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Pali English Dictionary.

Lahu Lāyati

of body, bodily vigour, good health M i.437, 473; D i.204; Ud Lābu (f.) & Lābuka=lāpu (alābu) gourd or pumpkin, often used
15; Miln 14. [Cp. BSk. laghūtthānatā Divy 156.] -parivatta as receptacle J i.158 (°ka), 411 (°kumbhaṇḍa vesseḷ made of
quickly or easily changing VbhA 408. the gourd); v.37 (°ka), 155 (addha — lābu — samā thanā);
DhA ii.59 (°ka); SnA 227 (lābumhi catumadhuraṁ pūre-
Lahukā (adj.) [lahu+ka] 1. light (opp. garuka); trifling Vin i.49;
A ii.48 (āpatti); iv.137 (jīvitaṁ parittaṁ l.); Miln 344 (āpatti).
-kaṭāha a gourd as receptacle Vism 255, 359; VbhA 63.
— 2. light, buoyant Th 1, 104 (kāyo); Dhs 648; Miln 105;
PvA 280. atilahukaṁ (adv.) too soon Vin ii.215. — 3 (as Lābha [fr. labh] receiving, getting, acquisition, gain, posses-
tt. in grammar) light (of letters or syllables), opp. garuka DA sion; pl. possessions D i.8; ii.58, 61; M i.508 (ārogya —
i.177 (with ref. to the 10 fold vyañjana of the dhamma). paramā lābhā); iii.39; A i.74; iv.157 sq., 160 (lābhena abhib-
hūto pariyādinnacitto Devadatto, cp. J i.185 sq.); Sn 31, 438,
Lahutā (f.) [fr. lahu] lightness, buoyancy Dhs 42, 322, 585; Vism 2
828, 854, 1014, 1046 (cp. Nd 548); It 67 (vitta°); J iii.516
(yasa°, dhana°); Vism 93, 136 (°ṁ labhati), 150 (°assa bhā-
Lahusa (adj.) [fr. lahu] easily offended, touchy D i.90; expl by
gin getting riches); PvA 113, 280. — A dat. sg. lābhā (for
DA i.256 as follows: "lahusā ti lahukā, appaken' eva tussanti
lābhāya) is used adverbially with foll. genitive in meaning of
vā russanti vā udaka — piṭṭhe lābukaṭāhaṁ viya appakena pi
"for my (our) gain," "it is profitable," "good for me that" etc.;
uppilavanti." Cp. rabhasa.
e. g. Miln 17 (lābhā no tāta, suladdhaṁ no tāta), 232 (lābhā
Lahuso (adv.) [orig. abl. of lahu] quickly A iv.247 (sabba°); vata tāsaṁ devatānaṁ); A iii.313 (lābhā vata me suladdhaṁ
Vism 238. vata me), expl at Vism 223; DhA i.98 (lābhā vata me, ellipti-
Lākhā (f.) [cp. Sk. dākṣā] lac; lac — dye; enum with other cally); ii.95 (l. vata no ye mayaṁ... upaṭṭhahimha).
-agga highest gain J iii.125; Miln 21. -āsā desire for
colourings at M i.127=S ii.101=A iii.230. — SnA 577; Vism
gain A i.86. -kamyā (abl. out of desire for gain Sn 854,
261 (as colour of blood).
929 (=lābha — hetu Nd 389). -taṇhā craving for posses-
-ācariya expert in lac — dyeing SnA 577. -guḷaka a
sion DhA iv.38. -macchariya selfishness in acquisitions A
ball of lac SnA 80. -goḷaka id. SnA 577. -tamba copper
iii.273; D iii.234; Pug 19, 23; Dhs 1122. -mada pride of gain
coloured with lac Th 2, 440 (=lākhā — rasarattehi viya tam-
VbhA 466. -sakkāra gain and honour, usually comb with
behi lomehi samannāgata ThA 270). -rasa essence of lac,
°siloka fame; the two first e. g. at Vin ii.196; It 73; J i.185,
used for dyeing; lac — colouring J v.215 (°ratta — succhavi); d
186; v.75; the three comb e. g. at M i.192; S ii.227, 237; A
vi.269 (id.); KhA 62, 63; ThA 270.
ii.73; iii.343 sq., 377; Vbh 352 sq.; lābha — siloka alone at
Lāja & Lājā (f.) [cp. Vedic lāja: Zimmer, Altind. Leben 269] 1. Vism 67.
fried grain, parched corn: occurring only in comb madhu-
Lābhaka (adj. nt.) [fr. lābha] one who receives; reception; a° not
lāja fried grain with honey, sweet corn J iii.538; iv.214, 281.
getting, non — receiving Vin iii.77.
— 2. the flower of Dalbergia arborea, used for scattering
in bunches (with other flowers making 5 kinds or colours) Lābhā see under lābha.
as a sign of welcome & greeting, usually in phrase lāja-
Lābhin (adj.) (—°) [fr. labha] receiving, getting, having, pos-
pañcamāni pupphāni ("a cluster of flowers with lāja as the
sessed of M iii.39 (as n. "a receiver, recipient"); A i.24; ii.85;
fifth") DhA i.112; VvA 31; J i.55 (°pañcamakāni p.); cp. J
iv.400; Pug 51; Vbh 332 (nikāma°); J i.140. — 2. one who has
ii.240 (vippakiṇṇa — lāja — kusuma — maṇḍita — talā);
intuition either in reasoning (or logical argument) or psychi-
vi.42 (vippakiṇṇa — lāja — kusuma — vāsa — dhūp' and-
cally, and who may therefore take certain premises for granted
hakāra); DhA i.140 (vippakiṇṇa — valikaṁ pañcavaṇṇa —
(opp. alābhin a denier) DA i.106, 120.
kusuma — lāja — puṇṇaghaṭa — paṭimaṇḍita).
Lāmaka (adj.) [seems to be a specific Pāli word. It is es-
Lājeti [fr. lāja] to fry or have fried J vi.341 (v. l. lañc°, lañj°),
sentially a C. word & probably of dialectical origin. Has it
385 (lañchetvā; v. l. lañci°, lañje°).
anything to do with omaka?] insignificant, poor, inferior,
Lāpa [fr. lap] talk: see cpds. abhi°, pa°, sal°. bad, sinful. The usual syn. is pāpa. — Vin ii.76; Vism
Lāpa [also fr. lap, lit. "talker," cp. similar semantics of E. 268 (=pāpaka); DhsA 45; KhA 243 (=khudda); PugA 229
(nīca lāmaka=oṇata); KhA 150 (°desanā, cp. ukkaṭṭha); DhA
quail>Ger. quaken, quicken; E. quack. The P. form rests on
ii.77; iv.44 (°bhāva); VvA 116; PvA 15 (for pāpa); 103 (=pā-
pop. etym., as in Sk. we find corresponding name as lāba]
paka), 125 (°purisa=kāpurisa); Sdhp 28, 253, 426, 526 (opp.
a sort of quail, Perdix chinensis S v.146=J ii.59. As lāpaka-
ukkaṭṭha). — f. lāmikā J i.285; ii.346 (for itarā); DhA ii.61
sakuṇa also at J ii.59. — Another name for quail is vaṭṭaka. 2
(pāpikā l. diṭṭhi). — Cp. Dhs. trsl. § 1025.
Lāpana (nt.) [fr. lāpeti, Caus. of lap] muttering, utterance,
Lāmajjaka (lāmañjaka) (nt.) [cp. Sk. lāmajjaka] the root of An-
speech It 98; A i.165 (lapita°). Perhaps also to be read at Th 6
dropogon muricatus Vv 43 (v. l. °añc°); VvA 186, (°añj°)
2, 73. — Cp. upa°.
Lāpin (—°) (adj.) [fr. lap] talking (silly) S iii.143 (bāla°).
Lāyaka (—°) [fr. lāyati] cutter, reaper A iii.365=S iii.155 (read
Lāpu (f.) [short for alāpu or âlābu, cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 39 ] a
kind of cucumber J i.336, 341. See also lābuka.
Lāyati. [for. *lāvati, lū, for which the ordinary form is lunāti (q.
-latā the cucumber creeper or plant Miln 374.
v.), y for v as freq. in Pāli: see Geiger, P.Gr. § 46 . — The
Lāpeti: see lapati & cp. upalāpeti.
Dhtp. has a root lā in meaning "ādāna" (No. 370)] to cut (off),

Lāyati Lihati

mow, reap; ger. lāyitvā A iii.365; J i.215; iii.226; Vin iii.64; Likhana (nt.) [cp. late Sk. likhana; fr. likh] scratching, cutting,
Pv i.8 (=lāvitvā PvA 40). — pp. lāyita. writing J v.59 (a golden tablet for writing on). Cp. ullikhana.
Lāyana (nt.) [fr. lāyati] cutting J v.45 (tiṇa — lāyana asi, sickle); Likhā in likhā — paṇṇa at PvA 20 is faulty for lekhā° (lekha°)
DhA iii.285 (v. l. for dāyana). letter, cp. lekha — pattra letter Mālatīm 172, 7.
Lāyita [pp. of lāyati, lāyeti] cut, reaped J iii.130 (tiṇaṁ na lāyita Likhita [pp. of likhati] 1. carved, cut, worked (in ivory etc.), in
— pubbaṁ); Vism 419 (°ṭṭhāna place where one has reaped). cpd. sankha° brahmacariya the moral life, like a polished
shell D i.63; S ii.219, expl at DA i.181 as "likhita — sankha
Lāla (adj.) [fr. lal, see laḷati] talking without sense, silly, foolish
— sadisa dhota — sankha — sappaṭibhāga."— 2. written,
J vi.360, 417 (ḷ). Cp. alālā.
inscribed J iv.7 (likhitāni akkharāni); Miln 42 (lekha l.). —
Lālaka [lala+ka] a wag, silly person, fool J i.205; iv.210.
3. made smooth, shaved J vi.482 (cāpa). — 4. marked, pro-
Lālapati & Lālappati [Intens. of lapati] to talk much, to talk silly, scribed, made an outlaw Vin i.75. — Cp. ullikhita.
to lament, wail Sn 580; Pv iv.5 (=vilapati PvA 260); J iii.217;
Likhitaka (adj.) [likhita+qualifying ending ka] one who has been
Miln 148, 275; Mhvs 32, 68. — pp. lālappita.
proscribed, an outlaw Vin i.75 (cora).
Lālappa [fr. lālappati] talking much, excited or empty talk, wail-
Linga (nt.) [fr. ling; late Vedic & (pre — eminently) Class. Sk.
ing Vbh 100, 138; Ps i.38; Nett 29; VbhA 104 (=punappunaṁ
linga] 1. characteristic, sign, attribute, mark, feature M i.360;
S v.278; Sn 601 sq. (=saṇṭhāna SnA 464); Vin iv.7 (two: hīna
Lāla(p)pana (nt.) & °ā (f.)=lālappa, together with lāla(p)- pi- & ukkaṭṭha); J i.18; iv.114 (gihi°), 130; Miln 133 (sāsana°),
tatta (nt.) in exegesis of parideva at Nd 416; Vbh 100, 138; 162 (dve samaṇassa lingāni), 405 (lingato ca nimittato ca etc.);
VbhA 104; DA i.121. Vism 184; DhsA 64 (=saṇṭhāna Tīkā: Expos. 86). — 2.
mark of sex, sexual characteristic, pudendum (male as well
Lālappita [pp. of lālappati] 1. talking much, wailing Miln 148
as female, as neither m. nor f.) Vin iii.35 (purisa°); J v.197
(paridevita — l. — mukha). — 2. (nt.) much talk, excited
(°saṇṭhāna); KhA 110 (itthi°); SnA 48 (°sampatti), 51 (id.),
talk, talking J vi.498.
300 (itthi°); DhsA 321 sq. (itthi°). — 3. (in grammar) mark
Lālā (f.) [cp. laḷati] saliva J i.61, 248; vi.357; Vism 259; DhA
of sex, (characteristic) ending, gender SnA 397. °vipallāsa
i.307 (mukhato lālā galati).
change or substitution of gender PvA 7, 33, 58, 87, 157.
Lāḷana (nt.) [fr. lal] swaying, dalliance, sport DA i.197; Sdhp
Lingāla [cp. Sk. lingālikā a kind of mouse] antelope (?) Pgdp 10.
387; as lāḷanā at ThA 243.
Lingika (adj.) [fr. linga] having or being a characteristic Vism
Lāḷeti see laḷati.
210 (of nāma); KhA 107 (id.).
Lāvaka [fr. lāvati] a cutter, reaper Miln 33 (yava°); Mhvs 10, 31;
Lingeti [Denom. fr. ling] 1. to embrace, in poet. ger. lingiya (as
SnA 148 (v. l. BB. for lavaka).
if fr. lingati) Th 2, 398 (=ālingetvā ThA 260). See ā°. — 2.
Lāvati & Lāveti [the latter the usual form, as Caus. of lunāti. to characterize: see ul°.
lāvati is the simple Pāli formation fr. lū. Another Caus. II.
Lipi [fr. lip; late Sk. lipi] the alphabet; a letter of the alphabet;
is lavāpati (q. v.). See also lāyati] to cut, to mow PvA 40
writing Miln 79.
(lāvitvā), Mhvs 10, 30 (lāvayati).
Limpati [lip, cp. repa stain, lepa ointment, stain; Gr. λίπος
Lāsa [of las] sporting, dancing: see abhi°, vi°.
grease, fat, λιπαρός fat, ἀλείϕω to anoint; Lat. lippus; Lith.
Lāsikā (f.) [fr. las] a dancer, Miln 331. limpû to stick, Goth. bi — leiban, Ohg. bilīban to stay be-
hind, to stay, E. leave & live, Ger. leben. The Dhtp (385)
Lāseti see lasati.
simply expl by "limpana"] to smear, plaster, stain; usually in
Likkhā (f.) [*Sk. likṣā egg of a louse, as measure equal to 8
pass. (or med.) sense "to get soiled, to dirty oneself" Th 2,
trasareṇu (BR.). — Connected with Lat. ricinus a kind of ver-
388; PvA 215. Doubtful in Sn passages, where both limpati
min (see Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v.)] a kind of measure VbhA 343
& lippati are found as readings, e. g. Sn 778 in Text lippati,
(36 rattareṇus equal to one likkhā, 7 likkhās equal to 1 ūkā); 1 1
but Niddesa reading limpati (Nd 55); Sn 811 lipp°, Nd 133
KhA 43 (°matta). 2
limp°; Sn 1040, 1042 lipp°, Nd 549 limp.° — Pass. lippati to
Likhati [likh; Vedic likhati, also rikh in Ved. ārikhati (R.V. vi.53, be soiled (by), to get stained (in character) Sn 250, 547, 625,
7), cp. with palatal riśati, liśati. Connected with Gr. ἐρείκω 778, 913, 1040; cp. Sn 71 (alippamāna ppr.). — pp. litta:
to tear; Lith. reǤ̃kti to cut bread, to plough; Ohg. rīga=Ags. see ava°, ul°, vi.° — Cp. also ālimpeti, palimpeti, vilimpati.
rāw=E. row. — Dhtp 467 simply expl by "lekhane"] 1. to — Caus. I. lepeti to cause to be plastered J vi.432. — Caus.
scratch; to cut, carve; write, inscribe M i.127 (rūpāni); J ii.372 II. limpāpeti to cause to be plastered or anointed Mhvs 34, 42
(suvaṇṇa — patte); iv.257 (id.), 488, 489 (jāti — hingulak- (cetiyaṁ °āpetvāna).
ena); DhA i.182; PvA 145 (nāmaṁ likhi wrote his name). —
Limpana (nt.) [fr. lip] soiling, smearing Dhtp 385.
paṇṇaṁ l. to write a letter J ii.174; vi.369 (paṇṇe on a leaf).
Lisati [cp. dial. Sk. liśate=Vedic riśate] to break off, tear off, pull;
— 2. to shave (off), plane Vin ii.112 (inf. likhituṁ). — pp.
only at Dhtp 444 expl by "lesa."
likhita. — Cp. vi.° — Caus. I. lekheti (q. v.). Caus. II.
likhāpeti to cause to be cut or carved [cp. BSk. likhāpayati Lihati [lih, Sk. leḍhi or līḍhe, also lihati. Cp. Lat. lingo, Gr.
Divy 547] Vin ii.110; SnA 577; to cause to be written Miln 42. λείξω; Goth. bilaigōn, Ags. liccian=E. lick, Ger. lecken. —
The Dhtp 335 expl lih by "assādane," i. e. taste] to lick; pres.

Lihati Lubbhati

lehati J ii.44; aor. lehayiṁsu PvA 198 (v. l. for palahiṁsu). Luñcati [Vedic luñcati, luc or luñc, to Lat. runco to pull up weeds;
Cp. parilehisaṁ Vv 81 ; VvA 316; ger. lehitvā DA i.136 Gr. ῥυκάνη plane. The Dhtp 43 expl by apanayana] to pull
(sarīraṁ); VvA 314. — pp. līḷha (?). Cp. leyya. out, pluck (a bird), tear, peel J i.244, 476; ii.97, 363; iii.314;
iv.191; v.463; Mhvs 23, 46 (aor. aluñci); 28, 26 (ger. luñc-
Līna [pp. of līyati] clinging, sticking; slow, sluggish; shy, re-
itvā); Vism 248 (kese). — Caus. II. luñcāpeti DhA ii.53
served, dull, A i.3; Vism 125. Definitions at Vbh 352, 373;
Dhs 1156, 1236; S v.277, 279 (ati°). Often comb with (kese), and loceti Th 1, 283 (kesamassuṁ alocayiṁ). — pp.
uddhata as "sluggish or shy" and "unbalanced," e. g. at S
v.112; Vism 136; VbhA 310. alīna active, open, sincere Sn Luñcita [pp. of luñcati] plucked, pulled Miln 240 (i. e. combed,
68 (°citta), 717 (id.); J i.22 (v. 148; °viriya sīha). of wool; Rh. D. trsl "pressed"; Nyānatiloka "cut"); PvA 47
(vilūna — kesa+).
Līnatā (f.) [abstr. formation fr. līna instead of līy°]= līyanā Vism
469. alīnatā open — mindedness, sincerity J i.366; SnA 122. Luṭhati [cp. later Sk. luṭhati to plunder, which is one of the dial.
variants luṭh, lunṭh, loṭh of lul to shake. The Dhtp (474) &
Līnatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. līna] sluggishness, shyness; only in phrase
Dhtm (136) both give ruṭh & luṭh with meaning "upaghāte"]
cetaso līnattaṁ immobility of mind S v.64, 103; A i.3=iv.32;
to rob, plunder.
v.145 sq.; Nett 86, 108; VbhA 272 (=cittassa līn' ākāra).
Līyati [lī, Vedic līyati; *lei to stick to or cleave: see Walde, Lat. Luta seems to be a legitimate spelling representing either lutta
or lūna, in meaning "cut, cut off" [cp. lu for lū under lunāti].
Wtb. s. v. lino, which he separates in meaning fr. *lei to
Thus at S i.5 (nalo va harito luto)= 126=J vi.25; and at Sn 532
smear, polish] to stick. The Dhtp evidently favours the sepa-
(lutāni bandhanāni; vv. ll. lūtāni & lunāni; expl as "chinnāni
ration when interpreting lī by "silesana — dravīkaraṇa," i. e.
padālitāni" at SnA 432).
to make slip or run (Dhtp 441; Dhtm 681)] 1. to stick, adhere,
cling to: see cpds. all°, o°, ni°, paṭisal°. — 2. to melt, slip: Lutta [cp. Epic Sk. lupta; pp. of lumpati] broken, cut off; as t. t.
see cpd. pavi° (to dissolve). — pp. līna. in grammar "elided" VvA 13 (of ca), 111 (of iti), 122 (id.).
Līyana (nt.) [fr. līyati] sticking to, adhering, resting Sdhp 190 Ludda (adj.) [the usual P. form of rudda, corresponding to Sk.
(°ṭṭhāna resting — place). raudra] 1. fierce, terrible; cruel, gruesome S i.143; A ii.174
(pāpa, l., kibbisa); v.149; Pug 56; Vv 84 (=dāruṇā pisāc' —
Līyanā (f.)=līyana; cleaving to, sluggishness, shyness Dhs 1156.
ādino VvA 335); J v.243 (ṭhānaṁ= niraya); Sdhp 286. The
Līyitatta (nt.) [abstr. formation after similar synonymical chains,
spelling ludra occurs at J iv.46=vi.306, which is ludda at J
like bhāvitatta]=līyanā Dhs 1156.
v.146. — 2. a hunter, sportsman Sn 247 (dussīla°; SnA 289:
Līlā (līḷā) (f.) [cp. Epic Sk. līlā or *līḍā] play, sport, dalliance; luddā ca kurūra — kammantā lohita — pāṇitāya, macchaghā-
probably for līḷhā at J v.5 & 157, both times comb with vilāsa. takamigabandhaka — sākuṇik'ādayo idha adhippetā); Vv 63 ;
-aravinda a lotus serviceable for sport VvA 43 (līḷ°). J ii.154 (°putta=luddaka); iii.432 (Bharata by name); Pug 56
Līḷhā (f.) [abstr. of līḷha, Sk. līḍha, pp. of lih, lit. being polished, (māgavika, sākuṇika, l., macchaghātaka etc.; expl by dāruṇa
cp. ullīḍha polished] grace, ease, charm, adroitness; always kakkhaḷa at Pug A 233); Vism 245= VbhA 259; VbhA 228.
used with ref. to the Buddha (Buddhalīḷhā), e. g. J i.155; DhA Luddaka=ludda 2, i. e. hunter Vin i.220; J iv.416; Pv iii.7 2
i.33; iii.79. So in phrase Buddhalīḷhāya dhammaṁ deseti (miga°; expl as "dāruṇa" PvA 206); Miln 222; VbhA 266
"to expound the doctrine with the Buddha's mastery" J i.152, (miga°, in simile); PvA 34, 168. Cp. Fick, Sociale Gliederung
155; iii.289; VvA 217 (spelling wrongly līḷāya). Of the B's 143, 207. Note. The expression sunakha-luddako at DhsA
gait: J i.93, 149; DhA ii.41. The comb with vilāsa, as men- 273 is not quite clear ("doghunter"?). It applies to a fe-
tioned by Childers, applies to līlā (q. v.), which may stand male & Maung Tin (Expositor ii.361) reads "luddhikā" (sic),
for līḷhā at the passages mentioned, although not used of the with trsl "dog — mistress," remarking that Pyī reads luddako
Buddha. "hunter — dog" (?).
Lugga [pp. of rujati; corresponding to Sk. rugṇa] broken (up), Luddha [pp. of lubbhati] greedy, covetous A iii.433 (with
rugged (of a path) Miln 217, 218. Cp. vi°. pharusa — vāca & samphappalāpin); It 84; Miln 92 (duṭṭha,
mūḷha, l.); J i.124.
Lujjati [Pass. of ruj, corresponding to Sk. rujyate. Dhtp 400
gives luj as sep. root with meaning vināsa. See rujati] to be Lunana (nt.) [for lūna(na), cp. lavana] cutting, severing SnA 148
broken up, to break (up), to be destroyed; to go asunder, to fall (niddānan ti chedanaṁ lunanaṁ uppāṭanaṁ).
apart A i.283=Pug 32 (here equal to "be wiped out," but it is
Lunāti [lū, given as lu at Dhtp 504 ("chedana") & Dhtm 728
unnecessary to assume, as Kern, Toev. s. v. lujjati does, a by ("paccheda"). For etym. cp. Gr. λύω to loosen, Lat. luo to
— form of luc, luñcati. The Pug C. 215 expl by "nassati");
pay a fine, Goth. fraliusan to lose; Ger. los, E. lose & loose] to
Vin i.297; ii.123; S iv.52 (in etymologizing interpretation of cut, cut off, mow, reap Miln 33 (yavalāvakā yavaṁ lunanti);
loka: "lujjati kho loko ti vuccati"; quoted at Nd 550 on Sn
DhsA 39. — pp. lūna (& luta). — Caus I. lāvayati Mhvs 10,
1119); Th 1, 929. — Cp. olujjati, palujjati. — pp. lugga.
30; Caus. II. lavāpeti to cause to mow Vin ii.180. — A Pass.
Lujjana (nt.) [fr. lujjati; a word peculiar to Pali dogmatics] break- lūyati [fr. lu] is found at D i.141 (aor. lūyiṁsu) and at corre-
ing up, crumbling away, dissolution DhsA 47 (in etym. of sponding passage Pug 56 (imper. lūyantu, where dubbā is to
loka=lujjana — palujjan' aṭṭhena vaṭṭaṁ), 308 (id.); Vism 427 be corrected to dabbhā). — See lava, lavaka, lavana, lāyati,
(id.). lavati.


Lubbhati Leḍḍuka

Lubbhati [Vedic lubhyate, lubh, cp. Lat. lubet & libet it pleases, biness or mediocrity, having (bodily) wretchedness as one's
libido longing; Goth. liufs=Ger. lieb & lob; E. love, etc. — faith Vin ii.197; A ii.71=Pug 53. -pāpuraṇa miserably clad
Dhtp 434: lobhe] to be lustful or greedy, to covet, long for, S i.175; DhA iv.8, 9.
desire It 84 (lobhaneyye na lubbhati); Vism 465, 468. — ger.
Lūkhatā (f.) [fr. lūkha] unpleasantness, wretchedness, poorness,
lubbha (?) in olubbha is to be referred to lamb rather than
misery PugA 229.
lubh. A grd. formation in lobhaneyya or lobhanīya (q. v.).
Lūkhasa (adj.) [fr. lūkha] rough, harsh; miserable, self-
— pp. luddha.
mortifying Sn 244 (=nīrasa atta — kilamath' ânuyutta SnA
Lubbhana (nt.) [fr. lubh] being greedy, greediness, a scholas-
tic word, only found in exegesis of word lobha, e. g. at Dhs
Lūtā (f.) [*Sk. lūtā] spider Abhp 621.
32 (where also the enlarged abstr. formation lubbhitatta) &
Vism 465, 468 (lubbhana — mattaṁ lobha). Lūna [pp. of lunāti] cut, mowed, reaped Th 2, 107 (°kesī); J
ii.365; Dāvs i.32. Cp. vi°.
Lumpati [lup, Epic Sk. lumpati, found also as rup in Pali: see
ruppati. Connected with Lat. lugeo to be sorry (cp. rujati, Lūyati: Pass. of lunāti (q. v.).
roga; Gr. λύπη sorrow) and rumpo to break. Def ns at Dhtp
Lekha [fr. likh, cp. Sk. lekha & lekhā] 1. writing, inscrip-
386 & 433 (chedana) and at Dhtm 618 & 669 (cheda, vināsa)]
tion, letter, epistle J vi.595 (silā° inscription on rock); Mhvs
to break, harm, injure; to attack, plunder; with a strong touch
5, 177 (lekhe sutvā); 27, 6; 33, 40 (°ṁ vissajjayi); Dāvs 5, 67
of affection (sympathy or desire) lubh in it [cp. lup: Gr. λύπη;
(cāritta°); Miln 42; SnA 164 (°vācāka reciting), 577. — 2.
ruj: roga], which is still more evident in Intens. loluppa (q. chips, shavings Vin ii.110 (v. l. likha).
v.). — DhsA 365 (in expl of loluppa). — pp. lutta. — Cp.
Lekhaka [fr. lekha] one who knows the art of writing, a scribe,
ullumpana, ullopa, lopa, vilumpati, vilopa.
secretary Vin iv.8 (as a profession); iv.10 (=muddikā &
Luḷati & Luṭati [cp. Ep. Sk. loṭh to move & dial. luḍ, loḍay-
gaṇakā, pl.); Miln 42.
ati, to stir, agitate, which is a by — form of lul, lolati to
Lekhaṇī (f.) [fr. likh; cp. Epic Sk. lekhaṇī stencil Mbh 1, 78] an
move, Caus. lolayati to set in motion. Etym. connected with
instrument for scratching lines or writing, a stencil, pencil A
Slavonic ljuljati to rock, Ags. lāēl a (flexible) rod, rood; root
ii.200; J i.230.
due to onomat. formation. — Another form is luṭhati. The
Dhtm (117) expl luṭ by "loṭane" (cp. viloṭana & viloḷana), Lekhana (nt.) [fr. likh] scratching, drawing, writing Dhtp 467.
and luḷ (510) by "manthane"] to stir, shake, agitate, upset; in-
Lekhā (f.) [fr. likh; Vedic lekhā. See also rekhā & lekha] 1.
trs. to be in motion, to be stirred Miln 259 (calati khubbhati l. streak, line VvA 277 (=rāji); canda° crescent moon [cp. Epic
āvilati). — pp. luḷita. candralekhā Mbh 3, 1831] Vism 168; DhsA 151. — 2. a
Luḷita [pp. of luḷati] stirred, moved, disturbed; lively; turbid (of scratch, line A i.283; Pug 32; J vi.56 (lekhaṁ kaḍḍhati). —
water) S v.123=A iii.233; (udapatta āvila l.); D ii.128=Ud 83 3. writing, inscription, letter Vin iii.76 (°ṁ chindati destroy
(udakaṁ parittaṁ luḷitaṁ āvilaṁ); J vi.63; Nd 488 (āvila+); the letter); J i.451 (on a phalaka); Miln 349 (°ācariya teacher
Miln 35, 177, 220 (°citta), 383 (a°); DhsA 328 (indriyāni pari- of writing); PvA 20 (°paṇṇa, letter so read for likhā°). — 4.
pakkāni alulitāni avisadāni). the art of writing or drawing [=lipi Hemacandra], writing as an
art. It is classed as a respectable (ukkaṭṭha) profession (sippa)
Lūka [apocope form of ulūka, arisen through wrong syllable —
Vin iv.7; and mentioned by the side of muddā and gaṇanā
division] owl J vi.497 (=ulūka C.).
Vin iv.7, 128=i.77; cp. Vin iv.305.
Lūkha (adj.) [Vedic rūkṣa; Prk. lūha & lukkha; BSk. lūha, e.
Lekhita [pp. of lekheti] drawn (of lines), pencilled Th 2, 256.
g. Divy 13 (praheṇaka), 81 (°cīvara), 425, 427] 1. rough,
coarse, unpleasant; poor, bad (usually appl to dress or food); Lekheti [Caus. of likhati or Denom. of lekha] to (make a) scratch
mediocre, meȧgre, wretched. Opp. paṇīta (e. g. Vin i.212; S J iv. 402. — pp. lekhita.
ii.153; A iv.10; J i.228; VvA 64). — S iv.337 sq.; A iv.232 sq.;
Leḍḍu [dial. Sk. leṣṭu>*leṭṭhu>*leṭṭu>leḍḍu; also Prk. leḍu &
Vin i.55; Th 1, 923; J i.228 (cittasmiṁ paṇīte... dānaṁ lūkhaṁ leṭṭhu: Pischel, § 304; cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 62] a clod of
na hoti); Nd 342 (p. 182, in exegesis of nikkuha, where prac-
earth S v.146=J ii.59 (°ṭṭhāna); J i.19, 175; iii.16; vi.405; Miln
tices of ascetics are referred to as "lūkhaṁ cīvaraṁ dhāreti, l. n
255; SnA 222 (ākāse khitta, in simile); Vism 28 (trsl "stone"),
piṇḍapātaṁ bhuñjati, l. senāsanaṁ paṭisevati" etc.); VvA 298,
360 (°khaṇḍ'ādīni), 366 (containing gold), 419; VbhA 66
335 sq.; PvA 180. — 2. (of men) low, wretched, rough, mis-
(°khaṇḍā); VvA 141; PvA 284. — The throwing of clods
erable, offensive Vin i.199; iii.110 (kisa l. dubbaṇṇa); S i.175 (stones?) is a standing item in the infliction of punishments,
(=jiṇṇa C, see K.S. 320; trsl "looking worn"); M i.77=J i.390. where it is grouped with daṇḍa (stick) and sattha (sword), or as
— lūkhapuggala a miserable, offensive character (opp. sinid- leḍḍu-daṇḍ'ādi, e. g. at M i.123; D ii.336, 338 (v. l. leṇḍu); J
dhapuggala) Vism 132; VbhA 282. ii.77; iii.16; vi.350; Vism 419; DhA i.399 (v. l. leṇḍu); iii.41;
-ājīvin leading a hard or rough life D i.161; iii.44, 47; iv.77; VvA 141. — Note. leḍḍūpaka in cuṇṇaṁ vā telaṁ vā
S ii.200; A v.190. -cīvara (adj.) wearing a shabby robe, leḍḍūpakena etc. at DhsA 115 read as vālaṇḍupakena, as at
badly clad Vin iii.263; Miln 342 (cp. cīvara lūkha bad condi-
Vism 142.
tion of clothes A ii.71=Pug 53; lūkhacīvara — dhara A i.25).
-pāta "throw of a clod," a certain measure of (not too
-ppamāṇa (& °ika) taking unpleasantness or misery as one's n
far) a distance Vin iv.40; Vism 72; DhsA 315 (trsl "a stone's
standard A ii.71= Pug 53 (cp. PugA 229); DhA iii.114; SnA
242; cp. rūpa — ppamāṇa. -ppasanna believing in shab-

Leḍḍuka Loka

Leḍḍuka=leḍḍu; Vism 28. sive sense of "universe." Sometimes the term is applied col-
lectively to the creatures inhabiting this or var. other worlds,
Leṇa (& lena) (nt.) [*Sk. layana, fr. lī in meaning "to hide," cp.
thus, "man, mankind, people, beings." — Loka is not a fixed
Prk. leṇa] 1. a cave (in a rock), a mountain cave, used by as-
& def. term. It comprises immateriality as well as materiality
cetics (or bhikkhus) as a hermitage or place of shelter, a rock
cell. Often enum with kuṭi & guhā, e. g. Vin iv.48; Miln and emphasizes either one or the other meaning according to
the view applied to the object or category in question. Thus
151; Vbh 251 (n.). At Vin ii.146 it is given as collective name n
a trsl of "sphere, plane, division, order" interchanges with
for 5 kinds of hermitages, viz. vihāra, aḍḍhayoga, pāsāda,
hammiya, guhā. The expl of leṇa at VbhA 366 runs as fol- "world." Whenever the spatial element prevails we speak of
its "regional" meaning as contrasted with "applied" meaning.
lows: "pabbataṁ khaṇitvā vā pabbhārassa appahonakaṭṭhāne
The fundamental notion however is that of substantiality, to
kuḍḍaṁ uṭṭhāpetvā vā katasenāsanaṁ," i. e. opportunity for
which is closely related the specific Buddhist notion of im-
sitting & lying made by digging (a cave) in a mountain or by
permanence (loka=lujjati). — 1. Universe: the distinctions
erecting a wall where the cave is insufficient (so as to make
between the universe (cp. cakkavāḷa) as a larger whole and
the rest of it habitable). Cp. Vin i.206=iii.248 (pabbhāraṁ
the world as a smaller unit are fluctuating & not definite. A
sodhāpeti leṇaṁ kattukāmo) Mhvs 16, 12; 28, 31 sq. (n); Miln
somewhat wider sphere is perhaps indicated by sabba-loka
200 (mahā°). — 2. refuge, shelter, (fig.) salvation (sometimes
in sense of nibbāna). In this meaning often comb with tāṇa (e. g. S i.12; iv.127, 312; v.132; It 122; Mhvs 1, 44; cp.
& saraṇa, e. g. at D i.95; S iv.315 (maṁ — leṇa refuge with sabbāvanta loka D i.251; iii.224), otherwise even the smaller
loka comprises var. realms of creation. Another larger di-
me;+maṁtāṇa); iv.372 (=nibbāna); A i.155 sq. (n); J ii.253;
vision is that of loka as sadevaka, samāraka, sabrahmaka,
DA i.232. Cp. Vin iii.155. leṇ'atthaṁ for refuge Vin ii.164
(n); J i.94. — aleṇa without a refuge Ps i.127; ii.238; Pv ii.2 5 or the world with its devas, its Māra and its Brahmā, e. g.
S i.160, 168, 207; ii.170; iii.28, 59; iv.158; v.204; A i.259
(=asaraṇa PvA 80).
sq.; ii.24 sq.; iii.341; iv.56, 173; v.50; It 121; Nd 447 (on Sn
-gavesin seeking shelter or refuge J ii.407=iv.346. -guhā
956), to which is usually added sassamaṇa-brāhmaṇī pajā
a mountain cave J iii.511. -dvāra the door of the (rock) her-
(e. g. D i.250, see loci s. v. pajā). With this cp. Dh
mitage Vism 38; DhA iii.39. -pabbhāra "cave — slope,"
45, where the divisions are paṭhavī, Yamaloka, sadevaka
cave in a mountain DhA iv.170.
(loka), which are expl at DhA i.334 by paṭhavī=attabhāva;
Lepa [fr. lip, see limpati; cp. Classic Sk. lepa stain, dirt] 1.
Yamaloka=catubbidha apāyaloka; sadevaka=manussaloka de-
smearing, plastering, coating over Vin iv.303 (bāhira°); J ii.25
valokena saddhiṁ. — The universe has its evolutional peri-
(mattikā°). — 2. (fig.) plaster, i. e. that which sticks, affec-
ods: saṁvaṭṭati and vivaṭṭati D ii.109 sq. The Buddha has
tion, attachment, etc., in taṇhā° the stain of craving, & diṭṭhi° mastered it by his enlightenment: loko Tathāgatena abhisam-
of speculation Nd 55; Nd 271 . — Note. lasagata at A
buddho It 121. On loka, lokadhātu (=cosmos) and cakkavāḷa
ii.165 read with v. l. as lepa-gata, i. e. sticky. — Cp. ā°, pa°
cp. Kirfel, Kosmographie p. 180, 181. — 2. Regional mean-
Lepana (nt.) [fr. lip] smearing, plastering, anointing Vin ii.172 ing. — (a) in general. Referring to this world, the charac-
(kuḍḍa°); A iv.107 (vāsana°), 111 (id.); J ii.117. Cp. abhi°, ā°, ter of evanescence is inherent in it; referring to the universe
pa° in a wider sense, it implies infinity, though not in definite
terms. There is mention of the different metaphysical theo-
Lepeti see limpati.
ries as regards cosmogony at many places of the Canon. The
Leyya (adj. nt.) [grd. of lih: see lihati] to be licked or sipped;
antânantikā (contending for the finitude or otherwise of the
nt. mucilaginous food (opp. peyya liquid) A iv.394 (+peyya);
world) are mentioned as a sect at D i.22 sq. Discussions as
Miln 2 (id.).
to whether loka is sassata or antavā are found e. g. at M
Lesa [cp. Sk. leśa particle; as Kern, Toev. s. v. points out, it i.426, 484; ii.233; S iii.182, 204; iv.286 sq.; A ii.41; v.31, 186
occurs in Sk. also in the P. meaning at Mbh v.33, 5 although sq.; Ps i.123, 151 sq.; Vbh 340; Dhs 1117. Views on consis-
this is not given in BR. — As "particle" only at Dhtp 444 in tency of the world (eternal or finite; created or evolved etc.)
def of lisati] sham, pretext, trick Vin iii.169 (where ten lesas at D iii.137; cp. S ii.19 sq. Cp. also the long and interesting
are enum , viz. jāti°, nāma°, gotta°, linga°, āpatti°, patta°, discussion of loka as suñña at S iv.54 sq.; Ps ii.177 sq.; Nd 2
cīvara°, upajjhāya°, ācariya°, senāsana°); J ii.11; vi.402. — 680; — as well as M ii.68 (upanīyati loko addhuvo, and "at-
lesa-kappa pretext Vin ii.166; Vv 84 (=kappiya — lesa VvA tāṇo loko, assakoloko" etc.); "lokassa anto" is lit. unattainable:
348); Th 1, 941; DA i.103. A ii.50=S i.62; iv.93; but the Arahant is "lok'antagū," cp. A
iv.430. — As regards their order in space (or "plane") there are
Lehati see lihati.
var. groupings of var. worlds, the evidently popular one being
Loka [cp. Vedic loka in its oldest meaning "space, open space."
that the world of the devas is above and the nirayas below the
For etym. see rocati. To the etym. feeling of the Pāli hearer 2
world of man (which is "tiriyaṁ vâpi majjhe"): Nd 550. The
loka is closely related in quality to ruppati (as in pop. etym. of
world of men is as ayaṁ loko contrasted with the beyond, or
rūpa) and rujati. As regards the latter the etym. runs "lujjati paro loko: D iii.181; S iv.348 sq.; A i.269; iv.226; Sn 779
kho loko ti vuccati" S iv.52, cp. Nd 550, and loka=lujjana
(n'āsiṁsati lokaṁ imaṁ parañ ca); or as idhaloka D iii.105.
DhsA 47, 308: see lujjana. The Dhtp 531 gives root lok n 1
The def of ayaṁ loko at Nd 60 is given as: sak'attabhāva,
(loc) in sense of dassana] world, primarily "visible world,"
saka — rūpa — vedanā etc., ajjhatt' āyatanāni, manussa —
then in general as "space or sphere of creation," with var. de-
loka, kāmadhātu; with which is contrasted paro loko as: parat-
grees of substantiality. Often (unspecified) in the comprehen-
tabhāva, para — rūpavedanā, bāhir'āyatanāni, devaloka, rūpa

Loka Loka

— & arūpadhātu. — The rise and decay of this world is re- antagū one who has reached the end of the world (and of all
ferred to as samudaya and atthangama at S ii.73; iii.135; things worldly), Ep. of an Arahant A ii.6, 49 sq.; It 115, Sn
iv.86; A v.107. — Cp. D iii.33 (attā ca loko ca); Mhvs 1, 1133; Nd 551. -antara the space between the single worlds
5 (lokaṁ dukkhā pamocetuṁ); 28, 4 (loko 'yaṁ pīḷito); PvA 1 J i.44 (v.253: Avīcimhi na uppajjanti, tathā lokantaresu ca).
(vijjā — caraṇa — sampannaṁ yena nīyanti lokato). — Other -antarika (scil. Niraya) a group of Nirayas or Purgatories sit-
divisions of var. kinds of "planes" are e. g. deva° A i.115, uated in the lokantara (i. e. cakkavāl, antaresu J i.76), 8,000
153; iii.414 sq.; Brahma° Vbh 421; Mhvs 19, 45; Yama° Dh yojanas in extent, pitch dark, which were filled with light
44; S i.34; nara° Mhvs 5, 282. See also each sep. head — when Gotama became the Buddha J i.76; VbhA 4; Vism 207
word, also peta° & manussa°. — The division at Nd 550 is (lokantariya°); SnA 59 (°vāsa life in the l. niraya); cp. BSk.
as follows: niraya°, tiracchāna°, pittivisaya°, manussa°, deva° lokântarikā Divy 204 (andhās tamaso 'ndhakāra — tamisrā).
(=material); upon which follow khandha°, dhātu°, āyatana° -âdhipa lord or ruler of the world A i.150. -âdhipateyya
(=immaterial). Similarly at Nd 29, where apāya° takes the "rule of the world," dependence on public opinion, influence
place of niraya°, tiracchāna°, pittivisaya°. — Another three- of material things on man, one of the 3 ādhipateyyas (atta°,
fold division is sankhāra°, satta°, okāsa° at Vism 204, with loka°, dhamma°) D iii.220; Vism 14. -ânukampā sympa-
expl : "sabbe sattā āhāra — ṭṭhitikā" ti= sankhāraloka; "sas- thy with the world of men [cp. BSk. lokânugraha Divy 124
sato loko ti vā asassato loko" ti= sattaloka; "yāvatā candima sq.] D iii.211; It 79. -āmisa worldly gain, bait of the flesh
— suriyā pariharanti disā 'bhanti virocamānā" etc. (=M i.328; M i.156; ii.253; Th 2, 356. -āyata what pertains to the or-
A i.227; cp. J i.132) =okāsaloka. The same expl in detail at dinary view (of the world), common or popular philosophy,
SnA 442. — Another as kāma°, rūpa°, arūpa°: see under or as Rhys Davids (Dial. i.171) puts it: "name of a branch
rūpa; another as kilesa°, bhava°, indriya° at Nett 11, 19. Cp. of Brahman learning, probably Nature — lore"; later worked
sankhāra — loka VbhA 456; dasa lokadhātuyo (see below) S into a quâsi system of "casuistry, sophistry." Franke, Dīgha
i.26. — 3. Ordinary & applied meaning. — (a) division of trsl 19, trsl as "logisch beweisende Naturerklärung" (see the
the world, worldly things S i.1, 24 (loke visattikā attachment long note on this page, and cp. Dial. i.166 — 172 for detail of
to this world; opp. sabba — loke anabhirati S v.132). — loke lokāyata). It is much the same as lok-akkhāy(ika) or popular
in this world, among men, here D iii.196 (ye nibbutā loke); It philosophy. — D i.11, 88; Vin ii.139; Sn p. 105 (=vitaṇḍa
78 (loke uppajjati); DA i.173 (id.); Vbh 101 (yaṁ loke piya — — vādasattha SnA 447, as at DA i.247); Miln 4, 10, 178; A
rūpaṁ etc.); Pv ii.1 13 (=idaṁ C.); KhA 15, 215. See also the i.163, 166; iii.223. Cp. BSk. lokāyata Divy 630, 633, and
diff. def of loke at Nd 552. — loka collectively "one, man": lokāyatika ibid. 619. See also Kern's remarks at Toev. s.
kicchaṁ loko āpanno jāyati ca jīyati ca, etc. D ii.30. Also v. -āyatika (brāhmaṇa) one who holds the view of lokāyata
"people": Lanka — loka people of Ceylon Mhvs 19, 85; cp. or popular philosophy S ii.77 (trsl K.S. 53: a Brahmin "wise
jana in similar meaning. Derived from this meaning is the use in world — lore"); Miln 178; J vi.486 (na seve lokāyatikaṁ;
in cpds. (°—) as "usual, every day, popular, common": see e. expl as "anatthanissitaṁ... vitaṇḍa — sallāpaṁ lokāyatika —
g. °āyata, °vajja, °vohāra. — (b) "thing of the world," material vādaṁ na seveyya," thus more like "sophistry" or casuistry).
element, physical or worldly quality, sphere or category (of -issara lord of the world Sdhp 348. -uttara see under lokiya.
"materiality"). This category of loka is referred to at Vbh 193, -cintā thinking about the world, worldphilosophy or specula-
which is expl at VbhA 220 as follows: "ettha yo ayaṁ ajjhatt' tion S v.447; A ii.80 (as one of the 4 acinteyyāni or thoughts
ādi bhedo kāyo pariggahīto, so eva idha — loko nāma." In this not to be thought out: buddha — visaya, jhāna — visaya,
sense 13 groups are classified according to the number of con- kamma — vipāka, l — c.). Cp. BSk. laukika citta Divy 63, 77
stituents in each group (1 — 12 and No. 18); they are given etc. -dhammā (pl.) common practice, things of the world,
at Nd 551 (under lokantagū Sn 1133) as follows: (1) bhaval- worldly conditions S iii.139 sq.; Sn 268 (expl loke dhammā;
oka; (2) sampatti bhavaloka, vipatti bhavaloka; (3) vedanā; yāva lokappavatti tāva — anivattikā dhammā ti vuttaṁ hoti
(4) āhārā; (5) upādāna — kkhandhā; (6) ajjhattikāni āyatanāni KhA 153, cp. J iii.468); Miln 146. Usually comprising a
(their rise & decay as "lokassa samudaya & atthangama" at S set of eight, viz. lābha, alābha, yaso, ayaso, nindā, pasaṁsā,
iv.87); (7) viññāṇaṭṭhitiyo; (8) loka — dhammā; (9) satt'āvāsā; sukhaṁ, dukkhaṁ D iii.260; A iv.156 sq.; v.53; Nd 55; Ps
(10) upakkilesā; (11) kāmabhavā; (12) āyatanāni; (18) dhā- i.22, 122; Vbh 387; Nett 162; DhA ii.157. -dhātu constituent
tuyo. They are repeated at Ps i.122=174, with (1) as "sabbe or unit of the Universe, "world — element"; a world, sphere;
sattā āhāra — ṭṭhitikā; (2) nāmañ ca rūpañ ca; and the re- another name for cakkavāla. Dasa — sahassi — lokadhātu the
mainder the same. Also at Vism 205 and at SnA 442 as at system of the 10,000 worlds Vin i.12; A i.227. — D iii.114;
Ps i.122. Cp. the similar view at S iv.95: one perceives the Pv ii.9 ; Kvu 476; Vism 206 sq.; Vbh 336; Nd 356 (with
world ("materiality": loka — saññin and loka — mānin, proud the stages from one to fifty lokadhātu's, upon which follow:
of the world) with the six senses. This is called the "loka" in sahassī cūḷanikā l — dh.; dvisahassī majjhimikā; tisahassī;
the logic (vinaya) of the ariyā. — A few similes with loka see mahāsahassī); J i.63, 212; Miln 237; VbhA 430, 436. See also
J.P.T.S. 1907, 131. cūḷanikā. -nātha saviour of the world, Ep. of the Buddha Sn
-akkhāyikā (f., scil. kathā) talk or speculation about 995; Vism 201, 234; VvA 165; PvA 42, 287. -nāyaka guide
(origin etc. of) the world, popular philosophy (see lokāy- or leader of the world (said of the Buddha) Sn 991; Ap 20;
ata and cp. Dialogues i.14) Vin i.188; D i.8; M i.513; Miln Mhvs 7, 1; Miln 222. -nirodha destruction of the world It
316; DA i.90. -agga chief of the world. Ep. of the Buddha 121 (opp. °samudaya). -pāla (°devatā) guardian (governor)
ThA 69 (Ap. v.11). -anta the end (spatial) of the world A of the world, which are usually sepcified as four, viz. Ku-
ii.49 (na ca appatvā lokantaṁ dukkhā atthi pamocanaṁ). - vera (=Vessavaṇa), Dhataraṭṭha, Virūpakkha, Virūḷhaka, alias


Loka Loma

the 4 mahārājāno Pv i.4 ; J i.48 (announce the future birth Prk. form is loṇa] salt; as adj., salty, of salt, alkaline. —
of a Buddha). -byūha "world — array," pl. byūhā (devā) N. Vin i.202 (loṇāni bhesajjāni alkaline medicine, among which
of a class of devas J i.47; Vism 415 (kāmâvacara — deva's). are given sāmuddaṁ kāḷaloṇaṁ sindhavaṁ ubbhidaṁ bilaṁ as
-mariyādā the boundary of the world VvA 72. -vajja com- var. kinds of salt), 220=243 (as flavouring, with tela, taṇḍula
mon sins Miln 266; KhA 190. -vaṭṭa "world — round," i. e. & khādaniya); A i.210, 250; iv.108; Miln 63; DhA iv.176 (in
saṁsāra (opp. vivaṭṭa =nibbāna) Nett 113, 119. See also vaṭṭa. simile see below); VvA 98, 100, 184 (aloṇa sukkha — kum-
-vidu knowing the universe, Lp. of the Buddha D iii.76; S māsa, unsalted). On loṇa in similes cp. J.P.T.S. 1907, 131.
i.62; v.197, 343; A ii.48; Sn p. 103; Vv 34 ; Pug 57; expl d -ambila acid and salt J i.505; ii.171, 394. -odaka salt
in full at SnA 442 and Vism 204 sq. -vivaraṇa unveiling of water J vi.37; VvA 99 (°udaka). -kāra salt — maker Vin
the universe, apocalypse, revelation Vism 392 (when humans i.350 (°gāma); A ii.182 (°dāraka); J vi.206 (kara); Miln 331.
see the devas etc.). -vohāra common or general distinction, -ghaṭa a pitcher with salt S ii.276. See also App. to KhA
popular logic, ordinary way of speaking SnA 383, 466; VbhA 68 (in Sn Index 870, 871) on Vism passage with loṇaghaṭaka.
164. -dhūpana salt — spicing VbhA 311 (viya sabba vyañjanesu;
i. e. the strongest among all flavourings). -phala a crystal of
Lokiya (& lokika) (adj.) [fr. loka; cp. Vedic laukika in meaning
(natural) salt [phala for phaṭa=*sphaṭa, cp. phalaka] A i.250
"worldly, usual"] 1. (ordinarily) "belonging to the world," i.
(in simile). -rasa alkaline taste A iv.199, 203. -sakkhara
e. — (a) world — wide, covering the whole world, famed,
widely known Th 1, 554; J vi.198. — (b) (—°) belonging to a salt crystal (cp. °phala), a (solid) piece of (natural) salt S
the world of, an inhabitant of (as lokika) Pv i.6 (Yama°). — ii.276 (in simile, cp. A i.250); SnA 222 (aggimhi pakkhitta
l — s., in the same simile at DhA iv.176: uddhane pakkhitta
(c) common, general, worldly Vism 89 (samādhi); DhA iv.3
— loṇa). -sakkharikā a piece of salt — crystal, used as a
(°mahājana) PvA 131 (°parikkhaka), 207 (sukha), 220 (°sab-
caustic for healing wounds Vin i.206. -sovīraka salted sour
hāva). See also below 3. — 2. (special meaning) worldly,
gruel Vin i.210; VvA 99.
mundane, when opposed to lokuttara. The term lokuttara
has two meanings — viz. (a) in ordinary sense: the highest Loṇika & Loṇiya (adj.) [fr. loṇa] salty, alkaline Dhs 629. —
of the world, best, sublime (like lokagga, etc.), often applied loṇiya-teliya prepared with salt & oil J iii.522; iv.71. —
to Arahantship, e. g. lokuttaradāyajja inheritance of Ara- aloṇika unsalted 42 (°aka); VvA 184; J i.228; iii.409.
hantship J i.91; DhA i.117; ideal: lokuttara dhamma (like
Lodda [cp. *Sk. rodhra; on sound changes see Geiger, P.Gr. 44,
parama dhamma) the ideal state, viz. Nibbāna M ii.181; pl. 2
62 ] N. of a tree J v.405; vi.497.
l. dhammā M iii.115. — (b) (in later canonical literature)
Lopa [fr. lup: see lumpati] taking away, cutting off; as tt. g.
beyond these worlds, supra — mundane, transcendental, spir-
apocope, elision (of the final letter) VbhA 164 (sabba — loka
itual. In this meaning it is applied to the group of nava lokut-
— vohāra°); SnA 12, 303, 508; VvA 79; often in anunāsika°
tarā dhammā (viz. the 4 stages of the Path: sotāpatti etc., with
dropping of (final) ṁ SnA 410; VvA 154, 275. At S v.342
the 4 phala's, and the addition of nibbāna), e. g. Dhs 1094.
read piṇḍiy 'ālopena for piṇḍiyā lopena. — Cp. ālopa, nillopa,
Mrs. Rh. D. tries to compromise between the two meanings
by giving lokuttara the trsl "engaged upon the higher ideal" vilopa, vilopiya.
(Dhs. tsrl. Introd. p. 98), since meaning (b) has too much of Lobha [cp. Vedic & Epic Sk. lobha; fr. lubh: see lubbhati]
a one — sided philosophical appearance. On term cp. Cpd. covetousness, greed. Defined at Vism 468 as "lubbhanti tena,
91 . — 3. lokiya (in meaning "mundane") is contrasted with sayaṁ vā lubbhati, lubbhana — mattam eva vā taṁ," with sev-
lokuttara ("transcendental") at many passages of the Abhid- eral comparisons following. — Often found in triad of lobha,
hamma, e. g. at Ps ii.166; Dhs. 505, 1093, 1446; Vbh 17 sq., dosa, moha (greed, anger, bewilderment, forming the three
93, 106, 128, 229 sq., 271, 322; Kvu 222, 515, 602; Pug 62; principles of demerit: see kusala — mūla), e. g. at A iv.96;
Tikp 41 sq., 52 sq., 275; Dukp 304, 324; Nett 10, 54, 67, 77, It 83, 84; Vism 116; Dukp 9, 18 sq. See dosa & moha. —
111, 161 sq., 189 sq.; Miln 236, 294 (lokika), 390; Vism 10, D iii.214, 275; S i.16, 43, 63, 123 (bhava°); v.88; A i.64
85, 438; DA i.331; DhsA 47 sq., 213; VbhA 128, 373; DhA (°kkhaya), 160 (visama°), cp. D iii.70 sq.; ii.67; Sn 367, 371,
i.76 (lokika); ii.150; iii.272; iv.35. 537 (°kodha), 663, 706, 864, 941 (°pāpa); Nd 15, 16, 261; J
iv.11 (kodha, dosa, l.); Dhs 982, 1059; Vbh 208, 341, 381,
Locaka (adj.) [fr. loc. Caus. of luñc; cp. Sk. luñcaka] one who
402; Nett 13, 27; Vism 103; VbhA 18; PvA 7, 13, 17, 89
pulls out D i.167 (kesa — massu°, habit of cert. ascetics); M
(+dosa), 102; VvA 14; Sdhp 52 (°moha), 266. — alobha dis-
i.308 (id.).
interestedness D iii.214; Dhs 32.
Locana [fr. loc or lok to see; Dhtp 532 & Dhtm 766: loc= das- -dhammā (pl.) affection of greed, things belonging to
sana] the eye; adj. (—°) having eyes. (of...) Pv i.11 (miga —
greed; (adj.) (of) greedy character M i.91; iii.37; D i.224, 230;
manda°); PvA 57, 90 (pingala°).
S iv.111; A iii.350; J iv.11. -mūla the root of greed Vism 454
Locana (nt.) [fr. loc. Caus. of luñcati] pulling, tearing out D (eightfold; with dosa — mūla & moha — mūla).
i.167 (kesa — massu°); A i.296; Pug 55.
Lobhana (nt.) [fr. lobha] being greedy Th 2, 343 (=lobh' uppāda
Loceti see luñcati. ThA 240).
Loṭana (nt.) [luṭ, cp. *Sk. lolana & viloḷana] shaking, upsetting Lobhaniya (°īya, °eyya) (adj.) [grd. formation fr. lobha] 1. be-
Dhtm 117. Cp. vi°. longing to greed "of the nature of greed" causing greed It 84
(°eyya). See rajaniya. — 2. desirable Miln 361 (paduma).
Loṇa (nt.) [cp. Sk. lavaṇa, for which see also lavaṇa. The

Loma Lohita

Loma (nt.) [cp. Vedic roman. The (restituted) late P. form roma probably also by lola. See lumpati] covetous, greedy, self —
only at J v.430; Abhp 175, 259; Sdhp 119] the hair of the body indulgent Dāvs ii.73. a° not greedy, temperate Sn 165. Cp.
(whereas kesa is the hair of the head only) D ii.18 (ekeka°, ud- nil°. — f. lolupā as N. of a plant at J vi.537.
dhagga°, in characteristics of a Mahāpurisa); S ii.257 (asi°,
Loluppa (nt.) [abstr. fr. lolupa] greediness, covetousness, self —
usu°, satti° etc.); A ii.114; Vin iii.106 (usu° etc.); Sn 385;
indulgence, desire; in the language of the Abhidhamma often
J i.273 (khaggo lomesu allīyi); VbhA 57; DhA i.126; ii.17
syn. with jappā or taṇhā. At DhsA 365 loluppa is treated
(°gaṇanā); ThA 199; VvA 324 (sūkara°); PvA 152, 157; Sdhp d
as an adj. & expl at "punappuna visaye lumpati ākaḍḍhatī
104. A detailed description of loma as one of the 32 ākāras of
ti," i. e. one who tears again & again at the object (or as Ex-
the body (Kh iii.; pl. lomā) is found at Vism 250, 353; VbhA
pos. ii.470: repeated plundering, hauling along in the fields of
233; KhA 42, 43. — aloma hairless J vi.457; puthu° having sense). — J i.340, 429; DhsA 365; Vism 61; & with exegeti-
broad hair or fins, name of a fish J iv.466; Vv 44 . haṭṭha°
cal synonyms loluppāyanā & loluppāyitattaṁ at Dhs 1059,
with hairs erect, excited Mhvs 15, 33. — On loma in simi-
les see J.P.T.S. 1907, 131. — lomaṁ pāteti to let one's hair
Loleti [Caus. fr. luḷ, see luḷati] to make shake or unsteady A
drop, as a sign of subduedness or modesty, opp. to horripi-
iii.188 (khobheti+). — pp. lolita.
lation [pāteti formed fr. pat after wrong etym. of panna in
panna — loma "with drooping hairs," which was taken as a by Loḷī see āloḷi.
— form of patita: see panna — loma]: Vin ii.5 (=pannalomo
Loha (nt.) [Cp. Vedic loha, of Idg. *(e)reudh "red"; see also
hoti C.); iii.183; M i.442. — Cp. anu°, paṭi°, vi°.
rohita & lohita] metal, esp. copper, brass or bronze. It is
-kūpa a pore of the skin J i.67; KhA 51, 63; SnA 155
often used as a general term & the individual application is
(where given as 99,000) Vism 195 (id.). -padmaka a kind of
not always sharply defined. Its comprehensiveness is evi-
plant J vi.497 (reading uncertain; v. l. lodda°). -sundarī (f.) dent from the classification of loha at VbhA 63, where it is
beautiful with hairs (on her body) J v.424 (Kurangavī l.; expl d
said lohan ti jātilohaṁ, vijāti°, kittima°, pisāca° or natural
on p. 430 as "roma — rājiyā maṇḍita udarā"). -haṁsa horrip-
metal, produced metal, artificial (i. e. alloys), & metal from
ilation, excitement with fear or wonder, thrill D i.49; A iv.311
the Pisāca district. Each is subdivided as follows: jāti°=ayo,
sq. (sa°); Sn 270; Vbh 367; Miln 22; Vism 143; DA i.150.
sajjhaṁ, suvaṇṇaṁ, tipu, sīsaṁ, tambalohaṁ, vekantakalo-
-haṁsana causing horripilation, astounding, stupendous Sn haṁ; vijāti°=nāga — nāsika°; kittima°=kaṁsalohaṁ, vaṭṭa°,
681; J iv.355 (abbhuta+); Pv iii.9 ; iv.3 ; Miln 1; Mhvs 17, 55
ārakūṭaṁ; pisāca°=morakkhakaṁ, puthukaṁ, malinakaṁ, ca-
(abbhuta+). -haṭṭha having the hair standing on end, horri-
palakaṁ, selakaṁ, āṭakaṁ, bhallakaṁ, dūsilohaṁ. The de-
fied, thunderstruck, astounded D i.95; S v.270; Sn p. 15; Miln
scription ends "Tesu pañca jātilohāni pāḷiyaṁ visuṁ vuttān'
23; SnA 155; cp. haṭṭha — loma above.
eva (i. e. the first category are severally spoken of in the
Lomaka (—°) (adj.) [fr. loma] having hair, in cpd. caturanga° Canon). Tambalohaṁ vekantakan ti imehi pana dvīhi jātilo-
having fourfold hair (i. e. on the diff. parts of the body?) Vin hehi saddhiṁ sesaṁ sabbam pi idha lohan ti veditabbaṁ." —
iv.173. It may refer to the 5 dermatoid constituents of the body On loha in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907, 131. Cp. A iii.16=S v.92
(see pañcaka) & thus be characteristic of outward appearance. (five alloys of gold: ayo, loha, tipu, sīsaṁ, sajjhaṁ); J v.45
We do not exactly see how the term caturanga is used here. (asi°); Miln 161 (suvaṇṇam pi jātivantaṁ lohena bhijjati); PvA
— Cp. anulomika. 44, 95 (tamba°=loha), 221 (tatta — loha — secanaṁ pouring
out of boiling metal, one of the five ordeals in Niraya).
Lomasa (adj.) [cp. Vedic romaśa] hairy, covered with hair,
downy, soft M i.305; Pv i.9 . At J iv.296 lomasā is expl d -kaṭāha a copper (brass) receptacle Vin ii.170. -kāra a
as pakkhino, i. e. birds; reading however doubtful (vv. ll. metal worker, coppersmith, blacksmith Miln 331. -kumbhī
an iron cauldron Vin ii.170. Also N. of a purgatory J iii.22,
lomahaṁsa & lomassā).
43; iv.493; v.268; SnA 59, 480; Sdhp 195. -guḷa an iron
Lomin (—°) (adj.) [fr. loma] having hair, in cpds. ekanta° &
(or metal) ball A iv.131; Dh 371 (mā °ṁ gilī pamatto; cp.
uddha°, of (couch — ) covers or (bed) spreads: being made
DhA iv.109). -jāla a copper (i. e. wire) netting PvA 153.
of hair altogether or having hair only on top Vin i.192=ii.163; 1
-thālaka a copper bowl Nd 226. -thāli a bronze kettle
D i.7; cp. DA i.87.
DhA i.126. -pāsāda "copper terrace," brazen palace, N. of
Lola (Loḷa) (adj.) [fr. luḷ: see luḷati; cp. Epic & Classic Sk. a famous monastery at Anurādhapura in Ceylon Vism 97; DA
lola] wavering, unsteady, agitated; longing, eager, greedy S i.131; Mhvs passim. -piṇḍa an iron ball SnA 225. -bhaṇḍa
iv.111; Sn 22, 922; J i.49 (Buddha — mātā lolā na hoti), 111, copper (brass) ware Vin ii.135. -maya made of copper,
210, 339 (dhana — loḷa); ii.319 (°manussa); iii.7; Pug 65; Nd 1 brazen Sn 670; Pv ii.6 . -māsa a copper bean Nd 448 (su-
366; Dāvs iv.44; Miln 300. — alola not greedy, not distracted vaṇṇa — channa). -māsaka a small copper coin KhA 37 (jatu
(by desire), self — controlled S v.148; Sn 65. — māsaka, dāru — māsaka+); DhsA 318. -rūpa a bronze
-bhava greediness, covetousness ThA 16. statue Mhvs 36, 31. -salākā a bronze gong — stick Vism
Lolatā (f.) [fr. lola] longing, eagerness, greed Miln 93; SnA 35
(āhāra°). Lohatā (f.) [abstr. fr. loha] being a metal, in (suvaṇṇassa) agga-
lohatā the fact of gold being the best metal VvA 13.
Lolita [pp. of loleti] agitated, shaken Th 2, 373 (=ālolita ThA
252). Lohita (adj. — nt.) [cp. Vedic lohita & rohita; see also P. ro-
hita "red"] 1. (adj.) red: rarely by itself (e. g. M ii.17),
Lolupa (adj.) [fr. lup, a base of lumpati but influenced by lubh,
usually in cpds. e. g. °abhijāti the red species (q. v.) A

Lohita Va sa

iii.383; °kasiṇa the artifice of red D iii.268; A i.41; Dhs 203; i.89, 136, 320; v.222. -kumbhi a receptacle for blood Ud 17
Vism 173; °candana red sandal (unguent) Miln 191. Other- (with ref. to the womb). -doṇi a bloody trough Vism 358;
wise rohita. — 2. (nt.) blood; described in detail as one of the VbhA 62. -pakkhandikā (or °pakkhandik' ābādha) bloody
32 ākāras at KhA 54 sq.; Vism 261, 360; VbhA 245. — Vin diarrhoea, dysentery M i.316; D ii.127; Ud 82; J ii.213; Miln
i.203 (āmaka°), 205 (°ṁ mocetuṁ); A iv.135 (saṭṭhi — mattā- 134, 175; DhA iii.269. -homa a sacrifice of blood D i.9; DA
naṁ bhikkhūnaṁ uṇhaṁ l. mukhato uggañchi; cp. the similar i.93.
passage at Miln 165); Sn 433; Pv i.6 ; i.9 (expl as ruhira
Lohitaka (adj.) [fr. lohita] 1. red M ii.14; A iv.306, 349; Ap. 1;
PvA 44); Vism 261 (two kinds; sannicita° and saṁsaraṇa°),
Dhs 247, 617. -°upadhāna a red pillow D i.7; A i.137; iii.50;
409 (the colour of the heartblood in relation to states of mind); 8
iv.94, 231, 394; °sāli red rice Miln 252. — 2. bloody Pv i.7
VbhA 66; PvA 56, 78, 110.
(pūti° gabbha); Vism 179, 194.
-akkha having red (blood — shot) eyes (of snakes & 3
yakkhas) Vv 52 (cp. VvA 224: ratta — nayanā; yakkhā- Lohitanka [lohita+anka] a ruby A iv.199, 203; Ap 2; Vv 36 ;
VvA 304. See masāragalla for further refs. — Note. The
naṁ hi nettāni ati — lohitāni honti); J vi.180. -uppāda
word is not found in Vedic and Class. Sk.; a later term for
(the crime of) wounding A Tathāgata, one of the anantariya —
"ruby" is lohitaka. In the older language lohitānga denotes
kammas VbhA 427; cp. Tathāgatassa lohitaṁ uppādeti Miln
the planet Mars.
214. -uppādaka one who sheds the blood of an Arahant Vin

Ḷīyati is given at Dhtp 361 as a variant of ḍī to fly (see ḍeti), and — gamana."
expl as "ākāsa — gamana." Similarly at Dhtm 586 as "vehāsa


-V- euphonic (sandhi — ) consonant, historically justified after u 108 (yiṭṭhaṁ va hutaṁ va), 138 (ābādhaṁ va cittakkhepaṁ va
(uv from older v), as in su-v-ānaya easy to bring (S i.124); pāpuṇe).
hence transferred to i, as in ti-v-angika threefold (Dhs 161),
Vaṁsa [Vedic vaṁśa reed, bamboo (R.V.)] 1. a bamboo Sn 38
and ti-v-angula three inches wide (Vism 152, 408); perhaps d 2
(vaṁso visālo va; vaṁso expl at Nd 556 as "veḷugumba," at
also in anu-v-icca (see anuvicca).
SnA 76 as "veḷu"), ibid. (°kaḷīra);
Va the syllable "va" KhA 109 (with ref. to ending °vā in Bha- J vi.57; Vism 255 (°kaḷīra); KhA 50 (id.). — 2. race,
gavā, which Bdhgh exp as "va — kāraṁ dīghaṁ katvā," i. e. lineage, family A ii.27 (ariya° of noble family); S v.168
a lengthening of va); SnA 76 (see below va ). (caṇḍāla°); J i.89, 139; iv.390 (caṇḍāla°); v.251 (uju°); Mhvs
Va (indecl.) [the enclitic, shortened form of iva after long vow- 4, 5 (pitu — ghātaka — vaṁso a parricidal race). — 3. tradi-
els. Already to be found for iva in RV metri causâ] like, like as, tion, hereditary custom, usage, reputation Miln 148 (ācariya°),
190 (Tathāgatānaṁ); KhA 12 (Buddha°); Dpvs 18, 3 (sad-
as if; only in poetry (as already pointed out by Trenckner, Miln
dhamma° — kovidā therā). — vaṁsaṁ nāseti to break fam-
422): It 84 (tālapakkaṁ va bandhanā), 90 (chavālātaṁ va nas-
sati); Dh 28; Sn 38 (vaṁso visālo va: see C. expl under va ); ily tradition J v.383; vaṁsaṁ ucchindati id. J v.383; or
Pv i.8 (ummatta — rūpo va; =viya PvA 39); i.11 (naḷo va upacchindati J iv.63; opp. patiṭṭhāpeti to establish the repu-
tation J v.386. — 4. dynasty Mhvs 36, 61 (kassa v. ṭhassati).
chinno); Miln 72 (chāyā va anapāyinī); J iii.189 (kusamuddo
— 5. a bamboo flute, fife Miln 31; VvA 210. — 6. a certain
va ghosavā); iv.139 (aggîva suriyo va); DhA iii.175.
game, at D i.6 in enum of pastimes and tricks (caṇḍālavaṁsa
Va (indecl.) [for eva, after long vowels] even, just (so), only; for
— dhopana), a passage which shows an old corruption. Bd-
sure, certainly Dh 136 (aggi — daḍḍho va tappati); J i.138, s
hgh at DA i.84 takes each word separately and expl vaṁsa as
149 (so pi suvaṇṇa — vaṇṇo va ahosi), 207; SnA 76 (vakāro
"veṇuṁ ussāpetvā kīḷanaṁ" (i. e. a game consisting in rais-
avadhāraṇ' attho eva — kāro vā ayaṁ, sandhi — vasen' ettha ing a bamboo; is it climbing a pole? Cp. vaṁsa — ghatikā
e — kāro naṭṭho: wrong at this passage Sn 38 for va =iva!);
"a kind of game" Divy 475), against Dial. i.9 "acrobatic feats
PvA 3 (eko va putto), 4 (ñātamattā va).
by Caṇḍālas." Cp. J iv.390 in same passage. Franke (Dīgha
Va is (metrically) shortened form of vā, as found e. g. Dh 195 trsl ) has "bamboo — tricks"; his conjecture as "vaṁsa —
(yadi va for yadi vā); or in correlation va-va either — or: Dh dhamanaṁ," playing the bamboo pipe (cp. Miln 31: "vaṁsad-

Va sa Vanka

hamaka"), as oldest reading is to be pointed out. — On vaṁsa vagga — dvi — vagga — mattam pi); DhsA 27.
in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907, 134. -uposatha celebration (of the uposatha) in groups, "in-
-āgata come down fr. father to son, hereditary Mhvs complete congregation" (trsl Oldenberg) Dpvs 7, 36. More
23, 85. -ânupālaka guarding tradition Sdhp 474 (ariya°). likely to vagga ! -gata following a (sectarian) party (Bd-
-ânurakkhaka preserving the lineage, carrying on the tra- hgh identifies this with the 62 diṭṭhigatikā SnA 365) S i.187;
dition J iv.444; Vism 99 (+paveṇi — pālaka); DhA iii.386. Sn 371. -bandha, in instr. °ena group by group Mhvs 32,
-coraka N. of a certain kind of reed (cp. coraka: plant used for 11. -bandhana banded together, forming groups DhA iv.93,
perfume) J v.406 (C. for veḷuka). -ja belonging to a race Mhvs 94. -vagga in crowds, confused, heaped up J vi.224; PvA 54.
1, 1 (suddha°). -ñña born of good family A ii.27. -dhara -vādaka taking somebody's part Vin iii.175. -sārin conform-
upholding tradition Miln 164. -dharaṇa id. Miln 226. - ing to a (heretic) party Sn 371, 800, 912; Nd 108, 329.
nalaka bamboo reed KhA 52, 59 (with note Sn Index p. 870: 2
Vagga (adj. — nt.) [vi+agga, Sk. vyagra; opposed to samagga]
naḷaka). -nāḷa id. Miln 102. -rāga the colour of bamboo, a
dissociated, separated; incomplete; at difference, dissentious
term for the veḷuriya gem J iv.141. -vaṇṇa the veḷuriya gem
Vin i.111 sq., 129, 160; iv.53 (sangha); A i.70 (parisā); ii.240.
Abhp 491.
— instr. vaggena separately, secessionally, sectariously Vin
Vaṁsika (—°) (adj.) [fr. vaṁsa] descended from, belonging to a i.161; iv.37, 126.
family (of) S v.168 (caṇḍāla°). -ārāma fond of dissociation or causing separation M
Vaka [Vedic vṛka, Idg. *ṷI̊qṷo=Lat. lupus, Gr. λύκος, Lith. i.286; It 11 (+adhamma — ṭṭha; trsl Seidenstücker not
quite to the point: rejoicing in parties, i. e. vagga ) =Vin
vilkas, Goth. wulfs=E. wolf etc.] wolf, only in poetry Sn 201;
ii.205. -kamma (ecclesiastical) act of an incomplete chap-
J i.336; ii.450; v.241, 302.
ter of bhikkhus Vin i.315 sq. (opp. sam— agga-kamma).
Vaka (indecl.): a root vak is given at Dhtp 7 & Dhtm 8 in mean-
ing "ādāne," i. e. grasping, together with a root kuk as syn-
onym. It may refer to vaka wolf, whereas kuk would explain Vaggati [valg, to which belong Oicel. valka to roll; Ags.
wealkan=E. walk] to jump Vv 64 (expl at VvA 278 as
koka wolf. The notion of voraciousness is prevalent in the
characterization of the wolf (see all passages of vaka , e. g. J "kadāci pade padaṁ" [better: padāpadaṁ?] nikkhipantā
vagganena gamane [read: vagga — gamanena] gacchanti); J
ii.335, 404; iv.81, 343; v.473.
Vakula [cp. *Sk. vakula] a tree (Mimusops elengi) J v.420. 2
Vaggatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. vagga ] distraction, dissension, seces-
Vakka (adj.) [Vedic vakra; the usual P. form is vanka] crooked J
sion, sectarianism Vin i.316 (opp. samaggatta).
i.216. 9
Vaggana see vaggati (ref. of Vv 64 ).
Vakka (nt.) [Vedic vṛkka] the kidney Sn 195; Kh iii.; Miln 26; 1
Vaggiya (—°) (adj.) [fr. vagga ] belonging to a group, forming
DhsA 140. In detail described as one of the 32 ākāras at Vism
a company, a party of (—°), e. g. pañcavaggiyā therā J i.57,
255, 356; VbhA 60, 239, 356.
82; bhikkhū M i.70; ii.94; chabbaggiyā bhikkhū (the group
-pañcaka the series of five (constituents of the body) be-
ginning with the kidney. These are vakka, hadaya, yakana, of 6 bh.) Vin i.111 sq., 316 sq. & passim; sattarasa-vaggiyā
kilomaka, pihaka: VbhA 249. bhikkhū (group of 17) Vin iv.112.
Vaggu (adj.) [cp. Vedic valgu, fr. valg; freq. in comb with vadati
Vakkanga [vakkaṁ+ga] a term for bird, poetically for sakuṇa J
"to speak lovely words"] lovely, beautiful, pleasant, usually of
i.216 (tesaṁ ubhosu passesu pakkhā vankā jātā ti vakkangā
sound (sara) D ii.20 (°ssara); S i.180, 190; Sn 350, 668; Vv 5 ,
36 , 364 (°rūpa), 50 (girā), 63 , 64 (ghoso suvaggu), 64 ,
Vakkhati is fut. of vac: he will say, e. g. at Vin ii.190; iv.238. 2 17 3 1 4
67 , 84 ; Pv i.11 ; ii.12 ; iii.3 ; J ii.439; iii.21; v.215; Sdhp
See vatti.
245. The foll. synonyms are frequently given in VvA & PvA
Vakkala [cp. BSk. valkala (e. g. Jtm 210): see vāka] 1. the bark as expl of vaggu: abhirūpa, cāru, madhura, rucira, savanīya,
of a tree J ii.13 (°antara); iii.522. — 2. a bark garment (worn siniddha, sundara, sobhaṇa.
by ascetics): see vakkali. -vada of lovely speech or enunciation Sn 955 (=madhura
— vada, pemaniya — vada, hadayangama°, karavīkaruda —
Vakkalaka ("bark — like," or "tuft"?) is at KhA 50 as the Vism 1
mañju — ssara Nd 446).
reading, where KhA reads daṇḍa. The P.T.S. ed. of Vism (p.
255) reads wrongly cakkalaka. Vagguli & °ī (m. & f.) [cp. Sk. valgulī, of valg to flutter] a bat
Vakkali [in comp for in] wearing a garment of bark, an ascetic, Vin ii.148; Miln 364, 404; Vism 663 (in simile); DhA iii.223.
-rukkha a tree on which bats live Vism 74. -vata "bat —
lit. "barker" J ii.274 (°sadda the sound of the bark — garment
practice," a certain practice of ascetics J i.493; iii.235; iv.299.
— wearer). See also Np. Vakkali.
Vakkalika (adj.) (—°) [fr. vakkala] in danta° peeling bark with Vanka (adj. — n.) [cp. Vedic vanka & vakra bending; also
one's teeth, designation of a cert. kind of ascetics DA i.271. Ved. vanku moving, fluttering, walking slant; vañcati to wa-
ver, walk crooked. Cp. Lat. con — vexus "convex," Ags.
Vagga [Vedic varga, fr. vṛj; cp. Lat. volgus & vulgus (=E. vul-
wōh "wrong," Goth. wāhs; Ohg. wanga cheek, and others.
gar) crowd, people] 1. a company, section, group, party Vin
— The Dhtp 5 gives "koṭilya" as meaning of vank. Another
i.58 (du°, ti°), 195 (dasa° a chapter of 10 bhikkhus). — 2.
Pāli form is vakka (q. v.). The Prk. forms are both vakka &
a section or chapter of a canonical book DhA i.158 (eka —
vanka: Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 74], I. (adj.). — 1. crooked, bent,

Vanka Vaco

curved M i.31 (+jimha); S iv.118 (read v — daṇḍā); Vin ii.116 At SnA 397 (comb with linga and other terms) it refers to the
(suttā vankā honti); J i.9 (of kāja); iv.362 (°daṇḍa), PvA 51. "number," i. e. singular & plural.
With ref. to a kind of vīṇā at VvA 281. — 2. (fig.) crooked, -attha word — analysis or meaning of words Vism 364;
deceitful, dishonest J iii.313 (of crows: kākānaṁ nāmaṁ C.); SnA 24. -kara one who does one's bidding, obedient;
vi.524; Pv iv.1 34 (a°); Sn 270 (probably to be read dhanka as a servant Vv 16 ; 84 ; J ii.129; iv.41 (vacanaṁ — kara);
SnA 303, =kāka). — 3. doubtful, deceitful, deceptive, i. e. v.98; PvA 134. -khama gentle in words S ii.282; A iv.32.
haunted Vv 84 , cp. VvA 334. — II. (m.) — 1. a bend, nook, -paṭivacana speech and counterspeech (i. e. reply), conver-
curve (of ponds) J ii.189; vi.333 (sahassa°). — 2. a hook J sation DhA ii.35; PvA 83, 92, 117. -patha way of say-
v.269. — 3. a fish-hook D ii.266; Th 1, 749; J vi.437. — On ing, speech M i.126 (five ways, by which a person is judged:
vanka in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907, 131. kālena vā akālena vā, bhūtena & a°, saṇhena & pharusena,
-angula a crooked finger A iii.6. -âtivankin having attha — saṁhitena & an°, mettacittā & dosantarā); A ii.117,
curves upon curves (in its horns), with very crooked antlers 153; iii.163; iv.277, cp. D iii.236; Vv 63 17 (=vacana VvA
J i.160 (said of a deer). -gata running in bends or crooked (of 262); SnA 159, 375. -bheda variance in expression, different
a river) J i.289. -ghasta (a fish) having swallowed the hook words, kind of speech SnA 169, cp. vacanamatte bhedo SnA
D ii.266; J vi.113. -chidda a crooked hole DA i.112. -dāṭha 471. -vyattaya distinction or specification of expression SnA
having a bent fang (of a boar) J ii.405. 509. -sampaṭiggaha "taking up together," summing up (what
Vankaka (nt.) [fr. vanka] a sort of toy: Rh. D. "toy-plough" has been said), résumé KhA 100. -sesa the rest of the words
PvA 14, 18, 103.
(Dial. i.10); Kern "miniature fish-hook" (Toev. s. v.). Rh.
D. derives it fr. Sk. vṛka (see P. vaka ). Bdhgh at DA i.86 Vacanīya (adj.) [grd. formation fr. vacana] to be spoken to, or to
takes it as "toy-plough." See D i.6; Vin ii.10 (v. l. vangaka be answered D i.175; Sn p. 140.
& vankata); iii.180 (v.l. cangaka); A v.203 (T. vanka; v. l.
Vacasa (adj.) (—°) [the adj. form of vaco=vacas] having speech,
vankaka); Miln 229. At ThA 15 vankaka is used in general
speaking, in cpd. saddheyya° of credible speech, trustworthy
meaning of "something crooked" (to explain Th 2, 11 khujja),
Vin iii.188.
which is specified at Th 1, 43 as sickle, plough and spade.
Vacī (°—) [the composition form of vaco] speech, words; rare by
Vankatā (f.) & Vankatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. vanka] crookedness A
itself (and in this case re — established from cpds.) and po-
1 112 (tt); Dhs 1339; VbhA 494. d
etical, as at Sn 472 (yassa vacī kharā; expl at SnA 409 by
Vankeyya (adj.) [grd. formation fr. vanka] "of a crooked kind," "vācā"), 973 (cudito vacīhi=vācāhi SnA 574). Otherwise in
crooked — like; nt. twisting, crookedness, dishonesty M cpds, like: -gutta controlled in speech Sn 78. -para one
i.340; A iv.189; v.167. who excels in words (not in actions), i. e. a man of words J
ii.390. -parama id. D iii.185. -bheda "kind of words,"
Vanga at DA i.223 is syn. with kaṇa and means some kind of
what is like speech, i. e. talk or language Vin iv.2; Miln 231
fault or flaw. It is probably a wrong spelling for vanka.
(meaning here: break of the vow of speech?); various saying,
Vangati [cp. *Sk. vangati, to which belongs vañjula. Idg. *ṷag
detailed speech, specification KhA 13; SnA 464, 466. See
to bend; cp. Lat. vagor to roam, vagus=vague; Ohg. wankon
also vākya-bheda & vācaṁ bhindati. -viññatti intimation
to waver] to go, walk, waver; found only in Dhtp (No. 29) as
by language Vism 448; Miln 370; Dhs 637. -vipphāra dilat-
root vang in meaning "gamana." Perhaps confused with valg;
ing in talk Miln 230, 370. -samācāsa good conduct in speech
see vaggati.
M ii.114; iii.45; D iii.217. — Often coupled (as triad) with
Vaca (nt.) a kind of root Vin i.201=iv.35. Cp. vacattha. kāya° & mano° (=in deed & in mind; where vācā is used when
not compounded), e. g. in (vacī) -kamma (+kāya° & mano°)
Vacatā (f.) [abstr. fr. vaco] is found only in cpd. dub-bacatā
surliness J i.159. deed by word M i.373, 417; iii.207; D iii.191, 245; °duccarita
misbehaviour in words (four of these, viz. musāvāda, pisuṇā
*Vacati [vac] see vatti.
vācā, pharusā vācā, samphappalāpa A ii.141 D iii.52, 96, 111,
Vacattha (nt.) a kind of root Vin i.201=iv.35. 214, 217; Nd 386; Pug 60; DhA i.23; iii.417; °sankhāra an-
tecedent or requisite for speech M i.301; A iii.350; S iv.293;
Vacana (nt.) [fr. vac; Vedic vacana] 1. speaking, utterance, word,
VbhA 167; Vism 531; °sañcetanā intention by word VbhA
bidding S ii.18 (alaṁ vacanāya one says rightly); iv.195 (yathā
144; °sucarita good conduct in speech A ii.141 (the 4: sacca
bhūtaṁ); A ii.168; Sn 417, 699, 932, 984, 997; Miln 235; Pv
ii.2 ; SnA 343, 386. — mama vacanena in my name PvA — vācā, apisuṇā vācā, saṇhā vācā, mantā bhāsā).
53. — dubbacana a bad word Th 2, 418 (=dur — utta — Vaco (& vaca) (nt.) [Vedic vacas, of vac] speech, words, say-
vacana ThA 268). — vacanaṁ karoti to do one's bidding J ing; nom. & acc. vaco Sn 54, 356, 988, 994, 1006, 1057,
i.222, 253. — 2. (t. t. g.) what is said with regard to its 1110, 1147; J i.188; Nd 553 (=vacana byāpatha desanā anu-
grammatical, syntactical or semantic relation, way of speech, sandhi); Pv i.11 . instr. vacasā Vin ii.95 (dhammā bahussutā
term, expression, as: āmantana° term of address KhA 167; honti dhatā v. paricitā); iii.189; S i.12 (+manasā); Sn 365,
SnA 435; paccatta° expression of sep. relation, i. e. the ac- 663, 890 (=vacanena Nd 299); Vism 241; Mhvs 19, 42. —
cusative case SnA 303; piya° term of endearment Nd 130; As adj. (—°) vaca in comb with du° as dubbaca having bad
SnA 536; puna° repetition SnA 487; vattamāna° the present speech, using bad language, foul — mouthed M i.95; S ii.204;
tense SnA 16, 23; visesitabba° qualifying (predicative) ex- A ii.147; iii.178; v.152 sq.; J i.159; Pug 20; Sdhp 95, 197.
pression VvA 13; sampadāna° the dative relation SnA 317. Opp. suvaca of nice speech M i.126; A v.24 sq.; Pv iv.1 33

Vaco Vajjha

(=subbaca PvA 230). — Cp. vacī & vācā. which latter coincides with vṛtta of vṛt in P. vatta: see vatta &
cp. vajjeti to avoid, vajjita, vajjana etc.) Sn 121, 381, 729 (jā-
Vacca (nt.) [cp. BSk. vaccaḥ AvŚ i.254] excrement, faeces Vin
timaraṇa — saṁsāraṁ), 1143; J iii.401; iv.103 (nirayaṁ); Pv
ii.212; iv.229, 265; Vism 250 (a baby's); VbhA 232 (id.), 243;
iv.1 72 (Pot. vajeyya); Nd 423 (=gacchati kamati); Mhvs 11,
PvA 268. — vaccaṁ osajjati, or karoti to ease oneself J i.3;
35 (imper. vaja as v. l.; T. reads bhaja). See cpds. anubbajati,
PvA 268.
upabb°, pabb°, paribb°.
-kuṭī (& kuṭi) a privy Vin ii.221; J i.161; ii.10; Vism
235, 259, 261; VbhA 242; DhA ii.55, 56; PvA 266, 268. Vajalla see rajo-vajalla.
-kūpa a cesspool Vin ii.221; J v.231; Vism 344 sq.; DhA i.180. 1
Vajira [cp. Vedic vajira, Indra's thunderbolt; Idg. *ṷeĝ=Sk. vaj,
-ghaṭa a pot for excrements, chamber utensil, commode Vin
cp. Lat. vegeo to thrive, vigeo>vigour; Av. vaǤra; Oicel.
i.157=ii.216; M i.207. -doṇikā id. Vin ii.221. -magga
vakr=Ags. wacor=Ger. wacker; also E. wake etc. See also
"the way of faeces," excrementary canal, opening of the rec-
vājeti] a thunderbolt; usually with ref. to Sakka's (=Indra's)
tum Vin ii.221; iii.28 sq., 35; J i.502; iv.30. -sodhaka a privy
weapon D i.95=M i.231 (ayasa); Th 1, 419; J i.134 (vajira —
— cleaner, night — man Mhvs 10, 91.
pūritā viya garukā kucchi "as if filled with Sakka's thunder-
Vaccasin (adj.) [cp. Sk. varcasvin & Ved. varcin, having splen- bolt." Dutoit takes it in meaning vajira and trsl "with dia-
dour, might or energy, fr. Vedic varcas] energetic, imposing D monds"); SnA 225 (°āvudha the weapon of Sakka).
i.114 (brahma°; Dial. i.146 "fine in presence," cp. DA i.282). -pāṇin having a thunderbolt in his hand (N. of a yakkha)
See also under brahma. — Note. The P. root vacc is given at D i.95=M. i.231.
Dhtm 59 in meaning of "ditti," i. e. splendour. 2 1
Vajira (m. & nt.) [cp. Sk. vajra=vajira ] a diamond A i.124
Vaccita [pp. of vacceti, Denom. of vacca] wanting to ease one- (°ûpamacitta)=Pug 30; Dh 161; J iv.234; Miln 118, 267, 278;
self, oppressed with vacca Vin ii.212, 221. Mhvs 30, 95; KhA 110 (°sankhāta — kāya); DhA i.387 (°panti
Vaccha [Vedic vatsa, lit. "one year old, a yearling"; cp. Gr. ε῎τος row of diamonds), 392 sq.
year, Sk. vatsara id., Lat vetus old, vitulus calf; Goth. wiprus a Vajuḷa [cp. Sk. vañjula. Given as vañjula at Abhp 553] N. of
year old lamb=Ohg. widar=E. wether] a calf Dh 284; J v.101; several plants, a tree (the ratan: Halāyudha 2, 46) J v.420. See
Vism 163 (in simile), 269 (id.; kūṭa° a maimed calf); DhsA also vangati.
62 (with popular etym. "vadatī ti vaccho"); VvA 100, 200 1
Vajja (nt.) [grd. of vajjati, cp. Sk. varjya] that which should be
(taruṇa°). — On vaccha in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907, 131.
avoided, a fault, sin D ii.38; S i.221; Vin ii.87 (thūla° a grave
-giddhinī longing for her calf S iv.181. -gopālaka a cow
sin); A i.47, 98; iv.140; Ps i.122; Dh 252; VbhA 342 (syn.
— herd Vism 28. -danta "calf — tooth," a kind of arrow or with dosa and garahitabba); KhA 23 (paṇṇatti° & pakati°), 24
javelin M i.429; J vi.448. -pālaka cow — herd Vv 51 .
(id.), 190 (loka°); DA i.181 (=akusala — dhamma). Freq. in
Vaccha [=rukkha, fr. vṛkṣa] a tree; only in mālā° an ornamental phrase: aṇumattesu vajjesu bhaya — dassāvin "seeing a source
plant Vin ii.12; iii.179; Vism 172; DhA ii.109. of fear even in the slightest sins" D i.63; S v.187 and passim.
Vacchaka [Demin. fr. vaccha ] a (little) calf J iii.444; v.93, 433; -°dassin finding fault Dh 76 (expl in detail at DhA ii.107). —
Miln 282 (as go — vacchaka). anavajja & sāvajja, the relation of which to vajja is doubtful,
-pālaka a cow — herd J iii.444. -sālā cow — shed, cow- see avajja.
pen J v.93; Miln 282. Vajja (adj. — nt.) [cp. Sk. vādya, grd. of vad] 1. "to be said,"
i. e. speaking D i.53 (sacca°=sacca — vacana DA i.160). See
Vacchatara [fr. vaccha; the compar. suffix in meaning "sort of,
also mosa — vajja. — 2. "to be sounded," i. e. musical in-
— like." Cp. Sk. vatsatara] a weaned calf, bullock D i.127,
strument J i.500 (°bheri).
148; S i.75; A ii.207; iv.41 sq.; Pug 56; DA i.294. — f. vac-
chatarī D i.127; S i.75; Vin i.191; Pug 56. Vajja, vajjā, vajjuṁ: Pot. of vad, see vadati.
Vacchati is fut. of vasati to dwell. Vajjati [vṛj, Vedic vṛṇakti & varjati to turn; in etym. related to
vajati. Dhtp 547: "vajjane"] to turn etc.; only as Pass. form
Vacchara [cp. Class. Sk. vatsara] year Sdhp 239. See the usual
vajjati [in form=Ved. vṛjyate] to be avoided, to be excluded
from (abl.) Miln 227; KhA 160 (°itabba, in pop. etym. of
Vacchala (adj.) [cp. Sk. vatsala] affectionate, lit. "loving her
Vajjī). — Caus. vajjeti (*varjayati) to avoid, to abstain from,
calf" ThA 148 (Ap v.64).
renounce Sdhp 10, 11, 200. Cp. pari°, vi°.
Vaja [Vedic vraja: see vajati] a cattle — fold, cow — pen A 2
Vajjati Pass of vad, see vadati.
iii.393; J ii.300; iii.270, 379; Vism 166, 279; DhA i.126, 396.
Vajjana (nt.) [fr. vajjati] avoidance, shunning Vism 5 (opp. se-
— giribbaja a (cattle or sheep) run on the mountain J iii.479;
vana); DhA iii.417.
as Npl. at Sn 408.
Vajati [Vedic vraj, cp. Ved. vraja (=P. vaja) & vṛjana enclo- Vajjanīya (adj.) [grd. formation fr. vajjati ] to be avoided, to be
shunned; improper Miln 166 (i. e. bad or uneven parts of the
sure=Av. vǤrǤǤǤ̄na —, with which cp. Gr. ει῎ργνυμι to en-
wood), 224.
close, εἱργμός, Lat. vergo to turn; Gaelic fraigh hurdle; Ags.
wringan=E. wring=Ger. ringen, E. wrinkle =Ger. renken, and Vajjavant (adj.) [vajja +vant] sinful S iii.194.
many others, see Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. vergo. — The Dhtp
Vajjha (adj.) [grd. of vadhati] to be killed, slaughtered or exe-
(59) defines vaj (together with aj) by "gamana"] to go, pro-
cuted; object of execution; meriting death Vin iv.226; Sn 580
ceed, get to (acc.), lit. to turn to (cp. vṛj, vṛṇakti, pp. vṛkta,

Vajjha Vaṭṭa

(go vajjho viya); J ii.402 (cora); vi.483 (=vajjhappatta cora Vv 38 (expl as "ratanamayā kaṇṇikā" (pl.) at VvA 174); J
C.); Vism 314; KhA 27. — avajjha not to be slain, scath- vi.488; VvA 178, 189, 209. — Note. The root vaṭ given as
less Sn 288 (brāhmaṇa); Miln 221=J v.49; Miln 257 (°kavaca "veṭhana" at Dhtm 106 probably refers to vaṭaṁsa.
invulnerable armour).
Vaṭaka [cp. *Sk. vaṭaka, fr. vaṭa rope] a small ball or thickening,
-ghāta a slaughterer, executioner Th 2, 242 (cp. ThA
bulb, tuber; in muḷāla° the (edible) tuber of the lotus J vi.563
204). — cora a robber (i. e. criminal) waiting to be ex-
(C. kaṇḍaka).
ecuted PvA 153. -paṭaha-bheri the execution drum PvA
Vaṭākara [probably distorted by metathesis from Sk. vaṭārakā.
4. -bhāvapatta condemned to death J i.439. -sūkariyo
Fr. vaṭa rope. On etym. of the latter see Walde, Lat. Wtb. s.
(pl.) sows which had no young, barren sows (read vañjha°!) J
v. volvo] a rope, cable J iii.478 (nāvā sa — vaṭākarā).
Vaṭuma (nt.) [cp. Vedic vartman, fr. vṛt] a road, path D ii.8; S
Vajjhaka (adj.) (—°)=vajjha DhsA 239.
iv.52 (chinna°); J iii.412; Vism 123 (sa° & a°). Cp. ubbaṭuma
Vajjhā (f.) [cp. Sk. vadhyā] execution; only in cpd. (as vajjha°)
& parivaṭuma.
°ppatta condemned to death, about to be executed Vin iv.226;
Vaṭṭa (adj. — nt.) [pp. of vṛt, Sk. vṛtta in meaning of "round"
J ii.119, 264; vi.483.
as well as "happened, become" etc. The two meanings have
Vajjheti [Denom. fr. vajjha] to destroy, kill J vi.527 (siro vajjhay-
become differentiated in Pāli: vaṭṭa is not found in meaning of
itvāna). Kern, Toev. s. v. vaddh° proposes reading vaddhay-
"happened." All three Pāli meanings are specialized, just as the
itvāna (of a root vardh to cut), cutting off is perhaps better.
pres. vaṭṭati is specialized in meaning "behoves"] 1. round,
The expression is hapax legomenon.
circular; (nt.) circle PvA 185 (āyata+); KhA 50 (°nāli). See
Vañcati [vañc: see etym. under vanka. — The Dhtp distinguishes cpd. °anguli. — 2. (fig.) "rolling on," the "round" of exis-
two roots vañc, viz. "gamane" (46) and "palambhane" (543), tences, cycle of transmigrations, saṁsāra, evolution (=involu-
thus giving the lit. & the fig. meanings] 1. to walk about J tion) (as forward or ascending circle of existences, without im-
i.214 (inf. °ituṁ=pādacāra — gamanena gantuṁ C.). — 2. plying a teleological idea, in contrast to vivaṭṭa "rolling back"
Caus. vañceti to cheat, deceive, delude, elude D i.50; Sn 100, or devolution, i. e. a new (descending) cycle of existence in a
129, 356; J iii.420 (aor. avañci=vañcesi C.); vi.403 (°etu — new aeon with inverted [vi — ] motion, so to speak) S iii.63;
kāma); Pv iii.4 ; Miln 396; Mhvs 25, 69 (tomaraṁ avañcayi). iv.53 (pariyādiṇṇa°), cp. M iii.118; Th 1, 417 (sabba°: "all
— pp. vañcita. constant rolling on" trsl ); SnA 351 (=upādāna); DhsA 238.
— There are 3 vaṭṭas, (te — bhūmaka vaṭṭa, see also tivaṭṭa)
Vañcana (nt.) [fr. vañc, cp. Epic Sk. vañcana] deception, delu-
embracing existence in the stages of kamma- vaṭṭa, kilesa°
sion, cheating, fraud, illusion D i.5; iii.176; A ii.209; Sn 242;
Pv iii.9 ; Pug 19; J iv.435; DhsA 363 (for māyā Dhs 1059); and vipāka°, or circle of deed, sin & result (found only in
Commentarial literature): KhA 189; SnA 510 (tebhūmaka°);
DA i.79; DhA iii.403; PvA 193. — vañcana in lit. meaning of
DhA i.289 (kilesa°); iv.69 (tebhūmaka°). See also Māra; and
vañcati 1 is found in avañcana not tottering J i.214.
°dukkha, °vivaṭṭa below. — 3. "what has been proffered," ex-
Vañcanika (adj.) [fr. vañcana] deceiving; a cheat D iii.183; Th 1,
penditure, alms (as t. t.) J vi.333 (dāna° alms — gift); DhA
940; Miln 290.
ii.29 (pāka° cooked food as alms); VvA 222 (id.); Mhvs 32,
Vañcaniya (adj.) [grd. formation fr. vañcana, cp. MVastu ii.145: 61 (alms — pension); 34, 64 (salāka — vaṭṭabhatta). — Cp.
vañcanīya] deceiving, deluding Th 2, 490. vi°.
-anguli a rounded (i. e. well — formed) finger; adj. hav-
Vañcita [pp. of vañceti] deceived, cheated J i.287 (vañcit'
ing round fingers Vv 64 13 (=anupubbato v., i. e. regularly
ammi=vañcitā amhi).
formed, VvA 280); J v.207, 215. -angulika same as last J
Vañjula see vajuḷa.
v.204. -ânugata accompanied by (or affected with) saṁsāra
Vañjha (adj.) [cp. Epic & later Sk. bandhya] barren, sterile D J i.91 (dhana). -ûpaccheda destruction of the cycle of rebirths
i.14, 56; M i.271; S ii.29 (a°); iv.169; v.202 (a°); Pv iii.4 5 A ii.34=It 88; A iii.35; Vism 293. -kathā discussion about
(a°=anipphala C.); J ii.406 (°sūkariyo: so read for vajjha°); saṁsāra Vism 525; DA i.126; VbhA 133. -kāra a worker
Miln 95; Vism 508 (°bhāva); DhA i.45 (°itthi); DA i.105; PvA in brass. The meaning of vaṭṭa in this connection is not clear;
31, 82; VvA 149; Sdhp 345 (a°). the same vaṭṭa occurs in °loha ("round" metal?). Kern, Toev.
s. v. compares it with Sk. vardhra leather strap, taking vaṭṭa
Vaṭa [cp. Epic Sk. vaṭa. A root vaṭ, not connected with this vaṭa
as a corruption of vaḍḍha, but the connection brass>leather
is given at Dhtm 106 in meaning "veṭhana": see vaṭaṁsa] the
seems far — fetched. It is only found at Miln 331. -dukkha
Indian fig tree J i.259 (°rukkha); iii.325; Mhvs 6, 16; DhA
the "ill" of transmigration (a Commentary expression) Vism
i.167 (°rukkha); PvA 113.
315; DhA iv.149; VvA 116. -paṭighātaka(ṁ) (vivaṭṭaṁ) (a
Vaṭa at Pug 45, 46 (tuccho pi hito pūro pi vaṭo) read ti pihito pūro
devolution) destroying evolution, i. e. salvation from saṁsāra
vivaṭo. See vivaṭa.
SnA 106. -bhaya fear of saṁsāra VbhA 256. -mūla the
Vaṭaṁsa [for avaṭaṁsa: see Geiger, P.Gr. § 66 ; cp. Sk. root of saṁsāra DhA iii.278. -vivaṭṭa (1) evolving and de-
avataṁsa with t; Prk. vaaṁsa] a kind of head ornament, per- volving; going round and back again, i. e. all round (a for-
haps ear — ring or garland worn round the forehead Mhvs mation after the manner of reduplicative cpds. like cuṇṇa —
11, 28 (C. expl as "kaṇṇapilandhanaṁ vaṭaṁsakan ti vuttaṁ vicuṇṇa in intensive — iterative meaning), °vasena in direct
hoti"). Usually as vaṭaṁsaka Vin ii.10; iii.180; Th 1, 523; and inverse succession, all round, completely J i.75. Cp. also

Vaṭṭa Vaḍḍhati

vatta — paṭivatta. — (2) saṁsāra in ascending and descending little ball").
lines, evolution ("involution") and devolution, or one round
Vaṭṭi (f.) [represents both Epic Sk. varti and vṛtti, differ-
of transmigration and the other. It is dogmatically defined at
entiated derivations from vṛt, combining the meanings of
Nett 113 as "vaṭṭaṁ saṁsāro vivaṭṭaṁ nibbānaṁ" (similarly,
"turning, rolling" and "encircling, round"] 1. a wick S
opposed to vaṭṭa at DA i.126) which is however not the general
ii.86=iii.126=iv.213; J i.243 (dīpa°); DhA 393; ThA 72 (Ap.
meaning, the vivaṭṭa not necessarily meaning a nibbāna stage.
v.45: nom. pl. vaṭṭīni); Mhvs 32, 37; 34, 35. — 2. enclo-
See SnA 106 (quoted above); VvA 68. We have so far not
sure, lining, film, skin Vism 258 (anta° entrails), 262 (udara°);
found any passage where it might be interpreted in the com-
J i.260 (anta°, so read for °vaddhi). — 3. edge, rim, brim,
prehensive sense as meaning "the total round of existences,
cireumference Vin ii.120 (aggala° of the door), 148 (id.); S
" after the fashion of cpds. like bhavâbhava. -loha "round
iii.141 (patta° of a vase or bowl); iv.168 (id.); DhA ii.124
metal" (?), one of the 3 kittima-lohāni mentioned at VbhA 63
(nemi°). Often as mukha-vaṭṭi outer rim, border, lining, e.
(kaṁsa°, vaṭṭa°, ārakūṭa); also at Miln 267 (with kāḷa°, tamba° g. cakkavāḷa° J i.64, 72; DhA i.319; iii.209; patt° J v.38;
& kaṁsa°, where in the trsl Rh. D. does not give a def. expl n
pāsāda° DhsA 107. — 4. strip, fringe Vin ii.266 (dussa°);
of the word).
J v.73 (camma°); Mhvs 11, 15. — 5. a sheath, bag, pod J
Vaṭṭa ("rained"): see abhivaṭṭa and vaṭṭha (vuṭṭha); otherwise iii.366 (tiṇa°); Mhvs 26, 17 (marica° red pepper pod); DhA
only at DhA ii.265. iv.203 (reṇu°). — 6. a lump, ball DhA iii.117 (pubba°, of
matter). — 7. rolling forth or along, a gush (of water), pour J
Vaṭṭaka (nt.) [fr. vṛt, or P. vaṭṭa] a cart, in haṭṭha° handcart Vin
i.109 (or to vṛṣ?).
Vaṭṭikā (f.) [vaṭṭi+kā, cp. Class. Sk. vartikā] 1. a wick Mhvs
Vaṭṭakā (f.) (& vaṭṭaka°) [cp. Sk. vartakā & Ved. vartikā] the
30, 94. — 2. a brim Mhvs 18, 28. — 3. a pod Mhvs 26, 16
quail M iii.159 sq.; J i.172, 208 (vaṭṭaka — luddaka); iii.312;
DhA iii.175 (loc. pl. vaṭṭakesu). — The Vaṭṭaka-jātaka at J
i.208 sq. (cp. J v.414). Vaṭṭin (—°) (adj.) in muṇḍa° porter (?) is not clear. It is a der n
fr. vaṭṭi in one or the other of its meanings. Found only at
Vaṭṭati [Vedic vṛt. The representative of vattati (=Sk. vartate) in
Vin ii.137, where it is expl by Bdhgh as "veṭṭhin." It may be-
specialized meaning. The regular meaning of *vartate (with
long to vaṭaṁsa or vaṭa (rope): cp. Dhtm 106 "veṭhana" for
vaṭṭana), viz. "turning round," is attached to vaṭṭati only in
later Pāli & sometimes doubtful. It is found also in the Caus.
vaṭṭeti. The def of vaṭṭ (literal meaning) at Dhtp 89 is Vaṭṭula (adj.) [fr. vṛt, cp. late Sk. vartula] circular Abhp 707.
"vaṭṭana," and at Dhtm 107 "āvattana"] 1. to turn round, to
Vaṭṭha [pp. of vassati, for the usual vuṭṭha] rained, in nava° newly
move on: doubtful in "kattha vaṭṭaṁ na vaṭṭati" S i.15; prefer-
rained upon DhA i.19 (bhūmi).
ably with v. l. as vaḍḍhati. — Caus. I. vaṭṭeti to turn or
Vaṭhara (adj.) [cp. BSk. vaṭhara MVastu ii.65. A root vaṭh is
twist J i.338 (rajjuṁ); to cause to move or go on (in weaving;
given at Dhtm 133 in meaning "thūlattane bhave" i. e. bulki-
tasaraṁ v. to speed the shuttle) SnA 265, 266. Should we read
ness] bulky, gross Abhp 701.
vaḍḍheti? Cp. āvaṭṭeti. — Caus. II. vaṭṭāpeti to cause to turn
J i.422. — 2. to be right or fit or proper, to behove; it ought Vaḍḍha (nt.) [fr. vṛdh] wealth, riches J iii.131 (vaḍḍhaṁ
to (with infin.); with instr. of person who ought to do this or vaḍḍhataṁ, imper.). Or should we read vaṭṭa? — Vaḍḍha
that, e. g. sīlācāra — sampannena bhavituṁ vaṭṭati J i.188; is used as Np. at KhA 119, perhaps in meaning "prosperous."
kataññunā bhavituṁ v. J i.122. — See e. g. J i.376; ii.352,
Vaḍḍhaka [fr. vaḍḍheti] 1. augmenting, increasing, i. e. looking
406; Miln 9; Vism 184; DhA ii.38, 90, 168; SnA 414 (vattuṁ
after the welfare of somebody or something, one who super-
to say); VvA 63, 69, 75; PvA 38 (dātuṁ). The noun to vaṭṭati
intends J i.2 (rāsi° the steward of an estate). — 2. a maker of,
is vatta (not vaṭṭa!).
in special sense (cīvara° robecutter, perhaps fr. vardh to cut:
Vaṭṭana (nt.) [fr. vṛt, vaṭṭati] turning round Dhtp 89 (in def of see vaddheti) a tailor J i.220.
vaṭṭati). Cp. āvaṭṭana.
Vaḍḍhaki (& °ī) [cp. Epic & Class. Sk. vardhaki & vardha- kin;
Vaṭṭanā (f.) [fr. vṛt] in °valī is a line or chain of balls ("rounds," perhaps from vardh to cut: see vaddheti] a carpenter, builder,
i. e. rings or spindles). Reading somewhat doubtful. It occurs architect, mason. On their craft and guilds see Fick, Sociale
at M i.80, 81 (seyyathā v. evaṁ me piṭṭhi — kaṇṭako unnat' Gliederung 181 sq.; Mrs. Rh. D. Cambridge Hist. Ind. i.206.
âvanato hoti; Neumann trsl "wie eine Kugelkette wurde mein — The word is specially characteristic of the Jātakas and other
Rückgrat mit den hervor — und zurücktretenden Wirbeln") popular (later) literature J i.32, 201, 247; ii.170; vi.332 sq.,
and at J v.69 (spelt "vaṭṭhanā — vali — sankāsā piṭṭhi te nin- 432; Ap. 51; DhA i.269; iv.207; Vism 94; PvA 141; Mhbv
nat' unnatā," with C. expl "piṭṭhika — ṭṭhāne āvuṇitvā ṭhāpitā 154. — iṭṭha° a stonemason Mhvs 35, 102; nagara° the city
vaṭṭhanā — vali — sadisā"). The J trsl by Dutoit gives architect Miln 331, 345; brāhmaṇa° a brahmin carpenter J
"einer Reihe von Spinnwirteln dein Rücken gleicht im Auf und iv.207; mahā° chief carpenter, master builder Vism 463. In
Nieder"; the E. tsrl has "Thy back like spindles in a row, a metaphor taṇhā the artificer lust DhA iii.128.
long unequal curve doth show." -gāma a carpenter village J ii.18, 405; iv.159.
Vaṭṭani (f.) [cp. Vedic vartani circumference of a wheel, course] Vaḍḍhati [Vedic vardhati, vṛdh, cp. Av. vǤrǤdaiti to increase.
a ring, round, globe, ball Th 2, 395 (vaṭṭani — riva; expl at To this root belongs P. uddha "high up" (=Gr. ορχός straight).
ThA 259 as "lākhāya guḷikā viya," trsl Sisters 154: "but a Def at Dhtp 109 simply as "vaḍḍhane"] primary meaning "to

Vaḍḍhati Vaṇibbaka

increase" (trs. & intrs.); hence: to keep on, to prosper, to mul- meaning vaḍḍheti [BSk. vardhate] "to bid higher (at a sale),"
tiply, to grow S i.15 (read vaḍḍh° for vaṭṭ°); ii.206 (vaṇṇena); as in Divy 403; AvŚ i.36, and explain as "that which causes
iv.73, 250; A v.249 (paññāya); Sn 329 (paññā ca sutañ ca); J higher bidding," i. e. very precious. The passage is doubtful.
iii.131 (porāṇaṁ vaḍḍhaṁ vaḍḍhataṁ, imper. med. 3 sg.); It may simply mean "costly" (belonging to nandiyāvaṭṭaṁ); or
v.66 (sadā so vaḍḍhate rājā sukka — pakkhe va candimā); Pv is it to be read as vaṭṭamāna?
i.1 (dātā puññena v.); Pug 71; Miln 9; Mhvs 7, 68 (putta —
Vaḍḍhamānaka (adj.) [ppr. of vaḍḍheti+ka] growing, increas-
dhītāhi vaḍḍhitvā having numerous sons & daughters); 22, 73
ing, getting bigger; only in phrase vaḍḍhamānaka-cchāyāya
(ubho vaḍḍhiṁsu dārakā, grew up); SnA 319; PvA 94. —
(loc.) with growing shade, as the shadows lengthened, when
ppr. vaḍḍhamāna (1) thriving KhA 119 (read as Vaḍḍh°,
evening drew near DhA i.96, 416; ii.79; Mhvs 19, 40.
Np.); — (2) increasing J i.199 (putta — dhītāhi); Mhvs 23, 34
Vaḍḍhi (f.) [fr. vṛdh, Vedic vṛddhi refreshment etc., which is dif-
(°chāyāyaṁ as the shadows increased). — See also pari°. —
ferentiated in Pāli into vuddhi & vaḍḍhi] 1. increase, growth
pp. vaḍḍha, vaddha, vuḍḍha, vuddha, buḍḍha. — Caus.
(cp. Cpd. 251 sq.) S iv.250 (ariya°); J ii.426 (=phāti); Miln
I. vaḍḍheti, in many shades of meaning, all based upon the
109 (guṇa°); DhsA 327; DhA iii.335 (avaḍḍhi=parihāni). —
notion of progressive motion. Thus to be translated in any of
2. welfare, good fortune, happiness J v.101; vi.330. — 3. (as
the foll. senses: to increase, to make move on (cp. vv. ll.
t. t.) profit, interest (on money, esp. loans) Th 2, 444 (=iṇa —
vaṭṭeti), to bring on to, to further; to take an interest in, to in-
vaḍḍhi ThA 271); DA i.212, 270; VbhA 256 (in simile); SnA
dulge in, practise; to be busy with, cause to prosper; to arrange;
179 (°gahaṇa).
to make for; and in a general sense "to make" (cp. derivation
vaḍḍhaka "maker," i. e. tailor; vaḍḍhaki id., i. e. carpenter; Vaḍḍhika (adj.) [fr. vaḍḍhi] leading to increase, augmenting,
vaḍḍhana, etc.). The latter development into "make" is late. prosperous Miln 351 (ekanta°, equal to aparihā-niya).
— 1. to increase, to raise Sn 275 (rajaṁ); DA i.115; Mhvs 29,
Vaḍḍhita [pp. of vaḍḍheti] 1. increased, augmented; raised, en-
66 (mangalaṁ to raise the chant); PvA 168 (+brūheti). — 2.
larged; big Th 1, 72 (su — su°); DA i.115; DhsA 188, 364; J
to cultivate (vipassanaṁ insight) J i.117 (aor. °esi); PvA 14.
v.340 (°kāya). — 2. grown up DhA i.126. — 3. brought up,
— 3. to rear, to bring up Mhvs 35, 103 (aor. vaḍḍhesi). — 4.
reared J i.455. — 4. served, indulged, supplied: see kaṭasi°
(with ref. to food) to get ready, arrange, serve in (loc.) J iii.445
(S ii.178 e. g.).
(pātiyā on the dish); iv.67 (karoṭiyaṁ), 391. — 5. to exalt J
Vaṇa (nt. & m.) [cp. Vedic vraṇa; Serbian rana; Obulg. var̄e,
i.338 (akulīne vaḍḍhessati). — 6. to participate in, to practise,
both "wound"] a wound, sore Vin i.205 (m.), 218 (vaṇo rūḷho);
attend to, to serve (acc.) S ii.109 (tanhaṁ); A ii.54 (kaṭasiṁ
iii.36 (m; angajāte), 117 (angajāte); S iv.177 (vaṇaṁ ālimpeti);
to serve the cemetery, i. e. to die again and again: see refs. 2
A v.347 sq., 350 sq.; 359; Nd 540; PugA 212 (purāṇa — vaṇa
under kaṭasi); Vism 111 (kasiṇaṁ), 152. — 7. to make move
— sadisa — citto); DhA ii.165 (°ṁ bandhati to bandage); VvA
on, to set into motion (for vaṭṭeti?), in tasaraṁ v. SnA 265,
77; PvA 80; Sdhp 395. On vaṇa in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907,
266. — 8. to take up Mhvs 26, 10 (kuntaṁ). — pp. vaḍḍhita.
— Caus. II. vaḍḍhāpeti: 1. to cause to be enlarged Mhvs 35,
-ālepana putting ointment on a sore SnA 58 (in sim.).
119. — 2. to cause to be brought up or reared J i.455. — 3.
-coḷaka a rag for dressing a wound Vism 342; VbhA 361.
to have attended to Vin ii.134 (massuṁ). — 4. to cause to be
-paṭikamma restoration or healing of a wound DhA ii.164.
made up (of food) J iv.68.
-paṭicchādana dressing of a wound DhA i.375. -paṭṭa id.,
Vaḍḍhana (nt. & adj.) [fr. vaḍḍheti; see also vaddhana] 1. in-
bandage SnA 100. -bandhana id. Vin i.205. -mukha the
creasing, augmenting, fostering; increase, enlargement, pro-
opening of a sore A iv.386 (nava °āni); VvA 77 (id.).
longation M i.518 (hāyana° decrease & increase); J iii.422
Vaṇi (f.) [fr. van to desire] wish, request Ud 53; J iv.404 (=yācana
(kula°, spelling ddh); Mhvs 35, 73 (āyussa); DhsA 406; PvA
C.); cp. J.P.T.S. 1891, 18 See vana & cp. vaṇeti.
31; Miln 320 (bala° strengthincreasing); Dhtp 109; Sdhp 361.
— 2. indulgence in, attachment; serving, practising Sn 1084 Vaṇijjā (f.) [Vedic vaṇijyā, fr. vaṇij° (vaṇik) merchant, cp. vāṇija
(takka°); J i.146 (kaṭasi°, q. v. & cp. vaḍḍheti 6); Vism & vaṇibbaka] trade, trading M ii.198; Sn 404 (payojaye dham-
111 (°âvaḍḍhana), 152, 320. Here belong the phrases raja° & mikaṁ so vaṇijjaṁ); A ii.81 sq.; Pv i.5 (no trade among the
loka°. — 3. arrangement J vi.11 (paṭhavi — vaḍḍhanaka — Petas); J i.169; PvA 47 (tela°); Sdhp 332, 390. — Five trades
kamma the act of attending to, i. e. smoothing the ground). must not be carried on by lay followers of the Buddha, viz.
— 4. serving for, enhancing, favouring Pv iii.3 (rati — sattha° trade in swords, satta° in living beings, maṁsa° in
nandi°). — 5. potsherd [connected with vardh? See vaddheti] meat, majja° in intoxicants, visa° in poisons A iii.208, quoted
J iii.226 (C. kaṭhalika; uncertain). — 6. a kind of garment, as at DA i.235 and SnA 379.
puṇṇa° (full of costliness? but perhaps not connected with Vaṇita [pp. of *vaṇeti, Denom. fr. vaṇa] wounded, bruised Pv
vaḍḍh° at all) Mhvs 23, 33 & 37 (where C. expl : anagghāni 4
ii.2 ; J i.150; Sdhp 395.
evaṁnāmikāni vattha — yugāni). Cp. vaḍḍhamāna.
Vaṇippattha [vaṇik+patha, in meaning patha 2] trading, trade Vin
Vaḍḍhanaka (adj.) [fr. vaḍḍhana, cp. vaḍḍheti 4] serving, in f. i.229=D ii.87=Ud 88 (with ref. to Pāṭaliputta).
°ikā a serving (of food), a dish (bhatta°) DhA 188 (so read for
Vaṇibbaka [vaṇibba+ka. The form *vaṇibba, according to
Geiger, P.Gr. § 46 , distorted fr. vaṇiya, thus "travel-
Vaḍḍhamāna (nt.) at Dpvs xi.33 is probably equivalent to ling merchant, wayfarer." Spelling wavers between vaṇibb°
vaḍḍhana (6) in special sense at Mhvs 23, 33, and designates
& vanibb°. The BSk. form is vanīpaka, e. g. at AvŚ
a (pair of) special (ly costly) garment(s). One might think of

Vaṇibbaka Vaṇṇatā

i.248; ii.37; Divy 83; occurring also as vaṇīyaka at Divy dour (cp. next meaning) D iii.143 (suvaṇṇa°, or=1); Pv ii.9 62
83] a wayfarer, beggar, pauper Sn 100 (ṇ); J iv.403, 406 (n); (na koci devo vaṇṇena sambuddhaṁ atirocati); iii.9 (suriya°);
v.172 (=bhojaputta C.; n); vi.232 (n); DA i.298 (ṇ); PvA 78 Vv 29 (=sarīr' obhāsa VvA 122); PvA 10 (suvaṇṇa°), 44. —
(n), 112 (n); VvA 5 (n). Often comb with similar terms 4. beauty (cp. vaṇṇavant) D ii.220 (abhikkanta°); M i.142
in phrase kapaṇ' addhika [iddhika] vaṇibbaka-yācakā in- (id.); D iii.68 (āyu+); Pv ii.9 10 (=rūpa — sampatti PvA 117).
digents, tramps, wayfarers & beggars, e. g. D i.137 (ṇ); Miln Sometimes comb with other ideals, as (in set of 5): āyu,
204 (ṇ); DhA i.105 (ṇ). Other spurious forms are vaṇidīpaka sukha, yasa, sagga A iii.47; or āyu, yasa, sukha, ādhipacca
PvA 120; vanīpaka Cp. i.4 . J iv.275, or (4): āyu, sukha, bala A iii.63. — 5. expression,
look, specified as mukha°, e. g. S iii.2, 235; iv.275 sq.; A
Vaṇibbin (adj. — n.) [fr. *vaṇibba] begging, a beggar, tramp J 1
v.342; Pv iii.9 ; PvA 122. — 6. colour of skin, appearance
iii.312; iv.410 (=yācanto C.). Spelling at both places n. See
of body, complexion M ii.32 (parama), 84 (seṭṭha); A iii.33
also vanin.
(dibba); iv.396 (id.); Sn 610 (doubtful, more likely because
Vaṇīyati see vanīyati. n
of its comb with sara to below 8!), 686 (anoma°); Vism 422
Vaṇeti [Caus. of van (see etym. under vana ), cp. vaṇi (vani). (evaṁ°=odato vā sāmo vā). Cp. °pokkharatā. — In special
It may be derived directly fr. vṛ, vṛṇāti=P. vuṇāti, as shown sense applied as distinguishing mark of race or species, thus
by vaṇimhase. A Denom. fr. vani is vanīyati] to wish, desire, also constituting a mark of class (caste) distinction & translat-
ask, beg J v.27 (spelt vaṇṇeti; C. expl as vāreti icchati); pres. able as "(social) grade, rank, caste" (see on term Dial. i.27, 99
med. 1 pl. vaṇimhase (=Sk. vṛṇīmahe) J ii.137 (=icchāma sq.; cp. Vedic ārya varṇa and dāsa varṇa RV ii.12, 9; iii.34,
C.). As vanayati at KhA 111 (vanayatī ti vanaṁ). 9: see Zimmer, Altind. Leben 113 and in greater detail Mac-
donell & Keith, Vedic Index ii.247 sq.). The customary enum n
Vaṇṭa (nt.) [Epic Sk. vṛnta] a stalk S iii.155=D i.73 (°chinna with
its stalk cut); J i.70; Ap 62; Vism 356 (in comparison); SnA is of 4 such grades, viz. khattiyā brāhmaṇā vessā suddā
Vin ii.239; A iv.202; M ii.128, but cp. Dial. i.99 sq. — See
296; VbhA 60; DhA ii.42; iv.112; VvA 44. avaṇṭa (of thana,
also Vin iv.243 (here applied as general term of "grade" to the
the breast of a woman) not on a stalk (i. e. well — formed,
plump) J v.155. So to be trsl here, although vaṇṭa as med- alms — bowls: tayo pattassa vaṇṇā, viz. ukkaṭṭha, majjhima,
omaka; cp. below 7); D i.13, 91; J vi.334; Miln 225 (khat-
ical term is given in BR with meaning "nipple." — See also
tiya°, brāhmaṇa°). — 7. kind, sort Miln 128 (nānā°), cp. Vin
iv.243, as mentioned under 6. — 8. timbre (i. e. appearance)
Vaṇṭaka (adj:) (—°) [vaṇṭa+ka] having a stalk; a° not fastened
of voice, contrasted to sara intonation, accent; may occasion-
on stalks J v.203.
ally be taken as "vowel." See A i.229 (+sara); iv.307 (id.); Sn
Vaṇṭati [dial. Sk. vaṇṭ] to partition, share; is given as root vaṇṭ at 610 (id., but may mean "colour of skin": see 6), 1132 (giraṁ
Dhtp 92, 561 and Dhtm 787 in meaning "vibhājana." — An- vaṇṇ' upasaṁhitaṁ, better than meaning "comment"); Miln
other root vaṇṭ is found at Dhtm 108 with unmeaning expl n 340 (+sara). — 9. constitution, likeness, property; adj. (—°)
"vaṇṭ' atthe." "like": aggi° like fire Pv iii.6 (=aggi — sadisa PvA 203). —
Vaṇṭika (adj.) (—°) [vaṇṭa+ika] having a stalk; only in phrase 10. ("good impression") praise DhA i.115 (magga°); usually
ekato° & ubhato° having a stalk on one or on both sides (of comb and contrasted with avaṇṇa blame, e. g. D i.1, 117,
a wreath) Vin ii.10; iii.180; DhA i.419. 174; A i.89; ii.3; iii.264; iv.179, 345; DA i.37. — 11. reason
("outward appearance") S i.206 (=kāraṇa K.S. i.320); Vv 84 6
Vaṇṇa [cp. Vedic varṇa, of vṛ: see vuṇāti. Customary defini- 6 48
(=kāraṇa VvA 336); Pv iv.1 (id. PvA 220); iv.1 .
tion as "vaṇṇane" at Dhtp 572] appearance etc. (lit. "cover,
-āroha (large) extent of beauty Sn 420. -kasiṇa the
coating"). There is a considerable fluctuation of meaning, es-
colour circle in the practice of meditation VbhA 251. -kāraka
pecially between meanings 2, 3, 4. One may group as fol-
(avaṇṇe) one who makes something (unsightly) appear beau-
lows. — 1. colour Sn 447 (meda°); S v.216 (chavi° of the tiful J v.270. -da giving colour, i. e. beauty Sn 297. -dada
skin); A iii.324 (sankha°); Th 1, 13 (nīl'abbha°); Vv 45 10 giving beauty A ii.64. -dasaka the ten (years) of complexion
(danta°=ivory white); Pv iv.3 ; DhA ii.3 (aruṇa°); SnA 319 rd
or beauty (the 3 decade in the life of man) Vism 619; J iv.497.
(chavi°); VvA 2 (vicitta°); PvA 215. Six colours are usually -dāsī "slave of beauty," courtezan, prostitute J i.156 sq., 385;
enum as vaṇṇā, viz. nīla pīta lohitaka odāta mañjeṭṭha
ii.367, 380; iii.463; vi.300; DhA i.395; iv.88. -dhātu compo-
pabhassara Ps i.126; cp. the 6 colours under rūpa at Dhs 617
sition or condition of appearance, specific form, material form,
(where kāḷaka for pabbassara); J i.12 (chabbaṇṇa — buddha 1
natural beauty S i.131; Pv i.3 ; PvA 137 (=chavivaṇṇa); DhsA
— rasmiyo). Groups of five see under pañca 3 (cp. J i.222).
15. -patha see vaṇṇu°. -pokkharatā beauty of complexion
— dubbaṇṇa of bad colour, ugly S i.94; A v.61; Ud 76; Sn d
D i.114, 115; A i.38; ii.203; Pug 66; VbhA 486 (def ); DhA
426; It 99; Pug 33; VvA 9; PvA 32, 68. Opp. suvaṇṇa of
iii.389; PvA 46. -bhū place of praise J i.84 (for °bhūmi: see
beautiful colour, lovely A v.61; It 99. Also as term for "sil- 2
bhū ). -bhūta being of a (natural) species PvA 97. -vādin
ver." — As t. t. in descriptions or analyses (perhaps better
saying praise, praising D i.179, 206; A ii.27; V.164 sq.; Vin
in meaning "appearance") in abl. vaṇṇato by colour, with
ii.197. -sampanna endowed with beauty A i.244 sq., 288;
saṇṭhānato and others: Vism 184 ("kāḷa vā odāta vā man-
ii.250 sq.
guracchavi vā"), 243=VbhA 225; Nett 27. — 2. appear-
ance S i.115 (kassaka — vaṇṇaṁ abhinimminitvā); J i.84 (id. Vaṇṇaka (nt.) [fr. vaṇṇa] paint, rouge D ii.142; Th 1,960; Dpvs
with māṇavaka°); Pv ii.1 10 (=chavi — vaṇṇa PvA 71); iii.3 2 vi.70.
(kanakassa sannibha); VvA 16; cp. °dhātu. — 3. lustre, splen- Vaṇṇatā (f.) [abstr. fr. vaṇṇa] having colour, complexion A i.246

Vaṇṇatā Vattati

(dubbaṇṇatā bad c.); VvA 9. ness); Miln 90 (where 8 are given in detail, differing from the
above). See also vatta 2. where other sets of 7 & 8 are quoted.
Vaṇṇanā (f.) [fr. vaṇṇeti] 1. explanation, commentary, exposi-
-samādāna taking up a (good) practice, observance of a vow
tion KhA 11, 145, 227; SnA 65 (pada°); PvA 2. — pāḷi° expla-
J i.157.
nation of the text (as regards meaning of words), purely textual
analysis (opp. vinicchayakathā) VbhA 291. — 2. praise DhA Vatavant (adj.) [vata +vant] observant of religious duties, de-
ii.100 (vana°). vout Sn 624 (=dhuta — vatena samannāgata SnA 467); Dh
400 (with same expl at DhA iv.165 as as SnA 467).
Vaṇṇanīya (adj.) [grd. formation fr. vaṇṇeti] to be described; a°
indescribable J v.282. Vati (f.) [later Sk. vṛti, fr. vṛ] a fence J i.153; iii.272; v.472;
Vism 186 (vatī, v. l. vati); SnA 98 (v. l. for gutti), 148 (v. l.
Vaṇṇavant (adj.) [fr. vaṇṇa] beautiful A iv.240 (cātum-
for °vatikā).
mahārājikā devā dīgh'āyukā vaṇṇavanto; v. l. °vantā); Pug
34; Pv iii.2 12 (=rūpasampanna PvA 184); DhA i.383. Vati (f.) [fr. vṛ, cp. Sk. vṛti] a choice, boon DhA i.190 (pubbe
Sāmā nāma vatiyā pana kāritattā Sāmāvatī nāma jātā).
Vaṇṇita [pp. of vaṇṇeti] 1. explained, commented on SnA 368.
— 2. praised, extolled Pug 69; J i.9; Miln 278 (+thuta & Vatika (adj.) (—°) [vata +ika] having the habit (of), acting like
pasattha); PvA 116 (=pasaṁsita), 241; VvA 156 (=pasaṁsita). M i.387 (kukkura°).
Vaṇṇin (—°) (adj.) [fr. vaṇṇa] 1. having colour Th 1, 1190 (ac- Vatikā (f.) [fr. vati ] a fence SnA 148 (kaṇṭaka° & rukkha°).
charā nānattavaṇṇiyo "in divers hues"). — 2. belonging to a 1
Vatta (nt.) [orig. pp. of vattati] 1. that which is done, which goes
caste, in cātu° (suddhi) (purity of) the fourfold castes M ii.132.
on or is customary, i. e. duty, service, custom, function Vin
— 3. having beauty Sn 551 (uttama°). — 4. having the ap-
ii.31; Sn 294, 393 (gahaṭṭha°); Vism 188 (cetiy' angaṇa° etc.);
pearance of A ii.106= Pug 44 (āma°, pakka°); J v.322 (vijju°).
DhA i.92 (ācariya°); VbhA 354 (gata — paccāgata°); VvA 47
Vaṇṇiya (nt.) [fr. vaṇṇeti] colouring; having or giving (gāma°). — 2. (for vata ) observance, vow, virtue D iii.9 (the
colour, complexion M i.446 (in phrase assaṁ assa — damako 7 vattapadāni, diff. from those enum under vata — pada);
vaṇṇiyañ ca valiyañ ca anuppavecchati, trsl by Neumann Nd 66 (sīlañ ca vattañ ca), 92 (hatthi° etc.: see vata 2), 104
as "lässt der Rossebändiger noch die letzte Strählung und (°suddhi), 106 (id.), 188 (giving 8 dhutangas as vattas).
Striegelung angedeihen"; still doubtful); A iii.54 (dub- -paṭivatta all kinds of practices or duties J i.67; ii.103;
baṇṇiyaṁ bad complexion); It 76 (dub° evil colour). iii.339; iv.298; Miln 416 (sucarita°); DhA i.13 sq.; ii.277;
iv.28. -bbata the usual custom DhA iv.44; C on S i.36 §
Vaṇṇu (f.) [cp. late Sk. varṇu, N. of a river ( — district)] is given
2 and on S ii.18 § 4 sq. -sampanna one who keeps all ob-
at Abhp 663 in meaning of "sand." Occurs only in cpd. vaṇṇu- d
patha a sandy place, quicksand, swamp J i.109; Vv 84 (=vālu servances VbhA 297 (where the foll. vattāni are enum : 82
— kantāra VvA 334); Pv iv.3 (=petena nimmitaṁ mudu — khuddaka — vattāni. 14 mahā°, cetiyangaṇa°, bodhiyangaṇa°,
pānīyamāḷa°, uposathāgāra°, āgantuka°, gamika°).
bhūmi — magga PvA 250, so read for vaṇṇapatha); shortened
to vaṇṇu at Vv 84 (where MSS vaṇṇa). Vatta (nt.) [cp. Sk. vaktra & P. vattar] the mouth (lit. "speaker")
Pgdp 55 (sūci — vatto mah'odaro peto).
Vaṇṇeti [Denom. fr. vaṇṇa] 1. to describe, explain, comment on J
i.2, 222; KhA 168; SnA 23, 160, 368. — 2. to praise, applaud, Vatta [vyatta, Sk. vyātta, of vi+ā+dā] opened wide Vin iii.37; J
extol J i.59, 84; PvA 131 (+pasaṁsati). — pp. vaṇṇita. v.268 (vatte mukhe).
Vata (indecl.) [Vedic bata, post — Vedic vata] part of exclama- Vatta at J v.443 is corrupt for vaṇṭha cripple.
tion: surely, certainly, indeed, alas! Vin iii.39 (puris' usabho 1
Vattaka (adj.) [fr. vatta ] doing, exercising, influencing; in vasa°
vat' âyaṁ "for sure he is a human bull"); Th 2, 316 (abbhutaṁ having power, neg. avasa° having no free will, involuntary
vata vācaṁ bhāsasi); Sn 178, 191, 358; Vv 47 ; Pv i.8 ; J PvA 64.
iv.355; PvA 13, 61, 75, 121. Often comb with other emphatic
particles, like aho vata Pv ii.9 (=sādhu vata PvA 131); lābhā Vattati [Vedic vartate; vṛt. A differentiated P. form is vaṭṭati.
— Cp. Av. varǤt to turn, Sk. vartana turning, vartulā=Lat.
vata no it is surely a gain that Sn 31; DhA ii.95; vata bho J i.81.
vertellum=E. whorl (Ger. wirtel) & vertil; Gr. ῥατάνη; Goth.
Vata (m. & nt.) [cp. Vedic vrata vow. fr. vṛt, meaning later
waírpan=Ger. werden (to become, E. "turn"); Goth. —
"milk" (see Macdonell & Keith, Vedic Index ii.341)] 1. a re-
waírps=E. — wards; Obulg. vreǤteno spindle; and many oth-
ligious duty, observance, rite, practice, custom S i.143, 201;
ers (e. g. Lat. vertex, vortex), q. v. Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v.
iv.180; A iv.461 (sīla, vata, tapas, brahmacariya); v.18; Sn verto] to move, go on, proceed; to happen, take place, to be;
792, 898; Vv 84 ; J iii.75; VvA 9; PvA 60. — subbata of to be in existence; to fare, to do Sn p. 13 (parivesanā vattati
good practice Vv 34 . Cp. patibbata, sīlabbata. — 2. manner distribution of food was in progress); Sn 654 (kammanā vat-
of (behaving like) a certain animal (as a practice of ascetics), tati loko keeps up, goes on); Pv ii.9 (vatteyya); Miln 338 (na
e. g. aja° like a goat J iv.318; go° like a cow M i.387; J iv.318;
ciraṁ vattate bhavo). — grd. vattabba to be proceeded, or
vagguli° bat practice J i.493; iii.235; iv.299; hatthi° elephant simply "to be" Vin ii.8 (so read for vatth°): nissāya te v. "thou
behaviour Nd 92 (here as vatta; see under vatta ).
must remain under the superintendence of others" (Vin. Texts,
-pada an item of good practice, virtue (otherwise called ii.344). — Often equal to atthi or (pl.) santi, i. e. is (are),
guṇa at Miln 90) J i.202 (where 7 are enum , viz. devo-
e. g. J vi.504; SnA 100 (bāḷhā vedanā vattanti); PvA 40. —
tion to one's mother & father, reverence towards elder peo-
ppr. med. vattamāna see sep. — pp. vatta. — Caus. vat-
ple, speaking the truth, gentle speech, open speech, unselfish-
teti to make go on, to keep up, practise, pursue Sn 404 (etaṁ

Vattati Vatthu

vattayaṁ pursuing this); freq. in phrases vasaṁ vatteti to ex- clothe; wasti dress] 1. cloth; clothing, garment, raiment; also
ercise power, e. g. PvA 89; and cakkaṁ vatteti to wield royal collectively: clothes; M i.36 sq.; A i.132, 209, 286; ii.85, 241;
power, to govern (cp. expression cakkavattin & see pavatteti) iii.27 (odātaṁ), 50 (kāsikaṁ), 386 (kāsāyaṁ); iv.60, 186, 210;
Sn 554, 684 (vattessati), 693 (dhamma — cakkaṁ); J iii.412. v.61 sq. (ubhatobhāga — vimaṭṭhaṁ=M ii.13, reading vimad-
— grd. vattitabba to be practised Vin ii.32. — pp. vattita. dha; with the expression cp. ubhato — bhāga — vimutta); Sn
295, 304; KhA 237 (°ṁ pariyodāyati, simile); PvA 43, 50, 70;
Vattana (nt.) [fr. vattati] moving on, upkeep, existence, contin-
Sdhp 217. — alla° fresh, clean clothes DhA iv.220; ahata°
uance Sn 698 (cakka° continuance of royal power); Mhvs 3,
new clothes J i.50; Dāvs ii.39; dibba° heavenly, i. e. exquisite
dresses PvA 23, 46, 53. — pl. vatthāni garments, clothes Sn
Vattanī (& °i) (f.) [cp. Sk. vartanī, fr. vṛt] a track, a road J i.196,
64, 287, 924; Pug 57 (kāsāyāni); DhA i.219 (their uses, from
395, 429; iii.200. — kaṇha° leaving a black trail, Ep. of the
a new dress down to a bit of rag). — 2. hangings, tapestry J
fire J iii.140.
iv.304. — On vattha in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907, 132.
Vattamāna (adj. — nt.) [ppr. med. of vattati] being in existence, -guyha "that which is concealed by a cloth," i. e. the
going on, happening at the time; nt. process, progress, (as ° pudendum D i.106; Sn 1022; DA i.275 (=angajātaṁ; Bhaga-
— ) in progress SnA 4 (°uppanna); PvA 55. -°vacana the vato ti vāraṇass' eva kosohitaṁ vatthaguyhaṁ suvaṇṇavaṇṇaṁ
present tense SnA 16, 23. paduma — gabbha — samānaṁ). -yuga a pair of garments
J iv.172; Dāvs i.34. -lakkhaṇa fortune telling from clothes
Vattamānaka (adj.) [fr. last] going on, being, existing; °bhave
SnA 362. -sannidhi storing up of clothes D i.6; Nd 372; DA
in the present existence or period Miln 291.
i.82. -sutta the Suttanta on clothes (i. e. with the parable of
Vattar [n. ag. of vatti, vac] one who speaks, a sayer, speaker M
the clothes: vatth' upama — sutta) M i.36 sq., quoted at Vism
i.470; S i.63; ii.182; vi.94, 198; D i.139; A iv.32; v.79 sq., 226
377 and SnA 119.
sq.; Th 1, 334 (read ariya — vattā for ° vatā); J i.134; SnA
Vattha as pp. of vasati occurs only in cpd. nivattha. The
272; PvA 15.
two passages in PvA where vattha is printed as pp. (vatthāni
Vatti [Vedic vakti, vac] to speak, say, call; pres. not found (for vattha) are to be read as vattha-nivattha (PvA 46, 62).
which vadati); fut. 1 sg. vakkhāmi J i.346; 3 vakkhati
S i.142; J i.356; ii.40; vi.352; VbhA 51; 1 pl. vakkhāma Vatthabba at Vin ii.8 is to be spelt vattabba (see vattati).
S iv.72; M iii.207; Vism 170, 446; 3 rd vakkhanti Vin ii.1; Vatthi (m. & f.) [Vedic vasti in meaning 1; the other mean-
pte. fut. vakkhamāna PvA 18. — aor. 1 sg. avacaṁ J ings later] 1. the bladder Vin iii.117; J i.146; Sn 195; Vism
iii.280; DhA iii.194, & avocaṁ Th 2, 124; Vv 79 ; S i.10; 144=DhsA 117; Vism 264, 345 (mutta°), 362; DA i.161;
DhA iii.285; 2 nd avaca Th 2, 415, avoca Dh 133, & avacāsi VbhA 248. — 2. the pudendum: see °kosa. — 3. a clyster (
Vv 35 ; 53 ; 3 avaca J i.294; Pv ii.3 ; PvA 65 (mā a.); av- — bag): see °kamma.
oca Th 2, 494; S i.150; Sn p. 78; J ii.160; PvA 6, 31, 49, -kamma(ṁ karoti) to use a clyster Vin i.216. -kosa a
& avacāsi J vi.525; 1 pl. avacumha & avocumha M ii.91; membranous sheath enveloping the sexual organ of a male DA
iii.15; 2 avacuttha Vin i.75 (mā a.); ii.297; J ii.48; DhA i.73; i.275 (°kosena paṭicchanna vatthaguyha: so read for °kesena);
iv.228, & avocuttha J i.176; Miln 9; 3 pl. avacuṁ J v.260, VvA 252 (°mukha orifice of the pudendum of an elephant).
& avocuṁ M ii.147. — inf. vattuṁ Sn 431; J vi.351; Vism 1 1
Vatthu (nt.) [Class. Sk. vastu, fr. vas ] lit. "ground," hence
522=VbhA 130 (vattukāma); SnA 414; DA i.109; DhA i.329;
1. (lit.) object, real thing, property, thing, substance (cp.
ii.5. — ger. vatvā SnA 398; PvA 68, 73, & vatvāna Sn p. 2
vatthu !) A ii.209 (khetta°, where khetta in lit. sense, cp. No.
78. — grd. vattabba Miln 276 (kiṁ vattabbaṁ what is there n
2). Here belongs the def of kāma as twofold: vatthu-kāma
to be said about it? i. e. it goes without saying); SnA 123,
and kilesa-kāma, or desire for realities, objective kāma, and
174, 178; PvA 12, 27, 92. — ppr. med. vuccamāna Vin i.60;
desire as property of stained character, i. e. subjective kāma,
iii.221; PvA 13. — Pass. vuccati D i.168, 245; Dh 63; Mhvs e. g. Nd 1; SnA 99, 112; DhsA 62. — On vatthụ as general
9, 9; 34, 81 (vuccate, v. l. uccate); J i.129 (vuccare, 3 pl.); n 2
philos. term cp. Dhs. trsl §§ 455, 679, 1229, also introd. p.
PvA 24, 34, 63, 76; — pp. vutta (q. v.). — Caus. vāceti to 1 d
86; Cpd. 15, 31, 174 . — 2. (appl meaning) object, item Vin
make speak, i. e. to read out; to cause to read; also to teach, to
i.121 (antima — vatthuṁ ajjhāpannaka guilty of an extreme
instruct Sn 1018, 1020; J i.452 (read); PvA 97. — pp. vācita
offence?); v.138 (the 10 āghāta — vatthūni, as at Vbh 86); D
(q. v.). — Desid. vavakkhati (see Geiger, P.Gr. § 184=Sk.
iii.252 (seven niddesa°), 255 (eight kusīta°), 258 (eight dāna°);
vivakṣati) to wish to call D ii.256.
S ii.41, 56 sq.; Vbh 71 (cakkhu° etc.), 306 sq., 353; Nett 114
Vattika=vatika Nd 89 (having the habit of horses, elephants (ten); SnA 172; DhA iv.2 (akkosa°); PvA 8, 20 (dāna°), 26
etc.). (left out in id. p. KhA 209), 29, 65 (alabbhaneyya°), 96 (id.),
119, 121 (iṭṭha°), 177, 220. Cp. °bhūta. — 3. occasion for,
Vattita (nt.) [fr. vatteti] that which goes on, round (of existence),
reason, ground A ii.158 (+khetta [in fig. sense!], āyatana &
revolution Miln 226.
adhikaraṇa); iv.334; D i.13 sq. (aṭṭhādasahi vatthūhi etc.);
Vattin (adj.) (—°) [fr. vṛt] engaged in, having power over, mak-
J ii.5 (avatthumhi chandaṁ mâkari do not set your heart on
ing, doing; only in cpds. cakka° & vasa° (q. v.).
what is unreasonable); vatthunā (instr.) because PvA 118;
Vattha (nt.) [Vedic vastra, fr. vas, vaste to clothe; Idg. *ṷes, vatthuto (abl.) on account of PvA 241. — 4. basis, founda-
enlargement of *eu (: Lat. ex — uo); cp. Lat. vestis "vest( tion, seat, (objective) substratum, substance, element J i.146
— ment)," Gr. ε῞ννυμι to clothe, ε῾ϊμα dress; Goth. wasjan to (kāyo paridevānaṁ v.); VbhA 404 (+ārammaṇa). See most of

Vatthu Vaddhava

the cpds. — 5. subjectmatter, subject, story, account SnA 4; is vadeti D i.36; Vin ii.1; Sn 825; Sn p. 140 (kiṁ vadetha);
DhA ii.66; PvA 77, 92, 263, 269. Cp. °gāthā & titles like J i.294; imper. vadehi PvA 62; Pot. med. 1 pl. vademase
Petavatthu, Vimānavatthu. D iii.197; fut. vadessati Sn 351; aor. vadesi DhA iii.174. —
-kata made a foundation or basis of, practised thoroughly A specific Pāli formation is a Caus. vādiyati in act. and med.
J ii.61; v.14 and passim (+bhāvita etc.). In phrase tālâ- sense (all forms only in Gāthā style), e. g. indic. vādiyati
vatthukata (=tāla avatthu kata) vatthu means foundation, ba- Sn 824=892, 832; expl as vadati SnA 541, 542, or katheti
sis, ground to feed and live on, thus "a palm deprived of its bhaṇati etc. (the typical Niddesa expl of vadati: see Nd 2
foundation": see refs. under tāla. -gāthā the stanzas of the 555) Nd 161. In contracted (& shortened) form Pot. 2 nd sg.
story, the introductory (explanatory, essential to its under- vajjesi (*vādiyesi) you might tell, i. e. please tell Pv ii.11 6
standing) stanzas, something like "prologue" SnA 483, 575 (=vadeyyāsi PvA 149); iii.6 (same expl p. 203). The other
(preceding Sn 699 & 976). -dasaka tenfold substance or ma- Pot. forms from the same base are the foll.: 1 sg. vajjaṁ Th
terial basis VbhA 22. -bhūta being an object, i. e. subject 2, 308; 2 sg. vajjāsi Th 2, 307; J iii.272; vi.19; and vajja Th
to J v.210. -rūpa substance or substratum of matter, material 2, 323; 3 sg. vajjā Sn 971 (cp. Nd 498); J vi.526 (=vadeyya
form Vism 561, 564; VbhA 22, 172. -visadakiriyā clearing C.); 3 pl. vajjuṁ Sn 859 (=vadeyyuṁ katheyyuṁ etc. Nd 2
of the foundation or fundamentals, purification of the elements 555); J v.221. — Caus. vādeti to make sound, to play (a
VbhA 283=DhsA 76 (°kiriyatā; trsl Expos. 101 "cleansing of musical instrument) J i.293; ii.110, 254 (vādeyyāma we might
things or substance"); Vism 128; VbhA 276. play); Ap 31 (aor. vādesuṁ); PvA 151 (vīṇaṁ vādento). —
Vatthu [Vedic vāstu; fr. vas] site, ground, field, plot Vin iii.50 Pass. vajjati (*vādiyati) to be played or sounded J i.13 (va-
jjanti bheriyo); Ap 31 (ppr. vajjamāna & aor. vajjiṁsu). —
(ārāma° & vihāra°), 90 (id.); Sn 209, 473 (sakhetta°, cp.
vatthu 4), 769 (khetta+), 858 (id.); Th 1, 957 (khetta+vatthu, Another form of ppr. med. (or Pass.) is vadāna (being called,
cp. Brethren p. 337 & Vin. Texts iii.389 sq.); Miln 279 so — called) which is found in poetry only (contracted fr.
vadamāna) at Vin i.36=J i.83. — pp. udita & vādita (q.
(khetta° a plot of arable land); DA i.78 (contrasted with khetta,
see khetta 1 and cp. vatthu 1); PvA 88 (gehassa the back yard v.). — Caus. II. vādāpeti to cause to be played Mhvs 25, 74
of the house); haunted by fairies (parigaṇhanti) D ii.87.
-kamma "act concerning sites," i. e. preparing the Vadana (nt.) [fr. vad] speech, utterance VvA 345 (+kathana).
ground for building D i.12 (trsl : fixing on lucky sites for
Vadāna see vadati.
dwellings), cp. DA i.98: akaṭa — vatthumhi gehapatiṭṭhā-
Vadāniya [another form of vadaññu] see a°.
panaṁ. -devatā the gods protecting the grounds, field —
gods, house — gods Pv i.4 (=ghara — vatthuṁ adhivatthā de- Vadāpana (nt.) [fr. vādāpeti, Caus. II. of vadati] making some-
vatā PvA 17). -parikiraṇa offerings over the site of a house body speak or something sound DhsA 333 (we should better
("consecrating sites" trsl ) D i.12 (cp. DA i.98=balikamma — read vād°).
karaṇaṁ). -vijjā the science of (building — ) sites, the art of
Vaddalikā (f.) [cp. late Sk. vārdala & BSk. vardalikā MVastu
determining a suitable (i. e. lucky) site for a house D i.9 (see iii.301; Divy 500] rainy weather Vin i.3; J vi.52 (loc. vadda-
expl at DA i.93); S iii.239; Nd 372; Vism 269 (in compari- like); DhA iii.339; VbhA 109.
son); KhA 237. See also Dial ii.92 & Fick, Sociale Gliederung
Vaddha (adj. — n.) [pp. of vaḍḍhati; see also vaḍḍha, vuḍḍha
& vuddha. The root given by Dhtp (166) for vṛdh is vadh
Vatthuka (adj.) (—°) [fr. vatthu ] 1. having a site or foundation
in meaning "vuddhi"] 1. grown, old; an Elder; venerable,
or ground, in ucca° (high) and nīca° (low) Vin ii.117, 120;
respectable; one who has authority. At J i.219 three kinds
Mhvs 33, 87. — 2. having its ground in, founded on, be-
of vaddha are distinguished: one by nature (jāti°), one by
ing of such & such a nature or composition S iv.67 (vācā°);
age (vayo°), one by virtue (guṇa°); J v.140 (=paññāya vud-
Ps i.130 (micchādiṭṭhi°, correct in Index J.P.T.S. 1908!); Vbh d
dha C.). Usually comb with apacāyati to respect the aged,
319 (uppanna°; +ārammaṇa), 392 (micchādiṭṭhi°); VbhA 403
e. g. J i.219; and in cpd. vaddh-apacāyika respecting the
(uppanna° etc.).
elders or those in authority J iv.94; and °apacāyin id. Sn 325
Vada (adj.) (—°) [fr. vad] speaking, in cpd. vaggu° speaking (=vaddhānaṁ apaciti — karaṇa SnA 332); Dh 109; DhA ii.239
pleasantly Sn 955 (cp. Nd 446; SnA 571=sundaravada); sud- (=buḍḍhatare guṇavuddhe apacāyamāna). Cp. jeṭṭh' apacāyin.
dhiṁ° of clean speech Sn 910. — 2. glad, joyful; in cpd. °bhūta gladdened, cheerful J v.6.
Vadaññu (adj.) [cp. Sk. vadāniya, which also in P. avadāniya] Vaddha (m. & nt.) [cp. Vedic vardhra in meaning "tape"]
lit. "(easily) spoken to," addressable, i. e. liberal, bountiful, a (leather) strap, thong J ii.154 (vv. ll. baddha, bandhana,
kind S i.43; A ii.59, 61 sq.; iv.271 sq., 285, 289, 322; Sn 487; bandha, vaṭṭa). Occurs as aṁsa° shoulder strap at Ap 310,
Pv iv.1 , 3 , 10 , 15 ; VvA 281. where ed. prints baddha (=baddha ).
-maya consisting of a strap, made of leather J ii.153.
Vadaññutā (f.) [abstr. fr. vadaññu] bounty, kindness, liberality;
neg. a° stinginess A v.146, 148 sq.; Vbh 371. Vaddhaka [vaddha+ka] in cpd. aṁsa° "shoulder strap" should be
the uniform reading for a series of diff. spellings (°vaṭṭaka,
Vadati [vad, Ved. vadati; Dhtp 134 vada=vacana] to speak, say,
°baddhaka, °bandhaka) at Vin i.204; ii.114; iv.170. Cp.
tell A iv.79; Sn 1037, 1077 sq.; Pug 42; PvA 13, 16, 39; Pot.
1 sg. vade (so read for vado?) M i.258; 3 sg. vadeyya Pv Geiger, Zeitschrift fur Buddhismus iv.107.
i.3 ; aor. 3 pl. vadiṁsu PvA 4. — Cp. abhi°, upa°, pa°, Vaddhana (nt.) [fr. vṛdh; see the usual vaḍḍhana] increase, fur-
vi°. — Another form (not Caus.: see Geiger, P.Gr. § 139 ) thering J iii.422 (kula°); Sdhp 247 (pīti°), 307 (id.).

Vaddhava Vanati, Vanute, Vanoti

Vaddhava (nt.) [fr. vaddha 2] joy, pleasure J v.6 (but C.=paṇḍita (Isivhaya v.); Sn p. 18 (Jetavana), p. 115 (Icchānangala);
— bhāva). Th 2, 147 (Añjanavana; a wood near Sāketa, with a vihāra);
Vaddhavya (nt.) [fr. vaddha 1] (old) age J ii.137 (=vuddha- J v.37 (here meaning beds of lotuses); Miln 219 (vanaṁ sod-
heti to clear a jungle); Dhs 1059 ("jungle"=taṇhā); Pv ii.6 5
bhāva, mahallakatā C.).
(arañña° — gocara); Vism 424 (Nandana° etc.); DhA iv.53
Vaddhi in anta° at J i.260 is to be read as vaṭṭi.
(taṇhā° the jungle of lust). Characterized as amba° mango
Vaddheti [fr. vardh to cut, cp. vaḍḍhaka & vaḍḍhakī] to cut off, grove D ii.126 and passim; ambāṭaka° plum grove Vin ii.17;
is Kern's proposed reading (see Toev. s. v.) at J vi.527 (siro udumbara of figs DhA i.284; tapo° forest of ascetics ThA
vaddhayitvāna) for vajjheti (T. reading vajjhayitvāna). 136; DhA iv.53; nāga° elephant forest M i.175; brahā wild
forest A i.152; iii.44; Vv 63 ; J v.215; mahā° great forest
Vadha [fr. vadh] striking, killing; slaughter, destruction, execu-
Th 2, 373 (rahitaṁ & bhiṁsanakaṁ). — vanataraṁ (with
tion D iii.176; A ii.113; Pug 58; J ii.347; Miln 419 (°kata);
compar. suffix) thicker jungle, denser forest Miln 269 (vanato
DhA i.69 (pāṇa°+pāṇa — ghāta), 80, 296; DhA ii.39; VbhA
vanataraṁ pavisāma). — On similes see J.P.T.S. 1907, 133.
382. — vadhaṁ dadāti to flog J iv.382. — atta° self — de-
Cp. vi°.
struction S ii.241; piti° parricide DA i.153; miga° hunting J
i.149. -anta the border of the forest, the forest itself Sn 708, 709;
-bandhana flogging and binding (imprisoning). In this Pv ii.3 (=vana C.). -kammika one who works in the woods
connection vadh is given as a separate root at Dhtp 172 & 384 J iv.210 (°purisa); v.427, 429. -gahana jungle thicket Vism
647 (in simile). -gumba a dense cluster of trees Vv 81 (cp.
in meaning "bandhana." See A ii.209; v.206; Sn 242 (vadha
— cheda — bandhana; v. is expl at SnA 285 as "sattānaṁ VvA 315). -caraka a forester SnA 51 (in simile). -cetya
a shrine in the wood J v.255. -timira forest darkness; in
daṇḍ' ādīhi ākoṭanan" i. e. beating) 623 (=poṭhana SnA 467);
metaphor °matt-akkhin at J iv.285=v.284, which Kern (Toev.
J i.435; iv.11; VbhA 97.
s. v.) changes into °patt-akkhin, i. e. with eyes like the
Vadhaka [fr. vadh] slaying, killing; murderous; a murderer S
leaves of the forest darkness. Kern compares Sk. vanajap-
iii.112 (in simile); iv.173 (id.); A iv.92 (id.); Th 2, 347; D iii.72
attr'ākṣī Mbh i.171, 43, and vanaja — locanā Avad. Kalp. 3,
(°citta); KhA 27; VvA 72 (°cetanā murderous intention); Vism ns
137. The Cy. expl are "vana — timira — puppha — samān'
230, 231 (in sim.); Sdhp 58. — f. vadhikā J v.425 (pl. °āyo).
akkhī," and "giri — kaṇṇika — samāna — nettā"; thus taking it
Vadhati [Vedic vadh; the root is given at Dhtp 169 in meaning of as name of the plant Clitoria ternatea. -dahaka (& °dahana)
"hiṁsā"] to strike, punish; kill, slaughter, slay; imper. 2 nd pl. burning the forest (aggi) KhA 21 (in simile). -devatā forest
vadhetha Vism 314; ger. vadhitvā M i.159; D i.98; J i.12; deva S iv.302. -ppagumba a forest grove VbhA 196. -ppati
iv.67; SnA 257 (hiṁsitvā+); fut. vadhissati Mhvs 25, 62; aor. (& vanaspati) [cp. Vedic vanaspati, Prk. vaṇapphai] "lord
vadhi J i.18 (cp. ud — abbadhi); cond. 1 sg. vadhissaṁ of the forest," a forest tree; as vanappati only at Vin iii.47;
Miln 221. — grd. vajjha: see a°. — Caus. vadheti J i.168; otherwise vanaspati, e. g. S iv.302 (osadhī+tiṇa+v.; opposed
Miln 109. — pp. vadhita. to herbs, as in R.V.); A i.152; J i.329; iv.233 (tiṇa — latā —
Vadhita [pp. of vadheti] smitten Th 1, 783=M ii.73 (not with vanaspatiyo); DhA i.3. -pattha a forest jungle D i.71; iii.38,
Kern, Toev. s. v.=vyathita). 49, 195; M i.16, 104; Vin ii.146; A i.60; iii.138 (arañña°); Pug
59, 68; DA i.210. -pantha a jungle road A i.241. -bhanga
Vadhukā (f.) [fr. vadhū] a daughter-in-law, a young wife A ii.78;
gleanings of the wood, i. e. presents of wild fruit & flowers
DhA iii.260.
A iv.197. -mūla a wild root D i.166 (+phala); A i.241 (id.);
Vadhū (f.) [Ved. vadhū; to Lith. vedù to lead into one's house] a Miln 278. -rati delight in the forest DhA ii.100. -vaṇṇanā
daughter-in-law VvA 123. praise of the jungle DhA ii.100. -vāsin forest — dweller SnA
Vana (nt.) [Ved. vana. — The P. (edifying) etymology clearly 56 (Mahā — tissatthera). -saṇḍa jungle — thicket, dense
jungle D i.87, 117; S iii.109 (tibba v. avijjāya adhivacana); A
takes vana as belonging to van, and, dogmatically, equals it
with vana as an allegorical expression ("jungle") to taṇhā iii.30; J i.82, 170; DhA i.313; ii.100.
(e. g. DhsA 364 on Dhs 1059; DhA iii.424 on Dh 283). — Vana (nt.) [van; vanati & vanoti to desire=Av. vanaiti Lat.
The Dhtp (174) & Dhtm (254) define it "sambhattiyaṁ," i. e. venus, Ohg. wini friend (: E. winsome, attractive) wunsc=E.
as meaning companionship] the forest; wood; as a place of wish, giwon=E. wont; also "to win." The spelling sometimes is
pleasure & sport ("wood"), as well as of danger & frightful- vaṇ: see vaṇi. — The def at Dhtp 523 is "yācane" (i. e. from
ness ("jungle"), also as resort of ascetics, noted for its lone- begging), at Dhtm 736 "yācāyaṁ"] lust, desire. In exegeti-
liness ("forest"). Of (fanciful) def ns of vana may be men- cal literature mixed up with vana (see definitions of vana ).
tioned: SnA 24 (vanute vanotī ti vanaṁ); KhA 111 (vanayatī — The word to the Pāli Buddhist forms a connection between
ti vanaṁ); DhsA 364 (taṁ taṁ ārammaṇaṁ vanati bhajati al- vana and nibbāna, which is felt as a quâsi derivation fr. nib-
līyatī ti vanaṁ, yācati vā ti vanaṁ [i. e. vana ]. vanatho ti bana= nis+vana: see nibbana & cp. nibbāna II. B 1. — S i.180
vyañjanena padaṁ vaḍḍhitaṁ... balava — taṇhāy'etaṁ nāma); (so 'haṁ vane nibbanatho visallo); Sn 1131 (nibbana); Dh 334;
DhA iii.424 (mahantā rukkhā vanaṁ nāma, khuddakā tas- Th 1, 691 (vanā nibbanaṁ āgataṁ). — A Denom. fr. vana is
miṁ vane ṭhitattā vanathā nāma etc., with further distin- vanāyati (like vanīyati fr. vaṇi).
guishing detail, concerning the allegorical meanings). — D 1
Vanaka (—) (adj.) [fr. vana ] belonging to the forest, forest-like;
ii.256 (bhikkhūṇaṁ samitiṁ vanaṁ); A i.35, 37; Dh 283 (also adj. in cpd. ku° (kubbanaka, q. v.) brushwood Sn 1134.
as vana ); Sn 272, 562 (sīho nadati vane), 1015 (id.), 684
Vanati, Vanute, Vanoti [van; Sk. vanoti & vanute. See also

Vanati, Vanute, Vanoti Vambhanīya

vana , vaṇi, vaṇeti] to desire, love, wish, aim at, ask for SnA Vandāpana (nt.) [fr. vandāpeti; Caus. of vandati] causing to do
24 (vanute & vanoti); DhsA 364 (vanati, bhajati, allīyati). homage J i.67.
Caus. vanayati KhA 111.
Vandita [pp. of vandati] saluted, revered, honoured, paid homage
Vanatha [vana+tha; same in BSk. e. g. MVastu i.204] under- to; as nt. homage, respect, veneration Sn 702 (akkuṭṭha+); Th
wood, brushwood, thicket. Does not occur in lit. meaning, 2, 388 (id.); J i.88.
except in exegesis of Dh 283 at DhA iii.424; q. v. under Vanditar [n. ag. fr. vandita] one who venerates or adores, a wor-
vana . Another def is given at SnA 24: "taṇhā pariyuṭṭhāna
shipper J vi.207 (vandit' assa=vanditā bhaveyya C.).
— vasena vanaṁ tanotī ti vanatho, taṇh' ānusayass' etaṁ ad-
Vapakassati see vavakassati.
hivacanaṁ." — The fig. meaning is "lust, desire," see e. g.
S i.186; Th 1, 338; Dh 344; Sn 16 (°ja); Dhs 1059 (as epi- Vapati [vap, Vedic vapate. Def at Dhtp 192; bīja-nikkhepe] to
thet of taṇhā); J ii.205 (vanathaṁ na kayirā); Nett 81, 82. — sow Sn p. 13 (kasati+); J i.150 (nivāpaṁ vapitvā); PvA 139.
nibbanatha free from desire S i.180; DhsA 364. — Pass. vappate S i.227 (yādisaṁ v. bījaṁ tādisaṁ harate
Vanāyati [Denom. fr. vana , cp, vanāyati] to desire, wish, covet, phalaṁ), and vuppati [Vedic upyate] Th 1, 530. — pp. vutta.
— Caus. I. vāpeti: see pp. vāpita . — Caus. II. vapāpeti to
to hanker after M i.260; S iii.190. See also allīyati.
cause to be sown Vin iii.131 (khettaṁ); J iv.276 (sāliṁ).
Vanika=vanaka; only in cpd. nāga° one belonging to the elephant
Vapati [vap, probably identical with vapati ] to shear, mow, to
forest, i e. an elephant — hunter M i.175; iii.132.
cut, shave: only in pp. of Caus. vāpita (q. v.).
Vanin (adj. — n.) [either fr. Sk. vani (=P. vaṇi) in meaning
Vapana (nt.) [fr. vap] sowing SnA 137; DhA iii.220 (°kassaka);
"begging," or poetical abbreviation of vaṇibbin] poor, beg-
PvA 8.
ging; one who asks (for alms) or begs, a mendicant J vi.232
(=vanibbaka C.). Vapayāti [vi+apa+yā] to go away, to disappear, only at Vin.
i.2=Kvu 186 (kankhā vapayanti sabbā; cp. id. p. MVastu
Vanibbaka see vaṇibbaka.
ii.416 vyapananti, to be read as vyapayanti).
Vanīyati [Denom. fr. vani=P. vaṇi] to desire J vi.264 C.: 1
Vappa (m. or nt.) [orig. grd. fr. vap=Sk. vāpya] to be sown,
(pattheti), 270 (hadayaṁ vanīyati, v. l. dhanīyati: cp. allīyati).
sowing; or soil to be sown on, in paṁsu° sowing on light soil
— See also vanati & vaṇeti. n
& kalala° on heavy soil SnA 137. — Note. The def of a root
Vaneja [vane (loc. of vana )+ja] born in the woods J ii.446.
vapp at Dhtm 541 with "vāraṇe" refers to P. vappa bank of a
Vanta [pp. of vamati] 1. vomited, or one who has vomited Miln river (Abhp 1133)=Sk. vapra, which is not found in our texts.
214; PvA 80. As nt. vomit at Vin i.303. — 2. (fig.) given -kamma the act or occupation of sowing J i.340 (+kasi —
up, thrown up, left behind, renounced M i.37 (+catta, mutta kamma). -kāla sowing time Sn p. 13; S i.172 (=vapanakāla,
& pahīna). Cp. BSk. vāntī — bhāva, syn. with prahāna AvŚ bīja — nikkhepa — kāla SnA 137). -mangala ploughing
ii.188. festival J i.57; DhA ii.113; SnA 141.
-âda refuse — feeder, crow J ii.439. -āsa one who has 2
Vappa [cp. Epic. & Class. Sk. bāṣpa] a tear, tears Vin i.345
given up all wishes, an Arahant Dh 97 (=sabbā āsā iminā vantā
(vappaṁ puñchitvā wiping the tears).
DhA i.187). -âsika eating what has been vomited, a certain
Vabbhācitaṁ is a α῞πας λεγομένον at M i.172; read perhaps bet-
class of Petas Miln 294. -kasāva one who has left behind
ter as vambhayitaṁ: see p. 545. Neumann trsl only "thus
all fault Dh 10 (=chaḍḍita° DhA i.82). -gamana at Vism
spoken" (i. e. bhāsitam etaṁ).
210=DA i.34 read either as v' antagamana or c' anta°. -mala
stainless Dh 261. -lokāmisa renouncing worldly profit Dh Vamati [vam, Idg. *ṷemo, cp. Lat. vomo, vomitus=vamathu; Gr.
378. ἐμέω (E. emetic); Oicel. vaema seasickness. — The def at
Dhtp 221 & Dhtm 315 is "uggiraṇa"] to vomit, eject, throw out,
Vandaka (adj.) [fr. vand] disposed to veneration; f. °ikā Th 2, 54
discharge Sn 198=J i.146; J v.255 (fut. vamissati); Pv iv.3
(=uḍḍayati chaḍḍayati PvA 256). — Caus. vameti Miln 169.
Vandati [vand, originally identical with vad; the def at Dhtp
— pp. vanta.
(135 & 588) is "abhivādana & thuti"] to greet respectfully,
Vamathu [fr. vam] vomiting; discharged food PvA 173 (°bhatta;
salute, to pay homage, to honour, respect, to revere, venerate,
adore Sn 366, 547, 573, 1028; Pv ii.1 ; Mhvs 15, 14 (+pū- +ucchiṭṭha°).
jeti); Miln 14; SnA 191; PvA 53 (sirasā with the head, a very Vamana (nt.) [fr. vam] an emetic D i.12; A v.219; cp. J.P.T.S.
respectful way of greeting), 67; VvA 71. imper. vanda Vv 1907, 452.
21 (=abhivādaya VvA 105); pl. vandantu Sn 573; ppr. van- Vamanīya [grd. of vamati; cp. Sk. vāmanīya; ā often inter-
damāna Sn 598; aor. vandi Sn 252; J i.88; PvA 38, 61, 81, changes with a before 1 & m, like Caus. vameti & vāmeti]
141, 275; inf. vandituṁ PvA 77; grd. vandiya (neg. a°)
one who has to take an emetic Miln 169.
Vin ii.162. — Caus. II. vandāpeti to cause somebody to pay
Vambhanā (f.) [abstr. fr. vambheti] contempt, despite Vin
homage J i.88; iii.11. — pp. vandita.
iv.6; M i.402 (att'ukkaṁsana: para — vambhana), Nd 505;
Vandana (nt.) & Vandanā (f.) [fr. vand, cp. Vedic vandana]
Vism 29; VbhA 484; Pgdp 100. — Spelt vamhanā at J i.454
salutation, respect, paying homage; veneration, adoration A
(vamhana — vacana) & at DhsA 396 (khuṁsana°).
i.294 (ā); ii.203 (+pūjā); J i.88; Pug 19, 24; Mhvs 15, 18; Miln
Vambhanīya (adj.) [grd. of vambheti] to be despised, wretched,
377; PvA i.53; SnA 492; ThA 256; Sdhp 221, 540.

Vambhanīya Varaka

miserable PvA 175, 176. (ekūnatiṁso vayasā 29 years of age); PvA 5 (paṭhama — vaye
when quite young), 36 (id.; just grown up). In cpds. vaya°.
Vambhayita (nt.) [pp. of vambheti] being despised or reviled M
i.172; Sn 905; Nd 319 (=nindita, garahita, upavādita). -kalyāṇa charm of youth DhA i.387. -ppatta come of
age, fit to marry (at 16) VvA 120; PvA 3, 112; ThA 266.
Vambhin (adj.) (—°) [fr. vambh] despising, treating with con-
Vaya [Sk. vyaya, vi+i; occasionally as vyaya in Pāli as well] 1.
tempt, disparaging M i.95 (para°, opp. to att' ukkaṁ-saka).
loss, want, expense (opp. āya) A iv.282 (bhogānaṁ); Sn 739;
Vambheti (& Vamheti) [Caus. of vambh, a root of uncertain ori-
PvA 130. — avyayena safely D i.72. — 2. decay (opp. up-
gin (connected with vam?). There is a form vambha given by
pāda) D ii.157=J i.392 (aniccā vata sankhārā uppāda — vaya
Sk. lexicographers as a dial. word for vaṁśa. Could it be a
— dhammino); S iv.28; A i.152, 299.
contraction fr. vyambheti=vi+Denom. fr. ambho 2, part. of
-karaṇa expense, expenditure J iv.355; Vin ii.321 (Sam.
contempt? — The Dhtp (602) defines vambh as "garahāyaṁ"]
Pās on C. V. vi.4, 6, explaining veyyāsika or veyyāyika of
to treat with contempt, despise, revile, scold; usually either Vin ii.157).
comb with khuṁseti or opposed to ukkaṁseti, e. g. Vin
Vayaṁ is the Sk. form of the nom. pl. of pers. pron. ahaṁ,
ii.18; iv.4; M i.200 (=Sn 132 avajānāti), 402 sq.; D i.90; A
represented in Pāli by mayaṁ (q. v.). The form vayaṁ only
ii.27 sq.; Th 1, 621; DA i.256 (=hīḷeti); DhA iv.38; VvA 348.
— pp. vambhayita. -vamheti is found at J i.191, 356; cp. in grammarians, mentioned also by Müller, P.Gr. p. 87 as oc-
curring in Dh (?). The enclitic form for acc. gen. & dat. is
vamhana. — Note. The spelling bh interchanges with that of
no, found e. g. at Pv i.5 (gloss for vo; C. amhākaṁ); J ii.153,
h (vamheti), as ambho shows var. amho. Trenckner (introd.
352; DhA i.101; PvA 20, 73.
to M 1. p. 1) gives vambheti (as BB reading) the preference
over vamheti (as SS reading). Morris' note on vambheti in Vayassa [cp. Sk. vayasya] a friend J ii.31; iii.140; v.157.
J.P.T.S. 1884, 96 does not throw any light on its etymology.
Vayha (nt.) & Vayhā (f.) [grd. formation fr. vah; cp. Sk.
Vamma (nt.) [Vedic varman, fr. vṛ to cover, enclose] armour J vahya (nt.)] a vehicle, portable bed, litter Vin iv.339 (enum d
ii.22. under yāna together with ratha sakaṭa sandamānikā sivikā &
pāṭankī); J vi.500 (f.), with sivikā & ratha.
Vammika (adj.) [fr. vamma]=vammin Vin i.342.
Vara (adj.) [fr. vṛ to wish; Vedic vara] excellent, splendid, best,
Vammita [pp. of vammeti, cp. Sk. varmita] armoured, clad in ar-
noble. As attribute it either precedes or follows the noun which
mour J i.179 (assa); ii.315 (hatthi); iii.8; v.301, 322; DA i.40.
it characterizes, e. g. °pañña of supreme wisdom Sn 391,
Vammin (adj.) [fr. vamma; Vedic varmin] wearing armour, ar- 2
1128 (=agga — pañña Nd 557); °bhatta excellent food (opp.
moured J iv.353 (=keṭaka — phalaka — hattha C.); v.259, 373;
lāmaka°) J i.123; °lañcaka excellent gift (?) (Trenckner, Miln
vi.25; Miln 331.
p. 424): see under lañcaka. — dhamma° the best norm Sn
Vammīka & vammika (m. & nt.) [cp. Vedic valmīka; Idg. 233; nagara° the noble city Vv 16 (=uttama°, Rājagahaṁ
*ṷorm(āi); cp. Av. maoiris, Sk. vamraḥ, Gr. μύρμηζ, Lat. sandhāya vuttaṁ VvA 82); ratana° the best of gems Sn 683;
formica, Cymr. mor; all of same origin & meaning] ant — rāja° famous king Vv 32 (=Sakka VvA 134); or inserted be-
hill: (a) °ika: M i.142 sq.; J iii.85; iv.30 (°bila the ant's hole); tween noun and apposition (or predicate), e. g. ākiṇṇa —
v.163. — (b) °ika: J i.432; iv.30; Vism 183 (described), 304 vara — lakkhaṇa full of the best marks Sn 408; narī — vara
(°muddani), 446; DhA ii.51; iii.208; iv.154. — gaṇa a crowd of most lovely women Sn 301; esp. frequent
in comb with predicate gata: "gone on to the best of," i. e.
Vammeti [Denom. fr. vamma] to dress in armour, to armour J
riding the most stately (horse or elephant), or walking on the
i.180; ii.94 (mangala — hatthiṁ). — pp. vammita.
royal (palace) etc., e. g. upari — pāsādavara -gata PvA 105;
Vamha [for vambha: see vambheti] bragging, boasting, despising
sindha-piṭṭhi — vara — gata J i.179; hatthi-khandha vara
J i.319 (°vacana).
-gata PvA 75, 216, 279. — nt. varaṁ in compar. or su-
Vaya (& vayo) (nt.) [Vedic vayas vitality, age; to be dis- perl. function: better than (instr.); the best, the most excellent
tinguished from another vayas meaning "fowl." The latter thing A iv.128 (katamaṁ nu kho varaṁ: yaṁ... yaṁ); Dh 178
is probably meant at Dhtp 232 (& Dhtm 332) with def n (ādhipaccena sotāpattiphalaṁ v.), 322 (varaṁ assatarā dantā...
"gamane." The etym. of vayo (age) is connected with Sk. attadanto tato varaṁ).
vīra=Lat. vir. man, hero, vīs strength; Gr. ι῎ς sinew, ι῎ϕιος -anganā a noble or beautiful woman Mhvs 33, 84. -
strong; Sk. vīḍayati to make fast, also veśati; whereas vayas ādāyin acquiring the best S iv.250; A iii.80. -āroha (1) state
(fowl) corresponds with Sk. vayasa (bird) & viḥ to Gr. αἰετός elephant Vv 5 (=varo aggo seṭṭho āroho ti varāroho VvA 35);
eagle, οἰωνός bird of prey, Lat. avis bird] age, especially (2) (f.) a noble lady J vi.562 (Maddī varārohā rājaputtī).
young age, prime, youth; meaning "old age" when charac- 2
Vara (m. & nt.) [fr. vṛ to wish] wish, boon, favour Miln 110,
terized as such or contrasted to youth (the ord. term for old
139. Usually in phrases ilke varaṁ dadāti to grant a wish or a
age being jarā). Three "ages" or "periods of life" are usually
boon J iv.10; VvA 260; PvA 20. varaṁ gaṇhāti to take a wish
distinguished, viz. paṭhama° youth, majjhima° middle age,
or a vow J v.382; varaṁ vuṇāti (varati) id. J iii.493 (varaṁ
pacchima° old age, e. g. at J i.79; Vism 619; DhA iii.133. 40, 42
varassu, imper.); Pv ii.9 ; Miln 227. — varaṁ yācati to
— vayo anuppatta one who has attained old age, old D i.48
ask a favour J iii.315 (varāni yācāmi).
(=pacchima — vayaṁ anuppatta DA i.143); Sn pp. 50, 92. —
Varaka [cp. *Sk. varaka] the bean Phaseolus trilobus J ii.75
Cp. Dh 260; J i.138 (vayo — harā kesā); Vism 619 (the 3 vayas
(where equal to kalāya); Miln 267; DhA i.311.
with subdivisions into dasakas or decades of life); Mhvs 2, 26

Varaka Vallabha

Varaka (adj.) [fr. vṛ] wishing or asking (in marriage) Th 2, 406. Lat. volvo to roll, Gr. ἐλύω to wind, ε῎λις round, ε῎λυτρον
cover; Goth. walwjan to roll on, Ohg. welzan & walzan=Ags.
Varaṇa [cp. Sk. varaṇa rampart, causeway, wall] the tree
wealtan (E. waltz); Ags. wylm wave, and many others, q. v.
Crataeva roxburghii J i.222, 317 (°rukkha), 319=DhA iii.409
in Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. volvo. — The Dhtp (274) gives
(°kaṭṭhabhañja); J vi.535.
root val in meaning saṁvaraṇa, i. e. obstruct, cover. See fur-
*Varati [vṛ] & der. ("to choose" as well as "to obstruct") see
ther vuṇāti] a bracelet Vin ii.106; J ii.197 (dantakāre valay'
— ādīni karonte disvā); iii.377; vi.64, 65; DA i.50; DhA i.226
Varatta (nt.) & Varattā (f.) [cp. Vedic varatrā, given also in (danta° ivory bangle); PvA 157 (sankha°); Mhvs 11, 14 (°an-
meaning "elephant's girth" at Halāyudha ii.66] a strap, thong, guli — veṭhakā).
strip of leather S i.63; A ii.33; Sn 622; Dh 398 (fig. for taṇhā);
Valāhaka [valāha+ka; of dial. origin; cp. Epic Sk. balā-haka] 1.
J ii.153; v.45. As "harness" at J i.175; as straps on a ship's
a cloud, dark cloud, thundercloud S i.212= Th 2, 55; A ii.102;
mast (to hold the sails) Miln 378. — Cp. vārattika. 1
v.22; Th 1, 760; Pug 42, 43; Vv 68 ; J iii.245; 270 (ghana°);
-khaṇḍa strip of leather, a strap M i.244=ii.193= iii.259=S
Vism 285 (°paṭala); Miln 274; DhsA 317; VvA 12 (=abbhā).
iv.56=A iii.380.
— 2. N. of mythical horses S iii.145.
Varāka (adj.) [cp. Epic Sk. varāka] wretched, miserable S i.231; -kāyikā (devā) groups of cloud gods (viz. sīta°, uṇha°,
J iv.285; Vism 315; VvA 101; PvA 120 (syn. for kapaṇa), 175 abbha°, vāta°, vassa°) S iii.254.
Valāhassa [valāha+assa] cloud — horse J ii.129 (the Valā-
Varāha [Vedic varāha & varāhu, freq. in Rigveda] a boar, wild hassajātaka, pp. 127 sq.); cp. BSk. Bālāh'āśva ( — rājā) Divy
hog Dh 325=Th 1, 17; J v.406=vi.277; Miln 364; Sdhp 378. 120 sq. (see Index Divy).
Valañja (—°) [see valañjeti] 1. track, line, trace, in pada° track, Vali & Valī (f.) [cp. Epic Sk. vali; fr val. Spelling occasion-
footprint J i.8; ii.153 (v. l. lañca & lañcha); iv.221 (valañcha ally with ḷ] a line, fold, wrinkle, a streak, row; Vin ii.112 (read
T.), 383; DhA ii.38. — 2. that which is spent or secreted, i. valiyo for valiṁ?); Th 2, 256; J iv.109; Shhp 104. — muttā-
e. outflow, faeces, excrement, in sarīra° faeces J i.70, 80, 421 vali a string of pearls VvA 169. For vaṭṭanā-valī see vaṭṭanā.
(°ṁ muñcati to ease oneself); iii.486; DhA ii.55. — 2. design, See also āvali.
use; only neg. avalañja useless, superfluous Vin iv.266; VvA
Valika (adj.) [fr. vali] having folds J i.499.
46 (°ṁ akaṁsu rendered useless); DhA iv.116.
Valita [pp. of val: see valeti] wrinkled A i.138 (acc. khaṇḍa-
Valañjana (nt.) [fr. valañjeti] 1. resorting, acting as, behaviour
dantaṁ palita — kesaṁ vilūnaṁ khalitaṁ siro — valitaṁ
VvA 248. — 2. giving off, evacuation, easing the body J i.161
tilak'āhata — gattaṁ: cp. valin with passage M i.88= iii.180,
(°vacca — kuṭi privy); DhA iii.270 (sarīra°). n
one of the two evidehtly misread); PvA 56, 153. In comp
Valañjanaka (adj.) (—°) [fr. valañjana] being marked off, be- with taca contracted to valittaca (for valitattaca) "with wrin-
ing traced, belonging to, behaving, living (anto° in the inner kled skin" DhA ii.190 (phalitakesa+); with abstr. valittacatā
precincts, bahi° outside the bounds) J i.382, 385, 398. the fact of having a wrinkled skin M i.49 (pālicca+; cp. MA
Valañjita [pp. of valañjeti; cp. BSk. valañjita used, MVastu 215); A ii.196 (khaṇḍicca pālicca+).
iii.276] traced, tracked, practised, travelled J iii.542 (magga). Valin (adj.) [fr. vali] having wrinkles M i.88 (acc. palita-kesiṁ
Valañjeti [customarily expl as ava+lañj (cp. Geiger P.Gr. § 66 ), vilūnaṁ khalita — siraṁ valinaṁ)=iii.180 (palitakesaṁ vilū-
naṁ khalitaṁ — siraṁ valīnaṁ etc.) See valita for this pas-
the root lañj being given as a Sk. root in meaning "to fry," "to
sage. — In comp vali-mukha "wrinkled face," i. e. monkey
be strong," and a variety of others (see Mon. Williams s. v.
J ii.298.
lañj). But the root & its derivations are only found in lex-
icographical and grammatical works, therefore it is doubtful Valiya at M i.446 is not clear. It is comb with vaṇṇiya (q. v.).
whether it is genuine. lañja is given as "pada," i. e. track, See also note on p. 567; v. l. pāṇiya; C. silent.
place, foot, and also "tail." We are inclined to see in lañj a by
Valīkaṁ [cp. Sk. vyalīkaṁ] read for valikaṁ at Th 2, 403, in
— form of lañch, which is a variant of lakṣ "to mark" etc. s
meaning "wrong, fault"; ThA 266 expl as "vyālikaṁ dosaṁ."
(cp. lañcha, lañchaka, °ana, °ita). Thus the meaning would
So Kern, Toev. s. v.
range from originally "trace," mark off, enclose, to: "being
Vaḷīmant (adj.) [fr. vali] having wrinkles Th 2, 269 (pl. valī-
enclosed," assigned or belonging to, i. e. moving (in), fre-
quenting etc., as given in C. expl . There seems to be a Sing- matā).
halese word at the root of it, as it is certainly dialectical. — Valeti [cp. Sk. vāleti, Caus. of val to turn: see valaya] 1. to twist,
The Dhtm (522) laconically defines valañj as "valañjane"] 1. turn, in gīvaṁ to wring (a fowl's neck) J i.436; iii.178 (gīvaṁ
to trace, track, travel (a road); practise, achieve, resort to Miln valitvā: read °etvā). — 2. to twist or wind round, to put (a gar-
359; VvA 58. — 2. to use, use up, spend J i.102; iii.342; ment) on, to dress J i.452 (sāṭake valetuṁ; v. l. valañcetuṁ).
vi.369, 382, 521. — ppr. Pass. (a- )valañjiyamāna (not any — pp. valita.
longer) in use J i.111. — pp. valañjita.
Vallakī (f.) cp. Epic Sk. vallakī, BSk. vallikī Divy 108; MVastu
Valaya (m. & nt.) [Epic Sk. valaya, fr. Idg. *ṷel to turn; see i.227] the Indian lute Abhp 138.
Sk. roots vṛ to enclose, and val to turn, to which belong the
Vallabha [cp. Epic & Class. Sk. vallabha & BSk. valla-bhaka a
foll.: varutra upper robe, ūrmi wave, fold, valita bent, vālay-
sea monster Divy 231] a favourite J iv.404; vi.38, 371; rāja° a
ati to make roll, valli creeper, vaṭa rope, vāṇa cane. Cp. also
king's favourite, an overseer J i.342; Mhvs 37, 10; VbhA 501.

Vallabha Vasa

— f. vallabhā (a) beloved (woman), a favourite J iii.40; VvA santi vavakassanti); A iii.145 (bhikkhu n' âlaṁ sanghamhā 'va-
92, 135, 181. pakāsituṁ: read vavakāsituṁ or °kassituṁ), 393 (vapakassat'
eva Satthārā, vapakassati garuṭṭhāniyehi). See also apakāsati,
Vallabhatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. vallabha] being a favourite Dāvs v.7.
avakassati, avapakāsati. — pp. vavakaṭṭha.
Vallarī (f.) [cp. Class. Sk. vallarī, Halāyudha ii.30] a branching
Vavakkhati see vatti.
footstalk, a compound pedicle Abhp 550. The word is found
in BSk. in meaning of "musical instrument" at Divy 315 and Vavatthapeti & °ṭṭhāpeti [Caus. of vi+ava+sthā] to determine,
passim. fix, settle, define, designate, point out J iv.17 (disaṁ °tthapetvā
getting his bearings); Vbh 193 sq.; Vism 182; SnA 67; KhA
Vallikā (f.) [cp. Sk. vālikā?] 1. an ornament for the ear Vin ii.106
(cp. Bdhgh's expl on p. 316). — 2. a jungle rope Vin ii.122. 11, 42, 89; VvA 220. — ppr. Pass. vavatthāpiyamāna DhA
i.21, 35. — pp. vavatthita & vavatthāpita.
Vallibha [cp. late Sk. valibha wrinkled] the plant kumbhaṇḍa i.
Vavatthāna (nt.) [fr. vi+ava+sthā; cp. late Sk. vya-vasthāna
e. a kind of gourd Abhp 597 (no other ref.?).
which occurs in Ep. Sk. in meaning "stay"] determination,
Vallī (f.) [cp. Sk. vallī; for etym. see valaya] 1. a climbing
resolution, arrangement, fixing, analysis Ps i.53; Vin iv.289;
plant, a creeper Vin iii.144; J v.37; vi.536; VvA 147, 335 n
Vism 111, 236 (=nimitta), 347 (def ); Miln 136; KhA 23.
(here as a root?). — santānaka° a long, spreading creeper
Vavatthāpita [pp. of vavatthāpeti] arranged, settled, established
VvA 94, 162. — 2. a reed or rush used as a string or rope
Miln 345 (su°).
for binding or tying (esp. in building), bast (?) M i.190 (Neu-
mann, "Binse"); J iii.52 (satta rohita macche uddharitvā valliyā Vavatthita [pp. of vi+ava+sthā, cp. vavatthapeti & late Sk.
āvuṇitvā netvā etc.), 333 (in similar connection); DhA iii.118. vyavasthita "determination"] 1. entered on, arranged, fixed,
— 3. in kaṇṇa° the lobe of the ear Mhvs 25, 94. — The comp n determined, settled M iii.25; DhsA 36. — 2. separated (opp.
form of vallī is valli°. sambhinna) Vin ii.67 sq.
-koṭī the tips of a creeper J vi.548. -pakka the fruit Vavattheti [unusual pres. (Med. — Pass.) formation fr. vi+
of a creeper Vv 33 . -phala=°pakka J iv.445. -santāna
ava+sthā, formed perhaps after vavatthita] to be determined
spreadings or shoots of a creeper KhA 48. -hāraka carrying
or analysed Ps i.53, 76, 84.
a (garland of) creeper Vism 523=VbhA 131 (in comparison
Vavassagga [vi+ava+srj; Sk. vyavasarga] "letting go," i. e. start-
illustrating the paṭicca — samuppāda).
ing on something, endeavouring, resolution A i.36; J vi.188
Vallura (nt.) [cp. Class. Sk. vallūra] dried flesh S ii.98; J ii.245.
(handā ti vavassagg' atthe nipāto); DA i.237 (here handa is
Vaḷa at Vism 312 is to be read vāḷa (snake), in phrase vāḷehi upad- expl as vavasāy' atthe nipato). — Kern, Toev. s. v. wrongly
duta "molested by snakes." "consent."
Vaḷabhā [=vaḷavā?] is not clear; it occurs only in the expres- Vasa (m. & nt.) [cp. Vedic vaśa; vaś to be eager, to desire]
sion (is it found in the Canon?) vaḷabhā-mukha a submarine power, authority, control, influence S i.43, 240 (kodho vo
fire or a purgatory Abhp 889. The Epic Sk. form is vaḍavā- vasam āyātu: shall be in your power; vasa=āṇāpavattana K.S.
mukha (Halāyudha i.70; iii.1). i.320); M i.214 (bhikkhu cittaṁ vasaṁ vatteti, no ca cittassa
vasena vattati: he brings the heart under his control, but is not
Vaḷabhī (f.) [cp. late (dial.) Sk. vaḍabhī] a roof; only in
cpd. °ratha a large covered van (cp. yogga ) M i.175 under the influence of the heart); Sn 297, 315, 578, 586, 968;
Sdhp 264. — The instr. vasena is used as an adv. in meaning
(sabba — setena vaḷabhī — rathena Sāvatthiyā niyyāti divā
"on account of, because" e. g. mahaggha — vasena mahâraha
divaṁ); ii.208 (id.), but vaḷavābhi — rathena); J vi.266 (vaḷab-
"costly on account of its great worth" PvA 77; cp. J i.94; PvA
hiyo=bhaṇḍa — sakaṭiyo C.). The expression reminds of
36 (putta°); Mhvs 33, 92 (paṭisanthāra°). — Freq. in phrase
vase (loc.) vattati to be in somebody's power J v.316 (te vase
Vaḷavā (f.) [cp. Vedic vaḍavā] a mare, a common horse D i.5;
vattati), cp. M i.214 (cittassa vasena vattati) & 231 (vatteti
Pug 58; Mhvs 10, 54; J i.180; vi.343; DhA i.399; iv.4 (assa-
te tasmiṁ vaso have you power over that?); trs. vase vatteti
tarā vaḷavāya gadrabhena jātā).
to get under control, to get into one's power J iv.415 (attano
-ratha a carriage drawn by a mare D i.89, 105, 106. The
vase vattetvā); v.316 (rājāno attano v. v.); DhA ii.14 (rājānaṁ
expression reminds of vaḷabhī-ratha.
attano v. v.), cp. M i.214 (vasan vatteti) & PvA 89 (vasaṁ
Vaḷīna at J vi.90 is not clear (in phrase jaṭaṁ vaḷīnaṁ panka- vattento). — Note. The comp form in connection with kṛ
gataṁ). The C. reads valinaṁ, paraphrased by ākulaṁ. Faus- and bhū is vasī° (q. v.).
böll suggests malinaṁ. Should we accept reading valinaṁ? -ânuga being in somebody's power, dependent, subjected,
It would then be acc. sg. of valin (q. v.). obedient Sn 332, 1095; J iii.224 (=vasavattin C.); Th 2, 375
Vavakaṭṭha [pp. of vavakassati] drawn away, alienated; with- (=kinkāra — paṭissāvin ThA 252); Sdhp 249. -ânuvattin id.;
drawn, secluded DhA ii.103 (°kāya). f. °inī obedient, obliging (to one's husband) Vv 31 . -uttama
highest authority, greatest ideal Sn 274. -gata being in some-
Vavakassati [v+ava+kṛṣ, would correspond to Sk. vya-
one's power J v.453 (narīnaṁ); cp. vasī — kata. -vattaka
vakṛṣyate, Pass.] to be drawn away, to be distracted or alien-
wielding power Sdhp 483 (°ika); a° having no free will PvA
ated (from); so is to be read at all passages, where it is ei- 64. -vattana wielding power, (having) authority Miln 356.
ther comb with avakassati or stands by itself. The readings
-vattin — 1. (act., i. e. vatteti) having highest power, dom-
are: Vin ii.204 (apakāsanti avapakāsanti) =A v.74 (avakas-
ineering, autocrat, (all — )mighty; fig. having self-mastery,

Vasa Vasu

controlling one's senses D i.247; ii.261; A ii.24; It 122; Th 2. Vasabha [the Sanskritic — Pāli form (*vṛṣabha) of the proper Pāli
37; Pv ii.3 ; Miln 253; DA i.111, 114, 121; SnA 133 (°bha- usabha (q. v. for etym.). Only in later (Com.) style under Sk.
vana). — 2. (pass.; i. e. vattati) being in one's power, de- influence] a bull Miln 115 (rāja°); SnA 40 (relation between
pendent, subject J iii.224; v.316; ThA 226 (read vattino for usabha, vasabha & nisabha); VvA 83 (id.).
Vasala [Vedic vṛṣala, Dimin. of vṛṣan, lit. "little man"] an out-
Vasati [vas ; to Idg. *ṷes, cp. Gr. ε῎ννυμι to clothe, Sk. vas- caste; a low person, wretch; adj. vile, foul Vin ii.221; Sn 116
man cover, Goth. wasjan clothe, wasti dress; Lat. vestis=E. — 136; J iv.388; SnA 183, — f. vasalī outcaste, wretched
vest etc.; Dhtp 628 (& Dhtm 870): acchādane] to clothe. pp. woman S i.160; J iv.121, 375; DhA i.189; iii.119; iv.162; VvA
vuttha . Caus. vāseti: see ni°. See also vāsana & vāsana . 260.
Vasati [vas ; Idg. *ṷes to stay, abide; cp. Av. varǤhaiti; Lat. -ādhama=°dhamma Sn 135. -dhamma vile conduct J
ii.180. -vāda foul talk Ud 28; SnA 347. -sutta the suttanta
Vesta the goddess of the hearth=Gr. ἑστία hearth; Goth. wisan
on outcasts Sn 116 sq. (p, 21 sq.), commented on at SnA 174
to stay, remain, be (=Ohg. wesan, E. was, were); Oicel. vist to
sq., 289.
stay, Oir. foss rest. — Dhtm 470: kanti — nivāsesu] to live,
dwell, stay, abide; to spend time (esp. with vassaṁ the rainy Vasalaka [vasala+ka in more disparaging sense]=vasala Sn p. 21.
season); trs. to keep, observe, live, practise Sn 469 sq., 1088 Vasā (f.) [Vedic vaśā; cp. vāśitā; Lat. vacca cow] a cow (nei-
(=saṁvasati āvasati parivasati Nd 558); PvA 3, 12, 78 (imper.
ther in calf nor giving suck) Sn 26, 27; SnA 49 (=adamita —
vasatha). — uposathaṁ vasaṁ (ppr.) keeping the Sunday J
vuddha — vacchakā).
vi.232; brahmacariyaṁ v. to live a chaste life M i.515 (cp.
Vasā (f.) [cp. Vedic vasā] fat, tallow, grease Sn 196; Kh iii.; Pv
same expression Ait. Br. 5, 13; Śat. Br. 12, 2, 2; 13, 8. 22).
ii.2 ; J iii.356; v.489; PvA 80; VbhA 67. In detail at Vism
— ppr. vasanto PvA 75, 76; ppr. med. vasamāna J i.21, 236,
291; PvA 117; Pot. vaseyya M i.515; Pv ii.9 (ghare), & vase 263, 361; VbhA 246.
Miln 372. — aor. vasi Sn 977; J iv.317 (piya — saṁvāsaṁ); Vasi° is the shortened form of vasī° (=vasa) in comb ns °ppatta
PvA 111; Mhvs 1, 13 (vasī vasi); 5, 229. — ger. vasitvā J one who has attained power, mastering: only in phrase ceto-
i.278; iv.317; PvA 13; grd. vasitabba Sn 678; PvA 42; & vasippatta A ii.6; iii.340; Miln 82; cp. BSk. vaśiprāpta Divy
vatthabba Mhvs 3, 12; inf. vatthuṁ Th 2, 414, & vasituṁ 210, 546; — and °ppatti mastership, mastery Vism 190 (ap-
PvA 12, 112. Fut. vasissati [=Sk. vasiṣyati] Mhvs 14, 26; panā+).
PvA 12; and (older) vacchati [=Sk. vatsyati] Vin i.60; Th 2, Vasika (adj.) (—°) [fr. vasa, cp. Sk. vaśika] being in the power of,
294; J iv.217; 1 sg. vacchāmi J v.467 (na te v. santike);
subject to, as in kodha° a victim of anger J iii.135; taṇhā un-
vi.523, 524, & vacchaṁ Th 2, 414. — Pass. vussati [Sk.
der the influence of craving J iv.3; mātugāma° fond of women
uṣyate] M i.147 (brahmacariyaṁ v.). — pp. vasita, vusita
J iii.277.
[=vi+uṣita], vuttha [perhaps=vi+uṣṭa], q. v. — Caus. I. vāseti
Vasita [pp. of vasati ] dwelled, lived, spent Mhvs 20, 14.
to cause to live, stay or dwell; to make live; to preserve (opp.
nāseti at S iv.248) Vin iii.140; S iv.248; Miln 211; PvA 160 Vasitar [n. ag. fr. vasita] one who abides, stays or lives (in), a
(inf. vāsetuṁ); see also vāseti . — Caus. II. vasāpeti (cp. ad- dweller; fig. one who has a (regular) habit A ii.107= Pug 43,
hivāsāpeti) to make live or spend, to cause to dwell, to detain cp. PugA 225. — vasitā is given as "habit" at Cpd. 58 sq.,
J i.290; ii.27; PvA 20 (vassaṁ). — pp. vāsita. — See also 207.
adhi°, ā°, ni°, pari°.
Vasin (adj.) [fr. vasa] having power (over), mastering, esp. one's
Vasati (f.) [fr. vas , cp. Vedic vasati] a dwelling, abode, res- senses; a master (over) Vin iii.93; D i.18 (=ciṇṇavasitattā vasī
idence J vi.292 (rāja°=rāja — paricariyā C.); Miln 372 (rā- DA i.112); iii.29; Sn 372; Vism 154 (fivefold); Mhvs 1, 13
javasatiṁ vase); Dāvs iv.27 (saka°). (vasī vasi); Dāvs i.16.
Vasana (nt.) [fr. vasati ] clothing, clothes Sn 971; Th 2, 374; Vasima=vasin It 32 (acc. vasimaṁ; v. l. vasīmaṁ).
D iii.118 (odāta°), 124 (id.); Nd 495 (the six cīvarāni); PvA n
Vasī° is the composition form of vasa in comb with roots kṛ and
49. — vasanāni clothing Mhvs 22, 30. — vasana (—°) as
bhū, e. g. °kata made dependent, brought into somebody's
adj. "clothed," e. g. odāta° wearing white robes Vin i.187;
power, subject(ed) Th 2, 295 (=vasavattino katvā, pl.); Sn 154;
kāsāya° clad in yellow robes Mhvs 18, 10; pilotika° in rags J cp. BSk. vaśīkṛta Jtm 213. See also vasagata. -°katvā hav-
iv.380; suci° in bright garments Sn 679; Pv i.10 .
ing overcome or subjected Sn 561 (=attano vase vattetvā SnA
Vasana (nt.) [fr. vasati ] dwelling ( — place), abode; usually in 455). Metricausâ as vasiṁ karitvā at Sn 444. — °bhāva state
cpds. like °gāma the village where (he) lived J ii.153; °ṭṭhāna of having power, mastery Nd 466 (balesu); Pug 14 (in same
residence, dwelling place PvA 12, 42, 92; DhA i.323 and pas- passage, but reading phalesu), expl at PugA 189 (with v. l.
sim. SS balesu!) as "ciṇṇa — vasī — bhāva"; Kvu 608 (implies
Vasanaka (adj.) (—°) [fr. vasana ] living (in) J ii.435 (nibaddha°, balesu); Miln 170. Cp. BSk. bala — vaśī — bhāva MVastu
iii.379. See also ciṇṇa. — °bhūta having become a master
i. e. of continuous abode).
(over), mastering S i.132; Miln 319; cp. MVastu i.47 & 399
Vasanta [Vedic vasanta; Idg. *ṷēr, cp. Av. varehar spring, Gr.
vaśībhūta. — The same change of vasa° to vasī° we find in
εἄρ, Lat. vēr, Oicel. vār spring, Lith. vasarā summer] spring n
comb vasippatta (vasī+ppatta), q. v. under vasi°.
J i.86; v.206; KhA 192 (bāla°=Citra); DA i.132 (°vana); PvA
Vasu (nt.) [Vedic vasu good, cp. Gr. ἐύς good, Oir. fīu worthy,
Goth. iusiza better] wealth; only in cpds. °deva the god of

Vasu Vahati

wealth, i. e. Kṛṣṇa (Kaṇha) Miln 191 (as °devā followers of centenarian Miln 301.
K.); J v.326 (here in T. as ādicco vāsudevo pabhankaro, expl d 1
Vassati [vṛṣ, varṣati, vṛṣate; Idg. *ṷers to wet, cp. Vedic vṛṣa
in C. as vasudevo vasujotano, i. e. an Ep. of the sun); Vism
bull, varṣa rain, vṛṣabha (P. usabha), Av. varšna virile, Lat.
233 (Vāsudevo baladevo). -°dharā (f.) (as vasun — dharā)
verres boar; Gr. α῎ρρην virile, ε῎ρση dew; with which root
the bearer of wealth, i. e. the earth S i.100; A iii.34; J v.425;
is connected *eres to flow: Sk. arṣati, ṛṣabha bull, Lat. ros
Vism 205, 366; DA i.61. -°dhā id. J i.25; Ap 53; Vism 125.
dew=Sk. rasa essence etc. — Dhtm 471 gives "secana" as
Vasumant (adj.) [fr. vasu] having wealth, rich J vi.192. def ] to rain (intrs.), fig. to shower, pour(down) Vin i.32
(mahāmegho vassi); S iii.141 (deve vassante); v.396 (id.); Sn
Vassa (m. & nt.) [cp. Vedic varṣa (nt.) rain. For etym. see
vassati ] 1. rain, shower J iv.284; vi.486 (khaṇika sudden 30 (devassa vassato, gen. sg. ppr.); PvA 6, 139, 287; Mhvs
21, 33; DhA ii.83 (vassatu, imper.; vassi, aor.); 265 (devo vas-
rain); Miln 307; Mhvs 21, 31; DhA iii.163 (pokkhara° porten-
santo nom. sg.). — Cp. kālena kālaṁ devo vṛṣyate Divy 71.
tous); SnA 224 (mahā° deluge of rain); PvA 55 (vāta° wind
— Caus. II. vassāpeti to cause to rain J v.201 (Sakko devaṁ v.
& rain). — fig. shower, downpour, fall M i.130=Vin ii.25
let the sky shed rain). — pp. vaṭṭa, vaṭṭha, vuṭṭha. Another
(kahāpaṇa°); DhA ii.83 (kusuma°). — Esp. the rainy season,
pp. of the Caus. *vasseti is vassita.
lasting roughly from June to October (Āsāḷha — Kattika), of-
ten called "Lent," though the term does not strictly correspond. Vassati [vāś to bellow, Vedic vāśyate; Dhtm 471: "sad-dane"] to
Usually in pl. vassā (A iv.138), also termed vassā-ratta "time utter a cry (of animals), to bellow, bark, to bleat, to crow etc. S
of rains" (J iv.74; v.38). Cp. BSk. varṣā, e. g: Divy 401, 509. ii.230; J i.436 (of a cock); ii.37, 153, 307; iii.127; vi.497 (ppr.
— Keeping Lent (i. e. spending the rainy season) is expressed vassamāna=vāsamāna C.). — pp. vassita .
by vassaṁ vasati Vin iii.10; Mhvs 16, 8; or by vassa-vāsaṁ 1 1
Vassana (nt.) [fr. vassati ] raining, shedding (water) DhA ii.83
(vass' āvāsaṁ) vasati (see below), vassaṁ upeti S v.152, vas-
saṁ upagacchati S v.152; PvA 42. One who has kept Lent
Vassana (nt.) [fr. vassati ] bleating; neg. a° J iv.251.
or finished the residence of the rains is a vuttha-vassa J i.82;
Mhvs 17, 1; or vassaṁ vuttha Vin iii.11; S i.199; v.405; PvA Vassāna [gen. pl. formation fr. vassa, like gimhāna fr. gimha (q.
43. Cp. BSk. varṣ' oṣita Divy 92, 489. — Vassa — residence v.). Kern, Toev. s. v. sees in it a contraction of varṣāyaṇa. Cp.
is vassa-vāsa (see below). — vassaṁ vasāpeti (Caus.) to Trenckner, Miln p. 428] (belonging, to) the rainy season Vin
induce someone to spend the rainy season PvA 20. — anto- iv.286; A iv.138; J ii.445; v.177.
vassaṁ during Lent; cp. antovass' eka — divasaṁ one day 1
Vassāpanaka (adj.) [fr. vassāpeti; Caus. of vassati ] shedding,
during Lent Mhvs 18, 2; antara-vassaṁ id. S iv.63. — 2.
pouring out J i.253 (dhana°).
(nt.) a year A iv.252 (mānusakāni paññāsa vassāni); Sn 289, 1
Vassika (adj.) [fr. vassa] 1. (cp. vassa ) for the rainy season
446, 1073. satta° (adj.) seven years old Mhvs 5, 61; satta —
D ii.21 (palace); cp. AvŚ i.269 varṣaka (id.). — 2. (—°) of
aṭṭha° 7 or 8 years old PvA 67. — See cpd. °sata. — 3. semen
years, in gaṇa° for many years Sn 279; SnA 339; tero° more
virile, virility: see cpds. °kamma & °vara.
than one year (old): see under tero; satta° seven years old
-agga shelter from the rain, a shed (agga=agāra) J i.123;
PvA 53.
DhA iii.105=VvA 75. -āvāsa vassa — residence A iii.67.
-āvāsika belonging to the spending of the rainy season, said Vassikā (f.) & Vassika (nt.)=vassikī, i. e. Jasminum Sambac; cp.
of food (bhatta) given for that purpose J vi.71; DhA i.129 BSk. varṣika Lal. Vist. 366, 431; Divy 628; AvŚ i.163. (a) f.
(as one of the 4 kinds: salāka°, pakkhika°, navacanda°, (the plant) Dh 377 (=sumanā DhA iv.112); Miln 251. (b) nt.
vass' — āvāsika°), 298; iv.129 (°lābha a gift for the r. s.). (the flower, said to be the most fragrant of all flowers) A v.22;
-upagamana entering on the vassa — residence PvA 42. - S v.44; DhA iv.112 (°puppha).
upanāyikā (f.) the approach of the rainy season, commence-
Vassikī (f.) the great — flowered jasmine, Jasminum Sambac (cp.
ment of Vassa residence [BSk. varṣopanāyikā Divy 18, 489;
vassikā) Dh 55=J iii.291=Miln 333; Miln 181, 338; DhA i.422.
AvŚ i.182, where Ep. of the full moon of Āsāḷha]. Two such 1
Vassita [pp. of *vasseti, Caus. of vassati ] sprinkled with, wet
terms for taking up the residence: purimikā & pacchimikā A
with, endowed with, i. e. full of J iv.494 (balena vassita).
i.51; i. e. the day after the full moon of Ā. or a month after that
date. See upanāyika. — vass' ûpanāyika — divasa the first day Vassita (nt.) [pp. of vassati ] a cry J i.432; iv.217, 225.
of Lent Vism 92; DhA iv.118; °ûpanāyikaṁ khandhakaṁ the 1
Vassitar [n. ag. fr. vassita ] a shedder of rain A ii.102= Pug 42.
section of the Vinaya dealing with the entrance upon Lent (i. 1
Vassin (adj. n.) [fr. vassati ] raining; in padesa° shedding local
e. Vin i.137 sq.) Mhvs 16, 9. -odaka rain — water Vism
showers It 64.
260=VbhA 243. -kamma causing virility D i.12 (=vasso ti
puriso, vosso ti paṇḍako iti; vossassa vassa — karaṇaṁ vassa Vaha (—°) [fr. vah] 1. bringing, carrying, leading Pv i.5 (vāri°
— kammaṁ, vassassa vossa — karaṇaṁ vossa — kammaṁ river=mahānadī PvA 29); S i.103; PvA 13 (anattha°). Doubt-
DA i.97). -kāla time for rain J iv.55. -dasa (& °dasaka) a ful in hetu — vahe Pv ii.8 , better with v. l. °vaco, expl d
decade of years: see enum at J iv.397. -pūgāni innumer- by sakāraṇa — vacana PvA 109. — 2. a current J iv.260
able years J vi.532, cp. Sn 1073. -vara a eunuch J vi.502. (Gangā°); v.388 (mahā°). — Cp. vāha.
-valāhaka a rain cloud A iii.243 (°devā). -vassana shedding Vahati [vah, Idg. *ṷeĝh to drive, lead, cp. Sk. vahitra= Lat. ve-
of rain, raining DhA ii.83. -vāsa Vassa residence S v.326; hiculum=E. vehicle; Gr. ο῎ξος waggon, Av. vaǤaiti to lead,
PvA 20. -vuṭṭhi rainfall SnA 34, cp. 224. -sata a cen- Lat. veho to drive etc.; Goth. ga — wigan =Ohg. wegan=Ger.
tury Sn 589, 804; A iv.138; Pv ii.1 ; PvA 3, 60, 69. -satika
bewegen; Goth. wēgs=Ger. weg, E. way; Ohg. wagan=E.

Vahati Vācā

waggon, etc. — Dhtp 333 & Dhtm 498: vaha pāpuṇane] 1. to weave, as in Lat. velum sail, Ags. wecca=E. wick; Ohg.
to carry, bear, transport J iv.260; PvA 14 (=dhāreti); Miln 415 waba=Ger. wabe] a net; as °a J vi.170; KhA 47 (sūkara°);
(of iron: carry weight). — imper. vaha Vv 81 ; inf. vahi- ThA 78; as °ā J vi.582. Another P. form is vākarā.
tuṁ PvA 122 (perhaps superfluous); grd. vahitabba Mhvs
Vācaka (adj.) [fr. vācā] reciting, speaking, expressing SnA 164
23, 93. — 2. to proceed, to do one's work M i.444; Mhvs
(lekha°); sotthi° an utterer of blessings, a herald Miln 359. —
34, 4 guḷayantaṁ vahitvāna, old var. reading for P.T.S. ed. T.
f. °ikā speech Sdhp 55.
reading guḷayantamhi katvāna. — 3. to work, to be able, to
Vācanaka (nt.) [fr. vāceti] talk, recitation, disputation; invitation
have power A i.282. — Pass. vuyhati (Sk. uhyate) to be car-
(?), in brāhmaṇa° J i.318 (karoti); iii.171; iv.391 (karoti); re-
ried (along) Vin i.106; Th 1, 88; ppr. vuyhamāna S iv.179; Th
garded as a kind of festival. At J iii.238 vācanaka is used by
1, 88; J iv.260; PvA 153; pass. also vahīyati PvA 56 (=nīyati);
itself (two brahmins receiving it). It refers to the treating of
ppr. vahīyamāna Miln 397. — pp. ūḷha (see soḍha), vuḷha
brāhmaṇas (br. teachers) on special occasions (on behalf of
& vūḷha (būḷha). — Caus. vāheti to cause to go, to carry, to
their pupils: a sort of farewell — dinner?). — It is not quite
drive away Vin ii.237; Sn 282; J vi.443. — ppr. vāhiyamāna
sure how we have to interpret vācanaka. Under brāhmaṇa
(in med. pass. sense) J vi.125. — pp. vahita (for vāh°) Miln d
346. Cp. ubbahati . (cpds.) we have trsl it as "elocution show" (cp. our "speech
day"). The E. trsl gives "brahmin feast"; Prof. Dutoit "Brah-
Vahana (adj. nt.) [fr. vah] 1. carrying VvA 316; DhA iii.472
manen — backwerk" (i. e. special cakes for br.). vācana may
(dhura°). — 2. a current J iv.260.
be a distortion of vājana, although the latter is never found
Vahanaka (adj.) (—°) [vahana+ka] carrying, bearing J ii.97 as v. l. It is at all events a singular expression. BR give vā-
(dhura°). canaka as α῞πας λεγομένον in meaning of "sweetmeat," with
the only ref. Hārāvalī 152 (Calc. ed.), where it is expl as
Vā (indecl.) [Ved. vā, Av. vā, Gr. η῎, Lat. — ve] part. of dis-
"prahelaka" (see P. paheṇaka). On the subject see also Fick,
junction: "or"; always enclitic Kh viii. (itthiyā purisassa vā;
Soc. Glied. 137, 205.
mātari pitari vā pi). Usually repeated vā-vā (is it so — ) or,
either — or, e. g. Sn 1024 (Brahmā vā Indo vā pi); Dh 1 Vācanā (f.) [fr. vāceti] recitation, reading; °magga way of recita-
(bhāsati vā karoti vā); PvA 74 (putto vā dhītā vā natthi?). — tion, help for reading, division of text (into chapters or para-
with negation in second place: whether — or not, or not, e. graphs) Tikp 239; KhA 12, 14, 24.
g. hoti vā no vā is there or is there not D i.61; taṁ patthehi
Vācapeyya (1) amiable speech (vācā+peyya=piya) J vi.575
vā mā vā VvA 226. — Combined with other emphatic parti- (=piyavacana C.). — (2) spelling for vājapeyya (q. v.).
cles: (na) vā pana not even Pv ii.6 (manussena amanussena
vā pana); vā pi or even Sn 382 (ye vā pi ca); Pv ii.6 14 (isayo Vācasika (adj.) [fr. vācā] connected with speech, verbal (con-
vā pi ye santā etc.); iti vā Nd 420; atha vā Dh 83 (sukhena trasted with kāyika & cetasika) Vin iv.2; Pug 21; Miln 91;
Vism 18; DhsA 324. — As nt. noun at Miln 352 in meaning
atha vā dukhena); uda... vā Sn 232 (kāyena vācā uda cetasā
"behaviour in speech."
vā). — In verse vā is sometimes shortened to va, e. g. devo
va Brahmā vā Sn 1024: see va . Vācā (f.) [vac, vakti & vivakti; cp. vacaḥ (P. vaco); Vedic vāk
(vāc°) voice, word, vākya; Av. vacah & vaxs word; Gr. ε῎πος
Vāk (°—) [Vedic vāc, for which the usual P. form is vācā] speech,
word, ο῎ψ voice, Lat. vox=voice, voco to call; Ohg. gi —
voice, talk; only in cpd. °karaṇa talk, speaking, conversation,
wahan to mention etc. The P. form vācā is a remodelling of
as kālyāṇa-vāk-karaṇa good speech A ii.97; iii.195, 261;
the nom. vāc after the oblique cases, thus transforming it from
iv.296 sq.; 328; v.155; abstr. °ta A i.38. Cp. vākya.
the cons. decl. to a vowel (°ā) decl. Of the old inflexion we
Vāka (nt.) [late Sk. valka, cp. P. vakka] the bark of a tree D n
only find the instr. vācā Sn 130, 232. The comp forms are
i.167; Vin iii.34; J i.304; ii.141; Vism 249=VbhA 232 (akka°
both vācā° and vacī°] word, saying, speech; also as adj. (—°)
& makaci°); Miln 128. — avāka without bark J iii.522. 2
vaca speaking, of such a speech (e. g. duṭṭha° Pv i.3 , so to be
-cīra (=cīvara) a bark garment worn by an ascetic Vin
read for dukkha°). — D iii.69 sq., 96 sq., 171 sq.; S iv.132 (in
iii.34; A i.240, 295; J i.8, 304; v.132; Pug 55. -maya made
triad kāyena vācāya manasā: see kāya iii., and mano ii.3); Sn
of bark Vin ii.130.
232 (kāyena vācā uda cetasā vā), 397, 451 sq., 660, 973, 1061
Vākarā=vāgulā; net, snare M i.153 (daṇḍa°, Dvandva); ii.65. — (=vacana Nd 560); Nd 504; DhsA 324 (vuccatī ti vācā). —
As vākara at J iii.541; as vākura at Th 1, 774. In sequence vācā girā byappatha vacībheda vācasikā viññatti,
as a def of speech Vin iv.2, expl at DhsA 324: see byappatha.
Vākya (nt.) [fr. vac: see vāk & vācā; Vedic vākya] saying,
— vācaṁ bhindati: (1) to modify the speech or expression
speech, sentence, usually found in poetry only, e. g. D ii.166
SnA 216 (cp. vākya — bheda DhsA 324). — (2) to use a
(suṇantu bhonto mama eka — vākyaṁ); A ii.34 (sutvā arahato
word, so say something Vin i.157; M i.207 (Neumann, "das
vākyaṁ); iii.40 (katvāna vākyaṁ Asitassa tādino); Sn 1102
(=vacana Nd 559); J iv.5; v.78; Ap 25; KhA 166 (°opādāna Schweigen brechen"); Miln 231 (i. e. to break silence? So
Rh. D. trsl ). Cp. the English expression "to break the news."
resumption of the sentence); DhsA 324 (°bheda "significant
sentence" trsl ). — vācā is mostly applied with some moral characterization, as
the foll., frequently found: atthasaṁhitā A iii.244; kalyāṇa°
Vāgamā at Mhvs 19, 28 (tadahe v. rājā) is to be read (tadah' ev)
A iii.195, 261; iv.296; v.155; pisuṇā & pharusā A i.128, 174,
āgamā, i. e. came on the same day. The passage is corrupt: 268 sq.; iii.433; iv.247 sq.; DA i.74, 75; Nd 220, and passim;
see trsl p. 130.
rakkhita° S iv.112; vikiṇṇa° S i.61, 204; A i.70; iii.199, 391
Vāgura & °ā (f.) [cp. Epic & Class. Sk. vāgurā; to Idg. *ṷeg sq.; sacca° A ii.141, 228; saṇhā A ii.141, 228; iii.244; iv.172;

Vācā Vāta

see also vacī — sucarita; sammā° Vbh 105, 106, 235; VbhA chimā, uttarā, dakkhiṇā (from the 4 quarters of the sky), sarajā
119; see also magga; hīnā etc. S ii.54. arajā, sītā uṇhā, parittā adhimattā, kāḷā, verambha°, pakkha°,
-ânurakkhin guarding one's speech Dh 281 (cp. vācāya supaṇṇa°, tālavanta°, vidhūpana. ° These are characterized ac-
saṁvara DhA iv.86). -âbhilāpa "speechjabbering," forbid- cording to direction, dust, temperature, force, height & other
den talk Sn 49 (i. e. the 32 tiracchānakathā Nd 561). -uggata causes (like fanning etc.). — 1. wind (of the air) S iv.218 (vātā
with well intoned speech Miln 10. -yata restrained in speech ākāse vāyanti); Sn 71, 348, 591 (vāto tūlaṁ va dhaṁsaye),
Sn 850 (=yatta gutta rakkhita Nd 221). -vikkhepa confusion 622, 1074; J i.72; Pug 32; Vism 31. adhimatta v. S iv.56;
of speech, equivocation D i.24 sq.; DA i.115. mahā° S ii.88; A i.136, 205; ii.199; iv.312; veramba° (winds
blowing in high regions: upari ākāse S ii.231) A i.137; Th 1,
Vācetar [n. ag. fr. vāceti] one who teaches or instructs D i.123.
598; J vi.326. — 2. "winds" of the body, i. e. pains caused
Vāceti [Caus. of vac] to make speak or recite, to teach: see vatti.
by (bad) circulation, sometimes simply (uncontrolled) move-
— pp. vācita.
ments in the body, sometimes rheumatic pains, or sharp &
Vāja [cp. Vedic vāja strength; Idg. *ṷeĝ, cp. vājeti, vajra dragging pains in var. parts of the body Nett. 74. Also ap-
(P. vajira); Lat. vegeo to be alert ["vegetation"], vigeo to be plied to certain humours, supposed to be caused by derange-
strong ["vigour"]; Av. vaǤra; Oicel. wakr=Ags. wacor=Ger. ments of the "winds" of the body (cp. Gr. χυμός; or E. slang
wacker; E. wake, etc.] 1. strength, a strength — giving drink, "get the wind up"), whereas normal "winds" condition nor-
Soma SnA 322. — 2. the feather of an arrow J iv.260; v.130. mal health: Pv ii.6 (tassa vātā balīyanti: bad winds become
strong, i. e. he is losing his senses, cp. PvA 94: ummāda —
Vājapeyya [cp. Vedic vājapeya; see Macdonell, Vedic Mythology
vātā). — anga° pain in the limbs (or joints), rheumatism Vin
pp. 131 sq., 155, quoting Weber, Vājapeya; Banerjea, Public
Administration etc. 92] the vājapeya sacrifice, a soma offer- i.205; udara° belly ache J i.393, 433; DhA iv.129; kammaja°
birth — pains Vism 500; kucchi° pains in the abdomen (stom-
ing. Spelling often vāca° (mostly as v. l.); see S i.76; A ii.42;
iv.151; Sn 303; It 21; Miln 219; J iii.518. Cp. peyya . ach) VbhA 5; piṭṭhi° pains in the back ibid. — 3. (fig.) atmo-
sphere, condition, state; or as pp. (of vāyati) scented (with),
Vājita (adj.) [pp. of vājeti: see vāja] feathered (of an arrow) M
full of, pervaded (by), at Vin i.39 (vijana° pervaded by lone-
liness, having an atmosphere of loneliness; Kern. Toev. s.
Vājin (adj. — n.) [fr. vāja] possessed of strength or swiftness; v. vāta wrongly "troop, crowd." The same passage occurs at
a horse, stallion Dāvs i.31; v.35 (sita°), 53 (sasi — paṇḍara°); D iii.38, where Rh. D., Dial. iii.35, trsl "where the breezes
VvA 278. from the pastures blow"; with expl vijana= vṛjana [see vajati],
hardly justified. In same connection at A iv.88); Miln 19 (isi°
Vāṭa [cp. Class. Sk. vāṭa; on etym. see Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v.
— parivāta scented with an atmosphere of Sages; Rh. D. dif-
vallus] enclosure, enclosed place Vin ii.154. See also yañña°.
ferently: "bringing down the breezes from the heights where
Vāṭaka (—°) [fr. vāṭa] enclosure, circle, ring; in gala° the throat
the Sages dwell"; forced). — On vāta in similes see J.P.T.S.
circle, i. e. the bottom of the throat Vism 258; DhsA 316;
1907, 135.
DhA i.394; caṇḍāla° circle of Caṇḍālas J vi.156; brāhmaṇa°
-ātapa (Dvandva) wind and heat. In this phrase Bdhgh.
of Brahmins DhA iv.177.
takes vāta as wind (above 1) at Vism 31 (saraja & araja v.),
Vāṇija [fr. vaṇij (vaṇik): see vaṇijjā; lit. son of a merchant; Vedic but as (bodily) pain (above 2) at VbhA 5. See D iii.353; S
vāṇija] a merchant, trader Vin iii.6 (assa°); Sn 614, 651, 1014; ii.88; iii.54; v.379; A i.204; ii.117, 143, 199; iii.394 sq., 404;
J v.156 (so read for va°); Pv i.10 ; Dāvs i.58; KhA 224; SnA v.15, 127; Sn 52; J i.93; Miln 259, 314, 416; DhA iii.112.
251; PvA 47, 48, 100, 191, 215, 271. On similes with v. see -ābādha "wind disease," internal pains (not rheumatism) Vin
J.P.T.S. 1907, 134. i.205; Miln 134; Vism 41. -āyana air hole, window Mhvs
5, 37; Dāva v.57. -āhata struck by the wind Vism 63; DhA
Vāṇijaka=vāṇijā S ii.215 (sūci°); J iii.540.
iii.328. -erita moved by the wind (of trees) S v.123; A iii.232;
Vāṇijjā (f.) [fr. vāṇija, cp. vaṇijjā] trade, trading Vin iv.6 (as one
VvA 175. -kkhandha "wind bulk," mass of wind, region of
of the exalted professions); PvA 111, 201, 273, 277.
the wind J vi.326. -ghāta ("wind — struck") the tree Cas-
Vāta [Vedic vāta, of vā; cp. Sk. vāti & vāyati to blow, vāyu sia (or Cathartocarpus) fistula, a syn. of uddāla(ka) J iv.298;
wind; Lat. ventus, Goth. winds=wind; Ohg. wājan to blow, VvA 197; also as °ka at J v.199, 407; VvA 43. -java swift-
Oir. feth air; Gr. αἤμι to blow, ἀήτης wind, Lith. áudra storm ness of the wind J vi.274. -dhuta shaken by the wind, sway-
etc.] wind. There exists a common distinction of winds into ing in the w. Vv 38 , cp. VvA 174. -passa the wind side
2 groups: "internal" and "external" winds, or the ajjhattikā DhA ii.17. -pāna lattice, window Vin i.209; ii.148, 211; A
vāyo — dhātu (wind category), and the bāhirā. They are dis- i.101, 137; iv.231; J ii.325; v.214; vi.349 (read vātapān° for
cussed at Vbh 84, quoted at MA 30, 31, and expl in detail at dvārapān°); KhA 54; DhA i.211, 370; VvA 67; PvA 4, 216,
VbhA 70 sq.; Vism 350. The bāhirā also at Nd 562, and in 279. -bhakkha living on air DhA ii.57. -maṇḍala a whirl-
poetical form at S iv.218. — The internal winds (see below 2) wind, gust of wind, storm, tornado [cp. BSk. vāyu — maṇḍala
comprise the foll.: uddhangamā vātā, adhogamā, kucchisayā, at AvŚ i.256 with note] J i.72; SnA 224. -maṇḍalikā id. Vin
koṭṭhāsasayā, angam — ang'— ânusārino, satthakā, khurakā, ii.113; iv. 345; J iv.430. -yoga direction of the wind J ii.11.
uppalakā, assāso, passāso, i. e. all kinds of winds (air) or -roga "wind disease," upset of the body, disturbance of the
drawing pains (rheumatic?) in the body, from hiccup, stitch intestines, colic SnA 69; VvA 185. -vassā (pl.) wind and
and stomach — ache up to breathing. Their complement are rain PvA 55. -vuṭṭhi id. SnA 34. -vega force of the wind
the external winds (see below 1), viz. puratthimā vātā, pac- Sn 1074; PvA 47. -sakuṇa a certain kind of bird ("wind —

Vāta Vāma

bird") Nd 87, where KhA 118 reads bhāsa°. sectarian, schismatic Vin iii.175 (anu — vattaka+); vādaka-
sammuti doctrinal (sectarian) statement A iv. 347.
Vātaka (adj.) (—°) [fr. vāta 2] belonging to or connected with
the winds (of the body) in ahi-vātaka-roga a cert. (intestinal) Vādana (nt.) [fr. vādeti] playing on a musical instrument, music
disease (lit. "snake — pain"), pestilence, plague; dysentery VvA 276.
(caused by a famine and attacking men and beasts alike) DhA 1
Vādika (adj.) (—°) [fr. vāda] speaking, talking (of) Mhvs 5, 60
i.169, 187, 231; iii.437.
(pāra° speaking of the farther shore, i. e. wishing him across
Vāti see vāyati (in meaning "weave," as well as "blow"). the sea).
Vātika (adj.) [fr. vāta 2, cp. *Sk. vātakin Halāyudha ii.451] con- Vādika [?] a species of bird J vi.538 (v. l. vāj°).
nected with the winds (humours) of the body, having bad cir-
Vādita (nt.) [pp. of vādeti] (instrumental) music D i.6; iii.183; A
culation, suffering from internal trouble, rheumatic (?) Miln
i.212; ii.209; DhA iv.75; DA i.77.
135, 298.
Vāditar [n. ag. fr. vādeti] a speaker, one who professes or has a
Vātingaṇa [cp. *Sk. vātingaṇa] the egg plant, Solanum melon-
doctrine D iii.232; A ii.246; iv.307.
gena J v.131; DhsA 320.
Vādin (adj.) (—°) [fr. vāda] speaking (of), saying, asserting, talk-
Vāda [fr. vad: see vadati; Vedic vāda (not in RV!), in mean-
ing; professing, holding a view or doctrine; arguing. Abs. only
ing of "theory, disputation" only in Class. Sk. — The re-
at A ii.138 (cattāro vādī four kinds of disputants); Sn 382 (ye
lation of roots vac: vad is like E. speak: say; but vāda as
vā pi c'aññe vādino professing their view). Otherwise — °, e.
t. t. has developed quite distinctly the specified meaning of
g. in agga° "teacher of things supreme" Th 1, 1142; uccheda°
an emphatic or formulated speech= assertion or doctrine] 1.
professing the doctrine of annihilation Nett 111 (see uccheda);
speaking, speech, talk, nearly always — °, e. g. iti° hearsay,
kāla°, bhūta° attha° etc. speaking in time, the truth & good
general talk M. i.133; S v.73; A ii.26; kumāraka° child —
etc. D i.4, 165; A i.202; V. 205, 265, 328; caṇḍāla° uttering
talk or childish talk, i. e. in the manner of talking to a child S
the word C. Mhvs 5, 60; tathā° speaking thus, consistent or
ii.218 sq.; cori° deceitful talk PvA 89 (so read with v. l. for T.
true speaker D iii.135; Sn 430; dhamma° professing the true
bheri°); dhammika° righteous speech A v.230; musā° telling n
doctrine S iii.138; in comb with vinaya — vādin as much as
lies, false speech A i.129; ii.141; iv.401; PvA 15. See under
"orthodox" Vin iii.175; mahā° a great doctrinaire or scholar
musā. — adj. (—°) speaking up for, proclaiming, advertis-
SnA 540; yatha° cp. tathā° —; sacca° speaking the truth A
ing D i.174 (sīla°, paññā° etc.); Sn 913 (nivissa° dogmatist);
ii.212; the Buddha so — called Th ii.252 f.; vaṇṇa° singing
A i.287 (kamma°, kiriya°, viriya°). — vādaṁ bhindati to re-
the praises (of) Vin ii.197.
fute a speech, to make a view discrepant (cp. bhinna — vāda 1 2 1
Vāna (nt.) [fr. vā : see vāyati ] sewing, stuffing (of a couch)
under 4!) SnA 45 (Māravādaṁ bh.). — 2. what is said, rep-
DA i.86; DhA i.234 (mañca°).
utation, attribute, characteristic Sn 859 (but SnA 550=nindā
— vacana); J i.2 (jāti° genealogy, cp. D i.137). See also cpd. Vāna (nt.) [fr. vana, both in meaning 1 & 2 but lit. meaning
°patha. — 3. discussion, disputation, argument, controversy, overshadowed by fig.] lit. "jungle" (cp. vana etym.), fig.
dispute Sn 390, 827 (also as adj. hīna°); DhA iii.390= Vin desire, lust (=taṇhā craving) DhsA 409; KhA 151, 152.
iv.1; Mhvs 4, 42 (sutvā ubhinnaṁ vādaṁ). — 4. doctrine, n
Vānaya in comb suvānaya (S i.124, 238) is to be separated su-
theory put forth, creed, belief, school, sect SnA 539 sq.; in
v-ānaya (see ānaya).
cpds.: ācariya° traditional teaching Miln 148; also "hetero-
Vānara [fr. vana] monkey, lit. "forester" Th 1, 399= Dh 334; Th
doxy" Mhbv 96, cp. Dpvs v.30; uccheda° annihilistic doc-
trine Nd 282: see under uccheda; thera° the tradition of the 1, 454; J ii.78 (Senaka), 199 sq. (Nandiya); iii.429; iv.308;
v.445; Miln 201; DhA ii.22.
Theras, i. e. the orthodox doctrine or word of Gotama Bud-
-inda monkey king J i.279; ii.159.
dha Mhvs 5, 2; 33, 97 sq.; Dpvs v.10, 14 (theravādo aggavādo
ti vuccati), 51 (17 heretical sects, one orthodox, altogether Vāpi (f.) [cp. Epic & Classic Sk. vāpī] a pond; °jala water from
18 schools); dhuta° (adj.) expounding punctiliousness Vism a pond Mhvs 25, 66.
81 (=aññe dhutangena ovadati anusāsati). See under dhuta; 1
Vāpita [pp. of vāpeti] sown J i.6 (+ropita, of dhañña).
bhinna° heretical sect (lit. discrepant talk or view) Dpvs v.39, 2
Vapita [pp. of vāpeti] mown DhsA 238.
51 (opp. abhinnaka vāda); sassata° an eternalist Ps i.155.
-ânuvāda the trsl of this phrase (used as adj.) at S iii.6 Vāpeti [Caus. fr. vap, representing vapati as well as vapati ]
(see K.S. iii.7) is "one who is of his way of thinking." all kinds to cause to sow [cp. Divy 213 vāpayituṁ] or to mow. — pp.
of sectarian doctrines or doctrinal theses D i.161; iii.115; S vāpita.
iii.6; iv.51, 340, 381; v.7; A iii.4; Nett 52. -kāma desirous of *Vābhi [fr. vā to weave] appears in P. as nābhi in uṇṇa-nābhi (q.
disputation Sn 825. -khitta upset in disputation, thrown out v.).
of his belief Vin iv.1=DhA iii.390. -patha "way of speech,"
i. e. signs of recognition, attribute, definition Sn 1076 (expl d Vāma (adj.) [Vedic vāma] 1. left, the left side (always opposed to
dogmatically at Nd 563); A ii.9. -sattha the science of dis- dakkhiṇa) J iv.407 (°akkhi); Pv iv.7 ; Miln 295 (°gāhin left —
handed); PvA 178 (°passa left side). As "northern" at J v.416.
putation, true doctrine SnA 540. -sīla having the habit of, or
vāmaṁ karoti to upset J iv.101. — instr. vāmena on the left
used, to disputes Sn 381.
Sn p. 80. — abl. vāmato from or on the left J iii.340; Pv
Vādaka (adj. n.) [fr. vāda] doctrinal, sectarian, heretical; ii.3 (as much as "reverse"; PvA 87=vilomato). — 2. beauti-
vagga° (either vagga or vagga ) professing somebody's party,

Vāma Vāreti

ful; only in cpd. vām — ūru having beautiful thighs D ii.266; the turn of the seasons), 150; vi.294; Vism 431 (santati° in-
J ii.443. So read at both places for vāmuru. terval); DA i.36; DhA i.47 (dve vāre twice); DhsA 215; VvA
Vāmana (adj.) [fr. vāma , cp. Ger. linkisch=uncouth] dwarfish; 47 (tatiyavāraṁ for the 3 & last time); PvA 109, 135. — 2.
In pada° "track — occasion," i. e. foot — track, walk(ing),
m. dwarf Vin i.91; DA i.148.
step J i.62, 213 (°vārena) by walking (here spelt pāda°), 506
Vāmanaka (adj. — n.) [fr. vāmana] dwarfish, crippled J ii.226;
(pādavāre pādavāre at every step). — 3. In udaka° v. stands
iv.137; v.424, 427. — f. °ikā N. of certain elephants M i.178.
for vāraka (i. e. bucket), the phrase udakavāraṁ gacchati
Vāya [fr. vā, vāyati ] weaving PvA 112 (tunna°). See tanta°. means "to go for water," to fetch water (in a bucket) J iv.492;
Vāyati [Vedic vayati, vā, cp. Sk. veman loom, vāṭikā band, Gr. DhA i.49. Dutoit (J. trsl iv.594) trsl "Wunsch nach Wasser."
— 4. bhāṇa° "turn for recitation," i. e. a portion for recital, a
ι῎τυς willow, Ohg. wīda id.; Lat. vieo to bind or plait] to
chapter SnA 194. See bhāṇa.
weave, only in pp. vāyita. — Pass. viyyati Vin iii.259. pp.
also vīta. — Caus. II. vāyāpeti to cause to be woven Vin Vāraka [cp. Sk. vāra & vāraka] a pot, jar Vin ii.122 (three
iii.259 (=vināpeti); VvA 181. — See also vināti. kinds: loha°, dāru° and cammakhaṇḍa°); J i.349; ii.70; iii.52
Vāyati [Vedic vāti & vāyati. See etym. under vāta] 1. to blow (dadhi°); Miln 260; DhsA 377 (phānita°).
(only as vāyati) Vin i.48; D ii.107 (mahāvātā vāyanti); S iv.218 Vāraṇa (nt.) [fr. vṛ to obstruct] warding off, obstruction, resis-
(vātā ākāse v.); J i.18; vi.530; Mhvs 12, 12. — aor. vāyi S tance VbhA 194, 195 (=nivāraṇa). — ātapa° sunshade Dāvs
iv.290; J i.51. Cp. abhi°, upa°, pa°. — 2. to breathe forth, to i.28; v.35.
emit an odour, to smell Pv i.6 ; PvA 14; as vāti (2 nd sg. vāsi) 2
Vāraṇa [cp. Vedic vāraṇa strong] 1. elephant J i.358; iv.137;
at J ii.11 (=vāyasi C.). — pp. vāta only as noun "wind" (q.
v.50, 416; DA i.275; DhA i.389 (°līḷhā elephant's grace); VvA
36, 257. — 2. the Hatthilinga bird Th 1, 1064.
Vāyana (nt.) [fr. vā, vāyati ] blowing VbhA 71 (upari°- vāta). 3
Vāraṇa [for vāruṇī?] spirituous liquor J v.505.
Vāyamati [vi+ā+yam] to struggle, strive, endeavour; to exert
Vāraṇika at Th 1, 1129 read cāraṇika (a little play): see Brethren
oneself S iv.308; v.398; A iv.462 sq. (chandaṁ janeti v. 419 note.
viriyaṁ ārabhati cittaṁ paggaṇhāti); Pv iv.5 ; Vbh 208 sq.;
Vārattika (adj.) [fr. varatta] consisting of leather or a strap J
Pug 51; Vism 2; DhA iii.336; iv.137; PvA 185.
Vāyasa [cp. Vedic vāyasa a large bird, Epic Sk. vāyasa crow] a
Vāri (nt.) [Vedic vāri, cp. Av. vār rain, vairi — sea; Lat.
crow D i.9 (°vijjā: see DA i.93); S i.124; Sn 447, 675; J i.500;
ūrīna=urine; Ags. waer sea; Oicel. ūr spray, etc.] water D
ii.440; Miln 373; DhA iii.206; VvA 27.
ii.266; M iii.300; A iii.26 (in lotus simile); Th 1, 1273; Sn
Vāyāma [fr. vi+ā+yam] striving, effort, exertion, en-deavour S 10 1
353, 591, 625, 811; Vv 79 ; J iv.19; Nd 135, 203 (=udaka);
ii.168; iv.197; v.440; A i.174 (chando+), 219; ii.93; iii.307;
Miln 121; PvA 77.
iv.320; v.93 sq.; J i.72; Vbh 123, 211, 235; VbhA 91; DhA
-gocara living or life (lit. feeding) in water Sn 605. -ja
iv.109; PvA 259. On vāyāma as a constituent of the "Path" 1
"water — born," i. e. (1) a lotus Sn 845, cp. Nd 203; — (2) a
(sammā°) see magga 2.a. — vāyāmaṁ karoti to exert one-
fish Dh 34 (=maccha DhA i.289); J v.464 (=Ānanda — mac-
self DhA iv.26; PvA 259.
cha C.), 507. -da "water — giver," i. e. cloud Dāvs iii.40.
Vāyita [pp. of vāyati , cp. Divy 276 vāyita] woven M iii.253 -dhara water — holder, water jug J v.4. -bindu a drop of wa-
(sāma°), where Miln 240 in id. p. reads sayaṁ°; Vin iii.259. ter Sn 392. -vāha "watercarrier," i. e. cloud A ii.56; iii.53; S
Cp. vīta. v.400; J vi.26, 543, 569; Kh vii.8. — vārita, — yuta, — dhuta,
Vāyin (adj.) [fr. vāyati ] blowing (forth), emitting an odour, — phuṭa (Jain practice) D i.57; M i.377.
smelling PvA 87. Vārita [pp. of vāreti, Caus. of vṛ ] obstructed, hindered J iv.264;
Vāyima (adj.) [fr. vā: vāyati ] weaving, woven; a° not woven restrained (sabbavāri) see vāri.
-vata (so read for cārita°) "having the habit of selfdenial"
Vin iii.224 (of a rug or cover). n n
(trsl ) S i.28 (cp. K.S. i.39 & 320 with note & Bdhgh's expl :
Vāyu [Vedic vāya, fr. vā: vāyati ] wind Miln 385; PvA 156. See
"kilesānaṁ pana chinnattā vataṁ phala — samādhinā samāhi-
taṁ"), cp. bhāvanā — balena vāritattā dhammā etc. at Tikp.
Vāyo (nt.) [for vāyu, in analogy to āpo & tejo, with which fre- 14.
quently enumerated] wind D iii.268 (°kasiṇa); M i.1, 424=A
Vāritta (nt.) [fr. vṛ, on the analogy of cāritta. The BSk. is
iv.375; A v.7, 318, 353 sq. (°saññā); S iii.207; Vism 172
vāritra: Mvyut 84] avoidance, abstinence Th 1, 591; Miln 133
(°kasiṇa), 350 (def.). On vāyo as t. t. for mobility, mobile (cārittañ ca vārittañ ca); Vism 11.
principle (one of the 4 elements) see Cpd. 3, 270; Dhs trsl §
962. Vāruṇī (f.) [cp. Sk. vāruṇī, with only ref. in BR.: Hari-vaṁśa
-dhātu the wind element, wind as one of the four great el- 8432] 1. spirituous liquor A iii.213; J i.251 (°vāṇija spirit
merchant), 268; vi.502. — 2. an intoxicated woman; term
ements, wind as a general principle (consisting of var. kinds:
see enum under vāta) Vbh 84; Vism 363; Nett 74; VbhA 55; for a female fortune — teller J vi.500 (Vāruṇī 'va pavedhati;
C. devatā — bhūta — paviṭṭhā yakkha — dāsī viya gahitā, i.
VvA 15; DA i.194.
e. possessed), 587 (vāruṇī 'va pavedhentī; C. yakkh' āviṭṭhā
Vāra [fr. vṛ, in meaning "turn," cp. vuṇāti] 1. turn, occasion,
ikkhaṇikā viya).
time, opportunity J i.58 (utu — vārena utuvārena according to

Vāreti Vāsi

Vāreti [Caus. of vuṇāti, representing vṛ (to enclose, obstruct), iii.243, 445; VvA 31, 177; Sdhp 244. See also vālika.
as well as vṛ (to choose)] 1. to prevent, obstruct, hinder Vāḷa [cp. late Sk. vyāḍa, see Geiger, P.Gr. § 54 ] 1. a snake
Pv ii.7 (vārayissaṁ I had the habit of obstructing;=nivāresiṁ
Vism 312 (so read for vaḷa). — 2. a beast of prey A iii.102
PvA 102); VvA 68; Sdhp 364. — 2. to ask in marriage ThA
(amanussa); J i.295; iii.345 (°macchā predaceous fishes); Miln
266; PvA 55. — Caus. II. vārāpeti to induce somebody to
23 (°vana forest of wild beasts).
choose a wife J iv. 289. — Note. vāriyamāna (kālakaṇṇi —
-miga a beast of prey, predaceous animal, like tiger, leop-
salākā) at J iv.2 read cār° (cp. PvA 272 vicāresuṁ id.). — pp.
ard, etc. J vi.569; DhA i.171 (°ṭṭhāna); iii.348 (°rocanā); Vism
180, 239.
Vāreyya (nt.) [grd. of vāreti] marriage, wedding Th 2, 464, 472, 2
Vāḷa [misspelt for vāda?] music (?) Pgdp 83.
479; SnA 19.
Vāvatteti (vi+ā+vṛt] to turn away (trs.), to do away with, remove
Vāla [Vedic vāla; connected with Lat. adūlāre (ad+ ūlāre) to flat- d
M i.12 (aor. vāvattayi saṁyojanaṁ, expl at MA 87 as "pari-
ter (lit. wag the tail, like a dog), cp. E. adulation; Lith. valaī
vattayi, nimmūlaṁ akāsi")= 122 (with v. l. vi°, see p. 526); A
horse hair] 1. the hair of the tail, horse — hair, tail Vin ii.195=J ii.249 (v. l. vi°).
v.335 (pahaṭṭha — kaṇṇavāla with bristling ears & tail, of an
Vāsa [vas to clothe, see vasati ] clothing; adj. (—°) clothed in J
elephant); J v.274 (so read for phāla, cp. p. 268, v. 113);
vi.47 (hema — kappana — vāsase).
PvA 285 (°koṭi, so read for bāla°); Sdhp 139. — pallankassa
vāle bhinditvā destroying the hair ( — stuffing) of a couch Vin Vāsa [vas to dwell, see vasati ] 1. living, sojourn, life Sn 191;
ii.170=DA i.88; cp. Vin iv.299: pallanko āharimehi vālehi Mhvs 17, 2 (anātha — vāsaṁ vasati to lead a helpless life);
kato. — On v. in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907, 136. — 2. a hair PvA 12 (saraagga — vāsaṁ v. live a life of concord); SnA 59
— sieve [also Vedic] M i.229. (lokantarika°). Cp. pari°, saṁ°. — 2. home, house, habita-
-agga the tip of a hair A iii.403; Miln 250 (°vedha hitting tion Sn 40. vāsaṁ kappeti to live (at a place), to make one's
the tip of a hair, of an archer); DA i.66. -aṇḍupaka a cert. home J i.242; PvA 47, 100. vāsaṁ upagacchati to enter a
material, head dress (?) A i.209 (so read for vālanduka); Vism habitation (for spending the rainy season) PvA 32. In special
142; DhsA 115 (reads leḍḍūpaka). — kambala a blanket made sense "bed": see cpd. °ûpagata. — 2. state, condition (—°),
of horse — tails D i.167; A i.240, 296; Pug 55. -koṭi the tip in ariya° holy state A v.29 sq.; brahmacariya° chastity PvA
of the hair PvA 285. -rajju a cord made of hair S ii.238; A 61. — 4. (adj.) (—°) staying, living, abiding, spending time
iv.129; J ii.161. -vījanī a fan made of a Yak's tail, a chowrie Sn 19 (ekaratti°), 414 (ettha°). vassa° spending Lent PvA 20;
D i.7. -vedhin (an archer) who can hit a hair J i.58 (akkhaṇa vuttha° having spent Lent J i.183. Cp. ante — vāsika — vāsa.
— vedhin+); Vism 150; Mhvs 23, 86 (sadda — vedhin vi- -attha home success, luck in the house, prosperity A ii.59,
jju — vedhin+). The abstr. °vedhā hitting a hair, at Vism 61 sq. -âgāra bedroom J iii.317. -ûpagata (a) having en-
150. — fig. an acute arguer, a hair — splitter; in standing tered one's hut or abode (for the rainy season) Sn 415. — (b)
phrase paṇḍitā nipuṇā kata-para-ppavādā vālavedhi-rūpā gone to bed Pv ii.12 ; PvA 280. -ghara living room, bed-
at D i.26; M i.176; ii.122; see expl at DA i.117. room SnA 28 (=kuṭī). -dhura ordinary duty (lit. burden)
Vāla (adj.) [cp. Sk. vyāla] malicious, troublesome, difficult Vin or responsibility of living, or the elementary stages of saintli-
ness SnA 194, 195 (contrasted to pariyatta — dhura), 306 (:
ii.299 (adhikaraṇa).
Vāla (nt.) [=vāri, cp. late Sk. vāla] water; only in cpd. °ja a fish
Vāsa [cp. Class. Sk. vāsa, e. g. Mālatīm. 148, 4; fr. vā: see
(cp. vārija).
vāta] perfume J i.242; vi.42.
Vālatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. vāla ] trouble, difficulty Vin ii.86 (in same 2
context as vāla ); A i.54. Vāsaka, vāsika (adj.) (—°) [fr. vāsa ] living, dwelling; vāsaka:
see saṁ°. vāsika: gāma° villager Mhvs 28, 15; Bārāṇasi°
Vāladhi [cp. Epic Sk. vāladhi] a tail (usually of a large animal) living in Benares J iii.49. See also ante°.
Th 1, 695; J i.63, 149; vi.302; Pv i.8 ; Mhvs 10, 59; VvA 252, 2
Vāsati [vāś, see vassati ] to cry (of animals) J vi.497.
Sdhp 621; Vism 36 quoting Ap.
Vāsana (adj. — nt.) [=vasana ] clothing, clothed in (—°) PvA
Vālikā (f.) [a by — form of vālukā] sand (often sprinkled in con-
nection with festivities to make the place look neat) A i.253;
J i.210; iii.52, 407; vi.64; Vism 420; DhA i.3, 111; VvA 160, Vāsana (adj. — nt.) [=vasana ] dwelling Dpvs v.18.
305; PvA 189. — paritta° sand (on the head) as an amulet J 2 2
Vāsanā (f.) [fr. vasati = vāsa , but by Rh. D., following the P.
i.396, 399. — In cpds. usually vālika°. Cp. vālukā. 3
Com̄. connected with vāseti & vāsa ] that which remains in the
-puñja a heap of sand J vi.560. -pulina sand bed or bank
mind, tendencies of the past, impression, usually as pubba°
J ii.366; iii.389. -vassa a shower of sand SnA 224. former impression (Sn 1009; Miln 10, 263). — Cp. Nett 4, 21,
Vālin (adj.) [fr. vāla ] having a hairy tail Vv 64 , cp. VvA 277. 48, 128, 133 sq., 153, 158 sq., 189 sq. — Cp. BSk. vāsanā, e.
g. MVastu i.345.
Vālukantāra at VvA 332 probably for vāluka-kantāra, i. e.
sandy desert. See vaṇṇu. Vāsara [cp. Vedic vāsara matutinal, vasaḥ early] day (opp. night),
Vālukā (f.) [cp. Vedic & Epic Sk. vālukā] sand. In comp usu- a day Dāvs i.55; v.66.
ally vāluka°. — S iv.376; Vv 39 ; 44 ; Ap. 23; Nd p. 72 Vāsi (f.) [cp. Sk. vāśī] 1. a sharp knife, axe, hatchet, adze (of-
(Gangāya v.); J ii.258; iv.16; Pv ii.12 ; Mhvs 23, 86; DhA ten comb with pharasu) J i.32, 199; ii.274; iii.281; iv.344;

Vāsi Vi

Miln 383; 413; DhA i.178 (tikhiṇā vāsiyā khaṇḍâkhaṇḍikaṁ Vāhin (adj. — n.) [fr. vāha] carrying, conveying J vi.125 (haya°
chinditvā: cutting him up piecemeal with a sharp knife); KhA running by means of horses, i. e. drawn by horses); also as
49. -°jaṭa handle of a mason's adze Vin iv.168; S iii.154; A poetical expression for "horse" J vi.252 (=sindhava C.). The
iv.127. — 2. a razor J i.65; ii.103; iii.186, 377. reading vāhin at Mhvs 22, 52 is given as v. l. for T. vājin
Vāsita [fr. vāseti ] 1. scented J i.65; ii.235 (su°); iii.299; v.89; in P.T.S. ed. — f. vāhinī, an army J iii.77 (miga°; expl as
Vism 345. — 2. [preferably fr. vāseti =vasati ] established, "aneka — sahassa — sankhā migasenā"); vi.581.
made to be or live, preserved Mhvs 8, 2. So also in phrase Vāheti is Caus. of vahati (q. v.).
vāsita-vāsana (adj.) or vāsana-vāsita one who is impressed
Vi (indecl.) [prefix, resting on Idg. *ṷi "two," as connotation of
with (or has retained) a former impression Sn 1009 (pubba°,
duality or separation (Ger. "ent — zwei"), which is contained
=vāsanāya vāsita — citta SnA 583); Miln 263 (id.); Vism 185 in viṁśati, num. for "twenty" (see vīsati), cp. Sk. viṣu apart,
(+bhāvita — bhāvana). If taken as vāseti , then to be trsl as Gr. ι῎διος private (lit. separate); also Sk. u — bhau both;
"scented, filled, permeated," but preferably as vāseti . — Cp.
and *ṷidh, as in Lat. dīvido=divide. A secondary (compar.)
formation in Sk. vitara further, farther, Goth. wipra against,
Vāsitaka (adj.) [fr. vāsita] scented, perfumed Vin iv.341 (vāsitak- Ger. wider] 1. (a) inseparable prefix of separation and expan-
ena piññākena nhāyeyya: should bathe with perfumed soap). sion, in original meaning of "asunder," semantically closely
— f. vāsitikā (scil. mattikā) scented clay Vin ii.280 (id.). related to Lat. dis — & Ger ver —. Often as base — pre-
Vāsin (adj.) (—°) [fr. vas ] clothed in, clad Sn 456 (san-ghāṭi°), fix in var. meanings (see below 1 — 4), also very frequent as
487 (kāsāya°); Pv iii.1 (sāhunda°); J iii.22 (nantaka°); iv.380 modifying prefix (in comb with other primary prefixes like
ā, ni, pa, paṭi, saṁ), where its prevailing character is one of
(rumma°); f. vāsinī Vin iii.139 (chanda°, paṭa° etc.)= VvA 73.
emphasis. — (b) The native grammarians define vi- either as
Vāsin (adj.) (—°) [fr. vas ] liking, dwelling (in) Sn 682 (Mern
"vividha" (i. e. our meaning 2): see Bdhgh. at SnA 136 (vi-
— muddha°), 754 (āruppa°); PvA 1 (Mahāvihāra°), 22 (Anga
harati=vividhaṁ hitaṁ harati); and Vism 179 vividhaṁ khit-
— Magadha°), 47 (Sāvatthi°), 73 (Bārāṇasi°)
taṁ=vikkhittaṁ; see also under viggaṇhati; or "prātilomya"
Vāseti : Caus. of vasati (q. v.). (i. e. meaning 3): Nirukta (ed. Roth) i.3; or paraphrase it
Vāseti [Denom. fr. vāsa perfume] to perfume, to clean or pre- by su° or suṭṭhu (i. e. meaning 4): see under vimāna & vip-
pasanna. The latter meaning also in Hemacandra's Anek' ārtha
serve by means of perfumes, to disinfect (?) Vin i.211 (here
in the sense of "preserve, cure," probably as vāseti of vasati ); — sangraha (ed. Calc.) 7, 15: "śreṣṭhe 'tīte nānārthe" (i. e.
Nos. 4 & 2). — (c) vi° occurs also as distributive (repeti-
ii.120; J iv.52 (aṭṭhīni, for the sake of preservation); v.33 (saso
avāsesi sake sarīre, expl as "sake sarīre attano sarīraṁ dātuṁ tional) prefix in reduplication compounds (here closely resem-
bling paṭi° and the negative a°), like cuṇṇa — vicuṇṇa piece-
avāsesi vāsāpesī ti attho, sarīrañ c' assa bhakkh' atthāya adāsi."
meal, chidda — vicchidda holes upon holes, vaṭṭa — vivaṭṭa,
In this passage vāseti is by Kern, Toev. s. v. taken as Caus.
etc. — Contracted forms are vy° (=viy° before vowels) and
of vas to eat, thus "he made eat, feasted, entertained by or on
vo° (=vi+ ava); the guṇa & vriddhi form is ve°. — II. Mean-
his own body"), 321 (kusumehi vāsetvā: perfume). See also
vasati (Caus.). — pp. vāsita. — Caus. II. vāsāpeti J v.33. ings. — 1. denoting expansion, spreading out; fig. variety
or detail, to be trsl by expressions with over or about (cp.
Vāha (adj. — n.) [fr. vah] 1. carrying, leading; a leader, as in Lat. e — ), as: °kampati shake about, °kāseti open out, °ki-
sattha° a caravan leader, merchant J i.271; Vv 84 ; 84 ; VvA
rati scatter about, °kūjati sing out (=upa — nadati C), °carati
337. — 2. a cart, vehicle; also cartload Sn p. 126 (tila°=tila —
move about (=ā — hiṇḍati), °churita sprinkled about, °jāyati
sakaṭa SnA 476); J iv.236 (saṭṭhi°sahassāni 60,000 cartloads);
bring forth, °tāna "spread out," °tthāra ex — tension, de — tail,
Miln 80 (°sataṁ).
°dāleti break open, °dhammati whirl about, °dhāyaka provid-
Vāhaka [fr. vāheti] that which carries (or causes to carry) away, i. ing, °pakirati strew all over, °pphāra pervading, °pphārika ef
e. a current, torrent, flow; only in comb with udaka° a flood — fulgence, °bhajati ex — plain, °bhatta dis — tributed, °bhāga
of water A i.178; Vin i.32; Miln 176. division, distribution, °ravati shout out, °rūhana growing up,
°rocati shine out, °ssajjati give out, °ssaṭṭha sent out, °ssara
Vāhana [fr. vāheti] 1. (adj.) carrying, pulling, drawing Vin ii.122
shouting out, °ssuta far — famed. — 2. denoting disturbance,
(udaka° — rajju); J i.136 (kaṭṭha° gathering fire — wood);
separation, mixing up (opp. saṁ°), as given with "away" or
PvA 127 (ratha — yuga°). — 2. (nt.) conveyance, beast
"down," or the prefixes de — and dis —, e. g. °kasita burst
of burden, monture Vin i.277 (°āgāra stable, garage); Sn 442
(Māra sa° with his elephant); Pv ii.9 ; DhA i.192 (hatthi°, asunder, °kubbana change, i. e. miracle (meta — morpho-
sis), °kkaya sell ("ver — kaufen"), °kkhambhati de — stroy,
elephant — mount; cp. p. 196, where five. vāhanāni, belong-
ing to King Pajjota, are enum , viz. kaṇeru, dāsa, dve assā, °kkhāleti wash off (=ācameti), °kkhepa de — rangement, °gata
dis — appeared (used as def of vi° at ThA 80), °galita drip-
hatthi). — bala° army & elephants, i. e. army in general,
ping down, °ggaha separation, °cinati dis — criminate, °ja-
forces J i.262.
hati dis — miss, °desa foreign country (cp. verajjaka), °naṭṭha
Vāhanaka=vāha 1; VvA 337.
destroyed, °nata bending down, °nāsa de — struction, °nic-
Vāhasā (indecl.) [an instr. of vāha, formed after the manner of chaya dis — crimination, °nodaka driving out, °pāteti to be de-
balasā, thāmasā, used adverbially] owing to, by dint of, on ac- stroyed, °ppalapati to talk confusedly, °rājeti discard as rāga,
count of, through Vin iv.158; Th 1, 218, 1127; Miln 379; VvA °rodha destruction, °lumpati break up, °vitta separated, °vidha
100. mixed, °veka separation, °vāha carrying away, i. e. wedding.

Vi Vikalaka

— 3. denoting the reverse of the simple verb, or loss, differ- Vikatthin (adj.) [fr. vi+katth] boasting; only neg. a° not boast-
ence, opposite, reverse, as expressed by un — or dis —, e. g. ing, modest A v.157; Sn 850; Miln 414.
°asana mis — fortune, °kaṭika unclean, °kappa change round,
Vikanta=vikatta; cut open, cut into pieces J ii.420.
°kāra per — turbation, dis — tortion, °kāla wrong time, °tatha 2
Vikantati [vi+kantati ] to cut J v.368 (=chindati C.). - pp. vikatta
un — truth, °dhūma smoke — less, °patti corruption, °parīta
& vikanta.
dubious, °ppaṭipanna on the wrong track, °bhava non — exis-
tence (or as 4 "more" bhava, i. e. wealth), °mati doubt, °mā- Vikantana (nt.) [fr. vikantati] knife M i.244. Cp. vikattana.
nana dis — respect, °yoga separation, °raja fault — less, °rata
Vikappa [vi+kappa] 1. thinking over, considering, thought, inten-
abs — taining, °rūpa un — sightly, °vaṭa unveiled, °vaṇṇeti
tion Nd 97, 351. — 2. doubtfulness, indecision, alternative,
defame, °vāda dis — pute, °sama uneven, °ssandati overflow, d
appl to the part. vā SnA 202, 266; KhA 166; DA i.51; PvA
°ssarita for — gotten, °siṭṭha distinguished, °sesa difference,
18. — attha° consideration or application of meaning, expo-
distinction. — 4. in intensifying sense (developed fr. 1 & sition, statement, sentence J iii.521; SnA 433, 591. — Cp.
2), mostly with terms expressing per se one or the other of nibbikappa.
shades of meanings given under 1 — 3; to be trsl by "away,"
Vikappana (nt.) & °ā (f.) [fr. vikappeti] 1. assignment, appor-
out, all over, "up," or similarly (completely), e. g. °ākula
tioning Vin iv.60=123=283. At Vin iv.122 two ways of assign-
quite confused, °katta cut up, °kopeti shake up, °garahati
ing a gift are distinguished: sammukhāvikappanā & param-
scold intensely, °chindati cut off, °jita conquered altogether,
mukhā°. All these passages refer to the cīvara. — 2. alterna-
°jjotita resplendent, °tarati come quite through, °niyoga close
tive, indecision, indefiniteness (=vikappa), as t. t. g. applied
connection, °nivatteti turn off completely, °pariṇāma intense
to part. ca and vā, e. g. SnA 179 ("ca"); KhA 166 ("vā").
change, °ppamutta quite released, °ppasanna quite purified,
°pphalita crumpled up, °bandhana (close) fetter, °ramati cease Vikappita [pp. of vikappeti] prepared, put in order, arranged,
altogether, °sahati have sufficient strength, °sukkha dried up, made; in comb su° well prepared, beautifully set Sn 7; VvA
°suddha very bright, °ssamati rest fully (Ger. aus — ruhen), 188 (manohara+). — Bdhgh. at SnA 21 interprets °kappita as
°haññati to get slain. chinna "cut," saying it has that meaning from "kappita — kesa
— massu" (with trimmed hair & beard), which he interprets ad
Vikaca (adj.) blossoming DA i.40.
sensum, but not etymologically correctly. Cp. vikappeti 5.
Vikaṭa [vi+kata, of kṛ] changed, altered, distorted; disgusting,
Vikappin (adj.) [fr. vikappa] having intentions upon (—°), de-
foul, filthy Pgdp 63 (°ānana with filthy mouth). — nt. filth,
signing A iii.136 (an — issara° intentioning unruliness).
dirt; four mahā — vikaṭāni applied against snake — bite, viz.,
gūtha, mutta, chārikā, mattikā Vin i.206. — Cp. vekaṭika. Vikappiya (adj.) [grd. of vikappeti] to be designed or intended
-bhojana filthy food D i.167; M i.79. Sdhp 358.
Vikaṇṇa (adj.) [vi+kaṇṇa] having deranged or bent corners, Vikappeti [vi+kappeti] 1. to distinguish, design, intend, to have
frayed Vin i.297; ii.116. intentions or preferences, to fix one's mind on (loc. or acc.)
Sn 793=802 (=vikappaṁ āpajjati Nd 97), 918 (id. Nd 351).
Vikaṇṇaka [fr. vikaṇṇa] a kind of arrow (barbed?) J ii.227, 228.
— 2. to detail, describe, state KhA 166; SnA 43. — 3. to
Vikata changed, altered Vin i.194 (gihi — vikata changed by the
assign, apportion, give Vin i.289 (cīvaraṁ); iv.121 (id.). —
4. to arrange, put on, get ready Vin i.297. — 5. to change,
Vikati (f.) [fr. vi+kṛ] "what is made of something," make, i. e. alter, shape, form J v.4 (ambapakkaṁ satthena v.; C. not quite
1. sort, kind J i.59 (ābharaṇa° kind of ornament), 243 (maccha correctly =vicchindati). — pp. vikappita.
— maṁsa°); Miln 403 (bhojana° all kinds of material things);
Vikampati [vi+kamp] to shake; fig. to be unsettled, to waver, to
Vism 376 (bhājana° special bowl); VbhA 230 (pilandhana°);
be in doubt S iv.71 (cittaṁ na vikampate); Th 1, 1076 (vidhāsu
DhA ii.10 (khajja°). — 2. product, make; vessel: danta° n
na v.; trsl Brethren p. 366: "who is not exercised about him-
"ivory make," i. e. vessels of ivory M ii.18; D i.78; J i.320. 1
self in this way or in that"); Nd 195 (tīsu vidhāsu, as at Th 1,
— 3. arrangement, get up, assortment; form, shape J v.292
1076; as comment on Sn 843); J vi.488. — ppr. med. vikam-
(mālā° garlandarrangement).
pamāna, only neg. a° not hesitating, settled, well balanced,
-phala an assortment of fruit J v.417.
resolved Sn 842; J iv.310; v.495 (C. anolīyamāna); vi.175 (C.
Vikatika (f.) [fr. vikati] a woollen coverlet (embroidered with nirāsanka). — pp. vikampita.
figures of lions, tigers etc.) D i.7 (cp. DA i.87); A i.181; Vin
Vikampin (adj.) [fr. vikampati] shaking; only neg. a° not shak-
i.192; ThA 55 (Ap v.10: tūlikā°). 22
ing, steadfast, steady, settled Sn 952; Vv 50 .
Vikatta (adj.) [pp. of vi+kantati ] cut open J vi.111 (v. l. °kanta). Vikaroti [vi+kṛ] to alter, change, disturb; aor. vyakāsi J ii.166
Vikattana (nt.) [fr. vi+kantati ] cutter, knife Vin iii.89 (tiṇha go°) (=vikāraṁ akāsi parivattayi C.); so read for T. vyākāsi. —
M i.449; J vi.441. Imper. Pass. 3 sg. vikiriyyatu "let him be disturbed" J iii.368
(after Kern, Toev. s. v. One may take it to vikirati, q. v.). —
Vikatthati [vi+katthati] to boast, show off S ii.229; J i.454 (=vañ-
pp. vikaṭa & vikata. See also vikubbati, etc.
cana — vacanaṁ vadati C.). — pp. vikatthita.
Vikala (adj.) [Sk. vikala] defective, in want of, deprived, (being)
Vikatthana (nt.) [fr. vi+katth] boasting SnA 549.
without Th 2, 391; Pv iv.1 (bhoga°); J iv.278; vi.232; Miln
Vikatthita (nt.) [fr. vikatthati] boasting J i.359.
106, 307 (udakena); DA i.222; PvA 4 (hattha°). Cp. vekalla.

Vikalaka Vikubbana

Vikalaka (adj.) [vikala+ka] being short of, wanting Vin i.285. Vikitteti [vi+kitteti] to slander Miln 276 (opp. pakitteti).
Vikasati [vi+kas] to open (out), to expand, to blossom fully (of Vikiraṇa (nt. & adj.) [fr. vikirati] 1. scattering, dispersing;
flowers). — pp. vikasita. Caus. vikāseti to open J vi.364 being scattered or dispersed D i.11 (cp. DA i.96). — Vbh
(hatthaṁ). 358 (T. reads vikī°; v. l. vikāraṇa & vikkir°)=Pug 23 (which
Vikasati [vi+kāś, cp. okāsa] to shine; Caus. vikāseti to illumi- reads nikaraṇā; trsl. "guilefulness"). In this connection VbhA
493 interprets vikiraṇa (or °ā) as "denial, abnegation" (pre-
nate Davs v.47 (mukh' ambuja — vanāni vikāsayanto).
text?), by saying "nâhaṁ eva karomī ti pāpānaṁ vikkhipanato
Vikasita [pp. of vikasati ] burst asunder, blossoming, opened vikiraṇā." — With ref. to Arahantship (the dissolution of the
(wide), expanded, usually appl to flowers J iii.320 (=phālita
body) at DhA iii.109 in formula bhedana — vikiraṇa — vid-
C.); iv.407; VvA 40, 206 (of eyes); SnA i 39; DA i.40.
dhaṁsanadhamma i. e. "of the nature of total destruction." Cp.
Vikāra [fr. vi+kṛ] 1. change, alteration, in mahā° great change BSk. formula śatana — patana — vikiraṇa — vidhvaṁsana
Vism 366, 367 (of two kinds: anupādiṇṇa & upādiṇṇa, or pri- ( — dharmatā) AvŚ i.96 (where S. Speyer in Index consid-
mary & secondary, i. e. the first caused by kappa — vuṭṭhāna, ers vikaraṇa the correct form)=Divy 299 (reading cyavanap-
the second by dhātu — kkhobha); KhA 107 (vaṇṇa°). — atana°)=Lal. V. 242. See also S iii.190 (under vikirati). — 2.
2. distortion, reversion, contortion, in var. connections, as (adj.) scattering, spending, squandering, f. °ī Sn. 112.
kucchi° stomach — ache Vin i.301; bhamuka° frowning DhA
Vikirati [vi+kirati] to scatter about, sprinkle, spread, mix up (trs.
iv.90; raukha° grimace, contortion of the face, J ii.448; PvA
& intrs.) M i.127; S iii.190 (in simile of playing children:
123; hattha° hand — figuring, signs with the hand, ges-
paṁsv' āgārakāni hatthehi ca pādehi ca vikiranti [mix up] vid-
ture Vin i.157 (+hattha — vilanghaka)=M i.207 (reads vilan-
hamanti [fall about] viddhaṁsenti [tumble over] vikīḷanikaṁ
gaka); Vin v.163 (with other similaṛ gestures); J iv.491; v.287;
karonti, describing the scrambling and crowding about. In
vi.400, 489. — Kern. Toev. s. v. vikāra is hardly correct d
quite a diff. interpretation appl to Arahantship: see under
in translating hattha-vikārena at Vin i.157 by "eigenhandig," vikiraṇa, as also in the same chapter (S iii.190 § 11 sq.) in
i. e. with his own hand. It has to be comb with hattha
phrase rūpaṁ vikirati vidhamati etc. where it is meant in trs.
— vilanghakena. — 3. perturbation, disturbance, inconve-
sense of "destroy"; thus vi° in the same verb in meaning (vi°
nience, deformity Vin i.271, 272 (°ṁ sallakkheti observe the
1 & 2); S iv.41 (kāyo vikiri [came to pieces] seyyathâpi bhusa
uneasiness); Miln 224 (tāvataka v. temporary inconvenience), 8
— muṭṭhi); J i.226; Pv ii.3 (vikiri, v. l. for okiri); Miln 101,
254 (°vipphāra disturbing influence); SnA 189 (bhūta° natural 237 (lokadhātu vikireyya, would fall to pieces; comb with
blemish). — 4. constitution, property, quality (cp. Cpd. 157 , vidhameyya & viddhaṁseyya "drop & tumble," denoting to-
168 ) Vism 449 (rūpa° material quality); VvA 10 (so correct
tal confusion and destruction. Similarly on p. 250=337 "vāri
under maya in P.D. vol. iii. p. 147). — 5. deception, fraud
pokkhara — patte vikirati vidhamati viddhaṁsati": the water
PvA 211 (=nikati). — Cp. nibbikāra. d
scatters, drops & falls off; appl figuratively to bad qualities
Vikāla [vi+kāla] "wrong time," i. e. not the proper time, which at same passage); SnA 172. — Pass. vikiriyyati & vikirīy-
usually means "afternoon" or "evening," and therefore often ati may be taken either to vikirati or vikaroti (cp. kiriyati);
"too late." — Vin iv.274 (=time from sunset to sunrise); J v.131 DhsA 19 (suttena sangahitāni pupphāni na vikirīyanti na vid-
(ajja vikālo to — day it is too late); VvA 230 (id.). — loc. dhaṁsiyanti: get scattered and fall off); ppr. vikirīyamāna
vikāle (opp. kāle) as adv., meaning: (1) at the wrong time Vin PvA 271 (with sprawling or confused limbs); imper. vikiriyy-
i.200; Sn 386; PvA 12. — (2) too late Vv 84 (=akāle VvA atu J iii.368. — pp. vikiṇṇa.
337); DhA i.356; iv.69. — (3) very late (at night) J v.458.
Vikīlanika (adj. & nt.) [fr. vi+kīḷana] playing about; in phrase
-bhojana taking a meal at the wrong time, i, e. in the
vikīḷanikaṁ karoti (intrs.) to play all over or excitedly (lit.
afternoon Vin i.83; D i.5; A i.212; ii.209; Sn 400; DA i.77.
to make play; vi° in meaning vi° 1) S iii.190; as trs. to put out
Vikāsa [vi+kas: see vikasati ] opening, expansion J vi.497 (vana° of play, to discard (vi° 3) ibid. (rūpaṁ etc. v. karoti).
opening of the forest); Dhtp 265.
Vikujjhita [vi+pp. of kujjheti] made angry, angered, annoyed,
Vikāsika [fr. vi+kṛṣ: see kasati] a linen bandage (Kern: "pluk- vexed M ii.24 (so read for vikujjita).
sel") Vin i.206 (for wound — dressing). May be a der fr.
Vikuṇita (adj.) [vi+kuṇita] distorted, deformed Vism 346
kāsika, i. e. Benares cloth, the vi° denoting as much as "a
(°mukha); PvA 123 (id.). Cp. vikūṇa.
kind of."
Vikuddha (adj.) [vi+kuddha] free fr. anger J v.308.
Vikāsitar [fr. vi+kṛṣ, kasati] one who plucks or pulls, bender of
Vikubbati [vi+kubbati, med. of karoti] to change round,
a bow, archer J vi.201.
transform, do magic J iii.114 (=parivatteti); Dpvs i.40
Vikāsin (adj.) (—°) [fr. vi+kāś: see vikasati ] illumining, de-
(vikubbeyya); also in phrase iddhi-vikubbati to work trans-
lighting Mhvs 18, 68.
formation by magic (psychic) potency Kvu 55. — ppr. f.
Vikāseti see vikasati. vikubbantī Vv 11 (iddhiṁ working magic, =vikubban' id-
Vikiṇṇa [pp. of vikirati] scattered about, strewn all over, loose dhiyo vaḷañjentī VvA 58), and vikubbamānā (iddhi°) Vv 31 .
Vin i.209 (undurehi okiṇṇa°; overrun); J v.82. — pp. *vikubbita miracle: see vikubbana.
-kesa with dishevelled hair J i.47; Vism 415. -vāca (adj.) Vikubbana (nt.) & °ā (f.) [fr. vikubbati] miraculous transfor-
of loose talk S i.61 (=asaññata — vacana K.S. i.320); Pug 35 mation, change; assuming a diff. form by supernatural power;
(same expl PugA 217): J v.77 (=patthaṭavacana C.). miracle Th 1, 1183; Ps ii.174, 210; Dpvs viii.6 (°esu kovida);

Vikubbana Vikkhittaka

Mhvs 19, 19; Miln 343; Vism 309, 316 sq. More specific as Vikkhaṇḍita [pp. of vikkhaṇḍati] broken, ruined, spoilt Sdhp
iddhi-vikubbana (or °ā), i. e. by psychic powers, e. g. D 436.
ii.213; Vism 373 sq.; or vikubbanā iddhi Vism 378, 406; VvA
Vikkhambha [vi+khambha 1] diameter (lit. support) J v.268,
58; DhsA 91 (the var. forms of iddhi). Cp. Kvu trsl. 50; Cpd.
271; Mhvs 18, 27.
61. — The BSk. form is represented by the pp. of vikubbati,
Vikkhambhati [fr. vi+khambha 2] (intrs.) to become stiff (with
i. e. vikurvita, e. g. AvŚ i.258; Divy 269 etc.
fear), to be scared or frightened Ap. 50.
Vikulāva(ka) (adj.) [vi+kulāva] having no nest, without a nest S
Vikkhambhana (nt.) [vi+khambha+na] withdrawal of support,
i.224 (ka); J i.203.
stopping (the nīvaraṇas or any evil influences or corrup-
Vikūjati [vi+kūjati] to sing (like a bird), warble, chirp, coo PvA
tions: kilesa°), arresting, paralysing; elimination, discarding
189 (=upanadati). — ppr. med. vikūjamāna Vin iv.15; J 1 2 b
Ps ii.179; Nd 6; Nd 338, 606 ; J iii.15 (kilesa°+metta —
bhāvana — jhān' uppatti); iv.17; Vism320; Sdhp 455. — Usu-
Vikūṇa [cp. vikuṇita & vikāra] distortion, grimace (mukha°) SnA ally in foll. cpds.: °pahāna elimination (of character — blem-
30. ishes) by discarding J ii.230; Nd 203; Vism 5; DhsA 352; SnA
Vikūla (adj.) [vi+kūla] sloping down, low — lying A i.35 (con- 19; °vimutti emancipation by elimination J ii.35; °viveka ar-
rest by aloofness DhsA 12, 164; Vism 140, 141.
trasted with ukkūla). We should expect ni° for vi°, as in BSk.
(see ukkūla). Vikkhambhanatā (f.) [vikkhambhana+tā] state of having undone
or discarded, removal, destruction, paralysis Nett 15, 16.
Vikūlaka (adj.) [fr. vikūla] contrary, disgusting Th 2, 467
(=paṭikūla ThA 284). Vikkhambhika (adj.) [fr. vikkhambheti] leading to arrest (of pas-
sions), conducive to discarding (the blemishes of character)
Vikesikā (adj. — f.) [vi+kesa+ika] with loose or dishevelled hair
Vism 114.
Vin i.15.
Vikkhambhita [pp. of vikkhambheti] arrested, stopped, paral-
Vikoṭṭita [vi+koṭṭita] beaten, cut, slain, killed Miln 304 (koṭṭita+).
ysed, destroyed Ps ii.179; Tikp 155, 320 sq.; Dukp 10.
Vikopana (nt.) [fr. vi+kup] upsetting, injuring, doing harm J
Vikkhambhiya (adj.) [grd. of vikkhambheti] in neg. a° not to be
ii.330=iv.471; Miln 185, 266; DhsA 145.
obstructed or overcome D iii.146.
Vikopin (adj.) [vi+kup] shaking, disturbed; neg. a° J vi.226.
Vikkhambheti [vi+khambheti] (trs.) to "unprop," unsettle, dis-
Vikopeti [vi+kopeti] 1. to shake up PvA 253. — 2. to upset, spoil,
card; to destroy, extirpate, paralyse (cp. khambha 2 and
to do harm Vin iii.47; Miln 276 (vikitteti+). — 3. to destroy J 1
chambheti), give up, reject Sn 969 (=abhibhavati etc. Nd
vi.68 (padaṁ a track).
492); Vism 268; J i.303 (jhānabalena kilese v.); Miln 34 (nī-
Vikkanta [pp. of vi+kram] heroic J i.119; ii.211; iv.271; Miln varaṇe); DhA iv.119 (pītiṁ vikkhambhetvā: here in meaning
400 (°cārin, of a lion). "set up, establish"? Or to produce such pīti as to be called
pharaṇā pīti, thus vikkhambheti=pharati 2? Or as Denom.
Vikkandati [vi+kandati] to cry out, lament, wail J vi.525.
fr. vikkhambha "diameter"=to establish etc.?); VvA 156 (read
Vikkama [fr. vi+kram] 1. walking about, stepping; in °malaka
°etvā.) — pp. vikkhambhita.
walking — enclosure, "περιπατεϊον," corridor J i.449. — 2.
Vikkhalita (nt.) [vi+khalita ] stumbling, fault, faux pas A i.199.
strength, heroism J ii.211, 398; iii.386 (°porisa).
Vikkhāyitaka (adj. — nt.) [vi+khāyati(=khādita)+ka] "pertain-
Vikkamati [vi+kamati] to have or show strength, to exert oneself
ing (or: of the nature of) to being eaten up," i. e. a (mental)
J iii.184 (=parakkamati); Miln 400. — pp. vikkanta.
representation obtained by contemplation of a corpse gnawed
Vikkaya [vi+kaya] selling, sale A ii.209; Sn 929 (kaya+); J i.121;
by animals, one of the asubhakammaṭṭhānas Vism 110=Miln
ii.200; iv.115 (majja°); Miln 194 (°bhaṇḍa goods for sale, mer-
332 (°saññā); Vism 179, 194.
chandise); PvA 29, 113 (°bhaṇḍa).
Vikkhālita [pp. of vikkhāleti] washed off, cleansed Vin ii.201;
Vikkayika & °kāyika (adj. — n.) [fr. vikiṇāti] 1. a salesman,
Vism 59.
vendor DhA iv.50 (ā). — 2. for sale J i.201 (ā); DhA i.269
Vikkhāleti [vi+khāḷeti] to wash off, to wash one's face (mukhaṁ)
rinse one's mouth Vin ii.201; S ii.269; J i.266, 459; PvA 75,
Vikkiṇāti [vi+kiṇāti] to sell J i.227, 377 (ger. vikkiṇitvā); PvA
209, 241 (=ācameti). — pp. vikkhālita
100 (id.), 191 (aor. vikkiṇi). — inf. vikketu ṁ J iii.283. —
grd. vikkiṇiya=for sale DhA i.390 (°bhaṇḍa merchandise). Vikkhitta (adj.) [vi+khitta] 1. upset, perplexed, mentally upset,
confused S ii.122 (°citta); v.157, 263 sq.; A iii.174 (°citta);
Vikkīḷita (nt.) [vi+kīḷita] sporting, amusement, pastime Nett 124 v.147 (id.); Vism 410 (=uddhacc' ânugata). — a° undisturbed,
(in appl meaning).
composed, collected A v.149; It 94; PvA 26.
Vikkuthita (adj.) [vi+kuthita] boiled, °duddha boiled milk KhA
Vikkhittaka (adj.) [vi+khitta+ka] 1. scattered all over, deranged,
60 (T. reads vikkuthita — duṭṭha — vaṇṇa, but App. SnA In-
dismembered; of a dead body with respect to its limbs (as
dex p. 870: vikkuṭṭhita — duddha°). The corresp. passage at
one of the asubha — kammaṭṭhāna's: cp. vikkhāyika & vic-
Vism 260 has duṭṭha-khīra- vaṇṇa, which seems faulty. n
chiddaka) Vism 110 (°saññā)=Miln 332; Vism 179 (with def
Vikkhaṇḍati [vi+khaṇḍati] to break (up), destroy, spoil Sdhp 450 vividhaṁ khittaṁ vikkhittaṁ; aññena hatthaṁ aññena pādaṁ
(ger. °iya). — pp. vikkhaṇḍita. aññena sīsan ti evaṁ tato tato khittassa chava — sarīrassa ad-

Vikkhittaka Vicakka

hivacanaṁ), 194. — hata° killed & cut up Vism 179. — 2. °gāhetvā). The ger. is also vigayha at Sn 2, 825; cp. Nd 1
citta° of unbalanced or deranged mind Miln 308. 163 (=ogayha pavisitvā). At Vin ii.106 we should prefer to
read viggayha for vigayha.
Vikkhipana (nt.) [cp. BSk. viksepa refusal AvŚ i.94] refusal,
denial VbhA 493 (see vikiraṇa 1). Viggaṇhati [vi+gaṇhati] 1. to take hold of, to quarrel, to be in
disharmony with; only in ger. viggayha disputing, quarrelling,
Vikkhipatti [Pass. of vikkhipati] to be disturbed J i.400 (gocare,
fighting Vin ii.106 (read gg for g! Bdhgh on p. 315: rubbing
in...); Miln 337 (cittaṁ). — pp. vikkhitta. 1
against each other); Ud 69; Sn 844, 878; Nd 285 (=uggahetvā
Vikkhīṇa [vi+khīṇa] totally destroyed, finished, gone Th 2, 22.
parāmasitvā). — 2. to stretch out, disperse, divide, spread;
Vikkhīyati [vi+khīyati] to go to ruin, to be destroyed, to be lost J ger. viggayha Vv 50 (hattha — pāde v.; expl as "vividhehi
v.392 (fut. °īyissati). — pp. vikkhīṇa. ākārehi gahetvā" VvA 209).
Vikkhepa [vi+khepa] 1. disturbance, derangement J vi.139. — 2. Viggaha [fr. vi+gah: see gaṇhati 3] 1. dispute, quarrel J i.208 (ñā-
perplexity, confusion D i.59. — vācā° equivocation, senseless takānaṁ aññamaññaṁ viggaho); Miln 90; often comb with
talk D i.24. — 3. in citta° & cetaso v. upset of mind, un- kalaha, e. g. Vin ii.88; A iv.401; Nd 302; Miln 383. — 2.
balanced mind, mental derangement: citta° S i.126; Pug 69; taking up form (lit. seizing on), "incorporation," form, body D
cetaso A iii.448; Dhs 429; Vbh 373. — avikkhepa equanim- ii.210=226 (sovaṇṇo viggaho mānusaṁ viggahaṁ atirocati);
ity, balance D iii.213; A i.83; Ps i.94; Dhs 160, 430; Vbh 178 Vin i.97 (manussa°); ii.286 (id.); iv.215 (tiracchānagata —
sq., 231 sq., 266 sq., 279 sq., 285 sq. manussa°), 269 (id.); J v.398=405 (=sarīra C); vi.188 (rucira°);
-paṭibāhana exclusion or warding off of confusion (of Dāvs i.42 (uju — somma°). — 3. (t.t.g.) resolution of words
mind) or disturbance Vism 244; VbhA 227. into their elements, analysis, separation of words Miln 381;
VvA 226 (pada°); SnA 168; ThA 202 (pada°).
Vikkhepika (adj.) [fr. vikkhepa], in phrase amarā°: see un-
der amarā; another suggestion as to explanation may be: Viggahita [pp. of viggaṇhati] taken hold of, seized; prejudiced
khipa=eel — basket, thus vikhep — ika one who upsets the against, seduced by (—), in phrase dhamm' uddhacca —
eel — basket, i. e. causes confusion. viggahita-mānasa A ii.157; Ps ii.101. Cp. BSk. vigrāhita,
e. g. AvŚ i.83=308 (Ajātaśatru Devadatta°); Divy 419, 557,
Vikkheḷikā (adj. — f.) [vi+kheḷa+ikā] having saliva dropping
571; Jtm 143, 146.
from the mouth (of sleeping women), slobbering Vin i.15.
Viggāhika (adj.) [fr. viggaha] of the nature of dispute or quar-
Vikkhobhita [pp. of vikkhobheti: see khobha] thoroughly shaken
rel; only in cpd. °kathā quarrelsome speech, dispute D i.8; S
up or disturbed Miln 377.
v.419; Sn 930; DA i.91.
Vikhādana (nt.) [vi+khādana] biting, chewing Dhs 646, 740,
Vighaṭṭita [vi+ghaṭṭita] struck, knocked, beaten J v.203 (a°).
875; DhsA 330.
Vigacchati [vi+gacchati] to depart, disappear; to decrease D i.138 Vighāṭana (adj.) [fr. vighāṭeti] unfastening, breaking up, over-
(bhogakkhandha vigacchissati); Sdhp 523. — pp. vigata. throwing Th 1, 419.
Vighāṭita [pp. of vighāṭeti, Denom. fr. vi+ghāṭa, cp. gantheti]
Vigata (°—) [pp. of vigacchati, in act. (reflexive) & med- pass.
overthrown, destroyed Sdhp 314.
function] gone away, disappeared, ceased; having lost or fore-
gone (for — gone=vi — gata), deprived of, being without; Vighāta [vi+ghata] 1. destruction, killing, slaughter PvA 150
often to be trsl simply as prep. "without." It nearly always (vighātaṁ āpajjati=vihaññati). — as adj. slain, beaten Pv iv.5 3
occurs in comp , where it precedes the noun. By itself rare, (=vighātavā vihata — bala). — 2. distress, annoyance, up-
e. g. Sn 483 (sārambhā yassa vigatā); VvA 33 (padumā mā set of mind, trouble, vexation D iii.249; M i.510; A ii.197 sq.;
vigatā hotu). Otherwise as follows: °āsa Pug 27; °āsava SnA iv.161 (°pariḷāha); Sn 814 (=ugghāta pīḷana ghaṭṭana upaddava
51; °icchā Dh 359; °khila Sn 19; °cāpalla D i.115; DA i.286; Nd 140=170); Th 2, 450 (bahu° full of annoyance). — sa°
°chavivaṇṇa ThA 80 (=vivaṇṇa); °jīvita PvA 40; °paccaya connected with, or bringing vexation, with opp. a° free of an-
Vism 541; Tikp 7, 21, 59; °paṭighāta DhA iv.176; °mada noyance: S iii.8; v.97; A i.202 sq.; iii.3, 429; Th 2, 352; ThA
Mhvs 34, 94; °raja Sn 517; J i.117; °valita PvA 153. Cp. 242. — 3. opposition M i.499.
vīta° in similar application and meaning. -pakkhika having its part in adversity, associated with
trouble M i.115; S v.97; DhsA 382. -bhūmi ground for vex-
Vigama (—°) [fr. vi+gam] going away, disappearance, depart- 1 n
ation Sn 830 (cp. Nd 170 with expl as above).
ing, departure Dāvs v.68 (sabb' āsava°); DhsA 166; Sdhp 388
(jighacchā°), 503 (sandeha°). Vighātavant (adj.) [vighāta+vant] full of annoyance or vexation
S iii.16 sq.; A ii.143 (=discontented); Th 1, 899 (in same con-
Vigayha see vigāhati.
nection, neg.); PvA 260 (=distressed).
Vigarahati [vi+garahati] to scold (intensely), to abuse Vin ii.161
(dhammiṁ kathaṁ); iii.46; S i.30 (ariyadhammaṁ); Miln 227. Vighāsa (& °ghasa) [fr. vi+ghasati] remains of food, broken
meat, scraps Vin iv.265, 266; J ii.288; iii.113, 191, 311 (read
Vigaḷati [vi+galati] to drop Miln 250. — pp. vigaḷita. Cp.
°ghasa for metre); v.268 (do.); Sdhp 389.
-âda one who eats the remains of food Vin i.200 (panca°
Vigaḷita [pp. of vigaḷati] dropping, dripping (down) PvA 56. — satāni) J i.348; ii.96; iii.191; DhA ii.128. Also N. of an
animal J vi.538.
Vigāhati [vi+gāhati] to plunge into, to enter S i.180 (ger.
vigāhiya); J v.381 (°gāhisuṁ, aor.); Mhvs 19, 29 (here as Vicakka (adj.) [vi+cakka] without wheels J i.378 (sakaṭa).


Vicakka Vicchandanika

Doubtful in phrase asani°, where used as a noun, probably Vicikicchati [vi+cikicchati] lit. "dis — reflect," to be distracted in
in diff. meaning altogether (=asani — pāta?): see S ii.229 thought, i. e. to doubt, hesitate D i.106; S ii.17, 50, 54; iii.122,
(="falling of a thunderbolt" K.S. ii.155); D iii.44, 47. 135; J iv.272 (2 sg. vicikicchase); SnA 451; DA i.275; — pp.
Vicakkhaṇa (adj. — nt.) [vi+cakkhaṇa, of cakṣ to see, attentive,
watchful, sensible, skilful; (nt.) application, attention, wit S Vicikicchā (f.) [fr. vicikicchati] doubt, perplexity, uncertainty
i.214=Sn 186 (appamatta+; trsl K.S. i.277 "discerning wit"); (one of the nīvaraṇas) D i.246; iii.49, 216, 234, 269; S i.99;
Sn 583; J iv.58; vi.286; Miln 216; Vism 43; SnA 238; Sdhp iii.106 sq. (dhammesu v. doubt about the precepts); iv.350;
200, 293. A iii.292, 438; iv.68, 144 sq.; v.144; Sn 343, 437, 540; Vv 81
(=soḷasa — vatthuka — vicikicchā VvA 317); J ii.266; Pug
Vicakkhu (adj.) [vi+cakkhu] eyeless, blind, in phrase °kamma
59; Vbh 168, 341, 364; Dhs 425; Nett 11; Tikp 108, 122, 152
making blind or perplexed S i.111, 118 ("darkening their in-
telligence" trsl ) [cp. BSk. vicakṣu — karma MVastu iii.416; sq., 171, 255, 275; Dukp 170 sq., 265 sq., 289 sq.; Vism 471
(=vigatā cikicchā ti v. etc.), 599 sq.; VbhA 209; VvA 156;
Lal V. 490].
MA 116; Sdhp 459. — As adj. (—°) vicikiccha, e. g. tiṇṇa°
Vicakkhuka (adj.) [vicakkhu+ka] not seeing, blinded, dulled in
one who has overcome all doubt D i.71, 110; M i.18; A ii.211;
sight, half — blind Miln 295 (Rh. D. "squinting").
iii.92; 297 sq.; iv.186; 210. — See also Cpd. 242; Dhs. trsl.
Vicaya [fr. vi+ci: see vicinati] search, investigation, examina- § 425 n. 1; and cp. kathankathā, kicchati, vecikicchin.
tion S iii.96 (vicayaso, i. e. thoroughly); Pug 25; Miln 340 37
Vicikicchita (nt.) [pp. of vicikicchati] doubt Pv iv.1 .
(dhamma°); Nett 1, 2, 10; DhsA 147; Sdhp 466. For dhamma°
Vicikicchin see ve°.
see sambojjhanga.
Viciṇṇa [pp. of vicāreti] thought out; in neg. a° not thought out;
Vicaraṇa (adj. — nt.) [fr. vicarati] going about, circulating, mov-
reading however doubtful, better to be taken as adhiciṇṇa, i.
ing, travelling J v.484 (°bhaṇḍa travelling merchandise).
e. procedure, method D i.8= M ii.3=S iii.12 (vi° as v. l.). —
Vicarati [vi+carati] to go or move about in (loc.), to walk (a
DA i.91 reads āciṇṇa (cp. M i.372).
road=acc.), to wander Sn 444 (raṭṭhā raṭṭhaṁ vicarissaṁ, fut.),
696 (dhamma — maggaṁ); Nd 201, 263; Pv iii.7 (aor. vi- Vicita [pp. of vi+ci to gather] in phrase °kāḷaka bhatta rice from
which the black grains have been separated D i.105; M ii.8;
cari); DhA i.66; PvA 4, 22, 33, 69, 120, 185 (=āhiṇḍati); Sdhp
DA i.274; as vicita-bhatta in same sense at J iv.371.
133. — In Sn often with loke (in this world), e. g. Sn 466,
501, 845, 846, 864. — Caus. vicāreti; pp. vicarita, vicārita Vicitta (& °citra) (adj.) [vi+citta ] various, variegated, coloured,
& viciṇṇa. Cp. anu°. ornamented, etc. J i.18, 83; Pv ii.1 ; Vv 64 (citra); Miln 338,
349; VvA 2, 77; Sdhp 92, 245. — vicitra-kathika eloquent
Vicarita [pp. of vicarati] occupied by (—°), haunted, frequented
Miln 196.
VvA 163.
Vicinati (°cināti) [vi+cināti] 1. to investigate, examine, discrimi-
Vicāra [vi+cāra] investigation, examination, consideration, delib-
eration. — Def as "vicaraṇaṁ vicāro, anusañcaraṇan ti vut- nate S i.34 (yoniso vicine dhammaṁ); A iv.3 sq. (id.); Sn 658,
933; Ap 42; J vi.373; Nd 398; Nett 10, 22 (grd. vicetabba),
taṁ hoti" Vism 142 (see in def. under vitakka). — Hardly ever
25 sq.; Miln 298; Dpvs iv.2; DhsA 147; PvA 140; Sdhp 344.
by itself (as at Th 1, 1117 mano°), usually in close connection
or direct comb with vitakka (q. v.). — ger. viceyya discriminating; with discrimination D ii.21
(doubled: with careful discrim ); iii.167 (°pekkhitar); Sn 524
Vicāraka (adj.) [fr. vicāreti] 1. looking after something; watch-
sq.; usually in phrase viceyya-dāna a gift given with discrimi-
ing J i.364 (ghara°). — 2. investigating; (n.) a judge Mhvs 72
nation S i.21; A iv.244; J iv.361; v.395; Pv ii.9 ; DhA iii.221;
35, 18.
Mhvs 5, 35. — 2. to look for, to seek, to linger, to choose Pv
Vicāraṇā (f.) & a° (nt.) [fr. vicāreti] 1. investigation, search, iii.6 (aor. vicini=gavesi C.); iv.1 42 (ger. viceyya=vicinitvā
attention Sn 1108, 1109 (f. & nt.); J iii.73 (°paññā). — 2. ar- PvA 240); J i.419. — See also pacinati.
ranging, planning, looking after; scheme J i.220; ii.404 (yud-
Vicinana (nt.) [fr. vicinati] discrimination Vism 162.
dha°); vi.333 sq.
Vicinteti [vi+cinteti] to think, consider Sn 1023; Mhvs 4, 28
Vicārita [pp. of vicāreti] thought out, considered; thought D i.37
(vicintiya, ger.); 17, 38.
(vitakkita+, like vitakka- vicāra, cp. DA i.122), 213 (id.);
Vicuṇṇa [vi+cuṇṇa] crushed up, only in redupl. — iter. forma-
SnA 385.
tion cuṇṇa-vicuṇṇa crushed to bits, piecemeal J i.26; iii.438
Vicāreti [Caus. of vicarati] 1. to make go round, to pass round,
etc. See under cuṇṇa.
to distribute PvA 272 (salākaṁ). — 2. to think (over) S
Vicuṇṇita [pp. of vi+cuṇṇeti] crushed up J i.203 (viddhasta+).
v.156 (vitakketi+). — 3. to investigate, examine, test J ii.413;
iii.258; VvA 336 (a° to omit examining). — 4. to plan, con- Viccuta [vi+cuta] fallen down J v.403 (expl as viyutta C.); Dh
sider, construct J ii.404; vi.333. — 5. to go about (some i.140.
business), to look after, administer, provide J ii.287; iii.378;
Vicchaḍḍeti [vi+chaḍḍeti] to throw out, to vomit; in late (San-
Mhvs 35, 19 (rajjaṁ); PvA 93 (kammante). — pp. vicārita
skritic) Pāli at Sdhp 121 (pp. vicchaḍḍita) and 136 (nt. vic-
& viciṇṇa.
chaḍḍana throwing out).
Vicāliya (adj.) [grd. of vi+cāleti] in neg. a° not to be shaken, not
Vicchandanika (& °ya) (adj.) [vi+chanda+na+ika] fit to disinter-
wavering Sdhp 444.
est, "disengrossing," in °kathā sermon to rid of the desire for

Vicchandanika Vijita

the body Vin iii.271 (Sam. Pās. on Pār. iii.3, 1); & °sutta the another name for the Kāya — vicchandanika — sutta).
Suttanta having disillusionment for its subject (another name
Vijayati (& vijinati) [vi+jayati] to conquer, master, triumph over
given by Bdhgh to the Vijayasutta Sn 193 — 206) SnA 241 sq.
DA i.250 (vijeti); fut. vijessati J iv.102. — ger. vijeyya Sn
(°ya). Cp. vicchindati.
524, 1002; and vijetvā J iii.523. — pp. vijita. Cp. abhi°.
Vicchādanā (f.) [vi+chādanā] concealment Pug 19, 23.
Vijahati [vi+jahati] to abandon, forsake, leave; to give up, dis-
Vicchika [cp. Vedic vṛścīka: Zimmer, Altind. Leben 98] a scor- miss Pv iii.6 15 (sarīraṁ); VvA 119; Pot. vijaheyya Pv iv.1 ;
pion D i.9 (°vijjā scorpion craft); Vin ii.110; A ii.73; iii.101, fut. vijahissati S ii.220; Pv ii.6 (jīvitaṁ). — ger. vihāya
306; iv.320; v.289 sq.; J ii.146; Miln 272, 394; Vism 235; DA Mhvs 12, 55; & vijahitvā Vin iv.269; J i.117; iii.361 (iddh'
i.93. ânubhāvena attabhāvaṁ). — grd. vihātabba A iii.307 sq.;
Miln 371. — Pass. vihīyati J vi.499 (eko v.=kilamissati C.).
Vicchita in phrase balavicchita-kārin at Miln 110 is to be read
— pp. vijahita & vihīna.
balav' icchita-kārin "a man strong to do what he likes," i. e.
a man of influence. Vijahana (nt.) [fr. vijahati] abandoning, relinquishing DA i.197.
Vicchidda (adj.) [vi+chidda] only in (redupl.) combin. chidda° Vijahita [pp. of vijahati] left, given up, relinquished; only in neg.
full of little holes, perforated all over J i.419. a° J i.71, 76, 94, 178.
Vicchiddaka [vi+chidda+ka] "having holes all over," referring to Vijātā (f.) [pp. of vijāyati] (a woman) having borne J ii.140; Pv
one of the asubha — kammaṭṭhānas, obtained by the contem- ii.2 (=pasūtā PvA 80).
plation of a corpse fissured from decay A ii.17 (°saññā); v.106, -kāla time of birth J ii.140. -ghara birth-chamber Miln
310; Miln 332; Vism 110, 178, 194. 301.
Vicchinda [fr. vi+chind as in vicchindati] breaking off, cutting Vijāti in °loha a kind of copper VbhA 63.
off J ii.436, 438 (kāya°). Kern, Toev. s. v. considers it as a
Vijāna (nt. — adj.) [fr. vijānāti] understanding; as adj. (—°) in
corruption of vicchanda. See vicchandanika.
cpds. du° (dubbijāna) hard to understand S i.60; J iv.217; and
Vicchindati [vi+chindati] to cut off, to interrupt, to prevent su° easy to perceive Sn 92; J iv.217.
PvA 129 (°itu — kāma). The BSk. form is vicchandayati
Vijānana (nt.) [the diaeretic form of Sk. vijñāna: cp. jā-
[=vi+Denom. of chando] e. g. Divy 10, 11, 383, 590. — pp.
nana=ñāṇa] recognition, knowing, knowledge, discrimination
Vian 452; DhsA 141.
Vicchinna [pp. of vicchindati] cut off, destroyed Sdhp 34, 117,
Vijānāti [vi+jñā] to have discriminative (dis=vi°) knowledge, to
370, 585.
recognize, apprehend, ascertain, to become aware of, to un-
Vicchurita [vi+churita] besprinkled, sprinkled about VvA 4, 280 derstand, notice, perceive, distinguish, learn, know Sn 93 sq.,
(=ullitta). 763; Dh 64, 65; Nd 442. See also viññāṇa 2 . — imper. 2 nd
sg. vijāna Sn 1091 (=ājāna Nd 565 ); Pv iv.5 (=vijānāhi
Viccheda [vi+cheda] cutting off, destruction J iv.284 (santati°).
PvA 260); ppr. vijānanto Sn 656, 953; Pv iv.1 ; PvA 41;
a° uninterruptedness VvA 16.
and vijānaṁ neg. a° ignorant Dh 38, 60; It 103. Pot. 1 sg.
Vijaṭana (nt.) [fr. vijaṭeti] disentangling Miln 11.
(poet.) vijaññaṁ J iii.360 (=vijāneyyaṁ C.); Sn 1065, 1090,
Vijaṭita [pp. of vijaṭeti] disentangled S i.165. 1097 (=jāneyyaṁ Nd 565 ); & vijāniyaṁ Vv 41 (paṭivi-
jjhiṁ C.); 3 sg. vijañña Sn 253, 316, 967 (cp. Nd 489).
Vijaṭeti [vi+Caus. of jaṭ: see jaṭita] 1. to disentangle, to comb
— ger. vijāniya Mhvs 8, 16; viññāya Sn 232; & viññitvā
out; fig. to unravel, explain Vin ii.150 (bimbohanaṁ kātuṁ
Vin iv.264. — aor. (3 rd pl.) vijāniṁsu Mhvs 10, 18. —
tūlāni v.); Miln 3; Vism 1, 2. — 2. to plunder J iii.523. — pp.
Pass. viññāyati PvA 197; fut. viññissati Th 1, 703. — inf.
viññātuṁ S iii.134. — grd. viññātabba (to be understood)
Vijana (adj.) [vi+jana] deserted of people, lonely S i.180; ThA
VbhA 46; & viññeyya (q. v.). — pp. viññāta. — Caus. II.
252. -°vāta: see vāta.
viññāpeti (q. v.).
Vijambhati [vi+jambhati] to rouse oneself, to display activity, of- Vijāyana (nt.) [fr. vijāyati] bringing forth, birth, delivery A i.78;
ten appl to the awakening of a lion S iii.84; A ii.33; J i.12, 493;
J iii.342; vi.333; Vism 500; VbhA 97.
v.215 (°amāna, ppr., getting roused), 433, 487; vi.173; Vism
Vijāyati [vi+jāyati] to bring forth, to bear, to give birth to Sdhp
133; aor. vijāyi VvA 220; PvA 82 (puttaṁ); ger. vijāyitvā
Vijambhanā (f.) [vi+jambhanā] arousing, activity, energy J 3
Mhvs 5, 43 (puttaṁ); and vijāyitvāna Pv i.6 . — pp. vijāta.
— Caus. II. vijāyāpeti to cause to bring forth J vi.340.
Vijambhikā (f.) [fr. vijambhati] yawning (before rising) i. e. Vijāyin (adj. — n.) [fr. vijāyati] in f. °inī able to bear a child,
drowsiness, laziness, in ster. comb with arati & tandī S i.7 fertile J iv.77 (opp. vañjhā); DhA i.46 (id.).
(trsl "the lanquid frame"); A i.3; Vbh 352; Vism 33. As vi-
Vijigucchati [vi+j.] to loathe Sn 41 (°amāna=aṭṭiyamāna
jambhitā at S v.64; J i.506 (here in meaning "activity, alert-
harāyamāna Nd 566), 253, 958 (°ato=aṭṭiyato harāyato Nd 1
ness," but sarcastically as sīha°); VbhA 272 (=kāya — vinā-
466), 963; Nd 479.
Vijita [pp. of vijayati] 1. conquered, subdued, gained, won Sn
Vijaya [fr. vi+ji] victory; conquering, mastering; triumph over
46; SnA 352; DA i.160; PvA 75, 76, 161. — Cp. nijjita. —
(—°) D i.46; A iv.272 (idha — loka°); SnA 241 sq. (°sutta,

Vijita Vijju & vijjutā

2. (nt.) conquered land, realm, territory, kingdom J i.262; Vv (3) iddhi, (4) dibba — sota, (5) ceto — pariyañāṇa, (6) pubbe
81 20 (=desa VvA 316); DhA i.386. — nivās' ânussatiñāṇa, (7) cut' ûpapatti — ñāṇa, (8) āsavānaṁ
-anga at Pv iii.1 (PvA 176) read vījit.°-indriya one who khaya — ñāṇa. Other terms used are: for the 2 nd sampadā:
has conquered his senses Sn 250. -sangāma by whom the caraṇa (D. i.100), and for the 3 : vijjā (ibid.). — The discus-
battle has been won, victorious D ii.39; It 76; Nd 542; Pug sion at D i.100 is represented as contradicting the (brahmaṇic)
68. opinion of Ambaṭṭha, who thought that "vijjā nāma tayo Vedā,
Vijitāvin (adj.) [vijita+āvin; see Geiger, P.Gr. 198 ] victorious D caraṇaṁ pañca sīlāni" (DA i.267 sq.). — In the enum of 3
vijjās at M i.22 sq. only Nos. 6 — 8 of the 3 sampadā (said
i.88 (caturanta+); ii.146; S iii.83; Sn 552, 646; DA i.249; DhA
to have been attained by the Buddha in the 3 night watches)
iv.232; SnA 162.
with the verbs anussarati (No. 6), pajānāti (7), abhijānāti
Vijina [doubtful] distress (?), in stock phrase at A v.156, 158, 160,
(8), each signifying a higher stage of ("saving") knowledge,
162 (v. l. at all pass. vicina).
yet all called "vijjā." Quoted at Vism 202, where all 8 stages
Vijīyati at J iii.374 is to be read as vījiyati (Pass. of vījati). are given as "aṭṭha vijjā," and caraṇa with 15 qualities (sīla
— saṁvara, indriyesu guttadvāra etc.). The same 3 vijjās (No.
Vijja (adj.) (—°) [=vijjā] having vijjā, possessed of wisdom; in
vatthu°, tiracchāna°, nakkhatta° etc. (referring to the lower 6, 7, 8) are given at D iii.220, 275, and poetically at A ii.165
arts condemned as heretic: vijjā c.) S iii.239. te° possessed of as the characteristics of a proper (ariya, Buddhist) monk (or
threefold wisdom: see vijjā b. brāhmaṇa): "etāhi tīhi vijjāhi tevijjo hoti brāhmaṇo," oppos-
ing the threeVeda — knowledge of the Brahmins. — Tevijja
Vijjaṭipatti (f.) [? doubtful spelling] adultery PvA 151.
(adj.) in same meaning at S i.146 (where it refers to Nos. 3,
Vijjati, vijjamāna etc.: see vindati. 5, 8 of above enum ), 192, 194. In brahmanic sense at Sn 594
(=tiveda SnA 463). Both meanings compared & contrasted at
Vijjantarikā (f.) is not clear; according to Kern, Toev. s.
A i.163 (aññathā brāhmaṇā brāhmaṇaṁ tevijjaṁ paññāpenti,
v.=vīthi+antarikā [a very bold assumption: vīthy° contracted
aññathā ca pana ariyassa vinaye tevijjo hoti "different in the
to vijj°!], i. e. space in between two streets or midstreet
Brahmanic and diff. in the Buddhist sense"). — Tisso vijjā
M i.448; A i.124. Neumann (Mittl. Slg. ii.182) translates
(without specification, but referring to above 6, 7, 8) further at
"Rinnstein" (i. e. gutter). Under antarikā we have given the 34
trsl "interval of lightning," thus taking it as vijju+antarikā. Vin ii.183; Sn 656; Ps i.34; ii.56; Pv iv.1 ; Miln 359 (+chaḷab-
hiññā); DhA iv.30 (id.). It is doubtful whether the def of ñāṇa
Quoted DA i.34.
as "tisso vijjā" at Vin iii.91 is genuine. — On vijjā-caraṇa
Vijjā (f.) [cp. Vedic vidyā knowledge: etym. see under vindati]
see also D iii.97, 98, 237; S i.153, 166; ii.284; v.197; A ii.163;
one of the dogmatic terms of Buddhist teaching, varying in
iv.238; v.327; Sn 163, 289, 442. — On vijjā in the doctrinal
meaning in diff. sections of the Canon. It is not always the pos- n
appl see: D iii.156, 214, 274; S ii.7 sq. (cakkhu, ñāṇa, paññā,
itive to avijjā (which has quite a well-defined meaning from
vijjā, āloka); iii.47; 163; 171; iv.31, 49 sq. A i.83; ii.247; Sn
its first appearance in Buddhist psych. ethics), but has been
334 (simply meaning "wisdom," craft, care, but Bdhgh SnA
taken into the terminology of Buddhism from Brahmanic and
339 takes it as "āsavānaṁ — khaya — ñāṇa"), 1026 (opposed
popular philosophy. The opposite of avijjā is usually ñāṇa
to avijjā); Pug 14, 57; Vbh 324; Nett 76, 191. — (c) pop-
(but cp. S iii.162 f., 171; v.429). Although certain vijjās per-
ular meanings & usage of vijjā: science, craft, art, charm,
tain to the recognition of the "truth" and the destruction of avi-
spell D i.213 (Gandhārī nāma v., also mentioned at J iv.498 as
jjā, yet they are only secondary factors in achieving "vimutti"
practised by physicians), 214 (Maṇika n. v.); J iii.504 (Cin-
(cp. abhiññā, ñāṇa — dassana & paññā). That vijjā at M i.22 tāmaṇi v.); iv.323 (vatthu°: see under vatthu), 498 (ghora°);
is contrasted with avijjā is to be expl as a word — play in
v.458 (anga° palmistry); Miln 200; Dh i.259 (bhūmicala n. v.
a stereotype phrase. — A diff. side of "knowledge" again is
"earthquake" charm), 265 (dhanu — agamanīyaṁ Ambaṭṭha
given by "bodhi." — (a) Vijjā is a general, popular term for
n. v.); KhA 237 (vatthu°, khetta°, anga°); and see the list of
lore in the old sense, science, study, esp. study as a practice
forbidden crafts at D i.9 (anga°, vatthu°, khetta° etc.; cp. Dial.
of some art (something like the secret science of the medicine i.18, 19).
man: cp. vejja!); hence appl in special, "dogmatic" sense as
-gata having attained wisdom Sn 730 (opp. avijjā; the
"secret science," revelation (put into a sort of magic formula), n
playful expl at SnA 505 is "ye arahatta — maggavijjāya kilese
higher knowledge (of the learned man), knowledge which may
vijjhitvā gatā khīṇāsava — sattā"). -caraṇa ( — sampanna)
be applied and used as an art (cp. magister artium!), practical
(endowed with) special craft (wisdom) & virtue: see above, b.
knowledge; but also mysterious knowledge: "charm." — (b)
-ṭṭhāna branch of study; there are 18 vijja-ṭṭhānāni or "arts
vijjā, having a varying content in its connotation, is applied
& sciences," subjects of study, referred to at J i.259. -dhara
to a series of diff. achievements. A rather old tabulation of
a knower of charms, a sorcerer J iii.303, 529; iv.496; v.94;
the stages leading by degrees to the attainment of the highest
Miln 153, 200, 267. -bhāgiyā (dhammā) (states) conducive
knowledge is given in the Sāmañña — phala — sutta (D i.63
to wisdom (6 kinds of saññā) A iii.334; cp. D iii.243; S v.395;
— 86), repeated in nearly every Suttanta of D 1. It is composed
A iv.52 sq. -mayā (iddhi) (potency) accomplished by art or
of the 3 sampadās, viz. sīla°, citta° & paññā°. Under the first
knowledge (Expos. i.122) Vism 383; see iddhi. -vimutti wis-
group belong sīla( — kkhandha), indriya — saṁvara, sati —
dom (higher knowledge) as salvation S v.28, 335 sq.; Ps ii.243
sampajañña, santuṭṭhi; the second is composed (1) of the over-
(in detail).
coming of the nīvaraṇas, (2) of the 4 jhānas; the third consists
of 8 items, viz. (1) ñāṇa — dassana, (2) manomaya — kāya, Vijju & vijjutā (f.) [cp. Vedic vidyut; fr. vi+dyut: see juti] light-

Vijju & vijjutā Viññāṇa

ning. — (a) vijju: S i.100 (°māli); A i.124 (°ūpamacitta); J the body (kāya) is when animated called sa-viññāṇaka (q. v.
v.322 (°vaṇṇin); Pug 30; Miln 22 (°jāla); VvA 12; Sdhp 244, and cp. viññāṇatta). Again, v. was supposed, at the body's
598. — (b) vijjutā: Th 1, 1167; J ii.217. — On similes with death, to pass over into another body (S i.122; iii.124) and so
v. see J.P.T.S. 1907, 136. — Cp. next. find a support or platform (patiṭṭhā). It was also held to be an
immutable, persistent substance, a view strongly condemned
Vijjullatā (f.) [vijju(t)+latā] a flash or streak of lightning, forked
(M i.258). Since, however, the persistence of v. from life to
lightning S i.106; J i.103, 279, 501.
life is declared (D ii.68; S iii.54), we must judge that it is only
Vijjotati [vi+jotati] to shine (forth) PvA 56; Caus. °eti to illumine
the immutable persistence that is condemned. V. was justly
PvA 10. — pp. vijjotita.
conceived more as "minding" than as "mind." Its form is par-
Vijjotalati [Freq. of vijjotati? Or=vijjotayati=vijjo-teti?] to ticipial. For later variants of the foregoing cp. Miln 86; PvA
flicker Vin ii.131; M i.86. 63, 219.
Ecclesiastical scholastic dogmatic considers v. under the
Vijjotita [pp. of vijjotati] resplendent PvA 154.
categories of (a) khandha; (b) dhātu; (c) paṭiccasamuppāda;
Vijjhati [vyadh] to pierce, perforate; to shoot with an arrow; to
(d) āhāra; (e) kāya. (a) V. as fifth of the five khandhas (q. v.)
strike, hit, split; fut. °issati J iv.272; inf. °ituṁ ibid.; ger.
is never properly described or defined. It is an ultimate. But
°itvā Vin ii.150; J i.201 (boring through timber); SnA 505
as a factor of animate existence it is said to be the discrimi-
(kilese); PvA 155; & viddhā J vi.77. — Pass. vijjhati: ger.
nating (vijānāti) of e. g. tastes or sapid things (S iii.87), or,
°itvā having been hit J iii.323; ppr. vijjhamāna PvA 107;
again, of pleasant or painful feeling (M i.292). It is in no wise
grd. viddheyya J vi.77. — pp. viddha. — Caus. vijjheti J
considered as a condition, or a climax of the other incorporeal
i.45 (sūlehi vijjhayanto); and vedheti to cause to be pierced J
khandhās. It is just one phase among others of mental life. In
vi.453 (fut. vedhayissati). — pp. vedhita.
mediaeval dogmatic it appears rather as the bare phenomenon
Vijjhana (nt.) [fr. vijjhati] piercing or getting pierced DA i.75; of aroused attention, the other khandhās having been reduced
ii.87 (kaṇṇa° — mangala, ear — piercing ceremony); PvA to adjuncts or concomitants brought to pass by the arousing
107. of v. (Cpd. 13), and as such classed under cetasikā, the older
sankhārakkhandha. — (b) as dhātu, v. occurs only in the cat-
Vijjhāpeti [vi+jhāpeti] to extinguish Vin i.31; ii.219, 221; J
egory of the four elements with space as a sixth element, and
iv.292; Miln 42.
also where dhātu is substituted for khandha (S iii.10). — (c)
Vijjhāyati [vi+jhāyati ] to be extinguished, to go out (of fire) Vin
In the chain of causation (Paṭicca-samuppāda) v. is condi-
i.31 (imper. °āyatu & fut. °āyissati); DhA i.21 (akkhīni dīpa
tioned by the sankhāras and is itself a necessary condition of
— sikhā viya vijjhāyiṁsu).
nāma-rūpa (individuality). See e. g. S ii.4, 6, 8, 12 etc.;
Viññatti (f.) [fr. viññāpeti] intimation, giving to understand, Vin i.1; Vism 545 sq.=VbhA 150; Vism 558 sq.; VbhA 169
information; begging or asking by intimation or hinting (a sq.; 192. — At S ii.4=iii.61 viññāṇa (in the Paṭicca — samup-
practice forbidden to the bhikkhu) Vin i.72 (°bahula, intent pāda) is defined in a similar way to the def under v. — ṭṭhiti
on...); iii.144 sq. (id.); iv.290; J iii.72 (v. nāma na vaṭṭati, (see c), viz. as a quality peculiar to (& underlying) each of
is improper); Vbh 13; Vism 41 (threefold: nimitta°, obhāsa°, the 6 senses: "katamaṁ viññāṇaṁ? cha — y — ime viññāṇa
parikathā; as t. t., cp. Cpd. 120 : medium of communica- — kāyā (groups of v.), viz. cakkhu° sota° etc.," which means
tion); Miln 343, 370; DhA ii.21 (viññattiṁ katvā bhuñjituṁ that viññāṇa is the apperceptional or energizing principle, so
na vaṭṭati); PvA 146. — Two kinds of viññatti are generally to speak the soul or life (substratum, animator, lifepotency) of
distinguished, viz. kāya° and vacī°, or intimation by body the sensory side of individuality. It arises through the mutual
(gesture) and by voice: Dhs 665, 718; Miln 229 sq.; Vism relation of sense and sense — object (M iii.281, where also
448, 530, 531. Cp. Cpd. 22, 264. the 6 v. — kāyā). As such it forms a factor of rebirth, as it
is grouped under upadhi (q. v.). Translations of S ii.4: Mrs.
Viññāṇa (nt.) [fr. vi+jñā; cp. Vedic vijñāna cognition] (as spe-
Rh. D. (K.S. ii.4) "consciousness"; Geiger (in Z. f. B. iv.62)
cial term in Buddhist metaphysics) a mental quality as a con-
"Erkennen."— (d) As one of the four āhāras (q. v.) v. is con-
stituent of individuality, the bearer of (individual) life, life —
sidered as the material, food or cause, through which comes
force (as extending also over rebirths), principle of conscious
rebirth (S ii.13; cp. B.Psy. p. 62). As such it is likened to seed
life, general consciousness (as function of mind and matter),
in the field of action (kamma) A i.223, and as entering (a body)
regenerative force, animation, mind as transmigrant, as trans-
at rebirth the phrase viññāṇassa avakkanti is used (D ii.63; S
forming (according to individual kamma) one individual life
ii.91). In this connection the expression paṭisandhi — viññāṇa
(after death) into the next. (See also below, c & d). In this
first appears in Ps i.52, and then in the Commentaries (VbhA
(fundamental) application it may be characterized as the sen-
192; cf. Vism 548, 659 paṭisandhicitta); in Vism 554=VbhA
sory and perceptive activity commonly expressed by "mind."
163, the v., here said to be located in the heart, is made out, at
It is difficult to give any one word for v., because there is much
bodily death, "to quit its former Ǥ support ʼ and proceed (pa-
difference between the old Buddhist and our modern points of
view, and there is a varying use of the term in the Canon it- vattati) to another by way of its mental object and other con-
self. In what may be a very old Sutta S ii.95 v. is given as ditions." Another scholastic expression, both early and late, is
a synonym of citta (q. v.) and mano (q. v.), in opposition to abhisankhāra-v., or "endowment consciousness," viz. the in-
kāya used to mean body. This simpler unecclesiastical, un- dividual transmigrant or transmitted function (viññāṇa) which
scholastic popular meaning is met with in other suttas. E. g. supplies the next life with the accumulation of individual merit
or demerit or indifference, as it is expressed at Nd 569 in def n

Viññāṇa Viññupasaṭṭha

of v. (on Sn 1055: yaṁ kiñci sampajānāsi... panujja viññāṇaṁ diff. view S ii.65 (yaṁ ceteti... ārammaṇaṁ... hoti viññāṇassa
bhave na tiṭṭhe): puññ' âbhisankhāra — sahagata — viññāṇaṁ, ṭhitiyā). — See also Ps i.22, 122; Sn 1114; Nett 31, 83 sq.;
apuññ'..., ānejj'... — Under the same heading at Nd 569 we Vism 552; VbhA 169. -dhātu mind — element, which is
find abhisankhāra v. with ref. to the sotāpatti — stage, i. e. the 6th dhātu after the 4 great elements (the mahābhūtāni) and
the beginning of salvation, where it is said that by the grad- ākāsa — dhātu as fifth (this expl as "asamphuṭṭha — dhātu"
ual disappearance of abhis. — v. there are still 7 existences at VbhA 55, whereas v. — dhātu as "vijānana — dhātu") D
left before nāma — rūpa (individuality) entirely disappears. iii.247; Vbh 85, 87; VbhA 55; cp. A i.176; M iii.31, 62, 240;
The climax of this development is "anupādi — sesa nibbāna S ii.248. -vīthi the road of mind (fig.), a mediaeval t. t. for
— dhatu," or the nibbāna stage without a remainder (parinib- process in senseperception KhA 102.
bāna), which is characterized not by an abhisankhāra — v.,
Viññāṇaka (adj.) [viññāṇa+ka] having life or consciousness or
but by the carimaka-v., or the final vital spark, which is now
sense, endowed with vitality. Found in the four Nikāyas only
going to be extinct. This passage is referred to at DhsA 357,
in one standard passage in the same connection, viz. sa-
where the first half is quoted literally. — (e) As kāya i. e.
viññāṇaka kāya "the body with its viññāṇa" (i. e. life —
group, v. is considered psycho — physically, as a factor in
force or mind): S ii.253; iii.80, 169; v.311; A i.132; iv.53.
senseperception (D iii.243, M iii.281, etc.), namely, the con- Thus (sa°) should be read at all passages. — Later in contrast
tact between sense — organ and object (medium, μεταζύ was
pair sa° and a°, i. e. with life & without, alive & lifeless,
not taken into account) produces v. of sight, hearing etc. The
animate & inanimate, e. g. J i.466, 468; DhA i.6; PvA 130.
three factors constitute the v. — kāya of the given sense. And
Viññāṇatta (nt.) [abstr. formation fr. viññāṇa] the fact of being
the v. is thus bound to bodily process as a catseye is threaded
endowed with viññāṇa S iii.87; PvA 63.
on a string (D ii.76). Cp. above c.
Other applications of the term v., both Canonical and me- Viññāta [pp. of vijānāti] apperceived, (re)cognized, understood,
diaeval: on details as to attributes and functions, see Vin i.13 cogitated (Cpd. 37), learned Sn 323 (°dhamma, one who has
(as one of the khandhas in its quality of anattā, cp. S iv.166 recognized or understood the Dhamma); Vv 44 (=viññāta —
sq.); D iii.223 (as khandha); S ii.101 sq. (°assa avakkanti); sāsana — dhamma VvA 192); J i.2; Sdhp 429. — Often in se-
iii.53 sq. (°assa gati, āgati, cuti etc.); A i.223 sq.; iii.40; Sn quence diṭṭha suta muta viññāta to denote the whole range
734 (yaṁ kiñci dukkhaṁ sambhoti, sabbaṁ viññāṇa — pac- of the cognitional & apperceptional faculties (see muta), e. g.
cayā), 1037 (nāma — rūpa destroyed in consequence of v. de- D iii.232; Sn 1086, 1122.
struction), 1073 (cavetha v. [so read for bhavetha]; v. at this Viññātar [n. ag. of viññāta] a perceiver, one who apper-ceives or
passage expl as "punappaṭisandhi — v." at Nd 569 ); 1110
takes to heart, a learner D i.56; A iii.169; iv.196 (sotar, ugga-
(uparujjhati); Ps i.53 sq., 153 sq.; ii.102; Vbh 9 sq., 53 sq., 86;
hetar, v.).
Nett 15 (nāma — rūpa v. — sampayutta), 16 (v. — hetuka n.
Viññāpaka (adj.) [fn. viññāpeti] clever in instruction, able to in-
— r.), 17 (nirodha), 28, 79, 116 (as khandha); Vism 529 (as
struct S v.162=Miln 373; It 107.
simple, twofold, fourfold etc.), 545=VbhA 150 sq. (in detail
as product of sankhāras & in 32 groups); VbhA 172 (twofold: Viññāpana (adj.) [fr. viññāpeti] instructing, informing A ii.51,
vipāka & avipāka); DhA iv.100. 97. — f. viññāpanī instructive, making clear (of speech) D
-ânañc'āyatana infinitude ( — sphere) of life — force i.114 (atthassa viññāpaniyā=viññāpanasamatthāya DA i.282);
or mind — matter D i.35, 184, 223; iii.224, 262, 265; Nett A iii.114; Dh 408 (=attha° DhA iv.182); Sn 632.
26, 39. It is the second of the Āruppa — jhānas; see jhāna.
Viññāpaya (adj.) [grd. of viññāpeti, =*viññāpya] accessible to
-āhāra consciousness (i. e. vital principle) sustenance: see
instruction; only in cpds du° & su° indocile & docile S i.138;
above d and cp. Dhs 70, 126; Nett 114 sq.; Vism 341. -kāya: 2 3
D ii.38; Nd 235 ; Ps i.121; ii.195; Vbh 341.
see above e. -khandha life — force as one of the aggre-
Viññāpita [pp. of viññāpeti] instructed, informed; su° well taught
gates of physical life D iii.233; Tikp 61; DhsA 141; VbhA 21,
Miln 101.
42. -ṭṭhiti viññāṇa — duration, phase of mental life. The em-
phasis is on duration or continuation rather than place, which Viññāpetar [n. ag. of viññāpita] an instructor, teacher D i.56; A
would be ṭṭhāna. There are (α) 4 v. — durations with regard iv.196.
to their "storing" (abhisankhāra) quality, viz. combinations of
Viññāpeti [Caus. II. of vijānāti] to address, inform, teach, in-
v. (as the governing, mind — principle) with each of the 4
struct; to give to understand; to appeal to, to beg Vin i.54;
other khandhas or aggregates of material life (rūpa, vedanā,
iv.264; D i.251; J iii.72 (to intimate); Miln 229; VvA 72, 181.
saññā, sankhārā), v. animating or bringing them to conscious-
— pp. viññāpita.
ness in any kind of life — appearance; and (β) 7 v. — dura-
tions with regard to their "regenerating" (new — life comb n Viññāya & viññāyati see vijānāti.
or rebirth=paṭisandhi) quality, viz. the 4 planes of var. beings Viññutā & viññūtā (f.) [fr. viññu] discretion; in phrase viññu-
(from men to devas), followed by the 3 super — dimensional taṁ pāpuṇāti to reach the years of discretion or puberty Vin
stages (the ānañc' āyatanas) of ākāsa — infinitude, viññāṇa — i.269; ii.278; J i.231; iii.437: PvA 3.
infin. & ākiñ — cañña — infin. — Passages in the Canon: Viññupasaṭṭha [vi+ni+upassaṭṭha, pp. of sṛj (?)] un-attacked,
(α) as 4: D 1 i.262 sq.; S iii.53 sq. ("standing for conscious- not deficient, unmolested, undisturbed: is Kern's (Toev. s. v.)
ness" & "platform," °patiṭṭhā S iii.54; K.S. iii.45) — (β) the 7: proposed reading for viññū-pasattha ("extolled by the wise")
D ii.68 sq.; iii.253 (trsl "station of consciousness"), 282; =A at S ii.70 (reads ṭṭh); v.343; D ii.80; iii.245: all identical pas-
iv.39. Both the 4 and the 7 at Nd 570. Cp. under a slightly

Viññupasaṭṭha Vitiṇṇa

sages. We consider Kern's change unnecessary: anupasaṭṭha later works one comes to the conclusion that they were once
would have been the most natural expression if it had been used to denote one & the same thing: just thought, thinking,
meant in the sense suggested by Kern. only in an emphatic way (as they are also semantically syn-
onymous), and that one has to take them as one expression,
Viññū (adj.) [cp. Sk. vijña] intelligent, learned, wise D i.163; S
like jānāti passati, without being able to state their difference.
i.9; iii.134; iv.41 sq., 93, 339; A ii.228; v.15; It 98; Sn 39, 294,
With the advance in the Sangha of intensive study of terminol-
313, 396, 403; Ps ii.19, 21; Miln 21; DA i.18; VvA 87; PvA
ogy they became distinguished mutually. Vitakka became the
130, 226; Sdhp 45. — a° DhA iii.395.
inception of mind, or attending, and was no longer applied,
Viññeyya (adj.) [grd. of vijānāti] to be recognized or apperceived ns
as in the Suttas, to thinking in general. The expl of Com-
(of the sense objects: cakkhu — viññeyya rūpa, etc.) D i.245; mentators are mostly of an edifying nature and based more on
M iii.291; A iii.377; iv.404 sq., 415, 430; Nd 24. — su° eas-
popular etymology than on natural psychological grounds.
ily understood VvA 258.
Vitakkana (nt.)=vitakka Vism 142.
Viṭapa [cp. Epic Sk. viṭapa] the fork of a tree, a branch J i.169,
Vitakkita [pp. of vitakketi] reflected, reasoned, argued DA i.121.
215, 222; iii.28; vi.177 (nigrodha°).
Cp. pari°.
Viṭapin [viṭapa+in] a tree, lit. "having branches" J vi.178.
Vitakketi [Denom. fr. vitakka] to reflect, reason, consider S
Viṭabhī (f.) [=Sk. viṭapin] the fork of a tree M i.306; J ii.107;
i.197, 202; iv.169; v.156; A ii.36; Miln 311. — pp. vitakkita.
Vitacchika at S ii.99=iv.188 read vītaccika (q. v.).
Vitakka [vi+takka] reflection, thought, thinking; "initial applica- 2 1
tion" (Cpd. 282). — Def as "vitakkanaṁ vitakko, ūhanan Vitacchikā (f.) [cp. *Sk. (medical) vicarcikā] scabies Nd 304
(as roga).
ti vuttaṁ hoti" at Vism 142 (with simile on p. 143, compar-
ing vitakka with vicāra: kumbhakārassa daṇḍa — ppahārena Vitacchita [pp. of vitaccheti] planed, smoothed; su° well carded
cakkaṁ bhamayitvā, bhājanaṁ karontassa uppīḷana — hattho (of a cīvara) Vin iii.259.
viya vitakko (like the hand holding the wheel tight), ito c' ito
Vitaccheti [vi+taccheti] 1. tear, pluck, pick to pieces; in simile
sañcaraṇahattho viya vicāro: giving vitakka the characteris-
M i.364 (+virājeti)=S ii.255 (reads vibhajeti for virājeti)=Vin
tic of fixity & steadiness, vicāra that of movement & display). iii.105 (id.). — 2. to smoothe: see pp. vitacchita.
— D ii.277 ("pre — occupation" trsl : see note Dial. ii.311);
Vitaṇḍā (f.) [cp. Epic Sk. vitaṇḍā, e. g. Mbh 2, 1310; 7,
iii.104, 222, 287 (eight Mahāpurisa°); M i.114 (dvidhā — kato
3022] tricky disputation, frivolous or captious discussion; in
v.), 377; S i.39, 126, 186, 203; ii.153; iv.69, 216; A ii.36;
cpds. vitaṇḍa°: °vāda sophistry SnA 447; DA i.247; °vādin
iii.87 (dhamma°); iv.229 (Mahāpurisa°), 353 (°upaccheda);
a sophist, arguer DhsA 3 (so read for vidaḍḍha); VbhA 9, 51,
Sn 7, 270 sq., 970, 1109; J i.407 (Buddha°, Sangha°, Nib-
bāna°); Nd 386, 493, 501 (nine); Nd s. v. takka; Ps i.36, 319, 459. See lokāyata.
136, 178; Pv iii.5 ; Pug 59, 68; Vbh 86, 104 (rūpa°, sadda° Vitata [pp. of vitanoti] stretched, extended, diffused S i.207; Sn
etc.), 228 (sa°), 362 (akusala°); Dhs 7, 160, 1268; Tikp 61, 272, 669 (v. l. vitthata); J i.356 (tanta° where the strings
333, 353; Vism 291 (°upaccheda); Miln 82, 309; DhsA 142; were stretched); Miln 102, 307; Mhvs 17, 31 (vallīhi v.) —
DhA iv.68; VbhA 490; PvA 226, 230. — kāma°, vihiṁsā°, nt. vitata a drum (with leather on both sides) VvA 37.
vyāpāda° (sensual, malign, cruel thought): D iii.226; S ii.151
Vitatha (adj.) [vi+tatha; cp. Epic & Class. Sk. vitatha] untrue;
sq.; iii.93; A i.148, 274 sq.; ii.16, 117, 252; iii.390, 428. Opp.
nt. untruth D ii.73 (na hi Tathāgatā vitathaṁ bhaṇanti); Sn 9
nekkhamma°, avyāpāda°, avihiṁsā° A i.275; ii.76; iii.429. sq.; Vv 53 (=atatha, musā ti attho VvA 240); J v.112; vi.207;
— vitakka is often comb with vicāra or "initial & sustained
Ps 104; DA i.62. — avitatha true S ii.26; v.430; Miln 184;
application" Mrs. Rh. D.; Cpd. 282; "reflection & investi-
Sdhp 530; DA i.65.
gation" Rh. D.; to denote the whole of the mental process of
Vitanoti (*vitanati) [vi+tanoti] to stretch out, spread out; poet.
thinking (viz. fixing one's attention and reasoning out, or as
Cpd. 17 expl it "vitakka is the directing of concomitant prop- ger. vitanitvāna J vi.453. — Pass. vitaniyyati ibid. — pp.
vitata. Cp. vitāna.
erties towards the object; vicāra is the continued exercise of
the mind on that object." See also above def at Vism 142). Vitaraṇa (nt.) [fr. vitarati] overcoming, getting through M i.147
Both are properties of the first jhāna (called sa — vitakka sa (kankhā°); Miln 233 (id.), 351; Sdhp 569.
— vicāra) but are discarded in the second jhāna (called a°).
Vitarati [vi+tarati] 1. to go through, come through, overcome
See e. g. D. i.37; S iv.360 sq.; A iv.300; Vin iii.4; Vism 85; Sn 495, 779 (ger. °eyya, taken as Pot. at Nd 57: oghaṁ
and formula of jhāna. The same of pīti & samādhi at Vbh 228, samatikkameyya), 941, 1052; Pv iii.2 (vitaritvā =vitiṇṇo
of paññā at Vbh 323. The same comb (vitakka+vicāra) at hutvā PvA 181, q. v. for detail). — 2. to perform J ii.14
foll. passages: D iii.219 (of samādhi which is either sa°, or (bubhukkhito no vitarāsi bhottuṁ; v. l. visahāmi). — pp.
a°, or avitakka vicāra — matta); S iv.193; v.111; A iv.409 sq., vitiṇṇa.
450; Nett 16; Miln 60, 62; Vism 453. Cp. rūpa- (sadda —
Vitāna (m. & nt.) [fr. vi+tan] spread — out, canopy, awning Vin
etc.) vitakka+rūpa— (sadda — etc.) vicāra A iv.147; v.360;
iv.279; J i.40, 62, 83; DhA ii.42; SnA 447; VvA 32, 173; PvA
Vbh 103. — On term (also with vicāra) see further: Cpd. 40,
154. See also cela°.
56, 98, 238 sq., 282 (on difference between v. & manasikāra);
Expos. i.188 ; Kvu trsl 238 . — Cp. pa°, pari°. Vitiṇṇa [pp. of vitarati] 1. overcome or having overcome, gone
Note. Looking at the comb vitakka+vicāra in earlier and through, conquered Dh 141 (°kankha); Sn 514 (id.), 746; PvA

Vitiṇṇa Vidālana

181. — 2. given up, rejected, abandoned Dh 176 (°paraloka); Vitthāyitatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. vitthāyita, pp. of vitthāyati] per-
J iv.447 (=pariccatta C.). plexity, hesitation D i.249.
Vitudati [vi+tudati] to strike, prick, nudge, knock, push, attack D Vitthāra [fr, vi+stṛ] 1. expansion, breadth; instr. vitthā-rena in
i.105; S iv.225; A iii.366; Sn 675; Ud 67; J ii.163, 185. — breadth Miln 17; same abl. vitthārato J i.49. — 2. exten-
Pass. vitujjati Vism 505; VbhA 104, 108. — pp. vitunna. sion, detail; often in C. style, introducing & detailed expla-
nation of the subject in question, either with simple statement
Vitunna [pp. of vitudati] struck, pricked, pushed J iii.380.
"vitthāro" (i. e. here the foll. detail; opp. sankhepa), e. g.
Vitureyyati at J v.47 is not clear. The v. l. is vitariyati; the C. DA i.65, 229; SnA 325 [cp. same in BSk. "vistaraḥ," e. g.
expl by tuleti tīreti, i. e. contemplates, examines. Kern, Toev. Divy 428], or with cpds. °kathā SnA 464; PvA 19; °desanā
s. v. discusses it in detail & proposes writing vituriyata (3 rd SnA 163; °vacana SnA 416. Thus in general often in instr. or
sg. praet. med.), & expl at "get over" [cp. Vedic tūryati over- abl. as adv. "in detail," in extenso (opp. sankhittena in short):
come, fr. tur or tvar=P. tarati ]. Dutoit trsl "überstieg."
vitthārena D iii.241; S iv.93; A ii.77, 177, 189; iii.177; Pug
Vitta [orig. pp. of vindati=Av. vista, Gr. αἴστος, Lat. vīsus; 41; PvA 53, 113; vitthārato Vism 351, 479; PvA 71, 77, 81.
lit. one who has found, acquired or recognized; but already Cp. similarly BSk. vistarena kāryaṁ Divy 377.
in Vedic meaning (as nt.) "acquired possessions"] property,
Vitthāratā (f.) [fr. vitthāra] explicitness, detail Nett 2. As vit-
wealth, possessions, luxuries S i.42; Sn 181 sq., 302; J v.350, thāraṇā at Nett 9.
445; vi.308; Pv ii.8 (=vittiyā upakaraṇa — bhūtaṁ vittaṁ
Vitthārika (adj.) [vitthāra+ika] 1. wide — spread Miln 272. —
PvA 106). — Often in phrase °ûpakaraṇa possessions &
2. widely famed, renowned Sn 693; J iv.262. See also bahu-
means, i. e. wealth, e. g. D i.134; S i.71; iv.324; Pug 52;
Dh i.295; PvA 3, 71. Vittaṁ is probably the right reading S
i.126 (15) for cittaṁ. Cf. p. 123 (3); K.S. i.153, n. 3. Vitthārita [pp. of vitthāreti] detailed, told in full Vism 351; Mhvs
Vitta (adj.) [identical with vitta ] gladdened, joyful, happy J 1, 2 (ati° with too much detail; opp. sankhitta).
iii.413 (=tuṭṭha); iv.103; Vv 41 (=tuṭṭha C.); 44 14 (id.), 49 5 Vitthāriyati [Denom. fr. vitthāra] to expand, to go into detail
(id.). Nett 9.
Vitta [pp. of vic to sift, cp. Sk. vikta] see vi°. Vitthāreti [fr. vitthāra] 1. to spread out A iii.187. — 2. to ex-
Vittaka (adj.) [fr. vitta ] possessing riches, becoming rich by pand, detail give in full Vism 351; SnA 94, 117, 127, 274 and
passim. — pp. vitthārita; f.pp. vithāretabba.
(—°) J i.339 (lañca°); iv.267 (miga°), vi.256 (jūta°).
Vitthiṇṇa [vi+thiṇṇa] "spread out," wide, large, extensive, roomy
Vittakatā (f.) [vittaka+tā] in suta° "the fact of getting rich
through learning" as an expl of the name Sutasoma J v.457 J ii.159 (so read for vittiṇṇa); Miln 102, 283, 311, 382; DhsA
(for auspiciousness). Dutoit trsl quite differently: "weil er am 307; SnA 76; VvA 88; Sdhp 391, 617. Cp. pari°.
Keltern des Somatrankes seine Freude hatte," hardly correct. Vidaṁsaka (ad.) [fr. vidaṁseti] showing; danta° showing one's
teeth (referring to laughter) A i.261; J iii.222.
Vitti (f.) [cp. Sk. vitti, fr. vid] prosperity, happiness, joy, felic-
ity A iii.78; J iv.103; vi.117; Kvu 484; Th 1, 609; Dhs 9 (cp. Vidanseti [vi+daṁseti=dasseti] to make appear, to show A i.261;
DhsA 143); PvA 106. Th 2, 74; J v.196; Miln 39. Cp. pa°.
Vittha (nt.) [vi+sthā?] a bowl, in surā° for drinking spirits J Vidaḍḍha [vi+daḍḍha] in redupl. — iter. cpd. daḍḍha-vidaḍḍha
v.427; DhA iii.66. — gatta "with limbs all on fire" Miln 303.
Vitthaka (nt.) [fr. vittha] a small bowl, as receptacle (āvesana°) *Vidati see vindati.
for needles, scissors & thimbles Vin ii.117. 3
Vidatthi (f.) [cp. Vedic vitasti; see Geiger, P.Gr. 38 ] a span (of
Vitthata [pp. of vi+stṛ] 1. extended, spread out, wide M. i.178; 12 angulas or finger — breadths) Vin iii.149 (dīghaso dvādasa
Vin i.297; J v.319; Miln 311; SnA 214; PvA 68 (doubtful!). vidatthiyo sugata — vidatthiyā); iv.279; J i.337; iii.318; Miln
— 2. wide, spacious (of a robe) Vin iii.259. — 3. flat SnA 85; Vism 65, 124, 171, 175, 408; DhA iii.172; iv.220; VbhA
301. 343 (dvādas' angulāni vidatthi; dve vidatthiyo ratanaṁ, etc.).
Vitthata [pp. of vitthāyati (?). A difficult form!] perplexed, Vidahati [vi+dahati; dhā] to arrange, appoint, assign; to provide;
confused, hesitating Miln 36 (bhīta+). Ed. Müller, P.Gr. 102 to practise. — Pres. vidahati: see saṁ°; vidadhāti J vi.537;
considers it as pp. of vi+tras to tremble, together with vitthāy- vidheti J v.107. Pot. vidahe Sn 927 (=vidaheyya Nd 382);
ati & vitthāyi. aor. vidahi J v.347.— Perf. 3 pl. vidadhu [Sk. vidadhuḥ] J
Vitthambhana (nt.) [fr. vi+thambhati] making firm, strengthen- vi.284.— inf. vidhātuṁ Vin i.303 (bhesajjaṁ); ger. vidhāya
ing, supporting Vism 351 (cp. DhsA 335). Mhvs 26, 12 (ārakkhaṁ, posting a guard). — grd. vidheyya
in meaning "obedient," tractable J vi.291. — pp. vihita.
Vitthambheti [vi+thambheti] to make firm, strengthen DhsA 335.
Vidāraṇa (nt.) [fr. vidāreti] splitting, rending Dhtp 247 (in expl n
Vitthāyati [vi+styā: see under thīna] to be embarrassed or con-
of dar), 381 (do of bhid).
fused (lit. to become quite stiff), to be at a loss, to hesitate
Vidārita [pp. of vidāreti] split, rent Sdhp 381.
Vin i.94=ii.272; aor. vitthāsi (vitthāyi?) ibid. [the latter taken
as aor. of tras by Geiger, P.Gr. § 166]. — pp. vitthata & Vidāreti [vi+dāreti: see under darī] to split, rend J i.340. — pp.
vitthāyita. vidārita.

Vidālana Vidhavā

Vidālana (nt.) [fr. vidāleti] breaking open, bursting, splitting ined Miln 237; PvA 125 (Pot. °eyya). — Caus. viddhaṁseti
Miln 1. to shatter, to destroy S iii.190 (both trs. & intrs., the lat-
ter for °ati); J ii.298; iii.431; v.100; DA i.265; Nd 5 (viki-
Vidālita [pp. of vidāleti] split, broken, burst J i.493; PvA 220.
rati vidhameti viddhaṁseti: see also under vikirati). — pp.
Vidāleti [vi+dāleti; see dalati] to break open, split, burst Th 1,
viddhasta & viddhaṁsita.— Pass. viddhaṁsīyati to drop
184; PvA 135, 185. — pp. vidālita.
or to be destroyed, to come to ruin DA i.18=DhsA 19 (suttena
Vidita [pp. of vindati] known, found (out) D iii.100; S v.180; Sn sangahitāni pupphāni na vikirīyanti na v.).
436, 1052; Mhvs 17, 4; DA i.135 (a°).
Viddhaṁsana (adj. — nt.) [fr. viddhaṁseti; cp. BSk. vidhvaṁ-
Viditatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. vidita] the fact of having found or sana Divy 180] shattering, destruction (trs. & intrs.), undo-
known, experience J ii.53. ing, making disappear; adj. destroying S iv.83; Miln 351
(kosajja°); J i.322; v.267 (adj.); Vism 85 (vikkhepa+); VvA
Vidisā (f.) [vi+disā] an intermediate point of the compass S i.224;
58, 161 (adj.). — Often in phrase (denoting complete destruc-
iii.239; Sn 1122; J i.20, 101; vi.6, 531.
tion): anicc — ucchādana — parimaddana — bhedana — vid-
Vidugga (adj. — n.) [vi+dugga] hard to walk; troublesome, dif-
dhaṁsana — dhamma, e. g. D i.76; M i.500; A iv.386; J i.146
ficult, painful. — (m.) difficult passage; difficulty, distress D
[cp. Divy 180: śatanapatana — vikiraṇa — vidhvaṁsana —
iii.27; A iii.128; J iii.269; iv.271.
dharmatā; see also under vikiraṇa].
Vidura (adj.) [fr. vid, cp. Sk. vidura] wise, clever J v.399
Viddhaṁsaka (adj.) [fr. viddhaṁsana] destroying DhsA 165.
(=paṇḍita C.). Cp. vidhura 2.
Viddhaṁsanatā (f.) [abstr. formation fr. viddhaṁsana] quality
Vidū (adj.) [Vedic vidu] clever, wise, knowing, skilled in (—°)
of destruction, ability to destroy Vism 8.
S i.62 (loka°); v.197; Vin ii.241 (pl. paracittaviduno); Sn 677
(vidūhi), 996; J v.222 (dhamma°); Vv 30 11 (=sappañña VvA Viddhaṁsita [pp. of viddhaṁseti] shattered, destroyed DhA
127); Miln 276; Mhvs 15, 51 (ṭhān' âṭhāṇa° knowing right &
wrong sites). — In Pass. sense in dubbidū hard to know J Viddhasta [pp. of viddhaṁsati] fallen to pieces, broken, de-
v.446. — For vidū (vidu) "they knew" see vindati. stroyed M i.227; A ii.50; Sn 542; J i.203; v.69, 401; Vv 63 14
(=vinaṭṭha VvA 265).
Vidūpita at Ud 71 (vitakkā vidūpitā) is to be read as vi- dhūpita.
Viddhā poet. ger. of vijjhati J vi.77.
Vidūra (adj.) [vi+dūra] far, remote, distant A ii.50 (su°). Mostly
neg. a° not far, i. e. near Sn 147; PvA 14, 31, 78, 81. Vidvā see under vindati.
Vidūsita (adj.) [vi+dūsita] corrupted, depraved PvA 178 (°citta). Vidha (adj. (—°) [=vidhā] of a kind, consisting of, — fold, e. g.
Videsa [vi+desa; cp. disā at Vin i.50] foreign country Miln 326; aneka° manifold DA i.103; tathā° of such — kind, such —
VvA 338. like Sn 772; ti° threefold D i.134; Sn 509; nānā° various PvA
53, 96, 113; bahu° manifold ThA 197; etc.
Vidomanassā (f.) [vi+domanassa] absence of dejection Vism
Vidha [=vidha as noun] form, kind Th 1, 428 (māna°). — There
504=VbhA 105.
are several other meanings of vidha, which are, however, un-
Viddasu (adj.) [another form of vidvā=Sk. vidvān: see under
certain & rest on doubtful readings. Thus it occurs at Vin
vindati] skilled, wise M i.65 (gen. sg. & nom. pl. viddasuno),
ii.136 in meaning of "buckle" (v. l. pīṭha; C. silent); at Vin
310 (id.). Usually in neg. form aviddasu foolish Vin ii.296=A
iv.168 in meaning "little box" (?); at DA i.269 as "carrying
ii.56 (pl. aviddasū); S v.1; Th 2, 164 (pl. aviddasū); Sn 762 pole" (=kāca , but text D i.101 has "vividha").
(=bāla C.); Dh 268=Nd 514 (=aviññū DhA iii.395); PvA 18.
Vidhamaka (adj.) [fr. vidhamati] one who throws away or does
Viddesa [fr. vi+disa] enmity, hatred J iii.353; ThA 268.
away with; destroying, clearing away Miln 344 (kilesa — mala
Viddesanā (f.) [abstr. formation fr. viddesa, cp. disatā ] enmity — duggandha°).
Th 2, 446; J iii.353.
Vidhamati & °eti [vi+dhmā in particular meaning of blowing i. e.
Viddesin (adj. — n.) [vi+desin; see dessin] hating; an enemy Th driving asunder, cp. dhamati] (trs.) to destroy, ruin; do away
1, 547. with, scatter. — (intrs.) to drop off, fall away, to be scattered,
to roll or whirl about. — Both vidhamati & °eti are used in-
Viddessati [vi+dessati] to hate Th 2, 418. — grd. vidde-sanīya
to be hated, hateful Sdhp 82. discriminately, although the Caus. °eti occurs mostly in mean-
ing of "destroy." (1) vidhamati: S iii.190; J i.284 (in play
Viddha [pp. of vijjhati] pierced, perforated; hit, struck, hurt Sn of words with dhamati to blow; aor. vidhami=viddhaṁsesi
331; Nd 414 (sallena); Miln 251 (eaten through by worms);
C.); vi.490 (vidhamaṁ te raṭṭhaṁ, is ruined); Miln 91, 226
Sdhp 201 (kaṇṭakena).
(Mārasenaṁ), 237, 337 (intrs., with vikirati & viddhaṁsati).
Viddha (adj.) [cp. *Sk. vīdhra clear sky] clear; only in phrase — (2) vidhameti: Nd 5; J iii.261 (poet. vidhamemasi [write
viddha vigata-valāhaka deva a clear sky without a cloud Vin °se!]=vidhamema, nāsema C.); v.309; Miln 39; PvA 168. —
i.3; M i.317=S i.65=iii.156=v.44=It 20. pp. vidhamita.
Viddhaṁsa [fr. vidhaṁsati] demolition, destruction J iv.58 Vidhamana (nt.) [fr. vidhamati] destroying, scattering, dispers-
(°kārin). ing Miln 244 (Maccu — sena°).
Viddhaṁsati [vi+dhaṁsati] to fall down, to be shattered, to be ru- Vidhamita [pp. of vidhamati] destroyed Nd 576 .

Vidhavā Vinaya

Vidhavā (f.) [Vedic vidhavā widow, vidhu lonely, vidhura sep- denless," unequalled Sn 996 (=vigata — dhura, appaṭima SnA
araṭed, Av. vidavā=Goth. widuwō=Ohg. wituwa (Ger. 583); A i.116 (here in meaning "clever," perhaps=vidura; spelt
Witwe=E. widow); Gr. ἠίχεος unmarried; Lat. vidua widow, vidhūra). Cp. Np. Vidhura KhA 128; SnA 201 (as Vidhūra
etc., in all Idg. languages] a widow S i.170; A iii.128; J vi.33; at J iv.361).
Miln 288; Vism 17; PvA 65, 161; VbhA 339.
Vidhūpana (adj. — nt.) [fr. vidhūpeti] fanning, a fan Vin ii.130;
Vidhā (f.) [cp. Sk. vidhā] 1. mode, manner, sort, kind; propor- iv.263; A ii.130; Nd 562; Vv 33 42 (=caturassa vījani) VvA
tion, form, variety D iii.103 (ādesana°); Th 2, 395 (cakkhu° 147; VbhA 71.
"shape of an eye" trsl ); VbhA 496 (in expl of kathaṁ —
Vidhūpita [pp. of vidhūpeti] scattered, destroyed Sn 472
vidha: "ākāra — saṇṭhānaṁ vidhā nāma"); DA i.222 (id- (=daḍḍha SnA 409); Ud 71 (so read for vidūpita).
dhi°), 294 (in expl of tividha — yañña: "ettha vidhā vuc-
Vidhūpeti (°dhūpayati) [vi+dhūpayati] 1. to fumigate, perfume,
cati ṭhapanā" i. e. performance, arrangement), 299 (sim-
diffuse Miln 252. — 2. to scatter, destroy Vin i.2 (vidhūpayaṁ
ilarly tisso vidhā=tīṇi ṭhapanāni; of yañña). — Used as
(abl.) adv. vidhā in meaning "variously" at Pv ii.9 52 (C. Māra — senaṁ); S i.14; iii.90=A v.325; S iv.210; Ps ii.167.
expl =vidhātabba, not quite correctly; PvA 135). Perhaps the — pp. vidhūpita.
phrase vidhāsamatikkanta is to be explained in this way, Vidhūma (& vidhuma) (adj.) [vi+dhūma] "without smoke," i. e.
viz. "excelling in a variety of ways, higher than a variety (of passionless, quiet, emancipated S i.141 (K.S.: "no fume of vice
things)" or perhaps better: "going beyond all distinctions" (i. is his"); Sn 460 (=kodhadhūma — vigamena v. SnA 405),
e. of personality); free from prejudice [i. e. No. 2] S ii.253; 1048 (cp. Nd 576 with long exegesis); Pv iv.1 34 (=vigata —
iii.80, 136, 170; A iv.53. — 2. (ethically) in special sense: a micchā — vitakkadhūma PvA 230).
distinctive feature (of a person as diff. from others), a "mode"
Vinaṭṭha [pp. of vinassati] destroyed VvA 265; PvA 55.
of pride or delusion, a "form" of conceit. As such specified as
Vinata [pp. of vi+nam] bent, bending PvA 154 (°sākhā).
three kinds of conceit (tisso vidhā), viz. "seyyo 'ham asmi,"
"sadiso 'ham asmi," & "hīno 'ham asmi" (i. e. I am better than Vinadati [vi+nadati] to cry or shout out, to scold J iii.147 (kāmaṁ
somebody else, equal to, & worse than somebody else). See vinadantu let them shout!). Cp. BSk. vinādita "reviled" Divy
e. g. D iii.216; S i.12; iii.48, 80, 127; v.56, 98; Nd 195; Vbh 540.
367; Sn 842; VbhA 496 (māno va vidhā nāma). — The adj.
Vinaddha [pp. of vinandhati] covered, bound, intertwined Vin
form is vidha: see sep.
i.194 (camma°, onaddha+); J v.416; vi.589 (kañcanalatā°
Vidhātar [n. ag. of vidahati] provider, disposer J v.221 (dhātā bheri); Vism 1 (=jaṭita saṁsibbita).
vidhātā, as of Viśvakarman: cp. Macdonell, Vedic Mythology Vinandhati [vi+nandhati] to close, encircle, cover Mhvs 19, 48;
p. 118). Vism 253 (ppr. vinandhamāna: so read for vinaddh°). — pp.
Vidhāna (nt.) [fr. vi+dhā; Vedic vidhāna] 1. arrangement, get up, vinaddha.
performance, process J iii.178 (attano vidhānena "in his robes Vinandhana (nt.) [fr. vi+nandhati] tying, binding Vin ii.116 (°ra-
of office"); Vism 66 sq.; DhsA 168=Vism 122 (bhāvanā°); jju rope for binding).
VbhA 69, 71 (manasikāra°); ThA 273 (id.). — 2. ceremony,
Vinaya [fr. vi+nī, cp. vineti] 1. driving out, abolishing destruc-
rite J vi.202 (yañña°); Miln 3. — 3. assignment, disposition,
provision J ii.208 (vidhi — vidhāna — ññū; C. expl v. as tion, removal Vin i.3 (asmi — mānassa), 235= iii.3 (akusalā-
naṁ dhammānaṁ vinayāya dhammaṁ desemi); S i.40; Sn
"koṭṭhāso vā saṁvidahanaṁ vā"); PvA 30. — 4. succession
921; A i.91 (kodha°, upanāha°); ii.34 (pipāsa°); iv.15 (icchā°);
(as much as "supplement") KhA 216; SnA 23 (note 2). — Cp.
v.165 (id.); SnA 12; PvA 114 (atthassa mūlaṁ nikati°). Often
saṁvidahana & saṁvidhāna.
in phrase rāga°, dosa°, moha°, e. g. S iv.7 sq.; v.137 sq.,
Vidhānavant (adj.) [vidhāna+vant] making dispositions, careful
241; A iv.175; Nett 22. — 2. rule (in logic), way of say-
in providing, circumspect, considerable J vi.287.
ing or judging, sense, terminology (cp. iminā nayena) S iv.95
Vidhāyaka [fr. vi+dhā] providing PvA 60. (ariyassa vinaye vuccati loko); A i.163 (ariyassa vinaye tevi-
jjo one called a threefold wise in the nomenclature of the Bud-
Vidhāvati [vi+dhāvati] to run about, roam, cover space (acc.),
stray S i.37; Sn 411, 939; Nd 414; DA i.39. dhist); ii.166 (ariyassa v.); SnA 403. — 3. norm of conduct,
ethics, morality, good behaviour Sn 916, 974; J iv.241 (=ācāra
Vidhi (f.) [fr. vi+dhā, cp. Ved. vidhi] 1. form, way; rule, di-
— vinaya C.); A ii.112; iii.353 sq. (ariya — vinaye saddhā
rection, disposition, method, motto Vism 278 (manasikāra°,
yassa patiṭṭhitā etc. faith established in Buddhist ethics). —
eightfold); PvA 78 (dāna°=dāna), 126; VvA 82. — instr. vid-
4. code of ethics, monastic discipline, rule, rules of morality
hinā in due form Mhvs 14, 52; PvA 130; Sdhp 336. — 2. or of canon law. In this sense applied to the large collection
luck, destiny J ii.243 (°rahita unlucky). of rules which grew up in the monastic life and habits of the
Vidhutika [etym.?] a wreath Vin ii.10; iii.180. bhikkhus and which form the ecclesiastical introduction to the
"Dhamma," the "doctrine," or theoretical, philosophical part of
Vidhunāti [vi+dhunāti] to shake S i.197; Miln 399; Vism 71. —
the Buddhist Canon. The history & importance of the Vinaya
2. to remove, to skin (an animal) Vin i.193.
Piṭaka will be dealt with under the title "Vinaya" in the Dictio-
Vidhura (adj.) [Vedic vidhura: see vidhavā] 1. destitute, lonely;
nary of Names. Only a few refs. must suffice here to give a
miserable, wretched J v.399 (so read for vidura; according
general idea. See also under Dhamma C., and in detail Geiger,
to Kern, Toev. s. v., but doubtful). — 2. [vi+dhura] "bur- d
Dhamma pp. 55 — 58. — Often comb with dhamma: dham-

Vinaya Vinicchaya

mato vinayato ca on the ground of Dh. and V. Vin i.337; cp. Vināti [vi, by — form of vā to weave: see vāyati ] to weave J
ii.247. — dhammo ca vinayo ca Vin i.356; ii.285, 302; or (as ii.302; DhA i.428 (tantaṁ); inf. vetuṁ Vin ii.150. — Pass.
(Dvandva) dhammavinaya (i. e. the teaching of the Buddha viyyati. Cp. upavīyati. — Caus. II. vināpeti to order to be
in its completeness) D i.229; Vin ii.237 sq.; M i.284; ii.181 woven Vin iii.259 (=vāyāpeti).
sq.; A i.283; iii.297, 327; S i.9; iii.65; Ud 53; VvA 3. Often
Vināma (m.) & Vināmana (nt.) [fr. vināmeti] bending Miln 352
approaches the meaning of "Buddhist order," e. g. Vin i.69;
(°na); VbhA 272 (kāya — vināmanā, bending the body for the
D i.176; M i.68, 459, 480; iii.127; S ii.120; A i.185; ii.123; n
purpose of getting up; in expl of vijambhikā); Dhtp 208.
v.122. — See further Vin ii.96 (vinaye cheko hoti); A ii.168
Vināmeti [vi+nāmeti; Caus. of namati] to bend, twist Miln 107,
(ayaṁ dhammo, ayaṁ v., idaṁ Satthu — sāsanaṁ); Vism 522;
VbhA 273; KhA 106, 151; SnA 4, 195, 310. — a-vinaya one
who sins against the V. (like a — dhamma one who neglects Vināyaka [fr. vi+nī] 1. a leader, guide, instructor M ii.94; Vv 16 7
the Dh.) Vin ii.295 sq.; iii.174; A i.18; v.73 sq. — The di- (=veneyya — satte vineti VvA 83); ThA 69. — 2. a judge J
vision of the books of the Vinaya is given at DhsA 18. Its iii.336.
character (as shown by its name) is given in the foll. verse at Vināsa [vi+nāsa, of naś] destruction, ruin, loss D i.34 (+uccheda
DhsA 19: "(vividha — visesa — ) nayattā vinayanato c' eva & vibhava), 55; Pv ii.7 ; Vism 427 (so read for vinasa); DA
kāya — vācānaṁ vinayy' attha — vidūhi ayaṁ vinayo Vinayo
i.120; PvA 102 (dhana°), 133.
ti akkhāto," i. e. "Because it shows precepts & principles, and
Vināsaka (°ika) (adj.) [fr. vināsa] causing ruin; only neg. a° not
governs both deed and word, therefore men call this scripture
causing destruction A iii.38; iv.266, 270; J v.116.
V., for so is V. interpreted" (Expos. i. 23).
-aṭṭhakathā the (old) commentary on the Vinaya Vism Vināsana (adj.) [fr. vināsa], only neg. a° imperishable Dpvs
72, 272; VbhA 334; KhA 97. -ânuggaha taking up (i. e. fol- iv.16.
lowing the rules) of the Vinaya Vin iii.21; A i.98, 100; v.70.
Vināseti [Caus. of vinassati] 1. to cause destruction, to destroy,
-kathā exposition of the Vinaya Vin iv.142. -dhara one 8
ruin, spoil Th 1, 1027; Sn 106; Pv ii.7 ; DA i.211; PvA 3
who knows or masters the V. by heart, an expert in the V. Vin
(dhanaṁ), 116; Sdhp 59, 314, 546. — 2. to drive out of the
i.169; ii.299 (with dhamma — dhara & mātikā — dhara); A
country, to expel, banish J iv.200.
i.25; ii.147; iii.78 sq., 179, 361; iv.140 sq.; v.10 sq.; J iii.486;
Vinigaḷati [vi+nigaḷati] to drop down Miln 349.
iv.219; Vism 41, 72; KhA 151; DhA ii.30 (with dhamma —
kathika & dhuta — vāda) [cp. BSk. vinayadhara Divy 21]. Viniggata [vi+niggata] coming (out) from J vi.78; DA i.140; DhA
-piṭaka the V. Piṭaka KhA1 2, 97; VbhA 431. -vatthu chap- iv.46; Sdhp 23.
ter of the V. Vin ii.307. -vādin one who professes the V. (or Viniggaha [vi+niggaha] checking, restraint Ps i.16; ii.119.
"speaking in accordance with the rules of conduct"), a V. —
follower D i.4 (here expl by Bdhgh as "saṁvara — vinaya — Viniggilati [vi+niggilati] to throw out, to emit KhA 95.
pahāna — vinaya sannissitaṁ katvā vadatī ti" v. DA i.76, thus Vinighātin (adj.) [fr. vi+nighāta] afraid of defeat, anxious about
taking it as vinaya 3) =M iii.49=Pug 58 (trsl here: "speaking the outcome (of a disputation), in phrase vinighāti-hoti (for °ī
according to self — control"); D iii.135, 175. — hoti) Sn 826, cp. Nd 164.
Vinayati see vineti. Vinicchaya [vi+nicchaya; cp. Vedic viniścaya] 1. discrimina-
tion, distinction, thought, (firm) opinion; thorough knowledge
Vinayana (nt.) [fr. vi+nī] 1. removing, removal Miln 318
of (—°) A iii.354 (pāpakamma°); Sn 327 (dhamma°), 838
(pipāsā°); PvA 39 (soka°). — 2. instruction, discipline, set- 1
(=dvāsaṭṭhi diṭṭhi — vinicchayā Nd 186), 867 (°ṁ kūrute; cp.
ting an example J v.457 (conversion); Miln 220. 1
Nd 265); J iii.205 (attha°); PvA 1, 112, 210 (kūṭa°), 287. —
Vinaḷīkata (adj.) [vi+naḷa+kata, with naḷī for naḷa in comb with
2. decision; (as t. t. in law:) investigation, trial, judgment
kṛ] lit. "having the reed or stem removed," rendered useless,
(given by the king or his ministers) D ii.58 (with ref. to lābha,
destroyed M i.227; A ii.39; Sn 542 (=ucchinna SnA 435); Th d
expl as deciding what to do with one's gains)=iii.289=A
1, 216; J vi.60 (viddhasta+, as at Sn 542). d
iv.400=Vbh 390 (expl at VbhA 512, where vinicchaya is said
Vinassati [vi+nassati] to be lost; to perish, to be destroyed S to be fourfold, viz. ñāṇa°, taṇhā°, diṭṭhi°, vitakka°); J ii.2. —
iv.309; M ii.108 (imper. vinassa "away with you"); J iii.351; 3. court house, hall of judgment J i.176; iii.105; iv.122, 370;
v.468; Pv iii.4 ; Vism 427. — pp. vinaṭṭha. Caus. vināseti. vi.333; Miln 332 (vinaya°, i. e. having the Vinaya as the law
court in the City of Righteousness). — 4. (as t. t. in logic
Vinā (indecl.) [Vedic vinā=vi — nā (i. e. "not so"), of pron. base
& psychology:) (process of) judgment, detailed analysis, de-
Idg. *no (cp. nānā "so & so"), as in Sk. ca — na, Lat. ego —
ne, pō — ne behind, etc. See na ] without, used as prep. (or liberation, consideration, ascertainment J v.60 (°ṁ vicāreti);
VbhA 46 sq. (according to attha, lakkhaṇa, etc.), 83 sq. (id.);
post — position) with (usually) instr., e. g. Vin ii.132 (vinā
KhA 23, 75.
daṇḍena without a support); PvA 152 (purisehi vinā without
-kathā analytical discussion, exegesis, interpretation
men); or abl., e. g. Sn 589 (ñāti sanghā vinā hoti is sepa-
Vism 16; VbhA 291 (opp. pāḷi — vaṇṇanā). -ññū clever in
rated from his relatives; cp. BSk. vinābhavati MVastu i.243);
or acc., e. g. Mhvs 3, 10 (na sakkā hi taṁ vinā). In comp n deciding or giving judgment J iii.205; v.367 (a°). -ṭṭhāna
place of judgment, law court J v.229; DhA iii.141; iv.215.
vinā-bhāva separation [cp. BSk. vinābhāva MVastu ii.141]
Sn 588, 805; Nd 122; J iii.95; iv.155; v.180; vi.482 (=viyoga -dhamma law practice J. v.125; DhA iii.141. -vīthi process
of judgment (in logic): see Cpd. 241. -sālā the law court(s) J

Vinicchaya Vinīvaraṇa

iv.120; DhA iii.380. ination Vism 306 (dhātu°), 368 (id.); neg. a° absence of dis-
crimination, indistinction DhsA 47; used as adj. in sense of
Viniccharati [vi+niccharati] to go out (in all directions) J iv.181.
"not to be distinguished," indistinct at J iii.428 (°sadda).
Vinicchita [pp. of vinicchināti] discerned, decided, distinguished,
Vinibhindati [vi+ni+bhid] to break (right) through M i.233.
detailed Vin i.65 (su°); J v.65 (a°); SnA 477; Sdhp 508.
Vinimaya [fr. vi+nimināti] reciprocity, barter, exchange J ii.369.
Vinicchin (adj.) [fr. vinicchināti] discerning Th 1, 551.
Vinimīleti [vi+nimīleti] to shut one's eyes Sdhp 189.
Viniccninana (nt.) [fr. vinicchināti] giving judgment J v.229.
Vinimutta (Vinimmutta) [vi+nis+mutta] 1. released, free from J
Vinicchināti (°inati) & vinicchati [vi+nicchināti] to investigate,
i.375 (mm); Sdhp 1, 4, 16, 225. — 2. discharged (of an arrow)
try; to judge, determine, decide J v.229; fut. vinicchissati Vin
iii.159; ger. vinicchinitvā Nd 76; aor. vinicchini J ii.2; inf. DhA iii.132 (mm).
vinicchituṁ J i.148; DhA iv.215. — pp. vinicchita. Vinimoceti [vi+nis+moceti, cp. nimmoka] to free (oneself) from,
Vinijjita (adj.) [vi+nijjita] unvanquished Sdhp 318. to get rid of A iii.92; Pug 68.
Viniyujjati [vi+niyujjati] to be connected with, to ensue, accrue
Vinidhāya (indecl.) [vi+nidhāya, ger. of vinidahati] lit. "mis-
PvA 29 (=upakappati).
placing," i. e. asserting or representing wrongly, giving a false
notion of (acc.) Vin ii.205, expl at Vin iv.2; SnA 204. Viniyoga [vi+niyoga] possession, application, use DhsA 151;
VvA 157; PvA 171, 175.
Vinindati [vi+nindati] to censure, blame, reproach J ii.346;
vi.200. Vinivaṭṭeti (& °vatteti) [vi+nivatteti] 1. to turn over, to repeat J
i.25 (ṭṭ), 153 (ṭṭ), 190 (ṭṭ). — 2. to turn (somebody) away from,
Vinipāta [fr. vi+nipāteti] ruin, destruction; a place of suffering,
to distract Pv i.8 (read °vattayi for °vattanti); ii.6 (°vattayi;
state of punishment, syn. with apāya & duggati (with which
often comb , plus niraya, e. g. Vin i.227; D i.82, 162; M aor.); J iii.290 (ṭṭ). — 3. to roll over, to glide off J iii.344 (ṭṭ);
DhA ii.51 (ṭṭ).
i.73; A iii.211; It 58; Pug 60): A v.169; Sn 278; J iii.32;
Miln 108; Vism 427 (where expl as "vināsā nipatanti tattha Vinivijjha (adj.) [grd. of vinivijjhati] to be pierced; in dubbinivi-
dukkaṭakārino, " together with duggati & niraya). The sotā- jjha difficult to pierce, hard to penetrate J v.46.
panna is called "avinipāta — dhammo," i. e. not liable to be
Vinivijjhati [vi+ni+vijjhati] to pierce through & through J ii.91;
punished in purgatory: see under sotāpanna, & cp. sym. term
Miln 339; DhsA 253.
khīna-niraya A iii.211.
Vinivijjhana (nt.) [fr. vinivijjhati] piercing, perforating, pene-
Vinipātika (adj.) [fr. vinipāta] destined to suffer in purgatory, li- n
trating DhsA 253; ThA 197 (in expl of bahuvidha).
able to punishment after death D ii.69; iii.253; M i.73, 390; A
Vinividdha [pp. of vinivijjhati] pierced (all through), perforated
i.123; ii.232 sq.; iv.39, 401; J v.117, 119.
J v.269; vi.105; Vism 222.
Vinipāteti [vi+nipāteti] to bring to ruin, to destroy, to frustrate
Viniveṭhana (& °nibbeṭhana) (nt.) [vi+nibbeṭhana] unwrapping,
Vin i.298; J vi.71; VvA 208.
unravelling; fig. explaining, making clear, explanation, refu-
Vinibaddha (adj.) [vi+nibaddha] bound (to) S i.20; iii.9; A iii.311 tation Nd 503 (diṭṭhi — sanghātassa vinibbeṭhana; where id.
(chanda — rāga°); iv.289 (id.); Nd 30 (+lagga etc.). 1
p. at Nd 343 reads vinivedhana, cp, nibbedha); Miln 96;
Vinibandha [vi+nibandha] bondage S ii.17; iii.135, 186; A VvA 297 (diṭṭhi — gaṇṭhiviniveṭhana).
i.66 (+vinivesa); Sn 16. — The five cetaso vinibandhā
Viniveṭheti [vi+nibbeṭheti] 1. to disentangle, to unwrap Vin i.3,
(bondages of the mind) are: kāmesu rāgo, kāye rāgo, rūpe
276 (anta — gaṇṭhiṁ, the intestines); J ii.283 (sarīraṁ); v.47.
rāgo, yāvadatthaṁ udar' âvadehakaṁ bhuñjitvā seyya —
— 2. to disentangle oneself, to free oneself (from) A iii.92;
sukhaṁ anuyogo, aññataraṁ deva — nikāyaṁ paṇidhāya
Pug 68.
brahmacariyaṁ; thus at D iii.238; M i.103; A iii.249; iv.461,
Vinivesa [vi+nivesa] tie, bond, attachment A i.66 (+vinibandha).
463 sq.; v.17; Vbh 377.
Vinīta [pp. of vineti] led, trained, educated S v.261; A iv.310 (viy-
Vinibbhujati (or °bhuñjati) [vi+ni+bhujati] 1. [to bhuj, to bend,
as in bhuja & nibbhujati] to turn inside out Th 2, 471. — 2. atta+); DhA ii.66 (°vatthu); PvA 38. — avinīta not trained
[to bhuj or bhuñj as in bhuñjati and paribhuñjati ] to sepa- S iv.287; Vv 29 ; Dhs 1003, 1217; suvinīta well trained S
iv.287; opp. dubbinīta badly trained J v.284, 287. — ratha-
rate, cut off, remove M i.233; S iii.141; iv.168 (spells wrongly
vinīta (nt.) a relay M i.149.
jj). — 3. [id.] to cleanse; fig. to sift out thoroughly, to dis-
tinguish, discriminate M i.292; J v.121 (avinibbhujaṁ, ppr.); Vinīlaka (adj.) [vi+nīlaka] of a bluish — black (purple) colour,
Miln 63 (doubled); Vism 438 (spelling wrongly jj); DhsA 311. discoloured J ii.39 (of a cygnet, bastard of a swan & a crow,
— pp. vinibbhutta. "resembling neither father nor mother," i. e. "black & white").
Usually applied to the colour of a corpse (purple, discoloured),
Vinibbhujana (nt.) [fr. vinibbhujati] turning inside out ThA 284.
the contemplation of which forms one of the 10 asubha-
Vinibbhutta [pp. of vinibbhujati] separated, distinguished, dis-
saññās: M i.88 (uddhumātaka+); Sn 200 (id.). — A. i.42;
criminated Vism 368.
ii.17; S v.129 sq.; Dhs 264; Nett 27; Miln 332; Vism 110, 178,
Vinibbhoga (adj.) [vi+nibbhoga] lacking, deprived of (—°), de- 193.
ficient ThA 248 (viññāṇa°).
Vinīvaraṇa (adj.) [vi+nīvaraṇa] unobstructed, unbiassed, unprej-
Vinibbhoga [fr. vinibbhujati 3] sifting out, distinction, discrim- udiced A ii.71; Sdhp 458. Usually in phrase °citta of an un-

Vinīvaraṇa Vipañcita

biassed mind, comb with mudu-citta & udagga-citta: Vin vijjamāna existing J i.214; iii.127; PvA 25, 87, 103; Miln 216
i.16, 181; D i.110, 148; A iv.186. — Same in BSk., e.g. (gen. pl. vijjamānataṁ). — Caus. vedeti; Pass. Caus. vediy-
MVastu iii.225; Divy 616 sq. ati; grd. vedanīya: see separately, with other derivations. —
B. vind to find, possess, enjoy (cp. vitta , vitta , vitti) Sn 187
Vinudati is only found in Caus. form vinodeti.
(vindate dhanaṁ), 658; Th 1, 551; 2, 79 (aor. vindi); J vi.508
Vinetar [n. ag. fr. vineti] teacher, instructor, guide Sn 484; Ps
(vindate, med.=look for, try to find for oneself); Mhvs 1, 13
ii.194 (netar, vinetar, anunetar); J iv.320.
(ppr. vindaṁ); DhA iii.128 (ppr. vindanto), 410. PvA 60, 77.
Vineti [vi+neti; cp. vinaya] 1. to remove, put away, give up. — inf. vindituṁ Miln 122; J 18; grd; vindiya Vism 526 (as
— ppr. vinayaṁ J vi.499; Pot. 3 sg. vinayetha Sn 361, avindiya in expl of avijjā). — Cp. nibbindati. — pp. vitta 1
& vineyya Sn 590; imper. vinaya Sn 1098, & vinayassu Sn (for which adhigata in lit. meaning).
559. — ger. vineyya Sn 58 (but taken as Pot. at Nd 577 ); Vindussara is v. l. of bindu° (q. v.).
Pv ii.3 34 (macchera — malaṁ); vinetvā J v.403 (chandaṁ);
Vipakka (adj.) [vi+pakka] fully ripe J i.136.
vinayitvā VvA 156, & vinayitvāna Sn 485 (bhakuṭiṁ). — 2.
to lead, guide, instruct, train, educate A iii.106 (inf. vinetuṁ); Vipakkha (adj.) [vi+pakkha 2] opposite, hostile; enemy; only in
S iv.105 (Pot. vineyyaṁ & fut. vinessati); aor. vinesi Miln foll. cpds.:
13 (Abhidhamme); ger. vinayitvāna ThA 69 (Ap. v. 10); grd. -sevaka siding in or consorting with the enemy, keeping
vinetabba SnA 464, & vineyya Miln 12; cp. veneyya. — pp. bad company, a traitor J i.186; iii.321; DhA iv.95. -sevin id.
vinīta. J i.487; ii.98.
Vinodaka (adj.) [fr. vinodeti, cp. nudaka & nūdaka] driving out, Vipakkhika (adj.) [vipakkha+ika] 1. [vi+pakkha 1] without
dispelling, allaying PvA 114 (parissama°). wings J i.429. — 2. [vi+pakkha 2] opposite, hostile Sdhp
Vinodana (adj. — nt.) [fr. vinodeti] dispelling, removal A
iii.387, 390; Sn 1086 (chanda — rāga°,=pahāna etc. Nd 578); Vipakkhin (adj.) [vi+pakkhin] having no wings, without wings J
Miln 285; DA i.140 (niddā°); DhA i.41 (tama°, adj.); PvA 38 v.255.
Vipaccatā (f.) at Vin ii.88 is perhaps a der. fr. vi+vac, and not
Vinodeti [Caus. of vi+nudati] to drive out, dispel, remove, put pac, thus representing a Sk. *vivācyatā, meȧning "challeng-
away S iv.70, 76, 190; A ii.13, 117; Sn 273, 956, (tamaṁ); ing in disputation," quarrelsomeness, provocation. See also
967; Nd 454, 489; J i.183; ii.63, 283 (sinehaṁ); Vv 84 ; vipāceti. If fr. vi+pac, the meaning would be something like
Miln 259 (imper. vinodehi, +apanehi, nicchārehi); Mhvs "heatedness, exasperation."
5, 245 (vimatiṁ); 31, 10 (kankhaṁ); DhA iv.145; PvA 38
Vipaccati [vi+paccati] 1. to be cooked, i. e. to ripen J v.121; PvA
104. — 2. to bear fruit D ii.266; S i.144; M i.388; Nett 37;
Vindati [vid, both in meaning "to know" & "to find"; cp. Gr. VvA 171.
ε᾿ϊδον I saw, ο᾿ϊδα I know=Sk. veda "Veda," ει῎δωλον "idol";
Vipaccanaka (adj.) [fr. vipaccati, cp. paccana] bearing fruit,
Vedic vindati to find, vetti to know, vidyā knowledge; Goth.
ripening (fully) Miln 421 (Notes); PvA 190.
witan to observe & know= Ger. wissen; Goth. weis=E. wise,
Vipaccanīka (adj.) [vi+paccanīka] hostile M i.402; A iv.95; J
etc., for which see Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. video] the Vedic
iv.108; Pug 20; Vbh 351, 359, 371; VbhA 478; PvA 87.
differentiations vetti "to know" and vindati "to find" are both
in Pāli, but only in sporadic forms, some of which are archaic Vipajjati [vi+pajjati] to go wrong, to fail, to perish (opp. sampa-
and therefore only found in poetry. Of vid are more frequent jjati) DhA iii.357; PvA 34. — pp. vipanna.
the Pass. vijjati and derivations fr. the Caus. ved°. The root
Vipañcanā & Vipañciyati: see under vipañcita.
vind occurs only in the present tense and its derivations. — A.
Vipañcita [fr. vi+pañc, cp. papañcita] only in phrase °ññū either:
vid to know, to ascertain: The old Vedic pres. vetti only at Th
knowing diffuseness or detail, or: of unillusioned understand-
1, 497 (spelt veti). Another old aor. is vedi [Sk. ayedīt] Dh. d
ing, clear — minded, unprejudiced, comb with ugghaṭita —
419, 423; J iii.420 (=aññāsi); iv.35 (here perhaps as aor. to d
ññū at A ii.135=Pug 41 (trsl by B. C. Law as "learning by
Caus. vedeti: to cause to know or feel). Remnants of the old s
perfect tense 3 pl. [Sk. viduḥ] are vidū & viduṁ (appears exposition"; PugA 223 expl as "vitthāritaṁ atthaṁ jānāti," i.
as vidu in verse), e. g. at Th 1, 497; Sn 758; Pv ii.7 (=jā- e. one who knows a matter expl in detail. The spelling at
A ii.135 is vipacita°; at Pug 41 vipaccita° & at PugA vipac-
nanti PvA 102); J v.62 (=vijānanti C.); Mhvs 23, 78. The old
cita°, with v. l. vipañcita°); Nett 7 sq., 125; SnA 163 (where
participle of the same tense is vidvā [=Sk. vidvān; cp. Geiger
P.Gr. 100 ] in meaning "wise" Sn 792, 897, 1056, 1060; expl d ugghaṭita-ññū is applied to those who understand by con-
as vijjāgato ñāṇī vibhāvī medhāvī at Nd 93, 308; Nd 575. densed instruction, sankhepa — desanāya, and vipañcita —
ññū to those who need a detailed one, vitthāradesanā; thus
Opp. avidvā Sn 535; M i.311. — Younger forms are a recon-
"learning by diffuseness"). — At Nett 9 we have the var. terms
structed (grammatical) pres. vidati DA i.139; ger. viditvā S
vipañcanā, vipañcayati & vipañciyati (Denom.) used in the
v.193; Sn 353, 365, 581, 1053, 1068 and pp. vidita (q. v.). —
description of var. ways of parsing and grammatical analysis.
Pass. vijjati to be found, to be known, to exist; very frequent,
Here vipañcanā (resting clearly on Sk. papañca expansion)
e. g. Sn 20 (pl. vijjare), 21, 431, 611, 856, 1001, 1026; Th 1,
132; D i.18; Pv i.5 ; ii.3 18 (spelt vijjite!) ii.9 14 (=atthi C.); 3 rd means "expanding" (by letters & vowels) and stands midway
sg. pret. vijjittha Sn 1098 (mā v.=saṁvijjittha Nd 568). ppr. between ugghaṭanā & vitthāraṇā "condensing & detailing."
The term vipañcayati (=vipañciyati) is used in the same way.

Vipañcita Vipassanā

— Note. The term is not sufficiently cleared up. It occurs in Vipariyādikata (adj.) [vipariyāya+kata, with sound change y>d,
BSk. as vipañcika (e. g. Divy 319, 391, 475, where it is viz. °āyi>°ādi] thrown out of its course, upset, destroyed Th
appl to "brāhmaṇā naimittikā" & trsl by Cowell as "sooth 1, 184 (cittaṁ; cp. similar phrase vipariyatthaṁ cittaṁ J v.372
— sayer"), and vipañcanaka (Divy 548?), with which cp. — The v. l. at Th passage is vimariyādi°).
vipañcitājña at Lal. Vist. 520. See remark on vejjañjanika.
Vipariyesa [a contamination form between °pariyaya & °pal-
Vipaṇeti [vi+Caus. of paṇati] to sell, to trade (with) J iv.363 lāsa] reversal, contrariness, wrong state Kvu 306 (three rever-
(=vikkiṇati C.). sals: saññā°, citta°, diṭṭhi°; or of perception, consciousness &
views, cp. Kvu trsl 176); Vbh 376 (id.). — °gāha inverted
Vipatati see vipāṭeti 2.
grasp i. e. holding opposite views or "holding the contrary
Vipatti (f.) [vi+patti ] wrong state, false manifestation, failure,
aim" (B. C. Law) Pug 22; DhsA 253 (=vipallattha — gāha).
misfortune (opp. sampatti) Vin i.171 (ācāra° failure of moral-
Viparivatta [vi+parivatta] changing or turning round, upset J
ity); A i.270 (ājīva°); iv.26, 160 (atta°, para°); Ps i.122; J
i.344 (lokassa °kāle).
vi.292; Nett 126 (the 3 vipattiyo: sīla°, diṭṭhi°, ācāra°); DhA
i.16 (sīla°) DA i.235. — Often in pair diṭṭhi° wrong view, Viparivattati [vi+parivattati] to turn round, to upset J iv.224 (nāvā
heresy, & sīla° moral failure: D ii.213; A i.95, 268, 270; Vin °amānā capsizing); Miln 117; ThA 255.
v.98; Vbh 361; Dhs 1361. — payoga° wrong application PvA
Viparivattana (nt.) [fr. viparivattati] changing, change. reverse
117, 136 (opp. °sampatti).
DhsA 367.
Vipatha [vi+patha] wrong way or course Vv 50 (=apatha VvA
Viparīta (adj.) [pp. of vi+pari+i] reversed, changed; equivocal;
wrong, upset A iii.114 (°dassana); iv.226 (id.); v.284; Th 2,
Vipanna [pp. of vipajjati] gone wrong, having lost, failing in 393; J i.334; Kvu 307; Miln 285, 324; Nett 85 (°gāha), 126
(—°), opp. sampanna: A iii.19 (rukkho sākhā — palāsa° (°saññā); PvA 244. — aviparīta unequivocal, certain, dis-
a tree which has lost branches and leaves); Sn 116 (°diṭṭhi tinct, definite A v.268 (°dassana); Miln 214 (°vacana); PvA
one who has wrong views, heretic; expl as "vinaṭṭha — sam- 231 (=sacca & yāthāva).
mādiṭṭhi" SnA 177); Miln 258 (su° thoroughly fallen). -sīla°
Viparītatā (f.) [abstr. fr. viparīta] contradistinction Vism 450
gone wrong in morals, lacking morality Vin i.63 (+ācāra°,
diṭṭhi°); ii.4 (id.); J iii.138 (vipanna — sīla).
Vipalāvita [vi+palāvita, pp. of Caus. of plu] made to float, float-
Vipannatta (nt.) [fr. vipanna] failure, misfortune Dhs A 367.
ing, thrown out (into water) J iv.259 (reads viplāvitaṁ)=i.326
Viparakkamma (indecl.) [ger. of vi+parakkamati] en- (reads vipalāvitaṁ, with reading nipalāvitaṁ in C.). The C.
deavouring strongly, with all one's might Sn 425 at J iv.259 expl as "uttārita," so at J i 326 as "brought out of
water," fished out=thale ṭhapita, evidently incorrect.
Viparāmosa (Viparāmāsa) [vi+parāmāsa, the form °mosa prob-
ably a distortion of °māsa] highway robbery D i.5 (expl as Vipallattha (adj.) [=Sk. viparyasta, pp. of vi+pari+as: see
twofold at DA i.80, viz. hima° & gumba°, or hidden by the vipallāsa] changed, reversed, upset, deranged, corrupt, per-
snow & a thicket; the pop. etym. given here is "janaṁ mu- verted. Occurs in two forms: vipariyattha J v.372 (°cittaṁ:
santi," i. e. they steal, or beguile people); iii.176 (v. l. °māsa); in poetry); and vipallattha Vism 20 (°citta: trsl "with corrupt
A ii.209; v.206; S v.473; Pug 58. thought"; T. spells vipallatta, v. l. °attha); DhsA 253 (°gāha);
PvA 212.
Viparāvatta [pp. of vi+parā+vṛt] reversed, changed D i.8; M ii.3;
S iii.12; v.419; DA i.91. Vipallāsa [cp. Sk. viparyāsa, vi+pari+as (to throw). The diaeretic
P. form (founded on Sk. is vipariyāsa; another bastard form
Vipariṇata [vi+pariṇata] changed, perverted Dhs 1038; Vbh 1, 3,
is vipariyesa (q. v.)] reversal, change (esp. in a bad sense),
5 sq.; Miln 50.
inversion, perversion, derangement, corruption, distortion. —
Vipariṇāma [vi+pariṇāma] change (for the worse), reverse, vi-
The form vipariyāsa occurs at Vin ii.80 (citta — °kata, with
cissitude D iii.216 (°dukkhatā); M i.457 (also as "disappoint- d
deranged mind or wrong thoughts); J i.344 (where it is expl
ment"); S ii.274; iii.8; iv.7 sq., 67 sq.; A ii.177 (°dhamma sub-
by vipallāsa). Otherwise vipallāsa, e. g. Sn 299; Ps ii.80;
ject to change); iii.32; v.59 sq.; Vbh 379 (°dhamma); Vism 499
Vism 214 (attha°); Nett 4, 27, 31, 85 sq., 115 sq.; DhA ii.228;
(°dukkha), 629 sq.; VbhA 93 (id.); PvA 60. — a° absence of
PvA 7, 70. — There are 3 kinds of vipallāsas, viz. saññā°
change, steadfastness D i.18; iii.31, 33; DhA i.121.
perversion of perception, citta° of thought, diṭṭhi° of views;
Vipariṇāmeti [Denom. fr. vipariṇāma] to change, alter D i.56 A ii.52; Nett 85; Vism 683. See the same under vipariyesa!
(T. °ṇamati; but DA i.167 °ṇāmeti: sic for °ṇāmati!)=S iii.211;
Vipallāsayati [Denom. fr. vipallāsa] to be deceived (about), to
PvA 199.
distort, to have or give a wrong notion (of) Nett 85.
Viparibhinna [vi+paribhinna] (entirely) broken up M i.296; S
Vipassaka (adj.) [fr. vipassati] qualified to win insight, contem-
plating, gifted with introspection S ii.232; Ps i.167; Miln 342,
Vipariyattha in verse at J v.372 is the poet. form of vipallattha 369; 393, VbhA 297.
(so the C. expl ).
Vipassati [vi+passati] to see clearly; to have intuition, to obtain
Vipariyaya & Vipariyāya [vi+pariyaya] change, reversal DA spiritual insight D iii.196 (ye nibbutā loke yathābhūtaṁ vipas-
i.148 (ā); SnA 499; DhsA 253 (ā); Sdhp 124, 333. Cp. sisuṁ, aor.); Th 1, 471; 2, 271 (vipassi for °passasi); Sn 1115;
vipariyesa & vipallāsa. J iii.183 (pabbajitvā vipassitvā arahattaṁ pāpuṇiṁsu).

Vipassanā Vippaṭipādeti

Vipassanā (f.) [fr. vi+passati; BSk. vipaśyanā, e. g. Divy 44, [=vipaṭiyati?] with v. l. vidāliyati); J v.33 (reads: muddhā
95, 264 etc.] inward vision, insight, intuition, introspection D vipphaleyya sattadhā: perhaps the best reading), 493 (mud-
iii.213, 273; S iv.195, 360; v.52 (samatha+); A i.61 (id.), 95; dhā vipateyya [sic] sattadhā). See vipphalati.
ii.140, 157 (samatha+); iv.360; v.99, 131; Ps i.28, 57 sq., 181;
Vipāḷiyati see vipāṭeti 2.
ii.92 sq.; Pug 25; J i.106; Dhs 55, 1356; Nett 7, 42 sq., 50, 82,
Vipiṭṭhi [vi+piṭṭhi] in phrase vipiṭṭhi-katvā(na) Sn 67 & 362,
88 sq., 125 sq., 160, 191; Miln 16; Vism 2 (with jhāna etc.),
to turn one's back on (acc.), to leave behind, to abandon; cp.
289 (+samādhi), 628 sq. (the 18 mahā°); PvA 14 (samāhita — n 2
piṭṭhito karoti. The expl at Nd 580 is pahāna etc.; at SnA
citta°), 167; VvA 77; Sdhp 457, 466.
119 piṭṭhito katvā.
-anga constituent of intuition SnA 8 (given as "nāmarūpa
— pariccheda etc."). -upekkhā indifference by introspec- Vipina (nt.) [cp. *Sk. vipina, Halāyudha 2, 55] wood, grove D
tion Vism 162. -kammaṭṭhāna exercise for intuition DhA i.248 (doubtful; vv. ll. vijina, vivada, vivana); Ap 51 (vv. ll.
iv.46. -ñāṇa ability or method of attaining insight Vism 629; vivana, vicina; C. vivana & vipina); Dāvs iv.39; PvA 81 (read
DhA iv.30; cp. Cpd. 65 sq., where 10 such modes. -dhura vicitta!).
obligation of introspection DhA i.8; iv.37 sq. Viputta (adj.) [vi+putta] without a son, bereft of his son J v.106.
Vipassin (adj.) [fr. vipassati] gifted with insight, wise A iv.244; 1
Vipubbaka (adj.) [fr. vi+pubba ] full of corruption or matter,
Sn 349; It 2=7.
festering (said of a dead body). The contemplation (saññā) of
Vipāka [fr. vi+pac] fruit, fruition, product; always in pregnant a festering corpse is one of the asubhakammaṭṭhānas. — M
meaning of "result, effect, consequence (of one's action)," ei- i.58, 88; iii.91; A iii.324. — As °saññā: A ii.17; v.310; Dhs
ther as good & meritorious (kusala) or bad & detrimental 264; Nett 27; Miln 102, 332; Vism 110, 178, 193.
(akusala). Hence "retribution" (kamma°), reward or punish- Vipula (adj.) [cp. Sk. vipula] large, extensive, great, abundant.
ment. See on term e. g. Dhs. trsl introd. xciii; Cpd. 43. 249.
The word is poetical. — D iii.150; A i.45 (°paññatā); Sn 41,
— D iii.150, 160, 176 sq.; S i.34, 57, 92 (kammassa); ii.128 1 6
675, 687, 978, 994; Th 1, 588; Nd 581 (=adhimatta); Vv 67
(compar. vipākatara), 255 (id.); iv.186 sq., 348 sq.; A i.48, 97 18 9 69
(=mahanta VvA 290); Ap 40; Pv ii.1 ; ii.4 ; ii.9 (=ulāra
(sukha°, dukkha°), 134 (kamma°), 263; ii.34 (agga), 80, 112;
PvA 139); Miln 164, 311, 404; PvA 7, 76; Sdhp 271.
iii.35, 172 (dānassa), 410 sq. (kāmānaṁ etc.), 436; iv. 303
Vippakata [pp. of vippakaroti; vi+pakata] 1. imperfectly exe-
(kamma°); v.251; Sn 653 (kamma°); Ps ii.79 (dukkha°); Pv
i.9 ; i.10 & passim; Pug 13, 21; Dhs 431, 497, 987; Vbh 16 cuted, left unfinished, interrupted D i.2 (cp. Dh i.49); Vin
ii.172, 243, 304; iv.279; A ii.196; J i.120. — 2. done wrongly
sq., 73, 319, 326 sq., 334 (sukha°); Kvu 353 sq., 464 (kamma
J v.214. — At Vin iv.358 (in Bdhgh's remarks on Pāc. 26,
& vipāka); Nett 99, 161, 180 sq.; Tikp 27 (fourfold), 44, 48,
1) we find vippagatamedhuna as inaccurate spelling for vip-
50, 292 (a° & sa°), 328 sq. (°tika), 350 sq.; Dukp 17; Vism
pakata — methuna ("interrupted intercourse").
177, 454 (fourfold), 456 (°viññāṇa), 538 (°paccaya), 545 sq.;
VbhA 17, 150 sq. (kusala° & akusala), 144, 177, 391; PvA Vippakaroti [vi+pa+kṛ] to ill — treat, abuse Vin ii.133. - pp.
50, 73, 77; Sdhp 12, 73, 197, 235. vippakata.
Vipākatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. vipāka] state of being ripe PvA 52. Vippakāra [vi+pakāra] change, mutation, alteration J vi.370;
DhA i.28; VvA 46.
Vipāceti [Caus. of vi+pac, or distorted fr. vivāceti?] to become
annoyed, to get angry (lit. to get heated): this meaning as Vippakiṇṇa [pp. of vippakirati] strewn all over, beset with, sprin-
trsl of vi+pac, although not quite correct, as pac means to kled (with) J ii.240; vi.42; DhA i.140; DA i.40; VvA 36.
"ripen" and is not ordinarily used of heated conditions. Since
Vippakiṇṇatā (f.) [abstr. fr. vippakiṇṇa] the fact of being beset
the word is not sufficiently cleared up, we refrain from a de-
or endowed (with) Vism 8.
tailed discussion concerning possible explanations. It may
Vippakirati [vi+pakirati] 1. to strew all over PvA 92. - 2. to
suffice to point out that it occurs only in Vinaya (and in one
sporadic passage S i.232) in standing comb ujjhāyati khīyati confound, destroy J ii.398. — pp. vippakiṇṇa.
vipāceti, expressing annoyance or irritation about something; Vippakkamati [vi+pakkamati] to part company, to go away Vin
e. g. Vin i.191; ii.85, 291; iv.64. The corresponding BSk. iv.284.
phrase is avadhyāyati dhriyati [to resist, dhṛ] vivācayati, e.
Vippajahati [vi+pajahati] to give up, to abandon Sn 817 (inf.
g. Divy 492. It is not quite clear which of the two versions
°pahātave), 926 (Pot. °pajahe); ger. °pahāya Sn 367, 499,
is the older one. There may be underlying a misunderstood 514; J i.87. — pp. vippahīna.
(dial.) phrase which was changed by popular analogy. The
Vippaṭikkula (adj.) [vi+paṭikkūla] contrary, antagonistic Dhs
BSk. phrase seems a priori the more intelligible one; if we
1325=Pug 20.
take vipāceti=vivāceti, we should translate it as "to speak dis-
paragingly." Mrs. Rh. D at K.S. i.296 trsl as "were vexed Vippaṭipajjati [vi+paṭipajjati. Cp. BSk. vipratipadyate Divy
and fretted and consumed with indignation. " — See remarks 293] to go astray; fig. to err, fail; to commit sin Vin iii.166; S
under khīyati & cp. vipaccatā. i.73; J i.438. — pp. vippaṭipanna. — Caus. vippaṭipādeti.
Vipāṭeti [vi+pāṭeti] 1. to rip or tear open Vin ii.115. - 2. to be Vippaṭipatti (f.) [vi+paṭipatti] wrong way, error, sin Vism 511.
destroyed, to fall to pieces (cp. pāṭeti & Pass. pāṭiyati in Vippaṭipanna [pp. of vippaṭipajjati] "on the wrong track," going
sense of "destroy") Pv iv.1 46 (sanghāṭiyo vipātayanti T.; vv. or gone astray, committing sin Pv iv.1 (°citta=adhammiyaṁ
ll. vināsayati & vidālayati; PvA 240 expl as Pass. vipāḷiyati
paṭipadaṁ paṭipanna PvA 242).

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