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Pali English Dictionary.

Thī Theyya

other, more usual (& dial.) form is itthi] a woman J i.295, Thūpa [Vedic stūpa, crown of the head, top, gable; cp. Gr.
300; v.296 (thī — pura), 397; vi.238. στύπος (handle, stalk). Oicel. stūfr (stump), to *steud as in
tudati] a stupa or tope, a bell — shaped pile of earth, a mound,
Thīna (nt.) [Sk. styāna; orig. pp. of styāyate to become hard,
tumulus, cairn; dome, esp. a monument erected over the ashes
to congeal; steiǮā (cp. also thira)=Gr. στέας grease, tale; Lat.
of an Arahant (otherwise called dhātugabbha=dāgaba), or on
stīpo to compress; also Sk. stimita (motionless)=P. timi; stīma
(slow), Mhg. stīm; Goth. etc. stains=E. stone; Gr. στϊϕος spots consecrated as scenes of his acts. In general as tomb:
Vin iv.308; J iii.156 (mattika°)=Pv i.8 ; in special as tope: D
(heap); Lat. stīpes (pale); Ohg. stīf=E. stiff] stiffness, ob-
ii.142, 161, 164 sq.; A i.77; M ii.244; J v.39 (rajata°); VvA 156
duracy, stolidity, indifference (cp. thaddha & tandī, closely
(Kassapassa bhagavato dvādasayojanikaṁ kanaka°); Ud 8; Pv
related in meaning). Together with middha it is one of the 5 5
iii.10 . Four people are thūpârahā, worthy of a tope, viz. a
hindrances (nīvaraṇāni) to Arahantship (see below). Def. as
Tathāgata, a Tathāgatasāvaka, a Paccekabuddha, a Cakkavat-
cittassa akammaññatā, unwieldiness or impliability of mind
(=immobility) at Nd 290=Dhs 1156, 1236=Nett 86; as citta tin D ii.143= A ii.245. — At Dpvs vi.65 th. is to be corrected
into dhūpaṁ.
— gelaññaṁ morbid state of mind ("psychosis") at DA i.211.
— Sn 942 (niddaṁ tandiṁ sahe thīnaṁ pamādena na saṁ- Thūpika (adj.) [from thūpa. The ika applies to the whole
vase), 1106; Vbh 352 (=Nd 290 as expl of līnatta); Vism compound] having domed roofs ("house — tops") J vi.116
262 (°sineha, where p. 361 reads patthinna°). (of a Vimāna=dvādasayojanika maṇimayakañcanathūpika; cp.
-middha sloth & drowsiness, stolidity & torpor; two of p. 117: pañcaṭhūpaṁ vimānaṁ, expl as pañcahi kūṭāgārehi
the 5 nīvaraṇāni (Dhs. trsl. pp. 120, 310) Vin ii.200 (vigata°); samannāgataṁ).
D i.71, 246; iii.49, 234, 269, 278; S i.99; iii.106; v.277 sq.; A
Thūpikata (adj.) [thūpa+kata] "made a heap," heaped of an alms
iii.69 sq.; 421; Sn 437 (pañcamī senā Mārassa); It 27, 120; Ps.
— bowl: so full that its contents bulge out over the top Vin
i.31, 45, 162; ii.12, 169, 179, 228; Pug 68; Dhs 1154, 1486;
Vism 469; Sdhp 459.
Thūla (a) & Thulla (b) (the latter usual in cpds.) (adj.) [Vedic
Thīyati see patiṭṭhīyati.
sthūla (or sthūra); cp. Lith. storas (thick); Lat. taurus, Goth.
Thīyanā (f.) & thīyitatta (nt.) [abstr. formations from stiur, Ags. steor (bull=strong, bulky); Ohg. stūri (strong).
thīna]=thīna, in exegesis at Nd 290≈(see thīna); Vbh 352. From sthā: see thīna, cp. thūṇā. To ūl: ull cp. cūḷa: culla]
compact, massive; coarse, gross; big, strong, clumsy; com-
Thuta [cp. pp. of thavati] praised DhsA 198; J iv.101 (sada°=sadā
mon, low, unrefined, rough D i.223; Sn 146 (aṇuka°), 633
thuto niccapasattho); Miln 278 (vaṇṇita th. pasattha).
(id.); Dh 31, 265, 409; J i.196 (b); Dhs 617; KhA 246; PvA 73,
Thuti (f.) [cp. thavati] praise J iv.443 (thutiṁ karoti); VvA 158.
74 (of a cloak); VvA 103; Sdhp 101, 346. — thullāni gajjati
Thunati [see thaneti] 1. to moan, groan, roar S v.148 (thunaṁ to speak rough words J i.226 (=pharusavacanāni vadati).
ppr.; v. l. thanaṁ); Vv 52 (of beings in Niraya, otherwise -anga (adj.) heavy — limbed J i.420; -accaya a grave of-
ghosenti), v.l.SS thananti (better?). — 2. to proclaim; shout, fence Vin i.133, 167, 216; ii.110, 170 etc.; Vism 22. -kacchā
praise (confused with thavati) Sn 884. thick scurf Vin i.202; -kumārī (Vin. v.129) & kumārikā
Thulla see thūla. a stout, fat girl J iii.147; iv.220 (Com. pañcakāmaguṇika —
rāgena thūlatāya thullak° ti vuccati); Vism 17. -phusitaka
Thusa (nt.) [Vedic tuṣa (m.)] husk of grain, chaff A i.242 (to-
(deva) (the rain — god, probably with reference to the big
gether w. other qualities of corn); J iv.8; Vism 346.— athusa
drops of the rain cp. DA i.45) S iii.141; v.396; A i.243; ii.140
D iii.199.
(a); v.114 sq.; DhA iii.243; -vajja a grave sin Vin ii.87 (a);
-aggi a fire of husks Nett 23; -odaka gruel (=sabbasamb-
M ii.250; -vattha a coarse garment J v.383; -sarīra (adj.)
hārehi kataṁ sovīrakaṁ Pug A 232) D i.166= A i.295=Pug
fat, corpulent J i.420; iv.220 (opp. kisa thin); -sāṭaka coarse
55; -pacchi a bird stuffed with chaff, a straw — bird J i.242;
cloth DhA i.393 (a).
-piṇḍa a lump of husks Vin ii.151; -rāsi a heap of h. DhA
Thūlatā (f.) [abstr. to thūla] coarseness, roughness, vileness J
i.309; -homa an oblation of h. D i.9 (=DA i.93; v. l. BB
kana, for kaṇa; cp. kaṇahoma D i.9).
Theta (adj.) [Sk. from tiṭṭhita, Müller P. Gr. 7=sthātṛ] firm, re-
Thūṇā (f.) [Vedic sthūṇā from sthā, standing fast, as in thambha,
liable, trustworthy, true D i.4 (DA i.73: theto ti thiro; ṭhita —
thīna, etc. Nearest relation is thāvara (=thūrā, on r: ṇ=l (thūla): 2
katho ti attho); M i.179; S iv.384; A ii.209=Pug 57; Nd 623.
n see tūṇī). Cp. Gr. σταυρός (post); Lat. restauro (to prop
— abl. thetato in truth S iii.112. — attheta J iv.57 (=athira).
up again); Gr. στϋλος pillar, "style"; Goth. stojan etc. (see
thāvara); Ags. styran=E. steer, Ger. steuer] a pillar, prop, Thena [Vedic stena & stāyu, besides which tāyu, the latter prob.
support A ii.198; Vv 54 (=thambha VvA 245); DA i.124. original, cp. Gr. τϋτάω to deprive; Oir. tāid thief, to a root
Esp. the sacrificial post in phrase thūṇûpanīta "lead to sacri- meaning "conceal"] a thief adj. stealing: athenena not steal-
fice" (yūpa — sankhātuṁ thūṇaṁ upa° DA i.294): D i.127≈S ing, not stealthily, openly D i.4; DA i.72. f. athenī A iii.38.
i.76≈DhA ii.7; J iii.45. kumbhathūṇā a sort of drum D i.6 Cp. kumbhatthena Vin ii.256 (see k.).
etc. (see kumbha, where also kumbha -thūṇika Vin iv.285).
Thenaka [=prec.] a thief J vi.115.
— eka-thūṇaka with one support J iv.79.
Theneti [Denom. fr. thena] to steal, to conceal J iv.114; DhA
Thūṇira [der. fr. thūṇā] house — top, gable Th 1, 184 (=kan-ṇikā
Theyya (nt.) [Vedic steya] theft Vin i.96; A i.129; Sn 119

Theyya Daka

(theyyā adinnaṁ ādiyati); 242, 967 (°ṁ na kareyya); Vv 15 (: same function. — Note. thera in thero vassiko at S iv.161 is
theyyaṁ vuccati thenabhāvo VvA 72); Miln 264, 265; Vism to be read tero — vassiko.
43 (°paribhoga); DA i.71; Sdhp 55, 61. -gāthā hymns of senior bhikkhus, N. of a canonical book,
-citta intending to steal Vin iii.58; -saṁvāsaka one who incorporated in the Khuddaka — Nikāya. Theratara, very se-
lives clandestinely with the bhikkhus (always foll. by titthiya- nior, opp to navatara, novice D ii.154. -vāda the doctrine of
pakkantaka) Vin i.86, 135, 168, 320; v.222; Miln 310; - the Theras, the original Buddhist doctrine M i.164; Dpvs iv.6,
sankhātaṁ (adv.) by means of theft, stealthily D iii.65 sq., 13.
133; A iii.209; iv.370 sq.; v.264.
Theraka (adj.) strong (?), of clothes: therakāni vatthāni D ii.354
Thera [Vedic sthavira. Derivation uncertain. It may come from (vv. ll. thevakāni, dhorakāni, corakāni).
sthā in sense of standing over, lasting (one year or more), cp.
Therī & Therikā (f.) [see thera] 1. an old woman (cp. sthavirikā
thāvara old age, then "old=venerable"; (in meaning to be com- 6
M Vastu iii.283) Pv ii.11 (=thāvarijiṇṇā PvA 149). — 2. a
pared w. Lat. senior, etc. from num. sem "one"=one year old,
female thera (see cpds.), as therikā at Th 2, 1; Dpvs xviii. 11.
i. e. lasting over one and many more years). Cp. also ve-
-gāthā hymns of the therīs, following on the Theragāthā
tus=Gr. ε῎τος, year, E. wether, one year old ram, as cpd. w. (q. v.).
veteran, old man. Or it may come from sthā in der. *stheṷā
Theva (m.?) [see etym. under thīna, with which cp. in mean-
in sthūra (sthūla: see etym. under thūla) thus, "strong= ven-
ing from same root Gr. στοιβή & Lat. stīria, both= drop.
erable"] t.t. only used with ref. to the bhikkhus of Gotama
Cp. also thika. Not with Trenckner (Notes p. 70) fr. stip]
Buddha's community. — (a) (adj.) senior, Vin i.47, 290 (th.
a drop; stagnant water. In Vin. only in phrase: cīvaraṁ...
bhikkhū opp. navā bh.), 159 (th. bhikkhu a senior bh. opp. to
na acchinne theve pakkamitabbaṁ Vin i.50, 53=ii.227, 230; J
navaka bh. a novice), 187; ii.16, 212. Therânutherā bhikkhū
vi.530 (madhu — ttheva a drop of honey).
seniors & those next to them in age dating not from birth,
but from admission to the Order). Three grades are distin- Thevati [fr. theva; orig. "to be congealed or thick"] to shine, glit-
guished, thera bh., majjhima bh., nava bh., at D i.78. — See ter, shimmer (like a drop) J vi.529 (=virocati p. 530).
also A ii.23, 147, 168; v.201, 348; D iii.123 sq., 218; Dh 260,
Thoka (adj.) [for etymology see under thīna] little, small, short,
261. In Sangha — thera, used of Bhikkhus not senior in the
insignificant; nt. a trifle. A iv.10; J vi.366; PvA 12 (kāla): nt.
Order, the word thera means distinguished. Vin ii.212, 303.
thokaṁ as adv.=a little J i.220; ii.103, 159; v.198; PvA 13,
In Mahāthera the meaning, as applied to the 80 bhikkhus so
38, 43. — thokaṁ thokaṁ a little each time, gradually, little
called, must also have some similar meaning Dīpv iv.5 Psalms
by little Dh 121, 239; Miln 9; SnA 18; PvA 168.
of the Brethren xxxvi.; J v.456. At A ii.22 it is said that a
Thokaka (adj.)=thoka; fem. thokikā Dh 310.
bhikkhu, however junior, may be called thera on account of
his wisdom. It is added that four characteristics make a man Thoma [Vedic stoma a hymn of praise] praise.
a thera — high character, knowing the essential doctrines by Thomana (nt.) & thomanā (f.) [see thavati] praising, praise, lau-
heart, practising the four Jhānas, and being conscious of hav- dation J i.220 (=pasaṁsa); Pug 53; PvA 27.
ing attained freedom through the destruction of the mental in-
Thometi [denom. fr. thoma; cp. thavati] to praise, extol, cele-
toxications. It is already clear that at a very early date, before
brate (often with vaṇṇeti) D i.240; Sn 679, 1046; Nd 291;
the Anguttara reached its extant shape, a secondary meaning
J vi.337; SnA 272 (=thutuṁ); VvA 102; PvA 196. — pp.
of thera was tending to supplant that of senior — that is, not
thomita J i.9.
the senior of the whole Order, but the senior of such a part of
the Sangha as live in the same locality, or are carrying out the

-D- euphonic consonant inserted to avoid hiatus: (a) orig. only Sn 234; kāma° J vi.498; Pv ii.13 ; ambu° giving water, i. e.
sandhi — cons. in forms ending in t & d (like tāvat, kocid, a cloud Dāvs v.32; amatamagga° Sdhp 1; uḷāraphala° ib. 26;
etc.) & thus restored in cpds. where the simplex has lost it; maṁsa° Pgdp 49, etc.
(b) then also transferred to & replacing other sandhi — cons. Daṁsaka: see vi°.
(like puna — d — eva for punar eva). — (a) dvipa — d —
Daṁseti (for dasseti): see upa°; pavi°, vi°.
uttama Sn 995; koci — d — eva PvA 153; kincid — eva ibid.
70; tāva — d — eva ib. 74; yāva — d — atthaṁ ib. 217; ahu Daka (nt.) [=udaka, aphaeretic from comb like sīto-daka which
— d — eva Miln 22 etc. — (b) puna — d — eva Pv ii.11 (v. was taken for sīto+daka instead of sīt' odaka] Vin iii.112; S
l. BB); DhA ii.76; samma — d — eva Sn p. 16; VvA 148; iii.85; A ii.33=Nd 420 B (: the latter has udaka, but Nd 14
PvA 66 etc.; cp. SnA 284. bahu — d — eva J i.170. daka).
-āsaya (adj.) (beings) living in water A ii.33≈; -ja
-Da (adj.) [Suffix of dā, see dadāti] giving, bestowing, present-
(adj.) sprung from water, aquatic J i.18 (thalajā d pupphā);
ing, only -°, as anna°, bala°, vaṇṇa°, sukha°, Sn 297; vara°

Daka Daṇḍa

-rakkhasa a water — sprite J i.127, 170; vi.469. uddisati) to designate a gift to a particular person (with dat.)
Dakkha (adj.) [Vedic dakṣa=Gr. ἀρι δείκετος & δεςιός; dakṣati Vin i.229=D ii.88.
-âraha a worthy recipient of a dedicatory gift Pv ii.8 ;
to be able; to please, satisfy, cp. daśasyati to honour, Denom.
-odaka water to wash in (orig. water of dedication, conse-
fr. *dasa=Lat. decus honour, skill. All to *dek in Lat. de-
crated water) J i.118; iv.370; DhA i.112; PvA 23; -visuddhi.
cet to be fit, proper, etc. On var. theories of connections of
purity of a gift M iii.256 sq.=A ii.80 sq.=D iii.231, cp. Kvu
root see Walde, Lat. Wtb. under decet. It may be that *deks
556 sq.
is an intens. formation fr. *diś to point (see disati), then the
original meaning would be "pointing," i. e. the hand used for Dakkhiṇeyya (adj. — n.) [grd. — formation fr. dakkhiṇā as
pointing. For further etym. see dakkhiṇa] dexterous, skilled, from a verb *dakṣiṇāti=pūjeti] one worthy of a dakkiṇā. The
handy, able, clever D i.45, 74, 78; iii.190 (+analasa) M i.119; term is expl. at KhA 183, & also (with ref. to brahmanic us-
iii.2; S i.65; Nd 141 (+analasa & sampajāna); J iii.247; DA age) at Nd 291; — S i.142, 168, 220; M i.37, 236 sq.; 446;
i.217 (=cheka); Miln 344 (rūpadakkhā those who are of "fit" A i.63, 150; ii.44; iii.134, 162, 248; iv.13 sq.; D iii.5; It 19
appearance). (annañ ca datvā bahuno dakkhiṇeyyesu dakkhiṇaṁ... saggaṁ
Dakkha (nt.) [dakkha +ya, see dakkheyya] dexterity, ability, gacchanti dāyakā); Sn 227, 448 sq., 504, 529; Nd 291 (as one
of the 3 constituents of a successful sacrifice, viz. yañña the
skill J iii.466.
gift, phala the fruit of the gift, d. the recipient of the gift). Cp.
Dakkhati & Dakkhiti see dassati. 5 33
i.10 (where also adj. to be given, of dāna). Pv iv.1 ; VvA
Dakkhiṇa (adj.) [Vedic dakṣiṇa, Av. dašinō; adj. formation 120, 155 (Ep. of the Sangha= ujubhūta); PvA 25, 125, 128,
fr. adv. *deksi=*deksinos, cp. purāṇa fr. purā, viṣuṇa fr. 262.
viṣu, Lat. bīni (=bisni) fr. bis. From same root *deks are -aggi the (holy) fire of a good receiver of gifts; a metaphor
Lat. dexter (with compar. — antithetic suffix ter=Sk. tara, taken from the brahmanic rite of sacrifice, as one of the 7 fires
as in uttara) & Gr. δεςιτερός; cp. also Goth. taihswa (right (=duties) to be kept up (or discarded) by a follower of the Bud-
hand), Ohg. zeso & zesawa. See dakkha for further connec- dha A iv.41, 45; D iii.217; -khetta the fruitful soil of a worthy
tions] 1. right (opp. vāma left), with a tinge of the auspicious, recipient of a gift PvA 92; -puggala an individual deserving a
lucky & prominent: Vin ii.195 (hattha); PvA 112, 132 (id.); donation J i.228; there are 7 kinds enum at D iii.253; 8 kinds
Ps i.125. hattha, pāda, etc. with ref. to a Tathāgata's body); at D iii.255; -sampatti the blessing of finding a worthy object
J i.50 (°passa the right side); PvA 178 (id.), 112 (°bāhu); Sn for a dakkhiṇā PvA 27, 137 sq.
p. 106 (bāha); PvA 179 (°jānumaṇḍalena with the right knee:
Dakkhiṇeyyatā (f.) [abstr. fr. prec.] the fact of being a
in veneration). — 2. skilled, well-trained (=dakkha) J vi.512
dakkhiṇeyya Miln 240 (a°).
(Com. susikkhita). — 3. (of that point of the compass which
Dakkhita [Vedic dīkṣita pp. of dīkṣ, Intens to daśayati: see
is characterized through "orientation" by facing the rising sun, 1
dakkha ] consecrated, dedicated J v.138. Cp. dikkhita.
& then
lies on one's right:) southern, usually in comb with disā Dakkhin (adj.) [fr. dakkhati, see dassati] seeing, perceiving; f. °ī
(direction): D iii.180 (one of the 6 points, see disā), 188 sq. in atīra — dakkhiṇī nāvā a ship out of sight of land D i.222.
(id.); M i.487; ii.72; S i.145, etc. 2
Dakkheyya (nt.) [cp. dakkha ] cleverness, skill J ii.237 (Com.
-āvattaka (adj.) winding to the right D ii.18 (of the kusalassa — ñāṇa — sampayuttaṁ viriyaṁ); iii.468.
hairs of a Mahāpurisa, the 14 of his characteristics or aus-
Daṭṭha [pp. of daśati, see ḍasati] bitten J i.7; Miln 302; PvA 144.
picious signs; cp. BSk. dakṣiṇāvarta a precious shell, i.
e. a shell the spiral of which turns to the right AvŚ i.205; Daṭṭhar [n. ag. to dassati] one who sees A ii.25.
Divy 51, 67, 116); J v.380; -janapada the southern coun- Daṭṭhā (f.) [cp. dāṭhā] a large tooth, tusk, fang Miln 150 (°visa).
try the "Dekkan" (=dakkhiṇaṁ) D i.96, 153 (expl by Bd-
Daḍḍha [Sk. dagdha, pp. of dahati, see ḍahati] burnt, always
hgh as "Gangāya dakkhiṇato pākaṭa — janapado" DA i.265); 4
with aggi° consumed by fire Sn 62; Pv i.7 ; Miln 47; PvA 56
-samudda the southern sea J i.202.
Dakkhiṇā (f.) [Vedic dakṣiṇā to dakṣ as in daśasyati to honour,
-ṭṭhāna a place burnt by fire J i.212; also a place of cre-
to consecrate, but taken as f. of dakkhiṇa & by grammarians
mation (sarīrassa d.) PvA 163 (=āḷāhana).
expl. as gift by the "giving" (i. e. the right) hand with pop-
Daḍḍhi° [not with Trenckner, Notes p. 65=Sk. dārḍhya, but with
ular analogy to dā to give (dadāti)] a gift, a fee, a donation;
Kern, Toev. 113=Sk. dṛḍhī (from dṛḍha, see daḷha), as in
a donation given to a "holy" person with ref. to unhappy be- n
comp dṛḍhī karoti & bhavati to make or become strong] mak-
ings in the Peta existence ("Manes"), intended to induce the
ing firm, strengthening, in kayādaḍḍhi-bahula strengthened
alleviation of their sufferings; an intercessional, expiatory of-
by gymnastics, an athlete J iii.310 (v. l. daḷhi°), iv.219 (v. l.
fering, "don attributif" (Feer) (see Stede, Peta Vatthu, etc. p.
distorted kādaḷiphahuna).
51 sq.; Feer Index to AvŚ p. 480) D i.51=iii.66 (d. — uddhag-
gikā), cp. A ii.68 (uddhaggā d.); A iii.43, 46, 178, 259; iv.64 Daṇḍa [Vedic daṇḍa, dial.=*dal[d]ra; (on ṇ: l cp. guṇa: guḷa etc.)
sq., 394; M iii.254 sq. (cuddasa pāṭipuggalikā d. given to 14 to *del as in Sk. dala, dalati. Cp. Lat. dolare to cut, split,
kinds of worthy recipients) Sn 482, 485; It 19; J i.228; Pv i.4 4 work in wood; delere to destroy; Gr. δαίδαλον work of art;
(=dāna PvA 18), i.5 (petānaṁ d °ṁ dajjā), iv.1 ; Miln 257; Mhg. zelge twig; zol a stick. Possibly also fr. *dan[d]ra (r=l
Vism 220; PvA 29, 50, 70, 110 (pūjito dakkhiṇāya). guru — freq., ṇ: l as tulā: tūṇa; veṇu: veḷu, etc. cp. aṇḍa, caṇḍa),
d. teacher's fee VvA 229, 230; dakkhiṇaṁ ādisati (otherwise then it would equal Gr. δένδρον tree, wood, & be connected

Daṇḍa Dadāti

with Sk. dāru] 1. stem of a tree, wood, wood worked into i.251; -bhaya fear of punishment A ii.121 sq.=Nd 470=Miln
something, e. g. a handle, etc. J ii.102; 405 (v. l. dabba); 196; -(m)antara among the sticks D i.166=A i.295=ii.206=M
Vism 313; PvA 220 (nimbarukkhassa daṇḍena [v. l. dabbena] i.77, 238, 307, 342= Pug 55; see note at Dial. i.228; -yuddha
katasūla). tidaṇḍa a tripod. — 2. a stick, staff, rod, to lean on, a club — fight D i.6; J iii.541; -lakkhaṇa fortune — telling
& as support in walking; the walking — stick of a Wanderer from sticks D i.9; -vākarā a net on a stick, as a snare, M
Vin ii.132 (na sakkoti vinā daṇḍena āhiṇḍituṁ), 196; S i.176; i.153; -veḷupesikā a bamboo stick J iv.382; -sikkā a rope
A i.138, 206; Sn 688 (suvaṇṇa°); J iii.395; v.47 (loha°); Sdhp slung round the walking — staff Vin ii.131; -hattha with a
399 (eka°, °dvaya, ti°). daṇḍaṁ olubbha leaning on the st. M stick in his hand J i.59.
i.108; A iii.298; Th 2, 27. — 3. a stick as means of punish-
Daṇḍaka [Demin. of daṇḍa] 1. a (small) stick, a twig; a staff,
ment. a blow, a thrashing: daṇḍehi aññamaññaṁ upakkamanti a rod; a handle D i.7 (a walking stick carried for ornament:
"they go for each other with sticks" M i.86=Nd 199; °ṁ dadāti
see DA i.89); J i.120 (sukkha° a dry twig); ii.103; iii.26; DhA
to give a thrashing J iv.382; v.442; daṇḍena pahāraṁ dadāti to
iii.171; Vism 353. — aḍḍha° a (birch) rod, used as a means
hit with a stick S iv.62; brahma° a certain kind of punishment 2
of beating (tāḷeti) A i.47; ii.122=M i.87=Nd 604=Miln 197;
D ii.154, cp. Vin ii.290 & Kern, Manual p. 87; pañca satāni
ubhato° two handled (of a saw) M i.129=189; ratha° the flag
daṇḍo a fine of 500 pieces Vin i.247; paṇīta° receiving ample — staff of a chariot Miln 27; veṇu° a jungle rope J iii.204. —
p. Pv iv.1 ; purisa — vadha° J ii.417; rāja — daṇḍaṁ karoti
See also kudaṇḍaka a twig used for tying J iii.204. — 2. the
(c. loc.) to execute the royal beating PvA 216. See also Dh
crossbar or bridge of a lute J ii.252, 253.
129, 131, 310, 405 — 4. a stick as a weapon in general, only -dīpikā a torch J i.31; -madhu "honey in a branch," a
in cert. phrases & usually in comb w. sattha, sword. daṇḍaṁ
beehive DhA i.59.
ādiyati to take up the stick, to use violence: attadaṇḍa (atta=ā
Daṇḍaniya (adj.) [grd. formation from daṇḍa] liable to punish-
— dā) violent Sn 935; attadaṇḍesu nibbuta Dh 406=Sn 630;
ment Miln 186.
a.+kodhâbhibhūta S iv.117: ādinna — daṇḍa ādinnasattha Vin
i.349; opp. daṇḍaṁ nidahati to lay down the stick, to be peace- Datta [pp. of dadāti] given ( — ° by; often in Np. as Brah-
ful: sabbesu bhūtesu nidhāya daṇḍaṁ Sn 35, 394, 629; nihita madatta, Deva — datta=Theo — dor. etc.) Sn 217 (para°)
— d. nihita — sattha using neither stick nor sword, of the =SnA 272 (v. l. dinna).
Dhamma D i.4, 63; M i.287; A i.211; ii.208; iv.249; v.204. Datta (adj. — n.) [prob.=thaddha, with popular analogy to
daṇḍaṁ nikkhipati id. A i.206. d. — sattha parāmasana Nd 2 1
datta , see also dandha & cp. dattu] stupid; a silly fellow M
576. daṇḍa — sattha — abbhukkirana & daṇḍa — sattha — i.383; J vi.192 (Com.: dandha lāḷaka).
abhinipātana Nd 576 . Cp. paṭidaṇḍa retribution Dh 133.
Datti (f.) [from dadāti+ti] gift, donation, offering D i.166; M i.78,
— 5. (fig.) a means of frightening, frightfulness, violence,
342; A i.295; ii.206; Pug 55.
teasing. In this meaning used as nt. as M i.372; tīṇi daṇḍāni
pāpassa kammassa kiriyāya: kāyadaṇḍaṁ vacī°, mano°; in the Dattika (adj.) [der. fr. datta] given; J iii.221 (kula°); iv.146 (id.);
same sense as m. at Nd 293 (as expl to Sn 35). — 6. a fine, nt. a gift D i.103 (=dinnaka DA i.271).
a penalty, penance in general: daṇḍena nikkiṇāti to redeem w. Dattiya=dattika, given as a present J ii.119 (kula°); v.281
a penalty J vi.576 (dhanaṁ datvā Com.); daṇḍaṁ dhāreti to (sakka°); vi.21 (id.): VvA 185 (mahārāja° by the King).
inflict a fine Miln 171, 193; daṇḍaṁ paṇeti id. Dh 310 (cp.
Dattu (adj.?) [is it base of n. ag. dātar? see datta ] stupid, in d°
DhA iii.482); DhA ii.71; aṭṭha — kahāpaṇo daṇḍo a fine of 8
— paññatta a doctrine of fools D i.55=M i.515; J iv.338.
k. VvA 76. — adaṇḍa without a stick, i. e. without force or
violence, usually in phrase adaṇḍena asatthena (see above 4): Dada (—°) (adj. — suff.) [Sk.° dad or °dada, cp °da & dadāti base
Vin ii.196 (ad. as. nāgo danto mahesinā; thus of a Cakkavattin 3] giving, to be given S i.33 (paññā°); Kh viii.10 (kāma°); Pv
who rules the world peacefully: paṭhaviṁ ad. as. dhammena ii.9 (id.=dāyaka PvA 113); ii.12 (phala° =dāyin PvA 157);
abhivijiya ajjhāvasati D i.89=A iv.89, 105, or dhammena — VvA 171 (puriṁ°). — duddada hard to give S i.19=iv.65=J
manusāsati Sn 1002=S i.236. ii.86=vi.571.
-âbhighata slaying w. cudgels PvA 58; -âraha (adj.) de-
Dadāti [Redupl. formation dā as in Lat. do, perf. de — di, Gr.
serving punishment J v.442; VvA 23; -ādāna taking up a stick δίδωμι; cp. Lat. dōs dowry, Gr. δώς; Ohg. dati; Lith. důti to
(weapon) (cp. above 4), comb with satth' ādāna M i.110, 113,
give] to give, etc. I. Forms. The foll. bases form the Pāli verb
410; D iii.92, 93, 289; A iv.400; Vism 326. -kaṭhina k. cloth
— system: dā, dāy, dadā & di. — 1. Bases dā & (reduced)
stretched on a stick (for the purpose of measuring) Vin ii.116;
da. — (a) dā°: fut. dassati J i.113, 279; iii.83; A iii.37; 1st sg.
-kathālikā a large kettle with a handle Vin i.286; -kamma
dassāmi J i.223; ii.160; PvA 17, 35, etc. — dammi interpreted
punishment by beating, penalty, penance, atonement J iii.276,
by Com. as fut. is in reality a contraction fr. dātuṁ īhāmi,
527; v.89; Miln 8; °ṁ karoti to punish, to inflict a fine Vin i.75,
used as a hortative or dubitative subjunctive (fr. dāhāmi, like
76, 84; ii.262; -koṭi the tip of a branch or stick DhA i.60; - kāhami I am willing to do fr. kātuṁ īhāmi) Sn p. 15 ("shall I
dīpikā a torch J vi.398; Vism 39; DhA i.220, 399; -ppatta give"); ii.112; iv.10 (varaṁ te dammi); Pv i.10 ; ii.3 24 (kin t'
liable to punishment Miln 46; -paduma N. of a plant (cp. Sk. āhaṁ dammi what can I give thee=dassāmi PvA 88). — pret.
daṇḍotphala=sahadevā, Halāyudha) J i.51; -parāyana sup- adā Sn 303; Pv ii.2 (=adāsi PvA 81); Mhvs vii.14; 2nd sg.
ported by or leaning on a stick (of old people) M i.88; A i.138; ado J iv.10 (=adāsi Com.): Miln 384; 1st. pl. adamha J ii.71;
Miln 282; -parissāvana a strainer with a handle Vin ii.119; Miln 10; 2nd pl. adattha J i.57 (mā ad.); Miln 10, & dattha J
-pahāra a blow with a stick D i.144; -pāṇin carrying a staff, ii.181; — aor. adāsi J i.150, 279; PvA 73, etc.; pl. adaṁsu
"staff in hand" M i.108; -bali ( — ādi) fines & taxes, etc. DhA

Dadāti Danta

Pv i.11 . — inf. dātuṁ J iii.53; PvA 17, 48 (°kāma), etc. & on gala] partridge J iii.541.
dātave Sn 286. — grd. dātabba J iii.52; PvA 7, 26, 88, etc. 2
Daddara [cp. Sk. dardara] a cert. (grinding, crashing) noise A
— (b) da°: pp. datta — ger. datvā J i.152, 290 (a°); PvA 70, iv.171; J ii.8; iii.461; N. of a mountain, expl as named after
72, etc. & datvāna Pv i.11 ; also as °dā (for °dāya or °dāna)
this noise J ii.8; iii.16, 461.
in prep. cpds., like an — upādā, ādā, etc. Der. fr. 1. are Caus.
Daddaḷhati [Sk. jājvalyati, Intens. of jval, see jalati] to blaze,
dāpeti, pp. dāpita; n. ag. dātar; nt. dāna. See also suffix dā,°
to shine brilliantly; only in pp. med. daddaḷhamāna re-
datti, dattikā, etc.; and pp. atta (=ā — d[a]ta). — 2. Bases 3 1
splendent, blazing forth S i.127=J i.469; Vv 17 ; 34 ; Pv
dāy & (reduced) day, contracted into de. (a) dāy°: only in 6 5
ii.12 ; iii.3 ; VvA 89 (ativiya vijjotamāna); PvA 157 (at. vi-
der. dāya, dāyaka, dāyin and in prep. cpds. ā — dāye (ger.
rocamāna), 189 (at. abhijalanto). — Spelling daddallamāna
of ādāti). — (b) de°: pres. ind. deti Sn 130; J ii.111, 154; PvA
at J v.402; vi.118.
8; 1st sg. demi J i.228, 307; 2nd desi J i.279; PvA 39. 1st pl.
dema J i.263; iii.126; PvA 27, 75 (shall we give); 2nd detha Daddu (nt.) [Sk. dadru f. & dardru a kind of leprosy, dadruna
J iii.127; 3rd denti Sn 244. — imper. dehi Vin i.17; J i.223; leprous (but given by Halāyudha in the meaning of ringworm,
iv.101; PvA 43, 73; 3rd sg. detu J i.263; ii.104; 2nd pl. detha p. 234 Aufrecht); fr. *der in Sk. dṛṇāti to tear, chap, split (see
It 66 J iii.126; PvA 29, 62, 76. — ppr. dento J i.265; PvA dara & dala); cp. Lat. derbiosus; Ohg. zittaroh; Ags. teter] a
3, 11 etc. — grd. deyya Mhvs vii.31. B Sk. deya. — Other kind of cutaneous eruption Miln 298; Vism 345.
der. fr. base 2 are dayati & dayā (q. v.). — 3. Base dadā: -bandhana in d. — bandhanādi — bandhana at ThA 241
pres. ind. dadāti S i.18; Sn p. 87; 1st. sg. dadāmi J i.207; should be read daṇḍa°.
Sn 421; 3rd. pl. dadanti J iii.220; Dh 249. — imper. dadāhi Daddula a cert. kind of rice D i.166; M i.78, 343; A i.241, 295;
Pv ii.1 . — pot. dadeyya PvA 17; Miln 28 & dade Pv ii.3 ; ii.206; Pug 55.
Vv 62 ; 1st. sg. dadeyyaṁ J i.254, 265; 2nd. sg. dadeyyāsi
Daddula (nt.) [Sk. dārdura?] in nahāru° (v. l. dala & dadalla)
J iii.276. Also contracted forms dajjā S i.18 (may he give);
Dh 224; Pv i.4 (=dadeyya PvA 17); ii.9 ; 1st sg. dajjaṁ both at M i.188 (kukkuṭapattena pi. n — daddulena pi aggiṁ
Vin i.232 (dajjâhaṁ=dajjaṁ ahaṁ). Cp. i.10 (dajjâhaṁ); J gavesanti) & A iv.47 (kukkuṭapattaṁ vā n — daddulaṁ vā ag-
iv.101 (=dammi Com.); Pv ii.9 ; 2nd. pl. dajjeyyātha Vin gimhi pakkhittaṁ paṭilīyati) unexplained; perhaps a muscle.
i.232; 3rd y. dajjeyya & 3rd. pl. dajjuṁ in cpd. anupa°. — Dadhi (nt.) [Sk. dadhi, redpl. formation fr. dhayati to suck. Cp.
ppr. dadanto Sn p. 87. gen. etc. dadato It. 89; Dh 242; Pv also dhenu cow, dhīta, etc.] sour milk, curds, junket Vin i.244
ii.9 ; & dadaṁ Sn 187, 487; Pv ii.9 ; Vv 67 . — ppr. med. (in enum of 5 — fold cow — produce, cp. gorasa); D i.201
dadamāna J i.228, ii.154; PvA 129. — aor. adadaṁ Vv 34 11 (id.); M i.316; A ii.95; J ii.102; iv.140; Miln 41, 48, 63; Dhs
(=adāsiṁ VvA 151); proh. 2nd. pl. mā dadiṭṭha DhA i.396; J 646, 740, 875; Vism 264, 362.
iii.171. — ger. daditvā Pv ii.8 9.ii (v. l. BB datvā): contr. into -ghaṭa a milk bowl J ii.102; -maṇḍaka whey S ii.111;
dajjā (should be read dajja) Pv ii.9 67 (=datvā PvA 139). — -māla "the milk sea," N. of an ocean J iv.140; -vāraka a pot
Der. dada for °da. — 4. (Passive) base di (& dī): pp. dinna of milk — curds J iii.52.
pres. dīyati S i.18; Th 2, 475; PvA 26, & diyyati VvA 75; cp. Danta [Sk. danta fr. acc. dantaṁ of dan, gen. datah= Lat. den-
ādiyati; pret. dīyittha DhA i.395; — ppr. dīyamāna PvA 8, tis. Cp. Av. dantan, Gr. ὀδόντα, Lat. dentem, Oir. dēt; Goth.
26, 49, 110, 133, etc. — Der. fr. 4 are Desid. dicchati, diti, tunpus, Ohg. zand, Ags. tōot (=tooth) & tusc (=tusk); orig.
etc. — II. Meanings i. (trs.) with acc. to give, to present with: ppr. to *ed in atti to eat="the biter." Cp. dāṭhā], a tooth, a
dānaṁ deti (w. dat. & abs.) to be liberal (towards), to be mu- tusk, fang, esp. an elephant's tusk; ivory Vin ii.117 (nāga — d.
nificent, to make a present S i.18; It 89; Pv i.4 ; ii ; PvA 8, 27,
a pin of ivory); Kh ii. (as one of the taca — pañcaka, or 5 der-
etc. — (fig.) okāsaṁ to give opportunity, allow J i.265; ovā-
matic constituents of the body, viz. kesā, lomā nakhā d. taco,
daṁ to give advice PvA 11; jīvitaṁ to spare one's life J ii.154;
see detailed description at KhA 43 sq.); pankadanta rajassira
paṭivacanaṁ to answer J i.279; sādhukāraṁ to applaud J i.223;
"with sand between his teeth & dust on his head" (of a way-
paṭiññaṁ to promise PvA 76; — to offer, to allow: maggaṁ
farer) Sn 980; J iv.362, 371; M i.242; J i.61; ii.153; Vism 251;
i. e. to make room Vin ii.221; J ii.4; maggaṁ dehi let me VvA 104 (īsā° long tusks); PvA 90, 152 (fang); Sdhp 360.
pass J iv.101; — to grant: varaṁ a wish J iv.10; Pv ii.9 ; —
-ajina ivory M ii.71 (gloss: dhanadhaññaṁ); -aṭṭhika
to give or deal out: daṇḍaṁ a thrashing J iv.382; pahāraṁ a
"teeth — bone," ivory of teeth i. e. the tooth as such Vism
blow S iv.62. — 2. with ger. to give out, to hand over: dārūni
21. -āvaraṇa the lip (lit. protector of teeth) J iv.188; vi.590;
āharitvā aggiṁ katvā d. to provide with fire J ii.102; sāṭake
DhA i.387. -ullahakaṁ (M iii.167) see ullahaka; -kaṭṭha
āharitvā to present w. clothes J i.265; dve koṭṭhāse vibhajitvā
a tooth — pick Vin i.46=ii.223; i.51, 61; ii.138; A iii.250; J
d. to deal out J i.226; kuṭikāyo kāretvā adaṁsu had huts built
i.232; ii.25; vi.75; Miln 15; DhA ii.184; VvA 63; -kāra an
& gave them PvA 42. — 3. (abs.) with inf. to permit, to allow:
artisan in ivory ivory — worker D i.78; J i.320; Miln 331;
khādituṁ J i.223; nikkhamituṁ J ii.154; pavisituṁ J i.263, etc.
Vism 336; -kūta tooth of a maimed bullock (?) (thus taking
Daddabha [onomatop.] a heavy, indistinct noise, a thud J iii.76 kūṭa as kūṭa , and equivalent to kūṭadanta), in phrase asanivi-
(of the falling of a large fruit), v. l. duddabhayasadda to be cakkaṁ danta — kūṭaṁ D iii.44=47, which has also puzzled
regarded as a Sk. gloss=dundubhyaśabda. See also dabhakka. the translators (cp. Dial. iii.40: "munching them all up to-
gether with that wheel — less thunderbolt of a jawbone," with
Daddabhāyati [Denom. fr. prec.] to make a heavy noise, to thud
note: "the sentence is not clear"). -pāḷi row of teeth Vism
J iii.77.
251; -poṇa tooth — cleaner, always comb with mukh' odaka
Daddara [onomat. from the noise, cp. next & cakora, with note

Danta Dameti

water for rinsing the teeth Vin iii.51; iv.90, 233; J iv.69; Miln (cp. Sk. pātrabhūta); Vism 196. -saṁhāra collecting some-
15; SnA 272. The C. on Pārāj. ii.4, 17, (Vin iii.51) gives 2 thing substantial PvA 114 (should prob. be read sambhāra).
kinds of dantapoṇa, viz. chinna & acchinna. -mūla the root -sambhāra the collection of something substantial or worth
of a tooth; the gums J v.172; -vakkalika a kind of ascetics collecting,; a gift worth giving J iv.311; v.48; vi.427; DhA
(peeling the bark of trees with their teeth?) DA i.271; -vaṇṇa i.321; ii.114.
ivory — coloured, ivory — white Vv 45 ; -valaya an iv. 2
Dabba (adj. — n.) [Sk. dravya, of dru wood, see dāru] treelike,
bangle DhA i.226; -vikati a vessel of iv. D i.78; M ii.18; J
wooden; a tree, shrub, wood J i.108 (d. — tiṇagaccha a jungle
i.320; Vism 336. -vikhādana biting with teeth, i. e. chewing
of wood & grass); v.46 (d. — gahana a thicket of shrubs &
Dhs 646, 740, 875; -vidaṁsaka (either=vidassaka or to be
trees); Vism 353 (°tiṇa).
read °ghaṁsaka) showing one's teeth (or chattering?) A i.261
Dabbī (f.) [Sk. darvī=*dāru — ī made of wood, see dāru] a
(of hasita, laughter); -sampatti splendour of teeth DhA i.390.
(wooden) spoon, a ladle; (met.) the hood of a snake (dabbi-
Danta (adj.) [Sk. dānta] made of ivory, or iv. — coloured J
mattā, phaṇapuṭakā DhA iv.132). — Dh 64; gen. & instr,
vi.223 (yāna=dantamaya).
davyā J iii.218; Miln 365. — In cpds. dabbi°.
-kāsāva ivory — white & yellow Vin i.287; -valaya see -kaṇṇa the tip of the ladle DhA i.371; -gāha holding a
danta .
spoon, viz. for the purposes of offering M ii.157 (of a priest);
Danta [Sk. dānta, pp. dāmyati to make, or to be tame, cp. Pv ii.9 53 (=kaṭacchu — gāhika PvA 135); -mukha a kind of
Gr. δμητός, Lat. domitus. See dameti] tamed, controlled, bird J vi.540 (=āṭa); -homa a spoonoblation D i.9.
restrained Vin ii.196; S i.28, 65, 141 (nāgo va danto carati
Dabbha [Sk. darbha to dṛbhati, to plait, interlace, etc. cp. Lith.
anejo); A i.6 (cittaṁ dantaṁ); It 123 (danto damayataṁ
darbas plaiting, crating] a bunch of kuśa grass (Poa Cyno-
seṭṭho); Sn 370, 463, 513, 624; Dh 35, 142 (=catumagga — suroides) D i.141; M i.344; A ii.207.
niyamena d. DhA iii.83), 321 sq.=Nd 475. — sudanta well
-puppha "kuśa — flower," Ep. of a jackal J iii.334.
— tamed, restrained Sn 23; Dh 159, 323.
Dabhakkaṁ (?) (indecl.)=daddabhaṁ; a certain noise (of a
-bhūmi a safe place (=Nibbāna), or the condition of one
who is tamed S iii.84; Nd 475 (in continuation of Dh 323); falling fruit) J iii.77 (v. l. duddabha=daddabha).
DhA iv.6. Dama (adj. — n.) (& of a nt. damo the instr. damasā) [Ved.
dama; Ags. tam=E. tame, Ohg. zam to *demā in dameti] tam-
Dantaka a pin of tooth or ivory; makara° the tooth of a sword —
ing, subduing; self — control, self — command, moderation D
fish Vin ii.113, 117; iv.47. See details under makara.
i.53 (dānena damena saṁyamena=It 15; expl. at DA i.160 as
Dandha (adj.) [Sk.? Fausböll refers it to Sk. tandra; Trenck-
indriya — damena uposatha — kammena) iii.147, 229; S i.4,
ner (Notes 65) to dṛḍha; see also Müller, P. Gr. 22, & Lüders
29, 168=Sn 463 (saccena danto damasā upeto); S iv.349; A
Z.D.M.G. 58, 700. A problematic connection is that with thad- i.151; ii.152 sq.; M iii.269 (+upasama); Sn 189, 542 (°ppatta),
dha & datta (q. v.)] slow; slothful, indocile; silly, stupid M
655; Dh 9, 25, 261; Nett 77; Miln 24 (sudanto uttame dame).
i.453; S iv.190; Dh 116; J i.116, 143; ii.447; v.158; vi.192 duddama hard to tame or control Dh 159; PvA 280; Sdhp 367.
(+laḷāka); Th 1, 293; Miln 59, 102, 251; DhA i.94, 251; iii.4. — arindama taming the enemy (q. v.).
Vism 105, 257 (with ref. to the liver).
Damaka (adj. — n.) [=dama] 1. subduing, taming; converting;
-âbhiññā sluggish intuition D iii.106; A v.63; Dhs 176;
one who practises self — control M i.446 (assa°); iii.2 (id.) J
Nett 7, 24, 50, 123 sq., cp. A ii.149 sq.; Vism 85.
i.349 (kula° bhikkhu), one who teaches a clan self — mastery
Dandhatā (f.) stupidity DhA i.250; as dandhattaṁ at D iii.106.
505 (go°, assa°, hatthi°); Th 2, 422 (=kāruññāya paresaṁ cit-
Dandhanatā (f.), in a° absence of sluggishness Dhs 42, 43. tassa damaka ThA 268). — 2. one who practises self — mor-
tification by living on the remnants of offered food (Childers)
Dandhāyanā (f.) clumsiness Miln 105.
Abhp 467.
Dandhāyitatta (nt.) [der. fr. dandheti] stupidity (=dandhatā) D
Damatha [Sk. damatha] taming, subduing, mastery, restraint,
i.249 (opp. vitthāyitatta); S ii.54; Miln 105; DA i.252.
control M i.235; D iii.54 (+samatha); Dh 35 (cittassa d.); PvA
Dandheti [Denom. fr. dandha] to be slow, to tarry Th 1, 293 (opp.
265; Dpvs vi.36.
tāreti). — pp. dandhāyita see in der. °tta.
Damana (adj. — nt.) taming, subduing, mastery PvA 251 (arī-
Dapeti Caus. fr. dā to clean, see pariyo°; pp. dāta see ava°.
naṁ d° — sīla=arindama).
Dappa [Sk. darpa, to dṛpyati] wantonness, arrogance J ii.277; Damaya (adj.) [Sk. damya, see damma] to be tamed: dud-
Miln 361, 414; Pgdp 50. Cp. ditta . — In def. of root gabb
damaya difficult to tame Th 1, 5 (better to be read damiya).
at Dhtm 289. 3
Damita [Sk. damāyita=danta ; cp. Gr. α δάματος; Lat. domitus]
Dappita (adj.) arrogant, haughty J v.232, 301.
subdued, tamed J v.36; PvA 265.
Dabba (adj. — n.) [Sk. dravya, nt. to dravati (dru)] (a) fit
Dametar [n. — ag. to dameti=Sk. damayitṛ, cp. Sk. damitṛ=Gr.
for, able, worthy, good, S i.187=Th 1, 1218, cp. Pss. of the
(παν)δαμάτωρ δμητήρ; Lat. domitor] one who tames or sub-
Brethren, 399, n. 4 (=Sk. bhavya, cp. Pāṇini v.3, 104 dravyaṁ
dues, a trainer, in phrase adantānaṁ dametā "the tamer of the
ca bhavyaḥ). — (b) material, substance, property; something
untamed" (of a Buddha) M ii.102; Th 2, 135.
substantial, a worthy object Pgdp 14.
Dameti [Sk. damayati, caus. to dāmyati of *dam to bring into
-jātika of good material, fit for, able M i.114; A i.254
the house, to domesticate; Gr. δαμάω, δμητός; Lat. do-

Dameti Davya

mare; Oir. dam (ox); Goth. tamjan=Ohg. zemman=Ags. orig. a piece chipped off=a chip, piece of wood, cp. daṇḍa,
temian=E. tame; to *demā of dama house, see dampati] to Mhg. zelge (branch); Oir delb (figure, form), deil (staff, rod)]
make tame, chastise, punish, master, conquer, convert Vin a blade, leaf, petal (usually — °); akkhi — d. eyelid ThA 259;
ii.196 (daṇḍena); M ii.102; Dh 80, 305 (attānaṁ); It 123 (ppr. DA i.194; DhsA 378; uppala° DhsA 311; kamala° (lotus —
[danto] damayataṁ seṭṭho [santo] samayataṁ isi); Miln 14, petal) VvA 35, 38; muttā° (?) DA i.252; ratta — pavāḷa° J
386; PvA 54 (core d.=converted). i.75.
Dampati [Sk. dampati master of the house; dual: husband & wife; Dalati [Sk. dalati, del to split off, tear; Gr. δαιδάλλω, Lat. dolare
cp. also patir dan, *dam, as in Gr. δ¨ω, δ¨ωμα & δες — in & delere. See dala & dara] to burst, split, break. — Caus.
δεσπότης=dampati, short base of *dama house =Ved. dama, dāleti Sn 29 (dalayitvā=chinditvā SnA 40); Miln 398. — Pass.
Gr. δόμος, Lat. domus to *demā (as also in dameti to do- dīyati (Sk. dīryate) see uddīyati.
mesticate) to build, cp. Gr. δέμω & δέμας; Goth. timrjan;
Dalidda & Daḷidda (adj. — n.) [Sk. daridra, to daridrāti, Intens.
Ohg. zimbar; E. timber] master of the house, householder, see
to drāti run (see dava), in meaning cp. addhika wayfarer=poor]
tudampati & cp. gahapati.
vagrant, strolling, poor, needy, wretched; a vagabond, beggar
Damma (adj.) [Sk. damya, grd. of dāmyati see dameti & cp. — (l:) Vin ii.159; S i.96 (opp. aḍḍha); A ii.57, 203; iii.351;
damaya (damiya)] to be tamed or restrained; esp. with ref. to iv.219; v.43; Pug 51; VvA 299 (ḷ:) M ii.73; S v.100, 384, 404;
a young bullock M i.225 (balagāvā dammagāvā the bulls & Vv20 (=duggata VvA 101); DA i.298; PvA 227; Sdhp 89,
the young steers); It 80; also of other animals: assadamma — 528.
sārathi a horse — trainer A ii.112; & fig. of unconverted men
Daḷiddatā (f.) [Sk. daridratā] poverty VvA 63.
likened to refractory bullocks in phrase purisa — damma —
Daḷiddiya see dāḷiddiya.
sārathi (Ep. of the Buddha) "the trainer of the human steer"
D i.62 (misprint °dhamma°)=ii.93=iii.5; M ii.38; A ii.112; Vv Daḷha (adj.) [Sk. dṛḍha to dṛhyati to fasten, hold fast; *dhergh,
17 13 (nara — vara — d. — sārathi cp. VvA 86. cp. Lat. fortis (strong). Gr. ταρϕύς (thick), Lith. dir̃žas
Dayati =dayati (q. v.) to fly J iv.347 (+uppatati); vi.145 (strap). For further relations see Walde, Lat. Wtb. under for-
tis] firm, strong, solid; steady, fast; nt. adv. very much, hard,
(dayassu=uyyassu Com.).
strongly — D i.245; S i.77; A ii.33; Sn 321 (nāvā), 357, 701,
Dayati =[Ved. dayate of day to divide, share, cp. Gr. δαίομαι,
821 (°ṁ karoti to strengthen), 966 (id.); Dh 112; J ii.3; iv.106;
δαίνυμι, δαίτη, etc. to dā (see dadāti, base 2), & with p. Gr.
DhA iv.48; KhA 184; VvA 212 (=thira); PvA 94, 277. —
δαπάνη, Lat. daps (see Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v.)] to have pity
daḷhaṁ (adv.) Dh 61, 313.
(c. loc.), to sympathize, to be kind J vi.445 (dayitabba), 495
-dhamma strong in anything, skilled in some art, profi-
(dayyāsi=dayaṁ kareyyāsi). 1
cient S ii.266=A ii.48 (of an archer); M i.82; J vi.77; Vv 63
Dayā (f.) [Ved. dayā, to dayati ] sympathy, compassion, kindness acc. to Trenckner, Notes p. 60 (cp. also VvA 261)=dṛḍha
M i.78; Sn 117; J i.23; vi.495. Usually as anuddayā; freq. in — dhanva, from dhanu=having a strong bow; -nikkama of
cpd. dayāpanna showing kindness D i.4 (=dayaṁ metta — strong exertion Sn 68 (=Nd 294); -parakkama of strong ef-
cittaṁ āpanno DA i.70); M i.288; A iv.249 sq.; Pug 57; VvA fort, energetic M ii.95; A ii.250; Dh 23; Th 2, 160; -pahāra
23. a violent blow J iii.83; -pākāra (etc.) strongly fortified S
iv.194; -bhattin firmly devoted to somebody DhsA 350.
Dara [Sk. dara; see etym. connection under darī] fear, terror;
sorrow, pain Vin ii.156=A i.138 (vineyya hadaye daraṁ); S Daḷhī° [f. of dṛḍha>daḷha in comp like dṛḍhī — bhūta, etc.; cp.
ii.101, 103; iv.186 sq.; Th 2, 32 (=cittakato kilesa — patho daḍḍhi] in kāya — daḷhī — bahula strong in body, athletic
ThA, 38); J iv.61; Vv 83 (=daratha VvA 327); Pv i.8 (=citta Vin ii.76, cp. Com. on p. 313; J iii.310; iv.219. daḷhīkaraṇa
— daratha PvA 41). — sadara giving pain, fearful, painful M steadiness, perseverance SnA 290 (+ādhāraṇatā), 398 (id). In
i.464; A ii.11, 172; S i.101. Cp. ādara & purindada. cpds. also daḷhi° viz. -kamma making firm; strengthening
Vin i.290; J v.254; Pug 18, 22; Vism 112.
Daratha [Sk. daratha, der. fr. dara] anxiety, care, distress A
ii.238; M iii.287 sq. (kāyikā & cetasikā d.); Sn 15 (darathajā: Dava [Sk. dava, to dunoti (q. v.); cp. Gr. δαις fire — brand] fire,
the Arahant has nought in him born of care C explains by heat J iii.260. — See also dāva & dāya.
pariḷāha fever); J i.61 (sabbakilesa — d.) PvA 230 (id.); DhA -ḍāha (=Sk. davāgni) conflagration of a forest, a jungle
ii.215; Miln 320; PvA 23, 41; VvA 327. — fire Vin ii.138; M i.306; J i.641; Cp. iii.9 ; Miln 189; Vism
Darī (f.) [Sk. darī to dṛṇāti to cleave, split, tear, rend, caus. daray-
ati *der=Gr. δέρω to skin, δέρμα, δορά skin); Lith. dirù (id.) Dava [Sk. drava to dravati to run, flow, etc. *dreu besides *drā
Goth. ga — taíran=Ags. teran (tear) =Ohg. zeran (Ger. zer- (see dalidda) & *dram (=Gr. δρόμος); cp. abhiddavati, also
ren). To this the variant (r:l) *del in dalati, dala, etc. See also dabba=dravyaṁ] running, course, flight; quickness, sporting,
daddara, daddu, dara, avadīyati, ādiṇṇa, uddīyati, purindada exercise, play Vin ii.13; M i.273; iii.2; A i.114; ii.40, 145;
(=puraṁ — dara)] a cleavage, cleft; a hole, cave, cavern J i.18 iv.167; Pug 21, 25. — davā (abl.) in sport, in fun Vin ii.101;
(v. 106), 462 (mūsikā° mouse — hole); ii.418 (=maṇiguhā); davāya (dat.) id. Nd 540; Miln 367; Dhs 1347, cp. DhsA
SnA 500 (=padara). 402. — davaṁ karoti to sport, to play J ii.359, 363.
-cara a cave dweller (of a monkey) J v.70; -mukha en- -atthāya in joke, for fun Vin ii.113; -kamyatā fondness
trance of a cave Vism 110. -saya a lair in a cleft Cp. iii.7 . for joking, Vin iv.11, 354; M i.565.
Dala (nt.) [Sk. dala, *del (var. of *der, see dara) in dalati (q. v.) Davya [for *dravya]=dabba , in sarīra° fitness of body, a beauti-

Davya *Dassati

ful body J ii.137. (see lokadhātu).
Dasa [Sk. daśa=Av. dasa, Gr. δέκα, Lat. decem, Goth. taíhun, Dasa (—°) [Sk. — dṛśa; cp. dassa] seeing, to be seen, to be per-
Oir. deich, Ags. tīen, Ohg. zehan fr. *dekm̊, a cpd. of ceived or understood D i.18 (aññadatthu° sureseeing, all —
dv+km̊="two hands"] the number ten; gen. dasannaṁ (Dh perceiving=sabbaṁ passāmī ti attho DA i.111); Sn 653 (paṭic-
137); instr. dasahi (Kh iii.) & dasabhi (Vin i.38). In cpds. casamuppāda°), 733 (sammad°); J i.506 (yugamatta°; v. l.
(—°) also as ḷasa (soḷasa 16) & rasa (terasa 13; pannar° 15; dassa). — duddasa difficult to be seen or understood D i.12
aṭṭhār° 18). (dhammā gambhīrā d.; see gambhīra); M i.167, 487; Sn 938;
Metaphorical meaning. (A) In the first place 10 is used for Dh 252; also as sududdasa Dh 36.
measurement (more recent & comprehensive than its base 5);
Dasaka (nt.) 1. a decad, decade, a decennial J iv.397; DhsA 316.
it is the no. of a set or comprehensive unity, not in a vague (like
khiḍḍā° the decad of play Vism 619; cakkhu° etc. sense —
3 or 5), but in a definite sense. (B) There inheres in it the idea
decads Vism. 553; Comp. 164, 250; kāya°, Vism. 588.
of a fixed measure, with which that of an authoritative, solemn
Dasana [Sk. daśana to ḍasati] a tooth Dāvs v.3 (d.- dhātu, the
& auspicious importance is coupled. This applies to the unit
as well as its decimal comb (100, 1000). Ethically it denotes tooth relic of the Buddha).
a circle, to fulfil all of which constitutes a high achievement Dasā (f.) & dasa (nt.) [Sk. daśā] unwoven thread of a web of
or power. cloth, fringe, edge or border of a garment D i.7 (dīgha° long
Application (A) (based on natural phenomena): dasa disā — fringed, of vatthāni); J v.187; DhA i.180; iv.106 (dasāni).
(10 points of the compass; see disā): Sn 719, 1122; PvA 71, — sadasa (nt.) a kind of seat, a rug (lit. with a fringe) Vin
etc.; d. lokadhātuyo Pv ii.9 61 (=10X1000; PvA 138); d. māse iv.171 (=nisīdana); opp. adasaka (adj.) without a fringe or
(10 months as time of gestation) kucchiyā pariharitvā J i.52; border Vin ii.301=307 (nisīdana). -anta edge of the border
PvA 43, 82. — (B) (fig.) 1. a set: (a) personal (cp. 10 people of a garment J i.467; DhA i.180 sq., 391.
would have saved Sodom: Gen. 18, 32; the 10 virgins (2X5) 1
Dasika (adj.) (—°) [Sk. dṛśika, cp. dassin] to be seen, to behold,
Matt. 25, 1): divase divase dasa dasa putte vijāyitvā (giving
being of appearance, only in dud° or frightful app., fierce, ugly
birth to 10 sons day by day) Pv i.6. — (b) impersonal: 10 com-
Si.94 & id. p. (q. v. under okoṭimaka); J i.504 (kodha, anger);
mandments (dasa sikkhāpadāni Vin i.83), cp. Exod. 34, 28; 10
PvA 24, 90 (of Petas). — Note. The spelling is sometimes
attributes of perfection of a Tathāgata or an Arahant: Tathā-
°dassika: A ii.85; Pug 51; PvA 90.
gata — balāni; with ref. to the Buddha see Vin i.38 & cp. Vin. 2
Dasika (adj.) [fr. dasā] belonging to a fringe, in dasika -sutta
Texts i.141 sq.; dasah' angehi samannāgato arahā ti vuccati (in
an unwoven or loose thread Vin iii.241; DhA iv.206 (°mattam
memorizing of No. 10) Kh iii. dasahi asaddhammehi sam°
pi not even a thread, i. e. nothing at all, cp. Lat. nihīlum=ne
kāko J iii.127; — 10 heavenly attributes (ṭhānāni): āyu etc. D
— fīlum not a thread=nothing). See also dasaka under dasā.
iii.146; S v.275; PvA 9, opp. 10 afflictions as punishment (cp.
10 plagues Exod. 7 — 11): dasannaṁ aññataraṁ ṭhānaṁ ni- Dassa (—°) [Sk. — darśa; cp. dasa ] to see or to be seen, per-
gacchati Dh 137 (=das. dukkha — kāraṇānaṁ, enum v. 138, ceiving, perceived Sn 1134 (appa° of small sight, not seeing
139) "afflicted with one of the 10 plagues"; cp. DhA iii.70. far, knowing little=paritta — dassa thoka — dassa Nd 69).
— 10 good gifts to the bhikkhu (see deyyadhamma) Nd 523; Cp. akkha° a judge Miln 114. -su° easily perceived (opp.
PvA 7; 10 rules for the king: PvA 161; — dividing the Em- duddasa) Dh 252.
pire into 10 parts: PvA 111; etc. vassa — dasa a decade: das' *Dassati [Sk. *darś in dadarśa pref. to dṛś; caus. darśa-yati.
ev' imā vassa — dasā J iv.396 (enum under vassa); dasa —
Cp. Gr. δέρκομαι to see; Oir. derc eye; Ags. torht; Goth.
rāja — dhammā J ii.367; das' akkosa — vatthūni DhA i.212.
ga — tarhjan to make conspicuous. The regular Pāli Pres. is
— See on similar sets A v.1 — 310; D iii.266 — 271. — 2.
dakkhiti (younger dakkhati), a new formation from the aor.
a larger unity, a crowd, a vast number (of time & space): (a)
addakkhi=Sk. adrākṣīt. The Sk. Fut. draksyati would cor-
personal, often meaning "all" (cp. 10 sons of Haman were
respond formally to dakkhati, but the older dakkhiti points
slain Esth. 9, 10; 10 lepers cleansed at one time Luke 17, 12):
toward derivation from addakkhi. This new Pres. takes the
dasa bhātaro J i.307; dasa bhātikā PvA 111; dasa — kaññā —
function of the Fut.; whereas the Caus. dasseti implies a hy-
sahassa — parivārā PvA 210 etc. — (b) impersonal (cp. 10 X
pothetical Pres. *dassati. On dakkhati, etc. see also Kuhn,
10=many times, S.B.E. 43, 3): dasa — yojanika consisting of
Beitr. p. 116; Trenckner, Notes pp. 57, 61; Pischel, Prk. Gr.
a good many miles DhA iii.291. dasavassasahassāni dibbāni
§ 554] to see, to perceive.
vatthāni paridahanto ("for ever and aye") PvA 76, etc. 2
1. (pres.) base dakkh [Sk. drakṣ]: pres. (a) dakkhati Nd
-kkhattuṁ [Sk. °kṛtvah] ten times DhA i.388; -pada
428 (=passati), 1st dakkhāmi ibid. (=passāmi), 2nd dakkhasi
(nt.) a draught — board (with 10 squares on each side); a 13 2
S i.116; Pv ii.1 (v. l. BB adakkhi); imper. dakkha Nd 428
pre — Buddhistic game, played with men and dice, on such
(=passa). — (b) dakkhiti Sn 909 (v. l. BB dakkhati), 3rd pl.
a board D i.6; Vin ii.10=iii.180 (°e kīḷanti); DA i.85. -bala,
dakkhinti Vin i.16≈Sn p. 15 (v. l. BB dakkhanti); D i.46. —
[Sk. daśabala] endowed with 10 (supernormal) powers, Ep. of aor. addakkhi (Sk. adrakṣīt) Vin ii.195; S i.117; Sn 208 (=ad-
the Buddhas, esp. of Kassapa Buddha Vin i.38=J i.84; S ii.27; dasa SnA 257), 841, 1131; It 47; J iii.189; & dakkhi It 47; 1st
Vism 193, 391; DhA i.14; VvA 148, 206, etc. -vidha tenfold sg. addakkhiṁ Sn 938. Spelling also adakkhi (v. l. BB at Pv
DhA i.398. -sata ten times a hundred Vin i.38 (°parivāro); ii.1 ) & adakkhiṁ (Nd 423). — inf. dakkhituṁ Vin i.179.
Sn 179 (yakkhā); DhsA 198 (°nayano). -sahassa ten times — Caus. p.p. dakkhāpita (shown, exhibited) Miln 119. —
a thousand (freq.); °ī in dasa — sahassi — lokadhātu Vin i.12 Der. dakkhin (q. v.).

*Dassati Dassāvin

2. (pret.) base dass (Sk. darś & draś): aor. (a) addasa edge," perfect knowledge, realization of the truth, wisdom (cp.
(Sk. adarśat) Sn 358, 679, 1016; J i.222; iv.2; Pv ii.3 23 (mā ñāṇa): S i.52; ii.30; v.28, 422; M i.195 sq., 241, 482 (Gotamo
addasa=addakkhiṁ PvA 88); DhA i.26; PvA 73, & (older, cp. sabbaññū sabba — dassāvī aparisesaṁ ñ — d °ṁ paṭijānāti;
agamā) addasā Vin ii.192, 195; D i.112; ii.16; Sn 409 (v. l. id. ii.31); D iii.134; A i.220; ii.220; iv.302 sq.; cp. ñ — d
BB addasa), 910 (id.); Miln 24, 1st sg. addasaṁ S i.101; Nd 2 — paṭilābha A i.43; ii.44 sq.; iii 323; ñ — d — visuddhi M
423 & addasaṁ Sn 837 (=adakkhiṁ Nd 185), 1st pl. ad- i.147 sq. Also with further determination as adhideva — ñ —
dasāma Sn 31, 178, 459, 3rd pl. (mā) addasuṁ Pv ii.7 (=mā d° A iv.428; alam-ariya° S iii.48; iv.300; v.126 sq.; M i.68,
passiṁsu PvA 102). — (b) addasāsi, 1st sg. addasāsiṁ Sn 71, 81, 207, 246, 440 sq., A i.9; iii.64, 430; v.88; parisuddha
937, 1145; Vv 35 52 (v. l. addasāmi), 3rd pl. addasāsuṁ Vin A iii.125; maggâmagga° A v.47; yathābhūta° A iii.19, 200;
ii.195; D ii.16; M i.153. — (c) shortened forms of aor. are: iv.99, 336; v.2 sq., 311 sq.; vimutti° S i.139; v.67; A iii.12,
adda Th 1, 986; addā J vi.125, 126. — inf. daṭṭhuṁ Sn 685 81, 134; iv.99, 336; v.130; It 107, 108; Miln 338. See also
(daṭṭhukāma); J i.290; Pv iv.1 (=passituṁ PvA 219); PvA 48, vimutti. — (b) in other contexts: ariyasaccāna — dassana Sn
79; VvA 75. — ger. daṭṭhu (=Sk. dṛṣṭvā) Sn 424 (in phrase 267; ujubhūta° S v.384, 404; dhamma° (the right doctrine) S
nekkhammaṁ daṭṭhu khemato)=1098; 681. Expl. at Nd 292 v.204, 344, 404; A iii.263; pāpa° (a sinful view) Pv iv.3 ;
with expl. of disvā=passitvā, etc. — grd. daṭṭhabba (to be re- viparīta° A iii.114; iv.226; v.284 sq. (and a°), 293 sq. sammā°
garded as) D ii.154; PvA 8, 9, 10, etc., Vism 464; & dassanīya (right view) S iii.189; A iii.138; iv.290; v.199; sabbalokena d.
(see sep.). Also in Caus. (see below) & in daṭṭhar (q. v.). S iv.127; sahetu d. S v.126 sq.; suvisuddha d. S iv.191. —
3. (med. — pass.) base diss (Sk. dṛś): pres. pass. dissati S iii.28, 49; M ii.46; iii.157; Sn 989 (wisdom: Jinānaṁ eta
(to be seen, to appear) Vin i.16; Sn 194, 441, 688 (dissare), d. corresponding with ñāṇa in preceding line); Dhs 584, 1002
956; J i.138; Dh 304; Pv i.8 ; PvA 61 (dissasi you look, intrs.); (insight: cp. Dhs. trsl. p. 256). — (adj.) perceiving or having
ppr. dissamāna (visible) PvA 71, 6 (°rūpa), 162 (id.); VvA 78 a view (cp. dasseti) S i.181 (visuddha°); Th 1, 422. — (c) as
(°kāya); Mhvs. vii.35, & der. dissamānatta (nt.) (visibility) nt. from the Caus. dasseti: pointing out, showing; implication,
PvA 103. — ger. disvā Sn 48, 409, 687 sq. It 76; PvA 67, definition, statement (in Com. style) PvA 72; often as °ākāra
68, etc., & disvāna Vin i.15; ii.195; Sn 299, 415, 1017; Pv — dassana: PvA 26 (dātabba°), 27 (thomana°), 35 (kata°) &
ii.8 , etc., also a ger. form diṭṭhā, q. v. under adiṭṭhā. — pp. in dassanatthaṁ in order to point out, meaning by this, etc.
diṭṭha (q. v.). PvA 9, 68. — 3. adassana not seeing S i.168=Sn 459; invis-
4. Caus. (of base 2) dasseti (Sk. darśayati), aor. dassesi & ibility J iv.496 (°ṁ vajjati to become invisible); wrong theory
(exceptional) dassayi, only in dassayi tumaṁ showed himself or view A v.145 sq.; Sn 206; Pug 21.
at Pv iii.2 (=attānaṁ uddisayi PvA 181) & iii.2 16 (=attānaṁ -anuttariya (nt.) the pre — eminence or importance of
dassayi dassesi pākaṭo ahosi PvA 185). 3rd pl. dassesuṁ; ger. (right or perfect) insight; as one of the 3 anuttariyāni, viz.
dassetvā; inf. dassetuṁ to point out, exhibit, explain, inti- d°, paṭipadā°, vimutta° at D iii.219, 250, 281; A iii.284,
mate Dh 83; J i.84, 200, 263, 266; ii.128, 159; iii.53, 82; PvA 325; -kāma (adj.) desirous of seeing A i.150; iv.115; Miln
4, 8, 16 (ovādaṁ d. give advice), 24, 45, 73 etc. — to point 23; -bhūmi the level or plane of insight Nett 8, 14, 50;
to (acc.) PvA 151 (sunakhaṁ), 257 (dārakaṁ). — to make -sampanna endowed with right insight S ii.43 sq., 58.
manifest, to make appear, to show or prove oneself; also intr.
Dassanīya (adj.) [Sk. darśanīya; grd. formation of dassana,
to appear J ii.154 (dubbalo viya hutvā attānaṁ dassesi: ap- also as dassaneyya] fair to behold, beautiful, good — look-
peared weak); vi.116; Pv iii.2 (=sammukhībhāvaṁ gacchanti ing (=dassituṁ yutta DA i.141), often in formula abhirūpa d.
PvA 181); PvA 13 (mitto viya attānaṁ dassetvā: acting like a
pāsādika paramāya vaṇṇapokkharatāya samannāgǮta to
friend), Miln 271. Esp. in phrase attānaṁ dasseti to come into
express matchless physical beauty: D i.114; S ii.279; PvA 46
appearance (of Petas): PvA 32, 47, 68, 79, etc. (cp. above
etc. Also with abhirūpa & pāsādika alone of anything fair &
dassayi). — pp. dassita.
beautiful: D i.47. — Vin iv.18; S i.95; J iii.394; Pug 52, 66;
Dassati fut. of dadāti, q. v. DA i.281; PvA 44 (=subha), 51 (=rucira). — Comparative
Dassana (nt.) [Sk. darśana, see dassati ] — 1. Lit. seeing, look- dassanīyatara S i.237; Sdhp 325: DhA i.119.
ing; noticing; sight of, appearance, look. Often equivalent Dassaneyya (adj.)=dassanīya J v.203 (bhusa°).
to an infinitive "to see," esp. as dat. dassanāya in order to
Dassāvitā (f.) [abstr. to dassāvin] seeing, sight (—°) Miln 140
see, for the purpose of seeing (cp. dassana — kāma=daṭṭhu
— kāma): [Bhagavantaṁ] dassanāya M ii.23, 46; A i.121;
Dassāvin (adj. — n.) [Sk. *darśavant] full of insight, see-
iii.381; Sn 325. — (a) (nt.) "sight" D ii.157 (visūka°, look- n
ing, perceiving, taking notice of. In comb with °ñū (know-
ing on at spectacles); A iii.202 (+savana hearing); iv.25 sq.
ing) it plays the part of an additional emphasis to the 1st
(bhikkhu°); Sn 207 (muni°, may be taken as 2, cp. SnA
term=knowing & seeing i. e. having complete or highest
256), 266 (=pekkhaṇa KhA 148); Dh 206 (ariyānaṁ d., cp.
ariyānaṁ dassāvin), 210 (appiyānaṁ), 274; Vv 34 ; VvA 138 knowledge of, gifted with "clear" sight or intuition (see jānāti
passati & cp. ñāṇa — dassana). — (a) As adj. — °: seeing,
(sippa° exhibition of art, competition).— (b) adj. as (—°) "of
being aware of, realizing; anicca° S iii.1; ādīnava° S ii.194;
appearance" (cp. °dasa) Sn 548 (cāru° lovely to behold); PvA
iv.332; M i.173; A v.181 sq.; pariyanta° A v.50 sq.; bhaya°
24 (bhayānaka° fearful to look at), 68 (bībhaccha°). — 2. Ap-
S v.187: It 96; esp. in phrase anumattesu vajjesu bhaya° D
pld. (power of) perception, faculty of apperception, insight,
view, theory; esp. (a) in comb ñāṇa-dassana either "know- i.63=It 118 (cp bhaya — dassin); lokavajjabhaya° S i.138;
sabba° (+sabbaññū) M i.482 (samaṇo Gotamo s° s°); ii.31;
ing & seeing," or perhaps "the insight arising from knowl-

Dassāvin Dāna

Miln 74 (Buddho s° s°); cp. M Vastu iii.51 sarvadarśāvin; 464, 483.
sāra°. Vin ii.139. — (b) (n.) one who sees or takes notice of, in
Dāṭhā (f.) [Sk. daṁṣṭrā to ḍasati (q. v.), cp. also daṭṭha] a large
phrase ariyānaṁ dassāvī (+sappurisānaṁ dassāvī & kovido) M
tooth, fang, tusk; as adj. (—°) having tusks or fangs D ii.18
i.8; S iii.4; opp. adassāvī one who disregards the Noble Ones
(susukkha°); J i.505 (uddhaṭa — dāṭho viya sappo); iv.245
S iii.3, 113; M iii.17; Dhs 1003 (cp. DhsA 350).
(nikkhanta°); DhA i.215; PvA 152 (kaṭhina°); Sdhp 286.
Dassika (—°): see dasika . -āvudha [Sk. daṁṣṭrāyudha] using a tusk as his weapon
Dassita [Sk. darśita, pp. of dasseti ] shown, exhibited, per- J v.172; -danta a canine tooth KhA 44; -balin one whose
strength lies in his teeth (of a lion) Sn 72.
formed Vin iv.365; J i.330. Cp. san°.
Dassita at J vi.579 accord. to Kern (Toev. p. 114)=Sk. daṁśita Dāṭhikā (f.) [Sk. *dāḍhikā=Prk. for daṁṣṭrikā] beard, whiskers
Vin ii.134 (na d. ṭhapetabbā, of the bhikkhus); J i.305;
mailed, armed.
v.42 (tamba°), 217 (mahā° having great whiskers); DA i.263
Dassin (—°) (adj.) [Sk. °darśin] seeing, finding, realizing, per-
(parūḷha — massu° with beard & whiskers grown long).
ceiving. Only in cpds., like attha° Sn 385; ananta° S i.143;
Dāṭhin (adj.) [cp. Sk. daṁṣṭrin] having tusks J ii.245; iv.348; Th
ādīnava° Sdhp 409; ekanga° Ud 69; jātikkhaya° Sn 209; It
40; ñāṇa° Sn 478 (=sacchikatasabbaññuta — ñāṇa SnA 411; 1, p. 1; Sdhp 286.
cp. dassāvin); tīra° S iii.164 sq.; A iii.368, cp. tīra — Dātar [Sk. dāṭr, n. ag. of dadāti to give; cp. Gr. δώτωρ & δοτήρ]
dakkhin; dīgha° (=sabbadassāvin) PvA 196; bhaya° Dh 31 a giver, a generous person Pgdp 50. — adātā one who does
(°dassivā=dassī vā?), 317; It 40; DA i.181 (=bhaya dassāvin); not give, a miser Pv ii.8 ; otherwise as na dātā (hoti) A ii.203;
viveka° Sn 474, 851. It 65.
Dassimant see attha°. Dātta (nt.) [Sk. dātra, to dā, Sk. dāti, dyati to cut, divide, deal out;
cp. Gr. δατέομαι, δαίομαι & see dāna, dāpeti, dāyati] sickle,
Dassu [Sk. dasyu, cp. dāsa] enemy, foe; robber, in dassu- khīla
scythe Miln 33.
robber — plague D i.135, 136 (=corakhīla DA i.296).
Dāna (nt.) [Ved. dāna, dā as in dadāti to give & in dāti, dyāti
Dassetar [Sk. darśayitṛ, n. agent to dasseti] one who shows or
points out, a guide, instructor, teacher A i.62, 132=It 110. to deal out, thus: distribution (scil. of gifts); cp. Gr. δάνος
(present), Lat. damnum (E. damages); Gr. δ¨ωρον, Lat.
Dasseti Caus. of dassati (q. v.).
donum; also Ags. tīd (=E. tide, portion, i. e. of time), &
Dasso n. pl. of dāsī. tīma (=E. time). See further dadāti, dayati, dātta, dāpeti. Def n
at Vism 60: dānaṁ vuccati avakhaṇḍanaṁ] (a) giving, dealing
Daha [Sk. draha, through metathesis fr. hrada, hlād, see hilā-
out, gift; almsgiving, liberality, munificence; esp. a charitable
date] a lake D i.45 (udaka°); J i.50; ii.104; v.412; Miln 259;
PvA 152; Dpvs i.44. gift to a bhikkhu or to the community of bhikkhus, the Sangha
(cp. deyyadhamma & yañña). As such it constitutes a mer-
Dahati (dahate) [Sk. dadhāti to put down, set up; *dhe=Gr.
itorious act (puññaṁ) and heads the list of these, as enumer-
τίχημι, Lat. facio, Ohg. tuon, Ags. dōn= E. to do. See also
ated in order, dānamaya puññaṁ, sīlamaya p., bhāvanāmaya
dhātu] to put, place; take for (acc. or abl.), assume, claim, con-
p. viz. acts of merit consisting of munificence, good character
sider D i.92 (okkākaṁ pitāmahaṁ=ṭhapeti DA i.258); S iii.113
& meditation (D iii.218 e. g.; cp. cāga, puñña, sīla). Thus
(mittato daheyya); A iv.239 (cittaṁ d. fix the mind on); Sn
in formula dānâdīni puññāni katvā J i.168; PvA 66, 105; cp.
825 (bālaṁ dahanti mithu aññamaññaṁ=passanti dakkhanti, cpds. under °maya. — (b) Special merit & importance is at-
etc. Nd 163). Pass dhīyati (q. v.); grd. dheyya (q. v.). — tached to the mahādāna the great gift, i. e. the great offering
Note. dahati is more frequent in comb with prefixes & com-
(of gifts to the Sangha), in character the buddhistic equiva-
positions like ā°, upa°, pari°, sad°, san°, samā°, etc. pp. hita.
lent of the brahmanic mahāyajña the chief sacrifice. On 16
Dahati =ḍahati to burn; as dahate Pv ii.9 (=dahati vināseti PvA Mahādānas see Wilson Hindu Caste 413; on 4 Beal. Chinese
116). Texts 88. — A iv.246; J i.50, 74; v.383 (devasikaṁ chasatasa-
hassa — pariccāgaṁ karonto mahādānaṁ pavattesi "he gave
Dahana [Sk. dahana, to dahati, orig. "the burner"] fire Vism 338
the great largesse, spending daily 600,000 pieces"); PvA 19,
(°kicca); ThA 256; Dāvs v.6; Sdhp 20.
22, 75, 127, etc. — (c) Constituents, qualities & characteris-
Dahara (adj.) [Sk. dahara & dahra for dabhra to dabhnoti to be
tics of a dāna: 8 objects suitable for gifts form a standard set
or make short or deficient, to deceive] small, little, delicate, d
(also enum as 10), viz. anna pāna vattha yāna mālā gandha —
young; a young boy, youth, lad D i.80, 115; S i.131; ii.279
vilepana seyyāvasatha padīpeyya (bread, water, clothes, vehi-
(daharo ce pi paññavā); M i.82; ii.19, 66; A v.300; Sn 216,
cle, garlands, scented ointment, conveniences for lying down
420 (yuvā+), 578 (d. ca mahantā ye bālā ye ca paṇḍitā sabbe 9
& dwelling, lighting facility) A iv.239; cp. Pv ii.4 & see
maccuvasaṁ yanti); J i.88 (daharadahare dārake ca dārikāyo),
°vatthu & deyyadhamma. Eight ways of giving alms at D
291 (°itthī a young wife); ii.160, 353; iii.393; Dh 382; Pv iii.258= A iv.236, five ways, called sappurisa — dāna (& as-
iv.1 (yuvā); DhA i.397 (sāmaṇera); DA i.197 (bhikkhū), 223
app°) at A iii.171 sq.; eight sapp° at A iv.243. Five manners
(=taruṇa), 284 (id.); PvA 148; VvA 76; ThA 239, 251. Op-
of almsgiving metaphorically for sīlas 1 — 5 at A iv.246= DA
posed to mahallaka J iv.482; to vuḍḍha Vism 100. — f. da- i.306. Five characteristics of a beneficial gift at A iii.172, viz.
harā Vv 31 (young wife) (+yuvā VvA 129) & daharī J iv.35;
saddhāya dānaṁ deti, sakkaccaṁ d.d., kālena (cp. kāladāna
v.521; Miln 48 (dārikā).
A iii.41), anuggahitacitto, attānañ ca parañ ca anupahacca d.d.
Daharaka=dahara, young Miln 310. — f. °ikā a young girl Th 2, — (d) Various passages showing practice & value of dāna:

Dāna Dāyāda

Vin i.236; D i.53 (+dama & saṁyama; cp. It 15; PvA 276); Dāpita [Sk. dāpayita pp. of dāpeti ] given, sent PvA 6; Mhvs
ii.356 sq. (sakkaccaṁ & a°); A iv.392 sq. (id.); D iii.147 vii.26.
sq., 190 sq., 232; S i.98 (dānaṁ dātabbaṁ yattha cittaṁ pasī- 1
Dāpeti [Sk. dāpayati, dap fr. dā (see dadāti & dayati) =deal out,
dati); A i.91=It 98 (āmisa° and dhamma°, material & spiritual spend, etc., cp. Gr. δάπτω, δαπάνη (expenditure), δεϊπνον
gifts); A i.161; iii.41 (dāne ānisaṁsā); iv.60; 237 sq. (mahap-
(meal); Lat. daps (id.), damnum (expense fr. *dapnom). See
phala), 392 sq. (°ssa vipāka); v.269 (petānaṁ upakappati); J
also dātta & dāna] to induce somebody to give, to order to be
i.8 (aggaḷa°); ii.112 (dinna°), iii.52 (id.); Sn 263, 713 (appaṁ
given, to deal out, send, grant, dedicate J vi.485; PvA 46; aor.
dānaṁ samaṇabrāhmaṇānaṁ) PvA 54 (āgantuka° gift for the
dāpesi J iv.138; DhA i.226, 393 (sent); PvA 5 (id.), 31; fut.
newcomer); Sdhp 211 — 213. — adāna withholding a gift, dāpessati J ii.3; DhA 371. Cp. ava°.
neglect of liberality, stinginess Pv ii.9 ; Miln 279; PvA 25; 2
cp. °sīla under cpds.: atidāna excessive almsgiving Pv ii.9 45 Dāpeti [Sk. drāvayati & drapayati, Caus. to dru, see davati] to
cause to run J ii.404.
(cp. PvA 129); Miln 277.
-agga [Sk. dānāgara, cp. bhattagga, salākagga; see Dāma (nt.) [Sk. dāman to dyati to bind (Gr. δίδημι), *dē, as in Gr.
Trenckner, Notes p. 56] a house where alms or donations δέσμα (rope), διάδημα (diadem), ὑπόδημα (sandal)] a bond,
are given, a store — house of gifts, fig. a source or giver of fetter, rope; chain, wreath, garland S iv.163 (read dāmena for
gifts, a horn of plenty J vi.487; DhA i.152, 189; Miln 2; PvA damena), 282, (id.); A iii.393 (dāmena baddho); Sn 28 (=vac-
121, 124, 127, 141. A possible connection w. agga=āgra is chakānaṁ bandhanatthāya katā ganthitā nandhipasayuttā ra-
suggested by comb dānāni mahādānāni aggaññāni A iv.246; jjubandhanavisesā); Vism 108. Usually — °, viz. anoja —
-âdhikāra supervision or charge of alms — distributing. PvA puppha° J i.9; vi.227; olambaka° VvA 32; kusuma° J iii.394;
124 (cp. Pv ii.9 ); -ānisaṁsa praise of generosity PvA 9; gandha° J i.178; VvA 173, 198; puppha° J i.397; VvA 198;
cp. A iii.41; -upakaraṇa means or materials for a gift PvA mālā° J ii.104; rajata° J i.50; iii.184; iv.91; rattapuppha° J
105; -upapatti (read uppatti at D iii.258) an object suit- iii.30; sumana° J iv.455.
able for gifts, of which 8 or 10 are mentioned (see above c) 1
Dāya [Sk. dāva, conflagration of a forest; wood=easily in-
A iv.239=D iii.258; -kathā talk or conversation about (the
flammable substance; to dunoti (to burn) caus. dāvayati, cp.
merit & demerit of) almsgiving, one of the anupubbi — kathā 1
Gr. δαίω (to burn) & P. dava ] wood; jungle, forest; a grove
Vin i.15, 18; -dhamma the duty or meritorious act of bestow-
Vin i.10 (miga°), 15, 350; ii.138; S ii.152 (tiṇa°); iv.189
ing gifts of mercy (cp. deyyadhamma) PvA 9; -pati "lord
(bahukaṇṭaka d.=jungle); A v.337 (tiṇa°); J iii.274; vi.278.
of alms," master in liberality, a liberal donor (def. by Bdhgh
See also dāva.
as: yaṁ dānaṁ deti tassa pati hutvā deti na dāso na sahāyo
-pāla a grove keeper Vin i.350; M i.205.
DA i.298) D i.137 (+saddho & dāyako, as one of the quali- 2
Dāya [Sk. dāya, to dadāti, etc.] a gift, donation; share, fee D
fications of a good king); A iii.39; iv.79 sq. (+saddho); Sn
487; Pv i.11 (+amaccharin); J i.199; Miln 279 sq.; Sdhp 275, i.87≈(in phrase rājadāya brahmadeyya, a king's grant, cp. rāja-
dattiya); J iv.138; v.363; vi.346. Cp. dāyāda & brahmadeyya.
303; -puñña the religious merit of almsgiving or liberality
(see above a) PvA 73; -phala the fruit of munificence (as ac- Dāyaka [Sk. dāyaka, dā as in dadāti & dāna] (adj.) giving, be-
cruing to the donor) A iii.39; iv.79; Pv ii.8 (°ṁ hoti paramhi stowing, distributing, providing (usually — °); (n.) a donor,
loke: is rewarded in the life to come, cp. It 19); PvA 8 (cp. benefactor; a munificent person M i.236 sq.; A i.26, 161; ii.64,
Pv i.1); -maya consisting in giving alms or being liberal (see 80; iii.32, 336; iv.81; Sn p. 87; It 19 (ito cutā manussattā sag-
above a) D iii.218 (puññakiriya — vatthu); Vbh 135 (kusala gaṁ gacchanti dāyakā); J v.129 (kaṇḍa°); Pv i.1 sq.; 1 ; 4 ;
— cetanā), 325 (pañña); PvA 8 (puñña), 60 (id.), 9 (kusala — 5 ; DA i.298; PvA 113 (=dada); Miln 258 (°ānaṁ dakkhiṇā);
kamma), 51, etc.; -vaṭṭa alms J vi.333; -vatthu that which Sdhp 276. — f. dāyikā Vin ii.216 (bhikkhā°), 289 (khīrassa).
constitutes a meritorious gift; almsgiving, beneficence, offer- — adāyaka a stingy person, one who neglects almsgiving (cp.
ing, donation D iii.258= A iv.236; PvA 20 (=annapānādika adānasīla) Pv i.11 ; f. °ikā Pv i.9 .
dasavidha dātabbavatthu PvA 7); -veyyāvaṭika services ren-
Dāyajja (nt.) [Sk. dāyādya; see dāyāda] inheritance Vin i.82; D
dered at the distribution of gifts DhA iii.19; -saṁvibhāga
iii.189; A iii.43; J i.91; Vism 43 sq.; dowry J iii.8. — (adj.)
liberal spending of alms D iii.145, 169; A i.150, 226; iii.53,
one who inherits Vin iii.66 (pituno of the father).
313; v.331; It 19; Vism 306; freq. with °rata fond of giving
-upasampadā, lit. the Upasampadā by way of inh., a
alms S v.351, 392; A iv.6 (vigatamalamaccherena cetasā), 266
particular form of ordination conferred on Sumana & Sopāka,
(id.); -salā a hall, built for the distribution of alms & donations
both novices seven yrs. old DhA iv.137.
to the bhikkhus & wanderers J i.231, 262; iv.402 (six); v.383
Dāyati [Sk. dāti & dyāti (dā) to cut, divide, etc.; cp. dayati, dātta,
(id.); -sīla liberal disposition PvA 89; usually as adāna-sīla
dāna] to cut, mow, reap, caus. dāyāpeti to cause to be cut or
(adj.) of miserly character, neglecting the duty of giving alms
Sn 244; Pv ii.8 (°ā na saddahaṇti dānaphalaṁ hoti paramhi mowed DhA iii.285.
loke); PvA 45 (=adāyaka), 59 (+maccharin), 68 (id.). Dāyana (nt.) [see dayati] cutting; °agga the first of what has been
cut (on fields) DhA i.98; °atthaṁ for the purpose of mowing
Dānava [Sk. dānava] a kind of Asuras or Titans, the offspring of
DhA iii.285.
Danu J iii.527; v.89; Miln 153; Dpvs xvii.98.
Dāyāda [Sk. dāyāda=dāya+ā — da receiving the (son's)
Dāni (adv.) [shortened form for idāni, q. v.] now, Vin i.180;
portion, same formation on ground of sam̊e idea as Lat.
ii.154; S i.200, 202; ii.123; iv.202; J ii.246; Miln 11, etc.
heres=*ghero+ē — do receiver of what is left: see Brugmann,
Dāpana: see vo°.

Dāyāda Dāsiyā

Album Kern p. 29 sq.] heir M i.86=Nd 199; S i.69, 90; wooden articles Vin ii.143 (specified), 170, 211; -maṇḍalika
iv.72; A iii.72 sq.; J iii.181; vi.151; Kh viii.5. Often fig. with a wooden disk DhA iii.180; -maya wooden VvA 8, DhA
kamma° one who inherits his own deeds (see kamma 3 A b i.192; -yanta a wooden machine Vism 595; -sanghāta ( —
& cpds.): M i.390 sq.; A v.289; & as dhamma° (spiritual yāna) "a vehicle constructed of wood," i. e. a boat J v.194;
heir) opposed to āmisa° (material h.): M i.12; It 101; also as -samādahāna putting pieces of wood together S i.169.
dhamma° D iii.84; as brahma° M ii.84; D iii.83. — adāyāda
Dāruka (cp. dāru] a log S i.202=Th 1, 62=DhA iii.460; adj. made
not having an heir S i.69; J v.267. See dāyajja & dāyādaka.
of wood Th 2. 390 (°cillaka, a wooden post, see ThA 257).
Dāyādaka [=dāyāda] heir M ii.73; Th 1, 781, 1142; f. °ikā Th 2,
Dāruṇa (adj.) [Ved. dāruṇa, to dāru ("strong as a tree"), cp. Gr.
327 (=dāyajjarahā ThA 234).
δροόν=ἰσξυρόν Hesych; Lat. dūrus; Oir. dron (firm), Mir. dūr
Dāyika (adj.)=dāyaka PvA 157; Sdhp 211, 229. (hard) Ags. trum] strong, firm, severe; harsh, cruel, pitiless S
i.101; ii.226; Sn 244; Dh 139; J iii.34; Pv iv.3 (=ghora PvA
-Dāyin (adj.) [Sk. dāyin, of dadāti] giving, granting, bestowing
251); Miln 117 (vāta); PvA 24, 52 (=ghora), 159 (sapatha a
PvA 121 (icchit' icchita°), 157 (=[kāma] dada); Sdhp 214 (dā-
terrible oath= ghora), 181 (=kurūrin), 221 (°kāraṇa); Sdhp 5,
78, 286.
Dāra & Dārā (f.) [Sk. dāra (m.) & dārā (f.), more freq. dārā
(; instr. sg. dārena J iv.7; Pv iv.1 , etc.; instr, pl. dārehi Dālana [f. dalati] see vi°.
Sn 108 (sehi d. asantuṭṭho not satisfied with his own wife), Dālikā & Dālima [Sk. dālika the colocynth & dāḍima the
loc. pl. dāresu Sn 38 (puttesu dāresu apekkhā), orig. "wives, pomegranate tree] in °laṭṭhi a kind of creeper; equivalent to
womenfolk," female members of the household=Gr. δοϋλος takkāri (?) Th 2, 297 (dālikā)=ThA 226 (dālikā & dālima).
(slave; Hesychius: δουλος=ἡ οἰκία; cp. also origin of Germ.
Dāḷiddiya (& daḷiddiya) (nt.) [Sk. *dāridrya] poverty D iii.65,
frauenzimmer & E. womanhood). Remnants of pl. use are
66; A iii.351 sq.; J i.228; Dāvs ii.60; Sdhp 78.
seen in above passage. fr. Sn.] a young woman, esp. married
woman, wife. As dārā f. at Nd 295 (d. vuccati bhariyā) & Dāleti see dalati.
It 36; f. also dārī maiden, young girl Pv i.11 . Otherwise as Dāva [Sk. dāva, see dava & daya ] in °aggi a jungle — fire J
dāra (coll — masc.): Dh 345; J i.120; ii.248; iv.7; v.104, 288; i.213; iii.140; Vism 470; DhA i.281.
VvA 299 (°paṭiggaha). — putta-dārā (pl.) wife & children Dāvika (adj.) in piṇḍa°, a cert. rank in the army (v. l. piṇḍa
Sn 108, 262; J i.262; cp. saputtadāra with w. & ch. Pv iv.3 ;
— dāyika) D i.51=Miln 331 (DA i.156: sāhasikamahāyodhā,
putta ca dārā ca Sn 38, 123. Freq. in definition of sīla No.
etc., with popular expl. of the terms piṇḍa & davayati).
3 (kāmesu micchācārin or abrahmacariyā, adultery) as sakena
dārena santuṭṭha A iii.348; v.138; Sn 108 (a°); Pv 1 , etc. — Dāsa [Ved. dāsa; orig. adj. meaning "non — Aryan," i. e. slave
(cp. Gr. βάρβαρος, Ger. sklave=slave); Av. dāha= a Scythian
paradāra the wife of another M i.404 sq.; Dh 246, 309; Sn
tribe. Also connected w. dasyu (see dassukhīla)] a slave, often
396 (parassa d.) PvA 261.
comb w. f. dāsī. Def. by Bdhgh as "antojāto" (DA i.300), or
Dāraka [Sk. dāraka, cp. dāra & Gr. δουλος (slave)] a (young)
as "antojātadhanakkīta — karamarânīta — sāmaṁ dāsabyaṁ
boy, child, youngster; a young man. f. dārikā girl (see next)
upagatānaṁ aññataro" (ibid. 168). — In phrase dāsā ca kam-
Vin i.83; J i.88 (dārake ca dārikāyo boys & girls); ii.127; makarā "slaves & labourers" Vin i.243, 272; ii.154; as dāso
vi.336; Pv i.12 (=bāla° PvA 65); DhA i.99 (yasa°=yasa —
kammakaro "a slave — servant" D i.60 (cp. d.— kammakara).
kulaputta); Miln 8, 9; PvA 176. — Freq. as gāmadārakā
— Vin i.72, 76 (dāso na pabbājetabbo: the slave cannot be-
(pl.) the village — boys, streeturchins J ii.78, 176; iii.275.
come a bhikkhu); D i.72; M ii.68 (fig. taṇhā°); J i.200, 223;
-tikicchā the art of infant — healing D i.12 (=komārab-
iii.343 (bought for 700 kahāpaṇas), 347; Pug 56; PvA 112.
hacca — vejjakamma DA i.98).
-kammakara (porisa) a slave — servant, an unpaid
Dārikā (f.) [Sk. dārikā, see dāraka] a young girl, daughter J labourer, a serf Vin i.240; A i.206; D iii.189; DhA iv.1; -gaṇa
iii.172; vi.364; Miln 48, 151; PvA 16 (daughter), 55, 67, 68. a troop of slaves Pv iv.1 ; -purisa a servant J i.385; -porisa
a servant, slave Sn 769 (cp. Nd 11, where 4 kinds of d. are
Dāru (nt.) [Sk. dāru, *dereṷo (oak) tree; cp. Av. dāuru (wood)
mentioned); -lakkhaṇa fortunetelling from (the condition of)
Gr. δόρυ (spear), δρυς (oak); Lat. larix (fr. *dārix)=larch;
slaves D i.9.
Oir. daur (oak); Goth. triu, Ags. treo= tree. Also Sk. dāruṇa,
Lat. dūrus (hard) etc., Oir. dru strong. See also dabba , dabbī Dāsaka=dāsa in °putta a slave, of the sons of the slaves, men-
& duma] wood, piece of wood; pl. woodwork, sticks A i.112; tioned as one of the sipp' āyatanas at D i.51≈ (expl. by Bd-
It 71; Dh 80; J ii.102; iii.54; vi.366; DhA i.393; PvA 76 (can- hgh as balavasinehā — gharadāsa — yodhā DA i.157). —
dana°), 141. sadāsaka with slaves, followed by slaves Vv 32 . — f. dāsikā
-kuṭikā a hut, log — house Vin iii.43; -kkhandha pile a female slave (=dāsī) M i.126; J vi.554.
of wood PvA 62; -gaha a wood yard Vin iii.42 sq.; -ghaṭika Dāsabyatā (f.)=dāsavya Sdhp 498.
wooden pitcher ThA 286. -cīriya "woodbarked" Np, DhA
Dāsavya & Dāsabya (nt.) [cp. Sk. dāsya] the condition of a
ii.35. -ja made of wood S i.77; Dh 345; -dāha the burn-
slave, slavery, serfdom D i.73; M i.275 (b); J i.226; DA i.168
ing of wood S i.169; -dhītalikā a wooden doll Vin iii.36,
(b), 213; DhA iii.35; PvA 112, 152.
126; -patta a wooden bowl Vin ii.112, 143; pattika one who
uses a wooden bowl for collecting alms D i.157; iii.22; DA Dāsitta (nt.) [Sk. dāsītva] the status of a (female) slave Miln 158.
i.319; pādukā a wooden shoe, a clog Vin ii.143; -bhaṇḍa
Dāsima a species of tree J vi.536.

Dāsiyā Diṭṭhi

Dāsiyā=dāsikā, a female slave J vi.554. beyond). Usually in cpds. (—°): of this world, in this world.
— diṭṭhadhamma Vin ii.188; D iii.222 sq.; A i.249; ii.61; Nd 2
Dāsī (f.) [Sk. dāsī, cp. dāsa. Nom. pl. dasso for dāsiyo J iv.53;
297 (=ñātadhamma); DA i.278; Sdhp 470. — °abhinibbuta at-
in cpds. dāsi°] a female servant, a handmaiden, a slave — girl
tained to Nibbāna in this birth A i.142; Sn 1087 (see Nibbāna);
Vin i.217, 269, 291; ii.10 (kula°), 78= iii.161; M i.125; ii.62
(ñāti°); Pv ii.3 (ghara°); PvA 46, 61, 65. — Cp. kumbha°. °nibbāna earthly N. D i.36; DA i.121; °sukhavihāra (& °in)
happy condition (or faring well) in this world Vin ii.188; M
-gaṇa a troop of slave — girls J ii.127; -dāsā (pl.) maid-
i.40, 331, 459; S ii.239; Dhs 577, 1283; DhsA 296; °vedanīya
& man — servants DhA i.187; freq. to cpd. d — d — paṭigga-
to be perceived in this condition A i.249, 251; PvA 145. —
haṇa slave — trading D i.5≈(cp. DA i.78); -putt&acircle; the
Freq. in loc. diṭṭhe dhamme (in this world) It 17 (attha, opp.
son of a slave, an abusive term (gharadāsiyā va putto Dh i.257;
samparāyika attha), or diṭṭhe va dhamme (already or even
cp. Sk. dāsīsuta) D i.93 (°vāda); -bhoga the possessions of a
in the present existence) D i.156, 167, 177, 196; iii.108; M
slave Vin iii.136.
i.341 sq., 485; ii.94, 103; A ii.155, 167; iii.429; Sn 141, 343,
Dāha see ḍāha.
1053; It 22, 23, etc. — In the same sense diṭṭhadhammika
Di° secondary base of numeral "2," contracted fr. dvi: see under (adj.) belonging or referring to this world or the present ex-
dvi B i.4. istence, always contrasted with samparāyika belonging to a
Dikkhita [Sk. dīkṣita "having commenced the preparatory rites future state: Vin i.179; iii.21; D iii.130; A i.47, 98; Nd 26; It
for sacrifice"] initiated, consecrated, cira° initiated long since 16; VvA 149; PvA 131, etc.
-ânugati imitation of what one sees, emulation, competi-
S i.226=J v.138, 139 (where dakkhita, q. v.; Com. cira —
tion S ii.203; M i.16; A i.126; iii.108, 251, 422; Pug 33; DhA
iv.39; -āvikamma making visible or clear, open statement,
Digucchā (f.) [=jigucchā; Sk. jugupsā] disgust DhsA 210
confession Vin v.183, 187 sq.; -kāla the time of seeing (any-
body), opportunity VvA 120; -ppatta one who has obtained
Dighacchā (f.) [=jighacchā] hunger A ii.117. (Nibbāna) in this world Nett 190; -padā (pl.) visible signs
or characteristics A iv.103; -mangalika (adj.) of puccha, a
Dighañña (adj.) [for jighañña=Sk. jaghanya fr. janghā] inferior,
question concerning visible omina. J iv.390; as °ikā (f.) Np at
low, last, hindmost (i. e. westward) J v.24 (where the Com.
J iv.376 sq.= SnA 185 sq. -saṁsandana Nd 447=DhsA 55.
seems to imply a reading jighacchaṁ with meaning of 1st sg.
pot. intens. of ghas, but d. is evidently the right reading), 402, Diṭṭha [Sk. dviṣṭa, pp. of dveṣṭi dviṣ to hate] (n.) an enemy J
403 (°rattiṁ at the end of the night). i.280; cp. Sk. dviṣat. — (adj.) poisoned, in diṭṭhagatena sal-
lena with a p. arrow S ii.230; misreading for diddh — agadena,
Dicchati [Sk. ditsati, Desid. fr. dadāti, base 4, q. v.] to wish to
q. v. The Cy. has diddhagatena with v. l. dibba — gadena.
give, to be desirous of giving S i.18, 20 (dicchare 3rd pl.); J
iv.64. Diṭṭhaka (adj.) [=diṭṭha ] seen, visible, apparent DhA ii.53, 90.
Dija see under dvi B i.4. Diṭṭhā (indecl.) [Sk. dṛṣṭyā, instr. of diṭṭhi] exclamation of joy,
Diṭṭha [Sk. dṛṣṭa, pp. of *dassati] 1. seen; a° not seen D hurrah! D iii.73; J i.362.
i.222 (a°+avedita asacchikata); M i.3 sq. (diṭṭhaṁ diṭṭhato Diṭṭhi (f.) [Sk. dṛṣṭi; cp. dassana] view, belief, dogma, theory,
sañjānāti); Sn 147 (diṭṭhā vā ye vā addiṭṭhā), 995 (na me diṭṭho speculation, esp. false theory, groundless or unfounded opin-
ito pubbe na ssuto... Satthā); J ii.154; iii.278; Pv i.2 (sāmaṁ ion. — (a) The latter is rejected by the Buddha as pāpa° (A
d.=seen by yourself); 3 (id.). — nt. diṭṭhaṁ a vision J iii.416. iv.172) and pāpikā d. (opp. bhaddikā: A v.212 sq.; It 26):
— Since sight is the principal sense of perception as well as Vin i.98, 323; Dh 164; Pv iv.3 ; whereas the right, the true,
of apperception (cp. cakkhu), that which is seen is the chief the best doctrine is as sammā d. the first condition to be com-
representation of any sense — impression, & diṭṭha comb d plied with by anyone entering the Path. As such the sammā
with suta (heard) and muta (sensed by means of smell, taste & d. is opposed to micchā d. wrong views or heresy (see b).
touch), to which viññāta (apperceived by the mind) is often Equivalent with micchā d. is kudiṭṭhi (late) Dāvs ii.58. —
joined, gives a complete analysis of that which comprises all (b) Characterized more especially as: (a) sammā diṭṭhi right
means of cognition & recognition. Thus diṭṭha+suta stands doctrine, right philosophy Vin i.10; S ii.17; v.11, 14, 30 sq.,
collectively for the whole series Sn 778, 812, 897, 1079; Pv 458 sq., M i.315; ii.12, 29, 87; iii.72; Nd 485; Vbh 104 sq.
iv.1 ; diṭṭha suta muta (see Nd 298 for detail & cp. diṭṭhiyā See magga. — ujukā d. S v.143, 165; ujugatā d. M i.46 sq.
sutiyā ñāṇena) Sn 790, 901, 914, 1082, 1086, 1122 (na tuyhaṁ — (β) micchā d. wrong theory, false doctrine S i.145; ii.153
adiṭṭhaṁ asutaṁ amutaṁ kiñcanaṁ atthi=you are omniscient); (caused by avijjā); M iii.71; Dh 167, 316; Nd 271 ; Vbh
d. suta muta viññāta in the same sense as Sn 1122 in "yaṁ 361, 389. — The foll. theories are to be considered as varieties
sadevakassa lokassa d. s. m. v. sabbaṁ taṁ Tathāgatena of micchā d., viz. (in limited enum ) akiriyavāda S iii.208;
abhisambuddhaṁ" of the cognitive powers of the Tathāgata iv.349; aññaṁ aññena S iii.211; antaggāhikā A i.154; ii.240;
D iii.134=Nd 276= It 121; D iii.232; Sn 1086, 1122. — 2. iii.130; antânantikā D i.22 sq. S iii.214, 258 sq.; assāda° A
known, understood M i.486; Sn 761; diṭṭha pañha a problem iii.447; ahetukavādā S iii.210; ucchedavādā D i.34; S ii.20;
or question solved J vi.532. See also conclusion of No. 1. — iii.99; 110 sq.; bhava° S iii.93; M i.65; A i.83; sakkāya° A
3. (adj.) visible, determined by sight, in conn. with dhamma iii.438; v.144; Sn 231 (cp. KhA 188); Nd 271 iiib (20 fold, as
meaning the visible order of things, the world of sensation, this diṭṭhilepa); sassatavādā D i.13; S ii.20; iii.98, 213 sq., 258 sq.
world (opp. samparāyika dhamma the state after death, the — (c) Various theories & doctrines are mentioned & discussed

Diṭṭhi Dinna

at: Vin i.115; S i.133; ii.61 sq., 75 sq., 222; iii.215 sq., 258 sq.; cord or disunion (lit. the going into parties) of theories, the
iv.286; v.448 (=D i.31); D iii.13 sq., 45, 246, 267; M i.40; A (?) puppet — show of opinion M i.8, 486; Sn 55 (=dvāsaṭṭhi
i.32; ii.252 sq.; iii.132, 289, 349; Th 2, 184; Ps i.135 sq.; Pug diṭṭhigatāni), K S ii.44; Vv 84 ; Pv iv.1 ; Nd 301 (=vīsati —
22; Dhs 392, 1003 (cp. Dhs. trsl. pp. 257 sq., 293, 325); Vbh vattukā sakkāyadiṭṭhi); cp. Nd 25 (attānudiṭṭhi); Dhs 381 (cp.
145, 245, 341, 393 sq.; Sdhp 13, 333. — (d) Miscellaneous: Dhs. trsl. p. 101), 1003, 1099. See also °gata; -vyasana fail-
4 diṭṭhiyo at Vbh 376; also at Vism 511 (sakkāya°, uccheda°, ing or misfortune in theory (+sīla°, in character) D iii.235; Nd 2
sassata°, akiriya°); 5 Vbh 378; 6 at M i.8; Vbh 382; 7 at Vbh 304; -saṁyojana the fetter or bond of empty speculation (cp.
383; 20 see under sakkāya°; 62 under diṭṭhigata. — In series °anusaya) D iii.254; A iv.7 sq.; -sanghāta the weft or tangle
diṭṭhi khanti ruci laddhi characterizing "diṭṭhadhamma" at of wrong views (cp. °gaṇṭhi) Nd 343; Nd 503; -samudaya
Nd 299 & passim. Diṭṭhiyā sutiyā ñāṇena in def. of a theory the origin of wrong views A iv.68; -sampadā success in the-
of cognition at Nd 300 as complementing taṇhā: see taṇhā ory, blessing of right views, attainment of truth D iii.213; 235
B 3. Coupled with vācā & citta in formula (taṁ) vācaṁ ap- (opp. °vipatti), S v.30 sq.; A i.95, 269; iii.438; iv.238; Pug 25;
pahāya cittaṁ appahāya diṭṭhiṁ appaṭinissajjitvā... (nikkhitto Dhs 1364; VvA 297; -sampanna endowed with right views S
evaṁ niraye) at S iv.319= D iii.13, 15; comb with (& opposed ii.43, 58, 80; v.11; A iii.438 sq.; iv.394; Vbh 366; Dialogues
to) sīla (as pāpaka & bhaddaka) at It 26, 27. — diṭṭhiṁ āsevati iii.206, n. 10; -sārin (adj.) following wrong views Sn 911.
to hold a view M i.323; °ṁ bhindati to give up a view J i.273;
Diṭṭhika (adj.) (—°) seeing, one who regards; one who has a view
Dāvs ii.58.
M iii.24 (āgamana° one who views the arrival, i. e. of guests);
-ânugati a sign of speculation Vin ii.108; S ii.203; Pug
S ii.168 sq. (sammā° & micchā° hoḷding right & wrong theo-
33. -ânusaya inclination to speculation D iii.254, 282; S
ries); D iii.96 (vītimissa°). See añña°, micchā°, sammā°.
v.60; A iv.9; -āsava the intoxicant of speculation, the 3rd
of four āsavā, viz. kāma°, bhava°, d.°, avijjā° Vin iii.5; Nd 2 Diṭṭhitā (f.) [fr. diṭṭhi] the fact of having a (straightforward) view
(uju°) Miln 257.
134; Dhs 1099, 1448; Vbh 373; cp. °ogha; -upadānā tak-
ing up or adhering to false doctrines, the 2nd of the four up- Diṭṭhin (adj. — n.) one who has a view, or theory, a follower of
ādānāni or attachments, viz. kāma°, d.°, sīlabbata°, attavāda° such & such a doctrine Ud 67 (evaṁ°+evaṁ vādin).
D iii.230; Dhs 1215, 1536; -ogha the flood of false doctrine, Diṇṇa [Sk. dīrṇa, pp. of dṛ, dṛṇāti, see darī] broken, split, un-
in set of four ogha's as under °āsava D iii.230, 276; Nd 178;
done, torn, as neg. adiṇṇa unbroken D i.115 (so read for ād-
-kantāra the wilderness of groundless speculation Dhs 381,
ina — khattiya — kula; v. l. BB. abhinna°); S v.74 (so read
1003, 1099, etc.; see °gata; -gaṇṭhi the web or tangle of so-
for ādīna — mānaso, v. l. BB. adinā & SS ādina°). Cp. also
phisticism VvA 297; cp. °sanghāṭa; -gata (nt.) "resorting
to views," theory, groundless opinion, false doctrine, often 1
Ditta [Sk. dīpta, dīp; cp. dīpa] blazing. Dāvs v.32. Usually in
followed by series of characterizing epithets: d. — gahana,
°kantāra, °visūka, °vipphandita, °saññojana, e. g. M i.8; Nd 2 cpd. āditta.
271 . Of these sophistical speculations 2 are mentioned at Ditta [Sk. dṛpta; cp. dappa] proud, arrogant, insolent; wanton
It 43, Ps i.129; 6 at Ps i.130; 62 (the usual number, express- Th 1, 198; J ii.432; iii.256=485; v.17, 232; vi.90, 114.
ing "great and small" sets, cp. dvi A ii.) at D i.12 — 39 (in Diddha [Sk. digdha to dih, see deha] smeared J v.425 sq.; esp.
detail); S iv.286; Ps i.130; Nd 271 ; Nett 96, 112, 160. — smeared with poison, poisoned J iv.435 (sara, a poisoned ar-
Vin i.49; D i.162, 224, 226; S i.135, 142; ii.230; iii.109, 258 row); perhaps to be read at It 68 for duṭṭha (scil. sara) and at
sq. (anekavihitāni); iv.286 (id.); M i.8, 176, 256 sq. (pāpaka),
S ii.230 for diṭṭha. Cp. san°.
326 (id.), 426 sq.; A iv.68; v.72 sq., 194 (pāpaka); Sn 649,
Dina (nt.) [Sk. dina; Lat. nun — dinae (*noven — dinom); Oir.
834, 913; Pug 15; Dhs 277, 339, 392, 505; Vism 454. — adj.
denus; Goth. sin — teins; cp. divasa] day Sdhp 239. -
°gatika adhering to (false) doctrine Dpvs vi.25; -gahana the
duddinaṁ darkness Dāvs v.50 (d. sudinaṁ ahosi, cp. i.49,
thicket of speculation Dhs 381, 1003; see °gata; -jāla the net
51); also as f. duddinī Vin i.3.
of sophistry D i.46; DA i.129; -ṭṭhāna a tenet of speculative
philosophy D i.16; M i.136; A v.198; Ps i.138 (eight); Miln Dindibha [cp. Sk. ṭiṭṭibha?] a kind of bird J vi.538.
332; DA i.107; -nijjhānakkhanti forbearance with wrong Dindima (nt.) [Sk. ḍiṇḍima, cp. dundubhi] a musical instrument,
views S ii.115; iv.139; A i.189 sq.; ii.191; Nd 151; -nipāta
a small drum J vi.580; Bu i.32. See also deṇḍima.
a glance VvA 279; -nissaya the foundation of speculation
Dinna [Sk. dinna, pp. of dadāti] given, granted, presented etc.,
M i.137; D ii.137 sq.; -pakkha the side or party of sophists 26
in all meanings of dadāti q. v.; esp. of giving alms Pv iv.3
Nett 53, 88, 160; -paṭilābha the attainment of speculation
(=mahādāna PvA 253) & in phrase adinn'ādāna taking what is
M iii.46; -paṭivedha=prec. D iii.253; -patta one who has
not given, i. e. stealing, adj. adinnâdāyin stealing, refraining
formed (a right or wrong) view D iii.105, 254; M i.439; A
from which constitutes the 2nd sīla (see under sīla). — dinna:
i.74; 118, iv.10; v.23; -parāmasa perversion by false doc-
D i.55≈(n' atthi dinnaṁ the heretic view of the uselessness of
trine Dhs 1498; -maṇḍala the circle of speculative dogmatics
almsgiving); J i.291; ii.128; Sn 191, 227, 240; Dh 356; PvA
DhsA 109; -vipatti failure in theory, the 3rd of the four vipat-
68 (given in marriage). Used as finite tense freq., e. g. J i.151,
tiyo viz. sīla°, ācāra°, d.°, ājīva°; opp. °sampadā Vin v.98; D
152; vi.366. — adinna: M i.39, 404; Sn 119 (theyyā adinnaṁ
iii.213; A i.95, 268; Pug 21; Dhs 1362; Vbh 361; -vipallāsa
ādiyati), 156, 395, 400, 633; PvA 33 etc.
contortion of views A ii.52; -visaṁyoga disconnection with
-ādāyin taking (only) what is given D i.4; DA i.72; -dāna
false doctrine D iii.230, 276; -visuddhi beauty of right theory
almsgiving J iii.52; DhA i.396; -dāyin giving alms, liberal,
A i.95; M i.147 sq.; D iii.214, 288; -visūka (nt.) the dis-

Dinna Disati

munificent D iii.191. one day long A iii.304= iv.317; J i.279; ii.2; DhA iii.173 (taṁ
Dinnaka an adopted son, in enum of four kinds of sons (atraja, d. that day); eka° one day J i.58; iii.26; PvA 33, 67. — gen.
khettaja, antevāsika, d.) Nd 448; J i.135 (=posāvanatthāya divasassa (day) by day S ii.95 (rattiyā ca d. ca); J v.162; DA
i.133. — instr. divasā day by day J iv.310; divasena (eka°)
on the same day J i.59; sudivasena on a lucky day J iv.210. —
Dippati [Sk. dīpyate, see under dīpa & cp. jotati] to shine, to
loc. divase on a day: eka° J iii.391; jāta° on his birth — day
shine forth, to be illustrious Vin ii.285. Cp. pa°.
J iii.391; iv.138; dutiya° the next day PvA 12, 13, 17, 31, 80
Dibba (adj.) [Ved. divya=P. divya in verse (q. v.), Gr. δϊος etc.; puna° id. J i.278; PvA 19, 38; sattame d. on the 7th day
(*Διvιος), Lat. dīus (*divios)=divine. Cp. deva] of the next Sn 983; Miln 15; PvA 6; ussava° on the festive d. VvA 109;
world, divine, heavenly, celestial, superb, magnificent, fit for apara° on another day PvA 81. Also repeated divase divase
exalted beings higher than man (devas, heroes, manes etc.), su- day after day, every day J i.87; PvA 3. — abl. divasato from
perhuman, opp. mānusaka human. Freq. qualifying the foll. the day (—°) J i.50; DA i.140.
"summa bona": cakkhu the deva — eye, i. e. the faculty of -kara the "day — maker," i. e. the sun (cp. divākara) VvA
clairvoyance, attr. in a marked degree to the Buddha & other 169, 271; -bhāga the day — part (opp. ratti° the night — part),
perfect beings (see cakkhumant) D i.82, 162; ii.20 (yena su- day — time Miln 18 (°ena); PvA 152 (°ṁ), 206 (°e=divā);
daṁ samantā yojanaṁ passati divā c' eva rattiñ ca); iii.219; S -santatta heated the livelong day S i.169; M i.453; A iv.70,
i.196; ii.55 sq.; M ii.21; It 52; Th 2, 70; Ps i.114; ii.175; Vism cp. Vin i.225; Miln 325; cp. diva°
434; Sdhp 482; PvA 5 (of Moggallāna); Tikp 278; Dukp 54.
Divā (adv.) [Ved. divā, cp. diva] by day S i.183; M i.125; Dh 387;
sota the d. ear, matching the d. eye D i.79, 154; J v.456; also d
DA i.251; PvA 43, 142, 206 (=divasa — bhāge). Often comb
as sotadhātu A i.255; M ii.19; D iii.38, 281; Vism 430. rūpa
& contrasted with rattiṁ (or ratto) by night; e. g. divārattiṁ
D i.153. Āyu, vaṇṇa etc. (see dasa ṭhānāni) A i.115; iii.33;
by day & by night S i.47; divā c' eva rattiñ ca D ii.20; rattim
iv.242; PvA 9, 89. kāmā Sn 361; Dh 187; It 94; also as kā-
pi divā pi J ii.133; divā ca ratto ca S i.33; Sn 223; Dh 296;
maguṇā A v.273. Of food, drink, dress & other commodities: 4
Vv 31 ; VvA 128. — divātaraṁ (compar. adv.) later on in
A i.182; J i.50, 202; iii.189; PvA 23, 50, 70, 76 etc. — Def.
the day M i.125; J iii.48, 498. — atidivā too late S i.200; A
as devaloke sambhūta DA i.120; divibhavattā dibba KhA 227;
divibhāvaṁ devattabhāva — pariyāpanna PvA 14. — See fur-
-kara (=divaṁ kara) the day — maker, the sun ThA 70
ther e. g. S i.105; D iii.146; Sn 176, 641; Dh 236, 417; Pug (=Ap. v.16); PvA 155; -divassa (adv.) early in the day, at
60; Vism 407 (def ), 423.
sunrise, at an early hour Vin ii.190; S i.89, 91, 97; A v.185;
-osadha magical drugs Miln 283; -kāmā (pl.) heav-
M ii.100, 112; J ii.1; vi.31; DhA ii.8; VvA 239, 242; -vihāra
enly joys (see above) J i.138 (opp. mānusakā); -cakkhuka
the day — rest, i. e. rest during the heat of the day Vin i.28, S
endowed with the superhuman eye S ii.156; A i.23, 25; -
i.129, 132, 146, 193=Th 1, 1241; Sn 679; -saññā conscious-
paṇṇākāra (dasavidha°) the (tenfold) heavenly gift (viz. āyu,
ness by day, daily c. D iii.223=A ii.45; -seyyā=°vihāra D
vaṇṇa etc.: see ṭhāna) DhA iii.292; -bhāva divine condition
or state PvA 110; -yoga union with the gods S i.60; -vihāra n
Divi° an abstraction fr. divya constructed for etym. expl of
supreme condition of heart Miln 225; -sampatti heavenly
dibba as divi-bhava (°bhāva) of divine existence or character,
bliss J iv.3; DhA iii.292; PvA 16, 30.
a divine being, in "divi — bhavāni divyāni ettha atthī ti divyā"
Dibbati [Sk. dīvyati, pp. dyūta see jūta] to sport, to amuse oneself
SnA 219; "divi — bhavattā dibbā ti" KhA 227; "divibhāvaṁ
VvA 18 (in expl. of devī); to play at dice M ii.106 (akkhehi).
devattabhāvapariyāpanno ti dibbo" PvA 14.
Dirasaññu (adj.) [Sk. dara — saṁjña? See Kern, Toev. p. 118]
Divilla a musical instrument Dpvs xvi.14.
one who has little common — sense J vi.206, 207, 213, 214.
Com. expl wrongly on p. 209 with "one who possesses two Divya [Sk. divya; the verse — form for the prose — form dibba
(q. v.)] (adj.) divine Sn 153 (cp. SnA 219 under divi°), 524
tongues" (of Agni), but has equivalent nippañña on p. 217
(+mānusaka); J vi.172. — (nt.) the divinity, a divine being
(text 214: appapañña+).
(=devatā) J vi.150; SnA 219.
Diva [Sk. diva (nt.), weak base diṷ (div) of strong form diǤē (see
Disa [Sk. dviṣant & dviṣa (—°); dveṣṭi & dviśati to hate; cp. Gr.
deva) to *deiǮe ṷo to shine; cp. Sk. dyo heaven, divā adv. by
δεινός (corynthic δvεινία, hom. δέδvιμεν) fearful; Lat. dīrus=E.
day; Lat. biduum (bi — divom) two days] (a) heaven J iv.134
dire] an enemy Dh 42, 162; J iii.357; iv.217; v.453; Th i.874
(°ṁ agā); v.123 (°ṁ patta); PvA 74 (°ṁ gata). — (b) day Sn
— 6; cp. Pss. Breth., 323, n. i.
507 (rattindivaṁ night & day); VvA 247 (rattindiva one night
& one day, i. e. 24 hrs.); DhA ii.8 (divā — divassa so early Disatā (f.) [Sk. diśatā, see disā] direction, quarter, region, part
in the day). Also in divaṁ — kara, daymaker,=sun, VvA 307; of the world J iv.359; Pv ii.9 21 (kiṁ disataṁ gato "where in
usually as divākara (q. v.). Cp. devasika; see also ajja. the world has he gone?"); Vv ii.3 (sādisatā the circle of the 6
-santatta heated for a whole day J iv.118 (cp. divasa°) directions, cp. VvA 102).
Divasa (m; nt. only in expression satta divasāni 7 days or a week Disatā (f.) [Sk. *dviṣatā, see disa] state of being an enemy, a host
J iv.139; Miln 15) [Sk. divasa; see diva] a day A i.206 (°ṁ of enemies J iv.295 (=disasamūha, v. l. as gloss: verasamoha).
atināmeti); J iii.52 (uposatha°); PvA 31 (yāva sattadivasā a
Disati [Ved. diśati, *deik to show, point towards; cp. Gr.
week long), 74 (sattamo divaso). Usually in oblique cases ad-
δείκνυμι (δίκη=diśā), Lat. dico (indico, index=pointer, judex),
verbially, viz. acc. divasaṁ (during) one day, for one day,
Goth. gateihan=Ger. zeigen, Ags. taecan=E. token] to point,

Disati Dīpa

show; to grant, bestow etc. Usually in comb with pref. ā, or (opp. rassa); Dh 60, 409; Pv i.10 (°ṁ antaraṁ all the time);
in Caus. deseti (q. v.). As simplex only at S i.217 (varaṁ disā ii.9 (id.); Th 1, 646 (°m — antare); Dhs 617; KhA 245; PvA
to be read for disaṁ; cp. Sk. adiśat). See also upa°. 27, 28, 33, 46. See def. at Vism 272. — dīghato lengthways
J vi.185; dīghaso in length Vin iv.279; atidīgha too long Vin
Disā (f.) [Ved. diś & diśā, to diśati "pointing out," point; cp.
iv.7, 8. — 2. (m.) a snake (cp. M Vastu ii.45 dīrghaka) J
Gr. δίκη=diśā] point of the compass, region, quarter, direction,
bearings. The 4 principal points usualy enum are puratthimā i.324; ii.145; iv.330. — 3. N. of the Dīgha Nikāya ("the long
collection") Vism 96.
(E) pacchimā (W) dakkhiṇā (S) uttarā (N), in changing or-
der. Thus at S i.101, 145; ii.103; iii.84; iv.185, 296; Nd 2 -angulin having long fingers (the 4th of the marks of a
302; Pv ii.12 (caturo d.); PvA 52 (catūsu disāsu nirayo catūhi Mahāpurisa) D ii.17; iii.143, 150; -antara corridor J vi.349.
-āyu long — lived (opp. app' āyu) D i.18; J v.71. Also as °ka
dvārehi yutto), and passim. — To these are often added the two
D iii.150; DA i.135; Sdhp 511; -āvu=°āyu in the meaning of
locations "above & below" as uparimā & heṭṭhimā disā (also
āyasmant (q. v.) J v.120; -jāti (f.) a being of the snake kind,
as uddhaṁ adho S iii.124 e. g.; also called paṭidisā D iii.176),
a snake DhA iii.322; also as °ka at J ii.145; iii.250; iv.333;
making in all 6 directions: D iii.188 sq. As a rule, however,
v.449; DA i.252; -dasa having long fringes D i.7; -dassin
the circle is completed by the 4 anudisā (intermediate points;
[Sk. dīrghadarśin] far — seeing (=sabba — dassāvin) PvA
sometimes as vidisā: S i.224; iii.239; D iii.176 etc.), making a
196; -nāsika having a long nose Vism 283. -bhāṇaka a re-
round of 10 (dasa disā) to denote completeness, wide range &
all pervading comprehensiveness of states, activities or other peater or expounder of the Dīgha Nikāya J i.59; Vism 36, 266,
286; DA i.15, 131; -rattaṁ (adv.) [Sk. *dīrgharātraṁ, see
happening: Sn 719, 1122 (disā catasso vidisā catasso uddhaṁ
adho: dasa disā imāyo); Th 2, 487; Ps ii.131; Nd 239 (see Indexes to AvŚ; Divy & Lal. V.; otherwise dīrgha — kālaṁ]
also cātuddisa in this sense); Pv i.11 ; ii.1 ; Vism 408. sabbā a long time D i.17, 206; A v.194; Sn 649; It 8; J i.12, 72; Pv
(all) is often substituted for 10: S i.75; D ii.15; Pv i.2 ; VvA i.4 ; ii.13 (°rattāya=°rattaṁ PvA 165); Pug 15; DhA iv.24;
-loma long — haired Vin iii.129; also as °ka at J i.484, f. °ikā
184; PvA 71. — anudisā (sg.) is often used collectively for
S ii.228; -sotthiya (nt.) long welfare or prosperity DhA ii.227.
the 4 points in the sense of "in between," so that the circle al-
ways implies the 10 points. Thus at S i.122; iii.124. In other Dīghatta (nt.) [Sk. dīrghatvaṁ] length A i.54.
combinations as 6 abbreviated for 10; four disā plus uddhaṁ &
Dīna (adj.) [Sk. dīna] poor, miserable, wretched; base, mean,
anudisaṁ at D i.222=A iii.368; four d.+uddhaṁ adho & anud-
low D ii.202 (?) (°māna; v. l. ninnamāna); J v.448; vi.375;
isaṁ at S i.122; iii.124; A iv.167. In phrase "mettāsahagatena 2 1
Pv ii.8 (=adānajjhāsaya PvA 107); iv.8 ; Miln 406; PvA 120
cetasā ekaṁ disaṁ pharitvā viharati" (etc. up to 4th) the all-
(=kapaṇa), 260 (id.), 153; Sdhp 188, 324.
comprehending range of universal goodwill is further denoted
Dīnatta (nt.) [Sk. *dīnatvaṁ] wretchedness, miserable state Sdhp
by uddhaṁ adho tiriyaṁ etc., e. g. D i.250; Vbh 272; see
mettā. — As a set of 4 or 8 disā is also used allegorically ("set,
circle") for var. combinations, viz. the 8 states of jhāna at M Dīpa [Ved. dīpa to Ved. dī, dīpyate; Idg. *deiǤā to shine (see
iii.222; the 4 satipaṭṭhānā etc. at Nett 121; the 4 āhārā etc. at dibba, deva); cp. Gr. δίαλος, δ¨ηλος; see also jotati] a lamp J
Nett 117. — See also in other applications Vin i.50 (in mean- ii.104 (°ṁ jāleti to light a l.); DhA ii.49 (id.), 94 (id.)
ing of "foreign country"); ii.217; S i.33 (abhayā), 234 (puthu°); -acci the flame of a lamp ThA 154; -āloka light of a l. J
iii.106; v.216; D iii.197 sq.; It 103; Th 1, 874; Vv 41 (disāsu i.266; vi.391; DhA i.359; VvA 51; — (°ṁ)kara making light,
vissutā). — disaṁ kurute to run away J v.340. diso disaṁ shining, illuminating Nd 399 (=pabhaṁ kara Sn 1136; but cp.
(often spelt disodisaṁ) in all directions (lit. from region to re- Dh 236 under dīpa ); Vism 203. -tittira a decoy partridge
gion) D iii.200; J iii.491; Th 1, 615; Bu ii.50; Pv iii.1 ; Miln (cp. dīpaka°) J iii.64; -rukkha lit. lamp — tree, the stand of
398. But at Dh 42 to disa (enemy), cp. DhA i.324=coro coraṁ. a lamp, candlestick DhA iv.120; -sikhā the flame (lit. crest)
See also J.P.T.S. 1884, 82 on abl. diso=diśatah. Cp. vidisā. of a l. Vism 171; DhA ii.49.
-kāka a compass — crow, i. e. a crow kept on board 2
Dīpa (m. & nt.) [Ved. dvīpa=dvi+ap (*sp.) of āpa water, lit.
ship in order to search for land (cp. Fick, Soc. Gl. p. 173; E.
"double — watered," between (two) waters] an island, conti-
Hardy, Buddha p. 18) J iii.126, 267; -kusala one who knows
nent (mahā°, always as 4); terra firma, solid foundation, rest-
the directions Vin ii.217; -cakkhuka "seeing" (i. e. wise) d
ing — place, shelter, refuge (in this sense freq. comb w. tāṇa
in all directions J iii.344; -ḍāha "sky — glow," unusual red-
lena & saraṇa & expl. in Com. by patiṭṭhā) — (a) lit. is-
ness of the horizon as if on fire, polar light (?) or zodiacal
land: S v.219; J iii.187; VvA 19; Mhvs vii.7, 41. — conti-
light (?) D i.10; J i.374: vi.476; Miln 178; DA i.95; cp. BSk. 10
nent: cattāro mahādīpā S v.343; Vv 20 (=VvA 104); VvA
diśodāha AvŚ ii.198; -pati (disampati) a king S i.86; J vi.45;
19; PvA 74 etc. Opp. the 2000 paritta — dīpā the smaller
-pāmokkha world — famed J i.166; -bhāga [Sk. digbhāga]
islands KhA 133. — (b) fig. shelter, salvation etc. (see also
direction, quarter Vin ii.217; -mūḷha [Sk. diṅmūḍha] one who 1
tāṇa): S iii.42 (atta°+attasaraṇa etc., not with S Index to dīpa );
has lost his bearings Dpvs ix.15; -vāsika living in a foreign 1
v.154, 162 (id.) iv.315 (maṁ°, not to dīpa ), 372; A i.55 sq.
country DhA iii.176. -vāsin=°vāsika DhA iv.27.
(+tāṇa etc.); Sn 501 (atta° selfreliant, self — supported, not
Dissati Pass. of *dassati, q. v. with Fausböll to dīpa ), 1092, 1094, 1145 (=Satthā); Nd 303;
Dh 236 (°ṁ karohi=patiṭṭhā PvA 87); Pv iii.1 (id. PvA 174);
Dīgha (adj. — n.) [Ved. dīrgha, cp. Caus. drāghayati to lengthen,
J v.501=vi.375 (dīpañ ca parāyaṇaṁ); Miln 84, 257 (dhamma
*dlāgh as in Gr. δολιξός (shaft), ἐνδελεξής (lasting etc.; cp.
— dīpa, Arahantship).
E. entelechy); Lat. indulges; Goth. tulgus (enduring)] 1. (adj.)
-ālaya resting place J vi.432; -gabbhaka same J vi.459,
long D i.17; M i.429; S i.104 (°ṁ addhānaṁ); Sn 146, 633

Dīpa Dukkha

460. Du (—°) (adj. — suff.) [Sk. druha, druh, see duhana & duhi-
Dīpa [cp. Sk. dvīpa tiger's skin] a car covered with a panther's tika] hurting, injuring, acting perfidiously, betraying, only in
mitta° deceiving one's friends S i.225; Sn 244 expl. as mitta —
skin J i.259; v.259=vi.48.
dūbhaka SnA 287, v. l. B mittadussaka; cp. mitta — dubbhika
Dīpaka (=dīpa ) (a) f. dīpikā a lamp, in daṇḍa° a torch DhA
& mitta — dubbhin.
i.220, 399, — (b) (°—) an image of, having the appearance
Duka (nt.) [see dvi B ii] a dyad DhsA 36, 343, 347, 406; Vism 11
of, sham etc.; in -kakkara a decoy partridge J ii.161; -tittira
sq. & in titles of books "in pairs, on pairs," e. g. Dukapaṭṭhāna;
same J iii.358; -pakkhin a decoy bird J v.376; -miga a d.
or chapters, e. g. J ii.1 (°nipāta).
antelope J v.376.
Dīpaka (=dīpa ) a (little) island J i.278, 279; ii.160. Dukūla [Sk. dukūla] a certain (jute?) plant; (nt.) [cp. Sk.
dukūlaṁ woven silk] very fine cloth, made of the fibre of the
Dīpaka in vaṇidīpaka PvA 120 for vanibbaka (q. v.).
d. plant S iii.145; A iv.393; J ii.21; iv.219; v.400; vi.72; Vism
Dīpana (adj.) illustrating, explaining; f. °ī explanation, commen- 257, 262; VvA 165; DA i.140; Dāvs v. 27.
tary, N. of several Commentaries, e. g. the Paramattha —
Dukkha (adj. — n.) [Sk. duḥkha fr. duḥ — ka, an adj. formation
dīpanī of Dhammapāla on Th 2; Pv & Vv. — Cp. jotikā &
fr. prefix duḥ (see du). According to others an analogy for-
uddīpanā. s
mation after sukha, q. v.; Bdhgh (at Vism 494) expl dukkha
Dīpika [fr. dīpin] a panther J iii.480. as du+kha, where du=du and kha=ākāsa. See also def. at
Vism 461.] A. (adj.) unpleasant, painful, causing misery (opp.
Dīpita [pp. of dīpeti] explained Vism 33.
sukha pleasant) Vin i.34; Dh 117. Lit. of vedanā (sensa-
Dīpitar [n. ag. fr. dīpeti] one who illumines Vism 211.
tion) M i.59 (°ṁ vedanaṁ vediyamāna, see also below iii.1
Dīpin [Sk. dvīpin] a panther, leopard, tiger Vin i.186 dīpicamma e); A ii.116=M. i.10 (sarīrikāhi vedanāhi dukkhāhi). — Fig.
a leopard skin=Sk. dvīpicarman); A iii.101; J i.342; ii.44, 110; (fraught with pain, entailing sorrow or trouble) of kāmā D i.36
iv.475; v.408; vi.538. dīpi — rājā king of the panthers Vism (=paṭipīḷan — aṭṭhena DA i.121); Dh 186 (=bahudukkha DhA
270. — f. dīpinī Miln 363, 368; DhA i.48. iii.240); of jāti M i.185 (cp. ariyasacca, below B I.); in comb n
Dīpeti [Sk. dīpayati, Caus. to dīp, see dīpa & cp. dippati] to dukkhā paṭipadā dandhābhiññā D iii.106; Dhs 176; Nett 7, 112
sq., cp. A ii.149 sq. ekanta° very painful, giving much pain S
make light, to kindle, to emit light, to be bright; to illustrate,
ii.173; iii.69. dukkhaṁ (adv.) with difficulty, hardly J i.215.
explain A v.73 sq.; Dh 363; Miln 40; PvA 94, 95, 102, 104
B. (nt.; but pl. also dukkhā, e. g. S i.23; Sn 728; Dh 202,
etc.; Sdhp 49, 349. Cp. ā°.
203, 221. Spelling dukha (after sukha) at Dh 83, 203). There
Du° (& before vowels dur°) (indecl.) [Sk. duḥ & duṣ=Gr. δύς
is no word in English covering the same ground as Dukkha
—, Oir. du —, Ohg. zur —, zer —; antithetic prefix, generally does in Pali. Our modern words are too specialised, too lim-
opposed to su°=Gr. εὐ — etc. Ultimately identical with du in
ited, and usually too strong. Sukha & dukkha are ease and dis-
sense of asunder, apart, away from= opposite or wrong] 1. syl-
ease (but we use disease in another sense); or wealth and ilth
lable of exclamation (=duḥ) "bad, woe" (beginning the word
from well & ill (but we have now lost ilth); or wellbeing and
du (j) — jīvitaṁ) DhA ii.6, 10=PvA 280, cp. J iii.47; Bdhgh's ill-ness (but illness means something else in English). We are
expl of the syllable see at Vism 494. — 2. prefix, implying
forced, therefore, in translation to use half synonyms, no one
perverseness, difficulty, badness (cp. dukkha). Original form
of which is exact. Dukkha is equally mental & physical. Pain
*duḥ is preserved at dur- before vowels, but assimilated to a
is too predominantly physical, sorrow too exclusively mental,
foll. consonant according to the rules of Assimilation, i. e. the
but in some connections they have to be used in default of any
cons. is doubled, with changes of v to bb & usual lengthening
more exact rendering. Discomfort, suffering, ill, and trouble
dū before r (but also du°). For purposes of convenience all
can occasionally be used in certain connections. Misery, dis-
cpds. with du° are referred to the simplex, e. g. dukkaṭa is to
tress, agony, affliction and woe are never right. They are all
be looked up under kata, duggati under gati etc.
much too strong & are only mental (see Mrs. Rh. D. Bud. Psy.
See: A. dur°. akkhāta, accaya, atikkama, atta, adhiroha,
83 — 86, quoting Ledi Sadaw).
anta, annaya, abhisambhava; āgata, ājāna, āyuta, āsada; it-
I. Main Points in the Use of the Word. — The recogni-
thi; ukkhepa, ubbaha. — B. du°: (k)kata, kara; (g)ga, gata,
tion of the fact of Dukkha stands out as essential in early Bud-
gati, gandha, gahīta; (c)caja, carita, cola; (j)jaha, jāna, jivha,
dhism. In the very first discourse the four socalled Truths or
jīvita; (t)tappaya, tara; (d)dama, dasika; (n)naya, nikkhaya,
Facts (see saccāni) deal chiefly with dukkha. The first of the
nikkhitta, niggaha, nijjhāpaya, nibbedha, nīta; (p)pañña, paṭiā-
four gives certain universally recognised cases of it, & then
naya, paṭinissaggin, paṭipadā, paṭivijjha, paṭivedha, pab-
sums them up in short. The five groups (of physical & men-
hajja, pamuñca, pameyya, parihāra, payāta, pasu, peyya,
tal qualities which make an individual) are accompanied by ill
posa; (p)phassa; (bb=b): bala, balika, budha; (bb=v): dub-
so far as those groups are fraught with āsavas and grasping.
baca=) vaca, vacana, vaṇṇa, vijāna, vidū, vinivijjha, vi-
(Pañc' upādānakkhandhā pi dukkhā; cp. S iii.47). The second
sodha, vuṭṭhika; (b) bhaga, bhara, bhāsita, bhikkha; (m)mati,
Sacca gives the cause of this dukkha (see Taṇhā). The third en-
mana, manku, mukha, mejjha, medha; (y)yiṭṭha, yuja, yutta;
joins the removal of this taṇhā. And the fourth shows the way,
(du+r)=du — ratta, ropaya (dū+r): dū — rakkha; (l)labha;
or method, of doing so (see Magga). These ariyasaccāni are
(s)saddhapaya, sassa, saha, sīla; hara.
found in two places in the older books Vin i.10=S v.421 (with
Du° in cpds. meaning two°; see dvi B II. addition of soka — parideva... etc. [see below] in some MSS).
Comments on this passage, or part of it, occur S iii.158, 159;

Dukkha Dukkha

with expl of each term (+soka) D i.189; iii.136, 277; M i.185; d. at D ii.306 (cp. the distinction between śarīraṁ & mā-
A i.107; Sn p. 140; Nd under sankhārā; It 17 (with dukkhassa nasaṁ dukkhaṁ in Sānkhya philosophy) M i.302; S v.209 (in
atikkama for nirodha), 104, 105; Ps i.37; ii.204, 147; Pug 15, def. of dukkhindriya); A ii.143 (sarīrikā vedanā dukkhā); Nett
68; Vbh 328; Nett 72, 73. It is referred to as dukkha, samu- 12 (duvidhaṁ d.: kāyikaṁ=dukkhaṁ; cetasikaṁ= domanas-
daya, nirodha, magga at Vin i.16, 18, 19; D iii.227; Nd 304 ; saṁ); Vism 165 (twofold), 496 (dukkhā aññaṁ na bādhakaṁ),
as āsavānaṁ khaya — ñāṇa at D i.83; Vin iii.5; as sacca No. 499 (seven divisions), 503 (kāyika); SnA 119 (sukhaṁ vā
1+paṭiccasamuppāda at A i.176 sq. (+soka°); in a slightly diff. dukkhaṁ vā Sn 67=kāyikaṁ sātāsātaṁ). Bdhgh. usually
version of No. 1 (leaving out appiyehi & piyehi, having soka° paraphrases d. with vaṭṭadukkha, e. g. at SnA 44, 212,
instead) at D ii.305; and in the formula catunnaṁ ariyasaccā- 377, 505. — (b) Thus to be understood as physical pain in
naṁ ananubodhā etc. at D ii.90=Vin i.230. comb dukkha+ domanassa "pain & grief," where d. can
II. Characterisation in Detail. — 1. A further spec- also be taken as the gen. term & dom° as specification, e.
ification of the 3 rd of the Noble Truths is given in the g. in cetasikaṁ dukkhaṁ domanassaṁ paṭisaṁvedeti A i.157,
Paṭicca-samuppāda (q.v.), which analyses the links & stages 216; iv.406; S ii.69; rāgajan d °ṁ dom °ṁ paṭisaṁvedeti A
of the causal chain in their interdependence as building up (an- ii.149; kāmûpasaṁhitaṁ d °ṁ dom °ṁ A iii.207; d °ṁ dom °ṁ
abolic=samudaya) &, after their recognition as causes, break- paṭisaṁvediyati S iv.343. Also as cpd. dukkhadomanassānaṁ
ing down (katabolic=nirodha) the dukkha — synthesis, & thus atthangamāya A iii.326, & freq. in formula soka — parideva
constitutes the Metabolism of kamma; discussed e. g. at Vin — d° — domanass — upāyāsā (grief & sorrow, afflictions
1; D ii.32 sq. =S ii.2 sq.; S ii.17, 20, 65= Nd 680 ; S iii.14; of pain & misery, i. e. all kinds of misery) D i.36 (arising
M i.266 sq.; ii.38; A i.177; mentioned e. g. at A i.147; M fr. kāmā); M ii.64; A v.216 sq.; It 89 etc. (see above B I.
i.192 sq., 460; It 89 (=dukkhassa antakiriyā). — 2. Dukkha 4). Cp. also the comb dukkhī dummano "miserable and de-
as one of the 3 qualifications of the sankhārā (q. v.), viz. an- jected" S ii.282. — (c) dukkha as "feeling of pain" forms one
icca, d., anattā, evanescence, ill, nonsoul: S i.188; ii.53 (yad of the three dukkhatā or painful states, viz. d. — dukkhatā
aniccaṁ taṁ dukkhaṁ); iii.112 (id.) iii.67, 180, 222; iv.28, (painful sensation caused by bodily pain), sankhāra° id. hav-
48, 129 sq.; 131 sq. — rūpe anicc' ânupassī (etc. with dukkh' ing its origin in the sankhārā, vipariṇāma°, being caused by
& anatt') S iii.41. anicca — saññā, dukkha° etc. D iii.243; A change S iv.259; v.56; D iii.216; Nett 12. (d) Closely related
iii.334, cp. iv.52 sq. — sabbe sankhārā aniccā etc. Nd un- in meaning is ahita "that which is not good or profitable,"
der sankhārā. — 3. Specification of Dukkha. The Niddesa usually opposed to sukha & hita. It is freq. in the ster. ex-
gives a characteristic description of all that comes under the pression "hoti dīgharattaṁ ahitāya dukkhāya" for a long time
term dukkha. It employs one stereotyped explanation (there- it is a source of discomfort & pain A i.194 sq.; M i.332 D
fore old & founded on scholastic authority) (Nd 304 ), & one iii.157; Pug 33. Also in phrases anatthāya ahitāya dukkhāya
expl (304 ) peculiar to itself & only applied to Sn 36. The D iii.246 & akusalaṁ... ahitāya dukkhāya saṁvattati A i.58.
latter defines & illustrates dukkha exclusively as suffering & — (e) Under vedanā as sensation are grouped the 3: sukhaṁ
torment incurred by a person as punishment, inflicted on him (or sukhā ved.) pleasure (pleasant sensation), dukkhaṁ pain
either by the king or (after death) by the guardians of purga- (painful sens.), adukkham-asukhaṁ indifference (indiffer-
tory (niraya — pālā; see detail under niraya, & cp. below III. ent sens.), the last of which is the ideal state of the emo-
2 b). — The first expl (304 ) is similar in kind to the defi- tional habitus to be gained by the Arahant (cp. upekhā & nib-
nition of d. as long afterwards given in the Sānkhya system bidā). Their rôle is clearly indicated in the 4th jhāna: sukhassa
(see Sānkhya — kārikā — bhāṣya of Gauḍapāda to stanza 1) pahānā dukkhassa pahānā pubbe va somanassadomanassānaṁ
& classifies the various kinds of dukkha in the foll. groups: (a) atthangamā adukkham — asukhaṁ upekhā parisuddhiṁ catut-
all suffering caused by the fact of being born, & being through thaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati (see jhāna). — As con-
one's kamma tied to the consequent states of transmigration; tents of vedanā: sukhaṁ vediyati dukkhaṁ v. adukkham —
to this is loosely attached the 3 fold division of d. as dukkha°, asukhaṁ v. tasmā vedanā ti S iii.86, 87; cp. S ii.82 (veday-
sankhāra°, vipariṇāma° (see below III. 1 c); — (b) illnesses & ati). tisso vedanā: sukha, d°, adukkham — asukhā° D iii.275;
all bodily states of suffering (cp. ādhyātmikaṁ dukkhaṁ of S ii.53; iv.114 sq., 207, 223 sq., cp. M i.396; A i.173; iv.442;
Sānkhya k.); — (c) pain & (bodily) discomfort through out- It 46, 47. yaṁ kiñc' āyaṁ purisa — puggalo paṭisaṁvedeti
ward circumstances, as extreme climates, want of food, gnat sukhaṁ vā d °ṁ vā a °ṁ vā sabban taṁ pubbe katahetū ti=one's
— bites etc. (cp. ādhibhautikaṁ & ādhidaivikaṁ d. of Sk.); whole life — experience is caused by one's former kamma A
— (d) (Mental) distress & painful states caused by the death i.173=M ii.217. — The comb (as complementary pair) of
of one's beloved or other misfortunes to friends or personal sukha+dukkha is very freq. for expressing the varying for-
belongings (cp. domanassa). — This list is concluded by a tunes of life & personal experience as pleasure & pain, e. g. n'
scholastic characterisation of these var. states as conditioned âlam aññamaññassa sukhāya vā dukkhāya vā sukhadukkhāya
by kamma, implicitly due to the afflicted person not having vā D i.56=S iii.211. Thus under the 8 "fortunes of the world"
found his "refuge," i. e. salvation from these states in the 8 (loka dhammā) with lābha (& a°), yasa (a°), pasaṁsā (nindā),
fold Path (see above B I.). sukha (dukkha) at D iii.260; Nd 55. Regarded as a thing to
III. General Application, & various views regarding be avoided in life: puriso jīvitukāmo... sukhakāmo dukkha —
dukkha. — 1. As simple sensation (: pain) & related to other paṭikkūlo S iv.172, 188. — In similar contexts: D i.81≈; iii.51,
terms: (a) principally a vedanā, sensation, in particular be- 109, 187; S ii.22, 39; iv.123 sq.; A ii.158 etc. (cp. sukha).
longing to the body (kāyika), or physical pain (opp. cetasika 2. As complex state (suffering) & its valuation in the
dukkha mental ill: see domanassa). Thus defined as kāyikaṁ light of the Doctrine: (a) any worldly sensation, pleasure


Dukkha Dukkhita

& experience may be a source of discomfort (see above, I.; -âsahanatā non — endurance of ills Vism 325. -indriya
cp. esp. kāma & bhava) Ps i.11 sq. (specified as jāti etc.); the faculty of experiencing pain, painful sensation S v.209,
dukkhaṁ=mahabbhayaṁ S i.37; bhārādānaṁ dukkhaṁ loke 211; Dhs 556, 560; Vbh 15, 54, 71; -udraya causing or
bhāra — nikkhepanaṁ sukhaṁ (pain is the great weight) S yielding pain, resulting in ill, yielding distress M i.415 sq.;
iii.26; kāmānaṁ adhivacanaṁ A iii.310; iv.289; cp. A iii.410 A i.97; iv.43 (+dukkhavipāka); v.117 (dukh°), 243; J iv.398;
sq. (with kāmā, vedanā, saññā, āsavā, kamma, dukkhaṁ). of kamma: Ps i.80; ii.79; Pv i.11 10 (so read for dukkhan-
— (b) ekanta° (extreme pain) refers to the suffering of sin- driya, which is also found at PvA 60); DhA ii.40 (°uddaya);
ful beings in Niraya, & it is open to conjecture whether this -ûpadhāna causing pain Dh 291; -ûpasama the allayment
is not the first & orig. meaning of dukkha; e. g. M i.74; of pain or alleviation of suffering, only in phrase (aṭṭhangiko
A ii.231 (vedanaṁ vediyati ekanta — d°ṁ seyyathā pi sattā maggo) d — ûpasama — gāmino S iii.86; It 106; Sn 724=Dh
nerayikā); see ekanta. In the same sense:... upenti Roru- 191; — (m)esin wishing ill, malevolent J iv.26; -otiṇṇa fallen
vaṁ ghoraṁ cirarattaṁ dukkhaṁ anubhavanti S i.30; niraya into misery S iii.93; M i.460; ii.10; -kāraṇa labour or trials
— dukkha Sn 531; pecca d°ṁ nigacchati Sn 278, 742; anub- to be undergone as punishment DhA iii.70 (see Dh 138, 139
honti d°ṁ kaṭuka — pphalāni Pv i.11 (=āpāyikaṁ d°ṁ PvA & cp. dasa B 1 b); -khandha the aggregate of suffering,
60); PvA 67; mahādukkhaṁ anubhavati PvA 43, 68, 107 etc. all that is called pain or affliction (see above B II. 1) S ii.134;
atidukkhaṁ PvA 65; dukkhato pete mocetvā PvA 8. — (c) to iii.93; M i.192 sq.; 200 sq.; etc.; — khaya the destruction
suffer pain, to experience unpleasantness etc. is expressed in of pain, the extinction of ill M i.93; ii.217 (kammakkhayā d
foll. terms: dukkhaṁ anubhavati (only w. ref. to Niraya, see — kkhayo); S iii.27; Sn 732. Freq. in phrase (nīyāti or hoti)
b); anveti Dh 1 (=kāyikaṁ cetasikaṁ vipāka — dukkhaṁ anu- sammā — d — kkhayāya "leads to the complete extinction of
gacchati DhA i.24), upeti Sn 728; carati S i.210; nigacchati M ill," with ref. to the Buddha's teaching or the higher wisdom,
i.337; Sn 278, 742; paṭisaṁvedeti M i.313 (see above); pas- e. g. of brahmacariyā S ii.24; of paññā D iii.268; A iii.152
sati S i.132 (jāto dukkhāni passati: whoever is born experi- sq.; of ariyā diṭṭhi D iii.264=A iii.132; of sikkhā A ii.243; of
ences woe); vaḍḍheti S ii.109; viharati A i.202; ii.95; iii.3; S dhamma M i.72; -dhamma the principle of pain, a painful
iv.78 (passaddhiyā asati d°ṁ v. dukkhino cittaṁ na samād- object, any kind of suffering (cp. °khandha) D iii.88; S iv.188
hiyati); vedayati, vediyati, vedeti etc. see above III. 1 e; say- (°ānaṁ samudayañ ca atthagamañ ca yathābhūtaṁ pajānāti);
ati A i.137. — (d) More specific reference to the cause of It 38 (nirodha °anaṁ); -nidāna a source of pain M ii.223; Dhs
suffering & its removal by means of enlightenment: (a) Ori- 1059, 1136; -nirodha the destruction of pain, the extinction
gin (see also above I. & II. 1): dukkhe loko patiṭṭhito S i.40; of suffering (see above B II. 1) M i.191; ii.10; A iii.410, 416;
yaṁ kiñci dukkhaṁ sambhoti sabbaṁ sankhāra — paccayā Sn etc.; -paṭikkūla averse to pain, avoiding unpleasantness, in
731; ye dukkhaṁ vaḍḍhenti te na parimuccanti jātiyā etc. S comb sukhakāmo d — p. S iv.172 (spelt °kulo), 188; M
ii.109; d°ṁ ettha bhiyyo Sn 61, 584; yo paṭhavī — dhātuṁ i.341; -patta being in pain J vi.336; -pareta afflicted by
abhinandati dukkhaṁ so abhin° Si i.174; taṇhā d °ssa samu- pain or misery S iii.93; It 89=A i.147; -bhummi the soil of
dayo etc. Nett 23 sq.; as result of sakkāyadiṭṭhi S iv.147, of distress Dhs 985; -vāca hurtful speech Pv i.3 (should prob-
chanda S i.22 of upadhi S ii.109, cp. upadhīnidānā pabha- ably be read duṭṭha°); -vipāka (adj.) having pain as its fruit,
vanti dukkhā Sn 728; d°ṁ eva hi sambhoti d°ṁ tiṭṭhati veti creating misery S ii.128; D iii.57, 229; A ii.172 (kamma); Ps
ca S i.135. — (β) Salvation from Suffering (see above I.): ii.79 (id.); -vepakka =°vipāka Sn 537 (kamma); -saññā the
kathaṁ dukkhā pamuccati Sn 170; dukkhā pamuccati S i.14; consciousness of pain Nett 27; -samudaya the rise or origin
iii.41, 150; iv.205; v.451; na hi putto pati vā pi piyo d °ā pamo- of pain or suffering (opp. °nirodha; see above B II. 1) S iv.37;
caye yathā saddhamma — savanaṁ dukkhā moceti pāṇinaṁ S M i.191; ii.10; iii.267; Vbh 107 (taṇhā ca avasesā ca kilesā:
i,210; na appatvā lokantaṁ dukkhā atthi pamocanaṁ A ii.49. ayaṁ vuccati d — s.); -samphassa contact with pain M i.507;
Kammakkhayā... sabbaṁ d°ṁ nijjiṇṇaṁ bhavissati M ii.217, Dhs 648; f. abstr. °tā Pug 33; -seyya an uncomfortable couch
cp. i.93. kāme pahāya... d°ṁ na sevetha anatthasaṁhitaṁ S DhA iv.8.
i.12=31; rūpaṁ (etc.) abhijānaṁ bhabbo d — °kkhayāya S
Dukkhatā (f.) [cp. Sk. duḥkhatā, abstr. to dukkha] state of pain,
iii.27; iv.89; d°ṁ pariññāya sakhettavatthuṁ Tathāgato ara-
painfulness, discomfort, pain (see dukkha B III. 1 c) D iii.216;
hati pūraḷāsaṁ Sn 473. pajahati d°ṁ Sn 789, 1056. dukkhassa
S iv.259; v.56; Nett 12 (expl.).
samudayo ca atthangamo ca S ii.72; iii.228 sq.; iv.86, 327.
Dukkhati [fr. dukkha] to be painful Vism 264.
— dukkhass' antakaro hoti M i.48; A iii.400 sq.; It 18; an-
takarā bhavāmase Sn 32; antaṁ karissanti Satthu sāsana — Dukkhatta (nt.) [Sk. *duhkhatvaṁ]=dukkhatā D iii.106 (+dand-
kārino A ii.26; d °parikkhīṇaṁ S ii.133; akiñcanaṁ nânu- hatta).
patanti dukkhā S i.23; sankhārānaṁ nirodhena n' atthi d°assa Dukkhāpana (nt.) [abstr. to dukkhāpeti] bringing sorrow, caus-
sambhavo Sn 731. — muniṁ d°assa pārayuṁ S i.195=Nd 2 ing pain Miln 275 sq., 351.
136 ; antagū 'si pāragū d°assa Sn 539. — sang' ātiko maccu-
Dukkhāpita [pp. of dukkhāpeti] pained, afflicted Miln 79, 180.
jaho nirūpadhi pahāya d°ṁ apunabbhavāya S iv.158; ucchin-
naṁ mūlaṁ d°assa, n' atthi dāni punabbhavo Vin i.231= D Dukkhāpeti [caus. to dukkha] to cause pain, to afflict J iv.452;
ii.91. Miln 276 sq.; PvA 215. — pp. dukkhāpita.
-âdhivāha bringing or entailing pain S iv.70; Dukkhita (adj.) [Sk. duḥkhita; pp. of *dukkhāpeti] afflicted,
-anubhavana suffering pain or undergoing punishment (in dejected, unhappy, grieved, disappointed; miserable, suffer-
Niraya) J iv.3; -antagū one who has conquered suffering ing, ailing (opp. sukhita) D i.72 (puriso ābādhiko d. bāḷha
Sn 401; -âbhikiṇṇa beset with pain, full of distress It 89;


Dukkhita Dubha

— gilāno); ii.24; S i.149; iii.11=iv.180 (sukhitesu sukhito Dutiyyatā (f.) companionship, friendship, help J iii.169.
dukkhitesu dukkhito); v.211; M i.88; ii.66; Vin iv.291; Sn 984,
Duddabha see daddabha.
986; J iv.452; Miln 275; DhA ii.28; VvA 67.
Duddha (Sk. dugdha, pp. of duh, see dohati] milked, drawn Sn
Dukkhin (adj. — n.) [Sk. duḥkhin] 1. afflicted, grieved, miser-
18 (duddha — khīra=gāvo duhitvā gahitakhīra SnA 27); M
able S i.103 sq., 129 sq., ii.282 (+dummano); iv.78; A iii.57.
ii.186. — (nt.) milk Dāvs v.26.
— 2. a loser in the game J ii.160.
Dudrabhi [another form of dundubhi, cp. duddabha & dundub-
Dukkhīyati [Sk. duḥkhīyati & duḥkhāyati Denom. fr. dukkha;
hya] a kettle — drum, in Amata° the drum of Nibbāna Vin
cp. vediyati & vedayati] to feel pain, to be distressed DhA
i.8=M i.171 (dundubhi at the latter passage); PvA 189 (v. l.
ii.28 (=vihaññati).
for dundubhi).
Dugga [du+ga] a difficult road Dh 327; Pv ii.7 . dugge sanka- Dundubhi (m. & f.) [Sk. dundubhi, onomat.; cp. other forms un-
manāni passages over difficult roads, usually comb with der daddabha, dudrabhi] a kettle — drum, the noise of a drum,
papā (water — shed) S i.100; Vv 52 ; Pv ii.9 . a heavy thud, thunder (usually as deva° in the latter meaning)
Duṭṭha (adj. — n.) [Sk. duṣṭha, pp. of dussati, q. v.] spoilt, cor- Pv iii.3 ; J vi.465; PvA 40, 189 (v. l. dudrabhi). — Am-
rupt; bad, malignant, wicked Vin iii.118; S ii.259, 262; iv.339; ata° the drum of Nibbāna M i.171=Vin i.8 (: dudrabhi); deva°
A i.124 (°âruka), 127 (id.), 157 sq.; It 68 (saro d., perhaps thunder D ii.156; A iv.311.
should be read as diddho); J i.187, 254 (°brāhmaṇa); iv.391
*Dunoti to burn, see der, dava, dāva & dāya.
(°caṇḍāla); PvA 4 (°corā: rogues of thieves); Sdhp 86, 367,
Dupaṭṭo see dvi B II.
434. — aduṭṭha not evil, good Sn 623; It 86; DhA iv.164.
Cp. pa°. Dubbaṇṇa see under vaṇṇa.
-gahaṇika suffering from indigestion Vin i.206; -citta
Dubbuṭṭhika see under vuṭṭhi.
evil — minded Vin ii.192; M iii.65.
Dubbha (& dūbha) (adj.) [Sk. dambha, see dubbhati] deceiv-
Duṭṭhu (adv.) [Sk. duṣṭhu, cp. suṣṭhu] badly, wrong DhsA 384;
ing, hurting, trying to injure Vin ii.203 (=It 86 where dubbhe);
SnA 396; VvA 337. 3
Pv ii.9 (mitta°). adubbha one who does not do harm, harm-
Duṭṭhulla (adj.) wicked, lewd Vin iv.128; S i.187 (°bhāṇin less Pv ii.9 (°pāṇin=ahiṁsakahattha). As nt. harmlessness,
"whose speech is never lewd," cp. Th 1, 1217 padulla — frankness, friendliness, good — will Vin i.347 (adrūbhāya, but
gāhin, expl as duṭṭhullagāhin Psalms of Brethren 399 n. 3); cp. vv. ll. p. 395: adubbhaya & adrabbhāvāya); S i.225
M i.435; iii.159; Vism 313. — (nt.) wicked — ness Vin iii.21; (adubbhāya trustily); J i.180 (id. as adūbhāya); spelt wrongly
kāya° unchastity M iii.151; Th 1, 114; Vism 151. adrūbhaka (for adubbhaka, with v. l. adrabhaka in expl. of
-âduṭṭhulla that which is wicked & that which is not Vin adubbha — pāṇin) at J vi.311. Note: dabhāya (dat.) is also
v.130; -āpatti a grave transgression of the Rules of the Order, used in Sk. in sense of an adv. or infinitive, which confirms
viz. the 4 Pārājika & the 13 Sanghādisesa Vin iv.31 (opp. a° the etymology of the word. Cp. dobha.
Vin iv.32).
Dubbhaka (adj.) [Sk. dambhaka] perfidious, insidious, treacher-
Dutiya (num. ord.) [Sk. dvitīya, with reduction of dvi to du, as in ous Th 1, 214 (citta°). Cp. dubbhaya & dūbhaka.
comp mentioned under dvi B II. For the meaning "compan-
Dubbhati (& dūbhati) [Sk. dabhnoti cp. J.P.T.S. 1889, 204: dabh
ion" cp. num. ord. for two in Lat. secundus<sequor, i. e. he
(dambh), pp. dabdha; idg. *dhebh, cp. Gr. ἀτέμβω to de-
who follows, & Gr. δεύτεροσ᾿ δεύομαι he who stays behind,
ceive. Cp. also Sk druh (so Kern, Toev. p. 11, s. v. padubb-
also Sk. davīyas farther] (a) (num.) the second, the follow-
hati). See also dahara & dūbha, dūbhaka, dūbhi] to injure, hurt,
ing J ii.102, 110; dutiyaṁ for the second time (cp. tatiyaṁ
deceive; to be hostile to, plot or sin against (either w. dat. J
in series 1, 2, 3) Vin ii.188; D ii.155. — (b) (adj. n.) one
v.245; vi.491, or w. loc. J i.267; iii.212) S i.85 (ppr. adubb-
who follows or is associated with, an associate of; accompa-
hanto), 225; It 86 (dubbhe=dusseyya Com.)=Vin ii.203 (where
nying or accompanied by (—°); a companion, friend, partner
dubbho); Th 1, 1129; J ii.125; iv.261; v.487, 503. — ppr. also
Vin iv.225; S i.25 (saddhā dutiyā purisassa hoti=his 2nd self);
dūbhato J iv.261; ger. dubbhitvā J iv.79; grd. dubbheyya (v.
iv.78 (id.) i.131; It 9; J v.400; Th 2, 230 (a husband); Sn 49 l. dūbheyya) to be punished J v.71. Cp. pa°.
(=Nd 305, where two kinds of associates or companions are
Dubbhana (nt.) [Sk. *dambhana] hurtfulness, treachery, injury
distinguished, viz. taṇhā° & puggalo°). taṇhā — dutiyā either
against somebody (c. loc.) PvA 114 (=anattha).
"connected with thirst" or "having thirst as one's companion"
(see taṇhā) S iv.37; It 109=A ii.10; bilanga° kaṇājaka (rice Dubbhaya=dubbhaka, S i.107.
with sour gruel) Vin ii.77; S i.90, 91. — adutiya alone, unac- Dubbhika=dubbhaka, Pv iii.1 (=mittadubbhika, mittānaṁ bād-
companied PvA 161. haka PvA 175).
Dutiyaka (adj. — n.) [Dimin. of dutiya] (a) the second, follow- Dubbhikkha see bhikkhā.
ing, next J i.504 (°cittavāre); °ṁ a 2nd time M i.83. — (b) a
companion; only in f. dutiyikā a wife or female comp Vin Dubbhin (adj. — n.) [Sk. dambhin] seeking to injure, deceitful; a
iv.230, 270 (a bhikkhunī as comp of another one); Freq. as deceiver, hypocrite J iv.41; Pv ii.9 (mitta°); DhA ii.23 (mitta
— dūbhin). — f. dubbhinī VvA 68 (so read for dubbinī).
purāṇa-dutiyikā one's former wife Vin i.96; iii.16; S i.200;
M ii.63; J i.210; v.152; DhA i.77. Cp. M Vastu ii.134 dvitīyā Dubha (num. — adj.) [See dubhaya & cp. dvi B II.] both; only in
in the same sense. abl. dubhato from both sides Th 1, 1134; Ps i.69; ii.35, 181;

Dubha Dūra

Vv 46 ; VvA 281 (for Vv 64 19 duvaddhato). fraus] one who injures, hurts or deceives; insidious, infesting;
a robber, only in pantha° a dacoit D i.135; DA i.296. — (nt.)
Dubhaya (num. adj.) [a contaminated form of du(ve) & ubhaya;
waylaying, robbery (pantha°) J ii.281 (text dūhana), 388 (text:
see dvi B II.] both (see ubhaya) Sn 517, 526, 1007, 1125; J
panthadūbhana, vv. ll. duhana & dūhana); DhsA 220. — Cp.
iii.442; vi.110.
Duma [Sk. druma=Gr. δρυμός, see dāru] tree A iii.43; J i.87, 272;
ii.75, 270; vi.249, 528; Vv 84 ; Miln 278, 347; VvA 161. Duhitika (adj.) [cp. Sk. druha, fr. druhyati] infested with rob-
bers, beset with dangers S iv.195 (magga). — Note. This in-
-agga 1. the top of a tree J ii.155. — 2. a splendid tree
Vv 35 . — 3. a tooth — pick J v.156; -inda "king of trees," terpretation may have to be abandoned in favour of duhitika
the Bodhi tree Dpvs i.7; -uttama a magnificent tree Vv 39 ; being another spelling of dvīhitika= hard to get through (q.
v.), to be compared are the vv. ll. of the latter at S iv.323 (S.S.
-phala fruit of a tree M ii.74; Vism 231 (in comparison).
dūhitika & dūhītika).
Duyhati Pass to dohati (q. v.). 1
Dūta [Ved. dūta, prob. to dūra (q. v.) as "one who is sent
Dussa (nt.) [Sk. dūrśa & dūṣya] woven material, cloth, turban
(far) away," also perhaps Gr. δουλος slave. See Walde, Lat.
cloth; (upper) garment, clothes Vin i.290; ii.128, 174; iv.159. Wtb. under dudum] a messenger, envoy Vin i.16; ii.32, 277; D
D i.103; S v.71; M i.215; ii.92; A v.347; Sn 679; Pv i.10 3 i.150; S iv.194; Sn 411 (rāja°), 417. — deva° Yama's envoy,
(=uttarīyaṁ sāṭakaṁ PvA 49); ii.3 ; Pug 55; PvA 73, 75. —
Death's messenger A i.138, 142; M ii.75 sq.; J i.138. — °ṁ
cīvara°, q. v.; chava° a miserable garment D i.166; A i.295;
pāheti to send a messenger Miln 18, PvA 133.
ii.206; M i.78, 308.
Dūta (nt.) [Sk. dyūta, see jūta] play, gaming, gambling J iv.248.
-karaṇḍaka a clothes — chest S v.71=M i.215; A iv.230;
-koṭṭhagāra a store — room for cloth or clothes DhA i.220, Dūteyya (nt.) [Sk. dūtya, but varying in meaning] errand, com-
393; -gahaṇa ( — mangala) (the ceremony of) putting on mission, messages A iv.196; J iii.134; DA i.78.— °ṁ gacchati
a garment DhA ii.87; -cālanī a cloth sieve Vin i.202; -paṭṭa to go on an errand Vin ii.202; °ṁ harati to obtain a commission
turban cloth Vin ii.266 (=setavattha — paṭṭa Bdhgh.); S ii.102; Vin iii.87; iv.23.
-phala having clothes as fruit (of magic trees, cp. kap- -kamma doing a messenger's duty Vin i.359; -
parukkha) Vv 46 (cp. VvA 199); -maya consisting in clothes pahiṇagamana sending & going on messages D i.5=M iii.34;
Vv 46 (cp. VvA 199); -yuga a suit of garments Vin i.278; M A ii.209; M i.180.
i.215=S v.71; Miln 31 (cp. M Vastu i.61); DhA iv.11; -ratana
Dūbha (adj.) deceiving, see dubbha.
"a pearl of a garment," a fine garment Miln 262. -vaṭṭi fringed 1
Dūbhaka (adj.) [Sk. dambhaka] deceiving, treacherous, harmful
cotton cloth Vin ii.266. -veṇi plaited cotton cloth Vin ii.266.
SnA 287 (mitta°); f. °ikā J ii.297.
Dussa at J iii.54 is usually taken as=amussa (cp. amuka). C. 2
expl as "near," & adds "asammussa." Or is it Sk. dūṣya easily Dūbhaka [Sk. dambha, cp. dambholi] a diamond J i.363=iii.207.
spoilt? See on this passage Andersen Pali Reader ii.124. Dūbhana (nt.) deceiving, pillaging, robbing etc. at J ii.388 is to
be read as (pantha — ) duhana.
Dussaka=dūsaka (q. v.).
Dūbhin (adj.) — dubbhin J ii.180 (vv. ll. dūbha & dubbhi), 327;
Dussati [Sk. duṣyati, Denom. fr. pref. duḥ (du°); pp. duṣṭha,
iv.257; DhA ii.23.
caus. dūṣayati] to be or become bad or cor. rupted, to get dam-
aged; to offend against, to do wrong Vin ii.113; S i.13=164; Dh Dūbhī (f.) [cp. Sk. dambha, see dubbhati] perfidy, treachery, J
125=PvA 116; Dh 137; It 84 (dosancyye na d.) cp. A iii.110 i.412; iv.57 (v. l. dubhī); vi.59 (=aparādha).
(dussanīye d.); J vi.9; Miln 101, 386. — pp. duṭṭha (q. v.). Dūra (adj.) [Sk. dūra, Ved. duva (stirring, urging on), compar.
— Caus. dūseti (q. v.). See also dosa & dosaniya; & pa°.
davīyān, Av. dūrō (far), *dāu; cp. Ohg. zawen, Goth. tau-
Dussanā (f.) & Dussana (nt.) [Sk. dūṣana, cp. dussati] defile- jan=E. do. Another form is *deṷā, far in respect to time, as in
ment, guilt A ii.225; Pug 18, 22; Dhs 418, 1060; DA i.195 Gr. δήν, δηρόν, Lat. dū — dum (cp. dū — rare=en — dure).
(rajjana — d. muyhana). See also dutiya & dūta] far, distant, remote, opp. āsanna (J
ii.154) or santika (Dhs 677; Vism 402). — PvA 117. Of-
Dussanīya (adj.) [cp. Sk. dveṣanīya, because of doṣa= dveṣa
taken to dus] able to give offence, hateful, evil (always comb d ten in cpds. (see below), also as dūri°, e. g. dūri — bhāva
distance Vism 71, 377; DhsA 76. — Cases mostly used ad-
with rajanīya, cp. rāga dosa moha) A iii.110 (dusanīye dussati,
verbially, viz. acc. dūraṁ far J ii.154; DhA i.192. — abl.
where It 84 has dosaneyye); J vi.9; Miln 386.
dūrato from afar, aloof Vin i.15; ii.195; S i.212; Sn 511; Dh
Dussassa see sassa.
219; J v.78 (dūra — dūrato); Miln 23; PvA 107. dūrato karoti
Dussika a cloth merchant J vi.276; Miln 262, 331 sq. to keep aloof from PvA 17. — loc. dūre at a distance, also
Dussitatta (nt.) [Sk. *dūṣitatva]=dussanā, Pug 18, 22. as prep. away from, far from (c. abl.), e. g. Sn 468; J ii.155,
449 (=ārā); iii.189. — Sn 772; Dh 304; J vi.364; Dhs 677. —
Duha (adj. — °.) [Sk. duh & duha; see dohati] milking; yielding,
dūre-pātin one who shoots far [cp. Sk. dūra — pātin] A i.284;
granting, bestowing: kāma° giving pleasures J iv.20; v.33.
ii.170, 202. J iv.494. See also akkhaṇavedhin. — atidūre too
Duhati (to milk) see dohati. far Vin ii.215.
-kantana at Th 1, 1123: the correct reading seems to
Duhana (adj. — n.) [Sk. *druhana, to druh, druhyati to hurt, cp.
be the v. l. durākantana, see ākantana; -gata gone far
Oir. droch; Ohg. triogan to deceive, traum= dream; also Sk.
away Pv ii.13 (=paralokagata PvA 164); DhA iii.377 (durā°).
dhvarati. For further connections see Walde, Lat. Wtb. under

Dūra Deva

-(ṁ)gama far — going, going here & there Dh 37 (cp. DhA 92 (°bīja), 103, 129; cp. AvŚ i.308. The deyyadhamma (set
i.304); Pv ii.9 ; -ghuṭṭha farrenowned Pv ii.8 ; -vihāra ( — of gifts, that which it is or should be a rule to give) to men-
vuttin) living far away Sn 220. dicants, consists of 14 items, which are (as enum at Nd 523
Dūrakkha [du +rakkha] see rakkha & cp. du . under the old Brahman's term yañña "sacrifice") (1) cīvara, (2)
piṇḍapāta, (3) senāsana, (4) gilāna — paccaya — bhesajja —
Dūratta (adj.) [du +ratta] reddish M i.36 (°vaṇṇa).
parikkhāra, (5) anna, (6) pāna, (7) vattha, (8) yāna, (9) mālā,
Dūsaka (adj. — n.) [Sk. dūṣaka] corrupting, disgracing, one (10) gandhā, (11) vilepana, (12) seyya, (13) āvasatha, (14)
who defiles or defames; a robber, rebel A v.71 (bhikkhunī°); padīpeyya. A similar enum in diff. order is found at Nd 1
J ii.270; iv.495; Sn 89 (kula° one who spoils the reputation of 373.
the clan); DhA ii.23 (kuṭi° an incendiary); Miln 20 (pantha°).
Deva [Ved. deva, Idg. *deiǮā to shine (see dibba & diva), orig.
As dussaka at J v.113 (kamma°); Sn A 287 (mitta°, v. l. B.
adj. *deiṷos belonging to the sky, cp. Av. daēvō (demon.),
for dūbhaka). — panthadūsaka a highwayman Miln 290. — f.
Lat. deus, Lith. deǤ̃vas; Ohg. Ǥīo; Ags. Tīg, gen. Tīwes
dūsikā J iii.179 (also as dūsiyā=dosakārikā); a° harmless Sn
(=Tuesday); Oir. dia (god). The popular etymology refers
312 (see a°).
it to the root div in the sense of playing, sporting or amus-
Dūsana (nt.) [see dūseti] spoiling, defiling J ii.270; Sdhp 453. ing oneself: dibbanti ti devā, pañcahi kāmaguṇehi kīḷanti at-
Dūsita [Sk. dūṣita, pp. of dūseti] depraved, sinful, evil PvA 226 tano vā siriyā jotantī ti attho KhA 123] a god, a divine being;
usually in pl. devā the gods. As title attributed to any su-
perhuman being or beings regarded to be in certain respects
Dūsin (adj. — n.) [Sk. dūṣin]=dūsạka, in magga° (cp. pantha — a
above the human level. Thus primarily (see 1 ) used of the
dusaka) a highway robber Sn 84 sq
first of the next — world devas, Sakka, then also of subor-
Dūseti [Sk. dūṣayati, caus. of dussati (q. v.). Also as dusseti dinate deities, demons & spirits (devaññatarā some kind of
PvA 82] to spoil, ruin; to injure, hurt; to defile, pollute, de- deity; snake — demons: nāgas, tree — gods: rukkhadevatā
fame Vin i.79, 85, 86; iv.212 (maṁ so dūsetukāmo, said by a etc.). Also title of the king (3). Always implying splendour
bhikkhunī), 316 (dūsetuṁ); A iv.169 sq.; J i.454; ii.270; DhA (cp. above etym.) & mobility, beauty, goodness & light, &
ii.22 (kuṭiṁ, damage, destroy). — aor. dūsayi J ii.110 (fared as such opposed to the dark powers of mischief & destruction
ill). — pp. dūsita. Cp. pa°, pari°. (asurā: Titans; petā: miserable ghosts; nerayikā sattā: beings
Dūhana (nt.) [see duhana] infesting, polluting, defaming; rob- in Niraya). A double position (dark & light) is occupied by
Yama, the god of the Dead (see Yama & below 1 c). Always
bing, only in pantha° (with v. l. duhana) waylaying J ii.281,
implying also a kinship and continuity of life with humanity
388; Tikp 280.
and other beings; all devas have been man and may again be-
Dūhana (nt.) [Sk. dohana, see dohati] milking (—°), in
come men (cp. D i.17 sq.; S iii.85), hence "gods" is not a
kumbha° filling the pails with milk, i. e. giving much milk
coincident term. All devas are themselves in saṁsāra, need-
(gāvo; cp. Sk. droṇadughā a cow which yields much milk) Sn
ing salvation. Many are found worshipping saints (Th i.627
— 9; Th ii.365). — The collective appellations differ; there
Dūhitika see duhitika. are var. groups of divine beings, which in their totality (cp.
Dejjha (=dvejjha, see dvi B i.5] divided, in a° undivided-ness J tāvatiṁsa) include some or most of the well — known Vedic
iii.7 (com. abhejja), 274=iv.258 (dhanuṁ a °ṁ karoti to get deities. Thus some collect. designations are devā sa-indakā
the bow ready, v. l. BB. sarejjhaṁ C. expl jiyāya ca sarena (the gods, including Indra or with their ruler at their head: D
ca saddhiṁ ekam eva katvā). ii.208; S iii.90, A v.325), sa-pajāpatikā (S iii.90), sa-mārakā
(see deva — manussaloka), sa-brahmakā (S iii.90). See be-
Deḍḍubha [Sk. duṇḍubha] a water — snake; salamander J iii.16;
low 1 b. Lists of popular gods are to be found, e. g. at D ii.253;
vi.194; Sdhp 292. See next.
iii.194. — A current distinction dating from the latest books in
Deḍḍubhaka 1. a sort of snake (see prec.) J i.361. — 2. a kind the canon is that into 3 classes, viz. sammuti- devā (conven-
of girdle (in the form of a snake's head) Vin ii.136 (expl by tional gods, gods in the public opinion, i. e. kings & princes J
udaka — sappi — sira — sadisa). i.132; DA i.174), visuddhi° (beings divine by purity, i. e. of
great religious merit or attainment like Arahants & Buddhas),
Deṇḍima (m. nt.) [Sk. diṇḍima, cp. dindima] a kind of kettle
— drum D i.79 (v. l. dindima); Nd 219 (°ka, v. l. dind°); J & upapatti° (being born divine, i. e. in a heavenly state as
one of the gatis, like bhumma — devā etc.). This division in
i.355; (=paṭaha — bheri); v.322=vi.217; vi.465=580.
detail at Nd 307; Vbh 422; KhA 123; VvA 18. Under the 3rd
Depiccha (adj.) [=dvepiccha, see dvi B I. 5] having two tail —
category (upapatti°) seven groups are enumerated in the foll.
feathers J v.339.
order: Cātummahārājikā devā, Tāvatiṁsā d. (with Sakka as
Deyya (adj.) [Sk. deya, grd. of dā, see dadāti I. 2, b] (a) to be chief), Yāmā d., Tusitā d., Nimmānaratī d., Paranimmita —
given (see below). — (b) deserving a gift, worthy of receiving vasavattī d., Bṛahmakāyikā d. Thus at D i.216 sq.; A i.210,
alms J iii.12 (a°); Miln 87 (rāja°) — nt. a gift, offering Vin 332 sq.; Nd 307; cp. S i.133 & J i.48. See also devatā.
i.298 (saddhā°). 1. good etc. — (a) sg. a god, a deity or divine being, M
-dhamma a gift, lit. that which has the quality of be- i.71 (d. vā Māro vā Brahmā vā); S iv.180=A iv.461 (devo vā
ing given; esp. a gift of mercy, meritorious gift S i.175; A bhavissāmi devaññataro vā ti: I shall become a god or some
i.150, 166; ii.264 (saddhā°); Pv i.1 ; ii.3 ; PvA 5, 7 sq., 26, one or other of the (subordinate gods, angels); Sn 1024 (ko

Deva Devata

nu devo vā Brahmā vā Indo vāpi Sujampati); Dh 105 (+gand- place Miln 91, 330; -dattika given or granted by a god, ex-
habba, Māra, Brahmā); A ii.91, 92 (puggalo devo hoti devap- traordinary PvA 145; -dattiya=°dattika J iii.37; DhA i.278;
arivāro etc.); PvA 16 (yakkho vā devo vā). — (b) pl. devā -dāruka a species of pine J v.420; -dundubhi the celestial
gods. These inhabit the 26 devalokas one of which is under drum, i. e. thunder D i.10; Miln 178; DA i.95; -dūta the god's
the rule of Sakka, as is implied by his appellation S. devā- (i. e. Yama's see above 1°) messenger A i.138, 142; M ii.75;
naṁ indo (his opponent is Vepacitti Asur — indo S i.222) S iii.179; J i.138; DhA i.85 (tayo d.); Mhbv. 122 (°suttanta); -
i.216 sq.; iv.101, 269; A i.144; Sn 346; PvA 22 etc. — Var. deva "the god of gods," Ep. of the Buddha (cp. devâtideva) Th
kinds are e. g. appamāṇ' — ābhā (opp. paritt' ābhā) M iii.147; 1, 533, 1278 (of Kappāyana); DhsA 1; PvA 140; -dhamma
ābhassarā D i.17; Dh 200; khiḍḍāpadosikā D i.19; gandhabba that which is divine or a god A iii.277 (°ika); DhA iii.74; -
— kāyikā S iii.250 sq.; cattāro mahārājikā S v.409, 423; Jat dhītā a female deva or angel (cp. devaputta), lit. daughter of a
i.48; Pv iv.11 ; PvA 17, 272; naradevā tidasā S i.5; bhummā god J ii.57; VvA 137, 153 (with ref. to Vimānapetīs); -nagara
PvA 5; manāpa — kāyikā A iv.265 sq.; mano — padosikā D the city of the Devas, heaven J i.168, 202; DhA i.280; -nikāya
i.20; valāhaka — kāyikā S iii.254. — Var. attributes of the a class, community or group of gods, celestial state or condi-
Devas are e. g. āyuppamāṇā A i.267; ii.126 sq.; iv.252 sq.; tion D ii.261 (sixty enum ); S iv.180; M i.102 sq.; A i.63 sq.;
dīghāyukā S iii.86; A ii.33; rūpino manomayā M i.410, etc. ii.185; iii.249 sq.; iv.55; v.18; -pañha questioning a god, us-
etc. — See further in general: D i.54 (satta devā); ii.14, 157, ing an oracle D i.11 (=DA i.97: devadāsiyā sarīre devataṁ
208; S v.475=A i.37; Sn 258 (+manussā), 310 (id.); 404, 679; otāretvā pañha — pucchanaṁ); -parivāra a retinue of gods
Dh 30, 56, 94, 230, 366; Ps i.83 sq.; ii.149; Vbh 86, 395, 412 A ii.91; -parisā the assembly of gods A ii.185; Tikp 241.
sq.; Nett 23; Sdhp 240. — (c) deva=Yama see deva — dūta -putta "son of a god," a demi — god, a ministering god (cp.
(expl at J i.139: devo ti maccu). — atideva a pre — eminent f. deva — dhītā), usually of Yakkhas, but also appl to the
god, god above gods (Ep. of the Buddha) Nd 307; DhsA 2 4 archangels having charge of the higher world of the Yāmā
etc.; see under cpds. — 2. the sky, but only in its rainy aspect, devā (viz. Suyāma devaputta); the Tusitā d. (Santusita d.); the
i. e. rain — cloud, rainy sky, rain — god (cp. Jupiter Plu- Nimmānaratī d. (Sunimmita d.); & the Paranimmitavasavattī
vius; K.S. i.40, n. 2 on Pajjunna, a Catumahārājika), usually d. (Vasavattī d.) D i.217 sq.; cp. J i.48. — D ii.12, 14; S
in phrase deve vassante (when it rains etc.), or devo vassati i.46 sq.; 216 sq.; iv.280; A i.278; It 76; J i.59 (jarā — jajjara);
(it rains) D i.74 (: devo ti megho DA i.218); S i.65, 154 (cp. iv.100 (Dhamma d.); vi.239 (Java d.); PvA 6, 9, 55, 92, 113
It 66 megha); Sn 18, 30; J v.201; DhA ii.58, 82; PvA 139. (Yakkho ti devaputto); Miln 23; -pura the city of the gods,
devo ekam ekam phusāyati the cloud rains drop by drop, i. e. heaven S iv.202; Vv 64 30 (=Sudassana — mahānagara VvA
lightly S i.104 sq., 154, 184; iv.289. — thulla — phusitake 285); J iv.143; -bhava celestial existence PvA 167; -bhoga
deve vassante when the sky was shedding big drops of rain S the wealth of the gods PvA 97; -manussā (pl.) gods & men D
iii.141; v.396; A i.243; ii.140; v.114; Vism 259. — vigata — i.46, 62≈, 99 (°mānuse); M ii.38, 55; Sn 14 (sa°), 236 (°pūjita),
valāhake deve when the rain — clouds have passed S i.65; M 521; It 80 (°seṭṭhā); Kh viii.10; KhA 196; PvA 17, 31, 117; —
ii.34, 42. — 3. king, usually in voc. deva, king! Vin i.272; °loka the world of gods and men. It comprises (1) the world
iii.43; A ii.57; J i.150, 307; PvA 4, 74 etc. of gods proper (Devas, i. e. Sakka, Māra & Brahmā; corresp.
devī (f.) 1. goddess, of Petīs, Yakkhiṇīs etc.; see etym. to sammuti — devā, see above); (2) samaṇas & brāhmaṇas
expl. at VvA 18. — Pv ii.1 ; Vv 1 etc. — 2. queen Vin (cp. visuddhi — devā); (3) gods & men under the human as-
i.82 (Rahulamātā), 272; D ii.14; A ii.57, 202 (Mallikā) J i.50 pect (gati, cp. upapatti — devā): Sn 1047, 1063; expl. at
(Māyā); iii.188; PvA 19, 75. Nd 309 & (with diff. interpretations) DA i.174 sq.; -yāna
-accharā a divine Apsarā, a heavenly joy — maiden Vism leading to the (world of) the gods, i. e. the road to heaven
531; PvA 46, 279; -aññatara, in phrase devo vā d. vā, a god Sn 139, also in °yāniya (magga) D i.215; -rājā king of the
or one of the retinue of a god S iv.180= A iv.461; PvA 16; devas, viz. Sakka Nd 177; J iii.392 (=devinda); DhA iii.441;
-âtideva god of gods, i. e. divine beyond all divinities, a su- PvA 62; -rūpa divine appearance or form PvA 92; -loka the
per — deva, of Buddha Nd 307 & on Sn 1134; J iv.158=DhA particular sphere of any devas, the seat of the devas, heaven;
i.147; Vv 64 ; VvA 18; Miln 241, 258, 368, 384 & passim; there exist 26 such spheres or heavens (see loka); when 2 are
cp. M Vastu i.106, 257, 283, 291; -attabhāva a divine con- mentioned it refers to Sakka's & Brahma's heavens. A seat in
dition, state of a god PvA 14; -ânubhāva divine majesty or a devaloka is in saṁsāra attained by extraordinary merit: Dh
power D ii.12; M iii.120; J i.59; -āsana a seat in heaven It 177; J i.202, 203; iv.273; ThA 74; KhA 228; PvA 5, 9, 21,
76; -âsurasangāma the fight between the Gods & the Titans 66, 81, 89; Vism 415, etc.; -vimāna the palace of a deva J
D ii.285; S i.222; iv.201; v.447; M i.253; A iv:432 (at all pas- i.58; VvA 173; -sankhalikā a magic chain J ii.128; v.92, 94;
sages in identical phrase); -iddhi divine power Vv 31 ; VvA -sadda heavenly sound or talk among the devas It 75 (three
7; -isi a divine Seer Sn 1116; Nd 310; -ûpapatti rebirth such sounds).
among the gods PvA 6; -orohaṇa descent of the gods DhA
Devaka (adj.) (—°) [deva+ka] belonging or peculiar to the devas;
iii.443; -kaññā a celestial maiden, a nymph S i.200; J i.61;
only in sa°-loka the world including the gods in general D
VvA 37, 78; -kāya a particular group of gods S i.200; It 77; 2
i.62; Nd 309; Sn 86 377, 443, 760 etc.; Miln 234. See also
Th 2, 31; -kuñjara "elephant of the gods," of Indra J v.158;
devamanussa — loka.
-kumāra son of a god (cp. °putta) J iii.391; -gaṇa a troop of
Devata (adj.) (—°) having such & such a god as one's special
gods J i.203; DhA iii.441; -gaha a temple, chapel Vin iii.43;
divinity, worshipping, a worshipper of, devotee of Miln 234
-cārikā a visit to the gods, journeying in the devaloka VvA 3,
(Brahma°+Brahma (garuka). — f. devatā in pati° "worship-
7, 165 etc.; -ṭṭhāna heavenly seat J iii.55; a temple, sacred

Devata Doṇa

ping the husband," i. e. a devoted wife J iii.406; VvA 128. discussion Miln 262.
Devatā (f.) [deva+tā, qualitative — abstr. suffix, like Lat. ju- Desaka (adj.) [Sk. deśaka] pointing out, teaching, advising Sdhp
venta, senecta, Goth. hauhipa, Ohg. fullida cp. Sk. pūrṇatā, 217, 519 — (nt.) advice, instruction, lesson M i.438.
bandhutā etc.] "condition or state of a deva," divinity; di-
Desanā (f.) [Sk. deśanā] 1. discourse, instruction, lesson S
vine being, deity, fairy. The term comprises all beings which v.83, 108; J iii.84; Pug 28; Nett 38; Vism 523 sq. (regard-
are otherwise styled devas, & a list of them given at Nd 2
ing Paṭiccasamuppāda); PvA 1, 2, 9, 11; Sdhp 213. 2. Freq.
308 & based on the principle that any being who is wor-
in dhamma° moral instruction, exposition of the Dhamma,
shipped (or to whom an offering is made or a gift given: de —
preaching, sermon Vin i.16; A i.53; ii.182; iv.337 sq.; It 33;
vatā=yesaṁ deti, as is expressed in the conclusion "ye yesaṁ
J i.106 etc. (a° gāminī āpatti), a Pārājika or Sanghādisesa of-
dakkhiṇeyyā te tesaṁ devatā") is a devatā, comprises 5 groups
fence Vin ii.3, 87; v.187. Cp. Vin. Texts ii.33. — 3. (legal)
of 5 kinds each, viz. (1) ascetics; (2) domestic animals (ele-
acknowledgment Miln 344. — Cp. ā°.
phants, horses, cows, cocks, crows); (3) physical forces & ele-
-avasāne (loc.) at the end of an instruction discourse or
ments (fire, stone etc.); (4) lower gods (: bhumma devā) (nāgā,
sermon DhA iii.175; PvA 54; -pariyosāne=proc. PvA 9, 31
suvaṇṇā, yakkhā, asurā, gandhabbā); (5) higher gods (: inhab- etc. -vilāsa beauty of instruction Vism 524; Tikapaṭṭhāna 21.
itants of the devaloka proper) Mahārājā, Canda, Suriya, Inda,
Desika (adj.) [Sk. deśika]=desaka, su° one who points out well,
Brahmā), to which are added the 2 aspects of the sky — god as
a good teacher Miln 195.
devadevatā & disā — devatā). — Another definition at VvA
21 simply states: devatā ti devaputto pi Brahmā pi devadhītā Desita [pp. of deseti] expounded, shown, taught etc., given, as-
pi vuccati. — Among the var. deities the foll. are frequently signed, conferred Vin iii.152 (marked out); v.137; D ii.154
mentioned: rukkha° tree — gods or dryads M i.306; J i.221; (dhamma); Dh 285 (nibbāna); PvA 4 (magga: indicated), 54
PvA 5; vatthu° earth gods (the four kings) Pv 4 ; PvA 17; (given).
vana° wood — nymphs M i.306; samudda° water — sprites
Desetar [n. ag. to deseti] one who instructs or points out; a guide,
J ii.112 etc. etc. — D i.180 (mahiddhikā, pl.), 192; ii.8, 87,
instructor, teacher M i.221, 249; A i.266; iii.441; v.349.
139, 158; S i. sq.; iv.302; M i.245; ii.37; A i.64, 210, 211;
Deseti [Sk. deśayati, Caus. of disati, q. v.] to point out, indi-
ii.70 (sapubba°); iii.77 (bali — paṭiggāhikā), 287 (saddhāya
cate, show; set forth, preach, teach; confess. Very freq. in
samannāgatā); 309; iv.302 sq., 390 (vippaṭisāriniyo); v.331;
phrase dhammaṁ d. to deliver a moral discourse, to preach
Sn 45, 316, 458, 995, 1043; Dh 99; J i.59, 72, 223, 256; iv.17,
474; Vv 16 ; Pv ii.1 ; KhA 113, 117; PvA 44. the Dhamma Vin i.15; ii.87, 188; v.125, 136; D i.241, A ii.185,
v.194; It 111; J i.168; iii.394; Pug 57; PvA 6. — aor. adesesi
-ânubhāva divine power or majesty J i.168; -ânussati
(S i.196=Th 1 1254) & desesi (PvA 2, 12, 78 etc.) — pp.
"remembrance of the gods," one of the 6 ânussatiṭṭhānāni, or
desita (q. v.).
subjects to be kept in mind D iii.250, 280, cp. A i.211; Vism
197. -uposatha a day of devotion to the gods A i.211; Dessa & Dessiya (adj.) [Sk. dveṣya, to dvis, see disa] disagree-
-paribhoga fit to be enjoyed by gods J ii.104; -bali an offering able, odious, detestable J i.46; ii.285; iv.406; vi.570, ThA 268,
to the gods A ii.68; -bhāva at PvA 110 read as devattabhāva Miln 281.
(opp. petattabhāva). Dessati [Sk. dviṣati & dveṣṭi; see etym. under disa] to hate, dis-
Devati [div] to lament, etc.; see pari°. Cp. also parideva etc. like, detest SnA 168 (=na piheti, opp. kāmeti).
Devatta (nt.) [deva+tta] the state of being a deva, divinity ThA Dessatā (f.) [Sk. dvesyatā] repulsiveness Miln 281.
70; PvA 110 (°bhāva as Yakkha, opp. petatta bhāva; so read
Dessin (adj.) [Sk. dveṣin] hating, detesting Sn 92 (dhamma°);
for devatā — bhāva).
better desin, cp. viddesin.
Devattana (nt.) [=last] state or condition of a deva Th 1, 1127;
Deha [Sk. deha to *dheigh to form, knead, heap up (cp.
cp. petattana in the foll. verse.
kāya=heap), see diddha. So also in uddehaka. Cp. Kern, Toev.
Devara [Sk. devṛ & devara Gr. δ¨αήρ (*δαιvήρ), Lat. levir, p. 75 s. v. sarīradeha. Cp. Gr. τεϊξος (wall)=Sk. dehī; Lat.
Ohg. zeihhur, Ags. tācor] husband's brother, brother-in-law fingo & figura; Goth. deigan (knead)=Ohg. teig=E. dough]
J vi.152; Vv 32 (sa°), popularly expl at VvA 135 as "dutiyo body A ii.18; PvA 10, 122. Usually in foll. phrases: hitvā
varo ti vā devaro, bhattu kaniṭṭha bhātā." mānusaṁ dehaṁ S i.60; Pv ii.9 ; pahāya m. d. S i.27, 30;
jahati d. M ii.73; °ṁ nikkhipati Pv ii.6 ; (muni or khīṇāsavo)
Devasika (adj.) [Der. fr. divasa] daily J v.383; DA i.296
antima — deha — dhārin (°dhāro) S i.14, 53; ii.278; Sn 471;
(°bhatta=bhattavetena); DhA i.187 sq., — nt. °ṁ as adv. daily,
Th ii.7, 10; It 32, 40, 50, 53. °nikkhepana laying down the
every day J i.82, J i.149, 186; VvA 67, 75; DhA i.28; ii.41.
body Vism 236.
Desa [Ved. deśa, cp. disā] point, part, place, region, spot, country,
Dehaka (nt.)=deha; pl. limbs Th 2, 392; cp. ThA 258.
Vin i.46; ii.211; M i.437; J i.308; DhsA 307 (°bhūta); PvA 78
(°antara prob. to be read dos°), 153; KhA 132, 227. — desaṁ Dehin (adj. — n.) that which has a body, a creature Pgdp 12, 16.
karoti to go abroad J v.340 (p. 342 has disaṁ). — kañcid —
Doṇa [Sk. droṇa (nt.) conn. with *dereṷo tree, wood, wooden,
eva desaṁ pucchati to ask a little point D i.51; M i.229; A
see dabbi & dāru & cp. Sk. druṇī pail] a wooden pail, vat,
v.39, sometimes as kiñcid — eva d. p. S iii.101; M iii.15; v.
trough; usually as measure of capacity (4 Āḷhaka generally)
l. at D i.51. — desāgata pañha a question propounded, lit. 33
Pv iv.3 (mitāni sukhadukkhāni donehi piṭakehi). taṇḍula° a
come into the region of some one or having become a point of
doṇa of rice DhA iii.264; iv.15. At J ii.367 doṇa is used ellip-

Doṇa Dosa

tically for doṇamāpaka (see below). & *daurvratya disobedience, defiance] unruliness, indocility,
-pāka of which a d. full is cooked, a doṇa measure of bad conduct, fractiousness S ii.204 sq. (°karaṇā dhammā); M
food S i.81; DhA ii.8. -māpaka (mahāmatta) (a higher of- i.95 (id. specified); A ii.147; iii.178; Nett 40, 127.
ficial) supervising the measuring of the doṇa — revenue (of
Dovacassatā (f.) [2nd abstr. of dovacassa] unruliness, contu-
rice) J ii.367, 378, 381; DhA iv.88; -mita a d. measure full D
macy, stubbornness, obstinacy A i.83, iii.310, 448; v.146 sq.;
i.54; M i.518.
D iii.212, 274; Pug 20; Dhs 1326 (cp. Dhs. trsl. p. 344); Vbh
Doṇika (adj.) [fr. doṇa] measuring a doṇa in capacity Vin i.240 359, 369, 371.
(catu° piṭaka).
Dovacassiya (nt.)=dovacassa Pug 20; Dhs 1325.
Doṇikā (f.)=donī , viz. a hollow wooden vessel, tub, vat Vin
Dovārika [cp. Sk. dauvārika, see dvāra] gatekeeper, janitor Vin
i.286 (rajana° for dyeing); ii.120 (mattikā to hold clay) 220
i.269; D ii.83; iii.64 sq., 100; S iv.194; M i.380 sq.; A iv.107,
(udaka°), 221 (vacca° used for purposes of defaecation). See
110; v.194; J ii.132; iv.382 (two by name, viz. Upajotiya &
also passāva°.
Bhaṇḍa — kucchi), 447; vi.367; Miln 234, 332; Vism 281;
Donī (f.) [Sk. droṇī, see doṇa] 1. a (wooden) trough, a vat, tub S Sdhp 356.
ii.259; A i.253; v.323; J i.450; Miln 56. — tela° an oil vat A
Dovila (adj.) [Sk.?] being in the state of fructification, budding J
iii.58 (āyasā made of iron & used as a sarcophagus). — 2. a
vi.529 (cp. p. 530); Miln 334.
trough — shaped canoe (cp. Marāthi ḍon "a long flat — bot-
Dosa [Sk. doṣa to an Idg. *deu(s) to want, to be inferior etc.
tomed boat made of unḍi wood," & Kanarese ḍoni "a canoe
(cp. dussati), as in Gr. δέομαι, δεύομαι] corruption, blemish,
hallowed from a log"] J iv.163 (=gambhīrā mahānāvā p. 164);
fault, bad condition, defect; depravity, corrupted state; usu-
PvA 189. — 3. a hollow, dug in the ground Miln 397. — 4.
ally — °, as khetta° blight of the field Miln 360; tiṇa° spoilt
the body of a lute, the sounding — board (?)] i.450; Miln 53;
by weeds Dh 356; PvA 7; visa° ill effect of poison Th 1, 758,
VvA 281.
768; sneha° blemish of sensual affection Sn 66. Four kasiṇa
Doṇī (f.) [Sk. droṇi?] an oil — giving plant (?) (or is it= donī 1
— dosā at Vism 123; eighteen making a Vihāra unsuitable at
meaning a cake made in a tub, but wrongly interpreted by Vism 118 sq. — J ii.417; iii.104; Miln 330 (sabba — d. — vi-
Dhammapāla?) only in -nimmiñjana oil — cake Pv i.10 ; rahita faultless); DA i.37, 141. — pl. dosā the (three) morbid
as °nimmijjani at Vv 33 ; expl by telamiñjaka at PvA 51 &
affections, or disorder of the (3) humours Miln 43; adj. with
by tilapiññāka at VvA 147.
disturbed humours Miln 172, cp. DA i.133.
Dobbhagga (nt.) [Sk. daurbhāgya fr. duḥ+bhāga] ill luck, mis- 2
Dosa [Sk. dveṣa, but very often not distinct in meaning from
fortune Vin iv.277; DhA 281 (text: °dobhagga). 1
dosa . On dveṣa see under disa] anger, ill — will, evil in-
Dobha [see dubbha] fraud, cheating D ii.243 (v. l. dobbha= tention, wickedness, corruption, malice, hatred. In most freq.
dubbha). comb of either rāga (lust) d. & moha (delusion), or lobha
(greed) d. moha (see rāga & lobha), to denote the 3 main
Domanassa (nt.) [Sk. daurmanasya, duḥ+manas] distress, deject- n
edness, melancholy, grief. As mental pain (cetasikaṁ asātaṁ blemishes of character. For def see Vism 295 & 470. In-
cet. dukkhaṁ S v.209=Nd 312; cp. D ii.306; Nett 12) opp. terpreted at Nd 313 as "cittassa āghāto paṭighāto paṭigho...
kopo... kodho... vyāpatti." — The distinction between dosa
to dukkha physical pain: see dukkha B III. 1 a). A synonym
of domanassaṁ is appaccaya (q. v.). For def of the term see & paṭigha is made at DA i.116 as: dosa=dubbalakodha;
Vism 461, 504. The freq. comb dukkha — domanassa refers paṭigha=balavakodha. — In comb lobha d. moha e. g. S
i.98; M i.47, 489; A i.134, 201; ii.191; iii.338; It 45 (tīṇi
to an unpleasant state of mind & body (see dukkha B III. 1 b;
akusalamūlāni). With rāga & moha: Dh 20; It 2=6; with rāga
e. g. S iv.198; v.141; M ii.64; A i.157; It 89 etc.), the contrary
of somanassaṁ with which dom° is comb to denote "happi- & avijjā; It 57; rāga & māna Sn 270, 631 etc. — See for ref.:
Vin i.183; D iii.146, 159, 182, 214, 270; S i.13, 15, 70; v.34
ness & unhappiness," joy & dejection, e. g. D iii.270; M ii.16;
sq.; M i.15, 96 sq., 250 sq., 305; A i.187; ii.172, 203; iii.181;
A i.163; Sn 67 (see somanassa). — Vin i.34; D ii.278, 306; S
Sn 506; It 2 (dosena duṭṭhāse sattā gacchanti duggatiṁ); Ps
iv.104, 188; v.349, 451; M i.48, 65, 313, 340; ii.51; iii.218;
i.80 sq., 102; Pug 16, 18; Dhs 418, 982, 1060; Vbh 86, 167,
A i.39 (abhijjhā° covetousness & dejection, see abhijjhā); ii.5,
208, 362; Nett 13, 90; Sdhp 33, 43. — Variously characterised
149 sq.; iii.99, 207; v.216 sq.; Sn 592, 1106; Pug 20, 59; Nett
as: 8 purisa — dosā Vbh 387; khila, nīgha, mala S v.57; agati
12, 29 (citta — sampīḷanaṁ d.) 53, Dhs 413, 421, 1389; Vbh
(4 agati — gamanāni: chanda, d. moha, bhaya) D iii.228,
15, 54, 71, 138 sq.; Dh i.121.
cp. 133, 182; ajjhattaṁ A iii.357 sq.; its relation to kamma
-indriya the faculty or disposition to feel grief D iii.239
A i.134; iii.338; v.262; to ariyamagga S v.5, 8. — sadosa
(+som°); S v.209 sq.; -upavicāra discrimination of that which
corrupted, depraved, wicked D i.80; A i.112; adosa absence
gives distress of mind D iii.245; -patta dejected, disappointed
of ill-will, adj. kind, friendly, sympathetic A i.135, 195, 203;
J ii.155.
ii.192; Vbh 169, 210; Dhs 33 (cp. Dhs. trsl. 21, 99); VvA 14
Dolā (f.) [Sk. dolā, *del as in Ags. tealtian=E. tilt, adj. tealt un-
(+alobha amoha).
stable=Sk. dulā iṣṭakā an unstable woman] a swing J iv.283;
-aggi the fire of anger or ill — will D iii.217; S iv.19 sq.;
vi.341; Vism 280 (in simile).
It 92 (+rāgaggi moh°); J i.61; -antara (adj.) bearing anger,
Dolāyati [Denom. of dolā] to swing, to move to & fro J ii.385. intending evil in one's heart Vin ii.249; D iii.237; M i.123; A
i.59; iii.196 sq.; v.81 (opp. metta — citta); perhaps at PvA
Dovacassa (nt.) [contamination of Sk. *daurvacasya evil speech
78 (for des°); -kkhaya the fading away, dying out of anger

Dosa Dvi

or malice S iii.160, 191; iv.250; v.8; Vbh 73, 89; -gata=dosa duccaritaṁ) S iii.241, cp. 247 sq.; D iii.96.
(+paṭigha) S iv.71; -garu full of anger S i.24; -dosa (: dosa )
Dvā (cp. dva°) see dvi B III.
spoilt by anger Dh 357; -saññita connected with ill — will It
Dvāra (nt.) [Ved. dvār (f.) & dvāra (nt.), base *dhvār, cp. Av.
78; -sama like anger Dh 202; -hetuka caused by evil inten-
dvarǤm; Gr. χύρ¨α, χυρών; Lat. fores (gate), forum; Goth.
tion or depravity A v.261 (pāṇātipāta).
daúr, Ohg. turi=Ger. tür, Ags. dor=E. door.] 1. lit. an outer
Dosaniya, Dosanīya & Dosaneyya (adj.) [grd. — formation ei- door, a gate, entrance Vin i.15; S i.58, 138, 211; J i.346; ii.63;
ther to dosa or dosa , but more likely=Sk. *dūṣanīya=dūṣya vi.330; Vbh 71 sq.; PvA 4, 67 (village gate), 79; Sdhp 54, 356.
(see dussa & dussati) influenced by dveṣaṇīya] corruptible;
— That d. cannot be used for an inner door see Vin ii.215;
polluting, defiling; hateful, sinful S iv.307; A ii.120; It 84
on knocking at a d. see DA i.252; cp. DhA i.145 (dvāraṁ
(where A iii.110 has dussanīya in same context).
ākoṭeti); to open a door: āvarati; to shut: pidahati; to lock:
Dosā (f.) [Sk. doṣā & doṣas, cp. Gr. δύω, δύομαι to set (of the thaketi. dvāraṁ alabhamāna unable to get out Vin ii.220. —
sun)] evening, dusk. Only in acc. as adv. dosaṁ (=doṣāṁ) at mahā° the main or city gate J i.63; culla° J ii.114; catu° (adj.)
night J vi.386. having 4 doors (of niraya) Pv i.10 ; cha° with 6d. (nagaraṁ,
Dosin (adj.) [to dosa ] angry J v.452, 454. w. ref. to the 6 doors of the senses, see below) S iv.194;
pure° the front d. J ii.153; pacchima° the back d. J vi.364;
Dosinā (f.) [Sk. jyotsnā, cp. P. juṇhā) a clear night, moonlight;
uttara° the E. gate (PvA 74); nagara° the city gate (J i.263;
only in phrase ramaṇīyā vata bho dosinā ratti. "lovely is
deva° DhA i.280); gāma° the village g. (Vin iii.52; J ii.110);
the moonlight night" D i.47≈J i.509; J v.262; Miln 5, 19 etc. ghara° (J iv.142; PvA 38) & geha° (PvA 61) the house door;
Expl in popular fashion by Bdhgh. as "dosâpagatā" ratti DA
antepura° the door of the inner chamber M ii.100; kula° the
doors of the clan — people Sn 288. — metaph. of the door
-puṇṇamāsī a clear, full moon night Th 1, 306, 1119;
leading to Nibbāna: amata° S i.137; A v.346. — 2. (fig.) the
-mukha the face of a clear night J vi.223.
doors=in — & outlets of the mind, viz. the sense organs; in
Doha [Sk. doha & dogha] milking, milk J v.63, 433. phrase indriyesu gutta-dvāra (adj.) guarding the doors with
Doha (adj.) [Sk. droha] injuring (—°) DA i.296. respect to the senses or faculties (of the mind): see gutta (e.
g. S ii.218; iv.103 & cp. Dhs. trsl. p. 175). — S iv.117, 194
Dohaka [Sk. doha] a milk — pail J v.105.
(with simile of the 6 gates of a city); VvA 72 (kāya — vacī°).
Dohati [Sk. dogdhi, to which prob. duhitṛ daughter: see under The nine gates of the body at Vism 346. Thus also in f. ab-
dhītā & cp. dhenu] to milk. — pres. 1 pl. dohāma & duhāma str. guttadvāratā the condition of well protected doors (see
J v.105; pret. 1 pl. duhāmase ibid.; pot. duhe Jvi.211; ger. gutta).
duhitvā SnA 27; pp. duddha (q. v.) — Pass. duyhati S -kavāṭa a door post J i.63; ii.334; vi.444; PvA 280,
i.174 (so read for duhanti); J v.307; ppr. duyhamāna Miln 41. -koṭṭhaka [cp. Sk. dvārakoṣṭhaka Sp. AvŚ i.24, 31] gate-
— See also dūhana, doha , dohin. way; also room over the gate Ud 52, 65; J i.290; iii.2; iv.63,
Dohaḷa [Sk. dohada & daurhṛda, of du+hṛd, sick longing, sick- 229; VvA 6, 160; DhA i.50; ii.27, 46; iv.204; Vism 22; Miln
ness, see hadaya. Lüders Gōttinger GelehrteNachrichten 10. — bahidvārakoṭṭhake or °ā outside the gate M i.382;
1898, 1 derives it as dvi+hṛd] (a) the longing of a pregnant ii.92; A iii.31; iv.206; -gāma a village outside the city gates,
woman J iii.28, 333; DhA i.350; ii.139. — (b) intense long- i. e. a suburb (cp. bahidvāragāma J i.361) J iii.126 (°gā-
ing, strong desire, craving in general J ii.159, 433; v.40, 41; maka), 188; iv.225; DhA ii.25 (°ka); -toraṇa a gateway J
iii.431. -pānantara at J vi.349 should be read °vātapānan-
vi.263, 308; DhA ii.86 (dhammika d.).
tara; -pidahana shutting the door Vism 78. -bāhā a door
Dohaḷāyati [Denom. fr. dohaḷa] to have cravings (of a woman in 1
post S i.146; Pv i.5 ; DhA iii.273; -bhatta food scattered be-
pregnancy) J vi.263.
fore the door Sn 286; -vātapāna a door — window Vin ii.211;
Dohaḷinī (adj. — f.) a woman in pregnancy having cravings; a J vi.349; -sālā a hall with doors M i.382; ii.61.
pregnant woman in general J ii.395, 435; iii.27; iv.334; v.330
Dvārika (—°) (adj.) referring or belonging to the door of —; in
(=gabbhinī); vi.270, 326, 484; DhA iii.95.
cha °ā taṇhā, craving or fever, arising through the 6 doors (of
Dohin (adj. n.) one who milks, milking M i.220 sq.=A v.347 sq. the senses) DhA iv.221, & kāya° — saṁvara control over the
(anavasesa° milking out fully). "bodily" door, i. e. over action (opp. speech) PvA 10 (so read
for kāyañ cārika°).
Drūbha incorrect spelling for dubbha (q. v.) in adrūbhāya Vin
i.347. Dvi [Sk. dvi, dva etc. — Bases: I. dvi=Sk. dvi in dvipad =Lat.
Dva° in numeral composition, meaning two etc., see under dvi B bipēs (fr. dṷipēs), Ags. twiféte; dvidant=bidens. Reduced to
III. di (see B I. ) as in Gr. δδιπους (=dipad), Lat. diennium &
pref. dis — (cp. Goth. twis asunder, Ogh. zwisk between).
Dvaya (adj. — n.) [Ved. dvaya; cp. dvi B I. 6] (adj.) (a) twofold — II. du (=dvi in reduced grade, cp. Lat. du — plex, dubius
Sn 886 (saccaṁ musā ti dvayadhammaṁ); Dh 384; Pv iv.1 29
etc.). — III. dvā (& dva)=Sk. dvāu, dvā, f. nt. dve (declined
(dvayaṁ vipākaṁ=duvidhaṁ PvA 228). — advaya single A 1
as dual, but the P. (plural) inflexion from base I. see B I. ); Gr.
v.46. — (b) false, deceitful Vin iii.21. — nt. a duality, a pair,
δύω, Lat. duo; Oir. dāu, dā, f. dī; Goth. twai, f. twōs; Ags.
couple S ii.17 (°ṁ nissito loko); J iii.395 (gātha°); PvA 19
twā (=E. two); Ohg. zwēne, zwō zwei. Also in cpd. num. dva
(māsa°); DhA ii.93 (pada° two lines, "couplet").
— daśa twelve=Gr. δ(*῞)ώδεκα=Lat. duodecim. ] number
-kārin "doing both," i. e. both good & evil deeds (su° &

Dvi Dvi

two. inal composition & derivation, in:
A. Meanings — I. Two as unit: 1. with objective foun- 1. numeral dve (& duve) two: nom. acc. dve (Sn p. 107;
dation: (a) denoting a comb (pair, couple) or a repetition It 98; J i.150; iv.137 etc.) & (in verse) duve (Sn 896, 1001);
(twice). In this conn. frequent both objective & impersonal gen. dat. dvinnaṁ (It 39, 40, 98; J ii.154); instr. dvīhi (J i.87:
in mentioning natural pairs as well as psychologically con- v. l. dīhi; 151; ii.153); loc. dvīsu (J i.203; PvA 47) & duvesu
trasted notions. E. g. dvipad (biped), nāgassa dve dantā (ele- (Vv 41 ).
phants' tusks), cakkhūni (eyes); dvija (bird), duvija (tooth), di- 2. as numeral base: -sahassa 2000 (see A I. 2 ) J i.57;
jivha (snake). See also dutiya & dvaya. — dve: kāmā, khiḍḍā, VvA 261; PvA 74; also in dvittā and adv. dvikkhattuṁ twice
gatiyo (Sn 1001), dānāni (It 98), piyā, phalāni (Sn 896; It 39), & dvidhā in two parts. — (b) as nominal base: — (r)āvaṭṭa
mittā, sinehā etc. See Nd under dve, cp. A i.47— 100; D [Sk. dviḥ cp. Lat. bis] turning twice S i.32; -ja "twice born,"
iii.212 — 214. — (b) denoting a separation (in two, twofold i. e. a bird J i.152 (gaṇā); -jātin one who is born twice, i. e. a
etc.): see dvidhā & cpds. — 2. with symbolic, sentimental brāhmaṇa Th, 2, 430 (ThA 269=brahmajātin); -tālamatta of
meaning: (a) only two (i. e. next to one or "next to noth- the size of 2 palms DhA ii.62; -pad [Sk. dvipad, Lat. bipes,
ing"), cp. the two mites of the widow (Mark xii. 42), two Gr. δίπους etc.] a biped, man S i.6; -pala twofold Vism 339;
sons of Rachel (Gen. 30): dumāsika not more than 2 months -pādaka=dvipad Vin ii.110; -bandhu having two friends J
(Vin ii.107); dvemāsiko gabbho (Pv i.6 ); dvevācika; duvan- vi.281; -rattatiratta two or three nights Vin iv.16; also in
gula (see below). — (b) a few — more than one, some, a cou- dvīha two days (q. v.).
ple (often intermediate between 1 & 3, denoting more than 3. as diaeretic form duvi°: -ja (cp. dija) "growing again"
once, or a comparatively long, rather long, but not like 3 a i. e. a tooth J v.156.
very long time): māsadvayaṁ a couple of months; dvisahassa 4. as contracted form di°: -(y)aḍḍha one and a half (lit.
dīpā 2000 islands (=a large number); diyaḍḍhasata 150=very the second half, cp. Ger. anderthalb) Dh 235; J i.72 (diyaḍḍha
long etc.; dvīhatīha (2 or 3= a couple of days) q. v.; dvirattati- — yojana — satika 150 y. long or high etc.), 202; iv.293
ratta (id. of nights); dvīsu tīsu manussesu to some people (PvA (°yāma); DhA i.395; DA i.17; Miln 243, 272; DhsA 12; -guṇa
47); dvatikkhattuṁ soveral times; cp. dvikkhattuṁ (more than twofold, double Vin i.289; Sn 714; J v.309; Miln 84; DhA ii.6;
once), dutiyaṁ (for the 2nd time). VvA 63, 120; -ja (cp. dvija, duvija) (a) "twice — born," a bird
II. Two as unit in connection with its own & other decimals S i.224; Sn 1134 (d. vuccati pakkhī Nd 296); J i.152, 203;
means a complex plus a pair, which amounts to the same as a ii.205; iv.347; v.157; Pv ii.12 ; Vv 35 (cp. VvA 178); Miln
large & a small unit, or so to speak "a year & a day." E. g. 12 295. — (b) a brahmin ThA, 70, 73; -jivha "twotongued," i.
(sometimes, but rarely= 10+2, see sep.); — 32: rests usually e. a snake (cp. du°) J iii.347; -pad ( — pada or — pa) a biped
on 4 X 8, but as No. of the Mahāpurisa — lakkhaṇāni it de- (cp. dvi°) A i.22; v.21; Sn 83 (dipa — duttama), 995 (id.) 998;
notes 30+2= the great circle plus the decisive (invisible) pair; Dh 273; -pādaka=°pad Th 1, 453=Sn 205.
— 62: views of heresy: see diṭṭhi; also as a year of eternity= 5. as sec. cpd. form (with guṇa) dve° (and de°): -
60 kappas+2; — 92: as measure of eternity=90+2 kappas=a caturanga twice fourfold — eightfold Th 1, 520 (°gāmin);
year & a day. -patha a "double" path, a border path, the boundary between
III. Number twelve. 1. Based on natural phenomena it de- two villages Vv 53 17 ( — sīmantika — patha VvA 241);
notes the solar year (dvādasamāsako saṁvaccharo VvA 247). -piccha having two tail — feathers J v.341 (cp. de°); -pitika
— 2. Connected with the solar cult it is used with human ar- having two feathers J v.424; -bhāva doubling kacc. 21;
rangements to raise them to the level of heavenly ones and to -māsika two months old Pv i.6 ; -vācika pronouncing (only)
impart to them a superior significance. Thus: (a) as denoting two words, viz. Buddha & Dhamma (cp. tevācika, saying the
a set (cp. 12 months = companions of the Sun) it is the No. whole saraṇa — formula), Vin i.4; J i.81; -sattaratta twice
of a respectful, holy, venerable group (cp. 12 sons of Jacob seven nights, a fortnight [cp. Sk. dvisapta] J vi.230. — See
Gen. 35, 22; cakes as shewbread Lev. 25, 5; stones erected also der. fr. numer. adv. dvidhā, viz. dvejjha (& dejjha),
Josh. 4, 8; apostles Math. 10, 2; patriarchs Acts 7, 8; compan- dvedhā°, dveḷhaka.
ions of Odysseus Hom. Od. 9, 195; Knights of Arthur etc.): 6. as noun — derivation dvaya a dyad (q. v.).
of theras, accomp by 12 bhikkhus PvA 67, 141. 179 etc.; II. du; reduced base in numeral and nominal comp & der :
dvādasa koṭisatāni Sn 677; five groups of 12 musicians VvA -(v)addhato from both sides (a distorted form of dubhato
96 (cp. 5 X 12 cromlechs in the outer circle of Stonehenge). q. v.) Vv 64 19 (=dubhato VvA 281); -(v)angika consist-
— (b) as measure of distance in space & time it implies vast ing of two parts Dhs 163; -(v)angula & dvangula two fin-
extent, great importance, a climax, divine symmetry etc. 12 ger — breadths or depths, two inches long, implying a min-
yojanas wide extends the radiance VvA 16; 12 y. as respect- imum measure (see above A I.2 ) Vin ii.107; iv.262; usually
ful distance PvA 137 (cp. 2000 cubits in same sense at Josh. 3, in cpds. — kappa the 2 inch rule, i. e. a rule extending the
4); 12 y. in extent (height, breadth & length) are the heavenly allotted time for the morning meal to 2 inches of shadow af-
palaces of the Vimāna — petas or Yakkhas Vv 55 ; J vi.116; ter mid day Vin ii.294 306; — pannā wisdom of 2 finger —
VvA 6, 217, 244, 291, 298 etc. In the same connection we breadths, i. e. that of a woman S i.129=Th 2, 60 (dvanguli°,
freq. find the No. 16: solasa — yojanikaṁ kanaka — vimā- at ThA 66 as °saññā); — buddhika=°paññā VvA 96; -jivha
naṁ Vv 67 ; VvA 188, 289 etc. — Of years: J iii.80; VvA twotongued (cp. di°); a snake J iv.330; v.82, 425; -paṭṭa
157 (dvādasa — vassikā; in this sense also 16 instead of 12: "double cloth" (Hind. dupaṭṭā; Kanarese dupaṭa, duppaṭa;
soḷasa — vassuddesika VvA 259 etc. See soḷasa). Tamil tuppaṭṭā a cloak consisting of two cloths joined together,
B. Bases & Forms — I. dvi; main base for numeral & nom- see Kern, Toev. i.179); J i.119; iv.114, 379 (ratta°); DhA i.249


Dvi Dhaja

(suratta°); iii.419 (°cīvarā); -matta (about) 2 in measure Miln (°accayena id., gloss: katipāh'— accayena); DA i.190 (°ṁ)
82; -māsika 2 months old or growing for 2 months (of hair) 215; VvA 45.
Vin ii.107; -vagga consisting of two Vin i.58; -vassa 2 years
Dvīhika (adj.) every other day M i.78.
old Vin i.59; -vidha twofold, instr. duvidhena M iii.45 sq.; 1
Dvīhitika (adj.) [du — īhitika, of du +īhati] to be gained or
etc. — Derivations from du° see sep. under duka (dyad),
procured with difficulty (i. e. a livelihood which is hardly
dutiya (the second), & the contamination forms dubha (to) &
procurable), only in phrase "dubbhikkhā d. setaṭṭhikā
dubhaya (for ubha & ubhaya).
III. dvā (& reduced dva), base in numeral comp only: salākavuttā," of a famine Vin iii.6, 15, 87; iv.23; S iv.323. On
the term & its expl by Bdhgh. (at Vin iii.268: dujjīvikā īhī tī...
dvatikkhattuṁ two or three times J i.506; DA i.133, 264; DhA
dukkhena īhitaṁ ettha pavattatī ti) see Kern, Toev. i.122. —
iv.38; dvādasa twelve (on meaning of this & foll. numer- n
Note. Bdhgh's expl is highly speculative, & leaves the prob-
als see above A II. & III.) J iii.80; vi.116; DhA i.88; iii.210; 1
lem still unsolved. The case of du appearing as du — (and
VvA 156, 247 etc.; °yojanika J i.125; iv.499; dvāvīsati (22)
not as dur — ) before a vowel is most peculiar; there may be a
VvA 139; dvattiṁsa (32) Kh ii. (°ākāra the 32 constituents
of the body); DhA ii.88; VvA 39 etc.; dvācattālīsa (42) Nd 2 connection with druh (see duhana), which is even suggested
15; Vism 82; dvāsaṭṭhi (Nd 271 iii. & dvaṭṭhi (62) D i.54; S by vv. ll. at S iv.223 as dūhitika= duhitika (q. v.).
iii.211; DA i.162); dvānavuti (92) PvA 19, 21. — Note. A Dve & Dve° see dvi B 1 & 5.
singular case of dva as adv.=twice is in dvâhaṁ Sn 1116.
Dvejjha (adj.) [Sk. dvaidhya; cp. dvi B I. 5] divided, twofold,
Dvikkhattuṁ (adv.) [Sk. *dvikṛtvaḥ] twice Nd on Sn 1116 only in neg. advejjha undivided, certain, doubtless; sim-
(=dva); Nd 296 (jāyati dijo). See dvi B I. 2 . ple, sincere, uncontradictory A iii.403; J iv.77; Nd 30 (+ad-
Dvittā (pl.) [Sk. dvitrā; see dvi B I. 2 ] two or three S i.117 (per- veḷhaka); Miln 141. — Cp. dejjha.
haps we should read tad vittaṁ: Windisch, Māra & Buddha Dvejjhatā (f.) [fr. prec.] in a° undividedness J iv.76.
Dvedhā (adv.) [Sk. dvedhā, cp. dvidhā] in two J v.203, 206
Dvidhā (num. adv.) [Sk. dvidhā, see dvi B I. 2 ] in two parts, in (°sira); DhA ii.50 (bhijji: broke in two, broke asunder).
two M i.114; J i.253 (karoti), 254 (chindati), 298 (id.); iii.181;
Dvedhāpatha [cp. dvidhā & dvi B I.5] (a) a double, i. e. a branch-
iv.101 (jāta disagreeing); vi.368 (bhindati). See also dvedhā
ing road; a cross — road DhA ii.192; Miln 17. — (b) doubt
& dveḷhaka.
Dh 282; Dhs 1004, 1161 Vism 313.
-gata gone to pieces J v.197; -patha a twofold way, a
Dveḷhaka (nt.) [Sk. *dvaidhaka fr. adv. dvidhā, cp. dvi B I. 5]
crossing; only fig. doubt Siii.108; M i.142, 144; Ud 90. See
doubt Vin iii.309; Dhs 1004, 1161; DA i.68; DhsA 259; °citta
also dvedhāpatha.
uncertain PvA 13; °jāta in doubt Vin iii.309; D iii.117 sq.;
Dvīha (adv.) [Sk. dvis — ahnah; see dvi B I.2 ] two days; dvīhena 210. — adveḷhaka (adj.) sure, certain, without doubt Nd 30
in 2 days S ii.192; dvīha — mata 2 days dead M i.88; iii.91. (+advejjha).
-tīha 2 or 3 days (°ṁ adv.) (on meaning cp. dvi A I.2 )
D i.190 (°assa accayena after a few days); J ii.316; DhA iii.21
Dhaṁsati [Ved. dhvaṁsati to fall to dust, sink down, perish; Idg. Dhaṁsin (adj. — n.) [Sk. dharṣin to dhṛṣṇoti, see dhaṁseti]
dheṷes to fly like dust, cp. Sk. dhūsara "dusky"; Ags. dust; obtrusive, bold, offensive M i.236; A ii.182; Dh 244 (=DhA
Ger. dust & dunst; E. dusk & dust; prob. also Lat. furo] iii.353 paresaṁ guṇaṁ dhaṁsanatāya dh.).
to fall from, to be deprived of (c. abl.), to be gone D iii.184
Dhanka [Sk. dhvānkṣa, cp. also dhunkṣā] a crow S i.207; ii.258;
(with abl. asmā lokā dh.) A ii.67; v.76, 77; It 11; Th 1, 225, 2 2
Sn 271=Nd 420; J ii.208; v.107, 270; vi.452; Pv iii.5 (=kāka
610; J iii.260, 318, 441, 457; iv.611; v.218, 375. — Caus. PvA 198); VvA 334.
dhaṁseti [Sk. dhvaṁsayati, but more likely=Sk. dharṣayati
Dhaja [Sk. dhvaja, cp. Ohg. tuoh "cloth" (fr. *dwōko)] a flag,
(to infest, molest= Lat. infestare. On similar sound — change
banner; mark, emblem, sign, symbol Vin i.306
P. dhaṁs°> Sk. dharṣ cp. P. daṁseti>Sk. darśayati). Caus.
(titthiya°: outward signs of); ii.22 (gihi°); S i.42; ii.280; A
of dhṛṣṇoti to be daring, to assault cp. Gr. χάρσος audacious,
ii. 51; iii.84 sq. (panna°); M i.139 (id.); A iii.149 (dhamma);
bold, Lat. festus, Goth. gadars=E. dare; Ohg. gitar] to deprive
J i.52 (+patākā); VvA 173 (id.); J i.65 (arahad °;)Th i.961;
of, to destroy, assault, importune D i.211; S iii.123; Sn 591; J
J v.49=Miln 221; J v.509; vi.499; Nd 170; Vv 36 , 64 28
iii.353; Miln 227; Sdhp 357, 434. Cp. pa°, pari°.
(subhāsita°=dhamma° VvA 284); Dhs 1116, 1233; Vism 469
Dhaṁsana (n. — adj.) [Sk. dharṣana] destroying, bringing to
(+paṭȧka, in comparison); PvA 282; VvA 31, 73; Miln 21;
ruin, only in kula° as v. l. to kula — gandhana (q. v.) at It Sdhp 428, 594. Cp. also panna.
64, and in dhaṁsanatā at DhA iii.353 in expl of dhaṁsin (q.
-agga the top of a standard S i.219; A iii.89 sq.; Pug 67,

Dhaja Dhamani

68; Vism 414 (°paritta). -ālu adorned with flags Th 1, 164=J phrase pahūta°) it may be taken as Tatpuruṣa "rich in trea-
ii.334 (: dhajasampanna Com.); -āhaṭa won under or by the sures," otherwise "possessing money & money's worth" cp.
colours, taken as booty, captured Vin iii.139, 140; Vism 63. pahūtadhanadhaññavā J i.3. As n. Pv i.11 ; iii.10 ; PvA
-baddha captured (=°āhaṭa) Vin i.74 (cora). 60; Miln 2, 280; as adj. freq. "pahūtadhana — dhañña" Vv
63 =Pv ii.6 : PvA 97. Thus in ster. formula of aḍḍha ma-
Dhajinī (f.) [Sk. dhvajinī, f. to adj. dhvajin] "bearing a standard,"
haddhana etc. D iii.163 sq.; S i.71; A ii.86; -parājaya loss
i. e. an army, legion Sn 442 (=senā SnA 392).
of money, as adj. appl. to kali: the dice marking loss in game
Dhañña (nt.) [Ved. dhānya, der. fr. dhana] grain, corn. The Sn 659; -lobha "greed of gold" J iv.1; -lola=lobha J ii.212;
usual enum comprises 7 sorts of grain, which is however not
-viriya wealth & power Sn 422; -hetu for the sake of wealth
strictly confined to grain — fruit proper ("corn") but includes, Sn 122.
like other enum , pulse & seeds. These 7 are sāli & vīhi
Dhanatta (nt.) [Sk. *dhanatvaṁ] being bent on having money J
(rice — sorts), yava (barley), godhuma (wheat), kangu (mil-
let), varaka (beans), kudrūsaka (?) Vin iv.264; Nd 314; DA v.449.
i.78. — Nd 314 distinguishes two oategories of dhañña: the Dhanavant (adj.) [Sk. dhanavant] wealthy Nd 462; J i.3.
natural (pubbaṇṇa) & the prepared (aparaṇṇa) kinds. To the
Dhanāyati [Denom. to dhana] to desire (like money), to wish for,
first belong the 7 sorts, to the second belongs sūpeyya (curry).
strive after M i.260 (perhaps better to be read vanāyati, see
See also bīja — bīja. — Six sorts are mentioned at M i.57,
formula under allīyati, and note M i.552).
viz. sāli, vīhi, mugga, māsa, tila, taṇḍula. — D i.5 (āmaka°,
Dhanika [Sk. dhanika] a creditor, Th 2, 443, ThA, 271; PvA 276.
q. v.); A ii.209 (id.); M i.180; A ii.32 (+dhana); Th 1, 531; Pug
Cp. dhaniya.
58; DhA i.173; VvA 99; PvA 29 (dhanaṁ vā dh °ṁ vā), 198
(sāsapa — tela — missitaṁ), 278 (sappi — madhu — tela — Dhanita [Sk. dhvanita, pp. of dhvan, cp. Ags. dyn noise= E.
dhaññādīhi vohăraṁ katvā). — dhaññaṁ ākirati to besprin- din; Ags. dynnan to sound loud] sounded; as nt. sonant (said
kle a person with grain (for good luck) Pv iii.5 (=mangalaṁ of a letter) Miln 344.
karoti PvA 198, see also mangala).
Dhaniya=dhanika Vin i.76.
-āgāra a store house for grain Vin i.240; -piṭaka a basket
Dhanu (nt.) [Sk. dhanus, to Ohg. tanna fir — tree, also oak, orig
full of grain DhA iii.370; -rāsi a heap of g. A iv.163, 170;
tree in general, cp. dāru] a bow M i.429; J i.50, 150; ii.88;
-samavāpaka grain for sowing, not more & not less than nec-
iv.327; PvA 285.
essary to produce grain M i.451.
-kalāpa bow & quiver Vin ii.192; M i.86; ii.99; A iii.94;
Dhañña (adj.) [Sk. dhānya, adj. to dhana or dhānya. Semanti-
PvA 154; -kāra a bow maker Miln 331; -kārika N. of a tree
cally cp. āḷhiya] "rich in corn," rich (see dhana); happy, for- J v.420; -kārin=prec. J v.422 (=°pāṭali); -ggaha an archer
tunate, lucky. Often in comb dhanadhañña. — DhA i.171;
D i.51; A ii.48; iv.107; J i.58, 356; ii.87, 88; iii.220 (dhanug-
iii.464 (dhaññādika one who is rich in grains etc., i. e. lucky); gaha) J iii.322; v.129 (where 4 kinds are enum ); Vism 150
DhsA 116. — dhaññapuñña — lakkhaṇa a sign of future good (in simile); DA i.156; -takkāri (f.) a plant J vi.535; -pāṭali
fortune & merit PvA 161; as adj. endowed with the mark of... N. of a tree J v.422; -lakkhaṇa prophesying from marks on a
J vi.3. See also dhāniya. bow D i.9.
Dhata [Sk. dhṛta, pp. of dharati; cp. dhara & dhāreti] 1. firm,
Dhanuka (nt.) [Sk. dhanuṣka] a (small) bow Vin ii.10; iii.180; D
prepared, ready, resolved A iii.114; Dāvs v.52. — 2. kept in
i.7; A iii.75; v.203; J vi.41; Miln 229; DA i.86.
mind, understood, known by heart Vin ii.95; A i.36.
Dhanta [Sk. dhvānta in meaning of either dhvanita fr. dhvan
Dhana (nt.) [Ved. dhana; usually taken to dhā (see dadhāti)
to sound, or dhamita fr. dhmā to blow, see dhameti] blown,
as "stake, prize at game, booty," cp. pradhāna & Gr. χέμα;
sounded A i.253; J i.283, 284.
but more likely in orig. meaning "grain, posses sion of corn,
Dhama (—°) (adj.) [Sk. dhama, to dhamati] blowing, n. a blower,
crops etc.," cp. Lith. dūna bread, Sk. dhānā pl. grains &
player (on a horn: sankha°) D i.251; S iv.322.
dhañña=dhana — like, i. e. corn, grain] wealth, usually wealth
of money, riches, treasures. 1. Lit. D i.73 (sa°); M ii.180.; Dhamaka (—°) (adj.) one who blows Miln 31; see vaṁsa°,
A iii.222; iv.4 sq.; Nd 135 (+yasa, issariya etc.) Th 2, 464 sankh°, singa°.
(+issariya); J i.225 (paṭhavigataṁ karoti: hide in the ground), Dhamati [Ved. dhamati, dhmā, pp. dh amita & dhmāta, cp.
262, 289; ii.112; iv.2; Sn 60, 185, 302; Pv ii.6 ; DhA i.238. Ohg. dampf "steam"] to blow, to sound (a drum); to kindle
Often in comb aḍḍha mahaddhana mahābhoga to indicate
(by blowing), melt, smelt, singe A i.254; iv.169; J i.283, 284;
immense wealth (see aḍḍha) PvA 3, 214 etc. (see also be- vi.441; Nd 478; Miln 262.— ppr. dhamāna S i.106; Miln
low °dhañña). — 2. fig. Used in the expression sattavidha- 67. — Caus. dhameti to blow (an instrument) J ii.110; Miln
ariya-dhana "the 7 fold noble treasure" of the good qualities 31, and dhamāpeti to cause to blow or kindle DhA i.442. —
or virtues, viz. saddhā, cāga etc. (see enum under cāga) D pp. dhanta & dhanita (the latter to dhvan, by which dhamati
iii.163, 164, 251; VvA 113; ThA 240. is influenced to a large extent in meaning. Cp. uddhana).
-agga the best treasure (i. e. the ariya — dhana) D iii.164;
Dhamadhamāyati [cp. Sk. dadhmāti, Intens. to dhamati] to blow
-atthika wishing for or desiring wealth Sn 987; -āsā crav-
frequently, strongly or incessantly Miln 117.
ing for wealth; -kkīta bought for money DhA ii.3, -thaddha
proud of wealth, snobbish Sn 104; -dhañña, usually Dvandva Dhamani (f.) [Sk. dhamani, to dhamati, orig. a tube for blow-
— cpd. "money & money's worth," but as adj. (always in ing, a tubular vessel, pipe] a vein Th 1, 408. Usually in cpd.:

Dhamani Dhamma

-santhata strewn with veins, with veins showing, i. e. ema- sation) corresponds to dhamma "mentalized" object or "idea"
ciated (: nimmaṁsa — lohitatāya sirājālehi vitthatagatta PvA (Mrs. Rh. D. "mental object in general," also "state of mind")
68) Vin iii.110; J iv.371; v.69; Dh 395=Th 1, 243=Pv ii.1 ; — (a) subjective: mental attitude, thought, idea, philosophy,
Pv iv.10 ; DhA i.299, 367; iv.157; ThA 80. So also in Jain truth, & its recognition (anubodhi) by the Buddha, i. e. the
Pk. "kisa dhamaṇisaṁtata": Weber, Bhagavatī p. 289; cp. Dhamma or worldwisdom=philosophy of the Buddha as con-
Lal. Vist. 226. — Also as °santhatagatta (adj.) having veins tained & expounded in the Dialogues of the 5 Nikāyas (see be-
showing all over the body for lack of flesh Vin i.55; iii.146; M low C.) — Note. The idea of dhamma as the interpreted Order
ii.121; J i.346, ii.283; ThA 80. of the World is carried further in the poetical quasi — personi-
Dhamma (m. & rarely nt.) [Ved. dharma & dharman, the lat- fication of the Dh. with the phrase "dhammaja dh — nimmita
ter a formation like karman (see kamma for expl of subj. dh — dāyāda" (born of the Norm, created by the Norm, heir of
the Norm; see under cpds. and Dhammatā; also s. v. Niyama).
& obj. meanings); dhṛ (see dhāreti) to hold, support: that
That which the Buddha preached, the Dhamma κα᾿τ ἐςοξήν,
which forms a foundation and upholds= constitution. Cp.
was the order of law of the universe, immanent, eternal, un-
Gr. χρόνος, Lat. firmus & fretus; Lith. derme (treaty), cp.
created, not as interpreted by him only, much less invented or
also Sk. dhariman form, constitution, perhaps=Lat. forma,
decreed by him, but intelligible to a mind of his range, and by
E. form] constitution etc. A. Definitions by Commentators:
him made so to mankind as bodhi: revelation, awakening. The
Bdhgh gives a fourfold meaning of the word dhamma (at DA
i.99= DhA i.22), viz. (1) guṇe (saddo), applied to good con- Buddha (like every great philosopher & other Buddhas pre-
ceding Gotama: ye pi te ahesuṁ atītaṁ addhānaṁ Arahanto
duct; (2) desanāyaṁ, to preaching & moral instruction; (3)
Sammāsambuddhā te pi dhammaṁ yeva sakkatvā S i.140) is
pariyattiyaṁ, to the 9 fold collection of the Buddh. Scriptures
a discoverer of this order of the Dhamma, this universal logic,
(see navanga); (4) nissatte ( — nijjīvate), to cosmic (non —
animistic) law. — No. 1 is referred to freq. in expl of the philosophy or righteousness ("Norm"), in which the rational
& the ethical elements are fused into one. Thus by recogni-
term, e. g. dhammiko ti ñāyena samena pavattatī ti DA i.249;
tion of the truth the knower becomes the incorporation of the
dhamman ti kāraṇaṁ ñāyaṁ PvA 211; as paṭipatti — dhamma
knowable (or the sense of the universe=Dhamma) & therefore
at VvA 84; No. 3 e. g. also at PvA 2. Another and more
a perfect man, one who is "truly enlightened" (sammā — sam-
adequate fourfold definition by Bdhgh is given in DhsA 38,
buddha): so Bhagavā jānaṁ jānāti passaṁ passati cakkhu —
viz. (1) pariyatti, or doctrine as formulated, (2) hetu, or con-
bhūto ñāṇa — bhūto dhamma° brahma° & in this possession
dition, causal antecedent, (3) guṇa, or moral quality or action,
of the truth he is not like Brahmā, but Brahmā himself & the
(4) nissatta — nijīvatā, or "the phenomenal" as opposed to "the
lord of the world as the "master of the Truth": vattā pavattā
substantial," "the noumenal," "animistic entity." Here (2) is il-
atthassa ninnetā Amatassa dātā dhammassāmī S iv.94; & sim-
lustrated by hetumhi ñāṇaṃ dhammapaṭisambhidā: "analytic
ilarly "yo kho Dhammaṁ passati so mam passati; yo mam pas-
knowledge in dhamma's means insight into condition, causal
sati so Dhammaṁ passati" =he who sees the Buddha sees the
antecedent" Vibh 293, and see Niyama (dhamma°). Since, in
Truth S iii.120. Cp. with this also the dhamma — cakka idea
the former fourfold definition (2) and (3) really constitute but
(see cpds.). On equation Dhamma=Brahman see esp. Geiger,
one main implication considered under the two aspects of Doc-
Dhamma pp. 76 — 80, where is also discussed the formula
trine as taught and Doctrine as formulated, we may interpret
Bhagavato putto etc. (with dhammaja for the brahmanic brah-
Dhamma by the fourfold connotation: — doctrine, right, or
maja). — In later (Abhidhamma) literature the (dogmatic) per-
righteousness, condition, phenomenon. — For other exegetic
definitions see the Com & the Niddesa, e. g. Nd 94; for sonification of Dhamma occurs. See e. g. Tikp A 366.
modern expl & analyses see e. g. Rhys Davids, Buddh. In- As 6th sense — object "dhamma" is the counterpart of
dia pp. 292 — 4; Mrs. Rh. Davids, Buddhism (1912) pp. 32 "mano": manasā dhammaṁ viññāya "apperceiving presenta-
tions with the mind" S iv.185 etc. (see formula under rūpa);
sq., 107 sq., 235 sq.; Dhs. trsl. xxxiii. sq.; and most recently
mano — viññeyyā dhammā S iv.73; cp. S iii.46; iv.3 sq.;
the exhaustive monograph by M. & W. Geiger, Pāli Dhamma.
v.74; D iii.226, 245, 269. Ranged in the same category un-
Abhandlungen der Bayer. Akademie xxxi. 1; München 1920;
der the anupassanā — formula (q. v.) "dhammesu dhamm —
which reached the editors too late to be made use of for the
ânupassin" realising the mentality of mental objects or ideas,
e. g. D ii.95, 100, 299; A i.39, 296; ii.256; iii.450; iv.301.
B. Applications and Meaning. — 1. Psychologically;
Also as one of the 6 taṇhās "desire for ideas" D iii.244, 280.
"mentality" as the constitutive element of cognition & of its
— As spirituality opposed to materiality in contrast of dh. &
substratum, the world of phenomena. It is that which is pre-
āmisa: It 98 (°dāna: a mat. & a spir. gift). — (b) objective:
sented as "object" to the imagination & as such has an effect
substratum (of cognition), piece, constituent (=khandha), con-
of its own: — a presentation (Vorstellung), or idea, idea, or
stitution; phenomenon, thing, "world," cosmic order (as the
purely mental phenomenon as distinguished from a psycho —
expression of cosmic sense, as under a & 2). Thus applied to
physical phenomenon, or sensation (re — action of sense —
the khandhas: vedanādayo tayo kh. DhA i.35 (see Khandha B
organ to sensestimulus). The mind deals with ideas as the eye
3); to rūpa vedanā saññā sankhārā viññāna S iii.39;=sankhārā
deals with forms: it is the abstraction formed by mano, or mind
D iii.58, 77, 141. Freq. in formula sabbe dhammā aniccā
proper, from the objects of sense presented by the sense — or-
(+dukkhā anattā: see nicca) "the whole of the visible world, all
gan when reacting to external objects. Thus cakkhu "faculty
phenomena are evanescent etc." S iii.132 sq. & passim. diṭṭhe
of sight" corresponds to rūpa "relation of form" & mano "fac-
[va] dhamme in the phenomenal world (opp. samparāyika dh.
ulty of thought" (citta & ceto its organ or instrument or locali-
the world beyond): see under diṭṭha (S iv.175, 205 etc.). — ye

Dhamma Dhamma

dhammā hetuppabhavā tesaṁ hetuṁ Tathāgato āha "of all phe- lobha° greedy quality D i.224, 230; methuna dh. fornication
nomena sprung from a cause the Buddha the cause hath told" D iii.133. — (β) (pl.) Tenets, practices etc. — (aa) good:
Vin i.40 (cp. Isā Upanishad 14). — lokadhammā things of kusalā dh. D ii.223, 228; iii.49, 56, 82, 102 etc.; S ii.206; sap-
this world (viz. gain, fame, happiness etc., see under lābha) purisa° A v.245, 279; PvA 114; samaṇa° Wanderer's practice
D iii.260; Nd 55. — uttari-manussa-dh°ā transcendental, or observances DhA ii.55. brāhmaṇakaraṇā D i.244; yesaṁ
supernormal phenomena D i.211, cp. D iii.4; abbhuta — dh°ā dh°ānaṁ Gotamo vaṇṇavādin D i.206; cp. sīlaṁ samādhi
wonderful signs, portents Miln 8 (tayo acchariyā a. dh. pātura- paññā ca vimutti ca anuttarā: anubuddhā ime dhammā Gota-
hesuṁ); PvA 2: hassa — khiḍḍhā — rati — dh. — samāpanna mena yasassinā D ii.123. dhammānaṁ sukusalo perfect in all
endowed with the qualities or things of mirth, play & enjoy- (these) qualities D i.180; samāhite citte dhammā pātubhavanti
ment D i.19; iii.31; gāma° things or doings of the village D i.4 "with composed mind appear true views" S iv.78; dhammesu
(cp. DA i.72). patiṭṭhito S i.185; ananussutesu dh°esu cakkhuṁ udapādi "he
2. Ratio — ethically — (a) objective: "rationality," any- visualized undiscovered ideas" S ii.9. — (bb) evil: āvaraṇīyā
thing that is as it should be according to its reason & logicality S iv.104; pāpakā Vin i.8; D i.70; A i.202; akusalā D iii.56,
(as expressed under No. 1 a), i. e. right property, sound con- 57, 73, 91 etc.; lobha°, dosa°, moha° S i.70=It 45=Nd 420; S
dition, norm, propriety, constitution as conforming to No. 1 i.43; M iii.40; dukkhavipākā vodanīyā saṁkilesikā ponobb-
in universal application i. e. Natural or Cosmic Law: yattha havikā D i.195; iii.57. — (cc) various: gambhīrā duddasā
nāmañ ca rūpaṁ ca asesam uparujjhati, taṁ te dhammaṁ id- etc. Vin i.4; D i.12; S i.136; — Cp. S ii.15, 26; Nd 320;
hâññāya acchiduṁ bhavabandhanaṁ (recognising this law) S It 22, 24; Ps i.5, 22, 28; Vbh 105, 228, 293 sq. etc. etc. —
i.35 cittacetasikā dh° ā a term for the four mental khandhas, (γ) (adj.) good, pious, virtuous etc.: adhammo nirayaṁ neti
and gradually superseding them Dhs 1022 (cf. Compendium dhammo pāpeti suggatiṁ "the sinners go to niraya, the good
of Philosophy, 1); dasadhamma — vidū Vin i.38 (see dasa); to heaven" Th 1, 304=DA i.99=DhsA 38= DhA i.22. kalyāṇa°
with attha, nirutti and paṭibhāna: one of the 4 Paṭisamb- virtuous A i.74, 108; ii.81, 91, 224 sq.; PvA 13. Opp. pāpa°
hidās (branches of analytic knowledge A ii.160; Pṭs i.84, 88 Vin iii.90; cp. above a. — (δ) (phrases). Very freq. used
etc.; Vibh. 293 f., Points of Controversy, p. 380. In this as adv. is the instr. dhammena with justice, justly, rightly,
sense freq. — ° as adj.: being constituted, having the inherent fitly, properly Vin i.3; D i.122; S iv.331; Vv 34 19 (=kāraṇena
quality (as based on Natural Law or the rational constitution ñāyena vā VvA); Pv ii.9 (=yutten' eva kāraṇena PvA 125, as
of the Universe), destined to be..., of the (natural) property just punishment); iv.16 (=anurūpakāraṇena PvA 286). Esp.
of..., like (cp. Gr. — ειδής or E. — able, as in change — in phrase of the cakkavattin, who rules the world according
able=liable to change, also E. — hood, — ly & P. — gata, to justice: adaṇḍena asatthena dhammena anusāsati (or ajjhā-
— ṭhita), e. g. khaya — dhamma liable to decay (+vaya°, vasati) D i.89; ii.16; S i.236=Sn 1002; cp. Sn 554 (dhammena
virāga°, nirodha°), with ref. to the Sankhāras S iv.216 sq.; in cakkaṁ vattemi, of the Buddha). Opp. adhammena unjustly,
the Paṭiccasamuppāda S ii.60; akkhaya imperishable Pv iv.1 52 unfitly, against the rule Vin iv.37; S i.57; iv.331; DA i.236. —
(dānaṁ a — dh. atthu). cavana° destined to shift to another dhamme (loc.) honourably J ii.159. — dhammaṁ carati to
state of existence D i.18; iii.31; It 76; VvA 54. jāti — jarā live righteously Pv ii.3 ; see also below C 3 & dh. — cariyā.
— maraṇa° under the law of birth, age, & death D iii.57; A C. The Dhamma, i. e. moral philosophy, wisdom, truth as
i.147; iii.54; PvA 41 (sabbe sattā...); bhedana° fragile (of propounded by Gotama Buddha in his discourses & conversa-
kāya) D i.76; S i.71; PvA 41 (bhijjana° of sankhārā). vipar- tions, collected by the compilers of the 5 Nikāyas (dhamma —
iṇāma° changeable A i.258; iv.157; PvA 60 (+anicca). a° un- vinayaṁ sangāyantehi dhammasangāhakehi ekato katvā VvA
changing D iii.31 sq. samudaya° & nirodha°, in formula yaṁ 3; cp. mayaṁ dh.°ṁ ca vinayañ ca sangāyāma Vin ii.285),
kiñci s — dh°ṁ sabban tan n — dh°ṁ "anything that is des- resting on the deeper meaning of dhamma as expl under B
tined to come into existence must also cease to exist" D i.110, 1 a, & being in short the "doctrinal" portions of the Buddhist
180; S iv.47 & passim. Cp. further: anāvatti° avinipāta° D Tipiṭaka in contradiction to the Vinaya, the portion expound-
i.156; iii.107, 132; A i.232; ii.89, 238; iv.12; anuppāda° D ing the rules of the Order (see piṭaka). Dhamma as doctrine is
iii.270. — (b) subjective: "morality," right behaviour, righ- also opposed to Abhidhamma "what follows on the Dhamma."
teousness, practice, duty; maxim (cp. ṭhāna), constitution of — (1) Dhamma and Vinaya, "wisdom & discipline," as now
character as conforming to No. 1 in social application, i. e. found in the 2 great Piṭakas of the B. Scriptures, the Vinaya
Moral Law. — Often in pl.: tenets, convictions, moral habits; and SuttantaPiṭaka (but the expression "Piṭako" is later. See
& as adj. that which is proper, that which forms the right idea; Piṭaka). Thus bhikkhū suttantikā vinaya — dharā dhamma
good, righteous, true; opp. adhamma false, unjust etc.; evil kathikā, i. e. "the bhikkhus who know the Suttantas, re-
practice — (a) Righteousness etc.: S i.86 (eko dh. one princi- member the Vinaya & preach the Word of the Buddha" Vin
ple of conduct; ii.280 (dh. isinaṁ dhajo: righteousness is the ii.75 (≈i.169), cp. iv.67. Dhamma & Vinaya comb : yo 'haṁ
banner of the Wise); kusala dh. D i.224; dhamme ṭhita righ- evaṁ svâkkhāte Dh — vinaye pabbajito S i.119; bhikkhu na
teous Vv 16 ; ñāti° duty against relatives PvA 30; deyya°= evarūpiṁ kathaṁ kattā hoti: na tvaṁ imaṁ Dh — v°ṁ ājānāsi,
dāna PvA 9, 70; sad° faith (q. v.) — opp. adhamma un- ahaṁ imaṁ Dh — v°ṁ ājānāmi etc. S iii.12; imaṁ Dh — v°ṁ
righteousness, sin A ii.19; v.73 sq.; D iii.70 (°rāga+ visama na sakkomi vitthārena ācikkhituṁ S i.9; samaṇā... imasmiṁ
— lobha & micchā — dhamma); Pv iii.9 (°ṁ anuvattisaṁ I Dh — v°e gādhanti S iii.59. — Thus in var. cpds. (see be-
practised wrong conduct). — In the same sense: dh. asuddho low), as Dh — dhara (+V — dh.) one who knows both by
Vin i.5=S i.137 (pāturahosi Magadhesu pubbe dh. a.); pāpa° heart; Dh — vādin (+V — v.) one who can recite both, etc.
(adj.) of evil conduct Vin i.3; aṭṭhita° unrighteous D iii.133; — See e. g. the foll. passages: Vin ii.285 (dh. ca v. ca


Dhamma Dhamma

pariyatta), 304; iii.19, 90; D i.8, 176, 229; ii.124 (ayaṁ Dh. 329; Nett 11, 15, 31, 83, 112; & cp. cpds. — 4. Dhamma and
ayaṁ V. idaṁ Satthu — sāsanaṁ); iii.9, 12, 28, 118 sq.; S i.9, anudhamma. Childers interprets anudhamma with "lesser or
119, 157; ii.21, 50, (dh — vinaye assāsa); A iii.297 (id.); S inferior dhamma," but the general purport of the Nikāya pas-
ii.120; iii.91; iv.43 sq., 260; A i.34, 121, 185, 266; ii.2, 26, sages seems to be something like "in conformity with, in log-
117, 168; iii.8, 168 sq.; iv.36, 200 sq.; v.144, 163, 192; It 112; ical sequence to the dhamma" i. e. lawfulness, righteousness,
Sn p. 102; Ud 50. — 2. Dhamma, Buddha, Sangha. On reasonableness, truth (see KS ii.202; Geiger, Pāli Dhamma pp.
the principle expl in Note on B 1 a rests the separation of 115 — 118). It occurs (always with Dh.) in the foll. contexts:
the personality of the teacher from that which he taught (the dhammassa c' ânudh °ṁ vyākaroti "to explain according to the
"Doctrine," the "Word," the Wisdom or Truth, cp. Dhamma — truth of the Dhamma" D i.161; iii.115; Ud 50; dhammassa hoti
kāyo Tathāgatassa adhivacanaṁ D iii.84). A person becoming anudhammacārin "walking in perfect conformity to the Dh."
a follower of the B. would conform to his teaching (Dh.) & A ii.8; dh. — anudh °ṁ ācaranti id. D iii.154; dh. — anudh°
to the community ("Church"; Sangha) by whom his teaching paṭipanna "one who has reached the complete righteousness of
was handed down. The formula of Initiation or membership is the Dh." D ii.224; iii.119; S iii.40 sq.; It 81; A iii.176 (where
therefore threefold, viz. Buddhaṁ saraṇaṁ upemi (gacchāmi), it forms the highest stage of the Dhammaknowledge, viz. (1)
Dh °ṁ..., Sanghaṁ... i. e. I put myself into the shelter of the dh °ṁ suṇāti; (2) pariyāpuṇāti; (3) dhāreti; (4) atthaṁ upa-
B., the Dh. & the S. (see further ref. under Sangha) S i.34 parikkhati; (5) dh — anudh °ṁ paṭipajjati). Further in series
(Buddhe pasannā Dhamme ca Sanghe tibbagāravā: ete sagge bahussuta, dhammadhara, dh — anudh° — paṭipanna D ii.104;
pakāsenti yattha te upapajjare, i. e. those who adore the B. & S v.261; A ii.8; Ud 63; also in dhamma — kathika, dh —
his Church will shine in Heaven); D ii.152 sq., 202 sq., 352; anudh° — paṭi panna, diṭṭha — dhamma — nibbāna — patta
S iv.270 sq. (°saraṇagamana); DhA i.206; PvA 1 (vande taṁ S ii.18=114= iii.163; & in atthaṁ aññāya, dhammaṁ aññāya,
uttamaṁ Dh °ṁ, B °ṁ, S °ṁ). Cp. Satthari, Dhamme, Sanghe dhanudh° — paṭipanna A i.36; ii.97.
kankhati, as 3 of the ceto — khilā A iii.248≈. — 3. Character -akkhāna discussing or preaching of the Dhamma Nd 1
of the Dhamma in var. attributes, general phraseology. — The 91; -atthadesanā interpretation of the Dh. Miln 21;
praise of the Dh. is expressed in many phrases, of which only -âdhikaraṇa a point in the Dh. S iv.63=v.346; -âdhipa Lord
a few of the more frequent can be mentioned here. Among the of righteousness (+anudhamma — cārin) A i.150; cp. °ssāmi;
most famous is that of "dhammaṁ deseti ādi — kalyāṇaṁ ma- nt. abstr. °âdhipateyya the dominating influence of the Dh.
jjhe — k°, pariyosāna — k°, etc. "beautiful in the beginning, A i.147 sq.; D iii.220; Miln 94; Vism 14. -ânudhamma see
beautiful in the middle & beautiful in the end," e. g. D i.62; S above C 4; -anuvattin acting in conformity with the moral
i.105; iv.315; A ii.147, 208; iii.113 sq., 135, 262; D iii.96, 267; law Dh 86, cp. DhA ii.161; -ânusārin of righteous living D
Nd 316; It 79; VvA 87. It is welcome as a friend, beautifully iii.105, 254 (+saddhā°); M i.226, 479; A i.74; iv.215; iv.23; S
told, & its blessings are immediate: sv' akkhāta, sandiṭṭhika, v.200; Pug 15; Nett 112, 189; -anvaya main drift of the faith,
akālika, ehipassika etc. D ii.93; iii.5, 39, 45, 102; S i.9, 117; general conclusions of the Dh., D ii.83= iii.100; M ii.120;
ii.199; iv.271; A iii.285 etc. It is mahā — dh. S iv.128; ariya° -abhisamaya understanding of the Truth, conversion to the
S i.30; A v.241, 274; Sn 783; sammā° S i.129. It is likened Dhamma [cp. dharmâbhisamaya Divy 200] S ii.134 (+dh. —
to a splendid palace on a mountain — top Vin i.5=It 33, or to cakkhu — paṭilābha): Pug 41; Miln 20; DhA i.27; iv.64; PvA
a quiet lake with sīla as its banks S i.169=183; and it is above 31 etc.; -âmata the nectar of righteousness or the Dh. Miln
age & decay: satan ca dhammo na jaram upeti S i.71. Who- 22 (°meghena lokaṁ abhitappayanto), 346; -ādāsa the mir-
ever worships the Dh. finds in this worship the highest gratifi- ror of the Dhamma D ii.93 (name of an aphorism) S v.357
cation: diyo loke sako putto piyo loke sako pati, tato piyatarā... (id.); Th 1, 395; ThA 179; -āyatana the field of objects of
dhammassa magganā S i.210; ye keci ariyadhamme khantiyā ideation S ii.72; Dhs 58, 66, 147, 397, 572, 594; Vbh 70, 72
upetā... devakāyaṁ paripūressanti S i.30. Dh °ṁ garukaroti sq.; -ārammaṇa: dh. as an object of ideation Dhs 146, 157,
D iii.84. Opp. Dhamme agārava A iii.247, 340; iv.84: the 365; cp. Dhs. trsl. 2; -ārāma "one who has the Dh. as his
slanderers of the Dh. receive the worst punishment after death pleasure — ground," one who rejoices in the Dh. A iii.431; It
S i.30 (upenti Roruvaṁ ghoraṁ). — Var. phrases: to find 82 (+dh — rata); Sn 327; Dh 364, cp. DhA iv.95; -ālapana
the truth (i. e. to realize intuitively the Dh.)=dh°ṁ anubod- using the proper address, a fit mode of addressing a person
hati D ii.113; S i.137, or vindati D i.110, 148. To expound the as followed by the right custom. See Dial. i.193 — 196; J
Dh., teach the truth, talk about problems of ethics & philos- v.418; -āsana "the Dh — seat," i. e. flat piece of stone or a
ophy: dh°ṁ deseti Vin iv.134; S i.210 etc.; katheti PvA 41; mat on which a priest sat while preaching J i.53; DhA ii.31;
bhāsati Vin i.101; bhaṇati Vin i.169; pakāseti S ii.28; iv.121. -ûposatha the fast day prescribed by the Dh. A i.208; -okkā
To hear the Dh., to listen to such an exposition: dh°ṁ suṇāti the torch of Righteousness J i.34; -oja the essence or sap of
S i.114, 137, 196, 210; A i.36; iii.163; DhA iii.81, 113. To the Dh. S v.162; DhA iv.169; -osadha the medicine of the
attain full knowledge of it: dh °ṁ pariyāpuṇāti A ii.103, 185; Dh. Miln 110, 335. -kathā ethical discussion, fit utterance,
iii.86, cp. 177 & °pariyatti. To remember the Dh.: dhāreti A conversation about the Dh., advice D iii.151; J i.217; VvA 6;
iii.176 (for details of the 5 stages of the Dh. — accomplish- PvA 50, 66; -kathika (adj.) one who converses about ethical
ment); to ponder over the Dh., to study it: dh °ṁ viciṇāti S problems, one who recites or preaches the Dh., one who speaks
i.34=55, 214; A iv.3 sq. To enter a relation of discipleship fitly or properly. Often in combn. with Vinaya — dhara "one
with the Dh.: dh °ṁ saraṇaṁ gacchati (see above 2) Pv iv.3 ; who masters (knows by heart) the Vinaya," & bahussuta "one
dhammaṁ saraṇatthaṁ upehi Vv 53 (cp. VvA 232). — See who has a wide knowledge of tradition": Vin iv.10, 13, 141;
further Ps i.34, 78, 131; ii.159 sq.; Pug 58, 66; Vbh 293 sq., A iii.78; DhA ii.30; also with suttantika "one who is versed


Dhamma Dhamma

in the Suttantas": Vin i.169; ii.75; iv.67. The ability to preach of causes and effects S ii.25; -takka right reasoning Sn 1107
the Dh. is the first condition of one who wishes to become (=sammāsankappa Nd 318); -dāna gift of; -dāyāda heir of
perfected in righteousness (see dhamm — ânudhamma, above the Dh.; spiritual heir (cp. above note on B 1 a) D iii.84; S
C 4): S ii.18, 114=iii.163; M iii.40. — A i.25 sq.; ii.138; Pug ii.221; M i.12; iii.29; It 101; -dīpa the firm ground or footing
42; J i.217; iv.2 (°thera). Cp. also AvŚ ii.81; -kathikatta (nt.) of the Dh. (usually comb with atta — dīpa: having oneself as
speaking about the Dh.; preaching M iii.40; A i.38 (+vinayad- one's refuge, self — dependent) D ii.100; iii.58, 77; S v.154;
hara — katta); -kamma a legally valid act, or procedure in -desanā moral instruction, exposition of the Dh. Vin i.16; D
accordance with the Rules of the Order Vin iv.37, 136, 232; A i.110 etc. (see desanā); -dessin a hater of the Dh. Sn 92;
i.74 (+vinaya°); a° an illegal act Vin iv.232; A i.74; -karaka a -dhaja the banner of the Dh. A i.109= iii.149; Nd 503; Miln
proper or regulation (standard) water — pot, i. e. a pot with a 21; -dhara (adj.) one who knows the Dh. (by heart); see
filter for straining water as it was used by ascetics Vin ii.118, above C 4. Comb w. Vinayadhara Vin i.127, 337; ii.8; A
177, 301; J i.395; vi.331; DhA iii.290, 452; VvA 220 (not i.117, & bahussuta (ibid). Sn 58 (cp. SnA 110). — See also A
°karaṇena); PvA 185; Miln 68; -kāma a lover of the Dh. D iii.361 sq., iv.310; Nd 319; -dhātu the mental object consid-
iii.267; A v.24, 27, 90, 201; Sn 92. -kāya having a body ered as irreducible element Dhs 58, 67, 147 etc.; Vbh 87, 89
according to the Norm (the dhammatā of bodies). See Bd- (see above B 1); an ultimate principle of the Dh., the cosmic
hgh as translated in Dial. iii. ad loc.; having a normal body law D ii.8; M i.396; S ii.143 sq.; Nett 64 sq.; Vism 486 sq.
(sic Bdhgh, esp. of the B. D iii.84; -ketu the standard of -dhāraṇa knowledge of the Dh. M ii.175; -nāṭaka a class of
the Dh., or Dh. as standard A i.109=iii.149; -khan- dha the dancing girls having a certain duty J v.279; -nimmita see °ja;
(4) main portions or articles of the Dh. (sīla, samādhi, paññā, -niyāma belonging to the order of the Norm D i.190; DA on
vimutti) D iii.229; cp. Sp. AvŚ ii.155; -gaṇa a body of fol- D ii.12: dhammatā; (°ka); -niyāmatā, certainty, or orderli-
lowers of the Dh. PvA 194; -gaṇḍikā (better gaṇṭhikā, q ness of causes and effects S ii.25; Points of Controversy, 387;
v.) a block of justice, i. e. of execution J i.150, 151; ii.124; -netti= niyāma Miln 328; DA i.31; cp. Sk. dharmanetrī M
vi.176; v.303; -garu worshipping the Dh. S iv.123; DhA i.17 Vastu ii.357; iii.234, 238; -pajjota the lamp of the Dh. Miln
(°ka); -gariya a kind of acrobatic tumbler, lit. excellent t. 21; -pada (nt.) a line or stanza of the Dhamma, a sentence
(+brahma°) Miln 191; -gu one who knows the Dh. (analo- containing an ethical aphorism; a portion or piece of the Dh.
gous to vedagu) J v.222; vi.261; -gutta protecting the Dh. or In the latter meaning given as 4 main subjects, viz. anabhijjhā,
protected by the Dh. (see gutta) S i.222; J v.222 (+dhpāla); avyāpāda, sammā — sati, sammā — samādhi D iii.229; A ii.29
-ghosaka ( — kamma) praise of the Dh. DhA iii.81; -cakka sq. (in detail); Nett 170. — S i.22 (dānā ca kho dh — padaṁ
the perfection or supreme harmony of righteousness (see de- va seyyo). 202 (dh — padesu chando); A ii.185; Sn 88 (dh
tails under cakka), always in phrase dhcakkaṁ pavatteti (of — pade sudesite=nibbāna — dhammassa padattā SnA 164); J
the Buddha) "to proclaim or inaugurate the perfect state or iii.472 (=nibbāna); DhA iii.190 (ekaṁ dh — padaṁ). As Np.
ideal of universal righteousness" Vin i.8=M i.171; Vin i.11; title of a canonical book, included in the Khuddaka Nikāya;
S i.191; iii.86; Sn 556, 693; Miln 20, 343; DhA i.4; VvA -pamāṇa measuring by the (teaching of) Dh. Pug 53; DhA
165; PvA 2, 67 etc.; besides this also in simile at S i.33 of iii.114 (°ikāni jātisatāni); -pariyatti attainment of or accom-
the car of righteousness; -cakkhu "the eye of wisdom," per- plishment in the Dh., the collection of the Dh. in general A
ception of the law of change. Freq. in the standing formula at iii.86 (w. ref. to the 9 angas, see navanga); -pariyāya a short
the end of a conversation with the Buddha which leads to the discourse, or a verse, or a poem, with a moral or a text; usually
"opening of the eyes" or conversion of the interlocutor, viz. an exposition of a single point of doctrine D i.46; ii.93; iii.116;
"virajaṁ vītamalaṁ dhcakkhuṁ udapādi" D i.86, 110; ii.288; M i.445; Vin i.40 (a single verse); A i.65; iv.63 (a poem Sn 190
S iv.47; A iv.186; Vin i.11, 16, 40 etc. Expl. at DA i.237: — 218, where also it is called a dh°pariyāyo); A v.288, 291.
dhammesu vā cakkhuṁ dhammamayaṁ vā cakkhuṁ. Cp. S Such a dh°pariyāya had very often a special name. Thus Brah-
ii.134 (°paṭiĺābha;+dhammâbhisamaya); Dial. i.184; ii.176; - majāla, the Wondrous Net D i.46; Dhammādāso dh°p°, the
cariyā walking in righteousness, righteous living, observance Mirror of the Law D ii.93=S v.357; Sokasallaharaṇa, Sorrow's
of the Dh., piety (=dānādi — puññapaṭipatti VvA 282) S i.101 dart extractor A iii.62; Ādittap° dh°p°, the Red — hot lancet S
(+samacariyā kusalakiriyā); A ii.5; iii.448; v.87, 302; Sn 263 iv.168; Lomahaṁsana° M i.83; Dhammatā — dhamma° Miln
(=kāyasucaritâdi° Sn A 309), 274 (+brahma°). a° evil way 193, etc. -pāla guardian of the Law or the Dh. J v.222, freq.
of living A i.55 (+visama — cariyā); -cārin virtuous, duti- also as Np.; -pīti ( — rasa) the sweetness of drinking in the Dh.
ful M i.289; ii.188; Dh 168; Miln 19 (+samacārin); -cetiya a (pivaṁ) Sn 257; Dh 79 (=dhammapāyako dhammaṁ pivanto
memorial in honour of the Dh. M ii.124; -chanda virtuous ti attho DhsA ii.126); -bhaṇḍāgārika treasurer of the Dh., an
desire (opp. kāma°) DhsA 370; Vbh 208; -ja born of the Dh. Ep. of Ānanda Th 1, 1048; J i.382, 501; ii.25; DhA iii.250;
(see above, Note on B 1 a), in formula "Bhagavato putto oraso PvA 2. -bhūta having become the Dh.; righteousness incor-
dh — jo, dh — nimmito, dh.dāyādo" (the spiritual child of porated, said of the Buddhas D iii.84. Usually in phrase (Bha-
the Buddha) D iii.84=S ii.221; It 101; -jāla "net of the Dh.," gavā) cakkhu — bhūta... dh — bhūta brahmabhūta A v.226 sq.
name of a discourse (cp. °ādāsa & pariyāya) D i.46; -jīvin (cp. cakkhu); Th 1, 491; see also above, note B 1 a; -bheri the
living righteously It 108; Dh 24 (=dhammenā samena DhA drum of the Dh. Miln 21; -magga the path of righteousness
i.239); -ññū one who knows the Dh. J vi.261; -ṭṭha standing Sn 696; Miln 21; -maya made (built) of the Dh. (pāsāda) S
in the Law, just, righteous S i.33 (+sīlasampanna); Sn 749; J i.137; -yanta the (sugar — ) mill of the Dh. (fig.) Miln 166.
iii.334; iv.211; ThA 244, -ṭṭhita=°ṭṭha D i.190; -ṭṭhiti° hav- -yāna the vehicle of the Law (the eightfold Noble Path) S v.5;
ing a footing in the Dh. S ii.60, 124, cp. °ṭṭhitatā: establishing -rakkhita rightly guarded Sn 288; -rata fond of the Law Sn


Dhamma Dhava

327; Dh 364; DhA iv.95; cp. dh. — [gatā]rati Th i.742; Dhp. Dhammatta (nt.) [Sk. *dharmatvaṁ] liability to be judged Vin
354; -rasa taste of Dhp. 354; -rājā king of righteousness, ii.55 (& a°).
Ep. of the Buddha S i.33=55; D i.88 (of a cakkavatti); A i.109;
Dhammani only found in S i.103, where the Comy. takes it as a
iii.149; Sn 554; J i.262; interpreted by Bdhgh at DA i.249 as
locative, and gives, as the equivalent, "in a forest on dry land"
"dhammena rajjaṁ labhitvā rājā jāto ti"=a king who gained the
(araññe thale). Cp. Kindred Sayings i.129, n. 2.
throne legitimately; -laddha one who has acquired the Dh.,
Dhammika (adj.) [=Sk. dharmya, cp. dhammiya] lawful, ac-
holy, pious S ii.21; J iii.472; justly acquired (bhogā) Sn p. 87;
cording to the Dh. or the rule; proper, fit, right; permitted,
-vara the best of truths or the most excellent Doctrine Sn 233,
legitimate, justified; righteous, honourable, of good charac-
234; -vādin speaking properly, speaking the truth or accord-
ter, just, esp. an attr. of a righteous King (rājā cakkavattī
ing to the Doctrine Vin ii.285; iii.175 (+Vinaya — vādin); D
dhammiko dhammarājā) D i.86; ii.16; A i.109=iii.149; J i.262,
iii.135 (id.); D i.4, 95 (of Gotama; DA i.76: nava — lokut-
263; def. by Bdhgh as "dhammaṁ caratī ti dh." (DA i.237) &
tara — dhamma sannissitaṁ katvā vadati); S iv.252; A i.75;
"dhammena caratī ti dh., ñāyena samena pavattalī ti" (ib. 249).
ii.209; -vicaya investigation of doctrine, religious research
— Vin iv.284; D i.103; S ii.280 (dhammikā kathā); iii.240
Dhs 16, 20, 90, 309, 333, 555; Vbh 106; Vism 132; -vitakka
(āhāra); iv.203 (dhammikā devā, adh° asurā); A i.75; iii.277;
righteous thought A i.254; -vidū one who understands the
Sn 404; DhA ii.86 (dohaḷa); iv.185 (°lābha); PvA 25 (=sud-
Dh., an expert in the Dh. J v.222; vi.261; -vinicchaya righ-
dha, manohara). Also as saha-dh° (esp. in conn. w. pañha, a
teous decision, discrimination of the truth Sn 327; Dh 144;
justified, reasonable, proper question: D i.94; S iv.299 in de-
DhA iii.86; -vihārin living according to the Dh. A iii.86
tail) Vin iv.141; D i.161; iii.115; A i.174. — a° unjust, illegal
sq.; -saṁvibhāga sharing out or distribution of the Dh., i. e.
etc. Vin iv.285; S iv.203; A iii.243.
spiritual gifts It 98 (opp. āmisa° material gifts); -sangāhaka
a compiler of the sacred scriptures, a διασκευαστής VvA 3, Dhammin (adj.) [Sk. dharmin] only — °: having the nature or
169; -saññā righteous thought, faith, piety PvA 3; -sabhā quality of, liable to, consisting in, practising, acting like, etc.
a hall for the discussion of the Dh., a chapel, meetinghouse J (as °dhamma B 2 a), viz. uppāda — vaya° D ii.157; maraṇa°
vi.333; DhA i.31; ii.51; iv.91; PvA 38, 196; -samaya a meet- (=maraṇadhamma) A i.147; pāpa° Pv i.11 of evil nature.
ing where the Dh. is preached S i.26; -samādāna acquisition 2
Dhammin (—°) only in daḷha-dh°, which is customarily taken
of the Dh., which is fourfold as discussed at M i.305; D iii.229; n
as a der from dhanu, bow=having a strong bow (see
-saraṇa relying on or putting one's faith in the Dh. (see above 3
dhamma ); although some passages admit interpretation as "of
C 3) D iii.58, 77; S v.154; -savana hearing the preaching of
strong character or good practice," e. g. S i.185.
the Dh., "going to church" Vin i.101; M ii.175; A ii.248, 381;
Dhammiya (adj.) [Sk. dharmya; cp. dhammika] in accordance
iv.361; Sn 265; DhA iii.190; -sākaccha conversation about
with the Dhamma PvA 242 (also a°); Vism 306 (°lābha).
the Dh. Sn 266; -ssāmi Lord of the Truth, Ep. of the Buddha
(see above B 1 a note) S iv.94; -sāra the essence of the Dh. Dhammilla [Sk. dhammilla] the braided hair of women Dāvs iv.9.
S v.402; -sārathi in purisa — dh. — s° at D i.62 misprint Dhammī in °kathā see dhamma .
for purisa — damma — s°; -sārin a follower of the Dh. S
*Dhayati to suck: see dhātī. Caus. dhāpayati, pp. dhāta (q. v.).
i.170; -sudhammatā excellency of the Dh. S ii.199; Th 1,
24, 220, 270, 286; -senāpati "captain of the Dhamma," Ep. Dhara (usually — °, except at Miln 420) (adj.) [Sk. dhara, to
of Sāriputta Th 1, 1083; J i.408; Miln 343; DhA iii.305; VvA dhr see dharati] bearing, wearing, keeping; holding in mind,
64, 65, 158; -soṇḍatā thirst after justice J v.482; -sota the knowing by heart. Freq. in phrase dhammadhara (knowing
ear of the Dh. S ii.43. the Dhamma, q. v.), vinaya°, mātikā° e. g. D ii.125. dhamma°
Dhamma (adj.) [Sk. *dhārma, cp. dhammika] only in f. -ī in also Sn 58; Th 1, 187; Nd 319; vinaya° Miln 344; jaṭājina°
comb with kathā: relating to the Dhamma, viz. conversation Sn 1010. See also dhāra.
on questions of Ethics, speaking about the Dh., preaching, re- Dharaṇa (adj.) bearing, holding, comprising VvA 104 (su-
ligious discourse, sermon. Either as dhammī kathā Vin ii.161; vaṇṇassa pañcadasa° nikkha holding, i. e. worth or equal to
iv.56 & in instr. — abl. dhammiyā kathāya (sandasseti samā- 15 parts of gold). — f. -ī bearing, i. e. pregnant with Sn 26
dapeti samuttejeti saṁpahaṁseti: ster. formula) S i.114, 155, (of cows: godharaṇiyo paveniyo=gabbhiniyo SnA 39). As
210, iv.122, PvA 30 etc.; or as cpd. dhammī-kathā D ii.1; M n. the Earth J v.311; vi.526; Miln 34; dharaṇī-ruha N. of a
i.161; Sn 325; & dhammi-kathā S i.155; PvA 38. tree J vi.482, 497; Miln 376.
Dhamma (adj.) [Sk. dhanvan] having a bow: see daḷha°; also as Dharati [Sk. dharati, dhṛ as in Gr. χρόνος; Lat. firmus & fretus.
dhammin in daḷha° S i.185 (see dhammin). See also daḷha, dhata, dhamma, dhiti, dhuva] to hold, bear,
carry, wear; to hold up, support; to bear in mind, know by
Dhammatā (f.) [Sk. dharmitā] conformity to the Dhamma-
heart; to hold out, endure, last, continue, live Sn 385 (take
niyāma (see niyāma), fitness, propriety; a general rule, higher
to heart, remember); DhA ii.68; — ppr. dharamāṇa liv-
law, cosmic law, general practice, regular phenomenon, usual
ing, lasting J i.75 (dh°e yeva suriye while the sun was still
habit; often used in the sense of a finite verb: it is a rule, it is
up); ii.6; Miln 240, 291 (Bhagavato dh° — kāle); — grd.
proper, one should expect S i.140 (Buddhānaṁ dh. the law of
dhareyya, in dh°divasa the day when a young girl is to be
the B.'s i. e. as one is wont to expect of the B.s), 215 (su°);
carried (into the house of her husband) ThA, 25; cp. dhāreyya
iv.216 sq. (khaya° etc.); D ii.12; A ii.36 (kusala°); v.46; Th 1,
Th 2, 472=vivāha ThA 285. — pp. dhata (q. v.) — Caus.
712; J i.245; ii.128; Nett 21, 50, cp. Miln 179; PvA 19; VvA
dhāreti (q. v.).
7. See also AvŚ Index.

Dhava Dhāraka

Dhava [Sk. dhava=madhuratvaca, Halāyudha] the shrub Grislea far weakened in meaning, that it simply corresponds to E. ab-
Tomentosa A i.202, 204; J iv.209; vi.528. str. suffix — hood or — ity (cp. °hood=origin. "form": see
Dhava [Sk. dhava, a newly formed word after vidhava, widow, ketu), so perhaps in Nibbāna°=Nibbāna — dom. Cp. dhātuka.
— (b) elements in sense — consciousness: referring to the 6
q. v.] a husband ThA 121 (dh. vuccati sāmiko tad abhāvā
ajjhattikāni & 6 bāhirāni āyatanāni S ii.140 sq. Of these sep.
vidhavā matapatikā ti attho).
sota° D i.79; iii.38; Vbh 334; dibbasota° S ii.121, 212; v.265,
Dhavala (adj.) [Sk. dhavala, to dhavati, see dhāvati & dhovati]
304; A i.255; iii.17, 280; v.199; cakkhu° Vbh 71 sq.; mano°
white, dazzling white VvA 252; Dāvs ii.123; v.26.
Vbh 175, 182, 301; mano — viññāṇa° Vbh 87, 89, 175, 182
Dhavalatā (f.) whiteness VvA 197. sq. — (c) various: aneka° A i.22; iii.325; v.33; akusala° Vbh
363; avijjā° S ii.132; ābhā° S ii.150; ārambha° S v.66, 104
Dhāta [Sk. *dhāyita of dhayati to suck, nourish, pp. dhīta] fed, sa-
sq.; A i.4; ii.338; ṭhiti° S ii.175; iii.231; A iii.338; dhamma° S
tiated; satisfied, appeased Vin i.222; J i.185; ii.247, 446; v.73;
vi.555; Pv i.11 (so read for dāta)=PvA 59 (: suhita titta); Miln ii.56; nekkhamma° S ii.151; A iii.447; nissāraṇiyā dhātuyo (5)
D iii.239; A iii.245, 290. See further S i.134, 196; ii.153, 248
238, 249. — f. abstr. dhātatā satiation, fulness, satisfaction,
(aniccā); iii.231 (nirodha); iv.67; A i.176; ii.164; iv.385; Dhs
in ati° J ii.293.
58, 67, 121; Nett 57, 64 sq.; ThA 20, 49, 285, — (d) Different
Dhātar [n. ag. fr. dhṛ] upholder J v.225.
sets and enumerations: as 3 under kāma°, rūpa°, arūpa A i.223;
Dhātī (f.) [Sk. dhātrī=Gr. τιχήνη wet nurse, to dhayati suck, iii.447; Ps i.137; Vbh 86, 363, 404 sq.; under rūpa°, arūpa°,
suckle; Idg. *dhēi as in Gr. χ¨ησχαι to milk, χ¨ηλυς feeding, nirodha° It 45. — as 6 (pathavī etc.+ākāsa° & viññāṇa°): D
χηλή female breast; cp. Lat. felare, femina ("giving suck"), iii.247; A i.175 sq.; M iii.31, 62, 240; Ps i.136; Vbh 82 sq. —
filius ("suckling"); Oir. dīnu lamb; Goth. daddjan; Ohg. tila as 7 (ābhā subha etc.): S ii.150. — 18: Ps i.101, 137; ii.230,
breast. See also dadhi, dhītā, dhenu] wet nurse, fostermother Dhs 1333; Vbh 87 sq., 401 sq.; Vism 484 sq. — 3. a hu-
D ii.19; M i.395; ii.97; J i.57; iii.391; PvA 16, 176. In cpds. mour or affection of the body DA i.253 (dhātusamatā). — 4.
dhāti°, viz. -cela swaddling cloth, baby's napkin S i.205= J the remains of the body after cremation PvA 76; a relic VvA
iii.309. 165 (sarīra°, bodily relic); Dāvs v.3 (dasana° the toothrelic).
— abl. dhātuso according to one's nature S ii.154 sq. (sattā
Dhātu (f.) [Sk. dhātu to dadhāti, Idg. *dhē, cp. Gr. τίχημι,
sattehi saddhiṁ saṁsandanti etc.); It 70 (id.); S iii.65.
ἀνά χημα, Sk. dhāman, dhāṭr (=Lat. conditor); Goth. gadēds;
-kathā N. of 3 rd book of the Abhidhamma Vism 96.
Ohg. tāt, tuom (in meaning — °=dhātu, cp. E. serf — dom
-kucchi womb Miln 176; -kusala skilled in the elements M
"condition of...") tuon=E. to do; & with k — suffix Lat. fa-
iii.62; °kusalatā proficiency in the (18) elements D iii.212; Dhs
cio, Gr. (ε῎)χηκ(α), Sk. dhāka; see also dhamma] element.
Closely related to dhamma in meaning B 1 , only implying a 1333; -ghara "house for a relic," a dagoba SnA 194. -cetiya
a shrine over a relic DhA iii.29; -nānatta diversity of spe-
closer relation to physical substance. As to its gen. connota-
cific experience D iii.289; S ii.143; iv.113 sq., 284; -vibhāga
tion cp. Dhs. trsl. p. 198. — 1. a primary element, of which
distribution of relics VvA 297; PvA 212.
the usual set comprises the four paṭhavī, āpo, tejo, vāyo (earth,
water, fire, wind), otherwise termed cattāro mahābhūtā(ni): D Dhātuka (adj.) (only — °) having the nature, by nature, af-
i.215; ii.294; iii.228; S i.15; ii.169 sq., 224; iv.175, 195; A fected with, — like (cp. °dhamma B 2 ); often simply= first
ii.165; iii.243; Vbh 14, 72; Nett 73. See discussed at Cpd. 254 part of cpd. (cp. E. friend — like=friendly=friend) J i.438
sq. — A def of dhātu is to be found at Vism 485. — Singly (kiliṭṭha° miserable), ii.31 (sama°), 63 (badhira° deaf), 102
or in other comb paṭhavī° S ii.174; tejo° S i.144; D iii.227; (paṇḍuroga° having jaundice), 114 (dhuttika°); iv.137 (vā-
the four plus ākāsa S iii.227, plus viññāna S ii.248; iii.231; see manaka° deformed), 391 (muddhā°); v.197 (āvāṭa°); DhA i.89
below 2 b. — 2. (a) natural condition, property, disposition; (anattamana°).
factor, item, principle, form. In this meaning in var. comb ns
Dhātura (adj. — °) [=*dhātuya] in cha° consisting of six elements
& applications, esp. closely related to khandha. Thus men-
(purisa) M iii.239 (where āpodhātu omitted by mistake). See
tioned with khandha & āyatana (sensory element & element
dhātu 2 c.
of sense — perception) as bodily or physical element, factor
(see khandha B 1 d & cp. Nd under dhātu) Th 2, 472. As such Dhāna (adj. — n.) [Sk. dhāna, to dadhāti; cp. dhātu] (adj.)
holding, containing (—°) M i.11 (ahi kaṇṭaka°; cp. ādhāna
(physical substratum) it constitutes one of the lokā or forms
of being (khandha° dhātu° āyatana° Nd 550). Freq. also in & kaṇṭaka). — (n.) nt. a receptacle Dh 58 (sankāra° dust —
comb kāma — dhātu, rūpa° arūpa° "the elements or properties heap=ṭhāna DhA i.445). f. dhānī a seat (=ṭhāna), in rāja° "the
king's seat," a royal town. Often in comb with gāma & nigama
of k. etc." as preceding & conditioning bhava in the respective 18
category (Nd s. v.). See under d. — As "set of conditions or (see gāma 3 a): Vin iii.89; J vi.397; Pv ii.13 .
state of being (—°)" in the foll.: loka° a world, of which 10 are Dhāniya (adj.) [Sk. dhānya, cp. dhañña ] wealthy, rich, abun-
usually mentioned (equalling 10,000: PvA 138) S i.26; v.424; dant in (—°) J iii.367 (pahūtadhana°; v. l. BB °dhāritaṁ);
Pv ii.9 ; Vbh 336; PvA 138; KS ii.101, n. 1; — nibbāna° (nt.) riches, wealth J v.99, 100.
the state of N. S v.8; A ii.120; iv.202; J i.55; It 38 (dve: see
Dhāra (adj.) (—°) [Sk. dhāra to dhāreti; cp. dhara] bearing, hold-
under Nibbāna); Miln 312. Also in the foll. connections: am-
ing, having D i.74 (udaka — rahado sītavāri°); M i.281 (ub-
ata° It 62; bhū° the verbal root bhū DA i.229; ṭhapitāya dhā-
hato°) Sn 336 (ukkā°); It 101 (antimadeha°), 108 (ukkā°). See
tuyā "while the bodily element, i. e. vitality lasts" Miln 125; also dhārin.
vaṇṇa° form, beauty S i.131; Pv i.3 . In these cases it is so
Dhāraka (adj. — n.) 1. bearing, one who holds or possesses

Dhāraka Dhīra

DhA iii.93 (sampattiṁ). — 2. one who knows or remembers carried away, i. e. the marriage ceremony, marriage (cp.
A ii.97 (°jātika); iv.296 sq., 328 (id.). dhareyya under dharati) Th 2, 472 (text has vāreyya, but ThA,
285 explains dhāreyya=vivāha).
Dhāraṇa (nt.) [cp. Sk. dhāraṇa, to dhāreti] 1. wearing, in mālā°
(etc.) D i.5=A ii.210=Pug 58; KhA 37; cīvara° A ii.104=Pug Dhāva [Sk. dhāva] running, racing M i.446.
45. — 2. maintaining, sustaining, keeping up Miln 320 (āyu° Dhāvati [Sk. dhāvati & dhāvate: 1. to flow, run etc.; cp. Gr. χέω
bhojana). — 3. bearing in mind, remembrance Vin iv.305; M
(both meanings); Ags. déaw=E. dew; Ohg. tou=Ger. tau; cp.
ii.175 (dhamma°).
also dhārā & dhunāti. — 2. to clean (by running water) etc.=P.
Dhāraṇaka [der. fr. dhāraṇa] 1. a debtor (see dhāreti 4) J ii.203; dhovati, q. v.] 1. to run, run away, run quickly Sn 939 (cp.
iv.45. — 2. a mnemonician Miln 79. Nd 419); Dh 344; J i.308; vi.332; Nd 405=Nd 304 ; Pv
iv.16 =palāyati PvA 284 ; DhA i.389 (opp. gacchati); PvA
Dhāraṇatā (f.) 1. wearing, being dressed with (=dhāraṇa 1) Miln
257. — 2. mindfulness (=dhāraṇa 3) Nd 628= Dhs 14. 4; Sdhp 378. — 2. to clean etc.: see dhovati; cp. dhavala &
dhārā .
Dhāraṇā (f.) [to dhāraṇa] 1. memory Miln 79. — 2. the earth
Dhāvana (nt.) [Sk. dhāvana] running, galloping J ii.431; Miln
("the upholder," cp. dharaṇī) J vi.180.
Dhārā (f.) [Sk. dhārā, from dhāvati 1] torrent, stream, flow,
Dhāvin: see pa°.
shower D i.74 (sammā° an even or seasonable shower; DA
i.218=vuṭṭhi); ii.15 (udakassa, streams); J i.31; Ps i.125 Dhi & Dhī (indecl.) [Sk. dhik] an excl of reproach & disgust:
(udaka°); Pv ii.9 70 (sammā°); VvA 4 (hingulika°); PvA 139; fie! shame! woe! (with acc. or gen.) S v.217 (read dhī taṁ
DhA iv.15 (assu°); Sdhp 595 (vassa°). for dhītaṁ); Dh 389 (dhī=garahāmi DhA iv.148); J i.507; DhA
Dhārā (f.) [Sk. dhārā, from dhāvati 2.] the edge of a weapon i.179 (haṁ dhī), 216 (v. l. BB but text has haṁdi). An inor-
ganic r replaces the sandhi — cons. in dhī-r-atthu jīvitaṁ Sn
J i.455; vi.449; DhA 317; DA i.37. — (adj.) (—°) having a
440; cp. Th i.1150; dhi — r — atthu jātiyā J i.59.
(sharp) edge J i.414 (khura°) Miln 105 (sukhuma°); ekato° —
ubhato° single — & double — edged J i.73 (asi); iv.12 (sattha). Dhi (f.) [Sk. dhīḥ to didheti, cp. Av. dī to see, Goth. (filu —
) deisei cunning. See also dhīra] wisdom, only in Com. expl.
Dhārin (adj. — °) [Sk. dhārin, see dhāreti & cp. °dhara, °dhāra] 1
of paññā: "dhi vuccati paññā" (exegesis of dhīra) at Nd 44=J
holding, wearing, keeping; often in phrase antimadeha° "wear-
ing the last body" (of an Arahant) S i.14; Sn 471; It 32, 40. — J
i.47 (virūpa — vesa°); Dāvs v.15. — f. °inī Pv i.10 (kāsikut- Dhikkita (adj.) [Sk. dhikkṛta, of dhi +kata] reproached, reviled;
tama°). used also medially: blaming, censuring, condemning J i.155
(=garahitā Com.); also in Com. expl. of dhīra (=dhikkita —
Dhāretar [n. ag. to dhāreti 3] one who causes others to remember, 1 2
pāpa detesting evil) at Nd 44=J ii.140=iii.38 (cp. dhi ).
an instructor, teacher (cp. dhāraṇaka) A iv.196 (sotā sāvetā
uggahetā dh.). Dhiti (f.) [Sk. dhṛti to dhṛ, see dharati] energy, courage, stead-
fastness, firm character, resolution. S i.122, 215 =Sn 188 (cp.
Dhāreti [Caus. of dharati, q. v. for etym.] to hold, viz. 1.
SnA 237); J i.266, 280; iii.239; vi.373; Vbh 211; Dhs 13
to carry, bear, wear, possess; to put on, to bring, give D
(+thāma), 22, 289, 571; Miln 23, 329; Sdhp 574. Equivalent
i.166≈(chavadussāni etc.); Vin i.16=D i.110≈ (telapajjotaṁ);
to "wisdom" (cp. juti & jutimant & Sk. dhīti) in expl. of dhīra
D ii.19 (chattaṁ to hold a sunshade over a person); PvA 47
as "dhitisampanna" Nd 44≈(see dhi ); PvA 131.
(id.); dehaṁ dh. to "wear," i. e. to have a body It 50,
53 (antimaṁ d.); J iv.3 (padumaṁ); vi.136; Pv i.3 (vaṇṇaṁ Dhitimant (adj.) [Sk. dhṛtimant; cp. also dhīmant] courageous,
dh.=vahasi PvA 14); tassa kahāpaṇaṁ daṇḍaṁ dh. "to inflict a firm, resolute A i.25; Sn 462, 542; Th i,6; J ii.140; vi.286
fine of a k. on him" Miln 171. — 2. to hold back, restrain Vin (wise, cp. dhiti).
iv.261 (kathaṁ dhāretha how do you suppress or conceal preg-
Dhītar and Dhītā (f.) [Sk. dhītā, orig. pp. of dhayati to suck (cp.
nancy?); Dh 222 (kodhaṁ). — 3. to bear in mind, know by
Lat. filia): see dhāta & dhātī, inflūenced in inflection by Sk.
heart, understand: dhammaṁ to know the Dhamma A iii.176;
duhitṛ, although etymologically different] daughter Th 2, 336
tipiṭakaṁ buddhavacanaṁ to know the 3 Piṭakas Miln 18. — 5
(in faith); J i.152, 253; vi.366; Pv i.11 ; DhA iii.171, 176; PvA
D ii.2; Pug 41 (suṇāti, bhaṇati, dh.=remember). Cp. upad-
16, 21, 61, 105. deva° a female deva (see deva) VvA 137 etc.;
hāreti. — With double acc.: to receive as, to take=believe,
nattu° a granddaughter PvA 17; mātula° a niece PvA 55; rāja°
to take for, consider as, call: upāsakaṁ maṁ dhāretu Bha- n
a princess J i.207; PvA 74. In comp dhītu.
gavā "call me your disciple" Vin i.16 & passim; atthajālan
-kkama one who is desirous of a daughter J vi.307 (=dhītu
ti pi naṁ dhārehi (call it...) D i.46; yathā pañhaṁ Bhagavā
atthāya vicarati Com.; v. l. dhītu — kāma); -dhītā grand-
vyākaroti tathā naṁ dhareyyāsi (believe it) D i.222; yathā no
daughter PvA 16.
(atthaṁ) Gotamo vyākarissati tathā naṁ dhāressāma D i.236;
Dhītalikā (f.) [Dimin. of dhītā; cp. dhītikā & pottha-likā] a doll
evaṁ maṁ dhārehi adhimuttacittaṁ (consider as) Sn 1149
(=upalakkhehi Nd 323). — 4. to admit, allow, allow for, Vin iii.36, 126 (dāru°); DhsA 321; PvA 16.
take up, support (a cause); to give, to owe D i.125 (may al- Dhītikā (f.) [cp. dhītalikā] a doll Th 2, 374 (=dhītalikā ThA 252).
low), 126; A ii.69 (na kassa kiñci dh. pays no tribute); Miln
Dhīna see adhīna.
47 (atthaṁ).
Dhīyati [Sk. dhīyate, Pass. to dahati ] to be contained ThA 13
Dhāreyya (nt.) [orig. grd. of dhāreti] the ceremony of being
(so read for dhiyati); PvA 71.

Dhīra Dhura

Dhīra (adj.) [combining in meaning 1. Sk. dhīra "firm" fr. iii.287; iv.223, 494 (surā°); ThA 250 (itthi°), 260 (°purisa),
dhārayati (see dharati & dhiti); 2. Vedic. dhīra "wise" fr. dīd- 266 (°kilesa); PvA 3, 5 (itthi°, surā°), 151. — f. dhutti (dhuttī)
heti (see dhi ). The fluctuation of connotation is also scen J ii.114 (°brāhmaṇī).
in the expl of Com which always give the foll. three con-
Dhuttaka=dhutta S i.131; Th 2, 366 (=itthi — dhutta ThA 250);
ventional etymologies, viz. dhikkitapāpa, dhiti — sampanna, DhA iii.207; Dpvs ix.19. — f. dhuttikā always in comb w.
dhiyā (=paññāya) samannāgata Nd 44≈(see dhi )] constant,
chinnikā (meretrix, q. v.) Vin iii.128; J ii.114; Miln 122.
firm, self — relying, of character; wise, possessing the knowl-
Dhunana (nt.) [Sk. dhūnana] shaking, in °ka (adj.) consisting in
edge of the Dhamma, often=paṇḍita & Ep. of an Arahant
shaking off, doing away with, giving up (kilesa°) SnA 373.
D ii.128; S i.24 (lokapariyāyaṁ aññāya nibbutā dh.), 122,
221; Sn 45, 235 (nibbanti dhīrā), 913 (vippamutto diṭṭhigatehi Dhunāti [Sk. dhunoti (dhūnoti), dhunāti & dhuvati, Caus. dhū-
dh.), 1052; It 68 (°upasevanā, opp. bāla), 122 (dh. sab- nayati. Idg. *dhū to be in turbulent motion; cp. Gr. χύω,
baganthapamocano); Dh 23, 28, 177 (opp. bāla); Th 1, 4; χύνω (to be impetuous), χύελλα (storm), χύμος "thyme"; Lat.
2, 7 (dhammā=tejussadehi ariyamaggadhammehi ThA 13); J fūmus (smoke=fume), suffio; Lith. duja (dust); Goth. dauns
iii.396; v.116; Pv ii.1 ; ii.9 ; Nd 44, 55, 482; Nd 324 (=juti- (smoke & smell); Ohg. toum. Connected also w. dhāvate; see
mant); Miln 342; KhA 194, 224, 230; DhA iii.189 (=paṇḍita). further dhūpa, dhūma, dhūsara, dhona & a secondary root Idg.
*dheṷes in dhaṁsati] to shake, toss; to shake off, remove, de-
Dhuta (& Dhūta) [cp. Sk. dhuta & dhūta, pp. of dhunāti] 1.
stroy S i.156 (maccuno senaṁ); Th 1, 256=Miln 245; dhunāti
shaken, moved Dāvs v.49 (vāta°). — 2. lit. "shaken off," but
always expl in the commentaries as "one who shakes off" ei- pāpake dhamme dumapattaṁ va māluto Th i.2; J i.11 (v. 48);
iii.44 (hatthe dhuniṁsu, wrung their hands); Vv 64 (=VvA
ther cvil dispositions (kilese), or obstacles to spiritual progress
278 misprint dhumanti); aor. adhosi [=Sk. adhauṣīt] Sn 787
(vāra, nīvaraṇa). The word is rare. In one constantly repeated
(micchādiṭṭhiṁ= pajahi SnA 523). pp. dhuta & dhūta (q. v.).
passage (Vin i.45=305=ii.2=iii.21=iv.213) it is an adj. op-
Cp. nis°, o°.
posed to kosajja lazy, remiss; and means either scrupulous
or punctilious. At D i.5 it is used of a pain. At Sn 385 we Dhuma in °kaṭacchuka=druma° having a wooden spoon (see
are told of a dhutadhamma, meaning a scrupulous way of duma), cp. Mar. dhumārā? (Ed. in note) DhA ii.59. [Doubtful
life, first for a bhikkhu, then for a layman. This poem omits reading.]
all higher doctrine and confines itself to scrupulousness as re- Dhura (m. & nt.) [Sk. dhur f. & dhura m.] 1. a yoke, a
gards minor, elementary matters. Cp. Vism 61 for a def of
pole, the shaft of a carriage J i.192 (purima — sakaṭa°), 196;
Cp. ii.8, 4. — 2. (fig.) a burden, load, charge, office, re-
-anga a set of practices leading to the state of or appro-
sponsibility Sn 256 (vahanto porisaṁ dh °ṁ "carrying a hu-
priate to a dhuta, that is to a scrupulous person First occurs in
man yoke"=purisânucchavikā bhārā SnA 299), 694 (asama°
a title suffixed to a passage in the Parivāra deprecating such
one who has to bear a heavy burden=asamaviriya SnA 489);
practices. The passage occurs twice (Vin v.131, 193), but the
DhA ii.97 (sama°); dve dhurāni two burdens (viz. gantha° &
title, probably later than the text, is added only to the 2nd of vipassanā, study & contemplation) DhA i.7; iv.37; asamad-
the two. The passage gives a list of 13 such practices, each hura J i.193; vi.330. Three dhurā are enum at J iv.242 as sad-
of them an ascetic practice not enjoined in the Vinaya. The 13 dhā°, sīla°, and paññā°. — Sdhp 355 (saddhā°), 392 (+viriya),
are also discussed at Vism 59 sq. The Milinda devotes a whole 413 (paññā°) dh °ṁ nikkhipati to take off the yoke, to put
book (chap. vi.) to the glorification of these 13 dhutangas, but
down a burden, to give up a charge or renounce a responsi-
there is no evidence that they were ever widely adopted. Some
bility (see °nikkhepa): nikkhittadhura A i.71; ii.148; iii.65,
are deprecated at M i.282, & examples of one or other of them 2
108, 179 sq.; a° S v.197, 225; Nd 131; SnA 236 (=dhura-
are given at Vin iii.15; Bu i.59; J iii.342; iv.8; Miln 133, 348, vant). — 3. the forepart of anything, head, top, front; fig.
351; Vism 59 (°kathā), 65 (°cora), 72 (id.), 80 (def ); SnA chief, leader, leading part. nāvāya dh. the forecastle of a ship
494; DhA i.68; ii.32 (dhūtanga); iv.30. Nd 188 says that 8 of
J iii.127=iv.142; dh — vāta head wind J i.100; ekaṁ dh °ṁ
them are desirable. -dhara mindful of punctiliousness Miln
nīharati to set aside a foremost part DA i.135. — 4. the far
342 (āraññaka dh. jhāyin). -vata the vow to perform the
end, either as top or beginning J iii.216 (yāva dh — sopānā);
dhutangas DhA vi.165. -vāda one who inculcates punctil-
iv.265 (dh — sopānaṁ katvā making the staircase end); v.458
iousness S ii.156; A i.23; Miln 380; Vism 80; ThA 69; DhA
(magga — dhure ṭhatvā standing on the far end or other side
ii.30. -vādin= °vāda J i.130.
of the road, i. e. opposite; gloss BB maggantare); VvA 44 (dh
Dhutatta (nt.) [Sk. *dhūtatvaṁ] the state of being punctilious — gehassa dvāre at the door of the top house of the village, i.
Vin i.305 (of going naked). e. the first or last house).
-gāma a neighbouring village (lit. the first v. that one
Dhutta [Sk. dhūrta, from dhūrvati & dhvarati to injure, deceive,
meets) J i.8, 237; iv.243; DhA iii.414; -dhorayha a yoked
cp. Lat. fraus; Idg. *dhreu, an enlarged form of which
ox S i.173=Sn 79 (viriyam me dh — dh °ṁ); SnA 150.
is *dreugh in Sk. druhyati, drugdha=Ohg. triogan, troum
-nikkhepa the putting down of the yoke, the giving up of one's
etc.: see duhana] of abandoned life, wild, fast, cunning, crafty,
office J iii.243; Vism 413. -bhatta a meal where a monk is
fraudulent; wicked, bad. (m.) a rogue, cheat, evil — minded
invited as leader of other monks who likewise take part in it J
person, scoundrel, rascal. There are three sorts of a wild life,
i.449. v. l. (for dhuva°); iii.97 (v. l. dhuva°); Vism 66. -yotta
viz. akkha° in gambling, itthi° with women, surā° in drink
yoke — tie, i. e. the tie fastening the yoke to the neck of the
(Sn 106; J iv.255). — Vin ii.277 (robber, highwayman); A
ox J i.192; vi.253; -vahana bearing a burden (cp. dhorayha)
iii.38 (a°); iv.288 (itthi°); J i.49 (surā°), 290, 291; ii.416;

Dhura Dhopana

DhA iii.472; -vihāra a neighbouring monastery (cp. °gāma) A v.352 (id.); A ii.53; iv.72 sq.; v.347 sq.; J iii.401, 422
J i.23; iv.243; DhA i.126 (Np.); iii.224 (id.); -sampaggāha "a (tumhākaṁ dh — kāle at the time when you will end in smoke,
solid grip of the burden" (Mrs. Rh.D.) Dhs 13, 22 etc. (opp. i. e. at your cremation); DhA i.370 (eka° one mass of smoke);
nikkhepa); -ssaha enduring one's yoke Th 1, 659. Cp. dhu- VvA 173 (for dhūpa, in gandhapuppha°); PvA 230 (micchā —
ratā. vitakka° in expl. of vidhūma).
-andha blind with smoke J i.216; -kālika (cp. above dh.
Dhuratā (f.) [abstr. fr. dhura] in cpd. anikkhitta-dh. "a state of
unflinching endurance" Nd 394, 405=Dhs 13 etc.=Vbh 350, — kāle) lasting till a person's cremation Vin ii.172, 288; -ketu
fire (lit. whose sign is smoke) J iv.26; v.63; -jāla a mass of
370 (+dhura — sampaggāha); opp. nikkhitta — dh. weakness
smoke J v.497; -netta a smoke — tube, i. e. a surgical instru-
of character, lack of endurance (=pamāda) ibid.
ment for sniffing up the smoke of medical drugs Vin i.204;
Dhuravant (adj.) [cp. Sk. dhuradhara] one who has or bears his
ii.120; J iv.363; ThA 14; -sikhā fire (Ep. of Agni; lit. smoke
yoke, patient, enduring S i.214=Sn 187 (: cetasikaviriya — 2
— crested) Vv 35 (sikha)=VvA 161; Vism 416; also as sikhin
vasena anikkhittadhura SnA 236).
J vi.206.
Dhuva (adj.) [Sk. dhruva, cp. Lith. drúta firm; Goth. trig-
Dhūmāyati & Dhūmayati [Sk. dhūmayati, Denom. fr. dhūma]
gws=Ohg. triuwi (Ger. treue, trost); Ags. tréowe= E. true, of
to smoke, to smoulder, choke; to be obscured, to cloud over
Idg. *dheru, enlarged form of *dher, see dharati] stable, con- 4
M i.142 (v. l. dhūpāyati); Pv i.6 (pariḍayhati+dh. ha-
stant, permanent; fixed, regular, certain, sure D i.18; S i.142;
dayaṁ); DhA i.425 (akkhīni me dh.= I see almost nothing).
iv.370; A ii.33; J i.19; v.121 (°sassataṁ maraṇaṁ); iii.325;
pp. dhūmāyita.
Bu ii.82; Miln 114 (na tā nadiyo dh — salilā). 334 (°phala);
Dhūmāyanā (f.) smoking, smouldering M i.143; Nett 24 (as v. l.
Vism 77; DA i.112 (maraṇaṁ apassanto dh.), 150 (=thāvara);
to dhūpāyanā).
DhA iii.170 (adhuvaṁ jīvitaṁ dhuvaṁ maraṇaṁ); ThA 241;
Sdhp 331. — nt. permanence, stability M i.326; Dh 147. Also Dhūmāyitatta (nt.) [abstr. to dhūmāyati] becoming like smoke,
Ep. of Nibbāna (see °gāmin). — nt. as adv. dhuvaṁ contin- clouding over, obscuration S iii.124 (+timirāyitattaṁ).
uously, constantly, always J ii.24=Miln 172; PvA 207; cer-
Dhūsara (adj.) [Sk. dhūsara, Ags. dust=E. dust & dusk, Ger.
tainly J i.18, v.103. — adhuva (addhuva) changing, unstable,
dust; see dhvaṁsati & dhunoti & cp. Walde, Lat. Wtb. under
impermanent D i.19 (anicca a. appāyuka); M i.326; S iv.302;
furo] dust — coloured VvA 335.
J i.393; iii.19 (addhuva — sīla); VvA 77.
Dhenu (f.) [Sk. dhenu, to dhayati to give suck, see dhātī & dhītar]
-gāmin leading to permanence, i. e. Nibbāna S iv.370
a milch cow, a female animal in general J i.152 (miga° hind);
(magga); -colā (f.) constantly dressed, of a woman Vin 6
Vv 80 ; DhA i.170; 396; PvA 112. In simile at Vism 313.
iii.129; -ṭṭhāniya lasting (of shoes) Vin i.190; -dhamma one
who has reached a stable condition DhA iii.289; -paññatta Dhenupa [dhenu+pa from pibati] a suckling calf M i.79; Sn 26.
(a) permanently appointed (seat) Vin iv.274; -bhatta a con- Dheyya (—°) [Sk. dheya, orig. grd. of dhā, see dahati ] 1. in
stant supply of food Vin i.25, 243; ii.15 (°ika); J i.449 (where the realm of, under the sway or power of: anañña° J iv.110;
the v. l. dhura° seems to be preferable instead of dhuva°, see kamma° A iv.285; maccu° (q. v.) S i.22; Sn 358, 1104; Th
dhurabhatta); cp. niccabhatta; -yāgu constant (distribution of) 2, 10 (=maccu ettha dhīyati ThA 13); māra° A iv.228. — 2.
rice-gruel Vin i.292 sq.; -lohitā (f.) a woman whose blood is
putting on, assigning, in nāma° Dhs 1307.
stagnant Vin iii.129; -ssava always discharging, constantly
Dhota [Sk. dhāuta, pp. of dhavati , see dhovati] washed,
flowing J i.6, v.35.
bleached, clean J i.62 (°sankha a bleached shell); ii.275; PvA
Dhūta & Dhūtanga see dhuta.
73 (°vattha), 116 (°hattha with clean hands), 274 (id.); Vism
Dhūpa [Sk. dhūpa of Idg. *dhūp, enlarged fr. *dhū in dhunāti (q. 224 (id.).
v.)] incense J i.51, 64, 290 (gandha°, dvandva, cpd.); iii.144;
Dhona (adj. — n.) [either=dhota, Sk. dhauta, see dhovati
vi.42; PvA 141 (gandhap̄uppha°). dh°ṁ dadāti to incense (a
or=dhuta, see dhuta & dhunana. Quite a diff. suggestion as re-
room) J i.399. Sometimes misspelt dhūma, e. g. VvA 173
gards etym. is given by Kern, Toev. 117, who considers it as a
(gandhapuppha°). n
possible der fr. (a)dho, after analogy of poṇa. Very doubtful]
Dhūpana (nt.) [Sk. dhūpana] incensing, fumigation; perfume, 1. purified M i.386; Sn 351, 786, 813, 834 (=dhutakilesa SnA
incense, spice J iii.144; iv.236; Pv iii.5 (sāsapa°). 542); J iii.160 (°sākha=patthaṭasākha Com.; v. l. BB vena°);
Nd 77=176 (: dhonā vuccati paññā etc., dhuta & dhota used
Dhūpāyati & Dhūpayati [Sk. dhūpayati; caus. fr. dhūpa]
indiscriminately in exegesis following). — 2. (pl.) the four
to fumigate, make fragrant, perfume Vin i.180; S i.40
requisites of a bhikkhu DhA iii.344 (: dhonā vuccati cattāro
(dhūpāyita)=Th 1, 448; A ii.214 sq.; J i.73; Miln 333 (sīla-
paccayā, in Com. on atidhonacārin Dh 240; gloss K. dhovanā,
gandhena lokaṁ dh.); DhA i.370 (aor. dhūpāyi); iii.38 (ppr.
cp. Morris, J.P.T.S. 1887, 100).
dhūpayamāna). — pp. dhūpita.
Dhūpita [pp. of dhūpāyati] fumigated, flavoured Vv 43 (tela° Dhopati [a variant of dhovati, taken as Caus. formation] to wash,
cleanse D i.93 (dhopetha, imper.; v. l. B. dhovatḥa), 124
flavoured with oil). Cp. pa°.
(dhopeyya; v. l. B. dhoveyya).
Dhūma [Vedic dhūma=Lat. fumus; Gr. χυμός (mood, mind),
Dhopana (nt.) [a variant of dhovana, q. v.] 1. ceremonial wash-
χυμιάω (fumigate); Ohg. toum etc. Idg. *dhu, cp. Gr.
ing of the bones of the dead D i. 6; aṭṭhi-dhovana Bdhgh at
χύω (burn incense), χύος (incense). See also dhunāti] smoke,
DA i.84; A v.216 (see Commentary at 364). — 2. Surgical
fumes Vin i.204 (aroma of drugs); M i.220 (dh °ṁ kattā);

Dhopana Nakkhatta

washing of a wound J ii.117. — 3. In vaṁsadhopana, appar- Dhova (adj. — n.) [Sk. dhāva, see dhovati] washing, cleansing
ently a feat by acrobats J iv.390. It is possible that the passage Bu ii.15.
at D i. 6 really belongs here. See the note at Dial. i.9.
Dhovati [Sk. dhāvati, see dhāvati] to rinse, wash, cleanse, pu-
Dhorayha [for *dhor — vayha=Sk. *dhaurvahya, abstr. fr. dhur- rify Vin ii.208, 210, 214; Sn p. 104 (bhājanāni); J i.8; v.297.
vaha; may also directly correspond to the latter] "carrying a — dhovi J vi.366; DhA iii.207. ger. dhovitvā J i.266; iv.2;
yoke," a beast of burden S i.28; D iii.113 (purisa°); A i.162. VvA 33 (pattaṁ), 77 (id.); PvA 75, 144. inf. dhovituṁ Vin
-vata (nt.) the practice of carrying a burden, the state of a ii.120; iv.261 pp. dhota (q. v.) & dhovita J i.266. — See also
beast of burden, drudgery S i.28; -sīla accustomed to the yoke, dhopati (*dhopeti).
enduring; patient Dh 208 (=dhuravahana — sīlatāya dh. DhA
Dhovana (nt.) [Sk. dhāvana; see also dhopana] washing Vin
iii.272); -sīlin= °sīla J ii.97 (=dhura — vahanaka — ācārena
iv.262; S iv.316 (bhaṇḍa°); A i.132, 161, 277; It 111 (pādā-
sampanna Com.).
naṁ); J ii.129; vi.365 (hattha°); Miln 11; Vism 343; PvA 241
Dhoreyya (—°) [Sk. dhaureya, der. fr. dhura] "to be yoked," (hattha — pāda°); DhA ii.19 (pāda°); fig. (ariyaṁ) A v.216.
accustomed to the yoke, carrying a burden, in kamma° Miln


Na [Sk. na (in cana) & nā (in nānā, vi — nā) Idg. pron. base *no, out of a sentence negation or where a negated verb was sub-
cp. Gr. νή, ναί; Lat. nē, nae surely, also encl. in ego — ne stantified, e. g. (a) nacira (=acira) short, napparūpa abundant,
& in question utruṁne, nam; fuller form *eno, as in Sk. anā napuṁsaka neuter, neka (=aneka) several; (b) natthi, natthika
(adv.) anena, anayā (instr. pron. 3rd); Gr. ε῎νη "that day"; etc. (q. v.).
Lat. enim] expletive — emphatic particle, often used in com- Na [identical with na ] base of demonstr. pron. 3rd pers. (=ta°),
parative — indefinite sense: just so, like this, as if, as (see cana
only in foll. cases: acc. sg. naṁ (mostly enclitic), fuller form
& canaṁ) J v.339 (Com. cttha na — kāro upamāne). Also as
enaṁ him, her, that one etc. Sn 139, 201, 385, 418, 980, 1076;
naṁ (cp. cana> canaṁ) Vin ii.81, 186 (kathaṁ naṁ=kathaṁ
It 32; Dh 42, 230; J i.152, 172, 222; iii.281; KhA 220; DhA
nu); J ii.416; v.302; vi.213 (Com. p. 216: ettha eko na — karo
i.181; iii.173; PvA 3, 68, 73.
pucchanattho hoti); Th 1, 1204; Miln 177. Perhaps at Sn 148
— acc. pl. ne them It 110 (v. l. te); Sn 223 (=te manusse
(kattha — ci naṁ, v. l. BB na; but Com. KhA 247= etaṁ). To KhA 169); J ii.417; iii.204; v.458; DhA i.8, 13, 61, 101, 390;
this na belongs na ; see also nu & nanu.
VvA 299. — gen. dat. pl. nesaṁ D i.175, 191; It 63; J i.153;
Na [Ved. na=Idg. *neǤ; Lat. ne in n' unquam etc., Goth. ni; DhA iv.41; VvA 37, 136.; PvA 54, 201, 207. See also cna; cp.
Sk. na ca=Lat. neque=Goth. nih. Also Sk. nā= Idg. *nē, nava .
cp. Lat. Goth. nē] negātive & adversative particle "not" (Nd 2
Nakula [Ved. nakula, cp. nakra crocodile] a mungoose, Viverra
326: paṭikkhepa; KhA 170: paṭisedhe) 1. often apostr. n': n'
Ichneumon A v.289 sq.; J ii.53; vi.538; Miln 118, 394.
atthi, n' etaṁ etc.; or contracted: nāhaṁ, nāpi etc., or with cu-
Nakkhatta (nt.) [Ved. nakṣatra collect. formation from naktiḥ &
phonic consonant y: nayidaṁ (It 29, J iv.3), nayidha (It 36,
naktā=Gr. νύς, Lat. nox, Goth. nahts, E.
37), nayimaṁ (It 15) etc. As double negation implying em-
night=the nightly sky, the heavenly bodies of the night, as
phatic affirmation: na kiñci na all, everything J i.295. — 2. In
opposed to the Sun: ādicco tapataṁ mukhaṁ Vin i.246] the
disjunctive clauses: na... na neither — nor, so — or not so. In
stars or constellations, a conjunction of the moon with diff.
question: karoti na karoti ("or not") J ii.133. Cp. mā in same
constellations, a lunar mansion or the constellations of the lu-
use. — Often with added pi (api) in second part: na-nāpi nei-
ther — nor ("not — but also not") S ii.65; M i.246; Pv i.11 . nar zodiac, figuring also as Names of months & determinant
factors of horoscopic and other astrological observation; fur-
— 3. In syntactic context mostly emphasized by var. negative
ther a celebration of the beginning of a new month, hence any
& adversative particles, viz. nāpi (see under 2); n' eva indeed
kind of festival or festivity. — The recognised number of
not, not for all that J iii.55; or not KhA 219; n' eva-na neither
such lunar mansions is 27, the names of which as given in Sk.
— nor D i.33, 35; M i.486; A v.193; J i.207, 279; Vin ii.185;
sources are the same in Pāli, with the exception of 2 variations
DhA i.328; ii.65; DA i.186, 188; n' eva-na pana id. D i.24; na
(Assayuja for Aśvinī, Satabhisaja for Śatatāraka). Enum at
kho not indeed J ii.134; na ca but not (=this rather than that)
J i.153; na tāva=na kho Vv 37 ; na nu (in quest.= noune) Abhp. 58 — 60 as follows: Assayuja [Sk. Aśvinī] Bharaṇī,
Kattikā, Rohiṇī, Magasiraṁ [Sk. Mṛgaśīrṣa] Addā [Sk. Ār-
is it not? PvA 74, 136; na no surely not Sn 224; na hi [cp.
drā], Punabbasu, Phussa [Sk. Puṣya], Asilesā, Maghā, Pubba
Gr. ούξί not at all; ναίξι certainly] certainly not Dh 5, 184; Sn
— phaggunī [Sk. Pūrva — phalgunī). Uttara°, Hattha, Cittā
666; Kh vii.6; na hi jātu id. Sn 152. — See also nu, nū, no.
[Sk. Chaitra], Sāti [Svātī], Visākhā, Anurādhā, Jeṭṭhā, Mūlaṁ,
— 4, na is also used in the function of the negative prefix a
Pubb — āsāḷha [°āṣāḍha], Uttar°, Savaṇa, Dhaniṭṭhā, Satab-
— (an — ) in cases where the word — negation was isolated
hisaja [Śatatāraka], Pubba — bhaddapadā, Uttara°, Revatī. —

Nakkhatta Nanguṭṭha

It is to be pointed out that the Niddesa speaks of 28 N. instead i. e. forest] mountain S i.195= Nd 136 (nagassa passe āsīna,
of 27 (Nd 382: aṭṭhavīsati nakkhattāni), a discrepancy which of the Buddha); Sn 180 (=devapabbata royal mountain SnA
may be accounted by the fact that one N. (the Orion) bore 2 216; or should it mean "forest"?); Th 1, 41 (°vivara), 525; Pv
names, viz. Mṛgaśīrṣa & Agrahayanī (see Plunkett, Ancient ii.9 61 (°muddhani on top of the Mount, i. e. Mt. Sineru PvA
Calendars etc. p. 227 sq.). — Some of these Ns. are more 138; the Buddha was thought to reside there); Miln 327 (id.);
familiar & important than others, & are mentioned more fre- Vv 16 (°antare in between the (5) mountains, see VvA 82).
quently, e. g. Āsāḷha (Āsālhi°) J i.50 & Uttarāsāḷha J i.63, 82;
Nagara (nt.) [Ved. nagara, Non — aryan? Connection with agāra
Kattikā & Rohiṇī SnA 456. — nakkhattaṁ ādisati to augur is very problematic] a stronghold, citadel, fortress; a (fortified)
from the stars, to set the horoscope Nd 382; oloketi to read
town, city. As seat of the government & as important centre
the stars, to scan the constellations J i.108, 253; ghoseti to pro-
of trade contrasted with gāma & nigama (village & market —
claim (shout out) the new month (cp. Lat. calandae fr. cālāre
place or township) Vin iii.47 (°bandhana), 184; cp. gāma 3
to call out, scil. mensem), and thereby announce the festivity
b. deva° deva — city Ji. 3, 168, 202; DhA i.280 etc.; cp.
to be celebrated J i.250; n. ghuṭṭhaṁ J i.50, 433; sanghuṭṭhaṁ
yakkha° J ii.127. — Vin i.277, 342, 344; ii.155, 184; D ii.7;
PvA 73; ghositaṁ VvA 31; kīḷati to celebrate a (nakkhatta —
S ii.105 sq.; iv.194 (kāyassa adhivacanaṁ); v.160; A i.168,
) festival J i.50, 250; VvA 63; DhA i.393 (cp. °kīḷā below). n. 178; iv.106 sq. (paccantima); v.194 (id.) Dh 150 (aṭṭhīnaṁ);
ositaṁ the festival at an end J i.433. — nakkhatta (sg.) a con- Sn 414, 1013 (Bhoga°); J i.3, 50 (Kapilavatthu°); ii.5; iii.188;
stellation Sn 927; collect. the stars Vv 81 (cando nparivārito).
vi.368 etc.; Pug 56; DhA iv.2; PvA 3, 39, 73; Dpvs xiv.51
nakkhattāni (pl.) the stars: nakkhattānaṁ mukhaṁ chando
(+pura). Cp. nāgara.
(the moon is the most prominent of the lights of night) Th
-ûpakārikā a town fortified with a wall covered with ce-
2.143; Vin i.246=Sn 569 (but cp. expl. at SnA 456: candayo-
ment at its base D i.105, cp. DA i.274; -ûpama like a citadel
gavasena "ajja kattikā, ajja Rohiṇī" ti paññāṇato ālokakāraṇato
(of citta) Dh 40, cp. DhA i.317 & Nagaropama sūtra Divy 340;
sommabhāvato ca nakkhattānaṁ mukhaṁ cando ti vutto); D
-kathā town — gossip D i.7; -guttika superintendent of the
i.10 (nakkhattānaṁ pathagamanaṁ & uppatha — gamanaṁ a
city police J iii.30, 436; iv.279; Miln 345 (dhammanagare n —
right or wrong course, i. e. a straight ascension or deviation
g.), DhA iv.55. Cp. Kern, Toev. p. 167; -vara the noble town
of the stars or planets); ii.259; iii.85, 90; A iv.86; Th 2, 143 6
(of Rājagaha) Vv 16 , cp. VvA 82; -vīthi a city street J ii.416;
(nakkhattāni namassantā bālā).
-sobhinī the city belle, a town courtesan J ii.367 (°anā); iii.435
-kīḷana=kīḷā DhA iii.461; -kīḷā the celebration of a fes-
(Sulasā), 475 (°anī); DhA i.174; ii.201; PvA 4 (Sulasā); Miln
tival, making merry, taking a holiday J i.50; ThA 137; VvA
109; -ggāha the seizure of a star (by a demon: see gāha), the
Nagaraka (nt.) a small city D i.146=169, quoted J i.391.
disappearance of a planet (transit?) D i.10 (expl. at DA i.95
as nakkhattasa angārakādi — gahasamāyoga); -patha "the Nagga (adj.) [Ved. nagna=Lat. nudus (fr. *nogṷedhos) Goth.
course of the stars," i. e. the nocturnal sky Dh 208; -pada a naqaps=Ohg. naccot, Ags. nacod=naked; Oir. nocht; perhaps
constellation Vin ii.217; -pāṭhaka an astrologer, soothsayer, Gr. γυμνός] naked, nude Vin ii.121; J i.307; Pv i.6 (=niccola
augur Nd 382; -pīḷana the failing or obscuration of a star (as PvA 32); ii.1 ; 8 ; PvA 68, 106.
a sign of death in horoscopy) DhA i.166; — mālā a garland of -cariyā going naked Dh 141; DhA iii.78; cp. Sk nag-
stars VvA 167; -yoga a conjunction of the planets, a constel- nacaryā Divy 339; -bhogga one whose goods are nakedness,
lation in its meaning for the horoscope J i.82 253; DhA i.174 an ascetic J iv.160; v.75; vi.225.
(+tithi — karaṇa); °ṁ oloketi to set the horoscope DhA i.166, Naggatta (nt.) [Sk. nagnatva]=naggiya nakedness PvA 106.
°ṁ uggaṇhāti id. Pv iii.5 . -rājā the king of the nakkhattas
Naggiya (nt.) [Sk. *nagnyaṁ] naked state, nudity Vin i.292, 305;
(i. e. the moon) J iii.348.
S iv.300; Sn 249.
Nakha [Ved. nakha, cp. Sk. anghri foot; Gr. ο῎νυς (claw, nail),
Naggiyā (adj. f.) [Sk. nagnikā]=naggā, naked Pv ii.3 .
Lat. unguis=Oir. inga; Ohg. nagal=E. nail] a nail of finger
or toe, a claw Vin ii.133; Sn 610 (na angulīhi nakhehi vā); J Nangala (nt.) [Ved. lāngala; nangala by dissimilation through
v.489 (pañcanakhā sattā five — nailed or — toed beings); Kh subsequent nasal, cp. Milinda>Menandros. Etym. unknown,
ii.=Miln 26, cp. taca (pañcatacakaṁ); KhA 43; VvA 7 (dasa prob. dialectical (already in RV iv. 57 ), because unconnected
— nakhasamodhāna putting the 10 fingers together); PvA 152, with other Aryan words for plough. Cp. Balūčī nangār] a
192; Sdhp 104. plough S i.115; iii.155; A iii.64; Sn 77 (yuga° yoke & plough);
Sn p. 13; J i.57; Th 2, 441 (=sīra ThA 270); SnA 146; VvA 63,
Nakhaka (adj.) belonging to, consisting of or resembling a claw,
65; PvA 133 (dun° hard to plough); DhA i.223 (aya°); iii.67
in hatthi° like elephants' claws, Ep. of a castle (pāsāda) Vin
ii.169 (Bdhgh on p. 323: hatthikumbhe patiṭṭhitaṁ, evaṁ
-īsā the beam of a plough S i.104 (of an elephant's trunk);
evaṁkatassa kir' etaṁ nāmaṁ) (?).
-kaṭṭhakaraṇa ploughing S v.146=J ii.59; -phāla [mod. Ind.
Nakhin (adj.) having nails J vi.290 (tamba° with copper-coloured
phār] ploughshare (to be understood as Dvandva) DhA i.395.
Nangalin (adj. — n.) having or using a plough, ploughman, in
Naga [Sk. naga tree & mountain, referred by Fausböll & Uh- mukha° "using the mouth as plough" Th 1, 101 (maulvergnügt,
lenbeck to na+gacchati, i. e. immovable (=sthāvara), more Neumann) (Mrs. Rh. D. harsh of speech).
probably however with Lidén (see Walde under nāvis) to Ohg.
Nanguṭṭha (nt.) [dial. for *nangūlya>*nanguḷhya?]= nangula A
nahho, Ags. naca "boat=tree"; semantically mountain=trees,
ii.245; J i.194 (of a bull); ii.19 (of an elephant); iii.16 (sūci°),

Nanguṭṭha Nanda

480 (panther); iv.256 (of a deer); DhA i.275 (of a fish); ii.64. (+micchādiṭṭhika).
Nangula (nt.) [Sk. lāngŨla to langa & lagati (q. v.). cp. Gr. Natthitā (f.) [Sk. nāstitā, fr. n' atthi] nihilism S ii.17; J v.110.
λαγγάζω, Lat. langueo] a tail Th 1, 113=601 (go°).
Natthibhāva [n' atthi — bhāva] non — existence DhA iii.324.
Nacira (adj.) [Sk. nacira=na+cira] not of long duration, short Sn
Natthu [cp. Sk. nas f. & nasta, see etym. under nāsā] 1. the
694; gen nacirass' eva after a short time, shortly Sn p. 16; J
nose J v.166 (=nāsā Com.). — 2.=°kamma, medical treatment
iv.2, 392; Miln 250.
through the nose Vin iii.83 (deti).
Nacca (nt.) [Ved. nṛtya=Anglo — Ind. nautch, etym. uncertain, -kamma nose — treatment, consisting in the application
cp. naccati & naṭati] (pantomimic) dancing; usually comb d of hot oil (DA i.98: telaṁ yojetvā n — karaṇaṁ) D i.12; Vin
with singing (gīta, q. v.) & instrumental music (vādita). — i.204; M i.511; DhA i.12; -karaṇī a pockethandkerchief Vin
nacca: A i.261; D iii.183; J i.61, 207; DA i.77; PvA 231. — i.204.
nacca-gīta: J i.61; Pv iv.7 ; DhA iii.129; VvA 131, 135. —
Nadati [Ved. nadati, nad of unknown etym.] to roar, cry, make
nacca-gīta-vādita (+visūkadassana): Vin i.83; D i.5, 6; KhA a noise (nadaṁ nadati freq.) Sn 552 (sīha), 684 (id.), 1015;
36; cp. Vv 81 10 (naccagīte suvādite).
J i.50, 150; ii.110; aor. nadi J iii.55 & anādisuṁ J iv.349.
Naccaka [Sk. *nṛtyaka, distinguished from but ultimately identi- Caus. nadāpeti to make roar J ii.244. See also nadī & nāda,
cal with naṭaka, q. v.] a dancer, (pantomimic) actor Miln 191, & cp. onadati.
331, 359 (naṭa°). — f. naccakī Vin ii.12.
Nadana (nt.) [cp. Sk. nadanu] roaring J i.19 (sīhanāda° the sound
Naccati [Ved. nṛtyati nṛt, cp. nacca & naṭati] to dance, play Vin of a lion's roar).
ii.10; J i.292; Vv 50 (=naṭati VvA 210); 64 . — pp. nac-
Nadita (nt.) [cp. Sk. nādita, pp. of caus. nadayati] roar, noise J
cento D i.135; fut. naccissati Vin ii.12; aor. nacci J iii.127;
inf. naccituṁ J i.207. — Caus. naccāpeti to make play Vism
Nadī (f.) [Ved. nadī, from nadati="the roaring," cp. also nandati]
305 (so read for nacch°).
a river; often characterised as mahā° in opp. to kun° rivulet; pl.
Naccana (nt.) [Ved. *nṛtyana, cp. naṭana] dance, dancing VvA
nadiyo also collect. "the waters." — D i.244 (Aciravatī nadī);
282, 315.
S ii.32, 118, 135; v.390; A i.33, 136, 243 (mahā°); ii.55, 140
Najjuha [Sk. dātyūha] a kind of cock or hen J vi.528, 538. (mahā°); iii.52; iv.101 (m°), 137; Sn 425, 433, 568, 720; Dh
251; J i.296; ii.102; iii.51; iii.91 (Kebukā); v.269 (Vetaraṇī°);
Naṭa [Sk. naṭa dial. ṭ, cp. Prk. naḍa, of nṛt, see naccati] a 54
vi.518 (Ketumatī); Pv iv.3 ; Vism 468 (sīghasotā); PvA 256
dancer, player, mimic, actor Vin iv.285; S iv.306 sq.; DhA
(m°); Sdhp 21, 194, 574. — gen. sg. nadiyā J i.278; It 113;
iv.60 (°dhītā), 65 (°karaka), 224 (°kīḷā); Miln 359 (°naccaka);
instr. nadiyā J i.278; PvA 46; pl. nom. nadiyo Miln 114 (na
Sdhp 380. — Cp. naṭaka & nāṭaka.
tā n. dhuva — salilā), najjo PvA 29 (mahā°); & najjāyo J
Naṭaka [Sk. naṭaka]=naṭa Vin iv.285; Miln 331; PvA 3. — f.
vi.278; gen nadīnaṁ Vin i.246=Sn 569 (n. sāgaro mukhaṁ).
naṭikā DA i.239.
— kunnadī a small river S i.109; ii.32, 118; v.47, 63; A ii.140;
Naṭati [Sk. naṭati, of nṛt, with dial. ṭ, cp. naccati] to dance, play iv.100; V.114 sq. — On n. in similes see J.P.T.S. 1906, 100.
VvA 210 (=naccati). -kuñja a river glen DA i.209; -kūla the bank of a river
Cp. iii.7 ; -tīra=°kūla J i.278; -dugga a difficult ford in a
Naṭṭha [Sk. naṣṭha, pp. of nassati (naśyati), q. v.] perished, de-
river S ii.198; -vidugga=°dugga A i.35; iii.128.
stroyed; lost A ii.249; J i.74; 267.
Naddha [Sk. naddha pp. of nah, see nayhati] tied, bound, fas-
Naṭṭhana (nt.) [Der. fr. naṭṭha] destruction Miln 180, 237.
tened, put on J i.175 (rathavarattaṁ); Bu i.31 (camma°, of a
Naṭṭhāyika [cp. Sk. naṣṭhārtha, i. e. naṣṭha+artha] bankrupt Miln
drum); Mhvs vii.16 (°pañcāyudha); Miln 117 (yuga°); DhsA
131, 201.
131. Cp. onaddha, vi°, san°.
Nata [Sk. nata, pp. of namati, q. v.] bent (on) S i.186 (a°); Sn Nanandar (f.) [Sk. nanāndṛ & nanāndā, to nanā "mother"] hus-
1143; Nd 327.
band's sister J v.269 (=sāmikassa bhaginī p. 275).
Nati (f.) [Sk. nati of nam] bending, bent, inclination S ii.67;
Nanikāma (adj.) [na+nikāma=anikāma] disagreeable, unpleasant
iv.59; M i.115.
Dh 309 (°seyyā an uncomfortable bed).
Natta (nt.) [Sk. nakta, see nakkhatta] night, acc. nattaṁ by night, Nanu (indecl.) [Ved. nanu] 1. part. of affirmation (cp. na ):
in nattam-ahaṁ by day & by night Sn 1070 (v. l. BB and Nd 2 7
surely, certainly Pv ii.6 (so to be read for nanda? v. l. BB
nuna); Manor. Pūr. on A v.194 (Andersen P. R. 91). — 2.
Nattar [Sk. naptṛ, analogy — formation after mātṛ etc. from Ved. part. of interrogation (=Lat. nonne) "is it not" (cp. na ): J
napāt; cp. Lat. nepos; Ags. nefa=E. nephew; Ohg. nevo] i.151; iii.393; DhA i.33.
grandson J i.60 (nattu, gen.), 88; Ud 91, 92; PvA 17 (nattu —
Nantaka (nt.) [a contamination of namataka (Kern, Toev. p. 169),
dhītā great — grand — daughter), 25 (nattā nom.).
maybe Sk. naktaka "cover for nakedness" (Trenckner, Notes
Natthika (adj. — n.) [Sk. nāstika] one who professes the motto 81 ), unless it be non — Aryan] a shred, rag, worn — out
of "natthi," a sceptic, nihilist S i.96; usually in cpds. cloth, usually expl by jiṇṇapilotika (J iii.22) or khaṇḍabhūtā
-diṭṭhi scepticism, nihilistic view, heresy Sn 243 (=mic- pilotikā (PvA 185) or pilotika only (VvA 311). — S v.342; A
chāditthi Com.); VvA 342; PvA 244; -vāda one who pro- iii.187; iv.376 (°vāsin as v. l.; text has nantikavāsin); Vv 80 7
fesses a nihilistic doctrine S iii.73; M i.403; A ii.31; PvA 215 (anantaka); Pv iii.2 ; J iii.22 (°vāsin clad in rags).

Nanda Naya

Nanda at Pv ii.6 used either as interj. (=nanu, q. v.) or as voc. in sex; lit. Vism 548, 553; ThA 260; Vbh 417; in gram. of the
the sense of "dear"; the first expl to be preferred & n. prob- neuter gender Kacc. 50; PvA 266 (is reading correct?)
ably to be read as nanu (v. l. nuna) or handa (in which case Nabha (nt.) & Nabhas (in oblique cases) [Sk. nabhas; Gr. νέϕος
nanu would be gloss).
& νεϕέλη, Lat. nebula, Oir. nēl, Ags. nifol (darkness), Ohg.
Nandaka (adj.) [Sk. nandikā] giving pleasure, pleasing, full of nebul. See also abbha] mist, vapour, clouds, sky A i.242; ii.50
joy; f. nandikā J iv.396 (+khiḍḍā), either as adj. or f. abstr. (nabhā), iii.240, Sn 687 (nabhasi — gama, of the moon); Vv
pleasure, rejoicing (=abhindandanā Com.). 32 , 35 (=ākāsa VvA 161), 53 (id. 236), 63 (id. 268); PvA
65; Mhvs vii.9 (nabhasā instr.).
Nandati [Ved. nandati, nand=nad (cp. vind>vid etc.) orig. to
utter sounds of joy] to be glad, to rejoice, find delight in, be Nabbho=nābhiyo, nom. pl. of nābhi (q. v.).
proud of (c. instr.) S i.110; A iv.94 sq.; Sn 33; Dh 18. — Caus.
Namataka (nt.) [word & etym. doubtful; cp. nantaka &
nandeti to please, to do a favour J iv.107 (nandaya=tosehi
Bdhgh. Vin ii.317: matakan (sic) ti satthakavedhanakaṁ
Com.); PvA 139 (=toseti). — ppr. nandayanto J vi.588. —
(=veṭhanakaṁ) pilotikakhaṇḍaṁ] a piece of cloth Vin ii.115
Cp. ānandati. (satthaka), 123, 267 (°ṁ dhāreti).
Nandanā (f.) [Sk. nandanā] rejoicing, delight, pleasure S i.6=Sn
Namati [Ved. namati, Idg. *nem to bend; also to share out, cp.
Gr. νέμω, Goth. niman=Ger. nehmen. See cognates in Walde
Nandi & (freq.) Nandī (f.) [Sk. nandi, but cp. BSk. nandī Divy loc. cit. under nemus] to bend, bend down (trs. & instr.) di-
37] 1. joy, enjoyment, pleasure, delight in (c. loc.) S i.16, rect, apply S i.137 (cittaṁ); Sn 806; J i.61 (aor. nami, cittaṁ).
39, 54; ii.101 sq. (āhāre); iii.14 (=upādāna); iv.36 sq.; A ii.10 — Caus. nameti (not nāmeti, Fsb. to Sn 1143 nāmenti, which
(kāma°, bhava°, diṭṭhi°), iii.246; iv.423 sq. (dhamma°); Sn is to be corrected to n' âpenti) to bend, to wield Dh 80=145
1055 (+nivesana); Nd 330 (=taṇhā); Pug 57; Dhs 1059≈(in (namayati). As nāmeti at J vi.349. pp. namita (q. v.).
def. of taṇhā); Vbh 145, 356, 361; DhsA 363; ThA 65, 167.
Namana (nt.) [a philosophical term constructed by Bdhgh. from
— For nandī at Miln 289 read tandī. — 2. a musical instru-
nāma, cp. ruppana — rūpa] naming, giving a name KhA 78;
ment: joy — drum [Sk. nandī] Vin iii.108 (=vijayabheri). Cp. 2
DhsA 52 (see nāma ); Vism 528.
Namanā (f.) [abstr. to namati, cp. Sk. namana nt.] bent, applica-
-(y)āvatta "turning auspiciously" (i. e. turning to the
tion, industry Vbh 352.
right: see dakkhiṇāvatta), auspicious, good Nett 2, 4, 7, 113
(always attr. of naya); -ûpasecana (rāgasalla) sprinkled over Namassati [Ved. namasyati, Denom. fr. namo] to pay honour to,
with joy, having joy as its sauce Nett 116, 117; cp. maṁsû- to venerate, honour, do homage to (often with pañjalika & añ-
pasecana (odana) J iii.144=vi.24; -kkhaya the destruction of jaliṁ katvā) Sn 236, 485, 598, 1058, 1063; Nd 334; J iii.83;
(finding) delight S iii.51; -(ṁ)jaha giving up or abandoning Pv ii.12 ; KhA 196; pot. namasseyya It 110; Dh 392, 1st pl.
joy Sn 1101 (+okañjaha & kappañjaha); Nd 331; -bhava ex- namassemu Sn 995; ppr. namassaṁ Sn 334, 934; namassanto
istence of joy, being full of joy, in °parikkhīṇa one in whom SnA 565, & (usually) namassamāna Sn 192, 1142; Nd 400; J
joy is extinct (i. e. an Arahant), expl however by Com. ii.73; VvA 7. — aor. namassiṁsu Sn 287. — ger. namas-
as one who has rid himself of the craving for rebirth (tīsu sitvā J i.1. — grd. (as adj.) namassaniya (venerable), Miln
bhavesu parikkhīnataṇha DhA iv.192=SnA 469) S i.2, 53; Sn 278.
175, 637=Dh 413; -mukhī (adj. — f.) "joyfaced," showing
Namassana (nt.) (?) veneration J i.1.
a merry face, Ep. of the night (esp. the eve of the uposatha)
Namassiyā (namassā) (f.) [Sk. namasyā] worship, veneration
Vin i.288 (ratti); ii.236 (id.); -rāga pleasure & lust, passion-
Miln 140.
ate delight S ii.227; iii.51; iv.142, 174, 180; M i.145; Dhs
1059≈, 1136; esp. as attr. of taṇhā in phrase n — r — saha- Namita [pp. nameti] bent on, disposed to (—°), able or capable
gata — taṇhā (cp. M Vastu iii.332: nandīrāgasahagatā tr̥ṣṇā) of J iii.392 (pabbajjāya — namita — citta); Miln 308 (phalab-
Vin i.10; S iii.158; v.425 sq.; Ps ii.137; Nett 72; -saṁyojana hāra°).
the fetter of finding delight in anything Sn 1109, 1115; Nd 2
Namo (nt.) & Nama (nt.) [Ved. namas, cp. Av. nǤmo prayer;
332; -samudaya the rise or origin of delight M iii.267.
Gr. νέμος, Lat. nemus (see namati)] nomage, veneration,
Nandi =nandhi. esp. used as an exclamation of adoration at the beginning of a
book (namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa)
Nandin (adj.) [Sk. nandin] finding or giving delight, delighting
Sn 540, 544; PvA 1, 67.
in, pleasurable, gladdening S ii.53 (vedanā); A ii.59, 61; It 112.
Namuci (Np.) a name of Māra.
Nandha see yuga°.
Naya (adj. — n.) [from nayati, to lead, see neti] "leading"; usu-
Nandhati [for nayhati, der. fr. naddha after analogy of bad-
ally m: way (fig.), method, plan, manner; inference; sense,
dha>bandhati] meaning not so much "to bind" as "to cover":
meaning (in grammar); behaviour, conduct A ii.193=Nd 151
see apiḷandhati, upanandhati, onandhati, pariyonandhati.
(°hetu through inference); Nett 2 (method), 4 (id.), 7, 113;
Nandhi (f.) (usually spelt nandi) [Sk. naddhrī to naddha, pp. of
Miln 316 (nayena=nayahetu); KhA 74; VvA 112 (sense, con-
nah to bind] a strap, thong J i.175 (rathassa cammañ ca nandiñ
text, sentence); PvA 1 (ways or conduct), 117 (meaning), 126
ca); Sn 622=Dh 398 (+varatta); SnA 400; DhA i.44, iv.160.
(id.), 136, 280. — nayaṁ neti to draw a conclusion, apply an
Napuṁsaka (adj.) [Ved. napuṁsaka=na+puṁs "not-male"] of no inference, judge, behave S ii.58=Vbh 329; J iv.241 (anayaṁ

Naya Nava

nayati dummedho: draws a wrong conclusion); PvA 227 (+an- ii.228 (naḍāgāra); -aggi a fire of reeds J vi.100 (°vaṇṇaṁ pab-
umināti). — With °ādi° N. has the function of continuing or bataṁ); -kalāpī a bundle of r. S ii.114; -kāra a worker in
completing the context= "and similarly," e. g. °ādinaya — reeds, basket — maker; D i.51 (+pesakāra & kumbhakāra); J
pavatta dealing with this & the following VvA 2;... ti ādinā v.291; ThA 28; PvA 175 (+vilīvakāra); DhA i.177; -daṇḍaka
nayena thus & similarly, & so forth J i.81; PvA 30. — Instr. a shaft of r. J i.170; -maya made of r. Vin ii.115; -vana a
nayena (—°) as adv. in the way of, as, according(ly): āgata° thicket of reeds J iv.140; Miln 342; -sannibha reedcoloured
according to what has been shown or said in... J i.59; VvA J vi.537 (Com.: naḷa — puppha — vaṇṇa rukkhasunakha);
3; PvA 280; purima° as before J i.59; iv.140; vutta° as said -setu a bridge of reeds Sn 4.
(above) (cp. vutta — niyāmena) PvA 13, 29, 36, 71, 92 etc.
Naḷapin a water — animal J vi.537.
— sunaya a sound judgment J iv.241; dunnaya a wrong prin-
Nalāṭa (nt.) [Ved. lalāṭa=rarāṭa; on n>l cp. nangala] the fore-
ciple, method or judgment, or as adj.: wrongly inferred, hard
head S i.118; J iii.393; iv.417 (nalāṭena maccuṁ ādāya: by his
to be understood, unintelligible A iii.178=Nett 21; J iv.241.
forelock); Vism 185; DhA i.253.
Nayati see neti.
-anta the side of the forehead J vi.331; -maṇḍala the
Nayana (nt.) [Sk. nayana, to nayati=the leader cp. also ne- round of the f. D i.106; Sn p. 108.
tra=P. netta] the eye Th 2, 381; Vv 35 ; Dhs 597; Vbh 71
Nalāṭikā (f.) [Sk. lalāṭikā] "belonging to the forehead," a frown
sq.; Miln 365; ThA 255; VvA 161 (=cakkhu); PvA 40 (net-
Vin ii.10 (nalāṭikaṁ deti to give a frown).
tāni nayanāni), 152; Sdhp 448, 621.
Nalinī (f.) [Sk. nalinī] a pond J iv.90; Vism 84, 17.
Nayhati [Ved. nahyati, Idg. *nedh as in Lat. nodus & Ved. nahu]
Nava (num.) [Ved. navan, Idg. *neṷn̊, cp. Lat. novem (*noven),
to tie, bind; only in comp. with prep. as upanayhati (cp. up-
Gr. ἐννέα, Goth. niun, Oir. nōin, E. nine. Connection with
āhanā sandal), pilandhati etc. — pp. naddha (q. v.). See also
nava likely because in counting by tetrads (octo=8 is a dual!)
nandhi, nāha; onayhati, unnahanā, piḷayhati.
a new series begins with No. 9] number nine. gen. — dat.
Nayhana (nt.) [Sk. nahana] tying, binding; bond, fetter DhA
navannaṁ (Sn p. 87); instr. — abl. navahi (VvA 76), loc.
Nara [Ved. nara, cp. nṛtu; Idg. *ner to be strong or valiant =Gr. Meaning and Application: The primitive — Aryan impor-
ἀνήρ, ἀγ ήνωρ (valiant), δρώψ (*νρώψ); Lat. neriosus (mus- tance of the "mystic" nine is not found in Buddhism and can
cuḷar), Nero (Sabinian, cp. Oscan ner= Lat. vir); Oir. nert] only be traced in Pali in folkloristic undercurrents (as fairy
man (in poetry esp. a brave, strong, heroic man), pl. either tales) & stereotype traditions in which 9 appears as a num-
"men" or "people" (the latter e. g. at Sn 776, 1082; Pv i.11 ). ber implying a higher trinity=3 . 1. navabhūmaka pāsāda
— A i.130; ii.5; iii.53; Sn 39, 96, 116, 329, 591, 676, 865 etc.; (a palace 9 stories high more freq. satta°, 7) J i.58; nava —
Dh 47, 48, 262, 309, 341; J iii.295; Nd 12=Nd 335 (defini- hiraññakoṭīhi (w. 9 koṭis of gold) VvA 188; nava yojana
tion); VvA 42 (popular etymology: narati netī ti naro puriso, DhA ii.65. — 2. navangabuddhasāsana "the 9 fold teach-
i. e. a "leading" man); PvA 116=Dh 125. ing of Buddha," i. e. the 9 divisions of the Buddh. Scrip-
-âdhama vilest of men Sn 246; -âsabha "man bull," i. e. tures according to their form or style, viz. suttaṁ geyyaṁ
lord of men Sn 684, 996; -inda "man lord," i. e. king Sn 836; veyyākaraṇaṁ gāthā udānaṁ itivuttakaṁ jātakaṁ abbhutad-
J i.151; -uttama best of men (Ep. of the Buddha) S i.23; D hammaṁ vedallaṁ M i.133; A ii.103, 178; iii.86 sq., 177 sq.;
iii.147; Sn 1021; -deva god — man or man — god (pl.) gods, Pug 43; Miln 344; Dpvs iv.15; PvA 2. Cp. chaḷanga. — nava
also Ep. of the B. "king of men" S i.5; Pv iv.3 ; -nārī (pl.) sattāvāsā "9 abodes of beings" Kh iv. (in exemplifying No.
men & women, appl. to male & female angelic servants (of 9), viz. (see D iii.263=KhA 86, 87 cp. also A iv.39 sq.) (1)
the Yakkhas) Vv 32 , 33 , 53 ; Pv ii.11 ; -vīra a hero (?), a manussā, devā, vinipātikā; (2) Brahmakāyikā devā; (3) Ābhas-
skilled man (?) Th 1, 736 (naravīrakata "by human skill & sarā; (4) Subhakiṇhā; (5) Asaññasattā; (6) Ākāsanañcâyatana
wit" Mrs. Rh. D.). -sīha lion of men J i.89. — upagā; (7) Viññāṇanañcâyatana°; (8) Ākiñcaññāyatana°;
(9) Nevasaññâsaññâyatana°. — nava sotā (Sn 197) or nava
Naraka [Sk. naraka; etym. doubtful, problematic whether to Gr.
dvārā (VvA 76; v. l. mukhā) 9 openings of the body, viz.
νέρτερος (=inferus), Ags. nord=north as region of the under-
(SnA 248) 2 eyes, ears, nostrils, mouth, anus & urethra (cp.
world] 1. a pit D i.234; Th 1, 869; J iv.268 (°āvāṭa PvA 225). 2
S.B.E. 39, 180; 40, 259 sq.). — nava vitakkā 9 thoughts Nd
— 2. a name for Niraya, i. e. purgatory; a place of torment
269 (q. v.). — 3. a trace of the week of 9 days is to be found
for the deceased (see niraya & cp. list of narakas at Divy 67)
in the expression "navuti — vassasatasahass — āyukā" giving
S i.209; Sn 706; PvA 52; Sdhp 492 (saṁsāraghora°), 612.
the age of a divinity as 9 million years (=a divine week) VvA
-angāra the ashes of purgatory Sdhp 32.
345. — Cp. navuti.
Narada (nt.) [Sk. nalada, Gr. νάρδος, of Semitic origin, cp. Hebr. 2 1
Nava (adj.) [Ved. nava, Idg. *neṷn̊ (cp. nava )=Lat. novus,
nīrd] nard, ointment J vi.537.
Gr. νέος (*νέvος), Lith. navas; Goth. niujis etc.=E. new; also
Nala & Naḷa [Ved. naḍa & Sk. naḷa, with dial. ḍ (ḷ) for *narda, 3
Sk. navya=Gr. νεϊος, Lat. Novius. May be related to na ]
cp. Gr. νάρδης] a species of reed; reed in general Vin iv.35; A 1. new, fresh; unsoiled, clean; of late, lately acquired or prac-
ii.73; Dh 337; Nd 680 ii ; J i.223; iv.141, 396 (n. va chinno); tised (opp. pubba & purāṇa). Often syn. with taruṇa. Sn 28,
Pv i.11 (id.); DhA iii.156; iv.43. See also nāḷa, nāḷī & nāḷikā. 2
235 (opp. purāṇaṁ), 944 (id.), 913 (opp. pubba); Pv i.9 (of
-âgāra a house built of reeds S i.156; iv.185 (+tiṇāgāra); clothes=costly); J iv.201 (opp. purāṇa); Miln 132 (salila fresh
A i.101 (+tiṇāgāra); Nd 40 (id.), Miln 245; cp. AvŚ Index
water). — 2. young, unexperienced, newly initiated; a novice

Nava Nāga

Vin i.47 (navā bhikkhū the younger bhs., opp. therā); S i.9 ber, bath attendant D i.74; A iii.25; DA i.157 (=ye nahāpenti);
(+acira — pabbajita); ii.218; Sn p. 93 (Gotamo navo pabba- PvA 127 (=kappaka).
jjāya "a novice in the Wanderer's life"); DhA i.92 (bhikkhu).
Nahāpana (nt.) bathing, washing (trs.) D i.7, 12; A i.62, 132;
-kamma building new, making repairs, "doing up," mend- ii.70; iv.54; It 111 (ucchādana+); VvA 305 (udakadāna+).
ing Vin ii.119, 159; iii.81; J i.92; iv.378; Nd 385; -kammika
Nahāpita [Sk. only snāpaka (see nahāpaka); new formation fr.
an expert in making repairs or in building, a builder (cp.
Caus. nahāpeti as n. ag. with a- theme instead of ar-, cp.
vaḍḍhaki) Vin ii.15; iv.211; -ghata fresh ghee J ii.433 (v. l.
sallakatta for sallakattar] a barber, who has also the business
of preparing & giving baths (cp. Ger. "bader") a bath — at-
Navaka (adj. — n.) [Sk. navaka] young; a young man, a newly
tendant (see kappaka). Barbers ranked as a low class socially,
ordained bhikkhu (opp. thera), novice (cp. Divy 404) J i.33
and rebirth in a barber's family was considered unfortunate.
(sangha°); PvA 76 (id.). — Freq. in compar. navakatara a
Vin i.249 (°pubba who had formerly been a barber); D i.225;
younger one, or the youngest (opp. theratara) D ii.154; J i.218;
J i.137; ii.5; iii.451; iv.138 (eight kahāpaṇas as a barber's fee);
Miln 24.
DA i.157 (=kappaka); VvA 207 (°sālā a barber's shop).
Navanīta (nt.) & nonīta [cp. Ved. navanīta] fresh butter Vin i.244 Nahāpeti [Sk. snāpayati, Caus. of nahāyati] to wash, to give a
(cp. gorasa); D i.201; M iii.141; Pv iii.5 (nonīta); Pug 69, 70;
bath, bathe J i.166; PvA 49; VvA 68, 305.
Miln 41, Dhs 646, 740; DhA i.417; PvA 199.
Nahāmin (adj. — n.) [=nahāpaka; Kern, Toev. asks: should it be
Navama (num. ord.) [Sk. navama=Oir. nōmad; cp. Lat. nonus; 14
nahāpin?] a barber, a low — class individual Pv iii.1 (=kap-
Gr. ε῎νατος, Goth. niunda with diff. superl. suffixes] the
paka — jātika PvA 176).
ninth Sn 109; f. °ī VvA 72.
Nahāyati (rarely nhāyati) [Ved. snāti & snāyati, snā=Gr. νήξω
Naviya (adj.) [Sk. navya, either grd. of navate to praise; or=nava,
(to swim), ναρός, *Νηρεύς (Nereid), ν¨ησος (island); Lat.
q. v.] praiseworthy Miln 389.
nare (to swim); cp. also Sk. snauti, Gr. νάω, νέω; Goth.
Navuti (num.) [Ved. navati] number ninety VvA 345 & in comp n sniwan] to bathe (trs. & intr.), to wash, to perform an ablu-
eka° 91 D ii.2 (i. e. 92 minus 1; in expr. ekanavuto kappo, v. tion (esp. at the end of religious studentship or after the
l. ekanavuti kappe); dvā° 92 (see dvi A II. & B III.); PvA 19, lapse of a lustrative period) Vin ii.280; J i.265; vi.336; PvA
21; aṭṭhā° 98; Sn 311 (diseases sprung fr. orig. 3). 93. ppr. nahāyanto (PvA 83) & nahāyamāna (Vin ii.105);
inf. nahāyituṁ (Vin i.47; PvA 144); ger. nahāyitvā (J i.50;
Navutiya (adj.) worth ninety J v.485. Cp. nāvutika.
vi.367; PvA 42) & nahātvā (J i.265; iii.277; DhA iii.88; PvA
Nassati (v. intr.) [Ved. naś; naśyati & naśati, cp. Gr. νέκυς,
23, 62) (after mourning), 82; grd. nahāyitabba (Vin ii.220,
νεκρός (corpse), νέκταρ ("overcoming death" =nec+tr̥, cp.
tarati); Lat. neco, noceo, noxius] to perish, to be lost or de-
Nahāru & Nhāru [Sk. snāyu, Idg. *snē to sew, cp. Gr. νέω,
stroyed, to disappear, come to an end Sn 666 (na hi nassati
νήχω, ν¨ημα (thread); Ohg. nājan; also Gr. νεϋρον (=Lat.
kassaci kammaṁ); It 90; J i.81, 116, 150; pret. nassaṁ (pro-
hib.) Sn 1120, pl. anassāma M i.177; aor. nassi A iii.54 (mā nervus); Ags. sinu (=sinew); Ohg. senawa; Goth. nepla=Ags.
nāēdl (=needle); Oir. snātha (thread); Ohg. snuor (cord)=Ags.
nassi prohib.); J iv.137 (cakkhūni °iṁsu: the eyes failed); fut.
snōd] sinew, tendon, muscle. In the anatomy of the body n.
nassisati J i.5; cond. nassissa J ii.112. — Caus. nāseti (q.
v.). See also pa°. occupies the place between maṁsa (flesh, soft flesh) & aṭṭhi
(bone), as is seen from ster. sequence chavi, camma, maṁsa,
Nassana (nt.) [cp. Sk. naśana] disappearance, loss, destruction A
nahāru, aṭṭhi, aṭṭhi — miñja (e. g. at Vin i.25; J iii.84). See
iii.54 (°dhamma adj. doomed to perish). n
also def in detail at SnA 246 sq. & KhA 47. — Vin i.25
Nahāta [Sk. snāta, see nahāyati] one who has bathed Vin ii.221; (nh°); M i.429 (used for bow strings); A i.50; iii.324; iv.47 sq.
J i.266; DhA iv.232 (°kilesatā washed off moral stain). (°daddula), 129; Kh 111.; Sn 194 (aṭṭhi°) Nd 97 (nh°); DhA
iii.118; ThA 257 (nh°); PvA 68 (aṭṭhi — camma°), 80 (camma
Nahātaka [Ved. snātaka, cp. nahāta & nahāyati] "one who has
— maṁsa°); Sdhp 46, 103.
bathed," a brahmin who has finished the studies M i.280; A
iv.144; Dh 422 (expl. at DhA iv.232 with ref. to perfection in Nahuta (nt.) [Sk. nayuta (m. pl.) of unknown etym. Is it the
the Buddha's teaching: catusaccabuddhatāya buddha); cp. Sn same as navuti? The corresponding v>y>h is frequent, as to
521 (one who has washed away all sin), 646. meaning cp. nava 3] a vast number, a myriad Sn 677; J i.25,
83; Pv iv.1 ; DhA i.88; PvA 22, 265.
Nahāna (nt.) [Sk. snāna] bathing, a bath Vin i.47, 51= ii.224;
i.196 (dhuva° constant bathing), 197; S i.183; v.390 (fig.); J Nāga [Ved. nāga; etym. of 1. perhaps fr. *snagh=Ags. snaca
i.265; PvA 50; Vism 27. (snake) & snaegl (snail); of 2 uncertain, perhaps a Non —
-kāla bathing time PvA 46; -koṭṭhaka bath — room DhA Aryan word distorted by popular analogy to nāga ] 1. a serpent
iii.88; -garuka fond of bathing Vin i.196; -cuṇṇa bath pow- or Nāga demon, playing a prominent part in Buddh. fairy —
der (cp. nahāniya°) DhA i.398; -tittha a shallow place for tales, gifted with miraculous powers & great strength. They
bathing DhA i.3; iii.79. often act as fairies & are classed with other divinities (see
devatā), with whom they are sometimes friendly, sometimes
Nahāniya (adj.) belonging to a bath, bath —; in °cuṇṇa bath —
at enmity (as with the Garuḷas) D i.54; S iii.240 sq.; v.47, 63;
powder PvA 46.
Bu. i.30 (dīghāyukā mahiddhikā); Miln 23. Often with su-
Nahāpaka [Sk. snāpaka, fr. Caus, nahāpeti; cp. nahāpita] a bar-
paṇṇā (Garuḷas); J i.64; DhA ii.4; PvA 272. Descriptions e. g.

Nāga Nāma

at DhA iii.231, 242 sq.; see also cpds. — 2. an elephant, esp. of nalo va chinno).
a strong, stately animal (thus in comb hatthi — nāga char-
Nānatta (nt. m.) [Sk. nānatva; abstr. fr. nānā] diversity, vari-
acterising "a Nāga elephant") & freq. as symbol of strength
ety, manifoldness, multiformity, distraction; all sorts of (opp.
& endurance ("heroic"). Thus Ep. of the Buddha & of Ara-
ekatta, cp. M i.364: "the multiformity of sensuous impres-
hants. Popular etymologies of n. are based on the excellency sions," M.A.). Enum of diversity as nānattā, viz. dhātu°
of this animal (āguṁ na karoti=he is faultless, etc.): see Nd 1 phassa° vedanā° saññā° sankappa° chanda° pariḷāha° pariye-
201=Nd 337; Th 1, 693; PvA 57. — (a) the animal D i.49;
sanā° lābha° D iii.289; S ii.140 sq., cp. iv.113 sq., 284 sq.; Ps
S i.16; ii.217, 222; iii.85; v.351; A ii.116; iii.156 sq.; Sn 543; i.87. — A iv.385; Ps i.63 sq., 88 sq.; S ii.115 (vedanā°); Ps i.91
Vv 5 (=hatthināga VvA 37); Pv i.11 . mahā° A iv.107, 110.
(samāpatti° & vihāra°); J ii.265. In composition, substituted
— (b) fig.= hero or saint: S ii.277; iii.83; M i.151, 386; Dh
sometimes for nāna. Cp. Dialogues i.14, n. 2.
320; Sn 29, 53, 166, 421, 518. Of the Buddha: Sn 522, 845,
-kathā desultory talk, gossip D i.8; (=niratthakakathā DA
1058, 1101; Miln 346 (Buddha°). — 3. The Nāga — tree
i.90); S v.420; -kāya (adj.) having a variety of bodies or bod-
(now called "iron — wood tree," the P. meaning "fairy tree"), d
ily states (comb with or opp. to ekatta°, nānatta — saññin, &
noted for its hard wood & great masses of red flowers (=Sk.
ekatta — saññin), appl. to manussā, devā, vinipātikā (cp. nava
nāgakesara, mesua ferrea Lin.): see cpds. °rukkha, °puppha, sattâvāsā) A iv.39 sq.=Nd 570 ; D iii.253, 263, 282; -saññā
consciousness of diversity (Rh. D.: "idea of multiformity,"
-âpalokita "elephant — look" (turning the whole body),
Dial. ii.119; Mrs. Rh. D. "consciousness of the manifold") M
a mark of the Buddhas M i.337; cp. BSk. nāgâvalokita Divy
i.3; S iv.113 sq.; D iii.224, 262 sq., 282; A i.41, 267; ii.184;
208; -danta an ivory peg or pin, also used as a hook on a wall
iii.306; Ps ii.172; Dhs 265 (cp. trsl. p. 72); Vbh 342, 369;
Vin ii.117 (°ka Vin ii.114, 152); J vi.382; -nāṭaka snakes as
-saññin having a varying consciousness (cp. °kāya), D i.31
actors DhA iv.130; -nāsūru (f.) (woman) having thighs like
(cp. DA i.119) 183; iii.263.
an elephant's trunk J v.297; -puppha iron — wood flower
Nānattatā (f.) [2nd abstr. to nānā]=nānatta, diversity (of states
Miln 283; -bala the strength of an elephant J i.265; ii.158;
-bhavana the world of snakes Nd 448; J iii.275; DhA iv.14; of mind). Seven sorts at Vbh 425: ārammaṇa° manasikāra°
chanda° paṇidha° adhimokkha° abhinīhāra° paññā°.
-māṇavaka a young serpent J iii.276; f. °ikā ib. 275; DhA
iii.232; -rājā king of the Nāgas, i. e. serpents J ii.111; iii.275; Nānā (adv.) [Ved. nānā, a redupl. nā (emphatic particle, see na )
Sn 379 (Erāvaṇa, see detail SnA 368); DhA i.359; iii.231, 242 "so and so," i. e. various, of all kinds] variously, differently.
sq. (Ahicchatta); iv.129 sq. (Paṇṇaka); -rukkha the iron — 1. (abs.) A i.138 (on different sides, viz. right
wood tree J i.35 (cp. M Vastu ii.249); -latā=rukkha J i.80 (the 1 285), 884 sq. — 2. more frequently in cpds., as first
Buddha's toothpick made of its wood), 232; DhA ii.211 (°dan- part of adj. or n. where it may be trsl as "different, divers, all
takaṭṭha toothpick); -vatta habits of serpents Nd 92, also adj. kinds of" etc. Before a double cons. the final ā is shortened:
°ika ibid. 89; -vana elephant — grove Dh 324; DhA iv.15; nānagga (for nānā+agga), nānappakāra etc. see below.
-vanika cl. hunter M i.175; iii.132; -hata one who strikes the -agga ( — rasa) all the choicest delicacies J i.266
el. (viz. the Buddha) Vin ii.195. (°bhojana, of food); vi.366; PvA 155 (°dibbabhojana); -
âdhimuttikatā diversity of dispositions DA i.44; Nett 98; -
Nāgara [Sk. nāgara, see nagara] a citizen J i.150; iv.404; v.385;
āvudhā (pl.) various weapons J i.150; -karaṇa difference,
Dāvs ii.85; VvA 31; PvA 19; DhA i.41.
diversity Vin i.339 (sangha°); M ii.128; cp. Divy 222; -gotta
Nāgarika (adj.) [Sk. nāgarika] citizen — like, urbane, polite DA 16
of all kinds of descent Pv ii.9 ; -citta of varying mind J i.295
i.282. 1
(itthiyo); -jana all kinds of folk Sn 1102; Nd 308 (puthu°);
Nāṭaka [Sk. nāṭaka; see naccati] 1. (m.) a dancer, actor, player -titthiya of var. sects D iii.16 sq.; -pakkāra various, mani-
J i.206; v.373; DhA iii.88; iv.59, 130; nāṭakitthi a dancing — fold J i.52 (sakuṇā), 127, 278 (phalāni); DAi. 148 (āvudhā);
girl, nautch — girl DhA iii.166; VvA 131. — 2. (nt.) a play, PvA 50, 123, 135; -ratta multi — coloured Sn 287; J vi.230;
pantomime J i.59; v.279, also used coll.=dancing — woman J -rasā (pl.) all kinds of dainties Pv ii.9 ; -vāda difference
i.59 (?) ii.395. of opinion D i.236; -vidha divers, various, motley PvA 53,
96, 113, and passim; -saṁvāsaka living in a different part, or
Nātha [Ved. nātha, nāth, to which Goth. nipan (to support), Ohg.
living apart Vin i.134 sq. (opp. samāna°), 321; ii.162.
gināda (grace)] protector, refuge, help A v.23, 89; Dh 160 (attā
hi attano n.), 380; Sn 1131 (Nd has nāga); DhA iv.117; PvA Nābhi & Nābhī (f.) [Vedic nābhi, nābhī; Av. nabā; Gr. ὀμϕαλός
1. lokanātha Saviour of the world (Ep. of the Buddha) Sn (navel); Lat. umbo & umbilicus; Oir. imbliu (navel); Ags.
995; PvA 42. — anātha helpless, unprotected, poor J i.6 nafu; Ohg. naba (nave), Ger. nabel=E. nave & navel] 1. the
(nāthânāthā rich & poor); PvA 3 (°sālā poor house) 65. Cp. navel A iii.240; J i.238; DA i.254 (where it is said that the
nādhati. Vessā (Vaiśyas) have sprung from the navel of Brahmā). — 2.
the nave of a wheel Vv 64 (pl. nabhyo & nabbho SS=nābhiyo
Nāda [Sk. nāda, see nadati] loud sound, roaring, roar J i.19
VvA 276); J i.64; iv.277; Miln 115.
(sīha°), 50 (koñca°), 150 (mahā°). Cp. pa°.
Nādi (f.)=nāda, loud sound, thundering (fig.) Vv 64 . Nāma (nt.) [Vedic nāman, cp. Gr. ο῎νομα (ἀν ώνυμος without
name); Lat. nomen; Goth. namō; Ags. noma, Ohg. namo]
Nādhati [Sk. nādhate=nāthate (see nātha), only in nadhamāna, cp.
name. — 1. Literal. nom. nāmaṁ S i.39; Sn 808; J ii.131;
RV x.65, 5: nādhas] to have need of, to be in want of (c. gen.) Miln 27; acc. nāmaṁ PvA 145 (likhi: he wrote her name). —
J v.90 (Com. expl by upatappati milāyati; thinking perhaps 2
nāmaṁ karoti to give a name Sn 344; Nd 466 (n' etaṁ nāmaṁ

Nāma Nāvā

mātarā kataṁ on "Bhagavā"); J i.203, 262 (w. double acc.). — J iii.305; iv.449; v.496; Dhs 1306. -pada see pada. -matta
nāmaṁ gaṇhāti to call by name, to enumerate J iv.402; PvA a mere name Miln 25.
18 (v. l. BB nāmato g.). Definitions at Vin iv.6 (two kinds:
Nāmaka (adj.) [fr. nāma] 1. (—°) by name S ii.282 (Thera°);
hīna° & ukkatṭha°) and at Vism 528 (=namanalakkhaṇa). — 2.
PvA 67, 96 (kaṇha°). — 2. consisting of a mere name, i. e.
Specified. nāma as metaphysical term is opposed to rūpa, &
mere talk, nonsense, ridiculous D i.240.
comprises the 4 immaterial factors of an individual (arūpino
Nāmeti at Sn 1143 (Fsb.) is to be read as nâpenti. Otherwise see
khandhā, viz. vedanā saññā sankhāra viññāṇa; see khandha
II. B ). These as the noëtic principle comb with the mate- under namati.
rial principle make up the individual as it is distinguished by Nāyaka [BSk. nāyaka (cp. anāyaka without guide AvŚ i.210);
"name & body" from other individuals. Thus nāmarūpa= indi- fr. neti; cp. naya] a leader, guide, lord, mostly as Ep. of
viduality, individual being. These two are inseparable (añña- the Buddha (loka° "Lord of the World") Sn 991 (loka°); Mhvs
maññûpanissitā ete dhammā, ekato va uppajjanti Miln 49). S vii.1 (id.); Sdhp 491 (tilokassa); bala — nāyakā gang leaders
i.35 (yattha n. ca rūpañ ca asesaṁ uparujjhati taṁ te dham- J i.103.
maṁ idh' aññāya acchiduṁ bhavabandhanaṁ); Sn 1036, 1100; Nārāca [Sk. nārāca; perhaps for *nāḍāca & conn. with nālīka, a
Nd 435=Nd 339 (nāma=cattāro arūpino khandhā); DhA kind of arrow, to nāḷa] an iron weapon, an arrow or javelin M
iv.100 (on Dh 367): vedanādīnaṁ catunnaṁ rūpakkhandhassa
i.429; J iii.322; Miln 105, 244, 418. -valaya an iron ring
cā ti pañcannaṁ khandhānaṁ vasena pavattaṁ nāmarūpaṁ;
or collar (?) Mhvs vii.20 (Com. "vaṭṭita — assanārāca —
DhsA 52: nāmarūpa — duke nāmakaraṇaṭṭhena nāmaṭṭhena
pasa"=a noose formed by bending the ends of the n. into a
namanaṭṭhena ca nāmaṁ ruppanaṭṭhena rūpaṁ. Cp. D i.223;
ii.32, 34, 56, 62; S i.12 (taṇhā nrūpe), 23 (n — rūpasmiṁ asaj-
Nārī (f.) [Sk. nārī to nara man, orig. "the one belonging to
jamāna); ii.3, 4, 66 (nrūpassa avakkanti), 101 sq. (id.); M i.53;
the man"] woman, wife, female Sn 301, 836; Dh 284; J i.60;
A i.83, 176; iii.400; iv.385 (°ārammaṇa); v.51, 56; Sn 355,
iii.395; iv.396 (°gaṇa); Vv 6 , 44 ; Pv i.9 (=itthi PvA 44).
537, 756, 909; Dh 367; It 35; Ps i.193; ii.72, 112 sq.; Vbh 294;
pl. nariyo (Sn 299, 304, 703), & nāriyo (Sn 703 v. l. BB; Pv
Nett 15 sq., 28, 69; Miln 46. Nāma+rūpa form an elementary 52 d
ii.9 ). Comb with nara as naranārī, male & female (angels),
pair D iii.212; Kh iv. Also in the Paṭicca — samuppāda (q. 8 2
e. g. Vv 53 ; Pv ii.11 (see nara).
v.), where it is said to be caused (conditioned) by viññāṇa &
to cause saḷāyatana (the 6 senses), D ii.34; Vin i.1 sq.; S ii.6 sq.; Nāla & Nāḷa (nt.) [Sk. nāla, see nala] a hollow stalk, esp. that of
Sn 872 (nāmañ ca rūpañca paṭicca phassā; see in detail expl d the water lily A iv.169; J i.392 (°pana v. l. °vana); VvA 43.
at Nd 276). Synonymous with nāmarūpa is nāmakāya: Sn See also nāḷikā & nālī.
1074; Nd 338; Ps i.183; Nett 27, 41, 69, 77. — In this connec-
Nālaṁ (adv.) [=na alaṁ] not enough, insufficient It 37; J i.190;
tion to be mentioned are var. definitions of nāma as the princi-
DA i.167.
ple or distinguishing mark ("label") of the individual, given by
Com , e. g. Nd 109, 127; KhA 78; with which cp. Bdhgh's Nāḷikā (f.) [Sk. nāḍikā & nālikā] a stalk, shaft; a tube, pipe or
cylinder for holding anything; a small measure of capacity Vin
speculation concerning the connotation of nāma mentioned by
ii.116 (sūci°, cp. sūcighara, needle — case); D i.7 (=bhesajja°
Mrs. Rh. D. at Dhs. trsl. p. 341. — 3. Use of Cases. Instr.
DA i.89); A i.210; J i.123 (taṇḍula° a nāḷi full of rice); vi.366
nāmena by name PvA 1 (Petavatthū ti n.); Mhvs vii.32 (Sirīsa-
(aḍḍha — n — matta); Nd 229. Cp. pa°.
vatthu n.). — acc. nāma (the older form, cp. Sk. nāma) by
-odana a nāḷi measure of boiled rice S i.82; DhA iv.17;
name S i.33, 235 (Anoma°); Sn 153, 177; J i.59 (ko nām' esa
-gabbha an (inner) room of tubular shape Vin ii.152.
"who by name is this one"=what is his name), 149 (nāmena
Nigrodhamigarājā n.), 203 (kiṁsaddo nāma esa); ii.4; iii.187; Nāḷikera [Sk. nārikera, nārikela, nalikera, nālikela: dialect, of un-
vi.364 (kā nāma tvaṁ). See also evaṁnāma, kinnāma; & cp. certain etym.] the coconut tree Vv 44 ; J iv.159; v.384; DA
the foll. — 4. nāma (acc.) as adv. is used as emphatic par- i.83; VvA 162.
ticle=just, indeed, for sure, certainly J i.222; ii.133, 160, 326;
Nāḷikerika (adj.) belonging to the coconut tree J v.417.
iii.90; PvA 6, 13, 63 etc. Therefore freq. in exclamation & ex-
Nāḷī (f.) & (in cpds.) nāḷi [Sk. nāḍī, see nala] a hollow stalk, tube,
hortation ("please," certainly) J vi.367; DhA iii.171; PvA 29
(n. detha do give); in comb with interr. pron.=now, then J pipe; also a measure of capacity Vin i.249; A iii.49; J i.98 (su-
vaṇṇa°), 124 (taṇḍula°), 419; iii.220 (kaṇḍa° a quiver); iv.67;
i.221 (kiṁ n.), 266 (kathaṁ n.); iii.55 (kiṁ); Kh iv. (ekaṁ n.
DhA ii.193 (tela°), 257. Cp. pa°.
kiṁ); with neg.=not at all, certainly not J i.222; ii.352; iii.126
-paṭṭa a covering for the head, a cap J vi.370, 444 (text
etc. — Often further emphasised or emphasising other part.;
°vaṭṭa); -matta as much as a tube holds A ii.199; PvA 283;
e. g. pi (=api) nāma really, just so Vin i.16 (seyyathā p. n.);
DhA ii.70; J i.419 (of aja — laṇḍikā).
Sn p. 15 (id.); VvA 22 (read nāma kāro); PvA 76; app' (=api)
eva n. thus indeed, forsooth Vin i.16; It 89=M i.460; J i.168; Nāvā (f.) [Ved. nāuḥ & nāvā, Gr. ναϋς, Lat. navis] a boat, ship
Pv ii.2 (=api nāma PvA 80); eva nāma in truth PvA 2; nāma Vin iii.49 (q. v. for definition & description); S i.106 (eka-
tāva certainly DhA i.392, etc. rukkhikā); iii.155=v.51=A iv.127 (sāmuddikā "a liner"); A
-kamma giving a name, naming, denomination Dhs 1306; ii.200; iii.368; Sn 321, 770, 771; Dh 369 (metaphor of the hu-
Bdhd 83; -karaṇa name — giving, "christening" DhA ii.87; man body); J i.239; ii.112; iii.126; 188; iv.2, 21, 138; v.75
-gahaṇa receiving a name, "being christened" J i.262 (°divasa) (with "500" passengers), 433; vi.160 (=nāvyā canal? or read
-gotta ancestry, lineage S i.43 (°ṁ na jīrati); Sn 648, Nd 385 nālaṁ?); Vv 6 (=pota VvA 42, with pop. etym. "satte netī ti
(mātāpettikaṁ n.); -dheyya assigning a name, name — giving nāvā ti vuccati"); Pv iii.3 (=doṇi PvA 189); Miln 261 (100 cu-

Nāvā Nikanti

bits long); Dāvs iv.42; PvA 47, 53; Sdhp 321. In simile Vism of stable, well — defined character, i. e. never enter comb ns
690. with other prefixes as first (modifying) components in verb —
-tittha a ferry J iii.230; -sañcaraṇa (a place for) the traf- function (like saṁ, vi etc.), although nis occurs in such comb n
fic of boats, a port Miln 359. in noun — cpds. negating the whole term: nir — upadhi, nis
— saṁsaya etc. — 3. ni is freq. emphasised by saṁ as saṁni°
Nāvāyika [Sk. nāvāja=Gr. ναυηγός, cp. Lat. navigo] a mariner,
(tud, dhā, pat, sad); nis most freq. by abhi as abhinis° (nam,
sailor, skipper Miln 365.
pad, vatt, har).
Nāvika [Sk. nāvika] 1. a sailor, mariner J ii.103; iv.142; Miln
B. Meanings. 1. ni (with secondary derivations like nīca
359; Dāvs iv.43 (captain). — 2. a ferryman J ii.111; iii.230
"low") is a verb — pref. only, i. e. it characterises action
(Avariya — pitā.).
with respect to its direction, which is that of (a) a downward
Nāvutika (adj.) [fr. navuti] 90 years old J iii.395 (°ā itthi); SnA motion (opp. abhi & ud); (b) often implying the aim (=down
172. into, on to, cp. Lat. sub in subire, or pref. ad°); or (c) the
reverting of an upward motion=back (identical with b); e. g.
Nāsa [Sk. nāśa, see nassati] destruction, ruin, death J i.5, 256;
(a) ni — dhā (put down), °kkhip (throw d.), °guh (hide d.),
Sdhp 58, 319. Usually vi°, also adj. vināsaka. Cp. panassati.
°ci (heap up), °pad (fall d.), °sad (sit d.); (b) ni — ratta (at —
Nāsana (nt.) [Sk. nāśana] destruction, abandoning, expulsion, in
tached to), °mant (speak to); °yuj (ap — point), °ved (ad —
°antika (adj.) a bhikkhu who is under the penalty of expulsion
dress), °sev (be devoted to) etc.; (c) ni — vatt (turn back). —
Vin i.255.
2. nis (a) as verb — pref. it denotes the directional "out" with
Nāsā (f.) [Vedic nāsā (du.); Lat. nāris, Ohg. nasa, Ags. nasu] 1. further development to "away from, opposite, without," point-
the nose, Sn 198, 608. — 2. the trunk (of an elephant) J v.297 ing out the finishing, completion or vanishing of an action &
(nāga° — uru); Sdhp 153. through the latter idea often assuming the meaning of the re-
-puṭa "nose — cup"; the outside of the nose, the nostril J verse, disappearance or contrary of an action="un" (Lat. dis
vi.74; Vism 195 (nāsa°), 264 (nāsa°, but KhA 67 nāsā°), 283 — ), e. g. nikkhamati (to go out from) opp. pavisati (to enter
(nāsa°). -vāta wind, i. e. breath from the nostrils J iii.276. into), °ccharati (nis to car to go forth), °ddhamati (throw out),
°pajjati (result from), °bbattati (vatt spring out from), nīharati
Nāsika (adj.) [cp. Sk. nāsikya] belonging to the nose, nasal, in
(take out), nirodhati (break up, destroy). — (b) as nounpref.
°sota the nostril or nose (orig. "sense of smell") D i.106; Sn
it denotes "being without" or "not having"= E. — less, e.
p. 108.
g. niccola without clothes, °ttaṇha (without thirst), °ppurisa
Nāsitaka (adj.) [see nāsa & nāseti] one who is ejected Vin iv.140
(without a man), °pphala (without fruit); niccala motion —
(of a bhikkhu).
less, °kkaruṇa (heartless), °ddosa (fault°), °maṁsa (flesh°),
Nāseti [Sk. nāśayati, Caus. of nassati, q. v.] 1. to destroy, spoil, °saṁsaya (doubt°) nirattha (useless), °bbhaya (fear°). — Bd-
ruin; to kill J i.59; ii.105, 150; iii.279, 418. — 2. to atone for hgh evidently takes ni- in meaning of nis only, when defining:
a fault (with abl.) Vin i.85, 86, 173 etc. — Cp. vi°. ni — saddo abhāvaṁ dīpeti Vism 495.
Nāha (nt.) [cp. nayhati, naddha] armour J i.358 (sabba°- sannad- Nikacca see nikati.
dha). Cp. onāha.
Nikaṭṭha (adj.) [cp. Sk. nikṛṣṭa, ni+kasati] brought down, de-
Ni° [Sk. ni — & nih —, insep. prefixes: (a) ni down=Av. ni, based, low. As one kind of puggala (n — kāya+ncitta) A
cp. Gr. νειός lowland, νείατος the lowest, hindmost; Lat. nī- ii.137. loc. nikaṭṭhe (adv.) near J iii.438= ThA 105 (v. 33)
dus (*ni — zdos: place to sit down=nest); Ags. nēol, nider=E. (=santike J iii.438).
nether; Goth. nidar=Ohg. nidar; also Sk. nīca, nīpa etc. — (b)
Nikaṇṇika (adj.) under (4) ears, secret, cp. catukkaṇṇa J iii.124;
niḥ out, prob. fr. *seni & to Lat. sine without]. Nearly all (ul-
nt. adv. secretly Vin iv.270, 271.
timately prob. all) words under this heading are cpds. with the
Nikata (adj.) [Sk. nikṛta, ni+karoti "done down"] deceived,
pref. ni. — A. Forms. 1. Pāli ni° combines the two prefixes
cheated M i.511 (+vañcita paladdha); S iv.307 (+vañcita
ni & nis (nir). They are outwardly to be distinguished inas-
much as ni is usually followed by a single consonant (except
in forms where double cons. is usually restored in composi- Nikati (f.) [Sk. nikṛti, see prec.] fraud, deceit, cheating D i.5
tion, like ni — kkhipati=ni+kṣip; nissita= ni+sri. Sometimes (=DA i.80 paṭirūpakena vañcanaṁ); iii.176; Sn 242 (=nirāsaṁ
the double cons. is merely graphic or due to analogy, esp. — karaṇaṁ SnA 286); J i.223; Pv iii.9 (+vañcana); Pug
in words where ni — is contrasted with ud- ("up"), as nikku- 19, 23, 58; VvA 114; PvA 211 (paṭirūpadassanena paresaṁ
jja>ukkujja, niggilati> uggilati, ninnamati>unnamati). On the vikāro). — instr. nikatiyā (metri causa) J i.223, nikatyā J
other hand a comp with nis is subject to the rules of as- ii.183, nikacca S i.24. Cp. nekatika.
similation, viz. either doubling of cons. (nibbhoga=nir —
Nikanta (adj.) [Sk. nikṛtta & nikṛntita (cp. Divy 537, 539),
bhoga) where vv is represented by bb (nibbiṇṇa fr. nir — 2
ni+kantati ] cut, (ab — )razed M i.364 (of a fleshless bone).
vindati), or lengthening of ni to nī (nīyādeti as well as niyy°;
Nikantati [Sk. ni — kṛṇtati, see kantati ] to cut down, to cut up,
nīharati=nir+har), or single cons. in the special cases of r &
v (niroga besides nīroga for nirroga, cp. duratta >dūrakkha; cut off PvA 210 (piṭṭhi — maṁsāni the flesh of the back, v. l.
SS for ukkant°); Pgdp 29.
niveṭheti=nibbeṭheti, nivāreti=*nivvāreti=nīvāreti). Before a
vowel the sandhi — cons. r is restored: nir — aya, nir — Nikanti (f.) [Sk. nikānti, ni+kamati] desire, craving, longing for,
upadhi etc. — 2. Both ni & nis are base — prefixes only, & wish Th 1, 20; Ps ii.72, 101; Dhs 1059, 1136; Vism 239, 580;

Nikanti Nikkamati

DhsA 369; DhA iv.63; DA i.110; Dāvs iii.40. DA i.160 (nikk°).
Nikara [Sk. nikara, ni+karoti] a multitude Dāvs v.25 (jātipup- Nikuñja [Sk. nikuñja, ni+kuñja] a hollow down, a glen, thicket
pha°). Dāvs iv.32.
Nikaraṇā (f. or is it °aṁ?)=nikati (fraud) Pug 19, 23 (as syn. of Nikūjati [ni+kūjati "to sing on"] 1. to chirp, warble, hum Th 1,
māyā). 1270 (nikūjaṁ); ThA 211 (nikūji). — 2. to twang, jingle, rus-
tle J iii.323. — pp. nikūjita. — Cp. abhi°.
Nikasa [Sk. nikasa, ni+kasati] a whetstone Dāvs iii.87 (°opala).
Nikasāva (adj.) [Sk. niṣkaṣāya nis+kasāva see kasāya 2 ] free Nikūjita [see nikūjati] sung forth, warbled out Th 2, 261.
from impurity Vin i.3; opp. anikkasāva (q. v.) Dh 9≈. Nikūṭa [ni+kūṭa to kūṭa ] a corner, top, climax J i.278 (arahatta°,
where usually arahattena kūṭaṁ etc.); DA i.307 (id.).
Nikāma [Vedic nikāma, ni+kāma] desire, pleasure, longing: only
in cpds.; see nanikāma. Niketa [Sk. niketa settlement, ni+cināti] 1. house, abode Dh 91
-kāra read by Kern (Toev. 174) at Th 1, 1271 for na kā- (=ālaya DhA ii.170). — 2. (fig.) company, association. (In
makāra but unjustified (see SnA on Sn 351); -lābhin gaining this sense it seems to be interpreted as belonging to ketu "sign,
pleasure S ii.278; M i.354; iii.110; A ii.23, 36; Pug 11, 12; characteristic, mark," and niketa — sārin would have to be
Vbh 332. taken as "following the banner or flag of...," i. e. belonging
or attached to, i. e. a follower of, one who is devoted to.)
Nikāmanā (f.)=nikanti, Dhs 1059.
a° not living in company, having no house Sn 207; Miln 244
Nikāmeti [Sk. ni — kāmayati, ni+kāmeti] to crave, desire, strive
after, ppr nikāmayaṁ S i.122, & nikāmayamāna Vin ii.108.
-vāsin (a°) not living in a house, not associating with any-
Cp. nikanta & nikanti.
body Miln 201; -sayana=°vāsin Miln 361; -sārin (a°) "wan-
Nikāya [Sk. nikāya, ni+kāya] collection ("body") assemblage, dering homeless" or "not living in company," i. e. not associ-
class, group; 1. generally (always — °): eka° one class of ating with, not a follower of... S iii.9 sq.=Nd 198; Sn 844=S
beings DhsA 66; tiracchāna° the animal kingdom S iii.152; iii.9; SnA 255=S iii.10; Sn 970 (=Nd 494 q. v.).
deva° the assembly of the gods, the gods D ii.261 (60); M
Niketavant (adj.) [to niketa] parting company with Miln 288
i.102; S iv. 180; A iii.249; iv.461; PvA 136; satta° the world
of beings, the animate creation, a class of living beings S ii.2,
Niketin (adj.) having an abode, being housed, living in Sn 422
42, 44; M i.49 (tesaṁ tesaṁ sattānaṁ tamhi tamhi s. — nikāye
(kosalesu); J iii.432 (duma — sākhā — niketinī f.).
of all beings in each class); Vbh 137; PvA 134. — 2. espe-
cially the coll. of Buddhist Suttas, as the 5 sections of the Nikkankha (adj.) [Sk. niḥśanka, nis+kankha, adj. of kankhā, cp.
Suttanta Piṭaka, viz. Dīgha°, Majjhima°, Saṁyutta°, Angut- kankhin] not afraid, fearless, not doubting, confident, sure J
tara° (referred to as D.M.S.A. in Dictionaryquotations), Khud- i.58. Cp. nissaṁsaya.
daka°; enum PvA 2; Anvs p. 35; DhA ii.95 (dhammāsanaṁ
Nikkankhā (f.) [Sk. niḥśankā, nis+kankhā] fearlessness, state of
āruyha pañcahi nikāyehi atthañ ca kāraṇañ ca ākaḍḍhitvā). confidence, trust (cp. nibbicikicchā) S v.221.
The five Nikāyas are enum also at Vism 711; one is referred to
Nikkaḍḍhati [Sk. niṣkarṣati, nis+kasati, cp. kaḍḍhati] to throw
at SnA 195 (pariyāpuṇāti master by heart). See further details
out Vin iv.274 (Caus. nikkaḍḍhāpeti ibid.); J i.116; ii.440;
under piṭaka. Cp. nekāyika.
SnA 192. pp. nikkaḍḍhita.
Nikāra [Sk. nikāra in diff. meaning, ni+kāra] service, humility J
Nikkaḍḍhanā (f.) throwing out, ejection J iii.22 (a°); v.234.
iii.120 (nikāra — pakāra, prob. to be read nipaccākāra, q. v.).
Nikāsa (n. — adj.) [ni+kaś] appearance; adj. of appearance, like
Nikkaḍḍhita (adj.) [Sk. *niṣkarṣita see nikkaḍḍhati] thrown out
J v.87 (—°), corresp. to °avakāsa.
J ii.103 (gehā); PvA 179 (read ḍḍh for ḍḍ).
Nikāsin (adj.) [cp. Sk. nikāśin; fr. ni+kāsati] "shining," resem-
Nikkaṇṭaka (adj.) [Sk. niṣkaṇṭaka, nis+kaṇṭaka] free from thorns
bling, like J iii.320 (aggi — nikāsinā suriyena).
or enemies Miln 250; cp. akaṇṭaka.
Nikiṇṇa (adj.) [Sk. *nikīrṇa, pp. ni+kirati, cp. kiraṇa] "strewn
Nikkaddama (adj.) [nis+kaddama] unstained, not dirty, free from
down into," hidden away, sheltered J iii.529.
impunity DA i.226.
Nikiḷita (adj.) [Sk. *nikrīḍita, pp. of nikrīḍayati, ni+ kīḷati] en-
Nikkama (n. — adj.) [Sk. niṣkrama; nis+kama] exertion,
grossed in play J vi.313.
strength, endurance. The orig. meaning of "going forth"
Nikīḷitāvin (adj.) [fr. ni — kīḷati] playful, playing or dallying
is quite obliterated by the fig. meaning (cp. nikkhamati &
with (c. loc.), finding enjoyment in S i.9 (a° kāmesu); iv.110 7
nekkhamma) A i.4; iii.214; Vv 18 (=viriya VvA 96); Dhs
13, 22, 219, 571; Vism 132; Miln 244 (+ārambha). — (adj.)
Nikujja see nikkujja, q. v. also for nikujjita which is more cor- strong in (—°), enduring, exerting oneself S i.194 (tibba°);
rectly spelt k than kk (cp. Trenckner, Preface to Majjhima v.66, 104 sq.; Sn 68 (daḷha°, cp. Nd under padhānavā), 542
Nikāya & see ni° A 1). (sacca°).
Nikujjati [ni+kujjati, see kujja & cp. nikkujja] to be bent down Nikkamati [Sk. niṣkramati, nis+kamati, see also nikkhamati &
on, i. e. to attach importance to, to lay weight on D i.53 (as nekkhamma] to go out, to go forth; in fig. meaning: to leave
vv. ll. to be preferred to text reading nikkujj°, cp. nikujja); behind lust, evil & the world, to get rid of "kāma" (craving), to

Nikkamati Nikkhipati

show right exertion & strength Miln 245 (+arabhati)+S i.156 Nikkhanta (adj.) [pp. of nis+kamati, see nikkhamati] gone
(kkh). out, departed from (c. abl.), gone away; also med. go-
ing out, giving up, fig. leaving behind, resigning, renounc-
Nikkaya [cp. Sk. niṣkraya, nis+kaya cp. nikkiṇāti] "buying off,"
ing (fusing in meaning with kanta of kāmyati =desireless)
redemption J vi.577.
S i.185 (agārasmā anagāriyaṁ); Sn 991 (Kapilavatthumhā n.
Nikkaruṇa (adj.) [nis+karuṇa, adj. of karuṇā] without compas-
lokanāyako); J i.149; ii.153; iv.364 (°bhikkhā, in sense of
sion, heartless Sn 244 (=sattānaṁ anatthakāma); Sdhp 508. d
nikkhāmita°, v. l. nikkhitta°, perhaps preferable, expl p. 366
Nikkarunatā (f.)=following Vism 314. nibaddha°= designed for, given to); SnA 605 (fig.; as v. l. for
nikkāma); DhA ii.39; PvA 61 (bahi); Nd under nissita; Nd 2
Nikkaruṇā (f.) [Sk. niṣkaruṇatā; nis+karuṇā] heartlessness PvA
107 (free, unobstructed).
Nikkhama (adj.) [cp. Sk. niṣkrama] going out from PvA 80
Nikkasāva see nikasāva.
(nāsikāya n. — mala). dun° at Th 1, 72 is to be read dun-
Nikkāma (adj.) [Sk. niṣkāma, nis+kāma] without craving or lust, nikkhaya, as indicated by vv. ll. See the latter.
desireless Sn 1131 (=akāmakāmin Nd 340; pahīnakāma SnA
605 with v. l.: nikkāma). Cp. next. Nikkhamati [Sk. niṣkramati, nis+kamati] to go forth from, to
come out of (c. abl.), to get out, issue forth, depart, fig. to
Nikkāmin (adj.) [nis+kāmin]=nikkāma Sn 228 (=kata-
leave the household life behind (agārā n.), to retire from the
nikkhamana KhA 184).
world (cp. abhinikkhamati etc.), or to give up evil desire. —
Nikkāraṇā (abl.=adv.) [Sk. niṣkāraṇā, nis+kāraṇaṁ] without rea- (a) lit. (often with bahi outside, out; opp. pavisati to enter
son, without cause or purpose Sn 75 (=akāraṇā ahetu Nd 341). into: A v.195). D ii.14 (mātu kucchismā); J i.52 (mātukuc-
chito). Imper. nikkhama Pv. i.10 ; ppr. nikkhamanto
Nikkāsa is Bdhgh's reading for ikkāsa (q. v.) Vin ii.151, with C.
J i.52; ii.153; iii.26 (mukhato); PvA 90; aor. nikkhami J
on p. 321.
ii.154; iii.188; fut. °issati J ii.154; ger. nikkhamma J i.51,
Nikkiṇati [Sk. niṣkriṇāti, nis+kiṇāti] to buy back, to redeem J
61 (fig.) & nikkhamitvā J i.16, 138 (fig.), 265; iii.26; iv.449
vi.576, 585; Miln 284.
(n. pabbajissāmi); PvA 14, 19 (fig.) 67 (gāmato), 74 (id.);
Nikkiṇṇa (adj.) [Sk. niṣkīrṇa, nis+kiṇṇa, see kiraṇa] spread out, inf. nikkhamituṁ J i.61 (fig.); ii.104; Pv i.10 (bahi n.);
spread before, ready (for eating) J vi.182 (=ṭhapita Com.). grd. nikkhamitabba Vin i.47. — (b) fig. (see also nikka-
Nikkilesa [nis+kilesa] freedom fr. moral blemish Nd 340=Nd 2 mati, & cp. nekkhamma & BSk. niṣkramati in same mean-
under pucchā Nd 2 185; as adj. pure, unstained DhA ing, e. g. Divy 68 etc.) S i.156 (ārabbhati+)=Miln 245
iv.192=SnA 469 (=anāvila). (where nikkamati); J i.51 (agārā), 61 (mahābhinikkhamanaṁ
"the great renunciation"), PvA 19 (id.). — pp. nikkhanta;
Nikkujja (adj.) [ni+kubja, better spelling is nikujja see nikkujjati]
caus. nikkhameti (q. v.).
bent down, i. e. head forward, lying on one's face; upset,
thrown over A i.130; S v.48; Pv iv.7 (k); Pug 31. Opp. ukku- Nikkhamana [BSk. niṣkramaṇa, to nikkhamati] going out, de-
jja. parting J ii.153; VvA 71 (opp. pavesana); fig. renunciation
KhA 184 (kata° as adj.=nikkāmin). See also abhi°.
Nikkujjati [for nikujjati (q. v.) through analogy with opp. ukku-
jjati. Etym. perhaps to kujja humpback, Sk. kubja, but better Nikkhameti & Nikkhāmeti [Caus. of nikkhamati] to make go
out or away, to bring out or forth S ii.128; J i.264, ii.112. —
with Kern, Toev. 1. p. 175= Sk. nyubjati, influenced by kubja
pp. nikkhāmita J iii.99 (+nicchuddha, thrown out, in expl of
with regard to k.] to turn upside down, to upset Vin ii.113; A
nibbāpita; v. l. BB. nikaḍhāpita).
iv.344 (pattaṁ). — pp. nikkujjita.
Nikkhaya (adj.) [Sk. *niḥkṣaya, nis+khaya] liable to destruction,
Nikkujjita (adj.) [pp. of nikkujjati; often (rightly) spelt niku-
able to be destroyed, in dun° hard to destroy J iv.449 (=dun
jjita, q. v.] lying face downward, overturned, upset, fallen
— nikkaḍḍhiya Com.); also to be read (v. l.) at Th 1, 72 for
over, stumbled Vin i.16; D i.85, 110; 147, M i.24 (k.); A i.173;
dunnikkhama. Cp. nikhīṇa.
iii.238; Th 2, 28, 30 (k.); J iii.277; SnA 155 (=adhomukha —
ṭhapita); DA i.228. Nikkhitta (adj.) [Sk. nikṣipta, see nikkhipati] laid down, lying;
put down into, set in, arranged; in cpds. (°—) having laid
Nikkuha (adj.) [nis+kuha] without deceit, not false A ii.26=It
113; Sn 56; Nd 342. down=freed of, rid of D ii.14 (maṇi — ratanaṁ vatthe n. set
into); It 13 (sagge: put into heaven); J i.53, 266; Pv iii.6 ;
Nikkodha (adj.) [nis+kodha] without anger, free from anger J
Miln 343 (agga° put down as the highest, i. e. of the highest
praise; cp. BSk. agranikṣipta Lal. V. 167); PvA 148 (dhana
Nikkha (m. & nt.) [Vedic niṣka; cp. Oir. nasc (ring), Ohg. nusca n.=collected, v. l. SS. nikkita). nikkhitta — daṇḍa (adj.) not
(bracelet)] 1. a golden ornament for neck or breast, a ring J using a weapon (cp. daṇḍa) S i.141 etc.; nikkhitta — dhura
ii.444; vi.577. — 2. (already Vedic) a golden coin or a weight unyoked, freed of the yoke A i.71; iii.108; cp. DhsA 145; —
of gold (cp. a "pound sterling"), equal to 15 suvaṇṇas (VvA su° well set, well arranged A ii.147 sq. (°assa pada — vyañ-
104=suvaṇṇassa pañcadasa — dharaṇaṁ nikkhan ti vadanti) janassa attho sunnayo hoti); opp. dun° A i.59; Nett 21.
S ii.234 (suvaṇṇa° & singi°); J i.84 (id.); A iv.120 (suvaṇṇa°); Nikkhittaka (adj. — n.) [fr. nikkhitta] one to whose charge
Vv 20 = 43 (v. l. SS nekkha) J vi.180; Miln 284. su-
something has been committed Dpvs iv.5 (agga° thera: origi-
vaṇṇanikkha — sataṁ (100 gold pieces) J i.376; iv.97; v.58;
nal depositary of the Faith).
°sahassaṁ (1000) J v.67; DhA i.393. — See also nekkha.

Nikkhipati Niggamana

Nikkhipati [Sk. nikṣipati, ni+khipati] 1. to lay down (care- putta, the head of that Order, cp. D i.57; also Sīho senāpati n
fully), to put down, to lay (an egg) Vin ii.114; It 13, 14 (Pot. — sāvako); S i.78, 82 (°bhikkhā); A i.205 sq. (°uposatha), cp.
nikkhipeyya); Pug 34; J i.49 (aṇḍakaṁ). — 2. to lay aside, to 220; ii.196 (°sāvaka); iii.276, 383; v.150 (dasahi asaddham-
put away Vin i.46 (patta — cīvaraṁ); A i.206 (daṇḍaṁ to dis- mehi samannāgata); Sn 381; Ud 65 (jaṭilā, n., acelā, ekasātā,
card the weapon; see daṇḍa); Mhvs 14, 10 (dhanu — saraṁ). paribbājakā); J ii.262 (object to eating flesh); DA i.162; DhA
— 3. to eliminate, get rid of, give up Pv ii.6 (dehaṁ to get rid i.440; iii.489; VvA 29 (n. nāma samaṇajāti). — f. nigaṇṭhī
of the body); DhsA 344 (vitthāra — desanaṁ). — 4. to give D i.54 (nigaṇṭhi — gabbha).
in charge, to deposit, entrust, save Pug 26; VvA 33 (sahas-
Nigati (f.) [ni+gati, q. v.] destiny, condition, behaviour J vi.238.
sathavikaṁ). — aor. nikkhipi D ii.161 (Bhagavato sarīraṁ) J
See also niyati & cp. niggatika.
ii.104, 111, 416; fut. °issati D ii.157 (samussayaṁ); ger. °itvā
Nigama [Sk. nigama, fr. nigacchati=a meeting — place or mar-
M iii.156 (cittaṁ); J ii.416; vi.366; grd. °itabba Vin i.46. —
ket, cp. E. moot — hall=market hall] a small town, market
pp. nikkhitta (q. v.). — Caus. nikkhipāpeti to cause to be d
town (opp. janapada); often comb with gāma (see gāma 2)
laid down, to order to be put down etc. PvA 215 (gosīsaṭṭhiṁ).
Vin i.110 (°sīma), 188 (°kathā), 197 (Setakaṇṇika°); D i.7
Cp. abhi°.
(°kathā), 101 (°sāmanta), 193, 237; M i.429, 488; Pv ii.13 ; J
Nikkhepa [Sk. nikṣepa, see nikkhipati] putting down, laying
vi.330; PvA 111 (Asitañjana°, v. l. BB nagara). Cp. negama.
down; casting off, discarding, elimination; giving up, renunci-
Nigamana (nt.) [Sk. nigamana] quotation, explanation, illus-
ation; abstract or summary treatment DhsA 6, 344 (see under
tration Vism 427 (°vacana quotation); PvA 255 (perhaps we
mātikā); in grammar: pada° the setting of the verse; i. e. rules
should read niyamana); conclusion, e. g. Paṭṭh.A 366; VbhA
of composition (Miln 381). Vin i.16 (pādukānaṁ=the putting
down of the slippers, i.e. the slippers as they were, put down);
J iii.243 (dhura° giving up one's office or charge), i.236 (sarīra Nigaḷa [Sk. nigaḍa, ni+gaḷa, cp. gala ] an (iron) chain for the feet
°ṁ kāresi had the body laid out); Dpvs xvii.109 (id.). Vism 618 J i.394; ii.153; vi.64 (here as "bracelet").
(=cuti); DhA ii.98 (sarīra°); DA i.50 (sutta°); DhsA 344; Miln
Nigāḷhika (better v. l. nigāḷhita) [Sk. nigāḍhita; ni+ gāḍhita, see
91. 2
gāḷha ] sunk down into, immersed in Th 1, 568 (gūthakūpe).
Nikkhepana (nt.)=nikkhepa S iii.26 (bhāra° getting rid of the
Nigūḷha [Sk. nigūḍha, but BSk. nirgūḍha (Divy 256); ni+gūḷha]
load, opp. bhārâdānaṁ); Miln 356 (=comparison); Vism 236
hidden (down), concealed; (n.) a secret J i.461; Dāvs iii.39.
Nigūhati [Sk. nigūhati, ni+gūhati] to cover up, conceal, hide J
Nikhanati & Nikhaṇati [Sk. nikhanati, ni+khanati] to dig into, 3
i.286; iii.392; iv.203; Pv.iii.4 (≈parigūhāmi, v. l. SS guy-
to bury, to erect, to cover up Vin ii.116; iii.78 (akkhiṁ=cover
hāmi). pp. nigūḷha (q. v.).
the eye, as a sign); J v.434=DhA iv.197 (id.); D ii.127 (ṇ); J
Nigūhana (nt.) [Sk. nigūhana, see nigūhati] covering, conceal-
i.264; SnA 519 (ṇ, to bury). — pp. nikhāta.
ing, hiding VvA 71.
Nikhāta [pp. of nikhaṇati] 1. dug, dug out (of a hole), buried (of
Niggacchati [Sk. nirgacchati, nis+gacchati] to go out or away,
a body) SnA 519. — 2. dug in, erected (of a post) Sn 28; DhA
disappear; to proceed from, only in pp. niggata (q. v.); at J
ii.181 (nagara — dvāre n. indakhīla). See also a°.
vi.504 as ni°.
Nikhādana (nt.) [Sk. *nikhādana, ni+khādati, cp. khādana] "eat-
Niggaṇṭhi (adj.) [Sk. nirgranthi, nis+gaṇṭhi, cp. also nigaṇṭha]
ing down," a sharp instrument, a spade or (acc. to Morris,
free from knots (said of a sword) Miln 105. See also nighaṇḍu.
J.P.T.S. 1884, 83) a chisel Vin iii.149; iv.211; J ii.405 (so read
for khādana); iv.344; v.45. Niggaṇhāti [Sk. nigṛhṇāti, ni+gaṇhāti] 1. to hold back, restrain
Dh 326; J iv.97; Miln 184; Vism 133. — Opp. paggaṇhāti.
Nikhila (adj.) [Sk. nikhila cp. khila] all, entire, whole Dāvs v.40
— 2. to rebuke, censure (c. instr.) A iii.187; J iii.222; Miln
(°loka v. l. sakala°).
9 (musāvādena); DhA i.29. — ger. niggayha, pp. niggahīta
Nikhīṇa (adj.) [nis+khīṇa] having or being lost J vi.499 (°patta
(q. v.). Cp. abhi°.
without wings, deprived of its wings).
Niggata (adj.) [Sk. nirgata, see niggacchati] 1. going out,
Niga in gavaya — gokaṇṇa — nig — âdīnaṁ DhsA 331 is mis-
proceeding from (abl.): dahato niggatā nadī (a river issuing
print for miga.
from a lake) PvA 152. — 2. (=nigata? or=nis+gata "of
Nigacchati [Sk. nigacchati, ni+gacchati] to go down to, to "un- ill fate") destined, fateful; miserable, unfortunate PvA 223
dergo," incur, enter, come to; to suffer esp. with dukkhaṁ (°kamma=punishment in expl of niyassa kamma, v. l. SS.
& similar expressions of affliction or punishment S iv.70 nigaha for niggata; see also niya & niyata); Sdhp 165 (of ni-
(dukkhaṁ); M i.337 sq. (id.); A i.251 (bandhanaṁ); Dh raya=miserable), cp. niggatika & niggamana.
69 (dukkhaṁ=vindati, paṭilabhati DhA ii.50), 137; Nd 199 4 Niggatika [Sk. *nirgatika, nis+gati — ka] having a bad "gati" or
(maraṇaṁ+maraṇamattam pi dukkhaṁ) Pv iv.7 (pret. nigac-
fate, ill — fated, bad, unfortunate, miserable J iii.538 (v. l. BB
chiṭṭha=pāpuṇi PvA 266).
as gloss, nikkāruṇika); iv.48 (v. l. BB nikatika).
Nigaṇṭha [BSk. nirgrantha (Divy 143, 262 etc.) "freed from all
Niggama (n.) in logic, deduction, conclusion. Pts. of Controversy
ties," nis+gaṇṭhi. This is the customary (correct?) etym. Prk.
p. 1.
niggantha, cp. Weber, Bhagavatī p. 165] a member of the Jain
Niggamana [Sk. *nirgamana, of niggacchati] 1. going away DA
order (see M i.370 — 375, 380 & cp. jaṭila) Vin i.233 (Nāta-
i.94. — 2. result, fate, consequence, outcome Sdhp 172, 173

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