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Published by iLibrary Sanggar Pustaka Ismail, 2021-06-30 05:21:28

Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers by Christopher Brickell (

by Christopher Brickell (

Keywords: encyclopedia,english

Phyllocladus trichomanoides Torreya californica

Slow-growing conifer, conical when (California nutmeg)

young, developing a more rounded Upright, conical conifer with very

top with age. Leaflike, deep green, prickly, glossy, dark green leaves,

modified shoots, 4–6in (10–15cm) long, yellowish-green beneath, similar to

have 5–10 lobed segments. 50ft 15m those of yew. Cones are purplish- 50ft 15m

green and olivelike.

BEZ8–11 50ft 0 BEZ7–11 50ft
15m 15m 0


Sciadopitys verticillata Calocedrus decurrens (Incense cedar) Taxus baccata ‘Fastigiata’ (Irish yew)
Upright conifer with short, horizontal
(Japanese umbrella pine) branches and flaky, gray bark, brown Slow-growing conifer with a broadly
beneath. Has flat sprays of aromatic,
Conical conifer with reddish-brown dark green leaves. Resists honey fungus. conical, later domed crown. Erect

bark. Deep green leaves, yellowish 50ft 15m branches bear needlelike, flattened,

beneath, are whorled at the ends dark green leaves that stand out all

of shoots, like umbrella spokes. 50ft 15m around shoots. Female plants 50ft 15m
Ovoid cones ripen over 2 years. bear cup-shaped, fleshy, bright

red fruits.

BFZ5–9 50ft 0 BEZ5–8 50ft BDZ7–8t 15m
15m 15m 0 15ft 0

Picea morrisonicola (Taiwan spruce) Pinus cembra (Arolla pine) Pinus contorta var. latifolia Chamaecyparis thyoides
Dense, conical conifer with dark green
Upright, conical conifer, becoming or bluish-green leaves grouped in 5s. (Lodgepole pine) (White cypress)
Ovoid, bluish or purplish cones, 21⁄2– 3in
columnar with age. Needlelike, (6–8cm) long, ripen brown. Conical conifer with bright green leaves, Upright conifer with aromatic, green

deep green leaves are pressed 50ft 15m 21⁄2–4in (6–9cm) long. Small, oval cones or blue-gray leaves in rather erratic,

down on slender, pale brown shoots. remain closed on the tree. Is suitable fan-shaped sprays on very fine shoots.

Cones are cylindrical and 2–3in 50ft 15m for a wet or coastal site. 50ft 15m Cones are small, round, and 50ft 15m
(5–7cm) long. glaucous blue-gray.

BEZ7–9 50ft 0 AEZ3–7 50ft AFZ6–8 50ft BFZ3–8t 50ft 101
15m 15m 0 15m 0
15m 0



Pinus banksiana (Jack pine) Tsuga canadensis Pinus contorta
Slender, conical conifer with fresh green
leaves in twisted, divergent pairs. (Canada hemlock, eastern hemlock) (Beach pine, shore pine)
Curved cones, 11⁄4–21⁄2in (3–6cm) long,
point forward along shoots. Broadly conical conifer, often with Dense, conical or domed conifer.

50ft 15m several stems. Gray, hairy shoots have Has paired, bright green leaves and

2-ranked, dark green leaves, often conical to ovoid cones, 11⁄4–3in (3–8cm)

inverted to show their silver 50ft 15m long. Is well-suited to a windy, 50ft 15m
undersides. Cones are ovoid barren site and tolerates

and light brown. waterlogged ground.

AD Z3–8 50ft CEZ4–8 50ft AEZ6–8 50ft
15m 0 15m 0 15m 0


Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Pseudolarix amabilis (Golden larch)
‘Lanei Aurea’
Upright conifer that forms a neat Deciduous, open-crowned conifer,
column of aromatic, golden-yellow-
tipped foliage. slow-growing when young. Has clusters

50ft 15m of linear, fresh green leaves, 1–21⁄2in

(2.5–6cm) long, which gradually turn

bright orange-gold in fall. 50ft 15m

BEZ5–9t AE50ft Z5–9 50ft
15m 0
15m 0

Cupressus sempervirens ‘Stricta’ Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Taxus baccata ‘Lutea’

(Italian cypress) ‘Green Pillar’ (Yellow-berried yew)

Narrow, columnar conifer with Conical conifer with upright branches. Slow-growing conifer grown for its

upward-sweeping branches. Has Aromatic foliage is bright green and fleshy, bright golden-yellow fruits.

fissured bark and scalelike, deep green becomes tinged with gold in spring. These look particularly striking against

leaves. Bears globular, prickly, 50ft 15m Is suitable for hedging as it 50ft 15m the needlelike, dark green leaves 50ft 15m
woody, brown cones, to 11⁄4in requires little clipping.
and are often borne in great

102 (3cm) across. profusion in fall.

ADZ7–9 50ft BEZ5–9t 50ft CDZ7–8t 50ft
15m 0 15m 0 15m 0



Pinus aristata (Bristlecone pine)

Slow-growing, bushy conifer. Leaves

are in bundles of 5, very dense and

blue-white to gray-green, flecked with

white resin. Ovoid cones, 11⁄2–4in

(4–10cm) long, have bristly 30ft 10m
prickles. Is the oldest known

living plant, over 4,000 years old.

ADZ2–10 30ft 0


Picea mariana ‘Doumetii’ Juniperus chinensis ‘Obelisk’
Densely branched, globose or broadly
conical conifer with short, needlelike, Slender, irregularly columnar conifer.
silvered, dark green leaves and
pendulous, ovoid, purplish cones. Has ascending branches and long,

30ft 10m prickly, needlelike, aromatic, dark green

leaves. Tolerates a wide range of soils

and conditions but is particularly 30ft 10m

suitable for a hot, dry site.

BEZ2–6 30ft ADZ3–9 30ft
10m 0 10m 0

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Juniperus recurva (Drooping juniper, Juniperus chinensis ‘Robust Green’ Pinus cembroides
Slow-growing, narrow, columnar (Mexican stone pine, pinyon)
‘Columnaris’ Himalayan weeping juniper) conifer, growing only 3in (7–8cm) a year, Slow-growing, bushy conifer, rarely
with aromatic, blue-green foliage and more than 20–22ft (6–7m) high. Scaly
Narrow, upright conifer that forms a Slow-growing, conical conifer with small, gray-green juniper berries. bark is a striking silver-gray or
grayish-brown. Leaves, in
neat column of aromatic, blue-gray aromatic, incurved, gray- or blue-green 30ft 10m clusters of 2 or 3, are sparse and 30ft 10m
dark green to gray-green.
foliage. Will tolerate poor soil and leaves and fleshy, black berries. Smooth

some clipping. Is an effective 30ft 10m bark flakes in thin sheets. 30ft 10m
small specimen tree.

BEZ5–9t 30ft ADZ7–11 30ft ADZ3–9 30ft ADZ5–8 30ft 103
10m 0 10m 0 10m 0 10m 0



Abies koreana (Korean fir) Cryptomeria japonica ‘Pyramidata’ Cedrus deodara ‘Aurea’
Broadly conical conifer. Produces Narrowly columnar or obelisk-shaped
cylindrical, violet-blue cones when less conifer. Foliage is blue-green when Slow-growing, upright conifer with
than 3ft (1m) tall. Leaves are dark green young, maturing to dark green.
above, silver beneath. pendent branch tips and golden-yellow
30ft 10m
30ft 10m leaves when young in spring–summer.

Foliage matures to yellowish-green.

Makes a dramatic small- 30ft 10m
garden evergreen.

BEZ5–7 30ft BEZ6–9 BE30ft Z6–9 30ft
10m 0 10m 0
10m 0


Taxus cuspidata (Japanese yew) Pinus sylvestris ‘Aurea’ Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Crippsii’
Upright conifer that develops a rounded
Evergreen, spreading conifer. Leaves crown with age. Bark is flaking and Attractive, small-garden, conical
red-brown on upper trunk, fissured
are dark green above, yellowish-green and purple-gray at base. Golden leaves conifer, grown for its flattened sprays
in winter–spring, otherwise blue-
beneath, sometimes becoming tinged green. Conical, green cones ripen 30ft 10m of aromatic, bright golden foliage.
to pale gray- or red-brown.
red-brown in cold weather. Tolerates Bark is stringy and red-brown.

very dry and shady conditions. 30ft 10m Cones are round, 1⁄2in (1cm) 30ft 10m
across, and brown.

CDZ5–7t 30ft BEZ3–7 30ft BEZ4–8t 30ft
10m 0 10m 0 10m 0

Cryptomeria japonica ‘Cristata’ Pinus pinea Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Goldcrest’
Conical conifer with twisted, curved
shoots and soft, fibrous bark. Foliage (Stone pine, umbrella pine) Fast-growing, conical conifer with
is bright green, aging brown.
Conifer with a rounded crown on a aromatic, golden-yellow foliage

short trunk. Leaves are dark green, but held in plumelike sprays that are

blue-green, juvenile foliage is retained useful in flower arrangements.

30ft 10m on young trees. Broadly ovoid 30ft 10m Dislikes clipping. 30ft 10m
cones ripen shiny brown;
104 10m 0 seeds are edible.

BEZ6–9 ADZ9–11 30ft ADZ7–11 30ft
10m 0 10m 0


Dwarf conifers are valuable plants, especially for the small
garden, requiring little attention and providing year-round
interest. They can be planted as features in their own right,
for their varied shapes, habits and often striking colors,
or, in a rock garden, to provide scale or act as a foil for
other plants such as bulbs. Several species and cultivars
are spreaders and good for groundcover. Most conifers
are suited to a wide range of growing conditions, although
Cedrus and Juniperus do not tolerate shade, and Juniperus
and Pinus are best for dry, sandy soils. Some species may
be clipped to form a low hedge, but new growth seldom
occurs from wood more than 3 or 4 years old. Dwarf
conifers also make excellent container plants.

Thuja plicata Pinus heldreichii ‘Smidtii’
‘Stoneham Gold’

Abies cephalonica Podocarpus nivalis Picea abies ‘Ohlendorffii’
‘Meyer’s Dwarf’

Picea pungens ‘Globosa’ Juniperus x pfitzeriana ‘Old

Juniperus squamata Taxus baccata Juniperus scopulorum Microbiota decussata
‘Blue Carpet’ ‘Skyrocket’
‘Dovastonii Aurea’ t

Platycladus orientalis Abies concolor ‘Compacta’

‘Aurea Nana’ t


Pinus mugo ‘Mops’ Juniperus squamata ‘Holger’ Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Nana Gracilis’ Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Filifera Aurea’


Shrubs are key to any planting design, and provide color
and interest throughout the seasons with their wide variety

of foliage, flowers, fruits, and stems. Create a year-round
display with a selection of beautiful spring- and summer-
flowering shrubs, such as weigelas, buddlejas, and philadelphus,
together with those that sport brightly colored fall fruits, such as
pyracanthas and cotoneasters. You can then include witch hazels
and some species of honeysuckle to brighten bleak winter

months with their fragrant flowers. Whatever the size
or style of your garden, the permanent woody structure of
shrubs will form the framework, so make your selection and

plant them before the perennials. Some shrubs are also
ideal plants for hedges, enclosures, and screens.


Star performers, shrubs form the backbone of many garden designs. SIZE CATEGORIES USED WITHIN THIS GROUP
They can be used together in shrub borders or with other plant groups
in mixed displays. Providing color and interest with their foliage, Large Medium Small
flowers and fruits, many also offer scented blooms and colorful stems. over 10ft 5–10ft up to 5ft
(3m) (1.5–3m) (1.5m)

shrubs What are shrubs? Designing with shrubs

ABOVE Spring color Shrubs are woody-stemmed, deciduous or When creating a shrub display, try to
The flowering stems of Exochorda x macrantha evergreen plants that branch out at or near combine plants with different shapes,
‘The Bride’ arch gracefully above forget-me-nots ground level. Some can grow to more than habits, flower seasons, and foliage forms
(Myosotis sylvatica), English daisies (Bellis perennis) 20ft (6m) in height, although most attain less and patterns to create a visually balanced
and Tulipa ‘Couleur Cardinal’. than half this size. Leaves come in many scheme and year-round interest. Knit them
forms, from large and glossy to gray and together in a shrub bed, or use them to
needlelike. There is sometimes an overlap provide a backdrop to more transient
between shrubs and trees because larger displays of bulbs, perennials, and annuals
shrubs, such as flowering dogwoods in a mixed border.
(Cornus species), can be grown on a single
stem. Subshrubs are another anomaly, The shape and habit of shrubs provides
with woody stems at the base, but softer a design with structure and form. Contrast
top growth that may die back over winter low, spreading, prostrate or mat-forming
in colder regions like a perennial. Examples shrubs, such as Juniperus procumbens and
include ceratostigmas and fuchsias. Cotoneaster horizontalis, with more upright
forms, such as Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Miss
Choosing shrubs Jessopp’s Upright’, and the rounded shapes
of bushy shrubs like hebes, skimmias, or
When selecting shrubs, focus on those boxwood topiary. Mix in shrubs with tiered
whose needs match your garden conditions. branch structures, such as Viburnum
In general, shrubs with large, dark green plicatum ‘Mariesii’, which provide strong
leaves require shade; plants with gray horizontal lines in a scheme. Graceful,
foliage, such as lavender, require sun; and arching shrubs, such as Kolkwitzia amabilis,
shrubs with colorful leaves need full sun Buddleja alternifolia and Genista tenera
or partial shade. Also consider the shrub’s ‘Golden Shower’ add an elegant note.
size and site it where it has space to mature,
unless you are planning a topiary display. A wide range of shrubs are suitable for
creating hedges, enclosures, or screens.


When evergreens such as mahonias have outgrown their allotted space, many appearance will be much improved. Other shrubs that respond well to this
can be cut back hard from midwinter to early spring after flowering. The plant form of renovation include buddlejas, forsythias, kerrias, and smoke trees
may not flower for two years after such drastic pruning, but its overall (Cotinus). Some, such as rosemary and lavender, do not.

108 New growth after pruning 1 Remove tall stems 2 Make final pruning cuts 3 Cut back
Remove all dead and diseased Prune out any remaining remaining stems
wood, taking it back to healthy growth. crossing stems. Once you have cut Cut back the young healthy stems that
Then prune back tall stems, removing back the tall growths, check where are left, so that they are 12–16in
them a little at a time so that they do you can make your final pruning (30–40cm) above the ground. The
not tear at the base. At this stage, cut cuts. Cut out the old growths final cuts should be at an angle so
the stems to about 2ft (60cm) high, completely to leave five or six rainwater can run off. Later in the
keeping in mind the plant’s balanced strong young stems. year, a mass of young shoots will
shape as you prune. appear along these stems (see left).


Many young plants and shrubs, such as
daphnes, produce long, leggy growths in
spring or early summer after flowering. They
do not require major pruning, but a light trim
will produce a more compact, bushy shrub that
will be covered in flowers the following year.

ABOVE: Contrasting foliage Year-round interest 1 Assess your plant shrubs
The golden leaves of Choisya ternata Sundance (‘Lich’) In early summer, after daphnes have flowered,
provide a glowing contrast with the adjacent rich pink-red There is a shrub in flower almost every young leggy shoots sprout from the main stems.
Berberis thunbergii ‘Rose Glow’ and dark purple Cotinus month of the year. Interest begins in spring Before cutting them back, take a look at the shrub
coggygria ‘Royal Purple’. with a range of colorful varieties, including to see where to cut to produce a well-shaped plant.
flowering currants (Ribes), ceanothus, and
As well as the evergreen staples like rhododendrons. The display continues with 2 Shorten leggy growths
boxwood (Buxus), privet (Ligustrum), and an abundance of summer-flowering shrubs Using a pair of pruners, shorten the leggy
shrubby honeysuckle (Lonicera nitida), like fuchsias, hydrangeas, buddlejas, and growths by 6–8in (15–20cm). It is important that
which are commonly used, consider spiraeas, followed in fall by a range of you always prune immediately above a leaf bud
colorful deciduous shrubs, like the prickly colorful berries offered by plants such as with an angled, slanting cut, as shown above.
Berberis thunbergii and its cultivars, or the pyracanthas, cotoneasters, and Skimmia
japonica. Many shrubs retain their fruits
evergreen Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’, into winter, providing birds and wildlife
with a much-needed supply of food.
which produces fiery young foliage in
spring and after clipping. As temperatures fall, the fragrant flowers
of witch hazel (Hamamelis), mahonias, and
Certain shrubs are also ideal for topiary, winter box (Sarcococca) open, bringing new
their small leaves lending themselves to interest to the garden. Combine these with
detailed shaping. Suitable shrubs include the vivid stems of coppiced dogwoods
boxwood and shrubby honeysuckle. (Cornus species) and variegated evergreens
for a dramatic winter scheme.
Shrubs such as fuchsias, hebes, fatsias,
and choisyas are ideal for containers.
Pots also limit the size of larger shrubs.

Spring pastels Feast of berries 3 Work around the plant 109
Ceanothus flowers appear in late spring, decorating The bright red berries of a female Skimmia japonica, Circle the plant, shortening each of the whippy
the garden with various shades of blue and white. produced where plants of both sexes are grown stems, and checking that you are maintaining a good
These short-lived evergreens enjoy a warm, sunny site. together, persist well into winter. shape. The cut stems will then produce bushier
growth and more flowers the following year.




Osmanthus delavayi Anopterus glandulosus Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum Osmanthus x burkwoodii
Evergreen, bushy shrub or, occasionally, Evergreen, rounded, dense shrub.
Evergreen, rounded, bushy shrub with small tree. Has narrow, glossy, dark ‘Mariesii’ Glossy foliage is dark green and sets off
green leaves, amid which clusters of a profusion of small, very fragrant, white
arching branches. Has small, glossy, cup-shaped, white or pink flowers Deciduous, spreading shrub with tiered flowers from mid- to late spring.
appear from mid- to late spring.
dark green leaves and a profusion of branches clothed in dark green leaves, 20ft 6m
20ft 6m
very fragrant, tubular, white flowers which turn reddish-purple in fall. Large,

from mid- to late spring. 20ft 6m rounded heads of flowers with 20ft 6m
white bracts appear in late

spring and early summer.

ADZ7–9 20ft BEMZ11 20ft ADZ4–8t 20ft ADZ7–9 20ft
6m 0 6m 0 6m 0 6m 0


Pieris japonica Dipelta yunnanensis
Evergreen, rounded, bushy, dense shrub Deciduous, arching shrub with peeling
with glossy, dark green foliage that is bark and glossy leaves. In late spring
bronze when young. Produces drooping produces tubular, creamy-white flowers,
racemes of white flowers during spring. marked orange inside.

20ft 6m 20ft 6m

BEMZ6–8t 20ft ADZ7–9 20ft
6m 0 6m 0

Amelanchier lamarckii Malus sargentii Staphylea pinnata (Bladder nut)

Deciduous, spreading shrub. Young Deciduous, spreading shrub or small Deciduous, upright shrub that in

leaves unfold bronze as abundant sprays tree with arching branches. A profusion late spring carries clusters of white

of star-shaped, white flowers open from of white flowers are borne in late spring, flowers, tinted pink with age, followed

mid- to late spring. Foliage matures to followed by long-lasting, deep red fruits. by bladderlike, green fruits. Foliage

dark green, then turns brilliant 20ft 6m Ovate, dark green leaves are 20ft 6m is divided and bright green. 20ft 6m
red and orange in fall. sometimes lobed, and turn

110 red or yellow in fall.

AEZ5–9 20ft ADZ5–9 20ft AEZ6–9 20ft
6m 0 6m 0 6m 0


Dipelta floribunda Photinia serratifolia Berberis valdiviana

Vigorous, deciduous, upright, treelike Evergreen, upright shrub or bushy tree. Evergreen shrub with oval to ovate,

shrub with peeling, pale brown bark. Oblong, often sharply toothed leaves leathery leaves with 3-pronged spines.

Fragrant, pale pink flowers, marked are red when young, maturing to glossy, Pendulous racemes, to 11⁄2in (4cm) long,

yellow inside, open in late spring and dark green. Small, 5-petaled flowers of cup-shaped, fragrant, saffron-yellow

early summer. Has pointed, 20ft 6m from mid- to late spring are 20ft 6m flowers, in late spring, are 20ft 6m
mid-green leaves. sometimes followed by followed by egg-shaped,

spherical, red fruits. bloomed, purple fruits.

ADZ6–9 20ft BDZ9–10 20ft ADZ8–10 20ft
6m 0 6m 0 6m 0


Enkianthus campanulatus Photinia x fraseri ‘Red Robin’ Corylopsis glabrescens

Deciduous, bushy, spreading shrub with Evergreen, upright, dense shrub. Deciduous, open shrub. Ovate leaves,

red shoots and tufts of dull green leaves Oblong, glossy, dark green leaves with bristlelike teeth along margins,

that turn bright red in fall. Small, are brilliant red when young. Bears are dark green above, blue-green

bell-shaped, red-veined, creamy-yellow 5-petaled flowers in late spring. beneath. Drooping spikes of fragrant,

flowers appear in late spring. 20ft 6m Has good resistance to damage 20ft 6m bell-shaped, pale yellow flowers 20ft 6m
by late frost. appear in midspring on

bare branches.

AEMZ5–8 20ft BDZ8–9 20ft BEMZ6–9 20ft
6m 0 6m 0 6m 0

Viburnum x carlcephalum Staphylea holocarpa ‘Rosea’ Daphniphyllum macropodum Berberis darwinii (Darwin’s barberry)

Deciduous, rounded, bushy shrub. In Deciduous, upright shrub or spreading, Evergreen, bushy, dense shrub with Vigorous, evergreen, arching shrub.

late spring, large, rounded heads of pink small tree. From mid- to late spring sturdy shoots and dark green leaves. Has small, glossy, dark green leaves and

buds open to fragrant, white flowers. bears pink flowers, followed by bladder- Small flowers, green on female plants, a profusion of rounded, deep orange-

These are borne amid dark green foliage like, pale green fruits. Bronze young purplish on male plants, appear in yellow flowers from mid- to late spring,

that often turns red in fall. 20ft 6m leaves mature to blue-green. 20ft 6m late spring. 20ft 6m followed by bluish berries. 20ft 6m

ADZ6–8t AE20ft Z6–9 AE20ft Z7–11 AE t20ft 20ft 111

6m 0 6m 0 6m 0 6m 0




Olearia virgata Viburnum rhytidophyllum

Evergreen, arching, graceful shrub with Vigorous, evergreen, open shrub with

very narrow, dark gray-green leaves. long, narrow, deep green leaves. Dense

Produces an abundance of small, star- heads of small, creamy-white flowers

shaped, white flower heads in early in late spring and early summer are

summer, arranged in small 20ft 6m succeeded by red fruits that 20ft 6m
clusters along stems. mature to black.

ADZ7–11 AD t20ft 20ft
6m 0
6m 0


Salix exigua (Coyote willow) Styrax officinalis Xanthoceras sorbifolium
Deciduous, upright shrub with slender,
green-gray branches and linear, finely Deciduous, loose to dense shrub or Deciduous, upright shrub or small tree
toothed, silky, silvery-white leaves,
which move in the breeze. Small, small tree. Fragrant, bell-shaped, white with bright green leaves divided into
pale lemon catkins are produced
in spring, at the same time as the 20ft 6m flowers appear in early summer among many slender leaflets. In late spring and
leaves emerge from bud.
ovate, dark green leaves with grayish- early summer, produces spikes of white

white undersides. 20ft 6m flowers with red patches inside 20ft 6m
at the base of the petals.

AEZ4–6 20ft AEMZ14–15 AD20ft Z5–8 20ft
6m 0 6m 0
6m 0

Ligustrum sinense Escallonia leucantha Escallonia ‘Iveyi’ Chionanthus virginicus (Fringe tree)

Deciduous or semievergreen, bushy, Evergreen, upright shrub. Narrow, Evergreen, upright shrub. Glossy, dark Deciduous, bushy shrub or small tree.

upright shrub with ovate, pale green ovate, glossy, dark green leaves set off green foliage sets off large racemes of Has large, glossy, dark green leaves that

leaves. Large panicles of fragrant, large racemes of small, shallowly fragrant, tubular, pure white flowers, turn yellow in fall. Drooping sprays of

tubular, white flowers are borne cup-shaped, white flowers in with short lobes, borne from mid- to fragrant, white flowers appear in

in midsummer, followed by 20ft 6m midsummer. 20ft 6m late summer. 20ft 6m early summer. 20ft 6m
small, purplish-black fruits.

112 20ft ADZ8–9 20ft ADZ8–9 20ft AEZ4–9 20ft
6m 0 6m 0 6m 0 6m 0

Elaeagnus umbellata Syringa vulgaris ‘Madame Abelia x grandiflora Crinodendron patagua

Vigorous, deciduous, bushy shrub with Florent Stepman’ Vigorous, semievergreen, arching Vigorous, evergreen, upright shrub with

oblong, wavy-edged, bright green Deciduous, upright then spreading shrub. Has glossy, dark green foliage slightly hairy, reddish young shoots and

leaves, which are silvery when young. shrub with large panicles of fragrant, and an abundance of fragrant, oval to ovate, coarsely toothed, leathery,

Has fragrant, bell-shaped, creamy- tubular, single, white flowers pink-tinged, white flowers from dark green leaves. Bell-shaped,

yellow flowers in late spring and 20ft 6m borne profusely in late spring. 20ft 6m midsummer to midfall. 20ft 6m frilly-edged, white flowers in late 20ft 6m
Has heart-shaped, dark
early summer, followed by summer are followed by

egg-shaped, red fruits. green leaves. angular, red seed pods.

ADZ4–8 20ft ADZ4–8 20ft ADZ6–9 20ft BEMZ9–10 20ft
6m 0 6m 0 6m 0 6m 0


Abutilon vitifolium var. album Aesculus parviflora

Fast-growing, deciduous, upright shrub. (Bottlebrush buckeye)

Large, bowl-shaped, white blooms, Deciduous, open shrub. Leaves are

pink-tinged when young, are freely bronze when young, dark green

borne in late spring and early summer in summer and yellow in fall.

amid deeply lobed, sharply 20ft 6m Panicles of red-centered, white 20ft 6m
toothed, gray-green leaves. flowers appear from mid- to

late summer.

ADZ8–9 20ft ADZ5–9t 20ft
6m 0 6m 0

Zabelia triflora Holodiscus discolor Clethra delavayi
Vigorous, deciduous, upright shrub Fast-growing, deciduous, arching shrub.
with pointed, deep green leaves. Small, Has lobed, toothed, dark green leaves Deciduous, open shrub with lance-
extremely fragrant, white flowers, tinged and large, pendent sprays of small,
pale pink, appear in midsummer. creamy-white flowers in midsummer. shaped, toothed, rich green leaves.

20ft 6m 20ft 6m Dense, spreading clusters of pink

buds opening to scented, white

flowers appear in midsummer. 20ft 6m

ADZ7–9 AD20ft Z6–9 20ft BEMZ7–9 20ft 113
6m 0
6m 0 6m 0


Buddleja is a genus of approximately 100 species of highly SUMMER
ornamental evergreen and deciduous shrubs and small
trees, originating predominantly from Asia, Africa, and PINK
the Americas. Buddlejas are often included in wildlife
gardens because they encourage increased insect activity:
one species has earned the common name “butterfly bush,”
but they all also attract bees and hoverflies. They produce
small, highly-scented, tubular flowers borne in either
plume or globular-shaped clusters. Easy to grow, they
thrive in almost any soil, and perform best in a warm,
sunny position. They are particularly suitable for growing
against a south-facing wall.

B. davidii ‘White B. x weyeriana ‘Moonlight’ B. colvilei ‘Kewensis’

B. davidii ‘Pink Delight’ B. salviifolia

Abutilon vitifolium ‘Veronica Tennant’

Fast-growing, generally deciduous,

but sometimes semievergreen, upright

shrub or small tree. Has rounded,

toothed, gray-green leaves. In

spring and early summer, large, 20ft 6m
saucer-shaped, purple-blue

flowers are borne in profusion.

ADZ8–9 20ft
6m 0

B. alternifolia B. davidii ‘Black Knight’

B. ‘Lochinch’ Kolkwitzia amabilis ‘Pink Cloud’ Tamarix ramosissima
B. x weyeriana ‘Sungold’ Deciduous, arching shrub that bears a
mass of bell-shaped, pink flowers amid Deciduous, arching, graceful shrub or
small, ovate, mid-green leaves in late
spring and early summer. small tree with tiny, narrow, blue-green

20ft 6m leaves. In late summer and early fall

bears large, upright plumes of small,

pink flowers. 20ft 6m

114 ADZ5–9 AD20ft Z3–8 20ft
6m 0
B. davidii ‘Dartmoor’ 6m 0


Cotinus ‘Grace’ Acer palmatum ‘Atropurpureum’ Corylus maxima ‘Purpurea’ Prunus spinosa ‘Purpurea’

Deciduous, vigorous, bushy shrub or Deciduous, bushy-headed shrub or Vigorous, deciduous, open shrub or Deciduous, dense, spiny shrub or small

small tree with ovate purple leaves, small tree with lobed, reddish-purple small tree with deep purple leaves and tree. Bright red, young leaves become

that turn a brilliant translucent red in foliage that turns brilliant red in fall. purplish catkins, with yellow anthers, deep reddish-purple. Bears saucer-

fall. In summer produces purple-pink Small reddish-purple flowers are borne that hang from bare branches in shaped, pale pink flowers from

fruiting panicles. 20ft 6m in midspring. 20ft 6m late winter. Edible nuts mature 20ft 6m early to mid-spring, followed by 20ft 6m
in fall. blue-bloomed, black fruits.

ADZ5–8 AD20ft Z5–8 AD20ft Z4–9 AD20ft Z5–8 20ft
6m 0
6m 0 6m 0 6m 0

LILACS S. pubescens subsp. patula
‘Miss Kim’
The heady scent of the lilac (Syringa)
epitomizes early summer. Apart from
the classic lilacs and mauves, colors
include white, pink, cream, and rich
red-purple; double forms are also
available. Most lilacs grown in gardens
are vigorous shrubs derived from
S. vulgaris. They may eventually become
treelike and are best planted at the back
of a shrub border. Spent flower heads
should be removed, with care taken not
to damage the new shoots. Otherwise,
little pruning is required, though older
plants may be rejuvenated by hard
pruning in winter.

S. pubescens subsp. S. x persica S. vulgaris ‘Katherine S. vulgaris ‘Andenken an
microphylla ‘Superba’ Havemeyer’ Ludwig Späth’

S. vulgaris ‘Madame S. meyeri ‘Palibin’


S. x persica ‘Alba’ S. komarowii subsp. reflexa S. vulgaris ‘Firmament’




Genista pilosa ‘Procumbens’ Buddleja globosa Caesalpinia gilliesii
Deciduous or semievergreen, open
Vigorous, deciduous, arching shrub shrub with dark green foliage. Dense, Deciduous, open shrub or small tree.
rounded clusters of orange-yellow
with narrowly oblong, gray-green flowers are carried in early summer. Has finely divided, dark green leaves

leaves. Racemes of fragrant, pealike, 20ft 6m and bears short racemes of yellow

golden-yellow flowers are produced flowers with long, red stamens from

in early to mid-summer. 20ft 6m mid- to late summer. 20ft 6m

ADZ9–11 20ft ADZ7–9 AD20ft Z8–11 20ft
6m 0 6m 0
6m 0


Elaeagnus angustifolia (Russian olive) Cotinus coggygria GOLDEN SPIRIT

Deciduous, bushy shrub or spreading, (‘Ancot’) (Golden smokebush)

small tree. Has narrow, silvery-gray Deciduous, bushy shrub grown for its

leaves and small, fragrant, creamy- rounded, golden-yellow leaves, which

yellow flowers, with spreading lobes, turn orange in fall. In summer, tiny,

in early summer, followed by 20ft 6m fluffy, plumelike, gray flower 20ft 6m
small, oval, yellow fruits. clusters, on fine stalks, are

borne above the leaves.

ADZ2–8 20ft ADZ5–9 20ft
6m 0 6m 0

Genista cinerea Agyrocytisus battandieri Paliurus spina-christi

Deciduous, arching shrub that produces (Moroccan broom, pineapple broom) (Christ’s thorn, Jerusalem thorn)

an abundance of fragrant, pealike, Semievergreen, open shrub. Leaves Deciduous, bushy shrub with slender,

yellow blooms from early to mid- have 3 silver-gray leaflets. Pineapple- thorny shoots. Has ovate, glossy, bright

summer. Has silky, young shoots and scented, yellow flowers appear green leaves, tiny, yellow flowers in

narrow, gray-green leaves. 20ft 6m in summer. 20ft 6m summer, and curious, woody, 20ft 6m
winged fruits in fall.

116 20ft ADZ7–9t 20ft ADZ7–9 20ft
6m 0 6m 0 6m 0


Cotoneaster ‘Cornubia’

Vigorous, semievergreen, arching

shrub. Clusters of white flowers,

produced in early summer amid dark

green foliage, are followed by large,

pendent clusters of decorative, 20ft 6m
bright red fruits.

ADZ6–8t 20ft
6m 0


Rhus typhina ‘Dissecta’ Euonymus myrianthus Cotoneaster lacteus

Deciduous, spreading, open shrub or Evergreen, bushy shrub with pointed, Evergreen, arching shrub suitable for

small tree with velvety shoots. Fernlike, leathery, mid-green leaves. Dense hedging. Ovate, dark green leaves set

dark green leaves turn brilliant clusters of small, greenish-yellow off shallowly cup-shaped, white flowers

orange-red in fall, when deep red flowers in summer are followed by from early to mid-summer. Long-lasting,

fruit clusters are also borne. 20ft 6m yellow fruits that open to show red fruits are carried in large 20ft 6m
clusters in fall–winter.
orange-red seeds. 20ft 6m

ADZ3–8 AE t20ft AD t20ft 20ft
6m 0
6m 0 6m 0
Z7–9 Z7–9

Cotinus ‘Flame’ Fothergilla major Euonymus oxyphyllus

Deciduous, bushy, treelike shrub with Deciduous, upright shrub with glossy, Deciduous, upright shrub or tree

dark green leaves that turn brilliant dark green leaves, slightly bluish-white with ovate, dull green leaves turning

orange-red in fall. From late summer, beneath, that turn red, orange, and to purplish-red in fall. Produces

showy, plumelike, purplish-pink flower yellow in fall. Tufts of fragrant, white tiny, greenish-white flowers in

heads appear above the foliage. 20ft 6m flowers appear in late spring. 20ft 6m late spring, then globose, 4- or 20ft 6m
5-lobed, deep red fruits with

orange-scarlet seeds. 117

ADZ5–8 20ft BEMZ5–8 20ft ADZ6–9t 20ft
6m 0 6m 0 6m 0


Species of Hamamelis put on a beautiful show of WINTER
fragrant flowers during the darkest, coldest months,
securing their place in any winter planting scheme. YELLOW
The spiderlike blooms, ranging in color from deep
red to sulfur yellow, appear on bare branches from
late fall to early spring, the narrow, crepe-paper-like
petals withstanding several degrees of frost and snow
without damage. Witch hazels prefer moist but
well-drained, fertile, acidic to neutral soil in full sun
or partial shade. A spring dressing of lime-free potting
mix or well-rotted leaf mold benefits young plants.

Pyracantha atalantioides ‘Aurea’ Corylus avellana ‘Contorta’

Vigorous, evergreen, upright, spiny (Corkscrew hazel)

shrub, arching with age. Has narrowly Deciduous, bushy shrub with curiously

ovate, glossy, dark green leaves and twisted shoots and broad, sharply

white flowers in early summer, followed toothed, mid-green leaves. In late winter,

by large clusters of small, yellow 20ft 6m bare branches are covered with 20ft 6m
pendent, pale yellow catkins.
berries in early fall.

ADZ6–9t AD20ft Z3–9 20ft
6m 0
6m 0

H. x intermedia H. x intermedia
‘Barmstedt Gold’ ‘Arnold Promise’

H. x intermedia ‘Pallida’ Mahonia x media ‘Charity’

Evergreen, upright, dense shrub with

large leaves composed of many spiny,

dark green leaflets. Slender, upright,

later spreading spikes of fragrant,

yellow flowers are borne from 20ft 6m
early fall to early spring.

BEZ8–9 20ft
6m 0

H. x intermedia ‘Jelena’ Mahonia x media ‘Buckland’ Azara microphylla

118 Evergreen, upright, dense shrub. Elegant, evergreen shrub or small

H. x intermedia ‘Primavera’ H. x intermedia ‘Aphrodite’ H. x intermedia ‘Robert’ Has large leaves with many spiny, tree. Has tiny, glossy, dark green leaves

dark green leaflets. Clustered, upright and small clusters of vanilla-scented,

then spreading, long, branched spikes deep yellow flowers in late winter

of fragrant, yellow flowers appear 20ft 6m and early spring. 20ft 6m

from late fall to early spring.

BEZ8–9 AD20ft Z8–10 20ft
6m 0
6m 0


Prunus lusitanica ‘Variegata’ Ligustrum ovalifolium (Privet)

Slow-growing, evergreen, bushy shrub Vigorous, evergreen or semievergreen,

with reddish-purple shoots. Has ovate, upright, dense shrub with glossy, mid-

glossy, dark green, white-edged leaves. green leaves. Bears racemes of small,

Fragrant, shallowly cup-shaped, rather unpleasantly scented, tubular,

creamy-white flowers in summer 20ft 6m white flowers in midsummer, 20ft 6m
followed by black fruits.
are followed by purple fruits.

ADZ7–9t AD t20ft 20ft
6m 0
6m 0


Azara microphylla ‘Variegata’ Griselinia littoralis ‘Variegata’ Pittosporum dallii

Slow-growing, evergreen, compact Evergreen, upright shrub of dense, Evergreen, rounded, dense tree or

shrub. Small, rounded, glossy, dark bushy habit. Leathery leaves are shrub. Has purplish stems and sharply

green leaves have creamy-gold margins. gray-green, marked with bright toothed, deep green leaves. Clusters

In early spring, bears clusters of tiny, green and creamy-white. Bears of small, fragrant, shallowly cup-

chocolate-scented, yellow-green 20ft 6m inconspicuous, yellow-green 20ft 6m shaped, white flowers are 20ft 6m
flowers on the underside of flowers in late spring. produced in summer.

the branches.

ADZ8–10 20ft ADZ7–9 AD20ft Z9–11 20ft
6m 0 6m 0
6m 0

Elaeagnus pungens ‘Maculata’ Osmanthus heterophyllus Pittosporum ‘Garnettii’ Prunus lusitanica subsp. azorica

Evergreen, bushy, slightly spiny ‘Aureomarginatus’ Evergreen, columnar or conical shrub Evergreen, bushy shrub with reddish-

shrub. Glossy, dark green leaves are Evergreen, upright shrub. Sharply of dense, bushy habit. Rounded, purple shoots and bright green leaves,

marked with a central, deep yellow toothed, hollylike, glossy, bright gray-green leaves, irregularly edged red when young. Bears spikes of small,

patch. Very fragrant, urn-shaped, green leaves have yellow margins. creamy-white, become tinged with fragrant, white flowers in summer,

creamy-white flowers open from 20ft 6m Small, fragrant, white flowers are 20ft 6m deep pink in cold areas. May 20ft 6m followed by purple fruits. 20ft 6m
bear small, greenish-purple
mid- to late fall. produced in fall.

flowers in spring–summer. 20ft 119

ADZ7–9 20ft ADZ7–9 20ft ADZ9–11 20ft AD tZ7–9 6m 0
6m 0 6m 0 6m 0


ALL YEAR SPRING These evergreen shrubs and small
trees have long been valued for
GREEN WHITE their luxuriant, rich green foliage
and masses of showy flowers, in
Viburnum x globosum ‘Jermyns shades of white, pink, red and C. ‘Cornish Snow’ [single]
yellow, borne mainly in winter and
Globe’ spring. Once thought suitable only C. japonica ‘Alba Plena’
for greenhouses, many camellias [formal double]
Evergreen, rounded shrub with narrow, are frost hardy to Zone 6 if grown in
sheltered positions, although blooms
may suffer frost and rain damage.
Ideal for shady gardens, they grow
well against walls. Camellias require
acidic soil but also make good
container plants. The main flower
forms are illustrated below.

tapered, dark green leaves, 3-veined at

the bases. Bears flattened, terminal

corymbs of small, tubular, white 10ft 3m Single—flowers have
flowers in late spring, followed not more than 8 petals,
arranged in a single
by small, ovoid, blue fruits. row, and a conspicuous,
central boss of stamens.
BEM tZ7–9 10ft 0

shrubs Semidouble—flowers
have 2 or more rows of
9–21 regular or irregular
petals, and usually have
conspicuous stamens.

Tetrapanax papyrifer Enkianthus perulatus Anemone-form— C. x williamsii ‘J.C. Williams’
flowers each have one [single]
(Rice-paper plant) Deciduous, bushy, dense shrub. or more rows of large,
outer petals lying flat or C. x williamsii ‘Jury’s Yellow’
Evergreen, upright, suckering Dark green leaves turn bright red in undulating; the domed [anemone]
center has a mass of
shrub. Long-stalked, circular leaves fall. A profusion of small, pendent, intermingled petaloids C. japonica ‘Nobilissima’ [peony]
and stamens.
are deeply lobed. Has bold sprays urn-shaped, white flowers are borne Peony-form—
(sometimes termed
of small, creamy-white flowers in 20ft 6m in midspring. 10ft 3m irregular double)
flowers have irregular
summer and black berries in petals intermingled
with petaloids and
fall–winter. stamens.

AE Z6–11 20ft BEMZ6–8 10ft
6m 0 3m 0

have several rows
of overlapping petals
and open to reveal a few
stamens in the center.

Pittosporum tenuifolium Pieris japonica ‘Scarlett O’Hara’

Evergreen, columnar, later rounded Evergreen, rounded, bushy, dense

shrub or small tree with purple shoots shrub. Young foliage and shoots are Formal double—
flowers have rows
and wavy-edged, ovate, glossy, bronze-red, leaves becoming glossy, of neatly overlapping
(imbricated) petals that
mid-green leaves. Bears honey-scented, dark green. Produces sprays of white obscure the stamens.

purple flowers in late spring. 20ft 6m flowers in spring. 10ft 3m

120 BEM t20ft 10ft
ADZ9–11 6m 0
Z6–8 0

C. x williamsii ‘Donation’ C. ‘Freedom Bell’
[semidouble] [semidouble]

C. japonica ‘Lavinia Maggi’ C. x williamsii ‘Debbie’
[formal double] [peony]

C. ‘Spring Festival’ C. japonica ‘Margaret Davis’ C. ‘Inspiration’ [semidouble]
[semidouble] [peony]

C. x williamsii ‘Water Lily’ C. japonica ‘Adolphe Audusson’
[formal double] [semidouble]

C. japonica ‘Hagoromo’ C. reticulata ‘Captain Rawes’ C. ‘Leonard Messel’ C. japonica ‘Bob’s Tinsie’ C. japonica ‘Janet
[semidouble] [semidouble] [semidouble] [anemone] Waterhouse’ [semidouble]


C. japonica ‘Tricolor’ [semidouble] C. ‘Black Lace’ [formal double] C. japonica ‘Brushfield’s Yellow’ [anemone]





Choisya x dewitteana ‘Aztec Pearl’ Chaenomeles speciosa ‘Moerloosei’
Vigorous, deciduous, bushy shrub. Has
Evergreen, compact shrub with glossy, dark green leaves and pink-
flushed, white flowers in early spring,
aromatic, glossy, dark green leaves followed by greenish-yellow fruits.

composed of 3–5 linear leaflets. Clusters 10ft 3m

of scented, white flowers, pink-flushed in

bud, are produced in profusion 10ft 3m
in spring and then quite often

again in early fall.

ADZ8–10 10ft ADZ5–9 10ft
3m 0 3m 0

Choisya ternata Myrtus communis (Common myrtle) Rhododendron ‘Percy Wiseman’ Camellia x williamsii

(Mexican orange) Evergreen, bushy shrub with aromatic, Evergreen rhododendron with a domed, ‘E.G. Waterhouse’

Evergreen, rounded, dense shrub with glossy, dark green foliage. Fragrant, compact habit. In late spring, produces Evergreen, upright shrub with

aromatic, glossy, bright green leaves white flowers are borne from midspring open funnel-shaped, pink flowers that lance-shaped, pale green leaves.

composed of 3 leaflets. Clusters to early summer, followed by purple- fade to cream, with green markings in Formal double, pink flowers are freely

of fragrant, white blooms open 10ft 3m black berries. 10ft 3m the throat. 10ft 3m produced in spring. 10ft 3m
in late spring and often

122 again in fall.

ADZ8–10 10ft ADZ8–9 10ft BDMZ6–9t 10ft 0 BDMZ7–8t 10ft
3m 0 3m 0 3m 3m 0


Ribes sanguineum ‘Pulborough

Scarlet’ (Flowering currant)

Deciduous, upright shrub that in

spring bears pendent, tubular, deep

red flowers amid aromatic, dark green

leaves, with 3–5 lobes, sometimes 10ft 3m

followed by black fruits with a

white bloom.

ADZ6–8 10ft
3m 0


Prunus mume ‘Beni-chidori’ Telopea truncata (Tasmanian waratah) Acer palmatum ‘Shindeshojo’
Deciduous, spreading shrub with Evergreen, upright shrub, bushy with
fragrant, single, carmine flowers in age. Has deep green leaves and dense, Slow-growing, deciduous, rather
early spring before pointed, dark rounded heads of small, tubular, crimson
green leaves appear. flowers in late spring and summer. twiggy shrub grown for its pink-red

10ft 3m 10ft 3m leaf coloring in spring. Palmate, deeply

lobed leaves then turn bluish-green.

Much used for bonsai. Hard frost 10ft 3m

can scorch new growth.

ADZ6–8t BDM10ft Z13–15 10ft 0 BDZ6–8 2m
3m 6ft 0
3m 0

Acer palmatum ‘Corallinum’ Enkianthus cernuus f. rubens Leptospermum scoparium Berberis thunbergii f. atropurpurea
Very slow-growing, deciduous,
bushy-headed shrub or small tree. Deciduous, bushy shrub with dense ‘Red Damask’ Deciduous, arching, dense shrub.
Lobed, bright reddish-pink young
foliage becomes mid-green, then clusters of dull green leaves that turn Evergreen, upright, bushy shrub. Reddish-purple foliage turns bright
brilliant red, orange, or yellow in
fall. Reddish-purple flowers deep reddish-purple in fall. Small, Narrow, aromatic, dark green leaves set red in fall. Globose to cup-shaped,
appear in midspring.
bell-shaped, deep red flowers appear off sprays of double, dark red flowers in red-tinged, pale yellow flowers in

10ft 3m in late spring. 10ft 3m late spring and summer. 10ft 3m midspring are followed by 10ft 3m
red fruits.

ADZ6–8 10ft BEMZ6–8 10ft ADZ9–10 10ft ADZ5–8t 10ft 123
3m 0 3m 0 3m 0 3m


Rhododendrons and azaleas both belong to the huge
genus Rhododendron, one of the largest in the plant
kingdom. Azalea is the common name used for all the
deciduous species and hybrids, and many of the dwarf,
small-leaved evergreens. In stature, the genus ranges from
small alpine shrubs only a few inches high to tall, spreading
trees, in the wild reaching 80ft (24m). Rhododendrons
require well-drained, acidic soil rich in organic matter.
Most prefer cool, woodland conditions, although many
dwarf forms thrive in more open sites. Many grow well
in containers, in which it is often easier to provide suitable
growing conditions. Once established, they require little
attention apart from an annual mulch and occasional
fertilizer, and will provide a colorful display for years.

R. pachysanthum R. ‘Gomer Waterer’
[rhododendron] [rhododendron]

R. decorum [rhododendron] R. rex subsp. fictolacteum t


R. ‘Palestrina’ [rhododendron] R. yakushimanum t R. orbiculare t

[rhododendron] [rhododendron]

R. ‘Loderi King George’ t R. quinquefolium

R. ‘Fragrantissimum’ t R. sinogrande t R. ‘Narcissiflorum’
[rhododendron] [rhododendron]
R. ‘Golden Torch’ [rhododendron]
124 R. williamsianum t [rhododendron]
R. falconeri t [rhododendron]

R. fulvum [rhododendron] R. multiflorum var. purpureum R. ‘Freya’ (azalea) R. ‘Fastuosum Flore Pleno’ R. augustinii t
[rhododendron] [rhododendron]

R. ‘Mother’s Day’ [azalea] R. ‘Goldkrone’ t [rhododendron]

R. ‘Blaauw’s Pink’ [azalea] R. ‘Hotei’ [rhododendron]

R. ‘Pink Pearl’ t R. ‘Seta’ t [rhododendron] R. ‘Grace Seabrook’ [rhododendron] R. ‘Patty Bee’ R. ‘Daviesii’
[rhododendron] [azalea]

R. ‘Praecox’ R. ‘Curlew’ t R. luteum t
[rhododendron] [azalea]

R. ‘Blue Peter’ [rhododendron] R. cinnabarinum t [rhododendron]

R. ‘Gibraltar’ [azalea] 125

R. arboreum t [rhododendron] R. ‘Blue Danube’ [azalea]


Shrubby members of the genus Cornus are justifiably SPRING
popular among gardeners and landscape designers,
admired for their highly ornamental, brightly colored YELLOW
winter stems (ranging from lime green and yellow, to
orange and crimson), as well as their spring flowers and,
in some cultivars, variegated foliage. Extremely hardy,
dogwoods tolerate extreme cold and exposure. They also
grow well on most soils, and require little maintenance—
simply cut back the stems to just above the ground every
two years in late winter. This promotes young growth,
which has the most vibrant color.

Corylopsis pauciflora Rhododendron ‘Yellow Hammer’
Deciduous, bushy, dense shrub. Ovate, Evergreen, erect, bushy rhododendron.
bright green leaves, bronze when young, Bears abundant clusters of tubular,
have bristlelike teeth. Bears fragrant, bright yellow flowers in spring;
tubular to bell-shaped, pale yellow frequently flowers again in fall.
flowers from early to mid-spring.
10ft 3m
10ft 3m

BEMZ6–9 BDM10ft Z5–8 10ft
3m 0
3m 0

C. alba ‘Elegantissima’ t C. alba ‘Spaethii’ t

C. alba ‘Aurea’ C. sericea ‘Flaviramea’

C. sanguinea C. alba ‘Kesselringii’ t
‘Anny’s Winter Orange’

Edgeworthia chrysantha

Deciduous, rounded, open shrub with

ovate, dark green leaves. Very supple

shoots produce terminal, rounded heads

of fragrant, tubular, yellow flowers in

late winter and early spring. 10ft 3m

126 ADZ8–10 10ft
3m 0
C. sericea ‘White Gold’
C. sanguinea ‘Midwinter Fire’


Berberis gagnepainii var. lanceifolia Kerria japonica ‘Pleniflora’ Berberis trigona ‘Orange King’
Evergreen, upright, stiff-branched shrub
Evergreen, bushy, dense shrub. Massed, Vigorous, deciduous, graceful shrub. with narrow, rigid, dark green leaves.
Bears large, globose to cup-shaped,
globose to cup-shaped, yellow flowers Double, golden-yellow flowers are deep orange flowers in late spring.

appear among long, narrow, pointed, borne along green shoots from 10ft 3m

dark green leaves in late spring. Forms mid- to late spring. Leaves are

blue-bloomed, black berries. 10ft 3m narrowly ovate, sharply toothed 10ft 3m
and bright green.

ADZ6–9t AD10ft AD t10ft 10ft
3m 0
3m 0 3m 0
Z4–9 Z6–9


Forsythia x intermedia ‘Spectabilis’ Berberis x lologensis ‘Stapehill’ Philadelphus ‘Beauclerk’

Vigorous, deciduous, spreading shrub Vigorous, evergreen, arching shrub. Deciduous, slightly arching shrub.

with sturdy growth. A profusion of Glossy, dark green foliage sets off Large, fragrant flowers, white with a

large, deep yellow flowers is borne from profuse racemes of globose to small, central, pale purple blotch, are

early to mid-spring before sharply cup-shaped, orange flowers from produced from early to mid-summer.

toothed, dark green leaves 10ft 3m mid- to late spring. 10ft 3m Leaves are dark green. 10ft 3m

ADZ6–9 10ft ADZ6–9t AD10ft Z5–8 10ft
3m 0 3m 0
3m 0

Lindera benzoin (Spicebush) Berberis x stenophylla Euphorbia mellifera (Honey spurge) Deutzia scabra
Deciduous, upright shrub with narrowly
Deciduous, bushy shrub with aromatic, Evergreen, arching shrub with slender Evergreen, rounded shrub grown ovate, dark green leaves that, from early
to mid-summer, set off dense, upright
bright green leaves that turn yellow in shoots and narrow, spine-tipped, deep mainly for its long, narrowly oblong, clusters of 5-petaled, white blooms.

fall. Tiny, greenish-yellow flowers green leaves, blue-gray beneath. rich green leaves with cream midribs. 10ft 3m

in midspring are followed by red Massed, golden-yellow flowers appear Small, honey-scented, brown flowers,

berries on female plants. 10ft 3m from mid- to late spring, 10ft 3m surrounded by showy bracts, are 10ft 3m
followed by small,
produced in dome-shaped

blue-black fruits. clusters in late spring. 10ft 127

BEMZ4–9 10ft ADZ6–9t 10ft ADZ9–10t 10ft ADZ6–8 3m 0
3m 0 3m 0 3m 0





Philadelphus ‘Belle Etoile’ Philadelphus ‘Sybille’ Olearia nummulariifolia
Deciduous, arching shrub. Produces a
Deciduous, arching shrub. Very fragrant, profusion of fragrant, 4-petaled, white Evergreen, rounded shrub with stiff,
flowers, with a conspicuous purple mark in
white flowers, each with a pale purple the center, in early and mid-summer. Leaves upright shoots densely covered with
are mid-green and ovate.
mark at the base, are borne profusely small, very thick, mid- to dark green
10ft 3m
among mid-green foliage in late spring leaves. Small, fragrant, white flowers

and early summer. 10ft 3m appear in midsummer. 10ft 3m

ADZ5–8 AD t10ft AD10ft Z7–10 10ft
3m 0
3m 0 3m 0

Rubus ‘Benenden’ Fallugia paradoxa (Apache plume) Sorbaria kirilowii Aronia melanocarpa

Deciduous, arching, thornless shrub Deciduous, bushy shrub that bears Deciduous, vigorous, arching shrub with (Black chokeberry)

with peeling bark. Large, roselike, pure white flowers in midsummer, followed red shoots when young. Leaves have Deciduous, bushy shrub. White

white flowers are borne among lobed, by silky, pink- and red-tinged, green 11–23 narrowly lance-shaped, taper- flowers appear in late spring and

deep green leaves in late spring and fruits. Dark green leaves are finely cut pointed, dark green leaflets. Upright early summer, followed by black fruits.

early summer. 10ft 3m and feathery. 10ft 3m panicles of star-shaped white 10ft 3m Has glossy, dark green leaves 10ft 3m
flowers are borne in mid- to late that turn red in fall.

128 summer.

ADZ5–9 10ft ADZ6–8 10ft AEZ2–9 10ft ADZ3–8 10ft
3m 0 3m 0 3m 0 3m 0

Eucryphia milliganii Clethra barbinervis Philadelphus ‘Virginal’
Evergreen, upright, narrow shrub.
Has tiny, dark green leaves, bluish-white Deciduous, upright shrub with peeling Vigorous, deciduous, bushy shrub with
beneath, and small, white flowers, borne
in midsummer. bark. Has ovate, toothed, dark green spreading shoots and broad, dark green

10ft 3m leaves that turn red and yellow in leaves. Produces large racemes of very

fall. Racemes of fragrant, white fragrant, double, white flowers in early

flowers are borne in late summer 10ft 3m to mid-summer. 10ft 3m

and early fall.

BEMZ8–9 10ft BEMZ5–8 AD10ft Z5–8 10ft
3m 0 3m 0
3m 0


Philadelphus ‘Lemoinei’ Sorbaria sorbifolia

(Mock orange) Deciduous, upright shrub that forms

Deciduous, upright, slightly arching thickets by suckering. Mid-green leaves

shrub that produces profuse racemes of consist of many sharply toothed leaflets.

small, extremely fragrant, white flowers Large panicles of small, white flowers

from early to mid-summer. 10ft 3m appear in summer. 10ft 3m

ADZ5–8 AD10ft Z2–8 10ft
3m 0
3m 0

Osteomeles schweriniae Styrax wilsonii Philadelphus ‘Dame Blanche’

Deciduous or semievergreen, arching Deciduous, bushy shrub with slender Deciduous, bushy, compact shrub with

shrub with long, slender shoots. Leaves, shoots that produce an abundance of dark, peeling bark. Dark green foliage

consisting of many small leaflets, are yellow-centered, white flowers in early sets off slightly fragrant, semidouble

dark green. Clusters of small, white summer. Leaves are small and to loosely double, pure white flowers

flowers in early summer are 10ft 3m deep green. 10ft 3m borne in profusion from early to 10ft 3m
followed by red, later blue- mid-summer.

black, fruits. 129

ADZ7–11 10ft AEM Z7–9 10ft ADZ5–8 10ft
3m 0 3m 0 3m 0




Escallonia virgata Viburnum ‘Pragense’ Olearia x haastii (Daisy bush) Colletia hystrix
Evergreen, rounded, bushy shrub that
Deciduous, spreading, graceful shrub has dark green foliage and domed heads Evergreen, bushy, dense shrub, good Almost leafless, arching, stoutly
of white flowers opening from pink buds
with arching shoots and small, glossy, in late spring and early summer. for hedging. Has small, ovate, glossy, branched shrub armed with rigid,

dark green leaves. Bears racemes of 10ft 3m dark green leaves and is covered with gray-green spines. Pink flower buds

small, open cup-shaped, white flowers heads of fragrant, daisylike, white open in late summer to fragrant,

from early to midsummer. 10ft 3m flowers from mid- to late 10ft 3m tubular, white blooms that last 10ft 3m
summer. into fall.

ADZ8–9 AD t10ft 10ft ADZ9–10 AD10ft 10ft
3m 3m 0
3m 0 3m 0
Z6–8 Z7–11


Olearia ilicifolia (Mountain holly) Zenobia pulverulenta
Evergreen, bushy, dense shrub
with narrowly oblong, rigid, sharply Deciduous or semievergreen, slightly
toothed, musk-scented, gray-green
leaves. Fragrant, white flower heads arching shrub, often with bluish-white
are borne in clusters in summer.
bloomed shoots. Glossy leaves have
10ft 3m
a bluish-white reverse when young.

Bears fragrant, bell-shaped, 10ft 3m
white flowers from early

130 to midsummer.

ADZ8–10 10ft BEMZ5–8 10ft
3m 0 3m 0

Philadelphus coronarius ‘Variegatus’

Deciduous, bushy shrub with racemes

of very fragrant, creamy-white flowers

in late spring and early summer and

mid-green leaves broadly edged

with white. 10ft 3m

ADZ4–9 10ft
3m 0


Colletia paradoxa Spiraea nipponica ‘Snowmound’ Lonicera xylosteum (Fly honeysuckle)

Deciduous, arching shrub with stiff Deciduous, spreading shrub with Deciduous, upright, bushy, dense shrub.

branches and stout, flattened, blue- stout, arching, reddish branches. Creamy-white, tubular flowers are

green spines. Fragrant, tubular, Small, narrow, dark green leaves set produced amid gray-green leaves in late

white flowers are borne in late off profuse, dense clusters of small, spring and early summer, and are

summer and early fall. 10ft 3m white flowers in early summer. 10ft 3m followed by red berries. 10ft 3m

ADZ7–11 AD10ft Z4–8 10ft ADZ4–9t 10ft
3m 0 3m 0
3m 0

Olearia x scilloniensis Philadelphus delavayi f. melanocalyx Escallonia ‘Donard Seedling’
Evergreen, upright, then rounded,
dense shrub. Narrowly oblong, Deciduous, upright shrub, grown Vigorous, evergreen, arching shrub
wavy-margined, gray-green leaves
set off numerous white flower heads for its extremely fragrant flowers, with small, glossy, dark green leaves.
in late spring and early summer.
with pure white petals and deep Masses of pink flower buds open to
10ft 3m
purple sepals, opening from white blooms, flushed with pale

early to midsummer. Leaves 10ft 3m pink, from early to midsummer. 10ft 3m
are dark green.

ADZ9–10 10ft ADZ6–9 10ft ADZ8–9 10ft 131
3m 0 3m 0
3m 0




Hibiscus syriacus ‘Red Heart’ Deutzia x magnifica ‘Staphyleoides’ Yucca gloriosa (Spanish dagger)

Deciduous, upright shrub that Vigorous, deciduous, upright shrub. Evergreen shrub with a sturdy stem

bears large, white flowers, with Large, 5-petaled, pure white blooms, crowned with a tuft of long, pointed,

conspicuous red centers, from late borne in dense clusters in early summer, deep green leaves, blue-green when

summer to midfall. Ovate leaves have recurved petals. Leaves are young. Bears very long panicles of

are lobed and deep green. 10ft 3m bright green. 10ft 3m bell-shaped, white flowers in 10ft 3m

ADZ5–9 10ft ADZ6–8 AD10ft Z7–11 10ft
3m 0 3m 0
3m 0


Olearia macrodonta

Vigorous, evergreen, upright shrub,

often treelike. Has holly-shaped, sharply

toothed, gray-green leaves, silvery-white

beneath. Large heads of fragrant,

white flowers are produced in 10ft 3m
early summer.

ADZ9–10 10ft
3m 0

Stephanandra tanakae 10ft 3m Aloysia triphylla (Lemon verbena) Exochorda x macrantha ‘The Bride’
Deciduous, arching shrub with Deciduous, bushy shrub. Leaves are pale Deciduous, arching, dense shrub that
orange-brown shoots and sharply green and lemon-scented. Racemes of forms a mound of pendent branches.
toothed, mid-green leaves that tiny, lilac-tinged, white flowers appear Large, white flowers are produced in
turn orange and yellow in fall. in early summer. abundance amid dark green foliage
Small, yellow-green buds in late spring and early summer.
open to white flowers from 10ft 3m
early to mid-summer. 10ft 3m

132 ADZ6–8 10ft ADZ8–11 10ft ADZ5–9 10ft
3m 0 3m 0 3m 0


Escallonia ‘Apple Blossom’ Lonicera tatarica Deutzia longifolia ‘Veitchii’
Evergreen, bushy, dense shrub. From Deciduous, arching shrub with narrow,
early to mid-summer, apple-blossom- Deciduous, bushy, upright shrub with pointed leaves and large clusters of
pink flowers are borne in profusion 5-petaled, deep pink flowers from
amid glossy, dark green leaves. dark green foliage. Bears tubular, early to mid-summer.

10ft 3m 5-lobed, white, pink or red flowers along 10ft 3m

the shoots in late spring and early

summer, followed by scarlet to 10ft 3m
yellow-orange berries.

ADZ8–9 AD t10ft 10ft ADZ7–8 10ft
3m 0 3m 0
3m 0


Robinia hispida (Rose acacia) Lavatera assurgentiflora
Semievergreen shrub with twisted,
Deciduous shrub of loose habit with gray stems. Clusters of hollyhocklike,
darkly veined, deep cerise blooms open
brittle, bristly stems that carry dark in midsummer. Palmate, mid-green
leaves are white-haired beneath.
green leaves composed of 7–13 leaflets.
10ft 3m
Pendent racemes of deep rose-pink

blooms open in late spring and 10ft 3m
early summer.

ADZ6–11t 10ft ADZ9–10 10ft
3m 0 3m 0

Indigofera heterantha Neillia thibetica Hydrangea aspera Villosa Group
Deciduous, arching shrub. Slender
Deciduous, slightly arching shrub. spikes of rose-pink flowers are borne Deciduous, upright shrub with peeling
profusely in late spring and early
Has grayish-green leaves consisting of summer. Leaves are sharply toothed. bark. From late summer to midfall,

many small leaflets and spikes of small, 10ft 3m produces heads of small, blue or purple,

purplish-pink flowers from early central flowers and larger, white,

summer to early fall. 10ft 3m sometimes flushed purplish- 10ft 3m
pink, outer ones.

ADZ6–9 AD10ft Z6–9 10ft BDZ7–9 10ft 133
3m 0
3m 0 3m 0


Valued for their late summer flowers, hydrangeas are
versatile shrubs that thrive in a variety of situations.
Larger-growing species, some of which may become
treelike with age, are suitable for light woodland, while the
range of cultivars, mostly of H. macrophylla, are excellent
border plants. Some may also be grown in containers.
Colors range from white through pink, red, and purple
to blue. The truest blue is obtained only on acidic soil.
Lacecap hydrangeas have a central corymb of small,
fertile flowers surrounded by showy, colored bracts;
mopheads (or hortensias) have domed heads of sterile
bracts only. H. paniculata cultivars bear larger though
fewer cone-shaped flower heads if pruned hard in spring.

H. serrata ‘Diadem’ H. paniculata PINKY-WINKY (‘Dvppinky’)

H. involucrata ‘Hortensis’ H. macrophylla ‘Altona’ t

H. heteromalla ‘Snowcap’ H.macrophylla ‘Lanarth H. arborescens ‘Grandiflora’
H. quercifolia SNOWFLAKE H. paniculata ‘Big Ben’ H. macrophylla ‘Hamburg’ t
(‘Brido’) H. macrophylla ‘Mariesii Lilacina’ t
H. paniculata ‘Silver Dollar’

H. paniculata ‘Phantom’

H. paniculata ‘Dharuma’ H. macrophylla ‘Europa’ H. quercifolia SNOW QUEEN (‘Flemygea’) t
H. macrophylla ‘Libelle’
H. serrata ‘Kiyosumi’ H. aspera ‘Mauvette’
H. serrata ‘Grayswood’
H. serrata ‘Bluebird’ t


H. paniculata PINK DIAMOND (‘Interhydia’) t H. aspera subsp. sargentiana H. paniculata ‘Limelight’




Lavatera x clementii ‘Rosea’ Hibiscus syriacus ‘Woodbridge’
Semievergreen, erect shrub that
produces abundant clusters of Deciduous, upright shrub. From
hollyhocklike, deep pink flowers
throughout summer. Has lobed, late summer to mid-fall large, reddish-
sage-green leaves.
pink flowers, with deeper-colored

centers, are borne amid lobed, dark

10ft 3m green leaves. 10ft 3m

ADZ10–11 AD10ft Z5–9 10ft
3m 0
3m 0


Paeonia delavayi (Tree peony)

Deciduous, upright, open, suckering

shrub. Leaves are divided into pointed-

ovate leaflets, often with reddish stalks.

Produces bowl-shaped, red, orange,

yellow, or white flowers, 2–21⁄2in 10ft 3m
(5–6cm) across, with leafy

bracts beneath, in late spring.

ADZ4–8 10ft
3m 0

Kalmia latifolia (Calico bush) Lonicera ledebourii Erythrina x bidwillii
Evergreen, bushy, dense shrub. In early
summer, large clusters of pink flowers Deciduous, bushy shrub. Red-tinged, Deciduous, upright shrub with pale
open from distinctively crimped buds
amid glossy, rich green foliage. orange-yellow flowers are borne amid to mid-green leaves divided into

10ft 3m dark green foliage in late spring and 3 leaflets, up to 4in (10cm) long.

early summer, and are followed by black Racemes of bright red flowers are

fruits. As these ripen, deep red 10ft 3m borne in late summer or fall. 10ft 3m
bracts enlarge around them. Min. 41ºF (5ºC).

136 10ft 0 ADZ5–9t AD10ft Z11 10ft
3m 3m 0
AEMZ5–9t 3m 0

Pieris formosa var. forrestii Calycanthus occidentalis Erythrina crista-galli Telopea speciosissima (Waratah)

‘Wakehurst’ (California allspice) (Cockspur coral-tree) Evergreen, erect, fairly bushy shrub

Evergreen, bushy, dense shrub. Deciduous, bushy shrub. Leaves Deciduous, mainly upright shrub or with coarsely serrated leaves. Bears

Young leaves are brilliant red in early are large, aromatic, and dark green. small tree. Leaves have 3 ovate leaflets. tubular, red flowers in dense, globose

summer, becoming pink, creamy-yellow, Fragrant, purplish-red flowers with Bears leafy racemes of crimson flowers heads, surrounded by bright red bracts,

and finally dark green. Bears 10ft 3m many strap-shaped petals are 10ft 3m in summer-fall. Dies back to 10ft 3m in spring–summer. 10ft 3m
urn-shaped, white flowers in borne in summer. ground level in winter in

spring–summer. cold areas.

BEMZ6–9t 10ft AEZ6–9 10ft ADZ11 10ft ADMZ10–15 10ft
3m 0 3m 0 3m 0 3m 0


Camellia japonica ‘Mathotiana’

Evergreen, spreading shrub with

lance-shaped to ovate, slightly twisted,

dark green leaves. Very large, formal

double, velvety, dark crimson flowers in

spring–summer become purplish 10ft 3m

with age and in warm climates

often have rose-form centers.

BDMZ7–8 10ft
3m 0

Berberis thunbergii ‘Rose Glow’ Abutilon ‘Ashford Red’ Callistemon rigidus (Stiff bottlebrush)

Vigorous, deciduous, dense shrub Strong-growing, evergreen, Evergreen, bushy, slightly arching shrub

with spines. Broadly ovate leaves are erect to spreading shrub with with long, narrow, sharply pointed, dark

rich red-purple mottled with pink and maple- to heart-shaped, serrated, green leaves and dense spikes of deep

cream when young, maturing to pale to mid-green leaves. Pendent, red flowers in late spring and

burgundy-red in fall. Bears 10ft 3m bell-shaped, crimson flowers are 10ft 3m early summer. 10ft 3m
small, red-tinged, yellow
borne from spring to fall.

flowers in spring. 10ft 137

ADZ5–8 10ft ADZ9–10 10ft ADZ10–11 3m 0
3m 0 3m 0




Acer palmatum ‘Bloodgood’ Ceanothus ‘Concha’ Eleutherococcus sieboldianus

Deciduous, bushy-headed shrub or small Dense, evergreen shrub with arching Deciduous, bushy, elegant shrub. Has

tree with deep reddish-purple leaves branches and finely toothed, dark green glossy, bright green leaves, divided

that turn brilliant red in fall. Small, leaves. Numerous, rounded clusters of into 5 leaflets, and is armed with spines.

reddish-purple flowers in midspring dark blue flowers open from reddish- Clusters of small, greenish flowers

are often followed by decorative, 10ft 3m purple buds in late spring. 10ft 3m appear in early summer. 10ft 3m

winged, red fruits.

ADZ6–8 10ft ADZ7–10 AD10ft Z4–8 10ft
3m 0 3m 0
3m 0


Abutilon x suntense ‘Violetta’ Ceanothus impressus Sophora davidii

Fast-growing, deciduous, upright, Evergreen, bushy shrub. Spreading Deciduous, bushy shrub with arching

arching shrub that carries an abundance growth is covered with small, crinkled, shoots. Produces short racemes of small,

of large, bowl-shaped, deep violet dark green leaves. Deep blue flowers pealike, purple and white flowers in late

flowers in late spring and early summer. appear in small clusters from midspring spring and early summer. Gray-green

Vinelike leaves are sharply 10ft 3m to early summer. 10ft 3m leaves have many leaflets. 10ft 3m
toothed and dark green.

ADZ12–15 AD10ft AD t10ft 10ft
3m 0
3m 0 3m 0
Z8–11 Z6–9

Prostanthera rotundifolia Hibiscus syriacus ‘Oiseau Bleu’ Ceanothus ‘Autumnal Blue’ Ptelea trifoliata ‘Aurea’
Deciduous, upright shrub that carries Fast-growing, evergreen, bushy shrub.
(Roundleaf mint bush) large, red-centered, lilac-blue flowers Has glossy, bright green foliage and Deciduous, bushy, dense shrub or low
from late summer to midfall. large panicles of pale to mid-blue
Evergreen, bushy, rounded shrub with Has lobed, deep green leaves. flowers from late spring to fall. tree. Leaves, consisting of 3 leaflets, are

tiny, sweetly aromatic, deep green leaves 10ft 3m 10ft 3m bright yellow when young, maturing to

and short, leafy racemes of bell-shaped, pale green. Bears racemes of greenish

lavender to purple-blue flowers 10ft 3m flowers in summer, followed by 10ft 3m
in late spring or summer. winged, green fruits.

138 10ft ADZ5–9 10ft ADZ9–10 10ft ADZ5–9 10ft
3m 0 3m 0 3m 0 3m 0


Callistemon pallidus Bupleurum fruticosum

Evergreen, arching shrub. Gray-green (Shrubby hare’s ear)

foliage is pink-tinged when young and Evergreen, bushy shrub with slender

in early summer is covered with dense shoots. From midsummer to early fall,

spikes of creamy-yellow flowers that rounded heads of small, yellow flowers

resemble bottlebrushes. 10ft 3m are borne amid glossy, dark 10ft 3m
bluish-green foliage.

ADZ10–11 10ft 0 ADZ7–11 10ft
3m 3m 0


Sambucus racemosa ‘Plumosa Aurea’

Slow-growing, deciduous, bushy shrub

with leaves made up of 5 ovate leaflets,

each deeply cut. Leaves are bronze

when young, maturing to golden-yellow

in early summer. Star-shaped, 10ft 3m
yellow flowers in spring are

followed by scarlet fruits.

BDZ3–7 10ft
3m 0

Jasminum humile (Yellow jasmine) Elaeagnus x submacrophylla Colutea arborescens (Bladder senna)

Evergreen, bushy shrub that bears ‘Limelight’ Fast-growing, deciduous, open shrub.

bright yellow flowers on long, slender, Evergreen, bushy, dense shrub with Has pale green leaves with many leaflets,

green shoots from early spring to late glossy, dark green leaves, silver beneath, pealike, yellow flowers throughout

fall. Leaves, with 5 or 7 leaflets, centrally marked yellow and pale green. summer, and bladderlike seed pods

are bright green. 10ft 3m Bears small, fragrant, white 10ft 3m in late summer and fall. 10ft 3m
flowers in fall.

ADZ7–9 10ft ADZ7–11 10ft ADZ6–8t 10ft 139
3m 0 3m 0
3m 0



Colutea x media Euonymus hamiltonianus Euonymus europaeus ‘Red Cascade’

Vigorous, deciduous, open shrub. subsp. sieboldianus ‘Red Elf’ Deciduous, bushy shrub or small tree

Gray-green leaves have many leaflets. Deciduous, upright shrub with mid- with narrowly ovate, mid-green leaves

Racemes of yellow flowers, tinged with to dark green foliage. Decorative, deep that redden in fall as red fruits

copper-orange, appear in summer, pink fruits, borne in profusion after tiny, open to show orange seeds. Has

followed by bladderlike, papery, 10ft 3m green flowers in early summer, 10ft 3m inconspicuous, greenish flowers 10ft 3m
red-tinged seed pods. open in fall to reveal in early summer.

red seeds.

AD tZ6–8 10ft ADZ6–8t 10ft ADZ4–7t 10ft
3m 0 3m 0 3m 0


Ligustrum x ovalifolium ‘Vicaryi’ Euonymus latifolius
Semievergreen, bushy, dense shrub
with broad, ovate, golden-yellow leaves. Deciduous, open shrub. Mid-green
Dense racemes of small, white flowers
appear in midsummer. foliage turns brilliant red in late fall.

10ft 3m At the same time, large, deep red fruits

with prominent wings open to reveal

orange seeds. 10ft 3m

ADZ4–8t 10ft ADZ7–9t 10ft
3m 0 3m 0

Spartium junceum (Spanish broom) Rhus glabra (Smooth sumac) Euonymus alatus (Burning bush,
winged spindle)
Deciduous, almost leafless, upright Deciduous, bushy shrub with bluish- Deciduous, bushy, dense shrub with
shoots that develop corky wings. Dark
shrub that arches with age. Fragrant, white-bloomed, reddish-purple stems. green leaves turn brilliant red in fall.
Inconspicuous, greenish flowers
pealike, golden-yellow flowers appear Deep blue-green leaves turn red in fall. in summer are followed by small, 10ft 3m
purple-red fruits.
from early summer to early fall on Bears panicles of greenish-red flower

dark green shoots. 10ft 3m heads in summer, followed by 10ft 3m
red fruits on female plants.

140 10ft ADZ2–8 10ft AD tZ4–9 10ft
3m 0 3m 0 3m 0


Disanthus cercidifolius Pyracantha ‘Golden Charmer’ Leonotis leonurus (Lion’s ear) Zanthoxylum simulans
Deciduous, rounded shrub with broadly
ovate to almost circular, bluish-green Evergreen, bushy, arching, spiny shrub Semievergreen or deciduous, sparingly Deciduous, bushy shrub or small tree
leaves that turn yellow, orange, red, or
purple in fall. Has small, dark red flowers with glossy, bright green leaves. Flattish branched, erect shrub or subshrub. Has with sturdy spines. Aromatic, glossy,
in fall as the leaves drop, or later.
clusters of white flowers in early lance-shaped leaves and whorls of bright green leaves consist of 5 leaflets.
10ft 3m
summer are succeeded by large, tubular, bright orange-red flowers Tiny, yellowish-green flowers in late

bright orange-yellow berries in 10ft 3m in late fall and early winter. 10ft 3m spring and early summer are 10ft 3m
early fall. followed by orange-red fruits.

BEMZ5–8 AD t10ft 10ft 0 ADZ8–11 AD10ft Z6–9 10ft
3m 3m 0
3m 0 3m 0


Clerodendrum bungei Colquhounia coccinea
Evergreen or semievergreen, open
Evergreen or deciduous, upright, shrub. Has aromatic, sage-green leaves
and whorls of scarlet or orange flowers
suckering shrub or subshrub with in late summer and fall.

heart-shaped, coarsely serrated 10ft 3m

leaves. Has domed clusters of small,

fragrant, red-purple to deep pink 10ft 3m

flowers in late summer and

early fall.

ADZ8–10 10ft ADZ8–9 10ft
3m 0 3m 0

Callicarpa bodinieri var. giraldii Berberis x carminea ‘Barbarossa’ Cotoneaster sternianus
(Beautyberry) Semievergreen, arching shrub. Has
Deciduous, bushy shrub. Leaves are pale narrowly ovate, dark green leaves and Evergreen or semievergreen, arching
green, often bronze-tinged when young. racemes of rounded, yellow flowers in
Tiny, lilac flowers in midsummer are late spring and early summer, followed shrub. Leaves are gray-green, white
followed by small, violet berries. by globose, orange-scarlet fruits.
beneath. Pink-tinged, white flowers
10ft 3m 10ft 3m
in early summer are followed by

orange-red fruits. 10ft 3m

ADZ5–8 AD t10ft 10ft ADZ7–9t 10ft 141
3m 0 3m
3m 0 0

SHRUBS FOR BERRIES Cornus alba ‘Sibirica Citrus trifoliata
Most plants produce seeds in one form or another, but
fruits and berries offer the best decorative value. Shrubs,
in particular, offer a huge variety of berries in a range of
colors, shapes and sizes. Most appear from summer to late
fall, with many enduring well into winter, brightening
up the garden when color is in short supply, and providing
an excellent source of nutrition for birds and wildlife. The
most popular berried shrubs are cotoneaster, viburnum,
and the snowberry (Symphoricarpos), with more unusual
fruit produced by Clerodendrum trichotomum and Decaisnea
fargesii, among others. Many of these plants are easy to
grow, and will thrive in most soils if given an annual
application of all-purpose granular fertilizer in spring.

Symphoricarpos albus

var. laevigatus t

Cotoneaster frigidus Euonymus hamiltonianus

subsp. sieboldianus t

Cotoneaster conspicuus Cotoneaster salicifolius

Daphne mezereum t Hippophae rhamnoides Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum Euonymus cornutus Cornus sanguinea

‘Pink Beauty’ t

Aronia arbutifolia Viburnum betulifolium t Euonymus hamiltonianus

142 Symplocos paniculata Clerodendrum trichotomum t

Decaisnea fargesii Sarcococca confusa




Viburnum tinus ‘Eve Price’ Viburnum x bodnantense ‘Dawn’ Cornus alba ‘Sibirica’

Evergreen, bushy, very compact Deciduous, upright shrub with ovate, Deciduous, upright shrub with scarlet

shrub with ovate, dark green leaves. bronze, young leaves that mature to young shoots in winter. Has dark green

In winter–spring, deep pink buds dark green. Racemes of deep pink buds foliage and heads of creamy-white

open into flattened heads of small, open to fragrant, pink flowers during flowers in late spring and early

star-shaped, white flowers, 10ft 3m mild periods from late fall to 10ft 3m summer, succeeded by rounded, 10ft 3m
which are followed by ovoid, early spring. white fruits.

blue fruits.

ADZ8–10t 10ft ADZ7–8t AD t10ft 10ft
3m 0 3m 0
3m 0


Viburnum farreri Cotoneaster simonsii

Deciduous, upright shrub. In late fall and Deciduous or semievergreen, upright

during mild periods in winter and early shrub, suitable for hedging. Has ovate,

spring, bears fragrant, white or pale pink glossy, dark green leaves, shallowly

flowers. Dark green foliage is bronze cup-shaped, white flowers in early

when young. 10ft 3m summer, and long-lasting, 10ft 3m
orange-red fruits in fall.

ADZ6–8t 10ft ADZ6–8t 10ft
3m 0 3m 0

Rubus thibetanus Rubus biflorus Daphne bholua ‘Jacqueline Postill’ Nandina domestica ‘Fire Power’

Deciduous, arching shrub with Deciduous, upright shrub with Slow-growing, evergreen, upright, Evergreen or semievergreen, elegant,

white-bloomed, brownish-purple, young chalky-white, young shoots in winter. compact shrub with ovate, leathery, bamboolike, dwarf shrub. Leaves have

shoots in winter and fernlike, glossy, Leaves, consisting of 5–7 ovate leaflets, deep green leaves. Masses of highly dark green leaflets, purplish-red when

dark green foliage, white beneath. are dark green above, white beneath. fragrant flowers, deep pink in bud young and in fall–winter. Bears small,

Small, pink flowers from mid- to 10ft 3m White flowers in late spring and 10ft 3m opening to white, are borne in 10ft 3m white flowers in summer, 10ft 3m
late summer are followed by early summer are followed terminal clusters in late winter followed in warm areas by

black fruits. by edible, yellow fruits. and early spring. orange-red fruits. 143

ADZ7–9 10ft ADZ6–9 10ft ADZ7–9t 10ft AEZ6–11 10ft
3m 0 3m 0 3m 0 3m 0



Mahonia japonica Euonymus japonicus Corokia cotoneaster
‘Latifolius Albomarginatus’
Evergreen, upright shrub with deep Evergreen, upright, bushy and (Wire-netting bush)
dense shrub with ovate, dark
green leaves consisting of many spiny green leaves broadly edged with Evergreen, bushy, open shrub with
white. Produces clusters of
leaflets. Long, spreading sprays of insignificant, greenish-white interlacing shoots. Has small, spoon-
flowers in late spring.
fragrant, yellow flowers appear from shaped, dark green leaves, fragrant,

late fall to spring, succeeded by 10ft 3m 10ft 3m yellow flowers in late spring, and 10ft 3m
purple-blue fruits. 0
red fruits in fall.

BEZ7–8 10ft ADZ6–9t 10ft ADZ9–11 10ft
3m 0 3m 3m 0


Jasminum nudiflorum Euonymus fortunei ‘Silver Queen’ Arctostaphylos patula

(Winter jasmine) Evergreen, bushy, sometimes scandent Evergreen, rounded shrub with

Deciduous, arching shrub with ovate, shrub with a dense growth of dark green reddish-brown bark and bright

dark green leaves. Bright yellow flowers leaves, broadly edged with white. gray-green foliage. Urn-shaped, white

appear on slender, leafless, green shoots Produces insignificant, greenish-white or pale pink flowers appear from mid-

in winter and early spring. 10ft 3m flowers in spring. 10ft 3m to late spring, followed by 10ft 3m
brown fruits.

ADZ6–9 10ft ADZ5–9t ADM10ft Z6–9 10ft
3m 0 3m 0
3m 0

Stachyurus praecox Chimonanthus praecox (Wintersweet) Fatsia japonica ‘Variegata’ Buxus sempervirens

Deciduous, spreading, open shrub with Deciduous, bushy shrub with ovate, Evergreen, rounded, bushy and dense ‘Handsworthensis’ (Common boxwood)

purplish-red shoots. Drooping spikes of rough, glossy, dark green leaves. Bears shrub with palmate, glossy, dark green Vigorous, evergreen, bushy, upright

pale greenish-yellow flowers open in late very fragrant, many-petaled, cup- leaves, variegated marginally with shrub or small tree. Has broad, very dark

winter and early spring, before pointed, shaped, yellow flowers, with purple creamy-white, and large sprays of green leaves. A dense habit makes it

deep green leaves appear. 10ft 3m centers, on bare branches in 10ft 3m small, white flowers in fall. 10ft 3m ideal for hedging or screening. 10ft 3m
mild periods during winter.

144 10ft ADZ7–9 10ft ADZ8–10 10ft AD tZ6–8 10ft
3m 0 3m 0 3m 0 3m 0




Buxus balearica (Balearic boxwood) Rhododendron groenlandicum Prunus laurocerasus ‘Zabeliana’
Evergreen, treelike shrub suitable
for hedging in mild areas. Has broadly (Labrador tea) Evergreen, wide-spreading, open shrub.
ovate, bright green leaves.
Evergreen, bushy shrub. Foliage is dark Leaves are very narrow and glossy, dark
10ft 3m
green and aromatic. Rounded heads of green. Spikes of white flowers in late

small, white flowers are carried from spring are followed by cherrylike, red,

midspring to early summer. 5ft 1.5m then black, fruits. 5ft 1.5m

ADZ7–9t 10ft BEMZ2–6 AD t5ft 5ft
3m 0 1.5m
0 Z6–9 0


Salix hastata ‘Wehrhahnii’ Spiraea x vanhouttei (Bridal wreath) Prunus laurocerasus ‘Otto Luyken’

Deciduous, upright-branched shrub Deciduous, compact shrub with slender, Evergreen, very dense shrub. Has

with deep purple stems that contrast arching shoots. In late spring and early upright, narrow, glossy, dark green

with silver-gray catkins borne in early summer, abundant, small, dense clusters leaves, and spikes of white flowers in

spring before foliage appears. of white flowers appear amid diamond- late spring, followed by cherrylike,

Stems later turn yellow. Has 5ft 1.5m shaped, dark green leaves. 5ft 1.5m red then black fruits. 5ft 1.5m
ovate, bright green leaves.

AEZ5–8 AD5ft AD t5ft 5ft
1.5m 1.5m
0 Z4–8 0 Z6–9 0

Melianthus major (Honeybush) Prunus glandulosa ‘Alba Plena’ Deutzia gracilis Gaultheria x wisleyensis
Deciduous, open shrub, with narrowly
Evergreen, sprawling, shrub bearing ovate, mid-green leaves, bearing Deciduous, upright or spreading shrub. ‘Wisley Pearl’
racemes of double, white flowers in
blue-gray leaves, 10–18in (25–45cm) late spring. Massed, 5-petaled, pure white flowers Evergreen, bushy, dense shrub with

long, divided into 7–13 ovate, toothed 5ft 1.5m are borne in upright clusters amid bright ovate, deeply veined, dark green leaves.

leaflets. Tubular, brownish-red flowers green foliage in late spring and Bears small, white flowers in late spring

are produced in terminal spikes, 10ft 3m early summer. 5ft 1.5m and early summer, then purplish- 5ft 1.5m
12in (30cm) long, in spring
red fruits.

and summer. 5ft 145

ADZ8–11 10ft ADZ5–8t 5ft 0 ADZ5–8 5ft 0 BEMZ7–9t 1.5m 0
3m 0 1.5m 1.5m




Viburnum x juddii Deutzia x rosea Daphne retusa

Deciduous, rounded, bushy shrub Deciduous, bushy, dense shrub. In Evergreen, densely branched, rounded

with dark green foliage. Rounded heads late spring and early summer, produces shrub clothed with leathery, glossy

of very fragrant, pink-tinged, white massed, broad clusters of 5-petaled, leaves notched at the tips. In late spring

flowers open from pink buds from pale pink flowers. Leaves are ovate and early summer, deep purple buds

mid- to late spring. 5ft 1.5m and dark green. 5ft 1.5m open to very fragrant, pink- 5ft 1.5m
flushed, white flowers borne

in terminal clusters.

ADZ5–9t 5ft 0 ADZ6–8 5ft 0 ADZ7–9t 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m 1.5m


Viburnum carlesii Daphne x burkwoodii ‘Somerset’ Cantua buxifolia
Evergreen, arching, bushy shrub. Has
Deciduous, bushy, dense shrub Semievergreen, upright shrub that gray-green foliage and drooping clusters
of bright red and magenta flowers from
with dark green leaves that redden bears dense clusters of very fragrant, mid- to late spring.

in fall. Rounded heads of very white and pink flowers in late spring, 5ft 1.5m

fragrant, white and pink flowers, and sometimes again in fall. Leaves

pink in bud, appear from mid- 5ft 1.5m are lance-shaped and pale to 5ft 1.5m
to late spring, followed by mid-green.

decorative, black fruits.

ADZ5–8t 5ft 0 ADZ4–7t 5ft 0 ADZ10–11 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m 1.5m

Chaenomeles speciosa ‘Snow’ Prunus x cistena Prunus tenella Ribes sanguineum ‘Koja’
Slow-growing, deciduous shrub forming
a dense framework of interlacing, spiny Slow-growing, deciduous, upright shrub Deciduous, bushy shrub with upright Deciduous, compact, spineless shrub
branches. Has ovate, toothed, dark green
leaves. Saucer-shaped, pure white with deep reddish-purple leaves, red shoots and narrowly ovate, glossy with lobed, toothed, aromatic, dark
flowers, 11⁄2in (4cm) across, in
spring are followed by spherical, 5ft 1.5m when young. Small, pinkish-white leaves. Shallowly cup-shaped, bright green leaves. Pendent racemes of small,
edible, yellow fruits.
flowers from mid- to late spring may pink flowers appear from mid- to late rich crimson flowers are borne in

be followed by purple fruits. 5ft 1.5m spring. 5ft 1.5m spring, followed by white- 6ft 2m
bloomed, black fruits.

146 ADZ5–9 5ft ADZ3–8t 5ft AD tZ6–8 5ft ADZ6–10 6ft
1.5m 1.5m 1.5m 2m 0
0 0 0


Chaenomeles x superba ‘Rowallane’ Salix lanata (Woolly willow) Salix repens (Creeping willow)

(Flowering quince) Deciduous, bushy, dense shrub with Deciduous, prostrate or semi-upright

Deciduous, low, spreading shrub. sturdy, woolly, gray shoots and broad, and bushy shrub. Silky, gray catkins

Has glossy, dark green foliage and silver-gray leaves. Large, yellowish- become yellow from mid- to late spring,

bears a profusion of large, red flowers green catkins appear in late spring before small, narrowly ovate leaves,

during spring. 5ft 1.5m with foliage. 5ft 1.5m which are gray-green above, 5ft 1.5m
silvery beneath, appear.

ADZ5–9 5ft 0 AEZ3–5 AE5ft 0 Z5–7 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m


Chaenomeles x superba ‘Nicoline’ Euphorbia characias subsp. characias
(Flowering quince)
Deciduous, bushy, dense shrub. Has Evergreen, upright shrub with clusters
glossy, dark green leaves and a
profusion of large, scarlet flowers in of narrow, gray-green leaves. During
spring, followed by yellow fruits.
spring and early summer, bears
5ft 1.5m
dense spikes of pale yellowish-

green flowers with deep 5ft 1.5m
purple centers.

ADZ5–9 AD t5ft 5ft
0 Z7–10 0

Arctostaphylos ‘Emerald Carpet’ Daphne laureola subsp. philippi Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii
Evergreen, dwarf shrub with ovate, dark
Evergreen shrub that, with a low, dense green leaves. Slightly fragrant, tubular, Evergreen, upright shrub. Stems
pale green flowers with short, spreading
growth of ovate, bright green leaves and lobes appear in late winter and early are biennial, producing clustered,
spring, followed by black fruits.
purple-red stems, makes excellent gray-green leaves one year and
5ft 1.5m
groundcover. Bears small, urn-shaped, spikes of yellow-green blooms the

white flowers in spring. 5ft 1.5m following spring. 5ft 1.5m

ADMZ6–9 AD t5ft AD t5ft 5ft 147
1.5m 1.5m
0 Z7–8 0 Z7–10 0




Cytisus x praecox ‘Warminster’ Berberis empetrifolia Genista tinctoria (Dyers’ greenweed)
(Warminster broom)
Deciduous, densely branched shrub. Evergreen, arching, prickly shrub Deciduous, spreading, dwarf shrub
From mid- to late spring, pealike,
creamy-yellow flowers are borne with narrow, gray-green leaves. that bears dense spires of pealike,
in profusion amid tiny, silky,
gray-green leaves with 3 leaflets. 5ft 1.5m Globose, golden-yellow flowers are golden-yellow flowers in spring and

borne in late spring, followed by summer. Leaves are narrow and

black fruits in fall. 5ft 1.5m dark green. 5ft 1.5m

ADZ6–9t 5ft 0 ADZ7–9t AD5ft 0 Z2–8 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m


Mahonia aquifolium (Oregon grape) Cytisus x praecox ‘Allgold’ (Broom)
Deciduous, densely branched shrub with
Evergreen, open shrub. Leaves, with silky, gray-green leaves, divided into 3
leaflets, and a profusion of pealike,
glossy, bright green leaflets, often turn yellow flowers from mid- to late spring.

red or purple in winter. Bunches of 5ft 1.5m

small, yellow flowers in spring are

followed by blue-black berries. 5ft 1.5m

BEZ6–9 AD t5ft 5ft
0 Z6–9 0

Caragana arborescens ‘Nana’ Ulex europaeus (Gorse) Choisya ternata SUNDANCE (‘Lich’)
Deciduous, bushy, dwarf shrub with
mid-green leaves consisting of many Leafless or almost leafless, bushy shrub Evergreen, rounded, dense shrub with
ovate leaflets. Pealike, yellow flowers
are borne in late spring. with year-round, dark green shoots and aromatic, glossy, bright yellow leaves

5ft 1.5m spines that make it appear evergreen. divided into 3 oblong leaflets. Fragrant,

Bears massed, fragrant, pealike, star-shaped, white flowers are produced

yellow flowers in spring. 5ft 1.5m in clusters in late spring and 5ft 1.5m
often again in fall.

148 5ft 0 ADMZ6–8t 5ft 0 ADZ8–10 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m 1.5m


Deutzia monbeigii Philadelphus ‘Manteau d’Hermine’ Rhodotypos scandens Potentilla fruticosa ‘Abbotswood’

Deciduous, arching, elegant shrub. Deciduous, bushy, compact shrub. Deciduous, upright or slightly arching Deciduous, bushy shrub. Large, pure

Clusters of small, 5-petaled, white Clusters of fragrant, double, creamy- shrub. In late spring and early summer, white flowers are borne amid dark

flowers appear in profusion among white flowers are borne amid small, amid sharply toothed leaves, bears blue-green leaves, divided into 5

small, dark green leaves from early- pale to mid-green leaves from early to shallowly cupped, white flowers, narrowly ovate leaflets, throughout

to midsummer. 5ft 1.5m midsummer. 5ft 1.5m followed by small, pea-shaped, 5ft 1.5m summer–fall. 5ft 1.5m
black fruits.

ADZ6–8 AD5ft 0 Z5–8 AD5ft 0 Z5–8 AD5ft 0 Z3–7 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m 1.5m


Convolvulus cneorum x Halimiocistus sahucii
Evergreen, bushy, dense shrub with
Evergreen, rounded, bushy, dense narrow, dark green leaves that set off
an abundance of pure white flowers
shrub. Pink-tinged buds opening to in late spring and early summer.

white flowers with yellow centers are 5ft 1.5m

borne from late spring to late summer

among narrow, silky, silvery- 5ft 1.5m
green leaves.

ADZ8–11 AD5ft 0 Z7–9 5ft 0

Hebe ‘White Gem’ Olearia phlogopappa var. subrepanda
Evergreen, rounded shrub that produces
a dense mound of small, glossy leaves Evergreen, upright, compact shrub.
covered in early summer with tight
racemes of small, white flowers. Heads of daisylike, white flowers are

5ft 1.5m borne profusely from mid-spring to

early summer amid narrow, toothed,

gray-green leaves. 5ft 1.5m

ADZ8–10 5ft ADZ7–10 5ft 149
1.5m 1.5m
0 0




Cistus salviifolius

Evergreen, bushy, dense shrub with

slightly wrinkled, gray-green foliage.

White flowers, with central, yellow

blotches, are borne in profusion in

early summer. 5ft 1.5m

ADZ8–11 5ft 0


Cistus x hybridus (Rock rose) Cistus x cyprius Cassinia leptophylla
Evergreen, bushy, dense shrub. Has
wrinkled, wavy-edged, dark green Evergreen, bushy shrub with sticky subsp. vauvilliersii
leaves and bears a profusion of white
flowers, with central, yellow blotches, shoots and narrow, glossy, dark Evergreen, upright shrub. Whitish
in late spring and early summer.
green leaves. In early summer, large, shoots are covered with tiny, dark green
5ft 1.5m
white flowers, with a red blotch at leaves and heads of small, white flowers

each petal base, are borne in 5ft 1.5m from mid- to late summer. 5ft 1.5m
succession for some weeks,

but last only a day.

ADZ8–10 5ft 0 ADZ8–11 5ft 0 ADZ8–9 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m 1.5m

Cistus x aguilarii ‘Maculatus’ Cistus ladanifer Rhaphiolepis umbellata Vaccinium corymbosum
Evergreen, bushy shrub with rounded,
Evergreen, bushy shrub with narrow, Evergreen, open, upright shrub. Leaves leathery, dark green leaves and bearing (Highbush blueberry)
clusters of fragrant, white flowers during
wavy-edged, slightly sticky, rich are narrow, dark green, and sticky. Bears early summer. Deciduous, upright, slightly arching

green leaves. Large, white flowers, large, white flowers, with red markings 5ft 1.5m shrub. Small, white or pinkish flowers

with a central, deep red and yellow around the central tuft of stamens, in late spring and early summer

pattern, are borne from early to 5ft 1.5m in profusion in early summer. 5ft 1.5m are followed by sweet, edible, 5ft 1.5m
midsummer. blue-black berries. Foliage

150 turns red in fall.

ADZ9–11 5ft 0 ADZ7–10 5ft 0 ADZ8–11 5ft 0 AEMZ3–7 5ft 0
1.5m 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m

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