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การประชุมสัมมนาวิชาการระดับชาติและนานาชาติ ครั้งที่ 2 มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย วิทยาเขตเชียงใหม่ The 2nd International Buddhist Conference on “Buddhism and Social Responsibility in the New Normal” (BUSRIN) เรื่อง “พระพุทธศาสนากับความรับผิดชอบทางสังคมยุคชีวิตใหม่ วันที่ 19-20 เดือน กันยายน พ.ศ. 2563 เวลา 08.00-16.30 น. ณ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย วิทยาเขตเชียงใหม่ Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Chiang Mai Campus will organize the 2nd National and International Conference (MCU. CM. 2020) “Buddhism and Social Responsibility in the New Normal (BUSRIN)”, November 19th – 20th, 2020 at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Chiang Mai Campus.

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Published by MCU Books, 2021-04-18 04:35:51

เอกสารสืบเนื่องการประชุมวิชาการพระพุทธศาสนาและศิลปวัฒนธรรมระดับชาติและนานาชาติครั้งที่ 2

การประชุมสัมมนาวิชาการระดับชาติและนานาชาติ ครั้งที่ 2 มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย วิทยาเขตเชียงใหม่ The 2nd International Buddhist Conference on “Buddhism and Social Responsibility in the New Normal” (BUSRIN) เรื่อง “พระพุทธศาสนากับความรับผิดชอบทางสังคมยุคชีวิตใหม่ วันที่ 19-20 เดือน กันยายน พ.ศ. 2563 เวลา 08.00-16.30 น. ณ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย วิทยาเขตเชียงใหม่ Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Chiang Mai Campus will organize the 2nd National and International Conference (MCU. CM. 2020) “Buddhism and Social Responsibility in the New Normal (BUSRIN)”, November 19th – 20th, 2020 at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Chiang Mai Campus.

Keywords: Buddhism,Social Responsibility,New Normal

therefore follow the sustainable development as a neutral approach, known
as middle path or the middle way

Definition of social development
What is social development?
Social development is about improving the well-being of every
individual in society so they can reach their full potential. The success of
society is linked to the well-being of each and every citizen.
Social development means investing in people. It requires the
removal of barriers so that all citizens can journey toward their dreams with
confidence and dignity. It is about refusing to accept that people who live in
poverty will always be poor. It is about helping people so they can move
forward on their path to self-sufficiency. (Prawet Wasi, 1998)
To reduce poverty, we need to take a social development approach
and invest in our people. By investing in people, we can reduce poverty. We
need to go beyond looking at government to find ways to develop our most
valuable resources, our people. We need to share responsibility with
community organizations, businesses, universities and municipalities in the
task of improving the well-being of all New Brunswickers and preventing and
reducing poverty
In addition, social development is divided. Development is a social
development in different areas. Which includes 1) Economic social
development 2) Social development in the field of development
administration 3) Social development in technology 4) Social development in
planning 5) Social development in practice 6) social development in
Buddhism 7) Social development in sociology 8) Social development based
on community development.

124 การประชมุ วชิ าการพระพุทธศาสนาและศิลปวัฒนธรรมระดับชาตแิ ละนานาชาติคร้งั ท่ี 2

Also, the meaning of development can be categorized as follows.
Social development in economics aspect
By economists have given the definition of development which
emphasizes economic growth as measured by numerical growth such as the
increase in total production of Thailand income generated from development
the median income per capita of the population has increased. The
population has income and is sufficient for their basic needs. Economic
development is the development of social processes that can be measured
objectively by using economic or economic criteria It can be concluded that
the development of economics will emphasize the meaning of the
quantitative meaning is the original increase, known as economic expansion,
and development in the economist's sense means growth. But as a growth
the economy was measured by increasing numbers from the original.
Definition of social development in technology
It is a development that means a system to change the industrial
society. Using technology developed by scientists and inventors. To make the
production up-to-date and reach the present day where there is a high
technical competition Such developments have brought about social change.
Tradition and culture are a new society with modern Lead to environmental
changes evolved with the technology. It can be concluded that the
development of science and technology is to brings the progress of social
Definition of social development in planning
It is a development related to persuasion. The urge to change
planning, building structures and project work the planning process is a
continuous cycle that never ends. The United National Educational, Scientific

การประชมุ วชิ าการพระพุทธศาสนาและศิลปวฒั นธรรมระดบั ชาตแิ ละนานาชาติคร้ังท่ี 2 125

and cultural Organization (NESCO. 1982, p.305) by developing a function of
planning and management as follows:

D = Development is development
P = Planning is planning.
M = Management is administration or management.
From the formula D = f (P + M), development can be achieved with
good planning. There is administration and management. Systematically Make
the development work continuously and efficiently. In addition, the
development of a planner is a shift arising from human pre-requisite
arrangements in the nature of plans and projects. And bring it to be
administered or managed in accordance with plans and projects According to
the purpose intended to achieve the goal of success, planning defines
development as a human activity and occurs only through pre-planned
changes. Not a planning development In conclusion, planning development
is a preparation. The advance that defines human activities, with humans
planning to achieve those development activities.
Refers to development definition of social development in practice
resulting from persuasion or incentivization through hierarchical
plans and projects. Have a cyclical nature No end Including the development
of planning, focusing on the implementation of the plans and projects It is
taken seriously and continuously because even if there are plans and
projects, but if there is no implementation of development, it is not. Can
Concept of Social Development
1. Concept of social development according to political science
2. Concept social development concept in line with economics
3. Concept of social development of sociology (Titaya,1984)

126 การประชมุ วิชาการพระพทุ ธศาสนาและศลิ ปวัฒนธรรมระดับชาตแิ ละนานาชาตคิ รั้งที่ 2

4. Concept social development on line dependency theorists
A dependency theorist, defines a dependency as a system of
discrete functions that are divided by different locales or regions to meet the
needs of each. It is based on unfair economic changes in 3 parts of society,
comprising the center (Core), the buffer (semi-periphery) and the edge
(Periphery) and it is believed that the center means Developed industrial
country Who play a role to take advantage of marginalized societies It is the
part that leads society to the margins, to the state of being underdeveloped,
vulnerable and ultimately dependent on society. The center also creates a
bumper line (semi-periphery) that is a problem in the development of
marginal areas. Make the concept of dependency as a response to the Bureau
of Modernity By pointing out the underdevelopment lag.
It can be concluded that the strength of the concept in the
Dependency Theory Including changing the new analysis unit to the original
As for the theory of modernity that is only interested in phenomena in the
society of underdeveloped countries It is an interest in the world economy
as the principal abject of analysis of a group of thinkers who focus on the
forms of power relations that arise in the economy world” (Anusorn, 2016)
Mainstream social development theory concept
The theoretical concept is rooted in social science, philosophy,
anthropology, which requires deep learning from the origins and bases of thought.
Theories of mainstream social development It is one of the theories that is another
important concept for social development. Which can be divided by
characteristics as follows
The first characteristic is the generalization of the theory that can be
classified into 3 levels. (Kuhn Thomas ,1962)

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The first level is the Grand Theory, a theory that has been validated
or proven universally, and is generally accepted and highly abstract.

The second level is the mid-range theory, a theory that lacks a
validation system. Lack of universality Which there is not much precision
There are limitations which will depend on the social cultural context. It is a
theoretical concept that can still be refuted. The third level is Grounded
Theory, a theory that is currently in conceptual development. Using a
relatively low abstract method of induction the theoretical inference to the
extent that the theoretical inference remains mere hypothesis or theoretical
conclusions arising from social phenomena. It is a theory that still looks like
a hypothesis or if it is a conclusive. Much more needs to be investigated.

Characteristic 2 is the classification of foundation theory. In the
concept of determining the theoretical factors, the first type is

Group 1. Main stream development theory that defines linear change.
That rely on elements to achieve development goals the conceptual
characteristics of this group consist of the following theories: (Chatthip, 2007)

1. Evolutionary theory
2. Social and cultural change theory
3. The growth theory
4. Modernization theory
5. Dependency theory and
6. The world system theory.
Group 2: Theories of alternative social development. (Jitchamnong and
Chaiwat, 2536)
1. Theories of learning and capacity building in communities and
2. Concept of the strength of the community

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3. Concept of sustainable development
Phra Dharmapithok said in a book called "Sustainable development"
with content indicating that development Is a holistic system Is that there is
a good human life That is, human beings have freedom and peace in a
supportive world. Development leads to synchronization the relationship of
four elements: human, society, technology and nature, environment. By
proposing a guideline of sustainable development Is a holistic development
that integrates with a balance. It is based on cause and effect including factors
Related in technology summarized as follows Man, as a person, lives both
physically and mentally. There is society, there is nature and technology.
Definition of social development in Buddhism
The meaning of the development in Buddhism It can be explained as
follows: “Development” comes from the Pali word “Wattana” meaning
“Jaroen”, divided into two parts, consisting of 1) the development of people,
which is called Bhawana or cultivation means making it better or progress and
2) the development of non-human things such as objects. Objects, including
the environment This development will be called "Wattana", the construction
of roads, ponds, reservoirs, etc., which is a matter of expanding, expanding,
growing and growing, and the word "development" or "prosper" does not
necessarily mean "development". Make it even more Only increased There
are also other meanings such as cutting or discarding, for example, prosperity,
hair, meaning that hair is placenta, for example, Nusiya Lokwatno, meaning
not to be the world of hell. Which development is something that To really
prosper, that is, there must be no problems following up or not deteriorating
than before If there is a problem or deterioration, it is not development, but
disaster, in contrast to development. In conclusion, the development in

การประชมุ วิชาการพระพุทธศาสนาและศิลปวัฒนธรรมระดบั ชาตแิ ละนานาชาติครัง้ ที่ 2 129

Buddhism. It means the development of people to be happy. The right
environment (Phra Dharmapitaka, P.A. payutto, 2543)

Administration according to Buddhism It is the most important factor
affecting success or likelihood of failure. By raising the administration under
the. It can be said that three monks, three sovereignty, what is this? O monks
in this discipline well in the forest, at the base of the tree in an empty house
would perceive as follows: We were ordained as a monk, not because of the
robe Not because of alms not because of happiness We were ordained as a
monk. It is not because of the presence and absence of such a person, but
we are the people of the old nation, the death, suffering, and over whelmed
already known as the sorrowful. There is a flood of suffering, why should the
greatest act of all this suffering be revealed? that we should seek sexual desire
Has already been ordained as a monk It is extremely bad. That item is not
appropriate for us at all. She recognized that and persistence that has already
elaborated will not drop off the conscious mind that has been established
will not be forgotten. The body that is calm, the chakra does not disarray,
the mind that is meditated, will have a resolute temper, thus you make
yourself great and give up the ungodly, charity and the harmful karma.
Prosperous karma Purify oneself O monks this is called autism, for example,
which we can summarize as a form of Buddhist administration, which has 3
aspects: (Phra Ratchaworamuni, P.A Payutto, Development of Panya, 1987)

1. Attatippataiya: Autism means self-centeredness. Place oneself as
the center of all decisions, having the highest status and dignity as well as
their dignity. It is an act of one's desire. This is because approximation is
mainly personal benefit

2. Lokatippataiya: The world sovereignty means the world
domination. The popularity of the people of the world was trembling by the

130 การประชมุ วิชาการพระพทุ ธศาสนาและศลิ ปวฒั นธรรมระดับชาตแิ ละนานาชาตคิ รงั้ ท่ี 2

sound of gossip and praise It is an act of desire Appreciation to the great
crowd Or management with fear By the decision was not made with himself.

3. Dhamma tippataiya: Dharma sovereignty refers to the greatness of
justice. Is to hold the principle of reality right, virtuous, great rational, action
of desire what has been studied with a fact check and expressed opinions.
Clearly and with the best consideration use the wisdom seen with all
faithfulness. Doing anything must be researched. Analyze, look for problems
logical facts It will be seen that the administration is justified and for the
legitimate interests of the people. (Phra Promkhunaporn (P.A. Payutto)
Phrathampitaka (Prayut Payutto) Buddhist dictionary edition glossary, 2016)
Buddhist principles of management at an agency or organization apply for
administrative purposes. By able to compile all 4 aspects of the
administration, including 1) what is general knowledge It can be found in the
academic market such as regulations, 2 ) the organization's knowledge itself
accumulates from the performance results, 3) brings knowledge from others
using consultants, and 4) plans to prepare for action.

The steps of the cognitive practice from the work plan in 3 areas
include 1 ) doing physical activities such as hand-speaking, communication
and honesty; perseverance and effort to keep things better and better, and
3 ) to do intellectual, such as correct opinion. Think and solve problems

The steps that were measurable results consisted of 3 aspects: 1 )
comparing goals with results 2) lessons learned in a successful outcome. And
failure and wisdom of the organization; and 3) business outcomes compared
with the vision, procedures. The three sides must be cyclic and interrelated.
Until you can achieve your vision or the desired objectives are considered Is

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important to Buddhist administration at government agencies and private
entities Leading to management for the best benefit

Buddhist development management is a management in order to
achieve effective goals know and understand human life the administration
consists of two parts: 1 ) the use of the principles of the leaders of the
organization for development and 2) the implementation of the principles of
the practitioners or the policy holders. By the Buddhist development
management that contributes to the development to be effective and aware
of the events that occur. Knowledge of things into human life is one of the
most important principles, which is the principle that speaks of the sublime
truth, the truth of the Ariya, the truth that makes the human being "Ariya",
consisting of four principles or The Four Noble Truths are as follows (Phra
Mahawutichai Wachiramethi, W. Wachiramethee, 2014)

The Four Noble Truths mean the Noble Truth, the Truth of the Ariya,
the truth that makes the accessibility become the Divine "The Four Noble

1. Dukkha Suffering is suffering, a condition that is difficult to endure,
a condition of opposition, conflict, defect, lack of essence and authenticity.
Does not give real satisfaction, namely, the old age, the coincidence of the
unloved. Separating from what you love Desires are not fulfilled, in short, that
the fifth precedent is suffering "suffering; un-satisfactoriness"

2. Somuthaya is the cause of suffering, the cause of suffering consists
of lust.

3. Nirotha is the cessation of suffering, ie the state where lust ceases
to exist, the state that is reached when the ignorance is eliminated. The
cessation of suffering, the cessation of suffering, the extinction of suffering.

132 การประชุมวิชาการพระพุทธศาสนาและศิลปวัฒนธรรมระดับชาติและนานาชาติครั้งท่ี 2

4.The Maggha of the path is to lead to the cessation of suffering or
otherwise known as the middle path means that the eight paths are summed
up in the threefold meditation: the path leading to the cessation of suffering.

The Four Noble Truths are known for short as Dhukkha or suffering,
Samuthaya the causes of suffering, Nirotha the cessation of suffering and
Maggha the middle way leading to the cessation of suffering. This
performance of the Four Noble Truths is also called.

Organizations and Social Development Administration
Social development management organizations are divided into 3
1. Government social development management organization
2. Private social development management organization and
3. Buddhist social development administration organization.
The government social development management organization
Is a government agency responsible for social development in
accordance with the burden of government affairs Including departments,
ministries, bureaus, departments and divisions in both the central government
sector and the provinces that comply with the law, administration of the
receiving sector, such as (Ministry of Social Development and Human
1. Ministry of Social Development and Human Security
The 12th Development Plan (2017 - 2011) is from the development
plan that the practice guidelines for achieving the goals of the plan (2017 -
2011) on the strategy of human and social development. To live well,
happiness Have stability to life and society. (National Economic and Social
Development Plan No. Twelfth Edition 2017 – 2011)

การประชมุ วิชาการพระพุทธศาสนาและศลิ ปวัฒนธรรมระดับชาติและนานาชาตคิ รัง้ ท่ี 2 133

Department of Social Development and Welfare
1. Department of Child and Youth Affairs
2. Department of Older Persons Department of Older Persons
Abbreviations: Asst.
3. Office of the Secretary of the Department
4. Division of Strategy and Planning
5. Elderly Potential Promotion Division
6. Division of Elderly Welfare Promotion and Protection
7. Department of Promotion and Development of Quality of Life of
persons with Disabilities
The Buddhist temple working for social development
of Wat Don Chan, Chiang Mai Province
Located at Ban Don Chan, Village No. 4, Tha Sala Subdistrict, Mueang
Chiang Mai District Chiang Mai Province Under the Mahanikai Sangha The
area of the temple has an area of 4 rai, 60 square wah, title deed number
62218, area of the north of approximately 60 wa, publicly registered for the
south, approximately 65 wa. East about 70 wa, registered for the public
benefit Sansana Building consists of Hall, sermon hall, sermon hall, monk
hall, monk hall and bell tower
Wat Don Chan, built in 2460 B.E., was bestowed on November 5,
B.E. 2470 Wisungkamtsuma area, 1 line, 17 wa, 2 line, 1 cubit. Administration
and governance is the abbot, as is the name.
Wat Don Chan organized a project to develop the quality of life and
society for orphans, poor children, underprivileged children, opened in 1985.
There is also an elementary school located in the temple land.
Education is the development of people. And intelligence is a tool
of sustainable development. To improve the quality of life of orphans, poor

134 การประชุมวชิ าการพระพุทธศาสนาและศิลปวัฒนธรรมระดบั ชาตแิ ละนานาชาตคิ รง้ั ที่ 2

children and disadvantaged children in education Therefore, this project was
established in 1985 to give these children the opportunity to receive an
education to improve their lives, to apply their knowledge and experience to
benefit in the future and to develop their own birthplace. This project has
been running for up to 30 years, accepting ethnic students. It consists of
Karen, Hmong, Yao, Ahu, Akha, Lisu, Thai Yai, Hoh Chinese and Thai Thais,
these children come from different provinces in Thailand, including Tak,
Phayao, Chiang Rai, Lampang, Mae Hong Son and Chiang Mai. Most of these
children will have many problems, such as their parents, deceased parents,
separated, drug addiction, imprisonment, and lack of opportunity to attend
school. Phra Kru Pramote Prachanukul Therefore established this project to
receive the child By being a sponsor and care for accommodation, food,
clothing As a result of its long operation, it appears that the number of
students is increasing every year. The temple had to bear the heavy burden
of building dormitories for male and female students. And receive care By
adopting and fostering students who are studying in the first grade to the
vocational level, including students who have to bear a lot of support

With the strength of faith from the people who respect Believe and
understand your way of working Making the project run until now. This money
was derived from faith and was established as an aid foundation fund. To
improve the quality of life of children mentioned above

1. Objectives of the project implementation
1. To replace the birth land When born on the land of Siam
2. To provide opportunities for orphans, poor children,

disadvantaged children. Get educated
3. To achieve educational equality among ethnic children

living in Thailand. To be educated according to The act set forth

การประชมุ วชิ าการพระพุทธศาสนาและศิลปวฒั นธรรมระดับชาตแิ ละนานาชาติครงั้ ท่ี 2 135

4. To make children of ethnic groups in Thailand be good
people of society. Honest career

2. Quantitative goals
1. Ethnic students Have been thoroughly admitted to

compulsory education
2. Orphans, poor children, disadvantaged children in Thailand

have gained knowledge and experience.
3. Able to apply knowledge in daily life. And lead to a career

in the future
4. Ethnic students receive good care for their livelihoods,

food, accommodation.
3. Quality
1. 50 percent of ethnic students or more are educated. From

the project established
2. Orphans, poor children, disadvantaged children 50 percent

or more have the opportunity to study.
3. 50 percent of ethnic children or more have better

livelihoods. Fifty percent of children of ethnic groups or ethnic groups will
use knowledge to benefit.

4. Budget

From the Fund of the Orphanage Quality of Life Foundation, poor
children, disadvantaged children From people with faith and people who
come to make merit And the abbot sponsor Estimated annual spending of
not less than 10 million baht

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5. What is expected to receive

1. Ethnic students In the distant places, they have received more
knowledge of the project and bring more children to study at Wat Don Chan

2. Orphans, poor children, disadvantaged children Have the
opportunity to receive more education than before

3. Students who come to study can apply their knowledge and
experience to their daily life and career in the future.

6. Summary of project evaluation results

1. From a summary using a survey on orphans, poor children,
disadvantaged children Who came to live at Wat Don Chan found that 9 8
percent of orphans, poor children, disadvantaged children. Graduated at the
basic education level and vocational certificate and Vocational certificate in
the Don Chan temple area.

2 . From a summary by using a survey with Ethnic children living at
Wat Don Chan found that 97 percent of ethnic children graduated at the basic
education level and vocational certificate and Vocational certificate in the
Don Chan temple area.

3. From the conclusion using the observational model, it was found
that children of ethnic groups, orphans, poor and disadvantaged children
Cared for and raised Quality With care from the mentor in terms of health,
education, care for children together in order, and a survey using surveys, 95
percent of ethnic, orphan, poor and underprivileged children were found.
Cared for and raised Quality

Achievement of the Project
1. Education.
As a result of the project implementation, it was found that there
were many orphans, poor children, disadvantaged children and ethnic

การประชุมวิชาการพระพุทธศาสนาและศิลปวฒั นธรรมระดบั ชาตแิ ละนานาชาตคิ รง้ั ที่ 2 137

children who came to live at Don Chan Temple. Government-wide external
organizations And the private sector has come to help students in terms of
educational equipment, funds, enabling children who come to live at Don
Chan Temple to be educated thoroughly. As for the reason that the survey,
there are still some children who have come to live with Wat Don Chan. The
age has not yet reached the entry criteria for basic education. Causing all
children to receive education less than 100 percent

Care and care
From the project results, it was found that ethnic children, orphans,
poor and disadvantaged children Who came to live in Wat Don Chan Cared
for and raised with better quality in terms of accommodation, bedding,
clothing, health care, and taking care of the monk’s senior students with a
sibling care system makes all children have a better quality of life.
Effects that appear to society from the implementation of the
orphans, poor children, underprivileged children who come to stay
and study in schools apply knowledge to them. Their local benefit Able to
work honestly Communicate with other people using Thai as a second
language of communication. Resulting in more income from work Bring
money to help families living in the wilderness as well. From the 3 0 - year-
long operation of the project, the number of ethnic children who come to
stay and study has increased from more than ten people until now, there are
all - those in the care of Phra Kru Pramote Prachanu. Ghoul It can be said
that this project benefits ethnic children who have the opportunity to enter.
Receive education according to the prescribed act
2. Social Development Phraprachanathmuni organized the center of
socialization lots of hill tribes in different ethnic groups to live together learn

138 การประชมุ วชิ าการพระพทุ ธศาสนาและศิลปวฒั นธรรมระดับชาติและนานาชาตคิ ร้ังท่ี 2

from each other and adapt themselves to live in the modern world or working
in the city or support them to have ability and opportunity to be good friends
to create innovation co- creators and to be active citizen of the country.
Therefore, Wat Donchan can be both learning center and center of
socialization and linking all parts of both Buddhists and non-Buddhist to
support the organization to prepare personals to work in the organization. It
can be seen that this is the pattern of Buddhist social development organized
by the Buddhist temple.

History of Phra Prachanathmuni
Abbot Anand Ananto, commonly known as Provost Pramote
Prachanukul (Phra Prachanathamuni), abbot of Don Chan temple, Tha Sala
Sub-district, Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province The compassionate monk
and likes to help others Phra Prachanathamuni has maintained religion let
Wat Don Chan be a religious place for religious rituals of monks and Buddhists.
Including building the temple as a refuge for the poor It is the center of
learning for the community. To provide opportunities for disadvantaged
children in society including children in the wilderness that the government
cannot provide an education system to access the area in 1 3 northern
provinces continued to study since the year 1985 to the present work history.
The workload and responsibility are as follows:
1. Abbot of Don Chan Temple
2. Chairman of the people training unit of Tha Sala Sub-district,
Muang District, Chiang Mai Province
3. Basic education management committee, Wat Don Chan School
4. Provost, evangelist, development and succession of Buddhism
5. Parents of ethnic students, totaling 660 people from 9 tribes.
works from the past to the present in a brief.

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1. Establish a project to improve the quality of life of orphans, poor
children, disadvantaged children. By providing education for ethnic children
from 1985 to the present

2. Establish the Phra Saributra Project Assisted lunches to schools
in need Founded in 1992 until the present.

3. Established the Mrs. Wisaka Maha Ubasika Project to help the
poor and the poor, established in 1991 until the present.

4. Establish a Buddhist Relief Project for ethnic groups. Founded in
1991 until the present.

5. Establishment of the Ananda Songkrua Project Children's Day by
giving gifts to schools. And various departments established in 1997 to the

6. Establishment of the Baiboon Phrabuddhajawluang Project
making a sacrifice ceremony due to Wan Chulalongkorn was established in
B.E. 2004 to the present

7. Phra Ratha Brahmin project Helping the poor elderly in Hod and
Nakorrua subdistrict. Founded in 2004 until the present.

8. Establishment of the Mokkallana Project Career development for
the future for disadvantaged children by providing education for children to
learn at the vocational and vocational level.

9. Establishment of the Buddha image.


The management of Thai social development is still ongoing. It is the
management of both the concept and the theory of social development in
the western style used in the bureaucracy and some non-governmental
organizations. While the Buddhists both monks and lay people established

140 การประชุมวชิ าการพระพุทธศาสนาและศิลปวัฒนธรรมระดับชาติและนานาชาติครง้ั ท่ี 2

the temple as the center of the Thai community, applied to work in welfare
and social development. By using the concepts and principles of
management in Buddhism to create life the community spirit is to be
strengthened continuously through the Buddhists' love and faith in religion in
the form of Thai culture. Such as giving and donation, keeping the precepts,
and meditation or spiritual training or mindfulness development,
accumulation of merit and merit as a tool to achieve the goal of Buddhist
development is to achieve the state of human property and treasure heaven
and treasure of Nirvana Linked to freedom from all desires and suffering for
example, the administration and management of both bureaucratic and
Buddhist organizations. Case example of Don Chan Temple, Muang District,
Chiang Mai Province to see concrete even in the normal or new era social
development is still ongoing with measures to protect ourselves and
communities away from COVID-19 infection, with measures to wear masks,
spacing, washing hands, and refraining from engaging in public activities at risk.
Preventing checks from government official’s public health and people living
in the communities, by having mindfulness, concentration and conduct
themselves in accordance with the principle of discipline, i.e. Having a
wholesome conscience, happy mutual vigilance, and having the wisdom to
learn the truth and situations correctly will proceed social development in
Thai society in the new normal era are very safety and bring about the truly
shared peace.

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Anusorn Limmanee, Dependency Theory, Economic Theory Modern politics,

Ramkhamhaeng University, 2016
Chatthip Natsupha, Thai Culture and Social Change Movement, (Bangkok:

Publisher Chulalongkorn University, 2007)
Jit Chamnong Kitikirati and Chaiwat Sitthiparadorn. (2536). community

development. Bangkok: Pattana Publishing House Course.
Kuhn,Thomas. (1 9 6 2 ). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago:

University of Chicago Press.
Ministry of Social Development and Human Security. (2006) a system of social

developmentthat leads to stability Human. Bangkok: Thep Phenvanis
Publishing House.
National Economic and Social Development Plan No. Twelfth Edition 2017 -
Natthaphon Khantachai and Jakkrit Naranitipadungkarn. (1974). concepts and
theories in national development and Rural Development in Rural
Development Administration. Bangkok: Odeon Tour Publishing.
Niramon Suthammakij. (2004). the meaning of growth and economic
development and evolution Economic Development Economics.
Faculty of Economics. Thammasat University.
Nirun Chongwutiwet. (2534)Theories and Concepts of Rural Development. In
teaching materials Home Economics and Community Development,
Nonthaburi: Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University.
Pakorn Priyakon. (1995). Theories and Concepts on Development in
Development Management. Bangkok: Sam Charoen Phanich
Publishing House.

142 การประชมุ วชิ าการพระพทุ ธศาสนาและศิลปวฒั นธรรมระดับชาตแิ ละนานาชาติครง้ั ที่ 2

Patcharin Sirasunthorn. (2013). Concepts. Theories, Techniques and
Applications for Social Development, (Bangkok: Chulalongkorn
University Press.

Phra Dharmapitaka (P.A. payutto). (2543). Sustainable Development. Bangkok:
Komol Kiamthong Publishing House.

Phra Mahawutichai Wachiramethi (V. Wachiramethee). (2014). supporting
documents for studying Buddhist Economics: Economics Matchima,
Education for Peace. Chiang Rai: National Vipassana Center Rai

Phra Promkhunaporn (P.A. Payutto) Phrathampitaka (Prayut Payutto) Buddhist
dictionary edition glossary Phra Ratchaworamuni (P.A Payutto,
Development of Panya, 1987)

Prawet Wasi, (1998). Strong Community Thai Social Capital, Strong Community
Series No 1. Bangkok: Office of Social Fund and Government Savings

Thinnaphan Nakata. (1998). Political Science: Theory, Concept, Important
Problems and Analytical Methods Politics, (Bangkok: Document and
Textbook Project National Institute of Development Administration.

Titaya Suwannachat. (1984) Sociology. Bangkok: Thai Wattanapanich, United
National Educational. Scientific and cultural Organization (NESCO,

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Model and Activity Development in Adult Health Promotion Foundation,
the Adult Health Learning Center, Wat Santiwiwek Takian Sub – District,

Kabcherng District, Surin Province

Phramaha Wisit Dhiravamso,
Phra Charoen Boonthos, Kittikhun Duangsong

Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Surin Campus

Pradit Chuenban

Rajabhat Surin University
[email protected]

The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the need and taking care of

adult health in the adult health learning center, Wat Santiwiwek, Takian sub-district,
Kabcherng district, Surin Province; 2)to develop a model and activity in adult health
promotion foundation; and 3) to analyze the way in adult health promotion foundation
in the Adult Health Learning Center, Wat Santiwiwek, Takian sub-district, Kabcherng district,
Surin Province.

This research was the qualitative research conducted by an in-depth interview
with 20 key informants which was purport sampling and group discussion with 10 experts.
The qualitative data were analyzed by typology and taxonomy and were explained under
the research objective as follows:

1. The result in the need and taking care of adults' health in the Adults Health
Learning Center Wat Santiwiwek consisted of two aspects: 1. adult health treatment; 2.
adults adjustment; 3. taking care of physical and mental health of adults; 4. spending
leisure time of adults; 5. adults’ living according to the sufficiency economy; and 6.
creation of humor for adults.

144 การประชมุ วชิ าการพระพุทธศาสนาและศิลปวฒั นธรรมระดบั ชาตแิ ละนานาชาติครง้ั ที่ 2

2. The results from the development of model and activity in the Adult Health
Promotion Foundation Wat Santiwiwek showed that: 1. Physical aspect: adults were
suggested that they should have exercised regularly together with having healthy food
such as vegetables and fruits, as well as check-up every year; 2. Mental aspect: they
should be trained in Vipassana Meditation and take the Buddhist doctrine into practice.

3. Social aspect: they got direction on their rights, besides, the Adult Health
Promotion Foundation held sharing and learning activity among adults. Moreover, in this
activity, there were three important sub-aspects: 1) Physical Health: the adults should go
for their check-up every month, regularly exercise, and be informed on cleanliness and
sanitation; 2) Mental Health: they should be promoted in religious activities, for example,
listening to Dhamma. They should also do some activities among themselves; 3. Social
aspect: they should take part in social activities like a show, play, and dance so that they
should be relaxed. 3) The results from the interviews the informants on the way in adult
health promotion shows that: 1. Physical aspect: Adults should be promoted in having
healthy food, check-up regularly, and exercise such as staff dancing. They should also be
suggested to see the dentists every six month and annual check-up; 2.Mental aspect:
they should understand each other, also they should be promoted in taking part in any
activity, and; 3. Social aspect: they should be promoted in exercise regularly, join the
family activity, and do any activity with friends so that their physical and mental health
will be fine. They should be promoted in going to the temples for merit-making to purify
their minds.

Keywords: development of patterns and activities, health enhancement, the
elderly, elderly wellbeing learning center

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The 12th National Economic and Social Development Plan (2017 -
2011) estimates the population of Thailand 2010 - 2010. The middle-aged and
late-aged people tend to increase, reflecting the burden of value. Increasing
health spending, while many elderly people do not have sufficient income for
subsistence, the elderly tend to increase from 10.3 million (16.2 percent) in
2015 to 5 million people (32.1 percent) in the year 2010, an increase of middle-
aged and late-aged people will affect the burden of higher care costs. Although
the elderly have increased participation in the workforce, their income is
insufficient to cover the expenses. Because there are little savings and the
main source of income, 78.5 percent of all income comes from the support of
the child (Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board,
2014). If looking back on the past, it can be seen that the seventh national
economic and social development plan (1992-1996) has brought the policy on
the elderly together with the policy to improve the quality of life of the
population. Later, the Eighth National Economic and Social Development Plan
(1997-2011) has led both welfare and health services. For better well-being to
the elderly by being able to see concrete but as society changes thus the
service is not thorough. The agency has delayed redundant service and most
importantly, it does not easily respond to the needs of the elderly (Sarivan
Siribun, 2000). Therefore, the actual development of the quality of life of the
elderly depends on the ability of the individual. This can be the driving force
for the well-being of life with various organizations/ agencies as a supporting
factor or it can be said that the government has seen the importance of the
elderly from the past to the present.

In the 2014 Thai Health Survey by the National Statistical Office, it was
found that The elderly are ill with hypertension nationwide, 31.7 percent,

146 การประชุมวิชาการพระพทุ ธศาสนาและศิลปวฒั นธรรมระดับชาตแิ ละนานาชาติครัง้ ท่ี 2

followed by diabetes 13.3 percent, heart disease 7.0 percent, paralysis 2.5
percent, which is the prevalence of chronic diseases as Say it affects progress
more severe if not managed systematically Also, some elderly people still do
not take care of themselves. They were neglected until 17.8% were
overweight, exercised regularly enough, 33.0%, smoking, and drinking, 17.8%
and 16.7%, respectively only 21.8 percent of the ability to work found that
they can work only 12.2 percent

From the problems mentioned above, there was a suggestion to
adopt the WHO concept of active aging in Thailand and it should be applied
and implemented in the Thai context. Each dimension of active aging (health,
community participation, and security) is in keeping with a healthy lifestyle and
a structure that uses a weighted score for an active aging indicator. ( K.
Thanakwang and K. Soonthorndhada,2007) However, it was revealed that the
way of leading a healthy aging lifestyle is to eat healthy food, related to
cultural roots, and practice physical activity (exercise). Studies that focused on
positive aging such as healthy, successful, and productive aging in Thai elderly
also were limited. (Anyuthasilpe et al,2009)

Currently, Thailand has 4 forms of social welfare for the elderly: social
security. Public assistance Social service and the support of the public sector
problems and obstacles 1) lack of integration and lack of continuity, which
means that elderly welfare work is separated between health work and social
work. Distribution of responsibilities by various government agencies 2) lack of
real implementation of policies 3) the lack of budget readiness and the lack
of personnel with direct knowledge and competence in the elderly, and 4) the
social welfare provided by the state for the elderly is insufficient to meet the
needs of the elderly. Unable to truly address the problem and not all elderly
people are covered. However, the important issue is that children or family

การประชุมวิชาการพระพุทธศาสนาและศิลปวัฒนธรรมระดับชาติและนานาชาตคิ รัง้ ที่ 2 147

members lack awareness of the importance of the elderly. It can be concluded
that the provision of social welfare for the elderly has to be integrated from
many sectors including government, private sectors, and the public sector to
support the growing number of the elderly to focus on the elders to have a
good quality of life and be valuable to society and the nation.

From the said problem and importance, the research team is
therefore interested in studying the development of models and activities for
enhancing the elderly well-being of the Elderly Wellbeing Learning Center.
Santi Vivek Temple, Takhian Subdistrict, Kap Choeng District, Surin Province:
physical, mental or intellectual, and social aspects, which will enable
knowledge of the needs and health care of the elderly, and know the format
of activities and guidelines for enhancing the elderly well-being of the center
Learn about the well-being of the elderly Santi Vivek Temple, Takhian
Subdistrict, Kap Choeng District, Surin Province, to support future changes to
be appropriate.

Research objectives

1 To study the needs and health care of the elderly Wellbeing
Learning Center Santi Vivek Temple, Takhian Subdistrict, Kap Choeng District,
Surin Province

2 To develop models and activities for enhancing the health of the
elderly Santi Vivek Temple, Takhian Subdistrict, Kap Choeng District, Surin

3 To analyze guidelines for enhancing elderly well-being Santi Vivek
Temple, Takhian Subdistrict, Kap Choeng District, Surin Province

148 การประชมุ วชิ าการพระพุทธศาสนาและศิลปวฒั นธรรมระดับชาติและนานาชาติครง้ั ที่ 2

Research Methodology
A research model for the development and the elderly well-being

activities of the Elderly Wellbeing Learning Center Santi Vivek Temple,
Takhian Sub-District, Kab Choeng District, Surin Province. It is qualitative
research by studying research papers, analyzing and synthesizing knowledge
from collecting data from observations, interviews, and group discussions to
obtain models and activities to enhance the well-being of the elderly with
these following research methods 1)Documentary Study 2) Interview by using
structured 3) Non-participant observation and 4) Focus Group Discussion by
interviewing from 10 experts/ persons to develop models and activities to
enhance the well-being of the elderly.

The scope of sample groups in key informants was the elderly, the
Elderly Wellbeing Learning Center. Santi Vivek Temple, Takian Subdistrict, Kap
Choeng District, Surin Province, amount 20 people by selecting a specific type
And 10 experts in the group discussion in the development of patterns and
activities promoting the elderly well-being, including the director of the
learning center, community leader, expert and academic, 10 persons.

The scope of the area, including the Elderly Wellbeing Learning
Center Santi Vivek Temple, Takhian Subdistrict, Kap Choeng District, Surin
Province. Population are100 people of the elderly Wellbeing Learning Center.
Santi Vivek Temple, Takian Subdistrict, Kap Choeng District, Surin Province. In
this study Was set at a period of 1 year

Research Result

Summary of research findings on Model Development and Activities
for Elderly Health Promotion of the Elderly Wellbeing Learning Center Santi

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Vivek Temple, Takhian Subdistrict, Kap Choeng District, Surin Province are as

1 To study the needs and health care of the elderly Wellbeing
Learning Center Santi Vivek Temple, Takhian Subdistrict, Kap Choeng District,
Surin Province; the results of the needs and health care for the elderly, from
study papers, research papers, and interviews, in summary, the needs of the
elderly in various areas can be as follows: 1) The needs and care of physical
health conditions were found that they wanted to be healthy, safe from
disease, want to eat healthy food, want to have recreational activities such
as singing and dancing, stress-relieving activities. The knowledge of the correct
use of different types of drugs has an annual health check. Recommended
methods of exercise for the elderly, yoga, how to quit alcohol, smoking, to
maintain the cleanliness of the body. 2) For the needs and care for mental
and intellectual well-being, it was found that Buddhist activities practice
Vipassana and pray for peace. Knowledge activities such as benefits learn to
practice professionally such as broom making, coconut milking, and others as
appropriate for their age. There are needs for humor development and stress-
relieving activities as well 3) Social needs and health care It was found that
the elderly needed to socialize with each other to do a particular activity,
such as participating in activities for the public benefit and participate in
activities for society to create peace, no conflict or cause injustice in the
community. Moreover, they would like to take part in solving conflicts that
arise in society.

2 To develop models and activities for enhancing the health of the
elderly Santi Vivek Temple, Takhian Subdistrict, Kap Choeng District, Surin
Province; the results of the development of patterns and activities by using
the data from objective 1 to analyze and synthesize through a group

150 การประชุมวิชาการพระพทุ ธศาสนาและศิลปวฒั นธรรมระดบั ชาตแิ ละนานาชาตคิ รั้งที่ 2

discussion process from 10 experts, the results of the development of models
and activities for enhancing the elderly well-being into 3 models and activities
for enhancing the elderly well-being.

2.1 The result showed that there are 3 forms of health
enhancement for the elderly.

(1) Physical well-being consists of a healthy body. 2) Mental
health and intelligence consisted of goodness, beauty, beauty, intelligence,
knowing, being able to live together as wisdom attains freedom 3) Social well-
being consists of a social relationship, a strong society, a justice society, and
a peaceful society. The three types of health-enhancing activities for the
elderly are as follows 1) Activities that promote physical well-being,
maintaining the 5 precepts, ie, do not bring toxins into the body such as
cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, pollution, safe from accidental disasters, and
activities to promote physical hygiene 2) Activities that promote mental and
intellectual well-being, such as meditation, meditation, and meditation, for
example, benevolence, forgiveness, beauty-promoting activities, including
giving the elderly an artistic and aesthetic expression other activities that
promote peace include meditation and prayer. Activities that promote
intelligence by organizing activities to build mindfulness to make everything
better and activities to promote happiness according to the sufficiency
economy philosophy. 3)Activities that promote social well-being, such as
activities that allow the elderly to meet at the family level at the social level,
such as gathering together to participate in the community, public relations
activities, social peace-building activities such as domestic violence
prevention activities conflict resolution all aspects of justice

3 To analyze guidelines for enhancing elderly well-being Santi
Vivek Temple, Takhian Subdistrict, Kap Choeng District, Surin Province; the

การประชมุ วชิ าการพระพุทธศาสนาและศลิ ปวฒั นธรรมระดับชาตแิ ละนานาชาตคิ รั้งท่ี 2 151

analysis results of guidelines for enhancing elderly well-being Santi Vivek
Temple, Takhian Subdistrict, Kap Choeng District, Surin Province by using data
from studies, papers, interviews and developing models and activities for
enhancing the elderly well-being to be synthesized as a guideline for
promoting health following the pattern and activities for promoting the
elderly well-being as follows:

1. guidelines for enhancing physical health 1.1) Should
encourage hospitals to check menstrual health along with the correct
exercise recommendations. 1.2) Should promote the training of exercise by
yoga by bringing staff to practice various gestures to suit more time 1.3) should
encourage the elderly to grow herbs for the treatment of disease. It also
increases income for the elderly. 1.4) The technology should be invited to
lecture on keeping the body clean of the elderly, washing hands, and
consuming beneficial food. 1.5) activities should be promoted for the elderly.
To increase income such as dishwashing liquid, soap making, broom making,
etc., and 1.6) encouraging the elderly to quit alcohol to strengthen their
physical health.

2. Guidelines for enhancing mental and intellectual well-being
as follows; 2.1) Elderly people should be encouraged to attend the temple,
make merit, listen to the dharma in their lives by increasing the duration of
practice more than before. 2.2) there should be mental health training to
create good mental health or intelligence. 2.3) should encourage the elderly
to have always done activities together to create good relationships and the
elderly have unity among the group as well. 2.4) should promote activities
that entertain the elderly to reduce stress and depression 2.5) should
encourage the elderly to learn to understand and adjust to suit their age and
to adapt themselves to be compatible with the new generation3)

152 การประชมุ วชิ าการพระพทุ ธศาสนาและศิลปวฒั นธรรมระดบั ชาติและนานาชาตคิ รัง้ ที่ 2

3. Guidelines for enhancing social well-being as follows;3.1)
should encourage the elderly Is a leader in performing dances in various
events to be involved and stress relief for the elderly. 3.2) the elderly should
be encouraged to have knowledge and understanding according to the
philosophy of sufficiency economy. 3.3)should encourage the elderly to grow
vegetables and eat by themselves. And besides that, they should encourage
the elderly to grow herbs in the household area for the benefit of illness. 3.4)
should promote activities to visit the elderly if the elderly are sick in bed to
encourage And to help 3.5) should promote the well-being of the elderly in
the public mind with joint activities such as cleaning inside the temple school
cleaning, etc. 3.6) should encourage the elderly receive various information
directly related to the benefits of the elderly

Research Discussion

Discussion Results of research discussions on the development of
models and activities for enhancing elderly well-being. Santi Vivek Temple,
Takhian Subdistrict, Kap Choeng District, Surin Province The researcher
discusses the results according to the model development and activities for
enhancing the health of the elderly in 3 areas as follows:

1. Physical aspects; Patterns and activities to promote the well-being
of the elderly want to maintain their health by exercising regularly, eating
foods that are good for your body, keeping their body clean, and annual
health check and always check your body regularly. As for the physical
promotion activities should encourage the elderly to understand how to eat
healthy and regular check-ups. Besides, they should promote exercise such
as the cane dance, which will help to maintain the movement ability of
various items, which complied with the concept of Mintra Siriwant, meaning

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that the elderly are people over 60 years of age is the age of retirement or
leaving the job that they do and they must adapt to changes in the body and
a broken heart. Therefore being able to continue living happily which
complied with the concept of Eliopoulos, old age undergoes physical
changes, resulting in a deterioration in the functioning of the body's systems,
such as the elasticity of blood vessels and the immune system is inactive.
The elderly may develop various diseases, especially chronic diseases with
chronic diseases that often cause health problems in the elderly are disease,
high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, paresis, and disability which
complied with Chiang Phaochit and Panerai Thiamthan's research on the
development of a model of health promotion activities for the elderly in
Nakhon Sawan Province. The research results were found that a model of
health promotion activities for the elderly in Nakhon Sawan Province consists
of 5 activities as follows; Step 1:Physical fitness test Perception, benefit,
perception, barrier, self-efficacy. Step 2: Presentation of the model. Step 3:
Exercise demonstration and exercise practice for the elderly. Step 4: Group
discussion and exercise summary. Step 5: providing inducing action by
prompting with words encouragement or reward people who exercise
regularly and the results of the trial using a health promotion activity model
for the elderly found that the physical fitness of all 6 aspects of the sample
most of them are in reasonable criteria as for the satisfaction with doing
activities according to the health promotion activity model for the elderly in
Nakhon Sawan Province found that Sample group are satisfied with the
activities and have a feeling of better health has a clearer mood.

2. Psychological or intellectual aspects; the research results were
found that patterns and activities for enhancing well-being older people want
to accept social participation and received respect and admiration by their

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family members as for the promotion of mental or intellectual activities.
Therefore, it is necessary to build an understanding of the elderly when
entering the elderly to adapt to live happily in an aging society and they
should promote activities with others socialize, adjust thinking, and always
remind yourself not to be self-centered. Besides, they should know how to
forgive others complied with the concept of Chanpheniamin who said that
the loss of a loved one. This is because a friend has died or the person who
is a close relative or partner who has died from Causing the elderly to feel
separated from their loved ones Easily causing sadness and in line with the
concept of Apichai Mongkol and the team discussed the state of happiness
or suffering, perception. Their health condition physical illness that harms
psychological and mental illness which complied with the research of Jintana
Arjsan Tia and Phonnapa Khamprao, the study of care patterns for the elderly
in the community aims to design a comprehensive, holistic service that is
important to all communities. There is a health care system for the elderly
in the community. The care style should have desirable characteristics of the
community, which will reduce the dependence of the elderly. Therefore, the
model of community service for the elderly should include nursing home
care services. And care by the community the model of care for the elderly
in the community has a model derived from outside care. The hospital has
an elderly club. There is a daycare center Therefore, home care in the
community is so important, it is mostly organized by the health team. To
monitor and take care of chronic patients at home or giving advice on health
care to various groups of people in the community that is a model of care
the elders in the community happily service model cares for the elderly
person should have a caring heart for the elderly together with a service
provider with a positive attitude towards the elderly and understand the

การประชุมวชิ าการพระพุทธศาสนาและศลิ ปวฒั นธรรมระดับชาตแิ ละนานาชาตคิ รั้งที่ 2 155

elderly. They know caring for the elderly and have skills in caring for the
elderly. provide health services for the elderly, which should take into
account the issues of equality, quality, and efficiency. These points will help
develop the quality of care for the elderly as well

3 In the role of society, the results of the research were patterns and
activities to promote the well-being of the elderly who want to gain attention
from others part of the family society and group and receive social assistance
and play a role in society according to their aptitude. Also, the elderly would
like to participate in the adoption, practice, and listening to the dharma.
Should encourage the elderly to exercise regularly, do activities with family,
friends to maintain good physical health and mental health and should
encourage the elderly to enter the temple, make merit, practice dharma and
listen to the dharma to have good mental health Suggestions for applying
the finding are as follows;1) Schools or the Takhian Subdistrict Administrative
Organization The needs or forms and health-enhancing activities should be
taken seriously. 2) Relevant agencies should support resource factors
involved in enhancing the elderly's well-being. 3)Tambon Administrative
Organization’s activities in promoting well-being for the elderly should be
clearly defined and continued to make the elderly realize that they can
maintain their physical health. 4) The elderly must be aware of the problems
that arise with themselves and cooperate to learn how to solve problems
with related agencies 5) Health enhancement activities that should be added
is awareness of the changes in the body of the elderly with age. There may
be learning activities to prepare for death.

156 การประชมุ วิชาการพระพทุ ธศาสนาและศลิ ปวฒั นธรรมระดบั ชาตแิ ละนานาชาติครง้ั ที่ 2

Knowledge gained from the research

Recommendations for further research
1. The 3 aspects of health behavior should be studied: physical,

mind and intelligence, and social aspects, as these are the important
problems that arise in the community to create a solution for various
problems to know the factors that affect the enhancement of well-being for
the elderly.

2. Future studies should be designed to integrate different groups of
older people from various settings. Moreover, based on the findings in this
study, the conception of healthy aging should also be studied from the
perspective of relatives and healthcare professionals as they are responsible
for the care of older people in the Isan region.

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Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board, Summary The 11th

National Economic and Social Development Plan, 2012-2016 (Bangkok:
Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board, 2014).
C. Danyuthasilpe, K. Amnatsatsue, C. Tanasugarn, P. Kerdmongkol, and A. B. Steckler,
“Ways of healthy aging: a case study of elderly people in a northern Thai
village,” Health Promotion International, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 394–403,
2009.View at: Publisher Site | Google Scholar
K. Thanakwang and K. Soonthorndhada, “Attributes of active ageing among
older persons in Thailand: evidence from the 2002 survey,” Asia-
Pacific Population Journal, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 113–135, 2007.View
at: Publisher Site | Google Scholar
Sarivan Siribun, Response to Problems and Needs of the Elderly: A Case Study of the
Establishment of a Social Service Center for the Elderly. (Bangkok:
Chulalongkorn University, 2000).
Boriboon Pornpiboon, the world of old and the way to prepare for happiness.
(Bangkok: Phra Sing Printing, 1983).
Apichai Mongkol et al. (2004). New issue of research, development and testing of
Thai Mental Health Index. Khon Kaen: Phra Dharmkhan.
Jintana Arsantia and Phonnapa Khamprao. (2014, September -
December). “Model of care for the elderly in the community,”. Journal of
the Royal Thai Army Nurses. 15 (3).

Chanphen Niamin. (1995). Mental health and adaptation of the elderly. Bangkok:
Faculty of Education Srinakharinwirot University Prasarnmit.

Mintra Siriwant. (2007). Faith in Buddhism and the mental well-being of the
elderly who exercise in the Sports Authority of Thailand. Master of

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Education Thesis Department of Developmental Psychology. Bangkok:
Graduate School Srinakharinwirot University.
Chiang Phaojit and Panerai Thiamthun. (2016, April - June). “Development of
a model of health promotion activities for the elderly in Nakhon
Sawan Province,” Suthipritat. 30 (94), p. 121.

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The Study of Communicative English in Cultural and Spiritual
Tourism of Phra Buddha Maha Dhammaraja at the Buddhist

Park, Phetchabun Province

Kanokwan Nawawat

English Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Phetchabun Rajabhat University, Thailand
Email: [email protected]


The Study of Communicative English in Cultural and Spiritual
Tourism of Phra Buddha Maha Dhammaraja at the Buddhist Park, Phetchabun
Province aimed at the use of English for communication in cultural and
spiritual tourism of the leading officers with both native and non-native
speakers at the Buddhist Park, Phetchabun Province.

In accordance with its objective, the study divided into three phases
as follows: First data gathering through in-depth individual interviews; second
informal focus group; and Third discussions and observations with on-duty
officers which included questionnaires. The research selected samples by
purposely sampling twenty-two front officers of the Buddhist Park,
Phetchabun Province. The research results revealed that the key obstacles of
the front officers lack basic English language communication with both native
and non-native speakers, are unable to communicate fluently and correctly
in terms of cultural and spiritual tourism, and since they are well untrained,
they selected the primary language to communicate with the foreigners
instead which divided into five groups; administration officers, garland and fish
food vendors, maids, gardeners and security guards.

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Keywords: English, Cultural and Spiritual Tourism, Phra Buddha Maha
Dhammaraja, Phetchabun

According to UNWTO: World Tourism Organization, the numbers of

1,600 million tourists will traverse the countries rapidly until the year 2020.
(UNWTO 2015: World Tourism Organization) And the most general region to
explore is South East Asia and Pacific. ASEAN countries represent, moreover,
the chief targets of those tourists. Including the movement of ASEAN
Community in 2015, that spread the tourism trends to even the local areas.
Tourism development enhances the most significant role as well. Thailand,
especially, cultural tourism plays the priority as a Buddhism region in Asia not
only in big cities but the locals. The local people should be prepared to
communicate with the tourists who don’t communicate their language.
(Ministry of Tourism and Sports, 20015) At that time English remained a tool
to communicate to both native or non-native English, for instances, Bahasa
Malaysia, Myanmar, and Laos language, in order for the economic, education
and tourism preparation. English again seems to carry out the most significant
role and yet the local people know local cultural heritage, they have to know
how to convey the knowledge to the tourists as well.

Phetchabun or Phe-Cha-Bu-Ra in the past remain a spiritual land
which brings prosperous and peaceful to the people ever since under the
Buddhism prestige of Phra Buddha Maha Dhammaraja, the Buddha Image of
Phetchabun. (Wisan Kositanon, 2015). At present, Phra Buddha Maha
Dhammaraja located at the Buddhist Park, Phetchabun Province, as a
symbolic god of Phetchabun people. Moreover, the Buddhist Park remain,
moreover, a place for tourists to visit and pay the respect both Thai and

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Foreign tourists. Since the Buddha image size is as huge as a six-floor building
and so called the biggest Buddha in the world, the locals known as “the Big
Buddha” in short.

The researcher was interested in carry out the research at the
Buddhist Park because it is the place for tourists to visit and present the
respect to the Big Buddha both Thai and Foreign tourists. Close to, 26,231
foreign tourists visited Phetchabun during 2018. (National Statistical Office,
Phetchabun 2018). The tourists want to appreciate the details of the place,
and the locals know the details of it but the obstacle is there is no foreign
language information and the locals are not capable to provide the
information or have limited tools to convey the message which represents
the language they speak. To prevent the misunderstanding both in details or
information about the Big Buddha, the researcher will discover the fact of
using English to communicate with the foreign tourists and then to analyze
the data to set the form of the language to communicate further.

To examine the use of English for cultural and spiritual tourism of the

leading officers at the Buddhist Park, Phetchabun Province.

Research Methodology:
This research is both the quantitative and qualitative research in a

Case Study of Communicative English in Cultural and Spiritual Tourism of Phra
Buddha Maha Dhammaraja at the Buddhist Park, Phetchabun Province. The
methods represent as follows;

The samples of this research selected by Purposive Sampling, there
were twenty-two staves of the Buddhist Park which is administrated by Phra

162 การประชุมวิชาการพระพุทธศาสนาและศลิ ปวฒั นธรรมระดับชาติและนานาชาติครัง้ ท่ี 2

Buddha Maha Dhummaraja Foundation, and were grouped by the job
description of each position.

The data collecting of the English use aimed at all the twenty-two
staff by in-depth interview and of each position at the Buddhist Park like
administrative officer, flower garland vendors, fish food vendors, security
guards and gardeners. Small groups discussion divided into five groups which
are 1. Vendors, 2. Security guards, 3. Gardeners, 4. Administrative officers and
5. General officers. 2 times the observations of the workers on duty were
offered to identify the language the staffs use in real situations. And
questionnaires used to complete the survey.

1. The tools are divided into two kinds which are 1. Interview with
open-ended questions and 2. General questions and the three forms of
English language uses questionnaires.

2. Data analysis of English language use of the twenty-two staff tends
to show the communication on three stages which are a small talk stage, a
presentation of the visit and an extensive discussion to the tourists.

3. The structure of English language use is discovered from the
interview, the small group discussion and the observation on duty of the
staffs. The results will be discussed to follow up the use later on.

The results of the Case Study of Communicative English in Cultural
and Spiritual Tourism of Phra Buddha Maha Dhammaraja at the Buddhist Park,
Phetchabun Province showed that:
1. The backgrounds of twenty-two staff at the Buddhist Park plays
the most significant role of using English language which can be defined at
follows; 10 people finished Pratom 4 which remains 45.55 percent. Eight

การประชมุ วชิ าการพระพทุ ธศาสนาและศลิ ปวฒั นธรรมระดับชาตแิ ละนานาชาตคิ ร้งั ที่ 2 163

people finished Pratom 6 which remains 3.36 percent. And four people

finished bachelor degree which remains 18.18 percent.

2. Most of the staffs at the Buddhist Park tend to employ the English

language from their compulsory education, for instances, a group of vendors

to greet the foreign tourists instead of the formal greeting in business English.

While the security guards


Group 1 Vendors 28.26 %

Group 2 Security Guards 15.31 %

Group 3 Gardeners 13.22 %

Group 4 Maids 12.57%

Group 5 Administrators 37.46 %

Discussion and Conclusion:
1. The researcher found the officers who performed the English
language, were divided into five groups which are 1. Vendors, 2. Security
guards, 3. Gardeners, 4. Maids and 5. Administrators.

2. The patterns of English language of the leading officers are chiefly
used with the primary English language when confronting the foreigners. And,
they additionally adopted the language for communications in routine life

more than the English patterns for cultural and spiritual tourism which related
to the research of Yupaporn Piriyasilp, 2014 page 27.

3. The leading officers are aware of the language for communications

inappropriately rather than the use of English in term of service which related
to the research of Songpol Uthaisa, 2014 page 155.

164 การประชมุ วชิ าการพระพทุ ธศาสนาและศิลปวฒั นธรรมระดับชาติและนานาชาตคิ ร้ังที่ 2

4. Because of the limitation of the language use of the officers, the
language use would be misunderstood which related to the research of Dr.
Suwannee Siripitakchai, 2016 page 75.

5. The English language contexts of each position are different, thus,
that generated the officers’ not to employ expressions in English for cultural
and spiritual communications which related to the research of Mookda
Naiwat, 2015 page 11.

The further research should comprise the stage of developing the
fundamental skills of five groups of the officers. Our recommendation for the
use of this program is as follows; 1. Implementing the program for self-study
in school and also as a tool within lesson planning for teachers to incorporate
into their lessons. 2. Implementing the program for personal study to help
improve on listening as well as pronunciation.

Tourism Authority of Thailand. 2013. Basic English language guide for tourism.
Available on :
Tourism Authority of Thailand. 2 0 1 2 . Training guides. Available on:
Chatchai Tangtham, 2555. English for Service Work : Available on:
Chaiyut Thawaranurak. 2011. The Definition of Tourism. Teaching Materials

on Tourism Authority, Bangkok: Thammasat University.
Thewchai Chuaybamrung. 2009. Collection of articles from journal of Thai-

International Tourism Year. 2009.

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Laliad Jutanan., NP. 2011. Guidelines for Teaching English in Communication,
Bangkok: Institute of Academic Quality.

Sumitra Angwattanakun 1992. Activities of Teaching English for Communication.
Bangkok: English Language Program Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn

B. Mary Ellen Guffey Emerita Professor of Business Los Angeles Pierce College.
2011. Business English. South-Western, Cengage Learning.

Carolyn M. Seefer Professor of Business Diablo Valley College. 2006. Business
Preliminary Wordlist. Cambridge English Vocabulary List. UCLES
2006 University of Cambridge.

Dallen Timothy, Daneil Olsen. 2006. Tourism, Religion and Spiritual Journeys.

166 การประชุมวชิ าการพระพุทธศาสนาและศิลปวัฒนธรรมระดบั ชาติและนานาชาติครัง้ ที่ 2

Mindfulness and Productivity During the Pandemic Covid-19

Dhirawit Pinyonatthagarn,
Shinawatra University, Pathum Thani,

Phisit Kotsupho, Tipaporn Yesuwan

Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Chiang Mai Campus
Email: [email protected]


The cultivation of mindfulness has roots in Buddhism, but most
religions include some type of prayer or meditation technique that helps
shift your thoughts away from your usual preoccupations toward an
appreciation of the moment and a larger perspective on life. Mindfulness
improves well-being. Increasing your capacity for mindfulness supports
many attitudes that contribute to a satisfied life. Being mindful makes it
easier to savor the pleasures in life as they occur, helps you become fully
engaged in activities, and creates a greater capacity to deal with adverse
events. By focusing on the here and now, many people who practice
mindfulness find that they are less likely to get caught up in worries about
the future or regrets over the past, are less preoccupied with concerns
about success and self-esteem, and are better able to form deep
connections with others.

Keywords : Mindfulness, Productivity, the Pandemic Covid-19

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Introduction : The Magic of Mindfulness
In our fast-paced, multitasking world, focusing on anything for

more than a few moments at a time can be challenging. But learning to
focus your attention on the present moment can have benefits that affect
not only your attention span but also your health. That's why a practice
called mindfulness has become a popular meditation technique for
everything from stress reduction to chronic pain management. "It's the
mind-body effect that's getting a lot of press and research, and for good
reason. It works, and there's scientific support behind that," says Harvard
Medical School professor Dr. Herbert Benson, a pioneer and world-
renowned expert on the physiological changes that occur during

Definition of Mindfulness
The term mindfulness is an English translation of the Pali word

Sati. Pali was the language of Buddhist psychology for 2,500 years ago,
and mindfulness is the core teaching of this tradition. Sati connotes
awareness, attention, and remembering. (Germer K. Christopher, Siegel D.
Ronald and Fulton R. Paul, Edited, 2013: 5).

The Pali word “Sati:is translated as “memory, mindfulness”
(Concise Pali-English Dictionary by A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera). While the
Buddhist Dictionary composed by Nyanatiloka Mahathera had given the
meaning of Sati as the followings : Sati means memory, recognition,
consciousness, intentness of mind, wakefulness of mind, mindfulness,
alertness,lucidity of mind, self-possession, conscience, self-consciousness.
(Nyanatiloka Mahathera, 2020: Online)

168 การประชมุ วชิ าการพระพทุ ธศาสนาและศิลปวัฒนธรรมระดบั ชาตแิ ละนานาชาตคิ รง้ั ท่ี 2

In addition, according to the Pali-Dictionary Vipassana Research
Institute, the word “Sati” denoted to recollection, active state of mind,
fixing the mind strongly upon any subject, attention, attentiveness,
thought, reflection consciousness.

In Buddhist text, the Sati actually is frequently met with in combination
with Sampajañña i.e., “Sati- Sampajañña”. What is Sampajañña?

Sampajañña is translated in English as: clarity of consciousness,
clear comprehension. It is said:Clearly conscious is he in going and
coming, clearly conscious in looking forward and backward, clearly
conscious in bending and stretching his body; clearly conscious in eating,
drinking, chewing and tasting, clearly conscious in discharging excrement
and urine; clearly conscious in walking, standing, sitting, falling asleep and
awakening; clearly conscious in speaking and keeping silent.(Buddhist
Dictionary by Nyanatiloka Mahathera). On the other hands,in the Pali Text
Society's Pali-English dictionary has given the definition of Sampajañña, as :
attention, consideration, discrimination, comprehension, circumspection
(Nyanatiloka Mahathera, 2020: Online).

Role of Mindfulness
The role of mindfulness is to keep the mind properly grounded
in the present moment in a way that will keep it on the path. To make an
analogy, Awakening is like a mountain on the horizon, the destination to
which you are driving a car. Mindfulness is what remembers to keep
attention focused on the road to the mountain, rather than letting it stay
focused on glimpses of the mountain or get distracted by other paths
leading away from the road. In our daily life, if we perform any activity
without mindfulness, that done activity will for sure go worst. On the

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contrary, if it is mindfully performed, it shall be the most successful

indeed. As the Buddha said about the role of Mindfulness:

“Satimato sada bhaddam satima sukhamedhati

satimato suve seyyo vera na parimuccatiti.

Yassa sabbamahorattim ahimsaya rato mano

mettamso sabbabhutesu verantassa na kenaciti.” (Sut.Sam


“The mindful are always lucky, mindfulness increases


Indeed the mindful one is noble. He is not released from anger.

If someone’s mind is attached to non-hurting all day and night

He has loving kindness to all beings, he is not angry on account of”.

Therefore Sati and Sampajañña are simultaneously applied into

our daily activities in the sense of, remembering, attention, awareness and

clarity of consciousness. Corresponding to the above mentioned, Brown

and Ryan had defined awareness and attention under the umbrella as

“Consciousness encompasses both awareness and attention. A

awareness is the background "radar" of consciousness, continually

monitoring the inner and outer environment. One may be aware of

stimuli without them being at the center of attention. Attention is a

process of focusing conscious awareness, providing heightened

sensitivity to a limited range of experience. In actuality, awareness

and attention are inter-twhined, such that attention continually

pulls figures out of the ground of awareness, holding them focally

for varying lengths of time.” (Brown and Ryan (2003).p 822.

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Benefits of Mindfulness in Time of Covid-19
As we have mentioned that mindfulness is not only useful thing
in ordinary life but in the pandemic situation of the world over Covid -19
virus’s Epidemic, it is the most need in taking care of both physical and
mental health. Mindfulness improves physical health. If greater well-being
isn’t enough of an incentive, scientists have discovered that mindfulness
techniques help improve physical health in a number of ways. Mindfulness
can: help relieve stress, treat heart disease, lower blood pressure, reduce
chronic pain, improve sleep, and alleviate gastrointestinal difficulties.
Mindfulness improves mental health. In recent years, psychotherapists
have turned to mindfulness meditation as an important element in the
treatment of a number of problems, including: depression, substance
abuse, eating disorders, couples’ conflicts, anxiety disorders, and
obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Mindfulness Techniques
There is more than one way to practice mindfulness, but the goal
of any mindfulness technique is to achieve a state of alert, focused
relaxation by deliberately paying attention to thoughts and sensations
without judgment. This allows the mind to refocus on the present
moment. All mindfulness techniques are a form of meditation.
Types of Mindfulness Meditation
Meditation in Buddhist tradition having known in Pali word as
“Bhana”; a mental development, or “Kammatthana”; a mental exercise
can be defined as a set of techniques that are intended to encourage a
heightened state of awareness and focused attention. Meditation practices
can take on many different forms for example: 1. Mindfulness meditation,
2.Spiritual meditation, 3. Focused meditation, 4. Movement meditation, 5.

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Mantra meditation, 6.Transcendental meditation, 7. Progressive relaxation,
8. Loving-kindness meditation, and 9. Visualization meditation.

But, summarily there are two main types (PhraBrommagunaphorn,
P.A.Payutto : 2546 [36]).

1. Samatha Bhavana (tranquillity development) or Samatha
Kammatthana : the Concentrative meditation. This is known as calming
meditation and Buddhists believe that it leads to deeper concentration.

2. Vipassana Bhavana(insight development) or Vipassana Kammatthana :
the Insight meditation. It allows Buddhists to get rid of cravings and
therefore achieve Nibbana; the cessation of suffering.

The Buddhist Mindfulness Meditations
As mentioned above, mindfulness meditation can be practiced
both in Samatha Bhavana; the Concentrated Meditation and Vipassana
Bhavana ; the Insight Meditation. The beneath presentations are the
summarily contents of both techniques.
1. On the Samatha Bhavana; the Concentrated Meditation,
there are 10 Devices to concentrate the mindfulness known as the 10
Anussatis : 10 recollections; constant mindfulness. They are as:

1) Recollection of the Buddha; contemplation on the
virtues of the Buddha

2) Recollection of the Dhamma; contemplation on the
virtues the Doctrine

3) Recollection of the Sangha; contemplation on the
virtues of the Order

4) Recollection of morality; contemplation on one’s own

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5) Recollection on liberality; contemplation on one’s own

6) Recollection of deities; contemplation on the virtues
which make people become gods as can be found in oneself

7) Mindfulness of death; contemplation on death
8) Mindfulness occupied with the body; contemplation on
the 32 impure parts of the body
9) Mindfulness on breathing
10) Recollection of peace; contemplation on the virtue of
Nibbana (Phra Brohmgunaphorn(P.A. Payutto), (2546), 335.
2. On Vipassana Bhavana ; the Insight Meditation. At the
beginning of the Mahasatipatthana Sutta, the Buddha tells us the purpose
of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness:
“Monks, this is the direct path for the purification of beings, for the
surmounting of sorrow and lamentation, for the disappearance of
dukkha and discontent, for acquiring the true method, for the
realization of nibbāna, namely, the Four Satipaṭṭhānas.”
(Suttanata, D.M. Mahasatipatthana Sutta, 10/273.1/257)
“Come, monks, Dwell contemplating the body in the body,
ardent, clearly comprehending, unified, with concentrated
one-pointed mind, in order to know the body as it really is. Dwell
contemplating feeling in feelings… in order to know feelings as they
really are. Dwell contemplating mind in mind… in order to know
mind as it really is. Dwell contemplating dhamma in dhammas…
in order to know dhammas as they really are.”
There are Four Foundations of Mindfulness presented in brief as
the followings:

การประชุมวชิ าการพระพุทธศาสนาและศลิ ปวฒั นธรรมระดับชาติและนานาชาตคิ รง้ั ท่ี 2 173

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