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Pali English Dictionary.

Byasana Brahma & Brahmā

Byasana see vyasana. (kacavaraṁ). — 3. a (blind) alley, cul — de — sac Vin iv.271
(byūhan nāma yen' eva pavisanti ten' eva nikkhamanti).
Byā (indecl.) [distorted fr. iva=eva, with metathesis & diaeresis
*veyya>*veyyā>*vyā>byā] intensive particle: "just so, cer- Byūhati [Denom. fr. byūha] to stand in array (like a troop) VvA
tainly, indeed" only in phrase "evaṁ byā kho" Vin ii.26; 104 (byūhanto, v. l. brahmanto).
iv.134=DA i.27; M i.130 (evaṁ vyā kho ti evaṁ viya kho C.), 2
Brahant (adj.) [cp. Vedic bṛhant, of bṛh to increase, to be
great or strong; paribṛdha solid (cp. brūha, paribrahaṇa &
Byādhi [cp. Sk. vyādhi; lit. "upset" fr. vy+ā+dhā] sickness, paribrūhana), Av. bǤrǤǤat high; Arm. barjr high; Oir. brī,
disease A i.146; Kvu ii.457; Miln 351. Cymr. bre mountain; Goth. baurgs "borough," Ohg. etc. burg
"burgh," i. e. fortress; Ger. berg mountain. — The funda-
Byādhita [pp. fr. byādheti] afflicted with disease Th 1, 73; Miln
mental notion is that of an increase above normal or the or-
168. ns
dinary: vuddhi (of vṛdh) is used in expl of the term; thus
Byādheti [Caus. fr. byādhi] to cause to waver, unsettle, agitate,
Dhtp 344 (Dhtm 506) baha braha brūha=vuddhiyaṁ; VvA 278
trouble S i.120; Th 1, 46, 1211. Pass. byādhiyati Kvu ii.457
brahā=vuddhā. Its use is almost entirely restricted to poetry]
(aor. byādhiyiṁsu). — pp. byādhita.
very great, vast, high, lofty, gigantic; nom. sg. brahā Sn 410,
Byāpajjha [fr. vy — ā — pad] 1. trouble, opp. a° relief M i.10. 550; Th 1, 31; J iii.117 (=dīgha C.); iv.111 (su°); 64 ; Pv iv.3 10
— 2. malevolence; neg. a° benevolence Vin i.3; M i.38; cp. (of a huge tree), acc. sg. brahantaṁ A iii.346; VvA 182;
avyāpajjha S iv.296, 371. nom. pl. also brahantā Vv 52 (=mahantā VvA 224; of the
Yama — dūtā or Death's giant messengers). — f. brahatl J
Byāpanna [fr. vyāpajjati] malevolent Sdhp 70; otherwise vy°, e.
v.215 (=uḷārā C.); also given as N. of a plant Abhp 588. —
g. S ii.168 (°citta).
Superl. brahaṭṭha (=Sk. barhiṣṭha; on inversion bar>bra cp.
Byāpāda [fr. vy+ā+pad] ill — will, malevolence, one of the 5 Sk. paribarhanā>P. paribrahaṇa) in °puppha a large or fully
"obstructions" (āvaraṇāni, see e. g. S v.94; Nd 379); and of developed blossom J v.416.
the 4 "bonds" (kāya — ganthā see e. g. Nd 98). — M i.434; -arañña woodlands, vast forest A i.187. -vana the
S i.99; It 119; Ps i.31; ii.12; Nd 149, 207, 386. 3
wild wood, immense forest A i.152; iii.44; Vv 63 ; J v.215.
-vitakka a malevolent or angry thought M i.11; S i.203; -sukha ( — vihāra — jjhāna — jhāyin) (a thinker enjoying his
ii.151; iii.93; v.417; Nd 501; Kvu 113.
meditations in) immense happiness Miln 226 (in characterisa-
Byābādha [vy+ā+bādh] evil, wrong, hurt; usually referred to as tion of the term "brāhmaṇa").
3 fold: atta°, para°, ubhaya°, or against oneself, against others,
Brahma & Brahmā [fr. bṛh, see brahant. Perhaps less with re-
& both — M i.416; S iv.159 (vyā°), 339.
gard to the greatness of the divine principle, than with ref. to
Byābādheti [Denom. fr. byābādha] to injure, hurt, oppress S the greatness or power of prayer or the ecstatic mind (i. e.
v.393 (na kiñci byābādhemi tasaṁ vā thāvaraṁ vā). holy enthusiasm). On etym. see Osthoff, "Bezzenberger's
Byābhangī (f.) [vy+ā+bhañj] 1. a pole for carrying burdens Th Beiträge" xxiv.142 sq. (=Mir. bricht charm, spell: Oicel.
1, 623. — 2. a flail S iv.201. bragr poetry)] — I. Brahman (nt.) [cp. Vedic bráhman nt.
prayer; nom. sg. bráhma] 1. the supreme good; as a buddhis-
Byāma [cp. Vedic & P. vyāma cp. Śatap. Br. i.2, 5, 14 a fathom,
tic term used in a sense different from the brahmanic (save in
measured by both hands being extended to their full length,
controversy with Brahmans); a state like that of Brahmā (or
only in phrase °ppabhā a halo extending for a fathom around
Brahman) A ii.184 (brahmappatta). In cpds. brahma°. — 2.
the Buddha J i.12, 90; Bu i.45; Miln 75; VvA 213.
Vedic text, mystic formula, prayer DA i.244 (brahmaṁ aṇatī
Byāruddha [pp. of vy+ā+rundh; reading by° in Nd ; vy° in Sn & ti brāhmaṇo).
SnA; v. l. BB] obstructed, opposed, hindered Sn 936 (aññam II. Brahmā [cp. Vedic brahmán, m., one who prays or
— aññehi b. in enmity with each other; =paṭiviruddha Nd 1 chants hymns, nom. sg. Brahmā] 1. the god Brahmā chief
408), 938 (412 id.; SnA 566=āhata — citta). of the gods, often represented as the creator of the Universe
(vasavattī issaro kattā nimmātā) D i.18; iii.30, also called
Byāvaṭa [vy+ā+vṛ] covered, adorned with VvA 213 (rūpakāya
Mahābrahmā (D i.235 sq., 244 sq.; iii.30; It 15; Vism 578;
byāvaṭa jana; v. l. byāgata).
DhA ii.60); and Sahampati (Vin i.5; D ii.157; S i.136 sq.;
the meaning (wrongly given as "adorned") is to be deleted.
Vism 201; KhA 171; SnA 56) and Sanaṁkumāra (D ii.226;
The reading at VvA 213 is doubtful. It may be kāyavyāvaṭa,
iii.97). The duration of his life is given as being 1 kalpa (see
but dassana-vyāvaṭa is to be preferred (see under vyāvaṭa).
Kvu 207, 208). — nom. Brahmā Vin i.5; D ii.46; J vi.486;
Byāsatta [pp. of vy+ā+sañj, cp. āsatta ] attached to, clinging to,
Miln 224; Vism 2 (brahmānaṁ atibrahmā, Ep. of Buddha Bha-
in cpd. °mānasa possessed with longing Dh 47 (=sampatte
gavā); SnA 229 (B. mahānubhāvo); gen. abl. Brahmano D
vā asampatte vā lagga — mānasa DhA i.361), 287 (cp. DhA
ii.209; Vism 205; SnA 177; instr. Brahmanā D i.252; ii.239;
iii.433; lagganatāya sattamānasa).
Dh 105, 230; Vism 48, 405; DhA ii.60; acc. Brahmānaṁ D
Byūha [cp. Sk. & P. vyūha fr. vi+vah] 1. the array or arrange- ii.37; voc. Brahme S i.138. — 2. a brahma god, a happy &
ment of troops in particular positions, order of parade or bat- blameless celestial being, an inhabitant of the higher heavens
tle DA i.85. Three formations of troops are mentioned at J (brahma — loka; in which to be reborn is a reward of great
ii.404 & 406, viz. paduma — vyūha (lotus formation), cakka° merit); nom. sg. brahmā S i.142 (Baka br.); M i.327 (id.); A
(wheel form ), sakaṭa° (cart form ). — 2. a heap, collection, iv.83; PvA 138 (°devatā for brahma°?); gen. abl. brahmuno
in byūhaṁ karoti to put into a (well — arranged) heap Miln 2 S i.142, 155; instr. brahmunā D iii.147, 150 & brahmanā

Brahma & Brahmā Brahma & Brahmā

PvA 98; voc. sg. brahme M i.328. pl. nom. brahmāno of Brahmā D iii.81, 83. -deyya a most excellent gift, a royal
Miln 13, 18 (where J vi.486 has Mahā — brahmā in id. p.); gift, a gift given with full powers (said of land granted by the
DhsA 195; gen. brahmānaṁ Vism 2; Mhbv 151. — pac- King) D i.87 (=seṭṭha — deyyaṁ DA i.246; cp. Dial. i.108
cekabrahmā a br. by himself S i.149 (of the name of Tudu; cp. note: the first part of the cpd. (brahma) has always been inter-
paccekabuddha). — sabrahmaka (adj.) including the brahma preted by Brahmans as referring to themselves. But brahma
gods D i.62; A ii.70; Vin i.11; DA i.174. as the first part of a cpd. never has that meaning in Pali; and
III. brahma (adj. — n.) [cp. brahmā II. 2; Vedic brahma° the word in our passage means literally "a full gift." — Cp.
& Sk. brāhma] 1. holy, pious, brahmanic; (m.) a holy person, id. p. Divy 620, where it does not need to mean "gift to brah-
a brahmin — (adj.) J ii.14 (br. vaṇṇa=seṭṭha vaṇṇa C.); KhA mans," as Index suggests); D i.114; J ii.166=DhA iii.125 (here
151 (brahma — cariyaṁ= brahmaṁ cariyaṁ). — (m.) acc. a gift to a br., it is true, but not with that meaning); J vi.486
brahmaṁ Sn 285; voc. brahme (frequent) Sn 1065 (=brahmā (sudinnaṁ+); Mhbv 123. We think that both Kern (who at
ti seṭṭhavacanaṁ SnA 592); J ii.346; iv.288; vi.524, 532; Pv Toev. s. v. unjustly remarks of Bdhgh's expl as "unjust") and
i.12 (=brāhmaṇa PvA 66). — 2. divine, as incorporating the Fick (who at "Sociale Gliederung" p. 126 trsl it as "gift to a
highest & best qualities, sublime, ideal, best, very great (see Brahman") are wrong, at least their (and others') interpretation
esp. in cpds.), A i.132 (brahmā ti mātāpitaro etc.), 182; iv.76. is doubtful. -devatā a deity of the Brahmaloka PvA 138 (so
— 3. holy, sacred, divinely inspired (of the rites, charms, read for brahmā°). -nimantanika "addressing an invitation
hymns etc.) D i.96 (brahme mante adhiyitvā); Pv ii.6 (man- to a brahma — god," title of a Suttanta M i.326 sq., quoted at
taṁ brahmacintitaṁ) =brāhmaṇānaṁ atthāya brahmaṇā cinti- Vism 393. -nimmita created by Brahmā D iii.81, 83. -patta
taṁ) PvA 97, 98). — Note. The comp form of all specified arrived at the highest state, above the devas, a state like the
bases (I. II. III.) is brahma°, and with regard to meaning it is Br. gods M i.386; A ii.184. -patti attainment of the highest
often not to be decided to which of the 3 categories the cpd. in good S i.169, 181; iv.118. -patha the way to the Br. world
question belongs. or the way to the highest good S i.141; A iii.346; Th 1, 689.
-attabhāva existence as a brahma god DhA iii.210. - Cp. Geiger, Dhamma 77. -parāyana devoted to Brahmā
ujjugatta having the most divinely straight limbs (one of the Miln 234. -parisā an assembly of the Brahma gods D iii.260;
32 marks of a Great Man) D ii.18; iii.144, 155. -uttama M i.330; S i.155; A iv.307. -pārisajja belonging to the ret-
sublime DhsA 192. -uppatti birth in the brahma heaven S inue of Br., N. of the gods of the lowest Rūpa — brahmaloka
i.143. -ûposatha the highest religious observance with med- S i.145, 155; M i.330; Kvu 207; cp. Kirfel, Kosmographie
itation on the Buddha & practice of the uposatha abstinence A 191, 194. -purohita minister or priest to Mahābrahmā; °deva
i.207. -kappa like Brahmā Th 1, 909. -kāya divine body D gods inhabiting the next heaven above the Br. — pārisajjā
iii.84; J i.95. -kāyika belonging to the company of Brahmā, devā (cp. Kirfel loc. cit.) Kvu 207 (read °purohita for °paro-
N of a high order of Devas in the retinue of Br. (cp. Kirfel, hita!). -pphoṭana [a — pphoṭana; ā+ph.] a Brahmaapplause,
Kosmographie pp. 191, 193, 197) D i.220; ii.69; A iii.287, divine or greatest applause DhA iii.210 (cp. Miln 13; J vi.486).
314; iv.40, 76, 240, 401; Th 1, 1082; Vism 225, 559; KhA -bandhu "brahma — kinsman," a brāhmaṇa in descent, or by
86. -kutta a work of Brahmā D iii.28, 30 (cp. similarly yaṁ name; but in reality an unworthy brahman, Th 2, 251; J vi.532;
mama, pitrā kṛtaṁ devakṛtaṁ na tu brahmakṛtaṁ tat Divy 22). ThA 206; cp. Fick, Sociale Gliederung p. 140. -bhakkha
See also under kutta. -giriya (pl.) name of a certain class of ideal or divine food S i.141. -bhatta a worshipper of Br.
beings, possibly those seated on Brahmagiri (or is it a certain J iv.377 sq. -bhavana Br. — world or abode of Br. Nd 1
class of performers, actors or dancers?) Miln 191. -ghaṭa 448. -bhūta divine being, most excellent being, said of the
(=ghaṭa ) company or assembly of Brahmans J vi.99. -cakka Buddha D iii.84; M i.111; iii.195, 224; S iv.94; A v.226; It
the excellent wheel, i. e. the doctrine of the Buddha M i.69; A 57; said of Arahants A ii.206; S iii.83. -yāna way of the
ii.9, 24; iii.417; v.33; It 123; Ps ii.174; VbhA 399 (in detail); highest good, path of goodness (cp. brahma — patha) S v.5; J
-cariya see separate article. -cārin leading a holy or pure vi.57 (C. ariyabhūmi: so read for arāya°). -yāniya leading to
life, chaste, pious Vin ii.236; iii.44; S i.5, 60; ii.210; iii.13; Brahmā D i.220. -loka the Br. world, the highest world, the
iv.93, A ii.44; M iii.117; Sn 695, 973; J v.107, 382; Vv 34 11 world of the Celestials (which is like all other creation subject
(acc. pl. brahmacāraye for °cārino); Dh 142; Miln 75; DA to change & destruction: see e. g. Vism 415=KhA 121), the
i.72 (brahmaṁ seṭṭhaṁ ācāraṁ caratī ti br. c.); DhA iii.83; a° abode of the Br. devas; Heaven. — It consists of 20 heavens,
S iv.181; Pug 27, 36. -cintita divinely inspired Pvi i.6 =Vv sixteen being worlds of form (rūpa — brahmaloka) and four,
63 16 (of manta); expl at PvA 97, as given above III.3, dif- inhabited by devas who are incorporeal (arūpa°). The devas
fers from that at VvA 265, where it runs: brahmehi Aṭṭhak' of the Br. l. are free from kāma or sensual desires. Rebirth
ādīhi cintitaṁ paññācakkhunā diṭṭhaṁ, i. e. thought out by in this heaven is the reward of great virtue accompanied with
the divine (seer) Aṭṭhaka and the others (viz. composers of meditation (jhāna) A i.227 sq.; v.59 (as included in the sphere
the Vedic hymns: v. s. brāhmaṇa , seen with insight). -ja called sahassī cūḷanikā lokadhātu). — The brahmās like other
sprung from Brahmā (said of the Brāhmaṇas) D iii.81, 83; M gods are not necessarily sotāpannā or on the way to full knowl-
ii.148. Cp. dhammaja. -jacca belonging to a brahman family edge (sambodhi — parāyaṇā); their attainments depend on the
Th 1, 689. -jāla divine, excellent net, N. of a Suttanta (D degree of their faith in the Buddha, Dhamma, & Sangha, and
No. 1) Vism 30; VbhA 432, 516; KhA 12, 36, 97; SnA 362, their observance of the precepts. — See e. g. D iii.112; S
434. -daṇḍa "the highest penalty," a kind of severe punish- i.141, 155, 282; A iii.332; iv.75, 103; Sn 508, 1117; J ii.61;
ment (temporary deathsentence? ) Vin ii.290; D ii.154; DhA Ps i.84; Pv ii.13 ; Dhs 1282; Vbh 421; Vism 199, 314, 367,
ii.112; cp. Kern, Manual p. 87. -dāyāda kinsman or heir 372, 390, 401, 405, 408, 415 sq., 421, 557; Mhbv 54, 83, 103


Brahma & Brahmā Brāhmaṇa

sq., 160; VbA 68; PvA 76; VbhA 167, 433, 437, 510. See Brahmacariyaka (adj.) [fr. brahmacariya] only in phrase ādi°
also Cpd. 57, 141 sq.; Kirfel, Kosmographie 26, 191, 197, leading to the highest purity of life D i.189, 191; iii.284; A
207, and cp. in BSk. literature Lal. Vist. 171. The Br. — iv.166.
l. is said to be the one place where there are no women: DhA
Brahmacariyavant (adj.) [fr. brahmacariya] leading the reli-
i.270. — yāva Brahmalokā pi even unto Br.'s heaven, expres-
gious life, pure, chaste S i.182; Dh 267.
sion like "as far as the end of the world" M i.34; S v.265, 288.
Brahmañña (adj.) [fr. brāhmaṇa] brahman, of the brahman rank;
— °ûpaga attaining to the highest heaven D ii.196; A v.342;
brahmanhood, of higher conduct, leading a pure life D i.115
Sn 139; J ii.61; Kvu 114. — °ûpapatti rebirth in Heaven Sn
(at which passage DA i.286 includes Sāriputta, Moggallāna &
139. — °parāyana the Br. — loka as ultimate goal J ii.61;
Mahākassapa in this rank); M ii.167; A i.143. — abstr. der.
iii.396. — °sahavyatā the company of the Br. gods A iv.135
brāhmaññā (nt.) higher or holy state, excellency of a virtu-
sq. -yāna the best vehicle S v.5 (+dhammayāna). -vaccasin
with a body like that of Mahābrahmā, comb with -vaṇṇin of ous life D i.166; Vin iii.44; J iv.362 (=brāhmaṇa dhamma C.);
brahmañña (nt.) D ii.248; brahmaññā (f.) D iii.72, 74; A
most excellent complexion, in ster. passage at D i.114, 115;
i.142; & brahmaññattha (nt.) S iii.192; v.25 sq., 195; A i.260
M ii.167, cp. DA i.282: °vaccasī ti Mahābrahmuṇo sarīra —
sadisena sarīrena samannāgato; °vaṇṇī ti seṭṭhavaṇṇī. -vāda
most excellent speech Vin i.3. -vimāna a palace of Brahmā Brahmaññatā (& brāh°) [fr. brahma or brāhmaṇa] state of a
in the highest heaven D iii.28, 29; It 15; Vism 108. -vihāra brahman D iii.145, 169; Dh 332, cp. DhA iv.33. — Neg.
sublime or divine state of mind, blissful meditation (exercises a° D iii.70, 71.
on a, altruistic concepts; b, equanimity; see on these medita-
Brahmaññattha see brahmañña.
tions Dial i.298). There are 4 such "divine states," viz. mettā,
Brahmatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. brahma] state of a Brahma god, exis-
karuṇā, muditā, upekkhā (see Vism 111; DhsA 192; and cp.
tence in the Br. world Vbh 337; Vism 301; VbhA 437; DhA
Expositor 258; Dhs trsl. 65; BSk. same, e. g. Divy 224); D
i.110. brahmattabhāva is to be read as brahm' attabhāva (see
ii.196; iii.220 (one of the 3 vihāra's: dibba°, brahma°, ariya°);
under brahma).
Th 1, 649; J i.139 (°vihāre bhāvetvā... brahmalok' ûpaga),
ii.61; Dhs 262; Vism 295 sq. (°niddesa), 319. -veṭhana the Brahmattara at J iii.207 (of a castle) is probably to be read brah-
head — dress of a brahmin SnA 138 (one of the rare passages muttara "even higher than Brahmā," i. e. unsurpassed, mag-
where brahma°=brahma III. 1). -sama like Brahmā Sn 508; nificent. C. expl by suvaṇṇa-pāsāda.
SnA 318, 325; DhsA 195. -ssara "heavenly sound," a divine
Brahmavant (adj.) [fr. brahma] "having Brahmā," possessed or
voice, a beautiful and deep voice (with 8 fine qualities: see full of Brahmā; f. brahmavatī Np. Vism 434.
enum under bindu) D ii.211=227; J i.96; v.336.
Brāhmañña. brāhmaññatā & brāhmaññattha see brahmañ°.
Brahmaka (adj.) only in cpd. sa° with Brahmā (or the Br. world).
Brāhmaṇa [fr. brahma; cp. Vedic brāhmaṇa, der. fr. brahmán]
q. v.
a member of the Brahman caste; a Br. teacher. In the Bud-
Brahmacariya (nt.) [brahma+cariya] a term (not in the strictly dhist terminology also used for a man leading a pure, sinless
Buddhist sense) for observance of vows of holiness, partic- & ascetic life, often even syn. with arahant. — On brāhmaṇas
ularly of chastity: good & moral living (brahmaṁ cariyaṁ as a caste & their representation in the Jātaka collection see
brahmāṇaṁ vā cariyaṁ=brahmacariyaṁ KhA 151); esp. in
Fick, Sociale Gliederung; esp. ch. 8, pp. 117 — 162. — Var.
Buddh. sense the moral life, holy life, religious life, as way
fanciful etymologies, consisting of a word — play, in P. def-
to end suffering, Vin i.12, 19, renouncing the world, study of
initions are e. g. "sattannaṁ dhammānaṁ bāhitattā br." (like
the Dhamma D i.84, 155; ii.106; iii.122 sq., 211; M i.77, 147, 1 2 a
def. of bhikkhu) Nd 86=Nd 464 (cp. Sn 519); ye keci bho
193, 205, 426, 463, 492, 514; ii.38; iii.36, 116; S i.38, 43, 1 2 b
— vādikā Nd 249=Nd 464 ; brahā — sukhavihāra — jhāna
87, 105, 154, 209; ii.24, 29, 120, 219, 278, 284 (°pariyosāna);
— jhāyin Miln 226; pāpaṁ bāhesuṁ D iii.94; bāhita — pā-
iii.83, 189; iv.51, 104, 110, 126, 136 sq., 163, 253, v.7 sq., 15
pattā br. DhA iii.84; ariyā bāhita — pāpattā br. DA i.244. —
sq., 26 sq., 54 sq., 233, 262, 272, 352; A i.50, 168, 225; ii.26, 8
pl. brāhmaṇāse Sn 1079 sq. — Var. ref in the Canon to all
44, 185; iii.250, 346; iv.311; v.18, 71, 136; Sn 267, 274 (vas
meanings of the term: D i.90, 94, 104, 119 sq., 136 (mahāsālā),
— uttama), 566, 655, 1128; Th 1, 1027, 1079; It 28, 48, 78, 150 (°dūta), 247; iii.44 sq., 61, 83 sq., 94 sq. (origin of), 147,
111; Dh 155, 156, 312; J iii.396; iv.52; Pv ii.9 ; DhA iv.42
170, 258 (°mahāsālā), 270; M i.271 (°karaṇā dhammā), 280;
(vasuttamaṁ); VbhA 504. — brahmacariyaṁ vussati to live
ii.84, 148, 177; iii.60, 270 (a bhikkhu addressed as br.); S
the religious life A i.115 (cp. °ṁ vusitaṁ in formula under
i.47, 54, 94 sq., 99 (°kumāra), 117, 125, 160 sq.; ii.77, 259;
Arahant II. A); °assa kevalin wholly given up to a good life A
iv.157; v.194; A i.66, 110, 163 (tevijjā); 166; ii.176; iii.221
i.162; °ṁ santānetuṁ to continue the good life A iii.90; DhA
sq. (brāhmaṇa — vagga); It 57 sq., 60, 98, 101; J iii.194;
i.119; komāra° the religious training of a well — bred youth
iv.9; vi.521 sq.; Vbh 393 sq. For br. with the meaning "ara-
A iii.224; Sn 289. — abrahmacariya unchastity, an immoral hant" see also: Vin i.3; ii.156 (br. parinibbuta); Th 1, 140, 221
life, sinful living M i.514; D i.4; Sn 396; KhA 26. (brahma — bandhu pure āsiṁ, idāni kho 'mhi brāhmaṇo); Dh
-antarāya raping DhA ii.52. -ânuggaha a help to purity 383 sq.; Sn passim (e.g. v. 142 kammanā hoti brāhmaṇo; 284
A i.167; iv.167; Dhs 1348. -ûpaddava a disaster to religious sq.); J iv.302 sq.; Miln 225. Ten kinds of Br. are pronounced
life, succumbing to worldly desires M iii.116. -vāsa state of to be apetā brahmaññā degraded fr. brahmanship J iv.361
chastity, holy & pure life; adj. living a pure life A i.253; J sq. Diff. schools of br. teachers are enum at D i.237 sq.
iii.393; Kvu 93; DhA i.225. (Tevijja Sutta). — brāhmaṇānaṁ pubbakā isayo mantānaṁ

Brāhmaṇa Bhagandala

kattāro "the ten inspired Seers of old times, who composed the viyattiyaṁ"] to say, tell, call; show, explain D i.95; Sn 308
Vedic hymns"; their names are Aṭṭhaka, Vāmaka, Vāmadeva, sq.; Dh 383 sq.; Cp. vi.8; Miln 314, 327. — Constructed with
Vessāmitta, Yamataggi, Angirasa, Bhāradvāja, Vāseṭṭha, Kas- double acc. or with dat. of person & acc. of thing said (cp.
sapa, Bhagu Vin i.245; D i.104; A iii.224; iv.61; cp. VvA 265. Miln 233). — Forms: Pres. 1 sg. brūmi It 33, 40; S 1033,
— f. brāhmaṇī (n. or adj.) the wife of a brāhmaṇa D i.193; 1042 sq. (expl as ācikkhāmi desemi paññāpemi etc. by Nd.);
J v.127 (of a purohita or high priest); DhA i.33; iv.176; PvA Pv i.2 (=kathemi PvA 11); Th 1, 214; 2 nd sg. brūsi Sn 457,
55, 61, 64. Freq. in comb brāhmaṇī pajā this generation of 1032, 1081; J ii.48; Th 2, 58; 3 sg. brūti Sn 122; imper.
brāhmaṇas, e. g. D i.249; A i.260; ii.23 (see pajā). brūhi Th 1, 1266; Sn 1018, 1034, 1043; Miln 318. — pret.
-ibbhā Brahmins & Vaiśyas J vi.228 sq. -kumārikā a abravi Sn 981; Th 1, 1275; J vi.269; Pv ii.9 64 (v. l. abruvi);
brahmin young girl J iii.93. -kula a br. clan or family J ii.85, PvA 264; abruvi J iii.62, and bravi J v.204; 3 rd sg. med.
394, 411; iii.147, 352; PvA 21, 61. -gahapatikā priests & bravittha Vv 53 10 (=kathesi VvA 240); 1 sg. also abraviṁ
laymen ("clerk & yeoman" Rh. D. in S.B.E. xi.258) D ii.178; Cp. ii.6 ; 3 pl. abravuṁ J v.112.
iii.148, 153, 170 sq.; S i.59, 184; A i.110; Vin i.35; J i.83. 2
Brūmeti [possible Caus. fr. brūti, but as Geiger, P.Gr. 141 ,
-gāma a br. village Vin i.197; D i.87, 127; S i.111; J ii.368; d
rightly remarks "not critically sound"] to say D i.95 (expl as
iii.293; iv.276. -dhamma duty of a br.; see on contrast be- "brūmetū ti vadatu" DA i.265).
tween Brahmaṇic & Buddhist view J iv.301 sq., cp. also SnA
Brūhana (nt.) [fr. brūheti] expansion, increasing, spreading; cul-
312 — 325 (br. — dhammika — suta) & Fick, l. c. 124.
tivation, development (trs. & intrs.) Miln 313 (Kern, Toev. s.
-putta son of a br. PvA 62. -bhojana giving food (alms)
v. "amusement"); DhsA 332; VvA 20 (sukha°). Cp. upa°.
to brahmans Vin i.44. -māṇava a young brahmin J iv.391.
-rūpa (in) form of a br. PvA 63. -vaḍḍhakī a br. carpenter Brūhetar [n. ag. of brūheti] increaser; one who practises, is de-
J iv.207. -vaṇṇin having the appearance of a brahmin Cp. voted to; in phrase brūhetā suññâgārānaṁ frequenter of soli-
x.10. -vācanaka a br. disputation, some sort of elocution tary places; given up to solitary meditation M i.33, 213.
show J i.318; iv.391. -vāṭaka circle of brahmins DhA iv.177 2
Brūheti [cp. Sk. bṛṁhayati; fr. brh to increase; Dhtp 346 &
(v. l. °vādaka). -vāṇija a br. merchant PvA 113. -sacca
Dhtm 505: vuddhiyaṁ. Cp. brahant] to cause to grow, in-
a brahmanic (i. e. standard, holy) truth A ii.176 (where the
crease; hence: to promote, develop, practise, to put or devote
Buddha sets forth 4 such br. — saccāni, diff. from the usual 4
oneself to; to look after, to foster, make enjoy; practically syn.
with sevati; S i.198 (saddhaṁ); Sn 324 (kammāni); Dh 285
Brāhmaṇa (nt.) [for brahmañña] state of a true brahman, "holi- (imper. brūhaya=vaḍḍhaya DhA iii.429); Ud 72; J i.289; Miln
ness supreme" Th 1, 631. 313 (saddena sotaṁ br.); PvA 168 (vaḍḍheti+, for ābhāveti).
Brūti [brū, Sk. bravīti, Med. brūte; cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 141 . — Cp. anu°, pari°.
Expl by Dhtp 366 as "vacane," by Dhtm 593 as "vācāyaṁ,

Bha (indecl.) the letter or sound (syllable) bh; figuring in Bdhgh's (sāka° etc.); S i.69 (pahūta° voracious, of fire), 238 (kodha°);
exegesis of the N. Bhagavā as representing bhava, whereas Pv i.9 (lohita — pubba°); Pug 55 (tiṇa°); Sdhp 388 (tiṇa°).
ga stands for gamana, va for vanta KhA 109. — Like ba° — 2. eatable, to be eaten; nt. °ṁ food, prey, in cpd. appa
we often find bha° mixed up with pa°; — see e. g. bhaṇḍa — bhakkha offering no food Vv 84 (appodaka+). — pl. also
bhaṇḍati; bh represents b. in bhasta=Sk. basta, bhisa=Sk. bhakkhā (eatables) J ii.14; iv.241 (similar context; =bhojana
bisa, bhusa=Sk. buśa. — bha-kāra the sound (or ending) C.); Pv ii.9 41 (=āhārā PvA 129). It is to be pointed out that
°bha, which at Vin iv.7 is given as implying contempt or bhakkhā occurs in poetry, in stock phrase "dibbā bhakkhā pā-
abuse, among other low terms (hīnā akkosā). This refers also tubhavanti"; cp. Vedic bhakṣa (m) feeding, partaking of food,
to the sound (ending) °ya (see ya — kāra). The expl for esp. drink (of Soma), thus something extraordinary.
this probably is that °bha is abstracted from words ending Bhakkhati [bhakṣ fr. bhaj, cp. Sk. bhakṣati & bhakṣayati;
thus, where the word itself meant something inferior or con- Dhtp 17 & 537 expl by "adana"] to eat, to feed upon Pv
temptible, and this shade of meaning was regarded as inhering 5
ii.2 (pubba — lohitaṁ); DhA ii.57 (vātaṁ). — inf. bhakkhi-
in the ending, not in the root of the word, as e. g. in ibbha
tuṁ J ii.14. — Caus. bhakkheti in same meaning J iv.349
(aor. bhakkhesuṁ); cp. BSk. bhakṣayati Divy 276.
Bhakuṭi (f.) [cp. Epic Sk. bhrakuṭi from older bhṛkuti, bhrukuṭi
Bhaga [Vedic bhaga, bhaj, see bhagavant etc.] luck, lot, fortune,
or bhrūkuṭi] superciliousness Sn 485. J iii.99; Vism 26
only in cpd. dub° (adj.) unhappy, unpleasant, uncomfort-
(°karaṇa); SnA 412. Der. bhākuṭika (q. v.). See also
able It 90; DA i.96 (°karaṇa). — bhaga (in verse "bhagehi ca
vibhattavā" in exegesis of word "Bhagava") at DA i.34 read
Bhakkha (—°) (adj.) [fr. bhakṣ] 1. eating, feeding on D iii.41 bhava, as read at id. p. Vism 210.

Bhagandala Bhañjanin

Bhagandala (& ā) [cp. late Sk. bhagandara] an ulcer, fistula Vin insight into disruption), quoted & expl at Vism 640 sq.; VbhA
i.216, 272; Nd 370. Has expl at Dhtm 204 "bhaganda secane 27 (°khaṇa); Sdhp 48, 78 (āsā°). Cp. vi°.
hoti" ("comes from sprinkling") anything to do with our word? 1
Bhangana & Bhangaloka [to bhanga ?] are vv. ll. of Npl. at
Bhagalavant [of uncertain origin] N. of a mountain SnA 197 (loc. Nd 155 for Gangaṇa & Angaṇeka respectively. With mis-
Bhagalavati pabbate). Occurs also as an assembly — hall un- spelling bh>g, cp. bheṇḍaka>geṇḍaka.
der the N. of Bhagalavatī at D iii.201. Cp. Kirfel, Kosmogra-
Bhacca (adj.) [grd. fr. bhṛ, cp. Sk. bhṛtya] to be carried, kept or
phie 196.
sustained A iii.46 (=a dependant) J iv.301 (C. bharitabba). As
Bhagavant (adj. n.) [cp. Vedic bhagavant, fr. bhaga] fortunate, Kern. Toev. s. v. bhacca points out this gāthā "bhaccā mātā
illustrious, sublime, as Ep. and title "Lord." Thus applied to pitā bandhū, yena jāto sa yeva so" is a distortion of MBh i.74,
the Buddha (amhākaṁ Bh.) and his predecessors. Occurs with 110, where it runs "bhastrā mātā, pituḥ putro, yena jāto sa eva
extreme frequency; of fanciful exegetic expl of the term & saḥ" (or is it bhrastā?).
its meaning we mention e. g. those at Nd 142=Nd 466; Vism
Bhajati [bhaj to divide, partake etc.: see Caus. bhājeti & cp.
210 sq.; DA i.33 sq. Usual trs. Blessed One, Exalted One. vi°] to associate with (acc.), keep companionship with, fol-
Bhaginī (f.) [Epic Sk. bhaginī] a sister J vi.32. The popular etym. low, resort to; to be attached to (acc.), to love. Freq. syn.
of bh. as given at VbhA 108 is the same as that for bhātar, viz. of sevati. The Dhtp & Dhtm mark the fig. meaning (bhaj )
"bhagatī ti bh." — Cpd. bhagini-māla a "sister garland" (?) by sevāyaṁ (Dhtp 61), sevāputhakkare (Dhtm 523) & saṁ-
N. of a tree J vi.270 (=upari — bhaddaka). sevane (ib. 76), whilst the lit. (bhaj ) is expressed by vibhā-
Bhagga [pp. of bhañj, Sk. bhagna] broken, in phrases "sabbā jane. — Sn 958 (bhajato rittaṁ āsanaṁ; gen. sq. ppr.=sevato
etc. Nd 466); Dh 76, 303; Pug 26, 33; J i.216=iii.510 (disā
te phāsukā bhaggā" J i.493, which is applied metaphorically
at Dh 154 (phāsukā=pāpakā?), expl DhA iii.128 (artificially) bh.) vi.358; Sdhp 275. — Pot. bhaje Dh 76, 78, and bha-
jetha Dh 78 (=payirupāsetha), 208 in sense of imper.; hence
by "avasesa — kilesa — phāsukā bhaggā"; further "bhaggā pā-
2 nd sg. formed like Caus. as bhajehi J iii.148 (C. bhajeyyāsi;
pakā dhammā" Vism 211; bhaggā kilesā Miln 44; and bhagga 2 2
-rāga, °dosa etc. (in def. of Bhagavā) at Nd 142=Nd 466 B, cp. Geiger, P.Gr. 139 ). — — grd. bhajitabba Nd s. v.
kāmaguṇā B (sevitabba, bh., bhāvetabba).
quoted at Vism 211.
Bhagga (nt.) [fr. bhaga; cp. Sk. & P. bhāgya] fortune, good Bhajanā (f.) [fer. bhaj] resorting to, familiarity with Pug 20=Dhs
1326, cp. sam° & Dhs trsl. 345.
luck, welfare, happiness Vism 210 (akāsi °ṁ ti garū ti Bhā-
gyavā etc.). Bhajin (adj.) [fr. bhajati] loving, attached to, worshipping Nd 1
142 (in expl of "Bhagavā").
Bhaggava [cp. Sk. *bhārgava, a der. fr. bhṛgu, & bhargaḥ,
of same root as Lat. fulgur lightning; Gr. ϕλός light; Ger. Bhajjati [Vedic bhṛjjati, cp. Gr. ϕρύγω to roast, ϕρύγανον dry
blitzen, blank; Ags. blanca white horse, all of the idea of wood; Lat. frīgo to make dry] to roast, toast Vin iv.264; Dhtp
"shining, bright, radiant." — How the meaning "potter" is con- 79 & Dhtm 94, expl by "pāke." — Caus. bhajjāpeti to have,
nected with this meaning, is still a problem, perhaps we have or get roasted Vin iv.264; DhA i.224 (v. l. K. paccāpeti).
to take the word merely as an Epithet at the one passage where
Bhañjaka (adj.) [fr. bhañjati] breaking, spoiling, destroying
it occurs, which happens to be in the Kumbhakāra — jātaka, v.
(attha° — visaṁvāda; cp. bhañjanaka) J iii.499.
6, 7. i. e. the "Jātaka of the potter"] potter (?) J iii.381, 382,
Bhañjati [bhañj, cp. Vedic bhañjati & bhanakti, roots with &
in voc. bhaggava (m.) & bhaggavī (f.). The terms are not
expl in C., evidently because somewhat obscure. According without r, as Lat. frango=Goth. brikan=Ohg. brehhan, E.
break, Sk. giri — bhraj breaking forth from the mountain;
to Kern, Toev. s. v. the Sk. form in this meaning occurs at
and Sk. bhanga, bhañji wave. — The Dhtp. 68 paraphrases
MBh. i.190, 47; Saddhp. 191 sq., MVastu iii.347.
by "omaddana," Dhtm 73 by "avamaddana"] 1. (trs. & intrs.)
Bhaggavant (adj. n.) [fr. bhagga , cp. Sk. & P. bhāgyavant]
to break Vin i.74 (phāsukā bhañjitabbā ribs to be broken); Dh
having good luck or auspices, fortunate; in def. of "Bhagavā" 3
337 (mā bhañji=mā bhañjatu C.). Pv ii.9 (sākhaṁ bhañjeyya
at Vism 210=DA i.34 ("bhāgyavā bhaggavā yutto"); with ref.
=chindeyya PvA 114); PvA 277 (akkho bhañji the axle broke,
to the 4 qualities implied in the word "bhagavā," which pas-
intrs.). — 2. to fold or furl (the lip): oṭṭhaṁ bh. J ii.264. —
sage is alluded to at VvA 231 by remark "bhāgyavantat' ādīhi
3. (fig.) to break up, spoil, destroy, in atthaṁ bh. to destroy
catūhi kāraṇehi Bhagavā." 1
the good S iv.347 (cp. bhañjanaka). — pp. bhagga (q. v.).
Bhanga (nt.) [cp. Sk. bhanga, which occurs already Atharva 1
Bhañjana (nt.) [fr. bhañjati] breakage, breaking down, break,
— veda xi. 6. 15 (see Zimmer. Altind. Leben 68), also Av.
only in cpd. akkha° break of the axle Vism 32, 45; DhA i.375;
baṁha, Polish pienka hemp. On its possible etym. connection
PvA 277.
with Vedic śaṇa (Ath. Veda ii. 4. 5) =P. saṇa & sāṇa hemp
Bhañjana (nt.) [for byañjana, in composition; maybe graphical
(=Gr. κάνναβις, Ger. hanf, E. hemp) see Walde, Lat. Wtb.
mistake] anointing, smearing, oiling, in gatta° and pāda° —
s. v. cannabis] hemp; coarse hempen cloth Vin i.58 (where
comb with sāṇa). bbhañjana — tela oil for rubbing the body and the feet Vism
100; VvA 295.
Bhanga (nt.) [cp. Class. Sk. bhanga, fr. bhañj: see bhañjati]
Bhañjanaka (nt.) [fr. bhañjana ] destroying, hurting, spoiling, in
1. (lit.) breaking, breaking off, in sākhā° a layer of broken —
phrase attha° destroying the welfare (with ref. to the telling
off branches J iii.407. — 2. (fig.) breaking up, dissolution,
of lies) DhA iii.356; VvA 72; cp. bhañjaka.
disruption (see on form Cpd. 25, 66) Ps i.57 sq. (°ânupassanā

Bhañjanin Bhatta

Bhañjanin (adj.) [fr. bhañj] breaking, destroying, in cakka° ciale Gliederung 101 sq.) J iii.293; iv.43; v.117; Miln 37; DA
breaking the wheel, fig. breaking the state of harmony J v.112. i.21; PvA 2, 20. -āhāraka (trader) taking up goods DhA
Bhaññam (J v.317) see bhā.
Bhaṇḍaka (adj. in sense of collect. nt.) [fr. bhaṇḍa] 1. article,
Bhaṭa [cp. Epic & Class. Sk. bhaṭa, fr, dial. bhaṭ to hire; orig-
implement; kīḷā° toys J vi.6. — 2. belongings, property Vin
inally the same as bhṛtya fr. bhṛta & bhṛti of bhṛ Dhtp 94,
iv.225. — 3. trappings, in assa° horsetrappings J ii.113.
Dhtm 114. — bhaṭa=bhatyaṁ i. e. bhṛtyaṁ] servant, hireling,
soldier Miln 240; VvA 305 (bhattavetana°). As to suggestion Bhaṇḍati [bhaṇḍ, cp. "paṇḍa bhaṇḍa paribhāse" Dhtp 568; Dhtm
of bhaṭa occurring in phrase yathā — bhaṭaṁ (Kern. Toev. s. 798] to quarrel, abuse Vin i.76 (saddhiṁ); iv.277; Th 1, 933;
v. yathābhaṭaṁ) see discussion under yathā bhataṁ. SnA 357 (aññamaññaṁ).
-patha service, employment, salary Vin iv.265; SnA 542.
Bhaṇḍana (nt.) [fr. bhaṇḍ, cp. BSk. bhāṇḍana Divy 164] quar-
Bhaṭṭha [pp. of bhraṁś, see bhassati] dropped, fallen down J rel, quarrelling, strife It 11; J iii,149; Nd 196; DhA i.55, 64.
i.482; iv.222, 382; v.444. Cp. pari°. Bhaṇḍi [?] a certain plant or flower J v.420. Reading uncertain.
Bhaṭṭha [pp. of bhaṇ, for bhaṇita] spoken, said Vv 63 19
Bhaṇḍikā (f.) [fr. bhaṇḍaka, in collect. sense] collection of
(su°=subhāsita VvA 265). See also paccā° & pari°; cp. also
goods, heap, bundle; bhaṇḍikaṁ karoti to make into a heap J
iii.221, 437; or bhaṇḍikaṁ bandhati to tie into a bundle DhA
Bhaṭṭha (?) [perhaps for bhatta?] wages, tip, donation J iv.261 ii.254; VvA 187. sahassa° a heap of 1,000 kahāpaṇas J ii.424;
(by C. expl as kathita, thus same as bhattha ). v. l. bhatta. iii.60; iv.2. — Note. bhaṇḍika is v. l. at J iii.41 for gaṇḍikā.
Cp. Sk. bhāṭa & BSk. bhāṭaka MVastu iii.37.
Bhaṇḍu (adj.) [etym. uncertain, dialectical or=paṇḍu?] bald —
Bhaṇati [bhaṇ; cp. Sk. bhaṇati; Ohg. ban=E. ban etc. "procla- headed, close shaven Vin i.71 (°kamma shaving), 76 (kam-
mation." See connections in Walde, Lat. Wtb. under fab- māra°); J iii.22; vi.538 (+tittira); Miln 11, 128.
ula. — Expl by Dhtp 111 as "bhaṇana." by Dhtm 162 as
Bhata (adj.) [cp. Epic Sk. bhṛta] 1. supported, fed, reared,
"bhāsana"] to speak, tell, proclaim (the nearest synonym is maintained A iii.46 (bhatā bhaccā "maintained are my depen-
katheti: see Nd s. v. katheti) Dh 264; Pug 33, 56; DhA ii.95.
dents"); J v.330 (kicchā bh.), given by Kern, Toev. s. v. in
— ppr. bhaṇanto Sn 397. Pot. bhaṇe Sn 1131 (=bhaṇeyya meaning "full" with wrong ref. J vi.14. Cp. bharita.
Nd 469); Dh 224 (saccaṁ; =dīpeyya vohareyya DhA iii.316).
Bhataka [cp. Epic Sk. bhṛtaka] a hired servant, hireling, servant
Also bhaṇeyya Sn 397. An old subjunctive form is bhaṇā-
Th 1, 606, 685, 1003; J iii.446; Miln 379; DhA i,119, 233
mase S i.209 (cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 126). Prohib. mā bhāṇi. A
(°vīthi servant street). See also Fick. Sociale Gliederung 158,
Caus. form is bhāṇaye (Pot.) Sn 397.
195, 196.
Bhaṇana (nt.) [fr. bhaṇati] telling, speaking DhA iv.93 (°sīla,
Bhati (f.) [cp. Vedic bhṛti, fr. bhṛ] wages, fee, pay J i.475; iii.325,
adj. wont to speak); Dhtp 111.
446; DhA i.21, 70; Dhtp 94 (in expl of root bhaṭ, see bhaṭa).
Bhaṇe (indecl.) [orig. 1 sg. pres. Med. of bhaṇati] "I say,"
Bhatikā (f.) [fr. bhati] fee J iv.184.
used as an interjection of emphasis, like "to be sure," "look
here." It is a familiar term of address, often used by a king to Bhatta (nt.) [cp. Epic & Class. Sk. bhakta, orig. pp. of bhajati]
his subjects Vin i.240 (amhākaṁ kira bhaṇe vijite Bhaddiya feeding, food, nourishment, meal Dh 185; Pug 28, 55; J ii.15;
— nagare), 241 (gaccha bhaṇe jānāhi...) Miln 21 (atthi bhaṇe v.170 (bhatta — manuñña — rūpaṁ for bhattaṁ — ); Vism
añño koci paṇḍito...). 66 (where 14 kinds enum , i. e. sangha°, uddesa° etc.); Sdhp
118. — ucchiṭṭha° food thrown away PvA 173; uddesa° spe-
Bhaṇḍa (nt.) [cp. Epic Sk. bhāṇḍa] 1. stock in trade; collectively
cial food Vin i.58=96, cp. ii.175; devasika° daily food (as
goods, wares, property, possessions, also "object" S i.43 (it-
thi bhaṇḍānaṁ uttamaṁ woman is the highest property), Nd 2 fee or wages) DA i.296 (=bhatta — vetana); dhura° a meal
to which a bhikkhu is invited as leader of others, i. e. a re-
38; J iii.353 (yācita° object asked,=yāca); ThA 288 (id.); Vism
sponsible meal J i.449; iii.97 (v. l. dhuva°); dhuva° constant
22. — bhaṇḍaṁ kiṇāti to buy goods VbhA 165. — bhaṇḍaṁ
supply of food Vin i.25, 243.
vikkiṇati to sell goods J i.377 (+paṭibhaṇḍaṁ dāpeti to receive
-agga [cp. BSk. bhaktāgra Divy 335; MVastu ii.478] a
goods in return); vikkiṇiya — bh. goods for sale DhA i.390.
refectory Vin i.44; M i.28; J v.334. -ammaṇa food trough
— assāmika° ownerless goods, unclaimed property J vi.348;
J vi.381. -âbhihāra gift of food S i.82. -uddesaka (thera)
ābharaṇa° trinkets, jewelry J iii.221; piya° best goods, trea-
(an elder) who supervises the distribution of food, a superin-
sure J iii.279; bahu° having many goods, rich in possessions
tendent of meals Vism 388, DhA i.244. -kāraka one who
Vin iii.138; KhA 241 (of a bhikkhu); vara° best property or
prepares the meal or food, a cook, butler J i.150 sq.; v.296;
belongings Vin iv.225. — 2. implement, article, instrument
vi.349; DA i.157. -kicca "meal — performance," meal (cp.
Vin ii.142, 143 (where 3 kinds are distinguished: of wood,
BSk. bhaktakṛtya Divy 185) J i.87; Miln 9; Vism 278 (kata°
copper, & of earthenware), 170 (id.); Dāvs iv.50 (turiya°). —
after the meal, cp. kata ii.1. a); PvA 76. -kilamatha fa-
In assa(hatthi°) -bhaṇḍa Vin i.85 sq., the meaning "horse (ele-
tigue after eating SnA 58 (cp. °sammada). -gāma a village
phant — ) trader (or owner)" does not seem clear; should we
giving tribute or service DhA i.398. -dāna gift of a meal
read paṇḍaka? Cp. bhaṇḍa=paṇḍa under bhaṇḍati.
PvA 54. -puṭa a bag with food J ii.82, 203; iii.200; DA
-âgāra store house, warehouse, only in der. -âgārika
i.270. Cp. puṭabhatta. -puṭaka same KhA 44; VbhA 234;
keeper of stores Vin i.284; ii.176; surveyor of the (royal) ware-
Vism 251. -bhoga enjoyment of food S i.92. -randhaka a
houses, royal treasurer (a higher court office: cp. Fick. So-

Bhatta Bhabba

cook J iv.431. -vissagga serving a meal, meal — function, august, of good omen, reverend (in address to people of es-
participation at a meal Vin iv.263; Pv iii.2 (so read for vis- teem), good, happy, fortunate D ii.95 ; S i.117 ; Dh 143
satta; expl at PvA 184 by bhattakicca & bhuñjana); Miln 9; sq. (b) (of a good, well — trained horse), 380 (b) (id.); J vi.281 (b)
SnA 19, 140. -vetana service for food, food as wages (cp. (24 bhadrā pāsakā or lucky throws of the dice); DhA i.33 (a)
bhaktā — dāsa a slave working for food Manu viii.415, see (voc. bhadde=ayye). — bhadraṁ (nt.) something bringing
Fick. Sociale Gliederung p. 197), in general "hire, wages," luck, a good state, welfare; a good deed (=kalyāṇaṁ) Dh 120
also "professional fee" D iii.191; Vin iii.222 (rañño bh — v. (=bhadra — kamma, viz. kāyasucarita etc. DhA iii.14); PvA
— āhāro "in the King's pay"); J iv.132 sq., Miln 379; DhA 116 (=iṭṭhaṁ). Also as form of address "hail to thee," bhaddaṁ
i.25 (to a physician); VvA 305. -velā meal — time SnA 111. vo J v.260. — 2. a kind of arrow (cp. Sk. bhalla) J ii.275 (v. l.
-sammada drowsiness after a meal S i.7; J vi.57; Vbh 352; bhadra; so Kern, Toev. s. v.; but C. takes it as bhadda lucky, in
Vism 278, 295. -sālā hall for meals, refectory Vism 72. neg. sense "unlucky, sinister," & expl by bībhaccha=awful).
— 3. bull (cp. Sk. bhadra, Halāyudha 5, 21) Th 1, 16, 173,
Bhattar [Vedic bhartṛ to bhṛ] a husband; nom. sg. bhattā Th 2,
413; J v.104, 260 (here in meaning "supporter"); vi.492; gen.
-mukha one whose face brings blessings, a complimen-
bhattu J v.169, 170; acc. bhattāraṁ Th 2, 412.
tary address, like "my noble &c friend!" [cp. BSk. bhadra-
Bhattavant (adj.) [fr. *bhakta, pp. of bhajati] possessing rev-
mukha; Divy frequent: see Index], M ii.53; S i.74 (cp. K.S.
erence or worship(pers), worshipful, adored; in a (late) verse n
i.100 ) J ii.261 (v. l. bhadda°); Vism 92 (v. l. SS bhadda°).
analysing fancifully the word "Bhagavant," at DA i.34=Vism -muttaka [cp. Sk. bhadramusta] a kind of fragrant grass
210 sq. Expl at Vism 212 by "bhaji — sevi — bahulaṁ
(Cyperus rotundus) DA i.81; Abhp 599. -yuga a noble pair
DhA i.95 (Kolita & Upatissa), -vāhana the auspicious (royal)
Bhatti (f.) [cp. Vedic & Class. Sk. bhakti, fr. bhaj: see bhajati] vehicle (or carriage) Miln 4.
1. devotion, attachment, fondness Pug 20= Dhs 1326 (cp. Dhs (a) (b)
Bhaddaka & Bhadraka [fr. bhadda] 1. good, of good qual-
trsl. 345); Pug 65; J v.340 (=sineha C.); vi.349; VvA 353, (a)
ity (opp. pāpaka) A iv.169 . — 2. honoured, of high re-
354. — 2. in bhatti-kata Th 2, 413 it means "service," thus (a)
pute J iii.269 (=sambhāvita C.). — 3. (m. nt.) a good
"doing service" (or "rendered a servant"?). — 3. of uncertain d
thing, lucky or auspicious possession, a valuable. Appl to
meaning in bhatti-kamma, probably "making lines, decora- (b)
the 8 requisites (parikkhārā) of a Samaṇa at J v.254 . — On
tion, ornamentation" Vin ii.113 (°kamma — kata decorated),
upari-bhaddaka (N. of a tree J vi.269; C.=bhagini — mālā)
i.51. The reading is uncertain, may be bhati° (? Kern, Toev. s. see upari. — At A iv.255 bhaddaka is given as one of the
v. trsl "patchwork"?). Cp. vi°.
eight ingredients of the sun & moon; it may be gold (? cp.
Bhattika (adj.) (—°) [fr. bhatta] in dhuva° being in constant sup- Kirfel, Kosmographie 190), or simply a term for a very valu-
ply of food, being a regular attendant (servant) or adviser Vin able quality.
ii.15. Also at ThA 267 in meaning "being a servant, working Bhanta [pp. of bham] swerving, swaying, staggering, deviat-
for food" in expl of bhattikatā (=kata — sāmi — bhattikā),
ing; always used of an uncontrolled car (ratha or yāna) Dh 222
said of a toiling housewife.
(ratha=ativegena dhāvanta DhA iii.301); (yāna=adanta akārita
Bhattimant (adj.) [from bhatti] 1. devoted? 2. discerning, ana- aviṇīta Nd 145); DhsA 260 (°yāna). Cp. vi°.
lytical, perspicacious? Th 1, 370; Com. has: yathānusiṭṭhaṁ
Bhantatta (nt.) [fr. bhanta] turmoil, confusion Dhs 429 (=vib-
paṭipattiyā tattha bhattimā nāma.
hanti — bhāva DhsA 260, so read for vibhatti°); cp. Dhs trsl.
Bhadanta (Bhaddanta) [a secondary adj. formation from address 120.
bhaddaṁ (=bhadraṁ) te "hail to thee," cp. "bhaddaṁ vo" un-
Bhante [would correspond either to Sk. *bhavantaḥ (with end-
der bhadda 1] venerable, reverend. mostly in voc. as address
ing °e as Māgadhism for °aḥ)=bhavān, or to P. bhadanta. In
"Sir, holy father" etc., to men of the Order. voc. sg. bhadante n
both cases we have a contraction. The expl bhante=bhadante
S i.216 (v. l. bhaddante); voc. pl. bhadantā DhA iii.414. b
(bhadantaḥ) is advocated by Pischel, Prk. Gr. §§ 165, 366 ,
— A contracted form of bhadante is bhante (q. v.). Note.
intimated also by Weber, Bhagavatī 156 n. 3 (unable to
In case of bhadanta being the corresp. of Sk. *bhavanta (for n
explain — e); the expl bhante=bhavantah (see bhavaṁ) by
bhavān) we would suppose the change v>d and account for dd 3
Geiger, P.Gr. 98 ; hinted at by Weber loc. cit. (bhavan-
on grounds of pop. analogy after bhadda. See bhante. The pl.
taḥ=bhagavantaḥ)] voc. of polite address: Sir, venerable Sir,
nom. from bhadantā is formed after bhadante, which was felt
used like bhadante. Either abs. as voc.: Vin i.76; D ii.154,
as a voc. of an a — stem with — e for — a as in Prk. Māgadhī.
283; J ii.111; iii.46; Miln 19; or with another voc.: Miln 25;
Bhadantika (adj.) (—°) [fr. bhadanta] only in cpd. ehi°, lit. "one or with other oblique cases, as with nom. D i.179; DhA i.62.
belonging to the (greeting) Ǥ come hail to thee, ʼ" i. e. one with gen. D i.179.
who accepts an invitation D iii.40, M ii.161; A i.295; ii.206;
Bhabba (adj.) [grd of bhū, Sk. bhavya] 1. able, capable, fit
Pug 55. See also under ehi.
for ( — ° or with dat. or inf.); abhabba unfit, incapable; Vin
Bhadara in °paṇḍu at A i.181 is to be read as badara°. i.17; S iii.27 (dukkha — kkhayāya); iv.89 (id.); Pug 12, 13;
Bhadda (a) & Bhadra (b) (adj.) [cp. Vedic bhadra, on diff. forms Vism 116 (bhikkhu), neg. It 106 (antakiriyāya), 117 (phuṭṭhuṁ
see Geiger, P.Gr. § 53 . Dhtp 143, 589 expl bhadd by "ka- sambodhiṁ); J i.106 (°puggala a person unfit for the higher 2
lyāṇe"; whereas Dhtm 205 & 823 gives bhad (bhadd) with truths & salvation). bhabbâbhabba nt & unfit people Nd
expl "kalyāṇa kammāni"] 1. auspicious, lucky, high, lofty, 235 =Vism 205, expl at Vbh 341, 342 by "bhabbā niyāmaṁ

Bhabba Bhava

okkamituṁ kusalesu dhammesu sammattaṁ." — 2. possible Bhara-bhara, a word imitating a confused sound M i.128; other-
(& abhabba impossible) M iii.215 (kammaṁ bhabbaābhāsa wise contracted to babbhara (q. v.).
apparently possible). — See also abhabba.
Bhara (adj.) (—°) [fr. bhṛ] "bearing" in act. & pass. meaning, i.
Bhabbatā (f.) [abstr. fr. bhabba] possibility; neg. a° impossibil- e. supporting or being supported; only in cpd. dubbhara hard
ity Sn 232; KhA 191; VvA 208. to support A v.159, 161 (v. l. dubhara), and subhara easy to
Bhamati [bhram; on etym. see K.Z. iv.443; vi.152. Expl at Dhtp support Th 1, 926 (trsl. "of frugal ways").
219 by "anavaṭṭhāne," i. e. unsettledness] to spin (of a wheel), Bharaṇa (nt.) [fr. bhṛ, Epic Sk. bharaṇa] bearing, supporting,
to whirl about, to roam Dh 371 (mā te kāmaguṇe bhamassu cit- maintenance Dhtm 346 (in expl of bhṛ); Abhp 1053.
taṁ); J i.414; iii.206= iv.4 (cakkaṁ matthake); iv.6 (kumbha
Bharatā (f.) [abstr. fr. bhara] only in cpd. dub° difficulty to sup-
— kāra — cakkaṁ iva bh.); v.478. — pp. bhanta. — Caus.
port, state of being hard to maintain, synonymous with kosajja
bhameti to make whirl Vism 142 (cakkaṁ).
at A iv.280, and kuhanā at A v.159, 161. — opp. subharatā
Bhamara [cp. Epic & Class. Sk. bhramara; either to bhram (se- A iv.280.
mantically quick, unsteady motion=confused noise), cp. Gr.
Bharati [bhṛ, cp. Lat. fero, Gr. ϕέρω, Av. baraiti, Oir. berim,
ϕόρμιγς zither; or perhaps for *bramara to Ohg. bremo=Ger. s
Goth. bairan=to bear, Ger. gebāren. Dhtm expl simply by
bremse gadfly, bremen=brummen to hum; Gr. βρόμος thun-
"bharena"] to bear, support, feed, maintain J v.260 (mama
der, Lat. fremo to growl, roar: see Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. ns
bharatha, ahaṁ bhattā bhavāmi vo; C. expl as "maṁ iccha-
fremo] 1. a bee J v.205 (°vaṇṇa bee — coloured, i. e. of black tha"). — pp. bhata. See also bhaṭa, bhara, bharita, and Der.
colour, in expl of kaṇha); Th 2, 252. Usually in similes, e. g.
fr. bhār°. A curious Passive form is anu-bhīramāna (ppr.)
at Dh 49 (cp. DhA i.374 sq.); Vism 142, 152; SnA 139. —
M iii.123 (chatta: a parasol being spread out), on which see
2. in bhamara-tanti "the string that sounds," one of the seven
Geiger, P.Gr. § 52, 5; 175 n. 3, 191.
strings of the lute J ii.253, cp. VvA 140.
Bharita (adj.) [lit. made to bear, i. e. heavy with etc. Cp.
Bhamarikā (f.) [fr. bhamara] a humming top J v.478.
formations bhār°, fr. bharati] filled with (—°) J i.2 (suvaṇṇa
Bhamu (f.) [secondary formation after bhamuka] eyebrow J — rajata° gabbha); iv.489 (udaka°); v.275 (kimi°); SnA 494
vi.476 (ṭhita°), 482 (nīla°). (vāta°); ThA 283 (kuṇapa°).
Bhamuka (& Bhamukha) (f.) [cp. Vedic bhrū; the Pali word Bhariyā (f.) [fr. bhṛ, Vedic bhāryā] a wife (lit. one who is sup-
is possibly a comp of bhrū+mukha with dissimilation of first ported) D iii.190; It 36; J iii.511; DhA i.329.
u to a] eyebrow Th 11, 232=S i.132 pamukh —; J iv.18 (in Bharu [a dial. (inscription) word, cp. Kern, Toev. s. v.] sea, in
expl of su — bbhū=su — bhamukhā in C., Fausböll puts 1
two names for a town and a kingdom viz. Bharukaccha Nd
"bhamuka"? Kern on this passage quotes BSk. bhrūmukha,
155; J ii.188; iv.137, and Bharu-raṭṭha J ii.169 sq., a kingdom
see Toev. s. v.); vi.503 (aḷāra° for pamukha); DhA iii.102; which is said to have been swallowed up by the sea. — Also
iv.90, 197=J v.434; SnA 285.
in N. of the King of that country Bharu — rājā J ii.171 (v. l.
Bhaya (nt.) [fr. bhī, cp. Vedic bhaya, P. bhāyati] fear, fright, Kuru°). — Der. Bhārukacchaka an inhabitant of Bharukac-
dread A ii.15 (jāti — maraṇa°); D iii.148, 182; Dh 39, 123, cha DhsA 305 (so read at Expos. ii.401).
212 sq., 283; Nd 371, 409; Pug 56; Vism 512; KhA 108; Bhallaka [lit. from the Bhalla people] a kind of copper, enum d
SnA 155; DhA iii.23. There are some lengthy enum of ob-
under the eight pisāca — lohāni, or copper coming from the
jects causing fear (sometimes under term mahabbhaya, mahā
Piśāca country VbhA 63 (is reading correct?). It is doubtful
— bhaya), e. g. one of 17 at Miln 196, one of 16 (four times
whether we should not read mallaka, cp. malla.
four) at A ii.121 sq., the same in essence, but in different or-
der at Nd 470, and at VbhA 502; one of 16 (with remark Bhallāṭaka [cp. Epic Sk. bhallātaka] the marking nut plant Semi-
"ādi," and so on) at Vism 645. Shorter comb are to be found carpus anacardium J vi.578.
at Sn 964 (5, viz. ḍaṁsā, adhipātā, siriṁsapā, manussaphassā, Bhava [cp. Sk. bhava, as philosophical term late, but as N. of a
catuppādā); Vbh 379 (5, viz. ājīvika°, asiloka°, parisa — sāra- deity Vedic; of bhū, see bhavati] "becoming," (form of) re-
jja°, maraṇa°, duggati°, expl at VbhA 505 sq.), 376 (4: jāti°, birth, (state of) existence, a "life." There are 3 states of exis-
jarā°, vyādhi°, maraṇa°) 367 (3: jāti°, jarā°, maraṇ°); Nd 402 tence conventionally enum as kāma°, rūpa°, arūpa° or sen-
(2: diṭṭha — dhammikaṁ & samparāyikaṁ bh.). — abhaya sual existence, deva — corporeal, & formless existence (cp.
absence of fear, safety Vin i.75 (abhay — ûvara for abhaya — rūpa) D ii.57; iii.216; S ii.3; iv.258; A ii.223; iii.444; Nd 48;
vara?); Dh 317; J i.150; DhA iii.491. Nd s. v. dhātu B.; Vism 210=DA i.34; Vism 529; VbhA 204.
-ñāṇa insight into what is to be feared: see Cpd. 66. — Another view is represented by the division of bhava into
-dassāvin seeing or realising an object of fear, i. e. danger kamma° and upapatti° (uppatti°), or the active functioning of
Vbh 244, 247 and passim. -dassin id. Dh 31, 317. -bherava a life in relation to the fruitional, or resultant way of the next
fear & dismay M i.17 (=citt' uttrasassa ca bhayānak' āram- life (cp. Cpd. 43) Vbh 137; Vism 571; VbhA 183; also in def.
maṇassa adhivacanaṁ MA 113), N. of Suttanta No. 4 in Ma- of bhava at Nd 471 (kamma° and paṭisandhika punabbhava).
jjhima (pp. 16 sq.), quoted at Vism 202; SnA 206. — In the "causal chain" (Paṭicca — samuppāda, q. v.) bhava
is represented as condition of birth (jāti), or resultant force for
Bhayānaka (adj.) [fr. bhaya, cp. Epic Sk. bhayānaka] frightful,
new birth. — See Sn 361, 514, 742, 839, 923, 1055, 1133;
horrible J iii.428; MA 113; PvA 24 (as °ika); Sdhp 7, 208. — 1
nt. °ṁ something awful Nd 470 (in def. of bhaya). Dh 348; Nd 274; Vbh 294, 358; Vism 556 sq.; DhA iv.221;

Bhava Bhavatta

Sdhp 33, 333, 335. — On itibhav'— âbhava see iti, and add 84 ; 3 bhavati freq.; Sn 36 (where Nd 474 with v. l. BB of
ref. Vbh 375. — A remarkable use of bhava as nt. (obstr.) Sn reads bhavanti; Divy p. 294 also reads bhavanti snehāḥ as
to bhū (in cpd.) is to be noted in the def. given by Bdhgh. of conjecture of Cowell's for MSS. bhavati); Dh 249, 375; & hoti
divya=divi bhavaṁ (for divi — bhū) KhA 227; SnA 199; and freq.; 1 pl. homa Pv i.11 ; 2 nd hotha J i.307; 3 bhavanti
mānasaṁ=manasi bhavaṁ (for manasi — bhū) KhA 248, cp. & honti freq. — imper. 2 nd sg. bhava Sn 337, 340, 701; Dh
Pāṇini iv.3, 53. Similarly āroga bhava health DhA i.328 for 236; Th 2, 8; bhavāhi Sn 510; hohi Sn 31; M iii.134; J i.32;
°bhava. — Cp. anu°, vi°, sam°. PvA 89. 3 sg. hotu Sn 224; J iii.150; PvA 13; Miln 18. pl.
-agga the best (state of) existence, the highest point of ex- 1 med. bhavāmase Th 1, 1128; Sn 32; 2 nd pl. bhavatha J
istence (among the gods) J iii.84; Vbh 426; Miln 132; KhA ii.218, bhavātha Sn 692; Dh 144; hotha Dh 243; Dh ii.141; J
179, 249; SnA 17, 41, 507; often as highest "heaven" as op- ii.302; DhA i.57; 3 pl. bhavantu Sn 145; hontu J ii.4. Pot.
posed to Avīci, the lowest hell; thus at J iv.182; vi.354; Miln 1 sg. bhaveyyaṁ J vi.364; 2 nd bhaveyyāsi Ud 91; PvA 11;
336. -anga constituent of becoming, function of being, func- 3 bhave Sn 716, bhaveyya J ii.159; DhA i.329, & hupeyya
tional state of subconsciousness, i. e. subliminal conscious- Vin i.8 (for huveyya: see Geiger, P.Gr. § 39 & 131 ); pl.
ness or subconscious life — continuum, the vital continuum in 1 bhaveyyāma; 2 nd bhavetha Sn 1073, 3 bhaveyyuṁ Sn
the absence of any process [of mind, or attention] (thus Mrs. 906. — ppr. bhavaṁ Sn 92, & bhavanto Sn 968; f. hontī
Rh. D. in Expos. 185 n.), subconscious individual life. See PvA 79. — fut. 1 sg. bhavissāmi PvA 49, hessāmi Th
on term Cpd. 26 sq., 265 — 267; & cp. Dhs trsl. 134. — J 2, 460 (ThA 283 reads bhavissāmi), & hessaṁ Th 1, 1100; J
vi.82; Miln 299 sq.; Vism 164, 676; DhsA 72, 140, 269; DhA iii.224; Pv i.10 ; 2 nd bhavissasi PvA 16, hohisi Pv i.3 ; 3 rd
i.23; VbhA 81, 156 sq., 406. -antaga "gone to the ends of bhavissati Dh 228, 264; DhA ii.82, hessati J iii.279 & med.
existence," past existence, Ep. of the Bhagavan Buddha Vism hessate Mhvs 25, 97, hehitī Bu ii.10=A i.4; Vv 63 ; & hos-
210. -antara an existence interval, i. e. transition fr. one sati (in pahossati fr. pahoti DhA iii.254); 1 pl. bhavissāma
life to another, a previous or subsequent life Vism 553 sq. - Dh 200; 2 hessatha S iv.179; 3 bhavissanti freq. — Cond.
âbhava this or that life, any form of existence some sort of 1 sg. abhavissaṁ J i.470; 2 nd abhavissa J ii.11; iii.30; 3 rd
existence Sn 1060, 1068; Nd 48, 109, 284; Nd 472, 664 A; abhavissa It 37; Vin i.13; D ii.57; M iii.163; J i.267; ii.112
Th 1, 784 (ThA mahantāmahanta bh.) ThA 71 (Ap. v. 30); (na bhavissa=nābhavissa?); 3 pl. abhavissaṁsu Vin i.13.
VbhA 501. -āsava the intoxicant of existence D iii.216; Vbh 1 aor. (orig. pret. of *huvati, cp. hupeyya Pot.; see Geiger
364, 373. -uppatti coming into (a new) ex. — Four such P.Gr. 131 , 162 ): 1 sg. ahuvā S i.36, with by — form (see
bh. — uppattis lead to rebirth among the foll. gods: the paritt' aor.) ahuvāsiṁ Vv 82 ; 2 nd ahuvā ibid., 3 ahuvā Vv 81 ;
— ābhā devā, the appamāṇ'ābhā d., the sankiliṭṭh' — ābhā d., J ii.106; iii.131; 1 pl. ahuvāma M i.93; ii.214, & ahuvamha
the parisuddh' — ābhā d. M iii.147. -esanā longing for re- ibid.; 2 nd ahuvattha S iv.112; M i.445; DhA i.57. — 2 nd aor.
birth D iii.216, 270. -ogha the flood of rebirth (see ogha) (simple aor., with pret. endings): 1 sg. ahuṁ Pv ii.3 (v. l.
Nd 57, 159; Vism 480. -cakka the wheel or round of re- BB ahu) (=ahosiṁ PvA 83); 2 nd ahu (sk. abhūḥ) Pv ii.3 ; 3 rd
birth, equivalent to the Paṭicca — samuppāda Vism 529, 576 ahū (Sk. abhūt) Sn 139, 312, 504 and passim; Pv i.2 , & ahu
sq.; in the same context at VbhA 138, 194 sq. -carimakā the Pv i.9 ; i.11 ; & bhavi DhA i.329 (pātubhavi); 1 pl. ahumhā
last rebirth Vism 291. -taṇhā craving for rebirth D iii.212, (Sk. abhūma) Pv i.11 , & ahumha J i.362; DhA i.57. — 3 rd
216, 274; S v.432; Sn 746; Vbh 101, 358, 365; Th 2, 458; aor. (s aor.) 1 sg. ahosiṁ Th 1, 620; J i.106; VvA 321: PvA
ThA 282; VbhA iii.133. -netti [cp. BSk. bhava — netrī 10 (=āsiṁ); 2 ahosi J i.107; 3 ahosi Sn 835; Vin i.23; 1 pl.
M. Vastu ii.307; °netrika iii.337] leader to renewed ex., guide ahesumha M i.265; 3 ahesuṁ D ii.5; Vv 74 ; J i.149; DhA
to ex. Vin i.231; It 38; Dhs 1059≈ (cp. DhsA 364=bhava i.327; & bhaviṁsu (Sk. abhāviṣuḥ) DhA iv.15. — Of medial
— rajju). -saṁyojana the fetter of rebirth: see arahant II. forms we mention the 1 pl. pres. bhavāmahe Mhvs i.65, and
C. -salla the sting or dart of rebirth Dh 351 (=sabbāni bhav- the 3 sg, pret. ahuvattha VvA 103. — Inf. bhavituṁ Sn
agāmīni sallāni DhA iv.70). -sāta (pl. sātāni) the pleasures 552, & hetuye Bu ii.10. — ger. bhavitvā Sn 56, hutvā Sn
of ex., variously enum in sets of from one to six at Nd 30. 43, & hutvāna Sn 281. — grd. bhavitabba J i.440; vi.368;
-ssita at J v.371 read with v. l. as ghaṭa — ssita. hotabba Vin i.46; bhabba (Sk. bhavya); see sep.; bhuyya see
cpd. abhibhuyya. — Caus. bhāveti see sep. — pp. bhūta.
Bhavati [bhū to become, cp. Sk. bhūmi earth; Gr. ϕύσις na-
Note. In comp with nouns or adjectives the final vowel of
ture (physical), ϕύομαι to grow; Lat. fui I have been, futu-
these is changed into ī, as in comb of the same with the root
rus=future; Oir. buith to be; Ags. būan=Goth. bauan to live,
kṛ, e. g. bhasmībhavati to be reduced to ashes, cp. bhasmī
Ger. bauen, also Ags. bȳldan=to build; Lith. búti to be, būtas
— karaṇa s. v. bhasma, etc. — II. Meanings. In general the
house Dhtp 1: bhū sattāyaṁ] to become, to be, exist, behave
etc. (cp. Nd 474= sambhavati jāyati nibbattati pātu — bha- meaning "to become, to get" prevails, but many shades of it are
possible according to context & combinations. It is impossi-
vati). — I. Forms. There are two bases used side by side,
ble & unnecessary to enumerate all shades of meaning, only
viz. bhav° and (contracted) ho°, the latter especially in the
a few idiomatic uses may be pointed out. — 1. to happen, to
(later) Gāthā style and poetry in general, also as archaic in
occur, to befall J vi.368. — 2. The fut. bhavissati "is cer-
prose, whereas bhav° forms are older. On compounds with
prepositions, as regards inflection, see Geiger, P.Gr. §§ 131 , tainly," "must be" DhA iii.171 (sātthikā desanā bh.); Miln 40
151 ; and cp. anubhavati, abhibhavati, abhisaṁ°, pa° (also (mātā ti pi na bh.). — 3. Imper. hotu as adv. "very well" Miln
18 (hotu bhante very well, sir). — 4. aor. in meaning and as
pahoti, pahūta), pari°, vi°, saṁ°. — 1. Pres. ind. bhavāmi
Sn 511 & homi J iii.260; 2 nd bhavasi & hosī M iii.140; Vv substitute of āsiṁ, pret. of as to be; etad ahosi this occurred
to him DhA i.399 (assā etad ahosi "this thought struck her").

Bhavatta Bhāga

Bhavatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. bhū] the fact of being, state, condition DhA ii.68); J vi.236 (... va pāvaka). -puṭa a sack for ashes
KhA 227. DA i.267 (as expl for assa — puṭa of D. i.98; fanciful; see
assa ). -bhāva "ashy" state, state of being crumbled to dust
Bhavana (nt.) [fr. bhū] dwelling, sphere, world, realm S i.206,
Sn 810 (see expl Nd 132: nerayikānaṁ nirayo bh. etc. & VvA 348.
SnA 534: niray' ādi — bhede bhavane); Nd 448 (Inda° the Bhassa (nt.) [cp. Class. Sk. bhāṣya, of bhāṣ] speech, conversa-
realm of Indra); J iii.275 (nāga° the world of the Nāgas). tion, way of talking, disputation Sn 328 (v. l. for hassa); It 71;
Bhavant [cp. Sk. (& Vedic) bhavant, used as pron. of the 2 ; Miln 90; Vism 127 (grouped into fit talk, as the 10 kathā —
but constructed with 3 person of the verb. Probably a con- vatthus, and unfit talk or gossip, as the 32 tiracchāna — kathā).
-kāraka one who makes talk, i. e. invites disputation,
traction fr. bhagavant, see Whitney, Altind. Gr. 456] pron. 1
or one who gossips Vin i.1; Nd 142; f. °kārikā Vin iv.230.
of polite address "Sir, Lord," or "venerable, honourable," or
simply "you." Cases as follows (after Geiger, P.Gr. § 98 ): -pavādaka one who proposes disputation, one who is fond
of debate & discussions M i.161, 227 (°ika); Miln 4. -
sg. nom. bhavaṁ Sn 486; D i.249; M i.484. nt. bhavaṁ M
pavedin one experienced in debating Miln 90. -samācāra
iii.172. acc. bhavantaṁ Sn 597; D ii.231; instr. bhotā D i.93,
(good) conduct in speech, proficiency in disputation D iii.106.
110; S iv.120. gen. bhoto Sn 565; M i.486; voc. bhavaṁ D
-samussaya grandiloquence, proud talk Sn 245 (cp. SnA
i.93 & bho D i.93; M i.484; J ii.26. See bho also sep. — pl.
288=att'ukkaṁsanatā ti vuttaṁ hoti).
nom. bhavanto Sn p. 107 (only as v. l.; T. bhagavanto), &
bhonto ibid.; M ii.2; Miln 25; acc. bhavante M ii.3; instr. Bhassati [bhranś, Sk. bhraśyate] to fall down, drop, to droop
bhavantehi M iii.13; gen. bhavataṁ M ii.3; voc. bhonto Th (Dhtp 455 & Dhtm 695: adho — patane & adhopāte) J iv.223;
1, 832; M ii.2; — f. bhotī: sg. nom. bhotī Sn 988; J iii.95; vi.530. ppr. bhassamāna Miln 82; pret. 3 sg. bhassittha J
acc. bhotiṁ J vi.523; loc. bhotiyā ibid. voc. bhoti ibid.; D ii.274 (cp. pabhassittha Vin ii.135), & abhassittha S i.122 (so
ii.249. — On form bhante see this. read for abhassatha). — pp. bhaṭṭha .
Bhaveyya [cp. Class. Sk. bhavya] a sort of tree, perhaps Aver- Bhassara (adj. n.) [fr. bhās] 1. (adj.) shining, resplendent J
rhoa carambola J vi.529. v.169 (C. pabhassara). — 2. N. of a bird J vi.538 (=sata —
haṁsa C.). — Cp. ā°, pa°.
Bhasati [cp. Epic Sk. bhaṣate] to bark (of dogs) J iv.182 (aor.
bhasi; so read for T. bhusi). — pp. bhasitaṁ (as n.) bark Bhā (f.) [cp. Vedic bhā & bhāḥ nt.] light, splendour; given as
ibid. (mahā — bhasitaṁ bhasi, read for bhusita). See also name of a jewel at an extremely doubtful passage J v.317, 318,
bhusati. where T. reads "vara taṁ bhañ ñam icchasi," & C. expl .: "bhā
ti ratanass' etaṁ nāmaṁ." The v. l. for bhaññaṁ is bhuñjaṁ;
Bhasita 1. see bhasati. — 2. pp. of bhas "crumbled to ashes" see
the passage may be corrupt from "varatu bhavaṁ yam icchasi."
Bhākuṭika (adj.) [fr. bhakuṭi] knitting the eyebrows, frowning,
Bhasta [cp. Vedic basta] a he — goat J iii.278.
only in redupl. cpd. bhākuṭika- bhākuṭiko frowning contin-
Bhastā (f.) & bhasta (nt.) [cp. Class. Sk. bhastrā (also one 2
ually, supercilious Vin ii.11=iii.181 (manda — mando+); Nd
MBh. passage), orig. n. ag. fr. bhas (to bark?), lit. bel-
342 (korajika — korajiko+); Vism 26 (id.). — f. bhākuṭikā
lower, blower] 1. a bellows Th 1, 1134; J vi.12 (vāta — puṇṇa
a frown, frowning, superciliousness, def. at Vism 26 as "pad-
— bhasta — camma, skin of bellows full of wind); SnA 171
hāna — parimathitabhāva — dassanena bhākuṭi [read bhakuṭi]
(vāta — pūrita — bhastrā viya), 494 (vātabharita°); DhA i.442
— karaṇaṁ mukha-sankoco ti vuttaṁ hoti." It occurs in stock
(bhastaṁ dhamāpeti); Vism 287. — 2. a sack Th 1, 1151; phrase bhākuṭikā bhākuṭiyaṁ kuhanā kuhāyanā in def. of
2, 466 (T. reads gatta, but ThA 283 reads bhasta & expl as 1 2
kuhanā at Vbh 352=Vism 23, 25 (cp. Nd 225), and at Nd
"camma — pasibbaka"); J iii.346 (sattu°=sattu pasibbaka flour
342 D. See also VbhA 482 (bhākuṭikaraṇaṁ sīlam assā ti
sack); v.45; ThA 212 (udaka°). biḷāra-bhastā a bag of catskin
bhākuṭiko). The form bhākuṭiyaṁ (nt.) is originally the same
M i.128 (=biḷāra — camma — pasibbaka Bdhgh); Th 1, 1138.
as bhākuṭikā, only differentiated in C. — style. The def. at
Bhasma(n) (nt.) [cp. Vedic bhasman (adj.); Sk. bhasman (n.), Vism 26 is "bhākuṭikassa bhāvo bhākuṭiyaṁ." The v. l. ibid.
originally ppr. of bhas to chew & thus n — stem. It has is bhākuṭitā. -bhākuṭikaṁ karoti to make a frowning face,
passed into the a — decl. in Pali, except in the loc. bhas- to act superciliously Vism 105 (as a quality of one "dosa —
mani (S i.169). Etymologically & semantically bhasman is carita").
either "chewing" or "anything chewed (small)," thus meaning
Bhāga [cp. Vedic bhāga, fr. bhaj, bhajati] 1. part, por-
particle, dust, sand, etc.; and bhas is another form of psā (cp.
tion, fraction, share Vin i.285; Sn 427 (sahassa — bhāgo
Sk. psā morsel of food, psāta hungry=P. chāta). Idg. *bhsā & maraṇassa=sahassaṁ bhāgānaṁ assā ti SnA 387; a thousand
*bhsam, represented in Gr. ψώξω to grind, ψάμμος & ψ¨ωξος
times a share of death, i. e. very near death, almost quite
sand; Lat. sabulum sand. The Dhtp 326 & Dhtm 452 explain
dead), 702 (v. l. SnA 492 for Sn samāna — bhāva, even-
bhas by bhasmīkaraṇa "reduce to ashes," a pp. of it is bhasita; ness, proportionate — ness); Vv 14 (=kummāsa — koṭṭhāsa
it also occurs in Sk. loc. bhasi] ashes S i.169=Nd 576 (loc. VvA 62); Pv i.11 (aḍḍhi° one half); Vin iv.264. — Cp. vi°.
bhasmani); Vv 84 ; J iii.426; Vism 469 (in comparison).
-bhāgaso (abl. — adv.) in parts, by parts, by portions, esp. in
-antāhuti (bhasm' ant' āhuti) "whose sacrifice ends in
even portions, i. e. evenly, in proportion S i.193 (according to
ashes" D i.55 (so read for bhassant°, according to DA i.166, 2
each one's share; cp. Th 1, 1242); M iii.183; Vv 7 ; Miln 330,
& cp. Franke, Dīgha Nikāya p. 60); M i.515; S iii.207.
415 (aneka° hundredfold or more). bhāgaso mita (of cities
-âcchanna covered by ashes Dh 71 (=chārikāya paṭichanna
or dwelling — places etc.) evenly planned, well laid out, i.

Bhāga Bhāti

e. in squares Sn 300, 305 (nivesanāni suvibhattāni bhāgaso); (bhatta°); Miln 107; VvA 40, 292 (v. l. bhojana); PvA 104,
J v.266 (cp. C. on p. 272)=Nd 304 iii. d ; Pv i.10 13 (=bhāgato 145, 251; Sdhp 571.
mita PvA 52). — bhāgabhatta apportioned food, ration DhA -vikati a special bowl J v.292 (so read for T. bhojana°);
i.134. — Cp. dobbhagga "disproportionateness," i. e. bad Vism 376.
luck. — 2. apportioned share (of money), fee, remuneration, 2
Bhājana (nt.) [fr. bhāj] division, dividing up, in pada° divid-
always in term ācariya° (ācariyassa) the teacher's fee (usually
ing of words, treating of words separately DhsA 343; similarly
consisting in 1,000 kahāpaṇas) J i.273; v.457; vi.178; Miln
bhājaniyaṁ that which should be classed or divided DhsA 2,
10; DhA i.253. — 3. division of space, quarter, side, place,
also in pada° division of a phrase DhsA 54.
region: disā° quarter of the compass Vin ii.217; para° outside
Bhājita [pp. of bhājeti] divided, distributed; nt. that which has
part KhA 206 =PvA 24 (kuḍḍānaṁ parabhāgā=tiro — kuḍḍā);
been dealt out or allotted, in cpd. bhājit-âbhājita A iii.275.
pacchābhāgaṁ (acc. adv.) at the back part, behind PvA 114.
— fig. way, respect, in ubhato-bhāga — vimutta "free in Bhājeti [Caus. of bhajati, but to be taken as root by itself; cp.
both ways" D ii.71; M i.477 (see Dial ii.70; i. e. free both by Dhtm 777 bhāja=puthakkare] to divide, distribute, deal out Vin
insight and by the intellectual discipline of the 8 stages of De- iv.223 (ppr. bhājiyamāna); J i.265; DhsA 4 (fut. bhājessati)
liverance, the aṭṭha vimokkhā). — 4. division of time, time, grd. bhājetabba Vin i.285. — pp. bhājita.
always — °, e. g. pubba° the past, apara° the future PvA 133;
Bhāṇa [fr. bhaṇati] reciting or preaching, in pada° reciting the
obl. cases adverbially: tena divasa-bhāgena (+ratti bhāgena)
verses of the Scriptures DhA ii.95 (v. l. paṭibhāna); iii.345;
at that day (& that very night) Miln 18; apara-bhāge (loc.)
in future J i.34; PvA 116.
-vāra a section of the Scriptures, divided into such for
Bhāgavant (adj.) [fr. bhāga, equal to bhāgin] sharing in, partak- purposes of recitation, "a recital" Vin i.14; ii.247; DA 13; MA
ing of (gen.) Dh 19, 20 (sāmaññassa). 2 (concerning the Bh. of Majjhima Nikāya); SnA 2 (of Sutta
Nipāta), 608 (id.); DhsA 6 (of Dhammasangaṇī, cp. Expos. 8
Bhāgin (adj.) [fr. bhāga. Cp. Vedic bhāgin] sharing in, partak-
n. 3), and frequently in other Commentaries & Expositionary
ing of (with gen.), endowed with; getting, receiving A ii.80;
iii.42 (āyussa vaṇṇassa etc.); J i.87 (rasānaṁ); Miln 18 (sā-
maññassa); Vism 150 (lābhassa); DhA ii.90; VbhA 418 sq. Bhāṇaka (adj. — n.) [fr. bhaṇati] speaking; (n.) a reciter, re-
(paññā as hāna — bhāginī, ṭhiti°, visesa° & nibbedha°). — peater, preacher (of sections of the Scriptures), like Angut-
Also in def. of term Bhagavā at Nd 142=Nd 466=Vism 210. tara° Vism 74 sq.; Dīgha° DA i.15, 131; J i.59; Vism 36, 266;
— pl. bhāgino Pv iii.1 (dukkhassa); PvA 18 (dānaphalassa), Jātaka° etc. Miln 341 sq.; Majjhima° Vism 95 (Revatthera),
175. — Cp. bhāgavant, bhāgimant, bhāgiya. 275, 286, 431; Saṁyutta° Vism 313 (Cūḷa — Sivatthera).
Unspecified at SnA 70 (Kalyāṇavihāravāsi — bhāṇaka —
Bhāgineyya [fr. bhaginī, Cp. Epic Sk. bhāgineya] sister's son,
dahara — bhikkhu; reading doubtful). — f. bhāṇikā Vin
nephew Sn 695; J i.207; ii.237; DhA i.14; PvA 215.
iv.285 (Thullanandā bahussutā bhāṇikā); also in cpd. mañju-
Bhāgimant (adj.) [a double adj. formation bhāgin+ mant] partak- bhāṇikā sweet — voiced, uttering sweet words J vi.422.
ing in, sharing, possessing (with gen.) Th 2, 204 (dukkhassa);
Bhāṇaka [cp. Sk. bhāṇḍaka a small box: Kathāsarits. 24, 163;
ThA 171 (=bhāgin).
& see Müller, P.Gr. p. 48] a jar Vin ii.170 (loha°); iii.90.
Bhāgiya (adj.) (—°) [fr. bhāga, cp. bhāgin] connected with, con-
Bhāṇin (adj.) (—°) [fr. bhaṇati] speaking, reciting Sn 850
ducive to, procuring; in foll. philos. terms: kusala° A i.11;
(manta° a reciter of the Mantras, one who knows the M. and
hāna°, visesa° D iii.274 sq.; hāna°, ṭhiti°, visesa°, nibbedha°
speaks accordingly, i. e. speaking wisely, expl by SnA 549 as
Vism 15 (in verse), 88=Ps i.35. — Cp. BSk. mokṣa bhāgīya,
"mantāya pariggahetvā vācaṁ bhāsitā"); Dh 363 (id.; expl as
nirvedha° Divy 50; mokṣa° ibid. 363.
"mantā vuccati paññā, tāya pana bhaṇana — sīlo" DhA iv.93).
Bhāgya (nt.) [cp. Epic & Class. Sk. bhāgya; fr. bhaga, see also — ativela° speaking for an excessively long time, talking in
contracted form bhagga ] good luck, fortune J v.484.
excess J iv.247, 248.
Bhāgyavant (adj.) [same as bhaggavant, only differentiated as be- rd
Bhāṇeti Caus. of bhaṇati (q. v.) with 3 praet. bhāṇi & pot.
ing the Sk. form and thus distinguished as sep. word by Com-
mentators] having good luck, auspicious, fortunate, in def. of
Bhātar [cp. Vedic bhrātar=Av. bratar, Gr. ϕράτωρ, Lat. frater,
term "Bhagavā" at DA i.34=Vism 210; also at VvA 231, where
the abstr. bhāgyavantatā is formed as expl of the term. bhā- Goth. brōpar=Ohg. bruoder, E. brother] brother, nom. sg.
bhātā Sn 296; J i.307; PvA 54, 64; gen. sg. bhātuno ThA
gyavatā (f.) at Vism 211.
71 (Ap. v.36), & bhātussa Mhvs 8, 9; instr. bhātarā J i.308;
Bhājaka (adj.) (—°) [fr. bhajeti] distributing, one who distributes
acc. bhātaraṁ Sn 125; J i.307; loc. bhātari J iii.56. — nom.
or one charged with the office of distributing clothes, food etc.
pl. bhātaro J i.307, & bhātuno Th 2, 408; acc. bhāte Dpvs
among the Bhikkhus Vin i.285 (cīvara°); A iii.275 (cīvara°, vi.21. — In cpds. both bhāti° (. bhātisadisa like a brother J
phala°, khajjaka°).
v.263), and bhātu° (: bhātu — jāyā brother's wife, sister-in-
Bhājana (nt.) [cp. Epic Sk. bhājana, fr. bhāj] a bowl, ves- law J v.288; Vism 95). Cp. bhātika & bhātuka. On pop.
sel, dish, usually earthenware, but also of other metal, e. g. etym. see bhaginī.
gold (suvaṇṇa°) DA i.295; copper (tamba°) DhA i.395; bronze
Bhāti [bhā Dhtp 367, Dhtm 594: dittiyaṁ; Idg. *bhē, cp. Sk.
(kaṁsa°) Vism 142 (in simile). — Vin i.46; Sn 577 (pl. mat- bhāḥ nt. splendour, radiance, bhāsati to shine forth; Gr. ϕάος
tika — bhājanā); J ii.272 (bhikkhā°); iii.366 (id.), 471; v 293

Bhāti Bhāva

light, ϕαίνω to show etc.; Ags. bonian to polish=Ger. bohnen; 3 bhāras in this sense are distinguished, viz. khandha°, kilesa°,
also Sk. bhāla shine, splendour, =Ags. bael funeral pile] to abhisankhāra°); Th 1, 1021. So at Vism 512 with ref. to the
shine (forth), to appear D ii.205; Vv 35 ; J ii.313. — pp. ariya — saccāni, viz. bhāro= dukkha — saccaṁ, bhār' ādā-
bhāta: see vi°. naṁ=samuda — saccaṁ, bhāranikkhepanaṁ=nirodha — s.,
bhāra — nikkhepan'upāya = magga — s. — On bhāra in sim-
Bhātika (& Bhātiya) [fr. bhātar, cp. Class. Sk. bhrātṛka]
iles see J.P.T.S. 1907, 118.
lit. brotherly, i. e. a brother, often° —: "brother" — (a)
-ādāna the taking up of a burden S iii.25. -(m)oropana
bhātika: J i.253 (jeṭṭhaka°); vi.32; DhA i.14 (°thera my Thera
"laying down the load," i. e. delivery of a pregnant woman
— brother or br. — thera), 101, 245; PvA 75. — (b) bhātiya:
Bu ii.115. -ṭṭha contained in a load, carried as a burden Vin
Vism 292 (dve °therā two Th. brothers). — Cp. bhātuka.
iii.47. -nikkhepana the laying down or taking off of a bur-
Bhātuka [=bhātika, fr. Sk. bhrātṛka] brother, usually — °, viz.
den S iii.25. -mocana delivery (of a pregnant woman) J i.19.
pati° brother-in-law, husband's brother J vi.152; putta° son &
-vāhin "burden-bearer," one who carries an office or has a re-
brother DhA i.314; sa° with the brother ThA 71 (Ap. v.36).
sponsibility A iv.24 (said of a bhikkhu). -hāra load — carrier,
Bhānu (adj.) [cp. Vedic bhānu (m.) shine, light, ray; Epic Sk. burden-bearer S iii.25 sq.
also "sun"] light, bright red J iii.62 (of the kaṇavera flower);
Bhāraka (—°) [fr. bhāra] a load, only in cpd. gadrabha° a don-
VvA 175 (°raṁsi).
key — load (of goods) J ii.109; DhA i.123.
Bhānumant (adj.) [fr. bhānu, ray of light Vedic bhānumant, Ep.
Bhārataka [fr. bhara] "the petty descendants of Bhārata" or: load
of Agni; also Epic Sk. the sun] luminous, brilliant; mostly of — carrier, porter (?) Ś iv.117 (indignantly applied to appren-
the sun; nom. bhānumā S i.196= Th 1, 1252; Vv 64 , 78 7
tices and other low class young men who honour the Mahā —
(=ādicca VvA 304); J i.183. acc. bhānumaṁ Sn 1016. —
The spelling is sometimes bhāṇumā.
Bhārika (adj.) [fr. bhāra] 1. loaded, heavy J v.84, 477; Miln 261.
Bhāyati [cp. Sk. bhayate, bhī, pres. redupl. bibheti; Idg. *bhei,
— 2. full of, loaded down with (—°) VvA 314 (sineha° ha-
cp. Av. bayente they frighten; Lith. bijotis to be afraid; Ohg.
daya). — 3. grievous, serious, sorrowful PvA 82 (hadaya). —
bibēn=Ger. beben. Nearest synonym is tras] to be afraid. 4. important Miln 240, 311. — See bhāriya.
Pres, Ind. 1 sg. bhāyāmi Th 1, 21; Sn p. 48; 2 sg. bhāyasi
Th 2, 248; 1 pl. bhāyāma J ii.21; 3 pl. bhāyanto Dh 129; Bhārin (adj.) [fr. bhṛ, cp. bhāra] carrying, wearing, only in
Imper. 2 nd pl. bhāyatha Ud 51; J iii.4; Pot. 3 sg. bhāye cpd. mālā° (māla°), wearing a garland (of flowers) J iv.60,
Sn 964 & bhāyeyya Miln 208; 3 pl. bhāyeyyuṁ Miln 208. 82; v.45; where it interchanges with °dhārin (e. g. Vv.32 ;
— Aor. 1 sg. bhāyiṁ DhA iii.187; 2 nd sg. bhāyi Th 1, 764; v. l. at PvA 211; cp. BSk. °dhārin MVastu i.124). — f.
°bhārinī J iii.530; VvA 12; and °bhārī Th 1, 459 (as v. l.; T.
DhA iii.187; & usually in Prohib. mā bhāyi do not be afraid
S v.369; J i.222; DhA i.253. — grd. bhāyitabba Nd s.v. kā- °dhārī). See also under mālā.
maguṇā B; DhA iii.23. — Caus. I. bhāyayate to frighten J Bhāriya (adj.) [fr. bhāra Vedic bhārya to be nourished or sup-
iii.99 (C.: utraseti); Caus. II. bhāyāpeti J iii.99, 210. — pp. ported; bhāryā wife] 1. heavy, weighty, grave, serious; al-
bhīta. ways fig. with ref. to a serious offence, either as bhāriyaṁ
Bhāyitabbaka (adj.) [grd. of bhāyati+ka] to be feared, dreadful, pāpaṁ a terrible sin PvA 195, or bh. kammaṁ a grave deed,
fearful, Sdhp 95. a sin DhA i.298, 329; ii.56; iii.120; VvA 68; or bhāriyaṁ
alone (as nt.), something grave, a sin DhA i.64. Similarly with
Bhāra [fr. bhṛ, Vedic bhāra; cp. bhara] 1. anything to
ati° as atibhāriyaṁ kammaṁ a very grave deed DhA i.70, or
carry, a load Vin iii.278 (Bdhgh; dāru° a load of wood).
atibhāriyaṁ id. DhA i.186. — 2. bhāriyā (=bhārikā, f. of
bhāraṁ vahati to carry a load A i.84; VvA 23. — garu°
bhāraka) carrying, fetching, bringing J vi.563 (phala°).
a heavy load, as "adj." "carrying a heavy load" J v.439 (of a
Bhārukacchaka see bharu°.
woman,=pregnant). — bhāratara (adj.— compar.) forming
a heavier load Miln 155. — Cp. ati°, sam°. — 2. a load, Bhāva [fr. bhū, cp. Vedic bhāva] 1. being, becoming, condition,
cartload (as measure of quantity) VvA 12 (saṭṭhi — sakaṭa° nature; very rarely by itself (only in later & C. literature, as
— parimāṇa); PvA 102 (aneka°parimāṇa). — 3. (fig.) a dif- e. g. J i.295 thīnaṁ bhāvo, perhaps best to be translated as
ficult thing, a burden or duty, i. e. a charge, business, of- "women's character," taking bhāva=attabhāva); usually — °,
fice, task, affair Vism. 375; J i.292; ii.399; iv.427; vi.413; denoting state or condition of, and representing an abstr. der.
DhA i.6, 111. Several bhārā or great tasks are mentioned from the first part of the cpd. e. g. gadrabha° Ǥ asininity
exemplifying the meaning of "gambhīra" & "duddasa" (sac- ʼ J ii.109. Thus in connection with (a) adjectives: atthika°
cāni) at VbhA 141, viz. mahā — samuddaṁ manthetvā ojāya state of need PvA 120; ūna° depletion SnA 463; ekī° loneli-
nīharaṇaṁ; Sineru — pādato vālikāya uddharaṇaṁ; pabbataṁ ness Vism 34; sithill° (for sithila° in conn. with kṛ & bhū)
pīḷetvā rasassa nīharaṇaṁ. — 4. (fig.) in metaphors for the relaxation Vism 502. — (b) adverbs. upari° high condition
burden of (the factors of renewed) existence (the khandhas and M i.45; pātu° appearance Sn 560; vinā° difference Sn 588.
similar agents). Esp. in phrase panna-bhāra "one whose load (c) nouns & noun — derivations: atta° individual state, life,
(or burden) has been laid down," one who has attained Ara- character Sn 388 (=citta SnA 374); asaraṇa° state of not re-
hantship M i.139; A iii.84; S i.233; Dh 402 (=ohita — khandha membering DhA iii.121; samaṇa° condition of a recluse Sn
— bhāra DhA iv.168); Sn 626 (same expl at SnA 467), 914 551. — (d) forms of verbs: nibbatta° fact of being reborn
(expl as patita — bhāra, oropita°, nikkhitta° Nd 334, where DhA iii.121; magg' ārūḷha° the condition of having started

Bhāva Bhāsita

on one's way VvA 64; baddha° that he was bound; suhita° character), 267, 400 (+bahulī — kata); DhA i.122 (a°); ThA
that they were well J iv.279. The translation can give either 164 (indriya°). See foll.
a full sentence with "that it was" etc. (VvA 64: "that he had 2
Bhāvitatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. bhāvita=*bhāvitattvaṁ] only neg.
started on his way"), or a phrase like "the fact or state of,"
a° the fact of not developing or cultivating S iii.153, 475; Pv
or use as an English abstract noun ending in — ness (atthika 66
ii.9 .
— bhāva needfulness, eki° loneliness), — ion (ūna° deple-
Bhāvin (adj.) [fr. bhāva, Epic Sk. bhāvin "imminent"] "having a
tion, pātu° manifestation). — hood (atta° selfhood), or —
being," going to be, as — ° in avassa° sure to come to pass,
ship (samaṇa° recluseship). — Similarly in Com. style: sam-
inevitable J i.19. — f. bhāvinī future VvA 314 (or is it bhā-
payutta — bhāvo (m.) DhA iii.94, for *sampayuttattaṁ (ab-
vanīya? cp. v. l. S bhāvaniyā).
str.); bhākuṭikassa bhāvo=bhakuṭiyaṁ Vism 26; sovacassassa
bhāvo= sovacassatā KhA 148; mittassa bh.=mettaṁ KhA 248. Bhāveti [Caus. of bhū, bhavati] to beget, produce, increase, cul-
Here sometimes bhava for bhāva. — 2. (in pregnant, specif- tivate, develop (by means of thought & meditation), The Bud-
ically Buddhistic sense) cultivation or production by thought, dhist equivalent for mind — work as creative in idea, M i.293;
mental condition, esp. a set mental condition (see der. bhā- cp. B.Psy p. 132. — D ii.79; M ii.11 (cattāro sammappadhāne
vanā). Sometimes (restricted to Vin & J) in sense "thinking of & iddhipāde); S i.188 (cittaṁ ekaggaṁ), Th 1, 83, 166 (ppr.
someone," i. e. affection, love, sentiment. — (a) in comb n bhāvayanto); Sn 341 (cittaṁ ekaggaṁ), 507 (ppr. bhāvayaṁ),
khanti, diṭṭhi, ruci, bhāva at Vin ii.205; iii.93; iv.3, 4. — (b) 558 (grd. bhāvetabba), 1130 (ppr. bhāvento=āsevanto bahulī
in Jātaka passages: J v.237; vi.293 (bhāvaṁ karoti, with loc., — karonto Nd 476); Dh 87, 350, 370; J i.264 (mettaṁ), 415,
to love). — abhāva (late, only in C. style) not being, absence, ii.22; Nd s. v. kāmaguṇā (p. 121) (where grd. in sequence
want PvA 25; abl. abhāvato through not being, in want of "sevitabba, bhajitabba, bhāvetabba, bahulī — kātabba"); Pug
PvA 9, 17. — sabhāva (sva+bhāva) see sep. 15, DhA iii.171; Sdhp 48, 495. — Pass. ppr. bhāviyamāna
A ii.140; KhA 148. — pp. bhāvita.
Bhāvanā (f.) [fr. bhāveti, or fr. bhāva in meaning of bhāva 2,
cp. Class. Sk. bhāvanā] producing, dwelling on something, Bhāsa [cp. Epic Sk. bhāsa] -sakuṇa a bird of prey, a vulture
putting one's thoughts to, application, developing by means of [Abhp. 645, 1049]; as one of the lucky omens enum (under
thought or meditation, cultivation by mind, culture. — See the so — called mangala — kathā) at KhA 118 (with v. l. SS.
on term Dhs trsl 261 (= 240); Expos. i.217 (=DhsA 163); cāta° & vāca°, BB cāba°)=Nd 87 (on Sn 790) (T. reads vāta°;
Cpd. 207 n. 2. — Cp. pari°, vi°, sam°. — Vin i.294 (in- v. l. SS vāpa°, BB chapa°).
driya°); D iii.219 (three: kāya°, citta°, paññā°), 221, 225, 285, Bhāsaka (adj.) (—°) [fr. bhāṣ] speaking DA i.52 (avaṇṇa° ut-
291; S i.48; Dh 73, 301; J i.196 (mettā°); iii.45 (id.); Nd 1
tering words of blame).
143 (saññā°); Nett 91 (samatha — vipassanaṁ); Vbh 12, 16 1
Bhāsati [bhāṣ; Dhtp 317: vacane; Dhtm 467; vācāya] to speak,
sq., 199, 325; Vism 130 (karaṇa, bhāvanā, rakkhaṇa; here
to say, to speak to, to call M i.227, Sn 158, 562, 722; Dh 1,
bh.=bringing out, keeping in existence), 314 (karuṇā°), 317
246, 258; also bhāsate Sn 452. — Pot. bhāseyya Vin ii.189;
(upekkhā°); Miln 25 (°ṁ anuyuñjati); Sdhp 15, 216, 233, 451.
Sn 451, 930; SnA 468 (for udīraye Dh 408); bhāse Dh 102;
-ânuyoga application to meditation Vbh 244, 249.
Sn 400; & bhāsaye A ii.51= J v.509 (with gloss katheyya for
-ārāma joy of or pleasure in self culture A ii.28. -bala power
joteyya=bhāseyya). — Aor. abhāsi Vin iv.54; PvA 6, 17, 23,
to increase the effect of meditation, power of self — culture
69; 1 sg. also abhāsissaṁ (Cond.) Pv i.6 (=abhāsiṁ PvA
A i.52; D iii.213. -maya accomplished by culture practice;
34); imper. pres. bhāsa Sn 346; ppr. bhāsamāne A ii.51= J
brought into existence by practice (of cultured thought), cp.
v.509; Sn 426; Dh 19; J iv.281 (perhaps better with v. l. as
Cpd. 207. D iii.218, 219; Nett 8; with dānamaya & sīlamaya
hasamāna); v.63; & bhāsanto Sn 543. — grd. bhāsitabba A
at It 19, 51; Vbh 135, 325. -vidhāna arrangement of process
iv.115; Vism 127. — Med. ind. pres. 2 sg. bhāsase Vv 34 ;
of culture DhsA 168=Vism 122.
imper. pres. 2 nd sg. bhāsassu M ii.199. — An apparent ger.
Bhāvanīya (adj.) [grd. fr. bhāveti, but taken by Bdhgh as grd.
form abhāsiya It 59, 60 (micchā vācaṁ abhāsiya) is problem-
formation fr. bhāvanā] "being as ought to be," to be culti-
atic. It may be an old misspelling for ca bhāsiya, as a positive
vated, to be respected, in a self — composed state (cp. bhāvi- form is required by the sense. The vv. ll. however do not sug-
tatta) M i.33 (garu+; expl by Bdhgh as "addhā 'yam āyasmā
gest anything else but abhāsiya; the editor of It suggests pa°.
jānaṁ jānāti passaṁ passatī ti evaṁ sambhāvanīyo" MA 156);
— Cp. anu, o°, samanu°.
S v.164; A iii.110; Miln 373; PvA 9. See also under manob- 2
Bhāsati [bhās Dhtm 467: dittiyaṁ] to shine, shine forth, fill with
hāvanīya. nd
splendour Sn 719 (2 sg. fut. bhāsihi=bhāsissasi pakāsessasi
Bhāvita [pp. of bhāveti] developed, made to become by means of 9
SnA 499). Usually with prep. prefix pa° (so read at Pv i.10
thought, cultured, well-balanced A v.299 (cittaṁ parittaṁ ab-
for ca bh.). Cp. o°, vi°.
hāvitaṁ; opp. cittaṁ appamāṇaṁ subhāvitaṁ); Sn 516, 558.
Bhāsana (nt.) [fr. bhāṣ] speaking, speech Dhtm 162; Sdhp 68.
Bhāvitatta (adj.) [bhāvita+attan] one whose attan (ātman) is
Bhāsā (f.) [cp. Epic Sk. bhāṣā] speech, language, esp. vernacu-
bhāvita, i. e. well trained or composed. Attan here=citta (as
lar, dialect J iv.279 (manussa° human speech), 392 (caṇḍāla°);
PvA 139), thus "self — composed, well — balanced" A iv.26;
Sn 277, 322, 1049; Dh 106, 107; Nd 142; Nd 475 B (in- KhA 101 (saka — saka° — anurūpa); SnA 397 (Milakkha°);
DA i.176 (Kirātā — Yavanâdi — Millakkhānaṁ bhāsā); MA
driyāni bh.); J ii.112 (°bhāvanāya when the training of thought
i.1 (Sīhaḷa°); VbhA 388 (18 dialects, of which 5 are men-
is perfect); Vism 185 (°bhāvana, adj. one of well — trained
tioned; besides the Māgadhabhāsā).

Bhāsita Bhikkhunī

Bhāsita [pp. of bhāsati ] spoken, said, uttered A v.194; Miln 28; dicant, a Buddhist monk or priest, a bhikkhu. — nom. sg.
DhA iv.93. — (nt.) speech, word Dh 363; M i.432. Usu- bhikkhu freq. passim; Vin iii.40 (vuḍḍhapabbajita); A i.78
ally as su° & dub° (both adj. & nt.) well & badly spoken, or (thera bh., an elder bh.; and nava bh. a young bh.); iii.299
good & bad speech Vin i.172; M ii.250; A i.102; ii.51 (su°; (id.); iv.25 (id.); Sn 276, 360, 411 sq., 915 sq., 1041, 1104;
read bhāsita for bāsita); vi.226; Sn 252, 451, 657; J iv.247, Dh 31, 266 sq., 364 sq., 378; Vv 80 ; acc. bhikkhuṁ Vin
281 (su°, well spoken or good words); Pv ii.6 (su°); PvA 83 iii.174; Dh 362, & bhikkhunaṁ Sn 87, 88, 513; gen. dat.
(dub°). bhikkhuno A i.274; Sn 221, 810, 961; Dh 373; Pv i.10 ; &
bhikkhussa A i.230; Vin iii.175; instr. bhikkhunā Sn 389.
Bhāsitar [n. ag. fr. bhāṣ] one who speaks, utters; a speaker S
pl. nom. bhikkhū Vin ii.150; iii.175; D iii.123; Vism 152 (in
i.156; Pug 56; SnA 549.
sim.); VbhA 305 (compared with amaccaputtā) & bhikkhavo
Bhāsin (adj.) (—°) [cp. Epic Sk. bhāṣin] speaking A i.102 (dubb-
Sn 384, 573; Dh 243, 283; acc. bhikkhu Sn p. 78; M i.84; Vv
hāsita — bhāsin). 10
22 ; & bhikkhavo Sn 384, 573; gen. dat. bhikkhūnaṁ Vin
Bhāsura (adj.) [cp. Epic Sk. bhāsura fr. bhas] bright, shining, iii.285; D iii.264; Sn 1015; Pv ii.1 ; & bhikkhunaṁ S i.190;
resplendent ThA 139, 212; VvA 12. Th 1, 1231; instr. bhikkhūhi Vin iii.175; loc. bhikkhūsu A
Bhiṁsa (adj.) [=Vedic bhīṣma, of which there are 4 P. forms, viz. iv.25, & bhikkhusu Th 1, 241, 1207; Dh 73; voc. bhikkhave
the metathetic bhiṁsa, the shortened bhisma, the lengthened (a Māgadhī form of nom. bhikkhavaḥ) Vin iii.175; Sn p. 78;
bhesma, and the contracted bhīsa (see bhīsana). Cp. also Sk. VvA 127; PvA 8, 39, 166; & bhikkhavo Sn 280, 385.
There are several allegorical etymologies (definitions) of
— P. bhīma; all of bhī] terrible; only in cpd. °rūpa (nt. &
the word bhikkhu, which occur frequently in the commen-
adj.) an awful sight; (of) terrific appearance, terrible, awful J
taries. All are fanciful interpretations of the idea of what a
iii.242, 339; iv.271, 494.
bhikkhu is or should be, and these qualities were sought and
Bhiṁsana & °ka (adj.) [the form with °ka is the canonic
found in the word itself. Thus we mention here the foll. (a)
form, whereas bhiṁsana is younger. See bhiṁsa on connec-
bhikkhu=bhinnakilesa ("one who has broken the stains" i. e.
tions] horrible, dreadful, awe — inspiring, causing fear. (a) of bad character) VbhA 328; VvA 29, 114, 310; PvA 51. —
bhiṁsanaka (usually comb with lomahaṁsa) D ii.106=A n
(b) Another more explicit expl is "sattannaṁ dhammānaṁ
iv.311; D ii.157; Vin iii.8; PvA 22; ThA 242 (°sab- bhinnattā bhikkhu" (because of the breaking or destroying of
hāva=bhīmarūpa); J v.43. — (b) bhiṁsana Pv iv.3 (+lom-
7 things, viz. the 7 bad qualities, leading to rebirth, consist-
ing of sakkāyadiṭṭhi, vicikicchā, sīlabbata — parāmāsa, rāga,
Bhiṁsā (f.) [fr. bhiṁsa] terror, fright; mahā-bhiṁsa (adj.) in- dosa, moha, māna). This def. at Nd 70=Nd 477 . — (c)
spiring great terror D ii.259. Cp. bhismā. Whereas in a & b the first syllable bhi( — kkhu) is referred to
bhid, in this def. it is referred to bhī (to fear), with the further
Bhiṁsikā (f.) [fr. bhiṁsa] frightful thing, terror, terrifying omen
reference of (bh — ) ikkh(u) to īkṣ (to see), and bhikkhu de-
Mhvs 12, 12 (vividhā bhiṁsikā kari he brought divers terrors
fined as "saṁsāre bhayaṁ ikkhati ti bh." Vism 3, 16 (saṁsāre
to pass).
bhayaṁ ikkhaṇatāya vā bhinna — paṭa — dharaditāya vā). —
Bhikkhaka [fr. bhikkhu, Cp. Epic Sk. bhikṣuka & f. bhikṣukī] a
A very comprehensive def. of the term is found at Vbh 245 —
beggar, mendicant S i.182 (bh. brāhmaṇa); J vi.59 (v. l. BB.
246, where bhikkhu — ship is established on the ground of 18
°uka); VbhA 327.
qualities (beginning with samaññāya bhikkhu, paṭiññāya bh.,
Bhikkhati [cp. Vedic bhikṣate, old desid. to bhaj; def. Dhtp bhikkhatī ti bh., bhikkhako ti bh., bhikkhācariyaṁ ajjhupagato
13 "yācane"] to beg alms, to beg, to ask for S i.176, 182 (so ti bh., bhinna — paṭa — dharo ti bh., bhindati pāpake dhamme
read for T. bhikkhavo); Dh 266; VbhA 327. — ppr. med. ti bh., bhinnattā pāpakānaṁ dhammānan ti bh. etc. etc.). —
bhikkhamāna Th 2, 123. This passage is expl in detail at VbhA 327, 328. — Two kinds
of bhikkhus are distinguished at Ps i.176; Nd 465=Nd 477 ,
Bhikkhā (f.) [cp. Epic & Class. Sk. bhaikṣa of bhikṣ, adj. & nt.]
begged food, alms, alms — begging; food Vin iv.94; Cp i.1 ; viz. kalyāṇa[ -ka- ]puthujjana (a layman of good character)
Vv 70 (ekāhā bh. food for one day); Miln 16; PvA 3, 75, 131 and sekkha (one in training), for which latter the term paṭilī-
nacara (one who lives in elimination, i. e. in keeping away
(kaṭacchu°); bhikkhāya carati to go out begging food [cp.
from the dangers of worldly life) is given at Nd 130 (on Sn
Sk. bhaikṣaṁ carati] J iii.82; v.75; PvA 51 & passim. — sub-
hikkha (nt.) abundance of food D i.11. dubbhikkha (nt.) (&
-gatika a person who associates with the bhikkhus (in the
°ā f.) scantiness of alms, famine, scarcity of food, adj. famine
Vihāra) Vin i.148. -bhāva state of being a monk, monkhood,
— stricken (cp. Sk. durbhikṣaṁ) Vin ii.175; iii.87 (adj.); iv.23
bhikkhuship D i.176; Sn p. 102; -sangha the community of
(adj.); S iv.323, 324 (dvīhitikaṁ); A i.160; iii.41; J ii.149, 367;
v.193; vi.487; Cp i.3 (adj.); Vism 415 (°pīḷita), 512 (f. in sim- bhikkhus, the Order of friars D iii.208; Sn 403, 1015; Sn p.
101, 102; Miln 209; PvA 19 sq. & passim.
ile); KhA 218; DhA i.169; ii.153 (f.); iii.437 (°bhaya).
-āhāra food received by a mendicant J i.237 (=bhikkhu Bhikkhuka (—°) (adj.) [fr. bhikkhu] belonging to a Buddhist
— āhāra?). -cariyā going about for alms, begging round Sn mendicant, a bhikkhu —, a monk's, or of monks, in sa° with
700; PvA 146. -cāra=°cariyā Mhbv 28. -paññatti decla- monks, inhabited by bhikkhus Vin iv.307, 308; opp. a° with-
ration of alms, announcement that food is to be given to the out bhikkhus, ibid.
Sangha, a dedication of food Vin i.309.
Bhikkhunī (f.) [fr. bhikkhu, cp. BSk. bhiksuṇī, but classical
Bhikkhu [cp. later Sk. bhikṣu, fr. bhikṣ] an almsman, a men- Sk. bhikṣukī] an almswoman, a female mendicant, a Buddhist

Bhikkhunī Bhisakka

nun D iii.123 sq., 148, 168 sq., 264; Vin iv.224 sq., 258 sq. danto Mhvs 5, 185. — Pot. bhinde Vism 36 (sīlasaṁvaran).
(°sangha); S i.128; ii.215 sq., iv.159 sq.; A i.88, 113, 279; — fut. bhindissati Vin ii.198. — aor. bhindi J i.467 (mitta
ii.132 (°parisā), 144; iii.109; iv.75; Miln 28; VbhA 498 (da- — bhāvaṁ), & abhindi A iv.312 (atta — sambhavaṁ). —
hara°, story of); VvA 77. ger. bhinditvā J i.425, 490; PvA 12; also in phrase indriyāni
bhinditvā breaking in one's senses, i. e. mastering, control-
Bhinka [cp. Vedic bhṛnga large bee] the young of an animal, esp.
ling them J ii.274; iv.104, 114, 190. — Caus. I. bhedeti: see
of an elephant, in its property of being dirty (cp. pigs) Vin
vi°. Caus. II. bhindāpeti to cause to be broken J i.290 (sīlaṁ);
ii.201=S ii.269 (bhinka — cchāpa); J v.418 (with ref. to young
vi.345 (pokkharaṇiṁ) and bhedāpeti Vin iii.42. — See also
cats: "mahā — biḷārā nelamaṇḍalaṁ vuccati taruṇā bhinka —
cchāpa — maṇḍalaṁ," T. °cchāca°, vv. ll. bhiñjaka — cchāca;
taruṇa — bhiga — cchāpa; bhinga — cchāja). Bhindana (adj.) [fr. bhindati] breaking up, brittle, falling into
Bhinkāra (& °gāra) [cp. late Sk. bhṛngāra] a water jar, a (nearly ruin S i.131 (kāya).
always golden) vase, ceremonial vessel (in donations) Vin i.39 Bhindivāla [Non — Aryan; Epic Sk. bhindipāla spear, but cp Prk
(sovaṇṇa — maya); D ii.172; A iv.210=214 (T. °gāra, v. l. bhiṇḍi — māla & °vāla, Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 248; see also
°kāra); Cp. i.3 ; J i.85, 93; ii.371; iii.10 (suvaṇṇa°); Dpvs Geiger, P.Gr. § 38] a sort of spear J vi.105, 248; Abhp 394.
xi.32; PvA 75; KhA 175 (suvaṇṇa°; v. l. BB °gāra), Sdhp 513
Bhinna [pp. of bhindati] 1. broken, broken up (lit. & fig.) Sn 770
(nāvā); J i.98 (abhinna magga an unbroken path); iii.167 (uda
Bhinkāra [?] cheers, cries of delight (?) Bu i.35 (+sādhu kāra). — kumbha); PvA 72 (°sarīra — cchavi). — 2. (fig.) split,
Bhinkāra [cp. Sk. bhṛnga bee, bhṛngaka & bhṛnga — rājā] a fallen into dissension, not agreeing D iii.117=210, 171. —
Usually in cpds., & often to be translated by prep. "without,"
bird: Lanius caerulescens J v.416.
e.g. bhinnahirottappa without shame. — Cp. sam°.
Bhijjati [Pass. of bhindati, cp. Sk. bhidyate] to be broken, to
-ājīva without subsistence, one who has little means to
be destroyed; to break (instr.); pres. bhijjati Dh 148, ppr.
live on, one who leads a poor mode of living Miln 229 sq.
bhijjamāna: see phrase abhijjamāne udake under abhijj°, with
(opp. parisuddh' ājīva); Vism 306. -nāva ship — wreeked J
which cp. phrase abhejjantyā pathavyā J vi.508, which is
iv.159. -paṭa a torn cloth, in cpd. °dhara "wearing a patch-
difficult to explain (not breaking? for abhijjantī after abhe-
work cloth," i. e. a bhikkhu (see also s. v. bhikkhu) Th 1,
jja & abhedi, and *abhijjanto for abhijjamāna, intrs.?). imper. 1092. -plava ship — wrecked J iii.158. -manta disobeying
bhijjatu Th 1, 312. — praet. 2 nd pl. bhijjittha J i.468; aor.
(i. e. breaking) a counsel J vi.437. -sira with a broken head
abhedi Ud 93 (abhedi kāyo). — fut. bhijjhissati DA i.266;
J iv.251. -sīmā (f.) one who has broken the bounds (of de-
grd. bhijjitabba J iii.56; on grd. °bhijja see pabhindati; grd.
cency) Miln 122. -sīla one who has broken the norm of good
bhejja in abhejja not to be broken (q. v.).
conduct Vism 56. -hirottappa without shame, shameless J
Bhijjana (nt.) [fr. bhijjati] breaking up, splitting, perishing; de- i.207.
struction J i.392; v.284; vi.11; DhA i.257 (kaṇṇā bhijjan' ākāra
Bhinnatta (nt.) [fr. bhinna] state of being broken or destroyed,
— pattā); ThA 43 (bhijjana — sabhāva of perishable nature; destruction A iv.144.
expl of bhidura Th 2, 35); PvA 41 (°dhammā destructible, of
sankhārā). — Der. abhijjanaka see sep. Bhiyyo (Bhīyo, Bhīyyo) [Vedic bhūyas, compar. form fr. bhū,
functioning as compar. to bhūri. On relation Sk. bhūyaḥ:
Bhitti (f.) [fr. bhid, cp. *Sk. bhitta fragment, & Class. Sk. bhitti
P. bhiyyo cp. Sk. jugupsate: P. jigucchati] 1. (adj.) more
wall] a wall Vin i.48; D ii.85; S ii.103; iv.183; v.218; J i.491;
Sn 61 (dukkham ettha bhiyyo), 584 (id.), 306 (bh. taṇhā
Vism 354=VbhA 58 (in comparison); ThA 258; VvA 42, 160,
pavaḍḍhatha); Dh 313 (bh. rajan ākirate), 349 (bh. taṇhā
271, 302; PvA 24.
pavaḍḍhati). — 2. (adv.) in a higher degree, more, repeat-
-khīla a pin (peg) in the wall Vin ii.114, 152. -pāda the
edly, further S i.108 (appaṁ vā bhīyo less or more); Sn 434
support or lower part of a wall J iv.318.
(bh. cittaṁ pasīdati); Dh 18 (bh. nandati=ativiya n. C.); Miln
Bhittika (adj.) [fr. bhitti] having a wall or walls J iv.318 (naḷa °ā 40. — See also bhiyyoso, yebhuyyena.
paṇṇasālā); vi.10 (catu° with 4 walls). -kamyatā desire for more, greed Vin ii.214. -bhāva get-
ting more, increase, multiplication D iii.221; Vin iii.45; S v.9,
Bhidura (adj.) [fr. bhid] fragile, perishable, transitory Th 2, 35
198, 244; A i.98; v.70; VbhA 289.
(=bhijjana — sabhāva ThA 43).
Bhiyyoso (adv.) [abl. formation fr. bhiyyo 1] still more, more
Bhindati [bhid, Sk. bhinatti; cp. Lat. findo to split, Goth. bei-
and more, only in cpd. °mattāya [cp. BSk. bhūyasyā mātrāya
tan=Ger. beissen. Def. at Dhtp 381, 405 by "vidāraṇe" i. e.
MVastu ii.345; Divy 263 & passim] exceedingly, abundantly
splitting] to split, break, sever, destroy, ruin. In two bases: d
*bhid (with der. *bhed) & *bhind. — (a) *bhid: aor. 3 rd A i.124=Pug 30 (expl at PugA 212 by "bhiyyoso — mattāya
uddhumāyana — bhāvo daṭṭhabbo"); J i.61; PvA 50.
sg. abhida (=Sk. abhidat) D ii.107; J iii.29 (see also under
abhida); abbhidā J i.247; ii.163, 164. — fut. bhecchati (Sk. Bhisa (nt.) [cp. Vedic bisa, with bh for b: see Geiger, P.Gr. § 40
bhetsyati) A i.8. — ger. bhetvā (Sk. bhittvā) Th 1, 753; Sn 1a] the sprout (fr. the root) of a lotus, the lotus fibres, lotus
62 (v. l. BB bhitvā). — grd. bhejja: only neg. abhejja (q. plant S i.204; ii.268; J i.100; iv.308.
v.). See also der. bheda, bhedana. — pp. bhinna & Pass. -puppha the lotus flower Sn 2 (=paduma — puppha SnA
bhijjati. — (b) *bhind: pres. bhindati Nd 503; DhA i.125 16). -muḷāla fibres & stalk of the lotus J v.39; Vism 361.
(kathaṁ bh. to break a promise); Sdhp 47. — ppr. bhin-
Bhisakka [cp. Vedic bhiṣaj physician, P. bhesajja medicine & see

Bhisakka Bhuñjati

Geiger, P.Gr. § 63 ] a physician M i.429; A iii.238; iv.340; It bukkaṇa crow] barking, n. a barker, i. e. dog; only in redupl.
101; Miln 169, 215, 229, 247 sq., 302; Vism 598 (in simile); intens. formation bho-bhu-kka (cp. E. bow — wow), lit. bhu
DA i.67, 255. — bhu — maker (: kka fr. kṛ?) J vi.354 (C.: bhun — karaṇa).
Bhisi (f.) [cp. Epic Sk. bṛṣī & bṛsī, with bh for b, as in Prk. bhisī, See also bhussati.
cp. Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 209] a bolster, cushion, pad, roll Vin Bhunkaraṇa (adj. — nt.) [bhu+kṛ, see bhukka] making "bhu,"
i.287 sq. (cīvara° a robe rolled up); ii.150, 170; iii.90; iv.279. i. e. bow — wow, barking J vi.355 (°sunakha); v. l. bhu —
Five kinds are allowed in a Vihāra, viz. uṇṇa — bhisi, cola°, bhukka — sadda — karaṇa.
vāka°, tiṇu°, paṇṇa°, i. e. bolsters stuffed with wool, cotton
Bhucca (adj.) [ger. of bhū in composition, corresponding to
— cloth, bark, grass, or talipot leaves, Vin ii.150=VbhA 365
*bhūtya>*bhutya, like pecca (*pretya) fr. pra+i. In function
equal to bhūta] only in cpd. yathā-bhuccaṁ (nt. adv.) as it
-bimbohana bolster & pillow Vin i.47; ii.208; DhA i.416;
is, that which really is, really (=yathā bhūtaṁ) Th 2, 143. See
VbhA 365.
under yathā.
Bhisi [etym.?] a raft Sn 21. — Andersen, Pali Reader, Glossary Bhuja (m. & nt.) [cp. Epic & Class. Sk. bhuja m. & bhujā;
s. v. identifies it with bhisi and asks: "Could it also mean a d
bhuj, bhujate to bend, lit. "the bender"; the root is expl by
sort of cushion, made of twisted grass, used instead of a swim- 3
koṭilya (koṭilla) at Dhtp 470 (Dhtm 521). See also bhuja .
ming girdle?"
Idg. *bheng, fr. which also Lat. fugio to flee=Gr. ϕεύγω,
Bhisikā (f.) [fr. bhisi ] a small bolster Vin ii.148 (vāta-pāna° a Lat. fuga flight=Sk. bhoga ring, Ohg. bouc; Goth. biugan
roll to keep out draughts); KhA 50 (tāpasa°, v. l. K kapala to bend=Ger. beugen & biegen; Ohg. bogo=E. bow. Seman-
— bhitti, see Appendix to Indexes on Sutta Nipāta & Pj.). tically cp. Lat. lacertus the arm, i. e. the bend, fr. *leq to
bend, to which P. laguḷa a club (q. v. for etym.), with which
Bhismā (f.) [=bhiṁsā] terror, fright D ii.261 (°kāya adj. terrific).
cp. Lat. lacerta=lizard, similar in connotation to P. bhujaga
Bhīta [pp. of bhāyati] frightened, terrified, afraid Dh 310; J i.168 d 2
snake] the arm Sn 48 (expl by Nd 478 as hattha, hand); 682
(niraya — bhaya°); ii.110 (maraṇa — bhaya°), 129; iv.141 18
(pl. bhujāni); J v.91, 309; vi.64; Bu i.36; Vv 64 .
(+tasita); PvA 154, 280 (+tasita). Cp. sam°. 2
Bhuja [fr. bhuñjati ] clean, pure, bright, beautiful J vi.88 (°das-
Bhībhaccha see bībhaccha. ns
sana beautiful to look at; C. expl by kalyāṇa dassana).
Bhīma (adj.) [fr. bhī, cp. Vedic bhīma] dreadful, horrible, cruel, 3
Bhuja (adj.) [fr. bhuj to bend] bending, crooked, in bhuja-laṭṭhi
awful J iv.26; Miln 275.
betel — pepper tree J vi.456 (C.: bhujangalatā, perhaps identi-
-kāya of horrible body, terrific J v.165. -rūpa of terrify-
cal with bhujaka?), also in cpd. bhuja-ga going crooked, i. e.
ing appearance Th 2, 353. -sena having a terrifying army J
snake Miln 420 (bhujaginda king of snakes, the cobra); Dāvs.
iv.26; vi.201. Also Np. of one of the 5 sons of King Paṇḍu J
2, 17; also as bhujanga Dāvs 2, 56, & in der. bhujanga-latā
v.426; Vism 233.
"snake-creeper," i. e. name of the betel — pepper J vi.457;
Bhīmala (adj.) [fr. bhīma] terrifying, horrible, awful J v.43 and bhujangama S i.69. — Cp. bhogin .
(T. bhīmūla, but read bhīmala; C. expl by bhiṁsanaka — 2 3
Bhujaka [fr. bhuj, as in bhuñjati ; or does it belong to bhuja and
equal to bhuja — laṭṭhi?] a fragrant tree, growing (according
Bhīrati Pass. to bharati, only in cpd. ppr. anubhīramāna M to Dhpāla) only in the Gandhamādana grove of the Devaloka
iii.123 (chatta: being brought up,or carried behind). Neu- Vv 35 ; VvA 162.
mann, M. trsl. iii.248 translates "über ihm schwebt," & pro-
Bhujissa [cp. BSk. bhujiṣya Divy 302, according to Mhvyut §
poses reading (on p. 563) anu-hīramāna (fr. hṛ). This read- 2
84 meaning "clean"; thus fr. bhuj (see bhuñjati ) to purify,
ing is to be preferred, & is also found at D ii.15.
sort out] 1. (n. m.) a freed slave, freeman; a servant as distin-
Bhīru (adj. n.) [fr. bhī; cp. Vedic bhīru] 1. fearful, i. e. having guished from a slave Vin i.93; J ii.313; PvA 112. — bhujis-
fear, timid, afraid, shy, cowardly Sdhp 207 (dukkha°); usually saṁ karoti to grant freedom to a slave J v.313; vi.389, 546;
in neg. abhīru not afraid, without fear, comb with anutrāsin: DhA i.19; ThA 200. — f. bhujissā Vin ii.271 (in same se-
see utrāsin. — 2. fearful, i. e. causing fear, awful, dreadful, quence as bhujissa at Vin i.93). — 2. (adj.) freeing fr. slav-
terrible Pv ii.4 (°dassana terrible to look at). — 3. (m.) fear, ery, productive of freedom D ii.80 (cp. Dial. ii.80); iii.245;
cowardice Sn 437 (=utrāsa SnA 390). S ii.70; iv.272; A iii.36, 132, 213; Vism 222 (with exegesis).
-ttāṇa refuge for the fearful, adj. one who protects, those Cp. bhoja & bhojaka.
who are in fear A ii.174; It 25; Sdhp 300. -bhāva state of being freed fr. slavery, freedom ThA 200.
Bhīruka (adj.) [fr. bhīru] afraid, shy, cowardly, shunning (—°) Bhuñjaka (adj.) [fr. bhuñjati ] eating, one who eats or enjoys, in
Vism 7 (pāpa°), 645 (jīvitu — kāma bhīruka — purisa). °sammuti definition of "eater," speaking of an eater, declara-
Bhīsana (adj.) =bhiṁsana (q. v.) Pv iv.3 (v. l. in PvA 251), tion or statement of eating VbhA 164.
expl by bhayajanana PvA 251, where C. reading also bhīsana. Bhuñjati [bhuj to Lat. fruor, frūx=E. fruit, frugal etc.; Goth.
brūkjan=As. brūkan=Ger. brauchen. The Dhtp 379 (& Dhtm
Bhukka (adj.) [fr. onomat. root *bhukk, dialectical, cp. Prk.
613) expl bhuj by "pālan' ajjhohāresu," i. e. eating & drink-
bhukkai to bark, bhukkiya barking, bhukkana dog (Pischel,
ing for the purpose of living] to eat (in general), to enjoy, make
Prk. Gr. § 209); the root bhukk (bukk) is given by Hemacan-
use of, take advantage of, use Sn 102, 240, 259, 619; Dh 324;
dra 4, 98 in meaning "garjati" (see P. gajjati), cp. also Prk.
Pug 55. Pot. bhuñjeyya Sn 400; Dh 308, 2 nd pl. bhuñ-

Bhuñjati Bhūkuṭi

jetha Dh 70; Mhvs 25, 113. Imper. 2 nd med. bhuñjassa S pet Vin i.48; ii.208; iv.279. -antara "earth — occasion," i.
v.53; 3 act. bhuñjatu S i.141; Sn 479; bhuñjassu Sn 421; e. (1) sphere of the earth, plane of existence Miln 163; DhsA
ppr. bhuñjanto J iii.277: bhuñjamāna Th 1, 12; Sn 240. 296. — (2) in °pariccheda discussion concerning the earth,
Fut. 1 sg. bhokkhaṁ [Sk. bhoksyāmi] J iv.117. Aor. 1 st i. e. cosmogony DhsA 3. -antalikkha earthly and celestial,
sg. bhuñjiṁ Miln 47; 3 sg. bhuñji J iv.370; 3 pl. ab- over earth & sky (of portents) Miln 178. The form would cor-
huñjiṁsu Th 1, 922; abhuñjisuṁ Mhvs 7, 25. Ger. bhutvā respond to Sk. *bhaum — āntarīkṣa. -jāla "terrestrial net (of
J iii.53 (=bhuñjitvā C.); DhA i.182; bhutvāna Sn 128. Grd. insight) gift of clear sight extending over the globe (perhaps
bhuñjitabba Mhvs 5, 127. Inf. bhottuñ: see ava°. — pp. to find hidden treasures) SnA 353 (term of a vijjā, science or
bhutta. — Caus. bhojeti (q. v.). Cp. bhoga, bhojana, bho- magic art). Cp. bhūrikamma & bhūrivijjā. — ṭṭha (a) put into
janīya, bhojja; also Desid. pp. bubbhukkhita; & ābhuñjati. the earth, being in the earth, found on or in the earth, earthly
Bhuñjati [bhuj to purify, cleanse, sift, not given in this meaning Vin iii.47. (b) standing on the earth Dh 28. — (c) resting on
the earth Miln 181. Also as °ka living on earth, earthly (of
by the Dhātupāṭha. Cp. Av. buxti purification buj to clean,
gods) J iii.87. -deva a terrestrial deva or fairy A iv.118; Ps
also Lat. fungor (to get through or rid of, cp. E. function),
ii.149; VbhA 12; DhA i.156; VvA 334; PvA 5, 43, 55, 215,
Goth. us — baugjan to sweep; P. paribhuñjati 2, paribhojaniya
277. -devatā=°deva J iv.287 (=yakkha); KhA 120.
& vinibbhujati. See Kern, Toev. p. 104, s. v. bhujissa] to
clean, purify, cleanse: see bhuja and bhujissa, also bhoja & Bhummi (f.) [fr. bhumma] that which belongs to the ground,
bhojaka. i. e. a plane (of existence), soil, stage (as t.t. in philosophy)
Bhuñjana (nt.) [fr. bhuñjati ] taking food, act of eating, feasting DhsA 277 (°y — āpatti), 339 (id.), 985 (dukkha°), 1368, 1374
sq. (see Dhs trsl. 231).
J iv.371 (°kāraṇa); PvA 184.
-kāla meal — time DhA i.346. Bhummi [old voc. of bhumma] a voc. of friendly address "my
Bhutta [pp. of bhuñjati ; Sk. bhukta] 1. (Pass.) eaten, being (dear) man" (lit. terrestrial) Vin ii.304 (=piyavacanaṁ Bdhgh).
eaten Sn p. 15; Dh 308; impers. eating Vin iv.82 (bhuttaṁ Bhuyya the regular P. representative of Sk. bhūyas (compar.); for
hoti). Also °geha eating house J v.290, and in phrase yathā- which usually bhiyya (q. v.). Only in cpd. yebhuyyena (q.
bhuttaṁ bhuñjatha "eat according to eating," i. e. as ought v.).
to be eaten, eating in moderation D ii.173 (where Rh. D., Dial. Bhuvi see bhū.
ii.203, trsl "ye shall eat as ye have eaten")=iii.62, 63 (where 1
Rh. D., Dial. iii.64 trsl "enjoy your possessions as you have Bhusa [cp. Vedic busa (nt.) & buśa (m.)] chaff, husks A
i.241 (°āgāra chaff — house); Dh 252 (opuṇāti bhusaṁ to sift
been wont to do"; see note ibid.). We should favour a trans- 1 7
husks); Ud 78; Pv iii.4 ; iii.10 ; VvA 47 (tiṇa° litter).
lation in the first sense. — dubbhuttaṁ, indigestible. — 2.
(Med. cp. bhuttar) having eaten, one who has eaten Miln 370 Bhusa (adj.) [cp. Vedic bhṛśa] strong, mighty, great Dh 339
(sace bhutto bhaveyy' âhaṁ); also in phrase bhutta-pātar-āsa (taṇhā=balavā DhA iv.48); J v.361 (daṇḍa= daḷha, balavā
after having eaten breakfast J ii.273; DhA iv.226. C.). — nt. bhusaṁ (adv.) much, exceedingly, greatly, ve-
-âvasesa the remainder of a meal Vin ii.216. hemently. In cpds. bhusaṁ° & bhusa°. — S i.69; J iii.441;
iv.11; v.203 (bhusa — dassaneyya); vi.192; Vv 6 ; Pv 3 ;
Bhuttar [n. ag. fr. bhuj, cp. Sk. bhoktṛ already Vedic & Epic]
iv.7 ; Miln 346; SnA 107 ("verbum intensivum"); Sdhp 289.
one who eats or has eaten, or enjoys (cp. bhutta 2) J v.465
(ahaṁ bhuttā bhakkhaṁ ras' uttamaṁ). Bhusati, Bhussati [perhaps a legitimate form for Sk. bhaṣate (see
P. bhasati), with u for a, so that the suggested correction of
Bhuttavant (adj.) [bhutta+vant] having eaten, one who has eaten
bhusati to bhasati (see under bhasati) is unfounded] to bark
J v.170 (=kata — bhatta — kicca); VvA 244.
DA i.317 (bhusati; vv. ll. bhussati & bhūsati); DhA i.171,
Bhuttāvin (adj.) [bhutta+suffix °āvin, corresponding to Vedic
172. — See also bhasati & bhukka; — pp. bhusita.
°āyin] having eaten, one who has had a meal; nom. sg.
Bhusikā (f.) [fr. bhusa ] chaff A i.242; Vin ii.181.
bhuttāvī Vin iv.82; Miln 15 (+onīta — pattapāṇi); PvA 23
(+pavārita); SnA 58; instr. bhuttāvinā Vin iv.82; gen. dat. Bhusita [pp. of bhusati] barking J iv.182 (°sadda, barking, noise).
bhuttavissa D ii.195. acc. bhuttāviṁ Vin i.213; Sn p. 111 See also bhasita.
(+onīta — pattapāṇiṁ); J v.170; nom. pl. bhuttāvī Vin iv.81, 2
Bhuseti [Denom. fr. bhusa =*bhṛśayati; but not certain, may
& bhuttāvino S iv.289.
have to be read bhūseti, to endeavour, cp. Sk. bhūṣati] to make
Bhumma (adj. — n.) [fr. bhūmi, Vedic bhūmya] 1. belong- strong, to cause to grow (?) J v.218 (C. expl ns by "bhusaṁ
ing to the earth, earthly, terrestrial; nt. soil, ground, floor karoti, vaḍḍheti" p. 224).
Sn 222 (bhūtāni bhummāni earthly creatures, contrasted with 1
Bhū [fr. bhū] (adj.) being, (n.) creature, living being in pāṇa-
creatures in the air, antalikkhe), 236 (id.); Sdhp 420 (sabba — bhū a living being (a breathing being) J v.79 (=pāṇa — bhūta
bhummā khattiyā). pl. bhummā the earthly ones, i. e. the C.).
gods inhabiting the earth, esp. tree gods (Yakkhas) Vv 84 2 2
(=bhumma — deva VvA 334). — nt. ground: Pv ii.10 (yāva Bhū (f.) [fr. bhū, otherwise bhūmi] the earth; loc. bhuvi ac-
cording to Kaccāyana; otherwise bhuvi is aor. 3 sg.; of bhū:
bhummā down to the ground); v. l. BB bhūm(i). — 2. the
see Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 516; Geiger, Pali Gr. § 86 .
locative case KhA 106, 111, 224; SnA 140, 210, 321, 433;
PvA 33. Bhūkuṭi (f.) [a different spelling of bhakuṭi, q. v. — Cp. Sk.
-attharaṇa "earth — spread," a ground covering, mat, car- bhṛkuti & bhrukuṭi] frown, anger, superciliousness M i.125

Bhūkuṭi Bhūmi

(v. l. bhakuṭi & bhā°); J v.296. also at SnA 359 (Bhagavā kuṇāla — rājā bhūtapubbo). — (b)
as adv. (bhūtapubbaṁ) meaning: before all happening, before
Bhūja [cp. late Sk. bhūrja, with which related Lat. fraxinus ash,
creation, at a very remote stage of the world, in old times, for-
Ags. beorc=E. birch, Ger. birke] the Bhūrja tree, i. e. a kind
merly Vin ii.201; D i.92; ii.167, 285, 337; M i.253; iii.176; S
of willow J v.195, 405 (in both places=ābhujī), 420.
i.216, 222, 227; iv.201; v.447; A iv.136=Vism 237; A iv.432;
Bhūta [pp. of bhavati, Vedic etc. bhūta] grown, become; born,
J i.394; DhA i.56. -bhavya past and future D i.18. -bhāva
produced; nature as the result of becoming. — The (exegeti-
truthful character, neg. a° PvA 14. -vacana statement of re-
cal) definition by Bdhgh of the word bhūta is interesting. He
ality or of the truth SnA 336. -vādin truthful, speaking the
(at MA i.31) distinguishes the foll. 7 meanings of the term:
truth M i.180; D iii.175; Pug 58; a° untruthful Dh 306; J ii.416.
(1) animate Nature as principle, or the vital aggregates (the 5
-vikāra a natural blemish, fault of growth, deformity SnA 189
Khandhas), with ref. M i.260; (2) ghosts (amanussā) Sn 222;
(opp. nibbikāra). -vijjā knowledge of demons, exorcism D
(3) inanimate Nature as principle, or the Elements (the 4 dhā-
i.9; Dh i.93, cp. Dial. i.17). -vejja a healer of harm caused
tus) S iii.101 (mahābhūtā); (4) all that exists, physical exis-
by demons, an exorcist Vin iv.84; J ii.215; iii.511; Miln 23.
tence in general (vijjamānaṁ) Vin iv.25 (bhūtaṁ); (5) what we
Bhūtatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. bhūta] the fact of having grown, become
should call a simple predicative use, is exemplified by a typ-
or being created (i. e. being creatures or part of creation) Vism
ical dogmatic example, viz. "kālaghaso bhūto," where bhūta
is given as meaning khīṇāsava (Arahant) J ii.260; (6) all be- 310 (in def. of bhūtā); MA i.32 (id.).
ings or specified existence, animal kingdom (sattā) D ii.157; Bhūtanaka [cp. *Sk. bhūtṛna] a fragrant grass; Andropogon
(7) the vegetable kingdom, plants, vegetation (rukkh' ādayo) schoenanthus J vi.36 (=phanijjaka); Vism 543 (so v. l. for
Vin iv.34 (as bhūta — gāma). — Meanings: 1. bhūtā & T. bhūtinaka).
bhūtāni (pl.) beings, living beings, animate Nature Sn 35 Bhūtika (adj.) (—°) in cpd. cātummahā° belongs to the whole
(expl at Nd 479 as 2 kinds, viz. tasā & thāvarā, movable
expression, viz. composed of the 4 great elements M i.515.
& immovable; S. ii.47 (K.S. ii.36) mind and body as come —
Bhūnaha [difficult to expl ; is it an old misspelling for
to — be; Dh 131 (bhūtāni), 405; M i.2 sq. (paṭhavī, āpo etc.,
bhūta+gha? The latter of han?] a destroyer of beings Sn 664
bhūtā, devā, Pajāpatī etc.), 4; MA i.32. The pl. nt. bhūtāni d
(voc. bhūnahu, expl by SnA 479 as "bhūti — hanaka vud-
is used as pl. to meaning 2; viz. inanimate Nature, elements,
usually enum under term mahā — bhūtāni. — 2. (nt.) na- dhi — nāsaka"; vv. ll. bhūnahaṭa, bhūnahoṭa, bhūhata, all
showing the difficulty of the archaic word); J v.266 (pl. bhū-
ture, creation, world M i.2 (bhūte bhūtato sañjānāti recognises d
nahuno, expl by C. 272 as "isīnaṁ ativattāro attano vaḍḍhiyā
the beings from nature, i. e. from the fact of being nature);
hatattā bh."). Cp. M i.502 ("puritanical" suggested by Lord
DhsA 312 (°pasāda — lakkhaṇa, see Expos. 409). See cpds.
°gāma, °pubba (?). — 3. (nt. adj.) that which is, i. e. nat-
ural, genuine, true; nt. truth; neg. abhūta falsehood, lie Sn Bhūma (—°) [=bhūmi] 1. (lit.) ground, country, district S iii.5
397; PvA 34. See cpds. °bhāva, °vacana, °vāda. — 4. a su- (pacchā° the western district). — 2. (fig.) ground, reason for,
pernatural being, ghost, demon, Yakkha; pl. bhūtā guardian occasion; stage, step Sn 896 (avivāda° ground of harmony;
genii (of a city) J iv.245. See cpds. °vijja, °vejja. — 5. (—°) according to SnA 557 Ep. of Nibbāna).
pp. in predicative use (cp. on this meaning Bdhgh's meaning Bhūmaka (& °ika) (adj.) (only — °) [from bhūma, or bhūmi]
No. 5, above): (a) what has been or happened; viz. mātu —
1. having floors or stories (of buildings) as dve° pāsāda DhA
bhūtā having been his mother PvA 78; abhūtapubbaṁ bhūtaṁ
i.414; pañca° pāsāda a palace with 5 stories J i.58, 89; satta°
what has never happened before happened (now) DA i.43 (in with 7 stories (pāsāda) DhA ii.1, 260. The form °ika at DhA
expl of abbhuta); — (b) having become such & such, being
i.182 (dve° geha). — 2. belonging to a place or district, as
like, acting as, being, quâsi (as it were), consisting of, e. g.
jāti° from the land of (their) birth M i.147; pacchā° from the
andha° blind, as it were J vi.139; aru° consisting of wounds
western country S iv.312 (brāhmaṇā). — 3. being on a certain
DhA iii.109; udapāna° being a well, a well so to speak PvA
plane or in a certain state, as paritta° & mahā° Vbh 340 te°
78; opāna° acting as a spring A iv.185; hetu° as reason, be-
in 3 planes SnA 4 (of the 5 Khandhas), 510 (°vaṭṭa); DhA i.36
ing the reason PvA 58; cp. cakkhu° having become an eye
(kusala), 305 (°vaṭṭa); iv.69 (tebhūmaka — vaṭṭa — sankhā-
of wisdom. Sometimes bhūta in this use hardly needs to be
taṁ Māra — bandhanaṁ), 72 (dhammā); catu° in 4 planes
translated at all.
DhsA 296 (kusala); DhA i.35 (citta). The form °ika at DhA
-kāya body of truth DhA i.11. — gāma vegetation, as
i.288 (with ref. to citta).
trees, plants, grass, etc. Under bhūtagāma Bdhgh understands
Bhūmi (f.) [cp. Vedic bhūmi, Av. būmiš soil, ground, to bhū, as
the 5 bīja — jātāni (5 groups of plants springing from a germi-
in bhavati, cp. Gr. ϕύσις etc. See bhavati] 1. (lit.) ground,
native power: see bīja), viz. mūla — bījaṁ, khandha°, phala°, 14
soil, earth Vin ii.175; Sn 418 (yāna° carriage road); Pv i.10 ≈;
agga°, bīja°. Thus in C. on Vin iv.34 (the so — called bhū-
SnA 353 (heṭṭhā — bhūmiyaṁ under the earth); DhA i.414
tagāma — sikkhāpada, quoted at DhA iii.302 & SnA 3); cp.
(id., opp. upari — bhūmiyaṁ). — 2. place, quarter, district,
M iii.34; J v.46; Miln 3, 244. -gāha possession by a de-
region M i.145 (jāti° district of one's birth); Sn 830 (vighāta°);
mon Miln 168 (cp. Divy 235). -ṭṭhāna place of a ghost KhA
Nd 475 (danta°); DhA i.213 (āpāna°); PvA 80 (susāna°). —
170. -pati (a) lord of beings J v.113 (of Inda); vi.362 (id.); Vv 19 9
64 (id.). (b) lord of ghosts, or Yakkhas J vi.269 (of Kuvera). uyyāna° garden ( — place or locality) Vv 64 ; Pv ii.12 ; J
i.58. — 3. (fig.) ground, plane, stage, level; state of con-
-pubba (a) as adj. (—°) having formerly been so & so, as mātā
sciousness, Vin. i.17; Vbh 322 sq.; Vism 126, 442 (with ref.
bhūtapubbo satto, pitā etc., in untraced quotation at Vism 305;

Bhūmi Bheda

to the 4 Paṭisambhidā, as sekha — bhūmi & asekha — bhūmi), it is as widespread as the earth; Dhs 16; DhA iii.421; same
517 (paññā° — niddesa). Usually — °: indriya° Nett 192; expl at DhsA 148); J vi.415.
dassana° plane of insight Nett 8, 14, 50; sukha° ground for
Bhūsana (nt.) [fr. bhūṣ] ornament, decoration Vism 10 (yatino
happiness Dhs 984 (cp. DhsA 214). — bhūmi-ttaya the
— sīla — bhūsana — bhūsitā contrasted to rājāno muttāmaṇi
3 stages, viz. kāmâvacara, rūpâvacara, lokuttara Vism 493. — vibhūsitā).
— pl. bhūmiyo Ps ii.205=Vism 384 (appl to the 4 jhānas);
Bhūsā (f.) [fr. bhūṣ] ornament, decoration, only in cpd. bhūsa —
purisa° (aṭṭha p. bh. eight stages of the individual; viz. manda 2
(read bhūsā — )dassaneyya beautiful as an ornament Pv iii.3 .
— bhūmi, khiḍḍā°, vīmaṁsana°, ujugata°, sekha°, samaṇa°,
jina°, panna°, or as trsl by Rh. D. in Dial. i.72, under Bhūseti [Caus. of bhūṣ, to be busy; in meaning "to adorn" etc.
"eight stages of a prophet's existence"; babyhood, playtime, Expl at Dhtp. 315, 623 by "alankāra"] to adorn, embellish,
trial time, erect time, learning time, ascetic time, prophet time beautify. Only in pp. bhūsita adorned with (—°) Pv ii.9 ,
& prostrate time. Cp. the 10 decades of man's life, as given 12 ; iii.3 ; J vi.53. Cp. vi°.
by Bdhgh at Vism 619). — Bdhgh, when defining the 2 mean- Bheka [cp. Vedic bheka, onomat.] a frog Th 1, 310; J iii.430;
ings of bhūmi as "mahā — paṭhavī" and as "cittuppāda" (rise iv.247; vi.208.
of thought) had in view the distinction between its literal &
Bhecchati is fut. of bhindati (q. v.).
figurative meaning. But this def. (at DhsA 214) is vague &
only popular. — An old loc. of bhūmi is bhumyā, e. g. J Bhejja (adj.) [grd. of bhindati] to be split, only in neg. form
i.507; v.84. Another form of bhūmi at end of cpds. is bhūma abhejja not to be split or sundered Sn 255; J i.263; iii.318;
(q. v.). Pug 30; Miln 160, 199.
-kampa shaking of the ground, earthquake Miln 178.
Bhejjanaka (adj.) [fr. bhejja] breakable; like bhejja only in neg.
-gata "gone into the soil," i. e. hiding, stored away J i.375.
form abhejjanaka indestructible J i.393.
-ghana thick soil SnA 149, cp. paṭhavi — ghana ibid. 146.
Bheṇḍi [perhaps identical with & only wrong spelling for
-tala ground ( — surface) PvA 186. -padesa place or region 2
bheṇḍu=kaṇḍu ] a kind of missile used as a weapon, arrow
upon the earth J vi.95. -pappaṭaka outgrowths in the soil D d n
Vin iii.77 (where enum with asi, satti & laguḷa in expl of
iii.87=Vism 418. -pothana beating the ground DhA i.171.
-bhāga division of the earth, district J i.109; v.200; VvA 125;
PvA 29, 154. -laddh'(uppanna) acquired on a certain stage Bheṇḍu [with v. l. geṇḍu, of uncertain reading & meaning. Pis-
of existence SnA 4. -saya lying or sleeping on the ground chel, Prk. Gr. § 107 gives giṇḍu & remarks that this cannot
DhA ii.61. be derived fr. kaṇḍuka (although kaṇḍu may be considered
Bhūri (f.) [cp. late Sk. bhūr] the earth; given as name for the as gloss of bheṇḍu at Th 1, 164: see kaṇḍu ), but belongs
with Prk. geṇḍui play & P. geṇḍuka and the originally Sk.
earth (paṭhavi) at Ps ii.197; see also def. at DhsA 147. Besides
words genduka, ginduka, geṇḍu, geṇḍuka to a root gid, giḍ,
these only in 2 doubtful cpds., both resting on demonology,
viz. bhūrikamma D i.12, expl as "practices to be observed Prk. giṇḍai to play. Morris, J.P.T.S. 1884, 90 says: "I am in-
clined to read geṇḍu in all cases & to compare it with geḍuka &
by one living in a bhūrighara or earth — house" (?) DA i.97,
geṇḍuka a ball"] a ball, bead; also a ball — shaped ornament
but cp. Vedic bhūri — karman "much effecting"; and bhūriv- 2
ijjā D i.9, expl as "knowledge of charms to be pronounced by or turret, cupola Th 1, 164 (see kaṇḍu ) J i.386 (also °maya
ball — shaped); iii.184 (v. l. geṇḍu).
one living in an earth — house" (?) DA i.93. See Dial. i.18,
25. The meaning of the terms is obscure; there may have been Bheṇḍuka [in all probability misreading for geṇḍuka. The v. l.
(as Kern rightly suggests: see Toev. s. v.) quite a diff. popular is found at all passages. Besides this occur the vv. ll. keṇḍuka
practice behind them, which was unknown to the later Com- (=kaṇḍuka?) & kuṇḍika] a ball for playing J iv.30, 256; v.196;
mentator. Kern suggests that bhūri-vijjā might be a secret sci- vi.471; DhsA 116. See also geṇḍuka.
ence to find gold (digging for it: science of hidden treasures), 2 1
Bheṇḍuka [fr. bheṇḍu, identical with bheṇḍuka ] a knob,
and °kamma might be "making gold" (alchemistic science).
cupola, round tower J i.2 (mahā — bh° — pamāṇa).
Perhaps the term bhumma-jāla is to be connected with these
Bhettar [n. ag. fr. bhid] a breaker, divider A v.283.
Bhūri (adj.) [cp. Vedic bhūri] wide, extensive, much, abundant, Bheda [fr. bhid, cp. Ved. & Class. Sk. bheda in same meanings]
DhsA 147 (in def. of the term bhūri , i. e. earth); otherwise 1. breaking, rending, breach, disunion, dissension Vism 64 sq.
(contrasted with ānisaṁsa), 572 sq. (with ref. to upādāna &
only in cpds.: °pañña (adj.) of extensive wisdom, very wise S
iv.205; Sn 346, 792, 1097, 1143; Pv iii.5 ; Ps ii.197 ("paṭhavī bhava); VbhA 185 (id.); Sdhp 66, 457, 463. — mithu° break-
ing of alliance D ii.76; J iv.184; Kvu 314. — vacī° breaking
— samāya vitthatāya vipulāya paññāya samannāgato ti bhūri-
pañño," with other definitions); Nd 95 (same expl as under of [the rule as to] speech Miln 231. — sangha° disunion in the
Ps ii.197); Nd 415 C. (id.). °paññāṇa (adj.) same as °pañña Sangha Vin ii.203. — sīla° breach of morality J v.163. — abl.
Sn 1136 ≈ (cp. Nd 480). °medhasa (adj.) very intelligent bhedā after the destruction or dissolution in phrase kāyassa
bhedā param maraṇā, i. e. after the breaking up of the body
S i.42, 174; iii.143; A iv.449; Sn 1131, 1136; Th 1, 1266; Pv
iii.7 . & after death: see kāya I. e. & cp. D iii.52, 146 sq., 258; Dh
140; Pug 51. — 2. (—°) sort, kind, as adj. consisting of, like
Bhūrī (f.) [is it original? Cp. BSk. bhūri in same sense at Lal. V. J ii.438; vi.3 (kaṭuk' ādi°); DhA iii.14 (kāya — sucarit' — ādi°
444, 541; MVastu iii.332] knowledge, understanding, intelli- — bhadra — kammāni); SnA 290 (Avīci — ādi — ° niraya).
gence Dh 282, quoted at DhsA 76 (expl as termed so because

Bheda Bhogiya

-kara causing division or dissension Vin ii.7; iii.173; v.93 form is bhiṁsa, of bhī; bhesma would correspond to a form
(cp. Vin i.354 & Vin. Texts iii.266 for the 18 errors in which *bhaiṣma] terrible, awful Vin ii.203=It 86 ("bhesmā hi udadhī
the Sangha is brought into division by bhikkhus who are in the mahā," so read for Vin. bhasmā, with v. l. bhesmā, and for It
wrong); DhsA 29 (aṭṭhārasa bheda — kara — vatthūni the 18 tasmā, with v. l. BB bhesmā, misunderstood by ed. — Bd-
causes of dissension). hgh Vin ii.325 on Vin. passage expl by bhayānaka); J v.266;
vi.133 (v. l. bhasma).
Bhedaka (adj. n.) [fr. bheda] breaking, dividing, causing
disunion; (m.) divider Vin ii.205; J vi.382. — nt. adv. Bho (indecl.) [voc. of bhavant, cp. Sk. bhoḥ which is the short-
bhedakaṁ, as in °nakha in such a way as to break a nail DA ened voc. bhagoḥ of Vedic bhagavant; cp. as to form P.
i.37. āvuso>Sk. āyuṣmaḥ of āyuṣmant] a familiar term of address
(in speaking to equals or inferiors): sir, friend, you, my dear;
Bhedana (nt.) [fr. bhid, as in Caus. bhedeti] 1. breaking (open),
pl. sirs D i.88, 90, 93, 111; M i.484; Sn 427, 457, 487; with
in puṭa° breaking of the seed — boxes (of the Pāṭali plant),
voc. of noun: bho purisa my dear man J i.423; bho brah-
idiomatic for "merchandise" Miln 1. See under puṭa. — 2.
maṇā oh ye brahmans J ii.369. Double bho bho DhA iv.158.
(fig.) breach, division, destruction A iv.247; Dh 138; Bu ii.7; 1
-vādika=°vādin Nd 249. -vādin a brahman, i. e. one
J i.467 (mittabhāva°).
who addresses others with the word "bho," implying some su-
-dhamma subject to destruction, fragile, perishable A
iv.386; J i.146, 392; ThA 254. -saṁvattanika leading to periority of the speaker; name given to the brahman, as proud
of his birth, in contrast to brāhmaṇa, the true brahman Sn 620;
division or dissension Vin iii.173.
Dh 396; J vi.211, 214; DhA iv.158.
Bhedāpeti & Bhedeti are Causatives of bhindati (q. v.).
Bhokkhaṁ is fut. of bhuñjati (q. v.).
Bheraṇḍaka [cp. *Sk. bheruṇḍa] a jackal J v.270; the nom. prob-
Bhokkhi at VbhA 424, in phrase sucikāmo bh. brāhmaṇo is a
ably formed after the acc. in phrase bheraṇḍakaṁ nadati to
kind of Desider, formation fr. bhuj° (bhuñj), appearing as
cry after the fashion of, or like a jackal A i.187.
*bhukṣ=bhokkh (cp. bhokkhaṁ), with ending °in; meaning
Bherava (adj.) [fr. bhīru, cp. Epic Sk. bhairava] fearful, terrible, "wishing to eat." It corresponds to Sk. bhoktu — kāma. Cp.
frightful Th 1, 189; Sn 959, 965, 984; Nd 370, 467; J vi.520;
also n. ag. bhoktṛ of *bhukṣ, enjoyer, eater. P. bhokkhi might
Dpvs 17, 100; Pgdp 26, 31. — bahu° very terrible A iii.52; be Sk. bhoktrī, if it was not for the latter being f. The word is
stricken with terror J vi.587. — (n) terror, comb with bhaya
a curiosity.
fear & dismay M i.17; A iv.291; v.132; Th 1, 367, 1059. — 1
Bhoga [fr. bhuñj: see bhuñjati] 1. enjoyment A iv.392 (kā-
pahīna-bhayabherava having left behind (i. e. free from)
maguṇesu bh.). — 2. possession, wealth D iii.77; Sn 301,
fear & terror S iii.83.
421; Dh 139, 355; Pug 30, 57; Sdhp 86, 228, 264. — appa°
-rāva cry of terror Miln 254.
little or no possession Sn 114.
Bheri (f.) [cp. Epic Sk. bherī] a kettle — drum (of large size;
-khandha a mass of wealth, great possessions D ii.86 (one
DhsA 319 distinguishes 2 kinds: mahā° & paṭaha°) D i.79; A of the 5 profits accruing from virtue). -gāma "village of rev-
ii.185; Vv 81 ; J vi.465; DhA i.396; Sdhp 429. — issara° the
enue," a tributary village, i. e. a village which has to pay trib-
drum of the ruler or lord J i.283; paṭaha° kettle — drum Dpvs
ute or contributions (in food etc.) to the owner of its ground.
16, 14; DhsA 319; PvA 4; yāma° ( — velāya) (at the time)
The latter is called gāmabhojaka or gāmapati "landlord" J
when the drum sounds the watch J v.459. — bheriṁ vādeti to
ii.135. Cp. Fick, Sociale Gliederung 71, 112. -cāgin giving
sound the drum J i.283. — bheriyo vādentā (pl.) beating (lit.
riches, liberal A iii.128.. -pārijuñña loss of property or pos-
making sound) the drums J ii.110. bheriñ carāpeti to make
sessions VvA 101. -mada pride or conceit of wealth VbhA
the drum go round, i. e. to proclaim by beat of drum J v.41;
466. -vāsin, as f. vāsinī "living in property," i. e. to be
enjoyed or made use of occasionally, one of the 10 kinds of
-caraṇa the carrying round of the drum (in proclama-
wives: a kept woman Vin iii.139, 140; cp. M i.286.
tions), in cpds. °magga the proclamation road DhA ii.43; &
Bhoga [fr. bhuj to bend, cp. bhuja & Sk. bhoga id. Hāla-yudha
°vīthi id. DhA ii.45. -tala the head of the drum Vism 489 (in
3, 20] the coil of a snake J iii.58. See also nib°.
comparison); VbhA 80 (id.). -paṇava drum & tabor (in bat-
tle) A ii.117. -vāda drum — sound, fig. for a loud voice PvA Bhogatā (—°) (f.) [abstr. fr. bhoga] condition of prosperity, hav-
89 (bherivādena akkosati rails like drum). -vādaka a drum- ing wealth or riches, in uḷāra° being very rich, M iii.38.
mer J i.283. -saññā sign of the drum DhA i.396. -sadda
Bhogavant (adj.) [fr. bhoga] one who has possessions or sup-
sound of the drum J i.283.
plies, wealthy J v.399; Mhvs 10, 20; Sdhp 511.
Bhesajja (nt.) [cp. Vedic bhaiṣajya=bheṣaja, fr. bhiṣaj; see also
Bhogika (—°) (adj.) [fr. bhoga] having wealth or power, in
P. bhisakka] a remedy, medicament, medicine Vin i.278; D
antara° an intermediate aristocrat Vin iii.47.
ii.266; M i.30; SnA 154, 446; Sdhp 393. — bhesajjaṁ karoti
Bhogin (—°) (adj. — n.) [fr. bhoga] enjoying, owning, abound-
to treat with a medicine DhA i.25; mūla — bhesajjāni the prin-
ing in, partaking in or devoted to (e. g. to pleasure, kāma°)
cipal medicines Miln 43; pañca bhesajjāni the 5 remedies (al-
D ii.80; iii.124; S i.78; iv.331, 333; A iii.289; v.177. — m.
lowed to bhikkhus) DhA i.5.
owner, wealthy man M i.366.
-kapālaka medicine bowl VbhA 361. -sikkhāpada the
medicine precepts VbhA 69. Bhogin (adj.) [fr. bhuj, see bhuja ] having coils, of a snake J
iii.57; vi.317.
Bhesma (adj.) [cp. Vedic bhīṣma of which the regular P.

Bhogiya Bhobhukka

Bhogiya is diaeretic form of Sk. bhogya=P. bhogga with which in the family in which a bhikkhu has received food Vin iv.94.
identical in meaning 2, similar also to bhogika. — bhojane mattaññu(tā) knowing proper measure in eating
Bhogga (adj.) [fr. bhuj to bend, pp. corresp. to Sk. bhugna] (& abstr.); eating within bounds, one of the 4 restricttions of
moral life S ii.218; A i.113 sq.; Nd 483. — 5 bhojanāni
bent, crooked M i.88; D ii.22; A i.138; J iii.395.
or meals are given at Vin iv.75, viz. niccabhatta°, salākab-
Bhogga (adj.) [grd. of bhuñj to enjoy, thus=Sk. bhogya] 1.
hatta°, pakkhikaṁ, uposathikaṁ, pāṭipadikaṁ. — As part
to be enjoyed or possessed, n. property, possession, in cpd.
of the regulations concerning food, hours of eating etc. in
rāja° (of an elephant) to be possessed by a king, serviceable
the Sangha there is a distinction ascribed to the Buddha be-
to a king, royal D i.87; A i.244, 284; ii.113, 170; J ii.370; DhA
tween gaṇabhojanaṁ, parampara-bhojanaṁ, atirittabho-
i.313 (royal possessions in general); DA i.245. Cp. BSk. rā-
janaṁ, anatirittabhojanaṁ mentioned at Kvu ii.552; see Vin
jabhogya MVastu i.287. See in detail under rāja — bhogga. —
iv.71, 77. All these ways of taking food are forbidden un-
naggabhogga one who possesses nothing but nakedness, i. e.
der ordinary circumstances, but allowed in the case of illness
an ascetic J iv.160; v.75; vi.225. — 2. (identical with bhogika
(gilāna — samaye), when robes are given to the Bhikkhus
& bhogiya & similar in meaning to bhojarājā) royal, of royal d
(cīvarasamaye) and several other occasions, as enum at Vin
power, entitled to the throne, as a designation of "class" at Vin
iv.74. — The distinction is made as follows: gaṇabhojanaṁ
iii.221 in sequence rājā rāja-bhoggā brāhmaṇā, etc., where it
said when 4 bhikkhus are invited to partake together of one
takes the place of the usual khattiya "royal noble."
of the five foods; or food prepared as a joint meal Vin iv.74;
Bhoja [lit. grd. of bhuñjati , to be sorted out, to be raised from cp. ii.196; v.128, 135; paramparabhojanaṁ said when a
slavery; thus also meaning "dependence," "training," from bhikkhu, invited to partake of one of the 5 foods, first takes
bhuj, to which belongs bhujissa] one who is getting trained, one and then another Vin iv.78; atirittabhojanaṁ is food left
dependent, a freed slave, villager, subject. Only in cpds. over from that provided for a sick person, or too great a quan-
like bhojisiyaṁ [bhoja+isi+ ya=issariya] mastery over depen- tity offered on one occasion to bhikkhus (in this case permitted
dence, i. e. independence S i.44, 45; bhojājānīya a well — to be eaten) Vin iv.82; anatirittabhojanaṁ is food that is not
trained horse, a thoroughbred J i.178, 179; bhojaputta son of left over & is accepted & eaten by a bhikkhu without inquiry
a villager J v.165; bhojarājā head of a village ( — district) Vin iv.84.
a subordinate king Sn 553=Th 1, 823. — In the latter phrase -aggadāna gift of the best of food SnA 270. -atthika in
however it may mean "wealthy" kings, or "titled" kings (khat- need of food, hungry Pv ii.9 . -pariyantika restricting one's
tiyā bh — r., who are next in power to and serve on a rājā feeding Vism 69. -vikati at J v.292 is to be read as bhājana°
cakkavatti). The phrase is best taken as one, viz. "the nobles, (q. v.).
royal kings." It may be a term for "vice — kings" or substi-
Bhojanaka=bhojaka, in °gāma owner or headman of the village
tute — kings, or those who are successors of the king. The J ii.134.
expl at SnA 453 takes the three words as three diff. terms
Bhojaniya, Bhojanīya, Bhojaneyya [grd. of bhuj, Caus. bho-
and places bhojā= bhogiyā as a designation of a class or rank
(=bhogga). Neumann in his trsl of Sn has "Königstämme, jeti. Cp. bhuñjitabba] what may be eaten, eatable, food; fit or
proper to eat. — bhojaniya: food Vin iv.92 (five foods: odana
kühn and stolz," free but according to the sense. The phrase
rice, kummāsa gruel, sattu meal, flour, maccha fish, maṁsa
may in bhoja contain a local designation of the Bhoja princes
meat). Soft food, as distinguished from khādaniya hard food
(N. of a tribe), which was then taken as a special name for
"king" (cp. Kaiser>Caesar, or Gr. βασιλεύς). With the J i.90. See also khādaniya. bhojanīya: eatable S i.167, cp.
pari°. bhojaneyya: fit to eat DA i.28; a° unfit to be eaten Sn
wording "khattiyā bhoja — rājāno anuyuttā bhavanti te" cp.
81; J v.15.
M iii.173: "paṭirājāno te rañño cakkavattissa anuyuttā bha-
vanti," and A v.22: "kuḍḍarājāno" in same phrase. — Mrs. Bhojin (—°) (adj.) [fr. bhuj] feeding on, enjoying A iii.43; M
Rh. D. at Brethren, p. 311, trsl "nobles and wealthy lords." i.343; Sn 47; J ii.150; Pug 55.
Bhojan is ppr. of bhojeti, feeding J vi.207. Bhojeti [Caus. of bhuñjati] to cause to eat, to feed, entertain, treat,
regale Vin i.243; iv.71; J vi.577; DhA i.101.
Bhojaka [fr. bhuj, bhojeti] 1. one who provides food, attendant
at meals J v.413. — 2. (is this from bhuñjati & bhujissa?) one Bhojja (adj.) [grd. of bhuñjati] to be eaten, eatable; khajja° what
who draws the benefit of something, owner, holder, in gāma° can be chewed & eaten DA i.85. °yāgu "eatable rice — gruel,"
landholder, village headman (see Dial. i.108 n. & Fick, So- i. e. soft gruel, prepared in a certain way Vin i.223, 224.
ciale Gliederung 104 sq.) J i.199, 354, 483; ii.135 (=gāmapati,
Bhojjha a good horse, a Sindh horse J i.180.
gāmajeṭṭhaka); v.413; DhA i.69. Cp. bhojanaka.
Bhoti f. of bhavant (q. v.) DhA iii.194.
Bhojana (nt.) [fr. bhuñjati] food, meal, nourishment in gen-
Bhottabba & Bhottuṁ are grd. & inf. of bhuñjati (q. v.);
eral J ii.218; iv.103, 173; J i.178; iv.223; Sn 102, 128, 242,
bhottabba to be eaten J v.252, 253; bhottuṁ to eat J ii.14.
366, 667; Dh 7, 70; Pug 21, 55; Miln 370; Vism 69, 106;
Sdhp 52, 388, 407. Some similes with bhojana see J.P.T.S. Bhobhukka [intens — redupl. of bhukk=bukk, to bark: see
1907, 119. — tika° food allowed for a triad (of reasons) bhukka & cp. Sk. bukkati, bukkana] one making a barking
Vin ii.196. dub° having little or bad food J ii.368; DhA iv.8. sound, barker, i. e. dog J vi.345 (=bhunkaraṇa C.).
paṇīta° choice & plentiful meals Vin iv.88. sabhojane kule

M Makkhikā


-M- euphonic consonant inserted between two vowels to avoid Makaranda [cp. Class. Sk. makaranda] the nectar of a flower J
hiatus, as agga-m-agga the best of all Vin iv.232; anga-m- vi.530.
angāni limb by limb Vin iii.119; Vv 38 , etc. See also S
Makasa [fr. Vedic maśaka viâ *masaka>makasa: see Geiger,
iii.254 (yena — m — idh' ekacco); Dh 34 (oka — mokata ubb- P.Gr. § 47 ] mosquito Vin ii.119; S i.52 (a° free from m.); A
hato); Sn 765 (aññatra — m — ariyehi); Nd 269 (dvaye —
ii.117; Sn 20; J i.246; Sdhp 50. See also cpd. ḍaṁsa°.
m — eva); J i.29 (asīti — hattha — m — ubbedha, for hatth'
-kuṭikā mosquito net or curtain Vin ii.119, 130. -vījanī
ubbedha); iii.387 (katattho — m — anubujjhati); v.72 (orena
mosquito fan Vin ii.130.
— m — āgama); vi.266 (pacchā — m — anutappati); SnA
Makuṭa (f.) [cp. BSk. makuṭa Divy 411] a crest Abhp 283
309 (rāg' ādi — m — anekappakāraṁ). — On wrong syllable
(kirīṭa+, i. e. adornment).
division through Sandhi — m —, and thus origin of specific
Pali forms see māsati. Makula [cp. Sk. makula] 1. a bud (Hardy in Index to VvA gives
"Mimusops elengi" after BR) Th 2, 260; Vv 45 ; J i.273;
Ma ( — kāra) the letter or sound m J iii.273 (sandhi — vasena
ii.33; iv.333; v.207 (makuḷa), 416; Vism 230 (ḷ); 256 (pad-
vutta put in for the sake of euphony); v.375 (ma — kāro sand-
uma°); VvA 177 (kaṇavīra°), 194 (makuḷa), 197 (id.); VbhA
hikaro); KhA 155, 224; SnA 181, 383, 404.
228, 239 (where Vism 256 has makulita, & KhA 53 mukulita).
Maṁsa (nt.) [cp. Vedic māṁsa, fr. Idg. *memsro —, as in Gr. — 2. a knob J i.31; ii.90; Vism 253 (kandala°). — 3. v. l. at
μηρός thigh, Lat. membrum limb ("member"); Goth. mims Nd 485 B for pakulla (=pakuṭa).
flesh; Oir mīr bite, bit (of flesh)] flesh, meat S ii.97 (putta°);
Makkaṭa [cp. Epic Sk. markaṭa] 1. a monkey J i.385; ii.267;
Dh 152; J iii.184; Pug 55; Vism 258, 357 (in compar.); DhA
DhA ii.22; VbhA 408 (°niddā, a m.'s sleep, said to be quickly
i.375 (putta°); ii.51 (alla° living flesh); VbhA 58, 61 (pilotika
changing); KhA 73 (in simile); SnA 522 (cp. Sn 791). Names
— paliveṭhita). Described and defined in detail as one of the
of monkeys famous in Jātaka tales: Sālaka J ii.268; Kālabāhu
32 ākāras or constituents of the human body at Vism 252, 354;
J iii.98 sq.; on the monkey as a figure in similes see J.P.T.S.
KhA 46; VbhA 235.
1907, 119, to which add VbhA 228 & 259 (tālavana°), cp.
-ûpasecana sauce for meat J iii.144=vi.24; DhA i.344.
Vism 245. — 2. a spider: see °sutta.
-kalyāṇa beauty of flesh, one of the 5 beauties of a girl (see ka-
-chāpaka the young of a monkey M i.385; J i.218. -sutta
lyāṇa) J i.394; DhA i.387. -khādaka flesh — eater J vi.530.
spider's thread J v.47; Vism 136 (in simile); DhA i.304.
-cakkhu the bodily eye, one of the 5 kinds of the sense of sight
(see cakkhu III) D iii.219; Nd 100, 354. -dhovanī odaka Makkaṭaka [cp. Sk. markaṭaka; der. fr. markaṭa=makkaṭa] a spi-
water for washing meat KhA 54. -piṇḍika a meat — ball, der (see on similes J.P.T.S. 1907, 119) Dh 347 (cp. DhA iv.58);
lump of flesh Vism 256. -puñja a heap of flesh Vism 361 (in J ii.147 (=uṇṇanābhi); iv.484 (aptly called Uṇṇanābhi); v.47,
comp.); VbhA 67. -pesi a piece of flesh or meat (see on simile 469; Miln 364, 407 (pantha° road spider, at both passages).
J.P.T.S. 1907, 122) Vin ii.25; iii.105 (°ṁ vehāsaṁ gacchantiṁ -°sutta spider's thread Vism 285.
addasaṁ); M i.143; A iii.97; Miln 280; Vism 195, 252, 468;
Makkaṭiya (nt.) [fr. makkhaṭa+ya] monkey grimace J ii.448
DhA i.164; VbhA 235; -lohita flesh & blood Dh 150.
(mukha°). The same as mukha — makkaṭika at J ii.70.
Maṁsi (f.) [cp. Sk. māṁsī] a certain plant Nardostychus jata- Makkaṭī (f.) [of makkaṭa] a female monkey Vin iii.33, 34; J i.385;
mansi J vi.535. DhA i.119.
Maṁsika [fr. maṁsa; cp. *Sk. māṁsika] 1. a dealer in meat, 1
Makkha [fr. mṛkṣ, lit. smearing over. Cp. BSk. mrakṣa Śikṣ
meat — seller Miln 331. — 2. in piṭṭhi° the °ka belongs to
198. 8, in cpd. māna — mada — mrakṣa — paridāha etc.]
the whole cpd., thus: one who is a backbiter, a slanderer Sn d
hypocrisy; usually comb with paḷāsa (see also palāsa) M i.15;
244 (=piṭṭhi — maṁsa — khādaka SnA 287). Similarly piṭṭhi A i.95, 100, 299; iv.148, 456; v.39, 156, 209, 310, 361; It 3;
— maṁsikatā (q. v.) Nd 39 . 2
Sn 56, 437, 631, 1132 (cp. Nd 484= makkhāyanā makkhāyi-
Makaci [etym.?] a kind of cloth, material, fibre DhA iii.68 tattaṁ niṭṭhuriya — kammaṁ, i. e. hardness, mercilessness);
(vākakhaṇḍa). Dh 150, 407; J v.141; Vbh 357, 380, 389; Pug 18, 22; Miln
-pilotikā rough cloth (used for straining) J ii.96; DhA 289, 380; DhA iii.118; vi.181.
ii.155. Cp. makkhi — vāla. -vāka m. bark Vism 249 -vinaya restraining fr. hypocrisy S ii.282; A v.165 sq.
(+akkavāka); VbhA 232. 2 1
Makkha [probably=makkha , but BSk. differentiates with
Makara [cp. Epic Sk. makara] a mythical fish or sea monster, mrakṣya Divy 622, trsl. Index "ill — feeling"? Böhtlingk —
Leviathan (cp. Zimmer, Altind. Leben 97) J ii.442; iii.188; Roth have: mrakṣya "wohlgefühl"] anger, rage Vin i.25.
Miln 131, 377; ThA 204. — f. makarinī Miln 67.
Makkhaṇa (nt.) [fr. mṛkṣ, cp. *Sk. mrakṣaṇa] smearing, oil J
-dantaka the tooth of a sword fish, used as a pin Vin
iii.120; Miln 11 (tela°); Dhtp 538.
ii.113, cp. p. 315. — as a design in painting or carving Vin
Makkhāyanā (f.) & Makkhāyitatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. makkha]
ii.117. 121, 152; iv.47. In these
latter passages it occurs comb with latākamma & pañca- the fact of concealment, hypocrisy: in exegesis of makkha at
Nd 484; Pug 18, 22.
paṭṭhika (q. v.). The meaning is not quite clear.

Makkhikā Maggana

Makkhikā (f.) [cp. Vedic makṣika & makṣikā] a fly M iii.148; Sn 429, 441, 724 sq., 1130; Dh 57, 273 sq., It 106; VbhA
Nd 484; J ii.275 (nīla°); iii.263 (pingala° gadfly), 402; SnA 53, 73. As the first condition & initial stage to the attainment
33 (pingala°), 572 (id.); DhA iv.58; Sdhp 396, 529. of Arahantship (Nibbāna) it is often found in sequence of ei-
ther magga-phala-nirodha (e. g. Vism 217, cp. Nd under
Makkhita [pp. of makkheti] smeared with (—°), soiled; anointed
dukkha II. p. 168), or magga, phala, nibbāna (e. g. Tikp.
M i.364 (lohita°); J i.158 (madhu°); iii.226 (piṭṭhi — mad-
155 sq., 158; VbhA 43, 316, 488). — magga as entrance to
dena); v.71 (ruhira°); vi.391.
Arahantship is the final stage in the recognition (ñāṇa, par-
Makkhin (adj.) [fr. makkha] concealing, hypocritical; harsh, iññā, paññā) of the truth of the causal chain, which realises the
merciless; often comb with palāsin (e. g. at Vin ii.89; J
origin of "ill," the possibility of its removal & the "way" to the
iii.259) D iii.45, 246. a° (+apalāsin) D iii.47; A iii.111; Sn
removal. These stages are described as dukkhe ñāṇaṁ, samu-
116; Pug 22.
daye ñāṇaṁ nirodhe ñāṇaṁ and magge ñāṇaṁ at D iii.227,
Makkhi-vāla [cp. makaci — pilotikā] a cloth of hair for straining Ps i.118. At the latter passage the foll. chapter (i.49) gives
J ii.97. dukkha-nirodha gāminī paṭipadā as identical with magga.
— Note. On the term see Cpd. 41 sq., 66 sq., 175, 186; Dhs
Makkheti [Caus. of mṛkṣ; Dhtp 538: makkhaṇa] to smear, paste, 2 n
soil, anoint J iii.225, 314; Pug 36; Miln 268; Vism 344; DhA trsl. 58, 299 sq., 362 sq.; Expos. 216, 354 . On passages with
aṭṭhangika magga & others where magga is used in similes
ii.65. — Pass makkhīyati Miln 74. — Caus. II. makkhāpeti
to cause to be anointed J i.486; DhA i.400. — pp. makkhita. see Mrs. Rh. D. in J.P.T.S. 1907, pp. 119, 120. — 3. Stage of
righteousness, with ref. to the var. conditions of Arahantship
Maga [another form of miga=Sk. mṛga, cp. Geiger, P.Gr. 12 ] 1.
divided into 4 stages, viz. sotāpatti- magga, sakadāgāmi°,
animal for hunting, deer, antelope M i.173 (in simile); S i.199
anāgāmi°, arahatta°, or the stage of entering the stream (of
(id.); A i.70; ii.23; Th 1, 958, 989; Sn 275, 763, 880; J v.267.
salvation), that of returning once, that of the never — returner,
— 2. a stupid person J vi.206, 371.
that of Arahantship. — At DhA i.110 magga-phala "the fruit
Magga [cp. Epic Sk. mārga, fr. mṛg to track, trace] 1. a road of the Path" (i. e. the attainment of the foundation or first step
(usually high road), way, foot — path Vism 708 (maggaṁ of Arahantship) is identical with sotāpattiphala on p. 113 (a)
agata — pubba — purisa, simile of); VbhA 256 (tiyojana°, in general: arahatta° S i.78; A iii.391; DA i.224. — (b) in
simile of a man travelling); DhA i.229. — addhāna° high particular as the 4 paths: Nd 612 A; Vbh 322 sq., 328, 335;
road Vin iv.62; M iii.158; see under addhāna; antāra- magge Vism 453, 672— 678; DhA iv.30; VbhA 301. — 4. In the
on the road Miln 16; ujuka° a straight way S i.33; DhA i.18; Tikapaṭṭhāna (under magga — paccaya — niddesa p. 52) 12
ummagga (a) a conduit; (b) a devious way: see ummagga, constituents of magga are enum ; viz. paññā, vitakka, sam-
to which add refs. J v.260; Th 2, 94; kummagga a wrong māvācā, s — kammanta, s — ājīva, viriya, sati, samādhi, mic-
path: see kum°, to which add S iv.195; Th 1, 1174. passāva° chā — diṭṭhi, micchā — vācā, m — kammanta, m — ājīva.
& vacca° defecation & urination Vin iii.127; visama° a bad -angāni the constituents of the Ariyan Path VbhA 120.
road S i.48. — 2. the road of moral & good living, the path -âmagga which is the (right) road and which is not M i.147;
of righteousness, with ref. to the moral standard (cp. the 10 Vism ch. xx (°ssa kovida)=Sn 627; S iii.108 (id.); DhA iv.169
commandments) & the way to salvation. The exegetic (edi- (id.); A v.47 (°ssa ñāṇadassana); Dh 403. -udaka water found
fying) etym. of magga in this meaning is "nibbān' atthikehi on the road Vism 338 (simile). -kilanta wearied by the road
maggīyati (traced by those who are looking for N.), nibbānaṁ J i.129. -kusala one who is clever as regards the road, one
vā maggeti, kilese vā mārento gacchatī ti maggo" (VbhA 114). who knows the road well S iii.108; Nd 171; VbhA 332 (in
— Usually designated (a) the "ariya aṭṭhangika magga" or simile); KhA 70, 126. -kovida=°kusala Nd 446. -kkhāyin
the "Noble Eightfold Path" (see aṭṭhangika). It is mentioned (should be °akkhāyin) one who tells the (right) way M iii.5;
at many places, & forms the corner — stone of the Bud- Nd 33. -jina Conqueror of the paths Sn 84 sq. -jīvin who
dha's teaching as to the means of escaping "dukkha" or the lives in the right path Sn 88. -jjhāyin reflecting over the Path
ills of life. It consists of 8 constituents, viz. sammā — diṭṭhi, Sn 85. -ñāṇa knowledge of the Path VbhA 416. -ññū knows
sammā — sankappa, °vācā, °kammanta, °ājīva, °vāyāma, the Path Nd 446. -ṭṭhāna one who stands in the Path, attains
°sati, °samādhi, or right views, right aspirations, right speech, the P. see Cpd. 23, 50. -ttaya the triad of the paths (i. e.
right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, the first 3 of the 4 Paths as given above under 3) DhA iv.109.
right rapture. The 7 first constituents are at D ii.216 & M iii.71 -dūsin highway robber Sn 84. -desaka one who points out
enum as requisites for sammā — samādhi. The name of this the way, a guide Sn 84; J iv.257; as °desika at DhA ii.246.
table of ethical injunctions is given as "maggam uttamaṁ" at -desin=°desaka Sn 87. -dhamma the rule of the Path, i. e.
Sn 1130, i. e. the Highest Path. See for ref. e. g. Vin iii.93; righteous living Sn 763. -dhīra wise as regards the Path Nd 1
iv.26; D ii.353; iii.102, 128, 284, 286; It 18; Nd 292; Nd 2 45. -paṭipanna — 1. one on the road, i. e. wandering,
485; Vbh 104 sq. 235 sq., VbhA 114 sq. (its constituents tramping DhA i.233. — 2. one who has entered the Path Pv
in detail), 121, 216; Vism 509 sq. (where the 8 constituents iv.3 . -parissaya danger of the road VvA 200. -bhāvanā
are discussed). — (b) as ariya magga: M iii.72; Pug 17; DA cultivation of the Path (i. e. righteousness) Nd 323. -mūḷha
i.176 sq., 225 sq., 233; VbhA 373 sq.; ThA 205. — (c) as one who has lost the way VvA 332. -vaṇṇa praise of the Path
pañcangika or the Path of 5 constituents (the above first 2 DhA i.115. -vidū one who knows the Path Nd 446. -sacca
and last 3): Dhs 89; Vbh 110 sq., 237 sq. — (d) other ex- the truth concerning the Path VbhA 114, 124. -sira N. of a
pressions of same import: dhamma° Miln 21; magga alone; month DA i.241.
S i.191 (Bhagavā maggassa uppādetā etc.)=M iii.9=S iii.66;


Maggana Maccu

Maggana (nt.) & magganā (f.) [fr. magg] tracking, search for, — ceremonies at DhA i.115 viz. abhiseka° consecration, geha
covetousness Vism 29 (syn. for nijigiṁsanatā & gaveṭṭhi); — ppavesana° entering the house, vivāha° wedding. — Cer-
Dhtp 298 (& gavesana). tain other general signs of good luck or omina κα᾿τ ἐςοξήν are
given at J iv.72, 73 and KhA 118 sq. (see also mangalika).
Maggika [fr. magga] wayfarer, tramp DhA i.233.
— Several ceremonious festivities are mentioned at DhA ii.87
Maggati & (spurious) mageti [Denom. fr. magga, cp. Sk. mar-
with regard to the bringing up of a child, viz. nāma — karaṇa
gayati. The Dhtp. gives both mag & magg in meaning "an-
— mangala the ceremony of giving a name; āhāra — parib-
vesana," i. e. tracking, following up; see Dhtp Nos. 21,
hoga° of taking solid food; kaṇṇa — vijjhana° of piercing the
540, 541] to track, hunt for, trace out, follow, seek M i.334
ears; dussa — gahaṇa° of taking up the robe: cūḷā — karaṇa°
(ppr. magayamana); S ii 270 (pp. maggayamāna); Th 2, 384
of making the top — knot. — Cp. abhi°.
(cp. ThA 255=pattheti); J v.102 (where T. reads maggheyya, -usabha an auspicious bull SnA 323. -chaṇa a merry
which is expl by C. as vijjheyya to pierce, hurt, & which is
time, fair J ii.48; DhA i.392. -kicca auspicious function,
doubtful in meaning, although Kern, Toev. s. v. defends it.
festivity SnA 175, 323. -kiriyā festivity, wedding SnA 69;
The v. l. reads magg°. Same on p. 265 where one ought
finding good omens J iv.72. -kolāhala the lucky, or most aus-
to read phasseyya in C. instead of passeyya. The form pp.
picious, foreboding, one of the 5 kolāhalas (q. v.) KhA 121.
magga (?) on p. 102 must belong to the same root); DhsA
-pañha see mangalika. -divasa a lucky day J iv.210; DhA
162 (=gavesati). — Caus. II. maggāpeti PvA 112. — Pass.
iii.467. -vappa ploughing festival SnA 137. Cp. vappa —
maggīyati VbhA 114.
mangala. -sindhava state horse J i.59. -silāpaṭṭa auspicious
Magghati see maggeti. slab (of stone) J i.59; vi.37; PvA 74. -supina lucky dream J
vi.330. -hatthi state elephant Mhvs 35, 21; DhA i.389.
Maghavant [cp. Epic Sk. maghavā, on etym. see Walde, Lat.
Wtb. s. v. Maia] N. of Indra, or another angel (devaputta) S Mangalika (adj.) (—°) [fr. mangala] 1. one who is feasting
i.221 (voc. maghavā; so read for mathavā), 229; Dh 30. Cp. in, one whose auspices are such & such; fond of; only in
māgha. kotūhala° fond of excitement J i.372; Miln 94 (apagata°, with-
out passion for excitement). — 2. superstitious, looking out
Maghā (f.) [cp. *Sk. maghā] N. of a nakkhatta, in cpd. °deva
for lucky signs Vin ii.129 (gihī), 140 (id.). At J iv.72, 73; three
SnA 352 (cp. M ii.74, n. 6, where spelling Makkādeva; we
sets of people are exemplified, who believe in omina as either
also find Makhadeva at Śatapatha — brāhmaṇa xiv. i. 1).
diṭṭhaṁ (seen) or sutaṁ (heard) or mutaṁ (sensed); they are
Mankati is given as root mank (aor. maki) at Dhtm 13, in mean- called diṭṭha-mangalikā, suta° & muta° respectively. The
ing maṇḍana, i. e. adornment. It is meant to be an expl of
same group is more explicitly dealt with in the Mangala —
mankato? 1
sutta KhA 118 sq. (cp. Nd 89); diṭṭhamangalika pañha "a
Mankato (adv.) [for Sk. mat — kṛte, Cp. E. Müller, P.Gr. 12] on question concerning visible omina" J iv.73 (correct meaning
my account, for me Miln 384. given under diṭṭha , vol. ii.156 !), 390 (?). The Np. diṭṭha —
Manku (adj.) [cp. Vedic manku; see on meaning Hardy in preface mangalikā at J iv.376 sq.
to Anguttara v. p. vi] staggering, confused, troubled, discon- Mangalya (nt.) [fr. mangala] auspiciousness, good luck, fortune
tented Vin ii.118; S v.74; Dh 249; Nd 150; DhA iii.41, 359 Dhtp 24.
(with loc.). — f. pl. mankū Vin i.93. — dummanku "stag-
Mangura (adj.) [etym.? or=mangula? See J.R.A.S. 1903, 186 the
gering in a disagreeable manner," evil — minded A i.98; iv.97
corresponding passage to M i.246 in Lal. v. 320 has madgura.]
(read line as "dummanku' yaṁ padusseti dhūm' aggamhi va
golden; in cpd. °cchavi of golden colour, f. cchavī D i.193,
pāvako" he, staggering badly, is spoilt like the fire on the crest
242; M i.246, 429; ii.33; Vism 184.
of smoke); v.70; Vin ii.196; iii.21; iv.213; S ii.218; Nett 50.
Mangula (adj.) [cp. mangura] sallow; f. mangulī woman of sal-
-bhāva discontent, moral weakness J iv.49; Miln 227;
low complexion S ii.260=Vin iii.107; Vin iii.100.
DhA iii.359. -bhūta discontented, troubled, confused Vin
ii.19; D ii.85; A i.186; Dh 263; J v.211; vi.362; DhA ii.76; a° Macca (adj. — n.) [orig. grd. of marati, mṛ corresponding to Sk.
self — possessed A iii.40; Miln 21, 339. martya. A diaeretic form exists in P. mātiya (q. v.)] mortal;
Mankuna (& °ṇa) [cp. late Sk. matkuṇa, see Geiger, P.Gr. § 6 ] (m.) man, a mortal S i.55; Sn 249, 577, 580, 766; J iii.154;
iv.248; v.393; Dh 53, 141, 182; Vv 63 ; Kvu 351. — See
an insect, bug or flea J i.10; iii.423; Vism 109 (where kīla —
also refs. under jāta.
mankula ought to be read as kīṭamankuna); DhA ii.12.
Mangala (adj.) [cp. Vedic mangala. Expl by Dhtp 24 with root Maccu [in form=Vedic mṛtyu, fr. mṛ; in meaning differentiated,
the Ved. — Sk. meaning "death" only] the God of Death, the
mang, i. e. lucky; see also mañju] auspicious, prosperous,
lucky, festive Nd 87, 88; KhA 118 sq.; SnA 273, 595; Sdhp Buddhist Māra, or sometimes equivalent to Yama S i.156; Sn
357 (gen. maccuno), 581 (instr. maccunā), 587; Th 1, 411; Dh
551. — nt. mangalaṁ good omen, auspices, festivity Sn 258;
21, 47, 128, 135, 150, 287; VbhA 100; SnA 397; DhA iii.49;
Vin ii.129; PvA 17. A curious popular etymology is put forth
by Bdhgh at KhA 123, viz. "maṁ galanti imehi sattā ti" man- Sdhp 295, 304.
galāni. — mangalaṁ karoti lit. to make an auspicious cer- -tara one who crosses or overcomes death Sn 1119
emony, i. e. to besprinkle with grains etc. for luck (see on (=maraṇaṁ tareyya Nd 486). -dheyya the realm of Māra,
this PvA 198), to get married DhA i.182; mangalaṁ vadati the sphere of Death S i.4; adj. belonging to death or sub-
ject to death (=Māradheyya, maraṇadheyya Nd 487 ). —
to bless one J iv.299; DhA i.115. Three (auspicious) wedding
Sn 358, 1104 (with expl "m. vuccanti kilesā ca khandhā ca

Maccu Majjha

abhisankhārā ca" Nd 487 ), 1146 (°pāra — maccudheyyassa habits of mind by force of intelligence A v.40, 209; Miln 289;
pāraṁ vuccati amataṁ nibbānaṁ Nd 487); Th 2, 10 (=maccu PvA 87, 124. — 2. macchera A i.105 (°mala), 281; Dh 242;
ettha dhīyati ThA 13); Dh 86; DhA ii.161. -parāyaṇa sur- It 18; Nd 260; Sdhp 313, 510. At A ii.58 and elsewhere the
mounting death Sn 578; pareta id. Sn 579. -pāsa the sling state called vigata-mala-macchera "with the stain of avarice
or snare of Māra Sn 166; J v.367. -bhaya the fear of death vanished," is freq. mentioned as a feature of the blameless life
Mhvs 32, 68. -maraṇa dying in death M i.49 (cp. C. on and a preparation for Arahantship. — Note. The (etym.) expl n
p. 532: maccu — maraṇan ti maccu — sankhātaṁ maraṇaṁ of macchariya at VbhA 513 is rather interesting: "idaṁ ac-
tena samuccheda — maraṇ' ādīni nisedheti. — See also def. chariyaṁ mayhaṁ eva hotu, mā aññassa acchariyaṁ hotū ti
of maraṇa s.v.). -mukha the mouth of death Sn 776; Nd 1 pavattattā macchariyan ti vuccati" (from the Purāṇas? ).
48. -rājā the king of death Sn 332, 1118 (=Maro pi Mac- Macchika [fr. maccha] a fish — catcher, fisherman A iii.301; J
curājā maraṇaṁ pi Nd 488); Dh 46, 170; KhA 83. -vasa the v.270; vi.111; Miln 331.
power of death 3 i.52: Sn 587, 1100 (where maccu is expl by
Macchī (f.) [of maccha] a female fish J ii.178.
maraṇa & Māra). -hāyin leaving death behind, victorious
over death It 46=Sn 755; Th 1, 129. Macchera see macchariya.
Maccha [cp. Vedic matsya] fish A iii.301; Sn 605, 777, 936; J Majja (nt.) [fr. mad, cp. Vedic mada & madya] 1. intoxicant,
i.210, 211; v.266 (in simile); vi.113 (phandanti macchā, on intoxicating drink, wine, spirits Vin i.205; D iii.62, 63; Sn 398
dry land); Pug 55; Sdhp 610. — maccha is given at Nd 91 as (+pāna=majjapāna); VvA 73 (=surā ca merayañ ca); Sdhp 267.
syn. of ambucārin. — pūti° rotten fish M iii.168; & in simile — 2. drinking place J iv.223 (=pān' āgāra).
at It 68=J iv.435=vi.236 =KhA 127. Cp. J.P.T.S. 1906, 201. -pa one who drinks strong drink, a drunkard A iv.261; Sn
bahu° rich in fish J iii.430. loṇa° salt fish Vism 28. rohita° 400; Pv iv.1 76 (a°); ThA 38. -pāna drinking of intoxicating
the species Cyprinus rohita J ii.433; iii.333; DhA ii.132. On liquors Vv 15 ; VvA 73; Sdhp 87. -pāyaka=majjapa J ii.192
maccha in simile see J.P.T.S. 1907, 121. Of names of fishes (a°). -pāyin=°pāyaka Sdhp 88. -vikkaya sale of spirits J
several are given in the Jātaka tales; viz.Ānanda (as the king iv.115.
of the fishes or a Leviathan) J i.207; ii.352; v.462; Timanda 1
Majjati [majj to immerse, submerge, cp. Lat. mergo] is repre-
& Timirapingala J v.462; Mitacintin J i.427; Bahucintin J
sented in Pali by mujjati, as found esp. in cpds. ummujjati &
-maṁsa the flesh of fishes Sn 249. -bandha one who sets 2
Majjati [mṛj to clean, polish; connected with either Lat. mergo
net to catch fish, a fisherman A iii.301; Vism 379. -bhatta
(cp. Gr. ἀμέργω) or Lat. mulgeo to wipe, stroke, milk (cp.
food for fishes, devoured by fishes J v.75. -vālaka a gar-
Gr. ἀμέλγω, Mir. mlich=milk etc.) — Dhtp 71 gives root
ment made in a particular fashion (forbidden to bhikkhus) Vin
majj with meaning "saṁsuddhiyaṁ"] to wipe, polish, clean
ii.137. -sakalika "a bit of fish" (fish — bone?) in description
VvA 165. Cp. sam°. — pp. majjita & maṭṭha.
of constitution of the finger nails at Vism 250=KhA 43=VbhA
233. Majjati [mad, Sk. mādyati; Vedic madati; see mada for etym.]
to be intoxicated; to be exultant, to be immensely enjoyed or
Macchara (adj.) [Vedic matsara & matsarin enjoyable; later pe-
elated S i.73, 203; A iv.294; Sn 366 (Pot. majje=majjeyya
riod also "envious," cp. maccharin] niggardly, envious, selfish
SnA 364), 676 (id., T. reads na ca majje, SnA 482 reads na pa-
Pgdp ii.49. — maccharaṁ (nt.) avarice, envy A iv.285; Sn
majje); J ii.97; iii.87 (majjeyya). aor. majji in cpd. pamajji
811, 862, 954 (vīta — macchara, adj.).
Mhvs 17, 15. — pp. matta.
Maccharāyati [Demon. fr. macchariya] to be selfish, greedy or
Majjāra [cp. Epic Sk. mārjāra; dialectical] a cat Miln 23. — f.
envious J vi.334; DhA ii.45, 89.
majjārī (majjāri°) Vin i.186 (°camma cat's skin); DhA i.48;
Maccharāyanā (f.) & Maccharāyitatta (nt.) the condition of Pgdp 49.
selfishness, both expressions in def of macchariya at Dhs
Majjika [fr. majja] a dealer in strong drink. a tavern-keeper Miln
1122; Pug 19, 23; DhsA 375.
Maccharin (adj.) [cp. Vedic matsarin, fr. mat+sṛ, i. e. "reflect- 2
ing to me"] selfish, envious, greedy (cp. Dhs trsl. p. 320); Majjita [pp. of majjati ] cleaned, polished VvA 340 (suṭṭhu m.
for sumaṭṭha Vv 84 ). See also maṭṭha.
A ii.82; iii.139, 258, 265; D iii.45, 246; Dh 263; Sn 136, 663;
Nd 36; J i.345; v.391; Vv 52 ; Pug 20; DhsA 394; DhA ii.89; Majjha (adj.) [Vedic madhya, cp. Lat. medius, Gr. μέσσος,
Sdhp 89, 97. — a° unselfish D iii.47; A iv.2; Sn 852, 860; It Goth. midjis=Ohg. mitti, E. middle] middle, viz. 1. of space:
102. of moderate height D i.243 (contrasted with ucca & nīca). —
2. of time: of middle age Sn 216 (contrasted with dahara
Macchariya & Macchera (nt.) [cp. Epic Sk. mātsarya] avarice,
young & thera old). — 3. often used adv. in loc. majjhe in
stinginess, selfishness, envy; one of the principal evil pas-
the middle; i. e. (a) as prep. in between, among ( — ° or with
sions & the maịn cause of rebirth in the Petaloka. — 1. mac-
gen.) Pv i.11 , 11 ; J i.207 (sakuṇānaṁ); DhA i.182 (vasana
chariya: A i.95, 299; iii.272; Dh iii.44 (issā°), 289; Sn 863
— gāmassa); PvA 11 (parisā°). majjhe chetvā cutting in half J
(°yutta), 928; Pug 19, 23; Vbh 357, 389, 391. — Five sorts
v.387. — (b) in special dogmatic sense "in the present state of
of selfishness are mentioned: āvāsa°, kula°, lābha°, vaṇṇa°,
dhamma° D iii.234; Nd 118, 227; A iv.456; Dhs 1122 (cp. existence," contrasted with past & future existences (the latter
Dhs tsrl. p. 276); Vism 683; DhsA 373, 374. Selfishness comb as "ubho antā" at Sn 1040). The expl of majjhe in this
sense is at Nd 434: "majjhaṁ vuccati paccuppannā rūpā" etc.
is one of the evil conditions which have to be renounced as

Majjha Maññati

(similarly at Nd 490). — Sn 949 (in sequence pubbe majjhe each other serving as grand stands at a fair or festival J iii.456;
pacchā), 1099 (id.); Dh 348 (pure majjhe pacchato; i. e. pac- vi.277; DhA iv.59. -parāyaṇa ending in bed, kept in bed
cuppannesu khandhesu DhA iv.63). — 4. (nt.) majjhaṁ the Pv ii.2 (nīla°, fig. for being buried); DhA i.183 (with v. l.
middle DhA i.184 (tassa uramajjhaṁ ghaṁsentī). maccu°, just as likely, but see maccuparāyaṇa). -pīṭha couch
and chair Vin ii.270 sq.; A iii.51; VvA 9, 220, 295. -vāna
Majjhaka (adj.) (—°) [fr. majjha] lying or being in the midst of...,
stuffing of a couch DhA i.234.
in pācīna — yava° (dakkhiṇa°, pacchima°, uttara°) nigama,
a market — place lying in the midst of the eastern corn — Mañcaka [fr. mañca] bed, couch, bedstead Vin i.271; S
fields (the southern etc.): designation of 4 nigamas situated i.121=iii.123; J i.91; iii.423; Th 2, 115; Miln 10; DhA ii.53.
near Mithilā J vi.330.
Mañjari (f.) [cp. Epic & Class. Sk. mañjarī] a branching flower
Majjhatta (adj. — n.) [for majjha — ṭṭha, which we find in Prk. — stalk, a sprout J v.400, 416.
as majjhattha: Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 214; majjha+ sthā] 1. (adj.)
Mañjarikā (f.)=mañjari, Vin iii.180.
"standing in the middle," umpire, neutral, impartial, indiffer-
Mañjarita (adj.) [fr. mañjari] with (full — grown) pedicles, i. e.
ent J i.300; ii.359 (parama°, +upekkhā — pārāmī); vi.8; Miln
in open flower Miln 308 (°patta in full bloom).
403; Vism 230; Mhvs 21, 14. — 2. indifference, balance of
mind, equanimity; almost synonymous with upekkhā: Vism Mañjīra [cp. late Sk. mañjīra nt.] an anklet, foot — bangle Abhp
134, 296; VbhA 283 (°payogatā); DhA ii.214 (°upekkhā); 228.
PvA 38 (so read for majjhattha). See also following. — Note.
Mañju (adj.) [cp. Class Sk. mañju, also mangala, cp. Gr.
A similar term is found in BSk. as mṛdu-madhyā kṣānti
μάγγανον means of deceiving, Lat. mango a dealer making
"state of spiritual calm" Divy 271; see Yoga Sūtra ii.34.
up his wares for sale. See further cognates at Walde, Lat. Wtb.
Majjhattatā (f.) [abstr. from prec.] impartiality, indiffer- s. v. mango] pleasant, charming, sweet, lovely (only with
ence, balance of mind Nd 166 (in expl of upekkhā, with ref. to the voice) D ii.211, 227 (one of the 8 characteristics
syn. passaddhatā); Vbh 230; Vism 134; VbhA 285 (satta° & of Brahmā's & the Buddha's voice: see bindu & aṭṭhanga); J
sankhāra°), 317 (def.); DhsA 133. ii.150. — (nt.) a sweet note J vi.591 (of the deer in the forest);
VvA 219 (karavīka ruta°).
Majjhantika [majjha+anta+ika] midday, noon; used either ab-
-bhāṇaka sweet — voiced, speaking sweetly J ii.150=
solutely Vin iv.273; S iv.240; J v.213 (yāva upakaṭṭha —
DhA i.144; f. bhāṇikā J vi.418, 420. -bhāṇin id. J ii.150.
majjhantikā); v.291 (read majjhantik' âtikamm' āgami); Vism
236; Miln 3; or as apposition with kāla & samaya S i.7 (kāla); Mañjuka (adj.) [mañju+ka] sweet voiced Vin i.249; J ii.350;
Pv iv.3 (id.); Nd 97 (samaya); DA i.251 (id.). iii.266; vi.412, 496.
Majjhāru [etym. doubtful] a certain kind of plant Vin i.196 (v. l. Mañjūsaka ( — rukkha) [fr. mañjūsa] N. of a celestial tree, famed
majjāru); doubtful whether designation (like Sk. mārjāra) of for its fragrancy Vv 38 ; SnA 52, 66, 95, 98; VvA 175.
Plumbago rosea. Mañjūsā (f.) [cp. Epic Sk. mañjūṣā] a casket; used for keep-
Majjhima (adj.) [Vedic madhyama, with sound change ing important documents in J ii.36 (suvaṇṇapaṭṭaṁ mañjūsāya
°ama>°ima after Geiger, P.Gr. 19 , or after analogy with nikkhipāpesi); iv.335 (suvaṇṇapaṭṭaṁ sāra — mañjūsāyaṁ
pacchima, with which often contrasted] 1. middle, medium, ṭhapetvā kālam akāsi).
mediocre, secondary, moderate. — Applied almost exclu-
Mañjeṭṭha (adj.) [cp. *Sk. mañjiṣṭhā Indian madder] light
sively in contrast pairs with terms of more or less, in triplets d
(bright) red, crimson, usually enum in set of 5 principal
like "small — medium — big," or "first — middle — last"
colours with nīla, pīta, lohitaka, odāta; e. g. at Vin i.25; S
(cp. majjha 3b); viz. (a) of degree: hīna- m -paṇīta D iii.215 1
ii.101 (f. mañjeṭṭhā); Vv 22 (Hardy in T. reads mañjaṭṭha, as
(tisso dhātuyo); Dhs 1205— 1027 (dhammā); Vism 11 (sīlaṁ);
twice at VvA 111, with vv. ll. °jiṭṭha & °jeṭṭha, cp. Correc-
h. m. ukkaṭṭha Vism 308; omaka m. ukkaṭṭha Vin iv.243; ns
tions & Add on p. 372); Miln 61.
khuddaka m. mahā Vism 100; lāmaka m. paṇīta (i. e.
Mañjeṭṭhaka (adj.) [fr. mañjeṭṭha, after lohita+ka] crimson,
lokuttara) DhsA 45 (dhammā); paritta — m — uḷāra Sdhp 1 n
bright red, fig. shining Vv 39 (cp. def at VvA 177: like the
260. — (b) of time: paṭhame yāme majjhima° pacchima° J
tree Vitex negundo, sindhavāra, or the colour of the Kaṇavīra
i.75; id. with vaye PvA 5. — 2. (nt.) majjhimaṁ the waist, n
— bud; same def at DhsA 317, with Sinduvāra for Sindha°);
in cpd. su — majjhimā (f.) a woman with beautiful waist J
usually in sequence nīla, pīta, mañjeṭṭhaka, lohitaka, odāta
as the 5 fundamental colours: M i.509 (has °eṭṭhika in T. but
Mañca [cp. Epic Sk. mañca stand, scaffolding, platform] a couch,
v. l. °eṭṭhaka); J vi.185; Dhs 617. — f. mañjeṭṭhikā a disease
bed Vin iv.39, 40 (where 4 kinds are mentioned, which also ap- of sugar cane Vin ii.256.
ply to the def of pīṭha, viz. masāraka, bundikābaddha, kuḷīra
— pādaka, āhacca — pādaka; same def at VbhA 365); Sn Mañjeṭṭhī (f.) [=Sk. mañjiṣṭhā] Bengal madder DA i.85.
401; J iii.423; DhA i.89 (°ṁ bandhati to tie a bed or two to- Maññati [man, Vedic manyate & manute, Av. mainyeite; Idg.
gether), 130; iv.16; VbhA 20; VvA 291; PvA 93. — heṭṭhā *men, cp. Gr. μένος mood, anger=Sk. manah mind; μέμονα
mañce underneath the bed J i.197 (as place where domestic to think of, wish to, Lat. memini to think of, mens>mind,
pigs lie); ii.419 (id.); ii.275 (where a love — sick youth lies meneo; Goth. munan to think, muns opinion; Oisl. man,
down in the park). Ags. mon; Ohg. minna love, Ags, myne intention. Dhtp 427:
-atimañca bed upon bed, i. e. beds placed on top of man=ñāṇe, 524= bodhane] 1. to think, to be of opinion, to

Maññati Maṇīkā

imagine, to deem Sn 199 (sīsaṁ... subhato naṁ maññati bālo), terpret as "crystal." — D i.7 (as ornament); Dh 161; J vi.265
588 (yena yena hi maññanti, tato taṁ hoti aññathā); J ii.258 (agghiya, precious). In simile at D i.76 (maṇi veḷuriyo). On
(maññāmi ciraṁ carissati: I imagine he will have to wander maṇi in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907, 121. — udaka-pasādaka
a long time). — With (double) acc.: to take for, to consider maṇi a precious stone (crystal?) having the property of mak-
as; na taṁ maññāmi mānusiṁ I deem you are not human Pv ing water clear Miln 35 (cp. below Vism 366 passage); cintā°
ii.4 ; yassa dāni kālaṁ maññati for this now may he think it a "thought — jewel," magic stone (crystal?) J iii.504; VvA 32;
time (in a phrase of departure), let him do what he thinks fit, cūḷā° a jewelled crest or diadem, the crown — jewel J v.441
we wait the Buddha's pleasure, i. e. let it be time to go [so also sq.; jāti° a genuine precious stone J ii.417; Vism 216 (in com-
BSk. manyate kālaṁ, e. g. Divy 50, 64 etc.] D i.189. — Esp. parison); tārā° ( — vitāna) (canopy) of jewelled stars Vism
in phrase taṁ kiṁ maññasi (maññatha 2. pl.) what do you 76; nīla° a dark blue jewel J ii.112; iv.140; DhA iii.254. The
think of this? (the foll.), what is your opinion about this? D passage "amaṇiṁ udakaṁ maṇiṁ katvā" at Vism 366 (+asu-
i.60; S iii.104 & passim. — Pot. 1 sg. maññeyyaṁ I should vaṇṇaṁ leḍḍuṁ suvaṇṇaṁ katvā) refers clearly to meaning
think PvA 40; 3 sg. maññeyya S iii.103, and maññe Sn "jewel" (that the water is without a jewel or crystal, but is made
206. The short form 1 sg. maññe is used like an adv. as af- as clear as crystal; a conjuror's trick, cp. Miln 35). Whether
firmative particle & is inserted without influencing the gram- meaning "waterpot" (as given at Abhp 1113 & found in der.
matical or syntactical construction of the sentence; meaning: maṇika) is referred to here, is not to be decided. — 2. a crys-
methinks, for certain, surely, indeed, I guess, presumably. E. tal used as burning — glass Miln 54.
g. D i.137 (patapati m. paccatthike yasasā); S i.181 (m. 'haṁ); -kāra a jeweller Miln 331; DhA ii.152. -kuṇḍala a
iv.289 (paveliyamānena m. kāyena); J ii.275; Miln 21; Vism jewelled earring, adj. wearing an (ear) ornament of jewels
90, 92 (mato me m. putto); DhA i.107; ii.51; PvA 40 (m. goṇo Vin ii.156 (āmutta° adorned with...); Vv 20 (id.); 43 (id.);
samuṭṭhahe), 65 (tasmā m. sumuttā). — na maññe surely not Pv ii.9 51 (id.); Th i.187; Dh 345 (maṇi — kuṇḍalesu=manīsu
DhA ii.84; PvA 75 (n. m. puññavā rājā). — 2. to know, ca kuṇḍalesu ca maṇicittesu vā kuṇḍalesu, i. e. with gem —
to be convinced, to be sure Sn 840 (=jānāti Nd 192), 1049, studded earrings DhA iv.56). -kuṭṭima at VvA 188 is prob-
1142; Nd 491 (=jānāti); DhA i.29 (maññāmi tuvaṁ maris- ably to be read as °kuṇḍala (v. l. °kundima). -khandha
sasi). — 3. to imagine, to be proud (of), to be conceited, to "jewel-bulk," i. e. a tremendous jewel, large gem, function-
boast Sn 382 (ppr. maññamāna), 806, 813, 855 (maññate); J ing in tales almost like a magic jewel J iii.187; v.37 (°vaṇṇaṁ
iii.530 (aor. maññi 'haṁ, perhaps maññe 'haṁ? C. expl by udakaṁ water as clear as a large block of crystal), 183 (°pi-
maññāmi). — pp. mata. — Note. Another Present form is landhana). -guhā a jewelled cave, cave of crystal J ii.417
munāti (q. v.), of which the pp. is muta. (where pigs live); SnA 66 (one of three, viz. suvaṇṇa — guhā,
Maññanā (f.) [fr. man] conceit Nd 124 (taṇhā°, diṭṭhi°, māna°, m.°, rajata°. At the entrance of it there grows the Mañjūsaka
tree). -canda "the jewelled moon," i. e. with a crest like
kilesa° etc.); Dhs 1116 1233; Nett 24; Vism 265 (for mañ- 6
the (glittering) moon Vv 64 (=maṇi — maya — maṇḍalânu-
viddha — candamaṇḍala — sadisa maṇi VbA 277). -cchāyā
Maññita (nt.) [pp. of maññati] illusion, imagination M i.486.
reflection of a jewel J vi.345. -thūṇā, a jewelled pillar, adj.
Nine maññitāni (the same list is applied to the phanditāni, the 1 1
with jewelled pillars Vv 54 , 67 . -pabbata mountain of
papañcitāni & sankhatāni) at Vbh 390: asmi, ayam aham asmi,
gems SnA 358. -pallanka a jewelled pallanquin DhA i.274.
bhavissaṁ, na bhavissaṁ, rūpī bhavissaṁ, arūpī bh., saññī bh.,
-bandha (place for) binding the jewel(led) bracelet, the wrist
asaññī bh., nevasaññī — nâsaññī — bh.
Vism 255=VbhA 238=KhA 50 (°aṭṭhi). -bhadda N. of one
Maññitatta (nt.) [fr. maññita] self — conceit, pride Dhs 1116; of 20 classes of people mentioned Miln 191; trsl by Rh. D.
DhsA 372. Miln trsl. i.266 by "tumblers." The term occurs also at Nd 1
89 & 92. Cp. Sk. Maṇibhadra, N. of a brother of Kuvera &
Maṭaja (nt.) [doubtful] a certain weapon M i.281 (°ṁ nāma āvud-
hajātaṁ; Neumann trsl "Mordwaffe"). prince of the Yakṣas. -maya made of, consisting of, or caused
by jewels Pv ii.6 ; VvA 280; DhA i.29. -ratana a precious
Maṭāhaka (adj.) [doubtful spelling & meaning] short (?) Vin
stone or mineral, which is a gem (jewel); i. e. maṇi as a kind of
ii.138 (ati°=atikhuddaka C.).
ratana, of which there are seven Vism 189 (in sim.); Miln 218.
Maṭṭa & Maṭṭha [pp. of mṛj, see majjati ] wiped, pol- -rūpaka a jewelled image DhA i.370; -lakkhaṇa fortune —
ished, clean, pure. — (a) maṭṭa: D ii.133 (yugaṁ maṭṭaṁ telling from jewels D i.9; SnA 564.
dhāraṇīyaṁ: "pair of robes of burnished cloth of gold and -vaṇṇa the colour or appearance of crystal; i. e. as clear
ready for wear" trsl.); Vism 258 (v. l. maṭṭha). Cp. sam.° as crystal (of water) J ii.304 (pasanna+). -sappa a kind of
— (b) maṭṭha: Vv 84 17 (su°); Miln 248; DhA i.25 (°kuṇḍalī poisonous snake (i. e. a mysterious, magic snake) DA i.197.
having burnished earrings); VvA 6 (°vattha). Cp. vi°.
Maṇika [cp. Class. Sk. maṇika] a waterpot M ii.39. Usually in
-sāṭaka a tunic of fine cloth J i.304; ii.274; iii.498; Vism
cpd. udaka° Vin i.277; M i.354; S iv.316; A iii.27; Miln 28;
284 (ṭṭh).
DhA i.79. Whether this is an original meaning of the word
Maṇi [cp. Vedic maṇi. The connection with Lat. monile (pen- remains doubtful; the connection with maṇi jewel must have
dant), proposed by Fick & Grassmann, is doubted by Walde, been prevalent at one time.
Lat. Wtb. s. v. monile, where see other suggestions. For fur-
Maṇīkā (f.) [f. of maṇika, adj. fr. maṇi] N. of a charm, the
ther characterisation of maṇi cp. Zimmer, Altindisches Leben
Jewel — charm, by means of which one can read other peo-
pp. 53, 263] 1. a gem, jewel. At several places one may in-
ple's minds D i.214 (m. iddhi — vijjā), cp. Dial. i.278, n.

Maṇīkā Matta

3.). (ḷ); Miln 16 (ḷ); Sn p. 104; SnA 132 (Npl.); VvA 175.
Maṇila [cp. *Sk. maṇila dewlap?] a kind of tree Vism 313. Maṇḍalika (adj. — n.) [fr. maṇḍala, cp. maṇḍalaka — rājā "the
king of a small country" Mvyut 94] a district officer, king's
Maṇḍa [later Sk. maṇḍa, perhaps dial. from *mranda, cp. Sk. vi
deputy Vin iii.47 f. maṇḍalikā=maṇḍala 4, i. e. circus, ring,
— mradati to soften. Attempts at etym. see Walde, Lat. Wtb.
round, in assa° race court Vin iii.6.
s. v. mollis. Cp. also mattikā] the top part, best part of milk
or butter, etc. i. e. cream, scum; fig. essence of, the pick of, Maṇḍalin (adj.) [fr. maṇḍala] 1. circular Th 1, 863 (maṇḍali —
finest part of anything. parisā° the cream of a gathering, the pākāra). — 2. having a disk, orbed (of the sun) S i.51=VvA
pick of the congregation, excellent congregation A i.72 (or for 116.
°maṇḍala?); bodhi° essence of enlightenment, highest state of
Maṇḍita [pp. of maṇḍeti] adorned, embellished, dressed up Sdhp
enlightenment; in later literature objectively "the best place of
244, 540. In cpd. °pasādhita beautifully adorned at J i.489;
enlightenment, the Throne of Enlightenment or of the Bud-
ii.48; vi.219. — Cp. abhi°.
dha" (does it stand for °maṇḍala in this meaning?) J iv.233
Maṇḍūka [Vedic maṇḍūka] a frog Vv 51 ; J iv.247; v.307; vi.164;
(cp. puthavi — maṇḍa ibid. & puthavi — maṇḍala Sn 990);
KhA 46; VvA 217, 218; Sdhp 292. f. mandūkī J i.341. —
DhA i.86; ii.69; iv.72. sappi° "cream of butter," the finest
ghee (cp. AvŚ i.15 13 sarpimaṇḍa) D i.201; A ii.95; Pug 70; Mandūka is the name of an angel (devaputta) at Vism 208.
-chāpī a young (female) frog J vi.192. -bhakkha eating
Miln 322. — maṇḍaṁ karoti to put into the best condition,
frogs, frog eater (i. e. a snake) J iii.16.
to make pleasant SnA 81. — manda at DhsA 100 is to be read
baddha (v. l. BB). Cp. Expos. 132 . Maṇḍeti [maṇḍ to adorn, related to Lat. mundus world, cp.
-khetta best soil, fertile ground Miln 255. -peyya to be in meaning Gr. κόσμος=ornament Dhtp 103 bhūsane, 566:
drunk like cream, i. e. of the finest quality, first — class S bhūsāyaṁ] to adorn, embellish, beautify J iii.138; DhA ii.86.
ii.20 (°ṁ idaṁ brahmacariyaṁ). — pp. maṇḍita.
Maṇḍaka [fr. maṇḍa] 1. the cream of the milk, whey, in dadhi° Mata [pp. of maññati] thought, understood, considered (as= —
whey S ii.111. — 2. the scum of stagnant water, i. e. anything °), only late in use Vbh 2 (hīna° paṇīta°, doubtful reading);
that floats on the surface & dirties the water, water — weeds, Sdhp 55; Mhvs 25, 55 (tassā matena according to her opin-
moss etc. J ii.304 (gloss sevāla). ion); 25, 110 (pasu — samā matā, pl. considered like beasts).
Cp. sam°. — Note. Does mata-sāyika at Th 1, 501 (=Miln
Maṇḍana (nt.) [fr. maṇḍ] ornament, adornment, finery D i.5, 7;
367) belong under this mata? Then mata would have to be
J vi.64; Pug 21, 58; Vbh 351; VbhA 477; Dhtm 13. See under
taken as nt. meaning "thought, thinking," but the phrase is not
without objection both semantically & syntactically. Mrs. Rh.
-ânuyoga practice of ornamenting, fondness of finery Vin s
D. (Brethren, p. 240) trsl "nesting — place of thought."
i.190. -jātika of an ornament ( — loving) nature, fond of
dressing D i.80=Vin ii.255=M ii.19, 32. Mata [pp. of marati, mṛ] dead M i.88 (ekāha° dead one day);
iii.159 (matam eyya would go to die); Sn 200, 440; J v.480.
Maṇḍapa [cp. late Sk. maṇḍapa] a temporary shed or hall erected
Neg. amata see separate article. — Note. mata at PvA 110 is
on special or festive occasions, an awning, tent Vin i.125;
to be corrected into cuta.
Vism 96, 300 (dhamma — savaṇa°), 339 sq. (in simile); DhA
-kicca duty towards the dead, rites for the dead PvA 274.
i.112; ii.45; iii.206 (°kāraka); PvA 74, 171, 194; VvA 173.
Mataka [fr. mata ] dead, one who is dead DhA ii.274.
Maṇḍala [cp. Vedic maṇḍala] 1. circle D i.134 (paṭhavi°, cp.
-ākāra condition of one who is dead J i.164 (°ṁ dassati
puthavi° Sn 990); Vism 143 (°ṁ karoti to draw a circle, in
pretends to be dead). -bhatta a meal for the dead, food of-
simile), 174 (tipu° & rajata° lead — & silver circle, in kasiṇa
fered to the manes J iv.151; DhA i.326 (=petakicca p. 328);
practice); VvA 147 (of a fan=tālapattehi kata° — vījanī). —
2. the disk of the sun or moon; suriya° VvA 224, 271 (di-
vasa — kara°); canda° Vism 174; PvA 65. — 3. a round, flat Mati (f.) [Vedic mati, fr. man: cp. Av. maitiš, Lat. mens,
surface, e. g. jānu° the disk of the knee, i. e. the knee PvA mentem (cp. E. mental); Goth. ga — munds, gaminpi, Ohg.
179; naḷāta° the (whole of the) forehead D i.106; Sn p. 108. gi — munt, E. mind] mind, opinion, thought; thinking of, han-
— 4. an enclosed part of space in which something happens, kering after, love or wish for Vin iii.138 (purisa° thought of
a circus ring; e. g. M i.446 (circus, race — ring); assa° horse a man); Mhvs 3, 42 (padīpa lamp of knowledge); 15, 214
— circus, raceground, Vism 308; āpāna° drinking circle, i. (amala° pure — minded); PvA 151 (kāma+). — su° (adj.)
e. hall; kīḷa° play — circle, i. e. games J vi.332, 333; DhA wise, clever Mhvs 15, 214; opp. du° (adj.) foolish J iii.83
iii.146; keḷi° dice board (?) J i.379; gā° Th i.1143, cp. trs. (=duppañña C.); Pv i.8 (=nippañña PvA 40); Sdhp 292.
ib. n. 3; go° ox — round Sn 301; jūta° dicing table J i.293;
Matikata (adj.) [cp. Sk. matī — kṛta, fr. matya, nt., harrow =Lat.
yuddha° fightingring Vism 190; ranga° play — house VvA mateola, Ohg. medela plough] in su° well-harrowed (field) A
139; vāta° tornado J i.73. — 5. anything comprised within i.229, 239 (khetta).
certain limits or boundaries, a group J v.418 (chāpa° litter of
Matimant (adj.) [mati+mant] sensible, intelligent, wise, metri
young animals). — 6. border as part of a bhikkhu's dress, hem,
causâ as matīmā (fr. matimanto, pl.) at Sn 881 (=matimā
gusset Vin i.287; ii.177.
paṇḍitā Nd 289).
-agga [cp. Sk. maṇḍal' āgra Halāyudha 2, 317 at Aufrecht
p. 301] a circular sword or sabre Miln 339. -māla (sometimes Matta (—°) (adj.) [i. e. mattā used as adj.] "by measure," mea-
māḷa) a circular hall with a peaked roof, a pavilion D i.2, 50 sured, as far as the measure goes, i. e. — (1) consisting of,

Matta Mathati

measuring (with numerals or similar expressions): appamatto Mattika (adj.) (°—) [fr. mattikā] made of clay, clay —; only in
kali Sn 659; pañcamattā sata 500 DA i.35; saṭṭhimatte saṭṭhi- cpds.:
matte katvā SnA 510; māsamattaṁ PvA 55; ekādasa° ib. 20; -kuṇḍala clay earring S i.79 (v. l. mattikā°). -bhājana
dvādasa° 42; satta° 47; tiṁsamattehi bhikkhūhi saddhiṁ 53. clay or earthenware vessel Sn 577; Vism 231 (in comparison);
— (2) (negative) as much as, i. e. only, a mere, even as little DhA i.130. -vāka clay fibre DhsA 321 (v. l. °takka, perhaps
as, the mere fact (of), not even (one), not any: aṇumattena pi gloss=takku spindle, see takka ).
puññena Sn 431; kaṭacchumattaṁ (not) even a spoonful Miln
Mattikā (f.) [cp. Vedic mṛttikā, der. fr. Vedic mṛt (mṛd) soil,
8; ekapaṇṇa° PvA 115; citta °ṁ pi (not) even as much as one
earth, clay; with P. maṇḍa, Sk, vimradati. Gr. βλαδαρός soft,
thought ib. 3; nāma° a mere name Miln 25; phandana °ṁ not
Osil. mylsna dust, Goth. mulda, Ags. molde (E. mould,
even one throb J vi.7; phandita° the mere fact of... M ii.24,
mole=mouldwarp), to same root mṛd as in Sk. mṛdu=Lat.
bindu° only one drop PvA 100; rodita° M ii.24. — (3) (posi-
mollis soft, Gr. ἀμαλδύνω to weaken, Sk. mardati & mṛdnāti
tive) as much as, so much, some, enough (of); vibhava° riches
to crush, powder, Caus. mardayati; also in cognate °mḷd as
enough J v.40; kā pi assāsa — mattā laddhā found some relief?
appearing in Gr. μέλδω to melt=Ags meltan, Ohg. smëlzan]
PvA 104 (may be=mattā f.). — (4) like, just as what is called,
1. clay J vi.372; Mhvs 29, 5 sq. — tamba° red clay DhA
one may say (often untranslateable): sita° — kāraṇā just be- iv.106; PvA 191. mattikā pl. kinds of clay (used in cosmet-
cause he smiled VvA 68; bhesajja — mattā pītā I have taken
ics, like Fuller's earth) J v.89 (nānā — cunṇāni+ mattikā; see
medicine D i.205 (=mattā f.?) okāsa — °ṁ (nt.) permission Sn
also cuṇṇa). — 2. loam, mud M iii.94 (alla° fresh loam or
p, 94; putta° like children A ii.124; maraṇa° (almost) dead M
mud); Vism 123 (aruṇa — vaṇṇā); KhA 59 (paṇḍu); VvA 65;
i.86; attano nattumatte vandanto Dha iv.178. f. mattī (=mat-
PvA 216 (aruṇa — vaṇṇā).
tin?) see mātu°. — (5) as adv. (usually in oblique cases):
-thāla bowl of clay DhA iv.67. -piṇḍa a lump of clay or
even at, as soon as, because of, often with other particles, like
loam DA i.289; same trope at PvA 175.
api, eva, pi, yeva: vuttamatte eva as soon as said DhA i.330;
Matteyya (& metteyya) (adj.) [fr. mātā, *mātreyya> *matteyya]
cintitamatte at the mere thought DhA i.326; naṁ jātamattaṁ
reverential towards one's mother, motherloving D iii.74; Pv
yeva as soon as he was born PvA 195; anumodana — mattena
ii.7 18 (=mātu hita PvA 104; v. l. mett°). Spelling at D iii.72
because of being pleased PvA 121; upanītamattam eva as soon
is metteyya. It is difficult to decide about correct spelling, as
as it was bought PvA 192; nimujjana — matte yeva as soon as
metteyya is no doubt influenced by the foll. petteyya, with
she ducked her head under PvA 47. — na mattena... eva not
which it is always combined.
only... but even PvA 18 (n. m. nipphalā, attano dānaphalassa
bhāgino eva honti). Matteyyatā (& mett°) (f.) [abstr. fr. matteyya] filial love to-
Matta [pp. of madati] intoxicated (with), full of joy about (—°), wards one's mother; always comb with petteyyatā D iii.145
(v. l. mett°); Nd 294 (mett°), Dh 332; DhA iv.33.
proud of, conceited Sn 889 (mānena m.); J iv.4 (vedanā°, full
of pain, perhaps better with v. l. °patta for °matta); VvA 158 Mattha [cp. Vedic masta(ka) skull, head, Vedic mastiṣka brains;
(hatthi matto elephant in rut); DhA iv.24 (id.); PvA 47 (surā°), perhaps to Lat. mentum chin, Cymr. mant jawbone; indi-
86 (māna — mada°), 280 (bhoga — mada°). rectly also to Lat. mons mountain] the head, etc. Only in
-kāsinī see matthak' āsinī. cpd. mattha-lunga [cp. Sk. mastulunga] the brain Vin i.274;
Mattaka (adj.) [fr. matta ] 1. of the size of Sdhp 238 (pāṇi°). — Sn 199; Kh iii.; J i.493; KhA 60; Vism 260 (in detail) 264,
359; VbhA 63, 243, 249; DhA ii.68; PvA 78, 80. — See also
2. only as much as, mere D i.12 (appa°, ora°, sīla°); J iv.228
(mana°); DhA iv.178 (pitumattakaṁ gahetvā).
Matthaka [cp. mattha] the head, fig. top, summit J iii.206
Mattatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. matta] (the fact of) consisting of, or
=iv.4; iv.173, 457; v.478; DA i.226 (pabbata°); Pv iv.16 ;
being only... PvA 199 (maṁsa — pesi°).
DhA i.184. matthaka-matthakena (from end to end) J i,202;
Mattā (f.) [Vedic mātrā, of mā] measure, quantity, right mea-
iii.304. Loc. matthake as adv. (1) at the head DhA i.109; (2)
sure, moderation Sn 971 (mattaṁ so jaññā); Dh i.35 (mattā
at the distance of (—°) DhA i.367; (3) on top of (—°) J v.163
ti pamāṇaṁ vuccati). — Abl. mattaso in °kārin doing in
(vammīka°); Mhvs 23, 80 (sīsa°); Yugandhara° Miln 6; DhA
moderation, doing moderately Pug 37 (=pamānena padesa —
ii.3 (uddhana°).
mattam eva karontī ti). — In cpds. shortened to matta°.
-āsin sitting on top (of the mountain) J vi.497 (=pabbata
-aṭṭhiya (mattaṭṭhiya=°atthika) desirous of moderation,
— matthake nisinna C.; gloss matta — kāsin i. e. wildly in
moderate Th 1, 922. -ññu knowing the right measure, mod- d
love, expl by kāma — mada — matta). The reading is not
erate, temperate (bhojane or bhojanamhi in eating) A ii.40; Sn
clear. -tela oil for the head KhA 64 (=muddhani tela Vism
338; Pug 25; Dh 8. Cp. jāgariyā. -ññutā moderation (in 262).
eating) D iii.213; Nd 483; Dh 185; Pug 25; Vbh 249, 360;
Mathati [Vedic math, manth to twirl, shake about, stir etc.; cp.
Dhs 1348; DhA ii.238. -sukha (metri causâ: mattā — sukha)
Lat. mamphur part of the lathe=Ger. mandel ("mangle"), E.
measured happiness, i. e. small happiness Dh 290 (cp. DhA
mandrel; Lith. mentùris churning stick, Gr. μόχος tumult
μόχουρα shaft of rudder. — The Dhtp (126) gives both roots
Matti ( — sambhava) [for *māti°=mātu°=*mātṛ, after (math & manth) and expl by "viḷolana," as does Dhtm (183)
pitti°=pitu°=*pitṛ] born (from a mother) Sn 620 (=mātari
by "viḷoṭana"] to churn, to shake, disturb, upset. Only in Caus.
sambhūta SnA 466)=Dh 396 (=mātu santike udarasmiṁ samb-
matheti to agitate, crush, harass, upset (cittaṁ) S iv.210; Sn 50
hūta DhA iv.158). 2 1
(=tāseti hāpeti Nd 492); Pv iv.7 (kammānaṁ vipāko math-

Mathati Madhu

aye manaṁ; C 264: abhibhaveyya); Miln 385 (vāyu pādape -viṇā a sort of girdle Vin ii.136.
mathayati;... kilesā mathayitabbā). — pp. mathita. See also
Maddati [cp. Vedic mṛd to crush: see etym. under mattikā] 1.
abhimatthati (sic) & nimmatheti.
to tread on, trample on (acc.), crush J iii.245, 372 (ppr. mad-
Mathana (adj. nt.) [fr. math] shaking up, crushing, harassing, damāna); DhA ii.66. — 2. to defeat, destroy Sn 770 (=ab-
confusing Miln 21 (+maddana); DhA i.312; PvA 265. hibhavati Nd 12); Nd 85 (madditvā=abhibhuyya); SnA 450;
Mhvs 1, 41. — fig. to crush a heresy: vādaṁ m. Mhvs 36, 41.
Mathita. [pp. of matheti] 1. (churned) buttermilk Vin ii.301
— 3. to neglect (an advice), spurn J iii.211 (ovādaṁ). — 4.
(amathita — kappa). — 2. upset, mentally unbalanced state,
to mix up, knead, jumble together DhA ii.155. — 5. to thresh
disturbance of mind through passion, conceit, etc. M i.486
(maññita+). Neumann trsl "Vermutung" i. e. speculation, J i.215. — 6. to break down, upset J i.500 (vatiṁ, a fence).
— 7. to draw together (a net) J i.208. — Caus. I. maddeti
guessing (v. l. matth°).
to cause to be trampled on Mhvs 29. 4 (aor. maddayi). —
Mada [Vedic mada, mad (see majjati), Idg. *mad, as in Av.
Caus. II. maddāpeti to cause to be threshed Vin ii.180. — pp.
mata intoxication, drink, mad, to get intoxicated orig. mean-
maddita. See also pari°.
ing "drip, be full of liquid or fat"; cp. Gr. μαδάω dissolve,
Maddana (nt.) [cp. Epic Sk. mardana, fr. mṛd] 1. crush-
μαστός breast (μαζός>Amazone), Lat. madeo to be wet, Ohg.
mast fattening, Sk. meda grease, fat, Gr. μέζεα· μεστός full; ing, grinding, destroying J iv.26; Miln 21 (adj.,+mathana);
Sdhp 449; Dhtp 156. — 2. threshing Miln 360. — See also
Goth. mats eatables, Ags. mōs, Ohg. muos=gemüse, etc. Per-
nimmaddana, pamaddana, parimaddana.
haps connected with *med in Lat. medeor to heal. For further
relations see Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. madeo. — The Dhtp Maddarī (f.) [?] a species of bird, in cpd. ambaka° A i.188.
(412) & Dhtm (642) explain mad by "ummāde" Dhtm 210
Maddava (adj. nt.) [fr. mṛdu, cp. Epic Sk. mārdava] 1. mild,
also by "muda, mada=santose"] 1. intoxication, sensual ex-
gentle, soft, suave Dhs 1340; Vbh 359; Miln 229 (cittaṁ
cess, in formula davāya madāya maṇḍanāya (for purposes mudukaṁ m. siniddhaṁ), 313 (mudu°), 361 (among the 30
of sport, excess, personal charm etc.) M i.355=A ii.40= Nd 1 best virtues, with siniddha & mudu). — 2. (fr. madda) as Np.
496=Nd 540=Pug 21=Dhs 1346, 1348. The commentator's name of a king, reigning in Sāgala, the capital of Madda. —
expl bearing directly or indirectly on this passage distinguish
3. withered Dh 377 (=milāta DhA iv.112). — nt. maddavaṁ
several kinds of mada, viz. māna-mada & purisa- mada
mildness, softness, gentleness Sn 250 (ajjava+), 292 (id.); J
(at DhsA 403; Vism 293), or muṭṭhika-mall' ādayo viya ma-
iii.274 (as one of the 10 rāja — dhammā); v.347 (=mettacit-
datthaṁ bala- mada — nimittaṁ porisa- mada — nimittañ cā
taṁ); DhsA 151. See also sūkara°.
ti vuttaṁ (at Vism 31). Sn 218 (mada — pamāda on which
Maddavatā (f.) [abstr. fr. maddava] gentleness, softness, suavity
passage SnA 273 comments on mada with jāti — mad' ādi
Dhs 44, 1340; DhsA 151.
— bhedā madā). — 2. (as mental state or habit) pride, con-
ceit Miln 289 (māna, m., pamāda); Vbh 345 (where 27 such Maddālaka [etym.?] a kind of bird J vi.538.
states are given, beginning with jāti°, gotta°, ārogya°, yob- Maddita [pp. of maddeti, see maddati] 1. kneaded, mixed, in su°
bana°, jīvita — mada), 350 (where mada is paraphrased by Vism 124. — 2. crushed, defeated, in su° Miln 284. — Cp.
majjanā majjitattaṁ māno... uṇṇati... dhajo sampaggāho ke- pa°, pari°.
tukamyatā cittassa: same formula, as concluding exegesis of
māna at Nd 505 & Dhs 1116); sometimes more def. charac- Maddin (adj.) [fr. mṛd, cp. Sk. mardin=mardana] crushing, de-
stroying Sdhp 218. Cp. pamaddin.
terised with phrase mada-matta elated with the pride or intox-
ication of... (—°). e. g. A i.147 (yobbana°, ārogya°, jīvita°); Maddhita [of mṛdh] see pari°.
PvA 86 (māna°), 280 (bhoga°). — The traditional exegesis
Madhu [cp. Vedic madhu, Gr. μέχυ wine, Lith. medùs honey,
distinguishes only 3 mada's, viz. ārogya-mada the pride of
midùs wine, Ohg. metu=Ger. met wine. Most likely to root
health, yobbana° of youth, jīvita° of life: D iii.220; A i.146.
*med to be full of juice: see under madati] honey J i.157 sq.;
-nimmadana "disintoxication from intoxication," free-
iv.117; Dh 69 (madhū vā read as madhuvā); Mhvs 5, 53; DhsA
dom from pride or conceit A ii.34; Bu i.81; Vism 293.
330; DhA ii.197 (alla° fresh honey). — pl. madhūni Mhvs
Madana (nt.) [fr. mad] lit. making drunk, intoxication Nd 2 5, 31. — The Abhp (533) also gives "wine from the blossom
540 C. (in formula davāya madāya madanāya, instead of of Bassia latifolia" as meaning. — On madhu in similes see
maṇḍanāya: see under mada 1); in cpd. °yuta intoxicated, J.P.T.S. 1907, 121.
a name for the Yakkhas J i.204. — Cp. nimmadana. -atthika (madh°) at J iii.493 is with v. l. to be read
madhu-tthika (q. v. below). The proposal of Kern's (Toev.
Madanīya (adj. nt.) [orig. grd. of madati] 1. intoxicating D
s. v.) to read madh' aṭṭhika "with sweet kernels" cannot
ii.185 (sadda vaggu rajanīya kāmanīya m.). — 2. intoxication ns
be accepted. The C. expl rightly by "madhura — phalesu
VvA 73.
pakkhitta — madhu viya, madhura — phalo hutvā." -atthika
Madirā (f.) [of adj. Vedic madira intoxicating] intoxicating drink, (madhu°) desirous of honey, seeking honey J iv.205; Mhvs
spirit J v.425; DhsA 48. 5, 50. -āpaṇa (madhv°) honey shop Mhvs 5, 52. -āsava
Madda 1. [fr. mṛd, Sk. marda] crushing etc.; kneading, paste, (madhv°) honey extract, wine from the flower of Bassia lati-
in piṭṭha paste of flower Vin ii.151; J iii.226 (piṭṭhi°). — 2. folia VvA 73 (as one of the 5 kinds of intoxicating liquors).
[dialectical, cp. Sk. madra] N. of a country & its inhabitants, -kara "honey — maker," bee J iv.265; Vism 136 (in simile);
in °raṭṭha SnA 68 sq.; °rājakula KhA 73. DhA i.374. -gaṇḍa honey — comb Mhvs 22, 42; 34, 52. -

Madhu Manussa

tthika [madhu+thika, which latter stands for thīya, fr. styā to Manaṁ (adv.) [cp. Class. Sk. manāk, "a little (of something)"
congeal, drip; see thika, thīna, thīya and theva] dripping with prob. derived from Vedic manā f. a. gold weight =Gr. μν¨α]
honey, full of honey J iii.493 (so read for madh — atthika); "by a certain weight," i. e. a little, somewhat, almost, well
vi.529 (=madhuṁ paggharanto C.). Kern, Toev. s. v. unnec- — nigh, nearly. Comb with vata in exclamation: M ii.123
essarily reads as °atthika which he takes=°aṭṭhika. -da giving (m. v. bho anassāma); DhA iii.147 (m. v. therī nāsitā). Often
honey, liberal Mhvs 5, 60 (Asoka). -paṭala honey — comb in phrase man' amhi (with pp.). "I nearly was so & so," e.
J i.262; DhA i.59; iii.323. -piṇḍikā a ball of honey (to eat), g. Vin i.109 (vuḷho); J i.405 (upakūḷito); iii.435 (matā), 531
honey — food, a meal with honey Vin i.4; M i.114. -pīta (mārāpito). Cp. BSk. manāsmi khāditā MVastu ii.450.
having drunk honey, drunk with honey S i.212. -(b)bata n
Manatā (f.) [abstr. fr. mano] mentality DhsA 143 (in expl of
"courting honey," a bee Dāvs iii.65. -bindu a drop of honey
Vism 531; VbhA 146 (°giddha, in comparison). -makkhitā
Manasa (adj.) [the — ° form of mano, an enlarged form, for which
smeared with honey J i.158. -madhuka dripping with honey,
usually either °mana or °mānasa] having a mind, with such
full of honey J vi.529. -mehika referring to a particular
& such a mind Sn 942 (nibbāna° "a nibbāna mind," one who
disease madhumeha ("honey — urine," diabetes?) Vin iv.8.
is intent upon N., cp. expl at SnA 567); Pv i.6 (paduṭṭha
-laṭṭhikā liquorice (no ref.?); cp. Laṭṭhi — madhukavana J
— manasā f., maybe °mānasā; but PvA 34 expl ns "paduṭṭha
i.68. -lāja sweet corn J iv.214, 281. -vāṇija honey seller
Mhvs 5, 49. -ssava flowing with honey Pv ii.9 . — cittā paduṭṭhena vā manasā). See also adhimanasa under
Madhuka (adj. n.) [fr. madhu] connected with honey. 1. (n.) the
Manassa (nt.) [*manasyaṁ, abstr. der. fr. mana(s)] of a mind,
tree Bassia latifolia (lit. honey tree) Vin i.246; J v.324, 405;
only in cpds. do° & so° (q. v.).
vi.529; Miln 165. — 2. the fruit of that tree J iv.434. — 3.
(adj.) (—°) full of honey J vi.529 (madhu° containing honey). Manāti [cp. Sk. mṛṇāti, mṛ ] to crush, destroy; only in Commen-
— 4. connected with an intoxicating drink, given to the drink tator's fanciful etymological analysis of veramaṇī at DhsA
of (—°) J iv.117 (surā — meraya°). 218 (veraṁ manāti (sic.) vināsetī ti v.) and KhA 24 (veraṁ
-aṭṭhika the kernel (of the fruit) of Bassia latifolia Vism maṇātī ti v., veraṁ pajahati vinodeti etc.).
353=KhA 43 (which latter reads madhukaphal' aṭṭhi; in the de-
Manāpa (adj.) [cp. BSk. manāpa] pleasing, pleasant, charming
scription of the finger nails). -puppha the flower of Bassia
Sn 22, 759; Dh 339 (°ssavana); VvA 71; PvA 3, 9. Often in
latifolia from which honey is extracted for liquor Vin i.246 n
comb piya manāpa, e. g. D ii.19; iii.167; J ii.155; iv.132.
(°rasa liquorice juice); J i.430.
— Opp. a°, e. g. Pug 32.
Madhukā (f.) [fr. madhuka] honey drink, sweet drink, liquor
Manāpika=manāpa, Vbh 380; Miln 362.
Mhvs 5, 52.
Manuja [manu+ja, i. e. sprung from Manu, cp. etym. of manussa
Madhura (adj.) [fr. madhu] 1. sweet Sn 50; J iii.493; v.324; Pv s. v.] human being; man A iv.159; Sn 458, 661, 1043 sq.; Dh
ii.67; PvA 119, 147. — 2. of intoxicating sweetness, liquor — 306, 334. Nd 496 (expl as "manussa" & "satta").
like, intoxicating J iv.117. — 3. (nt.) sweetness, sweet drink -âdhipa lord of men Mhvs 19, 32. -inda king of men,
Dh 363; J i.271 (catu° the 4 sweet drinks, used as cure after great king Sn 553; J vi.98.
poison); Dhs 629; DhsA 320. — 4. (nt.) flattery, praise SnA
Manuñña (adj.) [cp. Class. Sk. manojña] pleasing, delightful,
287 (opp. avaṇṇa).
beautiful Vv 84 17 (=manorama VvA 340); J i.207; ii.331; Pv
-rasa sweet (i. e. honey — ) juice, sweet liquor DhA ii.50;
ii.12 ; iv.12 ; Miln 175, 398; VvA 11, 36; PvA 251; adv.
PvA 119. -ssara sweet — sounding VvA 57; PvA 151; Mhvs
°ṁ pleasantly, delightfully J iv.252. — Opp. a° unpleasant
5, 32.
J vi.207.
Madhuraka (adj.) [fr. madhura, cp. similarly madhuka> madhu]
Manute [Med. form of maññati] to think, discern, understand
full of sweet drink, intoxicated, in phrase madhuraka-
DhsA 123.
jātokāyo viya "like an intoxicated body," i. e. without con-
trol, weak. The usual translation has been "become languid Manussa [fr. manus, cp. Vedic manuṣya. Connected etym.
or weak" ("erschlafft" Ger.). Franke, Dīgha Übs. 202 (where with Goth. manna=man] a human being, man. The popu-
more literature) translates: "Ich fūhlte mich schwach, wie ein lar etym. connects m. with Manu(s), the ancestor of men,
zartes Pflänzchen," hardly justifiable. — D ii.99; M i.334; S e. g. KhA 123: "Manuno apaccā ti manussā, porāṇā pana
iii.106, A iii.69. The description refers to a state of swooning, bhaṇanti Ǥ mana — ussannatāya manussa ʼ; te Jambudīpakā,
like one in a condition of losing consciousness through intox- Aparagoyānikā, Uttarakurukā, Pubbavidehakā ti catubbidhā."
ication. Rh. D. (Dial. ii.107) translates "my body became Similarly with the other view of connecting it with "mind"
weak as a creeper," hardly correct. VvA 18: "manassa ussannatāya manussā" etc. Cp. also VvA
taken as noun also by Winternitz (Rel. gesch. Lesebuch 23, where manussa — nerayika, °peta, °tiracchāna are distin-
301): "wohl eine zarte Pflanze mit schwachen Stengel." F. L. guished. — Sn 75, 307, 333 sq., 611 sq.; Dh 85, 188, 197 sq.,
Woodward follows me in discarding trsl "creeper" and assum- 321; Nd 97 (as gati), 340, 484 (°phassa of Sn 964); Vism 312;
ing one like "intoxicated" (so also UdA, 246): see his note on VbhA 455 (var. clans); DhA i.364. — amanussa not human,
S iii.106 trsl (K.S. iii.90). a deva, a ghost, a spirit; in cpds. "haunted," ilke °kantāra J
i.395, °ṭṭhāna Vv 84 (cp. VvA 334 where expl ); °sadda
Madhuratā (f.) [abstr. fr. madhura] sweetness J i.68.
DhA i.315. See also separately amanussa.
Madhuratta (nt.) [abstr. fr. madhura] sweetness Mhvs 2, 13.

Manussa Mano & Mana(s)

-attabhāva human existence PvA 71, 87, 122. -itthi sides are an inseparable unity: the mind fits the world as the
a human woman PvA 48, 154. -inda lord of men S i.69; eye fits the light, or in other words: mano is the counterpart
Mhvs 19, 33. -khādaka man eater, cannibal (usually appl d of dhammā, the subjective dh. Dhamma in this sense is the
to Yakkhas) VbhA 451. -deva (a) "god of men," i. e. king Pv rationality or lawfulness of the Universe (see dhamma B. 1),
ii.8 ; (b) men & gods (?) VvA 321 (Hardy, in note takes it as Cosmic Order, Natural Law. It may even be taken quite gener-
"gods of men," i. e. brāhmaṇā). -dhamma condition of man, ally as the "empirical. world" (as Geiger, e. g. interprets it in
human state VvA 24. See also uttari — manussa dhamma. his Pali Dhamma p. 80 — 82, pointing out the substitution of
-bhūta as a human, in human form Pv i.11 ; ii.1 . -loka the vatthu for dhamma at Kvu 126 sq. i. e. the material world), as
world of men Sn 683. the world of "things," of phenomena in general without spec-
ification as regards sound, sight, smell, etc. — Dhamma as
Manussatta (nt.) [abstr. fr, manussa] human existence, state of
men It 19; Vv 34 ; SnA 48, 51; Sdhp 17 sq. counterpart of mano is rather an abstract (pluralistic) repre-
sentation of the world, i. e. the phenomena as such with a
Manussika (adj.) [fr. manussa] see under a°.
certain inherent rationality; manas is the receiver of these phe-
Manesikā (f.) [mano+esikā ] "mind — searching," i. e. guessing nomena in their abstract meaning, it is the abstract sense, so to
the thoughts of others, mind — reading; a practice forbidden speak. Of course, to explain manas and its function one has to
to bhikkhus D i.7 (=m. nāma manasā cintita — jānana — kīḷā resort to terms of materiality, and thus it happens that the term
DA i.86); Vin ii.10. vijānāti, used of manas, is also used of the 5 sense, that of
touch (to which mano is closely related, cp. our E. expressions
Mano & Mana(s) (nt.) [Vedic manaḥ, see etym. under maññati]
of touch as denoting rational, abstract processes: warm & cold
I. Declension. Like all other nouns of old s — stems mano
used figuratively; to grasp anything; terror — stricken; deeply
has partly retained the s forms (cp. cetah>ceto) & partly fol-
moved feeling>Lat. palpare to palpitate, etc.). We might say
lows the a — declension. The form mano is found through-
of the mind "sensing," that manas "senses" (as a refined sense
out in cpds. as mano°, the other mana at the end of cpds.
of touch) the "sensibility" (dhamma) of the objects, or as Cpd.
as °mana. From stem manas an adj. manasa is formed and
183 expresses it "cognizable objects." See also kāya II.; and
the der. mānasa & manassa (—°). — nom. mano freq.; &
phassa. — 2. In Buddhist Psychological Logic the concept
manaṁ Dh 96, acc. mano Sn 270, 388; SnA 11, and freq.;
also manaṁ Sn 659=A ii.3; v.171=Nett 132; Sn 678; Cp i.8 ; mano is often more definitely circumscribed by the addition
of the terms (man — )āyatana, (man — )indriya and (mano
Vism 466; gen. dat. manaso Sn 470, 967; Dh 390 (man-
aso piya); Pv ii.1 (manaso piya=manasā piya PvA 71); instr. — )dhātu, which are practically all the same as mano (and its
objective correspondent dhammā). Cp. also below No. 3. The
manasā Sn 330, 365, 834 (m. cintayanto), 1030; M iii.179;
Dh 1; Pv ii.9 (m. pi cetaye); also manena DhA i.42; DhsA additional terms try to give it the rank of a category of thought.
On mano — dhātu and m — āyatana see also the discourse by
72; abl. manato S iv.65; DhA i.23; Vism 466; loc. man-
S. Z. Aung. Cpd. 256 — 59, with Mrs. Rh. D.'s apt remarks
asmiṁ S iv.65; manamhi Vism 466; also mane DhA i.23,
& manasi (see this in comp manasi karoti, below). — II. on p. 259. — The position of manas among the 6 āyatanas (or
indriyas) is one of control over the other 5 (pure and simple
Meaning: mind, thought D iii.96, 102, 206, 226, 244, 269,
senses). This is expressed e. g. at M i.295 (commented on at
281; S i.16, 172; ii.94; M iii.55; A iii.443; v.171; Sn 77, 424,
DhsA 72) and S v.217 (mano nesaṁ gocara — visayaṁ pac-
829, 873; Dh 116, 300; Sdhp 369. — 1. Mano represents the
intellectual functioning of consciousness, while viñnāṇa rep- canubhoti: mano enjoys the function — spheres of the other
resents the field of sense and sense — reaction ("perception"), senses; cp. Geiger, Dhamma 81; as in the Sānkhya: Garbe,
and citta the subjective aspect of consciousness (cp. Mrs. Rh. Sānkhya Philosophie 252 sq.). Cp. Vin i.36; "ettha ca te mano
D. Buddhist Psychology p. 19) — The rendering with "mind" na ramittha rūpesu saddesu atho rasesu." — 3. As regards the
relation of manas to citta, it may be stated, that citta is more
covers most of the connotation; sometimes it may be translated
substantial (as indicated by translation "heart"), more elemen-
"thought." As "mind" it embodies the rational faculty of man,
tal as the seat of emotion, whereas manas is the finer element,
which, as the subjective side in our relation to the objective
a subtler feeling or thinking as such. See also citta I., and
world, may be regarded as a special sense, acting on the world,
on rel. to viññāṇa & citta see citta IV. 2 . In the more popu-
a sense adapted to the rationality (reasonableness, dhamma) of
lar opinion and general phraseology however manas is almost
the phenomena, as our eye is adapted to the visibility of the
latter. Thus it ranges as the 6 sense in the classification of synonymous with citta as opposed to body, cittaṁ iti pi mano
iti pi S ii.94. So in the triad "thought (i. e. intention) speech
the senses and their respective spheres (the āyatanāni or re-
and action" manas interchanges with citta: see kāya III. — The
lations of subject and object, the ajjhattikāni & the bāhirāni:
formula runs kāyena vācāya manasā, e. g. M iii.178 (sucar-
see āyatana 3). These are: (1) cakkhu (eye) which deals with
itaṁ caritvā); Dh 391 (natthi dukkaṭaṁ), cp. Dh 96; santaṁ
the sight of form (rūpa); (2) sota (ear) dealing with the hear-
tassa manaṁ, santā vācā ca kamma ca. Besides with citta:
ing of sound (sadda); (3) ghāna (nose) with the smelling of
kāyena vācāya uda cetasā S i.93, 102; A i.63. rakkhitena k.
smells (gandha); (4) jivhā (tongue), with the tasting of tastes d
vācāya cittena S ii.231; iv.112. — It is further comb with
(rasa); (5) kāya (touch), with the touching of tangible objects
citta in the scholastic (popular) definition of manas, found in
(phoṭṭhabba); (6) mano, with the sensing (viññāya) of ratio-
identical words at all Cy. passages: "mano" is "cittaṁ mano
nal objects or cognisables (dhamma). Thus it is the sensus
mānasaṁ hadayaṁ, paṇḍaraṁ, man — āyatanaṁ... mano —
communis (Mrs. Rh. D. Buddh. Psych. 140, 163) which
viññāna — dhātu" (mind sensibility). Thus e. g. at Nd 3
recognises the world as a "mundus sensibilis" (dhamma). Both
(for mano), 176 (id.); Nd 494 (which however leaves out cit-

Mano & Mana(s) Mano & Mana(s)

taṁ in exegesis of Sn 1142, 1413, but has it in No. 495 in paṭipādako vīthi — paṭipādako javana — p.° ti ti — ppakāro."
exegesis of Sn 1039); Dhs 6 (in def of citta), 17 (of man' in- — Cpds.: — kusalatā proficiency in attention D iii.211; —
driyaṁ), 65 (of man — āyatanaṁ), 68 (of mano — viññṇa — kosalla id. VbhA 56 (in detail), 224, 226 sq.; Vism 241 (ten-
dhātu). — The close relation between the two appears further fold), 243 (id., viz. anupubbato, nâtisīghato, nâtisāṇikato etc.);
from their comb in the formula of the ādesanā-pāṭihāriyaṁ PvA 63 (yoniso°); — vidhāna arrangement of attention VbhA
(wonder of manifestation, i. e. the discovery of other peo- 69, 71; — vidhi rule or form of attention Vism 278 (eightfold,
ples' thoughts & intentions), viz. evam pi te mano ittham pi viz. gaṇanā, anubandhanā, phusanā, ṭhapanā, sallakhaṇā, vi-
te mano iti pi te cittaṁ: "so & so is in your mind... so & so vaṭṭanā, pārisuddhi, tesañ ca paṭipassanā ti). — The compo-
are your emotions"; D i.213= iii.103=A i.170. — At S i.53 sition form of manas is mano°, except before vowels, when
both are mutually influenced in their state of unsteadiness and man' takes its place (as man — āyatana VbhA 46 sq.).
fear: niccaṁ utrastaṁ idaṁ cittaṁ (heart), niccaṁ ubbiggaṁ -angaṇa (man°) sphere of ideation (Dhs. trsl. § 58) D
idaṁ mano (mind). The same relation (citta as instrument or iii.243, 280 and passim. -āvajjana representative cognition:
manifestation of mano) is evident from J i.36, where the pas- Cpd. 59. -indriya (man°) mind — faculty, category of mind,
sage runs: sīho cittaṁ pasādesi. Satthā tassa manaṁ oloketva faculty of ideation (cp. Dhs. trs. § 17; Cpd. pp. 183, 184)
vyākāsi... At PvA 264 mano (of Pv iv.7 ) is expl by cit- D i.70 (with other senses cakkh — undriyaṁ etc.) iii.226, and
taṁ; pīti mano of Sn 766 (glad of heart) expl at SnA 512 passim. -kamma work of the mind, mental action, associ-
by santuṭṭha — citto; nibbānamanaso of Sn 942 at SnA 567 ated with kāyakamma (bodily action) and vacī° (vocal action)
by nibbāna — ninna — citto. In the phrase yathā-manena A i.32, 104; Pug 41; Dhs 981 (where omitted in text). -java
"from his heart," i. e. sincerely, voluntarily DhA i.42, mano [cp. Vedic manojava] swift as thought Vv 63 ; PvA 216 (as-
clearly acts as citta. — 4. Phrases: manaṁ uppādeti to sājāniya). -daṇḍa "mind — punishment" (?) corresponding
make up one's mind, to resolve DhA ii.140 (cp. citt' uppāda); to kāya° & vacī — daṇḍa, M i.372 sq. (Neumann, trsl "Stre-
manaṁ karoti: (a) to fix one's mind upon, to give thought to, ich in Gedanken"). -duccarita sin of the mind or thoughts
find pleasure or to delight in (loc.) J iv.223 (rūpe na manaṁ Dh 233; Nd 386; Pug 60. -dosa blemish of mind A i.112.
kare=itthi — rūpe nimittaṁ na gaṇheyyāsi C. Cp. the simi- -dvāra door of the mind, threshold of consciousness VbhA
lar & usual manasi — karoti in same sense); vi.45 (Pass. gīte 41; DhsA 425, cp. Dhs. trsl. 3 ( p. 2); Cpd. 10. -dhātu
karute mano); (b) to make up one's mind DhA ii.87; manaṁ element of apprehension, the ideational faculty (cp. Dhs. trsl.
gaṁhāti to "take the mind," take the fancy, to please, to win 129, p. 119, 120; and p. lxxxv sq.) Dhs 457 sq.; Vbh 14,
approval J iv.132; DhA ii.48. — III. °mana: dhamm — ud- 71, 87 sq., 144, 302; Vism 488; VbhA 80, 81, 239 (physio-
dhacca — viggahita° A ii.157 (read °mano for °manā); sankil- logical foundation), 405; DhsA 263, 425; KhA 53. -padosa
iṭṭha — manā narā Th 2, 344; atta° pleased; gedhita° greedy anger in mind, ill — will D iii.72; M i.377; Sn 702; J iv.29;
Pv ii.8 ; dum° depressed in mind, sad or sick at heart D ii.148; Dhs 1060 (cp. DhsA 367: manaṁ padussayamāno uppajjatī
S i.103; Vin i.21; A ii.59, 61, 198; Th 2, 484; J i.189; opp. ti, i. e. to set one's heart at anger). -padosika (adj.) de-
sumana elated, joyful Pv ii.9 48 (=somanassajāta PvA 132); bauched in mind (by envy & ill — will), N. of a class of gods
pīti° glad or joyful of heart Sn 766 (expl by tuṭṭha — mano, D i.20; VbhA 498, 519. Cp. Kirfel, Kosmographie, p. 193
haṭṭha — mano, attamano etc. at Nd 3; by santuṭṭha — citto & Kern (Toev. i.163), slightly different: from looking at each
at SnA 512). — IV. manasi-karoti (etc.) to fix the mind other too long. -pasāda tranquillity of the mind, devotional
intently, to bear in mind, take to heart, ponder, think upon, feeling (towards the Buddha) DhA i.28. -pubbangama di-
consider, recognise. — 1. (v.) pres. 1 pl. °karoma Vin rected by mind, dominated by thought (see pubba ) Dh 1, 2;
i.103; imper. 2 nd sg. °karohi, often in formula "suṇāhi sād- cp. DhA i.21, 35. -bhāvanīya of right mind — culture,
hukaṁ m. — k." "harken and pay attention" D i.124, 157, 249; self — composed S iii.1; M iii.261; Vv 34 13 (cp. VvA 152:
cp. M. i.7; A i.227; pl. 2 nd °karotha A i.171; D i.214 (+vi- mana — vaḍḍhanaka); Miln 129. Kern, Toev. i.163 trsl "to
takketha); Pot. °kareyyātha D i.90 (taṁ atthaṁ sādhukaṁ k.); be kept in mind with honour." -mattaka, in phrase mana —
ppr. °karonto DhsA 207; ger. °katvā A ii.116 (aṭṭhikatvā+... mattakena (adv.) "by mere mind," consisting of mind only, i.
ohitasoto suṇāti); Pv iii.2 (a°=anāvajjetvā PvA 181); VvA 87, e. memorial, as a matter of mind J iv.228. -maya made of
92; PvA 62; grd. °kātabba Vism 244, 278; DhsA 205; aor. mind, consisting of mind, i. e. formed by the magic power of
manas-âkāsi M ii.61; 2 nd pl. (Prohib.) (mā) manasâkattha the mind, magically formed, expl at Vism 405 as "adhiṭṭhāna
D i.214; A i.171. Pass. manasi — karīyati Vism 284. — 2. — manena nimmitattā m."; at DA i.120 as "jhāna — manena
(n.) manasikāra attention, pondering, fixed thought (cp. Cpd. nibbatta"; at DhA i.23 as "manato nipphanna"; at VvA 10 as
12, 28, 40, 282) D iii.104, 108 sq., 112, 227 (yoniso), 273 (ay- "bāhirena paccayena vinā manasā va nibbatta." — Dh 1, 2;
oniso); M i.296; S ii.3 (cetanā phasso m.); iv.297 (sabba — J vi.265 (manomayaṁ sindhavaṁ abhiruyha); Sdhp 259; as
nimittānaṁ a° inattention to all outward signs of allurement); quality of iddhi: Vism 379, 406. — Sometimes a body of
Nd 501 (ayoniso); Vbh 320, 325, 373 (yoniso), 425; Vism this matter can be created by great holiness or knowledge; hu-
241 (paṭikūla°); VbhA 148 (ayoniso), 248 sq. (as regards the man beings or gods may be endowed with this power D i.17
32 ākāras), 251 (paṭikkūla°), 255 (n'âtisīghato etc.), 270 (ayon- (+pītibhakkha, of the Ābhassaras), 34 (attā dibbo rūpī m. sab-
iso), 500; DhA ii.87 (paṭikkula°); DhsA 133. — sammā man- banga — paccangī etc.), 77 (id.), 186 (id.); Vin ii.185 (Koliya
asikāraṁ anvāya by careful pondering D i.13, 18≈. As adj. — putto kālaṁ kato aññataraṁ mano — mayaṁ kāyaṁ up-
(thoughtful) at ThA 273. — The def of m. at Vism 466 runs apanno); M i.410 (devā rūpino m.); S iv.71; A i.24; iii.122,
as follows: "kiriyā — kāro, manamhi kāro m. purima — man- 192; iv.235; v.60. -ratha desired object (lit. what pleases the
ato visadisaṁ manaṁ karotī ti pi m. Svāyaṁ: ārammaṇa — mind), wish Vism 506 (°vighāta+icchā — vighāta); °ṁ pūreti


Mano & Mana(s) Mantar

to fulfil one's wish Mhvs 8, 27 (puṇṇa — sabbamanoratha). power, a charm, spell, magic art, witchcraft Miln 11 (see about
Manoratha-pūraṇī (f.) "the wish fulfiller" is the name of the manta in the Jātakas: Fick, Sociale Gliederung 152, 153). At
Commentary on the Anguttara Nikāya. -rama pleasing to PvA 117 m. is combined with yoga and ascribed to the devas,
the mind, lovely, delightful Sn 50, 337, 1013; Dh 58; Pv ii.9 58 while y. is referred to men. — J i.200 (+paritta); iii.511 (°ṁ
(phoṭṭhabba), Mhvs 18, 48; VvA 340. -viññāṇa represen- karoti to utter a charm, cast a spell); DhA iv.227. There are
tative cognition, rationality Vism 489; VbhA 150 (22 fold); several special charms mentioned at var. places of the Jātakas,
DhsA 304, cp. Dhs. trsl. 170 ( p. 157); — dhātu (element e. g. one called Vedabbha, by means of which under a certain
of) representative intellection, mind cognition, the 6 of the constellation one is able to produce a shower of gems from
viññāṇadhātus or series of cognitional elements corresponding the air J i.253 (nakkhatta — yoge laddhe taṁ mantaṁ pari-
to and based on the 12 simple dhātus, which are the external & vattetvā ākāse ulloki, tato ākāsato satta — ratana — vassaṁ
internal sense — relations (=āyatanāni) Dhs 58; Vbh 14, 71, vassati). Others are: paṭhavī — jaya m. (by means of which
87, 89, 144, 176 and passim. See also above II. 3 and discus- one conquers the earth) J ii.243; sabba — rāva — jānana° (of
sions at Dhs. trsl. 132 ( p. 122) & introd. p. 53 sq.; Cpd. knowing all sounds, of animals) iii.415; nidhi — uddharana°
123 , 184. -viññeyya to be comprehended by the mind (cp. (of finding secret treasures) iii.116; catukaṇṇa° (four — cor-
Dialogues ii.281 ) D ii.281; M iii.55, 57; J iv.195. -vitakka nered) vi.392, etc. — 4. advice, counsel, plan, design Vin
a thought (of mind) S i.207=Sn 270 (mano is in C. on this pas- iv.308 (°ṁ saṁharati to foil a plan); J vi.438. — 5. (adj.) (—°)
sage expl as "kusala — citta" SnA 303). -sañcetan' āhāra parivattana° a charm that can be said, an effective charm J
"nutriment of representative cogitation" (Dhs. trsl. 31) S ii.11, i.200; bahu° knowing many charms, very tricky DhA ii.4;
13, 99; Dhs 72; Vism 341. -satta "with mind attached," N. bhinna° one who has neglected an advice J vi.437, 438.
of certain gods, among whom are reborn those who died with -ajjhāyaka one who studies the Mantras or Holy Scrip-
minds absorbed in some attachment M i.376. -samācāra con- tures (of the Brahmins) J i.167; DhA iii.361 (tinnaṁ vedānaṁ
duct, observance, habit of thought or mind (associated with pāragū m. — a. brāhmaṇo). -ajjhena study of the Vedas
kāya° & vacī°) M ii.114; iii.45, 49. -silā (cp. Sk. manaḥ — SnA 314. -pada=manta 1. D i.104 (=veda — sankhāta m.
śila) red arsenic, often used as a powder for dying and other DA i.273. -pāraga one who masters the Vedas; in buddh.
purposes; the red colour is frequently found in later (Cy.) lit- sense: one who excels in wisdom Sn 997. manta in this
erature, e. g. J v.416 (+haritāla yellow ointment); Vism 485; sense is by the Cys. always expl by paññā, e. g., Nd 497
DhA iv.113 (id. as cuṇṇa); ThA 70 (Ap. v.20); Mhvs 29, 12; (as mantā f.); DhA iv.93 (id.), SnA 549 (mantāya parigga-
SnA 59 (°piṇḍa in simile); DhA ii.43 (°rasa); VvA 288 (°cuṇṇa hetvā). -pāragū one who is accomplished in the Vedas Sn
— pịñjara — vaṇṇa, of ripe mango fruit); PvA 274 (°vaṇṇāni 251 (=vedapāragū SnA 293), 690 (=vedānaṁ pāragata SnA
ambaphalāni); — tala a flat rock, platform (=silātala) SnA 93, 488), 976. -bandhava one acquainted with the Mantras
104; as the platform on which the seat of the Buddha is placed Sn 140 (=vedabandhū SnA 192); Nd 11 (where Nd 455 in
& whence he sends forth the lion's roar: J ii.219; vi.399; VvA same connection reads mitta° for manta°: see under bandhu).
217; as a district of the Himavant: J vi.432; SnA 358. -hara -bhāṇin reciter of the Holy Texts (or charms) Th ii.281; fig.
charming, captivating, beautiful Mhvs 18, 49; N. of a special a clever speaker Sn 850 (but Nd 219 reads manta°; see man-
gem (the wishing gem?) Miln 118, 354. tar) Dh 363 (cp. DhA iv.93; paññāya bhaṇana — sīla) Th 1,
2. -yuddka a weird fight, a bewitched battle Mhvs 25, 49
Manta [cp. Vedic mantra, fr. mantray] orig. a divine saying or
("cunningly planned b." trsl. Geiger; "diplomatic stratagem,"
decision, hence a secret plan [cp. def. of mant at Dhtp 578
by "gutta — bhāsane"], counsel; hence magic charm, spell. In
particular a secret religious code or doctrine, esp. the Brah- Mantanaka (adj.) [fr. mantanā] plotting J v.437.
manic texts or the Vedas, regarded as such (i. e. as the code
Mantanā f. (& °ṇā) [fr. mant] counsel, consultation, delibera-
of a sect) by the Buddhists. — 1. with ref. to the Vedas usu-
tion, advice, command D i.104; A i.199; Vin v.164; J vi.437,
ally in the pl. mantā (the Scriptures, Hymns, Incantations):
438; Miln 3 (ṇ); DA i.273.
D i.96; M ii.166 (brahme mante adhiyitvā; mante vāceti); Sn
Mantar [n. ag. of mant, cp. Sk. *mantṛ a thinker] a sage, seer,
249 (=devā SnA 291), 302 (mante ganthetvā, criticised by Bd-
wise man, usually appositionally nom. mantā "as a sage,"
hgh as brahmanic (: heretic) work in contrast with the ancient
"like a thinker," a form which looks like a fem. and is mostly
Vedas as follows: "vede bhinditvā dhammayutte porāṇa —
expl as such by the Commentaries. Mantā has also erro-
mante nāsetvā adhamma — yutte kūṭa — mante ganthetvā"
neously been taken as instr. of manta, or as a so — called
SnA 320), 1000 (with ref. to the 32 signs of a Mahāpurisa), d
ger. of manteti, in which latter two functions it has been expl
1018; Dh 241 (holy studies); J ii.100; iii.28 (maybe to be
at "jānitvā." The form has evidently puzzled the old commen-
classed under 2), 537. — Sometimes in sg.: mantaṁ parivat-
tenti brahma — cintitaṁ Pv ii.6 13 (=veda PvA 97)=Vv 63 16 tators, as early as the Niddesa; through the Abhp (153, 979) it
has come down at mantā "wisdom" to Childers. Kern, Toev.
(=veda VvA 265); — n. pl. also mantāni, meaning "Vedas":
s. v. hesitates and only comes half near the truth. The Index
Miln 10. — 2 (doubtful, perhaps as sub group to No. 3) holy n
to Pj. marks the word with? — S i.57 (+dhīra; trsl "firm in
scriptures in general, sacred text, secret doctrine S i.57 (mantā ns
doctrine"); Sn 159 ("in truth," opp. to musā; SnA 204 expl
dhīra "firm in doctrine" K.S. thus taking mantā as instr.; it may
better be taken as mantar); Sn 1042 (where Nd 497 expl as m.=paññā; tāya paricchinditvā bhāsati), 916 (mantā asmī ti,
expl at SnA 562 by "mantāya"), 1040=1042 (=Nd 497 mantā
paññā etc.); Mhvs 5, 109 (Buddha° the "mantra" of the B.),
vuccati paññā etc.); Vv 63 (expl as jānitvā paññāya par-
147 (id.). — 3. divine utterance, a word with supernatural
icchinditvā VvA 262). — Besides this form we have a short-

Mantar Maminkāra

ened manta (nom.) at Sn 455 (akiñcano+), which is expl at Mandāmukhi (f.) [dialectical? reading a little doubtful] a coal
SnA 402 as mantā jānitvā. It is to be noted that for manta- — pan, a vessel for holding embers for the sake of heating Vin
bhāṇin at Sn 850 the Nd 219 reads mantā and expl custom- i.32 (=aggi — bhājana C.); VvA 147 (mandamukhī, stands for
arily by "mantāya pariggahetvā vācaṁ bhāsati." angara — kapalla p. 142 in expl of hattha — patāpaka Vv
33 ).
Mantita [pp. of manteti] 1. considered Th 1, 9; Miln 91. — 2.
advised, given as counsel J vi.438; DA i.273. Mandārava [cp. Sk. mandāra] the coral tree, Erythrina fulgens
(considered also as one of the 5 celestial trees). The blossoms
Mantin (adj. — n.) [fr. manta] 1. (adj.) giving or observ-
mentioned D ii.137 fall from the next world. — D ii.137; Vv
ing counsel S i.236. — 2. (n.) counsellor, minister J vi.437 2
22 (cp. VvA 111); J i.13, 39; Miln 13, 18 (dibbāni m. —
(paṇḍita m.).
pupphāni abhippavassiṁsu).
Manteti [cp. Vedic mantrayati; mant is given at Dhtp in mean-
Mandālaka [etym.?] a water — plant (kind of lotus) J iv.539;
ing of gutta — bhāsana, i. e. "secret talk"] to pronounce in an
vi.47, 279, 564.
important (because secret) manner (like a mantra), i. e. 1. to
take counsel (with=instr. or saddhiṁ) D i.94, 104 (mantanaṁ Mandiya (nt.) [cp. Sk. māndya] 1. laziness, slackness S i.110.
manteyya to discuss) 122 (2 nd pl. imper. mantavho, as com- — 2. dullness of mind, stupidity J iii.38 (=manda — bhāva).
pared with mantayavho J ii.107 besides mantavho ibid. Cp.
Mandira (nt.) [cp. late Sk. mandira] a house, edifice, palace Sn
Geiger, P.Gr. § 126); ii.87, 239; Vin iv.308 (mantesuṁ aor.;
996, 1012; J v.480; vi.269, 270; Dāvs ii.67 (dhātu° shrine).
perhaps "plotted"); Sn p. 107 (=talk privately to); Sn 379; J
Mandī° see manda 5.
i.144; vi.525 (mantayitvāna ger.); DA i.263 (imper. mantay-
atha); PvA 74 (aor. mantayiṁsu). — 2. to consider, to think Mama gen. dat. of pers. pron. ahaṁ (q. v.) used quasi inde-
over, to be of opinion A i.199 (Pot. mantaye); Miln 91 (grd. pendently (as substitute for our "self — ") in phrase mama-
mantayitabba & inf. mantayituṁ). — 3. to announce, ad- y-idaṁ Sn 806 thought of "this is mine," cp. S i.14, i. e.
vise; pronounce, advise Sn 126; Pv iv.1 (=kathemi kittayāmi egoism, belief in a real personal entity, expl at Nd 124 by
PvA 225); SnA 169. — pp. mantita. — Cp. ā°. maññanā conceit, illusion. Also in var. phrases with kṛ in
form mamaṁ°, viz. mamankāra etc. — As adj. "self — like,
Mantha [fr. math] a churning stick, a sort of rice — cake
selfish" only neg. amama unselfish Sn 220 (=mamatta — vi-
(=satthu) Vin i.4, [cp. Vedic mantha "Rührtrank"= home- 34
rahita SnA 276); Pv iv.1 (=mamankāra — virahita PvA 230);
ric κυκεών "Gerstenmehl in Milch verrührt," Zimmer, Altind.
J iv.372; vi.259. See also amama, cp. māmaka.
Leben 268].
Mamankāra [mamaṁ (=mama)+kāra, cp. ahaṁ+kāra] selfish at-
Manda (adj.) [cp. late — Vedic & Epic manda] 1. slow, lazy,
tachment, self — interest, selfishness PvA 230. In canonic
indolent; mostly with ref. to the intellectual faculties, there- n
books only in comb with ahankāra & mān' ânusaya (belief
fore: dull, stupid, slow of grasp, ignorant, foolish M i.520
(+momuha); Sn 666, 820 (=momūha Nd 153), 1051 (=mohā in an ego and bias of conceit), e. g. at M iii.18, 32; S iii.80,
avidvā etc. Nd 498); Dh 325 (=amanasikārā manda — pañña 103, 136, 169; iv.41, 197, 202; A i.132 sq.; iii.444. See also
DhA iv.17); J iv.221; Pug 65, 69; KhA 53, 54. — 2. slow,
yielding little result, unprofitable (of udaka, water, with re- Mamankāraṇa (nt.) [fr. mamaṁ+kṛ] treating with tenderness,
spect to fish; and gocara, feeding on fishes) J i.221. — 3. solicitude, fondness J v.331.
[in this meaning probably=Vedic mandra "pleasant, pleasing,"
Mamatta (nt.) [fr. mama] selfishness, self — love, egoism; con-
although Halāyudha gives mandākṣa as "bashful"] soft, ten-
ceit, pride in (—°), attachment to (—°). Sn 806, 871, 951; Th
der (with ref. to eyes), lovely, in cpds. °akkhin having 1 2
1, 717; Nd 49 (two: taṇhā & diṭṭhi°); Nd 499 (id. but as
lovely (soft) eyes J iii.190; and °locana id. Th 2, 375 (kin-
masc.); SnA 276; DhsA 199; PvA 19.
nari — manda°=manda — puthu — vilocana ThA 253); Pv
i.11 (miga — manda°=migī viya mand' akkhī PvA 57); Vv Mamāyati [Denom. fr. mama, cp. Sk. mamāyate in same mean-
64 (miga — m°=miga — cchāpikānaṁ viya mudu siniddha ing (not with Böhtlingk & Roth: envy) at MBh xii.8051 and
Aṣṭas Prajñā Pāramitā 254] to be attached to, to be fond of, to
— diṭṭhi — nipāta). — 4. In cpd. picu (or puci°) manda the
cherish, tend, foster, love M i.260; S iii.190; Th 1, 1150; Sn
Nimb tree, it means "tree" (?) see picu — manda & puci — 1
922 (mamāyetha); Nd 125 (Bhagavantaṁ); J iv.359 (=piyāy-
manda. — 5. In composition with bhū it assumes the form
ati C.); Miln 73; VbhA 107 (mamāyatī ti mātā: in pop. etym.
mandī°, e. g. mandībhūta slowed down, enfeebled, dimin-
of mātā); DhA i.11; SnA 534; Mhvs 20, 4. — pp. mamāyita.
ished J i.228; VbhA 157.
-valāhakā a class of fairies or demi — gods D ii.259 Mamāyanā (f.)=mamatta (selfishness) J vi.259 (°taṇhā-rahita in
("fragile spirits of the clouds" trsl.). expl of amama).
Mandaka [?] according to Kern, Toev. s. v.=*mandra (of sound: Mamāyita [pp. of mamāyati] cherished, beloved; as n. nt. at-
deep, bass)+ka; a sort of drum J vi.580. tachment, fondness of, pride. — (adj. or pp.) S ii.94 (etaṁ
ajjhositaṁ, m., parāmaṭṭhaṁ); Sn 119; DhA i.11. — (nt.:) Sn
Mandatā (f.)=mandatta Sdhp 19.
466, 777, 805, 950=Dh 367 (expl as: yassa "ahan" ti vā "ma-
Mandatta (nt.) [fr. manda] stupidity M i.520; Pug 69. 2
man" ti vā gāho n' atthi DhA iv.100); Sn 1056 (cp. Nd 499).
Mandākinī (f.) N. of one of the seven great lakes in the Hima- Maminkaroti [mama(ṁ)+kṛ "to make one's own"] to be fond of,
vant, enum at A iv.101; J v.415; Vism 416; SnA 407; DA
to cherish, tend, foster J v.330.
i.164. (Halāyudha 3, 51 gives m. as a name for the Ganges.)

Maminkāra Mariyādā

Maminkāra [for maman°, cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 19] self — love, tal, in phrase ajarāmara free from decay & death Th ii.512; Pv
self — interest, egoism M i.486; iii.32 (at both places also ii.6 . See also amara.
ahinkāra for ahankāra).
Maraṇa (nt.) [fr. mṛ] death, as ending this (visible) existence,
Mamma (nt.) [Vedic marman, fr. mṛd] soft spot of the body, a physical death, in a narrower meaning than kālakiriyā; dy-
vital spot (in the Vedas chiefly between the ribs near the heart), ing, in cpds. death. — The customary stock definition of
joint. A popular etym. and expl of the word is given at Expos. maraṇa runs; yaṁ tesaṁ tesaṁ sattānaṁ tamhā tamhā satta
132 n3 (on DhsA 100). — J ii.228; iii.209; DhsA 396. — nikāyā cuti cavanatā bhedo antaradhānaṁ, maccu maraṇaṁ
-ghaṭṭana hitting a vital spot (of speech, i. e. backbiting. kālakiriyā, khandhānaṁ bhedo, kaḷebarassa nikkhepo M i.49;
Cp. piṭṭhi — maṁsika) DhA iv.182. -chedaka breaking the Nd 123, 124 (adds "jīvit' indriyass' upacchedo"). Cp. similar
joints (or ribs), violent (fig. of hard speech) DhA i.75; DhsA def of birth and old age under jāti and jarā. — S i.121; D
100. iii.52, 111 sq., 135 sq., 146 sq., 235, 258 sq.; Sn 32, 318, 426
sq., 575 sq., 742, 806; Nd 254 (=maccu); Pug 60; Vbh 99 sq.;
Mammana (adj.) [onomat. cp. babbhara. With Sk. marmara n
rustling to Lat. fremo to roar=Gr. βρέμω to thud, βροντή VbhA 100 (def and exegesis in det., cp. Vism 502), 101 (var.
kinds of, cp. Vism 229), 156 (lahuka), 157; DhA iii.434; PvA
thunder, Ger. brummen. Cp. also Sk. murmura=P. mum-
5, 18, 54, 64, 76, 96; Sdhp 292, 293. — kāla° timely death
mura & muramurā, Lat. murmur] stammering, stuttering Vin
ii.90 (one of the properties of bad or faulty speech, comb with (opp. akāla°); khaṇika° sudden death Vism 229.
-anta having death as its end (of jīvita) Dh 148 (cp. DhA
dubbaca & eḷagalavāca).
ii.366: maraṇa — sankhāto antako). -ânussati mindfulness
Maya (adj.) ( — ° only) [Vedic maya] made of, consisting of. —
of death Vism 197, 230 sq. (under 8 aspects). -cetanā in-
An interesting analysis (interesting for judging the views and
tention of death DhA i.20. -dhamma subject to death PvA
sense of etymology of an ancient commentator) of maya is
41. -pariyosana ending in death (of jīvita, life) DhA iii.111,
given by Dhammapāla at VvA 10, where he distinguishes 6 1
170. -pāra "the other side of death," Np. at Nd 154 (vv.
meanings of the word, viz. 1. asma — d — atthe, i. e. "my-
ll. BB purāpuraṁ; SS parammukhaṁ). -bhaya the fear of
self" (as representing mayaṁ!). — 2. paññatti "regulation"
death J i.203; vi.398; Vbh 367. -bhojana food given before
(same as 1. according to example given, but constructed syn-
death, the last meal J i.197; ii.420. -mañca death — bed Vism
tectically quite diff. by Dhp.). — 3. nibbatti "origin" (arising
47, 549; °ka J iv.132. -mukha the mouth of d. PvA 97 (or
from, with example mano — maya "produced by mind"). —
should we read °dukkha?). -sati the thought (or mindfulness)
4. manomaya "spiritually" (same as 3). — 5. vikār' atthe
of death, meditation on death SnA 54; DhA iii.171; PvA 61,
"alteration" (? more like product, consistency, substance),
66. -samaya the time of death VbhA 157 — 159 (in var.
with example "sabbe — maṭṭikāmaya — kuṭikā." — 6. pada-
conditions as regards paṭisandhi).
pūraṇa matte to make up a foot of the verse (or add a syllable
Marati [mṛ=Idg. *mer, Vedic mriyate & marate; cp. Av.
for the sake of completeness, with example "dānamaya, sīla-
miryeite, Sk. marta=Gr. βροτός mortal, man; māra death;
maya" (=dana; sīla). — 1. made of: aṭṭhi° of bone Vin ii.115;
ayo° of iron Sn 669; Pv i.10 ; J iv.492; udum- bara° of Ud. Goth. maurpr=Ags. mort=Ger. mord; Lith. mir̃ti to die;
Lat. morior to die, mors death. The root is identical with that
wood Mhvs 23, 87; dāru° of wood, VvA 8; loha° of copper
Sn 670; veḷuriya° of jewels Vv 2 . — 2. consisting in: dāna° of mṛṇāti to crush: see maṇāti, and mṛdnāti (mardati) same:
giving alms PvA 8, 9; dussa° clothes Vv 46 ; dhamma° righ- see mattikā. — The Dhtp (No. 245) defines mṛ by "pāṇa —
teousness S i.137. — 3. (more as apposition, in the sense as cāge," i. e. giving up breathing] to die. — pres. marati Mhvs
v. spur. after 5, 27; 36, 83; Pot. mareyyaṁ J vi.498; 2 nd
given by Dhp. above under 6) something like, a likeness of, i.
mareyyāsi J iii.276. ppr. maramāna Mhvs 36, 76. — aor.
e. ingredient, substance, stuff; in āhāra° food — stuff, food
amarā J iii.389 (=mata C.; with gloss amari). -amari Mhvs
J iii.523; utu° something like a (change in) season Vism 395;
sīla° character, having sīla as substance (or simply — consist- 36, 96. — Fut. marissati J iii.214. — ppr. (=fut.) marissaṁ
J iii.214 (for *mariṣyanta). — Inf. marituṁ D ii.330 (amaritu
ing of) It 51 (dāna°, sīla°, bhāvanā°).
— kāma not willing to die); Vism 297 (id.); VvA 207 (posi-
Mayaṁ [1 pl. of ahaṁ, for vayaṁ after mayā etc. See ahaṁ] we
tive); and marituye Th 2, 426. — The form miyyati (mīyati)
Vin ii.270; Sn 31, 91, 167; Dh 6; KhA 210.
see separately. — Caus I. māreti to kill, murder Mhvs 37, 27;
Mayūkha [Vedic mayūkha in diff. meaning, viz. a peg for fas- PvA 4. Pass. māriyati PvA 5 (ppr. māriyamāna); Sdhp 139
tening a weft etc., Zimmer Altind. Leben 254] a ray of light (read mār° for marīy°). — Caus. II. mārāpeti to cause to be
Abhp. 64; Dhp. A 426 (old citation, unverified). killed J iii.178; Mhvs 37, 28. Cp. pamāreti.
Mayūra [Vedic mayūra] a peacock D iii.201; S ii.279; Th 1, 1113; Marica (nt.) [cp. scientific Sk. marica] black pepper Vin i.201
J ii.144, 150 (°gīva)=DhA i.144; J iv.211 (°nacca); v.304; (allowed as medicine to the bhikkhus); Miln 63.
vi.172, 272, 483; Vv 11 , 35 (=sikhaṇḍin VvA 163); VvA -gaccha the M. — shrub J v.12. -cuṇṇa powdered pep-
27 (°gīva — vaṇṇa); Sdhp 92. — The form mayūra occurs per, fine pepper J i.455.
nearly always in the Gāthās and is the older form of the two
Mariyādā (f.) [cp. Vedic maryādā; perhaps related to Lat. mare
m. and mora. The latter contracted form is found in Prose
sea; s. Walde, Lat. Wtb. under mare] 1. boundary, limit,
only and is often used to explain the old form, e, g. at VvA 57.
shore, embankment Vin iii.50; A iii.227 (brāhmaṇānaṁ); D
See also mora.
iii.92=Vism 419; J v.325; vi.536 (tīra°); Mhvs 34, 70; 36, 59
Mara (adj.) [fr. mṛ] dying; only neg. amara not dying, immor- (vāpi°); Miln 416. — 2. strictly defined relation, rule, control

Mariyādā Masāragalla

J ii.215; Vism 15. — adj. keeping to the lines (or bound- Pv iii.3 (pahūta°, adj. having many rows of flowers) is mālya.
aries), observing strict rules A iii.227 (quoted SnA 318, 325).
Malla [cp. Sk. malla, perhaps a local term, cp. Cānura] a
°bandha keeping in control Vin i.287. — Cp. vimariyādi.
wrestler Vin ii.105 (°muṭṭhika) J iv.81 (two, named Cānura
Marīci (f.) [Vedic marīci; cp. Gr. μαρμαίρω to shimmer, glit- and Muṭṭhika "fister"); Vism 31 (muṭṭhika+, i. e. boxing &
ter, μαϊρα dog star, ἀμαρύσσω sparkle; Lat. merus clear, pure; wrestling as amusements: see mada 1). Perhaps as "porter"
perhaps also mariyādā to be taken here] 1. a ray of light VvA Bdhgh on CV v.29. 5 (see Vin ii.319). At Miln 191 the mallā
166. — 2. a mirage J vi.209; Vism 496; VbhA 34, 85; often are mentioned as a group or company; their designation might
comb with māyā (q. v.), e. g. Nd 680 A ; J ii.330. here refer to the Mallas, a tribe, as other tribes are given at the
-kammaṭṭhāna the "mirage" station of exercise DhA same passage (e. g. Atoṇā, Pisācā). Cp. Bhallaka.
iii.165. -dhamma like a mirage, unsubstantial J vi.206; Dh -gaṇa troop of professional wrestlers Miln 331.
46; DhA i.337. -muṭṭhika boxer Vin ii.105. -yuddha wrestling contest
Miln 232; DhA ii.154; DA i.85. -yuddhaka a professional
Marīcikā (f.)=marīci 2; S iii.141; Vism 479 (in comp.); Dh 170
wrestler J iv.81.
(=māyā DhA iii.166).
Maru [cp. Epic Sk. maru] a region destitute of water, a desert. Mallaka [cp. Sk. mallaka & mallika] 1. a bowl, a vessel (?) used
Always comb with °kantāra: Nd 155 (as Name); J i.107; in bathing Vin ii.106 (mallakena nahāyati; or is it a kind of
scrubber? Bdhgh's expl of this passage (CV v. i.4) on p. 315
VbhA 6; VvA 332; PvA 99, 112.
is not quite clear; mallakaṁ nāma makara — dantike chinditvā
Maru [Vedic marut, always in pl. marutaḥ, the gods of the thun-
mūllakamūla — saṇṭhānena kata — mallakaṁ vuccati; akata°
der — storm] 1. pl. marū the genii, spirits of the air Sn 681,
danta achinditvā kataṁ). It may bear some ref. to malla on p.
688; Miln 278 (nāga — yakkha — nara — marū; perhaps in
105 (see malla) & to mallika — makula (see below mallikā).
meaning 2); Mhvs 5, 27. — 2. gods in general (°—) Mhvs 15,
— 2. a cup, drinking vessel A i.250 (udaka°). — 3. a bowl
211 (°gaṇā hosts of gods); 18, 68 (°narā gods and men). —
J iii.21 (kaṁsa°=taṭṭaka). — 4. in kheḷa° a spittoon Vin i.48;
Cp. māruta & māluta.
ii.175. — Note. W. Printz in "Bhāsa's Prākrit." p. 45, com-
Marumba [etym.?] a sort of (sweet — scented) earth or sand pares Śaurasenī maḷḷaa, Hindī maḷḷ(a) "cup," maliyā "a small
Vin ii.121, 142, 153 (at these passages used for besprin- vessel (of wood or cocoanut — shell) for holding the oil used
kling a damp living — cell); iv.33 (pāsāṇā, sakkharā, kaṭhalā, in unction," mālā "cocoanut — shell," and adds: probably a
marumbā, vālikā); Mhvs 29, 8; Dpvs 19, 2; Miln 197 (pāsāṇa, Dravidian word.
sakkhara, khara, m.).
Mallikā (f.) [cp. Epic Sk. mallikā, Halāyudha 2, 51; Daṇḍin 2,
Maruvā (f.) [cp. Sk. mūrvā, perhaps connected with Lat. malva] 214] Arabian jasmine Dh 54 (tagara°); J i.62; iii.291; v.420;
a species of hemp (Sanseveria roxburghiana) M i.429. At J Miln 333, 338; DhsA 14; KhA 44. mallika-makula opening
ii.115 we find reading marūdvā & marucavāka (C.), of un- bud of the jasmine Visni 251=VbhA 234 (°saṇṭhāna, in descr,
certain meaning? of shape of the 4 canine teeth). — See also mālikā.
Mala (nt.) [Vedic mala, see etym. under malina. The Dhtm (395) Maḷorikā (f.) [prob. dialectical for māḷaka: cp. mallaka] a stand,
only knows of one root mal or mall in meaning "dhāraṇa" sup- (tripod) for a bowl, formed of sticks Vin ii.124 (=daṇḍ' ād-
porting, thus thinking of māḷaka] anything impure, stain (lit. hāraka Bdhgh on p. 318).
& fig.), dirt. In the Canon mostly fig. of impurities. On mala d
Masa in line "āsadañ ca masañ jaṭaṁ" at J vi.328 is to be comb
in similes see J.P.T.S., 1907, 122. — S i.38 (itthi malaṁ brah-
with ca, and read as camasañ, i. e. a ladle for sacrificing (C.:
macariyassa), 43 (id.); A i.105 (issā°); Sn 378, 469, 962, 1132 aggi — dahanaṁ).
(=rāgo malaṁ etc. Nd 500); Nd 15, 478 sq.; Dh 239 sq.; d
Vbh 368 (tīṇi malāni), 389 (nava purisa — malāni); Pv ii.3 34 Masati [mṛś] to touch: only in cpd. āmasati. The root is expl at
Dhtp 305 as "āmasana." Another root masu [mṛś?] is at Dhtm
(macchera°); PvA 45 (id.), 80 (id.), 17 (citta°); Sdhp 220. —
444 given in meaning "macchera." Does this refer to Sk. mṛṣā
Compar. malatara a greater stain A iv.195=Dh 243. — See
(=P. micchā)? Cp. māsati, māsana etc.
also māla.
-âbhibhū overcoming one's sordidness S i.18; J iv.64. - Masāṇa (nt.) [etym.? prob. provincial & local] a coarse cloth of
majjana "dirt wiper," a barber Vin iv.308 (kasāvaṭa m. nihī- interwoven hemp and other materials D i.166; M i.308, 345; A
najacca); J iii.452; iv.365. i.241, 295; Pug 55. At all passages as a dress worn by certain
Malina (adj.) [fr. mal, *mel to make dirty, to which belongs
mala. — Cp. Lat. mulleus reddish, purple; Gr. μέλας black, Masāraka [fr. masāra?] a kind of couch (mañca) or long-chair;
μολύνω to stain, μέλτος reddish; Lith. mulvas yellowish, mé- enum under the 4 kinds of mañcā at Vin iv.40. — See also
lynas blue; Ohg. māl stain] dirty, stained, impure, usually lit. Vin ii.149; iv.357 (where expl as: mañcapāde vijjhitvā tattha
— J i.467; Miln 324; DhA i.233; VvA 156; PvA 226; VbhA aṭṭaniyo pavesetvā kato: made by boring a hole into the feet
498. of the bed & putting through a notched end); VvA 8, 9.
Malinaka (adj.) [malina+ka] dirty; with ref. to loha, a kind of Masāragalla (m. & nt.) [cp. Sk. masāra emerald+galva crystal &
copper, in the group of copper belonging to Pisāca VbhA 63. musāragalva] a precious stone, cat's eye; also called kabara-
maṇi (e. g. VvA 304). It occurs in stereotyped enum of gems
Malya (nt.) [for *mālya, fr. māla] flower, garland of flowers Vv
1 ( — dhara); 2 ; J v.188 (puppha°), 420. — The reading at at Vin ii.238 (where it is said to be found in the Ocean)=Miln
267; and at Miln 118, where it always stands next to lohitanka.

Masāragalla Mahant

The same comb (with lohit.) is found at Vv 36 ; 78 =81 ; than aṇṇava; mah' âbhisakka, where abhisakka does not oc-
84 . cur by itself; cp. mahânubhāva, mahiddhika, mahaggha; or
is obscured in its derivation through constant use with mahā,
Masi. [cp. Class. Sk. maṣi & masi] 1. the fine particles of ashes,
like mahesī [mah+esī, or īsī], mahesakkha [mah+esakkha];
in angara° charcoal — dust VvA 67=DhA iii.309; (agginā)
mahallaka [mah+*ariyaka]; mahāmatta. Cp. E. great — coat,
masiṁ karoti to reduce to powder (by fire), to burn to ashes,
Gr. ἀρξ° in ἀρξ ιατρός=Ger. arzt. Only a limited selection
turn to dust S ii.88=iv.197=A i.204= ii.199. — 2. soot J i.483
of cpd. — words is given, consisting of more frequent or id-
(ukkhali° soot on a pot).
iomatic terms. Practically any word may be enlarged & em-
Masūraka [connected with masāraka] a bolster J iv.87; vi.185.
phasized in meaning by prefixing mahā. Sometimes a mahā°
Massu [Vedic śmaśru] the beard D ii.42; Pug 55; J iv.159. — lends to special events a standard (historical) significance, so
parūḷha° with long — grown beard DA i.263; bahala° thick — changing the common word into a noun proper, e. g. Mah
bearded J v.42. — âbhinikkhammana, Mahāpavāraṇa. — B. Mahā occurs in
-kamma beard — dressing J iii.114; DhA i.253. -karaṇa cpds. in (a) an elided form mah before a & i; (b) shortened to
shaving DhA i.253; DA i.137. -kutti [m.+ *kḷpti] beard — maha° before g, d, p, b with doubling of these consonants; (c)
trimming J iii.314 (C.=°kiriyā). in the regular form mahā°: usually before consonants, some-
Massuka (adj.) [fr. massu] bearded; a° beardless (of a woman) J times before vowels. This form is contracted with foll. i to e
ii.185. and foll. u to o. In the foll. list of cpds. we have arranged the
material according to these bases.
Maha (m. & nt.) [fr. mah, see mahati & cp. Vedic nt. mahas]
mah°: -aggha very costly, precious Pug 34; Mhvs 27,
1. worthiness, venerableness Miln 357. — 2. a (religious)
35; PvA 77, 87; Sdhp 18. -agghatā costliness, great value
festival (in honour of a Saint, as an act of worship) Mhvs 33,
Pug 34, Sdhp 26. -aṇṇava the (great) ocean Mhvs 19, 17.
26 (vihārassa mahamhi, loc.); VvA 170 (thūpe ca mahe kate),
-atthiya (for °atthika) of great importance or use, very useful,
200 (id.). mahā° a great festival Mhvs 5, 94. bodhi° festival
profitable J iii.368. -andhakāra deep darkness Vism 417.
of the Bo tree J iv.229. vihāra° festival held on the building
-assāsin fully refreshed, very comfortable S i.81.
of a monastery J i.94; VvA 188. hatthi° a festival called the
maha°: -ggata "become great," enlarged, extensive, fig.
elephant f. J iv.95.
lofty, very great M i.263; ii.122; A ii.63, 184; iii.18; VvA
Mahati [mah; expl by Dhtp 331 as "pūjāyaṁ"] to honour, re- 155; J v.113; Dhs 1020 (trsl : "having a wider scope") Vbh
vere Vv 47 11 (pot. med. 1 pl. mahemase, cp. Geiger, P.Gr. 16, 24, 62, 74, 126, 270, 326; Tikp. 45; Vism 410, 430 sq.
§ 129; expl as "mahāmase pūjāmase" at VvA 203). Caus. (°ārammaṇa); VbhA 154 (id.), 159 (°citta); DhsA 44. See on
mahāyati in same sense: ger. mahāyitvāna (poetical) J iv.236. term Cpd. 4, 12, 55, 101 ; [cp. BSk. mahadgata Divy 227].
— Pass. mahīyati Vv 62 (=pūjīyati VvA 258); 64 22 (ppr. -gghasa eating much, greedy, gluttonous A iv.92; P iii.1 11
mahīyamāna= pūjiyamāna VvA 282). pp. mahita. (=bahubhojana PvA 175); Miln 288; Dh 325 (cp. DhA iv.16).
-ddhana having great riches (often comb with mahābhoga)
Mahatta (nt.) [fr. mahat° cp. Sk. mahattva] greatness J v.331
(=seṭṭhatta C.); Vism 132, 232 sq.; VbhA 278 (Satthu°, jāti°, Dh 123; J iv.15, 22. -pphala much fruit; adj. bearing much
sabrahmacārī°); DA i.35; VvA 191. fruit, rich in result A iv.60, 237 sq.; Sn 191, 486; Dh 312, 356
sq. -bbala (a) a strong force, a great army Mhvs 10, 68 (v. l.,
Mahant (adj.) [Vedic mahant, which by Grassmann is taken as
T. has mahā — bala); (b) of great strength, mighty, powerful J
ppr. to mah, but in all probability the n is an original suf- iii.114; Mhvs 23, 92; 25, 9. -bbhaya great fear, terror S i.37;
fix. — cp. Av. mazant, Sk. compar. mahīyān; Gr. μέγας 2
Sn 753, 1032, 1092, ep. Nd 501.
(compar. μείζων), Lat. magnus, Goth. mikils=Ohg. mih-
mahå°: -anas kitchen Mhvs 5, 27 (spurious stanza). -
hil=E. much] great, extensive, big; important, venerable. —
anasa kitchen J ii.361; iii.314; v.368; vi.349; DhA iii.309;
nom. mahā Sn 1008; Mhvs 22, 27. Shortened to maha in cpd.
ThA 5. -anila a gale Mhvs 3, 42. -ānisaṁsa deserving great
pitāmaha (following a — decl.) (paternal) grandfather PvA
praise (see s. v.), [cp. BSk. mahānuśaṁsa MVastu iii.221].
41; & mātāmaha (maternal) grandfather (q. v.). — instr. ma-
-ānubhāva majesty, adj. wonderful, splendid J i.194; J vi.331;
hatā Sn 1027. — pl. nom. mahantā Sn 578 (opp. daharā). 1
Pv iii.3 ; PvA 117, 136, 145, 272. -aparādhika very guilty
— loc. mahati Miln 254. — f. mahī — 1. one of the 5 great
J i.114. -abhinikkhamaṇa the great renunciation DhA i.85.
rivers (Np.). — 2. the earth. See separately. — nt. mahan-
-abhisakka [abhi+śak] very powerful Th 1, 1111. -amacca
taṁ used as adv., meaning "very much, greatly" J v.170; DhA
chief minister Mhvs 19, 12. -araha costly Mhvs 3, 21; 5, 75;
iv.232. Also in cpd. mahantabhāva greatness, loftiness, sub-
27, 39; PvA 77, 141, 160.
limity DhsA 44. — Compar. mahantatara DhA ii.63, and
mahā°: -alasa great sloth DhA iii.410. -avīci the great
with dimin. suffix °ka J iii.237. — The regular paraphrase
Purgatory Avīci, freq. -isi in poetry for mahesi at J v.321.
of mahā in the Niddesa is "agga, seṭṭha, visiṭṭha, pāmokkha, -upaṭṭhāna great state room (of a king) SnA 84. -upāsikā
uttama, pavara," see Nd 502. a great female follower (of the Buddha) VvA 5. -karuṇā
Note on mahā & cpds. — A. In certain cpds. the comb n
great compassion DhA i.106, 367. -kāya a great body Miln
with mahā (mah°) has become so established & customary (of-
16. -gaṇa a great crowd or community DhA i.154. -gaṇḍa
ten through politeness in using mahā° for the simple term), that 1
a large tumour VbhA 104. -gedha great greed Sn 819; Nd
the cpd. is felt as an inseparable unity and a sort of "antique" 151. -cāga great liberality, adj. munificent Mhvs 27, 47. As
word, in which the 2 part either does not occur any more by
°paricāga at SnA 295 (=mahādāna). -jana a great crowd, col-
itself or only very rarely, as mah' aṇṇava, which is more freq.
lectively for "the people," a multitude PvA 6, 19, 78; Mhvs 3,

Mahant Mahallaka

13. -taṇha (adj.) very thirsty J ii.441. -tala "great surface," Vism 403; SnA 30, 371; PvA 47. -sara a great lake; usu-
the large flat roof on the top of a palace (=upari — pāsāda — ally as satta-mahāsarā the 7 great lakes of the Himavant (see
tala) J vi.40. -dāna (see under dāna) the great gift (to the sara), enum e. g. at Vism 416. -sāra (of) great sap, i. e.
bhikkhus) a special great offering of food & presents given by great wealth, adj. very rich J i.463 (°kula, perhaps to be read
laymen to the Buddha & his followers as a meritorious deed, mahāsāla — kula). -sāla (adj.) having great halls, Ep. of rich
usually lasting for a week or more Mhvs 27, 46; PvA 111, 112. people (especially brāhmaṇas) D i.136, 235; iii.16, 20; J ii.272
-dhana (having) great wealth PvA 3, 78. -naraka (a) great (°kula); iv.237 (id.), 325 (id.); v.227 (id.); Pug 56; VbhA 519;
Hell, see naraka. -nāga a great elephant Dh 312; DhA iv.4. DhA iii.193. -sāvaka [cp. BSk. mahāśrāvaka Divy 489] a
-nāma N. of a plant Vin i.185; ii.267. -niddā deep sleep PvA great disciple Vism 98 (asīti °ā); DhA ii.93. -senagutta ti-
47. -nibbāna the great N. DhA iv.110. -niraya (a) great hell tle of a high official (Chancellor of the Exchequer?) J v.115;
SnA 309, 480; PvA 52. See Niraya & cp. Kirfel, Kosmogra- vi.2. -hatthi a large elephant M i.184 (°pada elephant's foot,
phie 199, 200. -nīla sapphire VvA 111. -pañña very wise as the largest of all animal feet), referred to as simile (°opama)
D iii.158; A iii.244; Dh 352; DhA iv.71. -patha high road at Vism 243, 347, 348.
D i.102; Sn 139; Dh 58; Vism 235; DhA i.445. -paduma mahi° [mah' i°]: -iccha full of desire, lustful, greedy
a great lotus J v.39; also a vast number & hence a name of A iv.229; Th 1, 898; It 91; J i.8; ii.441. -icchatā arro-
a purgatory, cp. Divy 67; Kirfel, Kosmographie 205. -pitā gance, ostentatiousness A iv.280; VbhA 472. -iddhika
grandfather PvA 107. -purisa a great man, a hero, a man born [mahā+iddhi+ka] of great power, always comb with mah-
to greatness, a man destined by fate to be a Ruler or a Saviour ânubhāva to denote great influence, high position & majesty
of the World. A being thus favoured by fate possesses (32) Vin i.31; ii.193; iii.101; D i.78, 180 (devatā), 213; S i.145
marks (lakkhaṇāni) by which people recognise his vocation sq.; ii.155, 274 sq., 284 sq.; iv.323; v.265, 271 sq., 288 sq.; A
or prophesy his greatness. A detailed list of these 32 marks v.129; J vi.483 (said of the Ocean); PvA 6, 136, 145. -inda
(which probably date back to mythological origin & were orig- (ghosa) lit. the roar of the Great Indra, Indra here to be taken in
inally attributed to Devas) is found at D ii.17, 19, passim. — D his function as sky (rain) god, thus: the thunder of the rain —
iii.287; Sn 1040 sq.; Dh 352; Miln 10; SnA 184, 187 sq., 223, god Th 1, 1108. [Cp. BSk. māhendra in °bhavana "the abode
258, 357, 384 sq.; °lakkhaṇāni: D i.88, 105, 116; Sn 549, 1000 of the Great Indra," and vaṛṣa "the rain of the Gr. I." (here as
sq.; Vism 234; VvA 315; DhA ii.41. -bhūta usually in pl. rain — god), both at AvŚ i.210]. -issāsa [Sk. maheṣvāsa]
°bhūta(ni) (cattāro & cattā) the 4 great elements (see bhūta), great in the art of the bow, a great archer S i.185; DhA i.358.
being paṭhavī, āpo, tejo, vāyo, D i.76; Nd 266; Vbh 13, 70 sq.; mahe° [mahā+i]: -esakkha [mahā+īsa+khyaṁ; fr. īś]
Vism 366 sq.; Tikp 39, 56 sq., 74 sq., 248 sq.; VbhA 42, 169, possessing great power or authority A ii.204; iii.244; Nd 2
253. — See Cpd. 154, 268 sq., & cp. dhātu 1. -bhoga great 503 ; Vism 419; Sdhp 511. The BSk. form is maheṣākhya
wealth, adj. wealthy PvA 3, 78. -maccha a great fish, sea- evidently differing in its etymology. The P. etym. rests on
monster J i.483. -mati very wise, clever Mhvs 14, 22; 19, 84 the same grounds as esitatta in mahesi DhA iv.232. -esi
(f. °ī); 33, 100 (pl. °ī). -matta [cp. Sk. mahāmātra] a king's [mahā+isi; Sk. maharṣi] a great Sage A ii.26; Sn 208, 481,
chief minister, alias Prime Minister, "who was the highest Of- 646, 915, 1057, 1061; Th 1, 1132; 2, 149; Dh 422 (expl at
ficer — of — State and real Head of the Executive" (Banerjea, DhA iv.232 as "mahantaṁ sīla — kkhandh' ādīnaṁ esitattā
Public Administration in Ancient India, 1916). His position is m." cp. the similar expl at Nd 503); Nd 343; Vism 505;
of such importance, that he even ranges as a rājā or king: Vin VbhA 110; PvA 1. -esiyā=mahesī J vi.483. -esī [in P. to
iii.47 (rājā... akkhadassā mahāmattā ye vā pana chejjabhejjaṁ be taken as mah+iś, as f. to īsa, but in Sk. (Vedic) as f. of
anusāsanti ete rājāno nāma). — Note. An acc. sg. mahā- mahiṣa, buffalo] chief queen, king's first wife, king's consort;
mattānaṁ we find at A i.154 (formed after the prec. rājānaṁ). also the wife of a great personage J ii.410; v.45; vi.425; Pug
— Vin i.74 (where two ranks are given: senā-nāyakā m. — 56; Mhvs 2, 22 (pl. mahesiyo); VvA 184 (sixteen). Usually
mattā the m. of defence, and vohārikā m. — m. those of law); as agga-mahesī, e. g. J i.262; iii.187, 393; v.88. -esitta state
D i.7; iii.88; iii.64 (here with Ep. khattiya); A i.154, 252, 279; of chief consort, queenship J v.443; Pv ii.13 ; ThA 37; VvA
iii.128; Vin iv.224; Vism 121; VbhA 312 (in simile of two 102. -eseyya=°esitta J v.91.
m.), 340; PvA 169. Cp. Fick. Sociale Gliederung 92, 99, 101. -maho [mahā+u, or+o]: -ogha the great flood (see ogha)
-muni great seer Sn 31. -megha a big cloud, thunder cloud M Sn 4, 945; Dh 47, 287; DhA iii.433. -odadhi the (great)
ii.117; Sn 30; Vism 417. -yañña the great sacrifice D i.138 ocean, the sea Sn 720, 1134; Miln 224; Mhvs 18, 8. -odara
sq., 141 (cp. A ii.207≈). -yasa great fame Vv 21 ; Mhys big belly J vi.358 (addressing a king's minister). -odika full
5, 22. -ranga [cp. Sk. m. — rajana], safflower, used for of water, having much water; deep, full (of a river) Sn 319; J
dyeing Vin i.185 (sandals); ii 267 (cloaks). -rājā great king, ii.159; Miln 346. -oraga [m+uraga] a great snake J v.165.
king, very freq.: see rājā. -rukkha a great tree Vism 413 (lit-
Mahantatā (f.) [fr. mahant°] greatness DhA ii.62. At M iii.24 the
erally); Miln 254 (id.), otherwise the plant euphorbia tortilis
spelling is mahattatā (tt misread for nt?), at M i.184 however
(cp. Zimmer, Altind. Leben 129). -lātā ( — pasādhana) a
mahantatta (nt.).
lady's parure called "great creeper" DhA i.392; VvA 165 ( —
Mahallaka (adj. n.) [a distorted mah — ariyaka> ayyaka> allaka;
pilandhana); same SnA 520. -vātapāna main window DhA
cp. ayyaka] old, venerable, of great age; an old man D i.90
iv.203. -vīṇā a great lute Vism 354; VbhA 58. -vīra (great) 2
(opp. taruṇa), 94, 114, 247; Sn 313, 603; Nd 261 (vuḍḍha m.
hero Sn 543, 562. -satta "the great being" or a Bodhisatta 1
andhagata etc.) J iv.482 (opp. dahara young); Vv 46 (=ma-
VvA 137 (v. l. SS. bodhisatta). [Cp. BSk. mahāsattva, e.
hanto VvA 199); DhA i.7, 278; ii.4, 55, 91; SnA 313. Compar.
g. Jtm 32]. -samudda the sea, the occean Mhvs 19, 18;

Mahallaka Mātar

mahallakatara DhA ii.18. — f. mahallikā an old woman 207.
Miln 16; Mhvs 21, 27; VvA 105; PvA 149 (=addhagata). —
Māghāta (nt.) [lit. mā ghāta "kill not"] the injunction not to kill,
[The BSk. form is mahalla, e. g. Divy 329, 520.]
non — killing order (with ref. to the killing of animals J iii.428
Mahikā (f.) [cp. *Sk. mahikā] fog, frost, cold (=himaṁ DhsA (°bheri, the drum announcing this order); iv.115; vi.346 (up-
317) Vin ii.295=Miln 273; Sn 669; Miln 299; VvA 134 (fog). osatha°).
— As mahiyā at A ii.53.
Māngalya (adj.) [fr. mangala] auspicious, fortunate, bringing
Mahita [pp. of mahati or mahīyati] honoured, revered M ii.110; about fulfilment of wishes J vi.179.
Miln 278; Sdhp 276.
Māṇava [cp. Sk. māṇava] a youth, young man, esp. a young
Mahanīya (adj.) [grd. of mahati] praiseworthy VvA 97. Brahmin Sn 1022, 1027, 1028; J iv.391 (brāhmaṇa°); DA
i.36=satto pi coro pi taruṇo pi; DhA i.89. pl. māṇavā men
Mahilā (f.) [*Sk. mahilā] woman, female Vin ii.281 (°titthe at
Th 2, 112. — The spelling mānava occurs at Sn 456, 589, &
the women's bathing place); J i.188; Dpvs ix.4; ThA 271.
Pv i.8 (=men Th ii.112; kumāra PvA 41).
Mahisa, Mahīsa, Mahiṁsa [cp. Vedic mahiṣa, an enlarged form
of mahā; the P. etym. evidently to be connected with mahā+īś, Māṇavaka [fr. māṇava] a young man, youth a Brahmin Miln 101;
in general: young, e. g. nāga° a young serpent J iii.276; f.
because of mahīsa>mahiṁsa] a buffalo. — mahisa: D i.6
°ikā a Brahmin girl J i.290; Miln 101; nāga° a young female
(°yuddha b. — fight), 9; J iii.26 (vana° wild b.); Mhvs 25, 36
serpent J iii.275; DhA iii.232.
(T. māhisaṁ). — mahīsa J vi.110. — mahiṁsa Vism 191, &
in Np. mahiṁsaka-maṇḍala the Andhra country J i.356, cp. Mātanga [cp. Epic Sk. mātanga, dial.] an elephant Dh 329, 330
Mahiṁsaka — raṭṭha VbhA 4; as Mahisa-maṇḍala at Mhvs (here as Ep. of nāga); J iii.389; vi.47; Vv 43 ; Miln 368. — 2.
12, 29. — Note. The P. pop. etym. is propounded by Bdhgh a man of a low class [cp. BSk. mātangī Divy 397] SnA 185
as "mahiyaṁ setī ti mahiso" (he lies on the ground, that is why sq. (as Np.).
he is a buffalo) DhsA 62. Mātar (f.) [Vedic mātā, stem mātar°, Av. mātar —, Gr. μήτηρ
Mahī (f.) [f. of mah, base of mahant, Vedic mahī] the earth (lit. (Doric μάτηρ) Lat. māter, Oir. māthir, Ohg. muoter, Ags.
Great One) Mhvs 5, 266; Sdhp 424, 472; loc. mahiyā Miln modor=mother; Cp. further Gr. μήτρα uterus, Lat. mātrix id.,
128; mahiyaṁ DhsA 62. — Note. As mahī is only found in Sk. mātṛkā mother, grandmother, Ger. mieder corset. From
very late P. literature, it must have been re — introduced from Idg. *ma, onomat. part., cp. "mamma"] mother. — Cases:
Sk. sources, and is note a direct correspondent of Vedic mahī. nom. sg. mātā Sn 296; Dh 43; J iv.463; v.83; vi.117; Nd 504
-tala the ground (of the earth) Mhvs 5, 54. -dhara moun- (def. as janikā); gen. mātu Th 1, 473; Vin i.17; J i.52; mātuyā
tain Miln 343; Mhvs 14, 3; 28, 22 (v. l. mahin°). -pa king J i.53; Mhvs 10, 80; PvA 31; and mātāya J i.62; dat. mātu
(of the earth) Mhvs 14, 22. -pati king Mhvs 5, 48; 33, 32. Mhvs 9, 19; acc. mātaraṁ Sn 60, 124; Dh 294; instr. mātarā
-pāla king Mhvs 4, 38; 5, 265. -ruha tree ("growing out of Th 2, 212; loc. mātari Dh 284 — pl. does not occur. In comb n
the earth") Mhvs 14, 18, 18, 19. with pitā father, mātā always precedes the former, thus mātā-
Mā (indecl.) [cp. Vedic mā, Gr. μή] prohibition particle: not, pitaro (pl.) "mother & father" (see below). — mātito (abl.
— adv.) from the mother's side (cp. pitito) D i.113; A iii.151;
do not, let us hope not, I wish that... not [cp. Lat. utinam &
PvA 29. — On mātā in simile see J.P.T.S. 1907, 122; cp. Vism
ne]. Constructed with various tenses, e. g. 1. with aor. (pro-
321 (simile of a mother's solicitude for her children). Similarly
hibitive tense): mā evaṁ akattha do not thus DhA i.7; mā
abhaṇi speak not Pv i.3 ; mā cintayittha do not worry DhA the pop. etym. of mātā is given, with "mamāyatī ti mātā" at
VbhA 107. — The 4 bases of m. in comp are: mātā°, māti°,
i.12; mā parihāyi I hope he will not go short (or be deprived)
mātu°, & matti°. — 1. mātā°: -pitaro mother & father D
of... M i.444; mā bhāyi fear not J ii.159; mā mariṁsu I hope
iii.66, 188 sq.; Sn 404; Miln 12. See also pitā. -pitika having
they will not die J iii.55; mā (te) rucci may it not please (you),
mother & father DhA ii.2. -pitiṭṭhāna place of m. & f. DhA
i. e. please do not Vin ii.198; mā evaṁ ruccittha id. DhA i.13.
ii.95. -pettika having m. & f., of m. & f. Nd 385 (nāma —
— 2. with imper.: mā gaccha J i.152; mā detha J iii.275. mā
gotta). -petti-bhāra supporting one's m. & f. S i.228; J i.202;
ghāta do not kill: see māghāta. — 3. with pot.: mā anuyuñ-
vi.498. -maha maternal grandfather J iv.146; DhA i.346.
jetha Dh 27; mā bhuñjetha let him not eat Mhvs 25, 113; mā
— 2. māti°: -devatā protector or guardian of one's mother J
vadetha J vi.364. — 4. with indic. pres.: mā paṭilabhati A
iii.422 (gloss: mātu — devatā viya). -pakkha the mother's
v.194. — A peculiar use is found in phrase ānemi mā ānemi
side DhA i.4 (+pitipakkha). -posaka supporting one's m. J
shall I bring it or not? J vi.334. — 5. mā=na (simple negation)
iii.422 (v. l. mātu°). — 3. mātu°: -upaṭṭhāna (spelt mā-
in māsakkhimhā we could not Vin iii.23.
tupaṭṭh°) reverence towards one's m. DhA iv.14. -kucchi
-Mā [the short form of māsa, direct der fr. mā: see mināti] see
m's womb D ii.12; Vism 560 (°gata); VbhA 96; DhA i.127.
-gāma "genex feminarum," womanfolk, women (collectively
Māgadha [fr. Magadha] scent — seller, (lit. "from Magadha") cp. Ger, frauen — zimmer) A ii.126; Vin iv.175; M i.448, 462;
Pv ii.9 37 (=gandhin PvA 127). iii.126; S iv.239 sq.; J i.201; iii.90, 530. (pl. °gāmā p. 531);
Māgadhaka (nt.) [māgadha+ka, lit. "from Magadha"] garlic Vin Pug 68; SnA 355; PvA 271; VvA 77. -ghāta & (usually) °ka
iv.259 (lasuṇaṁ nāma māgadhakaṁ vuccati). a matricide (+pitu — ghātaka; see abhiṭhāna) Vin i.168, 320;
Miln 310; Tikp 167 sq.; VbhA 425. -ghātikamma matricide
Māgavika [guṇa — form to *mṛga=P. miga; Sk. mārga-vika] a
Tikp. 281. -bhūta having been his mother PvA 78. -mattin
deerstalker, huntsman A ii.207; Pug 56; Miln 364, 412; PvA 1
(see matta 4) whatever is a mother S iv.110 (°īsu mātucittaṁ

Mātar Mānasa

upaṭṭhapeti foster the thought of mother towards whatever is given at Nd 80=Nd 505; ending with def "māno maññanā...
a mother, where in sequence with bhaginī — mattin & dhītu- ketukamyatā" etc. (cp. Vbh 350 & see under mada). On term
mattin). -hadaya a mother's heart PvA 63. — 4. matti°: see see also Dhs § 1116; Dhs trsl. 298 (= 275) sq. — D iii.234;
matti — sambhava. S i.4; Sn 132, 370; 469, 537, 786, 889, 943, Dh 74, 150, 407;
Nd 298; Pug 18; Vbh 345 sq., 353 sq., 383 (7 fold), 389 (9
-Mātika (adj.) [fr. mātā, Sk. mātṛka] — mother; in mata° one
fold); VbhA 486 sq. ("seyyo 'ham asmī ti" etc.); Tikp 166,
whose mother is dead, lit. a "dead — mother — ed," J ii.131;
278; DhA iii.118, 252; Sdhp 500, 539. — asmi° pride of self,
iii.213. Also neg. amātika without a mother J v.251.
as real egoism D iii.273. — 2. honour, respect J v.331 (+pūjā).
Mātikā (f.) [*Sk. mātṛkā] 1. a water course Vism 554 (°âtikka-
Usually in cpd. bahumāna great respect Mhvs 20, 46; PvA
maka); Mhvs 35, 96; 37, 50; SnA 500 (=sobbha); DhA ii.141 n
50. Also as māni° in comp with karoti: see mānikata. Cp.
(its purpose: "ito c' ito ca udakaṁ haritvā attano sassa —
vi°, sam°
kammaṁ sampādenti"); VvA 301. — 2. tabulation, register,
-âtimāna pride & conceit, very great (self — ) pride. or
tabulated summary, condensed contents, esp. of philosophi- 1 2
all kinds of conceit (see 10 fold māna at Nd 80= Nd 505) D
cal parts of the Canonical books in the Abhidhamma; used in 1
iii.86; Sn 245, 830, 862; Nd 170, 257. -atthe at Th 1, 214
Vinaya in place of Abhidhamma Piṭaka; probably the original
read mânatthe=mā anatthe. -ânusaya the predisposition or
form of that (later) Piṭaka Vin i.119, 337; ii.8 [cp. semanti-
bad tendency of pride M i.486; D iii.254, 282; Sn 342. Cp.
cally in similar sense Lat. mātrix=E. matric, i. e. register.
mamankāra. -âbhisamaya full grasp (i. e. understanding)
In BSḳ. mātrikā Divy 18, 333] A i.117 (Dhamma — dhara,
of pride (with sammā°) M i.122 (which Kern. Toev. s. v. in-
Vinaya — dhara, Mātikā — dhara; here equivalent to Abhid-
terprets wrongly as "waanvoorstelling"); S iv.205 sq., 399; Sn
hamma); Vism 312 (so pañcavasso hutvā dve mātikā paguṇaṁ
342 (=mānassa abhisamayo khayo vayo pahānaṁ SnA 344).
katvā pavāretvā); SnA 15; KhA 37, 99, 117.
-jātika proud by nature J i.88. -thaddha stubborn in pride,
-nikkhepa putting down of a summary, tabulation Vism
stiff — necked J i.88, 224. -da inspiring respect Mhvs 33,
536, 540. The summary itself is sometimes called nikkhepa, 82. -mada ( — matta) (drunk with) the intoxicating draught
e. g. the 4 part of the Atthasālinī (DhsA pp. 343 — 409) is
of pride J ii.259; PvA 86. -saññojana the fetter of pride or
called nikkhepa-kaṇḍa or chapter of the summary; similarly
arrogance D iii.254; Dhs 1116=1233. See under saññojana &
m. -nikkhepa vāra at Tikp. 11.
cp. formulae under mada 2. -satta cleaving to conceit Sn
Mātiya (adj. n.) [the diaeretic form of macca, used in verse, cp. 473. -salla the sting or dart of pride Nd 59 (one of the 7
Sk. martya & Vedic (poetical) martia] (a) mortal J vi.100 (C. sallāni, viz. rāga, dosa, moha etc., expl in detail on p. 413.
macca; gloss māṇava). See other series with similar terms & māna at Nd p. 237 s. v.
Mātu° see mātā.
Māna (nt.) [fr. mā: see mināti; Vedic māna has 2 meanings,
Mātuka (nt.) [cp. Sk. māṭṛka, fr. mātṛ=mātar] "genetrix," matrix,
viz. "measure," and "building" (cp. māpeti)] 1. measure
origin, cause Th 1, 612.
Vin iii.149 (abbhantarima inner, bāhirima outer); DA i.140.
Mātucchā (f.) [Sk. mātṛ — ṣvasā] mother's sister, maternal aunt
-°kūṭa cheating in measure, false measure Pug 58; PvA 278.
Vin ii.254, 256; J iv.390; Miln 240. -putta aunt's son, male
— 2. a certain measure, a Māna (cp. mānikā & manaṁ) J
first cousin (from mother's sister's side) S ii.281; Ud 24; DhA
i.468 (aḍḍha° half a M., according to C. equal to 8 nāḷis).
i.119. Cp. mātula — dhītā.
Mānatta (nt.) [a doubtful word, prob. corrupted out of something
Mātula [cp. Epic Sk. mātula & semantically Lat. matruus, i. e. 1
else, maybe omānatta, if taken as der. fr. māna . If how-
one who belongs to the mother] a mother's brother, an uncle J 2
ever taken as belonging to māna as an abstr. der., it might be
i.225; DhA i.15; PvA 58, 60. d
expl as "measuring, taking measures," which suits the context
-dhītā (the complement of mātucchā — putta) uncle's
better. The BSk. form is still more puzzling, viz. mānāpya
daughter, female first cousin (from mother's brother's side) J
"something pleasant": Mvyut § 265] a sort of penance, at-
ii.119; DhA iii.290; PvA 55.
tached to the commission of a sanghādisesa offence DhsA 399
Mātulaka=mātula DhA i.182. (+parivāsa). °ṁ deti to inflict penance on somebody Vin ii.7
(+parivāsaṁ deti); iv.225. mānatt' âraha deserving penance
Mātulānī (f.) [Sk. mātulānī, semantically cp. Lat. mater tera] a
Vin ii.55, 162 (parivāsika+). See on term Vin. Texts ii.397.
mother's brother's wife, an aunt J i.387; iv.184; PvA 55, 58.
Mānana (nt.) & Mānanā (f.) [fr. māna ] paying honour or re-
Mātulunga (nt.) [cp. Class. Sk. mātulunga; dialectical?] a citron
spect; reverence, respect S i.66; J ii.138; Pug 19, 22; Miln 377
J iii.319 (=mella; v. l. bella).
(with sakkāra, vandana, pūjana & apaciti); Dhs 1121; DhsA
Mādisa (adj.) [Epic & Class. Sk. mādṛś & mādṛśa, maṁ+ dṛś]
373. — Cp. vi°, sam°.
one like me Sn 482; Mhvs 5, 193; VvA 207; DhA i.284; PvA
Mānava see [Māṇava].
76, 123.
Māna [late Vedic & Epic Sk. māna, fr. man, orig. meaning per- Mānavant (adj.) [fr. māna ] possessed of pride, full of conceit;
haps "high opinions" (i. e. No. 2); hence "pride" (No. 1). Def. neg. a° not proud Th 1, 1222.
of root see partly under māneti, partly under mināti] 1. pride, Mānasa (nt.) [a secondary formation fr. manas=mano, already
conceit, arrogance (cittassa uṇṇati Nd 80; Vbh 350). Māna is Vedic lit. "belonging to mind"] intention, purpose, mind (as
one of the Saññojanas. It is one of the principal obstacles to active force), mental action. Almost equivalent to mano Dhs
Arahantship. A detailed analysis of māna in tenfold aspect is § 6. In later language mānasa is quite synonymous with ha-

Mānasa Māra

daya. The word, used absolutely, is more a t. t. in philosophy Māpaka (—°) (adj. n.) [fr. māpeti] one who measures, only in
than a living part of the language. It is more frequent as — ° doṇa° (a minister) measuring the d. revenue (of rice) J ii.367,
in adj. use, where its connection with mano is still more felt. 381; DhA iv.88; and in dhañña° measuring corn or grain J
Its absolute use probably originated from the latter use. — iii.542 (°kamma, the process of...); Vism 278 (in comparison).
DhsA 140 (=mano); Vbh 144 sq. (in definition of viññāṇa as
Māpeti [Caus. of mā, see mināti. The simplex mimīte has the
cittaṁ, mano, mānasaṁ, hadayaṁ etc.: see mano ii.3); DhA
meaning of "erect, build" already in Vedic Sk.] 1. to build,
ii.12 (paradāre mānasaṁ na bandhissāmi "shall have no inten- 53
construct S ii.106 (nagaraṁ); Mhvs 6, 35 (id.); Vv 84 ; VvA
tion towards another's wife," i. e. shall not desire another's
260. — 2. to create, bring about, make or cause to appear by
wife); Mhvs 4, 6 (sabbesaṁ hita — mānasā with the intention
supernatural power (in folkoristic literature, cp. nimmināti in
of common welfare); 32, 56 (rañño hāsesi mānasaṁ gladdened
same sense) J ii.111 (sarīraṁ nāvaṁ katvā māpesi transformed
the heart of the king). — As adj. (—°): being of such &
into a ship); iv.274; Mhvs 28, 31 (maggaṁ caused a road to
such a mind, having a... mind, with a... heart; like: ādīna°
appear). — 3. to measure out (?), to declare (?), in a doubtful
with his mind in danger S v.74 (+apatiṭṭhitacitta); uggata°
passage J iv.302, where a misreading is probable, as indicated
lofty — minded VvA 217; pasanna° with settled (peaceful)
by v. l. BB (samāpassiṁsu for T. tena amāpayiṁsu). Perhaps
mind Sn 402 and frequently; mūḷha° infatuated Mhvs 5, 239; we should read tena — māsayiṁsu.
rata° PvA 19; sañcodita° urged (in her heart) PvA 68; soka-
Māmaka (adj.) [fr. mama] lit. "mine," one who shows af-
santatta° with a heart burning with grief PvA 38.
fection (not only for himself), making one's own, i.e. de-
Mānasāna (adj.) [fr. mānasa, secondary formation]= mānasa in 1
voted to, loving Sn 806 (=Buddha°, Dhamma°, Sangha° Nd
adj. use Sn 63 (rakkhita°). n 1
125; =mamāyamāna SnA 534), 927 (same expl at Nd 382);
Mānassin (adj. n.) [prob. fr. manassin (*manasvin) under in- Miln 184 (ahiṁsayaṁ paraṁ loke piyo hohisi māmako ti), —
fluence of māna. Cp. similar formation mānavant] proud Vin Buddha° devoted to the B. J i.299; DhA i.206. f. °māmikā
ii.183 (expl by Bdhgh in a popular way as "mana — ssayino J iii.182. — In voc. f. māmike at Th 2, 207 (cp. ThA 172)
māna — nissitā"). The corresponding passage at J i.88 reads "mother," we may perhaps have an allusion to mā "mother"
māna — jātikā māna — tthaddhā. [cp. Sk. māma uncle, Lat. mamma mother, and mātā]. —
amāmaka see sep.; this may also be taken as "not loving."
Mānikata [pp. of a verb māni — karoti, which stands for māna
— karoti, and is substituted for mānita after analogy of pu- Māyā (f.) [cp. Vedic māyā. Suggestions as to etym. see Walde,
rakkhata, of same meaning] lit. "held in high opinion," i. e. Lat. Wtb. s. v. manticulor] 1. deceptive appearance, fraud,
honoured, worshipped S ii.119 (garukata m. pūjita). deceit, hypocrisy Sn 245, 328 (°kata deceit), 469, 537, 786,
Mānikā (f.) [cp. māna 2] a weight, equal to 4 Doṇas SnA 476 941 (: māyā vuccati vañcanikā cariyā Nd 422); Vbh 357, 361,
389; Miln 289; Vism 106 (+sātheyya, māna, pāpicchatā etc.),
(catudoṇaṁ mānikā). Cp. BSk. mānikā, e. g. Divy 293 sq.
479 (māyā viya viññāṇaṁ); VbhA 34 (in detail), 85, 493 (def.).
Mānita [pp. of māneti] revered, honoured Ud 73 (sakkata m.
Is not used in Pali Abhidhamma in a philosophical sense. — 2.
pūjita apacita). — A rather singular by — form is mānikata
mystic formula, magic, trick M i.381 (āvaṭṭanī m.). khattiya°
(q. v.).
the mystic formula of a kh. J vi.375; Miln 190; DhA i.166.
Mānin (adj.) (—°) [fr. mana ] proud (of) Sn 282 (samaṇa°), In the sense of "illusion" often comb with marīci, e. g. at J
a ii
889 (paripuṇṇa°); Dh 63 (paṇḍita° proud of his cleverness, cp. ii.330; v.367; Nd 680 . — 3. jugglery, conjuring Miln 3. —
DhA ii.30); J i.454 (atireka°); iii.357 (paṇḍita°); Sdhp 389, On māyā in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907, 122; on term in general
417. — f. māninī Mhvs 20, 4 (rūpa° proud of her beauty). Dhs trsl. 255 ("ilḷusion"); Expos. 333, 468 . — As adj. in
amāya (q. v.) & in bahu-māye rich in deceit SnA 351. —
Mānusa (adj. n.) [cp. Vedic mānuṣa; fr. same base (manus) as
Note. In the word maṁ at KhA 123 (in pop. etym. of man —
manussa] 1. (adj.) human Sn 301 (bhoga); It 94 (kāmā dibbā
ca mānusā); Pv ii.9 21 (m. deha); 9 56 (id.). — amānusa di- gala) the ed. of the text sees an acc. of mā which he takes to
vine Vv 35 ; Pv ii.12 ; ghostly (=superhuman) Pv iv.3 ; f. be a contracted form of māyā (=iddhi).
amānusī Pv iii.7. — 2. (n. m.) a human being, a man Mhvs -kāra a conjurer, magician S iii.142; Vism 366 (in com-
15, 64; f. mānusī a (human) woman J iv.231; Pv ii.4 . — parison); VbhA 196.
amānusa a superhuman being Pv iv.1 . — pl. mānusā men Māyāvin (adj.) [fr. māyā, cp. Vedic māyāvin] deceitful, hypo-
Sn 361, 644; Pv ii.11 . As nt. in collective sense=mankind Pv critical D iii.45, 246; Sn 89, 116, 357; Pug 19, 23; PvA 13.
ii.11 (v. l. mānussaṁ; C.=manussaloka). See also amāyāvin.
Mānusaka=mānusa, viz. 1. (adj.) human: A i.213 (sukhaṁ); Sn Māra [fr. mṛ, later Vedic, māra killing, destroying, bringing
524 (brahma — khettaṁ); Dh 417 (yogaṁ= m. kāyaṁ DhA death, pestilence, cp. Lat. mors death, morbus illness, Lith.
iv.225); Vv 35 ; J i.138 (kāmā). — f. manusikā Vism 407. māras death, pestilence] death; usually personified as Np.
— 2. a human being, man Pv iv.1 . Also nt. (collectively) Death, the Evil one, the Tempter (the Buddhist Devil or Prin-
pl. mānusakāni human beings, men DhA i.233. ciple of Destruction). Sometimes the term māra is applied to
Māneti [Caus. of man, cp. Sk. mānayati, Lat. moneo to admon- the whole of the worldly existence, or the realm of rebirth, as
ish. Ger. mahnen, Ags. manian. The Dhtp 593 gives root as opposed to Nibbāna. Thus the def of m. at Nd 506 gives
mān in meaning "pūjā"] to honour, revere, think highly of PvA "kammâbhisankhāra — vasena paṭisandhiko khandha-māro,
54 (aor. mānesuṁ,+garukariṁsu+pūjesuṁ). — pp. mānita. dhātu°, āyatana°. — Other general epithets of M (quasi twin
— embodiments) are given with Kaṇha, Adhipati, Antaka,

Māra Mālin

Namuci, Pamattabandhu at Nd 489=Nd 507; the two last malaka"). — The word is peculiar to the late (Jātaka — ) liter-
ones also at Nd 455. The usual standing epithet is pāpimā ature, & is not found in the older texts. — J i.449 (vikkama°);
"the evil one," e. g. S i.103 sq. (the famous Māra — Saṁyutta: iv.306; v.49 (visāla°), 138 (id., spelling maḷaka); Mhvs 15, 36
see Windisch, Māra & Buddha); Nd 439; DhA iv.71 (Māra- (Mahā — mucala°); 16, 15; 32, 58 (sanghassa kamma°, encl.
vatthu) & freq. — See e. g. Sn 32, 422, 429 sq., 1095, 1103; for ceremonial acts of the S., cp. 15, 29); DhA iv.115 (°sīmā);
Dh 7, 40, 46, 57, 105, 175, 274; Nd 475; Vism 79, 228, 376; Vism 342 (vitakka°).
KhA 105; SnA 37, 44 sq., 225, 350 sq., 386 sq.; Sdhp 318,
Mālatī (f.) [fr. mālā] the great — flowered jasmine Abhp 576.
449, 609. Further refs. & details see under Proper Names.
Cp. mālikā.
-âbhibhū overcoming M. or death Sn 545=571. -kāyika
Mālā (f.) [cp. Epic Sk. mālā] garland, wreath, chaplet; collec-
a class of gods Miln 285; KvuA 54. -dhītaro the daughters
tively=flowers; fig. row, line Sn 401; Pug 56; Vism 265 (in
of M. SnA 544. -dheyya being under the sway of M.; the 16
simile); Pv ii.3 (gandha, m., vilepana, as a "lady's" toilet out-
realm or kingdom of Māra A iv.228; Sn 764; Dh 34 (=kilesa 9
fit); ii.4 (as one of the 8 or 10 standard gifts to a bhikkhu: see
— vaṭṭa DhA i.289). -bandhana the fetter of death Dh 37,
dāna, deyyadhamma & yañña); PvA 4=J iii.59 (ratta- kaṇav-
276, 350 (=tebhūmaka — vaṭṭasankhātaṁ DhA iv.69). -senā
era° a wreath of red K. flowers on his head: apparel of a crim-
the army of M. Sn 561, 563; SnA 528.
inal to be executed. Cp. ratta — māla — dhara wearing a red
Māraka (—°) [fr. māreti] one who kills or destroys, as manussa°
garland J iii.179, an ensign of the executioner); PvA 51, 62. —
man — killer J ii.182; hatthi° elephant — killer DhA i.80. —
asi ° — kamma the sword — garland torture (so correct un-
m. in phrase samāraka (where the — ka belongs to the whole
der asi!) J iii.178; Dāvs iii.35; dīpa° festoons of lamps Mhvs
cpd.) see under samāraka.
5, 181; 34, 77 (°samujjota); nakkhatta° the garland of stars
Māraṇa (nt.) [fr. Caus. māreti] killing, slaughter, death D ii.128; VvA 167; puppha° a garland or wreath of flowers Mhvs 5,
Sdhp 295, 569. 181. — On mālā in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907, 123. In comp n
māla° sometimes stands for mālā°.
Māratta (nt.) [*Māra — tvaṁ] state of, or existence as a Māra
-kamma garland — work, garlands, festoons VvA 188.
god, Māraship Vbh 337.
-kāra garland — maker, florist, gardener (cp. Fick, Sociale
Mārāpita [pp. of mārāpeti] killed J ii.417; iii.531.
Gleiderung 38, 182) J v.292; Miln 331; DhA i.208, 334; VvA
Mārāpitatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. mārāpita] being incited to kill DhA 170, 253 (°vīthi). -kita adorned with garlands, wreathed Vin
i.141. i.208. -guṇa "garland — string," garlands, a cluster of gar-
lands Dh 53 (=mālā — nikaṭi "makeup" garlands DhA i.419;
Mārāpeti [Caus. II. of mṛ]: see marati. — pp. mārāpita.
i. e. a whole line of garlands made as "ekato — vaṇṭika —
Mārita [pp. of māreti] killed S i.66; Vin iii.72; J ii.417 (aññehi
mālā" and "ubhato — v. — m.," one & two stalked g., cp. Vin
m. — bhāvaṁ jānātha).
iii.180). mālā guṇaparikkhittā one adorned with a string of gs.,
Mārisa (adj.) [perhaps identical with mādisa] only in voc. as re- i. e. a marriageable woman or a courtesan M i.286=A v.264.
spectful term of address, something like "Sir," pl. "Sirs." In -guḷa a cluster of gs., a bouquet Vin iii.139; SnA 224; VvA
sg. mārisa M i.327; A iii.332; Sn 814, 1036, 1038, 1045 etc.; 32, 111 (v. l. guṇa). -cumbaṭaka a cushion of garlands,
Nd 140=Nd 508 (here expl by same formula as āyasmā, viz. a chaplet of flowers DhA i.72. -dāma a wreath of flowers
piya — vacanaṁ garu — vacanaṁ etc.); J v.140; Pv ii.13 ; J ii.104. -dhara wearing a wreath J iii.179 (ratta°, see also
Mhvs 1, 27. — pl. mārisā Sn 682; J i.47, 49; Vism 415; PvA above). -dhārin wearing a garland or wreath (on the head)
75. Explained by Buddhaghosa to mean niddukkha K.S. i.2 n. Pv iii.1 (kusuma°; v. l. BB °bhārin); PvA 169 (v. l. °bhārin);
Māruta [for the usual māluta] the wind S i.127; Mhbv 8. f. dhārinī Vv 32 (uppala°, of a Petī. See also bhārin). -puṭa
a basket for flowers DhA iii.212. -bhārin wearing a wreath
Māretar [n. ag. to māreti] one who kills, slayer, destroyer S
(chaplet) [the reading changes between °bhārin & °dhārin; the
BSk. prefers °dhārin, e. g. MVastu i.124 & °dhāra at Divy
Māreti [Caus. of mṛ] to kill: see under marati. — pp. mārita. 218] J iv.60, 82; v.45; PvA 211 (v. l. °dhārin); f. °bhārinī J
iii.530; VvA 12; & bhārī Th 1, 459 (as v. l.; T. reads °dhārī).
Māla (māḷa) [?] 1. mud [is it mis — spelling of mala?], in
Cp. °dhārin. -vaccha [vaccha here= vṛḳṣa] a small flowering
pakka-m°-kalala (boiling mud) J vi.400. Kern, Toev. s. v.
tree or plant, an ornamental plant Vin ii.12; iii.179; Vism 172
believes to see the same word in phrase mālā-kacavara at J
(v. l. °gaccha); DhA ii.109 (q. v. for expl : taruṇarukkha —
ii.416 (but very doubtful). — 2. perhaps= froth, dirty sur-
face, in pheṇa° Miln 117 (cp. mālin 2), where it may however
be māla ("wreaths of foam"). — 3. in asi° the interpretation Mālika (nt.) [fr. mālā or mala?] name of a dice J vi.281.
given under asi (as "dirt" see above p. 88) has been changed 2
Mālika [fr. mālā] a gardener, florist Abhp 507.
into "sword — garland," thus taking it as mālā.
Mālikā (f.) [fr. mālā] double jasmine Dāvs 5, 49.
Mālaka (Māḷaka) [fr. māla or māḷa] a circular (consecrated) en-
closure, round, yard (cp. Geiger, Mhvs. trsl. 99: "m. is a Mālin (adj.) [fr. mālā] 1. wearing a garland (or row) of flow- 2
space marked off and usually terraced, within which sacred ers (etc.) Pv iii.9 (=mālābhārin PvA 211); f. mālinī Vv 36
functions were carried out. In the Mahāvihāra (Tiss' ārāma) (nānā — ratana°); Mhvs 18, 30 (vividhadhaja° mahābodhi).
at Anurādhapura there were 32 mālakas; Dpvs xiv.78; Mhvs — 2. (perhaps to māla) bearing a stain of, muddy, in pheṇa°
with a surface (or is it garland? ) of scum Miln 260. — 3.
15, 192. The sacred Bodhi — tree e. g. was surrounded by a
what does it mean in pañca°, said at J vi.497 of a wild ani-

Mālin Māsācita

mal? (C. not clear with expl "pañcangika — turiya — saddo or radiata); usually comb with mugga, e. g. Vin iii.64; Miln
viya"). 267, 341; DA i.83. Also used as a weight (or measure?) in
dhañña — māsa, which is said to be equal to 7 lice: VbhA
Māluka (m. or f.?) [of uncertain origin] a kind of vessel, only in
343. — pl. māse Vv 80 (=māsa — sassāni VvA 310).
camma° leather bag (?) J vi.431 (where v. l. reads camma —
-odaka bean — water KhA 237. -khetta a field of beans
pasibbakāhi vālukādīhi), 432 (gloss c.— pasibbaka). 8
VvA 80 ; VvA 308. -bīja bean — seed DhA iii.212. -vana
Māluta [the proper Pali form for māruta, the a — stem form of plantation J v.37 (+mugga°).
maru =Vedic marut or māruta] wind, air, breeze S iv.218; Th 3 2
Māsa [identical with māsa ] a small coin (=māsaka) J ii.425
i.2; ii.372; J i.167; iv.222; v.328; vi.189; Miln 319; Vism 172
(satta māsā=s. māsakā C.).
(=vāyu); VvA 174, 178.
-īrita (contracted to māluterita) moved by the wind, Māsaka [fr. māsa +ka=māsa ] lit. a small bean, used as a stan-
fanned by the breeze Th 1, 754; ii.372; Vv 44 =81 ; Pv ii.12 . dard of weight & value; hence a small coin of very low value.
See similar expressions under īrita. Of copper, wood & lac (DhsA 318; cp. KhA 37; jatu°, dāru°,
loha°); the suvaṇṇa° (golden m.) at J iv.107 reminds of the
Māluvā (f.) [cp. BSk. mālu] a (long) creeper M i.306; S i.207;
"gold" in fairy tales. That its worth is next to nothing is seen
A i.202 sq.; Sn 272; Dh 162, 334; J iii.389; v.205, 215, 389;
v.205, 215, 389; vi.528 (phandana°); DhA iii.152; iv.43. — from the descending progression of coins at DhA iii.108=VvA
77, which, beginning with kahāpaṇa, aḍḍha-pāda, places
On maluvā in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907, 123.
māsaka & kāhaṇikā next to mudhā "gratis." It only "counts"
Mālūra [late Sk.] the tree Aegle marmelos Abhp 556.
when it amounts to 5 māsakas. — Vin iii.47, 67; iv.226
Mālya see malya. (pañca°); J i.112 (aḍḍha — māsakaṁ na agghati is worth noth-
ing); iv.107; v.135 (first a rain of flowers, then of māsakas,
Māḷa (& Māla) [Non — Aryan, cp. Tamil māḍam house, hall] a
then kahāpaṇas); DhA ii.29 (pañca — m. — mattaṁ a sum
sort of pavilion, a hall D i.2 (maṇḍala°, same at Sn p. 104,
which passage SnA 447 expl ns as "savitānaṁ maṇḍapaṁ"); of 5 m.); PvA 282 (m+aḍḍha° half — pennies & farthings, as
Vin i.140 (aṭṭa, māla, pāsāda; expl at Vin iii.201. In the same children's pocket — money).
sequence of Vbh 251 expl at VbhA 366 as "bhojana — sālā Māsakkhimhā at Vin iii.23 is for mā asakkhimhā "we could not";
— sadiso maṇḍala — māḷo; Vinay' aṭṭha — kathāyaṁ pana mā here stands for na.
eka — kūṭasangahito caturassa — pāsādo ti vuttaṁ"); Miln
Māsati, Māsana, Māsin [fr. mṛṣ, for massati etc.; see masati|
46, 47. — Cp. mālaka. — [The BSk. form is either māla, e.
touch, touching, etc. in sense of eating or taking in. So is
g. MVastu ii.274, or māḍa, e. g. Mvyut 226, 43.]
probably to be read for āsati etc. in the foll. passages, where
Māḷaka [a Non — Aryan word, although the Dhtm 395 gives roots m precedes this ā in all cases. Otherwise we have to refer them
mal & mall in meaning "dhāraṇa" (see under mala). Cp. mal- to a root ās=as (to eat) and consider the m as partly euphonic.
orika] a stand, viz. for alms — bowl (patta°) Vin ii.114, or for — dumapakkāni -māsita J ii.446 (C. reads māsita & expl by
drinking vessel (pānīya°) J vi.85. asita, dhāta); visa — māsita Milo 302 (T. reads visamāsita)
Māsa [cp. Vedic māsa, & mās; Gr. μήν (Ionic μείς); Av. māh having taken in poison; visa — māsan- ûpatāpa (id.) Vism
(moon & month); Lat. mensis; Oir. mī; Goth. mēna=moon; 166; tiṇa -māsin eating grass J vi.354 (=tiṇakhādaka C.). —
Ohg. māno, mānōt month. Fr. *mē to measure: see mināti] a A similar case where Sandhi — m — has led to a wrong par-
month, as the 12 part of the year. The 12 months are (be- tition of syllables and has thus been lost through syncope may
be P. eḷaka , as comp with Sk. methi (cp. Prk. meḍhi), pillar,
ginning with what chronologically corresponds to our mid-
dle of March): Citta (Citra), Vesākha, Jeṭṭha, Āsāḷha, Sāvaṇa,
Poṭṭhapāda, Assayuja, Kattika, Māgasira, Phussa, Māgha, Māsalu [reading uncertain] only instr. māsalunā Miln 292,
Phagguna. As to the names cp. nakkhatta. Usually in acc., Trenckner says (note p. 428): "m. is otherwise unknown, it
used adverbially; nom. rare, e. g. aḍḍha — māso half — must mean a period shorter than 5 months. Cp. Sk. māsala."
month VvA 66; Āsāḷhi — māsa VvA 307 (=gimhānaṁ pac- — Rh. D. (trsl. ii.148) translates "got in a month," following
chima māsa); pl. dve māsā PvA 34 (read māse); cattāro the Sinhalese gloss. — The period seems to be only a little
gimhāna — māsā KhA 192 (of which the 1 is Citra, other- shorter than 5 months; there may be a connection with catu in
wise called Paṭhama — gimha "1 summer" and Bāla — vas- the word.
anta "premature spring"). — Instr. pl. catūhi māsehi Miln. Māsācita [māsa +ācita] filled by the (say 6 or more) month(s),
82; PvA i.10 . — acc. pl. as adv.: dasamāse 10 months J
i. e. heavy (alluding to the womb in advanced pregnancy),
i.52; bahu — māse PvA 135; also nt. chammāsāni 6 months
heaped full M i.332 (kucchi garu — garu viya māsācitaṁ
S iii.155. Freq. acc. sg. collectively: a period of..., e. g. s
maññe ti; Neumann trsl "wie ein Sack voll Bohnen," thus tak-
temāsaṁ 3 months DhsA 15; PvA 20; catu° DA i.83; PvA 96; 2
ing m.=māsa , and ācita as "heap" which however is not justi-
satta° PvA 20; dasa° PvA 63; aḍḍha° a fortnight Vin iv.117.
fied). This passage has given rise to a gloss at Vbh 386, where
— On māsa (& f. māsī), as well as shortened form °ma see
māsācitaṁ maññe was added to kāyo garuko akammañño, in
puṇṇa. ns
meaning "heavy, languid." The other enum of the 8 kusīta
-puṇṇatā fullness or completion of the month DA i.140;
— vatthūni (A iv.332; D iii.255) do not give m. m. It may
-mattaṁ (adv.) for the duration of a month PvA 19.
be that the resemblance between akam— mañño and maññe
Māsa [Vedic māṣa, Phaseolus indica, closely related to another has played a part in reminding the Commentator of this phrase.
species: mudga Phaseolus mungo] a bean (Phaseolus indica The fact that Bdhgh comments on this passage in the VbhA (p.

Māsācita Mitta

510) shows, that the reading of Vbh 386 is a very old one. Bd- "pāṇaṁ hanati, adinnaṁ ādiyati, sandhiṁ chindati, nillopaṁ
hgh takes māsa in the sense of māsa & expl māsācita as "wet harati, ekāgārikaṁ karoti, paripanthe tiṭṭhati, paradāraṁ gac-
bean" (tinta māso), thus omitting expl of ācita. The passage at chati, musā bhaṇati" at Nd 144); VbhA 513 (°ñāṇa, °vimutti).
VbhA 510 runs: "ettha pana māsācitaṁ nāma tintamāso, yathā -micchā° often in same comb as sammā°, with which con-
tintamāso garuko hoti, evaṁ garuko ti adhippāyo." trasted, e. g. with the 8 parts of (an — ) ariya — magga,
Māsika (adj.) [fr. māsa ] 1. of a month, i. e. a month old Miln viz. °diṭṭhi (wrong) views (D iii.52, 70 sq., 76, 111, 246, 269,
287, 290, Dh 167, 316 sq.; Pug 39; Vism 469 (def.) PvA 27,
302. — 2. of a month, i. e. consisting of months, so many
42, 54, 67; cp. °ka one who holds wrong views D iii.45, 48,
months (old) (—°), as aḍḍha° at intervals of half a month D
i.166; M i.238, 343; Pug 55; dve° two months old Pv i.6 . — 264; Vism 426); °sankappa aspiration (D iii.254, 287, 290
sq., Dh 11); °vācā speech (ibid.); °kammanta conduct (ibid.);
3. monthly, i. e. once a month Th 1, 283 (bhatta). — Cp.
°ājīva living (D iii.176 sq., 254, 290; A ii.53, 240, 270, iv.82);
°vāyāma effort (D iii.254, 287, 290 sq.); °sati mindfulness
Māsiya (adj.) [=māsika] consisting of months D ii.327 (dvādasa°
(ibid.); °samādhi concentration (ibid.); see magga 2, and cp.
saṁvacchara the year of 12 months).
the following:
Miga [Vedic mṛga, to mṛj, cp. magga, meaning, when charac- -gahaṇa wrong conception, mistake J iii.304. -cāra
terised by another attribute "wild animal" in general, animal wrong behaviour Pug 39 (& adj. cārin); VbhA 383 (var. de-
of the forest; when uncharacterised usually antelope] 1. a wild grees). -paṭipadā wrong path (of life) Pug 49 (& adj.: °paṭi-
animal, an animal in its natural state (see cpds.). — 2. a deer, panna, living wrongly). -paṇihita (citta) wrongly directed
antelope, gazelle. Various kinds are mentioned at J v.416; two mind Dh 42=Ud 39 [cp. BSk. mithyāpraṇidhāna Divy 14].
are given at Nd 509, viz. eṇi (antelope) & sarabha (red deer): -patha wrong road, wrong course Vbh 145 (lit. & fig.; in ex-
see under eṇi & sarabha. — Sn 39, 72; J i.154; iii.270 (called egesis of diṭṭhi, cp. Nd taṇhā iii.; Dhs 381; DhsA 253).
Nandiya); PvA 62, 157. On miga in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907,
Miñja (nt.) & miñjā (f.) [Vedic majjan (fr. majj?); on form see
123, where more refs. are given. 1
Geiger. P.Gr. § 9 , & cp. Pischel, Prk. Gr. §§ 74, 101] mar-
-âdhibhū king of beasts (i. e. the lion) Sn 684. -inda
row, pith, kernel Vin i.25 (in sequence chavi, camma, maṁsa,
king of beasts (id.) Sdhp 593. -chāpaka young of a deer
nahāru, aṭṭhi, miñjā); Vism 235 (id.); Kh iii. (aṭṭhi°, f. cp.
VvA 279. -dāya deer park J iv.430 (Maddakucchi); VvA
KhA 52, nt.); J iv.402 (tāla° pith of the palm); Mhvs 28. 28
86 (Isipatana). -dhenu a hind J i.152; DhA iii.148. -bhūta
(panasa°, f., kernels of the seeds of the jak — fruit).
(having become) like a wild animal, M i.450 (°bhūtena cetasā). -rāsi heap of marrow Vism 260 (=matthalunga).
-mandalocana the soft eye of the deer Vv 64 ; Pv i.11 . See
Miñjaka=miñja, only in tela° inner kernels of tila — seed, made
under manda. -rājā king of the beasts (the lion) D iii.23 sq. 2
into a cake PvA 51. See doṇī .
-luddaka deer — hunter J i.372; iii.49, 184; DhA ii.82; VbhA
266 (in simile). -vadha deer — slaying J i.149. -vittaka, Mita [Vedic mita, pp. of mā, mināti, to measure; also in mean-
amateur of hunting J iv.267. -visāna a deer's horn Pug 56. ing "moderate, measured," cp. in same sense Gr. μέτριος]
-vīthi deer — road J i.372. measured, in measure D i.54 (doṇa° a doṇa measure full); Sn
Migavā (f.) [=Sk. mṛgayā, cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 46 ] hunt, hunting, 300 (bhāgaso m. measured in harmonious proportions, i. e.
stately); Pv i.10 (id.); J iii.541. — amita unlimited, without
deer — stalking PvA 154 (°padesa). Usually in devasikaṁ
migavaṁ gacchati to go out for a day's hunting J iv.267; or measure, boundless, in Ep. amit — ābha of boundless lustre
Sdhp 255. Also N. of a Buddha.
as pp. ekadivasaṁ migavaṁ gata VvA 260; ekāhaṁ m. g.
-āhāra measured, i. e. limited food Sn 707. -bhāṇin
Mhvs 5, 154.
speaking measuredly, i. e. in moderation Dh 227; J iv.252.
Migī (f.) [f. of miga, cp. Epic Sk. mṛgī] a doe Th 1, 109; J v.215;
Mitta (m. nt.) [cp. Vedic mitra, m. & nt., friend; Av. mipro,
vi.549; DhA i.48.
friend] friend. Usually m., although nt. occurs in meaning
Micchatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. micchā] item of wrong, wrongness.
"friend," in sg. (Nett 164) & pl. (Sn 185, 187); in meaning
There are 8 items of wrong, viz. the 8 wrong qualities as "friendship" at J vi.375 (=mittabhāva C.). The half — scien-
enum under (an — ) ariya — magga (see micchā), forming
tific, half — popular etym. of mitta, as given at VbhA 108, is
the contrary to the sammatta or righteousness of the Ariyan
"mettāyantī ti mittā, minantī ti vā m.; sabba — guyhesu anto
Path. These 8 at D ii.353; iii.254; A ii.221; iv.237; Vbh 387;
pakkhipantī ti attho" (the latter: "they enclose in all that is hid-
Vism 683. Besides these there is a set of 10, consisting of the 2
den"). — Two kinds of friends are distinguished at Nd 510 (in
above 8 plus micchā -ñāṇa and °vimutti wrong knowledge &
exegesis of Sn 37 & 75), viz. āgārika° (a house — or lay —
wrong emancipation: D iii.290; Vbh 391; Vism 683 (where
friend) and anāgārika° (a homeless — or clericalfriend). The
°ñāṇa & °viratti for vimutti). — See further D iii.217 (°niy-
former is possessed of all ordinary qualities of kindness and
ata); Pug 22; Dhs 1028 (cp. Dhs. trsl. §1028); Vbh 145; Tikp.
love, the latter of special virtues of mind & heart. — A friend
32 (°niyata — citta), 325 (°tika), 354 (id.).
who acts as a sort of Mentor, or spiritual adviser, is called a
Micchā (adv.) [Sk. mithyā, cp. Vedic mithaḥ interchanging, sep- kalyāṇa-mitta (see under kalyāṇa). — Mitta is often comb d
arate, opposite, contrary (opp. saṃyak together: see samma); with similar terms, devoting relationship or friendship, e. g.
mithū wrongly; see also mithu] wrongly, in a wrong way, with amaccā colleagues and ñāti-sālohita° blood — relations,
wrong —, false Sn 438 (laddho yaso), 815 (paṭipajjati leads a in ster. phrase at Vin ii.126; A i.222; Sn p. 104; PvA 28; cp.
wrong course of life, almost syn. with anariyaṁ. Illustrated by ñāti-mittā relatives & friends Pv i.5 ; suhada ("dear heart")

Mitta Milāyati

D iii.187 (four types, cp. m. paṭirūpaka); suhajja one who veying DA i.79; DhsA 123.
is dear to one's heart PvA 191; sahāya companion PvA 86. 1
Mināti [roots (Vedic) mā & mi; pres. minūte & minoti; Idg.
The neut. form occurs for kind things D iii.188; S i.37. —
*me, cp. Sk. mātra measure, māna; Av. mā —, mitiḥ mea-
Opp. sapatta enemy PvA 13; amitta a sham friend or enemy
sure; Gr. μάτιον small measure, μ¨ητις counsel Lat.; metior,
Sn 561 (=paccatthika SnA 455); D iii.185. pāpa-mitta bad
mensis, modus; Goth. mēla bushel; Ags. maed measure (cp.
friend PvA 5. — For refs. see e. g. Sn 58, 255, 296, 338; Dh
E. mete, meet= fitting); Lith. mẽtas year. — The Dhtm 726
78, 375.
gives mi in meaning "pamāṇa"] to measure VbhA 108 (see
-âbhirādhin one who pleases his friends J iv.274
etym. of mitta); Pot. mine J v.468 (=mineyya C.); fut. minis-
(=mittesu adubbhamāno C.) -ddu [cp. Sk. mitra — druha]
sati Sdhp 585. ger. minitvā Vism 72; grd. minitabba J v.90.
one who injures or betrays his friends S i.225; Sn 244; J iv.260; — Pass. mīyati: see anu°, — pp. mita. — Cp. anu°, abhi°,
also in foll. forms: °dubbha Pv ii.9 (same passage at J iv.352;
ni°, pa°, vi°. Caus. māpeti (q. v.).
v.240; vi.310, 375); °dūbha J iv.352; vi.310; °dūbhin [cp. Mināti [Vedic mināti, mī (or mi), to diminish; cp. Gr. μινύω
Sk. °drohin] J iv.257; v.97 (°kamma); vi.375; DhA ii.23.
diminish; Lat. minor=E. minor; Goth. mins (little), compar,
-paṭirūpaka a false friend, one pretending to be a friend D
minniza, superl. minnists=Ger. mindest. — The Dhtp 502
iii.185 (four types: añña — d — atthu — hara, vacī — parama,
gives mi with "hiṁsā," the Dhtm 725 with "hiṁsana." It ap-
anuppiyabhāṇin, apāya — sahāya, i. e. one who takes any-
plies the same interpretation to a root midh (Dhtm 536), which
thing, one who is a great talker, one who flatters, one who is a
is probably abstracted fr. Pass. mīyati] to diminish; also: to
spendthrift companion.) -bandhava a relation in friendship, ns
one who is one's relative as a friend Nd 455 (where Nd 11 hurt, injure. Very rare, only in some prep. comb . — See also
has manta — bandhava). -bheda see mithu — bheda -vaṇṇa
pretence of friendship, a sham friendship Pv iv.8 (=mitta — Miyyati (& Mīyati) [corresponding to Vedic mriyate, fr. mr, viâ
rūpa, m. — paṭirūpatā PvA 268). *mīryate>miyyati. See marati] to die. — (a) miyyati: Sn
804; Nett 23. med. 3 pl. miyyare Sn 575; pot. miyye J
Mittatā (f.) — (°) [abstr. fr. mitta] state of being a friend, friend-
vi.498; ppr. miyyamāna M iii.246; Vism 49; fut. miyyissati
ship, in kalyāṇa° being a good friend, friendship as a helper
M iii.246. — (b) mīyati (influenced in form by jīyati & mīyati
(see kalyāṇa) D iii.274; Vism 107. 2
of mināti ): M iii.168 (jāyati jīyati mīyati); J iii.189; Dh 21;
Mitti (f.) [a by — form of metti] friendship J i.468 (=metti C.).
pot. mīyetha D ii.63. ppr. mīyamāna S i.96. — pp. mata.
Mithu (adv.) [cp. Vedic mithū & P. micchā; mith, cp. mithaḥ al-
Milakkha [cp. Ved. Sk. mleccha barbarian, root mlecch, ono-
ternately, Av. miχō wrongly; Goth. misso one another, missa
mat. after the strange sounds of a foreign tongue, cp. babb-
— leiks different; Ger. E. prefix mis — i. e. wrongly: Ger.
hara & mammana] a barbarian, foreigner, outcaste, hillman
missetat wrong doing=misdeed; Lat. mūto to change, mu-
S v.466; J vi.207; DA i.176; SnA 236 (°mahātissa — thera
tuus reciprocal; Goth. maipms present=Ags. mapum; mith in
Np.), 397 (°bhāsā foreign dialect). The word occurs also in
Vedic Sk. is "to be opposed to each other," whereas in Vedic
form milakkhu (q. v.).
mithuna the notion of "pair" prevails. See also methuna] op-
posite, reciprocally, contrary Sn 825, 882 (taken by Nd 163 Milakkhu [the Prk. form (A — Māgadhī, cp. Pischel, Prk. Gr.
105, 233) for P. milakkha] a non — Aryan D iii.264; Th 1,
& 290, on both passages identically, as n. pl. of adj. instead
of adv., & expl by "dve janā dve kalaha — kāraka" etc.). 965 (°rajana "of foreign dye" trsl.; Kern, Toev. s. v. translates
"vermiljoen kleurig"). As milakkhuka at Vin iii.28, where
-bheda [evidently in meaning of mitta — bheda "break of
Bdhgh expl by "Andha — Damil' ādi."
friendship," although mithu means "adversary," thus perhaps
"breaking, so as to cause opposition"] breaking of alliance, en- Milāca [by — form to milakkha, viâ *milaccha>*milacca>
mity D ii.76; J iv.184 (here with v. l. mitta°); Kvu 314. milāca: Geiger, P.Gr. 62 ; Kern, Toev. s. v.] a wild man
of the woods, non — Aryan, barbarian J iv.291 (not with
Middha (nt.) [orig. pp. perhaps to Vedic mid (?) to be fat=medh,
C.=janapadā), cp. luddā m. ibid., and milāca — puttā J v.165
as DhsA 378 gives "medhatī ti middhaṁ." — More likely how-
(where C. also expl by bhojaputta, i. e. son of a villager).
ever connected with Sk. methi (pillar=Lat. meta), cp. Prk.
medhi. The meaning is more to the point too, viz. "stiff." Thus Milāta [pp. of milāyati] faded, withered, dried up J i.479; v.473;
semantically identical with thīna. — BSk. also middha, e. g. Vism 254 (°sappa — piṭṭhi, where KhA 49 in same passage
Divy 555] torpor, stupidity, sluggishness D i.71 (thīna°); Sn reads "milāta — dham(m)ani — piṭṭhi"); DhA i.335; iv.8
437; A v.18; Dhs 1157; Miln 299, 412 (appa° not slothful, i. (sarīra), 112; SnA 69 (°mālā, in simile); Mhvs 22, 46 (a°);
e. diligent, alert); Vism 450 (°rūpa; +rogarūpa, jātirūpa, etc., Sdhp 161.
in def. of rūpa); DA i.211 (expl as cetasika gelañña: see on
Milātatā (f.) [abstr. fr. milāta] only neg. a° the (fact of) not being
this passage Dhs trsl. §1155); Sdhp 459. — See thīna.
withered J v.156.
Middhin (adj.) [fr. middha] torpid, drowsy, sluggish Dh 325 Milāyati [Vedic mlā, to become soft; ldg. *melā & *mlei, as in
(=thīnamiddh' âbhibhūta DhA iv.16). Gr. βλας, βλακεύω to languish; Lat. flaccus withered (=flac-
Midha [does it refer to mī as in mināti , or to middha?] is given cid); Lith. blakà weak spot; also Gr. βληξρός weak. — Dhtp
as root in meaning "hiṁsana," to hurt at Dhtm 536 (with var. 440: "milā=gatta — vimāne" (i. e. from the bent limbs); Dhtm
v.v ll.), not sure. 679 id.] to relax, languish, fade, wither S i.126; It 76; J i.329;
v.90. — Caus. milāpeti [Sk. mlāpayati] to make dry, to cause
Minana (nt.) [fr. mi to measure, fix, construct] measuring, sur-
to wither J i.340 (sassaṁ); fig. to assuage, suppress, stifle J

Milāyati Mukha

iii.414 (taṇhaṁ). — pp. milāta. (spelt mhita°); J vi.221 (=sita C.). — Cp. vimhaya, vimhā-
paka, vimhita.
Millikā at PvA 144 in passage paṁsukūlaṁ dhovitv — âbhi-
siñcimillikañ ca katvā adāsi is to be read either as "abhisiñci Mīyati see miyyati (Pass. of marati).
cimillikañ ca k." or "abhisiñcitvā mudukañ ca k."
Mīlati [mīl, given at Dhtp 267 & 614 with "nimīlane"] to wink,
Miḷhakā at S ii.228 is to be read mīḷhakā (q. v.). only in cpd. nimīlati to close the eyes (opp. um°).
Misati [miṣ, Vedic miṣati, root given as misa at Dhtm 479, with Mīḷha [pp. of mih, Vedic mehati to excrete water, i. e. urine, only
expl "mīlane"] to wink (one's eyes): see ni°. with ref. to the liquid; Sk. mīḍha=Lat. mictus, pp. of mingo,
to urinate. Cp. Av. maēǤaiti to urinate, meǤ urine; Gr.
Missa (adj.) [orig. pp. of miś, cp. Vedic miśra. Sk. miśra-
ὀμιξεϊν & ο῎μιξμα id.; Ags. mīgan to ur.; in Ohg. mist & Ags.
yati, mekṣayati; Gr. μίγνυμι & μίσγω; Lat. misceo, mixtus;
miox the notion refers more to the solid excrement, as in Pāli.
Ags. miscian=mix; Ohg. miskan. — Dhtp 631 "sammissa"]
— A related root *meigh to shed water is found in megha,
1. mixed (with: — °); various Vin i.33 (kesa°, jatā° etc.=a
cloud (watershedder), q. v. for further cognates] excrement
mixture of, various); Th 1, 143; J iii.95, 144 (udaka — paṇṇa°
yāgu); Pv i.9 (missā kiṭakā). nt. missaṁ as adv. "in a mixed M i.454 =iii.236 (°sukhaṁ vile pleasure); A iii.241, 242; Th
way" Vism 552=VbhA 161 (+dvidhā). — 2. accompanied by 1, 1152; J ii.11; vi.112; Vv 52 (with ref. to the gūthaniraya);
Pv iii.4 (=gūtha PvA 194); DhA ii.53 (°ṁ khādituṁ).
(—°), having company or a retinue, a title of honour in names,
-kūpa pit of excr., cesspool Pgdp 22.
also as polite address [cp. Sk. miśra & āraya miśra] J v.153
(voc. f. misse), 154 (f. missā). — 3. missa° is changed Mīḷhakā (f.) [fr. mīḷha; cp. BSk. mīḍha — ghaṭa] cesspool S
to missī in comp with kṛ and bhū (like Sk.), thus in missī- ii.228 (so read for T. piḷhakā; v. l. BB miḷhakā). See also
bhāva (sexual) intercourse, lit. mixed state, union J ii.330; piḷhakā. The trsl. (K.S. ii.155) gives "dungbeetle."
iv.471; v.86; VbhA 107; and missī-bhūta mixed, coupled,
Mukula [cp. Sk. mukula] a bud; see makula (where also see
united J v.86 (=hatthena hatthaṁ gahetvā kāya — missībhā-
mukulita). — Abhp 811, 1116.
vaṁ upagata C.). Cp. sam.°
Mukka [pp. of muc, Sk. mukta, for the usual P. mutta; cp. Prk.
-kesī (f.) "mixed hair," Ep. of a heavenly maiden or Ap-
saras Vv 60 (expl at VvA 280 as "ratta — mālādīhi missita mukka, Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 566] only in um° & paṭi° (q. v.),
and as v. l. at M iii.61.
— kesavaṭṭī"). The m. missa-kesa occurs as a term for as-
cetics (with muṇḍa) at Vism 389. Mukkhaka at J i.441 should be read as mokkhaka, meaning
"first, principal, foremost"; cp. mokkha .
Missaka (adj. n.) [fr. missa] 1. mixed, combined J ii.8 (pha-
lika° rajata — pabbata mountain of silver mixed with crys- Mukha (nt.) [Vedic mukha, fr. Idg. *mu, onomat., cp. Lat.
tal); VbhA 16 (lokiya — lokuttara°); usually ° —, like °āhāra mu facere, Gr. μυκάομαι, Mhg. mūgen, Lat. mūgio to moo
mixed food DhA ii.101; °uppāda mixed portents, a main (of cows), to make the sound "moo"; Ohg. māwen to cry,
chapter of the art of prognosticating (cp. Bṛhat — Saṁhitā muckazzen to talk softly; also Gr. μϋχος word, "myth"; Ohg.
ch. 86: miśrak' âdhyāya) Miln 178; °bhatta=°āhāra SnA 97; mūla=Ger. maul; Ags. mule snout, etc. Vedic mūka silent,
Mhbv 27. — 2. (m.) an attendant, follower; f. missikā DhA dumb=Lat. mutus=E. mute] 1. the mouth Sn 608, 1022 (with
i.211 (Sāmāvati°). — 3. (nt.) N. of a pleasure grove in heaven ref. to the long tongue, pahūta — jivha, of the Buddha or
(lit. the grove of bodily union), one of the 3: Nandana, M., Mahāpurisa); J ii.7; DA i.287 (uttāna° clear mouthed, i. e.
Phārusaka J vi.278; Vism 424. — 4. (pl. missakā) a group of easy to understand, cp. D i.116); PvA 11, 12 (pūti°), 264
devas, mentioned at D ii.260 in list of popular gods (cp. missa (mukhena). — 2. the face J vi.218 (uṇṇaja m.); PvA 74, 75,
2 and missakesī). 77; °ṁ karoti to make a face (i. e. grimace) Vism 343. —
adho° face downward Vin ii.78; opp. upari° (q. v.); assu°
Missakatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. missaka] mixing, mixture, combina-
with tearful face Dh 67; PvA 39; see assu. — dum° (adj.)
tion with (—°) Tikp 291.
sad or unfriendly looking J ii.393; vi.343; scurrilous J v.78;
Missana (nt.) [fr. misseti] mixing Dhtp 338. 2
bhadra° brightfaced PvA 149; ruda° crying Pv i.11 . — 3.
Missita [pp. of misseti] mixed, intermingled Sn 243; J v.460; entrance, mouth (of a river) Mhvs 8, 12; āya° entrance (lit.
PvA 198 (dhañña sāsapa — tela°); VvA 280 (see under missa opening), i. e. cause or means of income DA i.218; ukkā°
— kesī). the opening of a furnace, a goldsmith's smelting pot A i.257;
Sn 686; J vi.217; 574. ubhato-mukha having 2 openings M
Misseti [Caus. of miś, Vedic miśrayati] 1. to mix Miln 126
i.57. sandhi° opening of the cleft PvA 4. Hence: — 4. cause,
(mayaṁ missayissāma); PvA 191 (palāse sālīhi saddhiṁ). —
ways, means, reason, by way of J iii.55 by way of a gift (dā-
2. to bring together in cohabitation, to couple J v.154 (C.: kile-
namukhe); iv.266 (bahūhi mukhehi). — apāya° cause of ruin
sana misseti). — pp. missita.
or loss A ii.166; iv.283. — 5. front part, front, top, in īsā°
Mihati is given as root mih in 2 meanings at Dhtp, viz. (1) īsa —
of the carriage pole S i.224=J i.203. Hence: — 6. the top
hasana (No. 328), i. e. a kind of laugh, for smi, as in mihita.
of anything, front, head, best part; adj. topmost, foremost Sn
(2) secana (No. 342).
568 (aggihutta — mukhā yaññā), 569 (nakkhattānaṁ mukhaṁ
Mihita (nt.) [pp. of smi; this is the inverted — diaeretic (Pāli) cando; cp. Vin i.246); VbhA 332 (=uttamaṁ, mukha — bhū-
form (smita>*hmita>*mhita>mihita) for the other (Sk.) form taṁ vā). — Der. adj. mokkha & pāmokkha (q. v.). Note. A
smita (q. v.). The Dhtp (328) puts root down as mih] a smile J poetical instr. sg. mukhasā is found at Pv i.2 & i.3 , as if the
iii.419; v.452; vi.504. — mihita-pubba with smiles Th 1, 460 nom. were mukho (s — stem). — The abl. mukhā is used as

Mukha Mucchañcikatā

adv. "in front of, before," in cpd. sam° & param°, e. g. PvA °bhaṭṭakatā Miln; °bhaṭyatā & °bbhaṭṭatā Vbh). At Nd 39 1
13. See each sep. it is used to explain sāvajja-bhogin, at Vism 17 & Vbh 246
-ādhāna (1) the bit of a bridle M i.446; (2) setting of the anācāra; at Vbh 352 lapanā; at Miln 370 it is used gener-
mouth, i. e. mouth — enclosure, rim of the m.; in m. sil- ally (cp. Miln trsl. ii.287). The C. expl of the Vbh passage,
iṭṭhaṁ a well — connected, well — defined mouth — con- as given at (VbhA 483 &) Vism 17 runs as follows: "mugga
tour DhsA 15 (not with trsl. "opens lightly," but better with — sūpa — samānāya sacc' âlikena jīvita kappanatāy' etaṁ ad-
note "is well adjusted," see Expos. 19, where write °ādhāna hivacanaṁ. Yathā hi muggasūpe paccante bahū muggā pākaṁ
for °ādāna). -āsiya (? cp. āsita ) to be eaten by the mouth gacchanti, thokā na gacchanti, evam eva saccâlikena jīvitakap-
DhsA 330 (mukhena asitabba). -ullokana looking into a per- pake puggale bahuṁ alikaṁ hoti, appakaṁ saccaṁ." The text
son's face, i. e. cheerful, bright, perhaps also flattering DhA at VbhA 483 is slightly different, although the sense is the
ii.193 (as °olokana). -ullokika flattering (cp. above) Nd 249 same. Similarly at Vism 27.
(puthu Satthārānaṁ m. puthujjana); PvA 219. -odaka water Muggatiya (nt.?) [fr. mugga?] a plant, according to C. a species
for rinsing the mouth Nd 39 =Miln 370; VvA 65; DhA ii.19;
of bean J vi.536.
iv.28. -ja born in (or from) the mouth, i. e. a tooth J vi.219.
Muggara [cp. Sk. mudgara] a club, hammer, mallet J i.113;
-tuṇḍa a beak VvA 227 [cp. BSk. mukhatuṇḍaka Divy 387].
ii.196, 382; v.47; vi.358; Miln 351; Vism 231; DhA i.126;
-dugga one whose mouth is a difficult road, i. e. one who uses
ii.21; PvA 4, 55 (ayo°), 56 (°pahāra), 66, 192. The word is
his mouth (speech) badly Sn 664 (v. l. °dukkha). -dūsi blem-
specifically peculiar to the so — called Jātaka style.
ishes of the face, a rash on the face DA i.223 (m. — dosa ibid.).
-dvāra mouth opening PvA 180. -dhovana-ṭṭhāna place for Mucala occurs as simplex only in Np. Mahā — mucala —
rinsing the mouth, "lavatory" DhA ii.184. -puñchana wiping mālaka Mhvs 15, 36. It refers to the tree mucalinda, of which
one's mouth Vin i.297. -pūra filling the mouth, a mouthful, it may be a short form. On the other hand mucal-inda appears
i. e. as much as to fill the mouth J vi.350. -pūraka mouth to the speaker of Pāli a cp. noun, viz. king of the mucala(s)
— filling Vism 106. -bheri a musical instrument, "mouth — (trees). Its (late?) Sk. correspondent is mucilinda, of which
drum," mouthorgan (?) Nd 219 B; SnA 86. -makkaṭika the P. form may be the regular representative (cp. Geiger
a grimace (like that of a monkey) of the face J ii.70, 448 (T. P.Gr. § 34). — 1. the tree Barringtonia acutangula (Nicula*,
makkaṭiya). -vaṭṭi "opening — circumference," i. e. brim, of which it may be a dialectical distortion: *Abhp 563 nic-
edge, rim DhA ii.5 (of the Lohakumbhi purgatory, cp. J iii.43 ula>*mucula> *mucala) Vin i.3; J v.405 (°ketakā, Dvandva);
lohakumbha — mukhavaṭṭi); DhA iii.58 (of a gong). -vaṇṇa vi.269 (id.). — 2. N. of a nāga (serpent) king Vin i.3. — 3. N.
the features PvA 122, 124. -vikāra contortion of the mouth of a great lake J vi.534, 535.
J ii.448. -vikūṇa (=vikāra) grimace SnA 30. -sankocana
Mucchati [murch, an enlargement of Vedic mūr to get stiff (as
distortion or contraction of the mouth, as a sign of displeasure
in mūra stupid, dull, cp. Gr. μωρός; Sk. mūrakha foolish).
DhA ii.270; cp. mukha — sankoca Vism 26. -saññata con-
Used in 2 senses, viz. (a) to become stiff & (b) (Caus.) to
trolling one's mouth (i. e. speech) Dh 363, cp. DhA iv.93.
harden, increase in tone, make louder. From (a) a fig. mean-
Mukhara (adj.) [cp. Sk. mukhara; fr. mukha] garrulous, noisy, ing is derived in the sense of to become dulled or stupid, viz.
scurrilous S i.203; v.269; A i.70; iii.199, 355; Th 1, 955; Sn infatuated, possessed. — See also Lüders in K.Z. xlii.194 a.
275; J iii.103; DhA ii.70 (ati°); PvA 11. — opp. amukhara How far we are justified to connect Dhtp 216 mū & 503 mu
M i.470; Th 1, 926; Pug 35; Miln 414. ("bandhane") with this root is a different question. These 2
roots seem to be without connections. — mūrch itself is at
Mukharatā (f.) [fr. mukhara] talkativeness, garrulousness, nois-
Dhtp 50 defined with "mohe"] 1. (spelt muccati) to become
iness DhA ii.70.
stiff, congeal, coagulate, curdle Dh 71; DhA ii.67. — 2. to
Mugga [Vedic mudga, cp. Zimmer, Altind. Leben 240] a kind of become infatuated D iii.43 (majjati+). — 3. only in Caus.
kidney — bean, Phaseolus mungo, freq. comb with māsa 2
muccheti to make sound, to increase in tone J ii.249 (vīṇaṁ);
(q. v.). On its size (larger than sāsapa, smaller than kalāya)
iii.188 (id.). — pp. mucchita.
see A v.170 & cp. kalāya. — D ii.293; M i.57 (+māsa); S
Mucchanā (f.) [fr. mucchati 2] swelling or rising in tone, increase
i.150; J i.274, 429; iii.55; vi.355 (°māsā); Miln 267, 341; SnA
of sound J ii.249 (vīṇaṁ uttama — mucchanāya mucchetvā
-sūpa bean — soup Vism 27. -sūpyatā "bean —
soupcharacter," or as Vism trsl. 32 has it "bean — currytalk"; Mucchañcikatā (°añji°) is probably the correct reading for
fig. denoting a faulty character, i. e. a man who behaves puñcikatā. — We find puñcikatā at Dhs 1136, 1230; Vbh
like bean — soup. The metaphor is not quite transparent; it 351, 361 (v. l. pucchañji°); DhsA 365; mucchañci° at Nd 1
is expl by Bdhgh as meaning a man speaking half — truths, 8 & Nd p. 152; pucchañji° at VbhA 477. The meaning is
as in a soup of beans some are only half — boiled. The expl n "agitation," as seen from expl of term at DhsA 365 ("wag-
is forced, & is stereotype, as well as is the comb in which it ging of a dog's tail," pucchaṁ cāleti), and VbhA 477 ("lābhan'
occurs. Its origin remains to be elucidated. Anyhow it refers âlābhanaka — ṭhāne vedhanā kampanā nīcavuttatā"). — The
to an unevenness in character, a flaw of character. The pas- etym. expl is difficult; we may take it as a (misunderstood)
sage (with var. spellings) is always the foll.: cāṭukamyatā corruption of *mucch-angi-kata i. e. mucchā+anga+kṛ "be-
(pātu° Nd ; °kammatā Miln; pāṭu° Vbh) mugga-sūpyatā (°sū- ing made stiff — of — limbs," or "swoon." Psychologically
patā Nd ; °suppatā Miln & KhA 236; °sūpatā and suppatā Vbh we may take "swoon" as the climax of agitation, almost like
& VbhA 338; supyatā Vism) pāribhaṭṭatā (°bhatyatā Vism.; "hysterics." A similar case of a similar term of swooning be-

Mucchañcikatā Muṇḍa

ing interpreted by Bdhgh as "wavering" (cal) is chambhi- Sohroeder (Worte der Wahrheil) trsl "noch stürzt der Priester
tatta "paralysis," expl as "sakalasarīra calanaṁ" at DA i.50. auf den Feind"! — 7. to abandon, give up, leave behind Dh
— The expression mucchañcikatā reminds us of the term 348 (muñca, viz. taṇhaṁ DhA iv.63); J v.453 (peta — rāja —
kaṭukañcukatā. visayaṁ). — 8. An idiomatic (late) use of the ger. muñciya
(with acc.) is in the sense of an adv. (or prep.), meaning "ex-
Mucchā [fr. mūrch] 1. fainting, swoon PvA 174. — 2. infatua-
cept, besides," e. g. maṁ m. Mhvs 25, 67; imaṁ m. (besides
tion A ii.10 (kāma°). Sn 328; Dhs 1059.
this Mhvs 14, 17). — Cp. pa°, paṭi°, vi°. Note. At Dh 71
Mucchita [pp. of mucchati] 1. fainted, swooning, in a faint J
muccati stands for muccheti (=Sk. mūrchati) to become stiff,
i.243; DhA ii.112; PvA 62, 174, 258. — 2. distraught, infat-
coagulate, curdle; cp. DhA ii.67.
uated S i.61, 204; A i.274; D iii.46 (a°); It 92; J iii.432; v.274
Muñcana & Muccana (nt.) [abstr. fr. muc] 1. release, being
(C. for pagiddha & gadhita). — Cp. pa°.
freed, deliverance J iv.478 (mucc°); °ākāra (muñc°) means of
Mujjati [The P. form of the Sk. majj] to sink, dive, be submerged
deliverance (dukkhato from ill) DhA i.267; °kāla time of re-
Dhtp 70 (mujja=mujjana). Only in cpds. um° & ni°.
lease (dukkhā from suffering) DhA ii.11 (mucc°, v. l. muñc°).
Muñcati [Vedic muñcati; muc, to release, loosen; with orig. — 2. letting loose, emitting, giving, bestowing VbhA 249
meaning "strip off, get rid of," hence also "glide" as in Lith. (speaking, shouting out; Vism reading p. 265 is to be corrected
mūkti to escape, Ags. smūgan to creep, Ger. schmiegen to fr. mañcana!); PvA 132 (v. l. dāna).
rub against. See further connections in Walde, Lat. Wtb., s. v. Muñcanaka (adj.) [fr. muñcana] sending out or forth, emitting
emungo. The Dhtp 376 expl by mocane, Dhtm 609 id.; 631:
VvA 303 (pabhā°).
moce; 765: pamocane] I. Forms. The 2 bases muñc° & mucc°
Muñja [Vedic muñja, cp. Zimmer, Altind. Leben 72] 1. a sort of
are differentiated in such a way, that muñc° is the active base,
grass (reed) Saccharum munja Roxb. Sn 440. °kesa having a
and mucc° the passive. There are however cases where the
dark mane (like m. grass) D ii.174. °pādukā slipper made of
active forms (muñc°) are used for the passive ones (mucc°),
m. grass DhA iii.451. °maya made of m. grass Sn 28. — The
which may be due simply to a misspelling, ñc & cc being very
reed itself is called isīkā (q. v.). — 2. a sort of fish J iv.70
similar. — A. Active. pres. muñcati J i.375; iv.272; v.453;
Vv 64 ; pot. muñcetha Dh 389; imper. muñca Dh 348; (+rohita, taken as Dvandva by C.); vi.278 (id.).
ppr. muñcanto Sn 791; aor. muñci J v.289; Mhvs 19, 44; Muṭa see mutoḷī. Otherwise occurring in Np. Muṭa-siva at Mhvs
pl. muñciṁsu J iv.142; ger. muñciya Mhvs 25, 67; mutvā 11, 4.
J i.375; & muñcitvā ibid.; PvA 43; inf. muñcituṁ D i.96.
Muṭṭha [pp. of mussati, mṛṣ] having forgotten, one who forgets;
— Caus. II. muñcāpeti D i.148. — B. Passive. pres. muc-
only in two cpds., viz. °sacca [der. fr. foll.: muṭṭha+sati+ya]
cati Sn 508; ppr. muccanto J i.118; imper, sg. muccassu Th forgetfulness, lit. forgotten — mindedness, usually comb d
2, 2; pl. muccatha DhA ii.92; pot. muñceyya Pv ii.2 ; PvA
with asampajañña, D iii.213; A v.149; Pug 21; Dhs 1349
104; Dh 127; fut. muccissati J i.434 (where also muñcissati in
(where read: yā asati ananussati... adhāraṇatā pilāpanatā sam-
same sense); DhA i.105; iii.242; PvA 53, 105; also mokkhasi mussanatā); Vbh 360, 373; Vism 21; DhA iv.85; & °sati(n)
Vin i.21=S i.111; pl. mokkhanti Dh 37; aor. mucci(ṁsu) S (adj.) "forgetful in mindfulness," i. e. forgetful, careless, be-
iii.132; iv.20; J ii.66; inf. muccituṁ Th 1, 253; DhA i.297.
wildered [cp. BSk. amuṣitasmṛti Lal. V. 562, to all appear-
— Caus. moceti & mocāpeti (q. v.). — pp. mutta. —
ance (wrongly) derived from P. musati to rob, mus, muṣṇāti]
II. Meanings. 1. to release, deliver (from=abl.), set free (opp.
D iii.252, 282; S i.61 (+asampajāna); Pug 21, 35 (neither pas-
bandhati) Sn 508 (sujjhati, m., bajjhati); S iii.132 (cittāni muc- d
sage expl in PugA!); J iii.488; VbhA 275. As °satika at Miln
ciṁsu their hearts were cleansed), Th 2, 2 (muccassu); Dh 127 79. — Note. muṭṭhasati with var. (unsuccessful) etym. is
(pāpakammā, quoted at PvA 104); Pv ii.2 ; PvA 53 (niray'
discussed in detail also by Morris, J.P.T.S. 1884, pp. 92 — 94.
ûpapattito muccissati), 105; DhA i.297 (dukkhā muccitu —
Muṭṭhi (f.) [Vedic muṣṭi, m. f. Does def "muṭ=mad-dane" at
kāma desirous of being delivered from unpleasantness; v. l.
Dhtm 125 refer to muṭṭhi?] the fist VvA 206. muṭṭhī katvā
muñc°); ii.92 (dukkhā). — 2. to send off, let loose, drop,
gaṇhāti to take by making a fist, i. e. clutch tightly, clenching
give J iv.272 (saraṁ an arrow); Vism 313 (dhenu vacchakassa
one's fist J vi.331. — muṭṭhiṁ akāsi he made a fist (as sign)
khīra — dhāraṁ m.); Mhvs 25, 63 (phalakaṁ). — 3. to let
J vi.364. As — ° often meaning "handful." — ācariya- muṭṭhi
out of the yoke, to unharness, set free D i.148 (satta usab-
close — fistedness in teaching, keeping things back from the
hasatāni muñcāpeti); PvA 43 (yoggāni muñcitvā). — 4. to let
pupil D ii.100; S v.153; J ii.221, 250; VvA 138; SnA 180,
go, emit, send forth (light) J v.289 (obhāsaṁ muñci); Mhvs 19,
368. kuṇḍaka° handful of rice powder VvA 5; DhA i.425.
44 (rasmiyo). — 5. to send forth (sound); to utter, emit (words
etc.) J i.375 (vācaṁ); Vv 64 18 (mālā m. ghosaṁ=vissajjenti taṇḍula° handful of rice PvA 131. tila° do. of tilaseeds J
ii.278. paṁsu° do. of soil J vi.405. ritta° an empty fist SnA
VvA 281). — 6. (from 4 & 5 in general) to undertake, to
306=DhA iv.38 (°sadisa alluding to ignorance).
bestow, send forth, let loose on Dh 389: "na brāhmaṇassa pa-
-yuddha fist — fight, boxing D i.6. -sammuñjanī "fist-
hareyya nâssa muñcetha brāhmaṇo," where DhA iv.148 sup-
broom" a short broom DhA ii.184.
plements veran na muñcetha (i. e. kopaṁ na kareyya). In
this case veraṁ muñcati would be the same as the usual ve- Muṭṭhika [fr. muṭṭhi] 1. a fist — fighter, wrestler, boxer Vin
raṁ bandhati, thus opposite notions being used complemen- ii.105 (malla°); J iv.81 (Np.); vi.277; Vism 31 (+malla). — 2.
tarily. The interpretation "give up" (enmity) instead of "under- a sort of hammer J v.45.
take" is possible from a mere grammatical point of view. L. v.
Muṇḍa (adj.) [cp. BSk. muṇḍa] bald, shaven; a shaven, (bald

Muṇḍa Mutta

— headed) ascetic, either a samaṇa, or a bhikkhu or (f.) -mangalika one who prophesies from, or derives lucky
bhikkhunī S i.175 (m. sanghāṭi — pāruta); Vin iv.265 (f.); Sn auspices from impressions (of sense; as comp with diṭṭha —
p. 80 (=muṇḍita — sīsa SnA 402). — kaṇṇa° with cropped mangalika visible — omen — hunter, and suta — m. sound
or shorn ears (appl to a dog) Pv ii.12 , cp. muṇḍaka. — augur) J iv.73 (where C. clearly expl by "touch"); KhA
-pabbataka a bare mountain J i.303 (Hatthimatta); VvA 119 (the same expl more in detail). -visuddhika of great
302 (v. l. for T. muṇḍika — pabbata). -vaṭṭin "shaven purity, i. e. orthodox, successful, in matters of touch Nd 89,
hireling" (?), a king's servant, probably porter Vin ii.137. 90. -suddhi purity in matter of touch Nd 104, 105.
The expl given by Bdhgh on p. 319 (on CV. v. 29. 5)
Muti (f.) [for mati, cp. muta] sense — perception, experi-
is twofold, viz. malla — kammakar' ādayo viya kacchaṁ 1
ence, understanding, intelligence Sn 864; Nd 205 (on Sn
banditvā nivāsenti; and muṇḍa — veṭṭhī (sic) ti yathā rañño
846=hearsay, what is thought); Vbh 325 (diṭṭhi, ruci, muti,
kuhiñci gacchanto parikkhāra — bhaṇḍavahana — manussā ti d
where muti is expl at VbhA 412 as "mudatī ti muti"!) 328;
adhippāyo. Maybe that reading veṭi is more correct. -sira
Sdhp 221. Cp. sam°.
shaven head DhA ii.125.
Mutinga [Sk. mṛdanga on d>t. cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 23] a small
Muṇḍaka=muṇḍa; cp. BSk. muṇḍaka Divy 13. — Sn p. 80; drum, tabour D i.79; Vin i.15; S ii.266 sq. (a famous mytho-
Dh 264 (=sīsa — muṇḍana — matta DhA iii.391, qualifica-
logical drum, called Ānaka; same also at J ii.344); J iv.395
tion of a shaveling); VvA 67 (°samaṇā, Dvandva). — aḍḍha°
(bheri+); KhA 49. Spelling mudinga at S ii.266; J iv.395;
shaven over one half the head (sign of loss of freedom) Mhvs
Vism 250; VbhA 232; VvA 210 (v. l. SS mutinga), 340 (id.).
6, 42. — kaṇṇa° "with blunt corners," N. of one of the 7 great
-sadda sound of the drum J i.3 (one of the 10 sounds,
lakes: see under kaṇṇa. -paṭisīsaka the chignon of a shavel-
hatthi°, assa° etc.).
ing, in phrase: kāsāyaṁ nivāsetvā muṇḍaka-paṭisīsakaṁ
Mutimant (adj.) [fr. muti] sensible, intelligent, wise Sn 539; as
sīse paṭimuñcitvā fastening the (imitation) top — knot of a
mutīmā at Sn 61, 321, 385; pl. 881; J iv.76 (as mutīmā &
shaveling to his head Miln 90; cp. J ii.197 (paccekabuddha —
mutimā); Nd 511=259. Cp. matimant.
vesaṁ gaṇhitvā paṭisīsakaṁ paṭimuñcitvā), similarly J v.49.
Mutoḷī [?] a doubtful word occurring only in one stock phrase,
Muṇḍatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. muṇḍa] the fact of being shaven or
viz. "ubhato — mukhā m. pūrā nānā — vihitassa dhaññassa"
shorn PvA 106.
at M i.57 (vv. ll. putoḷi, mūṭolī)=iii.90 (mūtoḷī)=D ii.293 (T.
Muṇḍana (nt.) [fr. muṇḍa] shaving, tonsure DhA iii.391
mutoli, v. l. muṭoli; gloss K pūtolī). The Dial. ii.330 trsl.
Muṇḍika ( — pabbata) bare (mountain), uncertain T. reading at "sample bag" (see note on this passage; with remark "spelling
VvA 302 for v. l. SS muṇḍa- pabbata (q. v.). uncertain"). Neumann, Mittlere Sammlung i.101 trsl "Sack."
— Kern, Toev. s. v. mutoḷī tries to connect it with BSk. moṭa
Muṇḍita [pp. of muṇḍeti] shaven SnA 402 (°sīsa).
(Hindi moṭh), bundle, which (with vv. ll. mūḍha, muṭa, mūṭa)
Muṇḍiya [abstr. fr. muṇḍa] baldness, shaven condition (of as-
occurs only in one stock phrase "bharaiḥ motaiḥ piṭakaiḥ" at
cetics & bhikkhus) M i.515; Sn 249; Kvu i.95; Sdhp 374.
Divy 5, 332, 501, 524. The more likely solution, however, is
Muṇḍeti [Denom. — Caus. from muṇḍa] to shave Mhbv 103. — that mutoḷī is a distortion of puṭosā (puṭosa), which is found
pp. muṇḍita. — The BSk. has only Caus. II. muṇḍāpay- as v. l. to puṭaṁsa at all passages concerned (see puṭaṁsa).
ati, at Divy 261. Should Dhtp 106 "muṇḍ= khaṇḍha" be the Thus the meaning is "bag, provision — bag." The BSk. moṭa
def of muṇḍati? — At J iii.368 we find muṇḍati for muṇḍeti (muṭa) remains to be elucidated. The same meaning "provi-
(kuṇṭha — satthena muṇḍanto viya), which should prob. be sion — bag" fits at Vism 328 in cpd. yāna°, where spelling is
read muṇḍento. T. °paṭṭoli, v. l. BB °putoḷi, but which is clearly identical with
our term. We should thus prefer to read yāna-puṭosi "carriage
Muta [for mata, cp. Geiger. P.Gr. § 18] thought, supposed,
— bag for provisions."
imagined (i. e. received by other vaguer sense impressions
than by sight & hearing) M i.3; Sn 714 (=phusan' arahaṁ SnA Mutta [pp. of muñcati; Sk. mukta] 1. released, set free, freed; as
498), 812; J v.398 (=anumata C.); Vbh 14, 429 sq. — Of- — ° free from Sn 687 (abbhā° free from the stain of a cloud);
ten in set diṭṭha suta muta what is seen, heard & thought Dh 172 (id.), 382 (id.). — Dh 344; Pv iv.1 ; PvA 65 (su°). —
(? more likely "felt," cp. Nd 298: diṭṭha=cakkhunā d., su- 2. given up or out, emitted, sacrificed Vin iii.97=iv.27 (catta,
taṁ=sotena s., mutaṁ=ghānena ghāyitaṁ, jivhāya sāyitaṁ, vanta, m.) A iii.50 (catta+). Cp. vi°. — 3. unsystematised.
kāyena phuṭṭaṁ, and viññātaṁ=manasā v.; so that from the Comp. 9, 137 (vīthi°).
interpretation it follows that d. s. m. v. refer to the action (per- -ācāra of loose habits D i.166=iii.40=Pug 55 (where expl d
ception) of the 6 senses, where muta covers the 3 of taste, smell at PugA 231, as follows: vissatth' ācāro. Uccārakamm' ādīsu
& touch, and viññāta the function of the manas) S i.186 (K.S. lokiya — kulaputt' ācārena virahito ṭhitako va uccāraṁ karoti
i.237 note); iv.73; Th i.1216. Similarly the psychol. analysis passāvaṁ karoti khādati bhuñjati). -paṭibhāna of loose in-
of the senses at Dhs 961: rūp' āyatanaṁ diṭṭhaṁ; sadd — āyat. telligence, or immoderate promptitude (opp. yutta°), quick —
sutaṁ; gandh°, ras°, phoṭṭhabb° mutaṁ; sabbaṁ rūpaṁ man- tempered Pug 42 (cp. PugA 223); SnA 110, 111; -saddha
asā viññātaṁ. See on this passage Dhs trsl. § 961 note. In the given up to faith Sn 1146 (=saddhâdhimutta Nd 512). -sirā
same sense DhsA 388 (see Expositor, ii.439). — D iii.232; (pl.) with loose (i. e. confused) heads KhA 120=Vism 415.
Sn 790 (cp. Nd 87 sq. in extenso) 793, 798, 812, 887, 901, 2
Mutta (nt.) [cp. Vedic mūtra; Idg. *meud to be wet, as in Gr.
914, 1086, 1122. Thus quite a main tenet of the old (popular)
μύζω to suck, μυδάω to be wet; Mhg. smuz (=Ger. schmutz),
E. smut & mud, Oir. muad cloud (=Sk. mudira cloud); Av.

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