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Pali English Dictionary.

Pasāraṇa Passambhati

Pasāraṇa (nt.) [fr. pa+sṛ, cp. pasaraṇa] stretching out DA i.196 Pasūta [pp. of pasavati] produced; having born, delivered PvA
(opp. sammiñjana); DhA i.298 (hattha°). 80.
Pasārita [pp. of pasāreti] 1. stretched out, usually in contrast with Pasūti (f.) [fr. pa+su] bringing forth, birth, in °ghara lying — in
sammiñjita, e. g. at D i.222; Vin i.230; M iii.35, 90; S i.137; chamber Nd 120; Vism 235; KhA 58 (where Vism 259 reads
Vism 19; VvA 6. — 2. put forth, laid out, offered for sale sūtighara).
Miln i.336. 73
Paseṭṭha at Pv ii.9 is to be read pasaṭṭha (see pasattha).
Pasāreti [Caus. of pa+sṛ] 1. to cause to move forwards, to let
Pasodheti [pa+Caus. of śudh] to cleanse, clean, purity D i.71
or make go, to give up J vi.58 (pasāraya, imper.). — Pass.
pasāriyati Vism 318; PvA 240 (are turned out of doors). — 1
Passa [cp. Sk. paśya, fr. passati] seeing, one who sees Th 1, 61
2. to stretch out, hold out or forth, usually with ref. to either
(see Morris, in J.P.T.S. 1885, 48).
arm (bāhuṁ, bāhaṁ, bāhā) S i.137 (opp. sammiñjeti); DA
i.196; PvA 112, 121; or hand (hatthaṁ) J v.41; vi.282; PvA Passa (m. & nt.) [Vedic pārśva to parśu & pṛṣṭi rib, perhaps also
113; or feet (pāde, pādaṁ) Th 2, 44, 49, cp. ThA 52; DhsA connected with pārṣṇi side of leg, see under paṇhi] 1. side,
324 (=sandhiyo paṭippanāmeti). — 3. to lay out, put forth, flank M i.102; iii.3; A v.18; Sn 422; J i.264; iii.26. Pleonastic
offer for sale Vin ii.291; DhA ii.89. — pp. pasārita (q. v.), in piṭṭhi° (cp. E. backside) the back, loc. behind J i.292; PvA
Cp. abhi° 55. — 2. (mountain — ) slope, in Himavanta° J i.218; v.396
(loc. pasmani=passe C.).
Pasásati [pa+śās] 1. to teach, instruct S i.38; J iii.367, 443. — 2.
to rule, reign, govern D ii.257; Cp. iii.14 ; PvA 287. Passati [Vedic paśyati & *spaśati (aor. aspaṣṭa, Caus. spāśay-
ati etc.); cp. Av. spasyeiti, Gr. σκέπτομαι, (E. "scepsis");
Pasāsana (nt.) [fr. pa+śās] teaching, instruction J iii.367.
Lat. species etc.; Ohg. spehon=Ger. spāhen (E. spy). — The
Pasibbaka (m. nt.) [fr. pa+siv, late Sk. prasevaka> P. paseb- paradigm pass°, which in literary Sk. is restricted to the pres.
baka>pasibbaka, cp. Geiger. P.Gr. 15 ] a sack, Vin iii.17; J
stem (paś) interchanges with the paradigm dakkh° & dass°
i.112, 351; ii.88, 154; iii.10, 116, 343 (camma° leather bag); 1
(dṛś): see dassati ] 1. to see — Pres. passati Vin i.322; S
iv.52, 361; v.46 (pūpa°), 483; vi.432 (spelling pasippaka); DA 2
i.69, 132, 198; ii.29; Sn 313, 647, 953, 1063, 1142 (cp. Nd
i.41; DhA iv.205. 3 st
428); Pv i.2 ; Miln 218; PvA 11, 102; 1 pl. passāma Sn 76,
Pasibbita [pp. of pa+siv] sewn up, enveloped by (—°) Th 1, 1150 153, 164; Pv i.10 (as future); imper. sg. passa Sn 435, 580,
(maṁsa — nahāru°). 588, 756; J i.223; ii.159; Pv ii.1 , 1 ; PvA 38; pl. passatha
S ii.25; Sn 176 sq., 777, & passavho (cp. Sk. paśyadhvaṁ)
Pasīdati [pa+sad] 1. to become bright, to brighten up PvA 132 2
Sn 998. — ppr. passaṁ (see Geiger, P.Gr. 97 ) M ii.9; Sn
(mukha — vaṇṇo p.). — 2. to be purified, reconciled or
739, 837, 909; & passanto J iii.52; PvA 5, 6; f. passantī S
pleased; to be clear & calm, to become of peaceful heart
i.199. — grd. passitabba J iv.390 (a°). — fut. passissati Pv
(mano or cittaṁ p.); to find one's satisfaction in (loc.), to have
ii.4 ; PvA 6. — aor. passi J ii.103, 111; iii.278, 341. — 2.
faith D ii.202; S i.98; ii.199 (sutvā dhammaṁ p.); A iii.248; n
Sn 356, 434, 563; Nd 426 (=saddahati, adhimuccati okap- to recognise, realise, know: only in comb with jānāti (pres.
peti); Vv 50 (mano me pasīdi, aor.); Vism 129; Miln 9; DhA jānāti passati; ppr. jānaṁ passaṁ): see jānāti 11. — 3. to find
Sn 1118 (=vindati paṭilabhati Nd 428 ); J iii.55; Pv ii.9 . —
iii.3 (=he is gracious, i. e. good); VvA 6 (better v. l. pas-
Cp. vi°.
sitvā); PvA 141. — pp. pasanna (q. v.). See also pasādeti &
vippasīdati. Passaddha [pp. of passambhati, cp. BSk. praśrabdha Divy 48]
calmed down, allayed, quieted, composed, aṭ ease. Almost
Pasīdana (nt.) [fr. pasīdati] calming, happiness, purification Ps
exclusively with ref. to the body (kāya), e. g. at Vin i.294;
ii.121 (SS passādana).
D iii.241, 288; M i.37; iii.86; S i 126; iv.125; A i.148; v.30;
Pasu [Vedic paśu, cp. Lat. pecu & pecunia, Gr. πέκος fleece, Vism 134; VbhA 283 (°kāyapuggala). — In lit. appl °ratha
Goth. vieh, E. fee] cattle M i.79; J v.105; Pv ii.13 12 (°yoni);
when the car had slowed down J iii.239. See also paṭi°.
Miln 100; PvA 166 (°bhāva); n. pl. pasavo S i.69; Sn 858; 2
gen. pl. pasūnaṁ Sn 311; Pv ii.2 . — dupasu bad cattle Th 1, Passaddhatā (f.) [abstr. fr. passaddha] calmness, repose Nd
Passaddhi (f.) [fr. pa+śrambh] calmness, tranquillity, repose,
Pasuka=pasu Vin ii.154 (ajaka+).
serenity M iii.86; S ii.30; iv.78; v.66; A iv.455 sq.; Ps ii.244;
Pasuta [pp. of pa+sā or si, Sk. prasita, on change of i to u see Dhs 40 (kāya°), 41 (citta°), cp. Dhs. trsl. 23; Vism 129; VbhA
Geiger, P.Gr. § 19 . In meaning confounded with pasavate of
314 (kāya°, citta°); DhsA 150 (=samassāsa — ppatta). Often
pa+su] attached to (acc. or loc.), intent upon (—°), pursuing, comb with pāmujja & pīti, e. g. D i.72, 73, 196; Nett 29,
doing D i.135 (kamma°); Sn 57 (see Nd 427), 709, 774, 940,
66. Six passaddhis at S iv.217 (with ref. to vācā, vitakka —
Dh 166, 181; Vism 135 (doing a hundred & one things: aneka
vicārā, pīti, assāsa — passāsā, saññā — vedanā, rāga — dosa
— kicca°); DhA iii.160; PvA 151 (puñña — kammesu), 175
— moha, through the 4 jhānas etc.). Passaddhi is one of the
(kīḷanaka°), 195, 228 (pāpa°).
7 sambojjhangas (constituents of enlightenment): see this &
Pasura (adj.) [reading doubtful] many, abundant J vi.134 (=rāsi, cp. M iii.86; Vism 130, 134=VbhA 282 (where 7 conditions
heap C.). We should probably read pacura, as at J v.40 (=bahu of this state are enum ).
Passanā see anu°, vi°.

Passambhati Pahāra

Passambhati [pa+śrambh] to calm down, to be quiet Vin i.294 Pahaṁsita [pp. of pahaṁsati ] gladdened, delighted, happy
(fut °issati); D i.73; M iii.86; S v.333; A iii.21. — pp. DhA i.230 (°mukha); VvA 279 (°mukha SS pahasita at Miln
passaddha; Caus. passambheti (q. v.). 297 is better to be taken as pp. of pahasati, because of comb n
haṭṭha pahaṭṭha hasita pahasita.
Passambhanā (f.) [fr. passambhati] allayment, calmness, com-
posure Dhs 40, 41, 320. Pahaṭa [pp. of paharati] assailed, struck, beaten (of musical in-
struments) J ii.102, 182; vi.189; VvA 161 (so for pahata);
Passambhati [Caus. of passambhati] to calm down, quiet, allay
PvA 253. Of a ball: driven, impelled Vism 143 (°citra
M i.56, 425; S iii.125; Vism 288 (=nirodheti). ppr. passamb-
— geṇḍuka)=DhsA 116 (so read for pahaṭṭha — citta —
hayaṁ M i.56; iii.82, 89.
bheṇḍuka and correct Expositor 153 accordingly). The read-
Passaya [fr. pa+śri, cp. Class. Sk. praśraya reverence] refuge ing pahaṭa at PvA 4 is to be corrected to paṭaha.
Cp. iii.10 . — Note. °passaya in kaṇṭakapassaya J iii.74, & 1 1
Pahaṭṭha [pp. of pahaṁsati ] struck, beaten (of metal) J vi.217
kaṇṭakāpassayika D i.167 (kaṇṭh°); J iv.299 (kaṇṭaka°) is to be
read as °apassaya (apa+śri).
Pahaṭṭha [pp. of pahaṁsati ] gladdened, happy, cheerful, de-
Passavati [pa+sru] to flow forth, to pour out Miln 180.
lighted Vin iii.14; J i.278 (twice; once as °mānasa, which is
Passasati [pa+śvas] to breathe in D ii.291; M i.56; iii.82; J iii.296; 1
wrongly taken by C. as pahaṭṭha ), 443; ii.240 (tuṭṭha°); Vism
v.43; Vism 271; DhA 1.215. See also assasati & remarks un- 346 (haṭṭha°); DhA i.230 (tuṭṭha°); VvA 337. In its original
der ā 3.
sense of "bristling" (with excitement or joy), with ref. to ear
Passāva [fr. passavati] urine (lit. flowing out) Vin ii.141; iv.266 & hair of an elephant in phrase pahaṭṭha-kaṇṇa-vāla at Vin
(p. muttaṁ vuccati); D i.70 (uccāra+); M iii.3, 90; J i.164 ii.195= J v.335 (cp. Sk. prahṛṣṭa — roman, N. of an Asura at
(uccāra — passāvaṁ vissajjeti), 338; v.164, 389; Vism 235 Kathāsaritsāgara 47, 30).
Pahata [pp. of pa+han] killed, overcome M iii.46; S ii.54; J
-doṇikā a trough for urine Vin ii.221; Vism 235.
Passāsa [fr. pa+śvas] inhaled breath, inhalation S i.106, 159; Ps Paharaṇa (nt.) [fr. paharati] striking, beating SnA 224; PvA 285.
i.95, 164 sq., 182 sq. Usually in comb assāsapassāsa (q. v.).
At Vism 272 passāsa is expl as "ingoing wind" and assāsa as Paharaṇaka (adj.) [fr. paharaṇa] striking, hitting J i.418.
"outgoing wind." Paharati [pa+hṛ] to strike, hit, beat J iii.26, 347; vi.376; VvA 65;
PvA 4; freq. in phrase accharaṁ p. to snap one's finger, e. g.
Passāsin (adj.) [fr. passāsa] breathing; in ghuru — ghuru° snoring 1 2
J ii.447; see accharā . aor. pahāsi (cp. pariyudāhāsi) Vv 29
S i.117.
(=pahari VvA 123). — pp. pahaṭa (q. v.). Caus. paharāpeti.
Passika (adj.) (—°) [fr. imper. passa of passati, +ka] only in cpd.
— 1. to cause to be assailed J iv.150. — 2. to put on or join
ehipassika (q. v.).
on to J vi.32 (°hārāpesi).
Passupati [pa+svap] to sleep, rest, aor. passupi; fut. passupissati
Pahasati [pa+has] to laugh, giggle J v.452 (ūhasati+). See also
J v.70. 71.
pahassati & pahāsati. — pp. pahasita (q. v.).
Paha (nt.) [?] flight of steps from which to step down into the
Pahasita [pp. of pahasati or °hassati] laughing, smiling, joyful,
water, a ghat (=tittha Bdhgh) D i.223. The meaning is uncer- pleased Miln 297; J i.411 (nicca° mukha); ii.179.
tain, it is trsl as "accessible" at Dial. i.283 (q. v. for further 2
detail). Neumann (Majjhima trsl i.513) trsl "ganz und gar Pahassati [pa+has, perhaps pa+hṛṣ, Sk. harṣati, cp. pahaṁsati ]
to laugh, be joyful or cheerful Sn 887 (=haṭṭha pahaṭṭha Nd 1
erloschen" (pabhā?). It is not at all improbable to take pahaṁ
296; cp. SnA 555 hāsajāta). The pp. pahasita (q. v.)
as ppr. of pajahati (as contracted fr. pajahaṁ like pahatvāna
is derived fr. pres. pahasati, which makes the equation
for pajahitvāna at Sn 639), thus meaning "giving up entirely." 2
pahassati=pahaṁsati all the more likely.
The same form in the latter meaning occurs at ThA 69 (Ap.
v.3). Pahāna (nt.) [fr. pa+hā, see pajahati] giving up, leaving, aban-
Paha (adj.)=pahu, i. e. able to (with inf.) J v.198 (C. pahū doning, rejection M i.60, iii.4, 72; S i.13, 132 (dukkha°);
ii.170; iii.53; iv.7 sq.; D iii.225, 246; A i.82, 134; ii.26, 232
(kaṇhassa kammassa °āya).; iii.431; Sn 374, 1106 (=vūpasama
Pahaṁsati [pa+haṁsati =ghaṁsati , of ghṛṣ to rub, grind] to 2
paṭinissagga etc. Nd 429); Dh 331; J i.79; Ps i.26; ii.98, 156;
strike, beat (a metal), rub, sharpen (a cutting instrument,
Pug 16; Dhs 165, 174, 339; Nett 15 sq., 24, 192; Vism 194
as knife, hatchet, razor etc.) J i.278; ii.102 (pharasuṁ);
(nīvaraṇa — santāpa°); DhsA 166, 345; VvA 73. -°pariññā
DhA i.253 (khuraṁ pahaṁsi sharpened the razor; corresponds see pariññā; -°vinaya avoidance consisting in giving up (cou-
to ghaṭṭeti in preceding context). — pp. pahaṭṭha & pled with saṁvara — vinaya avoidance by protection, prophy-
pahaṁsita (q. v.).
laxis), based on the 5 qualities tadanga — pahāna, vikkhamb-
Pahaṁsati 2 [pa+haṁsati =hassati, of hṛṣ to be glad, cp. hana°, samuccheda°, paṭippassaddhi°, nissaraṇa° DhsA 351;
ghaṁsati ] to be pleased, to rejoice; only in pp. pahaṭṭha 2 SnA 8.
& pahaṁsita (q. v.), and in Pass. pahaṁsīyati to be glad-
Pahāya is ger. of pajahati (q. v.).
dened, to exult Miln 326 (+kuhīyati). See also sam°.
Pahāyin (adj.) [fr. pa+hā, see pajahati] giving up, abandoning Sn
Pahaṁsita [pp. of pahaṁsati] struck, beaten (of metal), refined 2
1113, 1132, cp. Nd 431; Sdhp 500.
J vi.218 (ukkā — mukha°), 574 (id.).

Pahāra Pākata

Pahāra [fr. pa+hṛ, Class. Sk. prahāra, see paharati] 1. a blow, Nd 615°.
stroke, hit D i.144 (daṇḍa°); M i.123, 126; Pv iv.16 (sālit-
Pahūta (adj.) [pp. of pa+bhū, cp. Vedic prabhūta] sufficient,
taka°); M i.123; DhA iii.48 (°dāna — sikkhāpada the precepts 2
abundant, much, considerable Sn 428, 862 sq.; Pv i.5 (=anap-
concerning those guilty of giving blows, cp. Vin iv.146); PvA
paka, bahu, yāvadattha C.; Dhp at PvA 25 gives bahuka as
4 (ekappahārena with one stroke). 56 (muggara°), 66 (id.) 7 5
inferior variant); i.11 (=apariyanta, uḷāra; v. l. bahū); ii.7
253. — ekappahārena at Vism 418 as adv. "all at once."
(v. l. bahūta); PvA 145 (dhana; v. l. bahuta); SnA 294 (id.),
pahāraṁ deti to give a blow Vin iv.146; S iv.62; A iii.121;
321 (id.). See also bahūta.
Vism 314 (pahārasatāni); PvA 191 (sīse). — 2. a wound J
-jivha large tongued D ii.18; iii.144, 173. -jivhatā the
iv.89; v.459 (°mukha).
characteristic of a large tongue Sn p. 107. -dhañña having
Pahāraṇa see abhi°. many riches J iv.309. -dhana id. Th 2, 406 (C. reading for T.
bahuta — ratana). -pañña rich in wisdom Sn 359, 539, 996.
Pahārin (adj.) [fr. paharati] striking, assaulting J ii.211.
-bhakkha eating much, said of the fire S i.69. -vitta=°dhañña
Pahāsa [fr. pa+has, cp. Class. Sk. prahāsa] laughing, mirth Dhs
D i.134; Sn 102; PvA 3.
9, 86, 285; VvA 132; Sdhp 223.
Pahūtika (adj.)=pahuta PvA 135 (v. l. BB bahuta; in expl of
Pahāsati in pahāsanto saparisaṁ at ThA 69 should preferably be
read as pahāsayanto parisaṁ, thus taken as Caus. of pa+has,
Paheṇaka (nt.) [cp. BSk. praheṇaka in sense of "sweetmeat" at
i. e. making one smile, gladdening.
Divy 13, 258; the *Sk. form is prahelaka] a present J vi.369 (so
Pahāsi is 3 rd sg. aor. of paharati; found at Vv 29 (musa-
here, whereas the same word as pahiṇaka at A iii.76 clearly
lena=pahari VvA 113); and also 3rd sg. aor of pajahati, e. means "sweetmeat").
g. at Sn 1057 (=pajahi Nd under jahati)
Pahena (nt.) [paheṇa?] same as pahiṇa in °gamana going on
Pahāseti [Caus. of pahasati] to make laugh, to gladden, to make
errands J ii.82.
joyful Vism 289 (cittaṁ pamodeti hāseti pahāseti).
Pahoti & (in verse) pabhavati [pa+bhu, cp. Vedic pra-bhavati
Pahiṇa (adj. — n.) [fr. pa+hi] sending; being sent; a messen-
in meaning "to be helpful"] 1. to proceed from (with gen.),
ger, in °gamaṇa going as messenger, doing messages D i.5;
rise, originate D ii.217; M iii.76; S ii.184; as pabhavati at Sn
M i.345; J ii.82; Miln 370; DA i.78. See also pahana. 2
728=1050 (cp. Nd 401); (perf. med.) pahottha it has arisen
Pahiṇaka (nt.) [fr. pahiṇati?] a sweetmeat A iii.76 (v. l. pa- from (gen.), i. e. it was the fault of J v.102. — 2. to be suffi-
henaka). See also paheṇaka. The (late) Sk. form is prahe- cient, adequate or able (with inf.) D i.240; M i.94; S i.102; Sn
laka. 36, 867; J v.305; DA i.192; iii.254 (fut. pahossati); VvA 75;
Dāvs iv.18. Neg. both with na° & a° viz. nappahoti J vi.204;
Pahiṇati [pa+hi, Sk. hinoti] to send; Pres. pahiṇati. Vin iii.140
DhA iii.408; nappahosi J i.84; appahoti DhA iv.177; appab-
sq.; iv.18; DhA ii.243; aor. pahiṇi J i,60 (sāsanaṁ); v.458
(paṇṇāni); VvA 67; DhA i.72; ii.56, 243; ger. pahiṇitva VvA honto PvA 73; in verse appabhavaṁ J iii.373 (=appahonto
65. — pp. pahita (q. v.). There is another aor.pāhesi (Sk. C.). — pp. pahūta (q. v.).
prāhaiṣīt) in analogy to which a new pres. pāheti has been Pahona in °kāla at J iii.17 read as pahonaka°.
formed, so that pāhesi is now felt to be a der. fr. pāheti & ac-
Pahonaka (adj.) [fr. pahoti] sufficient, enough J i.346; ii.122;
cordingly is grouped with the latter. All other forms with he°
iii.17 (so read for pahona°); iv.277; Vism 404; DhA i.78, 219;
(pahetuṁ e. g.) are to be found under pāheti.
VvA 264; PvA 81.
Pahiṇana (nt.) [fr. pahiṇati] sending, dispatch DhA ii.243.
Pāka [Vedic pāka, see pacati] that which is cooked, cooking,
Pahtta [pp. of padahati] resolute, intent, energetic; only in cpd. quantity cooked J vi.161 (tīhi pākehi pacitvā); VvA 186. Esp.
pahitatta of resolute will (cp. BSk. prahitātman Divy 37) M in foll. comb tela° "oil cooking," an oil decoction Vin ii.105;
i.114; S i.53 (expl by Bdhgh with wrong derivation fr. peseti thāli° a th. full of cooking J i.186; doṇa° a d. full S i.81;
as "pesit — atta" thus identifying pahita & pahita , see K.S. DhA ii.8; sosāna° Dhātumañjūsā 132 (under kaṭh). On pāka
320); ii.21, 239; iii.73 sq.; iv.60, 145, v.187, A ii.14, iii.21, in appl meaning of "effect, result" see Cpd. 88 . — As nt. in
iv.302 sq.; v.84; Sn 425, 432 sq., 961; It 71; Nd 477; Th 2, stanza "pākaṁ pākassa paccayo; apākaṁ avipākassa" at VbhA
161 (expl at ThA 143, with the same mistake as above, as 175. — Cp. vi°.
pesita citta); Nd 477 (id.; pesit — atta); Miln 358, 366, 406. -tela an oil concoction or mixture, used for rubbing the
Pahita [pp. of pahiṇati] sent J i.86 (sāsana); DhA ii.242; iii.191 body; usually given with its price worth 100 or 1,000 pieces,
e. g. sata° J ii.397; v.376; VvA 68= DhA iii.311; sahassa°
(interchanging with pesita).
J iii.372. -vaṭṭa subsistence, livelihood, maintenance Mhvs
Pahīna [pp. of pajahati] given up, abandoned, left, eliminated Vin
35, 120; DhA ii.29; VvA 220. -haṁsa a species of water bird
iii.97=iv.27; S ii.24; iii.33; iv.305; Sn 351 (°jāti — maraṇa), J v.356; vi.539; SnA 277.
370, 564, 1132 (°mala — moha); It 32; Nd s. v.; Ps i.63; 1
ii.244; Pug 12, 22. Pākata (adj.) [=pakata; on ā for a see Geiger, P.Gr. § 33 . Cp.
Sk. prakaṭa Halāyudha. The spelling is sometimes pākaṭa]
Pahīyati [Pass. of pajahati] to be abandoned, to pass away, vanish
1. common, vulgar, uncontrolled, in phrase pākat-indriya
M i.7; S i.219 (fut. °issati); ii.196 (ppr. °īyamāna); v.152; Sn of uncontrolled mind S i.61 (=saṁvarâbhāvena gihikāle viya
806; Nd 124; VbhA 271. Spelt pahiyyati at S v.150.
vivaṭa — indriya K.S. 320), 204; iii.93; v.269; A i.70, 266,
Pahū (adj.) [cp. Vedic prabhū, fr. pa+bhū] able Sn 98; J v.198; 280; iii.355, 391; Th 1, 109 (C. asaṁvuta, see Brethren 99);

Pākata Pāṭidesanīya

Pug 35. — At Miln 251 pākatā is to be read pāpakā. — 2. 1 inclines to etym. prāyaś+cittaka] requiring expiation, expi-
open, common, unconcealed J i.262 (pākaṭo jāto was found atory Vin i.172, 176; ii.242, 306 sq.; iv.1 sq., 258 sq.; A ii.242
out); Sn A 343; PvA 103 (for āvi). — 3. commonly known, (dhamma); Vism 22. — It is also the name of one of the books
familiar Vism 279; PvA 17 (devā), 23, 78 (su°), 128; VvA of the Vinaya (ed. Oldenberg, vol. iv.). See on term Vin. Texts
109 (+paññāta); °ṁ karoti to make manifest Vism 287; °bhāva i.18, 32, 245.
being known DhsA 243; PvA 103. — 4. renowned, well —
Pācīna (adj.) [Vedic prācīna, fr. adv. prāc bent forward] east-
known DA i.143; PvA 107.
ern i. e. facing the (rising) sun (opp. pacchā) J i.50 (°sīsaka,
Pākatika (adj.) [fr. pakati, cp. BSk. prākṛtaka (loka) Bodhicaryâ- of Māyādevī's couch), 212 (°lokadhātu); Miln 6; DA i.311
vatāra v. 3, ed. Poussin] natural, in its original or natural state (°mukha facing east); DhA iii.155 (id.); VvA 190; PvA 74,
J v.274; Miln 218 (maṇiratana); DhA i.20; VvA 288; PvA 66 256. The opposite apācīna (e. g. S iii.84) is only apparently
(where id. p. J iii.167 reads paṭipākatika), 206; pākatikaṁ a neg. pācīna, in reality a der. fr. apa (apa+ac), as pācīna is a
karoti to restore to its former condition, to repair, rebuild J der. fr. pra+ac. See apācīna.
i.354, also fig. to restore a dismissed officer, to reinstate J 1
Pāceti [Caus. of pacati] to cause to boil, fig. to cause to torment
v.134. D i.52 (ppr. pācayato, gen., also pācento). Cp. vi°.
Pākāra [cp. Epic Sk. prākāra, pa+ā+kṛ] an encircling wall, put 2 3
Pāceti [for pājeti, with c. for j (see Geiger, P.Gr. § 39 ); pra+aj:
up for obstruction and protection, a fence, rampart Vin ii.121
see aja] to drive, urge on Dh 135 (āyuṁ p. — gopālako viya...
(3 kinds: made of bricks, of stone, or of wood, viz. iṭṭhakā°,
peseti DhA iii.60).
silā, dāru°); iv.266 (id.); M iii.11; S iv.194 (°toraṇa); A iv.107;
Pājana (nt.) [fr. pa+aj, cp. pācana ] a goad SnA 147.
v.195; J i.63; ii.50; vi.330 (mahā°), 341 (+parikhā & aṭṭāla);
Pv i.10 13 (ayo°); Miln 1; Vism 394 (=parikkhepa — pākāra); Pājāpeti [Caus. of pājeti] to cause to drive or go on J ii.296
DhA iii.441 (tiṇṇaṁ pākārānaṁ antare); PvA 24, 52; sāṇi° (sakaṭāni); iii.51 (so read for pajāpeti; BB pāceti & pājeti).
screen — fencing J ii.88; PvA 283. 2
Pājeti [Caus. of pa+aj, cp. aja] 1. to drive (cp. pāceti ) J ii.122,
-iṭṭhakā brick or tile of a wall J iii.446 (T. iṭṭhikā).
143, iii.51 (BB for T. pājāpeti); v.443 (nāvaṁ); vi.32 (yog-
-parikkhitta surrounded by a wall DA i.42. -parikkhepa
gaṁ); SnA 147; DhA iv.160 (goṇe). — 2. to throw (the dice)
a fencing Vism 74.
J vi.281. — Caus. II. pājāpeti (q. v.).
Pākāsiya (adj.) [fr. pa+ā+kāś, cp. pakāsati & Class. Sk.
Pāṭankī (f.) "sedan chair" (?) in phrase sivikaṁ pāṭankiṁ at
prākāśya] evident, manifest, open, clear J vi.230 (opp. guyha;
Vin i.192 (MV v.10, 3) is not clear. The vv. ll. (p. 380) are
C. pākāsika).
pāṭangin, pāṭangan pāṭakan. Perhaps pallankaṁ?
Pākula (adj.) [pa+ākula] read at Ud 5 in comb akkula-pakkula
Pāṭala (adj.) [cp. Class. Sk. pāṭala, to same root as palita &
(=ākula — pākula) "in great confusion"; read also in gāthā 7 pāṇḍu: see Walde, Lat. Wtb. under palleo & cp. paṇḍu] pale
pākula for bakkula. Cp. Morris, J.P.T.S. 1886, 94 sq. red, pink J iv.114.
Pāgabbhiya (nt.) [fr. pagabbha] boldness, impudence, forward- Pāṭalī (f.) [cp. Class. Sk. pāṭalī, to pāṭala] the trumpet flower,
ness Sn 930; Nd 228 sq. (3 kinds, viz. kāyika, vācasika,
Bignonia Suaveolens D ii.4 (Vipassī pāṭaliyā mūle abhisam-
cetasika), 390 sq.; J ii.32; v.449 (pagabbhiya); SnA 165; KhA 9
buddho); Vv 35 ; J i.41 (°rukkha as the Bodhi tree); ii.162
242; DhA iii.354 (pa°); VvA 121.
(pāṭali — bhaddaka sic. v. l. for phālibhaddaka); iv.440;
Pāguññatā (f.) [abstr. of pāguñña, which is der. fr. paguna] be- v.189; vi.537; Miln 338; VvA 42, 164; ThA 211, 226.
ing familiar with, experience Dhs 48, 49; Vism 463 sq., 466.
Pāṭava (nt.) [cp. late Sk. pāṭava, fr. paṭu] skill KhA 156.
Pāgusa [cp. Sk. vāgusa, a sort of large fish Halāyudha 3, 37]
Pāṭikankha (adj.) [grd. of paṭikankhati, Sk. *pratikānk-ṣya] to be
a certain kind of fish J iv.70 (as gloss, T. reads pāvusa, SS desired or expected M i.25; iii.97; S i.88; ii.152; A iii.143=Sn
puṭusa, BB pātusa & pāvuma; C. expl as mahā — mukha —
p. 140 (=icchitabba SnA 504); Ud 36; DhA iv.2 (gati °ā) PvA
63 (id.).
Pācaka (adj. — n.) [fr. pac, cp. pāceti] one who cooks, a cook;
Pāṭikankhin (—°) (adj. — n.) [fr. paṭi+kānka, cp. patikan-
f. °ikā J i.318.
khin] hoping for, one who expects or desires D i.4; M iii.33;
Pācana (nt.) [fr. pac, Caus. pāceti] bringing to boil, cooking J A ii.209; J iii.409.
i.318 (yāgu°). Cp. pari°.
Pāṭikā (f.) [etym. unknown; with pāṭiya cp. Sk. pāṣya?] half —
Pācana (nt.) [for pājana, cp. pāceti & SnA 147] a goad, stick S moon stone, the semicircular slab under the staircase Vin i.180
i.172; Sn p. 13; v.77; J iii.281; iv.310. (cp. Vin. Texts ii.3). As pāṭiya at J vi.278 (=piṭṭhi — pāsāṇa
-yaṭṭhi driving stick, goad stick S i.115. C.).
Pācariya (—°) [pa+ācariya] only as 2 nd part of a (redupl.) com- Pāṭikulyā (f.) [fr. paṭi(k)kūla]=pātikkūlyatā (perhaps to be read
pound ācariya-pācariya in the nature of comb ns mentioned as such) J v.253 (nava, cp. Vism 341 sq.).
under a 3 b: "teacher upon teacher" (expl by C as "teacher
Pāṭikkulyatā (f.) [abstr. fr. paṭikkūla] loathsomeness, objection-
of teachers") D i.90 (cp. DA i.254); ii.237, etc. (see ācariya).
ableness A iii.32; iv.47 sq.; v.64. Cp. paṭikulyatā, paṭikūlatā
Pācittiya (adj.) [most likely prāk+citta+ika, i. e. of the nature & pāṭikulyā.
of directing one's mind upon, cp. pabbhāra= *prāg+bhāra. So Pāṭidesanīya (adj.) [grd. of paṭideseti with pāṭi for pāṭi in der.]
expl also by S. Lévi J.As. x.20, p. 506. Geiger, P.Gr. § 27, n.

Pāṭidesanīya Pāṭhīna

belonging to confession, (a sin) which ought to be confessed A i.144; Vv 15 (cp. VvA 71, 109); ThA 38.
Vin i.172; ii.242; A ii.243 (as °desanīyaka).
Pāṭihāriya (adj.) [grd. formation fr. paṭi+hṛ (paṭihāra) with usual
Pāṭipada (adj.) [the adj. form of paṭipadā] following the (right) lengthening of paṭi to pāṭi, as in °desanīya, °mokkha etc. Cp.
Path M i.354=It 80 (+sekha). pāṭihīra; BSk. prātihārya] striking, surprising, extraordinary,
Pāṭipada [fr. paṭi+pad, see patipajjati & cp. paṭipadā] lit, "enter- special; nt. wonder, miracle. Usually in stock phrase iddhi°,
ādesanā°, anusāsanī° as the 3 marvels which characterise a
ing, beginning"; the first day of the lunar fortnight Vin i.132;
Buddha with regard to his teaching (i. e. superhuman power,
J iv.100; VvA 72 (°sattamī).
mind reading, giving instruction) D i.212; iii.3 sq.; S iv.290;
Pāṭipadaka (adj.) [fr. pāṭipada ] belonging to the 1 day of the A i.170; v.327; Ps ii.227. — Further: Vin i.34 (aḍḍhuḍḍha°
lunar fortnight; only with ref. to bhatta (food) & in comb n
sahassāni); Vism 378, 390 (yamaka°); VvA 158 (id.); PvA
with pakkhika & uposathika, i. e. food given on the half — 137 (id.). For yamaka — pāṭihāriya (or °hīra) see yamaka.
moon days, on the 7 day of the week & on the first day of the
— Two kinds of p. are given at Vism 393, viz. pākaṭa° and
fortnight Vin i.58= ii.175; iv.75; (f. °ikā), 78.
apākaṭa°. — sappāṭihāriya (with ref. to the Dhamma) won-
Pāṭipuggalika (adj.) [fr. paṭipuggala] belonging to one's equal M derful, extraordinary, sublime, as opposed to appāṭi° plain,
iii.254 sq. (dakkhiṇā). ordinary, stupid M ii.9 (where Neumann, Majjhima Nikāya
Pāṭibhoga [for paṭibhoga (?); difficult to explain, we should sus- ii.318 trsl sa° "intelligible" and a° "incomprehensible," refer-
ring to Chāndogyopaniṣat i.11, 1); D ii.104; cp. also Windisch,
pect a ger. formation *prati — bhogya for *bhujya i. e.
Māra 71.
"counter — enjoyable," i. e. one who has to be made use of
-pakkha an extra holiday, an ancient festival, not now
in place of someone else; cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 24] a sponsor A
kept S i.208 (cp. Th 2, 31); Sn 402 (cp. expl at SnA 378,
ii.172; Ud 17; It 1 sq.; J ii.93; Vism 555 sq.; DhA i.398; VbhA
where var. opinions are given); J iv.320; vi.118. See also
Kern's discussion of the term at Toev. ii.30.
Pātimokkha (pāti)° (nt.) [with Childers plausibly as paṭi+
Pāṭihīra (adj.) [contracted form of pāṭihāriya viâ metathesis
mokkha, grd. of muc (Caus. mokṣ°) with lengthening of paṭi
*pāṭihāriya>*pāṭihēra>paṭihīra] wonderful; nt. a wonderful
as in other grd. like pāṭidesaniya. Thus in reality the same
thing, marvel, miracle Ps i.125 (yamaka°); ii.158 (id.); Mhvs
as paṭimokkha 2 in sense of binding, obligatory, obligation,
5, 118; Miln 106; Dāvs i.50; DhA iii.213. — appātihīrakathā
cp. J v.25. The spelling is freq. pāti° (BB pāṭi°). The Sk.
stupid talk D i.193, 239; Kvu 561 (diff. Kern. Toev. ii.30);
prāṭimokṣa is a wrong adaptation fr. P. pātimokkha, it should
opp. sa° ibid.
really be pratimokṣya "that which should be made binding."
An expl of the word after the style of a popular etym. is to Pāṭī (f.) [?] at VvA 321 in phrase sukka — pakkha — pāṭiyaṁ
be found at Vism 16] a name given to a collection of vari- "in the moonlight half" is doubtful. Hardy in Index registers
ous precepts contained in the Vinaya (forming the foundation it as "part, half —," but pakkha already means "half" and is
of the Suttavibhanga, Vin vols. iii & iv., ed. Oldenberg), as enough by itself. We should probably read paṭipāṭiyaṁ "suc-
they were recited on Uposatha days for the purpose of con- cessively." Note that the similar passage VvA 314 reads sukka
fession. See Geiger, P. Lit. c. 7, where literature is given; — pakkhe pannarasiyaṁ.
& cp. Vin. Texts i.27 sq.; Franke, Dighanikāya p. 66 sq.; —
Pāṭuka & Pāṭubha only neg. a° (q. v.).
pāṭimokkhaṁ uddisati to recite the P. Vin i.102, 112, 175;
Pāṭukamyatā: see pātu°.
ii.259; iii.8; iv.143; Ud 51; opp. °ṁ ṭhapeti to suspend the
(recital of the) P. Vin ii.240 sq. — See Vin i.65, 68; ii.95, 240 Pāṭekka (Pāṭiyekka) (adj.) [paṭi+eka; the diaeretic form of pac-
sq. 249; S v.187; Sn 340; Dh 185, 375; Nd 365; Vism 7, ceka: see Geiger, P.Gr. § 24] several, distinct, single Vin
11, 16 sq., 36, 292; DhA iii.237 (=jeṭṭhakasīla); iv.111 (id.); i.134; iv.15; J i.92 (T. pāṭiekka, SS pāṭiyekka); Vism 249
Sdhp 342, 355, 449. -uddesa recitation of the P. Vin i.102; (pāṭiyekka, SS pāṭiekka), 353, 356, 443, 473; DhA iv.7 (pāṭiy°
D ii.46; M ii.8; SnA 199. -uddesaka one who recites the P. SS pāṭieka). — nt. °ṁ (adv.) singly, separately, individually
Vin i.115, cp. Vin. Texts i.242. -ṭhapana suspension of the P. Vism 409 (pāṭiy°); VvA 141.
Vin ii.241 sq.; A v.70. -saṁvara "restraint that is binding on 47
Pāṭeti [Caus. of paṭ] to remove; Pass. pāṭiyati Pv iv.1 (turned
a recluse" (Dial. i.79), moral control under the P. Vin iv.51; D
out of doors); v. l. pātayati (bring to fall). Prob, in sense of
i.62; ii.279; iii.77, 266, 285; A iii.113, 135, 151; iv.140; v.71, Med. at Miln 152 in phrase visaṁ pāṭiyamāno (doubtful, cp.
198; It 96, 118; Ud 36; Vism 16 (where expl in detail); VbhA Kern, Toev. ii.139, & Morris, J.P.T.S. 1884, 87).
323; cp. saṁvuta — pāṭimokkha (adj.) Pv iv.1 .
Pāṭha [fr. paṭh] reading, text — reading; passage of a text, text.
Pāṭiyekka see pāṭekka.
Very freq. in Commentaries with phrase "ti pi pāṭho," i. e. "so
Pāṭirūpika (adj.) [fr. paṭirūpa, cp. paṭirūpaka] assuming a dis- is another reading," e. g. KhA 78, 223; SnA 43 (°ṁ vikap-
guise, deceitful, false Sn 246. peti), 178, 192, 477; PvA 25 (pamāda° careless text), 48, 58,
86 and passim.
Pāṭihāra [=pāṭihāra, with pāṭi after analogy of pāṭihāriya] strik-
ing, that which strikes (with ref. to marking the time) J i.121, Pāṭhaka (—°) [fr. pāṭha] reciter; one who knows, expert Nd 382
122 (v. l. SS pāṭihāriya) (nakkhatta°); J i.455 (asi — lakkhaṇa°); ii.21 (angavijjā°), 250
(id.); v.211 (lakkhaṇa° fortune — teller, wise man).
Pāṭihārika [=pāṭihāriya or der. fr. pātihāra in meaning of °hāriya]
special, extraordinary; only in cpd. °pakkha an extra holiday Pāṭhīna [cp. Sk. pāṭhīna Manu 5, 16; Halāyudha 3, 36] the fish

Pāṭhīna Pātur

Silurus Boalis, a kind of shad J iv.70 (C: pāṭhīna — nāmakaṁ in gabbha° destroying the foetus, abortion (q. v.) DhA i.47
pāsāṇa — macchaṁ); v.405; vi.449. and passim.
Pāṇa [fr. pa+an, cp. Vedic prāṇa breath of life; P. apāna, etc.] liv- Pātar (adv.) [Vedic prātar, der. fr. *prō, *prā, cp. Lat. prandium
ing being, life, creature D iii.48, 63, 133; S i.209, 224; v.43, (fr. prām — ediǤom=pātar — āsa); Gr. πρωί early; Ohg.
227, 441 (mahā — samudde); A i.161; ii.73, 176, 192; Sn 117, fruo=Ger. früh] early in the morning, in foll. forms: (1) pātar
247, 394, 704; Dh 246; DA i.69, 161; KhA 26; ThA 253; PvA (before vowels), only in cpd. °āsa morning meal, breakfast
9, 28, 35; VvA 72; DhA ii.19. — pl. also pāṇāni, e. g. Sn [cp. BSk. prātar — aśana Divy 631] D iii.94; Sn 387; J i.232;
117; Dh 270. — Bdhgh's def of pāṇa is "pāṇanatāya pāṇā; VvA 294, 308; SnA 374 (pāto asitabbo ti pātar — āso piṇḍa
assāsapassās' āyatta — vuttitāyā ti attho" Vism 310. — pātass' etaṁ nāmaṁ). — katapātarāsa (adj.) after break-
-âtipāta destruction of life, murder Vin i.83 (in "dasa fast J i.227; vi.349 (°bhetta); Vism 391. — (2) pāto (abs.)
sikkhāpadāni," see also sīla), 85, 193; D iii.68, 70, 149, 182, D iii.94; DhA ii.60; PvA 54, 126, 128; pāto va right early J
235; M i.361; iii.23; Sn 242; It 63; J iii.181; Pug 39 sq.; Nett i.226; vi.180. — (3) pātaṁ S i.183; ii.242; Th 2, 407. —
27; VbhA 383 (var. degrees of murder); DhA ii.19; iii.355; Note. Should piṇḍa-pāta belong here, as suggested by Bdhgh
DA i.69; PvA 27. -âtipātin one who takes the life of a liv- at SnA 374 (see above)? See detail under piṇḍa.
ing being, destroying life D iii.82; M iii.22; S ii.167; It 92;
Pātavyatā (f.) [fr. pāt, see pāteti] downfall, bringing to fall,
DhA ii.19. -upeta possessed or endowed with life, alive [cp.
felling M i.305; A i.266; Vin iv.34 (°by°); VbhA 499.
BSk. prāṇopeta Divy 72, 462 etc.] S i.173; Sn 157; DA i.236.
Pātāpeti [Caus. II. of pāteti] to cause to fall, to cause an abortus
-ghāta slaying life, killing, murder DA i.69; -ghātin= âtipātin
Vin ii.108; DA i.134.
DhA ii.19. -bhu a living being J iv.494. -bhūta=°bhu M
iii.5; A ii.210; iii.92; iv.249 sq.; J iv.498. -vadha=âtipāta DA Pātāla [cp. Epic Sk. pātāla an underground cave] proclivity, cliff,
i.69. -sama equal to or as dear as life J ii.343; Dpvs xi.26; abyss S i.32, 127, 197; iv.206; Th 1, 1104 (see Brethren 418
DhA i.5. -hara taking away life, destructive M i.10=iii.97; S for fuller expl ); J iii.530 (here expl as a cliff in the ocean).
iv.206; A ii.116, 143, 153; iii.163.
Pāti [Vedic pāti of pā, cp. Gr. π¨ωυ herd, ποιμήν shepherd, Lat.
Pāṇaka (adj. — n.) (usually — °) [fr. pāṇa] a living being, en- pāsco to tend sheep] to watch, keep watch, keep J iii.95 (to
dowed with (the breath of) life S iv.198 (chap°); DhA i.20 (v. keep the eyes open, C. ummisati; opp. nimisati); Vism 16
l. BB mata°); sap° with life, containing living creatures J i.198 (=rakkhati in def. of pāṭimokkha).
(udaka); ap° without living beings, lifeless Vin ii.216; M i.13,
Pātika=pātī, read at Vism 28 for patika.
243; S i.169; Sn p. 15 (udaka); J i.67 (jhāna).
Pātita [pp. of pāteti] brought to fall, felled, destroyed Sn 631; Dh
Pāṇana (nt.) [fr. pāṇa] breathing Vism 310 (see pāṇa); Dhā-
407; J iii.176; PvA 31 (so read for patita).
tupāṭha 273 ("baḷa" pāṇane).
Pātin (—°) (adj.) [fr. pāta] throwing, shooting, only in cpd. dūre°
Pāṇi [Vedic pāṇi, cp. Av. pǤrǤnā hand, with n — suffix, where throwing far A i.284; ii.170. See akkhaṇa — vedhin.
we find m — suffix in Gr. παλάμη, Lat. palma, Oir lām, Ohg.
Pātimokkha see pāṭi°.
folma=Ags. folm] the hand Vin iii.14 (pāṇinā paripuñchati);
M i.78 (pāṇinā parimajjati); S i.178, 194; Sn 713; Dh 124; Pātī & Pāti (f.) [the femin. of patta, which is Vedic pātra
J i.126 (°ṁ paharati); PugA 249 (id.); PvA 56; Sdhp 147, (nt.); to this the f. Ved. pātrī] a bowl, vessel, dish Vin i.157
238. As adj. (—°) "handed," with a hand, e. g. alla° with (avakkāra°), 352 (id.); ii.216 (id.); M i.25 (kaṁsa°), 207; S
clean hand Pv ii.9 ; payata° with outstretched hand, open — ii.233; A iv.393 (suvaṇṇa°, rūpiya°, kaṁsa°); J i.347, 501;
handed, liberal S v.351; A iii.287; iv.266 sq.; v.331. ii.90; v.377 (suvaṇṇa°) vi.510 (kañcana°); VvA 65; PvA 274.
-tala the palm of the hand D ii.17. -bhāga handshare,
Pātukamyatā is frequent v. l. for cāṭu-kamyatā, which is prob-
division by hands VvA 96. -matta of the size of a hand, a
ably the correct reading (see this). The meaning (according to
handful PvA 70, 116, 119. -ssara hand sound, hand music,
Vism 27=VbhA 483) is "putting oneself low," i. e. flattery,
a cert. kind of musical instrument D i.6; iii.183; DA i.84 (cp. n
"fawning" (Vism trsl. 32). A still more explicit def is found
Dial i.8), 231; J v.390, 506; cp. BSk. pāṇisvara MVastu ii.52.
at VbhA 338. The diff. spellings are as follows: cāṭukamy-
Also adj. one who plays this instrument J vi.276; cp. BSk.
atā Vism 17, 27; KhA 236; VbhA 338, 483; cāṭukammatā
pāṇisvarika MVastu iii.113. 2
Miln 370; pāṭukamyatā Vbh 246; pātukamyatā Nd 39. See
Pāṇikā (f.) [fr. pāṇi; Sk. *pāṇikā] a sort of spoon Vin ii.151. Cp. standing phrase under mugga — sūpyatā.
puthu — pāṇikā (°pāṇiyā?) Vin ii.106.
Pātur (—°) (°pātu) (indecl.) [cp. Vedic prāduḥ in prādur+ bhu;
Pāṇin (adj. — n.) [fr. pāṇa] having life, a living being S i.210, on t for d see Geiger, P.Gr. § 39 . As regards etym. Monier
226, Sn 220 (acc. pl. pāṇine, cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 95 ), 587 Williams suggests prā=pra+dur, door, thus "before the door,
(id.), 201, 575; PvA 287; DhA ii.19. openly"; cp. dvāra] visible, open, manifest; only in comp n
with kṛ and bhū, and with the rule that pātu° appears before
Pāta (—°) [fr. pat] 1. fall DA i.95 (ukkā°); PvA 45 (asani°).
cons., whereas pātur° stands before vowels. (1) with kṛ (to
The reading "anatthato pātato rakkhito" at PvA 61 is faulty
make appear): pres. pātukaroti Sn 316; J iv.7; Pug 30; SnA
we should prefer to read apagato (apāyato?) rakkhito. — 2.
423; aor. pātvākāsi S ii.254; DhA ii.64; pp. pātukata Vv
throwing, a throw Sn 987 (muddha°); PvA 57 (akkhi°). See
84 . — (2) with bhū (to become manifest, to appear): pres.
also piṇḍa.
pātubhavati D i.220; D ii.12, 15, 20, 226; M i.445; S iv 78;
Pātana (nt.) [fr. pāteti] bringing to fall, destroying, killing, only 41
Pv ii.9 (pot. °bhaveyyuṁ); aor. pāturahosi [cp. BSk. prā-

Pātur Pāpa

durabhūt Jtm. 211] Vin i.5; D i.215; ii.20; S i.137; Pv ii.8 ; v.197, 376; PvA 44, 78; anointing the feet VvA 44 (°tėla), 295
Miln 10, 18; VvA 188; pl. pāturahaṁsu J i.11, & °ahiṁsu J (id.). -mūla the sole of the foot, the foot J iv.131. Cp. mūla.
i.54. — pp. pātubhūta S iii.39; Dhs 1035; PvA 44. -mūlika "one who sits at one's feet," a foot — servant, lackey
-kamma making visible, manifestation S ii.254; DhA J i.122, 438; ii.300 sq. (Gāmaṇicaṇḍa); iii.417; v.128; vi.30.
iv.198. -bhāva appearance, coming into manifestation M -lola loafing about, one who lingers after a thing, a greedy per-
i.50; S ii.3; iv.78; A i.266; ii.130; Sn 560, 998; J i.63; Nd s. son Sn 63, 972; Nd 374; Nd 433; abstr. f. °lolatā SnA 36,
v.; Vism 437. & °loliya Nd 433. -visāṇa "a horn on the foot," i. e. an
impossibility J vi.340. -sambāhana massaging the feet DhA
Pāteti [Caus. of pat] 1. to make fall, drop, throw off S i.197
(sakuṇo rajaṁ); J i.93 (udakaṁ); Miln 305 (sāraṁ). — 2. to
bring to fall J v.198; Miln 187. — 3. to kill, destroy, cut Pādaka (adj. n.) [fr. pāda] 1. having a foot or basis Vin ii.110
off (the head) J i.393; iii.177; PvA 31, 115. — pp. pātita. (a°); Sn 205; ThA 78. — 2. fundamental; pādakaṁ karoti to
Caus. II. pātāpeti (q. v.). — Cp. abhi°. Note. In mean- take as a base or foundation Vism 667. — 3. (nt.) basis, foun-
ing 3 it would be better to assume confusion with pāṭeti (for dation, base PvA 167. — pādaka-jjhāna meditation forming
phāṭeti=Sk. sphāṭayati to split [sphuṭ=(s)phal], see phāleti & a basis (for further introspective development) Vism 390, 397,
phāṭeti In the same sense we find the phrase kaṭṭhaṁ pāteti 412 sq., 428, 667. — Cp. āhacca°.
to split firewood M i.21 (MA ereti), besides phāleti.
Pādāsi is aor. of padāti.
Pātheyya (nt.) [grd. form. fr. patha] "what is necessary for the
Pāduka [=pādaka] a little foot J vi.554.
road," provisions for a journey, viaticum Vin i.244; S i.44; Dh
Pādukā (f.) [cp. Epic Sk. pāduka & pādukā] a shoe, slipper,
235, 237; J v.46, 241; DA i.288; DhA i.180; iii.335; PvA 5,
clog Vin i.190; ii.142, 222; J iii.327; iv.129, 379; v.298; vi.23;
Miln 330; DA i.136; DhA iii.451 (muñja°). — At Vin ii.143
Pātheyyaka (nt.)=patheyya PvA 126.
(according to Rh. D.) pādukā (dāru°) is a kind of stool or stand
Pāda [Vedic pāda, see etym. under pada] 1. the foot, usually pl. in a privy.
pādā both feet, e. g. Vin i.9, 34, 188; It 111; Sn 309, 547,
Pāna [Vedic pāna, fr. pā, pibati=Lat. bibo, pp. pīta, Idg. *po[i],
768, 835, 1028; J ii.114; iv.137; DhA iii.196; PvA 4, 10, 40,
cp. Gr. πίνω to drink, πότος drink; Obulg. piti to drink, pivo
68; VvA 105. In sg. scarce, and then specified as eka° & du- drink; Lith. penas milk; Lat. potus drink, poculum drinking
tiya°, e. g. at Nd 304 ; J vi.354. — 2. foot or base of a
vessel (=Sk. pātra, P. patta)] drink, including water as well as
mountain Vism 399 (Sineru°); DhA i.108 (pabbata°). — 3. d
any other liquid. Often comb with anna° (food), e. g. Sn
the fourth part ("foot") of a verse (cp. pada 4) SnA 239, 273, 2
485, 487; Pv i.5 ; and °bhojana (id.) e. g. Dh 249; J i.204.
343, 363; ThA 23. — 4. a coin Vin iii.47; VvA 77 (worth 1
Two sets of 8 drinks are given in detail at Nd 372. — Vin
here 1/4 of a kahāpaṇa and double the value of māsaka; see
i.245, 249 (yāgu°); S v.375 (majja°); Sn 82, 398, 924; J i.202
also kākaṇikā).
(dibba°); Pug 51; PvA 7, 8, 50.
-anguṭṭha a toe M i.337. -anguṭṭhaka same J ii.447;
-âgāra a drinking booth, a tavern Vin ii.267; iii.151; J
Vism 233. -anguli same PvA 125 (opp. to hatth' anguli i.302 (=surā — geha C.); Vbh 247; VbhA 339.
finger). -aṭṭhika bone of the foot M i.58, 89; iii.92; KhA
Pānaka (nt.) [fr. pāna] a drink J ii.285; iv.30; Dāvs v.2; DhA
49. -âpacca offspring fr. the foot (of Brahmā): see bandhu.
iii.207 (amba°); VvA 99, 291. — Der. pānakatta (abstr. nt.)
-ûdara "(using) the belly as feet," i. e. a snake Sn 604.
being provided with drink J v.243 (a°).
-odaka water for washing the feet Vin i.9. -kathalika (°iya)
acc. to Bdhgh either a foot stool or a towel (adhota — pāda Pānada in cpd. pānad' ûpama at J ii.223 is faulty. The meaning
— ṭhapanakaṁ pāda — ghaṁsanaṁ vā, see Vin. Texts i.92; is "a badly made sandal," and the reading should probably be
ii.373) Vin i.9, 46; ii.22; iv.310; Kvu 440; VvA 8; DhA i.321. (with v. l. & C.) "dupāhan' ûpama," i. e. du(ḥ)+upāhanā. The
-kudārikā holding the feet like an axe (?) Pv iv.1 47 (expl d C. expl as "dukkatupāhan' ûpama."
at PvA 240 by pādasankhātā kudārikā; does k. here represent
Pānīya (adj. nt.) [Vedic pānīya, fr. pāna] 1. drinkable S ii.111.
kuṭhārikā? The reading & meaning is uncertain). -khīla a
— 2. drink, be erage, usually water for drinking Vin ii.207;
corn in the foot Vin i.188 (as °ālādha, cp. Vin Texts ii.19). - 7 19 10
iv.263; J i.198, 450; iii.491; v.106, 382; Pv i.10 ; ii.1 , 7 ;
ghaṁsanī a towel for rubbing the feet (dry) Vin ii.130. -cāra
PvA 4, 5. A reduced form pāniya (cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 23) is
moving about on feet J iv.104. -tala the sole of the foot Vin 2
also found, e. g. Vin ii.153; D i.148; Pv ii.10 .
i.179; M iii.90; D iii.143, 148; PvA 74. -dhovana clean-
-ghata a pot for drinking water Vin ii.216; J vi.76, 85.
ing or washing one's feet DhA ii.9. -pa "drinking with the -cāṭika drinking vessel DhA iv.129. -cāṭī id. J i.302. -
foot," N. for tree Pv iv.3 (cp. PvA 251); Miln 117, 376; Vism
ṭhālika drinking cup Vin ii.214; iv.263. -bhājana id. Vin
533; VvA 212; Sdhp 270. -paricārikā "serving on one's
ii.153. -maṇḍapa water reservoir (BSk. id. e. g. AvŚ
feet," i. e. a wife (cp. S i,125) J iii.95; vi.268; DhA iii.194.
ii.86) Vin ii.153. -māḷaka (?) J vi.85 (Hardy: Flacourtia
-pīṭha a foot — stool Vin i.9 (cp. Vin. Texts i.92); iv.310; cataphracta). -sālā a hall where drinking water is given Vin
DhA iii.120=186; VvA 291. -puñchana(ka) wiping one's ii.153; PvA 102; cp. papā.
feet (with a towel) Vism 358 (°rajju — maṇḍalaka, in com-
Pānudi see panudati.
parison=VbhA 62); VbhA 285 (°coḷaka); KhA 144; SnA 333;
DhA i.415 (°ka). -puñchanī a towel for the feet Vin ii.174. Pāpa (adj. nt.) [Vedic pāpa, cp. Lat. patior≈E. passion etc.; Gr.
-bbhañjana ointment for the feet, foot — salve Vin i.205; J π¨ημα suffering, evil; ταλαίπωρος suffering evil] 1. (adj.) evil,

Pāpa Pāyāsa

bad, wicked, sinful A ii.222 sq. (and compar. pāpatara); Sn pāpuṇitvā S ii.28; patvā Sn 347, 575, and pappuyya S i.7
57; Dh 119 (opp. bhadra). Other compar — superl. forms are (cp. Vin ii.56; A i.138), 181, 212. inf. pappotuṁ Si. 129=Th
pāpiṭṭha S v.96; pāpiṭṭhatara Vin ii.5; pāpiyyasika D iii.254. 2, 60, and pāpuṇituṁ VbhA 223. — grd. pattabba S i.129;
See pāpiya. — 2. unfertile (of soil) S iv.315. — 3. (nt.) evil, ii.28; SnA 433. — pp. patta; Caus. pāpeti (q. v.).
wrong doing, sin Sn 23, 662; Dh 117 (opp. puñña) 183; Pv Pāpuraṇa (nt.) [through *pāvuraṇa fr. pra+vṛ, cp. Sk. prā-
i.6 ; 11 ; iv.1 ; DhA ii.11. — pp. pāpāni Sn 399, 452, 674;
varaṇa] cover, dress, cloak S i.175; Miln 279; DhA iii.1. See
Dh 119, 265.
also pārupana.
-iccha having bad wishes or intentions Vin i.97; D iii.246;
Pāpurati [fr. pa+ā+vṛ, cp. Vedic pravṛṇoti] to cover, veil; shut,
S i.50; ii.156; A iii.119, 191, 219 sq.; iv.1, 22, 155; v.123
sq.; Sn 133, 280; It 85; Nd 342; Vism 24 (def.); VbhA 476; hide; only neg. a° and only in phrase apāpurati Amatassa
dvāraṁ to open the door of Nibbāna Vin i.5; Vv 64 (=vi-
-icchatā evil intention A iv.160, 165; DhA ii.77. -kamma
varati VvA 284).
evil doing, wickedness, sin, crime D iii.182; It 86; Sn 407;
Dh 127; Vism 502; VbhA 440 sq.; PvA 11, 25, 32, 51, 84. Pāpeti [Denom. fr. pāpa] to make bad, bring into disgrace Vin
-kammanta evil — doer, villain S i.97. -kammin id. M iv.5. — pp. pāpita.
i.39 Dh 126. -kara id. Sn 674. -karin id. Dh 15, 17. Pāpeti [Caus. of pāpuṇāti] to make attain, to let go to, to cause
-dassana sinful view Pv iv.3 . -dhamma wickedness, evil
to reach, to bring to J iv.494; v.205, 260; DA i.136. imper.
habit Dh 248, 307; Pug 37; DhA iii.4; PvA 98; as adj. at pāpaya S i.217, and pāpayassu J iv.20. fut. pāpessati J i.260
PvA. 58. -dhammin one of evil character or habits Pv i.11 .
and pāpayissati J v.8.
-parikkhaya decay or destruction of demerit (opp. puñña°)
Pv ii.6 . -mitta an evil associate, a bad companion (opp. Pābhata [pa+ābhata] brought, conveyed DA i.262; SnA 356
kalyāṇa°) M i.43, 470; D iii.182. -mittatā bad company,
association with wicked people A i.13 sq., 83; iv.160, 165; Pābhati (nt.) [pa+ā+pp. of bhṛ] "that which has been brought
D iii.212; Dhs 13, 27; Vbh 359, 369, 371. -sankappa evil here," viz. 1. a present, bribe DA i.262. — 2. money, price
thought Sn 280. -sīla bad morals Sn 246. -supina an evil J i.122; v.401, 452. — kathā° "a tale brought," occasion for
dream (opp. bhaddaka) Vism 312; DhA iii.4. something to tell, news, story J i.252, 364, 378; SnA 356.
Pāpaka (adj.) [fr. pāpa] bad, wicked, wretched, sinful Vin i.8; S Pāmanga (nt.) [etym.?] a band or chain Vin ii.106; iii.48; Mhvs
i.149, 207; v.418 (p. akusala citta); Sn 127, 215, 664; Dh 66, 11, 28; Dpvs xii.1; DhA iv.216. See on this Vin. Texts iii.69
78, 211, 242; J i.128; Pv ii.7 (=lāmaka C.); ii.9 ; Pug 19; Dhs & Mhvs trsl. 79 .
30, 101; Miln 204 (opp. kalyāṇa); Vism 268 (=lāmaka), 312
Pāmujja (nt.) [grd. form. tr. pa+mud, see similar forms under
(of dreams, opp. bhaddaka). — f. pāpikā Dh 164, 310; a° d
pāmokkha] delight, joy, happiness; often comb with pīti. —
without sin, innocent, of a young maiden (daharā) Th 2, 370; D i.72, 196; S iii.134; iv.78=351; v.156, 398; A iii.21; v.1 sq.,
Vv 31 ; 32 (so expl by VvA, but ThA expl as faultless, i. 311 sq., 339, 349; Sn 256; Nett 29; DA i.217; Sdhp 167. See
e. beautiful). also pāmojja.
Pāpaṇika (adj. n.) [pa+āpaṇa+ika] belonging to a shop, i. e. 1. Pāmokkha (adj.) [a grd. form. fr. pamukha, with lengthening of
a shopkeeper A i.115 sq. — 2. laid out in the shop (of cīvara) a as frequently in similar form like pāṭidesanīya, pāṭimokkha,
Vin i.255; Vism 62 (=āpaṇa — dvāre patitaka). See also Vin.
pāmojja] 1. chief, first, excellent, eminent, (m.) a leader. — A
Texts ii.156.
ii.168 (sanga sa°); Pug 69, 70; Miln 75 (hatthi° state elephant).
Pāpika=pāpaka D i.90 (cp. DA i.256); A iv.197. disā° worldfamed J i.166, 285; ii.278; vi.347. — Freq. in se-
Pāpita [pp. of pāpeti , in meaning=pāpika] one who has done ries agga seṭṭha pāmokkha attama, in exegesis of mahā (at Nd 2
502 A e. g., when A ii.95 reads mokkha for p.). See mahā.
wrong, sinful, evil M ii.43 (where D i.90 at id. p. has pāpika);
Def as "pamukhe sādhū ti" at VbhA 332. — 2. facing east
DA i.256 (for pāpika, v. l. vāpita). 53
Pv iv.3 (=pācīna — dis' âbhimukha).
Pāpimant (adj. n.) [fr. pāpa, cp. Vedic pāpman] sinful; a sin-
Pāmojja=pāmujja [Cp. BSk. prāmodya Divy 13, 82, 239] D
ner, esp. used as Ep. of Māra, i. e. the Evil, the wicked one
ii.214; iii.288; M i.37, 98; S i.203; ii.30; v.157; Dh 376, 381;
S i.103; A iv.434; Ud 64; Sn 430; Th 1, 1213; Miln 155 sq.;
Ps i.177; Dhs 9, 86; Miln 84; Vism 2, 107, 177 (T. pa°); DhA
DhA iv.32.
iv.111 (°bahula).
Pāpiyo (adj.) [compar. of pāpa, cp. Sk. pāpīyas] worse, more
Pāya [fr. pa+ā+yā] setting out, starting S ii.218 (nava° newly set-
evil or wicked S i.162, 202; Sn 275; Dh 42, 76; J i.158; iv.303;
ting out); instr. pāyena (adv.) for the most part, commonly,
Miln 155; DhA ii.108.
usually J v.490; DA i.275 (so read for pāṭhena).
Pāpuṇana (nt.) [fr. pāpuṇāti] attainment J iv.306.
Pāyaka (—°) [fr. pā to drink] drinking J i.252 (vāruṇi°)
Pāpuṇāti [pa+āp; cp. Sk. prāpnoti] to reach, attain, arrive at,
Pāyāta [pp of pāyāti] gone forth, set out, started J i.146.
obtain, get to learn. — pres. pāpuṇāti Vin ii.208; J iv.285;
vi.149; Pug 70; DA 21; PvA 74, 98, 125, 195; and pappoti Pāyāti [pra+ā+yā] to set out, start, go forth DhA ii.42; aor. 3 rd
S i.25; Dh 27; Vism 501; DhA i.395; pot. pāpuṇe Sn 324; sg. pāyāsi D ii.73; J i.64, 223; iii.333; VvA 64; PvA 272;
Dh 138; J v.57 (1st pl. pāpuṇeyyāma for T. pappomu); DhA 3 pl. pāyesuṁ J iv.220, and pāyiṁsu D ii.96; J i.253; DhA
iv.200. aor. apāpuṇi ThA 64, and pāpuṇi J ii.229. pret. iii.257. — pp. pāyāta (q. v.). See also the quasi synonymous
apattha J v.391 (proh. mā a.). fut. pāpuṇissati J i.260. ger. abhiyāti.

Pāyāsa Pāribhogika

Pāyāsa [cp. Class. Sk. pāyāsa] rice boiled in milk, milk — rice, Pārājika [etym. doubtful; suggested are parā+aj (Bur-nouf);
rice porridge S i.166; Sn p. 15; J i.50, 68; iv.391; v.211; Vism para+ji; pārācika (S. Lévi, see Geiger, P.Gr. § 38, n. 3; also
41; SnA 151; DhA i.171; ii.88; VvA 32. Childers s. v.)] one who has committed a grave transgression
of the rules for bhikkhus; one who merits expulsion (see on
Pāyin (adj. n.) [fr. pā, see pivati] drinking J iii.338.
term Vin. Texts i.3; Miln trsl i.268; ii.78) Vin i.172; ii.101,
Pāyeti [Caus. fr. pā, see pibati] 1. to give to drink, to make drink
242; A ii.241; iii.252; v.70; J vi.70, 112; Miln 255; Vism 22;
D ii.19; Sn 398 (Pot. pāyaye); Miln 43, 229; DhA i.87 (am-
KhA 97, DhA i.76 (as one of the divisions of the Suttavib-
ataṁ); VvA 75 (yāguṁ); PvA 63; aor. apāyesi S i.143; ger.
hanga, see also Vin iii.1 sq.).
pāyetvā J i.202 (dibba — pānaṁ); ii.115 (lohitaṁ); iii.372
Pārāpata [Epic Sk. pārāvata] a dove, pigeon J i.242; v.215; VvA
(phāṇīt' odakaṁ); iv.30 (pānakaṁ); vi.392 (suraṁ). — 2. to
167 (°akkhi); Pgdp 45. See the doublet pārevata.
irrigate J i.215. — ppr. f. pāyamānā a woman giving suck, a
nursing woman D i.166; M i.77; A i.295; ii.206; iii.227; Pug Pārāyana (nt.) [late Sk. pārāyaṇa, the metric form of parāyana]
55; DhA i.49. — Caus. II. pāyāpeti J v.422. the highest (farthest) point, final aim, chief object, ideal; title
of the last Vagga of the Sutta Nipāta A iii.401; Sn 1130; Nd 2
Pāra (adj. — nt.) [fr. para] 1. as adv. (°—) beyond, over, across,
438; SnA 163, 370, 604.
used as prep. with abl., e. g. pāra — Gangāya beyond the G.
S i.207, 214; SnA 228. See under cpds. — 2. as nt. the other Pārikkhattiya=parikkhattatā, Pug 19=VbhA 358.
side, the opposite shore S i.169, 183; Sn 1059; Nd 20 (=am-
Pāricariyā (f.) same as paricariya serving, waiting on, service,
ataṁ nibbānaṁ); Dh 385; DhA iv.141 aparā pāraṁ gacchati to
ministration, honour (for=loc.) D iii.189, 250, 281; M ii.177;
go from this side to the other (used with ref. to this world &
S iv.239; A ii.70; iii.284, 325, 328; J iii.408; iv.490; v.154,
the world beyond) S iv.174; A v.4; Sn 1130; pāraṁ gavesino
158 (kilesa°); PvA 7, 58, 128. Cp. BSk. pāricāryā MVastu
M ii.64=Th 1, 771 — 3. Cases adverbially: acc. pāraṁ see
sep.; abl. pārato from the other side Vin ii.209. — 3. the guṇa
Pāricchatta=pāricchattaka, Sn 64 (°ka Nd 2 439; expl d as
form of para, another: see cpds.:
koviḷāra); J v.393.
-atthika (pār') wishing to cross beyond D i.244. -ga "go-
ing beyond," traversing, crossing, surmounting S iv.71 (jāti- Pāricchattaka [Epic Sk. pārijāta, but P. fr. pari+chatta +ka, in
maraṇassa); Sn 32, 997. -gata one who has reached the op- pop. etym. "shading all round"] the coral tree Erythmia In-
posite shore S i.34; ii.277; iv.157; A iv.411; Sn 21, 210, 359; dica, a tree in Indra's heaven Vin i.30; A iv.117 sq.; Vv 38 1
Dh 414; Vv 53 (cp. VvA 231); one who has gone over to an- (expl as Māgadhism at VvA 174 for pārijāta, which is also
other party Th 1, 209. -gavesin looking for the other shore Dh the BSk. form); J i.40; ii.20; KhA i.122; SnA 485; DhA i.273;
355; DhA iv.80. -gāmin=gata S i.123; A v.232 sq., 253 sq.; iii.211; DhsA 1; VvA 12, 110; PvA 137.
DhA ii.160. -gū (a) gone beyond, i. e. passed, transcended, Pārijāta=pāricchattaka, VvA 174.
crossed S i.195=Nd 136 (dukkhassa), iv.210 (bhavassa); A
Pārijuñña (nt.) [abstr. fr. parijuṇṇa, pp. of pari+jur] 1. decay,
ii.9 (id.); iii.223; It 33 (jarāya); Dh 348. (b) gone to the end
loss M ii.66; DhA i.238; VvA 101 (bhoga°). — 2. loss of
of (gen. or. — °), reached perfection in, well — versed in, fa-
property, poverty PvA 3.
miliar with, an authority on Sn 992 (sabbadhammānaṁ), 1105
(cp. Nd 435); D i.88 (tiṇṇaṁ vedānaṁ); DhA iii.361 (id.). - Pāripanthika [fr. paripantha] 1. highwayman, robber S ii.188; J
dārika an adulterer, lit. one of another's wife S ii.259; J iii.43 v.253. — 2. connected with danger, threatening, dangerous to
(so read for para°); DhA ii.10. (—°) Vism 152; PugA 181 (samādhi°, vipassanā°).
Pāraṁ (adv. — prep.) [acc. of pāra] beyond, to the other side D Pāripūrī (f.) [abstr. fr. pari+pūr, cp. BSk. pāripūri AvŚ ii.107]
i.244; M i.135; Sn 1146 (Maccu — dheyya°, vv. ll. °dheyassa fulfilment, completion, consummation S i.139; A v.114 sq.; Sn
& °dheyya°), expl by Nd 487 as amataṁ nibbānaṁ; VvA 1016; J vi.298; Nd 137 (pada°); SnA 28 (id.); Pug 53; Dhs
42. 1367; DhA i.36; PvA 132, 133; VbhA 468 (°mada conceit of
-gata (cp. pāragata) gone to the other side, gone beyond, perfection).
traversed, transcended M i.135; S ii.277; Sn 803; Nd 114; Pārima (adj.) [superl. form. fr. pāra] yonder, farther, only comb d
Nd 435; Pug 72; Vism 234. -gamana crossing over, going
with °tīra the farther shore D i.244; M i.134, 135; S iv.174;
beyond S v.24, 81; A v.4, 313; Sn 1130.
Miln 269; DhA ii.100. Cp. BSk. pārimaṁ tīraṁ AvŚ i.148.
Pāramitā (f.) [pāramī+tā]=pāramī Nett 87.
Pāribhaṭya (nt.) (& der.) [fr. pari+bhṛ] "petting (or spoiling) the
Pāramī (f.) [abstr. fr. parama, cp. BSk. mantrāṇāṁ pāra- children" (Miln trsl. ii.287) but perhaps more likely "fond-
miṁ gata Divy 637] completeness, perfection, highest state ness of being petted" or "nurture" (as Vism trsl. 32) (being
Sn 1018, 1020; Pug 70; DhA i.5; VvA 2 (sāvakañāṇa°); PvA carried about like on the lap or the back of a nurse, as expl at
139; Sdhp 328. In later literature there is mentioned a group Vism 28=VbhA 483). The readings are different, thus we find
of 10 perfections (dasa pāramiyo) as the perfect exercise of °bhaṭyatā at Vbh 240; VbhA 338, 483; °bhatyatā at Vism
the 10 principal virtues by a Bodhisatta, viz. dāna°, sīla°, 17, 23, 27 (vv. ll. °bhaṭṭatā & °bbhaṭṭatā); °bhaṭṭakatā at
nekkhamma°, paññā°, viriya°, khanti°, sacca°, adhiṭṭhāna°, Miln 370; °bhaṭṭatā at Vbh 352; KhA 236; Nd 39. The more
mettā°, upekhā° J i.73; DhA i.84. det. expl at VbhA 338 is "alankāra — karaṇ' ādīhi dāraka
-ppatta (pārami°) having attained perfection M iii.28; — kīḷāpanaṁ etaṁ adhivacanaṁ." — See stock phrase under
Nd 435; Miln 21 22; cp. Miln trsl. i.34. mugga-sūpyatā.

Pāribhogika Pāvassi

Pāribhogika (adj.) [fr. paribhoga] belonging to use or enjoyment, as "pālan' ajjhohāresu" by eating & drinking for purposes of
with ref. to relics of personal use J iv.228 (one of the 3 cetiyas, living, at Dhtp 379. As pālanā at the Dhs passages of same
viz. sarīrika, pāribhogika, uddesika); Miln 341 (id.). context as above (see under yapana).
Pārivattaka (adj.)=pari°; changing, turning round (of cīvara) Vin Pālanā (f.) [fr. pāleti cp. Ep. Sk. pālana nt.] guarding, keeping J
iv.59, 60. i.158; Dhs 19, 82,295.
Pārivāsika=pari° (a probationer), Vin i.136; ii.31 sq., where dis- Pāli (Pāḷi) (f.) [cp. Sk. pālī a causeway, bridge Halāyudha iii.54]
tinguished from a pakatatta bhikkhu, a regular, ordained bh. 1. a line, row Dāvs iii.61; iv.3; Vism 242 (dvattiṁs' ākāra°),
to whom a pārivāsika is inferior in rank. 251 (danta°); SnA 87. — 2. a line, norm, thus the canon of
Buddhist writings; the text of the Pāli Canon, i. e. the original
Pārisajja [fr. parisā] belonging to an assembly, pl. the members
text (opp. to the Commentary; thus "pāliyaṁ" is opposed to
of an assembly, esp. those who sit in council, councillors (cp.
"aṭṭhakathāyaṁ" at Vism 107, 450, etc). It is the literary lan-
BSk. pāriṣadya councillor Divy 291) Vin i.348; D i.136; iii.64,
guage of the early Buddhists, closely related to Māgadhī. See
65; M i.326; S i.145, 222; A i.142; Miln 234; DA i.297.
Grierson, The Home of Lit. Pāli (Bhandarkar Commemoration
Pārisuddhi (f.) [fr. parisuddha] purity Vin i.102, 136 (cp. Vin.
vol. p. 117 sq.), and literature given by Winternitz, Gesch. d.
Texts i.242, 280); M iii.4; A ii.194 sq. (°padhāniy' angāni, the Ind. Litt., ii.10; iii.606, 635. The word is only found in Com-
four, viz. sīlapārisuddhi, citta°, diṭṭhi°, vimutti°); Nd 475; mentaries, not in the Piṭaka. See also Hardy, Introd. to Nett,
Ps i.42 (°sīla); Dhs 165; Miln 336 (ājīva°, and in 4 jhāna);
p. xi. — J iv.447 (°nayena accord. to the Pāli Text); Vism
Vism 30 (=parisuddhatā), 46 (°sīla), 278; DhA iii.399 (catu°
376 (°nay' anusārena id.), 394, 401, 565 (°anusārato accord.
— sīla); iv.111 (ājīva°); Sdhp 342.
to the text of the Canon); 607, 630, 660 sq., 693, 712; KhA
Pārihāriya (adj.) [fr. parihāra] connected with preservation 41; SnA 333, 424, 519, 604; DhsA 157, 168; DhA iv.93; VvA
or attention, fostering, keeping Vism 3 (°paññā), 98 (°kam- 117, 203 (pālito+aṭṭhuppattito); PvA 83, 87, 92, 287; and freq.
maṭṭhāna); SnA 54 (id.). elsewhere.
-vaṇṇanā is explanation of the text (as regards meaning
Pāruta [pp. of pārupati] covered, dressed S i.167, 175; Th 1, 153;
of words), purely textual criticism, as opposed to vinicchaya-
J i.59, 347; SnA 401; PvA 48, 161. — duppāruta not prop-
kathā analysis, exegesis, interpretation of sense Vbh 291;
erly dressed (without the upper robe) Vin i.44; ii.212; S ii.231,
Vism 240 (contrasted to bhāvanāniddesa).
271. See also abhipāruta. Note. The form apāruta is appar-
ently only a neg. pāruta, in reality it is apa+ā+vṛta. Pāliguṇṭhima (adj.) [doubtful, fr pali+guṇṭh, see pali- guṇṭhita;
hapax legomenon] covered round (of sandals) Vin i.186 (Vin.
Pārupati [metathesis fr. pāpurati=Sk. prāvṛṇoti, pra+ vṛ; see also
Texts ii.15: laced boots); v. l. BB °gunṭhika.
pāpurati etc.] to cover, dress, hide, veil D i.246; Vin iv.283;
M iii.94; S ii.281; J ii.24, 109; Pv ii.11 (=nivāseti PvA 147); Pālicca (nt.) [fr. palita] greyness of hair M i.49; S ii.2, 42; A
Mhvs 22, 67; Vism 18; DhA iii.325; VvA 44, 127; PvA 73, iii.196; Dhs 644, 736, 869; VbhA 98.
74, 77. — pp. pāruta (q. v.).
Pālibhaddaka [fr. palibhadda=pari+bhadda, very auspicious] the
Pārupana (nt.) [fr. pārupati] covering, clothing; dress J i.126, tree Butea frondosa J iv.205; Nd 680A ; Vism 256 (°aṭṭhi);
378; iii.82; Miln 279; DhA i.70, 164; PvA 74, 76. VbhA 239 (id.); KhA 46, 53; DhsA 14; DhA i.383. As
phālibhaddaka ( — vana) at J ii.162 (v. l. pātali°).
Pāreti [Denom. fr. pāra; cp. Lat. portare] to make go through, to
bore through, pierce, break (?) J iii.185 (reading uncertain). Pāleti [cp. (Epic) Sk. pālayati, fr. pā] 1. to protect, guard, watch,
keep Sn 585; J i.55; iv.127; vi.589; Miln 4 (paṭhavī lokaṁ
Pārevata [the Prk. form (cp. Māgadhi pārevaya) of the Sk. pārā-
pāleti, perhaps in meaning "keeps, holds, encircles," similar
pata, which appears also as such in P.] 1. a dove, pigeon A
i.162 (dove — coloured); Vv 36 (°akkhi= pārāpat' akkhi VvA to meaning 2); Sdhp 33. — 2. (lit. perhaps "to see through
safely"; for palāyati by false analogy) to go on, to move, to
167); J vi.456. — 2. a species of tree, Diospyros embryopteris
keep going, in def of carati as viharati, iriyati, vattati, pāleti,
J vi.529, 539.
yapeti, yāpeti at Nd 237; Vbh 252; DhsA 167. Cp. pālana.
Pāroha [fr. pra+ruh, cp. Sk. *prāroha] 1. a small (side) branch,
So also in phrase atthaṁ pāleti (so read for paleti?) "to come
new twig (of a Nigrodha tree) J v.8, 38, 472; vi.199; SnA 304; d 2
home" i. e. to disappear Sn 1074 (see expl Nd 28). See other
PvA 113. — 2. a shoot, sprout (from the root of a tree, tiller- refs. under palāyati. — pp. pālita. See also abhi° & pari°. A
ing) S i.69 (see C. expl at K.S. 320); J vi.15; DhA ii.70; VbhA d
contracted (poetical) form is found as pallate at J v.242, expl
475; 476.
by C. as pālayati (pālayate), used as Med. — Pass.
Pāla (—°) [fr. pā, see pāleti] a guard, keeper, guardian, protec-
Pāvaka (adj. n.) [fr. pu, Vedic pāvaka] 1. (adj.) pure, bright,
tor S i.185 (vihāra°); J v.222 (dhamma°); VvA 288 (ārāma°);
clear, shining J v.419. — 2. (m.) the fire S i.69; A iv.97; Dh
Sdhp 285. See also go°, loka°.
71, 140; J iv.26; v.63 (=kaṇha — vattanin) vi.236 (=aggi C.);
Pālaka (—°) [fr. pā] a guardian, herdsman M i.79; S iii.154; A Pv i.8 ; Vism 170 (=aggi).
iv.127; J iii.444.
Pāvacana (nt.) [pa+vacana, with lengthening of first a (see
Pālana (nt.) (& pālanā?) [fr. pāleti 2, to all likelihood for Geiger, P.Gr. § 33 )] a word, esp. the word of the Buddha
palāyana through *pālāna, with false analogy] moving, run- D i,88; S ii.259; Th 1, 587; 2, 457.
ning, keeping going, living, in phrase vutti pālana yapana Pāvadati [=pavadati] to speak out, to tell, show J ii.439; Pv iv.1 ;
etc. at Vism 145; DhsA 149 167; also in def of bhuñjati 1
PvA 118.

Pāvassi Pi sati

Pāvassi see pavassati. Pāsāda [pa+ā+sad, cp. Class. Sk. prāsāda] a lofty platform, a
Pāvāra [fr. pa+vṛ] 1. a cloak, mantle Vin i.281; J v.409 (expl d building on high foundations, a terrace, palace Vin i.58, 96,
107, 239; ii.128, 146, 236 (cp. Vin. Texts i.174; iii.178); D
as pavara — dibba — vattha!). — 2. the mango tree KhA 58
ii.21; S i.137; A i.64; Sn 409; It 33; Pv ii.12 ; J ii.447; iv.153
(°puppha; Vism 258 at id. p. has pāvāraka°).
(pillars); v.217; Vism 339 (°tala); DhsA 107; SnA 502; ThA
Pāvārika [fr. pāvāra] a cloak — seller (?) Vin iv.250.
253, 286; VvA 197; PvA 23, 75, 279 (cp. upari°); Sdhp 299.
Pāvāḷa [see pavāḷa] hair; only in cpd. °nipphoṭanā pulling out — satta-bhū- maka° a tower with 7 platforms J i.227, 346;
one's hair S iv.300. iv.323, 378; v.426, 577. The Buddha's 3 castles at D ii.21; A
i.145; J vi.289. See also J.P.T.S. 1907, 112 (p. in similes).
Pāvisa & Pāvekkhi see pavisati.
Pāsādika (adj.) [fr. pasāda] 1. pleasing, pleasant, lovely, amiable
Pāvuraṇa (nt.) [fr. pa+ā+vṛ; see pāpuraṇa & pārupana] cloak,
Vin iv.18; D iii.141; S i.95; ii.279; A ii.104 sq., 203; iii.255
mantle M i.359; Vin iv.255, 289; ThA 22.
sq.; DhA i.119; ThA 266, 281; DA i.141, 281; VvA 6; PvA 46,
Pāvusa [pa+vṛṣ, cp. Vedic prāvṛṣa & pravarṣa] 1. rain, the rainy
186, 187, 261. — samanta° lovely throughout A i.24; v.11.
season (its first 2 months) Th 1, 597; J v.202, 206. — 2. a sort
— 2. comfortable Vism 105.
of fish J iv.70 (gloss pāgusa, q. v.).
Pāsāvin (adj.) [fr. pasavati] bringing forth S v.170; J i.394.
Pāvussaka (adj.) [fr. pāvusa] raining, shedding rain M. i.306; S
Pāsuka [for the usual phāsuka] a rib Vin ii.266. (loop? Rh.D.).
v.51; A iv.127; J i.95, 96; Miln 114.
Pāsa [Vedic pāśa] a sling, snare, tie, fetter S i.105, 111; A ii.182; Pāsuḷa [for phāsuka] a rib Vin iii.105.
iv.197; Vin iv.153 (? hattha°); Sn 166; It 36 (Māra°); J iii.184; Pāssati fat. of pibati (for pivissati).
iv.414; PvA 206. On its frequent use in similes see J.P.T.S.
Pāhuna (m. nt.) [fr. pa+ā+hu, see also āhuna & der.] 1. (m.) a
1907, 111.
guest A iii.260; J vi.24, 516. — 2. (nt.) meal for a guest D
Pāsa [Class. Sk. prāsa fr. pra+as] a spear, a throw Sn 303; A i.97=M ii.154; Vism 220; DA i.267.
iv.171 (kuṭhāri° throw of an axe). — asi° a class of deities
Pāhunaka (m. — nt.) [fr. pāhuna] 1. (m.) a guest J i.197; iv.274;
Miln 191.
Miln 107; DA i.267, 288; DhA ii.17. — 2. (nt.) meal for a
Pāsa (a stone?) at PvA 63 (pās' antare) is probably a misreading guest S i.114.
and to be corrected to palāsa (palās' antare, similarly to rukkh'
Pāhuṇeyya (adj.) [fr. pāhuna, see also āhuneyya] worthy of hos-
antare, kaṭṭh' — and mūl' antare), foliage.
pitality, deserving to be a guest D iii.5; S i.220; ii.70; A ii.56;
Pāsaṁsa (adj.) [grd. fr. pasaṁsati with pā for pa as in similar for- iii.36, 134, 248, 387; iv.13 sq.; v.67, 198; It 88; Vism 220.
mations (see pāmokkha)] to be praised; praiseworthy M i.15, Pāhuneyyaka=pāhuṇeyya J iii.440.
404; ii.227 (dasa °ṭṭhānāni); A v.129 (id.); J iii.493; Pv iv.7 ;
Pāheti [secondary form. after aor. pāhesi fr. pahiṇati] to send J
Nett 52.
i.447; Miln 8; PvA 133.
Pāsaka [fr. pāsa ] a bow, for the dress Vin ii.136; for the hair Th
Pi (indecl.) [the enclitic form of api (cp. api 2a); on similarities in
2, 411 (if Morris, J.P.T.S. 1893, 45, 46, is right to be corr. fr.
Prk. see Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 143] emphatic particle, as prefix
only in pidahati and pilandhati, where api° also is found (cp.
Pāsaka [fr. pāsa ] a throw, a die J vi.281.
api 1b). — 1. also, and also, even so D i.1; Vin iv.139 (cara
Pāsaka lintel Vin ii.120=148 (see Vin. Texts iii.144). pi re get away with you: see re); J i.151, 278. — 2. even, just
so; with numbers or num. expressions "altogether, in all, just
Pāsaṇḍa [cp. late Sk. pāṣaṇḍa] heresy, sect S i.133, A ii.466; Th
that many" J i.151; iii.275; iv.142. — cattāro pi J iii.51; ubho
2, 183 Miln 359; ThA 164. -°ika heretic, sectarian Vin iv.74.
pi J i.223; sabbe pi Sn 52; J i.280. — 3. but, however, on the
Pāsati (?) only in "sammaṁ pāsanti" at SnA 321 as expl of sam-
other hand, now (continuing a story) J i.208; iv.2. — 4. al-
māpāsa (q. v.).
though, even if J ii.110 (ciram pi kho... ca although for a long
Pāsāṇa [Epic Sk. pāṣāṇa] a rock, stone A i.283; Sn 447; J i.109, time... yet). — 5. perhaps, it is time that, probably Sn 43; J
199; v.295; Vism 28, 182, 183; VbhA 64 (its size as cp with i.151; ii.103. — 6. pi... pi in correlation (like api... api): (a)
pabbata); DhA iii.151; DhsA 389; VvA 157; Sdhp 328. both... and; very often untranslatable Sn 681 (yadā pi... tadā
-guḷa a ball of (soft) stone, used for washing (pumice pi when... then), 808 (diṭṭhā pi sutā pi); J i.222 (jale pi thale
stone?) A ii.200 (sāla — laṭṭhiṁ... taccheyya... likheyya... pi); (b) either... or J i.150; ii.102.
pāsāṇaguḷena dhopeyya... nadiṁ patāreyya), cp. M i.233; 2
Piṁsa [pp. of piṁsati ] crushed, ground, pounded DhA iii.184 (v.
and Vism 28 "bhājane ṭhapitaṁ guḷapiṇḍaṁ viya pāsāṇaṁ."
l. piṭṭha, perhaps preferable).
-cetiya a stone Caitya DhA iii.253. -tala a natural plateau J
Piṁsati [piś or piṁś, cp. Vedic piṁśati, with two bases viz. Idg.
i.207. -piṭṭhe at the back of a rock Vism 116. -pokkharaṇī
*peig, as in P. piñjara & pingala; Lat. pingo to paint, em-
a natural tank Vism 119. -phalaka a slab of stone J iv.328.
broider; and *peik, as in Sk. piṁśati, peśaḥ; Av. paes — to
-macchaka a kind of fish (stone — fish) J iv.70; vi.450.
embellish; Gr. ποικίλος many — coloured; Goth. fēh, Ags.
-lekha writing on a stone Pug 32. -sakkharā a little stone,
fāh id. See detail in Walde, Lat. Wtb. under pingo] to adorn,
fragment of rock S ii.137; A iv.237. -sevāla stone Vallisneria
form, embellish; orig. to prick, cut. Perhaps piṁsare (3. pl.
J v.462. -vassa rain of stones SnA 224.
med.) J v.202 belongs here, in meaning "tinkle, sound" (lit.
Pāsāṇaka=pāsāṇa Vin ii.211.

Pi sati Piṭṭha

prick), expl in C. by viravati. Other der. see under pingala. 240. On expression see Kern, Toev. s. v.
piñjara, pesakāra. 2
Piññāka (nt.) [to piṁsati , cp. Class. Sk. piṇyāka] ground sesa-
Piṁsati [piṣ or piṁṣ, Vedic pinaṣṭi, cp. Lat. pinso to grind, mum, flour of oil — seeds M i.78, 342; Vin iv.341. (p. nāma
pīla=pestle, pistillum=pistil; Lith. paisýti to pound barley; Gr. tilapiṭṭhaṁ vuccati); VvA 142 (tila° seed cake); PvA 48.
πτίσσω id.; Ohg. fesa=Nhg. fese] 1. to grind, crush, pound -bhakkha feeding on flour of oil — seeds D i.166; A
J i.452; ii.363; iv.3 (matthakaṁ), 440 (akaluñ candanañ ca i.241, 295; ii.206; Nd 417; Pug 55.
silāya p.); Miln 43; DhA iii.184 (gandhe piṁsissati; BB pi-
Piṭaka [cp. Epic Sk. piṭaka, etym. not clear. See also P. peḷā &
sissati). — 2. to knock against each other, make a sound J peḷikā] 1. basket Vin i 225 (ghaṭa p. ucchanga), 240 (catu-
v.202: see piṁsati . — pp. piṁsa & piṭṭha . See also pisati 33
doṇika p.); Pv iv.3 ; Vism 28 (piṭake nikkhitta — loṇa —
and paṭi°.
maccha — phāla — sadisaṁ phaṇaṁ); dhañña° a grain —
Pinka [for pinga yellow, brownish, tawny] a young shoot, sprout basket DhA iii.370; vīhi° a rice basket DhA iii.374. Usually
J iii.389 (v. l. singa, which also points to pinga; expl by in comb kuddāḷa-piṭaka "hoe and basket," wherever the act
pavāla). of digging is referred to, e. g. Vin iii.47; D i.101; M i.127;
S ii.88; v.53; A i.204; ii.199; J i.225, 336; DA i.269. — 2.
Pinga see pinka.
(fig.) t.t. for the 3 main divisions of the Pāli Canon "the three
Pingala (adj.) [see piṁsati , cp. Vedic pingala] 1. reddish-yellow,
baskets (basket as container of tradition Winternitz, Ind. Lit.
brown, tawny S i.170; J vi.199 (=pingiya). — 2. red — eyed, ii.8; cp. peḷā 2) of oral tradition," viz. Vinaya°, Suttanta°,
as sign of ugliness J iv.245 (as Np.; comb with nikkhanta — Abhidhamma°; thus mentioned by name at PvA 2; referred
dāṭha); v.42 (tamba — dāṭhika nibbiddha — pingala); Pv ii.4 1
to as "tayo piṭakā" at J i.118; Vism 96 (pañca — nikāya —
(=°locana PvA 90; +kaḷāra — danta).
maṇḍale tīṇi piṭakāni parivatteti), 384 (tiṇṇaṁ Vedānaṁ ugga-
-kipillaka the red ant DhA iii.206. -cakkhutā redeyed- haṇaṁ, tiṇṇaṁ Piṭakānaṁ uggahaṇaṁ); SnA 110, 403; DhA
ness PvA 250. -makkhikā the gadfly J iii.263 (=ḍaṁsa) Nd 2
iii.262; iv.38; cp. Divy 18, 253, 488. With ref. to the Vinaya
268=SnA 101 (id.); SnA 33 (where a distinction is made be-
mentioned at Vin v.3. — Piṭaka is a later collective appella-
tween kāṇa — makkhikā and pingala°), 572 (=ḍaṁsa).
tion of the Scriptures; the first division of the Canon (based
Pingiya (adj.) [fr. Vedic pinga] reddish — brown, yellow J vi.199. on oral tradition entirely) being into Sutta and Vinaya (i. e.
the stock paragraphs learnt by heart, and the rules of the Or-
Pingulā (f.) [a var. of Sk. pingalā, a kind of owl] a species of
der). Thus described at D ii.124; cp. the expression bhikkhu
bird J vi.538.
suttantika vinayadhara Vin ii.75 (earlier than tepiṭaka or
Picu [cp. Class. Sk. picu] cotton Vin i.271; usually in cpds,
piṭakadhara). Independently of this division we find the des-
either as kappāsa° S v.284, 443, or tūla° S v.284, 351 (T.
ignation "Dhamma" applied to the doctrinal portions; and out
thula°), 443; J v.480 (T. tula°). rd
of this developed the 3 Piṭaka, the Abhidhammap. See also
-paṭala membrane or film of cotton Vism 445. -manda Dhamma C. 1. — The Canon as we have it comes very near
the Nimb or Neem tree Azadizachta Indica Pv iv.1 (cp. PvA rd
in language and contents to the canon as established at the 3
220); the usual P. form is pucimanda (q. v.).
Council in the time of King Asoka. The latter was in Māgadhī.
Picu [etym. unknown, prob. Non — Aryan] a wild animal, said — The knowledge of the 3 Piṭakas as an accomplishment of
to be a kind of monkey J vi.537. the bhikkhu is stated in the term tepīṭaka "one who is familiar
Piccha (nt.) [cp. Epic Sk. piccha & puccha tail, to Lat. pinna, with the 3 P." (thus at Miln 18; Dāvs v.22; KhA 41 with v. l.
ti°; SnA 306 id.; DhA iii.385). tipetakī (Vin v.3 Khemanāma
E. fin. Ger. finne] tail — feather, esp. of the peacock Vin
t.), tipeṭaka (Miln 90), and tipiṭaka-dhara KhA 91. See also
i.186 (mora°). — dve° (& de°) having two tail — feathers J
below °ttaya. In BSk. we find the term trepiṭaka in early
v.339, 341 (perhaps to be taken as "wing" here, cp. Halāyudha
inscriptions (1 century a.d., see e. g. Vogel, Epigraphical
2, 84=pakṣa). Cp. piñcha & piñja.
discoveries at Sārnāth, Epigraphia Indica viii. p. 173, 196;
Picchita in su° J v.197 is not clear, C. expl by suphassita, i. e.
Bloch, J. As. Soc. Bengal 1898, 274, 280); the term tripiṭaka
pleasing, beautiful, desirable, thus dividing su — picch°.
in literary documents (e. g. Divy 54), as also tripiṭa (e. g.
Picchila (adj.) [cp. Class. Sk. picchila] slippery Vism 264; VbhA AvŚ i.334; Divy 261, 505). — On the Piṭakas in general &
247 (lasikā=p — kuṇapaṁ); DhA iii.4 (°magga). the origin of the P. Canon see Oldenberg, in ed. of Vin 1; and
Winternitz, Gesch. d. Ind. Litt. 1913, ii.1 sq.; iii.606, 635. —
Piñcha=piccha, i. e. tail — feather, tail Vin ii.130 (mora°). Cp.
Cp. peṭaka.
-ttaya the triad of the Piṭakas or holy Scriptures SnA 328.
Piñja (nt.) [=piccha] a (peacock's) tail — feather J i.38 (mora°
-dhara one who knows (either one or two or all three) the
kalāpa), 207 (=pekkhuṇa); iii.226 (BB piccha & miccha); DA
Piṭaka by heart, as eka°, dvi°, ti° at Vism 62, 99. -sampadāya
i.41 (mora°); DhA i.394 (id.); VvA 147 (mayūra°; BB piñcha,
according to the P. tradition or on the ground of the authority
SS pakkha); PvA 142 (mora° kalāpa).
of the P. M i.520 (itihītiha etc.); ii.169 (id.); and in exegesis of
Piñjara [cp. Class. Sk. piñjara; for etym. see piṁsati ] of a itikirā (hearsay — tradition) at A i.189=ii.191=Nd 151.
reddish colour, tawny J i.93; DA i.245; VvA 165, 288. 1 2
Piṭṭha (nt.) [pp. of piṁsati . cp. Sk. piṣṭa] what is ground,
-odaka fruit of the esculent water plant Trapa Bispinosa J grindings, crushed seeds, flour. Vin i.201, 203; iv.261, 341
vi.563 (v. l. ciñcarodaka), expl by singhāṭaka.
(tila°=piññāka); J ii.244 (māsa°). As piṭṭhi at J i.347.
Piñjita (adj.) [fr. piṁsati , cp. Sk. piñjana] tinged, dyed Miln -khādaniya "flour — eatables," i. e. pastry Vin i.248 (cp.

Piṭṭha Piṇḍa

Vin. Texts ii.139). -dhītalikā a flour — doll, i. e. made long back or ridge Sn 604; mudu° having a flexible back Vin
of paste or a lump of flour PvA 16, 19 (cp. uddāna to the 1 st iii.35.
vagga p. 67 piṭṭhi & reading piṇḍa° on p. 17). -piṇḍi a lump
Piṭṭhikā (f.)=piṭṭhi; loc. piṭṭhikāya at the back of, behind J i.456
of flour Vism 500 (in comp.). -madda flour paste Vin ii.151 (maṇḍala°).
(expl in C. by piṭṭha — khali; cp. piṭṭhi — madda J iii.226,
Piṭṭhimant (adj.) [fr. piṭṭhi] having a back, in f. piṭṭhi-matī (senā)
which would correspond to piṣṭī). -surā (intoxicating) extract
(an army) having troops on (horse — or, elephant — ) back J
or spirits of flour VvA 73.
Piṭṭha (nt.) [identical in form with piṭṭha ] a lintel (of a door)
Piṭhara (m. & nt.) [cp. Epic Sk. piṭhara] a pot, a pan Miln 107
Vin i.47 (kavāṭa°); ii.120 (°sanghāṭa, cp. Vin. Texts iii.105),
(spelt pīthara). As piṭharaka [cp. BSk. piṭharikā Divy 496;
148, 207.
so read for T. piparikā] at KhA 54 to be read for T. pivaraka
Piṭṭha (nt.) [cp. Vedic pṛṣṭha, expl by Grassmann as pra —
according to App. SnA 869.
stha, i. e. what stands out] back, hind part; also surface, top J
Piṇḍa [cp. Vedic piṇḍa; probably connected with piṣ i. e. crush,
i.167 (pāsāṇa° top of a rock). Usually in oblique cases as adv.,
grind, make into a lump; Grassmann compares pīḍ to press; on
viz. instr. piṭṭhena along, over, beside, by way of, on J ii.111
other attempts at etym. see Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. puls] 1. a
(udaka°); iv.3 (samudda°), loc. piṭṭhe by the side of, near, at:
lump, ball, thick (& round) mass S i.206 (aṭṭhīyaka°); Pv iii.5 5
parikhā° at a ditch PvA 201; on, on top of, on the back of (an-
(nonīta°); VvA 62 (kummāsa°), 65; Sdhp 529 (ayo°). — 2. a
imals): ammaṇassa p. J vi.381 (cp. piṭṭhiyaṁ); tiṇa° J iv.444;
lump of food, esp. of alms, alms given as food S i.76; Sn 217,
panka° J i.223; samudda° J i.202. — assa° on horseback D
388, 391; J i.7 (nibbuta° cooled); Miln 243 (para °ṁ ajjhupa-
i.103; similarly: vāraṇassa p. J i.358; sīha° J ii.244; haṭṭhi° J
gata living on food given by others). piṇḍāya (dat.) for alms,
ii.244; iii.392. See also following.
freq. in comb with carati, paṭikkamati, (gāmaṁ) pavisati, e.
Piṭṭhi & Piṭṭhī (f.) [=piṭṭha , of which it has taken over the main
g. Vin ii.195; iii.15; M iii.157; Sn 386; SnA 141, 175; PvA
function as noun. On relation piṭṭha> piṭṭhi cp. Trenckner,
12, 13, 16, 47, 81, 136 and passim. — 3. a conglomeration,
Notes 55; Franke, Bezzenberger's Beiträge xx.287. Cp. also
accumulation, compressed form, heap, in akkhara° sequence
the Prk. forms piṭṭha, piṭṭhī & piṣṭī, all representing Sk. prṣṭḥa:
of letters or syllables, context DhA iv.70.
Pischel, Prk. Gram. §53] 1. the back Vin ii.200 (piṭṭhī); M
-attha condensed meaning, résumé J i.233, 275, 306; KhA
i.354; J i.207; ii.159, 279. piṭṭhiṁ (paccāmittassa) passati
124, 192. Cp. sampiṇḍanattha. -ukkhepakaṁ in the manner
to see the (enemy's) back, i. e. to see the last of somebody
of taking up lumps (of food), a forbidden way of eating Vin
J i.296, 488; iv.208. piṭṭhi as opposed to ura (breast) at Vin
ii.214=iv.195, cp. Vin. Texts i.64 (=piṇḍaṁ piṇḍaṁ ukkhip-
ii.105; Sn 609; as opposed to tala (palm) with ref. to hand &
itvā C.). -gaṇanā counting in a lump, summing up DA i.95.
foot: hattha (or pada — ) tala & °piṭṭhi: J iv.188; Vism 361.
-cāra alms — round, wandering for alms Sn 414. -cārika
— abl. piṭṭhito as adv. (from) behind, at the back of Sn 412
one who goes for alms, begging Vin ii.215; iii.34, 80; iv.79; J
(+anubandhati to follow closely); VvA 256; PvA 78 (geha°).
i.116; VvA 6. -dāyika (& °dāvika) one who deals out food
piṭṭhito karoti to leave behind, to turn one's back on J i.71
(as occupation of a certain class of soldiers) D i.51 (°dāvika);
(cp. pṛṣṭhato — mukha Divy 333). piṭṭhito piṭṭhito right on A iv.107 (v. l. °dāyaka); Miln 331; cp. DA i.156. See also
one's heels, very closely Vin i.47; D i.1, 226. — 2. top, upper Geiger, P.Gr. 46, 1; Rh. D. Dial. i.68 (trsl. "camp — fol-
side (in which meaning usually piṭṭha ), only in cpd. °pāsāṇa 1
lower"); Franke, Dīgha trsl. 53 trsl. "Vorkämpfer" but rec-
and loc. piṭṭhiyaṁ as adv. on top of J v.297 (ammaṇa°) piṭṭhi
ommends trsl. "Klossverteiler" as well). -dhītalikā a doll
at VvA 101 is evidently faulty reading.
made of a lump of dough, or of pastry PvA 17; cp. piṭṭha°.
-ācariya teacher's understudy, pupil — teacher, tutor J
-paṭipiṇḍa (kamma) giving lump after lump, alms for alms, i.
ii.100; v.458, 473, 501. -kaṇṭaka spina dorsi, backbone M
e. reciprocatory begging J ii.82 (piṇḍa — paṭipiṇḍena jīvikaṁ
i.58, 80, 89; iii.92; Vism 271; VbhA 243; KhA 49 sq.; Sdhp
kappesuṁ), 307 (piṇḍapāta — paṭipiṇḍena jīvikaṁ kappenti);
102. -koṭṭhaka an upper room (bath room?) DhA ii.19,
v.390 (mayaṁ piṇḍa — paṭipiṇḍa — kammaṁ na karoma).
20. -gata following behind, foll. one's example Vism 47.
-pāta food received in the alms — bowl (of the bhikkhu), alms
-paṇṇasālā a leaf — hut at the back J vi.545. -parikamma
— gathering (on term see Vism 31 yo hi koci āhāro bhikkhuno
treating one's back (by rubbing) Vin ii.106. -passe (loc.) at
piṇḍolyena patte patitattā piṇḍapāto ti vuccati, and cp. BSk.
the back of, behind J i.292; PvA 55, 83, 106. -pāda the
piṇḍapāta — praviṣṭha AvŚ i.359; piṇḍapāta — nirhāraka Divy
back of the foot, lit. foot — back, i. e. the heel Vism 251;
239) Vin i.46; ii.32 (°ṁ nīharāpeti), 77, 198, 223; iii.80, 99;
KhA 51, (°aṭṭhika); DA i.254. -pāsāṇa a flat stone or rock,
iv.66 sq., 77; M iii.297; S i.76, 92; A i.240; ii.27, 143; iii.109,
plateau, ridge J i.278; ii.352; vi.279; DhA ii.58; VbhA 5, 266.
145 sq.; v.100; Sn 339; J i.7, 149, 212, 233; Pug 59; Vism
-bāha the back of the arm, i. e. elbow (cp. °pāda) KhA 49,
31, 60; VbhA 279 (°âpacāyana); SnA 374; PvA 11 sq., 16, 38,
50 (°aṭṭhi): -maṁsa the flesh of the back PvA 210; SnA 287.
240. -pātika one who eats only food received in the alms —
-maṁsika backbiting, one who talks behind a person's back
bowl; °anga is one of the dhutanga ordinances (see dhutanga)
Sn 244 (=°maṁsakhādaka C.); J ii.186 (of an unfair judge); Vin i.253; ii.32 (°anga), 299 (+paṁsukūlika); iii.15 (id.); M
v.1; Pv iii.9 (BB; T. °aka). As °maṁsiya at J v.10. - i.30; iii.41; A iii.391; Pug 59, 69; SnA 57 (°dhutanga). —
maṁsikȧtā backbiting Nd 39. -roga back — ache SnA 111.
piṇḍapātika bhikkhu a bh. on his alms — round Vism 246 (in
-vaṁsa back bone, a certain beam in a building DhA i.52. simile); VbhA 229 (id.). Cp. BSk. piṇḍapātika AvŚ i.248. -
Piṭṭhika (adj.) (—°) [fr. piṭṭhi] having a back, in dīgha° with a pātikatta (abstr. to prec.) the state of eating alms — food, a

Piṇḍa Pidalaka

characteristic of the Buddhist bhikkhu M iii.41; S ii.202, 208 p. 115; KhA 141; petti-pitā-mahā great — grandfathers, all
sq.; A i.38; iii.109. kinds of ancestors J ii.48 (=pitu — vitā mahā C.). — (b.) piti°:
°kicca duty of a father J v.153; °ghāta parricide J iv.45 (BB
Piṇḍaka [fr. piṇḍa] (alms) — food A iv.185 (SS piṇḍapāta); in
pitu°); °pakkha father's side DhA i.4; °pitāmahā (pl.) fa-
phrase na piṇḍakena kilamati not go short of food Vin iii.15,
thers & grandfathers, ancestors J v.383; °vadha parricide DA
87; iv.23, in ukka-piṇḍaka meaning a cluster of msects or
i.135. — (c) pitu°: °ja originating from the father J vi.589
vermin Vin i.211=239 (v. l. piṇḍuka).
(+mātuja); °ghātaka parricide (+mātughātaka) Vin i.88, 136,
Piṇḍi (f.) [cp. piṇḍa & Sk. piṇḍī] a lump, round mass, ball, clus-
168, 320; °nāma fathers name SnA 423; °pitāmahā (pl.) an-
ter D i.74=A iii.25 (nahāniya° ball of fragrant soap; DA i.218:
cestors (cp. piti°) A iv.61; J i.2; ii.48. °rakkhita guarded by
piṇḍa); M iii.92; J i.76 (phala°); ii.393; iii.53 (amba°); Miln
a father M iii.46. °santaka father's possession J i.2. °hadaya
107; Vism 500 (piṭṭha°); DhA iii.207 (amba°).
father's heart J i.61.
Piṇḍika (—°) in chatta°-vivara is a little doubtful, the phrase
Pitika (—°) (adj.) [fr. pitā] one who has a father, having a father
prob. means "a crevice in the covering (i. e. the round mass) VvA 68 (sa° together with the f.); PvA 38 (mata° whose f. was
of the canopy or sunshade" J vi.376. — Dutoit (J. trsl vi.457)
dead): cp. dve° with 2 fathers J v.424.
translates "opening at the back of the sunshade," thus evidently
reading "piṭṭhika." Pitucchā (f.) [pitu+svasā, cp. Sk. pitṛ — ṣvasṛ] father's sister,
aunt; decl. similarly to pitā & mātā DhA i.37; acc. sg. pituc-
Piṇḍita (adj.) [pp. of piṇḍeti, cp. BSk. piṇḍitamūlya lump —
chasaṁ [Sk. *svasaṁ instead of *svasāraṁ] J iv.184.
sum Divy 500] 1. made into a lump, massed together, con-
-dhītā aunt's daughter, i. e. (girl) cousin DhA i.85.
glomerated, thick Th 2, 395. — 2. "ball-like," close, compact;
-putta aunt's son, i. e. (boy) cousin S ii.282 (Tisso Bhaga-
of sound: J ii.439; vi.519.
vato p.); iii.106 (id.); J ii.119, 324.
Pindiyālopa [piṇḍi+ālopa] a morsel of food Vin i.58 (°bhojana),
Pitta (nt.) [cp. Vedic pitta] 1. the bile, gall; the bile also as
96 (id.); A ii.27; It 102.
seat of the bilious temperament, excitement or anger. Two
Piṇḍeti [Denom. fr. pinḍa] to ball together, mix, put together Pv kinds are distinguished at KhA 60= Vism 260, viz. baddha°
ii.9 (=pisana — vasena yojeti PvA 135). — pp. piṇḍita. & abaddha°, bile as organ & bile as fluid. See also in de-
tail Vism 359; VbhA 65, 243. — In enumerations of the parts
Piṇḍola [etym. unclear] one who seeks alms S iii.93= It 89; cp. d
or affections of the body pitta is as a rule comb with semha
Np. °bhāradvāja SnA 346, 514, 570.
(cp. Vin ii.137; Kh 111; Vism 260, 344; Miln 298). — Vin
Piṇḍolya (nt.) [fr. piṇḍola] asking for alms, alms — round S
ii.137; M iii.90; S iv.230, 231 (+semha); A ii.87; iii.101, 131;
iii.93=It 89; Vism 31. d
Sn 198 (+semha), 434 (id., expl as the two kinds at SnA 388);
Pitar [Vedic pitṛ, pitar —; cp. Gr. πατήρ; Lat. pater, Jup-piter, Nd 370; J i.146 (+semha); ii.114 (pittan te kupitaṁ your bile
Dies — piter=*Ζε*Ζευς πατήρ; Goth. fadar=Ger. vater= E. is upset or out of order, i. e. you are in a bad mood); Miln
father; Oir. athir etc. to onomat. syllable *pa — pa, cp. tāta 112 (vāta — pittasemha...), 304 (roga,+semha), 382 (+semha);
& mātā] father. — Cases: sg. nom. pitā S i.182; Dh 43; J DhsA 190 (as blue — green); DhA iii.15 (cittaṁ n' atthi pit-
v.379; SnA 423; acc. pitaraṁ Dh 294; & pituṁ Cp. ii.9 ; taṁ n' atthi has no heart and no bile, i. e. does not feel & get
instr. pitarā J iii.37, pitunā, petyā J v.214; dat. gen. pitu excited; vv. ll. vitta & nimitta). — 2. [according to Morris,
M iii.176; J iv.137; vi.365, 589; & pituno Vin i.17 (cp. Prk. J.P.T.S. 1893, 4 for *phitta=phīta, Sk. sphīta] swelling, a gath-
piuṇo); abl. pitarā J v.214; loc. pitari. — pl. nom. pitaro Sn ering Vin ii.188 (Vin. Texts iii.237 "a burst gall, i. e. bladder");
404; J iv.1; PvA 38, 54 (mātā°); acc. pitaro PvA 17, pitare, & S ii.242. The passage is not clear, in C. on Ud i.7 we read cit-
pitū Th 2, 433; instr. pitarehi & pitūhi; dat. gen. pitunnaṁ taṁ, see Morris loc. cit. May the meaning be "muzzle"?
J iii.83; (mātā°); vi.389 (id.); Pv ii.8 ; pitūnaṁ It 110; loc. -kosaka gall — bladder KhA 61; Vism 263; VbhA 246.
pitusu Th 2, 499; J i.152 (mātā°); and pitūsu PvA 3 (mātā°).
Pittika (adj.) [fr. pitta] one who has bile or a bilious humoui,
Further: abl. sg. pitito by the father's side D i.113 (+mātito);
bilious Miln 298 (+semhika).
A iii.151; J v.214. — A i.62, 132, 138 sq.; Sn 296, 579 (par-
alokato na pitā tāyate puttaṁ); Nd 441 (=yo so janako); J Pittivisaya [Sporadic reading for the usual petti°] the realm of the
departed spirits M i.73; J i.51; Nd 489.
i.412 (=tāta); v.20; VbhA 108 (where pretty popular etym. is
given with "piyāyatī ti pitā"), 154 (in simile). — Of Brahmā: Pittivisayika (adj.) [fr. pittivisaya] belonging to the realm of the
D i.18, cp. DA i.112; of Inda J v.153. There is sometimes a departed Nd 97 (gati; v. l. petti°).
distinction made between the father as such and the grandfa-
Pithīyatī (pithiyyati) [Pass. of pidahati, cp. api — dahati, Sk.
ther (or ancestors in gen.) with culla° (cūḷa°), i. e. little and
apidhīyate] to be covered, obscured or obstructed; to close,
mahā° i. e. grand — father, e. g. at J i.115 (+ayyaka); PvA 2
shut M ii.104; iii.184; Sn 1034, 1035; Nd 442 (BB pidhiyy-
107. The collective term for "parents" is mātāpitaro (pl. not d
ati; expl by pacchijjati); Th 1, 872; Dh 173; J i.279 (akkhīni
dual), e. g. Sn 404; J i.152; iii.83; iv.1; PvA 107. On sim-
pithīyiṁsu the eyes shut); ii.158 (=paticchādiyati); vi.432.
iles of father and son op. J.P.T.S. 1907, 112. In cpds. there
The spelling of the BB manuscripts is pidhīyati (cp. Trenck-
are the 3 bases pitā, piti° & pitu°. (a) pitā°: °putta father &
ner, Notes 62).
son J i.253; pl. °puttā fathers & sons, or parents & children J
iv.115; vi.84. °mahā grandfather Pv ii.8 ; J ii.263; DA i.281; Pidalaka [etym.? Kern, Toev. s. v. suggests diminutive-
formation fr. Sk. bidala split bamboo] a small stick, skewer
PvA 41; °mahāyuga age of a grandfather (i. e. a generation
of ancestors) D i.113 (see det. expl DA i.281=SnA 462); Sn Vin ii.116, cp. Bdhgh on p. 317: "daṇḍakathina — ppamāṇena

Pidalaka Pire

kaṭasārakassa pariyante paṭisaṁharitvā duguṇa — karaṇa." Piya (adj.) [Vedic priya, prī, cp. Gr. προπροών; Goth. fri-
See also Vin Texts iii.94. jōn to love, frijonds loving=E. friend; Ger. frei, freund; Ohg.
Frīa=Sk. priyā, E. Friday, etc.] dear, in two applications (as
Pidahati [api+dhā, cp. apidahati & Prk. piṇidhattae= Sk. apinid-
stated Nd 133=Nd 444, viz. dve piyā: sattā vā piyā sankhārā
hātave] to cover, to close, conceal, shut M i.117, 380 (dvāraṁ);
vā piyā, with ref. to living beings, to sensations): 1. dear,
J i.292; iii.26; v.389; Miln 139 (vajjaṁ); DhA i.396; ii.4, 85;
beloved (as father, mother, husband, etc.) S i.210 (also com-
iv.197 (ūruṁ); Sdhp 321; aor. pidahi J iv.308 (kaṇṇe); ger. d
pidahitvā Pv ii.7 (dvāraṁ); Vism 182 (nāsaṁ); DA i.136, par. °tara); Dh 130, 157, 220; Vism 296, 314 sq.; often comb
with manāpa (pleasing, also in 2), e. g. D ii.19; iii.167; J
pidhatvā Th 2, 480, & pidhāya J i.150 (dvāraṁ), 243 (id.);
ii.155; iv.132. — 2. pleasant, agreeable, liked Sn 452, 863:
ThA 286; DhA ii.199 (dvārāni). — Pass. pithīyati; pp. pihita d
Dh 77, 211; often comb (contrasted) with appiya, e. g. Sn
(q. v.). The opp. of p. is vivarati.
363, 450 (see also below). nt. piyaṁ a pleasant thing, pleas-
Pidahana (nt.) [fr. api+dhā, cp. apidahana] covering up, shut-
antry, pleasure S i.189; Sn 450, 811; DhA iii.275. — appiya
ting, closing Vism 20; DhA iv.85 (=thakana).
unpleasant M i.86; Kh viii.5. appiyatā unpleasantness J iv.32.
Pidhara [fr. api+dhṛ] a stick (or rag?) for scraping (or wiping?) See also pīti & pema.
Vin ii.141 (avalekhana°), 221 (id.). Meaning doubtful. -âpāya separation from what is dear to one, absence of
Pidhāna (nt.) [=pidahana] cover J vi.349. -°phalaka covering the beloved A iii.57; Dh 211. -âppiya pleasant & unpleasant
board Vism 261 (where KhA in same passage reads paṭikuj- D ii.277 (origin of it); Dh 211. -kamya friendly disposition
Vin iv.12. -ggāhin grasping after pleasure Dh 209, cp. DhA
jana — phalaka)=VbhA 244.
iii.275. -cakkhu a loving eye D iii.167. -dassana lovely
Pināsa [cp. Sk. pīnasa] cold in the head, catarrh, in enum of ill- to behold, goodlooking D iii.167. -bhāṇin speaking pleas-
nesses under dukkha, at Nd 304 ≈ (kāsa, sāsa, pināsa, etc.).
antly, flattering J v.348. -manāpatā belovedness M i.66.
Pipati [dial. form for pibati, pivati, usually restricted to Gāthā -rūpa pleasant form, an enticing object of sight D i.152 (cp.
Dial., cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 132] to drink, only in imper. pres. DA i.311); S ii.109 sq.; A ii.54; It 95, 114; Sn 337, 1086 (cp.
pipa M i.316; S i.459, and ppr. pipaṁ J v.255, gen. pl. pi- Nd 445); Vbh 103; Nett 27. -vacana term of endearment
pataṁ Sn 398. or esteem, used with ref. to āyasmā Nd 130; SnA 536, etc.;
or mārisa SnA 536. -vācā pleasant speech S i.189; Sn 452.
Pipāsā (f.) [Desid. form. fr. pā, pibati>pipati, lit. desire to drink]
1. thirst Nd 443 (=udaka — pipāsā); Miln 318; VbhA 196 -vādin speaking pleasantly, affable D i.60 (manāpacārin+); A
(in comparison); PvA 23, 33, 67 sq.; Sdhp 288. Often comb d iii.37; iv.265 sq. -vippayoga separation from the beloved
object Sn 41 (cp. Nd 444); PvA 161 (here with ref. to the
with khudā (hunger) e. g. Sn 52, 436 (khup°); PvA 67; or
husband); syn. with appiya — sampayoga, e. g. at Vism 504
jighacchā (id.), e. g. M i.10; S i.18; A ii.143, 153; Miln 304.
— 2. longing (for food), hunger J ii.319. — 3. desire, craving,
longing D iii.238 (avigata°); S iii.7, 108, 190; iv.387; A ii.34 Piya [sporadic for phiya, q. v.] oar; usually so in cpd. piyâritta
(pipāsavinaya; expl at Vism 293); iv.461 sq. (nt.) oar & rudder S i.103; A ii.201; J iv.164.
Pipāsita (adj.) [pp. of pipāsati, Desid. fr. pā, cp. pipāsā] thirsty Piyaka [cp. Class. Sk. priyaka] a plant going under various
S i.143; ii.110 (surā°); J vi.399; Miln 318 (kilantatasita — p.); names, viz. Nauclea cadamba; Terminalia tomentosa; Vitex
Vism 262; PvA 127; Sdhp 151. trifolia J v.420 (=setapuppha C.); vi.269.
Pipāsin (adj.) [fr. pipāsā] thirsty D ii.265. Piyangu (f.) [cp. Vedio priyangu] 1. panic seed, Panicum
Italicum Vv 53 ; J i.39; PvA 283. Mixed with water and made
Pipi (adj.) [fr. pā, see pivati] drinking (?) in su° good to drink
into a kind of gruel (piyangûdaka) it is used as an emetic J
(?) J vi.326 (v. l. BB sucimant). Or is it "flowing" (cp. Vedic
i.419. See also kangu. — 2. a medicinal plant, Priyangu J
pipiṣvat overflowing)?
Pipīlikā (f.) & pipillika [cp. Vedic pipīlikā, pipīlaka & pipīlika;
Piyatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. piya ] belovedness, pleasantness A v.164
BSk. pipīlaka AvŚ ii.130 (kunta°). See also kipillikā] ant J
sq.; Sdhp 66.
iii.276 (BB kipillikā); Sdhp 23; as pipillikā at J i.202.
Piyāyati [Denom. fr. piya ] to hold dear, to like, to be fond of
Pippala [for the usual P. pipphalī, Sk. pippalī] pepper Vin i.201,
(acc.), to be devoted to S i.210; J i.156; ii.246; vi.5; VbhA
cp. Vin. Texts ii.46.
108 (in etym. of pitā, q. v.); DhA iv.125; SnA 78; VvA 349;
Pipphala [cp. Epic Sk. pippala, on ph for p see pipphalī] the fruit
PvA 71. — pp. piyāyita. Note. A ppr. piyaṁ is found at SnA
of Ficus religiosa, the holy fig tree J vi.518 (Kern's reading, d
169 for Sn 94 adj. piya, and is expl by pīyamāna tussamāna
Toev. s. v. for T. maddhu — vipphala, C. reads madhuvip- modamāna.
phala & expl by madhuraphala).
Piyāyanā (f.) [fr. piyāyati] love, fondness for (loc.) S i.210.
Pipphalaka (nt.?) [etym.? BR give Sk. *pippalaka in meaning
"thread for sewing"] scissors (? so ed.) DA i.70. Piyāyita [pp. of piyāyati] held dear, fondled, loved, liked Sn 807;
Nd 126.
Pipphalī (f.) [with aspirate ph for p, as in Sk. pippalī, see Geiger,
Piyāla [cp. Class. Sk. priyāla] the Piyal tree, Buchanania latifolia
P.Gr. § 62. See also pippala. Etym. loan words are Gr.
J v.415. — (nt.) the fruit of this tree, used as food J iv.344;
πέπερι=Lat. piper=E. pepper, Ger. pfeffer] long pepper S
v.79; J iii.85; Vv 43 ; DhA i.258 (°guhā Npl.); iv.155. v.324.
Pire at Vin iv.139 is to be separated (cara pi re get away with you),

Pire Pisīla

both pi and re acting as part. of exclamation. The C. expl (p. Piḷayhati [api+nayhati, cp. Sk. pinahyate] to fasten on, put
362) by "pire (voc.?)=para, amāmaka" is an artificial construc- on, cover, dress, adorn J v.393 (piḷayhatha 3 rd sg. im-
tion. per.=pilandhatu C.).
Pilaka [cp. Class. Sk. piḍakā] a boil Sn p. 124 (piḷaka, v. l. pi- Piḷhaka (v. l. miḷhakā) at S ii.228 is to be read as mīḷhakā
laka); Vism 35 (pīḷaka); DhA i.319 (v. l. piḷaka).— See also "cesspool" (q. v.). The C. quoted on p. 228 expl incorrectly
piḷakā. by "kaṁsalak' ādi gūthapāṇakā," which would mean "a low
insect breeding in excrements" (thus perhaps=paṭanga?). The
Pilakkha [cp. Vedic plakṣa] the wave — leaved fig tree, Ficus in-
trsl. (K.S. ii.155) has "dung — beetle."
fectoria Vin iv.35; DA i.81. As pilakkhu [cp. Prk. pilakkhu
Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 105] at S v.96; J iii.24, 398. Pivati & Pibati [Vedic pāti & pibati, redupl. pres. to root Idg.
*poi & pī, cp. Lat. bibo (for * pibo); Gr. πϊυω to drink, πότος
Pilandha (adj.) (—°) [fr. pilandhati] adorning or adorned Miln
drink; Obulg. piti to drink, also Lat. pōtus drink, pōculum
336, 337. Cp. apiḷandha.
beaker (=pātra, P. patta). See also pāyeti to give drink, pāna,
Pilandhati [see apilandhati, api+nah] to adorn, put on, bedeck
pānīya drink, pīta having drunk] to drink. — pres. pivati D
Miln 337; J v.400. Caus. II. pilandhāpeti J i.386. st
i.166; iii.184; J iv.380; v.106; PvA 55. — 1 pl. pivāma
Pilandhana & Piḷandhana (nt.) [=apilandhana] putting on orna- Pv i.11 ; 2 nd pl. pivatha PvA 78 & pivātha Pv i.11 ; 3 pl.
ments, embellishment, ornament, trinkets A i.254, 257; iii.16; med. piyyare J iv.380. — imper. piva PvA 39, & pivatu Vin
Th 2, 74; Vv 64 (ḷ); J i.386 (ḷ); v.205; VbhA 230 (°vikati; ḷ); iv.109. — ppr. pivaṁ Sn 257; Dh 205, & pivanto SnA 39. —
VvA 157 (ḷ), 167 (ḷ); PvA (ḷ); Sdhp 243. fut. pivissati J vi.365; PvA 5, 59; pissāmi J iii.432; pāssati
J iv.527. — aor. pivi J i.198; apivi Mhvs 6, 21; pivāsiṁ Ud
Pilava & Plava [fr. plu, cp. Vedic plava boat, Russ. plov ship]
42; apāyiṁha J i.362 (or °siṁha?); apaṁsu A i.205. — ger.
1. swimming, flowing, floating J v.408 (suplav — atthaṁ in
pivitvā J i.419; iii.491; vi.518; PvA 5, 23; pītvā Sn 257; Dh
order to swim through well=plavana C.). — 2. a kind of duck 8
[so Epic Sk.] Vv 35 (cp. VvA 163); J v.420. 205; J i.297; pītvāna J ii.71; pitvā Pv i.11 . — grd. pātabba
Vin ii.208; peyya; see kāka.° — inf. pātuṁ J ii.210; Pv i.6 .
Pilavati & Plavati [cp. Vedic plavati; plu, as in Lat. pluo to rain,
— pp. pīta (q. v.). — Of forms with p for v we mention the
pluvius rain, Gr. πλέω swim, πλύνω wash; Ohg. flouwen
foll.: pipati M i.32; DhsA 403 (as v. l.); imper. pipa J i.459;
etc. to rinse=E. flow] to move quickly (of water), to swim,
ppr. pipaṁ M i.316, 317. — Caus. pāyeti & pāyāpeti (q. v.).
float, sway to & fro Th 1, 104; Miln 377; VvA 163; DhsA 76.
Pivana (nt.) [fr. pivati] drinking PvA 251.
As plavati at J i.336 (verse); Dh 334 (v. l. SS; T. palavati).
As palavati at Th 1, 399. — See also uppalavati (uppluta), Pivaraka see piṭharaka.
opilāpeti, paripalavati.
Pisati [=piṁsati] to grind, crush, destroy; Pass. pisīyati to perish
Pilavana & Palavana (nt.) [fr. plu] swimming, plunging J v.409 VvA 335 (+vināseti). — pp. pisita.
Pisana (nt.) [fr. piṁsati?] grinding, powder see upa°.
Pilāpanatā (f.) [fr. plu, see pilavati] superficiality Dhs 1349, cp.
Pisāca [cp. Sk. piśāca & Vedic piśāci; to same root as
DhsA 405.
pisuna=Vedic piśuna, & Lat. piget, Ohg. fēhida enmity=Ags.
Pilāla at J i.382 (°piṇḍa+mattikā — piṇḍa) is doubtful. Fausböll faehp ("feud"), connected with root of Goth. fijan to hate; thus
suggests mistake for palala straw, so also Ed. Müller, P.Gr. pisāca=fiend] 1. a demon, goblin, sprite D i.54 (T. pesācā, v.
6. l. pisācā, expl at DA i.164 as "pisācā mahanta — mahantā
sattā ti vadati"), 93; S i.209; A iii.69; Ud 5; J i.235; iv.495
Pilotikā (f.) [cp. Class. Sk. plota (BR=prota), Suśr. i.15, 3;
(yakkha p. peta); Miln 23; VvA 335; PvA 198; Sdhp 313.
16, 7 & passim] a small piece of cloth, a rag, a bandage Vin
— f. pisācī J v.442. — 2. [like pisāca — loha referring to
i.255, 296 (khoma° cp. Vin. Texts ii.156); M i.141 (chinna —
the Paiśāca district, hailing from that tribe, cp. the term malla
°o — dhammo laid bare or open); S ii.28 (id.), 219 (paṭa°);
in same meaning and origin] a sort of acrobat, as pl. pisācā
J i.220; ii.145; iii.22 (jiṇṇa°), 511; vi.383; Miln 282; Vism
"tumblers" Miln 191.
328; KhA 55; DhA i.221 (tela° rags dipped in oil); VvA 5;
-nagara town of goblins (cp. yakkha — nagara) Vism
PvA 185; — As m. at J iv.365. The BSk. forms vary; we
531. -loha [connected with the tribe of the Paiśāca's: Mhbh
read chinna-pilotika at AvŚ i.198; MVastu iii.63; pilotikā (or
vii.4819; cp. Paiśācī as one of the Prākrit dialects: Pischel,
°ka) at MVastu iii.50, 54. Besides we have ploti in karmaploti
Prk. Gr. § 3] a kind of copper VbhA 63 (eight varieties).
(pūrvikā k.) Divy 150 etc. AvŚ i.421.
-khaṇḍa a piece of rag DhA iv.115; ThA 269; PvA 171. Pisācaka=pisāca, only in cpd. paṁsu° mud — sprite J iv.380,
496; DA i.287; DhA ii.26.
Pillaka [cp. Sk. *pillaka] the young of an animal, sometimes
used as term for a child J ii.406 (sūkara°); DhA iv.134 (as an Pisācin (adj. n.) [fr. pisāca, lit. having a demon] only f. pisācinī
abusive term; vv. ll. SS kipillaka; gloss K pitucūḷaka, BB a witch (=pisācī) Th 1, 1151.
cūḷakaniṭṭha); Sdhp 164, 165. — As pillika at J i.487 (godha°,
Pisācillikā (f.) [fr. pisāca] a tree — goblin Vin i.152; ii.115, 134;
v. l. BB godha — kippillika).
SnA 357; cp. Vin. Texts i.318.
Piḷakā (f.) [cp. Class. Sk. piḍakā] 1. a small boil, pustule, pimple Pista [pp. of pisati] crushed, ground Vism 260 (=piṭṭha KhA id.
Vin i.202; S i.150; J v.207, 303; Nd 370; Miln 298; DA i.138.
p.); VbhA 243.
— 2. knob (of a sword) J vi.218. — Cp. pilaka.
Pisīyati Pass. of pisati (q. v.).

Pisīla Pīti

Pisīla (nt.) [Sk. piśāla] a dial. expression for pātī or patta "bowl" Pīṭhikā (f.) [fr. pīṭha] a bench, stool Vin ii.149 ("cushioned chair"
M iii 235 (passage quite misunderstood by Neumann in his Bdhgh; see Vin. Texts iii.165); J iv.349; DA i.41; VvA 8.
trsl iii.414).
Pīṇana (nt.) [fr. prī, cp. pīti] 1. gladdening, thrill, satisfac-
Pisuṇa (adj.) [Vedic piśuṇa, see etym. under pisāca] backbit- tion Vism 143=DhsA 115. — 2. embellishment Vism 32
ing, calumnious, malicious M iii.33, 49; J i.297; Pug 57; PvA (=maṇḍana).
15, 16. Usually comb with vācā malicious speech, slander, 13
Pīṇita [pp. of pīṇeti] pleased, gladdened, satisfied Vv 16
pisuṇavācā and pisuṇāvācā D i.4, 138; iii.70 sq., 171, 232,
(=tuṭṭha VvA 84); Miln 238, 249, 361; usually in phrase
269; M i.362; iii.23; adj. pisuṇāvāca & M iii.22, 48; S ii.167;
pīṇitindriya with satisfied senses, with joyful heart M ii.121;
Pug 39. — Cp. pesuna.
PvA 46, 70.
Pisodara [pṛṣa, i. e. pṛṣant+udara, see pasata ] having a spotted
Pīṇeti [cp. Vedic prīṇāti, prī, see piya. The meaning in Pāli how-
belly KhA 107 (ed. compares pṛṣodarādi Pāṇini vi.3, 109).
ever has been partly confused with pī, pinvati (see pīna), as
Pihaka (nt.) [cp. Sk. plihaṇaka & plīhan (also Vedic plāśi?), Av. suggested by Bdhgh in DA i.157: "pīṇentī ti pīṇitaṁ thāma-
spǤrǤǤan; Gr. σπλήν, σπλάγξνα entrails; Lat. lien spleen] bal' ûpetaṁ karonti"] to gladden, please, satisfy, cheer; to
the spleen M iii.90; Sn 195; J v.49. In detail at Vism 257; invigorate, make strong, often in phrase (attānaṁ) sukheti
VbhA 240. pīṇeti "makes happy and pleases" D i.51; iii.130 sq.; S i.90;
iv.331; PvA 283: cp. DhsA 403 (sarīraṁ p.). It also occurs
Pihana (nt.) & °ā (f.) [fr. piheti] envying Dhs 1059; SnA 459
in def. of pīti (pīṇayatī ti pīti) at Vism 143=DhsA 115. — pp.
Pihayati & Piheti [cp. Vedic spṛhayati, spṛh] 1. to desire, long 1
for (with acc.) Vin ii.187; S ii.242 (pihāyittha 2 nd pl. aor.); Pīta [pp. of pivati] 1. having drunk or (pred.) being drunk (as
J i.401; iv.198 (pattheti+); Th 2, 454; Vv 84 45 (=piyāyati liquid) S i.212 (madhu°); J i.198; PvA 25 (with asita, khāyita
& sāyita as fourfold food). — 2. soaked or saturated with
VvA 349). — 2. to envy (with gen. of person & object),
(—°), in kasāyarasa° J ii.98 (or=pīta ?) and visapīta (of an
covet M i.504; S i.202, 236; Th 1, 62; Sn 823, 947; It 36;
arrow) J v.36; Vism 303, 381; which may however be read (on
Dh 94 (=pattheti DhA 177), 181 (id. iii.227), 365 (ppr. pi-
acct. of v. l. visappīta) as visappita "poison — applied" (see
hayaṁ=labhaṁ patthento DhA iv.97); J i.197 (aor. mā pihayi);
appita). Does M i.281 pīta — nisita belong here (=visapīta)?
Miln 336. — pp. pihayita.
— 3. (nt.) drink M i.220 sq.=A v.347 sq.; A v.359; Th 1, 503;
Pihayita [pp. of pihayati] desired, envied, always comb with 10
Pv ii.7 ; Nett 29, 80.
patthita Miln 182, 351. 2
Pīta (adj.) [Epic Sk. pīta, etym. unclear] yellow, golden-
Pihā (f.) [fr. spṛh, cp. Sk. spṛhā] envy, desire M i.304; J
coloured Vin i.217 (virecana); D i.76 (nīla p. lohita odāta);
i.197; Vism 392 (Bhagavantaṁ disvā Buddha — bhāvāya pi-
iii.268 (°kasiṇa); M i.281 (pīta — nisita, belonging here or un-
haṁ anuppādetvā thita — satto nāma n' atthi). — adj. apiha 1
der pīta ?), cp. 385 (below); A iii.239; iv.263, 305, 349; v.61;
without desire S i.181.
J vi.185 (nīla p. lohita odāta mañjeṭṭhaka), 449 (°alankāra,
Pihāyanā (f.)=pihanā Nett 18. °vasana °uttara, cp. 503); Dhs 203 (°kasiṇa), 246, 247 (nīla
Pihālu (adj.) [cp. Sk. spṛhālu, fr. spṛh, but perhaps=Ved. piyāru p. lohitaka, odāta); Vism 173 (°kasiṇa). — pīta is promi-
nent (in the sense of golden) in the description of Vimānas
malevolent. On y>h cp. P. paṭṭhayati for paṭṭhahati] covetous,
only neg. a° S i.187=Th 1, 1218; Sn 852; Nd 227. or other heavenly abodes. A typical example is Vv 47 (Pī-
tavimāna v.1 & 2), where everything is characterised as pīta,
Pihita [pp. of pidahati] covered, closed, shut, obstructed (opp. vi- viz. vattha, dhaja, alankāra, candana, uppala, pāsāda, āsana,
vaṭa) M i.118; iii.61; S i.40; A ii.104; Nd 149; J i.266; Miln n
bhojana, chatta, ratha, assa, bījanī; the C. expl of pīta at this
102 (dvāra), 161; Vism 185; DA i.182 (°dvāra). 1
passage is "suvaṇṇa"; cp. Vv 36 (=parisuddha, hemamaya
Pīṭha (nt.) [cp. Fpic Sk. pīṭha] a seat, chair, stool, bench. VvA 166); 78 (=suvaṇṇamaya C. 304).
— 4. kinds are given at Vin iv.40=168, viz. masāraka, -antara a yellow dress or mantle Vv 36 (=pītavaṇṇā ut-
bundikābaddha, kuḷirapādaka, āhaccapādaka (same cat- tarīyā C. 166). -aruṇa yellowish red Th 2, 479. -âvalepana
egories as given under mañca). — Vin i.47, 180; ii.114, 149, "golden — daubed" M i.385.
225; A iii.51 (mañca°, Dvandva); iv.133 (ayo°); Ps i.176; Vv Pītaka (adj.) [fr. pīta] yellow Vin iv.159; Th 2, 260; J ii.274;
1 (see discussed in detail at VvA 8); VvA 295 (mañca°). — 3
Pv iii.1 (=suvaṇṇavaṇṇa PvA 170); Dhs 617 (nīla p. lohitaka
pāda° footstool J iv.378; VvA 291; bhadda° state — chair,
odāta kāḷaka mañjeṭṭhaka); ThA 211. -pītakā (f.) saffron,
throne J iii.410.
turmeric M i.36.
-sappin "one who crawls by means of a chair or bench,"
Pīti (f.) [cp. Class. Sk. prīti & Vedic prīta pp. of prī, see pīneti &
i. e. one who walks on a sort of crutch or support, a cripple
piya] emotion of joy, delight, zest, exuberance. On term see
(pīṭha here in sense of "hatthena gahana — yogga" VvA 8;
exlp by Bdhgh as "chinn' iriyāpatha" Vin. Texts i.225) J i.76, Dhs. trsl. 11 and Cpd. 243. Classed under sankhārakkhandha,
418; v.426 (khujja+) vi.4, 10; Miln 205, 245, 276; Vism 596 not vedanā°. — D i.37, 75; iii.241, 265, 288; M i.37; S ii.30;
(& jaccandha, in simile); DhA i.194; ii.69; PugA 227; PvA iv.236; A iii.26, 285 sq.; iv.411, 450; v.1 sq., 135, 311 sq., 333
sq.; Sn 257, 687, 695, 969, 1143 (=Bhagavantaṁ ārabbha p.
pāmujjaṁ modanā pamodanā citti — odagyaṁ etc. Nd 446);
Pīṭhaka [fr. pīṭha] a chair, stool VvA 8, 124. See also palāla°. 1
Nd 3, 491; Pug 68; Dhs 9, 62, 86, 172, 584, 999; Nett 29;

Pīti Puggala

Vism 145 (& sukha in contrasted relation), 212, 287 (in de- Pīḷita [pp. of pīḷeti] crushed, oppressed, molested, harassed Vin
tail); DA i.53 (characterised by ānanda); DhA i.32; Sdhp 247, iv.261; Vism 415 (dubbhikkha°); DhA iv.70; ThA 271. Cp.
461. On relation to jhāna see the latter. In series pīti pas- abhi°, pa°.
saddhi samādhi upekkhā under sambojjhanga (with eleven
Pīḷeti [cp. Vedic pīḍayati, pīḍ, cp. Gr. πιέζω (*πισεδιω?) to
means of cultivation: see Vism 132 & VbhA 282). — Phrase
press, oppress (lit. sit upon?)] 1. to press, press down Vin
pītiyā sarīraṁ pharati "to pervade or thrill the body with joy"
ii.225 (coḷakaṁ). — 2. to weigh down heavily J i.25 (ppr.
(aor. phari), at J i.33; v.494; DhA ii.118; iv.102; all passages
pīḷiyamāna), 138. — 3. to press, clench Miln 418 (muṭṭhiṁ
refer to pīti as the fivefold pīti, pañcavaṇṇā pīti, or joy of the
pīḷayati); DhA iv.69 (anguliyā pīḷiyamānāya). — 4. to crush,
5 grades (see Dhs. trsl. 11, 12, and Cpd. 56), viz. khuddikā
keep under, subjugate Miln 277 (janaṁ). — 5. to molest VvA
(slight sense of interest), khaṇikā (momentary joy), okkantikā
348 (pīḷanto ppr. for pīḷento?). — pp. pīḷita.
(oscillating interest, flood of joy), ubbegā (ecstasy, thrilling
Puṁ as a term for Purgatory (niraya): see Bdhgh's etym. of
emotion), and pharaṇā pīti (interest amounting to rapture, suf-
puggala Vism 310, as quoted under puggala.
fusing joy). Thus given at DhsA 115 & Vism 143, referred to
at DhsA 166. — pīti as nirāmisa (pure) and sāmisa (material) Puṁs [Vedic puṁs (weak base) and pumāṁs (strong base), often
at M iii.85; S iv.235. opp. to strī (woman, female); cp. putra & potaka]. Of the sim-
-gamanīya pleasant or enjoyable to walk M i.117. plex no forms are found in Pāli proper. The base puṁ occurs
-pāmojja joy and gladness A iii.181. 307 (°pāmujja); Dh 374; in pukusa (?), puggala (?), pungava, pullinga; puṁs in na-
DhA iv.110; KhA 82. -pharaṇatā state of being pervaded puṁsaka (cp. Prk. napuṁsaveya Pischel, Gram. § 412). The
with joy, joyous rapture, ecstasy D iii.277; Ps i.48; Vbh 334; role of puṁs as contrast to itthi has in Pāli been taken over by
Nett 89. -bhakkha feeding on joy (Ep. of the Ābhassara purisa, except in itthi-pumā at the old passage D iii.85. The
Devas) D i.17; iii.28, 84, 90; A v.60; Dh 200; A i.110; DhA strong base is in P. puman (q. v.). See also posa .
iii.258; Sdhp 255. -mana joyful — hearted, exhilarated, glad
Pukkusa [non — Aryan; cp. Epic Sk. pukkuśa, pukkaśa pulkasa.
of heart or mind M i.37; iii.86; S i.181; A iii.21; v.3; Sn 766; The "Paulkāsa" are mentioned as a mixed caste at Vājasaneya
Nd 3; J iii.411; Vbh 227. -rasa taste or emotion of joy VvA
Saṁhitā 30, 17 (cp. Zimmer, Altind. Leben 217)] N. of a (Non
86. -sambojjhanga the joy — constituent of enlightenment
— Aryan) tribe, hence designation of a low social class, the
M iii.86; D iii.106, 226, 252, 282. Eleven results of such a members of which are said (in the Jātakas) to earn their liv-
state are enum at DhsA 75, viz. the 6 anussatis, upam' ânus-
ing by means of refuseclearing. On the subject see Fick, So-
sati, lūkhapuggalaparivajjanatā, siniddha — pug. — sevanatā,
ciale Gliederung 206, 207. — Found in foll. enumerations:
pasādanīyasuttanta — paccavekkhaṇatā, tadadhimuttatā (cp.
khattiyā brāhmaṇā vessā suddā caṇḍāla — pukkusā A i.162=
Vism 132 & VbhA 282). -sahagata followed or accompa- d
iii.214; J iii.194 (expl by C. chava — chaḍḍaka — caṇḍālā ca
nied by joy, bringing joy Dhs 1578 (dhammā, various things 12
puppha — chaḍḍaka — pukkusā ca); iv.303; Pv ii.6 ; Miln 5.
or states); Vism 86 (samādhi). -sukha zest and happiness,
Further as pukkusakula as the last one of the despised clans
intrinsic joy (cp. Cpd. 56, 243) S i.203; D iii.131, 222; Dhs
(caṇḍālakula, nesāda°, veṇa°, rathakāra°, p.°) at M iii.169; S
160; Vism 158; ThA 160. According to DhsA 166 "rapture
i.94; A ii.85; Vin iv.6; Pug 51. With nesāda at PvA 176. —
and bliss," cp. Expositor 222. -somanassa joy and satisfac- Cp. M iii.169.
tion J v.371; Sn 512; PvA 6, 27, 132.
Puggala [cp. Class. Sk. pudgala, etym. connected with puṁs,
Pītika (—°) (adj.) [fr. pīti] belonging to joy; only as sappī- tika n
although the fantastic expl of native Commentators refers it
& nippītika bringing joy & devoid of joy, with & without ex-
to puṁ "a hell" and gal; so at Vism 310: "pun ti vuccati ni-
uberance (of sukha) A iii.26; iv.300, 441.
rayo, tasmiṁ galantī ti puggalā"] 1. an individual, as opposed
Pītin (adj.) [fr. pīta ) drinking, only at Dh 79 in cpd. dhamma° to a group (sangha or parisā), person, man; in later philosoph-
drinking in the Truth, expl as dhammapāyako, dhammaṁ pi- ical (Abhidhamma) literature=character, soul (=attan). — D
vanto at DhA ii.126. i.176; M iii.58; S i.93 sq.; iii.25; A i.8, 197; ii.126 sq.; Sn
544, 685; Dh 344; Ps i.180 sq.; ii.1 sq., 52; Pv ii.3 25 (cp.
Pīna (adj.) [cp. Epic Sk. pīna of pī to swell up (with fat); to
PvA 88); ii.9 ; PvA 40, 132. — pl. puggalā people VvA 86
which also Vedic pīvan & pīvara fat, Gr. πιμελή & ππιμελή &
(=sattā), 149. — para-puggala another man D i.213; S ii.121;
πιον fat, Lat. opīmus fat, Ger. feist & fett=E. fat] fat, swollen
v.265; Vism 409. — purisa-puggala individual man, being,
Th 2, 265 (of breasts).
person S ii.206; iv.307; A i.173=M ii.217. Characterised as
Pīḷaka [fr. pīd?] a (sort of) boil Vism 35; see pilaka.
an individual in var. ways, e. g. as agga° Sdhp 92, 558; ab-
Pīḷana (nt.) [fr. pīḍ, cp. pīḷā] oppression, injury, suffering (from habba° J i.106; ariya° Vin v.117; asura — parivāra° A ii.91;
dukkha) Vism 212=494; also in nakkhatta° harm to a constel- kodhagaru° A ii.46; gūtha°, puppha° madhubhāṇī° A i.128;
lation, i. e. occultation DhA i.166 sq. dakkhiṇeyya° VvA 5; diṭṭhisampanna° A i.26 sq.; iii.439 sq.;
iv.136; nibbiriya kusīta° J iv.131; pāsāṇalekh' ûpama° etc. A
Pīḷā (f.) [cp. Class. Sk. pīḍā fr. pīḍ] 1. pain, suffering J i.421;
i.283; valāhak' ûpama A ii.102 sq.; saddha, asaddha Ps i.121;
Miln 278; Vism 42. — 2. oppression, damage, injury SnA
ii.33; sivāthik' upama A iii.268; suppameyya etc. A i.266
353; DA i.259.
sq. [a]sevitabba A iv.365; v.102, 247, 281; hīna majjhima
Pīlikoḷikā (f.) [reading not quite sure, cp. koḷikā] eye-secretion paṇīta S ii.154. — Groups of characters: (2) A i.76, 87; (3)
Th 2, 395 (=akkhigūthaka ThA 259, q. v. for fuller expl ; see
gilān' ûpama etc. A i.121 sq.; avuṭṭhika — sama padesa —
also J.P.T.S. 1884, 88).
vassin, sabbatth' âbhivassin It 64 sq.; satthar, sāvaka, sekha It

Puggala Puñjaka

78; sekha asekha n' eva — sekha — nāsekha D iii.218; (4) D Pucchā (f.) [cp. Class. Sk. pṛcchā=Ohg. forsca question] a ques-
iii.232, 233; S i.93; J iv.131; (5) Nett 191; (6) rāga — carita, tion Sn 1023; SnA 46, 200, 230. A system of questions ("ques-
dosa°, moha°, saddhā°, buddha°, vitakka° Vism 102; (7) ub- tionnaire") is given in the Niddesa (and Commentaries), con-
hato — bhāga — vimutta, paññāvimutta etc. D iii.105; (8) sisting of 12 groups of three questions each. In full at Nd 339,
A iii.212; S v.343 (19) Nett 190; (26) Nett 189, 190. — See 340=Nd under pucchā (p. 208). The first group comprises the
also paṭipuggala. — 2. (in general) being, creature Miln 310 three adiṭṭha — jotanā pucchā, diṭṭha — saṃsandanā p., vimat-
(including Petas & animals). icchedanā p. These three with addition of anumati p. and ka-
-ñū knowing individuals D iii.252, 283. -paññatti de- thetu — kamyatā p. also at DA i.68=DhsA 55. The complete
scriptions of persons, classification of individuals D iii.105 list is referred to at SnA 159. — apuccha (adj.) that which is
(cp. Dial. iii.101); also N. of one of the canonical books of not a question, i. e. that which should not be asked Miln 316.
the Abhidhamma — piṭaka. -vemattatā difference between — puccha-vissajjanā question and answer PvA 2. — At Nett
individuals S ii.21; v.200; Sn p. 102 (=°nānatta SnA 436). 18 p. occurs as quâsi synonym of icchā and patthanā.
Puggalika (adj.) [fr. puggala] belonging to a single person, in- Pucchita [pp. of pucchati] asked Sn 76, 126, 383, 988, 1005; Nd 1
dividual, separate Vin i.250; ii.270. The BSk. paudgalika at 211; KhA 125 (°kathā); PvA 2, 13, 51. — Cp. puṭṭha.
Divy 342 is used in a sense similar to the Vin passages. Divy
Pucchitar [n. ag. to pucchita] one who asks, a questioner M i.472;
Index gives, not quite correctly, "selfish."
S iii.6 sq.; Sn p. 140.
Punkha [cp. Epic Sk. punkha, etym. puṁ (base of puṁs)+ kha
Pujja (adj.) [grd. of pūj, cp. Sk. pūjya] to be honoured M iii.38
(of khan), thus "man — digging"?] the feathered part of an
sq., 77 sq.; A iii.78 (v. l.); Nett 52, 56 (=pūjaniya C.). Compar.
arrow J ii.89. Cp. ponkha.
pujjatara M i.13; & see pūja.
Pungava [puṁ+gava (see go), cp. Class. Sk. pungava in both
Puñcikatā is wrong reading at Dhs 1059 in taṇhā paraphrase
meanings] a bull, lit "male — cow," A i.162; ii.75 sq.; Sn 690; 2
(pattern 1 Nd taṇhā) for mucchañcikatā. The readings of
J iii.81, 111; v.222, 242, 259, 433; SnA 323. As — ° in mean-
id. p. are puñcikatā Dhs 1136, 1230; Vbh 351, 361 (v. l.
ing "best, chief" Vism 78 (muni°); ThA 69 (Ap v.5) (nara°). 1
pucchañji°); mucchañci° at Nd 8 (v. l. BB mucchañji°, SS
Pucimanda [fr. picumanda] the Nimba tree, Azadirachta Indica J suvañci°); Nd p. 152 (v. l. BB pucchiñci°, SS pupañci°);
iii.34; iv.205; vi.269 (°thanī, of a woman= nimba — phala — pucchañjikatā VbhA 477. The translation of Dhs gives "ag-
saṇṭhāna — thana — yuggalā C.). itation" as meaning. The C. (DhsA 365) reads puñcikạtā (vv.
ll. puñcaṁ vikatā; pucañcikaka; pucchakatā) and connects it
Puccaṇḍatā (f.) [pūti+aṇḍa+tā, viâ *pūtyaṇḍatā] state of a rotten
with pucchaṁ cāleti (wagging of a dog's tail, hence "agita-
egg M i.357.
tion"); Expositor ii.470 gives "fluster." The C. on Vbh (VbhA
Puccha (nt.) [cp. Vedic puccha (belonging with punar to Lat. s
477) expl as "lābhan' âlābhanaka — ṭṭhāne vedhanā kampanā
puppis) & P. piccha] a tail DhsA 365 (dog's tail). See puñ-
nīcavuttatā," thus "agitation."
Puñchati [cp. Sk. *proñchati, but BSk. poñcchate (v. l. puñchati
Pucchaka (adj.) [fr. pṛch] asking, questioning DhsA 2, 3
& pocchate) Divy 491: upânahān mūlāc ca p.] to wipe off,
clean Vin ii.208 (upāhanā), 210; A iv.376 (rajoharaṇaṁ su-
Pucchati [pṛcch, cp. Vedic pṛcchati=Lat. posco, postulo, with ciṁ p., asuciṁ p. etc.); J i.392 (akkhīni); Vism 63 (gabbha —
which connected also Lat. precor=Goth. fraihnan; Ohg. malaṁ), 415=KhA 120= J i.47 (assūni hatthehi p.); KhA 136
frāgōn; Vedic praśna=P. pañha] 1. to ask, to question S i.207, (paṁsukaṁ). The reading puñjati occurs at J i.318 (akkhīni);
214; Vin ii.207; Sn 995; Nd 341 etc. — Pres. 1 sg. puc- v.182; vi.514, also as v. l. at A iv.376 (v. l. also muñcati: cp.
chāmi Sn 83, 241, 682, 1043, 1049; Nd 447: Pv ii.1 . — puñcikatā). — Caus. II. puñchāpeti Vism 63. Cp. pari°.
1 pl. pucchāma Sn 1052; Imper. puccha Sn 460; DA
Puñchana (adj. nt.) [fr. proñch] wiping Vin i.297 (mukha°- co-
i.155; pucchatha D ii.154; pucchassu Sn 189, 993; Pot. puc-
laka); ii.208 (upāhana° — colaka), 210. Cp. puñchanī.
cheyyāmi D i.51; puccheyya A i.199; PvA 6; ppr. pucchanto
Sn 1126; aor. 1 sg. apucchissaṁ Sn 1116, pucchisaṁ Vv Puñchanī (f.) [see puñchana] a cloth for wiping, a towel Vin
30 , apucchiṁ VvA 127; 2 sg. apucchasi Sn 1050; 3 sg. ii.122; Th 1, 560 (pāda° napkin for the feet). See Vin. Texts
apucchi Sn 1037, apucchasi Nd 447; pucchi Sn 981, 1031; iii.114.
PvA 6, 39, 68; apucchatha Sn 1017; 1st. pl. apucchimha Puñja (usually — °) [cp. Epic Sk. puñja] a heap, pile, mass, mul-
Sn 1052. 3 pl. pucchiṁsu J i.221; pucchisuṁ Mhvs 10, 2. titude Vin ii.211; J i.146 (sabba — rogānaṁ). As — ° in foll.
Fut. pucchissāmi J vi.364. Inf. pucchituṁ Vin i.93; Sn 510; cpds.: aṭṭhi° It 17 (+aṭṭhikandala); kaṭṭha° A iii.408; iv.72; J
puṭṭhuṁ Sn 1096, 1110; pucchitāye J v.137. Grd. puccha- ii.327; gūtha° J ii.211; tiṇa° A iii.408; palāla° D i.71; M iii.3;
vho Sn 1030; Pass. pucchiyati DhA i.10. — Caus. II. puc- A i.241; ii.210; maṁsa° D i.52; vālika° J vi.560; sankhāra°
chāpeti Mhvs 10, 75. — pp. puṭṭha & pucchita (q. v.). — S i.135.
2. to invite to (instr.), to offer, to present to somebody (acc.), -kata (& °kita) for puñjikata; cf. Sk. puñjīkṛta, with i
lit. to ask with Vin ii.208, 210 (pāniyena); iii.161 (odanena, for a in comp with kṛ & bhū heaped up, heaped together Vin
sūpena etc.); D ii.240. — See also anu°, abhi°, sam°. ii.208 (puñjakita); M i.58, 89 (id. but id. p. M iii.92 puñ-
jakajāta); A iii.324 (puñjakata; v. l. puñjakita & puñjanika); J
Pucchana (nt.) & °ā (f.) [fr. pṛch] asking, enquiring, questioning
ii.408 (puñjakata, v. l. pancalikata); vi.111 (id., v. l. puñca°).
Sn 504 (ā); PvA 121, 223.
Puñjaka=puñja M iii.92 (°jātāni aṭṭhikāni, where M i.89 at id. p.

Puñjaka Puṭa

reads puñjakitāni); Miln 342 (palāla°). of future compensation to the benefactor. Usually with adj.
anuttara unsurpassed field of m. (see also sangha) D iii.5,
Puñjati is a variant of puñchati (q. v.).
227; M i.446; iii.80; S i.167, 220; v.343, 363, 382; A i.244;
Puñña (nt.) [cp. (late) Vedic puṇya favourable, good; etym. not ii.34 sq., 56, 113; iii.158, 248, 279 sq., 387; iv.10 sq., 292; It
clear, it may be dialectical. The word is expl by Dhammapāla 31 33
88; Sn 486; Vv 50 (cp. VvA 216); Pv iv.1 (of a bhikkhu);
as "santānaṁ punāti visodheti," i. e. cleaning the continuation Vism 220; VvA 286; PvA 1 (ariyasangha), 5 (Moggallāna), 6
(of life) VvA 19, thus taken to pu. The expl is of course fan-
(arahanto), 132, 140, 214 and passim. Cp. BSk. puṇyakṣetra
ciful] merit, meritorious action, virtue. Always represented as
Divy 63, 395 (+udāra). -paṭipadā the meritorious path, path
foundation and condition of heavenly rebirth & a future bliss-
of m. A i.168; Nett 96. -pasavana creation of m. PvA 31.
ful state, the enjoyment (& duration) of which depends on the
-pekkha looking for merit (i. e. reward), intent upon m. S
amount of merit accumulated in a former existence. With ref.
i.167; Sn 463 sq., 487 sq.; Dh 108 (cp. DhA ii.234). -phala
to this life there are esp. 3 qualities contributing to merit, viz.,
the fruit (or result) of m. action S i.217; Pug 51; DhA ii.4; PvA
dāna, sīla & bhāvanā or liberality, good conduct & contempla-
8, 50, 52. -bala the power of m. PvA 195. -bhāga taking
tion. These are the puñña — kiriya — vatthūni (see below).
part in meritorious action S i.154. -bhāgiya having share in
Another set of ten consists of these 3 and apaciti, veyyāvacca,
m. M iii.72 sq.; Nett 48. -maya=puñña J iv.232 (°iddhi); cp.
patti — anuppadāna, abbhanumodanā, desanā, savana, diṭṭh'
BSk. puñyamaya AvŚ i.183.
ujjuka — kamma. The opp. of puñña is either apuñña (D
Puññavant (adj.) [fr. puñña] possessing merit, meritorious, vir-
iii.119; S i.114; ii.82; A i.154; iii.412; Sdhp 54, 75) or pāpa
tuous Ps ii.213; Vism 382; DhA i.340; PvA 75.
(Sn 520; Dh 39; Nett 96; PvA 5). The true Arahant is above
both (Pv ii.6 ). See on term also Kvu trsl. 201. — (a) Pas- Puṭa [etym. unknown, prob. dialectical, as shown by N. of
sages (selected): D iii.58, 120; M i.404; ii.191, 199; S i.72; Pāṭaliputta, where putta=puṭa since unfamiliar in origin] orig.
ii.82; iv.190; iv.190; v.53; A i.151, 155 sq.; iii.412; Sn 427 meaning "tube," container, hollow, pocket. — 1. a container,
sq., 547, 569, 790; Dh 18, 116 sq., 196, 220, 267, 331, 412; usually made of leaves (cp. J iv.436; v.441; vi.236), to carry
Nd 90; Pv 1. ; i.5 ; Pug 55; Vism 541 (puññānaṁ paccayo fruit or other viands, a pocket, basket: ucchu° basket for sugar
duvidhā); DhA iv.34; PvA 6, 8 30, 69 sq.; Sdhp 4, 19 sq. — J iv.363; paṇṇa° leaf — basket PvA 168; phala° fruit basket
(b) Var. phrases & characterisations: Merit is represented J iv.436=vi.236; phānita(ssa)° basket of molasses, sugar —
as great (uḷāra DA i.110; PvA 5; anappaka Pv i.5 ) or little basket S i.175 (KS.: jar); J iv.366; DhA iv.232; mālā° basket
(paritta DA i.110; appa S ii.229); as adj. (—°) mahā° S i.191, for garlands or flowers DhA iii.212 (baddha made, lit. bound).
opp. appa° M ii.5. puñña is defined at Nd 90 as follows: In puṭa — baddha — kummāsa VvA 308 perhaps meaning
"puññaṁ vuccati yaṁ kiñci tedhātukaṁ kusal' âbhisankhāraṁ; "cup." — 2. a bag or sack, usually referring to food carried
apuññaṁ vuccati sabbaṁ akusalaṁ. " It is defined as "dāna — for a journey, thus "knapsack" (or directly "provisions," tak-
sīl' — ādi — pabheda" & "sucaritaṁ kusala — kammaṁ" at ing the container for what it contains DA i.288 puts puṭaṁsa=
VvA 19; considered as leading to future happiness: Vv 1 ; pātheyya), in bhatta° bag with provisions J ii.82 (with band-
PvA 58; consisting mainly in dāna (dānamayaṁ p.) PvA 8, hati), 203; iii.200; DA i.270. Also at J iv.375 "bag" (tamba
51, 60, 66, 73, but also in vandana PvA 1. To do good= — kipillaka°). See below °aṁsa & °bhatta. — 3. a tube,
puññaṁ (puññāni) karoti D i.137; S iv.331; A v.177; Pv i.11 ; hollow, in nāsā° (nāsa°) nostril J vi.74; Vism 195, 263, 362;
or pasavati S i.182, 213; A i.89; ii.3 sq.; iii.244; v.249, 282; KhA 65; hattha° the hollow of the hand Miln 87; vatthi° blad-
PvA 121, cp. puññaṁ pasutaṁ Pv i.5 ; VvA 289. Other der( — bag) Vism 264; sippi- puṭa oyster shell J v.197, 206.
phrases: °ṁ ākankhati S i.18, 20; pavaḍḍhati S i.33; corehi puṭaṁ karoti to form a hollow VbhA 34. — 4. box, con-
duharaṁ S i.36; puññānaṁ vipāko A iv.89; āgamo S iii.209 tainer, see °bheda & °bhedana, in pāṭali — puṭa seed box for
iv.349; opadhikaṁ S i.233; It 78; purāṇaṁ & navaṁ S i.92; the P. flower.
sayaṁ katāni puññāni S i.37; puññassa dhārā S i.100; v.400. -aṁsa "bag — shoulder" (for "shoulder — bag," cp. aṁs-
-atthika desirous of merit Sn 487 sq. -ânubhāva the apuṭa (assapuṭa) & Ger. rucksack=knapsack. Rightly expl by
majesty of merit PvA 58. -âbhisankhāra accumulation of Bdhgh at DA i.288), a bag carrying provisions on journeys,
merit D iii.217; S ii.82; Nd 90, 206, 442; Vism 557 sq., 571; hence "provision," in phrase puṭaṁsena with provisions (v.
VbhA 142 sq., 166, 184. -âbhisanda (+kusalâbhisanda) mer- l. at all places puṭosena) D i.117; M iii.80; A ii.183; cp. Di-
itorious results A ii.54 sq.; iii.51, 337; iv.245. -assaya seat alogues i.150; see also mutoḷī. -pāka something cooked in
of merit DA i.67. -iddhi the magic power of m. PvA 117. a bag (like a meal — pudding) Vism 500. -baddha kind of
-kata one who has done a deed of m. A ii.32. -kamma moccasins Vin i.186, see Vin. Texts ii.15. Spelt puṭa — bandha
good works, righteousness, merit S i.97, 143; DA i.10; VvA at Vism 251=VbhA 234. -bhatta "bag — food," viaticum,
32; PvA 54, 87; Sdhp 32. -kāma (adj.) desirous of doing provisions for journey J ii.423; KhA 46. -bheda the breaking
good works S v.462. -kiriyā a good or meritorious action S of the container (i. e. seed boxes of the Sirīsa plant) VvA 344
i.87 (°kriyā), 101; PvA 54; usually as °kiriyavatthu item of m. (in vatthu where Sirīsa refers to Pāṭaliputta, cp. Vv 84 52, 53 ).
action (of which 3 are usually enum : see above) D iii.218; A -bhedana breaking of the (seed — ) boxes of the Pāṭali plant,
iv.241; It 51; Nett 50, 128. -kkhandha mass of merit (only as referring primarily to the N. of Pāṭali — putta, where putta
mahā°) S v.400; A iii.337. -kkhaya decay (or waning of the represents a secondary Pālisation of Sk. °putra which again
effect) of merit D i.18 (cp. āyukkhaya & DA i.110). -kkhetta represents P. (or Non — Aryan) puṭa (see Pischel, Prk. Gr. §
field of m., Ep. of the Sangha or any holy personalities, do- 238 & 292). Through popular etym. a wrong conception of the
ing good (lit. planting seeds of merit) to whom is a source expression arose, which took puṭa in the sense of "wares, pro-


Puṭa Puthavī & Puthuvī

visions, merchandise" (perhaps influenced by puṭaṁsa) and, loc. puṇṇamāse Vv 81 (=puṇṇa-māsiyaṁ sukka-pakkhe
based on C. on Ud 88 (bhaṇḍakānaṁ mocara — ṭṭhānaṁ vut- pannarasiyaṁ VvA 314; the similar pass. at VvA 321 reads,
taṁ hoti) gave rise to the (wrong) trsl Dial. ii.92 "a centre prob. by mistake, sukka — pakkha — pāṭiyaṁ: see pāṭī); J
for interchange of all kinds of wares." See also Miln trsl i.2; v.215 (=puṇṇa candāya rattiyā C.). -māsī (f.; fr. °māsa)=
Buddh. Suttas xvi. — Vin i.229=D ii.87=Ud 88. After the mā J i.86 (Phagguṇi p.); VvA 314; cp. BSk. pūrṇamāsī AvŚ
example of Pāṭaliputta applied to the city of Sāgala at Miln 1 i.182.
(nānā — puṭa — bhedanaṁ S° nagaraṁ). Here clearly meant
Puṇṇatā (f.) [abstr. to puṇṇa] fulness DA i.140 (māsa° full —
for "merchandise." — Rh. D. in a note on puṭabhedana gives moon).
expl "a town at the confluence or bend of a river" (cp. Jaina
Puṇṇatta (nt.) [abstr. ro puṇṇa] fulness SnA 502.
Sūtras 2, 451).
Putolī see muṭolī.
Puṭaka (nt.) [fr. puṭa] a bag, pocket, knapsack or basket J ii.83
(°bhatta=provisions); DA i.263; DhA ii.82 (v. l. piṭaka & ku- Putta [Vedic putra, Idg. *putlo=Lat. pullus (*putslos) young of
taka); iv.132 (pockets of a serpent's hood). Cp. bhatta. an animal, fr. pōu, cp. Gr. παυς, παίς child, Lat. puer, pubes,
Puṭṭha [pp. of puṣ (see poseti), Vedic puṣṭa] nourished, fed, Av. pupra, Lith. putýtis (young animal or bird), Cymr. wyr
grandchild; also Sk. pota(ka) young animal and base pu — in
strengthened, brought up Sn 831; J iii.467.
pumaṁs, puṁs "man"] 1. a son S i.210; Sn 35, 38, 60, 557,
Puṭṭha [pp. of pucchati, Vedic pṛsṭa] asked S ii.36; Sn 84, 122,
858; Dh 62, 84, 228, 345; J iv.309; Vism 645 (simile of 3
510 sq., 1036; DhA iv.132; PvA 10 (after acc.) 68, 72 with
sons); PvA 25, 63, 73 sq.; DA i.157 (dāsaka°). Four kinds of
samāno A i.197. See also pucchita.
sons are distinguished in the old Cy. viz. atraja p., khettaja,
Puṭṭha see phuṭṭha [=Sk. spṛṣṭa, cp. Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 311]. dinnaka, antevāsika, or born of oneself, born on one's land,
Puṭṭhatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. puṭṭha ] the fact of being fed or brought given to one, i. e. adopted, one living with one as a pupil. Thus
at Nd 247; Nd 448; J i.135. Good and bad sons in regard to
up by J ii.405 (vaḍḍhakinā °ā).
lineage are represented at J vi.380. — Metaph. "sons of the
Puṭṭhavant [fr. puṭṭha , cp. same form in Prk. AMg.
Buddha" S i.192= Th 1, 1237 (sabbe Bhagavato puttā); It 101
puṭṭhavaṁ=Sk. spṛṣṭavān: Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 569] one who
(me tumhe puttā orasā mukhato jātā dhammajā), J iii.211. —
has touched or come in direct contact with ThA 284.
The parable of a woman eating her sons is given as a punish-
Puṇḍarīka (nt.) [Non — Aryan (?). Cp. Vedic puṇḍarīka] the ment in the Peta condition at Pv i.6 (& 7). — pl. puttāni Pv
white lotus D i.75=A iii.26 (in sequence uppala, padụma, p.); i.6 . — aputta — bhāvaṁ karoti to disinherit formally J v.468.
D ii.4 (Sikhī puṇḍarīkassa mūle abhisambuddho); M iii.93; — 2. (in general) child, descendant, sometimes pleonastic like
S i.138, 204=J iii.309; A i.145 (uppala paduma p.); ii.86 sq. E. °man, °son in names: see putta — dāra; so esp. in later lit-
(samaṇa° adj.); Sn 547; J v.45, 215 (°ttac' angī=ratta — pad- erature, like ludda° hunter's son=hunter J ii.154; ayya°=ayya,
uma — patta — vaṇṇasarīrā); Vv 44 (=seta — kamala VvA i. e. gentleman, lord J v.94; PvA 66. See also rāja°. — Of a
191); Pv ii.12 ; iii.3 (pokkharaṇī bahu °ā); Pug 63; DA i.219, girl Th 2, 464. — mātucchā° & mātula° cousin (from mother's
284 (sankho elo uppalo puṇḍarīko ti cattāro nidhayo). N. of a side), pitucchā° id (fr. father's side). On putta in N. Pāṭali° see
hell S i.152; Sn p. 126 (here in sq. Uppalaka, Puṇḍ°, Paduma). puṭa. — f. puttī see rāja°.
Puṇḍarīkinī (f.) [adj. pundarīkin, of puṇḍarīka] a pool or pond -jīva N. of a tree: Putranjiva Roxburghii J vi.530. -dāra
child & wife (i. e. wife & children, family) D iii.66, 189, 192;
of white lotuses D i.75≈(M iii.93; S i.138).
S i.92; A ii.67; Pv iv.3 (sa° together with his family); J iii.467
Puṇṇa [pp. of pṛ, Vedic pṛṇāti, Pass. pūryate, *pelē to fill; cp.
(kiṁ °ena what shall I do with a family?); v.478. They are
Sk. prāṇa & pūrṇa=Av. pǤrǤna; Lith. pílnas; Lat. plēnus; 2
hindrances to the development of spiritual life: see Nd under
Goth fulls=E. full=Ger voll] full, seldom by itself (only pas-
āsiṁsanti & palibodha. -phala a son as fruit (of the womb) J
sage so far pannarase puṇṇāya puṇṇamāya rattiyā D i.47=Sn
v.330. -maṁsa the flesh of one's children (sons) a metaphor
p. 139). nor — ° (only Sn 835 muttakarīsa°), usually in cpds.,
probably distorted fr. pūta° rotten flesh. The metaphor is of-
and there mostly restricted to phrases relating to the full moon.
ten alluded to in the kasiṇa — kammaṭṭhāna, and usually cou-
-ghaṭa a full pitcher (for feeding the bhikkhus, as offering
pled with the akkha — bbhañjana (& vaṇapaticchādana) —
on festive days, cp. J.P.T.S. 1884) DhA i.147; KhA 118 (v. l.
simile, e. g. Vism 32, 45; DhA i.375; SnA 58, 342. Besides at
suvaṇṇaghaṭa); DA i.140 (°paṭimaṇḍita ghara). -canda the
S ii.98 (in full); Th 1, 445 (°ūpamā); 2, 221. -mata a woman
full moon J i.149, 267; v.215. -patta a full bowl (as gift, °ṁ
whose sons (children) are dead M i.524.
deti to give an ample gift) J iii.535. -baddha at Miln 191
Puttaka [fr. putta] 1. a little son S i.209, 210. — 2. a little child
should be read as °bhadda. -bala at DA i.110 read puñña
Th 2, 462 (of a girl). — 3. a young bird (=potaka) J ii.154.
— bala. -bhadda worshipper of Puṇṇabhadda, perhaps a
Yakkha (father of the Yakkha Harikesa) Nd 92 (Vāsuvadeva, Puttatta (nt.) [fr. putta] sonship DhA i.89.
Baladeva, P. and Maṇibhadda, cp. p. 89); Miln 191 (pisācā
Puttavant (adj.) [fr. putta] having sons S iv.249. Trenck-ner,
maṇibhaddā p.). -mā the full moon (night) D i.47 (komudiyā 16
Notes 62 gives a f. *puttapatī for puttavatī, but without ref.
cātumāsiniyā puṇṇāya puṇṇamāya rattiyā, cp. DA i.140); Sn
Puttimant (adj.) [fr. *puttamant] having sons S i.6; Sn 33.
p. 139 (similar); M iii.21; J v.215 (dve p — māyo); Vism 292
(puṇṇa — m — uposatha=puṇṇa — māuposatha), 418 (Phag- Puttiya (—°) in Sakya° is compound Sakyaputta+iya "belonging
guṇa — puṇṇama — divase); VvA 66 (āsāḷhi p.); PvA 137 to the son of the Sakyas" (i. e. to the Sakya prince) PvA 43.
(id.); DA i.140; DhA iii.461 (komudi). -māsa=°mā only in — asakyaputtiya dhamma Vin ii.297.

Puthavī & Puthuvī Puna

Puthavī & Puthuvī (f.) [doublets of paṭhavī] the earth; as puthavi 133 etc.] an ordinary, average person (4 classes of ordinary
at S i.186; J i.14 (v. l. puthuvi); iv.233, & in cpds. °nābhi the people are discussed at Cpd. 49, 50), a common worldling, a
navel of the earth (of the bodhimaṇḍa, the Buddha's seat under man of the people, an ordinary man M i.1, 7, 135, 239, 323;
the holy fig tree) J iv.232; °maṇḍala the round of the earth Sn iii.64, 227; S i.148; ii.94 sq. (assutạvā), 151 (id.); iii.46, 108,
990. — As puthuvī at A ii.21, and in cpd. puthuvi — agga 162; iv.157, 196, 201 (assutavā), 206 sq.; v.362 (opp. to sotā-
SnA 353. panna); A i.27, 147 (maraṇa — dhammin), 178, 267; ii.129,
163; iii.54; iv.68, 97, 157, 372; Sn 351, 455, 706, 816, 859; Dh
Puthu (adj.) [both Vedic pṛthak & pṛthu, lit. spread out, far & 6 1
59, 272; Vv 82 (=anariya VvA 321,+anavabodha); Nd 146,
wide, flat, of Idg. *plēt broad, Sk. prath to expand, pṛthaḥ
248; Ps i.61 sq., 143, 156; ii.27; Dhs 1003 (cp. DhsA 248 sq.);
palm of hand Av. frapah breadth, cp. Gr. πλατύς broad,
Vism 311 (=anariya); VbhA 133 (avijj' âbhikhūta, bhava —
πλάτανος plane tree, Lith. platùs broad, Lat. planta sole
taṇh' âbhibhūta), 186 (ummat— taka, opposed to upabrūhita
of foot, Ohg. flado pancake, Ags. flet ground, E. flat] 1.
— ñāṇa — purisa, exemplifying upādāna and kamma); DhA
(=pṛthak) separated, individual, adv. separated, individual,
i.5 (opp. ariyasāvaka), 445; Sdhp 363.
adv. separately, each (also given as puthag eva Kacc. 29)
-kalyāṇaka (cp. BSk. pṛthagjana — kalyāṇaka Divy 419,
S i.75 (puthu attā individual self); Th 1, 86; J iv.346 (=visuṁ 1
429) an ordinary man striving after his spiritual good Nd 477;
visuṁ C.); Miln 4. See further under cpds. — 2. (=pṛthu).
Ps i.176; ii.190, 193. -bhikkhu a bh. of the common sort DA
The forms (pl.) are both puthu & puthū, both as adj. &
n.; puthū more freq. found in metre. — numerous, vari- i.269; VbhA 383. -sukha ordinary happiness M i.454.
ous, several, more, many, most D i.185 (puthu saññaggā; opp. Puthujjanatā (f.) [abstr. fr. puthujjana] common — place char-
ekaṁ); S i.18 (puthū), 207 (id.); Sn 769 (puthū kāme=bahū acter S i.187=Th 1, 1217.
Nd 11); 1043, 1044 (puthū= bahukā Nd 449 ); Th 2, 344
Puthujjanika (adj.) [fr. puthujjana] common, ordinary J i.360
(puthu=puthu sattā ThA 241); J vi.205 (puthū). nt. adv. puthu
(of iddhi).
& puthuṁ greatly, much, in many ways Sn 580 (=aneka —
ppakāraṁ SnA 460); Vv 62 (=mahantaṁ VvA 258). Puthutta (Puthatta) (nt.) [fr. puthu, cp. Sk. *pṛthutva; not with
Kern, Toev. s. v.=Sk. pṛthaktva, speciality, peculiarity] being
-gumba experienced in many crafts J vi.448 (=aneka —
at variance, diversity S ii.77 (opp. ekatta; v. l. SS puthatta).
sippa — ññu C.). -jja (puthu 1, but see remarks on puthujjana)
common, ordinary Sn 897, 911 (=puthujjanehi janita Nd 308). At A iv.97 we have to read puth' attānaṁ for puthuttānaṁ
which has nothing to do with puthutta, but is puthu+attānaṁ
-titthakara a common sectarian D i.116 (thus to puthu 1, but
as borne out by v. l. puthujj' attānaṁ, and by AA: puthu
DA i.287= bahū t.) -ddisā (puthu 1) each separate quarter "all
nānākāraṇehi attānaṁ hanti.
the diverse quarters" S i.234. -pañña (adj.) of wide wisdom
(p. 2) A i.130; ii.67 (v. l. hāsa°). -paññatā wide wisdom A Puthula (adj.) [fr. puthu] broad, large, flat J iii.16 (°sīsa flat —
i.45. -pāṇiya ordinary (p. 1) mode of shampooing with the headed); vi.171 (°antaraṁsa flat — chested); Miln 121 (of a
hand Vin ii.106 (Bdhgh on p. 316 expl pudhu — pāṇikan ti river); VvA 301 (°gambhīra). — abl. puthulato (as adv.)
hattha parikammaṁ vuccati "manual performance," thus not across DhA i.396.
identical with pāṇikā on p. 151). -bhūta (p. 2) widely spread Puthuso (adv.) [abl. of puthu] broadly, i. e. diversely, at variance
S ii.107; but cp. BSk pṛṭhag bhavati to be peculiar to Divy 58, Sn 891, 892 (=puthu — diṭṭhi — gata Nd 301).
100. -mati wide understanding S i.236. -loma "flat fin," N
of a fish "the finny carp" (Mrs. Rh. D.) Vv 44 11 (=dibba — Pudava (poddava?) see gāma° (Vin ii.105 with Bdhgh note on
p. 315).
maccha VvA 191); Th 2, 508 (=so — called fish ThA 292); J
iv.466. -vacana "speaking in many (bad) ways," or "people Puna (indecl.) [cp. Vedic punar, punaḥ, to base *pŭ (related
of various speech" (so expl Nd 397) Sn 932 (prob. better to *apo: see apa), as in puccha tail, Lat. puppis, poop, Gr.
"speaking ordinary talk"=puthu 1). -sattā (pl.)=puthujjanā, πύματος the last; orig. meaning "behind"] again. There are
common people, the masses S i.44; Pv iii.7 . several forms of this adv., but puna has to be considered as
the orig. Pali form. The form puno is doubtful; if authen-
Puthuka [fr. puthu, cp. (late) Vedic pṛthuka "flat corn," also
tic, a Sanskritisation; only found at ThA 71 (Ap. v. 38; v. l.
"young of an animal," with which cp. perhaps Gr. παρχένος:
puna) & 72 (Ap. v. 41, v. l. puna). The sandhi r is preserved
see Walde, Lat. Wtb. under virgo] rice in the ear DhA i.98 n.
only in metre and in comp . That it is out of fashion even in
(°agga as first gift of the field).
metre is shown by a form punā where ā is the regular metri-
Puthujjana [*prthag — jana, thus puthu 1+jana, but from the
cal lengthening instead of ar (J iii.437: na hi dāni punā atthi;
point of Pali identical in form and meaning with puthu 2, as v. l. puna). Besides this the r is apparent in the doubling of
shown by use of puthu in similar cpds. and by C. expl . One
the first consonants of cpds. (punappunaṁ, punabbhava); it
may even say that puthu 1=pṛthak is not felt at all in the P.
is quite lost in the enclitic form pana. — We find r in punar
word. Trenckner (Notes 76) already hinted at this by say-
āgami Sn 339; punar āgato J i.403 (=puna āgato J i.403 (=puna
ing "puthujjana, partly confounded with puthu"; a connection āgato, ra — kāro sandhivasena vutto C.); in cpds.: punar —
which also underlies its expl as "one — of — the — many — abhiseka see J.P.T.S. 1885, 49; a — punar -āvattitā the fact
folk" at Kvu trsl 80 & 291 . It is felt to belong to puthu 2 in of not turning back Miln 276 (cp. Prk. apuṇar — avatti Pis-
the same sense as Ger. "die breite Masse," or Gr. οἱ πολλοί. chel, § 343). Otherwise r stands on the same level as other
The expl at Nd 308=328 is puthu — nānā — janā. A long and sandhi (euphonic) consonants (like m. & d., see below), as
detailed etym. — speculation expl of the term is found at DA in puna-r-eva Dh 338; Pv ii.8 ; ii.11 . We have m in puna
i.59, trsl at Dhs trsl 258. The BSk. form is pṛthagjana Divy

Puna Pubba

— m — upāgamuṁ Sn 306; puna by itself is rarely found, it Dhs 625. -cumbaṭaka a fl. cushion. -chaḍḍaka a remover
is usually comb with other emphatic part, like eva and api. of (dead) flowers, a rubbish — remover, a low occupation, in-
The meaning is "again," but in enclitic function (puna still cluding cleaning of privies & bins etc. Vin iv.6; Th 1, 620; J
found Sn 677, 876, otherwise pana); it represents "however, v.449 (=vacca — ṭṭhāna — sodhaka C.); Miln 331; Vism 194
but, now" (cp. same relation in Ger. abermals: aber), simi- (in simile). Cp. J.P.T.S. 1884, 89 and Miln trsl. ii.211. -
lar to the development in Prk. puṇo vi & puṇar avi "again": cchatta a parasol with flowers DhA i.110. -dāna offering of
puna "now" (Pischel Gr. § 342). — puna by itself at SnA flowers VbhA 336. -dāma a wreath or garland of fls. J i.397;
597; PvA 3, 45; Mhvs 14, 12. doubled as punappunaṁ S VvA 198. -dhara bearing flowers Pv ii.12 (so read for T.
i.174; Th 1, 531, 532; Sn 728, 1051; Dh 117, 118, 325, 337; °dada). -pañjara a cage (ornamented) with flowers J v.365.
J v.208; SnA 107; PvA 45, 47; punappuna at DhA ii.75; as -paṭa a cloth (embroidered) with flowers J iv.283; DhA ii.45.
puna-d-eva at D i.60, 142; Pv ii.11 (v. l.); Vism 163; DhA -palāsa a fl. heap DhA i.75. -bhāṇin "speaking flowers," i.
ii.76; puna-m-eva Pv ii.11 ; puna pi once more J i.279; PvA e. speaking the truth Pug 29. -mālā garland of fls. SnA 78.
67, 74; puna-p-pi J v.208. The phrase puna c' aparaṁ "and -muṭṭhi a handful of fl. Vism 432 (in simile). -rasa (wine
again something else" stands on the same level as the phrase — ) juice made of fls., flower — liquor Vin i.246; taste of fls.
aparo pi (apare pi), with which one may compare the parallel Dhs 629. -rāsi a heap of fls. Dh 53.
expressions puna — divase: aparadivase, all of which show 2
Puppha (nt.) [cp. Class. Sk. puṣpa "les fleurs" in strī° the
the close relation between pi, puna, apara, but we never find
menses Am. Kośa 3, 4, 30, 233 and Mārk. Pur. 51, 42. Sim-
para in these connections. Trenckner's (& following him Old-
ilarly phala is used in the sense of "menstruation": see BR s.
enberg in Vin. and Hardy in A etc.) way of writing puna ca
v. phala 12] blood: see pupphaka & pupphavatī. With ref. to
paraṁ (e. g. Miln 201, 388, 418 etc.) is to be corrected to the menses at J v.331.
puna c' aparaṁ, cp. punâpara Sn 1004; Cp iii.6 .
Pupphaka (nt.) [fr. puppha ] blood J iii.541 (v. l. pubbaka;
-āgamana coming again, return S i.22 (a°). -āvāsa re-
C.=lohita); Miln 216 (tiṇa° — roga, a disease, Kern. "hay
birth S i.200. -divase on the following day J i.278; PvA 19,
— fever"). Kern, Toev. s. v. trsl the J passage with "vuil,
38. -nivattati to turn back again S i.177. -bbhava renewed
existence, new birth D ii.15; S i.133; It 62; S iv.201 (āyati°);
Sn 162, 273, 502, 514, 733; Nd s. v.; Nett 28, 79 sq.; PvA 63, Pupphati [puṣp] to flower J i.76 (aor. °iṁsu); PvA 185 (=pha-
200; cp. ponobhavika; a° no more rebirth S i.174, 208; Nd 2 lati). — pp. pupphita.
64; °âbhinibbatti birth in a new existence M i.294; S ii.65; A 2
Pupphavatī (f.) [fr. puppha , but cp. Vedic puṣpavat flowering]
i.223; Vin iii.3; PvA 35. -vacana repetition SnA 487. -vāre
a menstruous woman Miln 126.
(loc.) another time J v.21.
Pupphita [pp. of pupphati] flowering, in blossom S i.131= Th 2,
Punāti [cp. Vedic pavate, punāti, pū to cleanse, as in Lat. pu- 4
230 (su°); Vv 35 ; J i.18; Miln 347; ThA 69 (Ap. v. 12); DhA
rus clean, purgo, Ohg. fowen to sift also Gr. πϋρ (cp. P.
i.280; ii.250 (su°).
pāvaka)=Ohg. fūir=E. fire, Armen. hur, lit. "cleansing," see
Pupphin (adj.) [fr. puppha cp. Vedic puṣpin] bearing flowers;
also puñña] 1. to clean, cleanse VvA 19 (+visodheti, in def. of
in nīlapupphī (f.) N. of a plant ("with blue flowers") J vi.53.
puñña). — 2. to sift J vi.108 (angāraṁ p.=attano sīse angāre p.
okirati C.; so read with v. l. for phunati T.); DA i.268 (bhusaṁ Pubba [Vedic pūya>*pūva>*puvva>pubba (Geiger, P.Gr. §
pumanto viya like sifting the chaff, winnowing). Cp. puneti. 46 ); cp. pūyati to smell rotten, Lat. pūs=E. pus, Gr. πύχω
to rot, πύον matter; Vedic pūti smelling foul; Goth. fūls=E.
Puneti [Caus. fr. puna? or=punāti?] to experience (over & over)
again: in this meaning at It 1 sq. & Nd 202= Nd 337 (kilese foul] pus, matter, corruption M i.57; iii.90; S i.150; ii.157; A
i.34; J ii.18; Miln 382; PvA 80. — In detail discussed (as one
na p. na pacceti etc.); perhaps also at Th 1, 533 (sattayugaṁ),
of the 32 ākāras) at Vism 261, 360; KhA 62; VbhA 244. —
although Kern, Toev. s. v. takes it=punāti and Mrs. Rh. D.
Often in comb pubba-lohita matter & blood, e. g. Sn p. 125;
translates "lifts to lustrous purity."
Sn 671; J v.71; DhA i.319; as food of the Petas Pv i.6 ; i.9 1
Punnāga [dial.?] a species of tree J i.9 (°puppha); vi.530; KhA 8 6
(lohita — pubba); i.11 ; ii.2 . pubba-vaṭṭi a lump of matter
50 (aggacchinna° — phala), 53 (id.).
DhA iii.117.
Puppha (nt.) [Vedic puṣpa according to Grassmann for *puṣka 2
Pubba (adj.) [Vedic pūrva, to Idg. *per, see pari & cp. Goth.
fr. puṣ (?) see poseti] a flower Vin ii.123; S i.204=J iii.308;
fram=from; Gr. πρόμος first, Goth. fruma=As. formo first,
Sn 2, 5; Dh 47 sq.; 377; Vism 430; SnA 78 (paduma°); VvA
Av. pourvō, also Sk. pūrvya=Goth. frauja =Ohg. frō Lord,
73; PvA 127; Sdhp 550. — pupphāni (pl.) VbhA 255 (of
frouwa=Ger. frau. See also Lat. prandium, provincia] previ-
32 colours, in simile), 292 sq. (for Cetiya — worship). —
ous, former, before. The adj. never occurs in abs. forms by
adj. °puppha in ghana° thick with flowers DA i.87. — Cp.
itself (for which see pubbaka), it is found either as — ° or °
pokkharatā. — or in cases as adv. The phrase pubbam antam anissita Sn
-âbhikiṇṇa decked with flowers Vv 64 ; Pv ii.11 2 849 is poetical for pubbantam. — 1. (—°) having been be-
-ādhāna "a ledge (on a Tope) where offerings of flowers are fore J iii.200; na diṭṭha° not seen before Nd 445; mātabhūta°
laid down" (Geiger, Mhvs p. 355; cp. Mhvs trsl. p. 202 ) formerly (been) his mother PvA 79; vuttha° (gāma) formerly
Mhvs 30, 51, 56, 60; 33, 22 Reading uncertain. -āveḷā flower inhabited DhA i.15; as adv. bhūtapubbaṁ before any beings
— garland VvA 125. -āsava wine made from flowers, flower
(existed) Vin i.342; DhA i.102 and passim (see bhūta). — 2.
— liquor J iv.117; KhA 26. -gandha odour of flowers Dh 54;
(neg.) apubba (nt.) what has not been before, something new

Pubba Pubbe

VvA 117, 287. acc. as adv. in phrase apubbaṁ acarimaṁ a favour A i.87; Pug 26 (=paṭhamaṁ eva kāraka PugA 204)
not earlier, not after, i. e. simultaneously M iii.65; Pug 13 PvA 114. -kicca preiiminary function Vin v.127 (cattāro
(=apure apacchā, ekappahāren' evâti attho PugA 186). — 3. pubbakiccā); cp. Cpd. 53. -koṭṭhaka "Eastern Barn," Npl.
(cases adverbially) instr. pubbena in °âpara gradual M iii.79; A iii.345. -(n)gama (1) going before, preceding A iii.108
acc. pubbaṁ see 1, 2, with abl. as prep.= before SnA 549 (okkamane p.); M iii.71 sq. — (2) "allowing to go before";
(=purā); loc. pubbe in earlier times (also referring to previous controlled or directed by, giving precedence Dh 2 (mano°
births, cp. pure), in the past, before S iv.307; Sn 831, 949 (with dhammā=tena paṭhama — gāminā hutvā samannāgatā DhA
pacchā & majjhe, i. e. future & present); Pv i.3 ; ii.2 ; SnA i.35); Nd 318; Pug 15 (paññā° ariyamagga=paññaṁ pure —
290, 385, 453; PvA 4, 10, 39, 40, 100. With abl. as prep.= cārikaṁ katṿā PugA 194); Sdhp 547 (paññā°). Cp. BSk. pūr-
before S ii.104. In comp with °nivāsa see sep. An old acc. vangama Divy 333 ("obedient" Index). -carita former life
f. *pūrvīṁ (cp. Prk. puvviṁ Pischel, Gr. § 103) we find in SnA 382, 385. -ja born earlier, i. e. preceding in age PvA 57
Cpd. anupubbikathā (q. v.). The compar. pubbatara ("quite (=jeṭṭhaka). -ñāti former relative PvA 24. -deva a former
early") occurs abs. at S iv. 117 as nom. pl. "ancestors" (cp. god, a god of old, pl. the ancient gods (viz. the Asuras) S i.224.
Gr. οἱ πρότεροι), as loc. adv. at S i.22. -devatā an ancient deity A ii.70; It 110 (v. l. °deva). -nimitta
-angin in f. °angī (cāru°) at J v.4 & vi.481 read sab- "previous sign," a foregoing sign, prognostic, portent. forecast
bangin. -aṇṇa "first grain," a name given to the 7 kinds of It 76 (the 5 signs of decay of a god); J i.11 (the 32 signs at the
grain, as distinguished from aparaṇṇa, the 7 sorts of vegeta- conception of a Buddha, given in detail on p. 51), 48; Miln 298
bles, with which it is usually combined; Vin iii.151; iv.267; (of prophetic dreams, cp. Cpd. p. 48); VbhA 407 (in dreams);
Nd 248 (where the 7 are enum ); Nd 314; J ii.185; Miln DhA ii.85. -pada the former, or antecedent, part (of a phrase)
106; DA i.78, 270; DhA iv.81 etc. (see aparaṇṇa). See also DhsA 164. -parikamma a former action SnA 284 (opp. to
bīja — bīja. -aṇha the former part of the day, forenoon, morn- pacchā — parikamma). -purisa ancestor D i.93, 94. -peta
ing (as contrasted with majjhaṇha & sāyaṇha) D i.109, 226; A a deceased spirit, a ghost (=peta) D i.8 (°kathā, cp. DA i.90 &
i.294; iii.344; S i.76 (°samayaṁ); SnA 139 (id.); DhA iii.98; Dial. i.14). pubbe pete is poetical at Pv i.4 for pubbapete. Cp.
PvA 61, 216. The spelling pubbanha M i.528 (cp. Trenckner, BSk. pūrvapreta AvŚ i.149 (see Index p. 230); Divy 47, 97.
Notes 80). -anta (1) the East J i.98 (°ato aparantaṁ aparan- -bhāga "former part," i. e. previous PvA 133 (°cetanā opp.
tato pubbantaṁ gacchati from E. to W. from W. to E.); v.471. apara — bhāga — cetanā. SS omit bhāga). -bhāsin speaking
— (2) the Past (opp. aparanta the Future) D i.12 sq.; S ii.26; obligingly (cp. pubbakārin) D i.116 (trsl. "not backward in
Nd 212; Dhs 1004. pubbam antaṁ for pubbantaṁ is poet- conversation"), DA i.287 (bhāsanto va paṭhamataraṁ bhāsati
ical at Sn 849. — °ânudiṭṭhi theory concerning the past or etc.). -yoga "former connection, " i. e. connection with
the beginning of things D i.13 (cp. DA i.103); M ii.233; S a former body or deed, former action (and its result) J v.476;
iii.45; Dhs 1320. -aḷha(ka) (āḷhaka) at Th 2, 395 is doubt- vi.480; Miln 2 (pubbayogo ti tesaṁ pubba — kammaṁ). Kern,
ful. T. reads bubbuḷaka, Mrs. Rh. D. translates "bubble of Toev. s. v. remarks that it is frequent in BSk. as pūrvayoga
film"; ThA 259 expl ns by "ṭhita — jalapubbaḷha — sadisa." (yoga=yuga; syn. with pūrvakalpa), e. g. Saddh. Puṇḍ. ch.
-ācariya (1) an ancient teacher, a scholar of previous times A vii.; MVastu ii.287; iii.175; and refers to Ind. Studien 16, 298;
i.132; ii.70; It 110; Vism 523=VbhA 130; KhA 11, 64, 65. — J.R.A.S. 1875, 5. -rattâparattaṁ the past and future time,
(2) a former teacher SnA 318. -āciṇṇa ( — vasena) by way the whole time, always A iii.70; DhA iv.129. -vāsana an im-
of former practice, from habit SnA 413. -âpara (1) what pre- pression remaining in the mind from former actions Sn 1009;
cedes and what follows, what comes first and what last (with ThA 31 (Ap. v. 8). -videha Eastern Videha KhA 123, 176;
ref. to the successive order of syllables and words in the text SnA 443. -sadisa an old (former) friend DhA i.57
of the Scriptures) A iii.201 (°kusala); Dh 352; Nett 3 (°ânu- Pubbaka (adj.) [fr. pubba ] 1. former, ancient, living in for-
sandhi); cp. BSk. pūrvāpareṇa vyākhyānaṁ karoti "expl in
mer times D i.104 (isayo), 238 (id.); Sn 284 (id.); S ii.105;
due order" AvŚ ii.20. — (2) °rattaṁ "as in the former, so in
iv.307 (ācariya — pācariyā); Th 1, 947. — 2. ( — °;
the foll. night," i. e. without ceasing, continuous Th 1, 413. 2
cp. pubba 1) having formerly been, previous J i.182 (su-
cp. pub baratt — âparattaṁ DhA iv.129. -âpariya former
vaṇṇakāra° bhikkhu), cp. BSk. °pūrvaka in same use at AvŚ
& future, first & last Ud 61 (°vivesa); -ābhoga previous re-
i.259, 296, 322. — 3. (—°) accompanied or preceded by ThA
flection ThA 30. -ārāma "Eastern Park," N. of a locality east
74 (guṇ' âbhitthavana° udāna); PvA 122 (puññânumodana°
of Sāvatthi A iii.344; Sn p. 139 (cp. Sn A 502). -āsava maggācikkhana); cp. āśvāsana — pūrvaka Jtm 210.
former intoxication Sn 913, cp. Nd 331. -uṭṭhāna getting 2
Pubbāpeti [Denom. fr. pubba ] occurs only in one phrase (gat-
up before (someone else) either applied to a servant getting up
tāni pubbāpayamāno) at M i.161 & A iii.345≈402 in mean-
before the master, or to a wife rising before her husband VvA
ing "drying again"; at both A pass. the vv. ll. (glosses) are
71, 136. -uṭṭnāyin "getting up earlier" (with complemen-
"sukkhāpayamāno" and "pubba — sadisāni kurumāno"; to the
tary Ep. pacchā — nipātin "lying down later"), see above D n
M. pass. cp. Trenckner's notes on p. 543, with the BB expl of
i.60; iii.191; A iii.37; iv.265 sq.; DA i.168. — abstr. °uṭṭhāy-
the word (=pubbabhāvaṁ gamayamāno), also Neumann, Ma-
itā J iii.406 (°ādīhi pañcahi kalyāṇa dhammehi samannāgatā n
jjh. trsl i.260. The similar passage at S i.8, 10 has "gattāni
patidevatā)=v.88; KhA 173. -uttara (1) preceding and fol-
sukkhāpayamāno" as T. reading and "pubbāpayamāno" as v.
lowing Kacc. 44. 47. — (2) "eastnorthern," i. e. north —
l. BB.
eastern J v.38 (°kaṇṇa N.E. corner); vi.519 (id.). -kamma a
former deed, a deed done in a former existence Cp. iii.11 . Pubbe (°—) [loc. of pubba , see pubba 3] in cpds.: "in a former
-kārin "doing before," i. e. looking after, obliging, doing existence": °kata (nt.) deeds done in a past life M ii.217=A

Pubbe Purisa

i.173 (°hetu); J v.228 (°vādin fatalist); Nett 29 (°punnata). katvā C.); PvA 21, 141. — purakkhata pp. (q. v.). See also
°nivāsa [cp. BSk. pūrve — nivāsasaṁprayuktaṁ MVastu purekkhāra.
iii.224, otherwise as pūrvanivāsa Divy 619] abode in a for-
Puratthaṁ (adv.) [for Vedic purastāt, fr. puraḥ, see *pura] 1. be-
mer life, one's former state of existence D ii.1, 2; iii.31 sq., 50
fore S i.141 (na pacchā na puratthaṁ=no after, no before). —
sq., 108 sq, 230, 281; M i.278; ii.21; iii.12; S i.167; A i.164
2. east D i.50 (°âbhimukha looking eastward.)
sq.; It 100; Sn 647; Dh 423; Pug 61; Vism 411 (remembered
Puratthato (adv.) [fr. puratthaṁ, cp. BSk. purastataḥ MVastu
by 6 classes of individuals); ThA 74, 197. — pubbe-nivās'
ii.198] in front, coram Sn 416 (sic, v. l. BB purakkhato); J
ânussati ( -ñāṇa) (knowledge of) remembrance of one's for-
mer state of existence, one of the faculties of an Arahant (cp.
A i.164 sq., and Cpd. 64) D iii.110, 220; M i.35, 182, 248, Puratthima (adj.) [fr. *pura, cp. Prk. (AMg.) puratthima, acc.
278, 496; Dhs 1367; Nett 28, 103; Vism 433; VbhA 373 sq., to Pischel, Gr. § 602 a der. fr. purastāt (=P. puratthaṁ) as
401, 422; Tikp. 321. — See also under nivāsa and cp. Vism *purastima, like *pratyastima (=paccatthima) fr. *pratyastaṁ]
ch. xiii, pp. 410 sq. eastern D i.153; S i.144; J i.71 (°âbhimukha: Gotama facing
E. under the Bo tree).
Pumati [onomat. *pu to blow, cp. Gr. ϕυσα blowing, bubble,
ϕυσάω blow, Lat. pustula=pustule, Sk. *pupphusa=P. pap- Purā (indecl.) [Vedic purā; to Idg. *per, cp. Goth. faúr= Ags.
phasa lung, phutkaroti blow, etc., see Uhlenbeck Ai. Wtb. s. for=E. (be — ) fore; also Lat. prae=Gr. παραί=Sk. pare] prep.
v. pupphusa] to blow, aor. pumi J i.171; ger. pumitvā J i.172. c. abl. "before" (only temporal) Vin iv.17 (purāruṇā=purā
See J.P.T.S. 1889, 207 (?). aruṇā before dawn); Sn 849 (purā bhedā before dissolution (of
the body), after which the Suttanta is named Purābhedasutta,
Puman (Pumā) [see puṁs] a male, a man, nom sg. pumo D n.273; 1 d
Cp. ii.6 ; instr. pumunā J vi.550. nom. pl. pumā D iii.85 (itthi cp. Nd 210 sq.; expl by sarīra — bhedā pubbaṁ at SnA 549).
— pumā men & women; v. l. K. °purisā); J iii.459; acc. sg. Purāṇa (adj.) [Venic purāṇa, fr. *per, cp. Sk. parut in
pumaṁ J v.154 (gata, cp. purisantara — gata). — On decl. former years, Gr. πέρυσι=Lith. pernai, Goth. fairneis,
cp. Müller, P.Gr. p. 79; Greiger, P.Gr. § 93 . Ohg. firni=Ger. firn (last year's snow), forn formerly, ferro
far] 1. ancient, past Sn 312, 944 (=Nd 428 atītaṁ, opp.
*Pura [on etym. see purā, purāṇa, pure] base of adv. & prep. de-
nava=paccuppannaṁ); Dh 156 (=pubbe katāni C.); with ref.
noting "before"; abl. purato (adv. & prep.) in front of (with
to former births or previous existences: p. kammaṁ S
gen.), before (only local) Vin i.179; ii.32; D ii.14 (mātu); S 1 2
i.137; Pv i.11 , 11 (opp. pacchā); ii.8 (janâdhipassa); DA ii.64=Nd 437=Nd 680 Q. 2; puññaṁ S i.92. — 2. old (of
age), worn out, used (opp. nava recent) D i.224 (bandhanaṁ,
i.152; PvA 5 (purisassa), 22, 39 (tassa). Often repeated (dis-
opp. navaṁ); Vin ii.123 (udakaṁ p.°ṁ stale water); S ii.106
tributively) purato purato each time in front, or in front of
(magga); Sn 1 (tacaṁ); J ii.114 (f. purāṇī, of an old bow
each, or continuously in front Vin ii.213; Vism 18; cp. pac-
string, applied jokingly to a former wife); iv.201 (°paṇṇa old
chato pacchato. — Otherwise *pura occurs only in foll. der.:
leaf, opp. nava); v.202 (a° not old, of years); vi.45 (apurāṇaṁ
(1) adverbial: *puraḥ in purakkharoti, purekkhāra, purohita;
adv. recently); VbhA 363 (udaka stale water). — 3. former,
purā, pure, puratthaṁ, puratthato. — (2) adjectival: purāṇa,
late, old in cpds. as °dutiyikā the former wife (of a bhikkhu)
puratthima, purima.
Vin i.18, 96; iv.263; S i.200; Ud 5; J i.210; °rājorodhā for-
Pura (nt.) [Vedic pur. f., later Sk. puraṁ nt. & purī f.] 1. a town,
mer lady of the harem Vin iv.261; °sālohita former blood —
fortress, city Vin i.8=M i.171 (Kāsinaṁ puraṁ); J i.196, 215;
relation Sn p. 91; Ud 7; DhA ii.210. Cp. porāṇa.
Sn 976, 991, 1012 (°uttama),1013; J vi.276 (=nagara C); Mhvs
Purātana (adj.) [fr. purā, cp. sanātana in formation] belonging
14, 29. — avapure below the fortress M i.68. — devapura
city of the Gods S iv.202; Vv 64 30 (=Sudassana — mahā — to the past, former, old Nett A 194.
nagara VvA 285). See also purindada. — 2. dwelling, house Purindada [distorted fr. Vedic puraṁ — dara, pura+dṛ to break,
or (divided) part of a house (=antepura), a meaning restricted see darī, thus "breaker of fortresses," Ep. of Indra (& Agni).
to the Jātakas, e. g. v.65 (=nivesana C.); vi.251, 492 (=an- The P. Commentator (VvA 171) of course takes it popularly
tepura). Cp. thīpura lady's room, harem, also "lady" J v.296, as "pure dānaṁ dadātī ti Purindado ti vuccati," thus pure+dā;
and antepura. — 3. the body [cp. Sk. pura body as given by see also Trenckner, Notes 59 ; Geiger, P.Gr. § 44 ] "town-
Halāyudha 2, 355, see Aufrecht p. 273] Th 1, 279 1150 (so breaker," a name of Sakka (Indra) D ii.260; S i.230; Vv 37 ,
read for pūra, cp. Kern, Toev. s. v. & under sarīradeha). — 62 ; PvA 247.
Cp. porin.
Purima (adj.) [compar. — superl. formation fr. *pura, cp. Sk.
Purakkhata [pp. of purakkharoti] honoured, esteemed, preferred purima] preceding, former, earlier, before (opp. pacchima) D
D i.50; M i.85; S i.192, 200; Sn 199, 421, 1015; Nd 154; i.179; Sn 773, 791, 1011; Nd 91; J i.110; SnA 149 (°dhura);
Dh 343 (=parivārita DhA iv.49); J ii.48 (°parivārita); Pv iii.7 1 PvA 1, 26. In sequence p. majjhima pacchima; past, present,
(=payirupāsita PvA 205); DA i.152 (=purato nisinna); ThA future (or first, second, last) D i.239 sq.; DA i.45 sq. and pas-
170. Cp. purekkhata. sim. — purimatara =purima J i.345 (°divase the day before).
-attabhāva a former existence VvA 78; PvA 83, 103, 119.
Purakkharoti [fr. puraḥ, cp. Ved. puras — karoti, see pure]
-jāti a previous birth PvA 45, 62, 79, 90.
to put in front, to revere, follow, honour; only in foll. spo-
radic forms: ppr. purakkharāna holding before oneself, i. Purimaka (adj.) [fr. purima] previous, first Vin ii.167 (opp. pac-
e. looking at S iii.9 sq.; aor. 3 pl. purakkharuṁ Miln 22; chimaka). f. °ika Vin i.153.
ger. purakkhatvā M i.28; Sn 969; Nd 491; J v.45 (=purato

Purisa Pure

Purisa [according to Geiger, Gr. § 30 the base is *pūrṣa, from A iv.190 sq.; Ps i.130; eighteen at J vi.542, 548. -dhorayha a
which the Vedic form puruṣa, and the Prk. — P. form purisa. human beast of burden S i.29. -parakkama manly energy D
The further contraction *pussa *possa yielded posa (q. v.). i.53; S ii.28. -puggala a man, a human character D iii.5, 227
From the Prk. form puliśa (Māgadhī) we get pulla] man (as (eight); S i.220 (8); ii.69, 82, 206; iv.272 sq.= It 88 (8) (expl d
representative of the male sex, contrasted to itthi woman, e. g. at Vism 219); A i.32, 130, 173, 189; ii.34, 56; iii.36, 349;
at A iii.209; iv.197; J i.90; v.72; PvA 51). Definitions of the iv.407 (8); v.139, 183 (8), 330 (8); Vin iv.212 sq. (=male);
C. are "puriso nāma manussa — puriso na yakkho na peto etc." VbhA 497; -bhava state of being a man, manhood, virility J
(i. e. man κα᾿τ ἐςοξήν) Vin iv.269 (the same expl for purisa iii.124; Dhs 634, 415, 839; PvA 63. -bhūmi man's stage, as
— puggala at Vin iv.214); "seṭṭh' aṭṭhena puri setī ti puriso ti "eight stages of a prophet's existence" (Dial. i.72) at D i.54,
satto vuccati" VvA 42 — 1. man D i.61 (p. kassaka "free in detail at DA i.162, 163. -medha man — sacrifice, human
man"); ii.13; S i.225; A i.28, 126; ii.115; iii.156; Sn 102, 112, sacrifice S i.76; A ii.42; iv.151; It 21; Sn 303. -yugāni (pl.)
316, 740, 806 and passim; Dh 117, 152, 248; Nd 124; PvA (4) pairs of men S iv.272 sq.; A i.208; ii.34, 56; iii.36; iv.407;
3, 4, 165, 187; VvA 13 (majjhima°, paṭhama°, as t.t. g.?). v.330; D iii.5, 227; It 88; in verse Vv 44 ; expl Vism 219
uttama° S ii.278; iii.61, 166; iv.380; It 97; mahā° S v.158; (see under yuga). -lakkhaṇa (lucky) marks on a man D
A ii.35; iii.223; iv.229 (see also under mahā); sappurisa (q. i.9. -linga (see also pullinga) a man's characteristic, mem-
v.). Var. epithets of the Buddha e. g. at S. i.28 sq. — brum virile Vin iii.35; Dhs 634, 715, 839; Tikp 50; Vism 184.
Kāpurisa a contemptible man; kimpurisa a wild man of the -viriya manly vigour S ii.28. -vyañjana the membrum virile
woods ("whatever man"), f. kimpurisī J v.215. — purisa (=°linga) Vin ii.269.
as "a man, some one, somebody" as character or hero in var.
Purisaka (n. — adj.) [fr. purisa] 1. a (little) man, only in °tiṇa
similes, e. g. angārakāsuyaṁ khipanaka° Vism 489; asucimhi
doll effigy made of grass (straw), scarecrow Miln 352; Vism
patita Vism 465; āgantuka° VbhA 23; dubbala Vism 533; pa-
462; DhsA 111. — 2. (adj.) having a man, f. °ikā in eka° (a
pāte patanto VbhA 23 (cannot be a help to others; similarly
woman) having intercourse with only one man J i.290.
with patita at VbhA 170=Vism 559); bhikkhusanghaṁ disvā
Purisatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. purisa] manhood, virility Dhs 634, 715,
Vism 333; maṇḍapa — lagga Vism 339 sq.; lakuṇṭaka — pāda
& dīghapāda VbhA 26; cp. the foll.: of a man pleasing the
king VbhA 442 sq.; a man wishing to perform a long journey Purisattana (nt.) [=purisatta, cp. Trenckner, Notes 70 ] man-
in one day Vism 244; a man breathing when exhausted Vism hood Miln 171.
274. Frequently elsewhere. — 2. an attendant, servant, waiter
Pure (indecl.) [is the genuine representative (with Mā-gadhī e) of
Vin ii.297; D i.60 (dāsa+), 72 (id.); J i.385 (dāsa°); vi.462. Cp.
Vedic puraḥ, which also appears as *puro in purohita, as *pura
porisa, posa.
in purakkharoti. It belongs to base Idg. *per (cp. pari), as in
-atthika one who seeks a servant Vin ii.297. Cr. πάρος before, earlier, πρέσβυς "preceding in life," i. e.
-anta=purisādhama Sn 664 (anta=Sk. antya; Sn A 479 expl ns
older; Ohg. first] before (both local & temporal), thus either
by antimapurisa). -antaragatā touched by a man (lit. gone in
"before, in front" or "before, formerly, earlier." In both mean-
by...), a woman who has sexual intercourse, a woman in inter-
ings the opp. is pacchā — (a) local S i.176 (pure hoti to lead);
course with a man D i.166 (cp. Dial. i.228); M i.77; A i.295; J ii.153 (opp. pacchima) — (b) temporal S i.200; Sn 289, 311,
ii.206; Vin iv.322; Pug 55 (=he does not accept food, lest their 541, 645, 773 (=atītaṁ Nd 33; opp. pacchā); Dh 348 (opp.
intercourse should be broken: rati antarāyo hoti PugA 231); pacchato); J i.50 (with abl. pure puṇṇamāya). Often meaning
DA i.79 (=itthi, as opp. to kumārikā). Cp. pumaṁ gata, J 8 13 1
"in a former life," e. g. Vv 34 , 34 ; Pv i.2 (=pubbe atīta-
v.154. -allu (& ālu) N. of certain monstrous beings, living 2 2 4
jātiyaṁ PvA 10); ii.3 (cp. purima); ii.4 ; ii.7 (=atītabhāve
in the wilderness J v.416 (=vaḷavā — mukhayakkhinī, a y. 13
PvA 101); ii.9 . — apure apacchā neither before nor after,
with the face of a mare), 418; vi.537 (°ālu=vaḷavā — m. —
i. e. simultaneously PugA 186 (see apubbaṁ): — puretaraṁ
pekkhī C.). -ājañña "a noble steed of a man," a thorough
(adv.) first, ahead, before any one else DhA i.13, 40. — (c)
— bred or remarkable man S iii.91; A v.325 sq., Sn 544; Dh
modal, meaning "lest" DA i.4; cp. purā in same sense Jtm. 28.
193; as — ājāneyya at DhA i.310; — ājāniya at A i.290;
-cārika going before, guiding, leading, only in phrase
ii.115; iv.397 sq.; v.324. -āda a bad man ("man — eater") °n katvā putting before everything else, taking as a guide or
a wild man, cannibal J v.25 (cp. puruṣāda Jtm 31 ); °ādaka
ideal J i.176 (mettā — bhāvanaṁ); iii.45 (id.), 180 (khantiñ
J v.30. -ādhama a wicked man Dh 78; J v.268. -indriya
ca mettañ ca); vi.127 (Indaṁ); PugA 194 (paññaṁ). -java
male faculty, masculinity S v.204; A iv.57; Dhs 634, 715,
[cp. BSk. purojava attendant Divy 211, 214, 379; also Vedic
839, 972; Vism 447, 492. -uttama "the highest of men," an
puroyāva preceding] preceding, preceded by, controlled by
excellent man A v.16, 325 sq.; Sn 544; Dh 78; DhA ii.188.
(=pubbangama) S i.33 (sammādiṭṭhi°); Sn 1107 (dhamma —
-usabha (purisusabha) "a bull of a man," a very strong man 2
takka°, cp. Nd 318). -jāta happening before, as logical
Vin iii.39. -kathā talk about men D i.8. -kāra manliness D
category (°paccaya) "antecedence"; Vism 537 (elevenfold)=
i.53 (cp. DA i.161); Miln 96. -thāma manly strength D i.53;
Tikp. 17; freq. in Dukp. & Tikp. (as ārammaṇa° & vatthu°),
S ii.28; A ii.118; iv.190. -dammasārathi guide of men who
cp. VbhA 403 (°ārammaṇa & °vatthuka). -dvāra front door
have to be restrained, Ep. of the Buddha [cp. BSk. puruṣa —
J ii.153. -bhatta the early meal, morning meal, breakfast
damyasārathi Divy 54 and passim] S ii.69; A i.168, 207; ii.56,
[cp. BSk. purobhaktakā Divy 307] VvA 120; PvA 109; °ṁ in
112, 147; Sn p. 103 (=vicitrehi vinayan' ûpāyehi purisadamme the morning VvA 51; PvA 78; °kicca duties after the morning
sāretī ti SnA 443); It 79; Pug 57; Vism 207; ThA 178. -dosā meal DA i.45 sq.; SnA 131 sq. -bhava "being in front," i.
(pl.) faults or defects in a man; eight are discussed in detail at

Pure Pūti

e. superior DA i.75 (in exegesis of porī). -samaṇa one who Pussaratha at J vi.39 read phussa° (q. v.).
wanders ahead of someone else Vin ii.32 (opp. pacchā°). 1 1
Pūga (nt.) [etym.? cp. Vedic pūga in meaning of both pūga &
Purekkhata=purakkhata Sn 849, 859, (a°); Nd 73, 214. pūga ] heap, quantity; either as n. with gen. or as adj.=many,
a lot Sn 1073 (pūgaṁ vassānaṁ= bahūni vassāni Nd 452); Pv
Purekkharoti [for purakkharoti, pure=Sk. puraḥ] to honour etc. 9
iv.7 (pūgāni vassāni); VbhA 2 (khandhaṭṭha, piṇḍ°, pūg°).
Sn 794=803; ppr. purekkharāna Sn 844, 910.
Pūga (m.) [see preceding] corporation, guild Vin ii.109, 212;
Purekkhāra [for purakkhāra, puraḥ+kṛ, see pure] deference, de-
iv.30, 78, 226, 252; M iii.48; A iii.300; Ud 71; Pug 29 (=seṇi
votion, honour; usually — ° (adj.) devoted to, honouring D
i.115; Vin iii.130; iv.2, 277; Nd 73, 214; Dh 73 (=parivāra PugA 210).
DhA ii.77); Vv 34 14 (attha°= hitesin VvA 152); VbhA 466 -āyatana guild's property J vi.108 (=pūga — santaka
dhana C.). -gāmaṇika superintendant of a guild, guildmaster
(°mada); VvA 72.
A iii.76. -majjhagata gone into a guild A i.128=Pug 29; SnA
Purekkhāratā (f.) [abstr. fr. purekkhāra] deference to (—°) DhA
iv.181 (attha°).
Pūga [Class. Sk. pūga] the betel — palm, betel nut tree J v.37
Purohita [purah+pp. of dhā, ch. Vedic purohita] 1. placed in
(°rukkha — ppamāṇaṁ ucchu — vanaṁ).
front, i. e. foremost or at the top, in phrase devā Inda — puro-
Pūja (adj.) [Epic Sk. pūjya, cp. pujja] to be honoured, honourable
hitā the gods with Inda at their head J vi.127 (=Indaṁ pure —
cārikaṁ katvā C.). — 2. the king's headpriest (brahmanic), or A iii.78 (v. l.; T. pūjja); J iii.83 (apūja= apūjanīya C.); pūjaṁ
karoti to do homage Vism 312. — See also pūjiya.
domestic chaplain, acting at the same time as a sort of Prime
Minister D i.138; J i.210; v.127 (his wife as brāhmaṇī); Pug Pūjanā (f.) [fr. pūjeti] veneration, worship A ii.203 sq.; Dh 106,
56 (brāhmaṇa p.); Miln 241, 343 (dhamma — nagare p.); PvA 107; Pug 19; Dhs 1121; Miln 162.
Pūjaneyya & Pūjanīya [grd. of pūjeti] to be honoured, entitled
Pulaka [cp. Sk. pulāka, Halāyudha 5, 43; not Sk. pulaka, as Kern, to homage S i.175; SnA 277; -īya J iii.83; Sdhp 230, 551.
Toev. s. v. for which see also Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. pilus]
Pūjā (f.) [fr. pūj, see pūjeti] honour, worship, devotional atten-
shrivelled grain Miln 232 (sukka — yava° of dried barley); tion A i.93 (āmisa°, dhamma°); v.347 sq.; Sn 906; Dh 73, 104;
DhA ii.154 (SS; T. reads mūlakaṁ, which is expl by Bdhgh 5 12
Pv i.5 ; i.5 ; Dpvs vii.12 (cetiya°); SnA 350; PvA 8; Sdhp
as "nitthusaṁ katvā ussedetvā gahita — yava — taṇḍula vuc-
213, 230, 542, 551.
canti" ibid). Here belongs pulasa-patta of J iii.478. (vv. ll. -âraha worthy of veneration, deserving attention Dh 194;
pulā°, mūlā°, mulā°; expl by C. as "saṇhāṇi pulasa — gac-
DhA iii.251. -karaṇa doing service, paying homage PvA 30.
cha — paṇṇāni," thus taking pulasa as a kind of shrub, prob.
-kāra=karaṇa DhA ii.44.
because the word was not properly understood).
Pūjita [pp. of pūjeti] honoured, revered, done a service S i.175,
Puḷava [etym.? dial; cp. Class. Sk. pulaka erection of the hairs of
178; ii.119; Th 1, 186; Sn 316; Ud 73 (sakkata mānita p.
the body, also given by lexicographers (Hemachandra 1202) 2 10
apacita); Pv i.4 (=paṭimānita C.); ii.8 .
in meaning "vermin"] a worm, maggot M iii.168; Sn 672; J
Pūjiya [=pūja, Sk. pūjya] worthy to be honoured Sn 527; J v.405;
iii.177; vi.73; Miln 331, 357; Vism 179 (=kimi) DhA iii.106,
Sdhp 542.
411. See next.
Pūjetar [n. ag. fr. pūjeti] one who shows attention or care A
Puḷavaka (BB puḷuvaka)=puḷava DhA iv.46; VvA 76; PvA 14.
v.347 sq., 350 sq.
One of the (asubha) kammaṭṭhānas is called p. "the contem-
plation (°saññā idea) of the worminfested corpse" S v.131; Dhs Pūjeti [pūj, occurring in Rigveda only in śācipūjana RV viii.16,
264; Vism 110, 179 (puḷu°), 194 (id.; as asubha — lakkhaṇa); 12] to honour, respect, worship, revere Sn 316 (Pot. pū-
DhA iv.47. See also asubha. jayeyya), 485 (imper. pūjetha); Dh 106, 195; DA i.256; PvA
54 (aor. sakkariṁsu garukkariṁsu mānesuṁ pūjesuṁ); Sdhp
Pulasa see pulaka.
538. — pp. pūjita (q. v.).
Pulina (& Puḷina) (nt.) [cp. Epic Sk. pulina, also Halā-yudha 3,
Pūti (adj.) [cp. Sk. pūti, pūyati to fester; Gr. πύχω, πϋον=
48] 1. a sandy bank or mound in the middle of a river J ii.366
pus; Lat. pūtidus putrid; Goth. fūls=Ger. faul, E. foul] pu-
(vālika°); iii.389 (id.); v.414; Miln 297 (ḷ); Dāvs iv.29; Vism
trid, stinking, rotten, fetid D ii.353 (khaṇḍāni pūtīni); M i.73,
263 (nadī°); VvA 40 (paṇḍara°). — 2. a grain of sand Miln
89=iii.92 (aṭṭhikāni pūtīni); Vin iii.236 (anto°); S iii.54; Pv
180 (l). 2 1
i.3 ; i.6 (=kuṇapagandha PvA 32); Vism 261 (=pūtika at KhA
Pulla [a contracted form of purisa (q. v.)] man, only in cpd. 61), 645 (°pajā itthi, in simile); PvA 67; Sdhp 258. — See also
pullinga (=purisa — linga) membrum virile, penis J v.143 puccaṇḍatā.
(where expl by C. as uṇha — chārikā pl. "hot embers"; the
-kāya foul body, mass of corruption, Ep. of the hu-
pass. is evidently misunderstood; v. l. BB phull°).
man body M ii.65; S i.131; iii.120; Th 2, 466; ThA 283;
Pussa° at Nd 90 in cpds. °tila, °tela, dantakaṭṭha, mattikā, etc. SnA 40; DhA iii.111. -kummāsa rotten junket Vism 343.
is probably to be read with v. l. phussa°; meaning not quite -gandha bad smell, ill — smelling Pv i.3 (=kuṇapa° PvA
clear ("natural, raw"?). 15); J v.72. -dadhi rancid curds Vism 362; VbhA 68; cp.
Pussaka at A i.188 is to be read as phussaka (see phussa ) pūti — takka Vism 108. -deha=°kāya S i.236. -maccha
stinking fish M iii.168 (+°kuṇapa & °kummāsa); in simile at
It 68=J iv.435 =vi.236=KhA 127. -mukha having a putrid

Pūti Peta

mouth SnA 458 (āsīvisa); PvA 12, 14. -mutta strong — (pūvaṁ vyāpetvā, in comp.); VbhA 65, 255 (simile of woman
smelling urine, usually urine of cattle used as medicine by going to bake a cake); KhA 56; DA i.142; VvA 67, 73 (°surā,
the bhikkhu Vin i.58=96 (°bhesajja); M i.316; It 103; VvA one of the 5 kinds of intoxication liquors, see surā); PvA 244.
5 (°harītaka). -mūla having fetid roots M i.80. -latā "stink- See also Vin. Texts i.39 (sweetmeats, sent as presents).
ing creeper," a sort of creeper or shrub (Coccolus cordifolius,
Pūvika [fr. pūva] a cake — seller, confectioner Miln 331.
otherwise gaḷoci) Sn 29=Miln 369; Vism 36, 183; KhA 47
Pe is abbreviation of peyyāla (q. v.); cp. la.
(°saṇṭhāna); DhA iii.110, 111 (taruṇā galoci — latā pūtilatā ti
vuccati). -lohitaka with putrid blood Pv i.7 (=kuṇapa° PvA Pekkha (adj.) (—°) [cp. Sk. prekṣā f. & prekṣaka adj.; fr.
37). -sandeha=°kāya Dh 148. pa+īks] looking out for, i. e. intent upon, wishing; usually in
puñña° desirous of merit S i.167; Dh 108 (=puññaṁ icchanto
Pūtika (adj.)=pūti M i.449; S v.51; A i.261; J i.164; ii.275; Miln 21
DhA ii.234); Vv 34 (=puññaphalaṁ ākankhanto VvA 154);
252; DhA i.321; iii.111; VvA 76. — apūtika not rotten, fresh
PvA 134.
M i.449; A i.261; J v.198; Miln 252.
Pekkha (adj.) [grd. of pekkhati, Sk. prekṣya] to be looked for,
Pūpa [cp. Epic Sk. pūpa; "a rich cake of wheaten flour"
to be expected, desirable J vi.213.
Hȧlāyudha, 2, 164; and BSk. pūpalikā Av.Ś ii.116] a special
kind of cake, baked or boiled in a bag J v.46 (°pasibbaka cake Pekkhaka (adj.) (—°) [fr. pekkha ] seeing, looking at; wishing
— bag); DhA i.319 (jāla° net — cake; v. l. pūva). See also to see ThA 73 (Ap. v.59), f. °ikā S i.185 (vihāra°).
Pekkhaṇa (nt.) [fr. pa+īkṣ] seeing, sight, look DA i.185, 193;
Pūra (adj.) [cp. Class. Sk. pūra; fr. pṛ, see pūreti] full; full of KhA 148 (=dassana).
(with gen.) D i.244 (nadī); M i.215; iii.90, 96; A iv.230; Sn Pekkhati [pa+īkṣ] to behold, regard, observe, look at D ii.20; S
195, 721; Ud 90 (nadī); J i.146; Pv iv.3 13 (=pānīyena puṇṇa
iv.291; J vi.420. — ppr. pekkhamāna Vin i.180; Sn 36 sq.
PvA 251); Pug 45, 46; PvA 29. — dup° difficult to fill J v.425. 2 7
(=dakkhamāna Nd 453), 1070, 1104; Pv ii.3 ; Vism 19 (disā
— pūraṁ (—°) nt. as adv. in kucchi-pūraṁ to his belly's fill
— vidisaṁ). gen. pl. pekkhataṁ Sn 580 (cp. SnA 460). —
J iii.268; Vism 108 (udara — pūra — mattaṁ).
Caus. pekkheti to cause one to behold, to make one see or
Pūraka (adj.) [=pāra+ka] filling (—°) Vism 106 (mukha°). consider Vin ii.73≈ A v.71. — Cp. anu°.
Pūraṇa (adj. n.) [fr. pūreti] 1. (adj.) filling Sn 312 (? better read Pek(k)havant [fr. pekkhā] desirous of (loc.) J v.403.
purāṇa with SnA 324); PvA 70 (eka — thālaka°), 77 (id.). As
Pek(k)hā (f.) [fr. pa+īkṣ] 1. consideration, view Vbh 325, 328.
Np. in Pūraṇa Kassapa, which however seems to be distorted
— 2. desire J v.403 (p. vuccati taṇhā). — 3. (or (pekkhaṁ?)
from Purāṇa K. (D i.47; Sn p. 92, cp. KhA 126, 175; SnA 200, show at a fair D i.6 (=naṭa — samajjā DA i.84); see Dial. i.7,
237, 372). The expl (popular etym.) of the name at DA i.142 n. 4 and cp. J.R.A.S. 1903, 186.
refers it to pūreti ("kulassa ekūnaṁ dāsa — sataṁ pūrayamāno
Pekkhin (adj.) [fr. pekkhati] looking (in front), in phrase yuga-
jāto" i. e. making the hundred of servants full). — 2. (nt.) an
mattaṁ p. "looking only the distance of a plough" Miln 398.
expletive particle (pada° "verse — filler"), so in C. style of "a"
SnA 590; "kho" ib. 139; "kho pana" ib. 137; "taṁ" KhA 219; Pekhuṇa (pekkh°) (nt.) [not with Childers fr. *pakṣman,
"tato" SnA 378; "pi" ib. 536; "su" ib. 230; "ha" ib. 416; "hi" but with Pischel, Gr. § 89 fr. Sk. prenkhaṇa a swing,
ib. 377. See pada°. Vedic prenkha, fr. pra+īnkh, that which swings, through
*prenkhuṇa>prekhuṇa>pekhuṇa] 1. a wing Th 1, 211 (su°
Pūratta (nt.) [abstr. fr. pūra] getting or being full, fulness Vin
with beautiful feathers), 1136; J i.207. — 2. a peacock's
ii.239 (opp. unattaṁ).
tail — feathers J vi.218 (=morapiñja C.), 497 (citrapekkhuṇaṁ
Pūraḷāsa [cp. Vedic puroḍāśa] sacrificial cake (brahmanic), obla-
tion Sn 459 (=carukañ ca pūvañ ca SnA 405), 467, 479 54
Pecca [ger. of pa+i, cp. BSk. pretya Jtm 31 ] "after having gone
(=havyasesa C.), 486.
past," i. e. after death, having departed S i.182; iii.98; A ii.174
Pūrita [pp. of pūreti] filled with (—°), full Pv ii.1 20 (=paripuṇṇa
sq.; iii.34, 46, 78; Sn 185, 188, 248, 598, 661; It 111; Dh 15,
PvA 77); PvA 134. 9 5
131 (=paraloke DhA hi.51); J i.169; v.489, Pv i.11 ; iii.7 (v.
Pūreti [Caus. of pṛ, pṛṇāti to fill, intrs. pūryate, cp. Lat. pleo; l. pacca). The form peccaṁ under influence of Prk. (AMg.)
Gr. πίμ πλημι, πλήχω, πολύς much, Goth. filu= Ger. viel; peccā (see Pischel, Prk. Gr. 587) at J vi.360.
Ohg. folc=folk] 1. to fill (with=gen. or instr.) S i.173; Sn 30,
Peṭaka (adj.) [fr. piṭaka] "what belongs to the Piṭaka," as title of a
305; J i.50 (pāyāsassa), 347; ii.112 (pret. pūrayittha); iv.272 non — canonical book for the usual Peṭak' opadesa "instruc-
(sagga — padaṁ pūrayiṁsu filled with deva world); DhA ii.82 tion in the Piṭaka." dating from the beginning of our era (cp.
(sakaṭāni ratanehi); iv.200 (pattaṁ); PvA 100 (bhaṇḍassa), Geiger, P.Gr. p. 18), mentioned at Vism 141 DhsA 165. Cp.
145 (suvaṇṇassa). — 2. to fulfil DhA i.68. — 3. (Caus.) tipeṭaka, see also piṭaka.
to make fill Vism i 37 (lakāraṁ). — pp. puṇṇa. See also
Peṇāhikā (f.) [dial.; etym. uncertain] a species of bird (crane?)
pari°. Caus. II. pūrāpeti to cause to fill S ii.259: J i.99.
Miln 364, 402; shortened to peṇāhi at Miln 407 (in the ud-
Pūva [cp. Sk. pūpa; with v for p] a cake, baked in a pan (kapalla)
dāna). Cp. Miln trsl. ii.343.
A iii.76; J i.345 (kapalla° pan — cake), 347; iii.10 (pakka°); 5
Vv 13 ; 29 (=kapalla — pūva VvA 123); Pv iv.3 (=khajjaka Peṇṇakata is v. l. for paṇṇakata Npl. at Vv 45 sq. (see VvA
PvA 251); Vism 108 (jāla° net — cake, cp. jāla — pūpa), 359

Peta Peyyāla

Peta [pp of pa+ī, lit. gone past, gone before] dead, departed, petteyya] paternal Vin iii.16; iv.223; D ii.232; S v.146=Miln
the departed spirit. The Buddhistic peta represents the 368 (p. gocara); (sake p. visaye Ǥ your own home — grounds
Vedic pitaraḥ (manes, cp. pitṛyajña), as well as the Brāh- ʼ) D iii.58; S v.146; J ii.59; vi.193 (iṇa). Also in cpd. mātā-
maṇic preta. The first are souls of the "fathers," the sec- pettika maternal & paternal D i.34, 92; J i.146.
ond ghosts, leading usually a miserable existence as the re-
Pettivisaya (& Pitti°) [Sk. *paitrya — viṣaya & *pitrya-viṣaya,
sult (kammaphala) or punishment of some former misdeed
der. fr. pitar, but influenced by peta] the world of the manes,
(usually avarice). They may be raised in this existence by
the realm of the petas (synonymous with petavisaya & petay-
means of the dakkhiṇā (sacrificial gift) to a higher category of 2 9
oni) D iii.234; It 93; J v.186; Pv ii.2 ; ii.7 ; Miln 310; DhA
mahiddhikā petā (alias yakkhas), or after their period of ex-
i.102; iv.226; Vism 427; VbhA 4, 455; PvA 25 sq., 29, 59 sq.,
piation shift into another form of existence (manussa, deva,
214, 268; Sdhp 9.
tiracchāna). The punishment in the Nirayas is included in
Petteyya (adj.) [fr. pitar; cp. Vedic pitrya] father — loving, show-
the peta existence. Modes of suffering are given S ii.255;
ing filial piety towards one's father D iii.72, 74; S v.467; A
cp K.S. ii, 170 p. On the whole subject see Stede, Die 18
i.138; J iii.456; v.35; Pv ii.7 . See also matteyya.
Gespenstergeschichten des Peta Vatthu, Leipzig 1914; in the
Peta Vatthu the unhappy ghosts are represented, whereas the Petteyyatā (f.) [abstr. fr. petteyya] reverence towards one's fa-
Vimāna Vatthu deals with the happy ones. — 1. (souls of the ther D iii.70 (a°), 145, 169; Dh 332 (=pitari sammāpaṭipatta
departed, manes) D iii.189 (petānaṁ kālakatānaṁ dakkhiṇaṁ DhA iv.34); Nd 294. Cp. matteyyatā.
anupadassati); A iii.43 (id.); i.155 sq.; v.132 (p. ñātisalohita); 4
Petyā (adv.) [fr. pitar, for Sk. pitrā; cp. Trenckner, Notes 56 ]
M i.33; S i.61=204; Sn 585, 590, 807 (petā — kālakatā=matā from the father's side J v.214 (=pitito).
Nd 126); J v.7 (=mata C.); Pv i.5 ; i.12 ; ii.6 . As pubba-
Pema (nt.) [fr. prī, see pīṇeti & piya & cp. BSk. prema Jtm 221;
peta ("deceased — before") at A ii.68; iii.45; iv.244; J ii.360.
Vedic preman cons. stem] love, affection D i.50; iii.284 sq.;
— 2. (unhappy ghosts) S ii.255 sq.; Vin iv.269 (contrasted
M i.101 sq.; S iii.122; iv.72, 329; v.89, 379; A ii.213; iii.326
with purisa, yakkha & tiracchāna — gata); A v.269 (dānaṁ
sq.; Sn 41; Dh 321; DA i.75. -(a)vigata-pema with(out) love
petānaṁ upakappati); J iv.495 sq. (yakkhā pisācā petā, cp.
or affection D iii.238, 252; S iii.7 sq., 107 sq., 170; iv.387; A
preta — piśācayoḥ MBhār. 13, 732); Vbh 412 sq.; Sdhp 96
ii.174 sq.; iv.15, 36, 461 sq.
sq. — manussapeta a ghost in human form J iii.72; v.68; VvA
23. The later tradition on Petas in their var. classes and states Pemaka (m. or nt.) [fr. pema]=pema J iv.371.
is reflected in Miln 294 (4 classes: vantāsikā, khuppipāsā, ni-
Pemanīya (adj.) [fr. pema as grd. formation, cp. BSk., pre-
jjhāma — taṇhikā, paradatt' ûpajīvino) & 357 (appearance and
maṇīya MVastu iii.343] affectionate, kind, loving, amiable,
fate); Vism 501=VbhA 97 (as state of suffering, with narakā,
agreeable D i.4 (cp. DA i.75); ii.20 (°ssara); A ii.209; Pug
tiracchā, asurā); VbhA 455 (as nijjhāmataṇhikā, khuppipāsikā,
57; J iv.470.
paradatt' upajīvino). — 3. (happy ghosts) mahiddhikā petī Pv 1 n
i.10 ; yakkha mahiddhika Pv iv.1 ; Vimānapeta mahiddhika Peyya [grd. of pibati] to be drunk, drinkable, only in comp
or neg. apeyya undrinkable A iii.188; J iv.205, 213 (apo
PvA 145; peta mahiddhika PvA 217. [Cp. BSk. pretamahard-
hika Divy 14]. — f. petī Vin iv.20; J i.240; Pv i.6 ; PvA 67 apeyyo). maṇḍa° to be drunk like cream, i. e. of the best
quality S ii.29. manāpika° sweet to drink Miln 313. dup-
and passim. Vimānapetī PvA 47, 50, 53 and in Vimāna —
peyya difficult to drink Sdhp 158. See also kākapeyya.
vatthu passim.
-upapattika born as a peta PvA 119. -katha (pubba°) Peyya =piya, only in cpds. vajja° [*priya — vadya] kindness
tales (or talk) about the dead (not considered orthodox) D i.8, of language, kind speech, one of the 4 sangaha — vatthus
cp. DA i.90; A v.128. -kicca duty towards the deceased (grounds of popularity) A ii.32, 248; iv.219, 364; D iii.190,
(i. e. death — rites) J ii.5; DhA i.328. -rājā king of the 192, 232; J v.330. Cp. BSk. priya — vādya MVastu i.3; and
Petas (i. e. Yama) J v.453 (°visayaṁ na muñcati "does not °vācā kind language D iii.152; Vv 84 36 (=piyavacana VvA
leave behind the realm of the Petaking"); C. expl by petay- 345). — It is doubtful whether vāca-peyya at Sn 303 (Ep. of
oni and divides the realm into petavisaya and kālakañjaka- sacrifice) is the same as °vācā (as adj.), or whether it represents
asura-visaya. -yoni the peta realm PvA 9, 35, 55, 68, 103 vāja — peyya [Vedic vāja sacrificial food] as Bdhgh expl it
and passim. -loka the peta world Sdhp 96. -vatthu a peta or at SnA 322 (=vājam ettha pivanti; v. l. vāja°), thus peyya=
ghost — story; N. of one (perhaps the latest) of the canonical peyya .
books belonging to the Suttanta — Piṭaka KhA 12; DA i.178
Peyyāla (nt.?) [a Māgadhism for pariyāya, so Kern, Toev. s. v.
after Trenckner, cp. BSk. piyāla and peyāla MVastu iii.202,
Petattana (nt.) [abstr. fr. peta] state or condition of a Peta Th 1, 219] repetition, succession, formula; way of saying, phrase
1128. (=pariyāya 5) Vism 46 (°mukha beginning of discourse), 351
(id. and bahu° — tanti having many discourses or repetitions),
Pettanika [fr. pitar] one who lives on the fortune or power inher-
411 (°pāḷi a row of successions or etceteras); VvA 117 (pāḷi°
ited from his father A iii.76=300.
vasena "because of the successive Pāli text"). — Very freq.
Pettāpiya [for pettāviya (Epic Sk. pitṛvya), cp. Trenckner, Notes in abridged form, where we would say "etc.," to indicate that
62 , 75] fatḥer's brother, paternal uncle A iii.348; v.138 (gloss a passage has be to repeated (either from preceding context,
pitāmaho). or to be supplied from memory, if well known). The literal
Pettika (adj.) [fr. pitar, for pētika, cp. Epic Sk. paitṛka & P. meaning would be "here (follows) the formula (pariyāya)." We

Peyyāla Pehi

often find pa for pe, e. g. A v.242, 270, 338, 339, 355; some- Pesi (pesī) (f.) [cp. Epic Sk. peśī] 1. a lump, usually a mass of
times pa+pe comb , e. g. S v.466. — As pe is the first sylla- flesh J iii.223=DhA iv.67 (pesi=maṁsapesi C.). Thus maṁs-
ble of peyyāla so la is the last and is used in the same sense; apesi, muscle Vin ii.25 ≈ (maṁsapes' ûpamā kāmā); iii.105;
the variance is according to predilection of certain MSS.; la M i.143, 364; S ii.256; iv.193 (in characteristic of lohitaka);
is found e. g. S v.448, 267 sq.; or as v. l. of pe: A v.242, Vism 356; PvA 199. — 2. the foetus in the third stage af-
243, 354; or la+pe comb : S v.464, 466. — On syllable pe ter conception (between abbuda & ghana) S i.206; J iv.496;
Trenckner, Notes 66, says: "The sign of abridgment. pe, or Nd 120; Miln 40; Vism 236. — 3. a piece, bit (for pesikā),
as it is written in Burmese copies, pa, means peyyāla which is in veḷu° J iv.205.
not an imperative Ǥ insert, fill up the gap, ʼ but a substantive,
Pesikā (f.) (—°) [cp. Sk. *peśikā] rind, shell (of fruit) only in
peyyālo or peyyālaṁ, signifying a phrase to be repeated over
cpds. amba° Vin ii.109; vaṁsa° J i.352; veḷu° (a bit of bam-
& over again. I consider it a popular corruption of the synony-
boo) D ii.324; J ii.267, 279; iii.276; iv.382.
mous pariyāya, passing through *payyāya, with — eyy — for
Pesita [pp. of peseti] 1. sent out or forth Sn 412 (rāja-dūta p.)
— ayy —, like seyyā, Sk. śayyā." See also Vin. Texts i.291; 7
Vv 21 (=uyyojita VvA 108); DhA iii.191. pesit-atta is the
Oldenberg, K.Z. 35, 324.
C. expl at S i.53 (as given at K.S. 320) of pahit-atta (trsl n
Perita is Kern's (Toev. s. v.) proposed reading for what he
"puts forth all his strength"); Bdhgh incorrectly taking pahita
considered a faulty spelling in bhaya — merita (p for m) J
as pp. of pahiṇati to send whereas it is pp. of padahati. — 2.
iv.424=v.359. This however is bhaya — m — erita with the
ordered, what has been ordered, in pesit-âpesitaṁ order and
hiatus — m, and to supplant perita (=Sk. prerita) is unjustified.
prohibition Vin ii.177.
Pelaka [etym.?] a hare J vi.538 (=sasa C.).
Pesuṇa (nt.) [fr. pisuṇa, cp. Epic Sk. paiśuna]=pesuñña S i.240;
Peḷa [a Prk. form for piṇḍa, cp. Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 122 peḍhāla] Sn 362, 389, 862 sq., 941; J v.397; Pv i.3 ; PvA 16; Sdhp 55,
a lump, only in yaka° the liver ( — lump) Sn 195 (=yakana — 66, 81.
piṇḍa SnA 247)=J i.146. -kāraka one who incites to slander J i.200, 267.
Peḷā [cp. Class. & B. Sk. peṭa, f. peṭī & peṭā, peḍā Divy 251, Pesuṇika (adj.) [fr. pesuṇa] slanderous, calumnious PvA 12, 13.
365; and the BSk. var. phelā Divy 503; MVastu ii.465] 1. a Pesuṇiya & Pesuṇeyya (nt.)=pesuñña; 1. (pesuṇiya) Sn 663, 928;
(large) basket J iv.458; vi.185; Cp. ii.2 ; Miln 23, 282; Vism 2 1
Pv i.3 . — 2. (pesuṇeyya) S i.228, 230; Sn 852; Nd 232.
304; KhA 46 (peḷāghata, wrong reading, see p. 68 App.); ThA
29. — 2. a chest (for holding jewelry etc.) Pv iv.1 ; Mhvs Pesuñña (nt.) [abstr. fr. pisuṇa, cp. Epic Sk. paiśunya. The
other (diaeretic) forms are pesuṇiya & pesuṇeyya] backbiting,
36, 20; DhsA 242 (peḷ — opamā, of the 4 treasure — boxes). 1
calumny, slander M i.110; D iii.69; A iv.401; Vin iv.12; Nd
— Cp. piṭaka.
232, 260; PvA 12, 15.
Peḷikā (f.) [cp. peḷā] a basket DhA i.227 (pasādhana°, v. l.
Peseti [pa+iṣ to send] to send forth or out, esp. on a message or to
a special purpose, i. e. to employ as a servant or (intrs.) to do
Pesa is spurious spelling for pessa (q. v.).
service (so in many derivations) 1. to send out J i.86, 178, 253;
Pesaka [fr. pa+iṣ, cp. Vedic preṣa order, command] employer, iv.169 (paṇṇaṁ); v.399; vi.448; Mhvs 14, 29 (rathaṁ); DhA
controller, one who attends or looks after Vin ii.177 (ārāmika° iii.190; PvA 4, 20, 53. — 2. to employ or order (cp. pesaka),
etc.); A iii.275 (id.). in Pass. pesiyati to be ordered or to be in service Vin ii.177
Pesakāra [pesa+kāra, epsa=Vedic peśaḥ, fr. piś: see piṁsati ] (ppr. pesiyamāna); J v.17 (ppr. pesiyanto). — pp. pesita. See
also pessa & derivations.
weaver D i.52; Vin iii.259; iv.7; J iv.475; DhA i.424 (°vīthi);
iii.170 sq.; VbhA 294 sq. (°dhītā the weaver's daughter; story Pessa [grd. form fr. peseti, Vedic preṣya, f. preṣyā. This is the
of — ) PvA 42 sq., 67. contracted form, whilst the diaeretic form is pesiya, for which
also pesika] a messenger, a servant, often in comb dāsā ti
Pesana (nt.) [fr. pa+iṣ, see peseti] sending out, message; service
vā pessā ti vā kammakarā ti vā, e. g. D i.141; S i.76, 93
J iv.362 (pesanāni gacchanti); v.17 (pesane pesiyanto.)
(slightly diff. in verse); A ii.208 (spelt pesā); iv.45; DhA ii.7.
-kāraka a servant J vi.448; VvA 349. -kārikā (a girl)
See also A iii.37; iv.266, 270; J v.351; Pug 56; DA i.300. At
doing service, a messenger, servant J iii 414; DhA i.227.
Sn 615 pessa is used in the sense of an abstr. n.= pessitā ser-
Pesanaka (adj.) [fr. pesana] "message sender," employing for
vice (=veyyavacca SnA 466). So also in cpds.
service, in °corā robbers making (others) servants J i.253.
-kamma service J vi.374; -kāra a servant J vi.356.
Pesanika (°iya) (adj.) [fr. pesana] connected with messages, go-
Pessitā (f.) [abstr. fr. pessa, Sk. *preṣyatā] being a servant, doing
ing messages, only in phrase jangha° messenger on foot Vin
service J vi.208 (para° to someone else).
iii.185; J ii.82; Miln 370 (°iya).
Pessiya & °ka [see pessa] servant; m. either pessiya Vv 84 46
Pesala (adj.) [cp. Epic Sk. peśala; Bdhgh's pop. etym. at SnA d
(spelt pesiya, expl by pesana — kāraka, veyyāvaccakara VvA
475 is "piya — sīla"] lovable, pleasant, well — behaved, ami-
349); J vi.448 (=pesana — kāraka C.), or pessika Sn 615, 651;
able S i.149; ii.387; A iv.22; v.170; Sn 678; Sn p. 124; Miln 5
J vi.552; f. either pessiyā (para°) Vv 18 (spelt pesiyā, but
373; Sdhp 621. Often as Ep. of a good bhikkhu, e. g. at S d
v. l. SS pessiyā, expl as pesaniyā paresaṁ veyyāvacca —
i.187; Vin i.170; ii.241; J iv.70; VvA 206; PvA 13, 268.
kārī VvA 94); J iii.413 (=parehi pesitabbā pesana — kārikā C.
Pesāca is reading at D i.54 for pisāca (so v. l.). 414), or pessikā J vi.65.

Pehi Pottha

Pehi is imper. 2 nd sg. of pa+i, "go on," said to a horse A iv.190 one's fingers (as sign of applause) J v.67. Cp. poṭhana &
sq., cp. S i.123. phoṭeti.
Pokkhara (nt.) [cp. Vedic puṣkara, fr. pus, though a certain re- Poṭhana (& Pothana) (nt.) [fr. poṭheti] 1. striking, beating J
lation to puṣpa seems to exist, cp. Sk. puṣpapattra a kind of ii.169 (tajjana°); v.72 (udaka°); vi.41 (kappāsa°dhanuka). At
arrow (lit. lotus — leaf) Halāyudha 2, 314, and P. pokkhara all J passages th. — 2. (th) snapping one's fingers J i.394 (an-
— patta] 1. a lotus plant, primarily the leaf of it, figuring in guli°, +celukkhepa); ThA 76 (anguli°, for accharā — sanghāta
poetry and metaphor as not being able to be wetted by water Th 2, 67). Cp. nippothana.
Sn 392, 812 (vuccati paduma — pattaṁ Nd 135); Dh 336;
Poṭhita (& Pothita) [pp. of poṭheti] beaten, struck Miln 240 (of
It 84. — 2. the skin of a drum (from its resemblance to the
cloth, see Kern, Toev. s. poṭheti); J iii.423 (mañca; v. l. BB
lotus — leaf) S ii.267; Miln 261 (bheri°). As Np. of an angel pappoṭ°) KhA 173 (°tulapicu cotton beaten seven times, i. e.
(Gandhabba) "Drum" at Vv 18 . — 3. a species of waterbird
very soft; v. l. pothita, see App. p. 877); DhA i.48 (su°); PvA
(crane): see cpd. °sataka.
174. — Cp. paripothita.
-ṭṭha standing in water (?) Vin i.215 (vanaṭṭha+), 238
Poṭheti (& Potheti) [fr. puth=sphuṭ] 1. to beat, strike Sn 682
(id.). -patta a lotus leaf Sn 625; Dh 401 (=paduma — patta
(bhujāni=appoṭheti SnA 485); J i.188, 483 (th) ii.394; vi.548
DhA iv.166); Miln 250. -madhu the honey sap of Costus
(=ākoṭeti); DhA i.48; ii.27 (th), 67 (th); VvA 68 (th); PvA
speciosus (a lotus) J v.39, 466. -vassa "lotus — leaf rain,"
65 (th). — 2. to snap one's fingers as a token of annoyance
a portentous shower of rain, serving as special kind of test
D ii.96; or of pleasure J iii.285 (anguliyo poṭhesi). — pp.
shower in which certain objects are wetted, but those show-
poṭhita. — Caus. II. poṭhāpeti (poth°) to cause to be beaten
ing a disinclination towards moisture are left untouched, like
or flogged Miln 221; DhA i.399. — Cp. pappoṭheti.
a lotus — leaf J i.88; vi.586; KhA 164; DhA iii.163. -sātaka
a species of crane, Ardea Siberica J vi.539 (koṭṭha+); SnA 359. Poṇa (nt.) [=poṇa ?] only in cpd. danta° a tooth pick Vin iv.90;
Cp. Np. Pokkharasāti Sn 594; Sn p. 115; SnA 372. J iv.69; Miln 15; SnA 272. As dantapoṇaka at Dāvs i.57. —
kūṭa — poṇa at Vism 268 read °goṇa.
Pokkharaṇī (f.) [fr. puṣkara lotus; Vedic puṣkariṇī, BSk. has
puskiriṇī, e. g. AvŚ i.76; ii.201 sq.] a lotuspond, an artificial Poṇa (adj.) [fr. pa+ava+nam, cp. ninna & Vedic pra-vaṇa] 1.
pool or small lake for water — plants (see note in Dial. ii.210) sloping down, prone, in anupubba° gradually sloping (of the
Vin i.140, 268; ii.123; D ii.178 sq.; S i.123, 204; ii.106; v.460; ocean) Vin ii.237=A iv.198 sq.=Ud 53. — 2. (—°) sloping to-
A i.35, 145; iii.187, 238; J ii.126; v.374 (Khemī), 388 (Doṇa); wards, going to, converging or leading to Nibbāna; besides in
Pv iii.3 ; iv.12 ; SnA 354 (here in meaning of a dry pit or var. phrases, in general as tanninna tappoṇa tappabbhāra,
dugout); VvA 160; PvA 23, 77, 152. pokkharaññā gen. Pv "leading to that end." As nibbāna° e. g. at M i.493; S v.38
ii.12 ; instr. S i.233; loc. Vin ii.123. pokkharaṇiyāyaṁ loc. sq.; A iii.443; cp. Vv 84 (nekkhamma° — nibbāna — ninna
A iii.309. — pl. pokkharaṇiyo Vin i.268; VvA 191; PvA 77; VvA 348); taṁ° Ps ii.197; ṭhāne PvA 190; viveka° A iv.224,
metric pokkharañño Vv 44 ; Pv ii.1 : ii.7 . 233; v.175; samādhi° Miln 38; kiṁ° M i.302.
Pokkharatā (f.) [is it fr. pokkhara lotus (cp. Sk. pauṣkara), Poṇika (adj.) [fr. poṇa ] that which is prone, going prone; DA
thus "lotus — ness," or founded on Vedic puṣpa blossom? The i.23 where the passage is "tiracchāna — gata — pāṇāpoṇika —
BSk. puṣkalatā (AvŚ ii.201) is certainly a misconstruction, if nikāyo cikkhallika — nikāyo ti," quoted from S iii.152, where
it is constructed fr. the Pali] splendidness, "flower — like- it runs thus: "tiracchāna — gata pāṇā te pi bhikkhave tiracchā-
ness," only in cpd. vaṇṇa-pokkharatā beauty of complexion nagatā pāṇā citten' eva cittatā." The passage is referred to with
D i.114; Vin i.268; S i.95; ii.279; A i.38, 86; ii.203; iii.90; DA poṇika at KhA 12, where we read "tiracchāna — gatā pāṇā
i.282; KhA 179; VvA 14; PvA 46. The BSk. passage at AvŚ poṇika — nikāyo cikkhallika — nikāyo ti." Thus we may take
ii.202 reads "śobhāṁ varṇaṁ puṣkalatāṁ ca." poṇikanikāya as "the kingdom of those which go prone" (i.
e. the animals).
Ponkha [increment form of punkha] arrow, only in redupl. (it-
erative) cpd. ponkh' ânuponkhaṁ (adv.) arrow after arrow, Pota [cp. Epic Sk. pota, see putta for etym.] the young of an
shot after shot, i. e. constantly, continuously S v.453, 454; animal J ii.406 (°sūkara); Cp. i.10 (udda°); SnA 125 (sīha°).
Nd 631 (in def. of sadā); DA i.188; VvAh 351. The expl is 2
Pota [Epic Sk. pota; dial. form for plota (?), of plu] a boat Dāvs
v.58; VvA 42.
Poṭa [fr. sphuṭ] a bubble J iv.457 (v. l. poṭha). See also phoṭa. 3
Pota [etym.?] a millstone, grindstone, only as nisada° Vin i.201;
Poṭaki (°ī?) (m. f.?) [etym. uncertain, prob. Non — Aryan] a Vism 252.
kind of grass, in °tūla a kind of cotton, "grass — tuft," thistle 1
Potaka (—°) [fr. pota ] 1. the young of an animal M i.104
— down (?) Vin ii.150; iv.170 (id., 3 kinds of cotton, spelt
(kukkuṭa°); J i.202 (supaṇṇa°), 218 (hatthi°); ii.288 (assa°
potaki here). colt); iii.174 (sakuṇa°); PvA 152 (gaja°). — f. potikā J i.207
Poṭakila [etym. unknown, cp. poṭaki & (lexic.) Sk. poṭagala a (haṁsa°); iv.188 (mūsika°). — 2. a small branch, offshoot,
kind of reed; the variant is poṭagala] a kind of grass, Saccha- twig; in twig; in amba° young mango sprout DhA iii.206 sq.;
rum spontaneum Th 1, 27=233; J vi.508 (=p.° — tiṇaṁ nāma araṇi° small firewood Miln 53.
C.). 1
Pottha [?] poor, indigent, miserable J ii.432 (=potthaka-
Poṭṭhabba is spurious reading for phoṭṭhabba (q. v.). pilotikāya nivatthatā pottho C.; v. l. poṭha). See also *ponti,
with which ultimately identical.
Poṭha [fr. puth, cp. poṭhana & poṭheti] is anguli° snapping of

Pottha Posathika

Pottha [later Sk. pusta, etym. uncertain; loan — word?] mod- of purisa 2, i. e. servant, used collectively (abstract form n
elling, only in cpd. °kamma plastering (i. e. using a mix- like Ger. dienerschaft, E. service= servants) "servants" esp.
ture of earth, lime, cowdung & water as mortar) J vi.459; in phrase dāsa — kammakaraporisa Vin i.240; A i.145, 206;
carving DhsA 334; and °kara a modeller in clay J i.71. Cp. ii.78; iii.45, 76, 260; DhA iv.1; dāsa° a servant Sn 769 (three
potthaka . kinds mentioned at Nd 11, viz. bhaṭakā kammakarā upa-
Potthaka [cp. Class. Sk. pustaka] 1. a book J i.2 (aya° ledger); jīvino); rāja° king's service, servant of the king D i.135; A
iv.286, 322; sata° a hundred servants Vism 121. For purisa in
iii.235, 292; iv.299, 487; VvA 117. — 2. anything made or
uttama° (=mahāpurisa) Dh 97 (cp. DhA ii.188). Cp. posa.
modelled in clay (or wood etc.), in rūpa° a modelled figure J
vi.342; ThA 257; DA i.198; Sdhp 363, 383. Cp. pottha . Porisa (nt.) [abstr. fr. purisa, *pauruṣyaṁ, cp. porisiya
Potthaka (nt.) [etym.?] cloth made of makaci fibre Vin i.306 and poroseyya] 1. business, doing of a man (or servant,
cp. purisa 2), service, occupation; human doing, activity M
(cp. Vin. Texts ii.247); A i.246 sq.; J iv.251 (=ghana — sāṭaka 11 24
i.85 (rāja°); Vv 63 (=purisa — kicca VvA 263); Pv iv.3
C.; v. l. saṇa°); Pug 33.
(uṭṭhāna°=purisa — viriya, purisa — kāra PvA 252). — 2.
Potthanikā (f.) [fr. puth?] a dagger (=potthanī) Vin ii.190=DA
height of a man M. i.74, 187, 365.
i.135 (so read here with v. l. for T. °iyā).
Porisatā (f.) [abstr. fr. porisa], only in neg. a° inhuman or su-
Potthanī (f.) [fr. puth?] a butcher's knife J vi.86 (maṁsa-
perhuman state, or: not served by any men (or servants) VvA
koṭṭhana°), 111 (id.).
275. The reading is uncertain.
Pothujjanika (adj.) [fr. puthujjana] belonging to ordinary man, Porisāda [fr. purisa+ad to eat] man — eater, cannibal J v.34 sq.,
common, ordinary, in 2 comb viz. (1) phrase hīna gamma p.
471 sq., 486, 488 sq., 499, 510.
anariya Vin i.10; S iv.330; A v.216; (2) with ref. to iddhi Vin
Porisādaka=porisāda J v.489. Cp. pursādaka J v.91.
ii.183; J i.360; Vism 97. — Cp. Vin. Texts iii.230. The BSk.
forms are either pārthag — janika Lal. Vist 540, or prāthug — Porisiya (adj.) [fr. purisa, cp. porisa & poroseyya] 1. of human
janika MVastu iii.331. nature, human J iv.213. — 2. Of the height of man Vin ii.138.
Pothetvā at J ii.404 (ummukkāni p.) is doubtful. The vv. ll. are Poroseyya=porisiya (cp. porisa 1) fit for man, human M i.366.
yodhetvā & sodhetvā (the latter a preferable reading). The word is somewhat doubtful, but in all likelihood it is a
derivation fr. pura (cp. porin; Sk. *paura), thus to be under-
Poddava see gāma°.
stood as *paurasya>*porasya >*poraseyya>*poroseyya with
Ponobhavika (adj.) [fr. punabbhava, with preservation of the sec-
assimilation. The meaning is clearly "very fine, urbane, fash-
ond o (puno>punaḥ) see puna] leading to rebirth M i.48, 299, s
ionable"; thus not derived from purisa, although C. expl by
464, 532; S iii.26; iv.186; D iii.57; A ii.11 sq., 172; iii.84, 86;
"puris' ânucchavikaṁ yānaṁ" (M. i.561). The passage runs
v.88; Nett 72; Vism 506; VbhA 110.
"yānaṁ poroseyyaṁ pavara — maṇi — kuṇḍalaṁ"; with vv.
Ponti (vv. ll. poṭhi, sonti) Th 2, 422, 423 is doubtful; the expl at ll. voropeyya & oropeyya. Neumann accepts oropeyya
ThA 269 is "pilotikākhaṇḍa," thus "rags (of an ascetic)," cp. as reading & translates (wrongly) "belüde": see Mittl. Slg.
J.P.T.S. 1884. See also pottha , with which evidently identi- 2 1921; vol. ii. pp. 45 & 666. The reading poroseyya seems
cal, though misread. to be established as lectio difficilior. On form see also Trenck-
ner, Notes 75.
Porāṇa (adj.) [=purāṇa, cp. Epic Sk. paurāṇa] old, ancient, for-
mer D i.71, 238; S ii.267; Sn 313; Dh 227 (cp. DhA iii.328); J Porohita=purohita; DhA i.174 (v. l. BB pur°).
ii.15 (°kāle in the past); VbhA 1 (°aṭṭhakathā), 523 (id.); KhA
Porohacca (nt.) [fr. purohita] the character or office of a family
247 (°pāṭha); SnA 131 (id.); DhA i.17; PvA 1 (°aṭṭhakathā),
priest D ii.243. As porohicca at Sn 618 (=purohita — kamma
63. — Porāṇā (pl.) the ancients, ancient authorities or writ-
SnA 466). Cp. Trenckner, Notes 75.
ers Vism passim esp. Note, 764; KhA 123, 158; SnA 291, 352,
Posa [contraction of purisa fr. *pūrṣa>*pussa>*possa> posa. So
604; VbhA 130, 254, 299, 397, 513. 3
Geiger, P.Gr. 30 ]=purisa, man (poetical form, only found in
Porāṇaka (adj.) [fr. porāṇa] 1. ancient, former, of old (cp. purāṇa
verse) Vin i.230; S i.13, 205= J iii.309; A iv.266; Sn 110, 662;
1) J iii.16 (°paṇḍitā); PvA 93 (id.), 99 (id.); DhA i.346 (kula —
Dh 104, 125 (cp. DhA iii.34); J v.306; vi.246, 361. — poso
santaka). — 2. old, worn, much used (cp. purāṇa 2) J iv.471
at J iii.331 is gen. sg. of puṁs=Sk. puṁsaḥ.
(magga). 2
Posa (adj.) [=*poṣya, grd. of poseti, puṣ] to be fed or nourished,
Porin (adj.) [fr. pora=Epic Sk. paura citizen, see pura. Seman-
only in dup° difficult to nourish S i.61.
tically cp. urbane>urbanus>urbs; polite= πολίτησ᾿πόλις. For
Posaka (adj.) [fr. posa ] nourishing, feeding A i.62, 132= It
pop. etym. see DA i.73 & 282] belonging to a citizen, i. e.
citizenlike, urbane, polite, usually in phrase porī vācā polite 110 (āpādaka+); f. °ikā a nurse, a female attendant Vin ii.289
speech D i.4, 114; S i.189; ii.280=A ii.51; A iii.114; Pug 57; (āpādikā+).
Dhs 1344; DA i.75, 282; DhsA 397. Cp. BSk. paurī vācā Posatā (f.) [abstr. fr. posa ] only — °, in su° & dup° easy &
MVastu iii.322. difficult support Vin ii.2.
Porisa (adj. — n.) [abstr. fr. purisa, for *pauruṣa or *puru- Posatha=uposatha [cp. BSk. poṣadha Divy 116, 121, and Prk.
ṣya)] 1. (adj.) human, fit for a man Sn 256 (porisa dhura), posaha (posahiya=posathika) Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 141] J
cp. porisiya & poroseyya. — 2. (m.)=purisa, esp. in sense iv.329; vi.119.

Posathika Pharati

Posathika=uposathika J iv.329. Cp. anuposathika & an- VvA 158 (°mūla). -°iya J i.191.
vaḍḍhamāsaṁ. 2
Posita [pp. of poseti] nourished, fed Cp. iii.3 ; VvA 173 (udaka°).
Posana (nt.) [fr. puṣ] nourishing, feeding, support VvA 137.
Posituṁ at Vin ii.151 stands for phusituṁ "to sprinkle," cp. Vin.
Posāpeti & Posāveti [Caus. II. fr. poseti] to have brought up, to Texts iii.169. See phusati .
give into the care of, to cause to be nourished Vin i.269 (pp.
Posin (—°) (adj.) [fr. poseti] thriving (on), nourished by Vin i.6;
posāpita) ≈ DA i.133 (posāvita, v. l. posāp°). 2
D i.75; S i.138; Sn 65 (anañña° cp. Nd 36), 220 (dāra°); DA
Posāvanika & °ya (adj. — nt.) [fr. posāvana=posāpana of Caus. i.219.
posāpeti] 1. (adj.) to be brought up, being reared, fed Vin
Poseti [puṣ] to nourish, support, look after, bring up, take care of,
i.272; J iii.134, 432. -°iya DhA iii.35; J iii.35; J iii.429 2
feed, keep Vin i.269; S i.181; A i.117; J i.134; iii.467; Nd 36;
(&°iyaka). — 2. (nt.) fee for bringing somebody up, al-
Vism 305; VvA 138, 299. — pp. posita. — Caus. posāpeti.
lowance, money for food, sustenance J ii.289; DhA iv.40;


Phaggu [in forṃ=Vedic phalgu (small, feeble), but in meaning (°mattā "by his throbbings only"); pl. phanditāni "vapour-
different] a special period of fasting M i.39= DA i.139. See ings," imaginings Vbh 390 (where VbhA 513 only says "phan-
also pheggu. danato phanditaṁ") cp. Brethren 344.
Phagguṇa & Phagguṇī (f.) [cp. Vedic phālguna & °ī] N. of a Phanditatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. phandita]=phandanā S v.315 (=iñji-
month (Feb. 15 — March 15 ), marking the beginning of tatta).
Spring; always with ref. to the spring full moon, as phagguṇa-
Pharaṇa (adj. — nt.) [fr. pharati] 1. (adj.) pervading, suffused
puṇṇamā at Vism 418; phagguṇi° J i.86.
(with), quite full (of) Miln 345. — 2. (nt.) pervasion, suffu-
Phaṇa [cp. Epic Sk. phaṇa] the hood of a snake Vin sion, thrill J i.82 (°samattha mettacitta); Nett 89 (pīti° etc., as
i.91 (°hatthaka, with hands like a snake's hood); J iii.347 m., cp. pharaṇatā); DhsA
(patthaṭa°); DhA iii.231 (°ṁ ukkhipitvā); iv.133. Freq. as 166 (°pīti all — pervading rapture, permeating zest; cp.
phaṇaṁ katvā (only thus, in ger.) raising or spreading its pīti pharaṇatā). — Cp. anu°.
hood, with spread hood J ii.274; vi.6; Vism 399; DhA ii.257.
Pharaṇaka (adj.) [fr. pharaṇa] thrilling, suffusing, pervading,
Phaṇaka [fr. phaṇa] an instrument shaped like a snake's hood, filling with rapture VvA 16 (dvādasa yojanāni °pabho sarīra
used to smooth the hair Vin ii.107. — vaṇṇo).
Phaṇijjaka [etym.?] a kind of plant, which is enum at Vin Pharaṇatā (f.) [abstr. fr. pharaṇa] suffusion, state of being per-
iv.35=DA i.81 as one of the aggabīja, i. e. plants propa- vaded (with), only — ° in set of 4 — fold suffusion, viz. pīti°
gated by slips or cuttings, together with ajjuka & hirivera. of rapture, sukha° of restful bliss, ceto° of [telepathic] con-
At J vi.536 the C. gives bhūtanaka as expl . According to sciousnss, āloka° of light, D iii.277; Ps i.48; Vbh 334; Nett
Childers it is the plant Samīraṇa. 89.
Phandati [spand, cp. Gr. σϕαδάςω to twitch, σϕοδρός violent; Pharati [sphur & sphar, same root as in Gr. σπαίρω to twitch;
Lat. pendeo "pend" i. e. hang down, cp. pendulum; Ags. Lat. sperno "spurn" lit. kick away; Ags. speornan to kick;
finta tail, lit. mover, throbber] 1. to throb, palpitate D i.52=M spurnan=spur] 1. (trs.) to pervade, permeate, fill, suffuse
i.404, cp. DA i.159; Nd 46. — 2. to twitch, tremble, move, Pv i.10 14 (=vyāpetvā tiṭṭhati PvA 52); J iii.371 (sakala —
stir J ii.234; vi.113 (of fish wriggling when thrown on land). sarīraṁ); v.64 (C. for pavāti); PvA 14 (okāsaṁ), 276 (ob-
— Caus. II. phandāpeti to make throb D i.52=M i.404. — pp. hāsaṁ). To excite or stimulate the nerves J v.293 (rasa —
phandita (q. v.). Cp. pari°, vi°, sam°. The nearest synonym is haraṇiyo khobhetvā phari: see under rasa). — Often in stan-
calati. dard phrase mettā-sahagatena cetasā ekaṁ (dutiyaṁ etc.)
disaṁ pharitvā viharati D ii.186; S v.115 and passim, where
Phandana [fr. phandati, cp. Sk. spandana] 1. (adj.) throbbing,
pharitvā at Vism 308=VbhA 377 is expl by phusitvā āram-
trembling, wavering Dh 33 (phandanaṁ capalaṁ); J vi.528
maṇaṁ katvā. Cp. BSk. ekaṁ disāṁ spharitvopasampadya
(°māluvā trembling creeper); DhA i.50 (issa° throbbing with
viharati MVastu iii.213. Also in phrase pītiyā sarīraṁ pharati
envy). — 2. (m.) N. of a tree Dalbergia (aspen?) A i.202; J
(aor. phari) to thrill the body with rapture, e. g. J i.33; v.494;
iv.208 sq.; Miln 173. — 3. (nt.) throb, trembling, agitation,
DhA ii.118; iv.102. — 2. [in this meaning better to be derived
quivering J vi.7 (°mattaṁ not even one throb; cp. phandita);
Nd 46 (taṇhā etc.). from sphar to spread, expand, cp. pharita & phālita] to spread,
make expand J i.82 (metta — cittaṁ phari). — 3. [prob. of
Phandanā (f.) [fr. phandati] throbbing, agitation, movement, mo-
quite a diff. origin and only taken to pharati by pop. analogy,
tion SnA 245 (calanā+); DA i.111; Nett 88 C.; cp. iñjanā.
perhaps to phal=sphaṭ to split; thus kaṭṭh'atthaṁ pharati=to
Phandita (nt.) [pp. of phandati] throbbing, flashing; throb M ii.24

Pharati Phalamaya

be split up for fuel] to serve as, only with °atthaṁ in phrases (sāmañña°); iii.147, 170 (sucaritassa); M i.477 (appamāda°); S
āhāratthaṁ ph. (after next phrase) to serve as food Miln 152; i.173 (Amata°); Pv i.11 10 (kaṭuka°); ii.8 (dāna°); iv.1 88 (ma-
kaṭṭhatthaṁ ph. to serve as fuel A ii.95=S iii.93=It 90=J i.482; hap° & agga°); Vism 345 (of food, being digested); PvA 8
khādaniyatthaṁ & bhojaniyatthaṁ ph. to serve as eatables Vin (puñña° & dāna°), 22 (sotāpatti°), 24 (issā — macchariya°).
i.201 (so to be read in preference to °attaṁ). — pp. pharita, -atthika one who is looking for fruit Vism 120. -āpaṇa
phurita & phuṭa; cp. also phuṭṭha; see further anu°, pari°. fruit shop Miln 333. -âphala [phala+aphala, see ā ; but cp.
Geiger, P.Gr. § 33 ] all sorts of fruit, lit. what is not (i. e.
Pharasu [cp. Vedic paraśu=Gr. πέλεκυς; on p>ph cp. Prk. pha-
unripe), fruit without discrimination; a phrase very freq. in
rasu & parasu, Pischel Gr. § 208; Geiger, Gr. § 40] hatchet,
Jātaka style, e. g. J i.416; ii.160; iii.127; iv.220; 307, 449,
axe A iii.162; J i.199, 399; ii.409; v.500; DhA ii.204; PvA
v.313; vi.520; DhA i.106. -āsava extract of fruit VvA 73.
277. The spelling parasu occurs at S v.441 & J iii.179.
-uppatti ripening PvA 29. -esin yielding fruit J i.87=Th 1,
Pharita [pp. of pharati] 1. being pervaded or permeated (by) VvA
527, cp. phalesin MVastu iii.93. -gaṇḍa see palagaṇḍa. -
68 (mettāya). — 2. spread (out) J vi.284 (kittisaddo sakala —
ṭṭha "stationed in fruition," i. e. enjoying the result or fruition
loke ph.). — Cp. phuṭṭha & phālita.
of the Path (cp. Cpd. 50) Miln 342. -dāna gift of fruit VbhA
Pharusa (adj.) [cp. Vedic paruṣa, on ph.>p see pharasu, on at- 337. -dāyin giver of fruit Vv 67 . -pacchi fruit — basket J
tempt at etym. cp. Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. fario] 1. (lit.) rough vi.560. -pañcaka fivefold fruit Vism 580; VbhA 191. -puṭa
Pv ii.4 . — 2. (fig.) harsh, unkind, rough (of speech) Vin fruit — basket J vi.236. -bhājana one who distributes fruit,
ii.290 (caṇḍa+); Pv ii.3 ; iii.5 ; J v.296; Kvu 619. In comb n an official term in the vihāra Vin iv.38, cp. BSk. phalacāraka.
with vācā we find both pharusa- vācā and pharusā- vācā D -maya see sep. -ruha fruit tree Mbvs 82. -sata see palasata.
i.4, 138; iii.69 sq., 173, 232; M i.42 (on this and the same un- 2
Phala is spelling for pala (a certain weight) at J vi.510. See pala
certainty as regards pisuṇā — vācā see Trenckner, at M i.530).
& cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 40.
pharusa vacana rough speech PvA 15, 55, 83. — 3. cruel Pv 3
iv.7 (kamma=daruṇa PvA 265). Phala [etym.? Sk. *phala] the point of a spear or sword S ii.265
(tiṇha°). Cp. phāla .
Phala (nt.) [cp. Vedic phala, to phal [sphal] to burst, thus lit.
Phalaka [fr. phal=*sphal or *sphaṭ (see phalati), lit. that which
"bursting," i. e. ripe fruit; see phalati] 1. (lit.) fruit (of trees
etc.) Vv 84 14 (dumā nicca — phal' ûpapannā, not to phalu, is split or cut off (cp. in same meaning "slab"); cp. Sk.
sphaṭika rock — crystal; on Prk. forms see Pischel, Prk. Gr.
as Kern, Toev. s. v. phalu); Vism 120. — amba° mango
§206. Ved. phalaka board, phāla ploughshare; Gr. α῎σπαλον,
— fruit PvA 273 sq.; dussa° (adj.) having clothes as their
fruit (of magic trees) Vv 46 (cp. VvA 199); patta° leaves σπολάς, ψαλίς scissors; Lat. pellis & spolium; Ohg. spal-
tan=split, Goth, spilda writing board, tablet; Oicel. spjald
& fruits, vegetables Sn 239; PvA 86 pavatta° wild fruit D
board] 1. a flat piece of wood, a slab, board, plank J i.451 (a
i.101; puppha° flower & fruit J iii.40. rukkha°-ûpama Th
writing board, school slate); v.155 (akkhassa ph. axle board);
1, 490 (in simile of kāmā, taken fr. M i.130) lit. "like the
fruit of trees" is expl by ThA 288 as "anga — paccangānaṁ vi.281 (dice — board). pidhāna° covering board VbhA 244=
p(h)alibhañjan' aṭṭhena, and trsl according to this interpre- Vism 261; sopāna° staircase, landing J i.330 (maṇi°); Vism
313; cp. MVastu i.249; °āsana a bench J i.199; °kāya a great
tation by Mrs. Rh. D. as "fruit that brings the climber to a
mass of planks J ii.91. °atthara — sayana a bed covered with
fall." — Seven kinds of medicinal fruits are given at Vin i.201
scil. vilanga, pippala, marica, harītaka, vibhītaka, āmalaka, a board (instead of a mattress) J i.304, 317; ii.68. °seyya id. D
i.167 ("plank — bed"). — 2. a shield J iii.237, 271; Miln 355;
goṭhaphala. At Miln 333 a set of 7 fruits is used metaphor-
DhA ii.2. — 3. a slip of wood or bark, used for making an
ically in simile of the Buddha's fruit — shop, viz. sotā-
ascetic's dress (°cīra) D i.167, cp. Vin i.305. ditto for a weight
patti°, sakadāgāmi°, anāgāmi°, arahatta°, suññata° samāpatti
to hang on the robe Vin ii.136. — 4. a post M iii.95 (aggaḷa°
(cp. Cpd. 70), animitta° samāpatti, appaṇihita° samāpatti.
doorpost); ThA 70 (Ap. v.17).
— 2. a testicle J iii.124 (dantehi °ṁ chindati=purisabhāvaṁ
nāseti to castrate); vi.237 (uddhita — pphalo, adj.,=uddhaṭa Phalagaṇḍa is spurious writing for palagaṇḍa (q. v.).
— bījo C.), 238 (dantehi phalāni uppāṭeti, like above). — 3.
Phalatā (f.) [abstr. fr. phala] the fact or condition of bearing fruit
(fig.) fruit, result, consequence, fruition, blessing. As t.t. with
PvA 139 (appa°).
ref. to the Path and the progressive attainment (enjoyment,
Phalati [phal to split, break open=*sphal or *sphaṭ, cp. phāṭeti.
fruition) of Arahantship it is used to denote the realization of
On etym. see also Lüders, K.Z. xlii, 198 sq.] 1. to split, burst
having attained each stage of the sotāpatti, sakadāgāmi etc.
open (intrs.) A i.77 (asaniyā phalantiyā); usually in phrase
(see the Miln quot. under 1 and cp. Cpd. 45, 116). So freq. in
"muddhā sattadhā phaleyya," as a formula of threat or warn-
exegetical literature magga, phala, nibbāna, e. g. Tikp 155,
ing "your (or my) head shall split into 7 pieces," e. g. D i.95;
158; VbhA 43 & passim. — In general it immediately pre-
cedes Nibbāna (see Nd no 645 and under satipaṭṭhāna), and S i.50; Sn 983; J i.54; iv.320 (me); v.92 (=bhijjetha C.); Miln
157 (satadhā for satta°); DhA i.41 (m. te phalatu s.); VvA
as agga-phala it is almost identical with Arahantship. Fre-
quently it is comb with vipāka to denote the stringent con- 68; whereas a similar phrase in Sn 988 sq. has adhipāteti (for
*adhiphāṭeti=phalati). — Caus. phāleti (& phāṭeti). — pp.
ception of "consequence," e. g. at D i.27, 58; iii.160. Al-
phalita & phulla. — 2. to become ripe, to ripen Vin ii.108; J
most synonymous in the sense of "fruition, benefit, profit" is
ānisaṁsā D iii.132; phala at Pv i.12 =ānisaṁsa PvA 64 — Vin iii.251; PvA 185.
i.293 (anāgāmi°); ii.240 (id.); iii.73 (arahatta°); D i.51, 57 sq. Phalamaya stands in all probability for phalika-maya, made of

Phalamaya Phāruka

crystal, as is suggested by context, which gives it in line with trsl. 5 & introd. (lv.) lxiii.; Cpd. 12, 14, 94.
kaṭṭha — maya & loha — maya (& aṭṭhi°, danta°, veḷu° etc.). -āyatana organ of contact (6, referring to the several
It occurs in same phrase at all passages mentioned, and refers senses) PvA 52. -āhāra "touch — food," acquisition by
to material of which boxes, vessels, holders etc. are made. touch, nutriment of contact, one of the 3 āhāras, viz. phass°,
Thus at Vin i.203 (of añjani, box), 205 (tumba, vessel); ii.115 mano — sañcetanā° (n. of representative cogitation) and
(sattha — daṇḍa, scissors — handle), 136 (gaṇṭhikā, block at viññāṇ° (of intellection) Dhs 71 — 73; one of the 4 kinds of
dress). The trsl "made of fruits" seems out of place (so Kern, āhāra, or "food," with ref. to the 3 vedanās Vism 341. -
Toev. s. v.), one should rather expect "made of crystal" by the kāyā (6) groups of touch or contact vîz. cakkhu — samphasso,
side of made of wood, copper, bone, ivory, etc. sota°, ghāna°, kāya°, mano° D iii.243. -sampanna endowed
with (lovely) touch, soft, beautiful to feel J v.441 (cp. phas-
Phalavant (adj.) [fr. phala] bearing or having fruit J iii.251.
Phalasata see palasata. — At J vi.510 it means "gold-bronze" 2
Phassa (adj.) [grd. fr. phusati, corresp. to Sk. spṛśya] to be
(as material of which a "sovaṇṇa — kaṁsa" is made).
felt, esp. as a pleasing sensation; pleasant, beautiful J iv.450
Phalika [fr. phala] a fruit vendor Miln 331.
(gandhehi ph.).
Phalika & °kā (f.) [also spelt with ḷ; cp. Sk. sphaṭika; on change Phassati stands for phusati at Vism 527 in def. of phassa ("phas-
ṭ>ḷ see Geiger, P.Gr. § 38 . The Prk. forms are phaḷiha &
satī ti phasso").
phāḷiya, see Pischel, Gr. § 206] crystal, quartz Vin ii.112; J
vi.119 (°kā=phaḷika — bhittiyo C.); Vv 35 (=phalika — maṇi Phassanā (f.) [abstr. fr. phassa] touch, contact with DhsA 167
— mayā bhittiyo VvA 160); 78 (°kā); Miln 267 (ḷ), 380 (ḷ). (jhānassa lābho... patti... phassanā sacchikiriyā).
Phalita (adj.) [sporadic spelling for palita] grey — haired PvA Phassita (adj.) [pp. of phasseti=Sk. sparśayati to bring into
contact] made to touch, brought into contact, only in cpd.
suphassita of pleasant contact, beautiful to the touch, pleas-
Phalita [pp. of phal to burst, for the usual phulla, after anal- ant, perfect, symmetrical J i.220 (cīvara), 394 (dantā); iv.188
ogy with phalita ] broken, only in phrase hadayaṁ phalitaṁ
(dant' āvaraṇaṁ); v.197 (of the membrum muliebre), 206 (read
his heart broke DhA i.173; hadayena phalitena with broken
°phassita for °phussita), 216 (°cheka — karaṇa); VvA 275 (as
heart J i.65. n 2
expl of atīva sangata Vv 64 ). — Note. Another (doubtful)
Phalita [pp. of phal to bear fruit] fruit bearing, having fruit, phassita is found at J v.252 (dhammo phassito; touched, at-
covered with fruit (of trees) Vin ii.108; J i.18; Miln 107, 280. tained) where vv. ll. give passita & phussita.
Phalin (adj.) [fr. phala] bearing fruit J v.242. Phasseti [Caus. of phusati ] to touch, attain J v.251 (rājā dham-
maṁ phassayaṁ=C. phassayanto; vv. ll. pa° & phu°); Miln
Phalina (adj.) [fr. phala, phalin?] at J v.92 is of doubtful mean-
338 (amataṁ, cp. phusati), 340 (phassayeyya Pot.). — Pass.
ing. It cannot very well mean "bearing fruit," since it is used
as Ep. of a bird (°sakuṇī). The Cy. expl is sakuṇa — potakā- phassīyati Vin ii.148 (kavāṭā na ph.; v. l. phussiy°). — pp.
naṁ phalinattā (being a source of nourishment?) phalina — phassita & phussita .
sakuṇī." The v. l. SS is phalīna & palīna. *Phāṭeti is conjectured reading for pāteti in phrase kaṭṭhaṁ
pāteti M i.21, and in adhipāteti to split (see adhipāta &
Phalima (adj.) [fr. phala] bearing fruit, full of fruit J iii.493.
vipāta). The derivation of these expressions from pat is out of
Phalu [cp. Vedic paru] a knot or joint in a reed, only in cpd. °bīja
place, where close relation to phāleti (phalati) is evident, and
(plants) springing (or propagated) from a joint D i.5; Vin iv.34,
a derivation from phaṭ=sphat, as in Sk. sphāṭayati to split,
35. n
is the only right expl of meaning. In that case we should
Phaleti at D i.54 is spurious reading for paleti (see palāyati), expl d put phal=sphaṭ, where l=ṭ, as in many Pali words, cp. pha-
by gacchati DA i.165; meaning "runs," not with trsl "spreads lika<sphaṭika (see Geiger, P.Gr. § 38 ). The Prk. correspon-
out" [to sphar]. dent is phāḍei (Pischel, Gr. § 208).
Phallava is spelling for pallava sprout, at J iii.40. Phāṇita (nt.) [cp. Epic Sk. phāṇita] 1. juice of the sugar cane,
Phassa [cp. Ved. sparśa, of spṛś: see phusati] contact, touch raw sugar, molasses (ucchu — rasaṁ gahetvā kataphāṇitaṁ
VvA 180) Vin ii.177; D i.141; Vv 35 ; 40 ; J i.33, 120, 227;
(as sense or sense — impression, for which usually phoṭṭhab-
Miln 107; DhA ii.57. phāṇitassa puṭaṁ a basket of sugar S
baṁ). It is the fundamental fact in a senseimpression, and
i.175; J iv.366; DhA iv.232. — 2. (by confusion or rightly?)
consists of a combination of the sense, the object, and percep- n
tion, as expl at M i.111: tiṇṇaṁ (i. e. cakkhu, rūpā, cakkhu — salt J iii.409 (in expl of aloṇika=phāṇita — virahita).
viññāṇa) sangati phasso; and gives rise to feeling: phassa — -odaka sugar water J iii.372, -puṭa sugar basket J iv.363.
paccayā vedanā. (See paṭicca — samuppāda & for expl Vism Phāti (f.) [cp. Sk. sphāti, fr. sphāy, sphāyate to swell, in-
567; VbhA 178 sq.). — Cp. D i.42 sq.; iii.228, 272, 276; crease (Idg. *spē(i), as in Lat. spatium, Ohg. spuot, Ags.
Vism 463 (phusatī ti phasso); Sn 737, 778 (as fundamental of spēd=E. speed; see Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. spatium), pp.
attachment, cp. SnA 517); J v.441 (rājā dibba — phassena sphīta=P. phīta] swelling, increase J ii.426 (=vaḍḍhi); Vism
puṭṭho touched by the divine touch, i. e. fascinated by her 271 (vuddhi+). Usually comb with kṛ, as phāti-kamma in-
beauty; puṭṭho=phutto); VbhA 177 sq. (in detail), 193, 265; crease, profit, advantage Vin ii.174; VbhA 334 & phāti-karoti
PvA 86 (dup° of bad touch, bad to the touch, i. e. rough, un- to make fat, to increase, to use to advantage M i.220=A v.347;
pleasant); poet. for trouble Th 1, 783. See on phassa: Dhs. A iii.432.

Phāruka Phuṭa

Phāruka (adj.) at VvA 288 is not clear; meaning something Phāsu (adj.) [etym.? Trenckner, Notes 82 (on Miln 14 : corr.
like "bitter," comb with kasaṭa; v. l. pāru°. Proba- J.P.T.S. 1908, 136 which refers it to Miln 13 ) suggests con-
bly=phārusaka. nection with Vedic prāśu enjoying, one who enjoys, i.e. a
guest, but this etym. is doubtful; cp. phāsuka. A key to its
Phāruliya at Vbh 350 (in thambha — exegesis) is faulty spelling
etym. may be found in the fact that it never occurs by itself
for phārusiya (nt.) harshness, unkindness, as evidence of
id. passage at VbhA 469 shows (with expl "pharusassa pug- in form phāsu, but either in composition or as °ka] pleasant,
comfortable; only neg. a° in phrase aphāsu-karoti to cause
galassa bhāvo phārusiyaṁ").
discomfort to (dat.) Vin iv.290; and in cpds. °kāma anxious
Phārusaka [fr. pharusa, cp. Sk. *pāruṣaka Mvyut 103, 143] 1.
for comfort, desirous of (others) welfare D iii.164; °vihāra
a certain flower, the (bitter) fruit of which is used for making comfort, ease Vin ii.127; D i.204; Dhs 1348=Miln 367 (cp.
a drink Vin i.246; Vv 33 =DhA iii.316. — 2. N. of one of
DhsA 404); Miln 14; Vism 33; VbhA 270; PvA 12.
Indra's groves J vi.278, similarly Vism 424; VbhA 439.
Phāsu at Miln 146 (cp. p. 425) "bhaggā phāsū" is un certain read-
Phāla (m. & nt.) [cp. Vedic phāla] ploughshare S i.169; Sn p. ing, it is not phāsuka; it may represent a pāsa snare, sling. The
13 & v.77 (expl as "phāletī ti ph." SnA 147); J i.94; iv.118;
likeness with phāsukā bhaggā (lit.) of J i.493 is only acciden-
v.104; Ud 69 (as m.); DhA i.395.
Phāla [to phala ] an (iron) board, slab (or ball?), maybe spear or
Phāsuka (adj.) [fr. phāsu. Cp. Prk. phāsuya; acc. to Pischel, Prk.
rod. The word is of doubtful origin & meaning, it occurs al-
Gr. § 208 Jain Sk. prāsuka is a distortion of P. phāsuka. Per-
ways in the same context of a heated iron instrument, several
haps phāsu is abstracted from phāsuka] pleasant, convenient,
times in correlation with an iron ball (ayogula). It has been
comfortable J iii.343; iv.30; DhA ii.92; PvA 42. — aphāsuka
misunderstood at an early time, as is shown by kapāla A iv.70
unpleasant, uncomfortable, not well J ii.275, 395; DhA i.28;
for phāla. Kern comments on the word at Toev. ii.139. See
ii.21. — Note. It seems probable that phāsuka represents a Sk.
Vin i.225 (phālo divasantatto, so read; v. l. balo corr. to bālo;
*sparśuka (cp. Pischel § 62), which would be a der. fr. spṛś
corresp. with guḷa); A iv.70 (divasa — santatte ayokapāle, 2
in same meaning as phassa ("lovely"). This would confirm
gloss ayogule); J v.268; v.109 (phāle ciraratta — tāpite, v. l.
the suggestion of phāsu being a secondary formation.
pāle, hale, thāle; corresp. with pakaṭṭhita ayogula), id. v.113 2
Phāsukā (f.) [cp. Sk *pārśukā & Ved. pārśva, see passa ] a rib,
(ayomayehi phālehi pīḷeti, v. l. vālehi).
only in pl. phāsukā Vin i.74 (upaḍḍha° bhañjitabbā), in phrase
Phāla in loṇa-maccha° a string (?) or cluster of salted fish Vism
sabbā te phāsukā bhaggā J i.493 (lit.), which is fig. applied at
28. d
Dh 154 (expl as "sabbā avasesa — kilesa — phāsukā bhaggā"
Phālaka (adj.) [fr. phāleti] splitting; one who splits Vism 413 at DhA iii.128), with which cp. bhaggā phāsū at Miln 146;
(kaṭṭha°). both the latter phrases prob. of diff. origin. — (adj.) (—°) in
phrase mahā°passa the flank (lit. the side of the great ribs) J
Phālana (nt.) [fr. phāleti] splitting J i.432 (dāru°); Vism 500 (vi-
i.164, 179; iii.273; abs. mahā° with great ribs J v.42; uggata°
with prominent ribs PvA 68 (for upphāsulika adj. Pv ii.1 ). —
Phālita [=Sk. sphārita, sphar] 1. made open, expanded, spread
in cpds. as phāsuka°, e. g. °aṭṭhīni the rib — bones (of which
J iii.320 (+vikasita). — 2. split [fr. phāleti phal], split open
there are 24) Vism 254 (v. l. pāsuka°); VbhA 237; °dvaya pair
Vism 262=VbhA 245 (°haliddi — vaṇṇa).
of ribs Vism 252; VbhA 235. — See also pāsuka, pāsuḷa &
Phāliphulla [either Intensive of phulla, or Der. fr. pari- phulla in the foll.
form phaliphulla] in full blossom M i.218; J i.52.
Phāsulikā (f.) [fr. phāsuḷi] rib, only in cpd. upphāsulika (adj.)
Phālibhaddaka is spurious spelling for pāli° at J ii.162 (v. l. pā- Pv ii.1 .
tali — bhaddaka). Cp. Prk. phālihadda (=pāribhadra Pischel,
Phāsuḷā [for phāsukā] rib S ii.255 (phāsuḷ — antarikā).
Gr. § 208).
Phāsuḷī [cp. phāsukā & phāsuḷā] a rib M i.80.
Phālima (adj.) [either fr. Caus. of phal (phāleti), or fr. sphar d
Phiya [etym. unknown] oar Sn 321 (+aritta rudder, expl by dabbi
(cp. phārita, i. e. expanded), or fr. sphāy (swell, increase, cp.
— padara SnA 330); J iv.21 (°ârittaṁ). See also piya which
sphāra & sphārī bhavati to open, expand)] expanding, open-
is the more freq. spelling of phiya.
ing, blossoming in cpd. aggi — nikāsi — phālima paduma J
iii.320 (where Cy. expl by phālita vikasita). Phīta [pp. of sphāy, cp. Sk. sphīta & see phāti] opulent, pros-
perous, rich; in the older texts only in stock phrase iddha ph.
Phāleti [Caus. of phalati, phal; a variant is phāṭeti fr. sphaṭ,
bahujana (rich & prosperous & well — populated) D i.211
which is identical with *(s)phal] to split, break, chop, in
(of the town Nālandā); ii.146 (of Kusāvatī); M i.377; (of Nā-
phrases 1. kaṭṭhaṁ phāleti to chop sticks (for firewood) Vin
i.31; J ii.144; Pv ii.9 , besides which the phrase kaṭṭhaṁ landā) ii.71 (of country); S ii.107 (fig. of brahmacariyaṁ; with
*phāṭeti. 2. sīsaṁ (muddhā) sattadhā phāleti (cp. adhipāteti bahujañña for °jana); A iii.215 (of town). By itself & in other
& phalati) DhA i.17 (perhaps better with v. l. phal°), 134. comb in the Jātakas, e. g. J iv.135 (=samiddha); vi.355 (v. l.
— 3. (various:) A i.204=S ii.88; J ii.398; Nd 483; Vism pīta). With iddha & detailed description of all classes of the
population (instead of bahujana) of a town Miln 330.
379 (kucchiṁ; DhA iv.133 (hadayaṁ). — pp. phālita. Caus.
II. phālāpeti to cause to split open J iii.121; Miln 157 (v. l. Phuṭa [pp. of pharati] 1. (cp. pharati ) pervaded, permeated,
phāḷāp°). thrilled (cp. pari°) D i.73, 74 (pītisukhena; T. prints phuta; v.
l. phuṭa; v. l. at DA i.217 p(h)uṭṭha); M i.276; J i.33 (sarīraṁ

Phuṭa Phussa

pītiyā ph.); DhA ii.118 (pītiyā phuṭa — sarīro); SnA 107 (re- i.13=iii.30, 108 etc.; nirodhaṁ D i.184; samatha-samādhiṁ
ferring to the nerves of taste). — 2. (cp. pharati ) expanded, Vv 16 (reads āphusiṁ but should prob. be aphusiṁ as VvA
spread out, spread with (instr.) Vin i.182 (lohitena); J v.266 (in 84, expl by adhigacchiṁ); phalaṁ aphussayi (aor. med.) Pv
nirayapassage T. reads bhūmi yojana — sataṁ phuṭā tiṭṭhanti, iv.1 ; cp. PvA 243; amataṁ padaṁ Pv iv.3 ; amataṁ
i. e. the beings fill or are spread out over such a space; C. 272 Miln 338 (but T. reads khippaṁ phasseti a.); in bad sense
expl by "ettakaṁ ṭhānaṁ anupharitvā tiṭṭhanti." The id. p. kappaṭṭhitikaṁ kammaṁ Miln 108 (of Devadatta). — pp.
at Nd 405=Nd 304 iii d reads bh. yojana — sataṁ pharitvā phuṭṭha. Cp. upa°.
(intrs.: expanding, wide) tiṭṭhati, which is the more correct Phusati this is a specific Pali form and represents two Sk. roots,
reading). — See also ophuṭa & cp. phuta .
which are closely related to each other and go back to the foll.
Phuṭa [pp. of sphuṭ to expand, blossom] blossoming out, 2 Idg. roots: 1. Idg. *sp(h)ṛj, burst out, burst (forth), spring,
opened, in full bloom Dāvs iv.49 (°kumuda). Cp. phuṭita. sprinkle, as in Sk. sphūrjati burst forth, parjanya rain cloud;
Phuṭa at M i.377 (sabba — vāri°, in sequence with vārita, yuta, Gr. σϕαραγέω; Ags. spearca=E. spark, E. spring, sprinkle.
This is an enlargement of sphur (cp. pharati, phuṭṭha, phuta).
dhuta) is unnecessarily changed by Kern, Toev. s. v. into
pūta. The meaning is "filled with, spread with," thus=phuṭa , — 2. Idg. *spṛk to sprinkle, speckle, as in Sk. pruṣ, pṛśni
speckled, pṛṣan, pṛṣatī spotted antelope, pṛṣata raindrop; Gr.
cp. sequence under ophuṭa. The v. l. at M i.377 is puṭṭha. On
miswriting of phuṭṭa & puṭṭha for phuṭa cp. remark by Trenck- περκνός of dark (lit. spotted) colour; Lat. spargere=Ger.
sprengen. To this root belong P. pasata, phoseti, paripphosaka,
ner, M i.553. A similar meaning ("full of, occupied by, over-
phussa, phusita. — Inf. phusituṁ, conjectured reading at Vin
flowing with") is attached to phuṭa in Avīci passage A i.159
i.205 for T. phosituṁ (vv. ll. posituṁ & dhovituṁ), & Vin
(Avīci maññe phuṭo ahosi), cp. Anāgata Vaṁsa (J.P.T.S. 1886,
ii.151 for T. posituṁ; Vin. Texts iii.169 translate "bespatter."
v.39) & remarks of Morris's J.P.T.S. 1887, 165. — The same
passage as M i.377 is found at D i.57, where T. reads phuṭṭa Phusana (nt.) [abstr. fr. phusati 1] touch Vism 463.
(as also at DA i.168), with vv. ll. puṭṭha & phuṭa. 1
Phusanā (f.) [abstr. fr. phusati 2] attainment, gaining, reaching
Phuṭita [for phoṭita, pp. of *sphoṭayati, sphuṭ] 1. shaken, tossed Vism 278 (=phuṭṭha — ṭṭhāna); DhA i.230 (ñāṇa°); VvA 85
about, burst, rent asunder, abstr. nt. phutitattaṁ being tossed (samādhi°).
about Miln 116 (v. l. put °). — 2. cracked open, chapped, torn Phusāyati [Caus. of pruṣ, but formed fr. P. phusati ] to sprinkle
(of feet) Th 2, 269 (so read for T. phuṭika, ThA 212 expl by
(rain), to rain gently, drizzle S i.104 sq., 154, 184 (devo ekaṁ
bāhita & has v. l. niphuṭita).
ekaṁ ph. "drop by drop"). See also anuphusāyati (so read for
Phuṭṭha [pp. of phusati ] touched, affected by, influenced by; °phusīyati).
in specific sense (cp. phusati 2) "thrilled, permeated" Vin 1 2
Phusita (nt.) [either pp. of phusati or direct correspondent of
i.200 (ābādhena); A ii.174 (rogena); J i.82 (mettacittena, v. 2
Sk. pṛṣata (see pasata )] rain — drop M iii.300; S ii.135; DhA
l. puṭṭha); v.441 (dibbaphassena); Vism 31 (°samphassa con-
iii.243. The Prk. equivalent is phusiya (Pischel, Gr. § 208),
tact by touch), 49 (byādhinā); VvA 6 (in both meanings, scil. cp. Ger. sprenkeln> E. sprinkle.
pītiyā & rogena). On phuṭṭha at D i.57 see phuṭa . Cp. sam°.
Phusita [pp. of phusati 2. i. e. pruṣ, cp. Sk. pruṣita sprinkled,
Phunati [?] to shake, sprinkle, of doubtful spelling, at J vi.108 pṛṣatī spotted antelope] spotted, coloured, variegated (with
(angārakāsuṁ ph.; v. l. punanti perhaps better; C. expl by
flowers) Sn 233 (°agga=supupphit' agga — sākha KhA 192).
vidhunati & okirati). Perhaps we should read dhunati.
Phus(s)ita [=phassita , Kern. Toev. s. v. takes it as pp.
Phulaka (=pulaka) a kind of gem VvA 111.
of *puṁsayati] touched, put on, in °aggaḷa with fastened
Phulla [pp. of phalati, or root formation fr. phull, cp. (clinched) bolts (or better: door — wings) M i.76 (reads phas-
phalita ] blossoming, in blossom J v.203. Also as Intensive sit°; cp. v. l. on p. 535 phussit°); A i.101; Th 1, 385; J vi.510.
phāliphulla "one mass of flowers" M i.218; J i.52. Note. Phusitaka (adj.) (—°) [fr. phusita ) having raindrops, only in
phulla may stand for phuṭa .
phrase thulla° deva (the sky) shedding big drops of rain S ii.32
Phulla [pp. of phalati, cp. phalita ] broken, in phrase (reads phulla — phusitaka); iii.141; A i.243; ii.140; v.114;
akhaṇḍa-phulla unbroken (q. v.), Pv iv.1 and passim. Vism 259.
Phullita [pp. of phullati] in flower, blossoming J v.214 (for Phussa [fr. puṣ to blossom, nourish, etc. cp. Ved. puṣya] 1.
phīta=rich), 216 (su° — vana). see phussa 2. — 2. N. of a month (Dec. — Jan.) J i.86. N.
Phusati [spṛś, fr. which sparśa=phassa; cp. also phassati] 1. of a lunar mansion or constellation Vv 53 (=phussa — tārakā
VvA 236). — Frequent as Np., cp. Vism 422, and comb like
(lit.) to touch Vism 463 (phusatī ti phasso); DA i.61 (aor.
°deva, °mitta.
phusī=metri causa for phusi); Miln 157 (grd. aphusa not to
be touched). — 2. (fig.) [see on this term of Buddhist ecstatic Phussa [ger. of phusati ] touching, feeling, realising; doubled at
phraseology Cpd. 133 . In this meaning it is very closely re- D i.45, 54.
lated to pharati, as appears e. g. from the foll. expl of Cys.: 3 2
Phussa (adj. — n.) [grd. formation fr. phusati 2; scarcely fr.
D i.74 parippharati=samantato phusati DA i.217; D ii.186 ≈
Sk. puṣya (to puṣ nourish, cp. poseti), but meaning rather
pharitvā=phusitvā ārammaṇaṁ katvā Vism 308] to attain, to
"speckled" in all senses. The Sk. puṣyaratha is Sanskritisa-
reach, only in specific sense of attaining to the highest ideal of
tion of P. phussa°] 1. speckled, gaily — coloured, °kokila the
religious aspiration, in foll. phrases: ceto-samādhiṁ ph. D
spotted cuckoo [Kern, Toev. s. v. phussa however takes it as

Phussa Badarī

"male — cuckoo," Sk. puṁs — kokila] J v.419, 423; VvA 242. -mālā a wreath or garland of scum Miln 117. -mālin
57. — As phussaka at A i.188 (so read for pussaka). — 2. with a wreath of scum Miln 260. -missa mixed with froth
in sense of "clear, excellent, exquisite" (or it is puṣya in sense Vism 263. -vaṇṇa colour of scum Vism 263.
of "substance, essence" of anything, as Geiger, P. Gr. § 40
Pheṇaka=pheṇa Vism 254; VbhA 237.
1a?) in °ratha [cp. Sk, puṣpa°, but prob. to be read puṣya°?]
Phoṭa [fr. sphuṭ, cp. Sk. sphoṭa] swelling, boil, blister J iv.457;
a wonderful state carriage running of its own accord J ii.39;
vi.8 (v. l. pota & poṭha); cp. poṭa bubble.
iii.238; iv.34; v.248; vi.39 sq.) v. l. pussa°); PvA 74. -rāga
[cp. Sk. puṣpa — rāga] topaz Miln 118; VvA 111. — At Nd 1 Phoṭaka=phoṭa Vism 258; VbhA 242.
90 as v. l. to be preferred to pussa° in °tila, °tela, °dantakaṭṭha,
Phoṭana "applause," in brahma — pphoṭana at DhA iii.210 should
etc. with ref. to their use by Brahmins.
be taken as ā+phoṭana (=apphoṭana).
Pheggu [cp. Vedic phalgu & P. phaggu in form] accessory wood, Phoṭeti [Caus. of sphuṭ, if correct. Maybe mixed with sphūrj.
wood surrounding the pith of a tree, always with ref. to trees The form apphoṭesi seems to be ā+phoṭeti= Sk. āsphoṭayati]
(freq. in similes), in sequence mūla, sāra, pheggu, taca, to shake, toss (or thunder?) only at two places in similar for-
papaṭikā etc. It is represented as next to the pith, but infe- mula, viz. devatā sādhukāraṁ adaṁsu, brahmāno apphoṭe-
rior and worthless. At all passages contrasted with sāra (pith,
suṁ (v. l. appoṭh°) Miln 13, 18; Sakko devarājā appoṭhesi
substance). Thus at M i.192 sq., 488; D iii.51; S iv.168; A
(v. l. appoṭesi), Mahābrahmā sādhukāraṁ adāsi J vi.486. Per-
i.152 (pheggu+ sāra, v. l. phaggu); ii.110=Pug 52; A iii.20; J
haps we should read poṭheti (q. v.), to snap one's fingers (clap
iii.431 (opp. sāra); Miln 267, 413 (tacchako phegguṁ apahar-
hands) as sign of applause. At DhA iii.210 we read fut. ap-
itvā sāraṁ ādiyati).
phoṭessāmi (i. e. ā+phoṭ).
Phegguka (—°) (adj.) [fr. pheggu] having worthless wood, weak,
Phoṭṭhabba (nt.) [grd. of phusati] tangible, touch, contact; it is
inferior M i.488 (apagata°, where °ka belongs to the whole
synonymous with phassa, which it replaces in psychol. termi-
cpd.); J iii.318 (a°+sāramaya).
nology. Phoṭṭhabbaṁ is the senseobject of kāya (or taca)
Pheggutā (f.) [abstr. fr. pheggu] state of dry wood; lack of sub- touch ("kāyena phoṭṭhabbaṁ phusitvā" D iii.226, 250, 269;
stance, worthlessness Pug A 229. Nd p. 238 under rūpa). See also āyatana. — D iii.102 (in
list of ajjhattikabāhirāni āyatanāni: kāyo c' eva phoṭṭhabbā ca;
Pheṇa [cp. Vedic phena, with *ph fr. sp°, connected with Lat.
with pl. like m.); VbhA 79 (°dhātu).
spūma, scum, Ags. fām=Ger. feim=E. foam] scum, foam,
froth, only in cpds. viz.: Phosita [pp. of phoseti, cp. Sk. pruṣita] sprinkled J vi.47 (can-
-uddehakaṁ (adv.) (paccamāna, boiling) with scum on dana°, v. l. pusita).
top, throwing up foam M iii.167; A i.141; Nd 304 iii c ; J iii.46; 2
Phoseti [Caus. of phusati , cp. Sk. pruṣāyati=P. phusa-yati] to
Miln 357. -paṭala a film of scum Vism 359; VbhA 65. sprinkle (over) Vin ii.205 (inf. phosituṁ). — pp. phosita.
-piṇḍa a lump or heap of foam S iii.140 sq.=Vism 479 (in Cp. pari°.
simile of rūpa); Nd 680 A ; Vism 40 (in comp); VbhA 32
sq. bubbuḷaka a bubble of scum Vism 171, 259, 345; VbhA

Ba (indecl.) the sound (& letter) b, often substituted for or re- terrify the Buddha Ud 5 (see also ākulī, where pākula is pro-
placed by p (& ph): so is e. g. in Bdhgh's view pahuta the word posed for bakkula).
bahuta, with p for b (KhA 207), cp. bakkula, badara, badālatā,
Bajjha see bandhati.
baddhacara, bandhuka 2, bala, balīyati, bahuka, bahūta, billa,
bella; also paribandha for paripantha; phāla . Also substituted Bajjhati Pass. of bandhati (q. v.).
for v, cp. bajjayitvā v.l. vajjetvā DAI, 4, and see under Nibb Battiṁsa (num. card.) [for dvat — tiṁsa] thirty — two J iii.207.
Badara (m. & nt.) [cp. Ved. badara & badarī] the fruit of the ju-
Baka [cp. Epic Sk. baka] 1. a crane, heron Cp. iii.10 ; J i.205 jube tree (Zizyphus jujuba), not unlike a crabapple in appear-
(°suṇikā), 221, 476; ii.234; iii.252. — 2. N. of a dweller in ance & taste, very astringent, used for medicine A i.130=Pug
the Brahma world M i.326; S i.142. 32; A iii.76; Vin iv.76; J iii.21; DhsA 320 (cited among exam-
ples of acrid flavours); VvA 186. Spelling padara for b° at J
Bakula [cp. Class. Sk. bakula, N. of the tree Mimusops elengi,
iv.363; vi.529.
and its (fragrant) flower] in milāta°-puppha is v. l. KhA 60
-aṭṭhi kernel of the j. SnA 247. -paṇḍu light yellow
(see App. p. 870 Pj.) for °ākuli°, which latter is also read at
(fresh) jujube — fruit A i.181 (so read for bhadara°). -missa
Vism 260.
mixture or addition of the juice of jujube — fruits Vin iv.76.
Bakkula [=vyākula? Morris, J.P.T.S. 1886, 94] a demon, uttering
-yūsa juice of the j. fruit VvA 185.
horrible cries, a form assumed by the Yakkha Ajakalāpaka, to

Badarī Bandhu

Badarī (f.) [cp. Sk. badarī] the jujube tree J ii.260. mañc' âtimañcaṁ b. to put wheels upon wheels & couches
upon couches J ii.331. iv.81; DhA iv.61. fig. to start, under-
Badālatā (f.) [etym. uncertain, may it be *padālatā, pa+ n. ag.
take, begin, make, in phrases āghātaṁ b. to bear malice DhA
of dal Caus., lit. "destroyer"?] a creeper (with thorns Kern,
ii.21; and veraṁ b. to make enmity against (loc.) J ii.353.
Toev. s. v.) D iii.87=Vism 418; Bdhgh says (see Dial. iii.84)
— 4. to acquire, get J iii.232 (atthaṁ b.= nibbatteti C.). —
"a beautiful creeper of sweet taste."
5. to compose Miln 272 (suttaṁ); J ii.33; v.39. — Caus. II.
Baddha [pp. of bandhati] 1. bound, in bondage M i.275; S i.133; bandhāpeti to cause to be bound (or fettered) Vin iv.224, 316
iv.91; Sn 957 (interpreted as "baddhacara" by Nd 464); Dh 2 iii. b
(opp. mocāpeti); Nd 304 (bandhanena); PvA 4, 113. —
324. — 2. snared, trapped J ii.153; iii.184; iv.251, 414. — 3. 2
Pass. bajjhati Nd 74 (for bujjhati, as in palābujjhati to be
made firm, settled, fastened, bound (to a cert. place) KhA 60 rd
obstructed: see palibuddhati). I. Forms Ind. 3 pl. bajjhare
(°pitta, opp. abaddha°). — 4. contracted, acquired Vin iii.96. rd
Th 1, 137; pret. 3 pl. abajjhare J i.428. Imper. bajjhantu
— 5. bound to, addicted or attached to Sn 773 (bhavasāta°, S iv.309; A v.284. Pot. bajjheyya S ii.228. Aor. bajjhi J
cp. Nd 30). — 6. put together, kneaded, made into cakes
ii.37; iv.414. Ger. bajjha J iv.441, 498, & bajjhitvā J ii.153;
(of meal) J iii.343; v.46; vi.524. — 7. bound together, linked,
iv.259; v.442. — II. Meanings. — 1. to be bound, to be im-
clustered DhA i.304 kaṇṇika° (of thoughts). — 9. set, made
prisoned Sn 508 (cp. SnA 418); J iv.278. — 2. to be caught
up (of the mind) DhA i.11 (mānasaṁ te b.). — Cp. ati°, anu°,
(in a sling or trap) J iii.330; iv.414. — 3. to incur a penalty
a°, ni°, paṭi°, vini°, sam°.
(with loc., e. g. bahudaṇḍe) J iv.116. — 4. to be captivated
-añjalika keeping the hands reverently extended Dāvs
by, struck or taken by, either with loc. J i.368 (bajjhitvā &
iii.30. -rāva the cry of the bound (or trapped) J iv.279, 415
bandhitvā in Pass. sense); v.465; or with instr. J i.428; iv.259.
(v. l. bandhana°). -vera having contracted an enmity, hostile,
— pp. baddha (q. v.). — Cp. ati°, anu°, ā, o°, paṭi°, sam°.
bearing a grudge DhA i.324.
Bandhana (nt.) [fr. bandh, cp. Vedic bandhana] 1. binding,
bond, fetter Vin i.21; D i.226, 245 (pañca kāma-guṇā); iii.176;
Baddha (nt.) [fr. bandhati] a leather strap, a thong Vin i.287 (T.
M ii.44; S i.8, 24 (Māra°), 35, 40; iv.201 sq. (5 fold) to bind
bandha perhaps right, cp. ābandhana 3); PvA 127.
the king of the Devas or Asuras, 291; Sn 532, 948; Th 1, 414;
Baddhacara see paddhacara. 2, 356 (Māra°) Dh 345 sq.; J ii.139, 140; iii.59=PvA 4; v.285;
Nd 304 iii. b (var. bonds, andhu°, rajju° etc. cp. Nd 433);
Badhira (adj.) [cp. Vedic badhira, on etym. see Walde, Lat. Wtb.
DA i.121 (with ref. to kāmā). — 2. binding, tying, band,
s. v. fatuus, comparing Goth. baups and M. Irish bodar] deaf
ligature; tie (also fig.) Vin i.204 (°suttaka thread for tying)
Vin i.91, 322; Th 1, 501= Miln 367; J i.76 (jāti°); v.387; vi.7;
ii.135 (kāya° waistband); ii.117 (°rajju for robes); S iii.155
DhA i.312. See also mūga. 2
(vetta° ligatures of bamboo; cp. v.51); Sn 44 (gihi°, cp. Nd
-dhātuka deaf by nature J ii.63; iv.146; DhA i.346.
228: puttā ca dāsī ca); DhA i.4 (ghara° tie of the house); KhA
Bandha (adj.) [cp. Vedic bandha, fr. bandh] 1. bond, fetter It 51 (paṭṭa°). — 3. holding together, composition, constitution
56 (abandho Mārassa, not a victim of M.); Nd 328 (taṇhā°,
Vin i.96 (sarīra°), cp. iii.28. — fig. composition (of litera-
diṭṭhi°); ThA 241. — 2. one who binds or ties together, in
ture) J ii.224 (gāthā°). — 4. joining together, union, company
assa° horsekeeper, groom J ii.98; v.441, 449; DhA i.392. —
DhA ii.160 (gaṇa° joining in companies). — 5. handle Vin
3. a sort of binding: maṇḍala° with a circular b. (parasol) Vin
ii.135. — 6. piecing together Vin i.254 (°mattena when it,
iv.338, salāka° with a notched b. ibid. — 4. a halter, tether
i. e. the stuff, has only been pieced together, see Vin. Texts
Dpvs i.76. — Cp. vinibandha.
ii.153 n.). — 7. strap (?) doubtful reading in aṁsa° (q. v.)
Bandhaka as v. l. of vaṭṭaka see aṁsa°. Vv 33 , where we should prefer to read with v. l. °vaṭṭaka.
Bandhakī (f.) [fr. bandhaka, cp. Epic Sp. bandhukī a low — 8. doubtful in meaning in cpd. paṁca-vidha-bandhana
"the fivefold fixing," as one of the torments in Niraya. It is
woman=pāṁśukā & svairinī Halāy 2, 341] an unchaste woman
a sort of crucifixion (see for detail pañca 3) Nd 304 iii. c =Nd 1
(lit. binder) Vin iv.224 (pl. bandhakiniyo), 265 (id.); J v.425,
404; J i.174; PvA 221; VbhA 278. In this connection it may
431 (va°).
mean "set," cp. mūla°. — On use of bandhana in similes see
Bandhati [Vedic badhnāti, later Sk. bandhati, Idg. *bhendh, cp.
J.P.T.S. 1907, 115. Cp. vini°.
Lat. offendimentum i. e. band; Goth. bindan=Ohg, bin-
-âgāra "fetter — house," prison D i.72; M i.75; Vin
tan, E. bind; Sk. bandhu relation; Gr. πενχερός father-in-
iii.151; J iii.326; DhA ii.152; VvA 66; PvA 153. -âgārika
law, πεϊσμα bond, etc.] to bind etc. — 1. Forms: Imper.
prison — keeper, head — jailer A ii.207.
bandha D ii.350; pl. bandhantu J i.153. Pot. bandheyya
Bandhanīya (adj.) [grd. of bandhati] 1. to be bound or fettered
S iv.198; Vin iii.45; Fut. bandhayissati Mhvs 24. 6; Aor.
Miln 186. — 2. apt to bind, binding, constraining D ii.337
abandhi J iii.232, & bandhi J i.292; DhA i.182. Ger. band-
(cp. Dial. ii.361); Th 2, 356.
hitvā Vin i.46; S iv.200; J i.253, 428, & bandhiya Th 2, 81.
Inf. bandhituṁ Th 2, 299. Caus. bandheti (see above Fut.) Bandhava [cp. Class. Sk. bāndhava] 1. kinsman, member of
& bandhāpeti (see below). — II. Meanings — 1. to bind S a clan or family, relative A iii.44; Sn 60 (pl. bandhavāni in
iv.200 (rajjuyā). fig. combine, unite DhA ii.189 (gharāvāsena poetry; cp. Nd 455); Dh 288 (pl. bandhavā); J ii.316; v.81;
b. to give in marriage). — 2. to tie on, bind or put on to DA i.243. — 2. (—°) one who is connected with or belongs
(loc.) DhA i.182 (dasante). fig. to apply to, put to, settle on to Sn 140 (manta°, well-acquainted with Mantras; cp. SnA
DhA ii.12 (mānasaṁ paradāre). — 3. to fix, prepare, get up, 192; vedabandhū veda — paṭisaraṇā ti vuttaṁ hoti); J v.335
put together J iv.290 (ukkā); also in phrase cakk' âticakkaṁ (bodhaneyya°); cp. bandhu 3.

Bandhu Bala

Bandhu [Vedic bandhu, see bandhati & cp. bandhava] 1. a rela- A ii.207; Pug 56.
tion, relative, kinsman; pl. bandhū J iv.301; PvA 86 (=ñātī) Bala (nt.) [Vedic bala, most likely to Lat. de — bilis "without
& bandhavo Nd 455 (where Nd 11 in id. p. reads bandhū).
strength" (cp. E. debility, P. dubbala), and Gr. βέλτιστος (su-
-Ādicca° kinsman of the Sun, an Ep. of the Buddha Vin ii.296; perl.)=Sk. baliṣṭha the strongest. The Dhātupāṭha (273) de-
A ii.17; Sn 54, 915, 1128, cp. Nd 152 ; Vv 24 ; 78 , cp. fines b. with pāṇane. At DhsA 124 bala is understood as "na
VvA 116. — Four kinds of relations enum at Nd 11. viz. kampati"] 1. strength, power, force D ii.73; A i.244; Th 1,
ñāti°, gotta°, manta° (where Nd 455 reads mitta°), sippa°. —
188; Dh 109 (one of the 4 blessings, viz. āyu, vaṇṇa, sukha,
2. Ep. of Brahmā, as ancestor of the brahmins DA i.254: see 12 6
bala; cp. DhA ii.239); Pv i.5 (=kāya — bala PvA 30); i.7 ;
below °pāda. — 3. (°—) connected with, related to, dealing VvA 4 (iddhi°); PvA 71 (id.), 82 (kamma°). — Of cases used
with [cp. Vedic amṛta — bandhu RV x.72 ] S i.123 (pamatta°);
as adv. balasā (instr.) is mentioned by Trenckner at Miln 430
128; Sn 241, 315, 430, 911; J iv.525; Miln 65 (kamma°); SnA
(notes), cp. Prk. balasā (Pischel, Gr. § 364). yathā balaṁ
192 (veda°.). — f. bandhunī J vi.47 (said of the town of according to one's power, i. e. as much as possible PvA 1, 54.
Mithilā (rāja°); expl by C. as "rāja — ñātakeh'eva puṇṇā"). n
The comp form of bala in conn. with kṛ is balī°, e. g. dub-
-pāda the foot of Brahma, from which the Śūdras are said
balīkaraṇa making weak M iii.4; Pug 59, 68; °karaṇin id. D
to have originated (cp. Sk. pādaja), in cpd. bandhupād'apacca iii.183. — adj. bala strong J v.268, abala weak Sn 770, 1120,
"offering from the foot of our kinsman," applied as contemp- 1
dubbala id. S i.222; J ii.154; Nd 12; PvA 55; compar. °tara
tuous epithet to the Samaṇas by a Brahmin D i.90; M i.334; S
M i.244, nt. n. abalaṁ weakness S i.222. — 2. an army,
military force Mhvs 25, 57; SnA 357. See cpds. below. —
Bandhuka (adj.) [fr. bandhu] 1. the plant Pentapetes phoenicea J Eight balāni or strong points are 1. of young children (ruṇṇa
iv.279 (°puppha, evidently only a contraction of bandhu — jī- — balaṁ). — 2. of womanhood (kodha°). — 3. of robbers
vaka, cp. C. bandhujīvaka— puppha; although Sk. bandhūka (āvudha°). — 4. of kings (issariya°), — 5. of fools (ujjhatti°).
is given as syn. of bandhujīva at Halāyudha 2, 53). — 2. in — 6. of wise men (nijjhatti°). — 7. of the deeply learned
bandhukaroga M ii.121 prob. to be read paṇḍuka°, as v. l. (paṭisankhāna°). — 8. of samaṇas & brāhmaṇas (khanti°) A
BB; see paṇḍuroga. iv.223 (where used as adj. — ° strong in...); cp. Sn 212, 623.
— Five balāni of women are: rūpabalaṁ, bhoga°, ñāti°,
Bandhujīvaka [cp. Class. Sk. bandhujīva] the plant Pentapetes
putta°, sīla° S iv.246 — 8. The five — fold force (balaṁ
phoenicea M ii.14 (°puppha); D ii.111 (id.); J iv.279; Vism
pañca — vidhaṁ) of a king J v.120, 121 consists of bāhābalaṁ
174; DhsA 14; VvA 43, 161.
strength of arms, bhoga° of wealth, amacca° of counsellors,
Bandhumant (adj.) [fr. bandhu, cp. Vedic bandhumant] having
abhijacca° of high birth, paññā° the force of wisdom; in the
relatives, rich in kinsmen; only as Np. m bandhumā N. of d
religious sense five balāni or powers are commonly enum :
father of the Buddha Vipassin D ii.11=Vism 433; f. bandhu-
saddhābalaṁ, viriya°, sati°, samādhi°, paññā° A iii.12; D
matī N. of mother of the Buddha Vipassin ibid.; also N. of a
ii.120; M ii.12, iii.296; S iii.96, 153; iv.366, v.219, 249; Ps
town D ii.12 (capital of king Bandhumā); SnA 190=J iv.388
ii.56, 86, 166, 174, 223; ii.84, 133, 168 etc. They corre-
(where the latter has Vettavatī), and a river SnA 190= J iv.388
spond to the 5 indriyāni and are developed with them. S
(: Vettavatī).
v.219, 220; Nett 31; they are cultivated to destroy the five
Bandhuvant (adj.) [bandhu+vant] having relatives, rich in rela- uddhambhāgiyāni saṁyojanāni S v.251. They are freq. re-
tives J vi.357. ferred to in instructions of the Buddha about the constituents of
Babbaja [cp. Vedic balbaja, doubtful whether it belongs to Lat. the "Dhamma," culminating in the eightfold Path, viz. cattāro
satipaṭṭhānā, samappadhānā, cattāro iddhipādā, pañcindriyani,
bulbus; for the initial b. very often p. is found: see pabbaja]
p. balāni, sattabojjhangāni, ariyo aṭṭhangiko maggo e. g. S
a sort of coarse grass or reed, used to make slippers, etc. Vin
iii.96; Ps ii.56; Nd 13=360 =Nd 420; Nd s. v. satipaṭṭhāna;
i.190; D ii.55; S ii.92; iii.137; iv.158; A ii.211; Dh 345; DhA
and passim. [Cp. BSk. catvāra ṛddhipādāḥ pañc' endriyāni p.
balāni, sapta bodhyangāni etc. Divy 208.] Two balāni are spe-
-pādukā a slipper out of b. grass DhA iii.451. -lāyaka
cially mentioned A i.52 (paṭisankhānabalaṁ and bhāvanā°),
cutter or reaper of grass S iii.155; A iii.365.
also D iii.213, followed here by the other "pair" satibalaṁ and
Babbu (& °ka) Epic [Sk. babhruka a kind of ichneumon; Vedic
samādhi°. There are four balāni of the ariyasāvaka, by which
babhru brown, cp. Lat. fiber=beaver, further connection
he overcomes the five fears (pañca bhayāni q. v.); the four are
"bear," see Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. fiber] a cat J i.480 (=biḷāra
paññābalaṁ, viriya°, anavajja° sangāha° A iv.363 sq., as
C.)=DhA ii.152.
given at A ii.141, also the foll. 3 groups of cattāri balāni:—
Babbhara [onomat., cp. Sk. balbalā — karoti to stammer or stut- (1) saddhābalaṁ, viriya°, sati°, samādhi°, cp. D iii.229.
ter, barbara=Gr. βάρβαρος stuttering, people of an unknown — (2) sati° samādhi, anavajja°, sangāha°. (3) paṭisankhāna°,
tongue, balbūtha Np. "stammerer"; also Lat. balbas, Ger. bhāvanā°, anavajja°, sangāha°. — For 4 balāni see also D
plappern, E. blab; babbhara is a redupl. formation fr. *bhara iii.229 note, and for paṭisankhānabala (power of computation)
— bhara=barbara, cp. J.P.T.S. 1889, 209; Geiger, P.Gr. § 20] see Dhs. trsl. 1353. The ten balāni of the Tathāgata con-
imitation of a confused rumbling noise M i.128. — Cp. also sist of his perfect comprehension in ten fields of knowledge A
P. mammana and sarasara. v.32 sq.; M i.69; Nd 466; Miln 105, 285; VbhA 397. — In a
Barihin [cp. Sk. barhin] a peacock J iv.497. similar setting 10 powers are given as consisting in the knowl-
edge of the Paṭiccasamuppāda at S ii.27, 28. — The balāni of
Barihisa (nt.) [Vedic barhis] the sacrificial grass D i.141; M i.344;

Bala Balya

the sāvaka are distinct from those of the Tathāgatha: Kvu 228 Bali [cp. Vedic bali; regarding etym. Grassmann connects it with
sq. — There are seven balāni D iii.253, and seven khīṇāsava bhṛ] 1. religious offering, oblation D ii.74 (dhammika); A
— balāni 283 i. e. saddhābalaṁ, viriya°, sati°, samādhi°, iv.17, 19; Sn 223; Mhvs 36, 88 (particularly to subordinate di-
paññā°, hiri° and ottappa°. The same group is repeated in vinities, cp. Mhvs. trsl 263); DhA ii.14 (v. l. °kamma). —
the Abhidhamma; Dhs 58, 95, 102; DhsA 126. The Ps. also pañca° the fivefold offering, i. e. ñāti°, atithi°, pubbapeta°,
enumerates seven khīṇāsavabalāni i.35; and sixty — eight rāja°, devatā°, offering to kinsfolk, guests, the departed, the
balāni ii.168 sq. king, the gods; A ii.68; iii.45. — 2. tax, revenue (cp. Zimmer,
-agga front of an army, troops in array D i.6; Vin iv.107, Altind. Leben 166 & Fick, Sociale Gliederung 75) D i.135,
cp. DA i.85. -ânīka (adj.) with strong array Sn 623; Dh 142; J i.199 (daṇḍa° fines & taxes), 339; DhA i.251 (daṇḍa°).
399 (cp. DhA iv.164). -kāya a body of troops, an army cp. — 3. Np. of an Asura D ii.259.
Fick, Sociale Gliederung p. 52 note; (also in BSk. e. g. Divy -kamma offering of food to bhūtas, devas & others J i.169,
63, 315) A i.109; iv.107, 110; S i.58; J i.437 (°ṁ saṁharati to 260; ii.149, 215; iv.246 (offering to tutelary genii of a city. In
draw up troops); ii.76; iii.319; v.124; vi.224, 451; DhA i.393; this passage the sacrifice of a human being is recommended);
PugA 249. -koṭṭhaka fortress, camp J i.179; Mhvs 25, 29. v.99, 473; SnA 138; Mhbv 28. -karaṇa oblation, offering of
-(k)kāra application of force, violence J i.476; ii.421; iii.447; food PvA 81; VvA 8 (°pīṭha, reading doubtful, v. l. valli°).
instr. °ena by force PvA 68, 113. -gumba a serried troop -kāraka offering oblations J i.384. -°nkatā one who offers
J ii.406. -cakka wheel of power, of sovereignty Dpvs vi.2. (the five) oblations A ii.68. -paṭiggāhaka receiving offer-
-ṭṭha a military official, palace guard, royal messenger Miln ings, worthy of oblations J ii.17 (yakkha; interpreted by Fick,
234, 241, 264, 314; Mhvs 34, 17. -da strength — giving S Sociale Gliederung 79 as "tax — collector," hardly justified);
i.32; Sn 297. -dāyin id. A ii.64. -deva "God of strength" N. f. °ikā A iii.77 (devatā), 260 (id.), cp. BSk. balipratigrāhikā
of the elder brother of Kaṇha J iv.82; Nd 89, 92 (Vāsudeva+); devatā Divy 1. -pīḷita crushed with taxes J v.98. -puṭṭha
Vism 233 (id). -(p)patta gṙown — strong DhsA 118 (v. a crow (cp. Sk. balipuṣṭa "fed by oblations") Abhp 638. -
l. phala°). -vāhana troops, an army J ii.319, iv.170, 433; vadda (cp. Sk. balivarda, after the Pali?) an ox, esp. an
vi.391, 458. -vīra a hero in strength Vv 53 , cp. VvA 231. ox yoked to the plough or used in ploughing (on similes with
-sata for palāsata, q. v. (cp. J.P.T.S. 1908, 108 note). b. see J.P.T.S. 1907, 349) S i.115, 170; iv.163 sq., 282 sq.;
Bala [cp. *Sk. bala: Halāyudha 5, 23; & P. balākā] a species A ii.108 sq.; Sn p. 13 (cp. SnA 137); Dh 152=Th 1, 1025;
J i.57; v.104 (Sāliyo b. phālena pahaṭo); Vism 284 (in sim-
of carrion crow J v.268; also in cpd. bal'ankapāda having
ile of their escape from the ploughman); DhA i.24 (dhuraṁ
crow's feet, i. e. spreading feet (perhaps for balāka°?) J vi.548
(C. expl by pattharita — pāda, read patthārita°). vahanto balivaddassa, v. l. balibaddassa); VvA 258 (vv. ll.
°baddha & °bandha). The spelling balibadda occurs at Vin
Balaka (adj.) [fr. bala] strong; only in kisa° of meagre strength,
iv.312. -sādhaka tax collector, tax gatherer J iv.366; v.103
weakly M i.226; and dub° weak M i.435. Cp. balika.
sq. -haraṇa taking oblations A v.79 (°vanasaṇḍa).
Balatā (f.) [abstr. fr. bala] strength, lit. strength — quality M
Balika (adj.) [fr. bala] strong; only in der. balikataraṁ (com-
par.) adv. in a stronger degree, more intensely, more Miln 84;
Balati [fr. bal, as in bala] to live KhA 124 (in def. of bālā as & dubbalika weak ThA 211. Cp. balaka.
"balanti anantī ti bālā"). 7
Balin (adj.) [fr. bala] strong Th 1, 12 (paññā°); Vv 64 ; Dh 280;
Balatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. bala, cp. balatā] strength, only in cpd. J iii.484; vi.147.
dubbalatta weakness J ii.154.
Balisa & Baḷisa (m. & nt.) [cp. Sk. baḍiśa] a fish-hook S
Balavatā (f.) [abstr. fr. balavant; cp. Epic Sk. balavattā] ii.226=iv.158 (āmisa — gataṁ b.); Nd 374 (kāma°, v. l. pal-
strength, force (also in military sense) J ii.369 (ārakkhassa b.); isa); J i.482 sq.; iii.283; iv.195; v.273 sq., 389; vi.416; Miln
Miln 101 (kusalassa & akusalassa kammassa b.). 412; SnA 114 (in expl of gaḷa Sn 61); ThA 280, 292; VbhA
196 (in comparison); Sdhp 610. On use in similes cp. J.P.T.S.
Balavant (adj.) [fr. bala] strong, powerful, sturdy M i.244
1907, 115.
(purisa) S i.222; J ii.406; DhA ii.208; VvA 35; PvA 94.
-maṁsikā (f.) "flesh-hooking," a kind of torture M i.87;
Comparative balavatara Miln 131; f. °a(n)tarī Sdhp 452. 1 2
In comp balava°, e. g. °gavā sturdy oxen M i.226; iii.164; A i.47; ii.122; Nd 154; Nd 604; Miln 197. -yaṭṭhi
angling rod DhA iii.397.
°vippaṭisāra deep remorse PvA 14, °balava very strong J
ii.406. -balavaṁ as nt. adv. "exceedingly," in cpd. balav' Balī°=bala° in comb with bhū & kṛ, see bala.
âbalavaṁ very (loud and) strong Vin ii.1 (=suṭṭhu balavaṁ
Balīyati [Denom. fr. bala, cp. BSk. balīyati MVastu i.275] to
C.), and °paccūse very early in the morning Vism 93, and
have strength, to grow strong, to gain power, to overpower
°paccūsa-samaye id. J i.92; DhA i.26. 1
Sn 770 (=sahati parisahati abhibhavati Nd 12, cp. 361); J
Balasata see palasata. iv.84 (vv. ll. khalī° & paliyy°; C. expl by avattharati)=Pv
Balākā (f.) [cp. Vedic balākā, perhaps to Lat. fulica, Gr. ϕαλαρίς ii.6 (=balavanto honti vaḍḍhanti abhibhavanti PvA 94); J
a water fowl, Ohg. pelicha=Ger. belche] a crane Th 1, 307; vi.224 (3 pl. balīyare; C. abhibhavati, kuppati, of the bor-
J ii.363; iii.226; Miln 128 (°ānaṁ megha — saddena gabbhâ- der provinces); Nett 6 (vv. ll. bali°, pali°; C. abhibhavati).
vakkanti hoti); Vism 126 (in simile, megha — mukhe b. viya); Balya (nt.) [der. fr. bala] belonging to strength, only in cpd.
DA i.91 (v. l. baka). dub° weakness M i.364; Pug 66; also spelt dubballa M i.13.
— abl. dubbalyā as adv. groundlessly, without strong evi-

Balya Bahu

dence Vin iv.241 (cp. J.P.T.S. 1886, 129). abundant; plenty; in comp also: very, greatly (°—) instr. sg.
Balya [fr. bāla, cp. P. & Sk. bālya] foolishness, stupidity Dh 63 bahunā Dh 166; nom. pl. bahavo Vin iii.90; Dh 307, & bahū
Dh 53; J iv.366; v.40; vi.472; Bu 2, 47; Pv iv.1 ; Mhvs 35, 98;
(v. l. bālya); J iii.278 (C. bālya); DhA ii.30.
PvA 67; nt. pl. bahūni Sn 665, 885; gen. dat. bahunnaṁ
Baḷavā (f.) [cp. Vedic vaḍavā] a mare, only in cpd. °mukha
S i.196; Sn 503, 957, & bahūnaṁ J v.446; Kvu 528 (where
the mare's mouth, i. e. an entrance to Niraya (cp. Vedic
id. p. M i.447 reads bahunnaṁ); instr. bahūhi PvA 241; loc.
vaḍavâgni & vaḍavāmukha) Th 1, 1104 (trsl. "abyss — dis-
bahūsu PvA 58. — nt. nom. bahu Dh 258; bahuṁ PvA 166,
charged mouth," cp. Brethren, p. 418). n
& bahud in comp bahud-eva (d may be euphonic) J i.170;
Baḷīyakkha [etym.?] a species of birds J vi.539. Bu 20, 32. As nt. n. bahuṁ a large quantity A ii.183 (opp.
Bahati [bṛh ] to pull, see ab°, ub°, nib°, & cp. udabbahe, appaṁ); abl. bahumhā J v.387. As adv. bahu so much Pv
ii.13 . — Compar. bahutara greater, more, in greater num-
ber A i.36 (pl. bahutarā, opp. appakā); ii.183; S v.457, 466; J
Bahati [baṁh doublet of bṛh ] to strengthen, increase, see 17
ii.293; vi.472; Pv ii.1 ; Miln 84; PvA 38, 76. — In composi-
brūhana (upa°); otherwise only in pp. bāḷha (q. v.). The Dhtp tion with words beginning with a vowel (in sandhi) bahu as a
(344, cp. Dhtm 506) expl "baha braha brūha: vuddhiyaṁ."
rule appears as bavh° (for bahv°, see Geiger, P.Gr. § 49, 1),
Bahati [a Pali root, to be postulated as der. fr. bahi in sense of but the hiatus form bahu is also found, as in bahu — itthiyo J
"to keep out"] only in Caus. formations: to keep outside, lit. i.398 (besides bahutthika); bahuamaccā J i.125; bahu — āyāsa
to make stay outside or away. See bāhā 2; bāheti, paribāhati. (see below). Besides we have the contracted form bah&ucirc;
as in bahûpakāra, etc.).
Bahala (adj.) [cp. Class. Sk. bahala & Ved. bahula] dense, thick
-ābādha (bavh°) great suffering or illness, adj. full of
Vin ii.112; J i.467 (°palāpa — tumba a measure thickly filled
sickness, ailing much M ii.94; A i.107; ii.75, 85; Miln 65;
with chaff); ii.91; Miln 282; Vism 257 (°pūva, where KhA 56
Sdhp 89 (cp. 77). -āyāsa (bahu°) great trouble Th 2, 343.
omits bahala), 263 (opp. tanuka); KhA 62 (°kuthita — lākhā
— (i)tthika (bahutthika) having many women Vin ii.256; S
thickly boiled, where in id. p. Vism 261 has accha — lākhā,
ii.264. -ûdaka containing much water J iii.430 (f. bahūdikā
i. e. clear); DhA iv.68; VvA 162 (=aḷāra). — subahala very
& bahodikā). -ûpakāra of great service, very helpful, very
thick Miln 258 (rajojalla).
useful S iv.295; v.32; M iii.253; It 9; Vin v.191; J i.121; Pv
Bahalatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. above] thickness, swollen condition, 56
iv.1 ; PvA 114. -odaka (bavh°)=°ûdaka Th 1, 390. -kata
swelling J i.147.
(a.) benevolent, doing service Vin iv.57, 212. (b) much moved
Bahi (adv.) [cp. Vedic bahis & bahir; the s(ḥ) is restored in dou- or impressed by (instr.), paying much attention to Vin i.247.
bling of cons. in comp like bahig — gata Vv 50 , in bahid- -karaṇīya having much to do, busy D ii.76; Vin i.71; S ii.215;
dhā and in lengthening of i as bahī J v.65] outside: 1. (adv.) A iii.116; DA i.237. -kāra (a) favour Dāvs iv.39 (b) doing
J i.361 (°dvāre — gāma a village outside the city gates); Pv much, of great service, very helpful M i.43, 170; A i.123, 132;
i.10 ; DhA iii.118; PvA 24, 61. — 2. (prep.) with acc. (di- ii.126; S v.67; Pv ii.12 ; J iv.422; Miln 264. -kāratta ser-
rection to) J i.298 (°gāmaṁ); with loc. (place where) °dvāra- vice, usefulness KhA 91. -kicca having many duties, very
koṭṭhake outside the gate M ii.92; A iii.31; °nagare outside busy Vin i.71; D i.106; ii.76; S ii.215; A iii.116; DA i.237.
the city J ii.2; PvA 39. 47; °vihāre outside the monastery DhA -khāra a kind of alkali (product of vegetable ash) J vi.454.
i.315. -jañña see bāhu°. -jana a mass of people, a great multitude,
-gata gone outside (i. e. into worldly affairs, or according a crowd, a great many people D i.4; It 78; J vi.358; Pug 30,
to VvA 213 engaged with the bahiddh' ārammaṇāni) Vv 50 15 57; Pv ii.7 ; PvA 30. At some passages interpreted by Bdhgh
(abahiggata — mānasa with his mind not gone outside him- as "the unconverted, the masses," e. g. D i.47, expl at DA
self). -nikkhamana going outside of (abl.), leaving Vism i.143 by "assutavā andha — bāla puthujjana"; Dh 320 (bahu-
500 (mātukucchito bahinikkhamanaṁ mūlakaṁ dukkhaṁ). jjana), expl at DhA iv.3 by "lokiya — mahājana." -jāgara
very watchful Dh 29 (=mahante sativepulle jāgariye ṭhita DhA
Bahiddhā (adv.) [fr. bahi, cp. Vedic bahirdhā, formation in °dhā,
i.262); Sn 972 (cp. Nd 501). -jāta growing much, abun-
like ekadhā, sattadhā etc. of numerals] outside (adv. & prep.)
dant J vi.536. -ṭhāna ( — cintin) of far — reaching knowl-
D i.16; ii.110; S i.169; iii.47, 103; iv.205; v.157; Vin iii.113
edge, whose thoughts embrace many subjects J iii.306; iv.467;
(°rūpa opp. ajjhatta — rūpa: Sn 203; VbhA 260 (kāye); DhA
v.176. -dhana with many riches PvA 97. -patta having ob-
i.211 (c. gen); iii.378 (sāsanato b.); DhsA 189. — ajjhatta°
tained much, loaded with gifts Vin iv.243. -pada many —
inside & outside, personal — external see ajjhatta. — The
footed, a certain order of creatures, such as centipedes, etc.
bahiddh' ārammaṇāni (objects of thought concerning that
Vin ii.110; iii.52; A ii.34; It 87. -(p)phala rich in fruit Sn
which is external) are the outward sense — objects in the same 2
1134, cp. Nd 456. -(b)bīhi t.t.g., name of cpds. with
meaning as bāhirāni āyatanāni are distinguished fr. ajjhat-
adj. sense, indicating possession. -bhaṇḍa having an abun-
tikāni āyatanāni (see āyatana 3 and ārammaṇa 3). They are
dance of goods, well — to — do Vin iii.138; KhA 241. -
discussed at Vism 430 sq.; cp. Dhs 1049. — The phrase "ito
bahiddhā" refers to those outside the teaching of the Buddha bhāṇika=°bhāṇin PvA 283. -bhāṇitā garrulousness PvA
("outside this our doctrine"), e. g. at D i.157; S i.133; A iv.25; 283. -bhāṇin garrulous A iii.254, 257; Dh 227. -bhāva
Dhs 1005. largeness, richness, abundance DhA ii.175. -bherava very
terrible A ii.55. -maccha rich in fish J iii.430. -mata much
Bahu (adj.) [Vedic bahu, doubtful whether to Gr. παξύς; fr. bṛh 2
esteemed, venerable Cp. vi.7; PvA 117. -manta very tricky
to strengthen, cp. upabrūhana, paribbūḷha] much, many, large,
DhA ii.4 (v. l. māya). -māna respect, esteem, veneration J

Bahu Bāla

i.90; PvA 50, 155, 274. -māya full of deceit, full of tricks dance J iii.484 (where C. expl with bahūtaso is faulty and
J v.357 (cp. °manta). -vacana (tt.g.) the plural number should perhaps be read pahūtaso); vi.538.
J iv.173; PvA 163. -vāraka the tree Cordia myxa Abhp
Bākucī (f.) [cp. *Sk. bākucī] the plant Vernonia anthel-minthica
558. -vighāta fraught with great pain Th 2, 450. -vidha
Abhp 586.
various, multiform Cp. xv.7; Pgdp 37. -sacca see bāhu°.
Bāṇa [cp. Vedic bāṇa] an arrow Mbhv 19.
-(s)suta having great knowledge, very learned, well-taught D
i.93, 137; iii.252, 282; J i.199; iv.244; A i.24; ii.22, 147, 170, Bādha [fr. bādh] lit. pressing (together), oppression, hindrance,
178; iii.114; Sn 58 (see Nd 457); It 60, 80; Th 1, 1026; Dh annoyance J vi.224. Cp. sam°.
208; Vin ii.95; J i.93; Miln 19; ThA 274, 281; SnA 109, 110.
Bādhaka (adj.) [fr. bādh] oppressing, harassing, injurious Vism
-(s)sutaka of great knowledge (ironical) D i.107 (see Dial.
496 (dukkhā aññaṁ na °ṁ); VvA 214; PvA 175.
Bādhakatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. bādhaka] the fact of being oppressive
Bahuka (adj.) [fr. bahu] great, much, many, abundant J. iii.368 or injurious Vism 496.
(b. jano most people, the majority of p.); v.388; iv.536; Mhvs
36, 49; PvA 25 (gloss for pahūta Pv i.5 ); DhA ii.175. — Bādhati [Vedic bādhate, bādh; Idg. *bheidh to force, cp. Goth.
baidjan, Ohg. beitten. See Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. fido. In Pali
nt. bahukaṁ plenty, abundance A ii.7=Pug 63; Vism 403
there seems to have taken place a confusion of roots bādh and
(opp. thokaṁ). Compar. bahukataraṁ more J ii.88 (v. l.
bandh, see bādheti & other derivations] to press, weigh on;
oppress, hinder, afflict, harm D ii.19; J i.211; iv.124; Vism
Bahukkhattuṁ (adv.) [bahu+khattuṁ, like sattakkhattuṁ, ti°
400; DhA i.24. grd. bādhitabba ThA 65; Pass. bādhiyati to
etc.] many times Miln 215.
be afflicted, to become sore, to suffer SnA 481; ThA 282; ppr.
Bahutta (nt.) [cp. Sk. bahutvaṁ] multiplicity, manifoldedness bādhiyamāna PvA 33 (so read for °ayamāna), 69. — Caus.
VbhA 320 (cetanā°). bādheti; pp. bādhita (q. v.). Cp. vi°.
Bahudhā (adv.) [fr. bahu, cp. Vedic bahudhā] in many ways or Bādhana (nt.) [fr. bādh] 1. snaring, catching (of animals etc.)
forms S v.264 (hoti he becomes many), 288; M i.34; Sn 966; S v.148; J i.211. — 2. hindrance DA i.132. — 3. affliction,
Pv iv.1 52 (=bahūhi pakārehi PvA 241); Mhvs 31, 73; Dāvs injury, hurting Vism 495; PvA 116.
Bādhita [pp. of bādhati] oppressed, pressed hard, harassed Dh
Bahula (adj.) [usually — °, as ° — only in cpd. °ājīva] much, 342 (but taken by C. as "trapped, snared," baddha DhA iv.49);
abundant, nt. abundance (°—); full of, rich in, fig. given to, ThA 65.
intent on, devoted to D ii.73; S i.199, 202; A iii.86 (pariyatti°), Bādhin (adj.) (—°) [fr. bādh] (lit. oppressing), snaring; as n. a
432 (āloka°); iv.35; It 27, 30; J iv.5 (vināsa°), 22; PvA 80 trainer Vin ii.26 (Ariṭṭha gaddha° — pubba); iv.218 (id.).
(chārik' angāra°). — sayana° as much as "particular in one's
Bādheti [Caus. of bādhati; the confusion with bandhati is even
choice of resting place" Miln 365 nt. bahulaṁ (—°) in the
fullness of, full of S iii.40 (nibbidā°). The comp form with more pronounced in the Caus. According to Kern, Toev. s. v.
we find bādhayati for bandhayati in Sk. as well] 1. to oppress,
karoti (& kamma) is bahulī° (q. v.). Cp. bāhulla.
afflict, hurt, injure J vi.224; PvA 198 (bādheyya=heṭhayeyya).
-ājīva living in abundance (opp. lūkh' ājīvin) D iii.44, 47.
grd. bādhanīya PvA 175. Cp. paribādheti in same sense. —
Bahula (nt.) [=preceding] N. of a lucky die J vi.281.
2. to bind, catch, snare Th 1, 454; 2, 299; J ii.51 (aor. bādhay-
Bahulī° [rare in Ep. Sk.; when found, diff. in meaning] in comp n iṁsu); iv.342; v.295, 445 (pot. bādhaye= bādheyya C. on p.
with kar=bahula (adj.)+kar, lit. "to make much of," i. e. to 447; vv. ll. baddh°, bandh°). grd. bādhetabba S iv.298.
practise, in foll. words: °kata (pp.) practised (frequently), Bārāṇaseyyaka (adj.) [fr. Bārāṇasī] of Benares, coming fr. B. (a
usually comb with bhāvita S ii.264; iv.200, 322; v.259; A
kind of muslin) D ii.110; iii.260.
i.6; Vism 267 (=punappunaṁ kata); °katatta (nt.) practice 1
Bāla (adj.) [cp. Sk. bāla (rarely Vedic, more freq. in Ep. &
D ii.214; °kamma continuous practice, an act often repeated
Class. Sk.); its orig. meaning is "young, unable to speak,"
M i.301; DhsA 406 (=punappuna — karaṇa); °karoti to take
cp. Lat. infans, hence "like a child, childish; infantile"] 1. ig-
up seriously, to practise, devote oneself to (acc.) M i.454;
norant (often with ref. to ignorance in a moral sense, of the
A i.275; iii.79; S iv.322; DhA iii.356 (sevati+); VbhA 291;
common people, the puthujjana), foolish (as contrasted with
°kāra zealous exercise, practice M iii.25 sq. (tab — bahulī°
paṇḍita cp. the Bālapaṇḍita — sutta M iii.163 sq.; D ii.305 sq.;
to this end). 32
Vism 499, and contrasts at Sn 578; Dh 63, 64; Pv iv.3 ; Dhs
Bahuso (adv.) [cp. Sk. bahuśaḥ] repeatedly PvA 107. 1300), lacking in reason, devoid of the power to think & act
Bahūta (adj.) [for pahūta=Sk. prabhūta] abundant, much Th 2, right. In the latter sense sometimes coupled with andha (spir-
406 (°ratana, so read for bahuta°), 435 (for bahutadhana); J itually blind), as andhabāla stupid & ignorant, mentally dull,
iii.425 (bahūtam ajjaṁ "plenty of food"; ajja=Sk. ādya, with e. g. at DhA i.143; ii.89; PvA 254. — A fanciful etym. of b.
Kern, Toev. s. v. bahūta for T. bahūtamajjā, which introd. at KhA 124 is "balanti ananti ti bālā." Other refs.: D i.59, 108;
story takes as bahūtaṁ =balaṁ ajja, with ajjā metri causâ. C. S i.23; A i.59, 68, 84; ii.51, 180; Sn 199, 259, 318, 578, 879; It
expl however as mataka — bhattaṁ); vi.173 (°tagarā mahī); 68; Dh 28, 60 sq., 71 sq., 206 sq., 330; J i.124 (lola° greedy —
Pv ii.7 (v. l. for pahūta, cp. pahūtika). foolish); v.366 (bālo āmaka — pakkaṁ va); Vv 83 ; Pv i.8 ;
iv.1 ; Pug 33; Nd 163, 286 sq., 290; SnA 509 (=aviddasu);
Bahūtaso (adv.) [der. fr. bahūta, cp. Sk. prabhūtaśaḥ] in abun-
PvA 193. Compar. bālatara J iii.278, 279; VvA 326. — 2.

Bāla Bāhirima

young, new; newly risen (of the sun): °ātāpa the morning sun eign country J iii.432 (or is it N.? Cp. J vii. p. 94).
DA i.287; DhA i.164; Mhbv 25; °vasanta "early spring" (=Cit- 2
Bāhitatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. bāhita] keeping out, exclusion Nd 464
ramāsa), N. of the first one of the 4 summer months (gimha — n
(in expl of word brāhmaṇa).
māsā) KhA 192; -suriya the newly risen sun J v.284; PvA 1
Bāhitikā (f.) [fr. bāhita, pp. of bāheti ] a mantle, wrapper (lit.
137, 211. — 3. a child; in wider application meaning a youth
"that which keeps out," i. e. the cold or wind) M ii.116, 117.
under 16 years of age (cp. Abhp 251) DA i.134. Cp. bālaka.
-nakkhatta N. of a certain "feast of fools," i. e. carnival Bāhiteyya [unclear; grd. of bāheti , but formed fr. pp.?] to be
DhA i.256. -sangatacārin one who keeps company with a kept out (?) M i.328. The reading seems to be corrupt; mean-
fool Dh 207. ing is very doubtful; Neumann trsl "musst (mir) weichen."
Bāla [for vāla] the hair of the head PvA 285 (°koṭi-matta not even Bāhiya (adj.) [fr. bahi, cp. bāhira and Vedic bāhya] foreign J
one tip of the hair; gloss BB vālagga°). i.421; iii.432.
Bālaka [fr. bāla] 1. boy, child, youth S i.176; ThA 146 (Ap. v.44: Bāhira (adj.) [fr. bahi, as Sk. bāhya fr. bahis, cp. also bāhiya] 1.
spelt °akka); Sdhp 351. — f. bālikā young girl ThA 54 (Ap. external, outside (opp. abbhantara inside), outer, foreign D
v.1). — 2. fool DhsA 51 (°rata fond of fools). ii.75; A iv.16; Dh 394 (fig. in meaning of 2); J i.125 (antara°
inside & outside); 337 (out of office, out of favour, of minis-
Bālakin (adj.) [fr. bālaka] having fools, consisting of fools; f.
ters); vi.384 (bāhiraṁ karoti to turn out, turn inside out); Pv
°inī M i.373 (parisā).
iv.1 (nagarassa b.); Miln 281 (°abbhantara dhana); VvA 68
Bālatā (f.) [abstr. to bāla] foolishness J i.101, 223.
(°kittibhāva fact of becoming known outside). — santara°
Bālisika [fr. balisa] a fisherman S ii.226; iv.158; J i.482; iii.52 (adj.) [=sa — antara] including the inward & outward parts
(cp. Fick. Sociale Gliederung p. 194); Miln 364, 412; DhA D i.74; A iii.25; Th 1, 172; J i.125. — 2. external to the
iii.397. individual, objective (opp. ajjhattika subjective) M iii.274
(cha āyatanā); J iv.402 (°vatthuṁ ayācitvā ajjhattikassa nā-
Bālya (nt.) [fr. bāla] 1. childhood, youth S iii.1. — 2. ignorance,
maṁ gaṇhāti); Dhs 674 (cp. trsl. p. 207); Vbh 13; Miln 215;
folly Dh 63; J ii.220 (=bāla — bhāva); iii.278 (balya); PvA
Vism 450. — 3. heretical, outsider in religious sense, non —
40. Also used as adj. in compar. bālyatara more foolish,
extremely foolish Vv 83 sq.=DhA i.30 (=bālatara, atisayena Buddhist, freq. applied to the Brahmanic religion & their prac-
tice (samaya) Kvu 251 (+puthujjana — pakkhe ṭhita); DhA
bāla VvA 326). — 3. weakness (?) J vi.295 (balya, but C.
iii.378 (=mana, i. e. Bhagavato sāsanato bahiddhā). — Cases
bālya=dubbala — bhāva).
as adv. bāhirato from outside, from a foreign country J i.121;
Bāḷha (adj.) [Vedic bāḍha, orig. pp. of bahati ] strong; only as
bāhire outside (the Buddhist order) Dh 254.
adv. °ṁ and ° —, viz. — 1. bāḷhaṁ strongly, very much,
-assāda finding his enjoyment in outward things A i.280
excessively, too much, to satiety J ii.293; vi.291 (i. e. too
(Kern, Toev. s. v. suggests "inclined towards heretic views").
often, C. punappunaṁ); Miln 407; PvA 274. Comparative
-āsa one whose wishes are directed outwards, whose desires
bāḷhataraṁ in a higher degree, even more, too much Vin
are turned to things external Th 1, 634. -kathā non — re-
ii.270, 276; Miln 125. — 2. (°—) in bāḷha-gilāna very ill,
ligious discourse, profane story Miln 24 (applied to the in-
grievously sick D i.72; A ii.144; S v.303; DA i.212.
troductory chapter, thus "outside story" may be translated).
Bāḷhika (adj.) [fr. bāḷha], only in su° having excess of good -tittha doctrine of outsiders J iii.473. -dāna gift of exter-
things, very prosperous J v.214 (C. expl by suṭṭhu aḍḍha). nals, gift of property as opposed to gift of the person J iv.401;
vi.486; Dāvs iii.33. -pabbajjā the ascetic life outside the
Bāvīsati (num.) [bā=dvā,+vīsati] twenty — two Kvu 218; Miln
community of the Buddha; Brahmanic saintly life (thus equal
419; DhsA 2.
to isi — pabbajjā. cp. bāhiraka°). J iii.352; iv.305. -bhaṇḍa
Bāhati see bāheti.
property, material things, objects J iv.401. -mantā ritualistic
Bāhā (f.) [a specific Pali doublet of bāhu, q. v. It is on the whole texts (or charms) of religions other than the Buddha's J iii.27.
restricted to certain phrases, but occurs side by side of bāhu -rakkhā protection of external means S i.73. -lomi with the
in others, like pacchā — bāhaṁ & °bāhuṁ, bāhaṁ & bāhuṁ fleece outside (of a rug) Vin ii.108. -samaya doctrine of the
pasāreti] 1. the arm A ii.67=iii.45 (°bala); Vin ii.105; J iii.62; outsiders, i. e. Brahmins DhA iii.392.
v.215 (°mudu). pacchā-bāhaṁ arm(s) behind (his back) D
Bāhiraka (adj.) [=bāhira, but specialised in meaning bāhira 3]
i.245 (gāḷhabandhanaṁ baddha). bāhaṁ pasāreti to stretch
outsider, non — religious, non — Buddhist, heretic, profane
out the arm D i.222=M i.252≈. bāhāyaṁ gahetvā taking (him
S ii.267; A i.73; iii.107; Kvu 172 (isayo); VvA 67 (itthi).
or her) by the arm D i.221 sq.; M i.365 (nānā — bāhāsu g.);
-kathā unreligious discussion, profane story KhA 118 (cp.
PvA 148. bāhā paggayha reaching or stretching out one's
bāhirakathā). -tapa=foll. J i.390. -pabbajjā the ascetic
arms (as sign of supplication) D ii.139; J v.267; PvA 92 and
life as led by disciples of other teachers than the Buddha, esp.
passim. — 2. not quite certain, whether "post" of a door or Brahmanic (cp. bāhira° and BSk. bāhirako mārgaḥ, e. g.
a "screen" (from bahati ), the former more likely. Only — °
MVastu i.284; ii.210; ii.223) J iii.364; DhA i.311.
in ālambana° post to hold on to, a balustrade Vin ii.120, 152;
dvāra° doorpost D ii.190; Pv i.5 . Cp. bāhitikā. Bāhiratta (nt.) [abstr. fr. bāhira] being outside (of the individ-
ual), externality Vism 450.
-aṭṭhi (bāh°) arm — bone KhA 50. -paramparāya arm
in arm Vin iii.126. Bāhirima (adj.) [fr. bāhira, compar. — adversative formation]
outer, external, outside Vin iii.149 (b. māna external measure;
Bāhika (adj.) [=bāhiya] foreign in °raṭṭha — vāsin living in a for-

Bāhirima Bila

opp. abbhantarima); J v.38 (opp. abbhantarima). ca gambhīro ca ninnādī ca. We may translate by "full, close,
Bāhu [cp. Vedic bāhu, prob. to bahati ; cp. Gr. π¨ηξυς in same compact" (Dial. ii.245 "continuous"). See also below °ssara.
-tthanī having breasts round as a bubble J v.215.
meaning, Ohg. buoc. It seems that bāhu is more frequent in
-bindu(ṁ) drop by drop DA i.218. -matī (f.) Np. of a
later literature, whereas the by — form bāhā belongs to the
courtesan of Pāṭaliputta in the time of Asoka Miln 121 sq.
older period] the arm J iii.271 (bāhumā bāhuṁ pīḷentā shoul-
-matta measuring a drop, even a drop PvA 100, 104 (eka
der to shoulder); Vism 192. -°ṁ pasāreti to stretch out the
°ṁ). -sāra Np. of king of India, father of Asoka Dpvs v.101;
arm (cp. bāhaṁ) PvA 112; pacchā-bāhuṁ (cp. bāhaṁ) PvA
vi.15; Mhvs v.18, 19. -ssara a full rounded voice Sn 350 (re-
4 (gāḷha — bandhanaṁ bandhāpetvā).
ferred by SnA to a Mahāpurisa); adj. having a full voice (see
-(p)pacālakaṁ (adv.) after the manner of one who swings 4 ns
his arms about Vin ii.213 (see expl at Vin iv.188). above bindu 3) Pv iii.3 (T. vindu°, BB bindu°; PvA expl by
avissaṭṭha — ssara sampiṇḍita — ssara, i. e. "continuous");
Bāhujañña (adj.) [fr. bahu+jana, cp. sāmañña fr. sa- maṇa]
J ii.439 (=bindhunā avisaṭena piṇḍitena sarena samannāgata
belonging to the mass of people, property of many people or
C.); v.204, 299 (=sampiṇḍita — ghana — ssara); vi.518=581
of the masses D ii.106, 219; S ii.107= v.262; J i.29 (v.212).
(=piṇḍita — ssara C.).
Note. The expression occurs only in stock phrase iddha phīta
Bimba (nt.) [cp. Class. Sk. bimba] 1. shape, image (=paṭimā
vitthārika bāhujañña.
VvA 168) S i.134 (trsl. "puppet"); v.217 (vimba); J v.452. In
Bāhulya (nt.) [fr. bahula, the Sk. form for P. bāhulla] abundance
phrase cittakataṁ bimbaṁ it refers to the human body ("the
Sdhp 77.
tricked — out puppet — shape" Brethren 303): M ii.64 = Th
Bāhulla (nt.) [fr. bahula] 1. abundance, superfluity, great quan- 1, 769 = Dh 147=VvA 47, cp. DhA iii.109 (=attabhāva). — 2.
tity M i.171; A iv.87 (°kathā) A iv.87; Ps i.197; J i.81. — 2. the red fruit of Momordica monadelpha, a species of Amaranth
luxurious living, swaggering, puffed up frame of mind Vin i.9, [cp. Sk. bimba & bimbī, a kind of gourd] J iii.478; vi.457,
59, 209; ii.197; iii.251. — See also bāhulya & bāhullika. 591; Vv 36 (kañcana° — vaṇṇa of the colour of the golden
Bimba Dhp. at VvA 168 takes it as bimba =paṭimā; DhA i.387
Bāhullika (adj.) [fr. bāhulla] living in abundance, swaggering,
(°phala, with ref. to red lips). bimboṭṭha (f. °ī) (having) red
luxurious, spendthrift Vin i.9 (+padhāna — vib-bhanto, as also
lips J iii.477; vi.590 (nigrodhapatta — bimb' oṭṭhī) ThA 133
J i.68, with which Kern, Toev. s. v. compares MVastu ii.241
(Ap. v.57). The Sk. vimbī according to Halāyudha 2, 48 is
& iii.329); ii.197; iii.250; M i.14; iii.6; A i.71; iii.108, 179 sq.;
equal to oṣṭhī, a plant (Bryonia grandis?).
J i.68; iii.363. The reading is often bāhulika.
-oṭṭhi see above 2. -ohana [second part either= *ūhana
Bāhusacca (nt.) [fr. bahu+sacca, which latter corresponds to a
vāhana "carrying," or contracted form of odahana fr. ava+dhā,
Sk. śrautya fr. śru, thus b. is the abstract to bahussuta. See i. e. *odhana *ohana "putting down," or still more likely for
on expl of word Kern, Toev. s. v.] great learning, profound 2
ūhana as seen in ūhanati 2 fr. ud+hṛ raising, lifting up] a
knowledge M i.445; A i.38 (so read for bahu°); ii.218; Vin pillow Vin i.47 (bhisi°); ii.76, 150, 208, 200, 218; iii.90, 119
iii.10; Dh 271; Vv 63 .
(bhisi°); iv.279; S ii.268; A iii.240; VbhA 365; Vism 79. See
Bāheti [Caus. of bahati or Denom. fr. bahi] to keep away, to also bhisi . -jāla [BR. bimbajā?] the Bimba tree, Momordica
keep outside, to ward off; only with ref. to pāpa (pāpaka) to monadelpha (lit. net of b. fruits) J i.39; vi.497 (cp. p. 498
keep away (from) sin S i.141 (bāhetvā pāpāni); Sn 519=Nd 2 ratt' ankura — rukkhaṁ probably with v. l. to be read ratta —
464 (bāhetvā pāpakāni); Dh 267; a popular etymology of kuravaka°, see bimbi — jāla); Bu xvi.19.
brāhmaṇa (pāpaṁ bahenti) D iii.94 (bāhitvā, better bāhetvā, Bimbaka =bimba 2; VvA 168.
expl by panuditvā DhA iii.393; v. l. K vāh°). — pp. bāhita
Bimbi (or bimbī) [=Sk. bimbī, see bimba] gold, of golden colour
(q. v.). See also nib°, pari°.
DA i.280=SnA 448 (in Bdhgh's fanciful etym. of king Bim-
Bāheti [Caus. of bahati , cp. Sk. vāhayati] to carry, see sam°
bisāra, viz. bimbī ti suvaṇṇaṁ, sārasuvaṇṇa — sadisa —
(sambāhana, meaning rubbing, stroking). Whether atibāheti
vaṇṇatāya B.).
belongs here, is doubtful.
-jāla the red amaranth tree, the Bodhi tree of the former
Bidala (adj. n.) [cp. Sk. vidala in same meaning, fr. vi+dal] Buddha Dhammadassin J i.39; v.155. At J vi.497, 498 the
1. a kind of pulse, split pea J iv.353 (=mugga), in °sūpa hari- form is bimbajāla. The C. expl gives ratta-kuravaka as a
cot soup J iv.352. — 2. a split bamboo cane, in °mañcaka synonym.
a bedstead made of laths of split bamboo, the use of which is 1
Bila (nt.) [Vedic bila, perhaps fr. bhid to break, cp. K.Z. 12,
given as one of the characteristic features of the ascetic life d
123. Thus already expl by Dhtp 489: bila bhedane] a hole,
Vin ii.149; J i.9; DhA i.135. 1
den, cave A ii.33=S iii.85; Th 1, 189; Nd 362; J i.480; ii.53;
Bindu [cp. Vedic bindu & vindu] 1. a drop, usually a drop of vi.574 (=guhā C.); Miln 151; Sdhp 23. — kaṇṇa° orifice of
water Sn 392, 812 (uda°); J i.100; Vism 531 (madhu°); ThA the ear Vism 195; vammīka° ant's nest J iv.30; sota°=kaṇṇa°
281; PvA 98 (udaka°). — 2. a spot (cp. SBE xvii.155) Vism DhsA 310.
222 (°vicitvā gāvī a spotted cow). — 3. (as adj.) one of the -āsaya (adj.) living in holes, a cave — dweller, one of the
eight qualities of perfect sound (brahma — ssara, with ref. to four classes of animals (bil°, dak°, van°, rukkh°) S iii.85=A
the voice of Brahmā and of Buddha, cp. aṭṭhanga), which are ii.33; Nd 362; Bu ii.97; J i.18.
given at D ii.211= 227 as (saro hoti) vissaṭṭho ca viññeyyo ca 2 1
Bila (nt.) [identical with bila ] a part, bit J vi.153 (°sataṁ 100
mañjū ca savanīyo ca bindu [vv. ll. bandu & bhindu] ca avisārī
pieces); abl. bilaso (adv.) bit by bit M i.58=iii.91 (v. l. vi-

Bila Bujjhati

laso). At J v.90 in cpd. migābilaṁ (maṁsaṁ) it is doubtful frequently in figurative sense: see on similes J.P.T.S. 1907,
whether we should read mig'ābilaṁ (thus, as we have done, 116. — D i.135 (°bhatta seed — corn & food); iii.44 (the five
taking ābila=āvila), or migā — bilaṁ with a lengthened metri kinds: see below under °gāma); M i.457; S i.21, 134, 172, 227;
causâ, as the C. seems to take it (migehi khādita — maṁsato iii.54, 91; iv.315; A i.32 (ucchu°), 135, 223, 229, 239; iii.404;
atirittaṁ koṭṭhāsaṁ). iv.237; v.213 (ucchu°); Sn 77 (saddhā bījaṁ tapo vuṭṭhi, cp.
-kata cut into pieces, made into bits J v.266 (read macchā SnA 142 sq., where a detailed discussion on bīja is found),
bilakatā yathā for macchābhīlā katā y.). The C. here (p. 272) 209, 235 (khīṇa° adj. fig.); J i.242 (tiṇa° — ādīni grass and
expl as koṭṭhāsa — kata; at J vi.111 however the same phrase other seeds), 281; Pv i.1 ; Vism 555 (in simile); KhA 194
is interpreted as puñja — kata, i. e. thrown into a heap (like (on Sn 235, in another comparison); Sdhp 24, 270 sq., 318.
fish caught by a fisherman in nets). Both passages are applied nibbatta° (or nivatta°) (adj.) that which has dropped its seed
to fish and refer to tortures in Niraya. (hence a lawful food) Vin i.215, cp. ii.109; iv.35. — 2. ele-
Bila [cp. Sk. viḍa] a kind of salt Vin i.202; M ii.178, 181. ment, in udaka° whose element is the water J vi.160.
-gāma seed — group, seed — kingdom, seed — creation
Bilanga [etym. doubtful; one compares both Sk. viḍanga the plant
(opp. bhūta — gāma). There are 5 kinds of seeds usually
Embelia ribes, and vilanga the plant Erycibe paniculata] sour d d n
enum , e. g. at D i.5 (expl at DA i.77, trsl at Dial. i.6
gruel J vi.365 (=kañjiya); usually in stock phrase kaṇājaka
and passim), viz. mūla°, khandha°, phalu°, agga°, bija°, or
bilanga-dutiya (seed — cake?) accompanied by sour gruel
plants propagated by roots, cuttings, joints, buddings, shoots,
Vin ii.77, 78; S i.90; A i.145; iv.392; J i.228; iii.299; SnA
seeds (Dial. iii.40: tubers, shoots, berries, joints, seeds). The
94; DhA iii.10 (v. l. pilanka — °akaṁ); iv.77; VvA 222, 298
same set occurs at D iii.44, 47; Vin iv.34; SnA 144. — With-
out ref. to the 5 kinds at M iii.34; S v.46; Miln 33. -jāta
-thālika a certain torture, called "gruel — pot" (should species of seed S iii.54. -bīja one of the 5 groups of ed-
there be any relation to bila — kata under bila ?) A i.47; ible or useful plants, falling under bījagāma. It is expl at
ii.122; Nd 604 (v. l. khil°); Miln 197, 290, 358 (all passages
Vin iv.35 & DA i.81 by the terms pubbaṇṇa (i. e. the seven
in standard setting).
dhaññāni or grains, sāli, vīhi, yava, godhūma, kangu, varaka,
Bilangika (adj.) living on sour gruel; N. of a class of brāhmaṇas kudrūsa) and aparaṇṇa (i. e. beans and other leguminous
at Rājagaha S i.164. plants, and gourds such as mugga, māsa, tila, kulattha, alābu,
kumbhaṇḍa). -sakaṭa a cart ( — load) of seeds SnA 137.
Billa [cp. Ved. bilva] fruit of the Bilva tree, Aegle mar-melos or
Bengal quince, only in one stock phrase where its size is com- Bījaka [fr. bīja] scion, offspring Vin iii.18. — nīla° a water-plant
pared with sizes of smaller fruits, and where it is preceded by Vin iii.276 (C. on Vin iii.177).
āmalaka S i.150=A iv.170 (vv. ll. villa, bila, beḷu, bilāla)=Sn
Bījati & Bījanī are by — forms of vījati & vījanī (q. v.).
p. 125 (vv. ll. pillā billā, billa; T. reading after SS billi). Cp.
Bījin (—°) (adj.) [fr. bīja] having seed, only in cpd. eka° having
derivations bella & beluva.
one seed (for only one future life) left A i.233; S v.205; Nett
Biḷāra [etym. uncertain, prob. a loan — word; cp. late Sk. biḍāla
189, cp. A. iv.380; Kvu ii.471, see also KvuA in J.P.T.S. 1889,
& see also P. biḷāla. The Prk. forms are birāla & virāla, f.
birālī] a cat D ii.83; M i.128, 334; S ii.270; A iii.122 (viḷāra);
v.202, 289; Th 1, 1138; J i.461 (as representing deceit), 480; Bībhaccha (adj.) [cp. Epic Sk. bībhatsa, bībhatsate to feel dis-
gust. Not a des. fr. bādhate: see Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v.
v.406, 416, 418; Miln 118; DhA ii.152; PugA 225. On biḷāra
fastidium] disgusting, awful, horrible, dreadful J ii.276; iv.71
in similes cp. J.P.T.S. 1907, 116.
(°vaṇṇa), Sdhp 603. °dassana a disgusting sight, horrible to
-nissakkana ( — matta) (large enough) for a cat to creep
through A v.195. -bhastā (a bag of) catskin M i.128 (expl d behold J i.171; PvA 32, 56, 68, 99 (: all with ref. to Petas). —
The spelling bhībhaccha (after bhī) is sometimes found, e. g.
by Bdhgh as "biḷāra — camma — pasibbako"); Th 1, 1138. At
at J i.61; iv.491; v.42.
both passages in similes.
Bīraṇa [cp. Sk. vīraṇa & vīraṇī — mūla=uśīra Halāyudha 2, 467]
Biḷārikā (f.) [cp. Sk. biḍālikā] a she — cat J iii.265.
a fragrant grass, Andropogon muricatum S iii.137; (here repre-
Biḷāla [see biḷāra] a cat J i.110; ii.244; vi.593. pakkha a flying
sented as larger than the kusa & babbaja grasses, smaller than
fox J vi.538.
a tree).
Biḷāla [see bila ] a kind of salt Abhp 461.
Bujjhaka (adj.) [fr. budh] intelligent, prudent, judicicus, in a°
Biḷālī (f.) [f. of biḷāla=biḷāra, cp. Sk. biḍālī, also N. of a plant, Dpvs ix.17, foolish, imprudent, unmindful of their own inter-
see on Prk. chira — birālī=Sk. kṣīra — biḍālī Pischel Gr. § est (trsl suggested by E. Hardy as preferable to Oldenberg's
241] a bulbous plant, a tuber J iv.46 (=°vallīkanda, cp. gloss "unnoticed"). Morris, J.P.T.S. 1893, 69 suggests "not fight-
latātanta on kalamba), 371 (=°kanda Com. p. 373); vi.578. ing," thus making abujjhaka= avujjh°=ayujjh° (of yudh).
Cp. takkaḷa.
Bujjhati [budh, y — formation, corresp. to Sk. budhyate for the
Biḷibiḷikā (f.) [onomat. cp. E. babble] tittle — tattle S i.200= Th usual bodhate. The sense is that of a Med., but is also used
1, 119. Mrs. Rh. D. (Brethren 106 n.) trsl "finglefangle," not- as Act. with acc. of object, e. g. saccāni bujjhi he recog-
ing the commentator's paraphrase "vilivilikriyā" (lit. sticky — nised the truths Vism 209. — The Dhtp (414) and Dhtm (652)
sticky — action?). explain budh by "avagamane" (understanding, see ogamana),
Dhtm (242) also by "bodhane" (awakening). Bdhgh's expl n
Bīja (nt.) [cp. Vedic bīja] 1. seed, germ, semen, spawn. Used very

Bujjhati Buddha

of the meaning is "kilesa — santāna — niddāya uṭṭhahati cat- DA i.242; PvA 19). The news that a B. has appeared upon
tāri vā ariyasaccāni paṭivijjhati Nibbānam eva vā sacchikaroti" earth is a cause of the greatest rejoicing: opportunity to see
DhsA 217, cp. trsl at Expos. 294 "to rise from the slumber of him is eagerly sought (Vin ii.155; S i.210; DA i.248). The B.
the continuum of the lower nature, or a penetrating the Ariyan is always born in a brāhmaṇa or khattiya family. It is impos-
Truths, or a realizing Nibbāna"] to be awake, to be enlight- sible here to give all the references for the Buddhas or Bud-
ened in (acc.), to perceive, to know, recognise, understand D dhahood in general; see e. g. Vin iii.24 sq.; Dh 182 sq., 194,
ii.249; S i.74, 198; Dh 136, 286; Th 1, 146; J iii.331; iv.49, 195 (=sammā sambuddhā DhA iii.252), 387; J i.51; iii.128;
425; Miln 165, 348 (pot. bujjheyya); Dpvs i.14 (with gen.) Vism 442 (pubba — buddhā); PvA 20. — The remembrance
KhA 219 (so attho sukhaṁ b.). 3 pl. bujjhare Th 2, 453; of former births a B. shares with other classes of privileged
Bu ii.183. imper. bujjhassu Bu ii.183. — fut. bujjhissati Bu beings, only in a different (higher) degree. This faculty (in an
ii.65; aor. abujjhi Bu ii.211, and bujjhi J iv.425; Vism 209; ascending scale) is possessed by the foll. 6 classes: titthiyā,
pret. 3 sg. abujjhatha Bu vii.22. — ppr. bujjhamāna Sn pakati — sāvakā, mahā — sāvaka, agga — sāvakā, pacceka
395; Bu vii.22; DhA i.93. — pp. buddha (q. v.). — Caus. I. — buddhā, buddhā (see Vism 411). — B. The word Bud-
bodheti (q. v.). — Caus. II. bujjhāpeti to lead to knowledge dha is specially applied to the Buddha of the present world
or recognition J i.407. Two infinitives formed fr. bodh, but — age, Gotama by family — name. He is said to be the 25 th
belonging to budh are bodhuṁ J v.341, and boddhuṁ Th 1, of the series of former Buddhas (pubbā buddhā) S i.109, 140;
167. iv.52. — Seven Buddhas are mentioned in the earlier texts
& frequently referred to (cp. the 7 Rishis of the Vedic pe-
Bujjhana (nt.) [fr. budh] awakening, attaining to knowledge,
riod, see also under satta, No. 7). They are Vipassī, Sikhī,
recognition Ps i.18; Miln 194; DA i.51.
Vessabhū, Kakusandha, Konāgamana, Kassapa and Gotama
Bujjhanaka (adj.) [fr. bujjhana] endowed with knowledge, hav-
(D ii.5 — 7; S ii.5 — 11; cp. Th 1, 491; J ii.147). They are
ing the elements of bodhi, being enlightened DhsA 217.
also mentioned in an old formula against snake — bites (Vin
Bujjhitar [n. ag. of bujjhati] one who becomes enlightened or ii.110). The (allegorical) names of the predecessors of these
recognises Nd 457=Ps i.174=Vism 209 (bujjhitā saccāni, of in former ages are Dīpankara, Kondañña, Mangala, Sumana,
the Buddha). Revata, Sobhita, Anomadassī, Paduma, Narada, Padumuttara,
Sumedha, Sujāta, Piyadassī, Atthadassī, Dhammadassī, Sid-
Buḍḍha [for vuḍḍha, pp. of vṛdh, see vaḍḍhati] aged, old D
dhattha, Tissa, Phussa. — The typical career of a Buddha is
ii.162; J i.164 (°pabbajita one who has become an ascetic in
illustrated in the life of Gotama and the legends connected with
his old age). Compar. buḍḍhatara DhA ii.239 (v. l. K.B.S.
his birth, as they appear in later tradition. Before his last ex-
istence he practised the 10 perfections (pāramitā, q. v.) for
Buddha (adj.) [med. — pass. pp. of bujjhati, cp. Epic Sk.
many ages, & finally descended from the Tusita Heaven (see
buddha] (a) understood S i.35=60 (su — dub — buddha very
Buddhavaṁsa). He was born in a khattiya family and was
difficult to understand). — (b) having attained enlightenment,
distinguished by the 32 signs of a great man (Mahāpurisa —
wise A iv.449; PvA 16 (buddh' ādayo), 60 (=ariya). Usually lakkhaṇāni see D ii.17 sq. and similar passages; cp. Ud 48).
appl to the Bhagavant (Gotama) M i.386 (one of the adj. de-
His mother Māyā bore him painlessly and died seven days af-
scribing Gotama to Nigaṇṭha Nāthaputta); Sn 993. The true
ter his birth M iii.118 sq. — The story of each of the 25 Bud-
brāhmaṇa is buddha, e. g. Sn 622, 643, 646.
dhas is given in the Buddhavaṁsa, quoted in the introductory
Buddha [=buddha ] A. one who has attained enlightenment; a chapters of the Jātak' aṭṭhakathā. — Convinced that asceti-
man superior to all other beings, human & divine, by his cism was not the way to enlightenment, he renounced austeri-
knowledge of the truth, a Buddha. At A ii.38 the Buddha de- ties. He became enlightened when seated in meditation under
clares himself to be neither a god (deva) nor a Gandharva, nor an Assattha tree (Ficus religiosa, hence called Bodhi or Bo
a Yakṣa nor a man. — The word Buddha is an appellative, tree). At the supreme moment he was tempted by Māra, but
not a proper name (na mātarā kataṁ etc., vimokkh' antikaṁ vanquished the evil one. He was then ready to depart, but re-
etaṁ buddhānaṁ Bhagavantānaṁ bodhiyā mūle... paññatti) solved to remain in the world and preach the truth (M i.169;
Nd 458 & Ps i.174. — There are 2 sorts of B's, viz. Pacceka- Vin i.6; a rather diff. account A ii.20). That day he knew
buddhas or Buddhas who attain to complete enlightenment, and proclaimed himself to be the Buddha and his career as a
but do not preach the way of deliverance to the world, and teacher began (M i.171; Vin i.9; Sn 558). — Like all the other
Sammāsambuddhas, who are omniscient and endowed with Sammā — sambuddhas he founded an Order, converting and
the 10 powers (see bala), and whose mission is to proclaim gladdening men by his discourses. After a long life of teach-
the saving truth to all beings (cp. Miln 106). In this func- ing he attained Nibbāna (nibbānaṁ adhigacchi), and passed
tion the B's are Satthāro or teachers, Masters. In his rôle of utterly away: S i.210; D ii.156; Sn 83, 513, 1133 sq.; Miln
a preeminent man a Buddha is styled Bhagavā or Lord: Bud- 96. — The Epithets attributed to all the Buddhas are naturally
dho so Bhagavā M i.235; Pv ii.9 =DhA iii.219. — Besides assigned also to Gotama Buddha. Out of the almost endless
the 18 dhammā and the 10 balāni they are gifted with the 4 series of these we only give a few. He is adored as the highest
vesārajjāni (A ii.9, cp. Miln 106). These teachers appear upon and holiest of men (S i.47; iii.84; loke anuttaro, lokassa aggo;
the earth from time to time; the approach of the birth of a B. Miln 70). He is the supremely wise, the conqueror of the pow-
(buddh' — uppāda) is hailed by the acclamation of the worlds, ers of darkness, the teacher of gods (devas and yakkhas) and
they live the houseless life and found an Order (Buddha — pa- men S i.50, 132, 206. 301; A i.142; ii.33; iii.65; Sn 157 sq.
mukha bhikkhu — sangha Sn p. 111; Sn 81, 386; Miln 212; He is the ādicca-bandhu kinsman of the sun S i.186; and com-


Buddha Bundika

pared to a universal monarch (rājā cakkavattī) A i.76; iii.150 gives (after Lal. Vist. 183, 343) the foll. 18 āveṇikadharmas
and to the lion (sīha), the king of the animals A iii.122. He is ("extraordinary qualities") as such: (1) seeing all things past,
buddha-vīra Th 1, 47; the refuge of all beings M ii.305; DA (2) present, (3) future, (4) propriety of actions of the body, (5)
i.233; Miln 95; further appaṭipuggala S i.134; his teaching of speech, (6) of thought, (7) firmness of intuition, (8) of mem-
leads to enlightenment, to self — conquest, to security & de- ory, (9) of samādhi, (10) of energy, (11) of emancipation, (12)
liverance M i.235; Sn 454, 993; DA i.230. He himself is not of wisdom, (13) freedom from fickleness, (14) noisiness, (15)
to be reborn (antima — sarīro with his last body) S i.210; he confusedness, (16) hastiness, (17) heedlessness, (18) incon-
is vimutto, freed & has come to the end of sorrow A iv.258; siderateness. -pañha the name given to one question asked
S iii.65; full of compassion for all beings S i.25, 51; M ii.100; by Sāriputta, which the paribbājikā Kuṇḍalakesī was unable
he is bhisakko the physician A iv.340; magga-ññu, magga — to answer DhA ii.225. -pasanna finding one's happiness,
vidū, maggakovido S iii.66. — Under Buddh' anussati (Vism or believing in the B. Vin iv.39. -putta son of the B. said
198 sq.) we find the famous formula Bhagavā Arahaṁ Sam- of bhikkhus or arahants Miln 143, cp. S iii.83: puttā Bud-
māsambuddho vijjā — caraṇa — sampanno sugato lokavidū dhassa orasā. -bala the force of a B. (iddibala & paññā°)
anuttaro purisa — damma — sārathi Satthā devamanussānaṁ Bu i.3. -bījankura a future B. Bu ii.71. -bhāva condi-
buddho Bhagavā (D i.49≈), analysed & exegetically discussed. tion of a B. enlightenment J i.14, 147 (abuddhabhāva un —
Here (p. 209) "Buddha" is expl with the formula as found at buddhahood, of Devadatta); DA i.1. -bhūmi the ground of
Ps i.174; Nd 457. More explicitly with var. epithets at the Buddhahood Bu ii.175. -manta mystic verses of a B. DA
latter passage. This formula is one of the highest & most com- i.248. -māmaka devotedly attached to the B. DhA i.206
prehensive characterisations of a Buddha, & occurs frequently (+Dhamma°, Sangha°). -rakkhita saved by the B. (Np.) SnA
in the Canon, e. g. M i.179; S ii.69; v.343. — A khattiya by 534 (+Dhamma°). -rasmi (pl. °iyo) rays shining forth from
birth he is called a brāhmaṇa because he carries on the sacred the person of the Buddha; they are of 6 colours J i.501; SnA
tradition, and because he excels in wisdom, self — control and 132; Mhbv 6, 15, 38; VvA 207; DhsA 13. -rūpa form or fig-
virtue Miln 225. ure of the B. Vism 228 (Mārena nimmita, cp. Divy 162, 166;
-ânubuddha enlightened after the Enlightened one Th Buddha — nirmāṇa the magic figure of the B.). -līḷha (&
1, 679, 1246 (trsl "who next to our Great Waked one was °līḷhā) deportment, ease, grace of a Buddha J i.54; Mhbv 39;
awoke"). -ânubhāva the majestic power of the B. PvA 38, DhA i.33; ii.41. -vacana the word (teaching) of the Buddha
171. -ânussati mindfulness of the B., one of the 6 anus- Miln 17; KhA 13; SnA 274, 331. -visaya the sphere (of won-
satis (B.°, dhamma°, sangha°, sīla°, cāga°, devatā°) D iii.250, der), the range, scope or power of a Buddha (cp. buddha —
280; Vism 132 (where followed by upasamânussati and 4 other khetta) DhA i.33; ii.199; SnA 154, 228. -veneyya one able to
qualities making up the pīti — sambojjh'anga; see anussati), be led to enlightenment, accessible to Buddha's teaching SnA
197 sq. (the 10, as mentioned under anussati). -ankura a 15, 331. -sāsana the teaching (instructions) of the B. Dh 368,
nascent (lit. sprouting) Buddha, one who is destined to be 381. -sukumāla delicate, sensitive (to fatigue), as Buddhas
a B. DhA i.83. -antara a Buddha — interval, the period are DhA i.5.
between the appearance of one Buddha & the next Miln 3;
Buddhaka (—°) (adj.) [fr. buddha] in cpd. dvangula — buddhikā
DhA i.201 (the 4 last ones); iv.201; PvA 10, 14, 21, 47, 191.
(f.) possessing insight as much as 2 finger — breadths VvA
-ārammaṇa having its foundation or cause in the B., in °pīti
96. — The °ka belongs to the whole cpd.
joy, caused by contemplation of a B. J iii.405; Vism 143 (here
Buddhatā (f.) [abstr. fr. buddha] enlightenment, wisdom DhA
as ubbegā — pīti). -ûpaṭṭhāna B. — worship DhA i.101;
iv.228; ThA 4 (Buddha — subuddhatā). — Cp. buddhatta.
PvA 93. -uppāda the coming into existence of a Buddha,
time or age in which a B. was born (opp. buddh' antara), a Bud- Buddhati to obstruct, withhold etc.: see pali°.
dha — period J i.59; Mhbv 12; VbhA 50; ThA 28. -kara mak-
Buddhatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. buddha] state of (perfect) enlighten-
ing a B., bringing about Buddhahood J i.20. -kāraka=°kara
ment, (attainment of) Buddhahood J iii 363 (sabbadhammā-
Mhbv 9. -kāla the time of a B. Vism 91 (Buddhakālo viya pa-
naṁ b.); Vism 209 (buddhattā Buddho); Mhbv 12. Cp. bud-
vattati it is like the time of the B.) -kula Buddha — clan SnA
dhatā and abhisambuddhatta.
532 (B. — pitā, °mātā ibid.). -kolāhala the announcement
Buddhi (f.) [fr. budh; cp. Class. Sk. buddhi] wisdom, intelli-
of a Buddha, one of the 5 kolāhalas (q. v.) KhA 121, cp. J
gence D iii.165 (in sequence saddhā sīla suta b. cāga etc.); J
i.48. -khetta field or region of (or for the existence of) a Bud-
iii.369; v.257; Miln 349; Sdhp 263. The ref. Vism 439 should
dha Vism 414 (divided into 3 spheres: jātikkhetta, āṇākkhetta,
be read vuddhi for b°.
visayakkhetta, see khetta). -gata directed or referring to the
-carita one whose behaviour or character is wisdom Vism
B. S i.211 (sati); Dh 296. -guṇa quality of a B., virtue, char-
104 (=paññavā). -sampanna endowed with (highest) wisdom
acter of a Buddha J i.27; ii.147; Bu ii.177; Mbhv 80; KhA 121
PvA 39.
(cp. App.). -cakkhu the eye of a Buddha, i. e. an eye (or the
faculty) of complete intuition Vin i.6; ThA 2; see discussed in Buddhika (adj.) [ — °) [fr. buddhi] intelligent, in cpds a° unin-
detail at Nd 359=Nd 235 ; cp. cakkhu. -ñāṇa knowledge telligent & sa° possessed of wisdom Miln 76.
of a B., which is boundless (cp. Saddh. 73, J.P.T.S. 1887, 40) Buddhimant (adj.) [fr. buddhi] possessing insight, full of
Bu i.64 (appameyya); x.5 (cuddasa). -dhamma Buddhahood right knowledge Vin ii.195; J v.257; Miln 21, 294; PvA 131
Miln 276; pl. condition or attributes of a B. J i.20; referred to (paṇḍita, b., sappañña — jātika).
as 6 at Nd 143= Nd 466 (bhāgī channaṁ °ānan ti Bhagavā),
Bunda [Vedic budhna] the root of a tree Abhp 549.
as 18 at Miln 105, 285. Kern (Manual & Grundriss iii.8, p. 63)

Bundika Bodhi

Bundika in cpd. °ābaddha is of uncertain origin; the whole the 37 constituents of Arahantship, viz. the 30 above — men-
means a sort of seat or bedstead (fixed up or tied together with tioned qualities (counting magga as one), with addition of
slats?) Vin ii.149; iv.40, 357. sīlesu paripūrikāritā, indriyesu gutta — dvāratā, bhojane mat-
taññutā, jāgariy' ânuyoga, sati — sampajaññaṁ (see e. g. Nd 1
Bubbuḷa (& Bubbula) [cp. Epic Sk. budbuda] a bubble. On simi-
14; Nd s. v. satipaṭṭhāna & sīla); cp. Th 1, 161, 162; Th 2, 21
les cp. J.P.T.S. 1907, 117. — Usually of a waterbubble udaka°
(maggā nibbāna — pattiyā); DhsA 217 (bodhāya saṁvattantī
S iii.141; A iv.137; J v.216; Miln 117; Vism 109; DhA iii.209;
ti bojjhangā etc.; also def. as "bodhissa ango ti pi bojjhango
VbhA 33 (as unsubstantial to which vedanā are likened). In
sen' angarath' ang' ādayo viya). They are also called the parib-
other connection at J i.68 (of cooking gruel).
hoga — bhaṇḍāni or "insignia" of the Buddha Miln 330.
Bubbuḷaka=bubbuḷa, viz. 1. a bubble DhA iii.166; Miln 118. —
-kosalla proficiency in the constituents of wisdom Vism
2. the iris of the eye Th 2, 395 (cp. Morris, in J.P.T.S. 1884,
89, but according to ThA 259 the reading pubbaḷhaka is to be 1
Bodha [fr. budh; the usual] form is sambodha=bodhi, viz.
knowledge, wisdom, enlightenment, Buddhaship D iii.54 (v.
Bubhukkhita [pp. of bubhukkhati, Desid. of bhuñjati] wishing
l. sam°); DhsA 217; in phrase bodhāya maggo J i.67; Miln
to eat, hungry J ii.14; v.70; Miln 66; Dāvs iii.32.
244, 289; and in bodha-pakkhiyadhammā (for which usu-
Būḷha [for vūḷha, cp. Sk. vyūḍha for the usual vyūha, q. v.] array ally bodhi°) SnA 164 (where given as 37); complementary to
of troops J i.387. santi (arousing, soothing) Th 1, 342. bodhangama leading to
enlightenment (dhammā) Nett 31, 83 (v. l. bojjh°).
Būha see vyūha.
Bodha see pali°.
Beluva & Beḷuva [the guṇa — form of billa, in like meaning. It
is the diaeretic form of Sk. *bailva or *vailva, of which the Bodhana (nt.) [fr. bodheti] 1. knowing Miln 168 (cp. S v.83).
contracted form is P. bella] 1. the Vilva tree, Aegle marmelos — 2. (adj.) enlightening, teaching Bu 26, 22 (pacchima —
M i.108; ii.6; J iv.363, 368; vi.525, 560. — 2. wood of the jana°).
Vilva tree S i.22; D ii.264; Mhbv 31.
Bodhanīya (adj.) [grd. fr. bodheti] capable of being enlightened,
-pakka ripe fruit of the Vilva J v.74. -paṇḍu( -vīṇā) a
worthy to be taught Bu 5, 31. See also bodhaneyya.
yellow flute made of Vilva wood, representing a kind of magic
Bodhaneyya (adj.) [fr. bodheti, see bodhanīya] capable of be-
flute which according to SnA 393 first belonged to Māra, and
ing enlightened, to be taught the truth Bu 2, 195 (jana); Miln
was then given to Pañcasikha, one of the Heavenly Musicians,
169 (yena yogena bodhaneyyā sattā bujjhanti tena y. bod-
by Sakka. See Vism 392 (attributed to Pañcasikha); DhA i.433 n
heti); otherwise in comb bodhaneyya-bandhavo the (Bud-
(of Māra; v. l. veḷuvadaṇḍa — vīṇā); iii.225 (of P.); SnA 393
dha's) relations (or fellowmen) who are able to be enlightened
(v. l. veluva°). -laṭṭhi a young sprout of the Vilva tree KhA
J i.345=DhA i.367; J v.335.
118. -salāṭuka the unripe fruit of the Vilva, next in size to
the smaller kola, surpassed in size by the ripe billa or billi S Bodhi (f.) [fr. budh, cp. Vedic bodhin — manas having an atten-
i.150=A iv.170=Sn p. 125. tive mind; RV v.75, 5; viii.82, 18] (supreme) knowledge, en-
lightenment, the knowledge possessed by a Buddha (see also
Bella (m. & nt.) [=beluva, q. v.] the fruit of the Vilva tree (a
sambodhi & sammā — sambodhi) M i.356; ii.95=D iii.237
kind of citron?) J iii.77 (C. beluva); vi.578. Also in doubtful
(saddho hoti, saddahati Tathāgatassa bodhiṁ); D iii.159 (anut-
passage at J iii.319 (v. l. mella, phella).
taraṁ pappoti bodhiṁ), 165 (id.); S i.103, 196; v.197 sq.; A
Bojjha (nt.) [orig. grd. of bujjhati or bodheti] a matter to be
ii.66; VbhA 310 (def.). Bodhi consists of 7 elements called
known or understood, subject of knowledge or understanding
bojjhangā or sambojjhangā, and is attained by the accom-
Nett 20.
plishment of the perfections called bodhi — pācanā dhammā
Bojjhanga [bodhi+anga; cp. BSk. bodhyanga, e. g. Lal. Vist. (see under cpds. & cp. bodhi — pakkhiya — dhammā). The
37, where the 7 are given at Divy 208] a factor or constituent Buddha is said to have found the Path followed by former Bud-
of knowledge or wisdom. There are 7 bojjhangas usually re- dhas, who "catusu satipaṭṭhānesu supatiṭṭhitacittā satta — bo-
ferred to or understood from the context. There are enum at jjhange yathābhūtaṁ bhāvetvā anuttaraṁ sammā — sambod-
several places, e. g. at D iii.106, where they are mentioned hiṁ abhisambujjhiṁsu" S v.160. The moment of supreme en-
in a list of qualities (dhammā) which contribute to the greatest lightenment is the moment when the Four Truths (ariya — sac-
happiness of gods and man, viz. the 4 satipaṭṭhānā, 4 samma- cāni) are grasped S v.423. Bodhi is used to express the lofty
padhānā, 4 iddhipādā, 5 indriyāni, 5 balāni & the 7 bojjhangas knowledge of an ascetic (Bodhi — paribbājaka Np. J v.229
and ariya aṭṭhangika magga, 37 in all. The same list we find at sq.), and the stage of enlightenment of the Paccekabuddha
Divy 208. — The 7 b. (frequently also called sambojjhangā) (paccekabodhi J iii.348; pacceka — bodhi — ñāṇa J iv.114;
are sati, dhamma-vicaya, viriya, pīti, passaddhi, samādhi, paccekasambodhi SnA 73), as distinguished from sammāsam-
upekhā or mindfulness, investigation of the Law, energy, rap- bodhi.
ture, repose, concentration and equanimity (DhsA 217, cp. Ex- -ṭṭhāna the state of Bodhi, state of enlightenment. Dpvs
positor ii.294). — D ii.79, 83, 120, 303; iii.101, 128, 284; M 2.61. -pakkhika=pakkhiya (& pakkhika, e. g. A
i.11, 61; ii.12; iii.85, 275; S i.54; v.82, 110; A i.14; iv.23; iii.70=300; Th 1, 900; cp. bodha°) belonging to enlighten-
Nd 14, 45, 171 (°kusala), 341; Kvu i.158; Dhs 358, 528, ment, usually referred to as the 37 bodhipakkhiyā dhammā
1354; Vbh 199 sq., 227 sq.; Vism 160; Miln 340; DhA i.230; qualities or items constituting or contributing to Bodhi, which
VbhA 120, 310; ThA 27, 50, 160. They are counted among are the same as enum under bojjhanga (q. v.). They are

Bodhi Byasana

enum & discussed at Vism 678 sq. and mentioned at many "throne"), on which the Buddha was seated at the time of at-
other passages of the Abhidhamma, e. g. Vbh 244, 249; taining highest enlightenment. The term is only found in very
Nett 31, 197, 240, 261; and in the Commentaries, e. g. J late canonical and post — canonical literature. Bu ii.65, 183;
i.275; iii.290; v.483; DhA i.230. When they are increased to Vism 203; J iv.228, 232; Mhbv 79; SnA 2, 30, 225, 258, 281,
43 they include the above with the addition of aniccasaññā; 340, 391, 441; DhA i.86; ii.69; iv.72; ThA 2. Cp. BSk. bod-
dukkha°, anatta°, pahāna°, virāga°, nirodhasaññā, thus at Nett himaṇḍa Divy 392. -maha feast in honour of the Bo tree J
112, 237. In the older texts we do not find any numbered lists iv.229. -mūla the root or foot of the Bo tree SnA 32, 391; cp.
of the b. — p. — dhammā. At A iii.70 only indriyesu gut- Bodhiyā mūle Nd 172, 458=Ps i.174. -rukkha the Bodhi
tadvāratā, bhojane mattaññutā and jāgariy' ânuyoga are men- tree Vin i.1.
tioned in connection with bodhipakkhikā dhammā in general. 1
Bodhetar [n. ag. fr. bodheti] awakener, enlightener Nd 457; Ps
At S v.227, 239 sq. (so read in Vbh preface xiv. for 327,
i.174; Vism 209.
337!) the term is applied to the 5 indriyas: saddh' indriyaṁ,
Bodheti [Caus. of bujjhati] 1. to awaken to the truth, to enlighten
viriy°, sati°, samādhi°, paññ°. A more detailed discussion of
S i.170; Bu ii.195. aor. bodhesi Vism 209, abodhayi Bu
the bodhi — p — dhammā and their mention in the Piṭakas
ii.196 & bodhayi Bu v.31; xxv.6 inf. bodhuṁ: see bujjhati,
is found in Mrs. Rh. D.'s preface to the Vbh edition, pp.
& bodhetuṁ J iv.393. grd. bodhabba D ii.246; A iv.136. —
xiv. — xvi. Of BSk. passage may be mentioned Divy 350
2. to make aware (of), to make known J vi.412; SnA 444.
(saptatriṁśad — bodhi — pakṣān dharmān amukhī — kṛtya
pratyekāṁ bodhiṁ sākṣātkṛtavantah) & 616 (bodhipakṣāṁs Bondi [etym. doubtful, one proposed by Morris, J.P.T.S. 1889,
tān dharmān Bhagavān saṁprakāśayati sma). -paripāka the 207 derives it fr. bandh=bundh to bind, which is an erroneous
maturing of enlightenment Vism 116. -pācana ripening of comparison; on his hint "probably cognate with E. body" cp.
knowledge (of a Buddha); adj. leading to enlightenment Bu Walde, Lat. Wtb. under fidelia. The orig. meaning may have
ii. 121 sq.; Cp i.1 (cp. J i.22). It is a late term. The b. been, as Morris suggests, "trunk." It certainly is a dial. word]
dhammā are the 10 perfections (pāramiyo), i. e. dāna°, sīla°, body Pv iv.3 ; J i.503; ii.160; iii.117; PvA 254.
nekkhamma°, paññā°, viriya°, khanti°, sacca°, adhiṭṭhāna°,
Bya° etc. (byā°, byu°) words not found under these initials are to
mettā°, upekhā°. -satta (1) a "bodhi — being," i. e. a be-
be looked up under vya° etc.
ing destined to attain fullest enlightenment or Buddhaship. A rd
Byagā 3 sg. aor. of vi+gam, to depart, to be lost, perish Th 1,
Bodhisatta passes through many existences & many stages of
progress before the last birth in which he fulfils his great des-
tiny. The "amhākaṁ Bodhisatto," or "our Bodhisatta" of the Byaggha [cp. Sk. vyāghra] a tiger J ii.110; Sdhp 388. f. byaggh-
Buddhist Texts (e. g. Vism 419 (imasmiṁ kappe ayam eva inī Miln 67.
Bhagavā Bodhisatta — bhūto); DA i.259) refers to Gotama,
Byañjana (nt.) [cp. Sk. vyañjana] 1. sign, mark: see vyañjana.
whose previous existences are related in the Jātaka collection. — 2. the letter, as compared with attha, the spirit or meaning;
These tales illustrate the wisdom & goodness of the future thus in phrase atthato byañjanato ca according to the mean-
Buddha, whether as an animal, a god, or a human being. In his ing & the letter Miln 18, 345; Nett 23. As vyañjana is the
last existence before attaining Buddhahood he is a man. Ref- more usual (& classical) form, other refs. will be found under
erence is made to a Bodhisatta or the B. at very many places vyañjana.
throughout the Canon. See e. g. M i.17, 163, 240; S ii.5;
Byatta (adj.) [cp. P. vyatta; Sk. vyakta] experienced, learned
iii.27; iv.233; v.263, 281, 317; A ii.130; iii.240; iv.302, 439;
Miln 21.
Vism 15, 116, 499; SnA 52 (pacceka°), 67, 72. — (2) N. of
the author of a Pali grammar, used by Kaccāyana (not extant): Byattatā (f.) [fr. byatta] experience, learning Miln 349. See also
see Windisch, Proceedings of XIV Or. Congress, Vol. i.290. pari°.
-sambhāra (pl.) conditions (lit. materials) necessary for the
Byanti° in °bhavati, bhāva etc. see vyanti°.
attainment of bodhi J i.1; vi.595; Mbvs 12.
Byapagata [=vy — apa — gata] departed, dispelled Miln 225.
Bodhi [=bodhi ] the tree of wisdom, the sacred Bo tree, the fig
Byappatha [so for byappattha; according to Kern, Toev. s. v.
tree (Assattha, Ficus religiosa) under which Gotama Buddha
the word is a distortion fr. *vyāpṛta (for which usually P.
arrived at perfect knowledge. The tree is near the spot where 3
vyāvaṭa) of vy+ā+pṛ , pṛṇoti to be busy or active] busy, ac-
Buddhagāya is now, about 60 miles fr. Patna. It is regarded by n
tive. Thus Kern, but the trsl is not satisfactory. It occurs only
pilgrims as the centre of the world (cp. pathavī — nābhi mahā d
at 2 passages; Vin iv.2, where comb with vācā, girā, vacīb-
— bodhimaṇḍo Mbvs 79). It is also spoken of as Mahābodhi
heda, and meaning "mode of speech," and at Sn 961, where it
(e. g. J iv.228; Vism 403). — Vism 72, 299, 342; DhA i.105;
has the same meaning & is referred by Nd 472 to a mode of
ThA 62; VbhA 473.
speech & expl by SnA 572 by vacana. Thus the derivation
-angaṇa the courtyard in which the Bo tree stands DA
fr. pṛ with vyā° can hardly be claimed to be correct for Bd-
i.191; Vism 188 (°vatta); VbhA 349. -tala "Bodhifounda-
hgh's conception of the word; to him it sounded more likely
tion," i. e. the place or ground of the B. tree, otherwise bodhi
like vy+ā+patha (cp. cpds. vacana — patha & vāda — patha),
— maṇḍa J i.105; Mhbv 9; DhA i.117. -pakka fruit of the Bo
thus "way of speaking."
tree J iv.229. -pādapa the Bodhi tree Mbhv 1. -pūjā ven-
eration of, or offerings to the Bo tree Mhbv 81. -maṇḍa (for Byamha [cp. vyamha] a celestial mansion, a Vimāna Vv 52 . As
°maṇḍala) the ground under the Bodhi tree, hence the spot (or vyamha at J iv.464.

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