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Pali English Dictionary.

Suyyati Susu

Suyyati is Passive of suṇāti. VvA 104; often together with hirañña Vin iii.16, 48; D ii.179;
° — āni pl. precious things J i.206. — Cp. soṇṇa.
Sura [cp. Epic Sk. sura probably after asura] god Sn 681 (=deva
-iṭṭhakā gilt tiles DhA iii.29, 61; VvA 157. -kāra gold-
SnA 484); name of a Bodhisatta J v.12, 13; surakaññā a god-
smith D i.78; M ii.18; iii.243; A i.253 sq.; J i.182; v.438 sq.;
dess, a heavenly maid J v.407 (=devadhītā, C.); surinda the
Nd 478; Vism 376 (in sim.); DhA iii.340; SnA 15; VbhA
king of gods Mhbv 28. Opp. asura.
222 (in sim.). -gabbha a safe ( — room) for gold DhA
Surata (adj.) [su+rata] (in good sense:) well — loving, devoted:
iv.105. -guhā "golden cave," N. of a cave SnA 66. -toraṇa
see soracca; (in bad sense:) sexual intercourse, thus wrongly gilt spire VbhA 112. -paṭṭa a golden (writing) slab J iv.7;
for soracca at J iii.442 C., with expl as "dussīlya." Cp. sūrata.
SnA 228, 578; DhA iv.89. -paṇaka a golden diadem Miln
Surā (f.) [Vedic surā] spirituous (intoxicating) liquor ("drink") 210. -pabbata N. of a mountain SnA 358. -passa id. SnA
Vin ii.295; 301; iv.110; D i.146; A i.212, 295; It 63; J i.199, 66. -pādukā golden slippers Vin i.15. -maya made of gold
252 (tikhiṇaṁ suraṁ yojetvā mixing a sharp drink); DhA ii.9; J i.146. -mālā golden garland DhA i.388. -meṇḍaka a
Dh 247; as nt. at J vi.23 (v. l. surā as gloss). — Five kinds golden ram DhA iii.364; iv.217; -bhinkāra a g. vase Mhbv
of surā are mentioned, viz. piṭṭha°, pūva°, odana° (odaniya°), 154 -bhūmi "gold — land," N. of Cambodia Nd 155. -
kiṇṇapakkhitta°, sambhāra — saṁyutta° VvA 73; VbhA 381. rājahaṁsa golden — coloured royal mallard J i.342. -vaṇṇa
-âdhiṭṭhaka addicted to drink J v.427. -geha a drink- gold — coloured (of the body of the Yathāgata) D iii.143, 159;
ing house J i.302. -ghaṭa a pitcher of liquor J iii.477. J ii.104; iv.333; DhA iii.113. -vīthi golden street (in Indra's
-ghara=°geha J v.367. -chaṇa a drinking festival J i.489; town) J v.386. -sivikā a g. litter DhA iii.164. -haṁsa golden
DhA iii.100. -dhutta a drunkard Sn 106; J i.268; iii.260. swan J i.207; ii.353; SnA 277, 349.
-nakkhatta a drinking festival J 362; SnA 185. -pāna drink-
Suvaṇṇatā (f.) [abstr. fr. suvaṇṇa] beauty of colour or complex-
ing strong liquor J i.50; iv.23; VbhA 383. -pāyikā a woman
ion Pug 34.
drinking liquor J v.11. -pipāsita thirsty after strong drink S
Suvāṇa (& suvāna) [cp. Sk. śvan, also śvāna (f. śvānī): fr. Vedic
ii.110. -pīta one who has drunk liquor J i.426. -mada tipsi-
acc. śuvānaṁ, of śvan. For etym. cp. Gr. κύων, Av. spā,
ness, intoxication A iv.213; J i.352, 362. -meraya ( — pāna)
Lat. canis, Oir. cū, Goth. hunds] a dog M iii.91 (=supāṇa M
(drinking) rum & spirits A i.261; ii.53. See also (pañca — )
i.58); J vi.247 (the 2 dogs of hell: Sabala & Sāma); Vism 259
sikkhāpada. -vitthaka bowl for drinking spirits J v.427; DhA
(=supāṇa KhA 58). As suvā° at Sdhp 379, 408. — See also
iii.66. -soṇḍa a drunkard DhA iii.129. -soṇḍaka id. J v.433.
the var. forms san, suṇa, suna, sunakha, supāṇa, soṇa.
Suriya [Vedic sūrya cp. suvar light, heaven; Idg. *sāṷel, as in
-doṇi a dog's (feeding) trough Vism 344, 358; VbhA 62.
Gr. η῞λιος, Lat. sōl., Goth. sauil sun; Oir. sūil "eye"; cp.
-piṇḍa a dog biscuit Vism 344. -vamathu dog's vomit Vism
also Gr. σέλας splendour, σελήνη moon, & many others, for
344 (=suvā — vanta Sdhp 379).
which see Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. sōl] 1. the sun Vin i.2;
Suvanaya [su — v — ānaya] easy to bring S i.124=J i.80.
D ii.319; Sn 687; A i.227; S v.29 sq.; J ii.73; Vism 231 (in
simile), 416 (the seventh sun), 417 (myth of pop. etym.), 690 Suvāmin [metric for sāmin] a master Sn 666.
(in sim.); Miln 299; KhA 21 (bāla°, in simile); PvA 137, 211; Suve see sve.
VbhA 519; size of the sun DhsA 318; suriyaṁ uṭṭhāpeti to go
Susāna (nt.) [cp. Vedic śmaśāna] a cemetery Vin i.15, 50; ii.146;
on till sunrise J i.318. — 2. the sun as a god D ii.259; S i.51;
D i.71; A i.241; ii.210; Pug 59; J i.175; Nd 466; Nd 342;
J iv.63, etc.; vi.89, 90, 201, 247, 263, etc.
Vism 76, 180; PvA 80, 92, 163, 195 sq. āmaka-s. a place
-atthangamana sunset VvA 295. -uggamana sunrise
where the corpses are left to rot J i.61, 372; vi.10; DhA i.176.
Mhvs 23, 22; J i.107. -kanta the sun — gem, a kind of
Cp. sosānika.
gem Miln 118. -ggāha eclipse of the sun D i.10; J i.374.
-aggi a cemetery fire Vism 54. -gopaka the cemetery
-maṇḍala the orb of the sun A i.283; Dhs 617. -rasmi a
sunbeam J i.502. -vattika a sun — worshipper Nd 89. keeper DhA i.69. -vaḍḍhana augmenting the cemetery, fit to
be thrown into the cemetery Th 2, 380. Cp. kaṭasi°.
Suru (indecl.) [onamat.] a hissing sound ("suru"); suru- suru-
Susānaka (adj.) [fr. last] employed in a cemetery Mhvs 10, 91.
kārakaṁ (adv.) after the manner of making hissing sounds
(when eating) Vin ii.214; iv.197. Susira (adj. — nt.) [Sk. śuṣira] perforated, full of holes, hol-
low J i.146; Sn 199; J i.172, 442; DA i.261; Miln 112; Vism
Surunga [a corruption of σϋριγς] a subterranean passage Mhvs 7,
194=DhsA 199; KhA 172; asusira DhA ii.148 (Bdhgh for eka
— ghaṇa). (nt.) a hole; PvA 62.
Sulasī (f.) [cp. Sk. surasī, "basilienkraut" BR; fr. surasa] a medic- 1
Susu [cp. Sk. śiśu] a boy, youngster, lad Vin iii.147= J ii.284;
inal plant Vin i.201; cp. Deśīnāmamālā viii.40. 14
Vv 64 (=dahara C.); Sn 420; D i.115; M i.82; A ii.22; J ii.57;
Sulopī (f.) a kind of small deer J vi.437, 438.
ājānīya — susūpama M i.445, read ājānīy — ass — ūpama (cp.
Suva [cp. Sk. śuka] a parrot J i.324; iv.277 sq.; vi.421; 431 sq. Th 1, 72). — In phrase susukāḷa the susu is a double su°, in
(the two: Pupphaka & Sattigumba); DhA i.284 (°rājā). fem. meaning "very, very black" (see under kāḷa — kesa), e. g. D
suvī J vi.421. i.115=M i.82= A ii.22=iii.66=J ii.57; expl as suṭṭhu — kāḷa
DA i.284. — susunāga a young elephant D ii.254.
Suvaṇṇa [Sk. suvarṇa] of good colour, good, favoured, beautiful
D i.82; Dhs 223; It 99; A iv.255; Pug 60; J i.226; suvaṇṇa (nt.) Susu the sound susu, hissing J iii.347 (cp. su and sū); ThA 189.
gold S iv.325 sq.; Sn 48, 686; Nd 687 (=jātarūpa); KhA 240; 3
Susu the name of a sort of water animal (alligator or sea-cow?)

Susu Sūra

J vi.537 (plur. susū)=v.255 (kumbhīlā makasā susū). of intestinal worm; °ā pāṇā (in the Gūthaniraya purgatory) M
Susukā (f.) an alligator Vin i.200; A ii.123 (where id. p. at Nd 2 iii.185. -loma needle — haired, having hair like needles S
ii.257; name of a Yakkha at Gayā S i.207; Sn p. 48; SnA 551;
470 has suṁsumāra); M i.459; Miln 196.
Vism 208. -vatta needle — faced, having a mouth like a
Sussati [Vedic śuṣyati; śuṣ (=sosana Dhtp 457)] to be dried, to
needle Pgdp 55. -vāṇijaka a needle — seller S ii.215.
wither Sn 434; J i.503; ii.424; vi.5 (being thirsty); ppr. med. 3
Sūcikā (f.) [fr. sūci] 1. a needle; (fig.) hunger Pv ii.8 ; PvA
sussamāna J i.498; Sn 434; fut. sussissati J i.48; ger. sus-
107. — 2. a small bolt to a door Vin ii.120, 148. — sū-
sitvā J ii.5, 339; PvA 152. Cp. vissussati & sukkhati. — 3
cik'aṭṭha whose bones are like needles (?) Pv iii.2 ; PvA 180
Caus. soseti (q. v.).
(sūcigātā ti vā pāṭho. Vijjhanatthena sūcikā ti laddhanāmāya
Sussūsa (adj.) wishing to hear or learn, obedient S i.6; J iv.134.
khuppipāsāya ajjhāpīḷitā. Sūcikaṇṭhā ti keci paṭhanti. Sūci-
Sussūsati [Desid. fr. suṇāti; Sk. śuśrūṣati] to wish to hear, to lis- chiddasadisā mukhadvārā ti attho).
ten, attend D i.230; A i.72; iv.393; aor. sussūsimsu Vin i.10;
Sūju (adj.) [su+uju] upright Sn 143=Kh ix.1 (=suṭṭhu uju KhA
ppr. med. sussūsamāna Sn 383.
Sussūsā (f.) [Class. Sk. śuśrūṣā] wish to hear, obedience, atten-
Sūṇā (f.) a slaughter — house J vi.62; see sūnā.
dance D iii.189; A v.136; Th 1, 588; Sn 186; J iii.526; Miln
Sūta [Sk. sūta] a charioteer J iv.408; a bard, panegyrist J i.60;
Sussūsin (adj.) [cp. Epic Sk. śuśrūṣin] obedient, trusting J iii.525.
Sūtighara (nt.) [sūti+ghara] a lying-in-chamber J iv.188; vi.485;
Suhatā (f.) [sukha+tā] happiness J iii.158.
Vism 259 (KhA pasūti°); VbhA 33, 242.
Suhita (adj.) [su+hita] satiated M i.30; J i.266, 361; v.384; Miln
Sūda [Sk. sūda; for etym. see sādu] a cook D i.51; S v.149 sq.; J
249. 37 50
v.292; DA i.157; Vism 150 (in simile); Pv ii.9 , 9 .
Sū (indecl.) an onomat. part. "shoo," applied to hissing sounds: Sūdaka=sūda (cook) J v.507.
see su . Also doubled: sū sū DhA i.171; iii.352. Cp. sūkara 19
Sūna [Sk. śūna] swollen Miln 357 ; J vi.555; often wrongly spelt
& sūsūyati.
suna (q. v.) Vin ii.253=A iv.275 (cp. Leumann, Gött. Anz.,
Sūka [cp. Sk. śūka] the awn of barley etc. S v.10, 48; A i.8.
1899, p. 595); DhsA 197 (suna — bhāva).
Sūkara [Sk. sūkara, perhaps as sū+kara; cp. Av. hū pig, Gr.
Sūnā (f.) [Sk. sūnā] a slaughter-house Vin i.202; ii.267; asisūnā
῾ϋς; Lat. sūs; Ags. sū=E. sow] a hog, pig Vin i.200; D
the same Vin ii.26; M i.130, 143; also sūna J vi.111; and sūṇā J
i.5; A ii.42 (kukkuṭa+), 209; It 36; J i.197 (Muṇika); ii.419
v.303; sūnāpaṇa J vi.111; sūnaghara Vin iii.59; sūna-nissita
(Sālūka); iii.287 (Cullatuṇḍila & Mahā — tuṇḍila); Miln 118,
Vin iii.151; sūnakāraghara VbhA 252.
267; VbhA 11 (vara — sayane sayāpita). — f. sūkarī J ii.406
Sūnu [Vedic sūnu, fr. sū, cp. sūti] a son, child Mhvs 38, 87.
(read vañjha°).
-antaka a kind of girdle Vin ii.136. -maṁsa pork A iii.49 Sūpa [Vedic sūpa, cp. Ags. sūpan=Ger. saufen; Ohg. sūf=soup]
(sampanna — kolaka). -maddava is with Franke (Dīgha trsl n broth, soup, curry Vin ii.77, 214 sq.; iv.192; D i.105; S v.129
222 sq.) to be interpreted as "soft (tender) boar's flesh." So also sq. (their var. flavours); A iii.49 (aneka°); J ii.66; Vism 343.
Oldenberg (Reden des B. 1922, 100) & Fleet (J.R.A.S. 1906, samasūpaka with equal curry Vin iv.192. Also nt. Vin i.239 21
656 & 881). Scarcely with Rh. D. (Dial. ii.137, with note) as ( — āni) and f. sūpi J iv.352 (bidalasūpiyo); sūpavyañjanaka
"quantity of truffles" D ii.127; Ud 81 sq.; Miln 175. -potaka a vessel for curry and sauce Vin i.240.
the young of a pig J v.19. -sāli a kind of wild rice J vi.531 (v. -vyañjana curry J i.197.
l. sukasāli).
Sūpatittha (adj.) [su+upatittha, the latter=tittha, cp. upavana:
Sūkarika [fr. sūkara; BSk. saukarika Divy 505] a pig-killer, pork vana] with beautiful banks. Usually spelt su°, as if su+patittha
— butcher S ii.257; A ii.207; iii.303; Pug 56; Th 2, 242; J (see patittha), e. g. Vin iii.108; J vi.518, 555 (=sobhana°); D
vi.111; ThA 204. ii.129; Ud 83; Pv ii.1 20 (=sundara — tittha PvA 77). But sū°
at M i.76, 283; Ap 333.
Sūcaka [fr. sūc to point out] an informer, slanderer S ii.257 (=pe-
suñña — kāraka C.); Sn 246. Cp. saṁ°. Sūpadhārita=su+upadhārita well — known Miln 10.
Sūcana (nt.) indicating, exhibiting Dhtp 592 (for gandh). Sūpika [sūpa+ika] a cook DA i.157; J vi.62 (v. l.), 277.
Sūci (f.) [cp. Sk. sūci; doubtful whether to sīv] a needle Vin Sūpin (adj.) [fr. sūpa] having curry, together with curry J iii.328.
ii.115, 117, 177; S ii.215 sq., 257; J i.111, 248; Vism 284 (in
Sūpeyya (nt.) [fr. sūpa=Sk. sūpya] 1. belonging to soup, broth,
simile); a hairpin Th 2, 254; J i.9; a small door — bolt, a pin to 2
soup M i.448; S iii.146. — 2. curry D ii.198; Nd 314; DhA
secure the bolt M i.126; Th 2, 116; J i.360; v.294 (so for suci);
ThA 117; cross — bar of a rail, railing [cp. BSk. sūcī Divy
-paṇṇa curry leaf, curry stuff Vism 250=VbhA 233; J i.98,
221] D ii.179.
99; -sāka a potherb for making curry J iv.445.
-kāra a needle — maker S ii.216. -ghaṭikā a small bolt to
Sūyati is passive of suṇāti.
a door Vin ii.237; Ud 52; A iv.206; J i.346; vi.444; Vism 394.
-ghara a needle case Vin ii.301 sq.; iv.123, 167; S ii.231; J Sūra [Vedic śūra, fr. śū] valiant, courageous S i.21; J i.262, 320;
i.170. -nāḷikā a needle — case made of bamboo Vin ii.116. ii.119; (m.) a hero, a valiant man D i.51, 89; iii.59, 142, 145
-mukha "needle — mouthed," a mosquito Abhp 646; a sort sq; A iv.107, 110; Sn 831; DA 157, 250; (nt.) valour S v.227,

Sūra Seti & sayati

read sūriya. Seṭṭha best, excellent D i.18, 99; S iii.13; Sn 47, 181, 822, 907;
-kathā a tale about heroes D i.8; DA i.90. -kāka the Dh 1, 26; J i.443; Nd 84=Nd 502 (with syn.); J i.88; cp.
valiant crow DhA iii.352. -bhāva strength, valour J i.130; seṭṭhatara J v.148.
Vism 417 (in def. of suriya). -kamma excellent, pious deeds Mhvs 59, 9. -sammata
Sūra [Vedic sūra] the sun ThA 150 (Ap v.90); J v.56. considered the best J iii.111.
Seṭṭhi [fr. seṭṭha, Sk. śreṣṭhin] foreman of a guild, treasurer,
Sūrata [=surata] soft, mild J vi.286; Mhbv 75; kindly disposed S
banker, "City man", wealthy merchant Vin i.15 sq., 271 sq.;
iv.305. Cp. surata & sorata.
ii.110 sq., 157; S i.89; J i.122; ii.367 etc.; Rājagaha° the mer-
Sūrin (adj.) [fr. sūra ] wise Mhvs 26, 23.
chant of Rājagaha Vin ii.154; J iv.37; Bārāṇasi° the merchant
Sūriya (nt.) [abstr. fr. sūra ] valour S v.227 (text, sūra); J i.282; of Benares J i.242, 269; jana — pada — seṭṭhi a commercial
Miln 4. man of the country J iv.37; seṭṭhi gahapati Vin i.273; S i.92;
there were families of seṭṭhis Vin i.18; J iv.62; °-ṭṭhāna the
Sūla [cp. Vedic śūla] (m. and nt.) 1. a sharp — pointed instru-
ment, a stake Th 2, 488; S v.411; Pv iv.1 ; Vism 489 (in com- position of a seṭṭhi J ii.122, 231; hereditary J i.231, 243; ii.64;
par.), 646 (khadira°, ayo°, suvaṇṇa°); ThA 288; J i.143, 326; iii.475; iv.62 etc.; seṭṭhânuseṭṭhī treasurers and under — trea-
surers Vin i.18; see Vinaya Texts i.102.
sūle uttāseti to impale A i.48; J i.326; ii.443; iv.29; appeti
the same J iii.34; vi.17, or āropeti PvA 220. ayasūla an iron Seṭṭhitta (nt.) [abstr. fr. seṭṭhi] the office of treasurer or (whole-
stake J iv.29; Sn 667; cp. asi° & satti°. — 2. a spit J i.211; sale) merchant S i.92.
roasted on a spit, roasted meat J iii.220; maṁsa° the same, or
Seṇi (f.) [Class. Sk. śreṇi in meaning "guild"; Vedic= row] 1. a
perhaps a spit with roasted meat J iii.52, 220. — 3. an acute, guild Vin iv.226; J i.267, 314; iv.43; Dāvs ii.124; their number
sharp pain DhsA 397; sūlā (f.) the same A v.110 . Cp. def n
was eighteen J vi.22, 427; VbhA 466. °-pamukha the head of
of sūl as "rujā" at Dhtp 272.
a guild J ii.12 (text seni — ). — 2. a division of an army J
-āropana impaling, execution Miln 197, 290. -koṭi the
vi.583; ratha — ° J vi.81, 49; seṇimokkha the chief of an army
point of the stake DhA ii.240.
J vi.371 (cp. senā and seniya).
Sūḷāra (adj.) [su+uḷāra] magnificent Mhvs 28, 1.
Seta (adj.) [Vedic śveta & śvitra; cp. Av. spaēta white; Lith. sza-
Sūsūyati [Denom. fr. sū] to make a hissing sound "sū sū" (of a itýti to make light; Ohg. hwīz=E. white] white D ii.297=M
snake) DhA ii.257 (v. l. susumāyati). i.58; Sn 689; A iii.241; VbhA 63 (opp. kāḷa); J i.175; PvA
Se (pron.)=taṁ: see under sa . 157, 215. name of a mountain in the Himālayas S i.67=Miln
242; an elephant of King Pasenadi A iii.345.
Seka [fr. sic, see siñcati] sprinkling J i.93 (suvaṇṇa — rasa — s.-
-anga white bodied Mhvs 10, 54. -aṭṭhika lit. (having)
white bones, (suffering from) famine [cp. BSk. śvetāsthi Divy
Sekata (nt.) [Sk. saikata] a sandbank Dāvs i.32. 131] Vin iii.6; iv.23; S iv.323; A i.160; iv.279. — f. mildew
Sekadhārī (f.) (?) J vi.536 (nīlapupphi — °, C. nīlapupphīti ādikā Vin ii.256; J v.401. -odaka clear (transparent) water Pv ii.1 .
pupphavalliyo). -kambala white blanket J iv.353. -kamma whitewashing J
vi.432. -kuṭṭha white leprosy J v.69; vi.196. -geru N. of a
Sekha (& sekkha) [cp. Sk. śaikṣa; fr. siks, sikkhati] belonging
plant J vi.535. -cchatta a white parasol, an emblem of roy-
to training, in want of training, imperfect Vin i.17, 248; iii.24;
alty D ii.19; A i.145; J i.177, 267; PvA 74; DhA i.167; iii.120.
Dhs 1016; one who has still to learn, denotes one who has not
-pacchāda with white covering S iv.292=Ud 76=DhsA 397.
yet attained Arahantship D ii.143; M i.4, 144; A i.63; Pug 14;
-puppha "white — flowered," N. of a tree (Vitex trifolia?) J
It 9 sq., 53, 71; Sn 970, 1038=S ii.47; definition A i.231; S v.422 (=piyaka). -vārī (& °vārisa) names of plants or trees J
v.14, 145, 175, 229 sq., 298, 327; Nd 493 (sikkhatī ti sekkho, vi.535, 536.
etc.) =Nd 689; VbhA 328. s. pāṭipadā the path of the student
Setaka (adj.) [seta+ka] white, transparent D ii.129; M i.76, 167,
M i.354; iii.76, 300; s. sīla the moral practice of the student A
i.219 sq.; ii.6, 86 sq.; asekha not to be trained, adept, perfect
Vin i.62 sq.; iii.24; Pug 14 (=arahant). See asekha. Setaccha a tree J vi.535; setacchakūṭa adj. J vi.539 (sakuṇa).
-bala the strength of the disciple, of five kinds A ii.150.
Setapaṇṇi (f. [?]) a tree J vi.335.
-sammata esteemed to be under discipline, educated Vin Seti & sayati [śī, Vedic śete & śayate; cp. Av. saēte=Gr. κεϊται
to lie, ὠ κεανός ("ocean")=Sk. ā — śayānah, κοιμάω to put
Sekhavant (?) quick J vi.199 (v. l. sīghavant).
to sleep; Ags. hāēman to marry; also Lat. cīvis=citizen. —
Sekhiya [fr. sekha] connected with training; s. dhamma rule of The Dhtp simply defines as saya (374)] to lie down, to sleep;
good breeding Vin iv.185 sq. (applied) to be in a condition, to dwell, behave etc. — Pres.
Segālaka (nt.) [fr. sigāla] a jackal's cry A i.187 sq. (°ṁ nadati); seti S i.41, 47, 198 (kiṁ sesi why do you lie asleep? Cp. Pv
cp. sigālika. ii.6 ); J i.141; Dh 79, 168; Sn 200; VvA 42; sayati Vin i.57;
J ii.53; DA i.261. Pot. sayeyya Pv ii.3, & saye It 120. ppr.
Secanaka [fr. seceti] sprinkling J vi.69; neg. asecanaka (q. v.).
sayaṁ It 82, 117; Sn 193; sayāna (med.) D i.90; ii.292; M
Seceti see siñcati. i.57; It 117; Sn 1145; & semāna D ii.24; M i.88; S i.121; J
i.180; also sayamāna Th 1, 95. — Fut. sessati S i.83; Sn 970;
Secchā=sa — icchā, Sdhp 249.
DhA i.320. — Aor. sesi J v.70; settha Sn 970; sayi J vi.197,

Seti & sayati Serīsamaha

asayittha J i.335. — Inf. sayituṁ PvA 157; ger. sayitvā J -gāhāpaka house — steward Vin ii.167. -cārikā a wan-
ii.77. — pp. sayita (q. v.). — Caus. II. sayāpeti to make lie dering from lodging to lodging Vin i.182, 203; iii.21; J 126.
down, to bed on a couch etc. J i.245; v.461; Mhvs 31, 35; PvA -paññāpaka regulator of lodging — places Vin ii.75, 176;
104. — pp. sayāpita. -sukhaṁ seti to be at ease or happy S iii.158 sq.; iv.38. -paṭibāhana keeping out of the lodging
i.212; J v.242 (raṭṭhaṁ i. e. is prosperous); opp. dukkhaṁ s. J i.217. -paviveka secluson in respect of lodging A i.240 sq.
to be miserable A i.137. -vatta rule of conduct in respect of dwelling Vin ii.220.
Setu [Vedic setu, to si or sā (see sinoti); cp. Av. haētu dam; Lat. Seniya [fr. senā] belonging to an army, soldier J i.314.
saeta; Ags. sāda rope; etc.] a causeway, bridge Vin i.230=D
Senesika at Vin i.200 is to be read senehika (fr. sineha), i. e.
ii.89, J i.199; Vism 412 (simile); DhA i.83; SnA 357; PvA
102, 151, 215. uttāra°- a bridge for crossing over M i.134; S
Sepaṇṇī (f.) [Sk. śrīparṇī, lit. having lucky leaves] name of a
iv.174; Miln 194; naḷa-° a bamboo bridge Th 1, 7.
tree, Gmelina arborea J i.173, 174; DhA i.145.
-kāraka a bridge — maker, one who paves the way S i.33;
Kv 345. -ghāta pulling down of the bridge (leading to some- Semānaka [semāna+ka; ppr. of seti] lying Th 1,14; DhA i.16.
thing) Vin i.59; iii.6; A i.220, 261; ii.145 sq.; Dhs 299; DhsA Semha (nt.) [=silesuma] phlegm Vin ii.137; D ii.14, 293; A ii.87;
219; DA i.305; Nd 462; DhA iv.36.
iii.101; iv.320; Sn 198, 434; Miln 112, 303. Physiologically
Seda [Vedic sveda, fr. svid, cp. Av. xvaēda, Gr. ἰδρώς, Lat. su- in detail at Vism 359; VbhA 65, 244.
dor, Ags. svāt=E. sweat] sweat D ii.293; A ii.67 sq.; It 76; Sn
Semhāra some sort of animal (monkey?) (explained by makkaṭa)
196; J i.118, 138, 146, 243; in detaiḷ (physiologically) at Vism
M i.429.
262, 360; VbhA 66, 245; sweating for medicinal purposes,
Semhika (adj.) [fr. semha] a man of phlegmatic humour Miln
mahā° a great steambath; sambhāra° bringing about sweating
by the use of herbs, etc.; seda — kamma sweating Vin i.205.
— pl. sedā drops of perspiration DhA i.253. Seyya (adj.) [Sk. śreyas, compar. form ] better, excellent; nom.
-âvakkhitta earned in the sweat of the brow A ii.67 sq., masc. seyyo S iii.48 sq.; Sn 918; Dh 308; Dhs 1116; J i.180;
iii.45, 76; iv.95, 282. -gata sweat — covered, sweating VvA nom. fem. seyyasi J v.393; nom. neut. seyyo often used as a
305. -mala the stain of sweat J iii.290; VbhA 276. -yūsa noun, meaning good, happiness, wellbeing Vin i.33; D i.184;
sweat Vism 195. ii.330; Sn 427, 440; Dh 76, 100; J ii.44; vi.4 (maraṇaṁ eva
seyyo, with abl. of compar. rajjato); Pv ii.9 43 (dhanaṁ); iv.1 6
Sedaka (adj.) [fr. seda] sweating, transpiring D ii.265.
(jīvitaṁ); nom. fem. seyyā J v.94; nom. acc. neutr. seyyaṁ
Sedita [pp. of sedeti] moistened J i.52 (su°). Cp. pari°.
J ii.402; iii.237; abl. as adv. seyyaso "still better" Dh 43; J
Sedeti [Caus. of sijjati] to cause to transpire, to heat, to steam ii.402; iv.241. Superl. seṭṭha.
J iv.238; v.271; KhA 52, 67; Vin iii.82 (aor. sedesi); ger. Seyyaka (adj.) [fr. seyyā] lying M i.433, see uttānaseyyaka and
sedetvā J i.324; ii.74; pp. sedita. Caus II. sedāpeti J iii.122. gabbhaseyyaka.
Sena [=sayana] lying, sleeping; couch, bed J v.96 (=sayana).
Seyyati [śṛ, Vedic śṛṇāti & śīryate] to crush J i.174. See also
Sena [Sk. śyena] a hawk J i.273; ii.51, 60; DhA ii.267. sarati & vi°. — pp. siṇṇa: see vi°.
Senaka a carter ThA 271 (=sākaṭika of Th 2, 443). Seyyathā (adv.) [=taṁ yathā, with Māgadhī se° for ta°; cp. say-
Senaka =sena J iv.58, 291; vi.246. athā & taṁyathā] as, just as, s. pi Vin i.5; D i.45; It 90, 113;
J i.339; seyyathīdaṁ as follows "i. e." or "viz." Vin i.10; D
Senā [Vedic senā perhaps fr. si to bind] an army Vin i.241; iv.104
i.89; ii.91; S v.421; It 99.
sq. (where described as consisting of hatthī, assā, rathā, pattī),
160; S i.112; A iii.397; v.82; J ii.94; Miln 4; Nd 95 (Māra°), Seyyā (f.) [Sk. śayyā; fr. śī] a bed, couch M i.502; A i.296;
Vin ii.167 (°aggena by the surplus in beds); Sn 29, 152, 535;
174 (id.). 11 2
Dh 305, 309; Pv ii.3 ; iv.1 ; J vi.197 (gilāna° sick — bed).
-gutta [sena°] a high official, a minister of war, only in
Four kinds A ii.244; VbhA 345. seyyaṁ kappeti to lie down
cpd. mahā-° J vi.2, 54; mahāsenaguttaṭṭhāna the position of a d
Vin iv.15, 18 sq. — Comb with āvasatha, e. g. at A ii.85,
generalissimo J v.115. -nāyaka a general Vin i.73. -pacca
203; iii.385; iv.60; v.271 sq. — As — ° used in adj. sense of
the position as general Mhvs 38, 81. -pati a general Vin i.233
"lying down, resting," viz. ussūra° sleeping beyond sunrise D
sq.; Sn 556; A iii.38; iv.79; J i.133; iv.43; dhamma-° a general
iii.184=DhA ii.227; divā° noon — day rest D i.112, 167; sīha°
of the Dhamma Miln 343; DhA iii.305. -patika a general A
like a lion D ii.134; A iv.87; dukkha° sleeping uncomfortably
iii.76, 78, 300. -byūha massing of troops, grouping & fitting
DhA iv.8.
up an army Vin iv.107; D i.6; Ps ii.213; DA i.85 ( — vyūha).
Seritā (f.) [fr. serin] independence, freedom Sn 39 sq.
Senānī a general; only in cpd. °-kuṭilatā strategy (lit. crooked-
ness of a general) DhsA 151. Serin (adj.) [cp. Sk. svairin] self — willed, independent, accord-
ing to one's liking M i.506; Th 1, 1144; Pv iv.1 ; J i.5.
Senāsana (nt.) [sayana+āsana] sleeping and sitting, bed & chair,
dwelling, lodging Vin i.196, 294, 356; ii.146, 150 (°parikkhāra Serivihāra (adj.) [serin+vihāra] lodging at one's own choice M
— dussa); iii.88 etc.; D ii.77; A i.60; It 103, 109; DA i.208; J i.469 sq.; Vism 66 (°sukhaṁ).
i.217; VbhA 365 (=seti c'eva āsati ca etthā ti senāsanaṁ). See
Serīsaka (adj.) [fr. sirīsa] made of Sirīsa wood, name of a hall D
also panta. 53
ii.356 sq.; Vv 84 ; VvA 331, 351.
-gāha allotment of lodging — places Vin ii.167.

Serīsamaha Soṇī

Serīsamaha a festival in honour of the Serīsaka Vimāna Vv 123, 137; A i.51, 144; ii.21; v.141; Sn 584, 586; J i.189; SnA
84 37, 53 155; DhA ii.166; KhA 153 (abbūḷha°); Pv i.4 (=citta — san-
tāpa PvA 18); PvA 6, 14, 38, 42, 61. — asoka without grief:
Sereyyaka name of a tree (Barleria cristata) J iii.253.
see viraja. See also dukkha B iii.1 b.
Sela [fr. silā] rocky Dh 8; (m.) rock, stone, crystal S i.127; D
-aggi the fire of sorrow PvA 41. pl. -divasā the days of
ii.39; A iii.346; Dh 81; J ii.14; Vin i.4 sq.; iii.147= J ii.284.
mourning (at the king's court after the death of the queen) SnA
-guḷa a rocky ball J i.147. -maya made of rock (crystal?),
89. -parideva sorrow and lamenting A iii.32, 326 sq.; v.216
of the bowl of the Buddha SnA 139, 159. 1 30
sq.; Vism 503; Nd 128. -pariddava id. Vv 84 . -pareta
Selaka [sela+ka] "rocky," a kind of copper (cp. pisāca) VbhA 63. overcome with grief Pv i.8 . -vinaya dispelling of grief PvA
39. -vinodana id. PvA 61. -salla the dart or sting of sorrow
Seḷita (selita) [pp. of seḷeti] shouting, noise, row J ii.218. To 1 6
A iii.54, 58; Nd 59, 414; Pv i.8 ; PvA 93, 162.
this belongs the doubtful der. selissaka (nt.) noise, row, mad
pranks at S iv.117 (v. l. seleyyaka). Sokajjhāyikā (f.) [soka+ajjhāyaka; this soka perhaps *sūka, as in
Seḷeti [according to Kern, Toev. ii.78 for sveḷayati, cp. Oir. fét visūka?] a woman who plays the fool, a comedian Vin iv.285;
whistle, music etc. Idg. *sveiǮd] to make a noise, shout, cry J vi.580 (where C. expl as "grief-dispellers").
exultantly Sn 682; J v.67; Bu i.36. — pp. seḷita. — Other, Sokavant (adj.) [soka+vant] sorrowful Mhvs 19, 15.
diff. expl of the word see in J.P.T.S. 1885, p. 54.
Sokika (adj.) [soka+ika] sorrowful; a — ° free from sorrow ThA
Sevaka serving, following; a servant, dependent J ii.12, 125, 420; 229.
SnA 453. See vipakkha°.
Sokin (adj.) [fr. soka] (fem. °nī) sorrowful Dh 28.
Sevati [sev] 1. to serve, associate with, resort to Vin ii.203; A
Sokhya (nt.) [abstr. der. fr. sukha] happiness Sn 61; J v.205.
i.124 sq.; Sn 57, 75; Pug 33; It 107; J iii.525; SnA 169. — 2.
Sokhumma (nt.) [abstr. fr. sukhuma] fineness, minuteness A
to practice, embrace, make use of Vin i.10=S v.421; D iii.157;
S i.12; M iii.45; Dh 167, 293, 310; Sn 72, 391, 927; Nd 383, ii.17; Th 1, 437. At A ii.18 with double suffix °tā.
481; J i.152, 361; aor. asevissaṁ J iv.178. — pp. sevita: see Sogandhika (nt.) [Sk. saugandhika; fr. sugandha] the white wa-
ā°, vi°. ter — lily (Nymphaea lotus) J v.419; vi.518, 537 (seta — so-
gandhiyehi). — As m. designation of a purgatory A v.173; S
Sevanatā (—°) (f.) [abstr, fr. sevati]=sevanā VbhA 282 sq.
i.152; Sn p. 126.
Sevanā (f.) [fr. sevati] following, associating with Sn 259; Dhs
Socati [Vedic śocati, śuc, said of the gleaming of a fire] 1. to
1326; Pug 20; Dhtp 285 (as nt.); cohabiting Vin iii.29. 7 15
mourn, grieve Sn 34; Dh 15; J i.168; Pv i.8 (+rodati); i.10 ;
Sevā (f.) [fr. sev] service, resorting to S i.110; ThA 179. 2 rd
i.12 ; Miln 11; pres 3 pl. socare Sn 445; Dh 225; ppr. so-
Sevāla [cp. Epic Sk. śaivala & saivāla] the plant Blyxa octan- camāna J ii.75; ppr. asocaṁ not grieving S i.116; mā soci do
dra moss, A iii.187, 232, 235; J ii.150=DhA i.144; J iii.520; not sorrow D ii.144; J vi.190; plur. mā socayittha do not grieve
iv.71; v.462; Miln 35; DhA iii.199; Tikp 12 (in sim.). (m. and D ii.158; Caus. socayati to cause to grieve D i.52; S i.116; Th
nt.) J v.37; -mālaka (or -mālika) who makes garlands of 1, 743 (ger. °ayitvā); Miln 226; soceti J ii.8. — pp. socita. —
Blyxa octandra A v.263; S iv.312. — Often comb with an- Caus. II. socāpayati the same S i.116.
other waterplant, paṇaka (see under paṇṇaka), e. g. A iii.187;
Socana (nt.) [fr. śuc] sorrow, mourning PvA 18, 62; -nā (f.) the
Vism 261 (simile); VbhA 244 (id.); KhA 61 (cp. Schubring, 2
same D ii.306; S i.108=Sn 34; Nd 694.
Kalpasūtra p. 46 sq.).
Socita (nt.) [fr. socati] grief Th 2, 462.
Sevin (adj.) [fr. sev] serving, practising Sn 749; It 54. See 2
Socitatta (nt.) sorrowfulness D ii.306; Ps i.38=Nd 694.
Socin [fr. socati] grieving A iv.294 (socī ca=socicca).
Seveti to cause to fall, to throw down J iii.198 (doubtful; C —
expl as pāteti & gives saveti [=sāveti, Caus. of sru to make Sociya [=Sk. śocya] deplorable Sdhp 262.
glide] as gloss; v. l. also sādeti).
Soceyya (nt.) [abstr. fr. śuc, *śaucya] purity S i.78; A i.94; ii.188;
Sesa [fr. śiṣ] remaining, left D ii.48; Sn 217, 354; J ii.128; (nt.) v.263; Vism 8; J i.214; Miln 115, 207; is threefold A i.271; It
remainder PvA 14, 70; °-ka the same Mhvs 10, 36; 22, 42; 25, 55; D iii.219; further subdivided A v.264, 266 sq. In meaning
19. of "cleaning, washing" given in the Dhtp as def. of roots for
washing, bathing etc. (khal, nahā, sinā, sudh).
Seseti: see sissati.
Sojacca (nt.) [abstr. fr. sujāta] nobility, high birth J ii.137.
Sessan, sessati see seti.
Sehi is instr. pl. of sa (his own): Dh 136; DhA iii.64. Soṇa [see suvāṇa] a dog J i.146; vi.107 (=sunakha); Sn 675; Vism
191; DhA iii.255 (+sigāla); soṇi (f.) a bitch Mhvs 7, 8=sona
Soka [fr. śuc, to gleam (which to the Dhtp however is known
It 36.
only in meaning "soka": Dhtp 39); cp. Vedic śoka the flame
Soṇa [cp. śyonāka] a kind of tree; the Bodhi trees of the Buddhas
of fire, later in sense of "burning grief"] grief, sorrow, mourn-
ing; def as "socanā socitattaṁ anto — soko... cetaso pari- Paduma and Nārada Bu ix.22; x.24; J i.36, 37.
jjhāyanā domanassaṁ" at Ps i.38=Nd 128=Nd 694; shorter Soṇita (nt.) [Sk. śoṇita, fr. śoṇa red] blood Th 2, 467; DA i.120;
as "ñāti — vyasan'— ādīhi phuṭṭhassa citta — santāpo" at Vism Vism 259.
503=VbhA. Cp. the foll.: Vin i.6; D i.6; ii.305, 103; S i.110,

Soṇī Sotthi

Soṇī (f.) [cp. Sk. śroṇī] 1. the buttock Sn 609; J v.155, 216, 302. soto S iv.291 sq.; v.347; nom. plur. sotā Sn 1034; acc. plur.
— 2. a bitch, see soṇa . sotāni Sn 433; plur. sotāyo (f. [?], or wrong reading instead
of sotāso, sotāse [?]) J iv.287, 288. — 2. passage, aperture
Soṇḍa [cp. Sk. śauṇḍa] addicted to drink, intoxicated, a drunkard
(of body, as eyes, ears, etc.), in kaṇṇa° orifice of the ear, and
D ii.172; J v.436, 499; Miln 345; Vism 316. a-soṇḍa A iii.38;
nāsa° nostril, e. g. D i.106; Sn p. 108; J i.163, 164 (heṭṭhā —
iv.266; J v.166; (fem. — ī) itthisoṇḍī a woman addicted to
nāsika — s.); Vism 400 (dakkhiṇa° & vāma — kaṇṇa — s.).
drink Sn 112 (? better "one who is addicted to women"; SnA
172 expl to that effect, cp. J ii.431 itthi — surā — maṁsa — -āpatti entering upon the stream, i. e. the noble eightfold
path (S v.347), conversion Vin ii.93 etc. By it the first three
soṇḍa); yuddhasoṇḍa J i.204; dāsi — soṇḍa a libertine J v.436
Saṁyojanas are broken S v.357, 376. It has four phases (an-
(+surā°); dhamma — soṇḍatā affectionate attachment to the
gas): faith in the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Order, and,
law J v.482.
further, the noble Sīlas S ii.68 sq.; v.362 sq.; A iii.12; iv.405;
Soṇḍaka [soṇḍa+ka] in cpd. surā° a drunkard J v.433; vi.30.
D iii.227 (in detail). Another set of four angas consists of
Soṇḍā (f.) [Sk. śuṇḍā] an elephant's trunk Vin ii.201;= S ii.269; sappurisa — saṁsevā, saddhammasavana, yonisomanasikāra,
M i.415; A iv.87 (uccā° fig. of a bhikkhu] J i.50, 187; iv.91; and dhammânudhammapaṭipatti S v.347, 404. — phala the
v.37; DhA i.58; Miln 368; soṇḍa (m.) the same S i.104. effect of having entered upon the stream, the fruit of conver-
Soṇḍika [fr. soṇḍa] 1. a distiller and seller of spirituous liquors; sion Vin i.293; ii.183; M i.325; A i.44; iii.441; iv.292 sq., 372
M i.228=374. — 2. a drunkard Miln 93. sq.; D i.229; iii.227; S iii.168, 225; v.410 sq.; Pug 13; DhA
iii.192; iv.5; PvA 22, 38, 66, 142. — magga the way to
Soṇḍikā (f.) 1. tendril of a creeper S i.106; Miln 374. - 2. pep-
conversion, the lower stage of conversion DA i.237; J i.97;
pered meat S ii.98 (cp. Sanskrit śauṇḍī long pepper). — 3. in VbhA 307; see magga. -āpanna one who has entered the
udaka° KhA 65 (=sondī ) a tank.
stream, a convert Vin ii.161, 240; iii.10; D i.156; iii.107 sq.,
Soṇḍī (f.) a natural tank in a rock J i.462; DhA ii.56 (soṇḍi); 132, 227; A ii.89; S ii.68; iii.203 sq., 225 sq.; v.193 sq.; DA
udaka-° J iv.333; Vism 119; KhA 65 (soṇḍikā). i.313; Vism 6, 709; PvA 5, 153. The converted is endowed
Soṇḍī (f.) the neck of a tortoise S iv.177 (soṇḍi — pañcamāni with āyu, vaṇṇa, sukha, and ādhipateyya S v.390; he is called
wealthy and glorious S v.402; conversion excludes rebirth in
angāni); Miln 371; the hood of a snake J vi.166 (nāgā soṇḍi
purgatory, among animals and petas, as well as in other places
— katā).
of misery; he is a-vinipāta-dhamma: D i.156; ii.200; S v.193
Soṇṇa (nt.) [the contracted form of suvaṇṇa, cp. sovaṇṇa] gold; sq., 343; A i.232; ii.238; iii.331 sq.; iv.405 sq., v.182; M iii.81;
(adj.) golden Mhvs 5, 87; Vv 5 , 36 .
or khīṇa-niraya: A iii.211; iv.405 sq. (+khīṇa — tiracchā-
-âlankāra with golden ornaments J ii.48. -dhaja with
nayoni etc.). The converted man is sure to attain the sambodhi
golden flags J ii.48. -bhinkāra a golden vase Sdhp 513.
(niyato sambodhipārāyano D i.156, discussed in Dial. i.190
-maya golden, made of gold J vi.203. -vālukā gold dust J
— 192).
Sotatta scorched J i.390=M i.79, read so tatto (cp. M i.536). See
Sota (nt.) [Vedic śrotas & śrotra; fr. śru: see suṇāti] ear, the
organ of hearing Vin i.9, 34; D i.21; Sn 345 (nom. pl. sotā);
Vism 444 (defined); Dhs 601; DhsA 310; — dibba — sota Sotar [n. ag. fr. suṇāti] a hearer D i.56; A ii.116; iii.161 sq. —
the divine ear (cp. dibba — cakkhu) D i.79, 154; iii.38, 281; sotā used as a feminine noun ThA 200 (Ap v.3).
dhamma° the ear of the Dhamma A iii.285 sq., 350; v.140; S Sotavant [sota +vant] having ears, nom. pl. sotavanto S i.138;
ii.43; sotaṁ odahati to listen (carefully) D i.230; ohita — s. Vin i.7; D ii.39.
with open ears A iv.115; v.154; J i.129.
Sotukāma [sotuṁ (=inf. of suṇāti)+kāma] wish or wishing to hear
-añjana a kind of ointment made with antimony Vin i.203.
A i.150; iv.115; Vism 444; f. abstr. °kamyatā desire to listen
-ânugata following on hearing, acquired by hearing A ii.185.
A v.145 sq., SnA 135.
-āyatana the sense of hearing Dhs 601 sq.; D ii.243, 280, 290.
Sotta [pp. of supati, for sutta] asleep S i.170.
-âvadhāna giving ear, attention M ii.175. -indriya the fac-
ulty of hearing Dhs 604; D iii.239. -dvāra "door of the Sotti (f.) [Sk. śukti] a shell (?) filled with chunam and lac, used
ear," auditory sensation VbhA 41. -dhātu the ear element, for scratching the back, a back — scratcher acting as a sponge
the ear Vin ii.299; D i.79; S ii.121; A i.255 (dibba°); iii.17 M ii.46; A i.208; see sutti e. g. Vin ii.107.
(id.); v.199; Vbh 334; Vism 407 (def ); Dhs 601, 604; Miln 6.
Sottiya [=*śrotriya] well versed in sacred learning, a learned man
-viññāṇa auditory cognition, perception through the ear Dhs
M i.280; Sn 533 sq. See sotthiya.
443. -viññeyya cognizable by hearing D ii.281; Dhs 467;
Sottun see supati.
KhA 101.
Sota (m. & nt.) [Vedic srotas, nt., fr. sru; see savati] 1. stream, Sotthāna (nt.) [cp. Sk. svastyayana] blessing, well — fare Sn
258; A iv.271, 285; J v.29 (where the metre requires sot-
flood, torrent Sn 433; It 144; J i.323; sīgha — s. having a
quick current D ii.132; Sn 319; metaphorically, the stream of thayanaṁ, as at iv.75); vi.139.
cravings Sn 715 (chinna°; cp. MVastu iii.88 chinna — srota), Sotthi (f.) [Sk. svasti=su+asti] well — being, safety, bless ing A
1034; S iv.292; M i.226 (sotaṁ chetvā); It 114; denotes no- iii.38=iv.266 ("brings future happiness"); J i.335; s. hotu hail!
ble eightfold path S v.347; bhava — s. torrent of rebirth S D i.96; sotthiṁ in safety, safely Dh 219 (=anupaddavena DhA
i.15; iv.128; viññāṇa — s. flux of mind, D iii.105; nom. sing. iii.293); Pv iv.6 (=nirupaddava PvA 262); Sn 269; sotthinā

Sotthi Soḷasa

safely, prosperously D i.72, 96; ii.346; M i.135; J ii.87; iii.201. the ocean S ii.32, 118.
suvatthi the same J iv.32. See sotthika & sovatthika.
Sobhagga (nt.) [abstr. fr. subhaga] prosperity, beauty Th 2, 72; J
-kamma a blessing J i.343. -kāra an utterer of blessings,
i.51, 475; ii.158; iv.133. As sobhagyatā at DA i.161.
a herald J vi.43. -gata safe wandering, prosperous journey
Sobhañjana the tree Hyperanthica moringa J v.405; sobhañ-
Mhvs 8, 10; sotthigamana the same J i.272. -bhāva well —
janaka the same J iii.161 (=siggurukkha, C.); vi.535.
being, prosperity, safety J i.209; iii.44; DhA ii.58; PvA 250.
-vācaka utterer of blessings, a herald Miln 359. -sālā a hos- Sobhaṇa (nt.) [fr. śubh] 1. a kind of edging on a girdle Vin
pital Mhvs 10, 101. ii.136. — 2. beauty, ornament Miln 356.
Sotthika (& °iya) (adj.) [fr. sotthi] happy, auspicious, blessed, Sobhaṇa (adj.) [fr. śubh] 1. adorning, shining, embellishing A
safe VvA 95; DhA ii.227 (°iya; in phrase dīgha° one who is ii.8, 225; very often spelt sobhana J i.257; ThA 244; nagara-
happy for long [?]). sobhaṇā (or °iṇī) a courtesan J ii.367; iii.435, 475; Miln 350;
Sotthiya =sottiya a learned man, a brahmin Dh 295; ThA 200 PvA 4. — 2. good Miln 46 (text °na); Cpd. 96; 101; 106.
(Ap v.6); J iv.301, 303; v.466. Sobhati [śubh, Vedic śobhate] 1. to shine, to be splendid, look
Sotthiya (nt.) [der.?] a childbirth rag Vism 63. beautiful J i.89; ii.93; sobhetha let your light shine (with foll.
yaṁ "in that...") Vin i.187, 349=ii.162= J iii.487=S i.217; ppr.
Sotthivant (adj.) [sotthi+vant] lucky, happy, safe Vv 84 .
°māna Vism 58. aor. sobhi J i.143; Caus. sobheti to make
Sodaka (adj.) [sa+udaka] containing water Mhvs 30, 38; 37, 200. resplendent, adorn, grace A ii.7; Sn 421; J i.43; Miln 1; Vism
79 (ppr. sobhayanto); to make clear D ii.105.
Sodariya (adj.) [sa+udariya] having a common origin (in the
same mother's womb), born of the same mother, a brother J Sobhanagaraka (nt.) a kind of game, fairy scenes D i.6, 13; DA
i.308; iv.434; PvA 94 (bhātā). i.84.
Sodhaka [fr. sodheti] one who cleanses Mhvs 10, 90; PvA 7. Sobhā (f.) [fr. śubh; Sk. śobhā] splendour, radiance, beauty
Mhvs 33, 30; J iv.333; ThA 226; Miln 356.
Sodhana (nt.) [fr. sodheti] cleansing Vism 276 (as f. °nā); exam-
ining J i.292; payment (see uddhāra) J i.321. Sobhiya [cp. Sk. śaubhika; BSk. śobhika MVastu iii.113] a sort
of magician or trickster, clown J vi.277 (sobhiyā ti nagarasob-
Sodheti [Caus. of sujjhati] to make clean, to purify Vin i.47; M
i.39; Dh 141; DA i.261, 13 ; to examine, search J i.200, 291; hanā sampannarūpā purisā; not correct; C.).
ii.123; iii.528; to search for, to seek J ii.135; to clean away, Somanassa (nt.) [fr. su+mano; cp. domanassa] mental ease, hap-
to remove J iv.404; to correct J ii.48; to clear a debt: in this piness, joy D i.3; ii.278; iii.270; M i.85, 313; S iv.232; A ii.69;
meaning mixed with sādheti (q. v.) in phrases iṇaṁ s. and iii.207, 238; Dh 341; Sn 67; Pug 59; VbhA 73; PvA 6, 14, 133;
uddhāraṁ s.; we read iṇaṁ sodheti at PvA 276; uddhāraṁ DA i.53; it is more than sukha D ii.214; defined at Vism 461
sodheti at J iv.45; otherwise sādheti. — Caus. II. sodhāpeti (iṭṭh'ārammaṇ'— ânubhavana — lakkhaṇaṁ, etc.). A syn. of
to cause to clean, to clean Vin iii.208, 248=i.206; J i.305; ii.19; it is veda 1. On term see also Cpd. 277.
Pass. sodhīyati to be cleansed, to be adorned Bu ii.40 sq.=J -indriya the faculty of pleasure D iii.224; S v.209 sq.; Dhs
i.12. 18.
Sona dog It 36; see soṇa. Somanassita (adj.) [Caus. pp. formation fr. somanassa] satisfied,
pleased, contented VvA 351.
Somarukkha [soma+rukkha] a certain species of tree J vi.530.
Sombhā (f.) a puppet, doll Th 2, 390; explained as sombhakā
Sopāka [=sapāka; śva+pāka] a man of a very low caste, an outcast
ThA 257.
Sn 137. See also sapāka.
Somma (adj.) [Sk. saumya, fr. soma] pleasing, agreeable, gentle
Sopāna (m. and nt.) [cp. Sk. sopāna; Aufrecht "sa+ upāyana"]
Dāvs i.42; DA i.247; DhsA 127; VvA 205; SnA 456; Vism
stairs, staircase Vin ii.117, 152; D ii.178; J i.330, 348; iv.265;
Vism 10; VvA 188; PvA 156, 275; Vv 78 ; dhura — sopāna 168.
the highest step of a staircase (?) J i.330. Soracca (nt.) [fr. sorata] gentleness, restraint, meekness A ii.68,
-kalingara flight of steps Vin ii.128 (v. l. sopāṇakaḷevara 113; iii.248; S i.100, 172, 222; Sn 78, 292; Dhs 1342; J iii.442;
as at M ii.92). -panti a flight or row of steps, a ladder Vism iv.302; Miln 162; VvA 347. Often comb with khanti forbear-
392 (three). -pāda the foot of the steps (opp. °sīsa) DhA ance (q. v.). — soracciya (nt.) the same J iii.453.
i.115. -phalaka a step of a staircase J i.330.
Sorata (adj.) [=su+rata, with so° for sū°, which latter is custom-
Soppa (nt.) [=supina] sleep, dream S i.110; A i.261 (i. e. lazi- ary for su° before r (cp. dūr° for dur°). See du 2 and Geiger,
ness). °ante in a dream J v.329 (C. reading for T. suppante). P.Gr. § 11. — The (B)Sk. is sūrata] gentle, kind, humble, self
— restrained M i.125; S i.65; iv.305 (text, sūrata); A ii.43;
Soppati see supati.
iii.349, 393 sq.; Sn 309, 515, 540; J iv.303; DhA i.56.
Sobbha [cp. Sk. śvabhra] a hole, (deep) pit D ii.127; M i.11; A
Soḷasa (num. card.) [Sk. ṣoḍaśa] sixteen D i.128; Sn 1006; J
i.243; ii.140; iii.389 (see papāta); v.114 sq.; J vi.166; Th 1,
i.78 (lekhā); ii.87; iii.342 (atappiya — vatthūni); v.175; vi.37;
229; SnA 355, 479; a water — pool S ii.32; Sn 720; Vism
Miln 11 (palibodhā); DhA i.129 (°salākā); iv.208 (°karīsa
186; as adj. at S iii.109 (+papāta), i. e. "deep"; kussobbha a
— matta). instr. soḷasahi D i.31, & soḷasehi D i.139; gen.
small collection of water S ii.32, 118; Sn 720; mahāsobbha

Soḷasa Ha sati

soḷasannaṁ J iv.124. Very frequent in measures of time & Sosārita (adj.) [su+osārita] well reinstated (opp. dosārita) Vin
space. -°vassa° (16 years...) J i.231, 285; ii.43; iv.7; vi.10, i.322.
486; DhA i.25 and passim. The fem. °-sī acts as num. ord.
Sosika (adj.) [fr. sosa] afflicted with pulmonary consumption Vin
"sixteenth," in phrase kalaṁ nagghati soḷasiṁ he is not worth
i.93; iv.8.
a sixteenth particle of A iv.252; S iii.156; v.44, 343; Dh 70; It
Sosīta at J i.390 means either "thoroughly chilled" or "well wet-
19. d
ted." It is expl as "him'odakena su — sīto suṭṭhu tinto." Per-
Soḷasakkhattuṁ sixteen times DA i.261; DhA i.353= Mhvs 6, 2
haps we have to read so sīta, or sīna (cp. sīna ), or sinna.
37. d
The corresponding sotatta (expl as "suriya — santāpena su
Soḷasama sixteenth Mhvs 2, 29; Vism 292. — tatto") should then be so tatto.
Sovaggika (adj.) [fr. sagga=*svarga; cp. the similar formation Soseti [Caus. of sussati] to cause to dry or wither Mhvs 21, 28;
dovārika=dvāra] connected with heaven Vin i.294; D i.51; A Vism 120. See vi°.
ii.54, 68; iii.46, 51, 259; iv.245; S i.90; DA i.158. Sossati is Fut. of suṇāti.
Sovacassa (nt.) [fr. suvaca, in analogy to dovacassa] gentleness,
Sohada [Sk. sauhṛda, fr. su+hṛd] a friend Mhvs 38, 98. See also
suavity D iii.267; A ii.148; iii.180; Nett 40; 127; ° — karaṇa
making for gentleness M i.96; A ii.148=iii.180.
Sneha see sineha.
Sovacassatā (f.)=sovacassa M i.126; D iii.212, 274; A i.83;
Svākāra [su+ākāra] being of good disposition Vin i.6.
iii.310, 423 sq., 449; iv.29; Sn 266; Dhs 1327; Pug 24. So-
vaccasāya & sovacassiya the same (Dhs 1327; Pug 24). Svākkhāta [su+akkhāta; on the long ā cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 7; BSk.
svākhyāta] well preached Vin i.12, 187; ii.199; M i.67; A i.34;
Sovaṇṇa (adj.) [fr. suvaṇṇa] golden D ii.210; A iv.393; PvA
ii.12 ; J i.226; °-maya golden Vin i.39; ii.116; D ii.170 etc.; J ii.56; Sn 567. Opp. durakkhāta Vism 213 (in detail).
ii.112. Svāgata [su+āgata] 1. welcome Vin ii.11; Th 2, 337; ThA 236.
— 2. learnt by heart Vin ii.95, 249; A iv.140 (pātimokkhāni).
Sovaṇṇaya (adj.) [=sovaṇṇaka] golden J i.226.
See sāgata.
Sovatthika (adj.) [either fr. sotthi with diaeresis, or fr.
su+atthi+ka=Sk. svastika] safe M i.117; Vv 18 (=sotthika Svātana [cp. Sk. śvastana; Geiger, P.Gr. § 6, 54] relating to the
VvA 95); J vi.339 (in the shape of a svastika?); Pv iv.3 (=sot- morrow; dat. ° — nāya for the following day Vin i.27; D i.125;
J i.11; DhA i.314; iv.12.
thi — bhāva — vāha PvA 250). -âlankāra a kind of auspi-
cious mark J vi.488. Svātivatta [su+ativatta] easily overcome Sn 785; Nd 76.
Sovīraka (nt.) [dialectical?] sour gruel Vin i.210; S ii.111; Vv Svāssu=so assu J i.196.
19 ; PugA 232.
Svāhaṁ=so ahaṁ.
Sosa [fr. śuṣ] drying up, consumption Vin i.71; Vism 345.
Sve (adv.) [cp. Sk. śvas] to — morrow Vin ii.77; D i.108, 205; J
Sosana (nt.) [fr. soseti] causing to dry (in surgery) Miln 353. i.32, 243; ii.47; VvA 230; svedivasa DhA i.103. The diaeretic
form is suve, e. g. Pv iv.1 ; Mhvs 29, 17; and doubled suve
Sosānika (adj.) [fr. susāna] connected with a cemetery, bier —
suve day after day Dh 229; DhA iii.329; J v.507.
like Vin ii.149; m., one who lives in or near a cemetery A
iii.220; Pug 69 sq.; Miln 342; Vism 61 sq.; DhA i.69.

Ha [freq. in Rigveda, as gha or ha, Idg. *gho, *ghe; cp. Lat. Haṁsa [cp. Sk. haṁsa=Lat. (h)anser "goose," Gr. ξήν= Ags.
hi — c, Sk. hi] an emphatic particle "hey, oh, hallo, I say" gōs=E. goose, Ger. gans] 1. a water — bird, swan S i.148;
Vin ii.109; Sn 666; iti ha, thus Vin i.5, 12; D i.1; a common Sn 221, 350, 1134; Dh 91, 175; DhA ii.170; J ii.176 sq.;
beginning to traditional instruction Sn 1053; itihītihaṁ (say- SnA 277; Pv ii.12 ; iii.3 . Considered as (suvaṇṇa- ) rāja-
ing), "thus and thus" Sn 1084; SnA 416 (ha — kāra); PvA 4 haṁsa ("golden royal swan") to be king of the birds: J i.207;
(ha re), 58 (gloss for su). ii.353; Vism 650. — At SnA 277 Bdhgh gives various kinds of
haṁsa's, viz. harita°, tamba°, khīra°, kāḷa°, pāka°, suvaṇṇa°.
Haṁ (indecl.) [cp. Sk. haṁ] an exclamation "I say, hey, hallo,
look here!" Vv 50 (=nipāta VvA 212); J v.422; VvA 77. — pāka° a species of water bird J v.356; vi.539; SnA 277. —
f. haṁsī Dāvs v.24 (rāja°). — 2. a kind of building J i.92.
Sometimes as han ti, e. g. J v.203; DhA iii.108. See also
handa & hambho. In comb iti haṁ (=iti) Sn 783; Nd 71; -potaka a young swan Vism 153 (in simile). -rāja the
king of swans Vv 35 ; Vin iv.259.
or with other part. like haṁ dhī DhA i.179, 216 (here as haṁ
di). Haṁsati [cp. Vedic harṣate Idg. *ĝher to bristle (of hair),
Haṁsa [fr. haṁsati] bristling: see lomahaṁsa Sn 270 etc. as in Lat. horreo ("horrid, horripilation"), ēr hedgehog

Ha sati Hatthin

("bristler")=Gr. ξήρ id.; Lat. hirtus, hispidus "rough"; Ags. 38, 52; Vism 92 (nava° sāṭaka). — 3. a handful, a tuft (of hair)
gorst=gorse; Ger. granne & many others, for which see Walde, VvA 197.
Lat. Wtb. s. v. ēr. — The Dhtp (309) defines as "tuṭṭhi." See -anguli finger PvA 124 (+pādanguli toe). -aṭṭhika hand
also ghaṁsati , pahaṁsati , pahaṭṭha , pahaṁsita ] to bristle, — bone KhA 49. -antara a cubit Vism 124. -âpalekhana
stand on end (said of the hair) Vin iii.8; M i.79; Caus. haṁseti licking the hands (to clean them after eating — cp. the 52 nd
to cause to bristle J v.154. — pp. haṭṭha. Sekhiya Vin iv.198) D i.166; iii.40; M i.77, 238, 307; A i.295
(v. l. °āva°); Pug 55. -ābharaṇa bracelet Vin ii.106.
-âbhijappana (nt.) incantations to make a man throw up his
Haṁsana (adj. — nt.) [fr. hṛṣ] bristling, see lomahaṁsa Sn 270
hands D i.11; DA i.97. -âlankāra a (wrist) bracelet, wrist-
let VvA 167. -kacchapaka making a hollow hand J iii.505.
Haṁsi (indecl.) [?]=hañci if, in case that J vi.343.
-kamma manual work, craft, workmanship, labour J i.220;
Hankhati see paṭi°. DhA i.98, 395; iv.64. -gata received, come into the posses-
sion of J i.446; ii.94, 105; VvA 149; (nt.) possession J vi.392.
Hacca (adj.) [fr. han] killing, in bhūnahacca killing an embryo A
-gahaṇa seizing by the hand Vin iv.220. -cchinna whose
iv.98; J vi.579=587; Miln 314 (text bhūta — )
hand is cut off M i.523; Miln 5. -ccheda cutting off the hand
Hañci (indecl.) [haṁ+ci] if Kvu 1.
J i.155 (read sugatiyā va hatthacchedādi). -cchedana=°cheda
Haññati & hañchati see hanati. J iv.192; DhA iii.482. -tala palm of the hand VvA 7. -ttha
Haṭa [pp. of harati] taken, carried off Vin iv.23; J i.498. haṭa- [cp. Sk. hasta — stha, of sthā] lit. standing in the hand of
somebody, being in somebody's power (cp. hattha — gata);
haṭa-kesa with dishevelled hair S i.115.
used as abstr. hatthattha (nt.) power, captivity, °ṁ gacchati
Haṭa [cp. Sk. haṭha & haṭa] a kind of water — plant, Pistia stra-
& āgacchati to come into the power of (gen.), to be at the
tiotes D i.166; M i.78, 156; Pug 55 (text sāta — ); A i.241, 295
mercy of [cp. hattha — gata & hatthaṁ gacchati] J ii.383
(v. l. sāta; cp. hāṭaka).
(āyanti hatthatthaṁ); iv.420, 459; v.346 (°ṁ āgata). As pp.
Haṭṭha [pp. of haṁsati] 1. bristling, standing on end M i.83; Dāvs hatth-attha-gata in somebody's power J i.244; iii.204; vi.582.
v.64; lomahaṭṭhajāta (cp. °loma) with bristling hairs, excited An abstr. is further formed fr. hatthattha as hatthatthatā J
D ii.240; Sn p. 14. — 2. joyful, happy Vin i.15; Sn 1017; J v.349 (°taṁ gata). The BSk. equivalent is hastatvaṁ MVastu
i.31, 335; ii.32; often comb with either tuṭṭha (e. g. J vi.427; ii.182. -pajjotikā hand — illumination, scorching of the hand
PvA 113), or pahaṭṭha (DhA iii.292). (by holding it in a torch), a kind of punishment M i.87; A i.47;
ii.122; Miln 197; Nd 154. -patāpaka a coal — pan, heating
Haṭha [only as lexicogr. word; Dhtp 101=balakkāra] violence.
of the hand Vv 33 ; VvA 147; see mandāmukhi. -pasāraṇa
Hata [pp. of hanti] struck, killed D ii.131; destroyed, spoilt, in-
stretching out one's hand Vism 569. -pāsa the side of the
jured Vin i.25; Dhs 264; J ii.175; reṇuhata struck with dust,
hand, vicinity Vin iv.221, 230. -bandha a bracelet D i.7; DA
covered with dust Vin i.32; hatatta (nt.) the state of being de-
i.89. -vaṭṭaka hand — cart Vin ii.276. -vikāra motion of
stroyed Dh 390; hatâvakāsa who has cut off every occasion
the hand J iv.491. -sāra hand — wealth, movable property
(for good and evil) Dh 97; DhA ii.188; hatâvasesaka surviv-
DhA i.240; J i.114; DA i.216.
ing D i.135; pakkha° a cripple (q. v.); °vikkhittaka slain &
cut up, killed & dismembered Vism 179, 194. — hata is also Hatthaka [hattha+ka] a handful, a quantity (lit. a little hand) Vv
used in sense of med., i. e. one who has destroyed or killed, 45 (=kalāpa VvA 197).
e. g. nāga° slayer of a nāga Vin ii.195; °antarāya one who Hatthin [Vedic hastin, lit. endowed with a hand, i. e. having
removes an obstacle PvA 1. — ahata unsoiled, clean, new D a trunk] an elephant Vin i.218, 352; ii.194 sq. (Nālāgiri)=J
ii.160; J i.50; Dāvs ii.39. v.335 (nom. sg. hatthī; gen. hatthissa); D i.5; A ii.209; J
i.358; ii.102; DhA i.59 (correct haṭṭhi!), 80 (acc. pl. hatthī);
Hati (f.) [fr. han] destruction Dāvs iv.17.
size of an elephant Miln 312; one of the seven treasures D i.89;
Hattha [fr. hṛ, cp. Vedic hasta] 1. hand D i.124; A i.47; Sn 610;
ii.174; often mentioned together with horses (°ass'ādayo), e. g.
J vi.40. — forearm Vin iv.221; of animals S v.148; J i.149;
A iv.107; M iii.104; Vism 269; DhA i.392. ekacārika-h., an
°pāda hand and foot M i.523; A i.47; J ii.117; PvA 241; DhA
elephant who wanders alone, a royal elephant J iii.175; caṇḍa
iv.7. sahassa° thousand — armed Mhvs 30, 75; pañca° hav-
h. rogue elephant M i.519; DA i.37. — hatthinī (f.) a she —
ing five hands J v.425; J v.431 (mukhassa ceva catunnaṁ ca
elephant Dh 105. hatthinikā (f.) the same Vin i.277; D i.49;
caranāṇaṁ vasena etaṁ vuttaṁ); kata° a practised hand, prac-
DA i.147.
tised (of an archer) S i.62; A ii.48; J iv.211. — hatthe karoti
-atthara elephant rug Vin i.192; D i.7; A i.181. -
to bring under one's hand, to take possession of, to subdue J
âcariya elephant trainer Vin i.345; J ii.94, 221, 411; iv.91;
vi.490; hatthaṁ gacchati to come under somebody's hand, to
Miln 201. -āroha mounted on an elephant, an elephant —
come under the sway of J i.179; hatthaga being in the power
driver D i.51; S iv.310. -âlankāra elephant's trappings J
of; hatthagata fallen into the hand or possession of, hatthap-
ii.46. -kanta=manta el. charm DhA i.163. -kantavīṇā
patta what one can put one's hand on, i. e. "before his very
lute enticing an elephant DhA i.163. -kalabha the young of
eyes" Vin i.15. As °hattha in hand, — handed; e. g. daṇḍa°
an elephant A iv.435. -kumbha the frontal globe of an ele-
stick in hand J i.59; ritta° empty — handed Sdhp 309; vīṇā° d
phant J ii.245. -kula elephant species, ten enum at VbhA
lute in hand Mhvs 30, 75. Cp. sa° with one's own hand. — 2.
397. -kkhandha the shoulder or back of an elephant J i.313;
the hand as measure, a cubit J i.34, 233 (asīti°, q. v.); Mhvs
Mhvs vi.24. PvA 75. 178. -gopaka an elephant's groom or

Hatthin Hambho

keeper J i.187. -damaka elephant tamer M iii.132, 136; SnA salla, dart) Sn 938; Nd 411.
161. -damma an elephant in training M iii.222. -nakha
Han (indecl.) see haṁ.
a sort of turrent projecting over the approach to a gate; °ka
Hanati (& hanti) [han or ghan to smite, Idg. *gṷhen, as in Av.
provided with such turrets, or supported on pillars with capi-
jainti to kill; Gr. χείνω to strike, ϕόνος murder; Lat. de —
tals of elephant heads Vin ii.169. -pada an elephant's foot M
fendo "defend" & of — fendo; Ohg. gundea= Ags. gūd "bat-
i.176, 184; S v.43; J i.94. -pākāra "elephant — wall," wall
tle." The Dhtp (363 & 429) gives "hiṁsā" as meaning of han]
of the upper storey with figures of elephants in relief Mhvs 33,
5. See Geiger, Mhvs trsl 228, n. 2. -ppabhinna a furious 1. to strike, to thresh S iv.201; J iv.102. — 2. to kill D i.123;
A iv.97 (asinā hanti attānaṁ); Sn 125; Dh 405; maggaṁ° to
elephant Dh 326; M i.236. -bandha J i.135=hatthibhaṇḍa.
slay travellers on the road J i.274; iii.220. — 3. to destroy,
-bhaṇḍa an elephant — keeper Vin i.85; ii.194. -magga ele- st
to remove Sn 118; Dh 72. — Forms: Pres. 1 sg. hanāmi J
phant track J ii.102. -mangala an elephant festival J ii.46. nd rd
ii.273; 2 sg. hanāsi J iii.199; v.460; 3 sg. hanti Sn 118; A
-matta only as big as an elephant J i.303. -māraka ele-
iv.97; DhA ii.73 (=vināseti); Dh 72; hanāti J v.461; hanati J
phant hunter DhA i.80. -meṇḍa an elephant's groom J iii.431; st rd
i.432; 1 pl. hanāma J i.200; 3 pl. hananti Sn 669. Imper.
v.287; vi.498. -yāna an elephant carriage, a riding elephant
hana J iii.185; hanassu J v.311; hanantu J iv.42; Dh 355; J
D i.49; DA i.147; PvA 55. -yuddha combat of elephants
i.368. Pot. hane Sn 394, 400; haneyya D i.123; Sn 705. ppr.
(as a theatrical show) D i.6. -rūpaka elephant image or pic-
a-hanaṁ not killing D i.116; hananto J i.274. fut. hanissati J
ture, toy elephant (+assa°) DhA ii.69. -laṇḍa elephant dung
iv.102; hañchati J iv.102; hañchema J ii.418. aor. hani Mhvs
DhA iv.156. -lingasakuṇa a vulture with a bill like an ele- rd
phant's trunk DhA i.164. -vatta elephant habit Nd 92. -sālā 25, 64; 3 pl. haniṁsu Sn 295; J i.256; ger. hantvā Sn 121;
Dh 294 sq.; hanitvāna J iii.185. — Pass. haññati D ii.352; S
elephant stable Vin i.277; ii.194; DhA i.393. -sippa the ele-
iv.175; Sn 312; J i.371; iv.102; DhA ii.28. ppr. haññamāna
phant lore, the professional knowledge of elephant — training
S iv.201. grd. hantabba D ii.173. aor. pass. haññiṁsu D
J ii.221 sq. -sutta an elephant — trainer's manual J ii.46 (cp.
i.141. fut. haññissati DA i.134. — Caus. hanāpeti to cause
Mallinātha on Raghuv. vi.27). -soṇḍaka "elephant trunk,"
to slay, destroy J i.262; DA i.159; ghātāpeti Vin i.277; ghāteti
an under — garment arranged with appendages like elephant
to cause to slay Dh 405; Sn 629; a-ghātayaṁ, not causing to
trunks Vin ii.137.
kill S i.116; Pot. ghātaye Sn 705; ghātayeyya Sn 394; aor.
Hadaya [Vedic hṛdaya, hṛd=Av. ǤǤrǤdā, not the same as Lat.
aghātayi Sn 308; ghātayi Sn 309; pass. ghātīyati Miln 186.
cor(dem), but perhaps=Lat. haru entrails (haruspex). See K.Z.
See also ghāteti. Cp. upahanati, vihanati; °gha, ghāta etc.,
xl.419] the heart. — 1. the physical organ D ii.293; S i.207
(ettha uro hadayan ti vuttaṁ DhsA 140); in detail: Vism 256, 2
Hanati [*han for had, probably from pp. hanna. The Dhtm (535)
356; VbhA 60, 239. — 2. the heart as seat of thought and
gives had in meaning of "uccāra ussagga"] to empty the bow-
feeling, esp. of strong emotion (as in Vedas!), which shows 8
els Pv iv.8 (=vaccaṁ osajjate PvA 268). — pp. hanna. Cp.
itself in the action of the heart S i.199. Thus defined as "cintā" 2
ūhanati & ohanati.
at Dhtm 535 (as had), or as "hadayaṁ vuccati cittaṁ," with
ster. expl "mano mānasa paṇḍara" etc. Dhs 17; Nd 412. Cp. Hanana (nt.) [fr. hanati] killing, striking, injuring Mhvs 3, 42.
DhsA 140 (cittaṁ abbhantar' aṭṭhena hadayan ti vuttaṁ). — Hanu (f.) [Vedic hanu; cp. Lat. gena jaw, Gr. γένυς chin, Goth.
With citta at Sn p. 32 (hadayaṁ te phalessāmi "I shall break kinnus=Ger. kinn=E. chin, Oir. gin mouth] the jaw D i.11; J
your heart"); hadayaṁ phalitaṁ a broken heart J i.65; DhA
i.28 (mahā°), 498; SnA 30 (°sañcalana); VbhA 145 (°sañco-
i.173. chinna h. id. J v.180. hadayassa santi calmness of
pana). °-saṁhanana jaw — binding, incantations to bring on
h. A v.64 sq.; hadayā hadayaṁ aññāya tacchati M i.32. h.
dumbness D i.11; DA i.97.
nibbāyi the heart (i. e. anger) cooled down J vi.349; h. me
Hanukā (f.) [fr. hanu] the jaw J i.498; DA i.97; Miln 229; also
avakaḍḍhati my heart is distraught J iv.415. — duhadaya
nt. Vin ii.266; J i.461; ii.127; iv.188; -°aṭṭhika the jaw bone
bad — hearted J vi.469.
J i.265 sq.; Vism 251; VbhA 58; KhA 49; SnA 116.
-aṭṭhi a bone of the heart KhA 49, 50 (so read for pā-
daṭṭhi, see App. to Pj 1.); Vism 255; SnA 116. -gata [°ngata] Hantar [n. ag. fr. hanati] a striker, one who kills D i.56; A ii.116
gone to the heart, learnt by heart Miln 10. -gama [°ngama] sq.; iii.161 sq.; S i.85; Dh 389.
heart — stirring, pleasant, agreeable D i.4; iii.173; M i.345; Handa (indecl.) [cp. Sk. hanta, haṁ+ta] an exhortative-emphatic
A ii.209; v.205; Vin iii.77; Nd 446; Dhs. 1343; DA i.75.
particle used like Gr. α῎γε δή or French allons, voilà: well
-pariḷāha heart — glow Miln 318. -phālana bursting of the st
then, now, come along, alas! It is constructed with 1 pres.
heart J i.282. -maṁsa the flesh of the heart, the heart J i.278, nd
& fut., or imper, 2 person D i.106, 142; ii.288; Sn 153,
347; ii.159 etc. (very frequent in the Jātakas); DhA i.5; ii.90.
701, 1132; J i.88, 221, 233; iii.135; DA i.237 (=vavasāy'atthe
-bheda "heart — break," a certain trick in cheating with mea- 2 3
nipāto); Nd 697 (=padasandhi); Pv i.10 (=gaṇha PvA 49);
sures DA i.79. -vañcana deluding the heart SnA 183 (cp. 21
ii.3 (=upasagg'atthe nipāta PvA 88); DhA i.16, 410 (handa
J vi.388 hadaya — tthena), -vatthu (1) the substance of the je); SnA 200 (vvavasāne), 491 (id.); VvA 230 (hand'— âhaṁ
heart Miln 281; DhsA 140. (2) "heart — basis," the heart as gamissāmi).
basis of mind, sensorium commune Tikp 17, 26, 53 sq., 62,
Hanna (nt.) [pp. of hanati ] easing oneself, emptying of the bow-
256; Vism 447; SnA 228; DhsA 257, 264. See the discussion
at Dhs. trsl lxxxvi. and Cpd. 277 sq. -santāpa heart — els; su° a good (i. e. modest) performance of bodily evacua-
tion, i. e. modesty J i.421.
burn, i. e. grief, sorrow Vism 54. -ssita stuck in the heart (of

Hambho Havya

Hambho (indecl.) [haṁ+bho] a particle expressing surprise or Hari (adj.) [Idg. *ĝhel, as in Lat. helvus yellow, holus cabbage;
haughtiness J i.184, 494. See also ambho. Sk. harita, hariṇa pale (yellow or green), hiri (yellow); Av.
Ǥairi; Gr. ξλόος green, ξλόη "greens"; Ags. geolo=E. yel-
Hammiya (nt.) [cp. Vedic harmya house & BSk. harmikā "sum-
low. Also the words for "gold": hāṭaka & hiraṇya] green,
mer — house" (?) Divy 244] customarily given as "a long,
tawny Dhs 617; DhsA 317; °-ssavaṇṇa gold — coloured J
storied mansion which has an upper chamber placed on the
ii.33 (=hari — samāna — vaṇṇa suvaṇṇa° C.).
top," a larger building, pāsāda, (store — ) house Vin i.58, 96, 1
-candana yellow sandal Vv 83 ; DhA i.28; -tāla yel-
239; ii.146 (with vihāra, aḍḍhayoga, pāsāda, guhā, as the 5
lenāni), 152, 195; Miln 393; Nd 226=Vism 25. °-gabbha a low orpiment Th 2, 393; DhA iii.29; iv.113; -ttaca gold —
coloured Th 2, 333; ThA 235; -pada gold foot, yellow leg, a
chamber on the upper storey Vin ii.152.
deer J iii.184.
Haya [cp. Vedic haya, fr. hi to impel. A diff. etym. see Walde,
Lat. Wtb. s. v. haedus] 1. a horse Vv 64 ; J ii.98; Miln 2. — Hariṇa [fr. hari] a deer J ii.26.
2. speed M i.446. -°vāhin drawn by horses J vi.125. Harita (adj.) [see hari for etym.] 1. green, pale( — green), yel-
lowish. It is expl by Dhpāla as nīla (e. g. VvA 197; PvA
Hara (adj.) (—°) [fr. hṛ] taking, fetching; vayo° bringing age
158), and its connotation is not fixed. — Vin i.137; D i.148; S
(said of grey hairs) J i.138; du° S i.36.
i.5; J i.86, 87; ii.26, 110; Pv ii.12 10 (bank of a pond); Vv 45 7
Haraṇa (nt.) [fr. hṛ] taking, seizing, removing J i.117, 118, 232;
(°patta, with green leaves, of a lotus); J ii.110 (of wheat); SnA
DA i.71. kucchi° n. filling of the belly J i.277. °bhatta a meal
277 (°haṁsa yellow, i. e. golden swan). — 2. green, fresh
to take along DhA ii.144.
Vin iii.16; A v.234 (kusa); nt. (collectively) vegetables, greens
Haraṇaka (nt.) [fr. haraṇa] goods in transit, movable goods Vin Vin 266 (here applied to a field of fresh (i. e. green) wheat or
iii.51. cereal in general, as indicated by expl "haritaṁ nāma pub-
baṇṇaṁ aparaṇṇaṁ" etc.); cp. haritapaṇṇa vegetables SnA
Haraṇī (f.) [fr. haraṇa] 1. a nerve conveying a stimulus (lit. "car-
283. — 3. haritā (f.) gold Th 1, 164=J ii.334 (°maya made
rier"); only used with rasa° nerve of taste Vin ii.137; usually
of gold; but expl as "harita — maṇi — parikkhata" by C.).
given as "a hundred thousand" in number, e. g. J v.4, 293, 458;
— 4. Two cpds., rather odd in form, are haritāmātar "son
DhA i.134. — 2. in kaṇṇamala°, an instrument to remove the
of a green frog" J ii.238 (in verse); and haritupattā (bhūmi)
wax from the ear Vin ii.135. Cp. hāraka.
"covered with green" M i.343; J i.50, 399.
Harati [Idg. *ĝher; in meaning "take" cp. Gr. ξείρ hand; in
Haritaka (nt.) [harita+ka] a pot — herb D ii.342.
meaning "comprise" cp. Lat. cohors. Gr. ξόρτος; Ags.
geard=yard. — The Dhtm expl har laconically by "haraṇa"] Haritatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. harita] greenness Vin i.96.
1. to carry J ii.176; Dh 124; to take with one D i.8, 142; op-
Harītaka [cp. Epic Sk. harītaka] yellow myrobalan (Termina-
posed to paccāharati VbhA 349 — 354; SnA 52 — 58. — 2.
lia citrina or chebula) Vin i.201, 206; J i.80; iv.363; Miln 11;
to bring J i.208; to offer J i.238; Sn 223. — 3. to take, gather
DhsA 320 (T. harīṭaka); VvA 5 (ṭ); °-kī (f.) the myrobalan tree
(fruits) Miln 263. — 4. to fetch, buy J i.291 (mama santikā).
Vin i.30; M iii.127. pūtiharīṭakī Vism 40; °paṇṇika all kinds
— 5. to carry away, to remove D ii.160, 166; J i.282; Sn 469;
of greens Vin ii.267.
Mhvs 1, 26; to do away with, to abolish J i.345. — 6. to take
Hareṇukā (f.) [cp. Sk. hareṇukā] a pea M i.245; J v.405
away by force, to plunder, steal D i.52; J i.187; v.254. — 7.
(=aparaṇṇajā ti 406); vi.537; hareṇuka-yūsa pea — soup M
to take off, to destroy J i.222 (jīvitaṁ), 310 (visaṁ); to kill J
i.245 (one of the 4 kinds of soup).
i.281. — Forms: aor. ahāsi Sn 469 sq.; Dh 3; J iv.308; cp.
upasaṁhāsi S v.214; pahāsi, pariyudāhāsi, ajjhupāhari; ger. Halaṁ=hi alaṁ (q. v.); "halaṁ dāni pakāsituṁ" why should I
haritvā D ii.160; hātūna J iv.280 (=haritvā C.); inf. harituṁ preach? Vin i.5=D ii.36=M i.168=S i.136.
J i.187; hātave Th 1, 186; hātuṁ: see voharati; hattuṁ: see 1
Halāhala [onomat.; cp. Sk. halāhala] a kind of deadly poison,
āharati; Fut. hāhiti J vi.500 (=harissati). — Pass. harīyati
usually as °visa J i.271, 273, 380; iii.103; v.465; Miln 256;
M i.33; hīrati J v.254; pret. ahīratha J v.253; grd. harita-
Vism 57; ThA 287.
bba J i.187, 281. — pp. haṭa. — Caus. hāreti to cause to 2
Halāhala (nt.) [onomat.] uproar, tumult J i.47 sq.; Miln 122. Cp.
take Sn 395; to cause to be removed, to remove J i.345; ii.176;
iii.431 (somebody out of office); hāretabba that which should
be taken out of the way J i.298; Caus. II. harāpeti to cause to Haliddā & Haliddī (f.) [cp. Sk. haridrā] turmeric. - 1. haliddā:
be brought, to offer Vin i.245; J ii.38; to cause to be taken (as Vin i.201; J v.89. — 2. haliddī (haliddi°) M i.127; A iii.230,
a fine) Miln 193. 233; S ii.101; KhA 64; °rāga like the colour of turmeric, or
like the t. dye, i. e. not fast, quickly changing & fading J
Harāyati [Denom. fr. hiri (=hrī), cp. Vedic hrī to be ashamed,
iii.148 (of citta), cp. J iii.524 sq.
Pres. jihreti. — The Dhtp (438) gives roots hiri & hara in
meaning "lajjā"] 1. to be ashamed Vin i.88; ii.292; D i.213; Hava [cp. Vedc hava; hū or hvā to call] calling, challenge Dāvs
M i.120; S iv.62; It 43; Pv i.10 ; ppr. harāyanto Nd 466, & ii.14.
harāyamāna J iv.171; Nd 566. Often comb with aṭṭiyati
Have (indecl.) [ha+ve] indeed, certainly Vin i.2; D ii.168; S i.169;
(q. v.). See also hiriyati. — 2. [in this meaning=Vedic hṛ to
Sn 120, 181, 323, 462; Dh 104, 151, 177, 382; J i.31, 365; DhA
be angry. Pres. hṛṇīte] to be depressed or vexed, to be cross,
to worry (cp. hiriyati) J v.366 (ppr. hariyyamāna); Th 1, 1173
Havya (nt.) [Vedic havya; fr. hū to sacrifice] an oblation, offering
(mā hari "don't worry").

Havya Hāsa

S i.169; Sn 463 sq.; 490. sage without ref.) to be read as hāpaka "neglectful" [i. e. fr.
hāpeti ].
Hasati & Hassati [owing to similarity of meaning the two roots
has to laugh (Sk. hasati, pp. hasita) & hṛṣ to be excited (Sk. Hāpita [pp. of hāpeti ] cultivated, attended, worshipped J
hṛṣyati, pp. hṛṣita & hṛṣṭa) have become mixed in Pāli (see iv.221; v.158 (aggihuttaṁ ahāpitaṁ; C. wrongly= hāpita);
also hāsa). — The usual (differentiated) correspondent of Sk. v.201=vi.565. On all passages & their relation to Com. &
hṛṣyati is haṁsati. The Dhtp (309) gives haṁsa (=harṣa) with BSk. see Kern, Toev. i.132, 133.
tuṭṭhi, and (310) hasa with hasana] 1. to laugh, to be merry; 1 nd
Hāpeti [Caus. of hā to leave: see jahati; to which add fut. 2 sg.
pres. hasati Bu i.28; Mhvs 35, 59; hassati Sn 328, 829; ppr.
hāhasi J iii.172; and aor. jahi J iv.314; v.469] 1. to neglect,
hasamāna is preferable v. l. at J iv.281 for bhāsamāna; aor.
omit A iii.44 (ahāpayaṁ); iv.25; Dh 166; J ii.437; iv.182;
hasi J ii.103; DhA ii.17. — Caus. hāseti [i. e. both fr. has
ahāpetvā without omitting anything, i. e. fully A ii.77; J
& hṛṣ] to cause to laugh; to please, to gladden Mhvs 32, 46;
iv.132; DA i.99. atthaṁ hāpeti to lose one's advantage, to
J vi.217, 304; DhA ii.85; aor. hāsesi Vin iii.84; ppr. hāsaya-
fail Sn 37; J i.251. — 2. to postpone, delay (the performance
mana making merry J i.163, 209. 210; ger. hāsayitvāna Miln
of...) J iii.448; Vism 129. — 3. to cause to reduce, to beat
1. — Caus. II. hāsāpeti SnA 401; J vi.311. Cp. pari°, pa°. — down J i.124; ii.31. — 4. to be lost Sn 90 (? read hāyati).
2. to neigh (of horses) J i.62; vi.581 (strange aor. hasissiṁsu, 2
expl as hasiṁsu by C.). — pp. hasita (& haṭṭha). Hāpeti [in form=Sk. (Sūtras) hāvayati, Caus. of juhoti (see
juhati), but in meaning=juhoti] to sacrifice to, worship, keep
Hasana (nt.) [fr. hasati] laughter Dhtp 31.
up, cultivate J v.195 (aggiṁ;=juhati C.). See Kern, Toev.
Hasamānaka (adj.) [ppr. of hasati+ka] laughing, merry Mhvs 35, i.133. — pp. hāpita.
55; (nt.) as adv. °ṁ jokingly, for fun Vin i.185.
Hāyati is Pass. of jahati [hā], in sense of "to be left behind,"
Hasita [pp. of hasati, representing both Sk. hasita & hṛṣita] laugh- as well as "to diminish, dwindle or waste away, disappear," e.
ing, merry; (nt.) laughter, mirth A i.261; Pv iii.3 (=hasitavant g. Nd 147 (+pari°, antaradhāyati); Miln 297 (+khīyati); ppr.
hasita — mukhin C.); Miln 297; Bu i.28; J i.62 (? read hesita); hāyamāna Nd 543. Cp. hāyana.
iii.223; Vism 20. 1
Hāyana (nt.) [fr. hā] diminution, decay, decrease D i.54; DA
-uppāda "genesis of mirth," aesthetic faculty Tikp 276;
i.165. Opposed to vaḍḍhana (increase) at M i.518.
see Cpd. 20 sq. 2
Hāyana (nt.) [Vedic hāyana] year; in saṭṭhi° 60 years old (of an
Hasula (adj.) [fr. has] is rather doubtful ("of charming speech"?
elephant) M i.229; J ii.343; vi.448, 581.
or "smiling"?). It occurs in (corrupted) verse at J vi.503=Ap
Hāyin (adj.) [fr. hā] abandoning, leaving behind Sn 755= It 62
40 (& 307), which is to be read as "aḷāra — bhamukhā (or
°pamhā) hasulā sussoññā tanu — majjhimā." See Kern's re-
marks at Toev. s. v. hasula. Hāra [fr. harati] 1. that which may be taken; grasping, taking;
grasp, handful, booty. In cpd. °hārin taking all that can be
Hassa (adj. — nt.) [fr. has, cp. Sk. hāsya] ridiculous Sn 328;
taken, rapacious, ravaging J vi.581 (of an army; Kern, Toev.
(nt.) 1. laughter, mirth D i.19; Sn 926; DA i.72; PvA 226;
i.133 wrong in trsl "magnificent, or something like it"). Of
DhA iii.258; Miln 266. — 2. a joke, jest hassā pi, even in fun
a river: tearing, rapid A iii.64; iv.137; Vism 231. — 2. cat-
M i.415; hassena pi the same J v.481; Miln 220; °vasena in
egory; name of the first sections of the Netti Pakaraṇa Nett 1
jest J i.439.
sq., 195.
Hā (indecl.) an exclamation of grief, alas! ThA 154 (Ap v.154);
Hāraka (adj.) [fr. hāra] carrying, taking, getting; removing (f.
VvA 323, 324.
hārikā) M i.385; J i.134, 479; Pv ii.9 (dhana°); SnA 259
Hāṭaka (nt.) [cp. Sk. hāṭaka, connected with hari; cp. Goth.
(maṁsa°). — mala° an instrument for removing ear — wax
gulp=E. gold] gold A i.215; iv.255, 258, 262 (where T reads
Ap 303; cp. haraṇī. sattha° a dagger carrier, assassin Vin
haṭaka, with sātaka as v. l. at all passages); Th 2, 382; J v.90.
iii.73; S iv.62. See also vallī.
Hātabba at Nett 7, 32 may be interpreted as grd. of hā to go Hāri (adj.) [fr. hṛ; cp. Sk. hāri] attractive, charming S iv.316; J
(pres. jihīte). The C. expl it as "gametabba, netabba" (i. e. to
i.204 (°sadda).
be understood). Doubtful.
Hārika (adj.) [fr. hāra] carrying D ii.348.
Hātūna see harati.
Hārin (adj.) [fr. hāra] 1. taking, carrying (f. hārinī) J i.133; Pv
Hāna (nt.) [fr. hā, cp. Sk. hāna] relinquishing, giving up, falling 10
ii.3 (nom. pl. f. hārī); PvA 113. — 2. robbing J i.204. —
off; decrease, diminution, degradation A ii.167; iii.349 sq. Cp. hāra°.
(opp. visesa), 427; Vism 11.
Hāriya (adj.) [fr. hāra] carrying Vv 50 ; ThA 200; VvA 212.
-gāmin going into disgrace or insignificance A iii.349 sq.
-bhāgiya conducive to relinquishing (of perversity and igno- Hālidda (adj.) [fr. haliddā] dyed with turmeric; a° undyed, i. e.
rance) D iii.272 sq.; A ii.167; Nett 77; Vism 85. not changing colour J iii.88; cp. iii.148.
Hāni (f.) [cp. Sk. hāni] 1. decrease, loss A ii.434; v.123 sq.; S Hāsa [fr. has, cp. Sk. hāsa & harṣa] laughter; mirth, joy Dh 146;
i.111; ii.206, 242; J i.338, 346. — 2. falling off, waste Mhvs DA i.228=SnA 155 ("āmeṇḍita"); J i.33; ii.82; v.112; Miln
33, 103. Cp. saṁ°, pari°. 390. See also ahāsa.
-kara giving pleasure, causing joy Miln 252. -kkhaya
Hāpana at J v.433 is with Kern. Toev. i.132 (giving the pas-
ceasing of laughter Dhtp 439 (in def of gilāna, illness).

Hāsa Hirivera

-dhamma merriment, sporting Vin iv.112. Hinati [hi, hinoti] to send; only in cpd. pahiṇati.
Hāsaniya (adj.) [fr. has or hṛṣ; cp. Sk. harṣanīya] giving joy or Hintāla [hiṁ+tāla] a kind of palm, Phoenix paludosa Vin i.190;
pleasure Miln 149. DhA iii.451.
Hāsu° (of uncertain origin) occurs with hāsa° in comb with Hindagu [probably for indagu, inda+gu (=°ga), i. e. sprung from
°pañña and is customarily taken in meaning "of bright knowl- Indra. The h perhaps fr. hindu. The spelling h° is a corrupt
edge" (i. e. hāsa+paññā), wise, clever. The syn. javana- one] man, only found in the Niddesa in stock def of jantu or
pañña points to a meaning like "quick-witted," thus imply- nara; both spellings (with & without h) occur; see Nd 3=Nd 2
ing "quick" also in hāsu. Kern, Toev. i.134 puts forth the in- 249.
genious expl that hāsu is a "cockneyism" for āsu=Sk. āśu
Hima (adj. — n.) [cp. Vedic hima; Gr. ξεϊμα & ξειμών winter,
"quick," which does not otherwise occur in Pāli. Thus his ξιών snow; Av. Ǥaya winter; Lat. hiems etc.] cold, frosty
expl remains problematic. — See e. g. M iii.25; S i.63;
DhsA 317. — (nt.) ice, snow J iii.55.
v.376; J iv.136; vi.255, 329. — Abstr. °tā wisdom S v.412; A
-pāta-samaya the season of snow — fall Vin i.31, 288;
i.45. M i.79; J i.390; Miln 396. -vāta a snow or ice wind J i.390.
Hāseti see hasati.
Himavant (adj.) [hima+vant] snowy J v.63 (=hima-yutta C.).
Hāhasi is 2 nd sg. fut. of jahati (e. g. J iii.172); in cpd. also (m.) Himavā the Himālaya: see Dict. of Names.
°hāhisi: see vijahati.
Hiyyo (adv.) [Vedic hyaḥ, Gr. ξχές, Lat. heri; Goth. gistradagis
Hāhiti is fut. of harati. "to — morrow," E. yester — day, Ger. gestern etc.] yesterday
Vin i.28; ii.77; J i.70, 237; v.461; vi.352, 386; Miln 9. In se-
Hi (indecl.) [cp. Sk. hi] for, because; indeed, surely Vin i.13; D
i.4; Dh 5; Sn 21; Pv ii.1 ; ii.7 10 (=hi saddo avadhāraṇe PvA quence ajja hiyyo pare it seems to mean "to — morrow"; thus
at Vin iv.63, 69; J iv.481 (=sve C.). See para 2. c.
103); SnA 377 (=hi — kāro nipāto padapūraṇa — matto); PvA
70, 76. In verse J iv.495. h'etaṁ =hi etaṁ; no h'etaṁ not so Hirañña (nt.) [Vedic hiraṇya; see etym. under hari & cp. Av.
D i.3. hevaṁ=hi evaṁ. Ǥaranya gold] gold Vin i.245, 276; ii.159; A iv.393; Sn 285,
307, 769; Nd 11; gold — piece S i.89; J i.92. Often to-
Hiṁsati [hiṁs, Vedic hinasti & hiṁsanti] 1. to hurt, injure D
ii.243; S i.70; Sn 515; Dh 132; Pv ii.9 (=bādheti C.); iii.4 2 gether with suvaṇṇa Vin i.150; D ii.179; h°-suvaṇṇaṁ gold
& money M iii.175; J i.341. °olokana ( — kamma) valuation
(=paribādheti C.); SnA 460. — 2. to kill M i.39; Dh 270. —
of gold J ii.272.
Caus. II. hiṁsāpeti PvA 123. — Cp. vi°.
Hiri & hirī (f.) [cp. Vedic hrī] sense of shame, bashfulness, shy-
Hiṁsana (nt.) [fr. hiṁs] striking, hurting, killing Mhvs 15, 28.
ness S i.33; D iii.212; A i.51, 95; iii.4 sq., 331, 352; iv.11,
Hiṁsā (f.) [Vedic hiṁsā] injury, killing J i.445; Dhtp 387. hiṁsa- 3
29; Sn 77, 253, 719; Pug 71; Pv iv.7 ; J i.129, 207; Nett 50,
mano wish to destroy Dh 390. Opp. a°. d
82; Vism 8. Expl Pug 23 sq.; is one of the cāga-dhana's:
Hiṁsitar [n. ag. fr. hiṁsati] one who hurts D ii.243; J iv.121. see cāga (cp. Jtm 31 ). — Often contrasted to & combined
with ottappa (cp. below) fear of sin: A i.51; D iii.284; S
Hikkā (f.) [cp. Epic Sk. hikkā, fr. hikk to sob; onomat.] hiccup
ii.206; It 36; Nett 39; their difference is expl at Vism 464
Sdhp 279.
("kāya — duccarit' ādīhi hiriyatī ti hiri; lajjāy' etaṁ adhiva-
Hikkāra [hik+kāra]=hikkā, VbhA 70.
canaṁ; tehi yeva ottappatī ti ottappaṁ; pāpato ubbegass' etaṁ
Hinkāra (indecl.) [hiṁ=hi, +kāra, i. e. the syllable "hiṁ"] an ex- adhivacanaṁ"); J i.129 sq.; DhsA 124.
clamation of surprise or wonder J vi.529 (C. hin ti kāraṇaṁ). -ottappa shame & fear of sin M i.271; S ii.220; It 34; A
ii.78; J i.127, 206; Tikp 61; Vism 221; DhA iii.73. Frequently
Hingu (nt.) [Sk. hingu] the plant asafetida Vin i.201; VvA 186.
spelt otappa, e. g. J i.129; It 36. -kopīna a loin cloth M
-cuṇṇa powder of asafetida DhA iv.171. -rāja a sort of
i.10; Vism 31, 195. -nisedha restrained by conscience S i.7,
bird J vi.539.
168=Sn 462; Dh 143; DhA iii.86. -bala the power of consci-
Hingulaka [cp. Sk. hingula, nt.] vermilion; as jāti° J v.67. 416; entiousness A ii.150; Dhs 30, 101. -mana modest in heart,
VvA , 168. Also as °ikā (f.) VvA 324.
conscientious D ii.78; M i.43; S ii.159.
Hinguli [Sk. hinguli] vermilion Mhvs 27, 18.
Hirika (& hirīka) (adj.) [fr. hiri] having shame, only as — ° in
Hiṇḍati [*Sk. hiṇḍ] to roam Dhtp 108 (=āhiṇḍana). See ā°. neg. ahirika shameless, unscrupulous A i.51, 85; ii.219; Pug
Hita (adj.) [pp. of dahati ] useful, suitable, beneficial, friendly A 19; It 27 (°īka); J i.258 (chinna° id.); nt. °ṁ unscrupulousness
i.58, 155 sq.; ii.191; D iii.211 sq.; Dh 163. — (m.) a friend, Pug 19.
benefactor Mhvs 3, 37. — (nt.) benefit, blessing, good Vin Hirimant (& hirīmant) (adj.) [fr. hiri] bashful, modest, shy D
i.4; Sn 233; A ii.96 sq., 176; It 78; SnA 500. — Opp. ahita A iii.252, 282; S ii.207 sq.; iv.243 sq.; A ii.218, 227; iii.2 sq., 7
i.194; M i.332. sq., 112; iv.2 sq., 38, 109; v.124, 148; It 97; Pug 23.
-ânukampin friendly & compassionate D i.4, 227; Sn
Hiriya (m. & nt.) [fr. hiri] shame, conscientiousness VvA 194.
693; J i.241, 244. -ûpacāra beneficial conduct. saving good-
Hiriyati (hirīyati) [see harāyati] to blush, to be shy; to feel con-
ness J i.172. -esin desiring another's welfare, well — wishing
scientious scruple, to be ashamed Pug 20, 24; Miln 171; Vism
M ii.238; S iv.359; v.157; °tā seeking another's welfare, solic-
464 (hirīyati); DhsA 149.
itude Dhs 1056; DhsA 362; VvA 260. -kara a benefactor
Mhvs 4, 65. Hirivera (nt.) [cp. Sk. hrīvera] a kind of Andropogon (sort of

Hirivera Hetu

perfume) J vi.537; DA i.81. Hutta (nt.) [cp. Vedic hotra] sacrifice: see aggi°.
Hilādati [hlād] to refresh oneself, to be glad Dhtp 152 (=sukha), Hunitabba is grd. of juhati "to be sacrificed," or "venerable"
591 (id.). Vism 219 (=āhuneyya).
Hīna [pp. of jahati] 1. inferior, low; poor, miserable; vile, base, Hupeyya "it may be" Vin i.8;=huveyya M i.171. See bhavati.
abject, contemptible, despicable Vin i.10; D i.82, 98; S ii.154
Huraṁ (adv.) [of uncertain origin] there, in the other world, in
(hīnaṁ dhātuṁ paṭicca uppajjati hīnā saññā); iii.47; iv.88, 309
another existence. As prep. with acc. "on the other side of,"
(citta h. duggata); D iii.106, 111 sq., 215 (dhātu); A ii.154; i. e. before Sn 1084; Nd 109; usually in connection idha vā
iii.349 sq.; v.59 sq.; Sn 799, 903 sq.; Nd 48, 103, 107, 146; huraṁ vā in this world or the other S i.12; Dh 20; Sn 224=J
J ii.6; Pv iv.1 27 (opp. paṇīta); Vv 24 13 (=lāmaka VvA 116);
i.96; hurāhuraṁ from existence to existence Dh 334; Th 1,
Dhs 1025; DhsA 45; Miln 288; Vism 13; DhA iii.163. — Of- n
399; Vism 107; DhA iv.43. — The expl by Morris J.P.T.S.
ten opposed to ukkaṭṭha (exalted, decent, noble), e. g. Vin
1884, 105 may be discarded as improbable.
iv.6; J i.20, 22; iii.218; VbhA 410; or in graduated sequence
Huhunka (adj.) [fr. huṁ] saying "huṁ, huṁ," i. e. grumbly,
hīna (>majjhima)>paṇīta (i. e. low, medium, excellent), e.
rough; °jātika one who has a grumbly nature, said of the
g. Vism 11, 85 sq., 424, 473. See majjhima. — 2. deprived
brahmins Vin i.2; Ud 3 ("proud of his caste" Seidenstūcker).
of, wanting, lacking Sn 725= It 106 (ceto — vimutti°); Pug 35.
nihuhunka (=nis+h.) not grumbly (or proud), gentle Vin
— hīnāya āvattati to turn to the lower, to give up orders, re-
i.3; Ud 3. Thus also Kern, Toev. i.137; differently Hardy
turn to secular life Vin i.17; S ii.231; iv.191; Ud 21; A iii.393
in J.P.T.S. 1901, 42 ("uttering & putting confidence into the
sq.; M i.460; Sn p. 92; Pug 66; hīnāya vattati id. J i.276;
word huṁ") Bdhgh (Vin i.362) says: "diṭṭha — mangaliko mā-
hīnāy'āvatta one who returns to the world M i.460, 462; S
ii.50; iv.103; Nd 147. navasena kodhavasena ca huhun ti karonto vicarati."
-âdhimutta having low inclinations J iii.87; Pug 26; °ika Hūti (f.) [fr. hū, hvā "to call," cp. avhayati] calling, challenging
id. S ii.157; It 70. -kāya inferior assembly VvA 298 (here S i.208.
meaning Yamaloka); PvA 5. -jacca low-born, low — caste J
He (indecl.) a vocative (exclam.) particle "eh," "here," hey M
ii.5; iii.452; v.19, 257. -vāda one whose doctrine is defective i.125, 126 (+je); DhA i.176 (double).
Sn 827; Nd 167. -viriya lacking in energy It 116; DhA i.75;
Heṭṭhato (adv.) [fr. heṭṭhā] below, from below Ps i.84; Dhs 1282,
1284, Mhvs 5, 64.
Hīyati is Pass. of jahati.
Heṭṭhā (indecl.) [cp. Vedic adhastāt=adhaḥ+abl. suff. °tāt] down,
Hīra [cp. late Sk. hīra] 1. a necklace (?) VvA 176. — 2. a small
below, underneath Vin i.15; D i.198; It 114; J i.71; VvA 78;
piece, splinter J iv.30 (sakalika°); hīrahīraṁ karoti to cut to
PvA 113. As prep. with gen. (abl.) or cpd. "under" J i.176;
pieces, to chop up J i.9; DhA i.224 (+khaṇḍâkhaṇḍaṁ). ii.103; lower in the manuscript, i. e. before, above J i.137,
Hīraka [hīra+ka, cp. lexic. Sk. hīraka "diamond"] a splinter; tāla° 206, 350; VvA 203; lower, farther on J i.235.
"palm — splinter," a name for a class of worms Vism 258. -āsana a lower seat J i.176. -nāsika- (sota) the lower
nostril J i.164. -bhāga lower part J i.209, 484. -mañce
Hīrati is Pass. of harati.
underneath the bed J i.197 (°mañcato from under the bed);
Hīḷana (nt.) & °ā (f.) [fr. hīḍ] scorn(ing), disdain, contempt Miln
ii.275, 419; iv.365. -vāta the wind below, a wind blowing
357; DA i.276 (of part. "re": hīlana — vasena āmantanaṁ);
underneath J i.481. -sīsaka head downwards J iii.13.
as °ā at Vbh 353 (+ohīḷanā); VbhA 486.
Heṭṭhima (adj.) [compar. — superl. formation fr. heṭṭhā] lower,
Hīḷita [pp. of hīḷeti] despised, looked down upon, scorned Vin
lowest Vin iv.168; Dhs 1016; Tikp 41; PvA 281; Sdhp 238,
iv.6; Miln 227, 251; Vism 424 (+ohīḷita oññāta etc.); DA i.256.
240, 256. °tala the lowest level J i.202.
Hīḷeti [Vedic hīḍ or hel to be hostile; cp. Av. Ǥēaša awful; Goth.
Heṭhaka (adj. — n.) [fr. heṭheti] one who harasses, a robber J
us — geisnan to be terrified. Connected also with hiṁsati. —
iv.495, 498. Cp. vi°.
The Dhtp (637) defines by "nindā"] 1. to be vexed, to grieve
S i.308; to vex, grieve Vv 84 . — 2. to scorn, disdain, to Heṭhanā (f.) [fr. heṭheti] harassing D ii.243; VbhA 75.
feel contempt for, despise D ii.275; Sn 713 (appaṁ dānaṁ na Heṭheti [Vedic heḍ=hel or hīḍ (see hīḷeti)] to harass, worry, injure
hīḷeyya); J ii.258; DA i.256 (=vambheti); DhA iv.97; Miln 169 J iv.446, 471; Pv iii.5 (=bādheti PvA 198); ppr. a-heṭhayaṁ
(+garahati). — pp. hīḷita. Dh 49; S i.21. med. a-heṭhayāna S i.7; iv.179; ger. heṭhay-
itvāna J iii.480. — pp. heṭhayita J iv.447.
Huṁ (indecl.) the sound "huṁ" an utterance of discontent or re-
fusal DhA iii.108=VvA 77; Vism 96. Cp. haṁ. hunkāra Hetaṁ=hi etaṁ.
growling, grumbling Vism 105. hunkaroti to grumble DhA Hetu [Vedic hetu, fr. hi to impel] 1. cause, reason, condition S
i.173. hunkaraṇa=°kāra DhA i.173 sq. See also huhunka.
i.134; A iii.440 sq.; Dhs 595, 1053; Vism 450; Tikp 11, 233,
Hukku the sound uttered by a jackal J iii.113. 239. In the older use paccaya and hetu are almost identical
as synonyms, e. g. n'atthi hetu n'atthi paccayo D i.53; aṭṭha
Huta [pp. of juhati] sacrificed, worshipped, offered Vin i.36=J
i.83; D i.55; J i.83 (nt. "oblation"); Vv 34 26 (su°, +sudinna, hetū aṭṭha paccayā D iii.284 sq.; cp. S iii.69 sq.; D ii.107; M
i.407; A i.55 sq., 66, 200; iv.151 sq.; but later they were dif-
suyiṭṭha); Pug 21; Dhs 1215; DA i.165; DhA ii.234.
ferentiated (see Mrs. Rh. D., Tikp introd. p. xi. sq.). The diff.
-āsana [cp. Sk. hutāśana] the fire, lit. "oblation-eater"
between the two is expl e. g. at Nett 78 sq.; DhsA 303. —
Dāvs ii.43; Vism 171 (=aggi).

Hetu Horāpāṭhaka

There are a number of other terms, with which hetu is often Hetuye see bhavati.
comb , apparently without distinction in meaning, e. g. hetu Hema (nt.) [cp. Epic Sk. heman] gold D ii.187; J vi.574.
paccaya kāraṇa Nd 617 (s. v. sankhā); mūla h. nidāna samb-
-jāla golden netting (as cover of chariots etc.) A iv.393;
hava pabhava samuṭṭhāna āhāra ārammaṇa paccaya samudaya: Vv 35 , 36 (°ka). -vaṇṇa golden — coloured D ii.134; Th
frequent in the Niddesa (see Nd p. 231, s. v. mūla). — In
2, 333; ThA 235; DhsA 317.
the Abhidhamma we find hetu as "moral condition" referring
Hemanta [hema(=hima)+anta] winter A iv.138; J i.86; Miln 274.
to the 6 mūlas or bases of good & bad kamma, viz. lobha,
dosa, moha and their opposites: Dhs 1053 sq.; Kvu 532 sq. Hemantika (adj.) [fr. hemanta] destined for the winter, wintry,
— Four kinds of hetu are distinguished at DhsA 303=VbhA icy cold Vin i.15, 31 (rattiyo), 288; M i.79; S v.51; A iv.127;
402, viz. hetu°, paccaya°, uttama°, sādhāraṇa°. Another 4 at Vism 73.
Tikp 27, viz. kusala°, akusala°, vipāka°, kiriya°, and 9 at Tikp
Hemavataka (adj.) [fr. himavant] belonging to, living in the
252, viz. kusala°, akusala°, avyākata°, in 3X3 constellations Himālaya J i.506; iv.374, 437; °vatika id. Dpvs v.54.
(cp. DhsA 303). — On term in detail see Cpd. 279 sq.; Dhs.
trsl §§ 1053, 1075. — abl. hetuso from or by way of (its) Heraññika (& °aka) [fr. hirañña, cp. BSk. hairaṇyika Divy
501; MVastu iii.443] goldsmith (? for which suvaṇṇakāra!),
cause S v.304; A iii.417. — acc. hetu (—°) (elliptically as
banker, money — changer Vism 515=VbhA 91; J i.369;
adv.) on account of, for the sake of (with gen.); e. g. dāsa —
iii.193; DA i.315; Miln 331 (goldsmith?).
kammakara — porisassa hetu M ii.187; kissa hetu why? A
iii.303; iv.393; Sn 1131; Pv ii.8 (=kiṁ nimittaṁ PvA 106); -phalaka the bench (i. e. table, counter) of a money
changer or banker Vism 437=VbhA 115; J ii.429; iii.193 sq.
pubbe kata° by reason (or in consequence) of what was for-
merly done A i.173 sq.; dhana° for the sake of gain Sn 122. Hevaṁ see hi.
— 2. suitability for the attainment of Arahantship, one of the
Hesati [both heṣ (Vedic) & hreṣ (Epic Sk.); in Pāli confused with
8 conditions precedent to becoming a Buddha Bu ii.59=J i.14, 2
hṛṣ (hasati): see hasati ] to neigh J i.51, 62 (here hasati);
44. — 3. logic Miln 3. s
v.304 (T. siṁsati for hiṁsati; C. expl hiṁsati as "hessati,"
-paccaya the moral causal relation, the first of the 24 Pac-
cp. abhihiṁsanā for °hesanā). — pp. hesita.
cayas in the Paṭṭhāna Tikp 1 sq., 23 sq., 60 sq., 287, 320;
Hesā (f.) [fr. hesati] neighing, neigh Dāvs v.56.
Dukp 8, 41 sq.; Vism 532; VbhA 174. -pabhava arising
from a cause, conditioned Vin i.40; DhA i.92. -vāda the the- Hesita (nt.) [pp. of hesati] neighing J i.62 (here as hasita); Mhvs
ory of cause, as adj. "proclaimer of a cause," name of a sect 23, 72.
M i.409; opp. ahetu-vāda "denier of a cause" (also a sect) M Hessati is: 1. Fut. of bhavati, e. g. J iii.279. — 2. Fut. of jahati,
i.408; ahetu-vādin id. J v.228, 241 (=Jtm 149). e. g. J iv.415; vi.441.
Hetuka (adj.) (—°) [fr. hetu] connected with a cause, causing or Hehiti is Fut. 3 sg. of bhavati, e. g. Bu ii.10=J i.4 (v. 20).
caused, conditioned by, consisting in Mhvs 1, 45 (maṇi — pal-
Hoti, hotabba etc. see bhavati.
lanka°); Dhs 1009 (pahātabba°); VbhA 17 (du°, ti°). usually
as sa° and a° (with & without a moral condition) A i.82; Vism Hotta (nt.) [Vedic hotra] (function of) offering; aggi° the sacrifi-
454 sq.; Dukp 24 sq. sa° Dhs 1073 (trsl "having root — con- cial fire SnA 436 (v. l. BB °hutta).
ditions as concomitants"); Kvu 533 ("accompanied by moral Homa (m. & nt.) [fr. hu, juhati] oblation D i.9; DA i.93 (lohita°).
conditions"); a° S iii.210 (°vāda, as a "diṭṭhi"); Vism 450.
Horāpāṭhaka [late Sk. horā "hour" (in astrol. literature, fr. Gr.
Hetutta (nt.) [abstr. formation fr. hetu] reason, consequence; abl.
ω῞ρα: cp. Winternitz, Gesch. d. Ind. Lit. iii.569 sq.)+pāṭhaka,
in consequence of (—°) Vism 424 (diṭṭhi-visuddhi°).
i. e. expert] an astrologer Mhvs 35, 71.


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