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Pali English Dictionary.

Mutta Muddika

muprem impurity, Mir. mūn urine; Gr. μιαίνω to make dirty] karuṇā°); Vism 318 (where defined as "modanti tāya, taṁ —
urine Vin iv.266 (passāvo muttaṁ vuccati); Pv i.9 (gūthañ samangino, sayaṁ vā modati etc."); DhsA 192. See on term
ca m.); PvA 43, 78. Enum under the 32 constituents of the Dhs trsl. §251 (where equalled to συγξαιροσύνη); Cpd. 24
body (the dvattiṁs — ākāraṁ) at Kh iii. (cp. KhA 68 in detail (called sympathetic & appreciative), 97 (called "congratula-
on mutta; do. Vism 264, 362; VbhA 68, 225, 248 sq.) =M tory & benevolent attitude"); Expos. 200 (interpretation here
iii.90=D ii.293 etc. refers to mudutā DhsA 151 "plasticity").
-ācāra see mutta . -karaṇa "urine — making," i. e. pu-
Mudu (adj.) [Vedic mṛdu, fr. mṛd: see maddati; cp. Lat. mollis
dendum muliebre, cunnus Vin iv.260. -karīsa urine & faeces, (fr. *moldṷis); Gr. ἀμαλδύνω to weaken, Cymr. blydd soft]
i. e. excrements Vin i.301; S iii.85; A ii.33; Sn 835; Nd 181;
soft, mild, weak, tender D ii.17=iii.143 (+taluṇa); A ii.151
J vi.111; Vism 259, 305, 342, 418 (origin of). -gata what has
(pañcindriyāni mudūni, soft, blunt, weak: opp. tikkha); S
become urine DhsA 247 (gūtha°+). -vatthi the bladder Vism
ii.268 (°taluṇa — hatthapādā); Sn 447 (=muduka SnA 393);
345. 2
Th 1, 460 (=loving); Pv i.9 ; Vism 64; PvA 46, 230. Compar.
Muttaka (adj.) [mutta +ka] only in cpd. antarā° one who is re- mudutara S v.201.
leased in the meantime Vin ii.167. -indriya (mud°) weak, slow minded, of dull senses Ps
i.121=ii.195; Vism 87. -citta a tender heart PvA 54. -cittatā
Muttakā (f.)=muttā; °maya made of pearls Mhvs 27, 33.
kind (soft) heartedness DhA i.234. -piṭṭhika having a soft
Muttatā (f.) [abstr. fr. mutta ] state of being liberated, freedom
(i. e. pliable) back Vin iii.35. -bhūta supple, malleable D
J v.480.
i.76 (+kammaniya); Pug 68. -maddava soft & tender (said
Muttā (f.) [cp. Sk. muktā] a pearl Vv 37 (°ācita); Pv ii.7 5 of food taken by young women to preserve their good looks)
(+veḷuriya); Mhvs 30, 66. Eight sorts of pearls are enum at DhsA 403. -hadaya tender — hearted DhA ii.5.
Mhvs. 11, 14, viz. haya — gaja — rath' āmalakā valay'anguli
Muduka (adj.) [fr. mudu]=mudu. — 1. flexible, pliable, soft S
— veṭhakā kakudha — phala — pākatikā, i.e. horse —, ele-
ii.221 (sanghāṭi); Vism 66 (giving in easily, cpd. with ukkaṭṭha
phant —, waggon —, myrobalan —, bracelet —, ring —,
& majjhima); KhA 49 (°aṭṭhikāni soft bones); Mhvs 25, 102
kakudha fruit —, and common pearls.
(sayana); bhūmi Miln 34. — 2. soft, mild, gentle, kindly, ten-
-āhāra a string or necklace of pearls J i.383; vi.489; DhA
der — hearted J v.83 (m. hadaya), 155; Miln 229 (cittaṁ m.);
i.85; SnA 78 (simile); Vism 312. -jāla a string (net) of pearls
SnA 84 (°jātika), 393; DhA i.249 (citta); PvA 243. — 3. soft,
J iv.120; Mhvs 27, 31; VvA 198. -dāma garland or wreath of
weak, pampered, spoilt S ii.268 (of the Licchavi princes). —
p. Mhvs 30, 67 (so T. for v. l. °maya). -vali string of pearls
See also maddava, & cp. ati°.
VvA 169. -sikkā string of pearls VvA 244.
Mudutā (f.) [cp. Sk. mṛdutā; abstr. fr. mudu. See also muditā]
Mutti (f.) [fr. muc, cp. Sk. mukti] release, freedom, eman- softness, impressibility, plasticity A i.9; D iii.153 (trsl "love-
cipation Sn 344 (muty — apekho); Nd 88, 89 (+vimutti &
liness"); Dhs 44 (+maddavatā); 1340 (id.); Vism 463 sq.;
parimutti); PvA 35, 46; Sdhp 492. — Cp. vi°.
DhsA 151 (=mudubhāva); cp. Dhs. trsl. §1340.
Muttika [fr. muttā] a pearl vendor, dealer in pearls Miln 262.
Muddā (f.) [cp. (late?) Sk. mudrā] 1. a seal, stamp, impression;
Mudati [for modati?] in exegetical expl of "muti" at VbhA 412: — rāja° the royal seal DhA i.21. Also with ref. to the State
mudatī ti muti. See muti. Seal at Miln 280, 281 in cpds. muddakāma (amacca) & mudda
— paṭilābha. — 2. the art of calculation mentioned as a noble
Mudayantī (f.) [cp. Sk. modayantī] a certain plant, perhaps Pty-
craft (ukkaṭṭhaṁ sippaṁ) at Vin iv.7 (with gaṇanā & lekhā), as
chotis ajowan J vi.536.
the first of the sippāni (with gaṇanā) at M i.85=Nd 199. Fur-
Mudā (f.) [fr. mud, see modati] joy, pleasure D ii.214 (v. l.
ther at Miln 3, 59, 78 sq., 178. Cp. BSk. mudrā in same sense
pamudā); Sdhp 306, 308.
(e. g. at Divy 3, 26, 58 in set lipyā, sankhyā, gaṇanā, m.).
Mudinga see mutinga. Bdhgh's expl of muddā D i.11 m.+gaṇanā (see DA i.95) as
"hattha — muddā — gaṇanā" is doubtful; since at Miln 78 sq.
Mudita [pp. of mud, modati] pleased, glad, satisfied, only in
muddā & gaṇanā are two quite diff. things. See also Franke,
cpd. °mana (adj.) with gladdened heart, pleased in mind Sn
680 (+udagga); Vv 83 (+pasanna — citta). Cp. pa°. Dīgha trsl. p. 18, with note (he marks muddā "Finger — Rech-
nen" with?); and cp. Kern, Toev. i.166 s. v. muddā. The Dial.
Muditā (f.) [abstr. fr. mudu, for the usual mudutā, which in
i.21 trsl. "counting on the fingers" (see Dial. i.21, 22 with
P. is only used in ord. sense, whilst muditā is in pregnant
literature & more refs.). — hattha° is signlanguage, gesture
sense. Its semantic relation to mudita (pp. of mud) has led
(lit. hand — arithmetic), a means of communicating (question
to an etym. relation in the same sense in the opinion of P.
& answer) by signs, as clearly evident fr. J vi.364 (hattha —
Commentators and the feeling of the Buddhist teachers. That
muddāya naṁ pucchissāmi... muṭṭhiṁ akāsi, sā "ayaṁ me...
is why Childers also derivers it from mud, as does Bdhgh.
pucchati" ti ñatvā hatthaṁ vikāsesi, so ñatvā...; he then asks by
— BSk. after the Pali: muditā Divy 483] soft — hearted-
word of mouth). — hattha-muddaṁ karoti to make a sign,
ness, kindliness, sympathy. Often in triad mettā ("active love"
to beckon J iii.528; cp. Vin v.163: na hatthavikāro kātabbo,
SnA 128), karuṇā ("preventive love," ibid.), muditā ("disin-
na hattha — muddā dassetabbā.
terested love": modanti vata bho sattā modanti sādhu sutthū
-âdhikaraṇa the office of the keeper of the Privy Seal,
ti ādinā mayena hita — sukh' âvippayogakāmatā muditā SnA
Chancellorship Miln 281.
128); e. g. at D i.251; S v.118; A i.196 etc. (see karuṇā). —
Muddika (adj. n.) [fr. muddā] one who practises muddā (i. e.
Cp. also Sn 73; D iii.50, 224, 248; Miln 332 (°saññā;+mettā°,

Muddika Muyhati

knowledge of signs) D i.51 (in list of occupations, comb with gives as root mun in meaning "ñāṇa." The word is more a
gaṇaka & trsl Dial. i.68 by "accountant"; cp. Franke, Dīgha Com. word than anything else, formed from muni & in or-
p. 53, "Finger — rechner"?) Vin iv.8 (m., gaṇaka, lekhaka); S der to explain it] to be a wise man or muni, to think, ponder,
iv.376 (gaṇaka, m., sankhāyaka). to know Dh 269 (yo munāti ubho loke munī tena pavuccati),
Muddikā (f.) [fr. muddā] a seal ring, signet — ring, finger- which is expl at DhA iii.396 as follows: "yo puggalo... tu-
laṁ āropetvā minanto viya ime ajjhattikā khandhā ime bāhirā
ring J i.134; iii.416; iv.439; DhA i.394; ii.4 (a ring given by
ti ādinā nayena ime ubho pi atthe mināti munī tena pavuccati."
the king to the keeper of the city gates as a sign of author-
Note. The word occurs also in Māgadhī (Prk.) as muṇaï which
ity, and withdrawn when the gates are closed at night); iv.222.
as Pischel (Prk. Gr. § 489) remarks, is usually taken to man,
anguli° finger — ring, signetring Vin ii.106; J iv.498; v.467.
but against this speaks its meaning "to know" & Pāli munāti.
— Similarly as at DhA ii.4 (muddikaṁ āharāpeti) muddikā is
He compares maṇaï with Vedic mūta in kāma — mūta (driven
fig. used in meaning of "authority," command; in phrase mud-
by kāma; mūta=pp. of mū=mīv) and Sk. muni. Cp. animo
dikaṁ deti to give the order, to command Miln 379 (with ref.
to the captain of a ship).
Muddikā (f.) [fr. mudu, cp. *Sk. mṛdvīkā] a vine or bunch of Muni [cp. Vedic muni, originally one who has made the vow of
silence. Cp. Chh. Up. viii.5, 2; Pss. of the Br. 132 note. Con-
grapes, grape, grape wine Vin i.246 (°pāna); J iv.529; DhA
ii.155. nected with mūka: see under mukha. This etym. preferred
by Aufrecht: Halāyudha p. 311. Another, as favoured by
Muddha [pp. of muh, for the usual mūḷha, corresp. to Sk.
Pischel (see under munāti) is "inspired, moved by the spirit."
mugdha. Not=mṛddha (of mṛdh to neglect) which in P. is ns
Pāli expl (popular etym.) are given by Dhammapāla at VvA
maddhita: see pari°; nor=mṛdhra disdained] infatuated, bewil-
114 & 231: see munana] a holy man, a sage, wise man. I.
dered, foolish J v.436.
The term which was specialised in Brahmanism has acquired
-dhātuka bewildered in one's nature, foolish(ly) J iv.391
a general meaning in Buddhism & is applied by the Buddha
(v. l. luddha°); DhA iii.120 (v. l. danta° & mūḷa°).
to any man attaining perfection in self — restraint and in-
Muddha & Muddhā [Vedic mūrdhan, the P. word shows a mix- sight. So the word is capable of many — sided application
ture of a — and n — stem] the head; top, summit. — m. sg. and occurs frequently in the oldest poetic anthologies, e. g.
muddhā Sn 983, 1026, & muddhaṁ Sn 989; acc muddhaṁ Sn 207 — 221 (the famous Muni — sutta, mentioned Divy
D i.95; Sn 987 sq., 1004, 1025; Dh 72 (=paññāy' etaṁ nā- 20, 35; SnA 518; expl SnA 254 — 277), 414, 462, 523 sq.,
maṁ DhA ii.73); & muddhānaṁ M i.243; iii.259=S iv.56; 708 sq., 811 sq., 838, 844 sq., 912 sq., 946, 1074 & passim
instr. muddhanā Mhvs 19, 30; loc. muddhani Sn 689, 987; (see Pj. Index p. 749); Dh 49, 225, 268 sq., 423. — Cp.
M i.168; Vism 262; Mhvs 36, 66, in meaning "on the top of (a general passages & expl ns at Pv ii.1 ; ii.13 (expl at PvA
mountain)": Vin i.5 (here spelt pabbata — muddhini)=S i.137; 163 by "attahitañ ca parahitañ ca munāti jānātī ti muni"); Miln
J iv.265 (Yugandhara°); Pv ii.9 61 (Naga°=Sineru° PvA 138); 90 (munibhāva "munihood," meditation, self — denial, abro-
Vism 304 (vammika° on top of an ant — hill). — Freq. in gation); DhA iii.521 (munayo=moneyya — paṭipadāya mag-
phrase muddhā (me, or no, or te) sattadhā phaleyya, as an gaphalaṁ pattā asekha — munayo), 395 (here expl with ref.
oath or exclam of desecration or warning: "(your) head shall to orig. meaning tuṇhībhāva "state of silence" =mona). —
split into 7 pieces," intrs. spelt both phal° & phāl° at J v.92 (te II. The Com. & Abhidhamma literature have produced sev-
s. phal°); Miln 157; DhA i.17 (me... phāl°), 41 (te phalatu s.), eral schedules of muni — qualities, esp. based on the 3 fold
42 (ācariyassa m. s. phalissati); iv.125 (no... phāleyya); VvA division of character as revealed in action, speech & thought
68 (me s. phal°). — In comp muddha°. (kāya°, vacī°, mano°). Just as these 3 are in general exhib-
-(n)aṭṭhi (muddhan — aṭṭhi) bone of the head KhA 51. ited in good or bad ways of living (°sucaritaṁ & °duccari-
-âdhipāta head — splitting, battering of the head Sn 988 sq., taṁ), they are applied to a deeper quality of saintship in kāya
1004, 1025; -âdhipātin head — splitting (adj.) Sn 1026. — moneyya, vacīmoneyya, mano — moneyya; or Muni —
-âra head (top) spoke KhA 172. -âvasitta "head — anointed" hood in action, speech & thought; and the muni himself is
a properly anointed or crowned king D iii.60 sq., 69; Pug 56; characterised as a kāya — muni, vacī° & mano°. Thus runs
Miln 234. -pāta=°âdhipāta. the long exegesis of muni at Nd 514 =Nd 57. Besides this
Muddhatā (f.) [fr. muddha ] foolishness, stupidity, infatuation J the same chapter (514 ) gives a division of 6 munis, viz.
agāra- muni, anagāra° (the bhikkhus), sekha°, asekha° (the
v.433 (v. l. muṭhatā, muddatā).
Arahants), pacceka° (the Paccekabuddhas), muni° (the Tathā-
Mudhā (adv.) [Class. Sk. mudhā] for nothing, gratis VvA 77. 2 a
gatas). — The parallel passage to Nd 514 at A i.273 gives a
Munana (nt.) [fr. munāti, almost equal to mona] fathoming, muni as kāya — muni, vācā° & ceto° (under the 3 moneyyāni).
recognising, knowing; a C. word to explain "muni," used
Mummura [*Sk. murmura, lit. crackling, rustling; cp. Lat. mur-
by Dhpāla at VvA 114 (mahā — isibhūtaṁ... mahanten'
mur=E. murmur, Gr. μορμύρω to rustle, Ohg. murmurōn &
eva ñāṇena munanato paricchindanato mahā muniṁ), & 231
murmulōn=Ger. murmeln; all to Idg. *mrem, to which Sk.
(anavasesassa ñeyyassa munanato muni).
marmara: see P. mammara & cp. murumurā] crackling fire,
Munāti [=manyate, prob. corresponding to Sk. med. manute, hot ashes, burning chaff J ii.134.
with inversion *munati and analogy formation after jānāti as n
Muyhati [Vedic muhyati, muh; def Dhtp 343: mucchā-yaṁ;
munāti, may be in allusion to Sk. mṛṇāti of mṛ to crush,
460: vecitte; cp. moha & momuha] to get bewildered, to be
or also mā mināti to measure out or fathom. The Dhtm 589
infatuated, to become dull in one's senses, to be stupified. Just

Muyhati Mūla

as rāga, dosa & moha form a set, so do the verbs rajjati, dus- mose," i. e. forgetfulness] v. intrs.: to forget, to pass into
sati, muyhati, e. g. Miln 386 (rajjasi rajjanīyesu, dussanīyesu oblivion, to become bewildered, to become careless D i.19
dussasi, muyhase mohaniyesu). Otherwise rare as finite verb; (sati m.); J v.369 (id.); Sn 815 (=nassati SnA 536;=parimus-
only DhsA 254 (in def of moha) & Sdhp 282, 605 (so read sati, paribāhiro hoti Nd 144). — pp. muṭṭha. Cpp. pa°,
for mayhate). — pp. mūḷha & muddha . pari°.
Muyhana (nt.) [fr. muyhati] bewilderment, stupefaction, infatu- Muhutta (m. & nt.) [Vedic muhūrta, fr. muhur suddenly] a mo-
ation DA i.195 (rajjana — dussana — m.). ment, a very short period of time, an inkling, as we should
say "a second." — Its duration may be seen from descending
Muraja [cp. Epic. & Class. Sk. muraja, Prk. murava: Pischel,
Prk. Gr. § 254] 1. a small drum, tambourine J v.390; Vv 35 3 series of time — connotations at PvA 198 (under jātakamma,
(=bheri VvA 161); 84 18 (=mudinga VvA 340); SnA 370. — prophesy by astrologers at the birth of a child): rāsi, nakkhatta,
tithi, m.; and from def at Nd 516 by "khaṇaṁ, layaṁ, vas-
2. a kind of girdle Vin ii.136.
saṁ, atthaṁ." — Usually in oblique cases: muhuttena in a
Murumurā (indecl.) [onomat. to sound root mṛ, see mammara
short time, in a twinkling of an eye PvA 55; muhuttaṁ (acc.)
& mummura] the grinding, crackling sound of the teeth when
a moment, even a second Sn 1138 (m. api); Dh 65 (id.), 106;
biting bones, "crack"; in phrase m. ti khādati to eat or bite up
PvA 43.
to bits J i.342; v.21 (of a Yakkhinī, eating a baby).
Muhuttika (adj.) [fr. muhutta] only for a moment; °ā (f.) a tem-
Murumurāpeti=murumurāyati J ii.127; iii.134; v.196 (°etvā khā- n
porary wife, in enum of several kinds of wives at Vin iii.139
& VvA 73. Syn. tan — khaṇikā.
Murumurāyati [Denom. fr. murumurā] to munch, chew, bite up
Mū is given as root as Dhtp 216 in meaning "bandhana."
with a cracking sound J iv.491.
Mūga (adj.) [Vedic mūka; see etym. under mukha] dumb Vin i.91
Muḷāla & Muḷālī (f.) [cp. Vedic mulālin. Zimmer, Altind Leben
(andha, m., badhira); Sn 713; DhA ii.102 (andha, m., badhira);
70 mentions Bisa, Śāluka & Mulālin as edible roots of lotus d
SnA 51 (in simile); Sdhp 12. Freq. comb with eḷa, deaf (q.
kinds. — Geiger, P.Gr. 12 & 43 puts muḷāla =Sk. mṛṇāla] the
stalk of the lotus: muḷālī Vin i.215 (bhisa+); muḷāli J vi.530
Mūla (nt.) [Vedic mūra & mūla. The root is given as mūl in 2
(=muḷālaka C.); muḷālikā Vin i.215 (bhisa+); bhisa-muḷālaṁ
meanings, viz. lit. "rohane" Dhtm 859, and fig. "patiṭṭhāyaṁ"
(nt.) (collective cpd.) fibre & stalks Vin ii.201=S ii.269; iv.94;
Dhtm 391] 1. (lit.) root A ii.200= M i.233; DhA i.270; iv.200
v.39; Vism 361; VbhA 66. — muḷāli-puppha a lotus Th 1,
(opp. patti); Vism 270 (rukkha°=rukkha — samīpaṁ); Pv
1089. 6
ii.9 (sa° with the root); PvA 43 (rukkhassa mūle at the foot
Musati [in this connection=mṛṣ in an active sense, as quâsi De-
of). — 2. foot, bottom Vin ii.269 (patta°); PvA 73 (pāda°),
nom. fr. musā. Not to muṣ to steal, which is given at Dhtp
76 (id.). rukkha° foot of a tree: see under rukkha for special
491 with "theyya"] to betray, beguile, bewilder, dazzle, in meaning. — 3. (appl ) ground for, reason, cause, condition,
cakkhūni m. D ii.183 (but trsl "destructive to the eyes"); def as "hetu, nidāna, sambhava" etc. at Nd s. v.; Sn 14=369
musati 'va nayanaṁ Vv 35 (cp. VvA 161). 33
(akusalā mũlā n. pl.=ākāra or patiṭṭhā SnA 23); Pv ii.3 (sa°
Musala (m. nt.) [cp. Vedic musala. The etym. is proba- with its cause); Dukp 272, 297, 312, 320; Miln 12 (& khandha
bly to be connected with mṛd (see maddati)] 1. a pestle — yamaka, with ref. to the Yamaka). Very freq. in this sense
(whilst udukkhala is "mortar," cp. J ii.428 & see udukkhala) as referring to the three lobha, dosa, moha as conditioning
D i.166=Pug 55; DhA ii.131 (+suppa). — 2. a club A ii.241; akusala (& absence of them=kusala), e. g. at D iii.214, 275; A
VvA 121. — 3. a crowbar J i.199; PvA 258 (°daṇḍa). i.201; 203; Vbh 106 sq., 169, 361; Yam i.1; Vism 454; cp. Nd 2
517; VbhA 382. — 4. origin, source, foundation, root (fig.)
Musalaka (nt.) [fr. musala] a little pestle, a toy for little girls
Vin i.231=D ii.91 (dukkhassa); Vin ii.304; Sn 916, 968 (cp.
DhsA 321.
Nd 344, 490); Th 1, 1027 (brahmacariyassa); Dh 247, 337.
Musalika only in cpd. danta° (an ascetic) who uses his teeth as a
Freq. in formula (may be taken to no. 1) [pahīna] ucchinna
pestle J iv.8 (an aggi — pakkaṁ khādati, eats food uncooked,
— mūla tālâvatthukata etc. with ref. to the origin of saṁsāra,
only crushed by his teeth).
e. g. at S ii.62, 88; iii.10, 27, 161, 193; iv.253, 292, 376.
Musā (adv.) [Vedic mṛṣā, fr. mṛṣ, lit. "neglectfully"] falsely, See Nd p. 205 s. v. pahīna, in extenso. — 5. beginning,
wrongly; uṣually with verbs vadati, bhanati, bhāsati & brūti base, in mūladivasa the initial day DA i.311; also in phrase
to speak falsely, to tell a lie. — A i.149 (opp. saccaṁ); Sn 122, mūlakāraṇato right from the beginning VvA 132 (cp. BSk.
158, 397, 400, 757, 883, 967, 1131; Nd 291; Pv i.3 ; VvA 72 mūlaṁ kramataś ca id. Divy 491). — 6. "substance," founda-
(=abhūtaṁ atacchaṁ); SnA 19; PvA 16, 152. tion, i. e. worth, money, capital, price, remuneration Miln 334
-vāda lying, a falsehood, a lie D i.4, 25; iii.68 sq.; 92 sq., (kamma°); DhA i.270 (?); PvA 273; Mhvs 27, 23. amūla un-
106, 170, 195, 232, 269; M i.414; Sn 129, 242 (cp. D ii.174); paid Mhvs 30, 17 (kamma labour). — iṇa° borrowed capital
Dh 246; Pug 57; Nd 268; Vv 15 ; Pv i.6 ; VbhA 383 (var. D i.71.
degrees); PvA 16; Sdhp 65; explicitly at Nd 152, 394; Nd 2 -kanda eatable tuber DhA iii.130; iv.78 (mūlaka°). See
515. Cp. mosavajja. -vādin speaking falsely, lying D i.138; also kanda. -kammaṭṭhāna fundamental k. or k. of causes
iii.15, 82; Dh 176; Pug 29, 38. SnA 54. -ghacca radically extirpated Dh 250, 263. -ṭṭha
Mussati [=mṛṣ, mṛṣyati; to which musā "wrongly," quite diff. in one who is the cause of something, an instigator Vin iii.75.
-dassāvin knowing the cause or reason Sn 1043, cp. Nd 517.
origin fr. micchā: mṛṣā>mithyā. Dhtm 437 defines by "sam-

Mūla Mettā

-phala (eatable) fruit, consisting of roots; roots as fruit Sn 239. Ags. mist=Oicel mistr "mist"] a cloud Pv ii.9 ; Vism 126;
-bandhana fundamental bond (?) or set of causes (?) Sn 524 esp. a thundercloud, storm, S i.100 (thaneti), 154; Th i.307 (as
sq., 530 sq., cp. SnA 429 — 431. -bīja having seeds in roots, kāḷa); It 66; J i.332 (pajjunna vuccati megha); DhA i.19; SnA
i. e. propagated by roots, one of the classes of plants enum d 27 (°thanita — sadda). In this capacity often called mahā-
under bījagāma (q. v.). -rasa taste of roots, or juice made fr. megha, e. g. Sn 30; DhA i.165; KhA 21; PvA 132. — On
roots VbhA 69; see under rasa. megha in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907, 124, 125.
-nātha having clouds as protectors (said with ref. to grass
Mūlaka (adj. nt.) [fr. mūla] 1. (adj.) (a) (—°) being caused by,
— eating animals) J iv.253. -maṇḍala cloud — circle, a cir-
having its reason through or from, conditioned by, originat-
cle of clouds SnA 27. -vaṇṇa cloud — coloured J v.321 (C.
ing in Vbh 390 (taṇhā° dhammā); Tikp. 233 sq., 252 sq., 288
for megha — sannibha); °pāsāṇa a sort of ornamental build-
sq. & passim; VbhA 200 sq., 207 sq. (sankhāra°, avijjā° etc.
ing stone Mhvs 30, 59 (v. l., T. meda°; trsl. fat — coloured
with ref. to the constituents of the Paṭicca — samuppāda);
stones). See meda°.
PvA 19. — (b) having a certain worth, price, being paid so
much, dear Mhvs 27, 23 (a °ṁ kammaṁ unpaid labour); DhA Mecaka (adj.) [cp. Vedic mecaka] black, dark blue DhsA 13.
i.398 (nahāna — cuṇṇa °ṁ catu — paṇṇāsa — koṭi dhanaṁ, Mejjati [cp. Vedic midyati, to mid, see meda Dhtp 160, 413 &
as price); ii.154 (pattha — pattha — mūlakā bhikkhā); iii.296
Dhtm 641 give mid with meaning "snehane"] to be fat, to be
(kiṁ mūlakaṁ how dear?). — 2. (nt.)=mūla, i. e. root, bulb,
full of fat; fig. to be in love with or attracted by, to feel af-
radish, only in cpd. mūlaka-kanda radish ( — root) J iv.88,
fection (this meaning only as a "petitio principii" to explain
491; DhA iv.78. — See also pulaka.
mettā) DhsA 192 (v. l. mijjati; =siniyhati).
Mūlika (adj. n.) [fr. mūla] 1. (m.) root — vendor Miln 331. — 1
Mejjha (adj. — nt.) [*medhya; fr. medha] 1. (adj.) [to medha ]
2. (adj. — °) belonging to the feet (pāda°), a footman, lackey
fit for sacrifice, pure; neg. a° impure Sdhp 363. 2. (nt.) [to
J i.122, 438; ii.300 sq. (N. of the king of Janasandha, Gāmaṇi 2
medha & medhāvin] in dum° foolishness Pug 21=Dhs 390
— caṇḍa); iii.417; v.128; vi.30. — 3. in rukkha° one who d
(expl at DhsA 254 by "yaṁ... citta — santānaṁ mejjhaṁ
lives at the foot of a tree: see under rukkha, where also °mū-
bhaveyya suci — vodānaṁ taṁ duṭṭhaṁ mejjhaṁ iminā ti
Mūḷha [Vedic mūḍha, pp. of muh; cp. also muddha = Vedic
Meṇḍa [dial., cp. Prk. meǤṇṭha & miṇṭha: Pischel, Prk. Gr. §
mugdha] 1. gone astray, erring, having lost one's way 293. The Dhtm (156) gives a root meṇḍ (meḍ) in meaning of
(magga°) D i.85 ≈ (°ssa maggaṁ ācikkhati); Pv iv.1 48 (id.
"koṭilla," i. e. crookedness. The Ved. (Sk.) word for ram is
with pāvadati); PvA 112 (magga°). — 2. confused, infatu- meṣa] 1. a ram D i.9; J iv.250, 353 (°visāṇa — dhanu, a bow
ated, blinded, erring, foolish D i.59; Pv iv.3 (sa°, better to be 1
consisting of a ram's horn). -°patha Npl. "ram's road" Nd
written sam°).
155=415. -°yuddha ram fight D i.6. — 2. a groom, elephant
-gabbhā (f.) a woman whose "foetus in utero" has gone
— driver in cpd. hatthi° elephants' keeper J iii.431; v.287;
astray, i. e. cannot be delivered properly, a woman difficult to
be delivered J i.407=DhA iv.192; Miln 169; VbhA 96. -rūpa
Meṇḍaka (adj.) [fr. meṇḍa] 1. made of ram(s) horn, said of a
foolish Dh 268; DhA iii.395.
(very strong) bow J ii.88 (°dhanu); v.128 (°singadhanu). — 2.
Mūsika (m.) & mūsikā (f.) [Vedic mūṣikā, fr. mūṣ] a mouse D
belonging to a ram, in meṇḍaka-pañha "question about the
ii.107=Pug 43 (f.); Vism 109 (m.), 252= KhA 46 (m.); Mhvs
ram" Miln 90 alluding to the story of a ram in the Ummagga
5, 30 (m.); VbhA 235.
— jātaka (J vi.353 — 55), which is told in form of a question,
-cchinna (auguries from the marks on cloth (gnawed by
so difficult & puzzling that nobody "from hell to heaven" (J
mice) D i.9 (mūsikā°; DA i.92 mūsika°=undurakhāyitaṁ; cp.
vi.354) can answer it except the Bodhisatta. Cp. Trenckner's
Dial. i.17). -darī a mouse — hole J i.462 (mūsikā°, so read remark Miln 422.
for musikā°). -patha "Mouseroad" N. of a road Nd 155,
Metta (adj. nt.) [cp. Vedic maitra "belonging to Mitra"; Epic Sk.
415 (here mūsikā°). -potikā the young of a mouse J iv.188
maitra "friendly," fr. mitra] friendly, benevolent, kind as adj.
(mūsika°). -vijjā mouse craft D i.9 (cp. DA i.93).
at D iii.191 (mettena kāya — kammena etc.), 245 (°ṁ vacī —
Mūsī (f.) [Venic mūṣ & mūḥ mouse or rat; cp. Lat. mūs Gr. μϋς,
kammaṁ); as nt. for mettā in cpds. of mettā (cp. mettaṁsa)
Ohg. mūs=E. mouse. Not to muṣ to steal, but to same root as
and by itself at D i.227 (mettaṁ+cittaṁ), perhaps also at Sn
Lat. moveo, to move] a mouse S ii.270 (mudu° a tender, little
Mettā (f.) [abstr. fr. mitra=mitta, cp. Vedic maitraṁ. Accord-
Me is enclitic form of ahaṁ in var. cases of the sg. See under
ing to Asl. 192 (cp. Expos. 258) derived fr. mid to love, to
be fat: "mejjati mettā siniyhatī ti attho"] love, amity, sympa-
Mekhalā (f.) [cp. Vedic mekhalā] a girdle J v.202, 294 (su°, adj.); thy, friendliness, active interest in others. There are var. def ns
vi.456; ThA 35; KhA 109; DhA i.39; PvA 46. & expl of mettā: the stereotype "metti mettāyanā mettāyi-
tattaṁ mettā cetovimutti" Vbh 86=272; occurring as "metti
Mekhalikā (f.) [fr. mekhalā] a girdle Vin ii.185 (ahi°, consisting
of a snake). mettāyanā mettāyitattaṁ anudā anudāyana anudāyitattaṁ
hitesitā anukampā abyāpādo... kusalamūlaṁ" at Nd 488 &
Megha [Vedic megha; not to mih, mehati (see mīḷha), but to Idg. 2
Dhs 1056 (where T. mettaṁ for metti, but see Dhs trsl. 253).
*meigh-, fog, rain; cp. Sk. miḥ mist; Av. maēga cloud; Gr. d
By Bdhgh at SnA 128 expl in distinction fr. karuṇā (which
ὀμίξλη fog, Lith. mighá fog, Dutch miggelen to drizzle, also

Mettā Merita

is "ahita — dukkh — âpanayakāmatā") as "hita — sukh — puts it beyond doubt, that meda° is the correct reading for the
ûpanaya — kāmatā," i. e. desire of bringing welfare & good v. l. megha° at all places.
to one's fellow — men. Cp. def of mettā at Vism 317. — Sn Medaka [meda+ka] in go° a precious stone of light — red (or
73 (see Nd p. 232), 967; D iii.247 sq., 279; Vism 111, 321
golden) colour (cp. meda — vaṇṇa — pāsāṇa) VvA 111.
sq.; SnA 54; PvA 66 (khanti, m., anudaya); Sdhp 484, 487. —
Medinī (f.) [of adj. medin, fr. meda fat, but cp. Vedic medin an
Phrases occurring frequently: mettā ceto-vimutti D i.251; S
associate or companion fr. mid in meaning to be friendly] the
ii.265; A iv.150; It 20; Vbh 86 and passim. mettā-sahagatena
earth (also later Sk.) Mhvs 5, 185; 15, 47; Vism 125.
cetasā with a heart full of love D i.250; ii.186; iii.49 sq., 78,
223 sq.; S v.115; A i.183; ii.129; iv.390; v.299, 344; expl d Medeti [Denom. fr. meda] to become fat M i.238.
in detail at Vism 308. mettaṁ karoti (loc.) to be friendly or
Medha [Vedic medha, in aśva, go°, puruṣa° etc.] sacrifice only in
sympathize with Mhvs 12, 23. — In cpds. usually mettā°, but
assa° horse — sacrifice & purisa° human s. (q. v.). e.g. at A
shortened to metta° in metta — cittaṁ kindly thought, a heart iv.151; Sn 303. — Cp. mejjha.
full of love D i.167; iii.237; Sn 507; Pv ii.13 ; J vi.71; and
metta — jhāna love — meditation, as expl of m. — citta at Medhaga (& °ka) [cp. Sk. methana abusive speech; Vedic
methati fr. mith to scold] quarrel, strife Vin ii.88 (°ka); Th
SnA 417; PvA 167.
2, 344; Sn 893, 894 (=kalaha, bhaṇḍana, viggaha, vivāda Nd 1
-aṁsa (mettaṁsa) sympathetic, showing love towards It
302, 303), 935 (T. °ka; Nd 402 & 406 °ga. with v. l. SS
22 (v. l. °āsa); J iv.71 (=metta — koṭṭhāsa mettacitta C.). -
°ka); Dh 6; J iii.334 (°ka; C.=kalaha), 488 (°ga; C. °ka expl n
kammaṭṭhāna the k. of sympathy DhA iv.108. -bhāvanā
kalaha); DhA i.65.
cultivation or development of friendliness (towards all living
beings) J i.176; iii.45; Miln 199; Vism 295. -vihārin abiding Medhasa (adj.) [=Vedic medhas, as a- base] having wisdom or
in kindliness Dh 368; DhA iv.108; Nett 25; Vism 324; PvA intelligence, wise, only in cpds. bhūri° of great wisdom Sn
230. 1131; & su° [Ved. sumedhas] very wise Vv 22 (=sundara
— pañña VvA 111); Pv iii.7 (both comb as bhūri — su —
Mettāyati [Denom. fr. mettā] to feel friendly, to show love, to
medhasa, hardly correct; v. l. M. bhūrimedhasa PvA 205).
be benevolent A iv.151; DhsA 194; VbhA 75. With loc. to
show friendship or be affectionate towards J i.365; iii.96; Dāvs Medhā (f.) [Vedic medhā & medhas, perhaps to Gr. μαχ°
iii.34. in μανχάνω ("mathematics")] wisdom, intelligence, sagacity
Nd s. v. (m. vuccati paññā); Pug 25; Dhs 16, DhsA 148; PvA
Mettāyanā (f.) & Mettāyitatta (nt.) [abstr. formations fr.
mettā]: see def of mettā. 40 (=paññā). — adj. sumedha wise, clever, intelligent Sn
177; opp. dum° stupid Pv i.8 . — khīṇa-medha one whose
Metti & Mettī (f.) [cp. Epic Sk. maitrī] love, friendship J iii.79; intelligence has been impaired, stupefied J vi.295 (=khīṇa —
v.208; VbhA 75. See also def of mettā.
Metteyyattā (f.) is occasional spelling for matteyyatā (q. v.), in Medhāvitā (f.) [abstr. fr. medhāvin] cleverness, intelligence
analogy to petteyyatā; e. g. Nd 294. VvA 229.
Methuna (adj. — nt.) [fr. Vedic mithuna pair, der. fr. mithu. Cp.
Medhāvin (adj.) [medhā+in=*medhāyin>medhāvin; already
micchā] 1. (adj.) relating to sexual intercourse, sexual, usu- d
Vedic, cp. medhasa] intelligent, wise, often comb with
ally with dhamma, sex intercourse, in phrase °ṁ dhammaṁ paṇḍita & bahussuta: D i.120; S iv.375; A iv.244; Vin iv.10,
paṭisevati to cohabit Vin i.96; D ii.133; Sn 291, 704; Nd 139;
13, 141; Sn 323 (acc. medhāvinaṁ +bahussutaṁ) 627, 1008
Vism 418; SnA 536. — (m.) an associate J vi.294 (na rājā hoti 2
(Ep. of Mogharājā), 1125 (id.); Nd 259 (s. v. jātimā, with
methuno). — 2. (nt.) sexual intercourse [Vedic maithuna] D var. other synonyms); Dh 36; J vi.294; Miln 21; DhA i.257;
i.4; iii.9, 88 sq., 133; Sn 400, 609, 814, 835=DhA i.202; Nd 1
ii.108; iv.169; VvA 131; PvA 41.
139, 145; Pug 67; Vism 51.
Medhi (f.) [Vedic methī pillar, post (to bind cattle to); BSk. medhi
Methunaka [fr. methuna] 1. one concerned with (illicit) sexual Divy 244; Prk. meḍhi Pischel Gr. § 221. See for etym. Walde,
intercourse, a fornicator Nd 139 (in a wider sense). — 2. an
Lat. Wtb. s. v. meta] pillar, part of a stūpa [not in the Canon?].
associate Vin iii.66. — 3. (nt.) coitus J ii.360 (=methuna —
Medhin (adj. — n.)=medha in adj. use; only in cpd. dum-
dhamma C.).
medhin (=dum — medha) foolish, ignorant Dh 26 (bālā
Meda [Vedic medas (nt.) fr. mid, see etym. under mada] fat S
dummedhino janā;=nippaññā DhA i.257).
i.124; Sn 196; J iii.484 (ajakaraṁ medaṁ=ajakara — medaṁ
C.); Kh iii. (expl at Vism 262 as "thīnasineha" thick or coag- Meraya (nt.) [Epic Sk. maireya, cp. Halāyudha 2, 175 (Aufrecht
p. 314); prob. dial.] a sort of intoxicating liquor, spirits, rum,
ulated fluid or gelatine); Vism 361; VbhA 66, 225, 245, 249.
usually comb with surā. D i.146— 166; M i.238; Pug 55;
-kathālika a cooking pot or saucepan for frying fat A
Dh 247; J iv.117 (pupphāsav — ādi, i. e. made fr. flowers,
iv.377 (in simile with kāya); DhA ii.179 (similar); Vism 195
cp. def dhātakī — puṣpaguḍa — dhāny — āmla — sanskṛtaṁ
(in compar.). -gaṇṭhi (as medo — gaṇṭhi, Sk. influence!) an
by Mādhava, Halāy. p. 314). Five kinds are given by Dhpāla
abscess of fat, fatty knot or tumour, mentioned as a disease at
at VvA 73, viz. pupph — āsava, phal' āsava, madhv°, guḷ°,
Miln 149. -vaṇṇa fatcoloured; in cpd. °pāsāna a stone of
the (golden) colour of fat found in the Himālaya mountains Sn
447 (=medapiṇḍa — sadisa SnA 393); Mhvs 1, 39; 30, 57 sq., Merita in bhayamerita J iv.424=v.359 is to be read as bhaya —
96; 31, 121; see Geiger's note Mhvs (P.T.S. ed.) p. 355, who m — erita driven by fear; there is no need to change it with

Merita Modara

Kern, Toev. to perita. in vain; C. expl as tuccha — jiṇṇa DhA iii.388); DhA i.110
(patthanā a futile wish); PvA 194. — Opp. amogha S i.232;
Mella [dial. or uncertain reading?] citron (=mātulunga) J iii.319
J vi.26; DhA ii.34 (°ṁ tassa jīvitaṁ: not in vain).
(gloss bella).
-purisa a stupid or dense fellow Vin iv.126, 144.
Mokkha [late Vedic & Epic Sk. mokṣa, fr. muc, see muñcati.
Moca [cp. *Sk. moca & mocā] the plantain or banana tree' Musa,
Dhtp 539 mokkha=mocana; Dhtm 751= moca] 1. (lit.) re-
sapientum Vin i.246 (°pāna drink made fr. M. s.; one of the 8
lease, freedom from, in bandhanā m. D i.73=M i.276. — 2.
permitted drinks); J iv.181; v.405, 465.
(fig.) release, deliverance, salvation Vbh 426 (jarā — maraṇa°
from old age & death); DhA i.4 (°magga+sagga — magga, Moca [root — noun of moc, Caus. of muc] delivery, setting free
the way to heaven & salvation), 89, 90 (°dhamma=salvation) Dhtm 631, 751, where Dhtp in same context reads mocana.
Mhvs 5, 61. — 3. (lit.) (act.) letting loose, emission, uttering
Mocana (nt.) [fr. moceti] 1. setting free, delivering DhA iii.199
(of speech) J i.375. — 4. it may (& prob. ought to) be taken as 2
(parissayā°); Dhtp 376, 539; Dhtm 609. Cp. moca . — 2. let-
adj. (=*mokṣya, grd. of Caus. of muc) at Sn 773 (añña°, ei-
ting loose, discharging, in assu° shedding tears PvA 18. Cp.
ther=1, as "deliverance for others," or=4, as "to be delivered by vi°.
others." Bdhgh at SnA 516 gives both expl : aññe mocetuṁ
Mocaya (adj.) [quâsi grd. formation fr. moceti] to be freed, able
(na) sakkonti, kāraṇa — vacanaṁ vā etaṁ: aññena mocetabbā
to escape, in dum° difficult to obtain freedom J vi.234.
(na) honti).
Mokkha (adj.) [fr. mukha 6; Vṛddhi form=*maukhya] the head- Mocāpana (nt.) [fr. Caus. II. mocāpeti] causing one's freedom,
deliverance J vi.134.
most, first, foremost, in series aggo seṭṭho m. uttamo A ii.95,
where the customary tradition reads pāmokkha (see under Mocetar [M. ag. fr. moceti] one who sets free, a deliverer Nd 1
mahā & cp. Nd 502A). 32.
Mokkhaka=mokkha ; thus we should read at J i.441 for Moceti [Caus. of muñcati] 1. to deliver, set free, release, cause
mukkhaka. one's release or deliverance from (abl.). imper. praes. mo-
cehi Pv ii.1 (duggatiyā); PvA 12; aor. mocesi PvA 112
Mokkhacika (m. or °ā f.) [see on attempt at etym. Morris in
(dāsavyato); ger. mocetvā PvA 8, 77; inf. mocetuṁ PvA 45
J.P.T.S. 1885, 49 who takes mokkha as fr. muc "tumbling"
(petalokato). — 2. to discharge, emit (semen in coitu) Vin
& cika="turning" fr. cak=cik. The word remains obscure, it
iii.36, 39 (as Caus II.), 110. — 3. to let loose, set into mo-
must be a dialectical expression, distorted by popular analogy
tion, stir: padaṁ m. to run J iii.33. — 4. to discharge, fulfil:
& taken perhaps from a designation of a place where these
paṭiññaṁ one's promise DhA i.93. — 5. to unharness DhA
feats or toys had their origin. More probable than Morris'
i.67. — 6. to detach S i.44. — Caus. II. mocāpeti to cause to
etym. is an analysis of the word (if it is Aryan) as mokkha=
mokkha , in meaning "head, top," so that it may mean "head be freed, to give freedom, to let loose Vin iv.316 (opp. band-
over," top — first" & we have to separate *mokkhac — ika
the °ika representing °iya "in the manner of, like" & -ac being Moṭa [BSk. moṭa, Prk. mrḍa: Pischel § 166, 238] see mutoḷī.
the adv. of direction as contained in Sk. prāñc=pra — añc.]
Motar [n. ag. fr. munāti, more likely direct der. fr. muta, pp.
tumbling, turning somersaults, an acrobatic feat; in list of for-
of man, q. v.] one who feels (or senses) that which can be
bidden amusements at D i.6 (cp. DA i.86; samparivattaka —
felt (or sensed), in phrase "mutaṁ na maññati motabbaṁ (so
kīḷanaṁ, i. e. playing with something that rolls along, con-
read) na maññati motāraṁ" he does not identify what is sensed
tinuously turning? The foll. sentence however seems to imply
with that which is not sensed, nor with what is to be sensed
turning head over heels: "ākāse vā daṇḍaṁ gahetvā bhūmiyaṁ
(motabba) nor with him who senses A ii.25; where motar &
vā sīsaṁ ṭhapetvā heṭṭh — upariya (so read!) — bhāvena pari-
motabba correspond to sotar & sotabba & daṭṭhar & daṭṭhabba.
vattana — kīḷanaṁ"; i. e. trapeze — performing. Cp. Dial.
The word does not occur in the similar passage M i.3.
i.10 & Vin. Texts ii.184). The list re — occurs at Vin ii.10
Modaka [cp. Epic. Sk. modaka in meaning 1] 1. a sort of sweet-
(°āya: f.! kīḷanti); iii.180; M i.266≈and A v.203 (with impor-
meat S i.148; A i.130; iii.76; Pug 32; PvA 4. — 2. receptacle
tant v. l. mokkhaṭika, which would imply mokkha & ending
tiya, and not °cika at all. The Cy. on this passage expl as: for a letter, an envelope, wrapper or such like J vi.385 (paṇṇaṁ
°assa anto pakkhipitvā). May, however, be same ạs 1.
daṇḍakaṁ gahetvā heṭṭh — uppariya (sic. as DA i.86; correct
to upariya?) — bhāvena parivattana — kīḷanaṁ). The word is Modati [mud, cp. Vedic moda joy Dhtp 146: tose] to rejoice, to
found also at Vin i.275, where the boy of a Seṭṭhi in Bārāṇasī enjoy oneself, to be happy A iii.40; Sn 561; Pv i.5 ; ii.1 . —
contracts injuries to his intestines by "mokkhacikāya kīḷanto," pp. mudita (q. v.). For mohayamāna at DhA i.275 the better
playing (with a) m. — According to its use with kīḷati & in reading is modayamāna rejoicing, a ppr. med.
instr. mokkhacikena (Nd 219) may be either a sort of game Modana (nt.) [fr. mud] satisfaction, rejoicing Sdhp 229. Cp.
or an instrument (toy), with which children play. sam°.
Mokkhati see under muñcati. Modanā (f.) [fr. mud] blending (?); Cy. expl at DhsA 143 of
Mogha (adj.) [the Vedic mogha for the later Sk. moha, which is term āmodanā.
the P. noun moha; fr. muh. BSk. mohapuruṣa e. g. at AvŚ
Modara: In modara at J v.54 (of elephant's teeth) Kern, Toev. s.
ii.177; MVastu iii.440] empty, vain, useless, stupid, foolish D
v. sees a miswriting for medura (full of, beset with), which
i.187 (opp. to sacca), 199; Sn 354; Dh 260 (°jiṇṇa grown old n
however does not occur in Pali. The C. expl is "samantato

Modara Moheti

obhāsento," i. e. shining. Moha [fr. muh, see muyhati; cp. Sk. moha & Vedic mogha]
stupidity, dullness of mind & soul, delusion, bewilderment,
Mona (nt.) [fr. muni, equal to *maunya taken by Nd as root
infatuation D iii.146, 175, 182, 214, 270; Vin iv.144, 145;
of moneyya] wisdom, character, self — possession Sn 540
(°patha=ñāṇa — patha SnA 435), 718, 723; Nd 57; Nd 514 Sn 56, 74, 160, 638, 847; Vbh 208, 341, 391, 402; Pug 16;
A (=ñāṇa & paññā); Th 1, 168 (what is monissaṁ? fut. 1 sg. Tikp 108, 122, 259. — Def as "dukkhe aññāṇaṁ etc., moha
pamoha, sammoha, avijj' ogha etc.," by Nd 99 & Vbh 362;
as "muyhanti tena, sayaṁ vā muyhati, muyhana — mattaṁ
Moneyya (nt.) [fr. muni, cp. Vedic moneya] state of a muni, muni
eva vā tan ti moho" and "cittassa andha — bhāva — lakkhaṇo,
— hood; good character, moral perfection. This is always rep-
aññāṇalakkhaṇo vā" at Vism 468. — Often coupled with rāga
resented as 3 fold, viz. kāya°, vacī°, mano° (see under muni), & dosa as one of the 3 cardinal affects of citta, making a man
e. g. at D iii.220; A i.273; Nd 57; Nd 514 A (where also
unable to grasp the higher truths and to enter the Path: see un-
used as adj.: moneyyā dhammā properties of a perfect char- 2
der rāga (& Nd p. 237, s. v. rāga where the wide range of
acter). Cp. also Sn 484, 698, 700 sq. On moneyya-kolāhala
application of this set is to be seen). Cp. the 3 fires: rāg —
(forebodings of the highest wisdom) see the latter.
aggi, dos — aggi, moh — aggi It 92; D iii.217 also rāga —
Momūha (adj.) [intens. — redupl. formation fr. moha & muh] kkhaya, dosa°, moha° VbhA 31 sq. — On comb with rāga,
dull, silly, stupid, infatuated, bewildered (cp. Cpd. 83 ) D lobha & dosa see dosa and lobha. — On term see also Dhs
i.27; A iii.164 sq.; Sn 840, 841, 1120; Nd 153 (=manda), 192; trsl. §§ 33, 362, 441; Cpd 16, 18, 41, 113, 146. — See further
Nd 521 (=avidvā etc.); Pug 65. D i.80 (samoha — cittaṁ); Nd 15, 16 (with lobha & dosa);
VvA 14; PvA 3. — amoha absence of bewilderment Vbh 210
Momūhatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. momūha] silliness, foolishness, be-
(+alobha, adosa; as the 3 kusala — mūlāni: cp. mūla 3), 402
wilderment of the mind M i.520; A iii.119, 191, 219 (=man-
(id., as kusala — hetu). — Cp. pa°, sam°.
datta); Pug 69.
-antara (personal) quality of bewilderment (lit. having
Mora [the contracted, regular P. form of *Sk. mayūra, viâ *ma
m. inside) Sn 478 (taken by C. as "cause of m.," i. e. °kāraṇa,
— ūra>mora. See also Geiger, P.Gr. § 27 & Pischel, Prk.
°paccaya SnA 411; cp. antara=kāraṇa under antara I 2 b.).
Gr. § 166. — Vedic only mayūrī f. pea — hen] a peacock 1
-ussada quality of dullness Nd 72, 413. -kkhaya destruc-
J ii.275 (°upasevin, see C. on this passage); vi.218, 497; PvA
tion of infatuation Vbh 73; VbhA 51. -carita one whose habit
142; DhA i.394. A peacock's tail (sometimes used as a fan)
is infatuation Nett 90 (+rāgacarita & dosacarita). -tama the
is denoted in var. terms in cpds., as mora-kalāpa DhA i.387;
darkness of bewilderment MA 1. -dhamma anything that is
-piccha Vin i.186; -piñcha Vin ii.130; -pīñja PvA 142, 176; bewildering or infatuating Sn 276. -pāruta covered or ob-
VvA 147; -sikali (?) KhA 49; -hattha Vv 33 (=mayūra — structed by delusion Pv iv.3 . -magga being on the road of
piñjehi kataṁ makasa — vījaniṁ); Pv iii.1 . Perhaps also 1
infatuation Sn 347. -salla the sting of bewilderment Nd 59.
as morakkha "a peacock's eye" at VbhA 63 (morakkhaka
Mohatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. moha] infatuation, bewilderment A
loha, a kind of copper, grouped with pisācaloha). It is more
ii.120; iii.376.
likely however that morakkha is distorted fr. *mauryaka,
patronymic of mura, a local (tribal) designation (cp. murala), Mohana (nt.) [fr. muh as Caus. form ] making dull or stupid, in-
then by pop. etym. connected with mora peacock. With this fatuation, enticement, allurement Sn 399, 772 (=mohanā vuc-
cp. Sk. moraka "a kind of steel" BR. canti pañca kāmaguṇā Nd 26). The Sk. meaning is also "sex-
Moragu [cp. (scientific) Sk. mayūraka] a tender grass (Achyran- ual intercourse" (cp. Halāyudha p. 315), which may apply to
the Sn passages SnA 517 (on Sn 772) expl "mohanaṁ vuccati
thes aspera) Vin i.196.
kāmaguṇā, ettha hi deva — manussā muyhanti."
Morinī (f.) [fr. mora] a peahen Miln 67.
Mohanaka (adj.) [fr. mohana] leading astray, bewildering, lead-
Moli (m. & f.) [cp. Epic Sk. mauli, fr. mūla] a chignon; crest,
ing into error Vin iv.144.
turban J i.64; v.431; Mhvs 11, 28; DA i.136 (v. l. moḷi).
Mohaneyya & Mohanīya (adj.) [grd. form fr. moha] leading to
Also found (as molin, adj.?) in Np. Yama — moli: see un-
infatuation A ii.120; iii.110; J iii.499.
der yakkha 5.
-galla (?) fat Vin i.85 (expl by thūla — sarīra; vv. ll. Moheti [Caus. fr. muh, see muyhati & cp. moha] to deceive,
moḷi° & mukalla). -baddha one who has his hair tied into a to befool, to take in, surprise, delude, aor. 2 nd sg. amohayi
top — knot 128, 243, 348. Sn 352; 3 rd sg. amohayi S iv.158= It 58 (maccu — rājan;
Mosa (°—) (adj. — nt.) [the guṇa (comp ) form of musā] be- vv. ll. asamohayi & asamohari); reading somewhat doubt-
ful, cp. similar context Sn 1076 with "sabbesu dhammesu
longing to or untruth, false —; only in cpds. -dhamma of a rd
samūhatesu" (v. l. samoha°). — 3 sg. (poet.) also amo-
deceitful nature, false, A v.84 (kāma); Sn 739, 757; & -vajja
hayittha Sn 332 (mā vo pamatte viññāya maccurājā amohayit-
[fr. musā — vāda] false — speaking, lie, untruth S i.169; Sn
819, 866, 943; Nd 152, 265; Nd 515; Vv 12 . tha vasānuge, cp. Sn ed. p. 58). — On mohayamāna DhA
i.275 see modati.
Mosalla (adj.) [fr. musala] worthy of being slain (with clubs),
punishable A ii.241.

Y Ya°


-Y- comb consonant (sandhi), inserted (euphonically) between 2 II. Meaning: "which," in correspondence to a following
vowels for the avoidance of hiatus. It has arisen purely pho- demonstr. pron. (ta°); whichever (generalizing); nt. what,
netically from i as a sort of "gliding" or semi — vowel within a whatever. In immediate comb with the demonstr. pron. it is
word, where the syllable division was in regular speech more qualifying and specifying the person, thing or subject in dis-
openly felt than in the written language, e. g. pari — y — cussion or question (see below 4).
āpanna (Pāli) corresponds to Sk. pary — āpanna, similarly 1. Regular use as correl. pron., when ya° (+noun) is fol-
pari — y — osāna=Sk. paryosāna. Thus inserted after a be- lowed by ta° (+noun). Sometimes (in poetry) the reverse is
fore i or e: chay — imā disā D iii.188; ta — y — idaṁ Sn the case, e. g. at It 84 where ta° (m. sa) is elliptically omitted:
1077; Pv i.3 ; tava — y — idaṁ Sn 352; na — y — idaṁ S atthaṁ na jānāti yaṁ lobho sahate naraṁ "he does not know
ii.278; mama — y — idaṁ Sn 806; na — y — idha Sn 790; good, whom greed overcomes." — Otherwise regular, e. g.:
mā — y — idha Vin i.54; yassay — etādisī pajā D ii.267 (v. yassa jātarūparajataṁ kappati pañca pi tassa kāmaguṇā kap-
l. ss for T yassa — s — etādisī); satiyā — y — etaṁ adhiva- panti S iv.326. In a generalizing sense (cp. below ii.3): yo vā
canaṁ M ii.260; na — y — imassa Pv iv.1 . — After i before so vā "der erste beste," some or other, whoever, any J iv.38;
a: pāvisi — y — assamaṁ J v.405; khaṇi — y — asmani J v.362; yaṁ vā taṁ vā karotu let her do whatever she likes VvA
iii.433; yā — y — aññaṁ J i.429 (where C. expl : ya — kāro 208; yasmiṁ vā tasmiṁ vā on every occasion S i.160 na yo vā
paṭisandhi — karo). — Cp. yeva for eva. — Note. At J vi.106 so vā yakkho not this or that yakkha i. e. not any (ordinary)
ya — y — ime jane is to be taken as ye ime jane; the spelling kind of Yakkha (but Inda) DA i.264. — The same use (ordi-
ay for e being found elsewhere as well. Cp. the following ta nary correlative) applies to the nt. forms yaṁ & yad in correl.
— y — ime jane. to taṁ and tad. (See sep. under II. 2.)
Ya° [pron. rel. base; Vedic yaḥ=Gr. ο῞ς who; cp. Goth. jabai if, 2. Use of nt. forms. — (a) nt. yaṁ (a) as pronoun: S iii.44
(yaṁ dukkhaṁ... tad anattā); It 78 (yañ c' aññaṁ whatever
— ei rel. part. An amplification of the dem. pron. base *i —,
else); VbhA 54 (yaṁ labbhati yañ ca na labbhati taṁ sabbaṁ
*ei — (cp. ayaṁ). See on detail Brugmann, "Die indogerm.
pucchitvā). See also under 3 a (yaṁ kiñci, yaṁ yaṁ). — (b) as
Pronomina" in Ber. d. sächs. Ges. LX. 41 sq.] I. Forms.
adj. adv.: yaṁmukha facing what, turned where (?) J v.475
(See inflection also at Geiger, P.Gr. § 110.) The decl. is simi-
(but C. reads & expl sammukha!); yaṁ-vipāka having what
lar to that of ta°; among the more rarely found forms we only
or which kind of fruit D ii.209. yaṁ vā... yaṁ vā whether...
or S ii.179; yaṁ no... na tv' eva neither... nor S ii.179 — 180.
the foll.: sg. nom. m. yo with by — form (in hiatus) yv-, as
— yaṁ with pot.: "so that," that (corresp. to Lat. ut consecu-
yv'âyaṁ=yo ayaṁ M i.258; yv'âssa=yo assa M i.137. Notice
tivum) S iii.41 (yaṁ rūpe anatt' ânupassī vihareyya). J v.339 (n'
the lengthening of the subsequent vowel. — An unsettled ya is
esa dhammo yaṁ taṁ jahe that I should leave you). — In the
to be found at J v.424 (Fausböll remarks "for yassā"?; perhaps
to be comb with preceding pañcapatikā; C. on p. 427 expl s function of other conjunctions e. g. as temporal= when, since,
after: J iv.319 (yaṁ maṁ Suruci — m — ānayi that, or since,
ya — kāro nipātamatto) — abl. yasmā in adv. use; yamhā
S. married me). As conditional or causal =if, even if, because:
Dh 392. — loc. yamhi Dh 261, 372, 393. — f. loc. yassaṁ
Vin i.276 (yaṁ te sakkā... arogaṁ kātuṁ, taṁ karohi if it is
A iii.151 (see below). See further adv. use of cases (below
ii.5). — At Pv ii.1 yāhi is doubtful (perhaps imper.=yajahi, possible... do it; or may be taken in sense of "in whatever way
of yajati; C. leaves it unexpl ). you can do it, do"); J iii.206=iv.4 (yaṁ me sirasmiṁ ūhacca
cakkaṁ bhamati matthake=because; C.: yena pāpena). — (c)
Special mention must be made of the nt. n. acc. sg., n
as adv. deictive "so," in comb with var. other (emphatic) par-
where both yaṁ and yad are found. The (Vedic) form yad
ticles as e. g. yaṁ nūna used in an exhortative sense "well,
(Ved. yat) has been felt more like ya+expletive (Sandhi —
now"; or "rather, let me"; or "so now," always in phrase yaṁ
) d, and is principally found in adv. use and certain archaic
nūn' âhaṁ "now then let me" (do this or that) very freq., ei-
phrases, whereas yaṁ represents the usual (Pali) form (like
tad and taṁ). See more under II. — A Māgadhized form is ther with foll. pot., e. g. "y. n. âhaṁ araññaṁ paviseyyaṁ"
ye (after se=taṁ), found at D ii.278 (see Geiger § 105 & 110 . DhA ii.91. "y. n. â. katakammaṁ puccheyyaṁ" VvA 132;
dasseyyaṁ VvA 138; pabbajjeyyaṁ M ii.55; āneyyaṁ DhA
Cp. Trenckner, Notes 75.). The expression ye-bhuyyena may
i.46, vihareyyaṁ ibid. 56; etc. cp. J i.14, 150, 255; iii.393;
belong under this category, if we explain it as yad+bhuyyena
(bhuyyena equivalent to bhiyyoso). It would then correspond DhA i.91; PvA 5 (avassayo bhaveyyaṁ). — Similarly yañ hi
"well then, now then" (with Pot.) S ii.210, 221 (taṁ vadeyya).
to seyyathā (=sad+yathā, cp. sayathā, sace, taṁyathā). See
Cp. yagghe. yañ ca & yañ ce [Sk. yac ca, or cet, ca here=ce
refs. under yebhuyyena. — The expression yevāpanaka is an
adj. form from the phrase ye-vā-pana (=yaṁ vā pana "what- see ca. & cp. sace=sa+ce] (rather) than that: yañ ca Th 2, 80; J
i.210; yañce (with Pot.) S i.176; It 43; Th 1, 666. sangāme me
ever else there is"), i. e. belonging to something of the same
mataṁ seyyo yañ ce jīve parājito (than that I live vanquished)
kind, i. e. corresponding, reciprocal, as far as concerned, re-
Sn 440 (cp. the intricate expl at SnA 390); similarly J iv.495:
spective. (See s. v.) — In adv. use it often corresponds to E.
me maraṇaṁ seyyo yañ ce jīve tayā vinā. — (b) nt. yad: (a)
as; see e. g. yad — icchakaṁ, yad — idaṁ (under ii.2 b; ii.4
as pron in regular relative use e. g. S iii.44 (yad aniccaṁ taṁ
dukkhaṁ); It 59 (yad eva diṭṭhaṁ tad ev' âhaṁ vadāmi). (b)

Ya° Yakkha

as adv., e. g. yad-agge (loc.) from what on, i. e. from which tarāyikā dhammā vuttā... te paṭisevato n' âlaṁ antarāyāya "just
time, since what time D i.152 (=mūladivasato paṭṭhāya yaṁ di- those which, or whichever"). Th 1, 124 (panko ti hi naṁ ave-
vasaṁ aggaṁ patvā DA i.311); Vv 84 (=yato paṭṭhāya VvA dayuṁ yâyaṁ vandanapūjanā; here=yā ayaṁ); Dh 56 (appa-
344). Also as yad-aggena (instr.) Vin ii.257 (y. Mahāpa- matto ayaṁ gandho yâyaṁ tagara — candanī; here=yo ayaṁ);
jāpati — gotamiyā aṭṭha garudhammā paṭiggahitā tad eva sā M ii.220 (yaṁ idaṁ kammaṁ... taṁ). — (b) nt. yadidaṁ lit.
upasampannā); VbhA 387. — yad-atthaṁ for what, why Th "as that," which is this (i. e. the following), may be translated
2, 163. yad-atthiya as much as necessary, as required, suffi- by "viz.," that is, "i. e." in other words, so to speak, just this, "I
cient, proper Th 1, 12; 1274 ("which, for the goal desirous, he mean"; e. g. kāmānaṁ etaṁ nissaraṇaṁ yad idaṁ nekkham-
led" trsl.; refers to brahmacariyaṁ). The same verse occurs at maṁ "there is an escape from the lusts, viz. lustlessness"; or:
Sn 354. The latter passage is mentioned in P.D. under atthiya "this is the abandoning of lusts, in other words lustlessness" It
with meaning "on account of what" (cp. kim — atthiyaṁ S 61; dve dānāni āmisa° dhamm°, etad aggaṁ imesaṁ yad idaṁ
iii.189). The Sn passage is not expl in SnA. — yad-icchakaṁ dhamma° "this is the best of them, I mean dh — d." It 98=100;
whatever is pleasant, i. e. according to liking, as he pleases supaṭipanno sāvaka — sangho, y. i. cattāri purisa — yugāni
A iii.28; Pug 11, 12; J i.141 (y. bhutta eaten heartily); Vism etc. M i.37. Instead of yadidaṁ we also find yāvañ c' idaṁ.
154 (+yavadicchaka); VvA 341. Cp. yen' icchakaṁ below II. See also examples given under yāvatā.
5. — yad-icchita see under yathā-icchita! — yadidaṁ: see 5. Cases used adverbially: Either locally or modally; with
below II. 4 b. regards to the local adverbs it is to be remarked that their
3. Generalizing (or distributive) use of ya: There are two connotation is fluctuating, inasmuch as direction and place
modes of generalization, viz. (a) by repeating ya°: yassa yass' (where) are not always distinguished (cp. E. where both mean-
eva sālassa mūle tiṭṭhasi, so so muñcati pupphāni; "at the foot ings=where & where — to), but must be guessed from the con-
of whichever tree you stand, he (in all cases concerned) sheds text. (a) instr. yena: (local) where (i. e. at which place) D
flowers" Vv 39 ; yaṁ yaṁ hi manaso piyaṁ "whatever is i.71 (yena yena wherever), 220 (yattha yena yahiṁ=whence,
pleasant to the senses" Pv ii.1 ; yaṁ yaṁ passati taṁ taṁ where, whither; not with trsl Dial. I. 281: where, why,
pucchati "whomsoever he sees, him he asks" J iii.155; yas- whence!), 238 (id.); yenatena where (he was) — there (he
saṁ yassaṁ disāyaṁ viharati, sakasmiṁ yeva vijite viharati" went) D i.88, 106, 112 & passim; cp. D ii.85 (yena âvasath'
in whichever region he lives, he lives in his own realm" A âgāraṁ ten' upasankami); A ii.33 (yena vā tena vā here & there
iii.151; yo yo yaṁ yaṁ icchati tassa tassa adāsi "whatever any- or "hither & thither"). — (modal) Dh 326 (yen' icchakaṁ ii.
body wished he gave to him" PvA 113; yaṁ yaṁ padesaṁ bha- 2 b.); Pv i.11 (kiṁ akattha pāpaṁ yena pivātha lohitaṁ: so
jati tattha tatth' eva assa lābhasakkāro nibbattati "whichever re- that). — loc. yahiṁ where (or whither) Vv 84 (yahiṁ yahiṁ
gion he visits, there (in each) will he have success" DhA ii.82. gacchati tahiṁ tahiṁ modati); & yasmiṁ: yasmiṁ vā tasmiṁ
— (b) by combination with ko-ci (cp. the identical Lat. qui — vā on every occasion S i.160. — abl. yasmā (only modal)
cun — que): yassa kassaci rāgo pahīno ayaṁ vuccati... "the because A i.260; It 37 (corresp. to tasmā). On yasmā — t —
lust of whosoever is abandoned he is called so & so" It 56. iha see Geiger, P.Gr. 73 .
yāni kānici vatthūni... sabbāni tāni... It 19; ye keci ārabbha Yakana (nt.) [fr. gen. yaknaḥ or sec. stem yakan — of Vedic
"with ref. to whosoever" PvA 17; yaṁ kiñci whatever Pv i.4 .
yakṛt; cp. Av. yākars; Gr. ἡπαρ, Lat. jecur. In formation cp.
4. Dependent & elliptic use of ya (with pron. demon-
P. chakana fr. Ved. śakṛt.] the liver Kh iii.; M i.57, 421; D
str.). This represents a sort of deictic (emphatic) use, with ii.293; A v.109; Miln 26; Vism 257, 356; VbhA 60, 240. The
ref. to what is coming next or what forms the necessary com-
old n — stem is to be seen in cpd. yaka-peḷa (q. v.).
pliment to what is just being said. Thus it introduces a gen-
Yaka-peḷa [see peḷa] the lump of the liver Sn 195 (=yakana —
eral truth or definition, as we would say "just this, namely,
i. e.," or Ger. "so wie, und zwar." — (a) The usual comb ns piṇḍa SnA 247)=J i.146. Dines Andersen suggests: "Could y.
— p. possibly be an old error for sakapeḷa, cp. Sk. śaka —
are those of ya+sa (nt. taṁ) and of ya+ayaṁ (nt. idaṁ),
piṇḍa & śakṛt — piṇḍa?" Cp. paṭala (ref. Vism 257).
but such with amu (nt. aduṁ) also occur: yaṁ aduṁ khet-
taṁ aggaṁ evam eva mayhaṁ bhikkhu — bhikkhuniyo "as Ya-kāra [ya+kāra] 1. the letter (or sound) y: J i.430 (padasand-
there is one field which is the best, thus to me the bh. & hikara); iii.433 (vyañjana — sandhi — vasena gahita). — 2.
bhikkhunīs" S iv.315. Cp. the foll.: ya+sa e. g. at M. i.366 the letter (or syllable) ya: J v.427 (nipāta — matta). It is re-
(yo so puriso paṭhamaṁ rukkhaṁ ārūḷho sace so na khippam ferred to at Vin iv.7 as an ending implying ridiculing or insult,
eva oroheyya "just that man, who climbed up the tree first, if together with the ending °bha. The Cy. means words like
he does not come down very quickly"); J ii.159 (yena tena up- dāsiya, gumbiya, bālya etc. where — ya either denotes de-
āyena with every possible means); Pv i.9 (yā tā [so read for scendency or property, or stands for — ka as diminutive (i. e.
yā ca!] "just she over there; who as such, i. e. such as she (disparaging) ending. The same applies to °bha. Here at Vin
is"); cp. also the foll.: yā sā sīmā... taṁ sīmaṁ Vin i.109; iv.7 this way of calling a person by means of adding -ya- or
ye te dhammā ādikalyāṇā etc.... sātthaṁ brahmacariyaṁ ab- -bha to his name (cp. E. — y in kid> kiddy etc.) is grouped
hivadanti tathā rūpā 'ssa dhammā honti... M iii.11; yāni etāni with a series of other terms of insult (hīnā akkosā).
yānāni (just) these DhA iv.6. — ya+ayaṁ e. g. at M i.258
Yakkha [Vedic yakṣa, quick ray of light, but also "ghost"; fr.
(yv' āyaṁ vado vedeyyo tatra tatra... vipākaṁ paṭisaṁvedeti);
yaks to move quickly; perhaps: swift creatures, changing their
It 35=93 (nibbāpenti moh'aggiṁ paññāya yā 'yaṁ nibbedha abode quickly and at will. — The customary (popular) etym.
— gāminī: "as it is also penetrating, which as such, or in this of Pali Commentators is y. as quâsi grd. of yaj, to sacrifice,
quality, or as we know, is penetrating"); Vin iv.134 (ye 'me an-


Yakkha Yakkha

thus: a being to whom a sacrifice (of expiation or propitia- the latter origin point the original descriptions of a Vimāna
tion) is given. See e. g. VvA 224: yajanti tattha baliṁ upa- or fairy — palace, which is due to a sort of mirage. These are
harantī ti yakkhā; or VvA 333: pūjanīya — bhavato yakkho usually found in or at the sea, or in the neighbourhood of silent
ti vuccati. — The term yakṣa as attendants of Kubera occurs lakes, where the sense of hauntedness has given rise to the fear
already in the Upanishads.] 1. name of certain non — hu- of demons or supernatural witchcraft. Cp. the entrances to a
man beings, as spirits, ogres, dryads, ghosts, spooks. Their Vimāna by means of a dried — up river bed (Pv i.9; ii.12) and
usual epithet and category of being is amanussa, i. e. not a the many descriptions of the Vimānas in the Lake — districts
human being (but not a sublime god either); a being half dei- of the Himavant in Vv. (See Stede, Peta Vatthu trsl p. 104
fied and of great power as regards influencing people (partly sq.)
helping, partly hurting). They range in appearance immedi- 4. Their names too give us a clue as to their origin and
ately above the Petas; many "successful" or happy Petas are in function. These are taken from (a) their bodily appearance,
fact Yakkhas (see also below). They correspond to our "genii" which possesses many of the attributes of Petas, e. g. Khara
or fairies of the fairy — tales and show all their qualities. In "Rough — skin" or "Shaggy" Sn p. 48 (=khara — samphas-
many respects they correspond to the Vedic Piśācas, though saṁ cammaṁ SnA 302), also as Khara-loma "Rough — hair"
different in many others, and of diff. origin. Historically they Vism 208; Khara-dāṭhika "Rough — tooth" J i.31. Citta
are remnants of an ancient demonology and of considerable "Speckled" Mhvs 9, 22; 10, 4; also as Citta-rājā J ii.372;
folkloristic interest, as in them old animistic beliefs are incor- Mhvs 10, 84. Silesa-loma "Sticky — hair" J i.273. Sūci-
porated and as they represent creatures of the wilds and forests, loma "Needlehair" Sn p. 47, 48; S i.207; Vism 208; SnA
some of them based on ethnological features. See on term e. 302. — (b) places of inhabitance, attributes of their realm,
g. Dial. iii.188; on their history and identity Stede, Gespen- animals and plants, e. g. Ajakalāpaka "Goat — bundle" Ud
stergeschichten des Peta Vatthu chap. v.; pp. 39 — 44. — 1. Āḷavaka "Forest — dweller" J iv.180; vi.329; Mhvs 30,
They are sometimes called devatā: S i.205; or devaputtā: 84: Vism 208. Uppala "Lotus" DhA iv.209. Kakudha "K.
PvA 113, 139. A female Yakkha is called yakkhinī (q. v.). — tree" (Terminalia arjuna) S i.54. Kumbhīra "Crocodile" J
2. Their usual capacity is one of kindness to men (cp. Ger. vi.272. Gumbiya either "One of a troop" (soldier of Yama)
Rūbezahl). They are also interested in the spiritual welfare or "Thicket — er" (fr. gumba thicket) J iii.200, 201. Disā-
of those humans with whom they come into contact, and are mukha "Sky-facer" DhA iv.209. Yamamoli "Yamachignon"
something like "tutelary genii" or even "angels" (i. e. messen- DhA iv.208. Vajira "Thunderbolt" DhA iv.209; alias Vajira-
gers from another world) who will save prospective sinners pāṇī D i.95, or Vajira-bāhu DhA iv.209. Sātāgira "Pleas-
from doing evil (cp. Pv iv.1). They also act as guides in the ant — mount" D ii.256; Sn 153; J iv.314; vi.440. Serīsaka
"inferno": Pv iv.11, cp. iv.3. A somewhat dangerous "Men- "Acacia — dweller" VvA 341 (the messenger of Vessavaṇa).
tor" is represented at D i.95, where the y. Vajirapāṇī threatens — (c) qualities of character, e. g. Adhamma "Unrighteous"
to slay Ambaṭṭha with an iron hammer, if he does not answer Miln 202 (formerly Devadatta). Katattha "Well — wisher"
the Bhagavā. He is represented as hovering in the air; Bdhgh. DhA iv.209. Dhamma "Righteous" Miln 202 (=Bodhisatta).
(DA i.264) says on this: na yo vā so vā yakkho, Sakko de- Puṇṇaka "Full( — moon?)" J vi.255 sq. (a leader of soldiers,
varājā ti veditabbo: it is to be understood not as this or that y., nephew of Vessavaṇa). Māra the "Tempter" Sn 449; S i.122;
but as Sakka the king of devas. — Whole cities stand under the M i.338. Sakata "Waggon — load" (of riches) DhA iv.209
protection of, or are inhabited by yakkhas; D ii.147 (ākiṇṇa — — (d) embodiments of former persons, e. g. Janavasabha
yakkha full of y.; thus Āḷakamandā may here mean all kinds "Lord of men" D ii.205. Dīgha M i.210. Naradeva J vi.383,
of supra — mundane beings), cp. Lankā (Ceylon) as inhab- 387. Paṇḍaka "Eunuch" Mhvs 12, 21. Sīvaka S i.241=Vin
ited by y.: Mhvs 7, 33. — Often, however, they are cruel and ii.156. Serī "Self — willed" S i.57. — Cp. the similar names
dangerous. The female yakkhas seem on the whole more fear- of yakkhinīs.
ful and evil-natured than the male (see under yakkhinī). They 5. They stand in a close relationship to and under the au-
eat flesh and blood: J iv.549; devour even men: D ii.346; J thority of Vessavaṇa (Kuvera), one of the 4 lokapālas. They
ii.15 — 17, or corpses: J i.265; mentioned under the 5 ādī- are often the direct servants (messengers) of Yama himself,
navā (dangers) at A iii.256. A yakkha wants to kill Sāriputta: the Lord of the Underworld (and the Peta — realm especially).
Ud 4. Cp. D ii.257; iii.194 sq.; J iv.492 (yakkhinī fetches water for
3. Var. classes of y. are enum at D ii.256, 257; in a pro- Vessavaṇa); vi.255 sq. (Puṇṇaka, the nephew of V.); VvA 341
gressive order they rank between manussa and gandhabba at (Serīsaka, his messenger). In relation to Yama: dve yakkhā
A ii.38; they are mentioned with devas, rakkhasas, dānavas, Yamassa dūtā Vv 52 ; cp. Np. Yamamolī DhA iv.208. —
gandhabbas, kinnaras and mah'oragas at J v.420. According In harmony with tradition they share the rôle of their master
to VvA 333 Sakka, the 4 great kings (lokapālā), the followers Kuvera as lord of riches (cp. Pv ii.9 ) and are the keepers
of Vessavaṇa (alias Yama, the yakkhas proper) and men (see (and liberal spenders) of underground riches, hidden treasures
below 7) go by the name of yakkha. — Sakka, the king of the etc., with which they delight men: see e. g. the frame story
devas, is often named yakkha: J iv.4; DA i.264. Some are spir- to Pv ii.11 (PvA 145), and to iv.12 (PvA 274). They enjoy
its of trees (rukkha — devatā): J iii.309 345; Pv i.9; ii.9; PvA every kind of splendour & enjoyment, hence their attribute
5; are also called bhumma-devā (earthly deities) PvA 45, 55. kāma-kāmin Pv i.3 . Hence they possess supernatural pow-
Their cult seems to originate primarily from the woods (thus ers, can transfer themselves to any place with their palaces and
in trees: Pv ii.9; iv.3), and secondarily from the legends of sea work miracles; a frequent attribute of theirs is mah' iddhika
— faring merchants (cp. the story of the flyingDutchman). To (Pv ii.9 ; J vi.118). Their appearance is splendid, as a result


Yakkha Yajati

of former merit: cp. Pv i.2; i.9; ii.11; iv.3 . At the same Dhammaguttā), 665 (in simile); Mhvs 7, 11 (Kuvaṇṇā, i. e.
time they are possessed of odd qualities (as result of former bad — coloured); 10, 53 (Cetiyā); 12, 21 (Hāritā "Charming"
demerit); they are shy, and afraid of palmyra leaf & iron: J or fr. harita "green" (?)); DhA i.47; ii.35, 36 (a y. in the form
iv.492; their eyes are red & do not wink: J v. 34; vi.336, 337. of a cow, eating 4 people in successive births). Note. A by —
— Their abode is their self — created palace (Vimāna), which form of yakkhinī is yakkhī.
is anywhere in the air, or in trees etc. (see under vimāna). -bhāva the state of being a yakkhinī J i.240; ii.128
Sometimes we find a communion of yakkhas grouped in a (yakkhini°).
town, e. g. Āḷakamandā D ii.147; Sirīsa — vatthu (in Cey-
Yakkhī (f.) [direct formation fr. yakkha, like petī fr. peta; form
lon) Mhvs 7, 32.
older than yakkhinī (?)]=yakkhinī S i.11; Vin iii.121; iv.20; J
6. Their essential human character is evident also from
iv.492; Mhvs 7, 26.
their attitude towards the "Dhamma." In this respect many of
Yagghe (indecl.) [similar in formation & meaning to tagghe (q.
them are "fallen angels" and take up the word of the Buddha,
v.). It is yaṁ (yad)+gha, the latter in a Māgadhised form ghe,
thus being converted and able to rise to a higher sphere of ex-
whereas taggha (=tad+gha) only occurs as such] hortative part,
istence in saṁsāra. Cp. D iii.194, 195; J ii.17; VvA 333; Pv
ii.8 10 (where "yakkha" is expl by Dhpāla as "pet — attabhā- used in addressing a (superior) person in the voc., followed
by Pot. of jānāti, either 2 nd jāneyyāsi, or 3 sg. jāneyya; to
vato cuto (so read for mato!) yakkho ataṁ jāto dev — attab-
be trsl somewhat like "look here, don't you know," surely,
hāvaṁ patto" PvA 110); SnA 301 (both Sūciloma & Khara
converted). — See in general also the foll. passages: Sn 153, you ought to know; now then; similarly to part. yaṁ nu,
yaṁ nūna & yaṁ hi. The part. is found in the language of
179, 273, 449; S i.206 — 15; A i.160; Vism 366 (in simile);
the Nikāyas only, thus indicating part of the oldest & origi-
Miln 23.
nal dialect. E. g.: y. bhante jāneyyāsi Vin i.237; yagghe deva
7. Exceptionally the term "yakkha" is used as a philosoph-
jāneyyāsi yo te puriso dāso... so... pabbajito do you know, Oh
ical term denoting the "individual soul" [cp. similar Vedic
king D i.60 (trsl.: "if it please your majesty, do you know...";
meaning "das lebendige Ding" (B.R.) at several AV. passages];
DA i.169 expl as "codan' atthe nipāto"); y. ayye jāneyyāsi M
hence probably the old phrase: ettāvatā yakkhassa suddhi
ii.62; mahārāja j. M ii.71; id. S i.101; y. bhavan jāneyya S
(purification of heart) Sn 478, quoted VvA 333 (ettāvat' ag-
i.180. — The passage M ii.157 is somewhat doubtful where
gaṁ no vadanti h' eke yakkhassa sudhiṁ idha paṇḍitāse). Sn
875 (cp. Nd 282: yakkha=satta, nara, puggala, manussa). we find y. with the ind. and in var. forms (see v. l.) of
yagghi & taggha: "jānanti pana bhonto yagghe...," with reply
-ânubhāva the potency of a yakkha J i.240. -āviṭṭha
"na jānāma yagghe..." Perhaps the reading taggha would be
possessed by a y. J vi.586. -iddhi (yakkh°) magic power
of a y. PvA 117, 241. -gaṇa the multitude of ys. J vi.287.
-gaha=following DhA iii.362. -gāha "yakkha — grip," be- Yajati [yaj, cp. Vedic yajati, yajus, Yajur — veda. To Av. yaǤaitē
ing seized by a y. S i.208; PvA 144. -ṭṭhāna the dwelling to sacrifice, Gr. α῞ζομαι to revere, worship. On etym. cp. also
— place of a y. -dāsī "a female temple slave," or perhaps Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. aestimo. — The Dhtp (62) defines root
"possessed by a demon" (?) J vi.501 (v. l. BB devatā — by "deva — pūjā, sangati — karaṇa, dānesu," i. e. "said of
paviṭṭhā cp. p. 586: yakkh' āviṭṭhā.) -nagara city of ys. deva — worship, of assembling, and of gifts." Similarly Dhtm
J ii.127 (=Sirīsavatthu); cp. pisāca — nagara. -pura id. 79] to sacrifice, to make an offering (yaññaṁ); to give alms
Mhvs 7.32. -bhavana the realm or abode of the y. Nd 448. or gifts — In the P. literature it refers (with yañña, sacrifice)
-bhūta a yakkha — being, a ghost Pv iii.5 (=pisāca — bhūta either (when critical) to the Brahmanic rites of sacrificing to
vā yakkha — bh. vā PvA 198); iv.1 . -mahiddhi=°iddhi; the gods according to the rules initiated in the Vedas & Vedic
Pv iv.1 . -yoni the y. — world, realm of the y. SnA 301. literature; or (when dogmatical) to the giving of alms to the
-samāgama meeting of the y. PvA 55 (where also devaputtā bhikkhu. In the latter sense it implies liberal donation of all
join). -sūkara a y. in the form of a pig VbhA 494. -senā the necessities of a bhikkhu (see enum under yañña). The
army of ys. D iii.194; SnA 209. -senāpati chief — comman- latter use is by far the more frequent. — The construction is
der of the yakkha — army J iv.478; SnA 197. with the acc. of the deity honoured and the instr. of the gift. —
Pres. yajati D i.139; A i.168; ii.43, 44; Sn 505, 509; DA i.160.
Yakkhatta (nt.) [fr. yakkha] condition of a higher demon or
— ppr. yajanto D i.52; M i.404; Miln 21; gen. pl. yajataṁ
yakkha D ii.57; A ii.39; PvA 117.
Sn 569 (=Vin i.246, where reading is jayataṁ). — ppr. med.
Yakkhinī (f.) [fr. yakkha, perhaps corresponding directly
yajamāna D i.138 (mahayaññaṁ); Sn 506; S i.233; J vi.502,
to Vedic yakṣiṇī, f. of yakṣin; adj. persecuting, taking 505. — imper. 3 sg. yajatu DA i.297; med. yajataṁ D
vengeance, appl to Varuṇa at RV. vii.88 ] a female yakkha, nd
i.138 (=detu bhavaṁ DA i.300). 2 sg. yajāhi J iii.519; PvA
a vampire. Their character is usually fierce & full of spite & 6 nd
280, and perhaps at Pv ii.1 (for T. yāhi). 2 med. yajassu
vengeance, addicted to man — & beast-murder (cp. yakkha st
Sn 302, 506; J v.488 (yaññaṁ), 490 (id.) — Pot. 1 sg. ya-
2). They are very much like Petīs in habits. With their names jeyyaṁ D i.134; 3 pl. yajeyyuṁ J vi.211, 215; 3 sg. med.
cp. those of the yakkhas, as enum under yakkha 4. — Vin
yajetha Dh 106 (māse māse sahassena yo y.=dānaṁ dadeyya
iii.37; iv.20 (where sexual intercourse with y. is forbidden to nd
DhA ii.231), 108; It 98; A ii.43; Sn 463. — Fut. 2 sg. yajis-
the bhikkhus); S i.209 (Piyankara — mātā); J i.240 (as a goat), st
sasi J iii.515; 1 sg. yajissāmi J vi.527 (pantha — sakuṇaṁ
395 sq.; ii.127; iii.511; v.21 (eating a baby), 209 (eaten by a rd st
tuyhaṁ maṁsena); 3 pl. yajissanti J iv.184; 1 pl. yajis-
y.); vi.336 (desirous of eating a child); Vism 121 (singing), sāma J vi.132. — aor. 1 sg. yajiṁ Th 1, 341; 3 sg. ayajī It
382 (four: Piyankara — mātā, Uttaramātā, Phussa — mittā, 102; yaji Miln 219, 221. — inf. yajituṁ Miln 220; yiṭṭhuṁ

Yajati Yaṭṭhi

D i.138 (yiṭṭhu — kāma wishing to sacrifice), and yaṭṭhuṁ in their influence was demonic (cp. Pv i.4).
°kāma D ii.244; Sn 461. — ger. yajitvā D i.143; A ii.44; Sn The prevailing meaning of yañña in the Suttapiṭaka is that
509; J vi.137 (puttehi), 202; Pv ii.9 56 (datvā+, i. e. spending of "gift, oblation to the bhikkhu, alms-giving." Cp. Sn 295,
liberally; cp. PvA 136); yajitvāna Sn 303, 979. — grd. ya- 461, 484, 1043. At Vv 34 26 the epithets "su — dinna, su —
jitabba J vi.133 (sabbacatukkena). — pp. yajita & yiṭṭha. huta, su — yiṭṭha" are attributed to dāna. — The 3 constituents
— Caus. I. yājeti; Caus. II. yajāpeti (q. v.). which occur under dāna & deyyadhamma as the gift, the giver
and the recipient of the gift (i. e. the Sangha: cp. opening
Yajana (nt.) [late formation fr. yaj, yajati, for the earlier yañña] 1 d
the act of sacrificing J iii.518; vi.133; Cp. I. 7 ; Vism 224; stanza Pv i ) are similarly enum under yañña (or yaññapatha)
as "ye yaññaṁ (viz. cīvaraṁ etc.) esanti" those who wish for a
PvA 135.
gift, "ye yaññaṁ abhisankharonti" those who get it ready, and
Yajanaka (adj.) [fr. yajana] one who sacrifices J vi.133. 2
"ye yaññaṁ denti" those who give it, at Nd 70 (under appa-
Yajāpeti [Caus. II. of yajati] to cause a sacrifice to be held A i.168 matta). Similarly we find the threefold division of "yañña"
(yajati+). (=cīvara etc.), "yaññayājaka" (=khattiyā, brāhmaṇā etc., in-
cluding all 8 classes of men: see Nd p. 129 s. v. khattiya,
Yajita [pp. of yajati] sacrificed Miln 219; J iv.19.
quoted under jana ), and "dakkhiṇeyya" (the recipient of the
Yajubbeda [fr. Vedic yajus the sacrificial formula,+veda] the Ya- gift, viz. samaṇa — brāhmaṇā, kapaṇ'addhikā vanibbakā, yā-
jurveda, the 2 of the Vedas, dealing with sacrifice Miln 178; 2 b
cakā) at Nd 449 (under puthū). — Cp. the foll. (mixed)
DA i.247; SnA 447. As yajuveda at Dpvs v.62, where the 3 passages: D i.97, 128 — 144 (brahmanic criticised); ii.353,
Vedas are enum as iruveda, yaju° and sāma°.
354 (profitable and unprofitable, criticised); M i.82 (brahm.);
Yañña [Vedic yajña, fr. yaj: see yajati. The metric reading in S i.76, 160; ii.42 sq., 63, 207; iii.337; iv.41; A i.166; ii.43
the Veda is sometimes yajana, which we are inclined to look (nirārambhaṁ yaññaṁ upasankamanti arahanto, cp. DhsA
upon as not being the source of the P. yajana] 1. a brahmanic 145); Sn 308 (brahm.), 568 (aggihutta — mukhā yaññā: the
sacrifice. — 2. almsgiving, charity, a gift to the Sangha or a sacrifices to Agni are the best; brahm.); Th 1, 341; J i.83, 343;
bhikkhu. The brahmanic ritual of Vedic times has been given iii.517 (°ṁ yajati; brahm.); iv.66; v.491, 492; vi.200 (yañña
a changed and deeper meaning. Buddhism has discarded the — kāraka — brāhmaṇa), 211 sq.; DA i.267; DhA ii.6.
outward and cruel form and has widened its sphere by chang- -âgāra a hall for sacrifices Pug 56 (=yañña — sālā PugA
ing its participant, its object as well as the means and ways of 233). -āvāṭa the sacrificial pit D i.142, 148; J i.335; iii.45,
"offering," so that the yañña now consists entirely in a worthy 517; vi.215 (where reading yaññavāṭa, cp. yaññavāṭaka at Cp.
application of a worthy gift to a worthy applicant. Thus the i.7 ). It has been suggested by Kern, Toev, s. v., and it seems
direct and as it were self — understood definition of yañña is more to the sense, to read yañña — vāṭa for yanñ' āvāṭa, i. e.
at Nd 523 given with "yañño vuccati deyyadhammo," and enclosed place for sacrifice. Thus at all passages for °āvāṭa.
as this the 14 constituents of the latter are enum ; consist- -kāla a suitable (or the proper) time for sacrifice D i.137; Sn
ing of the 4 paccayas, and of anna, pāna, vattha, yāna, mālā, 458, 482; DA i.297. -upanīta one who has been brought
gandhā, vilepana, seyya, avasatha, padīpeyya. Cp. Nd 373. to the sacrifice S i.168 (trsl. K.S. 211 not quite to the point:
— The term parikkhāra, which refers to the requisites of the "the oblation is brought." Reading is uncertain; v. l. °opanīta
bhikkhu as well (see DA i.204 — 207), is also used in the which may be read as opavīta "wearing the sacrificial cord":
meaning of "accessory instrument" concerning the brahmanic see foll.). -opavīta (?) [see upavīta] in phrase yaññ' opavīta
sacrifice: see D i.129 sq., 137 sq. They are there given as 16 — kaṇṭhā "having the (sacrificial, i. e.) alms — cord wound
parikkhāras, as follows: (4) cattāro anumati — pakkhā viz. the round their necks" SnA 92 (v. l. BB yaññ — opacita —
4 groups khattiyas, ministers, brahmans and householders, as kammā). Cp. yañña — suttaka. -patha [cp. patha ] (way of)
colleagues by consent; (8) aṭṭhangāni of a king — sacrificer; sacrificing, sacrifice Sn 1045; Nd 524 (yañño y' eva vuccati
(4) cattār' angāni of a purohita. — The term mahāyañña refers yañña — patho); J vi.212, 215. -vaṇṇa praise of sacrifice J
to the brahmanic ritual (so at M ii.204; DhsA 145, cp. Exposi- vi.200. -vidhāna the arrangement or celebration of a sacrifice
tor 193); its equivalent in Buddhist literature is mahādāna, for J vi.202. -sampadā success of the sacrifice D i.128 sq. (in its
which yañña is also used at Pv ii.9 50 (cp. PvA 134). — The threefold mode), 134, 143, 144; Sn 505, 509. -sāmin lord or
Jātakas are full of passages referring to the ineffectiveness and giver of a sacrifice D i.143. -suttaka "sacrificial string," i. e.
cruelty of the Brahmanic sacrifice, e. g. J iii.518 sq.; vi.211 alms — cord (the sign of a mendicant) DhA ii.59. Cp. above:
sq., & cp. Fick, Sociale Gliederung, p. 146 sq. One special °opavīta.
kind of sacrifice is the sabba-catukkayañña or the sacrifice of
Yaññatā (f.) [abstr. fr. yañña] "sacrificiality," the function or
tetrads, where four of each kind of gifts, as elephants, horses,
ceremony of a sacrifice J vi.202 (=yañña — vidhāna C.).
bulls, and even men were offered: J i.335; iii.44, 45; PvA 280.
Yaṭṭhi (f.) [cp. Vedic yaṣṭi. Another Pali form is laṭṭhi] 1. a staff,
The number 4 here has the meaning of evenness, complete-
stick, pole M iii.133 (tomara° goad); S i.115 (pācana° driv-
ness, or harmony, as we find it freq., in the notion of the square
ing stick, goad); Miln 2; DhA iii.140 (kattara° a mendicant's
with ref. to Vimānas & lotus ponds (in J., Vv & Pv etc.); often
staff); PvA 241; VbhA 241 (yantacakka°); Mhvs 11, 10 (veḷu°
also implying awfulness & magic, as attached e. g. to cross
a bamboo pole). — 2. a stem, stalk (of a plant), cane in ucchu°
— roads. Cp. the Ep. of niraya (Purgatory) "catu — dvāra"
sugarstick, sugar — cane DhA iii.315 (=ucchu — khaṇḍika at
(esp. at Pv i.10). See cpds. of catur. — It may also refer to 26
the 4 quarters of the sky, as belonging to the 4 Guardians of Vv 33 ); iv.199. — 3. a measure of length (=7 ratanas) VbhA
the World (lokapālā) who were specially worth offering to, as 343.

Yaṭṭhi Yathā

-koṭi the end of the stick or staff DhA i.15. -madhukā VbhA 73 (yattakaṁ ṭhānaṁ... tattakaṁ), 391 (yattakāni kusala
("cane — sweetness") liquorice Mhvs 32, 46. -luddaka "stick — cittāni... tesaṁ sabbesaṁ); VvA 175 (yattakāni... tāni as
— hunter" at J iv.392 means a hunter with a lasso. many... so many, i. e. whatever), 285 (yattakā āhuneyyā
nāma... tesu sabbesu...). — instr. yattakena as adv. "be-
Yata [pp. of yam] held, checked, controlled, restrained, careful
S ii.15, 50; Sn 78, 220, 1079 (=yatta, paṭiyatta, gutta etc. Nd 2 cause, on account of" DhA iii.383, 393.
525); J vi.294 (C. appamatta; Kern, Toev. s. v. proposes read- Yattha (adv.) [the regular P. form of Ved. yatra. See also P. ya-
ing yatta for yata Vism 201 (?). Esp. in two phrases: yat-atta tra] rel. adv. of place "where," at which spot; occasionally
(yata+attan) selfcontrolled, one whose heart is kept down D "at which time," when; with verbs of motion="whereto." —
i.57 (cp. Dial. i.75); Sn 216, 490, 723; DA i.168. — yata- D i.240 (whither); Sn 79, 170 (here closely resembling yatra
cārin living in self — restraint, living or behaving carefully Sn in meaning="so that"), 191, 313, 445, 995, 1037; Dh 87, 127
971 (=yatta paṭiyatta gutta etc. Nd 498); Miln 300 (+samāhita (yattha ṭhita, cp. PvA 104) 150, 171, 193, PvA 27. — yattha
— citta, where Kern, Toev. s. v. proposes to read yatta — cārin vā tattha vā wherever (or whenever) DhA iv.162; similarly
for yata°). A similar passage at Th 1, 981 reads yathā — cārin yattha yattha wherever (he likes) A ii.64. yattha kāmaṁ
(q. v. for further expl ). — Cp. saṁyata & see also yatta. (cp. yathākāmaṁ in same meaning) where to one's liking, i.
Yatati [yat, given by Dhtp 121 in meaning "yatana," by Dhtm e. wherever Dh 35 (=yattha katthaci or yattha yattha icchati
175 as "paṭiyatana"] to exert oneself, strive, endeavour, to be DhA i.295, 299), 326. Similarly we find yatth-icchakaṁ, al-
most identical (originally variant?) with yadicchakaṁ and
cautious or careful; ppr. yataṁ It 120 (care, tiṭṭhe, acche etc.;
Seidenstūcker trsl "gezügelt," thus taking it in meaning of yāvadicchakaṁ at Vism 154.
yata). — pp. yatta. Yatra (adv.) [the (older?) reconstituted Sk. form of P. yattha,
Yatati [unidentified, perhaps as expl of yati?] is given in mean- cp. Vedic yatra in which, where. The P. form is younger than
the Vedic, as the P. meaning is doubtful for the V. period. It
ing of "lead out" (?) at Dhtp 580 ("niyyātane") and Dhtm 813
is merely a differentiation of forms to mark a special meaning
in the sense of a causal conjunction, whereas yattha is adv.
Yatana (nt.) [fr. yat, cp. Epic Sk. yatna] endeavour, undertaking (of place or time) only] in which, where, since; only in phrase
J v.346 (C. expl samosaraṇa — ṭṭhāna?); Dhtp 121 (in expl n yatra hi nāma (in emphatic exclamations) with Fut.; "as in-
of yatati ).
deed, inasmuch as, that" S ii.255 (ñāṇabhūtā vata sāvakā y. h.
Yati [fr. yat, cp. Vedic yati leader, guide] a Buddhist monk Mhvs n. savako ñassati etc.); J i.59 (dhir — atthu vata bho jātiyā y.
5, 37 (racchāgataṁ yatiṁ); 25, 4; 30, 26 (mattikā — dāyakaṁ h. n. jātassa jarā paññāyissati "woe to birth that old age is to
yatiṁ); 32, 32 (khīṇāsavassa yatino); Dāvs iv.33 (yatī); Vism be noticed in that which is born!"); Miln 13 (acchariyaṁ vata
79 (vikampeti Mārassa hadayaṁ yatī); PvA 287 (instr. muni bho... y. h. n. me upajjhāyo ceto — parivitakkaṁ jānissati).
— vara — yatinā).
Yathā (adv.) [fr. ya°; Vedic yathā; cp. kathā, tathā] as, like, in
Yato (adv.) [the abl. case of ya°, used as conjunction, Cp. Vedic relation to, after (the manner of). — As prep. (with acc.): ac-
yataḥ wherefrom, by which, out of which] 1. (local) from cording (to some condition, norm or rule): yathā kāmaṁ (al-
where D i.240 (uggacchanti candima — suriyā; opp. yattha ready Vedic) according to his desire, after his liking PvA 113,
where). — 2. (temporal) whence, since, when, from which 136; y. kālaṁ in time, timely PvA 78; matiṁ to his own mind
time VvA 344 (yato paṭṭhāya). — 3. (modal) from which, or intention Pv iv.1 ; ruciṁ to his satisfaction, amply, satis-
out of what cause, because, in as far as D i.36 sq. (yato... factorily PvA 88, 126, 242; vibhavaṁ acc. to their wealth,
ettāvatā because... therefore); Sn p. 113 (id.) Dh 374, 390 i. e. plentifully PvA 53; sukhaṁ as they liked or pleased
(doubled=from whichever source). — Freq. in two comb : PvA 133. Sometimes with loc.: yathā padese "according to
yatvâdhi-karaṇaṁ (yato+adhikaraṇaṁ) because (lit. by rea- place," in the right place J iii.391. Or instr.: y. sattiyā as
son of which; cp. kim — ādhikaraṇaṁ, see adhik.) D i.70; much as you can DhA i.92; y. manena from his heart, sin-
D i.113; M i.269; Dhs 1346; cp. similarly BSk. yato ad- cerely, voluntarily DhA i.42. — Also with ger. yathā haritvā
hikaraṇaṁ MVastu iii.52; and yato-nidānaṁ on account of according to his taking (or reward: see under cpd. °bhata) It
which, from which (or what) reason, because M i.109; Sn 273, 14 (y. h. nikkhipeyya, which Seidenstücker, not doing justice
869; Pv iv.1 (cp. PvA 242). — Note. yaticchita at PvA 265 to context translates "so wie man etwas nimmt und dann weg-
is to be read yadicchita. wirft"). With foll. adj. expressing something like "as it were"
Yatta [pp. of yatati ] strenuous, making an effort, watchful Nd 2 and often untranslateable (see cpds.) — As conjunction: "as
if," or "so that": yathā mata like dead Dh 21; yathā na "in or-
525 (+paṭiyatta, in exegesis of yata); J iv.222 (+paṭiyatta);
der that not": Vism 31 (y. sarīre ābādhaṁ na uppādeti, evaṁ
vi.294 (Kern's reading for yata; vv. ll. saṁyata & sata, thus
tassa vinodan' atthaṁ); DhA i.311 (y. assa patitaṭthānaṁ na
warranting yata); Miln 373 (°payatta), 378 (id.=in keen effort).
passāmi, tathā naṁ chaḍḍessāmi: so that I shall not see..., thus
— Note. Kern, Toev. s. v. would like to equal yatta=Sk. yatna n
shall I throw him). — As adv. just, as, so, even; in comb
with other particles: yathā kathaṁ pana how so then, how
Yattaka (adj.) [fr. yāvant, a late formation; cp. Trenckner, Notes,
is it then that S ii.283 (cp. yathā tathaṁ under cpds.); yathā
80] however much, whatever, as many (in correlation with
kiṁ viya somewhat like this Miln 91; yathā pana like as DhA
ta° or tattaka) J v.74 (=yāvant); Vism 184 (yattakaṁ ṭhānaṁ
i.158; yatha-r-iva (for yathā — iva) just as D i.90; yathā pi...
gaṇhāti... tattakaṁ...), 293 (yattakā=yāvatā); DA i.118 (yat-
evaṁ just as... so Dh 51 — 52. — yatha — yidaṁ (for yathā
taka... tattaka as long as); DhA ii.50 (°ṁ kālaṁ as long), 128;
— idaṁ) positive: "as just this," "so that," "e. g.," "like," "i.

Yathā Yathā

e."; after negation "but" It 8, 9 (na aññaṁ... yathayidaṁ); Sn -ṭhita so — being, such & such, as they are, as they were J
1092 (tvañ ca me dīpam akkhāhi, yathayidaṁ n' âparaṁ siyā v.392; VvA 256. -tathaṁ according to truth, true & real
"so that there be no further ill"; cp. SnA 597). See also the en- (corresponding to yathā tathā adv.: see above) It 122 (here as
larged forms seyyathā & seyyathīdaṁ. — In correlation with nom. sg.: as he is in one respect, so in the other, i. e. per-
tathā: the same... as, like... as, as... so; Pv i.12 (yath' āgato fect); Sn 1127 (=yathā ācikkhitabbaṁ tathā ācikkhi Nd 527);
tathā — gato as he has come so has he gone). Often ellipti- Th 1, 708 (diṭṭhe dhamme yathātathe: is reading correct? per-
cally in direct juxtaposition: yathā tathā in whatever way, in haps better as yathātathā, cp. trsl Brethren 292: "the truths
such & such a manner; so and so, according to the occasion; are seen e'en as they really are"); Dpvs iii.2 (so read for yathā
also "correctly, truly, in reality" Sn 504 (tvaṁ h' ettha jānāsi y. — kathaṁ; v. l. has °tathaṁ); v.64 (pañhaṁ byākarohi yathā-
t. idaṁ); PvA 199 (y. t. vyākāsi). See yathā-tathaṁ under tathaṁ). -dhamma (used as adj. & adv. °ṁ) "one according
cpds. About phrase yathā taṁ see yathātaṁ. — For further to the law," i. e. as the rule prescribes; nt. according to the rule
refs. on the use of yathā see Indexes to Saṁyutta (S vi.81 s. put down. See Vin. Texts i.203; Geiger, Dhamma, p. 19, 67.
v. yathābhūtaṁ); Anguttara (A. vi.91 ibid.); Sutta — Nipāta — Vin i.135 (yo uddiseyya, yathā — dhammo kāretabbo), 168
(Index p. 751); & Dhammapada. (yo pavāreyya, y. — dhammo kāretabbo), 191 (yo māreyya y.
-ânudhammaṁ according to the rules (leading to enlight- — dh. k.); ii.67 (ubho pi yathādhammaṁ kārāpetabbā), 132
enment) Sn 963, cp. Nd 481. -ânurūpa suitable, proper (yo ajjhohareyya, y. — dhammo kāretabbo); iv.126 (yo jānaṁ
Mhvs 28, 42. -ânusiṭṭhaṁ in accordance with what has been (i. e. knowing) yathādhammaṁ nihat' âdhikaraṇaṁ punakam-
taught DhA i.158. -âbhirantaṁ (adv. nt. of ppr.) to (their) māya ukkoṭeyya, pācittiyan ti i. e. a dispute settled in proper
heart's content, as much (or as long) as one likes Vin iii.145; form; with expl : y. — dhammaṁ nāma dhammena vinayena
Sn 53; DhA i.385; VvA 181. -āraddha [=ālabdha] as much satthu sāsanena kataṁ), 144 (na tassa... mutti atthi yañ ca
as was to be had, sufficient Vin iii.160. -ârahaṁ (nt. adv.) as tattha āpattiṁ āpanno tañ ca yathādhammo kāretabbo, uttari
is fit or proper, seeming, fitful, appropriately, duly (cp. Cpd. c' assa moho āropetabbo). Cp. the foll. passages; as adj.:
111 , 118 ) S i.226; Sn 403; Pv ii.9 ; PvA 78, 132 (yathā co- Vin i.205; ii.132, 142, 263; M iii.10; Miln 195; as adv.: with
danaṁ v. l. SS), 287; VvA 139. So to be read at all Pv & paṭikaroti (to atone, make amends) Vin i.173, 315; ii.126;
PvA passages for T. yathā rahaṁ. Very freq. in Mhvs. e. g. iv.19; D i.85; iii.55; M iii.247; S ii.128, 205; A i.103, 238;
3, 27; 5, 148; 7, 70; 14, 54; 20, 8; 22, 58. -âlankata dressed ii.146; iv.377; cp. yathādhammaṁ paṭigaṇhāti S i.239; A i.59,
as he was, in full (state — ) dress DhA iii.79. -âvajjaṁ "as 103. At S iii.171 yathādhammaṁ is used in the sense of "ac-
if to be blamed," i. e. (imitating) whatever is faulty, mimicry cording to the truth, or reality," where yathā — bhūtaṁ takes
of deformities (as a forbidden pastime) D i.7 (=kāṇakuṇi — its place; similarly at Th 1, 188. -dhota as if it were washed
khañj' ādīnaṁ yaṁ yaṁ vajjaṁ taṁ taṁ payojetvā dassana (so to speak), clean, unsoiled DhA i.196; cp. MVastu i.301
— kīḷā DA i.86); Vin ii.10. -icchitaṁ according to one's yathā — dhauta. -pasādhanaṁ according to a clear state of
wish, as he liked, after his heart's content J i.27 (v. 188)=Bu mind, to one's gratification Dh 249 (=attano pasād' ânurūpaṁ
ii.179; is preferably to be read as yad- icchitaṁ at all PvA pas- DhA iii.359). -puggalaṁ according to the individual, indi-
sages, e. g. PvA 3 (°ṁ dento), 110 (°ṭhāna whichever place vidually Pv iii.5 (read yathāpu°). -pūrita as full as could
I like), 265 (where T. has yat°). The ed. of Mhvs however be, quite full J i.101. -phāsuka comfortable, pleasant DhA
reads yath° throughout; e. g. 7, 22; 22, 50. -odhi as far i.8. -balaṁ according to one's power or means DhA i.107
as the limit, final, utmost M i.37; J iii.302. -odhika to (its (v. l. °satti); Sdhp 97; Mhvs 5, 180. -buḍḍha see °vuḍḍha.
or their) full extent, altogether, only in phrase yathodhikāni -bhataṁ is an unexpl α῞πας λεγομένον, difficult of analy-
kāmāni Sn 60 (cp. Nd 526); J iii.381 (C. not quite to the sis because occurring in only one ster. phrase, viz. yathā
point with expl "attano odhivasena ṭhitāni," giving variant ya- bhataṁ nikkhitto evaṁ niraye (& sagge) at M i.71; S iv.325
todhikāni, with expl "yato uparato odhi etesan ti yatodhikāni (where T. has yathāhataṁ, v. l. bhataṁ); A i.8, 105, 292, 297;
uparata — koṭṭhāsāni"); iv.487 (with better C. expl : "yena ii.71, 83; It 12, 14, 26. We have analyzed it as y. bhataṁ in
yena odhinā thitāni tena tena ṭhitān' eva jahissāmi, na kiñce Corr. to pt. 3; vol. ii.100 ("according to his upbringing"),
avasissāmī ti attho"); v.392 (C.: "yathāṭhita — koṭṭhasāni"). but we should rather deviate from this expl because the P. us-
-kamma(ṁ) according to one's karma or action J i.57, 109; age in this case would prefer the nom. instead of the (adv.)
iv.1. Freq. in phrase yathā-kamm-ûpage satte (pajānāti) "(he acc. nt. It remains doubtful whether we should separate yathā
recognises) the beings passing away (or undergoing future ret- or yath' ābhataṁ. Suggestions of a trsl are the foll. (1) "as
ribution) acc. to their deeds" D i.82; M i.482; ii.21; iii.178; S soon as brought or taken" (see Dict. s. v. ābhata); (2) "as
ii.122; A iv.141, 178, 422; v.35; Sn 587; It 99; and yathā- one has brought" (merit or demerit); thus taking ābhataṁ as
kamm-ûpaga-ñāṇa "the knowledge of specific retribution" irregular ger. of ā+bhar, trsl suggested by the reading āhar-
Vism 433 sq.; Tikp 321; VbhA 373 sq. (°catuttha). -kāmaṁ itvā (yathâharitvā) in the complementary stanzas at It 12 &
according to wish, at random (see above); ° — karaṇiya to be 14; (3) "according to merit or reward," after Kern's sugges-
done or dealt with ad lib., i. e. a victim, prey S ii.226; iv.91, tion, Toev. s. v. to read yathā bhaṭaṁ, the difficulty being
159; It 56. -kārin as he does It 122 (corresp. to tathāvādin). - that bhaṭa is nowhere found as v. l. of bhata in this phrase;
kālaṁ according to time, in one time Mhvs 5, 180. -kkamaṁ nor that bhaṭa occurs in the meaning of "reward." — There is
acc. to order, in one order or succession Mhvs 4, 54; Sdhp a strong likelihood of (ā)bhata resembling āhata (āhaṭa?) in
269. -cārin virtuous (for the usual yatacārin as indicated by meaning "as brought," on account of, cp. It context and read-
C. expl yata kāyādīhi sanyati: see Brethren, p. 342!) Th ing at S iv.325; still the phrase remains not sufficiently cleared
1, 981 (trsl. "Whoso according to his powers is virtuous"). up. — Seidenstūcker's trsl has been referred to above (under

Yathā Yanta

haritvā) as unbefitting. — The suspicion of yathābhataṁ be- vato, probably more correctly, being felt as a der. fr. yathā)
ing a veiled (corrupted) yathābhūtaṁ has presented itself to according to fitness, fitfully, duly, truly, sufficiently PvA 60
us before (see vol. I. under ābhata). The meaning may suggest (so read for yathā vato), 128 (all MSS. yāthāvato!); ThA 256
something like the latter, in as far as "in truth," "surely" is not (yā°; the expl given by Morris, J.P.T.S. 1889, 208 is not cor-
far off the point. Anyhow we shall have to settle on a mean- rect).
ing like "according to merit," without being able to elucidate
Yathāvaka (adj.) [fr. yathāva] being according to reality or suf-
the phrase in all its details. — There is another yathābhataṁ
ficiency, essential, true, real, sufficient Th 1, 347; VbhA 409
in passage... ussavo hoti, yathābhataṁ lasuṇaṁ parikkhayaṁ
(°vatthu, referring to the "māna" — division of the Khuddaka
agamāsi "the garlic diminished as soon as it was brought" Vin 2
— vatthu Vbh 353 sq., cp. Nd 505≈) Should we read yāthā-
iv.258. Here ābhata stands in rel. to harāpeti (to have it
fetched & brought) and is clearly pp. of ābharati. -bhucca b
Yad, Yad-idaṁ etc., see ya° 4 .
as is the case, i. e. as one might expect, evident, real, in con-
formity with the truth D i.12; ii.222; Miln 183, 351; Th 2, 159 Yadā (adv.) [Vedic yadā; old instr. of ya°] when Sn 200 (y. ca
(=yathābhūtaṁ ThA 142); PvA 30, 31 (°guṇā). -bhutta see so mato seti), 681, 696 (here as yada, expl as yadā), 923; Dh
bhutta. -bhūta(ṁ) in reality, in truth, really, definitely, ab- 28, 69, 277 sq., 325, 384, 390; It 77 (y devo devakāyā cavati);
solutely; as ought to be, truthfully, in its real essence. Very PvA 54, 67. Cp. kadā & tadā.
freq. in var. combn ns which see collected & classified as
Yadi (indecl.) [adv. formation, orig. loc., fr. ya°; cp. Vedic yadi]
regards Saṁyutta & Anguttara — Nikāyas in Index vols to
1. as conjunction: if; constructed either with pres. indic., as:
these texts. E. g. S iv.195 (vacanaṁ, Ep. of Nibbāna); v.440
Sn 189; "yadi bodhiṁ pattuṁ icchasi" J i.24 (v. 167); "yadi
(abhisamaya); Sn 194, 202, 653; Dh 203; PvA 215 (guṇa).
dāyako dānaṁ deti... etaṁ bījaṁ hoti" PvA 8; or pot.; or with
yathābhūtaṁ pajānāti he knows as an absolute truth or in real-
a participle, as: "yadi evaṁ sante" that being so, if this is so
ity D i.83, 162; S iv.188; v.304 & passim; ditto yathābhūtaṁ
D i.61; "gahito yadi sīho te" if the lion is caught by you Mhvs
jānāti passati Ps ii.62. Similarly with noun: yathābhūta —
6, 27. — With other particles, e. g. yādi āsanamattaṁ pi even
ñāṇa absolute knowledge S v.144; Ps ii.63=Vism 605 (+sam-
if only a seat VvA 39; yadi... atha kasmā if... how then Miln
mādassana); Vism 438, 629, 695; VbhA 459 (=maggañāṇa);
4. yadi evaṁ... (tu) even if... yet (but) PvA 63 (y. e. pitā na
also as °ñāṇa — dassana in same meaning: A iii.19, 200;
rodati, mātu nāma hadayaṁ mudukaṁ). — yadi va "or" (cp.
iv.99, 336; v.2 sq., 311 sq.; Ps i.33, 43 sq.; ii.11 sq.; Nett Vedic yadi vā "or be it that") Dh 195 (=yadi vā athavā DhA
29. -mano according to (his) mind Sn 829; Nd 170 (expl d
iii.252). So yadi vā at J i.18 (v. 97: latā vā yadi vā rukkhā
as nom.=yathācitto, yathāsankappo, yathāviññāṇo). -ruciṁ
etc. Sn 119 (gāme vā yadi vâraññe). — 2. as a strong parti-
according to pleasure or liking Mhvs 4, 43 (ruci T.; ruciṁ v. l.;
cle of exhortation: yadi evaṁ if so, in that case, let it be that,
thus generally in Mhvs.); 5, 230 (°ruci); 22, 58 (°ruci). -vādin
alright, now then PvA 54 (y. e. yaṁ mayhaṁ desitaṁ ekassa
as speaking, as he speaks (followed by tathā — kārin so do-
bhikkhuno dehi), 217 (y. e. yāvadatthaṁ gaṇhāhi: take as
ing) D ii.224, 229; Sn 357; It 122. -vidhi(ṁ) duly, fitly
much as you like).
Mhvs 10, 79. -vihita as appointed or arranged Mhvs 10,
Yanta (nt.) [Vedic yantra, a kind of n. ag. formation fr. yam to
93. -vuḍḍhaṁ according to seniority Vin ii.221; Mhbv 90
hold by means of a string or bridle, etc. Idg. *em & *iǮem, as
(T. reads °buḍḍhaṁ). -vutta(ṁ) as is said, i. e. as men-
in Lat. emo to take & red — imio.] a means for holding, con-
tioned, aforesaid, of this kind Mhvs 34, 57; PvA 45, 116 (°o
trivance, artifice, instrument, machine, mechanism; fig. in-
puggalo). -saka(ṁ) each his own, according to his (or her)
strumentality (as perhaps in, kamma° at Th passages). — Re-
own, respective(ly) Vism 525; SnA 8, 9; VvA 7; Mhvs 5, 230
ferring to the machinery (outfit) of a ship (as oars, helm, etc.) J
(here simply "their own"). -sata saintly (?), mindful Th 1,
iv.163 (sabbayant' ûpapanna=piy' — ârittā etc. C.); Miln 379.
981 (cp. yathā cārin & Brethren p. 342). -satti(ṁ) accord-
To mechanism in general (mechanical force) J v.333 (°veg-
ing to one's power S iv.348 (+yathābalaṁ); DhA i.107 (v. l.
ena=with the swiftness of machinery). To a sugar — mill Miln
for °balaṁ); Sdhp 97. -satthaṁ according to the precepts,
166; usually as ucchu-yanta J i.25, 339 (°yante gaṇṭhikā), cp.
as law ordains M iii.10 (perhaps an error for yathāsaddha? ).
ucchūnaṁ yanta DhA iv.199. — tela-yanta ( — cakka) (the
-saddhaṁ acc. to faith, as is one's faith Dh 249. -santhatika
wheel of) an oil mill J i.25. — dāru-yanta a wooden machine
accepting whatever seat is offered D i.167; A iii.220; Pug 69;
(i. e. a mechanical man with hands & feet moved by pulling of
Th 1, 855 — °anga one of the 13 dhutangas Miln 342, 359;
strings) DA i.197; Vism 595 (quoted as simile). — kamma-
Vism 61, 78. -sukhaṁ according to ease, at ease, at will Th
yanta the machinery of Kamma Th 1, 419 (i. e. its instrumen-
1, 77; Dh 326. n
tality, not, as trsl "car"; cp. Brethren 217: "it breaks in pieces
Yathātaṁ (adv.) [yathā+taṁ] as it is, as, as if Vin iii.5; S i.124; M n
K's living car," evidently influenced by C. expl "attabhāva —
i.253. The spelling in our books is yathā taṁ (in two words).
yanta"), 574 (similarly: see discussed under yantita). Note.
Yathāva (adj.) [der. fr. yathā, as yathā+vant, after analogy of yantāni at Nd 529 (on Sn 48 sanghaṭṭa — yantām) is expl as
yāvant, but following the a — decl., cp. Epic Sk. yathāvat] "dhuvarāni." The spelling & meaning of the latter is not clear.
having the character of being in accordance with (the truth or It must refer to bracelets. — Cp. SnA 96 valayāni.
the occasion), real, true, just It 44 (santaṁ paṇītaṁ yathāvaṁ, -ākaḍḍhana pulling the machine Vism 258=VbhA 241.
nt.); Th 1, 188, 422 (°āloka — dassana seeing the real light); -cakkha-yaṭṭhi the stick of the wheel of a (sugar — ) mill
Miln 171 (°lakkhaṇa true characteristics); Vism 588 (as yāthā- VbhA 60. -nāḷi a mechanical tube DhA iii.215. -pāsāṇa an
vasarasa), 639 (id.). — abl. yathāvato (also found as yāthā- aerolite (?) J iii.258 (read °pāsāṇo). -phalakāni the boards

Yanta Yasassin

of a machine Vism 258. -yutta combined by machinery J 349 (°hāriyaṁ); Mhvs 17, 44, 50; 30, 82; 31, 99; Dāvs i.50
vi.432. -sutta the string of a machine (or mill). Vism 258 (as (°hīraṁ); DhA iii.213 (id.); SnA 36; Vism 390; PvA 137.
°ka)=VbhA 241. -hatthi a mechanical (automatic) elephant -sālā the pair of Sal willows in between of which the Bud-
DhA i.192 (of King Caṇḍa — pajjota; cp. the horse of Troy). dha passed away VvA 165; PvA 212. — 2. (adj. or m.) a
twin, twin child Mhvs 6, 9 (yamake duve puttaṁ ca dhītaraṁ
Yantaka (nt.) [fr. yanta] a bolt Vin ii.148 (vihārā aguttā honti...
janesi), 37 (soḷasakkhattuṁ yamake duve duve putte janayi);
anujānāmi yantakaṁ sūcikan ti), cp. Vin. Texts iii.162; DA
DhA i.353 (same, with vijāyi). — 3. (nt.) a pair, couple, N. of
i.200 (kuñcikā+); DhA i.220 (yantakaṁ deti to put the bolt to,
one of the Abhidhamma canonical books, also called Yamaka
to lock up).
— ppakaraṇa; Tikp 8. — The Yamakasutta refers to the con-
Yanti is 3 pl. pres. of yā: see yāti. — Note. At D ii.269 we
version of the bhikkhu Yamaka and is given at S iii.109 sq.;
should combine yanti with preceding visamā & sambādhā,
mentioned at Vism 479 & VbhA 32. The phrase yamakato
thus forming denom. verbs: visamāyanti "become uneven" sammasana at Vism 626 may mean "in pairs" (like kalāpato
and sambādhāyanti "become oppressed or tight." The trsl n
"in a bundle" ibid.), or may refer to the Yamaka — sutta with
Dial ii.305 gives just the opposite by reading incorrectly.
its discussion of anicca, dukkha, anatta.
Yantita [pp. of yanteti] made to go, set into motion, impelled Th 1,
Yamataṁ at S i.14 (sa vītivatto yamataṁ sumedho) we should
574: evâyaṁ vattati kāyo kamma — yantena yantito "impelled read (with Mrs. Rh. D.'s emendation K.S. p. 320) as yaṁ
by the machinery of Karma"; trsl Brethren 261 not quite to the
mataṁ (Cy.: maññanaṁ; trsl. "he rich in wisdom hath es-
point "carried about on Karma's car." Kern, Toev. s, v. quite
caped beyond conceits and deemings of the errant mind").
out of place with "fettered, held, restrained," in analogy to his
trsl of yanta id. loc. with "fetter." He may have been misled Yamati [yam, given in meaning "uparame" i. e. cessation, qui-
by Dhtm def of yant as "sankocana" (see yanteti). eting at Dhtp 226 & Dhtm 322, at the latter with additional
"nāse." On etym. see Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. redimio and
Yanteti [denom. fr. yanta. Dhtm 809 gives a root yant in mean-
emo: cp. yanta] to restrain, suppress, to become tranquil; only
ing of "sankocane," i. e. contraction] to set into motion, to st
in stanza Dh 6=Th i.275=J iii.488 as 1 pl. med. yamāmase in
make go, impel, hurl J i.418 (sakkharaṁ anguliyā yantetvā);
imper. sense: "pare ca na vijānanti mayaṁ ettha yamāmase,"
pp. yantita. d
which is expl both at DhA i.65, Th 1 A, & J iii.489 in con-
Yannūna see ya° 2°. nection with yama, viz. "yamāmase: uparamāma nassāma sa-
tataṁ samitaṁ maccu — santikaṁ gacchāmā ti na jānanti," i.
Yapana see yāpana.
e. let us go continually into the presence of death. A little fur-
Yapeti see yāpeti. n
ther at DhA i.66 the expl of it is "bhaṇḍ'— ādīnaṁ vuddhiyā
Yabhati [one passage in Atharva Veda; cp. Gr. οι῎ϕω "futuo," vāyamāmā ti na vijānanti." The meaning is "to control one-
Lat. ibex (see Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v.)] to cohabit, futuere, self," cp. saṁyamāmase S i.209. Leop. v. Schroeder however
only given as root yabh with def "methune" at Dhtp 215 & trsls. "Und mancher Mann bedenket nicht: wir alle müssen
Dhtm 308. sterben hier" (Worte der Wahrheit, p. 2.). — yameyyātha at S
Yama [fr. yam] restraint PvA 98 (+niyama). i.217 is wrongly separated from the preceding vā, which ought
to be read as vāyameyyātha (so K.S. i.281).
Yama [Vedic Yama] the ruler of the kingdom of the dead. See 3
details in Dicty. of Names. In cpds. often in general sense of Yamala [fr. yama ] a pair Abhp 628. — yamalī occurs in BSk.
only as a kind of dress, at Divy 276; AvŚ i.265.
"death" or "manes," or "petā"; e. g.
-dūta Death's messenger Sdhp 287; cp. Yamassa dūtā Vv Yava [Vedic yava, corn; see Zimmer, Altind. Leben 239. Cp. Gr.
52 (see VvA 224), or deva — dūta A i.138 (see under dūta), ζεά spelt; Lith. javaī corn; Oir. eorna barley] corn (in general),
alias niraya — pāla A i.138 and passim. -purisa (a)=°dūta Dh barley (in particular) Vin iv.264; S iv.220; A iv.169.
235 (cp. DhA iii.335); VvA 223; (b) °purisā Yama — people, -karaṇa the preparation of corn A iv.169. -kalāpī (or
i. e. Petas Pv iv.3 (cp. PvA 251). -loka the yama — world or °inī) a sheaf of barley S iv.201. -kāraṇḍava chaff of corn
world of the Petas Dh 44, 45; PvA 107 & freq. -visaya=°loka (or barley) A iv.169. -kummāsa barley — gruel VvA 62.
Pv ii.8 & passim. -sādana Y's kingdom, or the realm of the -khetta corn — field Vin iv.47, 266; VvA 294. -dūsin spoil-
dead J vi.267, 304; vi.457, 505. ing the corn A iv.169. -majjhaka lying in the midst of a corn
Yama (m. nt.) [Vedic yama=yama ; fr. yam in meaning "to — field, in pācīna° of the c. — f. on the E. side (+dakkhiṇa°
S.; pacchima° W.; uttara° N.); names of 4 market — places
combine," cp. Av. yǤ̄ma twin, Mir. emuin id.] (nt.) a pair,
near Mithilā J vi.330. -sūka the awn or beard of corn (bar-
(m.) a twin Abhp 628. See der. yamaka.
ley) A i.8; S v.10, 48.
Yamaka [fr. yama ] 1. (adj.) double, twin; only in foll. comb :
°pāṭihāriya (& °hīra) the miracle of the double appearances, Yavaka (nt.) [yava+collect. ending °ka] in cpd. sāli° (whatever
a miracle performed by the Buddha in Sāvatthī to refute the there is of) rice & corn (i. e. rice — and cornfields C.) J iv.172.
heretical teachers (cp. Vin iii.332, Samanta — pāsādika; and Cp. yāvaka.
in detail DA i.57). It consisted in the appearance of phenom- Yavasa (nt.) [fr. yava; Vedic yavasa] grass, hay, fodder J i.338.
ena of opposite character in pairs, as e. g. streaming forth Yasavant (adj.) [cp. Vedic yaśasvat] famous, having renown A
of fire & water. (Cp. Mhvs trsl 120). The miracle was re-
ii.64 (dīghāyu+).
peatedly performed by the Buddha & is often referred to, e.
Yasassin (adj.) [Vedic yaśasvin] glorious, famous, renowned,
g. at Ps i.125 (°hīra); J i.77, 88, 193; Miln 106 (°hīraṁ),

Yasassin Yācati

having all endowments or comforts of life (as expl at Nd 2 or flour (cp. piṇḍa — pitṛ — yajña) J vi.522 (with v. l. yāgu°).
530: yasappatta, sakkata, lābhī etc.) D i.48 (ñāta+); A ii.34; Yāgin (adj.) (—°) [fr. yāga] sacrificing, giving, spending S i.19=J
Sn 179, 298, 343, 1117; Pv i.4 ; iii.1 ; iii.3 ; iii.10 ; Vv 15 9
iv.66 (sahassa° giving the worth of a thousand pieces).
(=kittimant parivāravant VvA 73); DA i.143; PvA 10; Sdhp 4
Yāgu (f.) [cp. Vedic yavāgū; on form see Geiger, P.Gr. § 27 ]
420. — f. yasassinī shining, resplendent J v.64.
rice — gruel, rice — milk (to drink). See Vin. Texts ii.89. —
Yasassimant (adj.) [double adj. ending; yasas+vin+ mant] splen-
Vin i.46=ii.223 (sace yāgu hoti, bhājanaṁ dhovitvā yāgu up-
did, glorious, full of splendour J v.63 (pāvako yasassimā=teja
anametabbā; yāguṁ pītassa udakaṁ datvā...), 51 (id.), 61 (id.),
— sampattiyā yassassinīhi accīhi yutto C.).
84, 210 (Bhagavato udara — vāt — ābādho tekaṭulāya yāguyā
Yaso & Yasa (nt.) [Vedic yaśaḥ (nt.). The word follows the a° de- dhuva — yāguṁ dātuṁ; i. e. a constant supply of rice —
clension, but preserves & favours the instr. yasasā after the s° gruel), 339 (na mayaṁ iminā bhikkhunā saddhiṁ yāgupāne
decl. (like mano, ceto etc,), e. g. at J i.134. — In the nom. & nisīdissāma); iv.311; A iii.250 (ānisaṁsā: 5 good qualities:
acc. sg. both forms yaso & yasa(ṁ) occur; in cpds. the form it is good for hunger, for thirst, allays wind, cleans the blad-
yasa° is the usual; yaso as masc. is found at Sn 438] glory, der, helps to digest any undigested food); J i.186; ii.128 (for
fame, repute, success, high position. On term as used with drink); PvA 12, 23, 274. — Often comb (and eaten) with
ref. to the brahmin see Fick, Sociale Gliederung 128, 129 — cakes (khajjaka) & other soft food (bhojja), e. g. yāgukhaj-
The prevailing idea of Dhammapāla is that yaso consists of a jaka J i.270; iii.20; DhA iv.20; Mhvs 14, 55 (°khajja -bhojja);
great retinue, & company of servants, followers etc. This idea 36, 100 (+khajja -bhojja).
is already to be found at D i.118=126 where y. is founded on -pāna a drink of rice — milk Vin i.84. -piṇḍa see
parisā (cp. DA i.143 on D i.48; DA i.298: yasasā ti āṇā — ṭha- yāga°. -bhājaka one who distributes the rice — gruel Vin
pana — samatthatāya). See e. g. VvA 122 (yaso=parivāra); ii.176 (pañcah' angehi samannāgataṁ; together with cīvarab-
PvA 137 (yasasā= mahati parivāra — sampattiyā); cp. J i.134 hājaka, phala — bhājaka & khajja — bhājaka); iv.38 (yāgu°,
(rājā mahantena yasena uppanaṁ gacchati). — D i.137 (as phala°, khajja°), 155 (id.); A iii.275.
quality of a king); iii.260, 286; J iv.275 sq. (dibba y. as one of
Yāca (nt.) [fr. yāc] anything asked for, donation, alms, begging J
the 10 qualities of greatness, viz. divine duration of life, com-
iii.353; v.233, 234.
plexion, happiness, fame, power, and the 5 sense — objects
-yoga (y.+*yogga; perhaps yāja° the original. The variant
rūpa, sadda, gandha, rasa, phoṭṭhabba. The same 10 are found yājayoga is old & well established: cp. Vism 224) accessi-
at Pv ii.9 58, 59 ); A i.15; ii.32, 66, 188; iii.31, 47 sq.; iv.95, 195 ble to begging, one ready to comply with another's request,
sq.; Dh 24, 303 (+bhoga); Th 1, 554; Nd 147; Pv iii.3 (=dev' devoted to liberality, open — handed. Freq. in ster. phrase
iddhi PvA 189); Vv 29 ; J i.134; vi.468; Miln 291 (bhoga+);
mutta — cāga payata — pāṇī vossaggarata yāca — yoga dāna
Vism 393; Sdhp 306, 518. — yasaṁ deti to give credit J i.180.
— saṁvibhāga — rata to denote great love of liberality, e.
mahā-yaso great fame J i.46 (v. 266), cp. yas-agga the high-
g. at A i.226; ii.66; iii.313. See also A iii.53, 313=Vism 223,
est (of) fame J i.51, where coupled with lābh-agga the great- 224 (where expl as follows: yaṁ yaṁ pare yācanti tassa tassa
est gain. The latter comb is stereotype in the Niddesa (see e. dānato yācanayogo ti attho; yājayogo ti pi pāṭho; yājana —
g. Nd 55), where the 4 worldly ideals are given in sequence
sankhātena yājena yutto ti attho); A iv.6, 266 sq., 271, 284;
lābha, yaso, pasaṁsā, sukha. — With kitti we find yaso at v.331, 336; Sn p. 87 (cp. expl SnA 414: "yācituṁ yutto, yo hi
Sn 817 (see def & exegesis at Nd 147). — Opp. ayasa D
yācake disvā bhakuṭiṁ katvā pharusavacan' ādīni bhanati, so
iii.260, 286; A ii.188; iv.157 sq. d
na yācayogo hoti" etc.); Sn 487, 488, 489, 509; J iii.307 (expl
-dāyika giving (or a giver of) repute J vi.285. -mada
in C. as "yaṁ yaṁ āgantukā yācanti tassa tassa yutto anuc-
pride of fame VbhA 467. -mahatta greatness of fame Vism
chaviko bhavitvā, sabbaṁ tehi yācita — yācitaṁ dadamāno ti
233. -lābha the gain of fame J iii.516 (+dhanalābha).
attho"); iv.274 ("yācitabba — yuttaka" C.); vi.98 (=yācana —
Yahiṁ (adv.) [after kuhiṁ] where, wherever Mhvs 15, 209 (cor- yuttaka or yañña — yuttaka; "ubhayath' âpi dāyakass' ev' etaṁ
resp. to yattha in v. 210). nāma" C.); Miln 215, 225. — The form yājayoga at Sn 1046
(expl at Nd 531 as "yāje yutta"); and mentioned at Vism 224
Yāga [fr. yaj, *Sk. yāga, cp. yañña & yaja] 1. a (brahmanic) sac-
(see above). — On diff. meaning of yācayoga see Kern, Toev.
rifice, known otherwise as mahāyāga (or pl. °yāgā), and con-
s. v. with unidentified ref. Cp. also Mvyut. 140, 4.
sisting of the 4: assamedha, purisamedha, sammāpāsa, vāja —
peyya. Thus mentioned at S i.76 & Sn 303. — 2. In Buddhis- Yācaka (adj. n.) [fr. yāca, cp. Epic & later Sk. yācaka] re-
tic sense: gift, alms-giving, charity; expense or expenditure questing, one who begs, a recipient of alms, a beggar J iii.353;
of giving (almost syn. with cāga) A i.91 (here given in line Pv ii.9 ; PvA 78, 102 (=yācanaka); Sdhp 324, 331. Freq.
with dāna & cāga, with distinction of āmisa° & dhamma°, in comb with similar terms of wayfaring people in phrase
i. e. the material sacrifice, as under 1, and the spiritual sacri- samaṇa — brāhmaṇa — kapaṇ' iddhika — vaṇibbaka — yā-
fice or help); with the same contrast of ā° & dh.° at D iii.155; cakā e. g. at D i.137; It 64. See single terms. — yācaka at Sn
It 98, 102; J v.57, 65; DhA i.27. — J iv.66 (sahassena yā- 618 (as Fick, Soc.Gliederung 144 quotes yācaka) is to be read
gaṁ yajanto); Miln 21 (dhamma°); VvA 155; PvA 135 (mahā° yājaka.
— saññita yañña), 136 (mahā°). — suyiṭṭha yāga sampadā
Yācati [Vedic yācati; yāc, with which cp. Lat. jocus (dial. juca
"well — given is the perfection of charity" ThA 40 (Ap. v. "prayer"); Ohg. jehan to confess, etc.: see Walde, Lat. Wtb.
7)=230 (id.). s
s. v. jocus. — Dhtp (38) only expl yāca= yācane] to beg, ask
-piṇḍa the sacrificial oblation consisting in a ball of meat
for, entreat Vin iv.129 (pabbajjaṁ); Sn 566, 980, 983; J iii.49,

Yācati Yādicchaka

353; v.233, 404. — aor. 3 pl. yāciṁsu PvA 13, 20, 42; ayā- yātha=imper.; 3 yanti Sn 179, 578, 714; Dh 126, 175, 225
cisuṁ Mhvs 33, 76 (v. l. ayācayuṁ). — inf. yācituṁ PvA (see also note s. v. yanti); Pv ii.9 16 (=gacchanti PvA 120).
29, 120. — ger. yāciya Sn 295; yācitvā M i.365; yācitvāna — imper. 2 nd sg. yāhi Pv ii.1 (read yajāhi?); Mhvs 13, 15;
Mhvs 17, 58. — pp. yācita. 3 sg. yātu Mhvs 29, 17; 2 nd pl. yātha Mhvs 14, 29; DhA
i.93. — ppr. yanto Mhvs 36, 60 (pacchā y. walking behind)
Yācana (dt.) [fr. yāc] begging, asking, entreaty J iii.353; SnA 161
gen. yantassa Mhvs 22, 57 (assavegena y.). — inf. yātave
(inghā ti yācan' atthe nipāto) 551 (id.); PvA 113 (=sādhuka).
Sn 834. — Another formation fr. yā is yāyati (see Geiger,
-jīvāna living by begging J iii.353.
P.Gr. § 138), in an intensive meaning of "to drive, to move on
Yācanaka [cp. BSk. yācanaka Divy 470, 585]=yācaka A iii.136 quickly or by special means," e. g. in phrase yānena yāyati
(ati°); Pv ii.7 ; 9 ; 9 ; J iii.49; DA i.298.
to drive in a carriage Vin i.191 (Pot. yāyeyya); ii.276; Sn 654
Yācanā (f.)=yācana; J iii.354=Miln 230; J v.233, 404. (ppr.: rathass' āṇī va yāyato) 418 (ger.: yānabhūmiṁ yāyitvā
yānā oruyha); J vi.125. As "march" at J vi.449. In special
Yācita [pp. of yācati] begged, entreated, asked (for) A iii.33; Dh
meaning "to drive," i. e. "to be driven or affected by" in expl n
224; J iii.307; PvA 39. — Cp. yācitaka.
of the ending of ppr. med kāma— yamāne Sn 767 (or kāma —
Yācitaka (adj.) [yācita+diminutive (disparaging) ending 1
yāna) at Nd 4, viz. "taṇhāya yāyati niyyati vuyhati saṁhariy-
°ka] asked, begged, borrowed M i.365 (°ṁ bhogaṁ); J
ati." Cp. yāna as ending. — pp. yāta. Caus. yapeti & yāpeti
iv.358=vi.127 (°ṁ yānaṁ and °ṁ dhanaṁ, alluding to M (q. v.). — See also anupari°, ā°, upa°, uy°, pa° (aor. pāyāsi)
i.365 — 366), with expl J iv.358: "yaṁ parena dinnattā
paccuy°, pari°; and anuyāyati.
labbhati taṁ yācita — sadisam eva hoti." — (nt.) anything
Yātrā (f.) [fr. yā, Class. Sk. yātrā, a n. ag. formation like
borrowed, borrowed goods: yācitak' ûpamā kāmā (in app'
nettī, meaning something like "vehicle," that which keeps go-
assādā kāmā passage) "the pleasures of the senses are like bor-
rowed goods" Vin ii.25=M i.130= A iii.97=Th 2, 490=Nd 71 ing] 1. travel, going on, proceeding, good habit (like yāta; cp.
(correct yācitan'); expl in detail at M i.365. — See also DhA yātrā=anuvṛtti Halāyudha 5, 33) S i.33; S i.16=63 (trsl K.S.,
perhaps wrongly, "egress": it is more a question of going on
i.403 (ye y. gahetvā na paṭidenti); ThA 288 (kāmā=yācitaka
through life!). Perhaps to be classed under foll. meaning as
— bhaṇḍasadisā tāvakālik' aṭṭhena).
well. — 2. going on, livelihood, support of life, maintenance
Yāja [fr. yaj; cp. yāja & yājeti] sacrificing, giving alms, liber-
in stock phrase occurring at many places of the Canon, viz.
ality (felt as synonymous with cāga, thus influenced by tyaj, "purāṇaṁ vedanaṁ paṭihankhāmi, navañ ca vedanaṁ na up-
cp. Sk. tyājana): see yācayoga; — Nd 531 (yāye yutta); Vism
pādessāmi, yātrā ca me bhavissati etc." where DhsA 404 ex-
plains yātrā by yāpanā, as may be inferred also from context.
Yājaka (adj.) [fr. yaj in its Caus. form yājeti] sacrificing, one Thus at M i.10 (where Neumann translates: "ein Fortkommen
who sacrifices, a priest Sn 312, 313 (=yanna — yājino janā haben," i. e. progress), 355; S iv.104; A ii.40; iii.388; Nd 1
SnA 324), 618 (of a purohita; v. l. BB yācaka). 496; Nd 540 (correct devanaṁ into vedanaṁ!); Pug 25; Dhs
Yājana (nt)=yāja; Vism 224: see yācayoga. 1348; Miln 367: all passages identical. The whole passage is
expl in detail at Vism 31 sq. where yātrā is given with "cira
Yājin (adj.) [fr. yāja] sacrificing SnA 324 (yañña°).
— kāla — gamana — sankhātā yātrā," Bdhgh. thus taking it as
Yājetar [n. ag. to yājeti] one who superintends a sacrifice or "keeping going," or "continued subsistence" (longevity trsḷ ).
causes it to be performed D i.143. — In one other passage yātrā is conjectured for sātrā, viz. at
Yājeti [Caus. I. of yajati] to cause to sacrifice, to make a priest SnA 322 in reading y. — yāga for sātrā yāga, where mean-
ing y. might be taken as "customary." The ed. compares Sk.
give an offering (to the gods or otherwise) J vi.211, 215; ppr.
yājento M i.404; Pot. 2 nd sg. yājeyya J iii.515; 3 pl. yā- yātsattra, a certain ceremony.
jeyyuṁ J vi.215 (aññaṁ brāhmaṇaṁ); also yājayeyyuṁ J Yāthāva (adj.) [see yathāva. It is a comb of a guṇa-der. fr.
vi.211. — ger. yājetvā D i.143. yathā and an adj. — der. of °vant] sufficient (lit. "just as
much"; i. e. such as it is), sufficiently founded, logical, con-
Yāta [pp. of yāti] going, gone, proceeded; habit, custom; only
sistent, exact, definite, true Nd 275 (where tatha is expl by
in cpd. yāt'ânuyāyin going on according to what (or as it)
has gone, i. e. following old habits J vi.309, 310; expl by C. taccha, bhūta, yāthāva, aviparīta); DhsA 248 (where micchā
— diṭṭhi is expl as incorrect or illogical view. — yāthāvato
as "pubba — kārinā yātassa puggalassa anuyāyī, paṭhamaṁ
(abl.) exactly, truly, consistently DA i.65; ThA 256; VvA 232.
karonto yāti nāma pacchā karonto anuyāyati." The usual Sk.
See also yathāvato. — The nearest synonyms of yāthāva are
phrase is gat — ânugatika. Cp. yātrā, yānikata.
aviparīta (i. e. definite) and yathābhūtaṁ. See also yathāva
Yāti [Vedic yāti, or yā, which represents Idg *iǮā , an amplified
and yathāvaka.
*ē as in eti (q. v.). Cp. Lat. janua door & the Np. Janus
-nāma having the name of exactitude PvA 231 (+aviparīta
(=January); Lith. jóti to ride, Mir. āth ford. — The Dhtp — nāma). -māna pride of sufficiency or consistency VbhA
368 expl yā more in appl meaning as "papuṇane," cp. Dhtm
487 sq. (and a°). -lakkhaṇa possessing the characteris-
596: pāpuṇe] to go, go on, to proceed, to go away; — pres. tic of definiteness or logic Miln 171; Nett 27 (where avi-
1 yāmi Pv ii.8 (=gacchāmi PvA 107), Mhvs 10, 3; 2 nd yāsi jjā is called "sabba dhammayāthāva — asampaṭivedha —
J i.291; Mhvs 10, 2 (kuhiṁ yāsi?); 3 yāti Sn 720 (tuṇhī y.
lakkhaṇā"). -vacana exact, logical or true speech Miln 214
mahodadhi); Dh 29, 179, 294, 295; J vi.311; Mhvs 5, 47; DhA (taccha — vacana, yāthāvav., aviparīta — v.). -sarasa logical
i.18; 1 pl. yāma Mhvs 6, 12 (kiṁ na y., v. l. kiṁ nu y.); 2 nd
and with its essential (sa+rasa) properties Vism 588, 639.

Yādicchaka Yāpeti

Yādicchakaṁ at VvA 341 read as yadicchakaṁ (see ya°). pāna — vattha — yāna — sannidhi Nd 372). -sukha plea-
sures of riding and driving Kvu 209; cp. Kvu trsl. 127.
Yādisa (adj.) [Vedic yādṛś & yādṛsa, yad+dṛśa] which like, what
like, whichever, how much; in neg. sentence: any, whatever Yānaka (nt.) [fr. yāna] a (small) cart, carriage, waggon, vehi-
little. — Pv. ii.1 (=yāva mahanto PvA 77). — Often comb d cle J iii.49 (°ṁ pūretvā, or a hunter's cart); iv.45; DhA i.325
with kīdisa in meaning "any one, this or that, whoever," e. g. (sukha°), 391 (pakati°, an ordinary waggon). -°ṁ pājeti to
Vv 50 14 (=yo vā so vā pacura — jano ti attho VvA 213). As drive a cart J ii.112, 143; iii.51.
adj.: yādisi (sic!=Sk. yādṛśī) -kīdisā jīvikā (no livelihood, -upatthambha(na) waggon — prop KhA 44 (°ni v. l.,
whatever little) J vi.584 (v.728; Trenckner, Miln p. 423 gives see Appendix to Index Pj.); VbhA 234 (°nika; illustrating the
v. 732!), expl by C as "yā vā sā vā, lāmakā ti attho"; yādisaṁ shape of the teeth).
kīdisaṁ dānaṁ a gift of whatever kind Miln 278. So also with
Yānika & Yāniya (adj.) (—°) [fr. yāna] 1. (lit.) leading to,
tādisa: yādisā vā tādisā vā (viz. kāmā) of whichever kind A
conducive to, as °yāniya in deva° magga D i.215, & Brahma°
magga the way leading to the Brahma — world D i.220. — 2.
Yādisaka=yādisa; in correlation (generalising sense) yādisaka- (in appl meaning, cp. yānikata) °yānika one who has become
tādisaka whatsoever... such, any whatsoever A iv.308; S v.96. used to, whose habit it is..., in vipassanā° & samatha° at Vism
Yāna (nt.) [fr. yā, as in yāti. Cp. Vedic yāna and Lat. Janus] 588.
1. going, proceeding J vi.415 (+ayāna, opposed to ṭhāna). — Yānikata [yāna+kata, with i for a in comp with kṛ, perhaps also
2. means of motion, carriage, vehicle. Different kinds of car- in analogy with bahulī — kata] made a habit of, indulged
riages are enum at Nd 145 (on Sn 816) with hatthi° (ele- in, acquired, mastered (cp. expl Ps i.172: "yattha yattha
phant — ), go° (cow — ), aja° (goat — ), meṇḍaka° (ram — ākankhati tattha tattha vasippatto hoti balappatto etc."). The
), oṭṭha° (camel —?), khara° (donkey — ). Cp. Miln 276. expression is to be compared with yatânuyāgin & yātrā, sim-
— yāna is one of the requisites (carriage or other means of lo- ilarly to which it is used only in one stock phrase. It comes
comotion) of the bhikkhu & as such included in the deyya — very near yātrā in meaning "that which keeps one going," i. e.
dhamma or 14 gifts (see yañña & deyya — dh.). Thus men- an acquired & thoroughly mastered habit, an "altera natura." It
tioned with anna pāna vattha etc. at S i.94; A ii.85; Pug 51. is not quite to the point when Dial ii.110 (following Childers?)
— Cp. the def & application of the term yāna as given below translate as "to use as a vehicle." — Occurring with iden-
under yāna — sannidhi. — See e. g. the foll. passages: Vin tical phraseology, viz. bahulīkata yāni-kata vatthu-kata
i.191 (bhikkhū yānena yāyanti... na bhikkhave yānena yāy- anuṭṭhita paricita susamāraddha in application to the 4 id-
itabbaṁ; yo yāyeyya etc.: here a "carriage" is expressly for- dhipādā at D ii.103; A iv.309; S v.260; Miln 140; to mettā at
bidden to the bhikkhu!), 231 (Ambapālī bhadrāni — bhadrāni M iii.97; S i.116; ii.264; iv.200; v.259; A v.342; J ii.61; Miln
yānāni yojāpetvā bhadraṁ yānaṁ abhirūhitvā...), 242 (same 198. Expl at Ps i.172, cp. ii.122, 130.
phrase with Meṇḍaka gahapati); D i.7, 89, 106; M i.366 (yā-
Yānin (adj.) [fr. yāna] one who drives in a carriage J
naṁ poroseyyaṁ pavara — maṇi — kuṇḍalaṁ, where vv. ll.
iii.525=iv.223 (where read yānī va for yān iva). At the latter
on p. 561 read voropeyya and oropeyya, which Neumann passage the C. somewhat obscurely expl as "sappi — tela —
(unwarrantedly) adopts in his trsl : Mittl. Sammlung 1921, yānena gacchanto viya"; at iii.526 the expl is simply "yānena
ii.666; the C. accepts reading poroseyya with expl "puris —
gacchanto viya."
anucchavikaṁ yānaṁ"); Dh 323 (=hatthiyānādīni DhA iv.6); J
Yāpana (& yapana) (nt.) [fr. yāpeti. Cp. Epic & Class. Sk.
iii.525 sq.; v.59; vi.223 (=ratha); Kvu 599 (Erāvaṇo hatthināgo
sahassa — yuttaṁ dibbaṁ yānaṁ; trsl as "the wondrous ele- yāpana] keeping going, sustenance, feeding, nourishment, ex-
istence, living. Esp. in one standing comb respecting the
phant E., the thousand — wise yoked celestial mount." trsl. p.
347 (lit. vehicle) Pv iii.2 28 (=ratha or vayha etc. PvA 186); feeding and keeping of the body "kāyassa ṭhitiyā yāpanāya
etc." (for the maintenance of the body) in yātrā passage: see
PvA 113. — iddhi-yāna carriage of magic power Miln 276;
yātrā 2; in which it is expl at Vism 32 by "pavattiyā avicched'
deva° godly carriage Miln 276; applied to the 8 fold Aryan
atthaṁ, cira — kāla — ṭṭhit' atthaṁ" i. e. for the preserva-
Path at Sn 139 (=devalokaṁ yāpetuṁ samatthatā... aṭṭha —
tion of life. — Further at J i.66 (alam me ettakaṁ yāpanāya);
samāpatti — yānaṁ SnA 184). Similarly of the Path: magg'
v.387 (thokaṁ mama yāpana — mattaṁ eva); DhA iv.210 (yā-
aṭṭhangika — yāna ( — yāyinī) Th 2, 389 (=aṭṭhangika —
pana — mattaṁ dhanaṁ); PvA 28. — Used more freq. to-
magga — sankhāta ariya — yāna ThA 257); and brahma-
gether with shortened form yapana; in standard phrase vutti
yāna dhamma-yāna "the very best & excellent carriage" as
pālana, yapana yāpana cāra (cp. yapeti) at Vism 145; DhsA
Ep. of magga S v.5, cp. J iv.100. Cp. the later terms mahā
149, 167. Or similarly as f. with spelling yapanā & yāpanā:
and hīna- yāna. See also yānikata.
yapanā yāpanā iriyanā vattanā pālanā at Dhs 19, 82, 295, 380,
-ugghata shaking or jolting of the carriage Vin ii.276;
441, 716. At DhsA 404 yāpanā is used as syn. of yātrā.
DhA iii.283. -gata having ascended the carriage D i.126. -
puṭosā (°puṭoḷī) provision bag on a carriage (provision for the Yāpanīya (adj.) [grd. formation fr. yāpeti] fit or sufficient for
journey?) Vism 328 (so read for paṭṭoli). -bhūmi carriage — supporting one's life Vin i.59, 212, 253. — Cp. BSk. yā-
ground, i. e. the road as far as accessible to a carriage D i.89; panīyatara a more healthy state Divy 110.
Sn 418. -sannidhi storing up of carriages or means of loco- Yāpeti (& yapeti) [Caus. of yāti] 1. (lit.) — (a) in caus.- in-
motion D i.6 (with expl at DA i.82 as follows: yānaṁ nāma tensive as well as intrs. sense; in the latter also with short
vayhaṁ ratho sakaṭaṁ sandamānikā patankī ti. Na pan' etaṁ d
ă as yapeti and then comb with yāpeti, in stock
pabbajitassa yānaṁ, upāhanā yānaṁ pana); Sn 924 (=anna —

Yāpeti Yāva

phrase defining carati "to go," "to be" (or viharati) with syn- adj. (base), or nom., or abl. or acc. — (a) absolute: y. sahassa
onyms iriyati vattati pāleti yapeti yāpeti at Nd 237; Vbh up to 1000. PvA 21; y. sattama up to the seventh D i.238. —
252; DhsA 167. Besides singly (yapeti) at DhsA 149. — (b) (b) nom.: y. deva — bhava — sampatti up to the attainment of
to cause to go, to make someone go (to), to bring to, lead to a deva existence PvA 167; y. satta divasā up to 7 days, as long
(acc.) J vi.458 (sasenāvāhanaṁ yāpesi); SnA 184 (devalokaṁ as 7 days PvA 31. (c) with abl.: y. brahmalokā up to the high-
yāpetuṁ samattha fit to bring one to the d — world). — (c) est heaven A iii.17; y. mekhalā down to her girdle PvA 46;
to get on, move, to be active DhA i.10 (sarīre yāpente); iv.17 yāva āyu — pariyosānā up to the end of life PvA 200; y. ajjadi-
(iriyāpathena). — 2. (fig.) to keep going (both trs. & intrs.), vasā till the present day Mhvs 32, 23; y. kapp' âvasānā up to
to keep up, esp. to keep oneself going or alive, to live by (in- the end of the world Vism 688 (where SnA 5 in same passage
str.) [cp. BSk. yāpayati Divy 93, 150, 196, 292, 293, 471, 488, reads acc. °âvasānaṁ); y. kāla — ppavedanā J i.118+DhA
AvŚ i.209] D i.166 (ekissā dattiyā on only one alms); Pug 56; i.248; y. mukhasmā up to the brim Miln 238; yāva bhumm'
J ii.204; iii.67; iv.125; vi.532 (uñchena); Pv i.5 (ito dinnena âvalambare hang down to the ground Pv ii.10 . — (d) with
yāpenti petā); i.11 ; iii.2 (tava dinnena yāpessanti kurūrino); acc. y. Bodhimaṇḍaṁ as far as the Bodhimaṇḍa Mhvs 30, 88;
PvA 27, 29 (=attabhāvaṁ yāpeti=upajīvati). y. tatiyakaṁ for the 3 time (i. e. the last time; ascending
scale!) D i.95; y. tatiyaṁ id. Vin iv.236 samanubhāsitabba);
Yāpya (adj.) [shortened grd. — formation for yāpanīya. *Sk.
Sn 1116; J iv.126. — Freq. in phrase yāva jīvaṁ (see under
yāpya in slightly diff. meaning] 1. (lit.) fit for movement or
locomotion: in °yāna sedan — chair, palanquin Abhp. 373. cpds.). Sattamāsaṁ cha pañca cattāro ti vatvā yāva temāsaṁ
yāciṁsu "after having said 7, 6, 5, 4, months they begged down
— 2. (fig.) concerning the preservation of life, vital, in °rogin
to 3 months" PvA 20. — With startingpoint, local: pādata-
one who suffers from a vital disease, lit. a disease concerning
the upkeep of the body Vism 33 (trsl Path of Purity 39: "pa- lato... yāvakesaggaṁ from the sole of the foot to the tip of the
hair ("from tip to toe") DhA i.70; (in modal sense:) paṭhavī
tient of long — suffering," from a different point of view, viz.
— kasiṇato paṭṭhāya yāva odāta — kasiṇaṁ "from the one
of time only, like Bdhgh.).
to the other" Vism 374. Similarly in correlation yāva-tāva
Yāma [fr. yam in both meanings of yamati & yama ] 1. re-
(see tāva 1.) as far — so far, until — so long: y. rājā āgac-
straint, only as cpd. cātu-yāma 4 — fold restraint D i.57; chati tāva ubho ramissāma J iv.190; heṭṭhā pi yāva Avīci upari
iii.48; S i.66; M i.377; Vism 416. Cp. Dial. i.75 . — 2. a
yāva Akaniṭṭha — bhavanaṁ, tāva addasa Vism 392; yāva
watch of the night. There are 3 watches, given as paṭhama, naṁ ānemi tāva idh' eva tiṭṭha DhA iii.194. — 2. (as adv.)
majjhima & pacchima (first, middle & last) Nd 377 sq.; or how, how much, to which or what extent, as great or as much
purima, m. & pacchima Nd 631 (under sadā). — A i.114; n
(as) (cp. tāva ii.2), usually in comb yāva mahā (mahantaṁ),
iv.168; Dh 157 (one of the 3; interpreted as the 3 vayas at 19
e. g. yāva mahantaṁ how big PvA 77 (=yādisaṁ of Pv ii.1 );
DhA iii.138); J i.243 (tīsu yāmesu ekasmiṁ yāme); Mhvs 21, ns
VvA 325=DhA i.29 (yāva mahantaṁ). Also in other comb ,
33; PvA 217, 280. — 3. (usually pl. Yāmā devā) one who
like yāva dukkhā nirayā how (or as) many painful purgato-
belongs to Yama or the ruler of the Underworld; a subject of
ries Sn 678; yāva dukkhā tiracchānayoni M iii.169; yāva pāpo
Yama; the realm of Yama; — pl. inhabitants of Yamaloka A
ayaṁ Devadatto alakkhiko... "how very wicked is this D." Vin
i.210 (yāmā devā); SnA 244 (°bhavana the abode of the Y.); n
ii.196 Further in comb with attha(ṁ), and eva, in which cases
KhA 166 (Yāmato yāva Akaniṭṭhaṁ from the Underworld to
the final d is restored, or may be regarded as euphonic. Thus
the Highest Heaven); Vism 225 (Yāmā); VbhA 519 (Yāmā);
yāvad-atthaṁ as far as need be, as much as you like (with
VvA 246 (id.); ThA 169 (Y. devā). 7
imper.) Pv iv.5 (khādassu y.); UbhA 504 (=yattakaṁ icchati
-kālika of a restricted time, for a (relatively) short period
tattakaṁ); J v.338; PvA 217 (gaṇhāhi). Cp. Vin iii.37 (yāva-
(lit.) only for one watch of the night, but longer than yāva-
datthaṁ katvā "pleasing herself"). — As adj. sufficient, plenty
kālika temporary. It is one of the three regulation — terms
M i.12 (paripuṇṇa... suhita y.); PvA 24 (=pahūta). yāvad-eva
for specified food, viz. y. -k., sattāhakālika & yāvajīvika,
[cp. the similar tāva — d. — eva] "as much as it is (in extent)"
or short period, of a week's duration, and life — long food Vin
i. e. with limitation as far as is necessary, up to (i. e. not fur-
iv.83, 86, 176, 311; to which is added yāva-kālika, temporary
ther or more than), ever so much, as much as you like, at least;
at Vin i.251 (where mutual relations of the 4 are discussed).
(then:) as far as, in short, altogether, indeed. — The same
-gaṇḍika(ṁ) koṭṭeti to beat the block of restraint (?), i. e. ex- n
idea as our def is conveyed by Bdhgh's at SnA 503 (on Sn p.
ercise self — control (?) (or does it belong to yāma 3?) KhA
140) "paricched' âvadhāraṇa — vacanaṁ," and at DhA ii.73
"avadhiparicchedana": giving a limitation, or saying up to the
Yāyati see yāti. limit. S ii.276; Sn p. 140; Dh 72; and in stock phrase "n'eva
davāya... yāvad eva imassa kāyassa ṭhitiyā..." ("in short"); see
Yāyin (adj.) (—°) [fr. yā, see yāti] going, going on to; in yāna- n
passages under yātrā. The expl of yāvad eva in this phrase
yāyinī (f.) Th 2, 389 (maggaṭṭhangika° having ascended the
carriage of the 8 — fold Path; expl by "ariya — yāyena nib- as given at DhsA 403 runs: "āhār' āharaṇe payojanassa par-
iccheda — niyamadassanaṁ," of which the trsl Expos. ii.512
bāna — puraṁ yāyinī upagatā" ThA 257).
is "so as to suffice signifies the limit of the result of taking
Yāva (adv.) [Vedic yāvat as nt. of yāvant used as adv. in mean- n
food." Ṉeumann's trsl at M i.10 is "but only." — Note. In
ings 1 & 2. The final t is lost in Pāli, but restored as d in certain
the stock phrase of the Buddha's refusal to die until his teach-
combinations: see below 2. — Cp. tāva & kīva]. 1 (as prep.)
ing has been fully proclaimed (Mahāparinibbānasutta) "among
up to (a point), as far as, how far, so far that (cp. tāva I), both
gods and men" D ii.106 (=114, 219; iii.122; A iv.311) "yāva
temporal and local, used either with absolute form of noun or n
— deva — manussehi suppakāsitaṁ" (trsl Dial. ii.113: "un-

Yāva Yāvant

til, in a word, it shall have been well proclaimed among men") Yāvaka [=yavaka] a dish prepared of barley J vi.373 (=ya-
we are inclined to consider the reading yāva deva° as origi- vataṇḍula — bhatta C.).
nal and better than yāvad-eva, although Rhys Davids (Dial.
Yāvataka (adj.) [fr. yāva, as tāvataka fr. tāva] as much as, as
ii.236) is in favour of the latter being the original. Cf. K.S.
many as, as far as, whatever; usually in correl. with tāvataka
ii.75 n. The phrase seems to require yāva only as continua- 2
e.g. Vin i.83 (yāvataka... t.); D ii.18 (y. kāyo t. vyāmo); Nd
tion of the preceding yāva's; moreover the spirit of the mes- 3
235 (y °ṁ ñeyyaṁ t °ṁ ñāṇaṁ); or similarly M i.397 (y. kathā
sage is for the whole of the worlds Cp. BSk. yāvad — deva
— sallāpo... sabbaṁ taṁ...); PvA 103 (yāvatakā=yāvanto).
manusyebhaḥ Divy 201. It is not a restriction or special def-
— f. yāvatikā: yāvatikā gati tāvatikaṁ gantvā A i.112; y. nā-
inition of meaning at this passage. But may it not be taken as
gassa bhūmi as far as there was ground for the elephant D i.50;
a summing up= "in short"? It is left doubtful. If it is=yāva,
similarly: y. yānassa bh. as far as the carriage — road D i.89,
then we should expect yāva na, as in the preceding sentence,
106, 108; y. ñāṇassa bh. Nett 25.
if it is yāvad eva the meaning "not more than made known by
Yāvatā (indecl.) [abl. of yāvant in adv. use cp. tāvatā) as far
men" seems out of place; in this case the meaning "at least"
as, like as, in comparison with, regarding, because Dh 258 (na
is preferable. A similar case of insertion of a euphonic con-
tena paṇḍito hoti y. bahu bhāsati=yattakena kāraṇena DhA
sonant m (or is it the a — stem nt in °ṁ instead of °t as in
iii.383), 259, 266 (similarly, C.= yattakena); Sn 759 (yāvat'
yāvat?) we find in the phrase yāvam pi at J v.508 (with Pot. d
tiṭṭheyya; see below 3; C. expl by yattakaṁ kālaṁ). — The atthī ti vuccati; expl at SnA 509 as "yāvatā ete cha āram-
maṇā Ǥ atthī ʼ ti vuccanti, vacana — vyattayo veditabbo");
form yāvade (for yāvad eva) also occurs (like tāvade for tā-
yāvatā ariyaṁ paramaṁ sīlaṁ, nâhaṁ tattha attano sama —
vad eva) at M ii.207. — For yad-idaṁ we find yāvañ c' idaṁ
samaṁ samanupassāmi kuto bhiyyo "compared with this sīla
at A iii.34; M iii.169. — The latter form (yāvaṁ, as above J
I do not see anyone quite equal to myself, much less greater."
v.508) is better to be grouped directly under yāvant, where
D i.74 yāvatā ariyaṁ āyatanaṁ yavatā vanippatho idaṁ agga
more & similar cases are given. — 3. (as conj.) so long as,
— nagaraṁ bhavissati Pātaliputtaṁ puṭa — bhedanaṁ Vin
whilst, until (cp. tāva ii.3, 4; iii.); either with Fut. or Pot. or
i.229=Ud 88=D ii.87 (concerning a most splendid site, and
Prohibitive. E.g. 'S i.202 (ahu pure dhammapadesu chando
y. virāgena samāgamimha; trsl "until I met with that Pure a condition for trade, this Pāṭ. will be the greatest town;
trsl Dial. as far as Aryan people resort, as far as merchants
thing and Holy"); J vi.266 (y. āmantaye); PvA 4 (tāva ayyo
travel...). yāvatā satt' āvāsā yāvatā bhavaggaṁ ete aggā ete
āgametu yāva ayaṁ puriso... pānīyaṁ pivissati or: "you shall
saṭṭhā [read seṭṭhā] lokasmiṁ yad idam arahanto "as far as
wait please, until he shall drink"). Neg. yāva... na not until,
the abodes of beings, as far as heaven, these are the high-
unless, as long as not D ii.106 (na paribbāyissāmi... yāva... na
est, these are the best, I mean the Arahants." S iii.84. yāvatā
bhavissati); S i.47 (y. na gādhaṁ labhati); Dh 69 (yattakaṁ
dhammā sankhatā vā asankhatā vā virāgo... aggam akkhāy-
kālaṁ na... DhA ii.50).
ati, yad — idaṁ mada — nimmadano... A ii.34=It 88; "of all
-kālika (cp. tāva ii.1) "as far as the time or occasion goes,"
the things definite or indefinite: passionlessness deserves the
occasional, temporary, at Vin i.251 in foll. context (cp. yā-
highest praise, I mean the disintoxication of pride etc." The
makālika): "kappati... yāvakālikena, yāmakālikaṁ na kappati, n
expl at Vism 293 takes yāvatā (grammatically incorrectly)
kappati yāvakālikena sattāha kālikaṁ na k. etc. with foll. yā-
as n. pl.= yattakā. — yāvatā jagato gati as far as (like as) the
vajīvikaṁ & the same with kappati yāma — kālikena, sattāha
course of the world It 120.
— kālikenana k.; kappati satt°, yāvajīv, na k." The reply of the
Buddha is: yāvakālikena yāmakālikaṁ tadahu paṭiggahitaṁ Yāvant (pron. rel.) [cp. Sk. yāvant; same formation as demonstr.
kāle kappati vikāle na kappati (same with sattāhakālikaṁ & pron. tāvant, of which the P. uses the adv. nt. tāva (t) form
yāvajīvikaṁ); followed by yāmakālikena... sattāhakālikaṁ more frequently than the adj. tāvant. The only case so far as-
& yāvajīvikaṁ; sattāhakālikena... jāvajīvikaṁ." -jivaṁ (adv.) certained where tāvant occurs as adj. is J v.72 (see below)] 1.
for the length of one's life, life — long, all one's life, for life yāvant as adj.: as many (as) Dh 337 (hāvant' ettha samāgatā as
( — time) Vin i.80; ii.197; iii.23; It 78; Dh 64, 284; Vism many as are assembled here); J v.72 (yāvanto uda — bindūni...
94; DhA i.45; PvA 76, 110 (=satataṁ). Cp. BSk. yāva- tāvanto gaṇḍū jāyetha; C. on p. 74 expl by yattakāni; yāvatā
jīva — sukhya AvŚ ii.37. -tajjanī ( — vinīta) led only as pl. as many as Pv ii.1 ; yāvanto Pv ii.7 16 (=yāvatakā PvA
long as kept under a threat A i.285 (one of the 3 parisā's; so 103); J v.370 (detha vatthāni... yavanto eva icchati as many
read with v.l. for T. yāvatajjhā°). -tatiyaka "as much as 3 as he wants). — 2. yāvat (nt.) used adverbially. The exam-
times," name of the last 4 Sanghādisesa offences, because be- ples and meanings given here are really to be combined with
fore the punishment is inflicted warning must have been given those given under yāva (yāvad°). It is hardly possible to dis-
3 times: see passage of Vin iii.186 under yāva t-ihaṁ. -tihaṁ tinguish clearly between the 2 categories; the t may well have
(read as yāvat — ihaṁ, the latter=aha day) as many days been reduced to d or been replaced by another sandhi conso-
as...; in foll. passage: uddiṭṭhā... terasa sanghādisesā dhammā, nant. However, the specific Pāli use of yāva (like tāva) justi-
nava patham — āpattikā cattāro yāvatatiyakā, yesaṁ bhikkhu fies a separate treatment of yāva in that form only. — yāvat
aññataraṁ vā aññataraṁ vā āpajjitvā yāvatihaṁ jānaṁ paṭic- occurs only in comb with ca (where we may assume either
chādeti tāvatihaṁ tena bhikkhunā akāmā parivatthabbaṁ (for a peculiar nt. form yāvaṁ: see yāva 2; or an assimilation of
as many days as he knowingly conceals his sin, for so many t to ñ before c. — The form yāva mahantaṁ may originally
days...), parivuttha — parivāsena bhikkhunā uttariṁ chārat- have been a yāvaṁ m.) as yāvañ ca "and that," "i. e.," how
taṁ bhikkhumānattāya paṭipajjitabbaṁ. Vin iii.186. much, however much, so great S i.149 (passa yāvañ ca te idaṁ
aparaddhaṁ: see how great a mistake you have made in this);

Yāvant Yujjhati

It 91, 92 (passa yāvañ ca ārakā & santike: see how far and in meaning "two," e. g. yugaṁ vā nāvaṁ two boats Dpvs i.76.
near). yāvañ c' idaṁ stands for yad-idaṁ (see ya° 4) in pecu- — 3. (connected by descent) generation, an age D i.113 (yāva
liar use of restriction at M. III.169; S ii.178; A iii.34. — 3. The sattamā pitāmahā — yugā "back through seven generations."
nt. form yāvat further occurs in foll. cpds.: °āyukaṁ (better Cp. DA i.281: āyuppamāṇa); KhA 141 (id.); J i.345 (purisa°).
as yāvat° than yāvatā°) as long as life lasts, for a lifetime Mhvs There are also 5 ages (or stages) in the [life of the] sāsana (see
3, 41; VvA 196 (as adj. °āyukā dibba — sampatti); PvA 66, Brethren, p. 339): vimutti, samādhi, sīla, suta, dāna.
73, 133; °icchakaṁ as much as is desired, according to one's -anta ( — vāta) (storm at) the end of an age (of men
wishes Pug 12, 25; Vism 154 (here spelt yāvad — icchakaṁ); or the world), whirlwind J i.26. -ādhāna putting the yoke
°ihaṁ see under yāva (cpds.) — instr. yavatā: see sep. on, harnessing M i.446. -ggāha "holding the yoke," i.
e. control, dominance, domineering, imperiousness; used as
Yāvetadohi at M ii.47 is an obscure expression. The reading is
syn. for palāsa at Vbh 357=Pug 19 (so read for yuddha°),
established; otherwise one might think of a corrupted yāv(a) d
expl by sama — dhura — ggahaṇaṁ "taking the leader-
etad ahosī(pi) or yāva-d-ev' -ahosi "was it really so?" or: "did 1
you really have that thought?" Neumann, Mittl. Sammlung 2 ship altogether" at VbhA 492. See further Nd 177; VvA
1921; ii.381, trsl "gar so sehr drängt es dich" (are you in such 71 (yugaggāha — lakkhaṇo paḷāso); SnA 542; DhA iii.57
(°kathā=sārambhakathā). — °ṁ ganhāti to take the lead,
a hurry?), and proposes reading (on p. 686, note) yāv' etado
to play the usurper or lord J iii.259 (C. for T. palāsin); DhA
hi pi, leaving us wondering what etado might be. — Could it
be a distorted yāyetar (n. ag. of yāyeti, Caus. yā)? iii.346. -ggāhin trying to outdo somebody else, domineering,
imperious VvA 140. -cchidda the hole of a yoke Th 2, 500
Yiṭṭha [pp. of yajati with a petrified sandhi y.; Vedic iṣṭa] med.:
(in famous simile of blind turtle). -nangala yoke and plough
having sacrificed D i.138 (mahā — yaññaṁ y. rājā). — pass.: (so taken by Bdhgh. at SnA 135) Sn 77= S i.172 ("plough fit-
sacrificed, (nt.) sacrifice D i.55 (dinna, y. huta); expl at DA
ted with yoke" Mrs. Rh.D.). -nandha (with v. l. °naddha, e.
i.165 by "mahāyāga" Vbh 328, (id.); J i.83 (y.+huta); iv.19
g. at Ps ii.92 sq.; KhA 27 in T.) putting a yoke on, yoking to-
(=yajita C.); v.49; vi.527. — duyyiṭṭha not properly sacri-
gether; as adj. congruous, harmonious; as nt. congruity, asso-
ficed, a sacrifice not according to rites J vi.522. In specific
ciation, common cause Ps ii.98=Vism 682; Ps ii.92 sq. (°vagga
Buddhistic sense "given, offered as alms, spent as liberal gift"
& °kathā); KhA 27 (nt.); Vism 149 (°dhammā things fitting
Vin i.36; J i.168=A ii.44; M i.82. Dh 108 (yaṁ kiñci yiṭṭhaṁ
under one yoke, integral parts, constituents). -mattaṁ (adv.)
va hutaṁ va; DhA ii.234=yebhuyyena mangalakiriya — di-
"only the distance of a plough," i. e. only a little (viz. the most
vasesu dinna — dānaṁ). — suyiṭṭha well given or spent A necessary) distance ahead, with expressions of sight: pekkhati
ii.44; ThA 40; Vv 34 (in both senses; VvA 155 expl "mahā
Sn 410 ("no more than a fathom's length" Rh.D. in Early Bud-
— yāga — vasena yiṭṭhaṁ").
dhism 32); pekkhin Miln 398; °dassāvin Vism 19 (okkhitta —
Yidha in mā yidha at Vin i.54 is to be read mā — y — idha, the y cakkhu+) pekkhamāna SnA 116 (as expl of okkhittacakkhu).
being an euphonic consonant (see y.). -sāṭaka (=s. — yuga) a pair of robes, two robes Dpvs vi.82.
Yuga (nt.) [fr. yuj; Vedic yuga (to which also yoga)= Gr. ζυγόν; Yugala & Yugaḷa (nt.) [Class. Sk. yugala; in relation to yuga
Lat. jugum=Goth. juk; Ohg. juh; E. yoke; Lith. jungas] 1. the same as Lat. jugulum ("yoke — bone") to jugum. Cp.
the yoke of a plough (usually) or a carriage DhA i.24 (yugaṁ also Gr. ζεύγλη yoking strap] a pair, couple J i.12 (yugaḷa —
gīvaṁ bādhati presses on the neck); PvA 127 (ratha°); Sdhp yugaḷa — bhūtā in pairs), 500 (bāhu°); vi.270 (thana° the 2
468 (of a carriage). Also at Sn 834 in phrase dhonena yu- breasts); Vism 219; VbhA 51 (yugaḷato jointly, in pairs); the
gaṁ samāgamā which Bdhgh. (SnA 542) expl as "dhuta — six "pairs of adaptabilities" or "words," Yog. 18 — 23, Mystic
kilesena buddhena saddhiṁ yugaggāhaṁ samāpanno," i. e. 30 sq.; cp. Dhs 40 sq. Also used as adj. (like yuga) in phrase
having attained mastery together with the pure Buddha. Neu- yugalaṁ karoti to couple, join, unite Dpvs i.77; VvA 233.
mann, Sn trsl not exactly: "weil abgeschüttelt ist das Joch"
Yugalaka (nt.) [fr. yugala] a pair Tikp 66; VbhA 73.
(but dhona means "pure"). See also below °nangala. — 2.
(what is yoked or fits under one yoke) a pair, couple; appl to Yuja (adj.) (—°) [either a direct root — derivation fr. yuj, cor-
responding to Sk. yuj (or yuk, cp. Lat. con — jux "conju-
objects, as — °: dussa° a pair of robes S v.71.; DhA iv.11;
gal," Gr. ὁμό ζυς companion, σύ ζυς=conjux; Goth. ga
PvA 53; sāṭaka° id. J i.8, 9; PvA 46; vattha° id. J iv.172.
— tapassi° a pair of ascetics Vv 22 ; dūta° a pair of mes- — juka companion); or a simplified form of the grd. *yu-
jya>*yujja>yuja] yoked or to be yoked, applicable, to be stud-
sengers S iv.194; sāvaka° of disciples D ii.4; S i.155; ii.191;
ied, only in cpd. duyyuja hard to be mastered, difficult J v.368
v.164; in general: purisa° (cattāri p. — yugāni) (4) pairs of
men S iv.272 sq.=It 88; in verse at Vv 44 21 and 53 ; expl at (atthe yuñjati duyyuje he engages in a difficult matter; C. reads
Vism 219 as follows: yugaḷa — vasena paṭhamamagga — ṭṭho
phala — ṭṭho ti idam ekaṁ yugaḷan ti evaṁ cattāri purisa — Yujjha (adj.) [grd. of yujjhati] to be fought; neg. a° not to be
yugaḷāni honti. Practically the same as "aṭṭha purisa — pug- fought, invincible M ii.24 (so read for ayojjha).
galā." Referring to "pairs of sins" (so the C.) in a somewhat
Yujjhati [cp. Vedic yudhyate, yudh, given in meaning "sam-
doubtful passage at J i.374: sa mangala — dosa — vītivatto pahāra" at Dhtp 415. — Etymologically to Idg. *ieudh to
yuga — yog' âdhigato na jātum eti; where C. expl yugā as
shake, fr. which in var. meanings Lat. jubeo to command,
kilesā mentioned in pairs (like kodho ca upanāho, or makkho juba horse's mane; Gr. ὑσμίνη battle, Lith. jundù, jùdra whirl-
ca paḷāso), and yoga as the 4 yojanas or yogas (oghas?), viz.
wind; cp. also Av. yaošti agility] to fight, make war. Rare in
kāma°, bhava°, diṭṭhi°, avijjā°. — Also used like an adj. num.
older literature; our refs. only from the Mahāvaṁsa; e. g. 22,

Yujjhati Yūthikā

82 (fut. yujjhissāma, with instr.: Damiḷehi); 25, 23 (aor. ayu- 49. -paṭibhāṇa knowledge of fitness Pug 42 (cp. PugA 223).
jjhi); 25, 58 (ppr. yujjhamāna); 33, 41 (aor. yujjhi). To which -payutta intent on etc. PvA 150. -rūpa one who is able or
add DhA ii.154 (mallayuddhaṁ yujjhanto); iii.259 (Ajātasat- fit (to=inf.) J i.64. -vāha justified VvA 15.
tunā saddhiṁ yujjhanto). — pp. yuddha. — Caus. yodheti
Yuttaka (adj.) (—°) [fr. yutta] proper, fit (for); nt. what is
(q. v.).
proper, fitness: dhamma — yuttakaṁ katheti to speak righ-
Yujjhana (nt.) [fr. yujjhati] fighting, making war J iii.6, 82. teous speech J iv.356. — Usually comb with a grd., seem-
ingly pleonastically (like yutta), e. g. kātabba° what had to
Yujjhāpana (nt.) [fr. yujjhati Caus.] making somebody fight,
be done PvA 81; DhA i.13 (as kattabba°); āpucchitabba° fit
inciting to war Miln 178.
to be asked DhA i.6.
Yuñjati [Vedic yunakti, yuñjati & yuñkte, yuj; cp. Gr. ζεύγνυμι,
Yutti [cp. Vedic yukti connection, fr. yuj] "fitting," i. e. 1. appli-
Lat, jungo to unite, put together (pp. junctus=Sk. yukta, cp. E.
cation, use Miln 3 (opamma°). — 2. fitness, vāda°, KVA 37;
junct — ion); Lith. jùngin. The Idg. root *iǮeug is an enlarged
in instr. yuttiyā in accordance with Mhvs 10, 66 (vacana°);
form of *iǤe ṷe "to unite," as in Sk. yanti, yuvati, pp. yuta; f.
Sdhp 340 (sutti°); and abl. yuttito Sdhp 505. — 3. (logical)
yuti, to which also Lat. jūs=P. yūsa. The Dhtp gives several
fitness, right construction, correctness of meaning; one of the
(lit. & fig.) meanings of yuj, viz. "yoge" (No. 378), "samād- d d
himhi" (399), "saṁgamane" (550)] (lit.) to yoke; (fig.) to join 16 categories (hārā), appl to the exposition of texts, enum in
the 1st section of the Netti; e. g. at Nett 1 — 3, 103; KhA
with (instr. or loc.), to engage in (loc.), to exert oneself, to
18; SnA 551, 552. Thus abl. yuttito by way of correctness
endeavour. All our passages show the applied meaning, while
or fitness (contrasted to suttato) VbhA 173=Vism 562; and
the lit. meaning is only found in the Caus. yojeti. — Often
expl by and coupled with the syn. ghaṭati & vāyamati, e.g. yutti-vasena by means of correctness (of meaning) SnA 103
(contrasted to anussava). — 4. trick, device, practice J vi.215.
at J iv.131; v.369; DhA iv.137. — Forms: pres. yuñjati Dh
382; J v.369; 2 nd pl. yuñjatha Th 2, 346 (kāmesu;=niyojetha -kata combined with; (nt.) union, alloy VvA 13.
ThA 241); ppr. yuñjanto J iv.131 (kammaṭṭhāne); imper. Yuddha (nt.) [orig. pp. of yujjhati; cp. Vedic yuddha (pp.) and
yuñja S i.52 (sāsane); ThA 12; med. imper. yuñjassu Th yudh (f.) the fight] war, battle, fight D i.6 (daṇḍa° fighting
2, 5. — Pass. yujjati (in grammar or logic) is constructed or with sticks or weapons); J iii.541 (id.); Sn 442 (dat. yud-
applied, fits (in), is meant KhA 168; SnA 148, 403, 456. — dhāya); J vi.222; Miln 245 (kilesa°, as pp.: one who fights
Caus. I. yojeti & II. yojāpeti (q.v.). — pp. yutta. sin); Mhvs 10, 45 (°atthaṁ for the sake of fighting); 10, 69
(yuddhāya in order to fight); 25, 52 (yuddhāy' āgata); 32, 12
Yuta [pp. of yu, yauti to fasten but Dhtp 338: "missane"] fas-
(yuddhaṁ yujjhati); 32, 13 (maccu° fight with death); 33, 42;
tened to (loc.), attracted by, bent on, engaged in D. i.57 (sabba
— vārī°); Sn 842 (pesuṇeyye; Nd 233 reads yutta in exege- DhA ii.154 (malla° fist — fight). — The form yudhāya at Sn
sis, do. at p. 234, with further expl āyutta, payutta etc.), 831 is to be taken as (archaic) dat. of Vedic yudh (f.), used
in sense of an inf. & equal to yuddhāya. Nd 172 expl as
853 (atimāne); Dāvs v.18 (dhiti°). — Note. yuta is doubt-
"yuddh' atthāya."
ful in phrase tejasā-yuta in Niraya passage at A i.142=M
iii.183=Nd 405=Nd 304 =J v.266. The more likely read- -kāla time for the battle Mhvs 10, 63. -ṭṭha engaged in
war S i.100 (so read for °ttha). -maṇḍala fightingring, arena
ing is either tejas' āyuta (so BSk. M.Vastu 9), or tejasā yutta
(so Nd & PvA 52), i. e. endowed with, furnished with, full J iv.81; Vism 190; VbhA 356 (in comparison).
of heat. — We find a similar confusion between uyyuta & Yuddhaka [fr. yuddha, for the usual yodha (ka)] a fighter, in
uyyutta. malla° fist — fighter, pugilist J iv.81.
Yutta [pp. of yuñjati; Vedic yukta, cp. Lat. junctus, Gr. ζευκτός, Yudhikā (f.) [doubtful] N. of a tree J v.422 (for T. yodhi, which
Lith. jùnktas] 1. (lit.) yoked, harnessed (to= loc.) Pv i.11 4 appears as yodhikā in C. reading). The legitimate reading is
(catubbhi yutta ratha); Mhvs 35, 42 (goṇā rathe yattā); DhA yūthikā (q. v.), as is also given in vv.ll.
i.24 (dhure yuttā balivaddā). — 2. coupled; connected with; Yuvan [Vedic yuvan; cp. Av. yavan=Lat. juvenis, Lith. jáunas
(appl ) devoted to, applied to, given to, engaged in ( — °, in-
young; Lat. juvencus "calf"; juventus youth; Goth. junda,
str. or loc.) Sn 820 (methune), 863 (macchiriya°), 1144 (tena, Ohg. jugund & jung, E. young. — The n. — stem is the
cp. Nd 532); It 93 (Buddha — sāsane); J vi.206 (yoga°). —
usual, but later Pāli shows also decl. after a — stem, e. g.
3. furnished; fixed, prepared, in order, ready Sn 442 (Māra;
gen. yuvassa Mhvs 18, 28] a youth. — nom. sg. yuvā
=uyyutta SnA 392); PvA 53. — 4. able, fit (to or for=inf.), D i.80=yobbanena samannāgata DA i.223; Sn 420; Dh 280
suitable, sufficient Sn 826 (cp. Nd 164); J v.219; DA i.141 1
(=paṭhama — yobbane ṭhita DhA iii.409); Pv iii.7 (=taruṇa
(dassituṁ yutta=dassanīya); VvA 191 (=alaṁ); PvA 74. — 5.
PvA 205). — Cp. yava, yuvin & yobbana.
proper, right PvA 159. — 6. due to ( — °, with a grd., appar-
Yuvin (adj. — n.) [=yuvan with diff — adj. ending] young J
ently superfluous) J iii.208 (āsankitabba°); cp. yuttaka. — 7.
iv.106, 222.
(nt.) conjunction, i. e. of the moon with one or other constel-
lation Vin ii.217. — ayutta not fit, not right, improper PvA Yūtha (nt.) [Vedic yūtha] a flock, herd of animals Sn 53 (of ele-
6 (perhaps delete), 64. — suyutta well fit, right proper, opp. phants); J i.170 (monkeys), 280 (id.); SnA 322 (go°, of oxen).
duyutta unbefitting, in phrase suyuttaṁ duyuttaṁ ācikkhati J -pa the leader of a herd Th 2, 437 (elephants). -pati same
i.296 (here perhaps for dur — utta?). du° also lit. "badly fixed, J iii.174 (elephant); DhA i.81 (id.).
not in proper condition, in a bad state" at J iv.245 (of a gate).
Yūthikā (f.) [cp. later Sk. yūthikā] a kind of jasmine, Jasminum
-kāra acting properly PvA 66. -kārin acting rightly Miln
auriculatum J vi.537; Miln 338. So is also to be read at J v.420

Yūthikā Yoga

(for yodhi) & 422 (yodhikā & yudhikā). See also yodhikā. and relation between eva & yeva cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 66, 1. See
also eva 2. — The same form in Prākrit: Pischel, Prk. Gr. §
Yūpa [Vedic yūpa] 1. a sacrificial post D i.141; A iv.41; J iv.302;
336] emphatic particle, meaning "even, just, also"; occurring
vi.211; Miln 21 (dhamma°); SnA 321, 322; DA i.294. — 2. a
most frequently (for eva) after palatal sounds, as ṁ: Sn 580
pāsāda, or palace Th 1, 163=J ii.334.
(pekkhataṁ yeva), 822 (vivekaṁ); DhA ii.20 (saddhiṁ); PvA
-ussāpana the erection of the sacr. post DhsA 145 (cp.
3 (tasmiṁ), 4 (imasmiṁ), 13 (tumhākaṁ); — further after o:
Miln 21).
PvA 39 (apanīto yeva); — after ā: Sn 1004 (manasā yeva);
Yūsa [Vedic yūṣan, later Sk. yūṣa; fr. base Idg. *iǤūs, cp.
— after i: S ii.206 (vuddhi yeva); PvA 11 (ahosi); — after e:
Lat. jūs soup, Gr. ζύμη yeast, ferment, ζωμός soup; Obulg.
J i.82 (vihāre yeva; pubbaṇhe y.); VbhA 135 (na kevalaṁ ete
jucha=Ger. jauche manure; Swedish ōst cheese; an enlarge-
yeva, aññe pi "not only these, but also others"). Cp. Mhvs 22,
ment of base *iǮeu to mix, as in Sk. yu to mix: see yuta, to
56; VvA 222; PvA 47.
which further *iǮe ṷe, as in yuñjati] 1. juice Vin i.206 (akaṭa°
Yevāpana(ka) (adj.) [not connected with yeva, but an adj. forma-
natural juice); Mhvs 28, 26; VvA 185 (badara° of the jujube);
tion from phrase ye vā pana; ye here standing (as Māgadhism)
Vism 195 (seda° sweaty fluid). — 2. soup, broth. Four
kinds of broths are enum at M i.245, viz. mugga° bean soup, for yaṁ: cp. yebhuyya] corresponding, reciprocal, respective,
in corresponding proportion, as far as concerned; lit. "what-
kulattha° of vetch (also at Vism 256), kaḷāya° (chick — )
pea soup, hareṇuka° pea soup; Miln 63 (rañño sūdo yūsaṁ ever else." The expression is peculiar to exegetical (logical)
literature on the Abhidhamma. See e. g. DhsA 152 (yevā-
vā rasaṁ vā kareyya).
panā, pl. and °kā); Vism 468, 271 sq.; VbhA 63, 70 sq.; cp.
Yebhuyya (adj.) [ye=yad in Māgadhī form; thus yad bhūya=yad 1
Dhs. trsl. p. 5 and introd. p. 56. — Note. The expression
bhiyya "what is more or most(ly)"] abundant, numerous, most.
occurring as phrase shows ye as nom. pl., e. g. Dhs 1, 58, 151
Not found as adj. by itself, except in phrase yebhuyya-vasena
— 161 & passim: ye vā pana tasmiṁ samaye aññe pi dhammā;
mostly, as a rule ThA 51 and PvA 136, which is identical with
but cp. in § 1: yaṁ yaṁ vā pan' ārabbha, in same sense.
the usual instr. yebhuyyena occurring as adv. "as according
Yoga [Vedic yoga, see etym. under yuga & yuñjati. Usually m.; pl.
to most," i. e. (1) almost all, altogether, practically (as in our
nt. yogāni occurs at D ii.274 in meaning "bonds"] lit. "yoking,
phrase "practically dead"), mostly D i.105 (addasā dvattiṁsa
or being yoked," i. e. connection, bond, means; fig. applica-
lakkhanāṇi y. ṭhapetvā dve: all except two)=109; Vin iii.29
tion, endeavour, device. — 1. yoke, yoking (rare?) J vi.206
sq.; J i.246 (gāmako y. andha — bāla — manussehi yeva us-
(meant here the yoke of the churning — sticks; cp. J vi.209).
sanno the village was peopled by mostly foolish folk); v.335
— 2. connection with (—°), application to; (natural) relation
(y. asīti — mahātherā, altogether). — (2) as it happens (or
(i. e. body, living connection), association; also conjunction
happened), usually, occasionally, as a rule, ordinarily D i.17
(of stars). mānusaka yoga the relation to the world of men
(saṁvaṭṭamāne loke y. [as a rule] sattā Ābhassarasaṁvaṭṭanikā
honti; expl by half allegorical, half popular etym. at DA i.110 (the human body), opp. dibba yoga: S i.35=60; Sn 641; Dh
417; expl at DhA iv.225 as "kāya." — association with: D
as follows: "ye upari Brahma — lokesu vā Āruppesu vā nib-
iii.176; application: Vism 520 (+uppāda). yogato (abl.) from
battanti, tadavasese sandhāya vuttaṁ"); D ii.139: yebhuyyena
being connected with, by association with PvA 40 (bālya°),
dasasu loka — dhātusu devatā sannipatitā (as a rule); Sn p. 107
98 (sammappadhāna°). — pubba° connection with a former
(=bahukāni SnA 451); Miln 6 (y. Himavantam eva gaccha-
body, one's former action or life — history J v.476; vi.480;
nti: usually); DA i.280 (ordinarily); VvA 234 (occasionally), 1
246 (pihita — dvāram eva hoti: usually); PvA 2 (Sattari tattha Miln 2. See pubbe . — aḍḍhayoga a "half — connected"
building, i. e. a half — roofed monastery Vin i.239; Vism 34.
tattha viharante y. tāya tāya atth' uppattiyā), 46 (tassā kesa
— nakkhatta° a conjunction of planets, peculiar constellation
— sobhaṁ disvā taruṇa — janā y. tattha paṭibaddha — cittā
(in astrology) J i.82, 253 (dhana — vassāpanaka suitable for
adesuṁ invariably). — na yebhuyyena not as a rule, usually
a shower of wealth); iii.98; DhA i.174; DhsA 232 (in sim-
not (at all): nâpi y. ruditena kāci attha — siddhi PvA 63.
ile). — 3. (fig.) bond, tie; attachment (to the world and its
Yebhuyyasikā (f.) [formation fr. yebhuyya like tassa-pāpiyya 2
lusts), or what yokes to rebirth (Cpd. 171 ). There are 4 yo-
— sikā. Originally adj., with kiriyā to be understood] lit.
gas, which are identical with the 4 oghas viz. kāma°, bhava°,
"according to the majority," i. e. a vote of majority of
diṭṭhi°, avijjā°, or the bonds of craving, existence, false views,
the Chapter; name of one of the adhikaraṇa-samathas, or d
and ignorance; enum in detail at A ii.10; D iii.230, 276; J
means of settling a dispute. — Vin. ii.84 (anujānāmi bh.
i.374; cp. Ps i.129 (catūhi yogehi yutto lokasannivāso catu —
adhikaraṇaṁ yebhuyyasikāya vūpasametuṁ), 93 (vivād' âd-
yoga — yojito); VbhA 35. Mentioned or referred to at S v.59;
hikaraṇaṁ dvīhi samathehi sammati: sammukhā — vinayena n n
Dhs 1059 (ogha+, in def of taṇhā), cp, Dhs trsl 308; Nett 31
ca yebhuyyasịkāya ca). As one of the 7 methods of set-
(with ogha), 114 (id.); as sabba- (or sabbe) yogā at Th 2, 4; 76;
tling a dispute mentioned at Vin iv.207=351 (the seven are:
S i.213; DhA iii.233; severally at It 95 (bhava — yoga — yutta
sammukhā — vinaya, sati — vinaya, amūḷha°, paṭiññā, yeb- āgāmī hoti, +kāma°); ogha+yoga: Pug 21 (avijjā°); Vism 211,
huyyasikā, tassa — pāpiyyasikā, tīṇ' avatthāraka). Expl in
684; cp. also D ii.274 (pāpima — yogāni the ties of the Evil
detail at M ii.247: if the bhikkhus cannot settle a dispute in
one); It 80 (yogā pamocenti bahujanaṁ). — 4. application,
their abode, they have to go to a place where there are more
endeavour, undertaking, effort DhA iii.233, 234 (=samma —
bh., in order to come to a vote by majority. Cp. D iii.254 (the ppadhāna). yogaṁ karoti to make an effort, to strive after
seven enum ); A i.99; iv.144.
(dat.) S ii.131; A ii.93 (āsavānaṁ khayāya y. karaṇīya); Miln
Yeva (indecl.) [=eva with accrudescent y from Sandhi. On form 35. yogaṁ āpajjati to show (earnest) endeavour, to be active

Yoga Yojeti

S iii.11 sq.; Vbh 356 (attanā). — dhamma° one who is de- votes himself to spiritual things, an earnest student, one who
voted to the Dhamma A iii.355; yutta° (bent on, i. e.) earnest shows effort (in contemplation), a philosopher, wise man. The
in endeavour J i.65; yāca° given to making offerings: see yāca. word does not occur in the four Nikāyas. In the older verses it
— 5. pondering (over), concentration, devotion M i.472; Dh is nearly synonymous with muni. The oldest ref. is Th 1, 947
209 (=yoniso manasikāra DhA iii.275), 282 (same expl at (pubbake yogī "Saints of other days" Mrs. Rh. D.). Freq. in
DhA iii.421); Miln 3; Vbh 324 (yoga — vihitesu kamm' & Miln, e. g. pp. 2, 356 (yogi — jana); at pp. 366, 393, 404,
sipp' — āyatanesu; VbhA 410 expl : y. vuccati paññā; — 417, 418 in old verses. Comb with yogâvacara Miln 366, 404.
perhaps better to above 4?). — 6. (magic) power, influence, — Further passages are Nett 3, 10, 61; Vism 2, 14, 66, 71 (in
device, scheme J vi.212 (yoga — yogena practice of spells verse), 150, 320, 373, 509, 620, 651, 696; DhsA 195, 327.
etc. =tāya tāya yuttiyā C.); PvA 117 (comb with manta, as- 1
Yogga (nt.) [Vedic yogya; a grd. formation fr. yoga in meaning
cribed to devas). — 7. means, instrument, remedy J i.380
of yoga 1] "what may be yoked," i. e. 1. a coach, carriage,
(vamana° an emetic); vi.74 (ekaṁ yogaṁ datvā; but we better
waggon (usually large & covered, drawn by bullocks) J vi.31
read bhesajjaṁ tassa datvā for vatvā, and ekaṁ yogaṁ vatvā
sq. (paṭicchanna), 368 (mahā°); DhA ii.151 (mahā° & paṭic-
for datvā; taking yoga in meaning of "charm, incantation"); 8 36
channa). — 2. a draughtbullock, ox Vv 84 ; Pv ii.9 (=ratha
Miln 109 (yena yogena sattānaṁ guṇa — vaḍḍhi... tena hitaṁ — yuga — vāhana PvA 127); J vi.221. yoggāni muñcati to
unharness the oxen PvA 43, 100.
-âtiga one who has conquered the yoke, i. e. bond of
Yogga (nt. & adj.) [same as last, in meaning of yoga 7] 1. (nt.)
the body or rebirth It 61 (muni), 81 (id.). -âtigāmin= °âtiga;
a contrivance J iv.269 (yoggaṁ karoti, may be in meaning
A ii.12 (same as sabba — yoga — visaṁyutta). -âvacara
"training, practice" here: see yoggā); VvA 8 (gahaṇa°). — 2.
"one at home in endeavour," or in spiritual (esp. jhāna — )
(adj.) fit for (=yutta), adapted to, suitable; either — ° or with
exercises; one who practises "yoga"; an earnest student. The
inf.: VvA 291; PvA 25 (here spelt yogya), 135 (bhojana°), 152
term is peculiar to the Abhidhamma literature. — J i.303, 394,
(kamma — vipāk' ânubhavana°), 154 (gamana° passable, v. l.
400; iii.241 (saṁsārasāgaraṁ taranto y.); Ps ii.26; KvuA 32;
yogya), 228 (anubhavana°).
Miln 33 sq., 43, 366, 378 sq.; Vism 245 (as hunter) 246 (as
begging bhikkhu), 375 (iddhi — study), 587, 637, 666, 708; Yoggā (f.) [Vedic and Epic Sk. yogyā; same as yogga , fr. yoga]
DhA ii.12 (padhānaṁ padahanto y.); iii.241 (°bhikkhu); DhsA training, practice J ii.165 (yoggaṁ karoti to practise); iv.269
187 (ādhikammika), 246 (°kulayutta); VbhA 115, 220, 228 (as (id.); DhA i.52 (lakkha — yoggaṁ karoti to practise shoot-
bhikkhu on alms — round), 229 (as hunter), 258, 331; KhA 74; ing). — adj. (—°) katayogga well-practised, trained S i.62,
SnA 20, 374. -kkhema [already Vedic yoga — kṣema exer- 98 (neg.). Only at these passages, missing at the other daḷha-
tion & rest, acquisition & possession] rest from work or exer- dhamma- passages, e. g. at S ii.266; M i.82; A ii.48.
tion, or fig. in scholastic interpretation "peace from bondage," -ācariya a groom, trainer S iv.176=M i.124; M iii.97, 222;
i. e. perfect peace or "uttermost safety" (K.S. ii.132); a freq. Th 1, 1140; J i.505.
epithet of nibbāna [same in BSk.: yogakṣema, e. g. Divy
Yojana (nt.) [Vedic yojana] 1. the yoke of a carriage J vi.38, 42
98, 123, 303, 498] M i.117 (°kāma), 349, 357, (anuttara);
(=ratha — yuga). — 2. a measure of length: as much as can be
S i.173 (°adhivāhana); ii.195 (anuttara), 226; iii.112 (°kāma, travelled with one yoke (of oxen), a distance of about 7 miles,
neg.); iv.125; v.130 sq.; A i.50 (anuttara); ii.40, 52 (a°), 87, which is given by Bdhgh. as equal to 4 gāvutas (DhA ii.13).
247; iii.21, 294 sq., 353; D iii.123, 125, 164 (°kāma); Vin It occurs in descending scale of yojana-tigāvuta-usabha at
ii.205=It 11 (°ato dhaṁsati, whereas Vin °ā padhaṁsati); It 9,
DhA i.108. — Dh 60; J v.37 (yojana — yojana — vitthatā
27 (abhabbo °ssa adhigamāya); Th 2, 6; Sn 79 (°adhivāhana), ns
each a mile square); SnA 194. More favoured comb of yo-
425; Dh 23 (anuttara, cp. DhA i.231); Ps i.39; ii.81; Vbh 247 jana with numbers are the foll.: 1/2 (aḍḍha°): DA i.35; DhsA
(kulāni y — kh — kāmāni, which VbhA 341 expl : catūhi yo-
142. — 3: DhA ii.41. — 4: PvA 113. — 5: VvA 33. — 15:
gehi khemaṁ nibbhayaṁ icchanti); ThA 13. — kkhemin find-
DhA i.17; J i.315; PvA 154. — 18: J i.81, 348. — 20: DhA
ing one's rest, peace, or salvation; emancipated, free, an Ara-
iv.112 (20 X 110, of a wilderness). — 25: VvA 236. — 45:
hant S iii.13 (accanta°); iv.85; A ii.12; iv.310 (patta°); v.326
J i.147, 348; DhA i.367. — 50: Vism 417. — 100: D i.117;
(accanta°); DhA iii.233, 234 (=sabba — yoga — visaṁyutta); 14
It 91; Pv i.10 . — 500: J i.204. — 1,000: J i.203. — Cp.
neg. a° not finding one's salvation A ii.52 (in verse)=Ps ii.80;
It 50. — ññu knowing the (right) means Miln 169 sq. -bahula
Yojanā (f.) [*Sk. yojanā, fr. yojeti] (grammatical) construction;
strong in exertion A iii.432. -yutta (Mārassa) one who is tied
exegesis, interpretation; meaning KhA 156, 218, 243; SnA 20,
in the bonds (of Māra) A ii.52 (so read for °gutta; the verse
90, 122 sq., 131 sq., 148, 166, 177, 248, 255, 313; PvA 45, 50,
also at Ps ii.80, 81, and It 50). -vibhāga dividing (division)
69, 73, 139 (attha°), and passim in Commentaries.
of the relation (in grammar: to yoga 2) SnA 266.
Yojanika (adj.) [fr. yojana] a yojana in extent J i.92 (vihāra);
Yoganīya (adj.) [fr. yoga; grd. formation] of the nature of trying,
Dpvs 17, 108 (ārāma); DhA i.274 (maṇipallanka).
acting as a bond, fetter — ish Dhs 584; DhsA 49 (cp. Dhs.
trsl. 301). The spelling is also yoganiya, cp. oghaniya. Yojita [pp. of yojeti] yoked, tied, bound Ps i.129 (catu-yoga° fet-
tered by the four bonds); SnA 137 (yottehi y.).
Yogin (adj. — n.) [fr. yoga, cp. Class. Sk. yogin] 1. (—°)
applying oneself (to), working (by means of), using Vism 70 Yojitaka (adj.) [fr. yojita] connected with, mixed; neg. a° not
(hattha° & patta° using the hand or the bowl; but trsl p. 80: mixed (with poison), unadulterated J i.269.
"hand — ascetic" & "bowl — ascetic"). — 2. one who de- Yojeti [Caus. of yuñjati] 1. to yoke, harness, tie, bind Pv ii.9 36

Yojeti Ra si & Rasmi

(vāhana, the draught — bullock); Mhvs 35, 40 (yojayi aor.; v. Yoni (f.) [Vedic yoni] 1. the womb. — 2. origin, way of birth,
l. for yojāpayi); PvA 74 (sindhave). — 2. to furnish (with), place of birth, realm of existence; nature, matrix. There are
combine, unite, mix, apply J i.252 (suraṁ), 269 (id.); Mhvs 22, four yonis or ways of being born or generation, viz. aṇḍaja
4 (ambaṁ visena y. to poison a mango); 36, 71 (visaṁ phalesu oviparous creation, jalābuja viviparous, saṁsedaja moisture
poison the fruit). — 3. to prepare, provide, set in order, ar- — sprung, opapātika spontaneous: M i.73; D iii.230; Miln
range, fix, fit up Mhvs 30, 39 (pāde upānāhi fitted the feet 146; Vism 552, 557 sq.; cp. VbhA 203 sq. — Freq. in foll.
with slippers); dvāraṁ to put a door right, to fix it properly comb : tiracchāna° the class of animals, the brute creation A
J i.201; iv. 245 (cp. yojāpeti). — 4. to engage, incite, urge, i.37, 60; v.269; It 92; Pv iv.11 ; Vism 103, 427; PvA 27, 166;
commission, put up to, admonish Mhvs 17, 38 (manusse); 37, nāga° birth among the Nāgas S iii.240 sq. (in ref. to which the
9 (vihāraṁ nāsetuṁ y. incited to destroy the v.); PvA 69. — 4 kinds of birth, as mentioned above, are also applied); Vism
5. to construct, understand, interpret, take a meaning SnA 148 102 (niraya — nāga — yoni); pasu°=tiracchāna° Pv ii.13 ;
(yojetabba); PvA 98 (id.), 278 (id.). — Caus. II. yojāpeti to pisāca° world of the Pisācas S i.209; peta° the realm of the
cause some one to yoke etc.: D ii.95 (yānāni, to harness); J Petas PvA 68 (cp. peta). — kamma° K. as origin A iii.186.
i.150 (dvāraṁ, to set right); Mhvs 35, 40 (rathe, to harness). — yoni upaparikkhitabba (=kiṁjātikā etc.) S iii.42. — ayoni
— Pass. yojīyati to become yoked or harnessed J i.57 (nan- unclean origin Th 1, 219. — 3. thoroughness, knowledge,
galasahassaṁ y.). — pp. yojita. insight Nett 40. — ayoni superficiality in thought S i.203
Yojjha in a° M ii.24 read yujjha (of yudh). ("muddled ways" Mrs. Rh. D.). — yoniso (abl.) "down to
its origin or foundation," i. e. thoroughly, orderly, wisely,
Yotta (nt.) [Vedic yoktra, cp. Lat. junctor, Gr. ζευκτ¨ηρες yoke
properly, judiciously S i.203 ("in ordered governance" K.S.
— straps; Epic Sk. yoktṛ one who yokes] the tie of the yoke of
i.259); D i.118 (wisely); It 30 (āraddha āsavānaṁ khayāya);
a plough or cart S i.172=Sn 77; S iv.163, 282; J i.464; ii.247
Pug 25; Vism 30, 132, 599; PpA 31. Opp. ayoniso disor-
(camma°); iv.82; v.45 (cammay. — varatta), 47; Vism 269;
derly improperly Pug 21; DhA i.327; PvA 113, 278. — Esp.
DhA i.205; SnA 137. As dhura-yotta at J i.192; vi.253.
frequent in phrase yoniso manasikāra "fixing one's attention
Yottaka (nt.) [yatta+ka] a tie, band, halter, rope J vi.252; Miln 53; with a purpose or thoroughly," proper attention, "having thor-
Vism 254, 255; DhA iii.208. ough method in one's thought" (K.S. i.259) Ps i.85 sq.; It 9; J
i.116; Miln 32; Nett 8, 40, 50, 127; Vism 132; PvA 63. See
Yodha [cp. Vedic yodha; fr. yudh] a warrior, soldier, fighter,
also manasikāra. — Opp. ayoniso manasikāra disorderly or
champion Vin i.73 (yodhā yuddh' âbhinandino... pabbajjaṁ
distracted attention D iii.273; VbhA 148; ThA 79. In BSk. the
yāciṁsu); J i.180; Miln 293.
same phrase: yoniśo manasikāraḥ Divy 488; AvŚ i.122; ii.112
-ājīva one who lives by battle or war, a soldier S iv.308=A
(Speyer: "the right & true insight, as the object of consider-
iii.94; A i.284; ii.170, 202; iii.89 sq. (five kinds); Sn 617, 652;
ation really is"). See further on term Dial. iii.218 ("system-
Pug 65, 69. -hatthin a war elephant DhA i.168.
atized attention"); K.S. i.131; ii.6 ("radical grasp").
Yodhi=yodhikā J v.420.
-ja born from the womb Sn 620; Dh 396. -pamukha
Yodhikā (f.) [a var. reading of yūthikā (q. v.)] a special kind principal sort of birth D i.54; M i.517.
of jasmine Vv 35 ; J iv.440 (yoth°), 442; v.422; VvA 162 (as
Yobbana (nf.) [cp. late Vedic & Epic Sk. yauvana, fr. yuvan]
thalaja and a tree).
youth D i.115; A i.68; iii.5, 66, 103; Dh 155, 156; Sn 98, 110,
Yodhin [=yodha] a warrior; camma° a warrior in cuirass, a certain 218; Pv i.7 ; DhA iii.409; PvA 3.
army grade D i.51; A iv.107. -mada pride of youth D iii.220; A i.146; iii.72; VbhA 466.
Yodheti [Caus. of yujjhati] to attack, to fight against (acc.) Dh 40
(yodhetha=pahareyya DhA i.317); J v.183.

-R- the letter (or sound) r, used as euphonic consonant to avoid (thambho — r. — iva), 625=Dh 401 (āragge — r — iva), 679
hiatus. The sandhi — r — originates from the final r of (ati — r — iva), 687 (sarada — r — iva), 1134 (haṁsa — r —
nouns in °ir & °ur of the Vedic period. In Pali it is felt as iva); Vv 64 (Vajir' āvudho — r — iva); Pv ii.8 (puna — r —
euphonic consonant only, like other sandhi consonants (y for eva) ii.11 (id.); PvA 77 (su — r — abhigandha). In the latter
instance) which in the older language were part of the noun cause the r has no historical origin, as little as in the phrase
itself. Thus r even where it is legitimate in a word may in- dhir atthu (for *dhig — atthu) Sn 440; J i.59.
terchange with other sandhi — consonants in the same word,
Raṁsi & Rasmi [Vedic raśmi. The form raṁsi is the proper Pali
as we find punam — eva and puna — d — eva besides the
form, originating fr. raśmi through metathesis like amhi for
original puna — r — eva (=Vedic punar eva). At J i.403 we asmi, tamhā for tasmā etc. Cp. Geiger P.Gr. § 50 . The form
read "punar āgata," where the C. expl "puna āgata, ra — kāro
rasmi is a Sanskritism and later] a rein, a ray. — 1. In meaning
sandhivasena vutto." Similarly: Sn 81 (vutti — r — esā), 214

Ra si & Rasmi Rajakkha

"rein" only as rasmi, viz. at M i.124; Dh 222; J i.57; iv.149. iii.74 (udaka°); Sdhp 189, 313, 366. — f. rakkhasī J iii.147
— 2. In meaning "ray" both raṁsi and rasmi: (a) raṁsi (in (r. pajā); Mhvs 12, 45 (rudda°, coming out of the ocean).
poetry) Sn 1016 (vīta°? perhaps pīta°? See note in P.T.S. ed.); Rakkhā (f.) [verb — noun fr. rakkh] shelter, protection, care
Vv 53 (pl. raṁsī=rasmiyo VvA 236); 63 27 (sahassa° having
A ii.73 (+parittā); Mhvs 25, 3; J i.140 (bahūhi rakkhāhi
a thousand rays;=suriya VvA 268); Sdhp 124. Also in cpd. n
rakkhiyamāna); PvA 198 (°ṁ saṁvidahati). Often in comb
raṁsi-jāla a blaze of rays J i.89; PvA 154; VvA 12 (°sammu-
rakkhā+āvaraṇa (+gutti) shelter & defence, e. g. at Vin
jjala), 14 (id.), 166 (id.). — (b) rasmi (in prose, late) DhA i.27
ii.194; D i.61 (dhammikaṁ r. — v.— guttiṁ saṁvida-
(°ṁ vissajjesi); DhsA 13 (nīla — rasmiyo); VvA 125 (candima
heyyāma); M ii.101; J iv.292. — Cp. gorakkhā. — Note.
— suriya°). Also in cpd. buddha — rasmi the ray of enlighten-
rakkhā at J iii.144 is an old misreading for rukkhā.
ment, the halo around a Buddha, consisting of 6 colours (chab-
Rakkhita [pp. of rakkhati] guarded, protected, saved S iv.112
baṇṇa) J i.444, 501 (°rasmiyo vissajjento); SnA 132; VvA 207,
(rakkhitena kāyena, rakkhitāya vācāya etc.); A i.7 (cittaṁ
234, 323; Mhbv 6, 15, 38.
r.); Sn 288 (dhamma°), 315 (gottā°); VvA 72 (mātu°, pitu°
Raṁsika (adj.) [raṁsi+ka] having rays, radiant, in sahassa° hav- etc.); PvA 61, 130. — Note. rakkhitaṁ karoti at Mhvs
ing 1000 rays Vv 64 (=suriya — maṇḍala viya VvA 277). 28, 43 Childers trsl "take under protection," but Geiger reads
Raṁsimant (adj.) [fr. raṁsi] having rays, radiant; n. sg. rakkhike and trsl "appoint as watchers."
raṁsimā the sun Vv 81 (=suriya VvA 314). -atta one who guards his character S i.154; J i.412; SnA
324. -indriya guarding one's senses Sn 697. -mānasāna
Rakkha (adj.) (—°) [fr. base rakkh] guarding or to be guarded;
guarding one's mind Sn 63 (=gopitamānasāno — rakkhita —
— (a) act.: dhamma° guardian of righteousness or truth Miln
citto Nd 535).
344. — (b) pass.: in cpd. dū°, v. l. du°
hard to guard DhA i.295. °kathā, s. l. rukkha — °, warding Ranga [fr. raj rajati, to be coloured or to have colour] colour,
talk ThA 1, in Brethren, 185, cp. note 416. paint Miln 11 (°palibodha).
-kāra dyer Miln 331. -jāta colour M i.385; VbhA 331.
Rakkhaka (adj. n.) [fr. rakkha] 1. guarding, protecting, watch-
-ratta dyed crimson Vin i.185=306.
ing, taking care PvA 7; f. °ikā (dāsī) DhA iv.103 (a servant
watching the house). — 2. observing, keeping J i.205 (sīla°). Ranga [fr. raj , irajyati, to straighten, order, direct etc.: see
— 3. a cultivator J ii.110. — 4. a sentry J i.332. uju. The Dhtp (27) only gives one raj in meaning "gamana"]
a stage, theatre, dancing place, playhouse Vv 33 ; J ii.252. —
Rakkhati [Vedic raksati, rakṣ to Idg. *ark (cp. Lat. arceo etc.)
rangaṁ karoti to play theatre DhA iv.62. — rangamajjha
in enlarged form *aleq=Gr. ἀλέςω to protect (Alexander!);
the stage, the theatre, usually in loc. °majjhe, on the stage, S
ἀλκή strength; Ags. ealgian to protect, Goth. alhs=Ags. ealh
temple. Cp. also base *areq in P. aggala. The Dhtp 18 expl s iv.306; J iv.495; DhA iii.79; same with °maṇḍale J ii.253.
rakkh by "pālana"] 1. to protect, shelter, save, preserve Sn Racati [rac, later Sk.] to arrange, prepare, compose. The root
220; J iv.255 (maṁ rakkheyyātha); vi.589 (=pāleti); Pv ii.9 43 is defined at Dhtp 546 by "paṭiyattane" (with v. l. car), and
(dhanaṁ); Miln 166 (rukkhaṁ), 280 (attānaṁ rakkheyya save given at No. 542 as v. l. of pac in meaning "vitthāre." — pp.
himself); PvA 7. — grd. rakkhiya to be protected Mhvs racita.
33, 45. Neg. arakkhiya & arakkheyya (in meaning 3) see
Racanā (f.) [fr. rac] 1. arrangement (of flowers in a garland)
separately. — Pass. ppr. rakkhiyamāna J i.140. — 2.
VvA 354. — 2. composition (of a book) Sdhp 619.
to observe, guard, take care of, control (with ref. to cittaṁ
Racita [pp. of racati] 1. arranged J v.157 (su° in C. for samocita;
the heart, and sīlaṁ good character or morals) It 67 (sīlaṁ);
v. l. sucarita). — 2. strung (of flowers) Mhvs 34, 54. — Cp.
DhA i.295 (cittaṁ rakkha, equivalent with cittaṁ dama), 397
(ācāraṁ); J iv.255 (vācaṁ); VvA 59 (sīlāni rakkhi); PvA 66
(sīlaṁ rakkhatha, uposathaṁ karotha). — 3. to keep (a) se- Racchā (f.) [Sk. rathyā. This the contracted form. The di-
cret, to put away, to guard against (i. e. to keep away from) aeretic forms are rathiyā & rathikā (q.v.)] a carriage road
Sn 702 (mano — padosaṁ rakkheyya); Miln 170 (vacīduc- Vin ii.194; iii.151; iv.271 (=rathiyā); v.205 (raccha — gata);
caritaṁ rakkheyya). — pp. rakkhita. See also parīpāleti & J i.425; v.335; vi.276 (in its relation to vīthi); Dāvs v.48; PvA
parirakkhati. 24 (koṇa°).
Rakkhana (nt.) [fr. rakkh] 1. keeping, protection, guarding Nett Rajaka [fr. rajati] a dyer (& "washerman" in the same function),
41; Mhvs 35, 72 (rahassa° — atthāya so that he should keep the more correctly "bleacher." See remarks of Kern's at Toev. ii.45
secret); PvA 7. — 2. observance, keeping VvA 71 (uposatha on distinction of washerman & dyer. — D i.51 (in list of oc-
— sīla°); PvA 102 (sīla°), 210 (uposatha°). cupations); Vin iii.45; S ii.101=iii.152 (in simile; comb with
cittakāra, here perhaps "painter"?); S iii.131; J v.186; VbhA
Rakkhanaka (adj.) [fr. rakkhana] observing, keeping; one who
331 (in simile).
observes J i.228 (pañca — sīla°; so read for rakkhānaka).
Rajakkha (—°) (adj.) [rajo+ending ka, in comb *rajas — ka
Rakkhasa [cp. Vedic rakṣa, either fr. rakṣ to injure, or more
=rajakkha, like *puras — kata=purakkhata. The °ka belongs
likely fr. rakṣ to protect or ward off (see details at Macdonell,
to the whole cpd.] only in comb with appa° and mahā° i. e.
Vedic Mythology pp. 162 — 164)] a kind of harmful (noctur-
having little (or no) and much defilement (or blemish of char-
nal) demon, usually making the water its haunt and devouring
acter) M i.169; S i.137 (here further comb with °jātika; cp.
men Th 1, 931; Sn 310 (Asura°); J i.127 (daka°=udaka°), 170
BSk. alpa — rajaskajātīya MVastu iii.322); Vin i.5 (id.); Ps
(id.); vi.469 (id.); DhA i.367 (°pariggahita — pokkharaṇī);

Rajakkha Rajo

i.121; ii.33, 195; Nd 358; Nd 235 No. 3 p ; Vbh 341; Miln ment" is contrasted with vimocaniyā dh. "that which leads to
263; Vism 205; VbhA 458. emancipation" at A ii.196. The same takes the places of lob-
hanīyā dhammā in comb with dosanīyā & mohanīyā dh. at
Rajakkhatā (f.) [abstr. fr. rajakkha] is Kern's (problematic) pro-
S iv.307; A ii.120; iii.169. Another pair is mentioned at Nett
posed reading (Toev. s. v.) for rājakhāda at Sn 831 (rā-
18, viz. r. dhammā and pariyuṭṭhāniyā dh. — 2. In diff. con-
jakhādāya phuṭṭho), which is however unjustified, as the orig-
inal reading is well — attested and expl in the Niddesa as nections it means simply "delightful, lovely" and is e. g. an
Ep. of the night. So at Pv iii.7 , where the passage runs "yuvā
such. The term as proposed would not occur by itself either
rajanīye kāmaguṇehi sobhasi": youthful thou shinest with the
(like rajakkha, only — °).
qualities of enjoyment in the enjoyable (night), which at PvA
Rajata (nt.) [Vedic rajata; see etym. under rajati] silver D i.5 205 is expl in a twofold manner viz. first as "ramaṇīyehi
(expl at DA i.78 as a general name for all coins except gold: rāguppatti — hetu — bhūtehi" (viz. kāmagunehi), referring to
kahāpaṇas etc.); S i.92; Sn 962 (in simile; expl at Nd 478 as a v. l. rajanīyehi, and then as "rajanī ti vā rattīsu, ye ti nipā-
jātarūpa), J v.50; 416 (hema° gold & silver); Vv 35 (°hema —
tamattaṁ" and "virocasi rattiyaṁ." Thus rajanī is here taken
jāla); DhA ii.42 (°paṭṭa silver tablet or salver); iv.105 (°gabbha 2
directly as "night" (cp. Abhp 69). — At Pv iv.6 the passage
silver money box or cabinet for silver, alongside of kahāpaṇa runs "pamattā rajaniyesu kām' assād' âbhinandhino" i. e. not
— gabbha and suvaṇṇa°); VbhA 64 (expl as "kahāpaṇa");
heeding the enjoyment of the taste of craving at nights; here
PvA 95 (for rūpiya). d
as m. & not f. — The meaning "lovely" is appl to sounds at
Rajati [raj & rañj to shine, to be coloured or light ( — red); Th 1, 1233 (sarena rajanīyena); VvA 37 (r. nigghosa).
to Idg. *areg to be bright, as in Lat. argus, Gr. ἀργής &
Rajo (rajas) & Raja (nt.) [raj, see rajati & rañjati. Vedic ra-
ἀργός light; Sk. arjuna (see ajjuna); to which also rajati sil-
jaḥ meaning: (a) space, as region of mist & cloud, similar to
ver=Lat. argentum, Gr. α῎ργυρος; Gallic Argento — ratum
antarīksa, (b) a kind of (shiny) metal (cp. rajata); see Zim-
(N. of Strassburg); Oir argat.] usually intrs. rajjati (q.v.). As
mer, Altind. Leben 55]. A Forms. Both rajo & rajaṁ occur
rajitabba (grd.) in meaning "to be bleached" (dhovitabba+)
as noun & acc. sg., e. g. rajo at D ii.19; Sn 207, 334; Dhs
only in meaning "bleach" (as compared with dhovati clean,
617; rajaṁ at Sn 275; It 83; once (in verse) rajo occurs as
& vijaṭeti to disentangle, smoothe) Vin iii.235 (ppr. fr. pl.
m, viz. Sn 662. The other cases are formed from the a —
dhovantiyo rajantiyo etc.); J i.8 (rajitabba, grd.; dhovitabba+).
stem only, e. g. rajassa Sn 406; pl. rajāni Sn 517, 974. In
— Somehow it is difficult to distinguish between the mean- comp we find both forms, viz. (1) rajas either in visarga form
ings "bleach" and "dye" (cp. rajaka), in some comb ns with
rajah, as (a) rajo-, (b) raja- and (c) rajā- (stressed), or in s
dhovati it clearly means "dye," as at Vin i.50 (forms: rajati,
— form (d) rajas-; (2) raja-, appearing apostrophied as (e)
rajitabba, rajiyetha 3 sg. Pot. Med.); Vism 65 (forms: rajitvā,
raj-. B Meanings. (1) (lit.) dust, dirt; usually wet, staining
rajitabba, rajituṁ). — Another grd. rajanīya in diff. mean-
dust D ii.19 (tiṇa+); Sn 662=PvA 116 (sukhumo rajo paṭivā-
ing (see sep.). Caus. rajeti to paint, colour Th 1, 1155 (inf.
taṁ khitto); It 83; Dhs 617 (dhūmo+). adj. rāja°: in sa° & a°
rajetave: (see Geiger, P.Gr. § 204, 1. a). Caus. also rañ-
vāta Vin ii.209; Vism 31. The meaning "pollen" [Sk. raja, m.]
jeti (see under rañjati). Med. Pass. rajjati (q. v.). — Caus.
may be seen in "raja — missakaṁ rasaṁ" at DhA i.375. — 2.
II. rajāpeti to cause to be bleached Vin iii.206 (dhovāpeyya
(fig.) stain, dirt, defilement, impurity. Thus taken convention-
rajāpeyya ākoṭāpeyya), 235 (dhovapeti r. vijaṭāpeti); J ii.197
ally by the P. commentators as the 3 — fold blemish of man's
(ovaṭṭikaṁ sibbāpetvā rajāpetvā). 1
character: rāga, dosa, moha, e. g. Nd 505; SnA 255; DhA
Rajana (nt.) [fr. raj] colouring, dye D i.110 (suddhaṁ vatthaṁ... iii.485; or as kilesa-raja at SnA 479. — Sn 207 (niketā jāy-
sammadeva rajanaṁ paṭigaṇheyya); Vin i.50=53 ii.227; Vin ate rajo), 334, 665 (rajaṁ ākirasi, metaph.), 974 (pañca rajāni
i.286 (6 dyes allowed to the bhikkhus: mūla°, khandha°, taca°, loke, viz. the excitement caused by the 5 bāhirāni āyatanāni
patta°, puppha°, phala°, or made of the root, the trunk, bark, Nd 505. Also in stanza rāgo rajo na ca pana reṇu vuccati (with
leaf, flower, fruit of trees) Th 1, 965; S ii.101 (here either as f. dosa & moha the same) Nd 505=Nd 590 (slightly diff.)=J
or adj.); J i.220 (washing?). i.117=Vism 388, cp. Divy 491 with interesting variation. —
-kamma (the job of) dyeing J i.118; Vism 65. -pacana adj. raja° in two phrases apagata° VvA 236 & vigata° Nd 1
boiling the dye Vism 389 (cp. rajana — pakka Vin. Texts ii.49). 505 ≈ free from defilement. — On raja in similes see J.P.T.S.
-bhājana dye — vessel Vin i.286. -sālā colouringworkshop, 1907, 126. Cp. vi°. — C. Compounds. (a) rajo-: °jalla dust
dyeing — hall Vism 65. and (wet) dirt, muddy dirt D ii.18; Vin iii.70; J iv.322; v.241;
Miln 133, 195, 258, 410; SnA 248, 291. -jallika living in
Rajani (f.) [fr. raj, cp. rajanīya 2] the night Dāvs i.39; Abhp 69;
dirty mud, designation of a class of ascetics M i.281; J i.390.
PvA 205. n
-dhātu "dust — element" (doubtful trsl ) D i.54, which DA
Rajanīya (adj.) [grd. of rajati] of the nature of rajas, i. e. lead- ns
i.163 expl as "raja — okiṇṇa — ṭṭhānāni," i. e. dusty places.
ing to lust, apt to rouse excitement, enticing, lustful. — 1. As
Dial. trsl. "places where dust accumulates," Franke, Dīgha p.
Ep. of rūpa (vedanā saññā etc.) S iii.79; also at D i.152 sq.
57 as "Staubiges" but rightly sees a deeper, speculative mean-
(dibbāni rupāni passāmi piya — rūpāni kām' ûpasaṁhitāni ra-
ing in the expression (Sānkhya doctrine of rajas?). -mala dust
janīyāni; & the same with saddāni). In another formula (relat-
& dirt J i.24. -vajalla [this expression is difficult to explain.
ing to the 5 kāmaguṇā): rūpā (saddā etc.) iṭṭhā kantā manāpā It may simply be a condensed phrase rajo 'va jalla, or a redupl.
piyarūpā kām' ûpasaṁhitā rajanīyā D i.245; M i.85. The expl n
cpd. rajo+avajalla, which was spelt raj — ovajalla for ava°
of this passage at DA i.311 is: r.=rāgajanaka. — The expres-
because of rajo, or represents a contamination of raj-avajalla
sion rajanīyā dhammā "things (or thoughts) causing excite-

Rajo Raṇa

and raj-ojalla, or it is a metric diaeresis of rajo — jalla] dust Rañjana (nt.) [fr. rañjati] delighting, finding pleasure, excite-
and dirt Dh 141 (=kaddama — limpan' ākārena sarīre sannicita ment DhsA 363 (rañjan' aṭṭhena rāgo; v. l. rajano°; perhaps
— rajo DhA iii.77). -haraṇa dirt — taking, cleaning; wet better to be read rajjana°).
rag, floor — cloth, duster Vin ii.291; A iv.376; J i.117; DhA
Rañjita [pp. of rañjeti] coloured, soiled, in raja° affected with
i.245. — (b) raja-: -reṇu dirt and dust J iv.362; -vaḍḍhana
stain, defiled J i.117. — See also anu° & pari°.
indulgence in or increase of defilement Th 2, 343 ("fleshly
Raṭati [raṭ; Dhtp 86: "paribhāsane"] to yell, cry; shout (at), scold,
lusts" trsl.); ThA 240 (=rāga — raj' ādi — saṁvaḍḍhana). —
revile: not found in the texts.
(c) rajā-: °patha dusty place, dustiness, dust — hole D i.62,
250; S ii.219; DA i.180 (here taken metaphorically: rāga — Raṭṭha (nt.) [Vedic rāṣṭra] reign, kingdom, empire; country,
raj' ādīnaṁ uṭṭhāna — ṭṭhānaṁ). — (d) rajas-: °sira with realm Sn 46 (expl at Nd 536 as "raṭṭhañ ca janapadañ ca
dusty head Sn 980; J iv.184, 362, 371. See pankadanta. — koṭṭhāgārañ ca... nagarañ ca"), 287, 444, 619; J iv 389 (°ṁ
(e) raj-: -°agga a heap of dust, dirt J v.187 (=rajakkhandha araṭṭhaṁ karoti); PvA 19 (°ṁ kāreti to reign, govern). Pab-
C.); fig.=kilesa Pug 65, 68 (here perhaps nt. of a distorted ra- bata° mountain — kingdom SnA 26; Magadha° the kingdom
jakkha? So Kern, Toev. s. v.). -°upavāhana taking away the of Magadha PvA 67.
dust (or dirt) Sn 391, 392. -piṇḍa the country's alms — food (°ṁ bhuñjati) Dh 308
(saddhāya dinnaṁ); A i.10; S ii.221; M iii.127; Th 2, 110; It
Rajja (nt.) [Sk. rājya, fr. rāj] kingship, royalty, kingdom, em-
43, 90. -vāsin inhabitant of the realm, subject DhA iii.481
pire; reign, throne; (fig.) sovereignty A iii.300 (°ṁ kāreti);
Sn 114, 553 (°ṁ kāreti to reign); J i.57; 64 (ekarattena Raṭṭhaka (adj.) [Sk. rāṣṭraka] belonging to the kingdom, royal,
tīṇi rajjāni atikkamma; 3 kingdoms); iii.170 (°ṁ amaccānaṁ sovereign J iv.91 (senāvāhana). — Cp. raṭṭhika.
niyyādetvā), 199 (dukkhaseyyaṁ api rajjaṁ pi kāraye); iv.96,
Raṭṭhavant (adj.) [raṭṭha+vant] possessing a kingdom or kingship
105, 393 (nava rajja new kingship, newly (or lately) crowned 11
Pv ii.6 (°nto khattiyā).
king); vi.4 (rajjato me sussitvā maraṇam eva seyyo: death by
Raṭṭhika [fr. raṭṭha, cp. Sk. rāṣṭrika] 1. one belonging to a king-
withering is better than kingship); VvA 314 (=J i.64 as above);
dom, subject in general, inhabitant J ii.241 (brāhmaṇa gahap-
PvA 73 sq.; Mhvs 10, 52 (rājā rajjaṁ akārayi). — cakkavatti°
ati — r. — do ārik' ādayo). — 2. an official of the kingdom
rule of a universal king DhA iii.191; deva° reign amongst
[op Sk. rāṣṭriya a pretender; also king's brother in — law] A
gods KhA 227; padesa° local sovereignty It 15; Kh viii.12
iii.76=300 (r. pettanika senāya senāpatika).
(cp. KhA 227).
-siri-dāyikā (devatā) (goddess) giving success to the em- Raṇa [Vedic raṇa, both "enjoyment," and "battle." The Dhtp (115)
pire DhA ii.17. -sīma border of the empire Vism 121. only knows of ran as a sound — base saddatthā (=Sk. ran to
tinkle)] 1. fight, battle; only in Th 2, 360 (raṇaṁ karitvā kāmā-
Rajjati [cp. Sk. rajyati, raj or rañj, Med. of rajati] to be ex-
naṁ): see discussed below; also late at Mhvs 35, 69 (Subharā-
cited, attached to (loc.), to find pleasure in S iv.74 (na so ra-
jaṁ raṇe hantvā). — 2. intoxication, desire, sin, fault. This
jjati rūpesu; =viratta — citta); Sn 160, 813 (contrasted with
virajjati); Ps i.58, 77 sq., 130, 178; Nd 138; Miln 386 (ra- meaning is the Buddhist development of Vedic raṇa= enjoy-
jjasi rajanīyesu etc.: in comb with dosa & moha or deriva- ment. Various influences have played a part in determining
the meaning & its expl in the scholastic terms of the dogma-
tions, representing rāga or lobha, cp. lobhanīya); VbhA 11. —
tists and exegetics. It is often expl as pāpa or rāga. The
ppr. rajjamāna PvA 3; Pot. rajjeyya Miln 280 (kampeyya+);
Ṭīkā on DhsA 50 (see Expos. 67) gives the foll. expl (late
grd. rajjitabba Miln 386 (rajanīyesu r.; with dussanīyesu and
& speculative): (a)=reṇu, dust or mist of lust etc.; (b) fight,
muyhanīyesu; followed by kampitabba); fut. rajjissati DhsA
war (against the Paths); (c) pain, anguish & distress. — The
194; aor. arañji Vin i.36=J i.83 (na yiṭṭhe na hute arañjiṁ).
trsl (Expos. 67) takes raṇa as "cause of grief," or "harm,"
— pp. ratta.
hence araṇa "harmless" and saraṇa "harmful" (the latter trsl d
Rajjana (nt.) [fr. rajjati] defilement DA i.195. Cp. muyhana.
as "concomitant with war" by Dhs. trsl. of Dhs 1294; and
Rajju (f.) [Vedic rajju, cp. Lat. restis rope, Lith. rẽǤgis asaraṇa as opp. "not concomitant"; doubtful). At S i.148
wicker, basket] a cord, line, rope S ii.128; Vin ii.120, 148 (rūpe raṇaṁ disvā) it is almost syn. with raja. Bdhgh. expl s
(āviñchana°); Nd 304; J i.464, 483 (fisherman's line); v.173; this passage (see K.S. 320) as "rūpamhi jāti — jarā — bhanga
Mhvs 10, 61; DhA iv.54; VbhA 163; KhA 57; VvA 207; Sdhp — sankhātaṁ dosaṁ," trsl (K.S. 186): "discerning canker in
148, 153. visible objects material."
-kāra rope — maker Miln 331. -gāhaka "rope — The term is not sufficiently cleared yet. At Th 2, 358 we
holder," (king's) land — surveyor J ii.367=DhA iv.88 (see read "(kāmā) appassādā raṇakarā sukkapakkha — visosanā,"
Fick, Sociale Gliederung 97). and v. 360 reads "raṇaṁ karitvā kāmānaṁ." ThA 244 expl v
358 by "rāg' ādi sambandhanato"; v. 360 by "kāmānaṁ raṇaṁ
Rajjuka [rajju+ka] 1. a rope, line J i.164 (bandhana°); ThA 257.
te ca mayā kātabbaṁ ariyamaggaṁ sampahāraṁ katvā." The
— 2.=rajjugāhaka, king's land surveyor J ii.367. n
first is evidently "grief," the second "fight," but the trsl (Sis-
Rañjati [rañj=raj: see rajati & rajjati — Dhtp 66 & 398 defines ters 145) gives "stirring strife" for v. 358, and "fight with
rañja=rāge] 1. to colour, dye J i.220. — 2. (=rajjati) to find
worldly lusts" for v. 360; whereas Kern, Toev. s. v. raṇakara
delight in, to be excited Sn 424 (ettha me r. mano; v. l. BB
gives "causing sinful desire" as trsl.
rajjati). — Caus. rañjeti to delight or make glad D iii.93 (in 2
The word araṇa (see araṇa ) was regarded as neg. of raṇa
etym. of rājā (q. v.). — pp rañjita. — Caus. II. rañjāpeti to
in both meanings (1 & 2); thus either "freedom fr. passion"
cause to be coloured or dyed DhA iv.106 (v. l. raj°).

Raṇa Ratta

or "not fighting." The trsl of DhsA 50 (Expos. 67) takes katvā). — Very frequent is a Triad of Gems (ratana — ttaya),
it in a slightly diff. sense as "harmless" (i. e. having no consisting of Dhamma, Sangha, Buddha, or the Doctrine, the
grievous causes) — At M iii.235 araṇa is a quâsi summing up Church and the Buddha [cp. BSk. ratna — traya Divy 481],
of "adukkha an — upaghāta anupāyāsa etc.," and saraṇa of e. g. Mhvs 5, 81; VbhA 284; VvA 123; PvA 1, 49, 141.
their positives. Here a meaning like "harmfulness" & "harm- -ākara a pearl — mine, a mine of precious metals Th 1,
lessness" seems to be fitting. Other passages of araṇa see 1049; J ii.414; vi.459; Dpvs i.18. -kūṭa a jewelled top DhA
under araṇa. i.159. -paliveṭhana a wrapper for a gem or jewel Pug 34.
-jaha (raṇañjaha) giving up desires or sin, leaving causes -vara the best of gems Sn 683 (=vararatana — bhūta SnA 486).
of harmfulness behind. The expression is old and stereotype. -sutta the Suttanta of the (3) Treasures (viz. Dhamma, Sangha,
It has caused trouble among interpreters: Trenckner would like Buddha), representing Sutta Nipāta ii.1 (P.T.S. ed. pp. 39 —
to read raṇañjaya "victorious in battle" (Notes 83). It is also 42), mentioned as a parittā at Vism 414 (with 4 others) and at
BSk., e. g. Lal. Vist. 50; AvŚ ii.131 (see Speyer's note 3 on Miln 150 (with 5 others), cp. KhA 63; SnA 201.
this page. He justifies trsl "pacifier, peace — maker"). At Ratana [most likely=Sk. aratni: see ratani] a linear measure
foll. passages: S i.52 (trsl "quitting corruption"); It 108 (Sei- (which Abhp p. 23 gives as equal to 12 angula, or 7 ratanas=1
denstücker trsl : "dem Kampfgewühl entronnen"); Miln 21; yaṭṭhi: see Kirfel, Kosmographie, p. 335. The same is given
Nett 54; Sdhp 493, 569.
by Bdhgh. at VbhA 343: dve vidatthiyo ratanaṁ; satta r.
Rata [pp. of ramati] delighting in (loc. or — °), intent on, de- yaṭṭhi) J v.36 (vīsaṁr — sataṁ); vi.401 (°mattaṁ); VvA 321
voted to S iv.117 (dhamme jhāne), 389 sq. (bhava° etc.); Sn (so given by Hardy in Index as "measure of length," but to be
54 (sangaṇika°) 212, 250, 327, 330 (dhamme), 461 (yaññe), taken as ratana , as indicated clearly by context & C.); Miln
737 (upasame); Mhvs. 1, 44 (mahākāruṇiko Satthā sabba — 282 (satta — patiṭṭhito aṭṭha — ratan' ubbedho nava — ratan'
loka — hite rato); 32, 84 (rato puññe); PvA 3, 12, 19 (°mā- āyāma — pariṇāho pāsādiko dassanīyo Uposatho nāgarājā: al-
nasa). luding to ratana 2!).
Ratana (nt.) [cp. Vedic ratna, gift; the BSk. form is ratna Ratanaka (—°) (adj.) [ratana+ka, the ending belonging to the
(Divy 26) as well as ratana (AvŚ ii.199)] 1. (lit.) a gem, jewel whole cpd.] characteristic of a gem, or a king's treasure; in
VvA 321 (not=ratana , as Hardy in Index); PvA 53 (nānāvid- phrase aniggata-ratanake "When the treasure has not gone
hāni). — The 7 ratanas are enum under veḷuriya (Miln 267). out" Vin iv.160, where the chief queen is meant with "trea-
They are (the precious minerals) suvaṇṇa, rajata, muttā, maṇi, sure."
veḷuriya, vajira, pavāḷa. (So at Abhp 490.) These 7 are said to
Ratani [Sk. aratni "elbow" with apocope and diaeresis; given at
be used in the outfit of a ship to give it more splendour: J ii.112.
Halāyudha 2, 381 as "a cubit, or measure from the elbow to
The 7 (unspecified) are mentioned at Th 2, 487 (satta ratanāni
the tip of the little finger." The form ratni also occurs in Sk.
vasseyya vuṭṭhimā "all seven kinds of gems"); and at DhA
The etym. is fr. Idg. *ole (to bend), cp. Av. arǤpna elbow;
i.274, where it is said of a ratana — maṇḍapa that in it there
Sk. arāla bent; of which enlarged bases *olen in Lat. ulna,
were raised flags "sattaratana — mayā." On ratana in simi-
ond *oleq in Lat. lacertus, Sk. lakutaḥ=P. laguḷa. See cog-
les see J.P.T.S. 1909, 127. — 2. (fig.) treasure, gem of (—°)
nates in Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. lacertus] a cubit Miln 85 (aṭṭha
Sn 836 (etādisaṁ r.=dibb' itthi — ratana SnA 544); Miln 262 rataniyo).
(dussa° a very fine garment). — Usually as a set of 7 valuables,
Ratanika (adj.) [fr. ratana] a ratana in length J i.7 (aḍḍha°); Miln
belonging to the throne (the empire) of a (world — ) king.
312 (aṭṭha°).
Thus at D ii.16 sq.; of Mahā — Sudassana D ii.172 sq. They
are enum singly as follows: the wheel (cakka) D ii.172 sq., Rati (f.) [Classic Sk. rati, fr. ram] love, attachment, pleasure, lik-
the elephant (hatthi, called Uposatha) D ii.174, 187, 197; the ing for (loc.), fondness of S i.133 (°ṁ paccanubhavati), 207;
horse (assa, Valāhaka) ibid.; the gem (maṇi) D ii.175, 187; the iii.256; Sn 41 (=anukkhaṇṭhit' adhivacanaṁ Nd 537), 59 (id.),
woman (itthi) ibid.; the treasurer (gahapati) D ii.176, 188; the 270, 642, 956 (=nekkhamma — rati paviveka°, upasama° Nd 1
adviser (pariṇāyaka) ibid. The same 7 are enum at D i.89; Sn 457); J iii.277 (kilesa°); DhA iv.225; PvA 77. — arati dis-
p. 106; DA i.250; also at J iv.232, where their origins (homes) like, aversion S i.7, 54, 128, 180, 197; v.64; Sn 270 (+rati),
are given as: cakka° out of Cakkadaha; hatthi from the Up- 642 (id.); Dh 418 (rati+); Th 2, 339; DhsA 193; PvA 64; Sdhp
osatha — race; assa° from the clan of Valāhassarāja, maṇi° 476. — ratiṁ karoti to delight in, to make love Vism 195
from Vepulla, and the last 3 without specification. See also re- (purisā itthīsu).
marks on gahapati. Kern, Toev. s. v. ratana suspects the latter
Ratin (adj.) (—°) [fr. rati] fond of, devoted to, keen on, fostering;
to be originally "major domus" (cp. his attributes as "wealthy"
f. ratinī J iv.320 (ahiṁsā°).
at MVastu i.108). As to the exact meaning of pariṇāyaka he 1
Ratta [pp. of rañjati, cp. Sk. rakta] 1. dyed, coloured M i.36
is doubtful, which mythical tradition has obscured. — The
(dūratta — vaṇṇa difficult to dye or badly dyed; MA 167 reads
7 (moral) ratanas at S ii.217 & iii.83 are probably the same s
duratta and expl as durañjita — vaṇṇa; opp. suratta ibid.); Sn
as are given in detail at Miln 336, viz. the 5: sīla°, samādhi°,
287 (nānā — rattehi vatthehi); Vism 415 (°vattha — nivattha,
paññā°, vimutti°, vimutti — ñāṇadassana (also given under the
as sign of mourning); DhA iv.226 (°vattha). — 2. red. This
collective name sīla — kkhandha or dhamma — kkhandha),
is used of a high red colour, more like crimson. Sometimes it
to which are added the 2: paṭisambhidā° & bojjhanga°. These
comes near a meaning like "shiny, shining, glittering" (as in
7 are probably meant at PvA 66, where it is said that Sakka
ratta — suvaṇṇa the glittering gold), cp. etym. & meaning of
"endowed their house with the 7 jewels" (sattar. — bharitaṁ

Ratta Ratha

rajati and rajana. It may also be taken as "bleached" in ratta- rainy season); PvA 216 (aḍḍha°).
kambala. In ratta-phalika (crystal) it approaches the mean- Ratti (f.) [Vedic rātrī & later Sk. rātri. — Idg *lādh as in Gr.
ing of "white," as also in expl of puṇḍarīka at J v.216 with λήχω=Lat. lateo to hide; Sk rāhu dark demon; also Gr. *Λητώ
ratta-paduma "white lotus." — It is most commonly found in (=Lat. Latona) Goddess of night; Mhg. luoder insidious-
foll. comb at foll. passages: Miln 191 (°lohita — candana);
ness; cp. further Gr. λανχάνω to be hidden, λήχη oblivion
Vism 172 (°kambala), 174 (°koraṇḍaka), 191 (°paṭākā); J i.394 2
(E. lethargy). — The by — form of ratti is ratta ] night D
(pavāla — ratta — kambala); iii.30 (°puppha — dāma); v.37
i.47 (dosinā). gen. sg. ratyā (for *rattiyā) Th 1, 517; Sn 710
(°sālivana), 216 (°paduma); 372 (°suvaṇṇa); DhA i.393 (id.),
(vivasane=ratti — samatikkame SnA 496); J vi.491. abl. sg.
248 (°kambala); iv.189 (°candanarukkha red — sandal tree);
rattiyā in phrases abhikkantāya r. at the waning of night D
SnA 125 (where paduma is given as "ratta — set' ādivasena");
ii.220; Vin i.26; S i.16; M i.143; & pabhātāya r. when night
VvA 4 (°dupaṭṭa), 65 (°suvaṇṇa), 177 (°phalika); PvA 4 (°vi-
grew light, i. e. dawn J i.81, 500. instr. pl. rattīsu Vin i.288
rala — mālā; garland of red flowers for the convict to be exe-
(hemantikāsu r.). A loc. ratyā (for *rātryām) and a nom. pl.
cuted, cp. Fick, Sociale Gliederung 104), 157 (°paduma), 191 3
ratyo (for *rātryaḥ) is given by Geiger, P.Gr. § 58 . — Very
(°sāli); Mhvs 30, 36 (°kambala); 36, 82 (rattāni akkhīni blood- d ns
often comb with and opp. to diva in foll. comb : rattin-diva
shot eyes). With the latter cp. cpd. rattakkha "with red eyes" [cp. BSk. rātrindiva=Gr. νυξχήμερον, AvŚ i.274, 278; ii.176;
(fr. crying) at PvA 39 (v. l. BB.), and Np. rattakkhin "Red
Divy 124] a day & a night (something like our "24 hours"),
— eye" (Ep. of a Yakkha). — 3. (fig.) excited, infatuated,
in phrase dasa rattindivā a decade of n. & d. (i. e. a 10 —
impassioned S iv.339; Sn 795 (virāga°); It 92 (maccā rattā); day week) A v.85 sq.; adverbially satta — rattin — divaṁ a
Miln 220. Also in comb ratta duṭṭha mūḷha: see Nd s. v.
week DhA i.108. As adv. in acc. sg.: rattin-divaṁ night and
chanda; cp. bhava — rāga — ratta.
day A iii.57; Sn 507, 1142; It 93; J i.30; or rattiñ ca divañ ca
Ratta (nt.) & (poet.) rattā (f.) [Epic Sk. rātra; Vedic rātra Nd 538, or rattiṁ opposed to adv. divā by night — by day
only in cpd. aho — rātraṁ. Semantically an abstr. forma- M i.143; PvA 43. — Other cases as adv.: acc. eka rattiṁ
tion in collect. meaning "the space of a night's time," hence one night J i.62; Pv ii.9 ; PvA 42; taṁ rattiṁ that night Mhvs
"interval of time" in general. Otherwise rātri: see under ratti] 4, 38; imaṁ r. this night M i.143; yañ car.... yañ car.... etas-
(rarely) night; (usually) time in general. Occurs only — °, miṁ antare in between yon night and yon night It 121; rattiṁ
with expressions giving a definite time. Independently (be- at night Miln 42; rattiṁ rattiṁ night after night Mhvs 30, 16.
sides cpds. mentioned below) only at one (doubtful) passage, — gen. rattiyā ca divasassa ca by n. & by day S ii.95. — loc.
viz. Sn 1071, where BB MSS. read rattam-ahā for rattaṁ aho, rattiyañ by night VvA 130, 315 (aḍḍha° at midnight); PvA
which corresponds to the Vedic phrase aho — rātraṁ (=P. aho- 22; and ratto in phrase divā ca ratto ca Sn 223; Th 2, 312;
rattaṁ). The P.T.S. ed. reads nattaṁ; SnA 593 reads nattaṁ, Dh 296; Vv 31 ; 84 ; S i.33.
but expl as rattin — divaṁ, whereas Nd 538 reads rattaṁ & -khaya the wane of night J i.19. -cāra (sabba°) allnight
expl : "rattaṁ vuccati ratti, ahā (sic lege!) ti divaso, rattiñ ca wandering S i.201 (trsl. "festival"). -cheda interruption of the
divañ ca." — Otherwise only in foll. adv. expressions (mean- probationary period (t. t.) Vin ii.34 (three such: sahavāsa, vip-
ing either "time" or "night"): instr. eka — rattena in one night pavāsa, anārocanā). -dhūmāyanā smouldering at night Vism
J i.64; satta° after one week (lit. a seven — night) Sn 570. — 107 (v. l. dhūp°), comb with divā — pajjalanā, cp. M i.143:
acc. sg. cira — rattaṁ a long time Sn 665; dīgha° id. [cp. BSk. ayaṁ vammīko rattiṁ dhūmāyati divā pajjalati. -pariyanta
dīrgha — rātraṁ freq.] Sn 22; M i.445; aḍḍha° at "halfnight," limitation of the probationary period (t. t.) Vin ii.59. -bhāga
i. e. midnight A iii.407; pubba — ratt' âpararattaṁ one night night — time J iii.43 (°bhāge); Miln 18 (°bhāgena). -bhojana
after the other (lit. the last one and the next) DhA iv.129. — eating at night M i.473; DA i.77. -samaya night — time, only
acc. pl. cira rattāni a long time J v.268. — loc. in var. forms, in loc. aḍḍha — ratti — samaye at midnight VvA 255; PvA
viz. vassa — ratte in the rainy season J v.38 (Kern, Toev. s. 155.
v. gives wrongly iii.37, 143; aḍḍha — ratte at midnight PvA Ratha [Vedic ratha, Av. rapa, Lat. rota wheel, rotundus ("ro-
152; aḍḍha— rattāyaṁ at midnight Vv 81 (=aḍḍharattiyaṁ tund" & round), Oir. roth=Ohg rad wheel, Lith. rãtas id.] a
VvA 315); divā ca ratto ca day & night Vv 31 (=rattiyaṁ two — wheeled carriage, chariot (for riding, driving or fight-
VvA 130); cira — rattāya a long time J v.267; Pv i.9 .
ing S i.33 (ethically); A iv.191 (horse & cart; diff. parts of a
-andhakāra the dark of night, nightly darkness Vin iv.268 n
ratha); M i.396; Sn 300, 654; Vism 593 (in its comp of akkha,
(oggate suriye); M i.448. -ûparata abstaining from food at
cakka, pañjara, īsā etc.); J iii.239 (passaddha° carriage slow-
night D i.5 (cp. DA i.77). -ññu of long standing, recog-
ing up); Th 2, 229 (caturassaṁ rathaṁ, i. e. a Vimāna); Mhvs
nised D i.48 (in phrase: r. cira — pabbajito addhagato etc.; 35, 42 (goṇā rathe yuttā); VvA 78 (500), 104, 267 (=Vimāna),
expl at DA i.143 as "pabbajjato paṭṭhāya atikkantā bahū rat-
PvA 74. — assatarī° a chariot drawn by a she — mule Vv
tiyo jānātī ti r."); A ii.27 (here the pl. rattaññā, as if fr. sg. 20 =43 ; Pv i.11 ; J vi.355. — Phussa-ratha state carriage
ratta — ñña); Sn p. 92 (therā r. cira — pabbajitā; the expl n
J iii.238; vi.30 sq. See under ph. — On ratha in similes see
at SnA 423 is rather fanciful with the choice of either=ratana
J.P.T.S. 1907, 127.
— ññu, i. e. knowing the gem of Nibbāna, or=bahu — ratti
-atthara (rathatthara) a rug for a chariot D i.7; Vin i.192;
— vidū, i. e. knowing many nights); ThA 141. A f. abstr.
ii.163. -anīka array of chariots Vin iv.108. -īsā carriage
°ññutā "recognition" is found at M i.445 (spelt rataññūtā, but
pole A iv.191. -ûpatthara chariot or carriage cover D i.103;
v. l. °utā). -samaye (loc., adv.) at the time of (night) J i.63
DA i.273. -esabha (ratha+ ṛṣabha, Sk. rathārṣabha) lord of
(aḍḍha — ratta° at midnight), 264 (id.); iv.74 (vassa° in the charioteers. Ratha here in meaning of "charioteer"; Childers

Ratha Raya

sees rathin in this cpd.; Trenckner, Notes 59, suggests dis- Randhaka (—°) (adj.) [fr. randhati 2] one who cooks, cooking,
tortion from rathe śubha. Dhpāla at PvA 163 clearly under- a cook J iv.431 (bhatta°).
stands it as ratha — =charioteer explaining "rathesu usabha
Randhati [radh or randh, differentiated in Pāli to 2 meanings
— sadiso mahā — ratho ti attho"; as does Bdhgh. at SnA 321
& 2 verbs according to Dhtm: "hiṁsāyaṁ" (148), and "pāke"
(on Sn 303): "mahā — rathesu khattiyesu akampiy' aṭṭhena (827). In the former sense given as raṇḍ, in the latter randh.
usabha — sadiso." — Sn 303 — 308, 552; Pv ii.13 ; Mhvs
The root is freq. in the Vedas, in meaning 1. It belongs perhaps
5, 246; 15, 11; 29, 12. -kāra carriagebuilder, chariot —
to Ags. rendan to rend: see Walde, Lat. Wtb. s, v. lumbus]
maker, considered as a class of very low social standing, re-
to be or make subject to, (intrs.) to be in one's power; (trs.) to
birth in which is a punishment (cp. Fick, Sociale Gliederung harass, oppress, vex, hurt (mostly Caus. randheti=Sk. rand-
56, 207, 209 sq.) S i.93; Vin iv.9 (as term of abuse, enum d
hayati). Only in Imper. randhehi J i.332, and in Prohib. mā
with other low grades: caṇḍāla veṇa nesāda r. pukkusa), 12 randhayi J v.121, and pl. mā randhayuṁ Dh 248 (=mā rand-
(°jāti); M ii.152, 183 f.; as kārin at Pv iii.1 13 (expl as cam- 2
hantu mā mathantu DhA iii.357). See also randha . — 2. to
makārin PvA 175). As Npl. name of one of the 7 Great Lakes
cook (cp. Sk. randhi & randhana) Miln 107 (bhojanaṁ rand-
in the Himālaya (Rathakāradaha), e. g. at Vism 416; SnA 407. 1
heyya). — pp. randha .
-cakka wheel of a chariot or carriage Vism 238 (in simile, con-
Rapati [rap] to chatter, whisper Dhtp 187 ("vacane"); Dhtm 266
cerning its circumference); PvA 65. -pañjara the body (lit.
"cage" or "frame") of a carriage Vv 83 (=rath' ûpattha VvA ("akkose"). See also lapati.
326); J ii.172; iv.60; DhA i.28. -yuga a chariot yoke J vi.42. Rabhasa [rabh=labh, which see for etym. Cp. also Lat rabies.
-reṇu "chariot — dust," a very minute quantity (as a measure), — Dhtp 205 expl rabh (correctly) by ārambha & Dhtm 301
a mite. Childers compares Sk. trasareṇu a mote of dust, atom. by rābhassa] wild, terrible, violent D i.91, expl by "bahu —
It is said to consist of 36 tajjāri's, and 36 ratha — reṇu's are bhāṇin" at DA i.256. There are several vv. ll. at this passage.
equal to one likkhā: VbhA 343. -vinīta "led by a chariot," a Rama (—°) (adj.) [fr. ram] delighting, enjoyable; only in cpd.
chariot — drive (Neumann, "Eilpost"), name of the 24 Sut-
dū° (=duḥ) difficult to enjoy, not fit for pleasures; as nt. ab-
tanta of Majjhima (M i.145 sq.), quoted at Vism 93, 671 and
sence of enjoyment Dh 87=S v.24; and mano° gladdening the
SnA 446. -sālā chariot shed DhA iii.121.
mind (q. v.).
Ratha [fr. ram, cp. Sk. ratha] pleasure, joy, delight: see mano°.
Ramaṇa (adj.) [fr. ramati; cp. Sk. ramaṇa] pleasing, charming,
Rathaka (nt.) [fr. ratha, cp. Sk. rathaka m.] a little carriage, delightful DhA ii.202 (°ṭṭhāna).
a toy cart D i.6 (cp. DA i.86: khuddakarathaṁ); Vin ii.10;
Ramaṇaka (adj.)=ramaṇa J iii.207.
iii.180; M i.226; Miln 229.
Ramaṇīya (& °nīya) (adj.) [grd. of ramati] delightful, pleas-
Rathaka (adj.) [ratha+ka] having a chariot, neg. a° without a
ing, charming, pleasant, beautiful D i.47 (°ṇīyā dosinā ratti,
chariot J vi.515. cp. DA i.141); Sn 1013; Mhvs 15, 69 (ṇ); PvA 42, 51 (expl n
Rathika [fr. ratha] fighter fr. a chariot, charioteer M i.397 for rucira). As ramaṇeyya at S i.233. Cp. rāmaṇeyya(ka).
(saññāto kusalo rathassa anga — paccangānaṁ); D i.51 (in list Ramati [ram; def by Dhtp 224 & Dhtm 318 by "kīḷā-yaṁ"] 1. to
of var. occupations, cp. DA i.156); J vi.15 (+patti — kārika),
enjoy oneself, to delight in; to sport, find amusement in (loc.)
463 (id.).
S i.179; Vin 197 (ariyo na r. pāpe); Sn 985 (jhāne); Dh 79
Rathikā & Rathiyā (f.) [Vedic rathya belonging to the chariot, (ariya — ppavedite dhamme sadā r. paṇḍito); subj. 1 pl.
later Sk. rathyā road. See also racchā] a carriage — road. — ramāmase Th 2, 370 (cp. Geiger, P.Gr. 126); med. 1 sg.
(a) rathikā: Vin ii.268; Vism 60; PvA 4, 67. — (b) rathiyā: D rame J v.363; imper. rama Pv ii.12 20 (r. deva mayā saha;
i.83; Vin i.237, 344; M ii.108; iii.163; S i.201; ii.128; iv.344. better with v. l. as ramma); — fut. ramissati PvA 153. —
In comp rathiya°, e. g. rathiya-coḷa "street — rag" Vism 62 ger. ramma Pv ii.12 20 (v. l. for rama). grd. ramma & ra-
(expl as rathikāya chaḍḍita — coḷaka). manīya (q. v.). — pp. rata. — Caus. I. rameti to give
pleasure to, to please, to fondle Th 1, 13; J v.204; vi.3 (pp.
Rada at ThA 257 in cpd. "sannivesa — visiṭṭha — rada — visesa-
ramayamāna); Miln 313. — pp. ramita (q. v.). — Caus. II.
yutta" is not quite clear ("splitting"?).
ramāpeti to enjoy oneself J vi.114.
Radati [rad: see etym. at Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. rado ("rase").
Ramita [pp. of rameti] having enjoyed, enjoying, taking delight
Given in meaning "vilekhana" at Dhtp 159 & Dhtm 220. Be-
in, amusing oneself with (loc. or saha) Sn 709 (vanante r.
sides this it is given at Dhtm 224 in meaning "bhakkhana"] to 21
siyā); Dh 305 (id.=abhirata DhA iii.472); Pv ii.12 ('mhi tayā
scratch Dhtp 159; cp. rada & radana tooth Abhp 261.
Randha [for Sk. raddha, pp. of randhati 2] cooked J v.505; vi.24;
Rambati (& lambati) [lamb] to hang down. Both forms are given
Miln 107.
with meaning "avasaṁsane" at Dhtp 198 and Dhtm 283.
Randha [Sk. randhra, fr. randhati 1; the P. form viâ *randdha:
Rambhā (f.) [Sk. rambhā] a plantain or banana tree Abhp 589.
see Geiger, P.Gr. § 581] opening, cleft, open spot; flaw, de-
fect, weak spot A iv.25; Sn 255, 826 randhamesin looking for Ramma (adj.) [grd. of ramati] enjoyable, charming, beautiful Sn
somebody's weak spot; cp. Nd 165 ("virandham° aparand- 305; ThA 71 (v. 30); Mhvs 1, 73; 14, 47; Sdhp 248, 512.
ham° khalitam° gaḷitam° vivaram — esī ti"); J ii.53; iii.192;
Rammaka (adj.) [Sk ramyaka] N. of the month Chaitra J v.63.
SnA 393 (+vivara); DhA iii.376, 377 (°gavesita).
Raya [fr. ri, riṇāti to let loose or flow, which is taken as ray

Raya Rasa

at Dhtp 234, def as "gamana," and at Dhtm 336 as "gati." kasāva; sādu, asādu, sīta, uṇha, or sour, sweet, bitter, pun-
The root ri itself is given at Dhtm 351 in meaning "santati," gent, salt, alkaline, sour, astringent; pleasant, unpleasant, cold
i. e. continuation. — On etym. cp. Vedic retaḥ; Lat. rivus & hot. Miln 56 has the foll.: ambila, lavaṇa, tittaka, kaṭuka,
river=Gall, Rēnos "Rhine." See Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. rivus] kasāya, madhura. — 1. juice [as applied in the Veda to the
speed, lit. current Abhp 40. See rava . Soma juice], e.g. in the foll. comb : ucchu° of sugar cane,
Rava [for raya, with v. for y as freq. in Pāli, Dhtm 352: ru extract of sugar, cane syrup Vin i.246; VvA 180; patta° &
"gate"] speed, exceeding swiftness, galloping, in comb with puppha° of leaf & flower Vin i.246; madhura° of honey
PvA 119. — 2. taste as (objective) quality, the sense — ob-
dava running at Vin ii.101; iv.4; M i.446 (better reading here ns
ject of taste (cp. above def ). In the list of the āyatanas,
dav' atthe rav' atthe for dhāve ravatthe, cp. vv. ll. on p. 567
or senses with their complementary sense — objects (sen-
& Neumann, Mittl. Sammlg. ii.672 n. 49). Note. At the Vin th
tient and sensed) rasa occupies the 4 place, following upon
passages it refers to speaking & making blunders by over —
gandha. It is stated that one tastes (or "senses") taste with the
hurrying oneself in speaking. — The Dhtm (No. 871) gives
tongue (no reference to palate): jivhāya rasaṁ sāyitvā (or
rava as a synonym of rasa (with assāda & sneha). It is not
viññeyya). See also āyatana 3 and rūpa. — M iii.55 (jivhā
clear what the connection is between those two meanings.
— viññeyya r.), 267; D iii.244, 250; Sn 387; Dhs 609; PvA 50
Rava [fr. ru, cp. Vedic rava] loud sound, roar, shout, cry; any
(vaṇṇagandha — rasa — sampanna bhojana: see below 5). —
noise uttered by animals J ii.110; iii.277; DhA i.232 (sabba
3. sense of taste, as quality & personal accomplishment. Thus
— rava — ññu knowing all sounds of animals); Miln 357
in the list of senses marking superiority (the 10 ādhipateyyas or
(kāruñña°). See also rāva & ruta.
ṭhāṇas), similar to rasa as special distinction of the Mahāpurisa
Ravaka=rava, in go° a cow's bellowing M i.225. (see cpd. ras — agga) S iv.275 =Pv ii.9 ; A iv.242. — 4. ob-
ject or act of enjoyment, sensual stimulus, material enjoyment,
Ravaṇa (adj. — nt.) [fr. ravati] roaring, howling, singing, only
pleasure (usually in pl.) Sn 65 (rasesu gedha, see materialistic
in cpd. °ghaṭa a certain kind of pitcher, where meaning of
exegesis at Nd 540), 854 (rase na anugijjhati; perhaps better
ravaṇa is uncertain. Only at identical passages (in illustra-
rasesu, as SnA); A iii.237 (puriso agga° — parititto: perhaps
tion) Vism 264=362=KhA 68 (reading peḷā — ghaṭa, but see
to No. 2). — 5. flavour and its substance (or substratum), e.
App. p. 870 ravaṇa°)= VbhA 68 (where v. l. yavana°, with?).
g. soup VvA 243 (kakkaṭaka° crabsoup), cp. S v.149, where
Ravati [ru: Idg. *re & *reu, cp. Lat. ravus "raw, hoarse," rau-
8 soup flavours are given (ambila, tittaka, kaṭuka, madhura,
cus, rūmor "rumour"; Gr. ὠρυόμαι to shout, ὠρυδόν roaring, 15
khārika, akhārika, loṇika, aloṇika); Pv ii.1 (aneka — rasa
etc.; Dhtp 240: ru "sadde"] to shout, cry, make a (loud) noise
— vyañjana "with exceptionally flavoured sauce"); J v.459,
Miln 254. — aor. ravi J i.162 (baddha — rāvaṁ ravi); ii.110;
465. gorasa "flavour of cow, i. e. produce of cow: see under
iii.102; PvA 100; arāvi Mhvs 10, 69 (mahā — rāvaṁ); and
go. Also metaphorically: "flavour, relish, pleasure": Sn 257
aravi Mhvs 32, 79. — pp. ravita & ruta. — Cp. abhi°, vi°.
(pariveka°, dhamma — pīṭi°, cp. SnA 299 "assād' aṭṭhena" i.
Ravi [cp. Sk. ravi] the sun J ii.375 (taruṇa° — vaṇṇa-ratha). e. tastiness); PvA 287 (vimutti° relish of salvation). So also
-inda "king of the sun," N. of the lotus Dāvs iii.37. as attha°, dhamma°, vimutti° Ps ii.89. — 6. (in grammar
-haṁsa "sun — swan," N. of a bird J vi.539. & style) essential property, elegance, brightness; in dramatic
Ravita [pp. of ravati] shouted, cried, uttered Miln 178 (sakuṇa — art "sentiment" (flavour) (see Childers s. v. naṭya — rasa)
ruta°). Miln 340 (with opamma and lakkhaṇa: perhaps to No. 7);
PvA 122 (°rasa as ending in Np. Angīrasa, expl as jutiyā
Rasa [Vedic rasa; with Lat. ros "dew," Lith. rasā id., and Av
adhivacanaṁ, " i. e. brightness, excellency). — 7. at t. t.
Ranhā N. of a river, to Idg. *eres to flow, as in Sk. arṣati, in philosophy "essential property" (Expos. 84), comb with
Gr. α῎ψορρος (to ῥέω); also Sk. ṛṣabha: see usabha . —
lakkhaṇa etc. (cp. Cpd. 13, 213), either kicca° function or
Dhtp 325 defines as "assādane" 629 as "assāda-snehanesu";
sampatti° property DhsA 63, 249; Vism 8, 448; Miln 148. —
Dhtm 451 as "assāde." — The decl. is usually as regular a —
8. fine substance, semi — solid semiliquid substance, extract,
stem, but a secondary instr. fr. an s — stem is to be found in
delicacy, fineness, dust. Thus in paṭhavī° "essence of earth,"
rasasā by taste A ii.63; J iii.328] that which is connected with humus S i.134 (trsl "taste of earth," rather abstract); or ras-
the sense of taste. The def given at Vism 447 is as follows:
apaṭhavī earth as dust or in great fineness, "primitive earth"
"jivhā — paṭihanana — lakkhaṇo raso, jivhā — viññāṇassa
(before taking solid shape) D iii.86 sq. (trsl. "savoury earth,"
visaya — bhāvo raso, tass' eva gocara — paccupaṭṭhāno, mūla
not quite clear), opp. to bhūmipappaṭaka; Vism 418; pabbata-
— raso khandha — raso ti ādinā nayena anekavidho," i. e. rasa
rasa mountain extract, rock — substance J iii.55; suvaṇṇa°
is physiologically & psychologically peculiar to the tongue 11
gold dust J i.93. — 9. (adj. — °) tasting Vv 16 (Amatarasā
(sense — object & sense — perception), and also consists as
f.=nibbānarasāvinī VvA 85).
a manifold object in extractions from roots, trunk etc. (see -agga finest quality (of taste), only in further comp with
next). — The conventional encyclopaedic def of rasa at Nd 1 °aggita (ras — agga — s — aggita) most delicate sense trsl n
240; Nd 540, Dhs 629 gives taste according to: (a) the 6 —
Dial.) D iii.167, and °aggin (ras — agga — s — aggin, cp.
fold objective source as mūla- rasa, khandha°, taca°, patta°,
MVastu ii.306: rasa — ras' âgrin) of the best quality (of taste,
puppha°, phala°, or taste (i. e. juice, liquid) of root, trunk, n
cp. above 2), said of the Mahāpurisa D ii.18= iii.144 (cp. trsl
bark, leaf, flower & fruit; and — (b) the 12 — fold subjec-
Dial. ii.15 "his taste is supremely acute"). The phrase & its
tive (physiological) sense — perception as ambila, madhura,
wording are still a little doubtful. Childers gives etym. of
tittika, kaṭuka loṇika, khārika, lambila (Miln 56: ambila),
rasaggas — aggin as rasa — ggas — aggin, ggas represent-

Rasa Rāga

ing gras to swallow (not otherwise found in Pāli!), and expl s Rahas & Raho (nt.) [Vedic rahas. The Pāli word is restricted to
the BSk. ras'âgrin as a distortion of the P. form. -añjana a the forms raho and rahā° (=*rahaḥ); a loc. rahasi is men-
sort of ointment (among 5 kinds), "vitriol" (Rh. D.) Vin i.203. tioned by Childers, but not found in the Canon. — To ra-
-âda enjoying the objects of taste M iii.168. -āyatana the hati] lonely place, solitude, loneliness; secrecy, privacy. —
sphere of taste D iii.243, 290; Dhs 629, 653, 1195 (insert after 1. raho: occurring only as adv. "secretly, lonely, in se-
gandha°, see Dhs. trsl. 319). -ārammaṇa object of taste Dhs cret," either absolutely, e. g. S i.46; Sn 388; Pv ii.7 16 (opp.
12, 147, 157. -āsā craving for tastes Dhs 1059. -garuka āvi openly); iv.1 40 (raho nisinna); Vism 201 (na raho karoti
bent on enjoyment SnA 107. -taṇhā thirst for taste, lust of pāpāni: arahaṁ tena vuccati); or in cpds. e. g. °gata be-
sensual enjoyment D iii.244, 280; J v.293; Dhs 1059; DhA ing in private, being alone D i.134 (+paṭisallīna); Sn p. 60.
iv.196. -saññā perception of tastes D iii.244 (where also See also under paṭisallīna; °gama "secret convention, secret
°sañcetanā). -haraṇī (f.) [ph. °haraṇiyo, in comp haraṇi°] intercourse," fig. a secret adviser J vi.369 (after Kern, not
taste — conductor, taste — receiver; the salivary canals of the found!); °vāda secret talk M iii.230. See also anu°. — 2.
mouth or the nerves of sensation; these are in later literature rahā°, only in cpd. rahā-bhāva secrecy, in def of arahant at
given as numbering 7000, e. g. at J v.293 (khobhetvā phari); DA i.146=Vism 201 (rahābhāvena ten' esa arahan ti). See also
DhA i.134 (anuphari); KhA 51 (only as 7!); SnA 107 (paṭhama der. rāha-seyyaka. Note. Hardy's reading yathā rahaṁ at Pv
— kabaḷe mukhe pakkhitta — matte satta rasa — haraṇi — sa- ii.9 23 & PvA 78 is not correct, it should be yath' ârahaṁ (cp.
hassāni amaten' eva phutāni ahesuṁ). Older passages are: Vin similarly pūj — âraha). In the same sense we would prefer-
ii.137; D iii.167 (referring to the Mahāpurisa: "sampajjasā r — ably read agg' āsan' ādi — arahānaṁ "of those who merit the
haranī susaṇṭhitā," trsl : erect taste — bearers planted well [in first seat etc." at J i.217, although all MSS. have aggāsanādi
throat]). — rahānaṁ, thus postulating a form raha=araha.
Rasa (—°) is a dial. form of °dasa ten, and occurs in Classic Rahassa (adj. nt.) [Sk. rahasya] secret, private; nt. secrecy, se-
Pāli only in the numerals for 13 (terasa), 15 (paṇṇa — rasa, cret Mhvs 35, 64 (vatvā rahassaṁ); instr. rahassena (as adv.)
pannarasa), 17 (sattarasa) & 18 (aṭṭhārasa, late). The Prk. has secretly Mhvs 36, 80; acc. rahassaṁ id. Pv iv. 1 .
gone further: see Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 245. -kathā secret speech, whispered words J i.411; ii.6.
Rasaka [fr. rasa, cp. Classic Sk. rasaka] a cook J v.460, 461, 507. Rahassaka (adj.) [fr. rahassa] secret Miln 91 (guyhaṁ na kātab-
Rasati [ras] to shout, howl J ii.407 (vv. ll. rayati, vasati; C. expl s baṁ na rahassakaṁ).
as "nadati")=iv.346 (v. l. sarati). Rahāyati [Denom. fr. rahas; not corresponding to Sk. rahayati,
C. of rahati to cause to leave] to be lonely, to wish to be alone
Rasatta (nt.) [fr. rasa] taste, sweetness SnA 299.
M ii.119.
Rasavatī (f.) [rasa+vant] "possessing flavours" i. e. a kitchen Vin
Rahita [pp. of rah] 1. lonely, forsaken Th 2, 373 (gantum icchasi
rahitaṁ bhiṁsanakaṁ mahāvanaṁ). — 2. deprived of, with-
Rasāvin (adj. [fr. rasa] tasting VvA 85 (nibbāna°).
out (—°) J iii.369 (buddhiyā rahitā sattā); DA i.36 (avaṇṇa°);
Rasīyati [Pass. — Demon. — formation fr. rasa] to find taste PvA 63 (bhoga°), 67 (ācāra°), 77 (gandha°). Note. saman-
or satisfaction in (gen.), to delight in, to be pleased A iv.387 tarahita is to be divided as sam-antarahita.
(bhāsitassa), 388 (C.: tussati, see p. 470).
Rāga [cp. Sk. rāga, fr. raj: see rajati] 1. colour, hue; colouring,
Rasmi see raṁsi. dye Vin ii.107 (anga° "rougeing" the body: bhikkhū angarā-
Rassa (adj.) [cp. Sk. hrasva: Geiger, P.Gr. § 49 . The Prk. forms gaṁ karonti); ThA 78; SnA 315 (nānāvidha°). — 2 (as t. t.
in philosophy & ethics) excitement, passion; seldom by itself,
are rahassa & hassa: Pischel § 354] short (opp. dīgha) D i.193
mostly in comb with dosa, & moha, as the three fundamen-
(dīghā vā r. vā majjhimā ti vā), 223 (in contrast with d.); Sn
tal blemishes of character: passion or lust (uncontrolled ex-
633; Dh 409; J i.356; Dhs 617; Vism 272 (def.); DhA iv.184.
citement), ill — will (anger) and infatuation (bewilderment):
— Cp. ati°.
see dosa & moha; cp. sarāga. — These three again appear in
-ādesa reduction of the determination (here of vowel in
manifold comb with similar terms, all giving var. shades of
ending) J iii.489. -sarīra (adj.) dwarfish, stunted J i.356.
the "craving for existence" or "lust of life" (taṇhā etc.), or all
Rassatta (nt.) [fr. rassa] shortness, reduction (of vowel) DhsA
that which is an obstacle to nibbāna. Therefore the giving up
of rāga is one of the steps towards attaining the desired goal
Rahati [rah, def at Dhtp 339 & 632 by "cāga," giving up, also of emancipation (vimutti). — Some of the comb are e. g.
at Dhtm 490 by "cāgasmiṁ," 876 by cāga and gata] to leave, the 3 (r. d. m.)+kilesa; +kodha; very often fourfold r. d. m.
desert: see pp. rahita & der. rahas, rahassa. with māna, these again with diṭṭhi: see in full Nd s. v. rāga
Rahada [Vedic hrada, with diaeresis & metathesis *harada (p. 237), cp. below ussada. — Of the many passages illustrat-
>rahada; the other metathetic form of the same hrada is ing the contrast rāga>nibbāna the foll. may be mentioned:
*draha>daha] a (deep) pond, a lake D i.50 (°ṁ iva vippasan- chandarāga vinodanaṁ nibbānapadaṁ accutaṁ Sn 1086; yo
naṁ udānaṁ); S i.169=183 (dhammo rahado sīla — tittho); rāgakkhayo (etc.): idaṁ vuccati amataṁ S v.8; yo rāgakkhayo
Sn 721=Miln 414 (rahado pūro va paṇḍito); It 92 (rahado va (etc.): idaṁ vuccati nibbānaṁ S iv.251; ye 'dha pajahanti kā-
nivāto), 114 (r. sa — ummi sāvaṭṭo sagaho); DhA ii.152. — marāgaṁ bhavararāganu — sayañ ca pahāya... parinibbāna
As udaka° at D i.74, 84; A iii.25 (ubbhid — odako); Pug 47. — gatā Vv 53 ; kusalo jahati pāpakaṁ... rāga dosa — mo-
hakkhayā parinibbuto Ud 85. — Personified, Rāga (v. l.
— On r. in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907, 127.

Rāga Rājā (Rājan)

Ragā), Taṇhā & Arati are called the "daughters of Māra" only knows of one root rāj in meaning "ditti" i. e. splendour]
(Māradhītā): Sn 835; DhA iii.199; Nd 181. — For further king, a ruling potentate. The def at Vin iii.222 is "yo koci
detail of meaning & application see e. g. — (1) with dosa & rajjaṁ kāreti." The fanciful etym. at D iii.93= Vism 419 is
moha: D i.79, 156; iii.107, 108, 132; S i.184; iv.139, 195, 250, "dhammena pare rañjetī ti rājā" i. e. he gladdens others with
305; v.84, 357 sq.; M ii.138 (rasa° the excitement of taste); A his righteousness. — At the latter passage the origin of kingly
i.52, 156 sq., 230 sq.; ii.256; iii.169, 451 sq.; iv.144; It 56, government is given as the third stage in the constitution of a
57; Vism 421; VbhA 268, 269 (sa° & vīta°). — (2) in other people, the 2 preceding being mahā-sammata (general con-
connection: D iii.70, 74, 146, 175, 217, 234 (arūpa°), 249 (cit- sent) and khattiya (the land — aristocrats). — Cases. We
taṁ pariyādāya tiṭṭhati); S ii.231=271 (cittaṁ anuddhaṁseti); find 3 systems of cases for the original Sk. forms, viz. the
iii.10; iv.72, 329; v.74 (na rāgaṁ jāneti etc.); A ii.149 (tibba — contracted, the diaeretic and (in the pl.) a new formation with
rāga — jātiko rāgajaṁ dukkhaṁ paṭisaṁvedeti); iii.233, 371 — ū —. Thus gen. & dat. sg. rañño [Sk. rājñaḥ] Vin iii.107;
(kāmesu vīta°); iv.423 (dhamma°); Sn 2, 74, 139, 270=S i.207 iv.157; J ii.378; iii.5; Vv 74 ; and rājino Sn 299, 415; Th 2,
(+dosa); Sn 361, 493, 764, 974, 1046; Dh 349 (tibba°= bahala 463; J iv.495; Mhvs 2, 14; instr. sg. raññā Vin iii.43; J v.444;
— rāga DhA iv.68); Ps i.80 sq.; ii.37 (rūpa°), 95 (id.); Vbh 145 DhA i.164; PvA 22; VbhA 106; and rājinā [Sk. rajña] Mhvs
sq. (=taṇhā), 368 (=kiñcana), 390; Tikp 155, 167; DA i.116. 6, 2; acc. sg. rājānaṁ Vin iv.157; loc. raññe PvA 76; voc.
— Opp. virāga. rāja Sn 422, 423. pl. nom. rājāno A i.68; gen. dat. raññaṁ
-aggi the fire of passion D iii.217; S iv.19; It 92 (r. da- [Sk. rājñaṁ] D ii.87; Mhvs 18, 32; and rājūnaṁ Vin i.228; Ud
hati macce ratte kāmesu mucchite; +dosaggi & mohaggi); J 11; J ii.104; iii.487; SnA 484; PvA 101, 133; instr. raññāhi A
i.61 (°imhi nibbute nibbutaṁ nāma hoti). -ânusaya latent i.279 rājūhi Ud 41; M ii.120; J i.179; iii.45; Mhvs 5, 80; 8, 21;
bias of passion (for=dat.) S iv.205 (the 3 anusayas: rāga°, and rājubhi D ii.258. Cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 92 . — 1. rājā is a
paṭigha°, avijjā°); It 80 (yo subhāya dhātuyā rāgo so padūy- term of sovereignship. The term rājā as used in Buddhist India
ati). -ussada conceit of lust, one of the 7 ussadas (r. d. m., does not admit of a uniform interpretation and translation. It
māna, diṭṭhi, kilesa, kamma) Nd 72. -kkhaya the decay is primarily an appellative (or title) of a khattiya, and often
(waning) of p. S iii.51, 160: iv.142, 250, 261; v.8, 16, 25; the two are used promiscuously. Besides, it has a far wider
VbhA 51 sq. -carita one whose habit is passion, of passion- sphere of meaning than we convey by any trsl like "king" or
ate behaviour Miln 92; Vism 105 sq. (in det.), 114 (+dosa°, even "sovereign," or "prince." We find it used as a designation
moha°), 193; KhA 54 (colour of the blood of his heart, cp. of "king" in the sense of an elected or successory (crowned)
Vism 409) -ṭṭhānīya founded on passion A i.264; AA 32. monarch, but also in the meaning of a distinguished nobleman,
-patha way of lust, lustfulness, passion, sensuality S iv.70; Sn or a local chieftain, or a prince with var. attributes character-
370, 476 (with expl "rāgo pi hi duggatīnaṁ pathattā rāgap- izing his position according to special functions. From this
atho ti vuccati" SnA 410). -rati passionate or lustful delight we get the foll. scheme: (a) [based on mythological views:
DhA iii.112; -ratta affected with passion S i.136; Sn 795 (as the king as representing the deity, cp. deva= king. Note that
°rāgin, cp. Nd 100=kāma — guṇesu ratta). rājā never takes the place of deva in the meaning king, but
that mahārāja is used in voc. equivalent to deva] a world —
Rāgin (—°) [fr. rāga] one who shows passion for, possessed of
lust, affected with passion Sn 795 (cp. Nd 100); S i.136; Vism king, over — lord, a so — called cakkavatti rājā. This is an
office (as "Universal King") peculiar to the Mahāpurisa or the
193, 194 (with var. characterisations).
(mythol.) "Great Man," who may become either the Saviour of
Rājaka (adj.) (—°) [rāja+ka, the ending belonging to the whole
men in the religious sense, a Sammā — sambuddha, or a just
cpd.] characteristic of the king, king —; in cpds. arājaka
Ruler of the earth in the worldly sense, a King of Righteous-
without a king J vi.39 (raṭṭhe); sarājaka including the king
ness. These are the 2 gatis of such a being, as described at var.
Tikp 26; f. sarājikā Vin i.209 (parisā). Also in phrase
places of the Canon (e. g. Sn p. 106; Sn 1002, 1003; D iii.142;
anikkhanta-rājake (loc. abs.) when the king has not gone
A i.76). His power is absolute, and is described in the standard
out Vin iv.160.
phrase "c. dhammiko dhamma-rājā cāturanto vijitāvī janapa-
Rājañña [fr. rājā, cp, Vedic rājanya] "royalty"; a high courtier, datthāvariya — ppatto satta — ratana — samannāgato," e. g.
a khattiya (=rājabhogga, cp. Fick, Sociale Gliederung 100) D iii.59. Dhammapāla gives the dignity of a C. as the first "hu-
D i.103 (Pasenadi rājā... uggehi vā rājaniyehi vā kañcid eva man sovereign powers" (PvA 117). — The four iddhi's of a
mantanaṁ manteyya); DA i.273 (=anabhisittā kumārā, i. e. C. are given (quite crudely) at M iii.176: he is beautiful, lives
uncrowned princes); Miln 234; VvA 297 (Pāyāsi r.). longer than others, is of a healthier constitution than others, he
is beloved by the brahmins and householders. Other qualities:
Rājatā (f.) [abstr. fr. rājā] state of being a king, kingship,
how his remains should be treated=D ii.141; deserves a thūpa
sovereignty J i.119 (anuttara — dhamma° being a most righ-
D ii.142 sq.; his four qualities D ii.145 (the 4 assemblies of
teous king).
khattiyas, brāhmaṇas, gahapatis & samaṇas are pleased with
Rājati [rāj, cp. rajati & rañjati] to shine VvA 134 (=vijjotati). Cp.
him). See under cakkavatti & ratana. — In a similar sense
the term dhamma-rājā is used as Ep. of the Buddha Sn 554
Rājā (Rājan) [cp. Vedic rājā, n — stem. To root *reg, as in Lat. (rāj' âham asmi dh —.r. anuttaro); J i.262; and a reflection of
rego (to lead, di — rect, cp. in meaning Gr. ἡγεμών): see the higher sphere is seen in the title of politeness (only used
etym. under uju. Cp. Oir. rī king, Gallic Catu — rīx battle in voc.) mahārāja, e. g. Sn 416 (addressed to Bimbisāra)
king, Goth reiks=Ohg. rīhhi=rich or Ger. reich. Besides we PvA 22 (id.); J vi.515. — (b) [in a larger constitutional state]
have *reig in Ags. rāēcean= reach; Ger. reichen. — The Dhtp the crowned (muddhâvasitta) monarch (i. e. khattiya) as the

Rājā (Rājan) Rājā (Rājan)

head of the principality or kingdom. The def of this (general) ample of these punishments inflicted on criminals is the long
rājā at Nd 542 is significant of the idea of a king prevalent in passage illustrating dukkha (bodily pain) at Nd 304 ; cp. M
early Buddhist times. It is: "khattiyo muddh' âbhisitto vijita iii.163 (here also on a cora). — 3. The king (rājā or khattiya)
— sangāmo nihata — paccāmitto laddh' adhippāyo paripuṇṇa in the popular opinion, as reflected in language, heads several
— koṭthāgāro," i. e. "a crowned noble, victorious in battle, lists, which have often been taken as enumerating "castes," but
slaying his foes, fulfilling his desires, having his storehouses which are simply inclusive statements of var. prominent ranks
full." This king is "the top of men" (mukhaṁ manussānaṁ) as playing a rôle in the social life of the state, and which were
Vin i.246=Sn 568. Cp. D i.7; Sn 46 (raṭṭhaṁ vijitam pahāya); formulated according to diff. occasions. Thus some show a
J v.448 and passim. See also below 3. 4 & 6. — In similes: more political, some a more religious aspect. E. g. khattiya
see J.P.T.S. 1907, 128; & cp. Vism 152 (r. va saddh' antagato), amacca brāhmaṇa gahapati D i.136; rājā brāhmaṇa gahapatika
336 (wishing to become an artisan). Here belongs the title of A i.68, where another formula has khattiya br. g. A i.66; J
the king of the devas (Sakka) "deva-rājā," e. g. DhA iii.269, i.217; and the foll. with an intermediate "rank" (something
441; PvA 62. — (c) [in an oligarchic sense] member of a kula like "royalty," "the royal household") between the king and
of khattiyas, e. g. the kumāras of the Sakiyans and Koliyans the brahmins: rājā rājaputtā brāhmaṇā gahapatikā negama —
are all called rājāno of the rājakulānaṁ in J. v.413 sq., or at jānapadā A ii.74 sq.; rājāno rāja — mahāmattā khattiyā br.,
least the heads of those kulas. Cp. B. Ind. p. 19. — (d) [in gah., titthiyā D iii.44 (trsl Dialogues too weak "rājas & their
a smaller, autocratic state] a chieftain, prince, ruler; usually officials"); rājā rājabhogga br., gah. Vin iii.221. — 4. Var.
(collectively) as a group: rājāno, thus indicating their lesser aspects illustrating the position of the king in relation to other
importance, e. g. A v.22 (kuḍḍa — rājāno rañño cakkavattissa prominent groups of the court or populace: (a) rājā & khat-
anuyuttā bhavanti: so read for anuyantā); Sn 553 (bhoja° sim- tiya. All kings were khattiyas. The kh. is a noble κα᾿τἐςοξήν
ilar to rāja — bhoggā or bhogiyā as given at SnA 453); A ii.74 (cp. Gr. ἡγεμών) as seen fr. def jāti-khattiya at SnA 453
sq. (dhammikā & a°); J iv.495. Similarly at Vin i.228 we find and var. contexts. Already in the Rig Veda the kṣatriya is
the division into the 3 ranks: mahesakkhā rājāno, majjhimā r., a person belonging to a royal family (RV x.109, 3), and rā-
nīcā r. Here also belongs the designation of the 4 lokapālā (or janya is an Ep. of kṣatriya (see Zimmer, Altindisches Leben
Guardians of the World) at cattāro mahā-rājāno, the mahā° 213). — rājā khattiyo muddhâvassito "a crowned king" D
being added for sake of politeness (cp. Note A on mahā), e. i.69; iii.61 sq.; Vin iv.160; A i.106 sq.; ii.207 (contrasted with
g. A iv.242. See also paṭirājā & cp. below 4 c. — (e) A wider brāhmaṇa mahāsāla); iii.299 (if lazy, he is not liked by the
range of meaning is attached to several sub — divisions (with people); M iii.172 sq. (how he becomes a cakkavatti through
rājā or without): officials and men who occasionally take the the appearance of the cakka — ratana). — Without muddhâ-
place of the king (royal functionaries), but are by public opin- vasitta: rājāno khattiyā Dh 294=Nett 165. Cp. khattiyā bhoja
ion considered almost equal to the king. Here belongs the def n — rājāno the khattiyas, the (noble or lesser?) kings (as follow-
of what is termed "rājāno" (pl. like d) at Vin iii.47, viz. rājā, ers of the cakkavatti) Sn 553 (see bhoja). At J vi.515. rājāno
padesa — rājā, maṇḍalikā, antarabhogikā, akkhadassā, mahā- corresponds directly to khattiyā on p. 517 (saṭṭhisahassa°);
mattā, ye vā pana chejjabhejjaṁ anusāsanti (i. e. those cp. expression khattiya — kula J i.217 as equivalent to rāja
who have juridical power). See also below 4 b, and °putta, — kula. (b) rājā & mahāmatta. The latter occupies the po-
°bhogga [& other cpds.]. — 2. It would fill a separate book, sition of "Premier," but is a rank equal to the king, hence of-
if we were to give a full monograph of kingship in and after ten called rājā himself: Vin iii.47 where styled "akkhadassa
the Buddha's time; we therefore content ourselves with a few mahāmatta." Otherwise he is always termed rāja-mahāmatta
principal remarks. The office of king was hereditary: kula "royal minister," or "H.R.H. the Premier," e. g. Vin i.172; A
— santakaṁ rajjaṁ J i.395; ii.116; iv.124; but we sometimes i.279; Vin i.228 (also as Magadha — mahāmatta), and called
read of a king being elected with great pomp: J i.470; PvA himself a khattiya D iii.44. — (c) rājā & cora. A prominent
74. He had the political and military power in his hand, also figure in the affairs of State is the "robber — chief" (mahā —
the jurisdiction, although in this he is often represented by the cora). The contrast — pair rajāno (so always pl.) & cora is
mahāmatta, the active head of the state. His 10 duties are very frequent, and in this connection we have to think of rājāno
mentioned at several places (see below under °dhammā). Oth- as either smaller kings, knights or royals (royalists), i. e. offi-
ers are mentioned e. g. at D i.135, where it is said he gives cers of the kings or "the king's Guards." Thus at J iii.34 the C.
food and seed — corn to the farmer, capital to the trader, wages expl as rāja-purisā. It is here used as a term of warning or
to the people in government service. His qualifications are 8 frightening "get up, robber, so that the kings (alias Ǥ police-
fold (see D i.137): well — born ("gentleman," khattiya), hand- man ʼ) won't catch you": uṭṭhehi cora mā taṁ gahesuṁ rājāno.
some, wealthy, powerful (with his army), a believer, learned, Other passages are e. g.: D i.7 (rāja — kathā & corakathā)=Vin
clever, intelligent. — His wealth is proverbial and is charac- i.188; M iii.163 (rājāno coraṁ āgucāriṁ gahetvā); A i.68, 154;
terized in a stock phrase, which is also used of other ranks, It 89 (rāj' âbhinīta+cor°); & in sequence rājāno corā dhuttā
like seṭṭhi's & brāhmaṇa's, viz. "aḍḍha mahaddhana mahāb- (as being dangerous to the bhikkhus) at Vin i.150, 161. — 5.
hoga pahūta — jātarūpa — rajata pahūta — vitt' ûpakaraṇa On the question of kingship in Ancient India see Zimmer, Al-
pahūtadhana — dhañña paripuṇṇa — kosa — koṭṭhāgāra," e. tind. Leben pp. 162 — 175, 212 sq.; Macdonell & Keith, Vedic
g. D i.134. For a late description of a king's quality and dis- Index ii.210 sq.; Fick, Soc. Gl. 63 — 90; Foy, Die Königl.
tinction see Miln 226, 227. — His disciplinary authority is Gewalt nach den altind. Rechtsbüchern (Leipzig 1895); Rh.
emphasized; he spares no tortures in punishing adversaries or Davids, Buddhist India pp. 1 — 16; Hopkins, E. W., The so-
malefactors, esp. the cora (see below 4 c). A summary ex- cial and military position of the ruling caste in A. I. in J.A.O.S.


Rājā (Rājan) Rājā (Rājan)

13, 179 sq.; Banerjea, Public Administration in A. I. 1916, pp. DA i.246. -dūta king's messenger Sn 411, 412; in mean-
63 — 93. — 6. Kings mentioned by name [a very limited & ing of "message," i. e. calling somebody to court, summons
casual list only, for detailed refs. see Dict'y of Names]: Ajā- at J ii.101, 305. -dhamma "king's rule," i. e. rule of gov-
tasattu; Udena (DhA i.185); Okkāka; Dīghī (of Kosala; Vin erning, norm of kingship; usually given as a set of 10, which
i.342); Parantapa (of Kosambī; DhA i.164;) Pasenadi (of Kos- are enum at J iii.274 as "dāna, sīla, pariccāga, ajjava, mad-
ala; D i.87, 103; Vin iv.112, 157); Bimbisāra (of Magadha; Vin dava, tapo, akkodha, avihiṁsā, khanti, avirodhana," i. e. alms
iv.116 sq.; Sn 419); Bhaddiya; etc. — 7. (fig.) king as sign — giving, morality, liberality, straightness, gentleness, self —
of distinction ("princeps"), as the lion is called rājā migānaṁ restriction, non — anger, non — hurtfulness, forbearance non
Sn 72; Vism 650; the Himavant is pabbata — rājā A i.152; — opposition. These are referred to as dasa rājadhammā at J
iii.44; and Gotama's horse Kaṇthaka is called assa — rājā J i.260, 399; ii.400; iii.320; v.119, 378; usually in phrase "dasa
i.62=VvA 314. — Note. The comp form of rājā is rāja°. rāja — dhamme akopetvā dhammena rajjan kāresi": he ruled
-âgāra a king's (garden — or pleasure — ) house D i.7 in righteousness, not shaking the tenfold code of the king. An-
(°ka); DA i.42. -anga royal mark, characteristic or quali- other set of 3 are mentioned at J v.112, viz. "vitathaṁ kodhaṁ
fication; king's property Vin i.219 (rājangaṁ hatthī: the ele- hāsaṁ nivāraye" (expl as giving up musāvāda, kodha & ad-
phants belong to the king), cp. A i.244: assājāniyo rañño hamma — hāsa). -dhānī a royal city (usually comb with
angan t' eva sankhaṁ gacchati is called king's property. - gāma & nigama) A i.159; ii.33; iii.108; Vin iii.89; J v.453;
angana royal court PvA 74. -āṇatti king's permission Tikp Pv 13 . -dhītā king's daughter, princess J i.207; PvA 74.
26 (in simile). -āṇā (1) the king's command J iii.180; cp. -nivesana the king's abode, i. e. palace DhA iv.92. -parisā
PvA 217 "rañño āṇā"; (2) the king's fine or punishment, i. royal assembly Vin ii.296. -pīla (?) DhA i.323. -putta lit.
e. a punishment inflicted by the king (cp. Fick, Soc. Gl. "king's son," prince, one belonging to the royal clan (cp. sim-
74), synonymous with rāja — daṇḍa: J i.369, 433 (rājāṇaṁ ilarly kulaputta), one of royal descent, Rājput Sn 455; Miln
karoti to inflict); ii.197; iii.18, 232, 351; iv.42; vi.18; PvA 331; VbhA 312, 319 (in simile); PvA 20. f. °puttī princess J
242. -ânubhāva king's power, majesty, authority, pomp J iv.108; v.94. -purisa "king's man," only in pl. °purisā the
iv.247; PvA 279. -antepura the royal harem A v.81, 82 men of the king, those in the king's service (as soldiers, body
(the 10 risks which a bhikkhu is running when visiting it for — guard, policeman etc.) J iii.34; VbhA 80 (°ânubandha —
alms). -âbhinīta brought by a king It 89 (+corâbhinīta). - corā), 109. -porisa (m. & nt.) servant of the king, collec-
âbhirājā "king of kings" Sn 553; DhsA 20. -âmacca royal tively: king's service, those who devote themselves to Govt.
minister J v.444 (°majjhe). -āyatana N. of a tree: "King- service D i.135; M i.85=Nd 199; A iv.281, 286. See also
stead tree," the royal tree (as residence of a king of fairies), porisa. -bali royal tax J i.354. -bhaṭa king's hireling or
Buchanania latifolia Vin i.3 sq. (where MVastu iii.303 reads soldier Vin i.74, 88; SnA 38 (in simile) -bhaya fear of the
kṣīrikā, i. e. milk — giving tree); J i.80; iv.361 sq.; DhsA 35; king('s punishment) Vism 121. -bhāga the king's share J
VbhA 433 (°cetiya). -iddhi royal power PvA 279. -isi a ii.378. -bhogga 1. royal, in the service of the king, in foll.
royal seer, a king who gives up his throne & becomes an as- phrases: rāja — bhoggaṁ raññā dinnaṁ rāja — dāyaṁ brahma
cetic (cp. Sk. rājarṣi, freq. in Mhbhārata & Rāmā yana) Th — deyyaṁ D i.87, of a flourishing place. Dial. i.108 trsl s
1, 1127 (read rāja — d — isi); It 21 (rājīsayo, with var vv. ll. "with power over it as if he were king," and expl with: "where
not quite the same meaning); J vi.116, 124, 127, 518; DhA the king has proprietary rights." The C. rather unmeaningly
iv.29. Kern, Toev. s. v. proposes reading rājīsi. -upaṭṭhāna expl as "rāja — laddha" (DA i.245). The BSk. has a curious
attendance on the king, royal audience Vin i.269; J i.269, 349; version of this phrase: "rājñā — agni- dattena brahmadeyyaṁ
iii.119, 299; iv.63. -ûpabhoga fit for use by the king Miln dattaṁ" (given by the king in the place of agni?) Divy 620.
252. -uyyāna royal garden or pleasure ground J iii.143; Mhvs — Further at Vin iii.221 in sequence rājā r — bhogga, brāh-
15, 2. -orodhā a lady from the king's harem, a royal concu- maṇa, gahapatika, where the C. expl (on p. 222) as "yo koci
bine Vin iv.261. -kakudha-bhaṇḍa an ensign of royalty (5: rañño bhatta — vetan' āhāro." (We should be inclined to take
khagga, chatta, uṇhīsa, pādukā, vālavījanī) DhA i.356. See this as No. 2.) — Thirdly, in stock phrase "rājâraha rājab-
under kakudha. -kathā talk about kings (as tiracchānakathā hogga rañño angan t' eva sankhaṁ gacchati," i. e. worthy of
in disgrace), comb with corakathā (see above 4 c) D i.7; iii.36, a king, imperial, he justifies the royal qualification, said of
54; Vin i.188. -kammika a royal official, one employed by a thoroughbred horse at A i.244= ii.113; of a soldier (yodh'
the king J i.439; iv.169. -kuṭumba the king's property J i.439. ājīva) at A i.284; of an elephant at J ii.370 (where it is expl d
-kuṇḍa a "crook of a king" DhA iii.56. -kumāra a (royal) as "rāja paribhoga"). Also as "royal possessions" in general
prince (cp. khattiya — kumāra) Vin i.269; J iii.122; VbhA 196 at DhA i.312. 13. — Fick, Soc. Gl. 99 does not help much,
(in comparison). -kumbhakāra a "royal potter," i. e. a potter he takes it as "king's official." — 2. royal, of royal power,
being "purveyor to the king" J v.290. -kula the king's court one entitled to the throne. Either as bhogga, bhogiya (SnA
or palace A i.128; ii.205; Vin iv.265; J ii.301; DhA ii.44, 46; 453) or (khattiyā) bhoja-rājāno (Sn 553). Thus at Vin iii.221,
iii.124. -khādāya puṭṭha at Sn 831 is according to Kern, Toev. where it takes the place of the usual khattiya "royal noble" &
to be read as rajakkhatāya ph. (fr. rajakkha). The old Nid- Sn 553, where it is comb (as bhoja rājano) with khattiyā. See
desa, however, reads °khādāya & expl the word (Nd 171) also bhoja & cp. (antara) bhogika and rājañña. -mahāmatta
by rājabhojanīyena, i. e. the king's food, which is alright with- king's prime minister (see above 4 b, to which add:) D iii.44;
out being changed. -guṇa "virtue of a king" M i.446 (trick A i.154, 252, 279; iii.128; VbhA 312 (simile of 2), 340. -
of a circus horse; +rāja — vaṁsa). -daṇḍa punishment or- mālakāra royal gardener J v.292. -muddā the royal seal
dered by the king PvA 216, 217. -dāya a royal gift D i.127; DhA i.21. -muddikā id. SnA 577. -ratha the king's char-


Rājā (Rājan) Ritta

iot DhA iii.122. -rukkha "royal tree," Cathartocarpus fistula also °vaḍḍhaka — 3. a sign of the Zodiac (the 12, as given
VvA 43. -vara the best king, famous king Vv 32 (=Sakka at Abhp 61 are: mesa, usabha, methuna, kakkata, sīha, kaññā,
VvA 134). -vallabha the king's favourite, or overseer Mhvs tulā, vicchikā, dhanu, makara, kumbha, mīna; or the ram, bull,
37, 10; VbhA 501 (in simile). -vibhūti royal splendour or twins, crab, lion, virgin, balance, scorpion bow, capricorn, wa-
dignity PvA 216, 279. -haṁsa "royal swan," a sort of swan terpot, fish) PvA 198. — 4. (fig.) at t. t. in logic: group,
or flamingo Vism 650 (suvaṇṇa°, in simile). aggregate, category, congery; freq. in Abhidhamma — liter-
Rāji [cp. Sk. rāji] a streak, line, row Sn p. 107 (nīla — vana° ature, where 3 "accumulations" are spoken of, viz. micchatta
=dark line of trees, expl as nīla — vana rukkha — panti SnA — niyato rāsi, sammatta — niyato r., anivato r. or "wrong
451); Vv 64 (nabhyo sata — rāji — cittita "coloured with 100 doing entailing immutable evil results, that of well — doing
streaks"; VvA=lekhā); 64 (veḷuriya°); pabbata° a mountain entailing immutable good results, and that of everything not
so determined" (Dialogues iii.210); D iii.217; Kvu 611; Nett
range J ii.417; dīgha° (adj.) of long lineage PvA 68; dvan-
96; cp. Kvu trsl. 356 Dhs trsl. 26, 253. In the 5 factors of indi-
gula° a band 2 inches broad Dāvs v.49; roma° a row of hair
viduality (body and mind) khandhā are explained as meaning
(on the body) J v.430.
rāsi, e. g. Asl. 141; B. Psy. 42. In other connections: S
Rāji [fr. rāga?] dissension, quarrel, in phrase sangha° (+sang-
v.146 (kusala°, akusala°), 186; A iii.65 (akusala°); Tikp 45.
habheda) Vin ii.203 (quoted at VbhA 428); iv.217.
— Note. In BSk. we find only 2 of the 3 categories mentioned
Rājikā (f.) [cp. Sk. rājikā] a certain (gold) weight (a seed-corn at MVastu i.175, viz. mithyātvaniyato & aniyato rāśih.
of Sinapis ramosa) Th 1, 97=862 (kaṁsa sata° 100 mustard -vaḍḍhaka one who increases wealth, i. e. a treasurer D
seeds in weight, i. e. very costly); J vi.510 (kaṁse sovaṇṇe i.61 (trsl : "increases the king's wealth"; DA i.170 simply de-
satarājike). fines "dhañña — rāsiñ ca dhana — rāsiñ ca vaḍḍhetī ti r. v.");
J i.2; Mhbv 78.
Rājita: see vi°.
Rāsika (nt.) [fr. rāsi] revenue, fisc D i.135.
Rājin (adj.) [fr. rāji] having streaks or stripes, in uddhagga° hav-
ing prominent stripes (of a lion) J iv.345. Rāhaseyyaka (adj.) [rahas+seyya+ka or rāha (for
Rājimant (adj.) [fr. rāji ] having streaks or stripes; f. rājimatī rahā°)+seyyaka] "having one's bed in loneliness," living in
shining, radiant Vv 32 (v. l. rājāputti), expl at VvA 134 as seclusion or secrecy, in manussa° "fit to lie undisturbed by
men" Vin i.39 (+paṭisallāna — sāruppa); M ii.118.
follows: "rājati vijjotatī ti rājī: rājī ti matā paññātā rājimatī"
(thus connecting °mant with man). Rāhu [Vedic rāhu] N. of an Asura: see under Proper Names. —
rāhumukha "mouth of Rāhu," designation of a certain pun-
Rājula [cp. Sk. rājila] a certain reptile Abhp 651. 1
ishment for criminals (M i.87; iii.164; Nd 154 (in list of
Rāti [Sk. rā to give, bestow; given at Dhtp 369 & Dhtm 597 in 2
tortures)=Nd 604=Miln 197.
meaning "ādāne," with doublet lā] to take up: no refs.
Riṇāti see under raya.
Rādheti [Caus. of rādh to succeed, rādhyate. The root is given
at Dhtp 420 & Dhtm 656 in meaning "saṁsiddhiyaṁ," i. e. of Riñcati [ric, in Vedic & Sk. rinakti; cp. Av. irinaxti to leave; Gr.
success. See etym. at Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. reor.] to please: λείπω id., λοιπός left; Lat. linquo id.; Goth. leihwan=Ohg. n
see cpds. abhi° apa°, ā°, vi°. līhan to lend; Ags lāēn=loan, cp. E. leave etc. — The def
of the root at Dhtp is given in two forms, viz. ric as "vire-
Rādheti [rādh? Given at Dhtp 424 & Dhtm 656 in meaning
cane" (No. 396; cp. Dhtm 517 "kharaṇe," i. e. flowing; 610
"hiṁsāyaṁ," i. e. of hurting] no refs.
"recane"), and riñc as "riñcane" (No. 44)] to leave, abandon,
Rāma [fr. ram; cp. Vedic rāma] pleasure, sport, amusement; leave behind, give up, neglect Vin i.190 (also fut. riñcissati);
°kara having pleasure, sporting, making love J v.448. M i.155 (riñcissati), 403; S iv.206; A iii.86 sq., 108 sq., 343
sq., 366 sq., 437; Th 1, 1052; Sn 156; Miln 419; J v.403. —
Rāmaṇeyyaka (adj. nt.) [orig. grd. of rāmeti, ram, cp. Sk. rā-
ppr. med. with neg.: ariñcamāna Sn 69; ger. riñcitvā (for
maṇīya. On e for ī see Geiger, P.Gr. § 10] pleasant, agreeable,
Sk. riktvā) Th 2, 93. — pp. ritta. — Pass. riccati [Sk. ricy-
lovely A i.35, 37; Dh 98 (=ramaṇīya DhA iii.195); nt. delight-
ate] to be left: see ati°.
fulness, lovely scenery M i.365 (four seen in a dream: ārāma°,
vana°, bhūmi° pokkharaṇī°). Riñcana (nt.) [fr. riñc] leaving behind, giving up Dhtp 44.
Rāva [fr. ravati, cp. rava] crying, howling; shout, noise J i.162 Ritta [pp. of riñcati; cp. atireka] devoid, empty, free, rid (of) M
(baddha° the cry of one who is caught); iv.415 (id.); vi.475 (of i.207 (+tuccha), 414; Vin i.157=ii.216; Sn 823 (emancipated:
the cries of animals, known to an expert); Miln 254 (bherava ritto muni=vivitta etc. Nd 158), 844 (opp. to aritta); Th 2,
— rāvaṁ abhiravati); Mhvs 10, 69 (mahā — rāvaṁ arāvi). 265 (see rindi); J i.29 (v. 222); iii.492; Miln 383.
Rāsi [Vedic r̄āśi] 1. heap, quantity, mass It 17; usually — °, e. -assāda finding one's taste in empty things A i.280 (+bāhir
g. angāra° heap of cinders J i.107; kaṇikārapuppha° of k. — assāda. Kern, Toev. s. v. reads rittāsa and trsl "impure
flowers VvA 65; kahāpaṇa° of money PvA 162, tila° of seeds (of food)," not according to the sense at all). -āsana an empty
VvA 54; dhañña° of corn A iv.163, 170; etc. — rāsiṁ karoti seat Sn 963 (expl at Nd 481 as "opportunity for sitting down
to make a heap, to pile up Mhvs 29, 28; VvA 157. — 2. which is free from unbefitting sights"). -pesuṇa free fr. slan-
der Sn 941 (expl at Nd 422: "yassa pesuññaṁ pahīnaṁ"
(store of) wealth, riches; in °agga-dāna gift of the best trea-
etc.). -muṭṭhi an empty fist (°sadisa: comparing someone
sures (of one's property), one of the 5 "donations of the best,"
as regards ignorance) SnA 306=DhA iv.38. -hattha (adj.)
viz. khett°, rās°, koṭṭh°, kumbhi°, bhojan°: SnA 270. See

Ritta Ruci

empty — handed J v.46; Sdhp 309. -antara the inside of a tree PvA 63. -koṭṭaka ( — sakuṇa)
the wood — pecker J iii.327 (=java sakuṇa). -gahana tree —
Rittaka (adj.) [ritta+ka] empty, void, without reality Th 1, 41; 2,
394 (=tucchaka anto — sāra — rahita ThA 258); Pv iii.6 (of a thicket or entanglement A i.154 (so for °gahaṇa). -devatā
a tree spirit, dryad, a yakkha inhabiting a tree (rukkhe adhi-
river=tuccha PvA 202); PvA 139 (=suñña, virahita). Usually
in comb with tucchaka as a standing phrase denoting abso- vatthā d. Vin iv.34; J ii.385; kakudhe adhivatthā d. Vin i.28) J
i.168, 322; ii.405, 438 sq. (eraṇḍa°), 445; iii.23; iv.308 (vana-
lute emptiness & worthlessness, e. g. at D i.240; M i.329; S
jeṭṭhaka — rukkhe nibbatta — devatā); DhA ii.16; PvA 5 (in
a Nigrodha tree), 43 (in the Vindhya forest). — They live in
Rindī at Th 2, 265 is doubtful. The T. reading is "te rindī va
a Nigrodha tree at the entrance of the village (J i.169), where
lambante 'nodaka," said of breasts hanging down in old age.
they receive offerings at the foot of the tree (cp. iv.474), and
The C. compares them with leather water bottles without wa-
occasionally one threatens them with discontinuance of the of-
ter (udaka — bhastā viya). We have to read either with Morris,
ferings if they do not fulfil one's request. The trees are their
J.P.T.S. 1884, 94 "rittī va" (=rittā iva), "as it were, empty," or
vimānas (J i.328, 442; iv.154), occasionally they live in hol-
(preferably) with ThA 212 "therī ti va" ("like an old woman"). low trees (J i.405; iii.343) or in tree tops (J i.423). They have to
The trsl (Sisters, p. 124) takes the C. expl of udaka — bhastā
rely on the food given to them (ibid.); for which they help the
as equivalent to T. reading rindi, in saying "shrunken as skins
people (J iii.24; v.511). They assume various forms when they
without water"; but rindī is altogether doubtful & it is better
appear to the people (J i.423; ii.357, 439; iii.23); they also have
to read therī which is according to the context. We find the children (Vin iv.34; J i.442). -paveṇi lineage of the tree Vism
same meaning of therī ("old woman") at Pv ii.11 .
688. -pāṇikā a wooden spoon Vism 124 (opp. to pāsāṇa°).
Rissati [Vedic riṣ, riṣyati] to be hurt, to suffer harm M i.85 -mūla the foot of a tree (taken as a dwelling by the ascetics
(ḍāṁsa — makasa — vāt' ātapa — siriṁsapa — samphassehi for meditation: D i.71, where several such lonely places are
rissamāno; where Nd 199 in same passage reads samphas- recommended, as arañña, r — m., pabbata, kandara, etc. —
samāna). DA i.209 specifies as "yaṁ kiñci sanda — cchāyaṁ vivittaṁ
rukkha — mūlaṁ"); A ii.38; iv.139, 392; S i.199 (°gahana); It
Ruka in cpd. aḍḍha° at Vin ii.134, referring to the shape of a
102; Sn 708, 958; Nd 466; Pug 68; PvA 100 (v. l. sukkha —
beard, is doubtful. The v. l. is "duka." Could it correspond to
nadī), 137 (Gaṇḍamba°, with ref. to the Buddha). — °gata
Vedic rukma (a certain ornament worn on the chest)?
one who undertakes living at the foot of a tree (as an ascetic) A
Rukkha [Vedic vṛkṣa. See Geiger, P.Gr. § 13, with note. Pischel,
iii.353; v.109 sq., 207, 323 sq.; Pug 68. — °senāsana having
Prk. Gr. § 320 puts rukkha to Sk. rukṣa (shining which as
one's bed & seat at the foot of a tree for meditative practices
Pischel, following Roth. says has also the meaning "tree" in
as a recluse Vin i.58 (as one of the 4 nissayas: piṇḍiy' ālopa
Ṛgveda). The Prk. form is rukkha. Cp. Wackernagel, Altind.
— bhojana, paṁsukūla — cīvara, r. — m. s., pūti — mutta
Gr. 1, § 184 b. We find a byform rakkha at J iii.144. Cp. bhesajja), 96 (id.); A iv.231. -mūlika (a) one who lives at
Brethren, pp. 185, 416, where the B MS. has rukkha kathā
the foot of a tree, an open air recluse M i.282; iii.41; A iii.219;
the meaning being rakkha°] a tree. In the rukkha — mūlik'
J iv.8 (āraññaka, paṇṇasālaṁ akatvā r., abbhokāsika); (b) be-
anga (see below) Bdhgh at Vism 74 gives a list of trees which
longing to the practice of a recluse living under a tree "tree
are not to be selected for the practice of "living at the root of n
rootman's practice" (Vism trsl 84); as °anga one of the (13)
a tree." These are sīmantarika — rukkha, cetiya°, niyyāsa°,
dhutanga — practices; i. e. practices for a scrupulous way of
phala°, vagguli°, susira°, vihāra — majjhe ṭhita°, or a tree
living Vism 59, 74, 75 (mentioned between the ārannik' anga
standing right on the border, a sacred tree, a resinous tree, a
& the abbhokāsik'- anga). -mūlikatta the practice of living
fruit t., a tree on which bats live, a hollow tree, a tree grow-
(alone) under a tree M iii.41 (mentioned with paṁsukūlikatta
ing in the middle of a monastery. The only one which is to be
& piṇḍapātikatta); A iii.109 (id.). -sunakha "tree dog," a
chosen is a tree "vihāra — paccante ṭhita," or one standing on n
cert. animal J vi.538 (C. in expl of naḷa — sannibha "reed —
the outskirt of the Vihāra. He then gives further advice as to
coloured"). -susira a hollow tree PvA 62.
the condition of the tree. — Various kinds of trees are given in
the def of r. at Vism 183, viz. assattha, nigrodha, kacchaka, Ruca ( — rukkha) & Rucā (f.) [fr. ruc] N. of a plant, or tree, alias
"mukkhaka" (read mokkhaka) "principal" J i.441, 443 (gloss
kapitthaka; ucca, nīca, khuddaka, mahanto; kāḷa, seta. — A
mangala — rukkha).
very complete list of trees mentioned in the Saṁyutta Nikāya
is to be found in the Index to that Nikāya (vol. vi. p. 84, 85). Rucaka (nt.) [cp. Sk. rucaka a golden ornament] (gold) sand Vv
On rukkha in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907, pp. 128 — 130. — See 35 ; VvA 160 (=suvaṇṇa — vālikā).
also the foll. refs.: A i.137; ii.109, 207; iii.19, 200, 360; iv 99,
Ruci (f.) [fr. ruc, cp. Vedic ruc (f.) light, Classic Sk. ruci in
336; v.4 sq., 314 sq.; Sn 603, 712; J i.35 (nāga°); Vism 688
meaning "pleasure"] 1. splendour, light, brightness Sn 548
(in simile: mahārukkhe yāva kapp' âvasānā bījaparamparāya
(su° very splendid; SnA 453=sundara — sarīrappabha). — 2.
rukkha — paveṇiṁ santāyamāne ṭhite); VbhA 165=Vism 555 inclination, liking, pleasure PvA 59 (°ṁ uppādeti to find plea-
(rukkha phalita); VbhA 196 (in comp : jātassa avassaṁ jarā
sure, to be satisfied). — aruci aversion, dislike Th 2, 472.
— maraṇaṁ, uppannassa rukkhassa patanaṁ viya), 334 sq. (as
— ruci object of pleasure J v.371. — ruciyā (abl.) in the
garu — bhaṇḍa); SnA 5 ("pathavi — ras' ādim iva rukkhe":
pleasure (of), by the liking (of) (cp. No. 3), in phrases at-
with same simile as at Vism 688, with reading kappâvasānaṁ
tano ruciyā (attano citta — ruciyā: so read for °ruciyaṁ!); as
and santānente); DhA iii.207 (amba°); VvA 43 (rāja°), 198
one pleases, by one's own free will, ad lib. J i.106; iv.281;
(amba°); DhA iv.120 (dīpa°); PvA 43.
PvA 59; parassa r. pavattati to live by the pleasure (gratiâ)

Ruci Rudati & Rodati

of somebody else, i. e. to be dependent on others DA i.212. German lücke, loch etc. — A specific Pāli l — form is lujjati.
— yathā ruciṁ according to liking or satisfaction, fully, am- A der. fr. ruj is roga illness. — The Dhtp (469) defines ruj by
ply Mhvs 4, 43; 5, 230; PvA 88, 126, 242. — 3. In dog- "bhanga" i. e. breaking] to break, crush; lit. to (cause) pain,
matic language used in the sense of "will" or "influence" in to afflict, hurt (trs. & intrs.) J i.7 (pādā rujanti), 396 (pādā me
comb diṭṭhi, khanti, ruci one's views, indulgence & pleasure rujanti my feet ache); iv.208 (khandhena rujantena with hurt-
(=will), i. e. one's intellectual, emotional & volitional sphere, ing back); vi.3 (ūrū rujanti); Mhvs 10, 15 (pādā me r.); Miln
e. g. Vin i.70; Sn 781 (without khanti, but see def at Nd 1 26 (pādā r.); DhA i.10, 21 (akkhīni me rujiṁsu); ii.3. — fut.
65); also with saddhā, anussavo, ākāraparivitakke, diṭṭhini- rucchiti [cp. Sk. roḳsyate] J vi.80 (v. l. B.B. rujjati; C. takes
jjhānakhanti M ii.170, 218; 234; contrasted with dhamma D wrongly as "rodissati," of rodati). — pp. lugga. — Cp. lujjati
iii.40; Vbh 245 (in def of "idha": cp. same at Ps i.176 and & comb .
Nd 145), 325, 328. aññatra ruciyā under the influence of Rujana (nt.) [fr. ruj, cp. rujā] hurting, feeling pain J ii.437
someone else's will S ii.115; iv.138. See also bhāva 2 .
(roga=rujana — sabhāvattaṁ); J iv.147 (yāva piṭṭhiyā rujana
Rucika (—°) (adj.) [fr. ruci 3] belonging to the pleasure (of); — ppamāṇaṁ until his back ached).
only in phrase añña° being dependent on someone else's will Rujanaka (adj.) [fr. rujana] aching, hurting DhA iv.69 (anguli).
or under another's influence, together with aññadiṭṭhika and
Rujā (f.) [fr. ruj, see rujati; cp. Sk. rujā] disease, pain Miln 172
añña-khantika characterizing the various sides of personal-
(rujaṁ na karoti); Vism 69; DhA iv.163 (accha° a bad pain).
ity (see ruci 3) with ref. to one's intellect, feeling & will D
i.187=M i.487. Rhys Davids (Dial. i.254) trsl : "holding dif- Rujjhati [Pass. of rundhati] to be broken up, to be destroyed J
ferent views, other things approving themselves to you, setting iii.181 (pāṇā rujjhanti; C. expl by nirujjhati). Cp. upa°, vi°.
diff. aims before yourself"; thus differing in interpretation of
Ruṭṭha [pp. of ruṣ; Sk. ruṣṭa] vexed, cross, enraged J iv.358
añña, taking it subjectively. Neumann (Majjhima Übs. ii.250)
(opp. to tuṭṭha v. l. atuṭṭha) v.211 (gloss kuddha); Dāvs iii.37.
quite wrongly: "ohne Deutung, ohne Geduld, ohne Hingabe"
Ruṭhati see luṭhati & cp. rudda.
(without explanation, patience, devotion).
Ruṇ a sound — particle, denoting a heavy fall, something like
Rucira (adj.) [fr. ruc, cp. Sk. rucira] brilliant, beautiful, pleas-
ant, agreeable Pv i.10 (=ramaṇīya dassanīya PvA 51); J i.207; "thud" J i.418.
v.299; Vv 40 (so read for rurira); Mhvs 11, 11; 18, 68; Dāvs Ruṇṇa & Roṇṇa [pp. of rudati for Sk. rudita, after analogy of
iv.29; Miln 2, 398; DhA i.383 (=sobhana); VvA 12; PvA 156 other roots in — d, as tud>tunna, pad>panna, nud> nunna.
(=vaggu). The BSk. forms are both ruṇḍa (MVastu ii.218, 224) and
ruṇṇa (MVastu iii.116); Prk. ruṇṇa (Pischel § 566). See rudati
Ruccati [*rucyati Med. of ruc: see rocati. Same in Prk. — Orig- n
& cp. āruṇṇa] 1. (pp.) crying, in comb ruṇṇa-mukha with
inally Caus. formation like Epic Sk. rocyate for rocayate] to
tearful face J vi.525 (C. rudam°); Miln 148. — 2. (nt.) weep-
find delight or pleasure in (loc.), to please, to indulge in, set
ing, crying, lamentation Th 1, 554; A i.261; Sn 584 (+soka);
one's mind on Sn 565 (etañ ce r. bhoto buddha — sāsanaṁ);
Pv i.4 ; Milo 357. As roṇṇa at A iv.197, 223; Th 1, 555; J
with khamati to be pleased and to approve of, M ii.132; often
used by Bdhgh in C. style: yathā r. tathā paṭhitabbaṁ KhA
78; "yaṁ r. taṁ gahetabbaṁ SnA 23, 43, 136, 378" "to take, Ruta (nt.) [pp. of ravati: see rava & ravati] noise, sound- (ing);
whichever one pleases" (in giving the choice of 2 readings or cry, singing Th 1, 1103; J i.207 (T. reading ruda is expl in
interpretations). — ger. ruccitvā VvA 282 (r. pūresi "to find C. as ruta with °da for °ta: ta — kārassa dakāro kato); iii.276
thorough delight in," expl for abhirocesi). — pret. 1 pl. (sabba — ruta — jānana — manta: spell of knowing all animal
ruccādimhase Pv i.11 (=ruccāma ruciṁ uppādema, taṁ at- — sounds; T. reads rūta; cp. sabbarāva — jānana J iii.415);
tano ruciyā pivissāmā ti attho PvA 59). — Prohibitive mā vi.475 (rudaññu=ruta — jña C.; same meaning); Miln 178
rucci (pl. mā rucittha) as an entreaty not to pursue an aim (sakuṇa — ruta — ravita); VvA (karavīka°).
(=please do not do that, please don't) Vin ii.198 (alaṁ Deva-
Rutta in du° & su° at DhsA 396 is to be read as dur- and su(r)-utta
datta mā te rucci sangha — bhedo); DhA i.13 (mā vo āvuso
(see utta).
evaṁ ruccittha).
Ruda stands for ruta (cry) at 2 Jātaka passages, viz. J i.207;
Ruccana (& ā° f.) (nt.) [fr. ruccati] choice, pleasure DhA i.387 d
vi.475 (ruda — ññu knowing the cries of all animals, expl
(tava °ṭṭhāne according to your own liking); DA i.106 (°ā).
as "ruta — jña, sabba — rāvaṁ jānāti" C.).
Ruccanaka (adj.) [fr. ruccana, cp. Sk. rucya] pleasing, sat-
Rudati & Rodati [rud, the usual Sk. pres. being rodati, but forms
isfying; nt. satisfaction J i.211 (°maccha the fish you like); fr. base rud° are Vedic and are later found also in Prk. (cp.
ii.182 (tava °ṁ karosi you do whatever you like). a° unpleas- Pischel Prk. Gr. § 495): ruyai besides royai & rodasi. — The
ant, distasteful DhA i.251 (attano aruccanakaṁ kiñci kammaṁ Idg. root is *reud, being an enlargement of *reu, as in ravati
adisvā). (q. v.). Cp. cognates Lat. rudo to cry, shout, bray; Lith. raudà
Rujaka [fr. ruj?] a lute — player J vi.51, 52, given by Kern, wailing; Ohg. riozan= Ags. reotan. — The Dhtp expl rud by
Toev. s. v. as conjecture (vīṇaṁ) va rujaka for virujaka. The "rodane" (144), the Dhtm by "assu — vimocane" (206)] to cry,
conjecture is based on C. reading "rujaka=vīṇāvādaka." lament, weep, wail. — Forms I. rud° (the older form): pres.
rudati (not yet found); ppr. rudanto D i.115; Sn 675, 691;
Rujati [ruj, representing an Idg. *leug, as in Gr. λευγαλέος,
rudamāna M i.341; A ii.95; Pug 62; Miln 275; Sdhp 281;
λυγρός sad, awful; Lat. lugeo to mourn; Lith. lúžti to break;
and rudaṁ Pv i.8 ; also in cpd. rudam-mukha with weeping

Rudati & Rodati Rusita

face J vi.518 (assu — netta+); Pv i.11 ; ger. ruditvāna Mhvs to break, rēaf (theft)= Ger. raub, rauben, and many other cog-
35, 24; fut. rucchati J v.366 and rucchiti J vi.550 (=rodissati nates (see Walde s. v. rumpo). — The root rup is def at
C.; see also rujati). — II. rod° (the younger form & the one pe- Dhtm by nās, i. e. to destroy; another rup is given at Dhtm
culiar to prose): pres. rodati J i.55; iii.169 (socati+); Pv i.8 7 837 in meaning "ropana"] to be vexed, oppressed, hurt, mo-
(socati+); i.12 ; PvA 17, 18; Pot. rode Pv i.8 (=rodeyyaṁ lested (always with ref. to an illness or pain) Sn 767 (salla
PvA 64); ppr. rodanto J i.65; f. rodantī PvA 16; med. ro- — viddho va r.) 1121; Nd 5 (=kuppati, ghaṭṭiyati, pīḷiyati);
damāna PvA 6; DA i.284. — aor. rodi J i.167; DhA ii.17 Nd 543 (=kuppati pīḷayati ghaṭayati). — ppr. gen. ruppato
(+hasi); fut. rodissati J vi.550; ger. roditvā Mhvs 9, 7; inf. S i.198 (salla — viddhassa r.; expl at K.S. 320 by "ghaṭṭan
rodituṁ J i.55. — Caus. ii. rodāpeti to make someone cry — atthena")= Sn 331 (reads salla — viddhāna ruppataṁ, i.
DhA ii.86. — pp. ruṇṇa, rudita & rodita. e. pl. instead of sg.); Th 1, 967 (salla — viddhassa rup-
pato (C. sarīravikāraṁ āpajjato, Brethren, 338); J ii.437 (C.
Rudita (nt.) [pp. of rudati, equivalent to ruṇṇa] crying, weeping
PvA 18 (+assu — mocana, in expl of ruṇṇa), 63 (=paridevita). ghaṭṭiyamāna pīḷiyamāna)=Vism 49 (dukkhitassa r.); J iii.169
(salla — viddhassa r.=ghaṭṭiyamāna C.). — ruppati to Pāli
Rudda (adj.) [cp. Sk. raudra & Vedic rudra (a fierce demon or
exegesis with its fondness of allegorical ("orthodox") inter-
storm — deity; "the red one," with Pischel from rud to be
pretation, is the etym. base of rūpa, thus at S iii.86: "ruppatī
ruddy. See Macdonell, Vedic Mythology 74 — 77). The usual
ti tasmā rūpan ti vuccati kena r.? sītena, uṇhena etc. (all kinds
Pāli form is ludda. At Dhtp 473 & Dhtm 135 a root ruṭh (or b
of material dukkha: dukkha ii.3 ) ruppati." — Or at Sn 1121
luṭh) is given in meaning "upaghāte" i. e. killing, which may
(ruppanti rūpena), & at other passages given under rūpa (A).
represent this rud: see luṭhati] fierce, awful, terrible J iv.416
See also ruppana.
(so luddako rudda — rūpo; v. l. ludda°); v.425, 431 (su —
ruddho, spelling for su — ruddo, very fierce, expl as su — Ruppana (nt.) [fr. rup) molestation, vexation, trouble J iii.368
(=ghaṭṭana dūsana kuppana C.). Frequent in allegorical exege-
luddo supharuso); Mhvs 12, 45 (rudda — rakkhasī, prob. with
ref. to the demon Rudra; trsl "fearsome female demon"; vv. sis of rūpa, e. g. at DhsA 52 (naman' aṭṭhena nāmaṁ ruppan'
aṭṭhena rūpaṁ), 303 (rūp' ādīhi ruppana — bhāva — dīpana);
ll. ruda°, ruddha°, dudda°).
VbhA 4 (ruppan' aṭṭhena rūpaṁ in expl of passage S iii.86
Ruddha [pp. of rundhati] 1. obstructed, disturbed Dāvs 4, 46. —
(mentioned under ruppati); KhA 78, 79 (ruppan' aṭṭhena... rū-
2. at J v.425 & 431 in cpd. su — ruddha it stands for rudda
paṁ rūpaṁ ti vuccati).
(q. v.). — Cp. upa°, ni°, paṭi° paṭivi°, vi°. 9
Rumbhati [so read for rumhati (Trenckner, Notes 59 ; the root
Rudhira (nt.) [late Vedic rudhira. Etym. connected with Lat.
is another form of rudh (as in Prk.): see rundhati. The Dhtm
ruber red; Gr. ἐρυχρός red; Oicel. rodra blood, Goth.
(547) defines by "uppīḷana"] to obstruct, surround, besiege
raups=Ger. rot=E. red] blood DhA i.140; PvA 34 (for lohita;
(=rundhati 3) J vi.391 (where spelling rumhati; in phrase na-
v. l. ruhira). See the more freq. words rohita & lohita; a garaṁ r.). See also ni°, sanni°. — pp. rūḷha.
form ruhira (q. v.) occurs e. g. at Pv i.9 .
Rumma (adj.) [put down (rightly) by Geiger, P.Gr. § 53 as dif-
Rundhati [rundh or rudh, both roots in Vedic Sk. — Dhtp (375, ferent fr. Sk. rukma (shining); Morris, J.P.T.S. 1893, 12 tried
425) expl by "āvaraṇe"; id. Dhtm (608, 662).] 1. to re- the etym. rumma=Sk. rumra "tawny," oṛ rukma (rukmin)
strain, hinder, prevent, obstruct, keep out Cp. iii.10 ; Miln
shiny. It is still an unsolved problem. It may not be far off to
313 (+upa°). — 2. to conceal, hide, cover up Th 2, 238 (ppr.
trace a relation (by miswriting, dissimilation or false analogy)
rundhanto); PvA 88 (ppr. rundhamāna). — 3. in phrase na-
to ruppa in sense of ruppati, or to ruj, or even rudda. The C.
garaṁ r. to surround or besiege a town J i.409 (aor. rundhi); n
expl of all the rumma — & rummin passages is anañjita, i.
iii.159 (°itvā); iv.230 (°iṁsu). — Pass rujjhati; pp. ruddha
e. unkempt] miserable, dirty, poorly, in cpds. °rūpin J iv.387
& rūḷha. — See also upa°, paṭi° paṭivā, vi°, Note. The roots
(=lūkhavesa C.), with v. l. duma°; and °vāsin poorly dressed
rudh & rundh are also found in Prk. (see Pischel § 507); be-
J iv.380.
sides we have a by — form rubh in Prk. as well as in Pāli: see
Rummin=rumma (dirty — soiled) J iv.322 (v. l. dummi); vi.194
Pischel, § 266, 507, and P. rumbhati.
Ruppa in ruppa-rūpakaṁ (nt.) Th 2, 394 is not clear. It refers
Rumhaniya at M i.480 is doubtful in spelling. The meaning is
to something which is not rūpa, yet pretends to be rūpa, i. e.
clearly "furthering growth, making or being prosperous, bring-
a sham performance or show. Thus ruppa may correspond to d
ing luck" (comb with ojavant), as also indicated by v. l.
*rūpya & with rūpaka mean "having the form (i. e. the ap-
ruḷh°. Thus it cannot belong to rumbh, but must represent
pearance) of form, i. e. substantiality. " The Cy. (ThA 259)
either rup, as given under ruppati in meaning "ropana" (Dhtm
interprets as "rūpiya — rūpasadisaṁ sāraṁ sāraṁ upaṭṭhahan- s
taṁ asāran ti attho"; and Mrs. Rh. D. (Sisters, p. 154) trsl : 837), or ruh (see rūhati). Kern, Toev. s. v. trsl "tot groei
geschikt" (i. e. able to grow), Neumann, "erquickend" (i. e.
"deluded by puppet shows (seen in the midst of the crowd)."
Ruppati [rup=lup, one of the rare cases of P. r. representing a Sk.
Ruyhati is Med. of rūhati (rohati), q. v.
1., whereas the opposite is frequent. The same sound change
Idg., as Lat. rumpo to break corresponds to Sk. lumpati. Be- Rurira at Vv 40 is misprint for rucira.
sides we find the Sk. form ropayati to break off. — The root
Ruru [Vedic ruru: RV vi.75, 15] a sort of deer, a stag; usually
has nothing to do with rūpa, although the P. Commentators
called ruru-miga J iv.256, 261; v.406 (pl. rohitā rurū), 416.
combine these two. — Cp. also Sk. ropa hole; Ags. rēofan
Cp. ruruva.

Rusita Rūpa

Rusita [pp. of ruṣ to be vexed. The Dhtp defines by "rose" (306, tāraka° the (shapes of the) stars Dhs 617; deva° as a deva PvA
450), "pārusiye" (626); Dhtm has 2 roots viz. one with "ālepe" 92. Pleonastically e. g. in: anupatta° attaining Pv iv.1 ;
(442), the other with "hiṁsāyaṁ" (443)] annoyed, irritated, of- taramāna° quickly Pv ii.6 ; yutta° fit PvA 157; sucitta° var-
fended Sn 932, 971 (expl by Nd 498 as "khuṁsita, vambhita, iegated Pv i.10 . — Cases ad verbially: citta -rūpaṁ accord-
ghaṭṭita" etc.). See rosa, roseti etc. ing to intention Vin iii.161; iv.177; cetabba — rūpaṁ fit to be
thought upon J iv.157. (=°yuttakaṁ C.). — atta -rūpena on
Rusṣati at SnA 121 for dussati.
my own account S iv.97; godha — rūpena as an iguana Mhvs
Ruha (adj.) (—°) [fr. ruh: see rūhati] growing, a tree, in cpds.:
28, 9. — D. (as philos. t. t.) principle of (material) form, ma-
jagati°, dharaṇi°, mahī°, etc.
teriality, visibility. — There are var. groups of psychological
Ruha 2 [poetical for ruhira (rohita)=lohita] blood, in cpd. and metaphysical systematizations, in which rūpa functions as
ruhaṁghasa blood — eater, a name for panther J iii.481 the material, gross factor, by the side of other, more subtle
(=ruhira — bhakkha lohita — pāyin C.). factors. In all these representations of rūpa we find that an
element of moral psychology overshadows the purely philo-
Ruhira (nt.) [fr. rudhira] blood M iii.122; Th 1, 568; Vin ii.193;
sophical & speculative aspect. A detailed (Abhidhammatic)
Miln 125, 220; Sdhp 38.
-akkhita (ruhir' akkhita) "besmeared with blood" J iv.331, discussion of rūpa in var. aspects is to be found at Dhs § 585
is to be read as ruhir' ukkhita of ukṣ). — 980. — 1. rūpa as āyatana or sense object. It is the ob-
ject of the activity or sphere of the organ of sight (cakkhu).
Rūta at J iii.276 read ruta (q. v.).
As such it heads the list of the 6 bāhirāni āyatanāni (see e.
Rūpa (nt.) [cp. Vedic rūpa, connected etymologically with varpa g. Nd p. 238 A — E & āyatana ) with "cakkhunā rūpaṁ
(Grassmann). — The nom. pl. is rūpā & rūpāni] form, figure, disvā" (the others: sota>sadda, ghāna>gandha, jivhā>rasa,
appearance, principle of form, etc. — A. Definitions. Accord- kāya>phoṭṭhabba, mano>dhamma), cp. cakkhu — viññeyyā
ing to P. expositors rūpa takes its designation fr. ruppati, e. rūpā iṭṭhā kantā etc. D i.245; M i.266; cakkhunā rūpaṁ pas-
g. "ruppanato rūpaṁ" Vism 588; "ruppan' aṭṭhena r." VbhA sati iṭṭha — rūpaṁ kanta — rūpaṁ etc. S iv.126; — see fur-
3; "rūpa — rūpaṁ= ruppana sabhāvena yuttaṁ" Cpd. 156 7 ther: Vin i.34 (sabbaṁ ādittaṁ: cakkhuṁ ādittaṁ, rūpa ādittā
(where ruppati is, not quite correctly, given as "change"), etc. with sequence of other āyatanas); D ii.308 sq., 336 sq.;
"ruppatī ti: tasmā rūpan ti vuccati" S iii.86; other def ns are M iii.18 (yaṁ kho rūpaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanas-
"rūpayatī ti rūpaṁ" (with cakkhu & the other 10 āyatanas) saṁ, ayaṁ rūpe assādo; cp. Ps ii.109 sq.), 291 (ye te cakkhu
VbhA 45; and more scientifically: "paresu rūp' ādisu cakkhu — viññeyyesu rūpesu avīta — rāgā etc.); Ps i.79; ii.38 (rūpī
— paṭihanana lakkhaṇaṁ rūpaṁ" Vism 446. — Of modern rūpāni passatī ti vimokkho); Dhs 617, 653, 878; Tikp 28. —
interpretations & discussions see e. g. Dhs. trsl. introd. ch. 2. (metaphysically) as the representative of sensory or mate-
vi. (pp. 41 — 63, or 48 — 71); Dial. ii.244; Expos. 67 ; rial existence: (a) universally as forming the corporeal stratum
Cpd. 270 sq. (where objections are raised to trsl "form," in the world of appearance or form (rūpa-bhava) as compared
and as better (philosophical) terms "matter," "material qual- with the incorporeal (arūpa — bhava), being itself above, and
ity" are recommended). See also loka for similar etym. — yet including the kāma- bhava. (The kāmabhava is a subdi-
B. (lit.) appearance, form, figure Dhs 597 sq. (=form either vision of rūpabhava, which has got raised into a third main
contrasted with what is unseen, or taken for both seen and un- division.) This triad is also found in comb ns with loka or
seen), 751; Mhvs 27, 30 (sīha — vyagghādirūpāni representa- dhātu (see dhātu 2 a & d), or avacara. See e. g. D i.17;
tions of lions, tigers etc.); 30, 68 (ravicanda — tāra — rūpāni iii.215 (°dhātu), 216 (°bhava); Kvu 370 sq. (°dhātu); Dhs 499
id.); 36, 31 (loha° bronze statue); ThA 257. — Esp. beautiful (°âvacara), 585 (°dhātu); Vbh 17 (°āvacara), 25 (as garu —
form, beauty S iv.275= Pv ii.9 58 (as one of the 10 attributes, pariṇāma & dandha — nirodha comp with arūpa). A similar
with sadda etc., of distinction: see also below D ii.a); Miln sequence rūpa arūpa & nirodha (i. e. nibbāna) in old verses
285; Mhvs 20, 4 (rūpa — māninī proud of her beauty); PvA at Sn 755; It 45, 62 (rūpehi arūpā santatarā, arūpehi nirodho
89. — surūpa very beautiful ThA 72; durūpa of evil form, santataro). On indriya — rūpa "faculty as form" see indriya
ugly A ii.203 sq. (dubbaṇṇa+). — In phrase rūpaṁ sikkhati B. — (b) individually in the sphere of saṁsāra as one (i. e.
Vin i.77=iv.129 the meaning is doubtful; it may be "to study the material quality) of the substrata of sensory individual ex-
drawing, or arts & craft," or (with Mrs. Rh. D.) "weights & istence or the khandhas. They are the 5: rūpa — kkhandha,
measures," or (w. Hardy) "money changing." It is said that vedanā°, saññā°, sankhārā°, viññāṇa°; otherwise called rūp'
through this occupation the eyes become bad; it is opposed to ûpādāna-kkhandha etc. (e. g. D iii.223, 278; Vism 443).
gaṇanā. — C. (—°) of such & such a form, like, kind, of a See khandha ii. B. — In this property rūpa consists of 28 sub-
certain condition or appearance. In this appl very frequent divisions, viz. the 4 (great) dhātūs (mahābhūtāni or else bhūta
& similar to E. — hood, or Ger. — heit, i. e. an abstract — rūpa primary matter) and 24 upādārūpāni (i. e. derivative
formation. Often untranslatable because of the latter charac- forms or accidentals). These are given in extenso in the rū-
ter. It is similar to kāya (cp. expl of ātura— rūpa Vv 83 14 pakkhandha section of the Vism (pp. 443 — 450), also at Dhs
by abhitunna -kāya Vva 328), but not so much with ref. to 585; the 24 consist of: cakkhu, sota, ghāna, jivhā, kāya, rūpa,
life & feeling as to appearance and looks. E. g. aneka° Sn sadda, gandha, rasa, itthindriya, purisindriya, jīvitindriya, ha-
1079 (=anekavidha Nd 54); adissamāna° invisible PvA 6 (lit. daya— vatthu, kāya — viññatti, vacī — viññatti, ākāsa —
with invisible form); ummatta° as if mad, under the appear- dhātu, (rūpassa) lahutā mudutā kammaññatā, upacaya santati
ance of madness, like a madman Pv i.8 ; ii.6 ; eva° in such a jaratā aniccatā, kabaḷinkār' — āhāra; cp. def at Nett 73:
condition Pv ii.1 ; tapassī° appearing to be an ascetic Pv i.3 ; cātu — mahābhūtikaṁ rūpaṁ catunnaṁ ca mahābhūtānaṁ

Rūpa Rūḷha

upādāya rūpassa paññatti. The rūpakkhandha shares with beauty J iii.187. -siri personal splendour J i.60.
the others the qualities of soullessness, evanescence and ill
Rūpaka (nt.) [fr. rupa] form, figure; likeness of, image (—°);
(anattā, anicca, dukkha); e. g. rūpañ ca h' idaṁ attā abhavissa,
representation Vin ii.113 (rūpak' okiṇṇāni pattāni, of painted
na y' idaṁ rūpaṁ ābadhāya saṁvatteyya Vin i.13, cp. similarly bowls); Th 2, 394 (see ruppa°); DhA i.370 (maṇi° jewelled
M iii.282 sq.; S iii.66; quoted and expl in detail at Vism 610; image); ii.69 (assa° toy horse); Mhvs 25, 26 (rāja°); 27, 30
rūpaṁ aniccaṁ Vin i.14; M i.228; iii.18 (also expl at Vism
(devatā° shape of devas); VvA 213. -dūrūpaka of squalid
610); S iii.48, 66, 88; rūpe anicc' ânupassanā Ps ii.186 sq. —
appearance J ii.167; cp. durūpa.
See also D ii.301; iii.233; Ps i.23, 53, 104; ii.96, 102, 109 (rū-
Rūpatā (f.) [abstr. fr. rūpa] (being) shape(d), appearance; accor-
passa ādīnavo); Vbh 1. sq., 12 sq. (in detail); Kvu 11 sq.; Vism
dance, conformity, in phrase bhavya-rūpatāya "by appear-
443 sq.; Tikp 33; VbhA 2, 3, 32 sq.=S iii.142 (with var. simi-
ance of likelihood" A ii.191 (in hearsay formula, where it is
les); DhA iv.100. — (c) in the making up of the individuality 2
missing in id. passage at Nd 151).
as such (nāma-rūpa), where in contrast with nāma (as ab-
stract, logical, invisible or mind — factor) rūpa represents the Rūpatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. rūpa] lit. "form — hood," i. e. shaping
visible (material) factor, resembling kāya (cp. phrase nāma — (being) shape(d) S iii.87 (rūpaṁ rūpattāya sankhātaṁ).
kāya in same sense). The foll. are current def ns of nāma- Rūpavant (adj.) [rūpa+vant] 1. having bodily form S iii.16 &
rūpa: nāma- (kāya)=vedanā, saññā, cetanā, phassa, man-
passim (in formula of sakkāya — diṭṭhi); Dhs 1003. — 2. hav-
asikāra (otherwise citta — sankhārā), rūpa( -kāya)=cattāro
ing the form of (—°) Mhvs 14, 3 (gokaṇṇa°). — 3. beautiful
mahā — bhūtā catunnaṁ m — bhūtānaṁ upādāya rūpaṁ (oth- Mhvs 10, 30 (f. rūpavatī).
erwise kāya — sankhārā) S ii.4; iii.59 sq.; Ps i.183; with expl ns
Rūpika (adj.) [fr. rūpa] having shape; neg. a° formless Sdhp 236
at Vism 558 & VbhA 169. Defined at Nett 15: "ye phassa
(rūp' ârūpika).
— pañcamakā dhammā: idaṁ nāmaṁ, yāni pañc' indriyāni
rūpāni: idaṁ rūpaṁ, tad ubhayaṁ nāmarūpaṁ viññāṇa — Rūpin (adj.) [fr. rūpa] 1. having material qualities, possessed
sampayuttaṁ." Discussed in detail also at Vism 562 (=VbhA of form or shape or body or matter, belonging to the realm
173, 174), 587 — 597; cp. DhsA 392 (Expos. 500, where of form. rūpī is nearly always comb & contrasted with
"mind — matter" is given as corresp. couple in trsl , do. Cpd. arūpī formless, incorporeal (see rūpa D 2 a), cp. comb n
271 sq. "mind and body"). See also under paṭicca — samup- rūpī arūpī saññī asaññī nevasaññinâsaññī Nd 617 and simi-
pāda. — 3. various references: D iii.102, 212, 225, 244, larly It 87=Miln 217. — D i.34 (attā dibbo rūpī), 77 (kāyo r.
273; M i.84 (Gotamo kāmānaṁ pariññaṁ paññāpeti, rūpā- manomayo), 186 (attā etc.), 195 (attapaṭilābho r. manomayo);
naṁ, vedanānaṁ); S ii.198; iii.11 (evaṁ — rūpo siyaṁ, evaṁ iii.111, 139; M ii.229; S iii.46 (r. arūpī saññī etc.); iv.202,
vedano etc.), 101 (id., & the khandhas); Sn 867, 874, 943, 402; A ii.34; Nd 97, 137; Ps ii.38 (rūpī rūpāni passati); Dhs
1037, 1121; Nd 425; Tikp 36, 38, 54, 262; Vism 625 (uppaj- 635, 1091, 1444; Vbh 123, 342 (read rūpī); Nett 28 (pañc'
janaka°). indriyāni rūpīni), 69 (five rūpīni indriyāni & five arūpīni);
-ārammaṇa a visible thing as object Dhs 146, 365; DhsA DA i.119 (attā); DhsA 304 (rūpino dhammā); VbhA 511 sq.
310 (cp. Expos. 407). -âvacara world of form, sphere of (attā). — 2. (—°) having the appearance of, resembling: see
matter (cp. Expos. 67, 216 , 264) PvA 163. -ûpaga (satta) rumma°.
(a being) living in (bodily) form It 62; Sn 754. -ūpajīvinī Rūpiya (nt.) [cp. Sk. rūpya, lit. of splendid appearance, cp.
f. a woman living on her beauty, i. e. a harlot PvA 46, 201. name for gold jātarūpa] silver Vin iii.239 (here collectively for
-ññu knowing (var.) bodily forms M i.220=A v.347. -taṇhā d
any transactions in "specie," as expl by C. p. 240: rūpiyaṁ
craving after form D ii.309; iii.216, 244, 280; VbhA 179 (in
nāma satthu — vaṇṇo kahāpaṇo lohamāsako dārumāsako ja-
det.). -dakkha one clever in forms, viz. an artist (accoun-
tumāsako; i. e. copper, wood & lac); S i.104 (suddhaṁ r.);
tant?) Miln 344 (in the Dhamma — nagara). -dhātu the
ii.233; Dhs 584.
element of form, material element Vism 486; Nett 32, 97. See
-maya made of silver Vin ii.112; S iii.144 (sovaṇṇa-
above D 2. -nimitta sign of form Ps i.92. -patta beauti- 4
maya+); Pv ii.6 (where in sequence sovaṇṇa°, maṇi°, loha°
ful J i.61. -pamāṇika measuring by form (outward appear- d
r.; expl as "rajatamaya" PvA 95); DhA i.29.
ance), one of the 4 kinds of measurements which the world
Rūpiya see ruppa.
takes of the Tathāgata (see A ii.71 & Pug 53), viz. rūpa°,
ghosa°, lūkha°, dhamma° DhA iii.113; the same four simi- Rūpeti [Caus. Denom. fr. rūpa] 1. to put into shape, to make
larly at SnA 242. -pātubhāva appearance of form (also as appear, to make grow (?) SnA 132, 143 (v. l. ropeti). — 2.
°antara° intermediate form) SnA 245. -bhava material ex- to be formed, to appear, to come to notice, in def of rūpa at
istence: see above D 2. -rāga lust after rebirth in rūpa D VbhA 45: "rūpayatī ti rūpaṁ."
iii.234 (+arūpa°); Nett 28 (pañc' indriyāni rūpīni rūpa — rā-
Rūḷa [doubtful spelling; perhaps for rūḷha, evidently identical
gassa padaṭṭhānaṁ. -rūpa material form (mutable material with rudda, as Trenckner suggests in Notes 63 ] awful, ter-
quality?) Cpd. 156, doubtful trsl & expl -saññā perception rible Miln 275 (synonymous with bhīma).
of material qualities, notion of form D i.34; ii.112 (expl in 1
det. at Vism 328); iii.224, 244, 253; Nd 545; DhsA 200 (cp. Rūḷha [pp. of rohati; of ruh; Sk. rūḍha] 1. grown Sn 20 (°tiṇa).
— 2. (see rūhati) healed up Miln 291 (°vaṇa one whose wound
Expos. 269). -saññin perceiving form D iii.260; Ps ii.38; Sn
has healed): cp. rūhanā.
1113. -santati duration of material form Vism 431; VbhA
21. -samussaya accumulation of form, complex form ThA Rūḷha at Miln 217 & 218 is a by — form of ruddha, pp. of
98. -samāpatti attainment of beauty J i.406. -sampatti rundhati (rumbhati) to obstruct; thus meaning "obstructed,

Rūḷha Rocati

difficult" (of a road, together with lugga palugga). Kern, Toev. of rogas and sets of standard comb , of which the foll. may
s. v. trsl (as rūḷha ) by "overgrown." be mentioned. At sn 311 (cp. D iii.75) it is said that in old
times there were only 3 diseases, viz. icchā, anasanaṁ, jarā,
Rūḷhi (f.) [fr. rūḷha, pp. of rohati, cp. Sk. rūḍhi] lit. ascent,
which gradually, through slaughtering of animals, increased
growth see vi°. — fig. what has grown by custom, tradi-
to 98. Bdhgh at SnA 324 hints at these 98 with "cakkhu —
tion, popular meaning of a word (°sadda). The fig. mean-
rog' adinā — bhedena." Beginning with this (cakkhuroga af-
ing is the one usually found in Pāli, esp. in Abhidhamma and 1
fection of the eye) we have a list of 34 rogas at Nd 13 (under
Commentary literature; e. g. rūḷhiyaṁ by tradition, usually, 1 2
pākaṭa — parissayā or open dangers=Nd 360= Nd 420) &
commonly, VbhA 1 (as category with the 3 other: rāsi, guṇa, 2 1
Nd 304 B, viz. cakkhu° & the other 4 senses, sīsa°, kaṇṇa°,
paṇṇatti); rūḷhito id. VbhA 2; rūḷhiyā id. SnA 430; PvA
mukha°, danta°; kāsa, sāsa, pināsa, ḍāha, jara; kucchiroga,
163; also rūḷhi-vasena VvA 42; or with sadda: rūḷhi-sadda
mucchā, pakkhandikā, sūlā, visūcikā; kuṭṭhaṁ, gaṇḍo, kilāso,
usual meaning Vism 333; DhsA 205; °saddena in popular lan-
soso, apamāro; daddu, kaṇḍu, kacchu, rakhasā, vitacchikā, lo-
guage, in ordinary speech, customarily, commonly speaking
hita— pittaṁ, madhumeho, aṁsā, piḷakā, bhagandalā. This
Tikp 253; Vism 310; DA i.239, 294: SnA 135, 400.
list is followed by list of 10 ābādhas & under "dukkha" goes
Rūhati [the specific P. form of the usual Sk. P. rohati (q. v.).
on with var. other "ills," which however do not make up the
The root ruh is given at Dhtp 334 with meaning "janana" i. e.
number 98. The same list is found at A v.110. The 10 ābād-
causing, which refers more to the compounds with prefixes] 2 1
has (Nd 304 C.) occur at A ii.87 & Miln 308 (as āgantuka
1. to grow, spread It 67; J iv.408 (akkhīni rūhiṁsu; also ppr.
— rogā). The 4 "rogas" of the Sun (miln 273, cp. Vin ii.295)
med. ruyhamāna); v.368; vi.360. — 2. to heal (of a wound),
are: abbha, mahikā, megha, Rāhu. — Another mention of
close up Vin i.206 (vaṇo na rūhati); — 3. to have effect in
roga together with plagues which attack the corn in the field
(loc.), to be effective Vin ii.203=It 87 (vādo tamhi na rūhati). is given at J v.401, viz. visa — vāta; mūsika — salabha —
— pp. rūḷha . See also rūhita (pp. of Caus. rūheti=roheti).
suka — pāṇaka; setaṭṭhika — roga etc., i. e. hurtful winds,
Rūhati [for rundh (rumbh, rudh) or Pass. rujjh°; see also mice, moths & parrots, mildew. — The comb roga, gaṇḍa,
rumbhati & ropeti ] to be broken or (fig.) to be suspended salla is sometimes found, e. g. M ii.230; Vism 335. Of other
Vin ii.55 (dhammattā rūhati the liability is cancelled). — pp. single rogas we mention: kucchi° (stomach — ache) J i.243;
rūḷha . ahivātaka° Vin i.78; J ii.79; iv.200; DhA i.231; paṇḍu° jaun-
Rūhanā (f.) [cp. Sk. rohaṇa, fr. ruh: rūhati ] 1. growth J ii.322 dice Vin i.206; J ii.102; DhA i.25; tiṇapupphaka° hay — fever
Miln 216. — See also ātanka & ābādha. On roga in sim-
(virūhanā C.). — 2. healing (of a wound) Miln 112.
iles see J.P.T.S. 1907, 130. — D i.11, 73; iii.182; S iii.32;
Rūhita (nt.) [fr. rūhati ] a boil, a diseased growth (lit. "healed") iv.64; A ii.128, 142 sq.; iv.289,; Nd 486; Vism 236 (as cause
Vin iv.316 (expl as "yaṁ kiñci vaṇo"; v. l. rudhita).
of death), 512 (in simile); VbhA 88 (in sim. of dukkha etc.);
Re (indecl.) [shortened for are, q. v.] a part. of exclama- ThA 288; VvA 6 (rogena phuṭṭha), 75 (sarīre r. uppajji); PvA
tion, mostly implying contempt, or deprecation, (DA i.276) 86 (kacchu°), 212 (rogena abhibhūta). — Opp. aroga health:
"hīḷanavasena āmantanaṁ" i. e. address of disdain: heigh, go see sep.
on, get away, hallo. — D i.96, 107; J iii.184 (C.=āmantaṇe -ātanka affliction by illness A ii.174 sq.; v.169, 318.
nipāto); often comb with similar particles of exhortation, like -niḍḍha the nest or seat of disease Dh 148 (cp. DhA iii.110);
cara pi re get away with you! M ii.108; Vin iv.139 (so read as °nīḷa at It 37. -mūla the root of disease Sn 530. -vyasana
for cara pire which the C. takes as "para," amamaka); or ehi distress or misfortune of disease D iii.235 (one of the 5
re come on then! J i.225; ha re look out! here they are! PvA vyasanāni: ñāti°, bhoga°, roga°, sīla°, diṭṭhi°); Miln 196 (id.).
4; aho vata re wish I would! Pv ii.9 45 (re ti ālapanaṁ PvA
Rogin (adj.) [fr roga] having a disease, suffering from (—°); one
131); no ca vata re vattabbe but indeed, good sir... (Kvu 1).
who has a disease Vism 194 (ussanna — vyādhi dukkhassa);
Rekhā (f.) [fr. rikh, for which the Pāli form is likh, cp. Sk. rekhā, Sdhp 86. — paṇḍu° one who has the jaundice J ii.285; iii.401.
Lat. rīma, Ohg. rīga row] line, streak Abhp 539. See lekhā.
Rocati [Vedic rocate, ruc, Idg. *leuq, as in Lat. luceo to be bright
Recana (nt.) [fr. ric] letting loose, emission Dhtm 610. Cp. vi°. (cp. lūx light, lūmen, lūna etc.); Sk. rocana splendid, ruci
light, roka & rukṣa light; Av. raocantshining; Gr. αμϕι λύκη
Reṇu [cp. Vedic reṇu] 1. dust; pl. reṇū particles of dust. — Vin
i.32 (°hatā bhūmi); Vism 338=Nd 505=J i.117 (rāgo rajo na ca twi — light, λευκός white; also with 1: Sk. loka world, locate
pana reṇu vuccati); J iv.362 (okiṇṇā raja — reṇūhi; C. expl s to perceive, locana eye; Lith. laukti to await; Goth. liuhap
light=Ohg. lioht, E. light; Oir lōche lightning. — The Dhtp
by "paṁsūhi"); Miln 274 (pl.); SnA 132 (reṇuṁ vūpasāmeti
(& Dhtm) gives 2 roots ruc, viz. the one with meaning "ditti"
allays). — 2. pollen (in this meaning found only in the so
(Dhtp 37), the other as "rocana" (Dhtp 395), both signifying
— called Jātaka — style) J i.233 (mahā — tumba — matta),
"light" or "splendour," but the second probably to be taken in
349 (pupphato reṇuṁ gaṇhāti); iii.320; v.39 (puppha°); vi.530
sense of "pleasing"] 1. to please, i. e. it pleases (with dat. of
(padumakinjakkha°); DhA iv.203 (°vaṭṭhi).
person) Th 2, 415 (rocate); Mhvs 15, 9 (nivāso rocatu). Cp.
Reruka [etym.? Probably dialectical] "elephant's tooth," ivory J
BSk. rocyate AvŚ ii.158. — 2. to find pleasure in (loc.) Miln
ii.230 (=hatthi — danta C.).
338 (bhave). — Caus. roceti: 1. to be pleased, to give one's
Roga [Vedic roga: ruj (see rujati), cp. Sk. rujā breakage, ill- consent DhA i.387 (gloss K rucitha ruceyyātha). — 2. (with
ness] illness, disease. — The def of roga at J ii.437 is "roga acc. of object) to find pleasing, to find delight in, to be attached
rujana — sabhāvattaṁ." There are many diff. enumerations to, to approve of, to choose S i.41 (vadhaṁ); J i.142 (Devadat-

Rocati Rohita

tassa laddhiṁ r.); v.178 (pabbajjaṁ roc' ahaṁ=rocemi C.), 226 Roma (nt.) [Vedic roman; the usual P. form is loma (q. v.)] the
(kammaṁ). — Freq. with dhammaṁ to approve of a doctrine hair of the body J v.430 (where in roma — rājiyā maṇḍita —
or scheme, e. g. at Vin ii.199 (Devadattassa dhammaṁ); S udarā as expl of loma — sundarī); Sdhp 119 (°kūpa),
i.133; Sn 94 (asataṁ dh.), 398 (dhammaṁ imaṁ rocaye); J
Romaka (adj.) [fr. roma] feathered (?) J ii.383 (C. wrong!).
iv.53 (dh. asataṁ na rocayāma). — Cp. abhi°, ā°, vi°.
Romañca (?) [fr. roma, cp. Vedic romaśa] hairy (?) Dāvs v.14
Roṇṇa see ruṇṇa.
Rodati see rudati.
Romanthaka (adj.) [fr. romanthati] chewing the cud, ruminating
Rodana (nt.) [fr. rud] crying, weeping DhA i.28; PvA 63, 64; Vin ii.132.
Dhtp 144.
Romanthati & Romantheti [to romantha; cp. Lat. rumen & ru-
Rodha [fr. rudh] obstruction, stopping, in cpd. para- pāṇa° minare=E. ruminate] to chew the cud, to ruminate Vin ii.132
stopping the life of somebody else; life — slaughter, murder (°ati); J iv.392 (°eti).
Sn 220; J ii.450. Cp. anu°, ni°, vi°.
Romanthana (nt.) [fr. romanthati] ruminating Vin ii.321.
Rodha (nt.) [fr. rudh] bank, dam A iii.128 (where id. p. at A.
Rorava [fr. ru, cp. Sk. raurava, N. of a purgatory] 1. a sort of
i.154 reads gedha, cave; v. l. also gedha, cp. v. l. rodhi° for hart (i. e. ruru) M i.429. — 2. N. of a naraka (purgatory): see
gedhi° at Nd 585).
Dictionary of Names. E.g. J iii.299; Dāvs iii.12; Sdhp 195.
Rodhana (nt.) [fr. rudh] obstructing J v.346; Sdhp 57. Cp. BSk. raurava Divy 67.
Ropa (—°) [fr. rop=Caus. of ruh] plantation; in vana° & Rosa [cp. Sk. roṣa, of ruṣ] 1. anger, angry feeling M i.360. — 2.
ārāma° S i.33. quarrel J iv.316.
Ropaka [ropa+ka] sapling J ii.346 (rukkha°). Rosaka (adj.) [fr. rosa; cp. BSk. roṣaka Divy 38] angry, wrathful
Ropana (nt.) & ropanā (f.) [fr. ropeti ] 1. planting PvA 151 S i.85, 96; Sn 133; Vv 52 (=paresaṁ ros' uppādanena r. VvA
226); J ii.270.
(ārāma°); Mhvs 15, 41. — 2. healing S iv.177 (vaṇa°). — 3.
furthering, making grow Ps ii.115 (buddhi°). — 4. (f.) accu- Rosanā (f.) [abstr. fr. rosati] making angry, causing anger, being
sation Vin iv.36. angry Vbh 86 (hiṁsanā+), expl at VbhA 75 by ghaṭṭanā. Cp.
Ropaya (adj.) (—°) [for *ropya, fr. ropeti ] to be healed, only in BSk. roṣaṇī AvŚ i.178.
cpd. du° hard to heal (of a wound) Vin i.216 (vaṇa). Rosaneyya (adj.) [grd. formation fr. rosa] apt to be angry or
Ropāpeti see ropeti . cause anger; neg. a° not to be angered, not irritable Sn 216.
Ropita [pp. of ropeti ] 1. planted Pv ii.7 . — 2. growing up Pv Rosita [pp. of rus, to smear: Sk. rūṣita; given as root rus at Dhtm
9 70 (read "pi ropitaṁ" for viropitaṁ). — 3. furnished with, 442 with meaning "ālepa"] smeared (with), anointed J iv.440
powdered with (—°) Vv 64 15 (Ed. vosita; VvA 280 expl s (=vilitta C.).
by ullitta, vicchurita). — 4. accused, brought forward (of a Roseti [Caus. of rosati, ruṣ; see rusita] to make angry, to annoy,
charge) Vin iv.36. to irritate S i.162; A ii.215 (so read for rosati); iii.38; Sn 125,
Ropima (nt.) [fr. ropeti ] 1. what has been planted Vin iv.267. — 130, 216; J i.432; iv.491.
2. a kind of arrow M i.429 (contrasted with kaccha; Neumann Rohañña (adj.) [fr. roha=rohita] red J v.259 (rohaññā pun-
trsl ropima by "aus Binsen"). — 3. (adj.) at Vv 44 aropima gav'ūsabhā; C. expl by ratta — vaṇṇā). Kern. Toev. s. v. pro-
("not planted"?) is an attribute of trees. It is not expl in VvA. poses rohiñño=*rohiṇyah, (cp. pokkharaṇī for °iṇī) red cows.
Ropeti [Caus. of rūhati ] 1. to plant or sow J i.150 (nivāpa- Rohati: for the Sk. rohati of ruh to grow we find the regular P.
tiṇaṁ); Mhvs 15, 42 (amb' aṭṭhikaṁ); 19, 56; DhA ii.109. — correspondent rūhati: see rūhati . The Caus. of this verb is
2. to put up, fix J i.143 (sūlāni). — 3. to further, increase, ropeti (to make grow): see ropeti! — Another root, restricted
make grow Sn 208 (Pot. ropayeyya). — 4. (fig.) to fix, direct to the Pāli, is seen in rūhati (with pp. rūḷha) and is equal to
towards, bring up against: see ropeti 2. — pp. ropita. Caus. rundh (rudh, rumbh) to break. The Caus. of this root (ropeti )
II. ropāpeti to cause to be planted D ii.179; J vi.333; Mhvs is either an indirect formation from it or (more likely) a direct
34, 40; DhA ii.109. — Cp. abhi°, abhini°, ā°. representative of rup=lup as in P. lumpati. To the latter be-
Ropeti [Caus. of rūhati . See lumpati] cause to break long the prep. cpds. oropeti & voropeti.
off, to cause to suspend or cancel; to pass off, refuse Vin Rohicca [fr. rohita, perhaps directly fr. Vedic rohita ewe, lit. the
ii.261 (bhikkhūhi bhikkhunīnaṁ kammaṁ ropetvā bhikkhunī- red one] a kind of deer J vi.537 (°sarabhā migā).
naṁ niyyādetuṁ, i. e. by the bhikkhus is an act of the nuns
Rohiṇī (f.) [cp. Vedic rohiṇī red cow or mare] 1. a red cow A
to be passed off and to be referred to the nuns). — 2. to
i.162=iii.214. — 2. N. of a nakkhatta or constellation ("red
make confess or accuse of (acc.: āpattiṁ a guilt) Vin ii.2 (first
cow") SnA 456; Mhvs 19, 47. — 3. N. of a river SnA 357.
codeti, then sāreti, then ropeti & lastly (sanghaṁ) ñāpeti), 85
Rohita (adj.) [Vedic rohita; cp. the usual P. word lohita red &
(id.); iv.36, (aññavādakaṁ ropeti to bring the charge of heresy
against someone). No. 2 perhaps better to ropeti . Cp. Vin. blood. See also rudhira & ruhira] red, as attribute of fishes at
Texts ii.334. — To ropeti belong the cpds. oropeti (cut off) J v.405 (i. e. a special kind of fish), and of deer at J v.406 in
same passage (i. e. a special kind of deer). Otherwise only
& voropeti (deprive). They are better to be taken here than to
in standing term rohita-maccha the "red fish," viz. Cyprinus

Rohita Lakkhaṇa

Rohita, which is freq. mentioned in the "Jātaka" literature, e. g. J ii.433; iii.333; DhA ii.132 (four), 140; KhA 118.


La syllable of abbreviation, corresponding to our "etc.": see of fortune — telling, like maṇi° from jewels, daṇḍa° from
peyyāla. sticks, asi° from marks on swords etc.); Sn 360 (pl.
lakkhanā, here as fortune — telling together with supina
Lak-aṭṭhika at VvA 222 is doubtful; aṭṭhika means "kernel," lak°
telling fr. dreams, cp. SnA 362: daṇḍa°, vattha° etc. referring
may be a misspelling for labujak° (?).
to D i.9), 927 (with Āthabbana, supina & nakkhatta, all kinds
Lakanaka (nt.?) [fr. lag, with k for g, as lakuṭa: laguḷa etc. Would d
of secret sciences; expl at SnA 564 as "maṇi — lakkhaṇâdi")
correspond to Sk. *lagnaka, cp. Trenckner. Notes 62; Geiger, 1018 (gottaṁ brūhi sa° "with its distinguishing marks"); J
P.Gr. § 39 ] ship's anchor (nāvā°) Miln 377 (v. l. lagganaka),
vi.364 (sign of beauty); Miln 171 (yathāva° just characteriza-
tion); Mhvs 35, 109 (itthi° auspicious signs in women); PvA
Lakāra [for alankāra, lit. "fitting up," cp. Hindī & Marāthī lan- 161, 219; SnA 386. A long enum of all sorts of (perfect)
gara, Tamil ilankaran "in meaning anchor."] a sail J ii.112; marks (tatha — lakkhaṇāni) is found at DA i.62 sq. Cp. tādi-
Miln 378; Dāvs iv.42; Vism 137 (v. l. BB. lankāra). lakkhaṇa marks of such (a being), with ref. to good luck etc.
J iii.98; SnA 200; VvA 95. — 2. mark on the body, esp.
Lakuṭa [see laguḷa for etym.] a club, cudgel Miln 255 (in se-
when serving a def. purpose, e. g. as the branding (of slaves),
quence daṇḍa — leḍḍu — lakuṭa — muggara), 301, 367, 368.
or the marks of a fortunate being, pointing towards his future
See also laguḷa.
greatness: (a) brand J i.451, cp. cpd. °āhata. — (b) the (32)
Lakuṇṭaka [dialectical] a dwarf Mhvs 23, 50 (°sarīratta); VbhA
marks of a mahā — purisa or a great being, either destined to
26 (°pāda — purisa, cpd. with arūpa); PugA 227; C. on S
be a rājā cakkavatti, or a sammā — sambuddha. These are
given at Sn 1019 (pl. lakkhanā), 1021, 1022 as only 3 (viz.
Lakuṇṭakatta (nt.) [fr. lakuṇṭaka] dwarfishness J vi.337. mukhaṁ jivhāya chādeti, uṇṇ' assa bhamuk' antare, kos' ohi-
Laketi [for laggeti, see lakanaka] to hold fast (lit. to make adhere) taṁ vattha — guyhaṁ with ref. to his tongue, the hair between
Miln 377. the eyebrows & the sexual organ); more completely as 32 at
D ii.16 sq.; iii.142 sq. (the Lakkhaṇa Suttanta); referred to
Lakkha (nt.) [fr. lakṣ (see lakkhaṇa), or (after Grassmann) lag
at D i.88, 105; J i.56; Mhvs 5, 91; cp. paripuṇṇa — kāya
"to fix," i. e. to mark. Cp. Vedic lakṣa price at gambling (Zim- n
Sn 548 (with expl lakkhaṇehi puṇṇatāya at SnA 452). — 3.
mer, Altind. Leben 287)] 1. a mark Miln 102. — 2. a target
(in spec. sense:) pudendum J v.197 (subha°, the male mem-
Miln 418; DhA i.52 (°yoggā target practice, i. e. shooting).
ber), 366. — 4. (adj.) (—°) having the marks (of), charac-
— 3. a stake at gambling J vi.271. — 4. a high numeral, a terized by, of such & such character A i.102 (kamma°; bāla°
lac or 100,000 (but cp. PvA 255, where lakkha of Pv iv.3 38 is
& paṇḍita°, together with bāla — & paṇḍitanimitta); Miln 111
taken as a "period of time," equal to 100 koṭis); Dāvs v.66.
(sata — puñña°, of the Buddha); VvA 71 (para — sampatti —
Lakkhañña (adj.) [fr. lakkhaṇa, cp. BSk. lakṣaṇya diviner usuyyā — lakkhaṇā issā); PvA 17, 120. — 5. (as t. t. in phi-
Divy 474] connected with auspices, auspicious, in phrase losophy) specific attribute, characteristic (mark). In contrast
"lakkhaññā vata bho dosinā ratti" (how grand a sign, friends, to nimitta more a substantial attribute or primary characteris-
is the moonlight night! trsl ) D i.47=J i.509 (expl at DA i.141 tic (cp. VbhA 261). Compared with other terms of definition
as "divasa — mās' — ādīnaṁ lakkhaṇaṁ bhavituṁ yuttā"); J we get the foll.: rasa essential property, paccupaṭṭhāna recur-
v.370 (°sammata considered auspicious). ring phenomenon, padatṭhāna immediate occasion DhsA 63
Lakkhaṇa (nt.) [Vedic lakṣman nt. sign; adj. lakṣmaṇa; later (trsl Expos. i.84), cp. Cpd. 13 (where padaṭṭhāna is trsl as
Sk. lakṣmaṇa nt. In the def of grammarians syn. with anka "proximate cause"). — Ps i.54 sq. (khandhānaṁ); ii.108 (sac-
brand, e. g. Dhtp 536 "anka lakkhaṇe lakkha dassane," or cānaṁ), VbhA 85, 136 (with ref. to the Paṭiccasamuppāda,
Dhtm 748 "lakkha=dassanaanke"; cp. J i.451 lakkhaṇena an- cp. Vism 528), 261 (fourfold, of kesā etc.); Vism 278 (with
keti to brand. — The Sk. Np. Lakṣmaṇa appears also in Prk. ref. to kammaṭṭhāna) 351 (4, of the dhātus: thaddha°, āband-
as Lakkhaṇa: Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 312] 1. sign, characteris- hana°, paripācana°, vitthambhana°), 363 sq. (id.), 495 (ariya
tic, mark; esp. a sign as implying something extraordinary or — saccānaṁ); VvA 38 (comp with ārammaṇa with ref. to
pointing to the future, therefore a prognosticative mark (cp. jhāna). — The 3 properties (tilakkhaṇaṁ) of existing things
or of the phenomenal world are anicca, dukkha, anatta, or
talisman), a distinguishing mark or salient feature, property,
impermanence, suffering, unreality: thus at J i.48 (dhamma —
quality (as Rh. D. in Dial. i.19 somewhat lengthily, after Bd-
hgh, trsl lakkhaṇa by "signs of good & bad qualities in the desanā ti — l — °muttā), 275; iii.377 (through contemplating
them arises vipassanā & pacceka — bodhi — ñāṇa). — abl.
foll. things and of the marks in them denoting the health or
lakkhaṇato "by or qua characteristic," "in its essential qual-
luck of their owners") D i.9 (a long list, as forbidden practice

Lakkhaṇa Langhamayā

ification," often found in exegetical analysis in Commentary where it ought to be *lakṛta=lakuṭa. Other etym. connections
style comb with var. similar terms (atthato, kamato, nimittato are Lat. lacertus (arm), Gr. λέκρανα, λάς; Old Prussian alku-
etc.), e. g. Vism 351, 363, 495, 528; VbhA 46, 76, 83, 131, nis elbow; and distantly related E. leg. See Walde, Lat. Wtb. s.
261 (where Vism 351 has paripācana for uṇhatta); SnA 343. v. lacertus. Cp. P. bhuja & ratana] a club, cudgel Vin iii.77
— Cp. upa°, vi°, sa°. (enum with var. weapons of murder, like asi, satti, bheṇḍi,
-āhata affected with a mark (of punishment or disgrace), pāsāṇa etc.); Miln 152, 351 (kodaṇḍa — laguḷa — muggara),
branded Vin i.76; VvA 66. -kusala clever at interpreting bod- 355 (kilesa°); J vi.394; Vism 525 (°abhighāta).
ily marks or at fortune — telling from signs (cp. nemittaka)
Lagga (adj.) [pp. of lag(g)ati] sticking; stuck, attached; ob-
M i.220; J i.272. -kusalatā cleverness at (telling people's 2
structed, hindered Nd 107; Miln 346 (laggaṁ disvā mahiṁ);
fortune by) signs VvA 138. -paṭiggāhaka one who reads
DhsA 127 (alagga — bhāva); DhA i.361 (°mānasa). Neg.
the signs, a soothsayer, wise man J i.56. -pāṭhaka an ex-
alagga unobstructed (lit. not sticking or being stuck to), in
pert in (interpreting) signs, fortune — teller J i.455; ii.194;
phrase ākāso alaggo asatto apatiṭṭhito apalibuddho Miln 388
v.211. -manta the secret science of (bodily) marks Sn 690 and elsewhere. — Cp. olagga.
(but expl at SnA 488 as "lakkhaṇāni ca vedā ca," thus taking
Laggāpana (nt.) [fr. laggāpeti: see lagati] making stick, causing
it as Dvandva); DhA iii.194. -sampatti excellency of marks
obstruction J iii.241.
J i.54. -sampanna endowed with (auspicious) signs Sn 409;
J i.455. Laggita [pp. of lag(g)ati] stuck, adhering; obstructed J iv.11. Of-
the 3 lakkhaṇas at Sn 1022 refer to the brahmin Bāvari. ten in exegetical style in sequence lagga, laggita, palibuddha,
e. g. Nd p. 188 (s. v. nissita), cp. No. 107.
Lakkhika & °ya (adj.) [fr. lakkhī] belonging to aus-
pices, favoured by good luck Sdhp 105 (°ya); usually neg. Laghima (langhima) in phrase aṇima-laghim' ādikaṁ is doubt-
alakkhika unlucky, unfortunate, ill — fated; either with ful in reading & meaning at KhA 108=Vism 211 (spelt langh°
appa-puñña of no merit, e. g. S v.146=J ii.59; Vv 50 (=nis- here).
sirīka, kālakaṇṇi VvA 212); or pāpa wicked Vin ii.192 (of
Lankāra see lakāra.
Langī (f.) [fr. lag] bolt, bar, barrier, obstruction, only metaphori-
Lakkhita [pp. of lakkheti] see abhi°.
cally with ref. to avijjā M i.142, 144; Pug 21; Dhs 390; VbhA
Lakkhī (f.) [Sk. lakṣmī] 1. luck, good fortune, success, personal 141.
welfare J iii.443 (comb with sirī splendour; expl by parivāra Langula (nt.) [cp. Sk. lāngula & lāngūla; also the ordinary P.
— sampatti & paññā respectively); iv.281 (expl as "sirī pi
forms nangula & nanguṭṭha, to lag] the tail of an animal Mhvs
puññam pi paññā pi"). — 2. splendour, power Dāvs i.6 (ra-
6, 6 (lāḷento langulaṁ; v. l. nangulaṁ). See also nangula &
jja° royal splendour); iv.38 (id.). — 3. prosperity Dāvs v.35
(concerning l>n) landhati (=nandhati); nalāṭa (for laḷāta).
(°nidhāna Anurādhapura).
Langhaka [fr. langh] a jumper, tumbler, acrobat J ii.142; Miln
Lakkheti [Denom. fr. lakkha] to mark, distinguish, characterize 34, 191, 331. f. langhikā Vin iv.285 (with naṭakā & soka-
Nett 30. — pp. lakkhita. — Cp. upa°. jjhāyikā).
Lagati & Laggati [with variant langati; the spelling with gg is
Langhati [langh, a by — form of lagh, as in laghu (see lahu)
the usual one. Root lag, as in Vedic lakṣa etc.; Sk. lagati, pp.
light, quick; Idg. *legh & *lengh, with meanings of both
lagna (from the pp. lagga the double g has been generalized
"quick" & "light" (or "little") from the movement of jumping.
in P.: but see Geiger, P.Gr. § 136); perhaps to Lat. langueo,
Here belong Gr. ελαξύς little, ἐλαϕρός quick; Lat. levis (fr.
E. languid, from meaning "to lag," but doubtful: see Walde,
*leghṷis), Goth. leihto= E. light; Ohg. lungar quick, Ger. ge
Lat. Wtb. s. v. langueo. — The Dhtp 23 gives lag in meaning
— lingen to succeed. Further Lat. limen threshold. Perhaps
"sanga," which is the customary syn. in the commentaries. Cp.
also the words for "lungs," viz. Ger. lunge, E. lights etc. —
langī] to adhere to, stick (fast) to (loc.), to hang from Vin i.202;
The Dhtp 33 defines lagh (langh) by "gati — sosanesu"] 1.
J iii.120; DhA i.131; iii.298 (ppr. alaggamāna); DA i.257 (for
to jump over (acc.) step over, to hop J iii.272; v.472 (lang-
abhisajjati); aor. laggi PvA 153 (tīre); ger. laggitva J iii.19;
hamāno yāti); Miln 85. — 2. to make light of, disregard, ne-
DhA iv.25; PvA 280 (but better to be read laggetvā making
glect, transgress PvA 15; VvA 138. — Cp. abhilanghati,
fast; as v. l.). — pp. lagga & laggita. — Caus. laggeti to
ullanghati. — Caus. langheti (=langhati) to jump over
make stick to, to fasten, tie, hang up Vin i.209; ii.117, 152;
(acc.), lit. to make jump J v.472 (vatiṁ); Th 2, 384 (Meruṁ
J iii.107; v.164, 175; Mhvs 7, 9 (suttañ ca tesaṁ hatthesu
langhetuṁ icchasi); Miln 85. — ger. langhayitvā ThA 255, &
laggetvā); DhA i.138. — Caus. II. laggāpeti to cause to fasten
(poet.) langhayitvāna J i.431 (=attānaṁ langhitvā C.); Mhvs
or stick, to make stick, to obstruct J iii.241; Mhvs 33, 11; 34,
25, 44 (pākāraṁ). — Cp. olangheti.
48 (kalāpaṁ); DhA iv.183. — Cp. ālaggeti.
Langhana (nt.) [fr. langh] jumping, hopping J i.430 (°naṭaka a
Lagana & Laggana (nt.) [fr. lag] 1. adhering J i.46 (g.; v.281); tumbler, jumper, acrobat, cp. Fick, Soc. Gliederung 188, 190,
with gg: J iii.202 (=sanga); Nd p. 188 (s. v. nissita, in se- 192); ii.363, 431. Cp. ullanghanā, olanghanā.
quence l., bandhana, palibodha); Miln 105; DhA iii.433. — 2.
Langhamayā (pl.) at J v.408 is problematic. We should expect
slinging round, making fast VvA 212.
something like langhiyo or langhimayā in meaning "deer,"
Laguḷa [cp. Sk. laguḍa, Marāthī lākūḍa, Hindī lakuṭa stick. The d
as it is comb with eneyyaka. The C. reads langhimayā ("like
word is really a dialect word (Prk.) and as such taken into Sk. s
deer; jumping"?) & expl by nānā — ratana — mayā "made

Langhamayā Laṭṭhikā

of var. jewels," rather strange. Lañcaka: Hardy in ed. of Netti, p. 278 suggests writing lañjaka
& trsl "making known," "exposition" (cp. Sk. lañj to de-
Langhāpana (nt.) [fr. Caus. of langh] making jump, raising,
clare], found only at Miln 137 & 217 in cpd. Saṁyutta —
lifting Vism 143 ("launching").
nikāya — vara — lañcaka (trl Rh. D.: "most excellent");
Langhi (Langhī) (f.) [fr. langh] 1. a kind of deer (?) J vi.537. —
at Miln 242 & 258 in Majjhimanikāya vara°; at Miln 362 in
2. doubtful of meaning & origin in phrase langhī-pitāmahā at
Ekuttara — nikāya — vara°; and at Nett 2 in cpd. nayalañ-
J ii.363=iii.226: "whose grandfather was a deer, or a jumper"
jaka. Trenckner (Miln ed. p. 424) translates it as "excellent
(?); used in disparagingly addressing a crane. The C. to J ii.363 gift (to mankind)."
expl rather strangely as follows: langhī vuccati ākāse lang-
Lañcana in "kārāpesi tilañcanaṁ" at Dpvs 20, 10 is not clear. We
hanato megho "(a) jumping deer is called the cloud because
may have to correct reading into lañchanaṁ or lañchakaṁ.
of its jumping in the air," balākā ca nāma megha-saddena n
Oldenberg in his trsl (p. 211) leaves the word out and re-
gabbhaṁ gaṇhantī ti "the cranes conceive by the sound of
marks: "Probably this passage refers to the three pupphayāna
the cloud," meghasaddo balākānaṁ pitā megho pitāmaho
mentioned in the Mahāvaṁsa (33, 22, where Geiger reads
ti "the sound of the cloud is the father of the cranes & the cloud n
"pupphādhānāni tīṇi," with trsl "3 stone terraces for offerings
the grandfather. "
of flowers"), though I do not know how to explain or to correct
Lajjati [lajj; Dhtp 72: lajjane] 1. to be ashamed or abashed, to be
the word used here (tilañcanaṁ)."
modest or bashful PvA 48 (for harāyati); ppr. lajjamāna DhA
Lañcha [fr. lañch] a mark, an imprint J ii.425; VbhA 52.
i.188; PvA 88; fut. lajjissati J iii.218; inf. lajjituṁ DhA i.72;
ger. lajjitvā J i.208; grd. lajjitabba (nt.) what one has to be Lañchaka [fr. lañcha; doubtful] one who makes marks (expl by
ashamed of, something disgraceful J vi.395; also (an odd form) Cy. as "lakkhaṇa — kāraka") J iv.364, 366 (ti°, so expl by
lajjitāya (so read: see Geiger, P.Gr. § 203 against Trenckner, Cy. v. l. ni°). See nillañchaka & cp. lañcana (ti°).
Notes, 66 ) Dh 316. — 2. to have regard of (gen.), to con-
Lañchati [lañch Dhtp 54 "lakkhaṇe"] to stamp, to seal DhA i.35
sider, to respect J iv.128. — Caus. II. lajjāpeti to cause to be
(sāsanaṁ rāja — muddāya lañchanto). — Caus. lañcheti.
ashamed, to put to the blush J iii.137; v.296. — pp. lajjita.
— 1. to seal J i.452 (spelt lañjetvā); ii.326; vi.385; SnA 577
Lajjana (nt.) [fr. lajj] being ashamed Dhtp 72. (rāja — muddikāya); DhA i.21. — 2. to mark, paint, smear
Vin ii.107=266 (mukhaṁ). — Caus. II. lañchāpeti to have
Lajjanaka (nt.) [fr. lajjana] causing shame, humiliating, dis-
marked or sealed (by king's command) Vism 38 ("had his seal
graceful J vi.395.
put to this order"; trsl.). — Cp. nillaccheti.
Lajjava (nt.) [fr. lajj] shamefacedness D iii.213 (where Dhs 1340
Lañchana (nt.) [fr. lañch] 1. stamp, mark, imprint VvA 89
has maddava); cp. A i.94.
(sasa°, of the moon); Dāvs ii.23 (pada°). — 2. the seal (of
Lajjā (f.) [fr. lajj] shame, bashfulness, modesty M i.414; DA
a letter or edict) SnA 172. — Cp. lañcana.
i.70; DhA ii.90; instr. lajjāya out of shame PvA 47, 112, 283.
Lañchita [pp. of lañcheti] sealed J i.227 (pihita — lañchitā vā
Cp. nillajja.
loha — cātiyo).
Lajjāpanikā (f.) [fr. lajjāpeti, Caus. II. of lajjati] making
ashamed, putting to shame, disgracing J v.284 (kula° bring- Lañjaka [see lañcaka] in dīpa° stands as equivalent of dī-
pavaṁsa thus "story of the island" Dpvs 18, 2. Oldenberg
ing disgrace on the clan).
(trsl p. 204) translates "the island of Lankā."
Lajjita [pp. of lajjati] ashamed, bashful Sdhp 35. — f. lajjitā as
Lañjeti see lañchati and valañjeti.
n. abstr. "bashfulness" DhA i.188.
Laṭukikā (f.) [Dimin. fr. laṭvāka; dial.] the Indian quail, Perdix
Lajjitabbaka (nt.) [grd. of lajjati+ka] something to be ashamed
chinensis D i.91; M i.449 (l. sakuṇikā); J iii.44, 174 sq.
of, a cause of shame, disgrace J vi.395.
(quoted at SnA 358 & DhA i.55); v.121; Miln 202; DA i.257.
Lajjin (adj.) [fr. lajj] feeling shame, modest, afraid, shy, con- — Cp. Cunningham, Bharhut Tope, p. 58.
scientious (expl as "one who has hiri & ottappa" by C. on S
i.73: see K.S. 320 & cp. Dhs. trstl p. 18) D i.4, 63; iii.15; S Laṭṭhaka (adj.) [Kern, Toev. s. v. compares Sk. laṭaha, laḍaha,
i.73; A ii.208; iv.249 sq.; Pug 57; Pv ii.9 15 (expl as one who dialectical] beautiful, auspicious, lovely J iii.464, 493; iv.1,
477; DA i.284.
is afraid of sin); Miln 373; DA i.70. — pl. lajjino Vin i.44.
-dhamma (lajji°) modesty, feeling of shame Vin ii.53 sq. Laṭṭhi (f.) [Sk. yaṣṭi, with l for y; also in Prk. see Pischel, Prk.
Gr. § 255 & cp. Geiger, P. Gr. § 46 . The doublet yaṭṭhi
Lacchati fut. of labhati (q. v.).
also in Pāli] 1. a staff, stick D i.105 (patoda° goad), 126 (id.);
Lañca [cp. Sk. lañca] a present, a bribe J i.201; ii.186; v.184;
VvA 64 (id.); J iv.310 (laṭṭhī hata= laṭṭhiyā hata G.); v.280;
vi.408 (gahita, bribes received); DhA i.269 (°ṁ adāsi); iv.1;
Miln 27. — 2. stick of sugar cane (ucchu°) PvA 257. — 3.
PvA 209. The word is a word peculiar to the "Jātaka" litera-
sprout of a plant, offshoot J iii.161 (in simile); usually — °,
as in anga° sprout ThA 226; dālika° of the d. creeper Th 2,
-khādaka "eater of bribes," one who feeds on bribes J
297; beḷuva° of the Vilva tree KhA 118; sala° of the Sal tree
ii.196; v.1. -ggāha taking of bribes J v.109. -daṇḍaka
A ii.200. Found also in names of places, as Laṭṭhivana (J i.83
a staff given as a present (?) J vi.450 (v. l. volañjanaka°).
-dāna gift of bribes, bribery J iii.205. -vittaka one who gets
-madhu(ka) "cane — honey," i. e. liquorice J iv.537;
rich through bribes J i.339.
DhA iv.171 (°ka).

Laṭṭhikā Labhati

Laṭṭhikā (f.)=laṭṭhi, only in Npl. as — ° (cp. laṭṭhi 3), e. g. 188 & 599 defines lap with "vacana"] to talk, prattle, mutter
Amba° the grove of mango sprouts DA i.41. Sn 776; It 122; Pv i.8 ; ii.6 . — Cp. ullapati, palapati, samul-
lapati. — Caus. lapeti (and lāpeti, metri causâ) to talk to, to
Laṇḍa (nt.) [cp. Sk. laṇḍa (dial.). The Dhtm under No. 155
accost, beg S i.31 (here meaning "declare"); Sn 929 (janaṁ na
gives a root laḍ in meaning "jigucchana," i. e. disgust] excre-
lāpayeyya=na lapayeyya lapanaṁ pajaheyya Nd 389); DhA
ment, dung of animals, dirt; mostly used with ref. to elephants
ii.157. — Infin. lapetave (only in Gāthā language cp. Geiger,
(haṭṭhi°), e. g. at J ii.19; DhA i.163, 192; iv.156 (here also as
P.Gr. § 204) Ud 21. — pp. lapita. — Caus. II. lapāpeti DhA
assa° horse dung.) Cp. laṇḍikā.
Laṇḍikā (f.) [fr. laṇḍa], only in aja° goat's dirt, pellet of goat's
Lapana (nt.) & lapanā (f.) 1. talking, muttering; esp. prattling or
dung J i.419; PvA 283.
uttering indistinct words for the sake of begging, patter D i.8;
Latā (f.) [cp. Sk. latā, connected with Lat. lentus flexible; Ohg. A ii.26; iii.430; Nd 389; Nett 94; Miln 383. As f. lapanā at
lindi soft, E. lithe; also Ohg. lintea lime tree; Gr. ἐλάτη
Vbh 352; Vism 23 & 27 (def.); VbhA 482. — 2. the mouth, in
fir tree] 1. a slender tree, a creeping plant, creeper A i.202 cpd. lapana-ja "mouth born," i. e. tooth J vi.218 (=mukhaja
(māluvā°); Vv 35 (=vallī VvA 162); 47 (kosātakī l.); J i.464
C.). — Cp. ālapana ālapanatā, ullapana.
(rukkha°, here perhaps better "branch"); DhA i.392 (°pasād-
hana: see under mahā°); Miln 253, 351; VvA 12 (kappa°); Lapāpana (nt.) [fr. Caus. II. lapāpeti of lap] causing to speak,
speaking ThA 78.
PvA 51, 121; Vism 183 (where the foll. kinds are given: lābu,
kumbhaṇḍī, sāmā, kāḷavallī, pūtilatā). — nāga° the iron wood Lapita [pp. of lapati] talked, uttered, muttered It 98.
tree: see under nāga; pūti° a sort of creeper (q. v.). On latā in
Lapila see lambila.
similes see J.P.T.S. 1907, 130. — 2. (fig.) an epithet of taṇhā
Labuja [cp. Sk. labuja] the bread — fruit tree, Artocarpus lacucha
(greed), as much as it strangles its victim Dhs 1059, 1136; Nett
or incisa D i.53; J iv.363; v.6, 417; PvA 153 (sa°, read as
24, 121. — 3. (fig.) streak, flash, in vijjul — latā flash of
salaḷa°, like Vv 35 , expl at VvA 162).
lightning J i.103.
-kamma creeper — work (comb with mālā — kamma) Labbhamanatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. ppr. med. of labhati] the fact of
Vin ii.117, 152. being taken PvA 56.
Laddha [pp. of labhati] (having) obtained, taken, received Sn Labbhā (indecl.) [best to be taken, with Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 465,
106, 239; J v.171; Mhvs 5, 133 (kiñci laddhaṁ); 10, 37 (kaññā as an old Opt. 3 sg., like sakkā which corresponds to Vedic
laddhā); PvA 5. — laddhatvaṁ at J iv.406. is to be corrected śakyāt. Thus labbhā=*labhyāt, as in Māgadhī] allowable, pos-
to uddhatvā. — Cp. upa°, pa°. sible (with inf.); usually neg. (thus=Prohibitive!) Sn 393 na
-adhippāya one who obtains his wishes Nd 542. -assāsa l. phassetuṁ; SnA p. 376 expl by "sakkā"), 590; Pv ii.6 ;
getting one's breath again, coming to (out of a swoon) J J i.64 (na l. tayā pabbajituṁ), 145 (id.), PvA 96 (=laddhuṁ
iv.126. -upasampada one who has obtained ordination PvA sakkā).
54. -jaya victorious Mhvs 25, 98. -jīvika revived PvA 40. Labha (—°) (adj.) [a base — formation fr. labh] receiving, to
-nāma so — called ThA 292 (puthulomo laddhanāmo mac- be received, to get; only in dul° hard to get Sn 75; S i.101; J
cho); PvA 33 (yamaloka l — n. petaloka), 52 (niraya l — n.
i.307; Pug 26; Miln 16; Sdhp 17, 27; and su° easy to obtain Pv
naraka), 57 (kuñjara l — n. hatthi), 107 (sūcikā jighacchā), 19
ii.3 .
119 (Purindada= Sakka), 143 (Himavanto=pabbata — rājā),
Labhati [later Vedic labh for older rabh, cp. rabhate, rabha, rab-
hasa. Related are Gr. λαμβάνω to get, λάϕυρον booty; Lat.
Laddhā is ger. and 3 sg. aor.; laddhāna ger. of labhati (q. v.).
rabies=E. rabies; Lith. lõbis wealth. — The Dhtp (204) sim-
Laddhi (f.) [fr. labh] religious belief, view, theory, esp. heretical ply defines as "lābhe." On the Prk. forms see Pischel, Prk.
view; a later term for the earlier diṭṭhi (cp. Kvu trsl. introd. Gr. § 484. — See also rabhasa] 1. (the very freq. & ordinary
p. 47) J i.142 (Devadattassa), 425; iii.487; v.411; Dāvs ii.86 meaning) to get, to receive, obtain, acquire. — 2. (fig.) to ob-
(dulladdhi wrong view); DA i.117; PvA 254; Sdhp 65. Cp. tain permission, to receive an opportunity, etc., as "pabbajituṁ
upa°. sace lacchāmi" if I am allowed to receive the pabbajjā Mhvs
18, 5; or "labhamāno niccam pi khāditu — kāmo 'mhi" if I get
Laddhika (—°) [fr. laddhi] having a (wrong) view or belief,
the chance I should always like to eat J i.478; and passim (cp.
schismatic J i.373 (evaṁ°); Dpvs vii.35 (puthu°).
Pass. labbhati below). The paradigma of labhati shows a
Landhati see nandhati & pilandhana. Concerning l>n cp.
great variety of forms owing to its frequent occurrence (cp. E.
"get"). We have selected the most interesting ones. Pres. Ind.
Lapa (adj. n.) [fr. lap: see lapati] talkative, talking, prattling; labhati rare (late, e. g. Vism 136); usually med labhate Th
a talker, tattler, prattler, chatterer A ii.26; Th 1, 959=It 112; 1, 35; Sn 185, 439; 1 sg. labhe Pv i.6 ; 2 nd sg. labhase J
Vism 26 (doubled: lapa — lapa)= Nd 226 (as lapaka — la- ii.220; 3 pl. labhare S i.110. — ppr. med. labhamāna S
paka). i.122 (otāraṁ a°, cp. iv.178; M i.334); also in Pass. sense "get-
ting taken" PvA 71. — Opt. 3 sg. labhe Sn 458, & (med.)
Lapaka [fr. lap] one who mutters, a droner out (of holy words for 7
pay) D i.8 (cp. Dial. i.15); A iii.111; J iii.349; Miln 228; DA labhetha Sn 45, 46, 217; Pv ii.9 ; also (usual form) labheyya
PvA 115. 2 nd sg. med. labhetho (=Sk. °thāh) Sn 833. —
Imper. 2 sg. labha It 77; 3 labhatu PvA 112; med. 2 sg.
Lapati [lap, cp. Russ. lépet talk, Cymr. llêf voice. The Dhtp rd st
labhassu Th 2, 432; 3 sg. labhataṁ D ii.150; 1 pl. (as Hor-

Labhati Lahu

tative) labhāmase Pv i.5 (=labhāma PvA 27); & labhāmhase (reads lapila, v. l. lampila; expl as "badara — sāḷava —
Pv iii.2 . — Fut. 3 sg. lacchasi (Sk. lapsyati) S i.114; Pv kapiṭṭha — sāḷav' ādi"); Miln 56 (reads ambila).
ii.4 ; iii.3 ; J ii.60 (Māro otāraṁ l.), 258; Miln 126; DhA i.29; Lambheti [Caus. of labh, for which usually labbheti (q. v. under
SnA 405; ThA 69 (Ap.); 1 sg. lacchāmi M ii.71; 2 sg. lac- labhati). The Sk. form is lambhayati. — The Dhtm. (840)
chasi Vv 83 ; Pv iv.1 ; 1 pl. lacchāma J i.54; iv.292; & puts it down as a special root, although it occurs only in cpd.
lacchāmase (med.) Vv 32 . Also (the Com. form) labhissati pa° in this special meaning: "labhi vañcane"] see palambheti
PvA 190; VvA 136. — Cond. 1 pl. alabhissāma J iii.35; (to deceive, dupe). It may be possibie that reading lampetvā at
med. 3 sg. alabhissatha D ii.63. — Pret. (& aor.) (a) 3 rd d
A ii.77 (v. l. lambitvā) is to be corrected to lambhetvā (comb
sg. alattha D i.176 (alattha pabbajjaṁ); M ii.49; S iv.302; J with hāpetvā). -alambhavissa at S v.146 is to be read alam
iv.310; VvA 66, 69; 1 sg. alatthaṁ D ii.268; Vv 81 ; Th 1, abhavissa, as at J ii.59.
747; DhA iii.313; 2 nd sg. alattha S i.114; 1 pl. alatthamha
M ii.63; 3 pl. alatthuṁ D ii.274, & alatthaṁsu S i.48. — Laya [cp. Sk. laya: see līyati] 1. a brief measure of time, usually
(b) (Prohib.) mā laddhā (3 sg. med.) shall not receive (Sk. comb with other expressions denoting a short moment, esp.
alabdha) J iii.138. — (c) labhi Sn 994; 1 sg. labhiṁ Th 1, frequent as khaṇa laya muhutta Vin i.12; iii.92; A iv.137; cp.
218; 2, 78; J ii.154; VvA 68; & alabhitthaṁ Th 1, 217; 3 sg. Dpvs i.16 (khaṇe khaṇe laye Buddho sabbalokaṁ avekkhati).
alabhittha Pv i.7 (spelt bbh); 1 pl. labhimhā (for labhimha) — Vism 136 (īsakam pi layaṁ yantaṁ paggaṇheth' eva mā-
nasaṁ). — 2. time in music, equal time, rhythm Dāvs iv.50;
D ii.147. — Inf. laddhuṁ J ii.352; DhA iii.117; PvA 96. —
VvA 183 (dvādasannaṁ laya — bhedānaṁ vasena pabheda).
Ger. laddhā (poet.) Sn 306, 388, 766, 924; laddhāna (poet.)
Sn 67 (=laddhā, labhitvā Nd 546); It 65; and (ord.) labhitva Laḷati [lal, onomat;. cp. Lat. lallo "lull"; Sk. lalallā; Gr. λάλος
J i.150; iii.332; PvA 95. — Grd. (a): labbhiya (only neg. talkative; λαλέω talk; Ger. lallen. The Dhtp distinguishes 2
alabbhiya what cannot be got) J iv.86; Pv ii.6 ; labbhaneyya roots: lal (=icchā) & laḷ (=vilāsa & upasevā)] to dally, sport,
(a°) (in Com. style as expl of labbhanīya) J iv.86 (°ṭhāna); sing J ii.121 (ppr. laḷamānā); VvA 41 (laḷantī; with kīḷati), 57
PvA 65 (°vatthu), 96 (id.); and labbhanīya (as a° — ṭṭhānāni (id.). — Caus. laḷeti J i.362 (ppr. lāḷentā); Vism 365; cp. upa°
impossible things) A iii.54 sq. (five such items), 60 sq. (id.); — pp. laḷita: see pa°.
J iv.59. — (b): laddhabba J iii.332; PvA 112, 252. — (c): Lalāṭa see nalāṭa (cp. langula).
laddheyya Pv iv.3 . — Caus. labbheti (for *lābheti, a diff.
form fr. Sk. lambhayati, which is found in P. pa — lambheti) Lava [fr. lū] a small particle, a drop VvA 253 (lavanka a small
to make someone get, to procure, in 1 sg. aor. alabbhesi Vin mark); Sdhp 105 (°odaka).
iv.5=J i.193; DhA iii.213 (v. l. labh°); and in pres. 3 sg. Lavaka [fr. lū] a cutter, reaper SnA 148 (v. l. lāvaka). See
labbheti J iii.353 (=adhigameti C.). — Pass. labbhati (fig.) lāvaka.
to be permitted, to be possible or proper; (or simply:) it is to
Lavaṇa (nt.) [cp. late Vedic lavaṇa, cp. Zimmer, Altind. Leben
be Mhvs 30, 43; KhA 192 (vattuṁ), 207 (id.). — pp. laddha. 54] salt, lotion Miln 112; Sdhp 158. See loṇa.
— Cp. upa°, pati°, vi°.
Lavana (nt.) [fr. lunāti] cutting, reaping Miln 360.
Labhana (nt.) [fr. labh] taking, receiving, gift, acquisition DhA
Lavāpeti Caus. of lunāti (q. v.).
iii.271 (°bhāva); PvA 73 (°ṭṭhāna), 121 (id.).
Lasagata (hattha) at A ii.165 is to be read (with v. l.) as lepagata,
Lamba (adj.) (—°) [fr. lamb] hanging down, drooping, pen-
i. e. sticky (opp. suddha).
dulous S iv.341, 342 (°cūḷakā bhaṭa hirelings with large or
drooping top — knots); J ii.185 (°tthana with hanging breasts); Lasati [represents las to gleam, shine; sport, play; as well as laṣ
iii.265 (°cūla — vihangama); Dāvs ii.61. — alamba not to desire, long for. Cp. Lat. lascivus; Gr. λιλαίομαι; Goth.
drooping, thick, short J v.302; vi.3 (°tthaniyo). — Cp. ā°, lustus=E., Ger. lust etc. — The Dhtp 324 defs. las as "kanti"]
vi° & ālambana. to desire, long; to dance, play, sport; to shine; to sound forth.
See lāsana, abhilāsa, upaḷāseti, alasa, vilāsa. — Caus. lāseti
Lambati [lamb; cp. Lat. limbus "limb," which may be also in
to sport, to amuse (oneself) Vin ii.10 (with vādeti, gāyati, nac-
E. limp, lit. "hanging down." — The Dhtp defines the root as
"ramba lamba avasaṁsane" (No. 199), as does Dhtm 284] to
hang down, to droop, fall Mhvs 32, 70 (laggāni lambiṁsu), Lasikā (f.) [cp. Sk. *lasikā] the fluid which lubricates the joints,
71 (ākāse lambamānāni). — Fut. lambahīti (poet.) J v.302 synovic fluid Vin i.202; D ii.293; M iii.90; S iv.111; Sn 196; J
(=lambissati). — Caus. lambeti to cause to hang up or to be i.146; Miln 382. In detail at Vism 264, 362; VbhA 247.
suspended, to hang up Mhvs 34, 48. — Caus. II. lambāpeti Lasī (f.) [etym.?] brains J i.493 (=matthalunga C.)= DhA i.145.
id. Mhvs 21, 15. — pp. lambita. — Cp. abhi°, pa°, vi°.
Lasuṇa & Lasuna (nt.) [cp. Sk. laśuna] garlic Vin ii.140; iv.258;
Lambita [pp. of lambeti] hanging down, suspended Mhvs 27, 38; J i.474; Vv 43 ; VvA 186.
30, 67.
Lahati to lick: see ullahaka, palahati, & lehati.
Lambin (adj.) [fr. lamb] hanging down, able to hang or bend
Lahu (adj.) [Sk. laghu & raghu: see etym. under langhati]
down (with ref. to the membrum virile) Vin iii.35 ("tassa
light, quick A i.10, 45. — lahuṁ karoti to make light, to
bhikkhussa angajātaṁ dīghaṁ hoti lambati, tasmā lambī ti
be frivolous J ii.451. — nt. lahuṁ (adv.) quickly Pv iv.1 ;
vutto" Sam. Pās. i.278).
Dpvs i.53; Mhvs 4, 17. — Usually as lahuka (q. v.).
Lambila (adj.) [reading not quite certain, cp. ambila] sour, acrid, -citta light — minded S i.201; J iii.73. -ṭṭhāna lightness
astringent (of taste) Nd 240; Nd 540; Dhs 629; DhsA 320

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