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Published by iLibrary Sanggar Pustaka Ismail, 2021-06-30 05:21:28

Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers by Christopher Brickell (

by Christopher Brickell (

Keywords: encyclopedia,english

Hebe albicans Hebe recurva
Evergreen shrub that forms a dense Evergreen, open, spreading shrub.
mound of blue-gray foliage covered Leaves are narrow, curved, and blue-
with small, tight clusters of white gray. Small spikes of white flowers are
flowers from early to midsummer. produced from mid- to late summer.

5ft 1.5m 5ft 1.5m

ADZ9–11 AD5ft 0 Z9–11 5ft 0


Hesperoyucca whipplei

(Our Lord’s candle)

Evergreen, virtually stemless shrub

that forms a dense tuft of slender,

pointed, blue-green leaves. Very long

panicles of fragrant, greenish- 5ft 1.5m
white flowers are produced in

late spring and early summer.

ADZ7–9 5ft 0

Yucca flaccida ‘Ivory’ Ozothamnus ledifolius Leptospermum rupestre
Evergreen, semiprostrate, widely
Evergreen, very short-stemmed shrub Evergreen, dense shrub. Yellow shoots arching shrub with reddish shoots
and small, dark green leaves that
that produces tufts of narrow, dark are covered with small, aromatic leaves, turn bronze-purple in winter. Small,
open cup-shaped, white flowers,
green leaves and long panicles of glossy, dark green above, yellow red-flushed in bud, are borne in 5ft 1.5m
early summer.
bell-shaped, white flowers from mid- beneath. Small, white flower heads

to late summer. 5ft 1.5m are borne in early summer. 5ft 1.5m

ADZ5–9 5ft ADZ8–9 5ft ADZ8–11 5ft 151
1.5m 1.5m 1.5m
0 0 0





Weigela ‘Nana Variegata’ Deutzia x hybrida ‘Mont Rose’ Indigofera himalayensis

Deciduous, bushy, dense shrub. Deciduous, bushy shrub that produces Deciduous, upright, open shrub.

Bears a profusion of funnel-shaped, clusters of pink or pinkish-purple Dark green leaves consist of 7–11 ovate

pink flowers in late spring and flowers in early summer, with yellow leaflets. Slender, erect spikes of pale

early summer, and has mid-green anthers and occasionally white pink flowers are borne from early

leaves broadly edged with 5ft 1.5m markings. Leaves are sharply 5ft 1.5m summer to early fall. 5ft 1.5m
creamy white. toothed and dark green.

ADZ5–8 AD5ft 0 Z6–8 AD5ft 0 Z6–9 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m

Coprosma x kirkii ‘Variegata’ Fuchsia ‘Lady Thumb’ Hebe ‘Nicola’s Blush’ Cistus x skanbergii
Deciduous, upright, dwarf shrub Evergreen, bushy shrub. A profusion
Evergreen, densely branched shrub, bearing small, semidouble flowers Dwarf, bushy, rounded, evergreen shrub. of pale pink flowers are borne amid
with reddish-pink tubes and sepals, narrow, gray-green leaves from
prostrate when young, later semi-erect. and pink-veined, white petals. May be Lance-shaped, red-margined, mid-green early to midsummer.
trained as a miniature standard.
White-margined leaves are borne singly leaves, flush purple in winter. Bears 5ft 1.5m
5ft 1.5m
or in small clusters. Tiny, translucent, racemes of magenta-pink flowers that

white fruits appear in fall 5ft 1.5m fade to white, giving a two-tone 5ft 1.5m
on female plants if both effect, from early summer to fall

152 sexes are grown. or early winter.

ADZ8–10 5ft 0 BDZ9–11 5ft 0 ADZ8–11 5ft 0 ADZ9–11 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m

Deutzia x elegantissima ‘Rosealind’ Ceanothus x pallidus ‘Perle Rose’
Deciduous, rounded, bushy, dense Deciduous, bushy shrub that from
shrub that produces clusters of midsummer to early fall bears dense
5-petaled, deep pink flowers from racemes of bright carmine-pink flowers
late spring to early summer. amid broad, ovate, mid-green leaves.

5ft 1.5m 5ft 1.5m

ADZ6–8 5ft 0 ADZ8–11 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m


Cistus x argenteus ‘Peggy Sammons’ Penstemon isophyllus
Evergreen, bushy shrub with ovate,
gray-green leaves. Saucer-shaped, pale Slightly untidy, deciduous shrub
purplish-pink flowers are produced
freely during early summer. or subshrub that, from mid- to late

5ft 1.5m summer, bears long sprays of large,

white- and red-throated, deep pink

flowers above spear-shaped, 5ft 1.5m
glossy, mid-green leaves.

ADZ9–11 AD5ft 0 Z8–11 5ft 0

Phlomis italica Hebe ‘Great Orme’ Spiraea japonica ‘Little Princess’ Abelia ‘Edward Goucher’
Evergreen, upright shrub. In
midsummer, whorls of lilac-pink flowers Evergreen, rounded, open shrub. Has Slow-growing, deciduous, mound- Deciduous or semievergreen,
are borne at the ends of shoots amid
narrow, woolly, gray-green leaves. deep purplish shoots and glossy, dark forming shrub that produces copious arching shrub. Ovate, bright green

5ft 1.5m green foliage. Slender spikes of deep small heads of rose-pink blooms from leaves are bronze when young. Bears

pink flowers that fade to white are mid- to late summer. Small, dark green a profusion of lilac-pink flowers from

produced from midsummer 5ft 1.5m leaves are bronze when young. 5ft 1.5m midsummer to fall. 5ft 1.5m
to mid-fall.

ADZ9–11 5ft ADZ9–11 5ft ADZ4–9 5ft ADZ7–9 5ft 153
1.5m 1.5m 1.5m
0 0 0 1.5m 0


With their vivid blooms and long flowering season, SUMMER
hardy fuchsias are outstanding garden shrubs. They
flower throughout the summer months, producing an PINK
abundance of vibrant, pendant, single to double flowers,
with flared or elegantly recurved sepals. These range in
color from deep red and purple to soft pink and pure
white, and are often bicolored. Unlike tender varieties
(see p.302), hardy fuchsias can be grown outside all year
in full sun or partial shade. They require moist, well-
drained soil, and can be grown in large containers.

Abelia parvifolia Spiraea japonica ‘Anthony Waterer’

Deciduous, arching shrub. Pointed, Deciduous, upright, compact shrub.

mid-green leaves are bronze when Red, young foliage matures to dark

young. Yellow-blotched, rose-purple green, often with creamy-white leaf

and white flowers are borne from margins. Heads of crimson-pink

midsummer to mid-fall. 5ft 1.5m blooms are borne from mid- to 5ft 1.5m
late summer.

ADZ7–9 AD5ft 0 Z4º9 5ft 0

F. ‘Madame Cornélissen’ F. magellanica F. ‘Riccartonii’

F. ‘Rufus’ F. magellanica var. gracilis

Cistus creticus (Rock rose) Kalmia angustifolia (Sheep laurel)

Evergreen, bushy shrub. Pink or Mound-forming, evergreen shrub.

purplish-pink flowers, each with a Produces oblong to elliptic, dark green

central, yellow blotch, are borne amid leaves, in opposite pairs or whorls of 3.

ovate, wavy-margined, deeply veined, Small, bowl- or cup-shaped, pink,

gray-green leaves, from early to 5ft 1.5m occasionally white, flowers are 5ft 1.5m
midsummer. produced in corymbs, in

early summer.

ADZ9–10 5ft 0 ADZ4-9 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m

F. ‘Mrs Popple’

F. ‘Corallina’

Desmodium elegans Gaultheria shallon (Shallon)

Deciduous, upright subshrub. Mid- Evergreen, bushy shrub. Red shoots

green leaves consist of 3 large leaflets. carry broad, pointed, dark green leaves.

Large racemes of pale lilac to deep Racemes of urn-shaped, pink flowers in

pink flowers are borne from late late spring and early summer are

summer to mid-fall. 5ft 1.5m followed by purple fruit. 5ft 1.5m

154 ADZ8–11 BEM t5ft 5ft
F. magellanica ‘Thompsonii’ F. ‘Howlett’s Hardy’ 1.5m
0 Z6–8 0

F. ‘Tom Thumb’


Salvia is a vast genus of 900 species of mainly tender
subshrubs or herbaceous perennials from North, Central,
and South America and Africa. Most species have aromatic
leaves, and the foliage of common sage, Salvia officinalis,
has been cultivated for centuries for culinary and medicinal
use. The flowers of shrubby salvias, which are primarily
white, pink, or red, are hooded and borne in whorls along
the stems in summer and early fall. Most species are quite
tender and need winter protection in frost-prone areas,
although common sage and its cultivars are fully hardy.
S. microphylla will also withstand a few degrees of frost,
but the others featured here are conservatory plants.
Grow garden salvias in free-draining soil and full sun.

S. x jamensis S. x jamensis ‘La Luna’
‘Sierra San Antonio’

S. officinalis ‘Tricolor’ S. officinalis ‘Berggarten’

S. microphylla ‘Pink Blush’ S. microphylla ‘Newby Hall’ S. officinalis S. ‘Hot Lips’

S. microphylla ‘La Foux’ S. greggii ‘Icing Sugar’ S. officinalis ‘Purpurascens’

S. microphylla ‘Kew Red’


S. x jamensis ‘Maraschino’ S. x jamensis ‘Red Velvet’ S. microphylla ‘Cerro Potosi’ S. officinalis ‘Icterina’




Kalmia angustifolia f. rubra Spiraea japonica ‘Goldflame’
Evergreen, bushy, mound-forming
shrub with ovate, dark green leaves and Deciduous, upright, slightly arching
clusters of small, deep red flowers in
early summer. shrub with orange-red, young leaves

5ft 1.5m turning to bright yellow and finally

pale green. Bears heads of deep

rose-pink flowers from mid- to 5ft 1.5m
late summer.

AEM tZ7–11 5ft 0 ADZ4–9 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m


Escallonia rubra ‘Woodside’ Potentilla fruticosa ‘Red Ace’ Salvia fulgens
Evergreen, bushy, dense shrub. Has
small, glossy, dark green leaves and Deciduous, spreading, bushy, dense Evergreen, upright subshrub. Ovate
short racemes of small, tubular, crimson
flowers from summer to fall. shrub. Bright vermilion flowers, pale leaves are white and woolly beneath,

5ft 1.5m yellow on the backs of petals, are hairy above. Racemes of tubular,

produced among mid-green leaves 2-lipped, scarlet flowers are produced

from late spring to mid-fall, but 5ft 1.5m in late summer. 5ft 1.5m
fade quickly in full sun.

ADZ8–9 BD5ft 0 Z3–7 5ft 0 ADZ11–15 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m

Phygelius aequalis Salvia microphylla var. microphylla Acer palmatum ‘Dissectum
Evergreen or semievergreen, upright
suckering shrub. Clusters of tubular, Evergreen, well-branched, upright Atropurpureum’
pale red flowers with yellow throats are
borne from midsummer to early fall. shrub with pale to mid-green leaves. Deciduous shrub that forms a mound
Leaves are ovate and dark green.
Produces tubular, bright red flowers of deeply divided, bronze-red or purple
5ft 1.5m
from purple-tinted, green calyces in late foliage, which turns brilliant red, orange,

summer and fall. 5ft 1.5m or yellow in fall. Has small, 5ft 1.5m
reddish-purple flowers in

156 mid-spring.

ADZ7–9 5ft 0 ADZ12–15 5ft 0 ADZ6–8 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m 1.5m


Hebe ‘E.A. Bowles’ Lavandula x chaytoriae ‘Sawyers’ Hyssopus officinalis (Hyssop)
Evergreen, rounded, bushy shrub with
narrow, glossy, pale green leaves and Evergreen, bushy, compact shrub with Semievergreen or deciduous,
slender spikes of lilac flowers produced
from midsummer to late fall. linear, aromatic, silvery-gray leaves. bushy shrub with aromatic, narrowly

5ft 1.5m In mid- to late summer, light purple ovate, deep green leaves. Small, blue

flowers are borne in dense spikes, to flowers are borne from midsummer

3–4in (8–10cm) long, on 5ft 1.5m to early fall. Sometimes used as 5ft 1.5m
unbranched stems. a culinary herb.

ADZ10–11 AD5ft 0 Z6–9 AD5ft 0 Z6–9 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m


Hebe ‘Autumn Glory’ Felicia amelloides ‘Santa Anita’ Ceanothus delileanus ‘Gloire de

Evergreen shrub that forms a mound Evergreen, bushy, spreading shrub. Versailles’

of purplish-red shoots and rounded, Blue flower heads, with bright yellow Vigorous, deciduous shrub. Has broad,

deep green leaves, over which dense centers, are borne on long stalks from ovate, mid-green leaves and bears long

racemes of deep purple-blue flowers late spring to fall among round to ovate, racemes of pale blue flowers from

are borne from midsummer to 5ft 1.5m bright green leaves. 5ft 1.5m midsummer to early fall. 5ft 1.5m
early winter.

ADZ9–10 5ft 0 ADZ10–11 AD5ft 0 Z7–11 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m

Hebe ‘Purple Queen’ Hebe ‘Bowles’s Hybrid’ Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary)

Evergreen, compact shrub Evergreen, rounded shrub with Evergreen, bushy, dense shrub with

with glossy, deep green leaves that ovate-oblong, slightly glossy, mid- aromatic, narrow leaves. Small, purplish-

are purple-tinged when young. green leaves. In summer, bears blue to blue flowers are borne from

Dense racemes of deep purple mauve-blue flowers in compact, mid-spring to early summer and

flowers are borne from early 5ft 1.5m tapered, terminal racemes. 5ft 1.5m sometimes in fall. Used as a 5ft 1.5m
summer to mid-fall. culinary herb.

ADZ9–11 AD AD5ft 5ft Z8–11 5ft 157
1.5m 1.5m
0 Z10–11 0 0

LAVENDERS L. x intermedia ‘Alba’

Lavandula is a popular genus of about 25 species of
aromatic shrubs and herbs that originate from the
Mediterranean region and northeast Africa to southwest
Asia and India, and which thrive in hot, dry, sunny sites.
Most have linear, silver-gray foliage and produce erect
spikes of fragrant flowers in shades of white, pink, blue, or
purple. They are versatile plants and can be used to edge
borders, paths, and hard landscaping, used against a
backdrop of stonework, as a dwarf hedge or informal divide,
or in association with roses for a typical “English style” effect.
They are also excellent plants for coastal areas, coping well
with salt-laden maritime breezes. They thrive in well-drained
soil and will suffer if planted in shade or in wet soils.

L. angustifolia ‘Miss Katherine’ L. ‘Willow Vale’ L. stoechas subsp. stoechas L. angustifolia
f. leucantha ‘Snowman’ LITTLE LOTTIE (‘Clarmo’)

L. pedunculata subsp.  L. ‘Fathead’ L. ‘Regal Splendour’ L. stoechas subsp. stoechas L. ‘Helmsdale’
pedunculata ‘James Compton’ f. rosea ‘Kew Red’

158 L. stoechas

L. angustifolia ‘Loddon Blue’ L. angustifolia ‘Imperial Gem’ L. lanata L. angustifolia ‘Hidcote’




Ceanothus thyrsiflorus var. repens Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Dart’s Gold’
(Creeping blue blossom)
Evergreen, shrub that forms a mound Deciduous, compact shrub with peeling
of broad, glossy, dark green leaves.
Racemes of blue flowers are produced bark and ovate, lobed, golden-yellow
from late spring to early summer.
leaves. Produces clusters of shallowly
5ft 1.5m
cup-shaped, white or pale pink flowers

in late spring. 5ft 1.5m

ADZ7–11 5ft 0 ADMZ3–7 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m


Perovskia ‘Blue Spire’ Ruta graveolens ‘Jackman’s Blue’ Potentilla fruticosa ‘Vilmoriniana’
Deciduous, upright shrub that bears pale
Deciduous, upright subshrub with (Common rue) yellow or creamy-white flowers from late
spring to mid-fall. Leaves are silver-gray
gray-white stems. Profuse spikes Evergreen, bushy, compact subshrub. and divided into leaflets.

of violet-blue flowers are produced Has aromatic, finely divided, blue- 5ft 1.5m

from late summer to mid-fall green foliage and produces clusters

above aromatic, deeply cut, 5ft 1.5m of small, mustard-yellow flowers 5ft 1.5m
gray-green leaves.
in summer.

ADZ6–8 AD t5ft AD5ft Z3–7 5ft
1.5m 1.5m
0 Z5–9 0 0

Ceratostigma willmottianum Weigela middendorffiana Santolina pinnata subsp.  Lupinus arboreus ( Tree lupin)
Deciduous, open shrub. Has leaves that Fast-growing, semievergreen,
turn red in late fall and produces bright, Deciduous, bushy, arching shrub. neapolitana ‘Sulphurea’ sprawling shrub that in early summer
rich blue flowers from late summer until usually bears short spikes of fragrant,
well into fall. From mid-spring to early summer Evergreen, rounded, bushy shrub yellow flowers above hairy, pale green
leaves composed of 6–9 leaflets.
5ft 1.5m funnel-shaped, sulphur-yellow with aromatic, deeply cut, feathery,
5ft 1.5m
flowers, spotted with orange gray-green foliage. Produces heads

inside, are borne amid bright 5ft 1.5m of pale primrose-yellow flowers 5ft 1.5m
green foliage. in midsummer.

ADZ6–9 5ft ADZ5–7 5ft ADZ9–11 5ft ADZ9–10t 5ft 159
1.5m 1.5m 1.5m
0 0 0 1.5m 0




Symphoricarpos orbiculatus Halimium ‘Susan’ Cytisus nigricans
Deciduous, upright shrub with dark
‘Foliis Variegatis’ Evergreen, spreading shrub with green leaves composed of 3 leaflets.
Has a long-lasting display of tall, slender
Deciduous, bushy, dense shrub with narrow, ovate, gray-green leaves. spires of yellow flowers during summer.

bright green leaves edged with yellow. Numerous single or semidouble, 5ft 1.5m

Occasionally bears white or pink flowers bright yellow flowers with central,

in summer–fall. 5ft 1.5m deep purple-red markings are 5ft 1.5m
borne in small clusters along

branches in summer.

ADZ2–7 t 5ft 0 ADZ9–11 5ft 0 ADZ6–8t 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m 1.5m


Phygelius aequalis ‘Yellow Trumpet’ Potentilla fruticosa ‘Friedrichsenii’ Phlomis fruticosa (Jerusalem sage)
Evergreen or semievergreen, upright Vigorous, deciduous, upright shrub.
subshrub. Bears clusters of pendent, From late spring to midfall, pale yellow Evergreen, spreading shrub with
tubular, pale creamy-yellow flowers flowers are produced amid gray-green
from midsummer to early fall. leaves. upright shoots. Whorls of deep

5ft 1.5m 5ft 1.5m golden-yellow flowers are produced

amid sagelike, gray-green foliage

from early to mid-summer. 5ft 1.5m

ADZ7–9 AD5ft 0 Z3–7 AD5ft 0 Z8–9 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m

Potentilla fruticosa (Sulphurascens Hypericum x hidcoteense ‘Hidcote’ Berberis thunbergii ‘Aurea’ Genista hispanica (Spanish gorse)
Deciduous, bushy, very spiny shrub
Group) ‘Elizabeth’ Evergreen or semievergreen, bushy, Deciduous, bushy, spiny shrub with with few leaves. Blooms profusely in late
spring and early summer, bearing dense
Deciduous, bushy, dense shrub with dense shrub. Bears an abundance of small, golden-yellow leaves. Racemes clusters of golden-yellow flowers.

small, deeply divided leaves and large, large, golden-yellow flowers from of small, red-tinged, pale yellow 5ft 1.5m

bright yellow flowers that appear from midsummer to early fall amid narrowly flowers in midspring are followed

late spring to midfall. 5ft 1.5m ovate, dark green leaves. 5ft 1.5m by red berries in fall. 5ft 1.5m

160 AD5ft Z6–9 AD t5ft AD5ft 5ft
ADZ3–7 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m
0 0 Z5–8 0 Z7–9 0

Brachyglottis Dunedin Group Hypericum calycinum
Evergreen, bushy shrub that forms a (Aaron’s beard)
mound of silvery-gray, young leaves,
later turning dark green. Bears bright Evergreen or semievergreen dwarf
yellow flower heads on felted
shoots from early to mid-summer. 5ft 1.5m shrub that makes good groundcover.

Has large, bright yellow flowers from

midsummer to midfall and dark 5ft 1.5m
green leaves.

ADZ9–10 AD5ft 0 Z5–9 5ft 0


Hypericum pseudohenryi (Irish tutsan) Hypericum kouytchense

Evergreen or semievergreen, upright Deciduous or semievergreen, arching

shrub. Produces loose, terminal clusters shrub. Golden-yellow flowers with

of large, cup-shaped, golden-yellow conspicuous stamens are borne among

flowers from midsummer to fall, foliage from midsummer to early fall

followed by small, reddish-green 5ft 1.5m and followed by decorative, 5ft 1.5m
fruits. Aromatic, ovate dark bronze-red fruit capsules.

green leaves turn red in fall.

AD Z7–9 5ft 0 ADZ6–9 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m

Grindelia chiloensis Brachyglottis monroi Coriaria terminalis var. xanthocarpa Halimium lasianthum

Mainly evergreen, bushy shrub with Evergreen, bushy, dense shrub that Deciduous, arching subshrub. Leaves subsp. formosum

sticky stems. Sticky, lance-shaped, makes an excellent windbreak in mild have ovate leaflets and turn red in fall. Evergreen, spreading, bushy shrub.

serrated leaves are up to 5in (12cm) coastal areas. Has small, wavy-edged, Greenish flowers in late spring are Has gray-green foliage and golden-

long. Has large, daisylike, yellow dark green leaves with white undersides. followed by decorative, succulent, yellow yellow flowers, with central, deep

flower heads in summer. 5ft 1.5m Bears heads of bright yellow 5ft 1.5m fruits in late summer and fall. 5ft 1.5m red blotches, borne in late spring 5ft 1.5m
flowers in midsummer.
and early summer.

ADZ11 5ft ADZ9–10 5ft ADZ9–11t 5ft ADZ9–11 5ft 161
1.5m 1.5m 1.5m
0 0 0 1.5m 0



Cytisus scoparius f. andreanus Potentilla fruticosa ‘Daydawn’ Berberis ‘Rubrostilla’

(Scotch broom) Deciduous, bushy, rather arching Deciduous, arching shrub. Globose

Deciduous, arching shrub with narrow, shrub. Creamy-yellow flowers, flushed to cup-shaped, pale yellow flowers,

dark green leaves that are divided into with orange-pink, appear among appearing in early summer, are followed

3 leaflets. Bears a profusion of bright divided, mid-green leaves from early by a profusion of large, coral-red fruits.

yellow-and-red flowers along 5ft 1.5m summer to midfall. 5ft 1.5m Gray-green leaves turn brilliant 5ft 1.5m
elegant, green branchlets in late red in late fall.

spring and early summer.

ADZ6–8t 5ft 0 ADZ3–7 5ft 0 AD tZ7–9 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m 1.5m


Potentilla fruticosa ‘Sunset’ Diplacus aurantiacus

Deciduous shrub, bushy at first, later Evergreen, domed to rounded shrub

arching. Deep orange flowers, fading with sticky, lance-shaped, glossy, rich

in hot sun, appear from early summer green leaves. Has tubular, orange,

to midfall. Mid-green leaves yellow or red-purple flowers from late

are divided into narrowly 5ft 1.5m spring to fall. 5ft 1.5m
ovate leaflets.

BDZ3–7 5ft 0 ADZ7–11 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m

Abutilon ‘Kentish Belle’ Cuphea cyanea Myrica gale (Bog myrtle) Viburnum opulus ‘Compactum’
Evergreen, rounded subshrub with Deciduous, suckering shrub of dense Deciduous, dense shrub. Has
Semievergreen, arching shrub narrowly ovate, sticky-haired leaves. habit. Produces narrowly oblong to deep green leaves, red in fall, and
Tubular flowers, orange-red, yellow rounded, highly aromatic, dark green profuse white flowers in spring
with purple shoots and deeply lobed, and violet-blue, are carried in summer. leaves, with crinkled margins. Both and early summer, followed by
male and female flowers, borne bunches of bright red berries.
purple-veined, dark green leaves. Bears 5ft 1.5m in mid- and late spring, are erect, 5ft 1.5m
golden brown catkins.
large, pendent, bell-shaped, orange-

yellow and red flowers in 5ft 1.5m 5ft 1.5m

162 5ft 0 ADZ9–11 5ft 0 AFMZ1–6 5ft 0 ADZ3–8t 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m


Vaccinium parvifolium

Deciduous, upright shrub. Has small,

dark green leaves that become bright

red in fall. Edible, bright red fruits are

produced after small, pinkish-white

flowers borne in late spring and 5ft 1.5m
early summer.

AEMZ5–8 5ft 0


Vaccinium angustifolium Skimmia japonica ‘Fructo Albo’

var. laevifolium (Lowbush blueberry) Evergreen, bushy, dense, dwarf shrub.

Deciduous, bushy shrub with bright Has aromatic, dark green leaves and

green leaves that redden in fall. Edible, dense clusters of small, white flowers

blue fruits follow white, sometimes from mid- to late spring, succeeded by

pinkish, spring flowers. 5ft 1.5m white berries. 5ft 1.5m

AEMZ2–8 5ft 0 BEZ7–9t 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m

Vaccinium corymbosum ‘Pioneer’ Fothergilla gardenii Gaultheria mucronata ‘Wintertime’ Lonicera x purpusii ‘Winter Beauty’
Deciduous, upright, slightly arching
shrub. Dark green leaves turn bright Deciduous, bushy, dense shrub. Evergreen, bushy, dense shrub. Has Semievergreen, bushy, dense shrub with
red in fall. Small, white or pinkish
flowers in late spring are followed by Produces dense clusters of tiny, prickly, glossy, dark green leaves and red-purple shoots and ovate, dark green
sweet, edible, blue-black berries.
fragrant, white flowers from mid- white flowers in late spring and early leaves. Small clusters of fragrant,
5ft 1.5m
to late spring, usually before broadly summer, followed by large, long-lasting, short-tubed, white flowers, with

ovate, dark blue-green leaves 5ft 1.5m white berries. 5ft 1.5m spreading petal lobes and yellow 5ft 1.5m
emerge. Leaves turn brilliant
anthers, appear in winter and

red in fall. early spring. 163

AEMZ3–7 5ft 0 AEMZ4–8 5ft 0 BEMZ8–9t 5ft 0 AD tZ7–9 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m




Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis Skimmia japonica ‘Rubella’

(Christmas box) Evergreen, upright, dense shrub with

Evergreen, low, clump-forming shrub. aromatic, red-rimmed, bright green

Tiny, fragrant, white flowers with foliage. Deep red flower buds in fall and

pink anthers are borne amid glossy, winter open to dense clusters of small,

dark green foliage in late winter 5ft 1.5m white flowers in spring. 5ft 1.5m
and are followed by spherical,

black fruits.

BEZ6–9 5ft 0 BEZ7–9t 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m


Sarcococca hookeriana var. digyna Daphne odora ‘Aureomarginata’ Correa pulchella Skimmia japonica

Evergreen, clump-forming, suckering, Evergreen, bushy shrub with glossy, Evergreen, fairly bushy, slender- Evergreen, bushy, dense shrub. Has

dense shrub with narrow, bright green dark green leaves narrowly edged stemmed shrub with ovate leaves. Small, aromatic, mid- to dark green leaves and

leaves. Tiny, fragrant, white flowers, with yellow. Clusters of very fragrant, pendent, tubular, rose-red flowers are dense clusters of small, white flowers

with pink anthers, open in winter deep purplish-pink and white flowers produced from summer to winter, and from mid- to late spring, followed

and are followed by spherical, 5ft 1.5m are produced from mid-winter 5ft 1.5m sometimes at other seasons. 5ft 1.5m on female plants by bright red 5ft 1.5m
black fruits. to early spring. fruits if plants of both sexes

are grown.

BEZ6–9 5ft 0 AD tZ7–9 5ft 0 ADMZ11 5ft 0 BEZ7–9t 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m

Vinca major ‘Variegata’ Gaultheria mucronata Skimmia japonica subsp. reevesiana Pittosporum tenuifolium

(Greater periwinkle) ‘Mulberry Wine’ ‘Robert Fortune’ ‘Tom Thumb’

Evergreen, prostrate, arching, spreading Evergreen, bushy, dense shrub with Evergreen, bushy, rather weak-growing Evergreen, rounded, dense shrub

subshrub. Has bright green leaves large, globose, magenta berries that shrub with aromatic leaves. Small, white with pale green, young leaves that

broadly edged with creamy white mature to deep purple. These follow flowers in spring are followed by contrast with deep reddish-brown,

and large, bright blue flowers 5ft 1.5m white flowers borne in spring– 5ft 1.5m crimson berries. 5ft 1.5m older foliage. Bears cup-shaped, 5ft 1.5m
borne from late spring summer. Leaves are glossy,
purplish flowers in summer.

164 to early fall. dark green.

BE tZ7–9 5ft 0 BEMZ8–9t 5ft 0 BEZ7–9t 5ft 0 ADZ9–11 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m


Ribes laurifolium Vaccinium glaucoalbum Vinca minor (Lesser periwinkle)

Evergreen, spreading shrub. Has Evergreen shrub with deep green leaves Evergreen, prostrate, spreading

leathery, deep green leaves and pendent that, when young, are pale green above, subshrub that forms extensive mats

racemes of greenish-yellow flowers in bluish-white beneath. Pink-tinged, white of small, glossy, dark green leaves.

late winter and early spring. Produces flowers in late spring and early summer Bears small, purple, blue, or white

edible, black berries on female 5ft 1.5m are followed by white-bloomed, 5ft 1.5m flowers, mainly from mid-spring 5ft 1.5m
plants if plants of both sexes blue-black fruits.
to early summer.

are grown.

ADZ7–9 5ft 0 BEM Z9–11 5ft 0 BE tZ4–9 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m 1.5m


Helichrysum petiolare ‘Variegatum’ Viburnum davidii Chamaerops humilis

Evergreen shrub forming mounds of Evergreen shrub that forms a dome (Dwarf fan palm, European fan palm)

silver-green shoots and gray-felted of dark green foliage, over which Slow-growing, evergreen palm,

leaves, variegated cream. Has creamy- heads of small, white flowers are borne suckering with age. Fan-shaped

yellow flower heads in summer. in late spring. If plants of both sexes leaves, 2–3ft (60–90cm) across, have

Often grown as an annual for 5ft 1.5m are grown, female plants bear 5ft 1.5m green to gray-green lobes. Bears 5ft 1.5m
groundcover and edging. decorative, metallic-blue fruits.
tiny, yellow flowers in summer.

ADZ10–11 AD t5ft 5ft 0 ADZ9–11 5ft
1.5m 1.5m
0 Z7–9 0

Artemisia arborescens (Wormwood) Ballota acetabulosa Hebe cupressoides Artemisia abrotanum
Evergreen, upright shrub, grown for its Evergreen subshrub that forms a mound Evergreen, upright, dense shrub with
finely cut, silvery-white foliage. Heads of of rounded, gray-green leaves, felted cypresslike, gray-green foliage. On (Lad’s love, Old man, Southernwood)
small, bright yellow flowers are borne in beneath. Whorls of small, pink flowers mature plants, tiny, pale lilac flowers
summer and early fall. open from mid- to late summer. are borne from early to midsummer. Deciduous or semievergreen,

5ft 1.5m 5ft 1.5m 5ft 1.5m moderately bushy shrub. Aromatic,

gray-green leaves have many very

slender lobes. Bears clusters of 5ft 1.5m
small, yellowish flower heads

in late summer. 165

ADZ5–9 5ft 0 ADZ8–9 5ft 0 ADZ8–9 5ft 0 ADZ5–8 5ft
1.5m 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m

HEATHERS E. arborea ‘Alpina’ E. x darleyensis ‘White
[win–spr] Perfection’ [win–spr]
As a group, heathers (or heaths) are remarkable in that
species and cultivars are available to provide interest at
all times of the year. Several are grown for their golden
foliage, which often turns a deep burnt orange in winter,
while others flower for a long period during summer, fall,
or winter. Flowers are in a variety of hues, and are
occasionally bicolored. In habit, heathers vary from
tree-heaths of up to 20ft (6m) to dwarf, prostrate forms,
many of which are excellent for providing groundcover.
There are three genera: Calluna, Daboecia, and Erica. All
Calluna and Daboecia cultivars and most Erica species must
be grown in acidic soil, but otherwise heathers require little
attention. Main seasons of interest are given for each plant.

E. ciliaris ‘David McClintock’ E. carnea ‘Springwood

[sum] White’ [win–spr]

E. carnea ‘Challenger’ E. x darleyensis ‘Furzey’ D. cantabrica ‘Bicolor’ E. erigena ‘Brian Proudley’
[win–spr] [win–spr] [spr–fall] [win–spr]

E. vagans ‘Birch Glow’ E. cinerea ‘C.D. Eason’ E. vagans ‘Mrs. D.F. Maxwell’ E. x darleyensis ‘Arthur E. carnea ‘Golden Starlet’
[sum] [sum] [all year]
[sum] Johnson’ [win–spr]

C. vulgaris ‘Wickwar Flame’ E. vagans ‘St. Keverne’ [sum] E. cinerea ‘Eden Valley’ C. vulgaris ‘Beoley Gold’
[sum–fall] [sum] [sum–fall]

E. carnea ‘Ann Sparkes’ E. lusitanica ‘Sheffield Park’ C. vulgaris ‘Dark Star’
[fall–spr] [sum–fall]
C. vulgaris ‘Peter Sparkes’ [sum-fall] C. vulgaris ‘Tib’ [sum]
E. ciliaris ‘Corfe Castle’ [sum] C. vulgaris ‘Annemarie’ [sum–fall]




Buxus microphylla ‘Green Pillow’ Buxus sempervirens ‘Suffruticosa’ Leucothöe fontanesiana ‘Rainbow’ Lonicera ligustrina var. yunnanensis

Evergreen, compact, dwarf shrub, Evergreen, dwarf shrub that forms Evergreen, arching shrub with sharply ‘Baggesen’s Gold’

forming a dense, rounded mass of a tight, dense mass of ovate, bright toothed, leathery, dark green leaves that Evergreen, bushy shrub with long,

small, ovate, dark green leaves. Bears green leaves. Bears insignificant age from pink- to cream-variegated. arching shoots covered with tiny,

insignificant flowers in late spring flowers in late spring or early Racemes of white flowers open below bright yellow leaves. Insignificant,

or early summer. 5ft 1.5m summer. Trimmed to about 6in 5ft 1.5m shoots in spring. 5ft 1.5m yellowish-green flowers in mid- 5ft 1.5m
(15cm) it is ideal for edging. spring are occasionally followed

by mauve fruits.

ADZ6–9t 5ft 0 ADZ6–8t 5ft 0 BEM tZ5–8 5ft 0 ADZ6–9t 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m


Ruscus hypoglossum Ruscus aculeatus (Butcher’s broom)

Evergreen, clump-forming shrub with Evergreen, erect, thicket-forming shrub

arching shoots. Pointed, glossy, bright with spine-tipped, glossy, dark green

green “leaves” are actually flattened “leaves.” Tiny, star-shaped, green flowers

shoots that bear tiny, yellow flowers in spring are followed by large,

in spring, followed by large, 5ft 1.5m spherical, bright red fruits. 5ft 1.5m
bright red berries.

ADZ7–9 BE5ft 0 Z7–9 5ft 0

Lonicera ligustrina var. pileata Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald ’n’ Gold’
Evergreen, bushy shrub with bright
Evergreen, low, spreading, dense green leaves, margined with bright
yellow and tinged with pink in winter.
shrub with narrow, dark green leaves
5ft 1.5m
and tiny, short-tubed, creamy-white

flowers in late spring, followed by

violet-purple berries. Makes 5ft 1.5m
good groundcover.

BD Z5–9 t 5ft ADZ5–9t 5ft 167
1.5m 1.5m
0 0


These most romantic of flowers are unsurpassed in beauty and
fragrance, and many people consider them indispensable

features of the garden. With some 150 species and thousands
of cultivars, both ancient and modern, there is a rose to suit
almost any situation. They come from a wide range of habitats
throughout the northern hemisphere and, with a few exceptions,
most roses in cultivation are very hardy. They are also extremely
versatile, and can be grown among bulbs, perennials, and other
shrubs in a mixed border or in a more traditional formal rose
garden. Climbing and rambling roses can be trained over
arches, arbors and pergolas, creating a blanket of scented
blooms and beautiful foliage; or, if you have a small garden,

you can plant a patio rose or two in a container.


Prized for their beauty and fragrance, roses are considered the most
romantic of flowers. They are indispensable in informal mixed planting
schemes, and add an elegant note to formal parterres. With thousands
of colors and forms to choose from, there is a rose for every garden.

roses Growing roses of nutrients to perform well, and benefit Ornamental features
from an annual application of all-purpose
With some 150 species and thousands of granular fertilizer in the spring. Roses embrace almost every color of the
cultivars, both ancient and modern, there spectrum, apart from true blue, and some
are members of the genus Rosa to suit an Year-round interest have a strong fragrance, such as the heady,
enormous number of garden situations. sweet scent of the Damasks or musk and
They come from a wide range of habitats Although some roses, notably the ramblers spicy fragrances of many modern roses.
throughout the northern hemisphere and, and species, bloom for a relatively short A few also have ornamental thorns, notably
with few exceptions, most roses are very period, many hybrids are repeat-flowering, R. sericea subsp. omeiensis f. pteracantha,
hardy. Many modern roses combine the providing a colorful display throughout the with its large, triangular thorns that glow
best qualities of old roses, such as flower summer. ‘Frühlingsmorgen’ offers the first blood-red when they are backlit.
shape and scent, with disease resistance flush of flowers in early summer, followed
and extended flowering seasons. by the main flourish from mid-summer to Foliage can also provide interest.
the first frost. To help maintain this The soft gray-purple leaves of R. glauca
When grown in a suitable site and display, deadhead your roses regularly, as and blue-green of the Alba roses provide
soil, they will repay you with a profusion this redirects the plant’s energy from seed attractive foils for crimson and purple
of blooms. All roses prefer an open, sunny formation to flower production. However, flowers, while foliage textures, ranging
site in fertile, humus-rich, moist but well- if you want attractive fruits (hips) in the fall, from glossy to matte, and delicate fernlike
drained soil. However, avoid planting them leave the blooms to fade. The best roses for to robustly wrinkled, as in R. rugosa, create
in an area where roses have been grown hips include the Rugosa’s tomato-like fruit, beautiful contrasts.
before because the soil may be affected by the flask-shaped, vibrant scarlet fruits of R.
“rose sickness,” caused by a buildup of moyesii, and the rounded, black hips of R. Designing with roses
harmful soil organisms, and plants may fail pimpinellifolia.
to thrive. Roses also require a good supply Roses have a diversity of habits, each of
which can be used to create exciting
designs. These include mound-forming
groundcover roses, densely thorny
Gallicas, and the arching Chinas and
Damasks. A traditional rose garden laid
out in a formal style with geometrically
ordered beds is particularly suited to the
upright growth of many bush roses.

170 ABOVE Container roses
Some roses have been bred specifically for containers,
such as the patio rose REGENSBURG. Partner them with
trailing annuals, such as Chaenostoma cordatum.

LEFT Formal dressing
Here, a sturdy arch clothed with clematis and a vigorous,
free-flowering rambler lends height to the scheme and
forms a perfect frame to draw the eye to the sculpture
used as a focal point.

RIGHT Summer bedfellows
Alliums, bearded irises, campanulas, and verbascums
provide perfect companions to a profusion of scented
roses in a pink-and-blue-themed summer border. Regular
deadheading will prolong the show.

In contemporary schemes, shrub roses dense, thorny shrub roses, such as the sunny and inaccessible banks, since most roses
are often grown among bulbs, perennials, Rugosa roses, also make decorative require little regular pruning.
and other shrubs in a mixed border, but structural features. Use them to create
when designing these displays, make sure large, impenetrable boundary hedges that Not all roses will thrive in containers,
that neighboring plants do not compete give privacy and security, or to divide but smaller patio roses such as R. kent
directly for moisture and nutrients. Choose a garden into compartments. Vigorous and R. mainaufeuer are a good choice,
companions that are shallow-rooted, such as groundcover roses are ideal for clothing while dwarf trailing or spreading cultivars
the many herbaceous geraniums and pinks are suitable for hanging baskets.
(Dianthus cultivars), or space plants at a
sufficient distance to allow for mulching
and feeding around the rose’s root zone.

Climbing and rambling roses can be
trained on a wall as a colorful backdrop,
or on a trellis to form a screen. In addition,
they provide a cloak of flowers and foliage
when grown on arches and over pergolas,
and make focal points on free-standing
features such as tripods and pyramids.
Large rampant ramblers, such as R. ‘Bobbie
James’ and R. ‘Seagull’, which both can
achieve 30ft (10m) or more, will quickly
scramble through a tree, offering
a profusion of blooms just after most
tree blossoms have faded.

Many climbing roses are available as
weeping standards too. Tall cultivars of


Modern hybrid tea and floribunda roses, which are commonly grown methodical way has other horticultural advantages, helping to control
in gardens, need a hard prune in late winter or early spring to attacks from fungal diseases such as blackspot, to which roses are
encourage the production of new flowering shoots. Shrub roses particularly susceptible, by removing infected wood. Before pruning,
require a more gentle pruning regime. Roses also benefit from a light use a household disinfectant to clean your shears, and apply it again
prune in fall to prevent long stems from blowing in the wind and before tackling each new plant to prevent the spread of disease. Also
rocking the plant, which may result in root damage. Pruning in a make sure your shears are sharp, as clean cuts heal more quickly.

Pruning floribunda roses Pruning hybrid tea roses Pruning shrub and species roses
Also known as cluster-flowered roses, floribundas These are large-flowered roses, and include some These usually flower once on wood made in
produce flushes of blooms through summer and varieties that repeat bloom, although they produce previous years, so prune lightly in early spring.
early fall. In early spring, remove dead, diseased, just one flower per stem. In late winter or early spring, Remove dead, damaged, or diseased wood, and
and crossing stems. Prune the other stems to cut the oldest stems to the ground, and shorten thin out congested growth to improve air flow.
outward-facing buds 8–12in (20–30cm) from the remainder to 6in (15cm) from the base. Leave Also cut some of the oldest stems to the ground.
the ground using sloping cuts. Aim to leave a three to five strong young stems after pruning and Cut main stems back by a quarter and slightly
framework of 8 to 10 strong, healthy stems. angle cuts to allow water to drain off the buds. reduce side shoots by an inch or two.




Grown for the extraordinary beauty of their flowers, With the mass hybridization that has occurred R. ‘Penelope’
roses have been in cultivation for hundreds of years. in recent years, roses have been developed Dense, Hybrid Musk rose with plentiful,
They have been widely hybridized, producing a vast to produce plants with a wide variety of dark green foliage. Bears clusters
number of shrubs suitable for growing as specimen characteristics, in particular different forms of many scented, cupped to flat,
plants, in the border, as hedges and as climbers for of flowers, often with a strong fragrance. These semidouble, pink-cream flowers, 3in
training on walls, pergolas and pillars. Many are flower types, illustrated below, give a general (8cm) across, in summer–fall. H and S 
remontant (with flowers in successive flushes), indication of the shape of the flower at its perfect 3ft (1m), more if lightly pruned.
some flower continually. Roses are classified state (which in some cases may be before it has
into three main groups: opened fully). Growing conditions may affect ADZ6–9
the form of the flower. Flowers may be single (4–7
SPECIES petals), semi- double (8–14 petals), double (15–30 R. ‘Madame Hardy’
Species, or wild, roses and species hybrids, which petals) or fully double (more than 30 petals). Vigorous, upright Damask rose with
share most of the characteristics of the parent species, plentiful, leathery, matte leaves. Richly
bear flowers generally in one flush in summer and Flat—open, usually single fragrant, quartered-rosette, fully double
hips in fall. or semidouble flowers have flowers, 3in (7cm) across, white with
petals that are almost flat. green eyes, are borne in a single flush in
OLD GARDEN ROSES summer. H 5ft (1.5m), S 4ft (1.2m).
Roses in this category flower mostly in summer (in Cupped—open, single to fully
warm climates even in spring), some continuing to double flowers have petals ADZ4–9
flower into winter. Almost all have fragrant flowers. curving outward gently from
Alba—large, freely branching roses with clusters the center. R. JACQUELINE DU PRE (‘Harwanna’)
of flowers and abundant, grayish-green foliage. Vigorous Shrub rose with glossy, dark
Bourbon—open, remontant shrub roses that may be Pointed—elegant, ‘Hybrid Tea’ green leaves. In summer–fall, bears
trained to climb. Flowers are often three to a cluster. shape; semidouble to fully cupped, semidouble, red-stamened,
China—remontant shrubs with flowers borne singly or double flowers have high, ivory flowers, 4in (10cm) across, with
in clusters, sometimes throughout winter. tight centers. palest pink petal-backs and a strong
Damask—open shrubs bearing loose clusters of usually musk perfume. Repeat flowering.
very fragrant flowers mainly in summer. Urn-shaped—classic, curved, H 4ft (1.2m), S 3ft (1m).
Gallica—fairly dense shrubs producing richly colored flat-topped, semidouble to
flowers, often three to a cluster. fully double flowers are of ADZ5–9
Hybrid Perpetual—vigorous, remontant shrubs with ‘Hybrid Tea’ type.
flowers borne singly or in threes.
Moss—often lax shrubs with a furry, mosslike growth Rounded—usually double or
on stems and calyx. Some are remontant. fully double flowers have
Noisette—remontant climbing roses that bear large even-sized, overlapping petals
clusters of flowers, with a slight spicy fragrance. that form a bowl-shaped or
Provide shelter; some flower during winter. rounded outline.
Portland—upright, rather dense, remontant shrubs
bearing loose clusters of flowers.
Provence (Centifolia)—lax, thorny shrubs bearing
scented flowers.
Sempervirens—semievergreen climbing roses that bear
numerous, fragrant flowers in late summer.
Tea—remontant shrubs and climbers with elegant,
pointed buds that open to loose flowers with a spicy
fragrance. Provide shelter; some flower during winter.

MODERN GARDEN ROSES Rosette—usually double or
fully double flowers are rather
Shrub—a diverse group, many with similar flat with many muddled,
characteristics to Old Garden roses. Most are slightly overlapping petals
remontant and larger than bush roses, with flowers of uneven size.
borne singly or in sprays in summer and/or fall.
Hybrid Tea—remontant shrubs with large flowers borne Quartered-rosette—rather flat,
in summer–fall. usually double or fully double
Floribunda—remontant shrubs with usually large flowers have muddled petals
sprays of flowers in summer–fall. of uneven size arranged in a
Dwarf clustered-flowered bush (Patio)—neat, remontant quartered pattern.
shrubs with sprays of flowers in summer–fall.
Miniature bush—very small, remontant shrubs with Pompon—small, rounded,
sprays of tiny flowers in summer–fall. double or fully double flowers,
Polyantha—tough, compact, remontant shrubs with usually borne in clusters, have
many small flowers in summer–fall. masses of small petals.
Groundcover—trailing and spreading roses, some
172 flowering in summer only, others remontant, flowering
in summer–fall.
Climbing—vigorous climbing roses, diverse in growth
and flower, some flowering in summer only, others
remontant, flowering in summer–fall.
Rambler—vigorous climbing roses with flexible stems
that bear clusters of flowers mostly in summer.


R. ‘Fantin-Latour’ R. ‘Céleste’
Vigorous Shrub rose with broad, dark Vigorous, spreading, bushy Alba
green leaves. Flowers, borne in a single rose with gray-green leaves. Fragrant,
flush in summer, are fragrant, cupped, slightly cupped, double, light pink
quartered rosettes, fully double, light flowers, 3in (8cm) across, are borne
pink, with neat, green button eyes, in a single flush in midsummer.
and 4in (10cm) across. H 5ft (1.5m), H 5ft (1.5m), S 4ft (1.2m).
S 4ft (1.2m).


R. TRANQUILITY (‘Ausnoble’) R. ‘Maiden’s Blush’ R. ‘Marguerite Hilling’
“English” rose with long, arching stems Vigorous, arching Alba rose with A sport of Rosa ‘Nevada’, this dense,
and only a few thorns. Double flowers, bluish-green foliage. Produces very arching Shrub rose has abundant,
3½in (9cm) across, white at first, with fragrant, rosette, fully double, pinkish- light green leaves. Many scented, flat,
a hint of yellow at the center, are borne white flowers, 3in (8cm) across, in a semidouble, rose-pink flowers, 4in
singly or in clusters in summer–fall, single flush in summer. H 6ft (2m), (10cm) across, are borne in a single
and have a fresh but fruity fragrance. S 41⁄2ft (1.3m). flush in summer; a few later in the
H 4ft (1.2m), S 3ft (90cm). season. H and S 7ft (2.2m).
ADZ5–9 ADZ4–9

R. ‘Nevada’ R. ‘Sally Holmes’ R. ‘Felicia’ R. ‘Reine Victoria’ 173
Dense, arching Shrub rose producing Upright, narrow Shrub rose with Vigorous Hybrid Musk rose producing Upright Bourbon rose with slender
abundant, light green leaves. Numerous abundant, glossy, deep green leaves. abundant, grayish-green foliage. stems and light green leaves. Sweetly
scented, flat, semidouble, creamy-white Substantial clusters of slightly scented, Cupped, double flowers, 3in (8cm) scented, markedly cupped, double
flowers, 4in (10cm) across, are borne in single, white flowers, 6in (15cm) across, across, are salmon-pink, musk-scented, flowers, 3in (8cm) across, in shades of
a single flush in summer; a few later with pink-peach buds, are borne in and borne from summer–fall. H 5ft pink, are borne in a single flush in
in the season. H and S 7ft (2.2m). summer and again in fall. H 6ft (2m), (1.5m), S 7ft (2.2m). summer. Grows well on a pillar.
S 3ft (1m). H 6ft (2m), S 4ft (1.2m).
ADZ4–9 ADZ6–9
ADZ5–9 ADZ6–9



R. OLIVIA ROSE AUSTIN (‘Ausmixture’) R. ‘Mutabilis’ R. ‘Mrs John Laing’ R. x odorata ‘Pallida’
“English” rose of strong, upright growth. Open China rose with coppery young Bushy Hybrid Perpetual rose with Bushy China rose with glossy, mid-green
The flowers, produced in flushes almost foliage. Shallowly cup-shaped, single, plentiful, light green foliage. Produces leaves. Freely bears tea-scented, cupped,
continuously, are light pink with a strong, buff-yellow flowers, 21⁄2in (6cm) across, many richly fragrant, rounded, fully double pink flowers, 2½in (6cm) across,
fruity scent, cupped, rosette-shaped, 3½in aging to coppery-pink or -crimson, double, mid-pink flowers, fading to from spring–fall, continuously in hot
(9cm) across, borne singly or in clusters on are borne in summer–fall, often into lilac-pink, 5in (12cm) across, in summer, climates. H 1m (3ft), sometimes to 10ft
crimson flower stalks. Has mid-green winter. H and S 3ft (1m), to 6ft (2m) repeating in fall. H 3ft (1m), S 30in (75cm). (3m) in hot climates, S 21⁄2ft (80cm).
leaves. H 3ft (1m), S 2½ft (80cm). against a wall.
ADZ5–9 ADZ6–11
ADZ5–9 ADZ7–9


R. CONSTANCE SPRY (‘Austance’) R. gallica var. officinalis ‘Versicolor’
Shrub rose of arching habit; will climb (Rosa mundi)
with support. Rounded, fully double, Neat, bushy Gallica rose. In summer
myrrh-scented flowers, 5in (12cm) produces a single flush of striking,
across, clear pink with darker centers, sweet-scented, cupped to flat, semi-
are borne in a single flush in summer. double flowers, 3in (8cm) across,
Leaves are large and plentiful. H 6ft (2m), with dark pink and white stripes.
S 10ft (3m). H 21⁄2ft (75cm), S 3ft (1m).

ADZ5–9 ADZ4–9

R. ‘Complicata’ R. STRAWBERRY HILL (‘Ausrimini’) R. ‘Madame Isaac Pereire’
Vigorous Gallica rose with thorny, Bushy Shrub rose with plentiful, glossy, Vigorous, arching, repeat-flowering
arching growth, and bright green leaves. mid-green leaves. Rosette, fully double, Bourbon rose. Fragrant, cupped to
Useful as a hedge. In summer bears a rich-pink flowers, 3in (7cm) across, quartered-rosette, fully double flowers,
single flush of slightly fragrant, cupped with a strong myrrh scent, are borne in 6in (15cm) across, are deep purple-
to flat, single flowers, 41⁄2in (11cm) across, summer and fall. The flowers fade with pink and are produced in summer.
pink with white centers, followed by age. H 5ft (1.5m), S 4ft (1.2m). H 7ft (2.2m), S 6ft (2m).
attractive hips. H 7ft (2.2m), S 8ft (2.5m).
174 ADZ5–9 ADZ6–9


R. BENJAMIN BRITTEN (‘Ausencart’) R. CARDINAL HUME (‘Harregale’) R. ‘Cardinal de Richelieu’
Vigorous “English” rose with an open Bushy, spreading Shrub rose. Bears Vigorous, compact Gallica hybrid rose
habit and large, matte, mid-green leaves. dense clusters of lightly scented, with plentiful, dark green foliage. Bears
Fully double, cupped, orange-red cupped, fully double, reddish-purple fragrant, rounded, fully double, deep
flowers, 5in (12cm) across, with a strong, flowers, 21⁄2in (6cm) across, with paler burgundy-purple flowers, with button
fruity scent, open in summer and fall. petal backs, and occasionally white- eyes, 21⁄2in (6cm) across, in small clusters
H 51⁄2ft (1.75m), S 28in (70m). striped petals, from summer–fall. in summer. H 3ft (1m), S 4ft (1.2m).
H 32in (80cm), S 31⁄2ft (1.1m).
ADZ5–9 ADZ3–9


R. GERTRUDE JEKYLL (‘Ausbord’) R. RHAPSODY IN BLUE (‘Frantasia’)
Upright, “English” rose with broad, Upright Floribunda rose with large, light
matte, mid-green, well-spaced leaves. green leaves. Bears clusters of lightly
Cupped, sometimes quartered, cupped, semidouble, blue-purple
myrrh-scented, double, deep pink flowers, 3in (8cm) across, with white
flowers, 4in (10cm) across, are borne eyes, yellow stamens, and a pungent,
from early summer. H 5ft (1.5m), spicy perfume, from summer–fall. H 51⁄2ft
S 3ft (1m). (1.6m), S 3ft (90cm).

AZ4–11 ADZ5–9

R. ‘Roseraie de l’Haÿ’ R. ‘Henri Martin’ R. ‘William Lobb’ 175
Vigorous, dense Rugosa rose with Vigorous Moss rose with an arching Moss rose with arching, thorny stems
thorny stems and abundant, wrinkled, habit. In summer, bears a single flush covered in bright green moss. Will climb
light green leaves. Produces many of rounded, double, bright crimson if supported. In summer, bears a single
strongly scented, cupped to flat, flowers, 3in (8cm) across, with a light flush of clusters of strongly sweet-
double, purple-pink flowers, 31⁄2in scent and some light green moss on scented, cupped, fully double, purplish-
(9cm) across, almost continuously. H 7ft the stems and sepals, followed by hips crimson flowers, 3in (8cm) across, which
(2.2m), S 6ft (2m). in fall. H 6ft (2m), S 4ft (1.2m). fade to lavender-gray. H and S 6ft (2m).

ADZ4–9 ADZ4–9 ADZ4–9


Roses have beautiful features that provide interest during YELLOW
many months of the year. Although most are grown for
their spectacular flowers, many also produce decorative
hips that provide glowing fall and winter color, offer birds
a valuable source of food, and create a stunning picture in
frost and snow. Fertilized flowers produce the hips, so avoid
deadheading the blooms, as this will also remove the fruit.
Thorns offer another attractive feature on some species.
Rosa sericea subsp. omeiensis f. pteracantha, for example,
has translucent thorns, while the fine thorns of moss roses
look furry, adding to their attraction. Prune these roses hard
to ensure a supply of young, thorny wood.

R. glauca K R. THE PILGRIM (‘Auswalker’)
Robust, vigorous “English” rose with
R. roxburghii glossy, bright green leaves. Bears flat
rosettes of musk-scented, fully double,
R. sericea subsp.omeiensis R. rubiginosa yellow flowers, 4in (10cm) across, fading
f. pteracantha to cream and white, in summer–fall.
Repeats well. H 4ft (1.2m), S 3ft (1m).


Upright, lax “English” rose with dark Upright “English,” arching rose, with
green leaves. Sweetly tea-scented, a lax habit and glossy, bright green
cupped but quartered, fully double, leaves. In summer, and again in fall,
golden yellow flowers, 5in (12cm) across, bears cupped, fully double, fruit-scented,
with deeper centers, open in summer golden yellow flowers, 41⁄2in (11cm)
and fall. H 5ft (1.5m), S 3ft (1m). across. H 4ft (1.2m), S 5ft (1.5m).

176 ADZ5–9 ADZ5–9

R. rugosa R. moyesii ‘Geranium’



R. ‘Buff Beauty’ R. SCHNEEWITTCHEN (‘Korbin’)
Lax Hybrid Musk rose of open habit Floribunda bush rose (better known as
with glossy, mid-green leaves. Masses ‘Iceberg’), with abundant, light green
of fragrant, cupped, fully double, rich leaves. Produces many sprays of cupped,
apricot fading to buff flowers, 31⁄2in (9cm) semidouble, pure white flowers, 3in
across are freely borne in summer–fall. (7cm) across, during summer–fall;
H and S 4ft (1.2m). repeat-flowering. H 3ft (1m), S 26in


R. EVELYN (‘Aussaucer’) R. KENT (‘Poulcov’) R. MARGARET MERRIL (‘Harkuly’)
Slightly lax, arching “English” rose with Groundcover rose with small, glossy, Upright, Floribunda bush rose. Very
large, mid-green leaves. Bears strongly dark green leaves. Produces large fragrant, double, blush-white to white
scented, quartered-rosette, fully double, clusters of cupped to flat, semidouble, flowers, are well-formed, pointed, 4in
light apricot flowers, 5in (12cm) across, pure white flowers, 1¼in (3cm) across. (10cm) across, and are borne singly or
from summer–fall. H 31⁄2ft (1.1m), S 36in Repeat-flowering, summer–fall. H 11⁄2ft in clusters from summer–fall. H 32in
(90cm). (45cm), S 3ft (1m). (80cm), S 2ft (60cm).

ADZ5–9 ADZ5–9 ADZ5–9

R. SUMMER SONG (‘Austango’) R. ‘Seagull’ R. LIONS-ROSE (‘Korvanaber’) R. KAREN BLIXEN (‘Poulari’)
Upright “English” rose with large, matte, Rampant Rambler of arching habit, with Bushy Floribunda rose with glossy, Vigorous Hybrid Tea rose with semi-
mid-green leaves. Produces cupped, mid-green leaves. Large clusters of cupped dark green leaves. Repeat-flowering glossy, mid-green leaves. Urn-shaped,
later quartered-rosette, fully double, to flat, single to semidouble, musk-scented summer–fall. Produces clustered slightly double, almost pure white flowers,
dark orange flowers, 4in (10cm) across, white flowers, 1in (2.5cm) across, with scented, fully double, cupped or 5in (12cm) across, are produced from
strongly fruit-scented, in summer–fall. golden stamens, cover the plant in early rosette-shaped white flowers, 3in summer–fall. Good in hot, dry climates.
H 51⁄2ft (1.7m), S 32in (80cm). summer. H 20ft (6m), S 12ft (4m). (8cm) across. H 3ft (1m), S 32in (80cm). H 5ft (1.5m), S 3ft (1m).

ADZ5–9 ADZ5–10 ADZ5–9 ADZ5–9 177



R. ‘Ballerina’ R. ‘The Fairy’ R. ‘Ferdinand Pichard’ R. ‘The Queen Elizabeth Rose’
Hybrid Musk rose with a rounded habit Vigorous Polyantha rose with abundant, Upright, compact Hybrid Perpetual Upright, Floribunda bush rose with
and small, mid-green leaves. Spectacular small, glossy, mid-green leaves. Rosette, with light green leaves. Cupped, double, large, leathery leaves. Bears long-
in flower, it bears many musk-scented, double mid-pink flowers, 1in (2.5cm) sweetly fragrant, pale pink and crimson stemmed, rounded fully double, scented
shallowly cupped, single, white-centered, across, fading to pale pink are borne striped flowers, 3in (8cm) across, are pink flowers, 4in (10cm) across, singly or
light pink flowers, 1¼in (3cm) across, in freely from summer to late fall. produced from summer–fall. H 5ft (1.5m), in clusters, from summer–fall. H to 7ft
large clusters, from summer–fall. H and S 24–36in (60–90cm). S 4ft (1.2m). (2.2m), S 3ft (1m).
H to 5ft (1.5m), S 4ft (1.2m).
ADZ4–9 ADZ4–10 ADZ5–9


R. MANY HAPPY RETURNS (‘Harwanted’) R. ‘Sea Foam’
Spreading Floribunda rose with Lax and thorny Shrub rose, sometimes
semi-glossy, light green leaves. During used as ground cover or as a short
summer and fall it bears big clusters of climber, with healthy, small, dark green
slightly fragrant, cupped, semidouble, leaves. Clusters of cupped, fully double,
pale rose-pink flowers, 4in (10cm) across. white flowers, tinged pink at first, 2in
H and S 30in (75cm). (5cm) across, are borne late in the season,
then constantly. H 3ft () 1m, S 5ft (1.5m).

178 R. CHANDOS BEAUTY (‘Harmisty’) R. BOSCOBEL (‘Auscousin’) R. FOR YOUR EYES ONLY (‘Cheweyesup’)
Extremely vigorous Hybrid Tea rose Upright, bushy “English” rose. Bears fully Compact Shrub rose with glossy, dark
with tough, glossy, dark green leaves. double, rich pink flowers with salmon at green leaves. Bears small clusters of lightly
Produces a strongly sweet, spicy scent the center, cupped and later quartered- scented, single flowers, 3in (7cm) across,
from pointed, fully double, pearl-pink rosette, 4in (10cm) across, with a scent with a crimson blotch at the base of every
flowers, 5in (12cm) across, borne singly of myrrh and damask, borne in flushes salmon-pink petal and a ring of golden
or in clusters. Repeats summer–fall. almost continuously. Has mid-green stamens. Flowers freely and continuously
H 32in (80cm), S 2ft (60m). leaves. H 3ft (1m), S 2½ft (80cm). from early spring. H 4½ft (1.4m), S 3ft (1m).

ADZ5–9 ADZ5–9 ADZ5–9

R. BROTHER CADFAEL (‘Ausglobe’) R. ‘Pink Perpétué’
Upright “English” rose with very few Stiffly branched Climber with plentiful,
thorns on stems, and deeply cupped, leathery foliage. Bears clusters of lightly
double, fragrant, mid-pink flowers, scented, rounded to cupped, double, pink
5in (12cm) across, produced from late flowers, 3in (8cm) across, from summer–
spring, with some repeat flowering in fall. May be pruned to grow as a shrub.
fall. Dark green leaves. H 5ft (1.5m) H 10ft (3m), S 8ft (2.5m).
S 36in (90cm).


R. ‘La France’ R. WARM WISHES (‘Fryxotic’) R. HEIDETRAUM (‘Noatraum’)
Strong Hybrid Tea with mid-green leaves. Bushy Hybrid Tea rose with matte, Vigorous groundcover rose forming a
Elegant, long-stemmed, conical and later mid-green leaves. Cupped, double, dense, prostrate mound of small, glossy,
cupped, double, damask-scented, silver fragrant flowers, 4in (10cm) across, open dark green leaves. Freely bears cupped,
pink flowers, 4½in (11cm) across, with from long buds. Flowers are yellow, pink, double, deep rose-pink flowers, 2in
darker petal-backs, are produced singly or or orange, depending on the weather (5cm) across, with a small white eye,
in clusters. Repeats well. H 5ft (1.5m), and growing conditions, maturing to over a long season in summer–fall.
S 4½ft (1.3m). rose-pink. H 3½ft (1.1m), S 28in (70cm). H 30in (75cm), S 4ft (1.2m).

ADZ6–11 ADZ5–9 ADZ5–9

R. GARDEN OF ROSES (‘Korfloci’) R. SWEET DREAM (‘Fryminicot’) R. NOSTALGIE (‘Taneiglat’) R. FOURTH OF JULY (‘Wekroalt’)
Compact, well-branched, bushy Bushy Patio rose with small, mid-green Bushy Hybrid Tea rose with large, dark Sturdy, branching Climber with thorny
Floribunda rose with dark green, glossy leaves. Bears clusters of very fragrant, green leaves. Cupped, double flowers, stems and dark green leaves. Cupped,
leaves. Scented, rosette-shaped, fully sweetly fruit-scented, cupped, double, 4½in (11cm) across, with creamy-white single, occasionally semidouble, cream
double, pink to light apricot flowers, apricot-peach flowers, 2½in (6cm) across, inner petals and bright cherry-crimson flowers, 4in (10cm) across, splashed with
2½in (6cm) across, are borne from almost continuously. Ideal in a pot or outer petals, are borne in summer and cherry flecks, and with a fruity perfume,
summer–fall. H and S 20in (50cm). planter. H 16in (40cm), S 14in (35cm). fall. H 3ft (1m), S 32in (80cm). are produced from summer–fall. H 5ft
(1.5m), S 31⁄2ft (1.1m).
ADZ5–9 ADZ3–9 ADZ5–9 179



R. PRINCESS ANNE (‘Auskitchen’) R. DOUBLE DELIGHT (‘Andeli’) R. MARIANDEL (‘Korpeahn’) R. DUFTZAUBER ‘84 (‘Korzaun’)
Compact, healthy “English” rose with Hybrid Tea bush rose of upright, bushy Spreading Floribunda bush rose Vigorous Hybrid Tea bush rose with
thick, shiny, mid-green leaves. Bears habit. Bears very fragrant, fully double with plentiful, purplish green foliage. large, dark green leaves. Slightly
pompon-shaped, fully double, tea-scented, flowers, 5in (12cm) across, in summer Slightly scented, cupped to flat, double, scented, pointed, fully double, deep
rich pink flowers, 4in (10cm) across, fading and again in fall. Outer petals turn dark red flowers, 3in (8cm) across, are crimson flowers, 5in (12cm) across, are
to pale pink. Repeat flowering. H 21⁄2ft crimson as the flower opens, the borne in wide clusters from summer– carried on long stems in summer and
(80cm), S 2ft (60cm). inner ones remaining creamy white. fall. H 2ft (60cm), S 21⁄2ft (75cm). again in fall. H 3ft (1m), S 21⁄2ft (75cm).
H 3ft (1m), S 2ft (60cm).
ADZ5–9 ADZ5–9 ADZ5–9


Exceptionally hardy Rugosa rose with Thorny Shrub rose with a branching,
(almost) thornless red stems. Mid-green spreading habit and healthy, dull, dark
leaves turn yellow in fall. Cupped, green leaves. From summer–fall, produces
double, sweetly scented, bright pink lightly semidouble, pale cherry-red flowers,
flowers, 3in (8cm) across, fading to pale 3in (8cm) across, singly or in clusters.
pink, are borne singly or in clusters H 3ft (1m), S 4½ft (1.3m).
continuously. H 6ft (2m), S 3ft (1m).

R. BEVERLY (‘Korpauvio’) R. ALEXANDER (‘Harlex’) R. INTRIGUE (‘Jacum’)
Vigorous, bushy Hybrid Tea rose with Vigorous, upright, thorny Hybrid Tea Upright Floribunda rose with medium,
glossy, mid-green leaves. Bears strongly bush rose with abundant, dark green dark green leaves. Clusters of double,
scented, rounded, double, sugar-pink foliage. Slightly scented, pointed, occasionally semidouble, scented, purple
flowers, 4½–5in (11–12cm) across, in double, bright red flowers, 5in (12cm) flowers, fading to magenta, 3in (8cm)
summer and again in fall. H 4½ft (1.3m), across, are borne on long stems from across, are borne on long stems during
S 21⁄2ft (80cm). summer–fall. H to 6ft (2m), S 21⁄2ft (80cm). summer. Repeats well. H 5½ft (1.7m),
S 4½ft (1.3m).
180 ADZ5–9


R. ALEC’S RED (‘Cored’) R. LILLI MARLENE (‘Korlima’)
Vigorous, Hybrid Tea bush rose with Neat, compact, thorny Floribunda rose
dark green leaves. Bears highly fragrant, with leathery, dark green leaves. Produces
high-centered, deep cherry-red flowers clusters of lightly cupped, double, sweet-
that are pointed and fully double, 6in scented, blood-red flowers, 3in (8cm)
(15cm) across, from summer–fall. H 3ft across, almost continuously from summer–
(1m), S 2ft (60cm). fall. H 28in (70cm), S 20in (50cm).

ADZ5–9 ADZ5–9


Floribunda bush rose (a sport of R.
SCHNEEWITTCHEN), with abundant, light
green leaves. Bears many sprays of
cupped, semidouble, mauve flowers, 3in
(7cm) across, with near-white petal
backs, in summer–fall; repeat-flowering.
H 3ft (1m), S 26in (65cm).


R. BURGUND ‘81 (‘Korgund’) R. LAVENDER DREAM (‘Interlav’) 181
Upright Hybrid Tea rose with leathery, Vigorous, billowing Shrub rose with
dark green leaves. Produces high- small, dark leaves and thorns. Produces
centered, fully double, dark red flowers, large clusters of cupped, semidouble,
5in (12cm) across, on long, strong stems bright, dark pink flowers fading to pale
in summer–fall. Perfume is light but pink-purple, 1¼in (3cm) across, with
sweet. H 5ft (1.5m), S 2½ft (75cm). golden stamens. Repeats well.
H and S 5ft (1.5m).



R. ‘Arthur Bell’ R. ‘Madame A. Meilland’
Upright Floribunda rose with large, Vigorous, large-flowered Hybrid Tea
glossy, dark green leaves. Strongly with abundant dark green leaves. From
scented, cupped, double, dark yellow summer–fall freely bears clusters of
flowers, 3in (7cm) across, fading to scented, high-centered to rounded, fully
creamy-white, are produced from double yellow flowers, 6in (15cm) across,
early summer–fall. H 3ft (1m), S 2ft with pink edges. H 5ft (1.5m), S 3ft (1m).


R. EASY GOING (‘Harglow’) R. CHARLOTTE (‘Auspoly’) R. JULIA CHILD (‘Wekvossutono’)
Bushy Floribunda rose with glossy, Sturdy “English” rose with large, bright, Vigorous Floribunda rose with glossy,
pale green leaves. Pointed buds open pale green leaves and an upright habit. dark green leaves. Bears clusters of
into cupped, double, rich yellow flowers, Bears cupped, fully double, tea-scented, cupped, fully double, aniseed-scented,
31⁄2in (9cm) across, with a moderately bright yellow flowers fading to cream, 4in yellow flowers, 4in (10cm) across,
fruity scent. Repeat-flowering during (10cm) across, singly or in small clusters. fading rather quickly to cream, in
summer–fall. H 30in (75cm), S 2ft (60cm). Repeat-flowering. H 4ft (1.2m), S 3ft (1m). summer–fall; repeat flowering.
H 21⁄2ft (80cm), S 2ft (60cm).
ADZ5–9 ADZ5–9

R. CLAIRE AUSTIN (‘Ausprior’) R. GOLDEN WEDDING (‘Arokris’) R. MOUNTBATTEN (‘Harmantelle’) R. ‘Rêve d’Or’
Vigorous, open “English” rose with large, Floribunda rose with glossy, dark green Vigorous, upright Floribunda rose with Vigorous Noisette rose with large, dark,
rich green leaves. Produces clusters of leaves. Cupped, double, lightly scented, leathery, bright green leaves. Produces near-evergreen leaves. Strongly scented,
cupped, fully double, myrrh-scented, deep yellow flowers, 3½in (9cm) across, long-stemmed clusters of 5–11 scented, fully double, buff-gold flowers with pale
pale lemon flowers, fading to cream are borne from summer–fall. H 4ft (1.2m) cupped, sometimes rounded, fully pink petal-backs, 3in (7cm) across, variable
and white, 3½in (9cm) across. Repeat- or more, S 2ft (60cm). double, yellow flowers, 4in (10cm) in shape, usually imbricated, appear singly
flowering. H 4ft (1.2m), S 2½ft (80cm). across, from summer–fall. H 4ft (1.2m), or in clusters in early summer; repeats
ADZ5–11 S 21⁄2ft (75cm). intermittently. H 12ft (4m), S 6½ft (2m).
ADZ5–9 ADZ5–10


Strong-growing Floribunda rose with Vigorous “English” rose with mid-green Climbing Patio rose with neat, narrow Bushy Hybrid Tea rose with large,
rounded, fully double flowers, 3in leaves and bronze new growths. Bears habit and many dark green leaves. mid-green leaves. Bears sweetly scented,
(8cm) across, with lemon-yellow petals, globular and later cupped, fully double, Small clusters of cupped, single or rounded, fully double, orange-apricot
irregularly striped with orange, fading strongly fruit-scented, orange flowers, semidouble, orange-vermillion flowers, flowers, 4in (10cm) across, with
to pink and red, borne constantly 3½in (9cm) across, singly or in clusters. 1½in (4cm) across, with yellow centers, distinctly wavy petals in summer–fall,
from summer onward. H 5ft (1.5m), Repeats well. H 4½ft (1.3m), S 5ft (1.5m). are borne freely and almost which lighten as they age. H 3ft (1m),
S 2ft (60cm). continuously. H and S 7ft (2.2m). S 2½ft (80cm).
ADZ7–10 ADZ6–9 ADZ6–10


R. EASY DOES IT (‘Harpagent’) R. REMEMBER ME (‘Cocdestin’)
Compact, bushy Floribunda rose with Vigorous, dense, Hybrid Tea rose with
matte, mid-green leaves. Bears double, abundant glossy, dark green leaves.
flat, spicy-scented flowers, 4in (10cm) High-centered, fully double, pale orange
across, with ruffled orange petals, fading flowers, 41⁄2in (11cm) across, with darker
to pink at the edges, in summer–fall; buds and petal-backs, and a rich, fruity
repeat-flowering. H 3ft (1m), S 2ft (60cm). scent, are borne freely from summer–
fall. H 2ft (60cm), S 21⁄2ft (75cm).

R. ‘Just Joey’ R. ABRAHAM DARBY (‘Auscot’) R. FELLOWSHIP (‘Harwelcome’) 183
Branching, open, large-flowered Shrub rose with a strong, bushy habit Bushy Floribunda rose with large,
Hybrid Tea rose with leathery, green and large, glossy, dark green leaves. glossy, green leaves. Fruit-scented,
leaves. Rounded, double, sweetly Cupped, fully double, strongly cupped, double flowers, 31⁄2in (9cm)
scented flowers, 5½in (14cm) across, fruit-scented, apricot-pink flowers, across, are orange with a yellow center,
with waved copper-pink petals, are 4½in (11cm) across, are borne from fading to salmon and cream. Repeat-
borne repeatedly in summer–fall. summer–fall. H and S 5ft (1.5m). flowering in summer–fall. H 30in (75cm),
H 3ft (1m), S 2ft (60cm). S 2ft (60cm).
ADZ7–10 ADZ5–9



R. ‘Albéric Barbier’ R. ‘Climbing Iceberg’
Vigorous, semievergreen Rambler Vigorous, climbing Floribunda rose with
rose with glossy, dark green leaves. glossy, light green leaves. Bears clusters
Clusters of rosette, fully double, of cupped, semidouble, creamy to pure
creamy-white flowers, 3in (8cm) across, white flowers, 3in (8cm) across, in an
with a strong, musky scent, appear in abundant first flush in summer, followed
a single flush in summer. H to 15ft (5m), by intermittent blooms. H and S 10ft (3m).
S 10ft (3m).


R. ‘Paul’s Lemon Pillar’ R. ‘Félicité Perpétue’
Stiff, upright Climber with large, dark Sempervirens Rambler with long stems
green leaves. Strongly sweet-scented, and dense, semievergreen, dark green
high-centered to rounded, fully double, leaves. Bears clusters of rosette-shaped,
white flowers, 5in (12cm) across, are fully double, blush-pink fading to white
borne in a single flush in summer. flowers, 11⁄2in (4cm) across, with a strong
Prefers a sunny, sheltered wall. H 12ft musky scent, in midsummer. Prune spent
(4m), S 10ft (3m). wood only. H 15ft (5m), S 12ft (4m).

ADZ5–9 ADZ6–9

184 R. filipes ‘Kiftsgate’ R. ‘Madame Alfred Carrière’ R. ‘Gloire de Dijon’ R. ‘Rambling Rector’
Rampant Climber with abundant, glossy, Noisette climbing rose with light green Stiffly branched Noisette or climbing Rampant Rambler with strong, arching
light green leaves. In late summer, bears leaves and slender, smooth stems. Very Tea rose. Produces a large first flush of stems and pale green foliage. Produces
large clusters of cupped to flat, single, fragrant, lightly cupped, fully double tea-scented, quartered-rosette, fully large, spacious clusters of musk-scented,
creamy-white flowers, 1in (2.5cm) across, flowers, 4in (10cm) across, creamy-white, double, creamy-buff flowers, 4in cupped to flat, semidouble, creamy-
in a single flush, followed by long-lasting, tinged pink, appear continuously from (10cm) across, in summer, followed white flowers, 11⁄2in (4cm) across, in a
orange-red hips. Grow up a tree or in a late spring to first frosts. H to 18ft (5.5m), by intermittent flowers in fall. single flush in summer, followed by
wild garden. H 30ft (10m), S 20ft (6m). S 10ft (3m). H 15ft (5m), S 12ft (4m). orange-red hips. H and S 20ft (6m).

ADZ6–9 ADZ5–9 ADZ5–9 ADZ5–9


R. ‘New Dawn’ R. ‘Zéphirine Drouhin’ R. ‘Climbing Cécile Brünner’ R. ‘Veilchenblau’
Vigorous, arching Climber with glossy, Sturdy, arching, repeat-flowering, Very vigorous Climber with abundant, Vigorous Rambler with almost thorn-free
mid-green leaves. Fragrant, cupped, Bourbon rose; will climb with support. dark green leaves. Large, airy clusters of stems. Produces large clusters of
double, pale pearl-pink flowers, 3in Produces very sweetly scented, cupped, sweetly scented, urn-shaped to rounded, fruit-scented, cupped, double, violet
(8cm) across, are borne in loose clusters double, deep pink flowers, 3in (8cm) double, light pink flowers, 2in (5cm) flowers, streaked white and fading to
from summer–fall. Tolerates a north- across, continuously in summer. New across, are borne in summer–fall. lilac, 11⁄2in (3cm) across, in a single flush
facing wall. H 10ft (3m), S 8ft (2.5m). leaves emerge crimson. H to 10ft (3m), H and S 25ft (8m). in summer, followed by attractive hips.
S to 6ft (2m). H and S 12ft (4m).
ADZ5–9 ADZ4–11
ADZ5–9 ADZ5–9


R. ‘Albertine’ R. ‘Aloha’
Vigorous Rambler with sturdy, arching, Strong-stemmed, bushy Climber with
reddish stems with large thorns. Bears leathery, dark green leaves. Fragrant,
abundant clusters of sweet-scented, rounded, fully double, rose- and salmon-
rounded to cupped, double, light salmon- pink flowers, 31⁄2in (9cm) across, appear
pink flowers, 3in (8cm) across, in from summer–fall. May be grown as a
midsummer. H to 15ft (5m), S 12ft (4m). shrub. H 10ft (3m), S  8ft (2.5m).

ADZ5–9 ADZ5–9

R. ‘Madame Grégoire Staechelin’ R. ‘Compassion’ R. ‘Climbing Madame Caroline 185
Vigorous, arching Climber producing Upright, free-branching Climber with Testout’
one flush of pendulous, sweet-scented, glossy, dark green leaves on reddish Vigorous, Hybrid Tea Climber with matte,
conical, fully double flowers, 5in (13cm) stems. Fragrant, rounded, double, mid-green leaves. Pendulous, rounded,
across, with ruffled, clear pink petals, pink-tinted, salmon-apricot flowers, double, strongly scented, silvery pink
shaded carmine, singly or in small to 5in (12cm) across, are borne singly or flowers, 5½in (14cm) across, with darker
clusters in summer, followed by large in small clusters in summer–fall. H 10ft petal-backs, are borne in summer–fall.
hips. H to 20ft (6m), S to 12ft (4m). (3m), S 8ft (2.5m). Repeats well. H 15ft (5m), S 8ft (2.5m).

ADZ6–9 ADZ5–9 ADZ5–10



R. PENNY LANE (‘Hardwell’) R. COCKTAIL (‘Meimick’) R. DUBLIN BAY (‘Macdub’)
Climber with glossy, dark green leaves. Thorny Shrub rose with glossy, mid-green Free-branching Climber with plentiful,
Wide clusters of loose rosette, double leaves and long, arching stems that can be glossy, dark green foliage; may be
flowers, 4in (10cm) across, in pearl trained to climb. Single, scented, crimson pruned to grow as a shrub. Clusters of
pink, scented with myrrh and musk, flowers, 2½in (6cm) across, with a yellow cupped, double, deep scarlet flowers,
are borne from summer–fall. H 10ft (3m), center and yellow stamens, are profusely 4in (10cm) across, are produced from
S 6ft (1.8m). borne in upright clusters of 10–40. summer–fall. H and S 7ft (2.2m).
Repeat-flowering. H 10ft (3m), S 6ft (2m).
ADZ5–9 ADZ5–9


R. ‘Raubritter’ R. ‘Dortmund’
Climber, often grown as a lax shrub, with Upright Climber with dark green foliage;
large clusters of rounded, semidouble, may be pruned to make a shrub. Clusters
deep pink flowers, 2in (5cm) across, with of slightly scented, flat, single, deep
silver-pink petal-backs, borne in summer cherry-red flowers, 4in (10cm) across,
H 3ft (1m), S 10ft (3m). with white eyes, are borne freely in
summer–fall. Produces attractive hips.
ADZ5–9 H 10ft (3m), S 6ft (1.8m).


R. JASMINA (‘Korcentex’) R. ‘Sympathie’ R. ‘Guinée’
Bushy, thorny Climber with glossy Vigorous, free-branching Climber Vigorous, stiffly branched Climber with
leaves. Produces clusters of well-spaced, with plentiful, glossy, dark green foliage. large, leathery leaves. Fragrant, cupped,
quartered, rosette-shaped, fully double, Bears slightly scented, cupped, fully fully double, deep crimson flowers with
sweet scented, rich pink flowers, 2½in double, bright deep red flowers, near-black shading, 41⁄2in (11cm) across,
(6cm) across in summer. H 6ft (2m), 4in (10cm) across, from summer– are borne in a single flush in summer.
S 4ft (1.2m). fall, usually in clusters. H 10ft (3m), H 15ft (5m), S 7ft (2.2m).
S 8ft (2.5m).
186 ADZ5–9


R. ‘Mermaid’ R. LAURA FORD (‘Chewarvel’) R. ‘Schoolgirl’
Slow-growing Climber with stiff, Upright, stiffly branching Climbing Stiff, rather lanky, large-flowered Climber
red-brown stems, large, hooked thorns, Miniature rose with small, dark, glossy with large, deep green leaves. Scented,
and glossy, dark green leaves. Bears leaves. In summer–fall bears sprays of double, rounded, buff and pale peach
cupped to flat, single, primrose-yellow scented, urn-shaped to flat, semidouble flowers, 5in (12cm) across, with darker
flowers, 41⁄2in (11cm) across, repeatedly yellow flowers, 13⁄4in (4.5cm) across. petal-backs, are produced in summer–fall.
in summer–fall. H and S to 20ft (6m). Good for pillars. H 7ft (2.2m), S 4ft (1.2m). H 10ft (3m), S 8ft (2.5m).

ADZ5–9 ADZ5–9 ADZ5–9


R. GARDENER’S GLORY (‘Chewability’) R. ALIBABA (‘Chewalibaba’)
Climber with light green leaves. Clusters Repeat-flowering Climber with
of cupped, double, yellow flowers, 2in mid-green leaves. In summer–fall, bears
(5cm) across, fading to light yellow, are sweet-scented, cupped, double flowers,
borne from summer–fall. H 7ft (2.2m), 3in (8cm) across, with ruffled petal
S 5ft (1.5m). edges, in shades of peach-salmon
and red. H 7ft (2.2m), S 4ft (1.2m).

R. ‘Emily Gray’ R. ‘Maigold’ R. SUMMER WINE (‘Korizont’) 187
Semievergreen Rambler with long, lax Strong, stiff-growing Climber with Climber with large, dark green leaves.
stems and handsome, dark green leaves. thorny, arching stems and dark green Small clusters of scented, cupped,
Clusters of rounded, loosely formed, leaves. Can be pruned as a shrub. Freely semidouble, coral-pink flowers, to 4in
double, golden-yellow flowers, 3in (7cm) bears fragrant, cupped, semidouble, (10cm) across, fading to pink, with wavy
across, fading to buff, with a strong tea bronze-yellow flowers, 4in (10cm) across, petals, are produced from summer–fall.
fragrance, are borne in summer. H 15ft in early summer, occasionally some later. H 10ft (3m), S 7ft (2.2m).
(5m), S 10ft (3m). H and S 8ft (2.5m).
ADZ7–10 ADZ5–9


Versatile and decorative, climbers offer great scope for
imaginative garden design, their scrambling stems veiling other

plants and structures with flowers and foliage. A few, such as
ivy, will also trail across the ground, helping to suppress weeds.

Climbers are often used as a backdrop for other plantings, or
grown over arbors and gazebos to provide shade. You can also
create focal points by weaving them through trees and pyramids

and up pillars, or train them over trellis to form boundary
screens or dividers between different areas of the garden.
The rigid stems of wall shrubs add another dimension to

vertical schemes, covering walls and fences with
foliage, blooms, and berries.


One of the most versatile of plant groups, climbers bring height to the garden,
adding interest to walls and fences, and covering structures such as arches and
pergolas with flowers and foliage. A number of shrubs can also be trained against
walls and fences to create textures, patterns, and backdrops to beds and borders.

What are climbers around the slim stems of a host plant or Wall shrubs such as chaenomeles,
and wall shrubs? they will need wires, mesh, or a trellis to pyracanthas, and ceanothus are not natural
cling to if they are wall-trained. Clematis, climbers, but can be trained to decorate
Most climbers are woody, evergreen, passion flowers (Passiflora), hop (Humulus walls or fences. Some are best grown in
or deciduous plants, while a few are lupulus), sweet peas (Lathyrus), and morning this way, as they require the additional
herbaceous perennials, or summer- glory (Ipomoea) fall into this group. shelter and support a wall provides.
flowering annuals. Climbers can be self-
clinging or twining (with or without Scrambling plants like winter jasmine Ornamental features
tendrils), or scandent—scrambling species (Jasminum nudiflorum) attach themselves
that do not cling. It is important to identify loosely by threading their flexible stems Climbing plants have a range of attractive
the climbing method of your plant, since through host plants or over a framework foliage forms, from the lobed leaves of
this dictates the method of support it needs. of their old stems made in previous seasons. Tropaeolum speciosum and palmate foliage
Self-clingers such as Virginia creeper On smooth surfaces, such as walls and of x Fatshedera lizei, to the heart-shaped
(Parthenocissus quinquefolia) climb up fences, their stems must be tied into wires leaves of Actinidia deliciosa. Leaf surfaces
their supports using adhesive pads, while or a trellis attached to the support, as they also offer textural contrasts, from the
ivies (Hedera) and the Swiss cheese plant have no other means of clinging. downy Vitis vinifera to glossy ivies (Hedera).
(Monstera deliciosa) use aerial roots to
climbers and attach themselves to vertical surfaces. PLANTING A CLIMBER
wall shrubs Self-clinging climbers may initially need
to be guided to their support with canes Before planting, attach eye screws and horizontal wires, or a trellis, to the wall
(see box below) but will then become or fence. The lowest wire should be about 20in (50cm) above soil level, and the
self-supporting. By contrast, twiners coil others 12–18in (30–45cm) apart. Work plenty of organic matter into the soil.

1 Dig a planting hole 2 Plant the climber
Water the climber before planting. Dig a hole Arrange a fan of canes in the hole. Place the
twice the diameter and deeper than the root ball, climber in the hole and slant toward the canes.
18in (45cm) from the fence. Dig a slightly deeper Backfill with some soil enriched with rotted organic
hole for clematis, since they need to be planted 4in matter. Untie the stems from their original support
(10cm) deeper than the top of their root ball. and spread them out ready to attach to the canes.

190 ABOVE Wisteria-clad wall 3 Tie in the stems 4 Firm in the soil
Climbers, such as Wisteria sinensis, need a sturdy trellis Using soft garden twine, tie the stems to the Firm in the climber and create a shallow saucer
or wall for support to display their heavy flowers to canes using a figure eight. Train the lower stems on to shape around the base of the plant so that moisture
perfection. When grown around a window, the subtle the lower wires and any tall stems at the center of the runs into the area above the roots. Water, and apply
scent of its flowers can be appreciated indoors and out. plant to cover the high wires. a bark mulch, keeping it clear of the plant stems.

Colors range from golden-hued Humulus and black-eyed Susan (Thumbergia alata), also ABOVE Clematis ‘Bill MacKenzie’ climbers and
lupulus ‘Aureus’ to the deep green of many offer a quick-fix solution, covering a trellis or This small-bloomed, late-flowering Group 3 clematis wall shrubs
jasmines, as well as the purple tints of adding height to containers on patios. provides a natural, rambling backdrop of nodding yellow
plants such as Vitis vinifera ‘Purpurea’. flowers and fluffy seedheads.
Others have bright, variegated foliage, Wall shrubs are also valued for their
such as Actinidia kolomikta, with its green attractive foliage and blooms. Ceanothus, nodes, will root to form a carpet of
leaves tipped with splashes of cream and for example, has both evergreen and ground cover. When growing climbers
pink. Some, most notably species of vitis deciduous forms, with flowers in varying through other plants, make sure that you
and parthenocissus, produce their finest shades of blue, white, and pink. The synchronize their flowering times for a
displays in fall when both fire up flowering quince (Chaenomeles) produces dual effect, and match their pruning needs.
with burning shades of red. a profusion of cupped white, pink, orange,
or scarlet-red flowers early in the year, As well as growing shrubs such as
Climbers such as passion flowers followed by yellow fruits in the fall. Thorny pyracanthas and chaenomeles against
(Passiflora) and clematis bear beautiful pyracanthas make excellent security hedges, walls, you can train them into fans and
flowers, while some, especially wisteria, deterring intruders, and sport glossy espaliers for a formal effect.
honeysuckles (Lonicera), and jasmines, evergreen foliage with an abundance of
are deliciously fragrant. The flower yellow, orange, or red berries in the fall.
colors span the spectrum from the creamy
whites of Schizophragma integrifolium and Designing with climbers
Hydrangea petiolaris to the magentas of and wall shrubs
bougainvillea, the blues and purples
of a whole range of clematis, and the Growing climbers as a backdrop for other
chocolate-maroon of Rhodochiton plants is one way of adding height to a
atrosanguineus. With many climbers border, but they can also be grown on
their season is further prolonged by silky freestanding supports to form screens or
seed heads, as in clematis or striking divisions between different parts of the
berries, notably the oblong, purple fruits garden. Grown through trees or on pillars
of Billardiera longiflora and the orange- and pyramids, they also create focal points.
yellow fruits of Celastrus orbiculatus.
Where a garden lacks shade, climbers
Annual climbers such as sweet peas allowed to ramble over pergolas and arbors
(Lathyrus odoratus) climb rapidly to the offer a cool place to sit. You can also use
top of wigwams made from garden canes, climbers and wall shrubs to soften the
producing a succession of scented flowers lines of hard landscaping, while vigorous
from mid- to late summer that are ideal for climbers will help to camouflage unsightly
cutting. Morning glory (Ipomoea tricolor structures. Left unsupported, some climbers
‘Heavenly blue‘), with its sky-blue trumpets trail on the ground and, when pegged at the


Some clematis flower well if pruned lightly or not at all, while others C. ‘Corona’, and C. ‘Henryi’, flower in early summer on the previous year’s
bloom more effectively when cut back hard. They are divided into three
groups, each with different pruning requirements. Group 1 clematis growth. Group 3 clematis include small-flowered viticella and texensis
(including C. montana, and C. armandii) are vigorous plants that flower types, such as C. ‘Gravetye Beauty’, and some large-flowered types
in late spring on the previous year’s growth. Group 2 clematis, such as including C. ‘Perle d’Azur’. They bloom from midsummer to fall

on new growth formed earlier in the year.

Pruning Group 1 clematis Pruning Group 2 clematis Pruning Group 3 clematis
Plants in this group need little or no pruning Prune this group in early spring when the buds are Left unpruned, these clematis form flowers at the
once established, except to remove dead and in growth and are clearly visible. Work from the top top of the plant, leaving bare, straggly stems at
damaged stems, or to keep them in check. After of the clematis, pruning each stem back to the first the bottom. In late winter before the buds break,
flowering, give them a light trim if necessary. pair of healthy buds or shoots. Remove dead, remove the tangle of shoots from their support and
Prune the leggy new season’s growth, cutting diseased, or damaged wood; it will be brown and cut back all the stems hard to within 12in (30cm) of
above a pair of healthy buds, but do not cut dry. The pruned stems will produce new growth the ground. This encourages strong new shoots and
them back hard. and then flowers in early summer. flowers to form along their length.




Holboellia latifolia [white form] Stauntonia hexaphylla
Variable, evergeen, twining climber with Evergreen, woody-stemmed, twining
glossy, mid-green leaves divided into 3–9 climber. Leaves have 3–7 ovate leaflets,
ovate or oblong leaflets. Bears racemes 2–5in (5–13cm) long. In spring bears
of 3–7 sweetly scented, creamy-white, racemes of fragrant, cup-shaped,
male flowers and greenish, female violet-tinged white flowers, followed by
flowers in early summer, and sausage- egg-shaped, edible, purple fruits, if plants
shaped, purple fruit. H to 16ft (5m). of both sexes are grown. H to 30ft (10m).

BDZ10–11 BDZ9–10

climbers and wall Decumaria sinensis Prostanthera rotundifolia ‘Rosea’
shrubs Evergreen, woody-stemmed, root Evergreen, bushy, rounded shrub with
climber with ovate, often toothed leaves, tiny, sweetly aromatic, deep green leaves
1–3in (2.5–8cm) long. Conical clusters and short, leafy racemes of bell-shaped,
of small, honey-scented, cream flowers purple-anthered, pale pink flowers in
are produced in late spring and early late spring or summer. H 6–13ft (2–4m),
summer. H to 6ft (2m) or more. S 3–10ft (1–3m).

ADZ7–9 ADZ11

192 Clianthus puniceus ‘Albus‘ Acradenia frankliniae Ercilla volubilis
Evergreen or semievergreen, Evergreen, upright, stiffly branched Evergreen, root climber with ovate to
woody-stemmed, scrambling climber, shrub with aromatic, dark green leaves heart-shaped, mid-green leaves, 1–2in
grown for its drooping clusters of divided into 3 narrowly lance-shaped (2.5–5cm) long. Spikes of petal-less
clawlike, creamy-white flowers that leaflets. From late spring to early flowers, each consisting of 5 greenish or
open in spring and early summer. summer bears small clusters purple sepals and 6–8 white stamens, are
Mid-green leaves consist of many of star-shaped, white flowers. borne in spring. H to 30ft (10m) or more.
small leaflets. H 12ft (4m). H 10ft (3m), S 5ft (1.5m).
ADZ7–11 ADZ10–11


Campsis radicans ‘Indian Summer’ Mitraria coccinea Akebia quinata (Chocolate vine)
Deciduous, woody-stemmed, root Evergreen, woody-stemmed, scrambling Woody-stemmed, twining climber,
climber with leaves divided into climber with ovate, toothed leaves. semievergreen in mild winters or
7–11 ovate, toothed leaflets. Small clusters Small, tubular, orange-red flowers are warm areas, with leaves of 5 leaflets.
of trumpet-shaped, yellow-throated, borne singly in leaf axils during late Vanilla-scented, brownish-purple
orange-red flowers, 21⁄2–3in (6–8cm) long, spring to summer. H to 6ft (2m). flowers appear in late spring, followed
are produced in late summer and early by sausage-shaped, purplish fruits.
fall. H 40ft (12m). BDMZ10–11 H 30ft (10m) or more.

ADZ5–9 ADZ5–9

Ribes speciosum climbesrhsraunbsd wall
Deciduous, bushy, spiny shrub bearing
slender, drooping, tubular, red flowers,
with long, red stamens, in mid–late
spring. Fruits are spherical and red.
Has red, young shoots and ovate,
3–5-lobed, glossy, bright green leaves.
H and S 6ft (2m).


Chaenomeles x superba ‘Crimson and Clianthus puniceus (Parrot’s bill) Jasminum beesianum 193
Gold’ (Flowering quince) Evergreen or semievergreen, woody- Evergreen, woody-stemmed, scrambling
Deciduous, dense shrub with thorns and stemmed, scrambling climber with climber, deciduous in cool areas. Has
ovate, glossy, green leaves. Bears masses leaves composed of many leaflets. In lance-shaped leaves. Fragrant, tubular,
of 5-petaled, deep red flowers, with spring and early summer bears drooping usually 6-lobed, pinkish-red flowers,
conspicuous, golden-yellow anthers, in clusters of unusual, clawlike, brilliant red 1–3 together, borne in early summer,
spring, followed by round, yellow fruits. flowers. H 12ft (4m). are followed by shiny, black berries.
H 3ft (1m), S 6ft (2m). H to 15ft (5m).
ADZ5–9 ADZ10-11



Akebia x pentaphylla Eriobotrya japonica (Loquat) Humulus lupulus ‘Aureus’
Mainly deciduous, woody-stemmed, Evergreen, bushy shrub or spreading Herbaceous, twining climber with
twining climber. Mid-green leaves, tree with stout shoots bearing large, rough, hairy stems and toothed,
bronze-tinted when young, have 3 or oblong, prominently veined, glossy, dark yellowish leaves divided into 3 or
5 ovate leaflets. Pendent racemes of green leaves. Fragrant, 5-petaled, white 5 lobes. Greenish, female flower
small, 3-petaled, purple flowers (female flowers borne in clusters in early fall are spikes are borne in pendent clusters
at base, male at apex) are borne in followed by pear-shaped, orange-yellow in fall. H to 20ft (6m).
spring. H to 30ft (10m). fruits. H and S 25ft (8m).
ADZ5–8 ADZ8–11

climbers and wall Hardenbergia comptoniana Ceanothus arboreus ‘Trewithen Blue’
shrubs Evergreen, woody-stemmed, twining Vigorous, evergreen, bushy, spreading
climber with leaves of 3 or 5 lance- shrub with broadly ovate to rounded,
shaped leaflets. Has racemes of pealike, dark green leaves. In spring and early
deep purple-blue flowers in spring. summer bears large, pyramidal clusters
H to 8ft (2.5m). of rich blue flowers. H 20ft (6m),
S 25ft (8m).

ADZ11 ADZ9–10

194 Holboellia latifolia [purple form] Sollya heterophylla Vestia foetida
Variable, evergeen, twining climber with Evergreen, woody-based, twining Evergreen, upright shrub with pendent,
glossy, mid-green leaves divided into 3–9 climber with narrowly lance-shaped tubular, pale yellow flowers from mid-
ovate leaflets. Has racemes of 3–7 sweetly to ovate leaves, 3⁄4-21⁄2in (2–6cm) long. spring to mid-summer. Oblong, glossy,
scented, plum-purple, male flowers and Nodding clusters of 4–9 broadly bell- dark green leaves have an unpleasant
greenish-white female flowers in early shaped, sky-blue flowers are carried scent. H 6ft (2m), S 5ft (1.5m).
summer, followed by sausage-shaped, from spring to fall. H to 10ft (3m).
purple fruit. H to 16ft (5m) or more. ADZ8–10



Azara serrata Gelsemium sempervirens Trachelospermum jasminoides Solanum laxum ‘Album’ (Potato vine)
Evergreen, upright shrub with glossy, Moderately vigorous, evergreen, (Confederate jasmine, Star jasmine) Semievergreen, woody-stemmed,
bright green foliage and rounded twining climber with pointed, lustrous Evergreen, woody-stemmed, twining scrambling climber. Ovate to lance-
bunches of fragrant, yellow flowers leaves. Clusters of fragrant, funnel- climber with ovate leaves up to 6in shaped leaves are sometimes lobed or
in late spring or early summer. H 12ft shaped, pale to deep yellow flowers (15cm) long. Has very fragrant, white divided into leaflets. Has star-shaped,
(4m), S 10ft (3m). are borne from late spring to late flowers in summer, then pairs of pods, white flowers, 3⁄4–1in (2–2.5cm) across,
summer. H to 20ft (6m). up to 6in (15cm) long. H to 28ft (9m). in summer–fall. H to 20ft (6m).
ADZ7–9 t ADZ9–10 ADZ10–11t

Coronilla valentina subsp. glauca Araujia sericifera (Cruel plant) climbesrhsraunbsd wall
Evergreen, bushy, dense shrub. Has Evergreen, woody-stemmed, twining
blue-gray leaves with 5 or 7 leaflets. climber with leaves that are white-
Fragrant, pealike, yellow flowers are downy beneath. Has scented, white
borne from mid-spring to early summer. flowers, often striped pale maroon
H 5ft (1.5m), S 5ft (1.5m). inside, from late summer to fall.
H to 23ft (7m).

Forsythia suspensa Jasminum mesnyi (Primrose jasmine) Ampelopsis brevipedunculata Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris
Deciduous, arching, graceful shrub Evergreen or semievergreen, woody- ‘Elegans’ (Climbing hydrangea)
with slender shoots. Nodding, narrow, stemmed, scrambling climber. Leaves Vigorous, deciduous, woody-stemmed, Deciduous, woody-stemmed, root
trumpet-shaped, bright yellow flowers are divided into 3 leaflets; semidouble, twining, tendril climber with hairy climber. Has toothed leaves and lacy
open from early to mid-spring, before pale yellow flowers appear in spring. young stems. Has variable, densely heads of small, white flowers in summer,
mid-green leaves appear. H 10ft (3m), H to 10ft (3m). white-mottled, pink-tinged leaves. only sparingly borne on young plants.
S 10ft (3m). Tiny flowers are produced in summer, H to 50ft (15m).
ADZ8–10 followed by blue berries. H 16ft (5m).
ADZ6–8 ADZ4–9 t 195



climbers and wall Pileostegia viburnoides Wisteria floribunda f. alba Hydrangea seemannii
shrubs Slow-growing, evergreen, woody- ‘Shiro-noda’ Evergreen, woody-stemmed climber
stemmed, root climber. Tiny, white or Deciduous, woody-stemmed, twining with elliptic to lance-shaped, leathery,
cream flowers, with many prominent climber with leaves of 11–19 ovate mid-green leaves. In summer produces
stamens, are borne in heads from late leaflets. Scented, pealike, white flowers domed flower heads consisting of small,
summer to fall. H to 20ft (6m). are borne in pendent racemes, up to clustered, greenish-white, fertile flowers
2ft (60cm) long, in early summer. surrounded by larger, white, sterile
ADZ7–11 H to 28ft (9m). flowers. H 50ft (15m).

ADZ5–9t BDZ8–9

196 Jasminum officinale f. affine Hydrangea serratifolia Trachelospermum asiaticum
(Common jasmine) Vigorous, evergreen, woody-stemmed Evergreen, woody-stemmed, twining
Semievergreen or deciduous, woody- climber with elliptic, sharply toothed, climber with ovate, glossy, dark green
stemmed, twining climber with leaves dark green leaves. In summer produces leaves, 1in (2.5cm) long. Scented, tubular,
comprising 7 or 9 leaflets. Clusters of rounded clusters of small, white, fertile cream flowers that age to yellow, are
fragrant, 4- or 5-lobed flowers, white flowers opening from large, rounded produced in summer. Pairs of long,
inside and pink outside, are borne in buds. H 50–70ft (15–20m). slender pods, 5–9in (12–22cm) long,
summer–fall. H to 40ft (12m). contain silky seeds. H to 20ft (6m).
ADZ9–10 BDZ7–11

Dregea sinensis Tasmannia lanceolata
Evergreen, woody-stemmed, twining (Mountain pepper)
climber. Ovate, green leaves, 11⁄4–4in Evergreen, upright, dense shrub or
(3–10cm) long, are grayish beneath. tree with deep red shoots and oblong,
In summer produces clusters of 10–25 dark green leaves. Produces clusters
small, fragrant, star-shaped flowers, of star-shaped, white flowers in spring.
red-marked white or cream, followed by H 12ft (4m), S 8ft (2.5m).
pairs of slender seed pods. H to 10ft (3m).

Anredera cordifolia climbesrhsraunbsd wall
Fast-growing, evergreen, tuberous,
twining climber with ovate to lance-
shaped, fleshy leaves. Tiny, fragrant,
white flowers are borne in clusters
from upper leaf axils in summer.
H to 20ft (6m).


Schizophragma integrifolium Prostanthera cuneata Schizophragma hydrangeoides Carpenteria californica 197
Deciduous, woody-stemmed, root Evergreen, bushy, erect to spreading Deciduous, woody-stemmed, climber Evergreen, bushy shrub. Glossy,
climber with ovate or heart-shaped shrub with small, aromatic, shiny, dark with broadly ovate leaves. Small white dark green foliage sets off fragrant,
leaves. In summer, white flowers are green leaves. In late spring and early flowers, in flat heads, are produced on yellow-centered, white flowers borne
borne in flat heads up to 1ft (30cm) summer produces dense racemes of pendent side-branches in summer; these during summer. H 6ft (2m) or more,
across, marginal sterile flowers each shortly tubular, 2-lipped, white flowers, are surrounded by marginal, sterile S 6ft (2m).
having a large, white bract. with purple and yellow markings in the flowers, each with an oval, pale yellow
H to 40ft (12m). throat. H and S 3ft (90cm). sepal. H to 40ft (12m). AEZ8–9

ADZ5–9 ADZ9–11 ADZ6–9

CLEMATIS C. ‘Andromeda’
[group 2]
Among the climbers, clematis are unsurpassed in their long
period of flowering (with species flowering in almost every C. THE COUNTESS OF WESSEX (‘Evipo073’)
month of the year), the variety of flower shapes and colors, and [group 2]
their tolerance of almost any aspect and climate. Some spring-
flowering species and cultivars are vigorous and excellent for
rapidly covering buildings, old trees, and pergolas. Other, less
rampant cultivars display often large, exquisite blooms from
early summer to fall in almost every color. Flower colors may
vary according to your climatic conditions; in general, the
warmer the climate, the darker the flowers are likely to be.

Clematis look attractive when trained on walls or trellises
and when grown in association with other climbers, trees, or
shrubs, treating them as hosts. Less vigorous cultivars may
also be left unsupported to scramble at ground level, where
their flowers will be clearly visible.

The various types of clematis (see the Plant Dictionary) may
be divided into 3 groups, each of which has different pruning
requirements. Incorrect pruning may result in cutting out the
stems that will produce flowers in the current season, so the
following guidelines should be followed closely.

Group 1 Flower stem C. ARCTIC QUEEN (‘Evitwo’) C. ‘White Columbine’
Early-flowering species, direct from [group 2] [group 1]
Early small-flowered cultivars, the previous
Alpina, Macropetala, and season’s C. armandii [group 1] C. x cartmanii ‘Avalanche’
Montana types ripened stems [group 1]
Flower stems are produced direct from C. ‘Guernsey Cream’
the previous season’s ripened stems. [group 2]
Prune after flowering to allow new
growth to be produced and ripened
for the next season. Remove dead or
damaged stems and cut back other shoots
that have outgrown their allotted space.

Current season’s Group 2
stems have one Early large-flowered cultivars
flower and are Flowers are produced on short,
6-18in (15-45cm) current season’s stems, so prune
long before new growth starts, in early
Discarded spring. Remove dead or damaged
previous stems and cut back all others to
season’s old where strong, leaf-axil buds are
flower stem visible. (These buds will produce
Discarded previous the first crop of flowers.)
season’s leaves

Group 3 Flower
Late large-flowered cultivars, stems on
Late small-flowered cultivars, current
Late-flowering species season’s
and Herbaceous types growth
Flowers are produced on the current only
season’s growth only, so prune before new
growth commences, in early spring. Remove
all of the previous season’s stems down to a
pair of strong, leaf-axil buds, 6-12in
(15-30cm) above the soil (though Herbaceous
types can be cleared to ground level).

198 C. ‘Kaiu’ [group 3] C. ‘Early Sensation’ [group 1] C. montana [group 1]

C. x cartmanii ‘Joe’ [group 1]

C. CHANTILLY (‘Evipo021’)
[group 2]

C. florida PISTACHIO (‘Evirida’) C. montana var. rubens [group 1] C. ‘Alionushka’ C. ‘Fireworks’ [group 2]
[group 3] [group 3]

C. cirrhosa [group 1] C. ‘Jacqueline du Pré’ C. montana var. rubens C. ‘Lincoln Star’
[group 1] ‘Tetrarose’ [group 1] [group 2]

C. VIENNETTA (‘Evipo006’) C. ‘Sunrise’ [group 1] C. ‘Jan Lindmark’ [group 1]
[group 3]

C. ‘Henryi’ [group 2] C. HAPPY BIRTHDAY (‘Zohapbi’) C. ‘Corona’ [group 2] C. ‘Charissima’ C. ‘Nelly Moser’
[group 3] [group 2] [group 2]

C. florida ‘Sieboldiana’
[group 3]


C. ‘Huldine’ [group 3] C. ‘Barbara Jackman’ [group 2] C. ‘Barbara Dibley’ [group 2] C. ‘Kakio’ [group 2]

C. ‘Gravetye Beauty’ C. ‘Étoile Violette’ [group 3]
[group 3]

C. ‘Abundance’ [group 3] C. ‘Madame Julia Correvon’ C. ‘Purpurea Plena Elegans’ C. ‘Rosy O’Grady’ C. ‘Jackmanii’ [group 3]

[group 3] [group 3] [group 1]

C. AVANT-GARDE (‘Evipo033’) C. ROSEMOOR (‘Evipo002’)
[group 3] [group 2]

C. BOURBON (‘Evipo018’) C. VINO (‘Poulvo’) C. ‘Polish Spirit’ C. ‘Frankie’ [group 1]
[group 2] [group 2] [group 3]

C. ‘Westerplatte’ [group 2] C. ANNA LOUISE (‘Evithree’) C. cirrhosa var. purpurascens C. ‘Ernest Markham’ C. ‘Perle d’Azur’ C. ‘Frances Rivis’
[group 2] [group 3] [group 1]
‘Freckles’ [group 1] [group 3]

C. ‘Silver Moon’ C. flammula [group 3]
[group 2]

200 C. ‘Black Prince’ [group 3] C. ‘Columella’ [group 1] C. ‘Betty Corning’ [group 3] C. rehderiana [group 3]

C. ‘Kardynał Wyszyński’ [group 2]

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