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Published by แดเนียล, 2018-07-10 05:29:21

Pali English Dictionary.

Vippaṭipādeti Vibādhati

Vippaṭipādeti [Caus. of vippaṭipajjati] to cause to commit sin Vippasukkhati [vi+pa+sukkhati] to dry up entirely J v.106.
(esp. adultery) Vin iii.40.
Vippahāna (nt.) [vi+pahāna] leaving, abandoning, giving up S
Vippaṭisāra [vi+paṭisāra] bad conscience, remorse, regret, repen- i.39=Sn 1109; Sn 1097; J vi.260; Miln 181.
tance Vin ii.250; D i.138; S iii.120, 125; iv.46; A iii.166, 197, 2
Vippahita (nt.) [vi+pahita ] sending out in all directions, message
353; iv.69; J iv.12; v.88; Pug 62; DhA iv.42; VvA 116; PvA
J iii.386 (dūta°).
14, 60, 105, 152. — a° no regret, no remorse A iii.46.
Vippahīna [pp. of vippajahati] given up, abandoned S i.99; A
Vippaṭisārin (adj.) [fr. vippaṭisāra; cp. BSk. vipratisārin Divy
v.16, 29 sq.; Sn 360, 362.
322, 638] remorseful, regretful, repentant S iii.125; iv.133,
Vippita at J vi.185 is to be read cipiṭa ("flat").
320 sq., 359 sq.; A iii.165 sq.; iv.244, 390; J i.200; Miln 10,
285; Tikp 321, 346. Vipphandati [vi+phandati; cp. BSk. vispandati Jtm 11 to
twitch, writhe, struggle Vv 52 16 (52 14 Ha.); J iv.495 — pp.
Vippataccheti [vi+pa+taccheti] to scratch open or apart M i.506.
Vippanaṭṭha [vi+pp. of panassati] strayed, lost, perished Vv
84 =84 44 (=magga — sammūḷha VvA 337); J iv.139; v.70; Vipphandita (nt.) [pp. of vipphandati] "writhing," twitching,
struggle M i.446; S ii.62; — (fig.) in diṭṭhi° comb with
vi.525; Miln 326.
visūkāyita) "scuffling of opinion" (Mrs. Rh. D.), sceptical
Vippamutta [vi+pamutta] released, set free, saved S i.4, 29, 50;
agitation, worry & writhing (cp. Dial. i.53) M i.8, 486; S
iii.31, 83; iv.11; A i.10; ii.34; Sn 176, 218, 363, 472, 492, 501, i.123 (here without diṭṭhi°; the C. expl is "hatthirājavaṇṇa
913; J i.84; Vv 20 ≈29 ; Nd 331, 336.
sappavaṇṇ' ādidassa nāni" K.S. i.320); Dhs 381; Pug 22.
Vippamokkha [vi+pamokkha] release, deliverance S i.154; J
Vipphala (or is it pipphala?)=phala at J vi.518.
Vipphalati [vi+phalati] (intrs.) to split open, to burst asunder: so
Vippayutta [vi+payutta] separated S ii.173 (visaṁyutta+); Sn 914 46
read at J v.33, 493 (for vipatati); Pv iv.1 (for vipāteti); see
(or °mutta). -°paccaya the relation of dissociation Tikp 6, 53
detail under vipāṭeti.
sq., 65; Vism 539.
Vipphāra [fr. vi+pharati 1 or 2] diffusion, pervasion, (adj.) per-
Vippayoga [vi+payoga] separation Sn 41; PvA 161 (piya°).
vading, spreading out A i.171 (vitakka — vip phāra — sadda,
Vippalapati [vi+palapati] to talk confusedly (as in one's sleep), to cp. Kvu trsl 241), 206 (mahājutika mahā vipphāra); iv.252;
chatter, wail, lament Vin i.15; S iv.303; J i.61; iii.217; iv.167; Ps i.112 sq.; ii.174; J iii.12 (mahā° +mahājutika); v.150 (id.);
DhA ii.100; PvA 40, 93. Miln 230 & 270 (vacī° dilating in talk), 130, 346; Vism 42;
DA i.192; VvA 103 (mahā°+mahājutika); PvA 178 (karuṇā°).
Vippalambheti [vi+palambheti] to deceive, mock DA i.151; ThA
78. Vipphāravant (adj.) [fr. vipphāra, cp. pharati 1 & vipphurati]
possessing vibration DhsA 115=Vism 142.
Vippalāpa [vi+palāpa] confused talk, wailing Ps i.38; PvA 18.
Vippalujjati [vi+palujjati] to be broken up, to be destroyed Nd 1 Vipphārika (adj.) [fr. vi+pharati 2] spreading out (in effulgence)
VvA 5 (mahā°).
Vipphārita [pp. of Caus. vi+pharati] expanded Dāvs v.34 (°akkhi
Vippavadati [vi+pavadati] to dispute, disagree J iv.163; vi.267.
— yugala, both eyes wide open).
Vippavasati [vi+pavasati] to go from home, to be away from
(abl.), to be absent Sn 1138 (=apeti apagacchati vinā hoti Nd 2 Vipphālita (adj.) [vi+phālita 2] split open, cut to pieces PvA 152
(su°; so read for vipphalita); Sdhp 188 (°anga).
582); J iv.51, 439. — pp. vippavuttha.
Vipphāleti [vi+sphar: cp. phālita 1. It is not=vi+ phāleti] to ex-
Vippavāsa [vi+pavāsa] absence; in sati° absence of mind, ne-
pand, to bend or draw the bow J vi.580.
glect, absentmindedness, thoughtlessness J i.410; SnA 339;
a° thoughtfulness, mindfulness Vin v.216; Sn 1142; J iv.92. Vipphuraṇa (nt.) [vi+phuraṇa=pharaṇa] spreading out, efful-
gence, pervasion VvA 277.
Vippaviddha [pp. of vippavijjhati, vi+pa+vyadh] pierced
through and through J i.61. Vipphurati [vi+phurati: see pharati] to vibrate, tremble, quiver,
fly asunder, diffuse J i.51; SnA 225; VvA 12 (vijjotamāna vip-
Vippavuttha [pp. of vippavasati] absent; °sati neglectful DhA
i.239. phurato).
Vipphoṭita (adj.) [vi+phoṭita: see phoṭa, cp. BSk. vis-phoṭa open
Vippasanna (adj.) [vi+pasanna] (quite) purified, clear; happy,
Divy 603] burst open (of a boil) Th 1, 306.
bright, pure, sinless Vin iii.88 (°chavivaṇṇa); S i.32 (cetas);
iii.2, 235; iv.118, 294; v.301; A iii.41, 236; Sn 637; Dh 82, 413 Viphala (adj.) [vi+phala] fruitless, useless Sdhp 527.
(=pasanna — citta DhA iv.192); Pv i.10 10 (=suṭṭhu pasanna); Vibandha [vi+bandha] fetter PvA 207.
ii.9 ; Vism 262 (where KhA reads pasanna only); DhA ii.127;
Vibandhana (nt.) [vi+bandhana]=vibandha ThA 243.
DA i.221.
Vibādhaka (adj.) [fr. vibādha] doing harm to (—°), injuring, pre-
Vippasādeti [Caus. of vippasīdati] to purify, cleanse Sn 506.
venting Dāvs ii.88.
Vippasīdati [vi+pasīdati] to become bright; fig. to be reconciled
Vibādhati [vi+bādhati] to oppress, harm Miln 135 (so read for
or pleased, to be satisfied or happy Dh 82; J i.51; PvA 122
°bhādati); DhsA 42. — Pass. vibādhiyati to be oppressed
(mukha — vaṇṇa). Caus. vippasādeti.

Vibādhati Vibhāvin

PvA 239. detail, variety J vi.432 (of paintings); Nett 1 sq., 105; Miln
102, 381; Vism 352 (contrasted with sankhepa); PvA 199, 282
Vibbedha [fr. vi+vyadh after analogy of ubbedha; not vi+bheda]
(rūpa° various forms, patterns). — 2. (t. t. g.) inflection of
circumference J i.212.
nouns & verbs, declensions, conjugation SnA 397; VvA 78,
Vibbhanta [pp. of vibbhamati] 1. roaming, straying; strayed,
199. -°lopa omission of inflection VvA 174, 192; PvA 147.
confused M i.171 (padhāna° giving up exertion), 247 (id.).
— Note. vibhattibhāva at DhsA 260 is to be read as vibb-
Usually in phrase °citta with wandering (or confused) mind hanti° (see under vibbhanta).
S i.61 (see expl of C. at K.S. i.321), 204; iii.93; v.269; A i.70;
Vibhattika (adj.) [fr. vibhatti] having divisions; (fig.) detailed.
ii.30; iii.391; It 90; J iv.459 (+kupit' indriya); Miln 324. — At
Neg. a° not giving details VvA 164.
DhsA 260 we find the cpd. vibbhanti-bhāva [vibbhanta in
comp with bhu!] of citta, in meaning "wavering, roaming" Vibhava [vi+bhava] 1. power, wealth, prosperity DA i.147; J
(of mind): so read for vibhatti-bhāva. i.56; v.285; Mhvs 26, 6; DhA i.6; ii.9, 84; iv.7; VvA 5, 302
(°sampanna rich); PvA 122, 130, 176, 196. Great wealth is
Vibbhantaka (adj.) [vibbhanta+ka] 1. straying away from (—°),
expressed by asīti-koṭi-vibhava, consisting in 80 koṭis, e. g.
confused Vism 187 (jhāna°), 429. — 2. (a bhikkhu) who has
DhA i.367; ii.25. — bahu° very rich J i.145; mahā° id. PvA
forsaken the Order, apostate Vin ii.60.
97, 107. — yathā vibhavaṁ according to one's means or
Vibbhamati [vi+bhamati] to wander about, to go astray, to for-
power PvA 54; vibhav' ânurūpaṁ id. VvA 254. — 2. non
sake the Order Vin i.72; ii.14; iii.40 (may be taken in the sense
— existence, cessation of life, annihilation D i.34; Sn 514
of enjoying oneself or sporting, i. e. cohabiting, at this pas- 1
(+bhava), 867 (id.); Nd 274, 282; J iii.402 (°ṁ gata=vināsaṁ
sage), iv.216; J i.117; iii.462 (of a bhikkhu enticed by his for-
patta C.); v.267 (id.); DhsA 392; DA i.120; VbhA 505 (=bhava
mer wife), 496. — pp. vibbhanta.
— vigama). See also taṇhā B 1.
Vibhanga [vi+bhanga, of bhaj ] distribution, division, distinc- -taṇhā "craving for life to end" (Dial. iii.208), desire for
tion, classification Vin i.359; Sn 600 (jāti° classification of non — existence D iii,216, 275; Vin i.10; Ud 33; It 50; VbhA
species; expl as jāti -vitthāra at SnA 464); J iv.361 (+vicaya; 111. -diṭṭhi the theory of non — becoming D iii.212; A i.83;
C. expl as vibhāga); Mhvs 30, 87 (dhātu° distribution of Nd 245, 274.
relics); SnA 422 (contrasted with uddesa). — Vibhanga is
Vibhavati [vi+bhavati] to cease to exist S iii.56 (fut. °issati); Sn
the title of the second book of the Abhidhamma Piṭaka (see 1
873 (vibhoti); Nd 279 (id.). — pp. vibhūta.
Pāli Name Dictionary). Cp. Sutta — vibhanga.
Vibhassikata (nt.) [vi+bhassa+kata] gossip, lit. "made into talk"
Vibhajati [vi+bhajati, i. e. bhaj , as in bhājeti] (lit.) to distribute,
Vin iv.241.
divide; (fig.) to distinguish, dissect, divide up, classify; to deal
Vibhāga [fr. vibhajati, cp. vibhanga & vibhajana] distribution, di-
with something in detail, to go into details M iii.223; S ii.2, 255
vision; detailing, classification J iv.361; Vism 494; VbhA 83;
(vibhājeti)=M i.364 (reads virājeti); S iv.93 (atthaṁ); v.261
ThA 100; VvA 37; PvA 122. — attha° detailing of meaning
(dhammaṁ vivarati vibhajati uttāni — karoti); Sn 87; Pug 41;
Vism 569; dhātu° distribution of relics VvA 297; PvA 212;
Vbh 259; Miln 145; SnA 237; DA i.104; PvA 81, 111. ger.
vibhajja (q. v.). — pp. vibhatta. pada° division of words SnA 269; PvA 34. — Cp. saṁ°.
Vibhājana (nt.) [vi+bhājana ] distribution, division Dhtp 92,
Vibhajana (nt.) & °ā (f.) [fr. vibhajati] distinction, division,
561; Dhtm 776, 787.
going into detail Nett 5, 8 sq., 38 (+vivaraṇā & uttāni — kam-
matā); Tikp 10; SnA 445 (vivaraṇa, v., uttāni — karaṇa); Vibhāta [pp. of vibhāti] shining, turned to light, bright; in phrase
DhsA 343, 344. Cp. vibhājana. vibhātāya rattiyā when night had become light, i. e. at day-
break or dawn (DhA iv.105; PvA 13, 22). — (nt.) daybreak,
Vibhajja (adv.) [ger. of vibhajati] dividing, analysing, detailing;
dawn DhA ii.5 (°khaṇe).
in detail (°—) D iii.229 (°vyākaraṇīya pañha "discriminating
reply" trsl ); A ii.46 (°vacana analysis). — °vāda the Vibha- Vibhāti [vi+bhāti] to shine forth, to be or become light (said of
jja doctrine, i. e. the doctrine which analyses, or the "religion the night turning into day); pres. also vibhāyati Vin i.78; fut.
of logic or reason"; a term identical with theravāda, the doc- vibhāyissati D ii.148; aor. vibhāyi J v.354. — pp. vibhāta.
trine of the Elders, i. e. the original teaching of the Buddhist
Vibhādati at Miln 135 should be read at vibādhati.
church. -°vādin one who teaches the V. doctrine, Ep. of
the Buddha Mhvs 5, 271; Tikp 366; VbhA 130; cp. Kvu trsl n Vibhāyana (nt.) [fr. vibhāti] shining forth, brightening VvA 148.
introd. p. 38. Vibhāvana (nt.) & °ā (f.) [fr. vibhāveti] 1. making clear, ascer-
tainment, explanation, exposition J iii.389; Vbh 342, 343 (ā);
Vibhatta (adj.) [pp. of vibhajati] 1. (lit.) divided, distributed;
Sn A 13, 261 sq., 318; VbhA 409 (ā); ThA 76 (ā), 230; PvA
parted, partitioned, having divisions, portioned off Sn 300; Pv
i.10 13 (of niraya); J v.266 (id.); Miln 316 (a° samudda). — 137, 140 (so read for vibhavanā in attha°). — 2. annihilation,
disappearance, making non — existing (cp. vibhava 2) DhsA
su° well divided, well planned, proportioned, regular Sn 305;
Pv iii.2 ; Miln 330, 345; Vism 108. — 2. (fig.) detailed, 163 (vibhāvanā nāma antara — dhāpanā ti attho).
explained, analysed Vism 187; SnA 288; PvA 104. Vibhāvaniya (adj.) [fr. vibhāvana] pertaining to ascertainment,
making clear, explaining PvA 244 (paramattha°).
Vibhattavant (adj.) [fr. vibhatta] full of details, giving all detail
Vism 212; DA i.34. Vibhāvita [pp. of vibhāveti] made non — existing, annihilated
Nd 584.
Vibhatti (f.) [fr. vibhajati] 1. division, distinction, classification,

Vibhāvin Vimāna

Vibhāvin (adj.) [fr. vibhāveti] intelligent, wise Sn 317; J vi.304; Vimana (adj.) [vi+mano] 1. perplexed, consternated Miln 23,
Nd 259 (=medhāvin); Miln 21, 276, 346; Sdhp 382. 118; PvA 274. — 2. infatuate Th 2, 380. — 3. distracted,
distressed Th 1, 1051; J vi.523.
Vibhāveti [vi+bhāveti] 1. to understand clearly (lit. "to produce
intensively or well") Sn 318 (ger. a — vibhāvayitvā). — 2. to Vimariyādikata (adj.) [vi+mariyādā+kata] lit. made unre-
make clear, to explain KhA 89; SnA 406, 472; PvA 1, 70, 92, stricted, i. e. delivered, set free S ii.173; iii.31 (vippamutto
135. — 3. to put out of existence, to annihilate [as Caus. of °ena cetasā viharati); vi.11; A v.151 sq. — At Th 1, 184 v. l.
vibhava 2] DhsA 163. — pp. vibhāvita. for vipariyādi°.
Vibhāsita [pp. Caus. of vi+bhāsati ] illuminated, made bright, Vimala (adj.) [vi+mala] without stains, spotless, unstained, clean,
shining forth Sdhp 591. pure A iv.340; Sn 378, 476, 519, 637, 1131 (cp. Nd 586); J
i.18; Miln 324; DhA iv.192.
Vibhinna (adj.) [vi+bhinna] scattered; divided, at variance Sn
314 (=aññam — aññaṁ bhinna SnA 324). Vimalayaka [cp. Sk. vimalaka] a certain precious stone of dark
— blue colour VvA 111.
Vibhītaka (& °ṭaka) [cp. *Sk. vibhīta & °ka] the plant Termi-
nalia belerica; beleric myrobolan. Dice were made from its Vimāna (nt.) [in the Pāli meaning not Vedic. Found in mean-
fruits, which are also used as medicine (intoxicant); its flow- ing "palace — chariot" in the Mbhārata and elsewhere in Epic
ers smell vilely. — Vin i.201; J iii.161; v.363; vi.529. Sk.] lit. covering a certain space, measuring; the def given
by Dhpāla refer it to "without measure," i. e. immeasur-
Vibhūta (adj.) [pp. of vibhavati, or vi+bhūta] 1. [cp. bhūta 1,
able. Thus=vigata — māne appamāṇe mahanta vara — pāsāda
& vibhava 2] destroyed, annihilated, being without Th 1, 715;
Sn 871 sq., 1113 (=vibhāvita atikkanta vītivatta Nd 584). — VvA 131;=visiṭṭhamānaṁ, pamāṇato mahantaṁ VvA 160. —
Appl meaning: heavenly (magic) palace, a kind of paradise,
2. [cp. bhūta 3] false Sn 664. — 3. [cp. vibhāveti 2] clear,
elysium. — 1. General remarks: (a) The notion of the vimāna
distinct A v.325; Miln 311; Abdhs 16 (a° unclear); Vism 112
is peculiar to the later, fantastic parts of the Canon, based on
(& a°). -°ṁ karoti to explain Miln 308.
popular superstition (Vimāna & Peta Vatthu, Apadāna, Jātaka
Vibhūti (f.) [fr. vi+bhavati] 1. [cp. vibhūta 2] destruction, ruin
and similar fairy tales). It shows distinct traces of foreign (Hel-
Th 1, 1018 (°nandin=malign). — 2. [cp. vibhava 1] splen-
lenic — Babylonian) influence and rests partly on tales of sea
dour, majesty, glory J v.305; PvA 133 (dāna°), 216 (rāja°).
— faring merchants (cp. location of V. in mid — ocean). On
Vibhūsana (nt.) [vi+bhūsana] adornment A i.212; ii.40, 145, 209; the other hand it represents the old (Vedic) ratha as chariot
Sn 59 (cp. Nd 585); Pug 21, 58; J i.8; Dhs 1348; Miln 382. of the gods, to be driven at will (cp. below 5, 7, 8). Thus
at Vv 16 (here as 500 chariots!), 36, 63, 64; J i.59 (deva —
Vibhūsā (f.) [vi+bhūsā] ornament, decoration, distinction, pride
Sn 926; Nd 380; Nd 585; Miln 224 (Rh. D. trsl "dexterity," vimānasadisa ratha). — (b) The vimānas are in remote parts
of the world (cp. the island of the blessed), similar to the ely-
hardly correct. Should we read "vibhūti"?).
sium in Homer's Odyssey, e. g. iv.563 sq.: ᾿σἐς ᾿*Ηλύσιον
Vibhūsita [pp. of vibhūseti] adorned, decorated Mhvs 25, 102; πεδίον κα᾿σἐς ᾿*Ηλύσιον πεδίον και πείρατα γαίης ἀχάνατοι
Vism 10; PvA 46, 157. n
πεμψουσιν etc. (trsl G. Chapman: "the immortal ends of
Vibhūseti [vi+bhūseti] to adorn, embellish, beautify Th 2, 411; all the earth, the fields Elysian Fate to thee will give; where
Mhvs 19, 25; DhA i.77. — pp. vibhūsita. Rhadamanthus rules, and where men live a nevertroubled life,
where snow, nor show'rs, nor irksome winter spends his fruit-
Vibheti [vi+bhāyati] to be afraid, to stand in awe of J v.509
less pow'rs, but from the ocean zephyr still resumes a constant
(=bhāyati C.). Should we read bibheti?
breath, that all the fields perfume"). Cp. Ehni, Yama p. 206
Vibhedaka [vi+bhedaka] one who disturbs friendship, a slanderer
sq. — (c) In popular religion the influence of this eschatolog-
J iii.260.
ical literature has been very great, so great in fact as to make
Vibhedika (f.) [fr. vi+bhid] the palmyra tree J vi.529. the Vimāna and Peta — vatthus & the Jātakastories, exem-
plifying the theory of retribution as appealing to an ordinary
Vibhedeti [vi+bhedeti] to cause disruption, to slander A v.345 sq.
mind by vivid examples of mythology, greater favourites than
Vimajjana (nt.) [fr. vi+majjati ] making smooth, polishing M i.
any other canonical book. From this point of view we have to
judge Mhvs 14, 58: Petavatthuṁ Vimānañ ca sacca — saṁyut-
Vimaṭṭha (adj.) [vi+maṭṭha] smoothed, soft, smooth, polished J taṁ eva ca desesi thero... — 2. The descriptions of the Vimā-
v.96 (°ābharana), (C. expl as "visāla"), 204, 400 (of orna- nas are in the most exuberant terms. The palaces (kingdoms in
ments). — ubhato-bhāga° polished or smooth on both sides miniature) are of gold, crystal or exquisite jewels, their pillars
M i. 385; A v.61=M ii.13 (has °maddha). are studded with gems, their glittering roofs are peaked with
Vimata (adj.) [fr. vi+man] perplexed, in doubt J v.340. 700 pinnacled turrets (VvA 244, 289; also as "innumerable"
VvA 188, or 18,000 Ap. 63). Surrounded are these tower-
Vimati (f.) [vi+mati] doubt, perplexity, consternation D i.105; S
ing (ucca) mansions by lovely, well — planned gardens, the
iv.327; A ii.79, 185; Ap 29; Dhs 425; J iii.522; Miln 119, 144,
paths of which are sprinkled with gold dust; they are full of
339; DA i.274.
wishing — trees, granting every desire. There is a variety of
Vimada (adj.) [vi+mada] disintoxicated, without conceit J v.158 stately trees, bearing heavenly flowers & fruit, swaying gen-
(taken as "unconscious" by C.). tly in delicious breezes. Lotus ponds with cool waters invite
Vimaddana (nt.) [vi+maddana] crushing, destroying VvA 232. to refreshing baths; a host of birds mix their songs with the

Vimāna Vimāna

strains of cymbals and lutes, played by heavenly musicians. iv.1 sq.; Pv iv.11); or at one or the other of the great lakes
Angelic maidens perform their dances, filling the atmosphere of the Himavant (Pv ii.12). They are in out — of — the —
with a radiant light which shines from their bodies. Peace and way places ("end of the world"); they are also found in the
happiness reign everywhere, the joys of such a vimāna cannot wilderness: Vv 84; Pv iv.3 . As tree — vimānas with rukkha
be expressed in words. This elysium lasts for aeons (cira — — devatā as inhabitants they occur e. g. at J iii.310; v.502;
ṭṭhitika Vv 80 , kappa — ṭṭhāyin Th 1, 1190); in short it is Pv i.9; ii.9; PvA 244. Very often they are phantasmagorical
the most heavenly paradise which can be imagined. — For a castles in the air. By special power of their inhabitants they
monograph of vimāna the Vimāna Vatthu and its Commentary may be transported to any place at will. This faculty of trans-
should in the first place be consulted. — 3. The inhabitants of ference is combined with the ability of extremely swift mo-
the Vimānas are usually happy persons (or yakkhas: see Stede, tion (compared to the speed of thought: manojava). Thus a
P. V. trsl. 39 — 41), called devatā, who have attained to such golden palanquin is suspended in mid — air above a palace
an exalted state through their own merit (puñña see foll. 4). at VvA 6 (ākāsa — cārin, sīgha — java). They are said to
— Departed souls who have gone through the Petastage are be ākāsaṭṭhānāni J vi.117; SnA 222, 370 (but the palace of
frequently such devas (at Vv 17 called pubbadevatā). That the Yakkha Āḷavaka is bhumma — ṭṭha, i. e. stands on the
these are liable to semi — punishment and semi — enjoyment ground, and is described as fortified: SnA 222). The place
is often emphasized, and is founded on the character of their of a (flying) vimāna may be taken by various conveyances:
respective kamma: J i.240 (vimāna — petiyo sattāhaṁ sukhaṁ a chair, an elephant, ship, bed, litter etc. Or the location of
anubhavanti, sattāhaṁ dukkhaṁ); J v.2 (vemānika — peta — it in the other world is in the Cittalatāvana (Vv 37), or the
bhavena — kammassa sarikkhako vipāko ahosi; i. e. by night Pāricchattaka tree (Vv 38), or in the Cātummahārājika — bha-
pleasures; by day tortures); cp. Pv ii. 12 (see Stede, Gespen- vana (VvA 331). — Later on, when the theory of meritorious
stergeschichten des Peta Vatthu p. 106), iii. 7 ; PvA 204, deities (or departed souls raised to special rank) as vemānikā
210, & Divy p. 9. Expressions for these "mixed" devatās who devā was established, their abode was with their vimānas set-
are partly blessed, partly cursed are e. g.: vimānapeta PvA tled among the Tāvatiṁsa (e. g. VvA 188, 217, 221, 244, 289;
145, 148, 271, 275; f. vimāna-petī PvA 152, 160, 186, 190; DhA iii.291), or in the Tusita heaven. Thus Tusita-pura inter-
vimāna devatā PvA 190; vemānika-peta J v.2; PvA 244; changes with Tusita-vimāna at DhA ii. 208. The latter occurs
DhA iii.192 (as powerful, by the side of nāgas & supaṇṇas). e. g. at DhA iii.173, 219. — 6. The dimensions of the Vimā-
— In their appearance they are like beautiful human beings, nas are of course enormous, but harmonious (being "divine"),
dressed in yellowish (pīta, expl as "golden" robes (cp. the an- i. e. either of equal extent in all directions, or specially pro-
gels in the oldest Christian apocalyptic literature: on their re- portioned with significant numbers. Of these the foll. may be
lation to Hellenic ideas see e. g. A. Dieterich, Nekyia, Leipzig mentioned. The typical numbers of greatest frequency are 12,
1903, pp. 10 — 18, 29: red & white the colours of the land 16, 30, 700, in connection with yojana. The dimensions, with
of the blessed), with gold and silver as complementary out- ref. to which 12 & 16 are used, are length, width, height, &
fit in person and surroundings. Thus throughout the Vimāna girth, whereas 700 applies usually to the height (DhA iii 291 e.
Vatthu, esp. Nos, 36 & 47 (pīta — vimāna). Their splen- g., where it is said to be "over 700"), and the number of turrets
dour is often likened to that of the moon or of the morning (see above 2). At VvA 267 (satta — yojana — pamāṇo ratho)
star. — 4. Origin of Vimānas. A vimāna arises in the "other No. 7 is used for 700; No. 30 (extent) is found e. g. at DhA
world" (paraloka) at the instant of somebody doing good (even iii.7; ThA 55; No. 12 e. g. at J vi.116; DhA iii.291; VvA 6,
during the lifetime of the doer) and waits for the entry of the 217, 221, 244, 246, 291 sq.; No. 16 at VvA 188, 289. — 7.
owner: DhA iii.291 sq. In the description of the vimāna of Vimānas of sun and moon. A peculiar (late?) idea is that sun
the nāga — king (J vi.315=Vv 84 ) it is said on this subject: and moon have their vimānas (cp. Vedic ratha=sun). There are
a vimāna is obtained neither without a cause (adhicca), nor only very few passages in the post — canonical books men-
has it arisen in the change of the seasons, nor is it self — made tioning these. The idea that the celestial bodies are vimānas
(sayankata), nor given by the gods, but "sakehi kammehi apā- ("immense chariots in the shape of open hemispheres" Kirfel,
pakehi puññehi laddha" (i. e. won by one's own sinless & Kosmographie der Inder p. 282) is essentially Jainistic. See
meritorious deeds). — Entering the Vimāna — paradise is, on Jain Vimānas in general Kirfel, l. c. pp. 7 — 9, 292 —
analogous to all semi — lethal passing over into enchanted 300. — In the Pāli Com. we find SnA 187, 188 (canda —
conditions in fairy tales, compared with the awakening from vimānaṁ bhinditvā=breaking up the moon's palace, i. e. the
sleep (as in a state of trance): sutta — ppabuddha DhA iii.7. moon itself); and DhA iii.99 (candimasuriyā vimānāni gahetvā
Of the Vimāna itself it is said that it appears (pātur ahosi), e. aṭṭhaṁsu). — 8. Other terms for vimāna, and specifications.
g. VvA 188; DhA i.131; or arises (uggañchi) DhA iii.291; Var. other expressions are used more frequently for vimāna
VvA 221. — 5. Location of the Vimānas. The "vimāna" is an in general. Among these are ratha (see above 1 a); nagara
individual paradisiacal state Therefore vimānas are not def- (Pv ii.12 ); pura (see above 5, as tusita°); pāsāda; either as
initely located "Elysian Fields." They are anywhere (in this dibba° (DhA iii.291), or vara° (VvA 130), or vimāna° (Vv
world as well as in the Beyond), but certain places are more 31 ). — The vimānas are specified as deva-vimāna "heav-
favourable for their establishment than others. Thus we may enly palace," e. g. J i.59; Vism 342; VvA 173; or (in a still
state that κα᾿τ ἐςοξήν they are found in the neighbourhood of more superlative expression) brahmavimāna, i. e. best or most
water. Thus either in the Ocean (majjhe sāgarasmiṁ Th 1, excellent magic palace, highest paradise, e. g. D i.17 (here
1190; samudda — majjhe PvA 47), where access is possible perhaps "palace of Brahmā"); iii.28 ("abode of brahmās" Rh.
only through adventures after shipwreck or similar causes (J. D.); It 15; Vism 108. The latter expression is abbreviated to


Vimāna Viya

brahma (nt.) "highest, best thing of all," "summum bonum," 614. — ceto° (& paññā°) emancipation of heart (and reason)
paradise, magic palace: ThA 47 (Ap. v. 6) & 55 (Ap. v. D i.156; iii.78, 108, 247 sq., 273; S i.120; ii.214; iv.119 sq.;
8), at both places as sukataṁ, i. e. well made. — A rather v.118 sq., 289 sq.; A i.123 sq., 220 sq.; 243; ii.36, 87, 214;
odd expression for the paradisiacal state (in concrete form) is iii.20, 131, 400; iv.83, 314 sq.; v.10 sq.; Vbh 344; Nett 40, 43,
attabhāva (existence, cp. Gr. βιοτή Hom. Od. iv.365?) in- 81 sq., 127. — sammā° right or true emancipation A ii.222
stead of vimāna, e. g. DhA i.131 (tigāvuta — ppamāṇa); iii.7 sq.; v.327; Ps i.107; ii.173. — See also arahatta, upekkhā,
(id.). — 9. Various. Of innumerable passages in the books khandha ii.A, dassana, phala, mettā.
mentioned above (under 1) only the foll. may be given for -rasa the essence of emancipation A i.36; iv.203; PvA
ref.: J iii.310 398, 405; v.165, 171; vi.117 sq., 120 sq.; Ap 35, 287. -sāra substance or essence of emancipation A ii.141,
55, 59; Dāvs iv.54 (acalaṁ v. antalikkhamhi nāvaṁ gativi- 243; iv.385.
rahitaṁ ambhorāsi — majjhamhi disvā); and Vimāna Vatthu 1
Vimokkha (& Vimokha) [fr. vi+muc, cp. mokkha ] deliver-
throughout. Of passages in the 4 older Nikāyas we have only
ance, release, emancipation, dissociation from the things of
A ii.33 (ye devā dīgh' āyukā uccesu vimānesu cira — ṭṭhitikā).
the world, Arahantship D ii.70, 111); iii.34, 35, 230, 288;
At S i.12=23 we should read "na ca mānaṁ" for "na vimānaṁ"
M i.196 (samaya° & asamaya°); S i.159 (cetaso v.); ii.53,
(K.S. i.18). 123; iii.121; iv.33; A ii.87; iv.316; v.11; Vin v.164 (cit-
Vimāna [vi+māna] disrespect, contempt Sn 887 (°dassin show- tassa); Sn 1071 (which Nd 588 expl as "agga" etc., thus
ing contempt). strangely taking it in meaning of mokkha , perhaps as edify-
ing etym.); Nd 466 (in expl of Bhagavā); Ps i.22; ii.35 (as
Vimānana (nt.) [vi+mānana] disrespect, contempt D iii. 190 (a°);
68!), 243; Pug 11 sq.; Vbh 342; Dhs 248; Nett 90, 100, 119,
Miln 377, 386.
126; Vism 13, 668 sq.; Miln 159; PvA 98; Sdhp 34, 264. —
Vimānita [pp. of vimāneti] treated with contempt A iii.158, 160.
The three vimokkhas are: suññato v., animitto v., appaṇi-
Vimāneti [vi+māneti] to disrespect, to treat with contempt Vin hito v. Ps ii.35; Vism 658. The eight vimokkhas or stages
ii.260; Sn 888; Nd 297. — pp. vimānita. of emancipation, are: the condition of rūpī, arūpa-saññī,
recognition of subha, realization of ākāsânañc'āyatana,
Vimukha (adj.) [vi+mukha] turning away from, averted, neglect-
of viññāṇ'ânañc'āyatana, ākiñcaññ'āyatana, neva-saññā-
ful Mhvs 22, 80; PvA 3 (dhamma — saññā°), 269 (carita°).
n'âsaññ'āyatana, saññāvedayita-nirodha D iii.262 (cp.
Vimuccati [vi+muccati, Pass. of muñcati] to be released, to be d
Dial. iii.242), A i.40; iv.306; Vbh 342; expl in detail at Ps
free (of passion), to be emancipated M i.352; S ii.94, 124;
ii.38 — 40. [cp. BSk. aṣṭau vimokṣāḥ, e. g. AvŚ ii.69, 153.]
iii.46, 189; iv.86; v.218; A iv.126 sq., 135, 179; Sn 755; Pug — In sequence jhāna vimokkha samādhi samāpatti (magga
61, 68; Sdhp 613. — aor. 3 pl. vimucciṁsu Sn p. 149. —
phala) at Vin i.97, 104; iii.91; iv.25; A iii.417, 419; v.34, 38;
pp. vimutta. See also (an)upādā & (an)upādāya. — Caus.
Vbh 342. — See also jhāna.
vimoceti to cause to be released or emancipated, to set free A
Vimocana (nt.) [vi+mocana] 1. letting loose, discharging Dhtm
ii.196 (cittaṁ); Vin iii.70 (id.). — grd. vimocanīya A ii.196.
216 (assu°). — 2. release from, doing away with Mhvs 35, 73
Vimutta [pp. of vimuñcati] freed, released, intellectually eman-
cipated Vin i.8; A iv.75, 179, 340; v.29; D iii.97, 100, 133,
258; S i.23, 35; iii.13, 53, 137; Sn 354, 475, 522, 877, 1071 Vimoceti see vimuccati.
sq., 1101, 1114; Nd 283; Nd 587; Pv iv.1 32 (arahā+); Vism Vimohita [pp. of vi+moheti] deluded, bewildered Sdhp 363.
410. — Often as cittaṁ v. an emancipated heart, e. g. D i.80;
Vimba is another spelling for bimba at S v.217. Cp. BSk. vim-
A iii.21; S i.46, 141; iii.90; iv.164; v.157 (here taken by Mrs.
baka (form of face) Divy 172, 525.
Rh. D. at S vi.93, Index, as "unregulated, distrait"); Sn 975;
Nd 284; Vbh 197. ubhatobhāga° emancipated in both ways Vimhaya [cp. Sk. vismaya, vi+smi] astonishment, surprise, dis-
appointment J v.69 (in expl of vyamhita); Mhvs 5, 92; SnA
(see Dial ii. 70) D ii.71; iii.105, 253; S i.191; A i.73; iv.10,
42 (explaining "vata"), 256 (do. for "ve"=aho); DA i.43; VvA
77, 453; v.23; M i.439, 477 sq. — paññā°, emancipated by in-
234, 329.
sight, freed by reason (see Dial. ii.68) S i.191; ii.123; D ii.70;
iii.105, 254; M i.439, 477. — saddhā° freed by faith A i.73; Vimhāpaka (adj.) [fr. vimhāpati] deceiving, dismaying SnA 549
iv.10, 77; v.23; Ps ii.52; M i.439, 477. — anupādā vimutta (=kuhaka).
freed without any further clinging to the world M i.486; S ii.18;
Vimhāpana (nt.) [fr. vimhāpeti] dismaying, deceiving, disap-
iii.59; iv.83 and passim. n
pointing Vism 24 (in expl of kuhana); Dhtp 633 (id.).
-atta having an emancipated self S iii.46, 55, 58; A iv.428.
Vimhāpeti [Caus. of *vimhayati=vi+smi] to astonish, to cause
-āyatana point or occasion of emancipation, of which there are n
dismay to, to deceive Mhvs 17, 44; DA i.91 (in expl of
5, viz. hearing the Dhamma taught by the Master, teaching it
oneself, reciting it, pondering over it, understanding it A iii.21
sq.; D iii.241, 279; Ps i.5. Vimhita (adj.) [pp. of vi+smi, cp. mihita] astonished, discour-
aged, dismayed J vi.270 (su° very dismayed); Miln 122; Mhvs
Vimutti (f.) [fr. vimuccati] release, deliverance, emancipation
6, 19; Dāvs ii.80. See also vyamhita.
D i.174; iii.288; S v.206 sq. (abhijānāti), 222 (ariya°), 266,
356; A ii.247, iii.165 (yathābhūtaṁ pajānāti), 242, Sn 54, 73, Viya (indecl.) [another form of iva, viâ *via (so some Prākrits:
725 sq.; J i.77, 78, 80; Ps i.22; ii.143 sq.; Nd 21; Pug 27, 54 Pischel Prk. Gr., § 143, 336)>viya. Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 336,
sq.; Vbh 86, 272 sq., 392 (micchā°) Nett 29; Vism 410; Sdhp 337 derives it fr. viva=v' iva] 1. part of comparison: like, as;

Viya Viramati

stands for iva (usually in verse after ā: Sn 420 (jātimā v.); Pv Viracita [vi+racita] 1. put together, composed, made VvA 14,
i.8 (vārinā v.); or o Sn 580 (vajjho v.), 818 (kapaṇo v.); or 183. — 2. ornamented ThA 257; VvA 188.
ṁ: Sn 381 (vajantaṁ v.), 689 (nekkhaṁ v.). — 2. dubitative
Viraja (adj.) [vi+rajo] free from defilement or passion, stainless,
particle: na viya maññe I suppose not M ii.121. — Cp. byā.
faultless Vin i.294 (āgamma maggaṁ virajaṁ); Sn 139, 520,
Viya° the diaeretic form (for sake of metre) of vya° [=vi+ a°], 636, 1105 (see exegesis at Nd 590); Pv iii.3 (=vigata —
which see generally. Cp. the identical veyya°. raja, niddosa PvA 189); DhA iv.142, 187; DA i.237. Often
in phrase virajaṁ vītamalaṁ dhamma-cakkhuṁ udapādi
Viyatta (adj.) [cp. Sk. vyakta, vi+pp. of añj] determined, of set-
"there arose in him the stainless eye of the Arahant," e. g. Vin
tled opinion, learned, accomplished; only in stock phrase sā-
vakā viyattā vinītā visāradā (which Rh. D. trsl "true hear- i.16; S iv.47. — virajaṁ (+asokaṁ) padaṁ "the stainless
(+painless) element" is another expression for Nibbāna, e. g.
ers, wise and well — trained, ready etc." Dial. ii. 114) at 9
S iv.210; A iv.157, 160; It 37, 46; Vv 16 ; similarly ṭhānaṁ
D ii.104=A iv.310=S v.260=Ud 63. The BSk. (at Divy 202) 33
(for padaṁ) Pv ii.3 (=sagga PvA 89).
has śrāvakāh (for bhikkhū!) paṇḍitā bhaviṣyanti vyaktā vinītā
viśāradāh. — 2. separated, split, dissenting, heretic Sn 800 Virajjaka (adj.) [vi+rajja+ka] separated from one's kingdom, liv-
(=vavatthita bhinna dvejjhāpanna etc. Nd 108; =bhinna SnA ing in a foreign country VvA 336.
530). Cp. the two meanings of vavatthita (=*vyakta), which
Virajjati [vi+rajjati] to detach oneself, to free oneself of passion,
quasi — correspond to viyatta 1 & 2 At this passage the v. l.
to show lack of interest in (loc.). S ii.94, 125 (nibbindaṁ [ppr.]
(all SS of the Commentary) viyutta is perhaps to be perferred
virajjati); iii.46, 189; iv.2, 86; A v.3; Sn 739=S iv.205 (tattha);
to viyatta. 1
Th 1, 247; Sn 813 (na rajjati na virajjati), 853; Nd 138, 237;
Note. It is to be noted that viyatta in § 1 does not occur
Miln 245; Sdhp 613. — pp. viratta. — Caus. virājeti
in poetry, but seems to have spelling viy° because of the foll.
to put away, to estrange (acc.) from (loc.), to cleanse (one-
vinīta and visārada. Cp. vyatta & veyyatta.
self) of passion (loc.), to purify, to discard as rāga D ii.51;
Viyatti (f.) [cp. Sk. vyakti] distinctness Dhtp 366 & Dhtm 593 S i.16=Sn 171 (ettha chandaṁ v.=vinetvā viddhaṁsetvā SnA
(in def of brū). Cp. veyyatti. 213); S iv.17=Kvu 178; A ii.196 (rajanīyesu dhammesu cittaṁ
v.); Sn 139, 203; Th 1, 282; Pv ii.13 19 (itthi — cittaṁ=viratta
Viyākāra [vi+ākāra] preparation, display, distinction, splendour,
— citta PvA 168); ThA 49; DhA i.327 (itthi — bhāve chandaṁ
majesty Sn 299 (=sampatti SnA 319).
v. to give up desire for femininity). — pp. virājita.
Viyācikkhati in verse at Sn 1090 for vyācikkhati, i. e.
Virajjana (nt.) [fr. virajjati; cp. rajjana] discolouring J iii.148
vi+ācikkhati, to tell, relate, explain; pp. vyākhyāta.
Viyāpanna [vi+āpanna, pp. of vi+āpajjati cp. vyāpajjati] gone 1
Virajjhati [vi+rādh; cp. Sk. virādhyati: see rādheti ] to fail,
down, lost, destroyed Sn 314 (in verse; gloss viyāvatta. The
former expl as "naṭṭha," the latter as "viparivattitvā aññathā miss, lose S iv.117; J i.17, 490 (aor. virajjhi); ii.432 (id.); PvA
59. — pp. viraddha. — Caus. virādheti (q. v.).
— bhūta" at SnA 324).
Viyāyata [vi+āyata] stretched out or across J iii.373 (in verse). Viraṇa (adj. nt.) [vi+raṇa] without fight or harm, peace Sdhp 579.
Virata [pp. of viramati] abstaining from (abl.) Sn 59, 531, 704,
Viyārambha [vi+ārambha] striving, endeavour, undertaking Sn 1 2
953 (expl as the 3 abhisankhāras, viz. puñña°, apuñña° & 900, 1070; Nd 314; Nd 591; VvA 72; Sdhp 338.
āneñja° at Nd 442). Virati (f.) [vi+rati] abstinence Mhvs 20, 58. The three viratis
given at DA i.305 (=veramaṇī) are sampatta°, samādāna°, se-
Viyūḷha [apparently vi+ūḷha, pp. of viyūhati, but mixed in
tughāta° (q. v.). Cp. DhsA 154 (tisso viratiyo), 218; Sdhp
meaning with vi+ūha (of vah)=vyūha] massed, heaped; thick,
dense (of fighting) M i.86=Nd 199 (ubhato viyūlḥaṁ sangā- 215, 341 & Cpd. 244, n. 2.
maṁ massed battle on both sides); A iii.94, 99 (sangāma, Viratta [pp. of virajjati] dispassioned, free from passion, de-
cp. S iv.308); J vi.275 (balaggāni viyūḷhāni; C.=pabbūḷha tached, unattached to, displeased with (loc.) S iii.45 (rūpad-
— vasena ṭhitāni where pabbūḷha evidently in meaning "sam- hātuyā cittaṁ virattaṁ vimuttaṁ); Sn 204 (chandarāga°), 235
bādha." — 2. put in array, prepared, imminent J ii.336 (maraṇe (°citta āyatike bhavasmiṁ); A v.3, 313; J v.233 (mayi); Sdhp
viyūḷhe=paccupaṭṭhite C.). Cp. saṁyūḷha. 613.
Viyūhati [vi+ūh, a differentiated form of vah] to take away, Viraddha [pp. of virajjhati] failed, missed, neglecte S v.23 (ariyo
carry off, remove Vin iii.48 (paṁsuṁ vyūhati); J i.177, 199 maggo v.), 179 (satipaṭṭhānā viraddhā 254, 294; Nd 512; J
(paṁsuṁ), 238, 331 (kaddamaṁ dvidhā viyūhitvā); iii.52 (vā- i.174, 490; ii.384; iv.71, 497; Nett 132.
likaṁ); iv.265 (paṁsuṁ); vi.448 (vālukaṁ); DhsA 315; DhA
Viraddhi (f.) (missing, failure?) at Vin i.359 is uncertain read-
ii.38; iii.207 (paṁsuṁ). — pp. viyūḷha. Cp. saṁyūhati. ing. The vv. ll. are visuddhi, visandi & visandhi, with expl ns
Viyūhana (nt.) [fr. viyūhati] removing, removal Vism 302 "viddhaṭṭhāna" & "viraddhaṭṭhāna": see p. 395.
(paṁsu°). 2 1
Virandha [vi+randha ] opening; defect, flaw Nd 165.
Viyoga [vi+yoga 2] separation J vi.482; Mhvs 19, 16 (Mahā-
Viramaṇa (nt.) (—°) [fr. viramati] abstinence, abstaining from
bodhi°); PvA 160, 161 (pati° from her husband); Sdhp 77, 164.
(—°) Mhvs 14, 48 (uccā — seyyā°).
Viyyati [Pass. of vāyati or vināti. The Vedic is ūyate] to be wo- Viramati [vi+ramati] to stop, cease; to desist (abl.), abstain, re-
ven Vin iii.259. — pp. vīta . 1
frain Sn 400 (Pot. °meyya), 828 (Pot. °me), 925; Nd 168,

Viramati Viriya

376; Th 2, 397 (aor. viramāsi, cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 165 ); Pv colour J iii.88 (fig. saddhā avirāginī), 148 (rāga° fading in the
iv.3 (pāpadassanaṁ, acc.); Miln 85; PvA 204. original dye, of citta). — 2. changing, reversing A iii.416 (of
Virala (& Viraḷa) (adj.) [connected with Vedic ṛtē excluding, dukkha: dandha° & khippa° of slow & quick change; v. l. M 6
is viparāgi, which may represent a vipariyāyi, i. e. changing).
without, & nirṛti perishing; cp. also Gr. ε῎ρημος lonely; Lat.
rarus=rare] 1. sparse, rare, thin Th 2, 254 (of hair, expl as Virāguṇa in meaning "fading away, waning" in verse at It 69 (of
vilūna — kesa ThA 210, i. e. almost bald; spelling ḷ); DhsA viññāṇa) is doubtful reading. It corresponds to virāgadhamma
238 (ḷ); DhA i.122 (°cchanna thinly covered); PvA 4 (in ratta of the prose part (virāgudh° vv. ll.). The v. l. is pabhanguṇa
— vaṇṇa — virala — mālā read better with v. l. as ratta — (which might be preferable, unless we regard it as an explana-
kaṇavīra — mālā, cp. J iii.59). tion of virāgin, if we should write it thus).
Viralita [pp. of Denom. of virala=viraleti, cp. Sk. viralā-yate to Virāgeti [for virādheti, as in BSk. virāgayati (e. g. Divy 131,
be rare] thin, sparse, rare Dāvs iv.24 (a°), with v. l. viraḷita. 133) to displease, estrange, the fig. meaning of virāgeti like
BSk. ārāgeti for Pāli ārādheti in lit & fig. meanings] to fail,
Virava (& °rāva) [vi+rava & rāva; cp. Vedic virava] shouting out,
miss; only at M i.327 (puriso narakapapāte papatanto hatthehi
roaring; crying (of animals) J i.25, 74 (ā), 203 (of elephants);
ca pādehi ca paṭhaviṁ virāgeyya "would miss the earth"; dif-
v.9 (ā, of swans).
ferently Neumann: "Boden zu fassen suchte," i. e. tried to
Viravati [vi+ravati] 1. to shout (out), to cry aloud; to utter a cry or
touch ground). — Perhaps also in virāgāya (either as ger. to
sound (of animals) J ii.350 (kikī sakuṇo viravi); v.206; Mhvs 7
virāgeti or as instr. to virāga in sense of virādha(na)) Pv i.11
12, 49 (mahārāvaṁ viraviṁsu mahājanā); PvA 154, 217, 245
(sukhaṁ virāgāya, with gloss virāgena, i. e. spurning one's
(vissaraṁ), 279 (id.); Sdhp 179, 188, 291. — 2. to rattle J d
good fortune; expl as virajjhitvā virādhetvā at PvA 59). Cp.
i.51. — Caus. virāveti to sound Mhvs 21, 15 (ghaṇṭaṁ to
virāye (=virāge?) at Th 1, 1113 (see virādheti).
ring a bell).
Virājati [vi+rājati] to shine PvA 189 (=virocati).
Viraha (adj.) [vi+raho] empty, rid of, bar, without PvA 137, 139
Virājita [pp. of virājeti] cleansed, discarded as rāga, given up S
iv.158 (dosa); J iii.404 (=pahīna C.).
Virahita (adj.) [vi+rahita] empty, exempt from, rid of, without
Virājita [pp. of Caus. of virājati] shining out, resplendent J ii.33
Miln 330 (dosa°); PvA 139.
(mora... suratta — rāji — virājita here perhaps =streaked?).
Virāga [vi+rāga] 1. absence of rāga, dispassionateness, indiffer-
Cp. virāgita.
ence towards (abl. or loc.) disgust, absence of desire, destruc-
Virājeti see virajjati.
tion of passions; waning, fading away, cleansing, purifying;
emancipation, Arahantship. — D iii.130 sq., 136 sq., 222, Virādhanā (f.) [fr. virādheti] failing, failure D ii.287; A v.211 sq.
243, 251, 290; S i.136; iii.19 sq., 59 sq., 163, 189; iv.33 sq., Virādhita [pp. of virādheti] failed, missed, lost J v.400; Pv iv.1 3
47, 226, 365; v.226, 255, 361; A i.100, 299; ii.26; iii.35, 85,
(=pariccatta C.).
325 sq.; iv.146 sq., 423 sq.; v.112, 359; Th 1, 599; Sn 795; Ps 1
ii.220 sq.; Nd 100; Kvu 600=Dh 273=Nett 188 (virāgo seṭṭho Virādheti [vi+rādheti , or Caus. of virajjhati] to miss, omit, fail,
transgress, sin Sn 899; Th 1, 37, 1113 virāye for virādhaya C.,
dhammānaṁ); Dhs 163; Nett 16, 29; Vism 290 (khaya° & ac-
may be virāge, cp. Brethren 375 & see virāgeti); Nd 312; J
canta°) 293. — Often nearly synonymous with nibbāna, in
i.113; Ap. 47; PvA 59. — Cp. virageti. — pp. virādhita.
the description of which it occurs frequently in foll. formula:
taṇhakkhaya virāga nirodha nibbāna, e. g. S i.136; Vin Virāva see virava.
i.5; A ii.118; It 88; — or comb with nibbidā virāga nirodha
Viriccati [Pass. of vi+riñcati] to get purged D ii.128 (ppr. viric-
upasama... nibbāna, e. g. M i.431; S ii.223; cp. nibbāna camāna). — pp. viritta. — Cp. vireka.
ii.B & iii.8. — In other connection (more objectively as "de-
Viritta [pp. of viriccati] purged Miln 214.
struction"): aniccatā sankhārānaṁ etc., vipariṇāma virāga
nirodha, e. g. S iii.43; (as "ceasing, fading away":) khaya( Viriya (nt.) [fr. vīra; cp. Vedic vīrya & vīria] lit. "state of a
— dhamma liable to), vaya°, virāga°, nirodha° M i.500; S strong man," i. e. vigour, energy, effort, exertion. On term
ii.26. — 2. colouring, diversity or display of colour, dye, see also Dhs. trsl § 13; Cpd. 242. — D iii.113, 120 sq., 255
hue (=rāga 1) J i.89 (nānā° — samujjala blazing forth different sq.; S ii.132, 206 sq.; Sn 79, 184, 353, 422, 531, 966, 1026
colours); 395 (nānā° variously dyed); PvA 50 (nānā° — vaṇṇa (chanda°); Nd 476, 487; Nd 394; J i.178 (viriyaṁ karoti,
— samujjala). with loc.); Pug 71; Vbh 10; Nett 16, 28; Tikp 60, 63; Miln 36;
Vism 160 (°upekkhā), 462; KhA 96; SnA 489; DhA iv.231;
Virāgatā (f.) [abstr. fr. rāga] disinterestedness, absence of lust
DA i.63; DhsA 120; VvA 14; PvA 98, 129; Sdhp 343, 517.
Kvu 212=Ud 10.
— accāraddha° too much exertion M iii.159; A iii.375; opp.
Virāgita (adj.) [fr. vi+*rāgeti, Denom. of rāga?] at J v.96 is not atilīna° too little ibid; uṭṭhāna° initiative or rousing energy S
clear. It is said of beautiful women & expl by C. as vilagga
i.21, 217; A iii.76; iv.282; ThA 267; PvA 129; nara° manly
— sarīrā, tanumajjhā, i. e. "having slender waists." Could it
strength J iv.478, 487. -viriyaṁ āra(m)bhati to put forth en-
be "excited with passion" or "exciting passion"? Or could it ergy, to make an effort S ii.28; iv.125; v.9, 244 sq.; A i.39, 282,
be an old misreading for virājita ? It may also be a distorted
296; ii.15= iv.462. — As adj. (—°) in alīna° alert, energetic J
vilāka (q. v.) or vilaggita.
i.22; āraddha° full of energy, putting forth energy, strenuous
Virāgin (adj.) [fr. virāga 2, cp. rāgin] 1. discoloured, fading in S i.53, 166, 198; ii.29, 207 sq.; iv.224; v.225; A i.4, 12; ii.76,

Viriya Vilambin

228 sq.; iii.65, 127; iv.85, 229, 291, 357; v.93, 95, 153, 335; Virūhanā (f.) & °a (nt.) [vi+rūhanā] growing, growth J ii.323
J i.110; ossaṭṭha° one who has given up effort J i.110; hīna° (f.); Miln 354; Vism 220; DA i.161; PvA 7.
lacking in energy It 34 (here as vīriya, in metre). — v. is one
Vireka=virecana; Miln 134 (cp. Vin i.279).
of the indriyas, the balas & the sambojjhangas (q. v.).
Virecana (nt.) [vi+recana, ric] purging, a purgative Vin i.206 (°ṁ
-ârambha "putting forth of energy," application of exer-
pātuṁ to drink a p.), 279 (id.); D i.12; A v.218; J iii.48 (sineha°
tion, will, energy, resolution D iii.252; S ii.202; iv.175; A i.12;
an oily or softening purgative); DA i.98.
iii.117; iv.15 sq., 280; v.123 sq.; Ps i.103 sq.; Vbh 107, 194,
208; DhsA 145, 146. -indriya the faculty of energy D iii.239, Virecaniya (adj.) [grd. formation fr. virecana] (one who is) to be
278; S v.196 sq.; Dhs 13; Vbh 123; Nett 7, 15, 19; VbhA 276. treated with a purgative Miln 169.
-bala the power of energy D iii.229, 253; A iv.363; J i.109.
Vireceti [vi+Caus. of riñcati] to purge Miln 229, 335.
-saṁvara restraint by will Vism 7; SnA 8; DhsA 351.
Virocati [vi+rocati] to shine (forth), to be brilliant Vin ii. 296 (tap-
Viriyatā (f.) [abstr. fr. viriya] manliness, energy, strength M i.19; ati, bhāsati, v.); Sn 378, 550; It 64 (virocare); J i.18, 89; iv.233;
VvA 284. Pv i.11 ; ii.9 ; iii.3 (=virājati PvA 189); DhA i.446; iv.143;
Viriyavant (adj.) [viriya+vant] energetic A i.236; Sn 528, 531 DhsA 14; PvA 110 (°amāna=sobhamāna), 136 sq., 157. Cp.
(four — syllabic), 548 (three — syllabic); Vism 3 (=ātāpin); verocana. — Caus. viroceti to illumine Miln 336.
Sdhp 475. 1
Virodha [vi+rodha ] obstruction, hindrance, opposition, enmity
Virujaka (vīṇā°) lute — player J vi.51 (=vīṇā — vādaka C.). See S i.111; iv.71, 210; Sn 362; Pug 18, 22; Kvu 485; Miln 394;
rujaka. DhsA 39. — avirodha absence of obstruction, gentleness M
ii.105=Th 1, 875; Pv iii.7 .
Virujjhati [vi+rujjhati] to be obstructed Sn 73 (aviruj-jhamāna
unobstructed); J vi.12. Virodhana (adj. nt.) [fr. virodheti] opposing, obstruction, op-
position, contradiction, only neg. a° absence of opposition, J
Virujjhana (nt.) [fr. virujjhati] obstructing or being obstructed,
iii.274, 320, 412; v.378.
obstruction, J vi.448.
Viruta (nt.) [vi+ruta] noise, sound (of animals), cry Sn 927; expl d Virodhita [pp. of virodheti] obstructed, rendered hostile Pgdp 90
(or is it virādhita?).
as "virudaṁ [spelling with d, like ruda for ruta] vuccati —
miga — cakkaṁ; miga — cakka — pāthakā [i. e. experts in Virodheti [Caus. of virundhati] to cause obstruction, to render
the ways of animals; knowers of auspices] migacakkaṁ ādis- hostile, to be in disharmony, to exasperate S iv.379=A v.320
anti" at Nd 382; and as "mig' ādīnaṁ vassitaṁ" at SnA 564. (which latter passage reads viggaṇhati instead); Sdhp 45, 496.
The passage is a little doubtful, when we compare the expres- — pp. virodhita.
sion viruṭañ ca gabbhakaraṇaṁ at Sn 927 with the passage Virosanā (f.) [vi+rosanā] causing anger Vbh 86; VbhA 75.
viruddha-gabbhakaraṇaṁ at D i.11 (cp. DA i.96), which
Vilakkhaṇa (adj. — nt.) [vi+lakkhaṇa] wrong or false character-
seems more original.
istic; (adj.) discharacteristic, i. e. inconsistent with character-
Viruddha [pp. of virundhati] hindered, obstructed, disturbed S istics, discrepant (opp. sa° in accordance with ch.) Miln 405;
i.236; Sn 248, 630; Nd 239; Miln 99, 310; J i.97. — Often
Nett 78; VbhA 250 sq.
neg. a° unobstructed, free S i.236; iv.71; A iii.276 (°ka); Dh
Vilagga (adj.) [vi+lagga] 1. stuck Vin i.138; M i.393. - 2. slender
406; Sn 365, 704, 854; VbhA 148=Vism 543.
(of waist) J v.96 (see virāgita), 216 (see vilāka).
-gabbha-karaṇa (using charms for) procuring abortion D
i.11; DA i.96 (expl here as first trying to destroy the foetus Vilaggita (adj.) [vi+laggita] stretched or bending (?), slender J
and afterwards giving medicine for its preservation). See also iv.20 (see under vilāka).
Vilanga (nt.) [*Sk. viḍanga] the plant Erycibe paniculata Vin
*Virundhati [vi+rundhati] to obstruct etc. Pass. virujjhati (q. i.201 (v. l. viḷ°). — °thālikā at Nd 154 read as bilanga° (q.
v.). — pp. viruddha. — Caus. virodheti. (q. v.). v.).
Virūpa (adj.) [vi+rūpa] deformed, unsightly, ugly Sn 50; J i.47; Vilanghaka [fr. vilangheti] in hattha° jerking of the hand beck-
iv.379; vi.31, 114; PvA 24, 32, 47; Sdhp 85. oning (as a mode of making signs) Vin i.157= M i.207 (has g
at Sn 50 virūpa is taken as "various" by Bdhgh (SnA 99), for gh, cp. p. 547). — Cp. hattha-vikāra.
and virūpa — rūpa expl as vividha — rūpa, i.e. diversity, Vilanghati [vi+langhati] to jump about, to leap (over) Sdhp 168.
variety. So also the Niddesa.
Vilajjati [vi+lajjati] to be ashamed, to be bashful, to pretend bash-
Virūḷha [pp. of virūhati] having grown, growing S ii.65 (viññāṇe fulness J v.433.
virūḷhe āyatiṁ punnabbhav' âbhinibbatti hoti).
Vilapati [vi+lapati] 1. to talk idly J i.496. — 2. to lament, wail
Virūḷhi (f.) [vi+rūḷhi, of ruh] growth M i.250; S iii.53; A iii.8,
Th 1, 705; J ii.156; v.179; Miln 275; ThA 148 (Ap. v. 66).
404 sq.; v.152 sq., 161, 350 sq.; It 113; Miln 33; Mhvs 15, 42;
Vilamba (adj.) [vi+lamba] hanging down; only in redupl. —
VbhA 196. — avirūḷhi-dhamma not liable to growth Sn 235;
iter. cpd. olamba-vilamba dropping or falling off all round J
DhA i.245.
Virūhati [vi+rūhati ] to grow, sprout It 113; Miln 386; DA i.120.
Vilambati [vi+lambati] to loiter, to tarry, lit. "hang about" J i.413;
— Cp. paṭi°. — pp. virūḷha. — Caus II. virūhāpeti to make
DhA i.81.
grow, to foster Miln 386.

Vilambin Viloketi

Vilambin (adj.) [vi+lambin] hanging down, drooping M i.306 (f. rāsi — ppabbā" at J v.506 C.
°inī, of a creeper, i. e. growing tendrils all over).
Vilīyati [vi+līyati 2] to melt (intrs.), to be dissolved, to perish J
Vilaya [vi+laya, cp. līyati] dissolution; °ṁ gacchati, as much as: iv.498; Vism 420 (pabbata, spelling here with ḷ; Warren wrong
"to be digested," to be dissolved Miln 67. — adj. dissolved, "are hidden from view," i. e. nilīyati); DhsA 336 (phānita —
dispersed Dpvs i.65. piṇḍa; trsl not to the point: "reduced or pounded"); Sdhp 383;
Pgdp 21. — pp. vilīna. — Cp. pa°.
Vilasati [vi+lasati] to play, dally, sport; to shine forth, to unfold
splendour J v.38 (of a tree "stand herrlich da" Dutoit), 433 (of Vilīyana (nt.) [fr. vilīyati] melting, dissolution Sdhp 201.
woman); vi.44 (of a tree, vilāsamāna T.). — pp. vilasita.
Vilīva & Viliva (adj.) [Kern, Toev. s. v. compares Sk, bilma slip,
Vilasita (adj.) [pp. of vilasati] shining; gay, playful, coquettish J chip. Phonetically viliva=Sk. bilva: see billa] 1. made of
v.420. split bamboo Vin ii.266 (i). — 2. (ī) a chip of bamboo or any
other reed, a slip of reed M i.566 (Bdhgh on M i.429); Vism
Vilāka (adj.) [perhaps=vilagga (Geiger, P.Gr. § 612), although
310 (°maya).
difficult to connect in meaning] only in f. °a: slender (of
waist); the expl with vilagga may refer to a comparison with Vilīvakāra [vilīva+kāra] a worker in bamboo, a basket-maker Vin
a creeper (cp. vilambin & J v.215) as "hanging" ("climbing") iii.82; Miln 331; VbhA 222 (°ka in simile); PvA 175.
i. e. slim, but seems forced. See also virāgita which is Vilugga (adj.) [vi+lugga] broken; only in redupl. — iter. cpd.
expl in the same way. The word is peculiar to the "Jātaka"
olugga-vilugga all broken up, tumbling to pieces M i.80, 450.
style. — J iv.19 (=suṭṭhu — vilaggita — tanu — majjhā);
v.155 (+mudukā; C. expl as sankhitta — majjhā), 215 (°ma- Vilutta [pp. of vilumpati] plundered, stripped, robbed, ruined S
i.85=J ii.239; J v.99; vi.44; Miln 303; Mhvs 33, 71 (corehi).
jjhā=vilaggasarīrā C.), 506 (velli — vilāka — majjhā=vilagga
— majjhā, tanu — dīgha — majjhā C.); VvA 280 (°majjhā for Vilumpaka (adj.) [fr. vi+lup] (act. or pass.) plundering or being
sumajjhimā of Vv 64 ; T. reads vilāta°). plundered J i.370 (°cora); ii.239 (pass.).
Vilāpa [vi+lāpa] idle talk J i.496; v.24. Cp. saṁ°. Vilumpati [vi+lumpati] to plunder, rob, steal, ruin S i.85=J ii.239;
v.99; Miln 193; VvA 100; DhA iii.23. — Pass. viluppati J
Vilāpanatā (f.)=vilāpa Pug 21.
v.254 (gloss for °lump° of p. 253). — pp. vilutta. — Caus.
Vilāsa [fr. vilasati] 1. charm, grace, beauty J i.470; vi.43; Miln
II. vilumpāpeti to incite to plunder Miln 193; J i.263.
201; ThA 78; PvA 3. — desanā° beauty of instruction DA
Vilumpana (nt.) [fr. vilumpati] plundering DhA iii.23.
i.67; Vism 524, 541; Tikp 21. — 2. dalliance, sporting, co-
quetry J iii.408; v.436. vilāsa is often coupled with līlā (q. Vilumpamāna(ka) [orig. ppr. med. of vilumpati] plundering,
v.). robbing J v.254; PvA 4 (°ka cora).
Vilāsavant (adj.) [fr. vilāsa] having splendour, grace or beauty Vilulita (adj.) [vi+luḷita; cp. BSk. vilulita Jtm 210] stirred, agi-
Mhvs 29, 25. tated, shaken, disturbed Dāvs iv.54 (bhaya°citta). Cp. viloḷeti.
Vilāsin (adj.) [fr. vilāsa] shining forth, unfolding splendour, Vilūna (adj.) [vi+lūna] cut off (always with ref. to the hair) M
possessing charm or grace, charming DA i.40 (vyāmapabhā iii.180=A i.138; Miln 11; PvA 47.
parikkhepa — vilāsinī splendour shining over a radius of a
Vilekha [vi+lekha] perplexity, lit. "scratching" Vin iv.143 (here
as f. °ā); Dhs 1256 (mano°); DhsA 260. — The more common
Vilikhati [vi+likhati] 1. to scrape, scratch S i.124 (bhū-miṁ); word for "perplexity" is vikkhepa.
iv.198; DhsA 260 (fig. manaṁ v.; in expl of vilekha). — 2.
Vilepana (nt.) [vi+lepana] ointment, cosmetic, toilet perfume A
to scratch open Vin ii.175. — pp. vilikhita.
i.107, 212; ii.209; Th 1, 616 (sīlaṁ v. seṭṭhaṁ. Cp. J iii.290);
Vilikhita [pp. of vilikhati] scraped off SnA 207. Pug 51, 58; Pv ii.3 ; DA i.77, 88.
Vilitta [pp. of vilimpati] anointed D i.104 (su — nahāta su-vilitta Vilokana (nt.) [vi+lok (loc=roc), see loka & rocati] looking, re-
kappita — kesa — massu); J iii.91; iv.442. flection, investigation, prognostication; usually as 5 objects
of reflection as to when & where & how one shall be reborn
Vilimpati [vi+limpati] to smear, anoint A iii.57; J i.265 (ger.
°itvā); iii.277 (ppr. °anto): Pv i.10 (ger °itvāna); PvA 62 (pañca-mahā-°āni), consisting in kāla, desa, dīpa, kula, mātā
(the latter as janetti — āyu i. e. mother and her time of delivery
(°itvā). — pp. vilitta. — Caus. II. vilimpāpeti to cause to be
at J i.48) or time (right or wrong), continent, sky (orientation),
anointed J i.50 (gandhehi), 254 (id.).
family (or clan) and one's (future) mother: J i.48, 49; DhA
Vilivili ( -kriyā) see biḷibiḷikā.
i.84; as 8 at Miln 193, viz. kāla, dīpa, desa, kula, janetti, āyu,
Vilīna (adj.) [vi+līna, pp. of vilīyati] 1. clinging, sticking [cp. māsa, nekkhamma (i. e. the 5+period of gestation, month of
līyati 1] Vin i.209 (olīna° sticking all over). — 2. matured his birthday, and his renunciation). Without special meaning
("digested"? cp. vilaya) J iv.72 (nava°gosappi freshly ma- at DA i.194 (ālokana+). Cp. volokana.
tured ghee); Miln 301 (phalāni ripefruit). — 3. [cp. līyati
Vilokita (nt.) [pp. of viloketi] a look A ii.104, 106 sq., 210; Pug
2] molten, i. e. refined, purified J iv.118 (tamba — loha°
44, 45; DA i.193; VvA 6 (ālokita+).
molten or liquid — hot copper); v. 269 (tamba — loha°, id.;
Viloketar [n. ag. fr. viloketi] one who looks or inspects DA i.194
cp. C. on p. 274; vilīnaṁ tambālohaṁ viya pakkaṭṭhitaṁ lo-
hitaṁ pāyenti); DhsA 14 (°suvaṇṇa). — Cp. uttatta in same
sense and the expl of velli as "uttatta — ghana — suvaṇṇa — Viloketi [vi+loketi, of lok, as in loka] to examine, study, inspect,

Viloketi Vivattacchada

scrutinize, reflect on Th 2, 282; J i.48, 49; DhA i.84; Miln 193; river DhA i.388.
Mhvs 22, 18. — pp. vilokita. — Cp. pa° & vo°.
Vivaṭaka (adj.) [vivaṭa+ka] open (i. e. not secret) Vin ii.99.
Vilocana (nt.) [vi+locana] the eye Dāvs i.41; ThA 253. 1
Vivaṭṭa (m. & nt.) [vi+vaṭṭa ] 1. "rolling back," with ref. to the
Vilopa [vi+lopa] plunder, pillage M i.456 (maccha° fish-haul); J development of the world (or the aeons, kappa) used to de-
i.7; iii.8; vi.409; Dpvs ix.7 (°kamma). — vilopaṁ khādati to note a devolving cycle ("devolution"), whereas vaṭṭa alone or
live by plunder J vi.131. saṁvaṭṭa denote the involving cycle (both either with or with-
out kappa). Thus as "periods" of the world they practically
Vilopaka (adj.) [fr. vilopa] plundering, living by plundering J i.5;
mean the same thing & may both be interpreted in the sense
Miln 122 (f. °ikā).
of a new beginning. As redupl. — inter. cpds. they express
Vilopiya (adj.) [grd. formation fr. vilopa] to be plundered; neg.
only the idea of constant change. We sometimes find vivaṭṭa
a° Sdhp 311.
in the sense of "renewal" & saṁvaṭṭa in the sense of "destruc-
Vilomatā (f.) [abstr. fr. viloma] unseemliness, repugnance SnA tion," where we should expect the opposite meaning for each.
106. See also vaṭṭa & saṁvaṭta. Dogmatically vivaṭṭa is used as
Viloma (adj.) [vi+loma] against the grain (lit. against the hair), "absence of vaṭṭa," i. e. nibbāna or salvation from saṁsāra
discrepant, reversed, wrong, unnatural Vin ii. 115 (of cīvara: (see vaṭṭa & cp. citta — vivaṭṭa, ceto°, ñāṇa°, vimokkha° at Ps
i.108 & ii.70). — Fig. in kamma° "the rolling back of k.," i.
unsightly); J iii.113; Dpvs vii.55; DhA i.379; PvA 87.
e. devolution or course of kamma at S i.85. — Abs. & comb d
Vilomana (nt.) [fr. viloma] discrepancy, disagreement, reverse d
with saṁvaṭṭa (i. e. devolution comb with evolution) e. g.
DhsA 253.
at D i.14, 16 sq.; iii.109; A ii.142 (where read vivaṭṭe for vi-
Vilometi [Denom. fr. viloma] to dispute, disagree with, to find vaṭṭo); Pug 60; Vism 419 (here as m. vivaṭṭo, compared with
fault Nett 22; Miln 29, 295; DhsA 253. saṁvaṭṭo), 420 (°ṭṭhāyin). In cpd. °kappa (i. e. descending
aeon) at D iii.51; Pug 60; It 15. — 2. (nt.) part of a bhikkhu's
Viloḷana (nt.) [fr. vi+luḷ] & Viloṭana [fr. vi+luḍ; cp. Whitney,
dress (rolling up of the binding?), comb with anu — vivaṭṭa
Sanskrit Roots, 1885, p. 149, where themes & their forms are
given by luṭh to roll, luṭh & luṇṭh to rob, luḍ to stir up at Vin i.287.
(some forms of it having meaning of luṇṭh)=lul to be lively] Vivaṭṭati [vi+vaṭṭati] 1. to move back, to go back, to revolve,
shaking, stirring; only found in lexicogr. literature as def n to begin again (of a new world — cycle), contrasted with
of several roots, viz. of gāh Dhtp 349; Dhtm 504; math & saṁvaṭṭati to move in an ascending line (cp. vivaṭṭa) D i.17;
manth (see mathati) Dhtp 126; Dhtm 183. See also luḷati. iii.84, 109; Vism 327. — 2. to be distracted or diverted from
(abl.), to turn away; to turn over, to be upset Nett 131; Pug 32
Viloḷeti [vi+loḷeti or loleti, cp. vilulita] to stir, to move about J
i.26; Dpvs vi.52. (so read for vivattati); Ps ii.98 (ppr.). — pp. vivaṭṭa.
Viḷayhati [vi+dayhati] to burn (intrs.) J ii.220. Vivaṭṭana (nt.) & °ā (f) [fr. vivaṭṭati] turning away, moving on,
moving back Ps i.66; ii.98; Vism 278 (f.; expl as "magga").
Viḷāra at A iii.122 read as biḷāra (sasa — biḷārā rabbits & cats).
Vivaṭṭeti [vi+vaṭṭeti] to turn down or away (perhaps in dogmatic
Vivajjita [pp. of vivajjeti] 1. abandoning, abstaining from VvA
sense to turn away from saṁsāra), to divert, destroy: only
75 (°kiliṭṭha — kamma). — 2. avoided Th 2, 459. — 3. dis-
in phrase vivaṭṭayi saṁyojanaṁ (in standard setting with
tant from (abl.) Miln 131.
acchecchi taṇhaṁ), where the usual v. l. is vāvattayi (see
Vivajjeti [vi+vajjeti] to avoid, abandon, forsake S i.43; A v.17; vāvatteti). Thus at M i.12, 122; S i.127; iv.105, 205, 207,
Sn 53 (=parivajj° abhivajj° Nd 592), 399 (°jjaya), 407 (praet. 399; A i.134; iii.246, 444 sq.; iv.8 sq.; It 47 (T. vivattayi).
°jjayi); Vv 84 38 (°jjayātha=parivajjetha VvA 346); J i.473;
Vivaṇṇa (adj.) [vi+vaṇṇa] discoloured, pale, wan Sn 585; Th 2,
iii.263, 481 (°jjayi); v.233 (Pot. °jjaye); Miln 129; Sdhp 210,
79; J ii.418.
353, 395. — pp. vivajjita. — Pass. vivajjati J i.27.
Vivaṇṇaka (nt.) [fr. vivaṇṇeti] dispraise, reviling Vin iv.143.
Vivaṭa [vi+vaṭa, pp. of vṛ: see vuṇāti] uncovered, open (lit. & 6
Vivaṇṇeti [vi+vaṇṇeti] to dispraise, defame Pv iii.10 (thūpa —
fig.), laid bare, unveiled Sn 19 (lit.), 374 (fig.= anāvaṭa SnA
366), 763, 793 (=open — minded); Nd 96; Pug 45, 46 (read pūjaṁ); PvA 212.
vivaṭa for pi vaṭa; opp. pihita); Vism 185 (opp. pihita); J Vivatta-cchada (adj.) having the cover removed, with the veil
v.434; DhA iii.79; VvA 27; PvA 283 (mukha unveiled). — lifted; one who draws away the veil (cp. vivaraṇa) or reveals
vivaṭena cetasā "with mind awake & clear" D iii.223; A iv.86; (the Universe etc.); or one who is freed of all (mental & spiri-
S v.263; cp. cetovivaraṇa. -vivaṭa is freq. v. l. for vivatta ( tual) coverings (thus Bdhgh), Ep. of the Buddha. — Spelling
— cchada), e. g. at A ii.44; Sn 372; DhA iii.195; SnA 265 (in sometimes chadda° (see chada). — D i.89; ii.16; iii.142 (dd;
expl of term); sometimes the only reading in this phrase (q. sammā — sambuddha loke vivatta — chadda; trsl "rolling
v.), e. g. at Nd 593. — instr. vivaṭena as adv. "openly" Vin back the veil from the world"), 177 (dd); A ii.44 (v. l. dd); Sn
ii.99; iv.21. 372 (expl as "vivaṭa — rāga — dosa — moha — chadana SnA
-cakkhu open — minded, clear — sighted Sn 921; Nd 1 365), 378, 1003 (ed. Sn prefers dd as T. reading); Nd 593
354. -dvāra (having) an open door, an open house J v.293 (with allegorical interpretation); J i.51; iii.349; iv.271 (dd);
(aḍḍha° half open); DhA ii.74 -nakkhatta a yearly festival, DhA i.201 (v. l. dd); iii.195; DA i.250. — It occurs either
"Public Day," called after the fashion of the people going un- as vivatta° or vivaṭa°. In the first case (vivatta°) the expl n
covered (appaṭicchannena sarīrena) & bare — footed to the presents difficulties, as it is neither the opp. of vatta ("duty"),

Vivattacchada Viveka

nor the same as vivaṭṭa ("moving back" intrs.), nor a direct rattiṁ v. to spend the night (till it gets light) Sn 1142; Nd 2
pp. of vivattati (like Sk. vivṛtta) in which meaning it would 594 (=atināmeti) — vivasati is Kern's proposed reading for
come nearer to "stopped, reverted, ceased." vivattati has not vijahati (rattiṁ) at Th 1, 451. He founds his conjecture on a
been found in Pāli. The only plausible expl would be taking v. l. vivasate & the C. expl "atināmeti khepeti." Mrs. Rh. D.
it as an abs. pp. formation fr. vṛt in Caus. sense (vatteti), trsl "waste" (i. e. vijahati).
thus "moved back, stopped, discarded" [cp. BSk. vivartayati
Vivāda [fr. vi+vad] dispute, quarrel, contention D i.236; iii.246;
to cast off a garment, Divy 39). In the second case (vivaṭa°) 1
A iv.401; Sn 596, 863, 877, 912; Nd 103, 167, 173, 260, 307;
it is pp. of vivarati [vi+vṛ: see vuṇāti], in meaning "uncov-
Pug 19, 22; Ud 67; J i.165; Miln 413; VvA 131. There are
ered, lifted, off," referring to the covering (chada) as uncov-
6 vivāda-mūlāni (roots of contention), viz. kodha, makkha,
ered instead of the uncovered object. See vivaṭa. It is dif-
issā, sāṭheyya, pāpicchatā, sandiṭṭhi — parāmāsa or anger,
ficult to decide between the two meanings. On the principle
selfishness, envy, fraudulence, evil intention, worldliness: D
of the "lectio difficilior" vivatta would have the preference,
iii.246; A iii.334 sq.; Vbh 380; referred to at Ps i.130. There is
whereas from a natural & simple point of view vivaṭa seems
another list of 10 at A v.78 consisting in wrong representations
more intelligible & more fitting. It is evidently an old phrase.
regarding dhamma & vinaya.
Note. -vivatta-kkhandha at S i.121 is a curious expression
Vivādaka [fr. vivāda] a quarreller J i.209.
("with his shoulders twisted round"?). Is it an old misreading
for pattakkhandha? Cp. however, S.A. quoted K.S. i.151, n. Vivādiyati (vivādeti) [Denom. fr. vivāda] to quarrel Sn 832
5, explaining it as a dying monk's effort to gain an orthodox (=kalahaṁ karoti Nd 173), 879, 895. Pot. 3 sg. vivādiyetha
posture. (=kolahaṁ kareyya Nd 307), & vivādayetha Sn 830 (id.
expl Nd 170).
Vivattati at Pug 32 is to be read as vivaṭṭati.
Vivāha [fr. vi+vah] "carrying or sending away," i. e. marriage,
Vivadati [vi+vadati] 1. to dispute, quarrel Sn 842, 884; J i.209;
wedding D i.99; Sn p. 105; PvA 144; SnA 448 (where distinc-
Miln 47. — 2. (intrs.) to be quarrelled with S iii.138.
tion āvāha=kaññā — gahaṇaṁ, vivāha= kaññā — dānaṁ). —
Vivadana (nt.) [fr. vivadati] causing separation, making discord
As nt. at Vin iii.135. Cp. āvāha & vevāhika.
D i.11; DA i.96.
Vivāhana (nt.) [fr. vi+vah] giving in marriage or getting a hus-
Vivadha (carrying yoke) see khārī-vidha and vividha .
band for a girl (cp. āvāhana) D i.11; DA i.96. Cp. Vin iii.135.
Vivana (nt.) [vi+vana] wilderness, barren land S i.100; Vv 77 6
Vivicca (indecl.) [ger. of viviccati] separating oneself from (in-
(=arañña VvA 302); J ii.191, 317.
str.), aloof from D i.37; A iii.25; J vi.388; Dhs 160; Pug 68;
Vivara (nt.) [fr. vi+vṛ] 1. opening (lit. dis — covering), pore, Vism 139, 140 (expl in detail). — Doubtful reading at Pv
cleft, leak, fissure Dh 127 (pabbatānaṁ; cp Divy 532; Miln i.11 (for viricca?). — As viviccaṁ (& a°) at J v.434 in mean-
150; PvA 104); Vism 192, 262; J iv.16; v.87; DhA iv.46 ing "secretly" (=raho paṭicchannaṁ C.).
(mukha°); SnA 355; PvA 152, 283. — 2. interval, interstice D Viviccati [vi+vic] to separate oneself, to depart from, to be alone,
i.56 (quoted at Pv iv.3 ); Vism 185. — 3. fault, flaw, defect
to separate (intrs.) Vin iv.241; ger. viviccitvā DhsA 165, &
A iii.186 sq.; J v.376.
vivicca (see sep.). — pp. vivitta. — Cp. viveceti.
Vivaraṇa (nt.) [fr. vivarati] 1. uncovering, unveiling, making
Vivicchati [Desid. of vindati] to desire, long for, want Nett 11.
open, revelation, in loka° laying open the worlds, unveiling of
Vivicchā (f.) [Desid. of vid, cp. Sk. vivitsā] manifold desire,
the Universe; referred to as a great miracle at Vism 392; Miln
greediness, avarice DhsA 375; Nett 11 (where expl "vivicchā
350; Dāvs ii.120; J iv.266. — 2. opening, unfolding, mak-
nāma vuccati vicikicchā"). See also veviccha.
ing accessible, purifying (fig.), in ceto° A iii.117, 121; iv.352;
v.67. — 3. explanation, making clear (cp. vibhajana) Nett 8 Vivitta (adj.) [pp. of viviccati; vi+vitta ] separated, secluded,
(as f.); SnA 445. aloof, solitary, separate, alone D i.71; S i.110; A ii.210; iii.92;
iv.436; v.207, 270; Sn 221, 338, 810, 845; Nd 201; Kvu 605;
Vivarati [vi+varati vṛ; see vuṇāti] 1. to uncover, to open Vin
Miln 205; DA i.208; DhsA 166; DhA iii.238; iv.157 (so read
ii.219 (windows, opp. thaketi); D i.85 (paṭicchannaṁ v.); J
for vivivitta!); VbhA 365; PvA 28, 141, 283. Cp. pa°.
i.63 (dvāraṁ), 69; iv.133 (nagaraṁ); DhA i.328 (vātapānaṁ);
DA i.228; PvA 74 (mukhaṁ); VvA 157, 284. — 2. (fig.) to Vivittaka (adj.) [vivitta+ka] solitary J iv.242 (°āvāsa).
open, make clear, reveal S iv.166; v.261; KhA 12 (+vibhajati
Vivittatā (f.) [abstr. fr. vivitta] seclusion (=viveka) VbhA 316,
etc.). — pp. vivaṭa.
cp. K.S. i.321.
Vivasati [vi+vasati ] to live away from home, to be separated, to Vivitti (f.) [fr. viviccati] separation DhsA 166. — Cp. viveka.
be distant J iv.217. — Cp. vippavasati.
Vividha (adj.) [vi+vidha ] divers, manifold, mixed; full of, gay
Vivasana (nt.) [vi+vas (uṣ) to shine, cp. vibhāti] (gradually) get- 9 9
with (—°) D ii.354; Pv ii.4 ; Vv 35 ; Miln 319; Mhvs 25, 30;
ting light; turning into dawn (said of the night), only in phrase SnA 136 (in expl of vi°: "viharati= vividhaṁ hitaṁ harati").
ratyā vivasane at the end of night, comb in stock phrase with
Vividha [for Sk. vivadha; vi+vah] carrying — yoke D i.101;
suriy' uggamanaṁ pati "towards sunrise" (evidently an old
phrase) at Th 1, 517; J iv.241; v.381, 461; vi.491; Pv iii.8 . S i.78 (as v. l. khāri — vividhaṁ, see khāri); J iii.116
(parikkhāraṁ vividhaṁ ādāya, where v. l. reads khāriṁ
Also at Sn 710.
Vivaseti [Caus. of vi+vas to shine] lit. to make [it] get light;

Viveka Visati

Viveka [fr. vi+vic] detachment, loneliness, separation, seclu- Visaṁvādaka (adj.) [visaṁ+vādaka] deceiving, untrustworthy
sion; "singleness" (of heart), discrimination (of thought) D Vism 496; f. °ikā J v.401, 410. — a° not deceiving D iii.170;
i.37, 182; iii.222, 226, 283=S iv.191 (°ninna citta); S i.2, 194; A iv.249; M iii.33; Pug 57.
iv.365 sq.; v.6, 240 sq.; A i.53; iii.329; iv.224; Vin iv.241; Sn Visaṁvādana (nt.) & °ā (f.) & °atā (f.) [fr. visaṁvādeti] de-
474, 772, 822, 851, 915, 1065; Nd 158, 222; J i.79; iii.31; Dhs
ceiving, disappointing A v.136 (°ā); Vin iv.2. — a° honesty
160; Pug 59, 68; Nett 16, 50; DhsA 164, 166; ThA 64; PvA 43;
D iii.190 (°atā).
Sdhp 471. — viveka is given as fivefold at Ps ii.220 sq. and
Visaṁvādayitar [n. ag. fr. visaṁvādeti] one who deceives an-
VbhA 316, cp. K.S. i.321 (Bdhgh on S iii.2, 8), viz. tadanga°,
other D iii.171.
vikkhambhana°, samuccheda° paṭippassaddhi°, nissaraṇa°; as
threefold at Vism 140, viz. kāya°, citta°, vikkhambhana°, i. Visaṁvādeti [visaṁ+vādeti; cp. BSk. visaṁvādayati AvŚ i.262,
e. physically, mentally, ethically; which division amounts to after the Pāli] to deceive with words, to break one's word, to
the same as that given at Nd 26 with kāya°, citta°, upadhi°, lie, deceive Vin iii.143; iv.1; Nett 91. — Neg. a° J v.124.
the latter equivalent to "nibbāna." Cp. on term Dial. i.84. See Visaṁsaṭṭha (adj.) [vi+saṁsaṭṭha] separated, unconnected with
also jhāna. Cp. pa°. (instr.) M i.480; DA i.59.
Vivekattā=vivittatā VbhA 316. 2
Visaṁhata [vi+saṁhata ] removed, destroyed Th 1, 89.
Vivecitatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. vivecita, pp. of viveceti] discrimina-
Visakkiya [vi+sakkiya?] in °dūta is a special kind of messenger
tion, specification DhsA 388.
Vin iii.74.
Viveceti [Caus. of viviccati] to cause separation, to separate, to
Visaggatā see a°.
keep back, dissuade Vin i.64; D i.226; S iii.110; M. i.256; Pv
iii.10 (=paribāheti PvA 214); Miln 339; DhsA 311; Nett 113, Visanka (adj.) [vi+sanka; Sk. viśanka] fearless, secure; a° Sdhp
164 (°iyamāna).
Visankita (adj.) [pp. of vi+śank] suspicious, anxious ThA 134
Viveṭhiyati [vi+veṭhïyati] to get entangled Vin ii.117.
(Ap. v. 78). — neg. a° not perturbed, trusting, secure Sdhp
Vivesa [?] distinction D i.229, 233. We should read visesa, as
printed on p. 233.
Visankhāra [vi+sankhāra] divestment of all material things Dh
Visa (nt.) [cp. Vedic viṣa; Av. viš poison, Gr. ἰός, Lat. vīrus,
154 (=nibbāna DhA iii.129). See sankhāra 3.
Oir. fī: all meaning "poison"] poison, virus, venom M i.316=S
Visankhita [vi+sankhata] destroyed, annihilated Dh 154; J i.493
ii.110; Th 1, 418; 768; Sn 1 (sappa° snake venom); A ii.110; J
(=viddhaṁsita DhA iii.129).
i.271 (halāhala° deadly p.); iii.201; iv.222; Pug 48; Miln 302;
PvA 62, 256; ThA 489. — On visa in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907, Visajjati [vi+sajjati, Pass. of sañj; the regular Act. would be
137. Cp. āsī°. visajati] to hang on, cling to, stick to, adhere (fig.); only in pp.
-uggāra vomiting of poison SnA 176. -kaṇṭaka a poi- visatta (q. v.). — The apparent ger. form visajja belongs to
soned thorn or arrow, also name of a sort of sugar DhsA 203. vissajjati.
-kumbha a vessel filled with p. It 86. -pānaka a drink of
Visajjana & visajjeti: see viss°.
p. DhA ii.15. -pīta (an arrow) dipped into poison (lit. which
has drunk poison). At another place (see pīta ) we have sug- Visañña (adj.) [vi+sañña=saññā] 1. having wrong perceptions Sn
874. — 2. unconscious J v.159. In composition with bhū as
gested reading visappita (visa+appita), i. e. "poison — ap-
visaññī — bhūta at J i.67.
plied," which was based on reading at Vism 303. See e. g. J
v.36; Miln 198; Vism 303, 381; DhA i.216. -rukkha "poison Visaññin (adj.) [vi+saññin] unconscious, one who has lost con-
tree," a cert. tree Vism 512; VbhA 89; DA i.39. -vaṇijjā trad- sciousness; also in meaning "of unsound mind" (=ummattaka
ing with poison A iii.208. -vijjā science of poison DA i.93. Nd 279) A ii.52 (khitta — citta+); Miln 220; Sdhp 117.
— vejja a physician who cures poison (ous snake — bites) J
Visaṭa & visata [pp. of vi+sṛ, Sk. visṛta] spread, diffused, wide,
i.310. -salla a poisoned arrow Vism 503.
broad D iii.167 (ṭ); Sn 1 (T. reads t, v. l. BB has ṭ); J ii.439;
Visaṁ is P. prefix corresponding to Sk. viṣu (or visva° [see vi°] in iv.499 (t); Miln 221, 354 (ṭ; +vitthata), 357. Cp. anu°.
meaning "diverging, on opposite sides,") apart, against; only Visaṭā & visatā (f.) [abrh. formation fr. vi+sañj, spelling t for tt:
in cpd. °vādeti and derivations, lit. to speak wrong, i. e. to see visatta. The writing of MSS. concerning t in these words is
deceive. very confused] "hanging on," clinging, attachment. The word
Visaṁyutta (& visaññutta) (adj.) [vi+saṁyutta] 1. (lit.) unhar- seems to be a quasi — short form of visattikā. Thus at Sn
nessed, unyoked Th 1, 1021 (half — fig.). — 2. detached from 715 (=taṇhā C.; spelling t); Dhs 1059 (trsl "diffusion," i. e.
the world A i.262=iii.214; S ii.279 (ññ); Th 1, 1022; Sn 621, fr. vi+sṛ; spelling ṭ)=Nd s. v. taṇhā (spelt with t).
626, 634; DhA iii.233 (sabba — yoga°); iv.141, 159, 185. Visaṭṭha see vissaṭṭha.
Visaṁyoga (& visaññoga) [vi+saṁyoga] disconnection, sepa-
Visaṭṭhi (f.) [for vissaṭṭhi, fr. vi+sṛj] 1. emission; in sukka°
ration from (—°), dissociation Vin ii.259 (ññ)=A iv.280; D
emission of semen Vin ii.38; iii.112; Kvu 163. — 2. visaṭṭhi at
iii.230 (kāma — yoga°, bhava°, diṭṭhi°, avijjā°; cp. the 4
S iii.133 and A iv.52 (T. visaṭṭhi) probably stands for visatti in
oghas), 276; A ii.11; iii.156.
meaning "longing," clinging to (cp. BSk. viṣakti AvŚ ii.191),
Visaṁvāda [visaṁ+vāda] deceiving; neg. a° Miln 354. or "love for" (loc.).

Visati Visāhāra

Visati [viś, cp. viś dwelling — place, veśa; Gr. οίκος house, Nett 23 (iddhi°); Miln 186, 215, 316; Vism 216 (visayī —
οἰκέω to dwell; Lat. vīcus, Goth. weihs=E. °wick in War- bhūta), 570=VbhA 182 (mahā° & appa°); KhA 17; SnA 22,
wick, etc.] to enter, only in comb with prefixes, like upa°, 154 (buddha°), 228 (id.); PvA 72, 89. — avisaya not form-
pa°, pari°, saṁ°, abhisaṁ°, etc.... See also vesma (house). ing an object, a wrong object, indefinable A v.50; J v.117 (so
read for °ara); PvA 122, 197. — 3. object of sense, sensual
Visatta [pp. of visajjati] hanging on (fig.), sticking or clinging
to, entangled in (loc.) A ii.25; Sn 38, 272; Nd 597; J ii.146; pleasure SnA 100.
iii.241. Visayha (adj.) [ger. of visahati] possible Pv iv.1 12 (yathā °ṁ as
far as possible); a° impossible M i.207=Vin i.157.
Visattikā (f.) [visatta+ikā, abstr. formation] clinging to, adhering,
attachment (to=loc.), sinful bent, lust, desire. — It is almost Visara [vi+sara] a multitude DA i.40.
invariably found as a syn. of taṇhā. P. Commentators ex-
Visalla (adj.) [vi+salla] free from pain or grief S i.180; Sn 17,
plain it with ref. either to visaṭa (diffused), or to visa (poison).
These are of course only exegetical edifying etymologies. Cp.
Dhs. trsl § 1059; Expositor ii.468: Brethren 213 n. 3, K.S. Visaritā (f.) at D ii.213 in phrase iddhi° is doubtful reading. The
gloss (K) has "visevitā." Trsl (Dial. ii.246); "proficiency." It
i.2, n. 6, and the varied exegesis of the term in the Niddesas.
is comb with iddhi-pahutā & iddhivikubbanatā. Bdhgh's
— S i.1, 24, 35, 107, 110; A ii.211; iv.434; Sn 333, 768, 857, n
1053 sq.; Th 1, 519; Nd 8 sq., 247; Nd 598; DhA iii.198; expl is "visavanā" [fr. vi+sru?].
iv.43; DhsA 364; Nett 24; Dhs 1059. Visahati [vi+sahati] to be able, to dare, to venture Sn 1069 (=us-
sahati sakkoti Nd 600); J i.152. — ppr. neg. avisahanto un-
Visada (adj.) [cp. Sk. viśada] 1. clean, pure, white D ii.14; Miln
able VvA 69, 112; and avisahamāna J i.91. — ger. visayha
93, 247; Dāvs v. 28. — 2. clear, manifest Miln 93; DhsA 321,
(q. v.).
328 (a°); VbhA 388 sq.
-kiriyā making clear: see under vatthu . -bhāva clear- Visākha (adj.) [visākhā as adj.] having branches, forked; in ti°
ness Vism 128; Tikp 59. three — branched S i.118=M i.109.
Visadatā (f.) [abstr. fr. visada] purity, clearness Vism 134 Visākhā (f.) [vi+sākhā, Sk. viśākhā] N. of a lunar mansion
(vatthu°). (nakkhatta) or month (see vesākha), usually as visākha° ( —
puṇṇamā), e. g. SnA 391; VvA 165.
Visanna [pp. of visīdati] sunk into (loc.), immersed J iv.399. The
poetical form is vyasanna. Visāṭita [pp. of vi+sāṭeti] cut in pieces, smashed, broken J ii.163
(=bhinna C.).
Visappana in °rasa at Vism 470 is not clear. Is it "spreading"
[vi+sṛp], or misprint for visa — pāna? Visāṇa (nt.) [cp. Sk. viṣāṇa] 1. the horn of an animal (as cow, ox,
deer, rhinoceros) Vin i.191; A ii.207; iv.376; Sn 35 (khagga°,
Visabhāga (adj.) [vi+sabhāga] different, unusual, extraordinary,
q. v.), 309; Pug 56 (miga°); Ap 50 (usabha°); J i.505; Miln
uncommon Miln 78 sq.; DA i.212; Vism 180 (purisassa it-
103. — 2. (also as m.) the tusks of an elephant J iii.184; v.41,
thisarīraṁ, itthiyā purisa — sarīraṁ visabhāgaṁ), 516; DhA
iv.52; PvA 118. -°ārammaṇa pudendum muliebre J ii.274 ≈
-maya made of horn Vin ii.115.
Visama (adj.) [vi+sama ] 1. uneven, unequal, disharmonious, Visāta (adj.) [fr. vi+śat, cp. sāṭeti] crushed to pieces, destroyed
M 11 102 (°gabbha, with mūḷha — gabbha; v. l. vighāta).
contrary A i.74; PvA 47 (vāta), 131 (a°=sama of the "middle"
path). — 2. (morally) discrepant, lawless, wrong A iii.285; Visāda [fr. vi+sad] depression, dejection D i.248; DA i.121; Sdhp
v.329; Sn 57 (cp. Nd 599); Miln 250 (°diṭṭhi). — 3. odd, pe- 117. Cp. visīdati.
culiar, petty, disagreeable A ii.87; Miln 112, 304, 357; J i.391
Visāra [fr. vi+sṛ] spreading, diffusion, scattering DhsA 118.
(nagaraka). — As nt. an uneven or dangerous or inaccessible
Visāraka (adj.) [vi+sāraka, of sṛ] spreading, extending, expand-
place, rough road; (fig.) unevenness, badness, misconduct,
ing Vin iii.97 (vattu° T.; vatthu° MSS.).
disagreeableness A i.35 (pabbata°); S iv.117; Vbh 368 (two
sets of 3 visamāni: rāga, etc.); Miln 136, 157, 277, 351; J v.70; Visārada (adj.) [cp. BSk. viśārada, e. g. AvS i.180. On etym. see
VvA 301. — visamena (instr.) in a wrong way Pv iv.14. sārada] self — possessed, confident; knowing how to conduct
oneself, skilled, wise D i.175; ii.86; S i.181; iv.246; v.261; A
Visamāyati [Denom. fr. visama] to be uneven D ii.269 (so read
ii.8 (vyatta+); iii.183, 203; iv.310, 314 sq.; v.10 sq.; M i.386;
for visamā yanti).
Ap 23; J iii.342; v.41; Miln 21; Sdhp 277. — avisārada dif-
Visaya [cp. Sk. viśaya, fr. vi+śī] 1. locality, spot, region; fident Miln 20, 105.
world, realm, province, neighbourhood Sn 977. Often in foll.
comb : petti° (or pitti°) and pettika (a) the world of the manes Visāla (adj.) [cp. Sk. viśāla] wide, broad, extensive Sn 38; J v.49,
215 (°pakhuma); Miln 102, 311.
or petas M i.73; S iii.224; v.342, 356 sq.; A i.37, 267; ii.126 1
sq.; iii.211, 339, 414 sq.; iv.405 sq.; v.182 sq.; Pv ii.2 ; ii.7 ; J -akkhī (f.) having large eyes J v.40; Vv 37 (+vipulalo-
canā; or a petī).
i.51; PvA 25 sq., 59 sq., 214. (b) the way of the fathers, native
or proper beat or range D iii.58; S v.146 sq.; A iii.67; J ii.59. Visālatā (f.) [abstr. fr. visāla] breadth, extensiveness VvA 104.
Yama° the realm of Yama or the Dead Pv ii.8 (=petaloka PvA
Visāhaṭa (adj.) [visa+āhaṭa] only neg. a° imperturbed, balanced
107). — 2. reach, sphere (of the senses), range, scope; object,
Dhs 11, 15, 24 etc.
characteristic, attribute (cp. Cpd. 143 n. 2) S v.218 (gocara°);
Visāhāra [visa+āhāra, or vi+saṁ+āhāra] distractedness, perturba-

Visāhāra Visesa

tion; neg. a° balance Dhs 11, 15. sīla°), 288; M i.147; S iii.69; A i.95 (sīla° & diṭṭhi°); ii.80
(catasso dakkhiṇā°), 195; iii.315; v.64 (paramattha°); Sn 813,
Visikhā (f.) [cp. *Sk. (lexicogr.) viśikhā] a street, road Vin
824, 840, 892; Dh 16 (kamma°); Ps i.21 (sīla°, citta°, diṭṭhi°);
iv.312; J i.338; iv.310; v.16, 434.
ii.85 (id.); Nd 138, 162; Vism 2; SnA 188 (°divasa), PvA 13
-kathā gossip at street corners D i.179; M i.513; Dh i.90.
(°cittatā); Sdhp 447. A class of divine beings (dogmatically
Visiṭṭha (adj.) [pp. of visissati] distinguished, prominent, su- the highest in the stages of development, viz. gods by sanc-
perior, eminent D iii.159; Vv 32 ; J i.441; Miln 203, 239; 2
tification) is called visuddhi-devā Nd 307; J i.139; VvA 18.
DhA ii.15; VvA 1 (°māna=vimāna), 85, 261; Sdhp 260, 269,
See under deva.
332, 489. — compar. °tara Vism 207 (=anuttara). —
Visūka (nt.) [perhaps to sūc, sūcayati] restless motion, wriggling,
As visiṭṭhaka at Sdhp 334. — See also abhi°, paṭi°, and
twisting, twitching (better than "show," although connection
with sūc would give meaning "indication, show"), almost syn-
Visiṇṇa [pp. of viseyyati] broken, crushed, fallen to pieces J i.174.
onymous with vipphandita. Usually in cpd. diṭṭhi° scuffling
Visineti see usseneti. or wriggling of opinion, wrong views, heresy M i.8, 486; Sn
Visibbita (adj.) [pp. of vi+sibbeti, sīv to sew] entwined, entan- 55 (cp. Nd 301); Pv iv.1 .
gled Miln 102 (saṁsibbita° as redupl. — iter. cpd.). -dassana visiting shows (as fairs) D i.5 (cp. DA i.77:
"visūkaṁ paṭani — bhūtaṁ dassanaṁ," reading not clear); A
Visibbeti [vi+sibbeti, sīv] to unsew, to undo the stitches Vin
i.212; ii.209; Pug 58.
iv.280. — Caus. II. visibbāpeti ibid. — Another vịsibbeti
Visūkāyita (nt.) [pp. of visūkāyeti, denom. fr. visūka] 1. rest-
see under visīveti.
lessness, impatience M i.446. — 2. disorder, twisting, dis-
Visissati [Pass. of vi+śiṣ] to differ, to be distinguished or eminent
tortion (of views); usually in phrase diṭṭhi° with °visevita &
Nett 188. — pp. visiṭṭha. — Caus. viseseti (q. v.). n
°vipphandita e. g. M i.234; S i.123 (Bdhgh's expl at K.S.
Visīdati [vi+sad; cp. visāda & pp. BSk. viṣaṇṇa Divy 44] 1. to i.321 is "vinivijjhan' aṭṭhena viloman' aṭṭhena"); ii.62 (in same
sink down J iv.223. — 2. to falter, to be dejected or displeased comb ; Bdhgh at K.S. ii.203: "sabbaṁ micchādiṭṭhi — veva-
S i.7; A iii.158; Pug 65. — pp. visanna. canaṁ"); Dhs 381 ("disorder of opinion" trsl ); Nd 271 ;
Vbh 145; DhsA 253. Cp. v. l. S i.123 17 (K.S. i.155 "dis-
Visīyati [vi+sīyati; cp. Sk. śīyate, Pass. of śyā to coagulate] to
be dissolved; 3 pl. imper. med. visīyaruṁ Th 1, 312 (cp. orders"; n. p. 321).
Geiger, P.Gr. § 126). Visūcikā (f.) [cp. *Sk. visūcikā] cholera Miln 153, 167.
Visīvana (nt.) [fr. visīveti] warming oneself J i.326; v.202. As Viseni° [vi+sena in comb with kṛ and bhū; cp. paṭisena] "with-
visibbana at Vin iv.115. out an enemy," in °katvā making armyless, i. e. disarming Sn
Visīveti [vi+sīveti, which corresponds to Sk. vi — śyāpayati (lex- 833, 1078. Expl in the Niddesa as "keep away as enemies,
icogr.!), Caus. of śyā, śyāyati to coagulate; lit. to dissolve, conquering" Nd 174=Nd 602 (where Nd reads paṭisenikarā
thaw. The v stands for p; śyā is contracted to sī] to warm kilesā for visenikatvā kilesā). -°bhūta disarmed, not acting as n
oneself Miln 47; J ii.68; DhA i.225, 261; ii.89. As visibbeti an enemy Sn 793=914, where Nd 96=334 has the same expl
(in analogy to visibbeti to sew) at Vin iv.115. — Caus. II. as for °katvā; S i.141 (+upasanta — citta; trsl "by all the hosts
visīvāpeti J ii.69. of evil unassailed" K.S. i.178). Kern, Toev. s. v. differently
"not opposing" for both expressions.
Visuṁ (indecl.) [cp. Sk. viṣu, a derivation fr. vi°] separately,
Viseneti to discard, dislike, get rid of (opp. usseneti) S iii.89; Ps
individually; separate, apart DhA ii.26 (mātā — pitaro visuṁ
ii.167. See usseneti.
honti). Usually repeated (distributively) visuṁ visuṁ each on
his own, one by one, separately, e. g. Vism 250; Mhvs 6, 44; Viseyyati [vi+seyyati, cp. Sk. śīryati, of śṛ to crush] to be broken,
SnA 583; VvA 38; PvA 214. — visukaraṇa separation ThA to fall to pieces J i.174. — pp. visiṇṇa.
Visevita (nt.) [vi+sevita] 1. restlessness, trick, capers M i.446 (of
Visukkha (adj.) [vi+sukkha] dried out or up PvA 58. a horse; comb with visūkāyita). — 2. disagreement S i.123
(=viruddha — sevita K.S. i.320). Bdhgh at K.S. ii.203 reads
Visukkhita (adj.) [vi+sukkhita] dried up Miln 303.
°sedhita. Cp. visūkāyita.
Visujjhati [vi+sujjhati] to be cleaned, to be cleansed, to be pure
Visesa [fr. vi+śiṣ, cp. Epic Sk. viśeṣa] 1. (mark of) distinction,
Vin ii.137; J i.75; iii.472. — pp. visuddha. — Caus.
characteristic, discrimination A i.267; S iv.210; J ii.9; Miln 29;
visodheti (q. v.).
VvA 58, 131; PvA 50, 60. — 2. elegance, splendour, excel-
Visuddha (adj.) [pp. of visujjhati] clean, pure, bright; in appl d
lence J v.151; DhA i.399. — 3. distinction, peculiar merit or
meaning: purified, stainless, sanctified Vin i.105; D iii.52
advantage, eminence, excellence, extraordinary state D i.233
(cakkhu); S ii.122 (id.); iv.47 (sīla); A iv.304 (su°); Sn 67, (so for vivesa all through?); A iii.349 (opp. hāna); J i.435;
517, 687; Nd 601; Pug 60; PvA 1 (su°); Sdhp 269, 383.
VvA 157 (puñña°); PvA 71 (id.), 147 (sukha°). — 4. differ-
Visuddhatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. visuddha] purity, purification A ence, variety SnA 477, 504; VvA 2; PvA 37, 81, 135 (pl.=
ii.239. items). abl. visesato, distinctively, altogether PvA 1, 259. —
5. specific idea (in meditation), attainment J vi.69: see & cp.
Visuddhi (f.) [vi+suddhi] brightness, splendour, excellency; (eth-
Brethren 24, n. 1; 110. — Cp. paṭi°.
ically) purity, holiness, sanctification; virtue, rectitude Vin
-âdhigama specific attainment A iv.22; M ii.96; Nett 92;
i.105 (visuddho paramāya visuddhiyā); D i.53; iii.214 (diṭṭhi°,

Visesa Vissamati

Miln 412; DhA i.100. [Cp. BSk. viśeṣadhigama Divy 174]. nissajjati, cp. ossajjati for osajjati]. A. The pres. vissajjati
-gāmin reaching distinction, gaining merit A ii.185; iii.349 is not in use. The only forms of the simple verb system are
sq.; S v.108. -gū reaching a higher state or attainment J the foll.: ger. vissajja, usually written visajja, in meaning
vi.573. -paccaya ground for distinction VvA 20. -bhāgiya "setting free," giving up, leaving behind Sn 522, 794, 912,
participating in, or leading to distinction or progress (spiri- 1060; Nd 98; Nd 596. — grd. vissajjaniya [perhaps bet-
tually) D iii.272 sq., 277, 282; Nett 77; Vism 11, 88 (abstr. ter to vissajjeti ] to be answered, answerable; nt. a reply Nett
°bhāgiyatā). 161, 175 sq., 191; and vissajjiya to be given away: see under
a°. — pp. vissaṭṭha. — B. Very frequent is the Caus. vis-
Visesaka (m. or nt.) [fr. visesa] 1. a (distinguishing) mark (on
sajjeti (also occasionally as visajj°) in var. meanings, based
the forehead) Vin ii.267 (with apanga). — 2. leading to dis-
on the idea of sending forth or away, viz. to emit, discharge
tinction VvA 85.
J i.164 (uccāra — passāvaṁ). — to send Mhvs 8, 3 (lekaṁ
Visesatā=visesa Sdhp 265.
visajjayi). — to dismiss PvA 81 (there). — to let loose PvA
Visesana (nt.) [fr. viseseti] distinguishing, distinction, qualifi- 74 (rathaṁ). — to spend, give away, bestow, hand over Pug
cation, attribute Vv 16 ; J iii.11; vi.63; SnA 181, 365, 399; 26 (visajj°); Nd 262 (dhanaṁ); Miln 41 (dhaññaṁ); PvA 111,
VvA 13. — instr. avisesena (adv.) without distinction, at all 119. — to get rid of J i.134 (muddikaṁ). — to answer (ques-
events, anyhow PvA 116. tions), to reply, retort Sn 1005 (°essati, fut.); VvA 71; PvA 15,
Visesikā (f.) [fr. visesa] the Vaiśeṣika philosophy Miln 3. 59, 87. — pp. vissajjita. — Caus. II. vissajjāpeti (in mean-
ings of vissajjeti) J iv.2 (hatthaṁ=to push away); Miln 143;
Visesita [pp. of viseseti] distinguished, differentiated Mhvs 11,
Mhvs 6, 43.
32; KhA 18; PvA 56.
Vissajjana (nt.) & °ā (f.) [fr. vissajjeti] 1. giving out, bestow-
Visesin (adj.) [fr. visesa] possessing distinction, distinguished ing Nd 262 (dhana°). — 2. sending off, discharging J i.239
from, better than others Sn 799, 842, 855, 905; Nd 244.
(nāvā° putting off to sea). — 3. answer, reply Vism 6, 84; of-
Visesiya (adj.) [grd. of viseseti] distinguished Vv 16 (=visesaṁ ten in comb pucchā° question and answer, e. g. Mhvs 4, 54;
patvā VvA 85); v. l. visesin (=visesavant C.). PvA 2.
Viseseti [Caus. of visissati] to make a distinction, to distinguish, Vissajjanaka (adj.) (—°) [fr. vissajjana] 1. giving out, bestowing
define, specify J v.120, 451; SnA 343; grd. visesitabba ( — PvA 121. — 2. answering J i.166 (pañha°).
vacana) qualifying (predicative) expression VvA 13. — pp.
Vissajjāpetar [n. ag. fr. vissajjāpeti] one who replies or causes
to reply DhA iv.199. Cp. vissajjetar.
Visoka (adj.) [vi+soka] freed from grief Dh 90; DhA ii.166.
Vissajjita [pp. of vissajjeti] 1. spent, given away Sn 982 — 2. let
Visodha [fr. vi+śudh] cleaning, cleansing, in cpd. dubbi-sodha loose, sent off, discharged Mhvs 23, 88.
hard to clean Sn 279.
Vissajjetar [n. ag. fr. vissajjeti] one who answers (a question) A
Visodhana (nt.) [fr. visodheti] cleansing, purifying, emending Ps i.103 (pañhaṁ). Cp. vissajjāpetar.
ii.21, 23; PvA 130.
Vissaṭṭha [pp. of vissajjati] 1. let loose; sent (out); released, dis-
Visodheti [Caus. of visujjhati] to clean, cleanse, purify, sanctify missed; thrown; given out Mhvs 10, 68; J i.370; iii.373; PvA
Kvu 551; Pv iv.3 ; DhA iii.158; Sdhp 321. 46, 64, 123, 174. — 2. (of the voice.) distinct, well enunci-
ated D i.114 (=apalibuddha, i. e. unobstructed; sandiddha —
Visoseti [Caus. of vissussati] to cause to dry up, to make wither,
to destroy A i.204; Sn 949=1099; Nd 434 (=sukkhāpeti); Nd 2 vilambit' ādi dosa — rahita DA i.282); ii.211; A ii.51; iii.114;
S i.189; J vi.16 (here as vissattha — vacana). — 3. vissaṭṭha
603 (id.).
at J iv.219 in phrase °indriya means something like "strong,"
Vissa (adj.) [Vedic viśva, to vi°] all, every, entire; only in Np.
distinguished. The v. l. visatta° suggests a probable visaṭa°;
Vissakamma. The word is antiquated in Pāli (for it sabba); a
it may on the other hand be a corruption of visiṭṭha°.
few cases in poetry are doubtful. Thus at Dh 266 (dhamma),
where DhA iii.393 expl as "visama, vissagandha"; and at It Vissaṭṭhi see visaṭṭhi.
32 (vissantaraṁ "among all beings"? v. l. vessantaraṁ). Vissattha [pp. of vissasati] trusting or trusted; confident; be-
Vissa (nt.) [cp. Sk. visra] a smell like raw flesh, as °gandha at ing confided in or demanding confidence, intimate, friendly A
iii.114; Vin i.87 (so read for ṭṭh); iv.21; J ii.305; iii.343; Miln
Dhs 625; DhsA 319; SnA 286; DhA iii.393.
109 (bahu° enjoying great confidence); SnA 188 (°bhāva state
Vissaka [of viś] dwelling: see paṭi°.
of confidence); Sdhp 168, 593. — vissaṭṭhena (instr.) in con-
Vissagga [vi+sagga, vi+sṛj, cp. Sk. visarga] dispensing, serving, fidence Vin ii.99. — Cp. abhi°.
donation, giving out, holding (a meal), only in phrases bhatta° Vissandaka (adj.) [fr. vissandati] overflowing PvA 119.
the function of a meal Vin ii.153; iv.263; Pv iii.2 (so read for
vissatta); Miln 9; SnA 19, 140; and dāna° bestowing a gift Pv Vissandati [vi+sandati, of syand] to flow out, to stream over-
ii.9 (=pariccāga — ṭṭhāne dān'agge PvA 124). flow J i.51; v.274; PvA 34 (aor. °sandi=pagghari), 51 (ppr.
°amāna), 80 (ger. °itvā), 119 (°anto=paggharanto), 123 (for
Vissajjaka [fr. vissajjati] 1. giving out, distributing Vin ii.177 —
paggharati; T. °eti).
2. one who answers (a question) Miln 295.
Vissamati [vi+samati, of śram] to rest, repose; to recover from
Vissajjati [vi+sajjati, of sṛj. The ss after analogy of ussajjati &
fatigue J i.485; ii.70; 128, 133; iii.208; iv.93, 293; v.73; PvA

Vissamati Vihārika

43, 151. — Caus. vissameti to give a rest, to make repose J (kankhaṁ; v. l. vitarati perhaps to be preferred); Sn 673; Pot.
iii.36. 3 sg. vihane Sn 975 (cp. Nd 509); & vihāne Sn 348=Th 1,
1268. — ger. vihacca: see abhi°. — Pass. vihaññati (q. v.).
Vissamana (nt.) [fr. vissamati] resting, reposing J iii.435.
— pp. vihata.
Vissametar [n. ag. fr. vissameti] one who provides a rest, giver
Viharaṇa (nt.) [fr. viharati] abiding, dwelling DhsA 164, 168.
of repose, remover of fatigue J vi.526.
Viharati [vi+harati] to stay, abide, dwell, sojourn (in a certain
Vissara [fr. vi+sarati, of svar] 1. outcry, shout, cry of distress, d
place); in general: to be, to live; appl : to behave, lead a
scream Vin i.87; ii.152, 207; iv.316; PvA 22, 245 (s), 279, 284 d
life (as such expl with "iriyati" at Vism 16). Synonyms are
(°ṁ karoti); Sdhp 188. — 2. distress Vin iv.212, 229.
given at Vbh 194 with iriyati, vattati, pāleti, yapeti, yāpeti,
Vissarati [vi+sarati, of smṛ] to forget Vin i.207; iv.261; Mhvs 26,
carati; cp. VbhA 262. — See e. g. D i.251; Sn 136, 301, 925;
16. — pp. vissarita.
Pug 68; DhsA 168; DA i.70, 132; PvA 22, 67, 78. — Special
Vissarita [opp. of vissarati] forgotten PvA 202. Forms: aor. 3 sg. vihāsi Sn p. 16; Pv ii.9 ; Mhvs 5, 233;
Vissavati [vi+savati, of sru] to flow, ooze Th 1, 453= Sn 205 (v. PvA 54, 121; 3 pl. vihiṁsu Th 1, 925, & vihaṁsu A ii.21;
l. SS vissasati). fut. viharissati A iii.70; vihessati Th 1, 257; vihissati Th 2,
181; and vihāhisi J i.298 (doubtful reading!), where C. expl s
Vissasati & vissāseti [vi+sasati, of śvas] to confide in, to put one's
as "vijahissati, parihāyissati"; with phrase sukhaṁ vihāhisi
trust in (loc. or gen.), to be friendly with S i.79 (vissase); J
cp. dukkhaṁ viharati at A i.95, and see also vihāhesi. —
i.461 (vissāsayitvā); iii.148=525 (vissāsaye); iv.56; vi.292. —
pp. not found.
pp. vissattha.
Vihaviha [for vihaga] a sort of bird Th 1, 49 (v. l. cihaciha). The
Vissāsa [vi+sāsa, of śvas] trust, confidence, intimacy, mutual s
C. expl by "parillaka."
agreement Vin i.296; 308, A ii.78; J i.189, 487; Miln 126;
Vihāmi at J vi.78 (lohitaṁ) is poetical for vijahāmi; C. expl as
Vism 190; VvA 66; PvA 13, 265. — dubbissāsa difficult to
niṭṭhubhāmi, i. e. I spit out.
be trusted J iv.462.
Vihāya is ger. of vijahati (q. v.).
Vissāsaka (& °ika) (adj.) [vissāsa] intimate, confidential; trust-
worthy A i.26; Miln 146; DA i.289. Vihāyasa [cp. Sk. viha & vihāyasa] the air, sky PvA 14. Cases
adverbially: °yasā through the air Mhvs 12, 10, & °yasaṁ id.
Vissāsaniya (adj.) [grd. of vissāseti] to be trusted, trustworthy
J iv.47. Cp. vehāyasa & vehāsa.
PvA 9; Sdhp 306, 441; neg. a° J iii.474; cp. dubbissāsaniya
hard to trust J iv.462. Vihāra [fr. viharati] 1. (as m. & adj.) spending one's time (so-
Vissāsin (adj.) [fr. vissāsa] intimate, confidential A iii.136 (asan- journing or walking about), staying in a place, living; place
thava° intimate, although not acquainted). of living, stay, abode (in general) VvA 50 (jala°); PvA 22,
79; eka° living by oneself S ii.282 sq.; janghā° wandering on
Vissuta (adj.) [vi+suta, of śru] widely famed, renowned, famous foot PvA 73; divā° passing the time of day Sn 679; PvA 142.
Sn 137, 597, 998, 1009; Pv ii.7 ; Mhvs 5, 19; PvA 107 (=dūra d
See also below 3 a. — 2. (appl meaning) state of life, condi-
— ghuṭṭha).
tion, mode of life (in this meaning almost identical with that of
Vissussati [vi+śuṣ] to dry up, to wither S i.126 (in comb n vāsa ), e. g. ariya° best condition S v.326; SnA 136; dibba°
ussussati vissussati, with ss from uss°). Spelling here visuss°, supreme condition (of heart) Miln 225; brahma° divine state
but ss at S iii.149. — Caus. visoseti (q. v.). S v.326; SnA 136; Vism 295 sq. (ch. ix.); phāsu° comfort
A iii.119, 132; sukha° happiness S iii.8; v.326; A i.43; ii.23;
Vissota (adj.) [vi+sota, of sru] flowedaway, wasted Miln 294.
iii.131 sq.; iv.111 sq., 230 sq.; v.10 sq. See further D i.145,
Vihaga [viha, sky, +ga] a bird (lit. going through the sky) DA
196; iii.220 (dibba, brahma, ariya), 250 (cha satata°), 281; S
i.46. -°pati lord of birds, a garuḷa Dāvs iv.33, 38, 55.
ii.273 (jhāna°); iii.235 (id.); A iii.294 (°ṁ kappeti to live one's
Vihanga=vihaga, J v.416; PvA 154, 157; Sdhp 241. life); Ps ii.20; Nett 119 sq. — 3. (a) a habitation for a Bud-
dhist mendicant, an abode in the forest (arañña°), or a hut; a
Vihangama (adj.) [viha+gam] going through the air, flying; (m.)
dwelling, habitation, lodging (for a bhikkhu), a single room
a bird A ii.39; iii.43; Sn 221, 606; Th 1, 1108; J i.216; iii.255;
Vin ii.207 sq.; D ii.7; A iii.51, 299 (yathāvihāraṁ each to his
DA i.125=DhsA 141.
apartment); Sn 220 (dūra° a remote shelter for a bhikkhu), 391;
Vihaññati [Pass. of vihanati] to be struck or slain; to be vexed
Vism 118 (different kinds; may be taken as c.). — (b) place
or grieved, to get enraged, to be annoyed, suffer hardship; to for convention of the bhikkhus, meeting place; place for rest &
be cast down Sn 168 sq.; Pv ii.11 (=vighātaṁ āpajjati PvA recreation (in garden or park) DA i.133. — (c) (later) a larger
150); iv.5 (with same expl ); J i.73, 359; ii.442; v.330; DA
building for housing bhikkhus, an organized monastery, a Vi-
i.289. — ppr. vihaññamāna Sn 1121 (with long and detailed hāra Vin i.58; iii.47; S i.185 (°pāla the guard of the monastery);
exegesis at Nd 604); S i.28 (a°); PvA 150. pp. vihata DA
J i.126; Miln 212; Vism 292; DhA i.19 (°cārikā visit to the
monastery), 49 (°pokkharaṇī), 416; Mhvs 19, 77; PvA 12, 20,
Vihata [pp. of vihanati] struck, killed, destroyed, impaired It 100 54, 67, 141. 151; and passim. See also Dictionary of Names.
(where A i.164 reads vigata); J vi.171; Sdhp 313, 425. The modern province Behar bears its name from the vihāras.
Vihata (adj.) [cp. Sk. vihṛti] broad, wide J vi.171 (=puthula C.). Vihāraka=vihāra 3 (room, hut) Th 2, 94 (=vasanaka-ovaraka
ThA 90).
Vihanati [vi+hanati] to strike, kill, put an end to, remove A iii.248

Vihārika Vīta

Vihārika (adj.)=vihārin; in saddhi° co — resident A iii.70. 369; Nett 25; Miln 295; DhA i.55.
Vihārin (adj.) (—°) [fr. vihāra] dwelling, living; being in such Vihesikā (f.) [probably for Sk. *vibhīṣikā, fr. bhī, Epic Sk. bhīṣā,
& such a state or condition D i.162 (appa — dukkha°), 251 cp. bhīṣma=P. bhiṁsa (q. v.)] fright J iii.147. (C. says "an ex-
(evaṁ°); A i.24 (araṇa°), 26 (mettā); It 74 (appamāda°); Sn 45 pression of fearfullness").
(sādhu°), 375; Pv iv.1 33 (araṇa°); PvA 77, 230 (mettā°); VvA
Viheseti [vi+hiṁs, or Denom. fr. vihesā, cp. Geiger, P.Gr. §
71. — eka° living alone S ii.282 sq.; iv.35; opp. saddhi° to- 2
10 ] to harass, vex, annoy, insult S iv.63; v.346; A iii.194;
gether with another; a coresident, brother — bhikkhu S ii.204; 47 49
Vin iv.36 sq.; Ud 44; Sn 277; Pv iv.1 (vihesaṁ, aor.); iv.1
iv.103; A ii.239.
(vihesayi, aor.).
Vihāhesi "he banished" at J iv.471 is 3 sg. aor. Caus. of vijahati Vīci (m. & f.) [cp. late Sk. vīci wave; Vedic vīci only in
(hā); expl in C. by pabbājesi. — Another form vihāhisi see meaning "deceit"; perhaps connected with Lat. vicis, Ags.
under viharati & cp. viheti .
wīce=E. week, lit. "change," cp. tide] 1. a wave J i.509;
Vihiṁsati [vi+hiṁsati] to hurt, injure, harass, annoy S i.165; It Miln 117 (jala°), 319 (°puppha wave — flower, fig.); Vism 63
86; Sn 117, 451; PvA 123, 198. (samudda°); Dāvs iv.46; DhsA 116= Vism 143. — 2. inter-
Vihiṁsanā (f.) a Commentary word for vihiṁsā VbhA 75. A val, period of time (cp. "tide"= time interval) J v.271 (°antara,
in Avīci definition as "uninterrupted state of suffering"). In
similar vihiṁsakā occurs at PvA 123.
contrast pair avīci (adj.) uninterrupted, without an interval, &
Vihiṁsā (f.) (& adj. °a) [abstr. fr. vi+hiṁs, to injure] hurting, in- n
savīci with periods, in def of jarā at VbhA 99 & DhsA 328,
juring, cruelty, injury D iii.215; 226 (°vitakka); S i.202; ii.151 where avīci means "not changing quickly," and savīci "chang-
(°dhātu); A iii.448; Sn 292; Nd 207 (°saññā), 386, 501 (°vi- n
ing quickly." Also in def of sadā (continuously) as "avīci —
takka); Vbh 86, 363 (°vitakka); Dhs 1348; Pug 25; Nett 97; 2
santati" at Nd 631. Cp. avīci.
Miln 337, 367, 390; DhsA 403; VbhA 74 (°dhātu), 118 (°vi-
Vījati [vīj] to fan J i.165; SnA 487; VvA 6 (T. bījati). - Caus.
takka); Sdhp 510. Neg. avihiṁsā see sep. — See also vihesā.
vījeti DhA iv.213; Mhvs 5, 161. — Pass. vījiyati: ppr.
Vihita (adj.) [pp. of vidahati] arranged, prepared, disposed, ap-
vījiyamāna getting fanned J iii.374 (so read for vijīy°); PvA
pointed; furnished, equipped J vi.201 (loka); Miln 345 (na-
176 (so for vijjamāna!). — pp. vījita.
gara); D i.45, S iii.46; Pug 55 (aneka°); Mhvs 10, 93; PvA 51
Vījana (nt.) [fr. vīj, cp. Class. Sk. vījana] a fan, fanning; in
(suṭṭhu°). añña° engaged upon something else Vin iv.269.
vījana-vāta a fanning wind, a breeze SnA 174.
Vihitaka (adj.)=vihita; D iii.28 sq. (kathaṁ v. aggaññaṁ how as 2
Vījanī (f.) [fr. vījana, of vīj] a fan Vv 47 (T. bījanī, v. l. vīj°);
the beginning of things appointed?); — añña° engaged upon
J i.46; Vism 310; DhA iv.39; VvA 147; PvA 176; KhA 95.
something else J iv.389 (or does it belong to āhāra. in sense
There are 3 kinds of fans mentioned at Vin ii.130, viz. vāka-
of "prepared by somebody else"?).
maya°, usīra°, mora-piñcha°, or fans made of bark, of a root
Vihitatā (f.) [abstr. fr. vihita] in añña° being engaged upon
(?), and of a peacock's tail.
something else DhA i.181.
Vījita [pp. of vījati] fanned Pv iii.1 (°anga).
Vihīna (adj.) [pp. of vijahati] left, given up, abandoned Sdhp 579.
*Vīṇati (?), doubtful: see apa° & pa°. Kern, Toev. s. v. wrong
Viheṭhaka (adj.) [fr. viheṭheti] harassing, oppressing, annoying J
in treating it as a verb "to see."
i.504; v.143; Sdhp 89. Neg. a° see sep.
Vīṇā (f.) [cp. Vedic vīṇā] the Indian lute, mandoline S i.122=Sn
Viheṭhana (nt.) [fr. viheṭheti] harassing, hurting; oppression
449 (kacchā bhassati "let the lyre slide down from hollow
VbhA 74; VvA 68; PvA 232.
of his arm" K.S. i.153); Th 1, 467; S iv.196 (six parts); A
Viheṭhanaka (adj.) [fr. viheṭhana] oppressing, hurting, doing iii.375; J iii.91; v.196, 281 (named Kokanada "wolf's howl");
harm J ii.123. vi.465=580; Vv 64 ; 81 ; Miln 53 (all its var. parts); VvA
138, 161, 210; PvA 151. — vīṇaṁ vādeti to play the lute
Viheṭheti [vi+heṭheti, of hīḍ or heḷ to be hostile. Same in BSk.,
Mhvs 31, 82; ThA 203.
e. g. MVastu iii.360, Divy 42, 145 etc.] to oppress, to bring
-daṇḍaka the neck of a lute J ii.225. -doṇikā the sound-
into difficulties, to vex, annoy, plague, hurt D i.116, 135; ii.12; 1
ing board of a lute (cp. doṇī 4) Vism 251; VbhA 234; KhA
Sn 35; J i.187; ii.267; iv.375; Miln 6, 14; DhA 191; VvA 69
(Pass. °iyamāna).
Viheti [for bibheti?] to be afraid (of) J v.154 (=bhāyati C.). Cp. Vīta (adj.) [vi+ita, pp. of i] deprived of, free from, (being) with-
out. In meaning and use cp. vigata°. Very frequent as first
part of a cpd., as e. g. the foll.:
Viheti [contracted Pass. of vijahāti=vihāyati, cp. vihāhesi] to be
-accika without a flame, i. e. glowing, aglow (of cinders),
given up, to disappear, to go awav J iv.216. Kern, Toev. s. v. d
usually comb with °dhūma "without smoke" M i.365; S ii.99
(so read for vītacchika)=iv.188=M i.74; D ii.134; J i.15, 153;
Vihesaka (adj.) [fr. viheseti] annoying, vexing, troubling Vin iii.447; v.135; DhA ii.68; Vism 301. -iccha free from de-
iv.36; Dpvs i.47. — f. °ikā Vin iv.239, 241. sire J ii.258. -gedha without greed Sn 210, 860, 1100; Nd 1
250; Nd 606. -taṇha without craving Sn 83, 741, 849, 1041,
Vihesā (f.) [for vihiṁsā] vexation, annoyance, injury; worry M
1060; Nd 211; Nd 607. -tapo without heat J ii.450. —
i.510; ii.241 sq.; S i.136; iii.132; iv.73; v.357; D iii.240 (a°);
(d)dara fearless Th 1, 525; Dh 385. -dosa without anger Sn
Vin iv.143 (+vilekhā); A iii.245, 291; Sn 247, 275, 277; Vbh

Vīta Vīsati & vīsa

12. -macchara without envy, unselfish Sn 954; Nd 444; J enly bodies J i.23; VvA 326. — Various streets (roads, paths)
v.398; Pv iii.1 . -mada not conceited So 328, cp. A ii.120. are named either after the professions carried on in them, e.
-mala stainless (cp. vimala) S iv.47, 107; DA i.237; Miln 16. g. dantakāra° street of ivory — workers J i.320; pesakāra°
-moha without bewilderment Sn 13. I have to remark that the weaver st. DhA i.424; bhatakāra° soldier st. DhA i.233; —
reading vīta° seems to be well established. It occurs very fre- or after the main kind of traffic frequenting these, e. g. nāga°
quently in the Apadāna. Should we take it in meaning of "ex- elephant road VvA 316; miga° animal rd. J i.372; — or after
cessive"? And are we confronted with an attribute of osadhi, special occasions (like distinguished people passing by this
the morning star, which points to Babylonian influence (star of or that road), e. g. buddha° the road of the Buddha DhA
the East)? As it occurs in the Vatthugāthās of the Pārāyanav- ii.80; rāja° King st. ThA 52; Mhvs 20, 38. — 2. (t.t. in
agga, this does not seem improbable. -raṁsi rayless (?) Sn psychology) course, process (of judgment, senseperception or
1016 (said of the sun; the expression is not clear. One MS. of cognition, cp. Cpd. 25, 124, 241 (vinicchaya°), 266. — Vism
Nd at this passage reads pīta°, i. e. with yellow, i. e. golden, 187 (kammaṭṭhāna°); KhA 102 (viññāṇa°). -°citta process of
rays; which is to be preferred). Cp. note in Index to SnA. cognition (lit. processed cognition) Vism 22; DhsA 269.
-rāga passionless Sn 11, 507, 1071; Pug 32; Pv ii.4 ; Miln 76,
Vīthika (adj.) (—°) [fr. vīthi] having (as) a road Miln 322 (sati-
and frequently elsewhere. -lobha without greed Sn 10, 469, paṭṭhāna°, in the city of Righteousness).
494. -vaṇṇa colourless Sn 1120. -salla without a sting S
Vīmaṁsaka (adj.) [fr. vīmaṁsā] testing, investigating, examin-
iv.64. -sārada not fresh, not unexperienced, i. e. wise It 123.
ing S iii.6 sq.; Sn 827; Nd 166; J i.369.
Vīta [pp. of vāyati , or vināti] woven Vin iii.259 (su°).
Vīmaṁsati (& °eti) [Vedic mīmāṁsate, Desid. of man. The P.
Vītaṁsa [fr. vi+tan, according to BR. The word is found in late
form arose through dissimilation m>v, cp. Geiger, P.Gr. 46,
Sk. (lexicogr.) as vītaṁsa. BR compare Sk. avataṁsa (gar-
4] "to try to think," to consider, examine, find out, investigate,
land: see P. vaṭaṁsa) & uttaṁsa. The etym. is not clear] a
test, trace, think over Sn 215 (°amāna), 405; J i.128, 147, 200;
bird — snare (BR.: "jedes zum Fangen von Wild & Vögeln
vi.334; Miln 143; PvA 145, 215, 272; Sdhp 91. — ger. °itvā
dienende Gerät"), a decoy bird Th 1, 139. Kern, Toev. s. v.
J vi.368; Mhvs 5, 36; PvA 155; inf. °ituṁ Mhvs 37, 234; PvA
30, 155, 283 (sippaṁ). — Caus. II, vīmaṁsāpeti to cause to
Vīti° is the contracted prepositional comb vi+ati, representing an investigate J v.110. — Cp. pari°.
emphatic ati, e. g. in the foll.:
Vīmaṁsana (nt.) & °ā (f.) [fr. vīmaṁsati] trying, testing; finding
-(k)kama (1) going beyond, transgression, sin Vin iii.112;
out, experiment Vin iii.79; J iii.55; Mhvs 22, 78; PvA 153.
iv.290; J i.412; iv.376; Pug 21; Miln 380; Vism 11, 17; DhA
Vīmaṁsā (f.) [fr. vīmaṁsati] consideration, examination, test,
iv.3. — (2) going on, course (of time) PvA 137 (°ena by and
investigation, the fourth of the Iddhipādas, q. v.; D iii.77
by; v. l. anukkamena). -kiṇṇa sprinkled, speckled, gay with
(°samādhi), 222; S v.280; A i.39, 297; iii.37, 346; v.24, 90,
J v.188. -nāmeti to make pass (time), to spend the time, to
338; Ps i.19; ii.123; Kvu 508; Dhs 269; Vbh 219 (°samādhi),
live, pass, wait J iii.63, 381; DhA ii.57; VvA 158; PvA 12,
222, 227; Tikp 2; Nett 16 (°samādhi), 42; DA i.106; SnA 349
21, 47, 76. -patati to fly past, to flit by, to fly up & down
(vīmaṁsa — kāra=sankheyya — kāra). — Cp. pari°.
Sn 688; A v.88=Miln 392. -missa mingled, mixed (with)
M i.318; D iii.96; J vi.151. -vatta having passed or over- Vīmaṁsin=vīmaṁsaka Sn 877; Nd 283; DA i.106.
come, gone through; passed, spent S i.14, 145; iii.225; iv.52;
Vīra [Vedic vīra; cp. Av. vīra, Lat. vir, virtus "virtue"; Gotu.
A ii.44; Sn 6, 395, 796; J i.374; ThA 170; PvA 21, 55, 83.
wair, Ohg, Ags wer; to vayas strength etc.; cp. viriya] manly,
-sāreti [fr. vi+ati+ sṛ; not with Childers fr. smṛ; cp. BSk. vy-
mighty, heroic; a hero S i.137; Sn 44, 165 (not dhīra), 642,
atisārayati] to make pass (between), to exchange (greeting), to 2
1096, 1102; Th 1, 736 (nara° hero); Nd 609; DhA iv.225. —
address, converse (kathaṁ), greet. Often in phrase sārāṇīyaṁ
mahā° a hero S i.110, 193; iii.83 (of the Arahant). — vīra is
sammodanīyaṁ kathaṁ vītisāreti [for which BSk. sam-
often an Ep. of the Buddha.
modanīṁ saṁrañjanīṁ vividhāṁ kathāṁ vyatisārayati, e. g.
-angarūpa built like a hero, heroic, divine D i.89; ii.16;
AvŚ ii.140] D i.52, 90, 118, 152; Sn 419; cp. Miln 19; J iv.98 iii.59, 142, 145; S i.89; Sn p. 106; expl as "devaputta-
(shortened to sārāṇīyaṁ vītisārimha; expl with sārayimha);
sadisa-kāya" at DA i.250 & SnA 450. — The BSk. equiv-
v.264. -haraṇa passing (mutually), carrying in between J
alent is var — anga — rūpin (distorted fr. vīr°), e. g. MVastu
vi.355 (bhojanānaṁ). -harati to associate with (at a meal) S
i.49; ii.158; iii.197.
i.162. -hāra, in pada° "taking over or exchange of steps," a
Vīyati [Pass. of vināti] see viyyati.
stride S i.211; A iv.429; J vi.354. Same in BSk., e. g. MVastu
i.35; iii.162. Vīvadāta (adj.) [vi+avadāta, the metric form of vodāta] clean,
pure Sn 784, 881.
Vīthi (f.) [cp. Epic Sk. vīthi, to Idg. *ṷeiǮā- to aim at, as in Lat.
via way, Sk. veti to pursue; Lat. venor to hunt; Gr. ει῎σατο Vīsati & vīsaṁ (indecl.) [both for Vedic viṁśati; cp. Av. vīsaiti,
he went] 1. street, way, road, path, track A v.347, 350 sq.; Vv Gr. ει῎κοσι, Lat. viginti, Oir. fiche, etc.; fr. Idg. *ṷi+komt
83 ; J i.158 (garden path); v.350 (dve vīthiyo gahetvā tiṭṭhati, (decad), thus "two decads." Cp. vi°] number 20. — Both
of a house); vi.276 (v. and raccha); DhA i.14; VvA 31; PvA forms are used indiscriminately. — (1) vīsati, e. g. Vin
54. -antaravīthiyaṁ (loc.) in the middle of the road J i.373; ii.271 (°vassa, as minimum age of ordination); Sn 457 (catu —
PvA 96. -°sabhāga share of road J i.422; -°singhāṭaka vīsat'akkharaṁ); J i.89 (°sahassa bhikkhū); iii.360; VbhA 191
crossroad DhA iv.4. — Of the path of the stars and heav- sq.; DhA i.4 (ekūna°, 19); ii.9, 54; iii.62 (°sahassa bhikkhū,

Vīsati & vīsa Vutti

as followers); as vīsatiṁ at DhA ii.61 (vassa — sahassāni). vuḍḍha Pv ii.11 ; Mhvs 13, 2. — 2. vuddha M ii.168; J
— (2) vīsaṁ; e. g. Sn 1019 (°vassa — sata); It 99 (jātiyo); J v.140; Sn p. 108 (+mahallaka); DA i.283.
i.395 (°yojana — sata); v.36 (°ratana — sata); DhA i.8; ii.91
Vuḍḍhaka (adj.) [vuḍḍha+ka] old; f. °ikā old woman Th 2, 16.
(°yojana — sataṁ).
Vuḍḍhi & vuddhi (f.) [a by — form of vaḍḍhi] increase, growth,
Vīhi [cp. Vedic vrīhi] rice, paddy Vin iv.264 (as one of the 7 kinds
furtherance, prosperity. — 1. vuḍḍhi PvA 22. Often in phrase
of āmaka — dhañña); J i.429; iii.356; Miln 102, 267; Vism 383
vuḍḍhi virūḷhi vepulla (all three almost tautological) Miln
(°tumba); DhA i.125; iii.374 (°piṭaka).
51; Vism 129. — 2. vuddhi M i.117 (+virūḷhi etc.); S ii.205
Vuccati [Pass. of vac] to be called D i.168, 245; Sn 436, 759, sq.; iii.53; v.94, 97; A iii.76 (opp. parihāni), 404 (+virūḷhi),
848, 861, 946; Nd 431; Nd s. v. katheti; SnA 204; DhA 434 (kusalesu dhammesu); v.123 sq.; It 108; J v.37 (°ppatta
ii.35. See also vatti. — pp. vutta. grown up); Vism 271, 439 (so read for buddhi); DhA ii.82,
Vuṭṭha [pp. of vassati ] (water) shed, rained Pv i.5 ; PvA 29. See 87; Sdhp 537.
also vaṭṭa & vaṭṭha. *Vuṇāti [we are giving this base as such only from analogy with
Vuṭṭhavant=vusitavant, Nd 179, 284, 611. the Sk. form vrṇāti (vṛṇoti); from the point of view of Pāli
grammar we must consider a present tense varati as legitimate
Vuṭṭhahati & vuṭṭhāti [the sandhi form of uṭṭhahati (q. v.), with
(cp. saṁ°). There are no forms from the base vuṇāti found in
euphonic v, which however appears in BSk. as vyut° (i. e.
the present tense; the Caus. vāreti points directly to varati].
vi+ud°); vyuttisṭhate "to come back from sea" Divy 35, and
The two meanings of the root vṛ as existing in Sk. are also
freq. in AvŚ, e. g. i.242] 1. to rise, arise; to be produced Vin
found in Pāli, but only peculiar to the Caus. vâreti (the form
ii.278 (gabbha). — 2. to rise out of (abl.), to emerge from,
aor avari as given by Childers should be read avāriṁsu Mhvs
to come back S iv.294; Vism 661 (vuṭṭhāti). — pp. vuṭṭhita.
36, 78). The present tense varati is only found in meaning
— Caus. vuṭṭhāpeti (1) to ordain, rehabilitate Vin iv.226, 317
"to wish" (except in prep. cpds. like saṁvarati to restrain).
sq. (=upasampādeti). (2) to rouse out of (abl.), to turn away ns
— Def of vṛ: Dhtp 255 var= varaṇa — sambhattisu; 274
from A iii.115.
val=saṁvaraṇe (see valaya); 606 var=āvaraṇ'icchāsu. — 1.
Vuṭṭhāna (nt.) [the sandhi form of uṭṭhāna] 1. rise, origin J i.114 to hinder, obstruct; to conceal, protect (on meanings "hinder"
(gabbha°). — 2. ordination, rehabilitation (in the Order) Vin and "conceal" cp. rundhati); Idg. *ṷer and *ṷel, cp. Gr.
iv.320; Miln 344. — 3. (cp. uṭṭhāna 3) rousing, rising out, ε῎λυτρον, Sk. varutra, Lat. volvo, aperio etc. See vivarati.
emerging, emergence; appl as a religious term to revival from The pp. *vuta only in comb with prefixes, like pari°, saṁ°.
jhāna — abstraction (cp. Cpd. 67, 215 n. 4; Dhs. trl , § 1332) It also appears as *vaṭa in vivaṭa. — 2. to wish, desire;
M i.302; S iii.270; iv.294; A iii.311, 418, 427 sq.; Vism 661 Idg. *ṷel, cp. Sk. varaṇa, varīyān "better," Gr. ε῎λδομαι to
(in detail), 681 sq. (id.); Dhs 1332; Nett 100; Tikp 272, 346. long for, Lat. volo to intend, Goth. wiljan to "will," wilja=E.
-°gāminī ( -vipassanā-ñāṇa) "insight of discernment leading will. — Pres. varati (cp. vaṇeti): imper. varassu J iii.493
to uprising" (Cpd. 67) Vism 661, 681 sq. (varaṁ take a wish; Pot. vare Pv ii.9 40 (=vareyyāsi C.); ppr.
Vuṭṭhānatā (f.) [fr. vuṭṭhāna] rehabilitation; in āpatti° forgive- varamāna Pv ii.9 40 (=patthayamāna PvA 128). — pp. does
ness of an offence Vin ii.250. not occur.
Vuṭṭhānima [?] is an expression for a certain punishment Vuṇhi° (& instr. vuṇhinā) at Pgdp 13, 15, 19, 35 must be meant
for v-uṇha° (& v'uṇhena), i. e. heat (see uṇha).
(pain) in purgatory M i.337 (vuṭṭhānimaṁ nāma vedanaṁ
vediyamāna). Vutta [pp. of vatti, vac; cp. utta] said DA i.17 (°ṁ hoti that is to
Vuṭṭhi (f.) [fr. vṛṣ, see vassati & cp. Vedic vṛṣṭi] rain S i.172=Sn say); DhA ii.21, 75, 80; SnA 174.
-vādin one who speaks what is said (correctly), telling the
77 (fig.=saddhā bījaṁ tapo vuṭṭhi); A iii.370, 378 (vāta°);
truth M i.369; S ii.33; iii.6.
It 83; Dh 14; J vi.587 (°dhārā); Ap 38 (fig.), 52 (amata°);
Miln 416; Vism 37, 234 (salila°); Mhvs 1, 24; SnA 34, 224; Vutta [pp. of vapati ] sown S i.134 (khetta); J i.340; iii.12; vi.14;
PvA 139 (°dhārā shower of rain). — dubbuṭṭhi lack of rain, Miln 375 (khetta); PvA 7, 137, 139.
drought (opp. suvuṭṭhi) J ii.367=vi.487; Vism 512. 3 2 2
Vutta [pp. of vapati ] shaven M ii.168 (°siro). Cp. nivutta .
Vuṭṭhikā (f.)=vuṭṭhi; only in cpd. dubbuṭṭhikā time of drought,
Vutta-velā at J iv.45 (tena vutta — velāyaṁ & ittarāya vutta —
lack of rain D i.11; DA i.95; It 64 sq. (as avuṭṭhika — sama 2
velāya) is by Kern, Toev. s. v. vutta fancifully & wrongly
resembling a drought); DhA i.52.
taken as *vyuṣṭa (=vi+uṣṭa, pp. of vas to shine), i. e. dawned;
Vuṭṭhita [pp. of vuṭṭhahati; cp. uṭṭhita] risen (out of), aroused, it is however simply vutta =at the time said by him (or her).
having come back from (abl.) D ii.9 (paṭisallāṇā); Sn p. 59; S 1
Vuttaka (nt.) [vutta +ka. The P. conneetion seems to be vac, al-
though formally it may be derived fr. vṛt "to happen" etc. (cp.
Vuṭṭhimant (adj.) [fr. vuṭṭhi, cp. Vedic vṛṣṭimant in same mean- vuttin & vattin, both fr. vṛt, & vutti). The BSk. equivalent is
ing] containing rain, full of rain; the rainy sky Th 2, 487 vṛttaka "tale" (lit. happening), e. g. Divy 439] what has been
(=deva, i. e. rain — god or sky ThA 287). Kern, Toev. s. said, saying; only in title of a canonical book "iti — vuttakaṁ"
v. wrongly=*vyuṣṭi°, i. e. fr. vi+uṣ (vas) to shine, "luister- ("logia"): see under iti.
rijk," i. e. lustrous, resplendent.
Vuttamāna at S i.129 read as vattamāna.
Vuḍḍha & vuddha [pp. of vaḍḍhati] old (fig. venerable) - 1.
Vuttari of Dh 370 is pañca-v-uttari(ṁ), cp. DhA iv.109.

Vutti Ve°

Vutti (f.) [fr. vṛt, cp. vattati; Sk. vṛtti] mode of being or acting, Vusitavant (adj.) [vusita+vant] one who has reached perfection
conduct, practice, usage, livelihood, habit S i.100 (ariya°; cp. (in chaste living), Ep. of the arahant D ii.223 (trsl "who has
ariya — vāsa); Sn 81=Miln 228 (=jīvitavutti SnA 152); Sn 68, lived Ǥ the life ʼ"): M i.4; S iii.61; A v.16; Sn 514; Nd 611;
220, 326, 676; J vi.224 (=jīvita — vutti C.); Pv ii.9 14 (=jīvita Miln 104. On D i.90 see vusita (end). See also arahant ii C.
PvA 120); iv.1 (=jīvikā PvA 229); Miln 224, 253; VvA 23.
Vusīmant (adj.) [difficult to explain; perhaps for vasī-mant (see
Vuttika (adj.) (—°) [vutti+ka] living, behaving, acting A iii.383 vasīvasa) in sense of vasavattin]=vusitavant A iv.340; Sn
(kaṇḍaka°); PvA 120 (dukkha°); sabhāga° living in mutual 1115 (cp. Nd 611=vuṭṭhavā ciṇṇa — caraṇo etc., thus "per-
courtesy or properly, always comb with sappatissa, e. g. Vin fected," cp. ciṇṇavasin in same meaning).
i.187; ii.162; A iii.14 sq. 2
Vussati is Pass. of vasati (q. v.).
Vuttitā (f.) (—°) [abstr. formation fr. vutti] condition Vism 310
Vūpakaṭṭha [doubtful, whether vi+upakaṭṭha (since the latter is
only used of time), or=vavakaṭṭha, with which it is identi-
Vuttin (adj.) [cp. Sk. vṛttin]=vuttika; in sabhāga° Vin i.45; J cal in meaning. Cp. also BSk. vyapakṛṣṭa AvS i.233; ii.194;
i.219. Cp. vattin. of which it might be a re — translation] alienated, withdrawn,
Vuttha [pp. of vasati ] clothed: not found. More usual nivattha. drawn away (from), secluded: often in phrase eko vūpakaṭṭho
appamatto ātāpī etc. (see arahant ii.B.), e. g. D iii.76; S
Vuttha [pp. of vasati ] having dwelt, lived or spent (time),
i.117; ii.21, 244; iii.35, 73 sq.; iv.72; A iv.299. Cp. also A
only in connection with vassa (rainy season) or vāsa (id.: see iv.435 (gaṇasmā v.).
vāsa ). See e. g. DhA i.7; PvA 32, 43; J i.183 (°vāsa). With
Vūpakāsa [formed fr. vūpakāseti] estrangement, alienation, sep-
ref. to vassa "year" at J iv.317. — At DhA i.327 vuttha stands
aration, seclusion; always as twofold: kāya° & citta° (of body
most likely for vuddha (arisen, grown), as also in abstr. vut-
& of mind), e. g. D iii.285 (Dial. iii.260 not correctly "seren-
thattaṁ at DhA i.330. — See also parivuttha, pavuttha &
ity"); S v.67; A iv.152.
Vutthaka (adj.) (—°) [vuttha +ka] dwelt, lived, only in pubba° Vūpakāseti [Caus. of vavakassati] to draw away, alienate, dis-
tract, exclude Vin iv.326; A v.72 sq. — Caus. II. vū-
where he had lived before Mhvs 1, 53 (so for °vuttaka).
pakāsāpeti to cause to distract or draw away Vin i.49; iv.326.
Vuddha & Vuddhi: see vuḍḍha & vuḍḍhi.
— pp. vūpakaṭṭha.
Vuppati is Pass. of vapati.
Vūparati [vi+uparati]=uparati cessation DhsA 403.
Vuyhati to be carried away: Pass. of vahati, q. v. and add refs.:
Vūpasanta [pp. of vūpasammati] appeased, allayed, calmed S
Miln 69; Vism 603 (vuyhare). — ppr. vuyhamāna: — 1. be-
iv.217, 294; A i.4 (°citta); iii.205; Sn 82; Pug 61 (°citta); PvA
ing drawn M i.225 (of a calf following its mother's voice). —
2. being carried away (by the current of a river), in danger of
drowning Sn 319. — pp. vuḷha & vūḷha. Vūpasama [fr. vi+upa+śam; cp. BSk. vyupaśama Divy 578] 1.
allaying, relief, suppression, mastery, cessation, calmness S
Vuyhamānaka (adj.) [vuyhemāna with disparaging suffix °ka]
iii.32; iv.217; v.65 (cetaso); D ii.157 (sankhārā); A i.4 (id.);
one who is getting drowned, "drownedling" J iii.507.
ii.162 (papañca°); v.72; Pug 69; J i.392; DhsA 403. — 2.
Vuḷha & Vūḷha [pp. of vahati, Pass. vuyhati; but may be vi+ūḷha] quenching (of thirst) PvA 104.
carried away. — 1. vuḷha: Vin i.32, 109. — 2. vūḷha: A
Vūpasamana (nt.) [fr. vi+upa+śam; cp. BSk. vyupaśa-mana
iii.69; J i.193; DhA ii.265 (udakena). See also būḷha.
AvŚ ii.114] allayment, cessation J i.393; Miln 320; PvA 37,
Vuvahyamāna at A iv.170 read with C. at opuniyamāna "sifting" 98.
(fr. opunāti): see remark at A iv.476.
Vūpasammati [vi+upasammati] 1. to be assuaged or quieted S
Vusita [Kern, Toev. s. v. vasati takes it as vi+uṣita (of vas ), iv.215. — 2. to be suppressed or removed J iii.334. — 3.
against which speaks meaning of vivasati "to live from home." to be subdued or extinguished, to go out (of light) Ap. 35.
Geiger, P.Gr. § 66 & 195 expl it as uṣita with prothetic v, — pp. vūpasanta. — Caus. vūpasāmeti to appease, allay,
as by — form of vuttha. Best fitting in meaning is assump- quiet, suppress, relieve S v.50: SnA 132 (reṇuṁ); PvA 20, 38
tion of vusita being a variant of vosita, with change of o to (sokaṁ), 200
u in analogy to vuttha; thus=vi+osita "fulfilled, come to an Vūḷha see vuḷha.
end or to perfection"; cp. pariyosita. Geiger's expl is sup- 1
Ve (indecl.) [cp. Vedic vē, vai] part. of affirmation, emphasizing
ported by phrase brahmacariyaṁ vasati] fulfilled, accom-
the preceding word: indeed, truly Vin i.3 (etaṁ ve sukhaṁ);
plished; (or:) lived, spent (=vuttha); only in phrase vusitaṁ
brahmacariyaṁ (trsl Dial. i.93; "the higher life has been Dh 63 (sa ve bāḷo ti vuccati), 83 (sabbattha ve), 163 (yaṁ ve...
taṁ ve); Sn 1050, 1075, 1082; DhA iii.155 (=yeva). See also
fulfilled") D i.84 (cp. Dh i.225= vutthaṁ parivutthaṁ); It 115
(ed. vūsita°); Sn 463, 493; Pug 61. — Also at D i.90 neg. a°,
with ref. to avusitavā, where Rh. D. (Dial. i.112) trsl "ill — Ve may be enclitic form of tumhe, for the usual vo at Sn 333
bred" and "rude," hardly just. See also arahant ii.A. (=tumhākaṁ SnA 339). See P.T.S. ed. of Sn; cp. v. l. ve for
vo at Sn 560 (here as particle!).
Vusitatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. vusita] state of perfection D i.90 (vusi-
tavā — mānin kiṁ aññatra avusitattā=he is proud of his per- Ve° is the guṇa (increment) form of vi°, found in many secondary
fection rather from imperfection). (mostly f. & nt. abstr.) derivations from words with vi°, e.

Ve° Vetta

g. vekalla, vecikicchin, veneyya, vepulla, vematta, vevicchā, Veṭhita [pp. of veṭheti] enveloped, enclosed, surrounded,
veramaṇī, which Bdhgh expl simply as "vi — kārassa ve — wrapped Sdhp 362. Cp. ni°, pari°.
kāraṁ katvā veramaṇī" KhA 24. — Cp. veyy°.
Veṭheti [Vedic veṣṭate, viṣṭ or veṣṭ, to Lat. virga, branch, lit. twist-
Vekaṭika (adj.) [fr. vikaṭa] one addicted to dirt, living on dirty ing] to twist round, envelope, wrap, surround J i.5, 422; Miln
food D i.167; Miln 259 (doubled). 282. — Pass. veṭhiyati: see vi°. — pp. veṭhita. — Cp. pali°.
Vekaṇḍa [perhaps connected with vikaṇṇaka] a kind of arrow M Veṇa [cp. *Sk. vaiṇa, dial.] 1. a worker in bamboo PvA 175. —
i.429. 2. a member of a low & despised class (cp. pukkusa) Vin iv.6;
S i.93 (°kula); A ii.85 (id.); iii.385; Pug 51; f. veṇī J v.306
Vekata (adj.) [=vikata] changed VvA 10. 13
(=tacchikā C.); Pv iii.1 (read veṇī for veṇiṁ).
Vekantaka (VbhA 63) is a kind of copper: see loha.
Veṇi (f.) [cp. Sk. veṇi] a braid of hair, plaited hair, hair twisted
Vekalla (nt.) [fr. vikala] deficiency J v.400; Miln 107; Dhs 223;
into a single braid A iii.295; Vin ii.266 (dussa°); Th 2, 255;
DhA ii.26 (anga° deformity), 79; iii.22; VvA 193; Sdhp 5, 17. 4
Vv 38 (=kesa — veṇi C.). fig. of a "string" of people D
— As vekalya at KhA 187 (where contrasted to sākalya). -
i.239 (andha°). -°kata plaited, having the hair plaited J ii.185;
jaṇṇū avekallaṁ karoti to keep one's knees straight Miln 418 v.431.
(Kern, Toev. s. v. trsl "presses tightly together"). See also
Veṇu [cp. Vedic veṇu. Another P, form is veḷu (q. v.)] bamboo;
occurs only in cpds., e. g. -°gumba thicket of bamboo DhA
Vekallatā & vekalyatā (f.) [abstr. fr. vekalla] deficiency A
i.177; -°tinduka the tree Diospyros J v.405 (=timbaru C.);
iii.441 (a°); Vism 350 (indriya°); J i.45 (v. 254) (°lya°).
-°daṇḍaka jungle — rope J iii.204; -°bali a tax to be paid
Vekkhiya is poetical for avekkhiya (=avekkhitvā: see avekkhati) in bamboo (by bamboo workers) DhA i.177; °-vana bamboo
in appaṭivekkhiya not considering J iv.4. See the usual forest J v.38.
Vetaṇḍin (adj.) [fr. vitaṇḍā] full of sophistry, skilled in vitaṇḍā
Vega [cp. Vedic vega, fr. vij to tremble] quick motion, impulse, Miln 90 (said of King Milinda).
force; speed, velocity S iv.157; A iii.158 (sara°); Sn 1074;
Vetana (nt.) [cp. Epic & Class. Sk. vetana] wages, hire; payment,
Miln 202, 258, 391; PvA 11, 47 (vāta°), 62 (visa°), 67, 284
fee, remuneration; tip J i.194 (nivāsa° rent); Sn 24; VvA 141;
(kamma°); Sdhp 295. — instr. vegena (adv.) quickly DhA d
DhA i.25; PvA 112. Most frequently comb with bhatta° (q.
i.49; another form in same meaning is vegasā, after analogy
v.). As vedana at J iii.349.
of thāmasā, balasā etc., e. g. J iii.6; v. 117. — Cp. saṁ°.
Vetabba is grd. of *veti [vi]=vināti to weave (q, v.), thus "to be
Vegha at D ii.100 (°missakena, trsl Rh. D. "with the help of
woven," or what is left to be woven J vi.26. — inf. vetuṁ Vin
thongs")=S v.153 (T. reads vedha°), & Th 1, 143 (°missena, ii.150.
trsl "violence") may with Kern, Toev. s. v. be taken as veg-
gha=viggha (Sk. vighna), i. e. obstacle, hindrance; cp. up- Vetasa [Vedic vetasa] the ratan reed, Calamus rotang J v.167; SnA
arundhati Th 1, 143. It remains obscure & Kern's expl prob- 451.
lematic. Cp. Dial. ii.107. Vetāla at D i.6 (in the lists of forbidden crafts) refers to some
magic art. The proper meaning of the word was already un-
Vecikicchin (adj.) [fr. vicikicchā] doubting, doubtful A ii.174
known when Bdhgh at DA i.84 explained it as "ghana —
(kankhin+); S iii.99 (id.); M i.18; Sn 510.
tāḷaṁ" (cymbal beating) with remark "mantena mata — sarīr'
Vecitta (nt.) [fr. vi+citta ] confusion, disturbed state of mind uṭṭhāpanan ti eke" (some take it to be raising the dead by magic
Dhtp 460 (in def of root muh)
charms). Rh. D. at Dial. i.8 translates "chanting of bards" (cp.
Vejja [fr. vid, *Sk. vaidya, but to Pāli etym. feeling fr. vijjā] a vetālika). It is of dialectical origin.
physician, doctor, medical man, surgeon J i.455; iii.142; KhA
Vetālika [dial.; cp. Epic & Class. Sk. vaitālika] a certain office or
21; SnA 274 (in simile); VvA 185, 322; DhA i.8; PvA 36,
occupation at court connected with music or other entertain-
86; Sdhp 279, 351. — hatthi° elephantdoctor J vi.490; Mhvs
ment, a bard. With other terms in list at Miln 331, some of
25, 34; visa° a physician who cures poison(ous bites) J i.310; d
them obscure and regional. Also at J vi.277, where expl as
"vetālā [read vettāya?] uṭṭhāpake," i. e. those whose duty it is
-kamma medical practice or treatment J ii.421; v.253; n
[by vetāla or vetta] to make (people] rise. The expl is obscure,
Vism 384; DhA iii.257, 351; iv.172.
the uṭṭhāpaka reminds of Bdhgh's uṭṭhāpana (under vetāla).
Vejjikā (f.) [fr. vejja?] medicine (?) Vin iii.185. Kern misunderstands the phrase by translating "chasing bards
Veṭha [fr. viṣṭ, veṣṭ] wrap, in sīsa° head — wrap, turban M i.244; away."
S iv.56. Veti [vi+eti, of i; Sk. vyeti] to go away, disappear, wane S iii.135;
Veṭhaka (adj.) [fr. veṭheti] surrounding, enveloping D i.105 A ii.51; J iii.154; DhsA 329. Cp. vyavayāti.
("furbelow" see Dial. i.130); Mhvs 11, 14 (valayanguli°). Vetulla (& vetulya) [cp. *Sk. vaitulya; also called vai-pulya, fr.
vipula. The P. form is not clear; it probably rests on dial. trsl n
Veṭhana (nt.) [fr. veṭheti, cp. Epic & Class. Sk. veṣṭhana] 1. sur-
of a later term] a certain dissenting sect (see Mhvs. trsl 259,
rounding, enveloping J vi.489. — 2. a turban, head — dress D
n. 2) in °vāda heretic doctrine Mhvs 36, 41; Dpvs 22, 45;
i.126; A i.145; iii.380 (sīsa°); J v.187; DhA iv.213; PvA 161.
-°vādin an adherent of this doctrine.
— 3. wrapping, clothing, wrap, shawl J vi.12. — Cp. pali°.

Vetta Vedikā

Vetta (nt.) [cp. Epic Sk. vetra] twig, rod; creeper; jungle-rope thrilled, filled with enthusiasm, overcome with awe, excited
(cp. veṇu — daṇḍa); cane (calamus). By itself only in stan- A ii.63; Sn 995, 1023; Kvu 554=Vv 34 (=jāta — somanassa
dard list of punishments (tortures): vettehi tāḷeti to flog with VvA 156); J i.11; Miln 297. -pāragū one who excels in the
canes, e. g. A i.47; ii.122; Miln 196. Otherwise freq. in cpds.: knowledge of the Vedas, perfected in the Veda SnA 293; cp.
-agga cane — top, sprout of bamboo (cp. kaḷīra) Vism above 3. -bandhu one who is familiar with the Vedas SnA
255 (where KhA in id. p. reads °ankura); VbhA 60, 239, 252. 192.
-ankura a shoot of bamboo KhA 52, 67. -āsana cane chair
Vedaka (adj.) [fr. veda 3] knowing or studying the Vedas SnA
VvA 8. -cāra (vettācāra) "stick — wandering" (?) J iii.541 462 (brāhmaṇa).
(+sankupatha; C.: vettehi sañcaritabba); Vv 84 (vettācāraṁ
sankupathañ ca maggaṁ, expl as vettalatā bandhitvā ācarita- Vedanaka (adj.) [fr. vedanā] having feeling, endowed with sen-
sation Vbh 419 (a°+asaññaka).
bba magga VvA 338); better as "jungle — path." -patha "a
jungle full of sticks" (trsl Rh. D.) Miln 280 (+sankupatha), Vedanā (f.) [fr. ved°: see vedeti; cp. Epic Sk. vedanā] feel-
jungle — path. -bandhana binding with twigs (rope?), ing, sensation (see on term, e. g. Cpd. 14 Mrs. Rh. D.
creeper — bands S iii.155; v.51=A iv.127. -latā cane creeper B. Psy., ch. iv.) D i.45; ii.58 (cp. Dial. ii.54), 66; iii.58,
J i.342; VvA 8, 338. -valli garland of creeper Dāvs iii.40. 77, 221, 228, 238 (°upādāna); S iii.86 sq.; A i.39, 122, 141;
ii.79, 198, 256; iii.245 sq., 450; iv.301, 385; Kh iii. (tisso
Veda [fr. vid, or more specifically ved as P. root] 1. (cp. vediy-
v.); Sn 435, 529, 739, 1111; Nd 109; Nd 551 (tisso v.); Ps
ati & vedanā) (joyful) feeling, religious feeling, enthusiasm,
i.6, 50 sq., 145 sq., 153 sq.; ii.109 sq., 181 sq.; Vbh 135 sq.,
awe, emotion, excitement (something like saṁvega) D ii.210
294, 401, 403 sq.; Dhs 3, 1348; Nett 27, 65 sq.; 83, 123, 126;
(°paṭilābha+somanassa — paṭilābha); M i.465 (uḷāra); Sn
Tikp 246, 317 sq., 345 sq.; Vism 460 sq.; DA i.125; VbhA
1027 (=pīti SnA 585); J ii.336; iii.266. attha-veda+dhamma-
13 sq., 39 sq., 80, 178, 193, 221 (°ânupassanā, in detail), 263
veda enthusiasm for the truth (for the letter & the spirit) of
sq., 382 (various). — Three modes of feeling (usually under-
Buddha's teaching M i.37; A v.329 sq., 333, 349, 352; veda
stood whenever mention is made of "tisso vedanā"): sukhā
here interpreted as "somanassaṁ" at MA i.173. — See also
(pleasant), dukkhā (painful) adukkha-m-asukhā (indiffer-
cpd. °jāta. — 2. (cp. vedeti & vijjā) (higher) knowledge (as
ent) D iii.275; S ii.53, 82; iv.207; A iii.400; It 46; Tikp 317 sq.
"Buddhist" antithesis to the authority of the "Veda"), insight,
— or: kusalā, akusalā, avyākatā Vism 460. — Five vedanās:
revelation, wisdom: that which Bdhgh at MA i.173 defines
sukhaṁ, dukkhaṁ, somanassaṁ, domanassaṁ, upekkhā Vism
with "ñāṇa," and illustrates with vedagū of Sn 1059; or refers
to at DA i.139 with def "vidanti etenā ti vedo." Thus at Sn 529 461. Categories of 2 to 108 modes of Vedanā, S iv.223 sq. —
& 792 (=vedā vuccanti catūsu maggesu ñāṇaṁ paññā Nd 93), vedanā is one of the 5 khandhas (see khandha ii.B). — On
relation of old and new sensations (purāṇa°>nava°) see e. g.
cp. SnA 403. — As adj. veda Ep. of the Buddha "the knower"
A ii.40; iii.388; iv.167; Vism 33; and see formula under yātrā.
or the possessor of revelation, at M i.386. See also vedagū. —
— In the Paṭiccasamuppāda (q. v.) vedanā stands between
3. the Veda(s), the brahmanic canon of authorized religious
phassa as condition and taṇhā as result; see e. g. Vism 567
teaching (revelation) & practice; otherwise given as "gantha"
sq. — 2. (in special application) painful sensation, suffering,
i. e. "text" at MA i.173, & illustrated with "tiṇṇaṁ vedā-
pain (i. e. dukkhavedanā) M i.59; A i.153 (sārīrikā bodily
naṁ pāragū." The latter formula is frequent in stock phrase
pain); ii.116 (id.); iii.143 (id.); Pv i.10 ; Miln 253 (kāyikā &
describing the accomplishments of a Brahmin, e. g. at D i.88;
cetasikā); VbhA 101 (maraṇ' antikā v. agonies of death). —
M ii.133; Sn 1019; A i.163; DhA iii.361. In the older texts
vedan' aṭṭa afflicted by pain Vin ii.61; iii.100; J i.293. —
only the 3 Vedas (irubbeda=Rg; yaju° & sāma°) are referred
As adj. vedana suffering or to be suffered Pv iii.10 (=anub-
to, whereas later (in the Commentaries) we find the 4 men-
hūyamāna PvA 214). — vedana at J iii.349 is to be read as
tioned (athabbana added), e. g. the three at S iv.118; J i.168;
ii.47; iii.537; Miln 10; Vism 384; the four at DA i.247; Miln
178. — Unspecified (sg.): SnA 462. As adj. veda "know- Vedayita [pp. of vedeti] felt, experienced S i.112; ii.65; iii.46; A
ing the Vedas" SnA 463 (ti°), cp. tevijja. — The Vedas in ii.198; iv.415; Vism 460.
this connection are not often mentioned, they are almost iden-
Vedalla (nt.) [may be dialectical, obscure as to origin; Bdhgh
tical with the Mantras (see manta) and are often (in Com.)
refers it to Veda 1] Name of one of the 9 angas (see nava)
mentioned either jointly with manta or promiscuously, e. g. or divisions of the Canon according to matter A ii.7, 103, 178;
Pv ii.6 13 (the Vedas with the 6 angas, i. e. vedāngas, called
iii.88, 107, 361 sq.; iv.113; Vin iii.8; Pug 43; DhsA 26; DA
manta); SnA 293 (manta — pāragū+veda — pāragū), 322,
i.24; PvA 22. The DhsA comprises under this anga the 2 sut-
tas so — called in M. (43, 44), the Sammādiṭṭhi, Sakkapañha,
-antagu "one who has reached the end of knowledge,"
Sankhārābhājaniya, Mahāpuṇṇama etc. Suttas, as catechetical
i. e. one who has obtained perfection in wisdom Vin i.3; Sn nd
DhsA 26=DA i.24. — Note. The 2 part of the word looks
463. -gū one who has attained to highest knowledge (said of
like a distortion fr. ariya (cp. mahalla>mah' ariya). Or might
the Buddha). Thus different from "tiṇṇaṁ vedānaṁ pāragū," it be=vedanga?
which is brahmanic. The expl of vedagū is "catūsu maggesu
ñāṇaṁ" Nd 612, & see above 2. — S i.141, 168; iv.83, 206; Vedi & Vedī (f.) [Vedic vedi sacrificial bench] ledge, cornice, rail
Mhvs 32, 5; 35, 2; 36, 52 (pāsāṇa°); 36, 103; Vv 84 (=vedikā
A ii 6; iv.340; Sn 322, 458, 529, 749, 846, 947, 1049, 1060; n
Nd 93, 204, 299, 431. A peculiar meaning of vedagū is that VvA 346). — See on term Dial. ii.210; Mhvs. tsrl 220, 296.
Cp. vedikā & velli.
of "soul" (lit. attainer of wisdom) at Miln 54 & 71. -jāta

Vedikā Vemaka

Vedikā (f.) (& vediyā) [fr. vedi] cornice, ledge, railing D ii.179; Vedhabba (nt.) [abstr. fr. vidhavā,=Epic Sk. vaidhavya] widow-
Vin ii.120; J iv.229, 266; Vv 78 (vediyā= vedikā VvA 304); hood J vi.508.
84 16 (=vedikā VvA 340); VvA 275.
Vedhavera [for *Sk. vaidhaveya, fr. vidhavā] son of a widow; in
Vedita [pp. of vedeti] experienced, felt S iv.205 (sukha & two diff. passages of the Jātaka, both times characterized as
dukkha)=Sn 738. sukka-cchavī vedhaverā "sons of widows, with white skins,"
and at both places misunderstood (or unintelligibly expl ) by
Vedisa [fr. vidisā?] N. of a tree J v.405; vi.550.
the Cy., viz. J iv.184 (+thulla — bāhū; C.: vidhavā apatikā
Vedeti [Vedic vedayati; Denom. or Caus. fr. vid to know or
tehi vidhavā sarantī ti [ti]vidha — verā ca vedhaverā); vi.508
feel] "to sense," usually in Denom. function (only one Caus.
(C.: vidhav' itthakā; v. l. vidhav — ittikāmā purisā).
meaning: see aor. avedi); meaning twofold: either intellec-
Vedhitā (f.) [pp. of vedheti, Caus. of vijjhati] shooting, hitting J
tually "to know" (cp. veda), or with ref. to general feeling
"to experience" (cp. vedanā). — For the present tense two
bases are to be distinguished, viz. ved°, used in both mean- Vedhin (adj.) [fr. vidh=vyadh] piercing, shooting, hitting: see
ings; and vediy° (=*vedy°), a specific Pāli formation after the akkhaṇa°.
manner of the 4 (y) class of Sk. verbs, used only in mean-
Venateyya [fr. vinata] descended from Vinatā, Ep. of a garuḷa Ps
ing of "experience." Thus vedeti: (a) to know (as=acc., equal
ii.196; J vi.260; Dāvs iv.45.
to "to call") Sn 211 sq. (taṁ muniṁ vedayanti); (b) to feel,
Venayika [fr. vi 3+naya] a nihilist. The Buddha was accused of
to experience S iv.68 (phuṭṭho vedeti, ceteti, sañjānāti); M
i.37; Pv iv.1 50 (dukkhaṁ=anubhavati PvA 241). — vediy- being a v. M i.140.
ati: to feel, to experience a sensation or feeling (usually with Venayika (adj.) [fr. vinaya] versed in the Vinaya Vin i.235; iii.3
vedanaṁ or pl. vedanā) M i.59; ii.70 (also Pot. vediyeyya); S (cp. Vin A i.135); M i.140; A iv.175, 182 sq.; v.190; Miln
ii.82; iii.86 sq.; iv.207; A i.141; ii.198 (also ppr. vediyamāna); 341.
J ii.241; Miln 253. — aor. avedi he knew, recognized J
Veneyya (adj.) [=vineyya, grd. of vineti; cp. BSk. vaineya Divy
iii.420 (=aññāsi C.); he made known, i. e. informed J iv.35
36, 202 & passim] to be instructed, accessible to instruction,
(=jānāpesi C.); vedi (recognized, knew) Sn 643, 647, 1148 tractable, ready to receive the teaching (of the Buddha). The
(=aññāsi aphusi paṭivijjhi Nd 613); & vedayi Sn 251 (=aññāsi term is late (Jātaka style & Com.) J i.182 (Buddha°), 504; SnA
SnA 293). — Fut. vedissati (shall experience) Pv i.10 15
169, 510; DhA i.26; VbhA 79; VvA 217; ThA 69 (Ap. v. 10).
(dukkhaṁ vedanaṁ v.). — grd. vediya (to be known) Sn 474 Cp. buddha°.
(para° diṭṭhi held as view by others; expl as "ñāpetabba" SnA
Veneyyatta (nt.) [fr. veneyya] tractableness Nett 99.
410); vedanīya: (a) to be known, intelligible, comprehensi-
ble D i.12; (dhammā nipuṇā... paṇḍita — vedanīyā); ii.36; Vepakka (nt.) [fr. vipakka] ripening, ripeness, maturity. - (adj.)
M i.487; ii.220; (b) to be experienced S iv.114 (sukha° & yielding fruit, resulting in (—°) A i.223 (kāmadhātu° kamma);
dukkha°); A i.249 (diṭṭhadhamma°); iv.382; Pv ii.11 (sukha° iii.416 (sammoha° dukkha); Sn 537 (dukkha° kamma).
— kamma= sukha — vipāka PvA 150); iii.3 (kamma); iv.1 29 Vepurisikā (f.) [vi+purisa+aka] a woman resembling a man (sex-
(of kamma — vipāka=anubhavana — yogga PvA 228); PvA ually), a man — like woman, androgyn Vin ii.271; iii.129.
145 (kamma); & veditabba to be understood or known D
Vepulla (nt.) [fr. vipula] full development, abundance, plenty,
i.186; PvA 71, 92, 104. — pp. vedita & vedayita.
fullness D iii.70, 221, 285; S iii.53; A i.94 (āmisa°, dhamma°);
Vedeha [=Npl. Vedeha] lit. from the Videha country; wise (see
iii.8, 404; v.152 sq., 350 sq.; Miln 33, 251; Vism 212 (saddhā°,
connection between Vedeha & ved, vedeti at DA i.139, resting sati°, paññā°, puñña°), 619; DhA i.262 (sati°); VbhA 290. —
on popular etymology) S ii.215 sq. (°muni, of Ānanda; expl d Often in phrase vuḍḍhi virūḷhi vepulla (see vuḍḍhi), e. g. Vin
as "vedeha — muni=paṇḍitamuni," cp. K.S. i.321; trsl K.S. i.60; It 113. Cp. vetulla.
ii.145 "the learned sage"); Mhvs 3, 36 (same phrase; trsl "the
Vepullatā (f.) [abstr. formation fr. vepulla]=vepulla; A ii.144
sage of the Videha country"); Ap 7 (id.).
(rāga°, dosa°, moha°); Ap 26, 39; Miln 252. As vepullataṁ
Vedha [adj. — n.) [fr. vidh=vyadh, cp. vyādha] 1. piercing,
(nt.) at A iii.432.
pricking, hitting A ii.114 sq. (where it is said of a horse re-
Vebhanga [fr. vibhanga] futility, failure J iv.451 (opp. sampatti;
ceiving pricks on var. parts, viz. on its hair: loma°; its flesh: d
expl as vipatti C.).
maṁsa°; its bone: aṭṭhi°). -avedha [to vyath!] not to be
shaken or disturbed, imperturbable Sn 322 (=akampana — Vebhangika (& °iya) (adj.) see a°.
sabhāva SnA 331). — 2. a wound J ii.274 sq. — 3. a flaw Vebhavya (& °ā) (nt. & f.) [fr. vibhāvin] thinking over, criticism
Miln 119. — Cp. ubbedha. Dhs 16; Ps i.119; Pug 25; Nett 76.
Vedhati [for *vethati=vyathati, of vyath] to tremble, quiver, Vebhassi (f.)=vibhassikatā, i. e. gossiping Vin iv.241.
quake, shake S v.402; Th 1, 651; 2, 237 (°amāna); Sn 899, 902
(Pot. vedheyya); Nd 312, 467; J ii.191 (kampati+); Miln 254 Vebhūtika (& °ya) (adj. — nt.) [fr. vibhūti 1] causing disaster
or ruin; nt. calumnious speech, bad language D iii.106 (°ya);
(+calati); VvA 76 (vedhamānena sarīrena); DhA ii.249 (Pass.
Sn 158 (°ya); Vv 84 (°ka; expl as "sahitānaṁ vinābhāva —
vedhiyamāna trembling; v. l. pa°). Cp. vyadhati, ubbedhati
karaṇato vebhūtikaṁ," i. e. pisuṇaṁ VvA 347).
& pavedhati.
Vema (nt.) [fr. vāyati , cp. Sk. veman (nt.); Lat. vimen] loom or
Vedhana (nt.) [fr. vidh to pierce] piercing J iv.29; DA i.221.
shuttle DhA iii.175; SnA 268.

Vemaka Velā

Vemaka (nt.)=vema Vin ii.135. Veyyāyika (nt.) [fr. vyaya] money to defray expenses, means Vin
Vemajjha (nt.) [fr. vi+majjha] middle, centre J iv.250; vi.485;
Pug 16, 17; Vism 182 (°bhāga central part); VvA 241, 277. Veyyāvacca (nt.) [corresponds to (although doubtful in what re-
— loc. vemajjhe: (a) in the present, or central interval of lation) Sk. *vaiyā — pṛtya, abstr. fr. vyāpṛta active, busy (to
saṁsāra Sn 849 (cp. Nd 213 and majjha 3 b); (b) in two, pṛ, pṛṇoti)=P. vyāvaṭa; it was later retranslated into BSk. as
asunder Vism 178. vaiyāvṛtya (as if vi+ā+vṛt); e. g. Divy 54, 347; MVastu i.298]
service, attention, rendering a service; work, labour, commis-
Vematika (adj.) [fr. vimati] in doubt, uncertain, doubtful Vin
sion, duty Vin i.23; A iii.41; J i.12 (kāya°); vi.154; SnA 466;
i.126; ii.65; iv.220, 259; Vism 14 (°sīla). Opp. nibbematika.
VvA 94; ThA 253. -°kamma doing service, work J iii.422;
Vematta (nt.) [fr. vi+matta ] difference, distinction Miln 410;
-°kara servant, agent, (f.) housekeeper J iii.327; VvA 349;
Vism 195.
°-kārikā (f.) id. PvA 65. — Cp. vyappatha.
Vemattatā (f.) [abstr. formation fr. vematta] difference, dis-
Veyyāvaṭika (nt.) [doublet of veyyāvacca; °ka=°ya] service,
tinction, discrepancy, disproportion(ateness) M i.453, 494; S
waiting on, attention Sn p. 104 (kāya°); J iv.463; vi.154, 418,
ii.21; iii.101; v.200; A iii.410 sq.; Sn p.102 (puggala°); Nett 4,
503 (dāna°); DhA i.27 (kāya°); iii.19 (dāna°); Dpvs vi.61.
72 sq., 107 sq.; Miln 284, 285. — The 8 differences of the var.
Vera (nt.) [cp. Sk. vaira, der. fr. vīra] hatred, revenge, hostile
Buddhas are given at SnA 407 sq. as addhāna°, āyu°, kula°,
action, sin A iv.247; Dh 5; J iv.71; DhA i.50.; PvA 13. —
pamāṇa°, nekkhamma°, padhāna°, bodhi°, raṁsi°.
avera absence of enmity, friendliness; (adj.) friendly, peace-
Vemātika (adj.) [vi+°mātika] having a different mother J iv.105
able, kind D i.167, 247 (sa° & a°), 251; S iv.296; A iv.246; Sn
(°bhāginī); vi.134 (°bhātaro); PvA 19.
150. The pañca bhayāni verāni (or vera-bhayā) or pañca
Vemānika (adj.) [fr. vimāna ] having a fairy palace (see vimāna verā (Vbh 378) "the fivefold guilty dread" are the fears con-
3) J v.2; DhA iii.192. nected with sins against the 5 first commandments (sīlāni); see
S ii.68; A iii.204 sq.; iv.405 sq.; v.182; It 57=Sn 167 (vera —
Veyy° is a (purely phonetic) diaeretic form of vy°, for which viy°
& veyy° are used indiscriminately. There is as little differ-
ence between viy° & veyy° as between vi° & ve° in those Veraka=vera; a° Pv iv.1 . See also verika.
cases where (double, as it were) abstract nouns are formed
Verajja (nt.) [fr. vi+rajja] a variety of kingdoms or provinces S
from words with ve° (vepullatā, vemattatā, etc.), which shows
iii.6 (nānā° — gata bhikkhu a bh. who has travelled much).
that ve° was simply felt as vi°. Cp. the use of e for i (esp.
Verajjaka (adj.) [fr. verajja] belonging to var. kingdoms or
before y) in cases like alabbhaneyya>°iya; addhaneyya>°iya;
provinces, coming from various countries (nānā°); living in a
pesuṇeyya>°iya, without any difference in meaning.
different country, foreign, alien D i.113; M ii.165 (brāhmaṇā);
Veyyaggha (adj.) [fr. vyaggha] belonging to a tiger Dh 295 (here 12
A iii.263 (bhikkhū); Th 1, 1037; Vv 84 (=videsa — vasika
simply=vyaggha. i. e. with a tiger as fifth; veyya°=vya° metri VvA 338); Miln 359.
causâ; Bdhgh's expl at DhA iii.455 is forced). — (m). a car
Veramaṇī (f.) [fr. viramaṇa; cp. the odd form BSk. vīramaṇī,
covered with a tiger's skin J v.259, cp. 377.
e. g. Jtm. 213] abstaining from (—°), absti nence A ii.217,
Veyyagghin=veyyaggha (adj.) J iv.347.
253; v.252 sq., 304 sq.; Sn 291; Pug 39, 43; Vism 11; KhA 24;
Veyyañjanika [=vyañjanika] one who knows the signs, a fortune DhA i.235, 305.
— teller, soothsayer J v.233, 235. — The BSk. equivalent
Veramba (& °bha) (adj.) [etym.? Probably dialectical, i. e. re-
is vaipañcanika (MVastu i.207) etc.: see under vipañcita,
gional] attribute of the wind (vāta or pl. vātā), a wind blowing
which may have to be derived (as viyañcita=viyañjita) from
in high altitudes [cp. BSk. vairambhaka Divy 90] S ii.231; A
vi+añj=vyañjana. See also Kern. Toev. p. 19. 2
i.137; Th i.597; J iii.255, 484; vi.326; Nd 562; VbhA 71.
Veyyatta=viyatta, i. e. accomplished, clever J v.258.
Verika=vera i. e, inimical; enemy (cp. veraka) J v.229, 505;
Veyyatti (f.) [=viyatti] distinction, cleverness, accomplishment J Vism 48.
v.258; vi.305.
Verin (adj.) [fr. vera] bearing hostility, inimical, revengeful J
Veyyattiya (nt.) [abstr. form (°ya=°ka) fr. veyyatti= viyatti] iii.177; Pv iv.3 25 (=veravanto PvA 252); Miln 196; Vism 296
distinction, lucidity; accomplishment D iii.38 (paññā° in wis- (°puggala), 326 (°purisa, in simile), 512 (in sim.); VbhA 89.
dom); M i.82, 175; ii.209. — Neg. averin Dh 197, 258.
Veyyākaraṇa (m. nt.) [=vyākaraṇa] 1. (nt.) answer, explanation, Verocana [=virocana, fr virocati] the sun (lit. "shining forth") S
exposition D i.46, 51, 105, 223; ii.202; A iii.125; v.50 sq.; Sn i.51; A ii.50.
352, 510, 1127; Pug 43, 50; Miln 347; DA i.247. — 2. (m.)
Velā (f.) [Vedic velā in meaning 1; Ep. Sk. in meanings 2 & 3]
one who is expert in explanation or answer, a grammarian D
— 1. time, point of time (often equal to kāla) Pug 13 (uḍḍa-
i.88; A iii.125; Sn 595; Miln 236; SnA 447.
hana°); J iv.294; Miln 87; KhA 181; PugA 187; SnA 111
Veyyābādhika (adj.) [=vyābādhika] causing injury or oppression, (bhatta° meal — time); DhsA 219; PvA 61, 104, 109 (aruṇ'
oppressive, annoying (of pains) M i.10; A iii.388; Vism 35 uggamana°), 129, 155; VvA 165 (paccūsa° in the early morn-
(expl diff. by Bdhgh as "vyābādhato uppannattā veyyābād- ing). — 2. shore, sea — shore Vin ii.237=A iv.198; J i.212;
hikā"). Mhvs 19, 30. — 3. limit, boundary A v.250 (between v. &
agyāgāra); Th 1, 762; Miln 358; DhsA 219; in spec. sense

Velā Vehāyasa=vihāyasa

as "measure," restriction, control (of character, sīla-velā) at vaṁsa-rāga & vaṁsa-vaṇṇa. At J i.207 a peacock's neck is
Dhs 299 ("not to trespass" trsl ), and in dogmatic exegesis of described as having the colour of the veḷuriya. At Miln 267 (in
ativelaṁ at Nd 504; cp. Nd 462 & DhsA 219. — 4. heap, inventory of "loka") we have the foll. enumeration of precious
multitude (?) DhsA 219 (in Npl. Uruvelā which is however stones: pavāḷa coral, lohitanka ruby, masāragalla cat's eye,
*Uruvilvā). veḷuriya lapis lazuli, vajira diamend. See also under ratana .
Velāmika (adj.) [velāma+ika, the word velāma probably a dis- Veḷuva [cp. Vedic vainava (made of cane)?] probably not to veḷu,
trict word] "belonging to Velāma," at D ii.198 used as a clan but another spelling for beḷuva, in °laṭṭhikā S iii.91, as some-
— name (f. Velāmikānī), with vv. ll. Vessinī & Vessāy- times v. l. veḷuva for beḷuva (q. v.).
inī (cp. Velāma Np. comb with Vessantara at VbhA 414),
Vevacana (nt.) [fr. vivacana] attribute, epithet; synonym Nett
and at D ii.333 classed with khujjā, vāmanikā & komārikā 1 sq., 24, 53 sq., 82, 106; Vism 427; SnA 24, 447. Cp.
(trsl "maidens"; Bdhgh: "very young & childish": see Dial.
ii.359); v. l. celāvikā. They are some sort of servants, esp. in
Vevaṇṇa (nt.) [fr. vivaṇṇa] discolouring ThA 85 (Ap. v. 42).
demand for a noble's retinue. See also Np. Velāma (the V.—
sutta at J i.228 sq.). Vevaṇṇiya (nt.) [abstr. fr. vivaṇṇa] 1. state of having no caste,
life of an outcast A v.87≈200. [Cp. BSk. vaivarṇika outcast
Velāyati [Denom. fr. velā] to destroy (?) DhsA 219 (cp. Expos.
ii.297); expl by viddhaṁseti. More appropriate would be a Divy 424]. — 2. discolouring, fading, waning J iii.394.
meaning like "control," bound, restrict. Vevāhika [fr. vivāha] wedding — guest J ii.420.
Vellāḷin (adj.) [Is it a corruption fr. *veyyāyin=*vyāyin?] flash- Veviccha (nt.) [abstr. formation fr. vivicchā] "multifarious
ing (of swords) J vi.449. wants," greediness, selfishness, avarice Sn 941 (=pañca mac-
chariyāni Nd 422, as at Nd 614), 1033 (where Nett 11 reads
Velli [dial.?] is a word peculiar to the Jātaka. At one passage it is 2
expl by the Commentary as "vedi" (i. e. rail, cornice), where vivicchā); Pug 19, 23; Dhs 1059, 1122; Nd s. v. taṇhā; DhsA
366, 375.
it is applied to the slender waist of a woman (cp. vilāka &
vilaggita): J vi.456. At most of the other passages it is expl d Vesa [cp. Sk. veṣa, fr. viṣ to be active] dress, apparel; (more
as "a heap of gold": thus at J v.506 (verse: velli — vilāka — frequently:) disguise, (assumed) appearance J i.146 (pakati°
majjhā; C.: "ettha vellī ti rāsi vilākamajjhā ti vilagga — ma- usual dress), 230 (āyuttaka°); iii.418 (andha°); Miln 12; DhA
jjhā uttattaghana — suvaṇṇa -rāsi — ppabhā c' eva tanu — ii.4; PvA 62, 93 (ummattaka°), 161 (tunnavāya°); Sdhp 384;
dīgha — majjhā ca"), and vi.269 (verse: kañcana — velli — purisa° (of women) DA i.147.
viggaha; C.: "suvaṇṇa -rāsi — sassirīka — sarīrā"). At v.398 Vesama=visama VvA 10.
in the same passage as vi.269 expl in C. as "kañcana — rū-
Vesākha [cp. Vedic vaiśākha] N. of a month (April — May) Mhvs
pakasadisa — sarīrā"). The idea of "golden" is connected with
1, 73; 29, 1.
it throughout.
Vesārajja (nt.) [abstr. formation fr. visārada, i. e. *vaiśā-radya]
Vellita (adj.) [pp. of vellati, vell to stagger, cp. paṭivellati]
(the Buddha's or an Arahant's) perfect selfconfidence (which
crooked, bent; (of hair:) curly PvA 189. It is only used with
is of 4 kinds), self — satisfaction, subject of confidence. The
ref. to hair.
four are given in full at M i.71 sq., viz. highest knowledge,
-agga with bending (or crooked) tip (of hair), i. e. curled
khīṇāsava state, recognition of the obstacles, recognition &
Th 2, 252 (cp. ThA 209); J v.203 (=kuñcit' agga C.); vi.86
preaching of the way to salvation. See also D i.110; J ii.27;
(sun — agga — vellita); PvA 46, 142. — Cp. kuñcita — kesa
A ii.13; iii.297 sq.; iv.83, 210, 213; M i.380; Ps ii.194; Nd 2
J i.89.
466 ; DhA i 86; DA i.278; KhA 104; VvA 213; Sdhp 593.
Veḷu [=veṇu, cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 43 & Prk. veḷu: Pischel, Prk.
Vesiyāna [=vessa, with °na as in gimhāna, vassāna etc.] a Vaiśya
Gr. § 243] a bamboo A ii.73; Vin iv.35; J iv.382 (daṇḍa°);
(Vessa) J vi.15, 21, 328, 490, 492. As vessāyana at Sn 455
v.71; Vism 1, 17; SnA 76 (=vaṁsa); VbhA 334.
(where vesiyāna is required).
-agga (veḷagga) the top of a bamboo Vin ii.110. -gumba
a bamboo thicket SnA 49, 75. -daṇḍa a bamboo stick SnA Vesī & Vesiyā (f.) [the f. of vessa] a woman of low caste, a harlot,
330. -dāna a gift of bamboo Vbh 246; Miln 369; SnA 311; prostitute. — (a) vesī: Vin iii.138; J v.425; in cpd. vesi-dvāra
KhA 236; VbhA 333. -nāḷi (°nalaka, °nāḷika) a stalk or shaft a pleasure house Th 2, 73. — (b) vesiyā: Vin iv.278; Sn 108;
of bamboo Vism 260; KhA 52; ThA 212. -pabba a stalk or Vbh 247; in cpd. vesiyā-gocara asking alms from a prosti-
section of the b. J i.245; Vism 358=VbhA 63. tute's house DhA iii.275; DhsA 151; VbhA 339.
Veḷuka [fr. veḷu] a kind of tree J v.405 (=vaṁsa — coraka). Vesma (nt.) [Vedic veśman, fr. viś to enter: see visati] a house J
v.84. A trace of the n — stem in loc. vesmani J v.60.
Veḷuriya (nt.) [cp. dial. Sk. vaiḍūrya] a precious stone, lapis
lazuli; cp. the same word "beryl" (with metathesis r>l; not fr. Vessa [cp. Vedic vaiśya, a dial. (local) word] a Vaiśya, i. e. a
the Sk. form), which the Greeks brought to Europe from In- member of the third social (i. e. lower) grade (see vaṇṇa 6),
dia. — D i.76; Vin ii.112; S i.64; A i.215; iv.199, 203 sq.; J a man of the people D iii.81, 95 (origin); S i.102, 166; iv.219;
iii.437; Pv ii.7 ; Mhvs 11, 16; DhA ii.220. Often in descrip- v.51; A i.162; ii.194; iii.214, 242; Vbh 394; DA i.254 (origin).
tions of Vimānas, e. g. Vv 2 ; 12 ; 17 ; cp. VvA 27, 60. — f. vesī (q. v.); vessī (as a member of that caste) D i.193; A
— Probably through a word — play with veḷu (bamboo; pop- iii.226, 229.
ular etymology) it is said to have the colour of bamboo: see
Vessikā (f.) [fr. vessa] a Vaiśya woman Sn 314.

Vehāyasa=vihāyasa Vobhindati

Vehāyasa=vihāyasa, i. e. air, sky; only used in acc. vehāyasaṁ vaggu (q. v.).
in function of a loc. (cp. VvA 182: vehāyasaṁ=vehāyasa — Vocarita [pp. of vi+ocarati] penetrated (into consciousness),
bhūte hatthi — piṭṭhe), comb with ṭhita (standing in the air)
investigated, apperceived M i.478; A iv.363 (=manodvāre
Vv 41; Mhvs 1, 24; PvA 14.
samudācāra — ppatta).
Vehāsa [contraction of vehāyasa] the air, sky, heaven; only in
Vocchādanā (f.) [fr. vi+ava+chad] covering up (entirely) VbhA
the two cases (both used as loc. "in the air"): acc. vehāsaṁ D
iii.27; S v.283; Vin iii.105; VvA 78; & loc. vehāse Vin i.320.
Vocchijjati [vi+ud+chijjati, Pass. of chid] to be cut off S iii.53
-kuṭī "air hut" i. e. airy room, "a hut in which a middle
(so read). — pp. neg. abbocchinna: see abbhocchinna.
— sized man can stand without knocking his head against the
ceiling" (expl ) Vin iv.46. -gamana going through the air (=*avyucch°).
Vism 382; Dhtm 586. -ṭṭha standing in the air D i.115; DA Votthapana (& °ṭṭhapana) (nt.) [=vavatth°] establishing, synthe-
i.284. -ṭṭhita id. D i.95. sis, determination, a momentary stage in the unit called percept
(cp. Cpd. 29), always with °kicca (or °kiriyā) "accomplishing
Vehāsaya [=vehāyasa with metathesis y>s] occurs only in acc.
the function of determination" Vism 21; DhsA 401; DA i.194
(=loc.) vehāsayaṁ, equal to vihāyasaṁ at J iv.471.
(v. l. voṭṭhabb°); Tikp 276 (°kiriyā).
Vo (indecl.) a particle of emphasis, perhaps=eva, or =vo (as da-
Votthāpeti [=vavatthāpeti] to establish, put up, arrange J vi.583.
tive of interest). The Commentaries explain it as "nipāta," i.
e. particle. Thus at Sn 560, 760. Vodaka (adj.) [vi+odaka=udaka] free from water Vin ii.113.
Vo [cp. Vedic vaḥ, Av. vō, Lat. vos, Gr. υ῎μμε] is enclitic form Vodapeti (or °dāpeti) [Caus. of vodāyati] to cleanse, purify DhA
of tumhe (see under tuvaṁ), i. e. to you, of you; but it is ii.162.
generally interpreted by the C. as "nipāta," i. e. particle (of Vodāta (adj.) [vi+odāta, cp. vīvadāta] clean, pure M i.319.
emphasis or exclamation; i. e. vo ). Thus e. g. at Pv i.5 (cp. 4
Vodāna (nt.) [fr. vi+ava+dā to clean, cp. BSk. vyava-dāna Divy
PvA 26).
616; AvŚ ii.188] 1. cleansing, getting bright (of sun & moon)
Vo° is commonly regarded as the prefix comb vi+ava° (i. e.
D i.10 (=visuddhatā DA i.95). — 2. purity (from the kile-
vi+o°), but in many cases it simply represents ava° (=o°) with
sas, or stains of sin), purification, sanctification M i.115 (opp.
v as euphonic ("vorschlag"), as in vonata (=onata), voloketi,
sankilesa); S iii.151 (citta°, adj.; opp. citta — sankilesa); A
vokkanti, vokiṇṇa, voropeti, vosāpeti, vosāna, vossagga. In a
iii.418 sq.; v.34; Ps i.166; Vbh 343; Nett 96, 100, 125 sq.;
few cases it corresponds to vi+ud°, as in vokkamati, vocchij-
Vism 51 sq., 89; VbhA 401; DhA iii.405.
jati, voyoga.
Vodāniya (adj.) [grd. form from vodāna] apt to purify, purifying
Vokāra [v(i)+okāra; cp. vikāra] 1. difference Sn 611. - 2. con- D i.195; iii.57. Opp. sankilesika.
stituent of being (i. e. the khandhas), usually as eka°, catu°
Vodāpana (nt.) [fr. vodapeti] cleansing, purification DhA iii.237
& pañca°-bhava, e. g. Kvu 261; Vbh 137; Tikp 32, 36 sq.;
Vism 572; KhA 245; SnA 19, 158. In this meaning vokāra is
peculiar to the Abhidhamma and is almost synonymous with Vodāya at J iv.184 appears to be a misreading for codāya (ger.
vikāra 4, and in the Yamaka with khandha, e. g. pañca v., catu from codeti) in meaning iṇaṁ codeti to undertake a loan, to
v. etc. — 3. worthless thing, trifle S ii.29. — 4. inconve- lend money at interest (=vaḍḍhiyā inaṁ payojetvā C.), to de-
nience, disadvantage (cp. vikāra 3) PvA 12 (line 1 read: anek' mand payment for a loan. The v. l. at all places is codāya
ākāra — vokāraṁ). (=codetvā). See codeti.
Vokiṇṇa (adj.) [v(i)+okiṇṇa] covered with, drenched (with); Vodāyati [vi+ava+dā to clean] to become clean or clear, to be
mixed up, full of (instr.) M i.390; S ii.29; A i.123, 148; ii.232; purified or cleansed A v.169 (fig. saddhammassa), 317 (id.;
J i.110; DhsA 69. — Cp. abbokiṇṇa. expl by C. as "vodānaṁ gacchati"); J ii.418 (of a precious
Vokiṇṇaka (adj.) [vokiṇṇa+ka] mixed up Miln 300 (kapi-niddā
— pareto vokiṇṇakaṁ jaggati a person with light sleep, so — Vodāsa [?] only at D iii.43 in phrase °ṁ āpajjati in meaning
called "monkey — doze," lies confusedly awake, i. e. is half of "making a distinction," being particular (about food: bho-
asleep, half awake). Rh. D. not quite to the point: "a man still janesu), having a dainty appetite; expl by "dve bhāge karoti"
guards his scattered thoughts." Bdhgh. It seems to stand for vokāra, unless we take it to be
a misspelling for vodāya "cutting off," fr. vi+ava+dā, thus
Vokkanta [pp. of vokkamati] deviated from (abl.) It 36.
"separating the food" (?): Suggestive also is the likeness with
Vokkanti (f.) [v(i)+akkanti] descent (into the womb), conception vosānaṁ āpajjati.
Th 1, 790.
Vodiṭṭha [pp. of vi+ava+diś, cp. odissa & the BSk. vyapadeśa
Vokkamati [vi+ukkamati] to turn aside, deviate from (abl.);
pretext Divy 435] defined, fully understood, recognized M
mostly in ger. vokkamma Vin ii.213; D i.230; M iii.117; S
i.478; A iv.363 (=suṭṭhu diṭṭha C.).
iv.117; Sn 946; J i.23; Vism 18. — pp. vokkanta.
Vonata (adj.) [v(i)+onata] bent down Th 1, 662.
Vokkamana (nt.) [fr. vokkamati] turning aside, deviation fr.
Vopeti at DA i.277 (avopetvā) is to be read with v. l. as copeti,
(abl.) M i.14; A i.243.
i. e. shake, move, disturb, violate (a rule).
Vokkha (adj) [? doubtful reading] is at J iii.21 given as syn. of
Vobhindati [vi+ava+bhindati] to split; ppr. °anto (fig.) hair —

Vobhindati Vyañjana

splitting D i.162; M i.176; aor. vobhindi (lit.) to break, split sariyaṁ vossajjanto; cp. D iii.190).
(one's head, sīsaṁ) M i.336.
Voharati [vi+oharati] 1. to express, define, decide M i.499; D
Vomādapeti at DA i.300 is to be read as vodāpeti (cleanse, pu- i.202; Miln 218. — 2. to decide, govern over (a kingdom),
rify); v. l. BB vodāpeti; SS cāmā[dā]peti, i. e. to cause to be give justice, administrate J iv.134 (Bārāṇasiṁ maṁsa — sur
rinsed, cleanse. — odakaṁ, i. e. provide with; double acc.), 192 (inf. vohā-
tuṁ=voharituṁ C.). — Pass. vohariyati to be called SnA 26;
Vomissa(ka) (adj.) [v(i)+omissa(ka)] miscellaneous, various
PvA 94; ThA 24.
Vism 87 (°katā), 88 (°ka), 104 (°carita).
Vohāra [vi+avahāra] 1. trade, business M ii.360; Sn 614 (°ṁ upa-
Voyoga [vi+uyyoga in sense of uyyutta?] effort (?), application
jīvati); J i.495; ii.133, 202; v.471; PvA 111, 278. — 2. current
KhA 243. Reading doubtful.
appellation, common use (of language), popular logic, com-
Voropana (nt.) [abstr. fr. voropeti] depriving (jīvita° of life) J
mon way of defining, usage, designation, term, cognomen;
(adj.) (—°) so called SnA 383, 466, 483 (laddha° so — called);
Voropeti [=oropeti] to deprive of (abl.), to take away; only in DA i.70; PvA 56, 231 (laddha° padesa, with the name) VvA 8,
phrase jīvitā voropeti [which shows that -v- is purely eu- 72 (pāṇo ti vohārato satto), 108 (loka nirūḷhāya samaññāya v.).
phonic] to deprive of life, to kill D i.85; J iv.454; DA i.236; — ariya-vohāra proper (i. e. Buddhist) mode of speech (opp.
DhA iv.68; PvA 67, 105, 274. anariya° unbuddhist or vulgar, common speech) D iii.232; A
ii.246; iv.307; Vin iv.2; Vbh 376, 387. lokiya-vohāra com-
Volokana (nt.) [v(i)+olokana, but cp. BSk. vyavalokana "inspec-
mon definition, general way of speech SnA 382. On term see
tion" Divy 435] looking at, examination J iv.237 (v. l. vi°).
also Dhs. trsl § 1306. — 3. lawsuit, law, lawful obliga-
Voloketi [v(i)+oloketi; in meaning equal to viloketi & oloketi]
tion; juridical practice, jurisprudence (cp. vohārika) Sn 246
to examine, study, scrutinize M i.213 (with gen.); Vin i.6
(°kūṭa fraudulent lawyer); J ii.423 (°ṁ sādheti to claim a debt
(lokaṁ); Kvu 591; DhA i.319 (lokaṁ); ii.96 (v. l. oloketi).
by way of law, or a lawful debt); vi.229; DhA iii.12 (°ûpajīvin
Vosāṭitaka (nt.) [wrong spelling for *vossaṭṭhika=v(i)+ os- a lawyer); SnA 289. — 4. name of a sea — monster, which
saṭṭha+ika] (food) put down (on cemeteries etc.) for (the spir- gets hold of ships J v.259.
its of) the departed Vin iv.89.
Vohārika [fr. vohāra] "decider," one connected with a law — suit
Vosāna (nt.) [v(i)+osāna] 1. (relative) achievement, perfection or with the law, magistrate, a higher official (mahāmatta) in
(in this world), accomplishment M ii.211 (diṭṭhadhamm' âb- the law — courts, a judge or justice. At Vin i.74 two classes
hiññāvosāna — pārami — ppatta); Dh 423 (cp. DhA iv.233); of mahāmattā (ministers) are given: senānāyakā those of de-
Th 1, 784 (°ṁ adhigacchati to reach perfection). — 2. stop- fence, and vohārikā of justice; cp. Vin ii.158; iii.45 (purāṇa
ping, ceasing; in phrase °ṁ āpajjati (almost equal to pamāda) — vohāriko mahāmatto); iv.223.
to come to an end (with), to stop, to become careless, to flag
Vy° is the semi — vowel (i. e. half — consonantic) form of vi°
M i.193; J iii.5; PvA 29; antarā °ṁ āpajjati to produce half
before following a & ā (vya°, vyā), very rarely ū & o. The
— way achievement, to stop half — way A v.157, 164; It 85.
prefix vi° is very unstable, and a variety of forms are also
Kern, Toev. s. v. quite wrong "to arrive at a conclusion, to be
attached to vy°, which, after the manner of all consonant —
convinced." ns
comb in Pāḷi, may apart from its regular form vy° appear ei-
Vosāpeti [v(i)+osāpeti] to make end, to bring to an end or a finish ther as contracted to vv° (written v°), like vagga (for vyagga),
SnA 46 (desanaṁ). vaya (for vyaya), vosita (=vyosita), *vvūha (=vyūha, appear-
ing as °bhūha), or diaeretic as viy° (in poetry) or veyy° (pop-
Vosāraṇiya (adj. nt.) [fr. v(i)+osāraṇā] belonging to reinstate-
ular), e. g. viyañjana, viyārambha, viyāyata; or veyvañjanika,
ment A i.99.
veyyākaraṇa, veyyāyika. It further appears as by° (like byag-
Vosita [vi+osita, pp. of ava+sā. See also vusita & vyosita] one
gha, byañjana, byappatha, byamha, byāpanna, byābādha etc.).
who has attained (relative) achievement, perfected, accom-
In a few cases vya° represents (a diaeretic) vi°, as in vyamhita
plished, mastering, in phrase abhiññā° one who masters spe-
& vyasanna; and vyā°=vi° in vyārosa.
cial knowledge S i.167; Dh 423; It 47=61=81; A i.165; cp.
Vyakkhissaṁ at Sn 600 is fut. of vyācikkhati (see viyā°).
DhA iv.233: "niṭṭhānaṁ patto vusita — vosānaṁ vā patto etc."
Vyagga (adj.) [vi+agga, of which the contracted form is vagga ]
Vossa ( -kamma) (nt.) making impotent (see under vassa-kamma)
distracted, confused, bewildered; neg. a° S i.96 (°mānasa);
D i.12; DA i.97.
v.66, 107.
Vossagga [=ossagga; ava+sṛj] relinquishing, relaxation; handing
over, donation, gift (see on term as ethical Bdhgh at K.S. i.321) Vyaggha [cp. Vedic vyāghra] a tiger D iii.25; A iii.101; Sn
D iii.190 (issariya° handing over of authority), 226; S iv.365 416 (°usabha); Ap 68 (°rājā); J i.357; iii.192 (Subāhu); v.14
sq.; v.63 sq., 351 (°rata fond of giving); A ii.66 (id.); iii.53 (giri — sānuja). — f. viyagghinī (biy°) Miln 67. See also
(id.); Ps i.109; ii.24, 117; J vi.213 (kamma°); Nett 16; Vbh byaggha.
229, 350; Vism 224; VbhA 317. -sati-vossagga relaxation Vyagghīnasa [?] a hawk S i.148 (as °nisa); J vi.538. Another
of attention, inattention, indifference DhA i.228; iii.163, 482; word for "hawk" is sakuṇagghi.
iv.43. -pariṇāmi, maturity of surrender S i.88. 2
Vyañjana (nt.) [fr. vi+añj, cp. añjati & abbhañjati] 1. (ac-
Vossajjati [=ossaj(j)ati] to give up, relinquish; to hand over, re- companying) attribute, distinctive mark, sign, characteristic
sign Sn 751 (ger. vossajja; SnA 508 reads oss°); J v.124 (is- (cp. anu°) Sn 549, 1017; Th 1, 819 (metric: viyañjana); J

Vyañjana Vyākattar

v.86 (viyañjanena under the pretext); Dhs 1306. gihi° char- Vyappatha (nt.) [perhaps a distortion of *vyāpṛta, for which the
acteristic of a layman Sn 44 (cp. SnA 91); Miln 11; purisa° usual P. (der.) veyyāvacca (q. v.) in meaning "duty"] 1. duty,
membrum virile Vin ii.269. — 2. letter (of a word) as opposed occupation, activity Sn 158 (khīṇa° of the Arahant: having no
to attha (meaning, sense, spirit), e, g. D iii.127; S iv.281, 296; more duties, cp. vyappathi). — 2. way of speaking, speech,
v.430; A ii.139 (Cp. savyañjana); or pada (word), e. g. M utterance Sn 163, 164 (contrasted to citta & kamma; cp. kāya,
i.213; A i.59; ii.147, 168, 182; iii.178 sq.; Vin ii.316; Nett vācā, mano in same use), expl at SnA 206 by vacīkamma; &
4; SnA 177. — vyañjanato according to the letter Miln 18 in def of "speech" at Vin iv.2 (see under byappatha); DhsA
(opp. atthato). — 3. condiment, curry Vin ii.214; A iii.49 324 (expl as vākya — bheda).
(odano anekasūpo aneka — vyañjano); Pv ii.1 15 (bhatta° rice
Vyappathi (f.) [cp. Sk. vyāpṛti] activity, occupation, duty (?) Sn
with curry); PvA 50. — Cp. byañjana.
961. See remarks on byappatha.
Vyañjanaka (adj.) [fr. vyañjana] see ubhato° & veyyañjanika.
Vyappanā (f.) [vi+appanā] application (of mind), focussing (of
Vyañjayati [vi+añjati, or añjeti] to characterise, denote, express, attention) Dhs 7.
indicate SnA 91; Nett 209 (Cy.). Vyamha (nt.) [etym.?] palace; a celestial mansion, a vimāna,
Vyatireka [vi+atireka] what is left over, addition, surplus PvA 18 abode for fairies etc. J v. 454; vi.119, 251 (=pura & rāja —
(of "ca"), 228 (°to). nivesa C.); Vv 35 (=bhavana VvA 160). Cp. byamha.
Vyatta (adj.) [cp. viyatta, veyyatta & byatta] 1. experi- Vyamhita (adj.) [metric for vimhita] astounded, shocked, awed;
enced, accomplished, learned, wise, prudent, clever S iv.174 dismayed, frightened J v.69 (=bhīta C.); vi.243, 314.
(paṇḍita+), 375; A iii.117, 258; J vi.368; VvA 131 (paṇḍita+); 2
Vyaya [vi+aya, of i; the assimilation form is vaya ] expense, loss,
PvA 39 (id.). — a° unskilled, foolish (+bāla) S iv.380; A
decay S iv.68, 140; Miln 393 (as abbaya). avyayena (instr.)
iii.258; J i.98. — 2. evident, manifest PvA 266 (°pākaṭa —
safely D i.72. Cp. veyyāyika & vyāyika.
Vyavayāti [vi+ava(=apa)+i, cp. apeti & veti] to go away, disap-
Vyattatā (f.) [abstr. fr. vyatta] experience, learning, cleverness
pear J v.82.
Miln 349 (as by°); DhA ii.38 (avyattatā foolishness: so cor-
Vyavasāna (nt.) [somewhat doubtful. It has to be compared with
rect under avyattatā P.D. i.86).
vavassagga, although it should be derived fr. sā (cp. pp.
Vyattaya [vi+ati+aya] opposition, reversal; in purisa° change of
vyavasita; or śri?), thus mixture of sṛj & sā. Cp. a similar
person (gram.) SnA 545; vacana° reversal of number (i. e.
difficulty of sā under osāpeti] decision, resolution; only used
sg. & pl.) DA i.141; SnA 509.
to explain part. handa (exhortation) at SnA 200, 491 (v. l.
Vyathana (nt.) [fr. vyath] shaking, wavering Dhtp 465 (as def n vyavasāya: cp. vavasāya at DA i.237), for which otherwise
of tud). vavassagga.
Vyadhati [in poetry for the usual vedhati of vyath, cp. Goth. Vyavasita (adj.) [pp. of vi+ava+sā (or śri?), cp. vyavasāna] de-
wipōn] to tremble, shake, waver; to be frightened Vin ii.202 cided, resolute SnA 200.
(so for vyādhati); J iii.398 (vyadhase; C. vyadhasi=kampasi).
Vyasana (nt.) [fr. vy+as] misfortune, misery, ruin, destruction,
— Caus. vyadheti (& vyādheti) to frighten, confuse J iv.166
loss D i.248; S iii.137 (anaya°); iv.159; A i.33; v.156 sq., 317
(=vyādheti bādheti C.). — Fut. vyādhayissati S i.120=Th 1, 4
(several); Sn 694 (°gata ruined); Pv i.6 (=dukkha PvA 33);
46 (by°). Under byādheti we had given a different derivation 6
iii.5 (=anattha PvA 199); Vbh 99 sq., 137; VbhA 102 (sev-
(viz. Caus. fr. vyādhi).
eral); PvA 4, 103, 112; Sdhp 499. — The 5 vyasanas are: ñāti°,
Vyanta (adj. nt.) [vi+anta] removed, remote; nt. end, finish; bhoga°, roga°, sīla°, diṭṭhi° or misfortune concerning one's re-
only as vyanti° in comb with kṛ and bhū. The spelling is lations, wealth, health, character, views. Thus at D iii.235; A
often byanti°. — (1) vyantikaroti to abolish, remove, get iii.147; Vin iv.277.
rid of, destroy M i.115 (byant' eva ekāsiṁ), 453 (by°); D i.71
Vyasanin (adj.) [fr. vyasana] having misfortune, unlucky, faring
(°kareyya); S iv.76, 190; A iv.195; DA i.125, 212. — Fut.
ill J v.259.
vyantikāhiti Miln 391 (by°); DhA iv.69. — pp. vyantikata
Vyasanna [metric (diaeretic) for visanna] sunk into (loc.), im-
Th 1, 526. — (2) vyantibhavati to cease, stop; to come to an
mersed J iv.399; v.16 (here doubtful; not, as C., vyasanāpanna;
end, to be destroyed Kvu 597 (by°); or °hoti A i.141; iii.74;
gloss visanna; vv. ll. in C.: vyaccanna, viphanna, visatta).
Ps i.171 (by°); Miln 67 (by°), vyantibhāva destruction, anni-
hilation M i.93; A v.292, 297 sq.; Pv iv.1 ; Kvu 544 (by°). Vyākata [pp. of vyākaroti] 1. answered, explained, declared, de-
vyantibhuta come to an end J v.4. cided M i.431 (by°); A i.119; S ii.51, 223; iv.59, 194; v.177;
Sn 1023. — avyākata unexplained, undecided, not declared,
Vyapagacchati [vi+apagacchati] to depart, to be dispelled J ii.407
indeterminate M i.431 (by°); D i.187, 189; S ii.222; iv.375 sq.,
(ger. °gamma). — pp. °gata.
384 sq., 391 sq.; Ps ii.108 sq.; Dhs 431, 576. — 2. predicted
Vyapagata [pp. of vyapagacchati] departed J i.17; Miln 133, 225.
J i.26. — 3. settled, determined J iii.529 (asinā v. brought to
Vyapanudati [vi+apanudati] to drive away, expel; ger °nujja Sn a decision by the sword).
66. aor. vyapānudi Th 2, 318.
Vyākatatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. vyākata] explanation, definiteness
Vyapahaññati [vi+apa+haññati] to be removed or destroyed J PvA 27.
Vyākattar [n. ag. of vyākaroti; cp. BSk. vyākartṛ Divy 620]

Vyākattar Vyāyika

expounder A iii.81. i.90 (abyābajjhaṁ vedanaṁ vedeti), 526; D i.167, 247, 251;
S iv.296, 371; A i.98; ii.231 sq.; iii.285, 329 sq., 376 sq. Cp.
Vyākaraṇa (nt.) [fr. vyākaroti; see also veyyākaraṇa] 1. answer
byāpajjha & vyābādha etc.
(pañha°), explanation, exposition A i.197; ii.46; iii.119; SnA
63, 99; KhA 75, 76. — 2. grammar (as one of the 6 angas) Vyāpatti (f.) [fr. vyāpajjati] injury, harm; doing harm, malev-
SnA 447; PvA 97. — 3. prediction J i.34, 44; DhA iv.120. olence A v.292 sq.; Pug 18; J iv.137; Dhs 418 ("disordered
Vyākaroti [vi+ā+kṛ] 1. to explain, answer (in comb with puṭṭha, temper" trsl )
asked) D i.25, 58, 175, 200; Sn 510, 513 sq., 1102, 1116; Vyāpanna (adj.) [pp. of vyāpajjati] spoilt, disagreeing, gone
Miln 318 (byākareyya); VvA 71. Fut. °karissati D i.236; wrong; corrupt; only with citta, i. e. a corrupted heart, or
Sn 993; PvA 281. For vyākarissati we have vyakkhissati (of a malevolent intention; adj. malevolent D i.139; iii.82; A
viyācikkhati) at Sn 600. — aor. sg. vyākāsi Sn 541, 1116, i.262, 299; opp. avyāpanna (q. v.). See also byāpanna &
1127; PvA 212; pl. vyākaṁsu Sn 1084; Pv ii.13 . — grd. viyāpanna.
vyākātabba D i.94, 118. — 2. to prophesy, predict [cp. BSk. Vyāpāda [fr. vyāpajjati. See also byāpāda] making bad, doing
vyākaroti in same sense Divy 65, 131] J i.140; Pv iii.5 (aor. harm: desire to injure, malevolence, ill — will D i.71, 246;
°ākari); Mhvs 6, 2 (aor. °ākaruṁ); DhA iv.120 (°ākāsi); PvA
iii.70 sq., 226, 234; S i.99; ii.151; iv.343; A i.194, 280; ii.14,
196, 199 (°ākāsi). — pp. vyākata.
210; iii.92, 231, 245; iv.437; Vbh 86, 363 sq., 391; Pug 17 sq.;
Vyākāra see viy°. Dhs 1137; Vism 7; DA i.211; VbhA 74, 118, 369. °anusaya M
i.433. °dosa M iii.3. °dhātu M iii.62. °nīvaraṇa M ii.203. See
Vyākhyāta [pp. of v(i)yācikkhati] told, announced, set forth, enu-
under each affix. — Cp. avyāpāda.
merated Sn 1,000.
Vyāpādeti [Caus. of vyāpajjati] to spoil Miln 92.
Vyākula (adj.) [vi+ākula] perplexed J i.301; PvA 160; VvA 30;
Sdhp 403. Vyāpāra [vi+ā+pṛ] occupation, business, service, work J i.341;
v.60; Vism 595. Cp. veyyāvacca, vyappatha (by°), vyāvaṭa.
Vyādinna [for vyādiṇṇa, vi+ādiṇṇa?] at A iii.64 (soto vikkhitto
visato+) is doubtful in reading & meaning ("split"?). It must Vyāpāritar one occupied with M iii.126.
mean something like "interrupted, diverted." The vv. ll. are
Vyāpin (adj.) [fr. vi+āp] pervading, diffused DhsA 311.
vicchinna & jiṇṇa.
Vyāpeti [vi+Caus. of āp] to make full, pervade, fill, comprise
Vyādha [fr. vyadh: see vedha & vijjhati] a huntsman, deer — n
DhsA 307; VvA 17; ThA 287; PvA 52 (=pharati), 71 (in expl
hunter Mhvs 10, 89 (read either vyādha-deva god of the h.; or
of "ye keci").
vyādhi° demon of maladies); 10, 95.
Vyābādha (& byābādha) [fr. vi+ā+bādh, but semantically con-
Vyādhi [see byādhi] sickness, malady, illness, disease A i.139 nected with vi+ā+pad, as in vyāpāda & vyāpajjha] oppres-
(as devadūta), 146, 155 sq.; iii.66; Ps i.59 sq.; ii.147; J vi.224;
sion, injury, harm, hurting; usually in phrase atta° & para°
Vism 236. Often in sequence jāti jarā vyādhi maraṇa, e. g.
(disturbing the peace of others & of oneself) M i.89; S iv.339;
A ii.172; iii.74 sq.; Vism 232.
A i.114, 157, 216; ii.179. — Also at S iv.159 (pāṇinaṁ
Vyādhi (camel) see oṭṭhi°. vyābādhāya, with v. l. vadhāya). See also byābādha. The
corresponding adjectives are (a)vyāpajjha & veyyābādhika
Vyādhita [pp. of vyādheti] 1. affected with an illness, ill J v.497;
(q. v.).
Miln 168. See byādhita. — 2. shaken, f. °ā as abstr, shaki-
ness, trembling VbhA 479. Vyābādheti (& bya°) [Caus. of vi+ā+badh or distortion fr. vyā-
padeti, with which identical in meaning] to do harm, hurt, in-
Vyādhiyaka (nt.) [fr. vyādheti] shaking up Vbh 352; VbhA 479
jure Vin ii.77/78; S iv.351 sq.; DA i.167. The BSk. is vyābād-
(uppannavyādhitā; i. e. kāya — pphandana).
hayate (e. g. Divy 105).
Vyādhati see vyadhati. — pp. vyādhita. 3
Vyābāheti [vi+ā+bah: see bahati ] lit. "to make an outsider," to
Vyāpaka (adj.) [fr. vyāpeti] filling or summing up, combining, keep or to be kept out or away Vin ii.140 (°bāhiṁsu in Pass.
completing PvA 71 (in expl of "ye keci": anavasesa° nid-
sense; so that they may not be kept away). Oldenberg (on
p. 320) suggests reading vyābādhiṁsu, which may be bet-
Vyāpajjati [vi+āpajjati] (instr.) to go wrong, to fail, disagree; ter, viz. "may not be offended" (?). The form is difficult to
to be troubled; also (trs.) to do harm, to injure S iii.119; explain.
iv.184=Nd 40 (by°); A iii.101 (bhattaṁ me vyāpajjeyya dis-
Vyābhangī (f.) [see byā°] 1. a carrying pole (or flail?) Th 1, 623;
agrees with me, makes me ill); Sn 1065 (ākāso avyāpaj- comb with asita (see asita in corr. to pt. 2) "sickle & pole"
jamāno not troubled, not getting upset); Nd 74 (by°). — pp.
M ii.180; A iii.5. — 2. a flail S iv.201.
vyāpanna. — Caus. vyāpādeti.
Vyāma see byāma & add ref. D ii.18≈Vism 136 (catu°- pamāṇa).
Vyāpajjanā (f.) [fr. vyāpajjati] injuring, doing harm, ill-will Pug
18; Dhs 418 ("getting upset" trsl ). Vyāyata [vi+āyata] stretched; only neg. a° senseless, confused
(should it be vyāyatta?) J i.496 (=avyatta C.). See also
Vyāpajjha (adj. — nt.) [perhaps grd. of vyāpajjati; but see also
avyāpajjha] to be troubled or troubling, doing harm, injur-
Vyāyāma=vāyāma DhsA 146.
ing; only neg. avyāpajjha (& abyābajjha) (adj.) not hurt-
ing, peaceful, friendly; (nt.) kindness of heart Vin i.183; M Vyāyika (adj.) [fr. vyaya] belonging to decay; only neg. a° not

Vyāyika Sa

decaying, imperishable A ii.51; J v.508. under byāvaṭa accordingly!
Vyārambha see viy°. Vyāviddha (adj.) [vi+āviddha] whirling about, flitting (here &
there), moving about, pell — mell J vi.530.
Vyāruddha (adj.) [pp. of vi+ā+rundh] opposed, hostile Th 2,
344; Sn 936. See byāruddha. Vyāsa [fr. vi+ās to sit] separation, division; always contrasted
with samāsa, e. g. Vism 82 (vyāsato separately, distribu-
Vyārosa [vi+ā+rosa, cp. virosanā] anger M iii.78; S iii.73.
tively; opp. samāsato); KhA 187.
Vyālika (nt.) [for vy+alika] fault ThA 266.
Vyāsatta see byāsatta.
Vyāvaṭa (adj.) [=Sk. vyāpṛta, cp. vyāpāra, byappatha. & veyyā-
Vyāsiñcati [vi+āsiñcati] to defile, corrupt, tarnish S iv.78 (cittaṁ).
vacca] doing service, active, busy; eager, keen, intent on (loc.),
— pp. vyāsitta ibid.
busy with A iv.195 (mayi=worrying about me); J iii.315 (su°);
iv.371 (kiccâkiccesu v.= uyyatta C.); v.395 (=ussukka); vi.229 Vyāseka [fr. vi+ā+sic] mixed; only neg. a° unmixed, untarnished,
(=kāya — veyyāvacca — dān' ādi — kamma — karaṇena vyā- undefiled D i.70; DA i.183; Pug 59; Th 1, 926.
vaṭa C.). — dassana° keen on a sight, eager to see J i.89; VvA
Vyāharati [vi+āharati] to utter, talk, speak Vin ii.214; J ii.177;
213 (preferred to T. reading!). — dāna° serving in connection
iv.225 (puṭṭho vyāhāsi, perhaps with v. l. as vyākāsi). See
with a gift, busy with giving, a "commissioner of gifts," i. e.
also avyāharati. — Cp. paṭi°.
a superintendent installed by a higher (rich) person (as a king
Vyūha [fr. vi+vah; see byūha] 1. heap, mass; massing or ar-
or seṭṭhi) to look after the distribution of all kinds of gifts in
ray, grouping of troops S v.369 (sambādha° a dense crowd, or
connection with a mahādāna. Rh. Davids at Dial. ii.372 (fol-
massed with troops (?); in phrase iddha phīta etc., as given
lowing Childers) has quite misunderstood the term in referring
under bāhujañña); J ii.406 (battle array: paduma°, cakka°,
it to a vyāvaṭa in meaning of "hindered," and by translating it
sakaṭa°). — 2. a side street (?), in sandhibbūha J vi.276.
as "hindered at the largesse" or "objecting to the largesse." At
See also byūha.
none of the passages quoted by him has it that meaning. See
e. g. D ii.354; J iii.129; Pv ii.9 50 (dāne v.=ussukkaṁ āpanna Vyūhati at VvA 104 is not clear (see byūhati). It looks more like a
PvA 135); PvA 112 (dāne), 124 (id.); DA i.296 (? not found). present tense to viyūḷha in sense "to be bulky," than a Denom.
avyāvaṭa not busy, not bothering about (loc.), unconcerned fr. vyūha as "stand in array." For the regular verb vi+vah see
with, not worrying D ii.141 (Tathāgatassa sarīre; trsl not to viyūhati. Cp. paṭi° & saṁyūhati.
the point "hinder not yourselves"); Vin iii.136. See also sep-
Vyosita (adj.) [=vosita] perfected; neg. a° not perfected, imper-
arately. — Note. vyāvaṭa (& a°) only occur in the mean-
fect Th 1, 784 (aby°).
ing given above, and not in the sense of "covered, obstructed"
[wrongly fr. vṛ] as given by Childers. Correct the trsl given

-S- a euphonic — s — seems to occur in comb ras-agga-s-aggin palipanno paraṁ palipannaṁ uddharissatī ti: n' etaṁ ṭhānaṁ
(see rasa ). An apparent hiatus — s in ye s — idha Sn 1083, vijjati" M i.45; cp. "sā 'haṁ dhammaṁ nâssosiṁ" that I did
and evaṁ s- ahaṁ Sn 1134 (v. l.) may be an abbreviated su° not hear the Dh. Vv 40 . Or in the sense of a cond. (or causal)
(see su ), unless we take it as a misspelling for p. part. "if," or "once," e. g. sa kho so bhikkhu... upakkileso ti
Sa the letter s (sa — kāra) SnA 23; or the syllable sa DhA ii.6; iti viditvā... upakkilesaṁ pajahati "once he has recognised..."
M i.37. Cp. ya° ii.2 b. On correl. use with ya° (yo so etc.)
PvA 280.
see ya° ii.1.
Sa [Idg. *so- (m.), *sā- (f.); nom. sg. to base *to- of the oblique
Sa [identical with saṁ°] prefix, used as first pt. of compounds,
cases; cp. Sk. sa (saḥ), sā; Av. hō, hā; Gr. ὁ, ἡ; Goth. sa, sō;
is the sense of "with," possessed of, having, same as; e. g.
Ags. sē "the" (=that one); pe — s=E. thi — s] base of the nom.
of the demonstr. pron. that, he, she. The form sg. m. sa is rare sadevaka with the devas Vin i.8; sadhammika having com-
mon faith D ii.273; sajāti having the same origin J ii.108. Of-
(e. g. Dh 142; Sn 89). According to Geiger (P.Gr. § 105) sa
ten opposed to a- and other neg. prefixes (like nir°). Some-
occurs in Sn 40 times, but so 124 times. In later Pāli sa is al-
times almost pleonastical (like sa — antara). — Of combi-
most extinct. The final o of so is often changed into v before
nations we only mention a few of those in which a vocalic
vowels, and a short vowel is lengthened after this v: svājja
initial of the 2 nd pt. remains uncontracted. Other examples
Sn 998=so ajja; svāhaṁ J i.167=so ahaṁ; svāyaṁ Vin i.2=so
see under their heading in alph. order. E. g. sa -antara in-
ayaṁ. The foll. vowel is dropped in so maṁ It 57=so imaṁ.
side DhA iii.788 (for santara Dh 315); sa -Inda together with
— A form se is Māgadhism for nt. acc. sg. taṁ, found e. g.
at D ii.278, 279; M ii.254, 255, and in comb seyyathā, seyy- Indra D ii.261, 274; A v.325 sq.; °-uttara having something
beyond, inferior (opp. an°) D i.80; ii.299=M i.59; Dhs 1292,
athīdaṁ (for which taṁyathā Miln 1). An idiomatic use is that
1596; DhsA 50; °-uttaracchada (& °chadana) a carpet with
of so in meaning of "that (he or somebody)," e. g. "so vata...

Sa Sa yojana

awnings above it D i.7≈; ii.187 (°ava); A i.181; Vin i.192; DA close together VvA 162.
i.87; -°udaka with water, wet Vin i.46; -°udariya born from
Saṁyama (& saññama) [fr. saṁ+yam] 1. restraint, self-control,
the same womb, a brother J iv.417, cp. sodariya; -°uddesa
abstinence S i.21, 169; D i.53; Vin i.3; A i.155 sq. (kāyena,
with explanation It 99; Vism 423 (nāma — gotta — vasena
vācāya, manasā); D iii.147; It 15 (ññ); Sn 264, 655; M ii.101
sa — udd.; vaṇṇ'ādi — vasena sākāra); -°upanisa together
(sīla°); Dh 25 (saññama dama); DA i.160; DhA ii.255 (=catu
with its cause, causally associated S ii.30; -°upavajja having
— pārisuddhi — sīla); VbhA 332. — 2. restraint in giving
a helper M iii.266; -°upādāna showing attachment M ii.265; 11
alms saving (of money etc.), stinginess Vin i.272; Pv ii.7
-°upādisesa having the substratum of life remaining Sn 354; It
(=sankoca PvA 102).
38; Nett 92. Opp. anupādisesa; -°ummi roaring of the billows
It 57, 114. — Note. sa & sa are differentiations Saṁyamati [saṁ+yamati] to practise self — control S i.209
(pāṇesu ca saṁyamāmase, trsl "if we can keep our hands off
of one and the same sa, which is originally the deictic pro-
living things"). — pp. saṁyata. — Caus. saññāmeti to re-
noun in the function of identity & close connection. See etym.
strain M i.365, 507; Dh 37, 380. Cp. paṭi°.
under saṁ°.
Sa (reflex. pron.) [Vedic sva & svayaṁ (=P. sayaṁ); Idg. *seṷo, Saṁyamana (nt.) [fr. saṁ+yam] fastening J v.202, 207.
*sṷe; cp. Av. hava & hva own; Gr. ἑός & ο῞ς his own; Lat. Saṁyamanī (f.) [fr. last] a kind of ornament J v.202 (=maṇisu-
sui, suus; Goth. swēs own, sik=Ger. sich himself; etc.] own vaṇṇa — pavāḷa — rajata — mayāni pilandhanāni C.).
M i.366; D ii.209; Sn 905; J ii.7; iii.164, 323 (loc. samhi
Saṁyācikā (f.) [collect. abstr. fr. saṁ+yāc] begging, what is
lohite), 402 (acc. saṁ his own, viz. kinsman; C=sakaṁ begged; only in instr. °āya (adv.) by begging together, by
janaṁ); iv.249 (saṁ bhātaraṁ); Pv ii.12 =DhA iii.277 (acc.
collecting voluntary offerings Vin iii.144 (so read for °āyo),
san tanuṁ); instr. sena on one's own, by oneself J v.24 (C. not d
149 (expl incorrectly as "sayaṁ yācitvā"); J ii.282 (so read
quite to the point: mama santakena). Often in composition,
for °āyo).
like sadesa one's own country Dāvs i.10. Cp. saka.
Saṁyuga (nt.) [fr. saṁ+yuj] harness Th 1, 659.
Saṁ° (indecl.) [prefix; Idg. *sem one; one & the same, cp.
Saṁyuñjati [saṁ+yuñjati] to connect, join with (instr.), unite S
Gr. ὁμαλός even, α῞μα at one, ὁμός together; Sk. sama
i.72. Pass. saṁyujjati S iii.70. — pp. saṁyutta. — Caus.
even, the same; samā in the same way; Av. hama same=Goth.
saṁyojeti (1) to put together, to endow with D ii.355; S v.354;
sama, samap together; Lat. simul (=simultaneous), similis "re
— sembling." Also Sk. sa (=sa ) together=Gr. ἁ ἀ — (e. J i.277. — (2) to couple, to wed someone to (instr.) J iii.512
(dārena); iv.7 (id.). — pp. saṁyojita.
g. α῎κοιτις); Av. ha —; and samyak towards one point=P.
sammā. — Analogously to Lat. semel "once," simul, we Saṁyuta (adj.) [saṁ+yuta, of yu] connected, combined Sn 574
find sa° as numeral base for "one" in Vedic sakṛt "once"=P. (ññ), 1026.
sakid (& sakad), sahasra 1000=P. sahassa, and in adv. sadā Saṁyutta [pp. of saṁyuñjati] 1. tied, bound, fettered M iii.275
"always," lit. "in one"] prefix, implying conjunction & com- (cammena); S iv.163; A iv.216 (saṁyojanena s. by bonds to
pleteness. saṁ° is after vi° (19%) the most frequent (16%) of this world); Sn 194 (ññ), 300, 304; It 8; Sdhp 211. — 2. con-
all Pāli prefixes. Its primary meaning is "together" (cp. Lat. nected with, mixed with (—°) J i.269 (visa°). — Cp. paṭi°,
con°); hence arises that of a closer connection or a more accen- vi°.
tuated action than that expressed by the simple verb (intensify-
Saṁyūḷha [pp. of saṁyūhati, cp. in similar meaning viyūḷha]
ing=thoroughly, quite), or noun. Very often merely pleonas-
tic, esp. in comb with other prefixes (e. g. sam — anu°, massed, collected, put together, composed or gathered (like
a bunch of flowers D ii.267 (gāthā); M i.386; DA i.38 (spelt
sam — ā°, sam — pa°). In meaning of "near by, together"
saṁvūḷha, i. e. saṁvyūḷha; v. l. sañaḷha, i. e. sannaddha).
it is opposed to para°; as modifying prefix it is contrary to
abhi° and (more frequently) to vi° (e. g. saṁvadati> viva- Saṁyūhati [saṁ+vyūhati] to form into a mass, to ball together, to
dati), whereas it often equals pa° (e. g. pamodati> sammo- conglomerate A iv.137 (kheḷapiṇḍaṁ). — pp. saṁyūḷha.
dati), with which it is often comb as sampa°; and also abhi° Saṁyoga [fr. saṁ+yuj] 1. bond, fetter M i.498; S i.226; iii.70;
(e. g. abhivaḍḍhati>saṁvaḍḍhati), with which often comb d
iv.36; A iv.280=Vin ii.259 (opp. vi°); Sn 522, 733; Dh 384
as abhisaṁ°. — Bdhgh & Dhpāla explain saṁ° by sammā
(=kāmayog'ādayo saṁyogā DhA iv.140). — 2. union, asso-
(SnA 151; KhA 209: so read for samā āgatā), suṭṭhu (see e.
ciation J iii.12 (ññ); Vism 495. — 3. connection (within the
g. santasita, santusita), or samantā (=altogether; SnA 152,
sentence), construction PvA 73 (accanta°), 135 (id.).
154), or (dogmatically) sakena santena samena (KhA 240),
or as "saṁyoga" Vism 495. — In comb with y we find both Saṁyojana (nt.) [fr. saṁyuñjati] bond, fetter S iv.163 etc.; espe-
cially the fetters that bind man to the wheel of transmigration
saṁy° and saññ°. The usual conṭracted form before r is sā°.
Vin i.183; S i.23; v.241, 251; A i.264; iii.443; iv.7 sq. (diṭṭhi°);
Saṁyata (& saññata) [pp. of saṁyamati] lit. drawn together; fig. M i.483; Dh 370; It 8 (taṇhā); Sn 62, 74, 621; J i.275; ii.22;
restrained, self — controlled D ii.88; S i.79; Sn 88, 156, 716; Nett 49; DhA iii.298; iv.49.
J i.188; Vv 34 ; Miln 213. The ten fetters are (1) sakkāyadiṭṭhi; (2) vicikicchā; (3)
-atta having one's self restrained, self — controlled S i.14 sīlabbataparāmāso; (4) kāmacchando; (5) vyāpādo; (6) rū-
(for saya°); Sn 216, 284 (ññ), 723; Pv ii.6 14 (ññ;=saññata — parāgo; (7) arūparāgo; (8) māno; (9) uddhaccaṁ; (10) avijjā.
citta PvA 98). -ūru having the thighs pressed together, hav- The first three are the tīṇi saṁyojanāni — e. g. M i.9; A
ing firm thighs J v.89, 107 (ññ). 155 (ññ). -cārin living in
i.231, 233; D i.156; ii.92 sq., 252; iii.107, 132, 216; S v.357,
self — control Dh 104 (ññ). -pakhuma having the eyelashes

Sa yojana Sa vigga

376, 406; Pug 12, 15; Nett 14; Dhs 1002; DA i.312. The seven °vaḍḍheti to rear, nourish, bring up J i.231 (ppr. pass.
last are the satta saṁyojanāni, Nett. 14. The first five are °vaḍḍhiyamāna).
called orambhāgiyāni — e. g. A i.232 sq.; ii.5, 133; v.17; D
Saṁvaṇṇana (nt.) [saṁ+vaṇṇana] praising, praise J i.234.
i.156; ii.92, 252; M i.432; S v.61, 69; Th 2, 165; Pug 17. The d
Saṁvaṇṇita [pp. of saṁvaṇṇeti] praised, comb with
last five are called uddhambhāgiyāni — e. g. A v.17; S v.61,
sambhāvita honoured M i.110; iii.194, 223.
69; Th 2, 167; ThA 159; Pug 22; Nett 14, 49.
A different enumeration of the ten saṁyojanas, at Nd 2 Saṁvaṇṇeti [saṁ+vaṇṇeti] to praise Vin iii.73 sq.; J v.292 (aor.
657=Dhs 1113, 1463 (kāmarāga, paṭigha, māna, diṭṭhi, vici- 3 pl. °vaṇṇayuṁ). Cp. BSk. saṁvarṇayati Divy 115. — pp.
kicchā, sīlabbataparāmāsa, bhavarāga, issā, macchariya, avi- saṁvaṇṇita.
jjā); compare, however, Dhs 1002. Saṁvattati [saṁ+vattati] to lead (to), to be useful (for) A i.54,
A diff. enum of seven saṁyojanas at D iii.254 & A
58 (ahitāya dukkhāya); Vin i.10=S v.421; It 71 sq.; J i.97;
iv.7, viz. anunaya°, paṭigha°, diṭṭhi°, vicikicchā°, māna°,
Pot. saṁvatteyya Vin i.13. — Often in phrase nibbidāya,
bhavarāga°, avijjā°. A list of eight is found at M i.361 sq. Cp. virāgāya... nibbānāya saṁvattati e. g. D i.189; ii.251;
also ajjhatta-saṁyojano & bahiddhāsaṁyojano puggalo A iii.130; S v.80, 255; A iii.83, 326.
i.63 sq.; Pug 22; kiṁ-su-s° S i.39= Sn 1108.
Saṁvattanika (adj.) [fr. saṁvattati] conducive to, involving A
Saṁyojaniya (saññ°) (adj.) [fr. saṁyojana] connected with the
ii.54, 65; It 82; Kvu 618; J i.275; Nett 134=S v.371. As °iya
saṁyojanas, favourable to the saṁyojanas, A i.50; S ii.86;
at PvA 205.
iii.166 sq.; iv.89, 107; Dhs 584, 1125, 1462; DhsA 49. Used
Saṁvadati [saṁ+vadati] to agree M i.500 (opp. vivadati).
as a noun, with dhammā understood, Sn 363, 375.
Saṁvadana (nt.) [fr. saṁvadati] a certain magic act performed
Saṁyojita [pp. of saṁyojeti, Caus. of saṁyuñjati] combined,
in order to procure harmony D i.11; DA i.96; cp. Dial. i.23.
connected with, mixed with J i.269 (bhesajja°).
Saṁvaddhana (nt.) [fr. saṁ+vṛdh] increasing, causing to grow
Saṁrakkhati [saṁ+rakkhati] to guard, ward off Sdhp 364.
J iv.16.
Saṁrambha [saṁ+*rambha, fr. rabh, as in rabhasa (q. v.)] im-
Saṁvara [fr. saṁ+vṛ] restraint D i.57, 70, 89; ii.281 (indriya°);
petuosity, rage Dāvs iv.34. This is the Sanskritic form for the
iii.130, 225; A ii.26; S iv.189 sq.; It 28, 96, 118; Pug 59; Sn
usual P. sārambha.
1034; Vin ii.126, 192 (āyatiṁ saṁvarāya "for restraint in the
Saṁrāga [saṁ+rāga] passion J iv.22. Cp. sārāga.
future," in confession formula), Dh 185; Nett 192; Vism 11,
Saṁrūḷha [pp. of saṁrūhati] grown together, healed J iii.216; 44; DhA iii.238; iv.86 (°dvārāni). The fivefold saṁvara: sīla°,
v.344. sati°, ñāṇa°, khanti°, viriya°, i. e. by virtue, mindfulness, in-
sight, patience, effort DhsA 351; as pātimokkha° etc. at Vism
Saṁrūhati [saṁ+rūhati] to grow J iv.429 (=vaḍḍhati).
7; VbhA 330 sq. -°vinaya norm of self — control, good con-
Saṁroceti [saṁ+roceti] to find pleasure in, only in aor. (poetical)
duct SnA 8. cātuyāma°, Jain discipline M l.377.
samarocayi Sn 290, 306, 405; J iv.471.
Saṁvaraṇa (nt.) [fr. saṁ+vṛ] covering; obstruction Dhtp 274 (as
Saṁvacana (nt.) [saṁ+vacana] sentence DhsA 52.
def. of root val, i. e. vṛ).
Saṁvacchara [saṁ+vacchara; cp. Vedic saṁvatsara] a year D
Saṁvarati [saṁ+varati=vuṇāti 1] to restrain, hold; to restrain
ii.327; A ii.75; iv.139, 252 sq.; Dh 108; J ii.80; Sdhp 239;
oneself Vin ii.102 (Pot. °vareyyāsi); Miln 152 (pāso na saṁ-
nom. pl. saṁvaccharāni J ii.128.
varati). — pp. saṁvuta.
Saṁvaṭṭa (m. & nt.) [saṁ+vaṭṭa ] 1. "rolling on or forward"
Saṁvarī (f.) [Vedic śarvarī fr. śarvara speckled; the P. form
(opp. vivaṭṭa "rolling back"), with ref. to the development of
viâ sabbarī>sāvarī>saṁvarī] the night (poetical) D iii.196; J
the Universe & time (kappa) the ascending aeon (vivaṭṭa the
iv.441; v.14, 269; vi.243.
descending cycle), evolution It 99; Pug 60; Vism 419; Sdhp 2
Saṁvasati [saṁ+vasati ] to live, to associate, cohabitate A ii.57;
484, 485. -°vivaṭṭa a period within which evolution & dis- 2
Vin ii.237; Nd 423; Pug 65; Dh 167; Dpvs x.8; Miln 250. —
solution of the world takes place, a complete world — cycle
Caus. °vāseti same meaning Vin iv.137. — Cp. upa°.
(see also vivaṭṭa) D i.14; A ii.142; It 15, 99; Pug 60.
Saṁvāti [saṁ+vāyati ] to be fragrant J v.206 (cp. vv. ll. on p.
Saṁvaṭṭati [saṁ+vaṭṭati] 1. to be evolved, to be in a process of
evolution (opp. vivaṭṭati in devolution) D i.17; iii.84, 109; A
ii.142; DA i.110. — 2. to fall to pieces, to come to an end (like Saṁvāsa [saṁ+vāsa ] 1. living with, co — residence Vin i.97;
the world's destruction), to pass away, perish, dissolve (intrs.) ii.237; iii.28; A ii.57 sq., 187; iii.164 sq.; iv.172; J i.236;
J iii.75 (paṭhavī s.; v. l. saṁvaddh°); Miln 287 (ākāso °eyya). iv.317 (piya — saṁvāsaṁ vasi lived together in harmony); Sn
For saṁvaṭṭ° at J i.189 read saṁvaddh°. 283, 290, 335; Dh 207, 302; Sdhp 435. — 2. intimacy J ii.39.
— 3. cohabitation, sexual intercourse D i.97; J i.134; ii.108;
Saṁvaṭṭanika (adj.) [fr. saṁvaṭṭa(na)] turning to, being reborn
SnA 355.
D i.17.
Saṁvāsaka (adj.) [fr. saṁvāsa] living together Vin ii.162; iii.173.
Saṁvaḍḍha [pp. of saṁvaḍḍhati] grown up, brought up D i.75;
ii.38; PvA 66. Saṁvāsiya [fr. saṁvāsa] one who lives with somebody Sn 22;
a°-bhāva impossibility to co — reside Miln 249.
Saṁvaḍḍhati [saṁ+vaḍḍhati] to grow up; ppr. °amāna (ddh.)
growing up, subsisting J i.189 (so far °vaṭṭ°). — Caus. Saṁvigga [pp. of saṁvijjati ] agitated, moved by fear or awe, ex-

Sa vigga Sa vohārati

cited, stirred D i.50; ii.240; A ii.115; S iv.290; v.270; J i.59; Saṁvilāpa [saṁ+vilāpa] noisy talk; fig. for thundering S iv.289
Miln 236; PvA 31 (°hadaya). (abbha°).
Saṁvijita [pp. of saṁvejeti] (med.) filled with fear or awe, made Saṁvisati [saṁ+visati] to enter; Caus. saṁveseti (q. v.). Cp.
to tremble; (pass.) felt, realized Sn 935 (=saṁvejita ubbejita -bhisaṁvisati.
Nd 406).
Saṁvissajjetar [saṁ+vissajjetar] one who appoints or assigns
Saṁvijjati [Vedic vijate, vij; not as simple verb in P.] to be agi- DA i.112.
tated or moved, to be stirred A ii.114; It 30. — pp. saṁvigga.
Saṁvissandati [saṁ+vissandati] to overflow M ii.117; Miln 36.
— Caus. saṁvejeti M i.253; S i.141; Vin i.32; imper. °vejehi
Saṁvihita [pp. of saṁvidahati] arranged, prepared, provided J
S v.270; aor. °vejesi Miln 236; inf. °vejetuṁ S i.197; ger
i.133 (°ārakkha i. e. protected); in cpd. su° well arranged or
°vejetvā J i.327; grd. °vejanīya that which should cause awe,
appointed, fully provided D ii.75; M ii.75; DA i.147, 182; a°
in °āni ṭhānāni places of pilgrimage D ii.140; A i.36; ii.120;
unappointed Vin i.175; Vism 37.
It 30. — pp. saṁvijita & °vejita.
Saṁvijjati [Pass. of saṁvindati] to be found, to exist, to be D Saṁvījita [saṁ+vījita] fanned Dāvs v.18.
i.3; Vin ii.122; J i.214 (°amāna); PvA 153. Saṁvuta [pp. of saṁvarati] 1. closed D i.81. — 2. tied up
J iv.361. — 3. restrained, governed, (self — )controlled,
Saṁvidati [saṁ+vidati: see vindati] to know; ger. °viditvā J
guarded D i.250; iii.48, 97; S ii.231; iv.351 sq.; A i.7 (cit-
iii.114; v.172. — pp. saṁvidita.
taṁ); ii.25; iii.387; It 96, 118; Sn 340 (indriyesu); Dh 340;
Saṁvidahati [saṁ+vidahati] to arrange, appoint, fix, settle, pro-
DA i.181. asaṁvuta unrestrained S iv.70; A iii.387; Pug 20,
vide, prepare D i.61 (Pot. °eyyāma); aor. °vidahi PvA 198;
24; in phrase asaṁvuṭā lokantarikā andhakārā (the world
inf. °vidhātuṁ A ii.35, & °vidahituṁ Vin i.287; ger. °vid-
— spaces which are dark &) ungoverned, orderless, not sup-
hāya Vin iv.62 sq., 133; Mhvs 17, 37, & °vidahitvā Vin i.287; ported, baseless D ii.12. — su° well controlled Vin ii.213;
iii.53, 64; J i.59; v.46; also as Caus. form °vidahetvāna J
iv.186; S iv.70; Sn 413; Dh 8.
vi.301. — pp. saṁvidahita & saṁvihita.
-atta self — controlled S i.66. -indriya having the senses
Saṁvidahana (nt.) [for the usual °vidhāna] arrangement, ap- under control It 91; Pug 35. -kārin M ii.260.
pointment, provision J ii.209; DA i.148; DhsA 111. The word
Saṁvūḷha see saṁyūḷha.
is peculiar to the Commentary style.
Saṁvega [fr. saṁ+vij] agitation, fear, anxiety; thrill, religious
Saṁvidahita [pp. of saṁvidahati] arranged Vin iv.64; DhA i.397.
emotion (caused by contemplation of the miseries of this
Saṁvidita [pp. of saṁvidati] known Sn 935. world) D iii.214; A i.43; ii.33, 114; S i.197; iii.85; v.130, 133;
It 30; Sn 935; J i.138; Nd 406; Vism 135=KhA 235 (eight ob-
Saṁvidhātar [n. ag. fr. saṁvidahati] one who arranges or pro-
jects inducing emotion: birth, old age, illness, death, misery in
vides (cp. vidhātar) D iii.148.
the apāyas, and the misery caused by saṁsāra in past, present
Saṁvidhāna (nt.) [fr. saṁvidahati] arranging, providing, ar-
& future stages); Mhvs 1, 4; 23, 62; PvA 1, 22, 32, 39, 76.
rangement D i.135; J i.140 (rakkhā°).
Saṁvejana (adj.) [fr. saṁ+vij] agitating, moving It 30.
Saṁvidhāyaka (adj.) [saṁ+vidhāyaka] providing, managing; f.
Saṁvejaniya (adj.) [fr. saṁvejana] apt to cause emotion A ii.120;
°ikā J i.155.
Vism 238. See also saṁvijjati .
Saṁvidhāvahāra [saṁvidhā (short ger. form)+avahāra] taking
Saṁvejita [pp. of saṁvejeti] stirred, moved, agitated S i.197; Nd 1
by arrangement, i. e. theft committed in agreement with oth-
ers Vin iii.53.
Saṁvejeti Caus. of saṁvijjati (q. v.).
Saṁvindati [saṁ+vindati] to find; ppr. (a)saṁvindaṁ Th 1, 717.
— Pass. saṁvijjati (q. v.). Saṁveṭheti [saṁ+veṭheti] to wrap, stuff, tuck in Vin iv.40.
Saṁvibhajati [saṁ+vibhajati] to divide, to share, to communi- Saṁvedhita [saṁ+vyathita: see vyadhati] shaken up, confused,
cate D ii.233; Miln 94, 344; inf. °vibhajituṁ Miln 295; Dāvs trembling Sn 902.
v.54. — pp. saṁvibhatta. — Caus. °vibhājeti. It 65.
Saṁvelli (f.) [saṁ+velli, cp. vellita] "that which is wound round,"
Saṁvibhatta [pp. of saṁvibhajati] divided, shared Th 1, 9. a loin cloth J v.306. As saṁvelliya at Vin ii.137, 271.
Saṁvibhāga [saṁ+vibhāga] distribution, sharing out D iii.191; A Saṁvelleti [fr. saṁ+vell] to gather up, bundle together, fold up
i.92, 150; It 18 sq., 98, 102; Vv 37 ; Miln 94. — dāna° (of Vism 327.
gifts) J v.331; Vism 306.
Saṁvesanā (f.) [fr. saṁveseti] lying down, being in bed, sleeping
Saṁvibhāgin (adj.) [fr. saṁvibhāga] generous, open — handed J vi.551 sq., 557.
S i.43=J iv.110; v.397 (a°); Miln 207.
Saṁveseti [Caus. of saṁvisati] to lead, conduct A i.141; Pass.
Saṁvirūḷha (adj.) [pp. of saṁvirūhati] fully grown, healed up J saṁvesiyati to be put to bed (applied to a sick person) M
ii.117. i.88=iii. 181;D ii.24. Cp. abhi°.
Saṁvirūhati [saṁ+virūhati] to germinate, to sprout Miln 99, 125, Saṁvossajjati see samavossajjati.
130, 375. — pp. saṁvirūḷha. — Caus. °virūheti to cause to
Saṁvohāra [saṁ+vohāra] business, traffic Vin iii.239; A
grow, to nourish J iv.429.
ii.187=S i.78; A iii.77; SnA 471.

Sa vohārati Sa suddhi

Saṁvohārati [Denom. fr. saṁvohāra] to trade (with); ppr. °vo- Saṁsaraṇa (nt.) [fr. saṁ+sṛ] 1. moving about, running; °lohita
hāramāna [cp. BSk. saṁvyavahāramāna Divy 259] A ii.188. blood in circulation (opp. sannicita°) Vism 261; KhA 62;
VbhA 245. — 2. a movable curtain, a blind that can be drawn
Saṁsagga [fr. saṁ+sṛj] contact, connection, association Vin
aside Vin ii.153.
iii.120; A iii.293 sq. (°ārāmatā); iv.87 sq., 331; It 70; J i.376;
iv.57; Miln 386; Nd 137; VbhA 340 (an — anulomika°); PvA Saṁsarita [pp. of saṁsarati] transmigrated D ii.90; A ii.1; Th 2,
5 (pāpamitta°). — Two kinds of contact at Nd 659: by sight 496. a° M i.82.
(dassana°) and by hearing (savaṇa°). — pada° contact of two Saṁsava [fr. saṁ+sru] flowing VvA 227.
words, "sandhi" Nd 139; Nd 137 (for iti); SnA 28. — a° S 12
Saṁsavaka [fr. saṁsava] N. of a purgatory Vv 52 , cp. VvA
ii.202; Miln 344. -°jāta one who has come into contact Sn
226 sq.
SaṁsāǮveti [fr. saṁ+sru] to cause to flow together, to pour into
Saṁsaṭṭha [pp. of saṁ+sṛj] 1. mixed with (instr.), associating
(loc.), to put in J v.268 (=pakkhipati C.).
with, joined M i.480 (opp. vi°); A iii.109, 116, 258 sq., 393;
PvA 47. — 2. living in society Vin i.200; ii.4; iv.239, 294; D Saṁsādiyā (f.) [cp. *Sk. syavaṁ — sātikā, on which see Kern,
ii.214; Kvu 337=DhsA 42; Dhs 1193; J ii.105; DhsA 49, 72. Toev. ii.62, s. v.] a kind of inferior rice J vi.530.
— a° not given to society M i.214; S i.63; Miln 244; Vism 73.
Saṁsādeti Caus. of saṁsīdati (q. v.).
Saṁsati [Vedic śaṁsati, cp. Av. saṁhaiti to proclaim, Lat.
Saṁsāmeti [Caus. of saṁ+śam] lit. "to smoothe," to fold
censeo=censure; Obulg. χom to say] to proclaim, point out
up (one's sleeping mat), to leave (one's bed), in phrase
J v.77; vi.533; Pot. saṁse J vi.181; aor. asaṁsi J iii.420;
senāsanaṁ saṁsāmetvā Vin ii.185; iv.24; M i.457; S iii.95,
iv.395; v.66; & asāsī (Sk. aśaṁsīt) J iii.484. Cp. abhi°.
133; iv.288.
Saṁsatta [pp. of saṁ+sañj] adhering, clinging D i.239 (param-
Saṁsāyati [saṁ+sāyati, which stands for sādati (of svad to
sweeten). On y>d cp. khāyita>khādita & sankhāyita] to taste,
Saṁsad (f.) [fr. saṁ+sad] session, assembly; loc. saṁsati J enjoy J iii.201 (aor. samasāyisuṁ: so read for samāsāsisuṁ).
iii.493 (=parisamajjhe C.), 495
Saṁsāra [fr. saṁsarati] 1. transmigration, lit. faring on D i.54;
Saṁsaddati [saṁ+śabd] to sound, in def. of root kitt at Dhtp ii.206 (here=existence); M i.81 (saṁsārena suddhi); S ii.178
579; Dhtm 812. sq.; A i.10; ii.12=52; Sn 517; Dh 60; J i.115; Pv ii.13 ; Vism
544 (in detail), 578, 603 (°assa kāraka); PvA 63, 243. For de-
Saṁsandati [saṁ+syand, cp. BSk. saṁsyandati AvŚ ii.142 sq.,
scription of saṁsāra (its endlessness & inevitableness) see e.
188] to run together, to associate D i.248; ii.223; S ii.158=It
g. S ii.178, 184 sq., 263; iii.149 sq.; VbhA 134 (anta — vi-
70; S iv.379; Pug 32. — Caus. saṁsandeti to put together;
rahita) & anamatagga (to which add refs. VbhA 45, 182, 259,
unite, combine J i.403; v.216; Miln 131; DhA ii.12; iv.51.
260). — 2. moving on, circulation: vacī° exchange of words
Saṁsandanā (f.) [fr. saṁsandati] 1. (lit.) coming together J
A i.79.
vi.414 (v. l. for T. saṁsandita). — 2. (fig.) import, ap-
-cakka [cp. BSk. saṁsāra — cakra] the wheel of tr. Vism
plication, reference, conclusion (lit. "flowing together") Tikp
198, 201; VvA 105=PvA 7. -dukkha the ill of tr. Vism 531;
264. opamma° application of a simile, "tertium comparatio-
VbhA 145, 149. -bhaya fear of tr. VbhA 199. -sāgara the
nis" Vism 326; DA i.127. diṭṭha° (pucchā) a question with ocean of tr. J iii.241.
reference to observation Nd s. v. pucchā; DhsA 55.
Saṁsijjhati [saṁ+sidh] to be fulfilled Sdhp 451.
Saṁsanna [pp. of saṁsīdati or saṁsandati] depressed, exhausted
Saṁsita =saṁsarita J v.56 (cira — ratta°=carita anuciṇṇa C.).
Dh 280 (=osanna DhA iii.410: see ossanna).
Saṁsita [pp. of saṁ+śri] dependent Sdhp 306.
Saṁsappa (adj.) [fr. saṁ+sṛp] creeping A v.289.
Saṁsiddhi (f.) [saṁ+siddhi] success Dhtp 420.
Saṁsappati [saṁ+sappati] to creep along, to crawl, move A
v.289; VvA 278; DhA iv.49. Saṁsibbita [pp. of saṁ+sibbati] entwined Vism 1; Miln 102, 148;
DhA iii.198.
Saṁsappaniyapariyāya, the creeping exposition, a discussion of
the consequences of certain kinds of kamma, A v.288 sq. Saṁsīda [fr. saṁsīdati] sinking (down) S iv.180 (v. l. saṁ-sāda).
Saṁsappin (adj.)=saṁsappa A iv.172. Saṁsīdati [saṁ+sad] 1. to sink down, to lose heart D i.248; A
Saṁsaya [cp. Vedic saṁśaya] doubt A ii.24; Nd 660 (=vicikic- iii.89=Pug 65; Th 1, 681; J ii.330. — 2. to be at an end (said
of a path, magga) Vin iii.131; S i.1. — Caus. saṁsādeti: 1.
chā etc.); Miln 94; Dhs 425.
to get tired, give out M i.214; A i.288. — 2. to drop, fail in A
Saṁsayita (nt.) [pp. of saṁsayati=saṁ+seti of śi; in mean-
iv.398 (pañhaṁ, i. e. not answer). — 3. to place DA i.49.
ing=saṁsaya] doubt Dāvs i.50.
Saṁsīdana (nt.) [fr. saṁsīdati]=saṁsīda Th 1, 572 (ogha°).
Saṁsarati [saṁ+sarati, of sṛ] to move about continuously, to
Saṁsīna [saṁ+sīna, pp. of śṛ to crush, Sk. śīrṇa] fallen off, de-
come again and again J i.335. — 2. to go through one
stroyed Sn 44 (°patta without leaves=patita — patta C.).
life after the other, to transmigrate D i.14; DA i.105; ppr.
saṁsaranto (& saṁsaraṁ) S iii.149; iv.439; It 109; PvA 166; Saṁsuddha (adj.) [saṁ+suddha] pure D i.113; Sn 372, 1107; Nd 1
med. saṁsaramāna Vv 19 ; ger. °saritvā S iii.212; Pug 16. 289; Nd 661; J i.2.
— pp. saṁsarita & saṁsita. -gahaṇika of pure descent D i.113; DA i.281.

Sa suddhi Sakaraṇīya

Saṁsuddhi (f.) [saṁ+suddhi) purification Sn 788; Nd 84. unconquerable S i.193; Vin ii.96; A iv.141 sq.; Th 1, 649; Sn
1149; J iv.283. See also asaṁhāriya.
Saṁsumbhati [saṁ+sumbhati] to beat J vi.53, 88 (°amāna).
Saṁhīrati [Pass. of saṁharati] to be drawn away or caught in
Saṁsūcaka (adj.) [fr. saṁsūceti] indicating VvA 244, 302.
(loc.) M iii.188 sq. (paccuppannesu dhammesu); DhsA 420
Saṁsūceti [saṁ+sūcay°, Denom. fr. sūci] to indicate, show, be-
(id.); J iii.333.
tray Dāvs v.50; DA i.311. 4
Saka (adj.) [sa +ka] own D i.106, 119, 231; ii.173 (sakaṁ te "all
Saṁseda [saṁ+seda] sweat, moisture M i.73; ThA 185.
be your own," as greeting to the king); M i.79; Vin i.3, 249
-ja [cp. BSk saṁsvedaja Divy 627] born or arisen from 1 1
(ācariyaka); S v.261 (id.); Sn 861; It 76; Nd 252; Pv i.5
moisture D iii.230; Miln 128; KhA 247; VbhA 161. 1 2
(ghara); ii.6 (bhātā). — Opp. assaka . -appassaka hav-
Saṁseva (adj.) [fr. saṁ+sev] associating A ii.245; v.113 sq. (sap- ing little or nothing as one's own (=daḷidda) A i.261; ii.203;
purisa° & asappurisa°); Miln 93. kamma-ssaka possessing one's own kamma M iii.203 sq.; A
Saṁsevanā (f.) [fr. saṁsevati] associating Dhs 1326=Pug 20. v.288; Miln 65; Dhs 1366.
-gavacaṇḍa violent towards one's own cows, harassing
Saṁsevā (f.) [fr. saṁseva] worshipping, attending Miln 93
one's own Pug 47.
Sakaṭa (m. & nt.) [cp. Sk. śakaṭa; Vedic śakaṭī] a cart, waggon;
Saṁsevita [saṁ+sevita] frequented, inhabited J vi.539.
a cartload D ii.110; Vin iii.114; J i.191; Miln 238; PvA 102;
Saṁsevin (adj.)=saṁseva J i.488. VbhA 435 (simile of two carts); SnA 58 (udaka — bharita°),
Saṁhata [pp. of saṁ+han] firm, compact Miln 416; Sdhp 388. 137 (bīja°). sakaṭāni pajāpeti to cause the carts to go on J
Saṁhata [pp. of saṁ+hṛ] DA i.280; see vi°.
-gopaka the guardian of the waggon DhA iv.60. -bhāra
Saṁhanati & saṁhanti [saṁ+han] 1. to join together, reach to a cart — load VvA 79. -mukha the front or opening of the
J v.372. — 2. to suppress, allay, destroy A iv.437 (kaṇḍuṁ). waggon, used as adj. "facing the waggon or the cart" (?) at D
— pp. saṁhata. ii.234, of the earth — that is, India as then known — and at D
ii.235 (comp. Mahāvastu iii.208), of six kingdoms in Northern
Saṁhanana (nt.) [fr. saṁhanati] joining together, closing D i.11;
India. At the second passage B. explains that the six kingdoms
J vi.65.
all debouched alike on the central kingdom, which was hexag-
Saṁhara [fr. saṁ+hṛ] collecting; dus° hard to collect Vin iii.148;
onal in shape. This explanation does not fit the other passage.
J iv.36 (here as dussanghara, on which see Kern, Toev. i.121).
Could sakaṭa there be used of the constellation Rohinī, which
Saṁharaṇa (nt.) [fr. saṁharati] collecting, gathering Dāvs v.33. in mediaeval times was called the Cart? Cp. Dial. ii.269.
Cp. upa° & sangharaṇa. -vāha a cart — load Pv ii.7 . -vyūha "the waggon array," a
Saṁharati [saṁ+harati] 1. to collect, fold up Vin i.46; ii.117, wedge — shaped phalanx J ii.404; iv.343; Vism 384.
150; M iii.169; J i.66, 422; Dāvs iv.12; PvA 73. — 2. to Sakaṭa see kasaṭa.
draw together Vin ii.217. — 3. to gather up, take up SnA 369
Sakaṇika (adj.) [sa+kaṇa+ika] having a mole D i.80; DA i.223.
(rūpaṁ). — 4. to heap up Pv iv.14 (saṁharimha=sañcinimha
Sakaṇṭaka (adj.) [sa+kaṇṭaka] thorny, dangerous D i.135; Th 2,
PvA 279). — asaṁhāriya (grd.) which cannot be destroyed
352; DA i.296.
(see also saṁhīra) S v.219. — Caus. II. °harāpeti to cause to
collect, to make gather or grow Vin iv.259 (lomāni), 260 (id.). Sakaṇṇajappaka [sa+kaṇṇa+jappa+ka] whispering in the ear, a
— Pass. saṁhīrati (q. v.). — pp. saṁhata. Cp. upa°. method of (secretly) taking votes Vin ii.98 sq. (salāka —
Saṁhasati [san+hasati] to laugh with M ii.223.
Sakatā (f.) (—°) [abstr. fr. saka] one's own nature, identity, pe-
Saṁhāni (f.) [saṁ+hāni] shrinking, decrease, dwindling away D
culiarity: see kamma-ssakatā & adj. °ssakata. It may also
ii.305=M i.49=S ii.2=Dhs 644; DhsA 328. Cp. parihāni.
be considered as an abstr. formation fr. kamma — ssaka.
Saṁhāra [fr. saṁ+hṛ] abridgment, compilation PvA 114. Cp.
Sakadāgāmin [sakad=sakid, +āgāmin] "returning once," one who
will not be reborn on earth more than once; one who has at-
Saṁhāraka [saṁ+hāra+ka] drawing together, a collector S
tained the second grade of saving wisdom Vin i.293; D i.156,
ii.185=It 17. sabba° a kind of mixed perfume J vi.336.
229; iii.107; M i.34; S iii.168; A i.120, 232 sq.; ii.89, 134;
Saṁhārima (adj.) [fr. saṁ+hṛ] movable Vism 124; Sn 28, 321. iii.348; iv.292 sq., 380; v.138 sq., 372 sq.; DhA iv.66.
a° Vin iv.272.
Sakadāgāmitā (f.) [abstr. fr. last] the state of a "once-returner"
Saṁhita [pp. of sandahati] connected, equipped with, possessed D ii.206.
of D i.5; M ii.202; S i.103; Dh 101 (gāthā anattha — pada°).
Sakabala (adj.) [sa+kabala] containing a mouthful Vin iv.195.
Often as attha° endowed with profit, bringing advantage,
Sakamana [saka+mana] is Bdhgh's expl of attamana (q. v.), e.
profitable D i.189; S ii.223; iv.330; v.417; A iii.196 sq.; v.81;
g. DA i.129, 255.
Sn 722. Cp. upa°.
Sakamma (nt.) [sa +kamma] one's own occupation D i.135.
Saṁhīyati see sandhīyati.
Sakaraṇīya (adj.) [sa +karaṇīya] one who still has something to
Saṁhīra (& saṁhāriya) [grd. of saṁharati] that which can be
do (in order to attain perfection) D ii.143; Th 1, 1045; Miln
restrained, conquerable Th 1, 1248; J v.81. a° immovable,

Sakaraṇīya Sakkāya

138. able to M i.415, 514.
Sakaruṇa-bhāva [sa +karuṇa+bhāva] being full of compassion Sakkacca(ṁ) (adv.) [orig. ger. of sakkaroti] respectfully, care-
SnA 318. fully, duly, thoroughly; often with uppaṭṭhahati to attend,
serve with due honour. — Vv 12 ; Miln 305; J iv.310. The
Sakala (adj.) [cp. Sk. sakala] all, whole, entire Vin ii.109; Vism
form sakkaccaṁ is the older and more usual, e. g. at D ii.356
321; SnA 132; PvA 93, 97, 111. Cp. sākalya.
sq.; S iv.314; A ii.147; iv.392; Vin iv.190, 275; Th 1, 1054; J
Sakalikā (f.) [fr. sakala=Sk. śakala potsherd] a potsherd; a splin-
i.480; Dh 392; PvA 26, 121. The BSk. form is satkṛtya, e. g.
ter, bit D ii.341; A ii.199=S iv.197; S i.27= Miln 179; M i.259;
MVastu i.10. -kārin zealous S iii.267; Miln 94. -dāna M
A v.9 (°aggi); J iv.430; Miln 134; KhA 43 (maccha°); Nett 23;
DhsA 319. — sakalikaṁ sakalikaṁ in little pieces Vin ii.112.
Sakkata [pp. of sakkaroti] honoured, duly attendo D i.114, 116;
— sakalika-hīra a skewer J iv.29, 30. d
ii.167; Nd 73; J i.334; Miln 21; SnA 43 Usually comb with
Sakasaṭa (adj.) [sa +k.] faulty, wrong (lit. bitter) Miln 119 (va-
garukata, pūjita, mānita.
Sakkati [ṣvaṣk; Dhtp 9: gamana] to go; see osakkati & cp.
Sakāsa [sa +k.=Sk. kāśa] presence; acc. sakāsaṁ towards, to Sn
Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 302. Other P. cpds. are ussakkati &
326; J v.480; PvA 237; loc. sakāse in the presence of, before
J iii.24; iv.281; v.394; vi.282.
Sakkatta (nt.) [fr. Sakka=Indra] Śakraship, the position as the
Sakicca (nt.) [sa +kicca] one's own duty or business Vism 321
ruler of the devas M iii. 65; J i.315; Vism 301 (brahmatta+).
°rajja a kingdom rivalling Sakka's J i.315.
Sakiccaya (nt.) [sa +kiccaya=kṛtya]=sakicca Miln 42; DhsA 196
Sakkaroti [sat+kṛ] to honour, esteem, treat with respect, receive
(°pasuta). d
hospitably; often comb with garukaroti, māneti, pūjeti, e.
Sakiñcana (adj.) [sa +kiñcana] having something; (appl ) with g. D i.91, 117; iii.84; M i.126. ppr. °karonto D ii.159;
attachment, full of worldly attachment Sn 620= Dh i.246; Dh Pot. °kareyya It 110; aor. °kari PvA 54; ger. °katvā Pug
396 (=rāg'ādīhi kiñcanehi sakiñcana DhA iv.158). 35; J vi.14, & °kacca (q. v.). — pp. sakkata. — Caus.
sakkāreti=sakkaroti; Mhvs 32, 44; grd. sakkāreyya Th 1,
Sakid & Sakiṁ (adv.) [fr. sa°=saṁ] once. (1) sakiṁ: D ii.188; J
186 (so read for °kareyya).
i.397; DhA iii.116 (sakiṁvijātā itthi= primipara); once more:
Miln 238; once for all: Th 2, 466; DhA ii.44; ThA 284. — (2) Sakkā (indecl.) [originally Pot. of sakkoti=Vedic śakyāt; cp. Prk.
sakid (in composition; see also sakad — āgāmin): in sakid sakkā with Pischel's expl in Prk. Gr. § 465. A correspond-
eva once only A ii.238; iv.380; Pug 16; PvA 243; at once Vin ing formation, similar in meaning, is labbhā (q. v.)] possible
i.31. (lit. one might be able to); in the older language still used as
Sakiya (adj.) [fr. saka, cp. Sk. svakīya] own J ii.177 iii.48, 49; a Pot., but later reduced to an adv. with infin. E. g. sakkā
iv.177. sāmaaññphalaṁpaññāpetuṁ would one be able to point out
a result of samaṇaship, D i.51; khādituṁ na sakkā, one could
Sakuṇa [Vedic śakuna] a bird (esp. with ref. to augury) D i.71
not eat, J ii.16; na sakkā maggo akkhātuṁ, the way cannot
(pakkhin+); Vin iii.147; S i.197; A ii.209; iii.241 sq., 368; J
be shown, Mil 269; sakkā etaṁ mayā ñātuṁ? can I ascertain
ii.111, 162 (Kandagala); KhA 241. pantha° see under pantha.
this? D i.187; sakkā honti imāni aṭṭha sukhāni vindituṁ, these
— f. sakuṇī S i.44. adj. sakuṇa J v.503 (maṁsa).
eight advantages are able to be enjoyed, J i.8; sakkā etaṁ ab-
-kulāvaka a bird's nest KhA 56. -patha bird — course, havissa kātuṁ, this would be possible to do, D i.168; imaṁ
Npl. Nd 155. -pāda bird foot KhA 47. -ruta the cry of
sakkā gaṇhituṁ, this one we can take J iv.219. See also SnA
birds Miln 178. -vatta the habit (i. e. life) of a bird J v.254.
338, 376 (=labbhā); PvA 12, 69, 96.
-vijjā bird craft, augury (i. e. understanding the cries of birds)
Sakkāya [sat+kāya, cp. BSk. satkāya Divy 46; AvŚ i.85. See
D i.9; DA i.93.
on expl of term Mrs. Rh. D. in J.R.A.S. 1894, 324; Franke
Sakuṇaka=sakuṇa SnA 27. — f. sakuṇikā D i.91; Miln 202; J n 1
Dīgha trsl p. 45; Geiger P.Gr. § 24 ; Kern. Toev. ii.52] the
i.171; iv.290.
body in being, the existing body or group (= -nikāya q. v.); as
Sakuṇagghi (f.) [sakuṇa+°ghi, f. of °gha] a kind of hawk (lit. a t.t. in P. psychology almost equal to individuality; identified
"bird — killer") S v.146; J ii.59; Miln 365. Cp. vyagghīnasa. with the five khandhas M i.299; S iii.159; iv.259; A ii.34; Th
2, 170, 239; DhsA 348. See also D iii.216 (cp. Dial. iii.216 );
Sakuṇita at PvA 123 read sankucita.
A iii.293, 401; Nd 109.
Sakunta [cp. Sk. śakunta] a bird; a kind of vulture Sn 241; Dh
-diṭṭhi theory of soul, heresy of individuality, speculation
92, 174; J iv.225; vi.272.
as to the eternity or otherwise of one's own individuality M
Sakuntaka=sakunta Vin i.137. i.300=iii.17=DhS 1003, S iii.16 sq. In these passages this is
Sakumāra (adj.) [sa +kumāra] of the same age; a playmate J explained as the belief that in one or other of the khandhas
v.360, 366. there is a permanent entity, an attā. The same explanation, at
greater length, in the Diṭṭhigata Sutta (Ps i.143 — 151). As
Sakula [cp. Epic Sk. śakula] a kind of fish J v.405.
delusions about the soul or ghost can arise out of four sorts of
Sakka (adj.) [fr. śak, cp. Sk. śakya] able, possible Sn 143. bias (see abhinivesa) concerning each of the five khandhas,
sasakkaṁ (=sa +s.) as much as possible, as much as one is we have twenty kinds of s° diṭṭhi: fifteen of these are kinds of

Sakkāya Sagocara

sakkāya-vatthukā sassata-diṭṭhi, and five are kinds of s°- duced sakkhi° (cp. sakid & sakiṁ). See also sacchi°.
vatthukā uccheda-diṭṭhi (ibid. 149, 150). Gods as well as -diṭṭha seen face to face M i.369; D i.238; J vi.233.
men are s° pariyāpannā S iii.85; and so is the eye, DhsA 308. -puṭṭha asked as a witness Sn 84, 122; Pug 29. -bhabbatā
When the word diṭṭhi is not expressed it is often implied, Th 2, the state of becoming an eyewitness, of experiencing M i.494;
199, 339; Sn 231. S° diṭṭhi is the first Bond to be broken on en- DhsA 141. -sāvaka a contemporaneous or personal disciple
tering the Path (see saṁyojana); it is identical with the fourth D ii.153.
kind of Grasping (see upādāna); it is opposed to Nibbāna, S 2
Sakkhī (f.) or sakkhi (nt.) [cp. Sk. sākhya] friendship (with
iv.175; is extinguished by the Path, M i.299; S iii.159; iv.260;
somebody=instr.) S i.123=A v.46 (janena karoti sakkhiṁ
and is to be put away by insight DhsA 346. — See further: D 57 65
make friends with people); Pv iv.1 ; iv.1 ; J iii.493; iv.478.
iii.234; A iii.438; iv.144 sq.; Kvu 81; Sn 950; Dhs 1003; and Cp. sakhya.
on term Dhs. trsl § 1003; K.S. iii.80, n. 3. -nirodha the
Sakya: see Dictionary of Names. In cpd. °puttiya (belonging to
destruction of the existing body or of individuality A ii.165
the Sakya son) in general meaning of "a (true) follower of the
sq.; iii.246; D iii.216. -samudaya the rise of individuality D
iii.216; Nd 109. Buddha," A iv.202; Vin i.44; Ud 44; a° not a follower of the
B. Vin iii.25.
Sakkāra [fr. sat+kṛ] hospitality, honour, worship Vin i.27, 183;
Sakhi [Vedic sakhi m. & f.] a companion, friend; nom. sakhā
A ii.203; J i.63; ii.9, 104; Dh 75; Miln 386; Dhs 1121; Vism
J ii.29; 348; acc. sakhāraṁ J ii.348; v.509; & sakhaṁ J
270; SnA 284; VbhA 466. °ṁ karoti to pay reverence, to say
ii.299; instr. sakhinā J iv.41; abl. sakhārasmā J iii.534; gen.
goodbye DhA i.398. Cp. lābha.
sakhino J vi.478; voc. sakhā J iii.295; nom. pl. sakhā J
Sakkāreti is Caus. of sakkaroti (q. v.).
iii.323; & sakhāro J iii.492; gen. sakhīnaṁ J iii.492; iv.42; &
Sakkuṇeyyatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. sakkuṇeyya, grd. of sakkoti] pos- sakhānaṁ J ii.228. In comp with bhū as sakhi° & sakhī°, e.
sibility; a° impossibility PvA 48. g. sakhibhāva friendship J vi.424; PvA 241; & sakhībhāva
J iii.493.
Sakkoti [śak; def. Dhtp 508 etc. as "sattiyaṁ": see satti] to be
able. Pres. sakkoti D i.246; Vin i.31; Miln 4; DhA i.200; Sakhikā (f.) [fr. sakhi] a female friend J iii.533.
sakkati [=Class. Sk. śakyate] Nett 23. Pot. sakkuṇeyya J Sakhitā (f.) [abstr. fr. sakhi] friendship Th 1, 1018, 1019.
i.361; PvA 106; archaic 1 pl. sakkuṇemu J v.24; Pv ii.8 .
Sakhila (adj.) [fr. sakhi] kindly in speech, congenial D i.116; Vin
ppr. sakkonto Miln 27. — Fut. sakkhati Sn 319; sakkhīti 33
[=Sk. śakṣyati] M i.393; pl. 3 rd sakkhinti Sn 28; 2 nd sg. ii.11; J i.202, 376; Miln 207; Pv iv.1 (=mudu PvA 230). Cp.
sagghasi Sn 834; 3 rd sg. sakkhissati DhA iv.87. — Aor. sākhalya.
asakkhi D i.96, 236; PvA 38; sakkhi Miln 5; J v.116; 1 st -vācatā use of friendly speech Dhs 1343.
pl. asakkhimha PvA 262, & asakkhimhā Vin iii.23; 3 sg. Sakhī (f.) [to sakhi] a female friend J ii. 27, 348.
also sakkuṇi Mhvs 7, 13. — grd. sakkuṇeyya (neg. a°) Sakhura (adj.) [sa +khura] with the hoofs J i.9; Bdhgh on M. i.78
(im)possible J i.55; PvA 122. — sakka & sakkā see sep. (see M i.536).
Sakkharā (f.) [cp. Vedic śarkarā gravel] 1. gravel, grit Vin Sakhya (nt.) [Sk. sākhya; cp. sakkhī] friendship J ii.409; vi.353
iii.147=J ii.284; J i.192; A i.253; D i.84; Pv iii.2 ; DhA iv.87.
— 2. potsherd VvA 157; PvA 282, 285. — 3. grain, granule,
Sagandhaka (adj.) [sa +gandha+ka] fragment Dh 52.
crystal, in loṇa° a salt crystal S ii.276; DhA i.370; SnA 222.
— 4. (granulated) sugar J i.50. Sagabbha (adj.) [sa +gabbha] with a foetus, pregnant Mhvs 33,
Sakkharikā (f.) [fr. sakkharā] in loṇa° a piece of salt crystal Vin
i.206; ii.237. Sagaha (adj.) [sa +gaha ] full of crocodiles It 57, 114. As sagāha
at S iv.157.
Sakkharilla (adj.) [=sakkharika, fr. sakkharā] containing gravel,
pebbly, stony A iv.237. Sagāmeyya (adj.) [grd. formation fr. gāma,+sa =saṁ°) hailing
from the same village S i.36, 60.
Sakkhali (& °ikā) (f.) [cp. Sk. śaṣkulī] 1. the orifice of the ear:
see kaṇṇa°. — 2. a sort of cake or sweetmeat (cp. sanguḷikā) Sagārava (adj.) [sa +gārava] respectful, usually comb with sap-
A iii.76 (T. sakkhalakā; v. l. °likā & sankulikā); Vin iii.59; J patissa & other syn., e. g. Vin i.45; It 10; Vism 19, 221.
ii.281. Sagāravatā (f.) [fr. sagārava] respect Th 1, 589.
Sakkhi [sa +akkhin; cp. Sk. sākṣin] an eyewitness D ii.237 Saguṇa (adj.) [either sa +guṇa 1, as given under guṇa ; or
(nom. sg. sakkhī=with his own eyes, as an eyewitness); Sn sa°=saṁ° once, as in sakṛt,+guṇa 2] either "with the string,"
479, 921, 934 (sakkhi dhammaṁ adassi, where the corresp. or "in one"; Vin i.46 (saguṇaṁ karoti to put together, to fold
Sk. form would be sākṣād); J i.74. — kāya-sakkhī a bodily up; C ekato katvā). This interpretation (as "put together") is
witness, i. e. one who has bodily experienced the 8 vimokkhas 1
much to be preferred to the one given under guṇa 1; saguṇaṁ
A iv.451; Vism 93, 387, 659. — sakkhiṁ karoti [Sk. sākṣī
katvā belongs to sanghāṭiyo, and not to kāyabandhanaṁ,
karoti] (1) to see with one's own eyes S ii.255; (2) to call upon
thus: "the upper robes are to be given, putting them into one
as a witness (with gen. of person) J vi.280 (rājāno); DhA
ii.69 (Moggallānassa sakkhiṁ katvā); PvA 217 (but at 241 as 3 2
Saguḷa [sa +guḷa ] a cake with sugar J vi.524. Cp. sanguḷikā.
"friendship"). Note. The P. form is rather to be taken as an
adv. ("as present") than adj.: sakkhiṁ & sakkhi, with re- Sagocara [sa =saṁ, +gocara] companion, mate (lit. having the

Sagocara Sankāra

same activity) J ii.31. iv.385; Dhs 7. — kāma° a lustful thought A iii.259; v.31.
Sagotta [sa =saṁ,+gotta] a kinsman J v.411; cp. vi.500. paripuṇṇa° having one's intentions fulfilled M i.192; iii.276;
D iii.42; A v.92, 97 sq.; sara° memories & hopes M i.453; S
Sagga [Vedic svarga, svar+ga] 1. heaven, the next world,
iv.76; vyāpāda°, vihiṁsa°, malicious, cruel purposes, M ii.27
popularly conceived as a place of happiness and long life
sq.; sammā° right thoughts or intentions, one of the angas
(cp. the pop. etym. of "suṭṭhu — aggattā sagga" PvA 9;
of the 8 — fold Path (ariya — magga) Vin i.10; D ii.312; A
"rūpādīhi visayehi suṭṭhu aggo ti saggo" Vism 427); usually d
iii.140; VbhA 117. Sankappa is def at DhsA 124 as (cetaso)
the kām'âvacara-devaloka, sometimes also the 26 heavens
abhiniropanā, i. e. application of the mind. See on term also
(ThA 74). Sometimes as sagga ṭhāna (cp. °loka), e. g. J
Cpd. 238.
vi.210. — Vin i.223; D ii.86; iii.52, 146 sq.; M i.22, 483; S
Sankappeti [Den. fr. sankappa] 1. to imagine; wish A ii.36; M
i.12; A i.55 sq., 292 sq.; ii.83 sq.; iii.244, 253 sq.; iv.81; v.135
sq.; Sn 224 (loc. pl. saggesu); It 14; Pv i.1 ; Vism 103, 199. i.402; Pug 19. — 2. to determine, to think about, strive after J
iii.449 sq.
-âpāya heaven and hell Th 2, 63; Sn 647. -ārohaṇa ( —
sopāna) (the stairs) leading to heaven (something like Jacob's Sankamati [saṁ+kamati] 1. to go on, to pass over to (acc.), to
ladder) Vism 10. -kathā discourse or talk about heaven Vin join D i.55 (ākāsaṁ indriyāni s.); Vin i.54; ii.138 (bhikkhū
i.15 (cp. anupubbikathā) -kāya the heavenly assembly (of the rukkhā rukkhaṁ s., climb fr. tree to tree); Kvu 565 sq. (jhānā
gods) J vi.573. -dvāra heaven's gate Vism 57. -patha=sagga jhānaṁ). — 2. to transmigrate Miln 71 sq. (+paṭisandahati).
J i.256. -pada heavenly region, heaven J ii.5; iv.272 (=sag- — grd. sankamanīya to be passed on or transferred Vin i.190;
galoka). -magga the way to heaven J vi.287; DhA i.4. -loka cīvara° a dress that should be handed over, which does not be-
the heavenworld M i.73; J iv.272. -saṁvattanika leading to long to one Vin iv.282. — pp. sankanta. — Caus. sankāmeti
heaven D iii.66. (1) to pass over, to cause to go, to move, to shift Vin iii.49, 58,
59. — 2. to come in together (sensations to the heart) DhsA
Sagguṇa [sat+guṇa] good quality, virtue Sdhp 313.
264. — Cp. upa°.
Saggh° see sakkoti.
Sankama [fr. saṁ+kram] a passage, bridge M i.439; Vin iii.127;
Saghaccā (f.) [sat+ghaccā] just or true killing J i.177.
J iii.373 (attānaṁ °ṁ katvā yo sotthiṁ samatārayi); Miln 91,
Sankacchā (f.) [saṁ+kacchā ] part of a woman's dress, bodice, 229.
girdle (?) J v.96 (suvaṇṇa°).
Sankamana (nt.) [fr. sankamati] lit. "going over," i e. step; hence
Sankacchika (nt.) [fr. sankacchā] a part of clothing, belt, waist "bridge," passage, path S i.110; Vv 52 ; 77 ; Pv ii.7 ; ii.9 ;
— cloth Vin ii.272; iv.345. The C. expl is incorrect. J vi.120 (papā°). Cp. upa°.
Sankaṭīra (nt.) [unexplained] a dust heap D ii.160; S ii.270; M Sankampati [saṁ+kampati] to tremble, shake Vin i.12; D ii.12,
i.334. Expl as "sankāra — ṭṭhāna" K.S. ii.203. 108; J i.25. — Caus. sankampeti id. D ii.108.
Sankaḍḍhati [saṁ+kaḍḍhati] 1. to collect M i.135; J i.254; Sankara (fight, confusion) wrongly for sangara Nett 149, in
iv.224; Dh i.49; Pass. °khaḍḍiyati Vism 251 (ppr. °iyamāna quot. fr. M iii.187.
being collected, comprising). — 2. to examine, scrutinize J 2
Sankara (adj.) [cp. Sk. śankara] blissful Mhbv 4 (sabba°).
vi.351 (cintetvā °kaḍḍhituṁ).
Sankalana (nt.) [fr. saṁ+kal to produce] addition DA i.95; MA
Sankati [śank, Vedic śankate, cp. Lat. cunctor to hesitate;
Goth. hāhan=Ags. hangon "to hang"; Oicel. hāētta danger]
to doubt, hesitate, to be uncertain about; pres. (med.) 1 st Sankalaha [saṁ+kalaha] inciting words, quarrel J v.393.
sg. sanke S i.111; J iii.253 (=āsankāmi C.); vi.312 (na sanke Sankasāyati [fr. saṁ+kṛṣ, kasati? Or has it anything to do with
maraṇ'āgamāya); Pot. sanketha J ii.53=v.85. Pass. sankīyati kasāya?] to become weak, to fail S i.202; ii.277; iv.178; A
S iii.=Kvu 141; A iv.246. i.68.
Sankathati [saṁ+kathati] to name, explain. Pass. sanka- thīyati Sankassara (adj.) [doubtful, if Vedic sankasuka] doubtful;
DhsA 390. wicked Vin ii.236 (cp. Vin. Texts iii.300); S i.49=Dh
312 (expl as "sankāhi saritabba, āsankāhi sarita, ussankita,
Sankanta [pp. of sankamati] gone together with (—°), gone over
parisankita" DhA iii.485, thus taken as sankā+sṛ by Bd-
to, joined Vin i.60; iv.217.
hgh; of course not cogent); A ii.239; iv.128, 201; S i.66
Sankantati [saṁ+kantati] to cut all round, M iii.275. n
(°ācāra="suspecting all" trsl ); iv.180; Th 1, 277; Pug 27.
Sankanti (f.) [fr. sankamati] transition, passage Kvu 569; Vism
Sankā (f.) [fr. śank: see sankati] doubt, uncertainty, fear (cp.
374 sq.
visanka) J vi.158; DhA iii.485.
Sankantika [fr. sankanta] a school of thought (lit. gone over to
Sankāpeti [fr. saṁ+kḷp] to prepare, get ready, undertake Vin
a faction), a subdivision of the Sabbatthivādins S v.14; Vism
i.137 (vass'āvāsaṁ); S iv.312.
374 sq.; Mhvs 5, 6; Dpvs 5, 48; Mhbv 97.
Sankāyati [Denom. fr. sankā; Dhtp 4 defines sank as
Sankappa [saṁ+kḷp, cp. kappeti fig. meaning] thought, inten-
"sankāyaṁ"] to be uncertain about Vin ii.274. Cp. pari°.
tion, purpose, plan D iii.215; S ii.143 sq.; A i.281; ii.36; Dh
74; Sn 154, 1144; Nd 616 (=vitakka ñāṇa paññā buddhi); Dhs Sankāra [fr. saṁ+kṛ] rubbish Vin i.48; iv.265; J i.315; ii.196.
-kūṭa rubbish heap, dust heap M ii.7; Pug 33; Miln 365;
21; DhA ii.78. As equivalent of vitakka also at D iii.215; A
DhA i.174. Cp. kacavara & kattara. -cola a rag picked up

Sankāra Sankha

from a rubbish heap J iv.380. -ṭhāna dust heap Th 1, 1175, J -patha a path full of stakes & sticks Vv 84 ; J iii.485,
i.244; Vism 250; DhA ii.27. -dhāna id. Dh 58. -yakkha a 541; Miln 280; Vism 305. -sata a hundred sticks, hundreds
rubbish heap demon J iv.379. of sticks J vi.112; Vism 153 (both passages same simile with
the beating of an ox — hide). -samāhata set with iron spikes,
Sankāsa [saṁ+kāsa, of kāś, cp. okāsa] appearance; (—°) hav-
N. of a purgatory M i.337; J vi.453.
ing the appearance of, like, similar J ii.150; v.71, 155, 370
(puñña°=sadisa C.); Bu 17, 21; Miln 2. Sankuka [fr. sanku] a stake VvA 338. Cp. khāṇuka.
Sankāsana (nt.) & °ā (f.) [fr. saṁ+kāś] explanation, illustration Sankucati [saṁ+kucati: see kuñcita] to become contracted, to
S v.430; Nett 5, 8, 38; SnA 445 (+pakāsana). shrink DhsA 376. — pp. °kucita. — Caus. °koceti.
Sankiṇṇa [pp. of sankirati] mixed; impure S iii.71; A iv.246. Sankucita [pp. of sankucati] shrunk, contracted, clenched (of the
-parikha having the trenches filled; said of one who is first: °hattha) J i.275; vi.468 (°hattha, opposed to pasārita —
free of saṁsāra M i.139; A iii.84; Nd p. 161. hattha); DA i.287; PvA 123, 124.
Sankita [fr. śank] anxious, doubtful J v.85; Mhvs 7, 15; SnA 60. Sankuṭika [fr. saṁ+*kuṭ kuc, cp. kuṭila] doubled up J ii.68; cp.
Cp. pari°, vi°. J.P.T.S. 1884, 102.
Sankittana (nt.) [saṁ+kittana] proclaiming, making known PvA Sankuṭita [=last] doubled up, shrivelled, shrunk; J ii.225; Miln
164. 251, 362; DhsA 376; Vism 255 (where KhA reads bahala);
VbhA 238.
Sankitti (f.) [perhaps saṁ+kitti] derivation & meaning very
doubtful; Bdhgh's expl at PugA 231 is not to be taken as Sankuṭila (adj.) [saṁ+kuṭila] curved, winding Miln 297.
reliable, viz. "sankittetvā katabhattesu hoti. dubbhikkha
Sankuṇḍita [pp. of saṁ+kuṇḍ: see kuṇḍa] contorted, distorted
— samaye kira acela — kāsāvakā acelakānaṁ atthāya tato
PvA 123.
tato taṇḍul'ādīni samādapetvā bhattaṁ pacanti, ukkaṭṭhâce-
lako tato na paṭigaṇhāti." D i.166 (trsl Dial. i.229 "he will not Sankuddha [saṁ+kuddha] angry D ii.262.
accept food collected, i. e. by the faithful in time of drought"; Sankupita [saṁ+kupita] shaken, enraged S i.222.
Neumann "not from the dirty"; Franke "nichts von Mahlzeiten,
Sankuppa (adj.) [saṁ+kuppa] to be shaken, movable; a° immov-
für die die Mittel durch Aufruf beschafft sind"?); M i.77; A
able Th 1, 649; Sn 1149.
ii.206; Pug 55. It may be something like "convocation."
Sankula (adj.) [saṁ+kula] crowded, full Sdhp 603.
Sankin (adj.) [fr. śank] anxious Mhvs 35, 101.
Sankuli [cp. sakkhali 2 & sanguḷikā] a kind of cake J vi.580.
Sankiya (adj.) [grd. fr. śankati] 1. apt to be suspected It 67. —
Sankulya (nt.)=sankuli J vi.524.
2. anxious J i.334.
Sankusaka (adj.) [cp. Sk. sankasuka crumbling up] contrary;
Sankiraṇa (nt.) [fr. saṁ+kirati] an astrological t.t., denoting the
neg. a° J vi.297 (=appaṭiloma C.).
act of or time for collecting or calling in of debts (Bdhgh;
doubtful) D i.11; DA i.96; cp. Dial. i.23. Sankusumita (adj.) [saṁ+kusumita] flowering, in blossom J
v.420; Miln 319.
Sankirati [saṁ+kirati] to mix together; Pass. sankīyati (q. v.);
pp. sankiṇṇa. Sanketa [saṁ+keta: see ketu] intimation, agreement, engage-
ment, appointed place, rendezvous Vin i.298; Miln 212; Nett
Sankiliṭṭha [pp. of sankilissati] stained, tarnished, impure, cor-
15, 18; cp. Cpd. 6, 33. sanketaṁ gacchati to keep an ap-
rupt, foul D i.247; S ii.271; A iii.124; v.169; Dh 244; J ii.418;
Dhs 993, 1243; Pv iv.1 (kāyena vācāya ca); DhsA 319. pointment, to come to the rendezvous Vin ii.265. asanketena
without appointing a place Vin i.107. vassika° the appointed
Sankilissati [saṁ+kilissati, cp. BSk. sankliśyati Divy 57] to be-
time for keeping the rainy season Vin i.298.
come soiled or impure D i.53; S iii.70; Dh 165; J ii.33, 271.
-kamma agreement Vin iii.47, 53, 78.
— pp. sankiliṭṭha. — Caus. sankileseti.
Sanketana (nt.)=sanketa, °ṭṭhāna place of rendezvous DhA
Sankilissana (nt.) [fr. sankilissati] staining, defiling; getting de-
filed VvA 329.
Sankeḷāyati [saṁ+keḷāyati] to amuse oneself (with) A iv.55.
Sankilesa [saṁ+kilesa] impurity, defilement, corruption, sinful-
Sankoca [saṁ+koca, of kuñc: see kuñcita] contraction (as a sign
ness Vin i.15; D i.10, 53, 247 (opp. visuddhi); M i.402; S
of anger or annoyance), grimace (mukha°) PvA 103; also as
iii.69; A ii.11; iii.418 sq.; v.34; J i.302; Dhs 993, 1229; Nett
hattha°, etc. at PvA 124.
100; Vism 6, 51, 89; DhsA 165.
Sankocana (nt.)=sankoca J iii.57 (mukha°); DhA iii.270; Dhtp
Sankilesika (adj.) [fr. sankilesa] baneful, sinful D i.195; iii.57; A
ii.172; Dhs 993 (cp. DhsA 345); Tikp 333, 353.
Sankoceti [Caus. of sankucati] to contract J i.228; DhsA 324.
Sankīyati [Pass. of sankirati, saṁ+kīr; Sk. °kīryate> *kiyyati>P.
°kīyati] to become confused or impure S iii.71; A ii.29; iv.246. Sankopa see sankhepa.
Sankīḷati [saṁ+kīḷati] to play or sport D i.91; A iv.55, 343; DA Sankha [cp. Vedic śankha; Gr. κόγξος shell, measure of capac-
i.256. ity, & κόξλος; Lat. congius a measure] a shell, conch; mother
— of — pearl; a chank, commonly used as a trumpet D i.79;
Sanku [cp. Vedic śanku] a stake, spike; javelin M i.337; S iv.168; 10
ii.297=M i.58; A ii.117; iv.199; Vv 81 ; J i.72; ii.110; vi.465,
J vi.112; DhA i.69. — ayo° an iron stake A iv.131.

Sankha Sankhāra

580; Miln 21 (dhamma°); DhA i.18. Combined with paṇava chain J ii.128; v.92.
(small drum) Vism 408; J vi.21; or with bheri (large drum)
Sankhā (f.) & Sankhyā (f.) [fr. saṁ+khyā] 1. enumeration, cal-
Miln 21; Vism 408.
culation, estimating D ii.277; M i.109; Miln 59 — 2. number
-ûpama like a shell, i. e. white J v.396, cp. vi.572.
Dāvs i.25. — 3. denomination, definition, word, name (cp.
-kuṭṭhin a kind of leper; whose body becomes as white as 2
on term K.S. i.321) S iii.71 sq.; iv.376 sq.; Nd 617 (=uddesa
mother — of — pearl DhA i.194, 195. -thāla mother of-
gaṇanā paññatti); Dhs 1306; Miln 25. — sankhaṁ gacchati
pearl, (shell — ) plate Vism 126 (sudhota°), 255. -dhama a
to be styled, called or defined; to be put into words D i.199,
trumpeter D i.259=M ii.19; M ii.207=S iv.322. -dhamaka
201; Vin ii.239; M i.190, 487; A i.68, 244=ii.113; Pug 42;
a conch blower, trumpeter J i.284; vi.7. -nābhi a kind of
Nett 66 sq.; Vism 212, 225, 235, 294 (khy); SnA 167 (khy);
shell Vin i.203; ii.117. -patta motherof — pearl DhA i.387.
DhsA 11 (khy). sankhaṁ gata (cp. sankhāta) is called DA
-muṇḍika the shell — tonsure, a kind of torture M i.87; A i.41 (uyyānaṁ Ambalaṭṭhikā t'eva s. g.). sankhaṁ na upeti
i.47; ii.122. -mutta mother — ofpearl J v.380 (C expl as
(nopeti) cannot be called by a name, does not count, cannot be
"shell — jewel & pearl — jewel"); vi.211, 230. -likhita pol- 1 2
defined It 54; Sn 209, 749, 911, 1074; Nd 327; Nd 617.
ished like mother — of — pearl; bright, perfect D i.63, 250; S
Sankhāta [pp. of sankhāyati] agreed on, reckoned; (—°) so —
ii.219; A v.204; Vin i.181; Pug 57; DA i.181; DhA iv.195. See
called, named D i.163 (akusala° dhammā); iii.65, 133=Vin
also under likhita, & cp. Franke, Wiener Zeitschrift 1893, 357.
iii.46 (theyya° what is called theft); DA i.313 (the sambodhi,
-vaṇṇa pearl — white J iii.477; M i.58=A iii.324. -sadda the
by which is meant that of the three higher stages); DhsA
sound of a chank A ii.186; Vism 408; Dhs 621. -silā "shell
378 (khandha — ttaya° kāya, cp. Expos. ii.485); PvA 40
— stone," a precious stone, mother — of — pearl (?) Ud 54;
J iv.85; Pv ii.6 . Frequent in BSk., e. g. AvŚ i.184, 201, 205; (medha° paññā), 56 (hattha° pāṇi), 131 (pariccāga° atidāna),
163 (caraṇa° guṇa).
Divy 291.
-dhamma one who has examined or recognized the
Sankha [etym.?] a water plant (comb with sevāla) Miln 35. See
dhamma ("they who have mastered well the truth of things"
detail under paṇṇaka 2.
K.S. ii.36), an Ep. of the arahant S ii.47; iv.210; Sn
Sankhata [pp. of sankharoti; Sk. saṁskṛta] 1. put together, 70 (°dhammo, with expl Nd 618 : "vuccati ñāṇaṁ" etc.;
compound; conditioned, produced by a combination of causes, "sankhāta — dh.=ñāta — dhammo," of the paccekabuddha),
"created," brought about as effect of actions in former births S 1038 (°dhammā=vuccanti arahanto khīṇāsavā Nd 618 ), Dh
ii.26; iii.56; Vin ii.284; It 37, 88; J ii.38; Nett 14; Dhs 1085; 70 (T. sankhata°, but DhA ii.63 sankhāta°).
DhsA 47. As nt. that which is produced from a cause, i. e.
Sankhādati [saṁ+khādati] to masticate Vin ii.201= S ii.269
the sankhāras S i.112; A i.83, 152; Nett 22. asankhata not
(reads °kharitvā); A iii.304 sq.; J i.507. — pp. °khādita.
put together, not proceeding from a cause Dhs 983 (so read
Sankhādita [pp. of sankhādati] chewed, masticated KhA 56, 257;
for sankhata), 1086; Ep. of nibbāna "the Unconditioned" (&
VbhA 241 (where Vism 257 reads °khāyita).
therefore unproductive of further life) A i.152; S iv.359 sq.;
Kvu 317 sq.; Pv iii.7 (=laddhanāma amataṁ PvA 207); Miln Sankhāna (nt.) & Sankhyāna (nt.) [fr. saṁ+khyā, cp. sankhā]
270; Dhs 583 (see trsl ibid.), 1439. The discernment of higher calculation, counting D i.11; M i.85; DA i.95; Dhtp 613 (khy).
jhāna- states as sankhata is a preliminary to the attainment of Sankhāna (nt.) [?] a strong leash ThA 292 (where Th 2, 509
Arahantship M iii.244. Cp. abhi°; visankhita; visankhāra. —
reads sankhalā).
2. cooked, dressed Mhvs 32, 39. — 3. embellished Mhvs 22,
Sankhāyaka [fr. saṁ+khyā] a calculator S iv.376.
-lakkhaṇa properties of the sankhata, i. e. production, Sankhāyati & Sankhāti [saṁ+khyā] 1. to appear J v.203 (°āti).
decay and change A i.152; VvA 29. — 2. to calculate Sn p. 126 (inf. °khātuṁ); Dh 196. ger.
sankhāya having considered, discriminately, carefully, with
Sankhati (f.) [cp. Sk. saṁskṛti] cookery M i.448.
open mind D ii.227; iii.224 (paṭisevati etc.: with ref. to the 4
Sankhaya [saṁ+khaya] destruction, consumption, loss, end Vin
apassenāni); S i.182; Sn 209, 391, 749, 1048 (=jānitvā etc.
i.42; D ii.283; M i.152; S i.2, 124; iv.391; It 38; Dh 282 2 1
Nd 619); Nd 327; Dh 267 (=ñāṇena DhA iii.393); It 54.
(=vināsa DhA iii.421), 331; J ii.52; v.465; Miln 205, 304.
sankhā pi deliberately M i.105 sq.
Sankharoti [saṁ+kṛ] to put together, prepare, work PvA 287.
Sankhāyita=sankhādita; Vism 257.
a-sankhārāna S i.126. Ger. sankharitvā S ii.269 (v. l.
Sankhāra [fr. saṁ+kṛ, not Vedic, but as saṁskāra Epic &
sankhāditvā, as is read at id. p. Vin ii.201). Cp. abhi°. —
Class. Sk. meaning "preparation" and "sacrament," also in
pp. sankhata.
philosophical literature "former impression, disposition, " cp.
Sankhalā (f.) [cp. Sk. śṛnkhalā] a chain Th 2, 509. aṭṭhi° a chain
vāsanā] one of the most difficult terms in Buddhist meta-
of bones, skeleton A iii.97. As °kankalā at Th 2, 488. physics, in which the blending of the subjective — objective
Sankhalikā (f.) [fr. sankhalā] a chain S i.76; J iii.168; vi.3; view of the world and of happening, peculiar to the East, is
Nd 304 ; Miln 149, 279; DhA iv.54; PvA 152. Sometimes so complete, that it is almost impossible for Occidental termi-
sankhalika (esp. in composition), e. g. J iii.125 (°bandhana); nology to get at the root of its meaning in a translation. We
vi.3; Miln 279. — aṭṭhi° a chain of bones, a skeleton [cp. can only convey an idea of its import by representing several
BSk. asthi — sankhalikā MVastu i.21] D ii.296=M i.58; Vin sides of its application, without attempting to give a "word" as
iii.105; J i.433; Pv ii.12 ; DhA iii.479. — deva° a magic a def. trsl . — An exhaustive discussion of the term is given

Sankhāra Sankhitta

by Franke in his Dīgha translation (pp. 307 sq., esp. 311 sq.); the Paṭiccasamuppāda, when we regard avijjā as creating,
see also the analysis in Cpd. 273 — 276. — Lit. "prepara- i. e. producing by spontaneous causality the sankhāras, and
tion, get up"; appl : coefficient (of consciousness as well as of sankhārā as "natura genita atque genitura" (the latter with ref.
physical life, cp. viññāṇa), constituent, constituent potential- to the foll. viññāṇa). If we render it by "formations" (cp. Old-
ity; (pl.) synergies, cause — combination, as in S iii.87; dis- enberg's "Gestaltungen," Buddha 1920, p. 254), we imply
cussed, B. Psy., p. 50 sq. (cp. DhsA 156, where paraphrased in the mental "constitutional" element as well as the physical, al-
def of sa-sankhāra with "ussāha, payoga, upāya, paccaya- though the latter in customary materialistic popular philoso-
gahaṇa"); composition, aggregate. 1. Aggregate of the con- phy is the predominant factor (cp. the discrepancies of "life
ditions or essential properties for a given process or result — eternal" and "life is extinct" in one & the same European term).
e. g. (i.) the sum of the conditions or properties making up None of the "links" in the Paṭicca — samuppāda meant to the
or resulting in life or existence; the essentials or "element" of people that which it meant or was supposed to mean in the
anything (—°), e. g. āyusaṅkhāra, life — element D ii.106; S subtle and schematic philosophy (dhammā duddasā nipuṇā!)
ii.266; PvA 210; bhavasankhāra, jīvitasaṅkhāra, D ii.99, 107. of the dogmatists. — Thus sankhārā are in the widest sense
(ii.) Essential conditions, antecedents or synergy (co — ordi- the "world of phenomena" (cp. below °loka), all things which
nated activity), mental coefficients, requisite for act, speech, have been made up by pre — existing causes. — At PvA 71
thought: kāya°, vacī°, citta°, or mano°, described respectively we find sankhārā in lit. meaning as "things" (preparations)
as "respiration," "attention and consideration," "percepts and in def of ye keci (bhogā) "whatever." The sabbe s. at S
feelings," "because these are (respectively) bound up with," or ii.178 (trsl "all the things of this world") denote all 5 aggre-
"precede" those M i.301 (cp. 56); S iv.293; Kvu 395 (cp. trsl n gates exhausting all conditioned things; cp. Kvu 226 (trsl n
227); Vism 530 sq.; DhsA 8; VbhA 142 sq. — 2. One of the "things"); Mhvs iv.66 (: the material and transitory world);
five khandhas, or constitutional elements of physical life (see Dh 154 (vi — sankhāragataṁ cittaṁ=mind divested of all ma-
khandha), comprising all the citta — sampayutta — cetasikā terial things); DhsA 304 (trsl "kamma activities," in connec-
dhammā — i. e. the mental concomitants, or adjuncts which tion avijjā — paccaya — s°); Cpd. 211, n. 3. — The def of
come, or tend to come, into consciousness at the uprising of a sankhārā at Vism 526 (as result of avijjā & cause of viññāṇa
citta, or unit of cognition Dhs 1 (cp. M iii.25). As thus clas- in the P. — S.) is: sankhataṁ abhisankharontī ti sankhārā.
sified, the saṅkhāra's form the mental factor corresponding to Api ca: avijjā — paccayā sankhārā sankhāra — saddena āgata
the bodily aggregate or rūpakkhandha, and are in contrast to — sankhārā ti duvidhā sankhārā; etc. with further def. of
the three khandhas which represent a single mental function the 4 sankhāras. — 4. Var. passages for sankhāra in gen-
only. But just as kāya stands for both body and action, so eral: D ii. 213; iii.221 sq., M ii.223 (imassa dukkha — nidā-
do the concrete mental syntheses called sankhārā tend to take nassa sankhāraṁ padahato sankhāra — ppadhānā virāgo hoti);
on the implication of synergies, of purposive intellection, con- S iii.69 (ekanta — dukkhā sankhārā); iv.216 sq. (sankhārāṇaṁ
noted by the term abhisaṅkhāra, q. v. — e. g. M iii.99, where khaya — dhammatā; id. with vaya°, virāga°, nirodha° etc.); Sn
saṅkhārā are a purposive, aspiring state of mind to induce a 731 (yaṁ kiñci dukkhaṁ sambhoti sabbaṁ sankhāra — pac-
specific rebirth; S ii.82, where puññaṁ, opuññaṁ, āṇeñjaṁ s. cayā; sankhārānaṁ nirodhena n'atthi dukkhassa sambhavo);
abhisankharoti, is, in D iii.217 & Vbh 135, catalogued as the Vism 453, 462 sq. (the 51), 529 sq.; DhA iii.264, 379; VbhA
three classes of abhisankhāra; S ii.39, 360; A ii.157, where 134 (4 fold), 149 (3 fold), 192 (āyūhanā); PvA 41 (bhijjana
s. is tantamount to sañcetanā; Miln 61, where s., as khandha, — dhammā). — Of passages dealing with the sankhāras as
is replaced by cetanā (purposive conception). Thus, too, the aniccā, vayadhammā, anattā, dukkhā etc. the foll. may be
ss. in the Paṭiccasamuppāda formula are considered as the ag- mentioned: Vin i.13; S i.200; iii.24; iv.216, 259; v.56, 345; M
gregate of mental conditions which, under the law of kamma, iii.64, 108; A i.286; ii.150 sq.; iii.83, 143; iv.13, 100; It 38;
bring about the inception of the paṭisandhiviññāṇa, or first stir- Dh 277, 383; Ps i.37, 132; ii.48; 109 sq.; Nd 444, 450; also
ring of mental life in a newly begun individual. Lists of the Nd p. 259 (s. v. sankhārā).
psychologically, or logically distinguishable factors making -upekkhā equanimity among "things" Vism 161, 162. -
up the composite saṅkhārakkhandha, with constants and vari- ûpasama allayment of the constituents of life Dh 368, 381;
ants, are given for each class of citta in Dhs 62, etc. (N.B. cp. DhA iv.108. -khandha the aggregate of (mental) coef-
— Read cetanā for vedanā, § 338.) Phassa and cetanā are the ficients D iii.233; Kvu 578; Tikp 61; DhsA 345; VbhA 20,
two constant factors in the s — kkhandha. These lists may 42. -dukkha the evil of material life, constitutional or inher-
be compared with the later elaboration of the saṅkhāra — ele- ent ill VbhA 93 (in the classification of the sevenfold sukkha).
ments given at Vism 462 sq. — 3. sankhārā (pl.) in popular -paccayā (viññāṇaṁ) conditioned by the synergies (is vital
meaning. In the famous formula (and in many other connec- consciousness), the second linkage in the Paṭicca — samup-
tions, as e. g. sabbe sankhārā) "aniccā vata sankhārā up- pāda (q. v.) Vism 577; VbhA 152 sq. -padhāna concen-
pādavaya — dhammino" (D ii.157; S i.6, 158, 200; ii.193; tration on the sankhāras M ii.223. -majjhattatā=°upekkhā
Th 1, 1159; J i.392, cp. Vism 527), which is rendered by VbhA 283. -loka the material world, the world of forma-
Mrs. Rh. D. (Brethren, p 385 e. g.) as "O, transient are tion (or phenomena), creation, loka "per se," as contrasted to
our life's experiences! Their nature 'tis to rise and pass away," satta-loka, the world of (morally responsible) beings, loka
we have the use of s. in quite a general & popular sense of "per hominem" Vism 205; VbhA 456; SnA 442.
"life, physical or material life"; and sabbe sankhārā means
Sankhāravant (adj.) [fr. sankhāra] having sankhāras A
"everything, all physical and visible life, all creation." Taken
ii.214=Dhs 1003.
with caution the term "creation" may be applied as t.t. in

Sankhitta Sangahaṇa

Sankhitta [pp. of sankhipati] 1. concise, brief Miln 227; DhsA iii.116, 293 sq., 310, 422. -rata fond of society D ii.78; Sn
344; instr. sankhittena in short, concisely (opp. vitthārena) 54; cp. sangaṇike rata Th 1, 84. -vihāra (sangaṇika°) living
Vin i.10; D ii.305; S v.421; Pug 41. Cp. BSk. sankṣiptena in society A iii.104; iv.342.
Divy 37 etc. — 2. concentrated, attentive D i.80 (which at Sangaṇha (adj.) [fr. saṁ+grah] showing kindness, helping VvA
Vism 410 however is expl as "thīna — middh' ânugata"); S
59 (°sīla).
ii.122; v.263; D ii.299= M i.59. — 3. contracted, thin, slender:
Sangaṇhāti [saṁ+gaṇhāti] 1. to comprise PvA 80, 117; SnA 200
°majjhā of slender waist J v.155. — Cp. abhi°.
(ger. °gahetvā), 347 (°gaṇhitvā). — 2. to collect Mhvs 10, 24.
Sankhipati [saṁ+khipati] 1. to collect, heap together Mhvs 1, 31.
— 3. to contain, include Miln 40. — 4. to compile, abridge
— 2. to withdraw, put off Dāvs iv.35. — 3. to concentrate J
Mhvs 37, 244. — 5. to take up; to treat kindly, sympathize
i.82. — 4. to abridge, shorten. — pp. sankhitta.
with, favour, help, protect Vin i.50; J ii.6; iv.132; v.426 (aor.
Sankhippa (adj.) [saṁ+khippa] quick J vi.323. °gaṇhi), 438 (to favour with one's love), 510; Miln 234; KhA
160. — aor. sangahesi Mhvs 38, 31; fut. °gahissati J vi.392;
Sankhiyā-dhamma form of talk, the trend of talk D i.2; DA i.43.
ger. °gahetvā Mhvs 37, 244; grd. °gahetabba Vin i.50; ppr.
Cp. sankhyā.
Pass. °gayhamāna DhsA 18. — pp. sangahita. — Caus. II.
Sankhubhati [saṁ+khubbati] to be shaken, to be agitated, to stir
sangaṇhāpeti: see pari° (e. g. J vi.328).
J i.446 (ger. °khubhitvā); DhA ii.43, 57; aor. °khubhi PvA
Sangata [pp. of sangacchati] 1. come together, met Sn 807, 1102
93. — pp. sankhubhita. — Caus. sankhobheti to shake, stir
(=samāgata samohita sannipātita Nd 621); nt. sangataṁ as-
up, agitate J i.119, 350; ii.119.
sociation Dh 207. — 2. compact, tightly fastened or closed,
Sankhubhita [pp. of sankhubhati] shaken, stirred J iii.443. 2
well — joined Vv 64 (=nibbivara VvA 275).
Sankhepa [saṁ+khepa] 1. abridgment, abstract, condensed ac-
Sangati (f.) [fr. sangacchati] 1. meeting, intercourse J iv.98; v.78,
count (opp. vitthāra), e. g. Vism 532, 479; Dh i.125; KhA n
483. In def of yajati (=service?) at Dhtp 62 & Dhtm 79. —
183; DhsA 344; SnA 150, 160, 314; VbhA 47. Cp. ati°. — 2.
2. union, combination M i.111; S ii.72; iv.32 sq., 68 sq.; Vbh
the sum of, quintessence of; instr. °ena (adv.) by way of, as if,
138 (=VbhA 188). — 3. accidental occurrence D i.53; DA
e. g. rāja° as if he were king DA i.246; bhūmi — ghara° in the
shape of an earth house DA i.260. — 3. group, heaping up,
Sangatika [adj.] kalyāṇa°, pāpa°, united with, M ii.222, 227.
amassing, collection: pabbata-sankhepe in a mountain glen
(lit. in the midst of a group of mountains) D i.84; A iii.396. Sangama [fr. saṁ+gam] 1. meeting, intercourse, association Sn
bhava° amassing of existences J i.165 sq., 366, 463; ii.137. 681; J ii.42; iii.488; v.483. — 2. sexual intercourse M i.407;
— 4. aṭavi° at A i.178; iii.66 is probably a wrong reading for J iv.106.
°sankopa "inroad of savage tribes." 1
Sangara [fr. saṁ+gṛ to sing, proclaim, cp. gāyati & gīta] 1. a
Sankheyya (adj.) [grd. of sankhāyati] calculable; only neg. a° promise, agreement J iv.105, 111, 473; v.25, 479; sangaraṁ
incalculable S v.400; A iii.366; PvA 212. -°kāra acting with karoti to make a compact Vin i.247; J iv.105; v.479. — 2.
a set purpose Sn 351. — As grd. of sankharoti: see upa°. (also nt.) a fight M iii.187=Nett 149; S v.109.
Sankheyya (nt.) a hermitage, the residence of Thera Āyupāla Sangaha [fr. saṁ+grah] 1. collecting, gathering, accumulation
Miln 19, 22 etc. Vin i.253; Mhvs 35, 28. — 2. comprising, collection, inclu-
sion, classification Kvu 335 sq. (°kathā), cp. Kvu. trsl 388
Sankhobha [san+khobha] shaking, commotion, upsetting, distur-
sq.; Vism 191, 368 (eka°); °ṁ gacchati to be comprised, in-
bance J i.64; Sdhp 471.
cluded, or classified SnA 7, 24, 291. — 3. inclusion, i. e.
Sankhobheti see sankhubhati.
constitution of consciousness, phase Miln 40. — 4. recen-
Sanga [fr. sañj: see sajjati ] cleaving, clinging, attachment, bond sion, collection of the Scriptures Mhvs 4, 61; 5, 95; 38, 44;
S i.25, 117 sq.; A iii.311; iv.289; Dh 170, 342, etc.; Sn 61, DA i.131. — 5. (appl ) kind disposition, kindliness, sympa-
212, 386, 390, 475, etc.; Dhs 1059; DhsA 363; J iii.201; thy, friendliness, help, assistance, protection, favour D iii.245;
the five sangas are rāga, dosa, moha, māna, and diṭṭhi, Thag. Sn 262, 263; A i.92; J i.86 sq.; iii.471; vi.574; DA i.318; VvA
633=Dhp. 370; DhA iv.187; seven sangas, It. 94; Nd 91, 63, 64; PvA 196 (°ṁ karoti). The 4 sangaha-vatthūni or
432; Nd 620. objects (characteristics) of sympathy are: dāna, peyyavajja,
-âtiga one who has overcome attachment, free from at- atthacariyā, samānattatā, or liberality, kindly speech, a life
tachment, an Arahant M i.386; S i.3, 23; iv.158= It 58; Sn of usefulness (Rh. D. at Dial. iii.145: sagacious conduct; 223:
250, 473, 621; DhA iv.159. justice), impartiality (? better as state of equality, i. e. sensus
communis or feeling of common good). The BSk. equivalents
Sangacchati [saṁ+gacchati] to come together, to meet with; ger.
°gamma It 123; & °gantva Sn 290. — pp. sangata. (as sangrahavastūni) are dāna, priyavākya, tathārthacaryā,
samānasukha-duḥkatā MVastu i.3; and d., p., arthakriyā,
Sangaṇa (adj.) [sa+angaṇa) sinful Sn 279. Cp. sāngaṇa.
samānārthatā (=samāna+artha+tā) Lal. Vist. 30. Cp. Divy
Sangaṇikā (f.) [saṁ+gaṇa+ikā, cp. BSk. sangaṇikā MVastu 95, 124, 264. The P. refs. are D iii.152, 232; A ii.32, 248;
ii.355; Divy 464] communication, association, society Vin iv.219, 364; J v.330; SnA 236, 240. See also Kern, Toev. ii.67
i.45; A iii.256; J i.106. s. v.
-ārāma delighting in society D ii.78; M iii.110; VbhA 2
Sangaha (nt.) [fr. saṁ+grah] restraining, hindrance, bond It 73
474. -ārāmatā delight in company D ii.78; M iii.110; A
(both reading & meaning very doubtful).

Sangahaṇa Sanghaṭṭeti

Sangahaṇa (adj.) [fr. sangaṇhāti] firm, well — supported J v.484. -kāraka id J i.345 -kāla the time of the redaction of the Pāli
Canon, or of (one of them, probably the last) the Council Tikp
Sangahita (& °gahīta) [pp. of sangaṇhāti] 1. comprised, included
241; SnA 580; VvA 270. -pariyāya the discourse on the
Miln 40 (eka°); PvA 80. — 2. collected Mhvs 10, 24. — 3.
Holy Text D iii.271 (Rh. D. "scheme of chanting together").
grouped Kvu 335 sq. — 4. restrained Sn 388 (°attabhāva);
SnA 291 (°atta). — 5. kindly disposed Vv 11 =Pv iv.1 (°at- Sanguḷikā (f.) [either=Sk. śaṣkulikā, cp, sakkhali 2, or fr.
tabhāva=paresaṁ sangaṇha — sīla VvA 59, i. e. of sympa- saguḷa=sanguḷa] a cake Vin ii.17; DhA ii.75; cp. sankulikā
thetic nature). A iii.78.
Sangāma [fr. saṁ+*gam: see grāma; lit. "collection"] a fight, Sangopeti [saṁ+gopeti] to guard; to keep, preserve; to hold on to
battle D i.46; ii.285; M i.86, 253; S i.98; iv.308 sq.; A i.106; (acc.) J iv.351 (dhanaṁ).
ii.116; iii.94; Vin i.6; It 75; Sn 440; Nd 199; Pug 68; J i.358;
Sangha [fr. saṁ+hṛ; lit. "comprising." The quâsi pop. etym.
ii.11; Miln 332; Vism 401. Cp. vijita°.
at VvA 233 is "diṭṭhi — sīla — sāmaññena sanghāṭabhāvena
-âvacara whose sphere is the battle, quite at home on the
sangha"] 1. multitude, assemblage Miln 403 (kāka°); J i.52
battlefield J ii.94, 95; Vin v.163 sq., 183 (here said fig. of the (sakuṇa°); Sn 589 (ñāti°); 680 (deva°); D iii.23 (miga°); Vv 5 5
bhikkhu). — ji (sangāma — j — uttama) victorious in battle
(accharā°=samūha VvA 37). bhikkhu° an assembly of Bud-
Dh 103 (cp. DhA ii.227=sangāma — sīsa — yodha). -bheri
dhist priests A i.56, etc.; D i.1, etc.; S i.236; Sum i.230, 280;
battle drum DhA iii.298; iv.25. -yodha a warrior J i.358.
Vin i.16; ii.147; bhikkhunī° an assembly of nuns S v.360;
Sangāmeti [Denom. fr. sangāma; given as special root sangām° Vin i.140; sāvaka° an assembly of disciples A i.208; D ii.93;
at Dhtp 605 with def "yuddha"] to fight, to come into con- S i.220; PvA 195, etc.; samaṇa° an assembly of ascetics Sn
flict with Vin ii.195; iii.108; It 75; J ii.11, 212. aor. °gāmesi J 550. — 2. the Order, the priesthood, the clergy, the Buddhist
v.417, 420 (C.=samāgami, cp. sangacchati). church A i.68, 123, etc.; D i.2, etc.; iii.102, 126, 193, 246; S
iv.270 sq.; Sn 227, etc.; J ii.147, etc.; Dhs 1004; It 11, 12, 88;
Sangāyati [saṁ+gāyati] to chant, proclaim (cp. sangara), to re-
Vin i.102, 326; ii.164, etc. — 3. a larger assemblage, a com-
hearse, to establish the text of the B. scriptures Vin ii.285; DA
munity A ii.55=Sv.400; M i.231 (cp. gaṇa). — On the formula
i.25 (Buddha — vacanaṁ). — pp. sangīta.
Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha see dhamma C 2.
Sangāyika (adj.) [fr. sangāyati] connected with the proclama-
-ânussati meditation on the Order (a kammaṭṭhāna) D
tion; dhamma°-therā the Elders gathered in the council for
iii.250, 280; A i.30; J i.97. -ārāma a residence for mem-
proclaiming the Doctrine J v.56.
bers of the Order J i.94; VbhA 13. -kamma an act or
Sangāha (adj. — n.) [fr. saṁ+grah] 1. collecting, collection, ceremony performed by a chapter of bhikkhus assembled in
Mhvs 10, 24. — 2. restraining, self — restraint A ii.142. solemn conclave Vin i.123 (cp. i.53, 143 & expl at S.B.E.
xxii.7); iii.38 sq.; J i.341. -gata gone into the sangha, join-
Sangāhaka (adj. — n.) [fr. sangāha] 1. compiling, collection,
ing the community M i.469. -thera senior of the congrega-
making a recension J i.1; Miln 369; VvA 169 (dhamma°). —
tion Vin ii.212, 303. -bhatta food given to the community of
2. treating kindly, compassionate, kind (cp. sangaha 5) A
iv.90; J i.203; iii.262. — 3. (m.) a charioteer D ii.268; J bhikkhus Vin i.58; ii.109, 212. -bhinna schismatic Vin v.216.
i.203; ii.257; iv.63. -bheda causing dissension among the Order Vin i.150; ii.180
sq.; A ii.239 sq.; It 11; Tikp 167, 171; J vi.129; VbhA 425 sq.
Sangāhika (adj.) [=last] 1. comprising, including J i.160; Vism
-bhedaka causing dissension or divisions, schismatic Vin i.89,
6; DA i.94. — 2. holding together M i.322=A iii.10. — 3.
136, 168; It 11. -māmaka devoted to the Sangha DhA i.206.
comprehensive, concise J ii.236. 2
-rāji [=rāji ] dissension in the Order Vin i.339; ii.203=VbhA
Sangīta [pp. of sangāyati] sung; uttered, proclaimed, established 428; Vin iv.37.
as the text Vin ii.290; J i.1; DA i.25 (of the Canon, said to
Sanghaṁsati [saṁ+ghaṁsati] to rub together, to rub against Vin
have been rehearsed in seven months). — (nt.) a song, chant,
ii.315 (Bdhgh).
chorus D ii.138; J vi.529.
Sanghaṭita [saṁ+ghaṭita, for °ghaṭṭita, pp. of ghaṭṭeti] 1. struck,
Sangīti (f.) [fr. saṁgāyati; BSk. sangīti Divy 61] 1. a song, cho-
sounded, resounding with (—°) J v.9 (v. l. ṭṭ); Miln 2. — 2.
rus, music J i.32 (dibba°); vi.528 (of birds). — 2. proclama-
pierced together, pegged together, constructed Miln 161 (nāvā
tion (cp. sangara), rehearsal, general convocation of the Bud-
nānā — dāru°).
dhist clergy in order to settle questions of doctrine and to fix 1
Sanghaṭṭa (adj.) [fr. saṁ+ghaṭṭ] knocking against, offending,
the text of the Scriptures. The first Council is alleged to have
provoking, making angry J vi.295.
been held at Rājagaha, Vin ii.284 sq.; Dpvs iv.; Mhvs iii.; DA
i.2 sq.; SnA 67, 483. The second Council at Vesāli Vin ii.294 Sanghaṭṭa (?) bangle Sn 48 (°yanta): thus Nd reading for
sq.; Dpvs iv.27 sq.; Mhvs iv.; the third at Pāṭaliputta, Dpvs °māna (ppr. med. of sanghaṭṭeti).
vii.34 sq.; Mhvs v.268 sq. A Council of heretics, the so —
Sanghaṭṭana (nt.) & °ā (f.) [fr. sanghaṭṭeti] 1. rubbing or striking
called Mahāsaṅgīti, is mentioned Dpvs v.31 sq. — 3. text re-
together, close contact, impact S iv.215; v.212; J vi.65; Vism
hearsed, recension Vin ii.290; DA i.17; Miln 175 (dhamma°);
112; DA i.256 (anguli°). — 2. bracelet (?) SnA 96 (on Sn 48).
text, formula Vin i.95; ii.274, 278. On the question of the
Sanghaṭṭeti [saṁ+ghaṭṭeti] 1. to knock against Vin ii.208. — 2.
Councils see especially Franke J.P.T.S. 1908, 1 sq.
to sound, to ring Mhvs 21, 29 (°aghaṭṭayi). — 3 to knock to-
-kāra editor of a redaction of the Holy Scriptures SnA
gether, to rub against each other J iv.98 (aṁsena aṁsaṁ sam-
42 sq., 292, 394, 413 sq., 504 and passim; PvA 49, 70, etc.
aghaṭṭayimha); Dāvs iii.87. — 4. to provoke by scoffing, to

Sanghaṭṭeti Saccika

make angry J vi.295 (paraṁ asanghaṭṭento, C. on asanghaṭṭa); Sacitta (adj.) [sa +citta] of the same mind J v.360.
VvA 139 (pres. pass. °ghaṭṭiyati). — pp. sanghaṭ(ṭ)ita. 3
Sacittaka (adj.) [sa +citta+ka] endowed with mind, intelligent
Sanghara=saghara [sa +ghara] one's own house J v.222. DhsA 295.
Sangharaṇa (nt.) [=saṁharaṇa] accumulation J iii.319 (dhana°). Sace (conj.) [sa +ce; cp. sacāca] if D i.8, 51; Vin i.7; Dh 134; J
i.311. — sace... noce if... if not J vi.365.
Sangharati [=saṁharati] 1. to bring together, collect, accumulate
J iii.261; iv.36 (dhanaṁ), 371; v.383. — 2. to crush, to pound Sacetana (adj.) [sa +cetana] animate, conscious, rational J i.74;
J i.493. Mhvs 38, 97.
Sanghāṭa [fr. saṁ+ghaṭeti, lit. "binding together"; on etym. see Sacetasa (adj.) [sa +cetasa] attentive, thoughtful A i.254 (=citta
Kern, Toev. ii.68] 1. a raft J ii.20, 332 (nāvā°); iii.362 (id.), — sampanna C.).
371. Miln 376. dāru° (=nāvā°) J v.194, 195. — 2. junc- Sacca (adj.) [cp. Sk. satya] real, true D i.182; M ii.169; iii.207;
tion, union VvA 233. — 3. collection, aggregate J iv.15 (up-
Dh 408; nt. saccaṁ truly, verily, certainly Miln 120; sac-
āhana°); Th 1, 519 (papañca°). Freq. as aṭṭhi° (cp. sankhalā
caṁ kira is it really true? D i.113; Vin i.45, 60; J i.107; sac-
etc.) a string of bones, i. e. a skeleton Th 1, 570; DhA iii.112;
cato truly S iii.112. — (nt. as noun) saccaṁ the truth A ii.25,
J v.256. — 4. a weft, tangle, mass (almost="robe," i. e.
115 (parama°); Dh 393; also: a solemn asseveration Mhvs 25,
sanghāṭī), in taṇhā°-paṭimukka M i.271; vāda°-paṭimukka
18. Sacce patiṭṭhāya keeping to fact, M i.376. — pl. (cattāri)
M i.383 (Neumann "defeat"); diṭṭhi°-paṭimukka Miln 390.
saccāni the (four) truths M ii.199; A ii.41, 176; Sn 883 sq.;
— 5. a post, in piṭṭha° door — post, lintel Vin ii.120.
Dhs 358. — The 4 ariya-saccāni are the truth about dukkha,
Sanghāṭika (adj.) [fr. sanghāṭī] wearing a sanghāṭī M i.281. dukkhasamudaya, dukkha — nirodha, and dukkha — nirodha
— gāminipaṭipadā. Thus e. g. at Vin i.230; D ii.304 sq.;
Sanghāṭī (f.) [fr. sanghaṭeti; cp. BSk. sanghāṭī Divy 154, 159,
iii.277; A i.175 sq.; Vism 494 sq.; VbhA 116 sq., 141 sq. A
494] one of the three robes of a Buddhist Vin i.46, 289; ii.78,
shortened statement as dukkha, samudaya, nirodha, magga
135, 213; D i.70; ii.65; M i.281; ii.45; S i.175; A ii.104, 106
sq., 210; iv.169 sq.; v.123; Pv iv.1 ; VbhA 359 (°cīvara); PvA is freq. found, e. g. Vin i.16; see under dukkha B. 1. — See
also ariyasacca & asacca. -iminā saccena in consequence of
this truth, i. e. if this be true J i.294.
-cāra wandering about in a sanghāṭī, having deposited the
-avhaya deserving his name, Cp. of the Buddha Sn
cīvara Vin iv.281. -vāsin dressed in a s. Sn 456. 2
1133, cp. Nd 624. -âdhitthāna determined on truth M
Sanghāṇi (f.) a loin — cloth Vin iv.339 sq.
iii.245; D iii.229. -ânupaṭṭi realization of truth M ii.173 sq.
Sanghāta [saṁ+ghāta] 1. striking, killing, murder Vin i.137; D -ânubodha awakening to truth M ii.171 sq. -ânurakkhaṇa
i.141; ii.354; M i.78; A ii.42 sq. — 2. knocking together warding of truth, M ii.176. -âbhinivesa inclination to dog-
(cp. sanghaṭṭeti), snapping of the fingers (acchara°) A i.34, matize, one of the kāya-ganthas S v.59; Dhs 1139; DhsA 377.
38; J vi.64. — 3. accumulation, aggregate, multitude PvA -âbhisamaya comprehension of the truth Sn 758; Th 1, 338;
206 (aṭṭhi° mass of bones, for the usual °sanghāṭa); Nett 28. ThA 239. -kāra ratification, pledge, payment in advance as
— 4. N. of one of the 8 principle purgatories J v.266, 270. guarantee J i.121. -kiriyā a solemn declaration, a declaration
Sanghātanika (adj.) [fr. sanghāta or sanghāṭa] holding or bind- on oath J i.214, 294; iv.31, 142; v.94; Miln 120; Mhvs 18,
39 (see trsl p. 125 on term). -ñāṇa knowledge of the truth
ing together M i.322 (+agga — sangāhika); A iii.10 (id.); Vin
Vism 510; DhA iv.152. -nāma doing justice to one's name,
i.70 ("the decisive moment" Vin. Texts i.190).
bearing a true name, Ep. of the Buddha A iii.346; iv.285, 289;
Sanghādisesa [unexplained as regards etym.; Geiger, P.Gr. § 38 ,
PvA 231. -nikkhama truthful Sn 542. -paṭivedha penetra-
after S. Lévi,=sangh'âtisesa; but atisesa does not occur in Pāli]
tion of the truth Ps ii.57. -vanka a certain kind of fish J v.405
requiring suspension from the Order; a class of offences which
(the Copenhagen MS. has [sa]sacca — vanka, which has been
can be decided only by a formal sangha — kamma Vin ii.38
given by Fausböll as sata — vanka). -vacana (1) veracity M
sq.; iii.112, 186; iv.110 sq., 225 (where explained); A ii.242;
i.403; Dh i.160; (2)=saccakiriyā KhA 169, 180. -vajja truth-
Vism 22; DhA iii.5.
fulness D i.53; S iv.349; J iv.320. -vācā id. A ii.228; iii.244;
Sanghika (adj.) [fr. sangha] belonging to, or connected with the J i.201. -vādin truthful, speaking the truth D i.4; iii.170; A
Order Vin i.250. ii.209; iv.249, 389; S i.66; Sn 59; Dh 217; Miln 120; Nd 623;
DhA iii.288. -vivaṭṭa revelation of truth Ps i.11. -sandha
Sanghin (adj.) [fr. sangha] having a crowd (of followers), the
truthful, reliable D i.4; iii.170; A ii.209; iv.249; DA i.73. -
head of an order D i.47, 116; S i.68; Miln 4; DA i 143. —
sammatā popular truth, maxim S iv.230.
sanghâsanghī (pl.) in crowds, with crowds (redupl. cpd.!),
with gaṇi-bhūtā "crowd upon crowd" at D i.112, 128; ii.317; Saccāpeti at A iv.346=Vin ii.19 is probably misreading or an old
DA i.280. misspelling for sajjāpeti fr. sajjeti, the confusion sac: saj be-
Sanghuṭṭha (adj.) [saṁ+ghuṭṭha] 1. resounding (with) J vi.60, ing frequent. Meaning: to undertake, fulfil, realize.
277 (turiya — tāḷita°); Mhvs 15, 196; 29, 25 (turiya°); Sdhp Saccika (adj.) [cp. Sk. satyaka] real, true Miln 226 (the same
298. — 2. proclaimed, announced PvA 73. passage at Ps i.174 & Nd 458 spells sacchika). — sac-
cik' aṭṭha truth, reality, the highest truth Kvu 1 sq.; DhsA 4
Sacāca (conj.) if indeed Vin i.88; see sace.
(nearly=paramaṭṭha); KhA 102. Kern in a phantastic interpre-
Sacitta (nt.) [sa +citta] one's own mind or heart D ii.120; Dh
tation (Toev. ii.49, 50) takes it as sacci — kaṭṭha (=Sk. sāci —
183, 327=Miln 379.

Saccika Sajjhāyati

kṛṣta) "pulled sideways," i. e. "misunderstood." hgh's wrong interpretation (see K.S. i.321) as "kammena saha
jīvantānan; kammadutiyakā nāma honti."
Sacceti in fut. saccessati at A iv.343 is most likely an old mistake
for ghaṭṭessati is the same passage at A iii.343; the meaning Sajotibhūta (adj.) [sa +joti+bhūta; same BSk., e. g. MVastu i.5]
is "to touch," or to approach, disturb. It is hardly=saśc "to ac- flaming, ablaze, aglow D i.95; Vin i.25; A i.141; J i.232; DA
company." i.264.
Sacchanda (adj.) [sa +chanda] self — willed, headstrong J i.421; Sajja (adj.) [grd. formation fr. sajj=sañj Caus.; cp. the exact like-
as sacchandin ibid. ness of Ger. "fertig"] prepared, ready J i.98; ii.325; iii.271;
Miln 351; PvA 156, 256. Of a bow furnished with a bow —
Sacchavīni (mūlāni) at A iii.371 (opp. ummūla) means "roots tak-
string A iii.75.
ing to the soil again." It is doubtful whether it belongs to chavi
"skin." Sajjaka (adj.)=sajja; J iv.45 (gamana° ready for going, "fertig").
Sacchikata [pp. of sacchikaroti cp. BSk. sākṣātkṛtaḥ AvŚ i.210] Sajjati [Pass. of sañj or saj to hang. Cp. sanga] 1. to cling,
seen with one's own eyes, realized, experienced D i.250; S to, to be attached S i.38, 111 (aor. 2 sg. sajjittho); ii.228; A
v.422=Vin i.11; DhA iv.117. ii.165; J i.376 (id. asajjittho); Sn 522, 536. ppr. (a)sajjamāna
(un) — attached Sn 28, 466; J iii.352. — 2. to hesitate J i.376
Sacchikaraṇīya (adj.) [grd: of sacchikaroti] (able) to be realized 1
S iii.223 sq.; D iii.230=A ii.182 (in four ways: by kāya, sati, (asajjitvā without hesitation). — pp. satta . — Cp. abhi° &
cakkhu, paññā).
Sajjana (nt.) [fr. sṛj] decking, equipping ThA 241.
Sacchikaroti [cp. Sk. sākṣāt kṛ; the P. form being *saccha°
(=sa +akṣ, as in akkhi), with change of °a to °i before kṛ. See Sajjana [sat(=sant)+jana] a good man Miln 321.
also sakkhiṁ karoti] to see with one's eyes, to realize, to expe- 8 n
Sajjā (f.) [orig. grd. of sad] seat, couch Pv ii.12 (expl at PvA
rience for oneself. Pres. °karoti D i.229; S iv.337; v.11, 49.
157 doubtful).
— Fut. °karissati S v.10; M ii.201 (as sacchi vā k.). — Aor.
Sajjita [pp. of sajjeti] issued, sent off; offered, prepared S ii.186;
sacch'âkāsi S iv.63; SnA 166. — Grd. °kātabba Vin i.11; S
Vin iii.137 (here in sense of "happy"= sukhita); Miln 244 (of
v.422; & °karaṇīya (q. v.). — pp. sacchikata.
an arrow: sent); Mhvs 17, 7; 27, 16. — nt. offering (=up-
Sacchikiriyā (f.) [fr. sacchikaroti] realization, experiencing oath,
akkhaṭa) DA i.294; PvA 107.
ordeal, confirmation D i.100 (etc.). D i.100; iii.255; S iv.254;
Sajju (adv.) [Sk. sadyaḥ, sa+dyaḥ, lit. one the same day] 1. in-
A i.22; ii.148; iii.101; iv.332 sq.; Sn 267; Vism 696 sq.; Dhs
stantly, speedily, quickly Dāvs iii.37. — 2. newly, recently
296; DhA iv.63.
Dh 71 (°khīra; cp. DhA ii.67).
Sajati [sṛj, cp. Av. hǤrǤǤaiti to let loose; Sk. sarga pouring
Sajjukaṁ=sajju: 1. quickly Mhvs 7, 6; 14, 62. — 2. newly VvA
out, sṛṣṭi emanation, creation] to let loose, send forth; dismiss,
give up Sn 386, 390; J i.359; v.218 (imper. sajāhi); vi.185,
205. — infin. saṭṭhuṁ (q. v.); pp. saṭṭha (see vissaṭṭha). — Sajjulasa [cp. Sk. sarjarasa; see Geiger, P.Gr. § 19 ] resin Vin
Caus. sajjeti (q. v.). — For sajj° (Caus.) we find sañj° in i.202.
sañjitar. 1
Sajjeti [Caus. of sṛj (sajati ), Sk. sarjayati] to send out, pre-
Sajati [svaj; Dhtp 74, 549=ajjana (?) or=sajati ?] to embrace pare, give, equip; to fit up, decorate: dānaṁ to give a do-
D ii.266 (imper. saja). udakaṁ sajati to embrace the water, nation DhA ii.88; pātheyyaṁ to prepare provisions J iii.343;
poet. for "to descend into the water" J iv.448 (T. sajāti); vi.198 gehe to construct houses J i.18; nāṭakāni to arrange ballets J
(C.=abhisiñcati), 205 (C.= attano upari sajati [i. e. sajati ] i.59; yaññaṁ to set up a sacrifice J i.336; dhammasabhaṁ
abbhukkirati). On C. readings cp. Kern, Toev ii.51. to equip a hall for a religious meeting J iii.342; nagaraṁ to
Sajana [sa +jana] a kinsman J iv.11 (read °parijanaṁ). decorate the town J v.212; paṇṇākāraṁ to send a present J
iii.10. — Caus. II. sajjāpeti to cause to be given or prepared
Sajala (adj. — n.) [sa +jala] watery, wet; nt. water.
J i.446: PvA 81. Cp. vissajjeti.
-da giving water, bringing rain (of wind) Vism 10.
Sajjha (nt.) [cp. Sk. sādhya] silver D ii.351 (v. l.); S v.92 (v. l.);
-dhara holding water, i, e. a cloud VvA 223.
A iii.16. Cp. sajjhu.
Sajāti (f.) [sa +jāti] (being of) the same class or caste Vin i.87; J
-kāra silversmith Miln 331.
ii.108 (°putta).
Sajjhāya [cp. Sk. svādhyāya, sva+adhyāya, i. e. sa + ajjhaya, cp.
Sajitar see sañjitar.
ajjhayana & ajjhāyaka] repetition, rehearsal study D iii.241;
Sajīva (adj.) [sa +jīva] endowed with life Mhvs 11, 13. Vin i.133; ii.194; A iv.136; S v.121 J i.116, 436; ii.48; Miln
Sajīva [for saciva?] a minister J vi.307, 318 (=amacca C.). 12, KhA 24; VbhA 250 sq. — °ṁ karoti to study D iii.241;
A iii.22; J v.54.
Sajīvāna (nt.) at S i.44 is metric spelling for sa-jīvana
[sa =saṁ,+jīvana] "same livelihood," in phrase kiṁsu Sajjhāyati [Denom. fr. sajjhāya, cp. BSk. svādhyāyita AvŚ
i.287; ii.23] to rehearse, to repeat (aloud or silently), to study
kamme s. "what is (of) the same livelihood in work, i. e.
J i.435; ii.273; iii.216; iv.64; Miln 10. — ppr. °āyanto DhA
occupation?" The form is the same as jīvāna at J iii.353.
Taken wrongly as gen. pl. by Mrs. Rh. D. in trsl (K.S. i.63): iii.347; ger. sajjhāya S i.202, & sajjhāyitvā J iv.477; v.450;
KhA 97. — Caus. sajjhāpeti to cause to learn, to teach J iii.28
"who in their work is mate to sons of men?" following Bd-
(of teacher, with adhīyati, of pupil). Caus. II. sajjhāyāpeti id.

Sajjhāyati Sañjādiya

Miln 10. copeti in Pāli, fr. cup to stir] to move, to stir; a misunderstood
term. Found in aor. samacopi (so read for T. samadhosi & v.
Sajjhu (nt.) [cp. sajjha] silver D ii.351; S v.92; J vi.48; Mhvs 19,
l. samañcopi) mañcake "he stirred fr. his bed" S iii.120, 125;
4; 27, 26; 28, 33.
and sañcopa (pret.) J v.340 (v. l. for T. sañcesuṁ āsanā; C.
Sañcaya [fr. saṁ+ci] accumulation, quantity Sn 697; It 17 s
expl as "caliṁsu").
(aṭṭhi°); Miln 220.
Sañcopana (nt.) & °ā (f.) [saṁ+copana] touching, handling Vin
Sañcara [fr. saṁ+car] passage, way, medium DA i.289.
iii.121 (ā); iv.214 (a) (=parāmasanan nāma ito c' ito ca).
Sañcaraṇa (nt.) [fr. saṁ+car] wandering about, meeting meeting 1
Sañchanna [saṁ+channa ] covered (with= — °) M i.124; Th 1,
— place J i.163; iv.335; Miln 359. a° impassable Miln 217.
13; J i.201; SnA 91 (°patta full of leaves; puppha° of flowers).
Sañcarati [saṁ+carati] 1. to go about, to wander D i.83. — 2. to Often in cpd. paduma° covered with lotuses (of ponds) Pv
meet, unite, come together J ii.36 (of the noose of a snare). — ii.1 ; ii.12 ; Vv 44 ; J i.222; v.337.
3. to move, to rock J i.265. — 4. to pass J i.491. — Caus.
Sañchavin, M ii.217, 259.
°cāreti to cause to move about Miln 377, 385. — Caus. II.
°carāpeti to cause to go, to emit J i.164; to make one's mind Sañchādita [pp. of sañchādeti] covered PvA 157.
dwell on Vism 187. Sañchindati [saṁ+chindati] to cut, destroy M iii.275 (Pot.
°chindeyya); A ii.33=S iii.85 (ger. °chinditvā). — pp.
Sañcaritta (nt.) [fr. saṁ+caritar] 1. going backwards & forwards,
acting as go — between Vin iii.137. — 2. intercourse Miln
266. Sañchinna [pp. of sañchindati] Vin i.255 (of the kaṭhina, with
samaṇḍalīkata "hemmed"). Also in cpd. °patta "with leaves
Sañcāra [saṁ+cāra] 1. going, movement, passing through Sdhp
destroyed" is Nd reading at Sn 44 (where T. ed. & SnA 91
244. — 2. passages entrance, road J i.409; ii.70, 122.
read saṁsīna), as well as at Sn 64 (in similar context, where
Sañcalati [saṁ+calati] to be unsteady or agitated Miln 117. Caus. d 2
T. ed. reads sañchinna). The latter passage is expl (Nd 625)
°cāleti to shake Vin iii.127; J v.434. — pp. °calita.
as "bahula — pattapalāsa saṇḍa — cchāya," i. e. having thick
Sañcalita [pp. of sañcalati] shaken Miln 224 (a°). & dense foliage. The same meaning is attached to sañchinna-
patta at VvA 288 (with v. l. saṁsīna!), thus evidently in
Sañcicca (adv.) [ger. of saṁ+cinteti; ch. BSk. sañcintya Divy
sense of sañchanna. The C. on Sn 64 (viz. SnA 117) takes it
494] discriminately, purposely, with intention Vin ii.76; iii.71,
as sañchanna in introductory story.
112; iv.149, 290; D iii.133; Kvu 593; Miln 380; PvA 103.
Sañjagghati [saṁ+jagghati] to joke, to jest D i.91; A iv.55, 343;
Sañcita [pp. of sañcināti] accumulated, filled (with) J vi.249; ThA
282; Sdhp 319. DA i.256.
Sañcināti (& saṁcayati) [saṁ+cināti] to accumulate; ppr. Sañjati is the P. correspondent of sajati (sṛj), but Sk. sañj=sajjati
°cayanto Mhvs 21, 4; aor. cini° PvA 202 (puññaṁ), 279 (pl. (to hang on, cling), which at Dhtp 67 & 397 def as sanga. The
°cinimha). — pp. sañcita. — Cp. abhi°. Dhtp (64) & Dhtm (82) take sañj in all meanings of ālingana
(=sajati ), vissagga (=sajati ), & nimmāna (=sajjeti).
Sañcinteti (& °ceteti) [saṁ+cinteti] to think, find out, plan, de-
Sañjanati [saṁ+janati] to be born; only in Caus. °janeti to cause,
vise means D ii.180, 245 (aor. samacintesuṁ); Th 1, 1103
produce; realize Pug 16; Sdhp 564 (ger. °janayitvāna). — pp.
(Pot. °cintaye); J iii.438 (aor. samacetayi).
sañjāta. See also Pass. saṁjāyati.
Sañcuṇṇa [saṁ+cuṇṇa] crushed, shattered Bu ii.170= J i.26.
Sañjanana (nt.) producing; f. °ī progenetrix (identical with
Sañcuṇṇita [pp. of sañcuṇṇeti] crushed J ii.41; Miln 188; Vism
taṇhā) Dhs 1059; DhsA 363.
Sañjanetar [n. ag. fr. sañjaneti] one who produces S i.191; iii.66.
Sañcuṇṇeti [saṁ+cuṇṇeti] to crush J ii.210, 387 (aor. °esi); n
Sañjambhari in °ṁ karoti is not clear in der & meaning; per-
iii.175 (Pot. °eyya), 176 (ger. °etvā). — pp. °cuṇṇita.
haps "to tease, abuse," see D i.189 (°riyaṁ); A i.187; S ii.282.
Sañcetanā (f.) [saṁ+cetanā] thought, cogitation, perception, in-
Probably fr. bhṛ (Intensive jarbhṛta Vedic!) as *jarbhari. See
tention A ii.159 (atta°, para°); D iii.231 (id.); S ii.11, 40, 99 n
on der Konow, J.P.T.S. 1909, 42; Kern, Toev. ii.69. The
(mano°); ii.39 sq., 247; iii.60, 227 sq.; Vbh 285; Dhs 70, 126. s
C. on S ii.282 (K.S. ii.203) expl as "sambharitaṁ nirantaraṁ
Sixfold (i. e. the 6 fold sensory perception, rūpa°, sadda°,
phuṭaṁ akaṁsu, upari vijjhiṁsū ti," i. e. continually touching
etc.): D ii.309; iii.244; Ps i.136. Threefold (viz. kāya°, vacī°,
(or nudging) (phuṭa=phuṭṭha or phoṭita).
mano°): Vism 341, 530; VbhA 144, 145.
Sañjāta [pp. of sañjanati] having become, produced, arisen Dhs
Sañcetanika (adj.) [fr. sañcetanā] intentional Vin iii.112; M
1035 (+bhūta & other syn.). ° — full of, grown into, being in
iii.207; A v.292 sq.; a° M i.377.
a state of Sn 53 (°khandha=susaṇṭhita° SnA 103); VvA 312,
Sañcetayitatta (nt.) reflection Dhs 5, 72. 318 (°gārava full of respect), 324 (°pasāda).
Sañceteti see °cinteti. Sañjāta (adj.) [sa +jāta] of the same origin (con — gener) J
iv.134. Cp. sajāti.
Sañcodita [saṁ+codita] instigated, excited PvA 5, 68, 171, 213;
ThA 207. Sañjāti (f.) [saṁ+jāti] birth, origin; outcome; produce D i.227;
Sañcopati [cp. Sk. copati, as α῞πας in Mhbh. We should expect

Sañjādiya Saññin

Sañjādiya a grove, wood J v.417, 421 (v. l sañcāriya). baphala saññāya in the notion or imagining of mango fruit);
Vism 112 (rūpa° & aṭṭhika°). saññaṁ karoti to imagine, to
Sañjānana (nt.) & °ā (f.) [fr. sañjānāti] knowing, perceiving,
think J ii.71; to take notice, to mind J i.117. — 5. sign, gesture
recognition Miln 61; DA i.211; characteristic, that by which
token, mark J i.287; ii.18; paṇṇa° a mark of leaves J i.153; ra-
one is distinguished DhsA 321. As f. at Dhs 4; DhsA 110,
140 (trsl Expos. 185: "the act of perceiving by noting"). jjusaññā a rope used as a mark, a guiding rope, J i.287; rukkha
— saññaṁ pabbata — saññaṁ karonto, using trees and hills as
Sañjānāti [saṁ+jānāti] 1. to recognize, perceive, know, to be
guiding marks J iv.91; saññaṁ dadāti to give the sign (with the
aware of Vin iii.112; D ii.12; M i.111, 473; S iii.87; A v.46,
whip, for the horse to start) J vi.302. — 6. saññā is twofold,
60, 63; J i.135; iv.194; ThA 110. — 2. to think, to suppose J
paṭighasamphassajā and adhivacanasamphassajā i. e. sense
ii.98. — 3. to call, name, nickname D i.93; J i.148. — Aor.
impression and recognition (impression of something simi-
sañjāni DA i.261; ger. saññāya J i.187; ii.98; saññatvā M
lar, "association by similarity," as when a seen person calls
i.1; and sañjānitvā J i.352. — Caus. saññāpeti (q. v.). —
up some one we know), Vbh 6; VbhA 19 sq.; threefold, rū-
pp. saññāta.
pasaññā, paṭighasaññā, and nānattasaññā A ii.184; S ii.211; cp.
Sañjānitatta (nt.) [fr. sañjānita, pp. Caus. of sañjānāti] the state Sn 535; or kāma°, vyāpāda°, vihiṁsā° (as nānatta°) Vbh 369,
of having perceived Dhs 4. cp. VbhA 499; fivefold (pañca vimutti — paripācaniyā saññā);
Sañjānetar at S iii.66 read sañjanetā. anicca°, anicce dukkha°, dukkhe anatta°, pahāna°, virāga° D
iii.243, cp. A iii.334; there are six perceptions of rūpa, sadda,
Sañjāyati [saṁ+jāyati, cp. sañjanati] to be born or produced D
gandha, rasa, phoṭṭhabba, and dhamma, D ii.309; S iii.60; the
i.220; J ii.97; aor. sañjāyi D ii.209; Vin i.32; ppr. °jāyamāna
sevenfold perception, anicca —, anatta —, asubha —, ādī-
J v.384.
nava —, pahāna —, virāga —, and nirodha — saññā, D ii.79;
Sañjiṇṇa [saṁ+jiṇṇa] decayed J i.503 (v. l.). cp. A iii.79; the tenfold perception, asubha —, maraṇa —,
Sañjitar [n. ag. fr. sajati , cp. sañjati] creator, one who assigns to āhāre paṭikkūla —, sabbaloke anabhirata —, anicca —, anicce
dukkha —, dukkhe anatta —, pahāna —, virāga —, nirodha
each his station D i.18, 221; M i.327; DA i.111 (v. l. sajjitar,
— saññā A v.105; the one perception, āhāre paṭikkūlasaññā,
cp. Sk. sraṣṭar).
Cpd. 21. — 7. See further (unclassified refs.): D i.180; ii.277
Sañjīvana (adj.) [fr. saṁ+jīv] reviving ThA 181 (Ap. v. 23: 1
(papañca°); iii.33, 223; S ii.143; A ii.17; iv.312; Nd 193, 207;
Nett 27; Vism 111, 437, 461 sq. (in detail); VbhA 20 (pañca
Sañjhā (f.) [cp. Sk. sandhyā] evening; only in cpds. °ātapa — dvārikā), 34; VvA 110; and on term Cpd. 40, 42.
evening sun VvA 4, 12; °ghana evening cloud ThA 146 (Ap. -gata perceptible, the world of sense M i.38. -bhava
v.44); Dāvs v.60. conscious existence Vism 572; VbhA 183. -maya= arūpin
Saññ° is frequent spelling for saṁy° (in saṁyojana=sañ-ñojana e. M i.410 (opp. manomaya=rūpin). -vedayitanirodha ces-
g.), q. v. sation of consciousness and sensation M i.160, 301; iii.45; A
i.41; Kvu 202; S ii.212. -viratta free from consciousness, an
Saññatta (nt.) [abstr. formation fr. saññā] the state of being a
Arahant, Sn 847. -vimokkha emancipation from conscious-
saññā, perceptibility S iii.87.
ness Sn 1071 sq.; Miln 159=Vin v.116.
Saññatta [pp. of saññāpeti] induced, talked over Sn 303, 308
Saññāṇa (nt.) [Vedic sañjñāna] 1. perception, knowledge VvA
Saññatti (f.) [fr. saññāpeti] 1. informing, convincing A i.75; S 110. — 2. token, mark J iv.301; DA i.46; Vism 244. — 3.
i.199; Vin ii.98, 199, 307; J iii.402. — 2. appeasing, pacifica- monument Mhvs 19, 35.
tion M i.320.
Saññāta [pp. of sañjānāti] skilled M i.396.
Saññā (f.) [fr. saṁ+jñā] (pl. saññāyo and saññā — e. g. M
Saññāpana (nt.) [fr. saññāpeti] convincing J v.462.
i.108) 1. sense, consciousness, perception, being the third
Saññāpeti [Caus. of sañjānāti] 1. to make known, to teach J i.344;
khandha Vin i.13; M i.300; S iii.3 sq.; Dhs 40, 58, 61, 113;
Miln 45. — 2. to remonstrate with, gain over, convince D
VbhA 42. — 2. sense, perception, discernment, recognition,
i.236; M i.397; A i.75; S iv.313; Vin i.10; ii.197; Miln 316.
assimilation of sensations, awareness M i.293; A iii.443 (nib-
— 3. to appease, conciliate J i.479; PvA 16. Also saññapeti
bāna°); S iii.87; Sn 732 (saññāya uparodhanā dukkhakkhayo
hoti; expl as "kāmasaññā" SnA); Miln 61; Dhs 4; DhsA 110, J i.26, etc. — inf. saññattuṁ Sn 597. — pp. saññatta. —
At J i.408 read saññāpāpetvā (instead of saññaṁ pāpetvā), or
200 (rūpa° perception of material qualities). — 3. conscious-
simply saññāpetvā, like the parallel text at Ud 17.
ness D i.180 sq.; M i.108; Vbh 369 (nānatta° c. of diver-
sity: see nānatta); Miln 159; J iv.391; is previous to ñāṇa D Saññāvant (adj.) [fr. saññā] having perception A ii.215= Dhs
i.185; a constituent part of nāma S ii.3, cp. Sn 779; accord- 1003.
ing to later teaching differs from viññāṇa and paññā only as
Saññita [=saññāta; pp. of sañjānāti] so — called, named, so — to
a child's perceiving differs from (a) an adult's, (b) an expert's — speak Mhvs 7, 45; PvA 135; Sdhp 72, 461. See also aya
Vism 436 sq.; Dhs. trsl 7 n. 2, 17 n. 2. — nevasaññā-
under niraya.
nâsaññā neither consciousness nor unconsciousness D iii.224,
262 sq.; M i.41, 160; ii.255; iii.28, 44; Ps i.36; Dhs 268, 582, Saññin (adj.) [fr. saññā] (f. saññinī) conscious, being aware of
(—°), perceiving, having perception D i.31, 180; iii.49, 111,
1417; Kvu 202; Nett 26, 29; Vism 571. — 4. conception,
140, 260; S i.62; A ii.34, 48, 50; iii.35; iv.427; Dh 253; Nd 1
idea, notion D i.28; iii.289 (cp. Dial. iii.263: "concept rather
97, 138. — ālokasaññin having a clear perception D i.71;
than percept"); M iii.104; S i.107; Sn 802, 841; J i.368 (am-

Saññin Saṇṇikā (saṇikā)

A ii.211; v.207; Sum i.211; nānatta° conscious of diversity Saṇiṁ (adv.) [cp. Sk. śanaiḥ] softly, gradually Sn 350; Mhvs 25,
A iv.39 sq.; paṭhavīsaññin conscious of the earth (kasiṇa), in 84.
samādhi A v.8 sq.; paṭhavisaññiniyo (fem. plur.), having a
Saṇikaṁ (adv.) [fr. last] slowly, gently, gradually D ii.333; M
worldly mind D ii.139; asubhasaññin perceiving the corrup-
i.120; S i.82, 203; J i.9, 292; ii.103; Miln 117; DA i.197; DhA
tion of the world It 93; vihiṁsasaññin conscious of the trouble
i.60, 389; VvA 36, 178.
Vin i.7; nevasaññī — nâsaññin neither conscious nor uncon-
scious D iii.111; A ii.34; Nd 97, 138; It 90; DA i.119. Cp. vi°. Saṇṭha a reed (used for bow — strings) M i.429.
— In composition saññi°, e. g. °gabbha animate production Saṇṭhapeti & °ṭhāpeti [Caus. of santiṭṭhati] 1. to settle, to estab-
D i.54; DA i.163. lish A ii.94 (cittaṁ); S iv.263; J i.225; PvA 196. — 2. to call
to order D i.179 (°āp°). — 3. to adjust, fold up J i.304.
Saññīvāda [saññin+vāda] name of a school maintaining con-
scious existence after death D i.31; DA i.119; Mhbv 110. Saṇṭhahana (nt.) [fr. santiṭṭhati] recreation Vism 420 sq.
Saṭa [most likely=Sk. śada (fall), fr. śad to fall; Kern Toev. s. v. Saṇṭhāti see santiṭṭhati.
equals it to Sk. sūta (or sṛta) of sṛ (or su) to run (to impel), Saṇṭhāna (nt.) [fr. saṁ+sthā] 1. configuration, position; com-
as in ussaṭa and visaṭa. The Dhtm (789) gives a root saṭ in
position, nature, shape, form Vin ii.76; M i.120 (spelt °nth°);
meaning of "visaraṇa," i. e. profusion, diffusion (cp. visaṭa)]
A i.50; iv.190 (C. osakkana); Miln 270, 316, 405; J i.71, 291,
a fall, a heap of things fallen; only in cpd. paṇṇa° a heap of
368; ii.108; Vism 184, 225, 243; DhsA 321; DA i.88 (nth);
fallen leaves M i.21 (=paṇṇa — kacavara MA i.120); J ii.271.
SnA 464 (=linga). su° well formed Sn 28. — adj. (—°)
Saṭṭha [pp. of sajati ] dismissed; in cpd. -°esana one who has having the appearance of megha-vaṇṇa° PvA 251; chavi°
abandoned all longing or research D iii.269 (cp. Dial. iii.247 appearance of the skin J i.489; vaṇṇa° outward semblance
"has utterly given up quests"); A ii.41 (so read for saṭh°). — Nett 27; J i.271; sarīra° the (material) body Vism 193. —
saṭṭha at S iii.84 is to be read seṭṭha, and at S iv.298 saṭha. 2. fuel J ii.330 =iv.471. — 3. (usually spelt °nth°) a resting
place, meeting place, public place (market) (cp. Sk. sansthāna
Saṭṭhi (num. ord.) [cp. Sk. ṣaṣṭi: see cha] sixty D i.45; ii.261; Sn
in this meaning). At S i.201 in phrase nadī-tīresu saṇṭhāne
538; DhA iii.412 (ekūna°). It is found mostly in the same ap-
sabhāsu rathiyāsu (i. e. at all public places). S i.201 reads
plication as cha (group — number), e. g. at J i.64 (°turiya —
saṇṭhāne (v. l. santhāne); cp. K.S. i.256 from C.: "a resting
sahassāni); VvA 92 (id.); J i.87 (°yojana); vi.512 (°sahassa);
place (vissamana — ṭṭhāne) near the city gate, when market
DhA i.8, 17, 26, 131 (°sakaṭa). -°hāyana 60 years old (of n
— wares had been brought down," trsl "resting by the gates."
elephant) M i.229; J ii.343.
This stanza is quoted at SnA 20, where the ed. prefers read-
Saṭṭhuṁ at J vi.185 (taṁ asakkhi saṭṭhuṁ) is inf. of sajati 1
ing panthāne as correct reading (v. l. saṇṭhāne). At M i.481
(sṛj=Sk. sraṣṭuṁ) to dismiss, let loose. The form has caused
(°nth°)= S ii.28 (2 fr. b.), it seems to be used in the sense of
trouble, since the Com. explains it with gaṇhituṁ "to take."
"end, stopping, cessation"=A iv.190 (the editions of S and A
This has induced Kern (Toev. s. v.) to see in it a very old have saṇṭhāna). At J vi.113 it is translated by "market place,"
(even pre — Vedic!) form with *sāḍhuṁ as original. Evi- the comp. saṇṭhāna-gata being explained by the Comm.
dently he derives it fr. sah (Epic Sk. soḍhuṁ!), as he trsl it
by saṇṭhāna — mariyādaṁ gatā, but at J vi.360 saṇṭhāna-
as "to master, overpower. "
gata is by the English translator translated "a wealthy man"
Saṭha (adj.) [cp. Sk. śaṭha] crafty, treacherous, fraudulent D (vinicchaye ṭhito, Com.), which, however, ought to be "in the
ii.258; iii.246; M i.32, 153; S iv.299; A ii.41; iii.35; v.157; Dh court house" (cp. vinicchaya — ṭṭhāna), i. e. publicly. In both
252; Vin ii.89; Nd 395; Miln 250; Dāvs ii.88; DhA iii.375; places there is also v. l. santhāna — °.
Dhtp 100 (=keṭave). — f. saṭhī Pv ii.3 . See also kerāṭika,
Saṇṭhita [pp. of santiṭṭhati] 1. established in (—°), settled, com-
samaya°, sāṭheyya.
posed Sn 330 (santi — soracca — samādhi°); Sdhp 458; su°
Saṭhatā (f.) [abstr. fr. saṭha] craft, wickedness Pug 19. firmly or well established Sn 755; Miln 383; in a good posi-
tion, well situated DhsA 65. — 2. being composed (as), being
Saṭhila (adj.) [Sk. śithila, which also appears as sithila, e. g. Th
of the nature of (—°), ullumpanasabhāva° of a helping dis-
1, 277] loose, inattentive Dh 312.
position DA i.177; PvA 35.
Saṭhesana see saṭṭha.
Saṇṭhiti (f.) [fr. santiṭṭhati] 1. stability, firmness S v.228; Dhs 11;
Saṇa (nt.) [Vedic śaṇa; Gr. κάνναβις=Lat. cannabis; Ags
Vism 206; DhsA 143; Sdhp 460. — 2. fixing, settling Miln
haenep=E. hemp; Ger. hanf.] a kind of hemp D ii.350 (v. 144.
l.); S i.115 (do.); cp. sāṇa & sāṇī.
Saṇḍa [dial.; Dhtm 157: gumb' attha — m — īraṇe; cp. Sk.
-dhovika [perhaps (Kern's suggestion) sāṇa° (v. l.)=
ṣaṇḍa] a heap, cluster, multitude; a grove (vana°) D i.87; S
visāṇa°?] name of a particular kind of gambol of elephants
iii.108; Vin i.23; J i.134 (vana°); satta° teeming with beings
in water M i.229, 375. Bdhgh at DA i.84 uses the obscure
It 21. — Jambu° N. of Jambudīpa Sn 352=Th 1, 822 (v. l.
term sāṇa-dhovana-kīḷā to denote a trick of Caṇḍālas. But
see sandhovika. °maṇḍa, which Kern considers to be the correct reading; see
Toev. ii.67). — saṇḍa°cārin swarming D i.166=M i.77=A ii
Saṇati [svan; Idg. *sṷenō=Lat. sono, Ags. swin music, swinsian
to sing; Ohg. swan=swan] to sound, to make a noise Sn 721 (T.
Saṇḍāsa [saṁ+ḍaṁsa, fr. ḍasati] (long) pincers, tweezers A i.210;
sanati)=Miln 414; sanate S i.7=203; J vi.507; ppr. saṇanto Sn
J i.223; iii.138; used to pull out hair M ii.75; Vin ii.134.
720 (T. n).

Saṇṇikā (saṇikā) Satimant

Saṇṇikā (saṇikā) [cp. saṇi=Sk. sṛṇi] an elephant — driver's hook chronic. Only in nt. satataṁ (adv.) continually A iv.14; It
J i.445 (so read for paṇṇ°). 116; Sn 507; Miln 70; Pv ii.8 (=nirantaraṁ PvA 110); iii.7 10
(=sabbakālaṁ PvA 207); PvA 177; and as ° — in °vihāra a
Saṇha (adj.) [cp. Sk. ślakṣṇa] 1. smooth, soft Vin i.202; ii.151;
Vv 50 18 (=mudu VvA 213); Vism 260=KhA 59. saṇhena chronic state of life, i. e. a behaviour remaining even & the
same A ii.198=D iii.250, 281. Cp. sātacca.
softly Th 1, 460. — 2. gentle, mild D ii.259; Sn 853; J i.202,
376; Nd 234; PvA 56, 215. Of speech (opp. pharusa harsh) Satadhā (adv.) [sata+dhā, cp. ekadhā, dvidhā etc.] in 100 ways,
M i.126; A iii.196; Dhs 1343. — 3. delicate, exquisite Th 2, into 100 pieces D ii.341.
258, 262, 264, 268. Cp. pari°. 2
Sati (f.) [Vedic smṛti: see etym. under sarati ] memory, recogni-
-karaṇī "a wooden instrument for smoothing the ground,
tion, consciousness, D i.180; ii.292; Miln 77 — 80; intentness
or a sort of trowel," Abhp 1007; J iv.250 (loc. °iyaṁ piṁsito);
of mind, wakefulness of mind, mindfulness, alertness, lucid-
iv.4 (°ī viya tilāni piṁsamānā); v.271; vi.114 (asani viya vi-
ity of mind, self — possession, conscience, self — conscious-
ravanto °iyaṁ viya piṁsanto); cp. KhA 59; thus it seems to 1
ness D i.19; iii.31, 49, 213, 230, 270 sq.; A i.95; Dhs 14; Nd
mean also a sort of instrument for oil — pressing, or a mortar.
7; Tikp 61; VbhA 91; DhsA 121; Miln 37; upaṭṭhitā sati
Saṇhaka, at J iii.394 (of hair growing white "saṇhaka-sadisā") presence of mind D iii.252, 282, 287; S ii.231; A ii.6, 218;
according to Kern, Toev. ii.69 (coarse) hempen cloth iii.199; iv.232; It 120; parimukhaṁ satiṁ upaṭṭhāpetuṁ
(=sāṇavāka), as indicated by v. l. sāṇalāka. Thus a to surround oneself with watchfulness of mind M iii.89; Vin
der. fr. saṇa=sāṇa. Kern compares P. tuṇhīra= tūṇīra; Sk. i.24, satiṁ paccupaṭṭhāpetuṁ to preserve self — posses-
śaṇa=śāṇaka. According to Andersen, Pāli Glossary "betel- sion J i.112; iv.215; kāyagatā sati intentness of mind on the
nut" (=saṇha). body, realization of the impermanency of all things M iii.89; A
i.43; S i.188; Miln 248; 336; muṭṭhasati forgetful, careless D
Saṇheti [Caus. fr. saṇha] to brush down, smooth (kese): only as
iii.252, 282; maraṇasati mindfulness as to death A iv.317 sq.;
cpd. o° at Vin ii.107; J iv.219.
J iv.216; SnA 54; PvA 61, 66. asati not thinking of, forgetful-
Sata (num. card.) [Vedic śataṁ; cp. Av. satǤm, Gr. ἑ κατόν,
ness DhsA 241; instr. asatiyā through forgetfulness, without
Lat. centum; Goth. hund=hundred; Idg. *kmtóm fr. dkm̊tóm 2
thinking of it, not intentionally Vin ii.289 . sati (sammā°) is
(=decem), thus ultimately the same as daśa, i. e. decad (of
one of the constituents of the 8 — fold Ariyan Path (e g. A
tens)] a hundred, used as nt. (collect.), either — ° or as appo-
iii.141 sq.; VbhA 120): see magga 2.
sition, viz. gāma — sataṁ a hundred (ship of) villages DhA
-âdhipateyya (sat°) dominant mindfulness A ii.243 sq.;
i.180; jaṭila — satāni 100 ascetics Vin i.24; jāti° D i.13; or
It 40. -indriya the sense, faculty, of mindfulness A ii.149;
gāthā sataṁ 100 stanzas Dh 102. — Often in sense of "many"
Dhs 14. -uppāda arising, production of recollection J i.98;
or "innumerable," e. g. °kaku, °raṁsi, etc.; cp. °satāni bahūni
A ii.185; M i.124. -ullapakāyika, a class of devas S i.16
J iv.310, 311.
sq. -paṭṭhāna [BSk. smṛty'upasthāna Divy 126, 182, 208]
-kaku having a hundred corners, epithet of a cloud A
intent contemplation and mindfulness, earnest thought, appli-
iii.34=S i.100 (v. l. sattakatu) see J.P.T.S. 1891 — 93 p. 5.
cation of mindfulness; there are four satipaṭṭhānas, referring
-patta the Indian crane (or woodpecker?) J ii.153; 388; Miln
to the body, the sensations, the mind, and phenomena respec-
404. -padī a centipede A ii.73; iii.101, 306; iv.320; v.290;
tively, D ii.83, 290 sq.; iii.101 sq., 127, 221; M i.56, 339; ii.11
Vin ii.110, 148; Miln 272. -pala (Th 1, 97) see pala. -pāka
etc.; A ii.218; iii.12; iv.125 sq., 457 sq.; v.175; S iii.96, 153;
( — tela) oil mixture, worth 100 pieces J iv.281; DhA ii.48; n 1
v.9, 166; Dhs 358; Kvu 155 (cp. Kvu. trsl 104 sq.); Nd
iii.311; see also pāka. -puñña 100, i. e. innumerable merits
14, 45, 325, 340; Vism 3; VbhA 57, 214 sq., 417. — See on
Vism 211. -pupphā Anethum sowa, a sort of dill or fennel
term e. g. Cpd. 179; and in greater detail Dial. ii.322 sq.
J vi.537. -porisa of the height of a hundred men, extremely
-vinaya disciplinary proceeding under appeal to the accused
high, attribute of a hell Vv 52, 12 sq.; name of a hell J v.269.
monk's own conscience Vin i.325; ii.79 etc.; M ii.247; A i.99.
-mūlī Asparagus racemosus Abhp 585. -raṁsi "having 100
-vepullappatta having attained a clear conscience Vin ii.79.
rays," the sun Sdhp 590; J i.44. -rasabhojana food of 100
-saṁvara restraint in mindfulness Vism 7; DhsA 351; SnA
flavours DhA iii.96 (v. l. all pass, satta°) -vanka a kind of
8. -sampajañña mindfulness and self — possession D i.70;
fish Abhp 672. -vallikā an under — garment, arranged like a
A ii.210; DA i.183 sq. -sambojjhanga (e. g. S v.90) see
row of jewelry Vin ii.137. -sahassa one hundred thousand J
(sam)bojjhanga. -sammosa loss of mindfulness or memory,
ii.20; Miln 88; 136; DhA ii.86. -sahassima id. S ii.133.
lack of concentration or attention D i.19; Vin ii.114; DA i.113;
Sata [pp. of sarati, of smṛ, cp. BSk. smṛta AvŚ i.228; ii.197] re- Pug 32; Vism 63; Miln 266.
membering, mindful, conscious D i.37; ii.94; iii.49, 107, 222, 1
Satika (adj.) (—°) [fr. sata ] consisting of a hundred, belonging
269; M i.520 (su — ssata & dus — sata); S iv.211; A iii.169
to a hundred; yojanasatika extending one hundred yojanas Vin
(+sampajāna), 325; iv.311; Sn 741; Dhs 163; DA i.211. —
ii.238; vīsaṁvassasatika of hundred and twenty years' stand-
satokārin cultivator of sati Ps i.175.
ing Vin ii.303.
Sataka (nt.) [cp. BSk. śataka] a hundred, collection of 100 J i.74.
Satitā (f.) [abstr. formation fr. sati] mindfulness, memory DhsA
Satakkhattuṁ (adv.) [cp. dvi — kkhattuṁ, ti — kkhattuṁ etc.] 405 (—°).
a hundred times. n 1
Satima (adj.) [superl. form fr. sata ] the hundredth S ii.133; J
Satata (adj.) [with satrā "completely" & sadā "always" to sa° i.167 (pañca°).
"one": see saṁ°; lit. "in one (continuous) stretch"] continual,
Satimant (adj.) [fr. sati] mindful, thoughtful, contemplative, pen-

Satimant Sattava=satta

sive; nom. sg. satimā D i.37; S i.126; Sn 174; A ii.35; Dhs loc. sattasu D ii.303=M i.61.
163; DhA iv.117; Pv iv.3 ; satīmā (in verse) Sn 45; nt. satī- -anga a couch with 7 members (i. e. four legs, head sup-
maṁ Sn 211; gen. satimato S i.208; satīmato S i.81; Dh 24; port, foot support, side) Vin ii.149. -aṭṭha seven or eight J
nom. pl. satīmanto D ii.120; Dh 91; DhA ii.170; gen. satī- ii.101. -āgārika a "seven — houser," one who turns back
mataṁ Dh 181; It 35; satimantānaṁ A i.24. — See also D from his round, as soon as he has received alms at 7 houses
iii.77, 141, 221 sq.; A iv.4, 38, 300 sq., 457 sq.; Nd 506; Nd 2 D i.166. -ālopika a "seven — mouthful," one who does
629. not eat more than 7 bits D i.166. -āha (nt.) seven days, a
week of 7 days [cp. BSk. saptaka Divy 99] D ii.248; Vin i.1,
Satī (f.) [fr. sant, ppr. of as] 1. being J iii.251. — 2. a good
139; J i.78; ii.85; iv.360; v.472; vi.37; DhA i.109; VvA 63.
or chaste woman Abhp 237; asatī an unchaste woman Miln
satta° 7 weeks DhA i.86; cp. satta — satta — divasā J v.443.
122=J iii.350; J v.418; vi.310.
-ussada (see ussada 2) having 7 prominences or protuberances
Satekiccha (adj.) [sa +tekiccha] curable, pardonable Miln 192,
(on the body), a sign of a Mahāpurisa D ii.18; iii.144, 151 (i. e.
221; Vism 425. See tekiccha.
on both hands, on both feet, on both shoulders, on the back).
Sateratā (f.) [cp. Sk. śatahradā, śata+hrada] lightning J v.14, -guṇa sevenfold Mhvs 25, 36. -jaṭa with seven plaits (of
203. Also as sateritā Vv 33 ; 64 ; VvA 161 (=vijjulatā), 277. hair) J v.91 (of a hunter). -tanti having 7 strings, a lute VvA
As saderitā at Th 1, 260. 139. -tāla ( — matta) (as big as) 7 palm trees DhA ii.62,
Satta [pp. of sañj: sajjati] hanging, clinging or attached to Vin 100. -tiṁsa 37 (see bodhipakkhiya — dhammā). -dina a
i.185; D ii.246; Nd 23, 24; Dh 342; J i.376. Cp. āsatta & week Mhvs 11, 23. -pakaraṇika mastering the 7 books of
the Abhidhamma J i.312; DhA iii.223. -patiṭṭha sevenfold
firm D ii.174; Miln 282. -padaṁ for 7 steps J vi.351 (Kern,
Satta [cp, Vedic sattva living being, satvan "strong man, war-
Toev. s. v. "unfailing"). -bhūmaka (pāsāda) (a palace) with
rior," fr. sant] 1. (m.) a living being, creature, a sen-
7 stories Mhvs 37, 11; J i.58; iv.378; DhA i.180, 239; iv.209.
tient & rational being, a person D i.17, 34, 53, 82; ii.68;
-māsaṁ (for) seven months PvA 20. -yojanika 7 miles in
A i.35 sq., 55 sq.; S i.135; v.41; Vin i.5; Miln 273; Vism extent J v.484. -ratana the 7 royal treasures D i.88; It 15;
310 (def : "rūp'ādisu khandhesu chandarāgena sattā visattā ti J v.484. -ratta a week J vi.230 (dve°= a fortnight), 304; Sn
sattā," thus=satta ); Nett 161; DA i.51, 161; VbhA 144. —
570. -vassika 7 years old Miln 9. 310; DhA ii.87, 89 (sā-
naraka° a being in purgatory (cp. niraya°) Vism 500. — 2.
maṇera), 139; PvA 53 (Sankicca arahattaṁ patvā); DhA iii.98
(nt.) soul (=jīvita or viññāṇa) Pv i.81 (gata°=vigata — jīvita
(kumāro arahattaṁ patto); J v.249. On the age of seven as that
PvA 40). — 3. (nt.) substance Vin i.287. nissatta non —
of child arahants see Mrs. Rh. D. in Brethren introd. xxx.
substantial, phenomenal DhsA 38. -vīsati twenty seven DhA i.4.
-āvāsa abode of sentient beings (see nava 2) D iii.263,
Sattakkhattuṁ (adv.) [cp. tikkhattuṁ etc.] seven times Vin i.3;
268; A v.53; Vism 552; VbhA 168. -ussada (see ussada 4)
It 18; sattakkhattuparamaṁ seven times at the utmost; °parama
teeming with life, full of people D i.87, 111, 131. -loka the
one who will not be reborn more than seven times S ii.134 sq.;
world of living creatures SnA 263, 442; Vism 205. See also
A i.233, 235; iv.381; Kvu 104; Pug 15 sq.; Nett 189; KhA
sankhāra-loka. -vaṇijjā slave trade DA i.235=A iii.208 (C.:
187; J i.239; DhA iii.61, 63.
manussa — vikkaya).
Satta [pp. of sapati to curse; Sk. śapta] cursed, sworn J iii.460; Sattati [cp. Sk. saptati] seventy D ii.256; Ap 118, 126 & passim.
v.445. As sattari at S ii.59; Ap 248 & passim.
Satta (num.) [cp. Vedic sapta, Gr. ἑπτά; Av. hapta; Lat. septem, Sattatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. satta ] state of having existence D i.29.
Goth. sibun=E. seven etc.] number seven. It is a collective and Sattadhā (adv.) [fr. satta , cp. dvidhā] in seven pieces D i.94;
concluding (serial) number; its application has spread from the ii.235; Sn 783; J v.33, 493; DhA i.17, 41. Cp. phalati.
week of 7 days (or nights), and is based on astronomical con-
Sattapaṇṇi-rukkha N. of a tree Mhvs 30, 47; cp. satta-paṇṇi —
ception (Babylon!), this science being regarded as mystic, it
guhā N. of a cave KhA 95.
invests the number with a peculiar magic nimbus. From time
Sattama (adj.) [superl. fr. sant] best, excellent Sn 356; J i.233.
— expressions it was transferred to space, esp. when orig-
inally connected with time (like satta — bhūmaka the 7 — Sattama (num. ord.) [fr. satta ] the seventh D i.89; Sn 103. —
storied palace; the Vimānas with 700 towers: see vimāna 2 f. °mī Sn 437. Often in loc. °divase on the 7th day Sn 983; J
& 6; or the 7 great lakes: see sara ; °yojana 7 miles, cp. the i.395; Miln 15; PvA 6, 74. -°bhavika one who has reached
7 league — boots!). Extremely frequent in folklore and fairy the 7 existence (or rebirth) Kvu 475 (cp. trsl 271 ).
tales (cp. 7 years of famine in Egypt, 7 days' festivals, dragon 4 2
Sattarasa (num. card.) [satta +rasa =dasa] seventeen Vin i.77;
with 7 heads, 7 ravens, 7 dwarfs, 7 little goats, 7 years enchant-
iv.112 (°vaggiyā bhikkhū, group of 17).
ment, etc. etc.). — For time expressions see in cpds.: °āha,
Sattari=sattati, at S ii.59 sq.
°māsa, °ratta, °vassa. Cp. Sn 446 (vassāni); J ii.91 (kāyā, thick
masses); DA i.25 (of the Buddh. Scriptures: sattahi māsehi Sattali (f.) [cp. Sk. saptalā, name of var. plants, e. g. jasmine, or
sangītaṁ); DhA ii.34 (dhanāni), 101 (mangalā); the collective many — flowered nykkanthes, Halāy. 2, 52] the plantain, and
expression 7 years, 7 months, 7 days at J v.48; the 7X70 ñāṇa- its flower J iv.440 (=kadali- puppha C.; so read for kandala°);
vatthūni S ii.59; and the curious enumeration of heptads at D and perhaps at Th 2, 260 for pattali (q. v.), which is expl as
i.54. — Cases: instr. sattahi D i.34; gen. sattannaṁ D i.56; kadali( — makula) at ThA 211.

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