of 2-ranked, linear, glossy, rich green form and ripen. Grow in any well-drained ADENIUM Produces short-creeping rhizomes and
leaves, 3–14in (8–35cm) long. Z10–11. soil that does not dry out. Prune in winter triangular, 2-pinnate mid-green fronds, to
‘Ogon’ (syn. A.g. ‘Wogon’) has glossy, if necessary. Propagate by seed in spring Desert rose 16in (40cm) long, which bear fan-shaped
variegated leaves, striped with pale green or fall, by semiripe cuttings in midsummer pinnae. Similar to A. capillus-veneris, but
and cream. ‘Variegatus’ illus. p.435. or by layering in winter. APOCYNACEAE larger, more erect and hardier, with
‘Wogon’ see A.g. ‘Ogon’. A. arguta. Deciduous, woody-stemmed, smaller segments. Z8–10
twining climber. H 22ft (7m). Has ovate to Genus of perennial succulents with fleshy, A. pedatum (Northern maidenhair fern)
ACRADENIA oblong-ovate, bristle-toothed, dark green swollen trunks. Needs sun or partial shade illus. p.291. var. aleuticum see
leaves, to 5in (12cm) long. In early summer and well-drained soil; very prone to A. aleuticum.
RUTACEAE produces clusters of fragrant, cup-shaped, rotting. Propagate by seed sown in spring A. raddianum, syn. A. cuneatum
white, unisexual flowers which in male or summer. tThe milky sap that bleeds (Delta maidenhair). Semievergreen or
Genus of evergreen shrubs or trees, plants have purple anthers. Oblong, from broken stems may irritate skin and evergreen fern. H to 2ft (60cm), S 32in
grown for their foliage and flowers. smooth-skinned, edible, yellow-green cause severe discomfort if ingested. (80cm). Triangular, divided, pale green
Requires a sheltered position in sun or fruits, to 1in (25cm) long, are produced on A. obesum illus. p.486. segments are borne on finely dissected
semishade and fertile, well-drained soil. female plants. Z3–8. ‘Issai’ is self-fertile. fronds that have purplish-black stems.
Does best planted against a south- or A. chinensis of gardens. See A. deliciosa. ADENOCARPUS (min 45°F/7°C)
west-facing wall. Propagate by semiripe A. deliciosa, syn. A. chinensis of gardens Z11 . ‘Fritz Lüthi’ has bright green
cuttings in summer. (Kiwi fruit, Chinese gooseberry). Vigorous, PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE fronds. ‘Grandiceps’ (Tassel maidenhair)
A. frankliniae illus. p.192. mainly deciduous, woody-stemmed, has elegant, tasseled fronds.
twining climber. H 30ft (10m). Heart- Genus of deciduous and evergreen, A. venustum illus. p.292.
Acroclinium. See Rhodanthe. shaped leaves are 5–8in (13–20cm) long. In sometimes semievergreen, shrubs,
summer bears clusters of cup-shaped, occasionally trees. They are grown for their ADLUMIA
ACTAEA white flowers that later turn yellowish, profuse, broomlike, yellow flowers, borne
followed by edible, hairy, brown fruits. To in spring or early summer. Requires full PAPAVERACEAE
syn. CIMICIFUGA obtain fruits, both male and female plants sun and well-drained soil; best grown
Baneberry must usually be grown. Z7–9 against a warm, sunny wall. Propagate Genus of one species of herbaceous,
A. kolomikta illus. p.201. by seed sown in fall. biennial, leaf-stalk climber, grown for its
RANUNCULACEAE A. pilosula of gardens. See A. tetramera A. viscosus. Semievergreen, arching leaves and flowers. Grow in semishade
var. maloides. shrub. H 3ft (1m), S 5ft (1.5m). Gray-green in any soil. Propagate by seed in spring.
Genus of clump-forming perennials, A. polygama (Silver vine). Mainly leaves with 3 narrowly lance-shaped A. cirrhosa. See A. fungosa.
grown mainly for their colorful, but deciduous, woody-stemmed, twining leaflets densely cover shoots. Produces A. fungosa, syn. A. cirrhosa (Allegheny
poisonous, berries. Likes woodland climber. H 15ft (5m). Heart-shaped leaves, dense, terminal racemes of orange-yellow vine, Climbing fumitory). Herbaceous,
conditions—moist, peaty soil and shade. 3–5in (7–13cm) long, are bronze when flowers in late spring. Z10–11 biennial, leaf-stalk climber. H 10–15ft
Propagate by division in spring or by young and sometimes have creamy upper (3–5m). Delicate leaves have numerous
seed in fall. tThe berries are highly toxic sections. Scented, cup-shaped, white ADENOPHORA leaflets. Tiny, tubular, spurred, white or
if ingested. flowers, usually arranged in groups of 3 purplish flowers are borne in drooping
A. alba. See A. pachypoda. male, female or bisexual, are produced in Gland bellflower panicles in summer. Z3-7
A. alba of gardens. See A. rubra summer, followed by edible but not very
f. neglecta. palatable, egg-shaped, bright yellow CAMPANULACEAE ADONIS A
A. cordifolia, syn. A. racemosa var. fruits. Z4–9
cordifolia, A. rubifolia, Cimicifuga racemosa A. tetramera var. maloides, syn. Genus of summer-flowering, fleshy-rooted RANUNCULACEAE
var. cordifolia, C. rubifolia. Clump-forming A. pilosula of gardens. Vigorous, perennials, grown for their bell- or funnel-
perennial. H 5ft (1.5m), S 2ft (60cm). In deciduous climber. H 25ft (8m). Produces shaped flowers. Requires a site in full sun Genus of spring-flowering annuals and
midsummer, feathery plumes of star- narrowly oblong-ovate, bristly-edged, and rich, well-drained but not over-dry perennials, grown for their foliage and
shaped, creamy-white flowers are borne dark green leaves, often marked silvery soil. May become invasive but resents flowers. Some thrive in semishade; others
above broadly ovate to lance-shaped, white on the upper surface, extending disturbance. Propagate by basal cuttings need an open, well-drained site. Propagate
dissected, light green leaves. Z3–7 from the tip to sometimes the whole taken in early spring or by seed sown in by seed when fresh, in late summer, or by
A. erythrocarpa of gardens. See A. rubra. surface. The 5-petaled, rose-pink flowers fall. division after flowering.
A. pachypoda, syn. A. alba (Doll’s eyes, are produced in clusters in the leaf axils A. potaninii. Rosette-forming perennial. A. amurensis of gardens. See
White baneberry), illus. p.246. in spring. Z6–9 H 2–3ft (60–90cm), S 1ft (30cm). Produces A. ‘Fukujukai’.
A. racemosa, syn. Cimicifuga racemosa. arching sprays of bell-shaped, pale bluish- A. brevistyla. Clump-forming perennial.
Clump-forming perennial. H 1–5ft (30– Ada aurantiaca. See Brassia lavender flowers in late summer, above H 8–16in (20–40cm), S 8in (20cm). Mid-green
150cm), S 2ft (60cm). Spikes of bottlebrush- aurantiaca. basal, ovate to lance-shaped, mid-green leaves are finely cut. In early spring, bears
like, pure white flowers are borne in leaves. Z4–8 cup-shaped, white flowers, tinged blue
midsummer above broadly ovate, divided, ADANSONIA outside, singly at the tips of stems. Z4–9
fresh green leaves. Z3–8. var. cordifolia Adhatoda duvernoia. See Justicia A. ‘Fukujukai’, syn. A. amurensis of
see A. cordifolia. Baobab adhatoda. gardens. Clump-forming perennial. H 12in
A. rubifolia. See A. cordifolia. (30cm), S 9–12in (23–30cm). Has finely cut,
A. rubra, syn. A. erythrocarpa of gardens MALVACEAE/BOMBACACEAE ADIANTUM mid-green leaves, and cup-shaped,
(Red baneberry). Clump-forming perennial. semidouble, golden flowers, borne singly
H 18in (45cm), S 12in (30cm). Small, fluffy, Genus of mostly deciduous, spring- PTERIDACEAE/ADIANTACEAE at the tips of stems in late winter and early
white flowers are followed in fall by flowering trees, grown for their spring. Z5–9
clusters of poisonous, rounded, scarlet characteristically swollen trunks, their Genus of deciduous, semievergreen or A. vernalis illus. p.262.
berries, borne above ovate, divided, bright foliage and to provide shade. Has flowers evergreen ferns. Prefers semishade and
green leaves. Z4–8. f. neglecta (syn. only on large, mature specimens. Requires moist, neutral to acidic soil (A. aleuticum ADROMISCHUS 501
A. alba of gardens) has white berries. full light and sharply drained soil. Allow prefers alkaline soil). Remove fading fronds
A. simplex, syn. Cimicifuga simplex, illus. soil of container plants almost to dry out regularly. Propagate by spores in summer. CRASSULACEAE
p.220. ‘Elstead’ is an upright perennial. between waterings. Propagate by seed A. aleuticum, syn. A. pedatum var.
H 4ft (1.2m), S 2ft (60cm). Purple stems bear sown in spring. Pot specimens under aleuticum, illus. p.291. ‘Subpumilum’ Genus of stemless or short-stemmed
arching racemes of fragrant, bottlebrush- glass are susceptible to red spider mite. (syn. A. a. subsp. subpumilum, A. a. var. perennial succulents with rounded, thin
like, white flowers in fall. Has broadly A. digitata. Slow-growing, deciduous subpumilum; Dwarf maidenhair fern) is or fat leaves. Needs partial shade and
ovate to lance-shaped, divided, glossy rounded tree. H to 60ft (18m), S 100ft (30m). a semievergreen fern. H to 6in (15cm), very well-drained soil. Propagate by leaf
leaves. ‘Prichard’s Giant’, H 7ft (2.2m), Produces palmate leaves comprising S 12in (30cm). Has broadly ovate to kidney- or stem cuttings in spring or summer.
has large, much-divided leaves and bears 5–7 lustrous, green leaflets. Fragrant, shaped fronds, 4–5in (10–12cm) long, with A. cooperi, syn. Cotyledon cooperi,
white flowers on arching panicles. Z3–7 pendent, long-stalked, white flowers, oblong segments and black stalks and Echeveria cooperi. Freely branching
with 5 reflexed petals, are borne in midribs. Z3–8 perennial succulent. H 4in (10cm), S to 6in
ACTINIDIA spring, followed by edible, sausage- A. capillus-veneris (Maidenhair fern). (15cm). Has grayish-brown stems and
shaped, brown fruits. Z11 (min. Semievergreen or evergreen fern. inversely lance-shaped, glossy, gray-green
ACTINIDIACEAE 61°F/16°C)› H 12in (30cm), S 16in (40cm). Has dainty, leaves, to 2in (5cm) long, often purple-
triangular to ovate, segmented, arching, marked above. In summer, produces
Genus of mainly deciduous, woody- light green fronds on black stems. Z8–11 tubular, green-and-red flowers, with
stemmed, twining climbers. Grows in A. cuneatum. See A. raddianum.
partial shade but needs sun for fruit to A. x mairisii. Evergreen fern, deciduous
at around -4°C (25°F). H and S 16in (40cm).
white-margined, pink or purple lobes, AEGOPODIUM bright red flowers, with yellow throats, A. turbinata (Japanese horse chestnut).
on a stem 10in (25cm) or more long. borne in terminal clusters from summer Deciduous, spreading, sturdy-branched
Z14–15 (min. 45°F/7°C) Bishop’s weed, Goutweed, to winter. Z14–15 (min. 59–64°F/15–18°C) tree. H 70ft (20m), S 40ft (12m). Large,
A. maculatus illus. p.492. Ground elder A. speciosus, syn. A. splendens, dark green leaves have 5 or 7, narrowly
illus. p.478. ovate leaflets. Bears panicles of creamy-
A AECHMEA APIACEAE/UMBELLIFERAE A. splendens. See A. speciosus. white flowers in late spring and early
A. zebrinus. See A. longicaulis. summer. Z6–8
502 BROMELIACEAE Genus of invasive, rhizomatous perennials,
most of which are weeds, although AESCULUS AETHIONEMA
Genus of evergreen, rosette-forming, A. podagraria ‘Variegatum’ is excellent as
mostly epiphytic perennials, cultivated for groundcover. Tolerates sun or shade and Buckeye, Horse chestnut BRASSICACEAE/CRUCIFERAE
their foliage, flowers and fruits. May be any well-drained soil. Propagate by
grown in full light or a semishaded site. division of rhizomes in spring or fall. SAPINDACEAE/HIPPOCASTANACEAE Genus of evergreen or semievergreen,
Provide a rooting medium of equal parts A. podagraria ‘Variegatum’. Vigorous, dwarf subshrubs, woody-based perennials
humus-rich soil and either sphagnum spreading perennial. H 1–2ft (30–60cm), Genus of deciduous trees and shrubs, and annuals, grown for their prolific
moss or bark or plastic chips used for S indefinite. Has lobed, creamy-white- grown for their bold, divided leaves and flowers. Needs sun and well-drained
orchid culture. Using soft water, water variegated leaves. Insignificant, white conspicuous, upright panicles or clusters soil. Propagate by softwood cuttings in
moderately in summer, sparingly at all flowers, borne in summer, are best of flowers, followed by fruits (horse spring or by seed in fall. Most species self-
other times, and keep cuplike, rosette removed. Z4–9 chestnuts) sometimes with spiny outer seed readily.
centers filled with water from spring casings. Requires sun or semishade and A. armenum illus. p.364.
through to fall. Propagate by offsets in AEONIUM fertile, well-drained soil. Propagate species A. grandiflorum, syn. A. pulchellum
late spring. by sowing seed in fall, cultivars by (Persian stone cress), illus. p.338.
A. distichantha. Evergreen, basal- CRASSULACEAE budding in late summer or by grafting in A. iberideum. Evergreen or
rosetted, epiphytic perennial. H and S to 3ft late winter. Leaf spot may affect young semievergreen, rounded, compact shrub.
(1m). Forms dense rosettes of narrowly Genus of evergreen, perennial, rarely foliage, and coral spot fungus may attack H and S 6in (15cm). Bears small, lance-
oblong, round-tipped, arching leaves, dull biennial succulents, often subshrubby, damaged wood. tAll parts of these plants shaped, gray-green leaves and, in summer,
green above, gray and scaly beneath. Has grown for their rosettes of bright green may cause mild stomach upset if ingested. 3⁄4in (2cm) stems each bear a raceme of
panicles of small, tubular, purple or blue or blue-green, occasionally purple, leaves. A. californica (California buckeye) illus. small, saucer-shaped, white flowers. Z6–8
flowers among white-felted, pink bracts, Prefers partial shade and very well- p.81. A. pulchellum. See A. grandiflorum.
usually in summer. Z15 (min. 50°F/10°C) drained soil. Most species grow from A. x carnea (Red horse chestnut). A. ‘Warley Rose’ illus. p.362.
A. fasciata, syn. Billbergia rhodocyanea fall to spring and are semidormant in ‘Briotii’ illus. p.60. A. ‘Warley Ruber’. Evergreen or
(Silver vase plant, Urn plant; illus. midsummer. Propagate by seed in summer A. chinensis (Chinese horse chestnut) semievergreen, rounded, compact
p.471). Evergreen, tubular-rosetted, or, for branching species, by stem cuttings illus. p.60. subshrub. H and S 6in (15cm). Has tiny,
epiphytic perennial. H 16–24in (40–60cm), in spring or summer. A. flava, syn. A. octandra (Sweet buckeye, linear, bluish-green leaves. Racemes of
S 12–20in (30–50cm). Has loose rosettes of A. arboreum. Erect, succulent subshrub. Yellow buckeye), illus. p.76. small, deep rose-pink flowers are
broadly oblong, round-tipped, incurved, H and S to 6ft (2m). Branched stems are A. glabra (Ohio buckeye). Deciduous, produced on 3⁄4–11⁄4in (2–3cm) stems in
arching leaves with dense, gray scales each crowned by a rosette, up to 6in broadly conical, sometimes shrubby tree. spring–summer. Z6–8
and silver cross-banding. Bears dense, (15cm) across, of broadly lance-shaped, H 50ft (15m), S 30ft (10m). Leaves, usually
pyramidal panicles of tubular, blue-purple glossy, bright green leaves. In spring, composed of 5 narrowly ovate leaflets, are AGAPANTHUS
flowers among pink bracts, above foliage, produces cones of small, star-shaped, dark green. Bears 4-petaled, greenish-
from spring to fall. Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C) golden flowers on 2–3-year-old stems, yellow flowers in upright clusters in late AGAPANTHACEAE
A. Foster’s Favorite Group (Lacquered which then die back. Z9–11. (min. 41°F/5°C). spring and early summer. Z3–7. ‘October
wine-cup). Evergreen, basal-rosetted, ‘Schwarzkopf’ see A. ‘Zwartkop’. Red’ has bronze-red fall leaves. Genus of clump-forming perennials, some
epiphytic perennial. H and S 1–2ft A. haworthii (Pinwheel) illus. p.489. A. hippocastanum. Vigorous, deciduous, evergreen, with erect stems that carry
(30–60cm). Has loose rosettes of strap- A. tabuliforme illus. p.491. spreading, rounded tree. H 80ft (25m), large umbels of bell- to tubular-bell-shaped
shaped, arching, lustrous, wine-red A. ‘Zwartkop’, syn. A. arboreum S 70ft (20m). Has large leaves with 5 or 7 or trumpet-shaped flowers, usually blue
leaves. Drooping spikes of small, tubular, ‘Schwarzkopf’, illus. p.310. leaflets and spires of white flowers, flushed and often fading to purple with age.
deep purple-blue flowers are borne in pink and yellow in centers in spring. Spiny Leaves are strap-shaped. Grow in full sun
summer, followed later by pear-shaped, AESCHYNANTHUS fruits contain glossy, brown nuts in fall. and in moist, well-drained soil. Protect
red fruits. Z15 (min. 50°F/10°C) Z3–8. ‘Baumannii’ has dark green leaves crowns with mulch in winter. Plants
A. fulgens (Coral berry). Evergreen, GESNERIACEAE turning to yellow in fall and double, increase slowly but may be propagated by
basal-rosetted, epiphytic perennial. H to yellow- or red-marked, white flowers. division in spring; may also be raised from
20in (50cm), S 16in (40cm). Forms loose Genus of evergreen subshrubs, climbers ‘Hampton Court Gold’, H 50ft (15m), seed in fall or spring. Named cultivars will
rosettes of broadly oblong, arching, glossy, and trailing and semitrailing perennials, S 25ft (8m), is slower-growing, and bears not come true from seed.
mid-green leaves with gray scales beneath some of which are epiphytic, useful for soft-yellow leaves in spring, greener in A. africanus (African lily). Evergreen,
and rounded or pointed tips. In summer, growing in hanging baskets. Needs a fairly summer; foliage may scorch in hot sun. clump-forming perennial. H 3ft (1m), S 20in
produces, above foliage, erect panicles of humid atmosphere and a position out of A. indica (Indian horse chestnut). (50cm). In late summer, has rounded
small, tubular, violet-purple flowers that direct sun. Water sparingly in low Deciduous, spreading, rounded tree. H and umbels of deep blue flowers on upright
turn red with age. These are succeeded by temperatures. Propagate by tip cuttings S 50ft (15m). Glossy, dark green leaves stems, above broad, dark green leaves.
small, rounded to ovoid, red fruits on red in spring or summer. with usually 7 narrowly ovate leaflets are Z9–10
stalks. Z15 (min. 50°F/10°C) A. ‘Black Pagoda’. Semitrailing bronze when young, orange or yellow in A. ‘Alice Gloucester’. Clump-forming
A. nudicaulis. Evergreen, basal-rosetted, perennial. H 2ft (60cm), S to 18in (45cm). fall. Upright panicles of 4-petaled, pink- perennial. H 3ft (1m), S 20in (50cm).
epiphytic perennial. H to 28in (70cm), Elliptic leaves are pale green with dark tinged, white flowers, marked with red or Produces large, dense, rounded umbels of
S 10in (25cm). Produces loose rosettes of a brown marbling above, purple beneath. yellow, are borne in midsummer. Z7–8. white flowers in summer, above narrow,
few broadly strap-shaped, arching, olive- Produces terminal clusters of burnt-orange ‘Sydney Pearce’ illus. p.73. mid-green leaves. Z7–11
green leaves with spiny edges and usually flowers, with green calyces, from summer A. x neglecta (Sunrise horse chestnut). A. ‘Ben Hope’. Clump-forming
banded with gray scales beneath. Spikes to winter. Z15 (min. 59–64°F/15–18°C) ‘Erythroblastos’ illus. p.72. perennial. H to 4ft (1.2m), S 2ft (60cm).
of small, tubular, yellow flowers open A. longicaulis, syn. A. marmoratus, A. octandra. See A. flava. Erect stems support dense, rounded
above large, red bracts in summer. Z9–11 A. zebrinus. Evergreen, semitrailing A. parviflora (Bottlebrush buckeye) illus. umbels of deep blue flowers in late
(min. 50°F/10°C) perennial. H 2ft (60cm), S to 36in p.113. summer and early fall, borne
A. recurvata (illus. p.471). Evergreen, (90cm). Ovate, waxy leaves are dark A. pavia (Red buckeye). Deciduous, over narrow, grayish-green leaves. Z7–10
basal-rosetted, epiphytic perennial. H to green, veined yellowish-green above, conical shrub or small tree. H 15ft (5m), A. ‘Blue Giant’. Clump-forming
8in (20cm), S to 20in (50cm). Narrowly purplish below. Bears tubular, S 10ft (3m). Glossy, dark green leaves perennial. H 4ft (1.2m), S 2ft (60cm). Has
triangular, tapered, spiny-edged, arching, greenish flowers, with dark brown consist of 5 narrowly ovate leaflets. Has rounded heads of open, bell-shaped rich
red-flushed, mid-green leaves are markings, in terminal clusters in panicles of 4-petaled, red flowers in early blue flowers in mid- to late summer. Z8–11
produced in dense rosettes. In summer, summer. Z15 (min. 59–64°F/15–18°C) summer. Z5–9. ‘Atrosanguinea’ illus. A. campanulatus. Clump-forming
bears a short, dense spike of tubular, A. marmoratus. See A. longicaulis. p.86. var. discolor ‘Koehnei’, H and S 6ft perennial. H 2–4ft (60cm–1.2m), S 18in
red-and-white flowers, with red bracts, A. pulcher (Lipstick plant, Royal red (2m), is very slow-growing and compact, (45cm). Rounded umbels of blue flowers
just above leaves. Z9–11 (min. 50°F/10°C) bugler). Evergreen, ephiphytic climber. with deep bronze young leaves and soft are borne on strong stems in summer,
H 30in (75cm). Produces thick, ovate orange-red and yellow flowers. above narrow, grayish-green leaves. Z7–11
leaves and small, tubular, hooded,
A. caulescens. Clump-forming perennial. AGASTACHE A. geminiflora (illus. p.482). Basal- but may have small white spines. Flower
H 3–4ft (90–120cm), S 2ft (60cm). From rosetted, perennial succulent. H to 2ft stem, to 16ft (5m) long, bears a narrow,
midsummer to early fall, leeklike stems Mexican giant hyssop (60cm) or 18ft (6m) in flower, S to 3ft (1m). dense spike of funnel-shaped, creamy-
carry open, rounded umbels of bell-shaped Has very narrow, linear, smooth green white flowers, sometimes tinged purple,
violet-blue flowers. Lower leaves are LAMIACEAE/LABIATAE leaves, to 2ft (60cm) long, with fine 3⁄4–11⁄4in (2–3cm) long, in summer. Z9–11.
narrowly strap-shaped; upper leaves are filaments along the edges. In late summer, ‘Compacta’ is slow-growing and smaller,
broader. Z6–10 Genus of summer-flowering perennials bears a tall, spike of up to 1,500 yellow- H 12in (30cm), S 18in (45cm); deep green
A. inapertus. Clump-forming perennial. with aromatic leaves. Requires full sun green to reddish flowers, to 2in (5cm) leaves have a small, terminal spine and
H 3–5ft (90cm–1.5m), S 2ft (60cm). Pendent, and fertile, well-drained soil. Plants are long. Z8–11 spineless, white margins.
narrowly tubular, blue flowers are borne short-lived and should be propagated each A. hystrix. See A. stricta. A. zebra. Basal-rosetted, perennial
on very erect stems, above narrow, bluish- year by softwood or semiripe cuttings A. macroacantha (illus. p.482). Basal- succulent. H 3ft (1m), S 11⁄2–3ft (45–60cm).
green leaves, in late summer and fall. Z6–10. taken in late summer. rosetted, perennial succulent. H 12–16in Lance-shaped, thick, rigid, rough, wavy-
subsp. pendulus ‘Graskop’ illus. p.240. A. ‘Black Adder’ illus. p.280. (30–40cm), S 10–16in (25–40cm). Narrowly margined, patterned, light gray leaves
A. ‘Lilliput’. Compact, clump-forming A. mexicana, syn. Brittonastrum sword-shaped, toothed, bluish-gray leaves have curved, gray spines. Flower stem,
perennial. H and S 16in (40cm). Has small, mexicanum, Cedronella mexicana. Bushy, have dark brown spines. Flower stem, to 20–25ft (6–8m) long, bears a narrow
rounded umbels of dark blue flowers that upright perennial with aromatic leaves. 6ft (2m) long, bears slender panicles of panicle of bell-shaped, yellow flowers,
are produced in summer. Leaves are H 2–3ft (60–90cm), S 1ft (30cm). Whorls of tubular, purple-tinged, green flowers, 2in 1¾in (4.5cm) long, in summer. Z11
narrow and mid-green. Z6–9 small, tubular flowers in shades of pink to (5cm) long, and sometimes bulbils, in
A. ‘Loch Hope’. Clump-forming crimson are borne in dense spikes in mid- summer. Z8–11 (min. 41°F/5°C) AGERATINA A
perennial. H to 5ft (1.5m), S 2ft (60cm). and late summer. Leaves are ovate, A. maculosa, syn. Manfreda maculosa.
Bears large, rounded umbels of deep blue pointed, toothed and mid-green. Z7–11 Basal-rosetted, perennial succulent. ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE
flowers in late summer and early fall, H 24–72in (60cm–1.8m), S 12–36in (30–90cm).
above narrow, grayish-green leaves. Z8–11 Agathaea. See Felicia. Lance-shaped, grooved, dark green leaves, Genus of evergreen shrubs, subshrubs
A. ‘Northern Star’ illus. p.241. with small, distantly spaced teeth, and and herbaceous perennials, grown mainly
A. ‘Phantom’. Evergreen, clump-forming AGATHOSMA sometimes dark green- or brown-spotted for their flowers, some also for their
perennial. H 4ft (1.2m), S 2ft (60cm) or patterns. Flower stem, to 6ft (1.8m) long, architectural foliage. Requires full light or
more. Large, rounded clusters of white RUTACEAE bears narrow spikes of bell-shaped, white partial shade. Will grow in any conditions,
flowers, flushed pale blue at the margins, to yellowish-white flowers, 5⁄8in (1.5cm) although most species prefer moist but
are borne on sturdy stems in mid- to late Genus of evergreen shrubs, grown for long, in summer. Z8–11 (min. 41°F/5°C) well-drained soil. Water containerized
summer. Has broadly strap-shaped, bright their flowers and overall appearance. A. parrasana (illus. p.482). Basal- plants freely when in full growth,
green leaves. Z9–11 Requires full light and well-drained, rosetted, compact, perennial succulent. moderately at other times. Prune shrubs
A. praecox. Variable, evergreen perennial. acidic soil. Water containerized plants H 12–16in (30–40cm), S 12–18in (30–45cm). lightly after flowering or in spring.
H to 4ft (1.2m), S 18in (45cm). Has rounded moderately, less when not in full growth. Ovate, closely packed and overlapping, Propagate by seed in spring; shrubs and
umbels of usually trumpet-shaped, white Propagate by semiripe cuttings thick, rigid, light gray leaves have toothed subshrubs may also be propagated by
or blue flowers in late summer and early in late summer. margins with short, grayish-brown spines. softwood or greenwood cuttings in
fall. Z8–10. ‘Albiflorus’ is white-flowered. A. pulchella, syn. Barosma pulchella. Flower stem, 10–13ft (3–4m) long, bears summer, perennials by division in early
A. ‘Purple Cloud’ illus. p.241. Evergreen, rounded, wiry, aromatic ellipsoidal panicles of bell-shaped, pale spring or fall. Red spider mite and whitefly
shrub. H and S to 3ft (1m). Produces a yellow flowers, 2in (5cm) long, flushed red may be troublesome.
AGAPETES dense mass of small, ovate, leathery leaves. or purple, in summer. Z9–11 A. altissima, syn. Eupatorium
Terminal clusters of small, 5-petaled, A. parryi illus. p.489. ageratoides, E. rugosum, E. urticifolium
syn. PEnTAPTERyGIUM purple flowers are freely borne in spring– A. parviflora (illus. p.482). Basal-rosetted, (Hardy age, Mist flower, White snakeroot).
summer. Z9–11 perennial succulent. H 6in (15cm), S 20in Erect perennial. H 5–6ft (1.5–1.8m), S 2ft
ERICACEAE (50cm). Has narrow, white-marked, dark (60cm). Produces nettlelike, gray-green
AGAVE green leaves with white fibers peeling leaves and, in late summer, bears dense,
Genus of evergreen, occasionally briefly from edges. Produces white or pale yellow flat, white flower heads. Z4–8
deciduous, spreading to erect scandent ASPARAGACEAE/AGAVACEAE flowers in summer. Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C) A. ligustrina, syn. Eupatorium
shrubs, grown for their flowers. Provide A. polianthes. See Polianthes tuberosa. ligustrinum, E. micranthum, E.
full light or partial shade and a humus- Genus of rosette-forming, perennial or A. scaphoidea. See A. utahensis. weinmannianum. Evergreen, rounded
rich, well-drained but not dry, neutral to monocarpic succulents with sword-shaped, A. schottii. Basal-rosetted, perennial shrub. H and S 6–15ft (2–5m). Has elliptic
acidic soil. Water containerized specimens sharp-toothed leaves. Small species, to 1ft succulent. H 8–16in (20–40cm), S 12–18in to lance-shaped, bright green leaves and,
freely when in full growth, but moderately (30cm) high, flower only after 5–10 years; (30–45cm). Narrowly linear, yellowish in fall, fragrant, groundsel-like, white or
at other times. Overly long stems may be tall species, to 15ft (5m) high, may take green to green leaves have margins pink flowers are produced in flattened
cut back to promote branching, but they 20–40 years to flower. The majority of bearing brittle threads. Often crooked clusters, 4–8in (10–20cm) across. Z13–15
are best tied to supports. Propagate by species that have hard, blue-gray leaves flower stem, to 6ft (2m) long, produces
seed sown in spring or by semiripe are hardy; gray-green- or green-leaved slender spike of tubular, yellow flowers, AGERATUM 503
cuttings taken in late summer. species are usually frost-tender. Requires 1¼–1½in (3–4cm) long, in summer. Z8–11
A. incurvata, syn. A. rugosa var. rugosa full sun and well-drained soil. Propagate A. stricta, syn. A. hystrix (illus. p.482). Floss flower
of gardens. Evergreen, loose shrub, which by seed or offsets in spring or summer. Short-stemmed, perennial succulent. H and
may be trained as a climber, with arching A. americana (Century plant). Basal- S 10–20in (25–50cm). Produces rosettes of ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE
to pendent stems. H to 3ft (1m), S 3–6ft rosetted, perennial succulent. H 3–6ft linear-lance-shaped, sharply tapered, mid-
(1–2m) as a shrub; H 6–10ft (2–3m) as a (1–2m), S 6–10ft (2–3m). Has sharply green leaves, to 14in (35cm) long, with red- Genus of annuals and biennials, grown
climber. Leaves are lance-shaped to ovate, pointed, toothed leaves, to 5–6ft (1.5–2m) brown terminal spines. In summer, bears for their rounded clusters of flowers,
wrinkled and bright green. In spring, bears long. Branched flower stem, to 25ft (8m) red to purple-red flowers, 3¼in (2cm) long, which are attractive to butterflies. Useful
clusters of pendent, urn-shaped, white long, bears dense, tapering spikes of in dense, erect, spikelike racemes, 6–8ft for bedding. Grow in sun and fertile, well-
flowers, patterned with purple-red, from bell-shaped, white to pale creamy-yellow (2–2.5m) long. Z8–10 (min. 41°F/5°C) drained soil, which should not be allowed
leaf axils. Z12–13 (min. 41–15°F/5–7°C) flowers, each 31⁄2in (9cm) long, in spring– A. utahensis, syn. A. scaphoidea. Basal- to dry out or growth and flowering will be
A. ‘Ludgvan Cross’. Evergreen, summer. Offsets freely. Z8–11. (min. rosetted, perennial succulent. H 12in (30cm), poor. Deadhead regularly for continuous
scandent shrub with arching or pendulous 41°F/5°C). ‘Marginata’ (illus. p.482) has S indefinite. Has rigid, blue-gray leaves, flowering. Propagate by seed sown
stems. H and S 4–5ft (1.2–1.5m). Produces yellow margins, which often become white each with spines up margins and a long, outdoors in late spring.
lance-shaped, dark green leaves, and urn- with age, and a central green zone to each dark spine at tip. Flower stem, to 5ft (1.5m) A. houstonianum cultivars. Moderately
shaped, red flowers, with darker patterns, leaf. ‘Mediopicta’ has central, yellow long, bears yellow flowers in summer. Z11 fast-growing, compact, hummock-forming
in spring. Z10–11 stripes along leaves. ‘Striata’ illus. p.481. A. victoriae-reginae (illus. p.482). Slow- annuals. H and S 6–12in (15–30cm). All
A. macrantha. See A. variegata var. A. attenuata illus. p.489. growing, variable perennial succulent. have ovate, downy, mid-green leaves, with
macrantha. A. duplicata. See Polianthes geminiflora. H and S to 20in (50cm). Produces basal heart-shaped bases. Rounded, brushlike
A. rugosa var. rugosa of gardens. A. filifera (Thread agave; illus. p.482). rosettes of tight-fitting, triangular to clusters of small flower heads are borne
See A. incurvata. Basal-rosetted, perennial succulent. oblong, straight or incurved, dark green just above the foliage from midsummer
A. serpens illus. p.461. H 12–20in (30–50cm), S 3ft (1m). Narrow, leaves, marked white, usually along the until first frosts. Z10–11. ‘Blue Danube’
A. variegata var. macrantha, syn. green leaves are spined at the tip. White margins. Leaf margins are usually entire, illus. p.313. ‘Blue Mink’ illus. p.314.
A.macrantha, illus. p.461. leaf margins gradually break away, leaving Hawaii Series are uniform, compact
long, white fibers. Produces yellow-green plants, with deep to pale blue or white
flowers on a 8ft (2.5m) tall stem in summer. flower heads. ‘Pacific’ has a neat habit
Offsets freely. Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C)
and produces tight clusters of deep violet- A. x aizoides var. domesticum scented, brownish-purple flowers, ALCEA
blue flower heads. ‘Swing Pink’ is dwarf ‘Variegatum’, syn. A. x domesticum followed by sausage-shaped, reddish-
with attractive, pink flower heads. ‘Variegatum’, illus. p.495. purple fruits. Z5–9 Hollyhock
A. x pentaphylla illus. p.194.
AGLAONEMA AILANTHUS A. quinata (Chocolate vine) illus. p.193. MALVACEAE
‘White Chocolate’ is a semievergreen,
Chinese evergreen SIMAROUBACEAE woody-stemmed climber. H 30ft (10m). Genus of biennials and short-lived
Rounded leaves, with 5 leaflets, are dark perennials, grown for their tall spikes of
ARACEAE Genus of deciduous trees and shrubs, green above, blue-green below, tinged flowers. Needs full sun and well-drained
grown for their foliage and 3–5-winged purple in winter. Bears pendent racemes, soil. Propagate by seed in late summer
Genus of evergreen, erect, tufted fruits. They are extremely tolerant of to 5in (12cm) long, of purple-tinged, white or spring. Rust may be a problem.
perennials, grown mainly for their foliage. urban pollution. Needs sun or semishade flowers, with chocolate-brown filaments, A. rosea, syn. Althaea rosea. Erect
Tolerates shade, although the variegated and deep, fertile, well-drained soil. To in early spring, then dull, white fruits. Z4–9 biennial. H 5–8ft (1.5–2.5m), S to 2ft (60cm).
forms need more light, and prefers moist grow as shrubs, cut back hard in spring, A. trifoliata, syn. A. lobata, illus. p.204. Has rounded, lobed, rough-textured
but well-drained soil. Water moderately in after which vigorous shoots bearing very leaves. Spikes of single flowers, in a range
full growth, less in winter. Propagate by large leaves are produced. Propagate by ALANGIUM of colors, including pink, yellow and
division or stem cuttings in summer. seed sown in fall or by suckers or root cream, are borne in summer and early fall.
Mealy bug may be a problem. cuttings taken in winter. tMale flowers CORNACEAE Z3–9. Chater’s Double Group, H 6–8ft
A. commutatum. Evergreen, erect, tufted are unpleasantly scented; the pollen may (2–2.5m), bears double flowers in several
perennial. H and S 20in (50cm). Broadly cause an allergic reaction. Genus of deciduous or evergreen trees different colors in summer and early fall.
lance-shaped leaves, 12in (30cm) long, are A. altissima, syn. A. glandulosa (Tree of and shrubs, grown for their foliage and Halo Series has flowers with a ring of
dark green with irregular, grayish-white heaven), illus. p.63. flowers. Needs full sun and any fertile, contrasting color around the yellow
patches along lateral veins. Bears greenish- A. glandulosa. See A. altissima. well-drained soil. Propagate by sowing center. ‘Majorette’, H 3ft (1m), S to 1ft
white spathes in summer. Z14–15. (min. seed in spring or by taking softwood (30cm), produces double flowers, in
55°F/13°C). ‘Malay Beauty’ (syn. A.c. AJUGA cuttings in summer. several different colors, in summer and
‘Pewter’) bears very dark green leaves A. platanifolium. Deciduous, upright, early fall. Summer Carnival Group
mottled greenish-white and cream.Z15. LAMIACEAE/LABIATAE treelike shrub. H 10ft (3m), S 6ft (2m). (annual or biennial), H 6–8ft (1.8–2.4m),
‘Pewter’ see A.c. ‘Malay Beauty’. Produces maplelike, 3-lobed, mid-green S to 2ft (60cm), has double flowers in
‘Treubii’ illus. p.468. Genus of annuals and perennials, some leaves. Fragrant, tubular, white flowers mixed colors.
A. pictum illus. p.475. of which are semievergreen or evergreen are borne from early to midsummer. Z7–8
A. ‘Silver King’ illus. p.475. and excellent as groundcover. Tolerates ALCHEMILLA
sun or shade and any soil, but is more ALBIZIA
AGONIS vigorous in moist conditions. Propagate Lady’s mantle
by division in spring. MIMOSACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE
Willow myrtle A. pyramidalis (Pyramidal bugle). ROSACEAE
Evergreen or semievergreen perennial. Genus of deciduous or semievergreen
MYRTACEAE H 6–10in (15–25cm), S 18–24in (45–60cm). trees, grown for their feathery foliage and Genus of perennials that produce sprays
Forms a creeping carpet of oblong to unusual flower heads, composed of of tiny, greenish-yellow flowers, with
Genus of evergreen, mainly spring- spoon-shaped, deep green leaves. Bears numerous stamens and resembling conspicuous outer calyces, in summer.
flowering shrubs and small trees, grown spikes of whorled, 2-lipped, blue flowers bottlebrushes. Best against a warm, sunny Some are good for groundcover. Grow in
for their foliage, flowers, and graceful in spring. Z3–9. ‘Metallica Crispa’ has wall; in cold regions, do not plant out until sun or partial shade, in all but boggy soils.
appearance. Needs full light and well- crisp, curled leaves, with a metallic-bronze late spring. Needs full sun and well- Propagate by seed or division in spring
lustre, and bears dark blue flowers. drained soil. A. julibrissin may be grown or fall.
A drained but moisture-retentive soil. Water A. reptans ‘Atropurpurea’. Evergreen, as a summer bedding plant for its foliage. A. alpina (Alpine lady’s mantle). Mound-
containerized plants moderately, scarcely at groundcover perennial, spreading freely Propagate by seed in fall. forming perennial. H 3–5in (8–12cm), S 20in
all in winter. Pruning tolerated when by runners. H 6in (15cm), S 24–36in (60– A. distachya. See Paraserianthes (50cm). Rounded, lobed, pale green leaves
necessary. Propagate by seed in spring or 90cm). Has small rosettes of ovate to lophantha. are covered in silky hairs. Bears upright
by semiripe cuttings in summer. oblong-spoon-shaped, toothed or slightly A. julibrissin (Silk tree). Deciduous, spikes of tiny, greenish-yellow flowers,
A. flexuosa (Peppermint tree, Willow lobed, glossy, deep bronze-purple leaves. spreading, large shrub or small tree. with conspicuous, green, outer calyces, in
myrtle) illus. p.450. Short spikes of 2-lipped, blue flowers are H 12–25ft (4–8m), S 8–12ft (2.5–4m). Large, summer. Suitable for groundcover and a
borne in spring. Z3–9. ‘Catlin’s Giant’ fernlike, light to mid-green leaves are dry bank. Z3–7
AGROSTEMMA has very large, dark bronze-purple divided into many leaflets. Bears clusters A. conjuncta illus. p.275.
leaves, to 6in (15cm) long, and produces of fluffy, spherical, yellow-green flower A. erythropoda. Clump-forming
Corn cockle inflorescences to 8in (20cm) long. ‘Jungle heads, in late summer or fall. Z6–9. perennial. H 8–12in (20–30cm), S 8in
Beauty’ has large, dark green leaves, f. rosea illus. p.86. ‘Summer (20cm). Has rounded, shallowly lobed,
CARYOPHYLLACEAE sometimes suffused purple. ‘Multicolor’ Chocolate’, H 15ft (5m), S 12ft (4m), is sharp-toothed, hairy, bluish-green leaves.
Genus of summer-flowering annuals. (syn. A.r. ‘Rainbow’) has dark bronze- a vigorous, widely arching selection with Cymes of yellowish green flowers are
Grow in sun; flowers best in very well- green leaves, marked with cream and pink. leaves that are bronze-green in spring, produced from late spring to late
drained soil that is not very fertile. Support ‘Rainbow’ see A.r. ‘Multicolor’. maturing to deep maroon-purple by summer. Z3–9
with sticks and deadhead to prolong midsummer, contrasting with the pinkish- A. mollis (Lady’s mantle) illus. p.275.
flowering. Propagate by seed sown in situ AKEBIA purple, white-centered flowers; good for
in spring or early fall. tSeeds may cause a large container or train against a wall. x ALICEARA
severe discomfort if ingested. LARDIZABALACEAE A. lophantha. See Paraserianthes
A. coeli-rosa. See Silene coeli-rosa. lophantha. ORCHIDACEAE
A. githago. Fast-growing, erect annual Genus of deciduous or semievergreen,
with thin stems. H 2–3ft (60–90cm), S 1ft woody-stemmed, twining climbers, grown ALBUCA See also ORCHIDS.
(30cm). Has lance-shaped, mid-green leaves for their leaves and flowers. Individual x A. Dark Warrior. Evergreen,
and, in summer, produces 5-petaled, open plants seldom bear fruits; cross-pollination ASPARAGACEAE epiphytic orchid for a cool greenhouse.
trumpet-shaped, pink flowers, 3in (8cm) between 2 plants is needed for fruit to form. H 10in (25cm). Produces sprays of wispy,
across. Tiny, rounded, dark brown seeds Hardy, but late frost may damage the Genus of spring- or summer-flowering mauve-brown, cream-yellow or green
are poisonous. Z4–10. ‘Milas’ illus. p.304. flowers. Prefers full sun and any good, bulbs. Needs an open, sunny position and flowers, 11⁄2in (4cm) across; flowering
well-drained soil. Dislikes disturbance. well-drained soil. Dies down in spring or season varies. Leaves, 4in (10cm) long,
504 AICHRYSON May be propagated by seed sown in fall late summer after flowering. Propagate by are narrowly ovate. Grow in semishade
or spring; by semiripe cutings taken in seed in spring or by offsets when dormant. in summer. Z15 (min. 59°F/15°C)
CRASSULACEAE summer; or by layering in winter. A. humilis illus. p.422.
A. lobata. See A. trifoliata. A. shawii. Midsummer-flowering bulb. ALLAMANDA
Genus of annual and perennial succulents, A. longeracemosa. Twining, H 6–24in (15–60cm), S 3in (8cm). Has 6–12
often shrublike, grown for their fleshy, semievergreen climber. H 20ft (6m). narrowly linear leaves, 4–6in (10–15cm) syn. ALLEMAnDA
spoon-shaped to rounded, hairy leaves. Rounded leaves comprise 5 leaflets, to long. Produces racemes of 3–9 narrowly
Most species are short-lived, dying after 31⁄2in (9cm) long. In spring, produces bell-shaped, pendent yellow flowers, 5⁄8in APOCYNACEAE
flowering. Requires a position in full sun racemes, to 7in (18cm) long, of vanilla- (1.5cm) across. Z7–11
or partial shade and very well-drained soil. Genus of evergreen shrubs and woody-
Propagate by seed or stem cuttings in stemmed, scrambling climbers, grown for
spring or summer. their trumpet-shaped flowers. Prefers
partial shade in summer and humus-rich,
well-drained, neutral to acidic soil. Water star-shaped, purplish-pink flowers in a A. tuberosum (Chinese chives). Clump- 18in (45cm) long and green with grayish
regularly, less when not in full growth. dense, spherical umbel, 4in (10cm) forming, late summer-to fall-flowering midribs, veins and margins, purple below.
Stems must be tied to supports. Prune across. Z4–11 bulb. H 10–20in (25–50cm), S 2in (5cm). Has greenish spathes. Z14–15. (min.
previous season’s growth back to A. insubricum. Clump-forming, Has solid, linear, edible, basal and stem- 59–64°F/15–18°C)
1 or 2 nodes in spring. Propagate by summer-flowering bulb. H 6–10in (15– sheathing leaves and star-shaped, fragrant A. lowii var. picta. See A. longiloba.
softwood cuttings in spring or summer. 25cm), S 2in (5cm). Has narrowly strap- white flowers borne in umbels. Z7–9 var. veitchii see A. longiloba.
Whitefly and red spider mite may be shaped, mid-green, stem-sheathing leaves. A. unifolium, syn. A. murrayanum of A. macrorrhiza (Giant elephant’s ear,
troublesome. tContact with sap may Bears umbels of 3–5 pendent, bell-shaped, gardens, illus. p.402. Taro). Evergreen, tufted perennial with a
irritate skin; all parts may cause mild pink-purple flowers, followed by pendent thick, trunklike stem. H 12ft (4m), S 6–8ft
stomach upset if ingested. seed heads. Often confused with A. ALNUS (2–2.5m). Stalks 3ft (1m) long bear broad,
A. cathartica (Golden trumpet). narcissiflorum, which has more flowers arrow-shaped, glossy, green leaves, to
‘Hendersonii’ illus. p.464. and erect seed heads. Z7–9 Alder 3ft (1m) long. Yellowish-green spathes are
A. kansuense. See A. sikkimense. 8in (20cm) high. Z11. (min. 59–64°F/15–18°C)
ALLIUM A. karataviense illus. p.416. BETULACEAE A. veitchii. See A. longiloba.
A. moly illus. p.424.
Onion A. ‘Mount Everest’ illus. p.385. Genus of deciduous trees and shrubs, ALOE A
A. multibulbosum. See A. nigrum. grown mainly for their ability to thrive
ALLIACEAE/LILIACEAE A. murrayanum. See A. acuminatum. in wet situations. Flowers are borne in ASPHODELACEAE/LILIACEAE 505
A. murrayanum of gardens. See A. catkins in late winter or early spring,
Genus of perennials, some of which unifolium. the males conspicuous and attractive, Genus of evergreen, rosetted perennials.
are edible, with bulbs, rhizomes or A. narcissiflorum, syn. the females forming persistent, woody, Some are shrublike or climbing, a few
fibrous rootstocks. Nearly all have narrow, A.pedemontanum of gardens, illus. p.422. conelike fruits. Most do best in sun and treelike, with succulent foliage and tubular
basal leaves smelling of onions when A. neapolitanum, syn. A. cowanii, illus. any moist or even waterlogged soil, but to bell-shaped flowers. Tree aloes and
crushed, and most have small flowers p.399. Cowanii Group illus. p.409. A. cordata also grows well on poor, dry shrubs with a spread over 1ft (30cm)
packed together in a dense, spherical or A. neriniflorum, syn. Caloscordum soils. Propagate species by seed sown in prefer full sun; most smaller species prefer
shuttlecock-shaped umbel. Dried neriniflorum, Nothoscordum neriniflorum. fall, cultivars by budding in late summer partial shade. Needs very well-drained
umbels of tall border species are good f Clump-forming, late summer-flowering or by hardwood cuttings taken in soil. Propagate by seed, stem cuttings or
or winter decoration. Requires an open, bulb. H 4–10in (10–25cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm). early winter. offsets in spring or summer.
sunny situation and well-drained soil; Threadlike, semierect, basal leaves die A. cordata (Italian alder). Fast-growing, A. arborescens. Evergreen, treelike,
best left undisturbed to form clumps. down at flowering time. Each leafless stem deciduous, conical tree. H 80ft (25m), S 20ft many branched succulent. H 6–12ft (2–4m),
Plant in fall. Propagate by seed in fall or bears a loose head of 10–20 small, funnel- (6m). Yellow, male catkins are produced in S 6ft (2m). Stems are crowned by rosettes
by division of clumps—spring-flowering shaped, pinkish-red flowers. Z3–8 late winter and early spring, followed by of widely spreading, long, slender, curved,
varieties in late summer and summer- A. nigrum, syn. A. multibulbosum. heart-shaped, glossy, deep green leaves. dull blue-green leaves with toothed
flowering ones in spring. tContact with Clump-forming, summer-flowering bulb. Has persistent, round, woody fruits in fall. margins. Long flower stems bear abundant
the bulbs may irritate skin or aggravate H 14in (35cm), S 3in (8cm). Produces Z5–7 tubular to bell-shaped, red flowers 1½in
skin allergies. flattish umbels of 20–35 large, open cup- A. glutinosa (Black alder, Common (4cm) long in late winter and spring.
A. acuminatum, syn. A. murrayanum, shaped flowers, usually creamy white, alder). ‘Aurea’ is a slow-growing, Z11. (min. 50°F/10°C) ‘Variegata’ (illus.
illus. p.416. sometimes pale lilac, each with a deciduous, conical tree. H 40ft (12m), p.493) has numerous spikes of red flowers
A. aflatunense illus. p.382. prominent dark green ovary. Basal leaves S 15ft (5m). Has rounded leaves, bright in late winter and spring.
A. aflatunense of gardens. See are lance-shaped, gray-green. Z7–9 yellow until midsummer, later becoming A. barbadensis. See A. vera.
A. x hollandicum. A. oreophilum, syn. A. ostrowskianum, pale green. Produces yellow-brown A. brevifolia. Basal-rosetted succulent
A. akaka illus. p.416. illus. p.418. catkins in early spring. Useful grown in producing many offsets. H 4in (10cm),
A. albopilosum. See A. cristophii. A. ostrowskianum. See A. oreophilum. a boggy area. ‘Imperialis’ illus. p.75. S indefinite. Has broadly sword-shaped,
A. atropurpureum illus. p.392. A. pedemontanum of gardens. See A. incana (Gray alder) illus. fleshy, blue-green leaves with a few teeth
A. azureum. See A. caeruleum. A. narcissiflorum. p.61. ‘Aurea’ (syn. A. i.‘Ramulis along edges. In spring, flower stems, 20in
A. beesianum. Clump-forming, late- A. pulchellum. See A. carinatum subsp. Coccineis’) is a deciduous, conical tree. (50cm) long, carry narrowly bell-shaped,
summer-flowering bulb. H to 8in (20cm), pulchellum. H 30ft (10m), S 15ft (5m). Has broadly bright red flowers 1¼–1½in (3–4cm) long.
S 2in (5cm). Has linear, gray-green leaves A. ‘Purple Sensation’ illus. p.392. ovate, yellow leaves, pale green in Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C)
and bears pendent heads of bell-shaped, A. rosenbachianum. Tuft-forming, summer, and orange shoots and catkins A. broomii. Basal-rosetted succulent.
blue flowers. Z6–10 summer-flowering bulb. H 3ft (1m), S 4in in winter. Useful for cold, wet areas and H 4in (10cm), S 12in (30cm). Ovate to lance-
A. caeruleum, syn. A. azureum, illus. (10cm). Has ridged stems and gray-green poor soils. ‘Ramulis Coccineis’ see shaped, mid-green leaves have minutely
p.411. straplike, basal leaves. Produces 50 or A. i. ‘Aurea’. Z2–6 toothed, red-brown margins and sharp,
A. carinatum subsp. pulchellum, syn. more star-shaped, deep purple flowers in terminal spines. In summer, unbranched
A. pulchellum. Clump-forming, summer- a spherical umbel, 4in (10cm) across. Z6–9 ALOCASIA flower stems, to 3ft (1m) long, bear dense
flowering bulb. H 1–2ft (30–60cm), S 2in A. schoenoprasum (Chives) illus. p.422. spikes of tubular, pale lemon flowers, 3⁄4in
(5cm). Linear, semierect leaves sheathe A. schubertii illus. p.409. ARACEAE (2cm) long. Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C)
lower two-thirds of stem. Has an umbel of A. senescens var. calcareum. See A.s. A. ciliaris. See Aloiampelos ciliaris.
pendent, cup-shaped, purple flowers. Z6–9 subsp. montanum. subsp. montanum Genus of seasonally deciduous or evergreen A. concinna. See A. squarrosa.
A. cernuum illus. p.409. (syn. A.s. var. calcareum) illus. p.409. perennials, usually with underground A. descoingsii. Clump-forming, basal-
A. christophii. See A. cristophii. A. sikkimense, syn. A. kansuense. rhizomes, grown for their attractive rosetted succulent. H 1½–2in (4–5cm),
A. cowanii. See A. neapolitanum. Tuft-forming, summer-flowering bulb. foliage. Produces tiny flowers on a spadix S indefinite. Triangular, dull green leaves
A. cristophii, syn. A. albopilosum, illus. H 6–10in (15–25cm), S 4in (10cm). Leaves enclosed in a leaflike spathe. Needs high have white-toothed margins and many
p.411. are linear, erect and basal. Up to 15 bell- humidity, partial shade and well-drained raised, white spots. In summer, unbranched
A. cyaneum. Tuft-forming, summer- shaped, blue flowers are borne in a small, soil. Propagate by seed, stem cuttings or flower stems, 6in (15cm) long, produce
flowering bulb. H 4–10in (10–25cm), S 3in pendent umbel, 1in (25cm) across. Z6–10 division of rhizomes in spring. tContact urn-shaped, red-orange flowers, 1⁄4in
(8cm). Leaves are threadlike and erect. A. sphaerocephalon. Clump-forming, with sap may irritate skin; all parts may (7mm) long. Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C)
Stems each bear a small, dense umbel of summer-flowering bulb. H 20–36in (50– cause mild stomach upset if ingested. A. distans. Trailing succulent. H 20in
5 or more pendent, cup-shaped, blue or 90cm), S 3in (8cm). Has linear, semierect A. x amazonica. Rhizomatous perennial. (50cm), S indefinite. Has stems often 6–10ft
violet-blue flowers, 1⁄4in (0.5cm) long. Z5–9 leaves on basal third of slender, wiry stems H and S 3ft (1m). Has peltate, narrowly (2–3m) long, which root at the nodes.
A. cyathophorum var. farreri illus. and a very dense umbel, 3⁄4–11⁄2in (2–4cm) triangular, dark green leaves, to 2ft (60cm) Lance-shaped to broadly ovate, fleshy,
p.423. across, of up to 40 small, bell-shaped, long, with wavy, silvery-white margins, white-spotted, bluish-green leaves, 3in
A. flavum illus. p.412. pinkish-purple flowers. Z4–11 and leaf stalks to 2ft (60cm) long. Upper (8cm) long, are sharply pointed and have
A. giganteum illus. p.392. A. stipitatum. Summer-flowering bulb. leaf surfaces have a metallic sheen and horny, yellow marginal teeth. In winter,
A. ‘Gladiator’ illus. p.392. H to 3–4ft (1–1.5m), S 4in (10cm). Sturdy silvery-green veins; undersides are panicles, 16–24in (40–60cm) long, with
A. ‘Globemaster’ illus. p.392. stems with straplike, semierect, basal purple. Z9–12 (min. 59–64°F/15–18°C) 3 or 4 branches, bear cylindrical, red and
A. x hollandicum, syn. A. aflatunense leaves carry 50 or more star-shaped, A. cuprea illus. p.472. yellow flowers, 1½in (4cm) long, in
of gardens. Tuft-forming, summer- purplish-pink flowers in a spherical umbel, A. longiloba, syn. A. lowii var. picta, terminal clusters. Z9–12
flowering bulb. H 3ft (1m), S 4in (10cm). 3–5in (8–12cm) across. Z4–9 A.l. var. veitchii, A. veitchii. Very variable, A. erinacea. See A. melanacantha var.
Has mid-green, basal leaves dying away evergreen, tufted perennial. H 2–5ft (60– erinacea.
by flowering time. Bears numerous 150cm), S to 3ft (1m). Narrow leaves,
triangular with arrow-shaped bases, are
A A. ferox (illus. p.493). Evergreen, treelike to 10in (25cm) long, of tubular, scarlet ALONSOA oblong, hairless, mid-green leaves, to 3ft
succulent. H 6–10ft (2–3m), S 5ft (1.5m). Has flowers, 1in (25cm) long, pale red to (90cm) long. Good for cut flowers. Z11
506 a woody stem crowned by a dense rosette greenish toward mouths, are borne SCROPHULARIACEAE (min. 61°F/16°C)
of sword-shaped, blue-green leaves that throughout the year. Lance-shaped, A. speciosa. See A. zerumbet.
have spined margins. Produces an erect grayish or bright green leaves have many Genus of evergreen shrubs, subshrubs and A. zerumbet, syn. A. nutans of gardens,
spike of bell-shaped, orange-scarlet elongated, white spots and small, white perennials. May be used for cut flowers. A. speciosa (Shell flower, Shell ginger;
flowers in spring. Z10–11 (min. 50°F/10°C) teeth at the margins. In some forms, the Grow in sun and in rich, well-drained soil. illus. p.477). Evergreen, clump-forming
A. haworthioides (illus. p.493). Stemless leaves have raised dots or are almost white Flowering may be poor outdoors in a wet perennial. H 10ft (3m), S 3–4ft (1–1.2m).
succulent suckering to form clumps. with green dots. Z11 (min. 50°F/10°C) summer. Pinch out growing shoots of Has racemes of white flowers, with yellow
H 2½in (6cm), S 4in (10cm). Has dense A. somaliensis. Basal-rosetted young plants to promote bushy growth. lips and pink- or red-marked throats,
rosettes of lance-shaped, dark green succulent. H 12in (30cm), S 10in (25cm). Propagate by seed sown outdoors in late mainly in summer. Z12 (min. 45°F/7°C)
leaves, suffused red in dry conditions, with Lance-shaped, glossy olive-green leaves, spring. Aphids may be troublesome,
many raised, white bristles and margins 8–16in (20–40cm) long, with dull, white particularly under glass. Alsobia. See Episcia.
with small, white teeth set close together. streaks, have short, sharp teeth at the A. warscewiczii (Mask flower) illus. p.308. Alsophila. See Cyathea.
Unbranched flower stems, 8–12in (15– margins. Branched flower stems, 1–2ft
30cm) long, bear bell-shaped, white to pale (30–60cm) long, with tubular, minutely ALOPECURUS ALSTROEMERIA
pink flowers, 3in (8cm) long, in summer. spotted, flamingo-pink to pale rose
Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) flowers, 1in (25cm) long, are borne in POACEAE/GRAMINEAE ALSTROEMERIACEAE
A. hemmingii (illus. p.493). Basal summer. Z11 (min. 50°F/10°C)
rosetted, perennial succulent. H 6in (15cm), A. squarrosa, syn. A. concinna. Prostrate See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES Genus of mostly summer- to fall-flowering,
S 10in (25cm). Has a rosette of ovate to succulent. H 12in (30cm), S 8in (20cm). Has and SEDGES. tuberous perennials with showy, funnel-
lance-shaped, olive green leaves, 4in lance-shaped, strongly recurved, toothed, A. pratensis ‘Aureovariegatus’, syn. shaped, multicolored flowers. Flowers are
(10cm) long, with dull, white streaks and white-speckled, mid-green leaves borne A.p. ‘Aureomarginatus’ (Golden foxtail), good for cutting as they last well. Produces
short, sharp teeth at the margins. Produces along short stems. Unbranched, pendulous illus. p.289. erect stems with alternate or scattered,
unbranched flower stems, 12in (30cm) flower stems, 4–10in (10–25cm) long, of linear to lance-shaped, mid- to gray-green
long, with tubular, minutely spotted, tubular, red flowers, 1in (25cm) long, are ALOYSIA leaves, usually 3–5in (7–12cm) long, held
flamingo-pink to pale rose flowers, 1in produced in summer. Z11 (min. 50°F/10°C) on twisted leaf stalks. Where marginally
(25cm) long, in summer. Z11 (min. 54°F/12°C) A. striata (illus. p.493). Basal-rosetted VERBENACEAE hardy, protect dormant tubers with a dry
A. humilis. Rosetted succulent. H 4in succulent. H 3ft (1m), S 34in (85cm). Has mulch. Needs sun and well-drained soil.
(10cm), S 12in (30cm). Has a dense, basal broad, blue-green leaves, with white Genus of deciduous or evergreen, summer- Propagate by seed or division in early
rosette of narrowly sword-shaped, spine- margins and marks, that become suffused flowering shrubs, grown for their aromatic spring. tContact with foliage may
edged, fleshy, blue-green leaves, often red in full sun. Produces reddish-orange foliage and sprays of tiny flowers. Where aggravate skin allergies.
erect, with incurving tips. Produces flower flowers in spring. Good as a houseplant. marginally hardy, plant against a south- or A. ‘Apollo’ (illus. p.387). Midsummer to
stems 12in (30cm) long, each bearing a Z10–11 (min. 50°F/10°C) west-facing wall or raise afresh each year. fall-flowering, tuberous perennial. H 3ft
spike of narrowly bell-shaped, orange A. vera, syn. A. barbadensis, illus. p.492. Needs full sun and well-drained soil. Cut (1m), S 5ft (1.5m). Bears large, open, white
flowers in spring 1½–13/4in (3.5–4.5cm) A. xanthacantha. See A. perfoliata. out any dead wood in early summer. flowers with brown markings and yellow
long. Offsets freely. Z10–11 (min. 50°F/10°C) A. zebrina. Basal-rosetted succulent. Propagate by softwood cuttings in throats. Z7–10.
A. melanacantha var. erinacea, H 12in (30cm), S 32in (80cm). Lance- summer. A. aurantiaca. See A. aurea.
syn. A. erinacea. Slow-growing, clump- shaped, dull green leaves, with white A. triphylla, syn. Lippia citriodora A. aurea, syn. A. aurantiaca. Summer-
forming succulent. H 6in (15cm), S 12in chevrons, have sharp, brown teeth at the (Lemon verbena), illus. p.132. flowering, tuberous perennial. H 3ft (1m),
(30cm). Compact rosettes of triangular margins. Branched flower stems, 3ft (1m) S 18in (45cm). Produces orange flowers,
to lance-shaped, dull-green leaves have long, of tubular, coral-red to dull red ALPINIA tipped with green and streaked dark red.
sharp, black spines at the margins and flowers, 11⁄4in (3cm) long, are produced in Z7–10. ‘Orange King’ (illus. p.387) bears
a black spine at each tip. Unbranched summer. Z10–11 (min. 50°F/10°C) ZINGIBERACEAE bright orange flowers, with brown-
flower stems, to 3ft (1m) long, produce speckled throats, from midsummer to fall.
dense, cylindrical clusters of bell-shaped, ALOIAMPELOS Genus of rhizomatous, evergreen, A. ‘Blushing Bride’ (illus. p.387).
scarlet flowers, 1¼in (3cm) long, fading perennials with fleshy rhizomes, grown for Midsummer- to fall-flowering, tuberous
to yellow, in summer. Z10–11 ASPHODELACEAE their flowers. Needs well-drained soil with perennial. H and S 2ft (60cm). Produces
A. microstigma. Basal-rosetted plenty of humus, partial shade and a moist cream flowers with brown-speckled, pink
succulent. H 12in (30cm), S 10–24in (25– Genus of evergreen succulent perennial atmosphere. Not easy to grow successfully and pale yellow throats. Z7–10
60cm). Lance-shaped to triangular, shrubs with sprawling or scrambling in containers. Propagate by division in late A. ‘Cahors’. Midsummer-flowering,
red-tinged, mid-green leaves, often white stems. Narrow, toothed leaves are spring or early summer. Red spider mite tuberous perennial. H 28in (70cm), S 2ft
spotted, especially beneath, have reddish- arranged in spirals along the stems and may be a problem. (60cm). Produces rich pink flowers with
brown margins with small, reddish-brown racemes of small, narrow, cylindrical to A. calcarata (Indian ginger). Evergreen, dark red-flecked, yellow throats. Z7–10
teeth. Unbranched flower stems, 2ft (60cm) tubular flowers are borne in summer. upright, clump-forming perennial. H 3ft A. ‘Charm’. Midsummer-flowering,
long, bear conical racemes of bell-shaped, Requires a sunny site and well-drained (1m), S 1–2ft (30–60cm). Has stalkless, tuberous perennial. H 2½ft (75cm), S 2ft
orange flowers, 10in (25cm) long, fading soil. Propagate by seed, stem cuttings or aromatic, lance-shaped leaves, to 1ft (60cm). Has pale peach flowers with
to greenish-yellow, in summer. Z10–11 by offsets in spring or summer. (30cm) long. At any time of year may bear brown speckles and primrose-yellow
(min. 50°F/10°C) A. ciliaris, syn. Aloe ciliaris. Climbing, horizontal spikes of whitish flowers, with throats. Z7–10
A. mitriformis. See A. perfoliata. perennial succulent. H 15ft (5m), S 1ft 1in (25cm) long, yellow lips marked A. ‘Elvira’ (illus. p.387). Midsummer-
A. perfoliata, syn. A. mitriformis, (30cm). Has a slender stem crowned by a reddish-purple. Z14–15 (min. 61°F/16°C) to fall-flowering, tuberous perennial.
A. xanthacantha. Variable, clump-forming rosette of narrow, green leaves and white A. japonica. Clump-forming perennial. H 2½ft (75cm), S 2ft (60cm). Produces
succulent. H to 6ft (2m), S indefinite. teeth where leaf base joins stem. Bears H 2ft (60cm), S 12in (30cm). Biennial stems cream flowers with bold, pink flecks on
Thick, nearly erect or horizontal stems bell-shaped, scarlet flowers, with yellow arising from the rhizome, bear lance- outer edges of petals and at the throats.
bear terminal rosettes of ovate-lance- and green mouths, in spring. Z10–11 shaped leaves, to 16in (40cm) long, hairy Z7–10
shaped, fleshy, bluish-green leaves, (min. 50°F/10°C) on the underside. From spring to summer, A. ‘Friendship’ (illus. p.387).
18in (45cm) long, keeled beneath, suffused bears white flowers with red stripes in Midsummer- to fall-flowering, tuberous
red in poor soils. Keel and leaf margins ALOINOPSIS racemes, 6–12in (15–30cm) long, at the perennial. H 3ft (90cm), S 20in (50cm).
are yellow-toothed. Produces broadly apex of the previous year’s stems, followed Produces pale lime-yellow flowers with
conical, occasionally branched, axillary AIZOACEAE by ovoid red capsules. Aerial stems may brown-red speckled, yellow throats. Z7–10.
racemes, 16–24in (40–60cm) long, of withstand light frost, but need protection A. hookeri illus. p.361.
tubular, dull scarlet flowers, 1½–2in Genus of dwarf, tuberous, perennial during most winters if they are to bear A. Inca Ice (‘Koice’) (illus. p.387).
(4–5cm) long, on branched stems in succulents, bearing daisylike flowers from flowers. Z8–11 Late-spring- to fall-flowering, tuberous
winter. Z9–12 (min. 50°F/10°C) late summer to early spring. Needs a A. nutans of gardens. See A. zerumbet. perennial. H and S to 3ft (1m). Produces
A. plicatilis. See Kumara plicatilis. sunny site and very well-drained soil; in A. purpurata (Cone ginger; illus. p.477). cream and pale yellow flowers with pink
A. rauhii. Basal-rosetted succulent warm, dry areas grow in a raised bed or Vigorous, evergreen, upright perennial. throats and purple-brown speckling on the
eventually forming dense clumps. H 4–6in border. Very susceptible to overwatering. H 10–12ft (3–4m), S 2–3ft (60–90cm). In upper and lower petals. Z7–10
(10–15cm), S indefinite. Unbranched stems, Mealy bugs may be a problem. Propagate summer, produces conelike spires, 14in A. Inca TropIc (‘Kotrop’) (illus. p.387).
by seed in summer. (35cm) long, of many small, white flowers, Midsummer- to fall-flowering, tuberous
A. schooneesii illus. p.488. to 1in (25cm) long, in the axils of
persistent, red or pink bracts. Has stalked,
perennial. H and S 18in (45cm). Produces A. ‘Yellow Friendship’. Summer- A. wulfenianum. Erect or prostrate, x A. parkeri, syn. x Brunsdonna parkeri. A
orange flowers with yellow throats flecked flowering, vigorous, tuberous perennial. tufted, evergreen perennial. H 4–6in (10– Early fall-flowering bulb. H to 3ft (1m),
with brown markings. Young leaves are H 5⁄8in (1.5cm), S 2ft (60cm). The bright 15cm), S to 20in (50cm). Loose heads of S 12in (30cm). Sturdy stem bears a large 507
brown tinged. Z7–10. yellow flowers have dark yellow throats small, bright yellow flowers are produced head of funnel-shaped, deep rose flowers
A. ‘Koice’. See A. Inca Ice. with dark brown streaks. Z8–10 in summer above small, ovate, gray- or with yellow and white throats. Produces
A. ‘Kotrop’. See A. Inca TropIc. A. ‘Zapriari’. See A. prIncess arIane. white-hairy leaves. Z6–9 strap-shaped, semierect, basal leaves after
A. Ligtu Hybrids illus. p.413. A. ‘Zaprijul’. See A. prIncess JulIeTa. flowering. Z9–11
A. ‘Little Miss Tara’. Midsummer to AMARANTHUS
fall-flowering, tuberous perennial. H and ALTERNANTHERA AMARYLLIS
S 6in (15cm). Produces relatively large AMARANTHACEAE
reddish-pink flowers with brown markings AMARANTHACEAE AMARYLLIDACEAE
and yellow throats. Z7–10 Genus of annuals or short-lived perennials,
A. ‘Moulin Rouge’ (illus. p.387). Genus of bushy annuals and perennials, grown for their dense panicles of tiny Genus of one species of fall-flowering
Midsummer to fall-flowering, tuberous grown for their attractive, colored foliage. flowers or their colorful foliage. Grow in a bulb, grown for its showy, funnel-shaped
perennial. H and S 18in (45cm). Produces Useful for carpeting or bedding. Needs sunny position in rich or fertile, well- flowers. Where marginally hardy, should
soft red flowers with dark brown-speckled, sun or partial shade and moist but well- drained soil. Propagate from seed sown be grown against a south-facing wall for
yellow throats. Z7–10 drained soil. Propagate by tip cuttings or outdoors in late spring. Aphids may be a protection. Requires well-drained soil and
A. ‘Orange Glory’. Robust, upright, division in spring. problem. a sheltered, sunny situation.
summer-flowering tuberous perennial. A. amoena. See A. ficoidea ‘Amoena’. A. caudatus (Love-lies-bleeding, Tassel Plant bulbs in at least 3in (8cm) of soil.
H and S 3ft (90cm). Bears dark orange A. dentata ‘Purple Knight’ (Joseph’s flower) illus. p.307. Propagate by division in late spring as
flowers with deep yellow, orange-tipped coat) illus. p.310. A. hypochondriacus (Prince’s feather) leaves die down, or in late summer, before
throats with brown markings. Z7–10 A. ficoidea (Parrot leaf). ‘Amoena’ (syn. illus. p.308. ‘Pygmy Torch’, is a dwarf, growth recommences.
A. pelegrina. Summer-flowering, A. amoena) is a mat-forming perennial. bushy annual. H 12–18in (30–45cm), S 12in A. belladonna (Belladonna lily) and
tuberous perennial. H 1–2ft (30–60cm), H to 2in (5cm), S indefinite. Has narrowly (30cm). Produces purple leaves and erect, ‘Hathor’ illus. p.395.
S to 2ft (60cm). Each leafy stem has 1–3 ovate, green leaves, marked red, yellow sometimes flattened cymes of maroon
white flowers, stained pinkish-mauve and and orange, with wavy margins. flowers. Z3–10 AMBERBOA
spotted yellow and brownish-purple. ‘Versicolor’ (syn. A. versicolor) is an erect A. tricolor cultivars (Chinese spinach,
Z8–10. form, H and S to 12in (30cm), with rounded Tampala). Erect, bushy annuals grown Sweet sultan
A. ‘Phoenix’. Vigorous, summer- to spoon-shaped brown, red and yellow for their foliage. H 4½ft (1.3m), S 12–18in
flowering tuberous perennial. H 26in leaves. Z11 (min. 41°F/5°C) (30–45cm). Leaves are ovate or elliptic, ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE
(65cm), S 12in (30cm). Produces bright A. versicolor. See A. ficoidea ‘Versicolor’. sometimes lance-shaped, multi-colored,
magenta flowers with brown-flecked and to 8in (20cm) or more long. They vary Genus of erect annuals or biennials,
yellow throats and mid-green, often Althaea rosea. See Alcea rosea. in color from green or purple to brilliant grown for their cornflower-like flower
pink-flushed leaves, edged white. Z8–10 crimson or maroon, often suffused with heads, which are borne from spring to
A. Princess AriAne (‘Zapriari’) (illus. ALYSSOIDES gold, rose-pink, and bronze in the different fall, and are good for cutting. Needs full
p.387). Midsummer to fall-flowering, cultivars. Insignificant green or red sun and moderately fertile, well-drained
tuberous perennial. H 8in (20cm), S 6in BRASSICACEAE/CRUCIFERAE flowers are borne in often thickened and soil. Deadhead to prolong flowering.
(15cm). Produces yellow-flowers with flattened, terminal or axillary cymes, from Propagate by seed in spring or fall.
purple-marked petal tips and dark brown Genus of one species of short-lived, summer to early fall. Z3–10. ‘Flaming A. moschata, syn. Centaurea moschata
speckled throats. Z7–10 evergreen subshrub, grown for its flowers Fountains’ produces willowlike, lance- (Sweet sultan). Fast-growing, upright,
A. Princess JulietA (‘Zaprijul’) (illus. and swollen fruits. Particularly suitable for shaped carmine-red, crimson, and bronze slender-stemmed annual. H 2ft (60cm),
p.387). Midsummer to fall-flowering, dry banks and rock gardens. Needs sun leaves. ‘Illumination’, H to 18in (45cm), S 9in (23cm). Has lance-shaped, grayish-
tuberous perennial. H and S 12in (30cm). and well-drained soil. Propagate by seed has ovate to elliptic, bright rose-red upper green leaves and large, fragrant flower
Produces pale purple flowers with darker sown in fall. leaves topped with gold, and copper- heads, in a range of colors, in summer and
purple markings and white throats. Z7–10 A. utriculata. Evergreen, rounded brown lower leaves. ‘Joseph’s Coat’ has early fall. Z7–10. ‘The Bride’ has almond-
A. Princess PAolA (‘Stapripal’). subshrub. H and S 12in (30cm). Has ovate, ovate to elliptic, crimson and gold upper scented, creamy-white flowers.
Midsummer to fall-flowering, tuberous glossy, dark green leaves. Loose sprays leaves, and lower leaves in a mix of green,
perennial. H 10in (25cm), S 8in (20cm). of small, bright yellow flowers, which are yellow, and chocolate-brown. AMELANCHIER
Produces pale pink flowers with dark pink produced in spring, are followed by
markings and dark-brown-speckled, balloonlike, buff seed pods. Z6–9 x AMARCRINUM Juneberry, Serviceberry, Shadbush
yellow throats. Z7–10
A. psittacina, syn. A. pulchella. Summer- ALYSSUM syn. X crInoDonna ROSACEAE
flowering, tuberous perennial. H 3ft (1m),
S 1½ft (45cm). Mauve-spotted stems bear BRASSICACEAE/CRUCIFERAE AMARYLLIDACEAE Genus of deciduous, spring-flowering
open umbels of red-marked, green trees and shrubs, grown primarily for
flowers. Z8–10. ‘Royal Star’ has leaves Genus of annuals, and evergreen subshrubs Hybrid genus (Amaryllis x Crinum) of one their profuse flowers and their foliage,
irregularly margined creamy-white. and perennials, grown mainly for their robust, evergreen bulb, grown for its large, which is frequently brightly colored in
A. ‘Red Beauty’ (illus. p.387). 4-petaled flowers. Requires a sunny site showy, funnel-shaped flowers. Needs a fall. Requires sun or semishade and well-
Midsummer to fall-flowering, tuberous and well-drained soil. Cut back lightly sunny position and well-drained soil. Plant drained but not too dry, preferably
perennial. H 3ft (1m), S 2½ft (75cm). Bears after flowering. Propagate either by with neck just covered by soil. Propagate neutral to acidic soil. Propagate in fall
bright scarlet flowers with dark brownish- softwood cuttings taken in late spring or by division in spring. by seed, in late fall to early spring by
black-speckled, yellow throats. Z7–10 by seed sown in fall. x A. memoria-corsii, syn. x Crinodonna layering or, in the case of suckering
A. ‘Sonata’. Summer-flowering, tuberous A. maritimum. See Lobularia maritima. corsii. Robust, evergreen, clump-forming species, by division. Fireblight may
perennial. H and S 3ft (1m). Has red flowers A. montanum. Evergreen, prostrate bulb. H 3ft (1m), S 2ft (60cm). Produces sometimes be troublesome.
with green-margined, yellow, purple- perennial. H 4–6in (10–15cm), S to 20in wide, semierect, strap-shaped, basal A. alnifolia. Deciduous, upright,
marked throats. Z8–10 (50cm) or more. Leaves are small, ovate, leaves. Sturdy stems bear fragrant, rose- suckering shrub. H and S 12ft (4m).
A. ‘Tara’ (illus. p.387). Late spring to fall- hairy and gray. Flower stems, 6in (15cm) pink flowers in loose heads in late summer Leaves are ovate to rounded and dark
flowering, tuberous perennial. H 4–12in long, each bear an open, spherical raceme and fall. Z9–11 green. Erect spikes of star-shaped,
(10–30cm), S 12in (30cm). Produces dark carrying small, highly fragrant, soft yellow creamy-white flowers are borne in late
brownish-black-speckled, red flowers with flowers in early summer. A good plant for x AMARYGIA spring, followed by small, edible, juicy,
yellow throats. Z7–10 a rock garden. Z4–9 rounded, purple-black fruits. Z4–9
A. ‘Stapripal’. See A. prIncess paola. A. saxatile. See Aurinia saxatilis. syn. X BrunsDonna A. arborea. Deciduous, spreading,
A. ‘Walter Fleming’. Summer-flowering, A. spinosum, syn. Ptilotrichum spinosum. sometimes shrubby, tree. H 30–40ft
tuberous perennial. H 2ft (60cm), S 8in Semievergreen, rounded, compact shrub. AMARYLLIDACEAE (10–12m), S 30ft (10m). Clusters of star-
(20cm). Each leafy stem produces narrowly H and S 12–20in (30–50cm). Intricate shaped, white flowers are produced in
lance-shaped, twisted leaves and widely branches bear spines and narrowly ovate Hybrid genus (Amaryllis x Brunsvigia) of midspring as ovate, white-haired, young
funnel-shaped, deep yellow flowers, to linear, silver leaves. Spherical heads of sturdy, fall-flowering bulbs, cultivated for leaves unfold. Foliage matures to dark
2–21⁄2in (5–6cm) across, flushed purple with tiny, 4-petaled, white to purple-pink their large, showy flowers, borne before green, turning to red or yellow in fall.
reddish-purple spots. Z8–11 flowers are produced in early summer. the leaves in fall. Needs full sun and, Rounded fruits are small, dry and
Z5–9. var. roseum has pale to deep rose- preferably, the shelter of a warm wall. reddish-purple. Z4–9
pink flowers. Plant bulbs just beneath the surface of A. asiatica. Deciduous, spreading tree or
well-drained soil. Propagate by division shrub of elegant habit. H 25ft (8m), S 30ft
in spring. (10m). Leaves are ovate and dark green,
usually woolly when young and turning AMPELODESMOS ANACYCLUS semishade. Soil should be well-drained
yellow or red in fall. Star-shaped, white but not too dry. Propagate by seed in fall
flowers are borne profusely in late spring, POACEAE/GRAMINEAE ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE or division in winter or spring.
followed by edible, juicy, rounded, black- A. margaritacea (Pearl everlasting) illus.
currant-like fruits. Z5–7 See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES Genus of summer-flowering, prostrate p.231.
A. canadensis. Deciduous, upright, AND SEDGES. annuals and herbaceous perennials with A. nepalensis var. monocephala, syn.
dense shrub. H 20ft (6m), S 10ft (3m). Star- A. mauritanicus illus. p.287. stems radiating from a central rootstock. A. nubigena of gardens. Dwarf, leafy
shaped, white flowers are borne from mid- Needs full sun and well-drained soil. perennial. H 32–36in (80–90cm), S 18–24in
to late spring amid unfolding, ovate, AMPELOPSIS Propagate by softwood cuttings in spring (45–60cm). Woolly, silvery stems bear
white-haired leaves that mature to dark or by seed in fall. lance-shaped leaves. In late summer has
green and turn orange-red in fall. Fruits VITACEAE A. depressus. See A. pyrethrum var. dense, terminal clusters of white flower
are edible, rounded, blackish-purple, depressus. heads. Z5–8.
sweet, and juicy. Z3–7 Genus of deciduous, woody-stemmed, A. pyrethrum var. depressus, syn. A. nubigena of gardens. See
A. x grandiflora. Spreading, sometimes tendril climbers, some twining, grown A. depressus, illus. p.360. A. nepalensis var. monocephala.
shrubby tree. H 25ft (8m), S 30ft (10m). for their leaves. Grow in a sheltered site, A. triplinervis. Variable, clump-forming
Produces ovate leaves, bronze on in sun or partial shade in any soil. Give ANAGALLIS perennial. H 32–36in (80–90cm), S 18–24in
emergence, with hairy undersides, turning plenty of room, as grows quickly and (45–60cm). Has obovate to elliptic, white-
green in late spring, then orange and red covers a large area. Propagate by semiripe PRIMULACEAE woolly leaves, prominently 3-veined. In
in fall. Pendent racemes of white flowers or greenwood cuttings in midsummer. mid- to late summer produces clusters of
are produced in midspring, followed by A. aconitifolia, syn. Vitis aconitifolia. Genus of creeping or low-growing annuals white-bracted, yellow-centered flower
sweet, juicy, blue-black fruit. Z4–9. ‘La Fast-growing, deciduous, woody-stemmed, and evergreen perennials, grown for their heads. Z5–8. ‘Sommerschnee’ (syn. A.t.
Paloma’, H and S 6ft (2m), forms a large, twining, tendril climber. H 40ft (12m). flowers. Needs an open, sunny site and Summer Snow) illus. p.231.
mounded shrub. Producs very attractive Rounded leaves have toothed, lobed, dark fertile, moist soil. Propagate by seed or
pure white flowers and contrasting green leaflets. Inconspicuous greenish division in spring. Raise A. tenella ANAPHALIOIDES
coppery young leaves with good fall color. flowers, in late summer, are followed by ‘Studland’ by soft-tip cuttings in spring
Z4–9. ‘Princess Diana’ bears abundant, orange berries. Z5–8. or early summer. Pearl everlasting
pure white flowers with unfolding pale A. brevipedunculata, syn. A. glandulosa, A. monellii ‘Gentian Blue’. Bushy,
bronze leaves in early spring. ‘Robin Hill’, illus. p.210. ‘Elegans’ illus. p.195. var. compact perennial. H 6in (15cm), S to 16in ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE
H 26ft (8m), S 16ft (5m), is compact and maximowiczii (syn. A. heterophylla, (40cm). Branching stems bear stalkless,
broadly upright, with white flowers and Vitis heterophylla) is a deciduous, woody- lance-shaped to elliptic leaves in opposite Genus of low-growing, alpine subshrubs,
pink-tinged buds. stemmed, tendril climber. H 70ft (20m). pairs or 3s. Produces deep blue, saucer- grown for their “everlasting” flower
A. laevis illus. p.81. Has very variable leaves, sometimes not shaped flowers, 5⁄8in (1.5cm) across, on heads and silver foliage. Requires full sun
A. lamarckii illus. p.110. lobed and broadly heart-shaped at the long stalks in summer. Z9–11 and very well drained soil. Propagate by
bases, sometimes shallowly 3-lobed, or A. tenella ‘Studland’ illus. p.353. heel or semiripe cuttings in summer.
Amomyrtus luma. See Luma apiculata. deeply cut into 3–5 lobes. Z5–8. A. bellidioides, syn. Helichrysum
Amomyrtus luma ‘Glanleam Gold’. A. glandulosa. See A. brevipedunculata. ANANAS bellidioides. Evergreen, prostrate shrub.
A. heterophylla. See A. brevipedunculata H 6in (15cm), S 2ft (60cm). Has small,
See Luma apiculata ‘Glanleam Gold’. var. maximowiczii. BROMELIACEAE rounded, fleshy, dark green leaves and,
A. megalophylla illus. p.210. in early summer, terminal clusters of
A AMORPHA A. sempervirens. See Cissus striata. Genus of evergreen, rosette-forming daisylike, white flower heads. Z7–9
A. veitchii. See Parthenocissus perennials, grown for their foliage and
PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE tricuspidata ‘Veitchii’. edible fruits (pineapples). Prefers full light, ANCHUSA
but tolerates some shade. Needs fertile,
Genus of deciduous shrubs grown for AMSONIA well-drained soil. Water moderately in BORAGINACEAE
their flowers and foliage. A useful plant growth; sparingly at other times.
for cold, dry, exposed positions. Requires Blue star Propagate by suckers or cuttings of Genus of annuals, biennials and
full sun and well-drained soil. May be “leafy” fruit tops in spring or summer. perennials, some of which are evergreen,
propagated by softwood cuttings taken in APOCYNACEAE A. bracteatus (Red pineapple, Wild usually with blue flowers, which are
summer or by seed sown in fall. pineapple). ‘Tricolor’ (syn. A.b. ‘Striatus’, attractive to bees. Requires sun and well-
A. canescens (Lead plant). Deciduous, Genus of slow-growing, clump-forming, A.b. var. tricolor; illus. p.471) is a basal- drained soil; resents too much winter wet.
open shrub. H 3ft (1m), S 5ft (1.5m). Dense summer-flowering perennials. Grow in rosetted, evergreen perennial. H to 28in Tall perennial species may need to be
spikes of tiny, pealike, purple flowers, with full sun and in well-drained soil. Best left (70cm), S 20in (50cm). Forms dense staked and given room to spread.
orange anthers, are produced in late undisturbed for some years. Propagate by rosettes of strap-shaped, spiny-edged, Propagate perennials by root cuttings in
summer and early fall, amid ovate, gray- division in spring, by softwood cuttings in arching, deep green leaves, longitudinally winter, annuals and biennials by seed in
haired leaves divided into 21–41 narrowly summer or by seed in fall. tContact with yellow-striped, often with marginal, red fall or spring.
ovate leaflets. Z2–8 the milky sap may irritate skin. spines. Bears dense spikes of small, tubular, A. azurea, syn. A. italica. ‘Little John’ is
A. orientalis, syn. Rhazya orientalis, illus. lavender-violet flowers with prominent, a clump-forming perennial. H 18in (45cm),
508 AMORPHOPHALLUS p.270. reddish-pink bracts, usually in summer. S 12in (30cm). Mainly basal leaves are
A. tabernaemontana (Willow bluestar). Brownish-orange-red fruits are 6in (15cm) narrowly ovate and hairy. Bears branching
ARACEAE Clump-forming perennial. H 2ft (60cm), or more long. Z15. (min. 59°F/15°C) racemes of large, open cup-shaped, dark
S 18in (45cm). Leaves are small and A. comosus ‘Variegatus’. Evergreen, blue flowers in early summer. ‘Loddon
Genus of tuberous perennials, cultivated narrow. Willowy stems bear drooping basal-rosetted perennial. H 36in (100cm), Royalist’ illus. p.241. ‘Opal’, H 4ft (1.2m),
for their huge and dramatic, but foul- clusters of small, tubular, pale blue flowers S 20in (50cm). Very narrowly strap-shaped, has paler blue flowers. Z3–8.
smelling, spathes, which surround tiny in summer. Z3–9. channelled, rigid, gray-green leaves are A. caespitosa. See A. cespitosa.
flowers on sturdy spadices. Requires suffused pink with cream margins, gray- A. capensis ‘Blue Angel’ illus. p.315.
partial shade and humus-rich soil kept Amygdalus. See Prunus. scaled beneath, and sometimes have spiny ‘Blue Bird’ is a bushy biennial, grown as
continuously moist during the growing edges. Produces tubular, purple-blue an annual. H to 18in (45cm), S 6–9in (15–
season. Keep tubers dry in winter. ANACAMPTIS flowers with inconspicuous, green bracts; 23cm). Has lance-shaped, bristly, mid-
Propagate by seed sown in spring or by fruits are the edible pineapples grown green leaves and, in summer, shallowly
offsets in spring or summer. ORCHIDACEAE commercially, but are much smaller on bowl-shaped, sky-blue flowers. Z7–9.
A. konjac, syn. A. rivieri. Summer- pot-grown plants. Z11. (min. 59°F/15°C) A. cespitosa, syn. A. caespitosa, illus. p.356.
flowering, tuberous perennial. H 3–41⁄2ft See also ORCHIDS. A. italica. See A. azurea.
(1–1.3m), S 6ft (2m). Produces a flattish, A. morio, syn. Orchis morio ANAPHALIS
wavy-edged, dark reddish-brown spathe, (Gandergoose, Green-veined orchid; illus. Ancistrocactus. See Sclerocactus.
to 16in (40cm) long, from which protrudes p.466). Deciduous, terrestrial orchid. Pearl everlasting
an erect, dark brown spadix. Brownish- H 6–12in (15–30cm). Reddish-purple, ANDROMEDA
green-mottled, pale green stem, 3ft (1m) mauve or rarely white flowers, 1⁄2in (1cm) ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE
long, bears one large, lobed leaf after long, with green veins on cupped sepals, ERICACEAE
flowering. Z13–15 (min. 55–61°F/13–16°C) open along stems in spring. Has a basal Genus of spreading to upright perennials,
A. rivieri. See A. konjac. cluster of lance-shaped or broadly oblong, some evergreen, with heads of small, Genus of evergreen shrubs with an open,
pale to mid-green leaves, 4–6in (10–16cm) papery flowers, used dried for winter twiggy habit. Needs full light and humus-
long. Requires sun or semishade. Z12–15. decoration. Prefers sun but tolerates rich, moist, acidic soil. Propagate by
semiripe cuttings taken in late summer or ANEMANTHELE (illus. p.222), H 32in (80cm), bears single, A. ranunculoides illus. p.263.
by seed sown in spring. ‘Pleniflora’ (syn. A.r. ‘Flore Pleno’) is a
A. polifolia. Evergreen, open, twiggy POACEAE/GRAMINEAE pink flowers in summer. ‘Rotkäppchen’, spreading, rhizomatous perennial. H 2–4in
shrub. H to 16in (40cm), S to 2ft (60cm). (5–10cm), S to 18in (45cm) or more. Bears
Has narrow, leathery, glossy, mid-green See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES H 32–48in (80–120cm), is compact, with buttercup-like, double, yellow flowers in
leaves. Bears terminal clusters of pitcher- and SEDGES. spring. Leaves are divided. Likes damp,
shaped, pink flowers in spring and early A. lessoniana, syn. Stipa arundinacea deep reddish-pink flowers. ‘September woodland conditions. Z4–8.
summer. Z2–6. ‘Alba’ illus. p.332. (Pheasant’s-tail grass), illus. p.289. A. rivularis illus. p.437.
‘Compacta’ illus. p.333. ‘Macrophylla’, Charm’ see A. x hybrida ‘September A. x seemannii. See A. x lipsiensis.
H 2–6in (5–15cm), S 10in (25cm), is low- ANEMONE A. sylvestris (Snowdrop windflower)
growing, with broadly ovate, dark green Charm’. illus. p.255.
leaves and numerous deep pink and white Windflower A. tomentosa, syn. A. vitifolia of gardens.
flowers, slightly larger and more rounded A. x hybrida, syn. A. japonica of gardens Vigorous, clump-forming perennial with a
than the species. RANUNCULACEAE (Japanese anemone). Group of vigorous, creeping rootstock. H 3–5ft (1–1.5m), S 2ft
branching, perennials. H 4–5ft (1.2–1.5m), (60cm). Large, 3–7 lobed mid-green leaves
ANDROSACE Genus of spring-, summer- and fall- S indefinite. Bears shallowly cup-shaped, with toothed margins have white-hairy
flowering perennials, sometimes tuberous single, semidouble or double flowers in undersides. In summer, flower stems bear
PRIMULACEAE or rhizomatous, with mainly rounded, late summer and early fall. Leaves are 5-petaled, slightly cupped, pale pink
shallowly cup-shaped flowers. Leaves are deeply divided and dark green. Z4–8. flowers, 2–2½in (5–6cm) across, with
Genus of annuals, biennials and rounded to ovate, often divided into 3–15 ‘Bressingham Glow’ see A. hupehensis yellow stamens. Z5–9.
predominantly evergreen perennials, leaflets. Most thrive in full light or var. japonica ‘Bressingham Glow’. A. trullifolia illus. p.350.
usually compact cushion-forming and semishade in humus-rich, well-drained ‘Elegans’ (syn. A. x h. ‘Max Vogel’) has A. tschaernjaewii illus. p.416.
often with soft, hairy leaves. Many species soil. Propagate by division in spring, by semidouble, pinkish-mauve flowers on A. vitifolia. Branching, clump-forming
are suitable for cold greenhouses and seed sown in late summer, when fresh, or wiry stems. ‘Honorine Jobert’ (single) perennial. H 3ft (1m), S indefinite. Has
troughs with winter cover. Needs sun by root cuttings in winter. tContact with illus. p.220. ‘Königin Charlotte’ (illus. vinelike leaves, woolly beneath, and open
and very well-drained soil; some species the sap may irritate skin. p.222), H 5ft (1.5m), has large, semidouble, cup-shaped, occasionally pink-flushed,
prefer acidic soil. Resents wet foliage in A. apennina (Apennine anemone). bright pink flowers. ‘Lady Gilmour’, white flowers with yellow stamens in
winter. Propagate by tip cuttings in Spreading, spring-flowering, rhizomatous H 3ft (1m), produces crested leaves and summer. Z5–8.
summer or by seed in fall. Prone to perennial. H 8in (20cm), S 12in (30cm). pink flowers with often uneven, twisted A. vitifolia of gardens. See A. tomentosa.
botrytis and attack by aphids. Fernlike leaves have 3 deeply toothed petals. ‘Lady Gilmour’ of gardens, see
A. carnea illus. p.350. subsp. laggeri lobes. Each stem bears a large, upright, A. x h. ‘Montrose’. ‘Margarete’ of ANEMONELLA A
illus. p.353. flattish, blue, white or pink flower, with gardens, see A. x h. ‘Montrose’. ‘Max
A. chamaejasme. Evergreen, basal- 10–20 narrow petals. Z5–9. Vogel’ see A. x h. ‘Elegans’. ‘Montrose’ RANUNCULACEAE
rosetted, variable perennial with easily A. blanda. Spreading, early spring- (syn. A. x h. ‘Lady Gilmour’ of gardens;
rooted stolons. H 11⁄4–21⁄2in (3–6cm), S 6–8in flowering perennial with a knobbly tuber. A. x h. ‘Margarete’ of gardens)H 32in–4ft Genus of one species of tuberous
(15–20cm). Produces ovate, hairy leaves H and S 6in (15cm). Leaves are broadly ovate (80cm–1.2m), has large, double, soft perennial, grown for its flowers. Needs
and, in spring, clusters of 2–8 flattish, and semierect, with 3 deeply toothed reddish-pink flowers with rather twisted shade and humus-rich, moist soil.
white flowers, each with a yellow eye that lobes. Each stem bears an upright, flattish, petals. ‘Prince Henry’ see A. hupehensis Propagate by seed when fresh or by
sometimes turns red with age. Z4–7. blue, white or pink flower, 11⁄2–2in (4–5cm) var. japonica ‘Prinz Heinrich’. ‘Richard division every 3–5 years in fall.
A. cylindrica. Evergreen, basal-rosetted across, with 9–14 narrow petals. Z4–8. Ahrens’, H 32–39in (80–100cm), bears A. thalictroides illus. p.350. ‘Oscar
perennial. H 1⁄2–3⁄4in (1–2cm), S 4–6in (10– ‘Atrocaerulea’ illus. p.419. ‘Ingramii’ large, single, soft pink flowers in Schoaf’ (syn. A.t. ‘Schoaf’s Double’) is a
15cm). Leaves are linear and glossy. bears purple-backed, deep blue flowers. midsummer. ‘Robustissima’ (illus. p.222), slow-growing, tuberous perennial. H 4in
Flower stems each carry up to 10 small, var. rosea ‘Radar’, syn. A.b. ‘Radar’, H 3–5ft (1–1.5m), S 4–20in (10–50cm), has (10cm), S 12in (30cm). Has delicate, fernlike
flattish, white flowers, each with a yellow- illus. p.418. ‘Violet Star’ illus. p.418. single, dark pink flowers borne on reddish leaves. From spring to early summer bears
green eye, in early spring. Suitable for a ‘White Splendour’ illus. p.414. stems. ‘September Charm’ (syn. small, cup-shaped, double, strawberry-
cold greenhouse. Z6–7. A. coronaria. Spring-flowering perennial A. hupehensis ‘September Charm’; illus. pink flowers, singly on finely branched,
A. hedraeantha. Evergreen, cushion- with a misshapen tuber. H 12–18in (30– p.222), H 30in (75cm), S 20in (50cm), has slender stems. Z4–7.
forming perennial. H 1⁄2–3⁄4in (1–2cm), S to 45cm), S 6in (15cm). Produces parsleylike, single, clear pink flowers on wiry stems.
4in (10cm). Has loose rosettes of narrowly divided, semierect leaves. Each stiff stem ‘Whirlwind’ (syn. A. x h. Wirbelwind; ANEMONOPSIS
ovate, glossy leaves, and bears umbels of bears a large, 5–8-petaled, shallowly cup- illus. p.222), H 32–39in (80–100cm), has
5–10 flattish, yellow-throated, pink flowers shaped flower in shades of red, pink, blue irregularly formed double, white flowers, False anemone
in spring. Best in a cold greenhouse. Z6–7. or purple. Z8–11. Garden groups include with some petals green flushed.
A. hirtella. Evergreen, tight cushion- De Caen Group and Saint Bridgid Wirbelwind see A. x h. ‘Whirlwind’. RANUNCULACEAE
forming perennial. H 1⁄2in (1cm), S to 4in Group, which have larger flowers varying A. x intermedia. See A. x lipsiensis.
(10cm). Has rosettes of small, thick, linear in color from white through red to blue. A. japonica of gardens. See A. x hybrida. Genus of one species of clump-forming
to oblong, hairy leaves. Almond-scented, ‘Mister Fokker’ illus. p.403. A. x lipsiensis, syn. A. x intermedia, perennial, related to Anemone. Likes a
flattish, white flowers are borne in spring A. x fulgens illus. p.418. A. x seemannii, illus. p.262. ‘Pallida’ is a sheltered, semishaded position and
on very short stems, 1 or 2 per rosette. A. hepatica. See Hepatica nobilis. prostrate, carpeting perennial. H 2–6in humus-rich, moist but well-drained soil.
Z6–8. A. hupehensis. Erect perennial with (5–15cm), S to 18in (45cm). Produces Propagate by division in spring or by seed
A. imbricata. See A. vandellii. a creeping, woody-based rootstock. single, pale cream flowers above deeply sown in late summer, when fresh.
A. lanuginosa illus. p.363. H 24–36in (60–90cm), S 16in (40cm) or cut, mid-green foliage in spring. Z5–8. A. macrophylla (False anemone) illus.
A. pyrenaica illus. p.350. more. Large, rounded, dark green leaves A. narcissiflora illus. p.255. p.270.
A. sarmentosa. Evergreen, mat-forming have 3 toothed lobes. In late summer, A. nemorosa (Wood anemone). Vigorous,
perennial, spreading by runners. H 2–4in flower stems produce smaller leaves and carpeting, rhizomatous perennial. H 3–6in ANEMOPAEGMA 509
(5–10cm), S to 12in (30cm). Has open 5-petaled, slightly cupped, pale pink or (8–15cm), S 12in (30cm). Produces
rosettes of small, narrowly elliptic, hairy white flowers, 2–2½in (5–6cm) across, with abundant, star-shaped, single, white BIGNONIACEAE
leaves. Large clusters of flattish, yellow- yellow stamens. Z5–7. ‘Bowles’s Pink’ flowers, with prominent, yellow stamens,
eyed, bright pink flowers are produced in (illus. p.222) has rich purple-pink in spring and early summer, above deeply Genus of evergreen, tendril climbers,
spring. A good rock plant in all but very flowers. ‘Hadspen Abundance’ illus. cut, mid-green leaves. Likes woodland grown for their flowers. Needs partial
wet areas. Z5–7. p.247. var. japonica ‘Bressingham conditions. Z4–8. ‘Allenii’ produces many shade in summer and humus-rich,well-
A. sempervivoides. Evergreen, mat- Glow’ (syn. A. x hybrida ‘Bressingham large, cup-shaped, single, rich lavender- drained soil. Water regularly and freely
forming, rosetted perennial with stolons. Glow’; illus. p.222), H 4–5ft (1.2–1.5m), S 2ft blue flowers in spring. ‘Bowles’ Purple’ when in full growth, less at other times.
H 1–2in (2.5–5cm), S 6–8in (15–20cm). Has (60cm), bears semidouble, rose-purple is late-flowering, sometimes with purple- Provide support, and in summer thin out
leathery, oblong or spoon-shaped leaves. flowers on wiry stems. var. japonica edged leaves and purple flowers. stems at intervals; shorten all growths by
In spring, produces small heads of 4–10 ‘Pamina’ (illus. p.222), H 32in (80cm), ‘Lychette’ is early-flowering, with white half in spring. Propagate by softwood or
flattish, pink flowers, with yellow, then red, produces abundant, rather small, flowers. ‘Robinsoniana’ has lavender- semiripe cuttings in spring or summer.
eyes. A good rock plant. Z5–7. semidouble, reddish-purple flowers. var. blue flowers, pale creamy-gray beneath, A. chamberlaynei. Fast-growing,
A. vandellii, syn. A. imbricata, illus. p.347. japonica ‘Prinz Heinrich’ (syn. A. x on maroon stems. ‘Vestal’ has anemone- evergreen, tendril climber. H 12–20ft (4–6m).
A. villosa illus. p.349. var. jacquemontii hybrida ‘Prince Henry’) bears single, deep centered, double, white flowers. Leaves have 2 pointed, ovate leaflets and a
illus. p.366. pink flowers on slender stems. ‘Praecox’ ‘Virescens’ is infertile and flowers are 3-hooked tendril. Foxglovelike, primrose-
replaced by rosettes of leaflike green yellow flowers are borne in upper leaf axils
tepals. ‘Wilks’ Giant’ (syn. A.n. ‘Wilk’s in summer. Z12–15. (min. 45°F/7°C)
Giant’) has larger, single, white flowers.
A. pavonina illus. p.402.
ANGELICA 100cm), S 16–32in (40–80cm). Has hairy ANTENNARIA Antholyza paniculata. See Crocosmia
stems and hairy, triangular to ovate, paniculata.
APIACEAE/UMBELLIFERAE mid-green leaves, 1in (25cm) long, with Cat’s ears
3–5 shallow to deep lobes, which may ANTHURIUM
Genus of summer-flowering, herbaceous themselves be lobed and toothed. From ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE
perennials and biennials, some of which summer to fall, bears dark-veined, pale ARACEAE
have culinary and medicinal uses. Grows to deep red-purple flowers, 1in (25cm) Genus of evergreen or semievergreen
in sun or shade and in any well-drained across, singly or in racemes from the leaf perennials, grown for their nearly Genus of evergreen, erect, climbing
soil. Remove seed heads when produced, axils. Z8–9 stemless “everlasting” flower heads and or trailing perennials, some grown for
otherwise plants may die. Propagate by A. ‘El Rayo’. Evergreen, bushy shrub. mats of often woolly leaves. Good for their foliage and others for their bright
seed when ripe. H 5–6ft (1.5–2m), S 3–5ft (1–1.5m). Produces groundcover. Needs sun and well-drained flower spathes. Prefers bright light in
A. archangelica (Angelica) illus. p.219. spreading, hairy stems and obovate to soil. Propagate by seed or division winter and indirect sun in summer; needs
oblong, toothed, mid-green leaves, 2in in spring. a fairly moist atmosphere and moist, but
ANGELONIA (5cm) long, with 3 deep lobes. In summer A. dioica. Semievergreen, mat-forming, not waterlogged, peaty soil. Propagate by
(into winter in frost-free areas), bears 2- dense perennial. H 2in (5cm), S to 18in division in spring. tAll parts may cause
PLANTAGINACEAE or 3-flowered racemes of dark pink (45cm). Leaves are tiny, ovate, usually mild stomach disorder if digested; contact
flowers, 13⁄8in (3.5cm) across, with dark woolly and greenish-white. Short stems with sap may irritate skin.
Genus of small subshrubs and evergreen, magenta-pink bases, from the leaf carry fluffy, white or pale pink flower A. andraeanum (Flamingo flower) illus.
soft-stemmed perennials, grown for axils. Z8–10 heads in late spring and early summer. p.470.
summer display in containers and borders. Good when grown in a rock garden. Z5–9. A. crystallinum (Crystal anthurium) illus.
Grow in moist but well-drained, fertile soil ANNONA Compact ‘Nyewoods’ has very deep p.465.
in sun. Propagate by seed or softwood rose-pink flowers. var. rosea see A. rosea. A. scherzerianum (Flamingo flower).
cuttings or spring. Cherimoya, Custard apple, Sweet sop A. rosea, syn. A. dioica var. rosea, illus. Evergreen, erect, tufted perennial.
A. angustifolia AngelMist Series p.351. H 20–24in (50–60cm), S 12in (30cm). Has
‘AngelMist Lavender Stripe’ illus. p.310. ANNONACEAE oblong, leathery, dark green leaves, to 8in
ANTHEMIS (20cm) long. Produces large, long-lasting,
ANGRAECUM Genus of deciduous or evergreen shrubs bright red spathes and fleshy, orange to
and trees, grown for their edible fruits Dog’s fennel yellow spadices. Z11. (min. 61°F/16°C).
ORCHIDACEAE and ornamental appearance. Needs full ‘Rothschildianum’, H and S 12in (30cm),
light or partial shade and fertile, moisture- ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE bears white-spotted, red spathes and
See also ORCHIDS. retentive but well-drained soil. Water yellow spadices.
A. sesquipedale illus. p.468. specimens in containers moderately when Genus of mat- or clump-forming, A. veitchii (Queen anthurium). Evergreen,
in full growth, sparingly in winter. sometimes hummock-forming annuals erect, short-stemmed perennial. H 3–4ft
ANGULOA Propagate by seed in spring or by semiripe and perennials, some evergreen, grown (1–1.2m), S 2–3ft (60–90cm). Glossy,
cuttings in late summer. Red spider mite for their daisylike flower heads and corrugated leaves, to 3ft (1m) long, are
ORCHIDACEAE may be a nuisance. fernlike foliage. Prefers a position in sun ovate, with heart-shaped bases on 2–3ft
A. reticulata (Bullock’s heart, Custard and well-drained soil. (60cm–1m) long leaf stalks. Intermittently
See also ORCHIDS. apple). Mainly deciduous, rounded tree. May need staking for support. Cut to has a long-lasting, leathery, green to white
A. clowesii (Cradle orchid). Deciduous, H 20ft (6m) or more, S 10–15ft (3–5m). Has ground level after flowering to produce spathe that surrounds a cream spadix.
epiphytic orchid for a cool greenhouse. oblong to lance-shaped, 5–10in (13–25cm) good leaf rosettes in winter. Propagate Z11. (min. 61°F/16°C)
H and S 2ft (60cm). Fragrant, erect, cup- long leaves. Cup-shaped, olive-green by division in spring or, for some species,
shaped, lemon-yellow flowers, 4in (10cm) flowers, often flushed purple, are borne in by basal cuttings in late summer, fall, ANTHYLLIS
summer, followed by edible, heart-shaped, or spring.
A long, each with a loosely hinged, yellow red-flushed, greenish-brown fruits, each A. nobilis. See Chamaemelum nobile. PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE
lip, are produced singly in early summer. 5in (13cm) long. Z14–15 (min. 59°F/15°C) A. punctata subsp. cupaniana illus. Genus of annuals, perennials and shrubs
Broadly ovate, ribbed leaves are 18in p.264. grown for their flowers and finely divided
(45cm) long. Provide semishade in summer. Anoiganthus breviflorus. See A. sancti-johannis. Evergreen, bushy, leaves. Needs sun and well-drained soil.
Z13–15. (min. 52°F/11°C, max. 86°F/30°C) Cyrtanthus breviflorus. spreading perennial. H 2–3ft (60–90cm), Propagate by softwood cuttings in
S 2ft (60cm). In summer bears many daisy- summer or by seed in fall.
ANIGOZANTHOS Anoiganthus luteus. See Cyrtanthus like, bright orange flower heads among A. hermanniae. Rounded, bushy shrub.
breviflorus. fernlike, shaggy, mid-green leaves. Z3–8 H to 18in (45cm), S 2ft (60cm) or more.
Kangaroo paw A. tinctoria. Evergreen, clump-forming Spiny, tangled stems bear simple or
Anomatheca laxa. See Freesia laxa. perennial. H and S 3ft (90cm). Produces a 3-parted, bright green leaves. Has small,
HAEMODORACEAE mass of daisylike, yellow flower heads in pealike, yellow flowers in summer. Good
ANOPTERUS midsummer, borne singly above a basal for a rock garden. Z6–8
Genus of evergreen, clump-forming clump of fernlike, crinkled, mid-green A. montana illus. p.338. ‘Rubra’
perennials, with thick rootstocks and fans ESCALLONIACEAE leaves. Propagate by basal cuttings in is a rounded or spreading, woody-
of sword-shaped leaves, grown for their spring or late summer. based perennial. H to 1ft (30cm), S to 2ft
curious flowers. Needs an open, sunny Genus of evergreen shrubs grown for Z3–8. ‘E.C. Buxton’ illus. p.243. (60cm). Divided leaves consist of 17–41
position and does best in well-drained, their foliage and flowers. Needs shade narrowly ovate leaflets. Heads of
peaty or leafy, acidic soil. Propagate by or semishade and moist but well-drained, ANTHERICUM cloverlike, bright pink flowers are borne
division in spring or by seed when fresh, lime-free soil. Propagate by semiripe in late spring and early summer. Good
in late summer. cuttings in summer. Spider plant for a rock garden. Z6–8
A. flavidus illus. p.476. A. glandulosus illus. p.110.
A. manglesii illus. p.470. ASPARAGACEAE ANTIGONON
A. rufus. Tufted perennial. H to 3ft (1m), ANREDERA
S 16–24in (40–60cm). Panicles of 2-lipped, Genus of upright perennials with saucer- Coral vine
rich burgundy flowers, covered with Madeira vine, Mignonette vine or trumpet-shaped flowers rising in
purple hairs, are borne in spring. Has spikelike racemes from clumps of leaves. POLYGONACEAE
long, sword-shaped, stiff, mid-green BASELLACEAE Likes a sunny site and fertile, well-drained
leaves. Z10–11. (min. 41°F/5°C) soil that does not dry out in summer. Ideal Genus of evergreen, woody-stemmed,
Genus of evergreen, tuberous, twining for a border, for naturalizing in grass, and tendril climbers, grown for their foliage
510 ANISODONTEA climbers, grown for their luxuriant foliage for cutting. Propagate by division in spring and profuse clusters of small flowers.
and small, scented flowers. or by seed in fall. Grow in full light and fertile, well-drained
MALVACEAE If grown in cool areas will die down in A. graminifolium. See A. ramosum. soil. Water freely in growing season,
winter. Requires a position in full light A. liliago (St Bernard’s lily) illus. p.263. sparingly at other times. Needs tropical
Genus of evergreen shrubs and woody- and well-drained soil. Water moderately A. ramosum, syn. A. graminifolium. conditions to flower well. Provide
based perennials, grown for their flowers. in growing season, but sparingly at other Upright rhizomatous perennial. H 3ft support. Thin out congested growth in
Needs full light and well-drained soil. times. Provide support. Cut back the (90cm), S 1–2ft (30–60cm). Produces linear, early spring. Propagate by seed in spring
Water potted plants freely in full growth, previous season’s growth by half or to just gray-green leaves, to 16in (40cm) long. In or by softwood cuttings in summer.
very little at other times. Tip-prune young above ground level in spring. Propagate early and mid-summer, bears branched,
plants to promote a bushy habit. Propagate by tubers, produced at stem bases, in open panicles of star-shaped, lilylike white
by seed in spring or greenwood or spring or by softwood cuttings in summer. flowers, to 5⁄8in (1.5cm) across, with petals
semiripe cuttings in late summer. A. cordifolia, syn. Boussingaultia 1⁄2–3⁄4in (1–2cm) long. Z5–8
A. capensis, syn. Malvastrum capensis. baselloides of gardens, illus. p.197.
Evergreen, erect shrub. H 24–36in (60–
A. leptopus. Fast-growing, evergreen, summer. Use soft water and keep soil occasionally come true from seed (e.g. (75cm), S 14–16in (35–40cm). Open bell- A
woody-stemmed, tendril climber. H 20ft moist but not waterlogged. Benefits from A. vulgaris ‘Nora Barlow’) as they cross shaped, fluted, large flowers with white
(6m). Has crinkly, pale green leaves. Dense feeding when flower spikes are forming. freely; segregate them widely. Prone to petals, sepals and long spurs, are borne in 511
trusses of bright pink, sometimes red or Propagate by seed or tip cuttings from aphid attack. tContact with sap may late spring and early summer above
white, flowers grow mainly in summer, young stems in spring. irritate skin. fernlike, divided, light green leaves. Z4–9
but all year in tropical conditions. Z15 A. squarrosa (Zebra plant).‘Dania’ is A. akitensis. See A. flabellata var. pumila. A. ‘Dragonfly’ (illus. p.226). Upright
(min. 59°F/15°C) an evergreen, compact perennial. H and A. alpina (Alpine columbine) illus. p.334. perennial. H 2ft (60cm), S 12in (30cm). Bell-
S 12in (30cm). Ovate, glossy, dark green A. atrata (Black columbine). Clump- shaped, upright to semihorizontally-
ANTIRRHINUM leaves, with white veins and midribs, are forming perennial H 24–28in (60–70 cm), placed, fluted, large flowers with yellow,
nearly 1ft (30cm) long. Dense, 4-sided S 12in (30cm). Bell-shaped, fluted, deep basally red-flushed petals and purplish-red
Snapdragon spikes, to 6in (15cm) long, of 2-lipped, purple-violet flowers with spreading sepals and spurs are produced from late
bright yellow flowers form in axils of sepals and short 1⁄2in (1cm)-long, strongly spring to midsummer above fernlike, mid-
PLANTAGINACEAE/SCROPHULARIACEAE yellow bracts in fall. ‘Louisae’ illus. hooked spurs are borne in early summer green, divided leaves. Z4–7
p.476. Z14–15 (min. 45–50°F/7–10°F, above mid-green, glaucous-backed leaves A. flabellata. Clump-forming perennial.
Genus of perennials and semievergreen optimum 66°F/19°C) divided into 9 segments. Z4–8 H 4–12in (10–30cm), S 4–6in (10–15cm).
subshrubs, usually grown as annuals, A. bertolonii, syn. A. reuteri. Clump- Bell-shaped, soft blue flowers, each with
flowering from spring to fall. Needs sun APHYLLANTHES forming, compact perennial. H to 12in fluted petals and a short spur, are
and rich, well-drained soil. Deadhead to (30cm), S 4in (10cm). Bell-shaped, blue- produced in summer. Rounded, finely
prolong flowering season. Propagate by ASPARAGACEAE violet flowers with spreading sepals and divided leaves form an open, basal rosette.
seed sown outdoors in late spring or by short, 1⁄2in- (1cm-) long curved spurs are Needs semishade and moist soil. Z4–9.
stem cuttings in early fall or spring. Rust Genus of one species of summer-flowering borne in late spring and early summer var. alba ‘White Jewel’ has white
disease may be a problem with A. majus, perennial. Grow in a sunny, warm, over dark green leaves divided into 9 flowers. ‘Nana Alba’ see A.f. var. pumila
but rust-resistant cultivars are available. sheltered corner, preferably in an alpine segments. Z4–7 f. alba. var. pumila (syn. A. akitensis; illus.
A. asarina. See Asarina procumbens. house, and in well-drained, sandy, peaty A. Biedermeier Group. Short-stemmed, p.226) grows to 6in (15cm) and has deep
A. majus. Erect, short-lived perennial, soil. Resents disturbance. Propagate by compact perennials. H 20in (50cm), S 12in blue and white petals. var. pumila
usually grown as a bedding annual, which seed in fall or spring. (30cm). Almost upward-facing, open-bell- f. alba (syn. A.f. ‘Nana Alba’), H to 4in
branches from the base. Cultivars are A. monspeliensis. Tuft-forming shaped flowers in colors varying from (10cm), is compact and has white flowers.
grown as annuals and are grouped perennial. H 4–10in (10–25cm), sometimes purple-blue to lilac, red, pink or white are A. ‘Florida’ (State Series). Clump-
according to size and flower type: tall, to 16in (40cm), S 4–6in (10–15cm). Star- borne from late spring to midsummer forming, upright perennial. H 30in (75cm),
H 2–3ft (60cm–1m), S 12–18in (30–45cm); shaped, pale to deep blue flowers are above divided, bluish-green foliage. Z4–7 S 12in (30cm). Bears open, bell-shaped,
intermediate, H and S 18in (45cm); dwarf, borne singly or in small groups at tops of A. ‘Bluebird’ (Songbird Series; illus. fluted flowers with long spurs, mid-yellow
H 8–12in (20–30cm), S 12in (30cm); regular wiry, glaucous green stems from early to p.226). Clump-forming, compact perennial. petals and creamy-yellow, spreading sepals,
tubular-shaped (hyacinth-like) flowers; midsummer. Leaves are reduced to red- H 24–28in (60–70cm), S 14–16in (35–40 cm). in late spring and early summer, above
penstemon, trumpet-shaped flowers; brown sheaths surrounding stems. Z9–10 Bears large, open bell-shaped, fluted fernlike, divided, light green leaves. Z4–8
double; and irregular tubular-shaped flowers with white petals, soft, pale violet- A. fragrans. Upright perennial. H 6–16in
flowers. All have lance-shaped leaves and, APONOGETON blue sepals and long, slightly curved spurs (15–40cm), S 6–8in (15–20cm). Nodding,
from spring to fall, carry spikes of usually in late spring and early summer above bell-shaped, fragrant flowers with creamy-
2-lipped, sometimes double, flowers in a APONOGETONACEAE fernlike, divided, mid-green leaves. Z4–9 white petals and bluish- or pinkish-white
variety of colors, including white, pink, Genus of deciduous, perennial, deep-water A. ‘Bunting’ (Songbird Series; illus. sepals and spurs to ¾in (2cm) long are
red, purple, yellow and orange. Z9–11. plants, grown for their floating foliage and p.226). Clump-forming, compact perennial. produced in midsummer above finely
Antiquity Mixed (intermediate, often heavily scented flowers. Requires an H 2ft (60cm), S 12–14in (30–35cm). Open divided bluish-green leaves. Z4–8
penstemon) is branching, producing open, sunny position. Tidy fading foliage bell-shaped, fluted flowers with white, A. ‘Goldfinch’ (Songbird Series). Clump-
scented, bicolored flowers in white and in fall. Propagate by division in spring or blue-flushed petals, violet-blue sepals and forming, compact perennial. H 24–28in
shades of pink, purple and dark red. by seed while still fresh. long spurs are produced in late spring and (60–70cm), S 14in (35cm). Has open bell-
Appeal Series (dwarf, regular) is A. distachyos (Cape pondweed, Water early summer above fernlike, divided, mid- shaped, fluted flowers with bright yellow
compact, with flowers in a wide range of hawthorn) illus. p.435. green leaves. Z4–9 petals, sepals and long spurs in late spring
colors, including some bicolors. ‘Black A. canadensis (Canadian columbine; illus. and early summer above fernlike, divided,
Prince’ illus. p.306. Liberty Classic Aporocactus flagelliformis. See p.226). Clump-forming, leafy perennial. mid-green leaves. Z4–8
Series cultivars (intermediate, regular) Disocactus flagelliformis H 24–36in (60–90cm), S 12in (30cm). In early A. ‘Hensol Harebell’ (illus. p.226).
are free-flowering and rust-resistant; summer, bears semipendent, bell-shaped Clump-forming, compact perennial. H 30in
strong stems carry flowers in colors that APTENIA flowers, with yellow sepals and red spurs, (75cm), S 12in (30cm). In late spring, tall,
include white, yellow, orange, red and several per slender stem, above fernlike, slender stems bear pendent, bell-shaped,
pink. ‘Bronze’ flowers open pink and fade AIZOACEAE dark green foliage. Z3–8 short-spurred, soft blue flowers above
to orange. ‘Liberty Yellow’ illus. p.320. A. ‘Cardinal’ (Songbird Series). Clump- fernlike, divided, pale green leaves. Z4–7
‘Liberty Scarlet’ illus. p.310. Madame Genus of fast-growing, perennial forming, compact perennial. H 20in (50cm), A. jonesii illus. p.368.
Butterfly Series cultivars (tall, double) succulents, with trailing, freely branching S 12–14in (30–35cm). Open bell-shaped, A. karelinii. Clump-forming perennial.
are vigorous, with azalea-like double stems, that form good groundcover. Needs fluted flowers with white petals, deep red- H 8–32in (20–80cm), S 5–12in (12–30cm) .
flowers in a wide range of colors; good for full sun and well-drained soil. Keep dry in pink at the base, dark red sepals and long, Nodding, bell-shaped flowers with violet
cut flowers. ‘Night and Day’ winter. Propagate by seed or stem cuttings curved spurs are borne in late spring and to wine-purple petals, spreading sepals
(intermediate, regular) has dark crimson- in spring or summer. early summer above fernlike, divided, mid- and short, hooked spurs are produced
and-white flowers. Rocket Series (tall, A. cordifolia, syn. Mesembryanthemum green leaves. Z4–8 above the light green, slightly glaucous
regular) are vigorous, with flowers in a cordifolium, illus. p.484. ‘Variegata’ is a A. chrysantha (Yellow columbine; illus.
broad color range; excellent for cut fast-growing, prostrate, perennial p.226). Vigorous, clump-forming perennial. leaves in early summer. Z3–9
flowers. Sonnet Series (intermediate, succulent. H 2in (5cm), S indefinite. Has H 3ft (90cm), S 2ft (60cm). In early summer, A. longissima (illus. p.226). Clump-
regular) are bushy, with flowers in a variety ovate, glossy, bright green leaves, with produces semipendent, bell-shaped, pale forming, leafy perennial. H 24–36in (60–
of colors. Twinny Series (dwarf, creamy-white margins, and small, to bright yellow flowers, with long spurs, 90cm), S 45cm (18cm). Bell-shaped,
semidouble to double) produces large daisylike, bright pink flowers in summer. several per stem. Has fernlike, divided, pale yellow flowers, with very long, bright
flowers that are densely packed on the Z12–15 mid-green leaves. Z3–8. ‘Yellow Queen’ yellow spurs, are borne, several per stem,
stems; colors include white, yellow, pink, has golden-yellow flowers. in early summer, above fernlike, divided,
red and violet. ‘Twinny Appleblossom’ AQUILEGIA A. coerulea (Rocky mountain columbine) mid-green leaves. Z4–9
has pale pink flowers that age to creamy illus. p.226. Upright perennial. H 2ft (60cm), A. ‘Louisiana’. Upright perennial.
white. ‘Twinny Peach’ has orange-pink Columbine S 12in (30cm). Almost upward-facing H to 2ft (60cm) or more, S 14in (35cm).
flowers. flowers, with open-spreading white sepals, Large, upward-facing flowers, with long,
RANUNCULACEAE pale to deep sky-blue petals and long spurs red spurs, red sepals and white petals, are
APHELANDRA are borne from late spring to midsummer borne on branching stems from late spring
Genus of graceful, clump-forming, often above mid-green, divided leaves. Z4–7 to midsummer. Has fernlike, divided, mid-
ACANTHACEAE short-lived perennials, grown for their A. ‘Dove’ (Songbird Series; illus. p.226). green leaves. Z5–9
mainly bell-shaped, spurred flowers in Clump-forming, compact perennial. H 30in A. ‘Mrs. Scott Elliott’. See A. Mrs. Scott
Genus of evergreen shrubs and subshrubs spring and summer. Suitable for rock Elliott Hybrids.
with attractive, showy flowers. Grows best gardens. Prefers an open, sunny site and
in bright light but out of direct sun in well-drained soil. Propagate species by
seed in fall or spring. Selected forms only
A A. Mrs. Scott Elliott Hybrids, syn. A. spurless, deep ruby-red double flowers. sparse, sturdy, prickly stems. H and S 30ft temperatures are low. Propagate by seed
‘Mrs. Scott Elliott’. Clump-forming, leafy ‘William Guiness’ (syn. A.v. ‘Magpie’; (10m). Has large, dark green leaves with in spring at not less than 24°C (75°F).
512 perennials. H 3ft (90cm), S 2ft (60cm). Bell- illus. p.226) has nodding, deep blue-purple numerous ovate, paired leaflets. Billowing Red spider mite may be troublesome.
shaped, long-spurred flowers of various flowers with the tips of the petals white. heads of tiny, white flowers, forming a A. alexandrae (Alexandra palm,
colors, often bicolored, are borne on wiry A. ‘Winky Red-White’ (Winky Series). large panicle, 1–2ft (30–60cm) long, are Northern bungalow palm) illus. p.452.
stems. Divided, fernlike leaves are bluish- Clump-forming, compact perennial. borne in late summer and fall. Z4–9. A. cunninghamiana (Illawarra palm,
green. Z4–7 H 14–20in (35–50cm), S 12in (30cm). Double ‘Albomarginata’ see A.e. ‘Variegata’. Piccabeen palm). Evergreen palm.
A. ‘Origami Yellow’. Upright, compact or semidouble flowers, with a mix of red ‘Aureovariegata’ has leaflets broadly H 50–70ft (15–20m), S 6–15ft (2–5m).
perennial. H to 14in (35cm), S 8–12in (20– and white petals, are borne in late spring edged with yellow. ‘Variegata’ (syn. A.e. Has long, arching, feather-shaped leaves.
30cm). In late spring to midsummer, bears and early summer above divided, fernlike, ‘Albomarginata’) illus. p.93. Mature trees have large clusters of small,
large, upward-facing, butter-yellow flowers pale to mid-green leaves. Z4–8 A. japonica. See Fatsia japonica. lavender or lilac flowers in summer,
with long spurs and spreading sepals. A. ‘Yellow Star’. Upright perennial. A. sieboldii. See Fatsia japonica. followed by large, egg-shaped, red fruits.
Has divided, fernlike, light green H 2ft (60cm), S 12in (30cm). Pendent yellow Z10–11 (min. 50–55°F/10–13°C)
leaves. Z6–10 flowers with creamy yellow spurs, to 2in ARAUCARIA
A. reuteri. See A. bertolonii. (5cm) long, are borne from late spring to ARCTOSTAPHYLOS
A. ‘Robin’ (Songbird Series). Clump- midsummer. Has mid-green leaves divided ARAUCARIACEAE
forming, compact perennial. H 2ft (60cm), into leaflets. Z3–8 See also CONIFERS. Manzanita
S 12in (30cm). Open bell-shaped, fluted A. araucana (Chile pine, Monkey puzzle)
flowers with white petals, pink-flushed at ARABIS illus. p.98. ERICACEAE
the base, dusky pink, spreading sepals and
long spurs are produced in late spring and BRASSICACEAE/CRUCIFERAE ARAUJIA Genus of mostly evergreen trees and
early summer above fernlike, divided, pale shrubs, grown for their foliage, flowers
mid-green leaves. Z4–8 Genus of annuals and mainly evergreen APOCYNACEAE/ASCLEPIADACEAE and fruits. Some are also grown for their
A. rockii. Upright perennial. H 20–32in perennials. Excellent groundcover for a bark, others for groundcover. Provide
(50–80cm), S 12–14in (30–35cm). In late rock garden. Needs sun and well-drained Genus of evergreen, twining climbers with shelter from strong winds. Does best in
spring and early summer, bears nodding soil. Propagate by softwood cuttings in woody stems that exude milky juice when full sun and well-drained, acidic soil.
to semierect, narrowly bell-shaped, deep summer or by seed in fall. cut. Requires sun and fertile, well-drained Propagate by semiripe cuttings in summer
purple flowers with spreading sepals and A. albida. See A. alpina subsp. caucasica. soil. Propagate by seed in spring or by or by seed in fall.
curved spurs, to ¾in (2cm) long, above A. alpina subsp. caucasica, syn. stem cuttings in late summer or early fall. A. ‘Emerald Carpet’ illus. p.147.
mid-green, divided leaves, glaucous A. albida, A. caucasica. Evergreen, mat- A. sericifera (Cruel plant) illus. p.195. A. patula illus. p.144.
beneath. Z6–8 forming perennial. H 6in (15cm), S 20in A. uva-ursi illus. p.376. ‘Point Reyes’
A. scopulorum. Clump-forming (50cm). Bears loose rosettes of obovate, ARBUTUS illus. p.375. ‘Vancouver Jade’ is an
perennial. H 3–6in (8–15cm), S to 4in (10cm). toothed, mid-green leaves and, in late evergreen, trailing, sometimes arching
In summer, bears bell-shaped, fluted, pale spring and summer, fragrant, 4-petaled, ERICACEAE shrub. H 6in (15cm), S 18in (45cm). Has
blue, or rarely pink, flowers, each with a white, occasionally pink, flowers. Good small, ovate, glossy, bright green leaves
cream center and very long spurs. Leaves on a dry bank. Trim back after flowering. Genus of evergreen trees and shrubs, and bears small, urn-shaped, pink flowers
have 9 ovate, glaucous leaflets. Z4–8 Z4–8. ‘Douler Angevine’ illus. p.352. grown for their leaves, clusters of small, in summer. Z2–6
A. ‘Sunburst Ruby’. Clump-forming ‘Flore Pleno’ (syn. A. caucasica ‘Plena’) urn-shaped flowers, ornamental bark and
perennial. H 2ft (60cm), S 12in (30cm). In bears double, white flowers. strawberrylike fruits, which are edible but ARCTOTHECA
late spring and early summer, bears semi- ‘Schneehaube’ is robust and cushion- insipid. Frost hardy, but must be protected
double to double, deep ruby-red, semi- forming. ‘Variegata’ (syn. A. caucasica from strong, cold winds when young. ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE
upright flowers above golden, fernlike, ‘Variegata’) illus. p.347. Prefers a position in full sun and needs
divided leaves. Z4–8 A. blepharophylla. Short-lived, fertile, well-drained soil; A. menziesii Genus of creeping perennials, grown for
A. triternata (illus. p.226). Upright evergreen, mat-forming perennial. H to 5in requires acidic soil. May be propagated their daisylike flower heads. Will survive
perennial. H 8–24in (20–60cm), S 8–12in (12cm), S 8in (20cm). Has loose rosettes of by semiripe cuttings in late summer or by short periods to 23°F (–5°C); usually grown
(20–30cm). Narrowly bell-shaped, nodding ovate, toothed, dark green leaves, with seed sown in fall. as annuals in cold-winter regions. Requires
flowers with short, yellow, sometimes red- hairy, gray margins. Fragrant, 4-petaled, A. andrachne (Grecian strawberry tree). a site in bright light and fertile, well-
flushed petals, red sepals and 1in (25cm) bright pink to white flowers are borne in Evergreen, spreading tree or shrub. drained soil; dislikes humid conditions.
long spurs are produced in early summer spring. Z5–8. ‘Frühlingszauber’ (syn. H and S 20ft (6m). Has ovate, glossy, dark Propagate by seed or division in spring.
above the 3-parted, mid-green leaves. Z3–9 A.b. Spring Charm) illus. p.353. green leaves and peeling, reddish-brown A. calendula, syn. Cryptostemma
A. viridiflora (illus. p.226). Upright, A. caucasica. See A. alpina subsp. bark. Panicles of urn-shaped, white flowers calendulaceum (Cape dandelion), illus.
short-lived perennial. H 8–12in (20–30cm), caucasica.‘Plena’ see A. alpina subsp. in late spring, are followed by orange-red p.476.
S 6–8in (15–20cm). In late spring and early caucasica ‘Flore Pleno’. ‘Variegata’ see fruits. Prefers a sheltered position. Z7–9.
summer, bears fragrant, nodding, bell- A. alpina subsp. caucasica ‘Variegata’. A. x andrachnoides illus. p.79. ARCTOTIS
shaped flowers with purple, chocolate- A. ferdinandi-coburgi ‘Variegata’. A. menziesii (Madroña, Madroñe).
brown or sometimes yellow-green petals See A. procurrens ‘Variegata’. Evergreen, spreading tree. H and S 50ft syn. x VEnIDIOARCTOTIs
with contrasting green sepals and 3⁄4in A. procurrens ‘Variegata’, syn. A. (15m). Has smooth, peeling, reddish bark
(2cm) long spurs above the 3-parted, ferdinandi-coburgi ‘Variegata’, illus. p.375. and ovate, dark green leaves. Large, ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE
mid-green leaves. Often available as upright, terminal panicles of urn-shaped,
A. ‘Chocolate Soldier’. Z4–8 ARALIA white flowers, produced in early summer, Genus of annuals and perennials, grown
A. vulgaris (Granny’s bonnets). Clump- are followed by orange or red fruits. Z7–9 for their flower heads and foliage. Requires
ARALIACEAE A. unedo (Strawberry tree) illus. p.93. full sun and leafy loam with sharp sand
forming, leafy perennial. H 3ft (90cm), ‘Atlantic’ is an evergreen, spreading, added. Propagate by seed in fall or spring
Genus of deciduous and evergreen trees, sometimes shrubby tree. H and S 26ft (8m). or by stem cuttings year-round.
S 18in (45cm). Many funnel-shaped, short- shrubs and perennials, grown for their Has rough, shredding brown bark and A. Harlequin Hybrids, syn.
bold leaves and small, but profuse flowers. ovate, glossy, deep green leaves. Pendent A. x hybrida. Fairly slow-growing, upright,
spurred flowers, in shades of pink, crimson, Requires sun or semishade, some shelter panicles of small white flowers are borne branching perennials, usually grown as
and fertile, well-drained soil. Propagate in fall. Spherical, warty red fruit ripen the annuals. H 18–20in (45–50cm), S 12in
purple and white, are borne, several per those below by seed in fall or by suckers following fall; flowers and fruits freely, (30cm). Lance-shaped, lobed leaves are
or root cuttings in late winter. even on young plants. Z8–9 grayish-green above, white below. In
long stem, in early summer. Gray-green A. cordata (Japanese spikenard, Udo). summer has large, daisylike flower heads
Upright, architectural perennial. H and S ARCHONTOPHOENIX in many shades, including yellow, orange,
leaves are rounded and divided into leaflets. 6–10ft (2–3m). Leaves are divided into bronze, purple, pink, cream and red.
Z3–8. var. alba has white flowers. ovate, finely toothed leaflets. In summer, King palm Z13–15. ‘Bacchus’ has purple flower
‘Magpie’ see A.v. ‘William Guiness’. bears small, white flowers in panicle-like heads; ‘China Rose’ deep pink; ‘Flame’
‘Munstead White’ see A.v. ‘Nivea’. umbels, to 3ft (1m) long, then spherical ARECACEAE/PALMAE brilliant orange-red; ‘Sunshine’
‘Nivea’ (syn. A.v. ‘Munstead White’; illus. black fruits. Z3–9. ‘Sun King’ has bright yellow; ‘Tangerine’ orange-yellow;
golden yellow young leaves in spring. Genus of single-stemmed palms, grown and ‘Torch’ bronze.
p.226) has gray-green leaves and white A. elata (Japanese angelica tree). for their majestic appearance. Needs A. x hybrida. See A. Harlequin Hybrids.
flowers. var. stellata ‘Black Barlow’ Deciduous tree or suckering shrub with full light or partial shade and humus-rich, A. stoechadifolia. See A. venusta.
well-drained soil. Water container A. venusta, syn. A. stoechadifolia
(illus. p.223) bears spurless, deep purple- specimens moderately, less when (African daisy). Compact perennial,
black, double flowers. var. stellata ‘Nora often grown as an annual. H 2ft (60cm),
Barlow’ (illus. p.226) produces double red
flowers, pale green at the tips. var.
stellata ‘Ruby Port’ (illus. p.226) bears
S 16in (40cm). During summer and into ARGYREIA covered with rough, triangular tubercles linear stem-clasping leaves. In summer,
fall, bears daisylike, creamy-white flower each producing a tuft of wool. In fall, bears loose, spikelike panicles of
heads with blue centers. Chrysanthemum- CONVOLVULACEAE bears pink-red flowers, 11⁄2in (4cm) saucer-shaped blue flowers, ¾in (2cm)
like leaves are dark green above, gray across. Z12–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) across. Z9–10
beneath. Z13–15 Genus of evergreen, twining climbers, A. major. See A. capitata.
closely allied to Ipomoea, grown for their ARISAEMA
ARDISIA showy flowers. Needs full light and fertile, ARISTOLOCHIA A
well-drained soil. Water freely in full ARACEAE
PRIMULACEAE/MYRSINACEAE growth, sparingly at other times. Support Birthwort, Dutchman’s pipe
is needed. Thin out previous season’s Genus of rhizomatous or tuberous
Genus of evergreen shrubs and trees, growth in spring. Propagate by seed in perennials, grown for their large, curious, ARISTOLOCHIACEAE
grown for their foliage, flowers and spring or by softwood or greenwood hooded spathes, each enclosing a pencil-
fruits. Needs partial shade and humus- cuttings in summer. Red spider mite and shaped spadix. Forms spikes of fleshy, Genus of evergreen or deciduous
rich, well-drained but not dry soil. Water whitefly may be troublesome. red fruits in fall, before dying down. climbers, occasionally shrubs or scandent
potted plants freely when in full growth, A. nervosa, syn. A. speciosa (Woolly Needs sun or partial shade and moist perennials, grown for their foliage and
moderately at other times. Cut back old morning glory). Evergreen, twining but well-drained humus-rich soil. Plant flowers. Needs partial shade in summer
plants in early spring if required. climber. H 25–30ft (8–10m). Ovate, silver- tubers 6in (15cm) deep in spring. and well-drained soil. Water regularly, less
Propagate by seed in spring or by semiripe backed leaves are 7–11in (18–27cm) long. Propagate by seed in fall or spring when not in full growth. Provide support.
cuttings in summer. In summer–fall, clusters of downy white or by offsets in spring. Cut back previous season’s growth to 2 or
A. crenata, syn. A. crenulata (Coralberry, buds open into funnel-shaped, lavender- A. atrorubens. See A. triphyllum. 3 nodes in spring. Propagate by seed in
Spiceberry), illus. p.456. blue flowers with darker bases. Z13–15 A. candidissimum illus. p.422. spring or semiripe cuttings in summer.
A. crenulata. See A. crenata. (min. 55°F/13°C) A. consanguineum illus. p.393. Red spider mite and whitefly may be a
A. speciosa. See A. nervosa. A. griffithii illus. p.412. problem.
Areca lutescens of gardens. See A. jacquemontii illus. p.412. A. durior. See A. macrophylla.
Dypsis lutescens. ARGYROCYTISUS A. ringens. Early spring-flowering, A. elegans. See A. littoralis.
tuberous perennial. H 12in (30cm), S 4in A. gigas. See A. grandiflora.
Arecastrum romanozoffianum. See FABIACEAE (10cm). Bears 2 erect leaves, each with 3 A. grandiflora, syn. A. gigas (Pelican
Syagrus romanozoffiana. long-pointed lobes, and a widely hooded, flower, Swan flower). Vigorous, evergreen,
Genus of one species of deciduous, green spathe, enclosing the spadix, that woody-stemmed, twining climber. H 22ft
Aregelia carolinae. See Neoregelia erect, multi-stemmed shrub. Due to its has paler green stripes and is edged with (7m) or more. Leaves are broadly ovate,
carolinae. rather lax stems, it is best grown against dark brown-purple. Z6–9 6–10in (15–25cm) long. In summer, bears
a wall, in well-drained soil and in full sun. A. sikokianum illus. p.408. large, unpleasant-smelling, tubular,
ARENARIA Relatively drought tolerant and does not A. tortuosum. Summer-flowering, purple-veined, white flowers, each with a
require feeding. Propagate by seed in tuberous perennial. H to 5ft (1.5m), S 8in long tail and expanding at the mouth into
Sandwort early spring. (20cm). Each dark green-mottled, pale a heart-shaped lip. Z13–15
A. battandieri, syn. Cytisus battandieri green stem bears 2–3 erect leaves, divided A. griffithii, syn. Isotrema griffithii.
CARYOPHYLLACEAE (Moroccan broom, Pineapple broom). into several ovate leaflets. A hooded, Moderately vigorous, evergreen, woody-
Vigorous, upright, treelike deciduous green or purple spathe, with a protruding, stemmed, twining climber. H 15–20ft
Genus of spring- and summer-flowering shrub, spreading with age. H and S 16ft S-shaped spadix, overtops leaves. (5–6m). Deciduous in cold winters. Has
annuals and mainly low-growing (5m). Has palmate, silvery-gray leaves. Produces spikes of attractive, fleshy, red heart-shaped leaves and tubular, dark red
perennials, some of which are evergreen. Dense, upright racemes of pineapple- fruits in fall. Z8–9 flowers, each with an expanded, spreading
Most need sun and well-drained, sandy scented, yellow flowers are borne in mid- A. triphyllum, syn. A. atrorubens lip, in summer. Z10–11 (min. 50°F/10°C)
soil. Propagate by division or softwood to late summer. Tolerates an open but not (Jack-in-the-pulpit), illus. p.406. A. littoralis, syn. A. elegans (Calico
cuttings in early summer or by seed in fall exposed position. Z7–9 flower), illus. p.462.
or spring. ARISARUM A. macrophylla, syn. A. durior, A. sipho
A. balearica illus. p.347. ARGYRODERMA (Dutchman’s pipe), illus. p.204.
A. montana illus. p.360. ARACEAE A. sipho. See A. macrophylla.
A. purpurascens illus. p.351. AIZOACEAE
A. tetraquetra illus. p.348. Genus of rhizomatous or tuberous ARISTOTELIA
Genus of dwarf perennial succulents, perennials, grown mainly for their curious,
ARGEMONE grown for their very fleshy, gray-green hooded spathes enclosing spadices with ELAEOCARPACEAE
leaves united in a prostrate, egg shape. minute flowers. Needs partial shade and
PAPAVERACEAE In summer, daisylike flowers are borne in humus-rich, well-drained soil. Propagate Genus of deciduous and evergreen shrubs
the central split between the leaves. Needs in fall by dividing established clumps of and trees, grown for their foliage. Grow
Genus of vigorous annuals, perennials and full sun and extremely well-drained soil. tubers, which produce offsets freely. both male and female plants to obtain
one shrub. Grow in sun and in very well- Propagate by seed in summer. A. proboscideum (Mouse plant). fruits. Where marginally hardy, protect by
drained soil. Deadhead to prolong the A. aureum. See A. delaetii. Clump-forming, spring-flowering, growing against other shrubs or a sunny
flowering season. Propagate by seed sown A. blandum. See A. delaetii. tuberous perennial. H 6in (15cm), S 10in wall. Needs sun or semishade and fertile,
outdoors in late spring. A. brevipes. See A. fissum. (25cm). Leaves are arrow-shaped and well-drained soil. Propagate by semiripe
A. mexicana (Devil’s fig, Prickly poppy) A. delaetii, syn. A. aureum, A. blandum, prostrate. Produces a spadix of minute cuttings in summer.
illus. p.321. illus. p.488. flowers concealed in a hooded, dark A. chilensis, syn. A. macqui. Evergreen,
A. fissum, syn. A. brevipes, illus. p.491. brown spathe that is drawn out into spreading shrub. H and S 15ft (5m). Leaves
ARGYRANTHEMUM A. pearsonii, syn. A. schlechteri, illus. a tail up to 6in (15cm) long, creating a are ovate, glossy and deep green. Tiny,
p.491. mouselike effect. Z7–9 star-shaped, green flowers are borne in
ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE A. schlechteri. See A. pearsonii. summer, followed by small, spherical,
ARISTEA black fruits. Z9–11. ‘Variegata’ has leaves
Genus of evergreen subshrubs, grown for ARIOCARPUS conspicuously margined with yellow.
their daisylike flowers. Needs full sun and IRIDACEAE A. macqui. See A. chilensis.
moderately fertile, well-drained soil. Living rock
Propagate by semiripe cuttings in summer Genus of evergreen, clump-forming, ARMERIA 513
or root greenwood cuttings in spring. CACTACEAE rhizomatous perennials, grown for their
A. ‘Cornish Gold’ illus. p.319. spikes of blue flowers in spring or summer. PLUMBAGINACEAE
A. frutescens, syn. Chrysanthemum Genus of very slow-growing, perennial Prefers a sunny position and well-drained
frutescens (Marguerite), illus. p.298. cacti with large, swollen roots. Flattened, soil. Established plants cannot be moved Genus of evergreen perennials and,
A. ‘Jamaica Primrose’, syn. spherical, green stems have angular satisfactorily. Propagate by seed in fall occasionally, subshrubs, grown for their
Chrysanthemum frutescens ‘Jamaica tubercles and tufts of wool. Prefers full sun or spring. tuftlike clumps or rosettes of leaves and
Primrose’, illus. p.319. and extremely well-drained, lime-rich soil. A. capitata, syn. A. major, illus. p.393. their flower heads. Needs a position in sun
A. ‘Mary Wootton’, syn. Chrysanthemum Very prone to rotting. Propagate by seed A. ecklonii. Evergreen, robust, clump- and well-drained soil. Propagate by semi-
frutescens ‘Mary Wootton’. Evergreen, in spring or summer. forming rhizomatous perennial. H 3ft (1m), ripe cuttings in summer or by seed in fall.
open subshrub. H and S to 3ft (1m). Has A. fissuratus. Very slow-growing, S 18in (45cm). Has tufts of linear basal A. ‘Bees’ Ruby’, syn. A. pseudarmeria
fernlike, divided, grayish-green foliage. flattened spherical, perennial cactus. leaves, 12–18in (30–45cm) long, and smaller, ‘Bees Ruby’. Evergreen, clump-forming,
In summer, produces daisylike, light pink H 4in (10cm), S to 6in (15cm). Gray stem is dwarf subshrub. H 12in (30cm), S 10in
flower heads, 2in (5cm) across, which fade
almost to white. Z10–11
A. ‘Summer Melody’ illus. p.300.
(25cm). Round heads of many small, ruby- with red anthers, in late spring, are leaves, divided into many linear lobes. (30cm). Has arrow-shaped leaves,
red flowers are produced in summer on followed by red berries. Dark green In summer produces narrow panicles of 10in (25cm) long, with irregular, silver
stiff stems above narrow, grasslike, dark leaves turn red in fall. Z5–9. ‘Erecta’ has small, rounded, yellow flower heads. Z3–8 and white markings over various
green leaves. Z4–7 a neat columnar habit when young, A. lactiflora (White mugwort) illus. shades of green. Bears pale green
A. caespitosa. See A. juniperifolia. broadening with age, and reliable orange- p.216. spathes followed by spikes of bright red
A. juniperifolia, syn. A. caespitosa, illus. red fall color. A. lanata. See A. caucasica. berries. Z7–10
p.352. ‘Bevan’s Variety’ is an evergreen, A. melanocarpa (Black chokeberry) illus. A. ludoviciana. Semievergreen, A. creticum illus. p.407.
densely cushioned subshrub. H and S to p.128. rhizomatous, clump-forming perennial. A. dioscoridis. Spring-flowering,
2in (5cm). Narrow, pointed, mid- to gray- A. x prunifolia. Deciduous, upright H 4ft (1.2m), S 2ft (60cm). Has aromatic, tuberous perennial. H 8–12in (20–30cm),
green leaves form loose rosettes. In late shrub. H 10ft (3m), S 8ft (2.5m). Ovate, lance-shaped, woolly, silvery-gray leaves S 6in (15cm). Has a sail-like, green or
spring and early summer, bears round glossy, dark green leaves redden in fall. with jagged margins. Bears slender plumes purple spathe, blotched dark purple,
heads of small, deep pink flowers. Z4–8 Bears star-shaped, white flowers in late of tiny, grayish-white flower heads in surrounding a blackish-purple spadix.
A. latifolia. See A. pseudarmeria. spring and early summer, followed by summer. Z4–9. ‘Silver Queen’, H 30in Arrow-shaped, semierect leaves emerge
A. maritima (Sea pink, Thrift). Evergreen, spherical, purplish-black fruits. Z5–9 (75cm), has densely white-woolly panicles in fall. Needs a sheltered, sunny site. Z7–9
clump-forming perennial or dwarf of brownish-yellow flower heads from A. dracunculus. See Dracunculus
subshrub. H to 8in (20cm), S to 12in (30cm). ARRHENATHERUM midsummer to fall. ‘Valerie Finnis’ vulgaris.
Leaves are narrow, grasslike and dark illus. p.274. A. italicum. Early summer-flowering,
green. Stiff stems bear round heads of POACEAE/GRAMINEAE A. pedemontana. See A. caucasica. tuberous perennial. H 12in (30cm), S 6in
many small, white to pink flowers in A. pontica (Roman wormwood). Vigorous, (15cm). Has arrow- to spear-shaped, mid-
summer. A good edging plant. Z4–8. See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES upright perennial. H 16–32in (40–80cm), green, white-veined leaves, lasting from
‘Vindictive’ illus. p.365. and SEDGES. S indefinite. Has aromatic, feathery, silver- winter to late spring. Pale greenish white
A. pseudarmeria, syn. A. latifolia, illus. A. elatius (False oat grass). subsp. green foliage and tall spikes of small, spathes are followed by spikes of bright
p.336. ‘Bees Ruby’ see A. ‘Bees Ruby’. bulbosum ‘Variegatum’ is a loosely grayish flower heads in summer. May orange-red berries, which may last until
tuft-forming, herbaceous, perennial grass. spread. Z4–8 new leaves develop. Z7–9. ‘Pictum’ see
ARNEBIA H and S to 12in (30cm). Has a basal stem A. ‘Powis Castle’, syn. A. arborescens A.i. subsp. italicum ‘Marmoratum’. subsp.
swelling, hairless, gray-green leaves, with ‘Brass Band’, illus. p.242. italicum ‘Marmoratum’
BORAGINACEAE white margins, and open panicles of A. schmidtiana. Semievergreen, (syn. A.i. ‘Pictum’) illus. p.421. subsp.
brownish spikelets in summer. Z5–8 hummock-forming perennial with italicum ‘White Winter’, H 6–8in (15–
Genus of annuals and perennials with creeping stems. H 12in (30cm), S to 18in 20cm), is dwarf, with leaves that are
hairy leaves, suitable for rock gardens and ARTEMISIA (45cm). Has fernlike, very finely and deeply heavily marbled with white.
banks. Needs sun and gritty, well-drained cut, silver leaves and, in summer, produces A. pictum. Fall-flowering, tuberous
soil. Propagate by seed in fall, by root Wormwood short racemes of small, rounded, pale perennial. H 6–10in (15–25cm), S 6in
cuttings in winter or by division in spring. yellow flower heads. Good for a large rock (15cm). Arrow-shaped, semierect, glossy
A. echioides. See A. pulchra. ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE garden, wall or bank. Needs sandy, peaty leaves, with cream veins, emerge at same
A. pulchra, syn. A. echioides, Echioides soil. Z5–8. ‘Nana’ illus. p.374. time as cowl-like, deep purple-brown
longiflorum, Macrotomia echioides Genus of annuals, perennials and shrubs, A. splendens. See A. alba ‘Canescens’. spathe and dark purple spadix. Z6–9
(Prophet flower). Clump-forming some evergreen, grown for their fernlike, A. stelleriana. Evergreen, rounded,
perennial. H and S to 12in (30cm). Leaves silvery, sometimes aromatic, foliage. rhizomatous perennial with a woody base. ARUNCUS
Prefers an open, sunny, well-drained site; H 1–2ft (30–60cm), S 2–3ft (60cm–1m).
A are lance-shaped to narrowly ovate, hairy dwarf types benefit from a protective White-haired, silver leaves are deeply ROSACEAE
and light green. In summer produces loose winter covering of sharp grit or gravel. lobed or toothed. Bears slender sprays
racemes of tubular, bright yellow flowers, Trim lightly in spring. Propagate of small, yellow flower heads in summer. Genus of perennials, grown for their
each with 5 spreading lobes and fading by division in spring or fall or by softwood Needs light soil. Z3–7. ‘Boughton Silver’ hummocks of broad, fernlike leaves and
dark spots at petal bases. Z6–8 or semiripe cuttings in summer. (syn. A.s. ‘Mori’, A.s. ‘Silver Brocade’), their plumes of white flowers borne in
A. abrotanum (Lad’s love, Old man, H to 6in (15cm), S 12–18in (30–40cm), is summer. Thrives in full light and any well-
ARNICA Southernwood) illus. p.165. vigorous and arching in habit. ‘Mori’ see drained soil. Propagate by seed in fall or
A. absinthium ‘Lambrook Silver’. A.s. ‘Boughton Silver’. ‘Silver Brocade’ by division in spring or fall.
ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE Evergreen, bushy perennial, woody at see A.s. ‘Boughton Silver’. A. dioicus, syn. A. sylvester (Goat’s
base. H and S to 30in (75cm). Has a mass beard), illus. p.436. ‘Kneiffii’ illus. p.231.
Genus of rhizomatous perennials, grown of finely divided, aromatic, silvery-gray ARTHROPODIUM A. sylvester. See A. dioicus.
for their large, daisylike flower heads. leaves. Produces tiny, insignificant, gray
Suitable for large rock gardens. Prefers flower heads, in long panicles, in summer. ASPARAGACEAE Arundinaria anceps. See Yushania
sun and humus-rich, well-drained soil. Needs protection in an exposed site. Z4–8 anceps.
Propagate by division or seed in spring. A. alba ‘Canescens’, syn. A. canescens, Genus of tufted perennials, grown for
tAll parts may cause severe discomfort A. splendens. Semievergreen, bushy their flowers. Prefers a site against a Arundinaria auricoma. See
if ingested, and contact with sap may perennial. H 18in (45cm), S 12in (30cm). Has sunny, sheltered wall in fertile soil. Pleioblastus viridistriatus.
aggravate skin allergies. delicate, finely cut, curling, silvery-gray Propagate by division in spring or by
A. montana. Tufted, rhizomatous leaves. In summer, bears insignificant, seed in spring or fall. Arundinaria falconeri. See
perennial. H to 20in (50cm), S 12in (30cm). yellow flower heads on erect, silver stems. A. cirratum, syn. A. cirrhatum (Rienga Himalayacalamus falconeri.
Bears narrowly ovate, hairy, gray-green Good groundcover. Z4–8 lily, Rock lily). Branching perennial. H 3ft
leaves and, in summer, solitary daisylike, A. arborescens (Wormwood) illus. p.165. (1m), S 1ft (30cm). Bears sprays of Arundinaria fastuosa. See
golden flower heads, 2in (5cm) across. ‘Brass Band’ see A. ‘Powis Castle’. nodding, shallowly cup-shaped, white Semiarundinaria fastuosa.
Prefers acidic soil. Z5–8 ‘Faith Raven’ is an evergreen, upright flowers on wiry stems in early summer.
shrub. H 4ft (1.2m), S 3ft (1m). Has finely cut, Has a basal tuft of narrowly sword-shaped Arundinaria fortunei. See
514 ARONIA aromatic, silvery-white foliage and bears leaves and fleshy roots. Z8–9 Pleioblastus variegatus.
rounded heads of small, bright yellow A. cirrhatum. See A. cirratum.
Chokeberry flowers in summer and early fall. Z5–9 Arundinaria japonica. See
A. assoana. See A. caucasica. ARUM Pseudosasa japonica.
ROSACEAE A. canescens. See A. alba ‘Canescens’.
A. caucasica, syn. A. assoana, A. lanata, Cuckoo pint, Lords and ladies Arundinaria jaunsarensis. See
Genus of deciduous shrubs, cultivated A. pedemontana. Evergreen or Yushania anceps.
for their flowers, fruits and colorful fall semievergreen, prostrate perennial. H and ARACEAE
foliage. Needs sun (for fall color at its S 12in (30cm). Fernlike foliage is densely Arundinaria murieliae. See Fargesia
best) or semishade and fertile, well-drained covered with silvery-white hairs. Small Genus of tuberous perennials, grown for murieliae.
soil. May be propagated by softwood clusters of small, rounded, yellow flower their leaves and spathes, each enclosing
or semiripe cuttings taken in summer; heads are borne in summer. Suits a rock a pencil-shaped spadix of tiny flowers. Arundinaria nitida. See Fargesia
by seed sown in fall; or by division from garden or wall. Z5–9 Needs sun or partial shade and moist but nitida.
early fall to spring. A. frigida. Semievergreen, mat-forming well-drained soil. Propagate by seed in fall
A. arbutifolia (Red chokeberry; illus. perennial with a woody base. H 12in (30cm) or division in early fall. Arundinaria variegata. See
p.142). Deciduous shrub, upright when in flower, S 12in (30cm) or more. Bears A. ‘Chameleon’. Late-spring-flowering Pleioblastus variegatus.
young, later arching. H 10ft (3m), S 5ft small, fernlike, aromatic, silky, gray-white tuberous perennial. H 16in (40cm), S 12in
(1.5m). Clusters of small, white flowers, ARUNDO
A. donax (Giant reed). Herbaceous,
rhizomatous, perennial grass. H 15ft (5m),
S 5ft (1.5m) or more. Has thick stems that Propagate by tip cuttings or seed in ASPHODELINE (60cm). Has upright, narrow, pointed-ovate
bear broad, floppy, blue-green leaves. spring. tContact with the milky sap may leaves, to 2ft (60cm) long; inconspicuous,
Produces dense, erect panicles of whitish- irritate skin. ASPHODELACEAE/LILIACEAE cream to purple flowers are occasionally
yellow spikelets in summer. Can be grown A. curassavica (Bloodflower). Evergreen, produced on short stalks near soil level.
in moist soil. Z6–9. var. versicolor (syn. bushy, tuberous subshrub. H 3ft (1m), S 2ft Genus of perennials with thick, fleshy Z7–11. ‘Asahi’ has variegated leaves, each
A.d. ‘Variegata’) illus. p.436. ‘Variegata’ (60cm). Has narrowly ovate leaves to 6in roots, grown for their star-shaped flowers. with a narrow, inverted wedge-shaped,
see A.d. var. versicolor. (15cm) long. Umbels of small, but showy, Requires sun and not over-rich soil. white zone extending down the leaf from
5-horned, orange-red flowers with yellow Propagate by division in early spring, the apex. ‘Variegata’ illus. p.277.
ASARINA centers are borne in summer–fall and are taking care not to damage roots, or by A. zongbayi ‘Uan Fat Lady’.
followed by narrowly ovoid, pointed fruits, seed in fall or spring. Evergreen, rhizomatous perennial. H and
PLANTAGINACEAE 3in (8cm) long, with silky seeds. Z9–11 A. liburnica. Clump-forming perennial. S 12in (30cm). Slender leaf stalks bear
(min. 45°F/7°C) H 3ft (1m), S 12in (30cm). Has needlelike, broadly ovate, wavy-margined, bright
Genus of one species of trailing, evergreen A. hallii. Upright, tuberous perennial. blue-green leaves, to 10in (25cm) long, green leaves, 8in (20cm) long, speckled
perennial, grown for its flowers. Hardy to H to 3ft (1m), S 2ft (60cm). Has oblong borne only on the lower part of the flower with greenish-yellow and with a central,
14°F (–10°C), but herbaceous in cold leaves, to 5in (13cm) long. Umbels of small, stems. Produces slender racemes, 6–9in broad, pale stripe. Cup-shaped, purple
regions. Grow in a site with full light in 5-horned, dark pink flowers are borne in (15–22cm) long, of pale yellow flowers in flowers are produced near ground level
any well-drained soil. Propagate by seed summer; tightly packed silky seeds are summer, 2in (5cm) across, with narrowly from late summer to fall. Z11–14
in spring. enclosed in narrowly ovoid fruits, to 6in ovate to lance-shaped bracts, 5⁄8in (1.5cm)
A. barclayana. See Maurandya (15cm) long. Z9–11 long, the petal backs striped green. Z6–9 ASPLENIUM A
barclayana. A. physocarpa. See Gomphocarpus A. lutea (Yellow asphodel) illus. p.227.
A. erubescens. See Lophospermum physocarpus. ASPLENIACEAE
erubescens. A. syriaca. (Common milkweed) Upright, ASPHODELUS
A. procumbens, syn. Antirrhinum tuberous perennial. H to 6ft (2m), S Genus of evergreen or semievergreen
asarina, illus. p.371. indefinite. Has ovate leaves to 8in (20cm) ASPHODELACEAE/LILIACEAE ferns. Plants described prefer partial
long. Bears umbels of small, 5-horned, shade, but A. trichomanes tolerates full
ASARUM purplish-pink flowers on drooping flower Genus of spring- or summer-flowering sun. Grow in any moist soil; containerized
stalks in summer, followed by narrowly annuals and perennials. Requires sun; plants should be grown in potting mix that
syn. HEXAsTyLIs ovoid fruits, to 6in (15cm) long and filled most prefer fertile, well-drained soil. includes chopped sphagnum moss or peat
Wild ginger with silky seeds. Z3–9 A. albus prefers light, well-drained soil. substitute. Regularly remove any fronds
A. tuberosa (Butterflyweed) illus. p.246. Propagate by division in spring or that are fading. Propagate by spores or
ARISTOLOCHIACEAE by seed in fall. bulbils, if produced, in late summer.
ASIMINA A. acaulis. Evergreen, stemless A. bulbiferum (Hen-and-chicken fern,
Genus of rhizomatous perennials, mainly rhizomatous perennial. H to 6in (15cm), Mother spleenwort). Tufted,
evergreen, with pitcher-shaped flowers ANNONACEAE S 8in (20cm). Has rosettes of flat, linear, semievergreen or evergreen fern. H to 28in
under kidney- or heart-shaped leaves. light green leaves, to 8in (20cm) long. (70cm), S 2ft (60cm). Lance-shaped, finely
Good for groundcover, although leaves Genus of deciduous or evergreen shrubs In late winter and early spring, produces divided, dark green fronds produce bulbils
may become damaged in severe weather. and small trees, grown for their foliage racemes of open funnel-shaped, pale pink from which young plants develop. Z9–11
Prefers shade and humus-rich, moist but and flowers. Needs full sun and fertile, or white, green-veined flowers, to 1½in A. bulbiferum of gardens. See
well-drained soil. Propagate by division deep, moist but well-drained soil. (4cm) across, with white bracts. Z9–10 A. x lucrosum.
in spring. Self seeds readily. Propagate by seed in fall or by layering or A. albus (White asphodel) illus. p.230. A. ceterach, syn. Ceterach officinarum
A. caudatum. Evergreen, prostrate, root cuttings in winter. A. fistulosus, syn. A. tenuifolius. (Rusty-back fern), illus. p.293.
rhizomatous perennial. H 6in (15cm), S 12in A. triloba (Pawpaw). Deciduous, open Annual or short-lived perennial. H 18in A. x lucrosum, syn. A. bulbiferum of
(30cm) or more. Heart-shaped, leathery, shrub. H and S 20ft (6m). Large, ovate, mid- (45cm), S 8in (20cm). Has a dense, basal gardens, illus. p. 478.
glossy, dark green leaves, 2–4in (5–10cm) green leaves emerge in late spring or early clump of narrow, cylindrical, keeled, A. nidus (Bird’s-nest fern) illus. p.479.
across, conceal small, pitcher-shaped, summer, just after, or at the same time as, mid-green leaves, to 14in (35cm) long. A. scolopendrium, syn. Phyllitis
reddish-brown or brownish-purple flowers, 6-petaled, purplish-brown flowers. Later it In mid- and late summer, hollow, often scolopendrium, Scolopendrium vulgare,
with tail-like lobes, in early summer. Z7–9 produces small, globular, brownish, edible branched stems bear panicles of star- (Hart’s-tongue fern), illus. p.292.
A. europaeum (Asarabacca) illus. p.375. fruits. Z6–8 shaped, pinkish white flowers, to 1in Crispum Group illus. p.292. Cristatum
A. hartwegii, syn. A. marmoratum. (25cm) across, with brown central veins, Group cultivars are terrestrial evergreen
Evergreen, prostrate, rhizomatous ASPARAGUS amid white bracts. Z6–10 ferns. H 2ft (60cm), S 32in (80cm). Produce
perennial. H 3in (8cm), S to 12in (30cm) or A. tenuifolius. See A. fistulosus. irregular, shuttlecock-like crowns of strap-
more. Pitcher-shaped, very dark brown, ASPARAGACEAE/LILIACEAE shaped, leathery, glossy, bright green
almost black, flowers, with tail-like lobes, ASPIDISTRA fronds, to 16in (40cm) long, heart-shaped
are produced in early summer beneath Genus of perennials, climbers and at the bases, often with wavy margins, and
heart-shaped, silver-marked, mid-green subshrubs, some of which are evergreen, ASPARAGACEAE crested at the tips; fronds
leaves, 2–4in (5–10cm) across. Z2–8 grown for their foliage. Grow in partial are fertile. Z5–9
A. marmoratum. See A. hartwegii. shade or bright light, but not direct sun, Genus of evergreen, rhizomatous A. trichomanes (Maiden-hair
A. splendens. Evergreen, prostrate, in any fertile, well-drained soil. Propagate perennials, grown mainly for their glossy spleenwort) illus. p.291.
rhizomatous perennial. H 4in (10cm), by seed or division in spring. foliage. Very tolerant, but is best grown in
S 8in (20cm) or more. Bears solitary, A. densiflorus illus. p.474. ‘Myersii’ a cool, shady position away from direct ASTELIA 515
broadly heart-shaped to nearly arrow- (syn. A. meyeri, A. ‘Myers’; Foxtail fern) sunlight and in well-drained soil. Water
shaped, often white-blotched, dull-green illus. p.474. frequently when in full growth, less at ASTELIACEAE
leaves, to 4in (10cm) long. In spring, A. meyeri. See A. densiflorus ‘Myersii’. other times. Propagate by division of
produces bell-shaped, dark purple-green A. ‘Myers’. See A. densiflorus ‘Myersii’. rhizomes in spring. Genus of clump-forming evergreen
flowers, to 1¼in (3cm) long, with broad, A. scandens illus. p.463. A. attenuata. Evergreen, rhizomatous perennials, grown mainly for their
ovate lobes, to ¾in (2cm) long. Z5–9 perennial. H 36in (1m), S 20in (50cm) or attractive, arching foliage. Prefers full
ASPERULA more. Has long-stalked, pointed, elliptic, sun or semishade and fertile soil that does
ASCLEPIAS yellow-spotted, glossy, deep green leaves, not dry out readily. Propagate by division
RUBIACEAE 18–20in (45–50cm) long. Small, urn-shaped in spring.
Silk weed red and yellow flowers are produced at A. chathamica illus. p.242.
Genus of annuals, perennials and dwarf ground level in spring or fall. Z10–13 A. nervosa. Clump-forming perennial.
APOCYNACEAE/ASCLEPIADACEAE shrubs; some species are good as alpine A. daibuensis. Evergreen, rhizomatous H 2ft (60cm), S to 6ft (2m). Produces long,
Genus of tuberous perennials and a few houseplants. Most species need sun and perennial. H 36in (1m), S 20in (50cm) or sword-shaped, arching leaves, usually 2ft
subshrubs or shrubs, some of which are well-drained soil with moisture at roots. more. Produces lance-shaped, yellow- (60cm) long, green and silver-woolly
evergreen, grown for their flowers. Dislikes winter wet on crown. Propagate spotted, glossy, deep green leaves, 16–24in above, bronze to white and scaly beneath,
Stems exude milky, white latex when cut. by softwood cuttings or seed in early (40–60cm) long. Cup-shaped, yellow with green midribs. In summer, bears
Where marginally hardy, prefers a summer. flowers are borne near ground level, in graceful, branching panicles of small,
position in sun and a humus-rich, well- A. athoa of gardens. See A. suberosa. summer–fall. Z10–13 star-shaped, pale brown flowers. Z8–9
drained soil. Propagate by division or A. odorata. See Galium odoratum. A. elatior (Cast-iron plant). Evergreen,
seed in spring. Frost tender species A. suberosa, syn. A. athoa of gardens, rhizomatous perennial. H and S to 2ft
require sun and a moist atmosphere; cut illus. p.362.
back during periods of growth. Water
very sparingly in low temperatures.
A ASTER A. ‘Photograph’. See Symphyotrichum fade to cream. Leaves are ovate, sharply A. ‘Fanal’ illus. p.439.
‘Photograph’. divided, glossy and bright green. Less A. ‘Feuer’, syn. A. Fire (x arendsii hybrid;
516 Michaelmas daisy A. pilosus var. demotus. See vigorous than many taller cultivars. Z3–8 illus. p.232). Clump-forming perennial.
Symphyotrichum pilosum var. pringlei. A. ‘Bressingham Beauty’. Leafy, clump- H and S 3ft (1m). Conical plumes of tiny,
ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE A. sedifolius. See Galatella sedifolia. forming perennial. H 3ft (90cm), S 2ft star-shaped, rich purplish-red flowers are
A. ‘Sunhelene’. See Symphyotrichum (60cm). In summer bears feathery, tapering borne in early summer above ovate, sharply
Genus of annuals, biennials, perennials ‘Sunhelene’. panicles of small, star-shaped, rich pink divided, glossy, bright green leaves. Z3–8
and subshrubs, grown for their daisylike A. thomsonii. Upright perennial. flowers on strong stems. Broad leaves are A. Fire. See A. ‘Feuer’.
flower heads. Prefers sun or partial H 24–30in (60–70cm), S 20in (50cm). divided into oblong to ovate, toothed A. glaberrima var. saxatilis. Mound-
shade and fertile, well-drained soil, with Produces long-petaled, pale lilac flower leaflets. Z3–8 forming perennial. H to 3in (8cm), S 6in
adequate moisture all summer. Tall asters heads, freely in fall. Leaves are slightly A. Bridal Veil. See A. ‘Brautschleier’. (15cm). In summer, produces tiny, star-
require staking. Propagate by softwood heart-shaped. Z4–8. ‘Nanus’ is more A. ‘Bronce Elegans’ (simplicifolia shaped, white-tipped, mauve flowers in
cuttings in spring or by division in compact, H 18in (45cm), S 10in (25cm). hybrid). Compact, clump-forming short spikes. Ovate, sharply divided,
spring or fall. A. tongolensis. Mat-forming perennial. perennial. H 12in (30cm), S 10in (25cm). glossy, deeply toothed, dark green leaves
A. acris. See Galatella sedifolia. H 18in (45cm), S 12in (30cm). Large, Pyramidal, slightly drooping panicles of are tinted red underneath. Thrives in
A. albescens, syn. Microglossa albescens. lavender-blue flower heads, with orange tiny, star-shaped, purplish-pink flowers are consistently moist soil. Z3–8
Deciduous, upright, slender-stemmed centers, are borne singly in early summer. borne in late summer on reddish stems. A. ‘Granat’ (illus. p.232). Clump-forming,
subshrub. H 4ft (1.2m), S 6ft (2m). Has Has lance-shaped, hairy, dark green Ovate, sharply divided, dark green leaves leafy perennial. H 2ft (60cm), S 18in (45cm).
narrowly lance-shaped, gray-green leaves leaves. Z4–8 slowly turn to reddish-purple. Z4–8 Produces pyramidal trusses of tiny, star-
and produces flattish sprays of lavender- A. tradescantii of gardens. See A. ‘Bumalda’ (x arendsii hybrid). Clump- shaped, deep red flowers in summer above
blue flower heads, with yellow centers, in Symphyotrichum pilosum var. pringlei. forming perennial. H and S 30in (75cm). broad, bronze-flushed, rich green leaves,
midsummer. Z7–10 A. turbinellus. See Tiny, star-shaped, bright white flowers are which are divided into oblong to ovate,
A. alpinus illus. p.367. ‘Dark Beauty’ Symphyotrichum turbinellum. borne in open panicles in midsummer. Has toothed leaflets. Z4–8
see A.a. ‘Dunkle Schöne’. ‘Dunkle Schöne’ more or less ovate, jaggedly toothed, red- A. ‘Irrlicht’ (illus. p.232). Leafy perennial.
(syn. A.a. ‘Dark Beauty’) is a clump- ASTERANTHERA tinted, bronze leaves. Z4–8 H and S 20in (50cm). Bears tapering,
forming perennial. H 10in (25cm), S 18in A. chinensis var. pumila. Clump- feathery plumes of tiny, white flowers in
(45cm). Leaves are lance-shaped and dark GESNERIACEAE forming perennial. H to 10in (25cm), S to summer. Foliage is dark green and flowers
green. Deep purple flower heads are borne 8in (20cm). Lower two-thirds of flower stem remain on the plant, dried and brown, well
from mid- to late summer. Suitable for a Genus of one species of evergreen, bears deeply dissected, coarse, toothed, into winter. Z4–9
rock garden. Z4–8 climbing or creeping shrub. May be grown hairy, dark green leaves. Dense, fluffy A. ‘Köln’ (japonica hybrid). Clump-
A. amelloides. See Felicia amelloides. up mossy tree trunks, trained against walls spikes of tiny, star-shaped, deep raspberry- forming perennial. H 2ft (60cm), S 18in
A. amellus ‘King George’ illus. p.250. or used as groundcover. Needs a dampish, red flowers are produced in summer. (45cm). Panicles of tiny, star-shaped, deep
‘Mauve Beauty’ is a bushy perennial. semishaded position and neutral to slightly Good for a shaded, moist rock garden. pink flowers are borne in midsummer.
H and S 20in (50cm). In fall, bears clusters acidic soil. Propagate by tip cuttings in Z4–8. var. taquetii ‘Purpurlanze’ (syn. Ovate, sharply divided, dark green leaves
of large, terminal, daisylike, violet flower summer or by stem cuttings in late A. ‘Purple Lance’, A. ‘Purpurlanze’) is tall are tinted bronze or deep red. Z4–8
heads with yellow centers. Leaves are summer or early fall. and vigorous. H 4ft (1.2m), S 3ft (90cm). A. ‘Montgomery’ (illus. p.232). Leafy
lance-shaped, coarse and mid-green. A. ovata. Evergreen, root climber with Has panicles of purple-red flowers over perennial. H to 28in (70cm), S 18in (45cm).
‘Nocturne’, H 30in (75cm), has deep lilac stems covered in white hairs. H to 12ft mid-green foliage in late summer and Bears tapering, feathery plumes of tiny,
flower heads with yellow centers. (4m). Has small, oblong, toothed leaves. early fall. Tolerates drier conditions than deep salmon-red flowers in summer.
‘Rudolph Goethe’ has large, violet-blue Tubular, reddish-pink flowers, 2–21⁄2in most cultivars. var. taquetii ‘Superba’, Foliage is broad and divided into leaflets;
flower heads. ‘Sonia’ has pink flower (5–6cm) long, often with yellow-striped, H and S 41⁄2ft (1.3m), is vigorous, with flowers, brown when dried, remain on
heads. ‘Veilchenkönigin’ (syn. lower lips, are borne singly or in pairs in narrow, upright spikes of vivid magenta- the plant well into winter. Z3–8
A.a. ‘Violet Queen’; illus. p.249) has deep leaf axils in summer. Z8–9 purple flowers. ‘Vision in Red’, H 28in A. ‘Ostrich Plume’. See A.
violet flower heads. ‘Violet Queen’ see (70cm), S 26in (65cm), is vigorous and ‘Straussenfeder’.
A.a. ‘Veilchenkönigin’. Z5–8 ASTILBE upright. Has very dark, slightly metallic A. ‘Perkeo’. See A. x crispa ‘Perkeo’.
A. capensis. See Felicia amelloides. green leaves and strong, dark purple stems A ‘Professor van der Wielen’
A. coelestis. See Felicia amelloides. SAXIFRAGACEAE and leaf stalks bearing purple flowers. (thunbergii hybrid). Clump-forming
A. ‘Coombe Fishacre’. See A. x crispa ‘Perkeo’, syn. A. ‘Perkeo’, perennial. H 4ft (1.2m), S to 3ft (1m).
Symphyotrichum ‘Coombe Fishacre’. Genus of summer-flowering, rhizomatous illus. p. 339. Arching sprays of tiny, star-shaped, pure
A. cordifolius ‘Silver Spray’. See perennials, grown for their panicles of A. ‘Deutschland’ (japonica hybrid; illus. white flowers are borne in early summer
Symphyotrichum cordifolium ‘Silver Spray’. flowers that remain handsome even when p.232). Robust, slow-spreading, clump- above ovate, sharply divided, fresh green
A. diffusus. See dried brown in winter. Suitable for borders forming, early flowering perennial. H 20in leaves. Z4–8
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum. and rock gardens. Most need partial (50cm), S 12in (30cm). Has ovate, sharply A ‘Purple Lance’. See A. chinensis var.
A. divaricatus. See Eurybia divaricata. shade, and a rich, moist soil. Leave divided, bright green leaves. Slightly taquetii ‘Purpurlanze’.
A. ericoides. See undisturbed if possible, and give a spring arching panicles of tiny, star-shaped, white A ‘Purpurlanze’. See A. chinensis var.
Symphyotrichum ericoides. mulch of well-rotted compost. Propagate flowers are borne in late spring. Z4–9 taquetii ‘Purpurlanze’.
A. x frikartii ‘Mönch’. Bushy species by seed sown in fall, others by A. ‘Düsseldorf’ (japonica hybrid). Tightly A. ‘Rheinland’ (japonica hybrid).
perennial. H 28in (70cm), S 18in (45cm). division in spring or fall. clump-forming perennial. H 2ft (60cm), Clump-forming perennial. H 20in (50cm),
Daisylike, single, soft lavender-blue flower A. ‘Amethyst’ (x arendsii hybrid; illus. S 18in (45cm). Bears neat, regular panicles S 18in (45cm). Compact, conical, upright
heads with yellowish-green centers are p.232). Clump-forming perennial. H and of tiny, star-shaped, salmon-pink flowers panicles of tiny, star-shaped, deep pink
borne continuously from midsummer to S to 3ft (1m). Tiny, star-shaped, vivid in midsummer above ovate, sharply flowers are produced in early and mid-
late fall. Leaves are ovate and rough. purple flowers are borne in long, rather divided, slightly bronze- or deep-red summer above conspicuously divided,
May need staking. Z5–8. ‘Wunder von open, slightly arching panicles in tinted, dark green leaves. Z4–8 mid-green leaves. Z4–8
Stäfa’ (illus. p.249) is similar but has midsummer above sharply divided, A. ‘Eliblo’. See A. elizaBeth Bloom. A. simplicifolia. Compact, dainty, mid-
lavender flowers. matte, dark green leaves. Good at the A. elizaBeth Bloom (‘Eliblo’) (x arendsii to late summer-flowering perennial.
A. ‘Kylie’. See Symphyotrichum ‘Kylie’. back of a border. Z4–8 hybrid). Vigorous, clump-forming perennial. H 8–12in (20–30cm), S 8in (20cm). Has basal
A. laevis. See Symphyotrichum laeve. A. ‘Beauty of Ernst’ (x arendsii hybrid). H 32in (80cm), S 2ft (60cm). Ovate, densely rosettes of ovate, mid-green leaves, which
A. lateriflorus. See Clump-forming perennial. H 10–12in (25– packed panicles of tiny, star-shaped, pale can be lobed or dissected, and arching
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum. 30cm), S 18in (45cm). Compact, ovate, purplish-pink flowers are borne in sprays of tiny white flowers. Z4–8
A. linosyris. See Galatella linosyris. sharply divided, vivid green leaves become midsummer. Has ovate, sharply divided, A. ‘Sprite’ (illus. p.232). Clump-forming,
A. ‘Little Carlow'. See Symphyotrichum increasingly tinted wine-red and purple, glossy, dark green leaves. Z4–8 dwarf, leafy perennial. H 20in (50cm), S to
‘Little Carlow’. then develop fiery fall colors. Tiny, star- A. ‘Europa’ (japonica hybrid; illus. p.232). 3ft (1m). Has feathery, tapering panicles
A. novae-angliae ‘Andenken an Alma shaped, pale pink flowers, maturing to Early-flowering, clump-forming perennial. of tiny, star-shaped, shell-pink flowers in
Pötschke’. See Symphyotrichum novae- apricot, are borne in open sprays in early H 2ft (60cm), S 18in (45cm). In early summer summer, borne above broad leaves divided
angliae ‘Andenken an Alma Pötschke’. summer. Z4–8 bears tiny, star-shaped, unusually broad- into narrowly ovate, toothed leaflets. Z4–8
‘Autumn Snow’ see S.n-a. ‘Herbstschnee’. A. ‘Brautschleier’, syn. A. Bridal petaled, pale purplish-pink flowers in A. ‘Straussenfeder’, syn A. ‘Ostrich
A. novi-belgii ‘Apple Blossom’. See Veil (x arendsii hybrid). Clump-forming dense panicles. Has ovate, sharply divided, Plume’ (illus. p.232). Leafy perennial. H 3ft
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii ‘Apple perennial. H and S 30in (75cm). Plumes of glossy, mid-green leaves. Z3–8 (90cm), S 2ft (60cm). Arching, feathery,
Blossom’. tiny, star-shaped, white flowers open in
midsummer from bright green buds then
tapering plumes of tiny, coral-pink flowers H 3–4in (8–10cm), S 4in (10cm). Spineless AUBRIETA and well-drained soil. Propagate by soft- A
are borne in summer above divided leaves; stem has about 8 low ribs bearing small, or greenwood cuttings in early summer or
dry, brown flowers remain on plant well tufted areoles. Produces bright yellow BRASSICACEAE/CRUCIFERAE by seed in fall.
into winter. Z3–8 flowers, to 21⁄2in (6cm) across, in summer. A. saxatilis, syn. Alyssum saxatile (Gold
A. ‘Venus’ illus. p.234. Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) Genus of evergreen, trailing and mound- dust), illus. p.335. ‘Citrina’ illus. p.335.
A. ‘Willie Buchanan’ (simplicifolia A. myriostigma, syn. Echinocactus forming perennials. Useful on dry banks, ‘Dudley Nevill’ is an evergreen, clump-
hybrid). Clump-forming perennial. myriostigma (Bishop’s cap), illus. p.494. walls and in rock gardens. Thrives in a forming perennial. H 9in (23cm), S 12in
H 8–12in (20–30cm), S 8in (20cm). Has neat A. ornatum, syn. Echinocactus ornatus, sunny position in any well-drained soil. To (30cm). Has ovate, hairy, gray-green leaves
clumps of divided, red- or bronze-tinted, illus. p.495. maintain a compact shape, cut back hard and, in late spring and early summer,
green leaves. Bears loose, conical sprays after flowering. Propagate by greenwood racemes of many small, 4-petaled, buff-
of tiny, star-shaped, pale pink flowers, Asystasia bella. See Mackaya bella. cuttings in summer or semiripe cuttings in yellow flowers.
with white petals, in mid- and late late summer or fall. ‘Variegata’ illus. p.335. Z4–8
summer. Z4–8 ATHROTAXIS A. ‘Carnival’. See A. ‘Hartswood Purple’.
A. x cultorum ‘Argenteovariegata’ AUSTROCEDRUS
Genus of conifers with awl-shaped leaves A. ‘Doctor Mules’. Vigorous, mound- CUPRESSACEAE
SAXIFRAGACEAE that clasp stems. See also CONIFERS. forming, evergreen perennial. H 2–3in
A. selaginoides (King William pine). (5–8cm), S 12in (30cm). Has rounded, Genus of conifers with flattish sprays of
A genus of a single species of perennial Irregularly conical conifer. H 50–100ft (15– toothed, soft green leaves and bears short scalelike leaves. See also CONIFERS.
grown for interesting foliage that turns 30m) or more, S 12–25ft (4–8m). Has tiny, spikes of large, single, rich purple flowers A. chilensis, syn. Libocedrus chilensis
reddish in fall, requiring a semishaded, thick-textured, loosely overlapping, dark in spring. Z5–7 (Chilean incense cedar), illus. p.100.
moist, but well drained position. Propagate green leaves and insignificant, globular A. ‘Doctor Mules Variegata’ illus. p.354.
by division or seed sown in fall. cones. Z8–9 A. gracilis ‘Kitte Rose’. Mat-forming Avena candida. See Helictotrichon
A. tabularis, syn. Rodgersia tabularis, perennial. H 2in (5cm), S to 2ft (60cm) or sempervirens.
illus. p.435. ATHYRIUM more. Has mid-green leaves and bears
single, round, purple flowers with a white Avena sempervirens. See
ASTRANTIA WOODSIACEAE/ATHYRIACEAE center in spring. Z5–9 Helictotrichon sempervirens.
A. ‘Greencourt Purple’ illus. p.354.
Masterwort Genus of deciduous ferns. Needs shade A. ‘Hartswood Purple’, syn. A. AZARA
and humus-rich, moist soil. Remove ‘Carnival’. Vigorous, evergreen, mound-
APIACEAE/UMBELLIFERAE fading fronds regularly. Propagate by forming perennial. H 4in (10cm), S 12in SALICACEAE
spores in late summer or by division in (30cm). Has small, soft green leaves and
Genus of perennials, widely used in flower fall or winter. produces many short spikes of large, Genus of evergreen shrubs and small
arrangements. Requires sun or semishade A. filix-femina (Lady fern). Deciduous single, violet-purple flowers in spring. Z5–7 trees, grown for their foliage and also for
and well-drained soil. Propagate by fern. H 2–4ft (60cm–1.2m), S 1–3ft (30cm– A. ‘Joy’ illus. p.353. their yellow flowers, which comprise a
division in spring or by seed when fresh, 1m). Dainty, lance-shaped, much-divided, A. ‘Purple Charm’ illus. p.355. mass of stamens. Where marginally hardy,
in late summer. arching fronds are pale green. Has very A. ‘Swan Red’. Mat-forming perennial. plants are best grown against a south- or
A. ‘Hadspen Blood’. Clump-forming variable frond dissection. Z4–9 H 2in (5cm), S to 2ft (60cm) or more. Has west-facing wall. Grows in sun or shade,
perennial. H to 3ft (90cm), S 18in (45cm). A. ‘Ghost’ illus. p.290. white-margined, mid-green leaves, and and in fertile, well-drained soil. Propagate
In early and mid-summer, produces small, A. goeringianum. See A. niponicum. narrow-petaled flowers in spring that by semiripe cuttings in summer.
dark red flowers surrounded by dark red A. niponicum, syn. A. goeringianum. open pink and age to dark magenta. Z5–9 A. lanceolata. Evergreen, bushy shrub
bracts above deeply lobed leaves. Z7–10 var. pictum ‘Burgundy Lace’ illus. or spreading tree. H and S 15ft (5m). Has
A. major. Clump-forming perennial. p.290. var. pictum ‘Silver Falls’ is a AUCUBA narrowly ovate, sharply toothed, bright
H 12–36in (30–90cm), S 18in (45cm). Bears deciduous fern. H 20in (50cm), S 16in green leaves. Has small, rounded clusters
greenish-white, sometimes pink-tinged (40cm). Has triangular, pale green fronds GARRYACEAE of pale yellow flowers in late spring or
flower heads in summer–fall above a dense heavily suffused with silvery gray, and early summer. Z8–10
mass of divided, mid-green leaves. Z4–7. with dull pink midribs. Z6–10 Genus of evergreen shrubs, grown for A. microphylla illus. p.118. ‘Variegata’
subsp. carinthiaca see A.m. subsp. A. nipponicum. See A. niponicum. their foliage and fruits. To obtain fruits, illus. p.119.
involucrata. subsp. involucrata (syn. A. otophorum. Semievergreen fern. grow both male and female plants. A. serrata illus. p.195.
A.m. subsp. carinthiaca) has pink-tinged H and S to 30in (75cm). Has arching, Tolerates full sun through to dense shade.
flower heads with long bracts throughout broadly ovate, mid-green or purple-tinged, Grow in any but water- logged soil. To AZORELLA
summer. subsp. involucrata ‘Margery divided fronds, 18–30in (45–75cm) long. restrict growth, cut old shoots back hard
Fish’ see A.m. subsp. involucrata Stalk and midrib are a contrasting deep in spring. Propagate by semiripe cuttings APIACEAE/UMBELLIFERAE
‘Shaggy’. subsp. involucrata ‘Shaggy’ wine-purple. Z5–8. var. okanum differs taken in summer.
(syn. A.m. ‘Margery Fish’), has flower from the species in its pinnae, with stalks A. japonica. Evergreen, dense, bushy Genus of evergreen, tufted or spreading
heads with very long bracts with prominent 1⁄16–1⁄8in (2–3mm) long, rather than nearly shrub. H and S 10ft (3m). Has sturdy, green perennials, grown for their flowers and
green tips, and deeply cut leaves. subsp. sessile. Z6–10 shoots and glossy, dark green leaves. neat, rosetted foliage. Useful as an
involucrata ‘Sunningdale Variegated’ Small, purplish flowers in midspring are alpine houseplant. Thrives in full light and
(syn. A.m. ‘Variegata’) has pale pink bracts ATRIPLEX followed on female plants by rounded to well-drained soil. Propagate by division
and attractive leaves unevenly margined egg-shaped, bright red berries. Z6–10. in spring.
creamy yellow. ‘Ruby Wedding’ illus. AMARANTHACEAE ‘Crotonifolia’, H and S 6ft (2m), is female, A. nivalis. See A. trifurcata.
p.238. ‘Variegata’ see A.m. subsp. with leaves heavily mottled yellow. A. trifurcata, syn. A. nivalis, illus. p.376.
involucrata ‘Sunningdate Variegated’. Genus of annuals, perennials and ‘Golden King’, is female, with striking
‘Venice’ is vigorous, with deep pinkish- evergreen or semievergreen shrubs and yellow-speckled leaves. f. longifolia AZORINA
red flowers. subshrubs, grown for their foliage. Grows ‘Salicifolia’ is female, with slender, dark
A. maxima illus. p.278. well in coastal areas. Needs full sun and green leaves. PePPer Pot (‘Shilpot’), 4ft CAMPANULACEAE
A. ‘Roma’ illus. p.278. well-drained soil. Propagate by softwood (1.2m), is a compact, male form with glossy
cuttings taken in summer or by seed green, coarsely toothed leaves, heavily Genus of one species of erect, evergreen
ASTROPHYTUM sown in fall. spotted with tiny, yellow dots. ‘Rozannie’, shrub with bell-shaped flowers. Needs full
A. halimus (Tree purslane). Semi- H 3ft (1m), is compact, with broadly elliptic, light and fertile, moist but well-drained
CACTACEAE evergreen, bushy shrub. H 6ft (2m), dark green leaves and bisexual flowers. soil. Propagate by seed in spring or by
S 8ft (2.5m). Ovate leaves are silvery gray. softwood or semiripe cuttings in summer.
Genus of slow-growing, perennial cacti, Produces flowers very rarely. Z7–9 AURINIA A. vidalii, syn. Campanula vidalii, illus.
grown for their freely produced, flattish, A. hortensis var. rubra (Red mountain p.453.
yellow flowers, some with red centers. spinach, Red orach). Fast-growing, erect BRASSICACEAE/CRUCIFERAE
Prefers sun and very well-drained,alkaline annual. H 4ft (1.2m), S 1ft (30cm). Azureocereus hertlingianus. See
soil. Allow to dry out in winter. Prone to Triangular, deep red leaves, to 6in (15cm) Genus of biennials or evergreen Browningia hertlingiana.
rot if wet. Propagate by seed sown in long, are edible. Bears insignificant perennials, grown for their gray-green
spring or summer. flowers in summer. Z7–9 foliage and showy flower sprays. Good for 517
A. asterias, syn. Echinocactus asterias rock gardens, walls and banks. Needs sun
(Sea urchin, Silver dollar cactus). Slow-
growing, slightly domed, perennial cactus.
BABIANA BANKSIA Barosma pulchella. See Agathosma climbing. H 6–10ft (2–3m), S 3–10ft (1–3m).
pulchella. Has 2-lobed leaves and, in summer, bears
B PROTEACEAE fragrant, bright brick-red flowers. Z13–15
Bartonia aurea. See Mentzelia lindleyi. (min. 45°F/7°C)
BABIANA Genus of evergreen shrubs and trees, B. punctata. See B. galpinii.
grown for their flowers and foliage. BARTLETTINA B. variegata illus. p.450. ‘Candida’ is
IRIDACEAE Requires full light and sharply drained, a deciduous tree, rounded when young,
sandy soil that contains few phosphates ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE spreading with age. H 6ft (2m), S 10ft (3m).
Genus of mainly spring-flowering or nitrates. Water containerized plants Has broadly ovate, deeply notched leaves
cormous perennials with lance-shaped moderately when in full growth, sparingly Genus of small evergreen trees and shrubs, and fragrant, pure white flowers, 4in
leaves, valued for their brightly colored, at other times. Freely ventilate plants grown mainly for their flowers, some also (10cm) across, in winter–spring or
funnel-shaped flowers, which are grown under glass. Propagate by seed for their architectural foliage. Needs full sometimes later. Z13–15 (min. 45°F/7°C)
somewhat like freesias. Requires a in spring. light or partial shade. Will grow in any
position in sun and well-drained soil. B. baxteri. Evergreen, spreading, open conditions, although most species prefer BEAUCARNEA
Propagate in fall by seed or natural shrub. H and S 6–10ft (2–3m). Leathery, moist but well-drained soil. Water
division of corms. mid-green leaves are strap-shaped, cut containerized plants freely when in full ASPARAGACEAE
B. disticha. See B. fragrans. from the midrib into triangular, sharply growth, moderately at other times. Prune
B. fragrans, syn. B. disticha, B. plicata. pointed lobes. Produces dense, spherical shrubs lightly after flowering or in spring. Genus of evergreen shrubs and trees,
Spring-flowering corm. H 4–8in (10–20cm), heads of small, tubular, yellow flowers Propagate by seed in spring; can be grown mainly for their intriguing
S 2–3in (5–8cm). Has a fan of hairy, erect, in summer. Z10–11 propagated by softwood or greenwood overall appearance. Needs full light and
basal leaves and short spikes of scented B. coccinea illus. p.456. cuttings in summer. Red spider mite and sharply drained, fertile soil; tolerates
violet-blue flowers, with yellow-patched B. ericifolia (Heath banksia). Evergreen, whitefly may be troublesome. drought conditions. Water container
petals. Z13–15 (min. 41°F/5°C) irregularly rounded, wiry, freely branching B. sordida, syn. Eupatorium ianthinum, plants moderately; between each watering,
B. plicata. See B. fragrans. shrub. H 10–20ft (3–6m), S 6–12ft (2–4m). E. sordidum. Evergreen, rounded, robust- allow potting medium to almost dry out.
B. rubrocyanea (Winecups) illus. p.418. Has small, needlelike leaves and dense, stemmed shrub. H 6–10ft (2–3m), S 5–8ft Propagate by seed or root offsets in spring.
B. stricta. Spring-flowering corm. upright, bottlebrushlike spikes, each 8in (1.5–2.5m). Ovate, serrated, deep green B. recurvata, syn. Nolina recurvata,
H 4–8in (10–20cm), S 2–3in (5–8cm). (20cm) long, of small, tubular, bronze-red leaves are red-haired. Produces fragrant, N. tuberculata (Elephant’s foot, Pony-tail),
Produces a fan of hairy, erect, basal or yellow flowers in fall or winter. Z10–11 pomponlike, violet-purple flower heads illus. p.451.
leaves and short spikes of up to 10 purple, B. serrata. Evergreen shrub or tree of in flattened clusters, mainly in winter.
blue, cream, or yellow flowers, sometimes bushy habit. H 10–70ft (3–20m), S 5–25ft Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) BEAUMONTIA
red-centered. Z13–15 (min. 41°F/5°C) (1.5–8m). Oblong to lance-shaped, saw-
toothed, leathery leaves are mid- to deep BASSIA APOCYNACEAE
BACCHARIS green. Small, tubular, reddish-budded,
cream flowers are borne in dense, upright, syn. KOCHIA Genus of evergreen, woody-stemmed,
ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE bottlebrushlike spikes, 4–6in (10–15cm) twining climbers, grown for their large,
long, from summer to late fall. Z10–11 AMARANTHACEAE/CHENOPODIACEAE fragrant flowers and handsome leaves.
Genus of mainly fall-flowering evergreen Needs fertile, well-drained soil and full
or deciduous shrubs and herbaceous BAPTISIA Genus of annuals and perennials, light. In growing season, water freely,
perennials, grown for their foliage grown for their habit, the feathery effect sparingly at other times. Provide support.
PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE of their leaves, and their fall tints. Does Thin out previous season’s growth after
B and fruits. Useful for exposed, coastal best in sun and in fertile, well-drained flowering. Propagate by semiripe cuttings
gardens and dry soil. Requires a Genus of summer-flowering perennials, soil. May require support in very windy in late summer.
position in full sun and well-drained grown for their flowers. Requires full sun areas. Propagate by seed sown under B. grandiflora (Herald’s trumpet) illus.
soil. Propagate by softwood cuttings and well-drained, preferably sandy soil. glass in early to mid-spring, or outdoors p.459.
in summer. Best left undisturbed once planted. in late spring.
B. halimifolia (Bush groundsel). Propagate by division in early spring or B. scoparia f. trichophylla, syn. Kochia BEGONIA
Vigorous, deciduous, bushy shrub. H and by seed in fall. trichophylla (Burning bush, Summer
S 12ft (4m). Ovate leaves are gray-green, B. australis (False indigo) illus. p.240. cypress), illus. p.316. BEGONIACEAE
and sharply toothed. Large clusters of tiny,
white flower heads in midfall precede Barbacenia elegans. See BAUERA Genus of evergreen or deciduous shrubs
fluffy, white heads of tiny fruits. Z3–7 Vellozia elegans. and small, treelike plants, perennials and
CUNONIACEAE annuals. Grown for their colorful flowers
Baculellum articulatum. See Curio BARLERIA and/or ornamental leaves. Prefers slightly
articulata. Genus of evergreen shrubs, grown mainly acidic soil. Susceptible to powdery mildew
ACANTHACEAE for their flowers. Needs full sun and and botrytis from late spring to early fall.
Bahia lanata. See Eriophyllum lanatum. humus-rich, well-drained, neutral to acidic Commonly cultivated begonias are divided
Genus of evergreen perennials and soil. Water potted plants moderately, less into the following groupings, each with
BALLOTA shrubs, grown for their flowers. Needs when not in full growth. Remove straggly varying cultivation requirements. See also
full light or partial shade and fertile soil. stems after flowering. Propagate by seed feature panel p.317.
LAMIACEAE/LABIATAE Water containerized plants well when in sown in spring or by semiripe cuttings
full growth, moderately at other times. In taken in late summer. Cane-stemmed begonias
Genus of perennials and evergreen or the growing season, prune tips of young B. rubioides. Evergreen, bushy, wiry- Evergreen, woody perennials, many
deciduous subshrubs, grown for their plants to encourage branching. For a stemmed shrub, usually of spreading known as “Angelwings,” with usually
foliage and flowers. Requires very well- more compact habit, shorten long stems habit. H 6in–10ft (15cm–3m) S 2–10ft erect, canelike stems bearing regularly
drained soil and full sun. Cut back in after flowering. Can be propagated by (60cm–3m). Leaves each have 3 ovate to spaced, swollen nodes and flowers in
spring before growth starts. Propagate seed in spring or by greenwood or lance-shaped, glossy leaflets. Bowl- large, pendulous panicles. Encourage
by semiripe cuttings in summer. semiripe cuttings in summer. shaped, pink or white flowers are borne branching by pinching out growing tips.
B. acetabulosa illus. p.165. B. cristata (Philippine violet). Evergreen, in early spring and summer. Z13–15 New growth develops from base of plant.
B. pseudodictamnus illus. p.347. semierect shrub. H 3–4ft (1–1.2m), (min. 37–41°F/3–5°C) Grow under glass in good light but not
S 18–28in (45–70cm). Has elliptic, coarsely direct sun (poor light reduces quantity of
518 BAMBUSA haired leaves. Tubular, light violet flowers, BAUHINIA flowers) and in free-draining, loam-based
sometimes pale pink or white, are borne potting mix. Stake tall plants. Propagate in
POACEAE/GRAMINEAE from upper leaf axils in summer. Z10–11 CAESALPINIACEAE spring by seed or tip cuttings.
(min. 50°F/10°C)
See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES, B. obtusa. Evergreen, erect, spreading Genus of evergreen or deciduous trees, Rex-cultorum begonias
and SEDGES. shrub. H and S to 3ft (1m). Leaves are shrubs and perennial climbers, grown Mostly evergreen, rhizomatous
B. glaucescens. See B. multiplex. elliptic. Tubular, mauve flowers are mainly for their orchidlike flowers. perennials of variable habit derived from
B. multiplex, syn. B. glaucescens produced from upper leaf axils in winter– Requires full light and fertile, well-drained crosses of B. rex and related species.
(Hedge bamboo). Evergreen bamboo. spring. Z9–12 (min. 50°F/10°C) soil. Water containerized specimens freely Grown for their brilliantly colored, ovate
H 10–50ft (3–15m), S indefinite. Produces when in full growth, less in winter. Thin to lance-shaped leaves, 3–12in (8–30cm)
slender, arching canes with narrow out congested growth after flowering. long, that are sometimes spirally twisted.
leaves, 4–6in (10–15cm) long. Useful Propagate by seed in spring. Prefers 40–75% relative humidity. Grow
for a hedge or windbreak. Z8–11 B. galpinii, syn. B. punctata. Evergreen,
spreading shrub, occasionally semi-
under glass in cold-winter regions, in flanking buds and allow only central male B. boliviensis ‘Bonfire’. See B. Bonfire band. Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C) B
partial shade and well-drained soil; water bud to flower. Plants may require staking. (‘Nzcone’). B. ‘Feastii’. See B. ‘Erythrophylla’.
sparingly. Do not allow water to remain on Propagate in spring by seed, stem, or B. Bonfire (‘Nzcone’), syn. B. boliviensis B. ‘Fireworks’. Rex-cultorum begonia. 519
the leaves, or they will be susceptible to basal cuttings or division of tubers. ‘Bonfire’ (illus. p.317). Semitrailing begonia. H 8in (20cm) or more, S 12in (30cm). Bears
botrytis. Propagate in spring, by seed, leaf H 30in (75cm), S 3ft (1m). Succulent stems puckered, pointed, heart-shaped, silver-
cuttings, or division of rhizomes. Winter-flowering begonias bear lance-shaped, slightly hairy leaves, gray leaves, to 10in (25cm) long, with
Evergreen, low-growing, very compact 5in (12cm) long, with narrow, toothed, purple veins and raspberry-red margins.
Rhizomatous begonias perennials, with succulent, thin stems, red edges. Produces abundant, pendulous, Z9–11 (min. 50°F/10°C)
Variable, mostly evergreen, rhizomatous that are often included in the tuberous single, orange-red flowers from late spring B. foliosa. Evergreen, shrublike
perennials, grown for their foliage and group. Two main groups are recognized: to fall. Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C) begonia. H 12–20in (30–50cm), S 12–14in
small, single flowers. Smooth, crested or the single-flowered, usually pink or white, B. bowerae (Eyelash begonia; illus. (30–35cm). Bears erect, then arching
puckered, green or brown leaves, 3–12in Lorraine, Cheimantha, or Christmas p.317). Evergreen, creeping, rhizomatous stems and ovate, toothed, dark green
(8–30cm) long, often marked silver, are begonias; and the single, semidouble begonia. H 10–12in (25–30cm), S 8–10in leaves, 1∕2in (1cm) long. Has very small,
sometimes spirally twisted. Creeping or double, Elatior and Rieger begonias (20–25cm). Has ovate, bright green leaves, single, white flowers in spring and fall.
cultivars are more freely branched than that occur in a wide range of colors. 1in (25cm) long, with chocolate marks Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C). var. miniata
erect ones and are useful for hanging Leaves are green or bronze, 2in (5cm) and bristles around edges. Bears single, (syn. B. fuchsiioides, B. fuchsioides var.
baskets. Enjoys 40–75% relative humidity. long. Flowers are borne mainly from pink-tinted, white flowers freely in winter. miniata; Fuchsia begonia) H to 4ft (1.2m),
Grow under glass incool climates, in late fall to midspring. Enjoys 40% relative Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C) S 1ft (30cm), has numerous ovate, toothed
partial shade and in well-drained soil; humidity. Indirect sun and moist soil are B. ‘Can-can’ illus. p.323. dark green leaves, 11∕2in (4cm) long.
water only sparingly. Do not allow water preferred. Cut old stems to 4in (10cm) B. carolineifolia. Rhizomatous begonia Pendent, single, bright red flowers are
to remain on the leaves, or they will be after flowering. Propagate in spring by with an erect, branched, woody rhizome. borne in winter.
susceptible to botrytis. Propagate in seed or stem cuttings. H 3ft (1m), S 1½ft (45cm). Palmate, dark B. fuchsioides. See B. foliosa var. miniata.
spring by seed, leaf cuttings, or division green leaves, 12in (30cm) across, are B. fuchsioides var. miniata. See B.
of rhizomes. B. albopicta (illus. p.317). Fast-growing, divided into 6–10 short-stalked, wavy- foliosa var. miniata.
evergreen, cane-stemmed begonia. H to 3ft margined, lance-shaped to ovate leaflets. B. ‘Gloire de Lorraine’ (Christmas
Semperflorens begonias (1m), S 1ft (30cm). Freely branching, green Bears pale pink flowers, with darker spots, begonia, Lorraine begonia). Evergreen,
Evergreen, bushy perennials, derived from stems turn brown-green when mature. in late winter and spring. Z10–11 (min. winter-flowering, Cheimantha begonia.
B. cucullata var. hookeri, B. schmidtiana Narrowly ovate to lance-shaped, wavy- 50°F/10°C) H 12in (30cm), S 12–14in (30–35cm). Well-
and other species, often grown as bedding edged, green leaves are silver-spotted. B. coccinea (Angelwing begonia). branched with rounded, bright green
annuals. Stems are soft, succulent, and Produces clusters of single, green-white Evergreen, cane-stemmed begonia. H 4ft leaves and single, white to pale pink
branch freely, bearing generally rounded, flowers in summer. Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C) (1.2m), S 1ft (30cm). Produces narrowly flowers. Male flowers are sterile, female,
green, bronze, or variegated leaves, 2in B. angularis, syn. B. compta, ovate, glossy, green leaves, buff-colored highly infertile. Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C)
(5cm) long. Flowers are single or double. B. stipulacea of gardens, B zebrina. beneath, and, in spring, many single, B. gracilis var. martiniana. See
Pinch out growing tips to produce bushy Evergreen, cane-stemmed begonia. pink or coral-red flowers. Z13–15 B. martiana.
plants. Needs sun or partial shade and H 2ft (60cm), S 11∕2ft (45cm). Bears well- (min. 50°F/10°C) B. grandis subsp. evansiana. See
well-drained soil. Propagate in spring by branched, angular stems and ovate, wavy- B. ‘Cocktail Series’. Semperflorens B. grandis subsp. grandis.
seed or stem cuttings. edged, 4–6in (10–15cm) long, gray-green begonia. H and S 8–12in (20–30cm). Has B. grandis subsp. grandis, syn.
leaves, with silver-gray veins, pale green rounded, wavy, green-bronze leaves and B. grandis subsp. evansiana, illus. p.278.
Shrublike begonias beneath. Single, white flowers are pink, red or white flowers, from summer B. ‘Green Gold’. Rex-cultorum begonia.
Evergreen, multistemmed, bushy produced throughout the year. Z13–15 until fall frosts. Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) H 12in (30cm), S 15in (38cm). Bears ovate,
perennials, usually freely branched, (min. 50°F/10°C) B. compta. See B. angularis. light green leaves, 8in (20cm) long, with
with flexible, erect or pendent stems, B. ‘Beatrice Haddrell’. Evergreen, B. ‘Corallina de Lucerna’. See B. brown-marked, spirally arranged basal
often hairy. Leaves may be hairy or creeping, rhizomatous begonia. H 8–12in ‘Lucerna’. lobes and margins, and red-marked
glabrous, up to 6in (15cm) across and (20–30cm), S 10–12in (25–30cm). Ovate B. dichroa. Evergreen, cane-stemmed undersides. Z9–11 (min. 50°F/10°C)
4–12in (10–30cm) long. Single flowers leaves are deeply cleft, 3–6in (8–15cm) begonia. H 14in (35cm), S 10in (25cm). Ovate B. haageana. See B. scharffii.
are pink, cream or white. Prefers 55% long, and dark green with paler veins. leaves are mid-green, 5in (12cm) long; new B. Illumination Series. Double
relative humidity. Grow under glass in Produces single, pink flowers, above leaves occasionally have silver spots. Bears and semidouble Pendula begonia. H 2ft
good light and in moist but well-drained foliage, in winter. Z13–15 small, single, orange flowers, with a white (60cm), S 12in (30cm). Has ovate, toothed,
soil. Propagate in spring by seed or B. ‘Benitochiba’ (illus. p.317). ovary, in summer. Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) brightly veined, mid- to dark green
stem cuttings. Rhizomatous begonia. H 12in (30cm) or B. Dragon Wing reD (‘Bepared’) leaves. Bears prolific, double flowers,
more, S 15in (38cm). Has palmate leaves, (Dragon Wing Series; illus. p.317). 3in (8cm) across, in red, pink, orange
Tuberous begonias (including 8in (20cm) or more across, comprising Vigorous, Semperflorens begonia. H and and yellow shades, and white, including
the Tuberhybrida, Multiflora 6–8 toothed, narrowly ovate leaflets with S 11⁄2ft (45cm). Semitrailing, succulent bicolors. Z13–15. ‘Illumination Salmon
and Pendula begonias) red leaf-stalks; leaves are silver-gray stems bear ovate, slightly waxy, mid-green Pink’ (illus. p.317) is pale salmon-pink.
Mostly upright, bushy, tuberous, winter- suffused pink when young, later turning leaves, 2–3in (5–8cm). Produces clusters B. imperialis. Rhizomatous begonia.
dormant perennials grown for their foliage silver. In fall and early winter, produces of single, scarlet flowers from late summer H 5in (13cm), S 9in (23cm). Ovate, toothed,
and flowers. Tuberhybrida begonias, H and small clusters of pink flowers. Z9–11 to fall. Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C) light green leaves, 4in (10cm) long,
S 30in (75cm), vary from pendent to erect, (min. 50°F/10°C) B. dregei (Mapleleaf begonia; illus. have puckered edges and silver-green
with sparsely branched, succulent stems B. ‘Bethlehem Star’. Evergreen, p.317). Tuberous begonia. H 30in (75cm), splashes on the main veins. Produces
and ovate, pointed, glossy, bright to dark creeping, rhizomatous begonia. H 8–12in S 2ft (60cm). Has small, maplelike, lobed, sprays of sparse white flowers, to
green leaves, 8in (20cm) long. Most are (20–30cm), S 10–12in (25–30cm). Has ovate, purple-veined, bronze leaves, red beneath 1∕2in (1cm) across, in winter. Z13–15
summer-flowering and double-flowered. slightly indented, almost black leaves, and at times silver-speckled when young. (min. 50°F/10°C)
Multiflora cultivars, H and S 12in (30cm), to 3in (8cm) long, each with a central, Bears profuse, pendent, single, white B. ‘Inferno’. Vigorous tuberous begonia
are bushier and have 3in (8cm) long leaves, creamy-green star. In winter, bears flowers in summer. Needs winter rest. with trailing stems. H and S 12in (30cm).
and single, semidouble or double, flowers, profuse, single, pale pink flowers, with Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C) Has lance-shaped, bright green leaves.
each 11∕2–2in (4–5cm) across, in summer; darker pink spots. Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) B. ‘Erythrophylla’, syn. B. ‘Feastii’. From summer to fall, bears weather-
they tolerate full sun. Pendula cultivars, B. ‘Billie Langdon’ (illus. p.317). Evergreen, creeping, rhizomatous begonia. resistant, pendulous, single, bright orange-
H to 3ft (1m), have long, thin, trailing Upright Tuberhybrida begonia. H 2ft H 8in (20cm), S 9–12in (23–30cm). Thick, red flowers. Z9–11 (min. 50°F/10°C)
stems; leaves are 21∕2–3in (6–8cm) long. (60cm), S 11∕2ft (45cm). Bears abundant, mid-green leaves, 3–6in (8–15cm) long, are B. ‘Iron Cross’. See B. masoniana.
Abundant single or double flowers are heavily veined, double, white flowers, each almost rounded, with leaf stalks attached B. listada. Shrublike begonia. H 12in
borne in summer. Outdoors, grow in 7in (18cm) across, with a perfect rose-bud to center of red undersides; slightly wavy (30cm) or more, S 20in (50cm). Has softly
dappled shade and moist conditions; center, in summer. Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) margins have white hairs. Bears single, hairy, shield-shaped, olive-green leaves,
under glass, plant in cool shade with B. ‘Bokit’. Evergreen, erect, rhizomatous light pink flower, above the leaves, in early 3–4in (8–10cm) long, with a central band
65–70% relative humidity. Tubers are begonia. H 8–12in (20–30cm), S 10–14in spring. Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) of pale emerald-green and red undersides.
dormant in winter. Start into growth (25–35cm). Has ovate, spirally twisted, B. ‘Escargot’ (illus. p.317). Rex-cultorum Pink-tinted, white flowers are borne
in spring for midsummer to early-fall yellow-green leaves with brown tiger begonia. H 10in (25cm), S 18–20in (45– sporadically all year. Z9–11 (min. 50°F/10°C)
flowering. Remove all flower buds until stripes. Bears abundant, single, white 50cm). Has asymmetric, ovate, hairy, B. ‘Little Brother Montgomery’.
stems show at least 3 pairs of leaves; flowers, flecked with pink, in winter. olive-green leaves, 9½–12in (24–30cm) Shrublike begonia. H 16in (40cm), S 18in
with large-flowered types, remove Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) long, each with a snaillike, central silver (45cm). Has maplelike, silver-spotted, deep
B green leaves, to 7in (19cm) across, with red flowers, 3–4in (8–10cm) across, in about S 12in (30cm). Has 8–10in (20–25cm) long, rounded to ovate, smooth, glossy, bronze-
veins. Pink flowers, are borne in late winter 6 varied, individual colors. Z11–12. (min. heart-shaped, deep green leaves, with a green leaves, with dark red veins, and,
520 and early spring. Z9–11 (min. 50°F/10°C) 50°F/10°C). ‘Mocca Scarlet’ (illus. p.317) metallic sheen, zoned silvery-white above. in summer, bears single, pink flowers.
B. ‘Lucerna’, syn. B. ‘Corallina de is deep red with very dark leaves. Produces pink Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C)
Lucerna’. Vigorous, evergreen, cane- B. ‘Namur’. Compact Rex-cultorum flowers in winter. Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) B. ‘Tiger Paws’ (illus. p.317). Evergreen,
stemmed begonia. H 6–7ft (2–2.2m), S 14in begonia. H 8in (20cm), S 12in (30cm). Has B. ‘Rocheart’. Compact, vigorous creeping, rhizomatous begonia. H 4in
(35cm). Ovate, silver-spotted, bronze-green asymmetric, rounded, slightly wavy-edged, Rex-cultorum begonia. H 10in (25cm), (10cm), S 12in (30cm). Small, rounded,
leaves, 10–14in (25–35cm) long, have gray-green leaves, to 7in (18cm) long, S 16in (40cm). Has ovate to rounded, dark striking bright green leaves, with yellow
tapered tips. Bears large panicles of single, centrally blotched with dark olive green, yellowish-green leaves, 8in (20cm) long, and brown splashes, have bristly, white
deep pink flowers year-round; male flowers narrowly margined with red, and with spirally marked with metallic gray-green hairs on the margins. Many clusters of
stay almost closed. Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) a bright magenta flush that intensifies spots and patches. Z9–11 (min. 50°F/10°C) small, pink-speckled white flowers are
B. luxurians (Palm-leaf begonia). on maturity. Z9–11 (min. 50°F/10°C) B. ‘Roy Hartley’ (illus. p.317). Upright borne well above the foliage in spring
Shrublike begonia. H 30in (75cm), S 2ft B. Non-stop Series, syn. B. x Tuberhybrida begonia. H 2ft (60cm), S 1½ft and summer. Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C)
(60cm). Has slightly hairy, mid-, dark, or tuberhybrida Nonstop Series. Bushy (45cm). In summer, bears double, salmon- B. x tuberhybrida Mocha Series. See
bronze-green leaves, 10in (25cm) across, Tuberhybrida begonias. H and S 12in colored flowers, with soft pink tinge. B. Mocca Series.
with up to 16 leaflets. Leave are borne (30cm). Double flowers, 3–4in (8–10cm) Color depth depends on light intensity. B. x tuberhybrida Nonstop Series. See
umbrellalike on red-purple, canelike across, are borne in about 12 varied Has few side shoots. Z12–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) B. Nonstop Series.
stems, to 6in (15cm) tall. Bears slightly individual colors and mixtures, held B. ‘Ruhrtal’. See B. ‘Merry Christmas’. B. versicolor. Evergreen, creeping,
fragrant, yellowish-white flowers, from close to heart-shaped, mid-green leaves. B. scharffii, syn. B. haageana (illus. rhizomatous begonia. H 6in (15cm),
spring to summer. Z9–11 (min. 50°F/10°C) Z11–12. (min. 50°F/10°C). ‘Non-stop p.317). Evergreen, shrublike begonia. S 12in (30cm). Produces broadly ovate
B. ‘Madame Richard Galle’. Upright White’ (illus. p.317) has creamy-centered, H 4ft (1.2m), S 2ft (60cm). Stems are often or oblong, velvety leaves, 3in (8cm) long,
Tuberhybrida begonia. H 10in (25cm), S 8in white flowers opening from pink buds. covered with white hairs. Has ovate, fine- in shades of mahogany, apple-green and
(20cm). Produces an abundance of small, B. ‘Orange Rubra’ (illus. p.317). haired, dark metallic-green leaves, 11in maroon, and, from spring to summer,
double, soft apricot flowers in summer. Slow-growing, evergreen, cane-stemmed (28cm) long, with tapered tips and reddish- single, salmon-pink flowers. Z13–15 (min.
Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) begonia. H 20in (50cm), S 18in (45cm). green undersides. Ssingle, pinkish-white 64°F/18°C)
B. manicata. Evergreen, erect, rhizomatous Ovate leaves are light green. Produces flowers, each with a pink beard, are B. xanthina. Evergreen, bushy, creeping,
begonia. H 2ft (60cm), S 12–16in (30–40cm). abundant clusters of single, orange produced in fall–summer. Z11–12 rhizomatous begonia. H 10–12in (25–30cm),
Large, ovate, brown-mottled, green leaves flowers all year. Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C) (min. 50°F/10°C) S 12–14in (30–35cm). Bears ovate, dark
have a collar of stiff, red hairs around leaf B. ‘Organdy’. Weather-resistant B. ‘Scherzo’. Evergreen, creeping, green leaves, 6–9in (15–23cm) long, with
stalk, below each leaf base. Bears single, Semperflorens begonia. H and S 10in rhizomatous begonia. H 10–12in (25–30cm), yellow veins, purple and hairy beneath.
pale pink flowers in very early spring. (25cm). Has rounded, waxy, green-bronze S 12–14in (30–35cm). Ovate leaves are Pendent, single, orange-yellow flowers are
Propagate by plantlets when in growth. leaves and bears pink, red or white flowers small, highly serrated, and yellow with borne in summer. Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C)
Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C). ‘Crispa’ (syn. throughout summer, until the first frost. black marks. Bears single, white flowers B. zebrina. See B. angularis.
B.m. ‘Cristata’) has deeper pink flowers Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) in early spring. Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C)
and light green leaves with crested B. paulensis. Evergreen, creeping, B. serratipetala (illus. p.317). Evergreen, Belamcanda chinensis. See Iris
margins. ‘Cristata’ see B.m. ‘Crispa’. rhizomatous begonia. H and S 10–12in trailing, shrublike begonia. H and S 11⁄2ft domestica.
B. martiana, syn. B. gracilis var. (25–30cm). Erect stems produce rounded, (45cm). Obliquely ovate leaves are highly
martiniana. Tuberous begonia. H 24–30in mid-green leaves, 6in (15cm) long, with serrated and bronze-green, with raised, BELLEVALIA
(60–75cm), S 16in (40cm). Has small, ovate to ‘seersucker’ surfaces criss-crossed with deep pink spots. Produces mostly female,
lance-shaped, lobed, pale green or brown- a spider’s web of veins. Produces single, single, deep pink flowers intermittently ASPARAGACEAE
green leaves with tapering tips and large, cream-white flowers, with wine-colored throughout the year. Water sparingly.
fragrant, single, pink flowers, 1in (25cm) hairs, in late spring. Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C) Genus of spring-flowering bulbs, similar
across, in summer. Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) B. ‘Pink Champagne’. Rex-cultorum B. ‘Silver’. See B. pustulata ‘Argentea’. to Muscari, but with longer, more tubular
B. masoniana, syn. B. ‘Iron Cross’ (Iron begonia. H 10in (25cm), S 11⁄2ft (45cm). B. ‘Silver Jewell’. Spreading, compact flowers. Some species have ornamental
cross begonia; illus. p.317). Evergreen, Bears asymmetrical, ovate, metallic- Rhizomatous begonia. H 8in (20cm), S 16in value, but most are uninteresting
creeping, rhizomatous begonia. H 18–24in pink leaves, 9in (23cm) long, veined (40cm). Has dark green leaves, 4in (10cm) horticulturally. Needs an open, sunny
(45–60cm), S 12–18in (30–45cm). Bears ovate, and irregularly edged with dark brown- long, heavily marked with silver along position and well-drained soil that dries
toothed, rough, bright green leaves, 6in purple. Z9–11 (min. 50°F/10°C) the main veins, with the warty upper leaf out in summer. Propagate by seed,
(15cm) long, with tapering tips and cross- B. ‘Président Carnot’. Vigorous, surfaces covered with fine hairs. Enjoys preferably in fall.
shaped, black or dark brown centers. Has evergreen, cane-stemmed begonia. H to 7ft humid conditions. Z9–11 (min. 50°F/10°C) B. hyacinthoides, syn. Strangweja
single, pink-flushed, white flowers in (2.2m), S 11⁄2ft (45cm). Erect stems bear 11in B. ‘Snowcap’. Cane-stemmed begonia spicata, illus. p.419.
summer. Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C) (28cm) long, “angelwing,” green leaves, with erect canes and strong lateral B. paradoxa of gardens. See
B. mazae. Evergreen, fibrous-rooted with lighter spots. Produces large panicles growth. H 16in (40cm) or more, S to 2ft B. pycnantha.
begonia with slender, pendent stems. of single, pink flowers, each 11⁄2in (4cm) (60cm). Has pointed, obliquely ovate, B. pycnantha, syn. B. paradoxa of
H to 9in (23cm), S indefinite. Ovate, sharp- across, year-round. Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) smooth, olive-green leaves, to 8in (20cm) gardens, Muscari pycnantha. Spring-
pointed, bronze-green leaves are 3in (7cm) B. ‘Princess of Hanover’. long, with silver spots, white tips, and dull flowering bulb. H 12in (30cm), S 2in (5cm).
long, with red-brown markings along Rex-cultorum begonia. H and S 10–12in red undersides. Bears clusters of 3–4 rose- Bears strap-shaped, semierect, basal,
the veins. In early spring, bears profuse, (25–30cm). Has spirally twisted, deep pink flowers between spring and early fall. grayish-green leaves. Bears tubular, deep
fragrant, single, pink flowers. Good for a green leaves, 8in (20cm) long, with bands Needs support. Z9–11 (min. 50°F/10°C) dusky-blue flowers, 1∕4in (5mm) long, with
hanging basket. Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) of silver, edged with ruby-red; entire leaf B. stipulacea of gardens. See B. angularis. yellow tips, in a dense, conical spike. Z7–9
B. ‘Merry Christmas’, syn. B. ‘Ruhrtal’ surfaces are covered with fine, pink hairs. B. ‘Sugar Candy’. Tuberhybrida begonia. B. romana illus. p.399.
(illus. p.317). Rex-cultorum begonia. H and Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) H 2ft (60cm), S 11⁄2ft (45cm). Leaves are mid-
S 10–12in (25–30cm). Has ovate, glossy, B. pustulata. Evergreen, creeping, green. Produces double, clear pink flowers BELLIS
deep pink leaves, 8in (20cm) long, outlined rhizomatous begonia. H 6–8in (15–20cm), in summer. Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C)
emerald-green, with dark red centers and S 8–10in (20–25cm). Has ovate, fine-haired, B. SuperCascade Series. Vigorous, Daisy
margins. Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C) dark green leaves, with small blisters or pendent, Tuberhybrida begonias. H 8–12in
B. metallica (Metal-leaf begonia). pustules, and single, rose-pink flowers in (20–30cm), S to 36in (90cm). Have bright ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE
Evergreen, shrublike begonia. H 3ft (90cm), summer. Z13–15. (min. 50°F/10°C). green leaves and, from midsummer to fall,
S 2ft (60cm). Has white-haired stems and ‘Argentea’ (syn. B. ‘Silver’) has silver- a succession of double and semidouble Genus of rosette-forming, carpeting
ovate, toothed, silver-haired, bronze-green splashed leaves and produces creamy- flowers in white, cream, yellow, pink, perennials. Grow in sun or partial shade
leaves, 7in (18cm) long, with dark green white flowers. salmon-orange, dark orange, and scarlet. and in fertile, very well-drained soil.
veins, red beneath. Bears single, pink B. ‘Red Robin’. Rex-cultorum begonia. Z9–11. (min. 50°F/10°C). ‘Apricot Deadhead regularly. Propagate by seed
flowers, with red bristles, in summer–fall. H 6in (15cm) or more, S to 10in (25cm). Shades’ has flowers in shades of bright in early summer or by division after
Z13–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) Has smooth, heart-shaped leaves, to 6in apricot-orange. ‘Pink Bicolor’ has pale flowering.
B. Mocca Series, syn. B. x tuberhybrida (15cm) long, with broad, matte black pink flowers edged with darker pink. B. perennis (Common daisy).
Mocha series. Bushy, dark-leaved, margins and a star-shaped, blood-red B. sutherlandii illus. p.327. Stoloniferous, carpeting perennial.
Tuberhybrida begonia. H and S 12in (30cm). center. Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C) B. taliensis illus. p.278. Cultivars are grown as biennials. H and
Has green-veined, chocolate-brown leaves B. rex. Rhizomatous begonia, the parent B. ‘Thurstonii’. Evergreen, shrublike S 6–8in (15–20cm). All have inversely
and, held tightly above the foliage, double of the Rex-cultorum begonias. H 10in (25cm), begonia. H 6ft (2m), S 11⁄2ft (45cm). Has lance-shaped to spoon-shaped, mid-green
leaves and semidouble to fully double
flower heads in spring. Large-flowered
(flower heads to 8cm/3in across) and
miniature-flowered (flower heads to early summer, clusters of yellow flowers, S 10ft (3m). Has elliptic, spine-tipped, yellow flowers in late spring, followed by
2.5cm/1in across) cultivars are available. followed by spherical, bright red fruit. Z6–9 leathery, dark green leaves. In mid- and egg-shaped, dark purple fruit with a white
Z4–8. Habanera Series cultivars bear B. x chenaultii. See B. x late spring, bears dark orange-yellow bloom. Z6–9
long-petaled, pink, white, red or bicolored hybridogagnepainii ‘Chenault’. flowers, then spherical, dark purple B. wilsoniae. Semievergreen, dense,
flower heads, to 21∕2in (6cm) across, in early B. coxii. Vigorous, dense, evergreen shrub. fruit. Z5–9 mound-forming, very spiny shrub with
summer. Pomponette Series cultivars H 6ft (2m), S 10ft (3m). Produces elliptic to B. x ottawensis ‘Purpurea’. See B. spreading, arching branches. H 3ft (1m),
bear double, pink, white or red flower ovate, glossy, spine-toothed, dark green x o. f. purpurea ‘Superba’. f. purpurea S 6ft (2m). Narrowly oblong, usually entire,
heads, to 11∕2in (4cm) across, with quilled leaves, intensely white-bloomed beneath. ‘Superba’ (syn. B. x o. ‘Purpurea’) is a gray-green leaves turn red and orange in
petals. Roggli Series cultivars flower In late spring, bears clusters of 3–6 pale deciduous, arching shrub. H and S 8ft fall. In late spring and early summer, bears
early and prolifically, with semidouble, yellow flowers, followed by egg-shaped, (2.5m). Has rounded to ovate, red-purple clusters of pale yellow flowers, followed
red, rose-pink, salmon-pink or white black fruit with a blue-gray bloom. Z6–9 leaves that turn crimson in fall. Small, red- by spherical, translucent, coral-pink to
flower heads, to 11∕4in (3cm) across. B. darwinii (Darwin’s barberry) illus. tinged, yellow flowers in late spring are pinkish-red fruit. Z6–9
Tasso Series cultivars have double, pink, p.111. followed by egg-shaped, red fruit. Z4–8
white or red flower heads, to 21∕2in (6cm) B. empetrifolia illus. p.148. B. ‘Park Jewel’. See B. x media BERCHEMIA
across, with quilled petals. Z4–8 B. x frikartii ‘Amstelveen’. Vigorous, ‘Parkjuweel’.
evergreen shrub. H 3ft (1m), S 5ft (1.5m). B. ‘Parkjuweel’. See B. x media RHAMNACEAE
Beloperone guttata. See Justicia Has arching shoots and lance-shaped, ‘Parkjuweel’.
brandegeeana. glossy leaves, dark green above, gray- B. polyantha of gardens. See B. prattii. Genus of deciduous, twining climbers,
white beneath. Yellow flowers are borne B. prattii, syn. B. polyantha of gardens. grown for their leaves and fruit. Useful
BERBERIDOPSIS in late spring, followed by egg-shaped, Deciduous shrub with arching branches. for covering walls, fences and tree stumps.
black fruit with a blue-gray bloom. Z6–10 H and S 10ft (3m). Densely clustered, Grow in sun or shade, in any well-drained
BERBERIDOPSIDACEAE B. gagnepainii var. lanceifolia oblong leaves are glossy, mid-green above, soil. Propagate by seed in fall or spring,
illus. p.127. gray beneath. Large, upright panicles by semiripe cuttings in summer, or by
Genus of evergreen, woody-stemmed, B. ‘Georgei’. Spreading, deciduous of small, yellow flowers in summer are layering or root cuttings in winter.
twining climbers. Dislikes strong winds shrub. H 8ft (2.5m), S 6ft (2m). Has elliptic- followed by long-lasting, spherical, bright B. racemosa ‘Variegata’. Deciduous,
and strong sun. Prefers moist but well obovate, toothed, mid-green leaves that pink fruit. Z6–9 twining climber. H 15ft (5m) or more.
drained, preferably non-alkaline soil. turn orange-red in fall. Yellow flowers are B. ‘Red Jewel’. See B. x media ‘Red Jewel’. Has heart-shaped, green leaves, 11∕4–3in
Cut out dead growth in spring; train to borne in pendent, red-stalked racemes in B. x rubrostilla. See B. ‘Rubrostilla’. (3–8cm) long and paler beneath, that are
required shape. Propagate by seed in spring late spring, followed by a vivid display of B. ‘Rubrostilla’, syn. B. x rubrostilla, illus. variegated creamy-white. Small, bell-
or by stem cuttings or layering in fall. oblong, red fruit. Z5–9 p.162. shaped, greenish-white flowers, borne
B. corallina (Coral plant) illus. p.202. B. x hybridogagnepainii ‘Chenault’, B. x stenophylla cultivars illus. p.127. in summer, are followed by rounded,
syn. B. x chenaultii. Evergreen, spreading, ‘Corallina Compacta’ illus. p.336. green fruits that turn red, then black. Z6–9
BERBERIS dense shrub. H 5ft (1.5m), S 6ft (2m). Lance- B. temolaica. Very distinctive, deciduous
shaped, wavy-margined, spine-toothed shrub. H 6ft (2m), S 10ft (3m). Has arching BERGENIA B
Barberry leaves are glossy, dark green above, white- stems, white-bloomed at first, later purple,
bloomed beneath, often turning bronze and oblong, gray-green leaves. Solitary, syn. MEGAsEA 521
BERBERIDACEAE in winter. Bears golden-yellow flowers in pale yellow flowers are produced in late
late spring and early summer, followed by spring, followed by egg-shaped, red fruit SAXIFRAGACEAE
Genus of deciduous or evergreen, spiny egg-shaped, blue-black fruit. Z6–9 with a white bloom. Z6–10
shrubs, grown mainly for their rounded B. jamesiana. Vigorous, upright, B. thunbergii. Deciduous, dense, Genus of evergreen perennials with thick,
to cup-shaped flowers and fruits. deciduous shrub. H 6ft (2m), S 5ft (1.5m). rounded shrub. H 3ft (1m), S 8ft (2.5m). usually large, rounded to ovate or spoon-
Evergreens are also grown for their leaves; Ovate, entire to finely toothed leaves are Broadly obovate, entire leaves are fresh shaped, leathery leaves, with indented
deciduous shrubs for their colorful fall olive-green, gray-bloomed beneath, and green above, bluish-green beneath, turning veins, that make ideal groundcover.
foliage. Needs sun or semishade and any turn red in fall. Bears pendent racemes of orange and red in fall. Bears small clusters Tolerates sun or shade and any well-
but water-logged soil. Propagate species yellow flowers in early summer, followed of red-tinged, pale yellow flowers along the drained soil, but leaf color is best on
by seed in fall, deciduous hybrids and by spherical, coral-red fruits. Z7–9 branches in midspring, followed by egg- poor soil and in full sun. Propagate by
cultivars by softwood or semiripe cuttings B. julianae. Dense, upright, evergreen shaped, glossy, red fruit. Z5–8. division in spring after flowering.
in summer, evergreen hybrids and cultivars shrub. H and S 10ft (3m). Has rigid, glossy, f. atropurpurea illus. p.123. B. ‘Abendglut’, syn. B. ‘Evening Glow’.
by semiripe cuttings in summer. tAll dark green leaves, pale green beneath, f. atropurpurea ‘Admiration’, Evergreen, clump-forming perennial.
parts may cause mild stomach upset if with strongly spined margins. In late H and S 12–18in (30–40cm), is a compact, H 9in (23cm), S 12in (30cm). Bears rosettes
ingested; contact with the spines may spring, bears clusters of up to 20 yellow dwarf form, which has rich red foliage of ovate, crinkled, short-stemmed, maroon
irritate skin. or red-tinged flowers, followed by oblong, with narrow greenish-yellow margins. leaves, from which arise racemes of open
B. aggregata. Deciduous, compact shrub. black fruit with a white bloom. Z6–9 f. atropurpurea ‘Concorde’ is dwarf cup-shaped, semidouble, deep magenta
H 5ft (1.5m), S 6ft (2m). Oblong to ovate, B. linearifolia ‘Orange King’. See and globe-shaped, with deep purple leaves flowers in spring. Z6–9
olive-green leaves are blue-green beneath, B. trigona ‘Orange King’. that turn scarlet in fall, and small, red fruit. B. ‘Ballawley’. Evergreen, clump-forming
turning red in fall. Bears dense clusters of B. x lologensis. Vigorous, evergreen, f. atropurpurea ‘Dart’s Red Lady’ has perennial. H and S 2ft (60cm). Large,
pale yellow flower in late spring or early spreading shrub with arching shoots. dark red-purple foliage, turning bright red rounded to ovate, flat, deep green leaves
summer, followed by egg-shaped, white- H and S 12ft (4m). Has spoon-shaped, spine- in fall. f. atropurpurea ‘Harlequin’ is turn red in winter. In spring, bears racemes
bloomed, red fruit. Z6–9 toothed, glossy, dark green leaves. Profuse compact and upright, with small purple of cup-shaped, bright crimson flowers on
B. buxifolia of gardens. See clusters of 8–12 rich orange flowers are leaves, mottled creamy-white and gray. red stems. Shelter from cold winds. Z6–9
B. microphylla. borne from mid- to late spring, followed f. atropurpurea ‘Maria’ is columnar B. beesiana. See B. purpurascens.
B. calliantha. Evergreen, compact by spherical, blue-black fruits. Z6–9. with golden leaves. ‘Atropurpurea B. ‘Beethoven’ illus. p.256.
shrub. H 30in (75cm), S 36in (90cm). ‘Stapehill’ illus. p.127. Nana’ (syn. B.t. ‘Crimson Pygmy’), H and B. ciliata illus. p.256.
Hollylike, elliptic to oblong, spine-toothed B. x media ‘Parkjuweel’, syn. B. ‘Park S 2ft (60cm), bears reddish-purple foliage. B. cordifolia. Evergreen, clump-forming
leaves are glossy, dark green above, Jewel’, B. ‘Parkjuweel’. Semievergreen, ‘Aurea’ illus. p.160. ‘Crimson Pygmy’ perennial. H 1½ft (45cm), S 2ft (60cm).
waxy-white beneath. Pale yellow flowers small, dense, thorny, rounded shrub. H 6ft see B.t. ‘Atropurpurea Nana’. ‘Erecta’ has Leaves are rounded, puckered and crinkle-
are borne singly, sometimes in twos or (2m), S 8ft (2.5m). Entire or slightly toothed, upright branches that spread with age. edged. Produces racemes of open cup-
threes, in late spring, followed by egg- broadly elliptic leaves are glossy, bright ‘Golden Ring’ has purple leaves narrowly shaped, light pink flowers in spring. Z3–8.
shaped, black fruit with a blue-white green, changing to rich orange and red in margined with golden-yellow, turning red ‘Purpurea’ H and S 20in (50cm). Has
bloom. Z7–9 fall. Solitary or small clusters of pale in fall, and produces red fruit. ‘Rose Glow’ large, rounded, purple-tinged, deep green
B. candidula. Evergreen, dense, mound- yellow flowers are borne in spring; fruit is illus. p.137. leaves. Clusters of bell-shaped, rose-pink
forming shrub. H 2ft (60cm), S 4ft (1.2m). rarely produced. Z6–9. ‘Red Jewel’ (syn. B. trigona ‘Orange King’ illus. p.127. flowers are borne on red stems from late
Elliptic to ovate leaves are glossy, dark B. ‘Red Jewel’) has leaves emerging glossy B. valdiviana illus. p.111. winter to early spring.
green, waxy white beneath, with inrolled brown-red, deepening to purplish brown, B. verruculosa. Compact, evergreen B. crassifolia. Evergreen, clump-forming
margins. Bears solitary, bright yellow turning dark bronze-green by late summer. shrub with arching shoots. H and S 5ft perennial. H 1ft (30cm), S 11⁄2ft (45cm). Has
flowers in late spring, then egg-shaped, B. microphylla, syn. B. buxifolia of (1.5m). Glossy, obovate to elliptic, spine- ovate- or spoon-shaped, fleshy, flat leaves
purple fruit with a white bloom. Z6–9 gardens. Upright, evergreen or semi- tipped leaves are glossy, dark green above, that turn mahogany in winter. Bears spikes
B. x carminea ‘Barbarossa’ illus. p.141. evergreen arching shrub. H 8ft (2.5m), gray-white beneath. Bears solitary, golden of open cup-shaped, lavender-pink flowers
‘Pirate King’ is a deciduous, arching in spring. Z3–8
shrub. H 6ft (2m), S 10ft (3m). Has oblong, B. ‘Eric Smith’. Evergreen,ground-
dark green leaves, and in late spring and cover perennial. H 16in (40cm),
S 2ft (60cm) or more. Has large, rounded, Needs full sun and very well-drained soil. slender, drooping shoots and silver-white B. atrosanguinea. See Cosmos
rather upright, leathery, mid-green Propagate by seed or division in spring bark, becoming black and rugged at base atrosanguineus.
leaves, which are tinted red in winter. or summer. of trunk with age. In spring, bears yellow- B. ferulifolia. Short-lived perennial
Bears rich pink flowers on sturdy stalks B. yuccoides illus. p.490. brown catkins. Ovate, bright green leaves with small, finely divided, bright green
in spring. Z4–8 turn yellow in fall. Z2–7. ‘Dalecarlica’ of leaves. H to 12in (30cm), S indefinite.
B. ‘Evening Glow.’ See B. ‘Abendglut’. Betonica officinalis. See Stachys gardens see B.p. ‘Laciniata’. Slender, spreading stems produce daisylike,
B. ‘Morgenröte’, syn. B. ‘Morning Red’. officinalis. ‘Laciniata’ (syn. B.p. ‘Dalecarlica’ of golden-yellow flower heads, 11⁄4–11⁄2in
Evergreen, clump-forming perennial. gardens) has pendulous branchlets and (3–4cm) across, from midsummer to fall.
H 11⁄2ft (45cm), S 1ft (30cm). Leaves are BETULA deeply cut leaves. subsp. szechuanica Z8–11. ‘Golden Glory’ is compact, free-
rounded, crinkled and deep green. Spikes (syn. B. platyphylla var. szechuanica) has flowering and excellent in a hanging
of open cup-shaped, deep carmine flowers Birch chalk-white bark when mature, and basket. Pirates Series cultivars have
in spring are often followed by a second leathery, dark blueish-green leaves. Bears single, semidouble or double, pearl-white,
crop in summer. Z4–9 BETULACEAE yellow-green male catkins in early spring. creamy yellow, or yellow flowers.
B. ‘Morning Red’. See B. ‘Morgenröte’. ‘Tristis’ (Weeping birch) illus. p.68.
B. purpurascens, syn. B. beesiana illus. Genus of deciduous trees and shrubs, ‘Youngii’ (Young’s weeping birch} illus. BIGNONIA
p.280. grown for their bark and fall color. Needs p.88.
B. x schmidtii. Evergreen, clump-forming sun and moist but well-drained soil; some B. platyphylla var. szechuanica. See BIGNONIACEAE
perennial. H 1ft (30cm), S 2ft (60cm). Ovate, species prefer acidic soil. Transplant young B. pendula subsp. szechuanica.
flat leaves have toothed margins. Sprays trees in fall. Propagate by grafting in late B. utilis (Himalayan birch). Deciduous, Genus of one species of evergreen, tendril
of open cup-shaped, soft pink flowers are winter or softwood cuttings in summer. upright, open tree. H 60ft (18m), S 30ft climber. In cold regions, may lose its leaves
borne in early spring on short stems. Z4–8 B. albosinensis. See B. utilis (10m). Paper-thin, peeling bark varies in winter. Needs a position in sun and fertile
B. ‘Silberlicht’, syn. B. ‘Silver Light’, subsp. albosinensis. from creamy-white to dark copper-brown. soil to flower well. If necessary, prune in
illus. p.255. B. alleghaniensis, syn. B. lutea (Yellow Yellow-brown catkins are borne in spring. spring. Propagate by seed in spring or by
B. ‘Silver Light’. See B. ‘Silberlicht’. birch). Deciduous, upright, open tree, often Ovate, mid-green leaves, hairy beneath layering in fall or spring.
B. stracheyi. Evergreen, clump-forming multi-stemmed. H 80ft (25m), S 30ft (10m). when young, turn golden-yellow in fall. B. capensis. See Tecoma capensis.
perennial. H 9in (23cm), S 12in (30cm). Smooth, glossy, golden-brown bark peels Z5–7. subsp. albosinensis B. capreolata, syn. Doxantha capreolata
Small, rounded, flat leaves form neat in thin shreds. Ovate, mid- to pale green (syn. B. albosinensis; White Chinese birch; (Cross vine, Trumpet flower). Evergreen,
rosettes, among which nestle heads leaves rapidly turn gold in fall. Bears illus. p.78) has serrated, pale green leaves tendril climber. H 30ft (10m) or more.
of open cup-shaped, white or pink yellow-green catkins in spring. Z4–7 and peeling, honey-colored or reddish- Each leaf has 2 narrowly oblong leaflets
flowers in spring. Z4–8 B. costata of gardens. See B. ermanii maroon bark with a gray bloom. subsp. and a branched tendril. In summer,
B. ‘Sunningdale’. Evergreen, clump- ‘Grayswood Hill’. albosinensis ‘Bowling Green’ has rich produces clusters of funnel-shaped,
forming perennial. H 12–18in (30–45cm), B. ermanii (illus. p.78). Deciduous, open- chestnut, peeling bark, revealing a paler reddish-orange flowers in leaf axils.
S 18–24in (45–60cm). Rounded, slightly branched, elegant tree. H 70ft (20m), S 40ft layer beneath, and showy catkins in Pea-pod-shaped fruits, to 6in (15cm)
crinkled, deep green leaves are mahogany (12m). Ovate, glossy, green leaves have spring. subsp. albosinensis ‘China long, are borne in fall. Z6–9
beneath. Bears racemes of open cup- excellent fall color. Peeling, pinkish-white Ruby’ has creamy white bark on young B. grandiflora. See Campsis grandiflora.
shaped, lilac-carmine flowers on red stalks bark is distinctively marked with large branches, with grayish-pink undertones B. jasminoides. See Pandorea
in spring. Z3–8 lenticels. Z5–8. ‘Grayswood Hill’ (syn. that mature to copper-red. subsp. jasminoides.
B. costata of gardens) has pure white bark. albosinensis ‘Kansu’ is upright and B. pandorana. See Pandorea pandorana.
B BERKHEYA ‘Kwanak Weeping’, H and S 10–12ft vigorous, with orange-brown peeling bark B. radicans. See Campsis radicans.
ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE (3–4m), forms a small tree with an and butter-yellow fall leaves. B. stans. See Tecoma stans.
umbrella-shaped head and creamy-white subsp. albosinensis ‘Red Panda’
Genus of summer-flowering perennials. bark. Z7–10 has striking copper-red bark. subsp. Bilderdykia. See Fallopia.
Where marginally hardy, most species B. ‘Fascination’. Rounded to broadly jacquemontii (syn. B. jacquemontii, B.u.
should be grown against a south- or west- spreading tree. H 30ft (10m), S 20ft (6m). var. jacquemontii) has bright white bark BILLARDIERA
facing wall. Needs full sun and fertile, Has smooth, orange-brown, peeling bark, and ovate, serrated, mid-green leaves that
well-drained soil. Sow seed in fall or divide becoming pinkish-white with age, and turn clear yellow in fall. subsp. PITTOSPORACEAE
in spring. ovate, tapered, dull, mid-green leaves, jacquemontii ‘Doorenbos’ has snowy
B. macrocephala illus. p.243. turning yellow in fall. Bears yellow-brown white, peeling bark, even on smaller Genus of evergreen, woody-stemmed,
B. purpurea illus. p.269. ‘Silver Spike’ male catkins in midspring. Z5–9 branches. subsp. jacquemontii twining climbers, grown mainly for
is a rosette-forming, evergreen perennial. B. gmelinii ‘Mount Apoi’. Slow- ‘Grayswood Ghost’ (illus. p.78) has their attractively colored fruits. Grow
H and S 16–30in (40–75cm). Basal leaves are growing, multi-stemmed tree, eventually bright, white bark, slightly pendent in any well-drained soil, in a sheltered
oblong-lance-shaped, spiny and silvery- forming a rounded shape. H and S 15–20ft branchlets and dark green leaves. position and partial shade. Propagate
gray. Bears large, daisylike, pale whitish- (5–6m). Has peeling, creamy-white bark. subsp. jacquemonti ‘Jermyns’ (syn. B. by seed in spring or stem cuttings in
purple flower heads in summer. Z9–10 Good for small gardens. Z7–10 ‘Jermyns’; illus. p.78), H 50ft (15m), S 30ft summer or fall.
B. jacquemontii. See B. utilis subsp. (10m), has bright white bark and very B. longiflora illus. p.210.
BERTOLONIA jacquemontii. long, elegant, yellow, male catkins. subsp.
B. ‘Jermyns’. See B. utilis subsp. jacquemontii ‘Silver Shadow’ has BILLBERGIA
MELASTOMATACEAE jacquemontii ‘Jermyns’. bright white bark and pendent, dark green
B. lenta (Cherry birch) illus. p.79. leaves. var. jacquemontii see B.u. subsp. BROMELIACEAE
Genus of evergreen perennials, grown B. lutea. See B. alleghaniensis. jacquemontii. var. utilis ‘Buddha’ has
for their foliage. Requires a fairly shaded B. maximowicziana (Monarch birch). pinkish-brown bark, thinly washed with Genus of evergreen, rosette-forming
position and high humidity, although soil Fast-growing, deciduous, broad-headed white, and with contrasting warm brown perennials, grown for colorful but short-
should not be waterlogged. Propagate by tree. H 80ft (25m), S 40ft (12m). Has peeling bark. var. utilis ‘Forest Blush’ lived flowers and attractive foliage.
tip or leaf cuttings in spring or summer. orange-brown or pink bark, and bears has creamy white bark with a hint of pink, Needs semishade and well-drained soil,
B. marmorata. Evergreen, rosette- racemes of yellowish catkins in spring. and prominent orange-brown lenticels. ideally adding sphagnum moss or plastic
forming perennial. H 4–6in (10–15cm), Large, ovate, mid-green leaves turn bright var. utilis Wakehurst Place chips used for orchid culture. Water
S 10in (25cm) or more. Broadly ovate, butter-yellow in fall. Z6–8 Chocolate’ has chocolate-colored bark. moderately when in full growth, sparingly
slightly fleshy leaves have heart-shaped B. nigra (River birch; illus. p.78). at other times. Propagate by seed at 81°F
bases, silvery midribs, and puckered Deciduous, conical then spreading tree, BIDENS (27°C) as soon as ripe, or root offsets in
surfaces, and are reddish-purple below, with peeling, pink-orange bark, becoming summer.
velvety green above. Intermittently bears fissured with age. H 60ft (18m), S 40ft (12m). ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE B. nutans (Queen’s tears). Evergreen,
spikes of saucer-shaped, pinkish-purple Diamond-shaped, glossy, mid-green leaves clump-forming, tubular-rosetted perennial.
flowers. Z14–15 (min. 61–66°F/16–19°C) turn golden-orange in fall. Yellow male Large genus of annuals, perennials and H 20in (50cm), S indefinite. Strap-shaped
catkins develop in spring. Can be coppiced deciduous shrubs; a few perennials are leaves are usually dark green. In summer,
522 BESCHORNERIA to encourage multiple, brightly colored treated as annuals and grown as hanging pendent clusters of tubular, purple-blue-
stems. Grows well in damp soil. Z4–9 basket and container plants for their finely edged, lime-green flowers emerge from
ASPARAGACEAE B. papyrifera (Canoe birch, Paper birch) dissected leaves and large, yellow flowers. pink bracts. Z9–11
illus. p.67. Propagate by seed sown in spring or B. rhodocyanea. See Aechmea fasciata.
Genus of perennial succulents with B. pendula (Silver birch). Deciduous, divide perennials when growth begins B. x windii (Angel’s tears). Evergreen,
narrowly lance-shaped leaves forming broadly columnar or conical, graceful tree. in spring. clump-forming, tubular-rosetted perennial.
erect, almost stemless, basal rosettes. H 80ft (25m) or more, S 30ft (10m). Has H 20in (50cm), S 10in (25cm) or more.
Similar to B. nutans, but produces broader, BOLAX spring or by semiripe cuttings in summer. three-quarters after flowering. Propagate
spreading, gray-green leaves and larger Red spider mite may be a problem. by softwood cuttings in spring or by
bracts. Tubular, green flowers, with purple APIACEAE/UMBELLIFERAE B. megastigma illus. p.456. greenwood or semiripe cuttings in
tips and red margins, are borne in summer. Whitefly and mealy bug may
summer. Z9–15 27°C Genus of evergreen, hummock- and BOUGAINVILLEA be troublesome.
cushion-forming perennials, often included B. humboldtii. See B. longiflora.
Biota orientalis. See Platycladus in Azorella. Grown for its symmetrical NYCTAGINACEAE B. longiflora, syn. B. humboldtii. Erect
orientalis. rosettes of small, thick, tough leaves. to spreading shrub. H 3ft (1m), S 2ft
Flowers only rarely in cultivation. Suitable Genus of deciduous or evergreen, woody- (60cm). Has lance-shaped leaves and
Bistorta. See Persicaria. for growing in gritty screes, troughs, and stemmed, scrambling climbers, grown for bears terminal clusters of fragrant, white
alpine houses. Needs sun and humus-rich, their large clusters of small, tubular flowers, flowers, with slender tubes and 4 petal
BLECHNUM well-drained soil. Propagate by rooting which have showy bracts. Grow in fertile, lobes, from summer to early winter.
rosettes in spring. well-drained soil and in full light. In Z13–15 (min. 41°F/5°C)
BLECHNACEAE B. gummifer illus. p.376. growing season, water moderately; keep B. ternifolia, syn. B. triphylla (Scarlet
pot plants almost dry when dormant. Tie trompetilla), illus. p.456.
Genus of evergreen or semievergree ferns. BOMAREA to a support. Cut back previous season’s B. triphylla. See B. ternifolia.
Most species prefer semishade. Needs lateral growths in spring, leaving 3⁄4–11⁄4in
moist, neutral to acidic soil. Remove ALSTROEMERIACEAE (2–3cm) long spurs. Propagate by semiripe BOWIEA
fading fronds regularly. Propagate B. cuttings in summer or by hardwood
penna-marina and B. spicant by division Genus of tuberous-rooted, usually cuttings when dormant. Whitefly and ASPARAGACEAE
in spring, other species by spores in late deciduous, scrambling and twining mealy bug may attack.
summer. climbers, grown for their flowers. B. x buttiana. Vigorous, evergreen, Genus of summer-flowering, bulbous,
B. alpinum. See B. penna-marina Grow in well-drained soil in full light. woody-stemmed, scrambling climber. perennial succulents with scrambling,
subsp. alpinum. Water regularly in growth, sparingly H 25–40ft (8–12m). Has ovate, mid-green branched, green stems that produce no
B. brasiliense ‘Volcano’. Evergreen, when dormant. Provide support. Some leaves, to 3in (8cm) long, lighter below. proper leaves. Needs sun and well-drained
shuttlecock-shaped fern that eventually species grow well planted beneath Bears large clusters of strongly waved, soil; plant with half of bulb above soil level.
forms a small trunk. H 2–3ft (60–90cm), shrubs through which they can climb; golden-yellow, purple or red floral bracts Support with sticks or canes. Propagate by
S 2ft (60cm). Has broadly lance-shaped mulch to protect tubers before winter. from summer to fall. Z13–15. ‘California seed sown under glass in winter or spring.
fronds, deeply divided into narrow pinnae. Cut out old flowering stems at ground Gold’ see B. x b. ‘Enid Lancaster’. May produce offsets.
New fronds emerging from the center are level when leaves yellow. Propagate by ‘Crimson Lake’ see B. x b. ‘Mrs. Butt’. B. volubilis. Bulbous summer-flowering
vivid red, maturing to dark green. Z6–10 seed or division in early spring. ‘Enid Lancaster’ (syn. B. x b. ‘California succulent. H 12ft (4m), S indefinite. Has
B. chilense, syn. B. tabulare of gardens, B. andimarcana, syn. B. pubigera of Gold’, B. x b. ‘Golden Glow’) has orange- climbing, much-branched, slender stems
illus. p.292. gardens. Deciduous, scrambling climber yellow floral bracts. ‘Golden Glow’ see and no proper leaves. Produces small,
B. penna-marina illus. p.290. subsp. with straight, slender stems. H 6–10ft B. x b. ‘Enid Lancaster’. ‘Miss Manila’ star-shaped, green flowers at tips of stems.
alpinum (syn. B. alpinum) is an evergreen (2–3m). Has lance-shaped leaves, white (syn. B. ‘Miss Manila’, B. ‘Tango’) has pink Provide support. Z14–15 (min. 55°F/13°C)
fern with creeping rhizomes. H 4–6in (10– and hairy beneath. Bears nodding, tubular, floral bracts. ‘Mrs. Butt’ (syn. B. x b.
15cm), S indefinite. Has tufts of linear, green-tipped, pale yellow flowers, suffused ‘Crimson Lake’) has crimson-magenta BOYKINIA B
pinnate or pinnatifid, matte, dark green pink, in spring–fall. Z9–10 bracts. ‘Scarlet Queen’ has scarlet bracts.
fronds, which are reddish green when B. caldasii. See B. multiflora. B. ‘Dania’. Vigorous, mainly evergreen, SAXIFRAGACEAE
young. Z10–11 B. edulis illus. p.201. woody-stemmed, scrambling climber.
B. spicant (Hard fern). Evergreen fern. B. kalbreyeri of gardens. See B. multiflora. H to 15ft (5m). Has rounded-ovate, mid- Genus of mound-forming perennials,
H 8–20in (20–50cm), S 2ft (60cm) or more. B. multiflora, syn. B. caldasii, B. green leaves; bears clusters of deep pink grown for their foliage, sometimes bronze-
Bears narrowly lance-shaped, deeply kalbreyeri of gardens, illus. p.207. floral bracts in summer. Z12–15 tinted when young, and their flowers.
divided, ladderlike, leathery, spreading, B. pubigera of gardens. See B. B. glabra illus. p.462. ‘Sanderiana’ illus. Good for a wild or woodland garden.
dark green fronds. Prefers shade and andimarcana. p.462. ‘Snow White’ illus. p.460. Most species require shade and humus-
peaty or leafy soil. Z10–11 B. salsilla. Deciduous, herbaceous, B. ‘Miss Manila’. See B. x buttiana rich, moist but well-drained, acidic soil.
B. tabulare of gardens. See B. chilense. twining climber. H to 6ft (2m), S 3ft (1m) ‘Miss Manila’ Propagate by division in spring or by
or more. Ovate leaves are grayish-green. B. spectabilis. Strong-growing, mainly seed in fall.
BLETILLA Bears open clusters of pendent, bell-shaped, evergreen, woody-stemmed, scrambling B. aconitifolia. Mound-forming perennial.
green-tipped, cerise flowers in summer. climber; stems usually have a few spines. H 6–24in (15–60cm), S 12in (30cm). Rounded
ORCHIDACEAE Z9–11 H 22–40ft (7–12m). Has elliptic to ovate to kidney-shaped, broadly toothed leaves
leaves and, in summer, large trusses of are glandular-hairy. In summer, flower
See also ORCHIDS. BORAGO red-purple floral bracts. Z9–11 stems bear very small, bell-shaped, white
B. hyacinthina. See B. striata. B. ‘Tango’. See B. x buttiana ‘Miss Manila’. flowers with yellowish-white centers. Z5–9
B. striata, syn. B. hyacinthina (illus. p.466). Borage B. jamesii, syn. Telesonix jamesii. Mound-
Deciduous, terrestrial orchid. H and S 12–24in Boussingaultia baselloides of forming, rhizomatous perennial. H and S
(30–60cm). In late spring or early summer, BORAGINACEAE gardens. See Anredera cordifolia. 6in (15cm). Each woody stem has a rosette
bears magenta or white flowers, 11⁄4in (3cm) of kidney-shaped, glandular-hairy leaves
long, and broadly lance-shaped leaves, Genus of annuals and perennials, grown BOUTELOUA with lacerated edges. In mid- and late
20in (50cm) long. Needs shade in summer. for culinary use as well as for their flowers. spring, produces open bell-shaped, frilled,
Z5–8 Requires sun and fertile, well-drained soil. POACEAE/GRAMINEAE pink flowers with green centers. Z5–9
For culinary use, gather only young leaves. Brachychilum. See Hedychium.
Bocconia cordata. See Macleaya Propagate by seed sown outdoors in See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES,
cordata. spring. Some species will self seed and SEDGES. BRACHYCHITON 523
prolifically and may become invasive. B. gracilis, syn. B. oligostachya (Blue
BOENNINGHAUSENIA B. officinalis (Borage) illus. p.315. f. alba grama, Mosquito grass). Semievergreen, MALVACEAE/STERCULIACEAE
is a robust, freely branching annual. H 2ft tuft-forming, narrow-leaved, perennial
RUTACEAE (60cm), S 18in (45cm). Has lance-shaped to grass. H to 2ft (60cm), S 1ft (30cm). Genus of evergreen or deciduous, mainly
ovate, bristly, dull basal leaves and stalkless, Comblike flower spikes, 11⁄2in (4cm) spring-and summer-flowering trees,
Genus of deciduous subshrubs, usually lance-shaped stem leaves. Bears 5-petaled, long, are held at right-angles to stems grown for their flowers and overall
with soft, herbaceous stems, grown for star-shaped, white flowers all summer. in summer. Z5–9 appearance. Needs full light and humus-
their foliage and flowers. Cut to ground Z6–10 B. oligostachya. See B. gracilis. rich, well-drained, preferably acidic soil.
level in winter. Needs full sun and fertile, Water containerized plants moderately,
well-drained but not too dry soil. BORONIA BOUVARDIA much less in winter. Prune if needed.
Propagate by softwood cuttings in Propagate by seed in spring. Red spider
summer or by seed in fall. RUTACEAE RUBIACEAE mite may be a nuisance.
B. albiflora. Deciduous, bushy subshrub. B. acerifolius, syn. Sterculia acerifolia,
H and S 3ft (1m). Has pungent, dark green Genus of evergreen shrubs, grown mainly Genus of evergreen shrubs and perennials, (Illawarra flame tree), illus. p.450.
leaves, divided into ovate leaflets. Bears for their flowers. Needs full light and sandy, grown for their flowers. Prefers full light B. populneus, syn. Sterculia diversifolia
loose panicles of small, cup-shaped, white neutral to acidic soil. Water potted plants and fertile, well-drained soil. Water freely (Kurrajong). Evergreen, conical tree,
flowers in late summer. Z6–10 moderately, less when not in full growth. when in full growth, and moderately at pyramidal when young. H 20–70ft (6–20m),
For a compact habit, shorten long stems other times. Cut back stems by half to S 10–20ft (3–6m). Pointed or 3–5 lobed,
after flowering. Propagate by seed in
glossy, deep green leaves are chartreuse (35cm). Has deeply cut leaves and small, an annual. H and S 1–11⁄2ft (30–45cm). Has Loose, slender racemes of tubular-bell-
when young. In spring–summer, bears fragrant, daisylike flowers, usually blue but heads of large, often crinkled leaves, in shaped, white flowers are produced in
panicles of saucer-shaped, cream or also pink, mauve, purple or white, in combinations of red/green, white/pink, spring. Z5–9
greenish-white flowers with red, purple summer and early fall. Z10–11. Bravo pink/green. Do not allow to flower. Z7–11.
or yellow throats. Z9–11 (min. 50°F/10°C) Series has white, blue or violet flower Northern Lights Series illus. p.306. Brittonastrum mexicanum. See
heads with black centers. ‘Little Missy’ Agastache mexicana.
BRACHYGLOTTIS is compact, and bears lilac-blue flower x Brassocattleya x B. Mount Adams.
heads with yellow centers. See x Rhyncholaeliocattleya Mount BRIZA
Bracteantha. See Xerochrysum. Quaking grass
Genus of evergreen shrubs and trees, x Brassolaeliocattleya Hetherington
herbaceous perennials, and climbers, grown BRASILIOPUNTIA Horace ‘Coronation’. See POACEAE/GRAMINEAE
for their bold foliage and daisylike flower x Rhyncholaeliocattleya Hetherington
heads. Grow in well-drained soil in full sun. CACTACEAE Horace ‘Coronation’. See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES,
Water potted plants freely in summer, and SEDGES.
moderately at all other times. Propagate by Genus of one species of treelike perennial x Brassolaeliocattleya St Helier. See B. maxima (Greater quaking grass).
semiripe cuttings in late summer. cactus, related to Opuntia. Eventually x Rhyncholaeliocattleya St Helier. Robust, tuft-forming, annual grass.
B. compacta, syn. Senecio compactus. flowers and fruits when mature. Where H 11⁄2–2ft (45–60cm), S 10in (25cm). Mid-
Evergreen, bushy, dense shrub. H 3ft (1m), marginally hardy, protect from frost and Bravoa geminiflora. See Polianthes green leaves are mainly basal. Produces
S 6ft (2m). Bears small, ovate, white-edged, keep dry in winter. Needs full sun and geminiflora. loose panicles of 7–20 pendent, purplish-
dark green leaves, white below, and daisy- well-drained soil. Propagate by seed or green spikelets, in early summer, that dry
like, bright yellow flowers in clustered root stem segments in spring or summer. BREYNIA particularly well for winter decoration.
heads from mid- to late summer. Feltlike, B. brasiliensis, syn. Opuntia brasiliensis. Self seeds readily. Z5–8
white hairs cover the shoots. Z9–10 Treelike, perennial cactus. H 18ft (5.5m), PHYLLANTHACEAE/EUPHORBIACEAE B. media (Common quaking grass).
B. Dunedin Group, syn. Senecio S 10ft (3m). Has a cylindrical, green stem Evergreen, tuft-forming, rhizomatous,
Dunedin Hybrids, S. greyi of gardens, bearing bright green branches of Genus of evergreen shrubs and trees, perennial grass. H 2–3ft (60–90cm),
S. laxifolius of gardens. Evergreen, bushy, flattened, ovate, spiny segments. Sheds grown for their foliage. Requires full light S 1ft (30cm). Mid-green leaves are
mound-forming shrubs. H 5ft (1.5m), 2–3-year-old side branches. Abundant or partial shade, and fertile, well-drained mainly basal. In summer, produces
S 6ft (2m). Obovate to elliptic, often wavy- shallowly saucer-shaped, yellow flowers, soil. Water potted plants freely when in full open panicles of up to 30 pendent,
margined, mid- to dark green leaves, are 11⁄2in (4cm) across, are borne in spring– growth, moderately at other times. Cut purplish-brown spikelets that dry
white-hairy at first, then hairless. Loose summer on plants over 2ft (60cm) tall, back large bushes hard after flowering. well for winter decoration. Z4–11
clusters of daisylike, yellow flower heads followed by small, yellow fruits. Z8–11 Propagate by greenwood or semiripe
are borne from summer to fall. Z9–10. (min. 37–41°F/3–5°C) cuttings in summer. Whitefly, red spider BRODIAEA
‘Sunshine’ illus. p.161. mite and mealy bug may be troublesome.
B. laxifolia, syn. Senecio laxifolius. Brasiliorchis. See Maxillaria. B. disticha, syn. B. nivosa, Phyllanthus ASPARAGACEAE
Evergreen, bushy, spreading shrub. H 3ft Brassaia. See Schefflera. nivosus (Snow bush). Evergreen, well-
(1m), S 6ft (2m). Ovate, gray-white leaves branched shrub with slender stems. H 3ft Genus of mainly spring-flowering bulbs
become dark green. Bears large clusters BRASSAVOLA (1m) or more, S 2–3ft (60–100cm). Leaves with colorful flowers produced in loose
of daisylike, golden-yellow flower heads in are green with white marbling. Tiny, heads on leafless stems. Needs a sheltered,
ORCHIDACEAE greenish flowers, borne intermittently, sunny situation and light, well-drained
B summer. Z8–10 have no petals. Z14–15. (min. 59°F/15°C) soil. Dies down in summer. Propagate in
B. monroi, syn. Senecio monroi, See also ORCHIDS. ‘Roseopicta’ H and S to 3ft (1m). Has fall by seed or in late summer and fall by
illus. p.161. B. nodosa (Lady-of-the-night; illus. p.466). broadly ovate, green leaves variably freely produced offsets.
B. repanda (Pukapuka, Rangiora). Evergreen, epiphytic orchid for an bordered and splashed with white and B. californica. Early summer-flowering
Evergreen, bushy shrub or tree. H 10ft (3m), intermediate greenhouse. H and S 7in flushed pink. Insignificant, petalless bulb. H 20in (50cm), S 3in (8cm). Bears
S 10ft (3m) or more. Upright when young, (18cm). Narrow-petaled, pale green flowers are borne in spring–summer. large umbels of up to 12 widely funnel-
with robust, downy, white stems and flowers, 2in (5cm) across and each with B. nivosa. See B. disticha. shaped, violet, lilac, or pink flowers on
veined leaves, that are white beneath. Bears a white lip, are borne, 1–3 to a stem, in long stalks. Z6–10
fragrant, white flower heads in summer. spring; they are fragrant at night. Leaves, Bridgesia spicata. See Ercilla volubilis. B. capitata. See Dichelostemma
Z12–15 7in (18cm) long, are thick and cylindrical. capitatum.
B. rotundifolia, syn. Senecio reinoldii, Best grown on a bark slab. Provide good BRIGGSIA B. congesta. See Dichelostemma
S. rotundifolius. Evergreen, rounded, dense light in summer. Z11–12 (min. 55°F/13°C, congestum.
shrub. H and S 3ft (1m). Produces rounded, max. 86°F/30°C) GESNERIACEAE B. coronaria, syn. B. grandiflora.
leathery, glossy leaves, dark green above, Late spring- to early summer-flowering
white-felted below, and tiny, yellow flower BRASSIA Genus of evergreen perennials, grown for bulb. H 2–10in (5–25cm), S 2in (5cm). Long,
heads from early to midsummer. In mild their rosettes of hairy leaves. Needs shade narrow, semierect, basal leaves die
coastal areas will withstand salt winds. ORCHIDACEAE and peaty soil, with plenty of moisture down by flowering time. Leafless stems
Z9–10 in summer, and good air circulation in each carry a loose head of erect, funnel-
B. Walberton’s silver Dormouse See also ORCHIDS. winter. Protect against damp in winter. shaped, violet-blue flowers on long,
(‘Walbrach’). Evergreen, compact, bushy B. aurantiaca, syn. Ada aurantiaca (illus. Propagate by seed in spring. slender stalks. Z8–10
shrub. H 3ft (90cm), S 4ft (1.2m). Has ovate, p.467). Evergreen, epiphytic orchid for B. muscicola. Evergreen, basal-rosetted B. grandiflora. See B. coronaria.
hairy, silvery-gray, white-edged leaves, a cool greenhouse. H 9in (23cm). Bears perennial. H 2–3in (5–8cm), S to 6in (15cm). B. hyacinthina. See Triteleia hyacinthina.
white beneath. A profusion of yellow sprays of tubular, orange flowers, 1in Leaves are ovate, silver-haired and pale B. ida-maia. See Dichelostemma ida-maia.
flower heads with conspicuous ray-florets (25cm) long, in early spring. Has narrowly green. Arching flower stems bear loose B. ixioides. See Triteleia ixioides.
are borne in loose panicles, to 5in (12cm) ovate leaves, 4in (10cm) long. Needs shade clusters of tubular, pale yellow flowers, B. lactea. See Triteleia hyacinthina.
across, in summer. Z6–10 in summer. Z9–11 (min. 50°F/10°C) with protruding tips, in early summer. B. laxa. See Triteleia laxa. ‘Queen
Best grown in an alpine house. Z12–15 Fabiola’ see Triteleia laxa
524 BRACHYSCOME BRASSICA ‘Koningin Fabiola’.
BRIMEURA B. lutea. See Triteleia ixioides.
ASPARAGACEAE peduncularis.
Genus of annuals and perennials, grown Genus of annuals and evergreen biennials B. pulchella. See Dichelostemma
for their daisylike flower heads and and perennials. Most are edible vegetables Genus of spring-flowering bulbs, similar capitatum.
very variable, often finely divided foliage. (such as cabbages and kales), but forms of to miniature bluebells, cultivated for their
Requires sun, a sheltered position, and B. oleracea are grown for their ornamental attractive flowers. Suitable for rock BROMELIA
rich, well-drained soil. Pinch out growing foliage. Grow in sun and fertile, well- gardens and shrub borders. Requires
shoots of young plants to encourage a drained soil. Lime-rich soil is preferable, partial shade and prefers humus-rich, BROMELIACEAE
bushy habit. Propagate by seed sown under but not essential. Propagate by seed sown well-drained soil. Propagate by seed in fall
glass in spring or outdoors in late spring. outdoors in spring or under glass in early or by division in late summer. Genus of evergreen, rosette-forming
B. iberidifolia (Swan River daisy). spring. Prone to club root. B. amethystina, syn. Hyacinthus perennials, grown for their overall
Moderately fast-growing, thin-stemmed, B. oleracea cultivars (Ornamental amethystinus, illus. p.419. var. alba is appearance. Needs full light and well-
bushy annual. H to 18in (45cm), S 14in cabbage). Moderately fast-growing, a bulbous perennial. H 4–8in (10–20cm), drained soil. Water moderately in summer,
evergreen, rounded biennial, grown as S 2in (5cm). Has linear, channelled, bright sparingly at other times. Propagate by
green leaves, 4–12in (10–30cm) long.
seed as soon as ripe or divide in late calyx, are borne in summer–fall. Z11 BRUNSVIGIA conditions. Z6–9. ‘Black Knight’ (illus. B
spring or early summer. (min. 45°F/7°C) p.114) has dark green leaves with white-
B. balansae (Heart of flame) illus. p.470. B. aurea. Evergreen, rounded shrub AMARYLLIDACEAE felted undersides and dark violet-purple
or tree. H 15–30ft (5–10m), S 6–12ft flowers. ‘Blue Horizon’ has large
BROUSSONETIA (2–4m). Has ovate leaves, 6in (15cm) Genus of fall-flowering bulbs with panicles, 11⁄2ft (45cm) long, of rich blue
long. In summer–fall, produces heads of showy flowers. Requires sun flowers. ‘Dartmoor’ (illus. p.114) has
MORACEAE pendent, trumpet-shaped, white and well-drained soil. Water in fall deeply cut leaf margins and produces
or yellow flowers, 6–10in (15–25cm) to encourage bulbs into growth and large, branched panicles of deep rich lilac-
Genus of deciduous trees and shrubs, long. Z11 (min. 45°F/7°C) continue watering until summer, when purple flowers. ‘Empire Blue’ has rich
grown for their foliage and unusual B. x candida. Rounded shrub or small leaves will die away and dormant bulbs violet-blue flowers. ‘Harlequin’ has red-
flowers. Male and female flowers are tree. H 10–15ft (3–5m), S 5–8ft (1.5–2.5m). should be kept fairly dry and warm. purple flowers. ‘Monite’ see B.d. ‘Nanho
borne on different plants. Needs a position Has downy, ovate leaves and strongly Propagate by seed sown in fall or by White’. ‘Monum’ see B.d. ‘Nanho Purple.
in full sun and well-drained soil. Propagate scented, pendulous, white flowers, that offsets in late summer. ‘Nanhoensis Alba’ see B.d. ‘Nanho
by softwood cuttings in summer or by may be cream or pinkish, in summer–fall. White’. ‘Nanho Purple’ (syn. B.d. ‘Monum’)
seed in fall. Z11. (min. 45°F/7°C). ‘Grand Marnier’ B. josephinae (Josephine’s lily). is low-growing, bearing rich lavender-
B. papyrifera (Paper mulberry) illus. p.74. (syn. B. ‘Grand Marnier’) illus. p.319. Fall-flowering bulb. H to 11⁄2ft (45cm), purple flowers for many weeks from
B. ‘Grand Marnier’. See B. x candida S 11⁄2–2ft (45–60cm). Produces a sturdy, midsummer. ‘Nanho White’ (syn. B.d.
BROWALLIA ‘Grand Marnier’. leafless stem with a spherical head of ‘Monite’, B.d. ‘Nanhoensis Alba’) is low-
B. rosei of gardens. See B. sanguinea. 20–30 funnel-shaped, red flowers, each growing, with white flowers for many
SOLANACEAE B. sanguinea, syn. B. rosei of gardens. 3–31⁄2in (7–9cm) long, with recurved petal weeks from midsummer. ‘Peace’ bears
Semievergreen, erect to rounded shrub tips. Semierect, oblong leaves develop long plumes of white flowers. ‘Pink
Genus of shrubby perennials, mostly or small tree. H 10–30ft (3–10m), S 6–10ft after flowering. Z12–15 Delight’ see B. ‘Pink Delight’. ‘Royal
grown as annuals, with showy, open (2–3m). Has lobed, young leaves and large, Red’ has rich purple-red flowers. ‘White
trumpet-shaped flowers. Grows best in trumpet-shaped, yellow and orange-red Bryophyllum. See Kalanchoe. Profusion’ (illus. p.114) bears abundant,
sun or partial shade and in fertile, well- flowers from late summer to winter. Z11
drained soil that should not dry out (min. 45°F/7°C) BUDDLEIA snow-white flowers, each with a yellow eye.
completely. Feed when flowering if B. versicolor of gardens. See B. arborea.
container-grown and pinch out young SCROPHULARIACEAE B. fallowiana. Deciduous, arching shrub.
shoots to encourage bushiness. BRUNFELSIA H 6ft (2m), S 10ft (3m). Shoots and lance-
Propagate by seed in spring; for Genus of deciduous, semievergreen or shaped leaves, when young, are covered
winter flowers, sow in late summer. SOLANACEAE evergreen shrubs, sometimes trees and with white hairs; foliage then becomes dark
B. americana, syn. B. elata. climbers, grown for their clusters of small, gray-green. Has fragrant, tubular,
Moderately fast-growing, bushy Genus of evergreen shrubs, grown for often fragrant flowers. Fully to half hardy. lavender-purple flowers in late summer
perennial, usually grown as an annual. their flowers. In frost-prone climates, Requires full sun and fertile, well-drained and early fall. Often damaged in very
H and S to 2ft (60cm). Bears ovate, mid- grow in a cool or temperate greenhouse. soil. B. crispa, B. davidii, B. fallowiana, B. severe winters; grow against a wall in cold
green leaves and trumpet-shaped, blue In frost-free climates, plant in a border. ‘Lochinch’, and B. x weyeriana should be areas. Z6–9. var. alba has white flowers.
flowers, 11∕2in (4cm) across, in summer. Needs semishade and humus-rich, well- cut back hard in spring. Prune B. B. globosa illus. p.116.
Z10–11 (min. 55–61°F/13–16°C) drained soil. Water container plants alternifolia by removing shoots that have B. ‘Lochinch’ (illus. p.114). Deciduous,
B. elata. See B. americana. moderately, much less in low temperatures. flowered. Other species may be cut back arching shrub. H 8ft (2.5m), S 10ft (3m).
B. speciosa (Bush violet) illus. p.472. Remove stem tips to promote branching lightly after flowering. Propagate by Long plumes of fragrant, tubular, lilac-
in growing season. Propagate by softwood semiripe cuttings in summer.
BROWNINGIA cuttings in spring or summer. Mealy bug B. agathosma. Deciduous, upright shrub. blue flowers are borne above lance-
and whitefly may be a problem. H and S 10ft (3m). Large, triangular-shaped, shaped, gray-green leaves in late
syn. AZUREOCEREUS B. calycina. See B. pauciflora. feltlike, silvery-green leaves have wavy summer and fall. Z6–9
B. eximia. See B. pauciflora. margins. Fragrant, tubular, lilac flowers, B. madagascariensis, syn. Nicodemia
CACTACEAE B. pauciflora, syn. B. calycina, with orange centers, are borne in late madagascariensis. Evergreen, arching
B. eximia (Yesterday-today-and-tomorrow). spring. Z5–7 shrub. H and S 6–12ft (2–4m). Has narrowly
Genus of slow-growing, eventually Evergreen, spreading shrub. H 3–10ft B. alternifolia (illus. p.114). Deciduous, lance-shaped, dark green leaves, white
treelike, perennial cacti. Spiny, silvery-or (1–3m), S 18in–5ft (45cm–1.5m). Has arching shrub that can be trained as a beneath, and, in late winter and spring,
green-blue stems, with up to 20 or more oblong to lance-shaped, leathery, glossy weeping tree. H and S 12ft (4m). Slender, long clusters of tubular, orange-yellow
ribs, are crowned by stiff, erect, green- leaves. Blue-purple flowers, each with a pendent shoots carry narrow, gray-green flowers. Grow against a south- or west-
blue branches. Requires full sun and very tubular base and 5 overlapping, wavy- leaves. Neat clusters of fragrant, lilac- facing wall. Z10–11
well-drained soil. Propagate by seed in edged petals, are borne from spring to purple flowers are produced in early B. ‘Pink Delight’, syn. B. davidii ‘Pink
spring or summer. summer. Z12–15 (min. 45°F/7°C). summer. Z6–9 Delight’ (illus. p.114). Striking deciduous
B. hertlingiana, syn. Azureocereus ‘Macrantha’ illus. p.457. B. asiatica. Evergreen, arching shrub. shrub. H and S 6ft (2m). Bears panicles,
hertlingianus, illus. p.488. H and S 10ft (3m). Long plumes of very 12in (30cm) long, of orange-eyed, bright
BRUNNERA fragrant, tubular, white flowers are borne pink flowers from mid- to late summer.
Bruckenthalia spiculifolia. See Erica amid long, narrow, dark green leaves in Z6–10
spiculifolia. BORAGINACEAE late winter and early spring. Grow against B. salviifolia (South African sage wood;
a south- or west-facing wall. Z8–9 illus. p.114). Semievergreen, arching
BRUGMANSIA Genus of spring-flowering perennials. B. colvilei. Deciduous, arching shrub, shrub. H 10ft (3m), S 10ft (3m) or more.
Prefers light shade and moist soil. often treelike with age. H and S 20ft (6m). Has sagelike, lance-shaped, wrinkled,
Angels’ trumpets Propagate by division in spring or Has dark green foliage and bears drooping blue-green leaves, covered in fine hairs.
by seed in fall racemes of large, white-centered, deep pink In late fall–early winter, bears fragrant,
SOLANACEAE B. macrophylla (Siberian bugloss). to purplish-red flowers in early summer. tubular, white to pale lilac flowers. Z8–11
Clump-forming perennial. H 11⁄2ft (45cm), Z8–9. ‘Kewensis’ (illus. p.114), H and B. x weyeriana. Deciduous, arching
Genus of evergreen shrubs and trees, S 2ft (60cm). Delicate sprays of small, S 15ft (5m), has lance-shaped, dark green shrub. H 12ft (4m), S 10ft (3m). Bears
grown for their large, usually scented, star-shaped, forget-me-notlike, bright leaves and large, tubular, white-throated, lance-shaped, dark green leaves, and
flowers borne mainly in summer and fall. blue flowers, borne in mid- to late deep red flowers that hang in drooping loose, rounded clusters of tubular,
Prefers full light and fertile, well-drained spring, are followed by heart-shaped, clusters during early summer. orange-yellow flowers, often tinged
soil. Water containerized specimens freely rough, long-stalked leaves. Makes good B. crispa illus. p.204. purple, from midsummer to fall. Z5–9.
in full growth, moderately at other times. groundcover. Z3–7. ‘Hadspen Cream’ B. davidii (Butterfly bush). Variable, ‘Moonlight’ (illus. p.114) bears pale
May be pruned hard in early spring. has irregular, creamy-white leaf margins. fast-growing, deciduous shrub. H 10–15ft cream flowers with deep orange-yellow
Propagate by seed sown in spring or by ‘Jack Frost’ illus. p.261. ‘Looking (3–5m), S to 15ft (5m). Long, arching throats. ‘Sungold’ (illus. p.114) has dense
greenwood or semiripe cuttings in early Glass’ is similar to ‘Jack Frost’, but branches bear lance-shaped, pointed, mid- clusters of dark orange-yellow flowers.
summer or later. Whitefly and red spider with finer green leaf markings. ‘Mister to gray-green leaves, to 10in (25cm) long.
mite may be a problem. tAll parts are Morse’ has silver leaves, veined Bears dense, semipendent panicles, to 8in BULBOCODIUM 525
highly toxic if ingested. and edged with green and bears (20cm) or more, of small, very fragrant,
B. arborea, syn. B. versicolor of gardens. white flowers. tubular, lilac to purple or white flowers COLCHICACEAE/LILIACEAE
Evergreen or semievergreen, rounded, from midsummer to fall. Tolerant of dry
robust shrub. H 6–12ft (2–4m), S 5–8ft (1.5– x Brunsdonna. See x Amarygia. Genus of spring-flowering corms, related
2.5m). Has narrowly ovate leaves, 6–12in to Colchicum and with funnel-shaped
(15–30cm) long. Strongly fragrant, flowers. Particularly suited to rock gardens
pendent, trumpet-shaped, white flowers,
6–8in (16–20cm) long, with a spathelike
and cool greenhouses. Requires an open, C grass. H 2–6ft (60cm–180cm), S 2–4ft Pouched, yellow, purple-marked flowers
sunny site and well-drained soil. Propagate (60cm–120cm). Has arching, slightly glossy, are borne in large trusses in summer. Z8–9
by seed sown in fall or by division in late CAESALPINIA mid-green leaves, 18–36in (45–90cm) long. C. polyrrhiza, syn. C. acutifolia.
summer and early fall. Stiff, erect stems produce soft, silvery Evergreen, prostrate perennial. H 1in
CAESALPINIACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE bronze to pale purple-brown, narrow (25cm), S 6in (15cm). Has rounded, hairy,
B. vernum illus. p.418. flower spikes, in mid- and late summer; mid-green leaves along the flower stems,
Genus of deciduous or evergreen trees, these last during winter. Z5–9. which bear pouch-shaped, purple-spotted,
BUPHTHALMUM scandent to climbing shrubs, and ‘Avalanche’ has variegated leaves, white yellow flowers in summer. Good for a
perennials, grown for their foliage and in the centers with green margins. ‘Karl shady rock garden. May also be propagated
ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE flowers. Needs full sun and fertile, well- Foerster’, H to 6ft (1.8m), S 2ft (60cm), by division in fall or spring. Z8–9
drained soil. Propagate by softwood has pink-bronze flower spikes, fading to C. rugosa. See C. integrifolia.
Genus of summer-flowering perennials. cuttings in summer or by seed in fall buff or pale brown. Leaves of ‘Overdam’, C. tenella illus. p.371.
Requires full sun; grows well in any but or spring. H to 4ft (1.2m), have pale yellow margins C. uniflora var. darwinii, syn.
rich soil. Propagate byseed in spring or by C. gilliesii, syn. Poinciana gilliesii, illus. and stripes that age to pink-flushed white. C. darwinii. Evergreen, clump-forming,
division in early spring. Needs frequent p.116. Bears purplish flower spikes, turning short-lived perennial. H 3in (8cm),
division to curb invasiveness. C. pulcherrima, syn. Poinciana grayish-pink. S 4in (10cm). Bears rounded, wrinkled,
B. salicifolium (Yellow ox-eye) illus. p.276. pulcherrima (Barbados pride). Evergreen C. brachytricha illus. p.284. glossy, dark green leaves. In late spring,
B. speciosum. See Telekia speciosa. shrub or tree of erect to spreading habit. flower stems carry pendent, pouch-
H and S 10–20ft (3–6m). Has fernlike CALANTHE shaped, yellow flowers with dark brown
BUPLEURUM leaves composed of many small, mid- spots on lower lips and central, white
green leaflets. In summer, bears cup- ORCHIDACEAE bands. Difficult to grow. Needs a sheltered,
APIACEAE/UMBELLIFERAE shaped, yellow flowers, 11∕4in (3cm) sunny site in moist, gritty, peaty soil.
across, with very long, red anthers, in See also ORCHIDS. Prone to attack by aphids. Z8–9
Genus of annuals, perennials, and short, dense, erect racemes. Z9–11 C. sieboldii. See C. striata. C. ‘Walter Shrimpton’ illus. p.372.
semievergreen or evergreen shrubs, C. striata, syn. C. sieboldii, illus. p.275.
grown for their foliage and flowers. Suits CALADIUM C. vestita (illus. p.466). Deciduous, CALENDULA
coastal gardens. Needs full sun and well- terrestrial orchid. H 1.3ft (1m), S 3ft (1m).
drained soil. Propagate by semiripe ARACEAE In winter, produces arching sprays of many Marigold
cuttings in summer. white or pale rose pink flowers, 11∕2in (4cm)
B. fruticosum (Shrubby hare’s ear) Genus of perennials with seasonally across, each with a large, red-marked lip. ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE
illus. p.139. dormant or evergreen tubers from which Has large, broadly ovate, ribbed, soft
arise long-stalked, ornamental leaves. leaves, 12in (30cm) long. Needs semishade Genus of bushy, fast-growing annuals and
BUTOMUS Requires partial shade and moist, humus- and regular feeding in summer. Z12 (min. woody-based, evergreen perennials. Grow
rich soil. After leaves have died down, 64°F/18°C, max. 86°F/30°C) in sun or partial shade and in any well-
BUTOMACEAE store tubers in a frost-free, dark place. drained soil. Deadhead regularly to
Propagate by separating small tubers Calathea. See Goeppertia except for: prolong flowering. Propagate annuals
Genus of one species of deciduous, when planting in spring. tContact with C. oppenheimiana for which see by seed sown outdoors in spring or fall,
perennial, rushlike, marginal water plant, all parts may irritate skin, and may cause Ctenanthe oppenheimiana. shrubs by stem cuttings in summer.
grown for its fragrant, cup-shaped flowers. mild stomach upset if ingested. Annuals may self-seed. Cucumber
Requires an open, sunny situation in up C. bicolor, syn. C. x hortulanum (Angel CALCEOLARIA mosaic virus and powdery mildew
to 10in (25cm) depth of water. Propagate wings). Slender-stemmed perennial. may cause problems.
by division in spring or by seed in spring H 6–12in (15–30cm), S 5–8in (13–20cm). Pouch flower, Slipper flower, C. officinalis. Fast-growing, bushy
Arrow-, shield-, or lance-shaped leaves Slipperwort annual. Tall cultivars, H and S 2ft (60cm);
B or late summer. are dark green, streaked, or spotted white, dwarf forms, H and S 12in (30cm). All have
B. umbellatus (Flowering rush) illus. pink, or red. Z15. (min. 55°F/13°C). CALCEOLARIACEAE lance-shaped, strongly aromatic, pale
p.438. ‘Candidum’ see C. ‘Candidum’. ‘John green leaves. Daisylike, single or double
Peed’ has purple stems and waxy, green Genus of annuals, biennials, perennials, flower heads in a wide range of yellow and
526 BUXUS leaves with metallic orange-red centers and shrubs, some of them scandent. orange shades are produced from spring
and scarlet veins. ‘Pink Beauty’ illus. Most prefer sun but some like a shady, to fall. Z8–9. ‘Apricot Twist’ bears
Boxwood, Box p.470. ‘Pink Cloud’ has large, dark green cool site and moist but well-drained soil, double, soft apricot-orange flower heads.
leaves with mottled pink centers, and pink incorporating sharp sand and compost, ‘Daisy May’ illus. p.321. Fiesta Gitana
BUXACEAE to white areas along the veins. ‘White and dislike wet conditions in winter. Group illus. p.325. Pacific Beauty Series
Christmas’ see C. ‘White Christmas’. Propagate by softwood cuttings in late spring ‘Lemon Queen’ illus. p.322. Flower
Genus of evergreen shrubs and trees, C. ‘Candidum’, syn. C. bicolor ‘Candidum’. or summer or by seed in fall. heads of ‘Snow Princess’ are creamy-
grown for their foliage and habit. Makes Tufted perennial. H and S to 36in (90cm). C. acutifolia. See C. polyrrhiza. white with brown or yellow centers.
excellent edging, hedging and topiary. Triangular, green-veined, white leaves, to C. arachnoidea illus. p.341.
Flowers are insignificant. Needs sun or 18in (45cm) long, have arrow-shaped C. darwinii. See C. uniflora var. darwinii. CALIBRACHOA
semishade and any but waterlogged soil. bases and long leaf stalks. Intermittently C. fothergillii. Evergreen, clump-
Trim hedges in summer. Promote new bears white spathes; small flowers clustered forming, short-lived perennial. H and S 5in SOLANACEAE
growth by cutting back stems to 12in on the spadix sometimes produce whitish (12cm). Has a rosette of rounded, light
(30cm) or less in late spring. Propagate berries. Z15 (min. 55°F/13°C) green leaves with hairy edges and, in A genus of low-growing, evergreen shrubs
by semiripe cuttings in summer. tContact C. x hortulanum. See C. bicolor. summer, solitary, pouch-shaped, sulfur- and subshrubs, once included in Petunia,
with sap may irritate skin. C. ‘White Christmas’, syn. C. bicolor yellow flowers with crimson spots. Good grown for their showy flowers. Most
B. balearica (Balearic boxwood) illus. ‘White Christmas’. Tuberous perennial. for a sheltered rock ledge or trough or in hybrids will withstand light frost.
p.145. H to 6–12in (15–30cm), S 5–8in (13–20cm). an alpine house. Needs gritty, peaty soil. Propagation is mainly by semiripe
B. microphylla (Small-leaved boxwood). Slim stems carry arrow-, shield-, or lance- Prone to aphid attack. Z8–9 cuttings, by seed in spring when available.
Evergreen, bushy shrub. H 21⁄2ft (75cm), shaped, white, green-veined leaves. C. integrifolia, syn. C. rugosa. Evergreen, Good in hanging baskets and containers.
S 5ft (1.5m). Forms a dense, rounded mass Z9–11 (min. 55°F/13°C) upright subshrub, sometimes grown C. hybrids. Low-growing and trailing,
of small, oblong, dark green leaves. Z6–9. as an annual. H to 4ft (1.2m), S 2ft (60cm). or weakly upright, evergreen subshrubs,
‘Green Pillow’ illus. p.167. CALAMAGROSTIS In summer, bears crowded clusters often grown as annuals. H 4–16in (10–
B. sempervirens (Common boxwood). of pouch-shaped, yellow to red-brown 40cm), S 12–36in (30–100cm). Has elliptic to
Evergreen, bushy shrub or tree. H and Reed grass, Smallweed flowers above oblong to elliptic, mid-green ovate, mid-green leaves and solitary,
S 15ft (5m). Produces oblong, glossy, dark leaves, sometimes rust-colored beneath. trumpet-shaped flowers from late spring
green leaves. Useful for hedging and POACEAE/GRAMINAE Z8–9. ‘Sunshine’, H to 12in (30cm), is to fall. Z10–11. Cabaret Series, H 6–10in
screening. Z6–8. ‘Elegantissima’ has compact and bushy with ovate, mid- (15–25cm), S 10–12in (25–30cm), are
dense growth, producing narrow, white- See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES, green leaves and heads of small, rounded, mound-forming and spreading, with
margined leaves. ‘Graham Blandy’ is and SEDGES. pouched, bright golden-yellow flowers white, pink, red, yellow, blue, or purple
very narrow with a single, vertical leader. C. x acutiflora (Feather reed grass). in late spring and summer. flowers from summer to fall. Cabaret
‘Handsworthiensis’ illus. p.144. Slow-spreading, clump-forming, perennial C. ‘John Innes’ illus. p.277. Series Cabaret apriCot (‘Balcabapt’),
‘Suffruticosa’ illus. p.167. C. pavonii. Robust, evergreen, scandent H 5in (13cm), S 18in (45cm), is prolific and
B. wallichiana (Himalayan boxwood). climber. H 6ft (2m) or more. Has ovate, trailing,with twiggy stems and dark green
Slow-growing, evergreen, bushy shrub serrated, downy leaves with winged stalks. leaves. Flowers are flecked in apricot,
with an open habit. H and S 8ft (2.5m).
Has long, narrow, glossy, bright green
leaves. Z9–10
cream, and yellow. Cabaret Series C. coriandrifolium, syn. C. rutifolium. C. paludosus. See C. sieberi. C. vulgaris (Ling, Heather). Evergreen, C
Cabaret Light Pink (‘Balcablitpi’) illus. Prostrate perennial with upright flower C. pityoides (Alpine bottlebrush). bushy shrub. H to 2ft (60cm), S 18in (45cm).
p.300. Can-Can Series, H and S 10–15in stems. H 3in (8cm), S 8in (20cm). Long- Evergreen, compact, upright shrub. Tiny, leathery, arrow-shaped leaves, in 527
(25–38cm), are mound-forming to trailing. stalked, very dissected, blue-green H 5ft (1.5m), S 3ft (1m). Densely covered opposite and overlapping pairs, range in
Flowers (sometimes bicolored) are leaves form open rosettes. Bears short- with sharply pointed, dark green leaves, color from bright green to many shades of
creamy-white, pink, orange, and reddish- stemmed, many-petaled, white flowers, and has short spikes of yellow flowers in gray, yellow, orange, and red. Spikes of
purple. Can-Can Series ‘Double with yellow centers, in spring. Susceptible mid- and late summer. Z12–15 bell-shaped, single or double flowers are
Can-Can’ has double flowers. Can-Can to slugs. Z4–7 C. rigidus (Stiff bottlebrush) illus. p.137. produced from midsummer to late fall.
Series ‘Hot Pink Star’ illus. p.306. C. rutifolium. See C. coriandrifolium. C. salignus (Willow bottlebrush). Erect to Unlike in Erica, flower color derives from
‘Crave Strawberry Star’ has white spreading shrub or small tree. H 15–50ft the large sepals. In some cultivars (“bud-
flowers, each marked with a large, central, CALLICARPA (5–15m), S 10–15ft (3–5m). Has papery- bloomers”), the cone-shaped buds never
deep strawberry pink “star.” Kabloom white bark and willowlike, narrowly lance- open, providing attractive color for a long
Series, H 12in (30cm), S 8in (20cm), are Beauty berry shaped, pale green leaves. Bears spikes of period. The following cultivars, H 18in
compact, trailing perennials, with white, green or white, sometimes red, pink, or (45cm), have mid-green leaves and bear
pink, blue, purple, scarlet, or yellow LAMIACEAE/VERBENACEAE mauve, flowers from late spring to single flowers in late summer and early
flowers. Kabloom Series ‘Denim’ has midsummer. Z8–11 fall, unless otherwise stated. Z5–7. ‘Alba
blue flowers. Starlight Series, H and S Genus of deciduous and evergreen C. sieberi, syn. C. paludosus (Alpine Plena’, H 12–18in (30–45cm), bears double,
8–12in (20–30cm), are prolific trailing shrubs and trees, grown for their bottlebrush). Evergreen, bushy, dense white flowers. ‘Alexandra’, H 12in
perennials, with bright pink, cherry red, small but striking, clustered fruits. shrub. H 5ft (1.5m), S 3ft (1m). Has short, (30cm), S 16in (40cm), has a compact,
or blue flowers, each with a contrasting, Does best in full sun and fertile, well- narrowly lance-shaped, rigid, mid-green upright habit, dark green foliage, and
central yellow “star.” drained soil. Propagate by softwood leaves and, from mid- to late summer, small white and crimson buds, which turn deep
cuttings in summer. clusters of pale yellow flowers. Z10–11 crimson, until early winter. ‘Alicia’, H 12in
CALLA C. bodinieri. Deciduous, bushy shrub. C. speciosus (Albany bottlebrush). (30cm), S 16in (40cm), is compact and has
H 10ft (3m), S 8ft (2.5m). Has ovate, dark Evergreen, bushy shrub. H and S 10ft (3m). white buds until early winter. ‘Allegro’,
ARACEAE green leaves. Bears tiny, star-shaped, lilac Produces long, narrow, gray-green leaves. H 2ft (60cm), is compact and produces
flowers in midsummer, followed by dense Cylindrical clusters of bright red flowers purple-red flowers. ‘Alportii’, H 24–36in
Genus of one species of deciduous or clusters of spherical, violet fruits. Z5–8. open in late spring and early summer. Z10–11 (60–90cm), has purple-red flowers.
semievergreen, marginal aquatic perennial var. giraldii (Beauty berry) illus. p.141. C. subulatus illus. p.203. ‘Amilto’ has bronze-yellow young foliage,
grown for its foliage and showy spathes C. viminalis (Weeping bottlebrush). turning yellow in summer and orange-red
that surround insignificant flower clusters. CALLISIA Evergreen, arching shrub. H and S 15ft in winter (the color is best in harsh
Requires a sunny position, in mud or in (5m). Narrowly oblong, bronze, young conditions); deep magenta flowers are
water to 10in (25cm) deep. Propagate by syn. PHYODINA leaves mature to dark green. Bears clusters borne in late summer. ‘Anette’, H 14in
division in spring or by seed in late of bright red flowers in summer. Z9–11 (35cm), S 16in (40cm), has clear pink buds
summer. tContact with the foliage COMMELINACEAE until early winter. ‘Annemarie’ (illus.
may aggravate skin allergies. CALLISTEPHUS p.166), H 20in (50cm), S 2ft (60cm), has
C. palustris (Bog arum) illus. p.434. Genus of creeping, spreading, or sub- outstanding, double, rose-pink flowers,
erect, evergreen perennials, and, rarely, China aster ideal for cutting. ‘Anthony Davis’ has
CALLIANDRA annuals, grown for their ornamental gray-green leaves and white flowers in
foliage and trailing habit. Grow in full ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE long sprays. ‘Athene’ is a bud-bloomer,
Powder-puff tree light, but out of direct sunlight, in fertile, bearing cerise-ruby buds, from late
well-drained soil. Propagate by tip cuttings Genus of one species of erect, bushy summer to late fall. ‘Beoley Gold’ (illus.
MIMOSACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE in spring, either annually or when plants annual. Needs sun, a sheltered position p.166), S 20in (50cm), has golden foliage
become straggly. and fertile, well-drained soil. Tall cultivars and white flowers. ‘Beoley Silver’,
Genus of evergreen perennials, shrubs, C. navicularis, syn. Tradescantia need support; all should be deadheaded. H 16in (40cm), has silver foliage and
and small trees grown for their flowers navicularis (Chain plant). Evergreen, low- Propagate by seed sown under glass in white flowers. ‘Blazeaway’, H 14in
and overall appearance. Requires full light growing perennial with creeping, rooting spring or by seed may also be sown (35cm), S 2ft (60cm), has gold foliage in
or partial shade and well-drained soil. shoots, 20in (50cm) or more long. H 2–3in outdoors in midspring. Wilt disease, summer that turns orange, then fiery red
Water containerized plants freely when in (5–8cm), S indefinite. Has 2 rows of small, virus diseases, foot rot, root rot, and in winter. ‘Boskoop’, H 12in (30cm), is
full growth, much less when temperatures ovate, keeled leaves, sheathing the stem. aphids may be a problem. compact with golden foliage that turns
are low. To restrict growth, cut back stems Bears stalkless clusters of small, 3-petaled, C. chinensis cultivars. Selections from deep orange in winter and lilac-pink
by one-half to two-thirds after flowering. pinkish-purple flowers in leaf axils from C. chinensis are fast-growing, bushy flowers. ‘Con Brio’, H 14in (35cm),
Propagate by seed sown indoors in summer to fall. Z6–8 (min. 50°F/10°C) annuals. Tall cultivars, H 2ft (60cm), S 18in S 18in (45cm), has bronze-yellow foliage,
spring. Whitefly and mealy bug may C. repens. Evergreen, creeping (45cm); intermediate, H 18in (45cm), S 12in red-tinted in winter, and ruby-red flowers.
be troublesome. perennial with rooting stems. H 4in (10cm), (30cm); dwarf, H 10–12in (25–30cm), ‘County Wicklow’, H 10in (25cm),
C. eriophylla (Fairy duster) illus. p.453. S indefinite. Has densely packed leaves, S 12–18in (30–45cm); very dwarf, H 8in S 14in (35cm), is compact with double,
C. haematocephala, syn. C. inaequilatera. sometimes white-banded and often (20cm), S 12in (30cm). Mid-green leaves shell-pink flowers. ‘Dark Beauty’,
Evergreen, spreading shrub. H 10–20ft purplish beneath. Inconspicuous, white are ovate to triangular, coarsely toothed, to H 8in (20cm), S 14in (35cm), is neat and
(3–6m), S 6–12ft (2–4m). Leaves have 16–24 flowers are rarely produced in winter. 3in (8cm) long. From late summer to fall, compact, and bears bright, semidouble,
leaflets. From late fall to spring, bears Z14–15 (min. 50°F/10°C) they bear branching stems of single to crimson flowers. ‘Darkness’, H 16in
usually bright red, sometimes pink (illus. fully double, chrysanthemumlike flower (40cm), S 14in (35cm), is compact with
p.454), or white flowers, with prominent, CALLISTEMON heads, 3–5in (7–12cm) across, in a wide crimson flowers. ‘Dark Star’ (illus. p.166),
bright red, pink or white stamens. Z12–15 color range, including pink, red, blue and H 8in (20cm), S 14in (35cm), has short
(min. 55°F/13°C) Bottlebrush white. Z10–11. Duchesse Series (tall) has racemes of semidouble, deep crimson
C. inaequilatera. See C. haematocephala. incurved, chrysanthemumlike flower flowers. ‘Elsie Purnell’, H 20in (50cm),
C. tweediei (Mexican flame bush). MYRTACEAE heads. Milady Super Series (dwarf) has S 30in (75cm), is spreading, with grayish-
Evergreen, large shrub or small tree. incurved, fully double flower heads in green leaves and double, pale pink flowers.
H 6–15ft (2–5m), S 5–6ft (1.5–2m), or more. Genus of evergreen trees and shrubs, mixed or single colors (blue, illus. p.312; ‘Finale’ bears dark pink flowers from
Mid-green leaves are divided into 15–20 usually with narrow, pointed leaves, grown rose, illus. p.304). Ostrich Plume Series late fall to early winter. ‘Firefly’, 20in
pairs of narrowly oblong, often curved for their clustered flowers, which, with (tall) illus. p.303. Starlight Series (very (50cm), with deep mauve flowers, has
leaflets. Round heads of green or white their profusion of long stamens, resemble dwarf) are compact, producing double, foliage that is terracotta in summer,
flowers, with red stamens, open from bottlebrushes. Where marginally hardy, pale pink, rose-pink, violet-blue, dark red, brick-red in winter. ‘Foxii Nana’,
winter to spring. Z11–12 (min. 55°F/13°C) grow against a warm, sunny wall or in a or purple flowers; are resistant to wilt. H 6in (15cm), forms a low, miniature
cool greenhouse. Requires full sun and mound of bright green foliage and
CALLIANTHEMUM fertile, well-drained soil. Propagate by CALLUNA produces a few mauve-pink flowers.
semiripe cuttings in summer or by seed in ‘Fred J. Chapple’ has bright pink-,
RANUNCULACEAE fall or spring. Heather, Ling cream-, and coral-tipped shoots in
C. citrinus ‘Splendens’ (Crimson spring; mauve-pink flowers are borne
Genus of perennials, grown for their bottlebrush) illus. p.203. ERICACEAE on long stems. ‘Gold Haze’ has pale
daisylike flowers and thick, dissected C. linearis. Evergreen, spreading, golden foliage and white flowers.
leaves. Excellent for rock gardens and dense to open shrub. H 6–12ft (2–4m), Genus of one species of evergreen shrub.
alpine houses. Needs sun and moist but S 10–15ft (3–5m). Has linear, rigid, sharp- Requires sun and acidic soil. Propagate
well-drained soil. Propagate by seed pointed, thick, dark green leaves and named cultivars by cuttings or layering.
when fresh. spikes of rich, matte red flowers from late See also HEATHERS.
spring to fall. Z8–11
C. pallidus illus. p.139.
C ‘Hammondii Aureifolia’, H 12in (30cm), are particularly effective in winter; flowers (Incense plant). Erect, branching biennial. C. occidentalis (California allspice)
S 16in (40cm), has white flowers; foliage is are mauve-pink. ‘Yvette’s Gold’, H 12in H to 6ft (1.8m), S 3ft (90cm). Has lance- illus. p.137.
528 light green, and shoots tipped yellow in (30cm), S 20in (50cm), is robust and upright, shaped leaves and heads of tiny, pink, C. x raulstonii ‘Hartlage Wine’.
spring and early summer. ‘H.E. Beale’, with golden foliage and white flowers. brownish-red or crimson flowers with a Vigorous, deciduous, upright, spreading
H 20in (50cm), is one of the best double- strong fragrance of incense in summer- shrub. H and S 10ft (3m). Has broadly
flowered heathers, with pale pink flowers CALOCEDRUS fall. Z12–15 (min. 39°F/4°C) ovate, shiny, dark green leaves, which
on long stems. ‘J.H. Hamilton’, H 8in turn yellow in fall. A profusion of solitary,
(20cm), S 16in (40cm), is neat, with double, CUPRESSACEAE Calonyction aculeatum. See Ipomoea almost scentless, maroon-red flowers,
salmon-pink flowers. ‘Joy Vanstone’ alba. with cream-tipped inner tepals, are borne
has pale golden foliage, turning to See also CONIFERS. from late spring to early summer. Z5–9
orange and bronze, and mauve-pink C. decurrens, syn. Libocedrus decurrens Caloscordum neriniflorum. See
flowers. ‘Kerstin’, H 12in (30cm), (Incense cedar), illus. p.101. Allium neriniflorum. CALYPSO
bears mauve flowers and has downy,
deep lilac-gray foliage in winter; the Calocephalus brownii. See CALOTHAMNUS ORCHIDACEAE
shoots are tipped pale yellow and red Leucophyta brownii.
in spring. ‘Kinlochruel’, H 12in (30cm), Net bush See also ORCHIDS.
S 14in (35cm), bears an abundance of CALOCHORTUS C. bulbosa. Deciduous, terrestrial
large, double, white flowers. ‘Mair’s MYRTACEAE orchid. H 2–8in (5–20cm), S 6in (15cm).
Variety’, an old cultivar, has white Cat’s ears, Fairy lantern, Cormlike stem produces a single, ovate,
flowers on long spikes. ‘Marleen’ has Mariposa tulip Genus of evergreen, summer-flowering pleated leaf, 11⁄4–4in (3–10cm) long.
long-lasting, white buds tipped purple, shrubs, grown for their flowers and Purplish-pink flowers, 5⁄8–3⁄4in (1.5–2cm)
borne from early to late fall. ‘Mullion’ LILIACEAE overall appearance. Thrives in a dryish, long, with hairy, purple-blotched, white
H 10in (25cm), S 20in (50cm), is a low, airy environment. Needs full sun and well- or pale pink lips, are produced singly in
spreading shrub with rich mauve-pink Genus of bulbs, grown for their spring drained, sandy soil. Water containerized late spring or early summer. Requires a
flowers. ‘My Dream’, H 18in (45cm), and summer flowers. Needs a sheltered, plants moderately when in full growth, damp, semishaded position with a mulch
S 20in (50cm), bears double, white sunny site and well-drained soil. In cold, less at other times. Propagate by seed or of leaf mold. Z6–9
flowers on long, tapering stems. ‘Peter damp climates, cover or lift spring- semiripe cuttings in summer.
Sparkes’ (illus. p.166), H 20in (50cm), flowering species when dormant, or C. quadrifidus (Common net bush). CAMASSIA
S 22in (55cm), bears double, deep pink grow in cold frames or cold houses. After Erect to spreading, evergreen shrub.
flowers in long spikes. ‘Red Favorit’, flowering, remove bulbils for propagation. H 6–12ft (2–4m), S 6–15ft (2–5m). Has ASPARAGACEAE
H 8in (20cm), S 28in (70cm), has a broad, Propagate by seed or bulbils: spring- linear, grayish- to dark green or gray
spreading habit, and bears double, flowering species in fall, summer- leaves. Irregular, axillary, one-sided Genus of summer-flowering bulbs, suitable
crimson flowers; foliage is dark green flowering species in spring. C. albus. spikes of rich red, feathery flowers, 1in for borders and pond margins. Requires a
in summer, turning bronze in winter. Spring-flowering bulb. H 8–20in (20–50cm), (25cm) long, are borne from late spring position in sun or partial shade and deep,
‘Robert Chapman’ is a spreading S 2–4in (5–10cm). Has long, narrow, erect, to fall, often forming clusters, 8in (20cm) moist soil. Plant bulbs in fall, 4in (10cm)
cultivar grown mainly for its foliage, gray-green leaves near the base of the or more across, around the stems. Z12–15 deep. Lies dormant in fall and winter.
which is golden-yellow in summer, loosely branched stem. Each branch bears (min. 41°F/5°C) Propagate by seed in fall or by division in
turning orange and brilliant red in winter; a pendent, round to bell-shaped, white or late summer. If seed is not required, cut off
flowers are mauve-pink. ‘Ruth Sparkes’, pink flower. Z6–10 CALTHA stems after flowering.
H 10in (25cm), has golden foliage and C. barbatus, syn. Cyclobothra lutea, illus. C. esculenta. See C. quamash.
double, white flowers. ‘Silver Knight’, p.412. RANUNCULACEAE C. leichtlinii subsp. leichtlinii illus.
H 12in (30cm), is upright and vigorous, C. luteus (Yellow mariposa) illus. p.406. p.383. ‘Semiplena’ is a tuft-forming,
with gray foliage and mauve-pink flowers. C. monophyllus. Summer-flowering Genus of deciduous, perennial, marginal summer-flowering bulb. H 3–5ft (1–1.5m),
‘Silver Queen’, H 16in (40cm), S 22in bulb. H 3–8in (8–20cm), S 2in (5cm). Has water plants, bog plants, and rock-garden S 8–12in (20–30cm). Has long, narrow,
(55cm), is spreading, with outstanding, an erect, branched stem with 1–3 slender plants, grown for their attractive flowers. erect, basal leaves. Each leafless stem bears
downy, silvery-gray foliage and dark leaves and one long, narrow basal leaf. Most prefer an open, sunny position. a dense spike of narrow-petaled, double,
mauve-pink flowers. ‘Sir John Bears cup-shaped, deep yellow flowers, Smaller-growing species suit rock gardens, creamy-white flowers, 11⁄2–3in (4–8cm)
Charrington’ has brightly colored often with a reddish mark on the claws. troughs, and alpine houses; they require across. subsp. suksdorfii Caerulea
foliage, that varies from golden-yellow in Petals are fringed and densely bearded. moist, but well-drained soil. Larger species Group has dark blue flowers. Z5–9
summer to orange and red in winter, and Z7–10 are best in marginal conditions. Propagate C. quamash, syn. C. esculenta (Common
dark mauve-pink flowers. ‘Sister Anne’, C. splendens. Late spring-flowering species by seed in fall or by division in fall camassia, Quamash), illus. p.411.
H 6in (15cm), is low and spreading, with bulb. H 8–24in (20–60cm), S 2–4in (5–10cm). or early spring, selected forms by division
gray-green foliage turning bronze in Bears 1 or 2 linear, erect leaves near base in fall or early spring. CAMELLIA
winter, and pale mauve-pink flowers. of branched stem and 1–4 upward-facing, C. leptosepala illus. p.435.
‘Spring Cream’ has bright green foliage, saucer-shaped, pale purple flowers, 2–3in C. palustris (Kingcup, Marsh marigold) THEACEAE
the young shoots tipped cream in spring, (5–7cm) across, with a darker blotch at the illus. p.444. var. alba (syn. C.p. ‘Alba’) is
and white flowers. ‘Spring Torch’, base of each of the 3 large petals. Z8–10 a compact, deciduous, perennial, marginal Genus of evergreen shrubs and small
H 16in (40cm), S 2ft (60cm), has cream, C. superbus illus. p.409. water plant. H 9in (23cm), S 12in (30cm). trees, grown for their flowers and often
orange, and red shoot tips in spring, and C. venustus illus. p.399. Has rounded, glossy, dark green leaves, attractive foliage. Flowers are classified
mauve flowers. ‘Sunset’, H 10in (25cm), C. vestae. Late spring-flowering bulb. and bears solitary, white flowers with according to the following types: single,
has brightly colored foliage, changing H 8–24in (20–60cm), S 2–4in (5–10cm). yellow stamens in early spring, often semidouble, anemone-form, peony-form
from golden-yellow in spring to orange Similar to C. splendens, but flowers are before the foliage develops. ‘Flore (sometimes termed irregular double),
in summer and fiery red in winter; flowers white or purple, with a rust-brown mark Pleno (syn. C.p. ‘Plena’) illus. p.444. rose-form, and formal double. See feature
are mauve-pink. ‘Tib’ (illus. p.166), H 12in near the base of each of 3 large petals. ‘Plena’ see C.p. ‘Flore Pleno’. Z3–7 panel pp.120–121 for illustrations and
(30cm), S 16in (40cm), is the earliest- Z5–10 descriptions. Grows well against walls
flowering double cultivar, bearing small, C. weedii. Summer-flowering bulb. CALYCANTHUS and in containers. Most forms prefer a
double, deep pink flowers in early summer. H 12–24in (30–60cm), S 2–4in (5–10cm). sheltered position and semishade. Well-
‘Velvet Fascination’, H 20in (50cm), Has a linear, erect leaf near the stem base. syn. SINOCALYCANTHUS drained, neutral to acidic soil is essential.
S 28in (70cm), is vigorous and erect, with Produces usually 2 upright, saucer-shaped Allspice, Spicebush Prune to shape after flowering. Propagate
silvery-gray foliage and white flowers. flowers, 11∕2–2in (4–5cm) across, that are by semiripe or hardwood cuttings from
‘White Coral’, H 8in (20cm), S 16in orange-yellow with brown lines and flecks, CALYCANTHACEAE midsummer to early winter or by grafting
(40cm), has bright green foliage and and hairy inside. Z7–10 in late winter or early spring. Aphids,
bears double, white flowers in early fall. Genus of deciduous, summer-flowering thrips, and scale insects may cause
‘White Lawn’, H 4in (10cm), is a prostrate CALOMERIA shrubs, grown for their purplish- or problems under glass.
shrub with bright green foliage and white brownish-red flowers with strap-shaped C. ‘Black Lace’, syn. C. reticulata
flowers on long stems; is suitable for a syn. HUMEA petals. Requires sun or light shade and ‘Black Lace’ (illus. p.121). Slow-growing,
rock garden. ‘Wickwar Flame’ (illus. fertile, deep, moist but well-drained soil. dense, upright shrub. H 8ft (2.5m), S 6ft
p.166) is vigorous and has foliage in ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE Propagate by softwood cuttings in (2m). Has ovate, dark green leaves, 3in
shades of yellow, orange and flame that summer or by seed in fall. (8cm) long, and produces large, formal
Genus of one species of strongly aromatic C. floridus (Carolina allspice, Strawberry double, deep velvet-red flowers from early
biennial. Needs sun and fertile, well- bush). Deciduous, bushy shrub. H and S 6ft to late spring. Z7–8
drained soil. Propagate by seed sown (2m). Has ovate, aromatic, dark green C. chrysantha. See C. nitidissima.
under glass in midsummer. leaves. From early to midsummer, bears
C. amaranthoides, syn. Humea elegans fragrant, brown-red flowers with many
spreading petals. Z5–9
C. ‘Cornish Snow’, syn. C. cuspidata dark green leaves and two-tone, pink, S 12ft (4m), is upright in habit, with yellow flowers are occasionally produced C
‘Cornish Snow’ (illus. p.120). Fast- peony-form flowers over a long season. unusual, hollylike, twisted, mid-green from leaf axils in early spring. Z7–8
growing, evergreen, upright, bushy ‘Apollo’ (syn. C.j. ‘Paul’s Apollo’) is a leaves. Medium, semidouble, white C. oleifera. Evergreen, bushy shrub. 529
shrub. H 10ft (3m), S 5ft (1.5m). Has vigorous, branching shrub that produces flowers are flushed rose-pink; flower H 6ft (2m), S 5ft (1.5m). Leaves are ovate
lance-shaped leaves, bronze when a profusion of semidouble, red flowers, color is variable and often self-colored and dark green above, light green
young, maturing to dark green. From sometimes blotched white. Leaves are mutations appear. ‘Lavinia Maggi’ beneath. Bears a profusion of single,
late winter to spring, bears a profusion glossy, dark green. ‘Berenice Boddy’ (illus. p.121), H and S 15ft (5m), is a usually scented, sometimes pinkish,
of small, single, white flowers. Z7–8 is a vigorous shrub with semidouble, light vigorous, spreading shrub with formal white flowers in mid- and late fall. Z6–9
C. ‘Cornish Spring’, syn. C. cuspidata pink flowers amid lance-shaped, dark double, white flowers strongly striped C. pitardii var. pitardii ‘Nicky Crisp’,
‘Cornish Spring’. Dense, compact, upright, green leaves. ‘Betty Sheffield Supreme’ and flecked with pink and carmine. syn. C. ‘Nicky Crisp’. Evergreen, compact,
evergreen shrub. H 8ft (2.5m), S 4ft (1.2m). is upright, with lance-shaped, mid-green Sometimes sports plain red or white upright, slow-growing shrub. H and
Has lance-shaped leaves, tinged bronze leaves. Loose peony-form flowers have flowers. ‘Lily Pons’ has a neat, upright, S 3–6ft (1–2m). Has oblong or broadly
when young. In spring, bears a profusion white petals bordered with shades of rose- slightly open habit. Produces distinctive, elliptic, dark green leaves and bears a
of small, single, bright pink flowers. pink. ‘Bob Hope’, H 10ft (3m), S 6ft (2m), single or semidouble, white flowers profusion of semidouble, pale pink
Best in shade. Z7–9 is neat and upright, with dark green leaves with long, spoon-shaped petals; the flowers over a long period from late
C. cuspidata. Evergreen, upright shrub and large, semidouble or peony-form, long, white stamens have a greenish winter to midspring. Z7–9
becoming bushy with age. H 10ft (3m), S 5ft bright red flowers with golden stamens. caste at the bases. ‘Lovelight’, H and C. reticulata. Evergreen shrub or small
(1.5m). Has small, lance-shaped leaves, ‘Bob’s Tinsie’ (illus. p.121), H and S 10ft S 15ft (5m), is upright and vigorous, with tree. H to 30ft (10m), S 15ft (5m). Has large,
bronze when young, maturing to purplish- (3m), has a dense, upright habit, and large, semidouble, pure white flowers broadly elliptic, leathery, dark green leaves.
green. Small, single, pure white flowers bears miniature, anemone-form, brilliant and dark green leaves. ‘Magnoliiflora’ Large, single, rose-pink and salmon-red
are freely produced from leaf axils in early red flowers from early to late spring. see C.j. ‘Hagoromo’. ‘Margaret Davis’ flowers are borne in spring. Larger
spring. Z7–8. ‘Brushfield’s Yellow’ (illus. p.121) has an (illus. p.121) is a spreading cultivar, with blooms are produced under glass or in
‘Cornish Snow’ see C. ‘Cornish Snow’. erect, compact habit, elliptic, dark green ovate to lance-shaped, dark green leaves. sheltered situations. The following are
‘Cornish Spring’ see C. ‘Cornish leaves and anemone-form, cream flowers, Has peony-form blooms with ruffled, varieties of C. reticulata, or hybrids where
Spring’. ‘Spring Festival’ see C. each with a pale yellow center. ‘Coquettii’ creamy-white petals, often lined with C. reticulata is one of the parents. Z7–8.
‘Spring Festival’. (syn. C.j. ‘Glen 40’), H and S 15ft (5m), is a pink. Edges of each petal are bright ‘Arch of Triumph’, H to 10ft (3m),
C. ‘Francie L’. See C. reticulata slow-growing, erect shrub with downward rose-red. ‘Masayoshi’ (syn. C.j. is upright and vigorous, with very large,
‘Francie L’. sweeping branches. In early to midspring, ‘Donckelaeri’) is slow-growing, bushy, loose peony-form, orange-tinted, crimson-
C. granthamiana. Evergreen, open, bears profuse, medium to large, deep red with semidouble, red flowers, often pink flowers. ‘Black Lace’ see C. ‘Black
large shrub or small tree. H to 10ft (3m), flowers, usually formal double, sometimes white-marbled. Has lance-shaped, dark Lace’. ‘Captain Rawes’ (illus. p.121)
S 6ft (2m). Distinctive, elliptic, leathery peony-form. ‘Desire’ is vigorous and green leaves. ‘Mathotiana’ illus. p.137. bears a profusion of large, semidouble,
leaves are crinkly and glossy, dark green upright, with medium-sized to large, ‘Nobilissima’ (illus. p.120) has a carmine-rose blooms. ‘Dr. Clifford
with deeply impressed veins. In late fall, formal double, very pale pink flowers semierect habit, elliptic, dark green Parks’ has large, flame-red flowers, often
bears large, single, white flowers, to 7in with darker pink margins. ‘Donckelaeri’ leaves and peony-form, lemon-tinted, semidouble, peony- and anemone-form on
(18cm) across, with broad petals. Z7–8 see C.j. ‘Masayoshi’. ‘Elegans’, H and S white flowers borne in late winter and the same spreading shrub, in midspring.
C. hiemalis. Evergreen, upright, bushy 12ft (4m), has a spreading habit and early spring. ‘Nuccio’s Jewel’ has ‘Francie L’ (syn. C. ‘Francie L’), H 15ft
shrub. H 6–10ft (2–3m), S 5ft (1.5m). Has anemone-form, deep rose-pink flowers upright, fairly vigorous, dense growth (5m), S 20ft (6m), is vigorous with long,
small, lance-shaped leaves. Bears fragrant, with central petaloids often variegated and peony-form flowers, white or very fan-shaped branches; bears large,
single, semi- or irregular double, white, white. Leaves are broadly lance-shaped pale pink, shading to deeper pink at the semidouble, salmon-red to deep rose-red
pink, or red flowers in late fall and winter. and dark green. ‘Elizabeth Weaver’ edges. ‘Paul’s Apollo’ see C.j. ‘Apollo’. flowers from late winter to late spring;
Good for hedging. Z7–8 is moderately vigorous, open and ‘Rubescens Major’ is an upright cultivar, Z7–9. ‘Harold L. Paige’, H 6–12ft (2–4m),
C. ‘Inspiration’, syn. C. reticulata upright in habit, and bears large, coral- becoming bushy with age, with ovate to S 5–10ft (1.5–3m), is robust and reliable,
‘Inspiration’ (illus. p.121). Evergreen, pink, formal double flowers. ‘Glen 40’ lance-shaped, dark green leaves. Bears bearing large, bright red, peony-form
upright shrub. H 12ft (4m), S 8ft (2.5m). see C.j. ‘Coquettii’. ‘Gloire de Nantes’ formal double, crimson-veined, rose-red flowers on an upright, dense bush.
Ovate, leathery leaves are glossy, dark is an upright shrub, becoming bushy flowers. ‘San Dimas’, H and S 10ft (3m), ‘Houye Diechi’ produces very large,
green. Semidouble, phlox-pink flowers are with age, and produces semidouble, is compact and, from early spring, bears semidouble, rose-pink flowers with
freely produced in spring. Z7–8 bright rose-pink flowers over a long medium, semidouble, rich red flowers, wavy, central petals. ‘Inspiration’ see
C. japonica. Evergreen shrub that is very period. Has ovate to lance-shaped, which have prominent golden-yellow C. ‘Inspiration’. ‘Lasca Beauty’, H 12ft
variable in hardiness, habit, foliage and glossy, dark green leaves. ‘Guilio stamens. ‘Sieboldii’ see C.j. ‘Tricolor’. (4m), S 10ft (3m), is a strong, upright
floral form. H 30ft (10m), S 25ft (8m). Cold- Nuccio’ is an upright, free-flowering ‘Tomorrow Park Hill’, one of the best shrub, with large, semidouble, soft-pink
tolerant; some clones are among the most cultivar that spreads with age. Bears of many mutations of ‘Tomorrow’, has a flowers. ‘Leonard Messel’ see
cold-resistant of the genus. Many cultivars large, semidouble, rose-red flowers vigorous, upright habit. Has lance-shaped, C. ‘Leonard Messel’. ‘Mandalay Queen’
are available; they are spring-flowering with wavy petals and often a confused mid-green leaves and bears irregular has large, semidouble, deep rose-pink
unless otherwise stated. Z7–8. ‘Adelina center of petaloids and golden stamens. double flowers with deep pink outer flowers. ‘Miss Tulare’, H 12ft (4m),
Patti’ is erect, with pendulous branches. Dark green leaves are lance-shaped petals gradually fading to soft pink S 10ft (3m), is an upright, fairly dense
Produces single, rose-pink flowers with and occasionally have “fish-tail” tips. centers that are often variegated with shrub; bears large, bright red, peony-
white margins and golden yellow anthers. ‘Hagoromo’ (syn. C.j. ‘Magnoliiflora; white. ‘Tomorrow’s Dawn’ is similar form flowers. ‘Songzilin’, H 20ft (6m),
‘Adolphe Audusson’ (illus. p.121) is a illus. p.121) has a bushy habit and medium, to ‘Tomorrow Park Hill’, but has pale S 10ft (3m) as a shrub, H and S 28ft (9m)
very reliable, old cultivar, suitable for all semidouble, blush-pink flowers with pink flowers, each bordered white and as a tree, is upright and has large, formal
areas; withstands lower temperatures than scoop-shaped petals. Twisted, light often red-streaked. ‘Tricolor’ (syn. C.j. double, deep red flowers. ‘William
most other variants. Has broadly lance- green leaves point downward. ‘Janet ‘Sieboldii; illus. p.121), H 6ft (2m), S 10ft Hertrich’ (syn. C. ‘William Hertrich’)
shaped, dark green leaves and large, Waterhouse’ (illus. p.121) is strong- (3m), has bright green, crinkled, hollylike is a vigorous shrub, with very large,
semidouble, dark red flowers with growing and has semidouble, white leaves, and bears medium, single or semidouble or loose peony-form, bright
prominent, yellow stamens. ‘Alba Plena’ flowers with golden anthers borne amid semidouble, red flowers, striped pink red, flowers; Z7–8.
(illus. p.120) has an erect habit with elliptic, dark green foliage. ‘Julia Drayton’, and white, in early spring. C. rosaeflora. Evergreen, spreading
mid-green leaves and large, formal double, H 15ft (5m), S 12ft (4m), has an upright C. ‘Leonard Messel’, syn. shrub. H and S 6ft (2m). Fine leaves are
white flowers. ‘Alba Simplex’ is bushy, habit and large, crimson flowers varying C. reticulata ‘Leonard Messel’ (illus. pale green and ovate. Small, single, rose-
with broadly lance-shaped, mid-to yellow- from formal double to rose-form. Dark p.121). Evergreen, open shrub. H 12ft pink flowers are borne in spring. Z7–8
green leaves and single, white flowers, green leaves are ovate to lance-shaped and (4m), S 10ft (3m). Large, ovate, leathery C. saluenensis. Fast-growing, evergreen,
occasionally flecked pink, in early spring. slightly twisted. ‘Jupiter’, H 15ft (5m), leaves are matte, dark green. In spring, bushy shrub. H to 12ft (4m), S to 8ft (2.5m).
‘Alexander Hunter’, is an upright, S 12ft (4m), is an upright shrub with ovate- bears a profusion of large, loose Has oblong to elliptic, stiff, dull green
compact shrub, producing single, deep elliptic, dark green leaves and large, single, semidouble, rose-pink flowers. Z7–8 leaves. Single, white to rose-red flowers
crimson flowers, with some petaloids, pinkish-red flowers with golden stamens C. ‘Nicky Crisp’. See C. pitardii var. are freely produced in early spring.
and lance-shaped, dark green leaves. and white filaments. ‘Kumasaka’ has an pitardii ’Nicky Crisp’. Some forms may withstand lower
‘Althaeiflora’ has a vigorous, bushy upright habit and narrowly lance-shaped, C. nitidissima, syn. C. chrysantha. temperatures. Z7–8
habit, large, peony-form, dark red flowers, mid-green leaves. Bears formal double, Fast-growing, evergreen, open shrub C. sasanqua. Fast-growing, evergreen,
and broadly ovate, very dark green leaves. or peony-form, deep rose-pink flowers, or tree. H 20ft (6m) or more, S 10ft (3m). dense, upright shrub. H 10ft (3m), S 5ft
‘Annie Wylam’ is an upright, compact sometimes red-streaked, with smaller Has large, ovate, leathery, veined, dark (1.5m). Has oblong to elliptic, glossy,
shrub, excellent for containers; has glossy, inner petals. ‘Lady Vansittart’, H and green leaves. Small, stalked, single, clear bright green leaves. In fall and early
C winter, produces fragrant, usually single, flowers are produced amid glossy foliage. f. alba (syn. C.c. ‘Bressingham White’) C. latiloba. Rosette-forming perennial.
white flowers; flowers may occasionally be ‘Elsie Jury’ has glossy, deep green leaves illus. p.360. ‘Bressingham White’ H 3ft (1m), S 11∕2ft (45cm). Leaves are ovate.
530 pink or red. Does best in a hot, sunny site. and bears large, full peony-form, clear see C.c. f. alba. var. turbinata (syn. Widely cup-shaped flowers, in shades of
Z7–8. ‘Hugh Evans’, H 10ft (3m), S 8ft pink flowers. ‘Francis Hanger’, H 5ft C. turbinata) bears pale lavender flowers. blue, occasionally white, are borne in
(2.5m), is free-flowering, reliable, and (1.5m), occasionally more, has an upright var. turbinata ‘Jewel’ illus. p.367. summer. Z5–7. ‘Hidcote Amethyst’ has
vigorous, with an open, upright habit; can habit and produces single, white flowers C. cochleariifolia, syn. C. pusilla large, vivid violet-blue flowers with purple
be trained against a wall. Single, rose-pink with gold stamens. ‘Freedom Bell’ (illus. (Fairy thimbles), illus. p.369. highlights. ‘Percy Piper’, H 30in (75cm),
flowers are produced in winter. ‘Jean p.121), H 6ft (2m), S 5ft (1.5m), is dense and C. elatines var. garganica. See has lavender flowers.
May’ produces large, peony-form to rounded, with small, ovate, glossy, rich C. garganica. C. medium (Canterbury bells). Slow-
double, pale pink flowers, from winter to green leaves; bears semidouble, bright red C. ‘Elizabeth’. See C. takesimana growing, evergreen, erect, clump-forming
early spring. ‘Narumigata’, H 15ft (5m), flowers from late winter to early spring. ‘Elizabeth’. biennial. Tall cultivars, H 3ft (1m), S 1ft
S 10ft (3m), has large, single, white flowers, ‘Golden Spangles’ has unusual, C. garganica, syn. C. elatines var. (30cm); dwarf, H 2ft (60cm), S 1ft (30cm).
sometimes pink-flushed. Often confused variegated leaves, yellowish in the centers garganica (Adriatic bellflower). Spreading All have lance-shaped, toothed, fresh
with C. oleifera. ‘Shishigashira’, H 6ft with dark green margins, and bears single, perennial. H and S 12in (30cm) or more. green leaves. In spring and early summer,
(2m), S 8ft (2.5m), is a slow-growing, deep pink flowers. ‘J.C. Williams’ (illus. Has small, ivy-shaped leaves along stems. cultivars bear bell-shaped, single or double
dense, spreading bush, producing small, p.120), H and S 10ft (3m), has a pendulous Bears clusters of star-shaped, single, flowers, in white, blue or pink. Z5–8.
semidouble to loose peony-form, pale habit when mature and bears single, pink pale lavender flowers from leaf axils in ‘Bells of Holland’ illus. p.313.
red flowers. flowers from early winter to late spring. summer. Excellent for a wall or bank. C. morettiana. Tuft-forming perennial.
C. ‘Shiro-wabisuke’. Slow-growing, ‘Joan Trehane’ has strong, upright Z4–7. H 1in (25cm), S 3in (7cm). Leaves are ivy-
compact shrub. H 8ft (2.5m), S 5ft (1.5m). growth and large, rose-form, rose-pink ‘W.H. Paine’ has bright lavender-blue, shaped with fine hairs. Arching flower
Has narrow, mid-green leaves. From flowers. ‘Jury’s Yellow’ (illus. p.120) white-eyed flowers. stems each carry a solitary, erect, bell-
midwinter to early spring, produces small, is dense and erect, bearing medium, C. ‘G.F. Wilson’. See C. x pulloides ‘G.F. shaped, violet-blue flower in late spring
single, white flowers. Z7–8 anemone-form, white flowers, with centers Wilson’. and early summer. Needs gritty, alkaline
C. ‘Spring Festival’, syn. C. cuspidata of yellow petaloids. ‘Ruby Wedding’ C. glomerata ‘Superba’ (illus. p.241). soil and a dry, but not arid winter climate.
‘Spring Festival’ (illus. p.121). Evergreen, produces anemone- to peony-form, vivid Vigorous, clump-forming perennial. Red spider mite may be troublesome. Z5–7
upright shrub. H 6–12ft (2–4m), S 2–6ft red flowers, which are sometimes speckled H 30in (75cm), S 3ft (1m) or more. Has C. muralis. See C. portenschlagiana.
(60cm–2m). Has elliptic, dark green leaves white in the center. ‘Saint Ewe’ has glossy, dense, rounded heads of large, bell- C. pendula, syn. Symphyandra pendula.
and miniature, semidouble, pink flowers, light green foliage and bears funnel-shaped, shaped, purple flowers borne in summer. Arching perennial. H 1–2ft (30–60cm), S 1ft
aging to pale pink, in midspring. Z7–8 single, deep pink flowers. Bears ovate leaves in basal rosettes and on (30cm). Produces panicles of pendent, bell-
C. tsaii. Evergreen, bushy, vigorous ‘Water Lily’ (illus. p.121) is an upright, flower stems. Must be divided and shaped, cream flowers in summer. Has
shrub. H to 30ft (10m), S to 15ft (5m). Small, vigorous cultivar with dark green leaves; replanted regularly. Z3–8 ovate, hairy, pale green leaves. Becomes
oblong-elliptic, light green leaves turn bears formal double, mid-pink flowers C. x haylodgensis. See C. x haylodgensis woody at base with age. Z5–8
bronze with age. In spring, small, single, with incurving petals in mid- to late spring. ‘Plena’. ‘Plena’ (syn. C. x haylodgensis) is C. persicifolia. Rosette-forming,
white flowers, the petals recurving with ‘Wilber Foss’, H and S to 6ft (2m), is a spreading perennial. H 2in (5cm), S 8in spreading perennial. H 3ft (1m), S 12in
age, are borne from the leaf axils. Z7–8 rounded, with dark green foliage, and (20cm). Has small, heart-shaped leaves (30cm). In summer, nodding, bell-shaped,
C. x vernalis. Fast-growing, evergreen, produces large, broad, peony-form, and, in summer, pomponlike, double, deep papery, white or blue flowers are borne
upright shrub. H to 10ft (3m), S 5ft (1.5m). brilliant pink-red flowers. lavender-blue flowers. Suitable for a rock above narrowly lance-shaped, bright
Has oblong-elliptic, bright green leaves garden or wall. Z5–8 green leaves. Z3–8. ‘Chettle Charm’
and, in late winter, bears fragrant, single, CAMPANULA C. isophylla (Falling stars, Italian (illus. p.241), H 2ft (60cm), bears large,
white, pink or red flowers. Some forms bellflower). Evergreen, dwarf, trailing white flowers with violet-blue margins.
produce irregular double flowers. Z7–8 Bellflower perennial. H 4in (10cm), S 12in (30cm). ‘Fleur de Neige’ has double, white
C. ‘William Hertrich’. See C. reticulata Star-shaped, blue or white flowers are flowers.
‘William Hertrich’. CAMPANULACEAE borne in summer above small, heart- ‘Pride of Exmouth’ bears double,
C. x williamsii cultivars. Evergreen shaped, toothed leaves. Ideal for hanging powder-blue flowers. ‘Telham Beauty’
shrubs, varying greatly in habit, leaves, Genus of spring- and summer-flowering baskets. Z13–15 illus. p.242.
and flowers. H 6–15ft (2–5m), S 3–10ft annuals, biennials, and perennials, some C. ‘Joe Elliott’. Mound-forming C. portenschlagiana, syn. C. muralis
(1–3m). Flowers take various forms and of which are evergreen. Grows in sun or perennial. H 3in (8cm), S 5in (12cm). (Dalmatian bellflower), illus. p.368.
sizes; most are in pink shades, with some shade, but delicate flower colors are Large, funnel-shaped, mid-lavender-blue ‘Lieselotte’ is an evergreen, compact
white, one or two combined white and preserved best in shade. Most forms prefer flowers almost obscure the small, heart- perennial. H 6in (15cm), S indefinite.
pink, and a very few with red blooms. moist, but well-drained soil. Propagate by shaped, downy, gray-green leaves in Produces dense mats of small, ivy-shaped,
Many start flowering in early spring and softwood or by basal cuttings in summer summer. Good for an alpine house, trough, mid-green leaves and large clusters of
have long blooming seasons. Z7–8. or by seed or division in fall or spring. or rock garden. Needs well-drained, open bell-shaped, pale violet-blue flowers
‘Apple Blossom’ is an open, upright Susceptible to attack by slugs; rust may be alkaline soil. Protect from winter wet. in summer. ‘Resholdt’s Variety’ has
bush, bearing single, sweet-scented a problem in fall. Prone to slug attack. Z5–8 deep violet-blue flowers. Z4–7
flowers in white, shading to pale pink. C. alliariifolia (Ivory bells; illus. p.241). C. ‘Kent Belle’. Sturdy, spreading, but C. poscharskyana illus. p.367.
‘Anticipation’, H 12ft (4m), S 6ft (2m), is Mound-forming perennial. H 2ft (60cm), clump-forming perennial. H 28in (70cm), ‘Lisduggan Variety’ is a vigorous,
a robust, upright shrub. Has lance-shaped, S 20in (50cm). Has heart-shaped leaves, S 45cm 18in or more. Has rounded, spreading perennial. H 4–6in (10–15cm),
dark green leaves and large, peony-form, above which rise nodding, bell-shaped, toothed, glossy, mid-green leaves. S to 2ft (60cm). Mid-green leaves are round
deep rose-pink blooms, freely produced creamy-white flowers borne on arching, In summer, produces large, pendent, with serrated edges. Produces star-
in spring. ‘Bow Bells’, H 12ft (4m), S 8ft wiry stems throughout summer. Z3–7 bell-shaped, violet-blue flowers. Z5–9 shaped, lavender-pink flowers on leafy
(2.5m), has a spreading habit and small, C. barbata (Bearded bellflower) illus. p.342. C. lactiflora. Upright, branching stems in summer. Underground runners
mid-green leaves. In early spring, bears C. betulifolia. Prostrate, slender- perennial. H 4ft (1.2m), S 2ft (60cm). make it suitable for a bank or wild garden.
abundant, bell-shaped, single, rose-pink stemmed perennial. H to 3in (8cm), S 12in In summer, slender stems bear racemes ‘Stella’ has bright violet flowers. Z3–9
flowers with deeper pink centers and (30cm). In summer, long, branching flower of large, nodding, bell-shaped, blue, C. pulla. Often short-lived perennial
veins. ‘Brigadoon’, H 8ft (2.5m), S 3–10ft stems each carry a cluster of open bell- occasionally pink or white flowers. Leaves that spreads by underground runners.
(1–3m), is a bushy shrub, bearing shaped, single, white to pink flowers, deep are narrowly ovate. Needs staking on a H 1in (25cm), S 4in (10cm). Tiny, rounded
semidouble, rose-pink flowers with broad, pink outside. Leaves are wedge-shaped. windy site. Z5–7. ‘Loddon Anna’ leaves form 1∕2in (1cm) wide rosettes, each
down-curving petals. ‘Debbie’ (illus. Z5–8 (illus. p.241) has soft dusty-pink flowers. bearing a flower stem with a solitary,
p.121) bears large, peony-form, rose-pink C. ‘Birch Hybrid’ illus. p.368. ‘Prichard’s Variety’ (illus. p.241), H to pendent, bell-shaped, deep violet flower
flowers. ‘Donation’ (illus. p.121) is C. ‘Burghaltii’. Mound-forming 30in (75cm), has violet-blue flowers from from late spring to early summer. Good
compact, upright and very free-flowering; perennial. H 2ft (60cm), S 12in (30cm). early summer to late fall. for a scree or rock garden. Needs gritty,
bears large, semidouble, pink flowers from Leaves are ovate, soft, and leathery. In C. latifolia ‘Amethyst’. Clump-forming, alkaline soil that is not too dry. Slugs may
early to late spring. ‘Dream Boat’ has a summer, bears long, pendent, funnel- spreading perennial. H 36–39in (90–100cm), prove troublesome. Z5–7
spreading habit and bears medium, formal shaped, pale lavender flowers on erect, S 2ft (60cm). Strong stems are clothed with C. x pulloides ‘G.F. Wilson’, syn.
double, pale purplish-pink flowers, with wiry stems. May need staking. Z4–8 large, open bell-shaped, pastel amethyst- C. ‘G.F. Wilson’, illus. p.368.
incurved petals, in midspring. C. carpatica. Clump-forming blue flowers in summer. Ovate, toothed C. punctata. Vigorous, clump-forming,
‘E.G. Waterhouse’ illus. p.122. perennial. H to 12in (30cm), S 12–24in leaves are rough-textured. Z5–9. but spreading perennial. H 16in (40cm),
‘Elizabeth de Rothschild’ is vigorous (30–60cm) or more. Leafy, branching ‘Brantwood’, H 30in (75cm), produces S 2ft (60cm) or more. Has heart-shaped,
and upright; semidouble, rose-pink stems bear rounded to ovate, toothed violet-purple flowers. light green, basal leaves. In summer, tall
leaves and, in summer, broadly bell-
shaped, blue or white flowers. Z4–7.
flowering stems bear sprays of pendent, C. radicans, syn. Bignonia radicans, rhizomatous perennial. H 5–6ft (1.5–2m), C. ‘Tropicanna’. See C. ‘Phasion’.
tubular, dusky-pink flushed, creamy-white Tecoma radicans (Common trumpet S 20in (50cm). Produces large, ovate or C. ‘Whithelm Pride’ (illus. p.394).
flowers. Z4–8. ‘Alina’s Double’, H 12in creeper). Deciduous, woody-stemmed, lance-shaped to oblong, reddish-bronze Midsummer- to early-fall-flowering,
(30cm), has large, “hose-in-hose,” double, root climber. H to 40ft (12m). Leaves of tinted leaves and irislike, pink-flushed, rhizomatous perennial. H 3ft (1m), S 20in
rich pink flowers. f. rubriflora ‘Cherry 7–11 ovate, toothed leaflets are downy orange flowers. Z7–11 (50cm). Produces large, gladioluslike, pink
Bells’ (illus. p.241), H 20in (50cm), bears beneath. Small clusters of trumpet- C. iridiflora ‘Ehemanii’. See C. x flowers and has ovate, bronze leaves. Z9–11
cream-tipped, rose-pink flowers. ‘Wine shaped, orange, scarlet or yellow ehemannii. C. ‘Wyoming’ (illus. p.394). Midsummer-
’n’ Rubies’, H 12in (30cm), has dark green flowers, 21∕2–3in (6–8cm) long, open C. ‘King Midas’. See C. ‘Richard Wallace’. to early fall-flowering, rhizomatous
leaves and bears large, rich purple-red in late summer and early fall. Z5–9. C. ‘Königin Charlotte’, syn. C. ‘Queen perennial. H to 6ft (1.8m), S 20in (50cm).
flowers, with heavily speckled interiors, ‘Flamenco’ illus. p.208. f. flava (syn. Charlotte’ (illus. p.394). Midsummer- to Leaves are brown-purple with darker
in midsummer. C.r. ‘Yellow Trumpet’) illus. p.206. early fall-flowering, rhizomatous purple veins. Bears racemes of gladiolus-
C. ‘Purple Sensation’. Clump-forming ‘Indian Summer’ illus. p.193. ‘Yellow perennial. H 3–4ft (1–1.2m), S 20in (50cm). like, frilled orange flowers, 4in (10cm)
perennial. H 16in (40cm), S 12in (30cm) or Trumpet’ see C.r. f. flava. Has broadly lance-shaped, mid-green across, with apricot feathering and darker
more. Has ovate, dark green leaves. Bears C. x tagliabuana ‘Madame Galen’ leaves. From midsummer to early fall, orange margins. Z7–11
pendent, tubular, deep violet-black flowers illus. p.208. produces velvety, blood-red flowers, the
in summer. Z5–9 petals with canary-yellow margins. Z9–11 CANTUA
C. pusilla. See C. cochleariifolia. CANARINA C. ‘Louis Cayeux’. Midsummer- to early
C. pyramidalis (Chimney bellflower). fall-flowering, rhizomatous perennial. POLEMONIACEAE
Erect, branching perennial, grown as a CAMPANULACEAE H to 5ft (1.5m), S 20in (50cm). Has bright
biennial. H 6ft (2m), S 2ft (60cm). Produces green leaves and racemes of orchidlike, Genus of evergreen shrubs and small
long racemes of star-shaped, blue or white Genus of herbaceous, tuberous, soft salmon-pink flowers. Z7–11 trees, grown for their showy flowers
flowers in summer. Leaves are heart- scrambling climbers, grown for their C. ‘Louis Cottin’ (illus. p.394). borne in spring. Only one species is in
shaped. Needs staking. Z6–8 flowers. Grow in full light and in any Midsummer- to early fall-flowering, general cultivation. Best grown against
C. raineri. Perennial that spreads by fertile, well-drained soil. Water moderately rhizomatous perennial. H 4ft (1.2m), S 1½ft a warm, sunny wall. Requires full sun
underground runners. H 11∕2in (4cm), from early fall to late spring, then keep (50cm). Produces trumpet-shaped, apricot and fertile, well-drained soil. Propagate
S 3in (8cm). Leaves are ovate, toothed, dry. Needs tying to a support. Remove flowers and broadly lance-shaped, dark by semiripe cuttings in summer.
and gray-green. Flower stems each bear dead stems when dormant. Propagate by blackish-green leaves. Z9–11 C. buxifolia, syn. C. dependens,
a large, upturned, bell-shaped, pale basal cuttings or by seed in spring or fall. C. ‘Musifolia’. Midsummer- to early fall- illus. p.146.
lavender flower in summer. Suitable for an C. campanula. See C. canariensis. flowering, rhizomatous perennial. H 10ft C. dependens. See C. buxifolia.
alpine house or a trough that is protected C. canariensis, syn. C. campanula (3m), S 5ft (1.5m). Very long, ovate, mid-
from winter wet. Requires semishade. (Canary Island bellflower), illus. p.464. green leaves have dark margins and red- CAPSICUM C
Z5–7 tinted midribs. Bears small, irislike, orange
C. takesimana (illus. p.241). Vigorous, Candollea cuneiformis. See Hibbertia flowers. Z9–11 Chilli pepper, Pepper
spreading perennial. H 30in (75cm), S 3ft cuneiformis. C. ‘Phasion’, syn. C. ‘Durban’,
(1m). Forms rosettes of heart-shaped, C. ‘Tropicanna’, illus. p.395. SOLANACEAE
glossy, mid-green leaves. In summer and CANNA C. ‘Picasso’ (illus. p.394). Midsummer-to
fall, flowering stems bear pendent, tubular early fall-flowering, rhizomatous Genus of erect or spreading, many-
to bell-shaped, ivory-white flowers with Indian shot plant perennial. H 4ft (1.2m), S 20in (50cm). branched annuals and perennials. Some
red speckled interiors. Best in a sunny site. Produces gladioluslike, yellow flowers with species produce edible fruits (eg. sweet
Z5–7. ‘Elizabeth’ (syn. C. ‘Elizabeth’), CANNACEAE orange and red spots. Has large, broadly peppers), others small, ornamental ones.
H 14–16in (35–40cm), S 16in (40cm), ovate, blue-green leaves. Z9–11 Grow in sun and in fertile, well-drained
produces cream flowers flushed reddish- Genus of robust, showy, rhizomatous C. ‘Pretoria’. See C. ‘Striata’. soil. Spray flowers with water to
purple outside and spotted red inside. perennials, grown for their striking C. ‘Queen Charlotte’. See C. ‘Königin encourage fruits to set. Propagate by seed
C. trachelium (Nettle-leaved bellflower). flowers and ornamental foliage. Generally Charlotte’. sown under glass in spring. Red spider
Upright perennial. H 2–3ft (60–100cm), used for summer-bedding displays and C. ‘Ra’ (illus. p.394). Midsummer- to early mite may cause problems.
S 1ft (30cm). Has rough, serrated, ovate, containers. Needs a warm, sunny position fall-flowering marginal aquatic. H to 6ft C. annuum ‘Holiday Cheer’.
pointed, basal leaves. Wide, bell-shaped, and humus-rich, moist soil. If grown (1.8m), S 32in (80cm). Produces erect stems Moderately fast-growing, evergreen, bushy
white, blue or purple-blue flowers are under glass or for summer bedding, bearing narrow, glaucous green leaves perennial, grown as an annual. H and
spaced along erect stems in summer. Z5–8. prompt into growth in spring at 16°C and racemes of bright yellow flowers, to S 8–12in (20–30cm). Has ovate, mid-green
‘Bernice’ (illus. p.241) has double purple- (61°F) and store rhizomes in slightly 3in (8cm) across. Can be grown in normal leaves. Bears small, star-shaped, white
violet flowers. damp soil in winter. Propagate in spring soil if kept moist in summer. Z7–11 flowers in summer and, in fall to winter,
C. vidalii. See Azorina vidalii. by division or in winter by seed sown at C. ‘Richard Wallace’, syn. C. ‘King round, green fruits that mature to red.
C. wanneri, syn. Symphyandra wanneri, min. 20°C (68°F) . Midas’ (illus. p.394). Midsummer- to early Z10–11 (min. 39°F/4°C)
illus. p.342. C. ‘Annaeei’. Very tall, rhizomatous fall-flowering, rhizomatous perennial. H 5ft
C. zoysii. Tuft-forming perennial. perennial. H 8ft (2.5m), S 2–3ft (60–100cm). (1.5m), S 20in (50cm). Produces elliptic, CARAGANA 531
H 2in (5cm), S 4in (10cm). Has tiny, Glaucous, bluish-green leaves and small, apple-green leaves and gladioluslike,
rounded, glossy green leaves. In summer, pale orange flowers from late summer to bright yellow flowers, with spotted throats PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE
flower stems each bear a bottle-shaped, early fall. Z7–11 and frilly-edged petals. Z7–11
lavender flower held horizontally. Needs C. ‘Durban’. See C. ‘Phasion’. C. ‘Shenandoah’. Clump-forming, Genus of deciduous shrubs or small
gritty, alkaline soil. Difficult to grow and C. x ehemanii, syn. C. iridiflora ‘Ehemanii’ rhizomatous perennial H 5½ft (1.6m), trees, grown for their attractive foliage
encourage to flower; dislikes winter wet; (illus. p.394). Midsummer- to early fall- S 20in (50cm). Has heavily bronzed, dark, and pealike flowers, which are followed
and is prone to slug attack. Z5–7 flowering, rhizomatous perennial. H 6ft olive-green leaves, purple stems. Bears by slender, brown pods. Requires full
(2m), S 2ft (60cm). Broadly elliptical, dark bright-pink flowers from early summer to sun and fertile, but not over-rich, well-
CAMPSIS bluish-green leaves have red margins. early fall. Z7–11 drained soil. Propagate species by
Produces trumpet-shaped, bright pinkish- C. ‘Striata’, syn. C. ‘Pretoria’ (illus. p.394). softwood cuttings in summer or by
Trumpet creeper, Trumpet vine red flowers. Z7–11 Midsummer- to early fall-flowering, seed in fall; cultivars by softwood or
C. ‘Erebus’. Erect, rhizomatous rhizomatous perennial. H 5ft (1.5m), S 20in semiripe cuttings or budding in summer
BIGNONIACEAE perennial. H to 6ft (2m), S 20in (50cm). (50cm). Gladioluslike, bright orange or by grafting in winter.
Has glaucous green leaves. From flowers are borne above ovate, light green C. arborescens (Pea tree). Fast-growing,
Genus of deciduous, woody-stemmed, root midsummer to early fall, bears spikes to yellow-green leaves, with bright yellow deciduous, upright shrub. H 20ft (6m),
climbers, grown for their flowers. , Where of gladioluslike, dark red flowers. Can veins. Z9–11 S 12ft (4m). Has spine-tipped, dark
marginally hardy, benefits from protection be grown in up to 8in (20cm) of water C. ‘Stuttgart’ (illus. p.394). Midsummer- green leaves, each composed of 8–12
of a sunny wall. Grow in sun in fertile, or in damp garden soil. Z7–11 to early fall-flowering, rhizomatous oblong leaflets. Bears clusters of pealike,
well-drained soil, and water regularly in C. ‘General Eisenhower’. perennial. H 7ft (2m), S 2ft (60cm). yellow flowers in late spring. Z2–7.
summer. Prune in spring. Propagate by Rhizomatous, upright perennial. H to Produces small, irislike, pale apricot Arching ‘Lorbergii’, H 10ft (3m), S 8ft
semiripe cuttings in summer or by layering 41∕2ft (1.4m), S 20in (50cm). Has large, flowers, fading to pink. Broadly lance- (2.5m), has very narrow leaflets and
in winter. olive-green leaves heavily flushed reddish- shaped, white-and-green leaves require smaller flowers and is often grown as a
C. chinensis. See C. grandiflora. bronze. From midsummer to early fall, some shade to prevent burning. Z9–11 tree by top-grafting. ‘Nana’ illus. p.148.
C. grandiflora, syn. Bignonia grandiflora, produces spikes of deep orange flowers. ‘Walker’, H 1ft (30cm), S 6–10ft (2–3m), is
Campsis chinensis, Tecoma grandiflora, Z7–11 prostrate but is usually top-grafted to form
illus. p.203. C. indica ‘Russian Red’ is a a weeping tree, H 6ft (2m), S 21∕2ft (75cm).
midsummer- to early fall-flowering
CARALLUMA purple-red streaks inside and often tinted C. grandiflora. See C. macrocarpa. fertile, well-drained soil. Propagate species
green, in summer. Decorative seed heads C. macrocarpa, syn. C. grandiflora by seed in fall, cultivars by budding in late
APOCYNACEAE follow. Z7–9 (Natal plum). ‘Tuttlei’ illus. p.453. summer.
C. spectabilis. See Acokanthera C. betulus (Common hornbeam).
Genus of perennial succulents with CARDIOSPERMUM oblongifolia. Deciduous, round-headed tree. H 80ft
4–6-ribbed, fingerlike, blue-gray or blue- (25m), S 70ft (20m). Has a fluted trunk and
green to purple stems. Needs sun and Heart seed CARLINA ovate, prominently veined, dark green
extremely well-drained soil. Water leaves that turn yellow and orange in fall.
sparingly, only in the growing season. SAPINDACEAE ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE Bears green catkins from late spring to
May be difficult to grow. Propagate by fall, when clusters of winged nuts are
seed or stem cuttings in summer. Genus of evergreen, perennial, woody- Genus of annuals and perennials, grown borne. Z5–7. ‘Fastigiata’ (syn. C.b.
C. europaea, syn. Stapelia europaea. stemmed tendril climbers, grown mainly for their ornamental flower heads, which ‘Pyramidalis’) illus. p.93. ‘Pyramidalis’
Clump-forming, perennial succulent. for their attractive fruits. Useful for in most species are good for drying. see C.b. ‘Fastigiata’.
H 8in (20cm), S 3ft (1m). Rough, 4-angled, covering bushes or trellises. Grow in full Requires a sunny position and well- C. caroliniana (American hornbeam).
erect to procumbent, gray stems often light and any soil. Propagate by seed in drained soil. Propagate by seed: annuals Deciduous, spreading tree with branches
arch over and root. Has clusters of small, spring. in spring, perennials in fall. that droop at tips. H and S 30ft (10m). Has
star-shaped, yellow and brownish-purple C. halicacabum (Balloon vine, Heart C. acaulis (Alpine thistle) illus. p.361. a fluted, gray trunk, green catkins in
flowers near stem crown from mid- to pea, Love-in-a-puff, Winter cherry). spring, and ovate, bright green leaves that
late summer, then twin-horned, gray seed Perennial, tendril climber, usually grown CARMICHAELIA turn orange and red in fall, when clusters
pods. Flowers smell faintly of rotten meat. as an annual or biennial. H to 10ft (3m). of winged nuts are borne. Z5–7
One of the easier species to grow. Z11–12 Has toothed leaves of 2 oblong leaflets. syn. CHORDOSPARTIUM, C. turczaninowii. Deciduous, spreading
(min. 50°F/10°C) Inconspicuous, whitish flowers are NOTOSPARTIUM tree of graceful habit. H 40ft (12m), S 30ft
C. joannis illus. p.494. produced in summer, followed by downy, (10m). Green catkins are borne in spring.
spherical, inflated, 3-angled, straw-colored PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE Produces clusters of small, winged nuts in
CARDAMINE fruits containing black seeds, each with a fall, when the small, ovate, glossy, deep
heart-shaped, white spot. Genus of deciduous shrubs, occasionally green leaves turn orange. Z5–7
Bitter cress Z10–12 (min. 45–50°F/7–10°C) small trees, grown for their profusion of
tiny flowers in summer. Flattened, green CARPOBROTUS
BRASSICACEAE/CRUCIFERAE CAREX shoots assume function of leaves. Needs
full sun and well-drained soil. Cut out AIZOACEAE
Genus of spring-flowering annuals and Sedge dead wood in spring. Propagate by
perennials. Some are weeds, but others semiripe cuttings in summer or by Genus of mat-forming, perennial succulents
are suitable for informal and woodland CYPERACEAE seed in fall or spring. with triangular, fleshy, dark green leaves
gardens. Requires sun or semishade and C. carmichaeliae, syn. Notospartium and daisylike flowers. Excellent for binding
moist soil. Propagate by seed or by See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES, carmichaeliae (Pink broom). Leafless, sandy soils. Needs full sun and well-drained
division in fall. and SEDGES. arching shrub. H 6ft (2m), S 5ft (1.5m). soil. Propagate by seed or by stem cuttings
C. enneaphylla, syn. Dentaria C. buchananii (Leatherleaf sedge). In midsummer, bears short, dense in spring or summer.
enneaphylla. Lax perennial spreading by Evergreen, tuft-forming, perennial sedge. spikes of pealike, purple-blotched, C. edulis (Hottentot fig, Kaffir fig).
fleshy, horizontal rootstocks. H 12–24in H to 2ft (60cm), S 8in (20cm). Very narrow, pink flowers on slender, drooping, Carpeting, perennial succulent. H 6in
(30–60cm), S 18–24in (45–60cm). In spring, copper-colored leaves turn red toward green shoots. Z8–10 (15cm), S indefinite. Prostrate, rooting
nodding, pale yellow or white flowers base. Solid, triangular stems bear tiny, C. enysii. Deciduous, mound-forming, branches bear leaves 5∕8in (1.5cm) thick and
brown spikelets in summer. Z6–9 dense shrub. H and S 1ft (30cm). Shoots 5in (12cm) long. Yellow flowers, 5in (12cm)
C open at the ends of shoots arising from C. elata ‘Aurea’ (Bowles’s golden sedge) are rigid. Pealike, violet flowers are across, open in spring–summer from
deeply divided leaves. Z7–9 illus. p.445. produced in midsummer. Best grown about noon in sun. Bears edible, figlike,
C. latifolia. See C. raphanifolia. C. flagellifera illus. p.289. in a rock garden. Z8–10 brownish fruits in late summer and fall.
C. pentaphylla, syn. Dentaria digitata, C. grayi (Mace sedge). Evergreen, tuft- C. stevensonii, syn. Chordospartium Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C)
Dentaria pentaphylla, illus. p.260. forming, perennial sedge. H to 2ft (60cm), stevensonii (Weeping broom). Deciduous,
C. pratensis (Cuckoo flower, Lady’s S 8in (20cm). Has bright green leaves. almost leafless, arching shrub or small CARTHAMUS
smock) illus p.438. ‘Flore Pleno’ is a neat, Large, female spikelets, borne in summer, tree. H 10ft (3m), S 6ft (2m). Produces
clump-forming perennial. H 8in (20cm), mature to pointed, knobbly, greenish- small, pealike, purplish-pink flowers in ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITEAE
S 12in (30cm). Divided, mid-green leaves brown fruits. Z5–9 cylindrical racemes in midsummer. Z8–10
have rounded leaflets. Bears dense sheaves C. hachijoensis ‘Evergold’. See Genus of upright, hairy annuals and
of double, lilac flowers in spring. May be C. oshimensis ‘Evergold’. CARNEGIEA herbaceous perennials. C. tinctorius has
propagated by leaf-tip cuttings in mid- C. morrowii of gardens. See been used for centuries as a source of red
summer. Prefers a moist or wet site. Z4–8 C. oshimensis. CACTACEAE and yellow dye. Grow in full sun in any
C. raphanifolia, syn. C. latifolia, illus. C. oshimensis, syn. C. morrowii of light, well-drained soil. Flower heads are
p.438. gardens. Evergreen, tuft-forming, Genus of one species of very slow-growing, good for dried arrangements. Excellent in
C. trifolia illus. p.348. perennial sedge. H 8–20in (20–50cm), perennial cactus with thick, 12–24-ribbed, a border or herb garden. Propagate by
S 8–10in (20–25cm). Has narrow, mid- spiny stems. Unlikely to flower or branch seed in spring.
532 CARDIOCRINUM green leaves. Solid, triangular stems bear at less than 12ft (4m) high. Requires full sun C. tinctorius (False saffron) illus. p.323.
insignificant spikelets in summer. Z5–9. and very well-drained soil. Propagate by
Giant lily ‘Evergold’ (syn. C. hachijoensis seed in spring or summer. CARYA
‘Evergold’) illus. p.288. C. gigantea (Saguaro cactus) illus. p.492.
LILIACEAE C. pendula (Pendulous sedge). Evergreen, Hickory
tuft-forming, graceful perennial. H 3ft (1m), CARPENTERIA
Genus of summer-flowering, lilylike S 1ft (30cm). Has narrow, green leaves, 18in JUGLANDACEAE
bulbs, grown for their spectacular flowers (45cm) long. Solid, triangular stems freely HYDRANGEACEAE
and attractive, heart-shaped, veined leaves. produce pendent, greenish-brown flower Genus of deciduous trees, grown for
Needs partial shade and deep, humus-rich, spikes in summer. Z5–9 Genus of one species of evergreen shrub, their stately habit, divided leaves, fall color
moist soil. Plant bulbs just below soil cultivated for its flowers and foliage. and, in some cases, edible nuts. Has
surface, in fall. Water well in summer and CARISSA Grows well against a warm, sunny wall. insignificant flowers in spring. Requires
mulch with humus. Provide a deep mulch Prefers full sun and fairly moist, but well- sun or semishade and deep, fertile soil.
in winter. After flowering, main bulb dies, APOCYNACEAE drained soil. Propagate by seed in fall or Plant young seedlings in a permanent
but produces offsets. To produce flowers by greenwood or semiripe cuttings in position during their first year since older
in up to 5 years, propagate by offsets in Genus of evergreen, spring- to summer- summer. plants resent transplanting. Propagate by
fall; may also be propagated by seed in fall flowering shrubs and small trees, grown C. californica illus. p.197. seed in fall.
or winter and will then flower in 7 years. for their flowers and overall appearance. C. cordiformis (Bitternut, Bitternut
C. giganteum (Giant lily) illus. p.385. Mostly Needs partial shade and well- CARPINUS hickory). Vigorous, deciduous, spreading
var. yunnanense is a sturdy, leafy- drained soil. Water containerized tree. H 80ft (25m), S 50ft (15m). Bark is
stemmed bulb. H 5–6ft (1.5–2m), S 21∕2–3ft specimens moderately, less when Hornbeam smooth at first, later fissured. Bright yellow,
(75–100cm). Has bold, heart-shaped, temperatures are low. Propagate by seed winter leaf buds develop into large, dark
bronze-green leaves. Produces long spikes when ripe or in spring or by semiripe BETULACEAE green leaves, with 5 to 9 ovate to oblong
of fragrant, pendent, trumpet-shaped, cuttings in summer. tSeeds are poisonous. leaflets; these turn yellow in fall.
cream flowers, 6in (15cm) long, with Genus of deciduous trees, grown for their
foliage, fall color and clusters of small,
winged nuts. Needs sun or semishade and
Nuts are pear-shaped or rounded, coppery when young. In spring, produces poorly on shallow, chalky soil. Propagate successfully dried for winter flower
3∕4–11∕2in (2–4cm) long, each with a bitter racemes of small, fragrant, 5-petaled, cup- species by seed in fall, cultivars by arrangements. Needs sun and light, well-
kernel. Z4–9 shaped, bright yellow flowers. Cylindrical, budding in summer or by grafting drained soil. Propagate by seed in spring
C. glabra (Hognut, Pignut, Pignut hickory). dark brown pods, to 2ft (60cm) long, yield in late winter. or by root cuttings in winter.
Deciduous, spreading tree. H 80ft (25m), cassia pulp. Z12 (min. 59°F/15°C) C. sativa (Spanish chestnut, Sweet C. caerulea ‘Major’ illus. p.270.
S 70ft (20m). Dark green leaves, with C. x floribunda. See Senna x floribunda. chestnut). Deciduous, spreading tree.
usually 5 narrowly ovate leaflets, turn C. siamea. See Senna siamea. H 100ft (30m), S 50ft (15m). Bark becomes CATHARANTHUS
bright yellow and orange in fall. Pear- spirally ridged with age. Oblong, glossy,
shaped or rounded nuts, 3∕4–11∕2in (2–4cm) CASSINIA dark green leaves turn yellow in fall. APOCYNACEAE
long, each have a bitter kernel. Z4–9 Produces spikes of small, creamy-yellow
C. ovata (Shag-bark hickory) illus. p.67. ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE flowers in summer, followed by edible Genus of annuals and perennials, grown
fruits in rounded, spiny husks. Z5–7. for their flowers. C. roseus is often grown
CARYOPTERIS Genus of heatherlike evergreen shrubs, ‘Albomarginata’ (syn. C.s. annually from seed or cuttings and used as
grown for their foliage and flowers. ‘Argenteovariegata’) illus. p.61. a summer bedding plant in cool climates.
LAMIACEAE Avoid cold, exposed positions. Needs full Requires full light and
sun and fertile, well-drained soil. Propagate CASTANOSPERMUM well-drained soil. Water containerized
Genus of deciduous shrubs and perennials, by softwood cuttings in summer. specimens moderately, less when
grown for their foliage and small, but C. fulvida. See C. leptophylla subsp. PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE temperatures are low. Prune long or
freely borne, blue flowers. Prefers full fulvida. straggly stems in early spring to promote
sun and light, well-drained soil. Cut back C. leptophylla subsp. fulvida, syn. Genus of evergreen trees, grown for their a more bushy habit. Propagate by seed
hard in spring. Propagate species by C. fulvida. Evergreen, bushy shrub. H and overall ornamental appearance and, in in spring or by semiripe or greenwood
greenwood or semiripe cuttings in S 6ft (2m). Has yellow shoots, small, warmer areas, for shade. Requires full cuttings in summer.
summer or by seed in fall; propagate oblong, dark green leaves and, in light and fertile, moisture-retentive, but C. roseus, syn. Vinca rosea (Rose
cultivars by cuttings only, in summer. midsummer, clustered heads of minute, well-drained soil. Water containerized periwinkle), illus. p.298. Boa Series
C. x clandonensis cultivars. Dense, white flowers. Z7–10. subsp. vauvilliersii specimens freely when in full growth, ‘Boa Peach’ illus. p.300. Cobra Series
mound-forming shrubs. H 3ft (1m), S 5ft (syn. C. vauvilliersii) illus. p.150. moderately at other times. Propagate by ‘Cobra Burgundy’ illus. p.306.
(1.5m). Have ovate to lance-shaped, C. vauvilliersii. See C. leptophylla subsp. seed in spring.
slightly toothed, gray-green leaves, with vauvilliersii. C. australe (Black bean tree, Moreton CATTLEYA C
silver-hairy undersides. Bear clusters of Bay chestnut). Strong-growing, evergreen,
blue or purple-blue flowers in late summer CASSIOPE rounded tree. H 50ft (15m) or more, S 25ft ORCHIDACEAE
and early fall. Z5–9. ‘First Choice’ is (8m) or more. Has 18in (45cm) long leaves
compact, with dark reddish stems and ERICACEAE of 9–17 ovate leaflets. Racemes of large, See also ORCHIDS.
deep, ink-blue buds, opening to large, pealike, yellow flowers, that age to orange C. bicolor. Evergreen, epiphytic orchid
long-lasting, rich blue flowers; the fruiting Genus of dwarf, evergreen, spring- and red, are produced in fall, but only on for an intermediate greenhouse. H 4ft
calyx is very dark blue. ‘Heavenly Blue’ is flowering shrubs, suitable for a rock mature trees, and are succeeded by (1.2m), S 18in (45cm). Racemes of fragrant,
erect, with intensely dark blue flowers. garden, bank or wall. Needs a sheltered, cylindrical, reddish-brown pods, each 10in yellow-green, or brown flowers, 4in (10cm)
Sterling Silver (‘Lissilv’) is compact, shaded or semishaded site and moist, (25cm) long, containing large, chestnutlike across, with crimson lips, are borne from
with silvery-gray leaves and dark, violet- peaty, acidic soil. Propagate by semiripe or seeds. Z10–11 summer to fall. Z11–12 (min. 41°F/5°C,
blue flowers in late summer. ‘Summer greenwood cuttings in summer or by seed max. 86°F/30°C)
Sorbet’ is spreading, with elliptic leaves, in fall or spring. CATALPA C. bowringiana. See Guarianthe
edged with golden yellow; bears fluffy C. ‘Edinburgh’. Evergreen, dwarf shrub. bowringiana.
clusters of pale blue flowers in late H and S 8in (20cm). Has tiny, dark green BIGNONIACEAE C. cinnabarina, syn. Laelia cinnabarina.
summer. ‘Worcester Gold’ has warm leaves tightly pressed to upright stems. Evergreen, epiphytic orchid for an
yellow foliage and lavender-blue flowers. In spring, many small, bell-shaped, white Genus of deciduous, summer-flowering intermediate greenhouse. H 16in (40cm),
C. incana, syn. C. mastacanthus. flowers are borne singly in leaf axils. Z3–7 trees, extremely resistant to urban S 6in (15cm). Produces sprays of slender,
Deciduous, bushy subshrub. H and S 4ft C. fastigiata. Evergreen, upright, loose pollution, grown for their foliage and bell- orange flowers, 2in (5cm) or more across,
(1.2m). Bears tubular, violet-blue flowers, shrub. H 12in (30cm), S 6–8in (15–20cm). In or trumpet-shaped flowers with frilly usually in winter. Has narrowly ovate, rigid
with prominent stamens, amid lance- spring, bell-shaped, creamy-white flowers, lobes. Trees are best grown as isolated leaves, 3–4in (8–10cm) long. Needs good
shaped, gray-green leaves from late resting in green or red calyces, are borne specimens. Prefers full sun and does best light in summer. Z11–12 (min. 41°F/5°C,
summer to early fall. Z5–9 on short stalks in leaf axils. Leaves are tiny in hot summers. Needs deep, fertile, well- max. 86°F/30°C)
C. mastacanthus. See C. incana. and scalelike. Needs semishade. Z3–7 drained, but not too dry soil. Propagate C. J.A. Carbone gx. Evergreen, epiphytic
C. lycopodioides illus. p.349. species by seed in fall, cultivars by orchid for an intermediate greenhouse.
Cassandra. See Chamaedaphne. C. mertensiana illus. p.349. softwood cuttings in summer or by H 8in (20cm), S 18in (45cm). Large heads of
C. ‘Muirhead’ illus. p.332. budding in late summer. fragrant, pinkish-mauve flowers, 4in
CASSIA C. selaginoides. Evergreen, spreading C. bignonioides (Indian bean tree) illus. (10cm) across, each with a yellow-marked,
shrub. H 10in (25cm), S 6in (15cm). Stem p.73. ‘Aurea’ illus. p.76. deep pink lip, open in early summer. Has
CAESALPINIACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE is hidden by dense, scalelike, mid-green C. bungei, syn. C. fargesii f. duclouxii, ovate, stiff leaves, 4–6in (10–15cm) long.
leaves. Bears solitary, relatively large, illus. p.73. Avoid spraying from overhead. Z10–12
Genus of annuals, perennials, and pendent, bell-shaped, white flowers in C. x erubescens ‘Purpurea’, syn. (min. 41°F/5°C, max. 86°F/30°C)
evergreen, semievergreen, or deciduous spring. Needs a shaded site. Z3-7 C. bignonioides ‘Purpurea’. Deciduous,
trees and shrubs, grown for their flowers C. tetragona illus. p.332. spreading tree. H and S 50ft (15m). x CATTLIANTHE 533
mainly produced from winter to summer. C. wardii. Evergreen, upright to Broadly ovate or 3-lobed, very dark
Needs full light and fertile, well-drained spreading, loose shrub. H 6in (15cm), S 8in purple, young leaves age to dark green. ORCHIDACEAE
soil. Water containerized specimens freely (20cm). Semiupright stems are densely Fragrant, bell-shaped, white flowers,
when in full growth, moderately to clothed with scalelike, dark green leaves marked yellow and purple, open from See also ORCHIDS.
sparingly in winter. Pruning is tolerated, that give them a square appearance. Bell- mid- to late summer. Z4–8 x C. Hazel Boyd gx ‘Apricot Glow’,
severe if necessary, but trees are best shaped, white flowers, set close to stems, C. fargesii f. duclouxii. See C. bungei. syn. x Sophrolaeliocattleya Hazel Boyd
left to grow naturally. Propagate by open in spring. Needs shade in all but cool C. ovata. Deciduous, spreading tree. ‘Apricot Glow’ (illus. p.467). Evergreen,
seed in spring. areas. May also be propagated by division H and S 30ft (10m). Bears 3-lobed, purplish epiphytic orchid for an intermediate
C. artemisioides. See Senna of runners in spring. Z3–7 leaves when young, maturing to pale greenhouse. H 4in (10cm). In spring and
artemisioides. green. Has large clusters of bell-shaped, early summer, produces small heads of
C. corymbosa. See Senna corymbosa. CASTANEA white flowers, spotted with red and yellow, apricot-orange flowers, 31⁄2in (9cm) across,
var. plurijuga see Senna x floribunda. from mid- to late summer. Z4–8 with crimson marks on lips. Has ovate,
C. didymobotrya. See Senna Chestnut, Sweet chestnut C. speciosa illus. p.72. rigid leaves, 4in (10cm) long. Grow in good
didymobotrya. light in summer. Z10–12 (min. 41°F/5°C,
C. fistula (Golden shower, Indian FAGACEAE CATANANCHE max. 86°F/30°C)
laburnum, Pudding pipe-tree). Fast- x C. Rojo gx ‘Mont Millais’, syn.
growing, semievergreen to deciduous, Genus of deciduous, summer-flowering Blue cupidone, Cupid’s dart x Laeliocattleya Rojo gx ‘Mont Millais’
ovoid tree. H 25–30ft (8–10m), S 12–20ft trees and shrubs, grown for their foliage, (illus. p.467). Evergreen, epiphytic orchid
(4–6m). Has 12–18in (30–45cm) long leaves, stately habit, flowers, and edible fruits ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE for an intermediate greenhouse. H and S
each with 4–8 pairs of ovate leaflets, (chestnuts). Requires sun or semishade; 12in (30cm). In winter to spring, bears
does particularly well in hot, dry areas. Genus of annuals and perennials with arching heads of slender, reddish-orange
Needs fertile, well-drained soil; grows daisylike flower heads that may be
flowers, 3⁄4in (2cm) across. Ovate leaves are C. ‘Burkwoodii’ illus. p.205. C. thyrsiflorus. Vigorous, upright, CELASTRUS
up to 6in (15cm) long. Provide good light C. ‘Cascade’. Vigorous, evergreen, evergreen shrub. H and S 20ft (6m). Has
in summer. Z11–12 (min. 41°F/5°C, max. arching shrub. H and S 12ft (4m). Leaves arching branches and broadly ovate, Bittersweet, Staff vine
86°F/30°C) are narrowly oblong, glossy and dark toothed, glossy, mid-green leaves.In late
green. Large panicles of powder-blue spring and early summer, bears rounded CELASTRACEAE
CAULOKAEMPFERIA flowers open in late spring and early clusters of pale to dark blue flowers. Z7–9.
summer. Z7–9 ‘Mystery Blue’, H 8ft (2.5m), S 10ft (3m), Genus of deciduous, rarely evergreen
ZINGIBERACEAE C. ‘Concha’ illus p.138. is upright to spreading, with almond- shrubs and twining, woody climbers,
C. cuneatus var. rigidus, syn. scented, pale blue flowers in late spring. grown for their attractive fruits. Most
Genus of deciduous, rhizomatous, C. rigidus. Evergreen, bushy shrub of var. repens (Creeping blueblossom) species bear male and female flowers on
herbaceous perennials, grown for small dense, spreading habit. H 4ft (1.2m), illus. p.159. separate plants, so both sexes must be
but numerous, bright flowers, which are S 8ft (2.5m). Bears oblong to rounded, C. x veitchianus. Spreading, rigidly grown to obtain fruits; hermaphrodite
produced from late spring until fall, from glossy, dark green leaves and, from branched, evergreen shrub. H and S 10ft forms of C. orbiculatus are available.
the same stem as the leaves. Can be midspring to early summer, produces (3m). Dense, oblong clusters of deep blue Grow in any soil and in full or partial
grown as a container plant in semishade rounded clusters of deep purplish-blue flowers are borne in late spring and shade. Likes regular feeding. Prune in
and brought under glass with the onset flowers. Z7–9 early summer amid small, wedge-shaped, spring to cut out old wood and maintain
of cold weather. Propagate by division or C. ‘Dark Star’. Arching, evergreen toothed, glossy, dark green leaves, shape. Propagate by seed in fall or spring
by seed in early spring. shrub. H 6ft (2m), S 10ft (3m). Bears ovate, which are gray-green hairy beneath. or by semiripe cuttings in summer.
C. petelotii. Herbaceous, rhizomatous toothed, dark green leaves with deeply Z7–9 C. articulatus. See C. orbiculatus.
perennial. H and S 8in (20cm). Has 6–8 impressed veins. Honey-scented, dark C. orbiculatus, syn. C. articulatus
narrowly lance-shaped, mid-green leaves. purplish-blue flowers are borne in Cedrela sinensis. See Toona sinensis. (Oriental bittersweet, Staff vine).
Clusters of broad-lipped, bright canary rounded clusters in late spring. Z7–9 Cedronella mexicana. See Agastache Vigorous, deciduous, twining climber.
yellow flowers, surrounded by long, C. ‘Delight’. Fast-growing, evergreen, H to 45ft (14m). Has small, rounded,
narrow, green bracts, are borne from bushy shrub. H 10ft (3m), S 15ft (5m). mexicana. toothed leaves. Clusters of 2–4 small,
spring into fall. Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C) Bears oblong, glossy, deep green leaves. green flowers are produced in summer;
Long clusters of rich blue flowers are CEDRUS tiny, long-lasting, beadlike, yellow
CAUTLEYA produced in late spring. Z7–9 fruits that turn black in fall, and finally
C. x delileanus ‘Gloire de Versailles’, Cedar split to show yellow insides and red
ZINGIBERACEAE syn. C. ‘Gloire de Versailles’, illus. p.157. seeds. Z4–8
C. dentatus. Evergreen, bushy, dense PINACEAE C. scandens (American bittersweet,
Genus of summer-and fall-flowering, shrub. H 5ft (1.5m), S 6ft (2m). Has small, Staff tree, Staff vine). Deciduous, twining
rhizomatous perennials. Grow in a sunny, oblong, glossy, dark green leaves and is See also CONIFERS. climber. H to 30ft (10m). Ovate leaves are
wind-free position and in deep, rich, moist, covered, in late spring, with rounded C. atlantica, syn. C. libani subsp. 2–4in (5–10cm) long. Tiny, greenish flowers
but well-drained soil. Propagate by seed clusters of bright blue flowers. Z9–11 atlantica (Atlas cedar). Conifer that is are borne in small clusters in leaf axils in
or by division in spring. C. ‘Gloire de Versailles’. See conical when young, broadening with summer. Bears long-lasting, round fruits
C. spicata illus. p.279. C. x delilianus ‘Gloire de Versailles’. age. H 50–80ft (15–25m), S 15–30ft (5–10m). in bunches, 2–3in (5–8cm) long; each fruit
C. gloriosus. Evergreen, prostrate shrub. Leaves are spirally arranged, needlelike, splits to show an orange interior and
CAYRATIA H 1ft (30cm), S 6ft (2m). Hollylike leaves are dull green or bright blue-gray. Has ovoid scarlet seeds. Z3–7
ovate and dark green. Rounded clusters cones, the males pale brown, the females
VITACEAE of deep blue or purplish-blue flowers are pale green, ripening to brown. Z6–9. CELMISIA
borne from mid- to late spring. May suffer f. fastigiata, S 12–15ft (4–5m), has a
C Genus of herbaceous perennials, from chlorosis on chalky soils. Z7–9. narrower, more upright habit. f. glauca New Zealand daisy
deciduous and evergreen shrubs and ‘Emily Brown’, H 3ft (1m), S 12ft (4m), has (syn. C.a. Glauca Group; Blue Atlas cedar)
climbers, grown for their leaves and fall small, very strongly toothed leaves and illus. p.95. ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE
color. Tendril tips have suckerlike pads dark indigo flowers. C. deodara (Deodar cedar) illus. p.96.
that cling to supports. Insignificant C. impressus illus. p.138. ‘Puget Blue’ ‘Aurea’ illus. p.104. Genus of evergreen, late spring- and
greenish flowers are borne in summer. see C. ‘Puget Blue’. C. libani (Cedar of Lebanon) illus. p.97. summer-flowering perennials and
Grow in shade or semishade and well- C. ‘Italian Skies’. Evergreen, bushy, ‘Comte de Dijon’ is a dwarf, conical subshrubs, grown for their foliage and
drained soil. Propagate by softwood or spreading shrub. H 5ft (1.5m), S 10ft (3m). conifer, which grows only 2in (5cm) a daisylike flower heads. Suitable for rock
greenwood cuttings in summer or by Has small, ovate, glossy, dark green year. H 3–6ft (1–2m), S 2–4ft (60cm–1.2m). gardens or for growing among small
hardwood cuttings in early spring. leaves. Produces dense, conical clusters Branches carry flat layers of dark green shrubs, but may be difficult to grow in
tThe berries may cause mild stomach of bright blue flowers during late spring. to gray-green leaves and barrel-shaped, hot, dry climates. Needs a sheltered, sunny
upset if ingested. Z7–9 dull green to brown, female cones. site and humus-rich, moist, but well-
C. thomsonii, syn. Parthenocissus C. x pallidus ‘Marie Simon’. Upright, ‘Sargentii’, H and S 3–5ft (1–1.5m), has drained, sandy, acidic soil. Propagate by
thomsonii, Vitis thomsonii, illus. p.209. bushy, deciduous shrub. H and S 5ft (1.5m). horizontal, then weeping branches and division in early summer or by seed when
Has broadly ovate, mid-green leaves. may be trained into a rounded bush. fresh.
534 CEANOTHUS Conical clusters of soft pink flowers are subsp. atlantica see C. atlantica. Z5–8 C. argentea. Cushion-forming perennial.
borne in profusion from midsummer to H 1in (25cm), S to 4in (10cm). Has densely
California lilac early fall. Z7–9. ‘Perle Rose’ illus. p.153. CEIBA packed, silver-woolly rosettes of linear
C. papillosus. Evergreen, arching shrub. leaves. In late spring and early summer,
RHAMNACEAE H 10ft (3m), S 15ft (5m). Has narrowly Silk cotton tree produces almost stemless, daisylike, white
oblong, glossy, dark green, sticky leaves. flower heads, with yellow centers. Z8–9
Genus of evergreen or deciduous shrubs, Bears dense racemes of blue or purplish- MALVACEAE/BOMBACACEAE C. bellidioides. Evergreen, mat-forming
more rarely small trees, grown for their blue flowers during late spring. Z7–9 perennial. H to 2in (5cm), S to 12in (30cm).
small but densely clustered, mainly blue C. ‘Puget Blue’, syn. C. impressus ‘Puget Genus of deciduous, spiny-trunked trees, Has rounded, leathery, dark green leaves.
flowers. Where marginally hardy, plant Blue’, illus. p.205. grown for their overall appearance and Bears almost stemless, small, daisylike,
against a warm, sunny wall. Needs a C. rigidus. See C. cuneatus var. rigidus. for shade. Requires full light or light white flowers in early summer. Z8–9
sheltered site in full sun and light, well- C. ‘Skylark’. Evergreen, bushy shrub. shade and fertile, moisture-retentive, but C. coriacea of gardens. See
drained soil. Cut dead wood from H 6ft (2m), S 5ft (1.5m). Has oblong to well-drained soil. Water containerized C. semicordata.
evergreens in spring and trim their side- elliptic, finely toothed, glossy, mid-green specimens freely while in full growth, C. ramulosa illus. p.360.
shoots after flowering. Cut back shoots leaves. Dark blue flowers are borne in less at other times. Pruning is tolerated C. semicordata, syn. C. coriacea of
of deciduous species to basal framework abundant, open clusters in late spring and if necessary. Propagate by seed in spring gardens, illus. p.346.
in early spring. Propagate by semiripe early summer. Z7–9 or by semiripe cuttings in summer. C. walkeri, syn. C. webbiana, illus. p.336.
cuttings in summer. C. ‘Southmead’. Evergreen, compact, C. pentandra (Kapok, White silk cotton C. webbiana. See C. walkeri.
C. arboreus ‘Trewithen Blue’ illus. bushy shrub. H and S 5ft (1.5m). Has small, tree). Fast-growing tree with a spine-
p.194. oblong, glossy, dark green leaves. Deep covered trunk. H and S 80ft (25m) or more. CELOSIA
C. ‘Autumnal Blue’ illus. p.138. blue flowers are borne in rounded clusters Hand-shaped leaves have 5–8 elliptic
C. ‘Blue Mound’. Evergreen, bushy, in late spring and early summer. leaflets, red when young, becoming mid- Cockscomb
dense shrub. H 5ft (1.5m), S 6ft (2m). Z7–9 green. Bears clusters of 5-petaled, white,
Forms a mound of oblong, glossy, dark yellow or pink flowers in summer, AMARANTHACEAE
green leaves, covered, in late spring, followed by woody, brownish seed pods
with rounded clusters of deep blue containing silky kapok fiber. Z12 (min. Genus of erect annuals, perennials, and
flowers. Z7–9 61°F/16°C) shrubs. Grows best in a sunny, sheltered
C. speciosa. See Chorisia speciosa. position and in fertile, well-drained soil.
Propagate by seed sown under glass C. macrocephala. Robust, clump- CEPHALOCEREUS or winter buds separate from main plants.
in spring. forming perennial. H 3ft (1m), S 2ft (60cm). Take stem cuttings in growing season.
C. argentea. Moderately fast-growing, In summer, sturdy stems bear large, yellow CACTACEAE C. demersum (Hornwort). Deciduous,
erect, bushy perennial, usually grown as flower heads, within papery, silvery-brown perennial, spreading, submerged water
an annual. H 12–24in (30–60cm), S to 18in bracts. Mid-green leaves are narrowly Genus of slow-growing, columnar, plant that occasionally floats. S indefinite.
(45cm). Has ovate to lance-shaped, pale to ovate and deeply cut. Z2–9 perennial cacti with 20–30-ribbed, green Has small, dark green leaves with 3 linear
mid-green leaves and, in summer, silvery- C. montana illus. p.269. stems. Prefers full sun and extremely lobes. Best suited to a cool-water pond.
white, pyramid-shaped, feathery flower C. moschata. See Amberboa moschata. well-drained, lime-rich soil. Prone to rot Z5–11
heads, to 4in (10cm) long. Cultivars are C. pulcherrima illus. p.232. if overwatered. Propagate by seed in
available in red, orange, yellow, and spring or summer. CERATOPTERIS
cream. Z10–11. ‘Armor Mixed’, H CENTRANTHUS C. senilis, syn. Pilocereus senilis (Old-man
12–16in (30–40cm), S 4–6in (10–15cm), has cactus), illus. p.479. PTERIDACEAE
crested, curled heads of tightly packed, Valerian
orange, purple, red, or yellow flowers. CEPHALOPHYLLUM Genus of deciduous or semievergreen,
Century Series cultivars are among the CAPRIFOLIACEAE perennial or annual, submerged or
most vigorous and widely cultivated, AIZOACEAE floating water ferns, grown for their
bearing vivid red, rose-pink, or yellow Genus of late spring- to fall-flowering attractive foliage. Suitable for aquariums.
flower heads. var. cristata ‘Dragon’s annuals and perennials, a few subshrubby. Genus of creeping, clump-forming or Prefers a sunny position. Remove fading
Breath’, H 2ft (60cm), S 16in (40cm), has Requires sun. Thrives in an exposed spreading, perennial succulents with fronds regularly. Propagate in summer
purple-tinged leaves and long-lasting, position and in poor, alkaline soil. Propagate semicylindrical to cylindrical, green leaves. by division or by buds that develop on
upright, flame-red flower heads. var. by seed in fall or spring. Flowers are borne after 1 or 2 years. Needs the leaves.
cristata Kimono Series cultivars, H to C. ruber (Red valerian) illus. p.248. sun and well-drained soil. Propagate by C. thalictroides (Water fern).
8in (20cm), are dwarf, bearing large flower seed in spring or summer. Semievergreen, perennial, spreading,
heads in bright colors, including salmon- CENTROPOGON C. alstonii. Prostrate, perennial succulent. floating water fern that sometimes
pink, rose-red, yellow, or creamy-white. H 4in (10cm), S indefinite. Has cylindrical, roots and becomes submerged.
CAMPANULACEAE gray-green leaves, to 3in (7cm) long. Bears S indefinite. Lance-or heart-shaped,
CELTIS daisylike, dark red flowers, 3in (8cm) soft green fronds are wavy-edged.
Genus of herbaceous or subshrubby, across, in summer. Z10–12 (min. 45°F/7°C) Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C)
Hackberry, Nettle tree upright, scrambling or climbing, deciduous C. pillansii. Clump-forming, perennial
or evergreen perennials, grown for their succulent. H 3in (8cm), S 2ft (60cm). CERATOSTIGMA C
CANNABACEAE tubular, bright pink to red, orange or Leaves are cylindrical, 21∕2in (6cm) long,
yellow flowers borne singly on stalks dark green and covered in darker dots. PLUMBAGINACEAE
Genus of deciduous and evergreen trees from between the uppermost leaves, which Short flower stems produce daisylike,
and shrubs, with inconspicuous flowers in are sometimes patterned or variegated. red-centered, yellow flowers, 21∕2in (6cm) Genus of deciduous, semievergreen or
spring, grown for their foliage and small Needs humus-rich, moist, but well-drained across, from spring to fall. Z10–12 (min. evergreen subshrubs and herbaceous
fruits. Needs full sun (best in hot summers) soil in sun or partial shade. Propagate by 45°F/7°C) perennials, grown for their blue flowers
and fertile, well-drained soil. Propagate by seed in spring. and fall color. Requires a sunny position,
seed in fall. C. ayavacensis, syn. C. willdenowianus. CEPHALOTAXUS with well-drained soil. Cut out old, dead
C. australis illus. p.62. Deciduous, trailing perennial. H and S 3ft wood from shrubs in spring. Propagate
C. occidentalis. Deciduous, spreading (1m). Flexuous, purple stems have Plum yew shrubs by softwood cuttings in summer,
tree. H and S 70ft (20m). Ovate, sharply rounded to broadly elliptic, mid-green perennials by division in spring.
toothed, glossy, bright green leaves turn leaves. Bears tubular, cerise flowers, TAXACEAE/CEPHALOTAXACEAE C. griffithii. Evergreen or semievergreen,
yellow in fall, when they are accompanied with reflexed petals, from early spring bushy, dense shrub. H 3ft (1m), S 5ft (1.5m).
by round, yellowish-red, then red-purple to summer. Needs a sunny position. See also CONIFERS. Spoon-shaped, bristly, purple-edged, dull
fruits. Z2–9 Protect roots from frost. Z11–12 (min. C. harringtonii (Cowtail pine, Plum green leaves redden in fall. Clusters of
C. sinensis. Deciduous, rounded tree. 50°F/10°C) yew). Bushy, spreading conifer. H 15ft tubular, bright blue flowers, with
H and S 30ft (10m). Has ovate, glossy, dark C. cordifolius. Herbaceous, weakly (5m), S 10ft (3m). Needlelike, flattened spreading petal lobes, are borne in late
green leaves, with fine teeth, and small, climbing or trailing perennial. H 20in leaves are glossy, dark green, grayish summer and fall. Z7–10
round, orange fruits. Z2–9 (50cm), S 3–6ft (1–2m). Red stems have beneath, radiating around erect shoots. C. plumbaginoides illus. p.346.
heart-shaped, toothed, gray-green leaves, Bears egg-shaped, fleshy, green fruits C. willmottianum illus. p.159. Forest
CENTAUREA and bear flared, tubular, cerise flowers, that ripen to brown. Z6–9. ‘Fastigiata’, Blue (‘Lice’) is a compact, bushy,
from late spring to summer. Requires a H and S 15ft (5m), is shrubby, with erect deciduous shrub. H 3ft (1m), S 5ft (1.5m).
Knapweed sunny position. Protect roots from frost. branches and radially arranged leaves, Lance-shaped to ovate, pointed, mid- to
Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C) to 3in (8cm) long. dark green, purple-margined leaves, turn
ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE C. ferrugineus, syn. Lobelia ferruginea. rich red in fall. Bears abundant, tubular,
Herbaceous, trailing perennial. H ½–6ft CERASTIUM cobalt-blue flowers, with spreading petal
Genus of annuals, biennials, perennials (0.5–2m), S 3–6ft (1–2m). Long, wiry, lobes, in late summer and fall. Z7–10
and subshrubs, grown for their flower pendent stems bear narrowly ovate, silver- CARYOPHYLLACEAE
heads that each have a thistlelike center marked, mid-green leaves, with narrowly CERCIDIPHYLLUM
surrounded by a ring of slender ray petals. toothed margins. Flared, tubular, bright Genus of annuals and perennials with
Requires sun; grows in any well-drained pink flowers, from summer into fall, are star-shaped flowers. Some species are CERCIDIPHYLLACEAE
soil, even poor soil. Propagate by seed or followed by round fruits. Best in a useful as groundcover. Needs sun and
by division in fall or spring. container. Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C) well-drained soil. Propagate by division Genus of deciduous trees, grown for
C. cyanus (Cornflower). Fast-growing, C. willdenowianus. See C. ayavacensis. in spring. their foliage and often spectacular fall
upright, branching annual. H 1–3ft (30cm– C. alpinum (Alpine mouse-ear). Prostrate color. Late frosts may damage young
1m), S 1ft (30cm). Has lance-shaped, gray- CEPHALARIA perennial. H 3in (8cm), S 16in (40cm). Tiny, foliage, but do not usually cause lasting
green leaves and, in summer and early ovate, gray leaves cover stems. Flower harm. Requires sun or semishade and
fall, branching stems with usually double, CAPRIFOLIACEAE stems carry solitary, small, star-shaped, fertile, moist, but well-drained soil.
daisylike, dark blue flower heads. Flowers white flowers throughout summer. Z2–9 Propagate by seed in fall.
are excellent for cutting. Tall (blue, illus. Genus of annuals and perennials, best C. tomentosum (Snow-in-summer) illus. C. japonicum (Katsura) illus. p.66.
p.315) and dwarf cultivars are available, suited to large borders and wild gardens. p.350.
with flowers in shades of blue, pink, red, Prefers sun and well-drained soil. CERCIS 535
purple, or white. Z2–11. Propagate by division in spring or by CERATOPHYLLUM
Baby Series (dwarf), H to 1ft (30cm), has seed in fall. Judas tree, Redbud
blue, white, or pink flower heads. C. gigantea, syn. C. tatarica, Scabiosa Hornwort
C. dealbata. Erect perennial. H 3ft (1m), gigantea, S. tatarica, (Giant scabious, CAESALPINIACEAE
S 2ft (60cm). Lilac-purple flower heads are Yellow scabious). Robust, branching CERATOPHYLLACEAE
borne freely in summer, one or more to perennial. H 6ft (2m), S 4ft (1.2m). In early Genus of deciduous shrubs and trees
each stem. Has narrowly ovate, finely cut, summer, wiry stems bear pincushionlike Genus of deciduous, perennial, submerged with sometimes shrubby growth,
light green leaves. Z2–11. ‘Steenbergii’, heads of primrose-yellow flowers above water plants, grown for their foliage. cultivated for their foliage and small,
H 2ft (60cm), has carmine-lilac flowers. lance-shaped, deeply cut, dark green Suitable for ponds and cold-water pealike flowers, borne profusely in
C. hypoleuca ‘John Coutts’ illus. p.265. leaves. Z4–7 aquariums. Prefers an open, sunny spring. Requires a position in full sun
C. tatarica. See C. gigantea. position, but tolerates shade better than with deep, fertile, well-drained soil.
most submerged plants. Propagation Plant out as young specimens. Resents
occurs naturally when scaly young shoots
transplanting. Propagate species by seed CEROPEGIA Ceterach officinarum. See Asplenium CHAMAECYPARIS
sown in fall, cultivars by budding in ceterach.
C. canadensis (Eastern redbud). CHAENOMELES
Deciduous, spreading tree or shrub. H and Genus of evergreen or semievergreen CUPRESSACEAE
S 30ft (10m). Heart-shaped, dark green perennials, most with slender, climbing or Flowering quince, Japonese quince,
leaves turn yellow in fall. Pealike flowers pendent stems, grown for their unusual Japonica tContact with the foliage may aggravate
are magenta in bud, opening to pale pink flowers. Many are succulent. Needs skin allergies. See also CONIFERS.
in midspring before leaves emerge. Z4–8. partial shade and very well-drained soil. ROSACEAE C. lawsoniana, syn. Cupressus
f. alba ‘Forest Pansy’ illus. p.84. ‘Ruby Propagate by seed or stem cuttings in lawsoniana (Lawson cypress). Upright,
Falls’, H 8ft (2.5m), S 5ft (1.5m), forms a spring or summer. C. linearis subsp. Genus of deciduous, usually thorny, columnar conifer with branches drooping
dwarf, weeping tree, when trained on a woodii is often used as grafting stock spring-flowering shrubs, grown for at tips. H 50–130ft (15–40m), S 6–15ft (2–5m).
stem; has heart-shaped, purple leaves, for difficult asclepiads. their showy flowers and fragrant fruits, Bears flattened sprays of scalelike,
maroon-red underneath, that retain their C. distincta subsp. haygarthii. See produced in fall and used for preserves. aromatic, dark green leaves and round
color well into summer; bears dark rose- C. haygarthii. Prefers sun and well-drained soil. On wall- cones, the males brick-red, the females
pink flowers in spring. C. haygarthii, syn. C. distincta subsp. trained shrubs, cut back side-shoots after insignificant and green. Z5–8.
C. chinensis (Chinese redbud). haygarthii. Semievergreen, climbing, flowering to 2 or 3 buds and shorten shoots ‘Columnaris’ illus. p.103. ‘Ellwoodii’,
Deciduous, densely branched shrub or succulent subshrub. H 6ft (2m) or more, growing away from wall during growing H 10ft (3m), S 5ft (1.5m), is erect with
small tree. H 20ft (6m), S 15ft (5m). Rounded, S indefinite. Bears ovate or rounded, season. Propagate species by softwood or incurved, blue-gray leaves. ‘Fletcheri’,
glossy, leathery, rich green leaves turn dark green leaves, 1∕2–3∕4in (1–2cm) long. greenwood cuttings in summer or by seed H to 40ft (12m), has gray, incurved leaves.
yellow in fall. Bears clusters of deep pink In summer, produces abundant, small, in fall, cultivars by cuttings only in summer. ‘Gnome’, H 3ft (1m), is a dwarf, bun-
to lavender-pink flowers before the leaves. white or pinkish-white flowers, each with Fireblight and, on chalk soils, chlorosis are shaped form with blue foliage. ‘Green
Z4–8. ‘Avondale’, H to 10ft (3m), is a pitcher-shaped tube, widening toward common problems. Pillar’ (syn. C.l. ‘Green Spire’) illus. p.102.
compact with abundant, dark purple-pink the top and then united at the tip by C. japonica, syn. C. maulei (Japanese ‘Intertexta’ illus. p.96. ‘Kilmacurragh’,
flowers. ‘Don Egolf’, H and S 10ft (3m), is purplish-spotted petals that form a short quince, Japonica, Maule’s quince). H 30–50ft (10–15m), S 3ft (1m), has very
slow-growing and compact, bearing a stem ending in 5 “knobs” edged with fine Deciduous, bushy, spreading shrub with bright green foliage. ‘Lanei Aurea’ illus.
profusion of bright rose-mauve flowers in hairs. The whole resembles an insect thorns. H 3ft (1m), S 6ft (2m). Has ovate, p.102. ‘Minima Aurea’, H 3ft (1m), S 20in
spring; it produces no fruit and has good hovering over a flower. Z11–12 (min. mid-green leaves and, in spring, a (50cm), is a dwarf shrub with compact
disease resistance; take semihardwood 50°F/10°C) profusion of 5-petaled, red or orange-red sprays of golden-yellow foliage. ‘Pembury
cuttings in late summer. C. linearis. See C. linearis subsp. woodii. flowers, then round, yellow fruits. Z5–9 Blue’ illus. p.99. ‘Wisselii’, H 70–80ft (20–
C. siliquastrum illus. p.83. ‘Bodnant’ C. linearis subsp. woodii, syn. C. lagenaria. See C. speciosa. 25m), S 6–10ft (2–3m), is fast-growing, with
is a spreading, sometimes multi-stemmed C. linearis, C. woodii (Heart vine, Rosary C. maulei. See C. japonica. erect branches and blue-green leaves.
tree. H and S 30ft (10m). Inversely heart- vine, String-of-hearts), illus. p.490. C. speciosa, syn. C. lagenaria, Cydonia C. nootkatensis. See Xanthocyparis
shaped to kidney-shaped, glaucous, blue- C. sandersoniae. See C. sandersonii. speciosa. Vigorous, deciduous, bushy nootkatensis. ‘Pendula’ see Xanthocyparis
green leaves, are bronze when young, C. sandersonii, syn. C. sandersoniae shrub with thorns. H 8ft (2.5m), S 15ft (5m). nootkatensis ‘Pendula’.
yellow in fall. Bears clusters of dark (Fountain flower, Parachute plant). Leaves are ovate, glossy, and dark green. C. obtusa (Hinoki cypress). Conical
purple-pink flowers, before and with the Semievergreen, scrambling, succulent Clustered, 5-petaled, red flowers are borne conifer. H 50–70ft (15–20m), S 15ft (5m).
leaves, often on the main branches. Z4–8 subshrub. H 6ft (2m), S indefinite. Leaves from early to midspring, and are followed Has stringy, red-brown bark and scalelike,
are triangular to ovate, fleshy and 3∕4in by round, aromatic, greenish-yellow fruits. aromatic, dark green leaves with bright
C (2cm) long. In summer–fall has tubular, Z5–9. ‘Apple Blossom’ see C.s. silver lines at the sides and incurving tips.
green flowers, 2in (5cm) long, with paler ‘Moerloosei’. ‘Geisha Girl’ has double, Small, rounded cones ripen to yellow-
CEREUS green to white marks; the petals are flared deep apricot-pink flowers. ‘Moerloosei’ brown. Z4–8. ‘Coralliformis’, H to 20in
widely at tips to form “parachutes.” Z11–12 (syn. C.s. ‘Apple Blossom’) illus. p.122. (50cm), S 3ft (1m), is dwarf, with threadlike
CACTACEAE (min. 50°F/10°C) Flowers of ‘Nivalis’ are pure white. shoots. ‘Crippsii’ illus. p.104.
C. woodii. See C. linearis subsp. woodii. ‘Simonii’, H 3ft (1m), S 6ft (2m), bears ‘Fernspray Gold’, H 6–11½ft (2–3.5m),
Genus of treelike or columnar, perennial abundant, semidouble, deep red flowers. S 5–8ft (1.5–2.5m), is slow-growing, the
cacti with spiny stems, most having 4–10 CESTRUM ‘Snow’ illus. p.146. branches clothed with short, rich golden-
pronounced ribs. Cup-shaped flowers C. x superba ‘Crimson and Gold’ illus. yellow, fernlike leaves. ‘Intermedia’,
usually open at night. Needs full sun and SOLANACEAE p.193. ‘Etna’ is a deciduous, bushy, dense H to 12in (30cm), S 16in (40cm), is a round,
very well-drained soil. Propagate in spring shrub with thorns. H and S 10ft (3m). Has open, dwarf shrub with downward-
by seed or, for branching species, by stem Genus of deciduous or evergreen shrubs, ovate, glossy, dark green leaves. Produces spreading, light green foliage.
cuttings. grown for their showy flowers. Foliage abundant, 5-petaled, scarlet flowers, with ‘Kamarachiba’, H 10in (25cm), S 30in
C. forbesii. See C. hankeanus. has an unpleasant scent. Where marginally conspicuous, golden-yellow anthers, in (75cm), is a dwarf, spreading shrub, with
C. hankeanus, syn. C. forbesii, C. validus, hardy, grow against a warm, sunny wall spring, followed by round, yellow fruits. pale, creamy sprays of foliage.
illus. p.488. or in a greenhouse. Requires a sheltered, ‘Knap Hill Scarlet’, H 5ft (1.5m), S 10ft ‘Kosteri’, H 3–6ft (1–2m), S 6–10ft (2–3m),
C. hildmannianus, syn. C. peruvianus sunny position and fertile, well-drained (3m), has large, brilliant red flowers. forms a sprawling bush with twisted,
of gardens (illus. p.488). ‘Monstrosus’ is soil. Water containerized specimens freely ‘Nicoline’ illus. p.147. lustrous foliage; is very slow-growing.
a columnar, perennial cactus. H 15ft (5m), when in full growth, moderately at other ‘Pink Lady’ bears very early, dark pink ‘Nana’, eventual H 3ft (1m), S 5–6ft (1.5–
S 12ft (4m). Swollen, occasionally fan- times. Support is needed for scrambling flowers. ‘Rowallane’ illus. p.147. Z5–9 2m), forms a flat-topped bush. ‘Nana
shaped, silvery-blue stems bear golden species. Propagate hardy species by Aurea’, H and S 6ft (2m), has golden-
spines on 4–8 (or more) uneven ribs. softwood cuttings in summer, tender CHAENOSTOMA yellow leaves. ‘Nana Gracilis’ (illus.
Unlikely to flower in cultivation. Z10–12 species by seed in spring or by semiripe p.105), H 6ft (2m), S 5–6ft (1.5–2m), has
(min. 45°F/7°C) cuttings in summer. syn. sUTERA glossy, rich green foliage. ‘Nana
C. peruvianus of gardens. See C. aurantiacum. Mainly evergreen Pyramidalis’, H and S to 2ft (60cm), is
C. hildmannianus. semiscrambler that remains a rounded SCROPHULARIACEAE a slow-growing, dense, conical, dwarf
C. silvestrii. See Echinopsis shrub if cut back annually. H and S to 6ft cultivar with horizontal, cup-shaped
chamaecereus. (2m). Bears ovate, bright green leaves. Genus of annuals, soft-stemmed, evergreen leaves. ‘Tetragona Aurea’, H 30ft
C. spachianus. See Echinopsis spachiana. Tubular, bright orange flowers are borne perennials, and small, evergreen shrubs or (10m), S 6–10ft (2–3m), produces golden-
C. validus. See C. hankeanus. in large, terminal trusses in summer and subshrubs, grown for their showy but or bronze-yellow leaves, greener if
may be followed by round, white fruits. small flowers. Needs full sun and moist soil. grown in shade.
536 CERINTHE Prune annually, cutting out old stems near Useful for hanging baskets and containers C. pisifera, syn. Cupressus pisifera
the base after flowering. Z9–11 or as summer bedding. Propagate cultivars (Sawara cypress). Conical conifer with
Honeywort C. x cultum illus. p.202. by cuttings, or by seed in spring. horizontal branches. H 50ft (15m), S 15ft
C. ‘Newellii’ illus. p.203. C. cordatum ‘Snowflake’, syn. Sutera (5m). Has ridged, peeling, red-brown
BORAGINACEAE C. parqui (Willow-leaved jessamine). cordata ‘Snowflake’, illus. p.298. bark, scalelike, aromatic, fresh green
Deciduous, open shrub. H and S 6ft (2m). leaves, white at sides and beneath, and
Genus of annuals, biennials, and Large clusters of tubular, yellowish-green Chamaecereus silvestrii. See angular, yellow-brown cones. Z4–8.
occasionally perennials with somewhat flowers, fragrant at night, are borne in Echinopsis chamaecereus. ‘Boulevard’, H 30ft (10m), has silver-blue
fleshy stems and leaves. Requires a site profusion in summer amid narrowly foliage. ‘Filifera’ has whiplike, hanging
in full sun, with dry to moist, but well- lance-shaped, mid-green leaves. Z9–11 shoots and dark green foliage.
drained soil. Propagate by seed sown
in fall or spring.
C. major ‘Purpurascens’ illus. p.312.
‘Filifera Aurea’ (illus. p.105), H 40ft CHAMAEMELUM Chamerion. See Chamaenerion. CHELIDONIUM
(12m), S 10–15ft (3–5m), also has whiplike
shoots, but with golden-yellow leaves. Chamomile CHASMANTHE Celandine, Greater Celandine
‘Filifera Nana’, H 2ft (60cm), S 3ft (1m),
is a dwarf form with whiplike branches. ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE IRIDACEAE PAPAVERACEAE
‘Nana’, H and S 20in (50cm), is also dwarf,
with dark bluish-green foliage. ‘Plumosa’ Genus of aromatic annuals and perennials, Genus of cormous perennials, grown for Genus of one species of variable
is broadly conical to columnar, with suitable as groundcover or for a lawn. their showy flowers. Needs full sun or biennial or short-lived perennial that
yellowish, gray-green leaves. ‘Plumosa Flowers may be used to make tea. Needs partial shade and well-drained soil. Water rapidly forms groundcover. Grows in
Rogersii’, H 6ft (2m), S 3ft (1m), has sun and well-drained soil. Propagate by well in late winter and early spring; reduce sun or shade and in any but very wet
yellow foliage. Slow-growing division in spring or by seed in fall. watering in summer and fall. Propagate by soil. Can be invasive; suitable for
‘Squarrosa’, H to 70ft (20m), has a broad C. nobile, syn. Anthemis nobilis division in fall. naturalizing in a wildflower garden
crown and soft, blue-gray foliage. (Lawn chamomile, Roman chamomile). or in light woodland. Propagate by
C. thyoides, syn. Cupressus thyoides Evergreen, mat-forming, invasive C. bicolor. Spring-flowering corm. H 36in seed or division in fall. tContact with
(White cypress), illus. p.101. ‘Andelyensis’ perennial. H 4in (10cm), S 18in (45cm). (90cm), S 20in (50cm). Has lance-shaped the sap may cause skin blisters.
is a slow-growing, conical, dwarf conifer. Has finely divided, aromatic leaves and or linear leaves and spikelike, one-sided C. majus ‘Flore Pleno’ illus. p.227.
H 10ft (3m), S 3ft (1m). Has wedge-shaped daisylike heads of white flowers, with racemes of orange-red flowers, with green
tufts of scalelike, aromatic, blue-green yellow centers, borne in late spring or markings, maroon throats, and yellow- CHELONE
leaves. Female cones are glaucous blue- summer. tContact with foliage may striped tubes. Z9–11
gray, later purple-black to red-brown. Z4–9 aggravate skin allergies. Z4–9. C. floribunda. Summer-flowering corm. Turtle-head
‘Treneague’ is a non-flowering, less H 20–60in (50cm–1.5m), S 6in (15cm). Bears
CHAMAECYTISUS invasive cultivar that, requiring less lance-shaped leaves and numerous bright PLANTAGINACEAE
mowing, is better for a lawn. orange or yellow flowers, arranged in
FABIACEAE 2 ranks, on branched spikes. Z10–11. Genus of summer- and fall-flowering
CHAMAENERION var. duckittii has yellow flowers. perennials. Needs semishade and
Genus of evergreen or deciduous, small moist soil. Ideal for a late summer
trees, shrubs, and subshrubs, occasionally syn. CHAMERIOn CHASMANTHIUM border. Propagate by soft-tip cuttings
spiny, grown for their pealike flowers. in summer or by division or seed in fall
Best in full sun and moderately fertile, ONAGRACEAE POACEAE/GRAMINEAE or spring.
well-drained soil. Propagate by seed in C. barbata. See Penstemon barbatus.
fall or spring, or by semiripe cuttings in Genus of woody-based, herbaceous See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES C. obliqua (Turtle-head) illus. p.438.
summer. perennials, grown for their pink or white and SEDGES.
C. albus. See Cytisus albus. flowers that are borne for long periods C. latifolium illus. p.288. Chiastophyllum oppositifolium. See
C. hirsutus, syn. Cytisus hirsutus. from summer to fall. Some species are Umbilicus oppositifolius.
Deciduous, bushy, rounded shrub. invasive, but C. angustifolium is good CHEILANTHES
H and S 3ft (1m). Dense, terminal heads for a rock garden or border. Tolerates CHIMONANTHUS C
of large, yellow flowers are borne from sun or shade and prefers moist, but well- Lip fern
midsummer to fall, amid gray-green leaves drained soil. Propagate by seed in spring, Wintersweet
with 3-palmate, oblong to elliptic leaflets. or by softwood cuttings from sideshoots PTERIDACEAE
Z5–7 in spring. CALYCANTHACEAE
C. purpureus, syn. Cytisus purpureus C. angustifolium f. album, syn. Genus of mainly evergreen ferns. Needs
(Purple broom). Deciduous, arching shrub. Epilobium angustifolium f. album (White full light and humus-rich, well-drained Genus of deciduous or evergreen, winter-
H 18in (45cm), S 2ft (60cm). Semierect rosebay), illus. p.216. soil. Do not overwater containerized plants flowering shrubs, grown for their very
stems are clothed with leaves of 3-palmate, or splash water on fronds. Remove fading fragrant flowers, borne in winter before
obovate leaflets. Clusters of 2 or 3 pale lilac Chamaepericlymenum canadense. foliage regularly. Propagate by spores the young leaves emerge. Reduce
to purple flowers open in early summer on See Cornus canadensis. in summer. susceptibility of flowers to frost damage
previous year’s wood. Suits a bank or C. lanosa of gardens. See C. tomentosa. by training plants against a warm, sunny
sunny border. Z5–7. f. albus illus. p.337. CHAMAEROPS C. tomentosa, syn. C. lanosa of gardens. wall. Needs full sun and fertile, well-
Evergreen fern. H and S 6–9in (15–23cm). drained soil. Propagate species by
CHAMAEDAPHNE Dwarf fan palm Leaves are triangular or lance-shaped and seed when ripe, in late spring and
have much divided, soft green fronds on early summer, cultivars by softwood
syn. CASSANDRA ARECACEAE/PALMAE hairy, black stems. Z5–8 cuttings in summer.
C. fragrans. See C. praecox. ‘Luteus’
ERICACEAE Genus of one species of shrubby palm, Cheiranthus. See Erysimum. see C. praecox ‘Luteus’.
cultivated for its overall appearance. C. praecox, syn. C. fragrans
Genus of one species of evergreen shrub, Needs full light and fertile, well-drained CHEIRIDOPSIS (Wintersweet), illus. p.144. ‘Concolor’
grown for its white flowers. Needs sun or soil. Water containerized plants see C.p. ‘Luteus’. ‘Luteus’ (syn. C.
semishade and moist, peaty, acidic soil. moderately, less when not in full growth. AIZOACEAE fragrans ‘Luteus’, C. praecox ‘Concolor’)
Propagate by semiripe cuttings in summer. Propagate by seed in spring at not less is a vigorous, broadly upright, deciduous
C. calyculata (Leatherleaf). Evergreen, than 22°C (72°F) or by suckers in late Genus of clump-forming, perennial shrub. H 12ft (4m), S 10ft (3m). Has long,
arching, open shrub. H 21∕2ft (75cm), S 3ft spring. Red spider mite may be a nuisance. succulents with pairs of semicylindrical lance-shaped, glossy, mid-green leaves,
(1m). Leaves are small, oblong, leathery C. humilis illus. p.165. leaves. Needs sun and well-drained soil. rough above, smooth beneath. Pendent,
and dark green. Leafy racemes of small, Water in fall to encourage flowers. fragrant, wide-opening, pure yellow
urn-shaped, white flowers are borne on Chamaespartium sagittale. See Propagate by seed or stem cuttings in flowers are borne on bare stems in
slender branches in mid- to late spring. Genista sagittalis. spring or summer. winter. Z7–9
Z6–9 C. candidissima. See C. denticulata.
Chamaespartium sagittale subsp. C. denticulata, syn. C. candidissima. CHIMONOBAMBUSA
CHAMAEDOREA delphinense. See Genista Clump-forming, perennial succulent. H 4in
delphinensis. (10cm), S 8in (20cm). Has semicylindrical, POACEAE/GRAMINEAE
ARECACEAE/PALMAE slender, fleshy, blue-gray leaves, each 4in
CHAMELAUCIUM (10cm) long with a flat top, joined in pairs See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES,
Genus of evergreen palms, grown for their for almost half their length. Bears and SEDGES.
overall appearance. Needs shade or MYRTACEAE daisylike, shiny, white to pale yellow C. tumidissinoda, syn. Qiongzhuea
semishade and humus-rich, well-drained flowers, to 21∕2in (6cm) across, in spring. tumidissinoda, illus. p.287.
soil. Water containerized plants Genus of evergreen shrubs, grown for Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C)
moderately, less when temperatures are their flowers and overall appearance. C. purpurata. See C. purpurea. CHIONANTHUS 537
low. Propagate by seed in spring at not Needs full sun and well-drained, sandy, C. purpurea, syn. C. purpurata.
less than 25°C (77°F). Red spider mite may neutral to acidic soil. Water potted Carpeting, perennial succulent. H 4in Fringe tree
be troublesome. specimens moderately, sparingly when not (10cm), S 12in (30cm). Has semicylindrical,
C. elegans, syn. Neanthe bella (Dwarf in full growth. To maintain a compact habit, thick, short, glaucous green leaves, each OLEACEAE
mountain palm, Parlour palm), illus. p.458. cut back flowered stems by half when the with a flat top. In early spring, produces
last bloom falls. Propagate by seed in daisylike, purple-pink or yellow flowers, Genus of evergreen and deciduous
spring or by semiripe cuttings in summer. 11∕2in (4cm) across. Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C) trees and shrubs, grown for their profuse,
C. uncinatum (Geraldton waxflower) white flowers. Flowers more freely in
[white] illus. p.453. ‘Bundara Excelsior’ areas with hot summers. Good specimen
illus. p.454. plants and also suitable for a shrub
border. Prefers full sun and fertile,
well-drained, but not too dry soil. Propagate plantlets. Z10–11 (min. 45°F/7°C) CHRYSANTHEMUM flowering sprays are restricted to 3 stems;
by seed in fall. C. capense of gardens. See C. comosum. for exhibition, each stem should bear 6 or
C. retusus (Chinese fringe tree). C. comosum, syn. C. capense of gardens syn. AJAnIA, DEnDRAnTHEMA 7 blooms or, if grown with controlled day
Deciduous, often treelike, arching shrub. (Ribbon plant, Spider plant). Evergreen, length, 12 blooms per stem; for exhibition,
H and S 10ft (3m). From early to tufted perennial. H 12in (30cm), S indefinite. ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE the central bud of the spray is usually
midsummer, star-shaped, pure white Very narrow leaves, to 18in (45cm) long, removed to give a more rounded outline.
flowers are borne in large clusters amid spread from a rosette. Racemes of many Genus of upright, sometimes woody-based Charm chrysanthemums have a dwarf,
ovate, bright green leaves. Z3–9 small, star-shaped, white flowers are herbaceous perennials. Chrysanthemums bushy, domed to almost spherical habit,
C. virginicus (Fringe tree) illus. p.112. borne on thin stems, 2ft (60cm) or more are grown primarily for their showy and bear hundreds of single flower heads,
long, at any time. Small rosettes of leaves flower heads, 1–12in (2.5–30cm) across, to 1in (25cm) across. They do not need
CHIONOCHLOA may be produced on flower stems, which consist of ray-florets in a variety stopping or training, and are grown for
forming plantlets. Z10–12. (min. 41°F/5°C). of colors, including yellow, white, pink, indoor decoration, for exhibition, and as
POACEAE/GRAMINEAE ‘Vittatum’ illus. p.465. purple and red, with yellow disc-florets; bonsai plants.
they are cultivated in a multiplicity of Cascade chrysanthemums have similar
See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES, CHOISYA forms. The dark green leaves are shallowly flower heads to charms, but are trained as
and SEDGES. to deeply lobed or cut, ovate to lance- fans, pillars, pyramids or cascades. They
C. conspicua (Plumed tussock grass). Mexican orange blossom shaped, and often feathery. Lift are grown for indoor decoration, for
Evergreen, tussock-forming, perennial marginally hardy or frost-tender florists’ exhibition, and as bonsai plants.
grass. H 4–5ft (1.2–1.5m), S 3ft (1m). Very RUTACEAE chrysanthemums and store in a frost-free Pompom chrysanthemums are dwarf
long, mid-green leaves are tinged reddish- place over winter. Provide a sunny site and bushy, producing 50 or more dense,
brown. Has sturdy, arching stems with Genus of evergreen shrubs, grown for and reasonably fertile, well-drained soil. spherical, or occasionally hemispherical
long, loose, open panicles of cream spikelets their attractive, aromatic foliage and Plants grown for exhibition require flower heads per plant. They suit an
in summer. Z8–10 for their fragrant, star-shaped flowers. regular feeding. Pinch out growing tips outdoor border.
C. rubra illus. p.285. Best grown in a shrub border or against to encourage flowering sideshoots; stake Semipompom chrysanthemums,
a wall. Requires full sun and fertile, well- tall plants with canes. Propagate annuals sometimes called Japanese pompoms,
Chionodoxa. See Scilla. drained soil. Propagate by semiripe by seed sown in situ in spring; thin out, have similar flowers to those of the
x Chionoscilla. See Scilla. cuttings in late summer. but do not transplant. Propagate hardy pompom, but their yellow centers are
Chirita sinensis. See Primulina dryas. C. ‘Aztec Pearl’. See C. x dewitteana perennials by division in fall, after revealed as they mature.
‘Aztec Pearl’. flowering, or in early spring; florists’
CHLIDANTHUS C. x dewitteana ‘Aztec Pearl’ illus. chrysanthemums by basal softwood Rubellum Group chrysanthemums
p.122. White Dazzler (‘Londaz’) cuttings in spring. Aphids, capsids, These are clump-forming, woody-based,
AMARYLLIDACEAE is an elegant, compact, rounded shrub. froghoppers, earwigs, mildew, and white bushy perennials. All are named selections
H and S to 3ft (1m). Has aromatic, dark rust may be troublesome. or hybrids of C. zawadzkii. They have cut
Genus of summer-flowering bulbs, grown green leaves divided into 3–5 narrow leaves, often with a silvery cast, and bear
for their showy, strongly scented flowers. leaflets. In late spring, bears a profusion Florists’ chrysanthemums single, semidouble, or double, yellow-
Needs a sunny site and well-drained soil. of fragrant, snow-white flowers, in These perennial cultivars are available centered flower heads in a range of colors.
Plant in the open after flowering; if clusters of 3–5 in the leaf axils, and in a wide range of forms and colors, and Blooming in late summer and early fall,
necessary, lift and dry off for winter. flowers again in late summer. are grown for exhibition, the garden they are good for a herbaceous border and
Propagate by offsets in spring. Z7–10 and cutting. They are often categorized for cutting.
C. fragrans illus. p.424. C. ternata (Mexican orange blossom) according to their flower head form (see
illus. p.122. SunDance (‘Lich’) illus. feature panel pp.252–253), their flowering Korean Group chrysanthemums
C CHLOROGALUM p.148. season—early (late summer and early These are similar to the Rubellum Group
Soap plant fall), mid-season (midfall), or late (midfall chrysanthemums, but the cultivars are
Chordospartium. See Carmichaelia. to midwinter)—and whether they are dwarfer and hardier.
ASPARAGACEAE disbudded or non-disbudded (see below).
CHORISIA The best groups for outdoor use are the Pot chrysanthemums
Genus of late spring- and summer- early-flowering spray chrysanthemums, These chrysanthemums, usually unnamed
flowering bulbs, grown more for botanical MALVACEAE reflexed cultivars, and pompom at point of sale, are grown commercially
interest than for floral display, although chrysanthemums. Some midseason on a large scale. They are mostly late-
they produce elegant sprays of flowers. Genus of deciduous or semievergreen, reflexed cultivars are suitable for garden flowering cultivars brought into bloom
Requires sun and well-drained soil. succulent trees, usually with spine- use, but most need protection from rain. by manipulation of temperature and day
Propagate by seed in fall or spring. covered trunks, grown mainly for their Late-flowering cultivars are brought into length, and treated with dwarfing
C. pomeridianum. Summer-flowering flowers in fall and winter and their overall flower in a temperate or warm greenhouse. hormone, to form compact, short-jointed
bulb. H to 8ft (2.5m), S 6–8in (15–20cm). appearance. Needs full light and well- plants. They are sold as conservatory or
Semierect, basal leaves are long, narrow drained soil. Water containerized Disbudded—these chrysanthemums houseplants and are best grown as short-
and gray-green, with wavy margins. specimens freely when in full growth, have all the flower buds on each shoot term potted plants.
Produces a large, loosely branched head very little when leafless. Pruning is removed except for the terminal bud, to
of small, saucer-shaped, white flowers, tolerated if necessary. Propagate by seed increase the size of the remaining bloom. C. ‘Alison Kirk’. Early, incurved, florists’
with a central, green or purple stripe on in spring. Red spider mite may be They are classified by exhibitors into size chrysanthemum. H 4ft (1.2m), S 1–2ft (30–
each petal, that open after midday. troublesome. groups. For exhibition, those with 60cm). Produces white flowers, to 5–6in
Z9–11 C. speciosa, syn. Ceiba speciosa (Floss incurved, intermediate or reflexed flowers (12–15cm) across, in early fall. More suitable
silk tree), illus. p.450. are restricted to 2 blooms per plant; in for exhibition than garden use. Z10–11
538 CHLOROPHYTUM gardens, 4 or 5 blooms are allowed to C. ‘Allouise Pink’. Early, intermediate,
CHORIZEMA develop. Single and anemone-centered florists’ chrysanthemum. H 4ft (1.2m),
ASPARAGACEAE flowers are reduced to 4 to 8 blooms for S 20–36in (50–100cm). Produces pale
PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE exhibition, and 10 or more for garden yellowish-pink flowers, up to 9in (23cm)
Genus of evergreen, stemless perennials use and for cutting. across, in early fall. Good for garden use,
with short rhizomes. Ideal for growing in Genus of small, evergreen shrubs and floristry, and exhibition. Z8–10
containers and hanging baskets; they are twining or scandent climbers, grown Non-disbudded—the buds of these C. alpinum. See Leucanthemopsis alpina.
popular foliage houseplants. Grow in a mainly for their flowers. Requires full chrysanthemums are usually allowed to C. ‘Anastasia’ (illus. p.253). Early, florists’
light position, away from direct sun, in light and humus-rich, well-drained, develop freely. Non-disbudded outdoor semipompom chrysanthemum.
fertile, well-drained soil. Water freely in sandy soil, preferably neutral to acidic. chrysanthemums are grouped according H 2ft (60cm), S 20in (50cm). Has flat-
growing season, but sparingly at other Water potted plants moderately, less to size and habit. topped, dark purplish-pink flowers,
times if pot-grown. Propagate by seed, hen not in full growth. Tie climbers to Spray chrysanthemums produce 11∕4in (3cm) across, with yellow centers,
division or plantlets (produced on supports, or grow in hanging baskets. several blooms per stem in a variety of in midfall. Z6–9
flower stems of some species) at any Propagate by seed in spring or by flower forms: single, intermediate, C. ‘Angelic’. Pompom, Korean Group
time except winter. semiripe cuttings in summer. reflexed, anemone-centered, pompom, chrysanthemum. H 18in (45cm), S 12in
C. capense. Evergreen, tufted perennial. C. ilicifolium (Holly flame pea) illus. spoon-shaped, or quill-shaped. They are (30cm). In early to midfall, produces
H 12in (30cm), S indefinite. Forms rosettes p.454. grown mainly for garden decoration and flower heads, 1in (25cm) across, that
of lance- or strap-shaped, bright green for cutting. For exhibition, each plant is
leaves, to 2ft (60cm) long. Tiny, white Chrysalidocarpus lutescens. See allowed to develop 4 or 5 stems, each
flowers in racemes, to 2ft (60cm) long, Dypsis lutescens. bearing 5 or more flower heads. Late-
are borne in summer. Does not produce
open white, with yellow centers becoming C. Chesapeake (‘Yochesapeake’) (illus. C. frutescens. See Argyranthemum C. ‘Marian Gosling’. Reflexed, florists’ C
white. Z7–10 p.252). Spider-form, quill-shaped, florists’ frutescens. ‘Jamaica Primrose’ see chrysanthemum. H 4–41∕2ft (1.2–1.3m),
spray chrysanthemum. H 4ft (1.2m), S 20in A. ‘Jamaica Primrose’. ‘Mary Wootton’ S 24–28in (60–70cm). Bears pale pink 539
C. ‘Apollo’ (illus. p.253). Semidouble, (50cm). Bears white flowers, to 8in (20cm) see A. ‘Mary Wootton’. flowers, to 51∕2in (14cm) across when
Korean Group chrysanthemum. H 36in across when disbudded, in fall. Z8–11 C. ‘George Griffiths’ (illus. p.253). Fully disbudded, in early fall. Good for
(90cm), S 30in (75cm). Bronze-red flowers, C. ‘Chessington’. Intermediate, florists’ reflexed, florists’ chrysanthemum. H 4–5ft exhibition. Z10–12 (min. 41–50°F/5–10°C)
2in (5cm) across, with petals of uneven chrysanthemum. H 6–7ft (2–2.2m), S 21∕2ft (1.3–1.5m), S 21∕2ft (75cm). Produces deep C. ‘Marion’. Reflexed, florists’ spray
length, open from dark red buds in late (75cm). Produces fairly tightly incurved, red flowers, to 51∕2in (14cm) across when chrysanthemum. H 4ft (1.2m), S 21∕2ft
fall. Z6–9 white flowers, 7–8in (18–20cm) across, in disbudded, in early fall. Excellent for (75cm). Produces pale yellow flowers, to
C. ‘Aunt Millicent’ (illus. p.252). early fall. More suitable for exhibition than exhibition. Z9–11 3in (8cm) across, from late summer. Z9–11
Single, Korean Group chrysanthemum. for garden use. Z8–11 C. ‘Ginger Nut’. Intermediate, florists’ C. ‘Mary Stoker’ (illus. p.253). Single,
H 30in (75cm), S 2ft (60cm). Produces C. ‘Claire Louise’. Fully reflexed, florists’ chrysanthemum. H 4ft (1.2m), S 2–21∕2ft (60– Rubellum Group chrysanthemum. H 30in
abundant, silvery-pink flowers, 11∕2in chrysanthemum. H 4–41∕2ft (1.2–1.3m), 75cm). Bears tightly incurving, light (75cm), S 2ft (60cm). Bears slightly ragged-
(4cm) across, each with a pale zone S 21∕2ft (75cm). Has bronze flowers, to 6in bronze flowers, to 51∕2in (14cm) across looking, creamy-apricot flowers, 2in (5cm)
around the yellow center, in midfall. (15cm) across, in early fall. Ideal for when disbudded, occasionally closing at across, each with a domed, yellow center,
Has rather large leaves. Z7–10 exhibition. Z8–11 top to form a true incurved flower, in early in midfall. Tends to run at the roots. Z6–9
C. ‘Autumn Days’. Early, intermediate, C. ‘Clara Curtis’ illus. p.247. fall. Good for exhibition. Z10–11 C. ‘Mason’s Bronze’. Single, florists’
florists’ chrysanthemum. H 31∕2–4ft (1.1– C. coccineum. See Tanacetum coccineum. C. ‘Golden Chalice’ (illus. p.253). Single, chrysanthemum. H 41∕2–5ft (1.3–1.5m),
1.2m), S to 21∕2ft (75cm). In early fall, bears C. coronarium. See Glebionis coronaria. florists’ charm chrysanthemum. H and S 3ft S to 3ft (1m). Has bronze flowers, to 5in
loosely incurved, bronze flowers, 5in C. ‘Cottage Apricot’ (illus. p.253). Single, (1m). In late fall, bears yellow flowers, 1in (12cm) across, in late fall. Excellent for
(12cm) across when disbudded. Z10–11 Korean Group chrysanthemum. H 30in (25cm) across. Good for exhibition. Z9–11 exhibition. Z10–11
C. ‘Beacon’. Intermediate, florists’ (75cm), S 2ft (60cm). Bears bright orange C. ‘Golden Gigantic’. Tightly incurved C. maximum of gardens. See
chrysanthemum. H 4ft (1.2m), S 2ft (60cm). flowers, 21∕2in (6cm) across, each with a or loosely reflexed, florists’ chrysanthemum. Leucanthemum x superbum.
Bears red, sometimes bronze, flowers, to narrow yellow ring around the yellow H 41∕2ft (1.3m), S 1ft (30cm). Bears large, C. ‘Mei-kyo’. Florist’s semipompom
7in (18cm) across, in late fall. Good for center, in midfall. Z7–10 gold flowers, 10–11in (25–27cm) across, chrysanthemum. H and S 20in (50cm).
exhibition. Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C) C. ‘Cousin Joan’. Single, Korean Group when disbudded, in late fall. Good for Produces blooms, 1in (25cm) across, in
C. ‘Beppie Bronze’. Intermediate, chrysanthemum. H 3½ft (1.1m), S 20in exhibition. Z10–12 (min. 41–50°F/5–10°C) light purplish-pink, with deeper tones at
florists’ spray chrysanthemum. H 4ft (50cm). Has sweetly scented blooms, 2in C. ‘Goldengreenheart’. Single, Korean the centers, in mid- to late fall. Good for
(1.2m), S 16in (45cm). Sprays of bright (5cm) across, in dark pinkish-red, each Group chrysanthemum. H and S 24–28in exhibition. Z7–10
orange blooms, 2½in (6cm) across, with with a whiteish ring at the base, that open (60–70cm). Easy and reliable, bearing pale C. ‘Mrs. Jessie Cooper’ (illus. p.253).
red-orange centers, are produced in late in mid- to late fall. Z7–10 orange flowers, with green centers, from Single, Rubellum Group chrysanthemum.
summer to fall. Z8–11 C. ‘Cream West Bromwich’. Fully mid- to late fall, sometimes later. Younger H 36in (90cm), S 2ft (60cm). Bears vivid
C. ‘Bill Wade’. Intermediate to loosely reflexed, florists’ chrysanthemum. H 5ft flowers have a dark red spot at the base of cerise-pink, flowers, 2in (5cm) across,
incurved, florists’ chrysanthemum. H 41∕2ft (1.5m), S 2½ft (75cm). Bears very pale each floret. Z7–10 each with a slender, white ring around
(1.3m), S 2ft (60cm). Loosely incurving, creamy-yellow flowers, each with a C. ‘Golden Woolman’s Glory’. Single, the domed, yellow center, in mid- and
white flowers, 7–8in (18–20cm) across brighter yellow tone at the center, to 7in florists’ chrysanthemum. H 5ft (1.5m), S 3ft late fall above broad, dark green
when disbudded, are borne in early fall. (18cm) across, in midfall. Good for (1m). Golden flowers, to 7in (18cm) across leaves. Z7–10
Most suitable for exhibition. Z9–11 exhibition. Z8–11 when disbudded, are borne in late fall. C. ‘Myss Saffron’. Double reflexed,
C. ‘Breitner’. Fully reflexed, florists’ C. ‘Daniel Cooper’. Single, Korean Excellent for exhibition. Z10–12 (min. florists’ spray chrysanthemum. H 34in
chrysanthemum. H 31∕2–4ft (1.1–1.2m), Group chrysanthemum. H 30in (75cm), 41–50°F/5–10°C) (85cm), S 30in (75cm). In late summer and
S 21∕2ft (75cm). Pink flowers, to 5in (12cm) S 20in (50cm). Produces bright pink flowers, C. ‘Grandchild’ (illus. p.253). Double early fall, bears erect sprays of yellow
across, are borne in early fall. Z9–11 1½in (4cm) across, in early to midfall. Z7–10 reflexed, Korean Group chrysanthemum. flowers, 21∕2in (6cm) across, which fade
C. ‘Bronze Elegance’ (illus. p.253). C. densum. See Tanacetum densum H 18in (45cm), S 16in (40cm). Bears pale to cream. Z9–11
Florists’ semipompom chrysanthemum. subsp. amani. purple-pink blooms, 2in (5cm) across, in C. ‘Nantyderry Sunshine’
H 2ft (60cm), S 20in (50cm). Light bronze C. ‘Doctor Tom Parr’ (illus. p.253). early fall. Z7–10 (illus. p.253). Florists’ semipompom
flowers, 1in (25cm) across, with yellow Florists’ semipompom chrysanthemum. C. haradjanii. See Tanacetum haradjanii. chrysanthemum. H 30in (75cm), S 16in
centers, are borne on small-leaved plants H and S 18in (45cm). Rather flat, rose- C. hosmariense. See Rhodanthemum (40cm). In fall, bears open, clear yellow
in midfall. Z7–10 madder flowers, 1¼in (3cm) across, with hosmariense. blooms, 1¼in (3cm) across, with brighter
C. ‘Bronze Fairie’. Pompom, Korean gold flashes fading to beige, are produced C. ‘Innocence’ (illus. p.252). Single, tints and orange-yellow-marked centers,
Group chrysanthemum. H 1–2ft (30–60cm), in midfall. A darker sport of C. ‘Anastasia’. Rubellum Group chrysanthemum. H 32in before becoming uniformly clear yellow.
S 2ft (60cm). Has bronze flowers, 11∕2in Z6–9 (80cm), S 20in (50cm). Bears very pale pink Excellent for exhibition. Z7–10
(4cm) across, in early fall. Z9–11 C. ‘Duchess of Edinburgh’ flowers, 21∕2in (6cm) across, each with C. ‘Nell Gwynn’ (illus. p.252). Single,
C. ‘Bronze Hedgerow’. Single, florists’ (illus. p.253). Semidouble, Korean Group several layers of petals and a narrow, Korean Group chrysanthemum. H 30in
chrysanthemum. H 5ft (1.5m), S 21∕2–3ft chrysanthemum. H 28–36in (70–90cm), white ring around the green-centered, (75cm), S 2ft (60cm). Bears rose-pink
(75cm–1m). Produces bronze flowers, 5in S 2ft (60cm). In early and midfall, bears yellow central disc, in mid- to late fall over flowers, 23/4in (6.5cm) across, each with
(12cm) across when disbudded, in late fall. rich coppery-red flowers, 2in (5cm) across, red-tinted leaves. Z7–10 a primrose-yellow ring around the yellow
Z10–12 (min. 41–50°F/5–10°C) with yellow centers, some with tufts of C. ‘Jante Wells’. Semipompom, Korean center, in late summer and early fall above
C. ‘Bronze Yvonne Arnaud’. Reflexed, petals in the center. Z7–10 Group chrysanthemum. H 2ft (60cm), S broad, mid-green leaves. Z6–9
florists’ chrysanthemum. H 4ft (1.2m), C. ‘Dulwich Pink’. Single, Korean 18in (45cm). Has orange-yellow blooms, C. parthenium. See Tanacetum
S 2–21∕2ft (60–75cm). A sport of C. ‘Yvonne Group chrysanthemum. H 30in (75cm), 1½in (4cm) across, in midfall. Needs a parthenium.
Arnaud’ with fully reflexed, bronze flowers S 2ft (60cm). In mid- to late fall, bears sheltered position. Z7–10 C. ‘Paul Boissier’ (illus. p.253).
in early fall. Z10–11 flowers, 3in (7cm) across, that open dark C. ‘John Wingfield’. Reflexed, florists’ Semidouble, Rubellum Group
C. ‘Buff Margaret’. Reflexed, florists’ yellowish-pink and become paler with chrysanthemum. H 5ft (1.5m), S 11∕2–2ft (45– chrysanthemum. H 3–4ft (1–1.2m), S 2ft
spray chrysanthemum. H 4ft (1.2m), maturity. Z7–11 60cm). In late fall, bears white, often pink- (60cm). Has orange-bronze flowers, 2in
S to 21∕2ft (75cm). Has pale bronze flowers, C. ‘Emperor of China’ (illus. p.252). flushed, flowers, 5in (12cm) across when (5cm) across, with sharp-pointed petals,
to 31∕2in (9cm) across, in early fall. Good for Quill-shaped, Rubellum Group disbudded. Good for exhibition. Z8–10 in mid- to late fall. Z7–10
exhibition. Z6–9 chrysanthemum. H 4ft (1.2m), S 2ft (60cm). C. ‘Julia Peterson’. Anemone-centered, C. ‘Pennine Alfie’. Spoon-shaped,
C. carinatum. See Ismelia carinata. Bears silvery-pink flowers, 2in (5cm) across, florists’ spray chrysanthemum. H and S 2ft florists’ spray chrysanthemum. H 4ft
C. ‘Carmine Blush’ (illus. p.253). Single, in late fall above red-tinted leaves. Z6–9 (60cm). Bears scented, small, double, deep (1.2m), S 2–21∕2ft (60–75cm). Bears flowers,
Rubellum Group chrysanthemum. H 2ft C. ‘Enbee Wedding’ (illus. p.252). Single, red-pink blooms in fall. Z6–10 to 21∕2–3in (6–8cm) across, with orange
(60cm), S 18in (45cm). Bears clear rose- florists’ spray chrysanthemum. H 4ft (1.2m), C. ‘Keith Luxford’. Incurved, florists’ florets, shading to deep red at the bases,
pink flowers, 11∕2in (4cm) across, each with S 21∕2ft (75cm). Has light pink flowers, to 3in chrysanthemum. H 5ft (1.5m), S 11∕2ft (45cm). in early fall. Suitable for exhibition. Z9–11
a greenish-yellow center, from midfall to (8cm) across, in early fall. Good for Bears pink flowers, 8–10in (21–25cm) across C. ‘Pennine Flute’. Quill-shaped,
early winter. Z7–10 exhibition. Z9–11 when disbudded, in late fall. Good for florists’ spray chrysanthemum. H 4ft
C. ‘Chelsea Physic Garden’ (illus. C. ‘Fairweather’. Incurved, florists’ exhibition. Z10–12 (min. 41–50°F/5–10°C) (1.2m), S 2–21∕2ft (60–75cm). Similar to C.
p.253). Double, Rubellum Group chrysanthemum. H 31∕2ft (1.1m), S 2ft C. ‘Maria’. Florists’ pompom ‘Pennine Alfie’, but has pink flowers.
chrysanthemum. H 31/2ft (1.1m), S 3ft (60cm). Bears pale purplish-pink flowers, chrysanthemum. H 11∕2ft (45cm), S 1–2ft Z9–11
(90cm). In late fall, bears bronze flowers, 51∕2in (14cm) across, in late fall. Good for (30–60cm). Bears abundant pink flowers, C. ‘Pennine Oriel’ (illus. p.252).
21∕2in (6cm) across, with yellow-petaled exhibition. Z10–12 (min. 41–50°F/5–10°C) to 11∕2in (4cm) across, in early fall. Z6–9 Anemone-centered, florists’ spray
undersides. Z7–10
C chrysanthemum. H 4ft (1.2m), S 2–21∕2ft (90cm), S 32in (80cm). Prolifically bears perennial. H 12in (30cm), S 18in (45cm). C. bourgaei, syn. Lactuca bourgaei.
(60–75cm). White flowers, to 31∕2in (9cm) fully double, rich deep maroon flowers, In fall, bears single, yellow-centered, pink Rampant, erect perennial. H to 6ft (2m),
540 across, are borne in early fall. Very good 21∕2in (6cm) across, in mid- and late or white flowers, 2in (5cm) across. Z6–9 S 2ft (60cm). Leaves are oblong to lance-
for exhibition. Z9–11 fall. Z9–11 C. ‘Wills Wonderful’. Single, Korean shaped, toothed, and light green. Bears
C. ‘Perry’s Peach’ (illus. p.253). Single, C. ‘Ruby Raynor’. Double reflexed, Group chrysanthemum, forming a dense, many-branched panicles of thistlelike,
Korean Group chrysanthemum. H 20in Korean Group chrysanthemum. bushy mound. H 2–4ft (60–120cm), S 2ft mauve-blue or purplish-blue flower
(50cm), S 16in (40cm). Bears peach-pink H 32in (80cm), S 20in (50cm). In fall, (60cm). In mid- to late fall, bears dark heads in summer. Z4–9
flowers, 2in (5cm) across, each with a bears bright orange-yellow blooms, red-pink flowers, to 2in (5cm) across, each
narrow, cream band around the golden- 3in (8cm) across, with bronze shades with a white band aroundthe yellow CICHORIUM
yellow center, in midfall over red-tinted at the centers. Z7–10 center. Z7–10
leaves. Z7–10 C. ‘Rumpelstilzchen’ (illus. p.253). C. ‘Yellow John Hughes’ (illus. p.253). Chicory, Endive
C. ‘Peterkin’. Florists’ semipompom Single, Korean Group chrysanthemum. Incurved, florists’ chrysanthemum. H 4ft
chrysanthemum. H and S 20in (50cm). H 2ft (60cm), S 20in (50cm). Bears rich red (1.2m), S 2–21∕2ft (60–75cm). Bears yellow ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE
Has small leaves. In mid- and late fall, flowers, 11∕2in (4cm) across, with several flowers, 5–51∕2in (12–14cm) across when
bears golden-yellow flowers, 1in (25cm) layers of petals and a narrow, yellow ring disbudded, in late fall. Excellent for Genus of annuals and perennials, grown
across, with small, yellow centers; each around the yellow center, in early fall. exhibition. Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C) mainly as ornamental plants (C. intybus
petal is tipped in rusty-orange, becoming Dislikes wet soil in winter. Z7–10 C. ‘Yellow Pennine Oriel’. Anemone- has edible leaves). Needs full sun and
paler with age. Z7–10 C. ‘Rytorch’. Single, florists’ spray centered, florists’ spray chrysanthemum. well-drained soil. Propagate by seed
C. ‘Peter Rowe’. Incurved, florists’ chrysanthemum. H 5ft (1.5m), S 30–36in H 3½ft (1.1m), S 18in (45cm). In early fall, in fall or spring. tContact with all parts
chrysanthemum. H 41∕2ft (1.3m), S 2–21∕2ft (75–100cm). Produces light bronze, yellow- bears pale yellow flowers, 31∕2in (9cm) of the plants may irritate skin or aggravate
(60–75cm). Produces yellow flowers, to centered flower heads, to 3in (8cm) across, across, with brighter centers. Good for skin allergies.
51∕2in (14cm) across, in early fall. Ideal for in late fall. Z10–12 (min. 41–50°F/5–10°C) borders and cutting. Z7–10 C. intybus (Chicory) illus. p.242.
exhibition. Z9–11 C. ‘Salmon Fairie’. Florists’ pompom C. ‘Yochesapeake’. See C. Chesapeake.
C. ‘Picasso’. Florists’ semipompom chrysanthemum. H 1–2ft (30–60cm), S 2ft C. ‘Yvonne Arnaud’. Fully reflexed Cimicifuga. See Actaea.
chrysanthemum. H 16–22in (45–55cm), (60cm). Similar to C. ‘Bronze Fairie’, but florists’ chrysanthemum. H 4ft (1.2m), Cineraria cruentus of gardens. See
S 18in (45cm). Produces abundant, small, has salmon flowers. Z7–10 S 2–21∕2ft (60–75cm). Bears purple flowers,
orange-pink flowers, each shading to C. ‘Sea Urchin’ (illus. p.253). Spider- to 5in (12cm) across, in early fall. Z9–11 Pericallis x hybrida.
deeper tones toward the center, from mid- form, Korean Group chrysanthemum. Cineraria x hybridus. See Pericallis
to late fall. Z6–10 H 2ft (60cm), S 20in (50cm). Produces fully CHRYSOGONUM
C. ‘Primrose Fairweather’. Incurved, double, lemon-yellow flowers, 3in (7cm) x hybrida.
florists’ chrysanthemum. H 3–31∕2ft (1–1.1m), across, in early and midfall. Dislikes winter ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE
S to 21∕2ft (75cm). Bears pale yellow flowers, wet. Z9–11 CINNAMOMUM
to 51∕2–6in (14–15cm) across, in late fall. C. segetum. See Glebionis segetum. Genus of one species of summer- to fall-
Good for exhibition. Z10–11 C. serotinum. See Leucanthemella flowering perennial. Suits a rock garden. LAURACEAE
C. ‘Primrose John Hughes’. Perfectly serotina. Needs partial shade and moist but well- Genus of evergreen trees and shrubs,
incurved, florists’ chrysanthemum. C. ‘Spartan Seagull’ (illus. p.252). Single, drained, humus-rich soil. Propagate by grown for their foliage and to provide
H 4ft (1.2m), S 2–21∕2ft (60–75cm). Bears Korean Group chrysanthemum. H 28in division in spring or by seed when fresh. shade. Requires full light or partial
primrose-yellow flowers, 5–51∕2in (70cm), S 20in (50cm). Slightly ruffled, C. virginianum illus. p.344. shade and fertile, moisture-retentive,
(12–14cm) across, in late fall. Good white flowers, 3in (7cm) across, are borne but well-drained soil. Water containerized
for exhibition. Z10–11 in early fall. Has dark green leaves. Z7–10 CHRYSOSPLENIUM specimens freely when in full growth,
C. ‘Primrose West Bromwich’. Fully C. ‘Starlet’. Spoon-shaped, Korean but less at other times. May be pruned
reflexed, florists’ chrysanthemum. H 7ft Group chrysanthemum. H 2ft (60cm), Golden saxifrage if necessary. May be an invasive weed
(2.2m), S 11∕2–2ft (45–60cm). Pale yellow S 22in (55cm). Bears light bronze-orange in some regions. Propagate by seed in
flowers, to 7in (18cm) or more across, blooms, 2in (5cm) across, in early to SAXIFRAGACEAE spring or semiripe cuttings in summer.
when disbudded, are borne in midfall. midfall. Z7–10 C. camphora (Camphor tree).
Use only for exhibition. Z9–11 C. x superbum. See Leucanthemum Genus of creeping annuals and perennials, Moderately fast-growing, evergreen,
C. ‘Purleigh White’ (illus. p.252). x superbum. grown for their foliage and early spring rounded tree. H and S 40ft (12m) or
Florists’ semipompom chrysanthemum. C. ‘Talbot Jo’. Single, florists’ spray flowers. Requires moist, shady conditions. more. Ovate, lustrous, rich green leaves,
H and S 20in (50cm). Has small leaves. In chrysanthemum. H 41∕2ft (1.3m), S 21∕2ft Propagate by division or by seed in fall, reddish or coppery when young, tinted
mid- and late fall, bears white flowers, 1in (75cm). Bears yellow-centered, pink some species also by runners or by bulbils. blue-gray beneath, are camphor-
(25cm) across, slightly blushed in pink, flower heads, 3in (8cm) across, in early C. macrophyllum illus. p.256. scented when bruised. In spring,
each with a small, yellow center. Z6–9 fall. Good for exhibition. Z6–9 bears insignificant flowers. Invasive
C. ‘Purple Pennine Wine’. Reflexed, C. ‘Tapestry Rose’ (illus. p.253). Single, CHUSQUEA in some warmer areas. Z11–12
florists’ spray chrysanthemum. H 4ft (1.2m), Korean Group chrysanthemum. H 36in
S 2–21∕2ft (60–75cm). Bears purplish-red (90cm), S 2ft (60cm). Slightly messy, yellow- POACEAE/GRAMINEAE CIRSIUM
flowers, to 3in (8cm) across, in early fall. centered, rich rose-pink flowers, 11∕2in
Very good for exhibition. Z7–10 (4cm) across, are produced in midfall. See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES, ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE
C. ‘Ringdove’. Single, florists’ charm Z7–10 and SEDGES. Genus of annuals, biennials, and
chrysanthemum. H and S 3ft (1m). Bears C. tricolor. See Ismelia carinata. C. culeou (Chilean bamboo) illus. p.288. perennials. Most species are not
abundant pink flowers, 1in (25cm) across, C. uliginosum. See Leucanthemella C. gigantea. Vigorous, evergreen, open, cultivated—indeed, some are pernicious
in late fall. Ideal for exhibition. Z9–11 serotina. clump-forming bamboo. H to 40ft (15m), weeds—but C. rivulare has decorative
C. ‘Robeam’. Reflexed, florists’ spray C. ‘Vagabond Prince’. Vigorous, double, S 25ft (8m). Has widely spaced, bright flower heads. Tolerates sun or shade and
chrysanthemum. H 5ft (1.5m), S 21∕2–3ft florists’ spray chrysanthemum. H 32in green canes, turning yellow between the any, except wet, soil. Propagate by division
(75–100cm). Produces yellow flowers, to (80cm), S 20in (50cm). In fall, produces nodes, and linear, mid-green leaves. New in spring or by seed in fall.
3in (8cm) across, in late fall. Good for flower heads, 2in (5cm) across, with canes have creamy-white sheaths that last C. rivulare ‘Atropurpureum’. Erect
exhibition. Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C) several layers of purplish-pink petals. for 2 or more years. Z8–11 perennial. H 4ft (1.2m), S 2ft (60cm). Bears
C. ‘Rose Yvonne Arnaud’. Fully Z7–10 heads of pincushionlike, deep crimson
reflexed, florists’ chrysanthemum. C. ‘Venice’. Reflexed, florists’ CICERBITA, flowers on erect stems in summer. Deeply
H 4ft (1.2m), S 2–21∕2ft (60–75cm). A sport chrysanthemum. H 4ft (1.2m), S 2–21∕2ft cut, Leaves are narrowly ovate to oblong
of C. ‘Yvonne Arnaud’, producing red (60–75cm). Pink flowers, to 6in (15cm) syn. MULGeDIUM or lance-shaped and deeply cut, with weakly
flowers in early fall. Z10–11 across, are produced in early fall. Good spiny margins. Z5–9 (min. 50°F/10°C)
C. ‘Roy Coopland’. Intermediate to for exhibition. Z9–11 ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE
loosely incurved, florists’ chrysanthemum. C. ‘Wendy’. Reflexed, florists’ spray CISSUS
H 41∕2ft (1.3m), S 2ft (60cm). Bears bronze chrysanthemum. H 4ft (1.2m), S 2–21∕2ft (60– Genus of erect perennials, grown for their
flowers, 6in (15cm) across when 75cm). Produces pale bronze flowers, to attractive flower heads. Needs shade and VITACEAE
disbudded, in late fall. Good for exhibition. 3in (8cm) across, in early fall. Excellent for damp but well-drained soil. Propagate by
Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C) exhibition. Z7–10 division in spring or by seed in fall. Some Genus of evergreen perennials, shrubs,
C. ‘Ruby Mound’ (illus. p.253). Reflexed, C. weyrichii, syn. Dendranthema species may be invasive. and climbers, grown for their attractive
Korean Group chrysanthemum. H 36in weyrichii. Mat-forming, rhizomatous C. alpina, syn. Lactuca alpina (Mountain foliage. Greenish, mainly summer flowers,
sow thistle). Branching, upright perennial. are insignificant. Provide fertile, well-
H to 8ft (2.5m), S 2ft (60cm). Mid-green drained soil, with semishade in summer.
leaves are lobed, with a large, terminal Water regularly, less in cold weather.
lobe. Bears elongated panicles of Needs tying to supports. Thin out crowded
thistlelike, pale blue flower heads in
summer. Z3–9
stems in spring. Propagate by semiripe shaped, white flowers, with faint yellow C. wintonensis. See x Halimiocistus flowers. Propagate by seed sown outdoors
cuttings in summer. and crimson marks at the base of each wintonensis. in spring, or in early fall in mild areas.
C. antarctica (Kangaroo vine) illus. p.463. petal. Z6–9. Botrytis may be troublesome.
C. bainesii. See Cyphostemma bainesii. ‘Gordon Cooper’, H 18in (45cm), S 6ft x Citrofortunella microcarpa. See C. amoena. Fast-growing annual
C. discolor. Moderately vigorous, (2m), is a vigorous, spreading shrub with Citrus x microcarpa. with upright, thin stems. H to 2ft (60cm),
evergreen, tendril climber with slender, ovate to elliptic leaves, deeply veined S 12in (30cm). Has lance-shaped, mid-
woody stems. H to 10ft (3m). Ovate, above; each petal has a distinctive, lance- x Citrofortunella mitis. See Citrus green leaves. Spikes of 5-petaled, single
pointed leaves, 3–10in (8–25cm) long, shaped, maroon-red marks at the base. x microcarpa. or double flowers, in shades of lilac to
are deep green with silver bands above, ‘Jenkyn Place’ flowers very freely, and pink, are produced in summer. Tall
maroon beneath. Z10–12 (min. 41°F/5°C) blooms over a longer season. CITRUS forms, H 2ft (60cm), bear double flowers
C. hypoglauca (Water vine). C. ‘Elma’. See C. x cyprius var. ellipticus in shades of pink or red. Z2–11. Azalea-
Evergreen, woody-stemmed, scrambling ‘Elma’. syn. x CITROFORTUNELLA, flowered Mixed cultivars, H 18in (45cm),
climber. H 30–80ft (10–25m). The pale C. x hybridus, syn. C. x corbariensis FORTUNELLA, PONCIRUS S 10in (25cm), produce semidouble or
green leaves are divided into 4 or 5 (Rock rose), illus. p.150. Rospico double flowers in a range of colors, often
ovate leaflets that are blue-gray beneath. (‘Rencis’) is a bushy, dense, evergreen, RUTACEAE with a contrasting blotch at each petal
Z10–12 (min. 45°F/7°C) shrub. H 3ft (1m) S 5ft (1.5m). Has wrinkled, base. Satin Series, dwarf, H to 8in
C. juttae. See Cyphostemma juttae. wavy-margined, dark green leaves edged Genus of complex hybrids of evergreen, (20cm), produce single flowers in various
C. rhombifolia, syn. Rhoicissus with light golden yellow, often pink-tinted often spiny trees and shrubs, grown colors, many with white margins or
rhombifolia (Grape ivy). Moderately in winter. Freely produces white flowers for their fruits and often scented white contrasting centers.
vigorous, evergreen, woody-stemmed, with central yellow blotches in late spring flowers. The fruits take about one year
tendril climber. H 10ft (3m) or more. Has and early summer. Z6–9 to mature. In frost-prone regions, grow CLAYTONIA C
lustrous leaves divided into 3 coarsely C. incanus subsp. creticus. See in a cool or temperate greenhouse or
toothed leaflets. Z10–12 (min. 41°F/5°C) C. creticus. conservatory. In warmer areas, grow PORTULACACEAE
C. striata, syn. Ampelopsis sempervirens, C. ladanifer, syn. C. ladaniferus, illus. as specimen plants or in a fruit garden.
Parthenocissus striata, Vitis striata (Ivy of p.150. Needs sun and moist but well-drained, Genus of deciduous and evergreen
Uruguay). Fast-growing, evergreen, C. ladaniferus. See C. ladanifer. neutral to slightly acidic soil. Propagate perennials with succulent leaves. Best
woody-stemmed, tendril climber. H 30ft C. laurifolius. Evergreen, bushy, by seed under glass in spring or by grown in an alpine house or scree bed.
(10m) or more. Has leaves of 3 to 5 ovate, dense shrub. H and S 6ft (2m). Has ovate, semiripe cuttings in summer. Red Tolerates sun or shade and prefers well-
serrated, lustrous, green leaflets. Mature aromatic, sticky, dark blue-green leaves. spider mites, whiteflies, scale insects, drained soil. Propagate by seed or division
plants may produce pea-shaped, glossy, In summer, bears erect, branched cymes and mealybugs may be a problem in fall. May be difficult to grow.
black berries in fall. Z10–11 of 3–8 saucer-shaped, white flowers, each under glass. C. megarhiza. Evergreen, basal-rosetted
C. voinieriana. See Tetrastigma with a central, yellow blotch. Z6–9 C. x microcarpa, syn. x Citrofortunella perennial with a long tap root. H 1∕2in
voinierianum. C. x laxus. Vigorous, mound-forming microcarpa, x C. mitis, Citrus mitis (1cm), S 3in (8cm). Leaves are spoon-
shrub. H 5ft (1.5m), S 6ft (2m). Has short- (Calamondin), illus. p.458. shaped and fleshy. Bears small heads of
CISTUS stalked, wavy-edged leaves and bears C. mitis. See C. x microcarpa. tiny, bowl-shaped, white flowers in spring.
white flowers, each marked with yellow C. trifoliata, syn. Poncirus trifoliata Prefers sun and gritty soil. Prone to aphid
Rock rose, Sun rose at the petal bases, with a central boss (illus. p.142). Deciduous, bushy shrub attack. Z6–9. var. nivalis illus. p.351.
of golden yellow stamens, from early or tree. H and S 15ft (5m). Sturdy, spiny, C. virginica (Spring beauty). Clump-
CISTACEAE to late summer. Z7–10. ‘Snow White’ green shoots have dark green leaves, forming perennial with flat, black tubers.
is rounded, and bears abundant, pure each with 3 ovate leaflets. Bears fragrant, H 4in (10cm), S 8in (20cm) or more.
Genus of evergreen shrubs, grown for white flowers. white flowers, with 4 or 5 large petals in Narrowly spoon-shaped leaves, reddish
their succession of freely borne, short- C. x lenis ‘Grayswood Pink’. late spring and often again in fall. when young, later turn green and glossy.
lived, showy flowers. Good in coastal Evergreen, low-growing, spreading Rounded, inedible fruits are to 11∕2in Branched stems bear cup-shaped, white
areas, withstanding sea winds well. shrub. H 16in (40cm), S 2ft (60cm). Has (4cm) across. Z6–11 or pink flowers, striped deep pink, in early
Does best in full sun and light, well- narrowly ovate, grayish-green leaves. spring. Needs shade. Z6–9
drained soil. Resents being transplanted. Produces large, papery, saucer-shaped, CLADANTHUS
Cut out any dead wood in spring, but clear pink flowers, with white centers and CLEISTOCACTUS 541
do not prune hard. Propagate species conspicuous, yellow stamens, from early Palm Springs daisy
by softwood or greenwood cuttings in to midsummer. Z6–9 syn. BORZICACTUs
summer or by seed in fall, hybrids and C. x lusitanicus of gardens. See C. x ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE
cultivars by cuttings only in summer. dansereaui. CACTACEAE
C. x aguilarii ‘Maculatus’ illus. p.150. C. monspeliensis (Montpellier rock Genus of hummock-forming, branched
C. albidus. Evergreen, bushy shrub. rose). Evergreen, bushy shrub. H 3ft (1m), annuals, grown for their fragrant foliage Genus of columnar, perennial cacti
H and S 3ft (1m). Leaves are oblong and S 5ft (1.5m). Has narrow, linear to lance- and daisylike flower heads. Grow in sun with branched, cylindrical, much-ribbed
white-felted. Saucer-shaped, pale rose- shaped, deeply-veined, dark green leaves. and in reasonably fertile, very well-drained stems with spines. One of the faster-
pink flowers, each with a central, yellow Freely bears dense cymes of small, white soil. Deadhead to prolong flowering. growing cacti, some reaching 6ft (2m)
blotch, open in early summer. Z6–9 flowers from early to midsummer. Z6–9 Propagate by seed sown outdoors in in 5 years or less. Tubular, diurnal flowers
C. algarvensis. See Halimium ocymoides. C. x pulverulentus ‘Sunset’, syn. midspring. contain plenty of nectar and are pollinated
C. x argenteus ‘Peggy Sammons’ C. crispus ‘Sunset’. Compact, spreading C. arabicus illus. p.321. by hummingbirds. Needs full sun and
illus. p.153. shrub. H 2ft (60cm), S 36in (90cm). Has very well-drained soil. In frost-prone
C. x bornetianus ‘Jester’. Evergreen, oblong, wavy-margined, grayish-green CLADRASTIS areas grow in a warm greenhouse; in
compact shrub. H and S 32in (80cm). leaves. Freely bears clusters of rose-pink warmer areas grow in a border with
Has narrow, slightly undulating, gray- flowers, with yellow centers, at stem tips PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE other cacti and succulents. Propagate
green leaves and warm, light pink in summer. Z6–10 by seed or stem cuttings in spring
flowers, each white in the center. C. x purpureus. Evergreen, bushy, Genus of deciduous, summer-flowering or summer.
Z6–10 rounded shrub. H and S 3ft (1m). Leaves trees, grown for their pendent, wisterialike C. baumannii. Erect, then prostrate,
C. x corbariensis. See C. x hybridus. are narrowly lance-shaped and gray- flower clusters and fall foliage. Requires perennial cactus. H 3ft (1m) or more,
C. creticus, syn. C. incanus subsp. green. Produces saucer-shaped, deep full sun and fertile, well-drained soil. S 15ft (5m). Thick stems produce long,
creticus (Rock rose), illus. p.154. purplish-pink flowers, each blotched with Propagate by seed in fall or by root uneven, variable-colored spines. Has
C. crispus ‘Sunset’. See C. x deep red, from early to midsummer. Z6–9. cuttings in late winter. The wood is brittle: S-shaped, tubular, bright orange-red
pulverulentus ‘Sunset’. ‘Snow Fire’, H 4ft (1.2m), S 5ft (1.5m), has old trees are prone flowers in spring–summer. Z10–11
C. x cyprius illus. p.150. var. ellipticus distinctive, red-tinged stems. For a long to damage by strong winds. (min. 41°F/5°C)
‘Elma’ (syn. C. ‘Elma’), is an evergreen period from late spring, bears axillary C. kentukea, syn. C. lutea (Yellow wood), C. celsianus. See Oreocereus celsianus.
shrub. H and S 6ft (2m). Has lance-shaped, clusters of white flowers with pointed, illus. p.79. C. smaragdiflorus. Erect, then prostrate,
glossy leaves and bears white flowers reddish-maroon marks at the petal bases. C. lutea. See C. kentukea. perennial cactus. H 5ft (1.5m), S 20ft (6m).
with yellow stamens in summer. Z6–10 C. revolii of gardens. See x Halimiocistus Similar to C. baumannii, but produces
C. x dansereaui, syn. C. x lusitanicus sahucii. CLARKIA straight, tubular flowers with green-tipped
of gardens. Evergreen, bushy, compact C. salviifolius illus. p.150. petals. Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C)
shrub. H and S 3ft (1m). Leaves are C. x skanbergii illus. p.152. syn. GODETIA C. strausii (Silver torch) illus. p.479.
narrowly oblong and dark green. From C. trollii. See Oreocereus trollii.
early to mid- summer, produces saucer- ONAGRACEAE
Genus of annuals, grown for their flowers,
which are good for cutting. Grow in sun
and in reasonably fertile, well-drained soil.
Avoid rich soil as this encourages
vegetative growth at the expense of
CLEMATIS Group 2 C. ‘Alionushka’ (illus. p.199). with crimson stripes and creamy-white
Early large-flowered cultivars Late, small-flowered clematis (group 3).
Old man’s beard, Travellers’ joy bearing mostly saucer-shaped, single, H 3–4ft (1–1.2m), S 3ft (1m). In midsummer stamens, followed in late summer by a
semidouble, or fully double flowers, to early fall, produces single, rich mauvish-
RANUNCULACEAE 4–8in (10–20cm) across, that are borne pink flowers, 21∕2–3in (6–8cm) across, with further flush. Grow in semishade as
on the previous season’s ripened shoots, a satin sheen when young, with deep
Genus of evergreen or deciduous, mainly in late spring and early summer, and on ridges on the reverse and crumpled flowers fade in full sun. Z4–9
twining climbers and herbaceous new shoots in mid- and late summer. edges; the petal tips recurve and twist
perennials, cultivated for their abundant Generally the second flush of flowers on as they age. Z4–9 C. ‘Bees’ Jubilee’. Compact, early large-
flowers, often followed by decorative seed semidouble and double forms produces C. alpina. Alpina clematis (group 1). flowered clematis (group 2). H 8ft (2.5m),
heads, and grown on walls and trellises single flowers. Deciduous, pale to mid- H 6–10ft (2–3m), S 5ft (1.5m). Has lantern- S 3ft (1m). In early summer, bears a
and together with trees, shrubs and other green leaves are usually 4–6in (10–15cm) shaped, single, blue flowers, 11∕2–3in profusion of single, deep pink flowers,
host plants. Only early-flowering species long and divided into 3 ovate or lance- (4–7cm) long, in spring and, occasionally, 4–5in (10–12cm) across, with brown
are evergreen, although some later- shaped leaflets, or are simple and ovate, summer. Forms attractive, fluffy, silvery anthers and a central, rose-madder stripe
flowering species are semievergreen. and to 4in (10cm) long. seed heads in summer. Ideal for a north- on each petal. Prefers partial shade. Z4–9
Most species have nodding, bell-shaped facing or very exposed site. Z4–9. C. ‘Betty Corning’ (illus. p.200). Late
flowers, with 4 petals (botanically known Prune before new growth starts, in ‘Columbine’ see C. ‘Columbine’. small-flowered clematis (group 3). H to 13ft
as perianth segments), or flattish flowers, early spring. Remove dead or damaged ‘Constance’ see C. ‘Constance’. (4m), S 3ft (1m). Slightly scented, bell-
each usually with 4–6 generally pointed stems and cut back all remaining shoots ‘Frances Rivis’ see C. ‘Frances Rivis’. shaped, lilac to pinkish-mauve flowers,
petals. Large-flowered cultivars also bear to where strong buds are visible. These ‘Frankie’ see C. ‘Frankie’. 1½–2½in (4–6cm) across, are borne from
flattish flowers, but with 4–10 petals. buds provide a framework of second-year C. ‘Andromeda’ (illus. p.198). Early early summer to early fall. Z4–9
Flower color may vary according to shoots which, in turn, produce sideshoots large-flowered clematis (group 2). H 6–10ft C. ‘Bill MacKenzie’. Vigorous, late
climatic conditions: in general, the that flower in late spring and early (2–3m), S 3ft (1m). Semidouble, white small-flowered clematis (group 3). H 22ft
warmer the climate, the darker the flower summer. The flowers may then be flowers, with bright pink stripes in the (7m), S 10–12ft (3–4m). Has dark green
color. May be grown in partial shade removed. Young shoots bear more center of each sepal, are produced in leaves and yellow flowers,21∕2–3in ( 6–7cm)
or full sun, but prefers rich, well-drained flowers later in the summer. spring. Blooms again, producing single across. Best pruned with shears. Z4–9
soil with roots shaded. Propagate cultivars flowers later in the year. Z4–9 C. ‘Black Prince’ (illus. p.200).
in early summer by softwood or semiripe Group 3 C. Angelique (‘Evipo017’). Compact, Late small-flowered clematis (group 3).
cuttings or layering, species from seed Late large-flowered cultivars early large-flowered clematis (group 2). H to 13ft (4m), S 3ft (1m). In midsummer,
sown in fall. Aphids, mildew and clematis producing outward-facing, usually H 3–4ft (90cm–1.2m), S 3ft (1m). Produces produces bell-shaped, seminodding, very
wilt may cause problems. saucer-shaped, single flowers, 3–6in an abundance of lilac-blue, brown- dark blackish-claret-red flowers, to 31∕2in
(7–15cm) across, borne on new shoots anthered flowers, 4in (10cm) across, (9cm) across, with maroon stamens. Z4–9
Clematis may be divided into groups in summer or early fall. Leaves are from early summer to late fall. Z4–9 C. blue Moon (‘Evirin’). See Clair de
according to their flowering seasons, deciduous and similar to those of early C. AnnA louise (‘Evithree’) (illus. p.200). lune (‘Evirin’).
habit and pruning needs. See also feature cultivars (group 2), described above. Compact, early large-flowered clematis C. bonAnzA (‘Evipo031’). Vigorous,
panel pp.198–200. Late-flowering species and late (group 2). H 3–4ft (1–1.2m), S 3ft (1m). Freely late small-flowered clematis (group 3).
small-flowered cultivars that bear produces single flowers with violet petals H 10ft (3m), S 3ft (1m). Produces blue-
C Group 1 small, single or double flowers on the with a contrasting red-purple central bar, purple blooms to 3in (7cm) across, with
Early-flowering species and early current season’s shoots in summer–fall. and striking brown anthers, in late spring pale yellow anthers, from midsummer
542 small-flowered cultivars prefer a Flowers vary in shape and may be star- to early summer, and again in late summer to fall. Z4–9
sheltered, sunny site with well-drained shaped, tubular, bell-shaped, flattish or to early fall. Z4–9 C. bourbon (‘Evipo018’) (illus. p.200).
soil. Small, single flowers, either bell- resembling nodding lanterns; they vary C. Arctic queen (‘Evitwo’) (illus. p.198). Compact, early large-flowered clematis
shaped or open-bell-shaped, 1∕4–2in in size from 1∕2in (1cm) to 4in (10cm) Early large-flowered clematis (group 2). (group 2). H 4–6ft (1.2–2m), S 3ft (1m).
(2–5cm) long, or saucer-shaped, 11∕4–2in across. Have generally deciduous, pale to H 10ft (3m), S 3ft (1m). From early summer Produces an abundance of vibrant, red,
(4–5cm) across, are borne on the previous dark green or gray-green leaves divided to early fall, freely produces double, clear yellow-centered flowers, 3in (8cm) across,
season’s ripened shoots in spring or, into 3 lance-shaped to broadly leaflets, creamy-white flowers, 4–7in (10–18cm) from early to midsummer. Z4–9
occasionally, in late winter. Leaves are each 1∕2in (1cm) long, or hairy and/or across, with yellow anthers. Z4–9 C. ‘Broughton Star’, syn. C. montana
evergreen and glossy, or deciduous, toothed leaves divided into 5 or more C. armandii (illus. p.198). Strong-growing, ‘Broughton Star’. Vigorous Montana
and usually divided into 3 lance-shaped, lance-shaped to broadly leaflets, each evergreen, early-flowering clematis (group clematis (group 1). H 12–15ft (4–5m),
5in (12cm) long leaflets or into 3 fernlike, 1∕2–4in (1–10cm) long. 1). H 10–15ft (3–5m), S 6–10ft (2–3m). Bears S 6–10ft (2–3m). In late spring, bears
2in (5cm) long leaflets. C. alpina, C. Herbaceous species and cultivars scented, flattish, single, white flowers, semidouble to fully double, cup-shaped,
macropetala and their cultivars producing single flowers that are either 11∕2in (4cm) across, in early spring. Needs dusty pink flowers, with slightly darker
tolerate cold, exposed positions. saucer-shaped, 1∕2–3∕4in (1–2cm) across, a sheltered, south- or south-west-facing veins. Z5–9
Small, bell-shaped to open bell-shaped, or bell-shaped or tubular, 1∕2–11∕2in (1–4cm) site. Z8–10 C. ‘Carnaby’. Compact, early large-
single, semidouble, or double flowers, long, and are produced on the current C. ‘Ascotiensis’. Vigorous, late large- flowered clematis (group 2). H 8ft (2.5m),
11∕4–3in (3–7cm) across, are borne on season’s shoots in summer. Mid- to dark flowered clematis (group 3). H 10–12ft S 3ft (1m). In early summer, bears a
the previous season’s ripened shoots green or gray-green leaves are simple and (3–4m), S 3ft (1m). Single, bright violet-blue profusion of single, deep pink flowers,
in spring, occasionally also on the lance-shaped to elliptic, 1–6in (2.5–15cm) flowers, 31∕2–5in (9–12cm) across, with 3–4in (8–10cm) across, with a darker stripe
current season’s shoots in summer. long, or are divided into 3–5 lance-shaped pointed petals and brownish-green on each petal and red anthers. Prefers
Deciduous, pale to mid-green leaves to ovate, serrated leaflets, each 4–6in (10– anthers, are produced in summer. Z4–9 partial shade. Z4–9
are divided into 3–5 lance-shaped to 15cm) long with a pointed tip. C. AvAnt-gArde (‘Evipo033’) (illus. C. x cartmanii. Evergreen, clump-
broadly oblong, toothed leaflets, p.200). Vigorous, late small-flowered forming, bushy shrub (group 1) with some
11∕4in (3cm) long. Prune all group 3 clematis before new clematis (group 3). H 10ft (3m), S 3ft (1m). procumbent stems. H 8–10in (20–25cm).
C. montana and its cultivars are growth begins, in early spring. Cut back Produces deep red flowers to 2in (5cm) S 20in (50cm). Has dissected, leathery,
vigorous, deciduous climbers, suitable all the previous season’s stems to a pair across, with central pompons of pink, shiny, dark green leaves varying in shape.
for growing over large buildings and of strong buds, 6–8in (15–20cm) above petaloid stamens, in abundance from Leafy panicles of shallowly cup-shaped,
trees. Small, flat to saucer-shaped, usually soil level. midsummer to fall. Z4–9 pure white flowers, ¾–1½in (2–4cm) across,
single flowers, 2–3in (5–7cm) across, are C. ‘Barbara Dibley’ (illus. p.199). Early with white anthers, are freely produced in
borne on the previous season’s ripened C. ‘Abundance’, syn. C. viticella large-flowered clematis (group 2). H 8ft early spring. Z6–10. ‘Avalanche’ (illus.
shoots in late spring. Leaves are mid- to ‘Abundance’ (illus. p.200). Late small- (2.5m), S 3ft (1m). In late spring, produces p.198), H and S 10–16ft (3–5m), has roughly
purplish-green and divided into 3 lance- flowered clematis (group 3). H 6–10ft single, petunia-red flowers, to 9in (23cm) ovate, deeply toothed leaves and white
shaped to broadly , serrated leaflets, 3in (2–3m), S 3ft (1m). Produces flattish, deep across, with carmine-red to red-purple flowers flushed pale green at the base.
(8cm) long with pointed tips. purplish-red flowers, 2in (5cm) across, stripes along each sepal and red-purple ‘Joe’ (illus. p.198), H to 6ft (2m), has
with cream anthers, in summer. Z4–9 stamens. Z4–9 3-parted, toothed leaves; procumbent
Prune all group 1 clematis after C. AlAbAst (‘Poulala’). Vigorous, long- C. ‘Barbara Jackman’ (illus. p.199). stems can be trained upward.
flowering to allow new growth to be flowering, large-flowered clematis (group Early large-flowered clematis (group 2). C. cAssis (‘Evipo020’). Vigorous, long-
produced and ripened for the following 2). H 10ft (3m), S 3ft (1m). Freely produces H to 10ft (3m), S 3ft (1m). In early summer, flowering, late large-flowered clematis
season. Remove dead or damaged creamy-green, rounded, large flowers produces single, bluish-mauve flowers, (group 3). H 6–10ft (2–3m). Produces fully
stems and cut back other shoots that 5–6in (12–15cm) across, with creamy- double, plum red, rosetted flowers, 3in
have outgrown their allotted space. yellow anthers, in late spring and again (8cm) across, borne from early summer
This will encourage new growth to from mid- to late summer. Z4–9 to early fall. Z4–9
bear flowers in the following season. C. cezAnne (‘Evipo023’). Compact, long-
flowering, early large-flowered clematis
(group 2). H 3–4ft (90cm–1.2m), S 3ft (1m). C. ‘Constance’ (Atragene Group), (group 3). H 10–12ft (3–4m), S 3ft (1m). C. ‘Generał Sikorski’. Early large- C
Produces sky-blue flowers, 4in (10cm) syn. C. alpina ‘Constance’. Early-flowering In summer, bears single flowers, 4in flowered clematis (group 2). H 10ft (3m),
across, with broad overlapping sepals clematis (group 1). H 6–12ft (2–4m), S 3ft (10cm) across, with blunt-tipped, vivid S 3ft (1m). In summer, bears numerous 543
and yellow anthers, blooming from early (1m). Semidouble, nodding, rich purple- magenta petals and chocolate anthers. single flowers, 4in (10cm) across, with
summer to late fall. Z4–9 pink or reddish-pink, belllike flowers, Thrives in full sun. Z4–9 large, overlapping, blue petals and cream
1–21∕2in (2.5–6cm) across, with purple or C. ‘Étoile Violette’, syn. C. viticella anthers. Z6–10
C. Chantilly (‘Evipo021’) (illus. p.199). creamy-white staminodes, are produced ‘Étoile Violette’ (illus. p.200). Vigorous, C. ‘Gipsy Queen’. Vigorous, late large-
Compact, long-flowering, early large- from early to midspring, and occasionally late small-flowered clematis (group 3). flowered clematis (group 3). H 10ft (3m),
flowered clematis (group 2). H 3–4ft (90cm– again in summer. Z4–9 H 10–15ft (3–5m), S 5ft (1.5m). Bears a S 3ft (1m). In summer, produces single
1.2m), S 3ft (1m). Bears single, occasionally C. ‘Corona’ (illus. p.199). Moderately profusion of flattish, single, violet-purple flowers, 4in (10cm) across, with velvety,
semidouble, pale pink flowers, to 4in (10cm) vigorous, early large-flowered clematis flowers, 1∕2–21∕2in (4–6cm) across, with violet-purple petals and red anthers. Z4–9
across, the sepals with a pronounced, (group 2). H to 11½ft (3.5m), S 3ft (1m). yellow anthers, in summer. Z4–9 C. ‘Gravetye Beauty’ (illus. p.200).
deeper pink central bar, in abundance Bears numerous single, rich velvety- C. ‘Fireworks’ (illus. p.199). Early large- Vigorous, late small-flowered clematis
from early summer to late fall. Z4–9 crimson flowers, with red and white flowered clematis (group 2). H 13ft (4m), (group 3). H 8ft (2.5m), S 3ft (1m). In
C. ‘Charissima’ (illus. p.199). Free- stamens, in late spring and early summer, S 3ft (1m). In late spring and early summer, summer and early fall, bears a profusion
flowering, early large-flowered clematis followed in late summer by a further flush bears single, blue-mauve flowers, with of small, tuliplike, single, bright red
(group 2). H 8–10ft (2.5–3m), S 3ft (1m). of slightly smaller, paler flowers. Z4–9 wine-red and white stamens and a central, flowers, 21∕2in (6cm) long, with brown
In late spring to early summer, produces C. Crystal fountain (‘Evipo038’). bright cerise-purple stripe on each sepal. anthers. Similar to C. ‘Duchess of Albany’,
single flowers, 6–7in (15–18cm) across, Compact, early large-flowered clematis Late summer flowers are slightly smaller. but flowers are more open. Z6–10
with pointed, cerise-pink petals, a deeper (group 2), H 4–6ft (1.5–2m), S 3ft (1m). Z4–9 C. ‘Guernsey Cream’ (illus. p.198). Early
pink bar and veins throughout the flower, Produces an abundance of double, deep C. flammula (illus. p.200). Vigorous, large-flowered clematis (group 2). H 8ft
and dark maroon anthers. Z4–9 lilac-blue flowers, to 4in (10cm) across, late small-flowered clematis; may be semi- (2.5m), S 3ft (1m). Bears single flowers, 5in
C. chiisanensis ‘Lemon Bells’. See C. with a central boss of narrow staminodes, evergreen (group 3). H 10–15ft (3–5m), S 6ft (12cm) across, with creamy-yellow petals
koreana var. carunculosa ‘Lemon Bells’. from late spring to early summer and (2m). Produces a profusion of almond- and anthers, in early summer. Flowers are
C. Chinook (‘Evipo013’). Low growing, again in early fall. Z4–9 scented, flattish, single, white flowers, 3∕4in smaller and creamy white in late summer.
scandent, non-clinging, late large-flowered C. ‘Daniel Deronda’. Vigorous, (2cm) across, in summer and early fall. Z5–9 Fades in full sun. Z4–9
clematis (group 3). H 3ft (1m), S 2ft (60cm). early large-flowered clematis (group 2). C. florida ‘Bicolor’. See C.f. C. ‘Hagley Hybrid’. Vigorous, late large-
Produces numerous, nodding, mid-violet- H 10ft (3m), S 3ft (1m). Bears double and ‘Sieboldiana’. PistaChio (‘Evirida’) (illus. flowered clematis (group 3). H 8ft (2.5m),
blue flowers, 5in (12cm) across, with semidouble, deep purple-blue flowers, p.199). Vigorous, long-flowering, late S 3ft (1m). In summer, produces single
twisted sepals, each with a prominent, 4–51∕2in (10–14cm) across, with cream large-flowered clematis (group 3). H 10ft flowers, 3–4in (8–10cm) across, with boat-
central boss of yellow stamens, from anthers, then single flowers, in late (3m), S 3ft (1m). From early summer to shaped, rose-mauve petals and red
midsummer to early fall. Z4–10 summer. Z4–9 late fall, produces an abundance of anthers. Prefers partial shade. Z4–9
C. cirrhosa (illus. p.199). Evergreen, C. ‘Doctor Ruppel’. Early large-flowered creamy-white, rounded flowers 21∕2–31∕2in C. haPPy Birthday (‘Zohapbi’) (illus.
early-flowering clematis (group 1). H 6–10ft clematis (group 2). H 8ft (2.5m), S 3ft (1m). (6–9cm) across, each with a central cluster p.199). Late large-flowered clematis (group
(2–3m), S 3–6ft (1–2m). Produces bell- Single flowers, 4–6in (10–15cm) across, of pinkish-gray anthers and green styles. 3). H 8–10ft (2.5–3m), S 5ft (1.5m). From
shaped, cream flowers, 11∕4in (3cm) across with deep rose-pink petals with darker ‘Sieboldii’ see C.f. ‘Sieboldiana’. mid- to late summer, bears flattish flowers,
and spotted red inside, in late winter and central bands and light chocolate anthers, ‘Sieboldiana’ (syn. C.f. ‘Bicolor’, C.f. 2½–4in (6–10cm) across, opening dark
early spring during frost-free weather. are freely produced all summer. Z4–9 ‘Sieboldii’; illus. p.199). late large-flowered purple before maturing to cobalt-blue,
Z6–10. var. balearica has fragrant, pale C. ‘Duchess of Albany’. Vigorous, late clematis (group 3). H 6–10ft (2–3m), S 3ft with broad white filaments. Z5–9
cream flowers, speckled reddish-brown. small-flowered clematis (group 3). H 8ft (1m). In summer, bears passion-flowerlike, C. harlow Carr (‘Evipo004’).
var. purpurascens ‘Freckles’ (illus. (2.5m), S 3ft (1m). In summer and early fall, single blooms, each 3in (8cm) across, with Scandent, herbaceous clematis (group 3).
p.200) has creamy-pink flowers, 2–3in bears abundant small, tuliplike, single, soft creamy-white petals and a domed boss of H 6–10ft (2–3m), S 3ft (1m). From early to
(5–8cm) across, heavily speckled red within. pink flowers, 21∕2in (6cm) long, with brown petallike, rich purple stamens. Needs a late summer, produces semipendent, dark
C. Clair de lune (‘Evirin’), syn. C. Blue anthers and a deeper pink stripe inside sheltered aspect. Z6–10 violet-blue, open flowers, to 3in (7cm)
Moon (‘Evirin’). Vigorous, early large- each petal. Z6–10 C. ‘Frances Rivis’ (Atragene Group), across, each with 4 twisted petals, dark
flowered clematis (group 2). H 8–10ft (2.5– C. ‘Duchess of Edinburgh’. Early syn. C. alpina ‘Frances Rivis’ (illus. p.200). brown anthers and white filaments. Z4–9
3m), S 3–5ft (1–1.5m). Bears abundant, large-flowered clematis (group 2). H 6–10ft Early small-flowered clematis (group 1). C. ‘Henryi’ (illus. p.199). Vigorous, early
large, blue-purple flowers, to 5in (12cm) (2–3m), S 3ft (1m). In summer, produces H 6–12ft (2–4m), S 3ft (1m). In early and large-flowered clematis (group 2). H 10ft
across, with paler central bands on the double, white flowers, 3–4in (8–10cm) mid-spring, produces an abundance of (3m), S 3ft (1m). In summer, bears single
sepals and dark anthers, from late spring across, with yellow anthers and green, deep blue, nodding, bell-shaped flowers, flowers, 5in (12cm) across, with white
to early summer and again from late outer petals. May be weak-growing. Z4–9 2–3in (5–8cm) across, with white petals and dark chocolate anthers. Z4–9
summer to early fall. Z4–9 C. x durandii. Semiherbaceous, staminodes. Z4–9 C. heracleifolia ‘Cassandra’.
C. clarkeana of gardens. See C. urophylla late-flowering clematis (group 3). H 3–6ft C. ‘Frankie’ (Atragene Group), syn. C. Herbaceous, compact, bushy subshrub
‘Winter Beauty’. (1–2m), S 11∕2–5ft (45cm–1.5m). In summer, alpina ‘Frankie’ (illus. p.200). Early small- (Group 3). H and S 2½ft (75cm). Has slightly
C. ‘Columbine’ (Atragene Group), syn. bears flattish, single, deep blue flowers, flowered clematis (group 1). H 7–12ft (2.2– downy stems and large, toothed, lobed,
C. alpina ‘Columbine’. Early small- 21∕2–3in (6–8cm) across, with 4 petals and 4m), S 3ft (1m). In early and mid-spring, mid-green leaves. From summer to fall,
flowered clematis (group 1). H 6–12ft yellow anthers. Leaves are elliptic. Z4–11 produces nodding, bell-shaped, mid-blue stems bear short clusters of scented,
(2–4m). In early and mid-spring, produces C. ‘Early Sensation’ (Forsteri Group; to deep mauve-blue flowers, to 1–21∕2in tubular, single, deep blue flowers, 1¼–1½in
soft lavender-blue, nodding, bell-shaped illus. p.198). Evergreen, early small- (2.5–6cm) across, with creamy-white, blue- (3–4cm) long, with reflexed petal tips and
flowers, 4–2in (5cm) across, with creamy- flowered clematis (group 1). H 6ft (2m), tipped staminodes. Z4–11 slightly ruffled edges. Z6–10
white or green staminodes, sometimes S 3ft (1m). Dark green leaves are bronzed C. franziska Maria (‘Evipo008’). C. heracleifolia var. davidiana. See
blooming again in summer. Z4–11 when young. From early to midspring, Compact, very long-flowering, early large- C. tubulosa.
C. ‘Columella’ (Atragene Group; illus. bears scented, bell- to cup-shaped, white flowered clematis (group 2). Produces fully C. ‘H.F. Young’. Compact, early large-
p.200). Early small flowered clematis (group flowers, with yellow anthers often tinged double, deep blue-purple flowers, 4–6in flowered clematis (group 2). H 8ft (2.5m),
1). H 10ft (3m), S 3ft (1m). From mid- to late purple. Z9–11 (10–15cm) across, with yellow anthers, S 3ft (1m). Bears single flowers, 4in (10cm)
spring, bears strongly scented, broadly C. ‘Elizabeth’, syn. C. montana from early summer to early fall. Z4–11 across, with violet-tinged, blue petals and
bell-shaped, pendent, purplish-violet to ‘Elizabeth’. Vigorous Montana clematis C. Galore (‘Evipo032’), syn. C. VesuVius. cream anthers, in summer. Ideal for a
deep rosy-pink flowers, to 2¾in (6.5cm) (group 1). H 30–40ft (10–12m), S 6–10ft Vigorous, late small-flowered clematis container or patio garden. Z4–11
across, with yellow staminodes. Z4–11 (2–3m). In late spring, bears scented, soft (group 3). H 10ft (3m), S 3ft (1m). From C. ‘Huldine’ (illus. p.199). Very
C. ‘Comtesse de Bouchaud’. Strong- pink flowers with widely spaced petals. midsummer to fall, bears numerous, deep vigorous, late large-flowered clematis
growing, late large-flowered clematis Z6–9 purple flowers to 3in (7cm) across, with (group 3). H 10–12ft (3–4m), S 6ft (2m).
(group 3). H 6–10ft (2–3m), S 3ft (1m). C. ‘Elsa Späth’. Early large-flowered contrasting yellow anthers. Z4–11 In summer, bears single, white flowers,
In summer, bears a profusion of single, clematis (group 2). H 6–10ft (2–3m), S 3ft C. Gazelle (‘Evipo014’). Low growing, 21∕2in (6cm) across, mauve beneath and
bright mauve-pink flowers, 3–4in (8–10cm) (1m). Bears abundant single flowers, 5in scandent, non-clinging clematis (group 3). with cream anthers. Ideal for an archway
across, with yellow anthers. Z4–11 (12cm) across, with overlapping, rich H 3ft (1m), S 2ft (60cm). Produces or pergola. Z4–11
C. Confetti (‘Evipo036’). Vigorous late mauve-blue petals and red anthers, numerous nodding, slightly scented, C. ‘Huvi’. Late large-flowered clematis
small-flowered clematis (group 3). H 10ft throughout summer. Z6–9 white flowers, to 21∕2in (6cm) across, (group 3). H 8ft (2.5m), S 6ft (2m). From
(3m), S 3ft (1m). Free-flowering clematis C. ‘Ernest Markham’ (illus. p.200). with twisted sepals and yellow stamens, late summer to early fall, produces single,
with nodding, pink flowers produced from Vigorous, late large-flowered clematis from midsummer to early fall. Z4–11 flattish or saucer-shaped flowers, 5–7in
midsummer to fall. Z4–11
C (12–19cm) across, with satiny, deep C. ‘Kakio’, syn. C. Pink ChamPagne flowers, 11∕2–2in (4–5cm) across, with (group 3). H to 13ft (4m), S 3ft (1m). Single,
carmine-red or purplish-red sepals, (illus. p.199). Early large-flowered clematis yellow anthers. Z5–9. ‘Broughton Star’ velvety, deep purple-blue flowers, to 31∕2in
544 and pinkish-white filaments bearing (group 2). H 10ft (3m), S 3ft (1m). In late see C. ‘Broughton Star’. ‘Elizabeth’ see (9cm) across, with dark purple-red and
purplish anthers. Z5–9 spring and early summer, produces single, C. ‘Elizabeth’. var. rubens (illus. p.199). greenish-white stamens, are produced
C. Hyde Hall (‘Evipo009’). Vigorous, vivid purple-red to deep pink flowers, with var. rubens ‘Tetrarose’ (illus. p.199). from summer to early fall. Z5–9
early large-flowered clematis (group 2). central, white stripes on each sepal. Z5–9 C. ‘Mrs. Cholmondeley’. Early large- C. ‘Poulala’. See C. alabast (‘Poulala’).
H 6–8ft (2–2.5m), S 3ft (1m). Flowers C. ‘Kardynał Wyszyn´ski (illus. p.200). flowered clematis (group 2). H 6–10ft C. ‘Poulvo’. See C. Vino (‘Poulvo’).
prolifically from early to midsummer, Early large-flowered clematis (group 2). (2–3m), S 3ft (1m). In summer, bears single, C. ‘Praecox’, syn. C. x jouiniana ‘Praecox’.
producing large, creamy-white blooms, H 10ft (3m), S 3ft (1m). Produces single, light bluish-lavender flowers, 4–5in (10– Scandent, non-clinging, woody-based, late
5–7in (12–18cm) across, sometimes tinged bright crimson flowers, with pale violet 12cm) across, with widely spaced petals small-flowered clematis (group 3). H 3ft
pink or green, with chocolate-brown filaments and dark brown anthers, from and light chocolate anthers. Z5–9 (1m), S 10ft (3m). Produces coarse foliage
anthers. Z5–9 early to late summer. Z5–9 C. ‘Mrs. George Jackman’. Early large- and, from midsummer, clusters of tubular,
C. Ice Blue (‘Evipo003’). Early large- C. koreana var. carunculosa ‘Lemon flowered clematis (group 2). H 6–10ft single, soft lavender or off-white flowers,
flowered clematis (group 2). H 6–8ft Bells’, syn. C. chiisanensis ‘Lemon Bells’. (2–3m), S 3ft (1m). Bears semidouble 3∕4in (2cm) across, becoming flattish with
(2–2.5m), S 3ft (1m). In late spring and early Early small-flowered clematis (group 1). flowers, 4in (10cm) across, with creamy- reflexed sepal tips. Z5–9
summer, produces an abundance of very H 6–10ft (2–3m), S 5ft (1.5m). In late spring white petals and light brown anthers, in C. prIncess kate (‘Zoprika’). Vigorous,
large, ice-blue flowers, 6–8in (15–20cm) and summer, sometimes again in fall, early summer. Z5–9 late small-flowered clematis (group 3).
across, repeat-flowering during late wine-red pedicels bear pendent, semi- C. ‘Mrs. N. Thompson’. Compact, early H 10–13ft (3–4m), S 3ft (1m). From
summer and early fall. Z5–9 double, bell-shaped, thick, spongy, usually large-flowered clematis (group 2). H 8ft midsummer to early fall, produces single,
C. integrifolia. Herbaceous clematis pale yellow flowers, 2–2½in (5–6cm) (2.5m), S 3ft (1m). Produces an abundance upward-facing, fleshy flowers, 11∕2–21∕2in
(group 3). H and S 30in (75cm). Leaves are across, often suffused wine-red toward of single, magenta flowers, 3–4in (8–10cm) (4–6cm) across, tulip-shaped maturing to
narrowly lance-shaped. In summer, bears the bases, with short staminodes, pointed across, with a central, slightly darker bell-shaped, with slightly recurved tips;
bell-shaped, single, deep blue flowers, sepals, and prominently ridged veins. Z5–9 stripe on each bluish-purple-edged petal the sepals are predominantly red-purple
11∕4in (3cm) long, with cream anthers, C. ‘Lasurstern’. Vigorous, early and red anthers, in summer. Good for a outside, and white inside, with dark red-
followed by attractive, gray-brown seed large-flowered clematis (group 2). H 6–10ft container or patio garden. Z5–9 purple anthers. Z6–10
heads. Z5–9 (2–3m), S 3ft (1m). In summer, bears single, C. ‘Nelly Moser’ (illus. p.199). Early C. ‘Purpurea Plena Elegans’, syn.
C. ‘Jackmanii’ (illus. p.200). Vigorous, blue flowers, 4–5in (10–12cm) across, with large-flowered clematis (group 2). H 11ft C. viticella ‘Purpurea Plena Elegans’ (illus.
late large-flowered clematis (group 3). overlapping, wavy-edged petals and cream (3.5m), S 3ft (1m). In early summer, p.200). H 6–10ft (2–3m), S 3ft (1m). Late
H 10ft (3m), S 3ft (1m). Bears abundant anthers. Z5–9 produces single, rose-mauve flowers, small-flowered clematis (group 3). Bears
velvety, single, dark purple flowers, fading C. ‘Lincoln Star’ (illus. p.199). Early 5–61∕2in (12–16cm) across, with reddish- abundant, double flowers, with many
to violet, 3–4in (8–10cm) across, with light large-flowered clematis (group 2). H 6–10ft purple anthers and, on each petal, a purplish-mauve sepals, occasionally
brown anthers, in midsummer. Z5–9 (2–3m), S 3ft (1m). Bears single, raspberry- carmine stripe that fades in strong sun. green outer sepals, and no anthers, from
C. ‘Jackmanii Superba’. Vigorous, late pink flowers, 4–5in (10–12cm) across, with Prefers a shaded, east-, west- or north- midsummer to late fall. Z5–9
large-flowered clematis (group 3). Similar red anthers, in early summer. Early facing situation. Z5–9 C. ‘Ramona’. Early large-flowered
to C. ‘Jackmanii’, but has more rounded, flowers are darker than late ones, which C. ‘Niobe’. Early large-flowered clematis clematis (group 2). H 10ft (3m), S 3ft (1m).
darker flowers. Z5–9 have very pale pink petal edges. Prefers (group 2). H 6–10ft (2–3m), S 3ft (1m). Has coarse, dark green leaves offset, in
C. ‘Jacqueline du Pré’ (Atragene partial shade. Z5–9 Throughout summer, bears a profusion summer, by single, pale blue flowers,
Group; illus. p.199). Early small-flowered C. macropetala. Macropetala clematis of single, rich deep red flowers, 4–51∕2in 4–5in (10–12cm) across, with red anthers.
clematis (group 1). H 8–13ft (2.5–4m), S 5ft (group 1). H 10ft (3m), S 5ft (1.5m). During (10–14cm) across, with yellow anthers. Z5–9 Prefers a south- or south-west-facing
(1.5m). Bears bell-shaped, nodding, rosy- late spring and summer, bears a profusion C. orientalis. Late-flowering clematis position. Z5–9
mauve flowers, with silvery-pink sepal of semidouble, mauve-blue flowers, 2in (group 3). H 10–12ft (3–4m), S 5ft (1.5m). C. recta. Clump-forming, herbaceous
margins and pink-flushed, white (5cm) long, lightening in color toward the Leaves are gray- to dark green. In summer, clematis (group 3). H 3–6ft (1–2m), S 20in
staminodes, in spring. Z5–9 center, followed by fluffy, silvery seed bears lantern-shaped, single, greenish- (50cm). Leaves are dark or gray-green.
C. ‘Jan Lindmark’ (Atragene Group; heads. Z5–9. ‘Markham’s Pink’ (syn. C. yellow flowers, 11∕4in (3cm) across, with Bears a profusion of sweetly scented,
illus. p.199). Early small-flowered clematis ‘Markham’s Pink’) has pink flowers. recurved petal tips, followed by feathery flattish, single, white flowers, 3∕4in (2cm)
(group 1). H to 13ft (4m), S 3ft (1m). In C. ‘Madame Edouard André’. Late seed heads. Z5–9 across, in midsummer. Z5–9
spring, produces bell-shaped, pendent, large-flowered clematis (group 3). H 8ft C. peppermInt (‘Evipo005’). Vigorous, C. rehderiana (illus. p.200). Vigorous,
purple-mauve flowers, with purple, outer (2.5m), S 3ft (1m). Freely produces single, late-flowering clematis (group 3). H 6–10ft late small-flowered clematis (group 3).
stamens and shorter, white, inner deep red flowers, 3–4in (8–10cm) across, (2–3m), S 3ft (1m). From early summer to H 20–22ft (6–7m), S 6–10ft (2–3m). Bears
staminodes. Z5–9 with silver undersides, pointed petals, and late fall, bears numerous creamy-white, loose clusters of fragrant, tubular, single,
C. ‘John Huxtable’. Late large-flowered yellow anthers, in midsummer. Z5–9 rosetted flowers, 3–4in (7–10cm) across, yellow flowers, 1∕2–3∕4in (1–2cm) long, in
clematis (group 3). H 6–10ft (2–3m), S 3ft C. ‘Madame Julia Correvon’, syn. with 6 large, outer sepals, which drop as late summer and early fall. Leaves are
(1m). Bears a profusion of single, white C. viticella ‘Madame Julia Correvon’ the tight, inner rosette of smaller sepals coarse-textured. Z5–9
flowers, 3in (8cm) across, with cream (illus. p.200). Late small-flowered clematis expand. Late season’s flowers are C. ‘Rhapsody’. Compact, early large-
anthers, in midsummer. Z5–9 (group 3). H 8–11ft (2.5–3.5m), S 3ft (1m). greenish-white. Z5–9 flowered clematis (group 2). H 8ft (2.5m),
C. ‘JosepHIne’ (Evijohill). Early large- Produces flattish, single, wine-red flowers, C. ‘Perle d’Azur’ (illus. p.200). Late S 3ft (1m). From early summer to early fall,
flowered clematis (group 2). H 8ft (2.5m), 2–3in (5–7cm) across, with twisted petals, large-flowered clematis (group 3). H 10ft bears single, sapphire-blue flowers, 4–5in
S 3ft (1m). From early summer to early fall, in summer. Z5–9 (3m), S 3ft (1m). Single, azure-blue flowers, (10–13cm) across, with splayed, creamy-
bears double flowers, 5in (12cm) across, C. ‘Madame Le Coultre’. See 3in (8cm) across, with recurved petal tips yellow anthers. Color deepens with age.
with almost bronze, green-tinged petals C. ‘Mevrouw Le Coultre’. and creamy-green anthers, open in Z5–9
with a darker central bar; the petals C. ‘Mevrouw Le Coultre’, syn. C. summer. Z5–9 C. ‘Richard Pennell’. Early large-
become lilac in midsummer, with a pink ‘Madame Le Coultre’. Vigorous, early large- C. petIt Faucon (‘Evisix’). Vigorous, flowered clematis (group 2). H 6–10ft
bar. Best color in sun. Z5–9 flowered clematis (group 2). H 10ft (3m), scandent, non-clinging, late small- (2–3m), S 3ft (1m). Produces single flowers,
C. x jouiniana. Scandent, subshrubby, S 3ft (1m). In summer, bears single flowers, flowered clematis (group 3). H 3–5ft 4–5in (10–12cm) across, with rich purple-
late-flowering clematis (group 3). H 3ft 5in (12cm) across, with overlapping, white (1–1.5m), S 2ft (60cm). From summer to blue petals and golden-yellow anthers,
(1m), S 10ft (3m). Has coarse foliage and, petals and cream anthers. Z5–9 early fall, produces broadly bell-shaped, in summer. Z5–9
in summer, an abundance of tubular, C. ‘Markham’s Pink’. See C. nodding to semipendent, deep blue-violet C. ‘Roguchi’. Semierect, late-flowering,
single, soft lavender or off-white flowers, macropetala ‘Markham’s Pink’. flowers, 2–3in (5–8cm) across, with violet herbaceous clematis (group 3). H 5–6ft
3∕4in (2cm) across, with reflexed petal C. ‘Miss Bateman’. Compact, early filaments and orange-yellow anthers. Z5–9 (1.5–2m), S 3ft (1m). In summer and early
tips. Non-clinging. Z5–9. ‘Praecox see large-flowered clematis (group 2). H 8ft C. pInk cHampagne. See C. ‘Kakio’. fall, bears nodding, narrowly bell-shaped
C. ‘Praecox’. (2.5m), S 3ft (1m). An abundance of single, C. ‘Pink Dream’. Prolific, early small- flowers, 11∕2–3in (4–8cm) across, with
C. ‘Kaiu’ (illus. p.198). Late small- white flowers, 3–4in (8–10cm) across, with flowered clematis (group 1). H 6–10ft yellow anthers. Each white-margined,
flowered clematis (group 3). H 5–10ft (1.5– red anthers, are produced in summer. Good (2–3m), S 5ft (1.5m). In early summer, and velvety, purple to light bluish-violet sepal
3m), S 5ft (1.5m). In late summer, produces for a container or patio garden. Z5–9 again in late summer, purple pedicels bear has prominent ribs and is recurved at the
solitary, single, nodding, tubular flowers, C. montana (illus. p.198). Vigorous, nodding, semidouble, open bell-shaped, tips. Z5–9
¾–1¼in (2–3cm) across, with sepals tinged Montana clematis (group 1). H 22–40ft grapefruit-scented, pale pink to cream C. rosemoor (‘Evipo002’) (illus. p.200).
light purple or pink when young, aging to (7–12m), S 6–10ft (2–3m). In late spring, flowers, 3–4in (8–10cm) across. Z5–9 Vigorous, early large-flowered, long-
white, their tips recurving with age. Z5–9 produces a profusion of single, white C. ‘Polish Spirit’ (illus. p.200). Strong- flowering clematis (group 2). H 6–8ft
growing, late large-flowered clematis (2–2.5m), S 3ft (1m). From early summer
to fall, deep red flowers, 5–6in (12–15cm) violet-blue flowers, 4–6in (10–15cm) (2.5m), S 3ft (1m). From late spring to early Daisylike flowers in white, crimson, rose-
across, with contrasting yellow anthers, across, marbled with white throughout, summer and again from late summer to red, orange-gold or buff yellow, some
are produced in abundance. Z5–9 but especially along each central bar. early fall, produces single, dark velvet-red zoned in a contrasting color, are freely
C. ‘Rosy O’Grady’ (Atragene Group; A sport from C. ‘Jackmanii’. Z5–9 flowers, with white filaments and deep red borne in summer. Z9–11. ‘Magic Carpet’
illus. p.200). Early small-flowered clematis C. tubulosa, syn. C. heracleifolia var. anthers. Z5–9 has flowers in bright shades of pink,
(group 1). H 10–13ft (3–4m), S 3ft (1m). davidiana. Herbaceous clematis (group 3). C. ‘White Columbine’ (Atragene purple, cream, orange or white.
Open, bell-shaped, deep pink to mauve- H 3ft (1m), S 21∕2ft (75cm). In summer, thick Group; illus. p.198). Early small-flowered
pink flowers, 2½–5in (6–12cm) across, with stems bear axillary clusters of scented, clematis (group 1). H and S 6–10ft (2–3m). CLERODENDRUM C
creamy-white staminodes, are produced tubular, single, pale blue flowers, 3∕4–11∕4in In spring, purple-tinted buds open
from late spring to early summer and (2–3cm) long, with reflexed petal tips. Z5–9. to bell-shaped, nodding, single, creamy- LAMIACEAE/VERBENACEAE
again in fall. Z5–9 ‘Wyevale’ has strongly scented, dark white flowers, maturing to pure white,
C. ‘Rouge Cardinal’. Early large- blue flowers. with petallike, greenish-white staminodes. Genus of evergreen or deciduous trees,
flowered clematis (group 3). H 6–10ft C. urophylla ‘Winter Beauty’, syn. C. Z5–9 shrubs and climbers, grown for their
(2–3m), S 3ft (1m). In summer, bears single, clarkeana of gardens, C. ‘Winter Beauty’. C. ‘William Kennett’. Early large- showy flowers. Needs humus-rich, well-
velvety, crimson flowers, 3–4in (8–10cm) Early small-flowered, evergreen clematis flowered clematis (group 2). H 6–10ft drained soil and full sun, with partial
across, with red anthers. Z5–9 (group 1). H 10–15ft (3–5m), S 5ft (1.5m). (2–3m), S 3ft (1m). In summer, produces shade in summer. Water freely in growing
C. Royal VelVet (‘Evifour’). Early Has ternate, glossy, dark green leaves with a profusion of single flowers, 4–5in (10– season, less at other times. Stems require
large-flowered clematis (group 2). H 6–8ft elliptic leaflets. In midwinter, produces 12cm) across, with red anthers and tough, support. Thin out crowded growth in
(2–2.5m), S 3ft (1m). In early and mid- single, softly hairy, cream to white flowers, lavender-blue petals, each bearing a spring. Propagate by seed in spring, by
summer, bears single flowers, 4–6in 11∕2in (4cm) across, opening tulip-shaped central, darker stripe that fades as the softwood cuttings in late spring or by
(10–15cm) across, with bluish, rich velvet- but maturing to open bell-shaped with flower matures. Z5–9 semiripe cuttings in summer. Whitefly,
purple petals, with darker central bands, splayed tips. Z8–11 C. ‘Winter Beauty’. See C. urophylla red spider mite and mealy bug may be a
and red anthers. Z5–9 C. VeSuViuS. See C. Galore (‘Evipo032’). ‘Winter Beauty’. problem.
C. ‘Silver Moon’ (illus. p.200). Early C. ViCtoR hugo (‘Evipo007’). C. WiSley (‘Evipo001’). Strong- C. bungei illus. p.141.
large-flowered clematis (group 2). H to Vigorous, scandent, non-clinging, late growing, late large-flowered clematis C. thomsoniae illus. p.460.
13ft (4m), S 3ft (1m). Produces single, large-flowered clematis (group 3). H 8–10ft (group 3). H 8–10ft (2.5–3m), S 3ft (1m). C. trichotomum (illus. p.142). Deciduous,
silvery-mauve flowers from late spring (2.5–3m), S 3ft (1m). Produces an abundance From midsummer to early fall, produces upright, bushy-headed, treelike shrub.
to early fall. Z5–9 of red-violet flowers, 3in (8cm) across, with numerous, slightly nodding, violet-blue, H and S 15–20ft (5–6m). Clusters of deep
C. ‘Souvenir du Capitaine dark, violet-tipped stamens, from early yellow-anthered flowers, 4–5in (10–12cm) pink and greenish-white buds open to
Thuilleaux’. Compact, early large- summer until fall. Z5–9 across. Z5–9 fragrant, white flowers above large leaves
flowered clematis (group 2). H 8ft (2.5m), C. Viennetta (‘Evipo006’) illus. p.199. C. ‘Zohapbi’. See C. Happy BirtHday from late summer to midfall, followed by
S 3ft (1m). In early summer, bears single Vigorous, late medium-flowered clematis (‘Zohapbi’). decorative, blue berries. Z7–9. var.
flowers, 3–4in (8–10cm) across, with red (group 3). H 6–10ft (2–3m), S 3ft (1m). C. ‘Zoprika’. See C. princess Kate fargesii has bronze young leaves, and
anthers and deep pink-striped, cream-pink Between early summer and fall, bears (‘Zoprika’). flowers with green sepals. var. fargesii
petals. Ideal for a container or patio unusual, passion-flowerlike, rounded ‘Carnival’ has variegated leaves that are
garden. Z5–9 blooms with 6 creamy-white, regularly CLEOME bluish-green and gray with wide, irregular,
C. ‘Star of India’. Vigorous, late large- placed sepals, surrounding a ring of creamy yellow margins in spring, which
flowered clematis (group 3). H 10ft (3m), purple, modified stamens and a dark Spider flower turn paler as the leaves mature; protect in
S 3ft (1m). Bears a profusion of single, center. In fall, the outer sepals develop a winter until well established.
deep purple-blue flowers, 3–4in (8–10cm) greenish hue. Z7–9 CLEOMACEAE
across, with light brown anthers, in mid- C. ‘Ville de Lyon’. Late large-flowered CLETHRA
summer; petals have a deep carmine-red clematis (group 3). H 6–10ft (2–3m), S 3ft Genus of annuals and a few evergreen
stripe. Z5–9 (1m). In midsummer, bears single, bright shrubs, grown for their unusual, spidery CLETHRACEAE
C. SugaR Candy (‘Evione’). Vigorous, carmine-red flowers, 3–4in (8–10cm) flowers. Grow in sun and in fertile, well-
early large-flowered clematis (group 2). across, with darker petal edges and yellow drained soil. Remove dead flowers. Genus of deciduous or evergreen shrubs
H 10ft (3m), S 3ft (1m). Bears an abundance anthers. Lower foliage tends to become Propagate by seed sown outdoors in and trees, grown for their fragrant,
of pinkish-mauve to light purple flowers, scorched by late summer. Z5–9 late spring. Aphids may be a problem. white flowers. Needs semishade and
4–6in (10–18cm) across, with darker, central C. Vino (‘Poulvo’) (illus. p.200). Vigorous, C. hassleriana, syn. C. spinosa of moist, peaty, acidic soil. Propagate by
bars on the sepals and yellow anthers. Z5–9 early large-flowered clematis (group 2). gardens. Fast-growing, bushy annual. softwood cuttings in summer or by seed
C. ‘Sunrise’ (illus. p.199). Vigorous H 10ft (3m), S 3ft (1m). Produces numerous, H to 4ft (1.2m), S 11∕2ft (45cm). Has hairy, in fall.
Montana clematis (group 1). H and S 25–30ft deep petunia-red flowers, 4–7in (10–18cm) spiny stems and mid-green leaves divided C. alnifolia (Sweet pepper-bush).
(8–10m). Leaves are reddish-purple when across, with contrasting, white to cream into lance-shaped leaflets. Large, rounded Deciduous, bushy shrub. H and S 8ft
young. Slightly scented, semidouble or filaments and yellow anthers, in late heads of narrow-petaled, pink-flushed, (2.5m). Has , toothed, mid-green leaves
double, deep pink, single flowers are spring and again in late summer and white flowers, with long, protruding and, in late summer and early fall, slender
borne in spring. Z5–9 early fall. Z5–9 stamens, are produced in summer. Z10–11. spires of small, bell-shaped flowers.
C. tangutica. Vigorous, late-flowering C. viticella. Late-flowering clematis (min. 39°F/4°C). ‘Colour Fountain’ illus. Z3–9.
clematis (group 3). H 15–20ft (5–6m), S 6–10ft (group 3). H 6–10ft (2–3m), S 3ft (1m). p.304. ‘Helen Campbell’, H to 6ft (1.8m), ‘Hummingbird’, H 1.3ft (1m), is low-
(2–3m). Has lantern-shaped, single, yellow Bears nodding, open bell-shaped, single, S 2ft (60cm), has fragrant, pure white growing and rhizomatous with shiny,
flowers, 11∕2in (4cm) long, throughout purple-mauve flowers, 11∕2in (3.5cm) long, flowers. ‘Rose Queen’ bears rose-pink dark green leaves that turn yellow in fall.
summer and early fall; these are followed in summer. Z5–9. ‘Abundance’ see flowers. ‘Violet Queen’ produces light Terminal and axillary racemes, to 6in
by fluffy, silvery seed heads. Z5–9 C. ‘Abundance’. ‘Étoile Violette’ see purple flowers. (15cm) long, of scented, white flowers
C. the CounteSS of WeSSex C. ‘Etoile Violette’. ‘Madame Julia C. spinosa of gardens. See C. hassleriana are borne in midsummer. ‘Ruby Spice’
(‘Evipo073’) (illus. p.198). Early large- Correvon’ see C. ‘Madame Julia has deep pink flowers and shiny, dark
flowered clematis (group 2). H 3–5ft Correvon’. ‘Purpurea Plena Elegans’ CLERETUM green leaves.
(1–1.5m), S 3ft (1m). From early to see C. ‘Purpurea Plena Elegans’. C. barbinervis illus. p.129.
midsummer, and again from late summer C. ‘Vyvyan Pennell’. Early large- syn. dorotHeantHUs C. delavayi illus. p.113.
to early fall, bears flattish, frilled, white t flowered clematis (group 2). H 6–10ft
o pale pink flowers, 51∕2–7in (14–17cm) (2–3m), S 3ft (1m). Bears double, lilac AIZOACEAE CLEYERA 545
across, flushed pink-purple at the base flowers, 4–5in (10–12cm) across, with a
of each central bar, with deep red central, lavender-blue rosette of petals and Genus of succulent annuals, suitable PENTAPHYLACACEAE
anthers. Z5–9 golden-yellow anthers, in early summer, for hot, dry sites such as rock gardens,
C. ‘The President’. Early large-flowered then single, blue-mauve flowers. Z5–9 screes and gaps in paving. Needs sun Genus of evergreen and deciduous shrubs
clematis (group 2). H 6–10ft (2–3m), S 3ft C. ‘W.E. Gladstone’. Vigorous, early and grows well in poor, very well-drained and trees, grown for their foliage and
(1m). In early summer, bears a profusion of large-flowered clematis (group 2). soil. Deadhead to prolong flowering. flowers. Needs a sheltered position in sun
single, rich purple flowers, silver beneath, H 10–12ft (3–4m), S 3ft (1m). Produces Propagate by seed sown under glass in or semishade and moist, acidic soil.
4in (10cm) across, with red anthers. Z5–9 single, lavender flowers, 6in (15cm) across, early spring, or outdoors in midspring. Propagate by semiripe cuttings in summer.
C. ‘Tie Dye’. Late large-flowered clematis with red anthers, in summer. Z5–9 Protect from slugs and snails. C. fortunei ‘Variegata’. See C. japonica
(group 3). H 10–13ft (3–4m), S 5ft (1.5m). C. ‘Westerplatte’ (illus. p.200). Early C. bellidiforme, syn. Dorotheanus ‘Fortunei’.
In summer, bears single, violet-purple to large-flowered clematis (group 2). H 8ft bellidiformis, Mesembryanthemum C. japonica. Evergreen, bushy shrub.
criniflorum (Ice-plant, Livingstone daisy). H and S 10ft (3m). Small, fragrant, bowl-
Low-growing, carpeting annual. H 4–6in shaped, creamy-white flowers are borne in
(10–15cm), S 12in (30cm). Has cylindrical, summer amid narrowly oblong to oblong,
to spoon-shaped, fleshy, light green leaves.
glossy, dark green leaves. Occasionally drained soil. Water well in summer, less stemmed, tendril climber. H 12–15ft (4–5m). marked lips, that open in succession along
bears small, spherical, red fruits, ripening in winter. Propagate by seed in winter or Produces long-stalked, bell-shaped, green, stems. Has broadly ovate leaves, 9–10in (23–
to black. Z8–11. ‘Fortunei’ (syn. C. spring or by division in spring or summer then white flowers from late summer until 25cm) long. Needs good light in summer.
fortunei ‘Variegata’), H and S 6ft (2m), after flowering. Mealy bugs may cause first frosts. Leaves have 4 or 6 oblong to Z12 (min. 50°F/10°C, max. 86°F/30°C)
produces pink-flushed, young leaves, problems. tAll parts of C. miniata may elliptic, rich green leaflets and a large,
later green edged with creamy-white. cause mild stomach upset if ingested, and branched tendril with tiny hooks. Z10-11 COIX
‘Tricolor’ see C. j. ‘Fortunei’. the sap may irritate skin. (min. 41°F/5°C)
C. miniata illus. p.476. var. citrina POACEAE/GRAMINEAE
CLIANTHUS is an evergreen, spring- to summer- CODIAEUM
flowering perennial. H 18in (45cm), S 12in See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES,
PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE (30cm). Produces basal, strap-shaped, dark EUPHORBIACEAE and SEDGES.
green leaves, 2ft (60cm) long, and funnel- C. lacryma-jobi (Job’s tears). Tuft-
Genus of evergreen, trailing or climbing shaped, yellow flowers, 2–3in (5–7cm) Genus of evergreen shrubs, trees and forming, annual grass. H 18–36in (45–
shrubs or subshrubs, grown for their long. Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C) perennials grown for their foliage. Prefers 90cm), S 4–6in (10–15cm). Erect stems bear
attractive flowers. Grow outdoors in warm C. nobilis. Evergreen, spring- or partial shade and fertile, moist but well- broad leaves, to 2ft (60cm) long. In early
areas in well-drained soil and full sun. In summer-flowering perennial. H 12–16in drained soil. Remove tips from young fall, bears insignificant spikelets, followed
cooler areas, needs to be under glass. In (30–40cm), S 12–24in (30–60cm). Has plants to promote a branched habit. by hard, beadlike, green fruits turning
spring, prune out growing tips to give a strap-shaped, semierect, basal leaves, Propagate by greenwood cuttings from shiny, grayish-mauve. Z7–11
bushier habit and cut out any dead wood. 16–24in (40–60cm) long. Each leafless firm stem tips in spring or summer. Mealy
Propagate by seed in spring or by stem stem bears a dense, semipendent head bug and soft scale may be a nuisance. COLCHICUM
cuttings in late summer. of over 20 narrowly funnel-shaped, red tContact with the foliage may aggravate
C. puniceus (Parrot’s bill) illus. p.193. flowers, 1–11∕2in (2.5–4cm) long, with skin allergies. COLCHICACEAE/LILIACEAE
‘Albus’ illus. p.192. green tips and yellow margins to petals. C. variegatum var. pictum illus. p.459.
Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C) Genus of spring- and fall-flowering corms,
CLINTONIA CODONOPSIS grown for their mainly goblet-shaped
CLUSIA blooms, most of which emerge before
LILIACEAE/CONVALLARIACEAE CAMPANULACEAE the leaves. Each corm bears 2–7 narrowly
CLUSIACEAE/HYPERICACEAE strap-shaped to broadly elliptic, basal
Genus of late spring- or summer-flowering, Genus of scandent or twining, mostly leaves. Needs an open, sunny site and
rhizomatous perennials. Prefers shade and Genus of evergreen shrubs and trees, herbaceous perennials, grown for their well-drained soil. Propagate by seed or
moist but well-drained, peaty, neutral to grown for their foliage and flowers. bell- or saucer-shaped flowers. Needs a division in fall. tAll parts are highly
acidic soil. Propagate by division in spring Needs partial shade and well-drained position in semishade, with light, well- toxic if ingested and, if in contact with
or by seed in fall. soil. Water potted specimens moderately, drained soil. Train over supports or leave skin, may cause irritation.
C. andrewsiana. Clump-forming, very little when temperatures are low. to scramble through other, larger plants. C. agrippinum illus. p.425.
rhizomatous perennial. H 2ft (60cm), Pruning is tolerated if necessary. Propagate by seed sown in fall or spring. C. autumnale illus. p.426. ‘Alboplenum’
S 12in (30cm). In early summer, stems Propagate by layering in spring or by C. clematidea. Herbaceous, twining is an fall-flowering corm. H and
bear clusters of small, bell-shaped, semiripe cuttings in summer. Whitefly climber. H to 5ft (1.5m). Has small, S 4–6in (10–15cm). Produces erect, basal,
pinkish-purple flowers above sparse, and red spider mite may be a problem. mid-green leaves. In summer, bears narrowly to broadly lance-shaped, glossy,
broadly , glossy, rich green leaves. Bears C. major. See C. rosea. nodding, bell-shaped, white flowers, 1in green leaves and goblet-shaped, double,
globose, blue fruits in fall. Z8–9 C. rosea, syn. C. major (Autograph tree, (25cm) long, tinged blue, and marked white flowers with numerous narrow
Copey, Fat pork tree, Pitch apple). Slow- inside with darker veining and 2 purple petals, to 2½in (6cm) long. f. album bears
C C. borealis. Clump-forming, rhizomatous growing, evergreen, rounded tree or rings. Z5–9 white flowers. Z6–10
perennial. H and S 12in (30cm). Similar to shrub. H and S to 50ft (15m). Bears C. convolvulacea. See Pseudocodon C. ‘Autumn Queen’. Fall-flowering
C. andrewsiana, but produces nodding, lustrous, deep green leaves. Cup-shaped, convolvulaceus. corm. H 6in (15cm), S 4in (10cm). Produces
yellowish-green flowers and small, pink flowers, 2in (5cm) across, are C. ovata. Upright perennial with scarcely semierect, broadly lance-shaped leaves.
globose, blackish fruits. Z2–7 produced in summer, followed by twining stems. H to 12in (30cm). Has Goblet-shaped, fragrant flowers have
C. uniflora (Queencup). Spreading, globose, greenish fruits that yield a mostly basal, small, opposite, ovate, very white throats and rose-pink petals, (3∕4–1½in
rhizomatous perennial. H 6in (15cm), sticky resin. Z12 (min. 61°F/16°C) hairy, mid-green leaves. In summer, bears (2–4) long, strongly tessellated with deep
S 12in (30cm). Has , glossy, green leaves. small, bell-shaped, greenish blue flowers, purple. Z6–10
Slender stems bear solitary star-shaped, CLYTOSTOMA 1in (25cm) long, checkered darker blue C. ‘Beaconsfield’. Robust, fall-flowering
white flowers in late spring, then large, inside. Z5–9 corm. H and S 6–8in (15–20cm). Bears
globose, blue-black fruits. Z4–8 BIGNONIACEAE large, goblet-shaped, rich pinkish-purple
COELOGYNE flowers, with faintly tesselated petals,
CLITORIA Genus of evergreen, perennial climbers, 1–13∕4in (2.5–4.5cm) long, and white throats.
grown for their fox-glove like flowers, ORCHIDACEAE Large, semierect, basal leaves are
PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE borne in pairs or clusters from the leaf produced in spring. Z6–10
axils. In frost-free areas, use as See also ORCHIDS. C. bivonae, syn. C. bowlesianum,
Genus of mainly evergreen perennials, groundcover, or to clothe a pergola, C. cristata illus. p.465. C. sibthorpii, illus. p.425.
shrubs and climbers, grown for their sunny wall, or tree. Grow in well-drained C. flaccida (illus. p.466). Evergreen, C. bowlesianum. See C. bivonae.
large, pealike flowers. Grow in full light soil, with partial shade in summer. epiphytic orchid for a cool greenhouse. C. x byzantinum illus. p.426.
and in any fertile, well-drained soil. Water Water freely in summer, less at other H 6in (15cm). In spring, bears drooping C. cilicicum illus. p.425.
moderately, less when not in full growth. times. Stems need support. Thin out spikes of fragrant, star-shaped, light buff C. cupanii. Fall-flowering corm. H 1½in
Provide support for stems. Thin out congested growth after flowering or in flowers, 11∕2in (4cm) across, with yellow (4cm), S 2in (5cm). Bears widely goblet-
crowded stems in spring. Propagate spring. Propagate by semiripe cuttings and brown marks on each lip. Has narrowly shaped, pale to deep purplish-pink
by seed in spring or by softwood cuttings in summer. ovate, semirigid leaves, 3–4in (8–10cm) long. flowers, with petals 3∕4–1in (2–2.5cm) long.
in summer. Whitefly and red spider mite C. callistegioides, syn. Pandorea Grow in semishade in summer. Z11–12 Has semierect, linear to linear-lance-
may be a problem. lindleyana, illus. p.461. (min. 50°F/10°C, max. 86°F/30°C) shaped, very glossy leaves. Best in a bulb
C. ternatea. Evergreen, twining climber C. nitida, syn. C. ochracea (illus. p.466). frame. Z6–10
with slender stems. H 10–15ft (3–5m). COBAEA Evergreen, epiphytic orchid for a cool C. ‘Lilac Wonder’. Vigorous, fall-
Leaves are divided into 3 or 5 elliptic to greenhouse. H 5in (12cm). In spring, flowering corm. H and S 6–8in (15–20cm).
ovate, rich green leaflets. Clear bright POLEMONIACEAE produces sprays of very fragrant, white Freely bears goblet-shaped, deep lilac-pink
blue flowers, 3–5in (7–12cm) across, with flowers, 1in (25cm) across and with a flowers with narrow petals, 1½–2½in
yellow-tinted white centers, are produced Genus of woody, evergreen and yellow mark on each lip. Narrowly ovate, (4–6cm) long. Semierect, narrowly ovate,
singly or in pairs from summer to fall. Z11 herbaceous climbers. Only one species, semirigid leaves are 3–4in (8–10cm) long. basal leaves are produced in spring.
(min. 61°F/16°C) C. scandens, is generally cultivated. Requires semishade in summer. Z11–12 Z6–10
Grow outdoors in warm areas in full light (min. 50°F/10°C, max. 86°F/30°C) C. luteum illus. p.421.
546 CLIVIA and in any well-drained soil. In cool C. ochracea. See C. nitida. C. macrophyllum. Fall-flowering corm.
regions, may be grown under glass or C. speciosa. Vigorous, evergreen, H 8in (20cm), S 5in (12cm). Bears goblet- to
AMARYLLIDACEAE treated as an annual. Propagate by seed epiphytic orchid for an intermediate funnel-shaped, lilac- to rosy-purple
in spring. greenhouse. H 10in (25cm). In summer, flowers, often white at the base, with
Genus of robust, evergreen, rhizomatous C. scandens (Cup-and-saucer vine)illus. produces pendent, light green flowers,
perennials, cultivated for their funnel- p.204. f. alba is an evergreen, woody- 21∕2in (6cm) across, with brown- and white-
shaped flowers. Suits borders and large
containers. Needs partial shade and well-
tessellated petals, 1½–3½in (4–9cm) long, shoots and profuse, small flowers. Shoots green leaves with red-brown hairs. C. ramondoides. Hummock-forming,
and purple anthers. Has ovate to ovate- assume function of leaves. Requires a Hooded, tubular, hairy, scarlet flowers, tuberous perennial. H 12in (30cm),
elliptic, strongly pleated leaves, which sheltered, sunny site and well-drained to 3in (8cm) long, with yellow throats, S 8in (20cm). Bears broadly , fleshy,
develop after flowering. Z6–10 soil. Propagate by semiripe cuttings in are produced in winter–spring. Z12 (min. wrinkled, mid-green leaves with toothed
C. montanum. See Merendera montana. late summer. 59°F/15°C) ‘Variegata’ illus. p.475. edges. In midsummer, each flower
C. ‘Rosy Dawn’. Robust, fall-flowering C. armata. See C. hystrix. stem bears 5–25 tubular flowers, usually
corm. H 6in (15cm), S 4in (10cm). Has C. cruciata. See C. paradoxa. COLUTEA lilac, but white, purple or pink forms
semierect, ovate leaves and bears goblet- C. hystrix, syn. C. armata, illus. p.130. also occur. Z9–11
shaped then open trumpet-shaped, ‘Rosea’ is a deciduous, sturdy-branched PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE
fragrant, pinkish-violet, lightly tessellated shrub. H 8ft (2.5m), S 15ft (5m). Shoots CONIFERS
flowers with a prominent white center and have rigid, gray-green spines. Bears Genus of deciduous, summer-flowering
petals, 2½–3in (6–8cm) long. Z6–10 fragrant, tubular, pink flowers in late shrubs, sometimes trees, grown for their Group of trees and shrubs distinguished
C. sibthorpii. See C. bivonae. summer and early fall. Z7–10 foliage, pealike flowers and bladder- botanically from others by producing
C. speciosum. Vigorous, fall-flowering C. paradoxa, syn. C. cruciata, illus. p.131. shaped seed pods. Grow in full sun and seeds exposed or uncovered on the
corm. H and S 6–8in (15–20cm). Bears any but waterlogged soil. Propagate by scales of fruits. Most conifers are
goblet-shaped, pale to deep pinkish-purple COLOCASIA softwood cuttings in summer or by seed in evergreen, have needlelike leaves and bear
flowers, often with white throats, and fall. tSeeds may cause mild stomach woody fruits (cones). All genera in the
petals 13∕4–3in (4.5–8cm) long. Large, ARACEAE upset if ingested. Cupressaceae family, however, have
semierect, basal leaves develop in winter C. arborescens (Bladder senna) illus. needlelike juvenile leaves and, excepting
or spring. Z6–10. ‘Album’ illus. p.424. Genus of deciduous or evergreen, p.139. many junipers and some other selected
‘Atrorubens’ has deep red-purple perennial, marginal water plants, grown C. x media illus. p.140. forms, scalelike adult leaves. Conifers
flowers. for their foliage. Has edible tubers, known C. orientalis. Deciduous, bushy shrub. described in this book are evergreen
C. ‘The Giant’. Robust, fall-flowering as “taros,” for which it is widely cultivated. H and S 6ft (2m). Blue-gray leaves consist unless otherwise stated.
corm. H and S 6–8in (15–20cm). Produces Suitable for the edges of frost-free ponds; of 7 or 9 leaflets. Clusters of yellow-
somewhat goblet-shaped, purplish-violet may also be grown in wet soil in pots. marked, coppery-red flowers, produced Conifers are excellent garden plants.
flowers, with white bases and lightly Grows in sun or light shade and in mud in summer, are followed by inflated, green, Most provide year-round foliage, which
tesselated petals, to 3in (8cm) long. or shallow water. Propagate by division then pale brown seed pods. Z6–10 may be green, blue, gray, bronze, gold or
Semierect, narrowly ovate, basal leaves in spring. tAll parts may cause mild silver. They range in height from trees
form in winter or spring. Z6–10 stomach upset if ingested without Comarum. See Potentilla. 130ft (40m) or more tall to dwarf shrubs
C. trigynum. See Merendera trigyna. cooking, and contact with the sap may that grow less than 2in (5cm) every
C. variegatum. Fall-flowering irritate the skin. COMBRETUM 10 years. Tall conifers may be planted
corm. H 4–6in (10–15cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm). C. antiquorum. See C. esculenta. as specimen trees or to provide shelter,
Bears widely funnel-shaped, short-tubed, C. esculenta, syn. C. antiquorum. COMBRETACEAE screening or hedging. Dwarf conifers are
violet- to pinkish-purple flowers with ‘Fontanesii’ is a deciduous, perennial, good feature plants in their own right, as
strongly tesselated petals, 3∕4–1in (2–2.5cm) marginal water plant. H 31∕2ft (1.1m), Genus of evergreen or semievergreen, well as in groups; they also associate well
long. More or less horizontal, basal leaves S 2ft (60cm). Has large, bold, , mid-green sometimes briefly deciduous trees and with heathers, add variety to rock gardens
with wavy margins are produced in spring. leaves with dark green veins and margins shrubs, some more or less scandent, grown and provide excellent groundcover.
Needs a hot, sunny site. Z6–10 and blackish-violet leaf stalks and spathe for their small, showy flowers. Provide They may also be grown in containers.
C. ‘Violet Queen’. Fall-flowering corm. H tubes. ‘Illustris’ has brownish-purple leaf humus-rich, well-drained soil, with partial
6in (15cm), S 4in (10cm). Produces stalks and dark green leaf blades with shade in summer. Water freely in summer, Hardiness C
semierect, broadly lance-shaped leaves and purple spots. Z11–12 (min. 50°F/10°C or less at other times. Support for stems is Nearly all conifers described in this book
funnel-shaped, fragrant, pinkish-violet 70°F/21°C to remain evergreen) necessary. Thin out and spur back are hardy. Some, such as Picea sitchensis,
flowers with strongly tesselated, pointed congested growth after flowering. P. omorika and Pinus contorta, thrive in the
petals, 1½–2½in (4–6cm) long. Z6–10 COLQUHOUNIA Propagate by semiripe cuttings in summer. coldest, most windswept sites. Araucaria,
C. ‘Waterlily’ illus. p.425. Red spider mite may be a problem. Cupressus and Pinus are good for coastal
LAMIACEAE/LABIATAE C. grandiflorum. Moderately vigorous, conditions. Athrotaxis, Austrocedrus,
COLEONEMA evergreen, scandent to twining climber. Cephalotaxus, Podocarpus and certain
Genus of evergreen or semievergreen H to 20ft (6m). Has oblong to elliptic, species noted in other genera flourish only
RUTACEAE shrubs and subshrubs, grown for their pointed leaves, 4–8in (10–20cm) long. Bears in mild-winter regions. Elsewhere they
flowers in late summer and fall. Cut one-sided spikes, 4–5in (10–13cm) long, of need a very sheltered position or may be
Genus of evergreen, heathlike shrubs, to ground level in cold winters. Needs a tubular, bright red flowers with long grown indoors as dwarf plants.
grown for their flowers and overall sheltered, sunny site and well-drained soil. stamens in summer. Z12 (min. 61°F/16°C)
appearance. Requires a position in full sun Propagate by softwood cuttings in summer. C. indicum, syn. Quisqualis indica Frost may damage new growth of
and well-drained, neutral to acidic soil. C. coccinea illus. p.141. (Rangoon creeper), illus. p.462. several genera, especially Abies, Larix,
Water potted plants moderately when in Picea and Pseudotsuga, and severe cold,
full growth, sparingly at other times. For a COLUMNEA COMMELINA dry spells in winter may temporarily
more compact habit, clip after flowering. harm mature foliage.
Propagate by seed sown in spring or by GESNERIACEAE COMMELINACEAE
semiripe cuttings in late summer. Position and soil 547
C. pulchellum, syn. C. pulchrum of Genus of evergreen shrubs or subshrubs, Genus of perennials, usually grown as Cupressus, x Cuprocyparis, Larix and
gardens. Freely branching evergreen with trailing or pendent shoots, and annuals. Pinus need full sun. Cedrus, Juniperus
shrub, erect at first, then spreading. H and occasionally scandent climbers, grown Grow in a sunny, sheltered site in fertile, and Pseudolarix prefer a sunny site, but
S 3–4ft (1–1.2m). Bears linear, bright green for their showy flowers. Trailing species well-drained soil. Lift crowns before frosts tolerate light shade. All other conifers will
leaves and numerous pale pink flowers, are useful for hanging baskets. Needs and overwinter in slightly moist, frost-free thrive in sun or shade, and most Abies and
¼–3∕8in (7–8mm) across, from late spring bright but indirect light, a fairly humid conditions. Propagate by seed sown under all Cephalotaxus, Podocarpus, Taxus, Thuja,
to summer. Z8–11. ‘Golden Sunset’ see atmosphere and moist soil, except in glass or by division of the crown in spring. Torreya and Tsuga will grow in deep shade
‘Sunset Gold’. ‘Sunset Gold’ (syn. C.p. winter. Propagate by tip cuttings C. coelestis, syn. C. tuberosa Coelestis once established. Wollemia prefers a
‘Golden Sunset’) has glowing, yellow- after flowering. Group (Day flower), illus. p.315. sheltered location out of full sun.
green leaves. C. x banksii illus. p.470. C. tuberosa Coelestis Group. See
C. pulchrum of gardens. See C. pulchellum. C. crassifolia illus. p.470. C. coelestis. Conifers grow well on most soils, but
C. gloriosa (Goldfish plant). Evergreen, certain genera and species will not do well
Coleus. See Solenostemon except for: trailing subshrub with stems branching CONANDRON on soils over chalk or limestone. In this
C. thyrsoides for which see only at the base. H and S to 3ft (90cm). book, such conifers are: Abies, Pseudolarix,
Plectranthus thyrsoideus. Ovate or ovate-oblong leaves are densely GESNERIACEAE Pseudotsuga and Tsuga; also Picea, except
covered in fine purple hairs; leaf margins P. likiangesis, P. omorika and P. pungens;
COLLETIA are turned under. Bears tubular, hooded, Genus of one species of tuberous, and Pinus, except P. aristata, P. armandii,
hairy, scarlet flowers, to 3in (8cm) long, evergreen perennial, grown for its fleshy P. cembroides, P. halepensis, P. heldreichii,
RHAMNACEAE with yellow throats, in winter–spring. leaves and nodding flower clusters. Grow P. nigra, P. peuce and P. wallichiana.
Z9–11 (min. 59°F/15°C) in an alpine house. Requires a position in
Genus of deciduous, usually leafless C. microphylla. Evergreen, trailing shade and humus-rich, well-drained soil. Certain conifers tolerate extreme
shrubs, grown for their curious, spiny subshrub. H and S 3ft (1m) or more. Has Keep containerized plants moist in conditions. Abies alba, A. homolepis,
close-set, small, ovate to rounded, dark summer, dry when dormant in winter. A. nordmanniana, Cryptomeria,
Propagate by division or seed in spring. Cunninghamia, Metasequoia, Pinus coulteri,
P. peuce, P. ponderosa, Sciadopitys, late summer. Frost tender if dry. Needs shrubs or subshrubs. Grow in sun and in H and S to 6ft (2m). Has broadly, leathery,
Sequoia, Sequoiadendron and Taxodium full sun and well-drained soil. Keep dry poor to fertile, well-drained soil. Deadhead lustrous, rich green leaves with a central
will grow on heavy clay soils. Picea in winter. Propagate by seed from spring to prolong flowering. Propagate by seed cream to yellow blotch. In late spring,
omorika, P. sitchensis, Pinus contorta, to fall or by division in late summer. sown outdoors in midspring for hardy bears insignificant flowers, followed, on
Sciadopitys verticillata and Thuja plicata C. bilobum illus. p.494. plants, or under glass in spring for tender female plants, by egg-shaped, orange
are all happy on wet soil, and Metasequoia C. concordans, syn. Ophthalmophyllum plants, perennials and subshrubs by fruits from late summer to fall. Z8–11
and Taxodium thrive in waterlogged villetii, illus. p.484. softwood cuttings in late spring or summer.
conditions. Cupressus, Juniperus and Pinus C. frutescens, syn. C. notabile, illus. p.496. C. althaeoides illus. p.362. CORDYLINE
grow well on dry, sandy soil. C. longum, syn. Ophthalmophyllum herri, C. cneorum illus. p.149.
O. longum. Clump-forming, perennial C. mauritanicus. See C. sabatius. ASPARAGACEAE
Pruning succulent. H 11∕4in (3cm), S 5∕8in (1.5cm). C. minor. See C. tricolor.
If a conifer produces more than one leader, Has 2 almost united, cylindrical, very C. purpureus. See Ipomoea purpurea. Genus of evergreen shrubs or treelike,
remove all but one. Bear in mind when fleshy, erect, gray-green to brown leaves. C. sabatius, syn. C. mauritanicus, illus. woody-stemmed perennials, grown
trimming hedges that most conifers will Bears daisylike, white to pink flowers, p.342. primarily for their foliage, although some
not produce new growth when cut back 3∕4in (2cm) across, in late summer. Z10–11 C. tricolor, syn. C. minor. Moderately also have decorative flowers. Provide
into old wood or from branches that have (min. 41°F/5°C) fast-growing, upright, bushy or climbing fertile, well-drained soil and full light or
turned brown. This does not, however, C. notabile. See C. frutescens. annual. H 8–12in (20–30cm), S 8in (20cm). partial shade. Water potted plants
apply to Cephalotaxus, Cryptomeria, C. truncatum. Slow-growing, clump- Has ovate to lance-shaped, mid-green moderately, less in winter. Propagate by
Cunninghamia, Sequoia, Taxus, Torreya, forming, perennial succulent. H 5/8in leaves. In summer, bears saucer-shaped, seed or suckers in spring or by stem
and Wollemia; these conifers may be kept (1.5cm), S 6in (15cm). Has pea-shaped, blue or white flowers, 1in (25cm) across, cuttings in summer. Red spider mite
to a reasonable size by cutting back the dark spotted, blue-green leaves, each with with yellowish-white throats. Tall, climbing may be a nuisance.
main stem, which will later coppice a sunken fissure at the tip. Produces cream forms, H to 10ft (3m), have flowers to 4in C. australis, syn. Dracaena australis (New
(produce new growth). Young specimens flowers, 5⁄8in (1.5cm) across, in fall. Z10–11 (10cm) across. Z9–11. ‘Blue Flash’ (bushy) Zealand cabbage palm). Slow-growing,
of Araucaria, Ginkgo, Metasequoia and (min. 41°F/5°C) illus. p.314. ‘Royal Ensign’, H to 12in evergreen, sparsely branched tree. H 50ft
Taxodium will sometimes do the same. (30cm), produces deep blue flowers, to 2in (15m) or more, S 15ft (5m) or more. Each
CONSOLIDA (5cm) across; grow in a hanging basket. stem is crowned by a rosette of strap-
Propagation shaped leaves, 1–3ft (30–100cm) long.
Seed is the easiest method of propagation, Larkspur COPIAPOA Bears small, scented, white flowers in
but forms selected for leaf color (other large, open panicles in summer and,
than blue in some species) do not come RANUNCULACEAE CACTACEAE in fall, globose, white fruits. Z9–11.
true. Sow in fall or spring. All genera apart ‘Atropurpurea’ illus. p.451. ‘Torbay
from Abies, Cedrus, Picea (except young Genus of annuals, providing excellent cut Genus of slow-growing, perennial cacti Dazzler’ has leaves with bold, cream
plants or dwarf forms), Pinus, Pseudolarix, flowers. Needs sun and fertile, well- with funnel-shaped, yellow flowers. stripes and margins. ‘Veitchii’ has long,
Pseudotsuga and Tsuga (except young drained soil. Support stems of tall-growing Many species have large tap roots. Needs sword-shaped leaves with a red base
plants or dwarf forms) may be raised fairly plants with sticks. Propagate by seed sown partial shade and very well-drained soil. and midrib.
easily from cuttings: current growth from outdoors in spring, or in early fall in mild Propagate by seed or grafting in spring C. fruticosa, syn. C. terminalis (Good-luck
fall to spring for evergreens, softwood areas. Protect young plants from slugs and or summer. plant, Ti tree). Slow-growing, evergreen,
cuttings in summer for deciduous conifers. snails. tSeeds are poisonous if ingested. C. cinerea illus. p.489. upright shrub, sparingly branched and
C. ajacis, syn. C. ambigua, Delphinium C. coquimbana. Clump-forming, suckering. H 6–12ft (2–4m), S 3–6ft (1–2m).
C Tall-growing forms of Pinaceae (Abies, consolida. Fast-growing, upright, spherical, then columnar, perennial Broadly lance-shaped, glossy, deep green
Cedrus, Picea, Pinus, Pseudolarix, branching annual. Giant forms, H to 4ft cactus. H to 1ft (30cm), S 3ft (1m). Dark leaves are 1–2ft (30–60cm) long. Produces
Pseudotsuga and Tsuga) are usually (1.2m), S 1ft (30cm); dwarf, H and S 1ft gray-green stem has 10–17 ribs. Areoles branched panicles of small, white, purplish
propagated by grafting in late summer, (30cm). All have feathery, mid-green each bear 8–10 dark brown radial spines or reddish flowers in summer. Z11–12.
winter or early spring. Layering may be leaves and, throughout summer, spikes and 1 or 2 sturdier central spines. Yellow (min. 55°F/13°C). ‘Baptistii’ has deep
possible for some dwarf conifers. It is of rounded, spurred flowers. Z2–11. flowers, 11∕4in (3cm) across, are borne in green foliage with pink and yellow stripes
illegal to propagate Wollemia nobilis. Dwarf Hyacinth Series cultivars have summer. Slow to form clumps. Z10–11 and spots.
spikes of tubular flowers in shades of pink, (min. 41°F/5°C) C. indivisa, syn. Dracaena indivisa. Slow-
Pests and diseases mauve, blue or white. Giant Imperial C. echinoides. Flattened spherical, growing, evergreen, erect tree or shrub.
Honey fungus attacks many conifers, Series (Giant larkspur) bear spikes of perennial cactus, ribbed like a sea urchin. H 10ft (3m) or more, S 6ft (2m). Bears
especially young plants. Most resistant to rounded, spurred, double flowers in pink, H 6in (15cm), S 4in (10cm). Solitary gray- lance-shaped, green leaves, 2–6ft (0.6–2m)
the disease are Abies, Calocedrus, Larix, blue or white. green stem bears dark brown spines, 11∕4in long, orange-brown veined above, blue-
Pseudotsuga and Taxus. Green spruce C. ambigua. See C. ajacis. (3cm) long, which soon fade to gray. In gray tinted beneath. In summer, tiny, star-
aphid may be a problem on Picea, and summer, produces pale yellow flowers, shaped, white flowers in dense clusters, 2ft
conifer spinning mite may defoliate Abies, CONVALLARIA 11∕2in (4cm) across. Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C) (60cm) or more long, are followed by tiny,
Picea and some Pinus. C. marginata. Clump-forming, perennial spherical, blue-purple fruits. Z9–11
Lily-of-the-valley cactus. H 2ft (60cm), S 1ft (30cm). Gray- C. terminalis. See C. fruticosa.
Conifers are illustrated on pp.95–105, green stem bears very close-set areoles
dwarf forms on pp.105. See also Abies, ASPARAGACEAE with dark-tipped, pale brown spines, to COREOPSIS
Araucaria, Athrotaxis, Austrocedrus, 11∕4in (3cm) long. Has yellow flowers,
Calocedrus, Cedrus, Cephalotaxus, Genus of spring-flowering, rhizomatous 3∕4–2in (2–5cm) across, in spring–summer. Tickseed
Chamaecyparis, Cryptomeria, perennials. Prefers partial shade and Z10–11 (min. 41°F/5°C)
Cunninghamia, Cupressus, x Cuprocyparis, humus-rich, moist soil. Propagate by ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE
Fitzroya, Ginkgo, Juniperus, Larix, division after flowering or in fall. tThe COPROSMA
Metasequoia, Microbiota, Phyllocladus, seeds of C. majalis may cause mild Genus of annuals and perennials, grown
Picea, Pinus, Podocarpus, Pseudolarix, stomach upset if ingested. RUBIACEAE for their daisylike flower heads. Needs
Pseudotsuga, Saxegothaea, Sciadopitys, C. majalis illus. p.255. ‘Flore Pleno’ full sun and fertile, well-drained soil.
Sequoia, Sequoiadendron, Taxodium, is a low-growing, rhizomatous perennial. Genus of evergreen shrubs and trees, Propagate annuals by seed in spring;
Taxus, Thuja, Thujopsis, Torreya, Tsuga, H 9–12in (23–30cm), S indefinite. Sprays of grown for their foliage and fruits. Separate C. lanceolata by seed or division in spring;
and Wollemia. small, very fragrant, pendent, bell-shaped male and female plants are needed to C. auriculata ‘Superba’, C. lanceolata
flowers that are double and white open in obtain fruits. Prefers full light and well- ‘Goldfink’ and C. grandiflora ‘Badengold’
548 CONOPHYTUM spring. Ovate to lance-shaped leaves are drained soil. Water containerized by softwood cuttings or division in spring
mid- to dark green. ‘Fortin’s Giant’ see specimens freely in summer, moderately or summer; and C. verticillata by division
SYN. OPHTHALMOPHYLLUM ‘Géant de Fortin’. ‘Géant de Fortin’ (syn. at other times. Propagate by seed in spring in spring.
C.m. ‘Fortin’s Giant’), H 18in (45cm), has or by semiripe cuttings in late summer. C. auriculata ‘Superba’. Bushy
AIZOACEAE larger flowers and leaves that emerge a C. baueri of gardens. See C. repens. perennial. H and S 18in (45cm). Daisylike,
little earlier. var. rosea, H 8in (20cm), has C. baueriana. See C. repens. rich yellow flower heads, with central,
Genus of dwarf, often slow-growing, mat- pale mauve-pink flowers. Z2–9 C. x kirkii ‘Variegata’ illus. p.152. purple blotches, are borne in summer.
or clump-forming perennial succulents C. repens, syn. C. baueri of gardens, Ovate to lance-shaped leaves are lobed
with spherical or 2-eared leaves that grow CONVOLVULUS C. baueriana, illus. p.457. ‘Picturata’ is and light green. Some plants grown as
for only 2 months each year, after an evergreen, spreading, then erect shrub. C. auriculata are the closely related annual
flowering. In early summer, old leaves CONVOLVULACEAE C. basalis. Z4–8
gradually shrivel to papery sheaths from C. ‘Goldfink’. See C. lanceolata ‘Goldfink’.
which new leaves and flowers emerge in Genus of upright, climbing or scrambling
annuals and perennials, and evergreen
C. grandiflora ‘Badengold’. Short- should be cut back almost to ground level Z3–7. ‘Cherokee Chief’ (illus. p.87) bears (12m), S 25ft (8m). Has ovate, dark green C
lived, erect perennial with lax stems. each year in early spring. Propagate C. alba pink-red bracts, fading to white close to leaves and produces large, white bracts,
H 30in (75cm), S 2ft (60cm). Has broadly and C. sericea ‘Flaviramea’ by softwood each flower. ‘Cherokee Daybreak’ see surrounding tiny flowers, in late spring.
lance-shaped, divided, bright green cuttings in summer or by hardwood C.f. ‘Daybreak’. ‘Cherokee Princess’ Z5–7. ‘Monarch’ (illus. p.87) is a vigorous,
leaves and bears large, daisylike, rich cuttings in fall or winter; variegated forms (illus. p.87) has bronze-colored leaves that spreading tree with large, rounded, white
buttercup-yellow flower heads in of C. alternifolia and C. controversa by mature to dark green. ‘Daybreak’ (syn. bracts, surrounding tiny flowers, in
summer. Z4–9. grafting in winter; C. canadensis by C.f. ‘Cherokee Daybreak’) has gray-green midspring, and purple-blushed shoots
‘Early Sunrise’, H to 18in (45cm), is division in spring or fall; C. capitata, C. leaves with white margins that turn a bearing ovate, mid-green leaves.
usually grown as an annual, and bears florida and C. kousa by seed in fall or by striking deep pink to red in fall; bears C. ‘Porlock’ (illus. p.87). Deciduous,
semidouble, deep yellow flower heads, softwood cuttings in summer; C. nuttallii white flower bracts. ‘Rainbow’ (illus. p.87) spreading tree. H 30ft (10m), S 15ft (5m).
flushed orange-yellow near the center. by seed in fall; all others described here by has a compact, erect habit, white bracts Creamy-white bracts around tiny flowers
‘Sunray’ (syn. C. ‘Sunray’) illus. p.321. softwood cuttings in summer. tThe fruits and yellow-edged leaves turning purple- turn to deep pink in summer. These
C. lanceolata illus. p.276. ‘Goldfink’ of some species may cause mild stomach red in fall. f. rubra ‘Spring Song’ has are often followed by heavy crops of
(syn. C. ‘Goldfink’) is a short-lived, dwarf, upset if ingested; contact with leaf hairs pink bracts. ‘White Cloud’ has large strawberrylike fruits in fall. Has elliptic
bushy perennial. H and S 12in (30cm). may irritate skin. white bracts. to ovate, mid-green leaves. Z5–7
Sprays of daisylike, deep yellow flower C. alba (Red-barked dogwood). Vigorous, C. kousa illus. p.85. var. chinensis C. sanguinea (Common dogwood;
heads are produced in summer above deciduous, upright, then spreading shrub. (illus. p.87) is a deciduous, upright tree illus. p.142). Deciduous, upright shrub.
narrowly ovate, deep green leaves. H and S 10ft (3m). Young shoots are bright or shrub. H 30ft (10m), S 15ft (5m). Has H to 10ft (3m), S 3ft (1m). Reddish-green,
‘Sterntaler’ see C. ‘Sterntaler’. Z4–9 red in winter. Has ovate, dark green ovate, glossy, dark green leaves that sometimes entirely green, winter shoots
C. ‘Limerock Ruby’ illus. p.268. leaves, often red or orange in fall. Bears turn bright red-purple in fall. Produces are a deep red color when young. Ovate,
C. rosea ‘American Dream’. Upright flattened heads of star-shaped, creamy- large, tapered flower bracts, to 2in mid-green leaves turn reddish-purple in
perennial. H 14in (35cm), S 12in (30cm). Has white flowers in late spring and early (5cm) long, which open creamy-white, fall. Flattened heads of star-shaped, white
small, lance-shaped, dark green leaves and summer, followed by spherical, sometimes aging to pure white, and eventually to flowers, in late spring, are followed by
bears abundant daisylike, yellow-centered, blue-tinted, white fruits. Z3–7. shades of pink and red, followed by ovoid, blue-black fruits. Grows well in
pink flower heads, on self-supporting, ‘Aurea’ (illus. p.126) has pale greenish- strawberrylike fruits. var. chinensis damp soil. Z5–7. ‘Anny’s Winter
branched stems, in midsummer. Z4–9 yellow leaves in summer. ‘Elegantissima’ ‘China Girl’ (illus. p.87) is vigorous and Orange’ has bright red winter shoots,
C. ‘Rum Punch’ illus. p.326. (illus. p.126) has white-edged, gray-green free-flowering, even when young. var. orange toward the bases; long-lasting
C.‘Sterntaler’. Upright perennial. leaves. ‘Gouchaultii’ has pink-flushed chinensis ‘Wisley Queen’ bears leaves turn deep yellow in fall.
H to 16in (40cm), S 12in (30cm). Produces leaves broadly edged with yellow. purplish-red leaves in fall, and produces ‘Magic Flame’ has winter shoots colored
sprays of daisylike, yellow flower heads ‘Kesselringii’ (illus. p.126) has dark prodigious quantities of creamy-white red in the upper half, orange-yellow
with brown centers in summer and green leaves flushed reddish-purple in fall. bracts, aging to reddish-pink; older trees below; leaves are rounded and turn
narrowly ovate, deep green leaves. Z4–9 ‘Sibirica’ illus. p.143. have attractive, flaking bark. ‘John apricot in fall. ‘Midwinter Fire’ (illus.
C. ‘Sunray’. See C. grandiflora ‘Sunray’. ‘Sibirica Variegata’ (illus. p.142) has Slocock’ is upright when young; bears p.126) produces flame-colored stems,
C. tinctoria (Tick-seed) illus. p.321. gray-green leaves with creamy-white prodigious quantities of flowers and fruit. yellow at the bases rising to scarlet-red
‘Golden Crown’ is a fast-growing, margins. ‘Spaethii’ (illus. p.126) has ‘Miss Satomi’ (illus. p.87) has deep pink on younger growth.
upright, bushy annual. H 2ft (60cm), S 8in bright green leaves with yellow edges. bracts and reliable purplish-red fall color. C. sericea, syn. C. stolonifera (Red osier
(20cm). Has lance-shaped, deep green C. alternifolia (illus. p.87). Deciduous, ‘National’ (illus. p.87) is vigorous and dogwood). ‘Flaviramea’ (illus. p.126)
leaves and, in summer and early fall, bears spreading tree or bushy shrub, with tiered vase-shaped, with scarlet to reddish- is a vigorous, deciduous shrub. H 6ft (2m),
large, daisylike, deep yellow flower heads branches. H and S 20ft (6m). Ovate, bright purple leaves in fall; produces large, S 13ft (4m). Has olive-green to yellow,
with brown centers. Z4–9 green leaves, which each taper to a point, creamy-white, overlapping bracts, aging young shoots in winter and ovate, mid-
C. verticillata illus. p.276. often turn red in fall. Clusters of tiny, to pink, and larger fruit than average, up green leaves. Flattened heads of small,
star-shaped, creamy-white flowers in to 11∕2in (3.5cm) across. ‘Summer Fun’ star-shaped cream flowers, in late spring
CORIARIA early summer are followed by small, has strikingly variegated light green and early summer, are followed by ovoid,
rounded, blue-black fruits. Z3–7. leaves, widely margined with creamy- creamy-white fruits. ‘Hedgerows Gold’
CORIARIACEAE ‘Argentea’ (illus. p.87) has narrowly yellow at first, becoming creamy-white is very vigorous, with leaves irregularly
ovate, white-variegated leaves. and turning to pink shades in fall; it has margined with golden yellow, aging to
Genus of spring- or summer-flowering C. canadensis, syn. small white flower bracts; best grown creamy white; in fall, leaves turn a
small trees or shrubs, usually deciduous, Chamaepericlymenum canadense in partial shade. ‘Teutonia’ is upright, combination of cream, purple and pinkish-
and rhizomatous, herbaceous or (Creeping dogwood), illus. p.360. with large, white overlapping bracts that maroon. ‘White Gold’ (syn. C.s. ‘White
subshrubby perennials, grown for their C. capitata, syn. Dendrobenthamia turn pink and red, borne in midsummer. Spot’; illus. p.126) has mid-green leaves
habit, foliage and fruits. Needs full sun capitata (Bentham’s corne; illus. p.87). ‘Wolf Eyes’ has creamy-white-margined, margined and mottled with white. ‘White
and fertile, well-drained soil. Propagate Evergreen or semievergreen, spreading undulating leaves which become pink- Spot’ see C.s. ‘White Gold’. Z3–7
by softwood cuttings in summer or by tree. H and S up to 40ft (12m). Pale yellow tinted in fall. Z5–9 C. stolonifera. See C. sericea.
seed in fall. tThe leaves and fruits of bracts, surrounding insignificant flowers, C. mas (Cornelian cherry; illus. p.87).
some species may cause severe stomach are borne in early summer, followed by Deciduous, spreading, open shrub or COROKIA 549
upset if ingested; in other species, the large, strawberrylike, red fruits. Has ovate, tree. H and S 15ft (5m). Ovate, dark green
fruits are edible, although the seeds are gray-green leaves. Good for mild coastal leaves turn reddish-purple in fall. In late ARGOPHYLLACEAE/ESCALLONIACEAE
thought to be poisonous. areas. Z3–7 winter and early spring, bears small, star-
C. terminalis. Deciduous, arching C. controversa (illus. p.87). Deciduous shaped, yellow flowers on bare shoots, Genus of evergreen shrubs, grown for
subshrub. H 3ft (1m), S 6ft (2m). Broadly tree with layered branches. H and S 50ft then edible, oblong, bright red fruits. their habit, foliage, flowers and fruits.
lance-shaped, fernlike, mid-green leaves (15m). Leaves are ovate, pointed and bright Z5–9. ‘Aurea’ has golden-yellow leaves Very wind tolerant in mild, coastal areas.
turn red in fall. Minute, green flowers in green, turning purple in fall Clusters of in spring, becoming softer yellow by Where marginally hardy, protect from
late spring are succeeded by small, small, star-shaped, white flowers are midsummer, and taking on pink tinges strong winds. Needs full sun and fertile,
spherical, black fruits. Z7–10. var. borne in summer. Z3–7. ‘Variegata’ during fall. ‘Aureoelegantissima’ (syn. well-drained soil. Propagate by softwood
xanthocarpa illus. p.161. (Wedding-cake tree), H and S 25ft (8m), has C.m. ‘Elegantissima’; illus. p.87), H 6ft (2m), cuttings in summer.
bright green leaves with broad, creamy- S 10ft (3m), has pink-tinged leaves edged C. buddlejoides. Evergreen, upright
CORNUS white margins, turning yellow in fall. with yellow. ‘Elegantissima’ see C.m. shrub. H 10ft (3m), S 6ft (2m). Has slender,
C. ‘Eddie’s White Wonder’ (illus. p.87). ‘Aureoelegantissima’. ‘Variegata’ is gray shoots and narrowly oblong, glossy,
Dogwood Deciduous, spreading tree or shrub. H 20ft bushy and dense, with white-edged, dark green leaves. Bears panicles of star-
(6m), S 15ft (5m). Large, white bracts, dark green leaves. shaped, yellow flowers in late spring, then
CORNACEAE surrounding insignificant flowers, develop C. ‘Norman Hadden’. Deciduous, spherical, blackish-red fruits. Z8–10
in late spring. Ovate leaves are mid-green, spreading tree. H and S 25ft (8m). Creamy- C. cotoneaster (Wire-netting bush) illus.
Genus of mainly deciduous shrubs and turning red and purple in fall. Z3–7 white bracts around tiny flowers turn to p.144.
small trees, and a few woody-based C. florida (Flowering dogwood). deep pink in summer. These are often C. x virgata. Evergreen, upright, dense
perennials, grown for their flowers, Deciduous, spreading tree. H 20ft (6m), followed by strawberrylike fruits in fall. shrub. H and S 10ft (3m). Leaves are oblong
foliage or brightly colored winter stems. S 25ft (8m). In late spring, bears white or Has elliptic-ovate, mid-green leaves, some and glossy, dark green above, white
Needs sun or semishade and fertile, pinkish-white bracts surrounding tiny, turning yellow or pink in fall. Z5–9 beneath. Produces star-shaped, yellow
well-drained soil. Those grown for insignificant flowers. Ovate, pointed, dark C. nuttallii (Mountain dogwood, Pacific flowers in midspring, then egg-shaped,
winter stem color do best in full sun. green leaves turn red and purple in fall. dogwood). Deciduous, conical tree. H 40ft bright orange fruits. Good as a hedge,
C. florida, C. kousa and C. nuttallii dislike especially in coastal areas. Z8–10
shallow, chalky soil. C. canadensis prefers
acidic soil. Plants grown for their stems
CORONILLA very sharp-edged, outward-curving leaves, dense spike of long-spurred, pale yellow in reddish husks in early fall. Z5–9
5ft (1.5m) long. In late summer, erect, flowers, with lips tipped green or brown, C. colurna (Turkish hazel). Deciduous,
PAPILIONACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE plumelike, silvery panicles, up to 2ft (60cm) in early summer. Z4–8 conical tree. H 70ft (20m), S 22ft (7m).
long, are borne above mid-green leaves. C. ochroleuca, syn. Pseudofumaria alba, Has broadly ovate, strongly toothed,
Genus of deciduous or evergreen shrubs, Male and female flowers are produced on Pseudofumaria ochroleuca, illus. p.337. almost lobed, dark green leaves. Long,
annuals and perennials, grown for their separate plants; females, with long, silky C. popovii illus. p.349. yellow catkins are borne in late winter.
foliage and flowers. Where marginally hairs, are more decorative. Z8–10. C. solida, syn. C. halleri. Tuft-forming, Clusters of nuts are set in fringed
hardy, grow against a south- or west- ‘Aureolineata’ (syn. C.s. ‘Gold Band’), tuberous perennial. H 4–8in (10–20cm), husks. Z4–8
facing wall. Requires full sun and light, H to 7ft (2.2m), is compact, and has leaves S 3–5in (8–12cm). Leaves alternate on C. maxima (Filbert). Vigorous, deciduous,
well-drained soil. Propagate by softwood with rich yellow margins aging to dark flower stems, each of which bears a dense bushy, open shrub or tree. H 20ft (6m),
cuttings in summer. golden-yellow. ‘Gold Band’ see C.s. spike of dull purplish-red flowers in spring. S 15ft (5m). Bears ovate, toothed, mid-
C. glauca. See C. valentina subsp. glauca. ‘Aureolineata’. ‘Pumila’, H to 5ft (1.5m), Dies down in summer. Z4–8. ‘George green leaves, long, yellow catkins in late
C. valentina subsp. glauca, syn. C. S 4ft (1.2m), bears mid-green leaves and Baker’ (syn. C.s. ‘G.P. Baker’) illus. p.353. winter and edible, egg-shaped, brown
glauca, illus. p.195. abundant, erect, silvery yellow plumes. C. wilsonii illus. p.335. nuts. Z4–8. ‘Purpurea’ illus. p.115. ‘Red
‘Silver Comet’ illus. p.285. Filbert’ of gardens see C. avellana
CORREA ‘Sunningdale Silver’ illus. p.284. CORYLOPSIS ‘Rotblättrige Zellernuss’. ‘Red Zellernut’
see C. avellana ‘Rotblättrige Zellernus’.
Genus of evergreen shrubs and small PRIMULACEAE Genus of deciduous shrubs and trees, grown
trees, grown for their flowers. Prefers for their fragrant, yellow flowers, which CORYNOCARPACEAE
full light or partial shade and fertile, Genus of clump-forming, spring- and are produced before hazellike leaves emerge.
well-drained, neutral to acidic soil. Water summer-flowering perennials, related to Late frost may damage flowers. Prefers Genus of evergreen trees, grown for their
containerized specimens moderately, less Primula, with one-sided racemes of bell- semishade and fertile, moist but well- foliage and overall appearance. Needs full
when not in flower. Propagate by seed in shaped flowers. Not suited to hot, dry drained, acidic soil. Propagate by softwood light or partial shade and fertile, moisture-
spring or by semiripe cuttings in late climates as needs shade and humus-rich, cuttings in summer or by seed in fall. retentive but well-drained soil. Water
summer. moist soil. Propagate by seed when fresh C. glabrescens illus. p.111. containerized specimens moderately,
C. backhouseana. Evergreen, rounded, or by division in fall. C. pauciflora illus. p.126. less when temperatures are low. Pruning
well-branched shrub. H and S 6ft (2m). C. matthioli illus. p.341. C. sinensis, syn. C. willmottiae. Vigorous, is tolerated if necessary. Propagate by
Leaves are ovate to elliptic and dark green, deciduous, spreading, open shrub. H and seed when ripe or by semiripe cuttings
with dense, pale buff down beneath. CORYDALIS S 12ft (4m). Leaves are bright green above, in summer.
Tubular, pale yellow-green to white blue-green beneath. Clusters of bell- C. laevigatus illus. p.451.
flowers are produced in spring and PAPAVERACEAE shaped, pale yellow flowers open from
intermittently until fall. Z9–11 early to midspring. Z6–8. ‘Spring CORYPHANTHA
C. ‘Carmine Bells’. See C. ‘Dusky Bells’. Genus of spring- and summer-flowering Purple’ has deep plum-purple, young
C. ‘Dusky Bells’, syn. C. ‘Carmine Bells’, annuals, biennials and tuberous or fibrous- leaves. CACTACEAE
C. ‘Pink Bells’, C. ‘Rubra’. H 12–36in (30– rooted perennials, some of which are C. spicata. Deciduous, spreading, open
90cm), S 5–10ft (1.5–3m). Evergreen, wide- evergreen, grown for their tubular, shrub. H 6ft (2m), S 10ft (3m). Bristle- Genus of perennial cacti with roughly
spreading shrub. Has reddish-brown spurred, 2-lipped flowers or for their toothed leaves are dull, pale green above, spherical, spiny, green stems. Stems have
stems and ovate, mid- to deep green fernlike leaves. Needs full sun or partial blue-green beneath. Drooping clusters of elongated areoles in grooves running along
shade and well-drained soil; some require bell-shaped, pale yellow flowers are borne upper sides of tubercles; many species
C leaves. Tubular, dusky carmine-red flowers humus-rich soil and cool growing in midspring. Z6–8 only show this groove on very old plants.
are borne from fall to spring. Z8–11 conditions. Propagate by seed in fall or by C. willmottiae. See C. sinensis. Funnel-shaped flowers are produced in
C. x harrisii. See C. ‘Mannii’. division when dormant: fall for spring- summer, followed by cylindrical, green
C. ‘Harrisii’. See C. ‘Mannii’. flowering species, spring for summer- CORYLUS seed pods. Needs a site in full sun with
C. ‘Mannii’, syn. C. x harrisii, C. ‘Harrisii’. flowering species. very well-drained soil. Propagate by seed
Evergreen, bushy, slender-stemmed C. ambigua of gardens. See C. Hazel in spring or summer.
shrub. H and S 6ft (2m). Produces fumariifolia. C. cornifera, syn. C. radians, illus. p.480.
narrowly ovate leaves with short C. bulbosa of gardens. See C. cava. BETULACEAE C. radians. See C. cornifera.
hairs beneath. Tubular, scarlet flowers C. cashmeriana. Tuft-forming, fibrous- C. vivipara. See Escobaria vivipara.
are borne from summer to fall, sometimes rooted perennial. H 4–10in (10–25cm), Genus of deciduous trees and shrubs,
in other seasons. Z9–11 S 3–4in (8–10cm). Has divided, semierect, grown for their habit, catkins and often COSMOS
C. ‘Marian’s Marvel’. Evergreen, open, basal leaves and, in summer, dense spikes edible fruits (nuts). Prefers sun or
spreading shrub. H 3ft (1m), S 5ft (1.5m). of 2-lipped, brilliant blue flowers. Needs semishade and fertile, well-drained soil. ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE
Has long stems, rusty-hairy when young cool, partially shaded, humus-rich, neutral Cut out suckers as they arise. Propagate
and with upturned ends. Leaves are ovate to acidic soil. Good for a rock garden. Dies species by seed in fall, cultivars by grafting Genus of summer- and early fall-flowering
to heart-shaped, smooth and shiny above, down in winter. Z5–7 in late summer or by suckers or layering in annuals and tuberous perennials. Needs
densely rusty-hairy beneath. Tubular pink C. cava, syn. C. bulbosa of gardens. late fall to early spring. Mildew may cause sun and does best in moist but well-
flowers, with slightly reflexed, creamy- Spring-flowering, tuberous perennial. defoliation; other fungi and insects may drained soil. In mild-winter regions, tubers
green tips, are borne from early summer H 4–8in (10–20cm), S 3–4in (8–10cm). spoil nuts. of C. atrosanguineus may be overwintered
to fall. Z8–11 Leaves are semierect, basal and much C. avellana (Cobnut). ‘Contorta’ in ground if protected with deep mulch.
C. ‘Pink Bells’. See C. ‘Dusky Bells’. divided. Bears dense spikes of tubular, (Corkscrew hazel) illus. p.118. Propagate hardy species by basal cuttings
C. pulchella illus. p.164. dull purple flowers. Dies down in summer. ‘Fuscorubra’ of gardens see C.a. in spring, annuals by seed in fall or spring.
C. reflexa. Evergreen, bushy, slender- Z4–8 ‘Rotblättrige Zellernus’. ‘Red Majestic’ C. atrosanguineus, syn. Bidens
stemmed shrub. H and S to 6ft (2m). Ovate C. cheilanthifolia illus. p.335. is a distinctive, upright shrub. H 10ft (3m), atrosanguinea, illus. p.238. ChoCamoCha
leaves have thick down beneath. Bears C. diphylla illus. p.354. S 6ft (2m). Has twisted, slightly pendulous (‘Thomocha’) illus. p.306.
tubular, greenish-yellow to crimson or C. fumariifolia, syn. C. ambigua of shoots bearing bright reddish-purple C. bipinnatus. Upright, bushy annual.
rose flowers, with greenish-white petal gardens. Tuberous perennial, flowering leaves in spring, becoming paler by H to 5ft (1.5m), S 11∕2ft (45cm). Has feathery,
tips, in summer–fall, sometimes in other from spring to early summer. H to 6in summer. Produces reddish catkins on the mid-green leaves, and, throughout
seasons. Z9–11 (15cm), S to 4in (10cm). Stem bears much- bare twigs in late winter. ‘Red Zellernut’ summer, produces solitary, bowl- or
C. ‘Rubra’. See C. ‘Dusky Bells’. divided leaves and a short spike of 2-lipped, see C.a. ‘Rotblättrige Zellernus’. saucer-shaped flower heads in white, pink,
azure blue or purplish-blue flowers, with ‘Rotblättrige Zellernuss’ (syn. or crimson, with yellow centers. Z9–11.
550 CORTADERIA flattened, triangular spurs. Dies down in C.a. ‘Fuscorubra’ of gardens, C.a. ‘Red Cupcakes Series, H to 4ft (1.2m), S 2ft
summer. Z4–8 Zellernut’, C. maxima ‘Red Filbert’ of (60cm), has fluted, single or semidouble
POACEAE/GRAMINEAE C. halleri. See C. solida. gardens, C. m. ‘Red Zellernut’), H 10–12ft flower heads, the outer petals fused
C. lutea, syn. Pseudofumaria lutea, illus. (3–4m), S 6–10ft (2–3m), has large, together to form a bowl, in white, pale
See also GRASSES, BAMBOOS, RUSHES, p.344. roundish, coarsely toothed leaves, dark pink or pink with darker petal bases.
and SEDGES. C. nobilis. Perennial with long, fleshy, reddish-purple on top, lighter burgundy- Razzmatazz Series, H 32–36in (80–
C. richardii illus. p.284. fibrous roots. H and S 8–14in (20–35cm). red below, maturing dark purplish-green. 100cm), S 12in (30cm), is compact, with
C. selloana (Pampas grass). Evergreen, Bears much-divided leaves on lower part In early spring, showy, pendent, purplish- semidouble flower heads in white and
clump-forming, stately, perennial grass. of flower stems, each of which bears a pink male catkins are borne on bare shades of pink, sometimes edged with
H to 8ft (2.5m), S 4ft (1.2m). Has narrow, branches. Produces large, red-shelled nuts darker pink. Good in containers.