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Pali English Dictionary.

Niggamana Nicca

(dun°). — 3. (log.) conclusion Kvu 4. 45; S v.57. — (adj.) anigha not trembling, undisturbed, calm
[see etym. under īgha=Sk. ṛgh of ṛghāyati to tremble, rage,
Niggayha-vādin (adj.) [see niggaṇhāti] one who speaks rebuk- d
ingly, censuring, reproving, resenting Dh 76 (see expl in de- rave] S i.54; iv.291; J v.343. Otherwise always comb with
nirāsa: S i.12=23, 141; Sn 1048, 1060, 1078. Expl correctly
tail at DhA ii.107 & cp. M iii.118).
at SnA 590 by rāgādi — īgha — virahita. Spelling anīgha J
Niggayhati [Sk. nigṛhyate, ni+gayhati, Pass. of niggaṇhāti] to be 34 d
iii.443 (Com. niddukkha); Pv iv.1 (+nirāsa; expl by nid-
seized by (?), to be blamed for DhA i.295 (cittaṁ dukkhena dukkha PvA 230). anīgha also at It 97 (+chinnasaṁsaya); Ud
n., in expl of dunniggaha). d
76; Dh 295 (v. l. aniggha; expl by niddukkha DhA iii.454).
Niggaha [Sk. nigraha, ni+gaha ; see niggaṇhāti] 1. restraint, con- 2
Nigha (nt.) [prob. ni+gha=Sk. °gha of hanati (see also P.
trol, rebuke, censure, blame Vin ii.196; A i.98, 174; v.70; J 1
°gha), to kill; unless abstracted from anigha as in prec. nigha ]
v.116 (opp. paggaha); vi.371 (id.); Miln 28, 45, 224. — dun°
killing, destruction Th 2, 491 (=maraṇasampāpana ThA 288).
hard to control (citta) Dh 35 (cp. expl. at DhA i.295). — 2.
Nighaṁsa [Sk. nigharṣa] rubbing, chafing DhsA 263, 308.
(log.) refutation Kvu 3.
Nighaṁsati [Sk. nigharṣati, ni+ghaṁsati ] 1. to rub, rub against,
Niggahaṇa (adj.) [Sk. *nirgahaṇa, cp. nirgṛha homeless;
nis+gahaṇa] without acquisitions, i. e. poor J ii.367 (v. l. graze, chafe Vin ii.133; Vism 120; DhA i.396. — 2. to polish
up, clean J ii.418; iii.75.
BB. as gloss nirāhāra).
Nighaṁsana (nt.) [Sk. nigharṣana]=nighaṁsa Miln 215.
Niggahaṇatā (f.) [abstr. fr. ni+gṛh, cp. next] restraint Vism 134
(cittassa). Opp. pagg°. Nighaṇḍu [Sk. nighaṇṭu, dial. for nirgrantha from grath-nāti (see
gaṇṭhi & ghaṭṭana), orig. disentanglement, unravelling, i. e.
Niggahīta (adj.) [Sk. nigṛhīta, but cp. Divy 401: nigṛhīta;
explanation; cp. niggaṇṭhi, which is a variant of the same
ni+gahita] restrained, checked, rebuked, reproved S iii.12; A
word. — BSk. nighaṇṭa (Divy 619; AvŚ ii.19), Prk. nighaṇṭu]
i.175 (aniggahīto dhammo); J vi.493.
an explained word or a word expl , vocabulary, gloss, usually
Niggāhaka (adj. — n.) [ni+gāhaka, see niggaṇhāti] one who re-
in ster. formula marking the accomplishments of a learned
bukes, oppresses, oppressor Sn 118 (=bādhaka SnA 178, with
Brahmin "sanighaṇḍu-keṭubhānaṁ... padako" (see detail
v. l. ghātaka); J iv.362 (=balisādhaka Com.).
under keṭubha) D i.88; A i.163, 166; iii.223; Sn p. 105; Miln
Niggilati (niggalati) [Sk. nigirati, ni+gilati] to swallow down 10. Bdhgh's expl is quoted by Trenckner, Notes p. 65.
(opp. uggilati to spit out, throw up) J iv.392 (sic as v. l.; text
Nighāta [Sk. nighāta, ni+ghāta] striking down, suppressing, de-
stroying, killing M i.430; Nett 189. Cp. nighāti.
Nigguṇa (adj.) [Sk. nirguṇa, nis+guṇa] devoid of good qualities,
Nighāti [ni+ghāti] "slaying or being slain," defeat, loss (opp. ug-
bad Miln 180.
ghāti) Sn 828. Cp. nighāta.
Nigguṇḍi (f.) [Sk. nirguṇḍī, of obscure etym.] a shrub (Vitex
Nicaya [Sk. nicaya, ni+caya, cp. nicita] heaping up, accumula-
Negundo) Miln 223 (°phala); Vism 257 (°puppha).
tion; wealth, provisions S i.93, 97; Vin v.172 (°sannidhi). See
Niggumba (adj.) [Sk. *nirgulma, nis+gumba] free from bushes, also necayika.
clear J i.187; Miln 3.
Nicita (adj.) [Sk. nicita, ni+cita, of nicināti] heaped up, full, thick,
Nigghātana (nt.) [Sk. nirghātana, nis+ghātana, but cp. nighāta] massed, dense Th 2, 480 (of hair); PvA 221 (ussanna uparûpari
destruction, killing, rooting out Sn 1085 (taṇhā°; SnA nicita, of Niraya).
576=vināsana); Nd 343 (v. l. nighātana).
Nicula [Sk. nicula] a plant (Barringtonia acutangula) VvA 134.
Nigghosa [Sk. nirghoṣa, nis+ghosa] 1. "shouting out," sound;
Nicca (adj.) [Vedic nitya, adj. — formation fr. ni, meaning
fame, renown; speech, utterance, proclamation; word of re-
"downward"=onward, on and on; according to Grassmann
proach, blame S i.190; A iv.88 (appa° noiseless, lit. of little or
(Wtb. z. Rig Veda) originally "inwardly, homely"] constant,
no noise); Sn 719, 818 (=nindāvacana SnA 537), 1061; J i.64; continuous, permanent D iii.31; S i.142; ii.109, 198; iv.24 sq.,
vi.83; Vv 5 ; Nd 150; Nd 344; Dhs 621; VvA 140 (mad-
45, 63; A ii.33, 52; v.210; Ps ii.80; Vbh 335, 426. In chain of
hura°); 334 (in quotation appa — sadda, appa°); Sdhp 245. —
synonyms: nicca dhuva sassata avipariṇāmadhamma D i.21;
2. (adj.) noiseless, quiet, still Sn 959 (=appasadda appanig- S iii.144, 147; see below anicca, — nt. adv. niccaṁ perpet-
ghosa Nd 467).
ually, constantly, always (syn. sadā) M i.326; iii.271; Sn 69,
Nigrodha [Sk. nyagrodha; Non — Aryan?] the banyan or In- 220, 336; Dh 23, 109, 206, 293; J i.290; iii.26, 190; Nd 345
dian fig — tree, Ficus Indica, usually as cpd. °rukkha Vin (=dhuvakālaṁ); PvA 32, 55, 134. — Far more freq. as anicca
iv.35; D ii.4; Sn 272; J iii.188 (r.) DhA ii.14 (r.); PvA 5 (r.) (adj.; aniccaṁ nt. n.) unstable, impermanent, inconstant; (nt.)
112, 244; Sdhp 270; -pakka the fruit of the fig — tree Vism evanescence, inconstancy, impermanence. — The emphatic
409. -parimaṇḍala the round or circumference of the banyan assertion of impermanence (continuous change of condition)
D ii.18; iii.144, 162. is a prominent axiom of the Dhamma, & the realization of the
Nigha (nīgha) (adj. — n.) is invented by Com. & scholiasts to evanescent character of all things mental or material is one of
explain the comb anigha (anīgha sporadic, e. g. S v.57). But the primary conditions of attaining right knowledge (: anicca
— saññaṁ manasikaroti to ponder over the idea of imperma-
this should be divided an-īgha instead of a-nīgha. — (m.)
nence S ii.47; iii.155; v.132; Ps ii.48 sq., 100; PvA 62 etc. —
rage, trembling, confusion, only in formula rāgo n. doso n.
moho n. explaining the adj. anīgha. Thus at S iv.292=Nd 2 kāye anicc' ânupassin realizing the impermanence of the body

Nicca Nijjareti

(together with vayânupassin & nirodha°) S iv.211; v.324, 345; buyha); iv.204 (vedanānaṁ khayā); M i.341; 412, A iv.410;
Ps ii.37, 45 sq., 241 sq. See anupassanā). In this import an- v.65 (sītibhūta); Sn 707 (aniccha), 735, 758; It 48 (esanānaṁ
icca occurs in many combinations of similar terms, all char- khayā); Th 2, 132 (abbūḷhasalla). — Expl at Ps ii.243 by
acterising change, its consequences & its meaning, esp. in the nekkhammena kāmacchandato n.; arahattamaggena sabbak-
famous triad "aniccaṁ dukkhaṁ anattā" (see dukkha ii.2), ilesehi n. muccati.
e. g. S iii.41, 67, 180; iv.28 (sabbaṁ), 85 sq., 106 sq.; 133 sq.
Nicchādeti see nicchodeti.
Thus anicca addhuva appāyuka cavanadhamma D i.21. an-
Nicchāreti Caus. of niccharati, q. v.
icca+dukkha S ii.53 (yad aniccaṁ taṁ dukkhaṁ); iv.28, 31,
v.345; A iv.52 (anicce dukkhasaññā); M i.500 (+roga etc.); Nicchita (adj.) [Sk. niścita, nis+cita, see nicchināti] determined,
Nd 214 (id. cp. roga). anicca dukkha vipariṇāmadhamma (of convinced Mhvs 7, 19.
kāmā) D i.36. aniccasaññī anattasaññī A iv.353; etc. — Op-
Nicchināti [Sk. niścinoti, nis+cināti] to discriminate, consider,
posed to this ever — fluctuating impermanence is Nibbāna (q. d
investigate, ascertain; pot. niccheyya Sn 785 (expl by nic-
v.), which is therefore marked with the attributes of constancy chinitvā vinicchinitvā etc. Nd 76); Dh 256 (gloss K vinic-
& stableness (cp. dhuva, sassata amata, vipariṇāma). — See chaye). — pp. nicchita.
further for ref. S ii.244 sq. (saḷāyatanaṁ a.), 248 (dhātuyo);
Nicchuddha (adj.) [Sk. niḥkṣubdha, nis+chuddha, see
iii.102 (rūpa etc.); iv.131, 151; A ii.33, 52; v.187 sq., 343 sq.;
nicchubhati] thrown out J iii.99 (=nibbāpita, nikkhāmita);
Sn 805; Ps i.191; ii.28 sq., 80, 106; Vbh 12 (rūpa etc.), 70
Miln 130.
(dvādasâyatanāni), 319 (viññāṇā), 324 (khandhā), 373; PvA
60 (=ittara). Nicchubhati [Sk. *niḥkṣubhati, nis+khubhati or chubhati, cp.
-kālaṁ (adv.) constantly Nd 345; -dāna a perpetual gift chuddha & khobha, also nicchodeti & upacchubhati and see
D i.144 (cp. DA i.302); -bhatta a continuous food-supply Trenckner, Miln pp. 423, 424] to throw out J iii.512 (=nīharati
(for the bhikkhus) J i.178; VvA 92; PvA 54; -bhattika one Com.; v. l. nicchurāti); Miln 187. — pp. nicchuddha q. v.
who enjoys a continuous supply of food (as charity) Vin ii.78;
Nicchubhana (nt.) [see nicchubhati] throwing out, ejection, be-
iii.237 (=dhuva — bhattika); iv.271; -saññā (& adj. saññin)
ing an outcaste Miln 357.
the consciousness or idea of permanence (adj. having etc.) A
Nicchodeti (& v. l. nicchādeti) [shows a confusion of two roots,
ii.52; iii.79, 334; iv.13, 145 sq.; Nett 27; -sīla the uninter-
which are both of Prk. origin, viz. chaḍḍ & choṭ, the for-
rupted observance of good conduct VvA 72; PvA 256.
mer=P. chaḍḍeti, the latter=Sk. kṣodayati or BSk. chorayati,
Niccatā (f.) [abstr. to nicca] continuity, permanence, only as a°
Apabhraṁśa chollai; with which cp. P. chuddha] to shake or
changeableness, impermanence S i.61, 204; iii.43; iv.142 sq.,
throw about, only in phrase odhunāti nidhunāti nicchodeti at
216, 325.
S iii.155=M i.229= 374=A iii.365, where S has correct read-
Niccatta (nt.)=niccatā Vism 509. ing (v. l. °choṭeti); M has °chādeti (v. l. °chodeti); A has
°chedeti (v. l. °choreti, °chāreti; gloss nippoṭeti). The C. on A
Niccamma [Sk. niścarman, nis+camma] without skin, excoriated,
iii.365 has: nicchedetī ti bāhāya vā rukkhe vā paharati. —
in °ṁ karoti to flog skinless, to beat the skin off J iii.281.
nicchedeti (chid) is pardonable because of Prk. chollai "to
niccamma-gāvī "a skinless cow," used in a well — known
cut." Cp. also nicchubhati with v. l. BB nicchurāti. For sound
simile at S ii.99, referred to at Vism 341 & 463.
change P. ch<Sk. kṣ cp. P. chamā<kṣamā, chārikā<kṣāra,
Niccala (adj.) [Sk. niścala, nis+cala] motionless J iv.2; PvA 95.
churikā<kṣurikā etc.
Niccittaka (adj.) [Sk. niścitta, nis+citta (ka)] thoughtless J ii.298.
Nija (adj.) [Sk. nija, wth dial. j. for nitya=P. nicca] own Dāvs
Niccola (adj.) [nis — cola] without dress, naked PvA 32 (=nagga). ii.68. Cp. niya.
Nicchanda (adj.) [nis+chanda] without desire or excitement J i.7. Nijana (nt.) [fr. nij] washing, cleansing Vism 342 (v. l. nijj°).
Nicchaya [Sk. niścaya, nis+caya of cināti] discrimination, con- Nijigiṁsati [Sk. nijigīṣati, ni+jigiṁsati] to desire ardently, to
viction, certainty; resolution, determination J i.441 (°mitta a covet DA i.92 (=maggeti pariyesati).
firm friend); DhsA 133 (adhimokkha=its paccupaṭṭhāna); SnA
Nijigiṁsanatā (f.) [fr. last] covetousness Vism 23 sq. (de-
60 (daḷha° adj. of firm resolution). See vi°.
fined), 29 (id.= magganā), referring to Vbh 353, where T has
Niccharaṇa (nt.) [fr. niccharati] emanation, sending out, expan- jigiṁsanatā, with v. l. nijigīsanatā.
sion, efflux Vism 303.
Nijigiṁsitar (n. adj.) [n. ag. fr. prec.] one who desires ardently,
Niccharati [Sk. niścarati, nis+carati] to go out or forth from, to covetous, rapacious D i.8 (lābhaṁ) A iii.111 (id.).
rise, sound forth, come out It 75 (devasadda); Vv 38 ; J i.53, Nijjaṭa (adj.) [Sk. *nirjaṭa, nis+jaṭa, adj. to jaṭā] disentangled J
176; DhA i.389; VvA 12, 37 (saddā). — Caus. nicchāreti i.187; Miln 3.
to make come out from, to let go forth, get rid of, emit, utter,
Nijjara (adj.) [Sk. nirjara in diff. meaning, P. nis functioning as
give out D i.53 (anattamanavācam a° not utter a word of dis-
emphatic pref.; nis+jara] causing to decay, destroying, annihi-
content); J iii.127; v.416 (madhurassaraṁ); Pug 33; Miln 259
lating; f. °ā decay, destruction, death S iv.339; A i.221; ii.198;
(garahaṁ); Dāvs i.28 (vācaṁ).
v.215 sq. (dasa — n — vatthūni); Ps i.5 (id.).
Nicchāta [Sk. *niḥpsāta, nis+chāta] having no hunger, being
Nijjareti [Sk. nir — jarayati; nis+jarati ] to destroy, anni-
without cravings, stilled, satisfied. Ep. of an Arahant always
in comb with nibbuta or parinibbuta: S iii.26 (tanhaṁ ab- hilate, cause to cease or exist M i.93; Th 2, 431 (nijja-

Nijjareti Niṇhāta

ressāmi=jīrāpessāmi vināsessāmi ThA 269). dhi, but see Nd 263).
Nijjāleti [nis+jāleti] to make an end to a blaze, to extinguish, to Niṭṭhā (f.) [Vedic niṣṭhā (niḥṣṭhā), nis+ṭhā from °ṭha] end, con-
put out J vi.495 (aggiṁ). clusion; perfection, height, summit; object, aim Vin i.255;
S ii.186; A i.279 (object); Ps i.161. niṭṭhaṁ gacchati to
Nijjiṇṇa (adj.) [Sk. nirjīrṇa, nis+jiṇṇa] destroyed, over-
come to an end; fig. to reach perfection, be completed in the
come, exhausted, finished, dead D i.96; M ii.217= A i.221
faith M i.176; J i.201; Miln 310; freq. in pp. niṭṭhaṁ gata
(vedanākkhayā sabbaṁ dukkhaṁ n. bhavissati); M i.93; A
(niṭṭhangata) one who has attained perfection (=pabbajitānaṁ
v.215 sq.; Nett 51.
arahattaṁ patta) DhA iv.70; S iii.99 (a°); A ii.175; iii.450;
Nijjita (adj.) [Sk. nirjita, nis+jita] unvanquished Miln 192 (°kam-
v.119 sq.; Dh 351; Ps i.81, 161.
masūrā), 332 (°vijita — sangāma); Sdhp 360.
Niṭṭhāti [Sk. niṣṭiṣṭhati, nis+tiṭṭhati, the older *sthāti restored in
Nijjīvata (adj.) [Sk. nirjīvita, nis+jīva ] lifeless, soulless DhsA n
comp ] to be at an end, to be finished J i.220; iv.391; DhA
38; Miln 413.
i.393. — pp. niṭṭhita, Caus. niṭṭhāpeti (q. v.).
Nijjhatta (adj.) [pp. of nijjhāpeti, *Sk. nidhyapta or nidhyāpita]
Niṭṭhāna (nt.) [abstr. of niṭṭhāti] being finished, carrying out, ex-
satisfied, pacified, appeased J vi.414 (=khamāpita Com.); Vv ecution, performance D i.141; ThA 19 (=avasāya). Cp. san°.
63 19 (=nijjhāpita VvA 265); Miln 209. See also paṭi°
Niṭṭhāpita (& niṭṭhapita) [pp. of niṭṭhāpeti] accomplished, per-
Nijjhatti (f.) [abstr. to nijjhatta, cp. BSk. nidhyapti, formation
formed, carried out J i.86, 172 (°ṭha°), 201.
like P. ñatti>Sk. jñapti] conviction, understanding, realiza-
Niṭṭhāpeti [Caus. to niṭṭhāti] to carry out, perform; prepare, make
tion; favourable disposition, satisfaction M i.320; A iv.223;
ready, accomplish J i.86, 290; vi.366; DhA iii.172. — pp.
Ps ii.171, 176; Miln 210.
niṭṭhāpita Cp. pari°.
Nijjhāna (nt.) [*Sk. nidhyāna, ni+jhāna ] understanding, in-
Niṭṭhita (adj.) [Sk. niṣṭhita (niḥṣṭhita), nis+ṭhita, cp. niṭṭhāti]
sight, perception, comprehension; favour, indulgence (=ni-
brought or come to an end, finished, accomplished; (made)
jjhāpana), pleasure, delight J vi.207. Often as °ṁ khamati:
ready, prepared (i. e. the preparations being finished) Vin
to be pleased with, to find pleasure in: S iii.225, 228; M i.133,
480; Vv 84 . Thus also diṭṭhinijjhāna — kkhanti delighting i.35; D i.109 (bhattaṁ: the meal is ready); ii.127 (id.); J i.255
(id.); J ii.48; iii.537 (finished); VvA 188; PvA 81; & often at
in speculation A i.189 sq.; ii.191. Cp. upa°.
conclusion of books & chapters. aniṭṭhita not completed DhA
Nijjhāna (nt.) [nis+jhāna ] conflagration, in anto°= nijjhāyana iii.172. — su° well finished, nicely got up, accomplished Sn
PvA 18 (cittasantāpa+in expl of soka).
48, 240. Cp. pari°.
Nijjhāpana (nt.) [Sk. *nidhyāpana, ni+jhāpana, Caus. to
Niṭṭhubhati (& nuṭṭhubhati Vin i.271; J i.459; also niṭṭhu-haṭi)
jhāpeti] favourable disposition, kindness, indulgence J iv.495
[Sk. niṣṭhubhati, but in meaning=Sk. niṣṭhīvati, nis+*thīv,
(°ṁ karoti=khamāpeti Com.; text reads nijjhapana).
stubh taking the function of ṣṭhīv, since stubh itself is rep-
Nijjhāpaya (adj.) [Sk. *ni — dhyāpya, to nijjhāpeti] to be dis- resented by thavati & thometi] to spit out, to expectorate Vin
criminated or understood, in dun° hard to... Miln 141 (pañha). i.271 (nuṭṭhuhitvā); iii.132 (id.); J ii.105, 117 (nuṭṭh°); vi.367;
Nijjhāpeti [Sk. nidhāyayati, ni+jhāpeti, Caus. to jhāyati ; cp. Sk. DhA ii.36 (niṭṭhuhitvā). pp. nuṭṭhubhita Sdhp 121. — Cp.
nididhyāsate] to make favourably disposed, to win somebody's
affection, or favour, to gain over Vin ii.96; M i.321; J iv.108; Niṭṭhubhana (nt.) [Sk. niṣṭhīvana, see niṭṭhubhati & cp. Prk.
414, 495; vi.516; Miln 264; VvA 265 (nijjhāpita=nijjhatta). niṭṭhuhana] spitting out, spittle J i.47; PvA 80 (=kheḷa, v. l.
SS niṭṭhuvana, BB niṭhūna).
Nijjhāma (adj. n.) [Sk. niḥkṣāma, cp. niḥkṣīṇa, nis+ jhāma of
jhāyati =Sk. kṣāyati] burning away, wasting away, consum- Niṭṭhurin (adj.) [Sk. niṣṭhura or niṣṭhūra, ni+thūra= thūla; cp.
ing or consumed A i.295; Nett 77, 95 paṭipadā. Prk. niṭṭhura] rough, hard, cruel, merciless Sn 952 (a°; this
-taṇha (adj.) of consuming thirst, very thirsty J i.44; - reading is mentioned as v. l. by Bdhgh at SnA 569, & the
taṇhika=°taṇha denoting a class of Petas (q. v.) Miln 294, reading anuddharī given; vv. ll. SS anuṭṭhurī, BB anuṭṭharī,
303, 357. expl as anissukī. Nd 440 however has aniṭṭhurī with expl n
Nijjhāyati [Sk. nidhyāyati, ni+jhāyati ] to meditate, reflect, of nitthuriya as under issā at Vbh 357).
think S iii.140 sq. (+passati, cp. jānāti), 157; M i.334 (jhāyati Niṭṭhuriya (nt.) [cp. Sk. niṣṭhuratva] hardness, harshness, rough-
n. apajjhāyati); iii.14 (id.). Cp. upa°. ness Nd 440; Nd 484 (in exegesis of makkha)= Vbh 357.
Nijjhāyati [ni+jhāyati ] to be consumed (by sorrow), to fret Nd 1 Niḍḍāyati [Sk. nirdāti, nis+dāyati, cp. Sk. nirdātar weeder] to
433. cut out, to weed D i.231 (niddāyit°); It 56 (as v. l. niddāta for
Nijjhāyana (nt.) [Sk. *niḥkṣāyana, nis+jhāyana of jhāyati ] niṇhāta, q. v.); J i.215. Caus. niḍḍāpeti to cause to weed, to
burning away, consumption; fig. remorse, mortification in have weeds dug up Vin ii.180.
anto° J i.168 (cp. nijjhāna ). Niḍḍha (nt.) [Vedic nīḍa resting — place ni+sad "sitting down"]
Niṭṭha (adj.) [Sk. niṣṭha, ni+°tha; cp. niṭṭhā ] dependent on, rest- nest, place, seat Dh 148 (v. l. niḷa).
ing on, intent upon S iii.13 (accanta°); Nd 263 (rūpa°). Niṇhāta (adj.) [Sk. *niḥsnāta, nis+nahāta] cleansed, purified It
Niṭṭhā (f.) [Sk. niṣṭhā; ni+ṭhā, abstr. of adj. — suff. °ṭha] basis, 56 (°pāpaka=sinless; with several vv. ll. amongst which nid-
dāta of niḍḍāyati=cleansed of weeds) =Nd 58 (ninhāta°)=Nd 2
foundation, familiarity with Sn 864 (expl. SnA 551 by samid-

Niṇhāta Niddā

514 (ninhāta, v.l. SS ninnahāta). Nitthunati etc., see nitthanati etc.
Nitamba [Sk. nitamba; etym. unknown] the ridge of a mountain Nidassana (nt.) [Sk. nidarśana, ni+dassana] "pointing at" evi-
or a glen, gully DA i.209. dence, example, comparison, apposition, attribute, character-
istic; sign, term D i.223 (a° with no attribute); iii.217 (id.); S
Nitammati [Sk. nitāmyati, ni+tam as in tama] to become dark, to
iv.370 (id.); A iv.305 sq. (nīla°, pīta° etc.); Sn 137; Vbh 13,
be exhausted, faint; to be in misery or anxiety J iv.284 (Com.:
64, 70 sq. (sa°, a°); VvA 12, 13; PvA 26, 121 (pucchanākāra°)
226 (paccakkhabhūtaṁ n. "sign, token").
Nitāḷeti [Sk. nitāḍayati, ni+tāḷeti] to knock down, to strike J 1
Nidassati v. l. BB at Sn 785 for nirassati (q. v.) Nd 76 has nid°
in text, nir° as v. l. SS; SnA 522 reads nirassati.
Nittaṇha (adj.) [BSk. niṣṭṛṣṇa (Divy 210 etc.), nis+taṇhā] free
Nidassita (pp.) [see nidasseti] pointed out, defined as, termed Pv
from thirst or desire, desireless PvA 230 (=nirāsa). f. abstr. 12
i.5 ; PvA 30.
nitthaṇhatā Nett 38.
Nittaddana (better: nitthaddhana) (nt.) [Sk. *niṣṭambhana, Nidasseti [Sk. nidarśayati, ni+dasseti] to point out ("down"), ex-
abstr. fr. ni+thaddha=making rigid] paralysing D i.11 plain, show, define VvA 12, 13 (°etabbavacana the word to be
compared or defined, correl. to nidassana — vacana). — pp.
(jīvhā°=mantena jivhāya thaddhakaraṇa DA i.96; v. l. (gloss)
nidassita (q. v.).
Nidahati [Sk. nidadhāti, ni+dahati ] to lay down or aside, de-
Nittāreti see nittharati.
posit; accumulate, hoard, bury (a treasure) Vin i.46 (cīvaraṁ);
Nittiṇa (adj.) [Sk. niṣṭṛṇa, nis+tiṇa] free from grass J iii.23.
Miln 271; ger. nidahitvā PvA 97 (dhanadhaññaṁ) & nidhāya
Nittiṇṇa (pp.) [Sk. nistīrṇa, nis+tiṇṇa] got out of, having crossed Dh 142, 405; Sn 35 (daṇḍaṁ), 394, 629; Nd 348; pres.
or overcome D ii.275 ( — ogha; v. l. BB nitiṇṇa); Nd 159 also nidheti KhA 217, 219; fut. nidhessati PvA 132. Pass.
(as v. l.; text has nitiṇṇa); Nd 278 (t.). Cp. nittharati. nidhīyati KhA 217. Caus. nidhāpeti PvA 130 (bhoge). See
also nidāhaka, nidhāna & nidhi; also upanidhāya.
Nittudana (nt.) [nis+tudana, abstr. fr. tudati; cp. Sk. nistodā]
pricking, piercing A i.65 (text: nittuddana); iii.403 sq. Nidāgha [Sk. nidāgha, fr. nidahati, ni+dahati , see ḍahati] heat,
summer — heat, summer, drought J i.221 ( — samaya dry sea-
Nitteja (adj.) [cp. Sk. nistejas only in meaning 1; nis+ teja] 1.
son); ii.80; Vism 259 (°samaya, where KhA 58 reads sarada
without energy Vism 596. — 2. "put out," abashed, put to
— samaya); PvA 174 ( — kāla summer). fig. J iv.285; v.404;
shame, in °ṁ karoti to make blush or put to shame J ii.94 (la-
Dāvs ii.60.
Nitthanati & Nitthunati [Sk. nisstanati "moan out," nis +thaneti Nidāna (nt.) [Sk. nidāna, ni+*dāna of dā, dyati to bind, cp.
& thunati ] to moan, groan: (a) °thanati: J i.463; ii.362; Gr. δέσμα, δ¨ημα (fetter) & see dāma] (a) (n.) tying down
iv.446; v.296; DA i.291. — (b) °thunati Vin ii.222; J v.295, to; ground (lit. or fig.), foundation, occasion; source, origin,
389; Vism 311; VvA 224. Cp. nitthuna. cause; reason, reference, subject ("sujet") M i.261; A i.134 sq.;
263 sq., 338; ii.196; iv.128 sq.; Dhs 1059 (dukkha°, source of
Nitthanana (nt.) [nis+thanana, abstr. to thaneti] groaning, moan-
pain), 1136; Nett 3, 32; Miln 272 (of disease: pathology, ae-
ing DA i.291 (v. l. BB. °ṭhuna). As nitthu-nana Vism 504.
tiology), 344 (°paṭhanakusala, of lawyers); PvA 132, 253. —
Nittharaṇa (nt.) [Sk. nistaraṇa, nis+taraṇa, cp. nittharati] (b) (adj. — °) founded on, caused by, originating in, relating to
getting across, ferrying over, traversing, overcoming S i.193 S v.213 sq. (a° & sa°); A i.82 (id.); Sn 271 (ito°), 866 (kuto°),
(oghassa); A ii.200 (id.); It 111 (id.); M i.134; J i.48 (loka°); 1050 (upadhi°=hetuka, paccayā, kāraṇā Nd 346); 872 (ic-
Dāvs ii.29 (id.); Vism 32; Sdhp 334 (bhava°), 619 (tiloka°). chā°) etc.; VvA 117 (vimānāni Rājagaha° playing at or re-
Nittharaṇa (nt.) [Sk. nistaraṇa, ni+tharaṇa] "strewing or be- ferring to R.). — (c) nidānaṁ (acc. as adv.) by means of,
in consequence of, through, usually with tato° through this,
ing strewn down," putting down, carrying, bearing S iv.177
yato° through which D i.52, 73; M i.112; Pv iv.1 61 (through
(bhārassa, of a load, cp. nikkhepa); VvA 131 (so read for nid- 2
whom=yaṁ nimittaṁ PvA 242); PvA 281; ito° by this Nd
dharaṇa, in kuṭumba — bhārassa nsamatthā=able to carry the 2
291 .
burden of a household).
Nittharati [Sk. nistarati, nis+tarati ] to cross over, get out of, Nidāhaka (adj.) [fr. nidahati] one who puts away, one who has
the office of keeper or warder (of robes: cīvara°) Vin i.284.
leave behind, get over D i.73 (kantāraṁ). pp. nittiṇṇa q. v.
Caus. nitthāreti to bring through, help over Nd 630 (nit- Nidda (nt.) [nis+dara, see darī] a cave Nd 23 (Ep. of kāya).
Niddanta [so read for niddanna, v. l. niddhā=niddā; cp.
Nitthāra [Sk. nistāra; nis+tāra of tarati ] passing over, rescue, supinanta]=niddā J vi.294.
payment, acquittance, in °ṁ vattati to be acquitted, to get off
Niddaya (adj.) [Sk. nirdaya, nis+dayā (adj.)] merciless, pitiless,
scot — free M i.442 (v. l. netth°, which is the usual form).
cruel Sdhp 143, 159.
See netthāra.
Niddara (adj.) [nis+dara] free from fear, pain or anguish Dh
Nitthuna [Sk. *nis — stanana & nistava to thunati] (a) (of 205=Sn 257 (expl at DhA iii.269 by rāgadarathānaṁ ab-
thunati ) moan, groan DA i.291 (as v. l. BB for nitthanana) hāvena n.; at SnA 299 by kilesapariḷāhâbhāvena n.).
— (b) (of thunati ) blame, censure, curse PvA 76 (°ṁ karoti
Niddasa see niddesa.
to revile or curse).

Niddā Nidhi

Niddā (f.) [Vedic nidrā, ni+drā in Sk. drāti, drāyate, Idg. *dorē; meanings of niddhāvati (dhāvati & ): see niddhāpeti, nid-
cp. Gr. (hom.) ε῎δραχον, Lat. dormio] sleep A ii.48, 50; dhamana, & niddhovati] to blow away, blow off; to clean,
iii.251; Sn 926 (opp. jāgariyā), 942 (see expl at Nd 423); cleanse, purify; to throw out, eject, remove Sn 281=Miln 414
J i.61, 192; ii.128. — niddaṁ okkamati to fall asleep Vin (kāraṇḍavaṁ); Sn 282 (°itvā pāpicche), 962 (malaṁ=pajahati
i.15 (niddā?); J iii.538; iv.1; DhA i.9; VvA 65; PvA 47; °ṁ (Nd 478); Dh 239 (id.); Miln 43. — pp. niddhanta).
upagacchati id. PvA 43, 105, 128.
Niddhamana (nt.) [of niddhamati or=*nirdhāvana= °dhovana to
-ārāma fond of sleep, slothful, sluggish It 72 (+kam- 2
dhāvati ] drainage, drain, canal Vin ii.120 (udaka°; dhovituṁ
marāma, bhassarata); -ārāmatā fondness of sleep, laziness,
immediately preceding); J i.175, 409, 425; iii.415; iv.28; v.21
sluggishness A iii.116, 293 sq., 309 sq.; iv.25 (+kamm°,
(udaka°); DhA ii.37.
bhass°); v.164; -sīlin of drowsy habits, slothful, sleepy Sn
Niddhamanā (f.) [either to niddhamati or to niddhāpeti] throwing
out, ejection, expulsion J v.233 (=nikkaḍḍhanā Com.).
Niddāna (nt.) [Sk. *nirdāna, nis+dāna of dayati , Sk. dāti, cp.
Niddharaṇa (nt.) not with Hardy (Index VvA)=Sk. nirdhāraṇa
dātta] cutting off, mowing, destroying Sn 78 (=chedana lunana
(estimation), but to be read as nittharaṇa (see nittharaṇa ).
uppāṭana SnA 148)=S i.172; K.S. i.319, cp. niḍḍāyati.
Niddhāpita (adj.) [pp. of niddhāpeti, q. v.] thrown out J iii.99
Niddāyati [Denom. fr. niddā] to sleep D i.231; J i.192, 266;
(v. l. for nibbāpita).
ii.103; v.68, 382; DhA iii.175; SnA 169.
Niddhāpeti [Sk. nirdhāvayati, nis+dhāveti (dhāpeti), Caus.
Niddāyitar [n. ag. fr. niddāyati] a sleepy person Dh 325.
of dhāvati ; may also stand for niddhamāpeti, Caus. fr.
Niddiṭṭha (pp.) [see niddisati] expressed, explained, designated
niddhamati, cp. contamination niddhāmase at J iv.48, unless
Miln 3; DhsA 57; Vism 528; VvA 13.
misread for niddhāpaye, as v. l. BB bears out] to throw out,
Niddisati (& niddissati) [Sk. nir — diśati, nis+disati, cp. Lat. chase away, expel J iv.41 (niddhāpayiṁsu), 48 (? for niddhā-
distinguo] to distinguish, point out, explain, designate, define, mase). pp. niddhāpita.
express, to mean It 122=Nd 276 ; Miln 123, 345; DhsA 57;
Niddhāmase at J iv.48 should probably be read niddhāpaye (as v.
DhA ii.59; PvA 87, 217 (°itvā); aor. niddisi DhsA 57; SnA
l. BB), q. v.
61. — grd. niddisitabba DhsA 56; Nett 96. Pass. niddissīy-
Niddhunāti [Sk. nirdhunoti, nis+dhunāti] to shake off S iii.155; A
ati PvA 163. — pp. niddiṭṭha (q. v.).
iii.365 (odhunāti+; spelt nidhunāti); M i.229; Th 1, 416; PvA
Niddukkha (adj.) [nis+dukkha] without fault or evil J iii.443 (in 256 (=odhunāti).
expl of anīgha); PvA 230 (id.); (in expl of mārisa) K.S. (S.A.)
Niddhuniya (?) (nt.) [=Sk. nihnuvana fr. nihnute with diff.
1, 2, n. 1.
derivation] hypocrisy Pug 18 (=makkha); cp. J.P.T.S. 1884,
Niddesa [Sk. nirdeśa, fr. niddisati, cp. desa, desaka etc.] 1. de- 83.
scription, attribute, distinction PvA 7 (ukkaṭṭha°); °vatthu ob-
Niddhūpana (adj.) [nir+dhūpana] unscented J vi.21 (udaka).
ject of distinction or praise D iii.253= A iv.15 (where reading
is niddasa, which also as v. l. at D iii.253 & Ps i.5). — 2. Niddhota (adj.) [nis+dhota; pp. of niddhovati] washed, cleansed,
descriptive exposition, analytic explanation by way of ques- purified Dāvs v.63 (°rūpiya; cp. niddhanta).
tion & answer, interpretation, exegesis Vin v.114 (sa°); Nett
Niddhovati [Sk. nirdhāvati, nis+dhovati, cp. niddhamati] to wash
4, 8 38 sq.; Vism 26; DhsA 54; VvA 78; PvA 71, 147. —
off, clean, purify A i.253 (jātarūpaṁ, immediately followed by
3. N. of an old commentary (ascribed to Sāriputta) on parts of
niddhanta). pp. niddhota.
the Sutta Nipāta (Aṭṭhaka — vagga, interpreted in the Mahā
Nidhāna (nt.) [Vedic nidhāna, see nidahati] laying down, de-
— Niddesa; Pārāyana — vagga and, as a sort of appendix, the
positing, keeping; receptacle; accumulation, (hidden) treasure
Khaggavisāṇa — sutta, interpreted in the Culla — Niddesa);
J iv.280 (nidhi°); PvA 7 (udaka — dāna — nīharaṇa — n°), 97
as one of the canonical texts included in the Khuddaka Nikāya;
(n — gata dhana=hoarded, accumulated), 132 (°ṁ nidhessāmi
editions in P.T.S. Quoted often in the Visuddhimagga, e. g. p.
gather a treasure); DhsA 405 (°kkhama).
140, 208 sq. etc.
Niddosa (adj.) [Sk. nirdośa, nis+dosa ] faultless, pure, undefiled Nidhānavant (adj.) forming or having a receptacle, worth trea-
suring or saving D i.4 (=hadaye nidhātabba — yuttavāca DA
Sn 476; DhsA 2; PvA 189 (=viraja); DhA i.41.
Niddosa (adj.) [Sk. nirdveṣa, nis+dosa ] free from hatred J iv.10
Nidhāpeti, Nidhāya & Nidhīyati, see nidahati.
(su°; Com. "adussanavasena," foll. upon sunikkodha).
Nidhi [Vedic nidhi, ni+dhā, see nidahati] 1. "setting down," re-
Niddhana (adj.) [nis+dhana] without property, poor J v.447.
ceptacle; (hidden) treasure Sn 285 (brahma n.); Dh 76; Kh
Niddhanta (adj.) [pp. of niddhamati, nis+dhanta, q. v.] blown
viii.2 (see KhA 217 sq.: nidhīyatī ti nidhi, def. of n.), 9
off, removed, cleaned, purified A i.254 (jātarūpa "loitered,"
(acorâharaṇo nidhi cp. "treasures in heaven, where thieves do
cp. niddhota); Sn 56 (°kasāva — moha; Com. vijahati); not steal" Matt. 6, 20); Sdhp 528, 588. — 2. "putting on," a
Dh 236 (°mala, malānaṁ nīhaṭatāya DhA iii.336); Nd 347 cloak J vi.79 (expl as vākacīra — nivāsanaṁ=a bark dress).
(=vanta & pahīna); J vi.218 (of hair; Com. expl siniddharutā,
Cp. sannidhi.
v. l. BB siniddha — anta, thus meant for Sk. snigdhānta).
-kumbhī a treasure — pot, a treasure hidden in a pot =a
Niddhamati [in form=Sk. nirdhmāti, nis+dhamati, but in mean- hidden treasure DhA ii.107; iv.208; -nidhāna laying up trea-
ing the verb, as well as its derivations, are influenced by both sures, burying a treasure J iv.280; -mukha an excellent trea-

Nidhi Nipalāvita

sure A v.346. tongue) D i.106 (jivhaṁ=nīharati DA i.276); J i.163, 164; cp.
Divy 7, 71 (nirṇāmayati).
Nidhura see nīdhura.
Ninnīta (adj.) [pp. of ninneti] lead down, lead away; drained, pu-
Nidheti see nidahati.
rified, free from (°—) A i.254 (ninnīta — kasāva of gold: free
Nindati [Sk. nindati, nid as in Gr. ο῎νειδος (blame), Lith. naids
fr. dross).
(hatred), Goth. naitjan (to rail or blaspheme), Ohg. neizzan
Ninnetar [n. ag. to ni — nayati=Sk. *ninayitṛ, cp. netar] one who
(to plague); cp. Goth. neip=Ohg. nīd (envy)] to blame, find
leads down to, one who disposes of (c. gen.), bringer of, giver,
fault with, censure A ii.3; v.171, 174; Sn 658; J vi.63; Dh 227;
usually in phrase atthassa n. (bringer of good: "Heilbringer")
inf. nindituṁ Dh 230; grd. nindanīya SnA 477. pp. nindita
of the Buddha S iv.94; M i.111; A v.226 sq., 256 sq.; Ps ii.194.
(q. v.); cp. also nindiya.
Ninneti [Sk. ninayati, ni+nayati] to lead down, lead away; drain,
Nindana (nt.) [abstr. fr. nindati] blaming, reviling, finding fault
(udakaṁ), desiccate Vin ii.180. — pp. ninnīta, q. v.
DhA iii.328.
Nindā (f.) [cp. Sk. nindā, to nindati] blame, reproach, fault — Ninhāta see niṇhāta.
finding, fault, disgrace S iii.73; A ii.188; iv.157 sq.; M i.362; Nipa at J v.6 read as nīpa.
Sn 213 (+pasaṁsā blame & praise); Dh 81 (id.); Sn 826, 895, Nipaka (adj.) [cp. BSk. nipaka chief, fr. Sk. nipa, chief, master]
928; Dh 143, 309; Nd 165, 306, 384; DhA ii.148. — In intelligent, clever, prudent, wise S i.13, 52, 187; M i.339; A
comp nindi° see anindi°.
i.165 (+jhāyin); iii.24, 138; Sn 45≈Dh 328≈DhA i.62; Sn 283,
Nindita (adj.) [pp. of nindati] blamed, reproved, reviled; faulty, 962, 1038; Nd 349 (=jātimā) =Nd 478; Bu i.49; Vbh 426;
blameworthy Dh 228; Pv ii.3 34 (a° blameless= agarahita Miln 34, 342, 411; Vism 3 (def ).
pasaṁsa PvA 89); Sdhp 254, 361. — anindita J iv.106 (°an-
Nipakka at Vin i.200 read nippakka.
Nipacc-ākāra [nipacca, ger. of nipatati+ākāra] obedience, hum-
Nindiya (adj.) [Sk. nindya, orig. grd. of nindati] blameable,
bleness, service S i.178; v.233; A v.66; J i.232; iv.133; VvA
faulty, blameworthy Sn 658 (=nindanīya SnA 477); Nett 132.
22, 320; PvA 12.
pi nindiyā at PvA 23 is to be read as pīṇitindriyā.
Nipacca-vādin (adj.) [nipacca, ger. of nipāteti+vādin] speaking
Ninna (adj. — n.) [Vedic nimna, der. fr. ni down, prob. comb d
hurtfully Sn 217 (=dāyakaṁ nipātetvā appiyavacanāni vattā
with °na of nam to bend, thus meaning "bent down," cp.
SnA 272).
unna & panna] 1. (adj.) bent down (cp. ninnata), low —
Nipajjati [Sk. nipadyate, ni+pajjati] to lie down (to sleep) D
lying, deep, low, sunken J ii.3 (magga); PvA 29 (bhūmib-
i.246; A iv.332; J i.150; DhA i.40; PvA 280; aor. nipajji J
hāga), 132 (ṭhāṇa); esp. freq. as — °: bent on, inclining
to, leading to, aiming at, flowing into etc. Often comb with i.279; ii.154; iii.83; VvA 75, 76; PvA 74, 75, 93; ger. nipa-
jja J i.7 (v.44: °ṭṭhānacankama). — Caus. nipajjāpeti to lay
similar expressions in chain taccarita tabbahula taggaruka
down, deposit J i.50, 253, 267; iii.26, 188; DhA i.50; VvA 76
tanninna tappoṇa tappabbhāra tadâdhimutta (with varia-
tion nibbāna°, viveka° etc. for tad°): Nd under tad; J ii.15; (°etvā rakkhāpetha). Cp. abhi°.
Ps ii.197; — Vin ii.237=A iv.198 (samuddo anupubba° etc.); Nipatati [Sk. nipatati, ni+patati] 1. (intrs.) to fall down, fly
A iv.224 (viveka°); v.175 (id.); M i.493 (Nibbāna°). Simi- down, descend, go out Vin ii.192 (Bhagavato pādesu sirasā
larly: samudda° Gangā M i.493; nekkhamma° J i.45 (v.258); n. bending his head at the feet of Bh.); PvA 60 (id.); J i.278;
samādhi° Miln 38. — 2. (acc. as adv.) downward: ninnaṁ pa- v.467 (nippatissāmi=nikkhamissāmi Com.) Pv ii.8 (v. l. BB
vattati to flow downward M i.117; Pv i.5 ; ninnagata running parivisayitvā)=nikkhamitvā PvA 109 (cp. nippatati). — 2.
down Miln 259 (udaka); ninnaga Dāvs iv.28. — 3. (nt.) low (trs.) to bring together, to convene, in nipatāmase (pres. subj.)
land, low ground, plain (opp. thala elevation, plateau): usu- "shall we convene? " J iv.361. See also nipadāmase. — Cp.
ally with ref. to a raincloud flooding the low country Sn 30 abhi°, san°.
(mahamegho °ṁ pūrayaṁto); SnA 42 (=pallala); It 66 (megho Nipadāmase at J iii.120 is an old misreading & is to be corrected
°ṁ pūreti); Pv ii.9 (megho °ṁ paripūrayanto).
into nipatāmase (=let us gather, bring together=dedicate), un-
-unnata low lying & elevated Miln 349 (desabhāga).
less it be read as nipphadāmase (=do, set forth, prepare,
Ninnata (adj.) [ni+nata] bent down, bent upon, in nin-natattā give), in spite of Com. expl p. 121: nikārapakārā (=nipac-
(fem. abstr.) aim, purpose (?) DhsA 39 (is the reading cor- cakārā?) upasaggā (upasajja?) dāmase (dā) ti attho; endorsed
rect?). by Müller, P.G. p. 97 & Kern, Toev. p. 175. It cannot be
ni+pa+ dāmase, since ni is never used as secondary (modi-
Ninnāda (& Nināda Miln, Dāvs) [Sk. nināda, ni+nāda] sound-
fying) verb — component (see ni° A 2), & Bdhgh's expl is
ing forth, sound, tune, melody A ii.117 (°sadda); J vi.43; VvA
popular etym. Cp. nipatāmase at J iv.361 (see nipatati).
161; Miln 148; Dāvs v.31.
Nipanna (adj.) [pp. of nipajjati] lying down J i.151, 279; ii.103;
Ninnādin (adj.) [fr. ninnāda] sounding (loud), resonant (of a
iii.276 (°kāle while he was asleep), iv.167; PvA 43, 75, 265
beautiful voice) D ii.211 (cp. aṭṭhanga brahmassara & bindu).
(spelt nippanna, opp. nikujja).
Ninnāmin (adj.) [fr. ni+nam] bending downwards, descending
Nipannaka (adj.)=nipanna Ps ii.209; J i.151.
A iv.237.
Nipalāvita (pp.) (Com. reading for vipalāvita text) [Sk. viplāvita,
Ninnāmeti [Caus. of ni+namati] to bend down, put out (the
see plavati] made to swim, immersed, thrown into water J

Nipalāvita Nipphanna

i.326. mann trsl. i.119: "dem keine Sonderheit behagt"); A iii.431;
iv.229 sq.; Miln 262.
Nipāka (adj.) [Sk. nipāka, ni+pāka (pacati)] full grown, fully
developed, in full strength J vi.327 (of a tree). Nippabha (adj.) [nis+prabhā] without splendour J ii.415; Miln
Nipāta [Sk. nipāta, ni+pāta, of nipatati] 1. falling down Dh 121
(udabindu°); VvA 279 (diṭṭhi°, a glance); PvA 45 (asa°). — Nippariyāya [nis+pariyāya] 1. without distinction or difference,
2. descending M i.453. — 3. a particle, the gram. term for absence of explanation or demonstration DhsA 317 (°ena not
adverbs, conjunctions & interjections J v.243 (assu); PvA 11 figuratively), 403 (°desanā); VvA 320. — 2. unchangeable,
(mā), 26 (vo), 40 (taṁ), 50 (ca). — 4. a section of a book (see not to be turned Miln 113, 123, 212.
next). Cp. vi°, san°.
Nippalāpa (adj.) [nis+palāpa] free from prattle or talk, not talking
Nipātaka (adj.) [to nipāta] divided into sections or chapters Dpvs A ii.183 (apalāpa+; v. l. °palāsa).
iv.16. Nippalibodha (adj.) [nis+palibodha] without hindrances, unob-
Nipātana (nt.) [to nipatati] 1. falling upon DhA i.295. - 2. going structed Miln 11.
to bed VvA 71 (pacchā° opp. pubbuṭṭhāna). Cp. nipātin.
Nippādeti see nipphādeti.
Nipātin (adj.) [to nipatati] 1. falling or flying down, chanc-
Nippāpa (adj.) [nis+pāpa] free from sin Sn 257=Dh 205.
ing upon Dh 35, 36 (yatthakāma° cittaṁ=yattha yattha icchati
Nippitika (adj.) [Sk. *niṣpaitṛka=fatherless or *niṣprī-tika?] a
tattha tatth' eva nipatati DhA i.295). — 2. going to bed D i.60
bastard J i.133 (v. l. nippītika q. v.).
(pacchā° going to bed late). — Cp. abhi°.
Nippipāsa (adj.) [nis+pipāsā] without thirst or desire Sn 56; Nd 2
Nipāteti [ni+Caus. of patati] to let fall, throw down into (c. loc.);
bring to fall, injure; fig. cast upon, charge with D i.91; M
i.453 (ayokaṭāhe); J iii.359; SnA 272; PvA 152 (bhūmiyaṁ). Nippītika (adj.) [nis+pīti+ka] 1. free from (feelings of) enjoy-
pp. nipātita corrupt, evil, wicked Vin ii.182 (caṇḍa+; text nip- ment (characteristic of 3rd jhāna, q. v.) D i.75; A i.81. — 2.
pātita, v. l. nipphātita). being unloved, a foster child etc. (?) see nippitika.
Nipuṇa (adj.) [Sk. nipuṇa, dial. for nipṛṇa, to pṛṇoti, pṛ] clever, Nippīḷana (nt.) [nis+pīḷana] squeezing, pressing; a blow J iii.160.
skilful, accomplished; fine, subtle, abstruse D i.26≈(n. gamb- Cp. abhinippīḷanā.
hīra dhamma), 162 (paṇḍita+); M i.487 (dhamma); S i.33; Nippīḷeti [nis+pīḷeti] to squeeze, press, clench, urge J i.63, 223.
iv.369; A iii.78; Sn 1126 (=gambhīra duddasa etc. Nd 350); Pass. nippīḷiyati, only in ppr. nippīḷiyamāna being urged
Vbh 426; Miln 233, 276; DA i.117; VvA 73 (ariyasaccesu Vin ii.303; VvA 138; PvA 31, 192. Cp. abhi°.
kusala+), 232; PvA 1, 16. Cp. abhinipuṇa.
Nippurisa (adj.) [nis+purisa] 1. without men PvA 177. - 2.
Nippakāra (adj.) [nis+pakāra 2] of no flavour, tasteless, useless
without men, executed by females (female devas) only (of
J i.340.
turiyā=a female orchestra) Vin i.15; D ii.21; J v.506. Cp. M
Nippakka (adj.) [nis+pakka] boiled, infused Vin i.200. Vastu iii.165 (niṣpuruṣena nāṭakena) & AvŚ i.321 (niṣpuruṣena
tūryeṇa; see also note in Index p. 229), whereas Divy 3 (see
Nippajjati & Nipphajjati [Sk. niṣpadyate, nis+pajjati] to be pro-
Index) has niṣparuṣa (soft), with v. l. niṣpuruṣa.
duced, be accomplished, spring forth, ripen, result, happen
DhA ii.4 (pph); PvA 19 (=upakappati), 71 (phalaṁ ijjhati n.), Nippesika [cp. Sk. niṣpeṣa clashing against, bounce, shock,
120 (id.). pp. nipphanna. See also nipphādeti & nipphatti niṣ+piṣ] one who performs jugglery, a juggler D i.8 (=nippeso
etc.; cp. also abhi°. sīlaṁ etesan ti DA.i.91); A iii.111.
Nippañña (adj.) [nis+pañña] unwise, foolish PvA 40, 41 (=dum- Nippesikatā (f.) [abstr. fr. prec.] jugglery, trickery (cp. Kern,
mati). Toev. p. 176) Vbh 353 (expl at Vism 29); Miln 383.
Nippatati & Nipphatati [nis+patati] to fall out; rush out, come Nippothana (nt.) [nis+pothana of puth to crush] crushing, beat-
forth, go out from (c. abl.) Vin ii.151 (nipphaṭati, v. l. nip- ing, destroying SnA 390.
paṭati); J v.467 (=nikkhamati Com.; or is it nipatati?). — ger.
Nipphajjati see nippajjati.
nippacca (cp. BSk. nirpatya AvŚ i.209).
Nipphajjana (nt.) (or °nā f.?) [n. abstr. fr. nipp(h)ajjati] result-
Nippatta (adj.) [nis+patta] 1. without wings, plucked (of a bird) ing, procedure, achievement, plot J iv.83.
Vin iv.259. — 2. without leaves J iii.496 (=patita — patta);
Nipphatti (f.) [cp. Sk. niṣpatti] result, accomplishment, effect,
SnA 117 (°puppha). — Note nippatta at Dhs 1035 is to be read
end, completion, perfection J i.56, 335 (of dreams), 343, 456;
as nibbatta.
iv.137 (sippe); vi.36; VvA 138 (sippa°); DhA ii.6 (import,
Nippatti see nipphatti.
meaning, of a vision); DhsA 354; PvA 122, 282 (sippe); Nett
Nippadā (?) at S i.225 read nipphādā (q. v.). 54. Cp. abhi°.
Nippadesa [Sk. *niṣpradesa, nis+padesa] only in instr. & Nipphattika (adj.) [fr. nipphatti] having a result J iii.166 (evaṁ°
abl.=separately DhsA 2, 30, 37, 297. of such consequence).
Nippanna see nipanna & nipphanna. Nipphanna (adj.) [pp. of nippajjati] accomplished, perfected,
trained S i.215 (°sobhin, spelt nippanna); J iv.39 (°sippa mas-
Nippapañca (adj.) [nis+papañca] free from diffuseness S iv.370;
ter of the art, M.A.); DhA iii.285 (sasse); DhsA 316; in phil.
Dh 254 (Tathāgata); °ārāma not fond of delay M i.65 (Neu-


Nipphanna Nibbāti

determined, conditioned Kvu xi.7; xxiii.5; Vism 450; Pts. of with seed); J i.168; ii.111; PvA 10 (niraye), 35 (petayoniyaṁ),
Controversy, 395. Cp. abhi°, pari°. See also Cpd. 156, 157. 100 (pubbe n. — ṭhānato paṭṭhāya); Miln 268 (kamma°, hetu°
& utu°). — Cp. abhi°.
Nipphala (adj.) [nis+phala] without fruit, barren in a° not without
fruit, i. e. amply rewarded (dāyaka, the giver of good gifts) Nibbattaka (adj.) [cp. nibbatta] producing, yielding PvA 26
Pv i.4 ; 5 , PvA 194; Sdhp 504. (phala °ṁ kusalakammaṁ), 126 (=sukha°=sukhāvaha).
Nipphalita (adj.) [Sk. niṣphārita, pp. of nipphaleti, nis+ phaleti] Nibbattati [nis+vattati] to come out from (cp. E. turn out), arise,
broken out, split open J i.493 (lasī=nikkhantā Com.; v. l. nip- become, be produced, result, come into being, be reborn, ex —
phaḷita). ist (=nir — vatt) Dh 338; Pv i.1 (nibbattate); ThA 259 (=jāy-
ati); DhA iii.173; PvA 8 (=uppajjati) 71 (id.); ger. nibbattitvā
Nipphāṇitatta (nt.) [nis+phāṇita+tva] state of being free from
J ii.158 (kapiyoniyaṁ); PvA 68, 78; aor. nibbatti J i.221; PvA
sugar or molasses J iii.409.
14 (Avīcimhi), 67 (petesu), 73 (amaccakule). — pp. nibbatta
Nipphādaka (adj.) [fr. nipphādeti] producing, accomplishing
(q. v.). Caus. nibbatteti (q. v.). Cp. abhi°.
DhsA 47; PvA 147 (sukha — °ṁ puññaṁ).
Nibbattana (nt.) [abstr. fr. nibbattati] growing, coming forth;
Nipphādana (nt.) [Sk. niṣpādana, to nipphādeti] accomplishment
(re)birth, existence, life J ii.105; PvA 5 (devaloke n — araha
Miln 356; DA i.195.
deserving rebirth in the world of gods) 9, 67 etc.
Nipphādar [n. ag.=Sk. niṣpādayitṛ cp. nipphāditar] one who
Nibbattanaka (adj.) [fr. nibbattana] 1. arising, coming out,
produces or gains S i.225 (atthassa; read nipphādā, nom. for
growing ThA 259 (akkhidalesu n. pīḷikā). — 2. one destined
to be reborn, a candidate of rebirth J iii.304 (sagge).
Nipphādita [pp. of nipphādeti] (having) produced, producing
Nibbattāpana (nt.) [fr. nibbattāpeti, see nibbatteti] reproduction
(perhaps=nipphāditar) VvA 113.
Miln 97.
Nipphāditar [n. ag. to nipphādeti, cp. nipphādar] one who pro-
Nibbatti (f.) [Sk. nirvṛtti, nis+vatti] constitution, product; rebirth
duces or accomplishes PvA 8 (read "so nipphāditā" for sā nip-
J i.47; Nett 28, 79; Vism 199, 649; VvA 10. Cp. abhi°.
phādikā). Cp. nipphādita and nipphādaka.
Nibbattita (adj.) [pp. of nibbatteti] done, produced, brought forth
Nipphādeti [Caus. of nippajjati] to bring forth, produce; accom-
PvA 150 (a°kusalakamma=akata).
plish, perform J i.185 (lābhasakkāraṁ); v.81; Miln 299; VvA
Nibbattin (adj.) [fr. nibbatti] arising, having rebirth, in neg.
32, 72 (grd. nipphādetabba, n. of ablative case); Sdhp 319,
anibbattin not to be born again J vi.573.
426. — pp. nipphādita. Cp. abhinipphādeti.
Nibbatteti [nis+vatteti, Caus. of nibbattati] to produce, bring
Nipphoṭana (nt.) [nis+pothanā] beating S iv.300 (v. l. ṭh.). Cp.
nippothana. forth; practise, perform; to bring to light, find something lost
(at Miln 218) Nd =jāneti (s. v.); J i.66, 140; iii.396 (jhānâb-
Nipphoṭeti [nis+potheti] to beat down, smother, crush S i.101,
hiññaṁ); PvA 76 (jhānāni), 30; Miln 200; Sdhp 470. — pp.
nibbattita (q. v.); 2nd Caus. nibbattāpeti to cause rebirth
Nibaddha (adj.) [ni+baddha] bound down to, i. e. (1) fixed, DhA iii.484; see also nibbattāpana. — Cp. abhi°.
stable, sure J iv.134 (bhattavetana); Miln 398 (a°, unstable,
Nibbanka (adj.) [nis+vanka] not crooked, straight DhA i.288.
°sayana). At DA i.243 two kinds of cārikā (wanderings, pil-
Nibbajjeti [nis+vajjeti] to throw away, to do without, to avoid Th
grimages) are distinguished, viz. nibaddha° definite, regular
1, 1105.
and anibaddha° indefinite, irregular pilgrimage. — (2) asked,
pressed, urged J iii.277. — (3) nibaddhaṁ (nt. as adv.) con- Nibbana (adj.) 1. [Sk. nirvana] without forest, woodless J ii.358.
stantly, always, continually J i.100, 150; iii.325; v.95, 459; — 2. [an abstr. fr. nibbāna, see nibbāna I.; cp. vana . Freq.
vi.161; PvA 267 (°vasanaka); DhA ii.41, 52 sq. nibbāna as v. l. instead of nibbana] without cravings Sn 1131
(nikkāmo nibbano); Dh 283 (nibbanā pl.) Vv 50 (better read-
Nibandha [Sk. nibandha, ni+bandha] binding, bond; attachment,
ing nibbāna, in phrase "vanā nibbānaṁ āgataṁ," as found at A
continuance, continuity S ii.17; VvA 259, 260 (perseverance).
iii.346= Th 1, 691, although the latter has nibbanaṁ in text),
acc. nibandhaṁ (often misspelt for nibaddhaṁ) continually d
expl by "nittaṇhabhāvaṁ nibbānam eva upagataṁ" VvA 213.
VvA 75. Cp. vi°.
Nibbanatha (adj.) [nis+vanatha] free from lust or cravings
Nibandhati [ni+bandhati] 1. to bind Miln 79. — 2. to mix, ap-
Si.180, 186 (so 'haṁ vane nibbanatho visallo); Th 1, 526; Dh
ply, prepare Vin ii.151 (anibandhanīya unable to be applied,
344; Dāvs i.18.
not binding); J i.201 (yāgubhattaṁ). — 3. to press, urge, im-
portune J iii.277. Nibbasana (adj.) [nis+vasana] no longer worn, cast off (of cloth)
S ii.202, 221.
Nibandhana (nt.) [ni+bandhana] tying, fastening; binding, bond;
(adj.) tied to, fettered Sn 654 (kamma°); Miln 78, 80. Nibbahati [nis+bahati] to stretch out J iii.185 (asiṁ); to pull out J
v.269 (jivhaṁ=jivhaṁ balisena n. 275). See also nibbāheti &
Nibodhati [ni+bodhati] to attend to, to look out for, to take J
iii.151 (=gaṇhati). — Caus. nibodheti to waken, at Th 1, 22
is probably to be read as vibodheti. Nibbāti [see nibbuta etym.; influenced in meaning by Sk. nirvāti,
nis+vāti to blow, i. e. to make cool, see vāyati & nibbāpeti]
Nibbatta (pp.) [Sk. nirvṛtta, nis+vaṭṭa, pp. of nibbattati] existing,
(instr.) to cool off (lit. & fig.), to get cold, to become pas-
having existed, being reborn Vin i.215 (n. bījaṁ phalaṁ fruit

Nibbāti Nibbāna

sionless Sn 235 (nibbanti dhīrā yathâyaṁ padīpo=vijjhāyanti; munī nāmakāyā vimutto atthaṁ paleti, na upeti sankhaṁ").
yathâyaṁ padīpo nibbuto evaṁ nibbanti KhA 194, 195), 915 Yet, it is a reality, and its characteristic features may be de-
(kathaṁ disvā nibbāti bhikkhu=rāgaṁ etc. nibbāpeti Nd 1 scribed, may be grasped in terms of earthly language, in terms
344); J iv.391 (pāyāsaṁ). See also parinibbāti (e. g. Vbh of space (as this is the only means at our disposal to describe
426). abstract notions of time and mentality); e. g. accutaṁ ṭhānaṁ,
pāraṁ, amataṁ padaṁ, amata (& nibbāna — ) dhātu. — It is
Nibbāna (nt.). — I. Etymology. Although nir+vā "to blow".
the speculative, scholastic view and the dogmatising trend of
(cp. BSk. nirvāṇa) is already in use in the Vedic period (see
later times, beginning with the Abhidhamma period, which has
nibbāpeti), we do not find its distinctive application till later
more and more developed the simple, spontaneous idea into an
and more commonly in popular use, where vā is fused with
exaggerated form either to the positive (i. e. seeing in N. a def-
vṛ in this sense, viz. in application to the extinguishing of
inite state or sphere of existence) or the negative side (i. e. see-
fire, which is the prevailing Buddhist conception of the term.
ing in it a condition of utter annihilation). Yet its sentimental
Only in the older texts do we find references to a simile of the
value to the (exuberant optimism of the) early Buddhists (Rh.
wind and the flame; but by far the most common metaphor and
Davids, Early Buddhism, p. 73) is one of peace and rest, per-
that which governs the whole idea of nibbāna finds expres-
fect passionlessness, and thus supreme happiness. As Heiler
sion in the putting out of fire by other means of extinction than
in the words of R. Otto (Das Heilige etc. 1917; quoted l. c.
by blowing, which latter process rather tends to incite the fire
than to extinguish it. The going out of the fire may be due to p. 41) describes it, "only by its concept Nirvāna is something
negative, by its sentiment, however, a positive item in most
covering it up, or to depriving it of further fuel, by not feed-
pronounced form." — We may also quote Rh. Davids' words:
ing it, or by withdrawing the cause of its production. Thus to
"One might fill columns with the praises, many of them among
the Pali etymologist the main reference is to the root vṛ (to
the most beautiful passages in Pāli poetry and prose, lavished
cover), and not to vā (to blow). This is still more clearly ev-
on this condition of mind, the state of the man made perfect
ident in the case of nibbuta (q. v. for further discussion).
according to the B. faith. Many are the pet names, the poetic
In verbal compn. nis+vā (see vāyati) refers only to the (non
epithets, bestowed upon it, each of them — for they are not
— ) emittance of an odour, which could never be used for a
synonyms — emphasising one or other phase of this many —
meaning of "being exhausted"; moreover, one has to bear in
sided conception — the harbour of refuge, the cool cave, the
mind that native commentators themselves never thought of
island amidst the floods, the place of bliss, emancipation, lib-
explaining nibbāna by anything like blowing (vāta), but al-
ways by nis+vana (see nibbana). For Bdhgh's def of nibbāna eration, safety, the supreme, the transcendental, the uncreated,
the tranquil, the home of ease, the calm, the end of suffering,
see e. g. Vism 293. — The meanings of n. are: 1. the going
the medicine for all evil, the unshaken, the ambrosia, the im-
out of a lamp or fire (popular meaning). — 2. health, the sense
material, the imperishable, the abiding, the further shore, the
of bodily well — being (probably, at first, the passing away of
unending, the bliss of effort, the supreme joy, the ineffable,
feverishness, restlessness). — 3. The dying out in the heart
the detachment, the holy city, and many others. Perhaps the
of the threefold fire of rāga, dosa & moha: lust, ill — will
most frequent in the B. texts is Arahantship, Ǥ the state of him
& stupidity (Buddhistic meaning). — 4. the sense of spiritual
who is worthy ʼ; and the one exclusively used in Europe is Nir-
well — being, of security, emancipation, victory and peace,
vana, the Ǥ dying out, ʼ that is, the dying out in the heart of
salvation, bliss.
the fell fire of the three cardinal sins — sensuality, ill — will,
II. Import and Range of the Term. A. Nibbāna is purely
and stupidity (Saṁyutta iv.251, 261)," (Early Buddhism pp.
and solely an ethical state, to be reached in this birth by ethical
practices, contemplation and insight. It is therefore not tran- 72, 73.) And Heiler says (p. 42 l. c.): "Nirvāna is, although it
scendental. The first and most important way to reach N. is might sound a paradox, in spite of all conceptional negativity
nothing but Ǥ eternal salvation, ʼ after which the heart of the
by means of the eightfold Path, and all expressions which deal
religious yearns on the whole earth."
with the realisation of emancipation from lust, hatred and illu-
The current simile is that of fire, the consuming fire of
sion apply to practical habits and not to speculative thought.
passion (rāg — aggi), of craving for rebirth, which has to be
N. is realised in one's heart; to measure it with a speculative
extinguished, if a man is to attain a condition of indifference
measure is to apply a wrong standard. — A very apt and com-
towards everything worldly, and which in the end, in its own
prehensive discussion of nibbāna is found in F. Heiler, "Die
buddhistische Versenkung" (München 1922), pp. 36 — 42, good time, may lead to freedom from rebirth altogether, to cer-
tain and final extinction (parinibbāna). — Fire may be put out
where also the main literature on the subject is given. — N. is
by water, or may go out of itself from lack of fuel. The ethical
the untranslatable expression of the Unspeakable, of that for
state called Nibbāna can only rise from within. It is therefore
which in the Buddha's own saying there is no word, which
in the older texts compared to the fire going out, rather than
cannot be grasped in terms of reasoning and cool logic, the
to the fire being put out. The latter point of view, though the
Nameless, Undefinable (cp. the simile of extinction of the
word nibbāna is not used, occurs in one or two passages in later
flame which may be said to pass from a visible state into a state
books. See J i.212; Miln 346, 410; SnA 28; Sdhp 584. For the
which cannot be defined. Thus the Saint (Arahant) passes into
older view see M i.487 (aggi anāhāro nibbuto, a fire gone out
that same state, for which there is "no measure" (i. e. no di-
through lack of fuel); Sn 1094 (akiñcanaṁ anādānaṁ etaṁ
mension): "atthangatassa na pamāṇam atthi... yena naṁ vajju:
dīpaṁ anāparaṁ Nibbānaṁ iti); S i.236 (attadaṇḍesu nib-
taṁ tassa n' atthi" Sn 1076. The simile in v. 1074: "accī yathā
buto sādānesu anādāno); S ii.85 (aggikkhandho purimassa
vāta — vegena khitto atthaṁ paleti, na upeti sankhaṁ: evaṁ
upādānassa pariyādānā aññassa ca anupāhārā anāhāro

Nibbāna Nibbāna

nibbāyeyya, as a fire would go out, bereft of food, because the gatā Vv 53 . — vana sabba — saṁyojan' atītaṁ vanā nibbā-
former supply being finished no additional supply is forthcom- naṁ āgataṁ A iii.346; nikkhantaṁ vānato ti nibbānaṁ KhA
ing); sa — upādāno devānaṁ indo na parinibbāyati, the king of 151; taṇhā — sankhāta — vānâbhāvato nibbānaṁ SnA 253.
the gods does not escape rebirth so long as he has within him 2. Aims: khema (tranquillity). ātāpī bhikkhu nibbānāya
any grasping S iv.102; pāragū sabbadhammānaṁ anupādāya bhabbo anuttarassa yogakkhemassa adhigamāya It 27; ajaraṁ
nibbuto A i.162; pāragato jhāyī anup° nibbuto, a philosopher, amaraṁ khemaṁ pariyessāmi nibbutiṁ J i.3; acala (immov-
freed, without any cause, source, of rebirth A iv.290 (etc., see able, not to be disturbed). patto acalaṭṭhānaṁ Vv 51 ; accuta
nibbuta). dāvaggi-nibbānaṁ the going out of the jungle fire (stable) patthayaṁ accutaṁ padaṁ S iii.143; chandarāga —
J i.212; aggi nibbāyeyya, should the fire go out M i.487; ag- vinodanaṁ nibbānapadaṁ accutaṁ Sn 1086. nekkhamma
gikkhandho nibbuto hoti the great fire has died out Miln 304; (renunciation, dispassionateness). vanā nibbānaṁ āgataṁ
nibbuto ginī my fire is out Sn 19. The result of quenching the kāmehi nekkhammarataṁ A iii.346. — pāragū (victor).
fire (going out) is coolness (sīta); and one who has attained pāragū sabbadhammānaṁ anupādāya nibbuto A i.162 (cp. A
the state of coolness is sītibhūta. sītibhūto 'smi nibbuto Vin iv.290 with tiṇṇo pāragato). — santipada (calm, composure).
i.8; Pv i.8 ; sītibhūto nirūpadhi, cooled, with no more fuel (to santī ti nibbutiṁ ñatvā Sn 933; santimaggaṁ eva brūhaya
produce heat) Vin ii.156; A i.138; nicchāto nibbuto sītibhūto nibbānaṁ sugatena desitaṁ Dh 285; s.=acala VvA 219. —
(cp. nicchāta) A ii.208; v.65. anupādānā dīpacci viya nib- samatha (allayment, quietude). sabbasankhārasamatho nib-
butā gone out like the flame of a lamp without supply of fuel bānaṁ S i.136≈. — sotthi (welfare). saccena suvatthi hotu
ThA 154 (Ap. 153). — nibbanti dhīrā yath' âyaṁ padīpo nibbānaṁ Sn 235.
the Wise go out like the flame of this lamp Sn 235. This refers 3. The Heart: (a) attā (heart, self). abhinibbut — atto Sn
to the pulling out of the wick or to lack of oil, not to a blow- 456; thiṭatto frequent, e. g. parinibbuto ṭh° Sn 359; danto
ing out; cp. vaṭṭiṁ paṭicca telapadīpo jāleyya S ii.86; Th 2, parinib° ṭh° Sn 370. — (b) citta (heart). apariḍayhamāna-
116 (padīpass' eva nibbānaṁ vimokkho ahu cetaso). The citto SnA 347 (for abhinibbutatto Sn 343). — (c) hadaya
pulling out of the wick is expressed by vaṭṭiṁ okassayāmi (heart) nibbānaṁ hadayasmiṁ opiya S i.199; mātuha-
(=dīpavaṭṭiṁ ākaḍḍhemi ThA 117) cp. on this passage Pis- dayaṁ nibbāyate J i.61; nibbāpehi me hadaya-pariḷāhaṁ
chel, Leben & Lehre des Buddha 71; Mrs. Rh. Davids, Bud- (quench the fever of my heart) Miln 318. — (d) mano (mind).
dhism 176; Neumann, Lieder 298). pajjotass' eva nibbānaṁ mano nibbāyi tāvade J i.27; disvā mano me pasīdi Vv 50 .
like the going out of a lamp S i.159≈. 4. The Path: dhīra. lokapariyāyaṁ aññāya nibbutā dhīrā
B. Since rebirth is the result of wrong desire (kāma, kilesa, tiṇṇā etc. S i.24; nibbanti dhīrā... Sn 235 sabbâbhibhū
āsava, rāga etc.), the dying out of that desire leads to freedom dhīro sabbagantha — ppamocano It 122 — Recognition of
& salvation from rebirth and its cause or substratum. Here ref- anicca (transitoriness, see nicca). aniccasaññī... bhikkhu
erences should be given to: (1) the fuel in ethical sense (cp. A pāpuṇāti diṭṭh' eva dhamme nibbānaṁ A iv.353. — paññā.
1: aggi); (2) the aims to be accomplished (for instance, cool- nibbānaṁ ev' ajjhagamuṁ sapaññā S i.22; n' abhirato paññā S
ness=peace); (3) the seat of its realisation (the heart); (4) the i.38. — paṇḍita & nipaka. anupubbena n°ṁ adhigacchanti
means of achievement (the Path); (5) the obstacles to be re- paṇḍitā A i.162; nipakā asesaṁ parinibbanti It 93. — vijjā.
moved. — 1. Fuel=cause of rebirth & suffering: āsāva (in- bhikkhu paṇihitena cittena avijjaṁ bhecchati vijjaṁ up-
toxications). khīṇāsavā jutimanto to loke parinibbutā the pādessati n°ṁ sacchikarissati the bhikkhu with devout heart
wise who are rid of all intoxications are in this world the thor- will destroy ignorance, gain right cognition & realise Nibbāna
oughly free S v.29; sāvakā āsavānaṁ khayā viharanti A A i.8; idh' aññāya parinibbāti anāsavo A iii.41; sabb' āsave
iv.83; kodhaṁ pahatvāna parinibbiṁsu anāsavā (are com- pariññāya parinibbanti anāsavā Vbh 426.
pletely cooled) A iv.98; āsavakhīṇo danto parinibbuto Sn 5. The Obstacles: gantha (fetter). nibbānaṁ adhi-
370; saggaṁ sugatino yanti parinibbanti anāsavā those of gantabbaṁ sabba — g° — pamocanaṁ S i.210; It 104; simi-
happy fate go to heaven, but those not intoxicated die out Dh larly It 122 (see above). gabbhaseyyā (rebirth). na te punam
126; nibbānaṁ adhimuttānaṁ atthangacchanti āsavā Dh upenti gabbhaseyyaṁ, parinibbānagatā hi sītibhūtā Vv 53 —
226; āsavānaṁ khayā bhikkhu nicchāto parinibbuto It 49; nīvaraṇa (obstacles). pañca n°. anibbāna-saṁvattanikā
vimutti-kusuma-sañchanno parinibbissati anāsavo Th 1, S v.97. — punabbhava (rebirth). nibbāpehi mahārāgaṁ
100. — kāmā (cravings) nikkāmo nibbano Nāgo Sn 1131. — mā ḍayhittho punappunaṁ S i.188; vibhavañ ca bhavañ ca
kilesa- (nibbāna) vice (only in certain commentaries). kilesa- vippahāya vusitavā khīṇapunabbhavo sa bhikkhu Sn 514;
nibbānass' âpi anupādā parinibbānass' âpi santike DhA bhava — nirodha nibbānaṁ S ii.117. — sankhārā (ele-
i.286; upādānaṁ abhāvena anupādiyitvā kilesa-nibbānena ments of life). sabbasankhāra-samatho nibbānaṁ S i.136;
nibbutā DhA iv.194. — nibbidā (disenchantment). Nibbā- N.=sabbasankhārā khayissanti A iii.443. — saṁyojanāni
naṁ ekanta-nibbidāya virāgāya etc. saṁvattati S ii.223; (fetters). sabbas — âtītaṁ vanā Nibbānaṁ āgataṁ A iii.346;
nibbijjha sabbaso kāme sikkhe nibbānaṁ attano Sn 940. s. pahāya n°ṁ sacchikarissati A iii.423; saṁyojanānaṁ
— rāga virāgo nirodho nibbānaṁ S i.136≈; desento vi- parikkhayā antarā-parinibbāyī hoti S v.69.
rajaṁ dhammaṁ nibbānaṁ akutobhayan S i.192; yo rā- III. Nibbāna: its ethical importance and general charac-
gakkhayo (dosa° ... moha°...): idaṁ vuccati nibbānaṁ S terisation. 1. Assurance of N. (nibbānass' eva santike, near
iv.251, & same of Amata S v.8; chandarāga-vinodanaṁ nib- N., sure of N.): S i.33 (yassa etādisaṁ yānaṁ... sa etena yā-
bānapadaṁ accutaṁ Sn 1086; kusalo ca jahati pāpakaṁ nena n. e. s.: with the chariot of the Dhamma sure of reaching
rāgadosamoha-kkhayā parinibbuto Ud 85; ye 'dha paja- N.); iv.75; A ii.39 (abhabbo parihānāya n. e. s. impos-
hanti kāmarāgaṁ bhavarāgânusayañ ca pahāya parinibbāna- sible to fail in the assurance of final release, of one "catuhi


Nibbāna Nibbāna

dhammehi samannāgato, viz. sīla, indriyaguttadvāratā, bho- 940, cp. 1061. — 4. Some Epithets of Nibbāna: akutob-
janamattaññutā. jāgariyā"); iii.331 (id. with appamādagaru: hayaṁ A ii.24=It 122; accutaṁ padaṁ (careyya āditta — sīso
ever active & keen); ii.40=It 40 (id. with appamāda — rato); va patthayaṁ a. p.) S iii.143; Sn 1086; pattā te acalaṭṭhānaṁ
Sn 822. — 2. Steps and Means to N.: nibbāna-sacchikiriyā, yattha gantvā na socare Vv 51 ; amataṁ A ii.247; M iii.224
attainment of N., is mangalaṁ uttamaṁ & to be achieved by (Bhagavā atthassa ninnetā a °assa dātā); Miln 319; Vv 64 27
means of tapo, brahmacariyā and ariyasaccāna-dassanaṁ (apāpuranto a °assa dvāraṁ); VvA 85 (a — rasa); Vv 50 (am-
Sn 267. — brahmacariya (a saintly life) is n. — parāyanā atogadha magga=nibb° — gāminī paṭipadā); amosadhammaṁ
(leading to N.) S iii.189, cp. v.218; also called n. — ogadhā Sn 758; khemaṁ appaṭibhayaṁ S iv.175; S i.189=Sn 454; Th
(with similar states of mind, as nibbidā, virāgo, vimutti) ibid.; 2, 350 (°ṭṭhāne vimuttā te patta te acalaṁ sukhaṁ); M i.508
A ii.26=It 28, cp. It 29 (nibbān' — ogadha — gāminaṁ b°ṁ). (+amatagāminaṁ); A ii.247 (yogakkhemaṁ anuttaraṁ); same
The stages of sanctification are also discussed under the for- at A iii.294; It 27; Dh 23. — taṇhakkhaya Vv 73 ; ṭhānaṁ
mula "nibbidā virāgo vimutti... vimuttasmiṁ vimuttaṁ iti dud- dasaṁ S i.136 (=sabba — sankhāra — samatho); dhu-
ñāṇaṁ hoti: khīṇā jāti etc." (i. e. no more possibility of vaṁ (q. v.); niccaṁ Kvu 121; nekkhammaṁ A i.147 (°ṁ
birth) S ii.124=iv.86. — dhamma: Buddha's teaching as the daṭṭhu khemato... nibbānaṁ abhipassanto); Vv 84 . sabba-
way to N.: "dhammavaraṁ adesayi n. — gāmiṁ paramaṁ gantha-pamocanaṁ (deliverance from all ties) S i.210; ii.278
hitāya" Sn 233; ahaṁ sāvakānaṁ dhammaṁ desemi sattānaṁ (sabbadukkha°); It 222=A ii.24; yathābhūtaṁ vacanaṁ S
visuddhiyā... n°assa sacchikiriyāya A v.194, cp. 141; pubbe iv.195; yathāsukhaṁ (the Auspicious) A iv.415 sq.; (chanda
dh. — ṭhiti — ñāṇaṁ pacchā nibbāne ñāṇan ti S ii.124. — — ) rāga vinodanaṁ Sn 1086; rāgakkhayo (dosa°, moha°)
magga: Those practices of a moral & good life embraced in S v.8; rāgavinayo (dosa°, moha°) ibid., santi (calm, peace)
the 8 fold Noble Path (ariyamagga). Sace atthi akammena Vv 50 =Sn 204 (chandarāga — viratto bhikkhu paññāṇavā
koci kvaci na jīyati nibbānassa hi so maggo S i.217; ekāyano ajjhagā amataṁ santiṁ nibbānapadaṁ accutaṁ); VvA 219
ayaṁ maggo sattānaṁ visuddhiyā... N°assa sacchikiriyāya D (=acala); santimaggaṁ eva brūhaya n°ṁ Sugatena desitaṁ
ii.290; S v.167, 185; bhāvayitvā sucimaggaṁ n° — ogadha Dh 285=Nett 36; sandiṭṭhikaṁ akālikaṁ etc.; A i.158; samo
— gāminaṁ... Vbh 426; ādimhi sīlaṁ dasseyya, majjhe mag- bhūmibhāgo ramaṇīyo S iii.109; sassataṁ Kvu 34; suvatthi
gaṁ vibhāvaye, pariyosānamhi nibbānaṁ... DA i.176. — Sn 235. — 5. N. is realisable in this world, i. e. in this life
N. -gamanaṁ maggaṁ: tattha me nirato mano "my heart re- if it is mature (diṭṭhe va dhamme): S ii.18=115=iii.163=iv.141
joices in the path to Nibbāna" S i.186; N. -gāminī paṭipadā A (diṭṭha — dh — npatta); M ii.228; A iv.353=358, cp. 454.
iv.83 (the path to salvation). Cp. §§ 4 & 7. — 3. The Search — 6. Definitions with regard to the destruction of the causes
for N. or the goal of earnest endeavour. ārogya-paramā lābhā or substrata of life (cp. above I.): taṇhāya vippahānena n°ṁ
nibbānaṁ paramaṁ sukhaṁ, aṭṭhangiko ca maggānaṁ khe- iti vuccati S i.39=Sn 1109; as sabba — sankhārasamatho
maṁ amata — gāminaṁ "N. is a higher bliss than acquisition (calming down of all vital elements) Vin i.5; S i.136; A
of perfect health, the eightfold Path (alone) of all leads to per- ii.118=iii.164; iv.423; v.8, 110, 320, 354; akiñcanaṁ anādā-
fect peace, to ambrosia" M i.508, cp. Dh 204 ("the fullest gain naṁ etaṁ dīpaṁ anāparaṁ n°ṁ iti nam brūmi jarāmaccu —
is for health etc.; N. is the highest happiness" DhA iii.267). parikkhayaṁ Sn 1094; bhavanirodho n°ṁ ti S ii.117; A v.9;
Similarly: khantī paramaṁ tapo titikkhā, n°ṁ paramaṁ rāga-kkhayo (dosa°, moha°) S iv.251=261; virāgo nirodho
vadanti buddhā D ii.49=Dh 184; n°ṁ paramaṁ sukhaṁ: n°ṁ in typical & very freq. exposition at Nd =S i.136≈. See
Dh 204=Sn 257=J iii.195; id.: Dh 203; jhānaṁ upasampajja... also vana & cp. the foll.: taṇhā — sankhāta — vānâbhāvato
okkamanāya n.°assa A iv.111 sq.; cp. 230 sq.; kaṭuviyakato n°ṁ SnA 253; nikkhantaṁ vānato ti n°ṁ KhA 151; kilesa —
bhikkhu... ārakā hoti N°ā A i.281; n°ṁ ajjhagamuṁ sapaññā n° ass' âpi anupādā parinibbānass' âpi santike yeva DhA i.286
S i.22; devalokañ ca te yanti... anupubbena n°ṁ adhigaccha- (on Dh 32). — 7. N. as perfect wisdom and what is conducive
nti paṇḍitā A i.162; n°ṁ abhikankhati S i.198; abhipassati to such a state (saṁvattati). The foll. phrase is one of the
A i.147; tiṇṇakathankatho visallo n. -âbhirato Sn 86; bhikkhu oldest stereotype phrases in the Canon & very freq.; it is used
bhabbo anuttaraṁ sītibhāvaṁ sacchikātuṁ... paṇītâdhimutto of all the highest means & attainments of conduct & medita-
hoti ṇ-âbhirato ca A iii.435; n. -âbhirato... sabbadukkhā tion & may be said to mark the goal of perfect understand-
pamuccati S i.38; n. -ogadhaṁ brahmacariyaṁ vussati n. - ing & a perfect philosophy of life. It is given in 2 variations,
parāyaṇaṁ n. -pariyosānaṁ S iii.189=v.218; n°ṁ gavesanto viz. in a simple form as "upasamāya abhiññāya sambod-
carāmi (Bodhisat, J i.61). All means of conduct & all ideals of hāya nibbānāya saṁvattati," with ref. to majjhimā paṭipadā
reason & intellect lead to one end only: Nibbāna. This is fre- at Vin i.10=S iv.331=v.421; of satta bojjhangā at S v.80; and
quently expressed by var. similes in the phrase n. -ninna, in a fuller form as "ekanta-nibbidāya virāgāya nirodhāya
°poṇa, °pabbhāra, e. g. S v.75=134=137=190; v.244; A upasamāya etc. as above" at D i.189 (negative); ii.251 (of
v.75, 134, 190, 244= 291; Vv 84 . Saddahāno arahataṁ brahmacariyaṁ), 285; iii.130 (sukhallikânuyogā, neg.) 136
dhammaṁ n.— pattiyā sussūsā labhate paññaṁ appamatto (avyākataṁ, neg.); S ii.223 (brahmacariya); v.82 (satta bo-
S i.214= Sn 186, cp. S i.48; Gotamo n. -paṭisaṁyuttāya jjhangā), 179 (satipaṭṭhānā), 255 (iddhipādā), 361 (ariyam-
dhammiyā kathāya bhikkhū sandasseti S i.214=192=210; Ud agga), 438 A iii.83, 326 sq.; etc. — Cp. n — saṁvattanika S
80; n°ṁ pariyesati A ii.247; n. -pariyosānā sabbe dhammā v.97 (upekhāsambojjhanga); Nd 281 (neg. of tamo). — 8. N.
A v.107; n. — poṇaṁ me mānasaṁ bhavissati, saṁyojanā as the opposite of rāga (passion, lust). Freq. is the comb of
pahāṇaṁ gacchanti A iii.443; odhunitvā malaṁ sabbaṁ patvā virāga nirodha nibbāna, almost used as three synonyms, thus
n. -sampadaṁ muccati sabba — dukkhehi: sā hoti sabbasam- at S ii.18; Vin iii.20=111; A ii.118=iii.164=iv.423=v.8=Nd 2
padā A iv.239; nibbijjha sabbaso kāme sikkhe n°ṁ attano Sn under Nibbāna; A ii.34=It 88 (dhammānaṁ aggaṁ akkhāy-


Nibbāna Nibbiddha

ati, madanimmadano pipāsa — vinayo ālaya — samugghāto derivation nibbuta] 1. to be cooled or refreshed, to be covered
vaṭṭûpacchedo taṇhakkhayo virāgo nirodha nibbānaṁ), cp. up=to be extinguished, go out (of fire), to cease to exist, al-
Vin iii.20≈. Similarly S i.192 (Sugataṁ payirupāsati desentaṁ ways used with ref. to fire or heat or (fig.) burning sensations
virajaṁ dhammaṁ nibbānaṁ akutobhayaṁ). — 9. Various (see nibbāna II. A end): aggikkhandho purimassa ca upādā-
Characterisations & Similes (cp. above II. A 4 & 5). sukkâb- nassa puriyādānā aññassa ca anupāhārā anāhāro nibbāyeyya
hijātiko samāno akaṇhaṁ asukkaṁ n°ṁ abhijayati D iii.251; S ii.85 (opp. jāleyya); do. of telaṁ & vaṭṭiṁ paṭicca telap-
A iii.384 sq.; aniccā sabbe sankhārā dukkhā 'nattā ca sankhātā: padīpo n. S ii.86=iii.126=iv.213=v.319; sace te purato so aggi
nibbānañ c' eva paññatti anattā iti nicchayā Vin v.86. On an- nibbāyeyya jāneyyāsi tvaṁ: ayaṁ... aggi nibbuto M i.487; A
icca & anattā in rel. to N. see also S iv.133 sq.; A iv.353; iv.70 (papaṭikā n.); aggi udake tiṇukkā viya n. J i.212; mā-
dukkhato & sukhato n°ṁ samanupassati A iii.442. On com- tuhadayaṁ n. J i.61; aggi upādāna — sankhayā n. Miln 304.
parison with a lamp see e. g. S i.159=D ii.157= Th 1, 906 — aor. nibbāyi [Sk. niravāri] J i.27 (mano n.: was refreshed)
(pajjotass' eva nibbānaṁ vimokkho cetaso ahū), A iv.3 (pajjo- 212 (aggi udake n.: was extinguished); vi.349 (cooled down).
tass' eva n. vimokkho hoti cetaso); Sn 235 (... te khīṇabījā — 2. to go out (of light) Vism 430 (dīpā nibbāyiṁsu the lights
avirūḷhichandā nibbanti dhīrā yathâyaṁ padīpo). went out); ThA 154 (dīpacci n. nirāsanā: went out). See also
-abhirata fond of N. (cp. III. 3) S i.38; A iii.435; Sn parinibbāyati & cp. nibbuta, nibbāpeti, nibbāpana.
86 (visalla+); -ogadha merging into N. (of brahmacariya)
Nibbāyin see pari°.
S iii.189; v.218; A ii.26=It 28; Vbh 426, cp. amatogadha
Nibbāhana (adj. — n.) [fr. nibbāheti] leading out, removing,
A v.107; -gamana (magga; cp. III. 2) leading to N. D
saving; (nt.) removal, clearance, refuge, way out Miln 119,
ii.223; S i.186, 217; A iv.83; (dhamma:) S v.11; Sn 233;
198, 295, 309, 326 (°magga). [Miln. the only references!]
-dhātu the sphere or realm of N. always in phrase anupādis-
esāsaya n. — dhātuyā parinibbāyate Vin ii.239; D iii.135; Nibbāhati [nis+vahati] to lead out, carry out, save from, remove
It 38, 121; Ps i.101; cp. rāgavinayo n. — dhātuyā adhiva- Miln 188. — 2nd Caus. nibbāhāpeti to have brought out,
canaṁ S v.8. See parinibbāyin; -ninna (+°poṇa, °pabbhāra; to unload (a waggon) Vin ii.159 (hiraññaṁ); iii.43. See also
cp. III. 3) converging into N. A iii.443; Vv 84 42 & passim; - nibbāhana & nibbuyhati.
paṭisaññuta (dhammikathā; cp. III. 2) relating or referring to
Nibbikappa [nis+vikappa] distinction, distinguishing Vism 193.
N. S i.114=192=210; Ud 80; -patta having attained N. (diṭṭha
Nibbikāra (adj.) [nis+vikāra] steady, unchanged, steadfast; per-
— dhamma°, see above III. 5) S ii.18=114= iii.163; -patti at-
severing J i.66; PvA 178, 253 (+nicca); SnA 189, 497; Vism
tainment of N. S i.48, 214=Sn 186; -pada=Nibbāna (see pada
3) Sn 204. -pariyosāna ending in N. having its final goal
in N. S iii.189; v.218; A v.107; -saṁvattanika conducive to Nibbicikicchā (f.) [nis+vicikicchā] surety, reliance, trust S ii.84;
N.; contributing toward the attainment of N. S v.97; Nd 281 v.221 (=nikkankhā); VvA 85 (=ekaṁsikā).
(a°); cp. above III. 7; -sacchikiriyā realisation of N. (identical Nibbijjhati [nis+vijjhati, vyadh] to pierce, transfix, wound S v.88
with ñāṇa and constituting the highest ideal; cp. above III. 2) (+padāleti); Sdhp 153 (patodehi). ger. nibbijjha Sn 940
Sn 267. Cp. also D ii.290; S v.167; A iii.423; v.141; -saññā (=paṭivijjhitvā Nd 420). — pp. nibbiddha. Cp. abhi°.
perception of N. A iii.443; -sampatti successful attainment
Nibbiṭṭha (pp.) [nis+viṭṭha, of nibbisati] gained, earned Vin
of N. Kh viii.13; -sampadā the blessing of the attainment of
iv.265; Sn 25; SnA 38.
N. A iv.239.
Nibbiṇṇa (adj.) [Sk. nirviṇṇa, pp. of nibbindati] tired of, dis-
Nibbāpana (nt.) [abstr. fr. nibbāpeti] means of extinguish-
gusted with (c. instr. or loc.), wearied of, dissatisfied with,
ing, extinction, quenching S i.188 (cittaṁ pariḍayhati: nibbā-
"fed up" J i.347; vi.62; Th 2, 478 (=viratta ThA 286); DhA
panaṁ brūhi=allayment of the glow); A iv.320 (celassa n°āya
i.85 (°hadaya); VvA 207 (°rūpa); PvA 159 (tattha — vāsena n
chandaṁ karoti: try to put out the burning cloth); Miln 302
— mānaso tired of living there), 272 (°rūpa), 283 (°rūpa, tired
(jhāyamāno n°ṁ alabhamāno), 318 (pariḷāha°).
of: purohite).
Nibbāpita (adj.) [pp. of nibbāpeti] extinguished, put out,
Nibbidā (f.) [Sk. nirvid, f. (also BSk. e. g. Lal. V. 300) &
quenched J iii.99 (=nicchuddha).
nirveda; to nibbindati] weariness, disgust with worldly life,
Nibbāpeti [Sk. ni(r)vārayati, Caus. of ni(r)varati, influenced in
tedium, aversion, indifference, disenchantment. N. is of the
meaning by nirvāpayati. Caus. of nirvāti= make cool by blow- preliminary & conditional states for the attainment of Nibbāna
ing (e. g. RV x.16 ). See nibbuta on etym.] 1. to extinguish,
(see nibbāna II B 1) & occurs frequently together with virāga,
put out, quench S i.188 (mahārāgaṁ); It 93 (rāg — aggiṁ;
vimutti & nibbāna in the formula: etaṁ ekanta — nibbidāya
& nibbāpetvā aggiṁ nipakā parinibbanti); cp. aggiṁ nijjāleti virāgāya nirodhāya... sambodhāya nibbānāya saṁvattati "this
J vi.495; Pv i.8 (vārinā viya osiñcaṁ sabbaṁ daraṁ nibbā-
leads to being thoroughly tired (of the world), to dispassion-
paye); Miln 304 (aggikhandhaṁ mahāmegho abhippavassitvā ateness, to destruction (of egoism), to perfect wisdom, to Nib-
n.), 318 (nibbāpehi me hadaya — pariḷāhaṁ), 410 (megho bāna," e. g. at D i.189; S v.82, 179, 255, 361; A iii.83; iv.143;
uṇhaṁ n.); DhA ii.241 (fire); Sdhp 552 (bhavadukkh' aggiṁ). v.216. — In other connections: Vin i.15 (nibbidāya cittaṁ
— 2. to cleanse, purify (cittaṁ, one's heart) Vism 305. — pp. saṇṭhāsi); D iii.130 sq.; S ii.30; iii.40; 179, 189; iv.86, 141
nibbāpita. See also nibbāpana. (read nibbidāya for nibbindāya?); A i.51, 64; iii.19, 200, 325
Nibbāyati [Sk. ni — (or nir — )vriyate, Pass. of ni(r)varati, influ- sq.; iv.99, 336; v.2 sq., 311 sq.; J i.97; iv.471, 473; Sn 340; Ps
enced by nirvāyati intrs. to cease to blow; see on etym. & Pāli i.195; ii.43 sq.; Vbh 330; Nett 27, 29; Vism 650. Cp. abhi°.

Nibbiddha Nibbeṭheti

Nibbiddha [pp. of nibbijjhati] 1. in phrase °pingala (with) dis- tion, both represented by P. nibbuta. — In derivations we
gustingly red (eyes) (perhaps=nibbiṇṇa?) J v.42 (of a giant). have besides the rootform vṛ (=P. bbu°) that with guṇa vṝ
— 2. with ref. to a road: broken up, i. e. much frequented, (cp. Sk. vārayati, vrāyati) or vrā=P.* bbā° (with which also
busy street J vi.276 (of vīthi, bazaar, in contrast with a — nib- cp. paṭivāṇa=*prativāraṇa). The former is in nibbuti (ceasing,
biddha — raccha carriage — road, which is not a thorough- extinction, with meaning partly influenced by nibbuṭṭhi=Sk.
fare. The reading patatthiyo at J vi.276, for which nibbiddha nirvṛṣṭi pouring of water), the latter in instr. nibbāti and
— vīthiyo is the C. expl is to be corrected into pathaddhiyo). nibbāyati (to cease or to go out) and trs. nibbāpeti (Caus.:
Nibbindati [nis+vindati, vid ] to get wearied of (c. loc.); to have to make cease, to stop or cool) and further in nibbāna (nt.
instr. abstr.) (the dying out)] (lit.) extinguished (of fire),
enough of, be satiated, turn away from, to be disgusted with.
In two roots A. vind: prs. nibbindati etc. usually in comb n cooled, quenched (fig.) desireless (often with nicchāta & sītib-
hūta), appeased, pleased, happy. — (a) (lit.) aggi anāhāro n.
with virajjati & vimuccati (cp. nibbāna III. 2). Vin i.35;
M i.487; Sn 19 (ginī n.=magga — salila — sekena n. SnA
S ii.94; iv.86, 140; A v.3; Dh 277 sq.; It 33; J i.267; Miln
28); J iv.391 (anibbute pāyāse); Miln 304 (aggikkhandha),
235, 244; Sdhp 612. ppr. nibbindaṁ S iv.86; PvA 36 (nib-
346 (mahāmeghena n°ṁ pathaviṁ); ThA 154 (anupādānā dīp'
binda — mānasa); ger. nibbindiya J v.121 (°kārin). — B. vid: d
accī); KhA 194 (padīpo n.). — (b) (fig.) comb with sītibhūta
Pot. nibbide (v. l. BB nibbije) J v.368 (=nibbindeyya Com.);
(& nicchāta): Vin i.8; M i.341; A ii.208 =D iii.233=Pug 56, 61;
ger. nibbijjitvā J i.82, & nibbijja Sn 448=S i.124 (nibbi- 7
jjâpema=nibbijja pakkameyya SnA 393). — pp. nibbiṇṇa. A iv.410; v.65; Sn 593, 707; Pv i.8 . — In phrase anupādāya
nibbuta: S ii.279; A i.162; iv.290=Dh 414=Sn 638. — In
See also nibbidā.
other connections: attadaṇḍesu n. sādānesu anādāno S i.236=
Nibbiriya (adj.) [nis+viriya] lacking in strength, indolent, sloth-
Dh 406=Sn 630; aññāya nibbutā dhīrā S i.24; tadangan. S
ful, weak J iv.131; PvA 175 (=alasa, kusīta].
iii.43; ejânugo anejassa nibbutassa anibbuto It 91; vītataṇho
Nibbivara (adj.) [nis+vivara] without holes or fissures, without n. Sn 1041; tiṇṇa — sokapariddavo n. Dh 196; rāg' aggimhi
omissions J v.429; VvA 275 (=atīva sangata). n. & n. mātā, pitā, nārī J i.60; n. veyyākaraṇena Miln 347;
upādānānaṁ abhāvena... kilesanibbānena n. DhA iv.194. —
Nibbisa [to nibbisati] earnings, wages Th 1, 606=1003= Miln 45
See also abhinibbuta and parinibbuta.
(cp. Manu vi.45); SnA 38.
Nibbuti (f.) [Sk. nirvṛti, abstr. to nibbuta] allayment, refresh-
Nibbisanka (adj.) [nis+visanka, Sk. viśankā] fearless, not hesi-
ment, cooling, peace, happiness J i.3 (khemaṁ pariyessāmi
tating, undaunted SnA 61.
n°ṁ); Sn 228 (nikkāmino n°ṁ bhuñjamānā), 917, 933
Nibbisati [nis+visati] to enter into; to earn, gain, find, enjoy, only 1 4
(santī ti n°ṁ ñatvā); Nd 399; Pv i.7 (n°ṁ n' âdhigac-
in pp. anibbisaṁ not finding Th 2, 159 (=avindanto ThA
chāmi=quenching of hunger & thirst); KhA 185 (=paṭippas-
142); J i.76=Dh 153. — pp. nibbiṭṭha. See also nibbisa.
saddha — kilesa — daratha).
Nibbisaya (adj.) [nis+visaya] having no residence, banished,
Nibbuddha [Sk. niyuddha, pp. of nibbujjhati] wrestling, fist —
driven from (—°) J ii.401.
fight D i.6 (=mallayuddhaṁ DA i.85); DhsA 403.
Nibbisevana (adj.) [nis+visevana] not self — indulgent, self-
Nibbuyhati [Sk. niruhyate, nis+vuyhati, Pass. of vahati, cp. nib-
denying, meek, tame, gentle J ii.210 (dametvā nibbisevanaṁ
bāhati] to be led out to (c. acc.): susānaṁ Th 2, 468 (=upanīy-
katvā), 351; v.34, 381, 456; vi.255; DhA i.288 (cittaṁ ujuṁ
ati ThA 284); to be led out of=to be saved S i.1, cp. RV i.117,
akuṭilaṁ n. karoti), 295; VvA 284 (°bhava =jitindriya).
14; vi.62, 6.
Nibbisesa (adj.) [nis+visesa] showing no difference, without dis-
Nibbusitattā (nibbusitattan?) [Sk. *nir — vasit — ātman or *nir-
tinction, equal, similar J ii.32; vi.355; Miln 249.
vasitatvaṁ (nt. abstr.), to nis — vasati, cp. nirvāsana =nib-
Nibbujjhati [ni+yujjhati, yudh. Pāli form difficult to explain: bisaya] a dislocated or disconcerted mind, unrest, uneasiness
niy°=niyy°=nivv°=nibb°] to wrestle, to fight with fists Vin D i.17.
iii.180. — pp. nibbuddha. 2
Nibbecikicchā=nibbicikicchā certainty, doubtlessness Nd 185
Nibbuta (adj.) [Nibbuta represents Sk. nirvṛta (e. g. AvŚ i.48) (opp. savicikicchā).
as well as nivṛta, both pp. of vṛ, which in itself combines two
Nibbejaniya at S i.124 should probably be read as nibbe-ṭhaniya
meanings, as exhibited in cognate languages and in Sk. itself:
(rejecting, evading).
(a) Idg. ṷer to cover, cover up (Lat. aperio=*apa — veriǤo
Nibbeṭhana (nt.) [Sk. nirveṣṭana, nis+veṭhana] unwinding, fig.
to cover up, Sk. varutram upper garment, "cover") and (b)
explanation Miln 28.
*ṷel to resolve, roll, move (Lat. volvo=revolve; Gr. ε῞λις,
ἐλύω; Sk. vāṇa reed=Lat. ulva; Sk. ūrmi wave; P. valli Nibbeṭhita [pp. of nibbeṭheti] explained, unravelled, made clear
creeper, valita wrinkled). *ṷer is represented in P. by e. g. vi- Miln 123 (su°).
varati to open, nivāreti to cover, obstruct, nīvaraṇa, nivāraṇa
Nibbeṭheti [Sk. nirveṣṭate, nis+veṭheti, to twist round] 1.
obstruction; *ṷel by āvuta, khandh — āvāra, parivāra, vyā-
to unravel, untwist, unwind; to explain, make clear D
vaṭa (busy with=moving about), samparivāreti. Thus we gain i.54 (nibbeṭhiyamāna, v. l. BB nibbedh°); Pv iv.3 29
the two meanings comb and used promiscuously in the one
(°ento=niveṭhīyamāna PvA 253 v. l. BB nibbedh°); Miln 3;
word because of their semantic affinity: (a) *nivṛta covered
Sdhp 153. — 2. to deny, reject Vin ii.79; D i.3 (=apanetabba
up, extinguished, quenched, and (b) *nirvṛta without move-
Com.); S iii.12 (v. l. BB °dh°). — 3. to give an evasive an-
ment, with motion finished (cp. niṭṭhita), ceasing, exhaus-
swer Vin iii.162. — See also nibbejaniya. — pp. nibbeṭhita,

Nibbeṭheti Nimisati

q. v. (caturo nimitte nâddasaṁ); Miln 79, 178. Esp. as pubba°
signs preceding an event, portents, warnings, foreshadowings
Nibbedha [nis+vedha, to vyadh] penetration, insight; adj.: pen-
S v.154, 278, 442; It 76 (cp. Divy 193, of the waning of a
etrating, piercing, scrutinising, sharp. Freq. in phrase
god); J i.48, 50 (32 signs before birth, some at DA i.61), 59;
nibbedha-bhāgiya (sharing the quality of penetration), with
Miln 298; Vism 577. — 2. outward appearance, mark, char-
ref. to samādhi, saññā etc. [cp. BSk. nirvedha° Divy 50;
but also nirbheda° AvŚ ii.181, of kusalamūlāni; expl as lob- acteristic, attribute, phenomenon (opp. essence) D iii.249; A
i.256; iii.319, 375 sq.; iv.33, 418 sq.; J i.420; Ps i.60, 91 sq.,
hakkhandhassa (etc.) nibbijjhanāni at Nett 274] D iii.251, 277;
164, 170; ii.39, 64; Vbh 193 sq. — Mental reflex, image (with
A iii.427; Vbh 330; Nett 21, 48, 143 sq., 153 sq.; Vism 15, 88;
ref. to jhāna) Vism 123, cp. DhsA 167. — Specified e. g. as
DhsA 162. — Also in nibbedha — gāminī (paññā) It 35; &
foll.: oḷārika S v.259; pasādaniya S v.156; paccavekkhana°
dunnibbedha (hard to penetrate, difficult to solve Miln 155,
D iii.278; Vbh 334; bahiddhā — sankhārā° Ps i.66 sq.; bāla°
233 (pañha); spelt dunniveṭha at Miln 90).
(opp. paṇḍita°) M iii.163; A i.102; mukha° (=face) D i.80; S
Nibbedhaka (adj.) [nis+vedhaka, to vyadh] piercing, sharp, pen-
iii.103; v.121; A v.92, 97 sq., 103; rūpa°, sadda° etc. S iii.10;
etrating, discriminating; only in f. nibbedhikā (cp. āvedhikā), M i.296; Ps i.92, 112; samatha° D iii.213; samādhi° etc. A
appl to paññā (wisdom) D iii.237, 268; S v.197, 199; M
i.256 sq.; subha° (& asubha°) S v.64, 103 sq.; A i.3 sq., 87,
i.356; A i.45; ii.167; iii.152; 410 sq., 416; v.15; Ps ii.201; 200; v.134; Vism 178 sq. nimittaṁ gaṇhāti to make some-
Nd 235, 3 (+tikkha — paññā), 415, 689; J ii.9, 297; iv.267.
thing the object of a thought, to catch up a theme for reflection
Nibbematika (adj.) [nis+vimati+ka] not disagreeing, of one ac- Vin i.183, cp. S v.150 sq. (°ṁ uggaṇhāti); M i.119 (=five
cord, unanimous Vin ii.65; DhA i.34. sorts of mental images); Nd 659; DhsA 53 (=ākāra). See be-
low n — gāhin & animitta.— nimittaṁ parivajjeti to discard
Nibbhacceti [Sk. nirbhartsayati, nis+bhaccheti] to threaten, re-
the phenomenal S i.188; Sn 341. — 3. mark, aim: in nimit-
vile, scorn J iii.338.
taṁ karoti to pick out the aim, to mark out J v.436; Nd 235,
Nibbhaya (adj.) [nis+bhaya] free from fear or danger, fearless, d
1 ; Miln 418. — 4. sexual organ (cp. lakkhaṇa) Vin iii.129
unafraid J i.274; iii.80; v.287; Vism 512.
(n. & a°, as term of abuse); see also kāṭa & koṭacikā. — 5.
Nibbhujati [Sk. ni — or nirbhujati, nis+bhujati] to twist round, ground, reason, condition, in nimittena (instr.) and nimittaṁ
bend, wind, contort oneself Miln 253. Cp. vi°. (acc.) as adv.=by means of, on account of DhA iii.175 (in-
Nibbhoga (adj.) [Sk. nirbhoga, nis+bhoga ] deprived of enjoy- str.) PvA 8, 97 (jāti — nimittaṁ), 106 (kiṁ n°ṁ=kissa hetu),
242 (yaṁ n°ṁ=yato nidānaṁ). gahita — nimittena "by means
ment; deserted, being of no avail, useless J vi.556; Pv i.12. n
of being caught" Vism 144=DhsA 116 (read trsl 154 accord-
Cp. vi°.
ingly!). adj. nimitta (—°) caused by, referring to PvA 64
Nibbhoga [ni+bhoga ] bending, contortion J ii.264 (oṭṭha°).
(maraṇa — nimittaṁ rodanaṁ). — animitta free from marks
Nibyaggha see nivyaggha. or attributes, not contaminated by outward signs or appear-
Nibha (adj.) [Sk. nibha, to bhāti] shining; like, equal to, ance, undefiled, ụnaffected, unconditioned (opp. sa°) S i.188;
resembling (—°) J v.372; Vv 40 ; Pv iv.3 ; VvA 122 iv.225 (phassa), 268, 360 (samādhi); M i.296 (cetovimutti); A
(vaṇṇa°=vaṇṇa); Nd 608. i.82; iii.292; iv.78; Vin iii.129; Th 1, 92; D iii.219, 249; Dh
92; Sn 342; Ps i.60, 91; ii.36, 59 sq. (vimokha), 65 sq., 99;
Nibhatā (f.) [abstr. to nibha] likeness, appearance VvA 27.
Dhs 530 (read a° for appa°); Vism 236; DhsA 223 (absence
Nibhā (f.) [to nibha] shine, lustre, splendour VvA 179 (nibhāti of the 3 lakkhaṇas); Miln 333, 413; DhA ii.172; ThA 50. See
dippatī ti nibhā). also Cpd. 199, 211 . sanimitta S v.213 sq.; A i.82.
Nibhāti [ni+bhāti] to shine VvA 179 (=dippati). -ânusārin following outward signs (=°gāhin) A iii.292;
Nett 25; -kamma prognostication, prophecy Vin v.172; Vbh
Nimajjhima (adj.) the middle one J v.371.
353; -karaṇa=gāhin S iv.297; -gāhin "taking signs," enticed
Nimantaka (adj. — n.) one who invites Miln 205. or led away by outward signs, entranced with the general ap-
pearance, sensuously attracted D i.70 (cp. Dialogues i.80);
Nimantana (nt.) [to nimanteti] invitation Vin i.58= ii.175; D
iii.225; S iv.104, 168; A ii.16; iii.99; v.348; Pug 20, 24, 58;
i.166; M i.77; A i.295; J i.116 (ṇ), 412; Pug 55.
Dhs 1345; Miln 367, 403. Cp. Vism 151, 209.
Nimantanika (adj.) inviting; (nt.) N. of a Suttanta M i.331;
quoted at Vism 393. Nimināti [Sk. niminoti in diff. meaning, the P. meaning being in-
fluenced by mā; ni+mināti, mi to fix, measure cp. Sk. nimaya
Nimantita [pp. of nimanteti] invited Sn p. 104; PvA 22 (bhattena
barter, change] to turn round, change; to barter, exchange for
to the meal), 86 (=āmantita), 141.
(c. instr.): pres. imper. niminā J v.343 (=parivattehi Com.);
Nimanteti [Sk. nimantrayati, ni+manteti] to send a message, to pres. 1st pl. nimimhase J ii.369, pot. nimineyya J iii.63; fut.
call, summon, invite, coax (to=c. instr.) Sn 981 (nimantayi nimissati J v.271, 453 (devatāhi nirayaṁ); aor. nimmini J
aor., āsanena asked him to sit down); J vi.365; Nd 342; DhA iii.63; ger. niminitvā Milo 279.
iii.171 (°ayiṁsu); DA i.169; VvA 47 (pānīyena invite to a
Nimisa [cp. Vedic nimiṣ f. & nimiṣa nt.] winking, shutting the
drink); PvA 75, 95. — pp. nimantita, q. v. — Cp. abhi°.
eyes; animisa not winking Dāvs v.26. See also nimesa.
Nimitta (nt.) [cp. Sk. nimitta, to mā, although etym. uncer-
Nimisatā (f.) [abstr. to nimisati] winking J vi.336 (a°).
tain] 1. sign, omen, portent, prognostication D i.9 (study of
omens=n. satthaṁ DA i.92, q. v. for detailed expl ); J i.11 Nimisati [Sk. nimiṣati, ni+misati] to wink D ii.20 (animi-santo,

Nimisati Niyata

not winking; v. l. BB animm°; J iii.96 (ummisati+). Cp. Nimmanussa (nt.) [nis+manussa+ya] void of men, absence of
nimisatā. men J iii.148.
Nimīlati (& Nimmīlati) [ni+mīlati] to shut, close (the eyes) Nimmala (adj.) [nis+mala] free from impurity, stainless, clean,
J i.279; DhA ii.6 (akkhīni nimmīlituṁ nâsakkhi). Caus. pure A iv.340; Dh 243; Nd 586; Vism 58; Sdhp 250.
nim(m)īl-eti id. M i.120; DhA ii.28 (paralokaṁ; opp. um-
Nimmāta-pitika (adj.) [nis+māta — pitika] one who has neither
mīleti); J i.279; Vism 292 (akkhīni ni°).
mother nor father, an orphan DhA ii.72.
Nimugga (adj.) [cp. Sk, nimagna, pp. of nimujjati] plunged, im-
Nimmātar [Sk. nirmātṛ, n. ag. of nimmināti] maker, builder,
mersed in, sunk down or fallen into (—°) (c. loc.) Vin iii.106
creator D i.18, 56 (in formula: brahmā... kattā nimmātā...).
(gūthakūpe sasīsakaṁ n.); D i.75; J i.4; iii.393 (gūthakalale),
415; Nd 26; Pug 71; Miln 262; Sdhp 573. Nimmādeti [either=Sk. nirmṛdayati (mṛd) or *nirmādayati to nir-
mada. free from pride=nirmāna] to crush, subdue, humiliate;
Nimujjā (nimmujjā) [Sk. *nimajj — yā] diving, immersion, in
insult D i.92 (v. l. °maddeti;=DA i.257 nimmadati nimmāne
cpd. ummujja — nimujja(ṁ karoti) D i.78. See ummujjā. karoti), 93, 96.
Nimujjati [Sk. nimajjati, ni+mujjati] to sink down, plunge into 1
Nimmāna (nt.) [Sk. nirmāṇa, see nimmināti] measuring; pro-
(with loc.), dive in, be immersed A iv.11; Pug 74; J i.66, 70;
duction, creation, work; issara — n — hetu caused by God M
iii.163, 393 (kāmakalale); iv.139; aor. nimujji J ii.293; PvA
ii.122; A i.173; Vbh 367. N. -ratī devā a class of devas, e. g.
47 (udake). — Caus. nimujjeti (so read for nimujjati J v.268)
at D i.218; It 94; Vism 225; DA i.114; ThA 169; VvA 149.
& nimujjāpeti to cause to sink or dive, to drown J — iii.133;
Cp. (para — ) nimmita.
iv.142 (nāvaṁ). — pp. nimugga q. v.
Nimmāna (adj.) [Sk. nirmāna, nis+māna] free from pride, hum-
Nimujjana (nt.) [Sk. nimajjana] diving, ducking; bathing PvA
ble DA i.257.
Nimmāniyati [Pass. to nimmāna, of nis+māna] to be abased, to
Nimesa [=nimisa, cp. Vedic nimesa] winking Miln 194.
be mocked Vin ii.183.
Nimokkha=vimokkha S i.2 (v. l. SS vi°, preferable).
Nimmita (adj. — pp.) [pp. of nimmināti] measured out, planned,
Nimba [Sk. nimba, non — Aryan] the Nimb tree (Azadi-rachta laid out; created (by supernatural power, iddhi); measured,
Indica), bearing a bitter leaf, & noted for its hard wood Vin stately D i.18, 56 (iddhiyā pi DA i.167), 219 (Su° devaputta.
i.152 (°kosa), 284 (id.), 201 (°kasāva); A i.32; v.212; Vv 33 36 Np.), ibid. (Paranimmitavasavattī devā a class of devas, lit.
(°muṭṭhi, a handful of N. leaves); J ii.105, 106; DhA i.52 "created by others," but also possessed of great power: VvA
(°kosa); DhsA 320 (°paṇṇa, the leaf of the N. as example of 79, 80); also one of the 5, or the 3 spheres (kāmûpapattiyo)
tittaka, bitter taste); VvA 142 (°palāsa); PvA 220 (°rukkhassa in the kāmaloka, viz. paccupaṭṭhita — kāmā, nimmānarati°
daṇḍena katasūla). (or nimmita°), paranimmita°. It 94; Dhs 1280 (cp. kāma); D
Nimmaṁsa (adj.) [nis+maṁsa] fleshless M i.58, 364; PvA 68. iii.218; J i.59, 146 (kāyo n' eva deva° na brahma°), 232, Nd 2
202 , also under pucchā; P ii.1 19 (su°, well constructed, i. e.
Nimmakkha (adj.) [nis+makkha, cp. Sk. nirmatsara] with- symmetrical); Vism 228 (Mārena nimmitaṁ Buddharūpaṁ);
out egotism, not false, not slandering Sn 56 (cp. Nd 356
VvA 36 (=mitaṁ gacchati vāraṇo), 79; ThA 69, 70; Miln 1,
makkha=niṭṭhuriya; see also SnA 108; paraguṇa — vināsana
242. See also abhinimmita.
— lakkhaṇo makkho).
Nimmināti [cp. Sk. nirmimīti & nirmāti, nis+mināti, mā; cp.
Nimmakkhika (adj.) [Sk. nirmakṣika] free from flies J i.262;
nimināti] to measure out, fashion, build, construct, form; make
DhA i.59.
by miracle, create, compose; produce, lay out, plan, aor. nim-
Nimmajjana (Nimmiñjana?) [*mṛd — yana? perhaps mini J i.232; PvA 245; DhA iv.67; ger nimminitvā J i.32;
non-Aryan] a kind of (oil — )cake Vv 33 38 (nimmaj- VvA 80, & nimmāya Vv 16 . — pp. nimmita See also
jani=tilapiññāka VvA 147); Pv i.10 10 (°miñjana, v. l. BB nimmātar and nimmāna. Cp. abhi°.
°majjani); PvA 47 (doṇi°).
Nimmīleti see nimīlati.
Nimmathana (nt.) [nis+mathana] crushing J iii.252; Vism 234
Nimmūla (adj.) [nis+mūla] without root, rootless J vi.177.
(sattu°); DhA iii.404; VvA 284.
Nimmoka [Sk. nirmoka fr. nis+moceti] the slough or castoff skin
Nimmatheti [nis+matheti] to crush out, suppress, destroy J i.340.
of a snake PvA 63.
Cp. abhimatthati.
Niya (adj.) [Sk. nija, q. v.] one's own Sn 149 (°putta= orasa-
Nimmadana (nt.) [to nimmādeti] touching, touch, crushing, sub- 13
putta KhA 248); niyassakamma at A i.99 & Pv iv.1 (v. l.
duing A ii.34 (mada — nimmadana, crushing out pride; may,
Minayeff tiyassa) is to be read as nissayakamma (q. v.).
however, be taken as nis+mada of mad= "de — priding," lit.
Niyaka (adj.) [=niya] one's own Th 2, 469; ThA 284; DhsA 169,
disintoxication); Bu i.81; Vism 293.
337; DA i.183; Vbh 2; Vism 349.
Nimmadaya (adj.) [Sk. nirmṛdya, grd. of nimmadeti] suppress-
Niyata (adj.) [pp. of ni+yam] restrained, bound to, constrained
ible D ii.243.
to, sure (as to the future), fixed (in its consequences), certain,
Nimmaddana (nt.) [nis+mṛd] touching, crushing Miln 270 (na
assured, necessary D ii.92 (sambodhiparāyanā), 155; iii.107;
vāto hattha — gahaṇaṁ vā nimmaddanaṁ vā upeti: the wind 2
Sn 70 (=ariyamaggena niyāmappatta SnA 124, cp. Nd 357);
cannot be grasped).
Dh 142 (=catumagga— niyamena n. DhA iii.83); J i.44 (bod-

Niyata Niraggala

hiyā); Pug 13, 16, 63; Kvu 609 sq.; Dhs 1028 sq. (micchatta° Niyoga [ni+yoga] command, order; necessity. abl. niyogā
etc.; cp. Dhs. trsl. 266, 267), 1414, 1595; Vbh 17, 24, 63, "strictly speaking" Dhs 1417.
319, 324; Miln 193; Tikp 168 (°micchādiṭṭhi); DhA iii.170;
Niyojeti [Caus. of niyuñjati] to urge, incite to (with loc.) Vin
PvA 211. Discussed in Pts. of Contr. (see Index). — aniyata 4
ii.303; A iv.32; Pv ii.1 ; Miln 229.
see separately.
Niyyati=Nīyati (Pass. of nayati).
Niyati (f.) [cp. Sk. niyati, ni+yam] necessity, fate, destiny D i.53;
Niyyatta (nt.) [cp. Sk. niryaṇa] escape J i.215.
DA i.161; VvA 341; PvA 254.
Niyyāta (pp.)=niyyādita M i.360.
Niyama [cp. Sk. niyama, ni+yam; often confused with niyāma]
1. restraint, constraint, training, self — control Miln 116 Niyyātana (nt.) [fr. niyyāti] returning, return to (—°) J v.497
(yama+); PvA 98 (yama+). — 2. definiteness, certainty, (saka — raṭṭha°); Vism 556; DA i.234.
limitation DhA iii.83 (catumagga°, v. l. niyāma); SnA 124 Niyyātar [n. ag. to niyyāma] a guide, leader M i.523 sq.
(niyāma); DhsA 154; PvA 166 (ayaṁ n. saṁsāren' atthi:
Niyyāti [Sk. niryāti, nis+yāti] to go out, get out (esp. of saṁsāra);
law, necessity). — aniyama indefiniteness, choice, general-
S v.6 (niyyanti dhīrā lokamhā); SnA 212; aor. niyyāsi D i.49,
ity DhsA 57; VvA 16 (yaṁ kiñci=aniyame, i. e. in a gen-
108; J i.263; Sn 417; 3rd pl. niyyiṁsu A v.195; fut. niyyas-
eral sense), 17 (same of ye keci); PvA 175 (vā saddo aniya-
sati A v.194. — See also niyyāna & niyyānika.
mattho=indefinite). — niyamena (instr.) adv. by necessity,
necessarily PvA 287; niyamato (abl.) id. DhsA 145, 304 (so Niyyādita [pp. of niyyādeti] assigned, presented, given, dedicated
read). — 3. natural law, cosmic order; in Commentarial lit- PvA 196 (dhana nī°). As niyyātita at Vism 115.
erature this was fivefold: utu —, bīja —, kamma —, ćitta —,
Niyyādeti (niyyāteti, nīyādeti) [cp. Sk. ni — or nir — yātay-
dhammaDA on D ii.11; Dial. ii.8; DhsA 272; trs. 360.
ati, Caus. of ni(r)yatati] to give (back), give into charge,
Niyamana (nt.) [Sk. niyamana, to niyameti] fixing, settling, def- give over, assign, dedicate, to present, denote S i.131 (niyyā-
inition, explanation in detail Miln 352 (lakkha — n° aiming at tayāmi); iv.181 (sāmikānaṁ gāvo), 194; J i.30, 66, 496; ii.106,
the target); VvA 22 (visesattha°); 231, PvA 255 (so read for 133; Vv 46 niyyādesi=sampaṭicchāpesi, adāsi VvA 199); Pv
nigamana?). iii.2 11 (niyātayiṁsu=adaṁsu PvA 184); Vism 115 (t); DhA
i.70; ii.87; VvA 33, 67; PvA 20 (vihāraṁ nīyādetvā), 25 (=ud-
Niyameti [cp. Sk. niyamayati, ni+yamati] to tie down, to fix;
dissati dadāti), 42, 81, 276 (at all PvA passages as nī°). — pp.
explain in detail, exemplify PvA 265; Vism 666. — pp.
niyyādita. Cp. similarly paṭiyādeti & paṭiyādita.
niyamita see a°.
Niyyāna (nt.) [nis+yāna, cp. niyyāti] 1. going out, departure D i.9
Niyāteti see niyyādeti.
(=niggamana DA i.94). — 2. way out, release, deliverance Sn
Niyāma [Sk. niyama & niyāma] way, way to an end or aim, 170, 172 ("magga — saccaṁ bhāvento lokamhā niyyāti" SnA
esp. to salvation, right way (sammatta°); method, man- 212); Ps i.163, 176; Nett 119. Cp. niyyānika. — aniyyāna
ner, practice S i.196; iii.225 (sammatta°); A i.122; Sn 371
DhA ii.209.
(°dassin=sammatta — niyāmabhūtassa maggassa dassāvin
SnA 365); Nd 314 (°avakkanti); Nd 358 (=cattāro maggā); Niyyānika (adj.) [to niyyāna] leading out (of saṁsāra), leading
to salvation, salutary, sanctifying, saving, profitable D i.235,
Ps ii.236 sq. (sammatta° okkamati); Pug 13, 15; Vbh 342. —
237; S i.220; v.82, 166, 255, 379 sq.; J i.48 (a°), 106; Dhs
niyāmena (instr.) adv. in this way, by way of, according to
277, 339, 505 (cp. Dhs. trsl. pp. 82, 335); Vbh 12, 19,
J i.278; iv.139, 414 (suta° as he had heard); DhA i.79; ii.9,
56, 319, 324; Nett 29, 31, 63, 83; DhA iv.87. — Also found
21; VvA 4; PvA 260; Kvu trs. 383. — aniyāmena (see also
in spelling nīyānika e. g. A iii.132 (ariyā diṭṭhi n. nīyāti
aniyāmena) without order, aimlessly, at random J v.337.
takkarassa sammādukkha — khayāya); DA i.89 (anīyānikattā
Niyāmaka (adj.) [either to niyama or niyāma] sure of or in,
tiracchanabhūtā kathā).
founded in, or leading to, completed in D i.190 (dhamma —
Niyyāma(ka) [Sk. niyāmaka & niryāma(ka). Cp. also P.
n. paṭipadā, cp. niyamatā).
niyāmaka] a pilot, helmsman, master mariner, guide J i.107
Niyāmaka (see niyyāmaka) ship's captain Vism 137 (simile).
(thala°); iv.137, 138; Miln 194, 378 sq.; Dāvs iv.42.
Niyāmatā (f.) [abstr. to niyāma, influenced in meaning by
Niyyāsa [cp. Sk. niryāsa, Halāyudha 5, 75] any exudation (of
niyama] state of being settled, certainty, reliance, surety, be-
plants or trees), as gum, resin, juice, etc. Vism 74 (°rukkha,
ing fixed in (—°) S ii.25 (dhamma°+dhammaṭṭhitatā); A i.286
one of the 8 kinds of trees), 360 (paggharitan. — rukkha). Cp.
(id.), J i.113 (saddhammassa n. assurance of...); Kvu 586 (ac- nivāyāsa.
canta° final assurance).
Niyyūha [Sk. niryūha (& nirvyūha?), perhaps to vah] a pinnacle,
Niyāmeti [Denom. fr. niyāma or niyama] to restrain, control, turret, gate M i.253; DA i.284 (pāsāda+).
govern, guide Miln 378 (nāvaṁ).
Nirankaroti (& nirākaroti) [Sk. nirākaroti, nis+ā kṛ] to think lit-
Niyujjati [Pass. of niyuñjati] to be fit for, to be adapted to, to
tle of, despise, neglect, disregard, repudiate; throw away, ruin,
succeed, result, ensue PvA 49 (=upakappati).
destroy Th 1, 478; It 83 (nirākare); J iii.280=v.498; iv.302;
Niyutta(ka) (adj.) [pp. of niyuñjati] tied to, appointed to (with Pv iii.9 (=chaḍḍeti pajahati PvA 211); VvA 109. — pp.
loc.), commissioned, ordered DhsA 47; PvA 20 (janapade), (a)nirākata It 39.
124 (dānâdhikāre), 127 (dāne).
Niraggala (niraggaḷa) (adj.) [nis+aggala] unobstructed, free, rich

Niraggala Nirāmisa

in result S i.76=It 21; A ii.43; iv.151; M i.139; Sn 303; Nd 2 (animal world) & pittivisaya (the manes), e. g. at Nd 489;
284 C ; Vv 64 31 (=VvA 285). Nd 517, 550; Pv iv.11; ThA 282; PvA 27 sq. (see apāya).
— There is a great variety of qualifying adjectives connected
Niraggika (adj.) [nis+aggi+ka] without fire Miln 324 (°okāsa).
with niraya, all of which abound in notions of fearful pain,
Nirajjati [Pass. of nirajati, nis+ajati, Vedic nirajati to drive out
awful misery & continuous suffering, e. g. kaṭuka, ghora,
cattle] to be thrown out, to be expelled, to lose (with abl.) J
dāruṇa, bhayānaka, mahābhitāpa, sattussada etc. — Descrip-
vi.502, 503 (raṭṭhā); v. l. BB nirajhati; Com. ni(g)gacchati;
tions of N. in glowing terms of frightfulness are freq. found
Th 2, 93 (aor. nirajji 'haṁ=na jānim ahaṁ ThA, 90. Kern
from the earliest books down to the late Peta — Vatthu, Pañca-
(wrongly) proposes reading virajjhi).
gati — dīpana & Saddhammopāyana. Of these the foll. may
Nirata (adj.) [pp. of niramati] fond of, attached to (—°) S i.133; be quoted as characteristic: S i.152 (10 nirayas); M iii.183;
DA i.250; PvA 5 (duccarita°), 89, 161 (hitakaraṇa°). A i.141; Sn p. 126=A v.173; Nd 404 sq.=Nd 304 iii.c ; J iv.4
Niratta (adj. — nt.) [Sk. *nirātman, nis+attan] soulless; view (Mittavindaka); Vv 52 (Revatī); Pv i.10; iii.10; iv.1; 7; DhA
i.148. — See on the whole subject, esp. L. Scherman, Materi-
of soullessness or unsubstantiality; thus interpreted (in prefer-
ence to niratta ) by Com. on Sn 787, 858, 919. See foll. alen zur indischen Visionsliteratur, Leipzig 1792; & W. Stede,
Die Gespenstergeschichten des Peta Vatthu, Leipzig 1914, pp.
Niratta (adj.) [Sk. nirasta, pp. of nirasyati, see nirassati] re- 33 — 39. — References: Vin i.227 (apāya duggati vinipāta
jected, thrown off, given up Sn 1098; Nd 359. — Note. At Sn niraya); D i.82, 107 (id.); Vin ii.198 (yo kho sanghaṁ bhin-
787, 858, 919 the interpretation of Nd 82= 248=352 and also dati kappaṁ nirayamhi paccati), 204; ii.203=It 86; D i.228
Bdhgh assume a cpd. of nis+attan (=nirātman): see niratta .
(+tiracchānayoni), 54 (read nirayasate for niriyasate); iii.111;
Nirattha (adj.) [nis+attha] useless, groundless, unpro-ficient, S iv.126; v.356, 450; M i.73, 285, 308, 334; ii.86, 149, 186;
vain (opp. sāttha profitable) Sn 582 (nt. as adv.), 585 (niratthā iii.166, 203, 209; A iv.405; v.76, 182, 184; Sn 248 (patanti
paridevanā); Dh 41; J iii.26; PvA 18 (°bhāva uselessness), 83 sattā nirayaṁ avaṁsirā), 333, 660 sq., 677 sq.; Dh 126, 140,
(=duḥ). 306, 311, 315; Th 1, 304 (adhammo nirayaṁ neti dhammo
pāpeti suggatiṁ)=DhsA 38=DA i.99 =DhA i.22; Th 2, 456;
Niratthaka (adj.)=nirattha; VvA 324; PvA 18, 40, 63, 102 etc. —
It 12; J iv.463; Pug 60; Ps i.83 (Avīci°); Vbh 86, 337; Vism
f. °ikā ThA 258; Miln 20; Sdhp 68.
102; Miln 148; DhA i.22; iii.71; Sdhp 7, 285. — See also
Nirantara (adj.) [nis+antara] having no interval, continuous, un-
interrupted PvA 135. Usually in nt. as adv. nirantaraṁ al-
-gāmin (adj.) leading to purgatory (magga) Sn 277;
ways, incessantly, constantly; immediately, at once DhsA 168;
-dukkha the pain of H. Sn 531; -pāla a guardian of P., a
PvA 52, 80, 107, 110 (=satataṁ), 120; DhA i.13. 1
devil A i.138, 141; M iii.179; Nd 404; VvA 226. Names of
Niraparādha (adj.) [nis+aparādha] without offence, guiltless, in- guardians (after their complexion) e. g. Kāḷa (black) & Up-
nocent J i.264. akāḷa (blackish) J vi.248. -bhaya the fear of P. J i.168; Vism
Nirapekkha (adj.) [nis+apa+īkṣ] not heeding, unsuspecting, dis- 392; -saṁvattanika conducive to P. Nd 489.
regarding, indifferent, reckless VvA 27, 47 (jīvitaṁ); PvA 62; Niravasesa (adj.) [nis+avasesa] without remainder, complete, in-
DA i.177; Miln 343 (jīvitaṁ). clusive Nett 14, 15, cp. Miln 91, 182.
Nirabbuda (m. nt.) [cp. BSk. nirarbuda & abbuda 3] a vast Nirasana (adj.) [nis+asana ] without food or subsistence, poor J
number; also N. of a hell S i.149=A ii.3=v.171 (expl at 173 iv.128.
as "seyyathā pi vīsati abbudā nirayā evam eko nirabbudo ni-
Nirassati [cp. Sk. nirasyati, nis+assati, as to throw] to throw off,
rayo"); J iii.360 (Com.: vīsati abbudāni ekaṁ nirabbudaṁ). 1
despise, neglect Sn 785, 954; Nd 76 (so read for nidassati, v.
Nirabbuda (adj.) [nis+abbuda ] free from boils or tumours, l. SS nir°), 444; SnA 522. — pp. niratta .
healthy (also fig.) Vin iii.18 (of the Sangha).
Nirassāda (adj.) [nis+assāda] without taste, insipid, dull Vism
Niraya [BSk. niraya, nis+aya of i=to go asunder, to go to de- 135. Cp. nirāsāda.
struction, to die, cp. in meaning Vedic nirṛti. The popular
Nirākaroti see nirankaroti.
etym. given by Dhammapāla at PvA 53 is "n' atthi ettha ayo
Nirākula (adj.) [nis+ākula] unconfused, clear, calm, undisturbed
sukhan ti"=there is no good; that given by Bdhgh at Vism 427
J i.17 (v. 94).
"n' atthi ettha assādasaññito ayo" (no refreshment)] purgatory,
hell, a place of punishment & torture, where sin is atoned (i. e. Nirātanka (adj.) [nis+ātanka] healthy Miln 251 (of paddy).
kamma ripens=paccati, is literally boiled) by terrible ordeals
Nirādīnava (adj.) [nis+ādīnava] not beset with dangers, not in
(kāraṇāni) similar to & partly identical with those of Hades &
danger, unimperilled Vin iii.19.
Tartarus. There are a great number of hells, of which the most
fearful is the Avīcimahāniraya (see Avīci). Names of other Nirāma (adj.) [nis+āma, cp. nirāmaya] healthy, unde-praved,
purgatories occur frequently in the Jātaka collection, e. g. without sin, virtuous Sn 251, 252 (°gandha= nikkilesayoga
Kākola vi.247; Khuradhāra v.269 sq.; Dhūma — roruva v.271; SnA 293), 717 (id.=nikkilesa SnA 499).
Patāpana v.266, 271, 453; Paduma iv.245; Roruva iii.299; Nirāmaya (adj.) [nis+āmaya] not ill, healthy, good, without fault
v.266; vi.237; Sanghāta v.266; Sañjīva ibid.; Sataporisa v.269; PvA 164.
Sattisūla v.143. As the principal one n. is often mentioned
Nirāmisa (adj.) [nis+āmisa] having no meat or prey; free from
with the other apāyas (states of suffering), viz. tiracchānayoni
sensual desires, disinterested, not material S i.35, 60; iv.219,

Nirāmisa Nirodha

235; v.68, 332; A iii.412; D iii.278; Vbh 195; Vism 71; Sdhp iii.201; Dh 352 (°padakovida=niruttiyañ ca sesapadesu cā ti
475, 477. catūsu pi paṭisambhidāsu cheko ti attho DhA iv.70; i. e.
skilled in the dialect or the original language of the holy Scrip-
Nirārambha (adj.) [nis+ārambha] without objects (for the pur-
tures); Ps i.88 sq.; ii.150 (°paṭisambhidā); Nd 563; Dhs 1307;
pose of sacrificing), i. e. without the killing of animals (of
Nett 4, 8, 33, 105; Miln 22; Vism 441; SnA 358; PvA 97.
yañña) S i.76; A ii.42 sq.
Nirudaka (adj.) [nis+udaka] without water, waterless M i.543;
Nirālamba (adj.) [nis+ālamba] unsupported Miln 295 (ākāsa). 2
Nd 630.
Nirālaya (adj.) [nis+ālaya] houseless, homeless Miln 244
(=aniketa). At DhA iv.31 as expl of appossukka. — f. abstr. Niruddha (pp.) [pp. of nirundhati, cp. nirujjhati] expelled, de-
stroyed; vanished, ceased S iii.112; Dhs 1038.
nirālayatā homelessness Miln 162, 276, 420.
Nirundhati see nirujjhati, niruddha, nirodha & nirodheti. Cp.
Nirāsa (adj.) [nis+āsā] not hungry, not longing for anything, de-
sireless S i.12, 23, 141; A i.107 sq.; Sn 1048 (anigha+), 1078
(id.); Nd 360; Pug 27; Pv iv.1 33 (=nittaṇha PvA 230). See Nirupakāra (adj.) [nis+upakāra] useless J ii.103.
also amama.
Nirupaghāta (adj.) [nis+upaghāta] not hurt, not injured or set
Nirāsaṁsa (adj.) [nis+āsaṁsa, śaṁs] without wishes, expecta- back Miln 130.
tions or desires, desireless Sn 1090 (Nd reading for nirāsaya); Nirupatāpa (adj.) [nis+upatāpa] not harassed (burnt) or afflicted
Nd 361 (cp. DhA iv.185 nirāsāsa= *nirāsaṁsa, v. l. for
(by pain or harm) Th 2, 512.
Nirupaddava (adj.) [nis+upaddava] without affliction or mishap,
Nirāsanka (adj.) [nis+āsankā] without apprehension, unsuspi-
harmless, secure, happy J iv.139; PvA 262 (sotthi).
cious, not doubting J i.264; Vism 180.
Nirupadhi (adj.) (in verse always nirūpadhi) [nis+upadhi, cp.
Nirāsankatā (f.) [abstr. fr. nirāsanka] the not hesitating J vi.337.
upadhīka] free from passions or attachment, desireless, con-
Nirāsattin (adj.) [adj. to pp. āsatta with nis] not hanging on to, trolled Vin ii.156; S i.194 (vippamutta+); iv.158; A i.80, 138
not clinging or attached to (c. loc.) Sn 851 (=nittaṇha SnA (sītibhūta+); Dh 418 (id.); Th 1, 1250; 2, 320 (vippamutta+;
549); Nd 221. expl by niddukkha ThA 233); It 46, 50, 58, 62; Sn 33, 34,
642 (sītibhūta+); Pv iv.1 ; DhA iv.225 (=nirupakkilesa); PvA
Nirāsaya (adj.) [nis+āsaya, fr. śri] without (outward) support,
not relying on (outward) things, without (sinful) inclinations
Sn 56 (: Nd 360 b reads nirāsasa), 369, 634, 1090 (Nd 361 Nirupama (adj.) [nis+upama] without comparison, incomparable
reads nirāsaṁsa); Dh 410; DhA iv.185 (v. l. BB nirāsāsa; SnA 455 (=atitula).
expl by nittaṇha).
Nirumbhati [Sk.? Trenckner, Notes p. 59 ni+rudh (?)] to sup-
Nirāsava (adj.) [nis+āsava] without intoxication, undefiled, sin- press, hush, silence J i.62 (text nirumhitvā, v. l. SS nirumb-
less ThA 148. hitvā, cp. san — nirumhitvā VvA 217).
Nirāsāda (adj.) [nis+assāda] tasteless, yielding no enjoyment Th Niruḷha (adj.) [cp. Sk. nirūḍha, pp. of niruhati] grown, risen;
1, 710. Cp. nirassāda. usual, customary, common VvA 108.
Nirāhāra (adj.) [nis+āhāra] without food, not eating, fasting J Nirussāsa (adj.) [cp. Sk. nirucchvāsa, nis+ussāsa] breathless J
iv.225; Sdhp 389. iii.416; iv.121, cp. vi.197; vi.82.
Niriñjana (adj.) [nis+iñjanā, fr. iñjati] not moving, stable, un- Nirussukka (adj.) [nis+ussukka], careless, unconcerned, indif-
shaken Vism 377 (=acala, āneñja). ferent to (c. loc.) ThA 282.
Nirindhana (adj.) [nis+indhana] without fuel (of fire), ThA 148 Niroga see nīroga.
(aggi); DhA i.44 (jātaveda).
Niroja (adj.) [nis+oja] tasteless, insipid J ii.304; iii.94; vi.561.
Nirīha(ka) (adj.) [nis+īha] inactive, motionless, without impulse
Nirodha [BSk. nirodha, to nirundhati, cp. nirujjhati & nirud-
ThA 148 (°ka); Miln 413 (+nijjīvata); Vism 484, 594 sq.
dha] oppression, suppression; destruction, cessation, annihi-
Nirujjhati [Pass. of nirundhati (nirodhati) ni+rundhati] to be bro- lation (of senses, consciousness, feeling & being in general:
ken up, to be dissolved, to be destroyed, to cease, die Vin i.1; sankhārā). Bdhgh's expl of the word is: "ni — saddo ab-
D i.180 sq., 215; ii.157; S iii.93 (aparisesaṁ); iv.36 sq., 60, hāvaṁ, rodha — saddo ca cārakaṁ dīpeti Vism 495. — N.
98, 184 sq.; 294, 402; v.213 sq.; A iii.165 sq. (aparisesaṁ); in many cases is synonymous with nibbāna & parinibbāna; it
v.139 sq.; J i.180; Pug 64; Sdhp 606. — pp. niruddha. Cp. may be said to be even a stronger expression as far as the ac-
nirodha. tive destruction of the causes of life is concerned. Therefore
frequently comb with nibbāna in formula "sabbasankhāra —
Niruttara (adj.) [nis+uttara] making no reply PvA 117.
samatho... virāgo nirodho nibbānaṁ," e. g. S i.136; It 88. Nd 2
Nirutti (f.) [Sk. nirukti, nis+vac] one of the Vedāngas (see s. nibbāna (see nibbāna iii.6). Also in comb with nibbidā, e.
chaḷanga), expl of words, grammatical analysis, etymolog-
g. S iii.48, 223; iii.163 sq.; v.438. — The opposite of nirodha
ical interpretation; pronunciation, dialect, way of speaking,
is samudaya, cp. formula "yaṁ kiñci samudaya — dhammaṁ
expression Vin ii.139 (pabbajitā... sakāya niruttiyā Buddhava- 2
sabban taṁ nirodha — dhammaṁ" e. g. Nd under sankhārā
canaṁ dūsenti); D i.202 (loka°, expression); M iii.237 (jana-
& passim. (a) Vin i.1, 10; D ii.33, 41, 57 sq., 112; iii.130 sq.,
pada°); S iii.71 (tayo n — pathā); A ii.160 (°paṭisambhidā);

Nirodha Nivāta

136 sq., 226 sq.; J i.133; ii.9 sq., 223; iii.59 sq., 163; v.438; Nillapa (adj.) [nis+lapa] without deceit, free from slander A
M i.140, 263, 410; A i.299; iv.456 (=āsavānaṁ parikkhaya); ii.26=It 113.
Th 2, 6 (=kilesanirodha ThA 13), 158; It 46=Sn 755 (nirodhe
Nillāḷeti & Nilloḷeti [nis+lul, cp. Sk. laḍayati & loḍayati] to move
ye vimuccanti te janā maccuhāyino); It 62=Sn 754; Sn 731,
(the tongue) up & down S i.118; M i.109; DA i.42 (pp. nil-
1037; Ps i.192; ii.44 sq., 221; Pug 68; Vbh 99 sq., 229; Nett
lāḷita — jivhā); DhA iv.197 (jivhaṁ nilloleti; v. l. nillāleti &
14, 16 sq.; Vism 372; VvA 63; PvA 220 (jīvitassa). — (b) (as
lilāḷeti)=J v.434 (v. l. nillelati for °lo°).
— °): anupubba° D iii.266; A iv.409, 456; abhisaññā° D i.180;
Nillekha (adj.) [nis+lekha] without scratches, without edges (?)
asesavirāga° S ii.4, 12; iv.86; v.421 sq.; A i.177; ii.158, 161;
Vin ii.123 (of jantāghara).
upādāna° S iii.14; kāma° A iii.410 sq.; jāti° S iv.86; taṇhā°
D iii.216; dukkha° D iii.136; S iii.32, 60; iv.4 sq., 14, 384; Nillokana (adj. — n.) [nis+lokana] watching out; watchful, care-
A i.177; nandi° S iii.14; iv.36; bhava° (=nibbāna) S ii.117; ful J v.43, 86 (°sīla).
iii.14; A v.9; Ps i.159; sakkāya° D iii.240; S v.410; A ii.165 Nilloketi [nis+loketi] to watch out, keep guard, watch, observe
sq.; iii.246, 325 sq.; v.238 sq.; saññāvedayita° D iii.262, 266; Vin ii.208.
S iv.217, 293 sq.; v. 213 sq.; A i.41; iii.192; iv.306; v.209.
Nillopa [cp. Sk. nirlopa, nis+lup] plundering, plunder D i.52;
-dhamma subject to destruction, able to be destroyed, de-
A i.154; Nd 144 (°ṁ harati); Nd 199 ; Tikp 167, 280; DA
structible (usually in formula of samudaya — dhamma, see
above) Vin i.11; D i.110; S iv.47, 107, 214; M iii.280; A v.143
sq.; -dhammatā liability to destruction S iv.217; -dhātu the Nillobha (adj.) [nis+lobha] free from greed J iv.10.
element or condition of annihilation, one of the 3 dhātus, viz.
Nillolup(p)a (adj.) [nis+loluppā] free from greed or desires Sn 56
rūpa, arūpa° n°. D iii.215; It 45; Nett 97; -saññā perception 2
(=Nd 362 nittaṇha); J v.358.
or consciousness of annihilation D iii.251 sq., 283; A iii.334;
Nivatta (pp.) [pp. of nivattati] returned, turning away from,
-samāpatti attainment of annihilation Ps i.97, 100; Miln 300;
giving up, being deprived of, being without (°—) Vin ii.109
Vism 702.
(°bīja); J i.203; VvA 72.
Nirodhika (adj.) [fr. nirodha] obstructing, destroying It 82
Nivattati [Vedic nivartati, ni+vattati] to turn back, to return (opp.
(paññā°), cp. M i.115.
gacchati), to turn away from, to flee, vanish, disappear Vin
Nirodheti [Denom. fr. nirodha] to oppress, destroy Vism 288 (in i.46; D i.118; J i.223; ii.153; iv.142; Sn p. 80; Pv ii.9 ; iv.10 ;
expl of passambheti).
SnA 374; PvA 74, 161. aor. nivatti J ii.3; PvA 141. pp.
Nilaya [fr. ni+lī] a dwelling, habitation, lair, nest J iii.454. nivatta (q. v.). — Caus. I. nivatteti to lead back, to turn
from, to make go back, to convert J i.203; VvA 110; PvA 204
Nilicchita see nillacchita.
(pāpato from sin). Cp. upa°, paṭi°, vi°. — Caus. II. nivat-
Nilīna (adj.) [pp. of nilāyati] sitting on (c. loc.), perched; hidden, tāpeti to send back, to return PvA 154.
concealed, lying in wait J i.135, 293; iii.26; VvA 230.
Nivattana (nt.) [fr. nivattati] 1. returning, turning, fig. turning
Nilīyati [ni+līyati] to sit down (esp. for the purpose of hiding), to
away from, giving up, "conversion" PvA 120 (pāpato). — 2.
settle, alight; to keep oneself hidden, to lurk, hide J i.222, 292;
a bend, curve (of a river), nook J i.324; ii.117, 158; iv.256;
Miln 257; PvA 178. aor. nilīyi J i.158; iii.26; DhA ii.56; PvA
274. — pp. nilīna. Caus. II. nilīyāpeti to conceal, hide (trs.)
Nivattanīya (adj.) [grd. formation fr. nivattana] only neg. a° not
J i.292.
liable to return, not returning DhA i.63.
Nilīyana (nt.) [abstr. fr. nilīyati, cp. Sk. nilayana] hiding J v.103
Nivatti (f.) [fr. ni+vṛt] returning, return PvA 189 (gati° going &
(°ṭṭhāna hiding — place).
Nilenaka (nt.) [cp. Sk. nilayana, fr. ni+lī] settling place, hid- 1
ing — place, refuge J v.102 (so read for nillenaka; expl by Nivattha (pp.) [pp. of ni+vasati ] clothed in or with ( — ° or acc.),
dressed, covered S i.115; J i.59 (su°), 307 (sāṭakaṁ); PvA 47,
nilīyanaṭṭhāna p. 103).
49 (dibbavattha°), 50.
Nillacchita (adj.) [Sk. *nirlāñchita, nis+lacchita of nillaccheti]
Nivapati [ni+vapati] to heap up, sow, throw (food) M i.151 sq.
castrated Th 2, 440; written as nilicchita at J vi.238 (v. l. BB
as gloss niluñcita). expl by "vacchakakāla... nibbījako kato, (nivāpaṁ). — pp. nivutta (q. v.).
uddhaṭabījo" (p. 239). Nivaraṇa see vi°.
Nillaccheti [nis+laccheti of lāñch, cp. lakkhaṇa] to deprive of Nivarati [ni+varati] only in Caus. nivāreti (q. v.), pp. nivuta.
the marks or characteristics (of virility), to castrate Th 2, 437 Nivasati [ni+vasati ] to live, dwell, inhabit, stay Vin ii.11. — pp.
(=purisa — bhāvassa lacchana — bhūtāni bījakāni nillacchesi nivuttha, cp. also nivāsana & nivāsin.
nīhari ThA 270). See also nillañchaka & nillacchita.
Nivaha [fr. ni+vah] multitude, quantity, heap Dāvs iv.53; v.14,
Nillajja (adj.) [nis+lajjā] shameless Sdhp 382.
24, 62.
Ni(l)lañchaka (adj. — n.) [cp. Sk. nirlāñchana, of nirlāñcha- 1
Nivāta (adj.) [Sk. nivāta, ni+vāta "wind — down"] with the wind
yati=nis+laccheti] one who marks cattle, i. e. one who cas-
gone down, i. e. without wind, sheltered from the wind, pro-
trates or deprives of virility J iv.364 (spelt tilañchaka in text, tected, safe, secure Vin i.57, 72; M i.76= A i.137 (kūṭāgāra);
but right in v. l.), expl as "tisūlâdi — ankakaraṇena lañchakā
A i.101 (id.); It 92 (rahada); Th 1, 1 (kuṭikā); 2, 376 (pāsāda).
ca lakkhaṇakārakā ti attho" (p. 366). cp. nillacchita.

Nivāta Nivesana

— (nt.) a calm (opp. pavāta) Vin ii.79. Nivāsin (adj. — n.) [to nivasati] dwelling, staying; (n.) an inhab-
Nivāta [identical with nivāta , sheltered from the wind =low] itant Dāvs v.45.
lowliness, humbleness, obedience, gentleness M i.125; Sn 265 Nivāseti [Caus. of nivasati ] to dress oneself, to put on (the un-
(=nīcavattana KhA 144); J vi.252; Pv iv.7 . Cp. M Vastu dergarment), to get clothed or dressed. Freq. in ster. phrase
ii.423. Freq. in cpd. nivātavutti (id.) A iii.43; Sn 326 (=nī- "pubbaṇhasamayaṁ nivāsetvā patta-cīvaram ādāya...," de-
cavutti SnA 333); J iii.262; Miln 90, 207; VvA 347. scribing the setting out on his round of the bhikkhu; e. g.
Nivātaka [fr. nivāta ] a sheltered place, a place of escape, oppor- D i.109, 178, 205, 226. — Vin i.46; ii.137, 194; D ii.127;
J i.265; Pug 56; Pv i.10 ; PvA 49, 61, 75, 127 (nivāses-
tunity (for hiding) J i.289=v.435; cp. Miln 205 (where reading
sati+pārupissati), 147 (=pārupāmi). — Caus. II. nivāsāpeti
is nimantaka, with v. l. nivātaka, see note on p. 426). See
to cause or order to be dressed (with 2 acc.) J i.50; iv.142;
Com. on this stanza at J v.437.
DhA i.223.
Nivāpa [cp. Sk. nivāpa, ni+vap, cp. nivapati] food thrown
Nivicikicchā see nibbicikicchā; M i.260.
(for feeding), fodder, bait; gift, portion, ration M i.151 sq.
(Nivāpa — sutta); J i.150; iii.271; DhA i.233 (share); iii.303; Nivijjha see vi°.
VvA 63 (diguṇaṁ °ṁ pacitvā cooking a double portion). Cp.
Niviṭṭha (adj.) [pp. of nivisati] settled, established (in); con-
firmed, sure; fixed on, bent on, devoted to (loc.) Sn 57 (=satta
-tiṇa grass to eat J i.150; -puṭṭha fed on grains Dh 2
allīna etc. Nd 364), 756, 774, 781 (ruciyā), 824 (saccesu),
325 (=kuṇḍakâdinā sūkara — bhattena puṭṭho DhA iv.16=Nett 1
892; Nd 38, 65, 162; It 35, 77; J i.89, 259 (adhammasmiṁ);
129=Th 1, 17; -bhojana a meal on food given, a feeding M
Miln 361; VvA 97 (°gāma, built, situated); DA i.90 (su° &
dun° of a street=well & badly built or situate). Cp. abhi°.
Nivāyāsa (?) oozing of trees; Bdhgh's expl of ikkāsa at Vin
Nivisati [ni+visati] to enter, stop, settle down on (loc.), to resort
ii.321. See niyyāsa.
to, establish oneself Vin i.207; J i.309=iv.217 (yasmiṁ mano
Nivāraṇa (nt. & adj.) [fr. nivāreti] warding off, keeping back, nivisati). — pp. niviṭṭha ger. nivissa (q. v.). Caus. niveseti.
preventing; refusal Sn 1034, 1035, 1106 (=Nd 363 āvāraṇa
Nivissa-vādin (adj. — n.) [nivissa (ger. of nivisati)+vādin]
rakkhaṇa gopana); DhsA 259; PvA 102, 278; Sdhp 396.
"speaking in the manner of being settled or sure," a dogma-
Nivāraya (adj.) [grd. of nivāreti] in dun° hard to check or keep tist Sn 910, 913, expl at Nd 326 as "sassato loko idam eva
back Miln 21 (+durāvaraṇa). saccaṁ, mogham aññan ti"; at SnA 560 as "jānāmi passāmi
tath' eva etan ti."
Nivārita (adj.) [pp. of nivāreti] unobstructed, open PvA 202
(=anāvaṭa). Nivuta (adj.) [pp. of nivarati (nivāreti) cp. nivārita] surrounded,
hemmed in, obstructed, enveloped D i.246; S ii.24; iv.127; Sn
Nivāretar [n. agent to nivāreti] one who holds back or refuses (en-
348 (tamo°), 1032, 1082; It 8; Nd 365 (=ophuṭa, paṭicchanna,
trance) (opp. pavesetar) D ii.83=S iv.194= A v.194 (dovāriko
aññātānaṁ nivāretā ñātānam pavesetā). paṭikujjita); Miln 161; SnA 596 (=pariyonaddha).
Nivutta (pp.) [pp. of ni+vac] called, termed, designated PvA 73
Nivāreti [Caus. of nivarati] to keep back, to hold back from
(dasavassa — satāni, vassa — sahassaṁ n. hoti).
(c. abl.), to restrain; to refuse, obstruct, forbid, warn Vin
i.46; ii.220; S i.7 (cittaṁ nivāreyya), 14 (yato mano nivāraye); Nivutta 2 (pp.) [Sk. *nyupta, pp. of vapati 1 to shear]
iv.195 (cittaṁ); Dh 77, 116 (pāpā cittaṁ nivāraye); J i.263; Pv shorn, shaved, trimmed Sn 456 (°kesa=apagatakesa, ohāri-
iii.7 ; VvA 69; PvA 79, 102; DhA i.41. takesamassu SnA 403).
Nivāsa [fr. nivasati ] stopping, dwelling, resting — place, abode; Nivutta (pp.) [Sk. *nyupta, pp. of vapati to sow] sown, thrown
living, sheltering J i.115 (°ṁ kappeti to put up); ii.110; PvA (of food), offered, given M i.152; J iii.272.
76, 78. Usually in phrase pubbe-nivāsaṁ anussarati "to re-
Nivuttha (pp. of nivasati) inhabited; dwelling, living; see san°.
member one's former abode or place of existence (in a former
Niveṭha in pañhe dunniveṭha at Miln 90 see nibbedha.
life)," characterising the faculty of remembering one's former
birth D i.13, 15, 16, 81; S i.167, 175, 196; ii.122, 213; v.265, Niveṭhana see vi°.
305; A i.25, 164; ii.183; iii.323, 418 sq.; iv.141 sq.; v.211,
Niveṭheti see nibbeṭheti.
339. Also in pubbenivāsaṁ vedi It 100; Sn 647=Dh 423; p —
Nivedaka (adj.) [to nivedeti] relating, admonishing J vi.21.
n — paṭisaṁyuttā dhammikathā D ii.1; p — n — anussatiñāṇa
D iii.110, 220, 275; A iv.177. Cp. nevāsika. Nivedeti [ni+vedeti, Caus. of vid.] to communicate, make
Nivāsana (adj. — nt.) [fr. nivāseti] dressed, clothed; dress- known, tell, report, announce J i.60, 307; PvA 53, 66 (attā-
naṁ reveal oneself); Dāvs v 42.
ing, clothing, undergarment (opp. pārupana) Vin i.46; ii.228;
J i.182 (manāpa°), 421; iii.82; PvA 50, 74, 76, 173 (pi- Nivesa [Vedic niveśa, fr. ni+viś] 1. entering, stopping, settling
lotikakkhaṇḍa° dressed in rags). down; house, abode Vv 8 (=nivesanāni kacchantarāni VvA
Nivāsana (nt.) [fr. nivasati ] dwelling, abode PvA 44 (°ṭṭhāna 50). — 2.=nivesana 2, in diṭṭhi° Sn 785 (=idaṁ — sacchâb-
hinivesa — sankhātāni diṭṭhi — nivesanāni SnA 522).
place of abode), 76 (id.).
Nivesana (nt.) [Vedic niveśana, fr. nivesati, cp. niviṭṭha] 1. en-
Nivāsika (adj.) [fr. nivāsa] staying, living, dwelling J ii.435 (=ni-
tering, entrance, settling; settlement, abode, house, home D
baddha — vasanaka C.).
i.205, 226; ii.127; J i.294; ii.160 (°ṭṭhāna); PvA 22, 81, 112.

Nivesana Nisedheti

— 2. (fig.) (also nivesanā f.: Nd 366) settling on, attach- Nisādana [=ni+śātana] grinding DhA i.308.
ment, clinging to (in diṭṭhi° clinging to a view=dogmatism cp. Nisādika (adj.) [cp. Sk. niṣādin, ni+sad] fit for lying down, suit-
nivissa — vādin) Sn 1055 (nandi+; =taṇhā Nd 366); Dh 40 able for resting Vin i.239 (go°).
(diṭṭhi°); Nd 76, 110. See also nivesa.
Nisādin (adj.) [fr. ni+sad] lying down D iii.44, 47.
Nivesita (adj.) [pp. of nivesati] settled, arranged, designed, built
Nisāna [ni+śā to sharpen, to whet, cp. nisita] a hone on which to
VvA 82 (=sumāpita).
sharpen a knife Miln 282.
Niveseti [Caus. of nivesati] to cause to enter, to establish; to
Nisāmaka (adj.) [cp. Sk. niśāmana] observant, listening to, at-
found, build, fix, settle; (fig.) to establish in, exhort to (c. loc.),
tending to, careful of A v.166, 168 (dhammānaṁ).
plead for, entreat, admonish D i.206; S v.189; Dh 158, 282 (at-
tānaṁ); It 78 (brahmacariye); Th 2, 391 (manaṁ); J v.99; Pv Nisāmeti [ni+sāmeti] to attend to, listen to, observe, be careful
iii.7 (saṁyame nivesayi); DA i.273 (gāmaṁ); PvA 206. of, mind J iv.29 (anisāmetvā by not being careful); v.486;
DhA i.239 (+upadhāneti); PvA 1 (imper. nisāmayatha). Cp.
Nivyaggha (adj.) [nis+vyaggha] free from tigers J ii.358 (v. l.
nisanti, nisamma.
Nisāra (adj. — n.) [ni+sāra] full of sap, excellent, strong (of
Nisagga (& Nissagga) [ni or nis+sṛj] giving forth, bestowing; nat-
a tree) Vv 63 (=niratisaya sārassa nisiṭṭhasārassa rukkhassa
ural state, nature S i.54 (°ss°). Cp. nisaṭṭha.
VvA 261).
Nisankhiti (f.) [Sk. ni — saṁskṛti, ni+saṁ+kṛ] deposit (of merit
or demerit), accumulation, effect (of kamma) Sn 953 (=Nd 1 Nisiñcati [ni+siñcati] to besprinkle Mhvs vii.8.
442 abhisankhārā). Nisita (adj.) [Sk. niśita, ni+pp. of śā to whet] sharp M i.281
(āvudhajāta pīta°?); J iv.118 (su°); VvA 233; PvA 155, 192,
Nisajjā (f.) [Sk. *niṣadyā of ni sad] sitting down, opportunity for
sitting, seat Pv iv.1 (seyyā+); J i.217; PvA 24 (°ādipaṭikkhepa 213.
— ṭṭhāna), 219 (pallankâbhujanādi — lakkhaṇā nisajjā). Cp. Nisinna (adj.) [Sk. niṣanna, pp. of nisīdati] sitting down, seated J
nesajjika. i.50, 255; iii.126; KhA 250; PvA 11, 16, 39 & passim. —
Often comb & contrasted with tiṭṭhaṁ (standing), caraṁ
Nisajjeti [sic MSS. for niss°; Sk. niḥsarjayati, nis+sajjeti, Caus.
(walking) & sayaṁ (sayāna; lying down), e. g. at Sn 151,
of sṛj] to spend, bestow, give, give up PvA 105 (dānûpakaraṇā
193; It 82.
nisajjesi read better as °karaṇǡni sajjesi). See also nissajjati.
Nisinnaka (adj.)=nisinna; M i.333; J i.163; DhA iii.175.
Nisaṭṭha (pp.) [nis+saṭṭha of sṛj] given up, spent, lost Th 2, 484
(v. l. °ss°); ThA 286 (=pariccatta). Cp. nisajjeti & nisagga. Nisītha [Sk. niśītha, see nisā] midnight, night Th 1, 3 (aggi yathā
pajjalito nisīthe; v. l. BB nisive), 524 (v. l. nisive); J iv.432;
Nisada & Nisadā (f.) [Sk. dṛṣad f.; for n: d cp. P. nijjuha= Sk.
v.330, 331 (v. l. BB nisive), 506 (=rattibhāga Com.).
dātyūha etc.] a grindstone, esp. the understone of a millstone
Vin i.201; (°pota id.); Miln 149; Vism 252 (°pota, where KhA Nisīdati [Sk. niṣīdati, ni+sīdati] to sit down, to be seated, to sit,
at id. p. reads °putta). Cp. ā°. to dwell Nd 433; J iii.392; vi.367; Pv ii.9 (nisīdeyya Pot.);
PvA 74. aor. nisīdi Vin i.1; J ii.153; PvA 5, 23, 44; 3 pl.
Nisanti (f.) [Sk. *niśānti, ni+śam] careful attention or observa-
nisīdiṁsu (J i.307) & nisīdisuṁ (Mhvs vii.40); ger. nisīditvā
tion A ii.97; iii.201; iv.15 (dhamma°), 36 (id.), 296; v.166
(J ii.160; PvA 5, 74), nisajja D ii.127) and nisīditvāna (Sn
(dhamma°); Dpvs i.53 (°kāra). Cp. nisamma & nisāmeti.
1031); grd. nisīditabba Vin i.47. pp. nisinna (q. v.). —
Nisabha [Sk. nṛ+ṛṣabha, cp. usabha. On relation of usabha:
Caus. II. nisīdāpeti [cp. Sk. niṣādayati] to cause to sit down,
vasabha: nisabha see SnA 40] "bull among men," i. e. prince,
to make one be seated, to invite to a seat J iii.392; vi.367; PvA
leader; "princeps," best of men; Ep. of the Buddha S i.28, 48, 17, 35 (there āsane); Miln 20. Cp. abhi°, san°.
91; M i.386; J v.70; vi.526; Vv 16 (isi°), cp. VvA 83 for
expl ; Vv 63 (isi°=ājānīya VvA 262). Nisīdana (nt.) [Sk. niṣadana, fr. nisīdati] sitting down, occasion
or opportunity to sit, a mat to sit on Vin i.295; ii.123 (°ena
Nisamma (adv.) [orig. ger. of nisāmeti, Sk. niśamya, śam] vippavasati); S v.259 (°ṁ gaṇhāti). °paccattharaṇa a mat for
carefully, considerately, observing Sn 54; Nd 367= 481 b
sitting on Vin i.47, 295; ii.209, 218.
(=sutvā). Esp. in phrase n. -kārin acting considerately Dh
Nisumbhati [ni+sumbh (subhnāti)] to knock down Th 2, 302
24 (=DhA i.238); J iii.106; vi.375; Miln 3; cp. n. kiriyāya
(=pāteti ThA 227).
Miln 59. Cp. nisanti.
Nisūdana (nt.) [ni+sūd] destroying, slaughtering Miln 242.
Nisā (f.) [Sk. niś & niśā, prob. with niśītha (midnight) to
ni+śi=lying down] night Vv 35 (loc. nise); VvA 161 (loc. Nisedha (adj. — n.) [fr. ni+sedh] holding back, restraining; pre-
nisati, v. l. nisi=rattiyaṁ); Miln 388 (loc. nisāya); Dāvs ii.6; vention, prohibition Dh 389; DhA iv.148; hirī° restrained by
v.2 (nisāyaṁ). See also nisītha. shame S i.168=Sn 462; Dh 143.
Nisātaka in koka° J vi.538, a certain wild animal; the meaning is Nisedhaka (adj.) [fr. nisedha] prohibiting, restraining; one who
not clear, etymologically it is to be derived fr. Sk. niśātayati prohibits, an obstructer J ii.220.
to strike, to fell. See Kern, Toev. 1. p. 152, s. v. koka. The v.
Nisedhanatā (f.) [abstr. to nisedheti] refusing, refusal, prohibi-
l. is °nisādaka, evidently influenced by nisāda.
tion Miln 180 (a°).
Nisāda [cp. Sk. niṣāda, a Non — Aryan or barbarian] a robber J
Nisedheti [Caus. of ni+sedh] to keep off, restrain, prohibit, pre-
iv.364. Cp. nesāda.

Nisedheti Nissāya

vent S i.121 (nisedha, imper.); J iii.83, 442; ThA 250; VvA that on which anything depends, support, help, protection; en-
105 (nirayûpapattiṁ). — Cp. nisedha. dowment, resource, requisite, supply; foundation, reliance on
(acc. or — °) Vin i.58 (the four resources of bhikkhu, viz.
Nisevati [ni+sev] to resort to, practise, pursue, follow, indulge in
J ii.106; Sn 821 (=Nd 157); Pv ii.3 19 (=karoti PvA 87); Miln piṇḍiyālopa — bhojanaṁ, paṁsukūla — cīvaraṁ, rukkhamūla
— senāsanaṁ, pūtimuttabhesajjaṁ); ii.274, 278; D iii.137,
359. — pp. nisevita. 1
141; A i.117; iii.271; iv.353; v.73; Sn 753, 877; Nd 108 (two
Nisevana (nt. also -ā f.) [Sk. niṣevana, cp. nisevati] prac-tising, 2 2 A
n.: taṇhā° & diṭṭhi°), 190, cp. Nd s. v.; Nd 397 (the req-
enjoying; pursuit Pug 20, 24; Sdhp 406.
uisites of a bhikkhu in diff. enumeration); Ps ii.49 sq., 58 sq.,
Nisevita (adj.) [pp. of nisevati] frequented, practised, enjoyed, 73 sq.; ii.220; Nett 7, 65; Vism 12, 535. nissayaṁ karoti to
indulged in M i.178; Sdhp 373. rely on, to be founded on to take one's stand in Sn 800. — Cp.
nissāya & nissita.
Nissaṁsaya (adj.) [nis+saṁsaya] having no doubt, free from
-kamma giving assistance or help, an (ecclesiastical) act
doubt Miln 237. — acc. as adv. without doubt, undoubtedly
Pv iv.8 ; DhA i.106; PvA 95. of help or protection Vin i.49, 143, 325; ii.226; A i.99; Pv
iv.1 (so to be read at the 2 latter passages for niyassa°).
Nissakka [fr. nis+sakkati=sakk] "going out from," ttg. a name of
-sampanna finding one's strength in A iv.353.
the ablative case J v.498; VvA 152, 154, 180, 311; PvA 147,
221. Nissayatā (f.) [abstr. to nissaya] dependence, requirement, re-
source Sn 856; Nd 245.
Nissakkana (nt.) [Sk. *niḥsarpana, nis+sakk, confused with sṛp,
Nissayati [Sk. niśrayati, but in meaning=āśrayati, ni+ śri] to lean
see Trenckner, Notes p. 60 & cp. apassakkati, o°, pari°] going
on, a foundation on, rely on, trust, pursue, Sn 798 (sīlabbataṁ;
out, creeping out; only in biḷāra° at D ii.83 (v. l. BB as gloss
SnA 530=abhinivisati); VvA 83 (katapuññaṁ). Pass. nissīy-
nikkhamana)+S iv.194= A v.195.
ati VvA 83. pp. nissita; ger. nissāya (q. v.).
Nissaggiya (adj.) [Sk. *niḥsārgya grd. of nis+sajjeti, not= Sk.
Nissaraṇa (nt.) [Sk. niḥsaraṇa, to nis+sarati, cp. BSk. nissaraṇa
naisargika] to be given up, what ought to be rejected or aban-
giving up (?) AvŚ ii.193] going out, departure; issue, out-
doned Vin i.196, 254; iii.195 sq.
come, result; giving up, leaving behind, being freed, escape
Nissanga (adj.) [nis+sanga] unattached, unobstructed, disinter-
(fr. saṁsāra), salvation Vin i.104; D iii.240, 248 sq.; S i.128,
ested, unselfish Sdhp 371, 398, 411 etc.; Tikp 10; f. abstr. °tā
142; ii.5; iii.170 (catunnaṁ dhātūnaṁ); iv.7 sq. (id.); v.121
disinterestedness J i.46.
sq.; A i.258, 260; ii.10 (kāmānaṁ etc.); iii.245 sq.; iv.76 (ut-
Nissajjati [nis+sajjati, sṛj. See also nisajjeti] to let loose, give tariṁ); v.188; M i.87 (kāmānaṁ), 326 (uttariṁ); iii.25; It 37,
up, hand over, give, pour out Vin ii.188; ger. nissajja [Sk. 61; Ps ii.180, 244; Vbh 247; Vism 116; ThA 233; DhsA 164;
niḥsṛjya] Sn 839 (v. l. nisajja); Nd 189 (id.); SnA 545. pp. Sdhp 579. Cp. nissaṭa & nissaraṇīya.
nisaṭṭha & nissaṭṭha (q. v.). Cp. nissaggiya & paṭi°. -dassin wise in knowing results, prescient, able to find a
Nissaṭa (adj.) [pp. of nis+sarati, sṛ] flown or come out from, way to salvation S iv.205; -pañña (adj.)=°dassin D i.245 (a°);
appeared; let loose, free, escaped from S iii.31; iv.11 sq.; A iii.46; S ii.194; iv.332; A v.178 (a°), 181 sq.; Miln 401.
i.260; iv.430 (a°); v.151 sq.; J iii.530; vi.269; Nd under nis- Nissaraṇīya (adj.) [grd. of nissarati, with relation to nissaraṇa]
sita; Ps ii.10 sq.; Miln 95, 225 (bhava°). See also nissaraṇa. connected with deliverance, leading to salvation, able to be
Cp. abhi°. freed. The 3 n. dhātuyo (elements of deliverance) are
nekkhamma (escape from cravings), āruppa (from existence
Nissaṭṭha (adj.) [pp. of nissajjati] dismissed, given up, left,
with form), nirodha (from all existence), in detail at It 61
granted, handed over, given Vin iii.197 (°cīvara); M i.295;
(kāmānaṁ n. nekkhammaṁ, rūpānaṁ n. āruppaṁ, yaṁ kiñci
ii.203; VvA 341. See also nisaṭṭha & paṭi°.
bhūtaṁ sankhataṁ n. nirodho). The 5 n — dh. are escape fr.
Nissatta (adj.) [Sk. *niḥsattva, nis+satta] powerless, unsubstan-
kāma, vyāpāda, vihesā, rūpa, sakkāya: A iii.245; cp. A i.99;
tial; f. abstr. °tā absence of essence, unsubstantiality (see
dhamma A) DhsA 38, 139, 263; cp. Dhs. trsl. pp. xxxiii.
Note. The spelling is often nissāraṇīya, thus at Vin iv.225;
& 26.
D iii.239 (the five n — dhātuyo), 247, 275.
Nissadda (adj.) [nis+sadda] noiseless, soundless, silent J i.17
Nissarati [nis+sarati] to depart, escape from, be freed from
(v.94); DhA iii.173.
(c. abl.) A i.260 (yasmā atthi loke nissaraṇaṁ tasmā sattā
Nissantāpa (adj.) [nis+santāpa] without grief or self- lokamhā nissaranti). — pp. nissaṭa, grd. nissaraṇīya (q. v.);
mortification PvA 62. cp. also nissaraṇa & paṭi°.
Nissanda [Sk. nisyanda & niṣyanda, ni+syand (syad), see Nissāya (prep. c, acc.) [ger. of nissayati, Sk. *niśrāya, BSk
sandati] flowing or trickling down; discharge, dropping, is- niśritya, ni+śri] leaning on (in all fig. meanings) Nd 368
sue; result, outcome, esp. effect of Kamma A iii.32; J i.31, (=upanissāya, ārammaṇaṁ ālambanaṁ karitvā). — 1. near,
205, 426 (sarīra°); DhA i.395; ii.36, 86; VvA 14 (puñña — near by, on, at J i.167 (pāsānapiṭṭhaṁ), 221 (padumasaraṁ);
kammassa n — phala); PvA 47 (puññakammassa), 58 (id.); PvA 24 (bāhā), 134 (taṁ=with him). — 2. by means of,
Miln 20. 117; Pgdp 102. through, by one's support, by way of J i.140 (rājānaṁ: un-
Nissama [ni+sama] exertion, endeavour J v.243. der the patronage of the k.); iv.137 (id.); ii.154 (tumhe); Miln
40 (kāyaṁ), 253 (id.); PvA 27 (ye=yesaṁ hetu), 154 (nadī°
Nissaya [Sk. niśraya, of ni+śri, corresp. in meaning to Sk. āśraya]
alongside of). — 3. because of, on account of, by reason of,

Nissāya Nīyati

for the sake of J i.203 (amhe), 255 (dhanaṁ), 263 (maṁ); PvA Nihīna (adj.) [Sk. nihīna, pp. of nihīyati or nihāyati] lost; de-
17 (kiṁ), 67 (namaṁ), 130 (taṁ). — Cp. nissaya, nissita. graded, low, vile, base; inferior, little, insignificant S i.12; Sn
890; Nd 105, 194; PvA 198 (jāti° low — born); Sdhp 86.
Nissāra (adj.) [nis+sāra] sapless, worthless, unsubstantial J i.393;
Opp. to seyya J vi.356 sq.
Sdhp 51, 608, 612.
-attha one who has lost his fortune, poor Pv iv.1 ;
Nissārajja (adj.) [Sk. niḥ+śārada+ya] without diffidence, not dif-
-kamma of low action Sn 661=It 43; Dh 306; J ii.417; -citta
fident, confident J i.274 (+nibbhaya).
low — minded PvA 107 (=dīna); -jātika of inferior birth or
Nissāraṇa (nt.) [fr. nissarati] going or driving out, expulsion Miln caste PvA 175; -pañña of inferior wisdom Sn 890 (=paritta
344 (osāraṇa — n. — paṭisāraṇa), 357. — pañña Nd 299); -sevin of vile pursuit A i.126.
Nissita (adj.) [Sk. niśrita, pp. of nissayati, corresp. in mean- Nihīnatā (f.) [abstr. to nihīna] lowness, inferiority; vileness,
ing to Sk. āśrita] hanging on, dependent on, inhabiting; at- baseness D i.98, 99.
tached to, supported by, living by means of, relying on, being
Nihīyati [ni+hīyati, Pass. of hā, see jahāti] to be left, to come to
founded or rooted in, bent on. As — ° often in sense of a
ruin, to be destroyed A i.126=J iii.324 (=vināsaṁ pāpuṇāti).
prep.=by means of, on account of, through, esp. with pron.
pp. nihīna (q. v.).
kiṁ° (=why, through what) Sn 458; taṁ° (therefore, on acct.
of this) S iv.102. — For comb with var. synonyms see Nd 2 Nihuhunka (adj.) [fr. nī°=nis+huhunka] one who does not con-
s. v. & cp. Nd 75, 106. — S ii.17 (dvayaṁ; cp. iii.134); fide in the sound huṁ Vin i.3 (cp. J.P.T.S. 1901, 42).
iv.59, 365; v.2 sq., 63 sq.; A iii.128; Dh 339 (rāga°); Sn 752, Nīka [Sk. nyanku? Doubtful reading] a kind of deer (or pig) J
798, 910; J i.145; Nd 283; Pv i.8 (sokaṁ hadaya° lying in); v.406 (vv.ll. nika, ninga).
ii.6 (paṭhavi° supported by); Vbh 229; Nett 39 (°citta); Miln 1
Nīgha (in anīgha) see nigha .
314 (inhabiting); PvA 86 (māna°). — anissita unsupported,
Nīca (adj.) [Vedic nīca, adj. — formation fr. adv. ni°, cp. Sk.
not attached, free, emancipated Sn 66, 363, 753, 849, 1069
nyañc downward] low, inferior, humble (opp. ucca high, fr.
(unaided); J i.158; Miln 320, 351. — Cp. apassita.
adv. ud°) Vin i.46, 47; ii.194; D i.109, 179, 194; A v.82; SnA
Nissitaka (adj. — n.) [fr. prec.] adherent, supporter (orig. one
424 (nīcaṁ karoti to degrade); & passim.
who is supported by), pupil J i.142, 186; DhA i.54.
-kula of low clan J i.106; Sn 411; — (°ā) kulīna belong-
Nissitatta (nt.) [fr. nissita] dependence on, i. e. interference by, ing to low caste Sn 462; -cittatā being humble — hearted Dhs
being too near, nearness Vism 118 (pantha°). Cp. san°. 1340; DhsA 395; -pīṭhaka a low stool DhA iv.177; -mano
humble Sn 252 (=nīcacitto SnA 293); -seyyā a low bed A
Nissirīka (adj.) [nis+sirī] having lost his (or its) splendour or pros-
i.212 (opp. uccâsayana).
perity J vi.225 (ājīvika), 456 (rājabhavana).
Nīceyya (adj.) [compar. of nīca (for °īya?), in function of °eyya
Nissīma (adj.) [cp. Sk. niḥsīman with diff. meanings ("bound-
as "of the kind of," sort of, rather] lower, inferior, rather low
less"), nis+sīma] outside the boundary Vin i.255 (°ṭṭha), 298 1
(°ṁ gantuṁ); ii.167 (°e ṭhito). M i.329; Sn 855, 918; Nd 244, 351.
Nīta (pp.) [pp. of neti] led, guided; ascertained, inferred A i.60
Nissuta (adj.) [fr. nis+sru, see savati] flown out or away, van-
(°attha); J i.262; ii.215 (kāma°); Nett 21 (°attha, natural mean-
ished, disappeared M i.280.
ing, i. e. the primarily inferred sense, opp. neyyattha); Sdhp
Nisseṇi (f.) [fr. nis+śri, orig. that which leans against, or leads to
366 (dun°). Cp. vi°.
something, cp. Sk. śreṇī a row] a ladder, a flight of stairs D
Nīti (f.) [Sk. nīti, fr. nīta] guidance, practice, conduct, esp. right
i.194, 198; J i.53; ii.315; iii.505; Miln 263; Vism 244, 340 (in
conduct, propriety; statesmanship, polity PvA 114 (°mangala
simile); DhA i.259.
commonsense), 129 (°sattha science of statecraft, or of pru-
Nissesa (adj.) [nis+sesa] whole, entire; nt. acc. as adv. nissesaṁ dent behaviour), 130 (°cintaka a lawgiver), 131 (°naya polity
entirely, completely Nd 533.
& law), 132 (°kusala versed in the wisdom of life); Miln 3
Nissoka (adj.) [nis+soka] free from sorrow, without grief, not (here meaning the Nyāyaphilosophy, cp. Trenckner, Notes p.
mourning PvA 62; KhA 153. 58).
Nihata (adj.) [pp. of nihanti, ni+han] "slain"; put down, settled; Nīdha=nu idha, see nu.
destroyed; dejected, humiliated; humble Vin ii.307 (settled); J
Nīdhura (?) [Sk.? Cp. keyura] bracelet, bangle J vi.64, (=valaya;
v.435 (°bhoga one whose fortunes are destroyed).
v. l. BB nivara). Also given as nīyura (cp. Prk. neura & P.
-māna "with slain pride," humiliated, humble S iv.203;
Th 2, 413 (=apanīta — māna ThA 267); J ii.300; vi.367.
Nīpa (adj.) [Vedic nīpa, contr. fr. ni+āpa "low water"] lit. lying
Niharati see nīharati.
low, deep, N. of the tree Nauclea cadamba, a species of Asoka
Nihita (adj.) [Sk. nihita, pp. of ni+dhā, see dahati] put down, put tree J i.13 (v. 61)=Bu ii.51; J v.6 (so read for nipa).
into, applied, settled; laid down, given up, renounced. As °
Nībhata [cp. Sk. nirbhṛta, pp. of nis+bhṛ] bought out J iii.471.
— often in the sense of a prep.= without, e. g. °daṇḍa °sattha
Nīyati [Sk. nīyati, Pass. of neti] to be led or guided, to go, to be
without stick & sword (see daṇḍa...) D i.70 (°paccāmitta); Pv 1
iv.3 26 (su° well applied); PvA 252 (bhasma — nihita thrown moved S i.39 (cittena nīyati loko); Dh 175; Pv i.11 (=vahīyati
PvA 56); J i.264 (ppr. nīyamāna); PvA 4 (id.); DhA iii.177;
into the ashes); Sdhp 311.
Sdhp 292, 302. Also found in spelling niyyati at Sn 851; Nd 1

Nīyati Nūtana

223 (=yāyati, vuyhati), 395. — In the sense of a Med. in im- 101, 234, 278; S ii.23; iii.149; v.60, 84 sq., 93 sq., 145, 160,
per. nīyāmase (let us take) Pv ii.9 (=nayissāma PvA 113). 226, 327, 439; M i.60, 144, 276; iii.4, 295; A i.3, 161; iii.16,
63, 230 sq.; 386; iv.457; v.16, 195, 322; Sn 17; Nd 13; Nd 2
Nīyāti see niyyāti.
379; Ps i.31, 129, 163; Pug 68; Dhs 1059, 1136, 1495; Vbh
Nīyādita, Nīyādeti see niyy°.
199, 244, 378; Nett 11, 13, 94; Vism 146, 189; DA i.213; Sdhp
Nīyānika see niyy°. 459, 493 and passim. — Other enum are occasionally found
e. g. 10 at S v.110; 8 at M i.360 sq.; 6 at Dhs 1152.
Nīraja (adj.) [Sk. nīraja, nis+raja] free from passion Sdhp 370.
Nīvaraṇiya (adj.) [fr. nīvaraṇa] belonging to an obstacle, form-
Nīrava (adj.) [Sk. nīrava, nis+rava] soundless, noiseless, silent
ing a hindrance, obstructing Dhs 584, 1164, 1488; Vbh 12, 30,
DA i.153 (tuṇhī+).
66, 130 etc.
Nīrasa (adj.) [Sk. nīrasa, nis+rasa] sapless, dried up, withered,
Nīvāra [Sk. nīvāra, unexplained] raw rice, paddy D i.166; A
tasteless, insipid J iii.111.
i.241, 295; ii.206; Pug 55; J iii.144 (°yāgu).
Nīruja (adj.) [Sk. nīruja, nis+rujā]=nīroga Sdhp 496.
Nīhaṭa [pp. of nīharati=Sk. nirhṛta] thrown out, removed; in
Nīroga (adj.) [Sk. nīroga, nis+roga] free from disease, healthy,
f. abstr. °tā ejection, removal [cp. Sk. nirhṛti] DhA iii.336
well, unhurt J i.421; iii.26; iv.31; PvA 198 (ni°). Cp. nīruja.
(malānaṁ n. the extirpation of impurity or removal of stain).
Nīla (adj.) [Vedic nīla, perhaps conn. with Lat. nites to shine,
Nīharaṇa (nt.) [fr. nīharati] taking out, carrying away, removing
see Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v.] dark — blue, blue — black,
DA i.296; PvA 7.
blue — green. Nīla serves as a general term to designate the
Nīharati [nis+hṛ] to take out, to throw out, drive out J i.150,
"coloured — black," as opposed to the "colouredwhite" (pīta
157; iii.52; vi.336; Nd 199 (ni°); VvA 222, 256; PvA 73,
yellow), which pairs (nīla — pīta) are both set off against the
254; Miln 8, 219. aor. nīhari D i.92; J i.293; ii.154; PvA
"pure" colour — sensations of red (lohitaka) & white (odāta),
41, 178 (gehato taṁ n.). grd. nīharitabba DhA i.397 (opp.
besides the distinct black or dark (see kaṇha). Therefore n. has
pavesetabba). — pp. nīhaṭa. — Caus. nīharāpeti to have
a fluctuating connotation (cp. Mrs. Rh. D. Buddh. Psych. p.
49 & Dhs. trsl. p. 62), its only standard comb being that with thrown out, to order to be ejected VvA 141.
pīta, e. g. in the enum of the ten kasiṇa practices (see kasiṇa): Nīhāra [cp. Sk. nirhāra] way, manner Vin i.13; J i.127; DhA iv.7.
nīla pīta lohita odāta; in the description of the 5 colours of At Vin i.13 also in nīhāra — bhatta (=nīhāraka).
the Buddha's eye: nīla pītaka lohitaka kaṇha odāta (Nd 235, Nīhāraka (adj. — n.) [fr. nīhāra, cp. nīharaṇa] one who carries
I under cakkhumā); which goes even so far as to be used sim-
away Vin i.13 (nīhāra — bhatta); S v.12, 320, 325 (piṇḍapāta).
ply in the sense of "black & white," e. g. VvA 320. Applied
to hair (lomāni) D ii.144; M ii.136. See further enum at VvA Nu (indecl.) [Ved. nu, Idg. *nu, orig. adv. of time=now; cp. Lat.
num (to nunc, now), see nūna] affirm. — indef. part. "then,
111 & under kaṇha. — A iii.239; iv.263 sq., 305, 349; v.61; d
Vism 110, 156, 173; ThA 42 (mahā° great blue lotus); Dhs now." — 1. most freq. comb with interr. pron. and followed
617; Pv ii.2 ; PvA 32, 46, 158; Sdhp 246, 270, 360. by kho, as kin nu kho J ii.159; kacci J i.279; kaccin nu (for
-abbha a black cloud Pv iv.3 . -abhijāti a dark (un- kaccid nu) J ii.133; kathan nu (kho) Vin i.83; kattha PvA 22;
etc. — 2. as interr. part. (=Lat. ne, num) in enclitic position
fortunate) birth (cp. kaṇh°) A iii.383; -uppala blue lotus J d
iii.394; Vv 45 (=kuvalaya); DhA i.384; -kasiṇa the "blue" Vin i.17; J iii.52; Sn 866, 871, 1071; etc. As such also comb
with na=nanu (Lat. nonne), which begins the sentence: Vin
kasiṇa (q. v.) D iii.248; Dhs 203; (Vam 172 etc.; -gīva "blue
ii.303. (nanu tvaṁ vuḍḍho vīsativasso 'sī ti?); Pv i.8 ; PvA
neck," a peacock Sn 221 =maṇi — daṇḍa — sadisāya gīvāya
39, 136 etc. — Often comb with other emphatic or dubitative
n. ti SnA 277); -pupphī N. of plant ("blue — blossom") J
particles, like api nu Vin ii.303; D i.97; nu idha, contr. to
vi.53; -bījaka a waterplant ("blue — seed") Bdhgh at Vin
nīdha Vv 83 or with sandhi as nu-v-idha D i.108 (v. l. nu
iii.276; -maṇi a sapphire ("blue — stone") J ii.112; iv.140;
khv idha). Cp. na , nūna, no.
DhA iii.254; -vaṇṇa blue colour, coloured blue or green J
iv.140 (of the ocean); Dhs 246. Nuṭṭhubhati see niṭṭhubhati. (aor. nuṭṭhubhi, e. g. J ii.105).
Nīlaka (adj.) for nīla M ii.201; see vi°. Nuda (—°) (adj.) [Sk. °nud & °nuda, to nudati] expelling, casting
out, dispelling; in tamo° dispelling darkness Sn 1133; Vv 35 2
Nīliya [fr. nīlī] an (indigo) hair dye J iii.138 (Com. nīli-yaka).
(=viddhaṁsana VvA 161).
Nīlī (f.) [Sk. nīlī] the indigo plant, indigo colour A iii.230, 233.
Nudaka or Nūdaka (—°)=nuda J v.401 (āsa — nūdaka).
Nīḷa [Vedic nīḍa] a nest (J v.92): see niḍḍha: cp. °pacchi bird
Nudati [Vedic nudati; Idg. *(s)neu to push, cp. Sk. navate, Gr.
cage J ii.361; roga° It 37; vadharoga° Th i.1093.
νεύω & νύσσω, Lat. nuo; Ags. neosian, Low Ger. nucken] to
Nīvaraṇa (nt. occasionally m.) [Sk. *nivāraṇa, nis+ varaṇa of vṛ
push, impel; expel, drive away, reject Dh 28; J iv.443; DhA
(vṛṇoti), see nibbuta & cp. nivāraṇa] an obstacle, hindrance, 2
i.259. aor. nudi Nd 281. Cp. apa°, pa°, vi°. — pp. nunna
only as tt. applied to obstacles in an ethical sense & usually (nuṇṇa).
enum or referred to in a set of 5 (as pañca nīvaraṇāni and p.
Nunna (nuṇṇa) [pp. of nudati] thrust, pushed, driven away, re-
āvaraṇāni), viz. kāmacchanda, (abhijjhā- )vyāpāda, thīna-
moved Nd 220 (ṇṇ)=khitta, cp. panuṇṇa A ii.41.
middha, uddhaccakukkucca, vicikicchā i. e. sensuality, ill
— will, torpor of mind or body, worry, wavering (cp. Dhs. Nūtana (adj.) [Vedic nūtana, adj. — formation fr. adv. nū, cp.
trsl. p. 310): D i.73 (°e, acc. pl.), 246; ii.83, 300; iii.49 sq., nūna. In formation cp. Sk. śvastana (of to — morrow), Lat.

Nūtana Netthar

crastinus etc.] "of now," i. e. recent, fresh, new Dāvs iv.47. a holy life S iii.233; -vitakka a thought of self — abnegation
S ii.152; A i.275; ii.252; It 82; -sankappa=prec. S ii.152;
Nūna (& nūnaṁ DhsA 164) (indecl.) [Ved. nūnaṁ=Gr. νύν, Lat.
A iii.146; Vbh 104, 235; -sita based or bent on a holy life
nunc (cp. num); Goth. nu, Ger. nun, cp. E. now. See also
(opp. geha° q. v.) S iv.232; -sukha the joy or happiness of
nu] affirmative — dubitative particle with Pot. or Ind., viz. 1.
Arahantship M iii.110; A i.80; Dh 267, 272; DhA iii.400.
(dubit. — interrog.) is it then, now, shall I etc. (=Lat. sub-
junctive, hortative & dubitative) D i.155 (=Lat. num, cp. nu). Negama (adj. — n.) [fr. nigama] the inhabitant of a (small) town;
Esp. freq. with rel. pron. yaṁ=yaṁ nūna what if, shall I, let citizen; also collect.=jana, people Vin i.268, 273; D i.136, 139;
me (Lat. age) Sn p. 80 (yaṁ nūn' âhaṁ puccheyyaṁ let me J iv.121; vi.493; Dāvs iii.3; DA i.297. Often comb with °jā-
ask, I will ask); J i.150, 255; iii.393; PvA 5 (y. n. âhaṁ imassa napadā (pl.) "townsmen & countryfolk" S i.89; D iii.148,
avassayo bhaveyyaṁ=let me help him). — 2. (affirm.) surely, 172; J 149.
certainly, indeed Sn 1058 (api nūna pajaheyyuṁ); A v.194; J Necayika (adj.) [fr. nicaya] rich, wealthy D i.136, 142 (read
i.60; v.90; Pv ii.9 (nuna); Miln 20; DhsA 164; PvA 95 (nuna
nevāsika cp. naivasika M Vastu iii.38); A v.149 (v. l. BB
as v. l.; text reads nanda).
nerayika, Com. nevāsiko ti nivāsakaro).
Nūpura [Sk. nūpura; Non — Aryan. Cp. Prk. ṇeura & nīdhura
Netar [Vedic netṛ, n. ag. of neti] a leader, guide, forerunner Sn
(nīyura)] an ornament for the feet, an anklet Th 2, 268; DA 1
86, 213; Nd 446.
Neti (nayati) [Vedic nayati, nī] to lead, guide, conduct; to take,
Ne, Nesan see na .
carry (away); fig. to draw a conclusion, to understand, to take
Neka (adj.) [Sk. naika=na eka, cp. aneka] not one, several, many as Dh 80, 145, 240, 257; J i.228; iv.241 (nayaṁ n. to draw a
Sn 308; Vv 53 (°citta variegated=nānāvidhacitta VvA 236), proper conclusion); VvA 42 (narati=nayati); imper. naya Pv
64 (id.=anekacitta VvA 275); Tikp 366. ii.11 , & nehi J ii.160; PvA 147; poetic imper. nayāhi see in
paṭi°; pot. naye Dh 256 (to lead a cause=vinicchineyya DhA
Nekatika (adj.) [fr. nikati] deceitful, fraudulent; a cheat D iii.183;
iii.381). fut. nessāmi J ii.159; Pv ii.4 ; aor. nayi J iv.137.
Th 1, 940; Miln 290; PvA 209; J iv.184.
ger. netvā PvA 5, 6, etc. inf. netuṁ PvA 123, 145 (°kāma),
Nekada=anekadā (frequently).
& netave J i.79=Dh 180. grd. neyya (see sep.), pp. nīta.
Nekāyika (adj.) [fr. nikāya] versed in the 4 (or 5) Nikāyas Miln Pass. nīyati (q. v.). Cp. naya, nīti, netta etc.; also ā°, upa°,
22; cp. Cunningham, Stupa of Bharhut 142, 52. paṭi°, vi°.
Nekkha [Vedic niṣka; cp. nikkha] a golden ornament, a certain Netta [Sk. netra, fr. neti] a guide J iii.111; Nett. 130.
coin of gold S i.65; A i.181; ii.8, 29; Dh 230 (=DhA iii.329 Netta (nt.) [Sk. netra] guidance, anything that guides, a conduc-
jambonada nikkha); Vism 48; v. l. at Vv 20 , 43 .
tor, fig. the eye. S i.26 (sārathī nettāni gahetvā =the reins);
Nekkhamma (nt.) [formally a derivation fr. nikkhamma (ger. of Vin i.204 (dhūma° for smoke); J iv.363 (id.); D i.12 (°tap-
nikkhamati)=Sk. *naiṣkramya, as shown also by its semantic pana, set t. & cp. DA i.98); Sn 550 (pasanna°), 1120; Nd 2
affinity to nikkhanta, in which the metaphorical sense has en- 371 (=cakkhu), 669; J vi.290 (tamba° with red eyes); Pv i.8 3
tirely superseded the literal one. On the other hand, it may be (eyes=nayanāni Com.); Dhs 597; Vbh 71 sq.
a bastard derivation fr. nikkāma=Sk. *naiṣkāmya, although
Netti (f.) [Vedic netrī, f. to netṛ] a guide, conductor; sup-
the adj. nikkāma does not show the prevailing meaning & the 2
port (=nettika ) It 37 (āhāra° — pabhava), 38 (bhava°), 94
wide range of nikkhanta, moreover formally we should expect 2
(netticchinna bhikkhu=Arahant). Cp. nettika & dhamma°,
nekkamma. In any case the connection with kāma is pre —
eminently felt in the connotation of n., as shown by var. pas-
Nettiṁsa [cp. Sk. nistriṁśa, Halāyudha 2, 317; very doubtful,
sages where a play of word exists between n. & kāma (cp.
whether nis+triṁśa (thirty), prob. a dial. distortion] a sword
kāmānaṁ nissaraṇaṁ yad idaṁ nekkhammaṁ It 61, cp. Vin
J ii.77 (°vara — dhārin; C. nettiṁsā vuccanti khaggā); iv.118
i.104; A iii.245; also M i.115). The use of the similar term ab-
(C. gives it as adj.=nikkaruṇa, merciless; & says "khaggassa
hinikkhamana further warrants its derivation fr. nikkhamati]
nāmaṁ"); vi.188 (°varadhārin).
giving up the world & leading a holy life, renunciation of, or
emancipation from worldliness, freedom from lust, craving & Nettika (adj. — n.) [netta+ika] 1. having as guide or forerun-
desires, dispassionateness, self — abnegation, Nibbāna Vin ner, in Bhagavaṁ°' dhamma M i.310; A i.199; iv.158, 351;
i.18 (°e ānisaṁsa); D i.110 (id.), iii.239, 275, 283; M iii.129; A v.355. — 2. a conduit for irrigation; one who makes conduits
i.147 (=khema, i. e. nibbāna); iii.245; iv.186 (ānisaṁsa), 439 for watering Dh 80 (=udakaṁ nenti nettikā), 145; fig. that
sq.; Sn 424 (°ṁ daṭṭhu khemato); Dh 181; Ps i.107 sq.; ii.169 which supplies with food or water, in bhava° ("the roots of
sq.; Nd 370; Vism 116, 325; J i.19; 137; Vv 84 42 (=nibbāna existence, clinging to existence") D i.46 (ucchinna° with the
VvA 348); Nett 53, 87, 106 sq.; Miln 285 (°ṁ abhinikkhanta); roots of existence cut); sanettika clinging to existence, a bad
DhA iii.227; ThA 266. man A ii.54. Cp. netti.
-âdhimutta bent on self — abnegation (enum with 5
Netthar [see nittharati; does any connection exist with Vedic
other ideals of Arahantship: paviveka, avyāpajjha, upādā-
neṣṭṛ?] only in phrase netthāraṁ vattati to behave in such
nakkhaya, taṇhakkhaya, asammoha) Vin i.183; A iii.376;
a way as to get rid of blame or fault Vin ii.5; iii.183; M i.442.
-âbhirata fond of renunciation A iv.224; v.175; Ps ii.173;
— Bdhgh on Vin ii.5 (p. 309) explains: nittharantānaṁ etan
-dhātu the sphere or element of dispassionateness S ii.152;
ti netthāraṁ yena sakkā nissāraṇā nittharituṁ taṁ aṭṭhārasa —
Vbh 86; Nett 97; Vism 487. -ninna merging into or bent on

Netthar Nhāru

vidhaṁ sammāvattuṁ vattantī ti attho. i.75); A ii.209; v.205; J v.156; Vv 50 , 63 (=niddosa VvA
262); Pug 29, 57; Dhs 1343 (vācā)=niddosa DhsA 397. — 2.
Nepakka (nt.) [fr. nipaka] prudence, discrimination, carefulness;
usually as sati° S v.197 sq.; M i.356; A iii.11; iv.15; Nd 629 (somewhat doubtful) "clean," with ref. to big cats (mahā —
biḷārā nelamaṇḍalaṁ vuccati), whereas young ones are called
B; Vbh 244, 249; Vism 3 (=paññā); DhA iv.29.
"elephants, cubs" (something like "pigs") (taruṇā bhinka —
Nepuñña (nt.) [fr. nipuṇa] experience, skill, cleverness Pug 25,
cchāpamaṇḍalaṁ) J v.418.
35; Dhs 16, 292; DhsA 147.
-anga of faultless limbs or parts, of a chariot (ratha)
Nema [cp. nemi] edge, point; root S v.445; A iv.404; gambhīra° =running perfectly S iv.291=Ud 76 (nelagga text, nelanga v.
(adj.) with deeply rooted point, firmly established S v.444; A l.)=DA i.75=DhsA 397. -patī (f.)=neḷavatī (of vācā) humane,
iv.106. gentle J vi.558 (na elapatī elapāta — rahitā madhurā Com.).
Nemantaṇika (adj.) [fr. nimantana] one who lives by invitations Neva (indecl.) [na+eva] see na . — nevasaññā — nâsañña (being)
M i.31. neither perception nor non — perception, only in cpd. °āy-
Nemi (f.) [Vedic nemi, perhaps to namati] the circumference of a atana & in nevasaññī — nâsaññin: see saññā.
wheel, circumference, rim, edge (cp. nema) A i.112; Vv 64 ; Nevāpika (adj. — n.) [fr. nivāpa] a deer — feeder M i.150 sq.
Miln 238, 285; Vism 198 (fig. jarāmaraṇa°, the rim of old age
Nevāsika (adj.) [fr. nivāsa, cp. BSk. naivāsika AvS i.286, 287]
& death, which belongs to the wheel of Saṁsāra of the chariot
one who inhabits, an inmate; living in a place, local J i.236 sq.;
of existence, bhavaratha); DhA ii.124 (°vaṭṭi); VvA 277.
DhA ii.53 sq. Cp. necayika.
Nemitta [Sk. naimitta, fr. nimitti] a fortune — teller, astrologer
Nesajjika (adj.) [fr. nisajjā] being & remaining in a sitting po-
D ii.16, 19; A iii.243. 2
sition (as an ascetic practice) A iii.220; Th 1, 904, 1120; Nd
Nemittaka & Nemittika [Sk. naimittika, fr. nimitta] an as- 587; J iv.8; Pug 69; Vism 79; Miln 20, 342. The n-°anga is
trologer, fortune — teller, soothsayer D i.8 (i)=DA i.91; A one of the dhūtanga — precepts, enjoining the sitting posture
iii.111; J iv.124; Miln 19 (i), 229; Vism 210 (i); DhA ii.241 also for sleeping, see Vin v.193, Vism 61, & dhūtanga.
Nesāda [fr. nisāda; cp. Sk. niṣāda & naiṣāda=one who lies in
Nemittikatā (f.) [abstr. fr. nemittika]=nimitta — kammaṁ, i. e. wait] a hunter; also a low caste Vin iv.7 (+veṇa & rathakāra); S
prognostication; inquisitiveness, insinuation Vbh 352=Vism i.93 (°kula); A i.107; ii.85; J ii.36; iii.330; iv.397, 413; v.110,
23; expl at Vism 28. 337; vi.71; Pug 51 (°kula); Miln 311; DhA iii.24; PvA 176.
Nemiya (adj.) [=nemika] (—°) having a circumference etc. J No (indecl.) affirm. & emphatic part.=nu (cp. na ): indeed,
vi.252. then, now Sn 457, 875, 1077; J v.343 (api no= api nu), 435
Neyya (adj.) [grd. of neti; Sk. neya] to be led, carried etc.; fig. to (=nipātamattaṁ p. 437).
be instructed; to be inferred, guessed or understood Sn 55, 803, No (indecl.) [Sk. no=na+u, a stronger na; cp. na ) negative &
846, 1113; Nd 114, 206; Nd 372; Pug 41; Nett 9 sq., 125; adversative particle=neither, nor, but not, surely not, indeed
-attha the meaning which is to be inferred (opp. nītattha) A not. — (a) in neg. sentences: Sn 852, 855, 1040; It 103 (but
i.60; Nett 21. not); Pv ii.3 13 (but not). as answer: no hi etaṁ "indeed not,
no indeed" Vin i.17; D i.3; no hi idaṁ D i.105. — no ca kho
Nerayika (adj.) [fr. niraya, cp. BSk. nairayika Divy 165] belong-
"but surely not" D i.34, 36; A v.195. — Often emphasized by
ing to niraya or purgatory, hellish; one doomed to suffering
na, as no na not at all J i.64; na no Sn 224 (="avadhāraṇe"
in purgatory (n. satta=inhabitant of n.) Vin ii.205 (āpāyiko n.
KhA 170); disjunctively na hi... no neither — nor Sn 813; na
kappaṭṭho); iv.7; D iii.6, 9, 12; A i.265; ii.231 (vedanaṁ vediy-
ati... seyyathā pi sattā nerayikā); iii.402 sq.; Sn 664; Nd 97 no... na neither — nor (notnor) Sn 455. — (b) in disjunctive
(gati); Vv 52 , J iv.3 (sattā); Pug 51; Vbh 412 sq.; Vism 415 questions: "or not," as evaṁ hoti vā... no vā (is it so — or not)
D i.61, 227; kacci... no (is it so — or not; Lat. ne — annon)
(°sattā), 424; Miln 148 (sattā); PvA 27 (id.), 52 (°bhāva), 255;
D i.107; nu kho... no udāhu (is it that — or not; or rather) D
VvA 23; Sdhp 193, 198.
i.152. — (c) noce (no ce=Sk. no ced) if not (opp. sace) Sn
Nerutta (adj. — n.) [fr. nirutti] based on etymology; an etymol-
348, 691, 840; J i.222; vi.365; VvA 69. Also in sense of "I
ogist or philologist ThA 153; Nett 8, 9, 32, 33.
hope not" J v.378.
Neḷa (& Nela) (adj.) [na+eḷa=Sk. anenas, of enas fault, sin. The 3 st
No [Sk. naḥ] enclitic form, gen. dat. acc. pl. of pron. 1
other negated form, also in meaning "pure, clean," is aneḷa 3
(we)=amhākaṁ, see vayaṁ; cp. na .
(& aneḷaka), q. v. On ḷ: n. cp. lāngala; nangala; tulā: tūṇa
Nodeti [fr. nud] see vi°.
etc.] 1. without fault or sin, blameless, faultless; not hurting,
humane, gentle, merciful, innocuous D i.4 (Bdhgh explains: Nonīta see navanīta.
elaṁ vuccati doso; n' assā (i. e. vācāya) elan ti nelā; niddosā
Nhāru see nahāru. Found e. g. at Vin i.25.
ti attho. "Nelango setapacchādo" ti ettha vuttanelaṁ viya; DA


Pa° Pakampati


Pa° (indecl.) [Ved. pra, Idg. *pro, cp. Gr. πρό, Lat. pro, Goth. Pakaṭṭhaka [pa+kaṭṭha+ka; kaṭṭha pp. of kṛṣ, cp. Sk. prakarṣaka
fra, Lith. pra, prō, Oir. ro — ] directional prefix of forward of same root in same meaning, but cp. also kaṭṭha ] (adj.) trou-
motion, in applied sense often emphasising the action as car- blesome, annoying; (m.) a troubler, worrier S i.174 (v. l. pa-
ried on in a marked degree or even beyond its mark (cp. Ger. gaṇḍaka; C. rasagiddha; trsl. "pertinacious").
ver — in its function of Goth. fra & Ger. vor). Thus the sphere
Pakaṭṭhita see pakk°.
of pa — may be characterised in foll. applications: 1. forth,
Pakata [pp. of pa+kṛ] done, made; as — ° by nature (cp. pakati)
forward, out: papatati fall forward, i. e. down; °neti bring 8 16 5
Sn 286; J iv.38; Pv i.6 ; ii.3 ; iii.10 (pāpaṁ= samācaritaṁ
forth (to); °gaṇhāti hold out; °tharati spread forth; °dhāvati
PvA 214); Miln 218; DhA ii.11 (pāpaṁ); PvA 31, 35, 103
run out; °bajati go forth; °sāreti stretch out; etc. — 2. (inten-
(ṭ), 124. — icchāpakata covetous by nature A iii.119, 219
sive) in a marked degree, more than ordinarily (cp. E. up in cut
up, heap up, fill up; thus often to be trsl by "up," or "out," or sq.; Pug 69; Vism 24 (here however taken by Bdhgh as "ic-
chāya apakata" or "upadduta"); issāpakata envious by nature
"about"): pakopeti up — set; °chindati cut up; °bhañjati break
S ii.260; PvA 46, cp. macchariyā pakata afflicted with selfish-
up; °cinati heap up; °kiṇṇaka scattered about; °nāda shouting
ness PvA 124. On pakata at It 89 see apakata. — pakatatta
out; °bhāti shine forth; °bhavati grow up, prevail; °dūseti spoil
(pakata+ attan) natural, of a natural self, of good behaviour, in-
entirely; °jahati give up entirely; °tapeti make shine exceed-
corrupt, "integer" Vin ii.6, 33, 204; J i.236 (bhikkhu, +sīlavā,
ingly (C. ativiya dīpeti); °jalati blaze up; °jānāti know well.
etc.). At Vin ii.32 the pakatatta bhikkhu as the regular, or-
— In this meaning often with adjectives like patanu very thin;
dained monk is contrasted with the pārivāsika bh. or proba-
°thaddha quite stiff; °dakkhiṇa right in pre — eminence; °bala
very strong. — 3. "onward":
paṭṭhāya from... onward; pavattati move on; fig. "further, Pakati (f.) [cp. Ved. prakṛti] 1. original or natural form, nat-
later": paputta a later (secondary) son, i. e. grandson. — 4. ural state or condition (lit. make — up); as ° —: primary,
"in front of," "before": padvāra, before the door. — 5. Some- original, real Vin. i.189; ii.113; J i.146 (°vesena in her usual
times in trs. (reflexive) use, like pakūjin singing out to (each dress); KhA 173 (°kammakara, °jeṭṭhaputta); VvA 12 (°pab-
other, cp Ger. besingen, an — rufen). — The most frequent hassara), 109 (°bhaddatā). — instr. pakatiyā by nature, ordi-
combination with other (modifying) prefixes is sam — ppa; narily, as usual Ps ii.208; VvA 78; PvA 215, 263. — 2. occa-
its closest relatives (in meaning 2 especially) are ā and pari. sion, happening, opportunity, (common) occurrence D i.168
The double (assimilation) p is restored after short vowels, like (trsl. "common saying"); Pv ii.8 (=°pavutti PvA 110). —
appadhaṁsiya (a+pa°). Der. pakatika & pākatika.
-upanissaya sufficing condition in nature: see Cpd. 194
°Pa (adj.) [Cp. Ved. °pa, adj. base of pā to drink, as °ga fr. gam
n. 3. — gamana natural or usual walk DhA i 389. -citta
or °ṭha fr. sthā] drinking; only in foll. cpds.: dhenu° drink-
ordinary or normal consciousness Kvu 615 (cp. Kvu trsl. 359
ing of the cow, suckling calf M i.79; Sn 26 (=dhenuṁ pivanto
SnA 39); — pāda° a tree (lit. drinking with its feet, cp. expl n n. 5, and BSk. prakṛti — nirvāṇatva Bodhicary. at Poussin
256). -yānaka ordinary vehicle DhA i.391. -sīla natural or
at PvA 251 "pādasadisehi mūl' âvayavehi udakassa pivanato
pādapo ti") Pv iv.3 ; — majja° drinking intoxicants Sn 400; proper virtue DA i.290.
Pv iv.1 (a°). Pakatika (adj.) [fr. pakati] being by nature, of a certain nature J
Paṁsu [cp. Ved. pāṁsu] dust, dirt, soil S v.459; A i.253; Pv ii.3 . ii.30; Miln 220; DA i.198; PvA 242 (=rūpa); DhsA 404.
— paṁsvāgārakā playmates S iii.190; saha— paṁsukīḷitā id. Pakattheti [pa+kattheti] talk out against, denounce J v.7 (mā
(lit. playing together with mud, making mud pies) A ii.186; J °katthāsi; C. akkosi garahi nindi; gloss paccakkhāsi). Should
i.364; PvA 30. Cp. BSk. sahapāṁśukrīḍita MVastu iii.450. it be 'pakaḍḍhāsi?
-kūla rags from a dust heap (cp. Vin. Texts ii.156) Vin
Pakappanā (f.) [fr. pakappeti] fixing one's attention on, plan-
i.58; M i.78; S ii.202; A i.240, 295; ii.206; iv.230; It 102=A 1
ning, designing, scheme, arrangement Sn 945 (cp. Nd 72 186,
ii.26; Dh 395; Pug 69; PvA 141, 144. A quâsi definition 1
where two pakappanā's, viz. taṇhā° & diṭṭhi°; at Nd 429 it is
of p. — k. is to be found at Vism 60. -kūlika one who
synonymous with taṇhā; Bdhgh has reading pakampana for
wears clothes made of rags taken from a dust heap M i.30; d
°kapp° and expl by kampa — karaṇa SnA 568).
S ii.187; A iii.187, 219, 371 sq.; Vin iii.15; iv.360; Ud 42;
Pakappita [pp. of pakappeti] arranged, planned, attended to, de-
Pug 55; DhA iv.157; °attan (nt. abstr.) the habit of wear-
signed, made Sn 648 (=kata SnA 471). 784, 786 (diṭṭhi "prej-
ing rags M i.214; iii.41; A i.38; iii.108. -guṇṭhita (vv. ll. 1
udiced view" Fausböll; cp. Nd 72 and pakappanā), 802, 838
°kuṇḍita, °kuṇṭhita) covered with dust or dirt S i.197; J vi.559; 1
Pv ii.3 . — pisācaka a mud sprite (some sort of demon) J (=kappita abhisankhata saṇṭhapita Nd 186), 902, 910.
iii.147; iv.380; DhA ii.26. -muṭṭhi a handful of soil J vi. Pakappeṭi [pra+Caus. of kḷp, cp. Ved. prakalpayitar] to arrange,
405. -vappa sowing on light soil (opp. kalalavappa sowing fix, settle, prepare, determine, plan S ii.65 (ceteti p. anuseti);
on heavy soil or mud) SnA 137. Sn 886 (pakappayitvā=takkayitvā vitakkayitvā saṁkappayitvā
Nd 295). — pp. pakappita (q. v.).
Paṁsuka (adj.) [Epic Sk. pāṁśuka; Ved. pāṁsura] dusty; (m.) a
dusty robe KhA 171 (v. l. paṁsukūla). Pakampati [pa+kampati. Cp. BSk. prakampati Jtm 220;

Pakampati Pakkaṭhita (pakkuthita)

Mvyutp. 151=kampati.] to shake, quake, tremble J i.47 (v. 66; Pug 23. — pp. pakiṇṇa (see °ka).
269); PvA 199. — Caus. pakampeti S i.107.
Pakiledeti [Caus of pa+kliś, cp. kelideti] to make wet, moisten
Pakampana see pakappanā. (with hot water) J vi.109 (=temetvā khipati C.).
Pakampita [pp. of pa+kamp] shaken, trembling S i.133= Th 2, Pakujjhati [pa+krudh] to be angry S i.221, 223 (°eyyaṁ).
Pakuṭa (?) [v. l. pakuṭṭa] an inner verandah Vin ii.153; cp. Vin.
Pakaraṇa (nt.) [fr. pa+kṛ] 1. performance, undertaking para- Texts iii.175. — Kern. Toev. s. v. expl it as miswriting for
graph (of the law) D i.98 ("offence"? see Dial. i.120); S iii.91; pakuṭṭha (=Sk. prakoṣṭha an inner court in a building, Prk.
Miln 189. — 2. occasion Vin i.44; ii.75; iii.20. — 3. expo- paoṭṭha, cp. P. koṭṭha & koṭṭhaka ). Spelling pakulla at Nd 2
sition, arrangement, literary work, composition, book; usually 485 B (for magga, v. l. makula).
in titles only, viz. Abhidhamma° J i.312; Dpvs v.37; Kathā-
Pakuppati [pa+kup] to be angry J iv.241.
vatthu° Paṭṭhāna° Miln 12; Netti° one of the Canonical books
Pakubb° see pakaroti.
(see netti).
Pakūjin (adj.) [pa+kūj] to sing out to (each other) (añ-
Pakaroti [pa+kṛ, Ved. prakaroti] to effect, perform, prepare,
ñamaññaṁ) J vi.538.
make, do S i.24 (pakubbati); Sn 254 (id.), 781, 790 (ppr. med.
pakubbamāna; cp. Nd 65); It 21 (puññaṁ); SnA 169 (paku- Pakopa [pa+kopa] agitation, effervescence, anger, fury Dhs 1060;
rute, corresponding with sevati). — pp. pakata (q. v.). Vism 235, 236.
Pakāra [pa+kṛ, cp. last; but Sk. prakāra "similarity"] 1. make — Pakopana (adj.) [pa+kopana, of kup] shaking, upsetting, making
up, getting up, fixing, arrangement, preparation, mode, way, turbulent It 84 (moho citta — pakopano).
manner J ii.222; DA i.132; PvA 26, 109, 123, 135, 178, 199;
Pakka (adj.) [Ved. pakva, a pp. formation of pac to cook, Idg.
Sdhp 94, 466. — 2. ingredient, flavour, way of making (a
*peqṷo=Lat. coquo "cook," Av. pac —, Obulg. pekaǤ, Lith.
food) tasty Sn 241 (kathappakāro tava āmagandho); Miln 63.
kepû, Gr. πέσσω, ἀρτοκόπος baker, πέπων ripe; also pp. of
— 3. (—°) of a kind, by way of, in nānā° (adj.) various, man-
pacati pakta=Gr. πεπτός, Lat. coctus] 1. ripe (opp. āma raw,
ifold J i.52 (sakuṇā), 278 (phalāni); PvA 50; vutta° as said,
as Vedic,; and apakka) and also "cooked, boiled, baked" S
the said Vism 42, 44; PvA 136.
i.97 (opp. āmaka); iv.324 (°bhikkhā); Sn 576; J v.286. —
Pakāraka (—°) (adj.) [fr. pakāra] of that kind S ii.81; J vi.259. nt. pakkaṁ that which is ripe, i. e. a fruit, ripe fruit Pug 44,
45; often in connection with amba° i. e. a (ripe) mango fruit J
Pakāreti [Denom. fr. pakāra] to direct one's thought towards 3
ii.104, 394; Pv iv.12 ; DhA iii.207; PvA 187. — apakka un-
(dat.) J vi.307.
ripe PugA 225; Sdhp 102. — 2. ripe for destruction, overripe,
Pakāsati [pa+kāś] to shine forth, to be visible, to become known decaying, in phrase °gatta (adj.) having a decaying body, with
Sn 445, 1032 (=bhāsati tapati virocati Nd 373). — Caus. d
putrid body [BSk. pakvagātra Divy 82], comb with arugatta
pakāseti to show up, illustrate, explain, make known, give in-
at M i.506; S iv.198; Miln 357 (cp. Miln trsl. ii.262), 395. —
formation about Vin ii.189; S i.105; It 111 (brahmacariyaṁ);
3. heated, glowing Dpvs i.62.
Dh 304; Sn 578, 1021; Pug 57; J vi.281 (atthaṁ to explain the
-āsaya receptacle for digested food, i. e. the abdomen
meaning or matter); DhA ii.11 (id.); PvA 1, 12 (ānisaṁsaṁ)
(opp. āmāsaya) Vism 260, 358; KhA 59. -odana (adj.)
29 (atthaṁ upamāhi), 32 (attānaṁ), 40 (adhippāyaṁ), 42 (sac-
having cooked one's rice Sn 18 (=siddhabhatta SnA 27), cp.
cāni) 72 etc. — grd. pakāsaniya to be made known or an-
J iii.425. -jjhāna "guessing at ripeness," i. e. foretelling
nounced in °kamma explanation, information, annunciation
the number of years a man has yet to live; in list of forbid-
Vin ii.189 (cp. Vin. Texts iii.239). — pp. pakāsita (q. v.). d
den crafts at D i.9, expl at DA i.94 as "paripāka — gata
Pakāsana (nt.) [pa+kāś, cp. pakāsati] explaining, making — cintā." -pakka ripe fruit KhA 59. -pūva baked cake J
known; information, evidence, explanation, publicity Ps i.104 iii.10. -vaṇṇin of ripe appearance Pug 44, 45, cp. PugA 225.
(dhamma°); Miln 95; SnA 445; PvA 2, 50, 103 (expl of āvi). -sadisa ripe — like, appearing ripe PugA 225.
Pakāsita [pp. of pakāseti] explained, manifested, made known S Pakkaṭhati [pa+kaṭhati of kvath] to cook, boil up; only in Caus.
i.161, 171 sq.; ii.107 (su°); PvA 53, 63. II. pakkaṭṭhāpeti (with unexpl ṭṭh for ṭh) to cause to be boiled
up J i.472 (v. l. pakkuṭṭh°, cp. J.P.T.S. 1884, 84). — pp.
Pakiṇāti [pa+kiṇāti] to deal in Vin ii.267 (grd. °kiṇitabba).
pakkaṭhita (q. v.).
Pakiṇṇaka (adj.) [pa+kiṇṇa (pp. of kirati)+ka] scattered about;
Pakkaṭhita (pakkuthita) [also spelt with ṭṭh instead of ṭh or th,
fig. miscellaneous, particular, opp. to sādhāraṇa KhA 74; cp.
Cpd. 13, 95 ; Vism 175 (°kathā); 317 sq. (id.). — As Np. perhaps through popular etym. pakka+ṭṭhita for pa+kaṭhita.
name of the xiv book of the Jātakas. To kvath, P. kuthati & kaṭhati, appearing in pp. as kaṭhita,
kuthita, kaṭṭhita and kuṭṭhita, cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 42]
Pakitteti [pa+kitteti] to proclaim J i.17 (v. 85). 33
cooked up, boiled, boiling hot, hot Thūpavaṁsa 48 ; J v.268
Pakirati [pa+kirati] 1. to let down (the hair), scatter, let fall (pakaṭṭh° vv. ll. pakkudh° & jakankaṭhi); vi.112 (°kaṭṭh°), 114
D ii.139=148 (ger. pakiriya); J v.203 (so read for parikati); (id.; v. l. BB °kuṭhita); DhA i.126 (kaṭṭh°, v. l. pakkanta),
vi.207 (aor °kiriṁsu). — ger. pakira (=pakiritvā) J vi.100 179 (kaṭṭh°, v. l. pakuṭṭh°); ii.5 (kaṭṭh°, vv. ll. pakuṭṭh°
(read pakira — cārī, cp. C. on p. 102), 198 (read p. — parī). & pakkuth°); iii.310 (1 passage kaṭṭh°, v. l. pakuṭṭh°,
— Caus. pakireti 1. to throw down, upset Vin iv.308 (thū- pakkuṭṭh°, pakkuthita;=pakkuṭṭhita at id. p. VvA 67; in 2 nd
paṁ); S i.100; It 90 (v. l. kīrati). — 2. to scatter S i.100=It passage kaṭṭh°, v. l. pakuṭṭh° & pakkuthita, left out at id. p.

Pakkaṭhita (pakkuthita) Pakkhika

VvA 68); ThA 292 (pakkuthita). Pakkha (adj.) [cp. Ved. prakhya clear, & Sk. (—°) prakhya
like, of pra+khyā] visible, clear; — ° resembling, like Miln
Pakkaṭṭhī (f.) [fr. pa+kvat, evidently as abstr. to pak-kaṭṭhita;
75 (mātu° and pitu°).
reading uncertain] a boiling ( — hot) mixture (of oil?) M i.87,
expl by C. as katita — (=kaṭh°) gomaya, boiling cow — dung, Pakkha [cp. Sk. phakka (?)] a cripple. Cp iii.6, 10; J vi.12
v. l. chakaṇakā see p. 537. The id. p. at Nd 199 reads (=pīṭha — sappī C.). Note BSk. phakka is enum at Mvyut.
chakaṇaṭī, evidently a bona fide reading. The interpretation as 271 120 with jātyaṇḍa, kuṇḍa & pangu, reminding of the comb n
"cow — dung" is more likely than "boiling oil." kāṇo vā kuṇi vā khañjo vā pakkhahato vā Vin ii.90=S i.94=A
ii.85; iii.385.=Pug 51.
Pakkanta [pp. of pakkamati] gone, gone away, departed S i.153;
Sn p. 124; J i.202 (spelt kkh); PvA 78. Pakkhaka (& °ika) (nt.?) [fr. pakkha ] a dress made of wings or
feathers, in cpd. ulūka° of owl's wings (see ulūka°) Vin iii.34
Pakkandati [Ved. prakrandati, pra+krand] to cry out, shout out,
(°ṁ nivāsetvā); A ii.206 ≈ (°ika).
wail Sn 310 (3rd pret. pakkanduṁ) J vi.55 (id.), 188 (id.),
301 (id.). Pakkhatta (nt.) [fr. pakkha ] being a partner of, siding in with
Vism 129, 130.
Pakkama [fr. pa+kram] going to, undertaking, beginning D i.168
(tapo°; trsl. "all kinds of penance"). Pakkhanta at DA i.38 read as pakkanta.
Pakkamati [Ved. prakramati, pra+kram] 1. to step forward, set Pakkhandaka (adj.)=pakkhandin SnA 164. — f. pak-khandikā
out, go on, go away, go forth M i.105; Pug 58; DA i.94; PvA [Ved. (?) praskandikā, BR. without refs.] diarrhoea, dysen-
13. — pret. 3 sg. pakkāmi S i.92, 120; Sn pp. 93, 124; PvA tery D ii.127 (lohita°); J iii.143; v.441 (lohita°); Miln 134.
5 (uṭṭhāy'āsanā), 19 (id.); 3rd pl. pakkamuṁ Sn 1010, and
Pakkhandati [pa+khandati, of skand] to spring for-
pakkamiṁsu S i.199. — pp. pakkanta (q. v.). — 2. to go 12
ward, to jump on to M i.86; J i.461; Vv 84 (ger.
beyond (in archery), to overshoot the mark, miss the aim Miln
pakkhandiyāna=pakkhanditvā anupavisitvā VvA 338); to be
after someone in pursuit DhA i.198; usually fig. to rejoice
Pakkava [etym.?] a kind of medicinal plant Vin i.201 (cp. pag- in, find pleasure or satisfaction in (loc.), to take to, in phrases
gava). cittaṁ pakkhandati pasīdati santiṭṭhati M i.186; S iii.133;
cp. Miln 326 (nibbāne); A ii.165; iii.245 (avyāpāde); iv.442
Pakkula see pākula.
(adukkha — m — asukhe); It 43 (dhamme); and na me tattha
Pakkosati [pa+kosati, kruś] to call, summon J i.50; ii.69, 252
mānasaṁ p. Miln 135. — pp. pakkhanna (q. v.).
(=avheti); v.297; vi.420; DhA i.50; PvA 81 (v. l. °āpeti). —
Pakkhandana (nt.) [fr. pakkhandati] 1. leaping, springing J ii.32;
Caus. II. pakkosāpeti to call, send for, order to come J i.207;
Ps 1. 194 (pariccāga — & pakkh° — nissagga). — 2. attack,
PvA 141, 153; DhA i.185.
assault, chasing DhA i.198.
Pakkha [Ved. pakṣa in meanings 1 and 3; to Lat. pectus, see
Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v.] 1. side of the body, flank, wing, feath- Pakkhandin (adj. n.) [fr. pakkhandati] 1. (adj.) bold, braggart,
lit. jumping on or forth Dh 244; Sn 89 (=pakkhandaka SnA
ers (cp. pakkhin), in cpds. °biḷāla a flying fox (sort of bat) Bd-
164). — 2. a military scout, lit. an onrusher, a bravo D i.51
hgh on ulūka — camma at Vin i.186 (MV. v.2, 4; cp. Vin. Texts
(cp. Dial. i.68); DA i.157; J ii.32, 281.
ii.16 where read ulūka° for lūka?); J vi.538; and °hata one who
is struck on (one) side, i. e. paralysed on one side, a cripple Pakkhanna [pp. of pakkhandati; often wrongly spelt pakkhanta]
(cp. Sk. pakṣāghāta) Vin ii.90; M iii.169; A iii.385; Pug 51 jumped on, fallen on to or into, chanced upon, acquired M i.39;
(=hatapakkho pīṭhasappi PugA 227); Miln 245, 276 (cp. Miln Th 1, 342 (diṭṭhigahanā°); J v.471; Miln 144 (saṁsaya°), 156,
trsl. ii.62, 117) — also as wing of a house at DhsA 107; and 390 (kupatha°).
wing of a bird at S ii.231; SnA 465 (in expl of pakkhin). — 2.
Pakkhara [cp. Sk. prakṣara & prakhara "ein Panzer für Pferde"
side, party, faction; adj (—°) associated with, a partisan, ad-
BR.] bordering, trimming J vi.223 (of a carriage).
herent Vin ii.299; Sn 347 (aññāṇa°), 967 (kaṇhassa p.=Māra° 1
etc., see Nd 489; Nett 53 (taṇhā° & diṭṭhi°) 88 (id.), 160 (id.); Pakkhalati [pa+kṣal] to wash, cleanse J v.71 (ger. pak-
khalya=dhovitvā C. p. 74). Caus. pakkhāleti (q. v.).
DA i.281; DhA i.54; PvA 114 (paṭiloma°). pakkhasankanta
gone over to a (schismatic) faction Vin i.60; iv.230, 313. — Pakkhalati [pa+khalati, of skhal] to stumble, trip, stagger J
pakkhaṁ dāpeti to give a side, to adhere to (loc.) J i.343. — 3. iii.433; vi.332; DA i.37; DhsA 334.
one half of the (lunar) month, a fortnight. The light or moon 2
Pakkhāyati [pa+khyā, Ved. prakhyāyate; cp. khāyati & pakkha ]
— lit fortnight is called sukka — pakkha (or juṇha°), the dark to appear, shine forth, to be clearly visible D ii.99 (cp. Th 1,
or moonless one kāḷa° (or kaṇha°) M i.20 (cātuddasī pañcadasī 1034, where pakkhanti for pakkhāyanti metri causâ); M ii.32;
aṭṭhamī ca pakkhassa 14 , 15 & 8 day of the fortnight) ≈ S iv.144; v.153, 162; A iii.69 sq.
Sn 402; A i.142 (aṭṭhamī pakkhassa), 144=Vv 15 (cātuddasī
Pakkhāleti [Caus. of pa+ksal, cp. khaleti] to wash, cleanse Vin
etc.; cp. VvA 71): A v.123 sq. (kāḷa°, juṇha°); Th 2, 423
(=aḍḍhamāsa — mattaṁ ThA 269); Pv ii.95 (bahumāse ca i.9 (pāde); D ii.85 (id.); M i.205; S i.107; J vi.24 (pāde); VvA
pakkhe ca=kaṇha — sukka — bheda p. PvA 135); Vism 101
(dasâhaṁ vā pakkhaṁ vā); VvA 314 (sukka°); PvA 55 (kāḷa°). Pakkhika (adj.) [for pakkhiya=Ved. pakṣya of pakkha 3] 1. be-
— 4. alternative, statement, loc. pakkhe (—°) with regard or longing or referring to the (2) lunar fortnights, fortnightly, for
reference to KhA 80 (tassa pañhassa vyākaraṇapakkhe); SnA a fortnight or in the (specified) fortnight of the month (cp. Vin.
168 (id.). Texts iii.220). As one special provision of food mentioned

Pakkhika Paggaha & Paggāha

in enum of five bhojanāni, viz. niccabhatta, salākabhatta, a womb" (a+pa+*garbha)
pakkhika, uposathika, pāṭipadika, Vin i.58=ii.175; iv.75; J
Pagabbhatā (f.) [abstr. fr. pagabbha, cp. Sk. pragalbhatā] reso-
ii.210; Vism 66. — 2. (cp. pakkha 2 & pakkhin 2) contribut-
luteness, boldness, decision J vi.273. See also pāgabbhiya.
ing to, leading to, associated with, siding with (—°) Vism 130,
Pagabbhin (adj.) [=pagabbha] bold J vi.238.
in phrase vighāta° anibbāna — saṁvattanika associated with
destruction, etc. M i.115; DhsA 382. Also in mūga° leading to Pagama [fr. pra+gam] going forth from (—°) DhsA 329.
deafness J i.45 (v.254). — DhA i.82 (paramattha — sacca°).
Pagāḷha [pp. of pagāhati] sunk into, immersed in (loc.) Sn 441,
Pakkhitta [pp. of pakkhipati] put down into, thrown into (loc.) 772 (=ogāḷha ajjhogāḷha nimugga Nd 26).
Sn p. 15 (pāyāso udake p.); PvA 58 (ātave p. naḷo is perhaps
Pagāhati [pa+gāhati] to dive into, sink into Sn 819 (≈ ajjhogāha
better read ātāpe paditto), 153 (pokkharaṇiyaṁ p.). 1
SnA 537; =ogāhati ajjhogāhati pavisati Nd 152). — pp.
Pakkhin (adj. n.) [fr. pakkha =pakkhānaṁ atthitāya pakkhī ti pagāḷha.
vuccati SnA 465; Ved. pakṣin bird] 1. winged, the winged Pagiddha (adj.) [pa+giddha] greedy after, clinging to, finding de-
one, a bird D i.71 (+sakuṇa=pakkhayutto sakuṇo DA i.208)=A light in (loc.) J v.269 (=gadhita mucchita C. on p. 274).
ii.209=v.206=Pug 58, S ii.231; Sn 606 (=sakuṇo SnA 465);
Pv iii.5 (°gaṇā =sakuṇagaṇā PvA 198). — 2. (cp. pakkha 2) Paguṇa (adj.) [pa+guṇa cp. Sk. praguṇa straight, der. "kind"]
learned, full of knowledge, clever, well-acquainted, familiar
participating in, contributing to S v.97 (vighāta° for the usual
D iii.170; Vv 53 (=nipuṇa VvA 232); J ii.243; iv.130; v.399;
Vism 95 (Majjhimo me paguṇo: I am well versed in the M.),
Pakkhipati [pa+kṣip, in sense of putting down carefully cp.
242 (dve tayo nikāyā paguṇā); DA i.95; SnA 195; KhA 73.
nikkhipati & BSk. prakṣipati to start a ship Divy 334] 1. to put
— paguṇaṁ karoti, to make oneself familiar with, to learn
down into (with loc. of receptacle), place into, enclose in (of-
by heart, to master thoroughly J ii.166; iii.537 (tayo vede);
ten used for ceremony of putting a corpse into a shell or mount)
Miln 12 (Abhidhamma — piṭakaṁ).
D ii.162 (tela — doṇiyā Bhagavato sarīraṁ p.); S ii.85; J ii.210
-bhāva familiarity with, acquaintance, efficient state,
(mukhe); Miln 247 (Amat' osadhaṁ); PvA 41 (atthikāni thūpe
cleverness in, experience. knowledge (cp. pāguñña) J iii.537;
p.); DhA i.71 (the corpse into the fire). — 2. to throw into, hurl Dhs 48, 49.
into, in Niraya — passage at M iii.183=A i.141= Nd 304 ; cp.
Paguṇatā (f.) & Paguṇatta (nt.) (doubtful) abstr. to paguṇa in
nikkhipati. — 3. (fig.) to include in, insert, arrange, interpo- n
expl of pāguññatā at Dhs 48 & 49 (trsl. fitness, competence).
late Miln 13 (Abhidhammapiṭakaṁ kusalā dhammā, akusalā
dh., avyākatā dh. ti tīsu padesu p.). — Caus. II. pakkhipāpeti Pagumba [pa+gumba] a thicket, bush, clump of trees Sn 233.
J i.467; DA i.136. — pp. pakkhitta (q. v.). Pageva (adv.) [page=Sk. prage+eva, but BSk. prāgeva] (how)
Pakkhima [=pakkhin] a bird Th 1, 139 (read °me for °maṁ); J much more or much less, a fortiori, lit. "right at the earliest" J
v.339. i.354; v.242; Miln 91; Vism 93, 259, 322; VvA 258, PvA 115,
Pakkhiya (adj. n.) [fr. pakkha 2; cp. pakkhikā] siding with, as- 116, 117. — Compar. pagevataraṁ M iii.145; atippage too
early J iii.48; atippago id. M i.84; S ii.32; A v.48.
sociating with; m. part, side; only in phrase (satta — tiṁsa —
) bodhi — pakkhiya — dhammā the 37 parts of enlightenment Paggaṇhāti [pa+gaṇhāti] 1. to stretch forth, hold out or up, take
It 75 (satta only); J i.275; Vism 678 sq.; SnA 164; VvA 95; up D i.123 (sujaṁ the sacrificial ladle), 125 (añjaliṁ stretch
see Cpd. 179 and note 1. — pakkhiya at Th 2, 425 is not clear out the hollow hands as a token of respectful greeting); S i.141;
(expl at ThA 269 by vaccha, v. l. sacca). ii.280; J i.89 (paveṇiṁ); PvA 74 (turiyāni). ger. paggayha
taking up, raising up, stretching forth Sn 350 (=uttāretvā SnA
Pakkhepa (m.) & °na (nt.) [fr. pa+kṣip] throwing, hurling; be- 17 4
349); Dh 268 (tulaṁ); Pv ii.9 (bāhuṁ); iv.7 (uccaṁ p.);
ing thrown into (loc.) PvA 221 (lohakumbhi° in passage of
VvA 7 (añjaliṁ). Often in phrase bāhā paggayha kandati
ordeals in Niraya); DhA i.357 (nadiyaṁ visa — pakkhepana).
to wail or lament with outstretched arms (a special pose of
Pakhuma [Ved. pakṣman, diaeretic form for the contracted form
mourning) J v.267; vi.188; PvA 92 (=pasāreti). — 2. to take
pamha, the latter prepondering in poetry, while pakhuma is
up, take care of, favour, support, befriend (opp. niggaṇhāti) J
mostly found in prose. Similar doublets are sukhuma & saṇha;
i.511; ii.21; v.116, 369; Miln 185, 186; PvA 114 (sappurisa —
as regards etym. cp. Av. pasnem eyelid, Gr. πέκτω to comb,
dhammaṁ). — 3. to put to, exert, strain, apply vigorously (cit-
πόκος fleece, Lat. pecto to comb, pecten comb, Ohg. fahs
taṁ one's mind) S v.9; Ps ii.20 (paggaṇhanto viriyena carati).
hair] an eyelash, unsally as adj.: having eyelashes (—°) D
— pp. paggahita (q. v.). — Caus. paggaheti to exert Miln
ii.18 (go°); S i.132 (°antarikāyaṁ between the lashes); J v.216
390 (mānasaṁ). — Caus. II. paggaṇhāpeti to cause to hold
(visāla° for alārapamha T.); ThA 255 (dīgha° for āyatapamha
up or out, to cause to uphold or support Miln 21 (dhamma —
Th 2, 383); VvA 162, 279. dhajaṁ); J v.248; PvA 74 (turiyāni).
Pagaṇḍaka see pakaṭṭhaka. Paggalita [pp. of pa+gal] dripping PvA 56 (v. l. for T. vigalita).
Pagabbha (adj.) [cp. Epic Sk. pragalbha] bold, daring, forward,
Paggava [etym?] a medicinal plant with bitter fruit J ii.105 (v. l.
reckless M i.236; S i.201 (sup°); A iii.433; Sn 89, 852 (ap°=na pakkava).
pagabbha KhA 242, cp. also Nd 228); Dh 244 (=kāyapāgabb-
Paggaha & Paggāha [fr. paggaṇhāti] 1. exertion, energy; (a)
hiyâdīhi samannāgata DhA iii.354); J ii.32, 281, 359; v.448;
paggaha: D iii.213 (v. l. paggāha, also °nimitta); Ps ii.8
Miln 389; Dāvs iii.26. — apagabbha at Vin. iii.3 is used in
(°cariyā), 20 (°ṭṭha); DA i.63 (viriy — indriyassa °lakkhaṇa);
quite a diff. sense, viz. "one who has no more connection with

Paggaha & Paggāha Pacca°

(b) paggāha: A i.83, 256 (°nimitta); Dhs 277 (trsl. "grasp"), Pangula (adj.) [fr. pangu] lame J vi.12; Vism 280.
336, 1359 (°nimitta); DhsA 406. — 2. (paggaha) favour,
Pacati [Ved. pacati, Idg. *peqṷō, Av. pac —; Obulg. peka to fry,
kindness, patronage [same meaning in Ep. Sk.] Vin iii.145=A
roast, Lith, kepū bake, Gr. πέσσω cook, πέπων ripe] to cook,
iii.66; J v.116 (opp. niggaha); vi.371 (id.).
boil, roast Vin iv.264; fig. torment in purgatory (trs. and in-
Paggahaṇa (nt.) [fr. pa+gṛh, cp. paggaṇhāti] stretching forth, trs.): Niraye pacitvā after roasting in N. S ii.225, PvA 10, 14.
lifting, holding out; of the hands as sign of respectful saluta- — ppr. pacanto tormenting, gen. pacato (+Caus. pācayato) D
tion (cp. añjaliṁ paggaṇhāti) J iii.82. — Abstr. °tā=paggaha i.52 (expl at DA i.159, where read pacato for paccato, by pare
1. Vism 134. daṇḍena pīḷentassa). — pp. pakka (q. v.). — Caus. pacāpeti
& pāceti (q. v.). — Pass. paccati to be roasted or tormented
Paggahita [pp. of paggaṇhāti, cp. BSk. pragṛhīta lofty Divy 7,
(q. v.).
102] holding up, or (being) held up Vin ii.131 (chatta° holding
up a parasol,) 207 (id.); J vi.235; SnA 175 (=Sn p. 21). Pacana (nt.) [fr. pac, su pacati] cooking J̄ iii.425 (°thālikā); v.385
(°bhājana); ThA 29 (bhatta°); DA i.270; PvA 135.
Paggāha see paggaha.
Pacarati [pa+carati] to go after, walk in; fig. practise, perform,
Paggāhika (adj.) [paggāha+ika] belonging to, receiving (or trad- 9
ing?) in cpd. °sālā a shop Vin ii.291 (cp. Vin. Texts iii.383: observe Vv 32 (v. l. pavarati, cp. VvA 136).
"would he set up as a hawker in cloth, or would he open a Pacala [fr. pa+cal] shaking, trembling, wavering DhsA 378.
Pacalati [pa+calati] to dangle VvA 36 (v. l. BB paj°).
Paggharaṇa (adj. — n.) [fr. paggharati] trickling, oozing, drip-
Pacalāyati [quasi — denom. or caus. fr. pacala, pa+cal, cp.
ping J i.146; vi.187 (a°); f. °ī D i.74 (=bindubinduṁ udakaṁ
daṇḍāyati and pacāleti] to make (the eyelid) waver, to wink,
paggharati DA i.218); the Ǥ mark ʼ of liquid DhsA 332.
to be sleepy, nod, begin to doze A iii.343= iv.344; iv.85 (quot.
Paggharaṇaka (adj.) [fr. paggharati] flowing, trickling, oozing at DhsA 236); J i.384 (°āyituṁ ārabbhi); Vism 300.
out J vi.187 (app° — velā), 531; DhA i.126 (lohitaṁ); Vism
Pacalāyikā (f.) [abstr. fr. pacalāyati] nodding, wavering (of the
eyelids), blinking, being sleepy Dhs 1157 (=akkhidalādīnaṁ
Paggharati [pa+gharati, which stands for kṣarati, also appearing pacalabhāvaṁ karoti DhsA 378).
as jharati, cp. Sk. nirjhara, Prk. pajjharati Mālatī — M. p.
Pacalita [pp. of pacalati] shaken, wavering, unstable Th 1, 260.
51. BSk. pragharati Divy 57, 409; AvŚ i.282] to flow forth or
Pacāpeti [Caus. of pacati] to cause to be cooked, to cook Vin
out, to ooze, trickle, drip S i.150; Sn p. 125 (pubbañ ca lohitañ
ca. p.); J vi.328; Pv i.6 (gabbho pagghari=vissandi PvA 34); iv.264; J i.126 (āhāraṁ); ii.15 (bhattaṁ), 122.
ii.9 11 (=vissandati PvA 119); ii.9 26 (akkhīni p.=vissandanti Pacāreti [pa+cāreti, Caus. of car] to go about in (acc.), to fre-
PvA 123, sic lege!); Miln 180; VvA 76 (navahi dvārehi puḷu- quent, to visit A i.182, 183 (pacārayāmi, gloss sañcarissāmi).
vakā pagghariṁsu). — pp. paggharita (q. v.).
Pacālaka (adj.) [fr. pacāleti] swinging, shaking; nt. acc. as adv.
Paggharita [pp. of paggharati] flowing, trickling S ii.179; Th 2, in kāya- (& bāhu°) ppacālakaṁ after the manner or in the
466; PvA 198 (khīra). style of swaying the body (or swinging the arms) Vin ii.213.
Paghaṇa (nt.) [cp. Sk. praghaṇa] a covered terrace before a house Pacāleti [pa+Caus. of cal] to swing, sway, move about Th 1, 200
Vin ii.153 ("paghanaṁ nāma yaṁ nikkhamantā ca pavisantā ca (mā pacālesi "sway and nod" Trsl ).
pādehi hananti. tassa vihāra — dvāre ubhato kuṭṭaṁ niharitvā
Pacinati [or °cināti) [pa+cināti, cp, ācināti] 1. to pick,
katapadesass' etaṁ adhivacanaṁ" Bdhgh, quoted Vin. Texts
pluck, gather, take up, collect, accumulate S iii.89; iv.74
(dukkhaṁ=ācināti p. 73); Dh 47, 48 (pupphāni= ocinati DhA
Panka [cp. Epic Sk. panka, with k suffix to root *pene for *pele, i.366); J iii.22; fut. pacinissati DhA i.361. — 2. to pick
as in Lat. palus; cp. Goth. fani mire, excrements, Ohg, fenna out (mentally), to discern, distinguish, realise, know Sn 837
"fen," bog; also Ital. fango mud, Ohg. fūht wet. See Walde (ppr. pacinaṁ=pacinanto vicinanto tulayanto tīrayanto Nd 1
Lat. Wtb. under palus. BSk. panka, e. g. Jtm 215 panka — 185;=pavicinati SnA 545); fut. pacessati Dh 44, 45 (sic F.;
nimagna] mud, mire; defilement, impurity S i.35, 60; iii.118; MSS. vijessati, & vicessati the latter perhaps preferable to
A iii.311; iv.289; Sn 970 (°danta rajassira with dirt between pac°; expl at DhA i.334 by vicinissati upaparikkhissati paṭivi-
their teeth and dust on their heads, from travelling); iii.236 jjhissati sacchikarissati). — Pass. pacīyati to be heaped up,
(id.); iv.362 (id.); Sn 535, 845, 945, 1145 (Nd 374: kāma to increase, accumulate S iv.74 (opp. khīyati).
— panko kāma — kaddamo etc.); Dh 141, 327; Nd 203; Pv Pacuṭa is doubtful reading at DA i.164 (with vv. ll. pamuṭa, pa-
iii.3 ; iv.3 ; Miln 346; Dhs 1059, 1136. muca, papuṭa) for D i.54, T. paṭuva (vv. ll. pamuṭa, samudda)
Panga [?] only in cpd. pangacīra (nt.) at D i.6 "blowing through and is expl by gaṇṭhika, i. e. block or knot. The whole pas-
toy pipes made of leaves" (Dial. i.10, where is cpd. Sinhalese sage is corrupt; see discussed under pavuṭā.
pat — kulal and Marathī pungī after Morris J.P.T.S. 1889, 205). Pacura (adj.) [cp. late Sk. pracura] general, various, any; abun-
Bdhgh expl as "p. vuccati paṇṇa — nāḷikā; taṁ dhamantā
dant, many J v.40 (=bahu salabha C.); Miln 408 (°jana) Dāvs
kīḷanti" DA i.86. 11
iv.11, 50; VvA 213 (°jano for yādisakīdiso Vv 50 ). See also
Pangu (adj.) [Sk. pangu; etym.?] lame, crippled, see pakkha 3 pasura.
and next.
Pacessati see pacinati.

Pacca° Paccanta

Pacca° is contracted form of paṭi before a°, like pac-cakampittha literally. — S i.92; v.344 (kālena paccanti read for kāle na
pret. fr. paṭikampati. p.); A i.141 (phenuddehakaṁ p. niraye); Sn 670, 671; Dh 69,
119, 120 (pāpaṁ suffer for sin, cp. DhA iii.14); J v.268; Pv
Paccakkosati [paṭi+ā+kruś] to curse in return S i.162; A ii.215.
iv.1 29 (=dukkhaṁ pāpuṇanti PvA 228); iv.3 39 (niraye paccare
Paccakkosana (nt.) [fr. paṭi+ā+kruś] cursing in return DhA n
janā=paccanti PvA 255); DhA iii.64 (expl for tappati).
iv.148 (a°).
Paccatta (adj.) [paṭi+attan] separate, individual; usually acc. °ṁ
Paccakkha (adj.) [paṭi+akkha , cp. Ved. pratyakṣa] "before the
adv. separately, individually, singly, by himself, in his own
eye," perceptible to the senses, evident, clear, present DhsA
heart D i.24 (yeva nibbuti viditā); DA on D ii.77=attano attano
254; PvA 125; Sdhp 416. Often in obl. cases, viz. instr. °ena
abbhantare; M i.251, 337 (°vedaniya N. of a purgatory), 422;
personally J i.377; abl. °ato from personal experience J v.45,
S ii.199; iii.54 sq., iv.23, 41 sq., 168, 539; Sn 611, 906; Dh
195, 281; appaccakkhāya without seeing or direct perception, 165; Pv iii.10 (°vedanā separate sufferings, =visuṁ visuṁ at-
in expl of paccaya at Vism 532; also in phrase paccakkhato
tanā anubhūyamānā mahādukkhavedanā PvA 214); Dhs 1044
ñatvā having seen or found out for himself, knowing person- d
(ajjhatta+; trsl "self referable"); Miln 96 (°purisa — kāra);
ally J i.262; iii.168.
DhsA 169; VvA 9, 13; PvA 232.
-kamma making clear, i. e. demonstration, realisation,
-vacana expression of separate relation, i. e. case of ref-
only neg. a° not realising etc. S iii.262; Dhs 390 (trsl. "inabil-
erence, or of the direct object, reflexive case, N. of the acc.
ity to demonstrate"; cp. DhsA 254).
case SnA 303; VvA 281; PvA 30, 35; KhA 213, 236; in lieu
Paccakkhāta [pp. of paccakkhāti] rejected, given up, abandoned, of karaṇa KhA 213, of sāmin SnA 594.
repudiated Vin ii.244, 245 (sikkhā); iii.25 (id.); J iv.108; DhA
Paccatthata [pp. of gaṭi+ā+stṛ] spread out D ii.211.
i.12. Cp. Vin. Texts i.275.
Paccattharaṇa (nt.) [pati+ā+stṛ, cp. BSk. pratyāsta-raṇa Divy
Paccakkhāti [paṭi+akkhāti=ā+khyā] lit. to speak against, i. e. to
19] something spread against, i. e. under or over, a cover,
reject, refuse, disavow, abandon, give up, usually in connec-
spread, rug, cushion or carpet to sit on, bedding of a couch
tion with Buddhaṁ, dhammaṁ, sikkhaṁ or similar terms of a
(nisīdana°) Vin i.47, 295, 296; ii.208, 218; D i.7 (kadali —
religious — moral nature Vin iii.25; S ii.231, 271; A iv.372. miga — pavara°, cp. DA i.87); A i.137 (id.); iii.50 (id.); J
— ger. paccak- khāya, in foll. conn ācariyaṁ J iv.200;
i.126; iv.353 (uṇṇāmaya); PvA 141, 137.
sikkhaṁ Vin iii.23, 34 (a°); S ii.231; iv.190; Pug 66, 67; sab-
Paccatthika (adj. n.) [paṭi+attha+ka, lit. opposite to useful, cp.
baṁ S iv.15; ariyasaccaṁ S v.428. paccakkhāsi at J v.8 is
Sk. pratyanīka & pratyarthin] an opponent, adversary, enemy
gloss for pakatthāsi. — pp. paccakkhāta (q. v.). — Intens.
Vin ii.94 sq. (atta° personal enemy); A v.71 (id.; T. attha°); D
paccācikkhati (q. v.).
i.50, 70, 137; It 83; PvA 62. Cp. paccāmitta.
Paccakkhāna (nt.) [fr. paṭi+ā+khyā] rejection, refusal J vi.422.
Paccana (nt.) [fr. paccati, cp. pacana] being boiled, boiling. tor-
Paccagū (adj. — n.) [a difficult word, composed of pacca+ gū,
ture, torment J v.270; SnA 476 (°okāsa).
the latter a by — form of °ga, as in paṭṭhagū, vedagū pāragū.
pacca may be praṭya, an adv. form of prep. praṭi, and paṭṭha Paccanika, Paccanīya (adj. n.) [cp. Sk. pratyanīka & see
paccatthika] 1. contrary, adverse, opposed; (1) m. enemy, ad-
its doublet. It is not certain whether we should read paṭṭhagū
here as well (see paṭṭhagū). The form may also be expl as versary, opponent M i.378; S i.179; iv.127= Sn 761; Ps ii.67
sq.; SnA 288. Cp. vi.° — 2. (in method) reverse, negative,
a substantivised pl. 3rd pret. of praṭi+gacchati=paccaguṁ]
opp. to anuloma. Tikp 71 passim; cp. paṭiloma.
"one who goes toward," a pupil S i.104 (Mārassa); vv. ll. bad-
dhabhū, paṭṭhagū. Windisch, Māra & Buddha trsl "unter M's -gāthā response, responding verse (cp. paṭigāthā) SnA
Herrschaft," and refers paṭṭhagu to Sk., pātyagāḥ. Bdhgh (see
Kindred Sayings, 1, p. 319) reads baddhagū and expl ns by Paccanubhāsati [paṭi+anubhāsati, cp. BSk. pratyava-bhāṣate to
bandhavara sissa antevāsika. call to Divy 9] to speak out or mention correspondingly, to
enumerate KhA 78, 79 sq.
Paccaggaḷa (adj.) [pratyak+gaḷa] in phrase paccaggaḷe aṭṭhāsi
"stuck in his throat" M i.333. Paccanubhoti [paṭi+anu+bhū, BSk. pratyanubhavati Divy 54,
262 etc.] to experience, undergo, realise M i.295; S v.218,
Paccaggha (adj.) [paṭi+aggha, cp. Sk. pratyagra of diff. deriva-
264 sq., 286 sq. 353; A iii.425 sq.; It 38; PvA 26, 44, 107
tion] recent, new, beautiful, quite costly Vin i.4; J i.80; ii.435;
Pv ii.3 (=abhinava mahaggha vā PvA 87); iii.10 (=abhinava (dukkhaṁ). — fut. paccanubhossati D ii.213; S i.133, 227;
Pv iii.5 . — Pass. paccanubhavīyati PvA 146 (for upalabb-
PvA 214); Dāvs v.25; PvA 44.
hati). — pp. paccanubhūta M ii.32; S ii.178; It 15.
Paccanga (nt.) [paṭi+anga] lit. "by — limb," small limb, only in
comp angapaccangāni limbs great and small, all limbs: see Paccanusiṭṭha [paṭi+anusiṭṭha] advised, admonished D
Paccañjana (nt.) [paṭi+añjana] anointing, ointment, unction D Paccanta (adj. n.) [paṭi+anta, cp. Sk. pratyanta] adj. adjoin-
ing, bordering on, neighbouring, adjacent Dh 315; J i.11 (v.47,
i.12=M i.511; DA i.98 (=bhavanīya — sītalabhessajj' añ-
°desa), 377 (°vāsika); PvA 201 (°nagara); DhA iii.488 (id.);
Sdhp 11 (°visaya). — (m.) the border, outskirts, neighbour-
Paccati [Pass. of pacati, cp. BSk. pacyate Divy 422] to be boiled,
hood Vin i.73; J i.126 (vihāra°); ii.37; Miln 314 (°e kupite
fig. to be formented or vexed, to suffer. Nearly always ap-
in a border disturbance); DhA i.101 (id.); PvA 20 (id.). °ṁ
plied to the torture of boiling in Niraya, where it is meant

Paccanta Paccāharati

vūpasāmeti to appease the border PvA 20. — P. in sense of 58) M i.415; D iii.278; A iii.27; Pug 21 (a°); Dhs 390
"heathen" at Vism 121. (a°=dhammānaṁ sabhāvaṁ pati na apekkhati DhsA 254, trsl.
"inability to consider"); Miln 388; Nett 85; VbhA 140; Vism
Paccantima (adj.) [fr. paccanta, cp. BSk. pratyantima frontier
43 (twofold); Sdhp 413.
Divy 21, 426] bordering, adjoining, next to Vin. ii.166; Sdhp
5. Paccavekkhā (f.) [cp. late Sk. pratyavekṣā] imagination Mbhv
Paccabhiññāṇa (nt.) [paṭi+abhi+ñāṇa] recognition DhsA 110.
Paccasāri see paṭisarati.
Paccaya [fr. paṭi+i, cp. Ved. pratyaya & P. pacceti, paṭicca] lit.
resting on, falling back on, foundation; cause, motive etc. See Paccassosi see patissuṇāṭi.
on term as t.t. of philosophy Tikapaṭṭhāna I, foreword; J.P.T.S.
Paccākata [pp. of paṭi+a+kṛ] rejected, disappointed Vin iv.237,
1916, 21 f.; Cpd. 42 sq. & esp. 259 sq. — 1. (lit.) support,
requisite, means, stay. Usually with ref. to the 4 necessaries
Paccākoṭita [pp. of paṭi+ākoṭeti] flattened or smoothed out,
of the bhikkhu's daily life, viz. cīvara, piṇḍapāta, senāsana,
pressed, ironed (ākoṭita+of the robes) M i.385; S ii.281; DhA
(gilānapaccaya — ) bhesajja, i. e. clothing, food as alms, a
dwelling — place, medicine: see under cīvara. Sn 339 (pac-
caya=gilāna — paccaya SnA 342); Miln 336; Mhvs 3, 15. — Paccāgacchati [paṭi+āgacchati] to fall back on, return again, to go
2. (appl ) reason, cause, ground, motive, means, condition back to (acc.), withdraw, slide back from (° to) Vin i.184; M
M i.259 (yaṁ yad eva paccayaṁ paṭicca by whatever cause i.265; iii.114; Nd 108, 312; Kvu 624 (spelt wrongly pacchā°);
or by whichever means); S ii.65; Nett 78 sq.; DA i.125; PvA PvA 14, 109, 250. Cp. pacceti.
104. The fourfold cause (catubbidho paccayo) of rūpa (ma-
Paccāgata [pp. of paccāgacchati] gone back, withdrawn J v.120;
terial form) consists of kamma, citta, utu, āhāra: Vism 600.
Miln 125.
Var. paccayas discussed at VbhA 166 sq. (twofold, with ref.
Paccāgamana (nt.) [fr. paṭi+ā+gam] return, going back, back-
to paṭisandhi), 183 (eightfold), 202, 205 sq. 254 (4). sappac-
sliding Miln 246.
caya founded, having a reason or cause S v.213 sq.; A i.82;
Nd mūla; Dhs 1084, 1437. — yathā paccayaṁ karoti do as Paccācamati [paṭi+ā+camati; often spelt °vamati, but see Trenck-
he likes Nd p. 280=S iii. 33. Often coupled with hetu, e. g. ner, Miln 425] to swallow up, resorb S v.48= A v.337; J i.311;
at S iv.68 sq.; A. i.66; iv.151 sq.; D iii.284; Nd under mūla; Miln 150; Caus. °camāpeti Miln 150.
Ps ii.116 sq., paccaya came to be distinguished from hetu as
Paccācikkhati [Intens. of paccakkhāti, paṭi+ā+cikkhati of khyā]
the genus of which hetu was the typical, chief species. I. e. to reject, repudiate, disallow D iii.3; M i.245, 428; Vin iv.235.
paccaya became synonymous with our "relation," understood
Paccājāta [pp. of paccājāyati] reborn, come to a new existence D
in a causal sense, hetu meaning condition, causal antecedent,
i.62; iii.264; M i.93; Pug 51.
and 23 other relations being added as special modes of causal-
ity. Later still these 24 were held reducible to 4 Tikp 1 f. (and Paccājāyati [paṭi+ā+jāyati] to be reborn in a new existence M
foreword); Cpd. 197. Cp. Paṭṭhāna. — Abl. paccayā as iii.169; S ii.263; v.466, 474. — pp. paccājāta (q. v.).
adv. by means of, through, by reason of, caused by D i.45 Paccāneti [paṭi+ā+neti] to lead back to (acc.) Pv ii.11 (=punar
(vedanā °taṇhā etc., see paṭicca — samuppāda); M i.261 (jātip- āneti C.).
paccayā jarāmaraṇaṁ); Pv i.5 (kamma°); iv.1 50 (tap°); PvA
Paccābhaṭṭha [pp. of paccābhāsati] recited, explained J ii.48.
147 (kamma°). — 3. ground for, belief, confidence, trust, re-
liance J i.118, 169; apara° without relying on anyone else S Paccābhāsati [paṭi+ābhāsati] to retort, recite, explain, relate PvA
iii.83, 135; A iv.186, 210; PvA 226. 57 (sic lege for pacchā°). — pp. paccābhaṭṭha.
-ākāra the mode of causes, i. e. the Paṭiccasamuppāda
Paccāmitta [paccā=Sk. pratyak, adv.;+mitta, cp. Ep. Sk.
DhsA 2, 3; VbhA 130 sq. (cp. Vism 522 sq.).
pratyamitra] lit. "back — friend," adversary, enemy D i.70;
Paccayatā (f.) [abstr. fr. paccaya] the fact of having a cause, cau- A iv.106; J i.488: DA i.182; PvA 155.
sation, causal relation, in phrase idappaccayatā (adv.) from
Paccāropeti [paṭi+āropeti] to show in return, retort, explain M
an ascertained cause, by way of cause Vin i.5; D i.185; S i.136; i.96; A iv.193. Cp. paccabhāsati.
Paccāsati [fr. paṭi+āśā or=paccāsaṁsati or °siṁsati?] to ask, beg,
Paccayika (adj.) [fr. paccaya] trustworthy D i.4; S i.150; A ii.209; pray Pv iv.5 (°anto for °āsaṁsanto? C. expln by āsiṁsanto).
J vi.384 (paccāyika); Pug 57; DA i.73; SnA 475.
Paccāsanne (adv.) [paṭi+āsanne] near by PvA 216=280
Paccaladdhaṁsu see paṭilabhati.
Paccāsā f. [paṭi+āśā, cp. Sk. pratyāśā] expectation Vin iv.286.
Paccavidhuṁ & Paccavyādhiṁ see paṭivijjhati.
Paccāsāreti [paṭi+ā+sāreti, Caus. of sṛ] to make go (or turn)
Paccavekkhati [paṭi+avekkhati] to look upon, consider, review, backward M i.124=A iii.28 (=paṭinivatteti C.); Vism 308
realise, contemplate, see M i.415; S iii.103; 151 sq., iv.111,
(sāreti pi p. pi).
236 sq.; J v.302; Vbh 193, 194 (cp. A iii.323); Miln 16; PvA
Paccāsiṁsati [paṭi+āsiṁsati] to expect, wait for, desire, hope for,
62, 277; VvA 6, 48.
ask D ii.100; A iii.124; J i.346, 483; iii.176; v.214; DhA i.14;
Paccavekkhana (nt.) & °nā (f.) [paṭi+avekkhana, cp. late
ii.84; DA i.318; VvA 336, 346; PvA 22, 25, 63, 260.
Sk. pratyaveksana & °nā] looking at, consideration, regard,
Paccāharati [paṭi+āharati] to bring back, take back Vin ii.265;
attention, reflection, contemplation, reviewing (cp. Cpd.

Paccāharati Paccorohaṇī

iii.140; J iv.304. iii.261 (a°) Dhs 16=Pug 25; Dhs 292, 555, 1057.
Paccukkaḍḍhati [paṭi+ukkaḍḍhati] to draw out again Vin ii.99. Paccupekkhaṇā (f.)=paccavekkhaṇā S iii.262 (a°).
Paccukkaḍḍhana (nt.) [fr. preceding] drawing out again Vin Paccupeti [pati+upeti] to go up or near to, to approach, serve, be-
v.222. set J iii.214. fut. °upessati J iv.362 (gloss upasevati).
Paccuggacchati [paṭi+ud+gam] to go out, set out, go out to meet Paccuppanna [pp. of paṭi+uppajjati, cp. Sk.pratyutpanna] what
Vin ii.210; M i.206; Sn 442 (=abhimukho upari gacchati SnA has arisen (just now), existing, present (as opposed to atīta
392). past & anāgata future) M i.307, 310; iii.188; 190, 196; S i.5;
iv.97; A i.264; iii.151, 400; D iii.100, 220, 275; It 53; Nd 1
Paccuggata [pp. of paccuggacchati] illustrious J vi.280. 2
340; Pv iv.6 ; Dhs 1040, 1043; VbhA 157 sq.; PvA 100. See
Paccuggamana (nt.) [fr. preceding] going out to, meeting, re-
also atīta.
ceiving J iv.321; PvA 61, 141 (°ṁ karoti).
Paccuyyāti [paṭi+ud+yā] to go out against, to go to meet some-
Paccuṭṭhapanā (f.) [paṭi+ud+Caus. of sthā] putting against, re-
body S i.82, 216.
sistance, opposition Sn 245 (=paccanīkaṭ ṭhapanā SnA 228).
Paccūsa° [paṭi+Ved. uṣas f.; later Sk. pratyūṣa nt.] "the time to-
Paccuṭṭhāti [paṭi+ud+sthā] to rise, reappear, to rise from one's wards dawn," morning, dawn; always. in comp with either
seat as a token of respect; always comb with abhivadati D
°kāle (loc.) at morning DhA iv.61; DA i.168; or °velāyaṁ
i.61 (Pot. °uṭṭheyya), 110 (Fut. °uṭṭhassati).
(loc.) id. VvA 105, 118, 165; PvA 61; or °samaye (loc.) id.
Paccuṭṭhāna (nt.) [fr. preceding] rising from one's seat, rever- S i.107; J i.81, 217; SnA 80; PvA 38.
ence D i.125.
Paccūha [cp. late Sk. pratyūha, prati+vah] an impediment, ob-
Paccuttarati [paṭi+uttarati, but cp. BSk. pratyavatarati to disem- stacle S i.201 (bahū hi saddā paccūhā, trsl. "Ay there is busy
bark Divy 229] to go out again, to withdraw S i.8; A iii.190. to — and — fro of words." C. expl by paṭiloma — saddā); J
Cp. paccupadissati. vi.571.
Paccudāvattati [paṭi+ud+ā+vattati] to return again to (acc.) S Pacceka (adj.) [paṭi+eka, cp. BSk. pratyeka Divy 335, 336] each
i.224; ii.104; A v.337. one, single, by oneself, separate, various, several D i.49 (it-
thi); ii.261 (°vasavattin, of the 10 issaras); S i.26 (°gāthā a
Paccudāvattana (nt.) [fr. preceding] coming back, return DhsA
stanza each), 146 (°brahma an independent Brahma); A ii.41
(°sacca); v.29 (id.); Sn 824 (id.), 1009 (°gaṇino each one hav-
Paccudāharati [paṭi+ud+ā+hṛ] recite in reply Th 2, 40.
ing followers= visuṁ visuṁ gaṇavanto SnA 583); J iv.114
Paccudeti [paṭi+ud+i] go out towards J vi.559. (°bodhiñāṇa); Nd 58 (°muni); DA i.148 (paccekā itthiyo);
Paccuddharati [paṭi+uddharati] to wipe off or down (with a cloth, SnA 52 (°bodhisatta one destined to become a Paccekabud-
colakena) Vin ii.122 (udakapuñchaniṁ; trsl. Vin. Texts ii.152 dha), 67 (id.), 73 (°sambodhi), 476 (niraya a separate or special
"to wear out a robe"), 151 (gerukaṁ; trsl. Vin. Texts ii.151 "to purgatory); PvA 251 (id.), Sdhp 589 (°bodhi). — paccekaṁ
(adv.) singly, individually, to each one VvA 282. See also
wipe down").
Paccuddhāra [paṭi+uddhāra] taking up, casting (the lot) again Vin
-buddha one enlightened by himself, i. e. one who has
attained to the supreme and perfect insight, but dies without
Paccupaṭṭhahati [paṭi+upa+sthā] "to stand up before," to proclaiming the truth to the world. M iii.68; S i.92 ("Silent
be present; only in pp. paccupaṭṭhita and in Caus. Buddha" trsl ); J iii.470; iv.114; Ud 50 (P. Tagarasikhi); Nett
paccupaṭṭhāpeti (q. v.). 190; KhA 178, 199; SnA 47, 58, 63; DhA i.80, 171, 224, 230;
iv.201; PvA 144, 263, 265 (=isi), 272, 283.
Paccupaṭṭhāna (nt.) [fr. paṭi+upa+sthā; cp. Cpd. 13 &
Lakkhaṇa] 1. (re)appearance, happening, coming on, phe- Pacceti [paṭi+i] to come on to, come back to, fig. fall back on,
nomenon J iii.524; Nett 28; SnA 509; DhsA 332; ThA 288. 2. realise, find one's hold in D i.186 ("take for granted," cp. note
tending D iii.191. 3. vv. ll. gilānupaṭṭhāna. Dial. i.252); M i.309 (kaṁ hetuṁ), 445 (id.); S i.182 ("believe
in," C. icchati pattheti); Sn 662, 788, 800, 803, 840=908; Dh
Paccupaṭṭhāpeti [Caus. of paccupaṭṭhahati] 1. to bring before or 1
about, to arrange, provide, instal, fix S iv.121; J iii.45; iv.105; 125 (=paṭieti DhA iii.34); Nd 85, 108 (=paccāgacchati), 114;
v.211. 2. to minister to, wait upon D iii.189 sq. Pv ii.3 (=avagacchati PvA 87); Nett 93; Miln 125, 313; PvA
116 (bālaṁ), 241 (agree to=paṭijānāti). — ger. paṭicca (q. v.).
Paccupaṭṭhita [pp. of paccupaṭṭhahati; cp. BSk. pratyu-pasthita,
Cp. paccāgacchati — pp. paṭīta (q. v.).
Divy Index] (re)presented, offered, at one's disposal, immi-
nent, ready, present D iii.218 (°kāmā); It 95 (id.); Sn p. 105; Paccoḍḍita [paṭi+oḍḍita] laid in return (of a snare) J ii.183 (v. l.
It 111; Kvu 157, 280; Miln 123. paccoṭṭita).
Paccupadissati [reading uncertain; either paṭi+upadissati, or fut. Paccora (adj.) [paṭi+avara, cp. Sk. pratyavara] lower, rt. lower
part, hindquarter, bottom (?) A iv.130; DhA i.189.
of paṭi+upadisati, cp. upadaṁseti. It is not to be derived fr.
°upadadāti] to accept, receive; or: to show, point out J v.221 Paccorohaṇī (f.) [fr. paccorohati] the ceremony of coming down
(v. l. paccuttarissati to go through, perhaps preferable; C. on again (?), approaching or descending to (acc.), esp. the holy
p. 225 expl by sampaṭicchissati). fire A v.234 sq., 249 sq., v. 251. Cp. orohaṇa & Sk.
pratyavarohaṇa "descent," N. of a cert. Gṛhya celebration
Paccupalakkhaṇā (f.) [paṭi+upalakkhaṇā] differentiation S


Paccorohaṇī Pajahati

(BR.). (id.); Ud 90 (Nāgasamāla); J iv.123; Miln 15 (Nāgasena); PvA
38, 93 (Ānanda).
Paccorohati [paṭi+orohati] to come down again, descend D i.50;
ii.73; A v.65, 234. Pacchāda [pa+chāda] cover, covering, wrapper, in phrase
nelango setappacchādo S iv.291=Ud 76=DA i.75= DhsA 397.
Paccosakkati [paṭi+osakkati which is either ava+sakkati (of
ṣvaṣk Geiger, P.Gr. § 28 or sṛp Trenckner Notes 60), or Pacchānutappati see under pacchā.
apa+sakkati] to withdraw, retreat, go away again D i.230; J
Pacchāyā (f.) [pa+chāyā] a place in the shade, shaded part Vin
i.383; Mhvs 25, 84.
i.180; ii.193; D i.152 (=chāyā DA i.310); ii.205; A iii.320.
Paccosakkanā (f.) [abstr. fr. paccosakkati] withdrawal, retreat,
Pacchāḷiyaṁ at A iii.76 is of uncertain reading & meaning; in
going back, shrinking from DhsA 151.
phrase p. khipanti: either "throw into the lap" (?) or (better)
Pacchaḍḍana (nt.) [pa+chaḍḍana] vomiting, throwing out Sdhp read pacchiyaṁ, loc. of pacchi "into the basket" (of the girls
137. & women).
Pacchato (adv.) [abl. formation fr. *paccha=Ved. paścā & Pacchāsa [cp. pacchāli? perhaps fr. pacchā+aś] aftermath S i.74.
paścāt, fr. Idg. *pos as in Lith. pàs near by, pastaras the last;
Pacchi (f.) [etym. doubtful] a basket J i.9, 243; ii.68; iii.21; vi.369
cp. Av. pasca behind, Lat. post, after] behind, after Dh 348
(paṇṇa°), 560 (phala°); DhA ii.3; iv.205 (°pasibbaka).
(=anāgatesu khandhesu DhA iv.63; opp. pure); PvA 56, 74;
Pacchijjati [pa+chijjati, Pass. of chid] to be cut short, to be in-
DhA iii.197 (°vatti). Often doubled pacchato pacchato, i. e.
terrupted J i.503 (lohitaṁ p.).
always or close behind, J ii.123 (opp. purato purato). — Cp.
pacchā & pacchima. Pacchijjana (nt.) [fr. last] stopping, interruption J iii.214 (read
assu — pacchijjana — divaso? passage corrupt.).
Pacchada [fr. pa+chad, cp. Sk. pracchada] a cover, wrapper;
girdle Th 2, 378 (=uracchada ThA253); DhsA 397 (v. l. for Pacchita [pa+chita, Sk. pracchita, pp. of chā, only in comb with
°cchāda). prefixes] cut off, skinned J vi.249.
Pacchanna [pa+channa, of chad] covered, wrapped, hidden Th Pacchindati [pa+chindati] 1. to break up, cut short, put an end to
1, 299; J iii.129. Vin iv.272; J i.119 (kathaṁ °itvā), 148 (kathaṁ °ituṁ); iv.59;
PvA 78 (dānavidhiṁ °i). — 2. to bring up (food), to vomit
Pacchā (adv.) [Vedic paścā & paścāt see pacchato] behind, aft, af-
ter, afterwards, back; westward D i.205; Sn 645, 773, 949; Nd 1 DhA i.183 (āhāraṁ).
33 (=pacchā vuccati anāgataṁ, pure vuccati atītaṁ); Nd 395; Pacchima (adj.) [Sk. paścima, superl. formation fr. *paśca, cp.
Dh 172, 314, 421; Pv i.11 , 11 (opp. purato); ii.9 (=aparab- pacchato & pacchā] 1. hindmost, hind —, back —, last (opp.
hāge PvA 116); PvA 4, 50, 88; VvA 71. purima), latest D i.239; M i.23 (°yāma the last night watch);
-ânutappati [fr. ânutāpa] to feel remorse Pv ii.7 ; J DA i.45 sq. (id. °kicca duties or performances in the 3 watch,
v.117. — ânutāpa [cp. Sk. paścattāpa] remorse, repentance corresp. to purima° & majjhima°); Sn 352; J iv.137 (°pāda);
Sdhp 288. -āsa (nt.) [āsa ] "eating afterwards, " i. e. af- vi.364 (°dvāra); PvA 5, 75. — 2. western (opp. purima or
termath S i.74 — gacchati at Kvu 624 see paccā°. -gataka puratthima) D i.153 (disā); S i.145. — 3. lowest, meanest Vin
going or coming behind J vi.30. -jāta ( — paccaya), 11th of ii.108; M i.23; S ii.203.
the 24 paccayas, q. v. causal relation of posteriority in time.
Pacchimaka (adj.) [fr. pacchima] 1. last, latest (opp. purimaka)
-nipātin one who retires to rest later than another (opp. pubb' 2
Vin ii.9; Nd 284 D.=Th 1, 202; DhsA 262; J vi.151. — 2.
uṭṭhāyin getting up before others) D i.60; iii.191; A iii.37;
lowest, meanest J i.285 (pacchimakā itthiyo).
iv.265, 267 sq.; DA i.168. — bāhaṁ "arm behind," i. e. with
Pacchedana (nt.) [fr. pa+chid] breaking, cutting DA i.141.
arms (tied) behind one's back D i.245; J i.264; DhA ii.39. —
bhatta "after — meal," i. e. after the midday meal, either as Pajagghati [pa+jagghati] to laugh out loud J vi.475.
°ṁ (acc. — adv.) in the afternoon, after the main meal, usu- Pajappati [pa+jappeti] to yearn for, crave, to be greedy after S
ally comb with piṇḍapāta. paṭikkanta "returning from the
i.5=J vi.25 (anāgataṁ=pattheti C.).
alms — round after dinner" A iii.320; PvA 11, 16, 38 and pas-
Pajappā (f.) [pa+jappā] desire, greed for, longing J vi.25 (anā-
sim (cp. BSk. paścādbhakta — piṇḍapāta — pratikrānta, see
gata°); Sn 592; Dhs 1059, 1136.
Indexes to AvŚ. & Divy), or as °kicca the duties after the mid-
day meal (opp. purebhatta°) DA i.47 (in detail); SnA 133, 134. Pajappita [pp. of pajappeti] desired, longed for S i.181; J vi.359.
-bhattika one who eats afterwards, i. e. afternoon, when it is Pajaha (adj.) [pa+jaha, pres. base of jahati] only neg. a° not
improper to eat A iii.220 (khalu°, q. v.). -bhāga hind or giving anything up, greedy A iii.76.
after part J ii.91; PvA 114. -bhāsati see paccā°. -bhūma
Pajahati (°jahāti) [pa+jahati of hā] to give up, renounce, forsake,
belonging to the western country S iii.5. -bhūmaka id. S
abandon, eliminate, let go, get rid of; freq. as synonym of
iv.312=A v.263. -mukha looking westward M iii.5; D ii.207;
jahati (see Nd under jahati with all forms). Its wide range
Th 1, 529; DhA iii.155 (opp. pācīna eastern). — vāmanaka
of application with reference to all evils of Buddhist ethics is
dwarfed in his hind part J iv.137. — samaṇa [BSk. paścāc-
seen from exhaustive Index at S vi.57 (Index vol.). — Pres.
chramaṇa & opp. purahśramaṇa AvŚ ii.67, 150; Divy 154, 2
pajahati S i.187; iii.33=Nd 680, Q 3 (yaṁ na tumhākaṁ
330, 494] a junior Wanderer or bhikkhu (Thera) who walks
taṁ pajahatha); It 32 (kiṁ appahīnaṁ kiṁ pajahāma); 117;
behind a senior (Thera) on his rounds. The one accompany-
A iv.109 sq. (akusalaṁ, sāvajjaṁ); Sn 789 (dukkhaṁ), 1056,
ing Gotama Buddha is Ānanda Vin i.46; iii.10 (Ānanda); iv.78

Pajahati Pañca

1058; Ps i.63; ii.244. ppr. pajahaṁ S iii.27; fut. pahās- but only in comp with prefixes; as āpajjati, uppajjati, nipajjati
saṁ (cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 151 ) M ii.100. — aor. pajahi etc. — Alone only in one doubtful passage, viz. A iv.362 (vv.
& pahāsi Vin i.36; S i.12=23 (sankhaṁ); Sn 1057. — ger. ll. paccati, pabbati, gacchati.). — pp. panna (q. v.).
pahāya S i.12 (kāme), 23 (vicikicchaṁ), 188 (nīvaraṇāni), Sn Pajjalati [pa+jalati of jval] to burn (forth), blaze up, go into flame
17, 209, 520 & passim; Nd 430; PvA 16, 122 (=hitvā), 211;
Vin i.180; Sn 687 (sikhi pajjalanto); J i.215; ThA 62; PvA 38.
pahatvāna Sn 639, and pajahitvā. fut. pajahissati S ii.226.
— pp. pajjalita (q. v.).
— grd. pahātabba M i.7; Sn 558; VvA 73, & pajahitabba
Pajjalita [pp. of pajjalati] in flames, burning, blazing S i.133; Sn
— pp. pahīna (q. v.). — Pass. pahīyati (q. v.).
p. 21 (aggi); Dh 146; PvA 43 (sāṭakā).
Pajā (f.) [Ved. prajā, pra+jan] progeny, offspring, generation,
Pajjunna [Ved. parjanya, for etym. see Walde, Lat. Wtb. under
beings, men, world (of men), mankind (cp. use of Bibl. Gr.
quercus & spargo] rain — cloud J i.332 (p. vuccati megho);
γέννημα in same meaning) D ii.55; S v.346, 362 sq.; A ii.75
iv.253. Otherwise only as Np. of the Rain God D ii.260; S
sq.; iv.290; v.232 sq., 253 sq.; Sn 298, 545, 654, 684, 776,
936, 1104 (=sattā Nd 377); Dh 28, 85, 254, 343 (=sattā DhA i.29; J i.331.
iv.49); Nd 47, 292; Pv ii.11 ; iv.3 ; Pug 57; Vism 223 (=pa- Pajjota [cp. Ved. pradyota, pra+dyut] light, lustre, splendour, a
jāyana — vasena sattā); DhA i.174; PvA 150, 161. — Very lamp S i.15, 47; A ii.140; Sn 349; Pug 25; Sdhp 590. — tela-
freq. in formula sassamana — brāhmaṇī pajā "this world with pajjota an oil lamp Vin i.16=D i.85= A i.56 ≈; Sn p. 15. —
its samaṇas and brāhmans" D i.250; S i.160, 168, 207; ii.170; dhammapajjota the lamp of the Dhamma Miln 21. paññā —
iii.28, 59; iv.158; v.204, 352; A ii.130; v.204; Sn p. 15; It 121 pajjota the torch of knowledge Dhs 16, 20, 292, 555; VbhA
etc. 115. pajjotassa nibbānaṁ the extinguishing of the lamp D
ii.157; S i.159; A iv.3.
Pajānanā (f.) [fr. pajānāti] knowledge, understanding, discern-
ment; used in exegetical literature as syn. of paññā Nd 2 Pajjhāyati [pa+jhāyati ] to be in flames, to waste, decay, dry up;
380=Dhs 16, 20, 555; Pug 25; Nett 28, 54. As nt. °a at Vism fig. to be consumed or overcome with grief, disappointment
436. or remorse Vin iii.19; iv.5; A ii.214, 216; iii.57; J iii.534 (pa-
jjhāti metri causa; C=anusocati)=Miln 5. — ppr. pajjhāyanto
Pajānāti [pa+jānāti] to know, find out, come to know, understand,
downcast, in formula tuṇhībhūto mankubhūto pattakkhandho
distinguish D i.45 (yathābhūtaṁ really, truly), 79 (ceto par-
adhomukho p. M i.132, 258 and passim.
icca), 162, 249; Sn 626, 726 sq., 987; It 12 (ceto paricca); Dh
402; Pv i.11 12 (=jānāti PvA 60); J v.445; Pug 64. — ppr. pa- Pañca (adj. — num.) [Ved. pañca, Idg. *penqṷe; cp. Gr. πέντε,
jānaṁ Sn 884, 1050, 1104 (see expl at Nd 292=Nd 378); Lat. quīnque, Goth. fimf, Lith. penki, Oir. coic] number
It 98; Pv iv.1 ; and pajānanto Sn 1051. — ger. paññāya (q. 5. — Cases: gen. dat. pañcannaṁ, instr. abl. pañcahi, loc.
v.) — Caus. paññāpeti; pp. paññatta; Pass. paññāyati & pañcasu; often used in compositional form pañca° (cp. Ved.
pp. paññāta (q. v.). Cp. sampajāna. pañcāra with 5 spokes i.164 ; Gr. πεμπώβολος, Lat. quinqu
— ennis etc.). — 1. Characteristics of No. 5 in its use, with
Pajāpati (°ī) 1. (adj.) together with his wife Vin i.23, 342; iv.62;
ref, to lit. & fig. application. "Five" is the number of "com-
J i.345; PvA 20. (m.) [Ved. prajāpati, prajā+pati Lord of all
prehensive and yet simple" unity or a set; it is applied in all
created beings, Lord of Creation] Prajāpati (Np.), the supreme
cases of a natural and handy comprehension of several items
Lord of men, only mentioned in one formula together with
into a group, after the 5 fingers of the hand, which latter lies at
Inda & Brahmā, viz. devā saindakā sabrahmakā sapajāpatikā
the bottom of all primitive expressions of No. 5 (see also be-
in sense of foll. Also at VbhA 497 with Brahmā. — 2. pra-
low pañc' angulika. The word for 5 itself in its original form is
jāpati (f.) [of Ved. prajāvant, adj. — n. fr. prajā "having (or
identical with the word for hand *prǤq, cp. Lat. com°, decem,
rich in) progeny," with p for v, as pointed out by Trenckner
Notes 62 ] "one who has offspring," a chief wife of a man centum etc.) -
A. No. 5, appl (a) with ref. to time: catupañcāhaṁ 4 or 5
of the higher class (like a king, in which case="chief queen")
days J ii.114 (cp. quinque diebus Horace Sat i.3 ); maraṇaṁ
or a gahapati, in which case simply "wife"; cp. BSk. pra-
tuyhaṁ oraṁ māsehi pañcahi after 5 months Vv 63 , p. māse
jāpatī "lady" Divy 2, 98. — Vin i.23; iii.25; iv.18, 258; S 289
ii.243; A i.137 (catasso °iyo); iv.210, 214; Vv 41 (=one of vasitvā DA i.319 (cp. qu. menses Hor. Sat. ii.3 ). — (b)
of space: °yojanaṭṭhāna J iii.504; °yojan — ubbedho gajavaro
the 16,000 chief queens of Sakka VvA 183); DhA i.73; PvA
VvA 33; °bhūmako pāsādo J i.58 (cp. the house of Death as
21, 31. sapajāpatika (adj.) together with his wife Vin i.23,
5 stories high in Grimm, Mārchen No. 42 ed. Reclam). —
342; iv.62; J i.345; PvA 20. 9
(c) of a group, set, company, etc. (cp. 5 peoples RV iii.37 ;
Pajāyati [pa+jāyati] to be born or produced J v.386; vi.14. 4 2 3 14 7
vi.11 ; viii.9 etc.; gods x.55 ; priests ii.34 ; iii.7 ; leaders
Pajāyana (nt.) [fr. pa+jan] being born Vism 223. of the Greek ships Hom. Iliad 16, 171; ambassadors Gene-
Pajja [cp. Sk. padya] a path, road Sn 514; DA i.262. sis 47 ; quinque viri Hor. Sat. ii.5 ; Epist. ii.1 ): p. janā J
v.230; p. amaccā J v.231; p. hatthino DhA i.164; pañca nāriyo
Pajja (nt.) [cp. Sk. padya & pādya belonging to the feet, Lat. 2 3
agamiṁsu Vv 32 ; p. puttāni khādāmi Pv i.6 . — Note. No.
acupedius swift — footed; Gr. πεζός foot — soldier, see also 5 in this appl is not so frequent in Pāli as in older literature
pattika ] foot — oil, foot — salve Vin i.205; D ii.240; J iii.120;
(Vedas e. g.); instead of the simple 5 we find more freq. the
iv.396; v.376 (=pādabbhañjana C.).
higher decimals 50 and 500. See also below §§ 3, 4.
Pajjati [pad, Vedic padyate only in meaning "to come to fall," B. No. 15 in two forms: pañcadasa (f. °ī the 15th day of
later Sk. also "to go to"] to go, go to; usually not in simplex, the month Vv 15 =A i.144; Sn 402) VvA 67 (°kahāpaṇa — sa-

Pañca Pañca

hassāni dāpesi), and paṇṇarasa (also as f. ī of the 15th or full meant to denote a "goodly company, 500 or more") Arahants
— moon day Pv iii.3 ; DhA i.198; iii.92; iv.202; VvA 314; KhA 98; Bhikkhus very frequent, e. g. D i.1; Vin ii.199;
SnA 78) Sn 153 (pannaraso uposatho); Vv 64 (paṇṇarase va J i.116, 227; DhA ii.109, 153; iii.262, 295; iv.184, 186; Sā-
cando; expl as paṇṇarasiyaṁ VvA 276); DhA i.388 (of age, vakas J i.95; Upāsakas J ii.95; PvA 151; Paccekabuddhas DhA
15 or 16 years); DA i.17 (°bhedo Khuddaka — nikāyo); SnA iv.201; PvA 76; Vighāsâdā J ii.95; DhA ii.154; Sons PvA 75;
357 (pannarasahi bhikkhu — satehi=1500, instead of the usual Thieves DhA ii.204; PvA 54; Relatives PvA 179; Women —
500); PvA 154 (°yojana). The appl is much the same as 5 and servants (parivārikā itthiyo) Pv ii.12 ; VvA 69, 78, 187; PvA
50 (see below), although more rare, e. g. as measure of space: 152; Oxen A iv.41; Monkeys J iii.355; Horses Vin iii.6. —
°yojana DhA i.17 (next in sequence to paṇṇāsa — yojana); Money etc. as present, reward or fine representing a "round —
J i.315; PvA 154 (cp. 15 furlongs from Jerusalem to Bethany sum" (cp. Nibelungen 314: horses with gold, 317: mark; dol-
John 11, 18; 15 cubits above the mountains rose the flood Gen. lars as reward Grimm No. 7; drachms as pay Hor. Sat. ii.7 )
7. 20). kahāpaṇas Sn 980, 982; PvA 273; blows with stick as fine Vin
C. No. 25 in two forms: pañcavīsati (the usual) e. g. i.247. — Various: a caravan usually consists of 500 loaded
DhsA 185 sq.; Miln 289 (citta — dubbalī — karaṇā dhammā); wagons, e. g. J i.101; DhA ii.79; PvA 100, 112; chariots VvA
paṇṇa-vīsati, e. g. J iv.352 (nāriyo); Th 2, 67, and paṇṇu- 78; ploughs Sn p. 13. Cp. S i.148 (vyagghī — nisā); Vin ii.285
vīsaṁ (only at J iii.138). Similarly to 15 and 25 the num- (ūna — pañcasatāni); J ii.93 (accharā); v.75 (vāṇijā); DhA i.89
ber 45 (pañca-cattāḷīsa) is favoured in giving distances with (suvaṇṇasivikā), 352 (rāja — satāni); iv.182 (jāti°) KhA 176
°yojana, e. g. at J i.147, 348; DhA i.367. — Application: of (paritta — dīpā). Also BSk. pañ'opasthāyikā — śatāni Divy
25: (1) time: years J iii.138; DhA i.4; (2) space: miles high and 529; pañca — mātrāṇi strī — śatāni Divy 533. — Note. When
wide DhA ii.64 (ahipeto); VvA 236 (yojanāni pharitvā pabhā). Gotama said that his "religion" would last 500 years he meant
2. Remarks on the use of 50 and 500 (5000). Both 50 and that it would last a very long time, practically for ever. The
500 are found in stereotyped and always recurring combina- later change of 500 to 5,000 is immaterial to the meaning of
tions (not in Buddhist literature alone, but all over the Ancient the expression, it only indicates a later period (cp. 5,000 in
World), and applied to any situation indiscriminately. They Nibelungeniled for 500, also 5,000 men in ambush Joshua 8.
have thus lost their original numerical significance and their 12; converted by Peter Acts 4. 4; fed by Christ with 5 loaves
value equals an expression like our "thousands," cp. the use Matthew 14. 21). Still more impressive than 500 is the expres-
of Lat. mille and 600, also similarly many other high numer- sion 5 Koṭis (5 times 100,000 or 10 million), which belongs to
als in Pāli literature, as mentioned under respective units (4, a comparatively later period, e. g. at DhA i.62 (ariya — sā-
6, 8 e. g. in 14, 16, 18, etc.). Psychologically 500 is to be vaka — koṭiyo), 256 (°mattā — ariyasāvakā); iv.190 (p. koti
expl as "a great hand," i. e. the 5 fingers magnified to the 2 nd — mattā ariya — sāvakā).
decade, and is equivalent to an expression like "a lot" (origi- 3. Typical sets of 5 in the Pali Canon. °aggaṁ first fruits
nally "only one," cp. casting the lot, then the one as a mass or of 5 (kinds), viz. khett°, rās°, koṭṭh°, kumbhi°, bhojan° i. e. of
collection), or like heaps, tons, a great many, etc. — Thus 50 the standing crop, the threshing floor, the granary, the pottery,
(and 500) as the numbers of "comm — union" are especially the larder SnA 270. °angā 5 gentlemanly qualities (of king
freq. in recording a company of men, a host of servants, an- or brahmin): sujāta, ajjhāyaka, abhirūpa, sīlavā, paṇḍita (see
imals in a herd, etc., wherever the single constituents form a anga; on another comb with anga see below). The phrase
larger (mostly impressive, important) whole, as an army, the pañc' angasamannāgata & °vippahīna (S i.99; A v.16) refers
king's retinue, etc. — A. No. 50 (paññāsa; the by — form to the 5 nīvaraṇāni: see expl at Vism 146. °angikaturiya
paṇṇāsa only at DhA iii.207), in foll. appl : (a) of time: 5 kinds of music: ātata, vitata, ātata — vitata, ghana, susira.
does not occur, but see below under 55. — (b) of space (cp. °abhiññā 5 psychic powers (see Cpd. 209). °ānantarika-
50 cubits the breadth of Noah's ark Gen. 6. 15; the height kammāni 5 acts that have immediate retribution (Miln 25), ei-
of the gallows (Esther 5. 14; 7. 9) J i.359 (yojanāni); DhA ther 5 of the 6 abhiṭhānas (q. v.) or (usually) murder, theft, im-
iii.207 (°hattho ubbedhena rukkho); Vism 417 (paripuṇṇa °yo- purity, lying, intemperance (the 5 sīlas) cp. Dhs trsl. 267. °in-
jana suriyamaṇḍala); DhA i.17 (°yojana). — (c) of a company driyāni 5 faculties, viz. saddhā, viriya, sati, samādhi, paññā
or group (cp. 50 horses RV ii.18 ; v.18 ; wives viii.19 ; men (see indriya B. 15 — 19). °vidhaṁ (rāja — ) kakudhab-
at the oars Hom. Il. 2. 719; 16. 170, servants Hom. Od. haṇḍaṁ, insignia regis viz. vāḷavījanī, uṇhīsa, khagga, chatta,
7, 103, 22, 421) J iii.220 (corā); v.161 (pallankā), 421 (di- pādukā. °kalyāṇāni, beauty — marks: kesa°, maṁsa°, aṭṭhi°,
jakaññāyo); Sn p. 87; SnA 57 (bhikkhū). — Note. 55 (pañca- chavi°, vaya°. °kāmaguṇā pleasures of the 5 senses (=tag-
paññāsa) is used instead of 50 in time expressions (years), e. gocarāni pañc' āyatanāni gahitāni honti SnA 211). °gorasā
g. at DhA i.125; ii.57; PvA 99, 142; also in groups: DhA i.99 5 products of the cow: khīra, dadhi, takka, navanīta, sappi.
(janā). — B. No. 500 (pañcasata°, pañcasatā, pañcasatāni). °cakkhūni, sorts of vision (of a Buddha): maṁsa° dibba°
— (a) of time: years (as Peta or Petī) Vv 84 ; Pv ii.1 ; PvA paññā° buddha° samanta°. °taṇhā cravings, specified in 4 sets
152 (with additional 50). (b) of space: miles high Pv iv.3 ; of 5 each: see Nd 271 . °nikāyā 5 collections (of Suttan-
J i.204 (°yojana — satikā); Vism 72 (°dhanu — satika, 500 tas) in the Buddh. Canon, viz. Dīgha° Majjhima° Saṁyutta°,
bows in distance). — (C) of groups of men, servants, or a Anguttara° Khuddaka°, e. g. Vin ii.287. °nīvaraṇāni or ob-
herd, etc. (cp. 500 horses RV x.93 ; witnesses of the ris- stacles: kāmacchanda, abhijjhā — vyāpāda, thīnamiddha, ud-
ing of Christ 1 Cor. 15 — 6; men armed Vergil Aen. 10. dhacca — kukkucca, vicikicchā. °patiṭṭhitaṁ 5 fold prostra-
204; men as representatives Hom. Od. 3. 7; 500 knights or tion or veneration, viz. with forehead, waist, elbows, knees,
warriors very frequently in Nibelungenlied, where it is only feet (Childers) in phrase °ena vandati (sometimes °ṁ van-

Pañca Pañcama

dati, e. g. SnA 78, 267) J v.502; SnA 267, 271, 293, 328, 436; 1884, 84 sq. It is supposed to provide magical protection (esp.
VvA 6; DhA i.197; iv.178, etc. °bandhana either 5 ways of against the Evil Eye). Vin ii.123 (cp. Vin. Texts ii.116); J
binding or pinioning or 5 fold bondage J iv.3 (as "ure pañ- i.166, 192; ii.104 (gandha °ṁ deti), 256 (gandhaā, appl to a
cangika — bandhanaṁ" cp. kaṇṭhe pañcamehi bandhanehi cetiya); iii.23, 160 (lohita°); Vv 33 (gandha°ṁ adāsiṁ Kass-
bandhitvā S iv.201); Nd 304 iii.b2 (rājā bandhāpeti andhu — apassa thūpasmiṁ); Mhvs 32, 4 (see trsl. p. 220); DhA iii.374
bandhanena vā rajju°, sankhalika°, latā°, parikkhepa°), with (goṇānaṁ gandha — °āni datvā); SnA 137 (setamālāhi sabba
which cp. Śikṣāsamucc. 165: rājñā pañcapāśakena bandha- — gandha — sugandhehi p°akehi ca alankatā paripuṇṇa —
nena baddhaḥ. — There is a diff. kind of bandhana which angapaccangā, of oxen). Cp. MVastu i.269 (stūpeṣu pañcan-
has nothing to do with binding, but which is the 5 fold ordeal gulāni; see note on p. 579). Quotations of similar use in brah-
(obligation: pañcavidhabandhana — kāraṇaṁ) in Niraya, and manical literature see at Vogel p. 6 sq. -āvudha (āyudha) set
consists of the piercing of a red hot iron stake through both of 5 weapons (sword, spear, bow, battle — axe, shield, after
hands, both feet and the chest; it is a sort of crucifixion. We Childers) Miln 339 (see Miln trsl. ii.227), cp. p° sannaddha
may conjecture that this "bandhana" is a corruption of "vad- J iii.436, 467; iv.283, 437; v.431; vi.75; sannaddha — p° J
dhana" (of vyadh, or viddhana?), and that the expression orig- iv.160 (of sailors). They seem to be different ones at diff. pas-
inally was pañcaviddhana — kāraṇa (instead of pañca — vidha sages. -âhaṁ 5 days Vin iv.281; J ii.114. -cūḷaka with 5 top-
— bandhana — k°). See passages under bandhana & cp. M knots J v.250 (of a boy). -nakha with 5 claws, N. of a five —
iii.182; A i.141; Kvu 597; SnA 479. °balāni 5 forces: sad- toed animal J v.489 (so read for pañca na khā, misunderstood
dhā° viriya° sati° samādhi° paññā° D ii.120; M ii.12; S iii.96; by C.). -paṭṭhika at Vin ii.117, 121, 152; is not clear (v. l.
A iii.12 (see also bala). °bhojanāni 5 kinds of food: odāna, paṭika). Vin. Texts iii.97 trsl. "cupboards" and connect it with
kummāsa, sattu, maccha, maṁsa Vin iv.176. °macchariyāni Sk. paṭṭikā, as celapattikaṁ Vin ii.128 undoubtedly is ("strip
5 kinds of selfishness: āvāsa° kula° lābha° vaṇṇa° dhamma°. of cloth laid down for ceremonial purposes," trsl. iii.128). It
°rajāni defilements: rūpa°, sadda° etc. (of the 5 senses) Nd 1 also occurs at Vin iv.47. -patikā (f.) having had 5 husbands J
505; SnA 574. °vaṇṇā 5 colours (see ref. for colours under v.424, 427. -mālin of a wild animal J vi.497 (=pancangika —
pīta and others), viz. nīla, pītaka, lohitaka, kaṇha, odāta (of turiya — saddo viya C., not clear). -māsakamattaṁ a sum of
B's eye) Nd 235 ; others with ref. to paduma — puṇḍarīka 5 māsakas DhA ii.29. -vaggiya (or °ika SnA 198) belonging
VvA 41; to paduma DhA iii.443; to kusumāni DA i.140; DhA to a group of five. The 5 brahmins who accompanied Gotama
iv.203. °vaṇṇa in another meaning (fivefold) in connection when he became an ascetic are called p. bhikkhū. Their names
with pīti (q. v.). °saṁyojanāni fetters (q. v.). °sangā im- are Aññākondañña, Bhaddiya, Vappa, Assaji, Mahānāma. M
purities, viz. rāga, dosa, moha, māna, diṭṭhi (cp. taṇhā) DhA i.170; ii.94; S iii.66; PvA 21 (°e ādiṁ katvā); SnA 351; cp.
iv.109. °sīla the 5 moral precepts, as sub — division of the 10 chabbaggiya. -vidha fivefold J i.204 (°ā abhirakkhā); vi.341
(see dasasīla and Nd under sīla on p. 277). (°paduma), °bandhana: see this. -sādhāraṇa-bhāva five-
4. Other (not detailed) passages with 5: Sn 660 fold connection J iv.7. -seṭṭha (Bhagavā) "the most excellent
(abbudāni), 677 (nahutāni koṭiyo pañca); Th 2, 503 in the five" Sn 355 (=pañcannaṁ paṭhamasissānaṁ pañcav-
(°kaṭuka=pañcakāmaguṇa — rasa ThA 291); DhA ii.25 aggiyānaṁ seṭṭho, pañcahi vā saddhādīhi indriyehi sīlādīhi vā
(°mahānidhi); SnA 39 (°pakāra — gomaṇḍala — puṇṇab- dhamma — khandhehi ativisiṭṭhehi cakkhūhi ca seṭṭho SnA
hāva). Cp. further: guṇā Miln 249; paṇṇāni Vin i.201 351). -hattha having 5 hands J v.431.
(nimba°, kuṭaja°, paṭola°, sulasi°, kappāsika°); Paṇḍu-rāja- Pañcaka (adj.) [fr. pañca] fivefold, consisting of five J i.116
puttā J v.426; pabbagaṇṭhiyo Miln 103; pucchā DhsA 55;
(°kammaṭṭhāna); Dhs. chapters 167 — 175 (°naya fivefold
mahā -pariccāgā DhA iii.441; mahā -vilokanāni DhA i.84; n
system of jhāna, cp. Dhs. trsl 52); SnA 318 (°nipāta of
vatthūni Vin ii.196 sq.; vāhanāni (of King Pajjota) DhA
Anguttara). — nt. pañcakaṁ a pentad, five Vin i.255 (the 5
i.196; suddhāvāsā Dhs A 14. In general see Vin v.128 —
parts of the kaṭhina robe, see Vin. Texts ii.155), cp. p. 287; pl.
133 (var. sets of 5).
pañcakā sets of five Vism 242. The 32 ākāras or constituents
-anga five (bad) qualities (see anga 3 and above 3), in of the human body are divided into 4 pañcaka's (i. e. sets
phrase vippahīna free from the 5 sins D iii.269; Nd 284 C;
of 5 more closely related parts), viz. taca° "skin — pentad,"
cp. BSk. pañcānga — viprahīna. Ep. of the Buddha Divy
the 5 dermatoid constituents: kesā, lomā, nakhā, dantā, taco;
95, 264 & °samannāgata endowed with the 5 good quali- vakka° the next five, ending with the kidneys; papphāsa° id.
ties A v.15 (of senāsana, expl at Vism 122): see also above. ending with the lungs & comprising the inner organs proper;
-angika consisting of 5 parts, fivefold, in foll. comb : °jhāna
matthalunga° id. ending with the brain, and 2 chakka's (sets
(viz. vitakka, vicāra, pīti, sukha, cittass' ekaggatā) Dhs 83; of 6), viz. meda° & mutta°. See e. g. VbhA 249, 258.
°turiya orchestra S i.131; Th 1, 398; 2, 139; Vv 36 ; DhA
Pañcakkhattuṁ (adv.) five times.
i.274, 394; °bandhana bond J iv.3. -angula=°angulika J
iv.153 (gandha°); SnA 39 (usabhaṁ nahāpetvā bhojetvā °ṁ Pañcadhā (adv.) in five ways, fivefold DhsA 351.
datvā mālaṁ bandhitvā). -angulika (also °aka) the 5 finger
Pañcama (adj.) [compar. — superl. formation fr. pañca, with
— mark, palm — mark, the magic mark of the spread hand
°ma as in Lat. supremus, for the usual °to as in Gr. πέμπτος,
with the fingers extended (made after the hand & 5 fingers
Lat. quintus, also Sk. pañcathaḥ] num. ord. the fifth D i.88;
have been immersed in some liquid, preferably a solution of th
Sn 84, 99, 101; VvA 102; PvA 52 (°e māse in the 5 month
sandal wood, gandha; but also blood). See Vogel, the 5 finger the Petī has to die); DhA iii.195 (°e sattāhe in the 5 week).
— token in Pāli Literature, Amsterdam Akademie 1919 (with — f. pañcamā PvA 78 (ito °āya jātiyā) and pañcamī Sn 437
plates showing ornaments on Bharhut Tope), cp. also J.P.T,S.

Pañcama Paññā

(senā); PvA 79 (jāti). Paññavant (adj.) [paññā+vant, with reduction of ā to a see
Geiger, P.Gr. § 23] possessed of insight, wise, intelligent, sen-
Pañcamaka (adj.)=pañcama J i.55.
sible Vin i.60; D iii.237, 252, 265, 282, 287; M i.292; iii.23; S
Pañcaso (adv.) by fives.
i.53, 79; ii.159 sq., 207, 279 (daharo ce pi p.); iv.243; v.100,
Pañja [is it to be puñja?] heap, pile A ii.75 (meaning different?); 199, 392, 401; A ii.76, 187, 230; iii.2 sq., 127, 183; iv.85,
Cp. i.10 . 217, 271, 357; v.25, 124 sq.; Sn 174; Nd 259; Dh 84; J i.116;
Pug 13; DhA ii.255; KhA 54; VbhA 239, 278; PvA 40. Cp.
Pañjara (m. & nt.) [cp. Epic Sk. pañjara, which probably be-
longs to Lat. pango, q. v. Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v.] a cage, J
i.436; ii.141; iii.305 (sīha°); iv.213; v.232 (sīha), 365; vi.385 Paññā (f.) [cp. Vedic prajñā, pa+jñā] intelligence, comprising
(sīha°), 391; Miln 23 (°antaragata gone into the c.); 27; DhA all the higher faculties of cognition, "intellect as conversant
i.164 (nakha°), where meaning is "frame"; VbhA 238; +sīha° with general truths" (Dial. ii.68), reason, wisdom, insight,
meaning window. knowledge, recognition. See on term Mrs. Rh. D. "Buddhism"
Pañjali (adj.) [pa+añjali. Cp. Ep. Sk. prāñjali] with outstretched (1914) pp. 94, 130, 201; also Cpd. 40, 41, 102 and discussion
of term at Dhs. trsl. 17, 339, cp. scholastic definition with
hands, as token of reverence Sn 1031; in cpd. pañjalī-kata 2
(cp. añjalīkata; añjali+pp. of kṛ) raising one's folded hands all the synonyms of intellectual attainment at Nd 380=Dhs
Sn 566, 573; Th 1, 460; J vi.501. Cp. BSk. prāñjalīkṛta MV 16 (paññā pajānanā vicayo etc.). As tt. in Buddhist Psych.
Ethics it comprises the highest and last stage as 3rd division in
astu ii.257, 287, 301.
the standard "Code of religious practice" which leads to Ara-
Pañjalika (adj.) [fr. pañjali] holding up the clasped hands as to-
hantship or Final Emancipation. These 3 stages are: (1) sīla —
ken of respectful salutation S i.226; Sn 485, 598.
kkhandha (or °sampadā), code of moral duties; (2) samādhi —
Pañjasa (adj.) [pa+añjasa] in the right order, straight A ii.15. kkhandha (or cittasampadā) code of emotional duties or prac-
tice of con centration & meditation; (3) paññā — kkhandha
Pañña (—°) (adj.) [the adj. form of paññā] of wisdom, endowed
(or °sampadā) code of intellectual duties or practice of the at-
with knowledge or insight, possessed of the highest cognition,
tainment of highest knowledge. (See also jhāna .) They are
in foll. cpds.: anissaraṇa° D i.245; S ii.194; iv.332; anoma°
referred to in almost every Suttanta of Dīgha 1. (given in ex-
Sn 343; appa° S i.198; J ii.166; iii.223, 263; avakujja° A i.130;
gambhīra° S i.190; javana° S i.63; Nd 235; tikkha°; dup° D tenso at D i.62 — 85) and frequently mentioned elsewhere,
cp. D ii.81, 84, 91 (see khandha, citta & sīla). — D i.26=162
iii.252, 282; S i.78, 191; ii.159 sq.; M iii.25; A ii.187 sq.; Dh
(°gatena caranti diṭṭhigatāni), 174 (°vāda), 195 (°pāripūrin);
111, 140; Pug 13; DhA ii.255; nibbedhika° S i.63; A ii.178;
Nd 235; puṭhu° ibid.; bhāvita° S iv.111; A v.42 sq.; bhūri° S ii.122 (ariyā); iii.101, 158, 164, 183, 230, 237, 242, 284 sq.;
S i.13=165 (sīla, citta, paññā), 17, 34, 55; ii.185 (sammā°),
iii.143; iv.205; manda° VbhA 239; mahā° S i.63, 121; ii.155;
A i.23, 25; ii.178 sq.; Nd 235; SnA 347; sap° S i.13, 22, 212; 277; v.222 (ariyā); M i.144 (id.); iii.99 (id.), 245 (paramā),
iv.210; A iv.245; Pv i 8 ; 11 ; PvA 60 (=paṇḍita), 131 (+bud- 272 (sammā°); A i.61, 216; ii.1 (ariyā); iv.105 (id.); iii.106
dhimant); suvimutta° A v.29 sq.; hāsa° S i.63, 191; v.376; Nd 2 (sīla, citta, p.), 352 (kusalesu dhammesu); iv.11 (id.); v.123
235. By itself (i. e. not in cpd.) only at Dh 208 (=lokiyalokut- sq.; It 35, 40 (°uttara), 51 (sīlaṃ samādhi p. ca), 112 (ariyā°); 1
tara — paññāya sampanna DhA iii.172) and 375 (=paṇḍita Sn 77, 329, 432, 881, 1036 and passim; Dh 38, 152, 372; Nd
DhA iv.111). 77; Nd 380; Ps i.53, 64 sq., 71 sq., 102 sq., 119; ii.150 sq.,
162, 185 sq.; Pug 25, 35, 54 (°sampadā); Dhs 16, 20, 555;
Paññatā (f.) [secondary abstract formation fr. paññā, in
Nett 8, 15, 17, 28, 54, 191; VbhA 140, 396; PvA 40 (paññāya
meaning equal to paññāṇa] having sense, wisdom A iii.421
abhāvato for lack of reason); Sdhp 343. On paññāya see sep.
(dup°=foolishness) v.159 (id.); mahā°, puthu°, vipula° A i.45. article. See also adhipanna (adhisīla, adhicitta+).
See also paññatta .
-âdhipateyya the supremacy of wisdom A ii.137.
Paññatta [pp. of paññāpeti, cp. BSk. prajñapta] pointed out, -indriya the faculty of reason (with sati° & samādhi°) D
made known, ordered, designed, appointed, ordained S ii.218; iii.239, 278; Dhs 16, 20 etc.; Nett. 7, 15 sq; 191. -obhāsa
A i.98, 151; iv.16, 19; v.74 sq.; Pv iv.1 ; DhA i.274; VvA 9 the lustre of wisdom Ps i.119; Dhs 16, 20 etc. -kkhandha
(su° mañca — pītha), 92 (niccabhatta); PvA 78. Esp. freq. in the code of cognition (see above) Vin i.62; D iii.229, 279; It
ster. formula paññatte āsane nisīdi he sat down on the ap- 51; Nd 21; Nett 70, 90, 128. It is always comb with sīla° &
pointed (i. e. special) chair (seat) D i.109, 125, 148; S i.212; samādhi — kkhandha. -cakkhu the eye of wisdom (one of the
Dh 148; SnA 267; PvA 16, 23, 61. 5 kinds of extraordinary sight of a Buddha: see under cakkhu-
Paññatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. paññā] wisdom, sense etc. S v.412 (v. mant) D iii.219; S v.467; It 52; Nd 354; Nd 235. -dada
giving or bestowing wisdom S i.33; Sn 177. -dhana the trea-
l. paññatā). See also paññatā.
sure of perfect knowledge (one of the 7 treasures, see dhana)
Paññatti (f.) [fr. paññāpeti, cp. paññatta ] making known, man-
D iii.163, 251; A iii.53; VvA 113. -nirodhika tending to the
ifestation, description, designation, name, idea, notion, con- destruction of reason S v.97; It 82. -paṭilābha acquisition of
cept. On term see Cpd. 3 sq., 198, 199; Kvu trsl 1; Dhs trsl n
wisdom S v.411; A i.45; Ps ii.189. -pāsāda the stronghold
340. — M iii.68; S iii.71; iv.38 (māra°), 39 (satta°, dukkha°,
of supreme knowledge Dh 28 (=dibba — cakkhuṁ sankhātaṁ
loka°); A ii.17; v.190; Ps ii.171, 176; Pug 1; Dhs i.309; Nett
°ṁ). -bala the power of reason or insight, one of the 5 pow-
1 sq., 38, 188; KhA 102, 107; DA i.139; SnA 445, 470; PvA
ers D iii.229, 253; M iii.72; A iv.363; Sn 212; Dhs 16, 20 etc.;
200. The spelling also occurs as paṇṇatti, e. g. at J ii.65
Nett 54, 191; VvA 7. -bāhulla wealth or plenty of wisdom
(°vahāra); Miln 173 (loka°); KhA 28; adj. paṇṇattika (q. v.).

Paññā Paṭāṇi

S v.411; A i.45. -bhūmi ground or stage of wisdom; a name asking, inquiry, investigation, question D i.11 (deva°) M i.83;
given to the Paṭicca — samuppāda by Bdhgh at Vism xvii, pp. iii.30; A i.103, 288; iii.81, 191 sq., 419 sq.; v.50 sq.; Sn 512,
517 sq. (°niddesa). -ratana the gem of reason or knowledge 957, 1005, 1024, 1148 etc., Nd 464; Miln 28, 340; DA i.97.
Dhs 16, 20 etc. -vimutta freed by reason D ii.70; iii.105, 254; pañhaṁ pucchati to ask a question Nd under pucchā (q. v.).
M i.35, 477; A i.61; ii.6; iv.452; Sn 847; Nd 207; Kvu 58; -paṭibhāna an answer to a question M i.83; Miln 28.
Nett 199. -vimutti emancipation through insight or knowl- -vīmaṁsaka one who tests a question Sn 827; Nd 166; SnA
edge (always paired with ceto — vimutti) D i.156, 167; iii.78, 538. -vyākaraṇa mode of answering questions, of which
102, 108, 132, 281; It 75, 91; Sn 725, 727; Nett 7, 40, 81, 127; there are 4, viz. ekaṁsa "direct," vibhajja "qualified," paṭipuc-
DA i.313; VbhA 464. -visuddhi purity of insight D iii.288. chā "after further questioning," ṭhapanīya "not to be answered
-vuddhi increase of knowledge S v.97, 411; A i.15, 45; ii.245. or left undecided," thus enum at D iii.229; A i.197 sq.; ii.46;
-sampadā the blessing of higher knowledge (see above) A Miln 339.
i.62; ii.66; iii.12 sq., 182 sq.; iv.284, 322. -sīla conduct and
Paṭa [cp. Epic Sk. paṭa, etym. unknown, prob. dialectical] cloth;
(higher) intelligence Dh 229 (°samāhita=lokuttarapaññāya c' cloak, garment S ii.219 (°pilotika); Th 1, 1092 (bhinna —
eva pārisuddhisīlena ca samannāgata DhA iii.329); Vv 34 23
paṭan — dhara "wearing the patchwork cloak" trsl.); J iv.494;
id.=ariyāya diṭṭhiyā ariyena sīlena ca sāmannāgata VvA 155). KhA 45, 58 (°tantu); DA i.198; DhA ii.45 (puppha°); iii.295
Often used with yathābhūtaṁ q. v. Cp. paññāya.
°kañcuka, v. l. kaṭak°); Vism 16 (bhinna — paṭa — dhara
Paññāṇa (nt.) [pa+ñāṇa, cp. Vedic prajñāno in both meanings & in def of bhikkhu); VbhA 327 (id.); DhsA 81 (paṭa — paṭa
paññā] 1. wisdom, knowledge, intelligence D i.124 (sīla+); S sadda); VvA 73, 201; PvA 185. Cp. paṭikā & paṭalikā; also
i.41; A iv.342; Sn 96, 1136; DA i.171, 290. — 2. mark, sign, kappaṭa.
token J v.195.
Paṭaggi [paṭi+aggi] counter — fire Vin ii.138; J i.212; kacc. 31.
Paññāṇavant (adj.) [paññāṇa+vant] reasonable, sensible, wise Paṭanga [cp. *Sk. phaḍingā, but influenced by Sk. pataga a
Sn 202, 1090; J v.222; vi.361; Nd 382.
winged animal, bird] a grasshopper Sn 602; J vi.234, 506;
Paññāta [pp. of pajānāti] known, renowned DA i.143; ap° un- Miln 272, 407; DhA iv.58; PvA 67; Pgdp 59.
known, defamed Vin iv.231; S iv.46; A iii.134 (where also
Paṭaccarin (adj.) [paṭa+carin but cp. Sk. pāṭaccara a shoplifter
der. appaññātika).
Halāyudha 2, 185] poor (lit. dressed in old clothes): so read
Paññāpaka (adj. n.) [fr. paññāpeti] one who advises, assigns or perhaps at J vi.227 (vv. ll paḷaccari & paṭiccari).
appoints Vin ii.305 (āsana°).
Paṭala (nt.) [connected with paṭa, cp. Sk. paṭala in meaning "sec-
Paññāpana (nt.) [fr. paññāpeti] disclosure, discovering M iii.17; tion" Vedic, in all other meanings later Sk.] 1. a covering,
S iii.59; declaration DhsA 11. membrane, lining, envelope, skin, film Vism 257 (maṁsa° of
the liver, where KhA 54 reads maṁsa — piṇḍa), 359 (phaṇa°);
Paññāpetar [n. ag. of paññāpeti] one who imparts knowledge,
DhsA 307 (7 akkhi° membranes of the eye); KhA 21 (samup-
discloser of truths, discoverer D ii.223.
paṭana), 55 (udara° mucous membrane of the stomach), 61
Paññāpeti [Caus. of pajānāti] 1. to make known, declare, point
(id.); DhsA 330 (id.); SnA 248 (id.); PvA 186 (eka° upāhanā,
out, appoint, assign, recognise, define D i.119 (brāhmaṇā
singlelined, cp. paṭalika & palāsika & see Morris J.P.T.S.
brāhmaṇaṁ), 180, 185, 237; It 98 (tevijjaṁ brāhmaṇaṁ), Pug
1887, 165); Vism 446 (kappāsa° film of cotton seed); Bdhd 66
37, 38; PvA 61 (āsanaṁ). — 2. to lay down, fold out, spread
(id.). — 2. roof, ceiling PvA 52 (ayo° of iron). — 3. a heap,
PvA 43 (sanghāṭiṁ). — pp. paññatta (q. v.). — Caus. II.
mass (esp. of clouds) J i.73 (megha°); DhsA 239 (abbha°). —
paññāpāpeti J iii.371.
madhu° honey comb J i.262; DhA i.59; iii.323. — 4. cataract
Paññāya (indecl.) [ger. of pajānāti, in relation °ñāya: ñatvā as of the eye Dāvs v.27.
uṭṭhāya: ṭhatvā; so expl by P. Commentators, whereas mod-
Paṭalika (adj.) [fr. paṭala] belonging to a cover or lining, having
ern interpreters have taken it as instr. of paññā] understand-
or forming a cover or lining, as adj. said of sandals (eka° with
ing fully, knowing well, realising, in full recognition, in thor-
single lining) J ii.277 (v. l. for ekatalika); iii.80, 81 (id.). — as
ough realisation or understanding. Used most frequently with
n. f. paṭalikā a woven cloth, a woollen coverlet (embroidered
yathābhūtaṁ (q. v.) S i.13 (bhāveti), 44 (lokasmiṁ pajjoto), d
with flowers), usually comb with paṭikā Vin i.192; ii.162; D
214 (parisujjhati); ii.7 sq. (uppajjati), 68 (suppaṭividdho); iii.6
i.7 (=ghana — puppho uṇṇāmayo attharako. So āmilākapaṭṭo
(id.); v.324 (ajjhupekkhati); A i.125 (anuggahissati); iii.44
ti pi vuccati DA i.87); A i.137, 181; iii.50, iv.94, 231, 394.
(vaḍḍhati); iv.13 sq. (pariyogāhamāna); v.39 (disvā) Sn 1035
(see Nd 380 ); It 93 (moh'aggiṁ, v. l. saññāya); PvA 60 Paṭaha [cp. Epic Sk. paṭaha, dial.] a kettle — drum, war drum,
(upaparikkhitvā, as expl of ñatvā), 140=viceyya. one of the 2 kinds of drums (bheri) mentioned at DhsA 319,
viz. mahā — bheri & p. — bheri; J i.355; Dpvs 16, 14; PvA
Paññāyati [Pass. of pajānāti] to be (well) known, to be clear or
evident, to be perceived, seen or taken for, to appear It 89;
Paṭāka (nt.) [cp. Sk. paṭāka, connected with paṭa] a flag M i.379;
DhA i.14, 95 (fut. paññāyissatha you will be well known);
Miln 87; Vism 469; ThA 70.
ii.75; PvA 83 (pālito eva), 166 (dissati+); ppr. paññāyamāna
DhA i.29; PvA 96 (=perceivable). — aor. paññāyi PvA 172 Paṭāṇi at Vin iv.46 (paṭāṇi dinnā hoti) is not clear, it is expl by
(paccakkhato). Bdhgh as "mañcapidhānaṁ (for °pīṭhānaṁ) pādasikhāsu āṇi
dinno hoti." At DA i.77 we find the foll.. "visūkaṁ paṭāni
Pañha [Ved. praśna, for details of etym. see pucchati] mode of
(sic.) — bhūtaṁ dassanan ti visūkadassanaṁ, " and at DhsA

Paṭāṇi Paṭikārika

393: "paṭāni — gahaṇaṁ gahetvā ekapaden' eva taṁ nissad- The opposite of pati in directional meaning is anu, with which
daṁ akāsiṁ." it is freq. comb either (a) in neg. contrast or (b) in positive
emphasis, e. g. (a) anuvātaṁ paṭivātaṁ with and against the
Paṭi (indecl.) [Ved, prati, to Idg. *preti as in Lat. pretium (fr.
*pretios)" price" (cp. precious), i. e. equivalent; Gr. πρές wind; anuloma+paṭiloma with and against the grain; °sotaṁ
w. & against the stream; (b) anumasati paṭimasati to touch
(aeol.), προτί, πρός against] directional prefix in well — de-
cloesly (lit. up & down). — Note. The spelling pati for paṭi
fined meaning of "back (to), against, towards, in opposition
occurs frequently without discrimination; it is established in
to, opposite." As preposition (with acc. and usually post- n
the comb with sthā (as patiṭṭhāti, patiṭṭhita etc.). All cases
poned) towards, near by, at; usually spelt pati (cp. sam- d
are enum under the respective form of paṭi°, with the excep-
pati & sampaṭika) Sn 291 (?), 425 (Nerañjaram (pati); Th 1,
tion of patiṭṭh°
628 (suriyass' uggamanam p.); 2, 258 (abhiyobbanam p.), 306
(Nerañjaram p.); J i.457 (paṭi suriyaṁ thatvā standing facing Paṭi-āneti [paṭi+ā+nī] to lead or bring back, in dup-paṭi — ānaya
the sun); iv.93; vi.491; Pv ii.9 41 (suriy' uggamanam p.); Miln difficult to bring back J iv.43.
116 (dānam p.); PvA 154 (paṭi Gangaṁ against the G.). — Paṭi-orohati [paṭi+ava+ruh] to descend from DA i.251 (°itvā).
Most freq. comb are: paṭi+ā (patiyā°), patisaṁ°; vi+paṭi°,
Paṭikankhati [paṭi+kānkṣ] to wish for, long for S i.227. adj.
sampaṭi°. The composition (assimilation — ) form before
°kankhin M i.21. See also pāṭikankhin.
vowels is pacc° (b. v.). — Meanings. I. (lit.) "back," in the
sense of: (1) against, in opposition (opp. anu, see below III.), Paṭikacca (indecl.) [so read for °gacca as given at all passages
contrary: viz. (a) often with the implication of a hostile attack mentioned, see Trenckner Miln p. 421, & Geiger Pr. § 38 .
(anti —. against): °kaṇṭaka, °kosati (re — ject), °kūla, °khipati — ger. fr. paṭikaroti (q.v.), cp. Sk. pratikāra in same meaning
(re — fuse, op — pose), °gha, °codeti (re — prove), thamb- "caution, remedy"] 1. previously (lit. as cautioned) Vin iv.44;
hati, °disā, °deseti, °pakkha, °patha, °piṁsati, °pīḷita, °magga, Miln 48 (v. l. °kacca) usually as paṭigacc' eva, e.g. Vin i.342;
°manteti, °yodha (at — tack), °vacana (re — ply), °vadati, D ii.118. — (2) providing for (the future), preparing for, with
°vedeti, °sattu (enemy), °suṇāti, °hata; — (b) warding off, pro- caution, cautiously Vin ii.256; S i.57; v.162; A ii.25; D ii.144;
tecting against (counter —, anti — ): °kara (antidote), °sedhati Th 1, 547; J iii.208; iv.166 (in expl of paṭikata & paṭikaroti);
(ward — off). — (c) putting against, setting off in a compari- v.235.
son (counter —, rival): °puggala (one's equal), °purisa (rival), 4
Paṭikaṇṭaka [paṭi+kantaka ] an enemy, adversary, robber, high-
°bala (adequate), °bimba (counterpart), °bhāga (id.); °malla
wayman J i.186; ii.239; DhA iii.456 (v. l. °kaṇḍaka).
(rival wrestler), °sama, °sāsana, °sūra, °seṭṭha; — (d) close
Paṭikata [pp. of paṭikaroti] "done against," i. e. provided or
contact (against, be — ): °kujjita (covered), °gādha, °channa
guarded against J iv.166.
("be — deckt") °vijjhana. — (2) in return, in exchange (in re-
venge) °akkosati, °āneti, °katheti, °karoti, °kūṭa , °kkamati, Paṭikatheti [paṭi+katheti] to answer, reply J vi.224; DA i.263.
°khamāpeti, °gāti (sing in response), °gīta, °daṇḍa (retribu- Paṭikampati [paṭi+kampati] to shake; pret. paccakam-pittha J
tion), °dadāti, °dāna, °nivāsana, °paṇṇa (in reply), °pasaṁsati, v.340.
°piṇḍa, °pucchati (ask in return), °māreti (kill in revenge),
Paṭikamma (nt.) [paṭi+kamma, cp. paṭikaroti] redress, atone-
°bhaṇḍa (goods in exchange), °bhaṇḍati (abuse in return) °ro-
ment A i.21 (sa° & a° āpatti) Miln 29; DA i.96.
dana, °roseti, °vera (revenge), °sammodeti, °sātheyya. — (3)
(temporal) again, a second time (re — ): °dasseti (re — ap- Paṭikara [fr. paṭi+kṛ] counteracting; requital, compensation Vin
pear), °nijjhatta, °nivattati, °pavesati, °pākatika (re — stored), iv.218 (a°); D i.137 (ovāda° giving advice or providing for? v.
°bujjhati, °vinicchinati, °sañjīvita (re — suscitated), °sandhi l. pari°); iii.154.
(re — incarnation), °sammajjati. — (4) away from, back to Paṭikaroti [paṭi+karoti) 1. to redress, repair, make amends
(esp. in comp paṭivi°): °kuṭati (shrink back), °ghāta (repul-
for a sin, expiate (āpattiṁ) Vin i.98, 164; ii.259; iv.19; S
sion), °dhāvati, °neti, °paṇāmeti (send away), °bandhati (hold
ii.128=205; A v.324; DhA i.54. — 2. to act against, provide
back), °bāhati (id.), °vijacchati, °vineti, °vinodeti (drive out),
for, beware, be cautious J iv.166. — 3. to imitate J ii.406. —
°virata, °saṁharati, °sallīna, °sutta, °sumbhita. — II. (applied,
ger. paṭikacca (q. v.). — pp. paṭikata (q. v.).
in reflexive sense): (1) to, on to, up to, towards, at —: °oloketi
Paṭikassana (nt.) [paṭi+kṛṣ] drawing back, in phrase mūlāya p.
(look at), °gijjha (hankering after) °ggaha, °jānāti °pūjeti, °pe-
"throwing back to the beginning, causing to begin over & over
seti (send out to), °baddha (bound to), °bhaya, °yatta, °rūpa,
again" Vin ii.7, 162; A i.99.
°laddha, °labhati (at — tain), °lābha °lobheti, °sāmeti, °sevati
(go after), °ssata. (2) together (con —, com — ), esp. comb d Paṭikassati [paṭi+kassati] to draw back, remove, throw back Vin
with °saṁ°; °saṁyujati; °passaddha, °maṇḍita, °sankharoti, i.320 (mūlāya); ii.7 (id.).
°santhāra. — (3) asunder, apart ("up"): °kopeti (shake up), Paṭikā (f.) [Sk. paṭikā dial. fr. paṭa cloth] a (white) woollen cloth
°viṁsa (part), °vibhatta (divided up). (4) secondary, com- (: uṇṇāmayo set' attharako DA i.86) D i.7; A i.137, 181; iii.50;
plementary, by —, sham (developed out of meaning I. 1 c.): iv.94, 231, 394; Dāvs v.36. See also paṭiya.
°nāsikā (a false nose), °sīsaka (sham top knot); esp. freq. in
Paṭikāra [paṭi+kṛ] counteraction, remedy, requital Sdhp 201,
redupl. (iterative) cpds., like anga — paccanga (limb & by
498; usually neg. app° adj. not making good or which cannot
— limb, i. e. all kinds of limbs), vata — paṭivatta (duties &
be made good, which cannot be helped Vin iv.218 (=anosārita
secondary duties, all duties). In the latter application paṭi re-
sembles the use of ā, which is more frequent (see ā ). — III. p. 219); PvA 274 (maraṇa) Cp. foll.

Paṭikārika Paṭigandhiya

Paṭikārika (adj.) [fr. preceding] of the nature of an amendment; Paṭikopeti [paṭi+kopeti] to shake, disturb, break (fig.) J v.173
app° not making amends, not making good J v.418. (uposathaṁ).
Paṭikiṭṭha inferior, low, vile A i.286=Dh i.144; in meaning "mis- Paṭikkanta [pp. of paṭikkamati] gone back from (—°), returned
erable" at DhA ii.3 is perhaps better to be read with v. l. as (opp. abhi°) D i.70 (abhikkanta+); A ii.104, 106 sq., 210; Pv
pakkiliṭṭha, or should it be paṭikuṭṭha? iv.1 43 (cp. PvA 240); DA i.183 (=nivattana); VvA 6 (opp.
abhi°) PvA 11 (piṇḍapāta°), 16 (id.). For opp. of paṭikkanta
Paṭikibbisa (nt.) [paṭi+kibbisa] wrong doing in return, retaliation
in conn. with piṇḍāya see paviṭṭha.
J iii.135.
Paṭikirati [paṭi+kirati] to strew about, to sprawl Pv iv.10 (uttānā Paṭikkantaka [fr. last] one who has come or is coming back DhA
paṭikirāma=vikirīyamān'angā viya vattāma PvA 271).
Paṭikkama [fr. paṭi+kram] going back Pv iv.1 2 (ab-
Paṭikiliṭṭha (adj.) [paṭi+kiliṭṭha] very miserable PvA 268 (v. l.);
hikkama+"going forward and backward"; cp. PvA 219).
and perhaps at DhA ii.3 for paṭikiṭṭha (q. v.).
Paṭikujjati[paṭi+kubj, see kujja & cp. patikuṭati] to bend over, in Paṭikkamati [paṭi+kram] to step backwards, to return (opp.
or against, to cover over, to enclose D ii.162; M i.30; A iii.58. abhi°) Vin ii.110, 208; M i.78; S i.200, 226; ii.282; Sn 388
(ger. °kkamma=nivattitvā SnA 374); SnA 53. — Caus.
Caus. °eti J i.50, 69. — pp. paṭikujjita (q. v.).
paṭikkamāpeti to cause to retreat J i.214 Miln 121. — pp.
Paṭikujjana (nt.) [fr. paṭi+kubj] covering, in °phalaka covering
paṭikkanta (q. v.).
board, seat KhA 62 (vacca — kuṭiyā).
Paṭikkamana (nt.) [fr. paṭikkamati] returning, retiring, going
Paṭikujjita [pp. of paṭikujjeti] covered over, enclosed A i.141; Th back Dh i.95; in °sālā meaning "a hall with seats of distinc-
1, 681; J i.50, 69; v.266; Pv i.10 13 (=upari pidahita PvA 52);
tion" SnA 53.
DhsA 349.
Paṭikkūla (adj.) [paṭi+kūla] lit. against the slope; averse, ob-
Paṭikujjhati [paṭi+krudh] to be angry in return S i.162= Th 1,
jectionable, contrary, disagreeable Vin i.58 (°kūla); D iii.112,
113; M i.341 (dukkha°); S iv.172 (id.); J i.393; VvA 92 (K.);
Paṭikuṭati [paṭi+kuṭ as in kuṭila, cp. kuc & paṭikujjati] to turn in PvA 77; VbhA 250 sq. — app° without objection, pleasant,
or over, to bend, cramp or get cramped; fig. to shrink from, to agreeable Vv 53 (K.); Vism 70 (k). — nt. °ṁ loathsomeness,
refuse A iv.47 sq. (v. l. °kujjati); Miln 297 (pati°; cp. Miln impurity VvA 232. See also abstr. pāṭikkūlyatā (paṭi°).
trsl ii.156); Vism 347 (v. l. BB; T. °kuṭṭati); DhA i.71; ii.42. -gāhitā as neg. a° "refraining from contradiction" (Dhs
— Caus. patikoṭṭeti (q. v.). — pp. paṭikuṭita (q. v.). See trsl ) Pug 24 (k.); Dhs 1327 (k.). -manasikāra realisation
also paṭilīyati. of the impurity of the body DhA ii.87 (°kkula); VbhA 251.
Paṭikuṭita [pp. of paṭikuṭati] bent back, turned over (?) Vin ii.195 -saññā (āhāre) the consciousness of the impurity of material
(reading uncertain, vv. ll. paṭikuṭṭiya & paṭikuṭiya). food D iii.289, 291; S v.132; A iv.49; adj. °saññin S i.227;
v.119, 317; A iii.169.
Paṭikuṭṭha [pp. of paṭi+kruś, see paṭikkosati & cp. BSk.
Paṭikkosati [paṭi+kruś] to blame, reject, revile, scorn Vin i.115;
pratikruṣṭa poor Divy 500] scolded, scorned, defamed, blame-
ii.93; M iii.29; D i.53 (=paṭibāhati DA i.160); S iv.118
worthy, miserable, vile Vin i.317; PvA 268 (v. l. paṭikiliṭṭha);
(+apavadati); Sn 878; Dh 164; J iv.163; Miln 131, 256; DhA
as neg. app° blameless, faultless S iii.71— 73; A iv.246; Kvu
iii.194 (opp. abhinandati). — pp. paṭikuṭṭha (q. v.).
141, 341. See also paṭikiṭṭha.
Paṭikkosana (nt.) & °ā (f.) [fr. paṭikkosati] protest Vin i.321;
Paṭikuṇika (adj.) [for °kuṭita?] bent, crooked PvA 123 (v. l.
ii.102 (a°).
kuṇita & kuṇḍita).
Paṭikkhati [paṭi+īks] to look forward to, to expect Sn 697
Paṭikuṇṭhita [cp. kuṇṭhita]=pariguṇṭhita (q. v.); covered, sur-
(paṭikkhaṁ sic ppr.=āgamayanā SnA 490).
rounded J vi.89.
Paṭikkhitta [pp. of paṭikkhipati] refused, rejected D i.142; M i.78,
Paṭikuttaka [or uncertain etym.; paṭi+kuttaka?] a sort of bird J
93; A i.296; ii.206; J ii.436; Nett 161, 185 sq.; DhA ii.71.
Paṭikkhipati [paṭi+khipati] to reject, refuse, object to, oppose J
Paṭikubbara [paṭi+kubbara] the part of the carriage — pole near-
i.67; iv.105; Miln 195; DA i.290; DhA i.45; ii.75; PvA 73,
est to the horse(?) A iv.191.
114, 151, 214 (aor. °khipi=vāresi). — appaṭikkhippa (grd.)
Paṭikulyatā (f.) [fr. paṭikūla, perhaps better to write patik-
not to be rejected J ii.370. — Contrasted to samādiyati Vism
kulyatā] reluctance, loathsomeness M i.30; A v.64. Other
62, 64 & passim.
forms are paṭikūlatā, pāṭikkūlyatā, & pāṭikulyā (q. v.).
Paṭikkhepa [fr. paṭi+kṣip] opposition, negation, contrary SnA
Paṭikūṭa (nt.) [paṭi+kūṭa ] cheating in return J ii.183.
228 for "na"), 502; PvA 189 (°vacana the opp. expression).
Paṭikūlatā (f.) [fr. paṭikkūla] disgustiveness Vism 343 sq. °to (abl.) in opposition or contrast to PvA 24.
Paṭikeḷanā see parikeḷanā; i. e. counter — playing Dh i.286. Paṭikhamāpita [pp. of paṭi+khamāpeti, Caus. of khamati] for-
given DhA ii.78.
Paṭikoṭṭeti [paṭi+koṭṭeti as Caus. of kuṭati] to bend away, to make
refrain from M i.115; S ii.265 (cp. id. p. A iv.47 with trs. Paṭigacca see paṭikacca.
°kuṭati & v. l. °kujjati which may be a legitimate variant).
Paṭigacchati to give up, leave behind J iv.482 (gehaṁ); cp.
The T. prints pati°.

Paṭigandhiya Paṭiccasamuppāda

Paṭigandhiya only as neg. appaṭi° (q. v.). off, staying, repulsion, beating off D iii.130; M i.10; A i.98;
iv.106 sq.; J i.344; Vism 31 (=paṭihanana); Miln 121; DhA
Paṭigāthā (f.) [paṭi+gāthā] counter — stanza, response SnA 340.
ii.8; PvA 33. — 2. (psych.) resentment Dhs 1060, cp. Dhs
Cp. paccanīka — gāthā.
trsl. 282.
Paṭigādha [paṭi+gādha ] a firm stand or foothold A iii.297 sq.;
Paṭighosa [paṭi+ghosa] echo Vism 554.
Pug 72=Kvu 389.
Paṭicamma in °gataṁ sallaṁ at J vi.78 to be expl not with C. as
Paṭigāyati (°gāti) [paṭi+gāyati] to sing in response, to reply by a
from paṭi+camati (cam to wash, cp. ācamati), which does not
song J iv.395 (imper. °gāhi).
agree with the actual meaning, but according to Kern, Toev.
Paṭigijjha (adj.) [paṭi+gijjha, a doublet of giddha, see gijjha ]
ii.29, s. v. as elliptical for paṭibhinna — camma, i. e. piercing
greedy; hankering after Sn 675 (SnA 482 reads °giddha and the skin so as to go right through (to the opp. side) which falls
expl by mahāgijjha). n
in with the C. expl "vāmapassena pavisitvā dakkhiṇapassena
Paṭigīta (nt.) [paṭi+gīta] a song in response, counter song J iv.393. viniggatan ti."
Paṭiguhati (°gūhati) [paṭi+gūhati] to concert, keep back Cp. Paṭicaya & (paṭiccaya) [paṭi+caya] adding to, heaping up, accu-
i.9 . mulation, increase Vin ii.74; iii.158 (pati°); S iii.169; A iii.376
sq. (v. l. pati°); iv.355; v.336 sq.; Th 1, 642; Ud 35 (pati°);
Paṭiggaṇhanaka (adj. — n.) [paṭiggaṇhana (=paṭiggahaṇa) +ka]
Miln 138.
receiving, receiver PvA 175.
Paṭicarati [paṭi+carati) 1. to wander about, to deal with Miln 94.
Paṭiggaṇhāti (paṭigaṇhāti) [paṭi+gaṇhāti] to receive, accept, take
— 2. to go about or evade (a question), to obscure a matter of
(up) D i.110 (vatthaṁ), 142; Vin i.200; ii.109, 116 (a sewing —
discussion, in phrase aññena aññaṁ p. "to be saved by an-
needle); S iv.326 (jātarūpa — rajataṁ); Sn 479, 689, 690; Dh
other in another way," or to from one (thing) to another, i. e.
220; J i.56, 65; DA i.236; PvA 47. In special phrase accayaṁ
to receive a diff, answer to what is asked D i.94; Vin iv.35; M
paṭiggaṇhāti to accept (the confession of) a sin, to pardon a
i.96, 250, 442; A iv.168 (v. l. paṭivadati); expl at DA i.264
sin Vin ii.192; D i.85; M i.438; J v.379. — pp. paṭiggahita
by ajjhottharati paṭicchādeti "to cover over," i. e. to conceal
(q. v.). — Caus. °ggaheti Vin ii.213; M i.32.
(a question). See on expression Dialogues i.116.
Paṭiggaha [fr. paṭiggaṇhāti] 1. receiving, acceptance; one who
receives, recipient J i.146; ii.9; vi.474; Pv iii.1 . — 2. Paṭicaleti [Caus. of paṭicalati] to nudge J v.434.
friendly reception J vi.526. — 3. receptacle (for water etc.) Paṭicāra [fr. paṭi+car] intercourse, visit, dealing with Miln 94.
Vin ii.115, 213 (udaka°). — 4. a thimble Vin ii.116.
Paṭicodana (nt.) [abstr. fr. paṭicodeti] rebuking, scolding (back)
Paṭiggahaṇa (nt.) [fr. paṭigganhāti] acceptance, receiving, taking DhsA 393.
M iii.34; S v.472; SnA 341. — accaya° acceptance of a sin, i.
Paṭicodeti [paṭi+codeti] to blame, reprove M i.72; Vin iv.217; Ud
e. pardon, absolution J v.380.
Paṭiggahita [pp. of paṭigganhāti] received, got, accepted, appro-
Paṭicca [ger. of pacceti, paṭi+i; cp. BSk. pratītya] grounded on,
priated, taken Vin i.206, 214; J vi.231. — As appaṭiggahitaka
on account of, concerning, because (with acc.) M i.265 (etaṁ
(nt.) "that which is not received" at Vin iv.90.
on these grounds); S iii.93=It 89 (atthavasaṁ); J ii.386 (=ab-
Paṭiggahītar [n. ag. of paṭiggaṇhāti] one who receives, recipient hisandhāya); Sn 680, 784, 872, 1046; SnA 357; DhA i.4; PvA
D i.89. 64 (maraṇaṁ), 164, 181 (kammaṁ), 207 (anuddayaṁ). See
also foll.
Paṭiggāha see patiṭṭhāha.
-vinīta trained to look for causality M iii.19.
Paṭiggāhaka (adj. — n.) [fr. paṭiggaṇhāti] receiving, accepting;
Paṭicca-samuppanna [p.+samuppana] evolved by reason of the
one who receives, recipient Vin ii.213; D i.138; A i.161; ii.80
law of causation D iii.275; M i.500; S ii.26; A v.187; Ps i.51
sq.; iii.42, 336; J i.56; PvA 7, 128, 175 (opp. dāyaka); VvA
sq., 76 sq.; Vbh 340, 362. Cp. BSk. pratitya samutpanna
195; Sdhp 268.
MVastu iii.61.
Paṭiggāhaṇa (nt.) [fr. paṭiggaṇhāti] reception, taking in J vi.527.
Paṭicca-samuppāda [p.+samuppāda, BSk. prātītya-samutpāda,
Paṭigha (m. & nt.) [paṭi+gha, adj. suffix of ghan=han, lit. strik-
e. g. Divy 300, 547] "arising on the grounds of (a preceding
ing against] 1. (ethically) repulsion, repugnance, anger D i.25,
cause)" happening by way of cause, working of cause & effect,
34; iii.254, 282; S i.13; iv.71, 195, 205, 208 sq.; v.315; A i.3,
causal chain of causation; causal genesis, dependent origina-
87, 200; Sn 371, 536; Dhs 1060; Miln 44; DA i.22. — 2. (psy-
tion, theory of the twelve causes. — See on this Mrs. Rh. D.
chologically) sensory reaction D iii.224, 253, 262; S i.165,
in Buddhism 90 f., Ency. Rel. & Ethics, s. v. & KS ii., preface.
186; A i.41, 267; ii.184; Dhs 265, 501, 513, 579; VbhA 19. Cpd. p. 260 sq. with diagram of the "Wheel of Life"; Pts. of
See on term Dhs trsl 72, 204, 276 and passim. — appaṭigha
Controversy, 390 f. — The general formula runs thus: Imas-
see separately s. v. Note. How shall we read paṭighaṭṭha
miṁ sati, idaṁ hoti, imass' uppādā, idaṁ uppajjati; imasmiṁ
nānighaṁso at DhsA 308? (paṭigha — ṭṭhāna — nighaṁso,
asati, idaṁ na hoti; imassa nirodhā, idaṁ nirujjhati. This be-
or paṭighaṭṭana — nighaṁso?)
ing, that becomes; from the arising of this, that arises; this not
Paṭighavant (adj.) [fr. paṭigha] full of repugnance, showing becoming, that does not become: from the ceasing of this, that
anger S iv.208, 209. ceases M ii.32; S ii.28 etc. The term usually occurs applied
to dukkha in a famous formula which expresses the Buddhist
Paṭighāta [paṭi+ghāta, of same root as paṭigha] 1. (lit.) warding

Paṭiccasamuppāda Paṭiñña

doctrine of evolution, the respective stages of which are condi- 94 (°dukkha); PvA 43, 103. -appaṭicchanna unconcealed,
tioned by a preceding cause & constitute themselves the cause open, unrestrained Vin ii.38; J i.207.
of resulting effect, as working out the next state of the evolv- -kammanta of secret doing, one who acts underhand or
ing (shall we say) "individual" or "being," in short the bearer conceals his actions A ii.239; Sn 127.
of evolution. The respective links in this chain which to study 13
Paṭicchavi in appaṭicchavi at Pv ii.1 read with v. l. as sam-
& learn is the first condition for a "Buddhist" to an understand-
ing of life, and the cause of life, and which to know forward 16
Paṭicchāda [fr. paṭi+chad] 1. covering, clothes, clothing Pv ii.1
and backward (anuloma — paṭilomaṁ manas' âkāsi Vin i.1) is
(=vattha PvA 76). — 2. deceiving, hiding; concealment, de-
indispensable for the student, are as follows. The root of all,
ception Sn 232.
primary cause of all existence, is avijjā ignorance; this pro-
duces sankhārā: karma, dimly conscious elements, capacity Paṭicchādaka=prec. DhsA 51.
of impression or predisposition (will, action, Cpd.; synergies Paṭicchādana (nt.) [fr. paṭicchādeti] covering, hiding, conceal-
Mrs. Rh. D.), which in their turn give rise to viññāṇa thinking ment M i.10; A iii.352; Vbh 357=SnA 180.
substance (consciousness, Cpd.; cognition Mrs. Rh. D.), then
Paṭicchādaniya (nt.) [fr. paṭicchādeti] the flavour of meat,
follow in succession the foll. stages: nāmarūpa individuality
flavouring, meat broth or gravy Vin i.206, 217; Miln 291.
(mind & body, animated organism Cpd.; name & form Mrs.
Rh. D.), saḷāyatana the senses (6 organs of sense Cpd.; the Paṭicchādita [pp. of paṭicchādeti, cp. paṭicchanna] covered, con-
sixfold sphere Mrs. Rh. D.), phassa contact, vedanā feeling, cealed, hidden J vi.23 (=paṭisanthata) PvA 48.
taṇhā thirst for life (craving), upādāna clinging to existence
Paṭicchādī (f.) [fr. paṭicchādeti] 1. covering, protection Vin
or attachment (dominant idea Cpd.; grasping Mrs. Rh. D.),
ii.122. — 2. antidote, remedy, medicine (or a cloth to pro-
bhava (action or character Cpd.; renewed existence Mrs. Rh.
tect the itch) Vin i.296; iv.171.
D.), jāti birth (rebirth conception Cpd.), jarāmaraṇa (+soka
Paṭicchādeti [paṭi+chādeti, Caus. of chad] 1. to cover over, con-
— parideva — dukkhadomanass' ûpayāsā) old age & death
ceal, hide S i.70, 161; DA i.264; VvA 65 (dhanaṁ); KhA 191;
(+tribulation, grief, sorrow, distress & despair). The BSk.
PvA 76, 88, 142 (kesehi), 194 (=parigūhati). — 2. to clothe
form is pratītya — samutpāda, e. g. at Divy 300, 547.
oneself Vin i.46. — 3. to dress (surgically), to treat (a wound)
The Paṭicca — samuppāda is also called the Nidāna ("ba-
M i.220. — 4. to conceal or evade (a question) DA i.264. —
sis," or "ground," i. e. cause) doctrine, or the Paccay' ākāra
pp. paṭicchādita & paṭicchanna (q. v.).
("related — condition"), and is referred to in the Suttas as
Ariya-ñāya ("the noble method or system"). The term paccay' Paṭicchita [pp. of paṭicchati] accepted, taken up Sn 803 (pl. °tāse,
ākāra is late and occurs only in Abhidhamma — literature. cp. Nd 113 & SnA 531).
— The oldest account is found in the Mahāpadāna Suttanta of Paṭijaggaka (adj.) [fr. paṭijaggati] fostering, nursing, taking care
the Dīgha Nikāya (D ii.30 sq.; cp. Dial. ii.24 sq.), where 10 of J v.111.
items form the constituents of the chain, and are given in back-
Paṭijaggati [paṭi+jaggati, cp. BSk. pratijāgarti Divy 124, 306] lit.
ward order, reasoning from the appearance of dukkha in this
to watch over, i. e. to nourish, tend, feed, look after, take care
world of old age and death towards the original cause of it in
of, nurse Dh 157; J i.235, 375; ii.132, 200, 436; Vism 119;
viññāṇa. The same chain occurs again at S ii.104 sq. — A
DhA i.8, 45, 99, 392; iv.154; PvA 10, 43. — pp. paṭijaggita
later development shows 12 links, viz. avijjā and sankhārā
(q. v.). — Caus. °jaggāpeti.
added to precede viññāṇa (as above). Thus at S ii.5 sq. — A
detailed exposition of the P. — s. in Abhidhamma literature Paṭijaggana (nt.) [fr. paṭijaggati] rearing, fostering, tending; at-
is the exegesis given by Bdhgh at Vism xvii. (pp. 517 — 586, tention, care J i.148; Miln 366; DhA i.27; ii.96.
under the title of Paññā — bhūmi — niddesa), and at VbhA
Paṭijagganaka (adj.) [fr. paṭijaggana] to be reared or brought up
130 — 213 under the title of Paccayākāra — vibhanga. —
J vi.73 (putta).
Some passages selected for ref.: Vin i.1 sq.; M i.190, 257; S
Paṭijaggāpeti [Caus. II. of paṭijaggati] to make look after or tend
i.136; ii.1 sq., 26 sq., 42 sq., 70, 92 sq., 113 sq.; Ai.177; v.184;
Vism 74.
Sn. 653; Ud 1 sq.; Ps i.50 sq.; 144; Nett 22, 24, 32, 64 sq.; DA
i.125, 126. Paṭijaggita [pp. of paṭijaggati] reared, cared for, looked after,
-kusala skilled in the (knowledge of the) chain of causa- brought up J v.274, 331.
tion M iii.63; Nd 171; f. abstr. °kusalatā D iii.212. Paṭijaggiya (adj.) [grd. of paṭijaggati] to be nursed DhA i.319.
Paṭicchaka (adj.) [fr. paṭicchati) receiving J vi.287. Paṭijānāti [paṭi+jānāti] to acknowledge, agree to, approve,
Paṭicchati [paṭi+icchati of iṣ ; cp. BSk. pratīcchati Divy 238 and promise, consent D i.3, 192; S i.68, 172; ii.170; iii.28; v 204,
sampaṭicchati] to accept, receive, take A iii.243 (udakaṁ); Vin 423; Sn 76, 135, 555, 601, 1148; J i.169; DhA i.21; PvA 223
iv.18; Th 2, 421; J i.233; ii.432; iii.171; iv.137; v.197; DhA (pot. paṭiññeyya), 226 (id.), 241; ger. paṭiññāya Vin ii.83 (a°).
iii.271. — pp. paṭicchita (q. v.). Caus. II. paṭicchāpeti to — pp. paṭiññāta (q. v.).
entrust, dedicate, give J i.64, 143, 159, 383, 506; ii.133; PvA Patijīvan (—°) in phrase jīva — paṭijīvaṁ at J ii.15 is to be taken
81. as a sort of redupl. cpd. of jīva, the imper. of jīvati "live," as
Paṭicchanna [pp. of paṭicchādeti] covered, concealed, hidden Vin greeting. We might translate "the greeting with Ǥ jīva ʼ and
ii.40; A i.282; Sn 126, 194; Pv i.10 (kesehi=paṭicchādita PvA reciprocating it."
48); ii.10 (kesehi); DA i.276, 228; SnA 155; KhA 53; VbhA

Paṭiñña Paṭipatha

Paṭiñña (adj.) [=paṭiññā] acknowledged; making belief, quâsi i.100, 299; iv.148, 350; Ps i.194 (two p., viz. pariccāga° and
—; in phrase samaṇa° a quâsi — Samaṇa, pretending to be pakkhandana°); Pug 19, 21, 22. — ādāna° S v.24; A v.233,
a Samaṇa A i.126; ii.239; cp. Sakyaputtiya° S ii.272; sacca° J 253 sq.; upadhi° It 46, 62; sabbûpadhi° S i.136; iii.133; v.226;
iv.384, 463; v.499. A i.49; v.8, 110, 320 sq.; °ânupassanā Ps ii.44 sq.; °ânupassin
M iii.83; S iv.211; v.329; A iv.88, 146 sq.; v.112, 359.
Paṭiññā (f.) [fr. paṭi+jñā; cp. later Sk. pratijñā] acknowl-
edgment, agreement, promise, vow, consent, permission D Paṭinissaggin (adj.) [fr. paṭinissagga] giving up, renouncing, or
iii.254; J i.153; Pv iv.1 , 1 ; Miln 7; DhA ii.93: PvA 76, being given up, to be renounced, only in cpd. duppaṭi° (sup°)
123; SnA 397, 539. — patiññaṁ moceti to keep one's promise hard (easy) to renounce D iii.45; M i.96; A iii.335; v.150.
DhA i.93.
Paṭinissajjati [paṭi+nissajjati, cp. BSk. pratinisṛjati AvŚ ii.190]
Paṭiññāta [pp. of paṭijānāti] agreed, acknowledged, promised Vin to give up, renounce, forsake Vin iii.173 sq.; iv.294; S ii.110;
ii.83, 102; D i.88; A i.99; iv.144; PvA 55. A v.191 sq. — ger. paṭinissajja S i.179; A iv.374 sq.; Sn 745,
946 (cp. Nd 430). — pp. paṭinissaṭṭha (q. v.).
Paṭita (adj.) satisfied, happy DhA ii.269 (°ācāra)
Paṭinissaṭṭha [pp. of paṭinissajjati, BSk. pratiniḥsṛṣṭa Divy 44
Paṭitiṭṭhati (paṭiṭṭhahati) etc. see pati°.
and °nisṛṣṭa Divy 275] given up, forsaken (act. & pass.), re-
Paṭitittha (nt.) [paṭi+tittha] opposite bank (of a river) J v.443.
nouncing or having renounced Vin iii.95; iv.27, 137; M i.37;
Paṭitthambhati [paṭi+thambhati] to stand firm (against) Miln S ii.283; A ii.41; It 49; Nd 430, 431 (vanta pahīna p.); PvA
372. 256.
Paṭidaṇḍa [paṭi+daṇḍa] retribution Dh 133, cp. DhA iii.57, 58. Paṭinissarati [paṭi+nissarati] to depart, escape from, to be freed
from Nett 113 (=niyyāti vimuccati C.).
Paṭidadāti [paṭi+dadāti] to give back, to restore J i.177; iv.411
(°diyyare); PvA 276 (ger. °datvā). Paṭineti [paṭi+neti] to lead back to (acc.) Vv 52 ; Th 2, 419; Pv
ii.12 (imper. °nayāhi); PvA 145, 160.
Paṭidasseti [paṭi+dasseti] to show oneself or to appear again, to
reappear Pv iii.2 . Paṭipakkha (adj. — n.) [paṭi+pakkha] opposed, opposite; (m.)
an enemy, opponent (cp. pratipakṣa obstacle Divy 352) Nd 1
Paṭidāna (nt.) [paṭi+dāna] reward, restitution, gift PvA 80.
397; J i.4, 224; Nett 3, 112, 124; Vism 4; DhA i.92; SnA 12,
Paṭidisā (f.) [paṭi+disā] an opposite (counter — ) point of the
21, 65, 168, 234, 257, 545; PvA 98; DhsA 164; Sdhp 211, 452.
compass, opposite quarter D iii.176 (disā ca p. ca vidisā ca).
Paṭipakkhika (adj.) [fr. paṭipakkha] opposed, inimical Sdhp 216.
Paṭidissati [paṭi+dissati; usually spelt pati°] to be seen, to appear
J iii.47=PvA 281; Sn 123; J iv.139; SnA 172. Paṭipajjati [paṭi+pad, cp. BSk. pratipadyate] to enter upon (a
path), to go along, follow out (a way or plan), to go by; fig.
Paṭidukkhāpanatā (f.) [paṭi+abstr. of dukkhāpeti, Caus. — De-
to take a line of action, to follow a method, to be intent on,
nom. fr. dukkha] the fact of being afflicted again with súffer-
to regulate one's life D i.70 (saṁvarāya). 175 (tathattāya);
ing Miln 180.
S ii.98 (kantāramaggaṁ); iv.63 (dhammass' anudhammaṁ);
Paṭideseti [paṭi+deseti] to confess Vin ii.102. See also v.346 (id.); iv.194 (maggaṁ); A i.36 (dhammânudhammaṁ);
pāṭidesaniya. ii.4; Sn 317, 323, 706, 815, 1129 (cp. Nd 384); Dh 274 (mag-
gaṁ); Pug 20 (saṁvarāya); PvA 43 (maggaṁ), 44 (ummag-
Paṭidhāvati [paṭi+dhāvati] to run back to (acc.) M i.265 ≈ S ii.26
gaṁ), 196 (dhanaṁ); Sdhp 30. — 3rd sg. aor. paccāpādi J
(pubbanṭaṁ; opp. aparantaṁ ādhāvati M, upadhāvati S); Sdhp
iv.314. — ger. pajjitabba to be followed PvA 126 (vidhi),
131 (id.), 281. — pp. paṭipanna (q. v.). — Caus. paṭipādeti
Paṭinandati [paṭi+nandati] to accept gladly, to greet in return S
(q. v.).
Paṭipajjana (nt.) [fr. paṭipajjati] a way or plan to be followed,
Paṭinandita [pp. of paṭi+nand] rejoicing or rejoiced; greeted,
procedure, in °vidhi method, line of action PvA 131 (v. l.
welcomed Sn 452 (pati°); J vi.14, 412.
BB), 133.
Paṭināsikā (f.) [paṭi+nāsikā] a false nose J i.455, 457.
Paṭipaṇāmeti [paṭi+pa+Caus. of nam] to make turn back, to send
Paṭinijjhatta (adj.) [paṭi+nijjhatta] appeased again J vi.414. back, ward off, chase away M i.327 (siriṁ); S iv.152 (ābād-
Paṭiniddesa [paṭi+niddesa] coming back upon a subject Nett 5. haṁ); Miln 17 (sakaṭāni).
Paṭinivattati [paṭi+nivattati] to turn back again Vin i.216; J i.225; Paṭipaṇṇa (nt.) [paṭi+paṇṇa] a letter in return, a written reply J
Miln 120, 152 (of disease), 246; PvA 100, 126. — Caus. i.409.
°nivatteti to make turn back PvA 141; C. on A iii.28 (see Paṭipatti (f.) [fr. paṭi+pad] "way," method, conduct, practice,
paccāsāreti). performance, behaviour, example A i.69; v.126 (dhammânud-
Paṭinivāsana (nt.) [paṭi+nivāsana ] a dress given in return Vin hamma°), 136; Ps ii.15; Nd 143; Nd s. v.; Miln 131, 242;
DhA ii.30; DhA iv.34 (sammā° good or proper behaviour);
PvA 16 (parahita°), 54, 67; DA i.270; Sdhp 28, 29, 37, 40,
Paṭinissagga [paṭi+nissagga of nissajjati, nis+sṛj, Cp. BSk. pra-
213, 521.
tinisarga AvŚ ii.118, pratiniḥsarga ib. ii.194; MVastu ii.549;
Paṭipatha [paṭi+patha] a confronting road, opposite way Vin
pratinissagga MVastu iii.314, 322] giving up, forsaking; re-
ii.193 (°ṁ gacchati to go to meet); iii.131; iv.268; Miln 9;
jection, renunciation Vin iii.173; M iii. 31; S v. 421 sq.; A

Paṭipatha Paṭippassaddhi

Vism 92; DhA ii.88. Vism 411 (khandha°); usually in abl. paṭipāṭiyā adv. suc-
cessively, in succession, alongside of, in order Vism 343 = J
Paṭipadā (f.) [fr. paṭi+pad] means of reaching a goal or des-
v.253 (ghara° from house to house); ThA 80 (magga°); DhA
tination, path, way, means, method, mode of progress (cp.
Dhs. trsl 53, 82, 92, 143), course, practice (cp. BSk. prati- i.156; ii.89; iii.361; SnA 23, 506; PvA 54; VvA 76, 137.
pad in meaning of pratipatti "line of conduct" AvŚ ii.140 with Paṭipāṭika (adj.) [fr. last] being in conformity with the (right)
note) D i.54 (dvatti p.), 249 (way to); S ii.81 (nirodhasāruppa order ThA 41.
— gāminī p.); iv.251 (bhaddikā), 330 (majjhimā) v.304 (sab-
Paṭipādaka [fr. paṭi+pad] the supporter (of a bed) Vin i.48;
battha — gāminī), 361 (udaya — gāminī sotāpatti°), 421; D
iii.288 (ñāṇadassana — visuddhi°); A i.113, 168 (puñña°)
Paṭipādeti [Caus. of paṭipajjati, cp. BSk. pratipādayati in same
ii.76, 79, 152 (akkhamā); Vbh 99, 104 sq., 211 sq., 229 sq.,
meaning AvŚ i.262, 315] to impart, bring into, give to, offer,
331 sq. — In pregnant sense The path (of the Buddha), leading 1
present M i.339; J v.453, 497; Pv ii.8 (vittaṁ).
to the destruction of all ill & to the bliss of Nibbāna (see spec-
ified under magga, ariyamagga, sacca), thus a quâsi synonym Paṭipiṁsati [paṭi+piṁsati] to beat against S ii.98 (ure); J vi.87;
of magga with which freq. comb (e.g. D i.156) Vin i.10; D Vism 504 (urāni).
i.157; iii.219 (anuttariya); M ii.11; iii.251, 284; S i.24 (daḷhā
Paṭipiṇḍa [paṭi+piṇḍa] alms in return J ii.307; v.390 (piṇḍa° giv-
yāya dhīrā pamuccanti); A i.295 sq. (āgālhā nijjhāmā ma-
ing & taking of alms); Miln 370.
jjhimā); Sn 714 (cp. SnA 497), 921; Ps ii.147 (majjhimā); Nett
Paṭipīta in asuci° at A iii.226 is not clear (v. l. °pīḷita perhaps to
95 sq.; Pug 15, 68; VvA 84 (°sankhāta ariyamagga). Specified
be preferred).
in various ways as follows: āsava — nirodha — gāminī p. D
i.84; dukkha — nirodha — g°. D i.84, 189; iii.136; S v.426 Paṭipīḷana (nt.) [fr. paṭipīḷeti] oppression Miln 313, 352.
sq.; A i.177; Ps i.86, 119; Dhs 1057; lokanirodha — g° A
Paṭipīḷita (adj.) [paṭi+pp. of pīḍ] pressed against, oppressed,
ii.23; It 121; with the epithets sammā° anuloma° apaccanīka° hard pressed Miln 262, 354.
anvattha° dhammânudhamma° Nd 32, 143, 365; Nd 384 etc.
Paṭipuggala [paṭi+puggala] a person equal to another, compeer,
(see detail under sammā°). — There are several groups of 4
match, rival M i.171=Miln 235; S i.158; Sn 544; It 123 (natthi
paṭipadā mentioned, viz. (a) dukkhā dandhâbhiññā, sukhā &
te paṭipuggala). — appaṭipuggala without a rival, unrivalled,
khippâbhiññā dandh° & khipp°, i. e. painful practice result-
without compare S i.158; iii.86; Th 2, 185; J i.40; Miln 239
ing in knowledge slowly acquired & quickly acquired, pleas-
(cp. Miln trsl. ii.43).
ant practice resulting in the same way D iii.106; A ii.149 sq.,
154; v.63; SnA 497; (b) akkhamā, khamā, damā & samā p. i. Paṭipuggalika (adj.) [fr. paṭipuggala] belonging to one's equal,
e. want of endurance, endurance, self — control, equanimity. individual Dhs 1044. Perhaps read pāṭi° (q. v.).
Paṭipanna [pp. of paṭipajjati] (having) followed or following up, Paṭipucchati [paṭi+pucchati] to ask (in return), to put a question
reaching, going along or by (i. e. practising), entering on, ob- to, to inquire D i.60; M i.27; S iii.2; Sn p. 92; J i.170; iv.194;
taining S ii.69; iv.252; A i.120 (arahattāya); iv.292 sq. (id.), PvA 32, 56, 81; A i.197; ii.46; also neg. appaṭipucchā (abl.
372 sq.; It 81 (dhammânudhamma°); Sn 736; Dh 275 (mag- adv.) without inquiry Vin i.325.
gaṁ); Vv 34 23 (=maggaṭṭha one who has entered the path Paṭipucchā (f.) [paṭi+pucchā] a question in return, inquiry; only
VvA 154)=Pv iv.3 ; Pug 63; Miln 17; DA i.26; PvA 78,
° — (as abl.) by question, by inquiry, by means of question
112 (maggaṁ), 130, 174 (sammā°), 242; (dhammiyaṁ paṭi-
& answer in foll. cpds.: °karaṇīya Vin i.325; °vinīta A i.72;
padaṁ); DhA i.233 (magga° on the road, wandering).
°vyākaraṇīya (pañha) D iii.229.
Paṭipannaka (adj. n.) [fr. paṭipanna] one who has entered upon 1
Paṭipurisa [paṭi+purisa] a rival, opponent Nd 172.
the Path (ariyamagga) Pug 13 (=maggaṭṭhaka, phalatthāya
Paṭipūjana (nt.) or °ā (f.) [fr. paṭi+pūj] worship, reverence, hon-
paṭipannattā p. nāma PugA 186); Miln 342, 344; Nett 50;
our Miln 241.
DhsA 164. See also Miln trsl. ii.231, 237.
Paṭipūjeti [paṭi+pūjeti] to honour, worship, revere Sn 128; Pv
Paṭiparivatteti [paṭi+p.] to turn back or round once more M i.133. 3
i.1 ; Miln 241.
Paṭipaviṭṭha [pp. of paṭipavisati] gone inside again Sn 979.
Paṭipeseti [paṭi+peseti] to send out to PvA 20.
Paṭipavisati [paṭi+pavisati] to go in(to) again; Caus. °paveseti to
Paṭippaṇāmeti [paṭi+paṇāmeti] to bend (back), stretch out DhsA
make go in again, to put back (inside) again Vin i.276. — pp.
paṭipaviṭṭha (q. v.).
Paṭippassaddha [pp. of paṭippassambhati] allayed, calmed, qui-
Paṭipasaṁsati [paṭi+pasaṁsati] to praise back or in return J
eted, subsided S iv.217, 294; v.272; A i.254; ii.41; J iii.37,
148; iv.430; Ps ii.2; Pug 27; KhA 185; PvA 23, 245, 274.
Paṭipaharati [paṭi+paharati] to strike in return DhA i.51. Note. The BSk. form is pratiprasrabdha Divy 265.
Paṭipahiṇati [paṭi+pahinati] to send back (in return) DhA i.216.
Paṭippassaddhi (f.) [fr. paṭippassaddha] subsidence, calming, al-
Paṭipākatika (adj.) [paṭi+pākatika] restored, set right again, safe laying, quieting down, repose, complete ease Vin i.331 (kam-
and sound J iii.167 (=pākatika at PvA 66); iv.407; vi.372; PvA massa suppression of an act); Ps ii.3, 71, 180; Nett 89; Dhs 40,
123, 284. 41, 320; SnA 9. Esp. frequent in the Niddesas in stock phrase
expressing the complete calm attained to in emancipation, viz.
Paṭipāṭi (f.) [paṭi+pāṭi] order, succession Vin i.248 (bhatta°);

Paṭippassaddhi Paṭimasati

vūpasama paṭinissagga p. amata nibbāna, e. g. Nd 429. Vv 50 .
Paṭippassambhati [paṭi+ppa+sambhati of śrambh. Note how- Paṭibhajati [paṭi+bhaj] to divide M iii.91.
ever that the BSk. is °praśrambhyati as well as °srambhyati,
Paṭibhaṇḍa [paṭi+bhaṇḍa, cp. BSk. pratipanya Divy 173, 271,
e. g. MVastu i.253, 254; Divy 68, 138, 494, 549, 568] to
564] merchandise in exchange, barter J i.377; PvA 277.
subside, to be eased, calmed, or abated, to pass away, to be al-
Paṭibhaṇḍati [paṭi+bhaṇḍati] to abuse in return S i.162 (bhaṇḍan-
layed S i.211; v.51; aor. °ssambhi DhA ii.86 (dohaḷo); iv.133 1
taṁ p.); A ii.215 (id.); Nd 397 (id.).
(ābādho). — pp. paṭippassaddha (q. v.). — Caus. paṭippas-
sambheti to quiet down, hush up, suppress, bring to a stand- Paṭibhaya [paṭi+bhaya] fear, terror, fright S iv.195; PvA 90; Dāvs
still, put to rest, appease Vin i.49 (kammaṁ), 144 (id.), 331 iv.35. Freq. in cpd. ap° & sap°, e. g. Vin iv.63; M i.134; iii.61.
(id.); ii.5 (id.), 226 (id.); M i.76; J iii.28 (dohaḷaṁ).
Paṭibhāga [paṭi+bhāga] 1. counterpart, likeness, resemblance
Paṭipassambhanā (f.) & °ppassambhitatta (nt.) are exegetical Nd s. v.; Vism 125 (°nimitta, imitative mental reflex, mem-
(philosophical) synonyms of paṭippassaddhi at Dhs 40, 41, ory — image); SnA 65, 76, 83, 114, 265; PvA 46, 178, 279.
320. — 2. rejoinder J vi.341 (pañha°). — 3. counterpart, oppo-
site, contrary M i.304. — appaṭibhāga (adj.) unequalled, in-
Paṭippharati [paṭi+pharati] to effulge, shine forth, stream out,
comparable, matchless Miln 357 (+appaṭiseṭṭha); DhA i.423
emit, fig. splurt out, bring against, object M i.95 sq.; A iv.193
(codakaṁ); J i.123, 163; Nd 196 (vādaṁ start a word — (=anuttara).
fight); Miln 372; DhA iv.4 (vacanaṁ). Paṭibhāti [paṭi+bhā] to appear, to be evident, to come into one's
mind, to occur to one, to be clear (cp. Vin. Texts ii.30) S i.155
Paṭibaddha (adj.) [paṭi+baddha, pp. of bandh] bound to, in fet-
(°tu taṁ dhammikathā); v.153 (T. reads patibbāti); Sn 450 (p.
ters or bonds, attracted to or by, dependent on D i.76; Vin
maṁ=mama bhāgo pakāsati Sna 399); Nd 234=Nd 386 (also
iv.302 (kāya°); A v.87 (para°); Dh 284; Miln 102 (āvajjana°);
fut. °bhāyissati); J v.410; VvA 78=159 (maṁ p. ekaṁ pañhaṁ
PvA 134 (°jīvika dependent on him for a living). — Freq. in
pucchituṁ "I should like to ask a question").
cpd. °citta affected, enamoured, one's heart bound in love Vin
iii.128; iv.18; Sn 37 (see Nd 385), 65; PvA 46, 145 (°tā f. Paṭibhāna (nt.) [paṭi+bhāna. Cp. late Sk. pratibhāna, fr. Pali]
abstr.), 151, 159 (rañño with the king). understanding, illumination, intelligence; readiness or confi-
dence of speech, promptitude, wit (see on term Vin. Texts
Paṭibandha (adj.) [paṭi+bandha] bound to, connected with, refer-
iii.13, 172; Pts. of Controversy, 378 f.) D i.16, 21, 23; S
ring to Ps i.172, 184.
i.187; A ii.135, 177, 230; iii.42; iv.163; v.96; Ps ii.150, 157;
Paṭibandhati [paṭi+bandhati] to hold back, refuse J iv.134 (ve-
J vi.150; Pug 42; Vbh 293 sq.; VbhA 338, 394, 467; Miln 21;
tanaṁ na p.=aparihāpetvā dadāti).
DA i.106. — appaṭibhāna (adj.) bewildered, not confident,
Paṭibandhu [paṭi+bandhu] a connection, a relation, relative Dhs cowed down Vin ii.78=iii.162; M i.258; A iii.57; J v.238, 369;
1059, 1136, 1230; DhsA 365. vi.362.
Paṭibala (adj.) [paṭi+bala] able, adequate, competent Vin i.56, Paṭibhānavant (adj.) [fr. paṭibhāna] possessed of intelligence or
342; ii.103, 300; iii.158; A v.71; Miln 6. ready wit A i.24; Sn 58, 853, 1147; Nd 234= Nd 386; SnA
Paṭibāḷha [pp. of paṭibāhati, though more likely to paṭi+ vah ] 111 (pariyatti° & paṭivedha°).
(op)pressed, forced, urged Vbh 338=Miln 301. Paṭibhāneyyaka (adj.) [ger. formation+ka fr. paṭibhāna] =paṭib-
hānavant Vin i.249 (cp. Vin. Texts ii.140); A i.25.
Paṭibāhaka [of paṭi+bādh] antidote Miln 335; repelling, prevent-
ing J vi.571. Paṭibhāsati [paṭi+bhās] to address in return or in reply S i.134;
Sn 1024.
Paṭibāhati [paṭi+*bāh of bahis adv. outside] to ward off, keep
off, shut out, hold back, refuse, withhold, keep out, evade Vin Paṭimaṁsa (adj.) [for paṭimassa=Sk. *pratimṛśya, ger. of
i.356; ii.162, 166 sq., 274; iv.288; J i.64, 217; DhA ii.2 (rañño prati+mṛś, cp. in consonants haṁsa for harṣa etc.] as neg.
āṇaṁ), 89 (sītaṁ); VvA 68; PvA 96 (maraṇaṁ), 252, 286 (grd. app° not to be touched, untouched; faultless Vin ii.248 (ac-
appaṭibāhanīya). Caus. °bāheti in same meaning J iv.194; chidda+); A v.79.
DhA ii.71; PvA 54. — pp. paṭibāḷha (q. v.).
Paṭimagga [paṭi+magga, cp. similarly paṭipatha] the way against,
Paṭibāhana exclusion, warding off, prevention Miln 81; Vism a confronting road; °ṁ gacchati to go to meet somebody J
244. iv.133; vi.127.
Paṭibāhiya (adj.) [grd. of paṭibāhati] to be kept off or averted, Paṭimaṇḍita [pp. of paṭi+maṇḍ] decorated, adorned with J i.8,
neg. ap° J iv.152. 41, 509; PvA 3, 66, 211.
Paṭibāhira (adj.) [paṭi+bāhira] outside, excluded Vin ii.168. Paṭimantaka [fr. paṭi+mant] one who speaks to or who is spoken
to, i. e. (1) an interlocutor J iv.18 (=paṭivacana — dayaka C.);
Paṭibimba (nt.) [paṭi+bimba] counterpart, image, reflection Vism
— (2) an amiable person (cp. Lat. affabilis=affable) M i.386.
190; VvA 50; VbhA 164.
Paṭimanteti [paṭi+manteti] to discuss in argument, to reply to, an-
Paṭibujjhati [paṭi+bujjhati] to wake up, to understand, know, A
swer, refute; as pati° at Vin ii.1; D i.93 (vacane), 94; Dh i.263;
iii.105 sq.; ThA 74; PvA 43, 128. — pp. paṭibuddha (q. v.).
J vi.82, 294.
Paṭibuddha [pp. of paṭibujjhati] awakened, awake Sn 807.
Paṭimalla [paṭi+malla] a rival wrestler S i.110; Nd 172.
Paṭibodha [fr. paṭi+budh, cp. paṭibujjhati] awaking, waking up

Paṭimasati Paṭileṇeti

Paṭimasati [paṭi+masati of mṛś, cp. paṭimaṁsa] to touch (at) D Paṭi-y-ālokaṁ gacchati "to go to the South" Vin iv.131, 161.
i.106; Sn p. 108 (anumasati+). — Caus. paṭimāseti (q. v.).
Paṭiyodha [paṭi+yodha] counterfight J iii.3.
Paṭimā (f.) [fr. paṭi+mā] counterpart, image, figure J vi.125;
Paṭiyoloketi (T. paṭi-oloketi) [paṭi+oloketi] to look at, to keep an
Dāvs v.27; VvA 168 (=bimba); DhsA 334. — appaṭima
eye on, observe J ii.406.
(adj.) without a counterpart, matchless, incomparable Th 1,
Paṭirava [paṭi+rava] shouting out, roar Dāvs iv.52.
614; Miln 239.
Paṭirājā [paṭi+rājā] hostile king, royal adversary J vi.472; DhA
Paṭimānita [pp. of paṭimāneti] honoured, revered, served PvA
Paṭiruddha [pp. paṭi+rudh] obstructed, hindered, held back,
Paṭimāneti [paṭi+Caus. of man] to wait on, or wait for, look after,
caged J iv.4 (oruddha — paṭiruddha sic.).
honour, serve Vin ii.169; iv.112; D i.106; J iv.2, 203; v.314;
Miln 8; PvA 12; DA i.280. — pp. paṭimānita (q. v.). Paṭirūpa (adj.) [paṭi+rūpa] fit, proper, suitable, befitting, seem-
ing D i.91; Vin ii.166 (seyyā); M i.123; S i.214; ii.194 (ap°);
Paṭimāreti [paṭi+Caus. of mṛ] to kill in revenge J iii.135.
Th 2, 341; Pv ii.12 ; J v.99; Pug 27; DhA iii.142; PvA 26,
Paṭimāseti [Caus. of patimasati] to hold on to, to restrain, keep
122 (=yutta), 124. -°desavāsa living in a suitable region D
under control; imper. paṭimāse (for °māsaya) Dh 379 (opp. iii.276=A ii.32; Nett 29, 50. — Spelt pati° at Dh 158; Sn 89,
codaya; expl by °parivīmaṁse "watch" DhA iv.117).
187, 667; SnA 390. Cp. pāṭirūpika.
Paṭimukka (adj.) [pp. of paṭimuñcati; cp. also paṭimutta & um-
Paṭirūpaka (adj.) (—°) [fr. paṭirūpa] like, resembling, disguised
mukka, see Geiger, P.Gr. § 197] fastened on, tied to, wound
as, in the appearance of, having the form of S i.230; DhA i.29
round, clothed in S iv.91; M i.383; It 56; Th 2, 500 (? v. l.
(putta°); PvA 15 (samaṇa°). As pati° at SnA 302, 348, 390.
paripuṇṇa, cp. ThA 290); J i.384; vi.64; Miln 390; DhA i.394
— nt. an optical delusion DhA iii.56.
(sīse); VvA 167 (so read for °mukkha), 296.
Paṭirūpatā (f.) [abstr. fr. paṭirūpa] likeness, semblance, appear-
Paṭimukha (adj.) [paṭi+mukha] facing, opposite; nt. °ṁ adv. op-
ance, pretence PvA 268 (=vaṇṇa).
posite SnA 399 (gacchati).
Paṭirodati [paṭi+rodati of rud] to cry in return, to reply by crying
Paṭimuñcati [paṭi+muc] 1. to fasten, to bind (in lit. as well as J iii.80; pp. paṭirodita=paṭirodana.
appl sense), to tie, put on Vin i.46; S i.24 (veraṁ °muñcati
Paṭirodana (nt.) [paṭi+rodana] replying through crying J iii.80.
for °muccati!); J i.384; ii.22, 88, 197; iv. 380 (ger. °mucca,
v. l. °muñca), 395; v.25 (attain), 49; vi.525; DhA iii.295. — Paṭirodeti [paṭi+Caus. of rud] to scold back S i.162.
Pass. paṭimuccati to be fastened, aor. °mucci J iii.239; vi.176. Paṭirosati [paṭi+rosati] to annoy in return, to tease back S i.162;
— 2. to attain, obtain, find J iv.285=vi.148. A ii.215; Nd 397.
Paṭimutta (& °ka) (adj.) [pp. of paṭimuñcati, cp. paṭimukka] in
Paṭiladdha [pp. of paṭilabhati] received, got, obtained PvA 15
sup° well purified, cleansed, pure J iv.18 (°kambu=paṭimutta (=laddha), 88.
— suvaṇṇ' ālankāra C.); v.400; Pv iv.1 33 (°ka — suṭṭhu
Paṭilabhati [paṭi+labhati] to obtain, receive, get It 77; J i.91; Nd 2
paṭimuttabhāṇin PvA 230).
427 (pariyesati p. paribhuñjati); Pug 57; VvA 115; PvA 6, 7,
Paṭimokkha [fr. paṭi+muc] 1. a sort of remedy, purgative D 16, 50, 60, 67 etc. — pret. 3 pl. paccaladdhaṁsu S i.48 (so
i.12 osadhīnaṁ p. expl at DA i.98 as "khārâdīni datvā tad d
v. l. & C. T. °latthaṁsu), expl by paṭilabhiṁsu cp. K. S. 319.
— anurūpo khaṇe gate tesaṁ apanayanaṁ." Cp. Dial. 26. — st
— aor. 1 sg. paṭilacchiṁ J v.71. — Caus. paṭilābheti to
2. binding, obligatory J v.25 (sangaraṁ p. a binding promise).
cause to take or get, to rob J v.76 (paṭilābhayanti naṁ "rob me
Cp. pāṭimokkha.
of him").
Paṭiya (nt.) [=paṭikā] a white woollen counterpane J iv.352
Paṭilābha [fr. paṭi+labh] obtaining, receiving, taking up, acqui-
(=uṇṇāmaya — paccattharaṇāni setakambalāni pi vadanti
sition, assumption, attainment D i.195; M i.50; A ii.93, 143;
yeva C.). 1
Ps ii.182, 189; Nd 262; Dh 333; Pug 57; VvA 113; PvA 50,
Paṭiyatta [pp. of paṭi+yat] prepared, got ready, made, dressed 73, 74. — attabhāva° obtaining a reincarnation, coming into
Vin iv.18 (alankata°); J iv.380 (C. for pakata), PvA 25 (C. for existence S ii.256; iii.144; A ii.159, 188; iii.122 sq. — See
upaṭṭhita), 75 (alankata°), 135 (id.), 232 (id.), 279 (id.); KhA also paribhoga.
118 (alankata°). Paṭilika v. l. BB together with paṭalika for talika at J iii.80 (cp.
Paṭiyāti [paṭi+yā, cp. pacceti] to go back to, reach J vi.149 (C. A iii 36?).
for paṭimuñcati).
Paṭilīna [pp. of paṭilīyati] having withdrawn, keeping away S i.48
Paṭiyādita [pp. of paṭiyādeti] given, prepared, arranged, dedi- (°nisabha "expert to eliminate"; reading pati°); with reading
cated Miln 9; DhA ii.75. pati also; A ii.41; iv.449; Sn 810, 852; Nd 130, 224 (rāgassa
etc. pahīnattā patilīno).
Paṭiyādeti [for *paṭiyāteti=Sk. pratiyātayati, Caus. of paṭi+yat,
like P. niyyādeti=Sk. niryātayati] to prepare, arrange, give, Paṭilīyati [paṭi+līyati of lī] to withdraw, draw back, keep away
dedicate SnA 447. — pp. paṭiyādita (q. v.). — Caus.II. from, not to stick to A iv.47=Miln 297 (+paṭikuṭati paṭivaṭṭati;
paṭiyādāpeti to cause to be presented or got ready, to assign, Miln & id. p. at S ii.265 print pati°); Vism 347 (+paṭikuṭṭati
advise, give over Vin i.249 (yāguṁ); Sn p. 110 (bhojaniyaṁ); pativaṭṭati). — pp. paṭilīna; Caus. paṭileṇeti (q. v.).
P.vA 22, 141.

Paṭileṇeti Paṭivisiṭṭha

Paṭileṇeti [Sec. der fr. pp. paṭilīna in sense of Caus.; cp. Sk. Paṭivijjhati [paṭi+vijjhati of vyadh] to pierce through, penetrate
°lāpayati of lī] to withdraw, to make keep away, not to touch (lit. & fig.), intuit, to acquire, master, comprehend Vin i.183;
S ii.265 (pati°, as at Miln 297 patilīyati). S ii.56; v.119, 278, 387, 454; A iv.228, 469; Nd 378; J i.67,
75; Ps i.180 sq.; Miln 344; DhA i.334. — aor. paṭivijjha
Paṭilobheti [paṭi+Caus. of lubh] to fill with desire, to entice J
Sn 90 (=aññāsi sacchākāsi SnA 166), and paccavyādhi Th 1,
26=1161 (°byādhi); also 3rd pl. paccavidhuṁ A iv.228. —
Paṭiloma (adj.) [paṭi+loma] "against the hair," in reverse or- pp. paṭividdha (q. v.). On phrase uttariṁ appaṭivijjhanto.
der, opposite, contrary, backward; usually comb with anu-
See uttari.
loma i. e. forward & backward Vin i.1; A iv.448; etc (see
Paṭivijjhanaka (adj.) [paṭi+vijjhana+ka,of vyadh] only in neg.
paṭiccasamuppāda); J ii.307. -°pakkha opposition PvA 114
ap° impenetrable DhA iv.194.
(cp. paṭipakkha).
Paṭividita [pp. of paṭi+vid] known, ascertained D i.2; Ps i.188.
Paṭivacana (nt.) [paṭi+vacana] answer, reply, rejoinder J iv.18;
Miln 120; PvA 83 (opp. vacana); ThA 285. Paṭividdha [pp. of paṭivijjhati] being or having penetrated or
pierced; having acquired, mastering, knowing M i.438; S ii.56
Paṭivaṭṭati (& °vattati) [paṭi+vr̥t] (intrs.) to roll or move back,
to turn away from A iv.47=Miln 297 (paṭilīyati paṭikutati p.); (sup°); Ps ii.19, 20; J i.214; VvA 73 (°catusacca=saccānaṁ
kovida). — appaṭividdha not pierced, not hurt J vi.446.
Caus. paṭivaṭṭeti in same meaning trs. (but cp. Childers s.
v. "to knock, strike") S ii.265 (T. spells pati°, as also at Miln Paṭivinaya [paṭi+vi+nī] repression, subdual, only in cpd. āghāta°
297). — grd. paṭivattiya only in neg. ap° (q. v.). — pp. D iii.262, 289; A iii.185 sq. See āghāta.
paṭivatta (q. v.).
Paṭivinicchinati [paṭi+vinicchinati] to try or judge a case again,
Paṭivatta (nt.) [pp. of paṭivattati] moving backwards, only in to reconsider J ii.187.
cpd. vatta — paṭivatta — karaṇa "moving forth or backwards,
Paṭivinīta [pp. of paṭivineti] removed, dispelled, subdued S
" performance of different kinds of duties; doing this, that &
ii.283; v.76, 315.
the other DhA i.157.
Paṭivineti [paṭi+vi+nī] to drive out, keep away, repress, subdue S
Paṭivattar [paṭi+vattar, n. ag. of vac] one who contradicts S
i.228; M i.13; A iii.185 sq.; J vi.551; PvA 104 (pipāsaṁ). Cp.
BSk. prativineti MVastu ii.121. — pp. paṭivinīta (q. v.).
Paṭivadati [paṭi+vadati] to answer, reply A iv.168 (v. l. for Paṭivinodana (nt.) [fr. paṭivinodeti] removal, driving out, explu-
paṭicarati); Sn 932; Dh 133; Nd 397; PvA 39.
sion A ii.48, 50; Miln 320.
Paṭivasati [paṭi+vasati] to live, dwell (at) D i.129; Vin ii.299; S Paṭivinodaya (adj. — n.) [fr. paṭivinodeti] dispelling, subduing,
i.177; J i.202; SnA 462; PvA 42, 67. riddance, removal; dup° hard to dispel A iii.184 sq.
Paṭivāṇa, Paṭivāṇitā, Paṭivāṇī etc. occur only in neg. form app°,
Paṭivinodeti [paṭi+vi+Caus. of nud, Cp. BSk. prativinu-dati
q. v.
Divy 34, 371 etc.] to remove, dispel, drive out, get rid of D
Paṭivātaṁ (adv.) [paṭi+vātaṁ, acc. cp. Sk. prativāta & prativā- i.138; M i.48; Pv iii.5 ; Pug 64; VvA 305; PvA 60.
taṁ] against the wind (opp. anuvātaṁ) Vin ii.218; S i.13; Sn
Paṭivibhajati [paṭi+vibhajati] to divide off, to divide into (equal)
622; Dh 54, 125; PvA 116; Sdhp 425.
parts M i.58 (cp. iii.91; paṭibhaj° & v. l. vibhaj°).
Paṭivāda [paṭi+vāda] retort, recrimination Miln 18 (vāda° talk and
Paṭivibhatta (adj.) [paṭi+vibhatta] (equally) divided M i.372;
counter — talk).
A iv.211; VvA 50. On neg. ap° in cpd. °bhogin see
Paṭivāpeti [Caus. of paṭi+vap] to turn away from, to free from, appaṭivibhatta.
cleanse M i.435=A iv.423; DhsA 407.
Paṭivirata (adj.) [pp. of paṭiviramati, cp. BSk. prativi-ramati
Paṭivāmeti [paṭi+Caus. vam] to throw out again DA i.39. Divy ii, 302, 585] abstaining from, shrinking from (with abl.)
Cp. J.P.T.S. 1886, p. 160, suggesting paṭivādh°, or D i.5; M iii.23; S v.468; It 63; Pug 39, 58; DA i.70; PvA 28,
paṭibādhayamāno, and referring to Th 1, 744. 260. — app° not abstaining from Vin ii.296; S v.468; It 64.
Paṭiviṁsa [paṭi — aṁsa with euphonic consonant v instead of Paṭivirati (f.) [fr. paṭivirata] abstinence from Dhs 299; M iii.74;
y (paṭi — y — aṁsa) and assimilation of a to i (paṭiyiṁsa> PvA 206.
paṭiviṁsa)] lit. "divided part," sub — part, share, bit, portion, Paṭiviramati [paṭi+viramati] to absṭain from M i.152.
part Vin i.28; iii.60 (T. reads paṭivisa); J ii.286; DhsA 135;
Paṭivirujjhati [paṭi+vi+rudh] to act hostile, to fall out with some-
DhA i.189; iii.304; VvA 61 (°vīsa), 64 (v. l. °vīsa), 120 (id.).
body, to quarrel (saddhiṁ) J iv.104. — pp. paṭiviruddha (q.
Paṭiviṁsaka [prec.+ka] part share, portion DhA ii.85.
Paṭivigacchati [paṭi+vi+gacchati] to go apart again, to go away
Paṭiviruddha [pp. of paṭivirujjhati, cp. BSk. prativiruddha rebel-
or asunder A iii.243; Miln 51.
lious Divy 445] obstructed or obstructing, an adversary, oppo-
Paṭivijānāti [paṭi+vi+jānāti] to recognise Vin iii.130; Nd 378 nent J vi.12; DA i.51 (°ā satta=pare); Miln 203, 403.
(ājānāti vijānāti p. paṭivijjhati); Miln 299.
Paṭivirūhati [paṭi+virūhati] to grow again Vism 419.
Paṭivijjha (adj.) [grd. of paṭivijjhati] in cpd. dup° hard to pene-
Paṭivirodha [paṭi+virodha] hostility, enmity, opposition Dhs 418,
trate (lit. & fig.) S v.454.
1060; Pug 18; Miln 203.

Paṭivisiṭṭha Paṭisandhi

Paṭivisiṭṭha [paṭi+visiṭṭha] peculiar M i.372. Paṭisakkati [paṭi+sakkati] to run back Vin ii.195; A iv.190.
Paṭivisesa [paṭi+visesa] sub — discrimination J ii.9. Paṭisankhayanto is ppr. of paṭi+saṁ+kṣi, to be pacified Th 1,
Paṭivissaka (adj.) [fr. paṭi+*veśman or *veśya] dwelling near,
neighbouring M i.126; J i.114, 483; iii.163; iv.49; v.434; DhA Paṭisankharoti [paṭi+saṁ+kṛ] to restore, repair, mend Vin ii.160;
i.47 (°itthi), 155, 235 (°dārakā). A ii.249; J iii.159 (nagaraṁ). Caus. II. paṭisankhārāpeti to
cause to repair or build up again M iii.7; J vi.390 (gehāni).
Paṭivutta (paṭi+vutta, pp. of vac] said against, replied Vin iii.131,
274. Paṭisankhā (f.) [paṭi+sankhā of khyā] reflection, judgment,
consideration Vin i.213; S iv.104 (°yoniso); Ps i.33, 45, 57,
Paṭivekkhiya see ap°.
60, 64; Pug 25, 57; Dhs 1349. appaṭisankhā (see also
Paṭivedeti [paṭi+vedeti, Caus. of vid] to make known, declare,
°sankhāti) want of judgment, inconsideration Ps i.33, 45; Dhs
announce Vin i.180; S i.101, 234; Sn 415 (aor. °vedayi); DA n
1346=Pug 21. — Note. In comb paṭisankhā yoniso "care-
i.227; PvA 6 (pītisomanassaṁ).
fully, with proper care or intention" p. is to be taken as ger.
Paṭivedha [fr. paṭi+vyadhī cp. paṭivijjhati & BSk. prati-vedha of paṭisankhāti (q. v.). This connection is frequent, e. g. S
MVastu i.86] lit. piercing, i. e. penetration, comprehension, iv.104; A ii.40; Nd 496; Nd 540.
attainment, insight, knowledge A i.22, 44; D iii.253; Ps i.105;
Paṭisankhāti [paṭi+saṁ+khyā] to be careful, to think over, re-
ii.50, 57, 105, 112, 148, 182; Vbh 330; Miln 18; SnA 110,
flect, discriminate, consider; only in ger. paṭisankhā (as adv.)
111; Sdhp 65. — appaṭivedha non — intelligence, ignorance
carefully, intently, with discrimination Vin i.213; M i.273;
Vin i.230; S ii.92; iii.261; v.431; A ii.1; Dhs 390, 1061, 1162; 2
iii.2; J i.304; Nd 540; Pug 25; cp. paṭisankhā (+yoniso); also
Pug 21. — duppaṭivedha (adj.) hard to pierce or penetrate;
ger. paṭisankhāya Sddp 394. — Opp. appaṭisankhā incon-
flg. difficult to master Miln 250. — maggaphala° realisation
siderately, in phrase sahasā app° rashly & without a thought
of the fruit of the Path DhA i.110.
M i.94; S ii.110, 219. — Cp. paṭisañcikkhati.
Paṭivera [paṭi+vera] revenge DhA i.50.
Paṭisankhāna (nt.) [fr. paṭisankhāti] carefulness, mindfulness,
Paṭivellati [paṭi+vellati] to embrace, cling to J v.449. consideration J i.502; VvA 327; DhsA 402 (°paññā); Sdhp
397. -°bala power of computation A i.52, 94; ii.142; D
Paṭivyāharati [paṭi+vyāharati] to desist from, aor. pacca- n
iii.213, 244; Ps ii.169, 176; Dhs 1354 (cp. Dhs trsl 354);
vyāhāsi D ii.232.
Nett 15, 16, 38.
Paṭivyūhati (pati°) [paṭi+vyūhati] to heap up against (?) SnA 554.
Paṭisankhārika & °ya (adj.) [fr. paṭisankharoti] serving for re-
Paṭisaṁyamati [paṭi+saṁyamati] to restrain, to exercise self —
pair Vin iii.43 (dārūni); PvA 141 (id.; °ya).
control J iv.396.
Paṭisañcikkhati [paṭi+saṁ+cikkhati of khyā; cp. paṭisankhāti &
Paṭisaṁyujati [paṭi+saṁ+yuj] to connect with, fig. to start,
BSk. pratisañcikṣati MVastu ii.314] to think over, to discrim-
begin (vādaṁ a discussion or argument) S i.221 (bālena
inate, consider, reflect Vin i.5; D i.63; M i.267, 499; iii.33; S
paṭisaṁyuje=paṭipphareyya C.; "engage himself to bandy with
i.137; A i.205; Pug 25; Vism 283.
a fool" K.S. 284); Sn 843 (vādaṁ p.= paṭipphareyya kalahaṁ
kareyya Nd 196). — pp. paṭisaṁyutta (q. v.). Paṭisañjīvita [pp. of paṭi+saṁ+jīv] revived, resurrected M i.333.
Paṭisatena (adv.) [paṭi+instr. of sataṁ] by the hundred, i. e. in
Paṭisaṁyutta [pp. of paṭisaṁyujati] connected with, coupled, be-
front of a hundred (people) Vin i.269.
longing to Vin iv.6; S i.210 (nibbāna °dhammikathā); Th 1,
598; It 73; VvA 6, 87; PvA 12. Paṭisattu [paṭi+sattu] an enemy (in retaliation) J ii.406; Nd 172,
173; Miln 293.
Paṭisaṁvidita [pp. of paṭi+saṁ+vid; same (prati) at MVastu
iii.256] apperceived, known, recognised, in phrase "pubbe ap- Paṭisanthata [pp. of paṭisantharati] kindly received (covered,
paṭisaṁvidita pañho" S ii.54. concealed? C.) J vi.23 (=paṭicchāditaṁ guttaṁ paripuṇṇaṁ
vā C.).
Paṭisaṁvedin (adj.) [fr. paṭisaṁvedeti; BSk. pratisaṁ-
vedin Divy 567] experiencing, feeling, enjoying or suffer- Paṭisantharati [paṭi+saṁ+tharati of stṛ] to receive kindly, to wel-
ing M i.56; S i.196; ii.122; iv.41; v.310 sq.; A i.164 come, Miln 409; DhsA 397. ger. °santhāya J vi.351. — pp.
(sukhadukkha°); iv.303 (id.); v.35 (id.); It 99; Ps i.95, 114 paṭisanthata (q. v.).
(evaṁsukhadukkha°), 184, 186 sq.; Pug 57, 58.
Paṭisanthāra [fr. paṭi+saṁ+stṛ] lit. spreading before, i. e.
Paṭisaṁvedeti [paṭi+saṁ+vedeti, Caus. of vid] to feel, experi- friendly welcome, kind reception, honour, goodwill, favour,
ence, undergo, perceive D i.43, 45; A i.157 (domanassaṁ); friendship D iii.213, 244; A i.93; iii.303 sq.; iv.28, 120; v.166,
iv.406 (id.); Pug 59; PvA 192 (mahādukkhaṁ). There is also 168 (°aka adj. one who welcomes); J ii.57; Dh 376 (expl as
a by — form, viz. paṭisaṁvediyati S ii.18, 75, 256 (attabhāva āmisa° and dhamma° at DhA iv.111, see also DhsA 397 sq. &
— paṭilābhaṁ); It 38 (sukkha — dukkhaṁ; v. l. °vedeti). Dhs trsl. 350); Dhs 1344; Vbh 360; Miln 409. paṭisanthāraṁ
karoti to make friends, to receive friendly PvA 12, 44, 141,
Paṭisaṁharaṇa (nt.) [fr. paṭisaṁharati] removing Nett 27, 41.
Paṭisaṁharati [paṭi+saṁ+hṛ, cp. BSk. pratisaṁharati MVastu
Paṭisandahati [paṭi+sandahati] to undergo reunion (see next)
i.82] to draw back, withdraw, remove, take away, give up Vin
Miln 32.
ii.185 (sakavaṇṇaṁ); D i.96; S v.156; PvA 92 (devarūpaṁ).
Paṭisandhi [fr. paṭi+saṁ+dhā] reunion (of vital principle with a

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