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Published by iLibrary Sanggar Pustaka Ismail, 2021-06-30 05:21:28

Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers by Christopher Brickell (

by Christopher Brickell (

Keywords: encyclopedia,english

ANNUALS AND BIENNIALS Silene schafta, p.346 Trailing plants for walls or baskets
Ageratum houstonianum and cvs, Thymus ‘Bressingham’, p.365
Thymus caespititius, p.366 Many plants grow naturally in crevices, their trailing stems covering
pp.313, 314 large areas of vertical rock. In gardens, they can be used at the top
Antirrhinum spp. and cvs, pp.306, 310, BULBS, CORMS, AND TUBERS of retaining walls to soften the brickwork. Smaller trailing plants,
ALSTROEMERIAS, p.387 including tender perennials and annuals, are ideal for hanging
320 Bellavalia romana, p.399 baskets. After planting, hang baskets on sturdy brackets on a wall or
Argyranthemum spp. and cvs, pp.298, Calochortus superbus, p.409 set them on large, inverted pots on a patio or an old tree stump so
CANNAS, p.394 that the plants form a conical mound of tumbling stems and flowers.
300, 319 CROCOSMIA, p.410
Bassia scoparia f. trichophylla, p.316 CROCUSES, p.417 CONIFERS Iberis sempervirens, p.332
BEGONIAS, p.317 Cyclamen coum and cvs, pp.428, 429 Juniperus x pfitzeriana ‘Old Gold’, p.105 Lithodora diffusa ‘Heavenly Blue’, p.343
Bidens ferulifolia ‘Golden Glory’ DAFFODILS, pp.404–405 Juniperus squamata ‘Blue Carpet’, p.105 Oenothera macrocarpa, p.372
Brachyscome iberidifolia ‘Little Missy’ DAHLIAS, pp.396–398 Microbiota decussata, p.105 Parahebe catarractae, p.342
Calendula officinalis series and cvs, Freesia laxa, p.423 Parochetus communis, p.370
Galanthus ‘Hill Poë’, p.427 SHRUBS Persicaria vacciniifolia, p.373
pp.321, 322, 325 Galanthus woronowii, p.428 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, p.376 Phlox subulata
Calibrachoa series and cvs pp.300, 306 GLADIOLI, p.384 Ceanothus thyrsiflorus var. repens, p.159 Pterocephalus perennis, p.364
Callistephus chinensis series and cvs, Gladiolus murielae, p.383 Leptospermum rupestre, p.151 Saxifraga stolonifera
Habenaria radiata, p.408 Loiseleuria procumbens, p.364
pp.303, 304, 312 Hippeastrum ‘Black Pearl’ Nematanthus strigillosus TENDER AND EXOTIC PLANTS
Catharanthus roseus and cvs, pp.298, Hyacinthus orientalis ‘Blue Jacket’, Salix repens, p.147 Shrubs
Chorizema ilicifolium, p.454
Chaenostoma cordatum ‘Snowflake’, Hyacinthus orientalis ‘White Pearl’, Hedera (most), p.211 Perennials
Achimenes ‘Peach Blossom’
p.298 p.415 PERENNIALS Aeschynanthus speciosus, p.478
Coreopsis ‘Rum Punch’, p.326 Incarvillea delavayi, p.265 Campanula isophylla Centropogon ferrugineus
Cosmos atrosanguineus and cvs, Iris reticulata and cvs, p.225 Chrysosplenium macrophyllum, p.256
Ismene x spofforthiae ‘Sulphur Queen’, Glandularia ‘Sissinghurst’, p.268
pp.238, 306 Glechoma hederacea ‘Variegata’, p.277
Cuphea x purpurea ‘Firecracker’, p.306 p.412 Tropaeolum polyphyllum, p.276
Diascia LITTLE DANCER (‘Pendan’), p.301 LILIES (most), pp.388–391
Duranta erecta ‘Gold Edge’, p.319 Muscari botryoides ‘Album’, p.415 ANNUALS AND BIENNIALS plant selector
Erysimum cheiri Treasure Series Nerine bowdenii ‘Nikita’ Calceolaria integrifolia
FUCHSIAS, p.302 Polianthes tuberosa, p.385 Calibrachoa hybrids and cvs, pp.300, 306 Glandularia ‘Sissinghurst’
Glandularia x hybrida series Triteleia ixiodes ‘Starlight’, p.407 Chaenostoma cordatum ‘Snowflake’, Helichrysum petiolare
Helichrysum petiolare, p.165 Triteleia laxa ‘Koningin Fabiola’, p.411
HOUSELEEKS, p.377 Tulbaghia simmleri, p.411 p.298
Impatiens spp. and cvs, p.216, 307, 325, TULIPS, pp.400–401 Diascia LITTLE DANCER (‘Pendan’), p.301
Watsonia meriana, p.385 Fuchsia procumbens
476 Zantedeschia ‘Cameo’, p.395 Helichrysum petiolare, p.165
Ipomoea batatus and cvs, p.311 Ipomoea batatas ‘Blackie’, p.311
Lantana camara Lucky Series, p.301 WATER AND BOG PLANTS Ipomoea batatas ‘Sweet Caroline’
Lobelia erinus cvs, pp.311, 314, 315 Acorus gramineus ‘Variegatus’, Lantana montevidensis, p.310
Lobularia maritima ‘Snow Crystals’, Lathyrus odoratus Cupid Series ‘Cupid
p.298 Aponogeton distachyos, p.435 Pink’, p.301
Lysimachia congestiflora ‘Outback Menyanthes trifoliata, p.434 Limnanthes douglasii, p.321
Pontederia cordata, p.441 Lobelia erinus and cvs, pp.311, 314, 315
Sunset’, p.323 Thalia dealbata Lotus berthelotii, p.306
Mimulus x hybrida Magic Series WATER LILIES (small cvs), p.440 Lysimachia congestiflora ‘Outback
Nemesia AMELIE (‘Fleurame’) p.301 Zantedeschia aethiopica ‘Crowborough’,
Nemesia Carnival Mixed, p.307 Sunset’, p.323
Osteospermum ecklonis and cvs p.437 Melampodium montanum AZTEC GOLD
Perilla ‘Magilla Vanilla’, p.318
x Petchoa SuperCal Series, p.303 TENDER AND EXOTIC PLANTS (‘Starbini’)
PELARGONIUMS, p.309 Trees Nemophila maculata, p.299
Petunia series and cvs, pp.311, 316 Cordyline australis ‘Atropurpurea’, Nolana paradoxa
Primula Belarina Series, pp.258, 303 Pelargonium peltatum
Salpiglossis sinuata series and cvs p.451 x Petchoa Supercal Series, p.303
Salvia farinacea ‘Strata’, p.314 Ficus spp. pp.450, 452, 458 Petunia Surfinia Series, pp.311, 316
Salvia splendens Jacaranda mimosifolia, p.451 Petunia Wave Series
Scaevola aemula ‘Little Wonder’ Washingtonia robusta, p.451 Portulaca grandiflora series and cvs
Solentostemon scutellarioides series Scaevola aemula ‘Little Wonder’
Shrubs Solenostemon ‘Chocolate Mint’, p.311
and cvs, pp.310, 311 Plectranthus fructicosus ‘James’, p.454 Solenostemon scutellarioides ‘Inky
Tagetes series and cvs, pp.308, 324, 326
Tropaeolum majus series and cvs, pp.307, Climbers Fingers’, p.310
Cissus antarctica, p.463 Tropaeolum majus series and cvs, pp.307,
323, 327 Mandevilla spp., pp.460, 461
Viola x wittrockiana hybrids and cvs, Stephanotis floribunda, p.460 323, 327

p.312 Perennials ROCK PLANTS
Zinnia marylandica Zahara Series, pp.298 Browallia speciosa, p.472 Acaena saccaticupula ‘Blue Haze’
Centropogon ayavacensis Androsace lanuginosa, p.363
ROCK PLANTS Centropogon ferrugineus Arabis alpina subsp. caucasica
All are suitable, the following being Campanula cochleariifolia, p.369
particularly recommended: Cacti and succulents Convolvulus sabatius, p.342
Campanula portenschlagiana p.368 AGAVES, p.482 Cymbalaria muralis
Campanula poscharskyana p.367 ALOES, p.493 Cytisus x beanii, p.335
Dianthus gratianopolitanus p.363 Furcraea foetida ‘Mediopicta’, p.481 Euphorbia myrsinites, p.357
Geranium sanguineum, p.340 Genista lydia, p.345
Hebe vernicosa p.337 Gypsophila repens Petunia SURFINIA LIME (‘Keiyeul’) 51
Helianthemum spp. and cvs, pp.336, 338, Hertia cheirifolia, p.344

340, 344, 345
Hypericum olympicum
Iberis sempervirens p.332
Persicaria affinis ‘Donald Lowndes’,

Phlox douglasii ‘Crackerjack’ p.365
Saponaria ocymoides, p.364
Saxifraga stolonifera
Saxifraga x urbium

Plants with aromatic foliage Cistus laurifolius Perovskia atriplicifolia
Elsholtzia stauntonii Tanacetum parthenium, p.300
The leaves of many plants contain essential aromatic oils, used in Gaultheria procumbens, p.373
medicine or cooking. For gardeners, their value lies in the aromas Helichrysum italicum ANNUALS AND BIENNIALS
released naturally or when bruised. Those of culinary value, such Hyssopus officinalis, p.157 PELARGONIUMS (scented-leaved
as rosemary, are ideal for herb gardens, or plant low-growing LAVENDERS, p.158
thymes next to paths or between paving stones, where they will Lindera benzoin, p.127 forms), p.309
emit their scent when stepped on. The fragrance from trees Myrtus communis, p.122
is best appreciated as it drifts through the garden on the wind. Perovskia ‘Blue Spire’, p.159 ROCK PLANTS
Phlomis fruticosa, p.160 Mentha requienii
TREES Conifers Rhododendron rubiginosum Origanum laevigatum, p.340
Eucalyptus spp., pp.67, 68, 78, 79 Calocedrus decurrens, p.101 Rosa rubiginosa, p.176 Satureja montana
Juglans regia, p.62 Chamaecyparis spp. and cvs, pp.96, Rosmarinus officinalis, p.157 Thymus spp. and cvs, pp.365, 366, 367
Laurus nobilis, p.80 Salvia officinalis and cvs, p.155
Phellodendron chinense, p.75 99, 102, 103, 104 Santolina spp. TENDER AND EXOTIC PLANTS
Populus balsamifera Cupressus spp. and cvs, pp.95, 102, Trees
Populus trichocarpa PERENNIALS Agonis flexuosa, p.450
Sassafras albidum, p.64 104 Achillea filipendulina
Umbellularia californica, p.69 Juniperus spp., pp.100, 103, 105 Agastache ‘Black Adder’, p.280 Shrubs
Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca, Artemisia spp. and cvs, pp.165, 216, Boronia megastigma, p.456
Prostanthera ovalifolia, p.457
p.96 242, 274, 374
Thuja plicata ‘Stoneham Gold’, p.105 Chamaemelum nobile Perennials
Galium odoratum, p.263 Kaempferia pulchra, p.477
Geranium macrorrhizum, p.269
BELOW Scented seating SHRUBS Mentha suaveolens ‘Variegata’, p.274
Create a relaxing resting place in the garden Aloysia triphylla, p.132 Monarda didyma
with a stylish wooden bench surrounded Artemisia abrotanum, p.165 Myrrhis odorata, p.230
by aromatic herbs, such as lavender, thyme, Caryopteris x clandonensis ‘First Choice’ Nepeta ‘Six Hills Giant’, p.240
and marjoram. Choisya ternata and cvs, p.122, 148

plant selector

Phlomis fruticosa
Rosa rubiginosa


Nepeta ‘Six Hills Giant’

Plants with fragrant flowers LILIES (several), pp.388–391 TENDER AND EXOTIC PLANTS
Muscari armeniacum, p.420 Trees
Fragrance is a compelling feature of many plants. It can be strong, Narcissus jonquilla and Div. 7 hybrids, Bauhinia variegata, p.450
filling the garden with scent, or apparent only when you are close Plumeria rubra, p.453
to individual blooms. Some plants release scent continuously, pp.404–405 Shrubs
while the perfume of others is more noticeable at night. A sunny, Narcissus tazetta and Div. 8 hybrids, Boronia megastigma, p.456
sheltered patio is an ideal situation for fragrant plants, or site them Gardenia jasminoides ‘Veitchiana’, p.454
close to paths, and train fragrant climbers over arches and around pp.404, 405, 407 Climbers
doorways. Hyacinths provide early spring fragrance indoors. Ornithogalum arabicum, p.409 Hoya carnosa, p.460
Polianthes tuberosa, p.385 Stephanotis floribunda, p.460
Crataegus monogyna Anemone sylvestris, p.255 Aponogeton distachyos, p.435 Cattleya J.A.Carbone gx
Drimys winteri, p.73 CARNATIONS AND PINKS, pp.266–267 Nymphaea ‘Blue Beauty’, p.440
Eucryphia lucida, p.85 Clematis tubulosa ‘Wyevale’ Nymphaea ‘James Brydon’, p.440 Lonicera etrusca ‘Michael Rosse’
Fraxinus ornus, p.71 Convallaria majalis, p.255 Nymphaea ‘Odorata Sulphurea
Genista aetnensis, p.89 Cosmos atrosanguineus, p.238 Anemone sylvestris
Laburnum x watereri ‘Vossii’, p.84 Crambe cordifolia, p.216 Grandiflora’, p.440
MAGNOLIAS, p.70 Galium odoratum, p.263 53
Malus hupehensis, p.69 Hedychium coccineum ‘Tara’, p.220 Lilium regale
Malus ‘Profusion’, p.71 Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus, p.245
Prunus mume ‘Beni-chidori’, p.123 Hesperis matronalis, p.230 Wisteria sinensis ‘Prolific’
Prunus padus ‘Watereri’, p.71 Impatiens tinctoria, p.216
Prunus x yedoensis ‘Somei-yoshino’, p.82 Iris graminea
Pterostyrax hispida, p.73 Iris unguicularis
Robinia pseudoacacia Mirabilis jalapa, p.233
Styrax japonicus, p.72 Myrrhis odorata, p.230
Tilia tomentosa ‘Petiolaris’, p.64 PEONIES, pp.228–229
Persicaria polymorpha, p.234
SHRUBS Primula elatior, p.259
Abelia x grandiflora, p.113 Primula veris, p.263
Acacia dealbata, p.211
Argyrocytisus battandieri, p.116 ANNUALS AND BIENNIALS
Azara microphylla, p.118 Amberboa moschata
Berberis x stenophylla, p.127 Antirrhinum majus series, pp.306, 310, 320
Brugmansia arborea Argemone mexicana, p.321
BUDDLEJAS, p.114 Dianthus barbatus and cvs
Chimonanthus praecox, p.144 Erysimum cheiri series and cvs, pp.308,
Choisya ternata, p.122
Clerodendrum bungei, p.141 336
Clerodendrum trichotomum, p.142 Exacum affine
Clethra delavayi, p.113 Glandularia x hybrida series
Colletia hystrix, p.130 Heliotropium arborescens, p.310
Corylopsis pauciflora, p.126 Iberis amara, p.299
Daphne odora and cvs, p.164 Limnanthes douglasii, p.321
Deutzia x elegantissima cvs, p.153 Lobularia maritima ‘Snow Crystals’,
Edgeworthia chrysantha, p.126
Elaeagnus x submacrophylla ‘Limelight’, p.298
Matthiola incana
p.139 Nemesia AMELIE (‘Fleurame’), p.301
Erica lusitanica Nicotiana alata, p.231
Fothergilla major, p.117 Nicotiana sylvestris
LAVENDERS, p.158 Reseda odorata, p.300
Ligustrum lucidum Scabiosa atropurpurea
LILACS, p.115
Lupinus arboreus, p.159 ROCK PLANTS
MAGNOLIAS, p.70 Dianthus gratianopolitanus, p.363
Osmanthus spp. and cvs, pp.110, 119 Erysimum helveticum, p.358
Philadelphus spp. and cvs, pp.127, 128, Primula auricula

129, 131, 149 BULBS, CORMS, AND TUBERS
Pittosporum tenuifolium, p.120 Amaryllis belladonna, p.395
ROSES (many), pp.168–187 Arisaema candidissimum, p.422
Sarcococca spp., pp.142, 164 Cardiocrinum giganteum, p.385
Viburnum spp. and cvs, pp.110, 111, 143, Chlidanthus fragrans, p.424
Crinum bulbispermum
146 Crinum x powellii, p.385
WITCH HAZELS, p.118 Crocus angustifolius
Crocus longiflorus
CLIMBERS AND WALL SHRUBS Cyclamen persicum, p.429
Clematis ‘Elizabeth’ Eucharis amazonica, p.414
Coronilla valentina subsp. glauca, p.195 Gladiolus murielae, p.383
HONEYSUCKLE, p.207 Habenaria radiata, p.408
Itea ilicifolia, p.211 Hyacinthus orientalis and cvs, pp.403, 407
Jasminum humile and cvs, pp.139, 206 Ismene x spofforthiae ‘Sulphur Queen’,
Jasminum officinale f. affine, p.196
Lathyrus odoratus and cvs, pp.201, 301 p.412
Mandevilla laxa
ROSES (many) RIGHT Classic combination
Trachelospermum spp., pp.195, 196 Rosa ‘Felicia’ and Lavandula angustifolia
WISTERIA, p.205 provide pretty contrasts and a heady
fragrance in a summer border.

Decorative fruit or seed heads Clintonia borealis Nigella damascena and cvs, pp.314, 315
Disporum hookeri Solanum capsicastrum
As winter approaches, dull corners or featureless borders can Duchesnea indica Solanum pseudocapsicum ‘Red Giant’
be brightened with the colorful fruits of berberis, cotoneasters, Echinacea species and cvs, pp.221, 234
viburnums, and other ornamental berried shrubs. On pergolas Eryngium pandanifolium ROCK PLANTS
and trellises, Celastrus orbiculatus and Clematis orientalis provide Eupatorium maculatum ‘Riesenschirm’, Acaena microphylla, p.374
late-season interest with trailing skeins of yellow fruits and feathery Cornus canadensis, p.360
seeds. Wall-trained pyracanthas will color drab winter walls with p.221 Dryas octopetala, p.361
yellow, orange, or scarlet fruits, while hollies (Ilex) also sport berries Francoa sochifolia Rogerson’s form Gaultheria (most), pp.346, 373
for winter decoration. The dried seedheads of many plants produce Iris foetidissima, p.225 Maianthemum bifolium, p.348
beautiful effects for indoor and outdoor displays. Ligularia ‘The Rocket’, p.219 Nertera granadensis, p.373
Ophiopogon spp., pp.280, 283 Pulsatilla spp., pp.332, 334, 349
plant selector TREES Gaultheria mucronata and cvs, pp.163, 164 ORIENTAL POPPIES, p.238 Vaccinium vitis-idaea subsp. minus, p.351
Arbutus unedo, p.93 Hippophae rhamnoides, p.142 PEONIES, pp.228–229
Cornus kousa, p.85 Leycesteria formosa Persicaria alpina, p.234 BULBS, CORMS, AND TUBERS
Cotoneaster frigidus, p.142 Pyracantha spp. and cvs, pp.118, 141 Physalis alkekengi Allium aflatunense, p.382
Crataegus spp., pp.80, 84, 90 ROSES (most), pp.168–187 Rudbeckia maxima, p.251 Allium atropurpureum, p.392
HOLLIES (most), p.94 Sambucus racemosa ‘Plumosa Aurea’, HYLOTELEPHIUMS, p.279 Allium neapolitanum, p.399
Koelreuteria paniculata, p.89 Sinopodophyllum hexandrum, p.255 Allium cristophii, p.411
MAGNOLIAS, p.70 p.139 Smilacina racemosa, p.223 Allium ‘Gladiator’, p.392
Malus spp. (most), pp.69, 71, 77, 81, 84, Sarcococca hookeriana var. digyna, p.164 Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Fascination’, Allium ‘Globemaster’, p.392
Skimmia japonica, p.164 Allium ‘Mount Everest’, p.385
89, 90, 91, 92, 110 Symphoricarpos spp. and cvs, pp.142, 160 p.220 Allium oreophilum, p.418
Photinia davidiana, p.90 Symplocos paniculata, p.142 Allium ‘Purple Sensation’, p.392
SORBUS, p.91 Viburnum davidii, p.165 Grasses and bamboos Arisaema triphyllum, p.406
Viburnum opulus and cvs, pp.142, 162 Ampeldesmos mauritanicus, p.287 Arum italicum subsp. italicum
Conifers Viburnum tinus and cvs, p.143 Briza maxima
Abies spp., pp.95, 96, 98, 100, 104, 105 Calamagrostis brachytricha, p.284 ‘Marmoratum’, p.421
Cedrus spp., pp.95, 96, 97, 104 CLIMBERS AND WALL SHRUBS Chasmanthium latifolium, p.288 Cardiocrinum giganteum, p.385
Picea spp., pp.98, 99, 101, 103, 105 Actinidia deliciosa Cortaderia spp. and cvs, pp.284, 285
Pinus spp., pp.78, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, Billardiera longiflora, p.210 Deschampsisa cespitosa ‘Goldtau’, p.289 WATER AND BOG PLANTS
Cardiospermum halicacabum Eragrostis curvula ‘Totnes Burgundy’, p.285 Ligularia ‘Britt Marie Crawford’, p.445
101, 102, 103, 104, 105 Celastrus orbiculatus Miscanthus sinensis and cvs pp.284, 285, Nuphar lutea, p.444
Clematis orientalis Thalia dealbata
SHRUBS Holboellia coriacea 286
Aucuba japonica ROSES (several), pp.168–187 Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea TENDER AND EXOTIC PLANTS
Berberis spp. and cvs, pp.111, 123, 127, Tropaeolum speciosum, p.202 Trees
‘Transparent’, p.286 Solanum betaceum, p.456
137, 141, 148, 160, 162 PERENNIALS Molinia caerulea subsp. caerulea
Callicarpa bodinieri var. giraldii, p.141 Achillea filipendulina Shrubs
Cotoneaster spp. and cvs, pp.117, 141, Aconitum ‘Stainless Steel’, p.241 ‘Variegata’ Citrus x microcarpa, p.458
Actaea pachypoda, p.246 Panicum virgatum ‘Shenandoah’
142, 143, 209 Agapanthus ‘Northern Star’, p.241 Pennisetum spp. and cvs, pp.286, 312 BELOW Late-season sculpture
Decaisnea fargesii, p.142 Agapanthus ‘Phantom’ Stipa spp. and cvs, pp.286, 287, 288 The seedheads of Allium cristophii
Euonymus europaeus ‘Red Cascade’, Agapanthus ‘Purple Cloud’, p.241 complement the brown seed pods of
ANNUALS AND BIENNIALS Nigella damascena, adding texture to an
p.140 Capsicum annuum ‘Holiday Cheer’ herbaceous border as winter approaches.
Euonymus latifolius, p.140 Dipsacus fullonum
Euonymus myrianthus, p.117 Lagurus ovatus, p.284
Lunaria annua, p.310
Martynia annua, p.300
Nicandra physalodes

Iris foetidissima Rosa roxburghii

54 Ilex aquifolium ‘Pyramidalis Aureomarginata’

Symphoricarpus albus var. laevigatus

Flowers for cutting

With careful selection, flowers can be cut from the garden at most
times of the year, from the Christmas rose (Helleborus niger) in
midwinter to Nerine bowdenii in fall. In small gardens, integrate
plants for cutting into the general scheme, and leave some blooms
for display, or plant away from the house so that the cutting is less
noticeable. Feed regularly during the growing season, to counteract
the weakening effects of cutting the plants.

SHRUBS CROCOSMIA, p.410 plant selector
CAMELLIA, pp.120–121 DAFFODILS (tall species and cvs),
Forsythia spp. and cvs, p.127, 195 Allium aflatunense Rosa ‘Just Joey’
LILACS, p.115 pp.404–405
Philadelphus spp. and cvs, pp.127, 128, DAHLIAS, pp.396–398 Chrysanthemum ‘Chelsea Physic Garden’ Anchusa azurea ‘Loddon Royalist’ 55
GLADIOLI (most), p.384
129, 131, 149 Gladiolus murielae, p.383
ROSES (some), pp.168–187 Hyacinthus orientalis ‘Blue Jacket’, p.403
Salix caprea Hyacinthus orientalis ‘White Pearl’, p.415
WITCH HAZELS, p.118 LILIES (some), pp.388–391
Nerine bowdenii ‘Nikita’
PERENNIALS Ornithogalum thyrsoides, p.408
Agapanthus ‘Northern Star’, p.241 Polianthes tuberosa, p.385
Agapanthus ‘Purple Cloud’, p.241 Triteleia ixiodes ‘Starlight’, p.407
Agapanthus inapertus subsp. pendulus Triteleia laxa ‘Koningin Fabiola’, p.411
Tulbaghia simmleri, p.411
‘Graskop’, p.240 TULIPS (tall cvs), pp.400–401
Anaphalis spp., p.231 Zantedeschia aethiopica cvs, pp.408, 437
Anchusa azurea Zantedeschia ‘Cameo’, p.395
Astrantia major ‘Ruby Wedding’, p.238 TENDER AND EXOTIC PLANTS
Astrantia ‘Roma’, p.278 Shrubs
CARNATIONS and PINKS, pp.266–267 Turraea obtusifolia
CHRYSANTHEMUMS, pp.252–253 Perennials
Coreopsis ‘Limerock Ruby’, p.268 Cymbidium spp., pp.466, 467
DELPHINIUMS (most), p.217 Phalaenopsis spp., pp.466, 467
Francoa sochifolia Rogerson’s form, Strelitzia reginae, p.476
Gaillardia ‘Oranges and Lemons’, p.277
Gerbera EVERLAST PINK (‘Ambgerbpink’) RIGHT Late summer beauty
Helleborus niger, p.281 A selection of dahlias in shades of pink
JAPANESE ANEMONES, p.222 planted with vibrant blue agapanthus
Leucanthemum x superbum fill the late summer border and make
excellent cut flowers.
‘Sonnenschein’, p.231
MICHAELMAS DAISIES, p.249 Narcissus ‘Tahiti’
PEONIES, pp.228–229
PHLOX, p.240 Tulipa ‘Spring Green’
Potentilla ‘Arc-en-ciel’, p.268

Grasses and bamboos
Calamagrostis brachytricha, p.284
Chasmanthium latifolium, p.288
Cortaderia richardii, p.284

Amaranthus caudatus, p.307
Amberboa moschata
Callistephus chinensis series, pp.303,

304, 312
Centaurea cyanus and cvs, p.315
Eustoma grandiflorum, p.299
Gypsophila elegans, p.299
Lathyrus odoratus and cvs, pp.201, 301
Malope trifida, p.305
Matthiola incana Giant Excelsior Mix, p.303
Moluccella laevis, p.316
Rhodanthe chlorocephala subsp. rosea,

Zinnia elegans series and cvs (tall

hybrids), pp.306, 316, 325

Allium aflatunense, p.382
Allium atropurpureum, p.392
Allium ‘Gladiator’, p.392
Allium ‘Globemaster’, p.392
Allium ‘Mount Everest’, p.385
Allium ‘Purple Sensation’, p.392
Camassia quamash, p.411
Cardiocrinum giganteum, p.385


Trees are the most permanent elements in any planting
scheme, making a strong visual impact by virtue of their
size alone. There is a wealth of ornamental trees to choose from,
with a range to suit your climate and growing conditions, as well
as the size and style of your garden. Both deciduous and
evergreen trees provide year-round structure and beauty, but
they have many other benefits too, providing shade in summer,
shelter in winter, and nesting sites and food for birds, insects,
and other wildlife. Trees can also help reduce pollution and
combat climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide from the

atmosphere and replacing it with oxygen. They can
even help regulate groundwater, an important benefit

in areas at risk of flooding and soil erosion.


Dramatic and sculptural, trees are essential plants for gardens large SIZE CATEGORIES USED WITHIN THIS GROUP
and small. In design terms, they provide height, structure and year-
round interest, with flowers, foliage, fruit, and attractive bark, while Large Medium Small
also offering a home and source of food for birds and other wildlife. over 50ft 30–50ft up to 30ft
(15m) (10–15m) (10m)

What are trees? Choosing trees spaces; they can be used in pairs to
frame a view, or in rows to form an avenue
Trees are woody plants, with life spans Before buying, match the needs of your or tunnel. A line of trees also provides
ranging from decades to several centuries. chosen tree with the conditions in your excellent wind protection, and those that
There are deciduous and evergreen trees, garden. A tree is a long-term investment, tolerate clipping, such as beech (Fagus
and most have a single stem with a crown so consider your site and soil carefully to sylvatica), hornbeam (Carpinus betulus),
of branches, although some produce ensure it will thrive, and that the size, shape, and yew (Taxus baccata), make attractive
multiple stems, either naturally or as a and style will suit your design scheme, hedges that diffuse wind and noise.
result of pruning. They range in size from since trees are difficult to move once
conifers that are less than 3ft (1m) in height, established. Also calculate the amount Many trees have eye-catching features
to forest giants that soar up to 300ft (90m) of shade the tree will cast on your or your that make beautiful focal points—those
or more. Trees also vary in shape. Some are neighbor's garden when mature, and site with colorful stems and bark or large
narrowly conical or columnar, others are large trees away from the house, and where sculptural leaves make good choices. The
rounded or spreading, while some have an their roots will not interfere with walls, shape and form of a tree can also help
elegant, arching, weeping habit. There is pipes, drains or cables.
also a wide choice of leaf shape and color. REMOVING A TREE BRANCH
Designing with trees
BELOW Letting in the light The best time to prune most trees is in late winter
Deciduous trees, such as Acer shirasawanum ‘Aureum’, Trees have many beautiful features and when the plants are dormant, but wait until mid-
can be used to make a wonderful garden centerpiece, can be used in various ways to enhance a to late summer for hornbeam (Carpinus), pears
underplanted with low plants to extend the interest garden design. For example, several trees (Pyrus), and plums and cherries (Prunus), which
before and after the main summer season. can be planted to form enclosures or define are susceptible to disease if cut earlier.


1 Make an undercut first
Shorten the branch first to reduce its weight and
stop it from falling and tearing the bark. Cut halfway
through the underside of the branch, then saw
downward from the top, farther along the branch
away from the trunk. Allow the branch to snap off.

2 Cut close to the trunk
Remove the final stump by cutting close to
the trunk, but not flush with it. Make a smooth cut,
angled away from the tree, just beyond the crease
in the bark where the branch meets the trunk.


create a style. For example, the crisp outline permanent display, plant deciduous trees ABOVE Spring benefits
of Juniperus communis ‘Compressa’ suits a for a seasonally changing palette of leaf The profusion of large, double pink flowers of Prunus
formal design, while the shape, flowers, colors, flowers, and fruit. Japanese cherries serrulata ‘Kiku-shidare-sakura’ makes a dramatic and
and fruit of many crabapples (Malus (Prunus), crabapples (Malus) and magnolias colorful focal point in a spring garden.
species) lend natural informality. have vivid spring flowers, while many trees
have large, dramatic leaves or colorful
If you have space for several trees, you foliage that brightens up the summer
can create a small woodland, underplanted garden. A few trees, such as Maackia
with shade-loving perennials. Many small amurensis and Arbutus unedo, bear flowers
trees, such as Acer palmatum and the in late summer and fall, but in the case of
corkscrew hazel (Corylus avellana Japanese maples (Acer), the Chinese tupelo
‘Contorta’), and dwarf conifers are also (Nyssa sinensis), and liquidambars, fall
suitable for growing in containers, and foliage color is the main attraction; they
will add height and interest to patios, produce luminous colors that set the
decks, and roof gardens. garden ablaze.

Year-round interest Stem and bark color is a key feature of
winter displays. The bleached white trunks
Broadleaf evergreens, such as hollies (Ilex) of birches (Betula), glossy copper stems of
and bay laurel (Laurus nobilis), provide a Prunus serrula, and shaggy bark of Acer
valuable green backdrop throughout the griseum provide focal points, while the
year, while the needlelike foliage and
candlelike cones of conifers offer a useful dainty pink flowers of Prunus x subhirtella
contrast in shape and texture. Against this
‘Autumnalis’ lift late-winter days.


It is worth taking the time to prepare the site and plant your tree well, as but the warm, damp soil in fall provides ideal conditions. Bare-root trees
this will increase its chances of survival, and ensure that it thrives. Trees that are cheaper and available in fall or late winter. Plant them as soon as you
have been grown in containers can be planted at most times of the year, get them home, unless the soil is frozen.


1 Break up the soil 2 Check planting depth 3 Firm in
Dig a hole twice the width of the Remove the tree from its pot and Tease out the roots, lower the
pot and the same depth as the tree’s put it in the hole. Use a cane to check tree back into the hole, and water it
rootball. Do not dig over the bottom of that the top of the rootball is at the well. Then water again as you backfill
the hole as this may cause the tree to same level or slightly above the soil. the hole to ensure that there are no air
sink once planted. Instead, use a fork Lift out the plant and cut away any pockets and the roots are in no danger
to puncture the base and sides. roots that are circling the root ball. of drying out. Firm the tree in gently.


4 Stake the tree 5 Attach the tree ties 6 Continue to water in well If the ground is frozen when you
To prevent the tree from rocking Ensure that the top of the stake Water the tree well and apply receive your bare-root trees, or
in the wind, which can damage faces into the prevailing wind. Place a a moisture-conserving bark mulch over you are unable to plant them
the roots, drive in a wooden tree tree tie with a spacer one-third of the the area around the tree, leaving a immediately for some other
stake with a mallet at an angle of way up the trunk from the base. Drive space clear around the stem to prevent reason, fill a large pot with
45 degrees. Make sure the stake a nail through the tree tie into the stake the mulch from rotting it. Water the potting mix and heel them in.
does not damage the root ball. to stop it from slipping down. tree during dry spells for 2 years. This simply means burying the
roots to keep them moist. Plant
the trees in the same way as
shown here for container-grown
plants, but take care to leave
no air pockets when filling in
around the roots with soil.




Acer platanoides ‘Crimson King’ Aesculus chinensis

Vigorous, deciduous, spreading tree. (Chinese horse-chestnut)

Leaves are large, lobed, and deep Slow-growing, deciduous, spreading

reddish-purple, turning orange tree. Leaves are glossy, dark green

in fall. Tiny, red-tinged, deep with 7 leaflets. Slender spires of

yellow flowers are carried in 100ft 30m white flowers are produced 100ft 30m
midspring. in midsummer.

ADZ3–7 75ft 0 ADZ6–8t 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m


Davidia involucrata Fraxinus excelsior ‘Jaspidea’ Populus alba
(Dove tree, handkerchief tree)
Deciduous, conical tree with heart- Vigorous, deciduous, spreading tree (White poplar)
shaped, vivid green leaves, felted
beneath. Large, white bracts appear grown for its golden-yellow twigs and Deciduous, spreading tree with
on mature trees from late spring.
black buds, which are most evident in wavy-margined or lobed leaves,
100ft 30m
winter. Yellow leaves, with 9–11 ovate dark green above, white beneath,

leaflets, fade to light green and 100ft 30m turning yellow in fall. 100ft 30m
then gold, in fall.

AEZ6–8 75ft 0 ADZ5–8 AE75ft 0 Z4–9 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m

Populus x canescens (Gray poplar) Aesculus x carnea ‘Briotii’ Acer macrophyllum (Oregon maple) Liriodendron tulipifera (Tulip tree)
Deciduous, round-headed tree. Leaves,
Vigorous, deciduous, spreading tree consisting of 5 or 7 leaflets, are glossy, Deciduous, round-headed tree with Vigorous, deciduous, spreading tree.
dark green. Panicles of red flowers
with slightly lobed leaves, gray when are borne in late spring. large, deeply lobed, dark green leaves Deep green leaves, with a cut-off or

young, glossy, dark green in summer, 100ft 30m that turn yellow and orange in fall. notched tip and lobed sides, turn

and yellow in fall. Usually bears Yellowish-green flowers in spring are yellow in fall. In midsummer, has

grayish-red catkins in spring. 100ft 30m followed by pale green fruits. 100ft 30m tulip-shaped, orange-marked, 100ft 30m
greenish-white flowers.

60 AD t75ft AD75ft Z3–8 ADM75ft Z4–9 75ft
AEZ4–9 22.5m 22.5m 22.5m
0 Z7–8 0 0 0


Quercus macranthera
(Caucasian oak)
Deciduous, spreading, sturdy-branched,
handsome tree with large, deeply lobed,
dark green leaves.

100ft 30m

ADZ6–8 75ft 0


Populus maximowiczii Fagus sylvatica ‘Rohanii’

Fast-growing, deciduous, conical tree. Slow-growing, deciduous tree with

Ovate, heart-shaped, bright green leaves ovate, deeply cut, deep red-purple

have green-veined, white undersides leaves, sometimes tinged with green or

and turn yellow in fall. Bears brown. Leaf margins are deeply cut into

long, pendent seedheads 100ft 30m triangular teeth, which may bear 100ft 30m
surrounded by silky, white
serrations. Leaf veins and leaf

hairs in late summer. stalk are prominently red.

AE Z4–7 75ft 0 ADZ4–7 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m

Castanea sativa ‘Albomarginata’ Fagus sylvatica ‘Riversii’ Alnus incana (Gray alder)

Deciduous, spreading tree. Has glossy, Fast-growing, deciduous, spreading Deciduous, conical tree useful for cold,

white-edged, dark green leaves that tree with smooth, gray bark and wet areas and poor soils. Yellow-brown

turn yellow in fall. Spikes of creamy- elliptic, wavy-margined, dark purple catkins are carried in late winter and

yellow flowers in summer are followed leaves, which are larger than those early spring, followed by ovate, dark

by edible fruits in fall. 100ft 30m of the species. New leaves on 100ft 30m green leaves. 100ft 30m
young shoots are wine-red

and translucent. 61

AD Z5–7 75ft 0 AD Z4–7 75ft 0 AEZ2–6 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m 22.5m




Quercus canariensis (Algerian oak,

Mirbeck’s oak)

Deciduous or semievergreen tree,

narrow when young, broadening with

age. Large, shallowly lobed, rich

green leaves become yellowish- 100ft 30m

brown in fall, often persisting

into late winter.

ADZ7–9 75ft 0


Populus x canadensis ‘Robusta’ Quercus robur Fastigiata Group Acer cappadocicum subsp. lobelii

Fast-growing, deciduous, conical tree Deciduous, upright, narrow, columnar (Lobel’s maple)

with upright branches. Broadly ovate, tree of dense habit with fissured, Deciduous tree of narrow, upright habit,

bronze, young leaves mature to glossy, gray-brown bark. Produces short- well-suited for growing in restricted

dark green. Bears long, red catkins stalked, lobed, dark green leaves, space. Has wavy-edged, lobed leaves

in spring. 100ft 30m and ovoid acorns borne singly 100ft 30m that turn yellow in fall. 100ft 30m
or in clusters.

AEZ4–9 75ft 0 AD Z5–8 AD75ft 0 Z6–8 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m

Fagus sylvatica ‘Pendula’ Celtis australis (European hackberry) Juglans regia (English walnut)
Deciduous, spreading tree. Has ovate,
(Weeping beech) pointed, sharply toothed, dark green Deciduous tree with a spreading head.
leaves and small, purple-black fruits.
Deciduous, weeping tree with ovate, Leaves, usually with 5 or 7 leaflets, are
100ft 30m
wavy-edged, mid-green leaves that aromatic, bronze-purple when young,

in fall take on rich hues of yellow glossy, mid-green when mature.

and orange-brown. 100ft 30m Produces edible nuts. 100ft 30m

62 AD75ft 0 Z6–8 0AD75ft Z3–7 75ft 0
AD Z4–7 22.5m 22.5m

Platanus x hispanica (London plane) Tilia oliveri Juglans nigra (Black walnut)

Vigorous, deciduous, spreading tree Deciduous, spreading, open tree with Fast-growing, deciduous, handsome,

with ornamental, flaking bark. Has large, pointed, heart-shaped leaves, bright spreading tree with large, aromatic

sharply lobed, bright green leaves. green above and silvery-white beneath. leaves of many pointed, glossy,

Spherical fruit clusters hang from Produces small, fragrant, greenish- dark green leaflets. Produces edible

shoots in fall. 100ft 30m yellow flowers in summer, 100ft 30m nuts in fall. 100ft 30m
followed by winged fruits.

ADZ5–8t AD75ft 0 Z6–8 AD75ft 0 Z5–9 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m


Populus nigra ‘Italica’ Ailanthus altissima (Tree of heaven) Quercus petraea ‘Columna’ Tilia platyphyllos ‘Rubra’
Deciduous, upright, slender tree with
(Lombardy poplar) Fast-growing, deciduous, spreading large, wavy-edged, leathery, dark green (Bigleaf linden)
leaves, tinged bronze when young.
Very fast-growing, deciduous, narrowly tree with clusters of small, green flowers Deciduous, spreading tree with red
100ft 30m
columnar tree with erect branches, in midsummer, followed by winged, winter shoots and rounded, dark green

diamond-shaped, bright green leaves, green, then reddish-brown fruits. leaves. Bears small, dull yellowish-white

and red catkins in midspring. 100ft 30m Large, dark green leaves have 100ft 30m flowers in midsummer. 100ft 30m
paired, ovate leaflets.

AEZ3–9 BD75ft 0 Z4–8 AD75ft 0 Z5–8 BD75ft 0 Z5–8 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m 22.5m

Platanus orientalis (Oriental plane) Nothofagus obliqua (Roblé, Quercus nigra (Water oak)
Deciduous, spreading tree with glossy,
Vigorous, deciduous, spreading tree southern beech) bright green foliage retained until well
into winter.
with flaking, gray, brown or cream bark Fast-growing, deciduous, elegant tree
100ft 30m
and large, glossy, pale green leaves with slender, arching branches. Has

with 5 deep lobes. Green fruit clusters, deep green leaves that turn orange

later turning brown, persist in 100ft 30m and red in fall. 100ft 30m

ADZ3–8 75ft 0 AEZ8–9 AD75ft 0 Z7–9 75ft 63
22.5m 22.5m
22.5m 0




Sassafras albidum Quercus castaneifolia Fagus sylvatica (Common beech)

Deciduous, upright, later spreading (Chestnut-leaf oak) Deciduous, spreading tree with ovate,

tree. Aromatic, glossy, dark green Deciduous, spreading tree with wavy-edged leaves. These are pale

leaves vary from ovate to deeply lobed sweet-chestnut-like, sharply toothed green when young, mid- to dark green

and turn yellow or red in fall. leaves, glossy, dark green above, gray when mature, and turn rich yellow

Has insignificant, yellowish- 100ft 30m beneath. Produces ovoid acorns, 100ft 30m and orange-brown in fall, when 100ft 30m
green flowers in spring.
in long-scaled cups, in fall. nuts are produced.

ADMZ4–8 AD75ft 0 Z7–9 AD75ft 0 Z4–7 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m


Fagus sylvatica var. heterophylla Quercus frainetto (Hungarian oak)
Fast-growing, deciduous, spreading
‘Aspleniifolia’ (Fernleaf beech) tree with a large, domed head and
handsome, large, deeply lobed, dark
Fast-growing, deciduous, spreading green leaves.

tree. Has narrow, deeply cut, deep green 100ft 30m

leaves, which give a soft, feathery outline

to the tree. In fall, leaves turn 100ft 30m
golden-brown and persist well

into winter.

ADZ4–7 75ft 0 ADZ5–8 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m

Tilia tomentosa ‘Petiolaris’ (Weeping Zelkova carpinifolia (Caucasian elm) Nothofagus alpina

silver linden) Deciduous tree with a short, sturdy (Rauli, southern beech)

Deciduous, spreading tree with pendent trunk from which many upright Fast-growing, deciduous, conical tree.

branches. Pointed, heart-shaped leaves, branches arise to make an ovate, dense Leaves, with many impressed veins,

dark green above, silver beneath, crown. Produces ovate, sharply toothed, are dark green, turning orange and

shimmer in the breeze. Has dark green leaves, turning red in fall. 100ft 30m
fragrant, creamy-yellow flowers 100ft 30m orange-brown in fall. 100ft 30m

in late summer. AD75ft 0 Z5–9 75ft 0 AEZ8–9 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m
64 22.5m



Acer pseudoplatanus
f. erythrocarpum
Vigorous, deciduous, spreading tree
with lobed, deep green leaves. Wings
of young fall fruits are bright red.

100ft 30m

ADZ4–7 75ft 0


Liriodendron tulipifera Quercus rubra (Red oak) Quercus ellipsoidalis
Fast-growing, deciduous, spreading Deciduous, spreading tree with deeply
‘Aureomarginatum’ tree. Attractively lobed leaves, often lobed, glossy, dark green leaves that turn
large, are deep green, becoming dark purplish-red, then red in fall.
Vigorous, deciduous tree. Deep green reddish- or yellowish-brown in fall.
100ft 30m
leaves have yellow margins, cut-off or 100ft 30m

notched tips and lobed sides. Bears

cup-shaped, greenish-white 100ft 30m
flowers, splashed orange, in

summer on mature trees.

ADMZ4–9 75ft 0 ADZ5–9 75ft 0 ADZ4–7 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m 22.5m

Pterocarya x rehderiana Liquidambar styraciflua (Sweetgum) Quercus coccinea (Scarlet oak)
Deciduous, conical to spreading tree.
Very fast-growing, deciduous, spreading Shoots develop corky ridges. Lobed, Deciduous, round-headed tree. Glossy,
glossy, dark green leaves turn brilliant
tree. Has glossy, bright green leaves orange, red, and purple in fall. dark green leaves have deeply cut lobes

consisting of narrow, paired leaflets 100ft 30m ending in slender teeth. In fall, they turn

that turn yellow in fall and long bright red, usually persisting for several

catkins of winged fruits in late 100ft 30m weeks on the tree. 100ft 30m
summer and fall.

AEZ6–9 AE75ft Z7–9 AD75ft Z5–9 75ft 65
22.5m 0 22.5m 0 0




Acer rubrum ‘Scanlon’ Nyssa sylvatica (Black gum, tupelo) Acer rubrum ‘Schlesingeri’
Deciduous, broadly conical tree with Deciduous, round-headed tree. In early
Deciduous, upright tree. Has lobed, dark ovate, glossy, dark to mid-green leaves fall, dark green leaves turn deep red.
that turn brilliant yellow, orange, and Tiny, red flowers appear on bare
green foliage that in fall becomes bright red in fall. wood in spring.

red, particularly on acidic or neutral soil. 100ft 30m 100ft 30m

Clusters of small, red flowers decorate

bare branches in spring. 100ft 30m

ADZ3–9 AE75ft 0 Z5–9 AD75ft 0 Z3–9 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m


Acer rubrum (Red maple) Fraxinus angustifolia subsp. oxycarpa Quercus alba (White oak)
Deciduous, spreading tree. Deeply
Deciduous, round-headed tree. Dark ‘Raywood’ (Claret ash) lobed, glossy, dark green leaves turn
reddish-purple in fall.
green leaves turn bright red in fall, Vigorous, deciduous, spreading tree.
100ft 30m
producing best color on acidic Leaves have 5–7 narrowly ovate, glossy,

or neutral soil. In spring, bare dark green leaflets that mature to bright

branches are covered with tiny, 100ft 30m reddish-purple in fall. 100ft 30m

red flowers.

ADZ3–9 AD75ft 0 Z6–9 AD75ft 0 Z5–9 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m

Prunus serotina (Black cherry) Cercidiphyllum japonicum Quercus palustris (Pin oak)

Deciduous, spreading tree. Spikes of (Katsura tree) Fast-growing, deciduous, spreading

fragrant, white flowers appear in early Fast-growing, deciduous, spreading tree with slender branches, pendulous

summer, followed by red fruits that turn tree. Leaves, bronze when young, turn at the tips. Deeply lobed, glossy,

black in fall. Glossy, dark green leaves rich green, then yellow to purple in fall, bright green leaves turn scarlet or

become yellow in fall. 100ft 30m especially on acidic soil. Fallen 100ft 30m red-brown in fall. 100ft 30m
leaves smell of burnt toffee.

66 AE75ft 0 Z4–8 75ft 0 ADZ5–8 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m
ADZ4–8t 22.5m


Acer platanoides ‘Palmatifidum’ Betula papyrifera (Canoe birch,

Vigorous, deciduous, spreading tree. paper birch)

Deeply divided, pale green leaves with Vigorous, deciduous, open-branched,

slender lobes turn yellow or reddish- round-headed tree with peeling,

orange in fall. Tiny, yellow flowers shiny, white bark, yellowish catkins

appear in midspring. 100ft 30m in spring, and ovate, coarsely 100ft 30m
serrated leaves that turn clear

yellow in fall.

ADZ3–7 75ft 0 ADZ2–7 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m


Quercus phellos (Willow oak) Carya ovata (Shagbark hickory)
Deciduous, spreading tree of elegant Deciduous tree with flaking, gray bark.
habit. Narrow, willowlike, pale green Has dark green leaves, usually consisting
leaves turn yellow then brown of 5 slender leaflets, that turn golden-
in fall. yellow in fall.

100ft 30m 100ft 30m

ADZ6–9 AD75ft 0 Z4–8 75ft 0

Zelkova serrata Gymnocladus dioica Prunus avium (Mazzard, sweet cherry) Eucalyptus dalrympleana
Deciduous, spreading tree with sharply (Kentucky coffeetree)
toothed, finely pointed, dark green Slow-growing, deciduous, spreading Deciduous, spreading tree with (Mountain gum)
leaves that turn yellow or orange tree with small, star-shaped, white
in fall. flowers borne in early summer. Large red-banded bark. Has sprays of white Vigorous, evergreen tree. Creamy-white,
leaves, with pairs of ovate leaflets,
100ft 30m are pink when young, green in 100ft 30m flowers in spring, deep red fruits, and young bark becomes pinkish-gray,
summer, then yellow in fall.
dark green leaves that turn red and then peels. Leaves are long, narrow

yellow in fall. 100ft 30m and pendent. Clusters of white 100ft 30m
flowers appear in late summer

and fall. 67

ADZ5–9 75ft 0 ADZ5–9 75ft 0 ADZ4–8t 75ft 0 ADZ9–10 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m 22.5m 22.5m




Eucalyptus gunnii (Cider gum)

Evergreen, conical tree with peeling,

cream, pinkish, and brown bark. Leaves

are silver-blue when young, blue-green

when mature. Clusters of white flowers,

with numerous stamens, appear 100ft 30m

in midsummer.

ADZ8–10 75ft 0


Betula pendula ‘Tristis’ Quercus x turneri
Semievergreen, rounded, dense
(Weeping birch) tree. Lobed, leathery, dark green leaves
fall just before new foliage appears
Deciduous, slender, elegant tree with a in spring.

strongly weeping habit and white bark. 100ft 30m

Ovate, bright green leaves, with toothed

margins, provide excellent 100ft 30m
golden color in fall.

AD Z2–7 75ft 0 ADZ6–9 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m

Eucalyptus coccifera (Tasmanian snow Eucalyptus johnstonii Nothofagus dombeyi Quercus x crenata ‘Lucombeana’

gum, Mount Wellington peppermint) (Tasmanian yellow gum) Evergreen, loosely conical tree of (Lucombe oak)

Evergreen tree with peeling, blue-gray Fast-growing, evergreen tree with red to elegant habit with shoots that droop Semievergreen, spreading tree with

and white bark and aromatic, pointed, blue-green, peeling bark. Round, fresh at the tips. Leaves are sharply toothed, toothed leaves, glossy, dark green

gray-green leaves. Bears clusters of green young leaves turn spear-shaped, glossy, dark green. above, gray beneath.

white flowers, with numerous 100ft 30m glossy, dark green when mature. 100ft 30m 100ft 30m
stamens, in summer. Small, urn-shaped seed capsules 100ft 30m

68 follow clusters of white flowers.

ADZ9–11 AD75ft 0 Z9–10 AE75ft 0 Z8–9 AD75ft 0 Z7–9 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m 22.5m




Umbellularia californica

(California laurel)

Evergreen, spreading tree with aromatic,

leathery, glossy, dark green leaves and

creamy-yellow flowers in late spring.

Pungent leaves may cause 100ft 30m
nausea and headache

when crushed.

AEZ7–9t 75ft 0


Nothofagus betuloides Salix x sepulcralis var. chrysocoma Malus baccata var. mandschurica
Evergreen, columnar tree with dense
growth of ovate, glossy, dark green (Golden weeping willow) (Manchurian crabapple)
leaves on bronze-red shoots.
Deciduous tree with slender, yellow Vigorous, deciduous, spreading tree with
100ft 30m
shoots falling to the ground as a curtain. dark green leaves and a profusion of

Yellow-green young leaves mature to white flowers in clusters in midspring,

mid-green. 100ft 30m followed by long-lasting, small, 50ft 15m
red or yellow crabapples.

AEZ8–9 AE75ft 0 Z4–9 AE75ft 0 Z3–7 50ft
15m 0
22.5m 22.5m

Nothofagus menziesii (Silver beech) Salix alba var. vitellina Malus hupehensis (Tea crabapple) Salix daphnoides (Violet willow)
Evergreen, conical tree with silvery-
white bark when young. Produces tiny, (Golden willow) Vigorous, deciduous, spreading tree. Fast-growing, deciduous, spreading
rounded, sharply toothed, glossy, dark
green leaves. Deciduous, spreading tree, usually cut Has deep green leaves, large, fragrant, tree. Has lance-shaped, glossy, dark

100ft 30m back hard to promote growth of strong white flowers, pink in bud, from mid- green leaves, silver, male catkins in

young shoots that are bright orange- to late spring, followed by small, spring, and purple shoots with

yellow in winter. Lance-shaped, 100ft 30m red-tinged, yellow crabapples in 50ft 15m bluish-white bloom in winter. 50ft 15m

mid-green leaves emerge late summer and fall.

in spring. 69

BDZ8–9 75ft 0 AEZ6–9 75ft 0 AD Z5–8 50ft AEZ5–9 50ft
22.5m 22.5m 15m 0 15m 0

M. BLACK TULIP (‘Jurmag1')
A mature magnolia in full bloom makes a spectacular sight
in spring. Most magnolias are elegant in habit and though
slow-growing, eventually form imposing trees and shrubs.
The flowers are generally saucer-, star-, or goblet-shaped
and often have a subtle fragrance. Colors range from pure
white, white flushed or stained with pink or purple, to pink
and rich red-purple. The genus includes some evergreen,
summer-flowering species. These, and cultivars that are not
fully hardy, are best planted against a sunny wall. Some
magnolias prefer acid or neutral soil, but most tolerate any
soil, provided it is humus-rich. Plenty of organic matter
should be dug into the soil before planting. Avoid planting
in exposed sites, as the flowers can be damaged by frosts.

M. ‘Spectrum’

M. ‘Galaxy’ M. stellata M. doltsopa

M. grandiflora ‘Exmouth’ M. x loebneri M. x soulangeana M. ‘Elizabeth’
‘Leonard Messel’ ‘Rustica Rubra’

M. stellata ‘Royal Star’ M. stellata ‘Waterlily’ M. campbellii
subsp. mollicomata

70 M. liliiflora ‘Nigra’ M. ‘Butterflies’
M. x brooklynensis ‘Yellow Bird’
M. wilsonii




Prunus avium ‘Plena’ Halesia tetraptera Monticola Group Malus ‘Profusion’
Deciduous, spreading tree with
reddish-brown bark and masses (Silver bell, Snowdrop tree) Deciduous, spreading tree. Dark
of double, pure white flowers in
spring. Dark green foliage turns Fast-growing, deciduous, conical green foliage is purple when young.
red in fall.
or spreading tree. Masses of pendent, Cup-shaped, deep purplish-pink flowers

bell-shaped, white flowers appear are freely borne in late spring, followed

50ft 15m in late spring before leaves, 50ft 15m by small, red-purple crab apples 50ft 15m
0 followed by 4-winged fruits
in late summer and fall.

in fall.

ADZ4–8t 50ft AEZ6–9 50ft ADZ4–8 50ft
15m 15m 0 15m 0


Prunus padus ‘Watereri’ Pyrus calleryana ‘Chanticleer’ Melia azedarach
Deciduous, conical tree with glossy
Deciduous, spreading tree with elliptic, leaves that turn purplish in fall. Sprays (Bead tree, Persian lilac)
of small, white flowers appear
matte, dark green leaves. Bears long, in spring. Resists fireblight. Deciduous, spreading tree. Has dark

stiff racemes of cup-shaped, almond- 50ft 15m green leaves with many leaflets and

scented, white flowers, to 8in (20cm) fragrant, star-shaped, pinkish-lilac

long, in late spring, followed by 50ft 15m flowers in spring, followed by 50ft 15m
small, pea-shaped, black fruits, pale orange-yellow fruits

bitter to the taste. in fall. Min. 45ºF (7ºC).

ADZ4–8 50ft 0 ADZ5–8 50ft ADZ7–10 50ft
15m 15m 0 15m 0

Prunus incisa f. yamadei Fraxinus ornus (Manna ash) Prunus jamasakura (Hill cherry)
Deciduous, round-headed tree. Has deep Deciduous, spreading tree bearing
Deciduous, spreading tree. Sharply green leaves with 5–9 leaflets. Panicles of cup-shaped, white or pink flowers from
scented, creamy-white flowers appear mid- to late spring. Ovate leaves, bronze
toothed, dark green leaves are reddish in late spring and early summer. when young, mature to deep green.

when young, orange-red in fall. In 50ft 15m 50ft 15m

spring, bears a profusion of shallowly

cup-shaped, pure white flowers 50ft 15m
that open from white buds with

bright green calyces. 7150ft

ADZ6–8t 50ft ADZ6–9t AD t50ft 15m 0
15m 0
0 Z5–8



Prunus ‘Kanzan’ Styrax japonicus

Deciduous, vase-shaped tree. Large, Deciduous, spreading tree bearing in

double, deep pink flowers are early summer a profusion of pendent,

borne profusely from mid- to late fragrant, bell-shaped, white flowers,

spring amid bronze, young leaves sometimes tinged pink, amid glossy,

that mature to dark green. 50ft 15m dark green foliage. 50ft 15m

ADZ6–8t 50ft AEMZ6–8 50ft
15m 0 15m 0


Magnolia ‘Heaven Scent’ Aesculus x neglecta ‘Erythroblastos’ Quercus robur ‘Concordia’ Ostrya virginiana (American hop

Vigorous, deciduous tree or shrub with Deciduous, spreading tree. Leaves Slow-growing, deciduous, spreading hornbeam, Ironwood)

fragrant, vase-shaped flowers, each with 5 leaflets emerge bright pink, tree. Large, lobed leaves are golden Deciduous, conical tree with dark

with usually 9 petals that are pink turn yellow, then dark green, and yellow when young, becoming brown bark and deep green leaves,

outside, white within, borne from finally orange and yellow in fall. May yellowish-green by midsummer. yellow in fall. Has yellowish, male

mid-spring to early summer. 50ft 15m bear panicles of yellow, or 50ft 15m Produces best color in an open 50ft 15m catkins in spring, followed by 50ft 15m
Leaves are broadly elliptic and yellow-flushed red, flowers in but sheltered position. greenish-white fruit clusters.

glossy green. summer.

BDZ6–9 50ft BDZ5–8t 50ft ADZ5–9 50ft ADZ5–9 50ft
15m 0 15m 0 15m 0 15m 0

Paulownia tomentosa (Foxglove tree, Prunus padus ‘Colorata’ Gleditsia triacanthos f. inermis Catalpa speciosa

Princess tree) Deciduous, spreading tree, conical when ‘Sunburst’ Deciduous, spreading tree. Panicles of

Deciduous, spreading tree. Has large, young. Produces pendent racemes of Deciduous, spreading tree with fernlike, large, white flowers marked with yellow

lobed, mid-green leaves and terminal fragrant, cup-shaped, pink flowers in glossy foliage that is golden-yellow and purple are borne in midsummer

sprays of fragrant, foxglovelike, late spring, followed by small, black when young, deep green in summer. among glossy, mid-green leaves.

pinkish-lilac flowers in spring. 50ft 15m fruits. Ovate, purple young 50ft 15m 50ft 15m
leaves mature to dark green and 50ft 15m

72 turn red or yellow in fall.

ADZ5–8 AD t50ft AD50ft Z3–7 AE50ft 50ft
15m 0
15m 0 15m 0 15m 0
Z4–8 Z4–8


Eucryphia cordifolia (Ulmo) Pterostyrax hispida (Epaulette tree) Acer pseudoplatanus f. variegatum Aesculus indica ‘Sydney Pearce’

Evergreen, columnar tree bearing Deciduous, spreading tree or shrub ‘Simon Louis Frères’ Deciduous, spreading tree with glossy,

oblong, wavy-edged, dull green with aromatic, gray bark and oblong to Deciduous, spreading tree. Young dark green leaves, bronze when young

leaves, with gray down beneath. ovate, mid-green leaves, 8in (20cm) long. leaves are marked with creamy-white and orange or yellow in fall. Pinkish-

Large, saucer-shaped, white flowers Large, pendent panicles of small, and pink; older foliage is pale green white flowers, marked red

are produced in late summer 50ft 15m bell-shaped, white flowers 50ft 15m with white markings. 50ft 15m and yellow, appear from early 50ft 15m
and fall. are borne from early to midsummer.

to midsummer.

BEZ8–11 50ft BDMZ5–8 50ft ADZ4–7 50ft ADZ7–8t 50ft
15m 0 15m 0 15m 0 15m 0


Catalpa bignonioides Drimys winteri (Winter’s bark) Toona sinensis Catalpa bungei

(Indian bean tree) Evergreen, conical, sometimes shrubby Deciduous, broadly columnar tree with Deciduous, broadly columnar tree

Deciduous, spreading tree. Large, light tree with long, glossy, pale or dark green peeling, brown bark. Has large, pinnate, grown for its bell-shaped, foxglovelike,

green leaves are purplish when young. leaves, usually bluish-white beneath. dark green leaves, which turn yellow delicate pink flowers, from early to

White flowers marked with yellow and Bears clusters of fragrant, star-shaped, in fall. Bears fragrant, white midsummer, followed by long,

purple appear in summer, 50ft 15m white flowers in early summer. 50ft 15m flowers in midsummer. Shoots 50ft 15m pendulous seed pods. Has large, 50ft 15m
followed by long, cylindrical, are onion-scented.
heart-shaped, bright green

pendent, seed pods. leaves ending in a long point.

AEZ5–9 50ft AEZ8–11 50ft ADZ5–8 50ft ADZ6–8 50ft
15m 0 15m 0 15m 0 15m 0

Quercus cerris ‘Argenteovariegata’ Eucryphia x nymansensis ‘Nymansay’ Sorbus pseudohupehensis
Deciduous, spreading tree. Deeply
toothed or lobed, glossy, dark green Evergreen, columnar tree. Some of the Deciduous, spreading tree with leaves
leaves have creamy-white margins.
leathery, glossy, dark green leaves are of 4–8 pairs of blue-green leaflets
50ft 15m
simple, others consist of 3 (rarely 5) turning orange-red in late fall. White

leaflets. Clusters of large, white flowers in spring are followed by

flowers open in late summer or 50ft 15m long-lasting, pink fruits. 50ft 15m
early fall.

ADZ7–9 50ft BEZ8–9 50ft ADZ4–7t 50ft 73
15m 0 15m 0 15m




Broussonetia papyrifera Hovenia dulcis (Japanese raisintree) Fraxinus velutina (Arizona ash) Meliosma veitchiorum
(Paper mulberry) Deciduous, spreading tree. Leaves vary
Deciduous, round-headed tree. Dull Deciduous, spreading tree with large, but usually consist of 3 or 5 narrow, Deciduous, spreading tree with sturdy,
green leaves are large, broadly ovate, velvety, gray-green leaflets.
toothed, and sometimes lobed. In early glossy, dark green leaves. In summer gray shoots and large, dark green,
summer, small globes of purple 50ft 15m
flowers appear on female plants. 50ft 15m it may bear small, greenish-yellow red-stalked leaves with 9 or 11 leaflets.

flowers, the stalks of which become Small, fragrant, white flowers in late

red, fleshy, and edible. 50ft 15m spring are followed by violet 50ft 15m
fruits in fall.

ADZ6–9 AD50ft Z6–8 AD t50ft AD50ft Z9–11 50ft
15m 0
15m 0 15m 0 15m 0


Acer negundo ‘Variegatum’

Fast-growing, deciduous, spreading

tree. Has pinkish- then white-margined,

bright green leaves with 3 or 5 leaflets.

Inconspicuous, greenish-yellow flowers

appear in late spring. 50ft 15m

ADZ5–8 50ft
15m 0

Populus tremula ‘Pendula’ Kalopanax septemlobus Prunus maackii (Manchurian cherry)

(European aspen) Deciduous, spreading tree with spiny Deciduous, conical tree with peeling,

Vigorous, deciduous, weeping tree. stems, large, 5–7-lobed, glossy, dark yellowish-brown bark and spikes of

Leaves, reddish when young, gray-green green leaves, and umbels of small, white small, white flowers in midspring,

in summer, and yellow in fall, tremble in flowers, then black fruits in fall. followed by spherical, cherrylike,

the wind. Has purplish catkins in 50ft 15m glossy black fruit. Pointed, 50ft 15m
50ft 15m dark green leaves turn
late winter and spring.

74 yellow in fall.

AEZ2–8 AE50ft Z5–9 AD50ft Z2–6 50ft
15m 0
15m 0 15m 0

Quercus marilandica (Blackjack oak) Phellodendron chinense Idesia polycarpa
Deciduous, spreading tree. Large leaves,
3-lobed at the apex, are glossy, dark Deciduous, spreading tree. Aromatic Deciduous, spreading tree with large,
green above, paler beneath, and turn
yellow, red, or brown in fall. leaves, with 7–13 oblong leaflets, are heart-shaped, glossy, dark green

50ft 15m dark green, turning yellow in fall. leaves on long stalks. Small, fragrant,

Pendent racemes of greenish flowers yellow-green flowers in midsummer

in early summer are followed 50ft 15m are followed in fall, on female 50ft 15m
on female trees by berrylike, plants, by red fruits hanging in

black fruits. clusters.

ADZ6–9 50ft 0 ADZ5–8 50ft AEZ6–9 50ft
15m 15m 0 15m 0


Quercus macrocarpa (Bur oak) Alnus glutinosa ‘Imperialis’ Emmenopterys henryi
Slow-growing, deciduous, spreading Slow-growing, deciduous, conical tree
tree. Large, oblong-ovate, lobed, glossy, with rounded, deeply cut, lobed Deciduous, spreading tree. Large,
dark green leaves turn yellow or leaves, bright yellow until midsummer,
brown in fall. later becoming pale green. Produces pointed, dark green leaves are
yellow-brown catkins in early
50ft 15m spring. Suitable for boggy areas. 50ft 15m bronze-purple when young. Clusters

of white flowers (some bearing a large,

white bract) are rarely produced 50ft 15m

except in hot summers.

ADZ3–9 AF50ft Z3–7 50ft ADZ7–11 50ft 75
15m 0 15m 0
15m 0



Acer rufinerve (Snake-bark maple) Oxydendrum arboreum (Sorrel tree)
Deciduous tree with arching branches
striped green and white. In fall, the Deciduous, small tree or large shrub,
3-lobed, dark green leaves turn
brilliant red and orange. with elliptic to lance-shaped, glossy,

50ft 15m dark green leaves, turning brilliant

red, yellow, and purple in fall.

Large panicles of cylindrical to 50ft 15m
urn-shaped white flowers are

borne in summer and fall.

ADZ5–9 50ft AEM Z5–9 15m
15m 0 50ft 0


Catalpa bignonioides ‘Aurea’ Acer davidii ‘Madeline Spitta’ Stewartia monadelpha
Deciduous, spreading tree with broadly
ovate, bright yellow leaves, bronze when Deciduous tree with upright branches Deciduous, spreading tree with peeling
young. Bell-shaped, white flowers,
marked with yellow and purple, borne that are striped green and white. bark and glossy, dark green leaves that
in summer, are followed by long,
pendent, cylindrical pods, often 50ft 15m Glossy, dark green foliage turns turn orange and red in fall. Small,
persisting after leaf fall.
orange in fall after the appearance violet-anthered, cup-shaped, white

of winged, green fruits that 50ft 15m flowers are borne in midsummer, 50ft 15m
ripen reddish-brown.
followed by small fruits.

ADZ5–9 15m ADZ5–7 AEM15m Z6–9 50ft
50ft 0 15m 0
50ft 0

Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Frisia’ Acer rubrum ‘Columnare’ Aesculus flava (Sweet buckeye, Acer henryi

Deciduous, spreading tree with Deciduous, slender, upright tree with Yellow buckeye) Deciduous, spreading tree. Dark green

luxuriant leaves divided into ovate lobed, dark green foliage becoming Deciduous, spreading tree. Glossy, dark leaves with 3 ovate, toothed leaflets turn

leaflets, golden-yellow when young, a fiery column of red and yellow green leaves, with 5 or 7 ovate leaflets, bright orange and red in fall.

greenish-yellow in summer, and in fall. turn orange-red in fall. Yellow flowers

orange-yellow in fall. 50ft 15m 50ft 15m in late spring and early summer 50ft 15m 50ft 15m
are followed by round

76 fruits (chestnuts).

ADZ4–9t AD15m AD t15m AD50ft 50ft
15m 0
50ft 0 50ft 0 15m 0
Z3–9 Z3–8 Z4–8

Acer capillipes (Snake-bark maple) Malus tschonoskii Acer japonicum ‘Vitifolium’
Deciduous, spreading tree. Has 3-lobed, Vigorous, deciduous, bushy tree or
bright green leaves that turn brilliant red Deciduous, conical tree with broadly large shrub with large, shallowly lobed,
and orange in fall. Older branches are mid-green leaves that turn a vivid
striped green and white. ovate, glossy, mid-green leaves that red, orange, and purple in fall.

50ft 15m turn brilliant shades of orange, red, 50ft 15m

and purple in fall. Single, pink-tinged,

white flowers, in late spring, are 50ft 15m

followed by red-flushed,

yellowish-green fruits.

ADZ5–7 50ft ADZ5–8 15m ADZ5–7 15m
15m 0 50ft 0 50ft 0


Prunus sargentii (Sargent cherry) Nyssa sinensis

Deciduous, spreading tree. Elliptic, Deciduous, broadly conical tree. Has

dark green leaves are red when young, oblong to elliptic, narrow, pointed

turning brilliant orange-red in early leaves that are purplish when young,

fall. Clusters of blush-pink flowers dark green when mature, and brilliant

appear in mid-spring. 50ft 15m scarlet in fall. 50ft 15m

ADZ5–9t AE15m Z7–9 50ft
15m 0
50ft 0

Acer saccharum subsp. nigrum Quercus x heterophylla Parrotia persica (Persian ironwood)
‘Temple’s Upright’ (Bartram’s oak)
Deciduous, columnar tree. In fall, Deciduous, spreading tree with toothed, Deciduous, spreading, short-trunked
large, lobed leaves turn brilliant glossy, dark green leaves that turn
orange and red. orange-red and yellow in fall. tree with flaking, gray and fawn bark.

50ft 15m 50ft 15m Rich green leaves turn yellow, orange,

and red-purple in fall. Dense heads of

flowers, with crimson anthers, 50ft 15m
are borne on bare wood from

winter to early spring. 77

ADZ4–9 50ft ADZ5–8 50ft AEZ4–7 50ft
15m 0 15m 0 15m 0

ORNAMENTAL BARK Stewartia pseudocamellia
Pinus bungeana
Of the many ornamental features offered by trees, including
flowers, fruit, and foliage, it is probably bark that makes the
greatest impact in a garden. This is partly because bark is
not transient and offers interest every day of the year and
throughout the mature life of the tree. Chosen carefully,
trees with ornamental bark can lighten up the darkest corner
and provide superb contrast to other plants. While maple
(Acer), birch (Betula), and cherry (Prunus) are obvious
choices, there are many other species with stunning,
textured or colored bark, such as the patterned stems of
eucalyptus and Stewartia. Some trees display their colorful
bark from an early age, others may take a few years to
develop—but the end result is well worth waiting for.

Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp.  Acer palmatum ‘Sango-kaku’

Betula utilis subsp. jacquemontii Pinus sylvestris Luma apiculata Acer grosseri Acer griseum
‘Grayswood Ghost’

Betula utilis subsp.  Acer davidii Betula utilis subsp. Prunus serrula
jacquemontii ‘Jermyns’ albosinensis

78 Quercus suber Betula nigra Acer pensylvanicum ‘Erythrocladum’

Betula ermanii



Betula lenta (Sweet birch, cherry birch) Fraxinus excelsior ‘Pendula’

Deciduous, broadly spreading tree Deciduous tree with slender, weeping

that gives off a sweet fragrance when branches, forming a spreading, umbrella-

leaves, shoots, or bark are crushed. like canopy. Has dull green leaves with

Has dark red bark with purple flakes. 9–11 ovate, shallowly toothed leaflets.

Ovate, mid-green leaves, to 5in 50ft 15m Most trees are grafted onto 50ft 15m
(12cm) long, fleetingly turn
F. excelsior at 10–16ft (3–5m)

vibrant gold in fall. above the ground.

ADZ3–7 50ft ADZ5–8 50ft
15m 0 15m 0


Cladrastis kentukea (Yellowwood) Arbutus x andrachnoides
Deciduous, round-headed tree. Leaves
of 7 or 9 rounded-ovate leaflets are dark Evergreen, bushy, spreading tree
green, turning yellow in fall. Clusters of
fragrant, pealike, yellow-marked, white with peeling, reddish-brown bark
flowers appear in early summer.
and glossy, dark green foliage.
50ft 15m
Clusters of small, white flowers

in fall to spring are followed by 50ft 15m
small, strawberrylike,

orange or red fruits.

ADZ4–9 50ft ADZ8–9 50ft
15m 0 15m 0

Fagus sylvatica ‘Dawyck’ Acer pensylvanicum Eucalyptus pauciflora (Cabbage gum, Trochodendron aralioides
Evergreen, broadly conical tree
Deciduous, narrowly columnar tree (Snakebark maple, striped maple) weeping gum, white sallee) with glossy, dark green foliage.
In late spring and early summer
with upward-sweeping branches and Deciduous, upright tree. Shoots are Evergreen, spreading tree with bears clusters of unusual, petal-
less, wheellike, green flowers.
ovate, lime-green leaves, which darken boldly striped green and white. Large, peeling, white, young bark and red

as the season progresses, before lobed, mid-green leaves turn bright young shoots. In summer, white flower

turning a rich copper color in 50ft 15m yellow in fall. 50ft 15m clusters appear amid glossy, 50ft 15m 50ft 15m
fall. The tree’s form tends to bright gray-green foliage. 0

broaden out in maturity. 79

ADZ4–7 50ft ADZ3–7 50ft ADZ9–11 50ft AEZ6–11 50ft
15m 0 15m 0 15m 0 15m





Trachycarpus fortunei Laurus nobilis (Bay laurel, Sweet bay) Mespilus germanica (Medlar)
Deciduous, spreading tree or large
(Chusan palm, Windmill palm) Evergreen, broadly conical tree with shrub. Has narrowly ovate, dark
green leaves that turn orange-brown
Evergreen palm with unbranched narrowly ovate, leathery, very aromatic, in fall. Bears white flowers in
spring–summer, followed by
stem and a head of large, deeply glossy, dark green leaves. Produces brown fruits in fall, edible when 30ft 10m
half rotten.
divided, fanlike, dark green leaves. small, star-shaped, pale yellow

Panicles of fragrant, yellow 50ft 15m flowers in spring, followed by 50ft 15m
flowers are borne in early spherical to ovoid, green

summer. then black berries.

ADZ8–11 50ft BDZ8–11 50ft ADZ6–9 30ft
15m 0 15m 0 10m 0

Quercus myrsinifolia Jubaea chilensis Salix babylonica var. pekinensis Crataegus orientalis

Evergreen, rounded tree with narrow, (Chilean wine palm, Coquito) ‘Tortuosa’ (Dragon’s-claw willow) Deciduous, spreading tree with

pointed, glossy, dark green leaves, Slow-growing, evergreen palm with Fast-growing, deciduous, spreading deeply lobed, hairy, dark green leaves.

bronze-red when young. a massive trunk and large, silvery-green tree with curiously twisted shoots and A profusion of white flowers in late

leaves. Produces panicles of small, contorted, narrow, tapering, bright spring or early summer is followed

maroon and yellow flowers in green leaves. by spherical, orange-red to 30ft 10m
50ft 15m spring and woody, yellow 50ft 15m red fruits.
50ft 15m

80 fruits in fall.

ADZ7–9 AD50ft Z8–11 AE50ft Z6–9 AD t50ft 30ft
10m 0
15m 0 15m 0 15m 0

Aesculus californica Prunus incisa (Fuji cherry)

(California buckeye) Deciduous, spreading shrub or

Deciduous, spreading, sometimes small tree. White or pale pink

shrubby tree. Dense clusters of fragrant, flowers are produced in early spring.

sometimes pink-tinged, white flowers Sharply toothed, dark green leaves

are borne in spring and early 30ft 10m are reddish when young, turning 30ft 10m
summer. Small, dark green
orange-red in fall.

leaves have 5–7 leaflets.

ADZ7–8t 30ft ADZ4–9t 30ft
10m 0 10m 0


Prunus ‘ShÔgetsu’

Deciduous, round-topped tree. In late

spring, pink buds open to large, double,

white flowers that hang in clusters from

long stalks. Mid-green leaves turn

orange and red in fall. 30ft 10m

ADZ6–8t 30ft
10m 0

Malus ‘Snowcloud’ Amelanchier laevis

Deciduous, compact tree of upright Deciduous, spreading tree or large

habit, with ovate, bronze leaves that turn shrub. Ovate, bronze, young leaves turn

dark green. In spring, pink flower buds dark green in summer, red and orange

open to produce masses of semidouble in fall. Racemes of white flowers in

to double, long-lasting, white 30ft 10m spring are followed by rounded, 30ft 10m
flowers, followed in late
fleshy, blue-black fruits.

summer by yellow fruits. 81

ADZ4–7 30ft 0 AEZ5–9 30ft
10m 10m 0




Prunus ‘Taihaku’ (Great white cherry) Prunus x yedoensis (Tokyo cherry)

Vigorous, deciduous, spreading tree. Deciduous, round-headed tree with

Very large, single, pure white flowers spreading, arching branches and dark

are borne in mid-spring among green foliage. Umbels of pink buds

bronze-red, young leaves that open to white or pale pink flowers

mature to dark green. 30ft 10m in early spring. 30ft 10m

ADZ6–8t AD t30ft 30ft
10m 0
10m 0


Prunus ‘Ukon’ Prunus ‘Spire’

Vigorous, deciduous, spreading tree Deciduous, vase-shaped tree, conical

with dark green foliage, pale bronze when young. Pale pink flowers appear

when young. In mid-spring, clusters of profusely from early to mid-spring. Dark

double flowers, yellowish-white on the green leaves, bronze when young, turn

outsides, slightly pink at the tips, 30ft 10m bright orange-red in fall. 30ft 10m

open from pink buds.

ADZ6–8t AD t30ft 30ft
10m 0
10m 0

Prunus ‘Shirotae’ Prunus ‘Hokusai’ Prunus ‘Pandora’

Deciduous, spreading tree with Deciduous, spreading tree. Ovate, Deciduous tree, upright when young,

distinctive, horizontal branches. Large, bronze, young leaves mature to later spreading. Produces masses of

fragrant, single or semidouble, white dark green, then turn orange and pale pink flowers in early spring. Leaves

flowers are borne in mid-spring. Foliage red in fall. Semidouble to double, are bronze when young, dark green

turns orange-red in fall. 30ft 10m pale pink flowers are borne 30ft 10m in summer, and often orange 30ft 10m
in mid-spring. and red in fall.

82 AD t30ft AD t30ft 30ft
10m 0
ADZ6–8t 10m 0 10m 0
Z5–8 Z6–8

Prunus pendula ‘Stellata’ Prunus ‘Accolade’ Cercis siliquastrum (Judas tree) Prunus ‘Kiku-shidare-zakura’
Deciduous, weeping tree. Has double,
Deciduous, spreading tree. Clusters Deciduous, spreading tree with Deciduous, spreading, bushy tree. bright pink flowers that cover pendent
branches from mid- to late spring.
of star-shaped, clear pink flowers with clusters of deep pink buds opening Clusters of pealike, bright pink
30ft 10m
narrow, pointed petals, red in bud, open to semidouble, pale pink flowers in flowers are borne in mid-spring,

from early to mid-spring. Dark green early spring. Toothed, mid-green before or with heart-shaped leaves,

leaves turn yellow in fall. 30ft 10m leaves turn orange-red in fall. 30ft 10m followed by long, purplish-red 30ft 10m
pods in late summer.

ADZ6–8t AD t30ft AD30ft AD t30ft 30ft
10m 0
10m 0 10m 0 10m 0
Z4–9 Z6–9 Z4–9


Prunus ‘Fugenzo’ Prunus pendula ‘Pendula Rubra’

Deciduous, spreading tree with Deciduous, weeping tree that bears

bronze-red leaves turning orange-red deep rose-pink flowers in spring,

in fall. Pale pink buds open to fragrant, opening from carmine-red buds, before

double, white blooms that turn pink ovate, dark green leaves appear; these

before they fade in late spring. 30ft 10m turn yellow in fall. 30ft 10m

ADZ6–8t AD t30ft 30ft
10m 0
10m 0

Prunus ‘Pink Perfection’ Prunus ‘Ichiyo’ Prunus incisa ‘Oshidori’
Deciduous, upright tree that bears Deciduous, spreading tree with narrow,
double, pale pink flowers in late spring. Deciduous, spreading tree with elliptic, toothed, dark green leaves. In spring,
Ovate leaves are bronze when young, bears long-lasting, pendent, double,
dark green in summer. dark green leaves, bronze when young. pale pink flowers, 11⁄2in across, which

30ft 10m Wide-open, double, soft pink flowers age to deep pink.
30ft 10m
are borne in long, pendent clusters in

mid- and late spring. 30ft 10m

ADZ6–8t AD t30ft AD30ft 30ft 83
10m 10m 0
0 Z5–8 Z5–7 0




Malus x floribunda (Japanese Malus ‘Royalty’

crab apple) Deciduous, spreading tree with glossy,

Deciduous, spreading, dense-headed purple foliage. Crimson-purple flowers

tree with pale pink flowers, red in bud, are borne from mid- to late spring,

produced from mid- to late spring, followed by dark red crab apples

followed by tiny, pea-shaped, 30ft 10m in fall. 30ft 10m
yellow crab apples in fall.

ADZ4–8 30ft ADZ4–8 30ft
10m 0 10m 0


Prunus ‘Pink Shell’ Crataegus laevigata ‘Paul’s Scarlet’ Cercis canadensis f. alba ‘Forest Laburnum x watereri ‘Vossii’
Deciduous, spreading tree with ovate, Deciduous, spreading tree. Produces
bronze-colored leaves that turn bright toothed, glossy, dark green leaves and Pansy’ (Voss’s laburnum)
green in early summer, then orange in a profusion of double, red flowers in
fall. In mid-spring, a profusion of late spring and early summer. Deciduous, spreading tree or shrub. Deciduous, spreading tree. Leaves,
fragrant, 5-petaled, single, long-
stalked, shell-pink flowers cover 30ft 10m 30ft 10m In mid-spring, bears flowers that are consisting of 3 leaflets, are glossy, deep
the branches.
magenta in bud, opening to pale pink, green. Pendent chains of large, yellow

before heart-shaped, reddish- 30ft 10m flowers are borne in late spring 30ft 10m
purple leaves appear. and early summer.

ADZ5–8 30ft ADZ5–8t 30ft ADZ5–8 30ft ADZ6–8t 30ft
10m 0 10m 0 10m 0 10m 0

Acer pseudoplatanus Acacia baileyana ‘Purpurea’ Sophora tetraptera

‘Brilliantissimum’ Evergreen, spreading tree with divided, Semievergreen, spreading tree or large

Slow-growing, deciduous, spreading fernlike, 2-pinnate, bronze-purple, young shrub with dark green leaves composed

tree. Lobed leaves are salmon-pink when leaves that turn silver-gray later in of many tiny leaflets. Clusters of

young, then turn yellow and finally dark spring. Racemes of sulphur-yellow golden-yellow flowers are borne

green in summer. flowers are produced from late 30ft 10m in late spring. 30ft 10m
30ft 10m winter to early spring. Best

84 grown against a wall.

ADZ4–7 ADM30ft Z10–11 30ft ADZ11–15t 30ft
10m 0 10m 0
10m 0


Eucryphia lucida Eucryphia glutinosa Hoheria lyallii
Evergreen, upright, bushy tree with Deciduous, spreading tree with deeply
narrow, glossy, dark green leaves Deciduous, upright or spreading tree. toothed, gray-green leaves. Clusters of
and fragrant, white flowers in early white flowers are borne in midsummer.
or midsummer. Glossy, dark green leaves, consisting
30ft 10m
30ft 10m of 3–5 leaflets, turn orange-red in fall.

Large, fragrant, white flowers are borne

from mid- to late summer. 30ft 10m

BEM Z9–10 BEM30ft Z8–11 AD30ft Z9–11 30ft
10m 0
10m 0 10m 0


Acer crataegifolium ‘Veitchii’

Deciduous, bushy tree with branches

streaked with green and white. Small,

pointed, dark green leaves, blotched

with white and paler green, turn

deep pink and reddish-purple 30ft 10m
in fall.

ADZ6–8 30ft 0

Maackia amurensis Hoheria angustifolia Cornus kousa
Deciduous, spreading tree with deep Evergreen, columnar tree with narrow,
green leaves consisting of 7–11 leaflets. glossy, dark green leaves. Shallowly Deciduous, small tree or shrub with
Dense, upright racemes of white flowers cup-shaped, white flowers are borne
are produced from mid- to late summer. from mid- to late summer. ovate, glossy, dark green leaves that

30ft 10m 30ft 10m turn bright red-purple in fall.

Large, white bracts, surrounding

insignificant flowers, in early 30ft 10m
summer, are followed by

strawberrylike fruits. 85

ADZ5–7 AD30ft 0 Z9–11 30ft BDZ5–8 30ft
10m 0 10m 0





Lagerstroemia indica ‘Seminole’ Aesculus pavia ‘Atrosanguinea’

Deciduous, compact, rounded tree Deciduous, round-headed, sometimes

or large shrub, bearing panicles of shrubby tree. In summer, panicles

mid-pink flowers, with strongly of dark red flowers are borne among

waved petals, from midsummer glossy, dark green leaves, which

to early fall. Narrowly ovate to 30ft 10m have 5–7 narrow leaflets. 30ft 10m
oblong, dark green leaves

are bronze when young.

ADZ7–9 30ft ADZ5–9t 30ft
10m 0 10m 0

Robinia x slavinii ‘Hillieri’ Albizia julibrissin f. rosea Embothrium coccineum Prunus cerasifera ‘Nigra’

Deciduous, round-headed, spiny tree. Deciduous, spreading, large shrub or (Chilean firebush) Deciduous, round-headed tree with

Pinnate, dark green leaves, with 9 or small tree. Large leaves are light to Evergreen, upright, suckering tree or deep purple leaves, red when young.

11, ovate-shaped leaflets, turn yellow in mid-green and divided into many large shrub, with lance-shaped, glossy, Pink flowers are borne in profusion

fall. In early summer, bears pealike, leaflets. Clusters of brushlike, pink deep green leaves. Clusters of scarlet, from early to mid-spring.

fragrant, lilac-pink flowers in flowers are borne in late summer occasionally yellow, flowers are 30ft 10m 30ft 10m
loose racemes. Branches are 30ft 10m or fall. 30ft 10m borne in late spring and early

prone to wind damage. summer.

86 30ft 0 ADZ6–9 BEM30ft AD t30ft 30ft
10m 10m 0
ADZ5–9 10m 0 10m
Z8–11 0 Z5–9


A genus of about 50 species of hardy plants, Cornus is
perhaps best known for its shrubby dogwoods, such as
Cornus alba ‘Sibirica’, which produce brightly colored
winter stems. However, the flowering trees within this genus
have much to offer, as they are highly ornamental, ideal for
small gardens, and easy to grow—many accommodating of
a wide range of soil types. The majority flower in late spring
or early summer. Their “flowers” consist of a rounded hub of
tiny blooms, surrounded by showy petallike bracts, up to
3in (7.5cm) across on some cultivars, which range in color
from pure white, cream, and yellow, to pink and red. In good
summers, attractive, edible, strawberrylike fruits develop
after flowering. Several species, such as Cornus kousa, also
produce striking fall leaf color.

C. kousa ‘National’ C. kousa ‘Miss Satomi’

C. nuttallii ‘Monarch’

C. florida ‘Cherokee Chief’ C. alternifolia C. florida ‘Rainbow’

C. controversa C. alternifolia C. ‘Porlock’ t C. mas

‘Argentea’ t

C. kousa var. chinensis C. capitata
‘China Girl’


C. ‘Eddie’s White Wonder’ t C. kousa var. chinensis C. mas ‘Aureoelegantissima’




Ehretia dicksonii Cydonia oblonga ‘Vranja’

Deciduous, spreading tree with stout, (Common quince)

ridged branches and large, dark green Deciduous, spreading tree. Pale green

leaves. Large, flattish heads of small, leaves, gray-downy beneath, mature to

fragrant, white flowers are borne in dark green and set off large, white or

midsummer. 30ft 10m pale pink flowers in late spring 30ft 10m
and, later, very fragrant,

golden-yellow fruits.

ADZ7–11 30ft ADZ5–9 30ft
10m 0 10m 0


Pseudopanax ferox Betula pendula ‘Youngii’
Evergreen, upright tree with long,
narrow, rigid, sharply toothed leaves (Young’s weeping birch)
that are dark bronze-green overlaid
white or gray. Deciduous, weeping tree forming a

30ft 10m mushroom-shaped dome of thread-

like branchlets. Has diamond-shaped,

serrated leaves and smooth, 30ft 10m
white bark that is fissured

black at maturity.

ADZ8–11 30ft ADZ2–7 30ft
10m 0 10m 0

Pyrus salicifolia ‘Pendula’ Ulmus glabra ‘Camperdownii’ Acer carpinifolium (Hornbeam maple) Morus alba ‘Laciniata’
Deciduous, weeping, mound-shaped Deciduous, strongly weeping tree with Deciduous tree of elegant habit, often
tree with white flowers in midspring and twisted branches. Leaves are very large, with several main stems. Prominent- (White mulberry)
narrow, gray leaves. rough and matte, dark green. veined, hornbeamlike leaves turn
golden-brown in fall. Deciduous, spreading tree. Has rounded,
30ft 10m 30ft 10m
30ft 10m deeply lobed, glossy leaves that turn

yellow in fall and bears edible, pink, red

or purple fruits in summer. 30ft 10m

88 AD30ft Z3–9 AD30ft Z4–7 AD30ft 0 Z4–8 30ft
10m 0
ADZ5–9 10m 0 10m 0 10m


Paraserianthes lophantha Laburnum alpinum

(Cape wattle) (Scotch laburnum)

Fast-growing, deciduous, spreading Deciduous, spreading tree. Leaves

tree. Has fernlike, dark green leaves consist of 3 glossy, dark green leaflets.

comprising many leaflets. Creamy- Long, slender chains of bright yellow

yellow flower spikes are borne in 30ft 10m flowers are borne in late spring 30ft 10m
or early summer.
late spring to summer.

ADZ8–10 AD t30ft 30ft
10m 0
10m 0

Malus ‘Veitch’s Scarlet’

Deciduous, spreading tree with ovate

to elliptic, dark green leaves. Produces

white flowers in late spring and

crimson-flushed, scarlet crab 30ft 10m trees
apples in fall.

ADZ4–7 30ft 0

Koelreuteria paniculata Acer shirasawanum ‘Aureum’
Deciduous, bushy tree or large shrub.
(Golden-rain tree, Pride of India) Has rounded, bright yellow leaves with
7–11 lobes.
Deciduous, spreading tree with pinnate,
30ft 10m
mid-green leaves, turning yellow in fall.

Bears large panicles of yellow flowers in

summer, followed by inflated, 30ft 10m
bronze-pink fruits.

ADZ6–9 AD30ft Z5–7 30ft
10m 0
10m 0

Genista aetnensis Acer palmatum ‘Atropurpureum’

(Mount Etna broom) Deciduous, bushy-headed shrub or small

Upright, deciduous tree or large tree with deeply lobed, reddish-purple

shrub with weeping, bright green foliage that turns brilliant red in fall.

branches. Bears a profusion of Small, reddish-purple flowers are borne

fragrant, pealike, golden-yellow 30ft 10m in midspring. 30ft 10m

flowers in midsummer.

ADZ9–10 30ft AEZ6–8 30ft 89
10m 0 10m 0




Photinia davidiana

Evergreen, spreading tree or large

shrub with narrow, glossy, dark green

leaves, older ones turning red in fall.

Sprays of white flowers in early summer

are followed by clusters of bright 30ft 10m

red fruits in fall.

BDZ7–9 30ft
10m 0


Malus ‘Cowichan’ Acer palmatum ‘Osakazuki’ Rhus x pulvinata ‘Red Autumn Lace’
Deciduous, spreading, treelike shrub.
Deciduous, spreading tree. Has dark Deciduous, bushy-headed shrub or tree Large, rich green leaves, with 11–13
oblong-lance-shaped leaflets, turn
green foliage, reddish-purple when with large, 7-lobed, mid-green leaves orange to red-purple in fall. Bears
erect, conical panicles of tiny,
young. Pink flowers appear in that turn brilliant scarlet in fall. Clusters yellow-green flowers in summer, 30ft 10m
then spherical, bristly, red fruits.
midspring, followed by reddish- of small, reddish-purple flowers are

purple crabapples. 30ft 10m borne in midspring. 30ft 10m

ADZ5–9 BD30ft Z6–8 30ft ADZ4–7 30ft
10m 0 10m 0
10m 0

Acer japonicum ‘Aconitifolium’ Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala Rhus typhina RADIENCE (‘Sinrus’) Crataegus coccinea
Deciduous, bushy tree or large shrub.
Deeply divided, mid-green leaves turn (Amur maple) Deciduous spreading tree or large Deciduous, spreading tree with sharply
red in fall. Reddish-purple flowers
appear in midspring. Deciduous, spreading tree or large shrub with particularly elegant foliage, toothed, lobed, dark green leaves that

30ft 10m shrub. Clusters of fragrant, creamy- which emerges bright salmon-pink and turn orange and red in fall. White

white flowers are borne in early summer matures to golden green, before turning flowers with red anthers in late

amid dainty, bright green leaves 30ft 10m brilliant shades of orange, red, and 30ft 10m spring are followed by bright red 30ft 10m

that turn red in fall. yellow in fall. fruits in fall.

90 AD30ft AD30ft Z3–8 AD t30ft 30ft
10m 0
BDZ5–7 10m 0 10m 0 10m 0
Z3–7 Z6–8

SORBUS S. scalaris

Comprising more than 100 hardy species, Sorbus includes a
wide range of ornamental trees ideal for small to medium-sized
gardens. They provide year-round color and interest, with
fragrant corymbs of cream flowers, attractive, divided foliage,
vibrant fall color, and decorative berrylike fruits that last well
into winter on some species. Most members of this genus fall into
one of two categories: the Aucuparia group, which has pinnate
leaves, like European mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia), and the
Aria group, which has rounded or ovate leaves, such as whitebeam
(Sorbus aria). Virtually all species are easy to grow and thrive in
full sun or dappled shade, and in well-drained, fertile, acidic or
alkaline soil, although species within the Aucuparia group are
not long-lived on shallow alkaline soils.

Acer triflorum

Slow-growing, deciduous, spreading

tree with peeling, gray-brown bark.

Leaves, composed of 3 leaflets, are

dark green, turning brilliant

orange-red in fall. Clusters of 30ft 10m
tiny, yellow-green flowers

appear in late spring.

ADZ5–7 30ft 0

S. aucuparia t

Malus ‘Professor Sprenger’ S. forrestii S. cashmiriana t S. commixta t

Deciduous, rounded, dense tree. S. thibetica ‘John Mitchell’ t S. vilmorinii t

Dark green leaves turn yellow in late

fall. White flowers, pink in bud,

open from mid- to late spring and

are followed by orange-red 30ft 10m
crabapples in fall.

ADZ4–8 30ft 0

S. sargentiana

Malus ‘John Downie’

Deciduous tree, narrow and upright

when young, conical when mature.

White flowers, borne amid bright green

foliage in late spring, are followed by

large, edible, red-flushed, orange 30ft 10m

crabapples in fall.

ADZ5–8 30ft 91

S. intermedia S. aria ‘Lutescens’ t S. megalocarpa



Acacia pravissima (Ovens wattle) Acacia baileyana
Evergreen, spreading tree with divided,
Evergreen, spreading, arching tree or fernlike, 2-pinnate, silvery-gray or
blue-gray leaves. From late winter
shrub. Has triangular, spine-tipped, to early spring, produces masses of
spherical, golden-yellow flower
silver-gray phyllodes (flat, leaflike stalks) heads in dense, axillary racemes. 30ft 10m
Is best grown against a wall.
and small heads of bright yellow flowers

in late winter or early spring. 30ft 10m

ADZ11 30ft ADZ10-11 30ft
10m 0 10m 0


Acer laxiflorum
Deciduous, spreading tree with arching
branches streaked with white and green.
In late summer has pale red, winged
fruits. Pointed, red-stalked, dark green
leaves turn orange in fall.

30ft 10m

ADZ6–7 30ft 0
10m 0

Picrasma quassioides (Quassia) Malus ‘Butterball’ Ilex aquifolium ‘Amber’

Deciduous, spreading tree with glossy, Deciduous, spreading tree with ovate Evergreen, many-branched, conical,

bright green leaves, composed of to heart-shaped, bright green leaves, female tree with abundant, amber-

9–13 leaflets, that turn brilliant yellow, gray-green when young. Pink-flushed yellow berries. Mid-green stems

orange, and red in fall. white flowers are borne in late bear elliptic, usually entire, bright

spring, followed by striking green leaves. 30ft 10m
30ft 10m orange-yellow fruit, red-
30ft 10m

92 flushed at first.

ADZ6–9 AD30ft Z5–7 BD30ft Z7–9 30ft
10m 0
10m 0 10m 0


Aralia elata ‘Variegata’

Deciduous tree or shrub with sparse,

sturdy, prickly stems. Large, dark green

leaves, with cream margins, are divided

into numerous ovate, paired leaflets.

Billowing heads of tiny, white 30ft 10m
flowers, forming large panicles,

are borne in late summer.

BDH5 30ft
10m 0


Carpinus betulus ‘Fastigiata’ 30ft 10m
Deciduous, erect tree, with a very
distinctive flamelike outline that
becomes more open with age.
Ovate, prominently veined, dark
green leaves turn yellow and
orange in fall.

ADH7 30ft 0

Pittosporum eugenioides Arbutus unedo (Strawberry tree)

‘Variegatum’ Evergreen, spreading tree or shrub

Evergreen, columnar tree. Wavy-edged, with rough, brown bark and glossy,

glossy, dark green leaves have white deep green leaves. Pendent, urn-shaped,

margins. Honey-scented, pale yellow white flowers appear in fall–winter

flowers are borne in spring. 30ft 10m as previous season’s strawberry- 30ft 10m

like, red fruits ripen.

ADH3 30ft ADH5 30ft 93
10m 10m 0

HOLLIES I. x altaclerensis I. pernyi t

The common holly, Ilex aquifolium, is one of the best-known ‘Camelliifolia Variegata’ t
evergreen trees, but many other Ilex cultivars are attractive
garden plants. In size they range from tall specimen trees
to small shrubs. Leaves may be smooth-edged or spiny and
vary in color, several having gold, yellow, cream, white,
or gray variegation. Small, often white, male and female
flowers, borne on separate plants during summer, are
followed by red, yellow, or black berries. In almost all cases,
hollies are unisexual—that is, the berries are borne on female
plants—so to obtain fruits, it is usually necessary to grow
plants of both sexes. When choosing a holly, don’t rely on
variety names to sex plants—Ilex aquifolium ‘Silver Queen’,
for example, is male. Hollies respond well to pruning and
many may be clipped to form hedges.

I. x koehneana ‘Chestnut Leaf’

I. crenata ‘Convexa’ t I. aquifolium ‘Argentea Marginata’ t

I. aquifolium ‘Silver Queen’ t I. aquifolium I. aquifolium I. x altaclerensis

‘Madame Briot’ t ‘Silver Milkmaid’ t ‘Belgica Aurea’ t

I. x altaclerensis ‘Balearica’ I. aquifolium I. aquifolium
‘Ferox Argentea’
t ‘Golden Milkboy’ t

I. x meserveae I. aquifolium ‘Pyramidalis I. x altaclerensis
‘Golden King’
BLUE PRINCESS (‘Conapri’) t Aureomarginata’ t

94 I. verticillata t I. x altaclerensis ‘Camelliifolia’ t I. aquifolium ‘Bacciflava’
I. aquifolium t



Cupressus cashmeriana

(Kashmir cypress)

Handsome, broadly conical conifer,

spreading with age, with aromatic

foliage borne in pendent, flat,

glaucous blue sprays. Bears 100ft 30m
small, globose, dark brown

mature cones.

AE Z6–9 75ft 0


Cedrus atlantica f. glauca Pinus ayacahuite Abies procera (Noble fir)

(Blue Atlas cedar) (Mexican white pine) Narrowly conical conifer with smooth,

Conical conifer with silvery-blue Spreading conifer with weeping leaves silvery-gray bark and gray-green or

foliage that is very bright, especially made up of lax, blue-green needles, to bright blue-gray leaves. Produces

in spring. Erect, cylindrical cones 6in (16cm) long, in bundles of 5. Pendent sturdy, cylindrical, green cones,

are produced in fall. Is widely 100ft 30m cones are often covered with 100ft 30m 6–10in (15–25cm) long, that 100ft 30m
planted as a specimen tree. sticky, white resin and may ripen to brown.

grow 10in (25cm) long.

AE Z6–7 75ft 0 ADZ7–9 75ft 0 BE Z5–6 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m 22.5m

Abies concolor ‘Argentea’ Pinus x holfordiana (Holford pine) x Cuprocyparis leylandii Pinus peuce (Macedonian pine)
Conical conifer with silvery foliage that Broadly conical, open conifer with
contrasts well with dark gray bark. large cones, brown when ripe. Pendent, ‘Haggerston Grey’ Upright conifer, forming a slender
Oblong to ovoid, pale blue or green glaucous blue-green leaves are held
cones are 3–5in (8–12cm) long. in clusters of 5. Vigorous, upright, columnar conifer, pyramid. Has dense, gray-green foliage

100ft 30m 100ft 30m tapering at the apex. Has smooth bark, and cylindrical, green cones with white

becoming stringy with age, flat sprays resin that ripen brown in fall.

of pointed, gray-green leaves, 100ft 30m Is an attractive tree that grows 100ft 30m
and dark brown female cones. consistently well in all sites.

A popular screening plant. 95

BEZ3–7 75ft 0 ADZ6–7 75ft 0 BDZ6–9t 75ft 0 AEZ5–9 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m 22.5m 22.5m



Pinus strobus

(Eastern white pine)

Conifer with an open, sparse, whorled

crown. Has gray-green foliage and

cylindrical cones. Smooth, gray bark

becomes fissured with age. Does 100ft 30m

not tolerate pollution.

AEZ4–9 75ft 0


Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca Cedrus deodara (Deodar cedar)

‘Intertexta’ (Blue Douglas fir) Fast-growing conifer, densely conical

Elegant, weeping conifer with Fast-growing, conical conifer with with weeping tips when young, broader

aromatic, gray-green foliage carried thick, grooved, corky, gray-brown when mature. Has spirally arranged,

in lax, pendulous sprays. Old trees bark, aromatic, glaucous blue-green needlelike, gray-green leaves and

become columnar with some 100ft 30m leaves, and sharply pointed 100ft 30m barrel-shaped, glaucous cones, 100ft 30m
splayed branches. buds. Cones have projecting,
3–5in (8–12cm) long, ripening

3-pronged bracts. to brown.

BEZ5–9t 75ft 0 BEZ4–7 75ft 0 BEZ6–9 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m 22.5m

Wollemia nobilis (Wollemi pine) Metasequoia glyptostroboides Pinus coulteri Abies veitchii (Veitch fir)

Erect, bushy conifer with narrowly (Dawn redwood) (Big-cone pine, Coulter pine) Fast-growing, conical, upright conifer

oblong, pointed, needlelike, dark green Fast-growing, deciduous, upright Fast-growing conifer with large, with soft, densely arranged, dark green

leaves, and “bubbly,” brown bark when conifer with fibrous, reddish bark. broadly ovoid, prickly cones, each leaves, which curve upward and are

mature. In winter, shoot tips are covered Soft, blue-green leaves turn yellow, 2–41⁄2lb (1–2kg). Gray-green leaves silvery beneath. Produces cylindrical,

in a protective white resin. 100ft 30m pink and red in fall. Cones are in crowded clusters are sparsely 100ft 30m bright gray-blue cones. 100ft 30m
Catkinlike female cones are globose to ovoid, 3⁄4in (2cm) long. 100ft 30m
set on branches. Grows in all

borne on shoot tips. soils, even heavy clay.
BF75ft 0 Z5–10 AF75ft 0 Z8–9 CE75ft 0 Z3–6 75ft 0
BDZ7–11 22.5m
22.5m 22.5m 22.5m

Pinus ponderosa Cedrus libani (Cedar of Lebanon) Sequoia sempervirens (Coast redwood)
Very vigorous, columnar to conical
(Ponderosa pine, western yellow pine) Spreading conifer, usually with several conifer with horizontal branches. Has
soft, fibrous, red-brown bark and needle-
Conical or upright conifer, grown arching stems. Branches carry flat layers like, flattened, pale green leaves, spirally
arranged. Produces rounded to
for its distinctive, deeply fissured bark, of dark gray-green foliage and oblong to cylindrical cones, initially green, 100ft 30m
ripening to dark brown.
with smooth, brown plates, and bold ovoid, grayish-pink cones, 3–6in

grayish-green foliage. Bears 100ft 30m (8–15cm) long. 100ft 30m
ovoid, purplish-brown cones.

AEZ5–8 75ft 0 AEZ6–9 75ft 0 ADZ8–9 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m 22.5m


Pinus muricata (Bishop pine) Larix decidua (European larch) Pinus wallichiana
Fast-growing, deciduous conifer
Fast-growing, often flat-topped conifer. with a conical crown when young, (Bhutan pine, Himalayan pine)
broadening on maturity, and spaced
Leaves are blue- or gray-green and held branches. Shoots are yellow-brown Conical conifer with long, drooping,
in winter. Has light green leaves
in pairs. Ovoid cones, 3–31⁄2in (7–9cm) and small, erect, conical cones. 100ft 30m blue-green leaves in 5s. Has smooth

long, rarely open. Does particularly well bark, gray-green on young trees,

in poor, sandy soil. 100ft 30m later fissured and dark, and 100ft 30m
cylindrical cones.

ADZ7–9 AD75ft 0 Z3–6 75ft 0 ADZ6–9 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m

Pinus jeffreyi (Black pine, Jeffrey pine) Ginkgo biloba (Maidenhair tree) Pinus patula (Mexican weeping pine) Pinus pinaster

Upright, narrow-crowned conifer with Long-lived, deciduous conifer, upright Rounded to broadly spreading conifer (Cluster pine, maritime pine)

sturdy, gray-green leaves, 5–10in when young, spreading with age. Has with scaling, ocher-colored bark. Vigorous, domed conifer with a long,

(12–26cm) long. Bark is black with fine, fan-shaped, 5in- (12cm-) long, bright Weeping shoots bear narrow, bright branchless trunk. Has gray-green

deep fissures and shoots have an green leaves. Bears fruits with edible green leaves, to 12in (30cm) long, in leaves and whorls of rich brown

attractive, grayish bloom. 100ft 30m kernels in late summer and fall, if 100ft 30m clusters of 3–5. Long-conical, 100ft 30m cones. Purple-brown bark is 100ft 30m
chestnut-brown cones have a deeply fissured. Is well-suited
male and female plants are

grown together. prickle on each scale. to dry, sandy soil. 97

ADZ6–8 75ft 0 ADZ5–9 75ft 0 ADZ8–9 75ft 0 ADZ8–10 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m 22.5m 22.5m



Picea abies Pinus nigra subsp. nigra Araucaria araucana

(Common spruce, Norway spruce) (Austrian pine) (Chile pine, monkey puzzle)

Fast-growing, pyramidal conifer Broadly crowned conifer, with Open, spreading conifer with gray

with dark green leaves. Narrow, well-spaced branches, often with bark, wrinkled like elephant hide. Has

pendulous, glossy, brown cones several stems. Paired, dark green flattened and sharp, glossy, dark

are 4–8in (10–20cm) long. Much 100ft 30m leaves are densely tufted. 100ft 30m green leaves and 6in- (15cm-) 100ft 30m
Tolerates an exposed site. long cones. Makes a fine
used as a Christmas tree but

less useful as an ornamental. specimen tree.

BEZ3–8 75ft 0 AEZ5–8 75ft 0 AEZ7–11 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m 22.5m


Pinus radiata (Monterey pine) Picea omorika (Serbian spruce)
Very fast-growing conifer, conical when
young, domed when mature. Black bark Narrow, conical conifer, resembling
contrasts well with soft, bright green
leaves. Makes an excellent windbreak. a church spire, with dark green leaves

100ft 30m that are white below. Branches are

pendulous and arch out at tips.

Violet-purple cones age to 100ft 30m
glossy brown. Grows steadily

in all soils.

AEZ7–9 75ft 0 0 BEZ4–8 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m

Abies grandis (Giant fir, grand fir) Sequoiadendron giganteum Pinus heldreichii (Bosnian pine)

Very vigorous, narrow, conical conifer (Giant redwood, Wellingtonia) Dense, conical conifer with scaly,

with a neat habit. Dark green leaves have Very fast-growing, conical conifer. ash-gray bark and pairs of dark green

an orange aroma when crushed. Cones, Has thick, fibrous, red-brown bark leaves. Ovoid cones, 2–4in (5–10cm) long,

3in (7–8cm) long, ripen red-brown. and sharp, bluish-green leaves. are cobalt-blue in early summer,

Makes a useful specimen tree. 100ft 30m Is one of the world’s largest 100ft 30m ripening to brown. 100ft 30m
trees when mature.

98 AE75ft 0 Z6–9 75ft 0 AEZ4–8 75ft 0
22.5m 22.5m
BEZ5–6 22.5m



x Cuprocyparis leylandii Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
‘Pembury Blue’
‘Castlewellan’ Magnificent, conical conifer producing
aromatic, pendent sprays of gray-
Upright, vigorous conifer, slightly blue foliage.

slower-growing than its parents. 50ft 15m

Produces attractive, bronze-

yellow foliage. 100ft 30m

ADZ6–9t 75ft 0 AEZ5–9t 50ft
22.5m 15m 0


Picea orientalis ‘Skylands’ Picea engelmannii Picea breweriana (Brewer’s spruce) Tsuga mertensiana ‘Glauca’
Slow-growing, dwarf or medium-sized,
Dense, upright, graceful conifer with (Engelmann spruce, mountain spruce) Upright conifer with level branches columnar-conical conifer with
red-brown shoots bearing spirally
short, glossy leaves that retain their Broadly conical conifer. Leaves encircle and completely pendulous branchlets, arranged, needlelike, flattened, glaucous,
silver-gray leaves. Cones are
creamy-gold color throughout the shoots and are prickly or soft, lush, to 6ft (2m) long. Leaves are sturdy and yellow-green to purple, ripening 50ft 15m
to dark brown.
year. Narrowly oblong cones are glaucous or bluish-green. Bears blue-green. Bears oblong, purplish

dark purple, males turning 100ft 30m small, cylindrical cones. Good for 50ft 15m cones, 21⁄2–3in (6–8cm) long. 50ft 15m
brick-red in spring.
a very poor site.

BEZ5–8 75ft 0 BEZ3–8 50ft BEZ6–8 50ft BEZ6–8 50ft
22.5m 15m 0 15m 0 15m 0

Taxodium distichum Picea glauca ‘Coerulea’ Picea pungens ‘Koster’ Pinus parviflora
Dense, upright, conical conifer with
(Bald cypress, swamp cypress) needlelike, blue-green to silver leaves Upright conifer with whorled branches. (Japanese white pine)
and ovoid, light brown cones.
Deciduous, broadly conical conifer Has scaly, gray bark and attractive, Slow-growing, conical or spreading
50ft 15m
with small, globose to ovoid cones. needlelike, glaucous, silvery-blue leaves, conifer with purplish-brown bark and

Yewlike, fresh green leaves turn which fade to green with age. Tends to fine, deep green leaves, bluish-white

rich brown in late fall. Grows 100ft 30m suffer from aphid attack. 50ft 15m on the inner surface. Leaves are 50ft 15m
in a very wet site, producing held in groups of 5. Bears ovoid

special breathing roots. cones, 2–4in (5–10cm) long. 99

AFZ5–11 75ft 0 AEZ2–6 50ft ADZ2–8 50ft AEZ6–9 50ft
22.5m 15m 0 15m 0 15m 0



Abies forrestii (Forrest fir) Pinus rigida (Northern pitch pine)

Conical conifer with an open, whorled Conical conifer, often with sucker shoots

habit and smooth, silvery-gray bark. from trunk. Twisted, dark green leaves

Shoots are red-brown, with spherical, are borne in 3s. Ovoid to globose, red-

white buds. Has dark green leaves, brown cones, 11⁄4–3in (3–8cm) long,

silvery-white beneath, and 50ft 15m persist, open, on the tree. 50ft 15m
ovoid-cylindrical, violet-

blue cones.

BEZ5–6 50ft AEZ4–7 50ft
15m 0 15m 0


Juniperus chinensis ‘Keteleeri’ Picea likiangensis (Lijiang spruce) Podocarpus salignus Austrocedrus chilensis
Columnar or broadly conical tree with (Chilean incense cedar)
Dense, regular, slender, narrowly Upright conifer with well-spaced, bluish- spreading, later pendent, branches and Narrowly columnar, densely branched
peeling red-brown bark. Spreading, tree with dark brown to orange-gray
conical conifer with scalelike, aromatic, green leaves. Cones, 3–6in (8–15cm) linear or sickle-shaped leaves are dark bark. Scalelike, grayish-green leaves, to
blue-green, yellow-green beneath. 1⁄4 in (5mm) long, are arranged in
dark gray-green leaves and peeling, long, are cylindrical; female cones are Male cones are yellow, catkinlike; 50ft 15m sets of 2 unequal pairs. Produces 50ft 15m
female cones are green. ovoid-oblong, brown cones.
brown bark. Makes a reliable, free- bright reddish-purple when young,

fruiting form for formal use. 50ft 15m ripening to purple; male cones 50ft 15m
are pink.

ADZ3–9 50ft BEZ4–8 50ft BEZ7–10 50ft BEZ7–10 50ft
15m 0 15m 0 15m 0 15m 0

Fitzroya cupressoides Pinus thunbergii Juniperus recurva var. coxii Cunninghamia lanceolata

(Patagonian cypress) (Japanese black pine) (Coffin juniper) (Chinese fir)

Conical conifer or spreading, coniferous Rounded conifer, conical when young, Slow-growing, conical conifer with Upright conifer, mop-headed on a dry

shrub with red-brown bark that peels in with dark green leaves and green-brown smooth bark that flakes in thin sheets. site, with distinctive, thick and deeply

strips, and oblong, dark green leaves, to cones, 11⁄2–21⁄2in (4–6cm) long. Buds Pendant sprays of long, needlelike, furrowed, red-brown bark. Glossy,

1⁄4 in (5mm) long. Bears cylindrical 50ft 15m are covered with silky, white 50ft 15m aromatic, incurved leaves are 50ft 15m green leaves are sharply pointed 50ft 15m
scales. Tolerates salt spray well. bright green. Globose or ovoid,
male cones and solitary, and lance-shaped.

100 spherical, terminal female cones. fleshy berries are black.

BDZ8–9 50ft AEZ5–8 50ft ADZ7–11 50ft BEZ7–9 50ft
15m 0 15m 0 15m 0 15m 0

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