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Published by iLibrary Sanggar Pustaka Ismail, 2021-06-30 05:21:28

Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers by Christopher Brickell (

by Christopher Brickell (

Keywords: encyclopedia,english

Diascia LITTLE DANCER (‘Pendan’) Lathyrus odoratus Cupid Series Nemesia AMELIE (‘Fleurame’)
Mound-forming or semitrailing ‘Cupid Pink’ Mound-forming, twiggy perennial,
perennial, usually grown as an annual. Neat, compact annual with fragrant, grown as an annual, with very fragrant,
Spikes of tubular, coral-pink flowers pink-and-white, bicolored flowers trumpet-shaped, 2-tone pink flowers,
are borne in clouds from late spring to in summer. Has pairs of mid-green, 11⁄2in (4cm) across, with yellow lips,
fall. Has heart-shaped, pale green leaves. 1–2in (2.5–5cm) leaves and no tendrils. in summer. Has lance-shaped, neatly
H 1ft (30cm), S 1½ft (45cm). Good at the front of the border, or in toothed, dark green leaves. Good for
a container. H 8in (20cm), S 1ft (30cm). a container. H 5in (13cm), S 6in (15cm).
AEZ9–10 AEZ9–10

Osteospermum Sunny Series annaunadlsb, ebdiedninngials,
‘Sunny Marina’
Evergreen, compact, slightly shrubby
perennial, grown as an annual. In
summer–fall, bears blue-eyed flowers
with purple rays, shading to white. Has
narrow, slightly toothed, dark green
leaves. H and S 20–25cm (8–10in).


Lantana camara Lucky Series Gaura lindheimeri ‘Rosyjane’ Fuchsia ‘Leonora’ 301
LUCKY HONEY BLUSH (‘Baluclush’) Upright, woody-based perennial, usually Vigorous, deciduous, upright shrub
Evergreen, mound-forming shrub, grown as an annual. Racemes of tubular, bearing bell-shaped, single, pink
grown as an annual. Bears clusters of white flowers, with bright pink margins, flowers with green-tipped sepals.
tubular, 5-lobed, yellow flowers, maturing are borne in summer–fall on twiggy Good for training as a standard.
to pink, with a spicy scent, in late spring– stems with lance-shaped leaves. H 5ft (1.5m), S 3ft (1m).
fall. Has ovate, finely wrinkled, deep H 30in (75cm), S 1½ft (45cm).
green leaves. H 7in (18cm), S 1ft (30cm). bDZ9–11

FUCHSIAS F. ‘Lye’s Unique’
F. ‘Dollar Prinzessin’
Flowering freely all summer and throughout early fall
until the first frosts, fuchsias make excellent container and
border plants. The single or double blooms vary from small
and dainty to bold and blowsy, their colorful outer sepals
held above petals in similar or contrasting hues. A few also
boast variegated foliage. Ranging in habit from strongly
upright to broad and bushy and arching and trailing, there
are fuchsias for many garden situations. Upright and bushy
types inject summer color into permanent mixed border
schemes or seasonal bedding displays, while larger types
make good container specimens, combining well with other
summer flowers. Trailing fuchsias are ideal for hanging
baskets and window boxes.

F. ‘John Ridding’

F. ‘Annabel’ F. ‘Pink Galore’ F. ‘Celia Smedley’

F. ‘Joanna Lumley’ F. magellanica
var. gracilis ‘Aurea’

F. ‘Bicentennial’ F. ‘Jack Shahan’ F. ‘Swingtime’ F. ‘Golden Marinka’ F. ‘Mrs Lovell Swisher’

F. ‘Thalia’ F. ‘Coralle’

302 F. ‘Sunray’ F. ‘Red Spider’ F. fulgens

F. ‘Nellie Nuttall’


Primula Belarina Series Petunia Easy Wave Series Gomphrena globosa Rhodanthe chlorocephala
BELARINA PINK ICE (‘Kerbelpice’) ‘Mystic Pink’ (Globe amaranth) subsp. rosea
Rosette-forming, semievergreen, Spreading, bushy Multiflora petunia. Moderately fast-growing, upright, Moderately fast-growing, erect annual.
Primrose Group primula. Double white Early and free-flowering. From late bushy annual with ovate, hairy leaves. Lance-shaped leaves are grayish-green;
flowers, 13⁄4in (3cm) across, mature to spring to fall, produces pale pink Bears oval, cloverlike flower heads small, daisylike, papery, semidouble,
light pink-purple in late winter and flowers, to 2in (5cm) across, and ovate in pink, yellow, orange, purple, or pink flower heads are borne in
spring. Has ovate, deeply veined, dark to lance-shaped, mid-green leaves. white in summer and early fall. summer. Flowers dry well.
green leaves. H 6in (16cm), S 1ft (30cm). H 10in (25cm), S to 2ft (60cm). H 1ft (30cm), S 8in (20cm). H 1ft (30cm), S 6in (15cm).

BEZ6–9 ADZ10–11 ADZ11 ADZ10–11

Callistephus chinensis annaunadlsb, ebdiedninngials,
Ostrich Plume Series
Fast-growing, bushy annual with long,
branching stems. From late summer
to late fall, produces spreading, feathery,
reflexed, double flowers, mainly in
pinks and crimsons. H to 2ft (60cm),
S 1ft (30cm).


x Petchoa Supercal Series SUPERCAL Matthiola incana Giant Excelsior Mix Papaver somniferum Silene coeli-rosa 303
NEON ROSE (‘Kakegawa S89’) Fast-growing, erect, bushy biennial, Paeoniiflorum Group Moderately fast-growing, erect
Trailing, evergreen perennial (a Petunia/ grown as an annual. Lance-shaped Fast-growing, erect annual with lobed, annual with lance-shaped, grayish-
Calibrachoa hybrid), grown as an annual, leaves are grayish-green. Long spikes pale grayish-green leaves. Bears large, green leaves. Bears 5-petaled,
with abundant, flared, trumpet-shaped of highly scented flowers in shades rounded, often cup-shaped, double pinkish-purple flowers with white
yellow-eyed, vivid pink flowers borne of pink, red, pale blue, or white are flowers in a mixture of colors—red, centers in summer. H 1½ft (45cm),
continuously all summer. H 10in (25cm), produced in summer. H to 30in (75cm), pink, purple, or white—in summer. S 6in (15cm).
S 14in (35cm). S 1ft (30cm). H 30in (75cm), S 1ft (30cm).
AEZ10–11 ADZ5–8 ADZ3–8t


Lobularia maritima ‘Rosie O’Day’ Schizanthus ‘Dwarf Bouquet’ [mixed]
Fast-growing, compact annual with Moderately fast-growing, erect annual
lance-shaped, mid-green leaves. In with fernlike, mid-green leaves. Bears
summer, bears rounded, compact heads a profusion of 2-lipped, open-faced
of small, sweet-scented flowers, which flowers in a range of colors from
open white but become red-purple. pink to red, purple, yellow or white
H to 6in (15cm), S to 10in (25cm). in summer and fall. H and S 8–10in

annuals, biennials, Agrostemma githago ‘Milas’ Malcolmia maritima (Virginian stock) Silybum marianum
and bedding Fast-growing, slender, upright, Fast-growing, slim, erect annual with (Blessed Mary’s thistle)
thin-stemmed annual. Has lance-shaped ovate, grayish-green leaves. Produces Biennial with a basal rosette of deeply
leaves and 5-petaled, purplish-pink tiny, fragrant, 4-petaled, pink, red or lobed, very spiny, heavily white-marbled,
flowers, 3in (8cm) across, in summer. white flowers from spring to fall. Sow in deep green leaves. Bears thistlelike, dark
H 2–3ft (60–90cm), S 1ft (30cm). succession for a long flowering season. purplish-pink flower heads on erect
H 8in (20cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm). stems in summer and early fall.
ADZ7–10t H 4ft (1.2m), S 2ft (60cm).

Cleome hassleriana ‘Colour Fountain’ Callistephus chinensis Iberis umbellata Fairy Series
Fast-growing, bushy annual with hairy Milady Super Series [rose] Fast-growing, upright, bushy annual
stems and divided leaves. In summer, Moderately fast-growing, erect, with lance-shaped, mid-green leaves.
bears heads of narrow-petaled flowers, bushy annual with ovate, toothed Heads of small, 4-petaled flowers,
with long, protruding stamens, in shades leaves. Bears large, daisylike, double, in shades of pink, red, purple, or white,
of pink, purple, or white. rose-pink flower heads in summer are produced in summer and early fall.
H 3–4ft (1–1.2m), S 11⁄2–2ft (45–60cm). and early fall. H 10–12in (25–30cm), H and S 8in (20cm).
S 12–18in (30–45cm).
304 ADZ2–11

Onopordum acanthium Cosmos bipinnatus Sensation Series
(Cotton thistle, Scotch thistle) Moderately fast-growing, bushy, erect
Slow-growing, erect, branching biennial. annual. Has feathery, mid-green leaves
Large, lobed, spiny leaves are hairy and and daisylike flower heads, to 4in (10cm)
bright silvery-gray; winged, branching across, in shades of red, pink, or white,
flower stems bear deep purplish-pink from early summer to early fall. H 3ft
flower heads in summer. H 6ft (1.8m), (90cm), S 2ft (60cm).
S 3ft (90cm).
ADZ2–11 Z

Silene armeria ‘Electra’ Malope trifida (Annual mallow) Lavatera trimestris ‘Silver Cup’ annaunadlsb, ebdiedninngials,
Moderately fast-growing, erect annual Moderately quick-growing, erect, Moderately quick-growing, erect,
with ovate, grayish-green leaves. Heads branching annual with round, lobed branching annual with ovate, lobed
of 5-petaled, bright rose-pink flowers are leaves. Flared, trumpet-shaped, leaves. Shallowly trumpet-shaped,
produced in summer and early fall. reddish-purple flowers, to 3in (8cm) rose-pink flowers are produced from
H 1ft (30cm), S 6in (15cm). across, with deep pink veins, are summer to fall. H 2ft (60cm), S 1½ft
produced in summer and early fall. (45cm).
ADZ5–8 H 3ft (90cm), S 1ft (30cm).
AD Z2–11

Dianthus chinensis Baby Doll Series Xeranthemum annuum [double] Schizanthus pinnatus
Neat, bushy annual or biennial, grown Erect annual with lance-shaped, silvery ‘Hit Parade’
as an annual. Light or mid-green leaves leaves and branching heads of daisylike, Erect, bushy annual with feathery,
are lance-shaped; small, single, zoned papery, double flower heads in shades fernlike, light green leaves. Bears open
flowers in various colors are borne in of pink, mauve, purple, or white, in cymes of tubular, then flared, 2-lipped,
summer and early fall. H 6in (15cm), summer. Suitable for drying. pink flowers with clear, contrasting
S 6–12in (15–30cm). H 2ft (60cm), S 1½ft (45cm). markings in summer–fall. H and S 9–12in
(23–30cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
ADZ9–11 ADZ3–11 305


Calibrachoa Can-Can Series Lotus berthelotii (Coral gem) Zinnia elegans Cosmos atrosanguineus
‘Hot Pink Star’ Semievergreen, straggling perennial Dreamland Series [scarlet] CHOCAMOCHA ‘Thomocha’
Mounded to semi-trailing, prolific suitable for a hanging basket or large Moderately fast-growing, sturdy, erect Bushy, tuberous perennial, grown as
perennial, grown as an annual. Bears a pan in an alpine house. Has hairy, annual with ovate, mid-green leaves. an annual, with slightly bowl-shaped,
mass of trumpet-shaped, bright pink silvery branches and leaves, and In summer and fall produces large, strongly chocolate-scented, deep red
flowers, 11⁄2in (4cm) across, with pale clusters of pealike, scarlet flowers daisylike, semidouble, bright scarlet flower heads, 11⁄2in (4cm) across, in
pink margins in summer–fall. H 10in in summer. H 1ft (30cm), S indefinite. flower heads. H and S 1ft (30cm). summer–fall. Has pinnate, dark green
(25cm), S 16in (40cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). leaves. H and S 14–15in (35–38cm).

AEMZ9–11 ADZ10–11 ADZ3–10 AEZ7–11

annuals, biennials, Lunaria annua ‘Variegata’ Gerbera jamesonii (Barberton daisy, Cuphea ‘Firecracker’
and bedding Fast-growing, erect biennial with Transvaal daisy) Semi-trailing, subshrubby perennial,
pointed-ovate, serrated, white- Evergreen, upright perennial with basal grown as an annual. Sticky stems bear
variegated leaves. Heads of small, rosettes of large, jagged leaves, and lance-shaped, dark green leaves and,
scented, 4-petaled, deep purplish-pink daisylike, variably colored flower heads, from late spring to fall, 2-lipped, bright
flowers are borne in spring and early borne intermittently on long stems. red flowers. Is good in a mixed
summer followed by rounded, silvery Flowers good for cutting. H 2ft (60cm), container. H 9in (23cm), S 16in (40cm).
seed pods. H 30in (75cm), S 1ft (30cm). S 11⁄2ft (45cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
BDZ3–9 ADZ11

306 Brassica oleracea Northern Catharanthus roseus Cobra Series Antirrhinum majus ‘Black Prince’ Dahlia HAPPY SINGLE ROMEO
Lights Series ‘Cobra Burgundy’ Erect, bushy perennial, grown as an (‘HS Romeo’)
Moderately fast-growing, evergreen Evergreen, well-branched shrub, grown annual. Lance-shaped, bronze leaves Bushy, single dahlia, grown as an
biennial. Has compact heads of large, as an annual, with ovate, glossy, dark offset spikes of 2-lipped, deep crimson annual, bearing deep purple leaves with
tightly packed, bluish green leaves, green leaves. Produces flat, rounded, flowers produced in summer–fall. ovate leaflets. Produces dark-centered,
crinkled at the edges, opening purple, 5-petaled, deep burgundy-red flowers in Deadhead regularly. H 11⁄2ft (45cm), deep red flowers, 4in (10cm) across, in
pink or creamy-white in the center. summer. H 14–16in (35–40cm), S 22–26in S 1ft (30cm). summer and fall. H 22in (55cm), S 16in
H and S 12–16in (30–40cm). (55–65cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). (40cm).
AEZ7–11 AEZ10–11 AEZ9–11

Nemesia Carnival Mixed Tropaeolum majus
Fairly fast-growing, bushy annual with ‘Hermine Grashoff’
serrated, pale green leaves. In summer Trailing, short-lived perennial, grown as
has small, somewhat trumpet-shaped an annual. Has large, rounded, slightly
flowers in a range of colors, including wavy-edged, pale green leaves and, in
yellow, red, orange, purple, and white. summer–fall, double, sterile, bright red
H 8–12in (20–30cm), S 6in (15cm). flowers. Suits a container. H 11⁄2ft (45cm),
S 2ft (60cm). Min. 37°F (3°C).

Tropaeoleum ‘Empress of India’ Pelargonium ‘Happy Thought’ Amaranthus caudatus annaunadlsb, ebdiedninngials,
Fast-growing, bushy annual. Has Fancy-leaved zonal pelargonium with (Love-lies-bleeding, Tassel flower)
rounded, purple-green leaves. single, light crimson flowers in clusters Bushy annual with ovate, pale green
Trumpet-shaped, spurred, semidouble, borne in summer. Rounded leaves each leaves. Pendulous panicles of tassel-
rich scarlet flowers, 2in (5cm) wide, are have a green-yellow butterfly marking like, red flowers, 45cm (11⁄2ft) long,
borne from early summer to early fall. in the center. H 16–18in (40–45cm), are carried in summer–fall.
H 1ft (23cm), S 11⁄2ft (45cm). S 8–10in (20–25cm). Min. 36°F (2°C). H to 4ft (1.2m), S 11⁄2ft (45cm).

AEZ10–11 ADZ9–10 ADZ10–11

Pelargonium ‘Robyn Hannah’ Impatiens New Guinea Divine Series Dianthus chinensis ‘Fire Carpet’ Impatiens niamniamensis ‘Congo 307
Vigorous, bushy, compact, stellar zonal Salsa Mixed Slow-growing, bushy annual or biennial, Cockatoo’
pelargonium with rounded, light green Hybrid perennial, grown as an annual, grown as an annual. Lance-shaped Erect, short-lived perennial with
leaves with darker zones. Clusters of with whorled, mid-green leaves. Bears leaves are light or mid-green. Small, reddish-green stems and ovate, toothed
double, bright red flowers, are borne masses of flattened, bright red flowers, rounded, single, bright red flowers are leaves. Bears narrow, hooded, bright
freely in summer. H and S 16in (40cm). 21⁄2in (6cm) across from late spring to fall. carried in summer and early fall. H 8in red and yellow flowers, each with a
Min. 36°F (2°C). Mildew resistant. H to 30in (75cm), S 11⁄2ft (20cm), S 6–12in (15–30cm). distinctive hooked spur, at any time of
(45cm). Min. 50°F (10°C). year. Min. 59°F (15°C).
AEZ11 ADZ9–11


Linum grandiflorum ‘Rubrum’
Fairly fast-growing, slim, erect annual.
Lance-shaped leaves are gray-green;
small, rounded, flattish, deep red flowers
are produced in summer. H 1½ft (45cm),
S 6in (15cm).


annuals, biennials, Cuphea ignea (Cigar flower) Erisymum cheiri ‘Blood Red’ Alonsoa warscewiczii (Mask flower)
and bedding Evergreen, spreading, bushy subshrub Evergreen, bushy perennial grown Perennial, grown as an annual, with
with bright green leaves. From spring as a biennial, forming mounds of ovate slender, branching, red stems bearing
to fall, bears tubular, dark orange-red to lance-shaped, mid- to deep green ovate, toothed, deep green leaves.
flowers, each with a dark band and white leaves. Produces fragrant, 4-petaled, Spurred, bright scarlet flowers are
ring at the mouth. H 12–30in (30–75cm), deep red flowers, to 1in (2.5cm) across, produced during summer–fall. H 1–2ft
S 1–3ft (30–90cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). in spring–summer. H and S 12–16in (30–60cm), S 1ft (30cm).
ADZ10–11 ADZ10–11

Tagetes ‘Cinnabar’ Ricinus communis ‘Impala’ Amaranthus hypochondriacus
Fast-growing, bushy annual with Fast-growing, evergreen, erect shrub, (Prince’s feather)
aromatic, very feathery, deep green usually grown as an annual. Has deeply Bushy annual bearing upright,
leaves. Heads of rounded, daisylike, lobed, bronze leaves, to 1ft (30cm) wide, sometimes flattened, panicles, 6in
single, rich rust-red flowers, yellow-red and clusters of small, red flowers in (15cm) long or more, of dark red
beneath, are produced in summer and summer, followed by globular, prickly, flowers in summer–fall. Leaves are
early fall. H and S 1ft (30cm). red seed heads. H 5ft (1.5m), S 3ft (90cm). heavily suffused purple. H to 4ft (1.2m),
S 11⁄2ft (45cm).
308 ADZ11–14t

PELARGONIUMS P. ‘Attar of Roses’ t P. Fireworks Series FIREWORKS SCARLET
(‘Fiwoscarl’) [scented-leaved]
Pelargoniums are perfect for containers and beds, and [scented-leaved]
flower almost continuously in warm climates or under glass.
Most fall into one of four main groups. Zonal geraniums P. ‘Clorinda’ t
have rounded leaves, clearly marked with a darker “zone,”
and single to double flowers. Regal types are shrubby with [scented-leaved]
serrated leaves and delicate, trumpet-shaped flowers.
Ivy-leaved pelargoniums are trailing plants with lobed leaves
and single to double flowers—a good choice for hanging
baskets. Scented-leaved types and species have small,
star-shaped flowers and are grown principally for their
fragrant foliage. Unique types are tall subshrubs with regal,
brightly colored flowers; some also have scented leaves.
To flower well, all types need sun and well-drained soil.

P. ‘Fraiche Beauté’ t P. ‘Evka’ [ivy-leaved]


P. Maverick Series ‘Maverick Star’ P. ‘Lady Plymouth’ t P. ‘Voodoo’ t P. Regalia Series ‘Regalia Chocolate’
[zonal] [regal]
[scented-leaved] [unique]

P. Horizon Divas Series ‘Horizon Divas P. ‘Lachskönigin’ t P. ‘Tip Top Duet’ t
Raspberry Ripple’ [zonal]
[ivy-leaved] [regal]

P. Bullseye Series ‘Bullseye P. ‘Brookside Primrose’ t P. Decora Series ‘Decora Dark Pink’
Salmon’ [zonal] [ivy-leaved]


P. Antik Series ANTIK SALMON (‘Tiksal’) [zonal] P. BLUE WONDER (‘Pacbla’) [zonal] P. Horizon Divas Series ‘Horizon Divas Orange Ice’ [zonal]


Aeonium ‘Zwartkop’ Lycianthes rantonnetii ‘Royal Robe’ Alternanthera dentata
Bushy, perennial succulent with stems Evergreen, loosely rounded shrub ‘Purple Knight’ (Joseph’s coat)
each crowned by a rosette, to 6in (15cm) with smooth, bright green leaves. Vigorous, evergreen perennial, grown
across, of narrow, purple leaves. Bears In summer, bears clusters of rich as an annual. Forms a spreading mound
golden pyramids of flowers in spring purple-blue flowers that open almost of upright, purple stems clad in ovate,
on 2–3-year-old stems, which then die. flat. H and S 3–6ft (1–2m). slightly glossy, dark purple leaves.
H 2ft (60cm), S 3ft (1m). Min.41ºF (5ºC). H 2–3ft (60–90cm), S 3–4ft (90–120cm).
Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
BDZ9–11 ADZ8–10t

annuals, biennials, Papaver rhoeas Shirley Group [single] Lantana montevidensis Angelonia angustifolia AngelMist
and bedding Fast-growing, slender, erect annual with Evergreen, trailing or mat-forming Series ‘AngelMist Lavender Stripe’
lobed, light green leaves. Rounded, often shrub with serrated leaves. Produces Evergreen, upright perennial, grown
cup-shaped, single flowers, in shades of heads of rose-purple flowers, each as an annual, with lance-shaped, toothed
red, pink, salmon, or white, are borne in with a yellow eye, intermittently all leaves. Bears slender racemes of 2-lipped
summer. H 2ft (60cm), S 1ft (30cm). year, but mainly in summer. H 8–39in flowers, 3⁄4in (2cm) across, purple above
(20–100cm), S 2–4ft (60–120cm). Min. and white below, in summer. H 1ft
ADZ3–10 50–55ºF (10–13ºC). (30cm), S 14in (35cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC)

ADZ8–11t AEZ9–10

310 Antirrhinum majus Tradescantia pallida ‘Purpurea’ Heliotropium arborescens Solenostemon scutellarioides
Liberty Classic Series ‘Liberty Scarlet’ Evergreen, creeping perennial with Evergreen, bushy shrub. Semi- ‘Inky Fingers’
Erect perennial, grown as an annual, dark purple stems and slightly fleshy glossy, dark green leaves are finely Fast-growing, semi-trailing, bushy
branching from the base. Has lance- leaves. Bears pink or pink-and-white wrinkled. Purple to lavender flowers perennial, grown as an annual. Rounded,
shaped, dull green leaves and in summer– flowers in summer. H 12–16in (30–40cm), are borne in dense, flat clusters from blackish-red leaves are cut into 5–11 deep
fall, bears spikes of tubular, 2-lipped, S 12in (30cm) or more. late spring to winter. H 11⁄2ft (45cm), lobes and edged in green. H 1–2ft
pinkish-red flowers. H 18–22in S 1–11⁄2ft (30–45cm). Min. 7ºC (45ºF). (30–60cm), S 24–39in (60–100cm).
(45–55cm), S 12–14in (30–35cm). ADZ11–12 Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
AEZ7–10 AEZ11–12

Solenostemon ‘Chocolate Mint’ Lobelia erinus Waterfall Series Strobilanthes dyeriana
Fast-growing perennial, grown as an ‘Waterfall Light Lavender’ (Purple Shield)
annual, with broadly ovate, chocolate- Mound-forming, semi-trailing perennial, Evergreen, relatively unbranched
brown leaves margined in fresh mint- grown as an annual, with narrowly ovate subshrub, grown as an annual, with
green. Pinch out any flower spikes. to lance-shaped, dark green leaves. Bears elliptical, dark green, leaves, 6in (15cm)
H 14–20in (35–50cm), S 12–14in (30–35cm). 2-lipped, lobed, pale violet flowers, 3⁄4in long, almost fully flushed in silvery
Min. 41ºF (5ºC). (2cm) across, with white eyes, in summer. purple, leaving only a pattern of dark
H 6–8in (15–20cm), S 8–12in (20–30cm). green veins. H and S 3ft (90cm).
AEZ2–8 AEZ11–12

Dahlia HAPPY SINGLE WINK (‘HS Wink’) Petunia Surfinia Series annaunadlsb, ebdiedninngials,
Bushy, single dahlia, grown as an SURFINIA BLUE VEIN (‘Sunsolos’)
annual, bearing deep purple leaves with Vigorous, trailing perennial, grown as an
ovate leaflets. Pale purple flowers, 3in annual. In summer, almost white flowers,
(8cm) across, each have a dark purple 2in (5cm) across, developing mauve tints,
ring around the eye. Good in a mixed are borne with vivid purple-blue veins
border. H 28in (70cm), S 18in (45cm). and dark throats. Good in a basket.
H 10in (25cm), S 2ft (60cm).

Ipomoea batatas ‘Blackie’ Petunia Shock Wave Series Osteospermum Serenity Series 311
Evergreen, tuberous, trailing perennial ‘Denim’ ‘Dark Purple’
grown as an annual, with 3-lobed, almost Semi-trailing, Multiflora petunia with a Compact, branching perennial, grown as
black leaves. May bear trumpet-shaped, mounded, spreading habit and ovate to an annual, with lance-shaped, slightly
purple-throated, lavender flowers, 1in lance-shaped, mid-green leaves. Bears toothed leaves. Daisylike, pinkish purple
(2.5cm) across, in summer. Good in a prolific, purple-blue flowers from late flower heads, to 3in (8cm) across, are
mixed container. H 6–10in (15–25cm), spring to fall. H 8–10in (20–25cm), borne from late spring to early fall.
S 11⁄2–2ft (45–60cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). S 2–3ft (60–90cm). H 10–14in (25–35cm), S 14–20in (35–50cm).

AEZ11t AEZ10–11 AEZ10–11


Pennisetum x advena ‘Rubrum’ Callistephus chinensis
Clump-forming, herbaceous perennial Milady Super Series [blue]
grass, grown as an annual, with slender, Moderately fast-growing, erect,
upright, rather rough, dark purple bushy annual with ovate, toothed
leaves. In summer, produces dense, leaves. Bears large, daisylike, double,
cylindrical panicles of crimson spikelets, purplish-blue flower heads in summer
with bearded bristles, fading to green. and early fall. H 10–12in (25–30cm),
H 3ft (90cm), S 11⁄2ft (45cm). S 1–11⁄2ft (30–45cm).

AEZ8–11 ADZ2–11

annuals, biennials, Cerinthe major ‘Purpurascens’ Nierembergia linariifolia Viola x wittrockiana ‘Sorbet Black
and bedding Annual of lax habit with ovate to ‘Purple Robe’ Delight’ (Sorbet Series)
spoon-shaped leaves, to 21⁄2in (6cm) Moderately fast-growing, rounded, Neat, prolific perennial, grown as a
long. Bears terminal sprays of nodding, branching perennial, grown as an biennial. Small, 5-petaled, deep black
tubular, pale to mid-yellow flowers, annual, with narrow, lance-shaped flowers, each with a small, gold eye, are
with violet-tinged tips. Bracts around leaves. Bears cup-shaped, dark borne in winter and spring over ovate,
flowers are strongly suffused purple. bluish-purple flowers in summer and shallowly lobed, mid-green leaves.
H and S 2ft (60cm). early fall. H and S 6–8in (15–20cm). H and S 6–8in (15–20cm).

ADZ9–11 ADZ7–11 AEZ8–11

Petunia Frenzy Series ‘Blue Vein’ Salvia farinacea ‘Victoria Blue’ Viola x wittrockiana Joker Series
Vigorous Grandiflora petunia with ovate Moderately fast-growing perennial, Bushy, spreading perennial, usually
leaves. From late spring to fall, produces grown as an annual, with many erect grown as an annual or biennial. Large,
creamy-white flowers with strong violet stems. Has ovate or lance-shaped leaves rounded, 5-petaled, purplish-blue
veining. H 10in (25cm), S 1ft (30cm). and spikes of tubular, violet-blue flowers flowers, with black and white “faces”
in summer. H 11⁄2ft (45cm), S 1ft (30cm). and yellow eyes, are borne in summer.
312 H and S 6in (15cm).

AEZ10–11 ADZ8–11 ADZ8–11


Campanula medium
‘Bells of Holland’
Slow-growing, evergreen, clump-
forming, erect biennial with lance-
shaped, toothed leaves. In spring
and early summer, bears bell-shaped
flowers in blue, lilac, pink, or white.
H to 2ft (60cm), S 1ft (30cm).


Salvia sclarea var. turkestanica Myosotis Sylva Series annaunadlsb, ebdiedninngials,
of gardens Compact, bushy, early-flowering
Moderately fast-growing, erect biennial, perennial, grown as a biennial. Has
grown as an annual. Has aromatic, ovate, lance-shaped, hairy leaves and, from
hairy leaves and panicles of tubular, midspring to early summer, clustered
white and lavender-purple flowers with spikes of small, 5-lobed flowers in blue,
prominent, lavender-purple bracts in pink, or white. H and S 9in (23cm).
summer. H 30in (75cm), S 12in (30cm).

Trachelium caeruleum (Throatwort) Isotoma Avant-Garde Series Ageratum houstonianum 313
Moderately fast-growing, erect Neat, domed, woody-based perennial, ‘Blue Danube’
perennial, grown as an annual. Has grown as an annual. Rounded mounds Moderately fast-growing, hummock-
ovate, serrated leaves and bears of slender, lobed leaves are topped by forming annual with pointed-ovate
clustered heads of small, tubular, star-shaped, 5-petaled flowers, in blue, leaves. Produces clusters of feathery,
lilac-blue or white flowers in summer. purple, pink, and white, in summer. brushlike, lavender-blue flower heads
H 2–3ft (60–90cm), S 1ft (30cm). Good in a container. H 6–12in (15–30cm), in summer–fall. Makes a useful edging
S 9–15in (23–38cm). plant. H and S 6in (15cm).
AEZ10–11 ADZ10–11


Nemophila menziesii Phacelia campanularia
(Baby blue-eyes) (California bluebell)
Fast-growing, spreading annual with Moderately fast-growing, branching,
serrated, grayish-green leaves. Small, bushy annual with ovate, serrated, deep
bowl-shaped, blue flowers with white green leaves. Bell-shaped, pure blue
centers are produced in summer. flowers, 1in (25cm) across, are borne in
H 8in (20cm), S 6in (15cm). summer and early fall. H 8in (20cm),
S 6in (15cm).

annuals, biennials, Salvia farinacea ‘Strata’ Nigella damascena Gilia capitata
and bedding Upright, slightly tuberous perennial, Persian Jewels Group Erect, branching annual. Has very
grown as an annual. White-mealy stems Fast-growing, erect annual with feathery, mid-green leaves and tiny,
bear spikes of blue flowers, with broad feathery leaves. Bears small, semidouble dense, rounded heads of soft lavender-
lower lips, 3⁄4in (2cm) long, each in a flowers in shades of blue, pink, or white blue flowers in summer and early fall.
white calyx, in summer–fall. Has glossy, in summer, followed by inflated seed Good for cut flowers. H 11⁄2ft (45cm),
narrowly lance-shaped, gray-green pods, which can be cut and dried. S 8in (20cm).
leaves. H 2ft (60cm), S 1ft (30cm). H 11⁄2ft (45cm), S 8in (20cm).
AEZ8–11 ADZ2–11

Pericallis x hybrida Senetti Series Lobelia erinus ‘Sapphire’ Convolvulus tricolor ‘Blue Flash’ Ageratum houstonianum ‘Blue Mink’
SENETTI BLUE BICOLOR (‘Sunseneribuba’) Slow-growing, pendulous, spreading Moderately fast-growing, upright, bushy Moderately fast-growing, hummock-
Mound-forming, bushy perennial, grown annual or occasionally perennial. Ovate annual with ovate to lance-shaped leaves. forming annual. Has pointed-ovate
as an annual. Daisylike, white flowers, to lance-shaped leaves are pale green. Bears small, saucer-shaped, intense blue leaves and bears clusters of feathery,
3in (7cm) across, with vivid blue tips and Small, sapphire-blue flowers with white flowers with cream and yellow centers brushlike, pastel blue flower heads in
magenta eyes, are borne in spring. Has centers are produced continuously in in summer. H 8–12in (20–30cm), summer–fall. A useful edging plant.
ovate, serrated, mid–deep green leaves. summer and early fall. H 8in (20cm), S 8in (20cm). H and S 8–12in (20–30cm).
H 15–18in (38–45cm), S 12–15in (30–38cm). S 6in (15cm).
314 ADZ9–11 ADZ10–11
AEZ11 ADZ2–8


Cynoglossum amabile ‘Firmament’ Commelina coelestis (Day flower) Myosotis sylvatica ‘Blue Ball’
Slow-growing, upright, bushy annual Fairly fast-growing, upright perennial, Slow-growing, bushy, compact
or biennial with lance-shaped, hairy, usually grown as an annual, with perennial, often grown as a biennial.
gray-green leaves. Pendulous, tubular, lance-shaped, mid-green leaves. Small, Has lance-shaped leaves and, in spring
pure sky-blue flowers are produced in 3-petaled, bright pure blue flowers and early summer, bears spikes of tiny,
summer. H 11⁄2ft (45cm), S 1ft (30cm). are freely produced from late summer 5-lobed, deep blue flowers. H to 8in
to midfall. H to 11⁄2ft (45cm), (20cm), S 6in (15cm).
ADZ5–8 S 1ft (30cm).

Anchusa capensis ‘Blue Angel’ Centaurea cyanus [tall, blue] Borago officinalis (Borage) Jacobaea maritima ‘Silver Dust’ annaunadlsb, ebdiedninngials,
Bushy biennial, grown as an annual. (Cornflower) Spreading, clump-forming, annual Moderately fast-growing, evergreen,
Has lance-shaped, bristly leaves. Heads Fast-growing, erect, branching annual. herb. Has ovate, crinkled, rough-haired bushy subshrub, usually grown as an
of shallowly bowl-shaped, brilliant blue Has lance-shaped, gray-green leaves leaves and sprays of star-shaped, blue annual, with deeply lobed, silver leaves.
flowers are borne in summer. and branching heads of daisylike, flowers in summer and early fall. Young Small, daisylike, yellow flower heads are
H and S 8in (20cm). blue flowers in summer and early fall. leaves are sometimes used as a coolant borne in summer, but are best removed.
H to 3ft (90cm), S 1ft (30cm). in drinks. Self-seeds prolifically. H and S 1ft (30cm).
ADZ7–9 H 3ft (90cm), S 1ft (30cm).
ADZ2–9 ADZ8–11

Nigella damascena ‘Miss Jekyll’ Lobelia erinus ‘Crystal Palace’ Sedum caeruleum Leucophyta brownii 315
Fast-growing, slender, erect annual. Slow-growing, spreading, compact, Moderately fast-growing annual with Evergreen, intricately branched
Feathery leaves are bright green; small, bushy annual or occasionally perennial. branching flower stems. Ovate, light shrub with velvety, gray branches
rounded, many-petaled, semidouble, Bronzed leaves are ovate to lance- green leaves become red-tinged when and tiny, scalelike leaves. Clusters of
blue flowers are produced in summer, shaped; small, deep blue flowers are clusters of small, star-shaped, light blue flowers, silver in bud, yellowish when
followed by inflated seed pods that produced continuously in summer and flowers with white centers are borne expanded, are borne in summer.
can be cut and dried. H 11⁄2ft (45cm), early fall. H 4–8in (10–20cm), in summer. H and S 4–6in (10–15cm). H 16–30in (40–75cm), S 16–36in
S 8in (20cm). S 4–6in (10–15cm). (40–90cm).
ADZ2–11 ADZ2–8 ADZ9–10


Bassia scoparia f. trichophylla Nicotiana langsdorffii
(Burning bush, Summer cypress) Fairly slow-growing, erect, branching
Moderately fast-growing, erect, very perennial, grown as an annual, with
bushy annual. Narrow, lance-shaped, ovate to lance-shaped leaves. Slightly
light green leaves, 2–3in (5–8cm) long, pendent, bell-shaped, pale green to
turn red in fall. Has insignificant flowers. yellow-green flowers are borne in
H 3ft (90cm), S 2ft (60cm). summer. H 3–5ft (1–1.5m), S 1ft (30cm).

ADZ9–11 ADZ10–11t

annuals, biennials, Zinnia elegans ‘Envy’
and bedding Moderately fast-growing, sturdy, erect
annual. Has ovate to lance-shaped, pale
or mid-green leaves and large, daisylike,
double, green flower heads in summer
and early fall. H 2ft (60cm),
S 1ft (30cm).


316 Moluccella laevis Petunia Surfinia Series
(Bells of Ireland, Shell flower) SURFINIA LIME (‘Keiyeul’)
Fairly fast-growing, erect, branching Vigorous, trailing perennial grown as an
annual. Rounded leaves are pale green; annual, with slightly star-shaped, white
spikes of small, tubular, white flowers, flowers, 21⁄2in (6cm) across, shading to
each surrounded by a conspicuous, lime-yellow in the throats, in summer.
pale green calyx, are borne in summer. Good in a hanging basket. H 10in (25cm),
H 2ft (60cm), S 8in (20cm). S 2ft (60cm).

ADZ9–11 AEZ11


The genus Begonia is one of the most versatile, providing
interest throughout the year. Semperflorens begonias are
excellent for summer bedding, while the Rex-cultorum
group offers distinctive, handsome foliage in a huge variety
of decorative shades and unusual textures. Other begonias,
such as the Tuberhybrida cultivars with their large, showy
blooms, are grown mostly for their flowers. Most begonias
are not suitable for permanent outdoor cultivation in
frost-prone areas as they are not hardy, but they make
attractive houseplants and displays in summer containers.
Begonias may be fibrous-rooted, rhizomatous, or tuberous,
the tubers becoming dormant in winter. Grow them in a
light position, shaded from direct sun.

B. serratipetala B. BONFIRE (‘Nzcone’)

B. ‘Billie Langdon’ B. Mocca Series ‘Mocca Scarlet’ B. bowerae

B. Nonstop Series ‘Nonstop White’ B. ‘Roy Hartley’ B. masoniana

B. albopicta B. ‘Merry Christmas’ B. DRAGON WING RED (‘Bepared’) B. ‘Tiger Paws’

B. dregei B. ‘Benitochiba’


B. scharffii B. ‘Escargot’ B. Illumination Series ‘Illumination Salmon Pink’ B. ‘Orange Rubra’ B. sutherlandii


annuals, biennials, Ricinus communis (Castor-oil plant) Nicotiana ‘Lime Green’
and bedding Fast-growing, evergreen, erect shrub, Upright annual with spoon-shaped,
usually grown as an annual. Has large, mid-green leaves. In late summer and
deeply lobed, mid-green leaves and fall, produces racemes of open
heads of green and red flowers in trumpet-shaped, greenish-yellow
summer, followed by globular, prickly flowers that are fragrant at night.
seed pods. H 5ft (1.5m), S 3ft (90cm). H 2ft (60cm), S 10in (25cm).

ADZ11–14t ADZ10–11t

318 Perilla ‘Magilla Vanilla’ Setaria macrostachya (Italian millet)
Fast-growing perennial, grown as an Upright, clump-forming, perennial
annual, with broadly ovate, bright green grass, grown as an annual. Has long,
leaves brightly splashed in the centers pointed, coarse, mid-green leaves each
in rich cream. Spikes of tiny, bell-shaped with a pale central stripe. Erect spikes
flowers are occasionally borne in late of bristly, vivid green flower heads
summer; pinch them out. H 2–3ft are produced in summer. H 3ft (90cm),
(60–90cm), S 11⁄2–2ft (45–60cm). S 2ft (60cm).

BEZ10–11 ADZ9–11


Argyranthemum ‘Jamaica Primrose’ Gaillardia x grandiflora Mesa Series
Evergreen, woody-based perennial with Bushy, compact, short-lived perennial,
fernlike, pale green leaves. Daisylike, with soft, divided leaves. Large,
single, soft yellow flower heads are daisylike, single, bright yellow, orange,
borne in summer. Take stem cuttings or bicolored gold and red flower heads
in early fall. H and S to 3ft (1m). are borne from summer to fall.
H 16in (40cm), S 20in (50cm).

Osteospermum ‘Buttermilk’ Iresine herbstii ‘Aureoreticulata’ Duranta erecta ‘Gold Edge’ annaunadlsb, ebdiedninngials,
Evergreen, upright, semi-woody Evergreen, bushy perennial with Evergreen, fast-growing, bushy
perennial. Daisylike, pale yellow flower red stems and inconspicuous flowers. shrub, grown as an annual, with ovate,
heads, with dark eyes, are borne Rounded, mid-green leaves, 4in (10cm) toothed, glossy, bright green leaves,
singly amid gray-green foliage from long, have yellow or red veins and 2–3in (5–7.5cm) long, irregularly
midsummer to fall. H 2ft (60cm), notched tips. H to 2ft (60cm), margined in bright yellow. Rarely
S 1ft (30cm). S 11⁄2ft (45cm). Min. 45ºF (7ºC). flowers. H and S 2ft (60cm).
Min. 50ºF (10ºC).
ADZ10–11 ADZ11

Brugmansia x candida Euryops pectinatus Duranta erecta Pelargonium ‘Mrs. Quilter’ 319
‘Grand Marnier’ Evergreen, upright shrub. Deeply cut, (Pigeon berry, Skyflower) Evergreen, fancy-leaved zonal
Evergreen, robust shrub with large, gray-green leaves set off large heads of Fast-growing, usually evergreen, bushy pelargonium. Has yellow leaves with
ovate to elliptic leaves. Pendent, flared, daisylike, bright yellow flowers, borne in shrub. Bears spikes of lilac-blue flowers, wide, chestnut-brown zones and single,
trumpet-shaped, apricot flowers open late spring and early summer and often mainly in summer, followed by yellow pink flowers. H 12–16in (30–40cm),
from an inflated calyx in summer. again in winter. H and S 3ft (1m). fruits. H 10–20ft (3–6m), S 6–10ft (2–3m). S 5–6in (12–15cm). Min. 41°F (5°C).
H 10–15ft (3–5m), S 5–8ft (1.5–2.5m). Min. 41–5ºF (5–7ºC). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).
Min. 45–50ºF (7–10ºC). AEZ7–11


Rudbeckia hirta ‘Toto Gold’
Upright, strong-stemmed biennial or
short-lived perennial, often grown as
an annual, with ovate to lance-shaped,
mid-green leaves. Bears large, daisylike,
bright yellow flower heads with very
dark brown centers in summer and
early fall. H and S to 18in (45cm).


annuals, biennials, Nemesia Sunsatia Series Glaucium flavum (Horned poppy)
and bedding SUNSATIA MANGO (‘Inupyel’) Slow-growing, erect biennial with
Evergreen, semi-trailing, woody-based ovate, lobed, light grayish-green leaves.
perennial, grown as an annual, with Poppylike, vivid yellow flowers, 3in (8cm)
lance-shaped, green leaves. Racemes of across, are borne in summer and early
2-lipped, yellow flowers, with golden lips fall. H 1–2ft (30–60cm), S 11⁄2ft (45cm).
and purple throats, are borne in summer.
H 9in (23cm), S 18in (45cm). ADZ6–9t


320 Tagetes Gold Coins Series Xerochrysum bracteatum Sundaze Antirrhinum majus
Fast-growing, erect, bushy annual. Series SUNDAZE GOLD (‘Redbragol’) Liberty Classic Series ‘Liberty Yellow’
Has aromatic, feathery, glossy, deep Bushy, rounded, short-lived perennial, Erect perennial, grown as an annual,
green leaves and large, daisylike, grown as an annual, with lance-shaped, branching from the base. Has lance-
double flower heads in shades of mid-green leaves. Produces small, shaped, dull green leaves and in summer–
yellow and orange in summer and papery, daisylike, yellow flower heads, fall, bears spikes of tubular, 2-lipped,
early fall. H 36in (90cm), with orange centers, in summer–fall. 2-tone yellow flowers. H 18–22in
S 12–18in (30–45cm). H 8–12in (20–30cm), S 12in (30cm). (45–55cm), S 12–14in (30–35cm).

ADZ8–11t AEZ8–10 AEZ9–11

Platystemon californicus Argemone mexicana Calendula officinalis ‘Daisy May’ Coreopsis grandiflora ‘Sunray’
(Cream cups) (Devil’s fig, Prickly poppy) Fast-growing, bushy annual with Spreading, clump-forming perennial,
Moderately fast-growing, upright, Spreading perennial, grown as an aromatic, lance-shaped, mid-green grown as an annual by sowing under
compact annual with lance-shaped, annual, with leaves divided into leaves and numerous, semidouble, glass in early spring. Has lance-shaped,
grayish-green leaves. Saucer-shaped, white-marked, grayish-green leaflets. yellow flower heads, borne from late serrated leaves and daisylike, double,
cream or pale yellow flowers, about In summer, bears fragrant, poppylike, spring to fall. H and S 12–16in (30–40cm). bright yellow flower heads in summer.
1in (25cm) across, are borne in summer. yellow or orange flowers, 3in (8cm) H 18in (45cm), S 12–18in (30–45cm).
H 1ft (30cm), S 4in (10cm). across. H to 2ft (60cm), S 1ft (30cm).
ADZ9–11 ADZ4–9
ADZ8–11 ADZ8–11

Cladanthus arabicus Coreopsis tinctoria (Tick-seed) annaunadlsb, ebdiedninngials,
Moderately fast-growing, hummock- Fast-growing, erect, bushy annual
forming annual with aromatic, feathery, with lance-shaped leaves. Large,
light green leaves. Produces fragrant, daisylike, bright yellow flower heads
daisylike, single, deep yellow flower with red centers are produced in
heads, 2in (5cm) across, in summer summer and early fall. H 24–36in
and early fall. H 2ft (60cm), (60–90cm), S 8in (20cm).
S 1ft (30cm).

Smyrnium perfoliatum Eschscholzia caespitosa Limnanthes douglasii 321
Slow-growing, upright biennial. Fast-growing, slender, erect annual (Meadow foam, Poached-egg flower)
Upper leaves, rounded and yellow- with feathery, bluish-green leaves. Fast-growing, slender, erect annual.
green, encircle stems, which bear heads Cup-shaped, 4-petaled, yellow flowers, Feathery leaves are glossy, light green;
of yellowish-green flowers in summer. 1in (25cm) across, are borne in summer slightly fragrant, cup-shaped, white
H 2–3ft (60–100cm), S 2ft (60cm). and early fall. H and S 6in (15cm). flowers with yellow centers are borne
from early to late summer. H 6in (15cm),
ADZ6–10 ADZ8–10 S 4in (10cm).



annuals, biennials, Mimulus x hybridus Magic Series Helianthus annuus ‘Teddy Bear’
and bedding ‘Magic Yellow Blotch’ Fast-growing, compact, hairy-stemmed
Erect, well-branched perennial, grown annual with toothed, roughly hairy
as an annual. Fleshy stems bear small, leaves. Produces daisylike, double,
ovate, toothed, mid-green leaves. In deep yellow flower heads, to 5in (12cm)
summer, produces flared, tubular across, in summer. H 36in (90cm),
flowers in bright yellow heavily blotched S to 2ft (60cm).
in red. H and S 6–8in (15–20cm).

Glebionis segetum Calendula officinalis Pacific Beauty Ursinia anthemoides Helianthus annuus ‘Music Box’
Moderately fast-growing, erect annual Series ‘Lemon Queen’ Moderately fast-growing, bushy annual Fast-growing, free-flowering, many-
with lance-shaped, gray-green leaves. Fast-growing, erect annual with softly with feathery, pale green leaves. Small, branched, hairy-stemmed annual. Bears
Daisylike, single flower heads, to 3in hairy, aromatic leaves. Daisylike, daisylike, purple-centered flower heads daisylike flower heads, 4–5in (10–12cm)
(8cm) across, in shades of yellow, are double, lemon-yellow flower heads, with orange-yellow rays, purple beneath, across, with ray-florets ranging from
borne in summer and early fall. with red-brown disc-florets, are borne are borne in summer and early fall. H 1ft creamy-yellow to dark red, and black
H 11⁄2ft (45cm), S 1ft (30cm). in summer–fall. H to 11⁄2ft (45cm), (30cm), S 8in (20cm). disc-florets, in summer. H 28in (70cm),
S 1–11⁄2ft (30–45cm). S to 2ft (60cm).
322 ADZ10–11
ADZ9–11 ADZ2–11t


Carthamus tinctorius (False saffron) Tropaeolum majus Alaska Series
Moderately fast-growing, upright annual Fast-growing, bushy annual with
with coarse, spine-edged, linear foliage. rounded, variegated leaves. Spurred,
Produces tufted, thistlelike flowers, trumpet-shaped flowers, in shades of
surrounded by stiff green bracts, in orange, yellow, mahogany, or cream,
summer. Suitable for drying. are borne in summer and early fall.
H and S 1–2ft (30–60cm). H and S 1ft (30cm).

ADZ3–9 ADZ10–11

Gazania Daybreak Series annaunadlsb, ebdiedninngials,
‘Daybreak Bright Yellow’
Spreading perennial, grown as an
annual, with narrowly lance-shaped,
green leaves. Daisylike, vivid yellow
flowers, 3in (7cm) across, with a dark
ring around each golden eye, are borne
all summer. H and S 8in (20cm).


Lysimachia congestiflora Begonia ‘Can-can’ Rudbeckia hirta ‘Marmalade’ 323
‘Outback Sunset’ Upright Tuberhybrida begonia Moderately fast-growing, erect,
Mat-forming or trailing perennial. Has with few side shoots. Double, branching perennial, grown as an
lance-shaped, red-tinged, leaves, 2in yellow flowers, 8in (20cm) across, annual, with lance-shaped leaves.
(5cm) long, irregularly splashed in with rough-edged, red petals, are In summer–fall, bears daisylike,
yellow. Bears clusters of 5-lobed, borne in summer. H 1ft (30cm), deep yellow-orange flower heads,
trumpet-shaped, yellow flowers in S 20in (50cm). Min. 5°F (10°C). 3in (8cm) across, with black centers.
summer. H 4in (10cm), S 1ft (30cm). H 11⁄2ft (45cm), S 1ft (30cm).
AEZ6–9 ADZ3–7


Erysimum x marshallii Lantana ‘Radiation’ Tagetes Boy Series [orange] Tithonia rotundifolia ‘Torch’
‘Orange Bedder’ Evergreen, rounded to spreading shrub, Compact annual that bears double, Slow-growing, erect annual with
Slow-growing, short-lived, evergreen, often used as a bedding plant, with finely crested flower heads in a range of colors, rounded, lobed leaves. Has daisylike,
bushy perennial, grown as a biennial. wrinkled, deep green leaves. Rounded, including shades of golden-yellow, bright orange or scarlet flower heads,
Has lance-shaped, mid-green leaves. dense heads of tiny, tubular, bicolored yellow, orange or reddish-brown, 2–3in (5–7cm) wide, in summer and early
Heads of scented, 4-petaled, brilliant orange-red flowers are borne from with deep orange or yellow crests, fall. H 3ft (90cm), S 1ft (30cm).
orange flowers appear in spring. summer–fall. H and S 3–6ft (1–2m). in late spring and early summer.
H and S 1ft (30cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). H to 6in (15cm), S to 1ft (30cm). ADZ10–11

ADZ3–7 ADZ11t ADZ2–11t

annuals, biennials, Abutilon pictum ‘Thompsonii’
and bedding Robust, evergreen, upright shrub with
3–5-lobed, serrated, rich green, heavily
yellow-mottled leaves. Yellow-orange
flowers with crimson veins are borne
from summer to fall. H 15ft (5m), S 6–15ft
(2–5m). Min. 41–5ºF (5–7ºC).


324 Gazania Kiss Series Lantana ‘Spreading Sunset’
‘Kiss Orange Flame’ Evergreen, rounded to spreading shrub,
Spreading perennial, grown as an often used as bedding. Has deep green,
annual, with long, narrowly lance- finely wrinkled leaves. In spring-fall,
shaped, dark green leaves. All summer bears rounded, dense heads of tiny,
produces daisylike, orange flowers, 3in tubular, orange-yellow flowers, taking
(7.5cm) across, with mahogany-striped on reddish-pink tints with age. H and
petals. H and S 8in (20cm). S 3–6ft (1–2m). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).

AEZ10–11 ADZ11t

Rudbeckia hirta ‘Goldilocks’ Impatiens Fusion Series annaunadlsb, ebdiedninngials,
Moderately fast-growing, erect, FUSION PEACH FROST (‘Balfuspeafro’)
branching perennial, grown as an Evergreen, bushy perennial, grown
annual. Has lance-shaped leaves and as an annual, with elliptical, pale green
daisylike, double or semidouble, leaves margined in cream. Cupped,
golden-orange flowers, 3in (8cm) across, 5-petaled, apricot flowers, 5⁄8in (1.5cm)
in summer–fall. H 2ft (60cm), S 1ft (30cm). across, are borne in summer. H and
S 10–16in (25–40cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).
Calendula officinalis Zinnia marylandica Zahara Series
Fiesta Gitana Group ‘Fire’ 325
Fast-growing, bushy annual with Mound-forming, bushy, disease-resistant
strongly aromatic, lance-shaped, pale annual with ovate, mid-green leaves.
green leaves. Daisylike, double flower Bright orange flowers, 2–3in (5–7cm)
heads, ranging from cream to orange across, with orange centers, are borne in
in color, are carried from spring to fall. summer. H 12–18in (30–45cm), S 16–24in
H and S 1ft (30cm). (40–60cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).

ADZ9–11 AEZ9–11


Dahlia Dahlietta Series ‘Surprise Kelly’ Eschscholzia californica
Compact, bushy, well-branched, (California poppy)
tuberous perennial, grown as an annual. Fast-growing, slender, erect annual
Has pointed-ovate, toothed leaves and, with feathery, bluish-green leaves.
in summer, bears flat heads of daisylike, Cup-shaped, 4-petaled, vivid orange-
golden-yellow flowers, very heavily yellow flowers are borne in summer–fall.
speckled with dark orange. H 10–12in H 1ft (30cm), S 6in (15cm).
(25–30cm), S 14–16in (35–40cm).

annuals, biennials, Tagetes Gem Series ‘Tangerine Gem’
and bedding Fast-growing, bushy annual with
aromatic, feathery leaves. Small,
single, deep orange flower heads
are borne in summer and early fall.
H 8in (20cm), S 1ft (30cm).


326 Coreopsis ‘Rum Punch’ Erysimum cheiri ‘Fire King’
Bushy, rather spreading, prolific but Moderately fast-growing, evergreen,
short-lived perennial, grown as an bushy perennial, grown as a biennial.
annual. Slender stems have divided, Lance-shaped leaves are mid- to deep
dark green leaves and in summer–fall green. Heads of 4-petaled, reddish-
bear daisylike, coppery-pink flower orange flowers are produced in spring.
heads, 11⁄2in (3.5cm) across. H 15in (38cm), S 12–15in (30–38cm).
H 18in (45cm), S 2ft (60cm).

Emilia coccinea (Flora’s paintbrush) Gaillardia x grandiflora
Moderately fast-growing, upright annual Arizona Series
with lance-shaped, grayish-green leaves Bushy, compact, short-lived perennial,
and double, red or yellow flower heads with soft, divided leaves. Large, daisylike
in summer. H 1–2ft (30–60cm), flower heads in shades of orange and
S 1ft (30cm). red, with yellow-tipped ray florets, are
borne from summer to fall. H to 36in
ADZ8–11 (90cm), S 18in (45cm).


Begonia sutherlandii Dahlia ‘Hamari Gold’ Dahlia ‘Dandy’ annaunadlsb, ebdiedninngials,
Trailing, tuberous begonia with slender Bushy, well-branched, tuberous Well-branched, erect, bushy, tuberous
stems and small, lance-shaped, lobed, perennial, grown as an annual. Has perennial, grown as an annual. Has
bright green leaves with red veins. Bears pointed-ovate, toothed leaves and pointed-ovate, serrated leaves and heads
profuse, loose clusters of single, orange produces giant, orange-bronze flowers of daisylike flowers, with contrasting
flowers in summer. Excellent for a from summer to fall. H 31⁄2ft (1.1m), central collars of quilled petals, in shades
hanging basket. S 18in (45cm). S 2ft (60cm). of red, yellow, or orange in summer.
H and S 2ft (60cm).
BEZ8–10 ADZ8–11

Tropaeolum majus Jewel Series Eschscholzia californica Solanum pseudocapsicum ‘Balloon’ 327
Fast-growing, bushy annual with Thai Silk Series Evergreen, bushy shrub, grown as an
rounded leaves. Spurred, trumpet- Fast-growing, compact, slender, erect annual. Has lance-shaped leaves and,
shaped flowers, in shades of red, yellow, annual with feathery, bluish-green in summer, small, star-shaped, white
or orange, are held well above leaves leaves. In summer–fall, produces single flowers. Large, cream fruits turn
from early summer to early fall. or semidouble, fluted, bronze-tinged orange in winter. H 1ft (30cm), S 1–11⁄2ft
H and S 1ft (30cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). flowers in red, pink, or orange. (30–45cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
H 8–10in (20–25cm), S 6in (15cm).
ADZ11–12 ADZ11–12t


Rock plants are prized for their natural charm, foliage forms,
and, in many cases, masses of colorful flowers in spring and
summer. Grow them in areas that mimic the conditions in which
they thrive in the wild, which are usually exposed sites with

stony, rapidly draining soils. As long as they have sharp
drainage and protection from excessive winter moisture, you
can grow rock plants in small gardens in a trough or container,
or where there is more space, in a rock garden or scree bed.
If the soil in your garden is unsuitable, you can also grow these
ground-hugging plants in raised beds to create landscapes in
miniature. Raised beds also have the advantage of bringing

the small plants closer to eye level so that you can admire
their tiny, delicate features in more detail.


The delicate flowers and foliage of many rock plants belie their tough SIZE CATEGORIES USED WITHIN THIS GROUP
nature, withstanding the burning sun and harsh winds typical of their
alpine habitats. They make excellent plants for the garden, and are Large Medium Small
perfect for rock and scree gardens, wall crevices, troughs, and pots. over 6in up to 6in
(15cm) (15cm)

rock plants What are rock plants? These adaptations help them survive the Designing with
drying, high-velocity winds, brilliant, rock plants
The term rock plants includes bulbs and burning sun, and extreme temperature
mat- and cushion-forming perennials— fluctuations of their natural habitats. One of the major attractions of this
many of which are evergreen—as well as group is their diminutive size, which
dwarf conifers and both evergreen and Most rock plants grow in areas that allows you to grow a huge number of
deciduous shrubs. Some are true alpines have stony soil with rapid drainage, different plant types in a relatively
from mountain regions, while others are which explains why few can cope with wet confined space.
simply compact plants suitable for rock- soil around the roots, which is experienced
garden planting schemes. While some at lower altitudes. They also dislike warm, In a rock garden—as in larger-scale
alpines have specialized needs, many humid summers. plantings—use small shrubs, such as
species and cultivars, including aubrietas the highly fragrant Daphne cneorum
and geraniums, are easy to grow and thrive In the wild, high-growing species are and D. retusa or the catkin-bearing Salix
in any well-drained soil and sunny site. insulated from winter cold by a blanket of bockii and S. apoda, to form the structural
snow, beneath which they remain dormant framework of your design. Miniature
True alpines are found at high altitudes at temperatures around 32°F (0°C) until conifers, such as Juniperus communis
above the tree line on mountains, growing spring. Those environments that mimic ‘Compressa’, provide vertical accents
on scree slopes, in short turf, or finding conditions in the wild, such as rock and year-round color, and work well in
protection from the wind by squeezing into gardens, scree and gravel beds, troughs, combination with the contrasting forms
rock crevices. Subalpine plants live below pots, raised beds, and open frames, are of rounded or domed plants, such as the
the tree line on rocky slopes or in high therefore ideal for growing rock plants. evergreen Hebe cupressoides ‘Boughton
pastures or meadows. Most alpines are You can grow alpines successfully even in Dome’ and Cassiope lycopodioides.
compact in habit and frequently deep- areas where the soil is unsuitable by filling This structure can then be filled in with
rooting, usually with small leaves that raised beds, pots, and troughs with free- mat- and cushion-forming plants, such as
are leathery, fleshy, or covered in fine hair. draining soil and horticultural grit. sandworts (Arenaria) or Dianthus deltoides,

330 ABOVE Mediterranean mountains
Recreate a Mediterranean alpine scene with clay pots and
pebbles decorating beds that include a range of sedums,
hylotelephiums, saxifrages, thymes, and arabis, with
clipped boxwood balls providing structure.

LEFT Colorful tapestry
Siting a rock garden on a gentle slope assists rapid drainage,
while an open, sunny site is perfect for alpines. Choose
plants with contrasting forms, such as teardrop-shaped,
upright conifers and mats of colorful blooms.

PLANTING A GRAVEL OR SCREE GARDEN keep the plant leaves and stems dry, and prevents rotting, but lay weed-
suppressing fabric over the ground first. This excludes light and stops weed
Gravel gardens are ideal for alpines and rock plants. Stones can be worked seeds from germinating, but still allows moisture through to the plant.
into a scheme to create a rock garden, or a variety of rock and stone sizes
used on a slope to form a natural scree. A gravel or slate chip mulch helps

A weed-free gravel garden 1 Lay the fabric 2 Plant up 3 Add gravel mulch
Measure your bed, and buy Fold back the flaps, and dig a hole, Trim the fabric around the
sufficient weed-suppressing fabric putting the excavated soil on a plastic stems and continue to plant in this way.
to cover it. Overlap the edges when sheet. Insert the plant, water in, and When the bed is planted, spread a
joining two pieces together. Cut backfill with soil. Firm in and replace 2–3in (5–8cm) layer of gravel over the
crosses where you plan to plant. the flaps around the plant stems. fabric and around each plant.

at the feet of slightly taller, feathery-leaved Year-round interest schemes for a dramatic performance. rock plants
pulsatillas or the airy Linum narbonense. Hot colors, such as the bright yellow
As well as shape and form, use contrasting Many alpines flower in spring and early sedums and wallflowers (Erysimum) and
textures. You could include the almost bead- summer, just after the snow melts and scarlet and orange helianthemums, create
like foliage of certain hylotelephiums and before the heat of midsummer in their highlights against more subdued blues and
sedums, spiky houseleek (Sempervivum) natural habitat. For color earlier in the purples. As the summer progresses, select
rosettes, and the pointy-tipped gray leaves year, plant spring bulbs, such as alpine later-flowering rock plants, including phlox,
of Euphorbia myrsinites, which would make narcissus or crocuses, among evergreen crepis, and diascias, followed by the pink
eye-catching partners for the white-haired perennials, conifers, and small shrubs. Silene schafta, gentians, and berry-bearing
leaves of edelweiss (Leontopodium) or the The choice of flowers at the peak flowering gaultherias in the fall.
silky, silver leaves of celmisias. times is vast, so coordinate your color

Most alpines like an open, sunny site PLANTING A SLATE-FILLED TROUGH
and will not thrive if shaded by over-
hanging trees or neighboring plants. Topped with slate chips, this decorative trough 1 Prepare the trough
Plant them with space to spread and use mirrors a natural mountain scree, and provides Cover the drainage holes at the base of the trough
a dry mulch, such as gravel, to keep the a long season of color in spring and summer. with crocks. Add a 2in (5cm) layer of gravel. Fill up the
stems and leaves dry at all times. Mulches Plants included in this display are Draba species, trough with equal parts of soil-based potting mix and
also act as a foil for the plants. erigerons, saxifrages, Silene acaulis, and sand, to 2in (5cm) from the top.
Townsendia grandiflora. However, any small
If you have limited space, plant a alpines that have different leaf textures and 2 Add slates and plants
selection of alpines in small pots filled with flower colors will work equally well. Move your Push the slate chips vertically into the soil, leaving
gritty potting mix. Many plants in this trough to its final position before you start, as spaces for the alpines. Water the plants, and plant
group are drought-tolerant and thrive in it will be very heavy once planted. them into the gaps, making sure the roots are covered
containers, and when grouped together with the sand and potting mix blend. Water well.
make colorful displays. Troughs can be
given a modern makeover by planting 331
alpines between slate chips (see box right),
or using a ground glass or shell mulch.

Raised beds offer another design option
for those with small gardens. They are also
useful for people with reduced mobility,
allowing them to access the plants more
easily. Use raised beds to create miniature
landscapes with plants spreading between
rocks and pebbles. Dry stone walls offer
ideal sites for many crevice-lovers, such
as aubretias and sedums, while cascading
alpines, such as Saxifraga ‘Tumbling
Waters’, are perfect for the tops of walls.




Leontopodium nivale subsp. alpinum Lithophragma parviflorum
(Edelweiss) Clump-forming, tuberous perennial
Short-lived perennial with lance-shaped, that bears small, open clusters of
woolly leaves. Small, silvery-white campion-like, white or pale pink flowers
flower heads, borne in spring or early in spring above a basal cluster of deeply
summer, are surrounded by petal-like, toothed, kidney-shaped leaves. Lies
felted bracts in a star shape. Dislikes wet. dormant in summer. H 6–8in (15–20cm),
H and S 6–8in (15–20cm). S to 8in (20cm).

ADZ4–6 BEZ4–6

rock plants

Iberis sempervirens Pulsatilla alpina (Alpine anemone) Saxifraga granulata (Fair maids
Evergreen, spreading subshrub, with Tufted perennial with feathery leaves. of France, Meadow saxifrage)
narrow, oblong, dark green leaves, Bears upright, or nodding, cup-shaped, Clump-forming perennial that loses
bearing dense, rounded heads of white white, sometimes blue- or pink-flushed its kidney-shaped, crumpled, glossy
flowers in late spring and early summer. flowers singly in spring and early leaves in summer. Sticky stems bear
Trim after flowering. H 6–12in (15–30cm), summer, then feathery seed heads. loose panicles of rounded, white flowers
S 11⁄2–2ft (45–60cm). H 6–12in (15–30cm), S to 4in (10cm). in late spring. H 9–15in (23–38cm),
S to 6in (15cm) or more.
ADZ5–9 ADZ5–7t

Rhodanthemum hosmariense Andromeda polifolia ‘Alba’ Cassiope ‘Muirhead’ Cassiope tetragona
Evergreen, shrubby perennial with Evergreen, open, twiggy shrub Evergreen, loose, bushy shrub Evergreen, upright shrub with
finely cut, bright silvery-green leaves bearing terminal clusters of pitcher- with scalelike, dark green leaves on dense, scalelike, dark green leaves
that clothe lax, woody stems. From late shaped, white flowers in spring and upright branches. In spring, these bear concealing branched stems. In spring,
spring to early fall, white flower heads early summer. Glossy, dark green tiny, virtually stemless, bell-shaped, leaf axils bear solitary pendent, bell-
are borne singly above foliage. leaves are leathery and lance-shaped. white flowers along their length. shaped, white flowers in red calyces.
H 6in (15cm) or more, S 1ft (30cm). H 11⁄2ft (45cm), S 2ft (60cm). H and S 8in (20cm). H 4–10in (10–25cm), S 4–6in (10–15cm).

332 AEMZ2–6 BEMZ2–6 BEMZ2–7



Jeffersonia diphylla Saxifraga ‘Tumbling Waters’ Andromeda polifolia ‘Compacta’ Daphne cneorum
Slow-growing, tufted perennial with Slow-growing, evergreen, mat-forming Evergreen, compact, twiggy shrub Evergreen, low-growing shrub with
distinctive, 2-lobed, light to mid-green perennial with a tight rosette of narrow, that bears delicate, terminal clusters of trailing branches clothed in small,
leaves. Bears solitary cup-shaped, white lime-encrusted leaves. After several pitcher-shaped, coral-pink flowers, with ovate, leathery, dark green leaves.
flowers with prominent, yellow stamens years, produces arching sprays of white white undertones, in spring and early Fragrant, deep rose pink flowers are
in late spring. Do not disturb roots. flowers in conical heads; main rosette summer. Leaves are lance-shaped and borne in terminal clusters in late spring.
H 6–9in (15–23cm), S to 9in (23cm). then dies but small offsets survive. glossy, dark green. H 6–9in (15–23cm), Prefers humus-rich soil. H 9in (23cm),
H to 2ft (60cm), S to 8in (20cm). S 12in (30cm). S to 6ft (2m).
ADZ6–7 AEMZ2–6 ADZ5–7t

rock plants

Daphne blagayana Daphne alpina Dodecatheon hendersonii
Evergreen, prostrate shrub with Compact and upright deciduous shrub Clump-forming perennial with a flat
trailing branches each bearing a with softly hairy, ovate, gray-green rosette of kidney-shaped leaves, above
terminal cluster of ovate, leathery leaves leaves. In late spring, produces terminal which deep pink flowers with reflexed
and, in early spring, dense clusters of clusters of small, white flowers that are petals are borne in late spring. Needs a
fragrant, tubular, white flowers. Likes sweetly scented. These are followed by dry, dormant summer period. H 1ft
humus-rich soil. H 12–16in (30–40cm), spherical, orange-red fruits. H and S to (30cm), S 3in (8cm).
S 24–32in (60–80cm) or more. 2ft (60cm).
BDZ7–9t BEZ6–8t

Tiarella cordifolia (Foamflower) Dodecatheon meadia f. album Phyllodoce x intermedia Dodecatheon pulchellum subsp. 333
Vigorous, evergreen, spreading Clump-forming perennial with basal ‘Drummondii’ pulchellum ‘Red Wings’
perennial. Lobed, pale green leaves rosettes of ovate, pale green leaves. In Evergreen, bushy, dwarf shrub with Clump-forming perennial with a basal
sometimes have darker marks; veins turn spring, strong stems bear several white narrow, heatherlike, glossy leaves. cluster of oblong, soft, pale green leaves.
bronze-red in winter. Bears many spikes flowers with dark centers and reflexed From late spring to early summer, In late spring and early summer, bears
of profuse white flowers in late spring petals. Lies dormant in summer. produces terminal clusters of pitcher- small clusters of deep magenta flowers,
and early summer. H 6–8in (15–20cm), H 8in (20cm), S 6in (15cm). shaped, rich pink flowers on slender, with reflexed petals, on strong stems.
S to 1ft (30cm) or more. red stalks. H and S 9in (23cm). H 8in (20cm), S 4in (10cm).
BDZ3–8 BEMZ3–7 BEZ4–7




Phyllodoce empetriformis Pulsatilla halleri
Evergreen, mat-forming shrub with fine, Tufted perennial, intensely hairy in
narrow, heatherlike leaves and terminal all parts, that in spring bears nodding,
clusters of bell-shaped, purplish-pink later erect, cup-shaped flowers in
flowers in late spring and early summer. shades of purple. Has feathery leaves
H 6–9in (15–23cm), S 8in (20cm). and seed heads. H 6–15in (15–38cm),
S 6–8in (15–20cm).

BEMZ3–6 ADZ5–7t

rock plants

Phyllodoce caerulea Pulsatilla vulgaris (Pasque flower) Aquilegia alpina (Alpine columbine)
Evergreen, dwarf shrub with fine, Tufted perennial with feathery, light Short-lived, upright perennial with
narrow, heatherlike leaves. Bears bell- green leaves. In spring, bears nodding, spurred, clear blue or violet-blue flowers
shaped, purple to purplish-pink flowers, cup-shaped flowers, in shades of on slender stems in spring and early
singly or in clusters, in late spring and purple, red, pink or white, with bright summer. Has basal rosettes of rounded,
summer. H and S to 12in (30cm). yellow centers. Flower stems rapidly finely divided leaves. Needs rich soil.
elongate as feathery seeds mature. H 18in (45cm), S 6in (15cm).
BEMZ2–5 H and S 6–9in (15–23cm).

334 Daphne x hendersonii Erinacea anthyllis (Hedgehog broom) Omphalodes verna Omphalodes cappadocica
‘Blackthorn Rose’ Slow growing, evergreen subshrub with Semievergreen, clump-forming Spreading perennial with creeping
Evergreen, domed shrub with glossy, hard, blue-green spines. Pealike, soft perennial that in spring bears long, underground stems and many loose
dark green leaves, to 1in (25cm) long. lavender flowers are produced in axils of loose sprays of flat, bright blue flowers sprays of flat, bright blue flowers in
In spring, produces numerous, rounded spines in late spring to early summer. with white eyes. Leaves are ovate and spring-summer above tufts of ovate,
deep red-purple buds that open to very H and S 6–10in (15–25cm). mid-green. H and S 8in (20cm) or more. hairy, basal leaves. H 6–8in (15–20cm),
fragrant, pink flowers with spreading S 10in (25cm) or more.
lobes. H 8–12in (20–30cm), S 18in (45cm). ADZ7–8 CEZ6–9


Umbilicus oppositifolius Hylomecon japonica
Evergreen, trailing perennial with large, Vigorous, spreading perennial with
oblong, serrated, succulent leaves. large, cup-shaped, bright yellow
In late spring and early summer, bears flowers that are borne singly on slender
many tiny, yellow flowers in arching stems in spring. Soft, dark green leaves
sprays. H 6–8in (15–20cm), S 6in (15cm). are divided into 4 unequal lobes.
H to 12in (30cm), S 8in (20cm).

rock plants

Corydalis cheilanthifolia Aurinia saxatilis ‘Citrina’ Cytisus x beanii Erysimum ‘Moonlight’
Evergreen perennial with fleshy roots. Evergreen, clump-forming perennial Deciduous, low-growing shrub with Mat-forming, evergreen perennial with
Produces spreading rosettes of fern- with ovate, hairy, gray-green leaves. arching sprays of pealike, golden-yellow narrowly ovate leaves. In early summer,
like, near-prostrate, sometimes bronze- Bears racemes of many, small, pale flowers that are borne in late spring and produces clusters of pale, sulfur-yellow
tinted, mid-green leaves. Bears dense lemon-yellow flowers in late spring and early summer on previous year’s wood. flowers on short, leafy stems. Prefers an
spikes of short-spurred, yellow flowers early summer. H 9in (23cm), S 12in Leaves, divided into 3 leaflets, are small, open site and gritty soil. H 10in (25cm),
in late spring and early summer. (30cm). linear and hairy. H 6–16in (15–40cm), S 18in (45cm).
H 8–12in (20–30cm), S 6–8in (15–20cm). S 12–30in (30–75cm).
ADZ4–8 ADZ6–8
ADZ5–7 ADZ7–8t

Salix helvetica Corydalis wilsonii Aurinia saxatilis ‘Variegata’ Aurinia saxatilis (Basket of gold,
Deciduous, spreading, much-branched, Evergreen perennial with a fleshy Evergreen perennial that produces Gold dust)
dwarf shrub that has small, ovate, rootstock. Forms rosettes of near- racemes of many small, yellow flowers Evergreen perennial forming low
glossy leaves, white-haired beneath. prostrate, divided, bluish-green leaves. in spring above a mat of large, ovate, clumps of ovate, hairy, gray-green
In spring, bears short-stalked, silky, Loose racemes of spurred, green-tipped, soft gray-green leaves with cream leaves. Bears substantial spikes of
gray, then yellow catkins. H 24in (60cm), yellow flowers are produced in spring. margins. H 9in (23cm), S 12in (30cm). small, chrome-yellow flowers in spring.
S 12in (30cm). H and S 4–10in (10–25cm). H 9in (23cm), S 12in (30cm).

AEZ5–8 ADZ6–7 ADZ4–8 ADZ4–8 335



Erysimum ‘Bredon’ Parnassia palustris
Semievergreen, rounded, woody (Grass of Parnassus)
perennial clothed in ovate, dark green Perennial with low, basal tufts of heart-
leaves. In late spring, bears dense spikes shaped, pale to mid-green leaves. Bears
of flat, bright mustard-yellow flowers. saucer-shaped, white flowers, with dark
H 12–18in (30–45cm), S 18in (45cm). green or purplish-green veins, on erect
stems in late spring and early summer.
ADZ5–8 H 8in (20cm), S 21⁄2in (6cm) or more.


rock plants

Erysimum cheiri ‘Harpur Crewe’ Celmisia walkeri
Evergreen, shrubby perennial with stiff Evergreen, loose, spreading perennial
stems and narrow leaves. Fragrant, with long, ovate or lance-shaped leaves,
double, deep yellow flowers open glossy, green above and hairy, white
in succession from late spring to beneath. Bears large, daisylike, white
midsummer. Grows best in poor soil and flower heads in summer. H 9in (23cm),
a sheltered site. H and S 12in (30cm). S to 6ft (2m).

ADZ5–8 AEMZ9–10

Berberis x stenophylla Armeria pseudarmeria Helianthemum apenninum Galax urceolata
‘Corallina Compacta’ Evergreen, clump-forming perennial Evergreen, spreading, much-branched Evergreen, clump-forming perennial.
Evergreen, neat, dwarf shrub with with large, spherical heads of white shrub that bears saucer-shaped, pure Large, round, leathery, mid-green
spiny stems clothed in small, narrowly flowers occasionally suffused pink; white flowers in midsummer. Stems leaves on slender stems turn bronze
ovate leaves. In late spring, bears many these are borne in summer on stiff stems and small, linear leaves are covered in in fall-winter. Bears dense spikes
tiny, bright orange flowers. Slow- above long, narrow, glaucous leaves. white down. H and S 18in (45cm). of small, white flowers in late spring
growing and can be difficult to H and S 12in (30cm). and early summer. H 6–8in (15–20cm),
propagate. H and S to 10in (25cm). S to 12in (30cm).
336 ADZ6–7 ADZ6–8
ADZ6–9t CEMZ5–8

Saxifraga callosa Chamaecytisus purpureus f. albus Hebe pinguifolia ‘Pagei’
Evergreen, tightly rosetted perennial Deciduous, low-growing shrub with Evergreen, semiprostrate shrub with
with long, linear, stiff, lime-encrusted semierect stems clothed in leaves, small, oblong, slightly cupped, intensely
leaves and, in early summer, upright, divided into 3 leaflets. A profusion of glaucous leaves. Bears short spikes of
then arching, panicles of star-shaped, pealike, white flowers are borne in early small, white flowers in late spring or
red-spotted white flowers. Rosettes die summer on previous year’s wood. early summer. Excellent groundcover
after flowering. Suits a rock pocket. H 18in (45cm), S 24in (60cm). or rock cover. H 16–12in (5–30cm),
H 10in (25cm), S to 8in (20cm). S 24in (60cm).
ADZ7–8 ADZ8–10

rock plants

Saxifraga cuneifolia Hebe vernicosa
Evergreen, carpeting perennial with Evergreen, bushy, compact shrub with
neat rosettes of rounded leaves. In late small, ovate, glossy, dark green leaves
spring and early summer, bears panicles densely packed on stems. In early and
of tiny, white flowers, frequently with mid-summer, spikes of small, 4-lobed,
yellow, pink, or red spots, on slender white flowers are freely produced. H 2ft
stems. H 6–8in (15–20cm), S 12in (30cm) (60cm), S 4ft (1.2m).
or more.

Diascia ICE CRACKER (‘Hecrack’) Corydalis ochroleuca of gardens 337
Mat-forming perennial with narrowly Evergreen, clump-forming perennial
ovate, mid to dark green leaves. From with fleshy, fibrous roots and much
summer to fall, produces upright divided, basal, gray-green leaves. Bears
racemes of 2-lipped, hooded, shallowly slender, yellow-tipped, creamy-white
bell-shaped, spurred, white flowers, flowers in late spring and summer.
touched pink at the base. H 12in (30cm), H and S 8–12in (20–30cm).
S 6–8in (5–20cm).




Aethionema grandiflorum Rhodothamnus chamaecistus Phuopsis stylosa Lewisia ‘George Henley’
(Persian stone cress) Evergreen, low-growing, dwarf shrub Low-growing perennial with whorls of Evergreen, clump-forming perennial
Short-lived, evergreen or semievergreen, with narrow, ovate leaves, edged with pungent, pale green leaves and rounded with rosettes of narrow, fleshy, dark
lax shrub. Bears tiny, pale to deep bristles. In late spring and early summer, heads of small, tubular, pink flowers in green leaves. Bears dense sprays of
rose-pink flowers in loose sprays in bears cup-shaped, rose- to lilac-pink summer. Good grown over a bank or open cup-shaped, deep pink flowers,
spring–summer. Blue-green leaves are flowers, with dark stamens, in leaf axils. large rock. H 12in (30cm), S 12in (30cm). with magenta veins, from late spring
narrow and lance-shaped. H 12in (30cm), H 6–8in (15–20cm), S to 10in (25cm). to late summer. H 6in (15cm) or more,
S 9in (23cm). ADZ5–8 S 4in (10cm).
ADZ5–7 BDMZ7–9

rock plants

Saxifraga Southside Seedling Group Helianthemum ‘Rhodanthe Carneum’
Evergreen, mat-forming perennial, Evergreen, lax shrub with saucer-
with large, pale green rosettes of leaves, shaped, soft, pale pink flowers with
dying after flowering. In late spring orange centers borne for a long period
and early summer, bears arching in summer. Has oblong, gray-green
panicles of open cup-shaped, white leaves. H and S 12in (30cm) or more.
flowers, strongly red-banded within.
H and S to 12in (30cm). ADZ6–8


338 Onosma alborosea Anthyllis montana Oxalis tetraphylla
Semievergreen, clump-forming Rounded, bushy or somewhat spreading Tuft-forming, tuberous perennial with
perennial covered in fine hairs, which perennial with loose branches and finely brown-marked, basal leaves, usually
may irritate skin. Clusters of long, cut foliage. Heads of cloverlike, pale divided into 4 leaflets. Produces loose
pendent, tubular flowers, borne for pink flowers with red markings are sprays of widely funnel-shaped, deep
a long period in summer, open white borne in late spring and early summer. pink flowers in late spring and summer.
and then turn pink. H 6–12in (15–30cm), H and S 12in (30cm). Needs shelter. H 6–12in (15–30cm),
S 8in (20cm). S 4–6in (10–15cm).
ADZ7–9 ADZ8–9

Diascia rigescens
Trailing perennial with semierect stems
covered in heart-shaped, mid-green
leaves. Spurred, flat-faced, salmon-pink
flowers are borne along stem length in
summer and early fall. H 9in (23cm),
S to 12in (30cm).


rock plants

Origanum ‘Kent Beauty’ Crassula sarcocaulis Geranium orientalitibeticum
Prostrate perennial with trailing stems Evergreen or, in severe climates, Perennial spreading by tuberous,
clothed in aromatic, rounded-ovate semievergreen, bushy subshrub underground runners. Bears cup-
leaves. In summer, bears short spikes with tiny, ovate, succulent leaves. shaped, pink flowers, with white
of tubular, pale pink flowers with darker Bears terminal clusters of tiny, red centers, in summer. Leaves are deeply
bracts. Suitable for a wall or ledge. buds opening to pale pink flowers cut and marbled in shades of green.
H 6–8in (15–20cm), S 12in (30cm). in summer. H and S 12in (30cm). Can be invasive. H in flower 6–10in
(15–25cm), S indefinite.
ADZ5–8 ADZ8–11

Astilbe x crispa ‘Perkeo’ Diascia barberae ‘Fisher’s Flora’ Ononis fruticosa (Shrubby restharrow) Dianthus carthusianorum
Erect, compact perennial bearing small Prostrate perennial with stems clothed Deciduous shrub that in summer Evergreen perennial bearing rounded,
plumes of tiny, salmon-pink flowers from in heart-shaped, pale green leaves. Bears bears pendent clusters of large, upward-facing, cherry-red or deep pink
mid- to late summer on fine stems. terminal clusters of spurred, flat-faced, pealike, purplish-pink blooms with flowers on slender stems in summer
Has stiff, deeply cut, crinkled leaves. bright pink flowers in summer and early darker streaks. Leaves are divided above small tufts of grasslike leaves.
H 6–8in (15–20cm), S 4in (10cm). fall. H 6–8in (15–20cm), S 8in (20cm). into 3 serrated leaflets, which are hairy H 8in (20cm), S 3in (7cm).
when young. H and S 12–24in (30–60cm).
BEZ4–9 ADZ8–9 ADZ7–10 339




Lewisia Cotyledon Hybrids Delphinium nudicaule Zauschneria californica ‘Dublin’
Evergreen, clump-forming perennials Short-lived, upright perennial with erect Clump-forming, woody-based perennial
with rosettes of large, thick, toothed stems bearing deeply divided, basal with lance-shaped, gray-green leaves.
leaves. In early summer, bear clusters leaves and, in summer, spikes of hooded, From late summer to early fall, bears
of flowers in various shades of pink to red or occasionally yellow flowers, with terminal clusters of tubular, deep
purple, on erect stems. Good for a contrasting stamens. H 8in (20cm), orange-scarlet flowers. H 12in (30cm),
rock crevice or an alpine house. S 2–4in (5–10cm). S 18in (45cm).
H to 12in (30cm), S 6in (15cm) or more.
ADZ5–7t ADZ8–11

rock plants

Penstemon newberryi f. humilior Origanum laevigatum Penstemon pinifolius Punica granatum var. nana
Evergreen, mat-forming shrub with Deciduous, mat-forming subshrub Evergreen, bushy shrub with branched (Dwarf pomegranate)
arching branches clothed in small, with small, aromatic, dark green leaves, stems clothed in fine, dark green leaves. Slow-growing, deciduous, rounded
leathery, dark green leaves. Bears short branching, red stems and a profusion In summer, very narrow, tubular, bright shrub that, in summer, bears funnel-
sprays of tubular, lipped, cherry-red to of tiny, tubular, cerise-pink flowers, scarlet flowers are borne in loose, shaped, red flowers with somewhat
deep pink flowers in early summer. surrounded by red-purple bracts, terminal spikes. H 4–8in (10–20cm), crumpled petals, followed by small,
H 6–8in (15–20cm), S 12in (30cm). in summer. H 9–12in (23–30cm), S 6in (15cm). rounded, orange-red fruits.
S 8in (20cm) or more. H and S 12–36in (30–90cm).
ADZ7–10 ADZ4–10
ADZ7–10 ADZ7–10

340 Geranium sanguineum Erigeron alpinus (Alpine fleabane) Helianthemum ‘Fire Dragon’
(Bloody cranesbill) Clump-forming perennial of variable size Evergreen, spreading shrub with
Hummock-forming, spreading perennial that bears daisylike, lilac-pink flower saucer-shaped, orange-scarlet
with many cup-shaped, deep magenta- heads on erect stems in summer. Leaves flowers in late spring and summer.
pink flowers borne in summer above are long, ovate, and hairy. Suits a sunny Leaves are linear and gray-green.
round, deeply divided, dark green border, bank, or large rock garden. H 9–12in (23–30cm), S 18in (45cm).
leaves. Makes good groundcover. H 10in (25cm), S 8in (20cm).
H to 10in (25cm), S 12in (30cm) or more. ADZ6–8


Cortusa matthioli Erodium cheilanthifolium Scabiosa lucida Semiaquilegia ecalcarata
Clump-forming perennial with a basal Compact, mound-forming perennial Clump-forming perennial with tufts of Short-lived, upright perennial with
rosette of rounded, deep green leaves with pink flowers, veined and marked ovate leaves and rounded heads of pale narrow, lobed leaves. In summer, each
and, in late spring and early summer, with purple-red, borne on stiff stems in lilac to deep mauve flowers, borne on slender stem bears several pendent,
one-sided racemes of small, pendent, late spring and summer. Grayish-green erect stems in summer. H 8in (20cm), open bell-shaped, dusky-pink to purple
bell-shaped, reddish- or pinkish-purple leaves are crinkled and deeply cut. S 6in (15cm). flowers, with no spurs. H 8in (20cm),
flowers. H 6–8in (15–20cm), S 4in (10cm). H 6–8in (15–20cm), S 8in (20cm) or more. S 3in (7cm).

CEZ5–8 ADZ5–8 ADZ4–9 ADZ6–8

rock plants

Penstemon serrulatus Phlox divaricata subsp. laphamii
Semievergreen subshrub, deciduous ‘Chattahoochee’
in severe climates, that has small, elliptic, Short-lived, clump-forming perennial
dark green leaves and tubular, blue to that has saucer-shaped, red-eyed, bright
purple flowers borne in loose spikes in lavender flowers throughout summer-
summer. Soil should not be too dry. fall. Narrow, pointed leaves are
H 24in (60cm), S 12in (30cm). dark reddish-purple when young.
H 6–8in (15–20cm), S 12in (30cm).

Calceolaria arachnoidea Wulfenia amherstiana Phlox divaricata subsp. laphamii 341
Evergreen, clump-forming perennial Evergreen perennial with rosettes of Semievergreen, creeping perennial with
with a basal rosette of wrinkled leaves, narrowly spoon-shaped, toothed leaves. ovate leaves and upright stems bearing
covered in white down. Upright stems Erect stems bear loose clusters of small, loose clusters of saucer-shaped, pale
bear spikes of many pouch-shaped, deep tubular, purple or pinkish-purple flowers to deep violet-blue flowers in summer.
purple flowers in summer. Best treated in summer. H 6–12in (15–30cm), H 12in (30cm), S 8in (20cm).
as a biennial. H 10in (25cm), S 5in (12cm). S to 12in (30cm).
AEZ8–9 ADZ5–9




Campanula barbata Linum perenne
(Bearded bellflower) Upright perennial with slender stems,
Evergreen perennial with a basal rosette clothed in grasslike leaves, that bear
of ovate, hairy, gray-green leaves. In terminal clusters of open funnel-shaped,
summer, bears one-sided racemes of clear blue flowers in succession
bell-shaped, white to lavender-blue throughout summer. H 12in (30cm),
flowers. Short-lived but sets seed freely. S to 6in (15cm).
H 8in (20cm), S 5in (12cm).

rock plants

Parahebe catarractae Convolvulus sabatius Phyteuma scheuchzeri
Evergreen subshrub with ovate, toothed, Trailing perennial with slender stems Tufted perennial with narrow, dark
mid-green leaves and, in summer, loose clothed in small, ovate leaves and open green leaves and terminal heads of spiky,
sprays of small, open funnel-shaped, trumpet-shaped, vibrant blue-purple blue flowers that are borne in summer.
white flowers, heavily zoned and veined flowers in summer and early fall. Seeds freely; dislikes winter wet.
pinkish-purple. H and S 12in (30cm). Shelter in a rock crevice in a cold site. H 6–8in (15–20cm), S 4in (10cm).
H 6–8in (15–20cm), S 12in (30cm).
ADZ7–9 ADZ5–8

Sisyrinchium ‘E.K. Balls’ Campanula wanneri Lithodora oleifolia Moltkia suffruticosa
Clump-forming, variable perennial with Clump-forming perennial with Evergreen shrub with ovate, pointed, Deciduous, upright subshrub.
fans of narrowly sword-shaped, upright, branching stems and hairy, ovate leaves. silky, mid-green leaves. Curving stems In summer, bears clusters of funnel-
mid-green leaves. In summer, produces In summer, bears pendent, bell-shaped, bear loose sprays of several small, shaped, bright blue flowers, pink in
a succession of many star-shaped, blue to violet-blue flowers in loose, funnel-shaped, light blue flowers in early bud, on hairy stems. Leaves are long,
bluish-mauve flowers. H 8in (20cm), terminal spikes. H 6–9in (15–23cm), summer. H 6–8in (15–20cm), S to 3ft (1m). pointed and hairy. H 6–16in (15–40cm),
S 6in (15cm). S 10in (25cm). S 12in (30cm).

342 ADZ7–9 ADZ6–8 ADZ7–9



Veronica prostrata ‘Trehane’ Erodium chrysanthum
Dense, mat-forming perennial bearing Mound-forming perennial, grown for
upright spikes of small, saucer-shaped, its dense, silvery stems and finely cut,
deep violet-blue flowers in early summer fernlike leaves. Has small sprays of
above narrow, toothed, yellow or cup-shaped, sulfur- or creamy-yellow
yellowish-green leaves. H in flower 6–8in flowers in late spring and summer.
(15–20cm), S indefinite. H and S 9in (23cm).

ADZ5–8 ADZ7–8

rock plants

Veronica prostrata Veronica austriaca Hypericum olympicum
(Prostrate speedwell) subsp. teucrium ‘Kapitan’ f. uniflorum ‘Citrinum’
Dense, mat-forming perennial that has Dense, mat-forming perennial bearing Deciduous, dense, rounded subshrub
upright spikes of small, saucer-shaped, erect spikes of small, saucer-shaped, with tufts of upright stems, clothed in
brilliant blue flowers in early summer. bright deep blue flowers in early small, ovate, gray-green leaves. Bears
Foliage is narrow, ovate, and toothed. summer. Leaves are narrow, ovate, and terminal clusters of lemon-yellow
H to 12in (30cm), S indefinite. toothed. H to 12in (30cm), S indefinite. flowers throughout summer.
H and S 6–12in (15–30cm).
ADZ5–8 ADZ4–8
Lithodora diffusa ‘Heavenly Blue’
Evergreen, prostrate shrub with trailing Veronica austriaca subsp. teucrium Verbascum ‘Letitia’ 343
stems bearing pointed, oblong, hairy Spreading perennial with narrow spikes Evergreen, stiff-branched shrub with
leaves and, in summer, many open of small, flat, outward-facing, bright blue toothed, gray-green leaves. From late
funnel-shaped, deep blue flowers in leaf flowers in summer. Leaves are small, spring to midfall, continuously bears
axils. Trim stems hard after flowering. divided, hairy, and grayish-green. outward-facing, 5-lobed, bright yellow
H 6–12in (15–30cm), S to 18in (45cm). H and S 10–24in (25–60cm). flowers with orange centers. Hates
winter wet; good in an alpine house.
ADMZ8–11 ADZ4–8 H and S to 10in (25cm).





Corydalis lutea
Evergreen, clump-forming perennial
with fleshy, fibrous roots and semierect,
basal, gray-green leaves. Bears racemes
of slender, yellow flowers, with short
spurs, in late spring and summer.
H and S 8–12in (20–30cm).


rock plants

Linum arboreum Euryops acraeus Chrysogonum virginianum
Evergreen, compact shrub with Evergreen, dome-shaped shrub with Mat-forming perennial with daisylike,
blue-green leaves. In summer, bears stems clothed in toothed, silvery-blue yellow flower heads borne on short
a succession of funnel-shaped, bright leaves. Bears solitary daisylike, bright stems in summer-fall and ovate, toothed,
yellow flowers opening in sunny yellow flower heads in late spring and mid-green leaves. Although plant
weather and borne in terminal clusters. early summer. H and S 12in (30cm). spreads by underground runners,
H to 12in (30cm), S 12in (30cm). it is not invasive. H 6–8in (15–20cm),
ADZ8–11 S 4–6in (10–15cm) or more.

Helianthemum ‘Wisley Primrose’ Hertia cheirifolia Eriogonum umbellatum
Fast-growing, evergreen, compact Evergreen shrub with narrow, (Sulfur flower)
shrub bearing saucer-shaped, soft pale somewhat fleshy, gray leaves. In early Evergreen, prostrate to upright
yellow flowers in summer. Has oblong, summer, bears daisylike, yellow flower perennial with mats of green leaves,
gray-green leaves. H 9in (23cm), heads singly on upright stems. Needs a white and woolly beneath. Bears heads
S 12in (30cm) or more. warm, sheltered site. H 8–12in (20–30cm), of tiny, yellow flowers in summer that
S 12in (30cm) or more. later turn copper. Dwarf forms available.
344 H 3–12in (8–30cm), S 6–12in (15–30cm).
ADZ6–8 ADZ3–8


Genista lydia Diascia ‘Salmon Supreme’
Deciduous, domed shrub with slender, Mat-forming perennial with heart-
arching branches and blue-green leaves. shaped leaves. Dense spikes of pretty,
Massed terminal clusters of pealike, pale-apricot flowers with very small,
bright yellow flowers are produced in deeply concave “windows” are produced
late spring and early summer. Will trail over a long period, from summer
over a large rock or wall. H 18–24in through to fall. H 6in (15cm),
(45–60cm), S 24in (60cm) or more. S to 20in (50cm).

ADZ6–9 ADZ8–9

rock plants

Verbascum dumulosum Helianthemum ‘Ben More’
Evergreen, mat-forming, shrubby Evergreen, spreading, twiggy shrub
perennial with hairy, gray or gray- that bears a succession of saucer-
green leaves. In late spring and early shaped, reddish-orange flowers in
summer, bears a succession of 5-lobed, loose, terminal clusters in late spring
bright yellow flowers in short racemes. and summer. Has small, glossy, dark
Dislikes winter wet. H 6in (15cm) or green leaves. H 9–12in (23–30cm),
more, S 9–12in (23–30cm) or more. S 12in (30cm).

ADZ6–9 ADZ6–8

Ranunculus gramineus Sedum rupestre Ononis natrix Crepis aurea 345
Erect, slender perennial with grass- (Reflexed stonecrop) (Large yellow restharrow) Clump-forming perennial with a basal
like, blue-green leaves. Bears several Evergreen perennial with loose mats Deciduous, compact, erect shrub with cluster of oblong, light green leaves.
cup-shaped, bright yellow flowers in of rooting stems bearing narrow, pealike, red-streaked, yellow flowers In summer, produces dandelion-like,
late spring and early summer. Prefers fleshy leaves. Produces flat, terminal in pendent clusters in summer. Hairy orange flower heads, singly, on stems
rich soil. Seedlings will vary in height heads of tiny, bright yellow flowers leaves are divided into 3 leaflets. covered with black and white hairs.
and flower size. H 16–20in (40–50cm), in summer. Makes good groundcover. H and S 12in (30cm) or more. H 4–12in (10–30cm), S 6in (15cm).
S 3–4in (8–10cm). H 6–8in (15–20cm), S indefinite.
ADZ7–9 ADZ5–7
ADZ6–8t ADZ6–9t



Sorbus reducta Gaultheria cuneata
Deciduous shrub forming a low thicket Evergreen, compact shrub with stiff
of upright branches. Small, gray-green stems clothed in leathery, ovate, mid-
leaves, divided into leaflets, turn green leaves. In summer, bears nodding,
bronze-red in late fall. In early summer, urn-shaped, white flowers, in leaf axils,
bears loose clusters of flat, white flowers, followed by white berries in fall.
followed by pink berries. H and S to 12in H and S 12in (30cm).
(30cm) or more.

rock plants

Ceratostigma plumbaginoides Tanacetum argenteum
Bushy perennial that bears small, Mat-forming perennial, usually
terminal clusters of single, brilliant evergreen, grown for its finely cut,
blue flowers on reddish, branched stems bright silver leaves. Bears a profusion of
in late summer and fall. Ovate leaves small, daisylike, white flower heads in
turn rich red in fall. H 18in (45cm), summer. H in flower 6–9in (15–23cm),
S 8in (20cm). S 8in (20cm).

ADZ5–9 ADZ5–7t

Silene schafta Gentiana septemfida Ranunculus calandrinioides Celmisia semicordata
Spreading perennial with tufts of Evergreen perennial with many upright, Clump-forming perennial that loses Evergreen perennial with swordlike,
narrow, ovate leaves. Bears sprays then arching stems clothed with ovate its long, ovate, blue-green leaves in silver leaves in large clumps and,
of 5-petaled, rose-magenta flowers leaves. Bears heads of trumpet-shaped, summer; in a mild winter will in summer, daisylike, white flower
from late summer to late fall. mid-blue flowers in summer–fall. Likes bear a succession of cup-shaped, heads borne singly on hairy stems.
H 10in (25cm), S 12in (30cm). humus-rich soil but tolerates reasonably pink-flushed, white flowers for many H and S 12in (30cm).
drained, heavy clay. H 6–8in (15–20cm), weeks. Needs very sharp drainage.
346 S 12in (30cm). H and S to 8in (20cm). AEMZ8–9

ADZ4–8 ADZ6–8 ADZ8–9t




Tanacetum densum subsp. amani Hebe cupressoides ‘Boughton Dome’ Androsace vandellii Arabis alpina subsp. 
Clump-forming perennial retaining Slow-growing, evergreen, dome-shaped Evergreen, dense, cushion-forming caucasica ‘Variegata’
fernlike, hairy, gray leaves in winter shrub with scalelike, stem-clasping, perennial with narrow, gray leaves and Evergreen, mat-forming perennial
in mild climates. Bears daisylike, dark gray-green leaves. Bears terminal a profusion of stemless, white flowers in with rosettes of ovate, cream-splashed,
yellow flower heads with woolly clusters of small, 4-lobed, blue-tinged, spring. Needs careful cultivation with a mid-green leaves. Bears bunches of
bracts in summer. Dislikes winter wet. white flowers in summer. H 12in (30cm), deep collar of grit under the cushion. single, sometimes pink-flushed, white
H and S 8in (20cm). S to 24in (60cm). H 1in (25cm), S to 4in (10cm). flowers from early spring to summer.
H and S 6in (15cm).
ADZ6–8t ADZ8–9 ADMZ5–7

rock plants

Ozothamnus coralloides Ozothamnus selago
Evergreen, upright shrub with gray Evergreen, upright shrub with stiff
stems clothed in neat, dark green leaves, stems covered in scalelike leaves.
marked silver. Occasionally bears fluffy, Intermittently bears fluffy, creamy-white
yellow flower heads. Suits a cold frame flower heads. Makes a good foil for
or an alpine house. Hates winter wet. spring bulbs. H and S 6–9in (15–23cm).
H 6–9in (15–23cm), S 6in (15cm).

ADZ8–9 ADZ9–10

Salix ‘Boydii’ Ballota pseudodictamnus Arenaria balearica
Very slow-growing, deciduous, upright Evergreen, mound-forming subshrub Prostrate perennial that is evergreen in
shrub forming a gnarled, branched with rounded, gray-green leaves and all but the most severe winters. Will form
bush. Has ovate, rough-textured leaves; stems covered with woolly, white hairs. a green film over a wet, porous rock
catkins are rarely produced. Will tolerate In summer, bears whorls of small, pink face. Minute, white flowers stud mats of
light shade. H to 6–9in (15–23cm), flowers with conspicuous, enlarged, pale foliage in late spring and early summer.
S to 12in (30cm). green calyces. H 2ft (60cm), S 3ft (90cm). H less than 1⁄2in (1cm), S indefinite.

AEZ4–7 ADZ7–9 BEZ4–7 347




Saxifraga scardica Saxifraga burseriana Sanguinaria canadensis (Bloodroot)
Slow-growing, evergreen perennial with Slow-growing, evergreen perennial Rhizomatous perennial with fleshy,
hard cushions composed of blue-green with hard cushions of spiky, gray-green underground stems that exude red sap
rosettes of leaves. In spring, bears small leaves. In spring, open cup-shaped, when cut. In spring, bears white flowers,
clusters of upward-facing, cup-shaped, white flowers are borne on short stems. sometimes pink-flushed or slate-blue
white flowers. Does best in an alpine H 1–2in (2.5–5cm), S to 4in (10cm). on reverses, as blue-gray leaves unfurl.
house or sheltered scree. H 1in (25cm), H 4–6in (10–15cm), S 12in (30cm).
S 3in (8cm). BDZ6–8

rock plants

Maianthemum bifolium Cardamine trifolia
Spreading, rhizomatous perennial with Groundcover perennial with creeping
pairs of large, ovate, glossy, dark green stems clothed in rounded, toothed,
leaves arising direct from rhizomes. 3-parted leaves. In late spring and early
Stems produce a raceme of 4-petaled, summer, bears loose heads of open
white flowers in early summer, followed cup-shaped, white flowers on bare
by small, spherical, red fruits. May be stems. H 4–6in (10–15cm), S 12in (30cm).
invasive. H 4in (10cm), S indefinite.

Weldenia candida Dicentra cucullaria Arenaria tetraquetra
Perennial with rosettes of strap-shaped, (Dutchman’s breeches) Evergreen perennial that forms a
wavy-margined leaves, growing from Compact perennial with fernlike foliage gray-green cushion of small leaves.
tuberous roots. Bears a succession and arching stems each bearing a few Stemless, star-shaped, white flowers
of upright, cup-shaped, pure white small, yellow-tipped, white flowers, are produced in late spring. Well-suited
flowers in late spring and early summer. like tiny, inflated trousers, in spring. to a trough or an alpine house.
H and S 3–6in (8–15cm). Lies dormant in summer. H 6in (15cm), H 1in (25cm), S 6in (15cm) or more.
S to 12in (30cm).
348 ADZ3–5

Pulsatilla vernalis Corydalis popovii Scoliopus bigelowii
Tufted perennial with rosettes of feathery Tuberous perennial with leaves divided Compact perennial with basal, veined
leaves. Densely hairy, brown flower into 3–6 bluish-green leaflets. In spring, leaves, sometimes marked brown.
buds are produced in late winter and bears loose racemes of deep red-purple In early spring, bears flowers with
open in early spring to somewhat and white flowers, each with a long purple inner petals and greenish-white
nodding, open cup-shaped, pearl-white spur. Keep dry when dormant. outer petals with deep purple lines.
flowers. Buds dislike winter wet. H and S 4–6in (10–15cm). H 3–4in (8–10cm), S 4–6in (10–15cm).
H 2–4in (5–10cm), S 4in (10cm).
ADZ7–8 ADZ6–8

rock plants

Ranunculus alpestris Ficaria verna var. albus Cassiope mertensiana Gypsophila cerastioides
(Alpine buttercup) Mat-forming perennial producing Evergreen, dwarf shrub with scalelike, Prostrate perennial with a profusion
Short-lived, evergreen, clump-forming cup-shaped, single, creamy-white dark green leaves tightly pressed to of small, saucer-shaped, purple-veined,
perennial that bears cup-shaped, white flowers, with glossy petals, in early stems. In early spring, bears bell-shaped, white flowers borne in late spring and
flowers on erect stems from late spring spring. Leaves are heart-shaped and creamy-white flowers, with green or early summer above mats of rounded,
to midsummer. Glossy, dark green dark green. Can spread rapidly; good for red calyces, in leaf axils. H 6in (15cm), velvety, mid-green foliage. H 3⁄4in (2cm),
leaves are rounded and serrated. a wild garden. H 2in (5cm), S 8in (20cm). S 8in (20cm). S to 4in (10cm) or more.
H 1–5in (2.5–12cm), S 4in (10cm).
AEZ4–8t CEMZ2–6 ADZ5–8

Androsace villosa Cassiope lycopodioides Leptinella atrata subsp. luteola Shortia galacifolia (Oconee bells) 349
Evergreen, mat-forming perennial with Evergreen, prostrate, mat-forming Evergreen, mat-forming perennial Evergreen, clump-forming, dwarf
very hairy rosettes of tiny leaves. Bears shrub with slender stems densely set that in late spring and early summer perennial with round, toothed, leathery,
umbels of small, white flowers, with with minute, scalelike, dark green bears blackish-red flower heads with glossy leaves. In late spring, bears
yellow centers that turn red, in spring. leaves. In spring, short, reddish stems creamy-yellow stamens. Leaves are cup- to trumpet-shaped, often
H 1in (25cm), S 8in (20cm). bear tiny, bell-shaped, white flowers small, finely cut, and dark green. Needs pink-flushed, white flowers with
with red calyces, singly in leaf axils. adequate moisture; best in an alpine deeply serrated petals. H to 6in (15cm),
ADZ5–7 H 3in (8cm), S 12in (30cm). house. H 1in (25cm), S to 10in (25cm). S 6–9in (15–23cm).

BEMZ7–8 ADZ8–9 BDMZ6–9




Anemonella thalictroides Trillium rivale
Perennial with delicate, fernlike leaves Perennial with ovate leaves, divided
growing from a cluster of small tubers. into 3 leaflets. In spring, bears open
From spring to early summer, bears cup-shaped, white or pale pink flowers
small, cup-shaped, white or pink with dark-spotted, heart-shaped petals,
flowers, singly on finely branched stems. singly on upright, later arching stems.
Needs humus-rich soil. H 4in (10cm), H to 6in (15cm), S 4in (10cm).
S 11⁄2in (4cm) or more.

rock plants

Cerastium tomentosum Daphne jasminea Saxifraga x irvingii ‘Jenkinsiae’
(Snow-in-summer) Evergreen, compact shrub. Bears Slow-growing perennial with very tight,
Very vigorous, groundcover perennial, small, white flowers, pink-flushed gray-green cushions of foliage. Bears a
only suitable for a hot, dry bank, with externally, in late spring and early profusion of open cup-shaped, lilac-pink
prostrate stems covered by tiny, gray summer and again in fall. Brittle flowers on slender stems in early spring.
leaves. In late spring and summer, bears stems are clothed in gray-green leaves. H 3–4in (8–10cm), S to 6in (15cm).
star-shaped, white flowers above foliage. Suits an alpine house or a dry wall.
H 3in (8cm), S indefinite. H 3–4in (8–10cm), S to 12in (30cm). BDZ6–7

ADZ3–7 ADZ7–9t

Androsace pyrenaica Anemone trullifolia Paraquilegia anemonoides Androsace carnea
Evergreen perennial with small rosettes Creeping, fibrous rooted perennial with Tufted perennial with fernlike, blue- Evergreen, cushion-forming perennial
of tiny, hairy leaves, tightly packed to wedge-shaped, semierect, mid-green green leaves. In spring, pale lavender- that has small rosettes of pointed leaves
form hard cushions. Minute, stemless, basal leaves, each with 3 deeply toothed blue buds open to pendent, cup-shaped, with hairy margins. In spring, 2 or more
single, white flowers are borne in spring. lobes. Rounded flowers of 5 petals, almost white flowers borne singly on stems rise above each rosette, bearing
H 11⁄2in (4cm), S to 4in (10cm). varying from rich blue to near white, are arching stems. May be difficult to tiny, single, pink flowers. Suits a trough.
borne in early summer and late summer. establish. H and S 4–6in (10–15cm). H and S 2in (5cm).
350 H and S 8in (20cm).
ADZ5–8 ADZ4–7
ADZ6–7 AEZ5–8t

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