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Published by iLibrary Sanggar Pustaka Ismail, 2021-06-30 05:21:28

Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers by Christopher Brickell (

by Christopher Brickell (

Keywords: encyclopedia,english


Cordyline australis ‘Atropurpurea’ Leucadendron argenteum (Silver tree) Firmiana simplex Beaucarnea recurvata
Slow-growing, evergreen tree with Evergreen, conical to columnar tree, (Chinese parasol tree) (Elephant’s foot, Pony-tail)
purple to purplish-green leaves. spreading with age. Leaves are covered Robust, deciduous tree with large, Slow-growing, evergreen tree or
Produces terminal sprays of white with long, silky, white hairs. Produces lobed leaves, small, showy, lemon-yellow shrub with a sparsely branched stem.
flowers in summer and small, globular, insignificant flowers set in silvery bracts flowers and papery, leaflike fruits. Recurving leaves, 3ft (1m) long, persist
white fruits in fall. H 10–30ft (3–10m), in fall–winter. H 20–30ft (6–10m), S 6–12ft H 50ft (15m), S 30ft (10m). Min. 36°F (2°C). after turning brown. H 12–25ft (4–8m),
S 3–12ft (1–4m). (2–4m). Min. 45ºF (7ºC). S 6–12ft (2–4m). Min. 45ºF (7ºC).

ADZ10–11 ADZ10–11 ADZ7–11 ADZ9–11


Meryta sinclairii (Puka) Corynocarpus laevigatus
Evergreen, round-headed tree with Evergreen, upright tree, spreading
large, glossy, deep green leaves. with age. Has leathery leaves and
Greenish flowers are produced clusters of small, greenish flowers in
sporadically in spring to fall, followed by spring–summer. Plumlike, orange fruits
berrylike, black fruits. H 39ft (10m), are produced in winter. H 30–50ft
S 15ft (5m). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). (10–15m), S 6–15ft (2–5m).

AEZ10–11 ADZ11

Jacaranda mimosifolia Dracaena draco (Dragon tree) Livistona chinensis (Chinese fan palm, Washingtonia robusta (Thread palm)
Fast-growing, deciduous, rounded Slow-growing, evergreen tree with Chinese fountain palm) Fast-growing, evergreen palm with
tree with fernlike leaves of many tiny, a wide-branched head. Has stiff, Slow-growing, evergreen palm with large, fan-shaped leaves and, in summer,
bright green leaflets. Bears trusses of lance-shaped, gray- or blue-green a stout trunk. Has fan-shaped, glossy tiny, creamy-white flowers in large,
vivid blue to blue-purple flowers in leaves. Mature trees bear clusters of leaves, 3–10ft (1–3m) across. Mature long-stalked sprays. Black berries are
spring and early summer. H 50ft (15m), orange fruits from mid- to late summer. trees bear loose clusters of berrylike, produced in winter–spring. H 80ft (25m),
S 22–30ft (7–10m). Min. 41–45°F (5–7°C). H 10–30ft (3–10m) or more, S 6–25ft black fruits in fall. H 40ft (12m), S 8–15ft (2.5–5m). Min. 50°F (10°C).
(2–8m) or more. Min. 50ºF (10ºC). S 15ft (5m). Min. 37–41°F (3–5°C).
ADZ9–11 ADZ13–15 451



Dracaena marginata ‘Tricolor’ Cyathea australis Ficus benghalensis (Banyan) Tecoma stans
Slow-growing, evergreen, upright tree (Australian tree fern) Evergreen, wide-spreading tree with (Yellow bells, Yellow elder)
or shrub with narrow, strap-shaped, Evergreen, upright tree fern with trunklike prop roots. Has ovate, leathery Evergreen, rounded, upright tree or
cream-striped, dark green leaves, a robust, almost black trunk. Pinnate, leaves, rich green with pale veins, to 8in large shrub. Leaves have 5–13 leaflets.
with prominent red margins. dark green leaves, 6–12ft (2–4m) long, (20cm) long, and small, figlike, red fruits. Produces racemes or panicles of
H 6–15ft (2–5m), S 3–10ft (1–3m). have lance-shaped or linear segments H 70–100ft (20–30m), S 700ft (200m). Min. funnel-shaped, yellow flowers from
Min. 55ºF (13ºC). and shiny brown scales. H 3–10ft (1–3m), 59–64°F (15–18°C). spring to fall. H 15–28ft (5–9m), S 10–15ft
S 10–15ft (3–5m). (3–5m). Min. 45–50ºF (7–10ºC).
ADZ11 ADZ10–11t
ADZ10–11 ADZ11–15

tender and exotic

Ficus lyrata (Banjo fig, Fiddle-leaf fig)
Evergreen, open tree with leathery,
glossy, fiddle-shaped, dark green leaves,
1ft (30cm) or more long. Almost spherical
figs, ripening green with white dots, are
borne only on mature trees in the open.
H 70–100ft (20–30m) or more, S to 30–70ft
(10–20m). Min. 59°F (15ºC).


452 Archontophoenix alexandrae Dypsis lutescens Tabebuia chrysantha
(Alexandra palm, Northern bungalow palm) (Golden-feather palm, Yellow palm) (Golden trumpet tree)
Evergreen palm with pinnate, arching Evergreen, suckering palm, forming Deciduous, round-headed tree with
leaves, 6–12ft (2–4m) long. Mature trees clumps of robust, canelike stems. dark green leaves, divided into 3–5
bear panicles of small, white or cream Has long, arching leaves of slender, ovate leaflets, and panicles of rich yellow
flowers, followed by almost spherical, yellowish-green leaflets. H 28ft (9m), flowers, 1–3in (2.5–8cm) long, borne in
pinkish-red fruits. H 80ft (25m), S 15–22ft S 20ft (6m). Min. 61ºF (16ºC). early spring. H 80ft (25m), S 60ft (18m).
(5–7m). Min. 59°F (15°C). Min. 50–59ºF (10–15ºC).
ADZ10–11 ADZ14–15



Chamelaucium uncinatum [white] Eriogonum arborescens Carissa macrocarpa ‘Tuttlei’
(Geraldton waxflower) Evergreen, sparingly branched shrub. Evergreen, compact and spreading
Evergreen, wiry-stemmed, spreading Small leaves have recurved edges and shrub with thorny stems and leathery
shrub. Each needlelike leaf has a tiny, woolly, white undersides. Leafy umbels leaves. Bears fragrant, white flowers in
hooked tip. Flowers ranging from deep of small, white or pink flowers are spring–summer and edible, plumlike,
rose-purple to pink, lavender, or white borne from spring to fall. H and S 2–5ft red fruits in fall. H 6–10ft (2–3m) or more,
appear in late winter or spring. H 6–15ft (60cm–150cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). S 10ft (3m) or more.
(2–5m), S 6–12ft (2–4m). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
ADZ7–10 BDZ9–11t


Plumeria rubra (Frangipani) Azorina vidalii Sparrmannia africana (African hemp) Gardenia thunbergia (White gardenia)
Deciduous, spreading tree or large Evergreen shrub with erect stems. Has Evergreen, erect shrub or small tree. Evergreen, bushy shrub or small tree
shrub, sparingly branched. Bears spoon-shaped, toothed, glossy green Has large, shallowly lobed leaves and with rigid branches. Has elliptic, glossy,
fragrant, salverform, yellow-eyed, leaves, 2–6in (5–15cm) long. Racemes of clusters of white flowers, with yellow deep green leaves with wavy margins.
rose-pink, sometimes yellow or red to bell-shaped, white or pink flowers are and red-purple stamens, in late spring Fragrant, 7–9-petaled, white flowers,
bronze flowers, 11⁄4–11⁄2in (3–4cm) across, borne in spring and summer. H and and summer. H 10–20ft (3–6m), S 6–12ft 21⁄2–4in (6–10cm) across, are borne from
from summer–fall. H 22ft (7m), S 15ft S 16–24in (40–60cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). (2–4m). Min. 45ºF (7ºC). winter–spring. H 6–15ft (2–5m), S 5ft
(5m). Min. 55ºF (13ºC). (1.5m). Min. 45ºF (7ºC).
ADZ8–11 ADZ12–15
ADZ10–12t ADZ10–12

Spathodea campanulata Westringia fruticosa Acokanthera oblongifolia Calliandra eriophylla (Fairy duster)
(African tulip tree, Flame-of-the-forest) (Australian rosemary) (Wintersweet) Evergreen, stiff, dense shrub. Leaves
Evergreen, showy tree. Leaves have Evergreen, rounded, compact shrub. Evergreen, rounded shrub. Produces have numerous tiny leaflets. From
9–19 deep green leaflets. Clusters Crowded leaves, in whorls of 4, are fragrant, white or pinkish flowers in late spring to fall, bears pompons
of tulip-shaped, scarlet or orange- white-felted beneath. White to palest late winter and spring and poisonous, of tiny, pink-anthered, white florets,
red flowers are produced intermittently. blue flowers are produced from black fruits in fall. H 10–20ft (3–6m), followed by brown seed pods. H 3ft (1m),
H 60–80ft (18–25m), S 30–60ft (10–18m). spring–summer. H and S 3–5ft (1–1.5m). S 5–12ft (1.5–4m). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). S 32in (80cm). Min. 55ºF (13ºC).
Min. 55–59°F (13–15°C). Min. 41–45ºF (5–7ºC).
ADZ10–11t ADZ9–10 453
ADZ13–14 ADZ13–15



Pandanus tectorius ‘Veitchii’ Myoporum parvifolium Protea cynaroides (King protea) Pimelea ferruginea
(Veitch’s screw pine) Evergreen, spreading to prostrate shrub Evergreen, bushy, rounded shrub. Evergreen, dense, rounded shrub
Evergreen, upright, arching shrub with with semisucculent leaves. In summer, Water lily-shaped flower heads, with tiny, recurved, deep green leaves.
rosettes of long, light green leaves that bears clusters of small, honey-scented 5–8in (13–20cm) across, with silky- Small, tubular, rich pink flowers are
have spiny, white to cream margins. flowers, white or pink with purple spots, haired, petallike, pink to red bracts, are borne in dense heads in spring or early
H 10–20ft (3–6m), S 6–12ft (2–4m). followed by tiny, purple fruits in fall. borne from spring–summer. Leaves are summer. H 3–6ft (1–2m), S 3–5ft (1–1.5m).
Min. 55ºF (13ºC). H 2ft (60cm), S 2–3ft (60–90cm). ovate and mid- to dark green. H and Min. 45ºF (7ºC).
Min. 36–41ºF (2–5ºC). S 3–6ft (1–2m). Min. 41–45ºF (5–7ºC).
ADZ10–12 ADMZ9–11
ADZ11 ADMZ9–12

tender and exotic

Gardenia jasminoides ‘Veitchiana’ Plectranthus fructicosus ‘James’ Protea neriifolia
Fairly slow-growing, evergreen, upright Evergreen, erect, shrub. Purple stems Evergreen, bushy, upright shrub with
shrub with ovate, glossy green leaves up bear broadly elliptic to ovate, coarsely narrow leaves. Flower heads, about 5in
to 4in (10cm) long and fragrant, double, toothed, fleshy, purple-veined, mid-green (13cm) long, are red, pink, or white, the
white flowers from summer to winter. leaves. Bears terminal panicles of tubular bracts tipped with tufts of black or white
H 6–40ft (2–12m), S 3–10ft (1–3m). pink flowers, with darker spots, to 1ft hair, and borne in spring-summer.
Min. 50ºF (10ºC). (30cm) long, in late summer. H and S 5ft H and S 10ft (3m). Min. 41–45ºF (5–7ºC).
(1.5m). Min. 41°F (5°C).

Hibiscus syriacus ‘Diana’ Chamelaucium uncinatum ‘Bundara Calliandra haematocephala Chorizema ilicifolium
Deciduous, upright shrub with Excelsior’ (Geraldton waxflower) [pink form] (Holly flame pea)
ovate, lobed, deep green leaves Evergreen, wiry-stemmed, bushy shrub. Evergreen, spreading shrub. Leaves Evergreen, spreading or upright shrub,
and very large, trumpet-shaped, Each needlelike leaf has a tiny, hooked have 16–24 narrowly ovate leaflets. with spiny-toothed, leathery leaves.
pure white flowers, with wavy-edged tip. Flowers ranging from deep rose- Flower heads consist of many red-, Has spikes of bicolored, orange and
petals, from late summer to mid-fall. purple to pink, lavender, or white are pink-, or white-stamened florets from pinkish-red flowers in spring–summer.
H 10ft (3m), S 6ft (2m). borne in late winter or spring. H 6–15ft late fall to spring. H 10–20ft (3–6m), H and S 3–10ft (1–3m). Min. 45ºF (7ºC).
(2–5m), S 6–12ft (2–4m). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). S 6–12ft (2–4m). Min. 55ºF (13ºC).
454 ADMZ9–11
ADMZ9–11 ADZ9–11


Nerium oleander (Rose bay) Hibiscus rosa-sinensis ‘The President’ Euphorbia pulcherrima
Evergreen, upright, bushy shrub with Evergreen, bushy shrub with toothed, (Mexican flame leaf, Poinsettia)
leathery, deep green leaves. Clusters of ovate, glossy, dark green leaves. In Evergreen, sparingly branched shrub.
salverform, pink, white, red, apricot, summer, bears large, magenta-centered, Bears small, greenish-red flowers
or yellow flowers are borne from spring bright pink flowers with prominent, surrounded by bright red, pink, yellow,
to fall, often on dark red stalks. H 6–20ft yellow anthers. H 8–15ft (2.5–5m), or white bracts from late fall to spring.
(2–6m), S 3–10ft (1–3m). S 5–10ft (1.5–3m). Min. 59ºF (15ºC). H 6–12ft (2–4m), S 3–8ft (1–2.5m). Min.
59ºF (15ºC).
ADZ8–10t ADZ9–11


Justicia carnea (King’s crown) Epacris impressa
Evergreen, sparingly branched shrub (Common Australian heath)
with velvety-haired leaves. Produces Evergreen, usually erect, fairly open,
spikes of pink to rose-purple flowers heathlike shrub with short, red-tipped
from summer–fall. H 6ft (2m), leaves. Tubular, white, pink, or red
S 3ft (1m). Min. 50–59ºF (10–15ºC). flowers are borne in late winter and
spring. H 2–4ft (30–120cm), S 1–3ft
ADZ10–11 (30–90cm).


Justicia brandegeeana (Shrimp plant) Medinilla magnifica Greyia sutherlandii 455
Evergreen, rounded shrub intermittently, Evergreen, upright shrub, with sparingly Evergreen, large shrub or small tree.
but mainly in summer, producing white produced, 4-angled, robust stems and Has rounded to heart-shaped, irregularly
flowers surrounded by shrimp-pink boldly veined leaves. Pink to coral-red toothed, leathery, mid-green leaves. Old
bracts. H 3ft (1m), S 2–3ft (60–90cm). Min. flowers hang in long trusses beneath leaves often turn bright red before
50–59ºF (10–15ºC). large, pink bracts from spring–summer. falling. In spring, bears spikes of small,
H 3–6ft (1–2m), S 2–5ft (60cm–150cm). bright red flowers with new foliage.
ADZ10–11 Min. 61–64ºF (16–18ºC). H 6–15ft (2–5m), S 5–10ft (1.5–3m).

BDZ10–11 ADZ9–11



Nymania capensis Euphorbia milii (Crown of thorns) Solanum betaceum (Tree tomato) Sutherlandia frutescens
Evergreen, more or less rounded, Fairly slow-growing, mainly evergreen, Evergreen, sparingly branched shrub Evergreen, upright shrub. Has leaves
rigidly branched shrub or small tree. spiny, semisucculent shrub. Clusters or small tree, upright when young, with of 13–21 gray-haired, deep green leaflets;
In spring, bears flowers with upright, of tiny, yellowish flowers, enclosed by large, heart-shaped, rich green leaves. bright red flowers in late spring and
pink to rose-purple petals. Produces 2 bright red bracts, open intermittently Produces edible, tomatolike, red fruits summer are followed by pale green,
papery, inflated, red fruits in fall. during the year. H 3ft (1m) or more, from summer to winter. H 6–10ft (2–3m), later red-flushed, inflated seed pods.
H 6–10ft (2–3m) or more, S 3–6ft (1–2m). S 11⁄2ft (45cm). Min. 54ºF (12ºC). S 3–6ft (1–2m). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). H 2–6ft (0.6–2m), S 3–5ft (1–1.5m).
Min. 45–50ºF (7–10ºC).
ADZ11t ADZ11 ADZ13–15

tender and exotic

Bouvardia ternifolia Leucospermum reflexum Ixora coccinea
(Scarlet trompetilla) Evergreen, erect shrub with ascending Evergreen, rounded shrub with glossy,
Mainly evergreen, bushy, upright shrub branchlets. Has small, blue-gray or dark green leaves to 4in (10cm) long.
with leaves in whorls of 3. Bears tubular, gray-green leaves. Slender, tubular, Small, tubular, red, pink, orange, or
bright scarlet flowers from summer crimson flowers with long styles yellow flowers are borne in dense heads
to early winter. H 2–3ft (60–90cm), are carried in tight, rounded heads in summer. H 8ft (2.5m), S 5–6ft (1.5–2m).
S 1–2ft (30–60cm). in spring–summer. H 10ft (3m), Min. 59ºF (15ºC).
S 6–12ft (2–4m). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).
ADZ8–11 ADZ9–11

Boronia megastigma Banksia coccinea Ardisia crenata Acalypha wilkesiana
Evergreen, well branched, wiry- Evergreen, dense shrub with toothed, (Coralberry, Spiceberry) (Copperleaf, Jacob’s coat)
stemmed shrub. Small leaves have 3–5 dark green leaves, gray-green beneath. Evergreen, upright, open shrub. Evergreen, bushy shrub. Ovate, serrated
narrow leaflets. Fragrant, bowl-shaped, Flower heads comprising clusters of Produces fragrant, star-shaped, white leaves are 4in (10cm) or more long, rich
brownish-purple and yellow flowers bright red flowers with prominent flowers in early summer, followed by copper-green, variably splashed with
hang from leaf axils in late winter and styles and stigmas are produced in late long-lasting, bright red fruits. H to 6ft shades of red. H 6ft (2m), S 3–6ft (1–2m).
spring. H 3–10ft (1–3m), S 3–6ft (1–2m). winter and spring. H 12–25ft (4–8m), (2m), S 2ft (60cm). Min. 61ºF (16ºC).
S 5–12ft (1.5–4m).
456 BEZ8–11 BDZ10–11t


Prostanthera ovalifolia Polygala x dalmaisiana Sabal minor (Dwarf palmetto) Coprosma repens
Evergreen, bushy, rounded shrub Evergreen, erect shrub with small, Evergreen, suckering fan palm with Evergreen, spreading, then erect shrub.
with tiny, sweetly aromatic, ovate, grayish-green leaves. White-veined, stems mainly underground. Has Has broadly ovate, leathery, lustrous,
thick-textured leaves. Cup-shaped, rich purple flowers are produced from fan-shaped leaves with 20–30 green or rich green leaves. Insignificant flowers in
2-lipped, purple flowers are borne in late spring to fall. H and S 3–8ft (1–2.5m). gray-green lobes. Erect sprays of small, late spring are followed on female plants
short, leafy racemes in spring–summer. Min. 45ºF (7ºC). white flowers are followed by shiny, by egg-shaped, orange-red fruits in late
H 8–12ft (2.5–4m), S 5–8ft (1.5–2.5m). black fruits. H 3–6ft (1–2m), S 10ft (3m). summer to fall. H and S to 6ft (2m).
ADZ9–11 Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
ADZ9–11 BDZ14–15


Dodonaea viscosa ‘Purpurea’ Iochroma cyaneum Portulacaria afra (Elephant bush) Cycas revoluta (Japanese sago palm)
Evergreen, bushy shrub or tree. Evergreen, semiupright, slender- Semievergreen, upright shrub with Slow-growing, evergreen, palmlike plant
Firm-textured leaves are flushed branched shrub. Tubular, deep horizontal branches and tiny, fleshy, that may produce several trunks. Leaves
copper-purple. Produces clusters of purple-blue flowers, with flared mouths, bright green leaves. Clusters of pale have spine-tipped leaflets with rolled
small, reddish or purplish seed capsules are produced in dense clusters from late pink flowers are borne in late spring and margins. Bears tight clusters of ovoid,
in late summer or fall. Makes a good fall to early summer. H 10ft (3m), S 5–6ft summer. H 6–10ft (2–3m), S 5ft (1.5m). yellow fruits in fall. H and S 3–6ft (1–2m).
hedge in a windy site. H 3–15ft (1–5m), (1.5–2m). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).
S 3–10ft (1–3m). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
ADZ8–11 ADZ10–11 ADZ9–10

Tibouchina urvilleana (Glory bush) Brunfelsia pauciflora ‘Macrantha’ Encephalartos ferox Mimosa pudica
Evergreen, slender-branched shrub. Evergreen, spreading shrub with Slow-growing, evergreen, palmlike (Humble plant, Sensitive plant)
Velvet-haired leaves are prominently leathery leaves. Blue-purple flowers, plant, almost trunkless for many Short-lived, evergreen shrub with prickly
veined. Bears satiny, blue-purple flowers aging to white in about 3 days, are years. Feather-shaped leaves, 2–6ft stems; needs support. Lance-shaped,
in clusters from summer to early winter. produced from winter to summer. (60–180cm) long, have many serrated fernlike, leaves fold when touched. Has
H 10–20ft (3–6m), S 6–10ft (2–3m). H 3–10ft (1–3m), S 2–5ft (0.6–1.5m). and spine-tipped, leathery, grayish minute, light pink to lilac flowers in
Min. 45ºF (7ºC). leaflets. H 3ft (1m), S 6–10ft (2–3m). summer–fall. H 12–30in (30–75cm),
Min. 50–55ºF (10–13ºC). S 16–36in (40–90cm). Min. 55ºF (13ºC).
ADMZ13–15 BDZ9–11t 457
ADZ9–11 BDZ9–11



Rhapis excelsa (Bamboo palm, Philodendron bipinnatifidum
Slender lady palm) Evergreen, unbranched shrub. Glossy
Evergreen fan palm, eventually forming leaves, to 2ft (60cm) or more long, are
clumps. Leaves are 8–12in (20–30cm) divided into many fingerlike lobes.
long, composed of 20 or more narrow, Occasionally produces greenish-white
glossy, deep green lobes in fan spathes. H and S 15ft (5m).
formation. H and S 5–15ft (1.5–5m).
Min. 50–55ºF (10–13ºC). BDtZ9–11


tender and exotic

Ficus deltoidea (Mistletoe fig) Polyscias filicifolia (Fern-leaf aralia) Citrus x microcarpa (Calamondin)
Slow-growing, evergreen, bushy shrub Evergreen, erect, sparingly branched Evergreen, bushy shrub with leathery
with bright green leaves, red-brown- shrub. Leaves are 1ft (30cm) long and leaves. Intermittently bears tiny, fragrant
tinted beneath. Bears small, greenish- are divided into many small, serrated, flowers followed by orange-yellow fruits.
white fruits that mature to dull yellow. bright green leaflets. H 6–8ft (2–2.5m), H 10–20ft (3–6m), S 6–10ft (2–3m).
H 15–22ft (5–7m), S 3–10ft (1–3m). S 3ft (1m). Min. 61ºF (16ºC).
Min. 59ºF (15ºC). AEZ13

ADZ10–11t BDZ11–12t

Polyscias guilfoylei ‘Victoriae’ Chamaedorea elegans Hibbertia cuneiformis Acacia pulchella
(Lace aralia) (Dwarf mountain palm, Parlor palm) Evergreen, upright, bushy shrub with (Western prickly Moses)
Slow-growing, evergreen, rounded Evergreen, slender palm, suckering with small, ovate leaves, serrated at tips. Semievergreen or deciduous shrub of
shrub or small tree with leaves that are age. Feather-shaped leaves, comprising Bears small clusters of bright yellow diffuse habit, with spiny twigs and rich
divided into several ovate to rounded, many glossy leaflets, are 2–3ft (60– flowers, with spreading petals, in green foliage. Tiny, deep yellow flowers
serrated, white-margined, deep green 100cm) long. H 6–10ft (2–3m), S 3–6ft spring–summer. H 3–6ft (1–2m), are borne in dense, globular heads in
leaflets. H 5ft (1.5m), S 32in (80cm). (1–2m). Min. 61ºF (16ºC). S 3–5ft (1–1.5m). Min. 41–45ºF (5–7ºC). spring. H 2–5ft (0.6–1.5m), S 3–6ft (1–2m).
Min. 61ºF (16ºC).
458 BDZ10–12 ADZ9–11 ADZ11



Senna corymbosa Pachystachys lutea (Lollipop plant) Codiaeum variegatum var. pictum Pandorea jasminoides (Bower vine)
Vigorous, evergreen or semievergreen Evergreen, loose, more or less rounded (Croton) Evergreen, woody-stemmed, twining
shrub. Leaves have 4–6 ovate, bright shrub, often grown annually from Evergreen, erect, sparingly branched climber with leaves of 5–9 leaflets. Bears
green leaflets; sprays of bowl-shaped, cuttings. Has tubular, white flowers in shrub. Leathery, glossy leaves vary clusters of funnel-shaped, white flowers,
rich yellow flowers are borne in late tight, golden-bracted spikes in spring– greatly in size and shape, and are with pink-flushed throats, from late
summer. H 6–12ft (2–4m), S 5–10ft summer. H 3ft (1m), S 18–30in (45–75cm). variegated with red, pink, orange, winter to summer. H 15ft (5m).
(1.5m–3m). Min. 41–45ºF (5–7ºC). Min. 55°F (13°C). or yellow. H 3–6ft (1–2m), S 2–5ft Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
(0.6–1.5m). Min. 50–55ºF (10–13ºC).
ADZ12–15 BDZ11 ADZ11


Reinwardtia indica (Yellow flax) Nematanthus gregarius Dioscorea discolor
Evergreen, upright subshrub, branching Evergreen, prostrate or slightly (Ornamental yam)
from the base. Has grayish-green leaves ascending shrub with fleshy, glossy Evergreen, woody-stemmed, twining
and small clusters of yellow flowers leaves. Inflated, orange and yellow climber. Heart-shaped, olive-green
mainly in summer but also during flowers are borne mainly from spring leaves are 5–6in (12–15cm) long,
the year. H and S 2–3ft (60–90cm). to fall. H 32in (80cm), S 3ft (90cm) marbled silver, paler green and brown,
Min. 45ºF (7ºC). or more. Min. 50–59ºF (10–15ºC). and are red beneath. H to 6ft (2m).
Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
ADZ10–11 BEZ10–11

Senna didymobotrya Crotalaria agatiflora Digitalis canariensis Beaumontia grandiflora
(Golden wonder) (Canary-bird bush) Evergreen, rounded, sparingly branched (Herald’s trumpet)
Evergreen, rounded, sometimes spreading Evergreen, loose, somewhat spreading shrub. Bears foxglovelike, yellow to Vigorous, evergreen, woody-stemmed,
shrub with leaves comprising several shrub with gray-green leaves. Racemes red- or brownish-orange flowers in twining climber with rich green leaves
leaflets. Spikes of rich yellow flowers of greenish-yellow flowers are borne in dense, upright spikes, to 1ft (30cm) tall, that are hairy beneath. Produces large,
open from glossy, blackish-brown buds summer, and also intermittently during in summer. H 5ft (1.5m), S 3ft (1m). fragrant, white flowers from late spring
throughout the year. H 8ft (2.5m), the year. H 6–10ft (2–3m), S 3–6ft (1–2m). Min. 36ºF (2ºC). to summer. H 25ft (8m). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
S 5–10ft (1.5–3m). Min. 55ºF (13ºC). Min. 45–50ºF (7–10ºC).
ADZ9–11 ADZ9–11 459
ADZ14–15 ADZ9–11



Bougainvillea glabra ‘Snow White’ Lophospermum erubescens
Vigorous, evergreen or semievergreen, Evergreen, soft-stemmed, scandent,
woody-stemmed, scrambling climber perennial climber, sometimes woody-
with ovate leaves. In summer, bears stemmed, often grown as an annual.
clusters of white floral bracts with Stems and leaves are downy. Rose-pink
green veins. H to 15ft (5m). flowers, 23⁄4in (7cm) long, are borne in
Min. 45–50ºF (7–10ºC). summer–fall. H to 10ft (3m) or more.
Min. 41ºF (5ºC).

tender and exotic

Epipremnum aureum ‘Marble Queen’ Clerodendrum thomsoniae Hoya carnosa (Wax plant)
(Devil’s ivy) Vigorous, evergreen, woody-stemmed, Moderately vigorous, evergreen,
Fairly fast-growing, evergreen, scandent shrub with ovate, rich green woody-stemmed, twining, root climber.
woody-stemmed, root climber. Leaves leaves. Flowers with crimson petals and Scented, star-shaped flowers, white,
are marbled with white. Less robust than bell-shaped, pure white calyces are fading to pink, with deep pink centers,
the species. H 10–30ft (3–10m). produced in clusters in summer. H 10ft are borne in dense trusses in summer–
Min. 59–64ºF (15–18ºC). (3m) or more. Min. 50–55ºF (10–13ºC). fall. H to 15ft (5m) or more.
Min. 41–45ºF (5–7ºC).
BDZ9–11t BDZ10–12

Hoya lanceolata subsp. bella Stephanotis floribunda Syngonium podophyllum Mandevilla splendens
Evergreen, woody-stemmed, trailing (Madagascar jasmine) ‘Trileaf Wonder’ Evergreen, woody-stemmed, twining
shrub with narrowly ovate, pointed Moderately vigorous, evergreen, Evergreen, woody-stemmed, root climber. Has lustrous leaves and
leaves. In summer, produces tiny, woody-stemmed, twining climber with climber with tufted stems and arrow- produces trumpet-shaped, rose-pink
star-shaped, white flowers, with red leathery, glossy leaves. Scented, waxy, head-shaped leaves when young. flowers, with yellow centers, in late
centers, in pendulous, flattened clusters. white flowers are borne in small clusters Mature leaves have 3 glossy leaflets spring or early summer. H 10ft (3m).
H 11⁄2ft (45cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). from spring to fall. H 15ft (5m) or more. with pale green or silvery-gray veins. Min. 50ºF (10ºC).
Min. 59ºF (15ºC). H 6ft (2m) or more. Min. 59ºF (15ºC).
460 BDZ9–12t
BDZ14–15 BDZ14–15t



Mandevilla x amabilis ‘Alice du Pont’ Distictis buccinatoria
Vigorous, evergreen, woody-stemmed, (Mexican blood flower)
twining climber with ovate leaves. Bears Vigorous, evergreen, woody-stemmed,
large clusters of trumpet-shaped, pink tendril climber. Bears trumpet-shaped,
flowers in summer. H 10ft (3m) or more. rose-crimson flowers, orange-yellow
Min. 50ºF (10ºC). within, from early spring to summer.
H to 15ft (5m) or more. Min. 41ºF (5ºC).

Clytostoma callistegioides Agapetes variegata var. macrantha Tropaeolum tricolor Agapetes serpens 461
Fast-growing, evergreen, woody- Evergreen or semievergreen, loose, Herbaceous climber with delicate stems, Evergreen, arching to pendulous,
stemmed, tendril climber. Each leaf scandent shrub that may be trained small tubers, and 5–7-lobed leaves. scandent shrub, best grown with
has 2 ovate leaflets and a tendril. Small, against supports. Has lance-shaped Small, orange or yellow flowers with support as a perennial climber. Has
nodding clusters of purple-veined, leaves and narrowly urn-shaped, white black-tipped, reddish-orange calyces small, lance-shaped, lustrous leaves
lavender flowers, fading to pale pink, are or pinkish-white flowers, patterned are borne from early spring to early and bears pendent flowers, rose-red
borne in spring–summer. H to 15ft (5m). in red, in winter. H 3–6ft (1–2m). summer. H to 3ft (1m). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). with darker veins, in spring. H 6–10ft
Min. 45–50ºF (7–10ºC). Min. 45–50ºF (7–10ºC). (2–3m). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
BDZ9–11 ADMZ10–12 BDMZ9–10



Kennedia rubicunda Ipomoea indica (Blue dawn flower) Aristolochia littoralis (Calico flower)
(Dusky coral pea) Vigorous, perennial climber with Fast-growing, evergreen, woody-
Fast-growing, evergreen, woody- evergreen, mid-green leaves. From stemmed, twining climber with heart-to
stemmed, twining climber with leaves late spring to fall, bears abundant, kidney-shaped leaves. Heart-shaped
divided into 3 leaflets. Coral-red flowers funnel-shaped, rich purple-blue to blue flowers, 5in (12cm) across, maroon with
are borne in small trusses in spring– flowers, often maturing to purplish-red. white marbling, are borne in summer.
summer. H to 10ft (3m). Min. 41–45ºF H 20ft (6m) or more. Min. 45ºF (7ºC). H to 22ft (7m). Min. 45ºF (7ºC).
ADtZ8–11 BDZ9–12

tender and exotic

Combretum indicum (Rangoon creeper) Bougainvillea glabra ‘Sanderiana’ Passiflora quadrangularis
Fairly fast-growing, deciduous or Vigorous, mainly evergreen, woody- (Giant grenadilla)
semievergreen, scandent shrub, often stemmed, scrambling climber. Strong-growing, evergreen, woody-
grown as an annual. From late spring Rounded-ovate, dark green leaves are stemmed climber with angled, winged
to late summer, bears fragrant flowers, edged with creamy-white. Bears many stems. Bears white, pink, red, or pale
varying from orange to red, sometimes bright purple floral bracts in summer. violet flowers, the crowns banded white
pink. H 10–15ft (3–5m). Min. 55ºF (13ºC). H to 15ft (5m). Min. 45–50ºF (7–10ºC). and deep purple, mainly in summer.
H 15–25ft (5–8m). Min. 61ºF (16ºC).
BDZ10–11 ADZ9–11

462 Passiflora coccinea Hardenbergia violacea Bougainvillea glabra Gynura aurantiaca (Velvet plant)
(Red grenadilla) ‘Happy Wanderer’ Vigorous, evergreen or semievergreen, Evergreen, woody-based, soft-stemmed,
Vigorous, evergreen, woody-stemmed, Evergreen, woody-stemmed, twining woody-stemmed, scrambling climber semiscrambling climber or lax shrub,
tendril climber with rounded, oblong climber. In spring, bears pendent with rounded-ovate leaves. Clusters of with purple-haired stems and leaves.
leaves. Bears bright deep scarlet flowers, panicles of deep mauve-purple flowers, floral bracts, in shades of cyclamen- Clusters of daisylike, orange-yellow
with red, pink, and white crowns, from with yellow marks on upper petals. purple, are produced in summer. flower heads are borne in winter.
spring to fall. H 10–12ft (3–4m). H to 10ft (3m). H to 15ft (5m). Min. 45–50ºF (7–10ºC). H 6–10ft (2–3m), less as a shrub.
Min. 50–55ºF (10º–13ºC). Min. 55ºF (13ºC).
ADZ10–12 ADZ9–11
ADZ10–12 BDZ10–12


Solanum seaforthianum Cissus antarctica (angaroo vine) Monstera deliciosa Syngonium podophyllum
(Italian jasmine, St. Vincent lilac) Moderately vigorous, evergreen, (Swiss-cheese plant) Evergreen, woody-stemmed, root
Evergreen, scrambling climber with woody-stemmed, tendril climber. Robust, evergreen, woody-stemmed, climber with tufted stems and
nodding clusters of star-shaped, blue, Ovate, pointed, coarsely serrated leaves root climber with large-lobed, holed arrowhead-shaped leaves when
purple, pink, or white flowers, with are lustrous, rich green. H to 15ft (5m). leaves, 16–36in (40–90cm) long. Mature young. Mature plants have leaves of
yellow stamens, from spring to Min. 45ºF (7ºC). plants bear cream spathes, followed 7–9 glossy leaflets up to 1ft (30cm) long.
fall, followed by scarlet fruits. by scented, edible fruits. H to 20ft (6m). H 6ft (2m). Min. 61–64ºF (16–18ºC).
H 6–10ft (2–3m). Min. 45ºF (7ºC). BDZ10–12 Min. 59–64ºF (15–18ºC).
ADtZ12–15 BDtZ9–12


Solanum wendlandii Asparagus scandens
Robust, mainly evergreen, prickly- Evergreen, scrambling climber with lax
stemmed, scrambling climber with stems and short, curved, leaflike shoots
oblong, variably lobed leaves. in whorls of 3. Tiny, nodding, white
Lavender flowers are produced flowers are borne in clusters of 2–3 in
in late summer and fall. H 10–20ft summer, followed by red fruits.
(3–6m). Min. 45–50ºF (7–10ºC). H 3ft (1m) or more. Min. 50ºF (10ºC).

ADtZ13–15 BDtZ10–12

Petrea volubilis Tetrastigma voinierianum Philodendron hederaceum 463
Strong-growing, evergreen, woody- (Chestnut vine) (Heart leaf)
stemmed, twining climber with elliptic, Strong-growing, evergreen, woody- Fairly fast-growing, evergreen,
rough-textured leaves and deep violet stemmed, tendril climber. Young stems woody-based, root climber. Rich green
and lilac-blue flowers borne in simple and leaves are rust-colored and hairy; leaves are 4–6in (10–15cm) long when
or branched spikes from late winter mature leaves turn lustrous, deep young, to 1ft (30cm) long on mature
to late summer. H 20ft (6m) or more. green above. H 30ft (10m) or more. plants. H 12ft (4m) or more.
Min. 50ºF (10ºC). Min. 59–64ºF (15–18ºC). Min. 59–64ºF (15–18ºC).

ADZ10–11 BDZ14–15 BDtZ10–12



Tecoma capensis ‘Aurea’ Solandra maxima Thunbergia mysorensis Canarina canariensis
Erect, scrambling, evergreen shrub (Copa de oro, Golden-chalice vine) Evergreen, woody-stemmed, (Canary Island bellflower)
or climber with lustrous, mid- to dark Strong-growing, evergreen, woody- twining climber. Has narrow leaves Herbaceous, tuberous, scrambling
green leaves. Racemes, to 6in (15cm) stemmed, scrambling climber with and pendent spikes of flowers with climber with triangular, serrated
long, of slender, tubular, yellow flowers, glossy leaves. In spring–summer bears yellow tubes and recurved, reddish- leaves. Has waxy, orange flowers
to 2in (5cm) long, are borne mainly in fragrant, pale yellow, later golden brown lobes from spring to fall. with red veins from late fall to spring.
summer. H 12ft (4m), S 6ft (2m). flowers. H 23–30ft (7–10m) or more. H 20ft (6m). Min. 59ºF (15ºC). H 6–10ft (2–3m).
Min. 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 45–50ºF (7–10ºC).
ADZ14–15 ADZ9–11
ADZ12–15 ADtZ11-1

tender and exotic

Senecio macroglossus ‘Variegatus’ Streptosolen jamesonii
Evergreen, woody-stemmed, twining (Marmalade bush)
climber with triangular, fleshy leaves, Evergreen or semievergreen, loosely
bordered in white to cream, and, mainly scrambling shrub. Has ovate, finely
in winter, daisylike, cream flower heads. corrugated leaves and, mainly in
H 10ft (3m). Min. 45ºF (7ºC). spring–summer, many bright orange
flowers. H 6–10ft (2–3m). Min. 45ºF (7ºC).

ADtZ12–15 ADZ12–15

Allamanda cathartica ‘Hendersonii’ Stigmaphyllon ciliatum Pyrostegia venusta (Flame flower,
Fast-growing, evergreen, woody- Fast-growing, evergreen, woody- Flame vine, Golden shower)
stemmed, scrambling climber. stemmed, twining climber with heart- Fast-growing, evergreen, woody-
Has lance-shaped leaves in whorls shaped, pale green leaves fringed with stemmed, tendril climber with clusters
and trumpet-shaped, rich bright hairs. Bright yellow flowers with ruffled of tubular, golden-orange flowers from
yellow flowers in summer–fall. petals are borne in spring–summer. fall to spring. H 30ft (10m) or more. Min.
H to 15ft (5m). Min. 55–59ºF (13–15ºC). H 15ft (5m) or more. Min. 45–50ºF 55–59ºF (13–15ºC).
464 ADZ10–12



Chlorophytum comosum ‘Vittatum’ Ctenanthe oppenheimiana ‘Tricolor’ Ruellia devosiana
Evergreen, tufted, rosette-forming Robust, evergreen, bushy perennial. Evergreen, bushy subshrub with
perennial. Long, narrow, lance-shaped, Has leathery, lance-shaped leaves, more spreading, purplish branches. Leaves
creamy-white leaves have green stripes than 1ft (30cm) long, splashed with large, are broadly lance-shaped, dark green
and margins. Irregularly bears small, cream blotches, and, intermittently, with paler veins above and purple below.
star-shaped, white flowers on thin stems. spikes of 3-petaled, white flowers. Has mauve-tinged, white flowers in
H and S 1ft (30cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). H and S 3ft (1m). Min. 59ºF (15ºC). spring–summer. H and S to 45cm (11⁄2ft)
or more. Min. 59ºF (15ºC).
BDZ10–12 BEZ10–12


Streptocarpus ‘Crystal Ice’ Pilea cadierei (Aluminum plant) Dieffenbachia seguine ‘Exotica’
Herbaceous, stemless, basal-rosetted Evergreen, bushy perennial with broadly Evergreen, tufted perennial, sometimes
perennial with long, narrowly strap- ovate leaves, each with a sharply pointed woody at the base. Broadly lance-shaped
shaped, wrinkled, lightly hairy, green tip and raised, silvery patches that leaves, to 11⁄2ft (45cm) long, are blotched
leaves. Produces clusters of 7–13 appear quilted. Produces insignificant, with creamy-white. H and S 3ft (1m)
funnel-shaped, white flowers, with greenish flowers. H and S 1ft (30cm). or more. Min. 59ºF (15ºC).
blue veins, in winter. H 16in (40cm), S 1ft Min. 50ºF (10ºC).
(30cm). Min. 41°F (5°C).
BDZ11–12 BDtZ11–12

Coelogyne cristata Peperomia caperata (Emerald ripple) Anthurium crystallinum Episcia dianthiflora (Lace flower) 465
Evergreen, epiphytic orchid for a cool Evergreen, bushy perennial with pinkish (Crystal anthurium) Evergreen perennial with creeping
greenhouse. In winter, produces crisp, leaf stalks. Has ovate, fleshy, wrinkled, Evergreen, erect, tufted perennial. prostrate stems. Has thick, velvety
white flowers, 2in (5cm) across, and dark green leaves, to 2in (5cm) long, Long, velvety, dark green leaves are leaves with brownish midribs and,
marked orange on each lip. Narrowly with sunken veins; spikes of white distinctively pale green- to white- intermittently, pure white flowers
ovate leaves are 3–4in (8–10cm) long. flowers are produced irregularly. veined. Has long-lasting, red-tinged, with fringed petals. H 6in (15cm),
Needs good light in summer. H 1ft H and S to 6in (15cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). green spathes. H to 30in (75cm), S 1ft (30cm). Min. 59ºF (15ºC).
(30cm), S 2ft (60cm). Min. 50°F (10°C). S to 2ft (60cm). Min. 59ºF (15ºC).
BDZ11–12 BDZ9–10
BEZ9–11 BEtZ11–12

ORCHIDS Calanthe vestita [t] Paphiopedilum Rhynchostele rossii [e]

Elegant and exotic, orchids are prized for their unusual Cymbidium Portelet Freckles gx t [t]
flowers. There are two main groups. Terrestrials [t] grow
in a wide range of habitats in the wild; many are at least Bay gx t [e]
frost hardy. Epiphytes [e], the more showy of the two and
mostly native to the tropics, cling to tree branches or
rocks, obtaining nourishment through their leaves and
aerial roots. An aura of mystique surrounds these plants,
but their cultivation is not always difficult and some thrive
happily indoors as house plants. They need special growing
medium and in cool climates must be grown under glass.
An orchid hybrid is called a grex [gx] from the Latin for a
flock. A grex name applies to all the individual seedlings
from any given cross, the individual plants of which may also
be given cultivar names. Several cultivars may also be given
a Group name within a grex. See also the Plant Dictionary.

Masdevallia tovarensis [e] Oncidium alexandrae [e] Cypripedium reginae [t] Spiranthes cernua [t] Brassavola nodosa [e]

Miltoniopsis Robert Dendrobium infundibulum [e] Coelogyne nitida [e] Coelogyne flaccida [e] Ophrys tenthredinifera [t] Laelia anceps [e]
Strauss gx ‘Ardingly’ [e]

x Rhyncholaeliocattleya Pleione bulbocodioides [t] Dendrobium nobile [e]
Mount Adams gx [e]

Oncidium sotoanum [e] Vanda Rothschildiana gx [e] Anacamptis morio [t]

466 Bletilla striata [t] Guarianthe bowringiana [e] Masdevallia coccinea [e] Zygopetalum Perrenoudii gx [e]

Phalaenopsis Lady Pink Lips gx [e]

Oncidium Hambühren Phaius tankervilleae [t] Miltoniopsis Anjou gx Brassia aurantiaca [e] Cymbidium Caithness Ice gx
Stern gx ‘Cheam’ [e] ‘St. Patrick’ [e]
t [e]

x Oncidopsis Cambria gx Cymbidium x Cattlianthe Rojo gx Oncidium Tigersun gx Masdevallia wagneriana [e] Oncidium Artur Elle gx
‘Lensing’s Favorite’ [e] ‘Mont Millais’ [e] ‘Orbec’ [e] ‘Colombien’ [e]
Strathkanaid gx t [e]

Paphiopedilum Oncidium Memoria Phalaenopsis Lundy gx [e] Paphiopedilum Buckhurst gx

bellatulum t [t] Commander Wiggs gx ‘ay’ [e] ‘Mont Millais’ t [t]

Paphiopedilum Lyric gx Paphiopedilum Paphiopedilum Paphiopedilum Rossioglossum grande [e]
armeniacum [t]
‘Glendora’ t [t] Maudiae gx t [t] fairrieanum t [t]

Oncidium Eric Young gx [e] Paphiopedilum
rothschildianum [t]

Gomesa flexuosa [e] Maxillaria porphyrostele [e] Oncidium Buttercrisp gx [e] Lycaste cruenta [e] x Cattlianthe Hazel Boyd gx
‘Apricot Glow’ [e]


Cymbidium elegans t [e] Oncidium tigrinum [e] Ophrys lutea [t] Phragmipedium besseae [t] Psychopsis papilio [e]



Tradescantia fluminensis ‘Albovittata’ Spathiphyllum wallisii (Peace lily)
Strong-growing, evergreen perennial Evergreen, tufted, rhizomatous
with trailing, rooting stems. Blue-green perennial. Has clusters of long,
leaves have broad, white stripes. Bears lance-shaped leaves. Fleshy, white
small, white flowers. H 1ft (30cm), spadices of fragrant flowers in white
S indefinite. Min. 41–45ºF (5–7ºC). spathes are irregularly produced.
H and S 1ft (30cm) or more.
ADtZ13–15 Min. 50ºF (10ºC).


tender and exotic

Spathiphyllum ‘Mauna Loa’
Robust, evergreen, rhizomatous
perennial. Has long, lance-shaped,
glossy leaves. Irregularly throughout
the year, bears fleshy, white spadices
of fragrant flowers enclosed in large,
ovate, pure white spathes. H and
S 11⁄2–2ft (45–60cm). Min. 59ºF (15ºC).


Fittonia albivenis Argyroneura Group Aglaonema commutatum ‘Treubii’ Angraecum sesquipedale
(Silver net-leaf) Evergreen, erect, tufted perennial. Evergreen, epiphytic orchid. Waxy,
Evergreen, creeping perennial with Lance-shaped leaves, to 1ft (30cm) long, white flowers, 3in (8cm) across, each
small, ovate, white-veined, green leaves. are marked with pale green or silver. with a 1ft (30cm) long spur, are
Remove any flowers. H to 6in (15cm), Occasionally produces greenish-white borne, usually 2 per stem, in winter.
S indefinite. Min. 59ºF (15ºC). spathes. H and S to 11⁄2ft (45cm). Min. Has narrow, semirigid, horizontal leaves,
59ºF (15ºC). 6in (15cm) long. H and S 1ft (30cm) or
468 more. Min. 64°F (18°C).
BDZ11–12 BEZ10–12


Achimenes ‘Little Beauty’ Streptocarpus ‘Nicola’ Saintpaulia ‘Colorado’
Bushy perennial with ovate, toothed Evergreen, stemless perennial with Evergreen, rosette-forming perennial
leaves. Large, funnel-shaped, deep pink a rosette of strap-shaped, wrinkled with broadly ovate to oval, dark green
flowers, with yellow eyes, are produced leaves. Funnel-shaped, rose-pink leaves. Produces star-shaped, frilled,
in summer. H 10in (25cm), S 1ft (30cm). flowers are produced intermittently single, magenta flowers all year. H 6–8in
Min. 50ºF (10ºC). in small clusters. H 10in (25cm), (15–20cm). Min. 59°F (15°C).
S 20in (50cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).
ADZ11–12 BEZ13–15


Kohleria warszewiczii
Erect, bushy, rhizomatous perennial
with white-haired stems. Has scalloped,
hairy leaves and clusters of tubular,
hairy, pink-and-white flowers, with
purple-spotted, green lobes, from
summer to fall. H 2ft (60cm) or more,
S 11⁄2ft (45cm). Min. 59ºF (15ºC).


Tradescantia sillamontana Oplismenus hirtellus ‘Variegatus’ Tradescantia zebrina 469
Evergreen, erect perennial. Ovate, Evergreen, creeping, perennial grass (Silver inch plant)
stem-clasping leaves are densely with wiry, rooting stems. White-striped Evergreen, trailing or mat-forming
covered with white, woolly hairs. leaves, with wavy margins, are often perennial. Blue-green leaves, purple-
Produces clusters of small, bright tinged pink. Bears inconspicuous tinged beneath, have 2 broad, silver
purplish-pink flowers in summer. flowers intermittently. H 8in (20cm) bands. Bears pink or violet-blue flowers
H and S to 1ft (30cm). or more, S indefinite. Min. 41ºF (5ºC). intermittently all year. H 6in (15cm),
S indefinite. Min. 41–45ºF (5–7ºC).
ADtZ14–15 BDZ11–12



Anigozanthos manglesii Columnea x banksii Anthurium andraeanum
(Red-and-green kangaroo paw) Evergreen, trailing perennial with ovate, (Flamingo flower)
Vigorous, bushy perennial that bears fleshy leaves, glossy above, purplish-red Evergreen, erect perennial. Long-stalked,
racemes of large, tubular, woolly, below. Tubular, hooded, brilliant red ovate leaves, with a heart-shaped base,
red-and-green flowers in spring flowers, to 3in (8cm) long, are produced are 8in (20cm) long. Produces long-
and early summer. Has long, narrow, from spring to winter. Makes a useful lasting, bright red spathes with yellow
gray-green leaves. May suffer from plant for a hanging basket. H 3ft (1m), spadices. H 2–21⁄2ft (60–75cm), S 20in
ink disease. H 3ft (1m), S 11⁄2ft (45cm). S indefinite. Min. 59ºF (15ºC). (50cm). Min. 59ºF (15ºC).

ADMZ10–11 BEZ11–12 BEtZ11–12

tender and exotic

Musa ornata (Flowering banana) Doryanthes palmeri Russelia equisetiformis (Coral plant) Sinningia ‘Switzerland’
Evergreen, palmlike, suckering perennial Evergreen perennial with a rosette of Evergreen, branching, bushy subshrub Short-stemmed, tuberous perennial
with oblong, waxy, bluish-green leaves arching, ribbed leaves, to 6ft (2m) long. with rushlike stems and tiny leaves. with rosettes of ovate, velvety leaves,
to 6ft (2m) long. Bears erect, yellow- Intermittently bears panicles of small, Showy, pendent clusters of tubular, to 8in (20cm) long. In summer, bears
orange flowers, with pinkish bracts, red-bracted, orange-red flowers, white scarlet flowers are produced in large, fleshy, trumpet-shaped, bright
in summer, then greenish-yellow fruits. within. Flowers are often replaced by summer–fall. H to 3ft (1m) or more, scarlet flowers with ruffled, white
H to 10ft (3m), S 7ft (2.2m). bulbils. H 6–8ft (2–2.5m), S 8ft (2.5m). S 2ft (60cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). edges. H to 1ft (30cm), S 11⁄2ft (45cm).
Min. 50ºF (10ºC). Min. 36ºF (2ºC). Min. 59ºF (15ºC).
ADZ9–11 ADZ9–11 BEZ14–15

Caladium bicolor ‘Pink Beauty’ Bromelia balansae (Heart of flame) Kohleria eriantha Columnea crassifolia
Tufted, tuberous perennial. Has Evergreen, clump-forming, basal- Robust, bushy, rhizomatous perennial Evergreen, shrubby perennial with
long-stalked, triangular, pink-mottled, rosetted perennial bearing strap-shaped, with reddish-haired stems. Ovate leaves, fleshy, lance-shaped leaves. Erect,
green leaves, to 11⁄2ft (45cm) long, with arching, gray-green leaves with hooked to 5in (13cm) long, are edged with red tubular, hairy, scarlet flowers, about
darker pink veins. White spathes are spines. Club-shaped panicles of tubular, hairs. Bears tubular, red flowers, with 3in (8cm) long, each with a yellow throat,
produced in summer. H and S 3ft (90cm). red or purple flowers, with long, bright yellow-spotted lobes, in nodding clusters are produced from spring to fall. H and
Min. 55ºF (13ºC). red bracts, are borne in spring–summer. in summer. H and S 3ft (1m) or more. S to 11⁄2ft (45cm). Min. 59ºF (15ºC).
H 3ft (1m), S 5ft (1.5m). Min. 59ºF (15ºC). Min. 59ºF (15ºC).
470 BEZ10–11
ADZ9–11 BEZ10–11


Bromeliads, or plants that belong to the family Bromeliaceae,
are distinguished by their bold, usually rosetted foliage
and showy flowers in shades of white, red, or purple, borne
in dense, cylindrical or conical inflorescences in summer.
The flowers are followed by ovoid, yellow fruits containing
large, brown seeds. Many bromeliads are epiphytes or
air plants (absorbing their food through moisture in the
atmosphere), and will grow outdoors only in tropical regions.
In cooler climates, bromeliads make attractive house plants
or will thrive in a warm greenhouse. Follow watering
instructions with care.

Tillandsia argentea

Ananas bracteatus Aechmea fasciata

Smithiantha ‘Orange King’
Strong-growing, erect, rhizomatous
perennial. Large, scalloped, velvety
leaves are emerald-green with dark
red-marked veins. In summer–fall,
produces tubular, orange-red flowers,
red-spotted within and with yellow lips.
H and S to 2ft (60cm). Min. 59ºF (15ºC).


Cryptanthus bivittatus Aechmea recurvata
‘Pink Starlight’

Neoregelia concentrica Vriesea splendens

Episcia cupreata Nautilocalyx lynchii 471
Evergreen, creeping perennial. Robust, evergreen, erect, bushy
Has small, downy, wrinkled leaves, perennial. Broadly lance-shaped, slightly
usually silver-veined or -banded, and, wrinkled leaves are glossy, greenish-red
intermittently, scarlet flowers marked above, reddish beneath. In summer,
yellow within. H 4in (10cm), S indefinite. bears tubular, red-haired, pale yellow
Min. 59ºF (15ºC). flowers with red calyces. H and S to 2ft
(60cm). Min. 59ºF (15ºC).

Tillandsia stricta Tillandsia lindenii Puya chilensis


African violet is the common name for the genus PURPLE
Saintpaulia, although it is often applied to the numerous
cultivars derived from S. ionantha. These low-growing,
rosetted, evergreen perennials have a wide range of
attractive flower colors, varying from white, pink, blue,
and violet, to bi- or multicolored. Their petal edges can
be ruffled, rounded, frilled, or fringed, and leaves are
somewhat succulent, usually hairy, and, in some cases,
variegated. They may be grown as summer bedding in
warm, humid climates but also make attractive indoor
potted plants, flowering freely throughout the year if
kept in a suitable draft-free, light, humid position.

Peliosanthes arisanensis Tetranema roseum (Mexican violet)
Evergreen perennial with slow- Short-stemmed perennial with crowded,
spreading rhizomes. Stems have oblong, stalkless leaves, bluish-green beneath.
pleated, thin-textured, light green leaves, Intermittently, bears nodding, purple
8–12in (20–30cm) long, and in spring flowers with paler throats. H to 8in
bear spikes of up to 20, 6-petaled, (20cm), S 1ft (30cm). Min. 55ºF (13ºC).
nodding, purple-centered, yellow
flowers. H 1ft (30cm), S 16in (40cm). BDZ10–15


S. ‘Powder Keg ’ Heterocentron elegans Goeppertia majestica ‘Sanderiana’
Evergreen, mat-forming subshrub Evergreen, clump-forming perennial.
S. ‘Ice Maiden’ with dense, creeping, mid-green foliage. Broadly elliptic, leathery, glossy leaves,
Profuse, bright deep purple flowers open to 2ft (60cm) long, are dark green with
472 summer–fall and, under glass, in winter. pink to white lines above, and purple
H 2in (5cm), S indefinite. Min. 41ºF (5ºC). beneath. Intermittently has short spikes
S. ‘Zoja’ of white to violet flowers. H 4–5ft
ADZ11–12 (1.2–1.5m), S 3ft (1m). Min. 59ºF (15ºC).


S. ‘Rococco Anna’

S. ‘Bright Eyes’

Browallia speciosa (Bush violet) Alocasia cuprea
Bushy perennial, usually grown as an Evergreen, tufted perennial. Ovate
annual, propagated by seed each year. leaves 1ft (30cm) long, with a metallic
Has ovate leaves to 4in (10cm) long and sheen and darker, impressed veins
showy, violet-blue flowers with white above, purple below; leaf stalks arise
eyes, the season depending when sown. from the lower surface. Purplish spathes
H 2–21⁄2ft (60–75cm), S 11⁄2ft (45cm). appear intermittently. H and S to 3ft (1m).
Min. 50–59ºF (10–15ºC). Min. 59ºF (15ºC).

ADZ10–11 BDZ10–12t


Dionaea muscipula (Venus flytrap)
Evergreen, insectivorous perennial with
rosettes of 6 or more spreading, hinged
leaves, pink-flushed inside, edged with
stiff bristles. Has clusters of tiny, white
flowers in summer. H 4in (10cm),
S 1ft (30cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).



Nepenthes x hookeriana Streptocarpus ‘Bethan’ Drosera spatulata
Evergreen, epiphytic, insectivorous Rhizomatous perennial with rosettes of Evergreen, insectivorous perennial
perennial with ovate, leathery leaves strap-shaped, finely hairy leaves, to 9in with rosettes of spoon-shaped leaves
to 1ft (30cm) long, and pendent, pale (23cm) long. Cymes of up to 6 pale that have sensitive, red, glandular
green pitchers, with reddish-purple violet- blue flowers, 2in (5cm) across, hairs. Bears many small, pink or white
markings and a spurred lid, to with purple veins on the 3 lower lobes, flowers on leafless stems in summer.
5in (13cm) long. H 2–21⁄2ft (60–75cm). are borne from spring to fall. H 9in H and S 3in (8cm).
Min. 64ºF (18ºC). (23cm), S 17in (43cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
BEZ10–12 BDZ10–12

Hemigraphis repanda Dichorisandra reginae Pycnostachys dawei Drosera capensis (Cape sundew)
Evergreen, prostrate perennial with Evergreen, erect, clump-forming Strong-growing, bushy perennial with Evergreen, insectivorous perennial.
spreading, rooting stems. Lance-shaped, perennial. Glossy, often silver-banded toothed, oblong leaves, 5–12in (12–30cm) Rosettes of narrow leaves have sensitive,
toothed, purple-tinged leaves, 2in (5cm) and flecked leaves are purple-red long, that are reddish below. Produces red, glandular hairs. Many small, purple
long, are darker purple below. Produces beneath. Bears small spikes of densely compact spikes of tubular, 2-lipped, flowers are borne on leafless stems in
tiny, tubular, white flowers intermittently. set, purple-blue flowers in summer–fall. bright blue flowers in winter–spring. summer. H and S to 6in (15cm).
H to 6in (15cm). Min. 59ºF (15ºC). H 2–21⁄2ft (60–75cm), S to 1ft (30cm). H 4–5ft (1.2–1.5m), S 1–3ft (30–90cm).
Min. 54ºF (12ºC). Min. 54ºF (12ºC). AEZ8–11 473
BDZ10–12 ADZ9–11



Peperomia griseoargentea Pilea nummulariifolia
(Ivy peperomia, Silver-leaf peperomia) (Creeping Charlie)
Evergreen, bushy perennial with ovate, Evergreen, mat-forming perennial
fleshy leaves, 2in (5cm) long, heart- with creeping, rooting, reddish stems.
shaped at the base, with a quilted surface Rounded, pale green leaves, 3⁄4in (2cm)
and silvery sheen, coppery along deep wide, have a ridged surface. Flowers
veins. Flowers are insignificant. H to 6in are insignificant. H to 2in (5cm),
(15cm), S 8in (20cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). S 1ft (30cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).

BDZ10–11 BDZ11–15

tender and exotic

Ensete ventricosum Peperomia glabella (Wax privet) Xanthosoma sagittifolium
Evergreen, palmlike perennial with Evergreen perennial with wide- Spreading, tufted perennial with thick
small, bananalike fruits. Produces leaves, spreading, red stems. Produces broadly stems. Broadly arrow-shaped leaves, 2ft
20ft (6m) long, with reddish midribs and, elliptic to slightly obovate, fleshy, glossy, (60cm) or more long, on long leaf stalks,
intermittently, reddish-green flowers bright green leaves with black glands, are green with a grayish bloom.
with dark red bracts. to 2in (5cm) long, and insignificant Produces green spathes intermittently
H 20ft (6m), S 10ft (3m) or more. flowers. H to 6in (15cm), S 1ft (30cm). during the year. H to 6ft (2m) in flower,
Min. 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). S 6ft (2m) or more. Min. 55ºF (13ºC).

ADZ10 BDZ10–11 BEZ14–15t

Asparagus densiflorus Asparagus densiflorus ‘Myersii’ Peperomia obtusifolia ‘Variegata’ Dieffenbachia seguine
Evergreen, trailing perennial with (Foxtail fern) Evergreen, bushy perennial with ‘Rudolph Roehrs’
clusters of narrow, bright green, Evergreen, erect perennial producing spade-shaped, fleshy leaves, to 8in Evergreen, tufted perennial, sometimes
leaflike stems. In summer, produces spikes of tight, feathery clusters of (20cm) long, that have irregular, woody at the base. Leaves, to 11⁄2ft
pink-tinged, white flowers, followed by leaflike stems and pinkish-white flowers yellowish-green to creamy-white (45cm) long, are yellowish-green or
red fruits. Suits a hanging basket. H to in summer, then red fruits. H to 3ft (1m), margins and usually grayish centers. white with green midribs and margins.
3ft (1m), S 20in (50cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). S 20in (50cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). Flowers are insignificant. H and S to 6in H and S 3ft (1m). Min. 59ºF (15ºC).
(15cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).
474 BDtZ9–11 BDZ10–12t

Aglaonema pictum
Evergreen, erect, tufted perennial. Oval
leaves, to 6in (15cm) long, are irregularly
marked with grayish-white or gray-
green. Bears creamy-white spathes
in summer. H and S to 2ft (60cm).
Min. 55ºF (13ºC).



Columnea microphylla ‘Variegata’ Goeppertia zebrina (Zebra plant) Aglaonema ‘Silver King’
Evergreen, trailing perennial. Produces Robust, evergreen, clump-forming Evergreen, erect, tufted perennial.
rounded leaves, narrowly bordered perennial with long-stalked, velvety, dark Broadly lance-shaped, mid-green leaves,
with cream, and tubular, hooded, scarlet green leaves, to 60cm (2ft) long (less if to 1ft (30cm) long, are marked with dark
flowers, with yellow throats, in winter– pot-grown), with paler veins, margins, and light green. Produces greenish-
spring. H 3ft (1m) or more, S indefinite. and midribs. Bears short spikes of white white spathes in summer. H and S to
Min. 59ºF (15ºC). to pale purple flowers. H and S to 3ft 11⁄2ft (45cm). Min. 55ºF (13ºC).
(1m). Min. 59ºF (15ºC).
BEZ11–12 BDtZ11

Maranta leuconeura ‘Erythroneura’ Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Hahnii’ Goeppertia makoyana (Peacock plant) Maranta leuconeura ‘Kerchoveana’ 475
(Herringbone plant) Evergreen, stemless perennial with a Evergreen, clump-forming perennial. (Rabbit tracks)
Evergreen perennial. Oblong leaves rosette of about 5 stiff, erect, broadly Horizontal leaves, 1ft (30cm) long, are Evergreen perennial that intermittently
have veins marked red, with paler lance-shaped and pointed leaves, dark and light green above, reddish- bears white to mauve flowers. Oblong
yellowish-green midribs, and are upright banded horizontally with pale green purple below. Bears short spikes of leaves with dark brown blotches become
at night, flat by day. H and S to 1ft or white. Occasionally bears small, pale white flowers intermittently. H to 2ft greener with age and are upright at
(30cm). Min. 59ºF (15ºC). green flowers. H 6–12in (15–30cm), S 4in (60cm), S to 4ft (1.2m). Min. 59ºF (15ºC). night, flat by day. H and S to 1ft (30cm).
(10cm). Min. 55ºF (13ºC). Min. 59ºF (15ºC).
CDZ11–12 CDZ11–12
BDZ14–15 CDZ11–12



Arctotheca calendula Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Laurentii’ Strelitzia reginae
(Cape dandelion) Evergreen, stemless perennial with (Bird-of-paradise flower)
Carpeting perennial. Leaves are woolly a rosette of about 5 stiff, erect, Evergreen, clump-forming perennial
below, rough-haired above. Heads of lance-shaped and pointed leaves with with long-stalked, bluish-green leaves.
daisylike, bright yellow flowers, with yellow margins. Occasionally bears pale Bears beaklike, orange-and-blue flowers
darker yellow centers, are borne from green flowers. Propagate by division to in boat-shaped, red-edged bracts mainly
late spring to fall. H 1ft (30cm), avoid reversion. H 11⁄2–4ft (45cm–1.2m), in spring. H over 3ft (1m), S 21⁄2ft (75cm).
S indefinite. S 4in (10cm). Min. 50–59ºF (10–15ºC). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).

ADZ9–11 ADZ14–15 BDZ13–15

tender and exotic

Hedychium gardnerianum Aphelandra squarrosa ‘Louisae’ Sansevieria trifasciata
Upright, rhizomatous perennial. Evergreen, erect perennial. Long, ovate, ‘Golden Hahnii ’
In late summer and early fall, bears glossy, slightly wrinkled, dark green Evergreen, stemless perennial with a
many spikes of short-lived, fragrant, leaves have white veins and midribs. rosette of about 5 stiff, erect, broadly
lemon-yellow and red flowers. Lance- Bears dense spikes of golden-yellow lance-shaped leaves with wide, yellow
shaped leaves are grayish-green, most flowers from axils of yellow bracts in borders. Sometimes bears small, pale
markedly when young. H 5–6ft (1.5–2m), late summer to fall. H to 3ft (1m), green flowers. H 6–12in (15–30cm), S 4in
S 21⁄2ft (75cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). S 2ft (60cm). Min. 55ºF (13ºC). (10cm). Min. 59ºF (15ºC).

AEZ8–10 ADZ11–12 BDZ14–15

Impatiens repens Peristrophe hyssopifolia Anigozanthos flavidus Clivia miniata
Evergreen, creeping perennial ‘Aureovariegata’ (Yellow kangaroo paw) Evergreen, tuft-forming rhizome
with rooting stems. Has small, ovate Evergreen, bushy perennial. Small Bushy perennial with racemes of large, with strap-shaped, semierect,
to rounded leaves and, in summer, leaves are broadly lance-shaped with woolly, tubular, yellowish-green flowers, basal, dark green leaves, 16–24in
bears yellow flowers, each with a large, long, pointed tips and central, creamy- with reddish anthers, borne from (40–60cm) long. Stems each produce
hairy spur. H to 2in (5cm), S indefinite. yellow blotches. Bears tubular, rose-pink spring–summer. Narrow leaves, to 2ft a head of 10–20 orange or red flowers
Min. 50ºF (10ºC). flowers in winter. H to 2ft (60cm) or (60cm) long, are mid-green. H 4ft (1.2m), in spring or summer. H 16in (40cm),
more, S 4ft (1.2m). Min. 59ºF (15ºC). S 11⁄2ft (45cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). S 1–2ft (30–60cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).
ADZ10–11 ADMZ10–12 BDtZ9–11

GINGERS Alpinia zerumbet

Gingers have been cultivated in Europe for more than 100
years and bring colorful, intricate flowers, tropical foliage,
and, quite literally, spice to the garden. Evergreen types
need to be overwintered under glass or gradually dried off
in fall to induce artificial dormancy, whereas many
deciduous types, such as Roscoea and Cautleya, will die off
naturally and, being frost hardy, can remain in the ground
with a protective mulch. Most gingers do not tolerate wet
winter conditions and benefit from some shade. A brighter
location encourages flowering, whereas shade encourages
better foliage, so site accordingly. They should not be
allowed to dry out while in growth, and are heavy feeders,
so give them frequent applications of liquid feed.

Hedychium densiflorum Hedychium stenopetalum

Hedychium yunnanense Hedychium thyrsiforme

Curcuma petiolata Costus speciosus

Roscoea scillifolia Alpinia purpurata Curcuma zedoaria


Kaempferia pulchra Hedychium densiflorum Globba winitii Hedychium maximum



Cyperus involucratus Selaginella martensii Nephrolepis exaltata (Sword fern)
Evergreen, tuft-forming, perennial sedge Evergreen, mosslike perennial with Evergreen fern. Has erect, sometimes
with leaflike bracts forming a whorl dense, much-branched, frondlike sprays spreading, lance-shaped, divided, pale
beneath the clustered flower spikes of glossy, rich green foliage. H and S 9in green fronds borne on wiry stems.
in summer. H to 3ft (1m), S 1ft (30cm). (23cm). Min. 50–59ºF (10–15ºC). H and S 3ft (1m) or more.
Min. 41–50ºF (5–10ºC). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).

AEZ9–12 BDZ12–15 CEZ9–11

tender and exotic

Heliconia psittacorum (Parrot’s flower, Cyperus papyrus (Paper reed, Papyrus)
Parrot’s plantain) Evergreen, clump-forming, perennial
Tufted perennial with long-stalked, sedge with stout, triangular, leafless
lance-shaped leaves. In summer, mature stems, bearing huge umbels of spikelets
plants produce green-tipped, orange with up to 100 rays, in summer. Grows
flowers with narrow, glossy, orange- in water. H to 10–15ft (3–5m), S 3ft (1m).
red bracts. H to 6ft (2m), S 3ft (1m). Min. 45–50ºF (7–10ºC).
Min. 59ºF (15ºC).

Aeschynanthus speciosus Asplenium x lucrosum Selaginella kraussiana
Evergreen, trailing perennial with waxy, Evergreen or semievergreen fern with Evergreen, trailing, more or less
narrowly ovate leaves usually borne in ovate, triangular or lance-shaped to prostrate, mosslike perennial with bright
whorls. Erect, tubular, bright orange-red oblong, dark green fronds, 4ft (1.2m) green foliage. H 1⁄2in (1cm), S indefinite.
flowers are produced in large clusters in long. The lance-shaped to oblong Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
summer. H and S 1–2ft (30–60cm). Min. segments bear numerous plantlets.
64ºF (18ºC). H and S 4ft (1.2m). BDZ7–10

478 BEZ10–12




Asplenium nidus (Bird’s-nest fern)
Evergreen fern. Produces broadly
lance-shaped, glossy, bright green
fronds in a shuttlecocklike arrangement.
H 2–4ft (60cm–1.2m), S 1–2ft (30–60cm).
Min. 50ºF (10ºC).



Phlebodium aureum (Golden polypody) Selenicereus grandiflorus Cleistocactus strausii (Silver torch)
Evergreen fern with creeping, (Queen-of-the-night) Fast-growing, columnar, perennial
golden-scaled rhizomes. Has arching, Climbing, perennial cactus. Has cactus with 3in (8cm) wide stems and
deeply lobed, mid-green or glaucous 7-ribbed, 1⁄2–3⁄4in (1–2cm) wide, green short, dense, white spines. Tubular,
fronds with attractive, orange-yellow stems with yellow spines. White red flowers are borne in spring on
sporangia on reverses. H 3–5ft flowers, 7–12in (18–30cm) across, plants over 2ft (60cm) high. H 10ft (3m),
(90cm–1.5m), S 2ft (60cm). open at night in summer. H 10ft (3m), S 3–6ft (1–2m). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
Min. 50ºF (10ºC). S indefinite. Min. 50ºF (10ºC).
BDZ10–12 BDZ12–15

Platycerium bifurcatum Pereskia aculeata (Barbados Cephalocereus senilis Mammillaria hahniana 479
(Common staghorn fern) gooseberry, Lemon vine) (Old-man cactus) (Old lady cactus)
Evergreen, epiphytic fern with broad, Fast-growing, deciduous, climbing Very slow-growing, columnar, perennial Spherical to columnar, perennial cactus
platelike sterile fronds and long, arching cactus with broad, glossy leaves. cactus with a green stem covered with a green stem bearing long, woolly,
or pendent, forked, gray-green fertile Orange-centered, creamy-white flowers in long, white hairs, masking short, white hairs. Produces cerise flowers
fronds bearing velvety, brownish spore are borne in fall, only on plants over 3ft white spines. Unlikely to flower in in spring and spherical, red fruits
patches beneath. H and S 3ft (1m). (1m) high. H to 30ft (10m), S 15ft (5m). cultivation. H 50ft (15m), S 6in (15cm). in fall. H 16in (40cm), S 6in (15cm).
Min. 50ºF (10ºC). Min. 59ºF (15ºC). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).

BEZ9–12 ADZ10–12 ADZ9–11 ADZ9–11



Coryphantha cornifera Gasteria bicolor var. liliputana
Spherical to columnar, perennial cactus Perennial succulent that forms rosettes
with angular tubercles, each bearing a of dark green leaves blotched with
curved, dark, central spine and shorter, white. Flower stems, to 6in (15cm) long,
radial spines. Has funnel-shaped, yellow bear spikes of bell-shaped, orange-
flowers in summer. H 6in (15cm), green flowers in spring. H 3in (7cm),
S 4in (10cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). S 4in (10cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).

ADZ9–11 BDZ9–11

tender and exotic

Crassula socialis Haworthia attenuata Mammillaria geminispina
Spreading, perennial succulent with Clump-forming, perennial succulent Clump-forming, perennial cactus.
short, dense rosettes of fleshy, triangular, with a basal rosette of triangular, dark Has a spherical, green stem densely
green leaves, to 1⁄2in (1cm) across. green leaves, 11⁄4in (3cm) long, that have covered with short, white, radial spines
Produces clusters of star-shaped, pronounced white dots. Has tubular, and very long, white, central spines.
white flowers on 11⁄4in (3cm) tall stems white flowers, with spreading petals, Bears red flowers, 1⁄2–3⁄4in (1–2cm) across,
in spring. H 2in (5cm), S indefinite. from spring to fall. H 3in (7cm), S 10in in spring. H 10in (25cm), S 20in (50cm).
Min. 41ºF (5ºC). (25cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).

BDZ9–11 BDZ9–11 ADZ9–11

Escobaria vivipara Gasteria carinata var. verrucosa Mammillaria bocasana
Spherical, perennial cactus with a green Clump-forming, perennial succulent (Snowball cactus)
stem densely covered with gray spines. producing stiff, dark green leaves, with Clump-forming, perennial cactus.
Bears funnel-shaped, pink flowers, 11⁄2in raised, white dots and incurved edges. Long, white hairs cover a hemispherical
(3.5cm) across, in summer. More difficult Bears spikes of bell-shaped, orange- stem. Produces cream or rose-pink
to grow than many other species in this green flowers in spring. H 4in (10cm), flowers in summer and red seed pods
genus. H and S 2in (5cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). S 1ft (30cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). the following spring–summer. H 4in
(10cm), S 1ft (30cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
480 BDZ9–11

Opuntia polyacantha var. erinacea Crassula ovata (Friendship tree, Strombocactus disciformis
Bushy, perennial cactus with a green Jade tree, Money tree) Very slow-growing, hemispherical,
stem, 6in (15cm) long, with flattened Perennial succulent with a swollen stem perennial cactus with a gray-green to
segments. Areoles bear numerous, crowned by glossy, green leaves, at brown stem set with a spiral of blunt
very long, hairlike spines. Produces times red-edged. Bears 5-petaled, white tubercles. Woolly crown has bristlelike
abundant, saucer-shaped, red or yellow flowers in fall–winter. H 12ft (4m), S 6ft spines, which soon fall off, and cream
flowers in summer. H 20in (50cm), (2m). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). flowers in summer. H 11⁄4in (3cm),
S 6ft (2m). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). S 4in (10cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).
ADZ7–10t ADZ12–15


Curio rowleyana (String-of-beads) Lithops karasmontana Echinopsis oxygona Trichodiadema mirabile
Pendent, perennial succulent. Very Egg-shaped, perennial succulent, Spherical to columnar, perennial cactus Bushy to prostrate, perennial succulent
slender, green stems bear cylindrical, divided into 2 unequal-sized, gray leaves, with a 13–15-ribbed, green stem and with cylindrical, dark green leaves
green leaves. Bears heads of fragrant, that have pink upper surfaces with long spines. Produces tubular, white to tipped with dark brown bristles and
tubular, white flowers from spring to fall. sunken, darker pink marks. Bears a lavender flowers, 4in (10cm) across, in covered in papillae. Stem tip bears
Suits a hanging pot. H 3ft (1m), white flower in late summer or early spring–summer. H and S 1ft (30cm). white flowers, 11⁄2in (4cm) across, from
S indefinite. Min. 50ºF (10ºC). fall. H to 11⁄2in (4cm), S 2in (5cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). spring to fall. H 6in (15cm), S 1ft (30cm).
Min. 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
ADZ12–15 ADZ9–11
ADZ9–11 ADZ12–15

Agave americana ‘Striata’ Gibbaeum velutinum Gymnocalycium gibbosum Furcraea foetida ‘Mediopicta’
Basal-rosetted, perennial succulent. Clump-forming, perennial succulent Spherical to columnar, perennial Basal-rosetted, perennial succulent
Has sharply pointed, sword-shaped, with paired, fingerlike, velvety, bluish cactus that has a dark green stem with with broad, sword-shaped, green leaves,
blue-green leaves with yellow edges. gray-green leaves, to 21⁄2in (6cm) long. 12–19 rounded ribs, pale yellow spines, striped with creamy-white, to 8ft (2.5m)
Stem produces white flowers, each Produces daisylike, pink, lilac, or darkening with age, and white flowers, long. Produces bell-shaped, green
31⁄2in (9cm) long, in spring–summer. white flowers, 2in (5cm) across, in to 3in (7cm) long, in summer. H 1ft flowers, with white interiors, in summer.
Offsets freely. H and S 6ft (2m). spring. H 3in (8cm), S 1ft (30cm). (30cm), S 8in (20cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). H 10ft (3m), S 15ft (5m). Min. 43ºF (6ºC).
Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
ADZ9–11 ADZ9–11 ADZ10–11 481


Tough plants originating from the Americas, agaves WHITE
are able to withstand drought, heat, and full sun. Some
species are frost hardy, too. Agaves grab your attention Kalanchoe blossfeldiana ‘Calandiva’
with bold rosettes of thick, sculptured leaves, often of Bushy, perennial succulent with ovate
great architectural value. The rosette slowly increases in to oblong, toothed, glossy, dark green
size over several years before producing a flower spike, leaves. Clusters of tubular, double, red,
sometimes of treelike proportions, so site carefully. Some orange, pink, purple or white flowers,
species die after flowering, but may produce seed, bulbils 1⁄4in (0.5cm) across, of any combination
among the flowers, and offsets around the base of the old of these colors, are borne year-round.
rosette. Care should be taken when planting, due to sharp H and S 1ft (30cm). Min. 50°F (10°C).
thorns at the end of the leaves.

A. parrasana A. geminiflora A. macroacantha

A. stricta

Echinocereus leucanthus Espostoa lanata
Clump-forming, tuberous cactus with (Cotton ball, Peruvian old-man cactus)
spined, 6- or 7-ribbed, prostrate stems. Very slow-growing, columnar, perennial
In spring, bears often terminal, dark- cactus with a branching, woolly, green
throated, white flowers, softly streaked stem. Foul-smelling, white flowers are
purple, with green stigmas. H 8in (20cm), borne in summer, only on plants more
S 1ft (30cm). Min. 46ºF (8ºC). than 3ft (1m) high. H to 12ft (4m), S 6ft
(2m). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).

A. parviflora A. americana ‘Marginata’

482 Epiphyllum laui Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi ‘Variegata’
Bushy, perennial cactus, usually with Bushy, perennial succulent. Blue-green
A. victoriae-reginae strap-shaped, red-tinged, glossy stems, and cream leaves also color red.
which may also be spiny, cylindrical, Produces a new plantlet in each leaf
or 4-angled. Produces fragrant, white notch. Bears brownish-pink flowers in
flowers, with brown sepals, in spring– late winter. H and S to 3ft (1m).
summer. H 1ft (30cm), S 20in (50cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).
Min. 50ºF (10ºC).

A. filifera


Mammillaria plumosa Euphorbia tithymaloides ‘Variegata’
Clump-forming, perennial cactus. (Redbird flower)
Has a spherical, green stem that is Bushy, perennial succulent with stems
completely covered with feathery, angled at each node. Leaves have white
white spines. Produces cream flowers or pink marks. Stem tips produce small,
in midwinter. Difficult to grow; greenish flowers in red to yellowish-
add calcium to soil. H 5in (12cm), green bracts in summer. H to 10ft (3m),
S 16in (40cm). Min. 34ºF (1ºC). S 1ft (30cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).

ADZ8–12 BDtZ11


Neolloydia conoidea Pachycereus pringlei Rhipsalis cereuscula (Coral cactus) Disocactus flagelliformis
Clump-forming, perennial cactus. Slow-growing, columnar, perennial Pendent, perennial cactus with 4- or (Rat’s-tail cactus)
Has a columnar, blue-green stem cactus with a branched, bluish-green 5-angled or cylindrical, green stems and Pendent, perennial cactus with
densely covered with white, radial stem that has 10–15 ribs. Large areoles branches, to 11⁄4in (3cm) long in whorls. pencil-thick, green stems bearing
spines and longer, black, central each have 15–25 black-tipped, white Bears bell-shaped, white flowers on stem short, golden spines. Produces double,
spines. Bears funnel-shaped, purple- spines. Unlikely to flower in cultivation. tips in winter–spring. H 2ft (60cm), cerise flowers along stems in spring.
violet flowers in summer. H 4in (10cm), H 35ft (11m), S 10ft (3m). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). S 20in (50cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). Good for a hanging basket. H 3ft (1m),
S 6in (15cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). S indefinite. Min. 45-50ºF (7–10ºC).
ADZ11 BDZ11–12
ADZ9–11 BDZ11–12

Opuntia microdasys var. albispina Pilosocereus leucocephalus Rebutia ‘Carnival’ 483
Bushy, perennial cactus with green, Columnar, perennial cactus with a Clump-forming, spherical, perennial
flattened, ovate segments. Spineless 10–12-ribbed stem and white-haired cactus with low, tuberculate ribs bearing
areoles, with slender, barbed, white crown. Bears tubular, pink flowers, with areoles of white hairs and thin spines.
hairs, are set in diagonal rows. cream anthers, at night in summer, on In spring, bears abundant, funnel-shaped
Funnel-shaped, yellow flowers plants more than 5ft (1.5m) tall. H to 20ft white, pink, salmon, orange, or
are borne in summer. H 2ft (60cm), (6m), S 3ft (1m). Min. 52ºF (11ºC). orange-red flowers around the base.
S 1ft (30cm). Min. 37–41ºF (3–5ºC). H 2in (5cm), S 6in (15cm). Min. 41°F (5°C).
ADtZ11 ADZ11



Rebutia ‘Jenny’ Echinocereus pentalophus Echeveria elegans Stenocactus obvallatus
Clump-forming, perennial cactus with Clump-forming, perennial cactus with Clump-forming, perennial succulent Spherical, perennial cactus with
low, tuberculate ribs bearing areoles spined, green stems, 11⁄4–11⁄2in (3–4cm) with a basal rosette of broad, fleshy, wavy-margined ribs. White areoles
with short, white spines. In spring, across, that have 4–8 ribs, later rounded. pale silvery-blue leaves, edged with each bear 5–12 grayish-brown
produces funnel-shaped flowers, the Produces trumpet-shaped, bright pink red. Bears yellow-tipped, pink flowers spines. In spring, produces pale yellow
outer sepals dark pink shading to off- flowers, paler at the base, to 5in (12cm) in summer. Keep dry in winter. Makes to pale pink flowers, with a purplish-red
white toward the center. H 2in (5cm), across, in spring. H 2ft (60cm), S 3ft (1m). a good bedding plant. H 2in (5cm), stripe on each petal. H and S 3in (8cm).
S 6in (15cm). Min. 41°F (5°C). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). S 20in (50cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 45ºF (7ºC).

ADZ11 ADZ9–11 ADZ9–11 ADZ12–15

tender and exotic

Hesperaloe parviflora Mammillaria sempervivi Aptenia cordifolia Thelocactus bicolor
Basal-rosetted, perennial succulent, Slow-growing, spherical, perennial Fast-growing, prostrate, perennial Spherical to columnar, perennial
often with peeling, white fibers at leaf cactus, producing a dark green stem succulent with ovate, glossy, green cactus with an 8–13-ribbed stem.
edges. Flower stems each bear a raceme with short, white spines. Has white wool leaves and, in summer, daisylike, bright Areoles each have 4 usually flattened,
of bell-shaped, pink to red flowers between short, angular tubercles on pink flowers. Ideal for groundcover. yellow, central spines, or bicolored
in summer–fall. H 3ft (1m) or more, plants more than 11⁄2in (4cm) high. Bears H 2in (5cm), S indefinite. Min. 45ºF (7ºC). yellow and red, and numerous shorter,
S 6ft (2m). Min. 37ºF (3ºC). cerise flowers in spring. H and S 3in radial spines. Flowers are purple-pink.
(7cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). ADZ11 H and S 8in (20cm). Min. 45ºF (7ºC).
ADZ9–11 ADZ12–15

484 Conophytum concordans Lampranthus spectabilis Echinocereus reichenbachii Crassula multicava
Clump-forming, perennial succulent Spreading, perennial succulent with var. baileyi Bushy, perennial succulent with ovate,
with 2 fleshy, gray-green leaves that are erect stems and narrow, cylindrical, Columnar, perennial cactus with a gray-green leaves, 3in (8cm) across.
broad, erect, and united for most of their gray-green leaves. In summer, produces slightly branched stem bearing 12–23 Produces numerous clusters of small,
length but have distinctly divided, upper daisylike flowers, cerise with yellow ribs and yellowish-white, 11⁄4in (3cm) star-shaped, pink flowers on elongated
lobes. Pale pink flowers are produced in centers or golden-yellow throughout. long spines. Produces pink flowers with stems in spring, followed by small
late summer. H 1in (2.5cm), S 1⁄2in (1cm). H 1ft (30cm), S indefinite. darker bases in spring. H 1ft (30cm), plantlets. H 6in (15cm), S 3ft (1m).
Min. 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). S 8in (20cm). Min. 45ºF (7ºC). Min. 45ºF (7ºC).

ADZ11 ADZ9–11 ADZ7–10 BDZ11–12

Crassula schmidtii Disocactus ‘Gloria’ Graptopetalum bellum
Carpeting, perennial succulent with Erect, then pendent, perennial cactus. Basal-rosetted, perennial succulent with
dense rosettes of linear, dark green Strap-shaped, flattened, green stems triangular to ovate, gray leaves, 2in (5cm)
leaves, pitted and marked, each have toothed edges. Produces pinkish- long. Bears clusters of deep pink to red
11⁄4–11⁄2in (3–4cm) long. Bears abundant red flowers, 4in (10cm) across, in spring. flowers, 3⁄4in (2cm) across, in spring–
star-shaped, bright pink-red flowers in H 1ft (30cm), S 3ft (1m). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). summer. H 11⁄4in (3cm), S 6in (15cm).
clusters in winter. H 4in (10cm), S 1ft Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
(30cm). Min. 45ºF (7ºC). BDZ11


Oscularia deltoides Frithia pulchra Kalanchoe ‘Wendy ’ Disocactus phyllanthoides
Spreading, perennial succulent. Has Basal-rosetted, perennial succulent Semierect, perennial succulent with ‘Deutsche Kaiserin’
chunky, triangular, blue-green leaves, with erect, rough, gray leaves, narrowly ovate, glossy, green leaves, Pendent, epiphytic, perennial cactus
to 1⁄2in (1cm) long, with small-toothed, cylindrical with flattened tips. Produces 3in (7cm) long. In late winter, bears with flattened, toothed, glossy, green
often reddened leaf margins. Fragrant, abundant, stemless, daisylike, bright bell-shaped, pinkish-red flowers, 3⁄4in stems, each 2in (5cm) across. Stem
pink flowers, 1⁄2–3⁄4in (1–2cm) wide, are pink flowers, with paler centers, in (2cm) long, with yellow tips. Ideal for margins each bear pink flowers, to
borne in early summer. H 6in (15cm), summer. H 11⁄4in (3cm), S 21⁄2in (6cm). a hanging basket. H and S 1ft (30cm). 4in (10cm) across, in spring. H 2ft (60cm),
S 3ft (1m). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). S 3ft (1m). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).

ADZ9–11 ADZ8–10 BDZ10–11 BDZ11

Eriosyce napina Disocactus ‘M.A. Jeans’ Hatiora rosea Pereskia grandifolia (Rose cactus) 485
Flattened spherical, perennial cactus Erect, then pendent, perennial cactus. Bushy, perennial cactus with slender, Deciduous, bushy, perennial cactus
with very short, gray spines pressed Strap-shaped, flattened, green stems 3- or 4-angled, bristly, green stem with black spines. Single, roselike,
flat against a greenish-brown stem. have shallowly toothed edges. In spring, segments, usually tinged purple, to pink flowers are produced in summer–
Produces white, pink, carmine, or bears deep pink flowers, 3in (8cm) 2in (5cm) long. Produces abundant, fall only on plants more than 1ft (30cm)
brown flowers, 2in (5cm) across, from across, with white anthers. H 1ft (30cm), bell-shaped, pink flowers, to 11⁄2in (4cm) high. H 15ft (5m), S 10ft (3m).
the crown in summer. H 3⁄4in (2cm), S 20in (50cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). across, in spring. H and S 4in (10cm). Min. 59ºF (15ºC).
S 11⁄2in (3.5cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).
BDZ11 ADZ10–12
ADZ11 BDZ10–12



Mammillaria zeilmanniana Parodia mueller-melchersii Echinopsis chamaecereus Rebutia minuscula
(Rose pincushion) Columnar, perennial cactus. Areoles (Peanut cactus) Clump-forming, perennial cactus
Clump-forming, perennial cactus with each have about 15 radial spines and 2 Clump-forming, perennial cactus with a tuberculate, dark green stem.
a spherical, green stem that has hooked upward- or downward-pointing, central with spined stems, initially erect, Bears prominent, white areoles with
spines and bears a ring of deep pink to spines. Bears cream-centered, pink then prostrate. Bears funnel-shaped, very short, white spines. Trumpet-
purple flowers in spring. H 6in (15cm), flowers in summer. H 4in (10cm), orange-red flowers in late spring. shaped, bright red flowers, to 2in (5cm)
S 1ft (30cm). Min. 10ºC (50ºF). S 2in (5cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). H 4in (10cm), S indefinite. across, are borne at stem base in spring.
Min. 37ºF (3ºC). H 2in (5cm), S 8in (20cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
ADZ9–11 BDZ11
ADZ11 ADZ9–11

tender and exotic

Oroya peruviana Schlumbergera ‘Gold Charm’
Spherical, perennial cactus with a Erect, then pendent, perennial
much-ribbed stem covered in yellow cactus. Has flattened, oblong, green
spines, 5⁄8in (1.5cm) long, with darker stem segments with toothed margins.
bases. Pink flowers, with yellow bases, Yellow flowers, borne in early fall, turn
open in spring–summer. H 10in (25cm), pinkish-orange in winter. H 6in (15cm),
S 8in (20cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). S 1ft (30cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).

ADZ9–11 BDZ13–15

Curio articulata ‘Variegatus’ Adenium obesum Ferocactus hamatacanthus
Deciduous, spreading, perennial Treelike, perennial succulent with a Slow-growing, spherical to columnar,
succulent with gray-marked stems. fleshy, tapering, green trunk and stems perennial cactus with a 13-ribbed stem
Produces cream- and pink-marked, crowned by ovate, glossy, green leaves, that bears hooked, red spines, to
blue-green leaves in summer and dull green beneath. Produces funnel- 5in (12cm) long. Produces yellow blooms
yellow flower heads from fall to spring. shaped, pink to pinkish-red flowers, in summer, then spherical, red fruits.
H 2ft (60cm), S indefinite. Min. 45ºF (7ºC). white inside, in summer. H 6ft (2m), H and S 2ft (60cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
S 20in (50cm). Min. 59ºF (15ºC).
486 ADZ9–11
ADZ13–15 t

Echeveria secunda Parodia haselbergii subsp. haselbergii Parodia nivosa Cyphostemma juttae
Clump-forming, perennial succulent (Scarlet ball cactus) Ovoid, perennial cactus that has a Perennial succulent. Swollen stem has
with short stems each crowned by a Slow-growing, perennial cactus with a much-ribbed, green stem with stiff, peeling bark and deciduous, scandent
rosette of broad, fleshy, light green stem covered in white spines. Slightly white spines, each 1⁄2–3⁄4in (1–2cm) long. branches with broad leaves. Bears
to gray leaves, reddened near the tips. sunken crown bears red flowers, with Has a white, woolly crown and bright inconspicuous, yellow-green flowers in
Bears cup-shaped, red-and-yellow yellow stigmas, in spring. H 4in (10cm), red flowers, to 2in (5cm) across, in summer. Green fruits turn yellow or red.
flowers in spring–summer. H 11⁄2in (4cm), S 10in (25cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). summer. H to 6in (15cm), S 4in (10cm). H and S 6ft (2m). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).
S 1ft (30cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).
BDZ9–11 ADZ9–11
ADZ9–11 ADZ9–11


Stenocactus coptonogonus Rebutia deminuta Kalanchoe ‘Tessa’ Schlumbergera truncata
Spherical, perennial cactus. White Clump-forming, perennial cactus with Prostrate to pendent, perennial (Crab cactus, Lobster cactus)
areoles each have 3–5 flat, upward- a spherical, spined, green stem, to 11⁄2in succulent with narrowly ovate, green Erect, then pendent, perennial cactus.
curving, pale brownish-red spines. (4cm) across, becoming columnar with leaves, 11⁄4in (3cm) long. Bears tubular, Oblong stem segments have toothed
Bears purple to white flowers, with age. Bears abundant, slender-tubed, orange-red flowers, 3⁄4in (2cm) long, in margins. Bears purple-red flowers in
pink-purple or violet-purple stripes, orange-red flowers at base in late spring. late winter. H 1ft (30cm), S 2ft (60cm). early fall and winter. H 6in (15cm),
in spring. H 4in (10cm), S 6in (16cm). H 4in (10cm), S 8in (20cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). S 1ft (30cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).
Min. 45ºF (7ºC).
ADZ9–11 BDZ9–11 BDZ13–15

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Gymnocalycium mihanovichii Rebutia steinbachii subsp. tiraquensis Hatiora gaertneri (Easter cactus) 487
Bushy, perennial succulent with ovate ‘Red Head’ Variable, perennial cactus with a green Bushy, perennial cactus with flat,
to oblong, toothed, glossy, green leaves. Perennial cactus with a red stem, stem. Elongated areoles bear spines oblong, glossy, green stem segments,
Produces clusters of yellow, orange, 8 angular ribs and curved spines. Must of gold or bicolored red and white. each to 2in (5cm) long, often tinged
pink, red or purple flowers, year-round. be grafted onto any fast-growing stock Bears dark pink- or orange-red flowers red at the edges. Segment ends
Makes an excellent house plant. as it contains no chlorophyll. Bears pink in spring. H 6in (15cm), S 4in (10cm). each bear orange-red flowers in
H and S 1ft (30cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). flowers in spring–summer. H and S as Min. 41ºF (5ºC). spring. H 6in (15cm), S 13in (20cm).
per graft stock. Min. 50ºF (10ºC). Min. 55ºF (13ºC).
BDZ11 ADZ9–11
ADZ9–11 BDZ11



Schlumbergera ‘Bristol Beauty’ Orbea variegata (Star flower, Crassula deceptor Browningia hertlingiana
Erect, then pendent, perennial cactus Toad cactus) Slow-growing, clump-forming, Slow-growing, columnar, perennial
with flattened, green stem segments Clump-forming, branching, perennial perennial succulent with branching cactus with a silvery-blue stem, golden
with toothed margins. Bears reddish- succulent with 4-angled, indented stems. stems surrounded by fleshy, gray leaves spines, and tufted areoles. Nocturnal,
purple flowers, with silvery-white Flowers, variable in color and blotched set in 4 rows. Each leaf has minute lines white flowers are produced in summer,
tubes, in early fall and winter. yellow, purple- or red-brown, are borne around raised dots. Bears insignificant only on plants more than 3ft (1m) high.
H 6in (15cm), S 1ft (30cm). in summer–fall. H to 4in (10cm), flowers in spring. H and S 4in (10cm). H 25ft (8m), S 12ft (4m). Min. 45ºF (7ºC).
Min. 50ºF (10ºC). S indefinite. Min. 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
BDZ13–15 BDZ11 ADZ9–11

tender and exotic

Argyroderma delaetii Opuntia robusta Cereus hildmannianus
Prostrate, egg-shaped, perennial Bushy, perennial cactus. Silvery-blue Columnar, perennial cactus. Has a
succulent with 2 very fleshy, silvery- stem has flattened, ovate segments with branching, silvery-blue stem and golden
green leaves, between which daisylike, either no spines or 8–12 white ones, spines on 4–8 indented ribs. Bears
pink-purple flowers, 2in (5cm) across, to 2in (5cm) long, per areole. Saucer- cup-shaped, white flowers, 4in (10cm)
are produced in late summer. H 11⁄2in shaped, yellow flowers, 3in (7cm) across, at night in summer, and
(3cm), S 2in (5cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). across, are produced in spring-summer. pear-shaped, red fruits. H 15ft (5m),
H and S 15ft (5m). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). S 12ft (4m). Min. 45ºF (7ºC).
ADtZ9–11 ADZ11

488 Huernia macrocarpa Stapelia grandiflora Aloinopsis schooneesii Cereus hankeanus
Clump-forming, perennial succulent Clump-forming, perennial succulent Dwarf, mounded, perennial succulent Columnar, perennial cactus with a
with finger-shaped, 4- or 5-sided, green with 4-angled, hairy, toothed, green with tuberous roots and fleshy, almost branching, blue-green stem bearing
stems. Produces short-lived, deciduous stems. In summer-fall, produces spherical, blue-green leaves arranged dark spines on 4–7 prominent ribs.
leaves and, in fall, bell-shaped, star-shaped, purple-brown flowers, tightly in tufts. Produces flattish, yellow Produces cup-shaped, white flowers,
white-haired, dark purple flowers with to 4in (10cm) across, ridged with white flowers in winter-spring. H 11⁄2in (3cm), 10in (25cm) long, at night in summer,
recurved petal tips. H and S 4in (10cm). or purple hairs. H to 8in (20cm), S to 3in (7cm). Min. 45ºF (7ºC). followed by red fruits. H 22ft (7m),
Min. 52ºF (11ºC). S indefinite. Min. 52ºF (11ºC). S 10ft (3m). Min. 45ºF (7ºC).
BDZ11–12 BDZ13–15 ADZ11


Copiapoa cinerea Aeonium haworthii (Pinwheel) Agave attenuata Crassula perfoliata var. minor
Very slow-growing, clump-forming, Bushy, perennial succulent. Freely Perennial succulent with a thick stem (Airplane propeller)
perennial cactus. Blue-green stem branching stems bear rosettes, crowned by a rosette of sword-shaped, Bushy, perennial succulent that
bears up to 25 ribs and black spines. 5in (12cm) across, of blue-green leaves, spineless, pale green leaves. Arching branches freely. Long leaves each twist
Has a woolly, white-gray crown and, often with red margins. Bears a terminal flower stem, to 5ft (1.5m) long, is like a propeller. Bears large clusters of
on plants over 4in (10cm) across, yellow spike of star-shaped, pink-tinged, pale densely covered with yellow flowers fragrant, red flowers in late summer.
flowers in spring-summer. H 20in (50cm), yellow flowers in spring. H 2ft (60cm), in spring-summer. H 3ft (1m), S 6ft (2m). H and S 3ft (1m). Min. 45ºF (7ºC).
S 6ft (2m). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). S 3ft (1m). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
BDZ11–12 BDZ9–11 ADZ9–11


Echinopsis lageniformis Agave parryi
Columnar, perennial cactus with Basal-rosetted, perennial succulent
4–8-ribbed stems branching at base. with stiff, broad, gray-green leaves,
Areoles each produce up to 6 spines. each to 1ft (30cm) long with a solitary
Scented, funnel-shaped, white flowers dark spine at its pointed tip. Flower
open at night in summer. H to 15ft (5m), stem, to 12ft (4m) long, bears creamy-
S 3ft (1m). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). yellow flowers in summer. H 20in (50cm),
S 3ft (1m). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).

Myrtillocactus geometrizans Graptopetalum paraguayense Lithops marmorata 489
(Blue candle) (Mother-of-pearl plant) Egg-shaped, perennial succulent,
Columnar, perennial cactus with a Clump-forming, perennial succulent divided into 2 unequal-sized, swollen,
branched, 5- or 6-ribbed, blue-green with a basal rosette, 6in (15cm) across, pale gray leaves with dark gray marks
stem. Bears short, black spines, on of gray-green leaves, often tinged pink. on convex, upper surfaces. Bears a white
plants more than 1ft (30cm) tall, and Bears star-shaped, yellow-and-red flower in late summer or early fall.
white flowers at night in summer. H to flowers in summer. H 4in (10cm), H 3⁄4–11⁄4in (2–3cm), S 2in (5cm).
12ft (4m), S 6ft (2m). Min. 54ºF (12ºC). S 3ft (1m). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).

ADZ10–11 BDZ9–11 ADZ9–11



Leuchtenbergia principis Dudleya pulverulenta Eriosyce villosa Beschorneria yuccoides
Basal-rosetted, perennial cactus with Basal-rosetted, perennial succulent Clump-forming, perennial cactus with Clump-forming, perennial succulent
narrow, angular, dull gray-green with strap-shaped, pointed, silvery-gray a branched, green to dark gray-green with a basal rosette of up to 20 rough,
tubercles, each 4in (10cm) long and leaves. Bears abundant star-shaped, stem. Has dense, sometimes curved, grayish-green leaves, to 3ft (1m) long
crowned by papery spines to 4in (10cm) red flowers in spring–summer. gray spines, 11⁄4in (3cm) long. Produces and 2in (5cm) across. Produces pendent,
long. Crown bears yellow flowers, H 2ft (60cm), S 1ft (30cm). tubular, pink or white flowers in spring tubular, bright red flowers in summer
to 3in (7cm) across, in summer. Min. 45ºF (7ºC). or fall. H 6in (15cm), S 4in (10cm). in spikes over 6ft (2m) tall. H 3ft (1m),
H and S 1ft (30cm). Min. 43ºF (6ºC). Min. 46ºF (8ºC). S 10ft (3m).
ADZ11–12 ADZ11 ADZ8–11

tender and exotic

Crassula arborescens Pachyphytum oviferum (Moonstones, Maihuenia poeppigii
(Silver jade plant) Sugared-almond plum) Slow-growing, clump-forming,
Perennial succulent with a thick, robust Clump-forming, perennial succulent perennial cactus. Has a cylindrical,
stem crowned by branches bearing with a basal rosette of ovate, pinkish- branched, spiny, green-brown stem.
rounded, silvery-blue leaves, often with blue leaves. Stem bears 10–15 bell-shaped Most branches produce a spike of
red edges. Bears 5-petaled, pink flowers flowers, with powder-blue calyces and cylindrical, green leaves at the tip,
in fall–winter. H 12ft (4m), S 6ft (2m). orange-red petals, in spring. H 4in with a funnel-shaped, yellow flower in
Min. 45ºF (7ºC). (10cm), S 1ft (30cm). Min. 45ºF (7ºC). summer. H 21⁄2in (6cm), S 1ft (30cm).

ADZ11 ADZ11–12 ADZ11

Ceropegia linearis subsp. woodii x Pachyveria glauca Kalanchoe tomentosa (Panda plant, Frailea pygmaea
(Heart vine, Rosary vine, String-of-hearts) Clump-forming, perennial succulent Pussy ears) Columnar, perennial cactus with a much-
Semievergreen, trailing, succulent with a dense, basal rosette of fleshy, Bushy, perennial succulent with thick, ribbed, dark green stem bearing white
subshrub with tuberous roots. Leaves incurved, ovate, silvery-blue leaves, to ovate, gray leaves, covered with velvety to light brown spines. Buds, which
redden in sun. Bears hairy, pinkish- 21⁄2in (6cm) long, with darker marks. bristles and often edged with brown at rarely open to flattish, yellow flowers in
green flowers from spring to fall. Bears star-shaped, yellow flowers, each tips. Produces yellowish-purple flowers summer, become tufts of spherical, spiny
H 3ft (1m), S indefinite. Min. 45ºF (7ºC). with a red tip, in spring. H and S 1ft in winter. H 20in (50cm), S 1ft (30cm). seed pods. H to 2in (5cm), S 3⁄4in (2cm).
(30cm). Min. 45ºF (7ºC). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
ADZ10–11 ADZ11 BDZ9–11

Aeonium tabuliforme Mammillaria microhelia Argyroderma pearsonii Lithops lesliei var. albinica
Prostrate, almost stemless, short-lived, Columnar, perennial cactus with a Prostrate, egg-shaped, perennial Egg-shaped, perennial succulent,
perennial succulent with a basal rosette, green stem, 5⁄8in (5cm) across, bearing succulent. A united pair of very fleshy, divided into 2 unequal-sized leaves;
to 1ft (30cm) across, like a flat, bright cream or brown spines, discoloring with silvery-gray leaves has a deep fissure in convex, pale green, upper surfaces have
green plate. Produces star-shaped, age. Produces yellow or pink flowers, which a red flower, 11⁄4in (3cm) across, dark green and yellow marks. Bears a
yellow flowers in spring, then dies. 5⁄8in (5cm) across, in spring. Offsets is produced in summer. H 11⁄4in (3cm), white flower in late summer or early fall.
Propagate from seed. H 2in (5cm), slowly with age. H 8in (20cm), S 16in S 2in (5cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). H 3⁄4–11⁄4in (2–3cm), S 2in (5cm).
S 1ft (30cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). (40cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
BZ9–11 ADZ9–11 ADZ9–11


Schwantesia ruedebuschii Echinopsis marsoneri Echinopsis pentlandii Argyroderma fissum
Mat-forming, perennial succulent with Columnar, perennial cactus with a Clump-forming or solitary, variable, Clump-forming, perennial succulent
cylindrical, bluish-green leaves, 1–2in 20–25-ribbed, bluish- to dark green perennial cactus with a 10–20-ribbed with finger-shaped, fleshy leaves, 2–4in
(3–5cm) long, with expanded tips. Leaf stem that has yellow, radial spines with stem and 6–20 spined aeroles. Bears (5–10cm) long and often reddish
edges each produce 3–7 minute, blue longer, darker, central ones. In summer, white, pink, purple, or orange flowers, at the tip. Produces light red flowers
teeth with brown tips. Produces yellow produces yellow flowers, 3in (7cm) with paler throats, in summer. H 3in between leaves in summer. H 6in (15cm),
flowers in summer. H 2in (5cm), S 8in across, with red throats. H 1ft (30cm), (8cm), S 4in (10cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). S 4in (10cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
(20cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). S 6in (15cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
ADZ9–11 ADZ9–11
ADZ12–15 ADZ11

Lithops dorotheae Pachyphytum compactum Echinopsis backebergii Haworthia arachnoidea 491
Egg-shaped, perennial succulent, Clump-forming, perennial succulent Clump-forming, almost spherical, Slow-growing, clump-forming,
divided into 2 unequal-sized leaves, with a basal rosette of green leaves, each perennial cactus with a 10–15-ribbed, perennial succulent with a basal rosette
pale pink-yellow to green with darker narrowing to a blunt point, with angular, spined, dark green stem. Produces of triangular leaves, with soft, white
areas and red marks on upper surfaces. paler edges. Stems each bear 3–10 funnel-shaped, pink, red, or purple teeth along the margins. Produces white
Produces a daisylike, yellow flower in flowers with green to pink calyces and flowers, with paler throats, in summer. flowers from spring to fall. H 2in (5cm),
summer or fall. H 3⁄4–11⁄4in (2–3cm), orange petals in spring. H 6in (15cm), H 4in (10cm), S 6in (15cm). S 4in (10cm). Min. 43ºF (6ºC).
S 2in (5cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). S indefinite. Min. 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
ADZ9–11 ADZ9–11 ADZ9–11



Adromischus maculatus Echinocereus schmollii Haworthia truncata
Clump-forming, perennial succulent (Lamb’s-tail cactus) Clump-forming, perennial succulent
with rounded, glossy, green leaves with Erect to prostrate, tuberous cactus with a basal fan of broad, erect, rough,
purple marks. Leaf tips are often wavy. with 8–10-ribbed, purplish-green stems blue-gray leaves with pale gray lines
Produces tubular, purplish-white and mostly white spines. Pinkish-purple and flat ends. Produces small, tubular,
flowers, on a 1ft (30cm) tall stem, in flowers are borne from spring–summer. white flowers, with spreading petals,
summer. H 21⁄2in (6cm), S 4–6in H and S 1ft (30cm). Min. 46ºF (8ºC). from spring to fall. H 3⁄4in (2cm), S 4in
(10–15cm). Min. 45ºF (7ºC). (10cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
BDZ10–11 BDZ9–11

tender and exotic

Carnegiea gigantea (Saguaro cactus) Echinopsis spachiana (Torch cactus) Dioscorea elephantipes
Very slow-growing, perennial cactus Clump-forming, perennial cactus with (Elephant’s foot)
with a thick, 12–24-ribbed, spiny, green glossy, green stems bearing 10–15 ribs Very slow-growing, deciduous, perennial
stem. Tends to branch and bears short, and pale golden spines. Fragrant, succulent with a domed, woody trunk,
funnel-shaped, fleshy, white flowers funnel-shaped, white flowers open annual, climbing stems and yellow
at stem tips in summer, only when at night in summer. H and S 6ft (2m). flowers in fall. H 20in (50cm), S 3ft (1m).
more than 12ft (4m) high. H to 40ft (12m), Min. 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).
S 10ft (3m). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).
ADZ9–11 ADZ8–10

492 Kalanchoe daigremontiana Echinopsis candicans Aloe vera Lophophora williamsii
(Mexican hat plant) Clump-forming, branching, perennial Clump-forming, perennial succulent (Dumpling cactus, Mescal button)
Erect, perennial succulent with a stem cactus with up to 11 ribs. Areoles each with basal rosettes of tapering, thick Very slow-growing, clump-forming,
bearing fleshy, boat-shaped, toothed have 10–15 radial spines and 4 central leaves, mottled green, later gray-green. perennial cactus with an 8-ribbed,
leaves. Produces a plantlet in each leaf ones. Fragrant, funnel-shaped, white Flower stems bear bell-shaped, yellow blue-green stem. Abundant pink flowers
notch. Umbels of pink flowers are borne flowers open at night in summer. flowers in summer. Propagate by offsets are borne in summer on plants more
at stem tops in winter. H to 3ft (1m), S 1ft H 3ft (1m), S indefinite. Min. 41ºF (5ºC). as plant is sterile. H 2ft (60cm), than 11⁄4in (3cm) high. H 2in (5cm),
(30cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). S indefinite. Min. 50ºF (10ºC). S 3in (8cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
ADZ11 ADZ10–11t ADZ9–11


Aloes are abundant in Mediterranean and African
gardens. There is a huge range of species and hybrids,
providing a kaleidoscope of growth forms, flowers,
and leaf variegation. Unlike agaves, aloes do not die
after flowering, but gradually produce a trunk, becoming
shrubs or small trees. Aloes typically produce their
leaves singly, and the center of the rosette is usually
hollow, reminiscent of a bromeliad. A few species, such
as A. aristata are frost hardy, and can be grown in rock
gardens or at the base of a south-facing wall.

Pachycereus schottii Epithelantha micromeris
Columnar, perennial cactus, branching Slow-growing, spherical, perennial
with age. Olive- to dark green stem, cactus with a green stem completely
covered with small, white spines, bears obscured by close-set areoles bearing
4–15 ribs. Funnel-shaped, pink flowers tiny, white spines. Bears funnel-shaped,
are produced at night in summer. pale pinkish-red flowers, 1⁄4in (0.5cm)
H 22ft (7m), S 6ft (2m). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). across, on a woolly crown in summer.
H and S 11⁄2in (4cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).

A. arborescens A. ferox t

‘Variegata’ t

Rhipsalis floccosa var. tucumanensis Duvalia corderoyi
Pendent, perennial cactus with Clump-forming, perennial succulent.
cylindrical, green stems, to 1⁄2in (1cm) Has a prostrate, leafless stem with
across, branching less than many other 6 often purple, indistinct ribs. Bears
Rhipsalis species. Bears abundant very star-shaped, dull green flowers, 1⁄2in
pale pink flowers in early summer, (1cm) across and covered in purple hairs,
then pinkish-white fruits. H 3ft (1m), in summer–fall. H 2in (5cm), S 2ft (60cm).
S 20in (50cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).

BDZ10–11 BDZ10–11

A. hemmingii t

Oreocereus celsianus Euphorbia obesa (Living baseball)
(Old man of the Andes) Spherical, perennial succulent.
Slow-growing, perennial cactus. Has Spineless, dark green stem, often
heavy and wispy spines. Mature plants checkered light green, has 8 low ribs.
bear solitary, pale purplish-pink flowers Crown bears rounded heads of cupped,
in summer. H 3ft (1m), S 1ft (30cm). yellow flowers in summer. H 5in (12cm),
Min. 41ºF (5ºC). S 6in (15cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).

ADZ9–11 ADtZ10–11 493

A. haworthioides t A. striata t



Pachypodium lamerei Epiphyllum anguliger Opuntia humifusa Astrophytum myriostigma
Treelike, perennial succulent with (Fishbone cactus) Prostrate, perennial cactus. Areoles bear (Bishop’s cap)
a spiny, pale green stem crowned by Erect, then pendent, perennial cactus. up to 3 spines, 11⁄4in (3cm) long. Has flat, Slow-growing, spherical to slightly
linear leaves. Bears fragrant, trumpet- Has strap-shaped, flattened, green stems rounded to ovate, purple-tinged, dark elongated, perennial cactus. Fleshy stem
shaped, creamy-white flowers in with heavily indented margins. Produces green stem segments, 3–7in (7–18cm) has 4–6 ribs and is flecked with tiny tufts
summer, on plants more than 5ft (1.5m) tubular, white flowers, 4in (10cm) across, long, and yellow flowers, 3in (8cm) across, of white spines. Bears yellow flowers
tall. Stems branch after flowering. in summer. H 3ft (1m), S 16in (40cm). in spring–summer. Keep dry in winter. in summer. H 1ft (30cm), S 8in (20cm).
H 20ft (6m), S 6ft (2m). Min. 59ºF (15ºC). Min. 52ºF (11ºC). H 6in (15cm), S 3ft (1m). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).

ADZ11–12 ADZ11 ADZ11t ADZ9–11

tender and exotic

Pachycereus marginatus Neobuxbaumia euphorbioides Conophytum bilobum Ferocactus cylindraceus
(Organ-pipe cactus) Columnar, perennial cactus. Has Slow-growing, clump-forming, Slow-growing, columnar, perennial
Columnar, perennial cactus with a 5- or gray-green to dark green stems, 4in perennial succulent with 2-lobed, fleshy, cactus, spherical when young. Green,
6-ribbed, branching, stem. Areoles bear (10cm) across, with 8–10 ribs and 1 or 2 green leaves, 11⁄2in (4cm) long, 3⁄4in (2cm) 10–20-ribbed stem has large, hooked,
minute spines. Produces funnel-shaped, black spines per areole. Funnel-shaped, across. Bears flared, yellow flowers, red or yellow spines. Funnel-shaped,
white flowers in summer. H 22ft (7m), wine-red flowers are borne in summer. 11⁄4in (3cm) across, in fall. H 11⁄2in (4cm), yellow flowers form in summer on
S 10ft (3m). Min. 52ºF (11ºC). H 10ft (3m), S 3ft (1m). Min. 59ºF (15ºC). S 6in (15cm). Min. 39ºF (4ºC). plants 10in (25cm) across. H 10ft (3m),
S 32in (80cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
ADZ10–11 ADZ11–12 ADZ9–11

494 Caralluma joannis Melocactus intortus (Melon cactus) Mammillaria elongata Rhombophyllum rhomboideum
Clump-forming, perennial succulent Flattened spherical, perennial cactus. (Gold lace cactus) Clump-forming, perennial succulent.
with blue-gray stems and rudimentary Has an 18–20-ribbed stem with Clump-forming, perennial cactus. Linear, glossy, gray-green leaves have
leaves on stem angles. Bears clusters of yellow-brown spines. Crown matures Has columnar, green stems, 11⁄4in (3cm) expanded middles and white margins.
star-shaped, purple flowers, with short, to a white column with brown spines. across, densely covered with yellow, Stems, 3⁄4–2in (2–5cm) long, bear 3–7
fine hairs on petal tips, in late summer Bears pink flowers in summer. H 8in golden or brown spines. Bears cream yellow flowers, to 11⁄2in (4cm) across,
near stem tips. H 8in (20cm), S 3ft (1m). (20cm), S 10in (25cm). Min. 59ºF (15ºC). flowers in summer. H 6in (15cm), in summer. H 2in (5cm), S 6in (15cm).
Min. 52ºF (11ºC). S 1ft (30cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
ADZ10–11 ADZ9–11 ADZ9–11

Astrophytum ornatum Echinopsis aurea Lithops schwantesii Faucaria tigrina (Tiger-jaws)
Spherical, perennial cactus with a very Columnar, perennial cactus. Has narrow, Egg-shaped, perennial succulent, Clump-forming, stemless, perennial
fleshy, 8-ribbed stem. Crown of each rib much-ribbed, green stems covered with divided into 2 unequal-sized leaves succulent. Fleshy, green leaves, 2in (5cm)
bears 2–41⁄2in (5–11cm) long spines on pale, radial spines often surrounded by with blue or red marks on upper long, have 9-10 teeth along each margin.
each raised areole. Bears yellow flowers, 1–3 very stout, central spines, to 1in surface. Produces a yellow flower in late Bears yellow flowers, 2in (5cm) across,
3in (8cm) across, in summer. H 6in (2.5cm) long. Produces funnel-shaped, summer or fall. H 3⁄4–11⁄4in (2–3cm), in fall. H 4in (10cm), S 20in (50cm).
(15cm), S 5in (12cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). yellow flowers in summer. H and S  S 11⁄4in (3cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 43ºF (6ºC).
4in (10cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
ADZ9–11 ADZ9–11 ADZ10–11


Lithops pseudotruncatella Glottiphyllum nelii Aichryson x aizoides ‘Variegatum’ Thelocactus setispinus
subsp. dendritica Clump-forming, perennial succulent Prostrate, perennial succulent with Slow-growing, perennial cactus with
Egg-shaped, perennial succulent, with semicylindrical, fleshy, green stems crowned by rosettes of hairy, a 13-ribbed stem and yellow or white
divided into 2 unequal-sized, gray leaves leaves, to 11⁄2in (5cm) long. Produces cream-marked, green leaves, often spines. Fragrant, yellow flowers with
with dark green and red marks on upper daisylike, golden flowers, 11⁄2in (5cm) pure cream. Bears star-shaped, yellow red throats are produced in summer
surfaces. Bears a bright yellow flower in across, in spring–summer. H 2in (5cm), flowers in spring. H 6in (15cm), on mature plants more than 2in (5cm)
summer or fall. H 3⁄4–11⁄4in (2–3cm), S 1ft (30cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). S 16in (40cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). across. H and S 1ft (30cm).
S 11⁄2in (4cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 45ºF (7ºC).
ADZ11–12 BDZ9–11
ADZ9–11 AD12–15

Pleiospilos bolusii (Living rock) Pleiospilos compactus Fenestraria rhopalophylla Sclerocactus scheeri
Clump-forming, perennial succulent Clump-forming, perennial succulent subsp. aurantiaca (Baby’s toes) Spherical to columnar, perennial
with 1 or 2 pairs of gray leaves, often with 1 or 2 pairs of thick, gray leaves, Clump-forming, perennial succulent cactus. Stem bears spines and, in spring,
wider than long, and narrowing at to 3in (8cm) long. Bears coconut-scented, with a basal rosette of glossy leaves. funnel-shaped, straw-colored flowers.
incurved tips. Produces golden flowers yellow flowers in early fall. H 4in (10cm), Bears yellow flowers in late summer Lowest and longest spines are darker
in early fall. H 4in (10cm), S 8in (20cm). S 1ft (30cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). to fall. H 2in (5cm), S 1ft (30cm). and hooked. H 4in (10cm), S 21⁄2in (6cm).
Min. 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 43ºF (6ºC). Min. 45–50ºF (7–10ºC).

ADZ9–11 ADZ10–11 ADZ10–11 ADZ13–15 495



Titanopsis calcarea Disocactus ‘Jennifer Ann’ Echinocereus triglochidiatus Lampranthus glaucoides
Clump-forming, perennial succulent Erect, then pendent, perennial cactus. var. paucispinus Erect, then prostrate, sparse-
with a basal rosette of very fleshy, Has strap-shaped, flattened, green Clump-forming, perennial cactus with branching perennial succulent with
triangular, blue-gray leaves covered stems with toothed margins. Bears a 4in (10cm) wide, dark green stem short, cylindrical, tapering, gray-
in wartlike, gray-white and beige yellow flowers, 6in (15cm) across, in that has 6 or 7 ribs, and 4–6 spines, green leaves. Abundant daisylike,
tubercles. Bears yellow flowers from spring. H 1ft (30cm), S 20in (50cm). 11⁄4–11⁄2in (3–4cm) long, per areole. Bears bright orange flowers, 2in (5cm) across,
fall to spring. H 11⁄4in (3cm), S 4in (10cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). orange-red flowers in spring. H 8in open in summer sun. H 20in (50cm),
Min. 50ºF (10ºC). (20cm), S 20in (50cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). S 28in (70cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
ADZ13–15 ADZ11 ADZ8–11

tender and exotic

Rebutia arenacea Cylindropuntia tunicata Conophytum frutescens Malephora crocea
Spherical, perennial cactus. Has a Mounded, perennial cactus. Cylindrical, Slow-growing, spherical, perennial Erect or spreading, perennial succulent
brown-green stem with white spines green stem segments are covered with succulent forming clumps of 2-lobed, with semicylindrical, blue-green leaves
on spirally arranged tubercles. Produces 2in (5cm) long, golden spines, enclosed very fleshy, gray-green leaves, often with on short shoots. Produces solitary
golden-yellow flowrs, to 11⁄4in (3cm) in a silver papery sheath. Produces a red spot on edge of fissure between the daisylike, orange-yellow flowers,
across, in spring. H 2in (5cm), shallowly saucer-shaped, yellow flowers lobes. Produces copper-orange flowers reddened on outsides, from spring–
S 21⁄2in (6cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). from spring–summer. H 2ft (60cm), in fall. H 11⁄4in (3cm), S indefinite. summer. H 8in (20cm), S 3ft (1m).
S 3ft (1m). Min. 50ºF (10ºC). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). Min. 41ºF (5ºC).
ADtZ11–12 ADZ11 ADZ9–11

496 Parodia chrysacanthion Stapelia gigantea Rebutia fiebrigii Kalanchoe delagoensis
Spherical, perennial cactus with a Clump-forming, perennial succulent. Clump-forming, perennial cactus. Has Erect, perennial succulent with
much-ribbed, green stem densely From summer–fall bears star-shaped, a dark green stem densely covered with long, almost cylindrical, gray-green
covered with bristlelike, golden spines, red-marked, yellow-brown flowers, soft, white spines, to 3⁄4–11⁄4in (0.5cm) leaves with reddish-brown mottling
each 1⁄2–3⁄4in (1–2cm) long. Crown bears 1ft (30cm) across, with white-haired, long. Bears bright orange flowers, and flattened, notched tips that form
yellow flowers in spring and, often, recurved edges. H to 8in (20cm), 3⁄4–11⁄4in (0.5cm) across, in late spring. plantlets. Bears an umbel of orange-
pale yellow wool. H and S 1ft (30cm). S indefinite. Min. 52ºF (11ºC). H 4in (10cm), S 6in (15cm). Min. 41ºF (5ºC). yellow flowers in late winter. H to 3ft
Min. 50ºF (10ºC). (1m), S 1ft (30cm). Min. 50ºF (10ºC).
BDZ13–15 ADZ9–11
BDZ10–11 ADZ11–12


A complete listing of more than 8,000 plants, suitable for growing in temperate
gardens worldwide. Includes full descriptions of the characteristics and cultivation

of over 4,000 plants not already described in the Plant Catalog.

A sun and fertile, well-drained soil. Thin out ‘Argentea’ illus. p.95. ‘Compacta’ (syn. A. ‘Ashford Red’ illus. p.137. A
excess older shoots after flowering each A.c. ‘Glauca Compacta’; illus. p.105), H to A. ‘Golden Fleece’. Strong-growing,
ABELIA year to encourage vigorous young growth. 6ft (2m), S 6–10ft (2–3m), is a cultivar with evergreen, rounded shrub. H and S 6–10ft
Propagate by softwood cuttings in summer. steel-blue foliage. ‘Glauca Compacta’ see (2–3m). Has maple- to heart-shaped,
CAPRIFOLIACEAE A. distichum. Deciduous, open shrub. A.c. ‘Compacta’. ‘Violacea’ has bluish- serrated, rich green leaves. Pendent, bell-
H and S 4ft (1.2m). In late winter or spring white foliage when young. shaped, yellow flowers are borne from
Genus of deciduous, semievergreen or produces fragrant, star-shaped, white A. delavayi (Delavay’s fir). Upright spring to fall. Z10–11
evergreen shrubs, grown for their foliage flowers, tinged with pink, on bare stems; conifer with tiered, spreading branches. A. ‘Kentish Belle’ illus. p.162.
and freely borne flowers. Where flowers may be damaged by hard frost. H 30–50ft (10–15m), S 12–20ft (4–6m). Has A. megapotamicum illus. p.203.
marginally hardy, does best against Leaves are ovate and dark green and often maroon shoots and curved, bright deep A. pictum, syn. A. striatum of gardens.
a south- or west-facing wall. Requires a turn purple in fall. Z5–9 green leaves, spirally arranged, with vivid ‘Thompsonii’ illus. p.324.
sheltered, sunny position and fertile, well- silver bands beneath and rolled margins. A. striatum of gardens. See A. pictum.
drained soil. Remove dead wood in late ABIES Cones are narrowly cylindrical, 21⁄2–6in A. x suntense. Fast-growing, deciduous,
spring and prune out older branches after (6–15cm) long, and violet-blue. Z8–9 upright, arching shrub. H 12ft (4m), S 10ft
flowering to restrict growth, if required. Silver fir A. forrestii (Forrest fir) illus. p.100. (3m). Has ovate, lobed, toothed, gray-green
Propagate by softwood cuttings in summer. A. grandis (Giant fir, Grand fir) illus. p.98. leaves. Produces abundant large, pendent,
A. ‘Edward Goucher’ illus. p.153. PINACEAE A. homolepis (Nikko fir). Conifer that is saucer-shaped, white to dark violet blue
A. floribunda. See Vesalea floribunda. conical when young, later columnar. H to flowers, from late spring to early summer.
A. x grandiflora illus. p.113. ‘Confetti’ Genus of tall conifers with whorled 80ft (25m), S 20ft (6m). Pink-gray bark Z13–14. ‘Violetta’ illus. p.138.
is a small, semievergreen shrub. H and S branches. Spirally arranged leaves are peels in fine flakes. Has pale green leaves, A. vitifolium. Fast-growing, deciduous,
3ft (1m). Creamy-white-margined leaves needlelike, flattened, usually soft and often silver beneath, and cylindrical, violet-blue upright shrub. H 12ft (4m), S 8ft (2.5m).
are flushed pink in spring. Produces have silvery bands beneath. Bears erect cones, 3–5in (8–12cm) long. Tolerates Abundant large, pendent, saucer-shaped,
profuse clusters of soft-pink flowers from cones that ripen in their first fall to release urban conditions. Z4–6 white to purple-blue flowers are produced
midsummer to midfall; attractive to bees seeds and scales. See also CONIFERS. A. koreana (Korean fir) illus. p.104. in late spring and early summer. Has
and butterflies; Z6–10. ‘Francis Mason’, A. alba. Fast-growing, conical conifer. A. lasiocarpa (Subalpine fir). Narrowly ovate, lobed, sharply toothed, gray-green
H 5ft (1.5m), S 6ft (2m), is vigorous and H 80–130ft (25–40m), S 13–20ft (4–6m). conical conifer. H to 30ft (10m), S 10–12ft leaves. Z8–9. var. album illus. p.113.
arching. Has coppery-yellow young shoots Has silvery-gray bark and dull green (3–4m). Has gray or blue-green leaves and ‘Veronica Tennant’ illus. p.114.
and ovate, yellowish-green leaves, darker leaves, silvery beneath. Cylindrical cones cylindrical, violet-blue cones, 21⁄2–4in
in centers. Profuse, fragrant, bell-shaped are 4–6in (10–15cm) long, ripening to (6–10cm) long. Z5–6. var. arizonica ACACIA 497
flowers are white tinged with pink. Z6–9 red-brown. Z5–8 ‘Compacta’, H 12–15ft (4–5m), S 5–6ft (1.5–
‘Hopleys’, H 5ft (1.5m), S 6ft (2m), is one of A. amabilis (Pacific fir). Conical conifer. 2m), is a slow-growing, ovoid to conical Mimosa
the hardiest variegated cultivars, with dark H 65–100ft (20–30m), S 12–15ft (4–5m). tree with corky bark and blue foliage.
green young leaves margined yellow, later Dense, notched, square-tipped, glossy, A. nordmanniana (Caucasian fir). MIMOSACEAE/LEGUMINOSAE
becoming creamy white; Z7–11. ‘Lake dark green leaves, banded with white Columnar, dense conifer. H to 130ft (40m),
Maggiore’, H 10ft (3m), S 12ft (4m), bears beneath, are borne on hairy, gray shoots. S 15ft (5m). Luxuriant foliage is rich green. Genus of evergreen and deciduous trees,
pink-tinged, white flowers, with pink Oblong, violet-blue cones are 31⁄2–6in Cylindrical cones, 4–6in (10–15cm) long, shrubs and climbers, grown for their tiny
calyces, from midsummer to fall. Z6–10 (9–15cm) long. Z6–8. ‘Spreading Star’, are green-brown, ripening to brown. Z4–6 flowers, composed of massed stamens,
A. parvifolia, syn. A. schumannii, illus. H 20in (50cm), S 12–15ft (4–5m), is a ‘Golden Spreader’, H and S 3ft (1m), and for their foliage. Many species have
p.154. ‘Bumblebee’ is a deciduous, procumbent form suitable for ground- is a dwarf form with a spreading habit and phyllodes instead of true leaves. Requires
arching shrub. H 6ft (2m), S 10ft (3m). cover. A. balsamea f. hudsonia bright golden-yellow leaves. full sun and well-drained soil. Propagate
Pointed, mid-green leaves are bronze when (Hudsonia Group; Balsam fir) is a dense, A. procera (Noble fir) illus. p.95. by seed in spring. Red spider mite and
young. In late summer–fall, bears yellow- dwarf conifer of flattened to globose habit. A. veitchii (Veitch fir) illus. p.96. mealy bug may be problematic.
blotched, lilac-pink flowers. Z6–10 H and S 2–3ft (60cm–1m). Has smooth, gray A. baileyana illus. p.92. ‘Purpurea’ illus.
A. ‘Raspberry Profusion’. Compact, bark and gray-green leaves that are semi- ABUTILON p.84.
semievergreen, free-flowering shrub. spirally arranged. Z3–6. ‘Nana’ is another A. dealbata (Mimosa, Silver wattle) illus.
H and S 4ft (1.2m). Produces a profusion dwarf form that makes a dense, globose MALVACEAE p.211.
of blush-pink flowers in late spring, with mound with leaves that are spirally A. juniperina. See A. ulicifolia.
showy, raspberry-pink sepals; sepals are arranged. Does not have cones. Genus of evergreen, semievergreen or A. longifolia (Sydney golden wattle).
retained after the flowers drop, providing A. cephalonica (Greek fir). Upright deciduous shrubs, small trees, perennials Evergreen, spreading tree. H and S 20ft
color into fall. Attractive to bees and conifer with a conical crown; old trees and annuals, grown for their flowers and (6m). Has narrowly oblong, dark green
butterflies. Z6–10 have massive, spreading, erect branches. foliage. Needs full sun or partial shade and phyllodes. Produces cylindrical clusters
A. schumannii. See A. parvifolia. H 70–100ft (20–30m), S 15–30ft (5–10m). fertile, well-drained soil. Water container- of golden-yellow flowers in early spring.
A. triflora. See Zabelia triflora. Sharp, stiff, glossy, deep green leaves are grown plants freely when in full growth, Z9–11
whitish green beneath. Cylindrical, tapered less at other times. In the growing season, A. podalyriifolia (Mount Morgan wattle,
ABELIOPHYLLUM cones, 4–6in (10–15cm) long, are brown young plants may need tip pruning to Queensland silver wattle). Evergreen,
when ripe. Z5–6. ‘Meyer’s Dwarf’ (illus. promote bushy growth. Mature specimens arching shrub. H 10–15ft (3–5m), S 10–12ft
White forsythia p.105), H 20in (50cm), S 5ft (1.5m), has may have previous season’s stems cut back (3–4m). Has blue-green phyllodes and
short leaves and forms a spreading, flat- hard annually in early spring. Tie lax- produces racemes of bright yellow flowers
OLEACEAE topped mound. growing species to a support if needed. in spring. Z11
A. concolor (White fir). Upright conifer. Propagate by seed in spring or softwood, A. pravissima (Ovens wattle) illus. p.92.
Genus of one species of deciduous shrub, H 50–100ft (15–30m), S 15–25ft (5–8m). greenwood or semiripe cuttings in A. pulchella (Western prickly Moses)
grown for its winter flowers. Where Has widely spreading, blue-green or gray summer. Whitefly and red spider mite illus. p.458.
marginally hardy, does best against a leaves and cylindrical, green or pale blue may be troublesome. A. ulicifolia, syn. A. juniperina.
south- or west-facing wall. Needs plenty of cones, 3–5in (8–12cm) long. Z3–7 Evergreen, bushy shrub. H 3ft (1m), S 5ft


(1.5m). Has very narrow, cylindrical, A. wilkesiana (Copperleaf, Jacob’s coat) site and light, well-drained soil. Propagate H 30ft (10m), S 12ft (4m). Bark is blue-green
spinelike, rich green phyllodes and, in illus. p.456. by seed sown as soon as ripe or by to pinkish red with conspicuous white
midspring, produces globular clusters of semiripe cuttings in summer. stripes, especially when young. Broad,
pale yellow flowers. Z11–15 ACANTHOLIMON A. sellowiana (Pinapple guava) illus. mainly smooth, mid-green leaves turn
A. verticillata (Prickly Moses). p.203. striking golden to orange-yellow in fall.
Evergreen, spreading tree or bushy shrub. PLUMBAGINACEAE Racemes of small, yellowish green flowers
H 6–25ft (2–8m), S 10–25ft (3–8m). Has ACER are borne in spring, followed by green to
needlelike, dark green phyllodes and, in Genus of evergreen perennials, grown for red winged fruit. Z5–9. ‘Phoenix’, H 22ft
spring, produces dense, bottlebrush-like their flowers and tight cushions of spiny Maple (7m), S 8ft (2.5m), has coral-red young
spikes of bright yellow flowers. Z11 leaves. Suitable for rock gardens and shoots in winter, the older, pinkish bark
walls. Prefers sun and well-drained soil. SAPINDACEAE/ACERACEAE striped with white. Cut shoots to the bases
ACAENA Dislikes damp winters. Rarely sets seed annually for the best winter color effect.
in cultivation. Propagate by softwood Genus of deciduous or evergreen trees ‘Silver Vein’, S 15ft (5m), has trunk and
ROSACEAE cuttings in late spring. and shrubs, grown for their foliage, branches heavily veined with white on a
A. glumaceum illus. p.363. which often colors brilliantly in fall and, bluish-green bark; perhaps the most
Genus of mainly evergreen, creeping, A. venustum. Evergreen, cushion- in some cases, for their ornamental bark striking of all snake-bark maples.
mat-forming perennials and semiprostrate forming perennial. H and S 4in (10cm). or stems. Small, but often attractive A. crataegifolium (Hawthorn maple).
subshrubs, grown for their leaves and Small spikes of star-shaped, pink flowers, flowers are followed by 2-winged fruits. Deciduous, arching tree. H and S 30ft
colored burs. Produces tight, rounded on 11⁄4in (3cm) stems, are borne from late Requires sun or semishade and fertile, (10m). Green-and-white streaked branches
heads of small flowers. Useful as ground- spring to early summer amid rosetted, moist but well-drained soil. Many acers bear small, ovate, mid-green leaves that
cover and good for a rock garden. Some spear-shaped, spiny, silver-edged blue- produce their best fall color on neutral turn orange in fall. Z6–8. ‘Veitchii’
species may be invasive. Needs sun or green leaves. Needs a hot, well-drained to acidic soil. Propagate species by seed illus. p.85.
partial shade and well-drained soil. site. Good for an alpine house. Z7–9 as soon as ripe or in fall; cultivars by A. davidii (Père David’s maple, Snake-
Propagate by division in early spring various grafting methods in late winter bark maple; illus. p.78). Deciduous tree
or by seed in fall. Acanthopanax. See Eleutherococcus or early spring,or by budding in summer. with upright branches. H 40ft (12m), S 25ft
A. anserinifolia of gardens. See A. except for A. ricinifolius for which Leaf-eating caterpillars or aphids (8m). Branches are striped green and
novae-zelandiae. see Kalopanax septemlobus. sometimes infest plants, and maple tar white. Ovate, glossy, dark green leaves
A. buchananii. Vigorous, evergreen, spot may affect A. platanoides and often turn yellow or orange in fall. Z5–7.
prostrate perennial. H 3⁄4in (2cm), S 30in ACANTHUS A. pseudoplatanus. ‘George Forrest’ is broadly upright,
(75cm) or more. Glaucous leaves comprise A. buergerianum (Trident maple). with mid- to dark green leaves, but poor
11–17 ovate, toothed leaflets. Bears globose, Bear’s breeches Deciduous, spreading tree. H 30ft (10m) fall color. subsp. grosseri see A. grosseri.
green flower heads in summer, which or more, S 22ft (7m). Has 3-lobed, glossy, ‘Madeline Spitta’ illus. p.76. ‘Rosalie’
develop into spiny, yellow-green burs. Z6–8 ACANTHACEAE dark green leaves, usually providing an has arching, spreading branches, and
A. caerulea. See A. caesiiglauca. attractive, long-lasting display of red, conspicuous purplish-blue young shoots,
A. caesiiglauca, syn. A. caerulea, illus. Genus of perennials, some of which are orange and purple in fall. Z5–9 maturing to green with strong white
p.374. semievergreen, grown for their large, A. campestre. Deciduous, round- veining.
A. microphylla illus. p.374. deeply cut leaves and their spikes of headed tree. H 30ft (10m), S 25ft (8m). Has A. x freemanii. Variable, deciduous
A. novae-zelandiae, syn. A. anserinifolia flowers. Prefers full sun, warm conditions ovate to rounded, 5-lobed leaves, downy tree with upright, silvery-gray branches,
of gardens. Vigorous, evergreen, creeping and well-drained soil, but tolerates shade. beneath and at edges, and with leaf stalks forming a broadly columnar, conical, ovate,
Protect crowns in first winter. Long, of similar length, which exude a milky sap or rounded crown. H 40–70ft (12–20m),
A perennial. H to 6in (15cm), S 3ft (1m) or thonglike roots make plants difficult to when broken. Foliage turns rich yellow in S 20–40ft (6–12m). The 3–5-lobed, deeply
more. Brown-green leaves are divided into eradicate if wrongly placed. Propagate by fall. Bears green flowers in spring, dissected leaves are mid-green, silvery
9–13 ovate, toothed leaflets. Red-spined, seed or division in early fall or spring, or followed by fruit with spreading wings beneath, and turn red and yellow in fall.
brownish burs develop from spherical by root cuttings in winter. that ripen to red. Z4–8. ‘Carnival’, H 22ft Clusters of tiny reddish flowers are
heads of greenish-brown flowers in A. balcanicus. See A. hungaricus. (7m), S 16ft (5m), is smaller, with leaves produced in early spring, sometimes
summer. Z6–8 A. dioscoridis. Variable perennial. broadly margined creamy white, flushed followed by greenish winged seeds. Z5–7.
A. ‘Pewter’. See A. saccaticupula ‘Blue H 8–16in (20–40cm), S 3ft (90cm). Has ovate, pinkish red when young. ‘Evenly Red’ Autumn BlAze (‘Jeffersred’) forms an
Haze’. deeply cut, rigid, basal leaves and hairy has distinctive, rich red fall foliage. ovate crown. Outstanding orange-red
A. saccaticupula ‘Blue Haze’, syn. stems. Dense spikes of small, funnel- ‘William Caldwell’, H 26ft (8m), S 5ft color in fall; drought tolerant.
A. ‘Pewter’. Vigorous, evergreen, creeping shaped, purple-and-white flowers are (1.5m), is compact and upright, often with A. ginnala. See A. tataricum subsp.
perennial. H 4–6in (10–15cm), S 3ft (1m) or borne in late spring to late summer. Z6–9 vivid orange-red fall color. ginnala.
more. Leaves are divided into 9–15 ovate, A. hungaricus, syn. A. balcanicus, A. A. capillipes (Snake-bark maple) illus. A. giraldii. Deciduous, spreading tree.
toothed, steel-blue leaflets. Produces longifolius. Upright perennial. H 2–4ft (60– p.77. H and S 50ft (15m). Shoots have a blue-
spherical, brownish-red flower heads that 120cm), S 2–3ft (60–90cm). Has long, deeply A. cappadocicum (Cappadocian maple). gray bloom. Large, sycamore-like,
develop in fall to dark red burs with cut, basal, dark green leaves. Bears spikes Deciduous, spreading tree. H 70ft (20m), shallowly lobed leaves, with long, pink
pinkish-red spines. Z7–9 of white or pink-flushed flowers, set in S 50ft (15m). Has 5-lobed, bright green stalks, are dark green above, blue-white
spiny, red-purple bracts, in summer. Z6–9 leaves that turn yellow in fall. Z5–7. beneath. Z7–9
498 ACALYPHA A. longifolius. See A. hungaricus. ‘Aureum’ has bright yellow young leaves A. grandidentatum. See A. saccharum
A. mollis. Semievergreen, stately, upright that turn light green in summer and subsp. grandidentatum.
EUPHORBIACEAE perennial. H 5ft (1.5m), S 3ft (90cm). Has assume yellow fall tints. subsp. lobelii A. griseum (Paperbark maple; illus. p.78).
long, ovate, deeply cut, bright green leaves (syn. A. lobelii, Lobel’s maple) illus. p.62 Deciduous, spreading tree. H and S 30ft
Genus of evergreen shrubs and trees, and, in summer, produces many spikes of A. carpinifolium (Hornbeam maple) (10m). Has striking, peeling, orange-brown
and annuals, grown for their flowers and funnel-shaped, mauve-and-white flowers. illus. p.88. bark. Dark green leaves have 3 leaflets and
foliage. Needs partial shade and Z7–11. ‘Hollard’s Gold’ illus. p.219. A. circinatum (Vine maple). Deciduous, turn red and orange in fall. Z4–8
humus-rich, well-drained soil. Water Latifolius Group ‘Rue Ledan’ has spreading, bushy tree or shrub. H 15ft A. grosseri, syn. A. davidii subsp.
containerized plants freely when in full green and white flowers. (5m) or more, S 20ft (6m). Rounded, grosseri (Snakebark maple; illus. p.78).
growth, much less at other times and in A. ‘Morning’s Candle’. Clump-forming 7–9-lobed, mid-green leaves turn brilliant Deciduous, upright and spreading tree.
low temperatures. Stem tips of young perennial. H to 32in (80cm), S to 28in orange and red in fall. Bears clusters of H and S 30ft (10m). Has white-striped trunk
plants may be removed in growing season (70cm). Produces deeply cut, dark green small, purple-and-white flowers in spring. and branches. Broadly ovate, deeply lobed,
to promote branching. Propagate by leaves and tall spikes of white flowers Z6–9 bright green leaves turn red in fall. Z5–7
softwood, greenwood or semiripe cuttings with purple bracts from mid- to late A. cissifolium. Deciduous, spreading A. henryi, syn. A. cissifolium subsp.
in summer. Red spider mite, whitefly, and summer. Z6–9 tree. H 25ft (8m), S 30ft (10m). Leaves henryi, illus. p.76.
mealy bug may be troublesome. A. spinosus illus. p.239. have 3 ovate, toothed leaflets, and are A. japonicum (Full-moon maple,
A. hispida (Red-hot cat’s tail). Evergreen, bronze-tinged when young, dark green Japanese maple). Deciduous, bushy tree or
upright, soft-stemmed shrub. H 6–10ft ACCA in summer, turning red and yellow in shrub. H 12ft (4m), S 25ft (8m). Rounded,
(2–3m), S 3–6ft (1–2m). Has ovate, toothed, fall. Best in semishade and on neutral to lobed leaves are mid-green, turning red in
lustrous, deep green leaves. Tiny, crimson syn. FEIJOA acidic soil. Z4–8. subsp. henryi see fall. Clusters of small, reddish-purple
flowers hang in long, dense, catkinlike A. henryi. flowers open in midspring. Shelter from
spikes, intermittently year-round. May MYRTACEAE A. x conspicuum. Variable, deciduous
be grown as a short-lived cordon. Z11 tree, often upright, vase-shaped in habit.
(min. 55°F/13°C) Genus of evergreen, opposite-leaved
shrubs, grown for their shallowly cup-
shaped flowers. Needs a sheltered, sunny


strong winds. Z5–7. ‘Aconitifolium’ illus. A.p. ‘Korean Gem’. Crimson Queen’ (syn. A.p. ‘Lorbergii’) illus. p.67. ‘Royal Propagate by division in early spring or A
p.90. ‘Aureum’ see A. shirasawanum (Dissectum Group), H 10ft (3m), S 12ft (4m), Red’ has deep reddish-purple leaves.
‘Aureum’. ‘Green Cascade’ has a has arching shoots and red-purple leaves Those of ‘Schwedleri’ are bright red fall or by softwood cuttings in early 499
cascading habit with leaves similar to divided into finely cut, deeply toothed when young, maturing to purplish-green
‘Aconitifolium’ but smaller, turning scarlet, lobes. ‘Dissectum Atropurpureum’ see in summer and turn orange-red in fall. summer. tContact with foliage may
orange and yellow in fall. Train leading A.p. ‘Ornatum’. ‘Emerald Lace’ ‘Summershade’ has dark green leaves.
shoot vertically when young to obtain a (Dissectum Group), H 15ft (5m), S 12ft (4m), A. pseudoplatanus (Sycamore). Fast- aggravate skin allergies.
weeping habit. ‘Vitifolium’ illus. p.77. is a vigorous, weeping form with lacy, growing, deciduous, spreading tree. H 70ft A. ageratifolia. Tufted perennial.
A. laxiflorum, syn. A. pectinatum subsp. deep green, deeply dissected foliage that (20m), S 50ft (15m). Has broadly 5-lobed, H 21⁄2–8in (6–20cm), S 12in (30cm). Has
laxiflorum, illus. p.92. turns bright burgundy-red in fall. ‘Inaba- dark green leaves. A fine specimen tree branched, slightly woody stems covered
A. lobelii. See A. cappadocicum subsp. shidare’ (Dissectum Group), H 8ft (2.5m), and good for an exposed position. Z4–7. with shaggy hairs. Gray-green leaves are
lobelii. S 10ft (3m), is a strong, upright form with ‘Brilliantissimum’ illus. p.84. linear to oblong-lance-shaped and may be
A. macrophyllum (Oregon maple) illus. cascading side branches; large leaves f. erythrocarpum illus. p.65. entire or have small forward-pointing
p.60. remain deep purple, turning crimson in f. variegatum ‘Simon-Louis Frères’ teeth. Bears 1–3 flat heads of white flowers
A. maximowiczianum, syn. A. nikoense fall. ‘Kiyohime’ (Dwarf Group), H and S illus. p.73. in summer. Z4–8
(Nikko maple). Slow-growing, deciduous, 6ft (2m), is a dense, slow-growing shrub A. rubrum (Red maple) illus. p.66. A. argentea. See Tanacetum argenteum.
round-headed tree. H and S 40ft (12m). with small, dark green leaves, edged ‘Columnare’ illus. p.76. ‘Franksred’ see A. argentea of gardens. See A. clavennae.
Leaves have 3 ovate, bluish-green leaflets orange-red in spring, turning yellow- A.r. Red SunSet. ‘October Glory’ is a A. ‘The Beacon’. See. A. ‘Fanal’.
that turn brilliant red and yellow in orange in fall; good for containers. deciduous, spreading tree. H 70ft (20m), A. ‘Belle Epoque’ (illus. p.247).
fall. Z6–9 ‘Korean Gem’ (Matsumurae Group; syn. S 30ft (10m). Has 3- or 5-lobed, glossy, Semievergreen, upright perennial. H 3ft
A. monspessulanum (Montpelier A.p. var. coreanum, A.p. var. koreanum, dark green leaves that become intense red (1m), S 16in (40cm). Has feathery, dark
maple). Deciduous, usually compact, A.p. ‘Koreanum’) has mid-green leaves in fall, particularly on neutral to acidic soil. green, basal leaves and bears flat heads of
round-headed tree or shrub. H and S 25ft turning brilliant red in fall. In spring, bare branches are covered with rose-red flowers, maturing to lemon-
(8m). Small, 3-lobed, glossy, dark green var. koreanum see A.p. ‘Korean Gem’. clusters of tiny, red flowers. Red SunSet yellow, in summer. Z3–9
leaves remain on tree until late fall. Z7–9 ‘Koreanum’ see A.p. ‘Korean Gem’. (‘Franksred’) has dense growth that A. ‘Christine’s Pink’ (illus. p.247).
A. negundo (Box elder, Ash-leaved ‘Orange Dream’ (Palmatum Group), turns brilliant red in fall. ‘Scanlon’ illus. Semievergreen, upright perennial. H 3ft
maple). Fast-growing, deciduous, H 12ft (4m), S 10ft (3m), is an upright shrub p.66. ‘Schlesingeri’ illus. p.66. Z3–9 (90cm), S 16in (40cm). Has feathery, dark
spreading tree. H 50ft (15m), S 30ft (10m). with orange-yellow young growth, but A. rufinerve (Snake-bark maple) illus. green, basal leaves. In summer produces
Bright green leaves have 3–5 ovate leaflets. developing later and lasting longer; the p.76. ‘Hatsuyuki’ (syn. A.r. flat heads of pale pink flowers, which fade
Clusters of inconspicuous, greenish-yellow deeply divided leaves turn light green by f. albolimbatum) is a deciduous, arching as they age. Z3–9
flowers are borne in late spring. Z5–8. midsummer and yellow in fall; best grown tree. H and S 30ft (10m). Striped green and A. clavennae, syn. A. argentea of
‘Variegatum’ illus. p.74. var. violaceum in light shade; Z6–9. ‘Ornatum’ white branches have 3-lobed, mid-green gardens, illus. p.359.
has purplish branchlets covered in a (Dissectum Group; syn. A.p. ‘Dissectum leaves, mottled and edged with white, that A. clypeolata. Semievergreen, upright
glaucous bloom and prominent clusters of Atropurpureum’) illus. p.156. ‘Osakazuki’ turn orange and red in fall. Z6–9 perennial. H 18–24in (45–60cm), S 12in
tassel-like, purplish-pink flowers. ‘Winter (Amoenum Group) illus. p.90. ‘Sango- A. saccharinum (Silver maple) illus. p.63. (30cm). Has divided, hairy, silver leaves
Lightning’ has bright yellow-gold new kaku’ (Palmatum Group; syn. f. laciniatum ‘Wieri’ is a fast-growing, and produces dense, flat heads of small,
growth in winter and yellow fall foliage; A.p. ‘Senkaki’; Coral-bark maple) illus. deciduous, spreading tree with pendent yellow flowers in summer. Divide regularly
prune hard in late winter for best effect. p.78. ‘Seiry’ (Dissectum Group), H 22ft lower branches. H 80ft (25m), S 50ft (15m). in spring. Z3–9
A. nikoense. See A. maximowiczianum. (7m), S 12ft (4m), is upright, with bright Deeply lobed, mid-green leaves, with silver A. ‘Coronation Gold’. Upright
A. opalus (Italian maple). Deciduous, green, lacy foliage, red-tinged when undersides, turn yellow in fall. Z4–8 perennial. H 30–36in (75–90cm), S 18in
round-headed tree. H and S 50ft (15m). young, turning golden yellow in fall. A. saccharum (Sugar maple). subsp. (45cm). Has feathery, silvery leaves.
Clusters of small, yellow flowers emerge ‘Senkaki’ see A.p. ‘Sango-kaku’. grandidentatum (syn. A. grandidentatum) Produces large, flat heads of small, golden
from early to mid-spring, before foliage. ‘Shindeshojo’ (Palmatum Group) illus. is a deciduous, spreading tree. H and S 30ft flower heads in summer that dry well for
Leaves are broad, 5-lobed and dark green, p.123. ‘Trompenburg’ (Matsumurae (10m). Broad 3-or 5-lobed, bright green winter decoration. Divide and replant
turning yellow in fall. Z5–8 Group), H 22ft (7m), S 12ft (4m), is a leaves turn orange-red in early fall. Z4–8. every third year. Z3–9
A. palmatum (Japanese maple). vigorous shrub or small tree with deeply subsp. nigrum ‘Temple’s Upright’ A. ‘Fanal’, syn. A. ‘The Beacon’, illus.
Deciduous, bushy-headed shrub or tree. divided, lobed leaves that are deep purple- illus. p.77. p.235.
H 25ft (8m), S 30ft (10m). Palmate, deeply red, turning reddish-green in late summer; A. shirasawanum ‘Aureum’, syn. A. filipendulina. Upright perennial.
lobed, mid-green leaves turn brilliant the leaf edges fold downward. ‘Villa A. japonicum ‘Aureum’, illus. p.89. H 4ft (1.2m), S 18in (45cm). Has deeply
orange, red or yellow in fall. Clusters of Taranto’ (Linearilobum Group), H and S A. sieboldianum. Rounded, bushy, divided, pale green, basal leaves. In
small, reddish-purple flowers are 10ft (3m), forms a compact, dome-shaped deciduous tree. H and S 20ft (6m). Produces summer, erect flowering stems bear
produced in midspring. Z6–8. ‘Ariadne’ plant with lobed, linear leaves; foliage rounded, lobed, mid-green leaves that turn dense, domed heads of tiny, daisylike,
(Matsumurae Group), H and S 10ft (3m), is orange-crimson at first, green by orange-yellow to red in fall and bears bright yellow flowers. Good for cut
is smaller. In spring, leaves are marbled midsummer, and golden yellow in fall. small, nodding, tiny yellow flowers in late flowers and for drying. Z3–9. ‘Cloth
light orange, pink, and red with yellow- A. pectinatum subsp. laxiflorum. spring. Z5–8 of Gold’, H 5ft (1.5m), has light green
green veining, changing in summer to See A. laxiflorum. A. tataricum subsp. ginnala, syn. leaves and deep golden-yellow flower
purplish-red with red veins and in fall A. pensylvanicum (Snakebark maple) A. ginnala (Amur maple) illus. p.90. heads. ‘Gold Plate’ illus. p.243.
reverting to the earlier tones, with a pink illus. p.79. ‘Erythrocladum’ (illus. p.78) is A. triflorum illus. p.91. ‘Parker’s Variety’ (illus. p.247),
margin. Bears red fruit in fall. a deciduous, upright tree. H 40ft (12m), A. velutinum. Deciduous, spreading tree. H to 41⁄2ft (1.4m), has rather rounded
‘Atropurpureum’ (Amoenum Group) S 30ft (10m). Has brilliant candy-pink, H 70ft (20m), S 50ft (15m). Produces large, flower heads.
illus. p.115. ‘Beni-maiko’ (Palmatum young shoots in winter and large, boldly sycamore-like, lobed, dark green leaves, A. ‘Heidi’ (illus. p.247). Semievergreen,
Group), H 10ft (3m), produces fiery red lobed, mid-green leaves that turn bright with undersides covered with pale brown upright perennial. H 2ft (60cm) or more,
leaves in spring, maturing to greenish-red yellow in fall. Z5–7 down. Z7–9. var. vanvolxemii (Van S 16in (40cm). Has feathery, dark green,
with red veins, reddish-pink in fall. A. platanoides (Norway maple). Volxem’s maple) has even larger leaves, basal leaves and produces flat heads of
‘Beni-tsukasa’ (Palmatum Group), Vigorous, deciduous, spreading tree. slightly glaucous and smooth beneath. pink flowers, maturing to near white, in
H 15ft (5m), S 10ft (3m), produces leaves H 80ft (25m), S 50ft (15m). Has large, broad, summer. Z3–9
that emerge dark pinkish-red, changing sharply lobed, bright green leaves that ACHILLEA A. ‘Hella Glashoff’. Clump-forming
to yellow-pink, then mid-green by late turn yellow or orange in fall and clusters perennial. H and S 28in (70cm). Has linear
summer, with some variegation. of yellow flowers borne in midspring ASTERACEAE/COMPOSITAE to lance-shaped mid-green leaves and
‘Bloodgood’ (Amoenum Group) illus. before the leaves emerge. Z3–7. bears flat heads of creamy-yellow flowers
p.138. ‘Burgundy Lace’ (Matsumurae ‘Columnare’, H 40ft (12m), S 25ft (8m), is Genus of mainly deciduous perennials, in summer. Z4–9
Group), H and S 16ft (5m), has very deeply dense and columnar. ‘Crimson King’ A. ‘Lachsschönheit’ (illus. p.247).
cut, dark red-purple leaves. ‘Butterfly’ illus. p.60. ‘Drummondii’ has leaves some of which are semievergreen, Semievergreen, upright perennial. H 3ft
(Palmatum Group) produces gray-green broadly edged with creamy white. (90cm), S 20in (50cm). Has feathery, dark
leaves edged with cream and pink. ‘Emerald Queen’ is upright when young. suitable for borders and rock gardens. green, basal leaves. Bears flat heads of
‘Chitose-yama’ (Matsumurae Group) ‘Globosum’, H 25ft (8m), S 30ft (10m), has pinkish-orange flowers, maturing to
illus. p.89. ‘Corallinum’ (Palmatum a dense, round crown. ‘Lorbergii’ see Has fernlike foliage and large, usually pinkish-cream, in summer. Z3–9
Group) illus. p.123. var. coreanum see A.p. ‘Palmatifidum’. ‘Palmatifidum’ A. x lewisii ‘King Edward’.
platelike, flower heads mainly in summer. Semievergreen, rounded, compact, woody-
based perennial. H 4in (10cm) or more,
Flower heads may be dried for winter S 9in (23cm) or more. Has feathery, soft,

decoration. Tolerates most soils but

prefers a sunny, well-drained site. Tall

species and cultivars need staking.


A gray-green leaves. Bears compact heads ACHIMENES Protect neck of plant from winter wet with tContact with the foliage may irritate
of minute, buff-yellow flower heads in a deep layer of stone chips. Propagate by skin; all parts are highly toxic if ingested.
500 summer. Good for a rock garden, wall or Hot-water plant seed when fresh, in late summer, or in A. anthora. Compact, tuberous perennial.
bank. Z3–8 early spring. H 24–28in (60–70cm), S 12in (30cm). Erect,
A. ‘Lucky Break’. Semievergreen, GESNERIACEAE A. aurea (Golden Spaniard) illus. p.227. leafy stems bear several hooded, yellow
upright perennial. H 3ft (90cm) or more, A. scott-thomsonii (Giant Spaniard). flowers in summer. Leaves are divided and
S 20in (50cm). Has feathery, silvery-green, Genus of erect or trailing perennials with Evergreen, rosette-forming perennial. dark green. Z5–8
basal leaves. Bears flat heads of pale small rhizomes and showy flowers. Prefers H 10ft (3m) or more, S 6ft (2m). Much- A. x bicolor. See A. x cammarum ‘Bicolor’.
yellow flowers, maturing to creamy-white, bright light, but not direct sunlight, and dissected, spiny foliage is bronze when A. ‘Bressingham Spire’. Compact,
in summer. Z3–9 well-drained soil. Use tepid water for young, maturing to silver-gray. Prickly upright, tuberous perennial. H 3ft (1m),
A. ‘Martina’. Semievergreen, upright watering containerized plants. Allow spikes of tiny, creamy-yellow flowers are S 1ft (30cm). Erect spikes of hooded,
perennial. H 34in (85cm), S 20in (50cm). plants to dry out after flowering and store rarely produced. Prefers a moist but well- violet-blue flowers are borne in summer.
Has feathery, dark green foliage. Bears rhizomes in a frost-free place over winter. drained site. Z8–11 Deeply divided leaves are glossy, dark
numerous flat heads of light greenish- Propagate by division of rhizomes or by A. squarrosa (Bayonet plant) green. Z3–7
yellow flowers with slightly darker centers, seed, if available, in spring or by stem illus. p.242. A. x cammarum ‘Bicolor’, syn.
in summer. Z3–9 cuttings in summer. A. x bicolor, illus. p.239.
A. millefolium (Yarrow). Variable, A. antirrhina. Erect perennial. H 12in ACIS A. carmichaelii ‘Arendsii’, syn.
spreading, sometimes invasive perennial. (30cm), S 6in (15cm). Has ovate, toothed A.c. ‘Arends’. Erect, tuberous perennial.
H and S 2ft (60cm). Has long, narrow, leaves, to 2in (5cm) or more long and of AMARYLLIDACEAE H 4ft (1.2m), S 1ft (30cm). Has divided, rich
divided, dark green, basal leaves. From unequal size in each opposite pair. In Genus of bulbs, grown for their pendent, green leaves and, in fall, spikes of hooded,
late spring to late summer, erect flowering summer, bears funnel-shaped, red-orange bell-shaped, white or pink flowers, borne rich deep blue flowers. Upright stems may
stems bear flattened heads of tiny, daisy- flowers, to 1in (25cm) across, with yellow in fall or spring. Some plants prefer a need staking, particularly if planted in a
like, white or sometimes pink flowers. throats. Z15 (min. 41–50°F/5–10°C) moist, partially shaded site, others do best shady site. Z3–8
Prefers poor soil. Z3–9. ‘Lansdorferglut’ A. coccinea. See A. erecta. in a position in sun and in well-drained A. hemsleyanum, syn. A. volubile of
(illus. p.247) bears salmon-pink flowers A. erecta, syn. A. coccinea, A. pulchella. soil. Propagate by division in spring or gardens, illus. p.204.
that fade to ivory with a pink flush. Erect, bushy, branching perennial. H 18in early fall, or by seed in fall. A. ‘Ivorine’. Upright, tuberous perennial.
‘Red Velvet’ (illus. p.247), H 2ft (60cm), (45cm), S 12in (30cm). Has narrowly ovate, A. autumnalis, syn. Leucojum autumnale H 3ft (90cm), S 18in (45cm). Bears hooded,
bears rich rose-red flowers. toothed leaves, 2½in (6cm) long, often in (Autumn snowflake), illus. p.424. creamy-white flowers in erect spikes in
A. ‘Mondpagode’. Semievergreen, whorls of 3. Tubular, scarlet flowers, ½in A. hiemalis, syn. A. nicaeensis, Leucojum early summer. Strong stems bear deeply
bushy, upright perennial. H 3½ft (1.1m), (1cm) across, with yellow eyes are borne hiemale, L. nicaeense. Early-spring- divided, glossy, green leaves. Z3–8
S 20in (50cm). Has feathery, grayish-green in summer. Z15 (min. 41–50°F/5–10°C) flowering bulb. H 4in (10cm), S 2in (5cm). A. lycoctonum subsp. vulparia, syn.
foliage. Bears domed heads of creamy- A. grandiflora. Erect perennial. H and Leafless stems produce 1 or 2 bell-shaped, A. orientale of gardens, A. vulparia (Wolf’s
white flowers, which open light yellow- S to 2ft (60cm). Ovate, toothed leaves, 6–7in waxy, white flowers, ½in (1cm) long, and bane), illus. p.243.
cream, in summer. Needs staking. Z3–9. (15–18cm) long, are often reddish below. In has 2–4 narrowly linear, grayish green A. napellus (Helmet flower, Monkshood).
A. ‘Moon Pagoda’. See summer, bears tubular, dark pink to purple basal leaves, to 12in (30cm) long. Will Upright, tuberous perennial. H 5ft (1.5m),
A. ‘Mondpagode’. flowers, to 2in (5cm) across, with white survive outside in a sunny, sheltered site, S 1ft (30cm). Bears tall, slender spires of
A. ‘Moonshine’. Upright perennial. eyes. Z15 (min. 41–50°F/5–10°C) but is best grown in an alpine house. Z4–8 hooded, light indigo-blue flowers in late
H and S 2ft (60cm). Produces flat heads A. ‘Kim Blue’. Semierect to trailing A. nicaeensis. See A. hiemalis. summer and deeply cut, mid-green leaves.
of bright yellow flowers throughout perennial. H to 12in (30cm), S 18in (45cm). A. rosea, syn. Leucojum roseum. Early- Z3–8. ‘Albiflorus’ see A.n. subsp. vulgare
summer above a mass of small, feathery, Has pairs of ovate, toothed, deep green fall-flowering bulb. H to 4in (10cm), S 1–2in ‘Albidum’. subsp. vulgare ‘Albidum’
gray-green leaves. Divide regularly in leaves, to 21⁄2in (6cm) long, bronze-green (2.5–5cm). Slender stems bear usually (syn. A.n. ‘Albiflorus’) has white flowers.
spring. Z3–8 underneath. Large, purplish blue flowers solitary, pale pink flowers, 1⁄2in (1cm) long. A. ‘Newry Blue’. Upright, tuberous
A. ‘Paprika’ (Galaxy Series). with a white center, to 21⁄2in (6cm) across, Threadlike, erect, basal leaves emerge perennial. H 5ft (1.5m), S 12in (30cm).
Semievergreen, Upright perennial. H 18in are borne in summer. Good for a hanging with, or just after, flowers. Prefers sun and Produces hooded, dark blue flowers on
(45cm), S 2ft (60cm). Has feathery, silvery- basket. Z15 (min. 50–59°F/10–15°C) well-drained soil. Z3–9 erect stems in summer and has deeply
green, basal leaves. Bears flat heads of A. ‘Little Beauty’ illus. p.469. divided, glossy, dark green leaves. Z5–8
rich rusty-red flowers in summer. Z3–9 A. ‘Paul Arnold’. Erect, compact, ACOKANTHERA A. orientale of gardens. See
A. ‘Pretty Belinda’. Semievergreen, free-flowering perennial. H and S 16in A. lycoctonum subsp. vulparia.
upright perennial. H and S 20in (50cm). (40cm). Has ovate, toothed leaves, 2½in APOCYNACEAE A. ‘Spark’s Variety’. Upright, tuberous
Has aromatic, feathery, dark green, basal (6cm) long. Bears large, funnel-shaped, perennial. H 4–5ft (1.2–1.5m), S 18in (45cm).
leaves. In summer, produces a succession purple flowers, 2in (5cm) across, in Genus of evergreen shrubs and trees, Bears violet-blue flowers on branching
of rounded, deep pink flower heads, fading summer. Z15 (min. 41–50°F/5–10°C) grown for their flowers and overall stems in summer. Leaves are deeply
to a softer color, which creates a 2-tone A. ‘Peach Blossom’. Trailing perennial. appearance. Needs full light and good divided, glossy and dark green. Z5–8
effect. Z3–9 H and S 8in (20cm). Has ovate, toothed leaves, drainage. Water containerized plants A. ‘Stainless Steel’ illus. p.241.
A. ptarmica ‘The Pearl’ (illus. p.247). to 21⁄2in (6cm) long. In summer, bears large, moderately, less when not in full growth. A. volubile of gardens. See
Upright perennial. H 30in (75cm), S 2ft funnel-shaped, peach-colored flowers, 2in Propagate by seed in spring or fall or by A. hemsleyanum.
(60cm). Has large heads of small, pompom- (5cm) across. Z15 (min. 41–50°F/5–10°C) semiripe cuttings in summer. tThe sap A. vulparia. See A. lycoctonum subsp.
like, white flowers in summer and tapering, A. pulchella. See A. erecta. and small, plumlike fruits that follow the vulparia.
glossy, dark green leaves. May spread A. ‘Yellow Beauty’. Erect perennial. flowers are highly toxic if ingested.
rapidly. Z3–8 A. oblongifolia, syn. A. spectabilis, Aconogonon. See Persicaria.
A. ‘Summerwine’. Semievergreen, H 9in (24cm), S 12in (30cm). Produces Carissa spectabilis (Wintersweet), illus.
upright perennial. H 32in (80cm) or more, p.453. ACORUS
S 16in (40cm) or more. Has feathery, dark pairs of ovate, toothed, slightly hairy, A. spectabilis. See A. oblongifolia.
green, basal leaves. In summer bears flat ARACEAE
heads of deep red flowers maturing to soft dark green leaves, 2in (5cm) long. Solitary, ACONITUM
purplish-brown. Z4–9 Genus of semievergreen or deciduous
A. ‘Terracotta’ (illus. p.247). primrose-yellow flowers, 2in (5cm) across, Aconite, Monkshood, Wolf’s bane marginal aquatic perennials, grown for
Semievergreen, upright perennial. H 3ft their frequently aromatic foliage. Requires
(1m), S 2ft (60cm). Has feathery, gray- are borne from summer to fall. Z10–12 RANUNCULACEAE an open, sunny position. A. calamus needs
green, basal leaves. Produces flat heads of up to 10in (25cm) depth of water. Tidy up
burnt-orange flowers, maturing to cream, (min. 41–50°F/5–10°C) Genus of perennials and biennials with fading
in summer. Z3–9 poisonous, tuberous or fibrous roots foliage in fall; lift and divide plants every
A. ‘The Beacon’. See A. ‘Fanal’. Achnatherum calamagrostis. and upright, sometimes scandent, stems, 3 or 4 years, in spring, as clumps become
A. tomentosa. Mat-forming perennial. which bear curious, hooded flowers in congested.
H to 14in (35cm), S 18in (45cm). Produces See Stipa calamagrostis. summer. Leaves are mostly rounded in A. calamus ‘Argenteostriatus’ illus.
linear, feathery, woolly, gray-green leaves Acidanthera. See Gladiolus. outline. Suitable for rock gardens or p.434.
and bears flat, lemon-yellow flower heads, borders. Prefers a site in sun, but A. gramineus (Japanese rush).
from early summer to early fall. Z3–9 ACIPHYLLA tolerates some shade—this may enhance Semievergreen, aquatic perennial. H 3–14in
flower color. Requires fertile, well- (8–35cm), S 4–6in (10–15cm). Produces fans
APIACEAE/UMBELLIFERAE drained soil. Propagate by division in
fall, every 2–3 years, or by seed in fall.
Genus of evergreen perennials, grown
mainly for their architectural, spiky
foliage but also for their flowers, which
are produced more freely on male
plants. Needs sun and well-drained soil.

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