to 6in (15cm) long,
S to 5ft (1.5m). Olive-green leaves are downy beneath when young, with short,
mottled with purple. In summer, bears blunt points. Leaves reliably turn a fiery
orange-red in fall. Z4–9


O OENOTHERA OLEARIA moderately fertile soil. Propagate by seed
in fall. Young plants take 2 or 3 years to
OCHNA Evening primrose Daisy bush flower.

Sisyrinchium odoratissimum. Slender,
Genus of mainly deciduous or semi- Genus of annuals, biennials, and perennials, Genus of evergreen shrubs, small trees, clump-forming, rhizomatous perennial.
evergreen trees and shrubs, grown mostly grown for their profuse but short-lived, and some perennials, grown for their H 10–14in (25–35cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm).
for their flowers and fruits. Frost tender. often fragrant, flowers borne in summer. foliage and daisylike flower heads. In mild, Has upright stems with cylindrical,
Prefers full light and well-drained soil. Fully to half hardy. Needs full sun and coastal areas provides good, very wind- rushlike, erect, basal leaves. In late spring
Water potted specimens moderately, less well-drained, sandy soil. Propagate by resistant shelter. Borderline frost hardy to or summer, produces a small head of
when not in growth. Prune, if necessary, seed or division in fall or spring, or frost tender. Needs full sun and well- fragrant, pendent, trumpet-shaped, white
in early spring. Propagate by seed in by softwood cuttings in late spring. drained soil. Cut out dead wood in spring. flowers that are striped and veined red. H5
spring or by semiripe cuttings in summer. O. acaulis. Tuft-forming perennial. H 6in Propagate by semiripe cuttings in summer. O. douglasii, syn. Sisyrinchium douglasii,
O. multiflora. See O. serrulata. (15cm), S 8in (20cm). Has oblong to ovate, O. albida of gardens. See O. ‘Talbot de S. grandiflorum (Grass widow, Spring
O. serratifolia of gardens. deeply toothed or lobed leaves. Cup- Malahide’. bell). Stiff, upright, clump-forming,
See O. serrulata. shaped, white flowers, turning pink, open O. avicenniifolia. Evergreen, rounded, deciduous perennial. H 10in (25cm), S 6in
O. serrulata, syn. O. multiflora, at sunset in summer. Z4–10 dense shrub. H 10ft (3m), S 15ft (5m). Ovate (15cm). Has grasslike, linear, grayish-green
O. serratifolia of gardens (Mickey-mouse O. biennis (Evening primrose). Erect, to lance-shaped, dark gray-green leaves leaves sheathing very short, threadlike,
plant). Evergreen, irregularly rounded, hairy annual or biennial, usually grown as are white beneath. Bears wide heads of flowering stems. In early spring, produces
twiggy shrub that is semievergreen in low a biennial. H 3–5ft (1–1.5m), S to 2ft (60cm). fragrant, white flowers in late summer and a succession of pendent, bell-shaped,
temperatures. H to 6ft (2m), S 3–6ft (1–2m) Produces large rosettes of oblong to lance- early fall. Z7–10 violet to red-purple, or sometimes white,
or more. Leaves are narrowly elliptic, shaped, shallowly toothed, slightly sticky, O. x haastii (Daisy bush) illus. p.130. flowers. Suits a rock garden or alpine
toothed, and glossy. Produces 5-petaled, red-veined, mid-green leaves, and lance- O. ‘Henry Travers’, syn. O. semidentata house. H5
bright yellow flowers in spring-summer, shaped stem leaves. Bowl-shaped, fragrant of gardens. Evergreen, rounded, compact
then shuttlecock-shaped, red fruits, each flowers, to 2in (5cm) across, initially pale shrub. H and S 10ft (3m). Has white shoots OMPHALODES
with 1–5 berrylike seeds clustered on top. yellow, aging to dark golden yellow, and and narrowly lance-shaped, leathery,
Z10–12 (min. 45°F/7°C). opening in the evening, are borne in leafy, gray-green leaves. Large heads of purple- BORAGINACEAE
spikelike racemes from summer to fall. centered, lilac flowers are borne from
x Odontioda. See Oncidium and Seeds are used to produce evening early to midsummer. Z9–11 Genus of annuals, biennials, and
x Oncostele primrose oil. Z4–9 O. ilicifolia (Mountain holly) illus. p.130. perennials, some of which are evergreen
O. caespitosa. Clump-forming, stemless O. lacunosa. Evergreen, upright, dense or semievergreen. Provides good ground-
x Odontocidium. See Oncidium. perennial. H 5in (12cm), S 8in (20cm). Has shrub. H and S 10ft (3m). Narrowly oblong, cover, especially in rock gardens. Fully to
Odontoglossum bictoniense. narrowly ovate, entire or toothed, mid- pointed, rigid leaves have rust-brown frost hardy. Needs shade or partial shade
green leaves. Flowers, opening at sunset hairs when young and mature to glossy, and moist but well-drained soil, except for
See Rhynchostele bictoniense. in summer, are fragrant, cup-shaped, and dark green with central, white veins. O. linifolia and O. luciliae, which enjoy sun.
Odontoglossum Buttercrisp gx. white, becoming pink with age. Suits a Bears white flowerheads only rarely. Z9–11 Propagate by seed or division in spring.
rock garden. Z4–10 O. macrodonta illus. p.132. O. cappadocica illus. p.334.
See Oncidium Buttercrisp gx. O. fruticosa ‘Fireworks’. See O.f. O. x mollis. Evergreen, rounded, dense ‘Cherry Ingram’ illus. p.261.
‘Fyrverkeri’. ‘Fyrverkeri’ (syn. O.f. shrub. H 3ft (1m), S 5ft (1.5m). Has ovate, O. linifolia (Venus’s navelwort) illus.
O Odontoglossum cervantesii. ‘Fireworks’) illus. p.275. wavy-edged, silvery-gray leaves. Large p.299.
See Rhynchostele cervantesii. O. lindheimeri. See Gaura lindheimeri. heads of small, white flowers are borne O. luciliae. Semievergreen, mound-
Odontoglossum cordatum. O. macrocarpa, syn. O. missouriensis, profusely in late spring. Z7–10. forming perennial. H 3in (7cm), S 6in
See Rhynchostele cordata. illus. p.372. ‘Zennorensis’, H and S 6ft (2m), has (15cm). Has ovate, blue-gray leaves. In
Odontoglossum crispum. O. missouriensis. See O. macrocarpa. narrowly oblong leaves. spring–summer, loose sprays of pink buds
See Oncidium alexandrae. O. perennis, syn. O. pumila. Clump- O. nummulariifolia illus. p.128. develop into flattish, sky-blue flowers.
Odontoglossum Eric Young gx. forming perennial. H 6–4in (15–60cm), S 1ft O. phlogopappa. Evergreen, upright, Resents winter wet; plant in a sheltered
See Oncidium Eric Young gx. (30cm). In summer, loose spikes compact shrub. H and S 6ft (2m). Leaves site or alpine house. Prefers full sun and
Odontoglossum grande. of nodding buds open to fragrant, funnel- are gray-green and oblong, with wavy very gritty soil. Z6–9
See Rossioglossum grande. shaped, yellow flowers above spoon- edges. Bears abundant, white flower heads O. verna illus. p.334.
Odontoglossum Le Nez Point gx. shaped, mid-green leaves. Z4–8 in late spring. Z7–10. var. subrepanda
See Oncidium Le Nez Point gx. O. pumila. See O. perennis. illus. p.149. var. subrepanda ‘Comber’s OMPHALOGRAMMA
Odontoglossum rossii. See O. speciosa (White evening primrose). Blue’ has flowers with mid-blue ray florets.
Rhynchostele rossii. Frequently short-lived, clump-forming var. subrepanda ‘Comber’s Pink’ has PRIMULACEAE
Odontoglossum Royal Occasion gx. perennial, with running rhizomes. H 11⁄2ft flowers with pink ray florets.
See Oncidium Royal Occasion gx. (45cm), S 1ft (30cm) or more. In summer, O. x scilloniensis illus. p.131. Genus of perennials, closely related to
produces spikes of fragrant, saucer- O. semidentata of gardens. See Primula, grown for their flowers. Good
648 OEMLERIA shaped, green-centered, white flowers O. ‘Henry Travers’. rock garden plants, but are difficult to
that age to pink and open flat. Leaves are grow, especially in hot, dry areas. Fully
syn. nUTTALLIA, OsMAROnIA narrowly spoon-shaped, deeply cut, and O. ‘Talbot de Malahide’, syn. O. albida hardy. Needs shade and gritty, moist but
mid-green. Z4–8 of gardens. Evergreen, bushy, dense shrub. well-drained, peaty soil. Propagate by
ROSACEAE H 10ft (3m), S 15ft (5m). Has ovate, dark seed in spring.
OLEA green leaves, silvery beneath. Bears broad O. vinciflorum. Basal-rosetted perennial.
Genus of one species of deciduous, early heads of fragrant, white flowers in late H 6in (15cm), S 4in (10cm). Has ovate to
spring-flowering shrub, grown for its OLEACEAE summer. Good for exposed, coastal oblong, hairy leaves that are mid-green. In
fragrant flowers and decorative fruits. gardens. Z9–11 spring, produces nodding, funnel-shaped,
Separate male and female plants are Genus of evergreen trees, grown for O. virgata illus. p.112. violet flowers, each with a deeper violet
needed in order to obtain fruits. Fully their foliage and edible fruits. Frost hardy; throat and a flat, flared mouth. Z6–9
hardy. Prefers sun or partial shade and in cold areas requires the protection of Oliveranthus elegans. See Echeveria
moist soil. To restrict growth, remove a sheltered, south- or west-facing wall. harmsii. ONCIDIUM
suckers and cut old shoots bacor down to Requires full sun and deep, fertile, very
base in late winter. Propagate by suckers well-drained soil. Propagate by semiripe OLSYNIUM ORCHIDACEAE
in fall. cuttings in summer or by seed in fall.
O. cerasiformis (Indian plum, Oregon O. europaea (Olive). Slow-growing, IRIDACEAE See also ORCHIDS.
plum, Oso berry). Deciduous, upright, evergreen, spreading tree. H and S 30ft O. alexandrae, syn. Odontoglossum
then arching shrub that forms dense (10m). Very long-lived. Narrowly oblong Genus of fibrous-rooted, clump-forming crispum (illus. p.466). Evergreen,
thickets. H 8ft (2.5m), S 12ft (4m). Leaves leaves are gray-green above, silvery perennials, grown for their nodding, epiphytic orchid for a cool greenhouse
are narrowly ovate and dark blue-green. beneath. Short racemes of tiny, fragrant, trumpet- to bell-shaped flowers in spring. or conservatory. H 6in (15cm). Bears
Produces nodding clusters of small, white flowers, borne in late summer, are Good for a shady rock garden, peat bed, long sprays of rounded flowers, 3in (8cm)
fragrant, bell-shaped, white flowers in followed by edible, ovate, green, later or alpine house. Fully hardy. Requires across, white or spotted or flushed with
early spring, followed by small, plum- purple fruits. Z8–10 partial shade and moist, humus-rich, pink, each with a red-and-yellow-marked
shaped, purple fruits. Z6–10 lip; flowering season varies. Has narrowly


ovate leaves, 10–15cm (4–6in) long. Requires shade in summer. Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C; cordatum. Evergreen, epiphytic orchid for well-drained soil. Dislikes wet summers.
shade in summer. Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C; max. 75°F/24°C) a cool greenhouse. H 9in (23cm). Bears Propagate by softwood cuttings in
max. 75°F/24°C) O. Royal Occasion, syn. Odontoglossum long spikes of yellow-striped and -marked, summer or by seed in fall.
O. Artur Elle gx ‘Colombian’, syn. Royal Occasion. Evergreen, epiphytic rich chocolate-brown flowers, 3in (7cm) O. alborosea illus. p.338.
x Odontocidium Artur Elle ‘Colombian’ orchid for a cool greenhouse. H 6in (15cm). across; flowering season varies. Leaves O. stellulata. Semievergreen, upright
(illus. p.467). Evergreen, epiphytic orchid Bears spikes of white flowers, 3in (8cm) are narrowly ovate and 4–6in (10–15cm) subshrub. H and S 6in (15cm). Leaves are
for a cool greenhouse. H 9in (23cm). across, with deep yellow markings in the long. Grow in shade in summer. oblong and covered in hairs which may
Produces tall spikes of pale yellow flowers, centers of the lips in fall-winter. Leaves are Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C; max. 75°F/24°C) irritate the skin. Clusters of yellow flowers
21⁄2in (6cm) across and intricately patterned narrowly ovate and 4–6in (10–15cm) long. open in late spring and summer. Z5–8
with brown; flowering season varies. Has Shade in summer. Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C; Oncostema peruviana. See Scilla
narrowly ovate leaves, 4–6in (10–15cm) max. 75°F/24°C) peruviana. OOPHYTUM
long. Requires shade in summer. Z11–12 O. sotoanum (illus. p.466). This plant has
(min. 50°F/10°C; max. 75°F/24°C) been widely grown under the alternative ONOCLEA AIZOACEAE
O. Eric Young gx, syn. Odontoglossum name of O. ornithorrhynchum of gardens.
Eric Young (illus. p.467). Evergreen, Evergreen, epiphytic orchid for a cool ONOCLEACEAE Genus of clump-forming, egg-shaped,
epiphytic orchid for a cool greenhouse. greenhouse. H 6in (15cm). Dense, arching perennial succulents with 2 united, very
H 6in (15cm). Bears spikes of white-lipped, sprays of very fragrant, rose-lilac flowers, Genus of one species of deciduous fern fleshy leaves. These are covered in dry,
pale yellow flowers, 3in (8cm), spotted 1⁄4in (5mm) across, with a yellow highlight, that rapidly colonizes wet areas via papery sheaths, except in spring when
with rich yellow; flowering season varies. are borne freely in fall. Has narrowly ovate spreading, underground rhizomes. Fully sheaths split open, revealing a new pair of
Has narrowly ovate leaves, 4–6in (10– leaves, 4in (10cm) long. Needs partial hardy. Grows in light dappled shade and leaves. Flowers are produced from a slight
15cm) long. Provide cool shade in summer. shade in summer. Z11–12 (min. 55°F/13°C; in wet soil. Remove fronds as they fade. central fissure on upper surface. Difficult
Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C; max. 75°F/24°C) max. 86°F/30°C) Sow spores at 59–61°F (15–16°C) as soon to grow. Frost tender. Requires sun and
O. flexuosum. See Gomesa flexuosa. O. Tiger Hambühren, syn. as ripe, or divide in spring. well-drained soil. Propagate by seed, or
O. Hambühren Stern gx ‘Cheam’, x Odontocidium Tiger Hambühren. O. sensibilis (Sensitive fern). Deciduous, separate and root complete bodies, in
syn. x Wilsonara Hambühren Stern gx Evergreen, epiphytic orchid for a cool creeping fern. H and S 11⁄2ft (45cm). spring or summer.
‘Cheam’ (illus. p.467). Evergreen, epiphytic greenhouse. H 9in (23cm). Tall spikes of Produces handsome, arching, almost O. nanum. Clump-forming, perennial
orchid for a cool greenhouse. H 9in (23cm). deep yellow flowers, 3in (8cm) across, are triangular, divided, fresh pale green succulent. H 3⁄4in (2cm), S 1⁄2in (1cm). Has
Narrowly ovate leaves are 4in (10cm) long. patterned with chestnut-brown; flowering fronds, often suffused pinkish-brown in 2 united, fleshy, green leaves, and bears
Bears spikes of deep reddish-brown season varies. Has narrowly ovate leaves, spring. In fall, fronds turn an attractive daisylike, white flowers, 1⁄2in (1cm) across,
flowers, 31∕2in (9cm) across, each with a 4–6in (10–15cm) long. Shade in summer. yellowish-brown. Z4–8 in fall. Z10–12 (min. 45°F/7°C)
yellow lip; flowering season varies. Needs Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C; max. 75°F/24°C)
shade in summer. Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C; O. Tigersun gx ‘Orbec’, syn. ONONIS Operculina tuberosa.
max. 75°F/24°C) x Odontocidium Tigersun ‘Orbec’ (illus. See Merremia tuberosa.
O. Buttercrisp gx, syn. p.467). Evergreen, epiphytic orchid for PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE
x Odontoglossum Buttercrisp (illus. p.467). a cool greenhouse. H 9in (23cm). Similar OPHIOPOGON O
Evergreen, epiphytic orchid for a cool to x O. Tiger Hambuhren, but flowers are Genus of summer-flowering annuals,
greenhouse. H 9in (23cm). Bears arching slightly smaller, with lighter patterning. perennials, and deciduous or ASPARAGACEAE
spikes of intricately patterned, red, tan, Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C; max. 75°F/24°C) semievergreen shrubs and subshrubs,
orange, and yellow flowers, 3in (8cm) O. tigrinum (illus. p.467). Evergreen, grown for their pealike flowers. Good for Genus of evergreen perennials, grown
across; flowering season varies. Has epiphytic orchid for a cool or intermediate walls, rock gardens, and banks. Fully for their grasslike foliage. Fully to half
narrowly ovate leaves, 4–6in (10–15cm) greenhouse. H 9in (23cm). Branching hardy. Needs sun and well-drained soil. hardy. Grows in sun or partial shade, in
long. Needs shade in summer. Z11–12 spikes of fragrant, yellow-marked, brown Propagate by seed in fall or spring, shrubs fertile, well-drained, preferably acidic soil.
(min. 50°F/10°C; max. 75°F/24°C) flowers, 2in (5cm) across, each with a by softwood cuttings in summer. Propagate by division in spring or by
O. Le Nez Point gx, syn. Odontoglossum large, yellow lip, are produced in fall. O. fruticosa (Shrubby restharrow) illus. seed in fall.
Le Nez Point. Evergreen, epiphytic orchid Has ovate leaves, 6in (15cm) long. p.339. O. jaburan. Evergreen, clump-forming
for a cool greenhouse. H 6in (15cm). Requires partial shade in summer. O. natrix (Large yellow restharrow) illus. perennial. H 6in (15cm), S 1ft (30cm). Has
Crimson flowers, 21⁄2in (6cm) across, are Z11–12 (min. 55°F/13°C; max. 86°F/30°C) p.345. dark green foliage. In early summer, bears
borne in spikes; flowering season varies. O. rotundifolia. Deciduous or racemes of bell-shaped, white flowers,
Has narrowly ovate leaves, 4–6in (10– x ONCIDOPSIS semievergreen, glandular, upright followed by deep blue berries. Z9–11.
15cm) long. Needs shade in summer. subshrub. H 8–24in (20–60cm), S 8–12in ‘Variegatus’ see O.j. ‘Vittatus’.
Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C; max. 75°F/24°C) ORCHIDACEAE (20–30cm) or more. Small, rounded, hairy, ‘Vittatus’ (syn. O.j. ‘Variegatus’) has
O. Memoria Commander Wiggs gx 3-parted, toothed, green leaves, have a white- or yellow-striped foliage and is
‘Kay’ (illus. p.467). Evergreen, epiphytic See also ORCHIDS. long-stalked terminal leaflet. Bears clusters much less robust.
orchid for a cool greenhouse. H 9in (23cm). x O. Olga gx. Evergreen, epiphytic of relatively large, rose-pink, red-streaked O. japonicus illus. p.283. ‘Minor’,
Bears spikes of mottled, deep reddish- orchid for a cool greenhouse. H 6in (15cm). flowers in summer. Z6–9 H and S 4–5in (10–12cm), is a compact,
brown flowers, 2in (5cm) across, each with Pure white flowers, 4in (10cm) across, with evergreen, grasslike perennial. Has
a rich golden-yellow lip; flowering season large, reddish-brown-blotched lips, are Onopordon. See Onopordum. narrow, deep green leaves. Spikes of small,
varies. Narrowly ovate leaves are 4–6in borne in tall, arching racemes, mainly in bell-shaped, white, occasionally pale lilac,
(10–15cm) long. Grow in shade in summer. fall. Produces ovoid pseudobulbs and ONOPORDUM flowers are produced in summer, followed
Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C; max. 75°F/24°C) narrowly ovate leaves, 5in (12cm) long. by fleshy, blue berries. Slow growing.
O. Mount Bingham, syn. x Odontioda Best grown in shade during the summer. syn. OnOPORDOn O. planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’
Mount Bingham. Evergreen, epiphytic Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C; max. 75°F/24°C) illus. p.280.
orchid for a cool greenhouse. H 9in (23cm). ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE
Bears pink-edged, red flowers, 31⁄2in (9cm) x ONCOSTELE OPHRYS 649
across, in spikes; flowering season varies. Genus of annuals, biennials, and
Has narrowly ovate leaves, 4–6in (10– ORCHIDACEAE perennials, ranging from stemless to tall, ORCHIDACEAE
15cm) long. Needs shade in summer. branching plants. Grown for their typically
Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C; max. 75°F/24°C) See also ORCHIDS. thistlelike flower heads. Fully hardy. Grow See also ORCHIDS.
O. ornithorrhynchum of gardens. x O. Cambria gx ‘Lensing’s Favorite’, in sun or partial shade, in rich, well-drained O. aranifera. See O. sphegodes.
See O. sotoanum. syn. x Vuylstekeara Cambria gx ‘Lensing’s soil. Remove dead flower heads to prevent O. fuciflora, syn. O. holoserica of gardens
O. papilio. See Psychopsis papilio. Favorite’ (illus. p.467). Evergreen, self-seeding. Propagate by seed in fall or (Late spider orchid). Deciduous, terrestrial
O. Petit Port, syn. x Odontioda Petit Port. epiphytic orchid for a cool greenhouse. spring. Prone to slug and snail damage. orchid. H 6–22in (15–55cm). Spikes of
Evergreen, epiphytic orchid for a cool H 9in (23cm). Has narrowly ovate leaves, O. acanthium (Cotton thistle, Scotch flowers, 1⁄2in (1cm) long, from white through
greenhouse. H 9in (23cm). Bears spikes 4–6in (10–15cm) long. Bears long sprays thistle) illus. p.305. pinto blue and green, are borne in spring–
of rich red flowers, 3in (8cm) across, each of wine-red flowers, 4in (10cm) across, summer. Leaves are ovate to oblong, 2–4in
with a pink-and-yellow-marked lip; heavily marked with white; flowering ONOSMA (5–10cm) long. Grow in shade outdoors.
flowering season varies. Narrowly ovate season varies. Needs shade in summer. Containerized plants require partial shade
leaves are 4–6in (10–15cm) long. Needs Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C; max. 75°F/24°C) BORAGINACEAE in summer. Z8–10
x O. Pacific Mystery gx, syn. x O. fusca. Deciduous, terrestrial orchid.
Odontioda Pacific Gold, x Odontoglossum Genus of biennials and often woody-based H 4–16in (10–40cm). Spikes of greenish,
perennials, grown for their long, pendent, yellow or brown flowers, 1⁄4in (5cm) long,
tubular flowers. Suitable for rock gardens.
Fully to frost hardy. Needs full sun and


each with a yellow-edged, bluish, brown in order to survive low temperatures. from which arise vertical, water-storing, Orchid propagation
or purple lip, are produced in spring. Has Needs sun and well-drained soil. Water often swollen stems known as Any orchids with pseudobulbs (for example,
ovate or lance-shaped leaves, 3–5in containerized specimens when in full pseudobulbs. Flowers and foliage are Cattleya, Cymbidium, Dendrobium and
(8–12cm) long. Cultivate as for O. fuciflora growth. Propagate by seed or root stem produced from the newest pseudobulbs. Oncidium), may be increased by removing
of gardens. Z8–10 segments in spring or summer. Some Other epiphytes consist of a continuously and replanting old, leafless pseudobulbs
O. holoserica of gardens. See species can become invasive. Contact growing upright rhizome; on these, flower when repotting in spring. Take care to
O. fuciflora. with the bristles causes intense skin spikes are produced in the axils of leaves retain at least 4 pseudobulbs on the parent
O. lutea (illus. p.467). Deciduous, irritation and they are difficult to remove. growing from the rhizome. In temperate plant. Some orchids without pseudobulbs
terrestrial orchid. H 3–12in (8–30cm). O. brasiliensis. See Brasiliopuntia climates, epiphytes need to be grown produce new growth from the base.
In spring, bears short spikes of flowers, brasiliensis. under glass. When a plant has 6 new growths, divide
1⁄2in (1cm) long, with greenish sepals, O. erinacea var. ursina. See it in spring into 2 and repot both portions.
yellow petals, and brown-centered, bright O. polyacantha var. erinacea. Cultivation of epiphytes Propagate Disa, Paphiopedilum and
yellow lips. Has ovate, basal leaves, 2–4in O. ficus-indica (Indian fig). Bushy to For cultivation purposes, epiphytes, which Phragmipedium in this way. Large
(5–10cm) long. Cultivate as for O. fuciflora. treelike, perennial cactus. H and S 15ft are all frost tender, may be divided into specimens of Eria and Masdevallia may
Z8–10 (5m). Has flattened, oblong, blue-green 3 groups: cool-greenhouse types, which be divided in spring, leaving 4–6 stems
O. speculum, syn. O. vernixia (Mirror stem segments, 20in (50cm) long, and require min. 50°F (10°C) and max. 75°F on each portion.
orchid). Deciduous, terrestrial orchid. spineless. In spring–summer, produces (24°C); intermediate-greenhouse types,
H 3–12in (8–30cm). In spring, bears dense shallowly saucer-shaped, yellow flowers, needing 55–80°F (13–27°C); and warm- Propagation of Phalaenopsis is by stem
spikes of flowers, 1⁄2in (1cm) long, with 4in (10cm) across, followed by edible, greenhouse types, requiring 65–80°F cuttings taken soon after flowering. Vanda
greenish or yellow sepals, purple petals, purple fruits. Z10–11 (min. 37–41°F/3–5°C) (18–27°C). Summer temperatures need to may be increased by removing the top
and 3-centered, brown lips. Has oblong to O. humifusa illus. p.494. be controlled by ventilation and shading half of the stem once it has produced
lance-shaped leaves, 11⁄2–3in (4–7cm) long. O. microdasys (Bunny ears). Bushy, the glass. Cool-greenhouse orchids may be aerial roots and leaves; new growths will
Cultivate as for O. fuciflora. Z8–10 perennial cactus. H and S 60cm (2ft). Has placed outdoors in summer; this improves develop from the leafless base. Achieving
O. sphegodes, syn. O. aranifera (Early flattened, ovate, green stem segments, flowering. Other types may also be grown success with these methods is difficult
spider orchid). Deciduous, terrestrial 3–7in (8–18cm) long, that develop brown outdoors if the air temperature remains and not recommended for the beginner.
orchid. H 4–18in (10–45cm). In spring- marks in low temperatures. Produces within these ranges.
summer, bears spikes of flowers, 1⁄2in (1cm) spineless areoles, with white, yellow, Propagate terrestrial orchids with
long, that vary from green to yellow and brown, or red glochids, closely set in The amount of light required in summer tubers by division of the tubers. Genera
have spiderlike, blackish-brown marks on diagonal rows. Abundant, funnel-shaped, is given in individual plant entries. All that may be increased in this way are:
lips. Leaves are ovate to lance-shaped and yellow flowers, 2in (5cm) across, are borne epiphytic orchids, however, need to be Cypripedium (in spring), Dactylorhiza
11⁄2–3in (4–8cm) long. Cultivate as for in summer on plants over 6in (15cm) tall, kept out of direct sun in summer to avoid (spring), Ophrys (fall), Serapias (fall), and
O. fuciflora. Z8–10 followed by small, dark red fruits. scorching, and require full light in winter. Spiranthes (spring). Angraecum should not
O. tenthredinifera (Sawfly orchid; Z10–11 (min. 37–41°F/3–5°C). var. be propagated in cultivation, because the
illus. p.466). Deciduous, terrestrial orchid. albispina illus. p.483. Epiphytic orchids, whether grown parent plant is easily endangered.
H 6–22in (15–55cm). In spring, bears spikes O. polycantha var. erinacea, syn. indoors or outside, need a special soil-free
of flowers, 1⁄2in (1cm) long, in colors of O. erinacea var. ursina, illus. p.481. compost obtained from an orchid nursery Orchids are illustrated on pp.466–47.
white to pink, or blue and green, each O. robusta illus. p.488. or made by mixing 2 parts fibrous material See also x Aliceara, Angraecum, Anguloa,
with a violet or bluish lip edged with pale O. tunicata. See Cylindropuntia tunicata. (such as barchippings and/or peat) with 1 Bletilla, Brassavola, Bulbophyllum,
part porous material (such as moss and/or Calanthe, Calypso, Cattleya, x Cattlianthe,
O green. Has a basal rosette of ovate to ORBEA expanded clay pellets). Most epiphytes Coelogyne, Cymbidium, Cypripedium,
oblong leaves, 2–31⁄2in (5–9cm) long. may be grown in pots, but some may be Dactylorhiza, Dendrobium, Dendrochilum,
Cultivate as for O. fuciflora. Z9–11 ASCLEPIADACEAE/APOCYNACEAE successfully cultivated in a hanging basket Epidendrum, Eria, Gomesa, Guarianthe,
O. vernixia. See O. speculum. or on a slab of bark (with moss around Laelia, Lycaste, Masdevallia, Maxillaria,
Genus of clump-forming, perennial their roots) suspended in the greenhouse. Miltonia, Miltoniopsis, Oncidium,
Ophthalmophyllum. succulents with erect, 4-angled stems. x Oncidopsis, Ophrys, Paphiopedilum,
See Conophytum. Stem edges are often indented and may In summer, water plants freely and spray Phaius, Phalaenopsis, Phragmipedium,
produce small leaves that drop after only regularly. Those suspended on bark slabs Pleione, Psychopsis, x Rhyncattleanthe,
OPLISMENUS a few weeks. Frost tender. Needs sun or need a constantly moist atmosphere. In Rossioglossum, Serapias, Spiranthes,
partial shade and well-drained soil. winter, water moderately; if plants are in Stanhopea, Vanda and Zygopetalum.
POACEAE/GRAMINEAE Propagate by seed or stem cuttings in growth, spray occasionally. Some orchids
spring or summer. rest in winter, when they need scarcely any Orchis elata. See Dactylorhiza elata.
See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES, O. variegata, syn. Stapelia variegata water or none at all. Orchids benefit from Orchis maderensis. See Dactylorhiza
and SEDGES. (Star flower, Toad cactus), illus. p.488. weak foliar feeds; apply as for watering.
O. africanus. See O. hirtellus. Repot every other year, in spring; if plants foliosa.
‘Variegatus’ see O.h. ‘Variegatus’. ORCHIDS are about to flower, repot after flowering. Orchis morio. See Anacamptis morio.
O. hirtellus, syn. O. africanus. Evergreen
perennial. H 6in (15cm), but may form ORCHIDACEAE Terrestrial orchids OREOCEREUS
mounds to 3ft (90cm), S indefinite. Terrestrial orchids, some of which also
Has wiry stems, spreading and rooting at Family of perennials, some of which are produce pseudobulbs, grow in soil or CACTACEAE
the nodes, bearing narrowly lance-shaped evergreen or semievergreen, grown for leaf mold, sustaining themselves in the
to ovate, softly hairy, mid-green leaves, their beautiful, unusual flowers. These normal way through roots or tubers. Genus of mainly columnar, perennial
with long points. Small flowers are consist of 3 outer sepals and 3 inner petals, Some may be grown in borders, but many cacti with thick, cylindrical, much-ribbed
produced in one-sided racemes, to 6in the lowest of which, known as the lip, is in temperate climates need to be grown in stems, usually branching from the base,
(15cm) long, from summer to winter. usually enlarged and different from the pots and protected under glass in winter. with spines and, in some species, covered
Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C). ‘Variegatus’ others in shape, markings, and color. in long hairs. Solitary, tubular-funnel-
(syn. O. africanus ‘Variegatus’) illus. p.469. There are about 750 genera and 22,500 Cultivation of terrestrial orchids shaped flowers are produced near the stem
species, together with an even greater Terrestrial orchids are fully hardy to frost tips during the day in summer. Frost
650 OPUNTIA number of hybrids, bred partly for their tender. Cypripedium species may be tender. Requires full sun and very well-
vigor and ease of care. They are divided grown outdoors in any area, preferably in drained, slightly alkaline soil. Water well
Prickly pear into epiphytic and terrestrial plants. (The neutral to acidic soil, but cannot withstand during spring and summer, much less so
spread of an orchid is indefinite.) severe frost, if frozen solid in pots or during fall and winter. Propagate by seed
CACTACEAE without snow cover, or tolerate very wet in spring or summer.
Epiphytic orchids soil in winter. Other terrestrial orchids, O. aurantiacus. See Matucana aurantiaca.
Genus of perennial cacti, ranging from Epiphytes have more flamboyant flowers except in very mild areas, are best grown O. celsianus, syn. Cleistocactus celsianus
small, alpine, groundcover plants to large, than terrestrial orchids and are more in pots; use the same compost as for (Old man of the Andes), illus. p.493.
evergreen, tropical trees, with at times commonly grown. In the wild, they grow epiphytes but add 1 part grit to 2 parts O. trollii, syn. Cleistocactus trollii
insignificant glochids—short, soft, barbed on tree branches or rocks (lithophytes), compost. Place pots outdoors in a peat bed (Old man of the Andes). Slow-growing,
spines produced on areoles. Mature plants obtaining nourishment through clinging or in a glasshouse in the growing season. columnar, perennial cactus. H 28in (70cm),
produce abundant, short-spined, pear- roots and moisture through aerial roots. Keep dry when dormant. Under glass, S 4in (10cm). Cylindrical, green stem, 3–4in
shaped, green, yellow, red, or purple fruits Most consist of a horizontal rhizome, light requirements, watering, feeding, and (7–10cm) wide, with thick, golden spines is
(prickly pears), edible in some species. repotting are as for epiphytes. almost hidden by long, wispy, hairlike,
Borderline fully hardy to frost tender. white spines. Bears pink flowers, recurved
Hardy species must be kept dry in winter

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