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Pali English Dictionary.

Paṭisandhi Paṭisedhitar

body), reincarnation, metempsychosis Ps i.11 sq., 52, 59 sq.; liyituṁ); D ii.237; S v.12 (id.), 320, 325; Miln 139. — pp.
ii.72 sq.; Nett 79, 80; Miln 140; DhA ii.85; VvA 53; PvA 8, paṭisallīna (q. v.).
79, 136, 168. A detailed discussion of p. is to be found at
Paṭisallīna [pp. of paṭisalliyati; cp. BSk. pratisaṁlīna Divy 196,
VbhA 155 — 160. — appaṭisandhika see sep.
291.] secluded, retired, gone into solitude, abstracted, plunged
Paṭisama (adj.) [paṭi+sama] equal, forming, a counterpart Miln in meditation, separated Vin i.101 (rahogata+); D i.134, 151; S
205 (rāja°); neg. appaṭisama not having one's equal, incom- i.71, 146 sq. (divāvihāragata+), 225; ii.74 (rahogata+); iv.80,
parable J i.94; Miln 331. 90, 144; v.415; A ii.20; SnA 346 (pati°); J i.349; Miln 10, 138
sq.; VvA 3; DA i.309 (pati°).
Paṭisambhidā (f.) [paṭi+saṁ+bhid; the BSk. pratisaṁvid is
a new formation resting on confusion between bhid & vid, Paṭisāṭheyya (nt.) [paṭi+sāṭheyya] a deceit in return (cp. paṭikūṭa)
favoured by use & meaning of latter root in P. paṭisaṁvidita. J ii.183.
In BSk. we find pratisaṁvid in same application as in P., viz.
Paṭisāmita [pp. of paṭisāmeti] arranged, got ready Vism 91.
as fourfold artha° dharma° nirukti° pratibhāna° (?). MVastu
Paṭisāmeti [paṭi+Caus. of śam, samati to make ready; cp. BSk.
iii.321] lit. "resolving continuous breaking up," i. e. analysis,
pratiśāmayati Divy passim] to set in order, arrange, get ready
analytic insight, discriminating knowledge. See full discus-
sion & expl of term at Kvu trsl 377 — 382. Always referred Vin ii.113, 211, 216; M i.456; J iii.72; Miln 15 (pattacīvaraṁ);
VvA 118 (v. l. °yāpeti), 157 (v. l. °nameti).
to as "the four branches of logical analysis" (catasso or catu-
paṭisambhidā), viz. attha° analysis of meanings "in exten- Paṭisāyati [paṭi+sāyati] to taste, eat, partake of food Vin ii.177.
sion"; dhamma° of reasons, conditions, or causal relations;
Paṭisāra [paṭi+smṛ] see vi°.
nirutti° of [meanings "in intension" as given in] definitions
Paṭisārana (nt.) [fr. paṭi+sāreti] act of protection, expiation,
paṭibhāna° or intellect to which things knowable by the fore- d
going processes are presented (after Kvu trsl ). In detail at A atonement Miln 344 (in law); appl .
ii.160; iii.113. 120; Ps i.88, 119; ii.150, 157, 185, 193; Vbh Paṭisāraṇiya (adj. nt.) [a grd. formation fr. paṭi+sāreti, Caus. of
293 — 305; VbhA 386 sq. (cp. Vism 440 sq.), 391 sq. — See sṛ to move] only as t.t. in comb with kamma (official act,
further A i.22; iv.31; Nd 386 under paṭibhānavant; Ps i.84. chapter), i. e. a formal proceeding by which a bhikkhu ex-
132, 134; ii.32, 56, 116, 189; Miln 22 (attha — dh°nirutti — piates an offence which he has committed against someone,
paṭibhāna — pāramippatta), 359; VvA 2; DhA iv.70 (catūsu reconciliation (cp. Vin. Texts ii.364) Vin i.49 (one of the 5
p — ° āsu cheka). p°-patta one who has attained mastership Sangha — kammas, viz. tajjaniya°, nissaya°, pabbājaniya°,
in analysis A i.24; iii.120; Ps ii.202. — Often included in the p.°, ukkhepaniya°), 143 (id.), 326; ii.15 — 20, 295; A i.99;
attainment of Arahantship, in formula "saha paṭisambhidāhi iv.346; DhA ii.75.
arahattaṁ pāpunāti," viz. Miln 18; DhA ii.58, 78, 93. Paṭisārin (adj.) [fr. paṭi+sṛ, cp. paṭisāraniya & paṭisaraṇa Note]
Paṭisammajjati [paṭi+sammajjati] to sweep over again Miln 15. falling back upon, going back to, trusting in, leaning on (—°)
D i.99 (gotta°); S i.153 (id.); ii.284 (id.).
Paṭisammodeti [paṭi+saṁ+Caus. of mud] to greet friendly in re-
turn J vi.224 (=sammodanīya — kathāya paṭikatheti C.). Paṭisāsana (nt.) [paṭi+sāsana] counter — message, reply DhA
Paṭisaraṇa (nt.) [paṭi+saraṇa ] refuge in (—°), shelter, help, pro- i.392.
tection M i.295 (mano as p. of the other 5 senses); iii.9; S Paṭisibbita [pp. of paṭi+sibbati] sewn, embroidered VvA 167
iv.221; v.218; A i.199 (Bhagavaṁ°); ii.148 (sa° able to be re- (pati°).
stored); iii.186 (kamma°); iv.158, 351; v.355; J i.213; vi.398.
Paṭisīsaka [paṭi+sīsaka] a false top — knot, "chignon" (?) J ii.197
— appaṭisaraṇa (adj.) without shelter, unprotected Vin ii.153
(°ṁ paṭimuñcitvā); v.49 (id.); Miln 90 (muṇḍaka°).
(so read for appaṭiss°). — Note. In meaning "restoration" the
Paṭisutta [pp. of paṭi+svap] sunk into sleep Th 1, 203.
derivation is prob. fr paṭi+sṛ to move (Sk. saraṇa and not
saraṇa protection). Cp. paṭisāraṇiya. Paṭisumbhita [pp. of paṭi+śumbh] fallen down Pv iii.1 (=patita
Paṭisarati [paṭi+sṛ] to run back, stay back, lag behind Sn 8 sq. PvA 174).
(opp. atisarati; aor. paccasāri expl by ohiyyi SnA 21). Paṭisūra [paṭi+sūra] a rival hero or fighter, an opponent in fight Sn
Paṭisarati [paṭi+smṛ] to think back upon, to mention DA i.267. 831 (=paṭipurisa paṭisattu paṭimalla Nd 172); Nd 173 (id.).
Paṭiseṭṭha (adj.) [paṭi+seṭṭha] having a superior; neg. app° in-
Paṭisallāna (& °āṇa, e. g. S v.320) (nt.) [for *paṭisallayana,
comparable, unsurpassed Miln 357 (appaṭibhāga+).
fr. paṭi+saṁ+ lī, cp. paṭilīna & paṭilīyati, also BSk. prati-
saṁlayana Divy 156, 194, 494] retirement for the purpose of Paṭisedha [fr. paṭi+sidh , sedhati drive off] warding off, prohi-
meditation, solitude, privacy, seclusion D iii.252; M i.526; S bition Miln 314 ("resubjugation"); SnA 402 (with ref. to part
i.77; iii.15; iv.80, 144; v.12, 398, 414; A ii.51, 176; iii.86 sq., "na"); KhA 170 (id.); PvA 11 (°nipāta="mā"); VvA 224.
116 sq., 195; iv.15, 36, 88; v.166, 168; Sn 69 (cp. Nd s. v.); Paṭisedhaka (adj. n.) [fr. paṭisedha] warding off, one who pre-
J ii.77 (pati°); Vbh 244, 252; Miln 138, 412.
vents or puts a stop to S i.221; Miln 344.
-ārāma fond(ness) of solitude or seclusion (also °rata) A
iii.261 sq.; It 39; Nd 433. -sāruppa very suitable for seclu- Paṭisedhati & (Caus.) °sedheti [paṭi+sedhati] to ward off, pro-
hibit, prevent, refuse S iv.341; PvA 11.
sion Vism 90.
Paṭisedhana (nt.) [cp. paṭisedha] warding off, refusal, prohibi-
Paṭisalliyati (°līyati) [fr. paṭi+saṁ+ lī, cp. paṭilīyati] to be in
tion, stopping S i.221, 223; PvA 11, 25; Sdhp 397.
seclusion (for the purpose of meditation) Vin iii.39 (inf. °sal-

Paṭisedhitar Paṭṭha

Paṭisedhitar [n. ag. fr. paṭisedhati] one who prohibits or refuses Paṭihaṁsati [for ghaṁsati?] to beat, knock against PvA 271 (for
J ii.123.=v.91. ghaṭṭeti Pv iv.10 ; v. l. paṭipisati).
Paṭisena [paṭi+sena, of either sī or śri, cp. usseneti] repulsion, Paṭihankhati [fut. of paṭihanti] only in one stock phrase viz.
opposition, enmity, retaliation; only in comp with kṛ as purāṇañ ca vedanaṁ paṭihankhāmi navañ ca vedanaṁ na up-
°senikaroti to make opposition, to oppose, retaliate Sn 932, pādessāmi "I shall destroy any old feeling and not produce any
cp. Nd 397; -°senikattar (n. ag.), one who repulses, fighter, new" S iv.104=A ii.40= iii.388=iv.167=Nd 496=Nd 540 ;
retaliator, arguer Sn 832, cp. Nd 173. Vism 32, 33.
Paṭiseneti [paṭi+seneti, see usseneti] to repel, push away, be in- Paṭihata [pp. of paṭihanti] stricken, smitten, corrupted Pv iii.7 ;
imical towards, retaliate (opp. usseneti) A ii.215 (paṭisseneti); PvA 20 (°citta), 207 (id.). — app° unobstructed DhA ii.8; VvA
Sn 390 (°seniyati). 14.
Paṭisevati [paṭi+sevati, cp. BSk. pratisevate Divy 258 in same Paṭihanana (nt.) [fr. paṭi+han] repulsion, warding off Vism 31.
meaning] to follow, pursue, indulge in (acc.), practise Vin Paṭihananaka (adj.) [fr. paṭi+han] one who offers resistance
ii.296 (methunaṁ dhammaṁ); M i.10; A ii.54 (methunaṁ); DhA i.217.
J i.437; vi.73, 505; Dh 67; Nd 496; Pug 62; Miln 224; DhA
Paṭihanati [paṭi+han] to strike against, ward off, keep away, de-
ii.40; PvA 130; Sdhp 396. — Note. paṭisevati is spelt pati°
stroy M i.273; Miln 367; ppr. paṭihanamāna meeting, im-
at Dh 67, 68; J iii.275, 278.
pinging on, striking against Vism 343. — ger. paṭihacca S
Paṭisevana (nt.) [fr. paṭisevati] going after, indulging in, practice
v.69, 237, 285; fut. paṭihankhati; pp. paṭihata (q. v.). —
M i.10.
Pass. paṭihaññati It 103; J i.7; DhsA 72.
Paṭisevitar [n. ag. of paṭisevati] one who practises, pursues or
Paṭiharati [paṭi+hṛ] to strike in return Vin ii.265; D i.142; S
indulges in (acc.) A iii.143 sq. (bhesajjaṁ).
iv.299. — Caus. paṭihāreti to repel, avoid J vi.266, 295. —
Paṭisotaṁ (adv.) [paṭi+sotaṁ, acc. of sota] against the stream Cp. pāṭihāriya etc.
(opp. anusotaṁ) It 114; J i.70; PvA 154. — paṭisotagāmin
Paṭu (adj.) [cp. Epic. Sk. paṭu] sharp, pungent; fig. keen, wise,
going against the stream, toiling, doing hard work S i.136; A 1
clever, skilful Vism 337 (°saññākicca), 338. Cp. paddha &
ii.6 (opp. anu°), 214 sq.
Paṭissata [paṭi+sata, pp. of smṛ] recollecting, thoughtful, mind- Paṭuppādana (nt.) [paṭa (?) +upp°] subtraction (opp. sankalana)
ful, minding Sn 283=Miln 411; Dh 144 (t); Vv 21 ; and with
DA i.95. The word is not clear (cp. Dial. i.22).
spelling pati° at S iii.143; iv.74, 322, 351; A iii.24; It 10, 21,
Paṭuva at D i.54 is read as pacuṭa by Bdhgh. & trsl (see Dial.
81; Sn 283, 413.
i.72). See under pavuṭā.
Paṭissati (f.) [paṭi+sati of smṛ] mindfulness, remembrance, mem-
Paṭola [dial.?] a kind of cucumber, Trichosanthes Dioeca Vin
ory M i.36 sq.; Dhs 23; Pug 25. app° lapse of memory Dhs
i.201 (°paṇṇa).
Paṭṭa [cp. late Sk. paṭṭa, doubtful etym.] 1. slab, tablet, plate, in
Paṭissatika (adj.) [fr. paṭissati] mindful, thoughtful Th 1, 42.
cpds. ayo° iron plate A iv.130, 131; J iv.7 (suvaṇṇa°); PvA
Paṭissava [fr. paṭi+śru] assent, promise, obedience J vi.220; VvA
43 (ayomaya°); loha° brass plate PvA 44; silā° stone slab J
351 (cp. paṭissaya VvA 347).
i.59 etc. When written on, it is placed into a casket (mañjūsā)
Paṭissavatā (f.) [abstr. fr. paṭissava] obedience; neg. appaṭissa- J ii.36; iv.335. — 2. a bandage, strip (of cloth) Vv 33 41
vatā want of deference Dhs 1325=Pug 20. (āyoga°)=VvA 142. — 3. fine cloth, woven silk, cotton cloth,
turban ( — cloth) Vin ii.266 (dussa°=setavattha — paṭṭa Bd-
Paṭissā & Patissā (f.) [paṭi+śru, cp. paṭissuṇāti & paṭissāvin;
hgh, see Vin. Texts iii.341); S ii.102 (id.) J i.62 (sumana° cloth
in BSk. we find pratīsā which if legitimate would refer the
with a jasmine pattern); vi.191 (°sāṭaka), 370 (nāḷi°); KhA 51
word to a basis different than śru. The form occurs in cpd.
(°bandhana); DA i.87 (āmilāka); DhA i.395 (°vattha); ii.42
sapratīśa respectful Divy; also MVastu i.516; ii.258; besides
(rajata°). — dupaṭṭa "double" cloth, see under dvi B ii.
as sapratisa MVastu iii.345] deference, obedience, only in cpd.
sappaṭissa (q. v.) obedient, deferential It 10 (sappatissa); Vv Paṭṭaka (adj. n.) [fr. paṭṭa] made of or forming a strip of
84 41 (cp. VvA 347), & appaṭissa disobedient, not attached cloth; a bandage, strip (of cloth), girdle Vin ii.136 (paṭṭikā);
to S i.139; ii.224 sq.; A ii.20; iii.7, 247, 439; J ii.352 (°vāsa A i.254 (=paṭṭikā C.); J v.359 (aya° an iron girdle), VbhA 230
anarchy; reading t); PvA 89. (paṭṭikā).
Paṭissāvin (adj.) [fr. paṭi+śru] assenting, ready, obedient, willing Pattana (nt.) [*Sk. paṭṭana] a place, city, port J i.121; iv.16, 137,
D i.60; S iii.113 (kinkāra — paṭi°). v.75; PvA 53. — °ka a sort of village J vi.456.
Paṭissuṇāti [paṭi+śru] to assent, promise, agree aor. paccassosi Paṭṭikā see paṭṭaka.
Vin i.73; D i.236; S i.147, 155; Sn p. 50, and paṭisuṇi SnA
Paṭṭoli in yāna° at Vism 328 is doubtful. It might be read as
314; ger. °suṇitvā freq. in formula "sādhū ti patissuṇitvā" as- n
yāna — kaḷopi (on account of comb with kumbhimukha), or
serting his agreement, saying yes S i.119; PvA 13, 54, 55; &
(preferably) as putoḷi (with v. l. BB), which is a regular variant
passim; also paṭissutvā S i.155. — f. abstr. paṭissutavatā SnA n
for mutoli. The trsl would be "provision bag for a carriage."
See further discussed under mutoḷi.
Paṭisseneti see paṭiseneti.

Paṭṭha Paṇāmeti

Paṭṭha (adj.) [fr. pa+sthā, see patthahati] "standing out," setting Cpd. 155 even modern linguists!) to be derived fr. pattharati]
out or forth, undertaking, able (clever?) Vin iii.210 (dhammiṁ the earth. Acc. to Nd 389 syn. with jagati. It figures as the
kathaṁ kātuṁ); iv.60 (cīvarakammaṁ kātuṁ), 254 (dhammiṁ first element in enum of the 4 elements (see dhātu 1), viz.
kathaṁ kātuṁ) 285, 290; Nd p. 46 (for Sn prose part puṭṭha; p., āpo, tejo, vāyo (earth, water, fire, wind or the elements of
v. l. seṭṭha); Nd no. 388 (in expl of paṭṭhagū Sn 1095; here the extension, cohesion, heat and motion: Cpd. 155). At D
it clearly means "being near, attending on, a pupil or follower iii.87 sq.≈ Vism 418 rasa° is opposed to bhūmi — pappaṭaka.
of"). See also paddha and paddhagu. Otherwise it is very frequent in representing the earth as solid,
firm, spacious ground. See D ii.14, 16; M i.327 sq.; S i.113
Paṭṭhapita [pp. of paṭṭhahati; cp. BSk. prasthapita Divy 514]
(p. udrīyati), 119 (id.), 186; ii.133, 169 sq.; v.45, 78, 246, 456
established, or given PvA 119 (cp. patiṭṭhāpitatta).
sq.; A ii.50; iv.89, 374, v.263 sq.; Sn 307, 1097; It 21; Dh
Paṭṭhahati [pa+sthā=P. tiṭṭhati, with short base *ṭṭha for *tiṭṭha in 6
41, 44, 178 (pathavyā); Pv ii.6 ; Miln 418; PvA 57, 75, 174.
trs. meaning, see patiṭṭhahati] to put down, set down, provide;
— mahā° M i.127; S ii.179, 263; iii.150; J i.25, 74; iii.42;
ppr. paṭṭhayamāna PvA 128 (varamāna+; v. l. paṭṭhap°); Miln 187; aya° iron soil (of Avīci) DhA i.148. In comp both
aor. paṭṭhayi Pv ii.9 34 (dānaṁ; v. l. paṭṭhapayi, expl by
paṭhavī° & pathavi°.
paṭṭhapesi PvA 126). ger. paṭṭhāya see sep. — Caus. II.
-ojā (paṭhavojā) sap or essence of the earth DhA
paṭṭhapeti to put out or up, to furnish, establish, give S ii.25; ii.154. -kampa shaking the earth, an earthquake DA i.130.
Pv ii.9 (fut. °ayissati dānaṁ, v. l. paṭṭhayissati; expl by pa-
-kampana=kampa J i.47. -kasiṇa the earth artifice (see Dhs
vattessati PvA 123); J i.117; PvA 54 (bhattaṁ), 126 (dānaṁ).
trsl 43) D iii.286. -dhātu the earth element (see above)
— pp. paṭṭhapita (q. v.).
D i.215; ii.294; iii.228, 247; M i.185; 421; S ii.170; Dhs
Paṭṭhāna (nt.) [fr. pa+sthā, cp. paṭṭhahati] setting forth, putting 588, 648, 962 (cp. Dhs. trsl 241); Nett 73, 74; VbhA 55;
forward; only in cpd. sati° setting up of mindfulness (q. v. -maṇḍala the circle of the E. D i.134; S i.101; A iv.90. -rasa
and see discussion of term at Dial ii.324). Besides in later lit. taste of earth S i.134; SnA 5. -lekha writing on (or in) carth
meaning "origin," starting point, cause, in title of the 7th book A i.283; Pug 32. -saññā earth consciousness M. ii.105; A
of the Abhidhamma, also called Mahāpakaraṇa. See Ledi, iv.312; v.7 sq., 318 sq. 353 sq. -sama like the earth M i.127,
J.P.T.S. 1915 — 16, p. 26; Mrs. Rh. D., Tika p. 1, vi. — 423; Dh 95.
At Sdhp 321 it has the Sk. meaning of "setting out" (?).
Paḍayhati v. l. at PvA 60 for T. pariḍayhati.
Paṭṭhāya (indecl.) [ger. fr. paṭṭhahati] putting down, starting out
Paṇa [in this meaning unknown in Sk; only in one faulty var. lect.
from, used as prep. (with abl.) from... onward, beginning
as "house"; see BR s. v. paṇa. Usual meaning "wager"] a shop
with, henceforth, from the time of, e. g. ajjato p. from to —
J iv.488 [v. l. pana].
day VvA 246; ito p. from here, henceforth J i.60, 63, 150; cp. J
Paṇaka see paṇṇaka. -paṇaka (comb) see phaṇaka.
i.52 (mūlato); vi.336 (sīsato); PvA 11 (galato), 13 (gihīkālato).
paṭṭhāyayāva (with acc.) from — up to Vism 374. Paṇati [cp. Sk. paṇati] to sell, barter, bargain, risk, bet J v.24
(=voharati attānaṁ vikkiṇati C.). — See also paṇitaka &
Paṭṭhika in pañca° see under pañca.
Paṭhati [paṭh to read, Sk. paṭhati] to read (of a text) VvA 72; PvA
58, 59, 70 etc.; see also pāṭha. Paṇamati [pa+nam] to bend, to be bent or inclined Ps i.165, 167;
— pp. paṇata ibid. — Caus. panāmeti (q. v.).
Paṭhana (nt.) [fr. paṭhati] reading (textual) Miln 344.
Paṇaya [classical Sk. praṇaya, fr pra+nī] affection J vi.102.
Paṭhama (adj.) [Ved. prathama, cp. Av. fratǤma; also Ved.
Paṇava [cp. Ep. Sk. paṇava, dial; accord. to BR a corruption
prataraṁ further, Gr. πρότερος superl. formation fr. prep.
of praṇava] a small drum or cymbal D i.79; S ii.128; iv.344;
*pro, Sk. pra etc. see pa°] num. ord. "the first," in foll. mean-
A ii.117, 241; J iii.59 (of an executioner; PvA 4 in id. p. has
ings: (1) the first, foremost, former Sn 93, 436, 1031; J ii.110;
paṭaha); Th 1, 467; Bu i.32; Vv 81 ; Dhs 621 (°sadda); DhA
KhA i.192; DhA iii.5, 196 (°vaya, contrasted with majjhima
& pacchima); PvA 5, 13, 56. nt. acc. paṭhamaṁ at first,
for the first time Vin i.16; D ii.14; Dh 158; J i.222; ii.103, Paṇāma [fr. pa+nam, see paṇamati] bending, salutation, obei-
153; often as first part of cpd. ° —, meaning either "first" or sance (cp. paṇāmeti 1) VvA 321 (°ṁ karoti=añjaliṁ karoti).
"recently, newly, just" Vin i.1 (°âbhisambuddha having just — As paṇāmana nt. at J iv.307.
attained Buddhaship); D iii.253 (°âbhinibbatta), Sn 420 (°up-
Paṇāmita [pp. of paṇāmeti] 1. (=paṇāmeti 1) raised, bent or
pattika "in his first youth"); J iii.394 (°uggata newly sprung
stretched out Sn 352 (añjalī sup°). — 2. (=paṇāmeti 3) dis-
up). — A second compar. formation is paṭhamatara, only as
missed, given leave Vin i.54; M i.457 (bhikkhusangho); Miln
adv. °ṁ at the (very) first, as early as possible, first of all Vin
209 (id.), 187.
i.30; J vi.510; DhA i.138; VvA 230; PvA 93.
Paṇāmeti [Caus. of paṇamati] 1. to bend forth or over, stretch
Paṭhavatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. paṭhavī] earthliness M i.329.
out, raise, in phrase añjaliṁ p. to raise the hands in respectful
Paṭhavant (adj. — n.) [fr. paṭhavī] a wayfarer S i.37. salutation Vin ii.188; D i.118; Sn p. 79. — 2. to bend to or
over, to shut, in kavāṭaṁ p. to shut the door Vin i.87; ii.114,
Paṭhavī (f.) [Ved. pṛthivī, doublets in Pāli pathavī, puthavī,
puthuvī, puṭhuvī, see Geiger, P.Gr. §§ 12 , 17 . To ad., pṛthu: 207; pattaṁ Vin ii.216. — 3. to make go away, to turn some-
one away, give leave, dismiss Vin i.54; ii.303; S i.7; Th 1, 511,
see puthu, prath to expand, thus lit. the broad one, breadth,
557; J v.314; Miln 187 (parisaṁ); Pass. paṇāmīyati (ibid.) —
expansion. Not (as Bdhgh at Vism 364: patthaṭattā pathavī, cp.

Paṇāmeti Paṇḍu

pp. paṇāmita (q. v.). high aspirations), 30, 60; Dhs 269, 1027, 1411; PvA 12, 35
(āhāra), 42 (id.); DhA ii.154 (bhojana). Compar. paṇītatara,
Paṇitaka (adj. nt.) [fr. paṇita — pp. of paṇati] staked, wagered,
often comb with abhikkantatara, e. g. D i.62, 74, 216; S i.80;
bet, wager, stake at play J vi.192 (so read for paṇīta°).
A i.119, 171; v.37, 140, 203 sq.
Paṇidahati [pa+ni+dhā] to put forth, put down to, apply, direct,
Paṇītaka [perhaps=Sk. paṇita, or paṇ (see paṇa), as P. forma-
intend; aspire to, long for, pray for S v.156 (atthāya cittaṁ
tion it may be taken as pa+nīta+ka, viz. that which has been
paṇidahiṁ). ger. paṇidhāya S i.42=Sn 660 (vācaṁ manañ ca
produced] a gambler's stake J vi.192. See paṇitaka.
pāpakaṁ); S i.170 (ujuṁ kāyaṁ); A iii.249 (deva — nikāyaṁ
p.); iv.461 sq. (id.); Vbh 244 (ujuṁ kāyaṁ p.)=DA i.210. Also Paṇudati, Paṇunna see panudati etc.
lit. (as prep with acc.) "in the direction of, towards" M i.74
Paṇeti [pa+nī] to lead on to, bring out, adduce, apply, fig. decree
(angārā — kāsuṁ). — pp. paṇihita (q. v.).
(a fine or punishment), only used in phrase daṇḍaṁ paṇeti
Paṇidhāna (nt.) [fr. paṇidahati; cp. philosophical literature & to give a punishment D ii.339=Miln 110; M ii.88; Dh 310; J
BSk. praṇidhāna] aspiration, longing, prayer VvA 270; Sdhp ii.207; iii.441; iv.192; Miln 29; DhA iii.482. — pp. paṇīta
344. (q. v.).
Paṇidhi (f.) [fr. paṇidahati; cp. BSk. praṇidhi Divy 102, 134, Paṇḍa see bhaṇḍati.
in same meaning. The usual Sk. meaning is "spy"] aspira-
Paṇḍaka [cp late (dial.) Sk. paṇḍa & paṇḍaka; for etym. see
tion, request, prayer, resolve D iii.29, 276; S ii.99, 154; iii.256
Walde, Lat. Wtb. under pello] a eunuch, weakling Vin i.86,
(ceto°); iv.303; A ii.32; iv.239 sq. (ceto°); v.212 sq.; Sn 801; 135, 168, 320; iv.20, 269; A iii.128; v.71; Sdhp 79. — With
Vv 47 ; Nd 109; Dhs 1059, 1126; SnA 132 (=paṇidhāna);
ref. to the female sex as paṇḍikā at Vin ii.271 (itthi°).
DhA ii.172; DhsA 222 (rāga — dosa — moha°).
Paṇḍara (adj) [Ved. pāṇḍara; cp. paṇḍu, q. v. for etym.] white,
-kamma (in deva cult) payment of a vow D i.12, cp. DA
pale, yellowish J ii.365; v. 340; Nd 3; Dhs 6= Vbh 88 (Dhs
i.97 (which Kern, however, Toev. s. v., interprets as "applica-
trsl. "that which is clear"? in def. of citta & mano) Dhs 17,
tion of an enema," comparing Sk. pranidheya to be injected as
293, 597; Miln 226; DhA iv.8; VvA 40; PvA 56 (=seta); Sdhp
a clyster).
Paṇipatati [pa+ni+pat] to fall down before Th 1, 375.
Paṇḍicca (nt.) [fr. paṇḍita] erudition, cleverness, skill, wisdom
Paṇipāta [fr. pa+ni+pat] prostration, adoration Dāvs v.53.
J i.383; Ps ii.185; Pug 25; Dhs 16 (=paṇḍitassa bhāvo DhsA
Paṇipātika (adj.) [fr. paṇipāta] consisting of a footfall, humbling 147), 292, 555. As pandicciya J vi.4.
or humble, devotional SnA 157.
Paṇḍita (adj.) [cp. Ved. paṇḍita] wise, clever, skilled,
Paṇiya (adj.) [ger. formation fr. paṇ, see paṇati & cp. BSk. circumspect, intelligent Vin ii.190 (+buddhimanto); D i.12
paṇya in tara — paṇya fare AvŚ i.148] to be sold or bought, (°vedaniya comprehensible only by the wise), 120 (opp. dup-
vendible, nt. article of trade, ware A ii.199; Vv 84 (=bhaṇḍa pañña); iii.192; M i.342; iii.61, 163, 178; S iv.375 (+viyatta
VvA 337); J iv.363 (=bhaṇḍa C. 366). medhāvin); v.151 (+vyatta kusala); A i.59, 68, 84, 101 sq.,
162 (paṇḍitā nibbānaṁ adhigacchanti); ii.3 sq., 118, 178, 228;
Paṇihita [pp. of paṇidahati] applied, directed, intent, bent on,
iii.48=It 16; Sn 115, 254, 335, 523, 721, 820, 1007, 1125 (Ep.
well directed, controlled S iv.309 (dup°); A i.8; v.87; Dh
of Jatukaṇṇī); It 86; Dh 22, 28, 63 (°mānin), 79, 88, 157, 186,
43; (sammā °ṁ cittaṁ); Sn 154 (su° mano= suṭṭhu ṭhapito
238, 289; J iii.52 (sasa°); Nd 124; Pv iv.3 (opp. bāla; =sap-
acalo SnA 200); Ps ii.41 (vimokkha); Miln 204, 333; 413. —
pañña PvA 254); Dhs 1302; Miln 3, 22; DA i.117; DhA iv.111;
appaṇihita in connection with samādhi & vimokkha seems to
VvA 257; PvA 39, 41, 60 (=pañña), 93, 99.
mean "free from all longings," see Vin iii.93=iv.25; S iv.295,
309, 360; Ps ii.43 sq., 100; Miln 337. Paṇḍitaka (adj.) [paṇḍita+ka] a pedant D i.107.
Paṇāma [fr. pa+nam, see paṇamati] bowing, bow, obeisance Th Paṇḍu (adj.) [cp. Ved. pāṇḍu, palita, pāṭala (pale — red); Gr.
2, 407 (°ṁ karoti). πελιτνός, πελλός, πόλιος (grey); Lat. palleo (to be pale),
pullus (grey); Lith. patvas (pale — yellow), pilkas (grey);
Paṇīta (adj.) [pp. of pa+neti in same application BSk.; cp. Divy
Ohg. falo (pale, yellowish, withered); E. pale] pale — red
385] 1. (lit.) brought out or to, applied, executed; used with
ref. to punishment (see paṇeti daṇḍaṁ) Pv iv.1 66 (°daṇḍa re- or yellow, reddish, light yellow, grey; only at Th 2, 79 (kisā
paṇḍu vivaṇṇā), where paṇḍu represents the usual up-paṇḍ'
ceiving punishment= ṭhapita — sarīra — daṇḍa PvA 242). —
2. (appl ) brought out or forth, (made) high, raised, exalted, -uppaṇḍuka-jātā: "thin, pale and colourless" see ThA 80).
Otherwise only in cpds., e. g.
lofty, excellent; with ref. to food (very often used in this sense)
-kambala a light red blanket, orange — coloured cloth S
"heaped up, plentiful, abundant." Synonymous with uttama
i.64 (=ratta — kambala C.); A i.181; Sn 689 (=ratta SnA 487);
(DA i.109, 171), uḷāra (PvA 25, 228), atuḷa (PvA 110); opp.
also a kind of ornamental stone, Sakka's throne (p. — k. —
hīna (D iii.215; A iii.349; v.140; Vism 11), lūkha (S ii.153;
VvA 64). — D i.12 (dhammā gambhīrā... paṇītā...), 109 (khā- silā) is made of it J i.330; ii.93; ii.53, (°silāsana); v.92 (id.); Pv
ii.9 60 (°silā=p. — k — nāmaka sīlāsana PvA 138); VvA 110
daniya); ii.127 (id.) iii.215 (with hīna & majjhima — dhātu); S
(id.); KhA 122 (°varāsana); DhA i.17 (°silāsana). -palāsa a
i.136 (dhammo gambhīro etc.); ii.153 (dhātu), 154 (paṇidhi);
withered leaf Vin i.96=iii.47; iv.217; Dh 233, VbhA 244; KhA
iii.47; iv.360; v.66 (dhammā), 226 (etaṁ padaṁ), 266 (sattā);
62; on °palāsika (DA i.270) see J.P.T.S. 1893, 37. -mattikā
A i.284; ii.171, 190; iv.10, 332, 423; v.8, 36 and passim; Sn
240, 389; It 44; Pv i.5 ; iv.1 ; Pug 28 (°âdhimutta having yellow loam, clay soil KhA. 59. -roga jaundice Vin i.206

Paṇḍu Patākā

(°ābādha) 276 (id.); J i.431; ii.102; DhA i.25. -rogin suf- 210 (suvaṇṇa°), 401 (cakkavāko sevāla paṇaka — bhakkho);
fering from jaundice J ii.285; iii.401. -vīṇā yellow flute (of KhA 61 (sevāla°; cp. Schubring's kalpasūtra p. 46 sq.). — 3.
Pañcasikha): see beluva. -sīha yellow lion, one of the 4 kinds (see paṇṇa 2) a written leaf, a ticket DhsA 110.
SnA 125 (cp. Manor. — pūr. on A ii.33). -sutta orange —
Paṇṇatti see paññatti.
coloured string D i.76.
Paṇṇattika (adj.) [fr. paṇṇatti] having a manifestation or name,
Paṇḍuka ( — roga) perhaps to be read with v. l. at M ii.121 for
in a° — bhāva state without designation, state of non — mani-
festation, indefinite or unknown state (with ref. to the passing
Paṇṇa (nt.) [Ved. parṇa, cp. Ags. fearn, E. fern] 1. a leaf nature of the phenomenal world) DhA i.89; ii.163.
(esp. betel leaf) Vin i.201 (5 kinds of leaves recommended for
Paṇṇarasa & Paṇṇavīsati see pañca 1. B, & C.
medicinal purposes, viz. nimba° Azadirachta Indica, kuṭaja°
Paṇṇāsa see pañca 2. A.
Wrightia antidysenterica, paṭola° Trichosanthes dioeca, su-
lasi° or tulasi° basil, kappāsika° cotton, see Vin. Texts ii.46) Paṇṇi (f.) [=paṇṇa] a leaf Vin i.202 (taka°).
A i.183 (tiṇa+) Sn 811 (p. vuccati paduma — pattaṁ Nd 1 Paṇṇika [paṇṇa+ika] one who deals with greens, a florist or
135); J i.167; ii.105 (nimba)°; KhA 46 (khitta — p. — kosa —
greengrocer J i.411; ii.180; iii.21 (°dhītā); Miln 331.
saṇṭhāna); PvA 115 (=patta) tālapaṇṇa a fan of palm leaves Vv
33 43 (=tālapattehi kata — maṇḍala — vījanī VvA 147); hari- Paṇṇikā (f.) [to paṇṇaka; cp. Sk. parṇikā; meaning uncertain, cp.
Kern, Toev. p. 17 s. v.] greens, green leaves, vegetable Vin
tapaṇṇa greens, vegetable SnA 283; sūpeyyapaṇṇa curry leaf
ii.267 (na harītaka °ṁ pakinitabbaṁ, trsl. at Vin. Texts iii.343
J i.98. — 2. a leaf for writing upon, written leaf, letter; do-
by "carry on the business of florist and seedsman," thus taken
nation, bequest (see below paṇṇākāra) J i.409 (cp. paṭipaṇṇa);
as paṇṇika, cp. also Vin. Texts iii.112); J i.445 (paṇṇikāya
ii.104; iv.151 (ucchangato p. °ṁ nīharati); DhA i.180; PvA
saññaṁ adāsi is faulty; reading should be saṇṇikāya "with the
20 (likhā° written message). paṇṇaṁ āropeti to send a letter J
goad," of saṇ(ṇ)ikā=Sk. sṛṇi elephant — driver's hook).
i.227; pahiṇati id. J iv.145; v.458; peseti id. J i.178; iv.169.
paṇṇaṁ likhati to write a letter J ii. 174; vi.369 (paṇṇe wrote Paṇhi (m. & f.) [Ved. pārṣṇi, Av. paṣṇā, Lat. perna, Gr. πτέρνα,
on a leaf), 385 iṇa° a promissory note J i.230; iv.256. — p. as Goth. fairzna, Ohg. fersana=Ger. ferse] the heel Vin ii.280
ticket or label at DhsA 110. — 3. a feather, wing see su°. (°samphassa); J ii.240; v.145; Sdhp 147, 153. See next.
-ākāra "state or condition of writing" (see ākāra 1), i. e.
Paṇhikā (f.) [fr. paṇhi] the heel J i.491; KhA 49 (°aṭṭhi); Vism
object of writing; that which is connected or sent with a let-
253 (id.); PvA 185.
ter, a special message, donation, present, gift J i.377; ii.166;
Paṇhin (adj.) [fr. paṇhi] having heels D ii.17 (āyata° having pro-
iii.10; iv.316, 368; vi. 68, 390; SnA 78; DhA.184 326, 392,
jecting heels, the 3 of the 32 characteristics of a Mahāpurisa).
339: ii.80; iii.292 (dasavidha dibba°, viz. āyu etc.: see ṭhāna);
iv.11. -kuṭi a hut of leaves D iii.94; S i.226; J ii.44; Pv iii.2 ; Patati [Ved. patati, Idg. *pet "to fly" as well as "to fall." Cp. Av.
DA i.318. -chatta a fan of leaves J ii.277. -chattaka a leaf pataiti fly, hurry; Gr. πέτομαι fly, ὠκυπέτης quick, πίπτω fall;
— awning S i.90, 92. -dhāra a holder made of leaves J v.205. Lat. praepes quick, peto to go for, impetus, attack etc.] to fall,
-pacchi leaf — basket, a b. for greens J vi.369. -puṭa a palm jump, fall down on (loc., acc. & instr.), to alight J i.278 (dī-
— leaf basket PvA 168. -saññā a mark of leaves (tied up to pake); Sn 248 (nirayaṁ); Pv iv.10 (1st pl. patāmase); Miln
mark the boundary of a field) J i.153. -santhāra a spreading 187; PvA 45, ppr. patanto J i.263 (asaniyā); iii.188 (nāvāya);
leaf, leaf cover, adj. spread with leaves A i.136; J vi.24. -sālā fut. patissati J iii.277; aor. pati Sn 1027 (sirasā); J iii.55; Pv
a hut of leaves, a hermitage J i.6, 7, 138; ii.101 sq.; vi.30, 318 i.7 ; ger. patitvā J i.291; iii.26; PvA 16; DhA iii.196 (vv. ll.
(nala — bhittikaṁ °ṁ katvā); vi.24. -susa (& sosa) drying papāta & papatā the latter aor. of papatati, q. v.); ger. patitvā
the leaves (said of the wind) KhA 15. J i.291; iii.26; PvA 16. — pp. patita (q. v.). — Caus. pāteti
(q. v.). Pass. (Caus.) patīyati is brought to fall also intrs. rush
Paṇṇaka [paṇṇa+ka] 1. green leaves (collectively), vegetable,
away J iv.415 (=palāyati C.); Miln 187.
greens J vi.24 (kāra° vegetable as homage or oblation); Pv
iii.3 (panko paṇṇako ca, expl as "kaddamo vā udakac- Patatthi at J vi.276 is misprint for pathaddhi (q. v.).
chikkhalo vā" PvA 189, but evidently misunderstood for
Patana (nt. adj.) [fr. patati] falling, falling out, ruin, destruction
"withered leaves"); PvA 256 (tiṇakaṭṭha — paṇṇaka — sala,
J i.293 (akkhīni); ii.154; iii.188 (geha°); vi.85 (usu° range of
is reading correct?). — 2. N. of a water plant, most
his arrow).
likely a kind of fern (see Kern, Toev. ii.16 q. v.). Of-
ten comb with sevāla (Blyxa Octandra), e. g. at J ii.324; Patanaka (adj.) [fr. patana] on the point of falling, going to fall,
falling J vi.358.
v.37. — The spelling is also paṇaka, even more frequent
than paṇṇaka and also comb with sevāla, e. g. Vin iii.177 Patanu (adj.) [pa+tanu] very thin J vi.578 (°kesa); Dhs 362
(in comb saṇkha — sevāla°, where Bdhgh explains "sankho (°bhāva)=DhsA 238; Kvu 299 (id.).
ti dīghamūlako paṇṇasevālo vuccati, sevālo ti nīlasevālo, Patara [Vedic pradara, pa+dṛ, with t. for d.; see Trenckner, Notes
avaseso udaka — pappaṭaka — nīla — bījak' ādi sabbo 'ti 62 ; Geiger, P.Gr. § 39, 4] a split, a slit J iv.32.
paṇako ti sankhaṁ gacchati"); S v.122; A iii.187, 232, 235;
Patarati [pa+tarati] 1. to go through or forth, to run out, to cross
J iv.71 (sevāla°); Miln 35 (sankha — sevāla — p. which
the Manor — pūṛ expl ns by udaka — pappaṭaka, and also over D i.248; J iii.91 (aor. patari). — 2. to overflow, boil over
(of water) Miln 260. — Caus. patāreti (q. v.).
as "nīlamaṇḍūkapiṭṭhivaṇṇena udakapiṭṭhiṁ chādetvā nibatta-
paṇakaṁ" see Trenckner, Miln 421 and cp. Miln. trsl i.302), Patākā (f.) [cp. later Sk. patākā] a flag, banner (cp. dhaja) J i.52;

Patākā Patodaka

VvA 31, 173. 123.
Patāpa [fr. pa+tap] splendour, majesty Vv 40 (=tejas, ānubhāvo Patiṭṭhāpita [pp. of patiṭṭhāpeti] put down, set down, established
VvA 180). PvA 139.
Patāpavant (adj.) [fr. patāpa] splendid, majestic Sn 550 (=juti- Patiṭṭhāpitar [n. ag. of patiṭṭhāpeti] one who establishes A v.66.
mantatāya p. SnA 453); Th 1, 820.
Patiṭṭhāpeti [Caus. of patiṭṭhahati, cp. BSk. praṭiṣṭhā-payati Jtm
Patāpeti [pa+tāpeti, Caus. of tap] scorch, burn fiercely Vv 79 5 224] to establish, set up, fix, put into, instal D i.206; S i.90; J
(=ativiya dīpeti VvA 307). Sdhp 573. i.152; 168, 349 (sotāpatti — phale); PvA 22 (id.), 38 (id.) 50
(saraṇesu ca sīlesu ca), 223 (id.), 76 (ceṭiyaṁ), 78 (upāsakab-
Patāyati [in form=pa+tāyati, diff. in meaning; not sufficiently
expl , see Kern, Toev. p. 29 s. v. It is probably a dis- hāve), 131, 132 (hatthe). — aor. patiṭṭhāpesi J i.138. — pp.
patiṭṭhāpita (q. v.).
torted *sphāṭayati: see under pharati, phalaka and phāteti] to
be spread out, intrs. to spread (?) A iv.97 (kodho p., as if fr. Patiṭṭhāha [fr. patiṭṭhahati] having one's footing in, hold on,
pat); J iii.283 (C. nikkhamati, as if fr. tṛ, Kern. trsl "to be for tenacity Dhs 381=Nd 271 DhsA 253. The v. l. at Nd is
sale"). paṭiggāha which is also read by Dhs.
Patāreti [Caus. of patarati] to make go forth, to bring over or Patiṭṭhita [pp. of patiṭṭhahati] established in (loc.), settled, fixed,
through M i.225; A iii.432 (v. l. M. pakaroti). — aor. arrayed, stayed, standing, supported, founded in D iii.101 (su-
patārayi in meaning "strive" at J iii.210 (=patarati vāyamati patiṭṭhita — citta); M i.478; S i.40, 45, 185 (dhammesu); It
C. but Rhys Davids. "to get away from"); as "assert" at J v.117. 77; Sn 409, 453; J i.51 (kucchimhi), 262 (rajje); Pv i.4 ; ii.9 69
Pati [Ved. pati, Av. paitis lord, husband; Gr. πόσις husband, (dussīlesu); Miln 282; VvA 110 (°gabbhā), 259 (°saddha);
PvA 34 (jāta+) — nt. °ṁ arrangement, settling, in pañca° the
Lat. potis, potens, possum, hos — pes; Goth. brūp — faps
fivefold array, a form of respectful greeting, see under pañca.
bridegroom, hunda faps centurion, Lith. pāts husband] lord,
master, owner, leader. — 1. in general D iii.93 (khettānaṁ p. Patiṭṭhīyati [only apparently (Pass.) to patiṭṭhahati, of sthā, but
gloss adhipati). Mostly — °; see under gavam°, gaha°, dāna°, in reality=Sk. prati — sthyāyate, of sthyā, see thīna. Ought
yūtha°, senā°. — 2. husband S i.210; Sn 314; J iii.138; PvA to be paṭitthīyati; but was by popular analogy with patiṭṭhāya
161. See also sapatika (with her husband), patibbatā & patika. changed to patiṭṭhīyati] to be obdurate, to offer resistance A
-kula her husband's clan ThA 283; VvA 206; -devatā a i.124; ii.203; iii.181 sq.; J iv.22 (aor. °ṭṭhīya); Pug 36; KhA
devoted wife J iii.406; VvA 128. 226.
Pati (indecl.) [Vedic prati etc.) a doublet of paṭi; both often found Patita [pp. of patati] fallen Dh 68, 320; J i.167; Miln 187; PvA
side by side; pati alone always as prep. (with acc.) and as pre- 31 (read pātita), 56.
fix with sthā (paṭiṭṭhāti, patiṭṭhita etc.). All cases are referred Patitaka (adj.) [fr. last] thrown or fallen into (loc.), dropped Vism
to the form with paṭi°, except in the case of patiṭṭh°. The more
frequent cases are the foll.: patikāra, °kuṭati, °caya, °dissati,
Patitiṭṭhati [paṭi+titthati] to stand up again Th 1, 173.
°nandati, °manteti, °māneti, °ruddha, °rūpa, °līna, °sallāna,
etc. °sibbati, °sevati, °ssata, °ssaya, °ssava. Patittha [pa+tittha] a bank of a river or lake, su° (adj.) with beau-
tiful banks S i.90; Pv ii.1 (=sundaratittha PvA 77).
Patika (adj.) [only f. patikā and only as — °] having a husband
in mata° "with husband dead," a widow Th 2, 221 (=vidhuva Patibbatā (f.) [pati+vatā] a devoted wife (cp. patidevatā) J ii.121;
ThA 179); J v.103 (ap° without husband, v. l. for appatīta, vi.533; VvA 56, 110.
C. expl by assāmika). pavuttha° (a woman) whose husband
Patissata see paṭi°.
lives abroad Vin ii.268; iii.83; Miln 205 (pavuttha°). See also
Patīta [pp. of pacceti] pleased, delighted Dh 68; Sn 379, 679;
pañcapatika & sapatika. 10
Vv 84 (=pahaṭṭha VvA 337). — neg. appatīta displeased
Patika at Vism 28 is to be read pātika (vessel, bowl, dish). ns
M i.27; J v.103 (v. l. appatika, C expl by assāmika, i. e.
Patiṭṭhahati (& Patiṭṭhāti) [paṭi+sthā] to stand fast or firmly, to without husband).
find a support in (loc.), to be established (intrs.), to fix one-
Patīyati see patati.
self, to be set up, to stay; aor. patiṭṭhahi DhA iii.175 (sotāpat-
Pateyya in phrase alam-pateyya at D iii.71 (kumārikā alam —
tiphale), PvA 42 (id.), 66 (id.); VvA 69 (sakadāgāmiphale);
pateyyā), 75 (id.) means "surely fit to have husbands, ripe for
and patiṭṭhāsi Miln 16. — fut. °ṭṭhahissati J v.458 (°hes-
marriage" (?)
sati); DhA iii.171. — ger. patiṭṭhāya Sn 506; J ii.2 (rajje);
iii.52; v.458 (rajje); Miln 33; PvA 142. — pp. patiṭṭhita (q. Patoda [fr. pa+tud cp. Ved. pratoda] a goad, driving stick, prick,
v.). — Caus. patiṭṭhāpeti (q. v.). spur M i.124; iii.97; S iv.176; A ii.114; iii.28; iv.91; v.324; Th
1, 210; J i.57, 192; Dhs 16, 20, 292; Pug 25; SnA 147; ThA
Patiṭṭhā (f.) [fr. pati+sthā. Cp. Ved. pratiṣṭhā support, founda-
174; Sdhp 367.
tion] support, resting place, stay, ground, help, also (spiritual)
-laṭṭhi a driver's stick, goad — stick [cp. BSk. prato-
helper, support for salvation S i.1 (ap°); ii.65; iii.53; Sn 173;
dayaṣṭi Divy 7, 76, 463, 465] D i.105, 126; J vi.249; Miln 27;
Dh 332; J i.149; iv.20; Miln 302; DhsA 261; VvA 138; PvA
DhA i.302; ii.38; iv.216; VvA 64. As °yaṭṭhi at Dpvs xi.30.
53, 60 (=dīpa), 87 (=dīpa), 141 (su°), 174 (su°=dīpa).
Patodaka (adj. n.) [fr. pa+tud] lit. pushing, spurring; only in
Patiṭṭhāna (nt.) [fr. paṭi+sthā cp. late Sk. pratiṣṭhāna] fixing,
phrase anguli° nudging with one's fingers Vin iii.84 =iv.110
setting up, support, help, ground (for salvation) Sn 1011: PvA

Patodaka Patti

(here to be taken as "tickling"); D i.91 (cp. Dial. i.113); A dukkha° afflicted with pain J vi.336; domanassa° dejected J
iv.343. ii.155; patti° attained one's (possible) share It 32; bala° (be-
Patta (nt.) [Ved. patra, to *pet as in patati (q. v. & see come) strong D ii.157; vaya° (become) old, come of age J
ii.421 (+soḷasa — vassa — kāle); PvA 68; somanassa° pleased
also paṇṇa); cp. Gr. πτερόν wing, πτέρυς id.; Lat. penna
J iii.74; haritu° covered with green M i.343; J i.50, 399. Also
feather=Ger. fittig.; acci — piter; Ohg. fedara=E. feather etc.]
as ° —, but less frequent, meaning often equal to prep. "with,"
1. the wing of a bird, a feather Vin iv.259; D i.71. kukkuṭa°
"after," etc., as pattâbhiseka after consecration DhA iv.84;
a hen's quill (for sewing) Vin ii.215. — 2. a leaf M i.429;
Sn 44=64 (sañchinna°, see Nd 625); 625 (pokkhara° lotus l.); SnA 484; pattuṇṇa with wool SnA 263; °dhamma mastering
Dh 401 (id.); Nd 135 (paduma°); Pv ii.9 (=paṇṇa PvA 15); the Dh. Vin i.16; the same at DhA iv.200 in meaning of patti°,
i. e. "merit attained"; °mānasa (?) It 76 (v. l. satta°); °sam-
VvA 147 (tāla°); ThA 71; PvA 283 (nigrodha°). asi — patta
bodhi It 97 (v. l. satta°). — Opp. appatta not obtained (see
— vana "sword — leaf — forest" (a forest in Niraya) Sn 673;
also patti 2), i. e. without Dh 272 (cp. DhA iii.58); Pug 51
PvA 221. — 3. a small thin strip of metal at the lute Miln 53;
(°pānabhojana, so read for appanna°). — Cp. sam
VvA 281.
-āḷhalka a toy measure made of palm — leaves Vin ii.10; Patta at Dpvs xi.18 for pattin or pattika, foot — man, infantry.
iii.180; D i.6 (cp. DA i.86); M i.266; A v.203; Miln 229. 1
Patta-kkhandha [perhaps patta +khandha, thus "leaf-
-gandha odour of leaves Dhs 625. -nāḷī rib of a feather DhA
shouldered," i. e. with shoulders drooping like leaves; the
i.394. -phala leaf — fruit, a leaf and fruit, vegetables Sn
Commentators explain patta as contracted form of patita
239 (=yaṁ kiñci harita — pannaṁ SnA 283); PvA 86. -yāna
fallen, thus "with shoulders falling." We may have to deal
having wings as vehicle, "winggoer," i. e. a bird Sn 606 (=pat-
with an old misspelling for panna (=pa+ nam bent down, put
tehi yantī ti pattayānā SnA 465); J ii.443. -rasa taste of leaves n
down), which expl would suit the sense better than any other]
Dhs 629; juice of leaves Vin i.246 (+puppharasa & ucchurasa). d
downcast, dejected, disappointed Vin ii.77=iii.162 (trsl "with
-salākā leaf — ticket DhA iv.65. d
fallen hearts," expl as patita, see Vin. Texts iii.13); S i.124;
Patta (m. & nt.) [Ved. pātra, fr. Idg. *pōtlom=Lat. pocu-lum M i.132, 258; iii.298; A iii.57; J v.17; Miln 5.
beaker, Oir. ōl. See pāna & pibati] a bowl, esp. the alms — 2
Pattaka (nt.) [fr. patta ] a (little) bowl Th 2, 28.
bowl of a bhikkhu Vin i.46, 50, 51, 61, 224 (patte pūresuṁ); 3
Pattatta (nt.) (—°) [abstr. fr. patta ] the fact of being furnished
ii.111, 126, 224, 269; S i.112; A iv.344; Sn 413, 443; J i.52,
or possessed with Vism 524.
55 (pattaṁ thavikāya pakkhipati), 69; iii.535 (puṇṇa °ṁ deti
to give a full bowl, i. e. plenty); v.389 (pl. pattāni); Vism 108 Pattabba (adj.) [grd. of pāpuṇāti] to be gained or attained; nt. that
(āṇigaṇṭhik' āhato ayopatto); DhA iv.220 (°ṁ pūreti); PvA 35, which can be attained or won SnA 443. See also pattiya .
61, 76, 88, 141. — Two kinds of bowls are mentioned at Vin
Pattali (°lī) (f.) [according to Kern, Toev. s. v. to be read as either
iii.243, viz. ayo° of iron & mattikā° of clay, dāru° a wooden
sattali or sattalā] plantain Th 2, 260 (=kadali ThA 211).
bowl Vin ii.112, 143. uda° a bowl of water or a water — bowl
Patti [Ved. patti, *pad (of pada)+ti] on foot, one who is on foot,
M i.100; S v.121; A iii.230 sq. cp. odapattakinī. — pattassa
a foot — soldier Vin iv.105 (as one of the 4 constituents of a
mukhavaṭṭi J v.38. — fut. pātī (q. v.).
senā or army, viz. hatthī elephants, assā, horses, rathā char-
-ādhāraka bowl support, bowl — hold Vin ii.113.
iots, pattī infantry); J iv.494 (hatthī, assā, rathā, pattī); 463
-kaṇḍolikā a wicker — work stand for a bowl Vin ii.114 (cp.
(hatthī assā rathā, pattī senā padissate mahā); Vism 19. Cp.
Vin. Texts iii.86). -gata gone into the bowl, alms given Th 1, 1
155; Pv iv.7 . -gāhāpaka one who is going to take a bowl, a pattika .
-kāya a body of foot soldiers, infantry S i.72 (cp. BSk.
receiver of a b. Vin ii.177 (+sāṭiya° etc.); A iii.275. -cīvara
same, at Jtm 215 with hasty — aśva — ratha°). -kārika (for
bowl and robe (see note in Dial ii.162) Vin i.46; ii.78, 194; S
i.76; J iii.379; Pv ii.13 ; DA i.45, 186; PvA 61. -tthavikā a °kārika, of prec.) a foot soldier, lit. one of a body of infantry J
iv.134; v.100; vi.15 (hatthāruhā anīkaṭṭhā rathikā pattikārikā),
bag to carry a bowl in Vin ii.114; J iii.364; VvA 40, 63; KhA
21, 463 (hatthī assā rathikā p.).
45. -dhovana "bowl — washing," (the water used for) wash-
ing the bowl Vin ii.214. -pāṇin hand on bowl, bowl in hand Patti (f.) [Classical Sk. prāpti fr. pa+āp, cp. patta ] 1. (—°) ob-
Sn 713; It 89=S iii.93≈; onīta° removing the hand from the taining, acquiring, getting, entering into, state of S i.189=Th
bowl: see onīta. -piṇḍika "eating from one vessel only" A 1, 1230 (nibbāna°); Sn 68 (paramattha°), 186 (nibbāna°); PvA
iii.220. -maṇḍala a circular artificial bottom of a bowl Vin 5 (vyasana), 112 (id.); Sdhp 379. — 2. attainment, acquisition
ii.112. -māḷaka a raised parapet (?) on which to put the bowl S ii.29 (aggassa); Sn 425 (yogakkhemassa); Nd 390 (=lābhā
Vin ii.114 (cp. Vin. Texts iii.86). -mūla the bottom of the paṭilābhā adhigamo phusanaṁ sacchikiriyā); esp. in phrase
bowl Vin ii.269. -vaṭṭi the brim of a bowl S iv.168. -saññin apattassa patti "att of the unattained" D iii.255= A iv.332; S
paying attention to one's bowl Vin ii.214. i.217; ii.29; A ii.148; iii.179; Kvu 581. — 3. gaining, gain,
Patta [pp. of pāpuṇāti] obtained, attained, got, reached (pass. profit, advantage S i.169 (brahma° "best vantage ground"). —
4. merit, profit, in special sense of a gift given for the ben-
& med.) Sn 55, 138, 478, 517, 542, 992; Dh 134 (nib-
efit of someone else (as a "dakkhiṇǡ"), accrediting, advising,
bānaṁ) 423; J i.255 (vināsaṁ); iv.139 (samuddaṁ); PvA
transference of merit, a gift of merit J ii.423, 425 (=dakkhiṇā);
4 (anayavyasanaṁ), 5 (sīsacchedaṁ), 71 (manussabhāvaṁ).
iv.21; DhA i.270 (opp. to mūla price); ii.4; iv.200 sq. (opp.
Very frequent as — ° and in meaning equal to finite verb or
to mūla). See also cpds. °dāna & °dhamma. — 5. that which
other phrase, when spelling °ppatta is restored (Sk. prāpta),
obtains (as a rule), occasion, happening, state, place, as gram.
e. g. ummādappatta out of mind PvA 6; jara° old J iii.394;

Patti Patha

t. t. loc. pattiyaṁ or pattiyā (—°) in lieu of SnA 310, 317. — Patthanā (f.) [of ap+arth, cp. Sk. prārthayati & prārthana
See sam°. nt., prārthanā f.] aiming at, wish, desire, request, aspiration,
-dāna an assigned or accredited gift, giving of merit (as prayer S ii.99, 154; A i.224; iii.47; v.212; Nd 316, 337 (p.
permanent acquisition), transference of merit VvA 188, 190; vuccati taṇhā); Nd 112; Nett 18, 27; Dhs 1059; Miln 3; SnA
PvA 9 (°vasena dānadhamma — pariccāgo), 49 (=dakkhiṇā) 47, 50; DhA ii.36; PvA 47. — patthanaṁ karoti to make a
88 (id.); Sdhp 229. -dhamma the practice of transferred wish J i.68; DhA i.48; °ṁ ṭhapeti id. DhA i.47; ii.83; iv.200.
merit, see Kvu trsl 161 , 170, & cp. pattadhamma. -patta,
Patthara [cp. late Sk. prastara. The ord. meaning of Sk. pr. is
one who has obtained what can be obtained, or the highest gain
"stramentum"] 1. stone, rock S i.32. — 2. stoneware Miln 2.
(i. e. Nibbāna) Sn 536 (=pattabbaṁ patto pattabbaṁ arahat-
Pattharati [pa+tharati] to spread, spread out, extend J i.62;
taṁ patto ti vuttaṁ hoti SnA 433), 537, 540.
iv.212; vi.279; DhA i.26; iii.61 (so read at J vi.549 in cpd
Patti (f.) [for patta ?] leaf, leafy part of a plant Vin i.201 (taka,
°pāda with spreading feet, v. l. patthaṭa°). — pp. patthaṭa
taka — patti, taka — paṇṇi).
(q. v.). — Caus. patthāreti with pp. patthārita probably
Pattika [fr. patti cp. pajja ] on foot, a pedestrian or soldier on also to be read at Th 1, 842 for padhārita.
foot, D i.50, 89, 106, 108; ii.73; A ii.117 (hatth' — āruha, as-
Pattharika [fr. patthara] a merchant Vin ii.135 (kaṁsa°).
sāruha, rathika, p.); J vi.145; Vism 396 (manussā pattikā gac-
Patthita [pp. of pattheti] wished for, desired, requested, sought
chanti); Sn 418; a form pattikārika is found, e. g. at J iv.
after Sn 836; Miln 227, 361; DhA iv.201; PvA 47 (°ākāra of
134; v.100; vi.15, 463; Ap. 316.
the desired kind, as wished for); Sdhp 79 (a°).
Pattika [fr. patti ] having a share, gain or profit; a partner, donor
Patthīna [pa+thīna] stiff D ii.335; DhsA 307. Also as patthinna
DhA i.270, 271.
at Vin i.286 (=atirajitattā thaddha Bdhgh, on p. 391); Vism
Pattika (adj. — n.) [fr. patta ] in dāru° (collecting alms) with
361 (=thīna p. 262); VbhA 67 (°sneha).
a wooden bowl, man with a wooden bowl D i.157 (cp. DA
Pattheti [pa+arth, cp. Sk. prārthayati] to wish for, desire, pray
for, request, long for S iv.125; v.145; Sn 114, 899; Th 2, 341;
Pattikā (f.) [fr. patta or patti ] a leaf, in tāla° palm — leaf S 1
Nd 312, 316; PugA 208 (āsaṁsati+); PvA 148; Sdhp 66, 319;
ii.217, 222.
ppr. patthento PvA 107; patthayanto J i.66 (paramâbhisaṁ-
Pattin (adj. n.) [fr. patta , Sk. *prāptin] attaining, one who ob- bodhiṁ); patthayaṁ Sn 70 (=icchanto patthayanto abhijap-
tains or gains Sn 513 (kiṁ°=kiṁ patta, adhigata SnA 425). panto Nd 392); patthayamāna M i.4; Sn 902; J i.259; DhA
Pattiya (adj. n.) [for *pratyaya=paccaya, cp. Trenckner, Notes iii.193; PvA 226 (=āsiṁsamāna); & patthayāno Sn 900; It
7 , 9] believing, trusting, relying J v.414 (para°); (m.) belief, 67, 115. — grd. patthetabba PvA 96, patthayitabba PvA 95,
and patthiya which only occurs in neg. form apatthiya what
trust J v.231 (parapattiyena by relying on others), 233 (id.), 7
ought not to be wished J iv.61; Pv ii.6 (=apatthayitabbaṁ PvA
414 (id.).
95); DhA i.29; also as napatthiya (med.) one who does not
Pattiya (adj.) [grd. of pāpuṇāti; cp. pattabba] to be attained, to wish for himself Sn 914 (cp. Nd 337). — pp. patthita (q.
be shared or profited Pv ii.9 31 (para° profitable to others, see v.).
expl at PvA 125).
Patvā see pāpuṇāti.
Pattiyāyati [denom. fr. pattiya ] to believe, trust, rely on J i.426;
Patha [of path, Ved. pathi with the 3 bases pathi, path° and
v.403; DA i.73.
panth°, of which only the last two have formed independent
Pattiyāyana (nt.) [fr. pattiyāyati] belief J v.402.
nouns, viz. patha and pantha (q. v.)] 1. path, road, way D
Pattīyati [denom. fr. patti ] to gain, to profit from (acc.) Miln i.63; Sn 176 (loc. pathe), 385, 540, 868; Nd 485 B (+pan-
240 (attānaṁ na p. does not profit from himself). tha, in expl of magga); J i.308 (loc. pathe); ii.39; vi.525 (abl.
Pattha [fr. pa+sthā. Cp. Epic Sk. prastha plateau] a lonely pathā); Th 1, 64; Pug 22, 57; Mhvs 21, 24 (pathe); 36, 93 (loc.
pathi, see Geiger, Gr. § 89); Sdhp 241. — 2. Very frequent
place, in cpd. vana° D i.71; Pug 59 etc., a wilderness in the
forest, expl by Bdhgh as "gāmantaṁ atikkamitvā manussā- as — °, where it is sometimes pleonastic, and acts in the func-
tion of an abstract formation in °tā or °ttaṁ (cp. similar use
naṁ anupacāra — ṭṭhānaṁ yattha na kasanti na vapanti" DA 1
of anta: see anta 5; and pada: see pada 3), e. g. anila° (air) J
i.210; Ud 43 (patthañ ca sayan' āsanaṁ, ed.; but better with
id. p. Dh 185 as pantañ, which is expl at DhA iii.238 by iv.119; anupariyāya° A iv.107; ādicca° (path of the sun, sky)
DhA iii.177; ummagga° S i.193; kamma° DhA i.36; gaṇana°
"vivittaṁ," i, e. separately). Cp. with this Sk. vana — prastha
(range of) calculation Miln 20; cakkhu° J iv.403 (=cakkhū-
a forest situated on elevated land.
naṁ etaṁ nāmaṁ C.); catummahā° A iii.28, 42, 394; dve° Vv
Pattha [cp. late Sk. prastha] a Prastha (certain measure of ca- 17 2
53 ; nakkhatta° Dh 208; yañña° (=yañña) Nd 524; yogga° A
pacity)=1/4 of an Āḷhaka; a cooking utensil containing one
iii.122; rajā° S ii.219; rāga° (sensuality) S iv.70; vacana° (way
Prastha DhA ii.154; SnA 476 (cattāro patthā āḷhakaṁ). 17
of saying, speech) Vv 63 (=vacana VvA 262), etc. See also
Patthaṭa [pp. of pattharati] stretched, spread out J i.336; Vism cakkhu°, ñeyya°, dveḷhā°, manussa°, yañña°, vāda°, sagga°,
364; DA i.311. hattha°; der. pātheyya. — See also byappatha. — apatha
where there is no way or road, wrong way J ii.287; ThA 255;
Patthaṇḍila [pa+thandila] hermitage M ii.155.
VvA 337.
Patthaddha [pa+thaddha] (quite) stiff Vin ii.192; Th 1, 1074.
-addhan "the journey or stretch of the path": see under ad-

Patha Padakkhiṇa

dhan. -addhi (?) so perhaps to be read for patatthi, according when it is said that the Majjhima Nikāya consists of 80,523
to Fausböll J vi.276. Unclear in meaning, expl by nibbiddha padas and 740,053 akkharas. — Neg. apada (1) without feet,
vīthi (frequented road?) -gamana "going on their course," of footless A iv.434 (Māra; v. l. apara); It 87 (sattā,+ dvipada
the stars D i.10 (see Dial. i.20 "their usual course"). etc.). — (2) trackless, leaving no footprint, fig. having no de-
sires (i. e. signs of worldliness) Dh 179 (rāga, etc., as padāni
Pathabya [fr. pathavi=paṭhavi] belonging to the earth, ruler of the
DhA iii.197, but cp. also p. 194.)
earth (?) A iv.90 (reading uncertain).
-attha meaning of a word KhA 81, 84; SnA 91. -
Pathavi see paṭhavi.
ânupadaṁ (adv.) on the track DhA ii.38. -ânupadika fol-
Pathāvin [fr. patha] a traveller Vin iv.108; J vi.65; DA i.298. lowing one's footsteps J ii.78; DhA ii.94 (therānaṁ); nt. adv.
°ṁ close behind DhA i.290. -ānupubbatā (or °ta) succession
Pada (nt.) [Ved. pad, pād (m.) foot, and also pāda; pada (nt.) 1 n 2
of words Nd 140 (in expl of "iti"; cp. SnA 28); Nd 137
step. Cp. Gr. πώς (πούς)=Lat. pēs, Goth. fōtus =Ohg
fuoz=E. foot; further Arm. het track, Gr. πεδά after, πέδον (id.; reading °ka). -uddhāra synopsis of a verse SnA 237
(atthuddhāra+). -kusala clever at following a trail J iii.501,
field, πεζός on foot, etc.; Lith. péda track; Ags. fetvan=E.
505. -cārikā a female (foot — ) servant J iv.35. -cetiya
fetch. — The decl. in Pāli is vocalic (a), viz. pada; a trace
of the consonant (root) decl. is instr. sg. padā (Th 1, 457; "step — shrine," a holy footprint, a miraculous footprint left
Sn 768), of cons. (s) decl. instr. padasā with the foot, on on the ground by a holy man DhA iii.194. -ccheda sepa-
foot (D i.107; J iii.371; DhA i.391). — Gender is nt., but ration of words, parsing SnA 150. -jāta (nt.) pedal char-
acter S i.86. -ṭṭhāna [cp. Sk. padasthāna footprint] "prox-
nom. pl. is frequently found as padā, e. g. at Dh 273; Nett
imate cause" (Cpd. 13, 23) Nett 1 sq., 27 sq., 40 sq., 104;
192 (mūla°)] 1. foot Dh 273=SnA 366 (? saccānaṁ caturo
Vism 84. -dvaya twofold part (of a phrase), i. e. antecedent
padā); DA i.85; usually — °, like hatthipadaṁ elephant's foot
and subsequent DhsA 164. -parama one whose highest at-
M i.176, 184; S i.86; v.43, 231; and with numerals dvi° &
tainment is the word (of the text, and not the sense of it) A
di°, catup°, aṭṭha° (q. v.). In aṭṭha° also meaning "square of a
ii.135; J vi.131; Pug 41 ("vyañjanapadam eva paramaṁ assā
chessboard." — 2. step, footstep, track Dh 179 (of a Buddha,
ti" PugA 223. -pāripūrī (f.) expletive particle Nd 137; SnA
cp. DhA iii.194 & 197) J i.170 (footmark) ii.154; in redupl.
28. -pūraṇa filling out a verse; as tt. g. expletive particle
— iterative formation padāpadaṁ step by step Sn 446 (v. l.
SnA 590 (a), 139 (kho), 137 (kho pana), 378 (tato), 536 (pi),
padânupadaṁ), and pade padaṁ Sn p. 107 (cp. SnA 451). —
230 (su), 416 (ha), 377 (hi); KhA 219 (tam), 188 (su); VvA
3. (Often synonymous with °patha i. e. way, kind, & some-
10 (maya). -bhājana dividing of words, i. e. treating each
times untranslatable) (a) lit. way, path, position, place Vin
word (of a phrase) separately DhsA 234. -bhājaniya divi-
ii.217 (nakkhatta° constellation); J i.315 (assama° =assama);
sion of a phrase DhsA 54. -bhāṇa reciting or preaching (the
v.75 (id.), 321 (id.); vi.76 (id.); vi.180 (v. l. patha; C. mahā-
words of the Scriptures) DhA ii.95; iii.345; iv.18. -vaṇṇanā
magga); mantapada=manta D i.104 (cp. DA i.273). See also n
janapada, saggapada. — (b) in appl meaning (modal): case, expl of a pada or single verse SnA 65, 237; KhA 125, 132,
228. -valañja a footprint, track J vi.560; DhA ii.38; iii.194.
lot, principle, part, constituent, characteristic, ingredient, item,
-viggaha separation of words, resolution of a compound into
thing, element M i.176 (cattāri padāni 4 characteristics); S i.7
its components VvA 326. -vibhāga separation of words,
(pade pade "now in this thing, now in that" C. ārammaṇe āram-
parsing SnA 269; PvA 34. -saṁsagga contact of words Nd 1
maṇe), 212 (amataṁ p.=nibbāna); ii.280 (id.); A ii.51 (id.), It 2
39 (p. asankhataṁ=nibbāna); Sn 88 (dhammapade sudesite; 139; Nd 137; SnA 28. -sadda sound of footsteps Sn p. 80;
expl as nibbānadhamma SnA 164; dhammapada=Dhamma), J iv.409. -sandhi euphonic combination of words Nd 445;
ibid. (anavajja — padāni sevamāna=principles), 700 (mon- Nd 137; KhA 155, 224; SnA 28, 40, 157 etc.; PvA 52. -silā
eyyaṁ uttamaṁ padaṁ, thing; but SnA 491 expl as uttama a stone for stepping on, flag Vin ii.121=154.
— paṭipadaṁ), 765; Dh 21, 93, 114 (amataṁ), 254, 368 (san- Padaka (adj.) [fr. pada ] one who knows the padas (words or
taṁ=nibbānass' etaṁ nāmaṁ, santakoṭṭhāsaṁ DhA iv.108); lines), versed in the padapāṭha of the Veda (Ep. of an educated
Pv iv.3 48 (amataṁ); Nett 2= 192 (nava padāni kusalāni); SnA Brahmin) D i.88=Sn p. 105 (where AvŚ ii.19 in id. p. has
397 (nāmādi p.); Sdhp 47 (accutaṁ santaṁ p.), 615 (para- padaśo=P. padaso word by word, but Divy 620 reads padako;
maṁ). See further dhamma°, nibbāna°, santi°, sikkhā°. — ajjheti vedeti cā ti padako); M i.386; A i.163, 166; Sn 595;
4. a word, verse (or a quarter of a verse), stanza, line, sen- Miln 10, 236.
tence S ii.36 (ekena padena sabbo attho vutto); S iv.379=A 2
Padaka (nt.)=pada 3, viz. basis, principle or pada 4, viz. stanza,
v.320 (agga°); A ii.182 (+vyañjana & desanā); 189 (attha°
line J v.116 (=kāraṇa — padāni C.).
text, motto); iii.356 (id.); Sn 252 (=dhamma — desanā SnA 1
Padaka (nt.) [fr. pada ] in cpd. aṭṭha° an "eight — foot," i. e. a
293), 374; Dh 273; J i.72 (atireka — pada — satena); Nett
small inset square (cp. aṭṭha — pada chess — board), a patch
4 (akkharaṁ padaṁ vyañjanaṁ, cp. nāmādīhi padehi at SnA
(?) Vin i.297. See also padika.
397, which is to be understood as nāma, pada & vyañjana, i.
e. word, sentence & letter, cp. Mvyutp. 104, 74 — 76); Miln Padakkhiṇa (adj.) [pa+dakkhiṇa] 1. "to the right," in phrase
148 (āhacca°); KhA 169; SnA 409 (ubhaya°), 444; VvA 3, 13; padakkhiṇaṁ karoti (with acc. of object) to hold (a person,
PvA 10, 26, 117 (word, term). abl. padaso (adv.) sentence by etc.) to one's right side, i. e. to go round so as to keep the
s tce or word by word Vin iv.14 (dhammaṁ vāceti=anupadaṁ right side turned to a person, a mode of reverential salutation
C.; cp. KhA 190 p. °dhamma). At MA i.2 pada (sentence Vin i.17; S i.138; A i.294; ii.21, 182; iii.198; Sn 1010; J i.50,
or division of a sentence) is contrasted with akkhara (word), 60; iii.392. — 2. "(prominent) with the right," i. e. skilful,

Padakkhiṇa Paduma

clever, quick in learning J iv.469 (=susikkhita C.). — 3. lucky, destroyer, breaker, in phrase mahato kāyassa padāletā the
auspicious, turning out well or favourable J v.353 (=sukha — destroyer of a great body (or bulk) A i.284 sq. (in sequence
nipphattin vuddhi — yutta C.). dūre — pātin, akkhaṇavedhin, m. k. p.); ii.170 sq., 202; cp.
-ggāhin "right — handed," i. e. cleverly taking up (what is padāleti .
taught), good at grasping or understanding A iii.79, 180, v.24
Padāleti [Caus. of pa+dal] 1. to cleave, break, pierce, destroy, in
sq., 90, 338; DhA ii.105. — Opp. appadakkhiṇaggāhin "left n
comb °khandhaṁ padāleti to destroy the great mass of..., e.
— handed," unskilled, untrained (cp. Ger. "linkisch") S ii.204
g. tamo° It 8 (padālayuṁ); Th 2, 28 (ger. padāliya=moha°
sq.; J iii.483. -ggāhitā skilfulness, quick grasp, cleverness
padālitvā ThA 34); lobha° S v.88; avijjā° A i.285. — 2.
KhA 148.
to break, break down, tear down, burst open J i.73 (pab-
Padatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. pada] being or constituting a lot, part or bata — kūṭāni); iv.173 (matthakaṁ p°etvā uṭṭhita — singā);
element SnA 164. v.68 (silāya matthakaṁ); Miln 332 (diṭṭhi — jālaṁ); DA i.37
(Sineruṁ). See also sam° — pp. padālita (q. v.).
Padara (nt.) [pa+dara of dṛ, cp. dabba, darati, dāru] 1. a cleft,
split, fissure, crevice M i.469; S ii.32; Sn 720 (=darī SnA 500); Padika (adj.) [fr. pada 1; cp. padaka ] consisting of feet or parts,
comb with kandara at Miln 36, 296, 411; PvA 29. — 2. a — fold; dvādasa° twelve fold J i.75 (paccayākāra).
board, plank J ii.10 91 (°sakaṭa) 112; iii.181; v.47 sq.; vi.432
Paditta [pp. of pa+dīp, cp. Sk. pradīpta] kindled, set on fire,
(°cchanna); SnA 330 (dabba° oar), 355; DhA ii.55; iii.296. —
blazing S iii.93 ≈ (chav' âlataṁ ubhato padittaṁ); J vi.108;
3. Wrong spelling for badara at J iv.363 (beluvā p°āni ca) &
Sdhp 208 (°angārakāsuṁ).
Padippati [pa+dippati] to flame forth, to blaze Cp iii 9 (davaḍāho
-sañcita filled with clefts (?) Vin iv.46. -samācāra re-
p.). — pp. paditta (q. v.). — Caus. padīpeti (q. v.).
fractiousness, disobedience (?) M i.469.
Padissa (adj.) [grd. of padissati] being seen, to be seen, appearing
Padahati [pa+dhā] 1. to strive, exert D iii.221 (cittaṁ paggaṇhāti
D ii.205 (upasantappa°).
p.); PvA 31 (yoniso p.). — 2. to confront, take up, fight
against, stand J vi.508 (usīraṁ muñjapubbajaṁ urasā pada- Padissati [pa+dissati, Pass. of dṛś] to be seen Sn 108 (doubtful;
hessāmi "I shall stand against the grasses with my chest"; C. v. l. padussati; expl at SnA 172 by paṭidissati, v. l. padussati,
expl by dvedhā katvā purato gamissāmi, i. e. break and go cp. p. 192); Cp i.10 J vi.89; Sdhp 427.
forward). — Note. padahasi at J iv.383 read pade hasi (see 2
Padīpa [cp. Epic Sk. pradīpa] 1. a light Dh 146; Vv 46 (jalati
Windisch, Māra & B. p. 124 & Morris, J.P.T.S. 1893, 51.
blazes); Tikp 14; Miln 40; VvA 51 (padīpaṁ ujjāletvā light-
Windisch takes padahasi as pa+dah to burn, & translates "du
ing a lamp, making a light); PvA 38; Sdhp 250. — 2. a lamp
willst das Feuer brennen," i. e. you attempt something impos-
Sn 235 (nibbanti dhīrā yath' âyaṁ p.); DhA ii.163 (anupādāno
sible, because the fire will burn you). — pp. pahita (q. v.).
viya p.). °ṁ karoti to make a light, to light up Vin i.118;
Padahana see padhāna. °ṁ ujjāleti see under 1. Usually as tela-padīpa an oil lamp
Vin i.15; S ii.86 (telañ ca vaṭṭiñ ca telapadīpo jhāyati)=iv.213;
Padātar [n. ag. of padāti] extravagant, a squanderer Pdgp. 65,
v.319; A i.137; VvA 198. — appadīpa where there is no light,
obscure Vin iv.268.
Padāti (padadāti, padeti) [pa+dā] 1. to give, bestow Pv i.11 (ger. 6
-kāla lighting time Vv 9 .
padatvā, perhaps better to read ca datvā, as v. l. BB); J iii.279
Padīpita [pp. of padīpeti] lit, burning, shining Miln 40.
(fut. padassati); v.394 (id.). — 2. to acquire, take, get J i.190
(inf. padātave, C. gahetuṁ). — Pass padīyati (q. v.). Padīpiya & Padīpeyya (nt.) [padīpa+(i) ya] that which is con-
nected with lighting, material for lighting a lamp, lamps & ac-
Padāna (nt.) [fr. pa+dā] giving, bestowing; but appears to have
cessories; one of the gifts forming the stock of requisites of a
also the meaning of "attainment, characteristic, attribute" A
Buddhist mendicant (see Nd 523: yañña as deyyadhamma).
i.102 (bāla° & paṇḍita°); J i.97 (sotāpattimagg' ādi°); PvA 71
The form in °eyya is the older and more usual one, thus at A
(anubala°); ThA 35 (anupattidhammatā°). — At Th 1, 47 Kern
ii.85, 203; iv.239; It 65; Pug 51; VvA 51. — The form in °iya
(Toev. ii.138) proposes to read tuyhaṁ padāne for T. tuyh' 5 6 6
at Vv 22 , 26 , 37 ; J vi.315; VvA 295.
âpadāne, and translates padāna by "footstep, footprint." See
also sampadāna. Padīpeti [Caus. of padippati] to light a light or a lamp Vin i.118
(padīpeyya, padīpetabba); Miln 40; ThA 72 (Ap. v. 46); Sdhp
Padāraṇa (nt.) [pa+dṛ] splitting, tearing Th 1, 752.
63, 332, 428. — pp. padīpita (q. v.).
Padālana (nt.) [fr. padāleti] cleaving, bursting open, breaking 16
Padīyati [Pass. of padāti] to be given out or presented; Pv ii.9 ;
Nett 61, 112 (mohajāla°); ThA 34 (mohakkhandha°).
Sdhp 502, 523.
Padālita [pp. of padāleti] broken, pierced, destroyed S i.130;
Paduṭṭha [pp. of padussati] made bad, spoilt, corrupt, wicked,
iii.83; A v.88 (appadālita — pubbaṁ lobhakkhandhaṁ); Sn
bad (opp. pasanna, e. g. at A i.8; It 12, 13) D iii.32 (°citta);
546 (āsavā te p.; quoted at VvA 9); ThA 34 (as A. v.88 with
M iii.49; A ii.30; Sn 662; Dh 1; J ii.401; DhA i.23 (opp.
pasanna); PvA 34, 43 (°manasa). — appaduṭṭha good, not
Padālitatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. padālita] the fact of having (med.) or 10
corrupt D i.20; iii.32; M iii.50; S i.13; Pv iv.7 .
being (pass.) pierced or broken, abl. padālitattā on account of
Padubbhati [pa+dubbhati] to do wrong, offend, plot against J
having broken Miln 287.
i.262 (ger. °dubbhitvā).
Padāletar [n. ag. to padāleti] one who pierces or destroys, a

Paduma Paddhagu

Paduma (nt.) [cp. Epic Sk. padma, not in RV.] the lotus to be read for paduse, Pot.=padoseyya); J v.273 (manaṁ p.,
Nelumbium speciosum. It is usually mentioned in two vari- for upahacca). — padusseti read also at A iv.97 for padas-
eties, viz. ratta° and seta°, i. e. red and white lotus, so at seti (dummanku 'yam padusseti dhūm' aggimhi va pāvako).
J v.37; SnA 125; as ratta° at VvA 191; PvA 157. The lat- — As padoseti at PvA 212 (cittāni padosetvā) and in stock
ter seems to be the more prominent variety; but paduma also phrase manaṁ padosaye (Pot.) in sense of "to set upon
includes the 3 other colours (blue, yellow, pink?), since it fre- anger" (cp. padosa ) S i.149 ("sets his heart at enmity")=A
quently has the designation of pañcavaṇṇa-paduma (the 5 ii.3; v.171, 174=Sn 659 (=manaṁ padoseyya SnA 477)= Nett
colours however are nowhere specified), e. g. at J i.222; 132; S iv.70; SnA 11 (mano padoseyya). — pp. padūsita (q.
v.337; vi.341; VvA 41. It is further classified as satapatta v.).
and sahassapatta- p., viz. lotus with 100 & with 1,000 leaves:
Padesa [fr. pa+diś, cp. late Sk. pradeśa] indication, location,
VvA 191. Compared with other species at J v.37, where 7 range, district; region, spot, place S ii.227, 254; v.201; A
kinds are enum as uppala (blue, red & white), paduma (red
ii.167 (cattāro mahā°); Dh 127 (jagati°), 303; J ii.3, 158 (Hi-
& white), kumuda (white) and kallahāra. See further kamala
mavanta°); iii.25 (id.), 191 (jāti — gottakula°); SnA 355; PvA
and kuvalaya. — (1) the lotus or lotus flower M iii.93; S i.138,
29, 33 (hadaya°), 36 (so read for padase), 43, 47; Sdhp 252.
204; A i.145; ii.86 sq.; iii.26, 239; Sn 71, 213; J i.51 (daṇḍa° -kārin effecting a limited extent S v.201. -ñāṇa knowl-
N. of a plant, cp. Sk. daṇḍotphala), 76 (khandha°, latā°, edge within a certain range, limited knowledge S v.457. -
daṇḍaka°, olambaka°); iv.3; vi.564; Dh 458; Nd 135; Vv 35 4 bodhisatta a limited Bodhisatta Kvu 283 (cp. Kvu trsl 139 ,
(=puṇḍarīka VvA 161); 44 (nānā — paduma — sañchanna); 166 ). -rajja principality over a district, local government It
Pv ii.1 (id.); ii.12 (id.); Pug 63; Vism 256 (ratta°); DA i.219;
15; ThA 26 (Ap. v. 10). -rājā a local or sub — king Vism
KhA 53; SnA 97; Sdhp 359. — (2) N. of a purgatory (°niraya)
301 (cakkavatti+). -lakkhaṇa regional or limited character-
S i.151 — 152; Sn 677; p. 126; SnA 475 sq.
istics Kvu 283. -vassin raining or shedding rain only locally
-acchara (heavenly) lotus — maiden SnA 469. — uttara
or over a (limited) district It 64 — 66.
N. of Buddha SnA 341, 455 etc. -kaṇṇikā a peak in the
Padesika (adj.) (—°) [fr. padesa] belonging to a place of indi-
shape of a lotus VvA 181. -kalāpa a bunch of lotuses VvA
cation, indicating, regional, reaching the index of, only with
191. -gabbha the calyx of a l. ThA 68 (°vaṇṇa). -patta a l.
leaf Nd 135 (=pokkhara); DhA iv.166 (=pokkhara — patta). numerals in reference to age (usually soḷasavassa° at the time
-puñja a l. cluster J iii.55. -puppha a lotus flower Nd 393; of 16 years) J i.259 (id.) 262 (id.) ii.277 (id.). — See also
uddesika in same application.
SnA 78. -rāga "lotus hued," a ruby VvA 276. -vyūha one
of the 3 kinds of fighting, viz. p.°; cakka°, sakaṭa° J ii.406= Padosa [pa+dosa , Sk. pradoṣa] defect, fault, blemish, badness,
iv.343 (cp. Sk. p. — vyūha — samādhi a kind of concentra- corruption, sin D i.71 (=padussati paraṁ vā padūseti vināsetī ti
tion, & see J trsl ii.275). -sara a lotus pond J i.221; v.337; padoso DA i.211); M iii.3; S iv.322 (vyāpāda°); A i.8 (ceto°);
SnA 141. iii.92 (vyāpāda); It 12; J v.99; Pug 59, 68; Dhs 1060. — Note.
At ThA 72 we find reading "apace paduse (padose?) pi ca" as
Padumaka [fr. paduma] 1. the Paduma purgatory S i.152. — 2.
uncertain conjecture for v. l. BB "amacce manase pi ca."
a lotus J ii.325.
Padosa [pa+dosa , Sk. pradveṣa, see remarks to dosa ] anger,
Padumin (adj. — n.) [cp. Sk. padmin, spotted elephant] having a
hatred, ill — will; always as mano° "anger in mind" M i.377;
lotus, belonging to a lotus, lotus — like; N. of (the spotted) ele-
phant Sn 53 (expl at SnA 103 as "padumasadisa — gattatāya Sn 328 (=khāṇu — kaṇṭak' ādimhi p. SnA 334), 702; J iv.29;
vā Padumakule uppannatāya vā padumī," cp. Nd p. 164). — Miln 130; Vism 304; SnA 477.
f. paduminī [cp. Sk. padminī lotus plant] 1. a lotus pond or Padosika (adj.) [fr. padosa ] sinful, spoiling or spoilt, full of fault
pool of lotuses D i.75; ii.38; M iii.93; S i.138; A iii.26. — 2. or corruption, only in 2 phrases, viz. khiḍḍā° "debauched by
the lotus plant Nelumbium speciosum J i.128 (°paṇṇa); iv.419 pleasure" D i.19; and mano° "debauched in mind" D i.20, 21.
(°patta); SnA 369; KhA 67 (°patta); PvA 189. 1
Padosin (adj.) [fr. padosa ] abusing, damaging, spoiling, injuring
Padulla [?] in cpd. padulla — gāhin is perhaps misreading; trsl. S i.13 (appaduttha°); Pv iv.7 .
"clutching at blown straws (of vain opinion)," expl by C.
Padoseti see padūseti.
as duṭṭhullagāhin; at id. p. S i.187 we find duṭṭhullabhāṇin 1
Paddha (adj.) [cp. Sk. prādhva (?) in diff. meaning "being on a
"whose speech is never lewd" (see Psalms of Brethren 399, n.
journey," but rather prahva] 1. expert in (loc.) J vi.476 (v. l.
patha=paṭṭha; C. cheko paṭibalo). — 2. subject to, serving, at-
Padussati [pa+dussati] to do wrong, offend against (with loc.),
tending J iv.35 (p. carāmi, so read for baḍḍha, see Kern, Toev.
make bad, corrupt DA i.211 (see padosa); Sn 108 (v. l. for
s. v.; C. padacārikā).
padissati); aor. padussi J ii.125, 401. — pp. paduṭṭha; Caus. 2
Paddha (adj.) [cp. Sk. prārdha] half (?) J iii.95 (probably
padūseti (q. v.).
=paddha , but C. expl as aḍḍha upaḍḍha).
Padūsita [pp. of padūseti] made bad, corrupted, spoilt It 13 (v. l.
Paddhagu (adj. n.) [cp. Sk. prādhvaga] 1. going, walking J
iii.95 (T. na p' addhaguṁ, but C. reads paddhaguṁ). — 2.
Padūseti & Padoseti [Caus. of padussati, but the latter proba- humble, ready to serve, servant, attendant, slave S i.104 (so
bly Denom. fr. padosa ] to defile, pollute, spoil, make bad or 2
read for paccagu); Sn 1095 (T. for paṭṭhagu, q. v. — Nd reads
corrupt [cp. BSk. pradūṣyati cittaṁ Divy 197, 286] D i.20; paṭṭhagu but SnA 597 paddhagu and expl by paddhacara par-
M i.129; It 86; DA i.211 (see padosa ); ThA 72 (Ap. v. 40;

Paddhagu Panigghosa

icārika); J vi.380 (hadayassa); Th 1, 632. referred to at Miln trsl i.188. Besides these there is the set
Paddhacara (adj. — n.) [paddha +cara, cp. Sk. prādhva and called pārisuddhi — padhāniy' angāni and consisting either
of 4 qualities (sīla°, citta°, diṭṭhi°, vimutti°) A ii.194, or of
prahva humble] ready to serve, subject to, ministering; a ser-
9 (the four+kankhā — vitaraṇa°, maggâmagga — ñāṇa° paṭi-
vant S i.144 (T. baddhacara, v. l. paṭṭha°; trsl. "pupil"); J
padāñāṇa — dassana°, ñāṇa — dassana° paññā°) D iii.288; Ps
iv.35 (read paddhacarā 'smi tuyhaṁ for T. baddha carāmi t.,
as pointed out by Kern, Toev. s. v. baddha. The Cy. misun-
derstood the wrong text reading and expl as "tuyhaṁ baddha Padhārita ("born in mind") read patthārita at Th 1, 842 (see
carāmi," but adds "veyyāvaccakārikā padacārikā"); v.327 (as pattharati). — padhārehi (v. l. F.) at Sn 1149 read dhārehi.
baddhañcara; C. veyyāvacca — kara); vi.268 (°ā female ser- -padhārita in meaning of "considered, understood" in cpd.
vant=C. pāda — paricārikā); Nd 464 (+paricārika); SnA 597 su° at S iii.6; v.278.
(+paricāraka, for paddhagū). 7
Padhāvati [pa+dhāvati] to run out or forth Pv iii.1 (ger.
Padma see paduma. °itvā=upadhāvitvā PvA 173).
Padmaka (m. & nt.) [Sk. padmaka] N. of a tree, Costus speciosus Padhāvin (adj.) [fr. padhāvati] rushing or running out or forth M
or arabicus J v.405, 420; vi.497 (reading uncertain), 537. ii.98.
Padvāra (nt.) [pa+dvāra] a place before a door or gate J v.433; Padhūpāti (=padhūpāyati) [pa+dhūpāyati] to blow forth smoke or
vi.327. flames Vin i.25 (aor. padhūpāsi); iv.109 (id.); Vism 400 (id.),
-gāma suburb Dāvs v. 3. (so read for padhūmāsi T., v. l. SS padhūpāyi & padhūmāyi).
— pp. padhūpita (q. v.).
Padhaṁsa see appadhaṁsa.
Padhūpita [pa+dhūpita, latter only in meaning "incensed," cp.
Padhaṁsati [pa+dhaṁsati] to fall from (abl.), to be deprived of
dhūpa etc.] fumigated, reeking, smoked out S i.133 (trsl d
Vin ii.205 (yogakkhemā p.; so read for paddh°). — Caus. pad-
"racked [wrapt] in flames"; C. santāpita); VvA 237 (so read
haṁseti to destroy, assault, violate, offend J iv.494. (=jīvi-
with v. l. SS. for T. pavūsita; meaning: scented, filled with
takkhayaṁ pāpeti); PvA 117. — grd. padhaṁsiya in cpds.
su° & dup° easily (or with difficulty) overwhelmed or as-
saulted Vin ii.256= S ii.264. Also neg. appadhaṁsiya (& Padhota (adj.) [pa+dhota] cleansed, in cpd. sup° well cleansed D
°ka) (q. v.). — pp. padhaṁsita (q. v.). ii.324.
Padhansita [pp. of padhaṁseti] offended, assaulted J ii.422. See Pana (indecl.) [doublet of Sk. puna(ḥ) wiṭh diff. meaning (see
also app°. puna), cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 34] adversative & interrogative par-
ticle, sometimes (originally, cp. puna "again, further") merely
Padhāna (nt.) [fr. pa+dhā, cp. padahati] exertion, energetic ef-
connecting & continuing the story. — (1) (adversative) but,
fort, striving, concentration of mind D iii.30, 77, 104, 108,
on the contrary J i.222; ii.159; VvA 79 (correl. with tāva). ca
214, 238; M ii.174, 218; S i.47; ii.268; iv.360; v.244 sq.;
A iii.65 — 67 (5 samayā and 5 asamayā for padhāna), 249; pana "but" J i.152; atha ca pana "and yet" D i.139; J i.279; na
iv.355; v.17 sq.; Sn 424, 428; It 30; Dh 141; J i.90; Nd 394 kho pana "certainly not" J i.151; vā pana "or else" Vin i.83; Dh
42; Sn 376, 829. — (2) (in questions) then, now J ii.4 (kiṁ p.),
(=viriya); Vbh 218 (citta — samādhi p° etc.); Nett 16; DA
159 (kahaṁ p.); VvA 21 (kena p.); PvA 27 (katamaṁ p.). —
i.104; DhA i.85 (mahā — padhānaṁ padahitvā); ThA 174;
(3) (conclusive or copulative) and, and now, further, moreover
PvA 134. Padhāna is fourfold, viz. saṁvara°, pahāna°, bhā-
D i.139 (siyā kho p. be it now that...); Sn 23, 393, 396, 670; J
vana°, anurakkhaṇā° or exertion consisting in the restraint of
i.278; PvA 3.
one's senses, the abandonment of sinful thoughts, practice of
meditation & guarding one's character. These 4 are mentioned Panaccati [pa+naccati] to dance (forth), to dance ThA 257 (ppr.
at D iii.225; A ii.16; Ps i.84; ii.14 sq., 56, 86, 166, 174; Ud 34; panaccanta). — pp. panaccita (q. v.).
Nd 45, 340; Sdhp 594. — Very frequently termed sammap-
Panaccita [pp. of panaccati] dancing, made to dance Th 2, 390.
padhāna [cp. BSk. samyak — pradhāna MVastu iii.120;
Panasa [cp. late Sk. panasa, Lat. penus stores, Lith. pẽnas fod-
but also samyakprahāṇa, e. g. Divy 208] or "right exertion,"
der, perhaps Goth. fenea] the Jack or bread — fruit tree (Arto-
thus at Vin i.22; S i.105; iii.96 (the four); A ii.15 (id.); iii.12;
iv.125; Nd 14; Ps i.21, 85, 90, 161; SnA 124; PvA 98. — As carpus integrifolia) and its fruit J i.450; ii.160; v.205, 465; Vv
44 ; KhA 49, 50, 58 (°phala, where Vism 258 reads panasa
padahana at Ps i.17, 21, 181.
— taca); SnA 475; VvA 147.
Padhānavant (adj.) [fr. padhāna] gifted with energy, full of
Panassati [pa+nassati, cp. also BSk praṇāśa Divy 626] to be lost,
strength (of meditation etc.), rightly concentrated S i.188, 197;
Sn 70 (cp. Nd 394), 531. to disappear, to go to ruin, to cease to be M i.177; S ii.272
(read panassissati with BB); J v.401; vi.239; Th 1, 143.
Padhānika (adj.) [fr. padhāna] making efforts, exerting oneself
Panāda [pa+nāda] shouting out, shrieks of joy J vi.282.
in meditation, practising "padhāna" DA i.251.
Panādeti [Caus. of pa+nad] to shout out, to utter a sound Th 1,
Padhāniya (adj.) [fr. padhāna] belonging to or connected with
exertion, worthy of being pursued in cpd. °anga (nt.) a qual-
ity to be striven after, of which there are 5, expressed in the at- Panāḷikā (f.) [fr. panāḷī] a pipe, tube, channel, water course DA
tributes of one who attains them as saddho, appābādho, asaṭho, i.244.
āraddha — viriyo, paññavā D iii.237=M ii.95, 128=A iii.65;
Panāḷī (f.) [pa+nāḷī] a tube, pipe A iv.171 (udapāna°).

Panigghosa Papa

Panigghosa in cpd. appanigghosa is wrongly registered as such (as a sacrifice) to the goddess presiding over the roads, propi-
in A Index (for A iv.88); it is to be separated appa + nigghosa tiation; it is here to be understood as a human sacrifice J vi.527
(see nigghosa). (vv. ll. pattha° & bandha°).
Panudati [pa+nudati] to dispel, repel, remove, push away S i, Panthāna (for saṇṭhāna) at SnA 20: see saṇṭhāna 3.
167 sq., 173; Dh 383; Sn 81, 928 (pot. panudeyya or metri Panthika [fr. pantha, formation panthika: panthan= addhika: ad-
causa panūdeyya=pajaheyya etc. Nd 385); J vi.491 (1. pl.
dhan] a traveller Miln 20.
panudāmase). — ger. panuditvā SnA 591, & panujja Sn d
359, 535, 1055 (expl at Nd 395 as imper. pres.=pajaha, cp. Panna [pp. of pajjati but not satisfactorily expl as such, for pajjati
& panna never occur by themselves, but only in cpds. like āpa-
SnA 591=panudehi); J iii.14; v.198 (=pātetvā C.). — Fut.
jjati, āpanna, upp°, upa°, sam°, etc. Besides, the word is only
panudahissati Th 1, 27, 233. — Pass. panujjati, ppr. panu-
given in lexic. literature as pp. of pajjati, although a tendency
jjamāna in phrase "api panujjamānena pi" even if repulsed M
prevails to regard it as pp. of patati. The meaning points more
i.108, cp. A iv.32 & Nett 164 (v. l. to be substituted for T.
to the latter, but in form it cannot belong to pat. A more satis-
pamajjamānena). — pp. panunna & panudita (q. v.).
factory expl (in meaning and form) is to regard panna as pp.
Panudita [pp. of panudati] dispelled, driven out Sn 483 (panūdita
of pa+nam, with der. fr. short base. Thus panna would stand
metri causa, v. l. panudita). See also panunna.
for panata (paṇata), as unna for unnata, ninna for ninnata, the
Panunna (Paṇunna & Panuṇṇa) [pp. of panudati] (med. & double nn to be accounted for on analogy. The meaning would
pass.) put away, rejected or rejecting, dispelled, driven away, thus be "bent down, laid down," as panna — ga= going bent,
sent A ii.29; v.31; Sn 469 (°kodha); J vi.247, 285; Kvu 597 panna — dhaja=flag bent or laid down, etc. Perhaps patta of
(ito p., trsl "ending here"). patta — kkhandha should belong here as panna°] fallen, gone,
-paccekasacca one who has rejected each of the four false gone down; also: creeping, only in foll. cpds.:
truths (the 5 of the 10 noble states, ariyavāsā: see Vin. Texts -ga a snake Th 1, 429 (°inda chief of snake — demons);
i.141) D iii.269, 270; A ii.41; v.29 sq. J v.166; Miln 23. -gandha with gone down (i. e. deterio-
rated) smell, ill — smelling, or having lost its smell J v.198
Panūdana (nt.) [fr. panudati] removal, dispelling, rejection Sn
(=thokaṁ duggandha C.). -dhaja one whose flag gone or is
252 (sabba — dukkhâpanūdana SnA 293 should be read as
lost, i. e. whose fight is over (Ep. of the Buddha), cp. BSk.
sabba — dukkha — apanūdana, as at Vin ii.148=J i.94), 1106
(=pahānaṁ etc. Nd 396). prapātito māna — dhvajaḥ Lal. V. 448 (with derivation from
pat instead of pad, cp. papātana) M i.139 sq., 386; A iii.84
Panta (adj.) [cp. Epic Sk. prānta edge, margin, border, pra+anta; 1
sq.; in eulogy on the Buddha (see exegesis to mahesi Nd 343;
also BSk. prānta in meaning of Pali, e. g. MVastu iii.200; 2
Nd 503) reference is made to mānadhaja (°papātanaṁ) which
Divy 312 (prānta — śayan — āsana — sevin)] distant, re-
is opposed to dhamma — dhaja ( — ussapana); thus we should
mote, solitary, secluded; only in phrase pantaṁ senāsanaṁ
explain as "one who has put down the flag of pride." -bhāra
(sayanāsanaṁ) or pantāni senāsanāni "solitary bed & chair" M one who has put down his burden, one whose load has gone,
i.17, 30; A i.60; ii.137; iii.103; v.10, 202; Sn 72 (cp. Nd 93),
who is delivered or saved M i.139; A iii.84; S i.233; Dh 402
338, 960 (°amhi sayanāsane), 969 (sayanamhi pante); Dh 185 1
(=ohitakhandha — bhāra DhA iv.168); Sn 626, 914 (cp Nd
(=vivitta DhA iii.238); Ud 43 (so read for patthañ); J iii.524
334); Th 1, 1021. -bhūmi state of one who has fallen DA
(°amhi sayanāsane); Vism 73 (panta — senāsane rata); SnA
i.103 (opp. to jina — bhūmi, one of the 8 purisa — bhūmiyo.
263 (v. l. pattha). 2
— cp. D i.54 & Dial. i.72 ). -loma one whose hairs have
-sena (adj.) one who has his resting place far away from
fallen or are put down (flat, i. e. do not stand erect in conse-
men, Ep. of the Buddha M i.386.
quence of excitement), subdued, pacified (opp. haṭṭha loma)
Panti (f.) [Ved. pankti set or row of five, group in general] a row, Vin ii.184 (cp. Vin ii.5 & Bdhgh on p. 309 lomaṁ pāteti, Bd-
range, line Vism 392 (tisso sopāna — pantiyo); DhA iii.219 hgh pādeti; also Vin. Texts ii.339); iii.266; M i.450; J i.377.
(uddhana°); ThA 72 (satta pantiyo); VvA 198 (amba°). Another form is palloma (q. v. & cp. J.P.T.S. 1889, 206). See
also remarks on parada — vutta.
Pantha [base panthan°, Ved. panthāḥ, with bases path° panth°
and pathi. Same as patha (q. v.). For etym. cp. Gr. πόντος Pannaka (adj.) [fr. panna] silent (?) DA i.163.
sea( — path), πάτος path, Av. pantā°, also Goth. finpan=E.
Pannarasa (adj. num.) [see pañcadasa & paṇṇarasa under pañca]
find, of Idg *pent to come or go (by)] a road, roadway, path
fifteen (and fifteenth), usually referring to the 15th day of the
S i.18 (gen. pl. panthānaṁ= kantāramagga C; "jungle road" lunar month, i. e. the full — moon day Sn 153 (pannaraso
trsl.); Sn 121 (loc. panthasmiṁ); Nd 485 B (+patha in expl n th
uposatho); pannarase on the 15 day S i.191=Th 1, 1234; M
of magga), Miln 157 (see panthaṁ)
iii.20; Sn 502, 1016; f. loc. pannarasāya id. S i.233. See
-gū a traveller (lit. going by road) S i.212 (v. l. addhagū,
also paṇṇarasa.
as at id. p. Th 2, 55); J iii.95 (v. l.). -ghāta highway robbery th
Pannarasama (num. ord.) [fr. pannarasa] the 15 SnA 366
J i.253; iv.184. -duhana waylaying, robbery; m. a robber
D i.135 (see DA i.296); J ii.281, 388; D iii.68, and Tikp 280
(°dūhana). -dūbhin a highwayman J ii.327. -dūsaka a rob- Pannarasika (adj.) [fr. pannarasa] belonging to the 15 day (of
ber Miln 20. -devatā a way spirit, a spirit presiding over a the lunar month) Vin iv.315.
road, road — goddess J vi.527. -makkaṭaka a (road) spider
Papa (nt.) [see pibati, pānīya etc. of pā] water J i.109 (āpaṁ
Miln 364, 407. -sakuṇa a "road — bird," i. e. a bird offered
papaṁ mahodakan ti attho). The word is evidently an etym.

Papa Papphāsa

construction. See also papā. Papatana (nt.) [fr. pa+pat] falling down Sn 576=J iv.127 (abl.
papatanā papatanato C.).
Papaccati [Pass. of pa+pacati] to be cooked, to become ripe PvA
55 (°itvā). Papada (or Papadā?) [pa+pada] tip of the foot. toes; but in diff.
meaning (for papaṭā or papāta to pat) "falling down, abyss,
Papañca [in its P. meaning uncertain whether identical with Sk. d
pit" at Sn 665 (gloss for papaṭa; expl at SnA 479 by "mahāni-
prapañca (pra+pañc to spread out; meaning "expansion, dif-
fuseness, manifoldedness"; cp. papañceti & papañca 3) more
likely, as suggested by etym. & meaning of Lat. im — ped Papā (f.) [Ved. prapā, pa+pā] a place for supplying water, a
— iment — um, connected with pada, thus perhaps originally shed by the roadside to provide travellers with water, a well,
"pa — pad — ya," i. e. what is in front of (i. e. in the way cistern D iii.185; S i.33=Kvu 345 (=pānīyadāna — sālā SA);
of) the feet (as an obstacle)] 1. obstacle, impediment, a burden S i.100 (read papañ ca vivane); J i.109; DhA iii.349=J i.302
which causes delay, hindrance, delay DhA i.18; ii.91 (kathā°). (=pānīya — cāṭī C.); Vv 52 22 (+udapāna); Pv ii.7 (n. pl. pa-
°ṁ karoti to delay, to tarry J iv.145; °ṁ akatvā without delay J pāyo=pānīya — sālā PvA 102); ii.9 (+udapāna).
i.260; vi.392. — ati° too great a delay J i.64; ii.92. — 2. illu- Papāta [cp. Epic. Sk. prapāta, of pra+pat] 1. falling down, a
sion, obsession, hindrance to spiritual progress M i.65; S i.100;
fall Vin ii.284 (chinna — papātaṁ papatanti); S v.47. — 2. a
iv.52, 71; A ii.161 sq.; iii.393 sq.; Sn 530 (=taṇhā — diṭṭhi —
cliff, precipice, steep rock M i.11; S iii.109 (sobbho p. kodh'
mānabheda — p. SnA 431; and generally in Commentaries
upāyāsass' etaṁ adhivacanaṁ; cp. papaṭā); A iii.389 (sobbho
so resolved, without verbal analysis); Ud 77 (as f. papañcā);
p.); J iii.5; 530; v.70; vi.306, 309; Vism 116; PvA 174; Sdhp
Th 1, 519, 902, 989 (cp. Brethren 344, 345 & J.R.A.S. 1906, 208, 282, 353. — adj. falling off steeply, having an abrupt
246 sq.; Neumann trsl "Sonderheit," see Lieder p. 210, 211
end Vin ii.237=A iv.198, 200 (samuddo na āyatakena p.).
& Mittlere Sammlung i.119 in trsl. of M i.65 nippapañca); Dh
-taṭa a rocky or steep declivity DhA i.73.
195, 254 (°âbhiratā pajā, nippapañcā Tathāgatā; =taṇhādisu p°
esu abhiratā DhA iii.378); J i.9; Pv iv.1 34 (=taṇh' — ādi — p. Papātin (adj.) [fr. papatati] falling or flying forward, flying up J
iii.484 (uccā° flying away).
PvA 230); Nett 37, 38; SnA 495 (gihi). — nippapañca (q. v.)
without obsession. — 3. diffuseness, copiousness SnA 40. Papitāmaha [pa+pitāmaha] a paternal great — grandfather Dāvs
-sankhā sign or characteristic of obsession Sn 874 (cp. iii.29.
SnA 553; =taṇhā° diṭṭhi° and māna° Nd 280), 916 (=avijjā-
Papīyana (nt.) [fr. pā, ger. pa — pīya] drinkable, to be drunk,
dayo kilesā mūlaṁ SnA 562). -saññā (°sankhā) idea of ob-
drinking J i.109 (udakaṁ papīyana — bhāvena papā ti).
session, idée fixe, illusion D ii.277 (cp. Dial ii.312); M i.109,
Papīliṭa [pa+pīḷita] worn out, rubbed through (of the sole of san-
112, 271, 383; S iv.71.
dals) J ii.223.
Papañcita [pp. of papañceti] obsessed, illusioned SnA 495 (a° gi-
Paputta [pa+putta, cp. Sk. praputra (BR.: "doubtful") Inscr.] a
hipapañ — cena). — nt. obsession, vain imagination, illusion
grandson J vi.477.
S iv.203≈Vbh 390.
Papupphaka (adj.) [pa+pupphaka] "with flowers in front,"
Papañceti [Denom. fr. papañca] 1. to have illusions, to imagine,
flower — tipped (of the arrows of Māra) Dh 46 (but expl d
to be obsessed M i.112; DhA i.198 (tesaṁ suvaṇṇa — lobhena
at DhA i.337 as "p.° sankhātāni tebhūmakāni vaṭṭāni," i. e.
papañcentānaṁ). — 2. to be profuse. to talk much, to delay
existence in the 3 stages of being).
on SnA 136. — pp. papañcita.
Pappaṭaka [etym. uncertain] 1. a broken bit, splinter, small stone
Papaṭā (papatā) (f.) [fr. papāta? Cp. papaṭikā] a broken — off
(?) (Rh. D. in Dial. iii.83 "outgrowth") D iii.87 (bhūmi
piece, splinter, fragment; also proclivity, precipice, pit (?) S
°ṁ paribhuñjati); Vism 418 (≈), Nett 227 (Com.) (°ojaṁ
ii.227 (papatā ti kho lābha — sakkāra — silokass' etaṁ adhiva-
khādāpento). — 2. a water plant: see paṇṇaka 2; cp, also
canaṁ; cp. S iii.109: sobbho papāto kodh' ûpāyāsass' etaṁ 2
papaṭikā & Sk. parpaṭa N. of medicinal plant.
adhivacanaṁ); So 665 (=sobbha SnA 479; gloss papada). See
also pappaṭaka. Pappoṭheti [pa+poṭheti; sometimes spelt papphoṭeti] to strike,
knock, beat, flap (of wings) Vin i.48; ii.208, 217; M i.333
Papaṭikā (f.) [cp. Sk. prapāṭikā (lexic. & gram.) young shoot,
(papph°); J ii.153 (pakkhe); iii.175 (papoṭh°= sañcuṇṇeti C.);
sprout; and parpharīka (RV.) one who tears to pieces; also Sk.
Miln 368 (papph°); DA i.7; Vism 283 (pph).
parpaṭa N. of a plant] 1. a splinter, piece, fragment, chip Vin
ii.193 (read tato pap.°); A iv.70 sq. (of ayophāla); J v.333 Pappoti [the contracted form of pāpuṇāti, Sk. prāpnoti] to ob-
(same as Vin passage); Miln 179. — 2. the outer dry bark or tain, get, gain, receive, attain D iii.159, 165; Sn 185, 187,
crust of a tree, falling off in shreads; also shoots, sprouts M 584; Dh 27; DhA i.395. — Pot. 1 pl. pappomu J v.57
i.78, 192 sq., 488; A i.152; iii.19 sq., 44, 200, 360; iv.99, 336; (=pāpuṇeyyāma C.). — ger. pappuyya S i.48; Sn 482 (or
v.4 sq., 314 sq.; J iii.491. Cp. pheggu. pot?), 593, 829 (=pāpuṇitvā Nd 170). — For further ref. see
Papatati [pa+patati] to fall forward, to fall down, off or from, to
fall into (acc.) Vin ii.284; M i.79, 80; S i.48 (visame magge), Papphāsa (nt.) [fr. sound — root* phu, not corresponding di-
187 (=Th 1, 1220 patanti); 100, ii.114; v.47; Dh 336; J v.31; rectly to Sk. pupphusa (cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 34), to which it
Pv i.10 12 (nirayaṁ papatiss' ahaṁ, cp. PvA 52; v. l. SS ni- stands in a similar relation as *ghur (P.) to *ghar (Sk.) or
ray' ûpapatiss' âhaṁ). — aor. papatā Vin iii.17, cp. ii.126; J phurati>pharati. From same root Gr. ϕυσάω to blow and Lat.
vi.566. See also patati. pustula bubble, blister; see Walde under pustula] the lungs D

Papphāsa Pabbata

ii.293; M i.185, 421; iii.90; Sn 195=J i.146; Kh iii. (cp. KhA Pabbajana (nt.) [fr. pabbajati] going into an ascetic life J iii.393
56); Miln 26. (a°).
Pabandha (adj.) (°—) [pa+bandha] continuous Vism 32. Pabbajita [pp. of pabbajati, cp. BSk. pravrājita Divy 236] one
who has gone out from home, one who has given up worldly
Pabala (adj.) [cp. Sk. prabala] very strong, mighty Sdhp 75.
life & undertaken the life of a bhikkhu recluse or ascetic, (one)
Pabāḷha [pp. of pabāhati] pulled out, drawn forth D i.77 (T. reads
ordained (as a Buddhist friar), gone forth (into the holy life or
pavāḷha). See pavāḷha.
pabbajjā) Vin iii.40 (vuḍḍha — pabbajito bhikkhu); iv.159;
Pabāḷha (adj.) [pa+bāḷha] strong, sharp (of pain) D ii.128; J D i.131 (agārasmā anagāriyaṁ p.), 157; iii.31 sq., 147 sq.;
v.422, Miln 174. M i.200, 267, 345, 459; ii.66, 181; iii.261; S i.119 (dham-
mavinaye p.); iv.260, 330; v.118 sq., 421; A i.69, 107, 147,
Pabāhati [pa+bṛh to pull, see abbahati] to pull out, draw forth D
168; ii.78, 143; iii.33, 78 (vuḍḍha°), 244, 403 (acira°); iv.21
i.77 (T. reads pavāhati, v. l. pabbāḷhati, evidently fr. pabāḷha); 2
cp. Śatapatha — brāhmaṇa iv.3, 3, 16. — pp. pabāḷha (q. (cira°); v.82, 348 sq.; Sn 43 (see Nd 397), 274, 385, 423; 1
v.). Dh 74, 174, 388; J i.56; Pv ii.8 (=samaṇa PvA 106); ii.11
(bhikkhu=kāmādimalānaṁ pabbajitattā paramatthato pabba-
Pabujjhati [pa+bujjhati] to wake up (intrs.), awake S i.4, 209; Dh 17
jito PvA 146); ii.13 (=pabbajjaṁ upagata PvA 167); Miln
296 sq.; It 41 (suttā p.); J i.61; ii.103; iv.431 (opp. niddāyati);
11; DA i.270; DhA i.133; PvA 5, 55.
DA i.140. — pp. pabuddha (q. v.).
Pabbajjā (f.) [fr. pa+vraj, cp. pabbajati, Epic & BSk. pravra-
Pabuddha [pp. of pabujjhati] awakened S i.143 (sutta° from sleep
jyā] leaving the world, adopting the ascetic life; state of being
awakened), J i.50; VvA 65.
a Buddhist friar, taking the (yellow) robe, ordination. — (1)
Pabodhati [pa+bodhati] to awake, also trs. awaken, stir up, give ordination or admission into the Buddha's Order in particular:
rise to (or: to recognise, realise?); only in one phrase (perhaps Vin iii.13; S i.161 etc. — sāmanera° ordination of a Novice,
corrupt), viz. yo nindaṁ appabodhati S i.7=Dh 143 (=nin- described in full at Vin i.82. — pabbajjaṁ yācati to beg ad-
daṁ apaharanto bujjhati DhA iii.86; trsl. KS 13 "forestalleth mission Vin iv.129; labhati to gain admission to the Order Vin
blame"). — Caus. pabodheti (1) to enlighten, instruct, give a i.12, 17, 32; D i.176; S iv.181. — (2) ascetic or homeless
sign J i.142; iii.511. — (2) to set going, arouse J i.298; v.390. life in general D iii.147 sq.; M iii.33 (abbhokāso p.); S v.350
— (3) to render oneself conspicuous J v.8. (id.; read pabbajjā); A v.204 (id.); S ii.128 (read °jjā for °jā);
iv.260; A i.151, 168; iv.274 sq.; Sn 405, 406, 567; It 75 (pab-
Pabodhana (adj. — nt.) [fr. pabodhati] 1. (nt.) awakening
bajjāya ceteti); Miln 19 (dhamma — cariya — samacariy' atthā
waking, arising DhA i.232 (°codana — kamma). — 2. (adj.)
arousing (or realising?) Vv 64 22 (=kata — pīti — pabodhano p.); DhA i.6; SnA 49, 327, 423; ThA 251. — pabbajjaṁ up-
agata gone into the homeless state PvA 167 (for pabbajita);
VvA 282); awaking Th 1, 893 (samma — tāḷa°).
agārasmā anagāriyaṁ p. the going forth from home into the
Pabba (nt.) [Ved. parvan] 1. a knot (of a stalk), joint, section
homeless state Vin ii.253; M ii.56; pabbajjaṁ pabbajati to un-
Vin iv.35; M i.80; J i.245 (veḷu°); Vism 358 (id.; but nāḷika p.
dertake or go into the ascetic life, in foll. varieties: isi° of a
260); VbhA 63 (id.); Th 1, 243. — angula° finger joint Vin
Saint or Sage J i.298, 303; DhA iv.55; PvA 162 (of the Bud-
iv.262, M i.187; DA i.285. — pabba — pabbaṁ knot for knot
dha); tāpasa° of a Hermit J iii.119; DA i.270 (described in de-
DhsA 11. — 2. the elbow S iv.171. — 3. section, division,
tail); DhA iv.29; PvA 21; samaṇa° of a Wanderer PvA 76. —
part Vism 240 (14 sections of contemplation of the body or
Note. The ceremony of admission to the priesthood is called
kāyagatāsati); VbhA 275, 286.
pabbajjā (or pabbajana), if viewed as the act of the candidate
-gaṇṭhi a knot Miln 103. -valli a species of Dūrvā J v.69;
of orders, and pabbājana (q. v.), if viewed as the act of the
-vāta intermittent ague Vin i.205.
priest conferring orders; the latter term however does not oc-
Pabbaja [Sk. balbaja, cp. Geiger P.Gr. § 39. 6] a species of reed. cur in this meaning in the Canon.
bulrush Vin i.190 (T. reads babbaja); S i.77; ii.92; iii.137 (v. l.
Pabbata [Vedic parvata, fr. parvan, orig. knotty, rugged, mas-
babbaja), 155 (°lāyaka); Th 1, 27; J ii.140, 141; v.202; vi.508.
sive] (1) a mountain ( — range), hill, rock S i.101, 102, 127,
For further refs. see babbaja.
137; ii.32, 185, 190; A i.243; ii.140; iv.102 (dhūpāyati); Sn
Pabbajati [cp. Sk. pravrajati, pra+vraj] to go forth, to leave home 413, 417, 543, 958, 1014; Nd 466; Dh 8, 127 (°ānaṁ vi-
and wander about as a mendicant, to give up the world, to take varo)=PvA 104; Dh 188 (n. pl. °āni), 304; DA i.209; Miln 346
up the ascetic life (as bhikkhu, samaṇa, tapassin, isi etc.). S (dhamma°); PvA 221 (angāra°) Sdhp 352, 545, 574. — The 7
i.140, 141; Sn 157, 1003; imper. pabbaja DhA i.133. Pot. mountains round Veḷuvana are enum at J v.38. — Names of
pabbajeyya J i.56; Pug 57. — Fut. pabbajissati Sn 564; some (real or fictitious) mountains, as found in the Jātaka liter-
DhA i.133; iv.55. Aor. pabbaji M iii.33; S i.196=Th 1, 1255; ature: Cakkavāḷa J vi.282; Caṇḍoraṇa J iv.90; Canda J iv.283;
Sn 405; Vv 82 ; PvA 76; ger. pabbajitvā J i.303; PvA 21 and v.38, 162; Daṇḍaka — hirañña J ii.33; Daddara J ii.8; iii.16;
°vāna Sn 407. — (agārasmā) anagāriyaṁ pabbajati to go Nemindhara J vi.125; Neru J iii.247; v.425; Paṇḍava Sn 417;
forth into the homeless state Vin iii.12; M iii.33; S i.196; A SnA 382 sq.; Mahāneru J iv.462; Mahindhara Vv 32 10 (cp.
v.204; Pv ii.13 . sāsane p. to become an ascetic in (Buddhas) VvA 136); Meru J i.25; iv.498; Yugandhara PvA 137; Rajata J
religion, to embrace the religion (& practice) of the Buddha i.50; Vipula J vi.518; Sineru S ii.139; J i.48 & passim; Suvaṇṇa
J i.56; PvA 12. pabbajjaṁ pabbajati to go into the holy life J i.50; vi.514 (°giritāla). — (2) [cp. Sk. pārvata mountainous]
(of an ascetic friar, wanderer etc.): see pabbajjā. — Caus. a mountaineer Miln 191.
pabbājeti (q. v.). — pp. pabbajita. -utu the time (aspect) of the mountain (in prognostications

Pabbata Pabhā

as to horoscope) DhA i.165 (megha — utu, p.— utu, aruṇa — apabbhara (sic.) not slanting or sloping J v.405 (=samatittha
utu). -kaccha a mountain meadow (opp. nadī — kaccḥa) C.). — 2. (m. & nt.) a cave in a mountain Miln 151; J v.440;
SnA 33. -kandara a m. cave S ii.32; v.396, 457 sq.; A v.114 DhA ii.59 (nt.), 98.
sq.; -kūṭa m. peak Vin ii.193; J i.73. -gahaṇa m. thicket or -ṭṭhāna a slope J i.348; DhsA 261. -dasaka the decade
jungle PvA 5. -ṭṭha standing on a m. Dh 28. -pāda the foot (period) of decline (in life), which in the enum° of the 10
of a m. J iii.51; DhA iv.187; PvA 10. -muddhā mountain decades (vassadasā) at J iv.397 is given as the seventh.
top Vin i.5. -raṭṭha m. — kingdom SnA 26. -rājā "king of
Pabrūṭi [pa+brūti] to speak out, proclaim, declare (publicly) Sn
the mountain," Ep. of Himavā S i.116; ii.137 sq., 276; iii.149; 1 2
131, 649, 870, 952 and passim (cp. Nd 211, 273; Nd 398,
v.47, 63, 148; A i.152; iii.240; iv.102; PvA 143. -sankhepa
top of a m. D i.84 (=p. — matthaka DA i.226). -sānu m. —
glen Vv 32 10 (cp. VvA 136). -sikhara mountain — crest J Pabha is adj. form (—°) of pabhā (q. v.).
v.421. Pabhaṁsana (adj. — nt.) [fr. pa+bhraṁś, cp. nāva — pra-
bhraṁśana Npl. A.V.] causing to fall or disappear, depriving,
Pabbataka [fr. pabbata] a mountain J i.303.
taking away, theft, in maṇi° jewel — theft J vi.383. (Rh. D.
Pabbateyya (adj.) [fr. pabbata] belonging to mountains, moun-
"polishing"?) Kern in Toev. s. v. takes pabhaṁsana as a der.
tain — born (of a river) A iii.64 (nadī p°ā sīghasotā hārahārinī);
fr. pa+bhrās to shine, i. e. making bright, polishing (as Rh.
iv.137 (id.); Vism 231 (id.), 285 (nadī).
Pabbaniya (adj.) [fr. pabba] forming a division or section, con-
Pabhagga [pp. of pabhañjati, cp. Sk prabhagna] broken up, de-
sisting of, belonging to KhA 114 (khaya°) (?).
stroyed, defeated Vin iii.108.
Pabbājana (nt.) [fr. pa+Caus. of vraj, see pabbajati & pabbājeti]
Pabhankara [pabhaṁ, acc. of pabhā,+kara] one who makes light,
keeping out or away, removing, banishment, exiling D i.135;
one who lights up, light — bringer (often as Ep. of the Bud-
iii.93; Miln 357; Dh i.296 (=nīharaṇa); DhA iv.145.
dha) S i.51 (quoted at VvA 116), 210; A ii.51 sq.; It 80; J
Pabbājaniya (adj.) [fr. pabbājana] belonging to banishment, de- iii.128; Sn 991, 1136 (=ālokakara obhāsakara etc. Nd 399);
serving to be exiled Miln 186; also in cpd. °kamma excom- Vv 21 (=ñāṇ' obhāsa — kara VvA 106); 34 25 (=lokassa ñāṇ'
munication, one of the 5 ecclesiastical acts enum at Vin i.49, āloka — kara VvA 115).
143. See also A i.79; DhA ii.109.
Pabhanga [fr. pa+bhañj] destruction, breaking up, brittleness Ps
Pabbājita [pp. of pabbājeti] taken into the order, made a bhikkhu ii.238 (calato pabhangato addhuvato); but id. p. at Nd 214 ii
M ii.62. and Miln 418 read "calato pabhanguto addhuvato."
Pabbājeti [Caus. of pabbajati] 1. to make go out or away, Pabhangu, Pabhanguṇa & °gura (adj.) [fr. pa+bhanj, cp. BSk.
drive out, banish, exile D i.92 (raṭṭhasmā out of the king- prabhanguṇatā destruction, perishableness MVastu iii.338]
dom;=nīharati DA i.258); M ii.122; Dh 388 (attano malaṁ brittle, easily destroyed, perishable, frail. (a) pabhangu: S
pabbājayaṁ, tasmā pabbajito ti vuccati); DhA iv.145 (expl as iii.32; v.92; A i.254, 257 sq.; iii.16; DhsA 380; Sdhp 51, 553.
"attano rāgādimalaṁ pabbājento vinodento") J i.262 (raṭṭhā); — (b) °guṇa: It 37; J i.393 (ittarā addhuvā pabhanguno calitā;
iii.168 (id.); vi.350, 351; DhA ii.41; PvA 54 (core). — 2. reading may be pabhanguṇā); Dh 139 (as n.;=pabhangubhāva,
to make go forth (into the homeless state), to make somebody pūtibhāva, DhA iii.71), 148 (=pūtikāya ibid. 111). — (c)
take up the life of an ascetic or a bhikkhu, to take into the (Bud- °gura Dh 148 (v. l.); ThA 95; Sdhp 562, 605. — See also
dha's) order, to ordain Vin i.82 (description of ordination of a pabhanga.
novice), 97; iii.12; iv.129; DhA i.19, 133. — pp. pabbājita
Pabhañjati [pa+bhañj] to break up, destroy J iv.494. - pp.
(q. v.).
pabhagga (q. v.).
Pabbedha [pa+vedha of vyadh, cp. BSk. pravedha in same
Pabhava (m. & nt.) [fr. pa+bhu, cp. Ved. prabhava] production,
phrase at Divy 56, viz. ṣoḍaśa — pravedho] piercing
origin, source, cause M i.67; S i.181; ii.12; It 37 (āhāra —
through (measuring) an arrow shot Th 1, 164 — J ii.334 2
netti°); Sn 728, 1050; Nd under mūla (with syn. of sambhava
(soḷasa°=soḷasa — kaṇḍa — pāta — vitthāro C.). — Note.
& samuṭṭhāna etc.); J iii.402= vi.518.
pabbedha owes its bb to analogy with ubbedha. It also cor-
Pabhavati see pahoti.
responds to the latter in meaning: whereas ubbedha refers to
the height, pabbedha is applied to the breadth or width. Pabhassati [pa+bhraṁś; cp. Sk. prabhraśyate] to fall down or
off, drop, disappear Vin ii.135 (pret. pabhassittha); iv.159
Pabbhamati [pa+bhamati] to roam forth or about J v.106
(id.). — Cp. pabhaṁsana.
(=bhamati C.).
Pabhassara (adj.) [fr. bhās] shining, very bright, resplendent S
Pabbhāra [cp. BSk. prāg — bhāra Divy 80 etc.] 1. (m.) a de-
i.145; v.92, 283; A i.10, 254, 257 sq., iii.16; Sn 48 (=parisud-
cline, incline, slope J i.348; adj. (usually — °) bending, inclin-
dha pariyodāta Nd 402); J v.202, 170; Vv 17 (rucira+); Pv
ing, sloping; fig. tending or leading to (cp. E. "bearing on")
iii.3 (rucira+); Vism 223; 377; DhA i.28; VvA 12 (pakati°
M i.493 (samudda°); S i.110 (id.); v.38, 216, 219; A iv.198
bright by nature).
(anupubba°), 224 (viveka°); Miln 38 (samādhi°). Very fre-
quent in comb with similar expressions, e. g. ninna, poṇa (cp. Pabhā (f.) [fr. pa+bhā, cp. Epic Sk. prabhā] light, radiance, shine
PvA ninnapoṇa — pabbhāraṁ cittaṁ): see further ref. under A ii.139; v.22; It 19, 20; PvA 56 (sarīra°), 137 (id.), 71, 176;
ninna; with adhimutta & garuka at Vism 117 (Nibbāna°). — Sdhp 250. — canda — ppabhā moonshine It 20; DhsA 14. —

Pabhā Pamaddati

adj. pabha (—°), radiating, lucid, in cpd. sayam° self — lucid Pabhedana (nt.) [cp. pabheda] breaking up, destruction Sn 1105
or self — radiant D i.17 (=attano attano va tesaṁ pabhā ti DA (avijjāya°=bhedanaṁ pahānaṁ etc. Nd 403).
i.110); A v.60; Sn 404.
Pabhoti etc. see pahoti.
Pabhāṇin at Kern, Toev. s. v. is wrongly given with quot. J v.421 1
Pamajjati [pa+mad] 1. to become intoxicated S i.73. — 2. to
(in meaning "speaking") where it should be read manāpa —
be careless, slothful, negligent; to neglect, waste one's time S
bhāṇin, and not manā — p°. 1 2
iv.125, 133; Sn 676, 925, 933; cp. Nd 376 & Nd 70; Dh 168,
Pabhāta [pp. of pabhāti] become clear or light, shining, dawn- 172, 259; J iii.264 (with acc.); iv.396 (with gen.); Pv i.11 12
ing Sn 178 (sup°); esp. in phrase pabhātāya rattiyā when night (dāne na p.); iv.13 (jāgaratha mā p.); Sdhp 16, 620. — aor.
had become light, i.e. given way to dawn, at daybreak J i.81, 2 pl. pamādattha M i.46; A iii.87; iv.139. Other noteworthy
500. — (nt.) daybreak, morning S i.211; SnA 519 (pabhāte); forms are aor. or precative (mā) pamādo S iv.263; Th 1, 119;
atipabhāte in broad daylight J i.436. Dh 371 (see Geiger P.Gr. § 161 b), and cond. or aor. pamā-
dassaṁ M iii.179; A i.139 (see Geiger l. c. 170 & Trenckner
Pabhāti [pa+bhā] to shine forth, to become light, gleam, glitter J 2
Notes 75 ). — appamajjanto (ppr.) diligent, eager, zealous
v.199 (said of a river; =pavattati C.). — pp. pabhāta.
PvA 7. — pp. pamatta (q. v.).
Pabhāva [fr. pa+bhū] might, power, strength, majesty, dignity J
Pamajjati [pa+mṛj] 1. to wipe off, rub off, sweep, scour Vin
v.36; vi.449.
i.47; ii.209 (bhūmi° itabbā); M i.383. — 2. to rub along,
Pabhāvita [pp. of pabhāveti] increased, furthered, promoted Th stroke, grope, feel along (with one's hands) Vin ii.209 (cīvara
1, 767 (bhava — netti°); expl by samuṭṭhita C.
— rajjuṁ °itvā; cp. Vin. Texts iii.279). — Note. pamajjamāna
Pabhāveti [Caus. of pabhavati] to increase, augment, foster Pv in phrase gale pi p° ānena at Nett 164 is after the example of
ii.9 =DhA iii.220 (dakkhiṇeyyaṁ). — pp. pabhāvita. similar passages M i.108 and A iv.32 and as indicated by v. l.
preferably to be read as "api panujjamānena pi" (see panudati).
Pabhāsa [fr. pa+bhās] shining, splendour, beauty S i.67; sap°
with beauty S v.263; Miln 223; ap° without beauty Miln 299. Pamajjanā (f.) & °itatta (nt.) are abstr. formations fr. pa+mad,
in the sense of pamāda carelessness etc., & occur as philo-
Pabhāsati [pa+bhaṣ] to tell, declare, talk Th 1, 582. 1
logical synonyms in exegesis of pamāda at Vbh 350=Nd 423;
Pabhāseti [Caus. of pa+bhās] to illumine, pervade with light, 2
Nd 405. Also at DhA i.228 (°bhāva=pamāda).
enlighten Dh 172 (=obhāseti DhA iii.169), 382 (=obhāseti
ekālokaṁ karoti DhA iv.137); J i.87; Pv i.10 (so read for ca Pamaññā (f.) [abstr. fr. pamāṇa, for *pamānyā, grd. form. of
bh°); ii.1 ; Ps i.174; Miln 336; PvA 10 (=obhāseti). pa+mā for the usual pameyya] only neg. ap° immeasurable-
ness Vbh 272 sq. (catasso appamaññāyo, viz. mettā, karuṇā,
Pabhindati [pa+bhindati] to split asunder (trs.), break, destroy muditā, upekhā). See appamaññā.
Sn 973 (=bhindati sambhindati Nd 503); ger. pabhijja S
i.193=Th 1, 1242. — Pass. pabhijjati to be broken, to burst Pamaṭṭa in cpd. luñcita-pamaṭṭā kapotī viya (simile for a
(open), to split asunder (intrs.), to open S i.150 (aor. pab- woman who has lost all her hair) at PvA 47 is doubtful, it
hijjiṁsu); Sn p. 125 (id.); Vv 41 (break forth=pabhedaṁ should probably be read as luñcita — pakkhikā k. viya i.
e. like a pigeon whose feathers have been pulled out (v. l.
gacchanti VvA 183; gloss pavajjare for pabhijjare); SnA 475
(=bhijjati). Also "to open, to be developed" (like a flower)
Miln 93 (buddhi p.). — pp. pabhinna. Pamatta [pp. of pamajjati] slothful, indolent, indifferent, care-
less, negligent D iii.190; S i.61=204; A i.11, 139; iv.319;
Pabhinna [pp. of pabhindati] 1. to burst open, broken (like
a flower or fruit), flowing with juice; usually appl to an v.146; Sn 57, 70, 329 sq., 399, 1121; Dh 19, 21, 29, 292,
309 (=sati — vossaggena samannāgata DhA iii.482), 371; Nd 2
elephant in rut, mad, furious M i.236 (hatthi°); Dh 326
404; PvA 276 (quot. °ṁ ativattati). appamatta diligent, care-
(hatthi°=mattahatthi DhA iv.24)= Th 1, 77; J iv.494; vi.488;
Pv i.11 (read chinnapabhinna — gatta); Miln 261, 312 ful, eager, mindful S i.4, 140, 157; A v.148; Th 1, 1245;
Pv iv.1 ; PvA 66 (dānaṁ detha etc.), 219, 278. See also
(hatthināgaṁ tidhāpabhinnaṁ); DA i.37 (°madaṁ caṇḍa —
appamatta .
hatthiṁ). — 2. developed, growing Miln 90 (°buddhi).
-cārin acting carelessly Dh 334 (=sati — vossagga —
Pabhuti (adj.) (—°) [Vedic prabhṛti] beginning, in meaning of:
lakkhaṇena pamādena p. — c. DhA iv.43). -bandhu friend
since, after, subsequently; tato p. from that time, henceforth 2
of the careless (Ep. of Māra) S i.123, 128; Sn 430; Nd 507.
VvA 158.
Pamattaka (adj.)=pamatta, only in neg. form ap° careful, mindful
Pabhutika (adj.) [fr. pabhuti] dating from, derived or coming
PvA 201.
from (abl.) D i.94 (kuto p.).
Pamathita [pp. of pa+mathati to crush] crushed, only in cpd.
Pabhu [fr. pa+bhū] iord, master, ruler, owner DA i.250.
sam° (q. v.).
Pabheda [fr. pa+bhid, cp. pabhindati] breaking or splitting up,
Pamadā (f.) [Classical Sk. pramadā, fr. pra+mad, cp. pamāda]
breaking, opening VvA 183; akkhara° breaking up of letters,
a young (wanton) woman, a woman Sn 156, 157 (gloss for
word — analysis, phonology D i.88 (=sikkhā ca nirutti ca DA
pamāda cp. SnA 203); J iii.442 (marapamadānaṁ issaro; v. l.
i.247=SnA 447). — adj. (—°) breaking up into, i. e. consist-
samuddā), 530 (v. l. pamuda, pamoda).
ing of, comprising, of various kinds J i.84; PvA 8 (paṭisandhi
Pamaddati [pa+mṛd] to crush down, destroy, overcome, defeat;
— ādi°), 130 (saviññāṇak' âviññāṇaka°).
pp. pamaddita J vi.189 (mālutena p. corresponding with vāta

Pamaddati Pamuṭṭha

— pahaṭa). suring Sn 894 (sayaṁ p.=paminitvā Nd 303); J iii.114.
Pamaddana (adj. nt.) [fr. pamaddati] crushing, defeating, Pamāya [ger. of pamināti i. e. pa+mṛ, Sk. pramārya of
overcoming D i.89 (°parasena°); Sn p. 106 (id.=maddituṁ pramṛṇāti] crushing, destroying Sn 209 (bījaṁ;=hiṁsitva vad-
samattho SnA 450); Sn 561 (Mārasena°); DA i.250. hitvā SnA 257). See on this passage Morris, J.P.T.S. 1885, 45.
Pamaddin (adj.) [fr. pa+mṛd] crushing, able to crush, powerful, Pamāyin (adj.) [fr. pa+mā] measuring, estimating, defining S
mighty J iv.26 (=maddana — samattha C.). i.148 (appameyyaṁ p. "who to th' illimitable limit lays" trsl.;
corresponds with paminanto).
Pamāṇa (nt.) [of pa+mā, Vedic pramāṇa] 1. measure, size,
amount S ii.235; A i.88; iii.52, 356 sq.; v.140 sq.; Miln 285 Pamāreti [pa+māreti, Caus. of mṛ, marati to die] to strike dead,
(cp. trsl. ii.133, n. 2); SnA 137; VvA 16; PvA 55 (ghaṭa°), maltreat, hurt DhA iii.172.
70 (ekahattha°), 99 (tālakkhandha°), 268 (sīla°). — 2. mea-
Pamināti [pa+mināti to mā with pres. formation fr. mi, after
sure of time, compass, length, duration PvA 136 (jīvitaṁ par- Sk. minoti; see also anumināti] to measure, estimate, define
icchinna °ṁ); esp. in cpd. āyu° age S i.151; A i.213; ii.126 A iii.349, 351; v.140, 143; Sdhp 537. — ppr. paminanto
sq. and passim (cp. āyu). — 3. age (often by Com. taken as S i.148; inf. paminituṁ VvA 154; ger. paminitvā Nd 303,
"worldly characteristic," see below rūpa° and cp. Nd 406 on rd
and pamāya (q. v.); grd. paminitabba VvA 278; aor. 3 sg.
Sn 1076); DhA i.38. — 4. limit PvA 123, 130 (dhanassa). — pāmesi J v.299, 3 pl. pamiṁsu A ii.71; Th 1, 469 (pāmiṁsu).
5. (appl meaning) standard, definition, description, dimen-
Pamilāta [pp. of pa+mlā] faded, withered, languished Miln 303.
sion S iv.158≈Sn 1076 (perhaps ("age"). pamāṇaṁ karoti set
an example DhA iii.300 (maṁ p. katvā). — adj. (—°) of Pamukha (adj.) [pa+mukha, cp. late Sk. pramukha] lit. "in
characteristic, of the character of, measuring or measured by, front of the face," fore — part, first, foremost, chief, promi-
taking the standard of, only in cpd. rūpa° measuring by (ap- nent S i.234, 235; Sn 791 (v. l. BB and Nd 92 for pamuñca);
pearance or) form, or held in the sphere of form (defined or J v.5, 169. loc. pamukhe as adv. or prep. "before" S i.227
Pug A 229 as "rūpa — ppamāṇ' ādisu sampattiyuttaṁ rūpaṁ (asurindassa p.; v. l. sammukhe); Vism 120. As — ° having
pamāṇaṁ karotī ti") A ii.71=Pug 53; Nd 406. — appamāṇa as chief, headed by, with NN at the head D ii.97; S i.79 (Pase-
without a measure, unlimited, immeasurable, incomparable D nadi° rājāno); PvA 74 (setacchatta° rājakakudhabhaṇḍa); freq.
i.31; ii.12 (+uḷāra); M iii.145 (ceto — vimutti); A i.183, 192; in phrase Buddha° bhikkhusangha, e. g. Vin i.213; Sn p. 111;
ii.73; iii.52; v.299 sq., 344 sq.; Sn 507; PvA 110 (=atula). See PvA 19, 20. Cp. pāmokkha.
also appamāṇa. 2 1
Pamukha (nt.) [identical with pamukha , lit. "in front of the
-kata taken as standard, set as example, being the mea-
face," i. e. frontside, front] 1. eyebrow (?) only in phrase
sure, in phrase p. — kataṁ kammaṁ D i.251; S iv.322. d
alāra° with thick eyebrows or lashes J vi.503 (but expl by C.
Pamāṇavant (adj. n.) [fr. pamāṇa] having a measure, finite; or: as "visāl' akkhigaṇḍa); PvA 189 (for aḷāra — pamha Pv iii.3 ).
to be described, able to be defined Vin ii.110; A ii.73. Perhaps we should read pakhuma instead.
Pamāṇika (adj. n.) [fr. pamāṇa] 1. forming or taking a measure Pamuccati Pass. of pamuñcati (q. v.).
or standard, measuring by (—°) DhA iii.113 (rūpa° etc., see
Pamucchita [pa+mucchita] 1. swooning, in a faint, fainting (with
A ii.71); (n.) one who measures, a critic, judge A iii.349 sq.; 8
hunger) Pv iii.1 (=khuppipāsādidukkhena sañjāta — mucchā
v.140; Sdhp 441 (as pamāṇaka). — 2. according to measure, 8
PvA 174); iv.10 . — 2. infatuated S i.187 (v. l.; T. samuc-
by measure Vin iii.149; iv.279.
chita)=Th 1, 1219; J iii.441.
Pamāda [cp. Vedic pramāda, pa+mad] carelessness, negligence,
Pamuñca [fr. pa+muc] loosening, setting free or loose, in cpd.
indolence, remissness D i.6 (jūta°, see DA i.85); iii.42 sq.,
°kara deliverer S i.193=Th 1, 1242 (bandhana°). — adj. dup°
236; M i.151; S i.18, 20, 25, 146, 216; ii.43, 193; iv.78, 263;
difficult to be freed S i.77;Sn 773; Dh 346; J ii.140.
v.170, 397; A i.212 (surāmerayamajja°)=S ii.69; A i.16 sq.;
Pamuñcati [pa+muñcati of muc] 1. to let loose, give out, emit
ii.40; iii.6, 421, 449; iv.195, 294, 350; v.310, 361; Sn 156, 157 1
Sn 973 (vācaṁ;=sampamuñcati Nd 504); J i.216 (aggiṁ). —
(gloss pamadā, cp. SnA 203), 334, 942, 1033; Dh 21, 30 sq.,
2. to shake off, give up, shed Dh 377 (pupphāni). Perhaps
167 (=satiossagga — lakkhaṇa p. DhA iii.163), 241, 371; Th
1, 1245=S i.193; It 86; Nd 423=Nd 405; Ps ii.8 sq., 169 sq., also in phrase saddhaṁ p. to renounce one's faith, although
the interpretation is doubtful (see Morris, J.P.T.S. 1885, 46
197; Pug 11, 12; Nett 13, 41; Miln 289 (māna atimāna mada+);
sq. & cp. Dial. ii.33) Vin i.7=D ii.39=S i.138 (C. vissaj-
SnA 339 (=sati — vippavāsa); DhA i.228; PvA 16 (pamādena
jati, as quoted KS p. 174). — 3. to deliver, free Sn 1063
out of carelessness); Sdhp 600. — appamāda earnestness, 2 a
(kathan kathāhi=mocehi uddhara etc. Nd 407 ), 1146 (pa-
vigilance, zeal D iii.236; S i.158; ii.29; Dh 21.
muñcassu=okappehi etc. Nd 407 ). — Pass. pamuccati to
-pāṭha careless reading (in the text) Nett Ṭ. (see introd.
be delivered or freed S i.24, 173; Sn 80, 170 sq. (dukkhā); Dh
xi. n. 1); KhA 207; PvA 25.
189 (sabbadukkhā), 276 (fut. pamokkhati), 291 (dukkhā), 361.
Pamādavatā (f.) [abstr. fr. pamāda+vant, adj.] remissness A — pp. pamutta (q. v.). — Caus. pamoceti to remove, lib-
erate, deliver, set free S i.143, 154, 210; Th 2, 157 (dukkhā);
Pamādin (adj.) [fr. pamāda] infatuating, exciting, in phrase citta° Cp. ii.7 ; iii.10 sq. Caus. II. pamuñcāpeti to cause to get
Th 2, 357 (trsl "leading to ferment of the mind"; vv. ll. °pa- loose DA i.138.
maddin & °pamāthin, thus "crushing the heart," cp. ThA 243).
Pamuṭṭha [pp. of pamussati] being or having forgotten Vin i.213;
Pamāya [ger. of pamināti i. e. pa+mā] having measured, mea- Ps i.173 (a°); J iii.511 (T. spells pamm°); iv.307 (id.); Miln 77.

Pamuṭṭha Payuta

Cp. parimuṭṭha. s. v.) J vi.538 (C. reads pampuka & expl by pampaṭaka).
Pamutta [pp. of pamuñcati] 1. let loose, hurled J vi.360 (papā- Pamha (nt.) [the syncope form of pakhuma=Sk. pakṣman used in
tasmiṁ). — 2. liberated, set free S i.154; Sn 465, 524 sq. poetry and always expl in C. by pakhuma] eye — lash, usu-
ally in cpd. aḷāra° having thick eyelashes, e. g. at J v.215; Vv
Pamutti (f.) [fr. pa+muc] setting free, release S i.209; Th 2, 248; 7 11 5
35 ; 64 ; Pv iii.3 ; asāyata° at Th 2, 383.
J iv.478; Nett 131 (=S i.209; but read pamutty atthi); PvA 103
(dukkhato). Pamhayati [pa+smi, Sk. prasmayate] to laugh; Caus. pamhāpeti
to make somebody laugh J v.297 (=parihaseti C.), where it is
Pamudita (& °modita) [pp. of pamodati] greatly delighted, very
syn. with the preceding umhāpeti.
pleased M i.37; S i.64; A iii.21 sq.; Sn 512; J iii.55; DA i.217,
ThA 71; PvA 77, 132. — Spelt pamodita at Sn 681, J i.75; Paya (nt.) [Ved. payas, nt, of pī] milk, juice J i.204; vi.572.
v.45 (āmodita+).
Payacchati [pa+yacchati of yam] to offer, present, give Dpvs
Pamuyhati [pa+muyhati of muh] to become bewildered or infat- xi.28; Pgdp 63, 72, 77 sq. — pp. payata (q. v.).
uated J vi.73. — pp. pamūḷha (q. v.).
Payata [pp. of payacchati] restrained, composed, purified, pure
Pamussati [pa+mṛṣ, Sk. mṛṣyati=P. *mussati] to forget J iii.132, D i.103 (=abhiharitvā dinna); A iii.313; Th 1, 348, 359 (°atta);
264 (pamajjati+); iv.147, 251. — pamuṭṭha (q. v.). It 101 (°pāṇin)=Miln 215; Sn 240 (=sakkāra — karaṇena p.
Pamūḷha [pp. of pamuyhati] bewildered, infatuated Sn 774; Nd 1 alankata SnA 284); Vism 224 (°pāṇin=parisuddha — hattha);
Sdhp 100.
36 (=sammūḷha), 193 (+sammūḷha).
Payatana (nt.) [cp. Sk. prayatna, of yat] striving after, effort,
Pameyya (—°) (adj.) [grd. of pamināti, like Epic Sk. pra-meya]
endeavour KhA 108.
to be measured, measurable, only in foll. cpd. appameyya
not to be measured, illimitable, unfathomable S i.148; v.400; Payatta [pp. of pa+yat] making effort, taking care, being on one's
M iii.71, 127; A i.266; Vv 34 19 (=paminituṁ asakkhuṇeyya guard, careful Miln 373.
VvA 154); 37 (expl as before at VvA 169); duppameyya 6
Payāta [pp. of payāti] gone forth, set out, proceeded Pv iv.5
hard to be gauged or measured A i.266; Pug 35; opp. sup-
(=gantuṁ āraddha PvA 260); J iii.188, 190. Strange is "evaṁ
pameyya ibid.
nānappayātamhi" at Th 1, 945 (Mrs. Rh. D. "thus when so
Pamokkha [fr. pa+muc, see pamuñcati] 1. discharging, launch- much is fallen away"; Neumann "in solcher Drangsal, solcher
ing, letting loose, gushing out; in phrases itivāda° pouring out Not"). — duppayāta going or gone wrong, strayed Vv 84 9
gossip M i.133; S v.73; A ii.26; DA i.21; and caravāda° id. S (=duṭṭhu payātha apathe gata VvA 337).
iii.12; v.419. — 2. release, deliverance S i.2; PvA 103 (pa- Payāti [pa+yā] to go forward, set out, proceed, step out, advance,
mutti+); abl. pamokkhā for the release of, i. e. instead of only aor pāyāsi J i.146, 223, 255; 3 pl. pāyiṁsu J i.253 and
(gen.) J v.30 (pituno p.=pamokkha — hetu C.).
pāyesuṁ J iv.220. — pp. payāta, (q. v.). See also pāyāti.
Pamocana (adj. n.) [fr. pa+muc] loosening, setting free; deliver-
Payirudāharati [pari+ud+āharati with metathesis payir° for
ance, emancipation S i.172=Sn 78; A ii.24, 37, 49 sq.; Sn 166
pariy°] to speak out, to proclaim aor payirudāhāsi D ii.222
(maccupāsā, abl.=from), 1064 (pamocanāya dat.=pamocetuṁ (vaṇṇe); J i.454 (vyañjanaṁ).
Nd ); It 104 (Nibbānaṁ sabbagantha °ṁ). At Dh 274 we
Payirupāsati [pari+upa+ās, with metathesis as in payirudāharati]
should read pamohanaṁ for pamocanaṁ.
1. "to sit close round," i. e. to attend on (acc.), to honour, pay
Pamoceti Caus. of pamuñcati (q. v.).
homage, worship D i.47; ii.257; M ii.117, S i.146; A i.124,
Pamoda [fr. pa+mud, cp. Vedic pramoda] joy, delight Sdhp 528, 126, 142; iv.337; Dh 64, 65; Th 1, 1236; J vi.222 (imper.
563. See also pāmojja. °upāsaya); Pv ii.9 ; Pug 26, 33; SnA 401; VbhA 457 (here
def by Bdhgh as "punappunaṁ upasankamati"). — ppr. °up-
Pamodati [pa+mud] to rejoice, enjoy, to be delighted, to be glad
āsanto S v.67=It 107; PvA 44; and upāsamāna DhA ii.32.
or satisfied S i.182; A iii.34 (so read for ca modati); Dh 16,
22; Pv i.11 , 11 ; VvA 278 (=āmodati). — Caus. pamodeti — aor. °upāsiṁ A iv.213 (Bhagavantaṁ); PvA 50. — ger.
°upāsiya D ii.287. — 2. to visit Vin i.214 (ger. °upāsitvā);
id. Sdhp 248. — pp. pamudita (& pamodita) (q. v.). Cp.
iv.98. — pp. payirupāsiṭa (q. v.).
Payirupāsana (nt.) & °ā (f.) [fr. payirupāsati] attending to,
Pamodanā (f.) [fr. pa+mud] delight, joy, satisfaction Dhs 9, 86,
worshipping: worship, homage M ii.176; S v.67= It 107; DA
285 (āmodanā+).
i.142; PvA 138.
Pamoha [pa+muh, cp. Epic Sk. pramoha] bewilderment, infat-
uation, fascination Sn 841 (v. l. Nd sammoha); Nd 193 Payirupāsika [fr. payirupāsati] a worshipper ThA 200.
(+sammoha andhakāra); J vi.358; J vi.358; Pug 21; Dhs 390, Payirupāsita [pp. of payirupāsati] worshipped PvA 116 (=up-
1061. aṭṭhita), 205 (=purakkhata).
Pamohana [fr. pa+muh] deceiving, deception, delusion Dh 274 Payuñjati [pa+yuj] to harness, yoke, employ, apply; Pass. payu-
(T. reads pamocana; DhA iii.403 expl by vañcana). jjati to be applied to Sdhp 400 (ppr. °māna). — pp. payutta
(q. v.). — Caus. payojeti (q. v.).
Pampaka [etym? Cp. Sk. pampā N. of a river (or lake), but cp.
ref. in BR. under pampā varaṇ — ādi] a loris (Abhp. 618) i. e. Payuta [pp. of pa+yu, cp. Sk. pra+yuta united, fastened
an ape; but probably meant for a kind of bird (cp. Kern, Toev. to, increased] (wrongly) applied, at random, careless: "mis-

Payuta Para

directed" A i.199; Sn 711 (°ṁ vācaṁ=obhāsaparikathā — i.256; Sn 818, instr. parehi Sn 240, 255; PvA 17. — Mean-
nimitta — viññatti — payuttaṁ ghāsesana — vācaṁ SnA ings: (a) beyond, i. e. "higher" in space (like Ved. para as
497), 930 (=cīvarādīhi sampayutta tadatthaṁ vā payojita SnA opp. to avara lower), as well as "further" in time (i. e. future,
565; Nd 389 however reads payutta and expl as "cīvara- to come, or also remote, past: see loc. pare under c.), freq.
payutta" etc.). in phrase paro loko the world beyond, the world (i. e. life)
to come, the beyond or future life (opp. ayaṁ loko) Sn 185
Payutta [pp. of payuñjati] 1. yoked Sn p. 13 (=yottehi yojita
(asmā lokā paraṁ lokaṁ na socati), 634 (asmiṁ loke paramhi
SnA 137). — 2. applied, intent on, devoted to, busy in (acc., 3
loc., or — °) J v.121 (ajjhattaṁ); Pv iii.7 10 (sāsane); SnA 497 ca); Dh 168 (paramhi loke); Pv ii.8 (id.=paraloke PvA 107);
but also in other comb , like santi — para (adj.) higher than
(viññatti°). — 3. applicable (either rightly or wrongly); as
calm Dh 202. Cp. paraloka, paraṁ and paro. — (b) another,
su° well — behaved, acting well Miln 328; by itself (in bad
other, adj. as well as n., pl. others Sn 396 (parassa dāraṁ
sense), wrongly applied, wasted (cp. payuta) A ii.81 sq.; Sn 1
930 (see Nd 389). — 4. planned, schemed, undertaken Vin nâtikkameyya), 818 (paresaṁ, cp. Nd 150); Dh 160 (ko paro
who else), 257 (pare others); Pv ii.9 (parassa dānaṁ); ii.9
ii.194 (Deva dattena Bhagavato vadho p.).
(pare, loc.= paramhi parassa PvA 130); DhA iv.182 (gen. pl.);
Payuttaka (adj. n.) [payutta+ka] one who is applied or put
PvA 15, 60 (paresaṁ dat.), 103, 116, 253 (parassa purisassa &
to a (bad) task, as spy, hireling; bribed J i.262 (°cora), 291
paraṁ purisaṁ). Often contrasted with and opposed to attano
(one's own, oneself), e. g. at M i.200 (paraṁ vambheti attānaṁ
Payoga [Vedic prayoga, fr. pa+yuj, see payuñjati] 1. means, ukkaṁseti); Sn 132 (attānaṁ samukkaṁse paraṁ avajānāti); J
instrument J vi.116 (=karaṇa); SnA 7; DhsA 215 (sa°). — i.256 (paresaṁ, opp. attanā); Nd 26 (att — attha opp. par
2. preparation, undertaking, occupation, exercise, business, — attha, see cpds. °ajjhāsaya & °attha). — paro... paro "the
action, practice Vin iv.278; Ps ii.213 (sammā°); Miln 328 one... the other" D i.224 (kiṁ hi paro parassa karissati); paro
(sammā°); KhA 23, 29 sq.; PvA 8 (vapana°), 96 (manta°), 103, paraṁ one another Sn 148 (paro paraṁ nikubbetha). — In a
146 (viññatti°; cp. payutta 2), 285 (sakkhara — kkhipana°). special sense we find pare pl. in the meaning of "the others,"
payogaṁ karoti to exert oneself, to undertake, to try PvA 184 i. e. outsiders, aliens (to the religion of the Buddha), ene-
(=parakkamati). mies, opponents (like Vedic pare) D i.2 (=paṭiviruddhā sattā
-karaṇa exertion, pursuit, occupation DhA iii.238 DA i.51); Vin i.349; Dh 6. — (c) some oblique cases in special
-vipatti failure of means, wrong application PvA 117, 136. meaning and used as adv.: paraṁ acc. sg. m. see under cpds.,
-sampatti success of means VvA 30, 32. -suddhi excellency like parantapa; as nt. adv. see sep. In phrase puna ca paraṁ
of means, purity in application DhsA 165; VvA 60. -hīna would be better read puna c' aparaṁ (see apara). — parena
deficient in exertion or application Miln 288. (instr.) later on, afterwards J iii.395 (=aparena samayena C.).
— pare (loc.); cp. Gr. παραί at; Lat. prae before; Goth.
Payogatā (f.) [fr. payoga] application (to) Vism 134 (majjhatta°).
faúra=E, for, old dat. of *per) in the past, before, yet earlier
Payojana (nt.) [fr. pa+yuj] 1. undertaking, business PvA 201.
J ii.279 (where it continues ajja and hiyyo, i. e. to — day
— 2. appointment J i.143. — 3. prescript, injunction DhsA
and yesterday, and refers to the day before yesterday. Sim-
403. — 4. purpose, application, use Sdhp 395.
ilarly at Vin iv.63 pare is contrasted with ajja & hiyyo and
Payojita [pp. of payojeti] 1 connected with, directed to, applied may mean "in future," or "the day before yesterday." It is of
SnA 565. — 2. instigated, directed Miln 3. interest to notice the Ved. use of pare as "in the future" opp.
Payojeti [Caus. of payuñjati] 1. to undertake, engage in, begin to adya & śvas); J iii.423 (the day before yesterday). At DhA
D i.71 (kammante "set a business on foot"); A ii.82 (kam- i.253 (sve vā pare vā) and iv.170 in the sense of "on the day af-
mantaṁ); Sn 404 (vaṇijjaṁ); J i.61; PvA 130 (kammaṁ). — ter tomorrow." — parā (only apparently abl., in reality either
para+a° which represents the vocalic beginning of the second
2. to prepare, apply, use, put to, employ PvA 46 (bhesajjaṁ
part of the cpd., or para+ā which is the directional prefix ā,
cuṇṇena saddhiṁ). — 3. to engage, take into service, set to,
emphasizing para. The latter expl is more in the spirit of the
hire J i.173; ii.417. — 4. to engage with, come to close quar-
Pali language): see separately. -paro (old abl. as adv.=Sk.
ters J. ii.10. — 5. to put out at interest (vaḍḍhiyā) DA i.270.
paras) beyond further: see sep. — parato (abl.) in a variety
— pp. payojita (q. v.).
of expressions and shades of meaning, viz. (1) from another,
Payyaka [pa+ayyaka] (paternal) great — grandfather J i.2
as regards others A iii.337 (attano parato ca); Nett 8 (ghosa),
(ayyaka°); PvA 107 (id.).
50 (id.). — (2) from the point of view of "otherness," i. e. as
Para (adv. — adj.) [fr. Idg. *per, *peri (cp. pari); Ved. para, strange or something alien, as an enemy M i.435 (in "anicca"
parā, paraṁ; Lat. per through, Gr. πέρα & πέραν beyond; see — passage); A iv.423; Nd 214 ; Ps ii.238; Kvu 400; Miln
Walde, Lat. Wtb. under per & also pari, pubba, pura, purāṇa] 418 and passim; in phrase parato disvā "seen as not myself"
1. (adv. & prep.) beyond, on the further side of (with abl. Th 1, 1160; 2, 101; S i.188 (sankhāre parato passa, dukkhato
or loc.), over PvA 168 (para Gangāya, v. l. °āyaṁ). See in mā ca attato). — (3) on the other side of, away from, beyond
same meaning & application paraṁ, paro and parā & cp. cpds. J ii.128; PvA 24 (kuḍḍānaṁ). — (4) further, afterwards, later
like paraloka. — 2. (adj.) para follows the pron. declension; on S i.34; J i.255; iv.139; SnA 119, 482. — Note. The com-
cases: sg. nom. paro Sn 879, acc. paraṁ Sn 132, 185, gen. pounds with para° are combinations either with para 1 (adv.
dat. parassa Sn 634; Pv ii.9 , instr. parena PvA 116, loc. prep.), or para 2 (adj. n.). Those containing para in form parā
paramhi Sn 634, and pare Pv ii.9 ; pl. nom. pare Dh 6, acc. and in meaning "further on to" see separately under parā°. See
pare Dh 257; PvA 15, gen. dat. paresaṁ D i.3; Th 1, 743; J also pāra, pārima etc.

Para Para

-ajjhāsaya intent on others (opp. att°) SnA 46. -attha person (opp. attantapa) D iii.232; M i.341, 411; ii.159; Pug
(parattha, to be distinguished from adv. parattha, q. v. sep.) 56. -paccaya resting, relying, or dependent on someone else
the profit or welfare of another (opp. attattha) S ii.29; A Nd 321; usually neg. a° independent of another Vin i.12, 181
iii.63; Dh 166; Nd 26. -âdhīna dependent on others D and passim. -pattiya=prec. Nd 321. -pāṇa other living
i.72 (=paresu adhīno parass' eva ruciyā pavattati DA i.212); beings Sn 220. -puggala other people D iii.108. -putta
J vi.99; ThA 15 (°vuttika); VvA 23 (°vutti, paresaṁ bhāraṁ somebody else's son A iv.169; Sn 43. -pessa serving oth-
vahanto). -ûpakkama aggression of an enemy, violence ers, being a servant Sn 615 (=paresaṁ veyyāvacca SnA 466).
Vin ii.194. -ûpaghāta injuring others, cruelty Vv 84 . - -pessiyā a female servant or messenger, lit. to be sent by oth-
ûpaghātin killing others Dh 184 (=paraṁ upahananto p. DhA ers J iii.413 (=parehi pesitabbā pesanakārikā C.). -ppavāda
iii.237). -ûpavāda reproaching others Sn 389. -kata see [cp. BSk. parapravādin "false teacher" Divy 202] disputa-
parankata. -kamma service of others, °kārin serving oth- tion with another, challenge, opposition in teaching (appl to
ers Vv 33 . -kāra see below under parankāra. -kula clan Non — Buddhistic systems) S v.261; A ii.238; Miln 170, 175.
of another, strange or alien clan Sn 128; Dh 73. -kkanta -bhāga outer part, precinct part beyond PvA 24. -bhuta [Sk.
[para° or parā° *krānta?] walked (by another? or gone over?) parabhṛta] the Indian cuckoo (lit. brought up by another) J
J vi.559 (better to be read with v. l. on p. 560 as pada° i. e. v.416 (so read for parābhūta). -bhojana food given by oth-
walked by feet, footprint). -kkama (parā+kram] exertion, ers Sn 366 (=parehi dinnaṁ saddhādeyyaṁ SnA 364). -loka
endeavour, effort, strife D i.53; iii.113; S i.166 (daḷha°); ii.28 [cpd. either with para 1. or para 2. It is hardly justified to as-
(purisa°); v.66, 104 sq.; A i.4, 50 (purisa°); iv.190; Sn 293; Dh sume a metaphysical sense, or to take para as temporal in the
313; Nd 487; J i.256; ii.153; Dhs 13, 12, 289, 571; Miln 244; sense of paraṁ (cp. paraṁmaraṇā after death), i. e. the future
DhA iv.139; Sdhp 253; adj. (—°) sacca° one who strives after world or the world to come] the other world, the world beyond
the truth J iv.383. -kkamati [*parakramati] to advance, go (opp. ayaṁ loko this world or idhaloka the world here, see on
forward, exert oneself, undertake, show courage Sn 966 (ger. term Stede, Peta Vatthu p. 29 sq.) D i.27, 58, 187; ii.319; S
parakkamma); Dh 383 (id.); Pv iii.2 13 (imper. parakkāma, v. i.72, 138; Sn 579, 666, 1117; Nd 60; Nd 214 (v. l. for paloka
l. parakkama); Pug 19, 23; PvA 184 (=payogaṁ karoti); Sdhp in anicca — passage) 410 (=manussalokaṁ ṭhapetvā sabbo
439. -kkaroti [either for parā+kṛ or more likely paras+kṛ, paraloko); Ps i.121; Vv 84 (=narakaṁ hi sattānaṁ ekantâ-
cp. paro] lit. "to put on the opposite side," i. e. to remove, natthatāya parabhūto paṭisattubhūto loko ti visesato paraloko
do away with J iv.26 (corresponding to apaneti, C. expl as ti VvA 335); PvA 5, 60 (=pettivisaya parattha), 64, 107, 253
"parato kāreti," taking parato in the sense of para 2 c 3), 404 (idhalokato p. natthi); SnA 478 (=parattha); Sdhp 316, 326,
(mā parākari=mā pariccaji C.). -gatta alien body, trsl. "limbs 327. -vambhitā contempt of others M i.19 (a°). -vambhin
that are not thou" Th 1, 1150. -gavacaṇḍa violent against contempting others M i.19, 527. -vasatta power (over oth-
the cows of another A ii.109=Pug 47 (opp. sakagavacaṇḍa, ers) Dāvs iv.19. -vāda (1) talk of others, public rumour S
cp. PugA 226: yo attano gogaṇaṁ ghaṭṭeti, paragogaṇe pana i.4; Sn 819 (cp. Nd 151); SnA 475. (2) opposition Miln
so rato sukhasīlo hoti etc.). -(n)kata made by something or 94 sq. -vādin opponent Miln 348. visaya the other world,
somebody else, extra — self, extraneous, alien S i.134 (nayi- realm of the Dead, Hades Pv iv.8 (=pettivisaya PvA 268).
daṁ attakataṁ bimbaṁ nayidaṁ parakataṁ aghaṁ); with ref. -vediya to be known by others, i. e. heterodox D ii.241; Sn
to loka & dukkha and opposed to sayankata D iii.137 sq.; S 474 (=parehi ñāpetabba SnA 410). -sattā (pl.) other beings A
ii.19 sq., 33 sq., 38 sq.; Ud 69 sq. -(n)kāra condition of oth- i.255=iii.17 (+parapuggalā). -suve on the day after tomorrow
erness, other people, alienity Ud 70 (opp. ahankara selfhood). DhA iv.170 (v. l. SS for pare, see para 2 c.). -sena a hostile
-citta the mind or heart of others A v.160. -jana a stranger, army D i.89=ii.16= iii.59=Sn p. 106 ≈ (cp. DA i.250=SnA
enemy, demon, fig. devil (cp. Sk. itarajana) M i.153, 210. 450). -hattha the hand of the enemy J i.179. -hiṁsā hurt-
-tthaddha [parā+tthaddha] propped against, founded on, re- ing others Pv iii.7 . -hita the good or welfare of others (opp.
lying on (with loc.) J vi.181 (=upatthadda C.). -tthabbha attahita) D iii.233; PvA 16, 163. -hetu on account of others,
is to be read for °tthambha at J iv.313, in meaning=°tthaddha through others Sn 122 (attahetu+); Pug 54.
(kismiṁ). -dattûpajīvin living on what is given by others,
Paraṁ (param°) (adv.) [orig. nt. of para] further, away (from);
dependent on another's gift Sn 217; Miln 294. -davutta see
as prep. (w. abl.) after, beyond; absolute only in phrase ito
sep. under parada -dāra the wife of another, somebody else's
paraṁ from here, after this, further, e. g. KhA 131; SnA 160,
wife M i.87; A ii.71, 191; Sn 108, 242 (°sevanā); Dh 246, 309
178, 412, 512, 549; PvA 83, 90; also in tato paraṁ J iii.281.
(°upasevin, cp. DhA iii.482); J vi.240; DhA iii.481 (°kamma).
-parā (f.) [adv. converted into a noun paraṁ+abl. of para]
-dārika (better to be read as pāra°) an adulterer S ii.188, 259;
lit. "after the other," i. e. succession, series Vin ii.110; iv.77,
J iii.43. -dhammika "of someone else's norm," one who fol-
78 (parampara — bhojana "taking food in succession," suc-
lows the teaching of another, i. e. of an heretic teacher Sn 965 cessive feeding, see under bhojana, and cp. C. at Vin iv.77, 78
(Nd 485: p° ā vuccanti satta sahadhammika ṭhapetvā ye keci
and Vin Texts i.38); D i.239; M i.520; A ii.191 (paramparāya
Buddhe appasannā, dhamme appa nnā, sanghe appasannā). 2
in phrase anussavena p. itikirāya, as at Nd 151); Bu i.79; J
-niṭṭhita made ready by others S i.236. -nimmita "created d
i.194; iv.35 (expl by C. as purisa°, viz. a series of husbands,
by another," in °vasavattin having power under control of an-
but probably misunderstood, Kern, Toev. s. v. interperts as
other, N. of a class of Devas (see deva) D i.216 sq.; A i.210; It
"defamation, ravishing"); Nett 79 (°parahetu); Miln 191, 276;
94; Pug 51; DA i.114, 121; KhA 128; VvA 79. -neyya to be DhsA 314; SnA 352; DhA i.49 (sīsa°). -maraṇā (adv.) after
led by another, under another's rule Sn 907 Nd 321 (=parap- n
death; usually in comb with kāyassa bhedā p. after the dis-
attiya parapaccaya). -(n)tapa worrying or molesting another

Para Parāmaṭṭha

solution of the body, i. e. after death S i.231; D i.245; PvA tial or ruling doctrine M iii.7.
27, 133; absolutely only in phrase hoti Tathāgato p. D i.188,
Paramatā (f.) [fr. parama, Vedic paramatā highest position] the
192; A v.193. -mukhā (adv.) in one's absence, lit. with face
highest quantity, measure on the outside, minimum or maxi-
turned away (opp. sammukhā in presence, thus at J iii.263
mum D i.60 (ghāsa — cchādana — paramatāya santuṭṭho con-
where parammukhā corresponds to raho and sam° to āvi; PvA s
tented with a minimum of food & clothing; DA i.169 expl
13) D i.230 (parammukhin?); DhA ii.109.
by uttamatāya); M i.10 (abyābajjha°); S i.82 (nāḷik' odana —
Parajjhati see parājeti. paramatāya on a nāḷi of boiled rice at the most); freq. in phrase
sattakkhattuṁ p. interval of seven rebirths at the outside (cp.
Parattha (adv.) [Vedic parastāt beyond] elsewhere, hereafter, in
parama), being reborn seven times at the most S ii.134 sq.;
the Beyond, in the other world S i.20; Sn 661=It 42=Dh 306; 3
Dh 177; J ii.417; Pv i.11 (=paraloke PvA 60); iii.1 (=sam- v.458; Kvu 469 (cp. Kvu trsl. 268 ).
parāye PvA 177); SnA 478 (=paraloke). Parasupahāra at S v.441 is to be corrected to pharasu°.
Parada (adj.) [for uparada (?)=uparata, pp. of upa+ ram] find- Parā° (prefix) [para+ā, not instr. of para: see para 2 c; in
ing pleasure in, fond of, only in two (doubtful) cpds. viz. some cases it may also correspond to paraṁ°] prep. mean-
°vutta [unexpl , perhaps v for y, as daya> dava through in- ing "on to," "over" (with the idea of mastering), also "through,
fluence of d in parada°; thus=parata+ yutta?] "fond of being throughout." The ā is shortened before double consonant, like
prepared," adapted, apt, active, alert; only in one stock phrase parā+kṛ=parakkaroti, parā+ kram=parakkamati (see under
(which points to this form as being archaic and probably pop- cpds. of para).
ular etymology, thus distorting its real derivation), viz. appos-
Parākaroti see parakkaroti (paraṁ°? or parā?).
sukka pannaloma +Vin ii.184 (Vin. Texts iii.232 trsl. "secure,"
Parājaya [parā+ji, opp. of jaya] 1. defeat D i.10; J vi.209;
cp. Vin ii.363); M i.450; ii.121 (v. l. BB paradatta°), — and
VvA 139. — 2. defeat in game, loss, losing at play S i.149
°samācāra living a good (active) life M i.469.
(dhana°)=A v.171=Sn 659; J vi.234 (°gāha sustainment of a
Parama (adj.) [Vedic parama; superl. formation of para, lit. "far-
thest," cp. similarly, although fr. diff. base, Lat. prīmus]
Parājita [pp. of parājeti] defeated, having suffered a loss Vin iv.5;
highest, most excellent, superior, best; paraphrased by agga
seṭṭha visiṭṭha at Nd 502 A= Nd 84, 102 (the latter reading S i.224; A iv.432; Sn 440, 681; Dh 201 (=parena parājito DhA
iii.259, where Bdhgh takes it evidently as instr. of para=parā);
viseṭṭha for visiṭṭha); by uttama at DhA iii.237; VvA 78. —
J i.293; ii.160 (sahassaṁ), 403.
D i.124 (ettaka°); M ii.120 (°nipacca); S i.166; ii.277; v.230;
A v.64 (°diṭṭha — dhamma — nibbāna); Sn 138 (yasaṁ para- Parājeti [parā+jeti of ji, cp. jayati] to defeat, conquer; in gam-
maṁ patto), 296 (°ā mittā), 788 (suddhaṁ °ṁ arogaṁ), 1071 bling: to make lose, beat PvA 151 (sahassaṁ p. by 1,000
(saññāvimokhe °e vimutto); Dh 184 (nibbānaṁ °ṁ vadanti coins). — aor. parāji in 3 pl. °jiṁsu, only in one stock
Buddhā). 203, 243; Vv 16 (°alankata= paramaṁ ativiya vis- phrase referring to the battle of the Gods & Titans, viz. at D
esato VvA 78) Pv ii.9 10 (°iddhi); Pug 15, 16, 66; SnA 453 ii.285=M i.253 (°jiniṁsu)=S i.221= 224 (v. l. °jiniṁsu)=A
(°issara); PvA 12 (°nipacca). 15 (°duggandha), 46. — At the iv.432 (°jiyiṁsu, with v. l. °jiniṁsu), where a Pass. is re-
end of a cpd. (—°) "at the outmost, at the highest, at most; quired ("were defeated, lost") in opp. to jiniṁsu, and the read-
as a minimum, at least" Vin iv.263 (dvangula — pabba°); esp. ing °jiyiṁsu as aor. pass. is to be preferred. — Pass. °jīyati to
freq. in phrase sattakkhattu° one who will be reborn seven be defeated, to suffer defeat S i.221 (Pot. parājeyya, but form
times at the outmost, i. e. at the end of the 7 rebirthinterval is Active); J i.290; and parajjhati (1 pl. parajjhāma) J ii.403;
S ii.185 (sa°); v.205; A i.233; iv.381; v.120; It 18; Kvu 469. aor. parājiyi: see above parāji. — pp. parājita (q. v.).
See pāramī & pāramitā.
Parābhava [fr. parā+bhu Vedic parābhava] defeat, destruction,
-attha [cp. class. Sk. paramārtha] the highest good, ideal;
ruin, disgrace S ii.241; A ii.73; iv.26; Sn 91 — 115; J iii.331;
truth in the ultimate sense, philosophical truth (cp. Kvu trsl.
SnA 167.
180; J.P.T.S. 1914, 129 sq.; Cpd. 6, 81); Arahantship Sn 68
(=vuccati Amataṁ Nibbānaṁ etc. Nd 409), 219 (°dassin); Parābhavati [parā+bhū] 1. to go to ruin Sn 91 (=parihāyati vinas-
Nd 26; Miln 19, 31; °dīpanī Exposition of the Highest Truth, sati). — 2. to win through, to surpass Th 1, 1144 (cp. trsl.
381 ). — pp. parābhūta (q. v.). See also parābhetvā.
N. of the Commentary on Th, Vv and Pv; mentioned e. g. at
PvA 71; °jotikā id., N. of the C. on Kh and Sn, mentioned e. Parābhūta [pp. of parābhavati] ruined, fallen into disgrace M
g. at KhA 11. — As ° —, in instr. and abl. used adverbially ii.210 (avabhūta+). — Note. parābhūta at J v.416 is to be read
in meaning of "in the highest sense, absolutely, κα᾿τ ἐςοξήν, parabhuta (q. v.).
primarily, ideally, in an absolute sense," like °pāramī Bu i.77
Parābhetvā at J v.153 is not clear (C.: hadayaṁ bhinditvā olo-
°visuddhi A v.64; °saññita Th 2, 210; °suñña Ps ii.184; °sud- kento viya...); perhaps we have here a reading parābh° for
dhi SnA 528; abl. paramatthato Miln 28; VvA 24 (manusso), parāg° (as bheṇḍuka wrongly for geṇḍuka), which in its turn
30 (bhikkhu), 72 (jīvitindriyaṁ); PvA 146 (pabbajito, corre- stands for parādhetvā (cp. similarly BSk. ārāgeti for ārādheti),
sponding to anavasesato), 253 (na koci kiñci hanati=not at all); thus meaning "propitiating."
instr. paramatthena Miln 71 (vedagū), 268 (sattûpaladdhi).
Parāmaṭṭha [pp. of parāmasati] touched, grasped, usually in bad
-gati the highest or best course of life or future exsitence Vv
35 12 (=anupādisesa — nibbāna VvA 164). sense: succumbing to, defiled, corrupted D i.17; for a dif-
ferent, commentarial interpretation see Parāmāsa (evaṁ° so
paramajja-dhamma [cp. Vedic parama — jyā] the most influen-
acquired or taken up; cp. DA i.107: nirāsanka — cittatāya

Parāmaṭṭha Parikathā

punappuna āmaṭṭha); S ii.94; Nd 152 (gahita p. abhiniviṭṭha; iii.386.
cp. gahessasi No. 227); Dhs 584, 1177, 1500; Sdhp 332. —
Pari° (indecl.) [Idg. *peri to verbal root *per, denoting comple-
dup° wrongly grasped, misused S i.49. — apparāmaṭṭha [cp. 2
tion of a forward movement (as in Sk. pṛ , piparti. to bring
BSk. aparāmṛṣta not affected Mvyutp. p. 84] untarnished, in-
across, promote; cp. Vedic pṛc to satisfy, pṛṇāti to fill, ful-
corrupt D ii.80 (cp. Dial ii.85); iii.245; S ii.70; A iii.36.
fill. See also P. para). Cp. Vedic pari, Av. pairi, Gr. πέρι,
Parāmasa [parā+mṛś, but see parāmāsa] touching, seizing, taking Lat. per (also in adj. per — magnus very great); Obulg. pariy
hold of M i.130 (v. l. °māsa which reading is probably to be round about, Lith. per̃ through, Oir er — (intensifying pre-
preferred, cp. Trenckner on p. 541); S iii.46 (v. l. °māsa). — fix), Goth. faír, Ohg. fir, far=Ger. ver — ] prefix, signify-
neg. aparāmasa not leading astray, not enticing D i.17 (°to), ing (lit.) around, round about; (fig.) all round, i. e. com-
202. — Perhaps we should read parāmāsa altogether. pletely, altogether. The use as prep. (with acc.=against, w.
abl.=from) has entirely disappeared in Pāli (but see below 1a).
Parāmasati [para+masati of mṛś] to touch, hold on to, deal with,
As adv. "all round" it is only found at J vi.198 (parī metri
take up, to be attached or fall a victim to (acc.) Vin ii.47, 195, d
209; D i.17; M i.257; S iii.110; J iv.138; in comb with gaṇhāti causa; comb with samantato). — The composition form be-
& nandati (abhiniveseti) at Nd 227. — ger. parāmassa D fore vowels is pariy°, which in comb with ud and upa un-
dergoes metathesis, scil. payir°. Frequent comb with other
ii.282; M i.130, 498 (but cp. p. 541); grd. parāmasitabba J
i.188. — pp. parāmaṭṭha (q. v.). preps. are pari +ā (pariyā°) and pari+ava (pariyo°); sam-
pari°. Close affinities of p. are the preps. adhi (cp. ajjhe-
Parāmasana (nt.) [fr. parāmasati] touching, seizing, taking up sati> pariyesati, ajjhogāhati>pariyogāhati) and abhi (cp. ab-
Nd 576 (daṇḍa — sattha°); DhsA 239 (angapaccanga°); PvA
hirādheti>paritoseti, abhitāpa>paritāpa, abhipīḷita>pari°, ab-
159 (kiriyā°).
hipūreti>pari°, abhirakkhati>pari°), cp. also its relation to ā
Parāmāsa [parā+mṛś, cp. Epic Sk. parāmarśa being affected in var. comb . — Meanings. 1. (lit.) (a) away from, off
by; as philos. term "reflection"] touching, contact, being at- (cp. Vedic pari as prep. c. abl.:) °kaḍḍhati to draw over, se-
tached to, hanging on, being under the influence of, contagion duce, °cheda cutting off, restriction, °puñchati wipe off. —
(Dhs. trsl. 316). In Asl. 49, Bdhgh analyses as parato āmas- (b) all round, round (expl by samantato, e. g. at Vism 271
antīti parāmāsā: p. means "they handle dhamma's as other" in pallanka): °anta surrounded, °esati search round, °kiṇṇa
(than what they really are, e. g. they transgress the real mean- covered all round (i. e. completely, cp. expl as "saman-
ing of anicca etc. and say nicca). Hence the renderings in tato ākiṇṇa"), °carati move round, °jana surrounding people,
Asl. trs. "Reversion," in Dialogues iii.28, 43, etc. "perverted" °dhāvati run about, °dhovati wash all round, °paleti watch all
(parāmasāmi parāmaṭṭha) — S iii.46, 110; A ii.42 (sacca°); round, fig. guard carefully, °bhamati roam about, °maṇḍala
iii.377 (sīlabbata°), 438 (id.); v.150 (sandiṭṭhi°); D iii.48; Th circular (round), °sā assembly (lit. sitting round, of sad).
1, 342; It 48 (itisacca°, cp. idaṁsaccabhinivesa under kāya- — 2. (fig.) (a) quite, completely, very much, κα᾿τ εςοξήν:
gantha); Pug 22; Dhs 381, 1003, 1175 (diṭṭhi° contagion of °ādāna consummation, °āpanna gone completely into, °odāta
speculative opinion), 1498 (id.). It is almost synonymous with very pure, °osāna complete end, °gūhati to hide well, °toseti
abhinivesa; see kāyagantha (under gantha), and cp. Nd 227 satisfy very much, °pūreti fulfil, °bhutta thoroughly enjoyed,
(gāha p. abhinivesa) and Nd under taṇhā iii. 1 C. — See also °yañña supreme sacrifice, °suddha extremely clean. — (b) too
parāmasa. much, excessively (cp. ati° and adhi°): °tāpeti torment exces-
Parāmāsin (adj.) [fr. parāmāsa] grasping, seizing, perverting D sively, °pakka over — ripe. — A derivation (adv.) from pari
iii.48; M i.43, 96 (sandiṭṭhi°). is parito (q. v.). On its relation to Sk. pariṣ see parikkhāra.
A frequently occurring dialectical variant of pari° is pali° (q.
Parāyana (Parāyaṇa) (nt.) [fr. parā+i, cp. Vedic parāyaṇa high- n
v.). — Note. The expl of P. Commentators as regards pari
est instance, also BSk. parāyaṇa e. g. Divy 57, 327] 1. (n.)
is "pariggahaṭṭho" Ps i.176; "paricca" SnA 88; "parito" VvA
final end, i. e. support, rest, relief S i.38; A i.155, 156 (tāṇa
316; PvA 33.
lena dīpa etc.); J v.501=vi.375 (dīpañ ca p.). — 2. (adj. — °)
Parikaḍḍhati [pari+k°, cp. BSk. parikaḍḍhati MVastu ii.255] to
(a) going through to, ending in, aiming at, given to, attached to,
draw over or towards oneself, to win over, seduce D ii.283
having one's end or goal in; also: finding one's support in (as
(purisaṁ); Miln 143 (janapadaṁ). Cp. parikassati and
daṇḍa° leaning on a stick M i.88; A i.138), in foll. phrases
prevalent: Amata° S v.217 sq.; tama° Pug 51; Nibbāna° S
iv.373; v.218; brahmacariya° S i.234; Maccu° S v.217; sam- Parikaḍḍhana (nt.) [fr. prec.] drawing, dragging along J ii.78;
bodhi° D i.156; ii.155; Pug 16. Cp. also Sn 1114 (tap°=tad°, Miln 154.
see Nd 411); Miln 148 (ekantasoka°); DhA i.28 (rodana, i.
Parikati [*parikṛti of kṛ (?)] arrangement, preparation, getting
e. constantly weeping). — (b) destined to, having one's next
up J v.203.
birth in., e. g. Avīci° J iii.454; iv.159; duggati° PvA 32; deval- 2
Parikatta [pp. of pari+kantati ; corresponds to Sk, kṛtta, which
oka° J i.218; brahmaloka° J iii.396; Miln 234; sagga° J vi.329; 2
PvA 42, 160; sugati° PvA 89 similarly nīlamañca° Pv ii.2 . is usually represented in P. by kanta ] cut round, cut off Miln
See also pārāyana.
Parāyika see sam°. Parikathā (f.) [pari+kathā, cp. BSk. parikathā Divy 225, 235] 1.
"round — about tale," exposition, story, esp religious tale D
Parāyin (adj.) [fr. parāyana] having one's refuge or resort (in),
ii.204; Vism 41 (=pariyāya — kathā) — 2. talk about, remark,
being supported, only neg. aparāyinī (f.) without support J
hint Vin i.254 (cp. Vin. Texts ii.154); Vbh 353=Vism 23 (with

Parikathā Parikkhaṇa

obhāsa & nimitta); SnA 497. — 3. continuous or excessive Parikiṇṇa [pp. of parikirati] scattered or strewn about, sur-
talk Vism 29. rounded J iv.400; vi.89, 559; Pv i.6 (makkhikā°= samantato
Parikanta [pari+kanta of kantati ] cut open Vin iii.89 (kucchi ākiṇṇa PvA 32); Miln 168, 285; DA i.45 (spelt parikkhiṇṇa).
Cp. sampari°.
p.). See also parikatta & cp. Kern, Toev. s. v. (misreading for
°katta?). — Note. Reading parikantaṁ upāhanaṁ at J vi.51 is Parikittita [pp. of parikutteti] declared, announced, made public
with v. l. to be changed to pariyantaṁ. Sdhp 601.
Parikanta at Vin ii.80 (bhāsita°) is probably to be read as pārikata Parikitteti [pari+kitteti] to declare, praise, make public Miln 131,
[pp. of parikaroti]. Bdhgh expl as parik— kametvā kata, but 141, 230, 383. — pp. parikittita (q. v.).
it is difficult to derive it fr. parikkamati. Vin. Texts iii.18 trsl. Parikirati [pari+kirati] to strew or scatter about, to surround S
"as well in speech as in act" and identify it with parikanta ,
i.185=Th 1, 1210; aor. parikiri J vi.592 (v. l. for parikari, see
hardly justified. Cp. also Kern. Toev. s. v. The passage is
parikaroti). — pp. parikiṇṇa (q. v.).
evidently faulty.
Parikiraṇa [fr. pari+kirati] strewing about, trsl "consecrating
Parikantati [pari+kantati ] to wind round, twist J iii.185 (pāso sites" D i.12 (vatthu — kamma+vatthu°; v. l. paṭi°; expl at
pādaṁ p.; but taken by C. as parikantati , expl as "cammādīni
DA i.98 as "idañ c' idañ ca āharathā ti vatvā tattha balikamma
chindanto samantā kantati").
— karaṇaṁ"). The BSk. form appears to be parīkṣā, as seen
Parikantati [pari+kantati ] to cut (round), cut through, pierce M in phrase vatthuparīkṣā at Divy 3 & 16. See under parikkhā.
i.244 (vātā kucchiṁ p.); J iii.185 (see parikantati ).
Parikilanta [pp. of parikilamati] tired out, exhausted Miln 303.
Parikappa [fr. pari+kalp] 1. preparation, intention, stratagem Th
Parikilamati [pari+kilamati] to get tired out, fatigued or ex-
1, 940. — 2. assumption, supposition, surmise A i.197; v.271;
hausted J v.417, 421. — pp. parikilanta (q. v.).
DhsA 308.
Parikilissati [pari+kilissati] to get stained or soiled; fig. get into
Parikappita [pp. of parikappati] inclined, determined, decided,
trouble or misery (?) see parikissati. — pp. parikiliṭṭha see
fixed upon Sdhp. 362, 602.
Parikamma (nt.) [pari+kamma] "doing round," i. e. doing
Parikilesa [pari+kilesa] misery, calamity, punishment ThA 241
up, viz 1. arrangement, getting up, preparation Vin ii.106
(for °klesa, q. v.).
(°ṁ kārāpeti), 117 (geruka° plastering with red chalk) 151
Parikissati [most likely Pass. of parikassati; maybe Pass. of kisa
(id.). parikammaṁ karoti to make (the necessary) prepa-
(=Sk. kṛśa) to become emaciated. Mrs. Rh. D. at K.S. 319
ration, to set to work Vism 395 and passim (with ref. to id-
takes it as contracted form of kilissati] to be dragged about or
dhi). Usually in form parikammakata arranged, prepared
worried, to be harassed, to get into trouble S i.39 (trsl. "plagues
Vin ii.175 (bhūmi), as — ° "with," viz. geruka° plastered with
itself"); A ii.177; iv.186; Sn 820 (v. l. Nd °kilissati; expl at
red chalk Vin i.48; ii.209; lākhā° J iii.183; iv.256; su° beauti-
Nd 154 as kissati parikissati parikilissati, with vv. ll. kilissati
fully arranged or prepared, fitful, well worked Miln 62 (dāru),
282 (maṇiratana); VvA 188. In special sense used with ref.
to jhāna, as kasiṇa° processes whereby jhāna is introduced, Parikujati at Sdhp 145, meaning? Cp. palikujjati.
preparations for meditation J i.141; iv.306; v.162, 193; DhsA
Parikupita [pp. of pari+kup] greatly excited, very much agitated
168; cp. Cpd. 54; DhA i.105. — 2. service, attention, attend-
A ii.75; Miln 253.
ing Vin i.47; ii.106, 220; S i.76; Th 2, 376 (=veyyāvacca ThA
Parikeḷanā (f.) [pari+keḷanā] adornment, adorning oneself, being
253); Pug 56; DhA i.96, 333, chiefly by way of administer- 2 2
fond of ornaments Nd 585 (v. l. parilepanā); DA i.286 has
ing ointments etc. to a person, cp. J v.89; DhA i.250. sarīra°
paṭikelanā instead, but Vbh id. p. 351 parikeḷanā with v. l.
attending the body DA i.45, 186; SnA 52.
-kāraka one who ministers to or looks after a person,
attendant; one who makes preparations Th 2, 411 (f. — Parikopeti [Caus. of pari+kup] to excite violently Miln 253.
ikā=paricārikā ThA 267); J i.232.
Parikkamana (nt.) [pari+kram] walking about M i.43, 44; adj.
Parikara [fr. pari+kṛ; a similar formation belonging to same root, sa° having (opportunity for) walking about, i. e. accessible,
but with fig. meaning is to be found in parikkhāra, which good for rambling in, pleasant, said of the Dhamma A v.262
is also expl by parivara cp. parikaroti=parivāreti] "doing (opp. a°).
round," i. e. girdle, loincloth J iv.149; DhA i.352. — In cpd. Parikkita at J v.74 is probably to be read parikkhita (pari+ukṣ):
ovāda° it is v. l. SS at D i.137 for paṭikara (q. v.). see okkhita "sprinkled, strewn," unless it is misreading for
Parikaroti [pari+kṛ] to surround, serve, wait upon, do service parikiṇṇa.
for J. iv 405 (=parivāreti C.); v. 353 (id.), 381; vi.592. Cp. Parikkiliṭṭha [pp. of parikilissati] soiled, stained Vin ii.296 (for
parikara & parikkhāra.
parikiliṭṭha, cp. Kern, Toev. s. v.); id. p, at A ii.56 has paṭik-
Parikassati [pari+kṛṣ, cp BSk. parikarṣayati to carry about Divy iliṭṭha, cp. upakkiliṭṭha Vin ii.295.
475, and parikaḍḍhati] 1. to drag about S i.44, cp. DhsA 68.
Parikkha (—°) see parikkhā.
— 2. sweep away, carry away DhA ii.275 (mah' ogho viya
Parikkhaka (adj.) [fr. parikkhati] investigating, examining, ex-
parikassamāno, v. l. °kaḍḍhamāno). — Pass. parikissati (q.
perienced, shrewd PvA 131 (lokiya° experienced in the ways
of the world, for agarahita).

Parikkhaṇa Parikhā

Parikkhaṇa (nt.) [fr. parikkhati; cp. Class. Sk. parīkṣaṇa] sites: see below) at Vin ii.267. — Later we find another set
putting to the test, trying Sdhp 403 (sarīra°, or should we read of mendicants' requisites designated as "aṭṭha parikkhārā,"
parirakkhaṇa? Cp. parirakkhati). the 8 requirements. They are enum in verse at J i.65= DA
Parikkhata [pp. of pari+kṣan] wounded, hurt, grazed J iii.431; i.206, viz. ticīvaraṁ, patto, vāsi, sūci, (kāya — ) bandhanaṁ,
parissāvana, i. e. the 3 robes, the bowl, a razor, a needle, the
PvA 272 (a°). d
girdle, a water — strainer. They are expl in detail DA i.206
Parikkhata [pp. of *parikkharoti; cp. Sk. pariṣkṛta] made up,
sq. Cp. also J iv.342 (aṭṭhaparikkhāra — dhara); v.254 (kāya-
prepared, endowed with, equipped, adorned D ii.217; M iii.71;
bandhana — parissāvanasūci — vāsi — satthakāni; the last —
Miln 328.
named article being "scissors" instead of a razor); DhA ii.61
Parikkhatatā (f.) [abstr. fr. parikkhata ] "making up," pretence, (°dhara thera). — (c) In other comb : satta nagara° A iv.106
posing, sham Pug 19 (23)=Vbh 351 (358). sq. (cp. nagarûpakārikā D i.105); satta samādhi° D ii.216;
M iii.71; A iv.40; soḷasa° (adj.) of yañña: having sixteen ac-
Parikkhati [pari+īkṣ] to look round, to inspect, investigate, exam-
ine A i.162 (vaṇṇaṁ parikkhare 3 pl.). See also parikkhaka, cessories D i.134 (cp. Dial. i.174, 177), bahu° having a full
equipment, i. e. being well — off Vin iii.138; J i.126. — Note.
parikkhavant & parikkhā.
A set of 12 requisites (1 — 8 as under b and 4 additional) see
Parikkhattiya read pāri° (=parikkhatatā) q. v.
detailed at DA i.207.
*Parikkharoti [pariṣ+kṛ] lit. to do all round, i. e. to make up, Parikkhārika (—°) (adj.) [fr. parikkhāra] one who has the
equip, adorn (cp. parikaroti); pp. parikkhata (q. v.); see also
parikkhāras (of the mendicant). Usually the 8 p. are under-
parikkhāra. n
stood, but occasionally 12 are given as in the detailed enum
Parikkhaya [fr. pari+kṣi , cp. Epic Sk. parikṣaya] exhaustion, of p. at DA i.204 — 207.
waste, diminution, decay, loss, end D i.156; M i.453; iii.37
Parikkhiṇṇa at DA i.45 is to be read parikiṇṇa (q. v.).
sq.; S i.2, 90, 152; v.461; A i.100, 299; ii.68; iii.46 (bhogā °ṁ
Parikkhitta [pp. of parikkhipati] thrown round, overspread, over-
gacchanti); iv.148, 350; Th 1, 929; Sn 374, 749, 1094 (=pahā-
naṁ etc. Nd 412); Dh 139; J i.290; Pv ii.6 ; Pug 16, 17, 63; laid, enclosed, fenced in, encircling, surrounded by (—°) M
iii.46; A iv.106 (su°); S i.331 (read valligahana°); Pv iv.3 36
Miln 102; DhA iv.140 (°ṁ gacchati to come to waste, to disap- 13
(v. l. for pariyanta as in i.10 ); Vism 71 (of gāma); ThA 70;
pear= atthaṁ gacchati of Dh 384); ThA 285; PvA 3 (dhanasan- 13
nicayo °ṁ na gamissati). In the latter phrase freq. comb with DhA i.42 (pākāra°); PvA 52 (=pariyanta i.10 ), 283 (sāṇī-
pākāra°); Sdhp 596.
pariyādāna (q. v.).
Parikkhipati [pari+kṣip] to throw round, encircle, surround Vin
Parikkhavant (adj.) [fr. parikkhati] circumspect, elever, experi-
ii.154; J i.52 (sāṇiṁ), 63, 150, 166; ii.104; iii.371; DhA i.73.
enced J iii.114.
— pp. parikkhitta (q. v.). — Caus. II. parikkhipāpeti J
Parikkhā (f.) [fr. pari+īkṣ, cp. BSk. parīksā Divy 3 & 16 in
i.148 (sāṇiṁ); ii.88 (sāṇi — pākāraṁ).
vastu°, ratna° etc. with which cp. P. vatthu — parikirana] ex-
amination, investigation, circumspection, prudence J iii.115; Parikkhīṇa [pp. of parikkhīyati] exhausted, wasted, decayed, ex-
Nett 3, 4, 126 (cp. Index p. 276); Sdhp. 532 (attha°). tinct Vin iv.258; M iii.80; S i.92; ii.24; v.145, 461; D iii.97,
133 (°bhava — saṁyojana); It 79 (id.); A iv.418, 434 (āsavā);
Parikkhāra [fr. *parikkharoti, cp. late Sk. pariṣkāra] "all that Sn 175, 639, 640; Dh 93; Pug 11, 14; Miln 23 (°āyuka); PvA
belongs to anything," make — up, adornment (so Nd 585
112 (°tiṇodak'— āhāra).
bāhirā p. of the body). — (a) requisite, accessory, equip-
Parikkhīṇatta (nt.) [abstr. of parikkhīṇa] the fact of being ex-
ment, utensil, apparatus Vin i.50, 296 (°colaka cloth required
hausted, exhaustion, extinction, destruction DA i.128 (jīvi-
for water — strainers & bags, cp. Vin. Texts ii.229); ii.150
tassa); PvA 63 (kammassa), 148 (id.).
(senāsana° — dussa clothrequirement of seat & bed); iv.249
sq., 284; D i.128, 137 (yaññassa p.=parivāra DA i.297); M Parikkhīyati [pari+khīyati of kṣi ] to go to ruin, to be wasted or
i.104 (jīvita°); iii.11; S ii.29; A iv.62 (citt' ālankāraṁ citta — exhausted Th 2, 347 (=parikkhayaṁ gacchati ThA 242). —
parikkhār' atthaṁ dānaṁ), 236 (id.); J iii.470 (sabba° — sam- pp. parikkhīṇa (q. v.).
pannaṁ dānaṁ with all that belongs to it); v.232; Sn 307; Nd 2
Parikkhepa [fr. pari+kṣip] 1. closing round, surrounding, neigh-
585; Nett 1 sq.; 4, 108; DA i.294, 299; DhA i.38, 240 (geha°),
bourhood, enclosure Vin iv.304; J i.338; iv.266; SnA 29 (°dāru
352 (v. l. for parikara); PvA 81 (sabba°). — saparikkhāra
etc.). — 2. circumference J i.89; v.37; Vism 205; KhA 133;
together with the (other) requisites, i. e. full of resources; used
SnA 194. — 3. "closing in on," i. e. fight, quarrel It 11, 12.
with reference to the samādhiparikkhārā (see below) D ii.217;
Pariklesa [pari+klesa] hardship, misery, calamity S i.132 =Th 2,
M iii.71. — (b) In a special sense and in very early use it
191; Th 2, 345 (=parikilesa ThA 241).
refers to the "set of necessaries" of a Buddhist monk & com-
prises the 4 indispensable instruments of a mendicant, enum d Parikhā (f.) [fr. pari+khan, cp. Epic Sk. parikhā] a ditch,
in stock phrase "cīvara — piṇḍapāta — senāsana — gilāna- trench, moat Vin ii.154; D i.105 (ukkiṇṇa — parikha adj. with
paccayabhesajja — p." i. e. robe, alms — bowl, seat & bed, trenches dug deep, comb with okkhittapaligha; expl by khāta
medicine as help in illness. Thus freq. found in Canon, e. g. — parikha ṭhapita — paligha at DA i.274); M i.139 (sankiṇṇa°
at Vin iii.132; D iii.268; S iv.288, 291; Nd 523 (as 1 part adj. with trenches filled, Ep. of an Arahant, comb with
of "yañña"); also unspecified, but to be understood as these 4 ukkhittapaligha)=A iii.84 sq.= Nd 284 C (spelt kkh); A iv.106
(different Vin Texts iii.343 which take it to mean the 8 requi- (nagara°); J i.240, 490; iv.106 (ukkiṇṇ' antaraparikha); vi.276,

Parikhā Pariciṇṇa

432; Cp II.1 (spelt kkh); Miln 1 (gambhīra°); SnA 519 (°taṭa); ṭṭhāna fire — place). — 3. enjoyment, pleasure (indriyānaṁ)
PvA 201 (°piṭṭhe), 261 (id.), 278 (id., v. l. °parikkhāṭa — tīre). PvA 16. See also paricāraṇā.
Parigaṇhana (nt.) [fr. parigaṇhāti] comprehension J ii.7 (°paññā Paricaraṇaka [fr. paricaraṇa] servant, attendant DA i.269.
comprehensive wisdom).
Paricarati [pari+carati] to move about, in var. senses, viz. 1. to
Parigaṇhāti (& Pariggaheti Caus.) [pari+gṛh] 1. to embrace, go about, look after A iii.94 (upaṭṭhahati+) J v.421; PvA 175.
seize, take possession of, hold, take up M i.80, 137; J iii.189; — 2. to worship (only in connection aggin p. to worship the
DA i.45. — 2. to catch, grasp DhA i.68. — 3. to go all round fire) D i.101; S i.166; Dh 107; J i.494; Sn p. 79 (=payirupāsati
DhA i.91 (sakala — jambudīpaṁ). — Caus. °ggaheti (aor. SnA 401). — 3. to roam about, to feast one's senses, to
°esi, ger. °etvā, inf. °etuṁ) 1. to embrace, comprehend, fig. amuse oneself, play, sport PvA 77 (indriyāni=kīḷāmi Pv ii.1 ).
master Vin ii.213; J ii.28; iii.332; SnA 549 (mantāya); DhA — We often find reading pariharati for paricarati, e. g. at
iii.242; PvA 68 (hattesu), 93; VvA 75. — 2. to explore, exam- DhA ii.232; cp. paricāreti for °hāreti PvA 175; paricaraṇā for
ine, find out, search J i.162; ii.3; iii.85, 268 (°ggahetuṁ), 533; °haraṇā PvA 219. — pp. pariciṇṇa; Caus. paricāreti (q. v.).
v.93, 101; DhA ii.56. — Caus. II. parigaṇhāpeti J i.290. — Paricariyā (f.) [fr. paricarati] going about, service, ministration,
3. to comprise, summarise KhA 166, 167. — pp. pariggahita
worship S i.182; A i.132; DhA ii.232 (aggi°). Occurs also as
(q. v.).
pāricariyā (q. v.), e. g. at J v.154. See also paricārikā.
Parigalati [pari+galati, see gaḷati] to sink down, slip or glide off
Paricāra fr. [paricāreti] serving, attendance; (m.) servant, atten-
J iv.229, 250; v.68.
dant Th 1, 632 (C. on this stanza for paddhagū).
Parigilati [pari+gilati] to swallow J i.346.
Paricāraka (adj. — n.) [fr. paricāreti] attending, serving hon-
Parigūhati [pari+gūhati] to hide, conceal A i.149; iv.10, 31; Pv ouring; (m.) attendant, worshipper, follower (cp. BSk. par-
iii.4 (=paṭicchādeti PvA 194). icāraka attendant AvŚ i.170; ii.167] D i.101; ii.200; Th 1, 475;
Sn p. 218 (Nd reads °cārika); J i.84; iv.362; Pv iv.8 (not
Parigūhanā (f.) [fr. patigūhati] hiding, concealment, deception
°vāraka); DA i.137, 269. See also paricārika.
Pug 19, 23.
Paricāraṇā (f.) [fr. paricāreti] care, attention, looking after; plea-
Pariggaha [fr. pari+gṛh] 1. wrapping round, enclosing Th 1, 419 2
sure, feasting, satisfaction Pv ii.1 (gloss for °cārika); PvA
(? cp. Brethren 217 n. 6). — 2. taking up, seizing on, acquir-
ing, acquisition, also in bad sense of "grasping" Sn 779 (=taṇhā
and diṭṭhi° Nd 57); Ps i.172; ii.182 (nekkhamma° etc.); Nd 1 Paricārika (adj. — n.)=paricāraka (servant, attendant) A v.263
11 (itthi° acquiring a wife); J vi.259; Miln 244 (āhara° absti- (aggi° fire — worshipper); Pv ii.6 20 (amacca° minister & at-
nence in food), 313 (id.). — 3. belongings, property, posses- tendant); ThA 267; SnA 597. — f. °carikā (1) a maid —
sions D ii.58; iii.289=A iv.400; M i.137 (quoted at Nd 122); servant, handmaiden, nurse, (personal) attendant M i.253; cp.
S i.93; Sn 805; J iv.371; vi.259; PvA 76 (°bhūta belonging S i.125; J i.204 (pāda°), 291; ii.395; iv.35 (veyyāvacca —
to, the property of); VvA 213, 321. sa° with all (its) belong- kārikā p.), 79; v.420; Pv ii.12 (=veyyāvacca — kārinī PvA
ings S i.32. — 4. a wife ThA 271; PvA 161 (kata° wedded), 157); PvA 46. — (2) care, attention; pleasure, pastime (so
282; ThA 271. sapariggaha>apariggaha married>unmarried here, probably another form of paricāriyā) Pv iv.1 (=indriyā-
(in general, with ref. to the man as well as the woman) D i.247; naṁ pariharaṇā PvA 219; gloss °cāraṇā).
J iv.190; vi.348, 364. — 5. grace, favour DA i.241 (āmisa°
Paricārita [pp. of paricāreti] served by; delighted by, indulging
material grace).
in M i.504.
Pariggahita [pp. of parigaṇhāti] taken, seized, taken up, haunted,
Paricārin (adj. n.) [fr. paricāreti] serving, attending, f. a maid —
occupied Vin iii.51 (manussānaṁ p. by men); iv.31, 278; DhA
servant J ii.395.
i.13 (amanussa° by ghosts); PvA 87, 133; Sdhp 64. — f. abstr,
Paricāreti [Caus. of paricarati] 1. to serve, wait on, attend upon,
°tā being possessed (Vism 121 (amanussa°).
honour, worship [cp. BSk. paricārayati Divy 114 sq., 421]
Pariggāhaka (adj.) [fr. pariggaha] including, occupying Nett 79
S i.124 (pāde); DhA iii.196 (id.); J i.81 (°cāritabba — ṭṭhāna
(=upathambhaka C. as quoted in Index p. 276).
place of worship); iv.274; v.9. — Pass. paricāriyati, ppr.
Parigha [Vedic parigha, of which the usual P. representative is °iyamāna M i.46, 504; J i.58. In this sense it may also be
paligha (q. v.)] a cross — bar ThA 211 (°daṇḍa). taken as "being delighted or entertained by." — 2. to amuse
Parighaṁsati [pari+ghaṁsati ] to rub (too) hard, scrub, scratch, oneself, gratify one's senses, to have recreation, find plea-
sure [cp. BSk. paricārayati Divy 1, and freq. phrase pañc-
only in ppr. aparighaṁsanto Vin i.46; ii.208.
ahi kāmaguṇehi samarpitā samangibhūtā p. e. g. MVastu
Paricakkhitar [n. ag. fr. pari+cakṣ, cp. akkhi & cakkhu] one
i.32] Vin ii.290; iii.72 (pañcahi kamaguṇehi samappitā etc.);
who looks round or enquires, neg. a° J v.77.
D i.36 (id.), 104 (id.); M i.504 (id.); Th 1, 96 (saggesu); Pv
Paricaya [fr. pari+ci] familiarity, acquaintance J vi.337; Vism i.11 (=yathā sukkhaṁ cārenti indriyāni PvA 58); iv.1 29 (read
153; PvA 74. — adj. (—°) acquainted with, versed in (loc.) J °cārayanti for °vārayanti, cp. PvA 228 indriyāni p.). — pp.
ii.249 (jāta°), VvA 24 (kata°); PvA 4 (id.), 129 (id.). paricārita q. v. See also parivāreti.
Paricaraṇa (nt.) [fr. pari+car] 1. going about, mode of life DhA Pariciṇṇa [pari+ciṇṇa, pp. of carati] 1. surrounded, attended J
i.382 (gihīnaṁ °ṭṭhānaṁ, v. l. for vicaraṇa°). — 2. attend- v.90. — 2. worshipped M i.497; S iv.57 (me Satthā p.), cp.
ing to, looking after, worshipping DhA i.199 (aggi — p° — Th 1, 178 (Satthā ca p. me) & 891 (p. mayā Satthā). — 3.

Pariciṇṇa Parijjanā

practised, performed Miln 360. (q. v.).
Paricita [pp. of pari+ci, cinoti, P. cināti] gathered, accumu- Paricchindana (nt.) [fr. paricchindati] "cutting up," definition,
lated, collected, increased, augmented M iii.97; S i.116; ii.264; analysis VvA 114.
iv.200; A ii.67 sq., 185; iii.45, 152; iv.282, 300; v.23; Th 1, Paricchindanaka (adj.) [fr. pari+chind] marking out, defining,
647; Ps i.172 (expl ); PvA 67; Sdhp 409.
analysing, DhsA 157 (ñāṇa).
Paricita [pp. of pari+ci, ciketi, P. cināti; but perhaps identical Paricchinna [pp. of paricchindati] 1. restricted, limited, small
with paricita ] known, scrutinized, accustomed, acquainted or
DhA i.58; PvA 136 (°ppamāṇa). — 2. divided, measured
familiar with, constantly practised Vin ii.95 (vācasā p.), 109
Vism 184; PvA 185 (=mita).
(aggi° etc. read aggiparijita); ThA 52; Miln 140 (iddhipādā
Pariccheda [fr. pari+chid; late Sk: (philos.) in same meaning] 1.
p.); Dāvs iv.19. — aparicita unfamiliar DhA i.71.
exact determination, circumscription, range, definition, con-
Paricumbati [pari+cumbati] to kiss (all round, i. e. from all
notation, measure J iii.371; Vism 184 (as one of the nimittas
sides), to cover with kisses M ii.120; S i.178, 193; A iv.438; of the body), 236 (referring to the 5 nimittas of the life — prin-
DhA i.330.
ciple); SnA 160, 229, 231, 376, 408, 503; KhA 182 (gaṇana°);
Paricca (indecl.) [ger. of pari+i, cp. Sk. (Gr.) parītya & P. VvA 194 (id.); DhsA 3; DhA ii.73 (avadhi°); PvA 254 (kāla°),
pariyeti] lit. "going round," i. e. having encircled, grasped, 255 (āyuno p.); VbhA 417 (citta°, for citta — paricce ñãṇa Vbh
understood; grasping, finding out, perceiving; freq. in phrase 330). — 2. limit, boundary Miln 131, 405; J iii.504 (°nadī —
cetasā ceto paricca (pajānāti) grasping fully with one's mind, tīra). — 3. limitation, restriction DhA ii.88, 98; PvA 20 (°ṁ
e. g. at D i.79; M i.445; iii.12; S ii.121, 233; It 12; Vbh 329; karoti to restrict). — 4. division (of time), in ratti° & divā°,
Vism 409 (=paricchinditvā). See pariyeti. night — & day — division Vism 416. — 5. (town) — plan-
ning, designing VbhA 331.
Pariccajati [pari+cajati of tyaj] to give up, abandon, leave be-
hind, reject S i.44; It 94; J ii.335; vi.259 (=chaḍḍeti) Miln 207; Paricchedaka (adj.) [fr. pariccheda] determining, fixing VbhA
DhA iv.204; PvA 121, 132, 221 (read jīvitaṁ pariccajati for 346 (uṭṭhāna — velā °ā saññā).
parivajjati; cp. BSk. jīvitaṁ parityakṣyāmi AvŚ i.210); Sdhp
Parijana [pari+jana] "the people round," i. e. attendants, ser-
539. — pp. pariccatta (q. v.).
vants, retinue, suite Vin i.15; J i.72, 90; DhA iii.188; VvA 63;
Pariccajana (nt.) & °nā (f.) [fr. pariccajati] 1. giving up, rejec- PvA 58, 62. — saparijana with one's servants Cp ii.8 (T.
tion, leaving It 11, 12. — 2. giving out, bestowing, giving a saparijjana metri causâ).
donation PvA 124.
Parijapati [pari+japati, cp. BSk. parijapta enchanted Divy 397]
Pariccajanaka [fr. prec.] one who gives (up) or spends, a giver, to mutter (spells), to practise divination J iii.530; Miln 200
donor PvA 7. (vijjaṁ).
Pariccatta [pp. of pariccajati; cp. BSk. parityakta in meaning Parijapana (nt.) [fr. parijapati] mumbling, uttering spells Miln
"given to the poor" AvŚ i.3] given up, abandoned, thrown out, 356 (mantaṁ).
left behind J i.69, 174, 477; Miln 280; PvA 178, 219 (=virād-
Parijānanā (f.) [pari+jānanā=jānana] cognition, recognition,
hita); Sdhp 374.
knowledge Nett 20 (as paraphrase of pariññā).
Pariccāga [fr. pariccajati] 1. giving up, abandonment, sacrifice,
Parijānāti [pari+jānāti] to know accurately or for certain, to com-
renunciation A i.92 (āmisa° & dhamma° material & spiritual);
prehend, to recognise, find out M i.293; S i.11, 24; ii.45, 99,
Ps ii.98; J i.12 (jīvita°); DhA iii.441 (pañca mahāpariccāgā the
iii.26, 40, 159; iv.50; v.52, 422; A iii.400 sq.; Sn 202, 254,
five great sacrifices, i. e. the giving up of the most valuable 1
943; Nd 426; J iv.174; Th 1, 226; Miln 69; DhA iv.233
treasures of wife, of children, of kingdom, of life and limb).
°jānitvā). — ppr. parijānaṁ S iii.27; iv.89; It 3 sq. — pp.
— 2. expense DhA ii.231 (sahassa° expenditure of a thousand 1
pariññāta (q. v.). ger. pariññāya see under pariññā .
coins). — 3. giving (to the poor), liberality DhsA 157; SnA
Parijiṇṇa [pp. of pari+jar, i. e. decayed; Kern Toev. s. v. pro-
295 (mahā°, corresponding to mahādāna); PvA 7 sq.; 27, 120
poses reading °jīna of ji, i. e. wasted, see parijīyati] worn
sq., 124.
out, gone down, decayed, reduced J i.111 (seṭṭhi — kulaṁ p.);
Paricchada [fr. pari+chad] a cover, covering J i.341, 466.
v.99, 100 (bhoga°); vi.364; Dh 148; DhA ii.272 (°kula).
Paricchanna [pari+channa, pp. of chad] enveloped, covered,
Parijita [pp. of pari+ji, jayati; Kern, Toev. s. v. proposes read-
wrapped round Vin iv.17.
ing parijīta, Sk. form of P. parijīna, pp. of pari+ jīyati, but
Paricchāta [pari+chāta] very much seared, scorched (?) Sdhp 102 hardly necessary, see also Vin. Texts iii.75] overpowered, in-
(°odara — ttaca). jured, damaged Vin ii.109 (so read for paricita).
Paricchādanā (f.) [fr. pari+chad] covering, hiding, concealing Parijīyati [pari+jīyati] to become worn out, to decay, fade, S
Pug 19=23=Vbh 358. i.186; J iv.111. Spelt °jiyyati at Th 1, 1215. — pp. parijīna
(see parijiṇṇa).
Paricchindati [pari+chindati] 1. to mark out VvA 291 (vasana
— ṭṭhānaṁ). — 2. to determine, to fix accurately, to decide Parijegucchā (f.) [pari+jegucchā] intense dislike of, disgust with
J i.170 (padaṁ the track), 194 (nivāsavetanaṁ); iii.371; iv.77; (—°) D i.25, cp. DA i.115.
Miln 272; Vism 184, 409; SnA 434 (paññāya p.). — 3. to
Parijjanā is doubtful reading at A iii.38 (v. l. parivajjanā) =iv.266
limit, restrict, define Miln 131; DA i.132. — pp. paricchinna
(T. reads parijjana, cp. parijana; vv. ll. parivajjanā & pari-

Parijjanā Paritassati (°tasati)

janā); meaning?. Pariṇamati [pari+namati] 1. to change (trs. & intrs.), lit. to bend
round, to turn (round), to be transformed into (acc.) S iii.3
Pariñña (—°) [the adj. form of pariññā, cp. abhiñña] know-
(reading pariṇamati once, at other passages vi°, cp. p. 40);
ing, recognising, understanding It 44 (bhūta° so, or should we
read bhūtapariññāya?); also in cpd. pariññacārin (to be exp d Miln 136 (bhojanaṁ visamaṁ p. food changes, i. e. turns
bad), 277 (id.); VvA 13; PvA 144 (for parivattati Pv ii.10 ),
as shortened gr. pariññā?) Sn 537 (=paññāya paricchinditvā 4
194 (id. iii.4 ). — 2. to change into a diff. state, to ripen, ma-
caranto living in full knowledge, i. e. rightly determining);
ture (often said of the foetus) Miln 93, 358. — pp. pariṇata
also (abstr.) pariññatthaṁ at It 29 (abhiññatthaṁ+), cp. S
(q. v.). — Caus. pariṇāmeti (q. v.).
Pariññā (f.) [cp. Epic Sk. parijñāna; the form parijñā given by Pariṇāma [fr. pari+nam, cp. class Sk. pariṇāma in all meanings]
"bending round," i. e. 1. change, alteration, in utu° (sudden)
BR only with the one ref. Vyutp. 160; fr. pari+jñā] accu-
change of season, unseasonable weather, with ref. to illnesses
rate or exact knowledge, comprehension, full understanding
caused by such (°ja ābādhā)=illness arising from the change
M i.66, 84; S iii.26 (yo rāgakkhayo dosā° moha° ayaṁ vuccati 2 1
of season A ii.87; iii.131; v.110; Nd 304 ; Miln 112, 135 sq.,
p.), 159 sq., 191; iv.16, 51, 138, 206, 253 sq.; v.21, 55 sq.,
304; Vism 31. — 2. alteration of food, digestion, in phrase
145, 236, 251, 292; A i.277 (kāmānaṁ rūpānaṁ vedanānaṁ),
sammā — pariṇāmaṁ gacchati M i.188; S i.168; A iii.30; cp.
299; v.64; Pug 37; Nett 19, 20, 31; KhA 87; SnA 251. —
In exegetical literature three pariññās are distinguished, viz. MVastu i.211. — 3. ripening Miln 93. — 4. course, devel-
opment, fulfilment, in special sense: dispensation, destiny J
ñāta°, tīraṇa° pahāna°, which are differently interpreted & ap-
v.171; Pv iv.3 ; PvA 252, 254. — Cp. vi°.
plied according to the various contexts. See e. g. the detailed
interpretation at Nd 52 sq.; Nd 413; J vi.259 (where ñāṇa° Pariṇāmana (nt.) [fr. parinamati] diverting to somebody's use
for ñāta°); DhA ii.172 (in ref. to food); mentioned at SnA 517. Vin iv.157.
— adj. pariñña. — The form pariññāya is an apparent in-
Pariṇāmita [pp. of pariṇāmeti] 1. bent down J vi.269 (of trees,
str., but in reality (in form & meaning) the ger. of parijānāti s
overladen with fruit, C. expl as "entangled"). — 2. issued,
(like abhiññāya>abhijānitvā) for the usual parijānitvā. It is
apportioned, destined J v.171; PvA 254.
freq. found in poetry & in formulas (like yathābhūtaṁ p.); its
Pariṇāmitar [n. ag. of pariṇāmeti] one who destines or makes
meaning is "knowing well in right knowledge": S v.182; Sn
455, 737, 778 (=parijānitvā Nd 51 sq.), 1082 (corresp. with develop, fate, destiny J vi.189.
pahāya, cp. similar phrase pahāya parijānitvā DhA iv.232); It Pariṇāmin (adj.) [fr. pariṇāma] ending in, resulting in ( -°) M
62; J vi.259. i.11, 526; iii.88.
Pariññā (indecl.) [ger. of parijānāti for *parijñāya, cp. same Pariṇāmeti [Caus. of parinamati] to bend to, to change into, to
short forms of ādā & abhiññā] having full knowledge or un- turn to use for somebody, to procure for, obtain, appropriate D
derstanding of Sn 779 (=parijānitvā Nd 56 & SnA 518); It 4 i.92; Vin iii.259 (puttassa rajjaṁ p. for his son); iv.156; PvA
(perhaps to be read pariññāya for pariññā so). 281. — ppr. °ṇāmayamāna J v.424. See also āvajjeti. — pp.
pariṇāmita (q. v.).
Pariññāta [pp. of parijānāti] well understood, thoroughly known
Th 2, 106; M i.1 sq.; S ii.99; v.182; PvA 1, 287. With ref. to Pariṇāyaka [fr. pari+ni, cp. pariṇeti] a leader, guide, adviser;
food (°bhojana & °āhāra) it means food understood according one of the 7 treasures (ratanāni) of a great king or Cakkavattin
to the three pariññās (q. v.); Dh 92 (°bhojano adj. one who (according to Bdhgh on D ii.177; the eldest son; in the Lal.
lives on recognised food or takes the right view of the food Vist. a general cp. Divy 211, 217; Senart, Lég. de Buddha
he eats, cp. DhA ii.172); Miln 352 (°āhāro); contrasted with p. 42), i. e. a wonderful Adviser D i.89; ii.17, 177; M i.220;
bhāvita: consciousness is to be well studied, insight is to be ii.175; A iii.151; Sn p. 106 (cp. SnA 450=DA i.250); J i.155;
made to grow M i.293. iv.93; Miln 38, 314. — f. pariṇāyikā. Ep. of wisdom, syn-
onymous with paññā, i. e. insight, cleverness Dhs 1057; Pug
Pariññātatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. pariññāta] the fact of having full or
25; Vism 3; DhsA 148.
exact knowledge S v.182.
Pariṇāha [fr. pari+nah] compass, circumference, breadth, extent,
Pariññātāvin (adj.) [fr. pariññāta] one who has correct knowl-
girth S ii.206 (of the moon)=A v.19; J iii.192, 277, 370; v.299;
edge S iii.159 sq., 191 (puggala).
Pug 53; Miln 282, 311; SnA 382 (āroha+).
Pariññeyya (adj.) [grd. of parijānāti] knowable, perceivable, to
Pariṇeti [pari+neti] to lead round or about S ii.128.
be known (accurately) M i.4; S iii.26; iv.29; DhA iv.233 (cp.
Nd under abhiññeyya). Paritajjita [pari+tajjita] scared (exceedingly), frightened Sdhp
Pariḍahati [pari+ḍadati] to burn: Pass. pariḍayhati to be burnt
or scorched M i.422; S i.188=Th 1, 1224; A i.137; iii.95, 98; Paritatta [pp. of paritappati] tormented, worried, vexed, grieved
Sn 63; Ps i.128 (ḷ); Pv i.6 (=parito jhāyati PvA 33); Miln 303; Miln 313.
PvA 60. Cp. pariḷāha.
Paritappati [Pass. of pari+tap] to be vexed, to grieve, worry,
Pariṇata [pp. of pariṇamati] 1. bent down, crooked VvA 222 sorrow Th 2, 313 (=santappati ThA 233); Miln 313. — pp.
(°dāṭhā fangs, or does it mean "long"?). — 2. changed S iii.40. paritatta (q. v.).
— 3. ripened, matured, hatched, ripe J iii.174, 286, 431, VvA 1 2
Paritasita (nt.) [pari+tasita or tasita ] worry, excitement D i.40
288; DhA i.47 (gabbha).
(v. l. °tassita, cp. Dial i.53).

Paritassati (°tasati) Parideva

Paritassati (°tasati) [pari+tasati , in form clearly=Sk. paritṛṣyati, kārāpeti makes them find a safeguard through the P.); iv.31
but freq. confused with tasati , cp. tasa. Sn 924 is the only ex- (osadhaṁ vā °ṁ vā); Miln 150 (f. & nt.). — Var. parittās in
ample of paritasati representing tasati ] to be excited, to be tor- the way of Suttantas are mentioned at Vism 414 (Khandha°;
mented, to show a longing after, to be worried D ii.68; M i.36, Dhajagga°: S i.218 sq.; Āṭānāṭiya°: D iii.195 sq.; Mora°: J
67, 151; S ii.82, 194; iii.43, 55; iv.23, 65, 168; A ii.27; iii.133 ii.33). Cf. Dialogues iii.185.
sq.; Sn 621 (=taṇhāya na bhāyati SnA 467, thus combining -vālikā sand worn on the head as an amulet J i.396, 399.
tasati & tasati ), 924 (Pot. parittase, interpreted by Nd 373 -suttaka a thread worn round the head as a charm J i.396, 399.
as taseyya, uttaseyya, bhāyeyya, thus taken as tasati ); Miln 1 1
Parittaka [paritta +ka] small, insignificant, little Nd 306 (for ap-
253, 400; Dh 397 (=taṇhāya na bhāyati DhA iv.159); Sdhp 2 11 67
paka etc. as at Nd 414); Pv i.10 ; ii.9 ; Miln 121 (a°), 253;
476. — ppr. aparitassaṁ D ii.68; M i.67; S ii.82; iii.55; It
DA i.170 (for appa); PvA 51; Sdhp 42. — f. parittikā Th 1,
94. — pp. paritasita (q. v.).
Paritassanā (f.) [fr. paritassati, q. v. for meaning] trembling,
Parittāṇa (nt.) [pari+tāṇa. Cp. Epic Sk. paritrāṇa] protection,
fear; nervousness, worry; excitement, longing D i.17 (=ubbi-
shelter, refuge, safeguard, safety D i.9 (sara° from an arrow, i.
jjanā phandanā etc. DA i.111); M i.136; iii.227; S iii.15 sq., e. a shield); iii.189; J vi.455; PvA 284; Sdhp 396.
133; Miln 253, 400. — neg. a° S iii.15; M i.136.
-kitikā a protecting arrangement Vin ii.152, cp. Vin. Texts
Paritassin (adj.) [fr. paritassati] trembling, excited, worrying, iii.174.
only neg. a° A iv.108, 111, 230 sq.
Parittāyaka (adj.) [fr. pari+tāyati] safeguarding against, shelter-
Paritāpa=foll. Miln 313 (ātāpa+). ing against, keeping away from Vism 376 (angāra — vassaṁ
p. thero).
Paritāpana (nt.) [pari+tāpana, of tap] tormenting, torture, afflic-
tion, mortification M i.78, 341 — 344; A i.151, 296; ii.205 sq. Parittāsin (adj.) [pari+tāsin, fr. tāsa of tasati ] being in dread of
(atta° self — mortification, opp. para°); Pug 55, 56, 61; PvA (—°) S i.201.
18 (atta°), 30 (id.). Often comb with ātāpana (q. v.).
Paridaṇḍa (adj.) [pari+daṇḍa] "with a stick around," i. e. sur-
Paritāpeti [pari+tapeti] to burn, scorch, molest, trouble, torture, rounded by a stick; only in one phrase viz. "saparidaṇḍā
torment M i.341 (ātāpeti+), 506; S iv.337; A iii.54, 380; J iṭṭhi" a woman protected by a stick, or liable to punish-
v.420 (mā paritāpi). ment (?), in stock phrase enumerating 10 kinds of women M
i.286=iii.46=Vin iii.139=A v.264= VvA 73.
Parituleti [pari+tuleti] to weigh, consider, estimate, think Vism
522. — VbhA 130. Paridamana (nt.) [pari+damana] controlling, taming Vism 375.
Parito (adv.) [fr. pari, cp. Sk. paritaḥ] round about, around, Paridameti [pari+dameti] to control, tame, keep under Vism 376.
on every side, everywhere, wholly Vin ii.194; SnA 393; VvA Paridahati [pari+dahati, of dhā] to put round, put on, clothe Dh
316; PvA 33.
9 (fut. °dahessati); J ii.197; v.434 (ger. °dahitvā); vi.500; Pv
Paritoseti [pari+toseti] to please, appease, satisfy, make happy J ii.1 ; PvA 76 (vatthāni), 77, 127 (°dahissati for paridhassati
i.262; iii.386; v.216; PvA 213 (v. l. SS+ āsiñcati). Pv ii.9 , which read for T. parivassati). ger also paridayha J
Paritta (adj.) [BSk. parītta, pari+pp. of dā in short form *tta, v.400 (=nivāsetvā cp pārupitvā ca C.). — pp. paridahita (q.
v.). — Caus. II. paridahāpeti to cause to be clothed PvA 49
like ātta for ādatta. The development of meaning however
causes difficulties, paridatta meaning given up, transmitted,
cp. Divy 388, whereas P. paritta means trifling. The BSk. Paridahita [pp. of paridahati] put round, put on (of clothing) PvA
form parītta (e. g. Divy 204, 498, 504; AvŚ i.329; ii.137) 43.
may be a re — translation of P. paritta, which may correspond 1
Paridīpaka (adj.) [fr. paridīpeti, cp, dīpaka ] illuminating, ex-
to Sk, prarikta, pp. of pra+ric, meaning "that which is ex-
plaining, explanatory SnA 40
ceeded," i. e. left (over or behind)] small, little, inferior, in-
Paridīpana (nt.) [pari+dīpana] illuminating, elucidating, expla-
significant, limited, of no account, trifling Vin i.270; D i.45;
nation Miln 318; KhA 111; SnA 394 sq.
M iii.148 (°ābha of limited splendour, opp. appamāṇ'— ābha);
S ii.98; iv.160 (opp. adhimatta); A iv.241; v.63; It 71; Sn 61, Paridīpanā (f.) [fr. paridīpeti, cp. paridīpana] explanation, illus-
390 (°pañña of inferior wisdom, cp. Nd 415), 1097 (id.); J tration Miln 131.
i.221; Dhs 181, 584, 1018, 1034 (cp. Dhs trsl. 265, 269); DA
Paridīpita [pp. of paridīpeti] 1. in flames, set ablaze Th 2, 200
i.119; KhA 133 (°dīpā the 2,000 inferior islands), 176 (500 (=punappunaṁ ādīpitatāya p. ThA 170), — 2. explained,
do.); PvA 198; Sdhp 251, 261. Synonyms: appaka, omaka, made clear, illuminated Vism 58; KvuA 8; Sdhp 305.
lāmaka, dukkha Nd 414; catukka Nd 415 (opp. mahā); ap-
Paridīpeti [pari+dīpeti] to make bright, to illustrate, to explain
paka PvA 48, 60; appama taka PvA 262; ittara PvA 60; oma
Miln 131; Sdhp 491. — pp. paridīpita (q. v.).
SnA 347; oraka SnA 489; lāmaka SnA 347.
Paritta (nt.) & Parittā (f.) [fr. pari+trā, cp. tāṇa, tāyati & Paridūseti [pari+dūseti] to spoil altogether, to ruin, corrupt, defile
Sdhp 409.
also parittāna] protection, safeguard; (protective) charm, pal-
liative, amulet Vin ii.110 (atta° f. personal protection) iv.305 Parideva [pari+deva of div, devati; only in one passage of Epic
(gutt' atthāya °ṁ pariyāpuṇāti); A ii.73 (rakkhā+parittā); J Sk. (Mbhār. vii.3014); otherwise paridevana nt.] lamenta-
i.200 (manto+parittaṁ+ vaḍḍhiṁ), 396 (paccekabuddhehi °ṁ tion, wailing M i.200; S ii.1; iii.3 sq.; A i.144; ii.195; Sn 328,

Parideva Parinibbāyati

592, 811, 923, 969; J i.146; vi,188, 498; Nd 128, 134, 370, stratum left." — 2. release from cravings & attachment to life,
492; Ps i.11 sq., 38, 59, 65; Vbh 100, 137; Nett 29. It is exeget- emancipation (in this life) with the assurance of final death;
ically paraphrased at D ii.306=Nd 416 (under pariddava) with freedom of spirit, calm, perfect well — being or peace of soul.
synonyms ādeva p. ādevanā paridevanā ādevitattaṁ paridevi- This is the so — called "sa — upādisesa — P.," or "extinc-
tattaṁ; often comb with soka grief, e. g. at D i.36; Sn 862; tion (of passion) with some substratum left." — The two kinds
It 89; PvA 39, 61. — Bdhgh at DA i.121 expl it as "sokaṁ are distinguished by Bdhgh at DhA ii.163 as follows: "ara-
nissita — lālappana — lakkhaṇo p." hatta — pattito paṭṭhāya kilesa — vaṭṭassa khepitattā sa — up-
ādi — sesena, carima — citta — nirodhena khandhavaṭṭassa
Paridevati [pari+devati, div] to wail, lament D ii.158 (mā socit-
tha mā paridevittha); Sn 582, 774=Nd 38 (as °devayati), 166; khepitattā an — upādi — sesena cā ti dvīhi pi parinibbānehi
parinibbutā, an — upādāno viya padīpo apaṇṇattika — bhā-
J vi.188, 498; PvA 18 (socati+); ger. °devamāna S i.199, 208;
vaṁ gatā." — 1. D ii.72 sq. (the famous Mahā — parinibbāna
J v.106; PvA 38, & °devayamāna Sn 583. — grd. °devaniya
Nd 492; SnA 573, & °devaneyya Sn 970 (=ādevaneyya Nd 1 — suttanta or "Book of the Great Decease"); M iii.127, 128;
A ii.79 (°samaye); iii.409 (°dhamma, contrasted with āpāyika
493). — pp. paridevita (q. v.).
nerayika, cp. DhA iv.42); Mhvs 7, 1 (°mañcamhi nipanna);
Paridevanā (f.)=parideva, Sn 585; Nd 416 (see under parideva) VvA 158; PvA 244. — 2. D iii.55; A v.64; Sn 514 (°gata+
Pv i.4 (=vācā — vippalāpa PvA 18); i.12 ; PvA 41. 24
vitiṇṇa — kankho); Vv 53 (°gata+sītibhūta). This state of
Paridevita (nt.) [pp. of paridevati] lamentation, wailing Sn 590; final emancipation (during life) has also received the determi-
Pv i.12 (=ruditaṁ PvA 63); Miln 148 (kanditap.° — lālappita nation of anupādā — parinibbāna, i. e. emancipation without
— mukha). ground. for further clinging (lit. without fuel), which corre-
sponds to Bdhgh's term "kilesavaṭṭassa khepitattā sa — up-
Paridevitatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. paridevita] lamentation etc.; only
exegetical construction in expl of parideva at D ii.306=Nd 2 ādi — sesa p." (see above); thus at M i.148; S iv.48; v.29; A
i.44; v.65 (nicchāto nibbuto sītibhūto etc).; A v.233=253=Dh
89 (+khīṇāsava).
Pariddava [according to Trenckner M i.532 (on M i.56, where
Parinibbānika (adj.) [fr. parinibbāna] one who is destined to
SS read p., whereas BB have parideva) the metrical substitute
or that which leads to complete extinction D iii.264; 265
for parideva; therefore not=Sk. paridrava, which is only a late
re — translation of the P. word]=parideva M i.56 (soka°); A
i.221; Th 2, 345 (soka°); Sn 1052, cp. Nd 416 (see parideva). Parinibbāpana (nt.) [pari+nibbāpana] refreshing, cooling,
quenching; controlling, subduing, training Ps i.174 (atta —
Paridhaṁsaka (adj.) [fr. paridhaṁsati] destructive, ruinous PvA
damatha, atta — samatha, atta — p.).
15 (°vacano speaking destructively, scandalmonger).
Parinibbāpetar [n. ag. fr. parinibbāpeti] one who pacifies, a
Paridhaṁsati [pari+dhaṁsati] to be deprived, to lose, to come to
calmer, trainer M ii.102 (dametar sametar p.).
ruin It 90; Miln 249, 265. — Caus. paridhaṁseti in same
meaning at Nd 5. It is almost synonymous with paripatati & Parinibbāpeti [pari+nibbāpeti] to bring to complete coolness, or
parihāyati. training (see next), emancipation or cessation of the life —
Paridhāvati [pari+dhāvati] to run about J i.127 (ādhāvati+), 134 impulse, to make calm, lead to Nibbāna, to exercise self —
(id.), 158 (id.); ii.68 (id.)=ThA 54; v.106. control, to extinguish fever of craving, or fire of rāga, dosa,
moha. Always coupled with the quâsi synonyms sameti &
Paridhota [pp. of paridhovati] washed, rinsed, cleansed, purified
dameti (cp. damatha samatha parinibbāpana) D iii.61=A iii.46
D i.124.
(attānaṁ dameti, sameti, p.); M i.45 (fut. °bbapessati); A ii.68
Paridhovati [pari+dhovati] to wash (all round), cleanse, clean Vin (attānaṁ d. s. p.). — pp. parinibbuta (see p. No. 3) &
i.302. — pp. paridhota. parinibbāpita (only in n. ag. °āpetar, q. v.).
Pariniṭṭhāna (nt.) [pari+niṭṭhāna] 1. end PvA 287. - 2. accom- Parinibbāyati (& °nibbāti) [pari+nibb° cp. BSk. pari-
plishment J v.400. nirvāti Divy 150 (Buddhā Bhagavantaḥ parinirvānti) & ger.
parinirvātavya ibid. 402] 1. to be completed, perfected, in
Pariniṭṭhāpeti [pari+niṭṭhāpeti] to bring to an end, attain, accom-
any work or art, e. g. of a trained horse, M i.446. Cp.
plish DhsA 363.
τελειόω. — 2. to die without being reborn, to reach com-
Pariniṭṭhita (adj.) [pari+niṭṭhita] accomplished M iii.53; Th 2,
plete extinction of existence Vin ii.194 (Tathāgathā °āyanti);
283; DhA ii.78.
M iii.128 (aor °nibbāyi); S v.152 (°nibbāyeyyaṁ), 261 (°nib-
Parininna (adj.) [pari+ninna] deeply hollowed, sunken Sdhp 103. bāyissāmi); A ii.120 (anupādisesāya nibbāna — dhātuyā p.);
Parinipphanna (adj.) [pari+nipphanna] predetermined Kvu 459 iv.202 (id.), 313 (id.), Miln 175 (id.); J i.28 (id.), 55 (id.); VvA
(v. l. °nibbāna), 626 (a°); cp. Kvu trsl. 261 , 368 . 158 (fut. °nibbāyissāmi); PvA 21, 283 (of a Paccekabuddha).
— 2. to become emancipated from all desire of life D ii.68 (cp.
Parinibbāna (nt.) [pari+nibbāna] "complete Nibbāna" in two
Dial. ii.65 & Brethren 417); S iv.102 (diṭṭh' eva dhamme),
meanings: 1. complete extinction of khandhalife; i. e. all
ibid. (sa — upādāno devānaṁ indo na parinibbāyati), 168;
possibility of such life & its rebirth, final release from (the
A iii.41=Vin ii.148, 164 (parinibbāti anāsavo); A iv.98 (aor.
misery of) rebirth and transmigration, death (after the last life
°nibbiṁsu anāsavā) Th 1, 100 (fut. °nibbissati anāsavo), 364;
— span of an Arahant). This is the so — called "an — upādi
It 93 (°nibbanti), cp. 95; Dh 126 (°nibbanti anāsavā perhaps
— sesa Parinibbāna," or "extinction with no rebirth — sub-
better taken to No. 1!); Vbh 426 (sabbāsave pariññāya parinib-

Parinibbāyati Paripāteti

banti anāsavā); Sdhp 584 (°nibbanti mahoghen' eva aggino). (of a horse).
— pp. parinibbuto (q. v.). — Caus. parinibbāpeti (q. v.).
Parinimmita at Dhs 1280 read para°.
Parinibbāyana (nt.) [abstr. fr. parinibbāyin] passing away, see
Paripakka (adj.) [pari+pakka] 1. (quite) ripe, ripened, matured,
parinibbāyin 2 b.
developed D i.54; S iv.105=DA i.50; A iv.357; Dh 260; J i.91,
Parinibbāyin [fr. parinibbāyati] one who attains Pari-nibbāna. 231; vi.1 (ap°); Ud 36 (id.); Miln 194, 288; DhA iii.338; KhA
Of the 2 meanings registered under parinibbāna we find No. 56; ThA 273; PvA 274 (su°). — 2. overripe, rotten Miln 223.
1 only in a very restricted use, when taken in both senses of
Paripakkata [pp. of pari+pakkirati] scattered Th 2, 391 (reading
sa — and an — upādisesa parinibbāna; e. g. at A ii.155
sq., where the distinction is made between a sa — sankhāra
Paripaccati [pari+paccati] to become ripe, to heal (of a wound)
p. and an a — sankhāra p., as these two terms also occur in
Miln 112.
the fivefold classification of "Never — returners" (i. e. those
who are not reborn) viz. antarā — parinibbāyin, upahacca°, Paripaccana (nt.) [pari+paccana] ripening, healing (of a wound)
sasankhāra°, uddhaṁsota, akaniṭṭhagāmin. Thus at D iii.237; Miln 112.
S v.201, 237; A i.233; iv.14, 71 sq., 146, 380; v.120; Pug 16,
Paripañhati [denom. fr. pari+pañha] to question A v.16.
17. — 2. In the sense of Parinibbāna No. 2 (i. e. sa — up-
Paripaṭati [doublet of paripatati] to go to ruin, to come to fall,
ādisesa p.) we find parinibbāyin almost as an equivalent of d
arahant in two combn , viz. (a) tattha° (always comb with to come to naught Miln 91 (opp. sambhavati); comb with
paridhaṁsati at Nd 5; Miln 249, 265.
opapātika, i. e. above the ordinary cause of birth) [cp. BSk.
tatra — parinirvāyin anāgāmin Divy 533]. It is also invariably Paripatati [pari+patati, cp. nipatati] to fall down, to fall off from
comb with anāvattidhamma, e. g. at D i.156; iii.108, 132; M (abl.) Vin ii.152 sq.; J v.417, 420; Pv iv.5 (bhūmiyaṁ) DA
ii.56, 146; A i.232; 245, 290; ii.5, 89, 238; iv.12, 399, 423; i.132; PvA 37, 47, 55, 62. — Caus. paripāteti (q. v.). — See
v.343; S v.346 (cp. 406), 357; Pug 16, 62, 83. See also Kvu also paripaṭati.
trsl. 74 . — (b) antara° [cp. BSk. antarāparinirvāyin MVastu
Paripantha [pari+pantha] 1. "way round," edge, border; paripan-
i.33] one who passes away in the middle of his term of life in the in ambush (near a road) M i.87; J iii.65. — 2. obstacle, hin-
a particular heaven; an Anāgāmin (cp. Bdhgh's expl at PugA
drance, danger. It refers esp. to danger arising out of mishaps
198 as "āyuvemajjhassa antarā yeva parinibbāyanato a. p.") S
to or bad conditions of roads in the forests. D i.52; S i.43;
v.69=A iv.70; S v.201=204, 237, 285, 314, 378; A ii.134; Ps
A i.153; iii.252; v.136; Ps i.162; J i.395; iii.268; iv.17; vi.57
i.161; Pug 16; Nett 190 (cp. A iv.380).
(n. pl. °ayo=kilesaparipanthā C.), 75; DhA i.14 (magga°), 16
Parinibbuta (adj.) [pari+nibbuta] completely calmed, at peace, (id.), 51, 69; migānaṁ p. danger to the crops from (the nui-
at rest (as to the distinction of the twofold application see sance of) deer J i.143, 154. — saparipantha full of danger
parinibbāna and cp., Mrs. Rh.D. Buddhism p. 191; Cpd. DhA i.63. See also palipatha.
p. 168), viz. — 1. gone out, or passed away without any Paripanthika (adj.) [fr. paripantha] forming or causing an obsta-
remaining cause of rebirth anywhere, completely extinct, fi- cle A i.161. The usual form is pāri° (q. v.).
nally released (fr. rebirth & trans migration), quite dead or
Paripanna see palipanna.
at rest [cp. BSk. parinirvṛta Divy 79]. It is usually applied
to the Buddha, or the Tathāgatha, but also to Theras & Ara- Paripāka [fr. pari+pac] 1. ripeness, maturity, development,
hants who have by means of moral & intellectual perfection perfection D i.9 (cp. DA i.94); Ud 36 (pañca dhammā
destroyed all germs of further existence. With ref. to Gotama paripākāya saṁvattanti); J i.142, 148; vi.236; Miln 288; Vism
Buddha: Vin ii.284 (atikkhippaṁ Bhagavā p.), 294 (vassas- 116 (bodhi°), 199; DhA i.89 (°gatatta nt. state of perfection);
ata° e Bhagavati); v.119, 120; D i.204 (acira — °e Bhagavati); ThA 79; PvA 276. — 2. overripeness, decay, collapse, only
S i.158 (Tathāgato p. ii.191); v.172 (°e Tathāgate); Vv iii.9 7 in phrase "indriyānaṁ p.," i. e. decay of the (mental) faculties,
(°e Gotame=anupādisesāya nibbāna — dhātuyā parinibbuto in formula defining jarā (old age) at D ii.305; M i.49; S ii.2,
VvA 169); PvA 140 (Satthari p.), 212 (Bhagavati). Of oth- 42 sq.; A v.203; Nd 252; Dhs 644; cp. BSk. indriyaparipāka
ers: S i.121, 122 (Godhika); iii.124 (Vakkali); iv.63 (Puṇṇa); AvŚ ii.110.
Sn p. 59, 60 (a Thera); Miln 390 (Arahant); VvA 158; PvA 1
Paripācana (nt.) [pari+pācana ] ripening, maturing, digestion
76; DhA ii.163; iv.42. — 2. emancipated, quite free (from
Vims 351, 363, 365.
earthly bonds), calm, serene, at peace, perfected Vin ii.156=A
Paripācaniya (adj.) [fr. paripācana] bringing to maturity, lead-
i.138 "spiritually free" Vin. Texts iii.182); D ii.123 (cp. Dial.
ing to perfection, accomplishing, only in phrase vimuttiparipā-
ii.132); iii.55; M i.235; ii.102; S i.1 (+tiṇṇo loke visattikaṁ),
caniyā dhammā (5) things achieving emancipation (see Ud 36)
7=iv.179 (aheṭhayāno+); i.54 (+tiṇṇo loke visattikaṁ); 187 (p.
S iv.105=DA i.50; ThA 273.
kankhati kālaṁ); Sn 359 (+ṭhitatta), 370 (id.), 467 (p. udaka
— rahado va sīto); Th 1, 5 (cp. Brethren 11 ); J iv.303, 453; Paripāceti [pari+pāceti, Caus. of pacati] to bring to maturity,
Ud 85 (rāga — dosa — moha — kkhayā p.); Miln 50 (°atta), to cause to ripen, to develop, prepare J vi.373 (atthaṁ p.
Freq. in comb with kindred terms like sītibhūta (cooled), e. °ācayitvā=vaḍḍhetvā C.); Miln 232, 285, 288, 296. — pp.
g. Vin ii.156=A i.138; Vv 53 ; or nicchāta (without hunger), paripācita Vism 365.
e. g. S iii.26; iv.204= It 46; Sn 735 sq.; It 48 (esanānaṁ Paripātita [pp. of paripāteti] attacked, pursued, brought into dif-
khayā), 49 (āsavānaṁ khayā). — 3. (to be understood as pp.
ficulty VvA 336.
of parinibbāpeti) calmed, well trained, domesticated M i.446

Paripāteti Paribāhira

Paripāteti (or °pāṭeti) [Caus. of paripatati. Cp. BSk. pari- completion S v.200 sq. (+samatta).
pāṭayati to destroy Divy 417] to cause to fall down, to bring to
Paripūrita [pp. of paripūreti] filled (to overflowing), full PvA
ruin, to attack, pursue Vin iv.115; J ii.208; iii.380; Miln 279,
367; KhA 73 (see App. II. p. 353 n. 9). — pp. paripātita (q.
Paripūrī (f.) [fr. paripūra, but better spelt pāripūrī, q. v.] fulfil-
ment, completion S i.139.
Paripālita [pp. of paripāleti] guarded Vism 74.
Paripūreti [Caus. of paripūrati] to fulfil; to fill (up), make more
Paripāleti [pari+pāleti] to watch, guard (carefully) PvA 130
full, supplement, fill out, add to D i.74 (parisandeti p. parip-
(=rakkhati). — pp. paripālita (q. v.). — Pass. °pāliyati ns
pharati; DA i.217 expl as "vāyunā bhastaṁ viya pūreti");
Nett 105 (=rakkhitaṁ).
ii.221; M iii.92; S i.27 (devakāyaṁ)=30; ii.29, 32; iii.93 (sā-
Paripīta (adj.) [pari+pīta] very dear, highly valued Sdhp 571. maññatthaṁ)=A ii.95= It 90; Pv ii.9 (ppr. °ayanto); Pug 31,
35; Miln 349 (lekhaṁ); PvA 29 (sāgaraṁ), 30 (ñātidhammo
Paripīḷita (adj.) [pari+pīlita, pp. of pīḍ] oppressed, vexed, in-
°pūretabbo), 136 (vassasahassāni); Sdhp 371. — ppr. med.
jured Miln 97 (aggi — santāpa — pariḷāha°), 303 jighac-
°pūramāna D i.103. — pp. paripūrita (q. v.).
Paripothita [pp. of paripotheti] beaten, whipped Miln 188
Paripuochaka (adj.) [fr. pari+prc̣h] asking a question, enquir-
ing Nd 234=Nd 386; Sdhp 90. — f. abstr. paripucchakatā (laguḷehi).
questioning Vism 132 (one of the 7 constituents of dhamma Parippharati [pari+sphur] to pervade D i.74 (=samantato phusati
— vicaya — sambojjhanga). DA i.217); M iii.92 sq. See also paripūreti — pp. parip-
phuta & °pphuṭṭha (q. v.).
Paripucchati [pari+pucchati] to ask a question, to interrogate, in-
quire Vin i.47=224; ii.125; S i.98; A v.16; Sn 380, 696 (°iyāna Paripphuṭṭha [pp. of parippharati] filled, pervaded D i.75; M
ger.), 1025; Pug 41; Miln 257, 408; SnA 111. iii.94 (spelt here paripphuta). Cp. BSk. parisphuṭa MVastu
ii.349; iii.274; Lal. Vist. 33, 385.
Paripucchā (f.) [pari+pucchā] question, interrogation Vin i.190
(uddesa+); ii.219 (id.); A i.285; Nd 234 =Nd 386 (cp. SnA Paripphosakaṁ (adv.) [either with Kern. Toev, s. v. ger.
iii). See also uddesa. of paripphoseti (i. e. paripphosa)+kaṁ or preferably with
Trenckner, Notes 80 absolutive in °aka (i. e. nt. formation fr.
Paripuñchati [pari+puñchati] to wipe off, stroke down Vin iii.14
adj. paripphosa, as phenuddeha+kaṁ etc.). Cp. also Geiger
(pāṇinā gattāni p.).
P.Gr. § 62. 1] sprinkled all round D i.74; M i.276; ii.15; iii.92;
Paripuṇṇa (adj.) [pp. of paripūrati] 1. (quite) full, fulfilled, com- d
expl as "siñcitvā" at DA i.218.
plete, finished, satisfied M i.200 (°sankappa), iii.276; S ii.283;
Paripphosita [pp. of paripphoseti] sprinkled all round J vi.51,
iv.104; v.315; Ps i.172 (=pariggah' aṭṭhena parivār' aṭṭhena,
481 (candana sāra°).
paripūr' aṭṭhena p., i. e. acquiring, keeping, fulfilling); Sn 889
(°mānin=samatta — mānin Nd 298), 904; It 40 (°sekha); Pv Paripphoseti [pari+Caus. of pruṣ] to sprinkle over, Vin ii.209
iv.16 ; Vism 45 (°sankappa): PvA 13, 54 (°vassa whose years (udakena °pphositvā; so read for °ppositvā); A i.257; J vi.566;
are completed, i. e. old enough for ordination), 68 (°gabbha Pv iii.10 (°itvā=āsiñcitvā PvA 231). — pp. paripphosita (q.
ready to be delivered), 77 (vārinā). — 2, complete, i. e. not v.).
defective, perfect, sound, healthy Sn 548 (°kāya= lakkhaṇehi
Pariplava [fr. pari+plu] unsteady, wavering, swerving about Dh
puṇṇatāya ahīn' anga — paccangatāya ca paripuṇṇa — sarīro
38 (=upplavana DhA i.309).
SnA 452); Miln 249.
Pariplavati [pari+plu] to quiver, roam about, swerve J iii.484
Paripuṇṇatā (f.) [abstr. fr. paripuṇṇa] fullness, completeness
(ppr. pariplavanto=upplavamāna C. — pp. paripluta (q. v.).
SnA 452.
Paripluta [pp. of pariplavati] immersed, drenched J vi.78
Paripūra (adj.) [pari+pṛ] full, complete, perfected, accomplished
(=nimugga C.); Dāvs iii.34.
D i.75; i.133; iii.94; S ii.32; iv.247; v.269 (f. °ī); A ii.77;
Pariphandati [pari+spand] to tremble, quiver, throb, waver Sn
v.10 sq.; Sn 205, 1017; Ps i.15, 18, 49, 172; ii.122; Pug 35, 1
776 (cp. Nd 46 sq.), 1145; Dh 34 (=saṇṭhātuṁ na sakkoti
36. -aparipūra not completed, imperfect, incomplete A ii.77;
DhA i.289); J iv.93; Miln 91, 249. — pp. pariphandita (q.v.).
iv.314 sq.; v.10 sq; It 107; Pug 35, 36.
-kāritā completion M i.64, 66 sq. -kārin completing, Pariphandita [pp. of pariphandati] wavered, trembled, quivered
fulfilling, making complete, doing to the full M i.33 sq., 64; S J iii.24.
v.201; A ii.136; iii.215; iv.380; v.131 sq.; Pug 37; Miln 243. Paribandha at ThA 242 is C. reading for paripantha at Th 2, 352;
Paripūraka (adj.( (—°) one who fills, filling Vism 300 (niraya°). also at Vism 147, 152.
Paripūraṇa (nt.) [fr. paripūreti] fulfilment, completion Vism 3 Paribādheti [pari+bādh] to oppress, attack PvA 193 (=hiṁsati).
(sīla°). See pāripūraṇa. 3
Paribāhati [pari+bāhati or preferably bāheti: see bahati ] to keep
Paripūrati [pari+pūrati] to become full or perfect Dh 38; J iv.273 out, keep away from, hinder J i.204 (ger. °bāhiya); PvA 214
(devaloko p.); Miln 395 (sāmaññaṁ); fut. paripūrissati DhA (°bāhire).
i.309. — Pass. paripūriyati to be fulfilled or perfected DhA
Paribāhira (adj.) [pari+bāhira] external, alien to; an outsider Vin
i.309. — pp. paripuṇṇa (q. v.). — Caus. paripūreti (q. v.). 1
ii.140; iv.283; S i.126; J i.482; iii.213; Nd 144; (parimussati
Paripūratta (nt.) [abstr. fr. paripūra] fullness, completeness, p. hoti, in expl of mussati) Vism 54; PvA 131; ThA 204; DA

Paribāhira Paribhinna

i.30. i.482; Th 1, p. 12 .
Paribbajati [pari+vraj] to wander about (as a religious mendi- Paribhaṭṭha [pp. of paribhāsati] abused, censured, scolded J
cant) Sn 74, 639; It 109; Dh 346, 415; J iv.452. vi.187.
Paribbaya [pari+vaya, i. e. *vyaya] 1. earned money, earn- Paribhaṇḍa [for paribandha, dialectical, see Kern, Toev. i.36,
ings, wages J i.156 (°ṁ datvā), 296 (id.), 433; iv.170; DhA who compares Tamil panda "a surrounding wall" =P. bandha.
iv.196. — 2, expense, expenditure J ii.213, (nivāsa° expense The meaning is rather uncertain, cp. notes in Vin. Texts ii.154;
for a lodging), 249, 368; iii.287 (°ṁ karoti to invest); vi.383; iii.85, 213] 1. a binding along the back Vin i.254, 297; ii.116;
VvA 75; PvA 3 (sahassaṁ sahassaṁ °ṁ karoti), 97 (nicca°); J v.254 (v. l. °daṇḍa). — 2. a girdle, belt J vi.125; DhA ii.174.
Dāvs v.66. — 3. a plastered flooring Vin ii.113, 172, 220; J iii.384; iv.92;
v.437, 440. — 4. slough of a serpent (?) J vi.339. — 5. (°—)
Paribbasāna (adj.) [ppr. med. of pari+vas] abiding, staying
by Sn 796 (=vasamāna SnA 529; sakāya diṭṭhiyā vasanti Nd 1 adj. encircling, comprehensive, in °ñāṇa Vism 429.
102), 878, 880, 895. Paribhata [pp. of pari+bhṛ] nurtured, nourished M ii.56
(sukha°). Also in expl of pāribhaṭyatā (q. v.).
Paribbāja=paribbājaka S i.49; Sn 134; Dh 313; DhA iii.485.
°vata the vow of a p. ThA 73. Paribhava [pari+bhū] contempt, disrespect Vin iv.241; A iii.191;
J v.436; vi.164; Vbh 353 sq.; PvA 257.
Paribbājaka [fr. pari+vraj] a wandering man, a Wanderer,
wandering religious mendicant, not necessarily Buddhist (cp. Paribhavana (nt.)=paribhava DA i.255.
Muir, J.R.A.S. 1866, 321; Lassen, Ind. Alt ii.114, 277, 468;
Paribhavati [pari+bhū], also paribhoti to treat with contempt, to
Vin. Texts i.41) Vin i.342; iv.285 (bhikkhuñ ca sāmaṇerañ ca
neglect, despise S i.69; A iii.174 sq. (°bhoti); J iii.16; v.442;
ṭhapetvā yo koci paribbājaka — samāpanno); D i.157; iii.1
Miln 23, 259; PvA 266. — grd. paribhotabba S i.69; Sn p.
sq., 35 sq., 53 sq., 130 sq.; M i.64, 84; S i.78; ii.22, 119, 139;
93. (=paribhavitabba SnA 424). — Caus. paribhāveti; pp.
iii.257 sq.; iv.230, 251, 391 sq.; A i.115, 157, 185, 215; ii.29
paribhūta (q. v.).
sq., 176; iv.35 sq., 338, 378; v.48 sq.; Sn 537, 553; J i.85; Ud
Paribhāvanā (f.) [fr. paribhāveti] permeation, penetration DhsA
14, 65; DA i.35; PvA 31. — f. paribbājikā Vin iv.285; M
163 (=vāsanā).
i.305; S iii.238 sq.; Ud 13, 43 sq.
Paribhāvita [pp. of paribhāveti] 1. penetrated, supplied, filled
Paribbājana (nt.) [fr. paribbajati] wandering about or practising
with, trained, set D ii.81 (saddhā — p. cittaṁ, sīla° etc.; trsl.
the customs of a mendicant SnA 434.
"set round with," cp. Dial. ii.86), cp. S v.369; Sn 23 (cittaṁ
Paribbājayitar [n. ag. of paribbajati] one who indulges in the
p.; SnA 37 saṁvāsiya); Miln 361; PvA 139 (°aya bhāvanāya
practice of a Wanderer, fig. one who leads a virtuous ascetic
codito). — 2. compounded of, mixed with J i.380, cp. iv.407;
life Sn 537 (T. °vajjayitā). Perhaps we should read °bājayitvā PvA 191. — 3. fostered, treated, practised Miln 394 (bhe-
for °bājayitā, cp. SnA 434 nikkhamet[v]ā niddhamet[v]ā.
sajjena kāyaṁ); PvA 257. — 4. sat on (said of eggs), being
Paribbūḷha (adj.) [pp. of paribrūhati] encompassed, provided hatched M i.104; S iii.153; A iv.125 sq., 176.
with, surrounded A iii.34; Sn 301 (=parikiṇṇa SnA 320); J
Paribhāveti [Caus. of paribhavati] to cause to be pervaded or
iv.120; v.68, 322, 417; vi.452.
penetrated, to treat, supply Vin i.279 (uppalahatthāni bhesaj-
Paribbhamati [pari+bhamati] 1. to walk or roam about PvA 6, jehi p.); J iv.407. — pp. paribhāvita (q. v.).
47 (ito c' ito), 63 (saṁsāre), 100, 166 (saṁsare). — 2. to
Paribhāsa [fr. pari+bhāṣ] censure, abuse, blame J v.373; PvA
reel about J iii.288; iv.407. — Caus. °bbhameti to make reel
round J vi.155.
Paribhāsaka (adj.) [fr. paribhāsa, cp. BSk. paribhāṣaka
Paribyattatā (f.) [pari+vyatta+tā] great distinction, clearness; 6
Divy 38] reviling, abusing, abusive S i.34; A iv.79; Pv i.11
wide experience, learnedness Miln 349. 4
(=akkosaka PvA 58); iv.8 ; VvA 69. See also akkosaka.
Paribrahaṇa (nt.) [to bṛh, see paribrūhati & cp. late Sk. Paribhāsati [pari+bhāṣ, cp. BSk. paribhāṣate Divy 38] to abuse,
paribarhaṇā] growth, increase, promotion Th 1, p. 2 . Cp.
scold, revile, censure, deiame S i.221; iv.61; Vin iv.265; Sn
134, 663; J i.112, 384 (for °hāsiṁsu) 469; iii.421; iv.285 (read
Paribrūhati [pari+brūhati of bṛh ] to augment, increase, do with paribhāsentī for aribhāsentī); v.294; vi.523; Pv ii.10 ; Pug
zest VvA 115. — Caus. °brūheti [cp. Sk. paribṛnhayati] to 37; Miln 186; PvA 43. — aor. °bhāsissaṁ Pv iv.8 , pl.
make strong, increase J v.361 (aparibrūhayi aor. med. with a° °bhāsimhase Pv iii.1 . grd. °bhāsaniya Miln 186. — Very
neg., i. e. was weakened, lost his strength; but expl by C. as frequently comb with akkosati (+p.), e. g. at Vin ii.14, 296;
"atibrūhesi mahāsaddaṁ nicchāresi," thus taking it to brū to Ud 44; Pv i.9 ; PvA 10. — pp. paribhaṭṭha (q. v.). — Caus.
speak, which is evidently a confusion). — pp. paribbūḷha & II. °bhāsāpeti id. Pv i.6 .
paribrūhita (q. v.).
Paribhindati [pari+bhid] 1. to break up, split, create dissension,
Paribrūhana (nt.) [fr. paribrūhati, cp. upabrūhana] augmenta- to set at variance J i.439; iv.196; v.229; vi.368; PvA 13. — 2.
tion, increase Nett 79. to break (see °bhinna). — pp. paribhinna.
Paribrūhita [pp. of paribrūheti] increased, furthered, strength- Paribhinna [pp. of paribhindati] 1. broken, broken up M
ened ThA 245. i.190 (a°); VvA 184 (°vaṇṇa of broken up appearance, i. e.
Paribhaṭṭha [pp. of paribhassati of bhraś] fallen, dropped J crumbly.). — 2. set at variance, disconcerted, split Vin iii.161;

Paribhinna Parimuṭṭha

J ii.193; DhsA 308; PvA 13. — Cp. vi° Vin i.46; ii.213; iv.185 (= nābhimaṇḍalaṁ jānu — maṇḍalaṁ
paṭicchādentena C.; cp. timaṇḍala). — 2. rounded off, i. e.
Paribhuñjati [pari+bhuj] 1. to enjoy, to use, to enjoy the use
complete, correct, pleasant, in phrase °āni padavyañjanāni
of Vin ii.109; M i.153 (nivāpaṁ p.), 207, S ii.29; Sn 240,
241, 423; Pv i.1 ; i.9 ; iv.5 (=khādituṁ PvA 259); Nd 427 well sounding words and letters, correct speech Vin ii.316; M
i.216; A i.103; DA i.282; SnA 177, 370.
(pariyesati paṭilabhati paribhuñjati); Miln 366, 395 (ālopaṁ
°bhuñjisaṁ); Pv 3, 5 (modake eat up), 8, 13, 23, 47; Sdhp Parimaddati [pari+mṛd] 1. to rub, crush, rub off, treat, shampoo,
394. — grd. °bhuñjiya J i.243 (dup°); & °bhuñjitabba PvA massage J iv.137 (sarīraṁ examine the body); Miln 241. —
71 (with nt. abstr. °tabbatta). — Pass. °bhuñjiyati, ppr. Of leather (i. e. treat) M. i.128. — 2. to go together with, to
°iyamāna S i.90. — 2. [see bhuñjatī ] to purify, clean, cleanse frequent DhA i.90 (samayaṁ p.). — pp. parimaddita (q. v.).
M i.25; J vi.75. — pp. paribhutta (q. v.).
Parimaddana (nt.) [fr. pari+mṛd] rubbing, kneading, sham-
Paribhuñjana (nt.) [fr. paribhuñjati] eating PvA 35. pooing, massage; usually in stock phrase (kāyo) anicc' -
Paribhutta [pp. of paribhuñjati, cp. BSk. paribhukta Divy 277] d
D i.76 (cp. DA i.88, but trsl at Dial. i.87 as "subject to era-
used, employed, made use of Vin ii.109 (su°); J iii.257 (a°);
sion, abrasion, dissolution and disintegration"); M i.500; S
DA i.261 (sayaṁ °bhesajja); SnA 19.
iv.83; J i.416. See further D i.7; A i.62; iv.54 (ucchādana —
Paribhūta [pp. of paribhavati] treated with contempt, disre-
p. — nahāpana — sambāhana); Miln 241 (ucchādana°); Sdhp
garded, despised Vin iv.6; S ii.279; Miln 229, 288.
Paribheda [fr. pari+bhid, see paribhindati] 1. breaking, breaking
Parimaddita [pp. of parimaddati] crushed, rubbed, treated M
up, falling to pieces Dhs 738, 874. — 2. bursting, breaking
i.129 (su° well — treated).
open PvA 55.
Parimaddhita [pp. of pari+maddheti, Caus. of mṛdh to neglect]
Paribhedaka (adj.) [fr. paribheda in sense of paribhindati] break-
brought to an end or standstill, destroyed J i.145 (°sankhāra).
ing; a disturber of peace, breedbate J ii.173; iii.168; v.245; d
Parimasati [pari+mṛś] to touch, stroke, grasp (usually comb
with parimajjati), D i.78; ii.17; M i.34, 80; iii.12; S ii.121;
Paribhoga [fr. pari+bhuj] 1. material for enjoyment, food, feed-
iv.173; A iii.70. — pp. parimaṭṭha (same as pp. of
ing J i.243; ii.432; Miln 156, 403; DhA ii.66; SnA 342. — parimajjati), q. v.
2. enjoyment, use Vin iv.267; S i.90; Nd 262; Vism 33 (with
Parimāṇa (nt.) [of pari+mā] measure, extent, limit, as adj.
pariyesana & paṭiggahana); DhA i.60; PvA 25, 26, 220. —
(—°) measuring, extending over, comprising J i.45; SnA 1
Four paribhogas are distinguished at J v.253 and at Vism 43,
(pariyatti°); PvA 113 (yojana°), 102 (anekabhāra°). — neg.
viz. theyya°, iṇa,° dāyajja°, sāmi°. Paribhoga discussed in
aparimāṇa without limit, immeasurable, very great Vin ii.62,
relation to paṭilābha at Vism 43.
70; S v.430; A ii.182; KhA 248; DA i.288 (°vaṇṇa); PvA 110,
-cetiya a tree, shrine etc., used by the Buddha, & conse-
quently sacred KhA 222. -dhātu a relic consisting of some-
thing used by the dead Saint (opp. sarīradhātu, remains of the Parimārita [pp. of pari+māreti, Caus. of mṛ] mortified, only in
body) Mhvs 15, 163. (cp. pāribhogika — dhātu); SnA 579. phrase °indriya J i.361; iii.515; iv.9, 306; v.152; Dāvs i.16.
Paribhojaniya (or °īya) (nt.) [orig. grd. of paribhunjati 2] that Parimita [pp. of parimināti] measured, restricted, limited, only in
which is used for cleaning, water for washing Vin ii.76, 208, neg. a° measureless Pv ii.8 ; Miln 287, 343.
216 (°ghaṭa), 226 (cp. Vin. Texts iii.8); iii.119 (pāniyaṁ); J
Parimitatta (nt.) [fr. parimita] the condition of being measured
i.416; vi.75; DhA i.58.
PvA 254.
Parima=parama (cp. Geiger P.Gr. 19 ) M iii.112.
Parimināti [pari+mā] to measure, mete out, estimate, limit, re-
Parimajjaka (adj.) [fr. pari+marj] touching, reaching (up to) strict; inf. °metuṁ Miln 192; ThA 26; and °minituṁ Miln
Miln 343 (candasuriya°, cp. MVastu II, candramasūrya — 316; grd. °meyya (q. v.). — pp. parimita (q. v.).
parimārjako maharddhiko etc.).
Parimeyya (adj.) [grd. of parimināti] to be measured, neg. a°
Parimajjati [pari+majjati] 1. to wipe away, wipe off or out M countless, immeasurable Miln 331, 388; PvA 212.
i.78. — 2. to touch, stroke D i.78; M iii.12; S ii.121; Dh 394;
Parimukha (adj.) [pari+mukha] facing, in front; only as nt. adv.
J i.192, 305; ii.395 (piṭṭhiṁ). — 3. to rub, polish, groom (a
°ṁ in front, before, in phrase parimukhaṁ satiṁ upaṭṭhapeti
horse) A v.166, 168. — pp. parimaṭṭha (q. v.).
"set up his memory in front" (i. e. of the object of thought), to
Parimajjana (nt.) [fr. parimajjati] 1. wiping off or out Pug 33 set one's mindfulness alert Vin i.24; D ii.291; M i.56, 421; S
(ukkhali°). — 2. rubbing, grooming (a horse) A v.166, 168 i.170; A iii.92; It 80; Ps i.176 (expl ); Pug 68; DA i.210. Also
(ājānīya°). in phrase °ṁ kārāpeti (of hair) Vin ii.134 "to cut off (?) the
hair in front" (i. e. on the breast) Vin. Texts iii.138, where is
Parimaṭṭha [pp. of parimajjati] rubbed, stroked, polished, in su°
quoted Bdhgh's expl "ure loma — saṁharaṇaṁ."
well polished S ii.102. See also palimaṭṭha.
Parimuccati [Pass. of pari+muc] to be released, to be set free,
Parimaṇḍala (adj.) [pari+maṇḍala] 1. round, circular J i.441;
ii.406 (āvāṭa); vi.42; Pv iv.3 (guḷa°); Dhs 617 (expl at DhsA to escape Vin ii.87; M i.8; S i.88, 208; ii.24, 109; iii.40, 150,
179; Miln 213, 335 (jātiyā etc.) aor. °mucci M i.153. — pp.
317 as "egg — shaped," kukkuṭ — aṇḍasaṇṭhāna). — nt. as
parimutta; Caus. parimoceti (q. v.).
adv. in phrase °ṁ nivāseti to dress or cover oneself all round

Parimuṭṭha Pariyādāti

Parimuṭṭha [pari+muṭṭha, pp. of mussati, cp. pamuṭṭha] forget- leaving the learning aside); Miln 115, 215, 345, 411 (āgama°).
ful, bewildered Vin i.349=J iii.488 (=muṭṭhassati C.); cp. Vin. — abl. pariyattito through learning by heart SnA 195 (opp.
Texts ii.307. to atthato according to the meaning).
-dhamma that which belongs to the holy study, part or
Parimutta [pp. of parimuccati] released, set free, delivered S
contents of the Scriptures, the Tipiṭaka comprising the nine di-
visions (see navanga Buddha — sāsana) KhA 191, 193; SnA
Parimutti (f.) [fr. pari+muc] release J i.4 (v. 20); Miln 112, 227;
328; PvA 2; cp. °sāsana. -dhara knowing the Scriptures
PvA 109.
by heart Miln 21. -dhura (=ganthadhura): see vāsadhura.
Parimussati [pari+mussati] to become bewildered or disturbed, -paṭibhānavant possessed of intelligence as regards learning
to vanish, fall off Nd 144. the Scriptures SnA 111. -parimāṇa extent of study SnA 1,
608. -bahula clever in the study of the Dhamma A iii.86.
Parimoceti [Caus. of parimuccati] to set free, deliver, release D
-bahussuta versed in the Scriptures SnA 110. -sāsana ob-
i.96; J i.28 (v. 203); Miln 334; DA i.263; DhA i.39.
ject, instruction of the Scriptures, code of the holy Texts (cp.
Parimohita (adj.) [pp. of pari+Caus. of muh] very confused, 1
°dhamma) Nd 143; DhA iv.39.
muddled, dulled, bewildered, infatuated Sdhp 206.
Pariyanta [pari+anta, cp. Sk. paryanta] 1. limit, end, climax, bor-
Pariya [either short form of pariyāya, or ger. of pari+ī substan-
der S i.80 (manāpa° "limit — point in enjoyment"; cp. C. nip-
tivised (for the regular form paricca) representing an ending
phattikaṁ koṭikaṁ K.S. 320); J i.149 (hattha — pāda° hoofs),
— ya instead of — tya. — Bdhgh at Vism 409 takes pariya 12
221 (udaka°), 223 (sara°); ii.200 (angana°); Pv ii.13 ; DhA
as nt., but seems to mix it with the idea of a ppr. by defining
iii.172 (parisa°). — 2. limit, boundary, restriction, limita-
it as "pariyātī ti pariyaṁ, paricchindatī ti attho"] encompass- 1
tion Vin ii.59, 60 (āpatti°); Nd 483 (distinguishes between
ing, fathoming, comprehending (as ger.); penetration, under-
4 pariyantā with ref. to one's character, viz. sīlasaṁvara°
standing (as n.). Only in phrase ceto-pariya-ñāṇa knowledge
indriyasaṁvara°, bhojane mattaññutā°, jāgariyânuyoga°). —
encompassing heart or mind (cp. phrase cetasā ceto paricca)
3. (adj. — °) bounded by, limited by, surrounded, ending
D ii.82 sq. (v. l. °āya); iii.100 (v. l. °āye); DA i.223 (cor-
in Vin iv.31; M iii.90; S ii.122 (āyu°); A i.164 (id.); Sn 577
resp. with pubbe — nivāsa — ñāṇa); with which alternates 13
(bhedana°); Pv i.10 (parikkhitta PvA 52). — apariyanta
the phrase indriya-paro-pariya-ñāṇa in same meaning (see
(adj.) boundless, limitless PvA 58, 166.
indriya cpds. & remark on paropariya) J i.78. — See also -kata restricted, limited, bounded Nd taṇhā (with sī-
pariyatta pariyatti, pariyāya 3, and cpds. of ceto.
makata & odhikata; v. l. pariyanti°, cp. BSk. paryantīkṛta
Pariyañña [pari+yañña] supreme or extraordinary offering or sac- "finished" Divy 97, 236). -cārin living in selfrestriction
rifice SnA 321, 322. Sn 964 (cp. Nd 483). -dassāvin seeing the limit A v.50.
Pariyatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. pariya (pari+i) but confused with -rahita without limits DhA iii.252.
pariyatta & pariyatti fr. pari+āp] learning, understanding, Pariyantavant (adj.) [fr. pariyanta] having a limit, having a set
comprehension, only in phrase indriyaparo pariyatta ( — or well — defined purpose; f. °vatī (vācā) discriminating
ñāṇa) (knowledge of) what goes on in the intentions of oth- speech D i.4=M iii.49=Pug 58; expl as "paricchedaṁ das-
ers A v.34, 38; Ps i.121 sq.; Vbh 340. setvā yatha 'ssa paricchedo paññāyati, evaṁ bhāsatī ti attho"
Pariyatta (adj.) [cp. Sk. paryāpta. pp. of pari+āp, see pāpuṇāti] DA i.76=PugA 238.
(a) capable of, mastered, kept in mind, learned by heart; only Pariyantika (adj.) (—°) [fr. pariyanta] ending in, bounded or
in phrase dhammo ca vinayo ca p. Vin ii.285=KhA 92; D limited by S ii.83=A ii.198 (kāya — p. °ā & jīvita — p. °ā
iii.241 sq. (yathā sutaṁ yathā p°ṁ dhammaṁ). — (b) suffi- vedanā); Vism 69 (bhojana°, udaka°, āsana°); Sdhp 440 (kāla°
cient, enough PvA 33 (=alaṁ) sīla).
Pariyatti (f.) [fr. pari+āp, cp. Epic Sk. paryāpti & P. Pariyaya [cp. Epic Sk. paryaya, pari+i; the usual P. form is
pariyāpuṇāti] adequacy, accomplishment, sufficiency, capa- pariyāya, but at the foll. passages the short a is required metri
bility, competency; indriya-paro° efficiency in the (knowl- causa] revolution, lapse of time, period, term J iii.460 (=kāla-
edge of) thoughts of others S v.205; Nett 101. Three accom- pariyāya C.); v.367 (kāla°).
plishments are distinguished at DA i.21 sq., viz. alagadd —
Pariyā (f.) [fr. pari+yā] winding round, turning round; of a tree,
ûpamā (like a serpent), nissaraṇatthā (on account of salvation)
branch J vi.528 (duma°; read °pariyāsu with v. l. instead of T.
and bhaṇḍâgārika° (of a treasurer), apariyatti — kara bring- s
pariyāyesu; C. expl by sākhā).
ing no advantage DhA i.71. — 2. accomplishment in the
Pariyāgata [pari+ā+gata] having come to, reached, attained J
Scriptures, study (learning by heart) of the holy texts Vism
vi.237 (phalaṁ; C=upagata), 238 (kusalaṁ; C.=pariyāyena at-
95. Also the Scriptures themselves as a body which is handed
tano vārena āgata).
down through oral tradition. In this meaning the word is only
found in later, dogmatic literature; -tīsu piṭakesu tividho Pariyāgāra (adj.) [pari+āgāra] having the house all round, en-
pariyatti-bhedo DA i.21. At SnA 494 it is classed with tirely surrounded by the house Vin iii.119 (of gabbha).
paccaya dhutanga & adhigama; as a part of paṭibhāna at Pariyāti [pari+yā] 1. to go round (acc.) J i.307. — 2. to come
Nd 234=Nd 386. pariyattiṁ uggaṇhāti to undertake the
near J ii.440.
learning (of the Scriptures) DhA ii.30; cp. KhA 91 (tipiṭaka
Pariyādāti [pari+ādāti] to take up in an excessive degree, to ex-
— sabba — p. — pabheda — dhara); J ii.48 (°ṁ ṭhapetvā
haust. Only in secondary forms of med — pass. ādiyati, pp.

Pariyādāti Pariyāhata

°ādinna, ger. ādāya (q. v.). sense, form & formless) Dhs 1268; Vbh 12, 15, 19 & passim;
DhsA 50. Opp. apariyāpannā (dhammā) the Unincluded
Pariyādāna (nt.) [pari+ādāna, opp. upādāna] "taking up com-
(viz. all that is exempt from this cycle) Ps i.101; Dhs 583 (cp.
pletely," i. e. using up, consummation, consumption, finish-
Dhs trsl 165, 254, 329, 332), 992, 1242; Kvu 507.
ing, end M i.487 (kaṭṭha°, opp. to upādāna); S i.152; iii.16
sq. (cetaso p., cp. pariyādāya & °dinna); iv.33 (sabb' up- Pariyāpannatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. pariyāpanna] includedness SnA
ādāna°) A ii.139; J v.186. Cp. BSk. paryādāna Divy 4, 55, 174.
100. — Esp. in foll. phrases: āsava° & jīvita° D i.46 (jīvita Pariyāpādeti [Caus. of pariyāpajjati] to finish off, i. e. put to
— pariyādānā abl., expl at Dh i.128 as "jīvitassa sabbaso
death completely S iv.308 sq.=A iii.94.
pariyādinnattā parikkhīṇattā puna appaṭisandhika — bhāvā ti n
Pariyāpuṇana (nt.) [abstr. form fr. pariyāpuṇāti] mastery over,
attho"); S ii.83=A ii.198; S iii.126; iv.213; A iv.13, 146; Pug
13; Miln 397; and comb with parikkhaya in °ṁ gacchati to accomplishment in (gen.) Vism 442 (Buddhavacanassa).
be exhausted or consummated A v.173= Sn p. 126; Miln 102; Pariyāpuṇāti [pari+āp, cp. BSk. paryavāpnoti Divy 613] 1. to
PvA 147, cp. BSk. parikṣayaṁ paryādānaṁ gacchati Divy learn (by heart), to master, to gain mastership over, to learn
567; AvŚ i.48; ii.193. thoroughly Vin iv.305 (parittaṁ a charm); D i.117 (=jānāti
DA i.117); A iii.86 (dhammaṁ); fut. pariyāpuṇissati DhA
Pariyādāya (indecl.) [ger. of pariyādati] 1. taking all round,
summing up, completely Nd 533 (in expl of ye keci, as syn- i.382 (dhammaṁ); ger. pariyāpuṇitvā S i.176; ii.120; SnA 195
(nikāyaṁ). — 2. (with inf.) to know (to do something), to be
onymous with sabbato, i. e. for completeness, exhaustively).
able to Vin ii.109 (aor. °iṁsu), 121. — pp. pariyāputa and
— 2. exhausting, overpowering, enticing, taking hold of, as
pariyatta (q. v.).
cittaṁ p. "taking hold of the mind" M i.91; It 19; DhA i.15.
— 3. losing control over, giving out (cittaṁ) S iii.16; iv.125. Pariyāputa [pp. of pariyāpuṇāti] 1. learned by heart, known Nd 1
In absolute sense perhaps at S v.51=A iv.127 (with vv. ll. 234=Nd 386 (Buddhavacana). — 2. learned, accomplished
pariyenāya & pariyāya). DA i.21. — See also pariyatta .
Pariyādinna [often spelt °diṇṇa, e. g. in vv. ll. at D ii.8; M Pariyāya [fr. pari+i, cp. Class. Sk. paryāya in all meanings,
ii.172; iii.118. — pp. of pariyādiyati] 1. (Pass.) exhausted, already Vedic in meaning of "formula," in liturgy, cp. below
finished, put an end to, consummated Vin i.25 (tejo); D ii.8=M 4] lit. "going round" analysed by Bdhgh in 3 diff. meanings,
iii.118; S ii.133 sq. (dukkhaṁ; parikkhīṇaṁ+); v.461 sq. — viz. vāra (turn, course), desanā (instruction, presentation),
neg. apariyādinna not finished, not exhausted M i.79 (mut- and kāraṇa (cause, reason, also case, matter), see DA i.36
takarīsaṁ °ādiṇṇaṁ), 83 (dhammadesanā ādiṇṇā); S ii.178 sq. and cp. Kindred Sayings i.320. — 1. arrangement, dispo-
— 2. (Med.) having exhausted, lost control over, being over- sition, in phrase °ṁ karoti to arrange D i.179 (trsl takes it
come (usually °citta adj.) Vin ii.185; M ii.172; S ii.228; Nd 2 literally "departure," i. e. going out of one's way, détour; or
32; PvA 279. change of habit, see Dial i.245); M i.252, 326; iii.7, 62; S
i.142 (trsl. "make occasion" [for coming]). — 2. order, suc-
Pariyādinnatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. pariyādinna] exhaustion, con-
cession, turn, course (=vāra) D i.166 ≈ (°bhatta i. e. feeding
summation DA i.128.
in turn or at regular intervals; expl as vāra — bhatta PugA
Pariyādiyati [sometimes spelt °diyyati, e. g. Nd s. v.;
232); M i.78, 282, 481; S ii.51 sq.; A ii.206; J v.153 (=vāra);
pari+ādiyati, q. v. for etym. ref.] 1. to put an end to, ex-
PvA 242 (aparā°). — 3. what goes on, way, habit, quality,
haust, overpower, destroy, master, control S iii.155 (rāgaṁ); property S i.146 (ceto° habits of mind, thoughts, but see also
Nd under parisahati. — Pot. °ādiyeyyaṁ Vin i.25 (tejaṁ).
pariya); A v.160 (citta°, see ceto). — 4. discussion, instruc-
— ger. °adiyitvā Vin i.25 (tejaṁ); iv.109 (id.); S i.84 (trsl.
tion, method (of teaching), discourse on (—°), representation
"confiscate"). — 2. to become exhausted, give out J v.186
of (—°) (=desanā); thus āditta° (of Vin i.34) DhA i.88; esp. in
(udakaṁ); Miln 297 (cittaṁ p.; opp. to parivaḍḍhati). — pp.
cpd. dhamma° disquisition on the Dhamma D i.46; ii.93; M
pariyādinna (q. v.).
i.83; iii.67; S ii.74; v.357; A iii.62; iv.166, 381; Sn p. 218;
Pariyāpajjati [pari+āpajjati] to be finished A iv.339. - pp. also in foll.: vitakka° M i.122; deva° A iii.402 sq.; peta° PvA
pariyāpanna (q. v.). — Caus. pariyāpādeti (q. v.). 92; cp. Vism 41 (°kathā). — 5. in Abhidhamma terminol-
ogy, specifically: pariyāyena, the mode of teaching in the Sut-
Pariyāpadāna (nt.) [pari+apadāna, the latter for ava°, and met-
tanta, ad hominem, discursively, applied method, illustrated
rical lengthening of a] good advice, application, trick, artful-
ness, artifice J v.361, 369. (C. expln as parisuddha after v. l. discourse, figurative language as opposed to the abstract, gen-
eral statements of Abhidhamma=nippariyāyena, nippariyāy-
pariyodāta which was prob. misread for pariyodāna), 370.
ato Vism 473, 499; cp. DhsA 317 (figuratively). — 6. mode,
Pariyāpanna [pari+āpanna, cp. adhipanna] 1. "gone completely
manner, reason, cause, way (=kāraṇa) D i.185 (iminā °ena),
into," included in, belonging to, got into Vin i.46 (patta° that
186 (id.); ii.339 (ayaṁ p. yena °ena); DA i.106 (tena tena °ena
which has been put into the bowl); D i.45 (=ābaddha DA
in some way or other); DhsA 366 (iminā °ena for this reason);
i.127); SnA 397 (milakkhabhāsa° etc.); KhA 136 (vinaya°),
esp. in phrase aneka — pariyāyena in many (or various) ways
191 (sangha°); DhA i.158 (idhaloka — paraloka°); PvA 14,
Vin i.16, 45; D i.1 (cp. DA i.36), 174; M i.24; A i.56; Sn p. 15.
33, 59, 129 (devaloka°), 150. — 2. accomplished (i. e. gone
— 7. winding round (of a tree: branch), in doubtful reading at
into the matter), thorough, mastering (said of vācā) S ii.280
J vi.528 (see pariyā). — See also nippariyāya.
=A ii.51. — 3. (°ā dhammā) the Included, viz. all that is con-
Pariyāhata [pari+āhata] struck out, affected with (—°), only in
tained in the threefold cycle of existence (i. e. the worlds of

Pariyāhata Pariyodāpaka

phrase takka° "beaten out by argumentations" D i.16 (cp. DA seek for, look, search, desire D i.223 (°esamāna ppr.); Sn 482
i.106); M i.520. (id.); S i.177, 181; iv.62; A ii.23, 25, 247; Nd 262; Nd 427
(+paṭilabhati and paribhuñjati); J i.3, 138; Miln 109, 313; DhA
Pariyāhanana (nt.) [fr. pari+ā+han] striking, beating Vism
iii.263 (ppr. °esanto); PvA 31; Sdhp 506. — grd. °esitabba
142 (āhanana° in exposition of vitakka)=DhsA 114 ("circum-
S ii.130; inf. °esituṁ SnA 316; and °eṭṭhuṁ (conj. °iṭṭhuṁ?)
impinging" Expos. 151).
Sn 289 (cp. SnA 316 which gives reading °eṭṭhuṁ as gloss);
Pariyiṭṭha [pp. of pariyesati] sought, desired, looked for S iv.62
ger. °esitvā SnA 317, 414; — pp. pariyesita & pariyiṭṭha (q.
(a°); Miln 134; Vism 344 (°āhāra).
v.). Cp. for similar formation & meaning ajjhesati with pp.
Pariyiṭṭhi=pariyeṭṭhi Sn 289 (SnA 316 reads pariyeṭṭhi). Perhaps ajjhesita & ajjhiṭṭha. — Cp. vi°.
we should read pariyeṭṭhuṁ (see pariyesati).
Pariyesanā (f.) & °na (nt.) [fr. pariyesati] search, quest, in-
Pariyukkhaṇṭhati [pari+ukkaṇṭhati] to have great longing, to be quiry (a) (°nā) D ii.58, 61, 280 (twofold, viz. sevitabbā and
distressed J v.417, 421 (mā °kaṇṭhi). asevitabbā); iii.289; M i.161 (twofold, viz. ariyā & anariyā);
Pariyuṭṭhati [pari+uṭṭhāti] to arise, pervade; intrs. to become pre- A ii.247 (id.); S i.143; ii.144, 171; iii.29; iv.8 sq. (assāda°
possessed, to be pervaded DhsA 366 (cittaṁ p.; corā magge & ādīnava°); A i.68 (kāma°), 93. — (b) (°na) Nd 262
pariyuṭṭhiṁsu). — pp. pariyuṭṭhita (q. v.). (°chanda,+paṭilābha° & paribhoga°); DhA iii.256 (kāmaguṇe
°ussukka). With paṭiggahaṇa & paribhoga at DhA i.75.
Pariyuṭṭhāna (nt.) [pari+uṭṭhāna, it is doubtful whether this con-
Pariyesita [pp. of pariyesati] searched, sought for, desired It 121.
nection is correct, in this case the meaning would be "over
See also pariyiṭṭha.
— exertion." BSk. paryavasthāna points to another connec-
tion, see Divy 185] state of being possessed (or hindered) by Pariyoga [fr. pari+yuj] cauldron (see Kern, Toev. s. v.) Miln
(—°), prepossession, bias, outburst M i.18, Kvu xiv.6 (thī- 118.
namiddha°), 136; A i.66 (°ajjhosāna); v.198 (adhiṭṭhāna — Pariyogāya at M i.480 is contracted form (ger.) of pari- yo-
°samuṭṭhāna); Nd under taṇhā (=Dhs 1059, where trsl is gāhitvā (so expl by C.).
"pervading," based on expl at DhsA 366: uppajjamānā [scil. 1
Pariyogāḷha [pp. of pariyogāhati, see also ogādha ] dived into,
taṇhā] cittaṁ pariyuṭṭhāti, and allegorical interpretation ibid.:
penetrated into, immersed in (loc.) Vin i.181; D i.110; M
the heart becomes possessed by lust as a road by highway-
i.380; S ii.58; iv.328; Vbh 329; Miln 283.
men); Pug 21 (avijjā°); Vbh 383 (where 7 pariyuṭṭhānā [sic!
pl. m.] are enum in the same set as under headings of -dhamma one who has penetrated into the Dhamma Vin
i.16; A iv.186, 210; Ud 49.
anusaya & saṁyojana, thus placing p. into the same category
as these two); Dhs 390, 1061 (avijjā°), 1162 (id.); Nett 13, 14, Pariyogāha [pari+ogāha] diving into, penetration; only in cpd.
18, 37, 79 sq.; DhsA 238; ThA 80; Vism 5 (with vītikkama & dup° hard to penetrate, unfathomable S iv.376; Miln 70.
anusaya). Cp. also adhiṭṭhāna. Pariyogāhati & °gāheti [pari+ogāhati] to penetrate, fathom, scru-
Pariyuṭṭhita [pari+uṭṭhita, with v. l. at D ii.104 pari-vuṭṭhita and tinise A ii.84; iv.13, 145 sq. (paññāya); J i.341; Pug 33 (a°),
BSk. rendering paryavasthita: see remarks on pariyuṭṭhāna 48 sq. Cp. ajjhogāhati.
and Dial. ii.111] possessed by (the C. expl as given K.S. 320
Pariyogāhana (nt.) & ā (f.) [pari+ogāhana] plunging into, pen-
is "abhibhūta"), biassed, taken up by, full of (—°) M i.18;
etration Ps i.106, 112; ii.183; Dhs 390 (a°), 425 (a°); Pug 21
iii.14; S iv.240 (maccheramala° ceto); A i.281; ii.58; It 43
(a°); DhsA 260.
(diṭṭhigatehi); Kvu i.91 (kāma — rāga°); ThA 78; Sdhp 581.
Pariyottharati [pari+ottharati] to spread all over (intrs.) Miln
-citta whose heart is possessed by (—°) D ii.104
(Mārena); PvA 142 (maccheramala°), 195 (id.), 279 (kile-
sasamudācārena). -ṭṭhāyin being rooted in prepossession, Pariyodapana (nt.) & ā (f.) [fr. pariyodapeti], cleansing, purifi-
affected by bias, S iii.3 sq. (so read for pariyuṭṭhaṭṭhāyin? ). cation A i.207 (cittassa); Dh 183 (=vodāpana DhA iii.237);
Nett 44. In BSk. distorted to paryādapana MVastu iii.12
Pariyudāharati [pari+udāharati] to utter solemnly, to proclaim
(=Dh 183).
aloud DhsA 1 (aor. °āhāsi).
Pariyodapita [pp. of pariyodapeti] cleansed, purified Nett 44 (cit-
Pariyeṭṭhi [pari+eṭṭhi of esati, ā+iṣ] search for D i.222; A i.93
(āmisa° & dhamma°); iii.416; Sn 289 (vijjācaraṇa°) J i.14;
Nett 1, 5; DA i.271. Pariyodapeti [pari+odapeti, of Caus. of dā to clean] to cleanse,
purify M i.25; Dh 88 (=vodapeti parisodheti) DhA ii.162; Nett
Pariyeti [pari+i] to go about, to go round, encircle, encompass;
44; ThA 237 (indriyāni). — pp. pariyodāta & pariyodapita
ger. paricca (q. v.). The pp. is represented by pareta, see
(q. v.).
also pareti which seems to stand for pariyeti.
Pariyodāta (adj.) [pari+odāta, cp. pariyodapeti] 1. very clean,
Pariyena [fr. pari+i, cp. Sk. *paryayana] going round, walk-
pure, cleansed, mostly comb with parisuddha (+) D i.75, 76
ing round; of a ship: sailing round, tour, voyage S v.51
(+); M i.26; S i.198; iii.235 (+); v.301; A iii.27 (+); iv.120
(pariyenāya, v. l. pariyādāya)=A iv.127 (reads pariyādāya v.
sq.; J v.369 (+; see pariyāpadāna); Pug 60; DA i.219; DhA
l. pariyāya). Reading is doubtful.
iv.72 (+); VvA 138. — 2. very clever, accomplished, excel-
Pariyesati [pari+esati, cp. BSk. paryeṣate to investigate AvŚ
lent [cp. BSk. paryavadāta in same meaning at Divy 100] J
i.339. The P. word shows confusion between esati & icchati,
iii.281 (°sippa); Vism 136 (id.).
as shown by double forms °iṭṭhuṁ etc. See also anvesati] to

Pariyodāpaka Parivatteti

Pariyodāpaka (adj.) [fr. pariyodapeti] cleansing, purifying Vism (C. on Th 1, 49).
149 (ñāṇa).
Parivaccha (nt.) [formation from ger. of pari+vrt, corresp. to
Pariyodha [pari+yodha] defence A i.154. *parivṛtyaṁ (?)] being active, preparation, outfit J v.46; vi.21
(gamana°); DhA i.207 (gloss & v. l. gamana — parisajja),
Pariyonaddha [pp. of pariyonandhati, cp. onaddha & BSk.
395 (v. l. parisajja).
paryavanaddha "overgrown" Divy, 120, 125] covered over,
Note. According to Kern, Toev. s. v. parivaccha is wrong
enveloped D i.246; iii.223 (a°); M i.25; S v.263; A ii.211 (ud-
spelling for parivacca which is abstr. from pariyatta (*pariy-
dhasta+); iv.86; J i.30; Miln 161; SnA 596 (=nivuta); DhA
atya), with va for ya as in pavacchati, pavecchati=Sk. prayac-
iii.199; PvA 172 (taca°).
Pariyonandhati [pari+avanandhati] to tie down, put over, en-
Parivajjana (nt.) [fr. pari+vṛj] avoiding, avoidance M. i.7, 10;
velop, cover up Vin ii.137; S v.122; J iii.398; DhA iii.153.
A iii.387, 389; Miln 408; Vism 33. As f. °ā at Vism 132, and
— pp. pariyonaddha (q. v.).
ibid. as abstr. parivajjanatā.
Pariyonandhana (nt.) [fr. above] covering DA i.135; DhA
Parivajjeti [pari+vajjeti, Caus. of vṛj] to shun, avoid, keep away
from (acc.) M i.10; S i.69, 102, 188, 224; Sn 57 (=vivajjeti
Pariyonāha [pari+onāha] enveloping, covering D i.246 (=nī- 2 1
Nd 419), 395 sq., 768 (kāme, cp. Nd 6), 771; It 71; Dh 123
varaṇa); Dhs 1157 (cp. Dhs trsl. 311); Miln 300. 46
(pāpāni), 269; J iv.378 (fut. °essati); Pv iv.1 (nivesanaṁ);
Pariyosāna (nt.) [pari+osāna of ava+sā] 1. end, finish, conclu- iv.1 77 (loke adinnaṁ °ayassu); Miln 91 (grd. °ajjayitabba),
sion J i.106 (sacca°=desanā°); PvA 9 (desanā° and passim), 300, 408; PvA 150 (v. l. °ajjati), 221 (jīvitaṁ, for vijahati,
136 (āyūha°), 162 (id.), 281 (=anta). Often contracted with better read with v. l. pariccajati).
ādi beginning & majjha middle (see e. g. SnA 327), esp. n
Parivaṭuma (?) (adj.) [doubtful spelling & expl ; perhaps "pari-
in phrase ādi — kalyāṇa majjhe kalyāṇa °kalyāṇa with ref- vaṭṭin?] forming a circle, circular D i.22 (trsl "a path could
erence to the Dhamma (expl as "ekagāthā pi hi samanta —
be traced round it" Dial. i.36). Can it be misspelling for
bhaddakattā dhammassa paṭhamapadena ādik° dutiyatatiya —
pariyanta? Kern, Toev. s. v. equals it to Sk. parivartman,
padehi majjhe k° pacchima — padena pariyosānak°" etc. at
and adds reference °kata "bounded" (syn. paricchinna) Miln
SnA 444), e. g. D i.62; It 111 & passim. — 2. end, i. e.
perfection, ideal, Arahantship (see on these fig. meanings and
its appl to Nibbāna DA i.175, 176) D i.203 (brahmacariya +); Parivaṭṭa [fr. pari+vṛt, cp. parivattana] round, circle, succession,
mainly in two phrases, viz. catu° fourfold circle M iii.67; S
ii.283 (cp. Dial. ii.316); iii.55 (brahmacariya+); S v.230; A
iii.59 (pañcupādāna — kkhandhe, cp. aṭṭha — parivaṭṭa — ad-
iii.363 (nibbāna°), 376 (brahmacariya°); Vism 5.
hideva — ñāṇadassana A iv.304); and ñāti° circle of relatives
Pariyosāpeti [Caus. of pari+ava+sā, Sk. syati, of which pp. n
D i.61 (=ñāti DA i.170; cp. expl ābandhan' atthena ñāti yeva
pariyosita cp. osāpeti] 1. to make fulfil Vin iii.155; DA i.241;
ñāti — parivaṭṭo DA i.181=PugA 236); ii.241; M iii.33; Pug
ThA 159 (for khepeti Th 2, 168). — 2. to bring to an end, to
57; ThA 68; VvA 87. — See further at DA i.143 (rāja°), 283
finish Vism 244.
(id., but spelt °vatta); SnA 210.
Pariyosita 1. [pp. of pari+ava+sā] finished, concluded, satisfied,
Parivaḍḍhati [pari+vṛdh] to increase, to be happy or prosperous
D ii.224; M i.12 (paripuṇṇa+). — 2. [pp. of pari+ava+śri, cp.
Miln 297 (cittaṁ p.; opp. pariyādiyati).
ajjhosita] fixed on, bent on Miln 140 (°sankappa).
Parivaṇṇita [pp. of parivaṇṇeti] extolled, praised Sdhp 557.
Parirakkhaṇa (nt.) [fr. pari+rakṣ] guarding, preserving, keeping
Parivaṇṇeti [pari+vaṇṇeti] to describe, praise, extol J vi.213 (ppr.
Miln 356, 402; PvA 130.
°vaṇṇayanto). — pp. °vaṇṇita.
Parirakkhati [pari+rakṣ, cp. abhirakkhati] to guard, protect; pre-
Parivatta (adj.) [fr. pari+vṛt] changing round, twisting, turning;
serve, maintain Sn 678 (pot. °rakkhe); Miln 410; Sdhp 413,
f. pl.°āyo J v.431.
553 (sīlaṁ).
Parivattaka [fr. parivatta] circle (lit. turning round) J i.101; cp.
Parirañjita [pari+rañjita] dyed, coloured; fig. marked or distin-
parivattika in phrase paligha° (q. v.).
guished by (instr.) Miln 75.
Parivattati [pari+vṛt] 1. to turn round, twist (trs. & intrs.), go
Pariḷāha [pari+ḍāha of ḍah, cp. pariḍahati. On change of ḍ 3
and ḷ see Geiger, P.Gr. § 42 ] burning, fever; fig. fever about Vin ii.220; J v.431 (singaṁ); Pv iv.5 (=pariyāti PvA
260); Miln 118; DA i.265. — 2. (intrs.) to change about,
of passion, consumption, distress, pain D iii.238 (avigata°), 5 4
move, change, turn to Pv ii.10 (=pariṇamati PvA 144); iii.4
289 (°nānatta); M i.101 (kāme); S ii.143 sq. (°nānatta), 151
(id. 194); iii.6 ; PvA 178. — Caus. parivatteti (q. v.). Cp.
(kāma°; vyāpāda°, vihiṁsā°); iii.7 sq. (taṇhā, pipāsā, p.), 190
(vigata°); iv.387; v.156 (kāyasmiṁ), 451 (jāti°, jarā°); A i.68 vipari°.
(kāma°), 137 (rāgaja, mohaja etc.); ii.197 (vighāta); iii.3, 245 Parivattana (nt.) [fr. parivattati] setting going, keeping up, pro-
sq., 388 sq.; iv.461 sq.; Sn 715 (=rāgajo vā dosajo vā appa- pounding J i.200 (°manta adj. one who knows a charm); Nett
mattako pi p. SnA 498); Dh 90 (cp. DhA ii.166: duvidho p. 1 sq., 106.
kāyiko cetasiko ca); Nd 374 (kāma°); J ii.220; Miln 97, 165,
Parivattita [pp. of parivatteti] 1. turned round, twisted J iv.384.
318; ThA 41, 292; VvA 44; PvA 230.
— 2. recited Vism 96.
Parillaka [cp. Sk. pirilī, pirillī Bṛh. Saṁh. 86, 44] N. of a bird
Parivatteti [Caus. of parivattati] 1. to turn round (trs.), to turn

Parivatteti Parivisati

over J i.202; ii.275 (sarīraṁ); v.217; DA i.244. — 2. to deal Parivāreti [Caus. of pari+vṛ] to cover, encompass, sur-
with, handle, set going, put forth, recite Vism 96, in phrase round J i.181 (nagaraṁ °ayiṁsu); ii.102 (fut. °essati);
mantaṁ p. to recite, practise a charm J i.200, 253; Pv ii.6 13 iii.371 (rukkhaṁ); iv.405 (for parikaroti); vi.179. — ger.
(=sajjhāyati vāceti PvA 97); cp. mantaṁ pavatteti & pavattar; parivāretvā used as prep. "round" J i.172 (pokkharaṇiṁ). —
saraṁ p. to make a sound J i.405; adhippāyaṁ speak out, In meaning "to serve, attend upon," also "to attend upon one-
propound, discuss PvA 131. — 3. to change, exchange Vin self, to amuse oneself," parivāreti is often erroneously read
ii.174; J iii.437. — pp. parivattita (q. v.). for paricāreti, e. g. at D ii.13; Pv iv.1 29 (v. l. °cāreti); PvA
228; in ppr. med. °vāriyamāna (with v. l. °cāriyamāna) at D
Parivadentikā (f.) [pari+vadento+ikā; vadento being ppr. Caus.
ii.21; A i.145; J i.58; VvA 92. — See also anuparivāreti. —
of vad] making resound, resounding, in cpd. godhā° "string
pp. parivārita (q. v.).
— resounding," i. e. a string instrument, lute J vi.580 (cp.
Sk *parivāda an instrument with which the lute is played). — Parivāsa [fr. pari+vas , cp. Epic Sk. parivāsa only in meaning 1]
Another parivadentikā we find at J vi.540 (C. reading for T. 1. sojourn; stay, in phrase vipassanā° DhA iii.118; DhsA 215.
°vadantikā, with v. l. °devantikā) denoting a kind of bird (ekā — 2. period under probation, (living under) probation Vin
sakuṇajāti). iii.186 (°ṁ vasati, cp. parivuttha); iv.30; S ii.21 (°ṁ vasati).
Parivasati [pari+vas ] to stay, dwell, to live under probation Vin °ṁ deti to allow probation Vin i.49; ii.7; iv.30, 127; °ṁ yācati
iii.186 (grd. °vatthabba); iv.30, 127; D i.176; M i.391; S ii.21; to ask for probation Vin iv.30, 127. — samodhāna° inclusive
probation Vin ii.48 sq.; suddhanta° probation of complete pu-
Sn 697 (=pabbajitvā tāpasavesena vasati SnA 490). — ppr.
rification Vin ii.59 sq. — 3. period, time (lit. stay), interval,
med. paribbasāna; pp. parivuṭṭha & parivuttha (q. v.).
duration Ud 7 (eka — ratti°).
Parivassati at Pv ii.9 36 is to be read as paridhassati (see
-dāna the allowance of probation A i.99.
Parivāsika (adj.) [fr. pari+vas , see parivasati] 1. "staying," i.
Parivahati [pari+vahati] to carry about Th 2, 439 (dā-rake).
e. usual, accustomed, common SnA 35 (°bhatta; or is it "fer-
Parivāta (—°) [pp. of pari+vā] blown round or through, i. e. mented," and thus to be taken to No. 3?); a° unusual, new,
filled with, stirred by Miln 19 (isi — vāta°). uncommon J ii.435 (where it is comb with abhinava, which
should be substituted for readings accuṇha, abbhuṇha & ab-
Parivādinī (f.) [fr. pari+vad, late Sk. the same] a lute of seven n
hiṇha according to similar expl of paccaggha at PvA 87), with
strings Abhp. 138. — See parivadentikā.
v. l. samparivāsita (well — seasoned?). — 2. a probationer
Parivāra [fr. pari+vṛ] 1. surrounding, suite, retinue, followers,
Vin ii.162. In this meaning usually spelt pāri° (q. v.). — 3.
entourage, pomp J i.151; iv.38; vi.75; PvA 21, 30 (°cāga — n
in comb cira° (with ref. to food) it may be interpreted either
cetana, read pariccāga — cetana?); usually as adj. — ° sur-
as "staying long, being in use for a long time," i. e. stale;
rounded by, in company of Vin i.38 (dasasata°); A ii.91 (deva° 3
or it may be derived fr. vāsa (odour, perfume or seasoning)
& asura°); J i.92 (mahā — bhikkhusangha°); Pug 52 (pheggu and translated (so Mrs. Rh. D. in Expositor 63, 64) "long —
sāra°; with expl PugA 229: rukkho sayaṁ — pheggu hoti,
fermented" (better "seasoned"?) DhsA 48 (°vāsika & vāsiya);
parivāra — rukkhā pan' assa sārā honti); Miln 285 (dvisahassa
ThA 29.
— paritta — dīpa — p° ā, cattāro mahā dīpā); Vism 37; DhA 3
iii.262 (pañcasatabhikkhu°); PvA 53 (accharā — sahassa°), Parivāsita (adj.) [pari+pp. of vāseti fr. vāsa ] perfumed (all
74 (dvisahassadīpa°); sa° with a retinue (of...) J i.49 (cattāro round) J i.51 (v. l. °vārita); cp. samparivāsita (well-
seasoned?), which is perhaps to be read at J ii.435 for
dīpe); PvA 20. — 2. followers, accompaniment or posses-
sion as a sign of honour, and therefore meaning "respect," at-
tendance, homage, fame (cp. paricāra) A i.38 °sampadā) Ps Parivitakka [pari+vitakka, cp. BSk. parivitarka Divy 291] re-
i.172 (pariggaha, p., paripūra); DhA ii.77; ThA 241 (dhana+, flection, meditation, thought, consideration M ii.170 (ākāra°),
riches and fame); VbhA 466; PvA 137 (sampatti=yaso); VvA Vin ii.74; S ii.115 (id.); A ii.193 (id.); Miln 13; DhA ii.62;
122 (=yaso). — 3. ingredient, accessories (pl.), requisite J DhsA 74; VvA 3; PvA 282 (vutta — °e nipāta in expl of
i.266 (pañca — sugandhika°); Miln 290 (sa° dāna); DA i.297 nūna). Usually in phrase cetasā ceto — parivitakka men-
(=parikkhārā). — 4. as N. it is the name of the last book tal reflection, e. g. D i.117; ii.218; S i.121, 178; iii.96; v.294;
of the Vinaya Piṭaka ("The Accessory"), the Appendix,a sort A iii.374; and cetasoparivitakka, e. g. D i.134; S i.71, 103,
of résumé and index of the preceding books SnA 97 (sa — 139; ii.273; iii.96, 103; iv.105; v.167; A ii.20.
parivāraka Vinaya — piṭaka); VbhA 432.
Parivitakkita [pp. of parivitakketi] reflected, meditated, thought
Parivāraka (adj.) [parivāra+ka] accompanying, forming a retinue over M i.32; S i.193. — nt. °ṁ reflection, thinking over PvA
J v.234. See also parivāra 4 and paricāraka. 123 (°e with ref. to nūna, i. e. particle of reflection).
Parivāraṇa (nt.) [fr. pari+vṛ] 1. covering, drapery (so trsl. at Parivitakketi [pari+vitakketi] to consider, reflect, meditate upon
K.S. p. 45) S i.33. — 2. (adj.) (—°) surrounded by J v.195 J iii.277. — pp. °vitakkita (q. v.).
(=parikkhitta C.).
Parivitthiṇṇa [pari+vitthiṇṇa, Sk. vīstīrṇa, pp., of vi+ stṛ] spread
Parivārita [pp. of parivāreti] surrounded, fig. honoured S out wide Miln 99.
i.166, 192=Th1,1235; J ii.48; purakkhata+); DhA iv.49 (=pu-
Parivisaka (adj.) [fr. parisati] providing, serving food Vism 108.
rakkhata Dh 343); DhsA 1 (devānaṁ gaṇena); Dāvs i.16 (v. l.
Parivisati [pari+viṣ, viveṣti; same use of parivise (inf.) in R. V.
for parimārita).
x.61 ] to serve (with food=instr.), wait upon, present, offer

Parivisati Parisā

Vin i.240 (bhatṭena); ii.77 (kaṇājakena bilangadutiyena); D Parisanku in °patha the region round the path of stakes & sticks,
ii.127; J i.87, 90; ii.277; iv.116; Pv ii.8 (=bhojeti PvA 107); N. of a path leading up to Gijjha — pabbata (see expl at J
ii.8 (id. 109); Vism 108, 150 (sūdo bhattāraṁ p.); VvA 6; iii.485) J iii.484.
PvA 42, 78.
Parisangāhāpeti [pari+Caus. of sangaṇhāti] to induce someone
Parivīmaṁsati [pari+vīmaṁsati, Desid. of pari+man, cp. vī- to mention or relate something J vi.328.
maṁsā for mīmāṁsā] to think over, consider thoroughly, ex-
Parisaṭha (adj.) [pari+saṭha] very fraudulent or crafty Pug 23
amine, search S ii.80 sq.; It 42=Sn 975 (ppr. dhammaṁ °vī- (saṭha+).
maṁsamāna, cp. Nd 508); DA i.134; DhA iv.117 (attānaṁ).
Parisaṇṭhāti [pari+saṇṭhāti] to return into the former state, to be
Parivīmaṁsá (f.) [pari+vīmaṁsā] complete inquiry, thorough
restored; aor. °saṇṭhāsi J iii.341.
search or examination M iii.85; S iii.331; v.68; SnA 173.
Parisaṇha (adj,.) [pari+saṇha] very smooth or soft Miln 198.
Parivuṭṭha & °vuttha [pp. of parivasati] staying (a period), liv-
Parisandeti [pari+Caus. of syad] to make flow round, to make
ing (for a time), spending (or having spent) one's probation
overflow, to fill, in phrase kāyaṁ abhisandeti p. D i.75, 214;
(cp. BSk. paryuṣita — parivāsa AvŚ i.259) Vin iii.186 (tth); S
M iii.92 sq. etc. expl as "samantato sandeti" at DA i.217. —
ii.21 (ṭṭh).
pp. parisanna (q. v.).
Parivuta [pp. of pari+vṛ] surrounded by ( — ° or instr.) S i.177;
Parisanna [pp. of parisandati, cp. parisandeti] surrounded or
J i.152 (miga — gaṇa°), 203 (devagaṇena); ii.127 (dāsi —
gaṇa°); iii.371 (mahā — jana°); vi.75; Vv 16 (=samantato p. filled with water, drenched, well — watered D i.75= M iii.94.
VvA 81); PvA 3 (dhutta — jana°), 62 (parijana°), 140 (deva Parisappati [pari+sṛp] to run about, crawl about, to be frightened
— gaṇa°). Dh 342, 343 (=saṁsappati bhāyati DhA iv.49).
Pariveṭhita [pp. of pari+veṣṭ] enveloped, covered Miln 22. Opp. Parisappanā (f.) [fr. parisappati] running about, fear, hesitation,
nibbeṭṭhita (q. v.). doubt, always comb with āsappanā and only found with ref.
to the exegesis of "doubt" (vicikicchā or kankhā) Nd 1; Dhs
Pariveṇa (nt.) [etym.?] 1. all that belongs to a castle, a mansion
and its constituents Vv 84 53 (expl at VvA 351 as follows: 425 (cp. Dhs trsl. 116 and DhsA 260); DA i.69.
veṇiyato pekkhitabbato pariveṇaṁ pāsāda — kūtâgāra — ratti Parisamantato (adv.) [pari+samantato] from all sides VvA 236.
— ṭṭhān' ādisampannaṁ pākāraparikkhittaṁ dvārakoṭṭhaka —
Parisambāhati [pari+sambāhati] to stroke, to rub from all sides
yuttaṁ āvāsaṁ); DhA i.260 (pāsāda°). — 2. a cell or pri-
M ii.120; S i.178, 194; A v.65.
vate chamber for a bhikkhu (cp. Vin. Texts iii.109, 203) Vin
Parisarati [pari+smr, but according to Kern, Toev. s. v. pari here
i.49=ii.210 (p. koṭṭhaka upaṭṭhāna — sālā); i.216 (vihārena vi-
fr. Prk. paḍi=Sk. prati, thus for pratismarati] to remember,
hāraṁ pariveṇena pariveṇaṁ upasankamitvā), 247 (id.); ii.167
recollect J vi.199 (read parissaraṁ).
(vihāra+); iii.69, 119 (susammaṭṭhaṁ); iv.52, 252 (°vāsika);
J i.126; Miln 15 (°ṁ sammajjati), 19; Vism 90; DhA ii.179 Parisahati [pari+sahati] to overcome, conquer, master, get the
(°dvāra); iv.204; VbhA 13. better of S iv.112; exegetically in formula sahati p. abhibha-
vati ajjhottharati etc. Nd 12, 361 =Nd 420.
Pariveṇi (f.)=pariveṇa 2; Vin i.80 (anu pariveṇiyaṁ each in their
own cell), 106 (id.). Parisā (f.) [cp. Vedic pariṣad; in R. V. also pariṣad as adj. sur-
rounding, lit. "sitting round," fr. pari+sad. — In Pāli the cons.
Parivesaka (adj.) [fr. pari+viṣ] waiting, serving up meals Vism
stem has passed into a vocalic ā — stem, with the only preser-
109. — f. °ikā ThA 17.
vation of cons. loc. sg. parisati Vin iv.285; A ii.180 (ī);
Parivesanā (f.) [fr. pari+vis] distribution of food, feeding, serv-
J v.61; DA i.141 and parisatiṁ M i.68; A ii.180 (v. l.); J
ing meals Vin i.229; S i.172; Sn p. 13 (=bhattavissagga SnA
v.332, besides the regular forms parisāyaṁ (loc. sg.) Vin
140); Miln 247, 249; DhA iv.162; PvA 109 (°ṭṭhāna), 135 (id.).
ii.296; A v.70; and parisāsu (loc. pl.) S ii.27; It 64] sur-
Parivyatta (adj.) [pari+vyatta] quite conspicuous or clear Vism rounding people, group, collection, company, assembly, asso-
162. ciation, multitude. Var. typical sets of assemblies are found
in the Canon, viz, eight assemblies (khattiya°, brāhmaṇa°,
Parisaṁsibbita [pari+pp. of saṁsibbati] sewn together, entwined
gahapati°, samaṇa°, Cātummahārājika°, Tāvatiṁsa°, Māra°,
DhA iii.198 (v. l. for saṁsibbita+).
Brahma°, or the assemblies of nobles, brahmins, household-
Parisakkati [pari+sakkati] to go about to (with inf. or dat.), to en-
ers, wanderers, of the angel hosts of the Guardian Kings, of
deavour, undertake try Vin ii.18=A iv.345 (alābhāya); J i.173 the Great Thirty — Three, of the Māras, and of the Brahmās)
(vadhāya); ii.394; Pv iv.5 (=payogaṁ karoti PvA 259).
D ii.109; iii.260; M i.72; A iv.307. — four assemblies (the
Parisankati [pari+sankati] to suspect, fear, have apprehension J first four of the above) at D iii.236; Nd 163; other four, repre-
iii.210, 541; DhA i.81. — pp. °sankita (q. v.). Cp. āsankati. senting the Buddha's Order (bhikkhu°, bhikkhunī°, upāsaka°,
upāsikā°, or the ass. of bhikkhus, nuns, laymen and female
Parisankā (f.) [fr. pari+śank] suspicion, misgiving Vin iv.314;
devotees; cp. same enum at Divy 299) S ii.218; A v.10; cp.
D iii.218. Cp. āsankā.
J i.40 (catu — parisa — majjhe), 85 (id.), 148 (id.). — two
Parisankita [pp. of parisankati] suspecting or suspected, having
assemblies (viz. Brahma°, Māra°) at D iii.260; allegorically
apprehensions, fearing Vin ii.243 (diṭṭha — suta°); A iii.128;
two groups of people (viz. sāratta — rattā & asāratta — rattā)
J iv.214; v.80; Miln 372; DhA i.223 (āsankita°). — Cp.
M ii.160=A i.70 sq. — For var. uses of the word see the
āsankita & ussankita.

Parisā Parihaṭa

foll. passages: Vin ii.188, 296 (rājaparisā); iii.12 (Bhagavā J v.97.
mahatiyā parisāya parivuto surrounded by a great multitude);
Parisedita [pp. of pari+Caus. of svid, Sk. parisvedita in slightly
iv.153 (gen. parisāya); M i.153 (nevāpika°); ii.160; iii.47; S
diff. use] heated, hatched, made ripe M i.104 (bījāni); S
i.155 (brahma°), 162 sarājikā p.), 177; A i.25 (mahā°), 70 (ut-
iii.153; Vin iii.3; Aiv. 125 (aṇḍāni), 176.
tānā p.), 71 (ariya°), 242 (tisso p.); ii.19 (°āya mando), 133,
Parisesa [pari+sesa] remnant, remainder, rest; only neg. aparis-
183, 185 (deva°); iii.253 (khattiya°); iv.80, 114; It 64 (up-
esa (adj.) without remainder, complete, entire M i.92, 110; A
āsakā °sāsu virocare); Sn 349, 825 sq.; J i.151, 264; vi.224
(omissaka°); Pv iii.9 ; Miln 187, 249, 359 (38 rāja — parisā, iii.166=Pug 64; A iv.428 (°ñāṇadassana).
or divisions of the royal retinue); PvA 2, 6, 12, 21, 78 and Parisoka [pari+soka] great grief, severe mourning Ps i.38 (anto°
passim; Sdhp 277. saparisa together with the assembly Vin in def. of soka).
iv.71; adv. °ṁ ThA 69. — Note. The form of parisā as first
Parisodhana (nt.) [fr. parisodheti] cleansing, purification Miln
part of a cpd. is parisa° (=*parisad, which laṭter is restored in 215.
cpd. parisaggata=*parisad — gata). — See also pārisagga.
Parisodhita [pp. of parisodheti] cleaned, cleansed, purified Miln
-antare within the assembly J iii.61. -âvacara one who
415; Sdhp 414.
moves in the society, i. e. the Brotherhood of the Bhikkhus A
iv.314; v.10. -gata (ggata) having entered a company Sn 397 Parisodheti [pari+Caus. of śudh] to cleanse, clean, purify M iii.3,
(=pūga — majjha — gata SnA 377); Pug 29. -ññū knowing 35 (aor. °sodhesi); Sn 407 (aor. °sodhayi); DhA ii.162 (vo-
the assembly A iii.148; iv.113 (+kālaññū puggalaññū), cp. D dapeti+). — Freq. in phrase cittaṁ p. to cleanse one's heart
iii.252. -dussana defilement of the Assembly A ii.225 (opp. (from=abl.) D iii.49; S iv.104; A ii.211; iii.92; Nd 484; Pug
°sobhaṇā). -pariyanta the outer circle of the congregation 68. — pp. parisodhita (q. v.).
DhA i.67; iii.172. -majjhe in the midst of the assembly J
Parisosa [fr. pari+śuṣ] becoming dried up, dryness, withering
i.267; ii.352; PvA 11. -sārajja being afraid of the a. Miln away S i.91.
196=Nd 470 (so read for parisārajja).
Parisosita [pp. of parisoseti] dried up, withered away Sdhp 9.
Parisiñcati [pari+siñcati] to sprinkle all over, to bathe M i.161; S
Parisoseti [Caus. of parisussati] to make dry up, to exhaust, make
i.8 (gattāni); Sdhp 595.
evaporate (water) Miln 389. — pp. parisosita (q. v.).
Parisibbita [pp. of pari+sibbati] sewn round, bordered Vin i.186;
Parissañjati (°ssajati?) [pari+svaj] to embrace, enfold, J i.466;
J v.377.
vi.156 (°itvā, v. l. °ssajitvā & palisajjitvā).
Parisukkha (adj.) [pari+sukkha] dried up, very dry J i.215 (of
Parissanta [pp. of parissamati] tired, fatigued, exhausted Pv
fields); Miln 302 (of the heart); PvA 64 (°sarīra).
ii.9 ; VvA 305; Sdhp 9, 101.
Parisukkhita [pp. of pari+ṡukṣ. Intens. of śuṣ] dried up, with-
Parissama [fr. pari+śram] fatigue, toil, exhaustion, VvA 289,
ered Miln 303 (°hadaya).
305 (addhāna° from journeying); PvA 3, 43, 113, 127.
Parisujjhati [Pass. of pari+śudh] to become clear or clean, to be
Parissaya (m. & nt.) [fr. pari+śri? Etym. doubtful, cp. We-
purified S i.214; Sn 183, 184. — pp. parisuddha (q. v.).
ber, Ind. Streifen iii.395 and Andersen, Pāli Reader ii.167,
Parisuddha (adj.) [pari+pp. of śudh] clean, clear, pure, perfect
168] danger, risk, trouble M i.10 (utu°); A iii.388 (id.); Sn 42,
Vin ii.237; M i.26; iii.11; S ii 199 (°dhammadesanā); iii.235;
45, 770, 921, 960 sq.; Dh 328 (°ayāni= sīha — vyaggh' —
v.301, 354; A iii.125 (°ñāṇa — dassana); iv.120 sq.; J i.265;
ādayo pākaṭa — parissaye, rāga — bhaya — dosabhay' ādayo
Vism 2 (accanta°); Pug 68 (samāhite citte parisuddha); Miln 1 2
paṭicchanna — parissaye DhA iv.29); Nd 12=Nd 420 (where
106; DA i.177, 219; SnA 445 (apanetabbassa abhāvato nid- same division into pākaṭa° & paṭicchanna°); Nd 360, 365; J
dosa — bhāvena p.); PvA 44, 70. Very freq. comb with
i.418; ii.405; v.315, 441 (antarāmagga p. cp. paripantha in
pariyodāta (q. v.). — aparisuddha unclean Vin ii.236, M d
same use); Vism 34 (utu°); SnA 88 (expl as paricca sayantī ti
p.); DhA iii.199 (°mocana); PvA 216, DhsA 330.
-ājīva (adj.) of pure livelihood D i.63 (see DA i.181); A
Parissāvana (nt.) [fr. pari+Caus. of sru] a water strainer, filter
iii.124 (cp. pārisuddhi).
(one of the requisites of a bhikkhu) Vin i.209, ii.119 and pas-
Parisuddhatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. parisuddha] purity, cleanliness, 1
sim; J i.198; iii.377; Nd 226; DhA iii.260 (udaka°); VvA 40,
perfection M i.36; Miln 103 sq.; Vism 168. — As f. pari —
63; Sdhp 593.
suddhatā at Vism 30.
Parissāvanaka (adj. — n.) [fr. parissāvana] only neg. a°: 1. one
Parisuddhi (f.) [fr. pari+śudh] purity, purification S i.169. The who has no strainer Vin ii.119; J i.198. — 2. not to be filtered,
usual spelling is pārisuddhi (q. v.). i. e. so that there is nothing left to be filtered J i.400 (so read
Parisumbhati [pari+sumbhati] to strike, hit, throw down J iii.347 for °ssavanaka). Or is it "not overflowing"?
(=paharati C.); vi.370, 376 (id. C.).
Parissāvita [pp. of parissāveti] strained, filtered J i.198 (udaka).
Parisumbhana (nt.) [fr. pari+śumbh] throwing down J vi.508
Parissāveti [Caus. of pari+sru] to strain or filter J i.198
(bhūmiyā p.).
(pānīyaṁ); DA i.206 (udakaṁ); iii.207 (pānīyaṁ). — pp.
Parisussati [pari+sussati] to dry quite up, waste quite away J ii.5, parissāvita (q. v.).
339, 437. — Caus. parisoseti (q. v.).
Parissuta [pp. of pari+sru] overflowing J vi.328 (=ati-puṇṇattā
Parisussana (nt.) [fr. pari+śuṣ] drying up completely, withering pagharamāna).

Parihaṭa Parūḷha

Parihaṭa (°hata) [pp. of pariharati] surrounded by (—°) encir- Parihāyati [pari+hā] to decay, dwindle or waste away, come to
cled; only in phrase sukha-parihaṭa (+sukhe ṭhita) steeped ruin; to decrease, fall away from, lack; to be inferior, dete-
in good fortune Vin iii.13 (corr. sukhedhita accordingly!); J riorate Vin i.5; M iii.46 sq. (opp. abhivaḍḍhati); S i.120,
ii.190 (pariharaka v. l. BB); vi.219 (=sukhe ṭhita). 137; iii.125; iv.76 sq.; A iii.252; Dh 364; Sn 767; J ii.197;
iv.108; Nd 5 (paridhaṁsati+) Miln 249 (id.); Pug 12 (read
Parihaṭṭha [pp. of pari+hṛṣ] gladdened, very pleased PvA 13.
°hāyeyya for °hāreyya); SnA 167 (+vinassati); PugA 181 (nas-
Pariharaka (adj. n.) [fr. pari+hṛ] 1. surrounding or surrounded,
sati+); PvA 5, 76 (v. l.), 125 (°hāyeyyuṁ). — pp. parihīna,
having on one's hands J ii.190 (sukha°, v. l. for °parihaṭa). Pass. parihiyyati, Caus. parihāpeti (q. v.).
— 2. an armlet, bracelet VvA 167 (v. l. °haraṇa; expl as
Parihāra [fr. pari+hṛ, cp. pariharati] 1. attention, care (esp. —
hatthâlankāra.) See also parihāraka.
°), in cpds. like gabbha° care of the foetus DhA i.4; dāraka°
Pariharaṇa (nt.) [fr. pari+hṛ] 1. protection, care Vism 500
care of the infant J ii.20; kumāra° looking after the prince J
(gabbha°); KhA 235; DA i.207 (kāya°); DhA ii.179 (kāyassa).
i.148, ii.48; DhA i.346; dup° hard to protect J i.437; Vism 95
— 2. keeping up, preservation, keeping in existence; in phrase
(Majjhimo d. hard to study?) — 2. honour, privilege, dignity
khandha° DhA iii.261, 405. Cp. foll.
Vin i.71; J iv.306 (gārava°). — 3. surrounding (lit.), circuit of
Pariharaṇā (f.) [=pariharaṇa] 1. keeping up, preserving, care, land J iv.461. — 4. surrounding (fig.), attack; in cpd. visama°
attention, pleasure PvA 219 (with v. l. °caraṇā; for paricārikā being attacked by adversities A ii.87; Nd 304 ; Miln 112,
Pv iv.1 ). — 2. keeping secret, guarding, hiding, deceiving 135. — 5. avoidance, keeping away from J i.186.
Vbh 358=Pug 23. -patha "circle road," i. e. (1) a roundabout way
DhA ii.192. (2) encircling game D i.6=Vin ii.10 (expl as
Pariharati [pari+hṛ] 1. to take care of, to attend to (acc.), shelter,
"bhūmiyaṁ nānāpathaṁ maṇḍalaṁ katvā tattha pariharitab-
protect, keep up, preserve, look after Vin i.42; ii.188; D ii.100
baṁ pariharantānaṁ kīḷanaṁ" DA i.85; trsl as "keeping go-
(sanghaṁ); D ii.14 (gabbhaṁ kucchinā); M i.124, 459; S iii.1;
ing over diagrams" Dial. i.10, with remark "a kind of primitive
A iii.123; J i.52 (kucchiyā), 143, 170; Miln 392, 410 (attā-
hop — scotch").
naṁ) 418; SnA 78; DhA ii.232 (aggiṁ, v. l. paricarati, which
is the usual); PvA 63 (kucchiyā), 177. Cp. BSk. pariharati Parihāraka (adj. — n.) [fr. pari+hṛ] surrounding, encircling; a
in same meaning e. g. AvŚ i.193, 205. — 2. to carry about D guard A ii.180.
ii.19 (ankena); M i.83; Sn 440 (muñjaṁ parihare, 1 sg. pres.
Parihārika [fr. parihāra] keeping, preserving, protecting, sustain-
med.; SnA 390 takes it as parihareyya); Miln 418 (āḷakaṁ p.). d
ing D i.71 (kāya° cīvara, kucchi° piṇḍapāta; expl as kāya —
— 3. (intrs.) to move round, go round, circle, revolve M i.328;
pariharaṇa — mattakena & kucchi° at DA i.207; correct read-
A i.277 (candima — suriyā p.; cp. A v.59)=Vism 205; J i.395;
ing accordingly); M i.180; iii.34; Pug 58; Vism 65 (kāya°, of
iv.378; vi.519; DA i.85; PvA 204. — 4. to conceal Vin iii.52
(sunkaṁ). — 5. to set out, take up, put forward, propose,
Parihārin (adj.) [fr. parihāra] taking care of, (worth) keeping S
only in phrase (Com. style) uttān' atthāni padāni p. to take
iv.316 (udaka — maṇika).
up the words in more explicit meaning SnA 178, 419, 437,
462. — pp. parihaṭa. Pass. parihīrati (q. v.). — See also Parihāsa [fr. pari+has, cp. parihasati] laughter, laughing at,
anupariharati. mockery J i.116 (°keḷi), 377; DhA i.244.
Pariharitabbatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. grd. of pariharati] necessity of Parihāsiṁsu at J i.384 is to be read °bhāsiṁsu.
guarding Vism 98.
Parihiyyati [Pass. of parihāyati, Sk. °hīyate] to be left, to be de-
Parihasati [pari+has] to laugh at, mock, deride J i.457. - Caus. serted, to come to ruin (=dhaṁsati) J iii.260.
parihāseti to make laugh J v.297.
Parihīna [pp. of parihāyati] fallen away from, decayed; deficient,
Parihāna (nt.) [fr. pari+hā] diminution, decrease, wasting away, wanting; dejected, destitute S i.121; A iii.123; Sn 827, 881
decay S ii.206 sq.; A ii.40 (abhabbo parihānāya), iii.173, 309, (°pañña); J i.112, 242; iv.200; Nd 166, 289; Miln 249, 281
329 sq., 404 sq. (°dhamma); v.103 (id.), 156 sq.; It 71 (°āya (a°); PvA 220 (=nihīna).
saṁvattati); Dh 32 (abhabbo p. °āyo); Pug 12, 14.
Parihīnaka (adj.) [parihīna+ka] one who has fallen short of, ne-
Parihāni (f.) [fr. pari+hā] loss, diminution (opp. vuddhi) S glected in, done out of (abl. or instr.) D i.103.
ii.206; iv.76, 79; v.143, 173; A i.15; iii.76 sq.; iv.288; v.19
Parihīrati [Pass. of pariharati, Sk. parihriyate in development
sq., 96, 124 sq.; J ii.233; DhA iii.335; iv.185.
°hriyate>*hiriyati>*hiyirati>°hīrati] to be carried about (or
Parihāniya (adj.) [parihāna+ya] connected with or causing decay better "taken care of," according to Bdhgh's expl SnA 253;
or loss D ii.75 sq. (°ā dhammā conditions leading to ruin); A see also Brethren 226) Sn 205 =Th 1, 453.
iv.16 sq.; Vbh 381; VbhA 507 sq. — a° S v.85. Parīta see vi°.
Parihāpeti [Caus. of parihāyati] 1. to let fall away, to lose, to
Parūpa° as para+upa° (in parūpakkama, parūpaghāta etc.) see
waste S ii.29; J iv.214 (vegaṁ); Miln 244 (cittaṁ to lose heart,
under para.
to despair); PvA 78. — 2. to set aside, abandon, neglect, omit
Parūḷha (adj.) [pp. of pa+ruh, cp. BSk. prarūḍha ( — śma-
Vin i.72 (rājakiccaṁ); J ii.438; iv.132 (vaṭṭaṁ); v.46; Miln 404
śru) Jtm 210] grown, grown long, mostly in phrase °kaccha-
(mūḷakammaṁ). — Neg. ger. aparihāpetvā without omis-
nakha-loma having long nails, & long hair in the armpit, e. g.
sion DhsA 168; ppr. aparihāpento not slackening or neglect-
at S i.78; Ud 65; J iv.362, 371; vi.488; Miln 163 (so read for
ing Vism 122.

Parūḷha Palāpin

p. — kaccha — loma); Sdhp 104. — Kern, Toev. ii.139 s. v. see e. g. RV. i.128, 3; i.164, 12. — On paropara see further
points out awkwardness of this phrase and suspects a distor- Wackernagel, Altind. Gr. ii.121 d.
tion of kaccha either from kesa or kaca, i. e. with long hairs
Pala (—°) [classical Sk. pala] a certain weight (or measure),
(of the head), nails & other hair. — Further in foll. phrases: 2
spelt also phala (see phala ), only in cpd. sata° a hundred
mukhaṁ p. bearded face J iv.387; °kesa — nakha — loma J
(carat) in weight Th 1, 97 (of kaṁsa); J vi.510 (sataphala
i.303; °kesa — massu with hair & beard grown long J iv.159; n
kaṁsa=phalasatena katā kañcana — pātī C.). Also in comb
°kaccha with long grass J vi.100; °massu — dāṭhika having
catuppala — tippala — dvipala — ekapala — sāṭikā Vism 339.
grown a beard and tooth DA i.263.
Palaka [cp. late Sk. pala, flesh, meat] a species of plant J vi.564.
Pare (adv.) see para 2 c.
Palagaṇḍa [cp. Sk. palagaṇḍa Halāyudha ii.436; BSk. palagaṇḍa
Pareta [pp. of pareti, more likely para+i than pari+i, although AvŚ i.339; Aṣṭas. Pār. 231; Avad. Kalp. ii.113] a mason,
BSk. correspondent is parīta, e. g. śokaparīta Jtm 31 ] gone
bricklayer, plasterer M i.119; S iii.154 (the reading phala° is
on to, affected with, overcome by (—°), syn. with abhibhūta authentic, see Geiger, P.G. § 40); A iv.127.
(e. g. PvA 41, 80). Very frequent in comb with terms of
Palaṇḍuka [cp. Epic Sk. palāṇḍu, pala (white)+aṇḍu (=aṇḍa?
suffering, misadventure and passion, e. g. khudā°, ghamma°,
egg)] an onion Vin iv.259.
jighacchā°, dukkha°, dosa°, rāga°, soka°, sneha°, Vin i.5; D
ii.36; M i.13, 114, 364, 460; iii.14, 92; S ii.110; iii.93; iv.28; A Paladdha [pp. of pa+labh] taken over, "had," overcome, de-
i.147=It 89; A iii.25, 96; Sn 449, 736, 818 (=samohita saman- ceived M i.511 (nikata vañcita p. where v. l. and id. p. S
nāgata pihita Nd 149) 1092, 1123; J iii.157; Pv i.8 ; ii.2 ; iv.307 however reads paluddha); J iii.260 (dava°= abhibhūta
Miln 248; PvA 61, 93. C.).
Pareti [in form=parā+i but more likely pari+i, thus= pariyeti] to Palapati [pa+lapati] to talk nonsense J ii.322. Cp. vi°.
set out for, go on to, come to (acc.) S ii.20; A v.2, 139 sq.,
Palambati [pa+lambati] to hang down ThA 210; Sdhp 110. —
312; J v.401 (=pakkhandati C.). pp. pareta (q. v.).
pp. palambita (q. v.). See also abhi°.
Paro (adv.) [cp. Vedic paras; to para] beyond, further, above,
Palambita [pp. of palambati] hanging down Th 2, 256, 259; ThA
more than, upwards of; only ° — in connection with nu-
merals (cp. Vedic use of paras with acc. of numerals), e.g.
Palambheti [pa+lambheti] to deceive D i.50, cp. DA i.151.
paropaññāsa more than 50 D ii.93; parosataṁ more than 100
J v.203, 497; parosahassaṁ over 1,000 D ii.16; S i.192=Th Palaḷita [pa+laḷita] led astray S iv.197 (v. l. °lāḷita). At A iii.5 we
1, 1238; Sn p. 106 (=atireka — sahassaṁ SnA 450). See also read palāḷita, in phrase kāmesu p. ("sporting in pleasures"?
parakkaroti. Or should we read palolita?).
Parokkha (adj.) [paro+akkha=Vedic parokṣa (paraḥ+ akṣa)] be- Palavati [Vedic plavati, plu] to float, swim Vin iv.112; Dh 334;
yond the eye, out of sight, invisible, imperceptible, Miln 291. Th 1, 399; J iii.190.
— abl. parokkhā (adv.) behind one's back, in the absence of
Palasata [according to Trenckner, Notes p. 59, possibly fr. Sk.
J iii.89 (parammukhā C.; opp. sammukhā). d
parasvant] a rhinoceros J vi.277 (v. l. phalasata; expl as
Parodati [pa+rud] to cry out (for) J i.166; PvA 16, 257. "khagga — miga," with gloss "balasata"); as phalasata at J
vi.454 (expl as phalasata — camma C.). See palāsata.
Paropariya (°ñāṇa) see under indriya°. The form is paro +pariya,
paro heŕe taking the place of para. Yet it would be more rea- Palahati [pa+lahati] to lick Pv iii.5 =PvA 198.
sonable to explain the word as para+ apara (upara?)+ya, i. e.
Palāta [contracted form of palāyita, pp. of palāyati, cp. Prk. palāa
that which belongs to this world & the beyond, or everything
(=*palāta) Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 567] run away J vi.369; Vism
that comes within the range of the faculties. Cp. parovara.
326; VvA 100; DhA ii.21.
Parovara (adj. — n.) [para+avara, sometimes through substi-
Palātatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. palāta] running away, escape J i.72.
tution of apa for ava also paropara. We should expect a 1
form *parora as result of contraction: see Nd p. 13] high Palāpa [Vedic palāva, cp. Lat. palea, Russ pelëva; see also
Geiger, P.Gr. § 39 , where pralāva is to be corr. to palāva]
& low, far & near; pl. in sense of "all kinds" (cp. uccâvaca).
chaff of corn, pollard A iv.169 (yava°); J. i.467, 468; iv.34;
The word is found only in the Sutta Nipāta, viz. Sn 353 (v. 2
l. BB varāvaraṁ, varovaraṁ; expl as "lokuttara — lokiya SnA 165 (in exegesis of palāpa ; v. l. BB palāsa), 312 (id.);
J iv.34, 35 (perhaps better to read kula — palāso & palāsa —
— vasena su̇ndar' âsundaraṁ dūre — santikaṁ vā" SnA 350),
475 (°ā dhammā; v. l. BB paroparā; expl as "parâvarā sun- bhūta for palāpa).
dar' âsundarā, parā vā bāhirā aparā ajjhattikā" SnA 410), 704 Palāpa [Vedic pralāpa, pa+lap; taken by P. Com. as identical
(kāme parovare; v. l. BB paropare; expl as sundare ca asun- with palāpa , their example followed by Trenckner, Notes 63,
dare ca pañca kāmaguṇe" SnA 493), 1048 (reading paroparāni cp. also Miln. trsl. ii.363 "chaff as frivolous talk"] prattling,
Nd ; see expl Nd 422 ; expl as "parāni ca orāni ca, par' at- prattle, nonsense; adj. talking idly, chaffing, idle, void M
tabhāva — sak' attabhāv' ādīni parāni ca orāni ca" SnA 590), iii.80 (a°); S i.166 (not palapaṁ), 192=Th 1, 1237; A iv.169
1148 (paroparaṁ Nd ; see Nd 422 ; expl as "hīna — ppaṇī- (samaṇa° in allegory with yava° of palāpa ); Sn 89 (māyāvin
taṁ" SnA 607). — Note. Already in RV. we find para con- asaṁyata palāpa=palāpa — sadisattā SnA 165), 282= Miln
trasted with avara or upara; para denoting the farther, higher 414 (here also expl as palāpa by SnA 312); VbhA 104. In
or heavenly sphere, avara or upara the lower or earthly sphere: phrase tuccha palāpa empty and void at Miln 5, 10.

Palāpin Paligha

Palāpin in apalāpin "not neglectful" see palāsin. Palāsata [so read for palasata & palasada; cp. Vedic parasvant
Palāpeti [Caus. of palāyati] to cause to run away, to put to flight, given by BR. in meaning "a certain large animal, perhaps the
wild ass"] a rhinoceros J v.206, 408; vi.277.
drive away J ii.433; DhA i.164, 192; iii.206.
Palāpeti [Caus. of pa+lap, cp. palāpa to which it may be referred Palāsika (adj.) [fr. palāsa ] 1. in cpd. paṇḍu° one who lives
by eating withered leaves DA i.270, 271. — 2. in cpd. eka°
as Denom.] to prattle, talk J i.73, 195.
(upāhanā) (a shoe) with one lining (i. e. of leaves) Vin i.185
Palāyati [cp. Vedic palāyati, palāy] to run (away) Vin iii.145
(=eka paṭala Bdhgh; see Vin. Texts ii.13).
(ubbijjati uttasati p.); A ii.33 (yena vā tena vā palayanti); Sn 2
Palāsin (paḷāsin) (adj.) [fr. palāsa ] spiteful, unmerciful, ma-
120; J ii.10; DhA i.193; PvA 253, 284 (=dhāvati). — ppr. d
palāyanto S i.209=Th 2, 248 =Pv ii.7 =Nett 131=DhA iv.21; licious M i.43 sq., 96; A iii.111; comb with makkhin at
Vin ii.89 (cp. Vin Texts iii.38); J iii.259. apaḷāsin D iii.47
aor. palāyi S i.219; J i.208; ii.209, 219, 257; iv.420; DhA
(amakkhin+); M i.43; A iii.111; Pug 22; see also separately.
iii.208; DA i.142; PvA 4, 274; ger. palāyitvā J i.174; PvA
154; inf. palāyituṁ J i.202; vi.420. — Contracted forms are: Pali° [a variant of pari°, to be referred to the Māgadhī dialect in
pres. paleti (see also the analogy — form pāleti under pāleti, which it is found most frequently, esp. in the older language,
to guard) D i.54 (spelt phaleti, expl DA i.165 by gacchati); see Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 257; Geiger, P.Gr. § 44] round, around
Sn 1074, 1144 (=vajati gacchati Nd 423); Dh 49; Nd 172; J (=pari) only as prefix in cpds. (q. v.). Often we find both pari°
v.173, 241; Vv 84 36 (=gacchati VvA 345); Pv i.11 (gacchati & pali° in the same word.
PvA 56); aor. palittha J v.255; fut. palehiti Th 1, 307; imper.
Palikujjati [pali+kujjati] to bend oneself over, to go crooked M
palehi Sn 831 (=gaccha SnA 542) — pp. palāta & palāyita; i.387.
Caus. palāpeti (q. v.).
Palikuṇṭhita [a var. of paliguṇṭhita, q. v. & cp. Geiger, P.Gr. §
Palāyana (nt.) [fr. palāy] running away DhA i.164. See also 1
39 ] covered, enveloped, smeared with J ii.92 (lohita°).
pālana. 2
Palikha [a variant of paligha on kh for gh see Geiger, P.Gr. § 39 ]
Palāyanaka (adj.) [fr. palāy] running away J ii.210 (°ṁ karoti to
a bar J vi.276 (with palighā as gloss).
put to flight).
Palikhaṇati [pali+khaṇ, cp. parikhā] to dig up, root out S i.123;
Palāyin (adj.) [fr. palāy] running away, taking to flight S
ii.88 (so read for paliṁ° & phali°)=A i.204; ger. palikhañña
i.221=223. — Usually neg. apalāyin S i.185, and in phrase 1
Sn 968 (=uddharitvā Nd 490); palikhāya S i.123 (cp. KS
abhīru anutrāsin apalāyin S i.99; Th 1, 864; J iv.296 and pas-
320); & palikhaṇitvā S ii.88; SnA 573. — pp. palikhata (q.
sim. See apalāyin & apalāsin.
Palāla (m. & nt.) [cp. Ved. & Epic Sk. palāla] straw J i.488;
Palikhata [pp. of palikhaṇati] dug round or out S iv.83 (so read
DhA i.69. with v. l. for T. palikhita).
-channaka a roof of thatch Th 1, 208. -piṇḍa a bundle of
Palikhati [pa+likh] to scratch, in phrase oṭṭhaṁ p. to bite one's
straw Vism 257=KhA 56. -pīṭhaka "straw foot — stool," a
lip J v.434=DhA iv.197.
kind of punishment or torture M i.87= A ii.122=Miln 197 (see
Miln trsl. i.277 "Straw Seat," i. e. being so beaten with clubs, Palikhādati [pali+khādati] to bite all round, to gnaw or peck off
that the bones are broken, and the body becomes like a heap of M i.364 (kukkuro aṭṭhikankalaṁ p.).
straw); Nd 154; Nd 604; J v.273. -puñja a heap of straw D 2
Paligijjhati [pali+gijjhati] to be greedy Nd 77 (abhigijjhati+).
i.71; M iii.3; A i.241; ii.210; Pug 68; VbhA 367. -puñjaka
Paliguṇṭhita [pali+guṇṭhita, variant palikuṇṭhita, as kuṇṭhita &
same as puñja Miln 342.
guṇḍhita are found] entangled, covered, enveloped Sn 131
Palāḷita see palaḷita.
(mohena; v. l. BB °kuṇṭhita); J ii.150=DhA i.144 (v. l.
Palāsa (m. & nt.) [Vedic palāśa] 1. the tree Butea fron-dosa or °kuṇṭh°); iv.56; Miln ii. Expl by pariyonaddha J ii.150, by
Judas tree J iii.23 (in Palāsa Jātaka). — 2. a leaf; collectively paṭicchādita J iv.56. Cp. pāliguṇṭhima.
(nt.) foliage, pl. (nt.) leaves S ii.178; J i.120 (nt.); iii.210,
Paligedha [pali+gedha but acc. to Geiger, P.Gr. § 10= parigṛd-
344; PvA 63 (°antare; so read for pās' antare), 113 (ghana°), 2
dha] greed, conceit, selfishness A i.66; Nd taṇhā ii (gedha+);
191 (sāli°). puppha° blossoms & leaves DhA i.75; sākhā°
Dhs 1059, 1136.
branches & leaves M i.111; J i.164; Miln 254; paṇḍu° a sear
Paligedhin (adj.) [fr. paligedha, but Geiger, P.Gr. § 10 takes
leaf Vin i.96; iii.47; iv.217; bahala° (adj.) thick with leaves
it as *parigṛddhin, cp. giddhin] conceited, greedy, selfish A
J i.57. — palāsāni (pl.) leaves J iii.185 (=palāsapaṇṇāni C.);
PvA 192 (=bhūsāni).
Palāsa & (more commonly) Paḷāsa [according to Trenckner, Paligha [pari+gha of (g)han, cp. P. & Sk. parigha] 1. a cross
— bar Vin ii.154; Th 2, 263 (vaṭṭa°=parighadaṇḍa ThA 211);
Notes 83, from ras, but BSk. pradāśa points to pa+ dāśa=dāsa
J ii.95; vi.276. — 2. an obstacle, hindrance D ii.254=S i.27.
"enemy" this form evidently a Sanskritisation] unmerciful-
— (adj) (—°) in two phrases: okkhitta° with cross — bars
ness, malice, spite. Its nearest synonym is yuga-ggāha (so
erected or put up D i.105 (=ṭhapita° DA i.274), opp. ukkhitta°
Vbh 357; Pug 18, where yuddhaggāha is read; J iii.259; VvA
71); it is often comb with macchera (Vv 15 ) and makkha with cross — bars (i. e. obstacles) withdrawn or removed
M i.139=A iii.84=Nd 284 C.; Sn 622 (=avijjā — palighassa
(Miln 289). — M i.15, 36, 488; A i.79; J ii.198; Vbh 357; Pug
ukkhittattā SnA 467); cp. parikhā.
18 (+paḷāsāyanā, etc.). — apaḷāsa mercifulness M i.44.
-parivattika turning round of the bar the "Bar Turn," a

Paligha Palobha

kind of punishment or torture (consisting in "a spike being cp. J ii.95 (ghara°); KhA 39 (enum as set of dasa palibodhā
driven from ear to ear he is pinned to the ground" Hardy, E.M. which are also given and expl in detail at Vism 90 sq.); cp.
32, cp. Miln trsl. i.277) M i.87=A i.47=ii.122=Nd 154=Nd 2 DhsA 168, and in comb laggana bandhana p. Nd 332, 620.
604 B (reads palingha, v. l. paligha)=Miln 197. Two palibodhas are referred to at Vin i.265, viz. āvāsa° and
cīvara° (cp. Vin. Texts ii.157) and sixteen at Miln 11. Cp. Cpd.
Palita (adj.) [cp. Vedic palita; Gr. πελιτνός, πελιός black —
53. — The minor obstacles (to the practice of kammaṭṭhāna)
grey; Lith. pilkas grey; Ags. fealu=Ohg. falo, E. fallow, Ger.
are described as khuddaka° at Vism 122 & referred to at DhsA
fahl; also Sk. pāṇḍu whitish; P. paṇḍu, pāṭala pink] grey, in
168. — See also sam°.
cpd. °kesa with grey (i. e. white) hair M i.88 (f. °kesī); A
i.138; J i.59, 79; abs. only at J vi.524. The spelling phalita Palibhañjana (nt.) [pari+bhañjana] breaking up Nd 576 (samb-
also occurs (e. g. PvA 153). — Der. pālicca. hañjana+; v. l. pari°). See also sam°. The spelling phali°
occurs at ThA 288.
Palitta [pp. of palippati] smeared Th 2, 467 (=upalitta ThA 284).
Palimaṭṭha [pp. of pari+mṛj] polished J v.4. Cp. pari- maṭṭha.
Palipa fr. [pa+lip] sloppiness, mud, marsh M i.45; Th 1,
See also sam°.
89; 2, 291 (=panka ThA 224); J iii.241 (read palipo, cp.
C.=mahākaddamo ibid.)=iv.480. Paliveṭhana (adj. nt.) [fr. pari+veṣṭ] wrapping, surrounding, en-
circling, encumbrance J iv.436; Pug 34; Vism 353 (°camma);
Palipatha [for paripatha=°pantha (q. v.), the bases path° & panth°
DhsA 366.
frequently interchanging. Trenckner (Notes 80) derives it fr.
pa+lip] danger, obstacle (or is it "mud, mire"=palipa?) A Paliveṭhita [pp. of paliveṭheti] wrapped round, entwined, encir-
iv.290; Sn 34=638 (= rāga° SnA 469)=Dh 414 (=rāga° DhA cled, fettered Nd 107 (°veṭṭh°, comb with laggita & palibud-
iv.194). dha); J iv.436; vi.89. Cp. sam°.
Palipadaka see pāli°. Paliveṭheti [pari+veṣṭ] to wrap up, cover, entwine, encircle M
i.134; J i.192; ii.95; DhA i.269; DhsA 366. — Pass.
Palipanna [for paripanna, pp. of paripajjati] fallen, got or sunk
paliveṭhīyati Miln 74. — pp. paliveṭhita (q. v.). See also
into ( — ° or loc.) Vin i.301 (muttakarīse); D ii.24 (id.); M i.45
(palipa°)=Nd 651 B; M i.88; J vi.8; Vism 49 (muttakarīse). sam°.
Palisajjati [pari+sṛj] to loosen, make loose S ii.89 (mū-lāni).
Palippati [Med. — Pass. of pa+lip; often spelt palimpati] to
be smeared; to stick, to adhere to Pv iv.1 (°amāna read for Palissajati [pari+svaj] to embrace D ii.266; J v.158 (aor. palis-
palimpamāna). — pp. palitta (q. v.). saji=ālingi C). 204, 215; vi.325.
Palibujjhati see palibuddhati. Palissuta [pp. of pari+sru] flowing over J vi.328.
Palibujjhana (nt.) [fr. palibujjhati] obstruction DhA iii.258. Palugga [pp. of palujjati, Sk. *prarugṇa] broken up, crushed,
Palibuddha [pp. of palibujjhati] obstructed, hindered, stopped; crumbled Bu ii.24; Miln 217.
being kept back or delayed, tarrying J ii.417; Nd 107 Palujjati [Pass. of palujati=pa+ruj] to break (intrs.) to fall down,
(paliveṭhita+); Miln 388 (ākāso a°) 404; DhA iii.198. Often crumble, to be dissolved Vin ii.284; D ii.181; M i.488; S
in phrase lagga laggita p. Nd 88, 107, 332, 596, 597, 657. ii.218; iii.137; iv.52=Nd 550 (in exegesis of "loka"); Miln
8; Vism 416. — pp. palugga (q. v.). Cp. BSk. pralujyati
Palibuddhati [the etym. offered by Andersen, Pāli Reader s.
MVastu ii.370.
v. palibuddha, viz. dissimilation for pari+ruddhati (rudh)
is most plausible, other expl like Trenckner's (Notes 66 for Palujjana (nt.) [fr. palujjati] breaking up, destruction SnA 506.
pari+bādh, med — pass. bajjhati=*bādhyate, seemingly con- Paluddha [pp. of pa+lubh] seduced, enticed S iv.307 (where id.
firmed by v. l. Nd 74 & 77 °bajjhati for °bujjhati) and Kern's
p. M i.511 reads paladdha); J i.158; vi.255, 262. See also
(Toev. s. v.=Ogh. firbiotan, Ger. verbieten) are semantically
palobheti & palobhita.
not satisfactory. Cp. avaruddhati & avaruddha] 1. to ob-
Palumpati [pa+lup] to rob, plunder, deprive of A i.48.
struct, refuse, keep back, hinder, withhold Vin ii.166; iv.42,
131; J i.217 (cp. paṭibāhati ibid.); iii.138 (aor. °buddhi.); Paleti see palāyati.
iv.159; Miln 263. — 2. to delay Miln 404 (or should we
Palepa [fr. pa+lip] smearing; plaster, mortar Th 2, 270; ThA 213.
read °bujjhati i. e. sticks, tarries, is prevented?). — Pass.
Palepana (nt.) [fr. pa+lip] smearing, anointing; adj. (—°)
palibujjhati [this word occurs only in Commentary style &
smeared or coated with M i.429 (gāḷha° thickly smeared).
late works. In the Niddesa the nearest synonym is lag, as seen
from the freq. comb palibuddha+lagga, palibodha+laggana: Paloka [fr. pa+*luj=ruj, thus standing for *paloga, cp. roga]
see Nd p. 188 under nissita] to be obstructed or hindered, to breaking off or in two, dissolution, decay Vin ii.284; M
be kept by (instr. or loc.) to stick or adhere to, to trouble about, i.435=Miln 418 (in formula aniccato dukkhato rogato etc.,
attend to Nd 74, 77 (paligijjhati+), 88, 107, 597, 657; Miln with freq. v. l. paralokato; cp. A iv.423; Nd 214; Ps ii.238);
263. — pp. palibuddha (q. v.). S iii.167 (id.) iv.53; v. 163.
Palibodha [see palibuddhati] obstruction, hindrance, obstacle, Palokin (adj.) [fr. paloka] destined for decay or destruction S
impediment, drawback J i.148; iii.241 (a° non — obstruction), iv.205=Sn 739 (acc. palokinaṁ=jarā — maraṇehi palujjana —
381 (id.); Nett 80; also in var. phrases, viz. kāma° Nd 374 dhamma SnA 506); Th 2, 101 (acc. pl. palokine, see Geiger,
(+kāmapariḷāha); kula° cīvara° Nd 68, cp. Miln 388 (kule P.Gr. § 95 ).
p.); ghar'āvāsa°, putta — dāro etc. Nd 136; Nd 172 B, 205,

Palobha Pavattita

Palobha [fr. pa+lubh] desire, greed PvA 265. Pavaḍḍha [pp. of pavaḍḍhati] grown up, increased, big, strong J
v.340 (°kāya of huge stature; so read for pavaddha°; expl as
Palobhana (nt.)=palobha J i.196, 210; ii.183; Miln 286.
vaḍḍhita — kāya).
Palobhita [pp. of palobheti] desired PvA 154.
Pavaḍḍhati [pa+vṛdh] to grow up, to increase M i.7; S ii.84, 92;
Palobheti [Caus. of pa+lubh] to desire, to be greedy Sn 703; J rd
Sn 306 (3 sg. praet. °atha); Dh 282, 335, 349; Pug 64; PvA
i.79, 157, 298; vi.215; SnA 492; DhA i.123, 125; PvA 55. —
8 (puññaṁ). — pp. pavaḍḍha & pavuddha.
pp. palobhita (q. v.). 1
Pavati [pa+vā] to blow forth, to yield a scent Th 1, 528 (=gand-
Pallanka [pary+anka, cp. Class Sk. palyanka & Māgadhī
haṁ vissajjati C.). See pavāti.
paliyanka] 1. sitting cross — legged, in instr. pallankena 2
Pavati [of plu, cp. Vedic plavate to swim & Epic Sk. pravate
upon the hams S i.124, 144; and in phrase pallankaṁ
to jump] to hurry on, to rush VvA 42 (but better read with v.
ābhujati "to bend (the legs) in crosswise" D i.71; M i.56; A
l. patati as syn. of gacchati).
iii.320; J i.17, 71; Ps i.176; Pug 68; Miln 289; DhA ii.201. —
This phrase is expl at Vism 271 and VbhA 368 as "samantato Pavatta (adj.) [pp. of pavattati] 1. (adj.) happening, going on,
ūru — baddh' āsanaṁ bandhati." — 2. a divan, sofa, couch procedure, resulting Th 2, 220 (assu ca pavattaṁ, taken by
Vin ii.163, 170 (cp. Vin. Texts iii.209, which is to be corrected Mrs. Rh. D. as "tears shed"); ThA 179; PvA 35, 83 (gāthāyo),
after Dial. i.12); D i.7; S i.95; J i.268; iv.396; v.161; Vv 31 ; 120, esp. with ref. to natural products as "that which comes,"
Pv ii.12 ; iii.3 ; DhA i.19; PvA 189, 219. i. e. normal, natural, raw; °phala ready or natural, wild fruit
(gained without exertion of picking), in cpds. °phalika SnA
Pallati (pallate), is guarded or kept, contracted (poetical) form of
295 sq.; °bhojana (adj.) J i.6; iii.365; Vism 422, and, °bhojin
pālayate (so Cy.) J v.242.
one who lives on wild fruit (a certain class of ascetics, tāpasā)
Pallattha [Sk. *paryasta, pari+pp. of as to throw, cp. Prk pal-
D i.101; M i.78, 343; A i.241; ii.206; cp. DA i.269 sq. &
lattha Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 285] the posture of sitting or squat- SnA 295, 296. °maṁsa fresh or raw meat (flesh) Vin i.217
ting or lolling J i.163 (here in expl of tipallattha: pallatthaṁ
(cp. Vin. Texts ii.81). — 2. (nt.) "that which goes on," i. e.
vuccati sayanaṁ, ubhohi passehi ujukam eva ca go — nisin- n
the circle or whirl of existence Miln 197, 326 (cp. Miln trsl
naka — vasenā ti tīh'ākārehi pallatthaṁ etc.; see under ti°).
ii.200 "starting afresh in innumerable births," quot. fr. C.),
Cp. ti°, vi°.
opp. appavatta freedom from Saṁsāra, i. e. Nibbāna ibid.
Pallatthikā (f.) [fr. pallattha] same meaning as pallattha Vin — 3. founded on, dealing with, relating to, being in S iv.115
ii.213; iii.162 (cp. Vin. Texts i.62; iii.141); Vism 79 (dussa°). (kuraraghare p. pabbata); DA i.92 (ādinaya°), 217 (°pīti —
sukha being in a state of happiness).
Pallatthita [doubtful, perhaps we should read paliyattha, see
Kern, Toev. s. v.] perverse J v.79. Pavattati [pa+vattati, vṛt] (intrs.) 1. to move on, go forward, pro-
ceed Pv i.5 ; PvA 8, 131; of water: to flow S ii.31; J ii.104;
Pallala (nt.) [cp. Class Sk. palvala=Lat. palus; Ohg. felawa =
Ger. felber willow; Lith. pélkè moor; BSk. also palvala, e. PvA 143, 154, 198. — 2. to exist, to be, continue in existence
g. Divy 56] 1. marshy ground M i.117; S iii.108 sq. — 2. a J i.64; PvA 130 (opp. ucchijjati). — 3. to result, to go on
small pond or lake Vin i.230= D ii.89; J ii.129; v.346. PvA 45 (phalaṁ), 60 (vippaṭisār' aggi). — pp. pavatta; Caus.
pavatteti (q. v.).
Pallava (nt.) [cp. Class Sk. pallaka] a sprout J i.250; ii.161. See
Pavattana (adj. nt.) [fr. pavattati] 1. moving forward, doing
also phallava.
good, beneficial, useful; f. °i M i.214; Pug 35 (spelt pavattinī
Pallavita (adj.) [fr. pallava] having sprouts, burgeoning, budding
in T. as well as Pug A 218). — 2. execution, performance,
Miln 151; VvA 288 (sa° full of sprouts).
carrying out Miln 277 (āṇā,° cp. pavatti).
Pallāsa see vi°.
Pavattayitar [n. ag. to pavatteti] one who sets into motion or
Palloma [a contraction of pannaloma, see J.P.T.S. 1889, 206] se- keeps up DA i.273 (see foll.).
curity, confidence D i.96; M i.17; cp. DA i.266 "loma —
Pavattar [n. ag. of either pa+vac or pa+vṛt, the latter more prob-
haṁsa — mattam pi 'ssa na bhavissati."
able considering similar use of parivatteti. The P. commenta-
Pavakkhati [fut. of pa+vac] only in 1 sq. pavakkhāmi "I will tors take it as either] one who keeps up or keeps going, one
declare or explain" Sn 701, 963=1050 (cp. Nd 482 & Nd 2 who hands on (the tradition), an expounder, teacher D i.104
under brūmi). (mantānaṁ p.=pavattayitar DA i.273); S iv.94; Dh 76 (nidhī-
naṁ p.=ācikkhitar DhA ii.107).
Pavacchati [Sk. prayacchati] see anu°, & cp. pavecchati.
Pavajati [pa+vraj] to wander forth, go about, perambulate; ppr. Pavattāpanatta (nt.) [fr. Caus. II. of pavatteti=pavattā-peti]
pavajamāna S i.42 (but may be pavajjamāna "being predi- making continue, keeping going, preservation, upkeep Vism
cated" in play of word with act. pavadanto in same verse). 32 (T. °attha).
Pavajjati [Pass. of pavadati] to sound forth to be played (of mu- Pavatti (f.) [fr. pa+vṛt] 1. manifestation, wielding, execution,
sic) J i.64 (pavajjayiṁsu, 3 pl. aor.); VvA 96 (pavajjamāna giving, in āṇā° royal authority J iii.504; iv.145; ThA 283. —
2. happening, incident, news J i.125, 150; ii.416; Vism 91;
ppr. med.).
PvA 6, 17, 29, 35, 92, 152, 242, etc.; DhA i.80 (v. l. pavutti).
Pavajjana (nt.) [fr. pavajjati, Pass. of pavadati] sounding, play-
Cp. pavutti.
ing of music VvA 210.
Pavattita [pp. of pavatteti] set going, inaugurated, established

Pavattita Pavāsin

Vin i.11 (dhammacakka); M iii.29, 77; S i.191; Sn 556, 557 bhāti p. ca). See also pavāyati.
(dhammacakka); PvA 67 (id.), 140 (sangīti); SnA 454.
Pavāda [pa+vad, cp. Epic Sk. pravāda talk, saying] talk, dispu-
Pavattin (adj.) [fr. pa+vṛt] 1. advancing, moving forward, pro- tation, discussion D i.26, 162; M i.63; Sn 538.
ceeding, effective, beneficial; only in phrase dhammā pavat-
Pavādaka (adj.) [fr. pavāda] 1. belonging to a discussion, in-
tino A i.279; DA i.4=PvA 2; and in suppavattin (good — tended for disputation D i.178 (samaya° "debating hall"). —
flowing, i. e. well — recited?) A iv.140 (of pātimokkha; trs ld
2. fond of discussing Miln 4 (bhassa° "fond of wordy dispu-
as "thoroughly mastered" J.P.T.S. 1909, 199, v.71 (id.). — 2.
tation"). Cp. pavādiya.
going on, procedure (in f. °inī) Vin ii.271 sq., 277.
Pavādiya (adj.) [fr. pavāda, cp. pavādaka] belonging to a dispu-
Pavatteti [Caus. of pavattati] (trs.) 1. to send forth, set going Vin
tation, disputing, arguing, talking Sn 885 (n. pl. °āse, taken
i.87 (assūni); S ii.282 (id.) J i.147 (selagulaṁ pavaṭṭ°); esp. 1
by Nd 293 as pavadanti, by SnA 555 as vādino).
in phrase dhammacakkaṁ p. to inaugurate the reign of righ-
Pavāyati [pa+vā] to blow forth, to permeate (of a scent), to dif-
teousness Vin i.8, 11; M i.171; S iii.86; Sn 693; Miln 20, 343;
fuse J i.18 (dibba — gandho p.); Vism 58 (dasa disā sīla —
VvA 165; PvA 21, etc. — 2. to cause, produce, make arise J
gandho p.). Cp. pavāti.
ii.102 (mah' oghaṁ); Miln 219. — 3. to give forth, bestow,
give (dānaṁ a gift) Vin iv.5 (spelt ṭṭ); PvA 19, 123, 139. — 4. Pavāraṇā (f.) [pa+vṛ, cp. BSk. pravāraṇā Divy 91, 93; whereas
to continue, keep on, practise, go on with DhA i.257; PvA 29 Epic Sk. pravāraṇa, nt., only in sense of "satisfaction"] 1. the
(attabhāvaṁ), 42 (kammante). — 5. to move about, behave, Pavāraṇā, a ceremony at the termination of the Vassa Vin i.155,
linger DhA i.14 (ṭṭ). — 6. to display, execute, wield, enforce 160 (where 2 kinds: cātuddasikā & pannarasikā), ii.32. 167;
Miln 189 (āṇaṁ; cp. āṇāpavatti). — pp. pavattita (q. v.). D ii.220; S i.190. pavāraṇaṁ ṭhapeti to fix or determine
the (date of) P. Vin ii.32, 276. Later two kinds of this cer-
Pavadati [pa+vad] to speak out, speak to, talk, dispute; ppr.
pavadanto S i.42 (trsl. "predicate"); Nd 293. — aor. pāvādi emony (festival) are distinguished, viz. mahā° the great P.
and °sangaha, an abridged P. (see DA i.241) J i.29, 82, 193
ThA 71. — Cp. pāvadati.
(mahā°); Vism 391 (id.); SnA 57 (id.); VvA 67 (id.); PvA 140
Pavana (nt.) [cp. Sk. pavana & pāvana, of pū] winnowing of
(id.); — 2. satisfaction Vism 71.
grain Miln 201 (read pavanena ṭṭhāyiko who earned his living
Pavārita [pp. of pavāreti] 1. satisfied M i.12 (+paripuṇṇa
by winnowing gṛain).
pariyosita); Miln 231; Vism 71. — 2. having come to the end
Pavana (nt.) [cp. Vedic pravaṇa; not with Müller, P.Gr. 24=up-
of the rainy season Vin i.175. — Freq. in formula bhuttāvin
avana; perhaps=Lat. pronus "prone"] side of a mountain, de-
pavārita having eaten & being satisfied Vin i.213 (cp. Vin.
clivity D ii.254; M i.117; S i.26; ii.95, 105; Th 1, 1092; J i.28; Texts i.39); ii.300; iv.82; PvA 23.
ii.180; vi.513; Cp. i.1 , 10 ; iii.13 ; Miln 91, 198 sq., 364,
Pavāreti [Caus. of pa+vṛ, cp. BSk. pravārayati Divy 116, 283,
408; Vism 345. Cp. Pavananagara SnA 583 (v. l. BB for
etc.] 1. to invite, offer, present, satisfy S i.190; A iv.79; J
Tumbavanagara=Vanasavhaya). Note. Kern, Toev. s. v. de-
iii.352. — 2. to celebrate the Pavāraṇā (i. e. to come to the
fends Müller's (after Subhūti) interpretation as "wood, wood-
end of the Vassa) Vin i.160 sq.; ii.255; DhA i.87; J i.29, 215;
land," and compares BSk. pavana MVastu ii.272, 382.
iv.243 (vuttha — vassa p.); Vism 90; SnA 57. — pp. pavārita
Pavana at Vin ii.136 in cpd. pavan-anta refers to the end of
(q. v.) See also sam°.
the girdle (kāyabandhana), where it is tied into a loop or knot.
Bdhgh on p. 319 (on C.V. v.29, 2) expl it by pās' anta. Pavāla & Pavāḷa (m. & nt.) [cp. Class Sk. prabāla, pra-vāḍa
& pravāla] 1. coral J i.394 (°ratta — kambala); ii.88; iv.142;
Pavapati [pa+vap] to sow out Th 2, 112.
Miln 267 (with other jewels), 380 (id.); SnA 117; VvA 112
Pavayha (adv.) [ger. of pavahati] carrying on, pressing, ur- (°ratana). — 2. a sprout, young branch, shoot J iii.389, 395
gently, constantly, always repeated as pavayha pavayha M (kāḷa — valli°); v.207; Nett 14 (°ankura); SnA 91 (id.).
iii.118=DhA ii.108; M i.442, 444.
Pavāḷha [apparently pp. of pavahati (pavāheti), but in reality pp.
Pavara (adj.) [pa+vara] most excellent, noble, distinguished S of pa+bṛh , corresp. to Sk. prabṛdha (pravṛdha), cp. ab-
iii.264; Sn 83, 646, 698 (muni°); Dh 422; Pug 69; Miln 246; būlha & ubbahati (ud+bṛh ), but cp. also ubbāḷha which is
PvA 2 (°dhamma — cakka), 67 (id.), 39 (°buddh'āsana); Sdhp pp. of ud+bādh. At D i.77 (where v. l. pabbāḷha=pabūḷha,
421. unexpl by Bdhgh) it is synonymous with uddharati=ubbahati]
1. carried away (?), turned away, distracted, dismissed S iii.91
Pavasati [pa+vas] to "live forth," i. e. to be away from home, to
(bhikkhu — sangho p.). — 2. drawn forth, pulled out, taken
dwell abroad Sn 899; J ii.123 (=pavasaṁ gacchati); v.91. —
out D i.77=Ps ii.211=Vism 406 (muñjamhā isīkā p.); J vi.67
pp. pavuttha (q. v.). Cp. vi°.
(muñjā v'isikā p.).
Pavassati [pa+vṛṣ] to "rain forth," to begin to rain, shed rain S
Pavāsa [fr. pa+vas, cp. Vedic pravāsa in same meaning] sojourn-
i.100; Sn 18 sq. (imper. pavassa), 353 (v. l.); J vi.500 ("cry"),
587 (aor. pāvassi). — pp. pavaṭṭha & pavuṭṭha: see abhi°. ing abroad, being away from home J ii.123; v.434; vi.150;
Miln 314. — Cp. vi°.
Pavassana (nt.) [fr. pa+vṛṣ] beginning to rain, raining Miln 120.
Pavāsita 1. (perhaps we should read pavārita?) given as present,
Pavāta (nt.) [pa+vāta, cp. Vedic pravāta] a draught of air, breeze
honoured J v.377 (=pesita C.). — 2. (so perhaps to be read for
Vin ii.79 (opp. nivāta).
pavūsita T.) scented, permeated with scent [pp. of pavāseti]
Pavāti [pa+vā] to diffuse a scent Dh 54; Th 1, 528; J v.63 (disā VvA 237 (v. l. padhūpita preferable).

Pavāsin Pavūsita

Pavāsin (adj.) [fr. pavāsa] living abroad or from home, in cira° — rasa); Sdhp 476; DA i.169.
long absent Dh 219 (=cirappavuttha DhA iii.293).
Pavivekatā (f.) [abstr. fr. paviveka]=paviveka Vism 81 (appic-
Pavāhaka (adj.) [fr. pa+vah] carrying or driving away Th 1, 758. chatā etc. in enum of the 5 dhuta — dhammas).
Pavāhati [Caus. fr. pa+vah] 1. to cause to be carried away, to Pavivekiya (adj.) [fr. paviveka] springing from solitude Th 1,
remove; freq. with ref. to water: to wash away, cleanse M 669.
i.39; S i.79, 183 (pāpakammaṁ nahānena); ii.88; Th 1, 349; J
Pavisati [pa+viś] to go in, to enter (acc.) Sn 668, 673; DhA ii.72
i.24; iii.176, 225, 289; iv.367; v.134; vi.197; 588; Miln 247;
(opp. nikkhamati); PvA 4, 12, 47 (nagaraṁ). Pot. °vise Sn
Dāvs ii.59; PvA 256. — 2. to pull out, draw out D i.77 (better
387 imper. pavisa M i.383; S i.213; fut. pavisissati Vin i.87;
to be read as pabāhati). 2 56
J iii.86; pavissati (cp. Geiger P.Gr. § 65 ) J ii.68; Cp. i.9 ,
Pavāhitatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. pavāhita, pp. of pavāheti] the fact of and pavekkhati S iv.199; J vi.76 (nāgo bhūmiyaṁ p.); Dāvs
being removed or cleansed J v.134. iii.26; aor. pāvisi Vin ii.79 (vihāraṁ); M i.381; J i.76 (3 pl.
pāvisuṁ), 213; J ii.238; Vism 42 (gāmaṁ) PvA 22, 42, 161,
Pavāhana (adj. & nt.) [fr. pa+vah] 1. carrying off, putting away,
256; and pavisi J ii.238; PvA 12, 35; ger. pavisitvā S i.107; J
Th 1, 751. — 2. wiping off J iii.290.
i.9 (araññaṁ); Vism 22; PvA 4, 12, 46, 79 & pavissa S i.200;
Pavikatthita [pp. of pa+vi+katthati] boasted J i.359.
Dh 127=PvA 104. — pp. paviṭṭha (q. v.).— Caus. paveseti
Pavicaya [fr. pa+vicinati] investigation Sn 1021; Th 1, 593; Pug (q. v.).
25; Nett 3, 87.
Pavisana (nt.) [fr. pa+viś] going in, entering, entrance J i.294;
Pavicarati [pa+vicarati] to investigate thoroughly M iii.85; S ii.416; vi.383; DhA i.83. Cp. pavesana.
Pavīṇa (adj.) [cp. Class. Sk. pravīṇa] clever, skilful Dāvs v.33;
Pavicinati [pa+vicinati] to investigate, to examine M iii.85; S VvA 168 (v. l. kusala).
v.68, 262; Nett 21; SnA 545. grd. paviceyya J iv.164, &
Pavīnati [pa+vī to seek, Sk. veti, but with diff. formation in P. cp.
pavicetabba Nett 21.
Trenckner, Notes 78 (who derives it fr. veṇ) & apaviṇāti. The
Pavijjhati [pa+vyadh] to throw forth or down Vin ii.193 (silaṁ form is doubtful; probably we should read pacināti] to look
cp. J i.173 & v.333); iii.82, 178, 415; DA i.138, 154. — pp. up to, respect, honour J iii.387 (T. reading sure, but v. l. C.
paviddha (q. v.). pavīrati).
Pavijjhana (nt.) [fr. pavijjhati] hurling, throwing J v.67 (Deva- Pavīhi [pa+vīhi] in pl. diff. kinds of rice J v.405 (=nānap-pakārā
dattassa silā°, cp. Vin ii.193); J i.173; v.333. vīhayo).
Paviṭṭha [pp. of pavisati] entered, gone into (acc.), visited S i.197; Pavuccati [Pass. of pavacati] to be called, said, or pronounced
ii.19; Dh 373; DA i.288; PvA 12, 13. Sn 436, 513, 611 & passim; Dh 257; Pv iv.3 ; PvA 102.
Pavitakka [pa+vitakka] scepticism, speculation, controversy Sn The form pavuccate also occurs, e. g. at Sn 519 sq. — pp.
834; Nd 176. pavutta (q. v.).
Pavuṭā at M i.518 is unexplained. The reading of this word
Pavidaṁseti [pa+vi+Caus. of dṛś; daṁseti=dasseti] to make
is extremely doubtful at all passages. The vv. ll. at M
clear, to reveal J v.326 (aor. pavidaṁsayi).
i.518 are pavudhā, pavujā, paṭuvā, *phutā, and the C. expl n
Paviddha [pp. of pavijjhati] thrown down, fig. given up, aban-
is pavuṭā=gaṇṭhikā (knot or block?). The identical passage at
doned Th 1, 350 (°gocara).
D i.54 reads paṭuvā (q. v.), with vv. ll. pamuṭā, pamuvucā,
Pavineti [pa+vineti] to lead or drive away, expel Sn 507=J v.148. while DA i.164 expl pacuṭā =gaṇṭhikā (vv. ll. pamuṭā, pa-
mucā, papuṭā). Dial. i.72 reads pacuṭa, but leaves the word
Pavibhajati [pa+vi+bhaj. Cp. Class Sk. pravibhāga division,
untranslated; Franke, Dīgha, p. 58 ditto.
distribution] to distribute, to apportion S i.193 (°bhajjaṁ, ppr.,
with jj metri causa)=Th 1, 1242 (°bhajja ger.). Pavuṭṭha (pavaṭṭha) [pp. of pavassati] see abhi°.
Pavilīyati [pa+vi+lī] to be dissolved, to melt or fade away S iv.289 Pavutta [pp. of pa+vac, but sometimes confounded with pavatta,
(pavilīyamānena kāyena with their body melting from heat; so pp. of pa+vṛt, cp. pavutti] said, declared, pronounced D i.104
read for paveliyamānena). (mantapada p.; v.l. °vatta which is more likely; but DA i.273
Paviloketi [pa+viloketi] to look forward or ahead J vi.559. expl by vutta & vācita); S i.52; Sn 383 (su°=sudesita SnA
373), 868 (=ācikkhita desita, etc. Nd 271).
Pavivitta [pp. of pa+vi+vic] separated, detached, secluded, sin- 2
gled M i.14, 77, 386; ii.6; S ii.29; Vism 73; PvA 127 DhA Pavutta [pp. of pa+vap] scattered forth, strewn, sown S i.227.
ii.77. Often in phrase appiccha santuṭṭha pavivitta refer- Pavutti [fr. pa+vṛt, cp. Class. Sk. pravṛtti] happening, proceed-
ring to an ascetic enjoying the satisfaction of seclusion Nd 2 ing, fate, event PvA 31 (v. l. pavatti), 46, 53, 61, 78, 81 and
225=Nd 342 =Vism 25; J i.107; Miln 244, 358, 371 (with passim (perhaps should be read pavatti at all passages).
appa — sadda appanigghosa).
Pavuttha [pp. of pavasati] dwelling or living abroad, staying
Paviveka [fr. pa+vi+vic] retirement, solitude, seclusion Vin away from home D ii.261 (°jāti one who dwells away from
i.104; ii.258 (appicchatā santuṭṭhi+; cp. pavivitta); D i.60; M his caste, i. e. who no longer belongs to any caste); J v.434;
i.14 sq.; S ii.202; v.398; A i.240; Sn 257; Dh 205 (°rasa, cp. DhA iii.293. Freq. in phrase pavutthapatikā itthi a woman
DhA iii.268); Th 1, 597; J i.9; Ps ii.244; Vism 41, 73 (°sukha whose husband dwells abroad Vin ii.268; iii.83; Miln 205.

Pavūsita Pasajati

Pavūsita at VvA 237 is misreading either for pavāsita or (more application J ii.102 (daṇḍe p.). — 4. means of entry, as adj.
likely) for padhūpita (as v. l. SS.), in meaning "blown" i. e. able to enter J vi.383.
scented, filled with scent.
Pavesetar [n. ag. of paveseti] one who lets in or allows to enter,
Pavekkhati is fut. pavisati. an usher in S iv.194; A v.195.
Pavecchati [most likely (as suggested by Trenckner, Notes 61) Paveseti [Caus. of pavisati] 1. to make enter, allow to enter, usher
a distortion of payacchati (pa+yam) by way of *payec- in M i.79; J i.150 (miga — gaṇaṁ uyyānaṁ), 291; vi.179;
chati>pavecchati (cp. sa — yathā>seyyathā). Not with Mor- Vism 39; PvA 38, 44, 61 (gehaṁ), 141 (id.); DhA i.397. —
ris, J.P.T.S. 1885, 43 fr. pa+vṛṣ, nor with Müller P.Gr. 120 2. to furnish, provide, introduce, procure, apply to (acc. or
fr. pa+viṣ (who with this derivation follows the P. Commenta- loc.) J iii.52 (rajjukaṁ gīvāya); vi.383 (siriṁ); Miln 39 (gehe
tors, e. g. J iii.12 pavesati, deti; SnA 407 (pavesati paṭipādeti); padīpaṁ), 360 (udakaṁ); DA i.218. Perhaps at ThA 203 for
Geiger P.Gr. § 152, note 3 suggests (doubtfully) a Fut. stem pavedheti. — Caus. II. pavesāpeti J i.294 (mātugāmaṁ ag-
(of viś?)] to give, bestow S i.18; Sn 463 sq., 490 sq.; Th 2, 272; giṁ).
J i.28; iii.12 (v. l. pavacchati), 172; iv.363; vi.502, 587 (vuṭṭhi Pavyatheti [Caus. of pa+vyath] to cause to tremble, to shake J
— dhāraṁ pavecchanto devo pāvassi tāvade; v.l. pavattento); v.409. Cp. pavedhati. — pp. pavyadhita (q. v.).
Pv ii.9 43 (=deti PvA 130); ii.9 70 (=pavatteti ibid. 139); ii.10 7
Pavyadhita [pp. of pa+vyath; the dh through analogy with paved-
(=deti ibid. 144); Miln 375.
another der suggested by Dr. Barnett in J.R.A.S. 1924, hita] afflicted, frightened, afraid J vi.61, 166.
186 is=Sk. pra — vṛścati. Pasaṁsaka [fr. pasaṁsati] flatterer M i.327; J ii.439; Sdhp 565.
Paveṇi (f.) [pa+veṇi; cp. late Sk. praveṇi in meanings 1 & 2] Pasaṁsati [pa+saṁs] to speak out, praise, commend, agree D
1. a braid of hair, i. e. the hair twisted & unadorned A iii.56 i.163; S i.102, 149, 161; J i.143; ii.439; v.331; It 16; Sn 47,
— 2. a mat, cover D i.7 ≈ (see ajina°). — 3. custom, us- 163, 390, 658, 906; Dh 30; Pv ii.9 ; DA i.149; PvA 25, 131
age, wont, tradition J i.89; ii.353; v.285; vi.380 (kula — tanti, (=vaṇṇeti). — pp. pasattha & pasaṁsita (q. v.). Cp. paṭi-
kula — paveṇi); Dpvs xviii.1; Miln 134 (°upaccheda break of pasaṁsita.
tradition), 190, 226 (+vaṁsa), 227; DhA i.284 (tanti+); PvA
Pasaṁsana (nt.) [fr. pa+śaṁs] praising, commendation Pug 53;
131. — 4. succession, lineage, breed, race Sn 26 (cp. SnA
Sdhp 213; PvA 30.
39); DhA i.174.
Pasaṁsā (f.) [fr. pa+śaṁs; cp. Vedic praśaṁsā] praise, applause
-pālaka guardian of tradition Vism 99 (tanti — dhara,
D iii.260; S i.202; Th 1, 609; Sn 213, 826, 895; Miln 377; SnA
vaṁsanurakkhaka+); DhA iii.386.
155. In composition the form is pasaṁsa°, e. g. °āvahana
Pavedana (nt.) [fr. pa+vid] making known, telling, proclama-
bringing applause Sn 256; °kāma desirous of praise Sn 825,
tion, announcement only in stanza "nisīd' ambavane ramme cp. Nd 163; °lābha gain of praise Sn 828. As adj. pasaṁsa
yāva kālappavedanā," until the announcement of the time (of "laudable, praiseworthy" it is better taken as grd. of pasaṁsati
death) Th 1, 563 (trsl "until the hour should be revealed")=J (=pasaṁsiya); thus at Pv iv.7 13 (pāsaṁsa Minayeff); PvA 8,
i.118=Vism 389=DhA i.248. 89 (=anindita).
Pavedita [pp. of pavedeti] made known, declared, taught M i.67 Pasaṁsita [pp. of pasaṁsati, cp. pasattha] praised S i.232; Sn
(su° & du°); S i.231; Dh 79, 281; Sn 171, 330, 838; Nd 186. 1
829, 928; Dh 228, 230; Nd 169; PvA 116 (=vaṇṇita) 130.
Pavedeti [Caus. of pa+vid] to make known, to declare, communi-
Pasaṁsiya (adj.) [grd. of pasaṁsati, cp. Vedic praśaṁsia] laud-
cate, relate S i.24; iv.348; Dh 151; Sn p. 103 (=bodheti ñāpeti
able, praiseworthy S i.149; iii.83; A ii.19; Sn 658; J i.202;
SnA 444); PvA 33, 58, 68 (attānaṁ make oneself known), 120.
Sdhp 563. Cp. pasaṁsā.
— pp. pavedita (q. v.).
Pasakkati [pa+sakkati] to go forth or out to; ger. pasak-kiya S
Pavedhati [pa+vyath, cp. pavyatheti] to be afflicted, to be fright-
i.199=Th 1, 119; Th 1, 125.
ened, to be agitated, quiver, tremble, fear Sn 928 (=tasati etc.
Nd 384); Vism 180 (reads pavedheti) ThA 203 (allavatthaṁ Pasakkhita at J iv.365 is doubtful; perhaps we should read
pasakkita (pp. of pasakkati); the C. expl as "lying down"
allakesaṁ pavedhanto, misreading for pavesento); DhA
(nipanna acchati, p. 367); Kern, Toev. s. v. proposes change
ii.249. — Freq in ppr. med. pavedhamāna trembling M
i.88; Pv iii.5 (=pakampamāna PvA 199); J i.58; iii.395. — to pamakkhita on ground of vv. ll. vamakkhita & malakita.
pp. pavedhita & pavyadhita (q. v.). Pasankanta [pp. of pa+sankamati, of kram] gone out to, gone
forth PvA 22.
Pavellati [pa+vell] to shake, move to & fro, undulate S iv.289
(paveliyamānena kāyena); J iii.395. — pp. pavellita (q. v.). Pasankamati [pa+saṁ+kram] to go out or forth to (acc.) Sdhp
277. — pp. pasankanta.
Pavellita [pp. of pavellati] shaken about, moving to & fro, swing-
ing, trembling J vi.456. Pasanga [fr. pa+sanj. Class Sk. prasanga in both meanings] 1.
hanging on, inclination, attachment to KhA 18; PvA 130. — 2.
Pavesa (—°) [fr. pa+viś] entrance ThA 66 (Rājagaha°); DhA
occasion, event; loc. pasange at the occasion of (—°), instead
of KhA 213 (karaṇavacana°, where PvA 30 in id. p. reads
Pavesana (nt.) [fr. paveseti] 1. going in, entering, entrance J
karaṇ' atthe).
i.142; PvA 79 (v. l. for T. °vesa), 217, 221 (asipattavana°).
Pasajati [pa+sṛj] to let loose, produce; to be attached to Sn 390
— 2. beginning VvA 71 (opp. nikkhamana). — 3. putting in,

Pasajati Pasāraṇa

(=allīyati SnA 375). Pasahati [pa+sah] to use force, subdue, oppress, overcome M
ii.99; Sn 443; Dh 7, 128; DhA iii.46; J iv.126, 494; v.27.
Pasaṭa [pp. of pa+sṛ] let out, produced D iii.167; SnA 109 (conj.
for pasava in expl of pasuta). — ger. pasayha using force, forcibly, by force D ii.74
(okkassa+); A iv.16 (id.); S i.143; Sn 72; J i.143; Pv ii.9 ;
Pasata (adj.) [Vedic pṛṣant, f. pṛṣatī] spotted, only in cpd. °miga 10
ii.9 ; (read appasayha for suppasayha); Miln 210 (okassa+;
spotted antelope J v.418 (v. l. pasada°). The more freq. P.
for okkassa?). Also in cpd. pasayha-kārin using force J
form is pasada°, e. g. S ii.279 (gloss pasata°); J v.24, 416;
iv.309; v.425.
vi.537; SnA 82.
Pasākha (m. & nt.) [pa+sākhā; Epic Sk. praśākhā branch] 1. a
Pasata (nt.) [etym.? Late Sk. pṛṣat or pṛṣad a drop; cp. phusita 1 smaller branch J vi.324 (sākha°). — 2. branch — like wood,
rain — drop=pṛṣata; BR. under pṛṣant= pasata , but probably
i. e. hard wood Th 1, 72. — 3. the body where it branches off
dialectical & Non — Aryan] a small measure of capacity, a
from the trunk, i. e. abdomen & thighs; the lower part of the
handful (seems to be applied to water only) J i.101 (°mattaṁ
body Vin iv.316 (=adho — nābhi ubbha — jānu — maṇḍalaṁ
udakaṁ); iv.201 (udaka°); v.382 (°mattaṁ pānīyaṁ). Often th
C.). Cp. Suśruta ii.31, 10. — 4. the extremities (being the 5
redupl. pasataṁ pasataṁ "by handfuls" M i.245, J v.164. At
stage in the formation of the embryo) S i.206.
DA i.298 it is closely connected with sarāva (cup), as denot-
ing the amount of a small gift. Pasāda [fr. pa+sad, cp. Vedic prasāda] 1. clearness, bright-
ness, purity; referring to the colours ("visibility") of the eye
Pasattha (& Pasaṭṭha) [pp. of pasaṁsati] praised, extolled, com- J i.319 (akkhīni maṇiguḷa — sadisāni paññāyamāna pañca —
mended S i.169; J iii.234; Vv 44 ; Miln 212, 361. As ppasādāni ahesuṁ); SnA 453 (pasanna — netto i. e. pañca
pasaṭṭha at Pv ii.9 73 (so to be read for paseṭṭha); iv.1 52
— vaṇṇa — ppasāda — sampattiyā). In this sense also, in
(=vaṇṇita PvA 241); DhsA 124.
Abhidhamma, with ref. to the eye in function of "sentient or-
Pasada. See pasata . gan, sense agency" sensitive surface (so Mrs Rh. D. in Dhs.
Pasanna (adj) [pp. of pasīdati] 1. clear, bright Sn 550 (°netta); tsrl. 174) at DhsA 306, 307. — 2. joy, satisfaction, happy or
good mind, virtue, faith M i.64 (Satthari); S i.202; A i.98, 222
KhA 64 & 65 (°tilatelavaṇṇa, where Vism 262 reads vip-
(Buddhe etc.); ii.84; iii.270 (puggala°); iv.346; SnA 155, PvA
pasanna°); Vism 409 (id.). — 2. happy, gladdened, recon-
5, 35. — 3. repose, composure, allayment, serenity Nett 28,
ciled, pleased J i.151, 307; Vism 129 (muddha°). — 3. pleased
50; Vism 107, 135; ThA 258. — Note. pasāda at Th 2, 411 is
in one's conscience, reconciled, believing, trusting in (loc.), pi-
to be read pāsaka (see J.P.T.S. 1893 pp. 45, 46). Cp. abhi°.
ous, good, virtuous A iii.35 (Satthari, dhamme sanghe); S i.34
(Buddhe); v.374; Vv 5 ; Sn 698; Dh 368 (Buddha — sāsane); J Pasādaka (adj.) [fr. pasāda] 1. making bright Miln 35 (udaka°
ii.111; DhA i.60 (Satthari). Often comb with saddha (having maṇi). — 2. worthy, good, pious PvA 129 (a°). Cp.
faith) Vin ii.190; PvA 20, 42 (a°), and in cpd. °citta devotion pāsādika.
in one's heart Vin i.16; A vi.209; Sn 316, 403, 690; Pv ii.1 ;
Pasādana (nt.) [fr. pa+sad] 1. happy state, reconciliation, purity
SnA 490; PvA 129; or °mānasa Sn 402; VvA 39; PvA 67; cp.
PvA 132. — 2. granting graces, gratification DhA iii.3 (brah-
pasannena manasā S i.206; Dh 2. See also abhippasanna &
maṇo mama p. °ṭṭhāne pasīdati he is gracious instead of me
giving graces). — Cp. sam°.
Pasanna [pp. of pa+syad] flowing out, streaming, issuing forth;
Pasādaniya (adj.) [fr. pasāda] inspiring confidence, giving faith
in assu-pasannaṁ shedding of tears S ii.179.
S v.156; Pug 49, 50; VbhA 282 (°suttanta); Sdhp 543; the 10
Pasannā (f.) [late Sk. prasannā] a kind of spirituous liquor (made pāsādaniyā dhammā at M iii.11 sq. Cp. sam°.
from rice) J i.360. d
Pasādiyā at J vi.530 is doubtful; it is expl in C. together with
Pasammati [pa+Śam] to become allayed, to cease, to fade away saṁsādiyā (a certain kind of rice: sūkara — sāli), yet the C.
Th 1, 702. seems to take it as "bhūmiyaṁ patita"; v. l. pasāriya. Kern,
Toev. s. v. takes it as rice plant & compares Sk. *prasātikā.
Pasayha is ger. of pasahati (q. v.).
Pasādeti [Caus. of pa+sad, see pasīdati] to render calm, appease,
Pasaraṇa (nt.) [fr. pa+sṛ] stretching, spreading, being stretched
make peaceful, reconcile, gladden, incline one's heart (cittaṁ)
out PvA 219 (piṭṭhi°). See also pasāraṇa. 42
towards (loc.) D i.110, 139; S i.149; A v.71; Pv ii.9 (cittaṁ);
Pasava [fr. pa+su] bringing forth, offspring S i.69.
Miln 210; PvA 50, 123 (khamāpento p.). — Cp. vi°.
Pasavati [pa+su] to bring forth, give birth to, beget, produce; Pasādhana (nt.) [fr. pa+sādh; cp. Class. Sk. prasādhana in
mostly fig. in comb with the foll. nouns: kibbisaṁ to com- same meaning] ornament, decoration, parure J ii.186 (rañño
mit sin Vin ii.204; A v.75; pāpaṁ id. Pv iv.1 ; puññaṁ to
sīsa °kappaka King's headdress — maker i. e. barber); iii.437;
produce merit S i.182, 213; A v.76; PvA 121; opp. apuññaṁ
iv.3 (ura — cchada°); DhA i.227 (°peḷikā), 342 (°kappaka),
Vin ii.26; S i.114; veraṁ to beget hatred S ii.68; Dh 201.
393; ThA 267; VvA 165, 187; PvA 155.
— Caus. pasaveti in same meaning J vi.106 (pāpaṁ) — pp.
pasūta (q. v.). Pasādhita [pp. of pasādheti] adorned, arrayed with ornaments,
embellished, dressed up J i.489 (maṇḍita°); ii.48 (id.); iv.219
Pasavana (nt.) [fr. pa+su] 1. giving birth PvA 35. - 2. producing,
(id.); v.510 (nahāta°).
generating, effecting PvA 31 (puñña°).
Pasādheti [Caus. of pa+sādh] to adorn, decorate, array Mhvs
Pasaha [fr. pa+sah] overcoming, mastering, in dup° (adj.) hard
vii.38; DhA i.398. — pp. pasādhita (q. v.).
to overcome J ii.219; Miln 21.

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