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Pali English Dictionary.

Sattava=satta Sadevaka

Sattava=satta [a diaeretic sattva] J v.351. Cp. Lal. Vist. 520. i.308, cp. Miln 282 °nisāna [=Sk. niśāna]. -vāta a cutting
Satti (f.) [fr. śak, cp. Vedic śakti] ability, power Dhtp 508 Usu- pain A i.101=307; J iii.445.
ally in phrase yathā satti as much as one can do, according to Satthaka (adj.) [fr. sattha ] belonging to a caravan, caravan peo-
one's ability Cp i.10 ; DhA i.399; or yathā sattiṁ D i.102, or ple, merchant PvA 274.
y. sattiyā DhA i.92.
Satthar [Venic śāstṛ, n. ag. fr. śās] teacher, master. — nom.
Satti (f.) [cp. Vedic śakti, orig. identical with satti ] 1. knife, satthā D i.49; Sn 179; acc. satthāraṁ D i.163; Sn 153, 343;
dagger, sword A iv.130; J ii.153; Vism 313 (dīgha — daṇḍa° instr. satthārā D i.163; instr. satthunā Mhvs 32, 19; gen.
with a long handle); DhA i.189; ii.134 (tikhiṇa° a sharp knife). satthu D i.110; It 79; Vin i.12; gen. satthuno D ii.128; Sn
mukha° piercing words J i.341. — 2. a spear, javelin S i.13; 547, 573, loc. satthari Dhs 1004; nom. and acc. pl. satthāro
A ii.117; J i.150. D i.230; A i.277; Miln 4; gen. pl. satthārānaṁ J i.509. —
-pañjara lattice work of spears D ii.164. -langhana See e. g. D i.230; A i.277; Vin i.8; Th 2, 387. — The 6
javelin dance J i.430. -simbali-vana the forest of swords teachers (as in detail at D i.52 — 59 & var. places) are Pūraṇa
(in purgatory) J v.453. -sūla a sword stake, often in simile Kassapa, Makkhali Gosāla, Nigaṇṭha Nāthaputta, Sañjaya Be-
°ûpamā kāmā S i.128; A iii.97; Vism 341. Also N. of a pur- laṭṭhiputta, Ajita — Kesakambalī. — 5 teachers at Vin ii.186;
gatory J v.143 sq. A iii.123. — 3 at D i.230; A i.277. — The Master par ex-
cellence is the Buddha D i.110; ii.128; iii.119 sq.; A iii.248;
Sattika see tala°.
iv.120, 460; Sn 153, 545, 955 (see exegesis in detail at Nd 1
Sattu [Vedic śatru] an enemy J v.94 (acc. pl. sattavo); Vism 234 2
446=Nd 630), 1148; Vism 389, 401, 604. — gaṇa-satthar
leader of a company J ii.41, 72; satthāra-dassana sight of the
Sattu [cp. Sk. śaktu] barley — meal, flour Vin ii.116 (satthu); Master SnA 49; satthu-d-anvaya successor of the M. Sn 556.
Nd 372; J iii.343 sq.; Pv iii.1 ; Dhs 646. 1
Satthi (nt. & f.) [cp. Sk. sakthi] the thigh Vin ii.161; Th 1, 151;
-āpaṇa baker's shop J vi.365. -pasibbaka flour sack; 17
Vv 81 ; J ii.408; iii.83; vi.528; antarā° between the thighs A
°bhasta id. J iii.346.
Sattuka [fr. sattu ] an enemy J iii.154; Mhvs 32, 18. 3
Satthika (adj.) [fr. sattha ] belonging to a caravan D ii.344.
Sattha (nt.) [cp. Vedic śastra, fr. śas to cut] a weapon, sword, Satthu see sattu ; satthu° see satthar.
knife; coll. "arms" D i.4, 56; Sn 309, 819 (expl as 3: kāya°,
vacī°, mano°, referring to A iv.42, at Nd 151); J i.72, 504; Satthuka "having a teacher," in atīta° [belonging to the whole
Pv iii.10 ; SnA 458 (°mukhena); PvA 253. Often in comb n cpd.] whose teacher is dead D ii.154.
daṇḍa+sattha (cp. daṇḍa 4), coll. for "arms," Vin i.349; D Satthuna [?] a friend J i.365.
i.63; A iv.249; Nd 576. — satthaṁ āharati to stab oneself Satthuvaṇṇa [satthar°+vaṇṇa] gold (lit. the colour of the Master)
S i.121; iii.123; iv.57 sq.
Vin iii.238, 240.
-kamma application of the knife, incision, operation Vin
Sathera (adj.) [sa +thera] including the Theras A ii.169
i.205; SnA 100. -kāraka an assassin Vin iii.73. -vaṇijjā
trade in arms A iii.208. -hāraka an assassin Vin iii.73; S Sadattha [sat (=sant)+attha] the highest good, ideal D ii.141; M
iv.62. i.4; A v.207 sq.; Dh 166; Mhvs 3, 24. It may be taken as
Sattha (nt.) [cp. Vedic śāstra, fr. śās to teach] a science, art, lore sa +attha (with euphonic -d- ), i. e. one's own good, as it is
expl by Bdhgh at DhA iii.160 ("sake atthe"), & adopted in
Miln 3; SnA 327, 447. — vāda° science of right belief SnA
trsl at Dial. ii.154.
540; sadda° grammar SnA 266; supina° dream — telling SnA
564. Sadatthuta (adj.) [sadā+thuta] always praised J iv.101 (=nicca —
Sattha [sa +attha; Sk. sārtha] a caravan D ii.130, 339; Vin i.152, pasattha C.).
292; Nd 446; Dh 123 (appa° with a small c.), Miln 351. Sadara (adj.) [sa +dara] fearful, unhappy A ii.172; M i.280,
-gamanīya (magga) a caravan road Vin iv.63. -vāsa en- 465=D iii.57 (reads dd).
campment D ii.340, 344. -vāsika & °vāsin caravan people J Sadasa [sa+dasā] a squatting mat with a fringe Vin iv.171.
i.333. -vāha a caravan leader, a merchant D ii.342; Vv 84 7
Sadassa [sat(=sant)+assa] a horse of good breed A i.289.
(cp. VvA 337); leader of a band, teacher; used as Ep. of the
Buddha S i.192; It 80, 108; Vin i.6. In exegesis of term Satthā Sadā (adv.) [fr. saṁ°] always Sn 1041, 1087, 1119; Nd 631
at Nd 446=Nd 630=Vism 208. (where long stereotype definition); Dh 79; Pv ii.8 11 (=sab-
Sattha [pp. of sāsati; śās] told, taught J ii.298 (v. l. siṭṭha). bakālaṁ yāvajīvaṁ PvA 110); ii.9 37 (=sabbakālaṁ divase di-
vase sāyañ ca pāto ca PvA 127); iv.1 .
Sattha (adj.) [wrong for satta=śakta] able, competent J iii.173
-matta "always revelling," N. of a palace J i.363 sq. (cp.
(=samattha C.).
Divy 603); a class of devas D ii.260.
Sattha [cp. Sk. śvasta, śvas] breathed: see vissattha. 2
Sadisa (adj.) [sa +disa=dṛśa] similar, like, equal D ii.261; S
Satthaka (nt.) [fr. sattha ] a knife, scissors Vin ii.115 (daṇḍa°, iii.48 sq.; A i.125=Pug 35; Vin i.8; J i.191; Dhs 116; Vism
with a handle); J v.254 (as one of the 8 parikkhāras); Miln 282. 543=VbhA 148. Cp. sādisa.
aya° at J v.338 read °paṭṭaka.
Saderita see saterita.
-nisādana [cp. Sk. niśātana] knife — sharpening DhA 3
Sadevaka (adj.) [sa +deva+ka] together with the devas, with the

Sadevaka Saddhi

deva world D i.62; iii.76, 135; Sn 86; Vin i.8, 11; Dh 44; DA i.10 ; iv.1 ; DhA ii.82. — as(s)addha unbelieving PvA 42,
i.174. At J i.14 sadevake (loc.) is used in the sense of "in the 54, 67, 243 & passim (see a°). — 2. credulous Sn 853; Dh 97.
world of men & gods." 2
Saddha [cp. Epic Sk. & Sūtra literature śrāddha, fr. śrad —
Sadevika (adj.) [sa +devī+ka] together with his queen Mhvs 33, dhā] a funeral rite in honour of departed relatives connected
70. with meals and gifts to the brahmins D i.97; A i.166; v.269,
273; DA i.267; saddhaṁ pamuñcati to give up offerings, to
Sadda [cp. late Vedic śabda; BSk. śabda as nt. at AvŚ i.3] 1.
abandon Brahmanism Vin i.7; D ii.39; Sn 1146. The word is
sound, noise D i.79, 152; iii. 102 sq., 146, 234, 244 sq.,
n. according to Abhp and A v.269 — 273; loc. °e, D i.97; J
269, 281; M iii.56, 267; A iii.30 sq.; iv.91, 248; J i.3 (ten
ii.360; kaṁ saddhaṁ (acc. in a gāthā), seems to be f.; Com.
sounds); Sn 71; Vism 408 (var. kinds); Dhs 621 (udaka°);
DhA ii.7 (udrīyana°); def at Vism 446 ("sota — paṭihanana ib. 360 has saddhā — bhattaṁ, a funeral repast (v. l. saddha
— °). Thus it seems to be confused with saddhā.
— lakkhaṇa," etc.) & at VbhA 45 ("sappatī ti saddo, udāhariy-
atī ti attho"). — 2. voice J ii.108. — 3. word Vin i.11; It 114; Saddhamma [sad(=sant)+dhamma, cp. BSk. saddharma, e. g.
DhA i.15 (itthi°); VbhA 387 (in nirutti); SnA 261, 318, 335. Jtm 224] the true dhamma, the best religion, good practice,
-kovida a grammarian or phonetician SnA 321. -dhātu the "doctrine of the good" (so Geiger, Pali Dhamma pp. 53,
element of sound Dhs 707. -naya science of grammar, ety- 54, q. v. for detailed discussion of the term) M i.46; S v.172
mology KhA 107. -bheda word analysis Vism 519 sq. -vidū sq.; A i.69; iii.7 sq., 174 sq., 435 sq.; v.169, 317; Sn 1020; Dh
a grammarian SnA 169. -vedhin shooting by sound Mhvs 23, 38; J v.483; DhA iv.95. Seven saddhammas: M i.354, 356; D
85. -sattha science of words, grammar SnA 266. -siddhi iii.252, 282; A iv.108 sq. — Opp. a-saddhamma (q. v.); four
analysis or correct formation of a word, grammatical explana- a°: A ii.47; eight: Vin ii.202.
tion SnA 304, 551. -garu paying homage to the true religion S i.140.
-savana hearing the (preaching of the) true dhamma D iii.227,
Saddana (nt.) [fr. śabd: see saddāyati] making a noise Dhtm
274; A i.279; ii.245; iv.25 sq., 221; v.115 sq.
Saddhā (f.) [cp. Vedic śraddhā: see saddahati] faith (on term cp.
Saddala (adj.) [cp. Sk. śādvala] grassy Th 1, 211; J i.87; vi. 518; n 2
Miln 286; Pv ii.12 (=taruṇa — tiṇa PvA 158). Geiger, Saṁyutta trsl ii.45 ) D i.63; iii.164 sq.; S i.172=Sn
76; S v.196; Dh 144; A i.150, 210; iii.4 sq., 352; iv.23;
Saddahati [Vedic śrad — dhā, only in impers. forms grd. śrad
v.96; Dhs 12; Miln 34 sq.; Tikp 61, 166, 277, 282. — in-
— dadhāna; pp. śrad — dhita; inf. śrad — dhā; cp. Av.
str. saddhāya (used as adv.) in faith, by faith in (acc. or
ǤraǤ — dā id.; Lat. cred — (d)o (cp. "creed"); Oir. cre-
gen.) Vin ii.289 (āyasmantānaṁ); J v.176 (pabbajita); PvA 49
tim to believe. Fr. Idg. *kred (=cord° heart)+*dhe, lit. to
(kammaphalaṁ s.); or shortened to saddhā ( — pabbajita) M
put one's heart on] to believe, to have faith D ii.115; 244; S i.123; A i.24; J i.130. The same phrase as saddhāya pabbajita
iii.225; Pv ii.8 ; J v.480; DhA ii.27. ppr saddahanto DA i.81; d
at S i.120 is expl as "saddahitvā" by Bdhgh (see K.S. i.321),
PvA 148 (a°), 151 (a°), 285; & saddahāna S i.20, 214; Sn thus taking it as ger.
186; It 112. Pot. saddheyya J ii.446 (=saddaheyya C.); 2 nd -ânusārin walking according to faith M i.479; A i.74;
pl. saddahetha J iii.192; 3 pl. saddheyyuṁ S ii.255. At
Pug 15; Nett 112, 189. -indriya (saddh°) the faculty, i. e.
J vi.575 (Pot.) saddahe seems to be used as an exclamation
the moral sense, of faith D iii.239, 278; A ii.149; S v.193,
in the sense of "I wonder" (cp. maññe). — saddahase at Pv 377; Dhs 12, 62, 75; Nett 19. -cariyā living in faith Vism
iv.8 is to be read saddāyase (see saddāyati). — grd. sad-
101. -deyya a gift in faith D i.5; Vin i.298; iv.30; DA i.81.
dhātabba J ii.37; v.480; PvA 217; saddahātabba D ii.346;
-vimutta emancipated through faith M i.478; A i.74, 118 sq.;
saddahitabba Miln 310; saddheyya Vin iii.188; and sad-
Pug 15; Nett 190. -vimutti emancipation through faith Pug
dhāyitabba (Caus.!) PvA 109. A Caus. aor. 2 sg. is (mā)... 15.
saddahesi J vi.136 140 — ger. saddhāya J v.176 (=saddahitvā
Saddhātar [n. ag. fr. saddahati, i. e. sad+dhātar] a believer Sdhp
C.); inf. saddhātuṁ J v.445. — pp. (Caus.) saddhāyita.
— Caus. II. saddahāpeti to make believe, to convince; Pot.
°dahāpeyya J vi.575; Pv iv.1 ; fut. °dahāpessati J i.294. Saddhāyika (adj.) [fr. saddhāya, ger. of saddahati] trustworthy
D ii.320; A iv.109 (so read for °sika); Th 2, 43, 69.
Saddahanā (f.) [fr. sad+dhā] believing, trusting, having faith
Nd 632; Dhs 12, 25; Nett 15, 19; DhA i.76. Saddhāyita [pp. of saddahati; BSk. śraddhayita] one who is
trusted; nt. that which is believed, faith Pv ii.8 May be mis-
Saddāyati [Denom. fr. sadda; i. e. śabd] cp. Epic Sk. śab-dayati
& śabdāyati] 1. to make a sound Miln 258; Pv iv.8 (saddāyase spelling for saddhāyika.
read for saddahase); iv.16 (id.); Ud 61 (°āyamāna noisy). — Saddhiṁ (& saddhi°) (adv.) [in form=Vedic sadhrīṁ "towards
2. to call, summon (with acc.) J iii.288. one aim," but in meaning=Vedic sadhryak (opp. viṣvak, cp.
P. visuṁ) "together." Cp. also Vedic saṁyak=P. sammā. The
Saddita [pp. of śabd; cp. saddāyati] sounded, called Sdhp 100.
BSk. is sārdhaṁ, e. g. s. vihārin AvŚ ii.139] together; as
Saddūla [cp. Sk. śārdūla] a leopard Miln 23.
prep. (following the noun): in company with (instr.) D i.31;
Saddha (adj.) [orig. adj. of saddha , but felt to be adj. of saddhā; Vin i.32; iii.188 (expl as "ekato"); J i.189; ii.273; DA i.35;
cp. BSk. śrāddha AvŚ i.83, 383] 1. believing faithful D i.171; Miln 23; also with loc. DA i.15; or gen. Vin ii.154; J i.420.
S i.43; ii.159 sq.; A i.150; ii.164, 227 sq.; iii.3 sq., 34, 182; As adv. saddhiṁ agamāsi J i.154, cp. saddhiṁkīḷita J ii.20.
iv.38, 145, 314 sq.; v.10 sq., 124 sq.; Sn 188, 371; Dh. 8; Pv -cara companion Sn 45, 46 (=ekato cara Nd 633); Dh

Saddhi Santāpa

328. -vihārika (saddhi°) co — resident, fellow — bhikkhu; J iv.260 (bhaya°).
pupil Vin i.45 sq.; A iii.70; J i.182, 224; Vism 94; DhA ii.19. 2 3
Santaka (adj.) [sa +antaka] limited (opp. anantika) S v.272.
-vihārin id. A ii.239; iii.69; J i.1; f. °vihārinī Vin iv.291.
Santacā (f.) [?] bark J v.202 (sattacaṁ?).
Saddhiya (nt.) [abstr. fr. *śraddhya] only in neg. a° (q. v.).
Santajjeti [saṁ+tajjeti] to frighten, scold, menace J i.479; v.94;
Sadhana (adj). [sa +dhana] wealthy, rich D i.73; J i.334.
ThA 65; PvA 123, 195.
Sadhamma [sa +dhamma] one's own religion or faith M i.523;
Santataṁ (adv.) [ satataṁ, or fr. saṁ+tan] continually, only
Sn 1020; Bu ii.6=J i.3.
in cpds.: °kārin consistent A ii.187; °vutti of consistent be-
Sadhammika [sa +dhamma+ika] co — religionist D ii.273. haviour A ii.187; M i.339; °sīla steady in character M i.339.
San [cp. Vedic śvā, gen. śunaḥ; Av. spā, Gr. κύων; Lat. canis, Santatara see sant.
Oir. cū, Goth. hunds=hound] a dog; nom. sg. sā D i.166=M
Santati (f.) [fr. saṁ+tan, lit. stretch] 1. continuity, duration, sub-
i.77; S i.176; iii.150; Kvu 336. For other forms of the same
sistence Dhs 643; Nett 79; Miln 72, 185; VbhA 8, 170, 173;
base see suvāṇa.
VvA 25; Vism 431, 449. citta° continuity of consciousness
San (=saṁ) acc. of sa . Kvu 458; cp. Cpd. 6, 153 , 252 sq.; dhamma° continuity
Sanacca (nt.) [sa +nacca] dancing ( — party) Vin ii.267. of states Miln 40; rūpa° of form VbhA 21; sankhāra° causal
connection of material things Th 1, 716. — 2. lineage Miln
Sanati see saṇati.
Sanantana (adj.) [for sanātana (cp. purātana); Idg. *seno=Gr. 1
Santatta [pp. of santappati] heated, glowing D ii.335; M i.453;
ε῞νος old; Sk. sanaḥ in old times; Av. hana old, Lat. se-
S i.169 (divasa°); J iv.118; Miln 325; PvA 38 (soka°).
neo, senex ("senile"), senatus; Goth. sineigs old; Oir. sen
Santatta 2 [pp. of santasati] frightened, disturbed J iii.77
old] primeval, of old; for ever, eternal D ii.240, 244; S i.189
(=santrasta C.).
(cp. K.S. i.321: porāṇaka, santānaṁ vā paṇḍitānaṁ dhamma);
DhA i.51. Santaneti (& °tāneti) [Caus. of saṁ+tan] to continue A iii.96 sq.;
Sanābhika (adj.) [sa +nābhi+ka] having a nave (of a wheel) D S iv.104; Pug 66 sq.; SnA 5 (see santāyati).
ii.17, 172; A ii.37; at both places comb with sa-nemika "with Santappati [saṁ+tappati ] to be heated or chafed; fig. to grieve,
a felly" (i. e. complete). sorrow M i.188; J iii.153. — pp. santatta — Caus. °tāpeti
Sanāmika (adj.) [sa +nāma+ika] having a name, called Bu to burn, scorch, torment M i.128; S iv.56 sq. — pp. santāpita.
ii.194=J i.28. Santappita [pp. of santappeti] satisfied, pleased J ii.44; Pv ii.8 11
Sanidassana (adj.) [sa +nidassana] visible D iii.217; Dhs 1087. (=pīṇita PvA 110).
Santappeti [Caus. of saṁ+tappati ] to satisfy, please D i.109; Vin
Sant [ppr. of atthi] 1. being, existing D i.61, 152; A i.176; It 62
i.18; J i.50, 272. — pp. santappita.
sq.; Sn 98, 124. — 2. good, true S i.17; Dh 151. — Cases:
nom. sg. m. santo Sn 98; Miln 32; Nd 635 (=samāna); f. Santara (adj.) [sa +antara, cp. E. with — in] inside; in comp n
satī (q. v.); nt. santaṁ A v.8; PvA 192; acc. santaṁ D ii.65; °uttara inner & outer Vin iii.214; iv.281; °uttarena with an
& sataṁ J iv.435 (opp. asaṁ); instr. satā D ii.55; loc. sati D inner & outer garment Vin i.298; ThA 171; °bāhira within &
ii.32; A i.176; iii.338; Sn 81; Dh 146; It 85; & sante D i.61; without D i.74; Dh 315; J i.125; DA i.218; DhA iii.488.
abl. santato Nett 88; DhsA 206 sq. — pl. nom. santo M i.24; 2
Santarati [saṁ+tarati ] to be in haste, to be agitated; ppr. °amāna
S i.71; Sn 450; It 62; Dh 151; nt. santāni D i.152; acc. sante
(°rūpa) J iii.156, 172; vi.12, 451.
Sn 94, 665; gen. sataṁ M i.24; S i.17; Sn 227; instr. sabbhi 1
Santavant (adj.) [fr. santa ] tranquil Dh 378.
D ii.246; S i.17, 56; Miln 221=J v.49; Dh 151; loc. santesu.
— Compar. santatara It 62; superl. sattama (q. v.). Santasati [saṁ+tasati ] to be frightened or terrified, to fear, to be
Santa [pp. of sammati ] calmed, tranquil, peaceful, pure D i.12; disturbed Miln 92. ppr. santasaṁ J vi.306 (a°), & santasanto
Vin i.4; S i.5; A ii.18; Sn 746; Pv iv.1 34 (=upasanta — kilesa J iv.101 (a°); Pot. santase J iii.147; v.378; ger. santasitvā J
ii.398. — pp. santasita & santatta.
PvA 230); Miln 232, 409; Vism 155 (°anga; opp. oḷārik'anga);
DhA ii.13; iii.83. — nt. peace, bliss, nibbāna S iv.370. Santasita [pp. of santasati] frightened Miln 92; PvA 260 (=suṭṭhu
-indriya one whose senses are tranquil A ii.38; Sn 144; tasita).
Vin i.195; J i.506; -kāya of calmed body Dh 378; DhA iv.114.
Santāna (nt.) [fr. saṁ+tan] 1. spreading, ramification, tendril
-dhamma peaceful condition, quietude J i.506; -bhāva id.
(valli°) KhA 48. — 2. one of the 5 celestial trees J vi.239
Miln 265. -mānasa of tranquil mind Vin i.195; J i.506. -vāsa
(°maya made of its flowers). — 3. (also m,) continuity, suc-
peaceful state DhA iv.114. -vutti living a peaceful life It 30,
cession; lineage S iii.143; DA i.46; DhsA 63, 217, 297; Vism
555; VbhA 164. Cp. citta° continuity of consciousness Cpd.
Santa [pp. of sammati ] tired, wearied, exhausted Dh 60; J i.498; 167 .
Pv ii.9 36 (=parissama — patta PvA 127).
Santānaka [santanā+ka] 1. (nt.)=santāna 1; VvA 94, 162 (°valli a
Santaka (adj.) [fr. sant; cp. BSk. santaka Divy 280 etc.] 1. sort of long creeper). mūla° a spreading root S iii.155; J i.277.
belonging to J i.122; nt. property J i.91, 494; DhA i.346. — — 2.=santāna 2 VvA 12. — 3. (nt.) a cobweb Vin i.48. — 4.
2. due to (gen.) J iii.408; iv.37. — 3. (being) in the power of offspring S i.8.

Santāpa Santhāra

Santāpa (adj. — n.) [fr. saṁ+tap] burning; heat, fire; fig. tor- Santuṭṭhitā (f.) [abstr. formation fr. last] state of contentment D
ment, torture Sn 1123 (cp. Nd 636); J i.502; Miln 97, 324; iii.115; A i.12; Pug 25; Vism 53; Dhs 1367 (a°).
VbhA 70 (various), 245 (aggi°, suriya°); Sdhp 9, 572.
Santuleyya (adj.) [metric for °tulya, grd. of saṁ+tuleti] commea-
Santāpita [pp. of santāpeti] heated, aglow Th 2, 504. surable; neg. a° J vi.283.
Santāpeti see santappati. Santus(s)ita [pp. of santussati] contented, pleased, happy S iii.45
(°tussit' attā); Sn 1040; Dh 362 (=suṭṭhu tusita DhA iv.90);
Santāyati [saṁ+tāyati] to preserve (connect?) Vism 688 (better
Mhbv 31 (ss).
°dhāyati)=SnA 5 (reads °tāneti).
Santāraṇa (nt.) & °ī (f.) [fr. saṁ+tāreti ] conveying to the other Santussaka (adj.) [fr. santussati] content Sn 144.
shore S iv.174; M i.134. — f. santāraṇī Ap 234 (scil. nāvā). Santussati [saṁ+tussati] to be contented, or pleased, or happy;
ppr. °amāna Sn 42. — pp. santuṭṭha & °tusita.
Santāsa [saṁ+tāsa] trembling, fear, shock A ii.33; S iii.85; J
i.274; Miln 146, 207; PvA 22. Santosa [fr. saṁ+tuṣ] contentment DA i.204.
Santāsaniya (adj.) [fr. saṁ+tāsana] making frightened, inspiring Santhata [pp. of santharati] 1. spread, strewn with (—°), covered
terror Miln 387. D ii.160; Vin iii.32; Sn 401, 668. — dhamani°gatta having
the body strewn with veins, emaciated Vin iii.146=J ii.283; J
Santāsin (adj.) [fr. santāsa] trembling, frightened Dh 351.
i.346, 350 & passim (see dhamani). Kern, Toev. s. v. con-
Santi (f.) [fr. śam, cp. Sk. °śānti] tranquillity, peace Sn 204; D
siders santata the right spelling. — 2. (nt.) a rug or mat Vin
ii.157; A ii.24; Dh 202. 5
iii.224; Vv 63 (=tiṇa — santharaka VvA 262).
-kamma act of appeasing (the gods), pacification D i.12;
Santhatika (adj.) [fr. santhata 2] sleeping on a rug Miln 342, 359.
DA i.97. -pada "the place of tranquillity"; tranquil state, i.
e. Nibbāna A ii.18; VvA 219. -vāda an advocate of mental Santhana (nt.) [fr. śam, cp. Sk. śāntvana] 1. appeasing Dh 275.
calm Sn 845 (°vada in verse); Nd 203. — 2. satisfaction Vv 18 .
Santika (nt.) [sa +antika] vicinity, presence; santikaṁ into the Santhamati at J i.122 is to be read saṇdhamati "to blow."
presence of, towards J i.91, 185; santikā from the presence of,
Santhambhati [saṁ+thambhati] to restrain oneself, to keep firm
from J i.43, 83, 189; santike in the presence of, before, with D nd
Sn 701 (imper. med. 2 sg. °thambhassu); Pug 65; J i.255;
i.79, 144; Dh 32=Miln 408; Sn 379; Vin i.12; S i.33; J v.467;
iii.95. — Caus. °thambheti to make stiff or rigid, to numb J
with acc. S iv.74; with abl. Mhvs 205; nibbānasantike Dh
372; instr. santikena=by, along with J ii.301 (if not a mistake
Santhambhanā (f.) & °thambhitatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. san- thamb-
instead of santikaṁ or santike?).
hati] stiffening, stiffness, rigidity Dhs 636; DhsA 324; J i.10
-âvacara keeping or being near D i.206; ii.139; J i.67.
(a — santhambhana — bhāva).
Santikā (f.) [unclear in origin & meaning] a kind of game, "spel-
Santhara [fr. saṁ+str] a couch or mat Vin ii.162; A i.277; Ap 97
licans" (Rh. D.); (Kern: knibbelspel) D i.6; Vin ii.10; iii.180;
DA i.85.
Santharaka=santhara; only as tiṇa° made of grass Vin i.24; M
Santiṭṭhati [saṁ+tiṭṭhati] 1. to stand, stand still, remain, con-
i.501; J i.360; VvA 262.
tinue A iv.101 (udakaṁ=stands still), 282, 302 sq.; Pug 31;
J i.26. — 2. to be established, to be put into order Vin ii.11. Santharaṇaka (adj.) [fr. santharati] spreading, strewing; °vāta a
— 3. to stick to, to be fixed or settled, to be composed D wind which strews things about SnA 67.
ii.206; iii.239 (citta); S v.321; Vin i.9, 15; It 43. — 4. to
Santharati [saṁ+tharati] to spread, strew D ii.84. — pp.
restrain oneself J i.438. — 5. to wait for (acc.) DhA i.50.
santhata. — Caus. santhāreti Mhvs 29, 12. — Caus. II.
— Forms: pres. santiṭṭhati D ii.206; S iii.133; saṇṭhahati
santharāpeti to cause to be spread Vin iv.39; Mhvs 29, 9.
J vi.160; & saṇṭhāti Pug 31; J iv.469. ppr. saṇṭhahanto
Santhariṁ (adv.) [fr. santhara] by way of spreading; in sabba°
Vin i.9; Pot. saṇṭhaheyya Vin ii.11; S v.321. aor. saṇṭhāsi
Vin i.15; saṇṭhahiṁsu (3 pl.) S ii.224. Inf. saṇṭhātuṁ J so that all is spread, prepared D ii.84; cp. Vin i.227, 384.
i.438; DhA i.50. — pp. saṇṭhita — Caus. II. saṇṭhapeti (& Santhava [fr. saṁ+stu, cp. santhuta] acquaintance, intimacy S
°ṭhāpeti). i.17; Sn 37, 168, 207, 245; J i.158; ii.27, 42, 180; Dhs 1059;
DhsA 364; DhA i.235. nom. pl. santhavāni Sn 844=S iii.9;
Santīraṇa (nt.) [saṁ+tīraṇa] investigation, decision; as t.t. de-
J iv.98. -°jāta having become acquainted, an acquaintance
noting a stage in the act of sense — cognition, judging an im-
Nd 198. — a°vissāsin intimate without being acquainted A
pression (see Cpd. 28, 40, 238) DA i.194; DhsA 264, 269,
272; Vism 459. As °ā (f.) at Nett 82, 191. -°kicca function
of judging Tikp 33; Vism 21, 454. Santhavana (nt.) [fr. saṁ+thavati] acquaintance DhsA 364.
Santuṭṭha [pp. of santussati] pleased, happy D i.60, 71; M ii.6; Santhāgāra [Sk. sansthāgāra] a council hall, a mote hall D i.91;
A ii.209; iv.232 sq.; v.25, 67, 130, 154. mahā°, the greatly ii.147; A ii.207; M i.228, 353, 457; iii.207; DA i.256; J iv.72,
contented one, the Arahant DhsA 407. 147; Vin i.233; VvA 298; DhA i.347. Cp. saṇṭhāna 3.
Santuṭṭhi (f.) [saṁ+tuṭṭhi] satisfaction, contentment D i.71; M Santhāna see saṇṭhāna.
i.13; Sn 265; Dh 204; A ii.27, 31; iii.219 sq., 432 (a°); DhA
Santhāra [saṁ+thāra] spreading, covering, floor(ing) S i.170; Vin
ii.120 (3 kinds of floors: iṭṭhakā°, silā°, dāru°, i. e. of tiles,

Santhāra Sandhi

flags, wood); A i.136 (paṇṇa°); J vi.24 (id.); J i.92; Ps i.176. — — sandāna°).
2. (cp. paṭi°) friendly welcome A i.93 (āmisa° & dhamma°).
Sandiddha [saṁ+diddha] smeared, indistinct, husky Vin ii.202;
Santhāraka [santhāra+ka cp. BSk. sanstāraka MVastu iii.272] a DA i.282.
spread, cover, mat Vin ii.113 (tiṇa°), 116.
Sandiyyati & sandīyati [saṁ+diyyati(=dīyati)=Sk. dīyate of dy-
Santhuta (adj.) [saṁ+thuta] acquainted, familiar J i.365; iii.63 ati, i. e. dā to cut: see dātta] to be vexed, to resent S ii.200 sq.;
(cira°); v.448 (so read for santhata); Sdhp 31; Neg. a° J iii.63, J vi.570 (spelt wrongly sandhīyati; C. expl as "manku hoti").
221; vi.310. Cp. santhava.
Sandissati [saṁ+dissati] to be seen together with, to be engaged
Santhutika (adj.) [fr. santhuta] acquainted Vism 78. in, or to tally, agree with, to live conformably to (loc., e. g.
Sanda [cp. Sk. sāndra] 1. (adj.) thick, dense; in -°cchāya giv- dhamme) D i.102; ii.75; S v.177; Sn 50; D ii.127; Nett 23; ppr.
a — saṁdissamāna invisible Dāvs iv.30; Caus. saṁdasseti
ing dense shade S iv.194; J i.57, 249; DA i.209. — (2) (thick)
to teach, instruct D i.126; ii.95; Vin i.18; to compare, verify,
wood, forest; in -°vihāra dwelling in the wood, life as a her-
D ii.124; ppr. sandassiyamāna D ii.124; J vi.217 (sunakhesu
mit Th 1, 688.
sandissanti, i. e. they are of no more value).
Sandati [syand; Dhtp 149: passavane] to flow D ii.128, 129 (aor.
sandittha); J i.18; vi.534 (v. l. sikandati= siyandati?); Pv ii.10 4 Sandīpeti [saṁ+dīpeti] to kindle J v.32.
(=pavatteti PvA 143). — Caus. sandāpeti to cause to flow Sandesa [Sk. sandeśa] news, message Mhvs 18, 13.
Miln 122. — pp. sanna. — Cp. vissandati & vissandaka.
Sandeha [saṁ+deha] 1. accumulation; the human body Dh 148.
Sandana (nt.) trappings D ii.188 (read sandāna?). — 2. doubt Miln 295.
Sandana [cp. Vedic syandana] a chariot Mhvs 21, 25; Dpvs 14, Sandosa [saṁ+dosa] pollution, defilement M i.17; A iii.106, 358;
56; Vv 642; J iv.103; v.264; vi.22. v.292; Sn 327.
Sandamānikā (f.) [fr. syand] a chariot Vin iii.49; iv.339; DA Sandhana (nt.) [saṁ+dhana] property, belongings M ii.180.
i.82; KhA 50; Vism 255.
Sandhanta [pp. of sandhamati] blown, smelted (of gold) A i.253.
Sandambhita [fr. Sk. sandarbhati] is Kern's proposed reading for
Sandhamati [saṁ+dhamati] to blow, to fan J i.122. - pp.
santhambhita at J vi.207.
Sandassaka [fr. sandassati, Caus. of sandissati] instructing M
Sandhātar [saṁ+dhātar] one who puts together, a conciliator D
i.145; A ii.97; iv.296; S v.162; It 107; Miln 373. i.4; iii.171; M i.345; A ii.209; Pug 57.
Sandassana showing J i.67.
Sandhāna (nt.) [fr. saṁ+dhā] 1. uniting, conciliation, friendship
Sandahati [saṁ+dahati ] to put together, to connect, to fit, to ar- DA i.74; DhsA 113. — 2. bond, fetter Ud 77 (read sandāna?).
range J iv.336; Mhvs vii.18; ppr. med. sandahamāna DhsA
Sandhāpana (nt.) [fr. sandhāpeti, Caus. of sandahati] combina-
113; ger. sandahitvā J iv.336; & sandhāya lit. after putting
tion VvA 349.
on J iv.258 (the arrow on to the bow); fig. with reference to,
Sandhāya see sandahati.
concerning M i.503; J i.203, 274; ii.177; PvA 87, 89, 110; to-
wards J i.491; iii.295. pp. sandhīyate [& sandhiyyate] to be Sandhāraka (adj.) [fr. sandhāreti] checking, restraining Vism
put together, to be self — contained Pug 32; to be connected 205.
SnA 376, 572; to reflect upon, to resent Sn 366; to be recon-
Sandhārana (nt.) [fr. sandhāreti] checking Miln 352.
ciled J ii.114. — pp. saṁhita.
Sandhāreti [saṁ+dhāreti] 1. to hold, bear, carry J iii.184. — 2.
Sandahana (nt.) [fr. saṁ+dhā] applying, placing (an arrow) on
to hold up, support J iv.167. — 3. to curb, restrain, check Vin
the string Miln 352.
ii.212; J ii.26, 59. — dussandhāriya difficult to keep back J
Sandāna (nt.) [saṁ+dāna, fr. dā to bind: see dāma], a cord, iii.340.
tether, fetter D ii.274; Th 1, 290; Dhp 398; Sn 622; J ii.32;
Sandhāvati [saṁ+dhāvati] to run through, to transmigrate D i.14;
Ud 77 (text sandhāna); DhA iv.161. A ii.1; S iii.149; J i.503; aor. sandhāvissaṁ Dh 153=J i.76
Sandāleti [saṁ+dāleti] to break; ger. sandālayitvāna Sn 62. (=apar' âparaṁ anuvicariṁ DhA iii.128).
Sandiṭṭha [pp. of sandissati] seen together, a friend J i.106, 442; Sandhi (m. & f.) [fr. saṁ+dhā] 1. union, junction Miln 330
Vin iii.42; yathāsandiṭṭhaṁ, where one's friends live D ii.98; (of 2 roads); Bdhgh on S ii.270 (between 2 houses). — 2.
S v.152. breach, break, hole, chasm D ii.83=A v.195; Th 1, 786; J
v.459. āloka° a window Vin ii.172; sandhiṁ chindati to
Sandiṭṭhi (f.) [fr. saṁ+dṛś] the visible world, worldly gain
D iii.45, 247; M i.43; Sn 891; Vin ii.89; Nd 288, 300; make a break, to break into a house D i.52; DA i.159. — 3.
joint, piece, link J ii.88; Vism 277 (the 5, of kammaṭṭhāna);
°parāmāsin infected with worldliness M i.97.
Mhvs 33, 11; 34, 47; applied to the joints of the body Vism
Sandiṭṭhika [cp. BSk. sandṛṣṭika Divy 426] visible; belonging
185 (the 14 mahā°); DhsA 324. — 4. connection, combina-
to, of advantage to, this life, actual D i.51; ii.93, 217; iii.5; M
tion VbhA 191 (hetuphala° & phalahetu° etc.). — 5. euphonic
i.85, 474; A i.156 sq.; ii.56, 198; S i.9, 117, iv.41, 339; Sn 567,
junction, euphony, "sandhi" SnA 76. See pada°. — 6. agree-
1137; Vism 215 sq. — As sandiṭṭhiyā (f.) at J vi.213
ment Mhvs 9, 16.
Sandita [fr. saṁ+dā: see sandāna] bound, tied, Th 1, 290 (diṭṭhi -cheda (1) housebreaking J i.187 sq.; ii.388. — (2) one

Sandhi Sannisinna

who has brought rebirths (=paṭisandhi) to an end Dh 97; DhA Vism 43.
ii.187; iii.257. -chedaka one who can cut a break, an un-
Sannitāḷeti [saṁ+nitāḷeti] to strike J v.71.
derminer J vi.458. -bheda(ka) causing discord J iii.151.
Sannitodaka (nt.) [fr. saṁ+ni+tud] "pricking," instigating, jeer-
-mukha opening of a break (made by burglars) into a house
ing D i.189; A i.187; S ii.282.
Th 1, 786; PvA 4. -samala ( — sankaṭīva) refuse heap of
a house — sewer (cp. K.S. ii.181, 203) D ii.160; M i.334=S Sannidhāna (nt.) [saṁ+nidhāna) lit. "putting down together,"
ii.270. proximity Dāvs v.39.
Sandhika (adj.) (—°), in pañca° having 5 links or pieces Vism Sannidhi [saṁ+nidhi] putting together, storing up D i.6; Sn 306,
277. 924; Nd 372; -kāra storing D i.6; -kāraka, storing up, store
M i.523; Vin i.209; iv.87; D iii.235; A iii.109; iv.370. -kata
Sandhīyati see sandahati.
stored up Vin ii.270; put by, postponed Vin i.254.
Sandhunāti [saṁ+dhunāti] to shake D ii.336.
Sannipatati [saṁ+nipatati] to assemble, come together J i.167;
Sandhūpeti [saṁ+dhūpeti] to fumigate S iii.89; Ps ii.167. As
pp. °ita. Caus. sannipāteti to bring together, convoke D
sandhūpāyati to cause thick smoke or steam thickly, at Vin
ii.76; Miln 6; Caus. II. sannipātāpeti to cause to be convoked
i.225; Sn p. 15 (=samantā dhūpāyati SnA 154).
or called together J i.58, 153, 271; iii.376; Vin i.44; iii.71.
Sandhovati [saṁ+dhovati] to clean A i.253.
Sannipatita [pp. of °nipatati] come together D i.2; ii.76.
Sandhovika [fr. sandhovati] washing; kaṇṇa-sandhovikā
Sannipāta [fr. sannipatati] 1. union, coincidence S iv.68 sq.; Miln
khiḍḍā ear — washing sport or gambol (of elephants, with
60, 123 sq.; Nett 28. — 2. assemblage, assembly, congrega-
piṭṭhi° etc.) A v.202. So probably for saṇadhovika at M
tion D ii.5; Miln 7. — 3. union of the humours of the body
i.229, 375. Cp. sāṇadhovana (?).
Miln 303. — 4. collocation Dh 352.
Sanna [pp. of sīdati] sunk Dh 327.
Sannipātika (adj.) [fr. last] resulting from the union of the hu-
Sanna [pp. of sandati] flown J vi.203 (dadhi°). mours of the body A ii.87; v.110; S iv.230; Miln 135, 137,
302, 304.
Sannakaddu [lexicogr. Sk. sannakadru] the tree Bu-chanania
latifolia Abḥp 556. Sannibha (adj.) [saṁ+nibha] resembling D ii.17; Sn 551; J i.319.
Sannata [pp. of saṁ+nam, cp. sannāmeti] 1. bent down, low J Sanniyojeti [saṁ+niyojeti] to appoint, command Mhvs 5, 34.
vi.58 (opp. unnata). — 2. bent, prepared J v.215 (C. suphas- Sanniyyātana (nt.) [saṁ+niyyātana] handing over, resignation
DA i.232.
Sannaddha [pp. of sannayhati] 1. fastened, bound, D ii.350 (su- Sannirata (adj.) [saṁ+nirata] being (quite) happy together J
sannaddha); Miln 339. — 2. put on, clothed (with) Pv iv.1 36
(°dussa). — 3. armed, accoutred S ii.284; J i.179; Dh 387;
Sannirumbhati (°rundhati) [saṁ+nirumbhati] to restrain, block,
DhA iv.144; PvA 154 (°dhanu — kalāpa).
impede; ger. sannirumhitvā J i.109, 164; ii.6; VvA 217. san-
Sannayhati [saṁ+nayhati] to tie, bind, fasten, to arm oneself J
nirumbhitvā J i.62; ii.341. sannirujjhitvā Vism 143; Pot.
i.129; to array, arm D ii.175; Vin i. 342; to arrange, fit D i.96;
sannirundheyya M i.115. — pp. sanniruddha Vism 278.
J i.273; aor. sannayhi D i.96; inf. sannayhituṁ J i.179; ger.
Sannirumhana (nt.) [fr. last] restraining, checking, suppression
sannayhitvā D ii.175; J ii.77; & sannahitvā J i.273.
J i.163; DA i.193; as °bhana at VbhA 355.
Sannāmeti [Caus. of saṁ+nam] to bend M i.365, 439, 450,
Sannivaṭṭa [=saṁ+nivatta] returning, return Vin i.139 sq.
507=S iv.188 (kāyaṁ sannāmeyya — i. e. to writhe). Cp.
Cpd. 162 n. 5 ("strengthen"?). Sannivasati [saṁ+nivasati] to live together, to associate A i.78;
pp. sannivuttha.
Sannāha [fr. sannay ati] 1. dressing, fastening together PvA 231.
— 2. armour, mail S v.6; J ii.443; Th. 1, 543; J i.179. Sannivāreti [saṁ+nivāreti] to restrain, check; to keep together M
i.115; Th 2, 366.
Sannikāsa (adj.) [saṁ+nikāsa] resembling, looking like J iii.522;
v.87=vi.306; v.169 (C. dassana); vi.240, 279. Sannivāsa [saṁ+nivāsa] association, living with; community A
i.78; ii.57; D iii.271; Dh 206; J iv.403; loka-sannivāsa the
Sannikkhepana (nt.) [saṁ+nikkhepana] elimination VbhA 355.
society of men, all the world J i.366; ii.205.
Sanniggaṇhāti [saṁ+niggaṇhāti] to restrain S i.238.
Sannivuttha [pp. of sannivasati] living together (with), associat-
Sannighāta [saṁ+nighāta] concussion, knocking against each
ing A iv.303 sq.
other Dhs 621.
Sannivesa [saṁ+nivesa] preparation, encampment, settlement
Sannicaya [saṁ+nicaya] accumulation, hoarding A i.94; ii.23;
ThA 257.
Dh 92; Vin ii.95; iv.243; DhA ii.171; A iv.108; KhA 62 (lo-
Sannivesana (nt.) [saṁ+nivesana] position, settlement; pāṭiekka
— ° private, separate J i.92.
Sannicita [saṁ+nicita] accumulated, hoarded Miln 120.
Sannisajjā (f.) [saṁ+nissajjā] meeting — place Vin i.188;
Sanniṭṭhāna (nt.) [saṁ+niṭṭhāna] 1. conclusion, consummation,
ii.174=iii.66; sannisajja — ṭṭhāna (n.) the same Vin iii.287.
J ii.166. — 2. resolve J i.19; 69; 187; iv.167; Vin i.255 sq.
Sannisinna [pp. of sannisīdati] 1. sitting down together D i.2;
— 3. ascertainment, definite conclusion, conviction, J vi.324;

Sannisinna Sappāṇaka

ii.109; Vin ii.296; J i.120. — 2. (having become) settled, es- without interruption, constant, successive (cp. Lat stante pede
tablished Vin ii.278 (°gabbhā pregnant). & Sk. adv. sapadi at once). (1) lit. (perhaps a later use)
of a bird at J v.358 (s. sāliṁ khādanto, without a stop); of a
Sannisīdati [saṁ+nisīdati] 1. (lit.) to sink down, to settle Miln
lion at Miln 400 (sapadāna — bhakkha). (2) appl in phrase
35. — 2. (fig.) to subside, to become quiet M i.121; S iv.196;
sapadānaṁ carati to go on uninterrupted alms — begging
A ii.157. — Caus. sannisādeti to make quiet, to calm M i.116; 44
Vin iv.191; S iii.238; Sn 413; J i.66; Pv iv.3 ; VvA 121; and
A ii.94. — Caus. II. sannisīdāpeti to cause to halt J iv.258.
in phrases sapadāna-cārikā J i.89; °cārika (adj.) Vin iii.15;
— pp. sannisinna. 2
°cārin M i.30; ii.7; Sn 65; Nd 646. Also as adj. sapadāna
Sannissayatā (f.) [saṁ+nissayatā] dependency, connection Nett
(piṇḍapāta) Vin ii.214.
80. 2 n
Sapadi (adv.) [sa +adv. form fr. pada] instantly, at once Dāvs
Sannissita [saṁ+nissita, cp. BSk. sanniśrita] based on, connected
with, attached to Vism 43, 118, 120, 554 (viññāṇa is "hadaya 3
Sapariggaha (adj.) [sa +pariggaha] 1. provided with possessions
— vatthu°"; cp. VbhA 163).
D i.247; Sn 393. — 2. having a wife, married J vi.369.
Sannihita [saṁ+nihita; cp. sannidhi] 1. put down, placed Miln
326. — 2. stored up Th 2, 409; ThA 267. Saparidaṇḍā (f.) a cert. class of women, the use of whom renders
a person liable to punishment Vin iii.139= A v.264 M i.286.
Sannīta [pp. fr. sanneti] mixed, put together, kneaded Mhvs 29,
Sapallava (adj.) [sa +pallava] with the sprouts VvA 173.
11 & 12.
Sapāka [san+pāka; cp. Sk. śvapāka] "dog — cooker," an outcast
Sanneti [fr. saṁ+neti] to mix, knead D i.74 (Pot. san-neyya);
or Caṇḍāla J iv.380. Cp. sopāka.
iii.29; Vin i.47 (grd. °netabba); M i.276; S ii.58 sq.; J vi.432.
— pp. sannīta. Sappa [cp. Sk. sarpa, fr. sṛp; "serpent"] a snake M i.130; A
iii.97, 260 sq.; Sn 768; J i.46, 259, 310, 372; v.447 (kaṇha°);
Sapajāpatika (adj.) 1. with Pajāpati. The passage under pajāpati 1
Nd 7; DA i.197; SnA 13. Often in similes, e. g. Vism 161,
1. was distorted through copyist's default. It should read:
587; KhA 144; SnA 226, 333. -°potaka a young snake Vism
"only in one formula, with Inda & Brahmā, viz. devā sa —
500; -°phaṇa the hood of a snake KhA 50. — Cp. sappin.
indakā sa — brahmakā sa — pajāpatikā D ii.274 (without sa
— brahmakā); S iii.90= A v.325. Otherwise sapajāpatika in Sappaccaya (adj.) [sa +paccaya] correlated, having a cause, con-
sense of foll. Also at VbhA 497 with Brahmā." — 2. with ditioned D i.180; A i.82; Dhs 1083.
one's wife Vin i.23; iv.62; J i.345. 3
Sappañña (adj.) [sa +pañña] wise M i.225; Sn 591; often as
Sapati [śap, cp. Dhtp 184 "akkose"] to swear, curse S i.225; J sapañña It 36; Sn 90; J ii.65.
v.104, 397; Mhvs 25, 113; VvA 336. — pp. satta . Sappaṭigha (adj.) [sa +paṭigha] producing reaction, reacting D
Sapatikā (adj.) having a husband, a woman whose husband is iii.217; Dhs 597, 617, 648, 1089; DhsA 317; Vism 451.
alive J vi.158; PvA 86. 3
Sappaṭipuggala [sa +paṭipuggala] having an equal, comparable,
Sapatī (f.) having the same husband; a rival wife, a co-wife Pv a friend M i.27.
i.6 ; ii.3 . 3
Sappaṭibhāga (adj.) [sa +paṭibhāga] 1. resembling, like D ii.215;
Sapatta [Sk. sapatna] hostile, rival Th 2, 347; ThA 242; sapat- J i.303; Pug 30 sq.; Miln 37. — 2. having as (equal) counter-
tarājā a rival king J i.358; ii.94; iii.416; asapatta without en- parts, evenly mixed with M i.320 (kaṇhasukka°); Miln 379
mity Sn 150; sapatta (m.) a rival, foe, It 83; A iv.94 sq.; J (id.).
Sappaṭissa (adj.) [sa+paṭissā, cp. BSk. sapratīśa Divy 333, 484]
Sapattaka (adj.) [fr. last] hostile, full of enmity D i.227. reverential, deferential It 10; Vin i.45; Vv 84 (cp. VvA 347).
Sapattabhāra [sa +patta +bhāra] with the weight of the wings, See also gārava.
carrying one's wings with oneself D i.71; M i.180, 268; A Sappaṭissava (adj.) [sa+paṭissava] deferential, respectful DhsA
ii.210; Pug. 58. 125, 127=J i.129, 131; -tā deference, reverence Dhs
1327=Pug 24.
Sapattika (nt.) the state of a co — wife Th 2, 216; ThA 178. —
Kern, Toev. s.v. proposes reading sā°. Sappati [sṛp, cp. Vedic sarpati, Gr. ε῞ρπω, Lat. serpo; Dhtp 194
"gamana"] to creep, crawl: see saṁ°.
Sapattī (f.) [Sk. sapatnī] a co — wife D ii.330; J i.398; iv.316,
491; Th 2, 224; DhA i.47. asapattī without any co — wife S Sappadesa (adj.) [sa +padesa] in all places, all round M i.153.
Sappana (nt.) [fr. sappati] gliding on DhsA 133.
Sapatha [fr. śap] an oath Vin i.347; J i.180, 267; iii.138; SnA 3
Sappāṭihāriya (adj.) [sa +pāṭihāriya] accompanied by wonders
D i.198; S v.261; Ud 63.
Sapadānaṁ (adv.) [fr. phrase sa — padānaṁ — cārikā; i. e. Sappāṭihīrakata (adj.) [sa +pāṭihīra+kata] made with wonders,
sa +gen. pl. of pada (cp. gimhāna). Weber (Ind. Str. iii.398)
substantiated by wonders, substantiated, well founded D i.198;
suggests sapadā+naṁ, sapadā being an instr. by — form of
iii.121 ("has been made a thing of saving grace" Dial. iii.115,
sapadā, and naṁ an enclitic. Trenckner (Miln. p. 428) says
q. v.).
sapadi+ayana. Kern (Toev. ii.73) agrees on the whole, but 3
expl padānaṁ as pad'āyanaṁ] "with the same steps," i. e. Sappāṇaka (adj.) [sa +pāṇa+ka] containing animate beings Vin

Sappāṇaka Sabrahmacarin

iii.125; J i.198. each, said of a gift or sacrifice) J iii.44; DhA iii.3; °aṭṭhaka
(dāna) (a gift consisting of 8 X 8 things) Miln 291. See detail
Sappāya (adj.) [saṁ+pā (=pra+ā)+i, cp. pāya. The correspond-
under aṭṭha B 1. a. — °soḷasaka (of 16 each) DhA iii.3; °sata
ing BSk. form is sāmpreya (=saṁ+pra+i, with guṇa), e. g.
(of 100 each) DhA ii.6. — Cases adverbially: instr. sabbena
AvŚ i.255; iii.110] likely, beneficial, fit, suitable A i.120; S
sabbaṁ altogether all, i. e. with everything [cp. BSk. sarvena
iii.268; iv.23 sq., 133 sq. (Nibbāna° paṭipadā); J i.182, 195;
sarvaṁ Divy 39, 144, 270; 502] D ii.57; PvA 130; 131. —
ii.436 (kiṁci sappāyaṁ something that did him good, a rem- 1
abl. sabbato "all round," in every respect Pv i.11 ; J vi.76; &
edy); Vin i.292, 302; Miln 215 (sappāyakiriyā, giving a drug).
sabbaso altogether, throughout D i.34; Sn 288; Dh 265; PvA
nt. something beneficial, benefit, help Vism 34, 87 (°sevin); 1
119; Nd 421; DhA iv.100. — Derivations: 1. sabbattha ev-
VbhA 265 (various), 271 (°kathā). — Ten sappāyas & 10 as-
erywhere, under all circumstances S i.134; Dh 83; Sn 269; Nd
appāyas at DhsA 168. — sappāyâsappāyaṁ what is suitable,
133; PvA 1, 18, 107; VbhA 372 sq. °kaṁ everywhere J i.15,
and what not J i.215, 471; used as the last part of a compound,
176, 172; Dāṭh v.57. — 2. sabbathā in every way; sabbathā
meaning what is suitable with reference to: senāsanasappāya
sabbaṁ completely D ii.57; S iv.167. — 3. sabbadā always
(nt.) suitable lodgings J i.215. 1 14
Sn 174, 197, 536; Dh 202; Pv i.9 (=sabbakālaṁ C.); i.10
Sappāyatā (f.) [abstr. fr. sappāya] agreeableness, suitability,
(id.). sabbadā — cana always It 36. — 4. sabbadhi (fr. Sk.
convenience Vism 79, 121 (a°), 127.
*sarvadha=vicǤvadha, Weber, Ind. Str. iii.392) everywhere, in
Sappi (nt.) [Vedic sarpis] clarified butter, ghee D i.9, 141, 201; every respect D i.251; ii.186; Sn 176; Dh 90; also sabbadhī Sn
A i.278; A ii.95, 207 (°tela); iii.219; iv.103; Sn 295 (°tela). 952, 1034; Vin i.38; VbhA 377; Vism 308 (=sabbattha); Nd 1
Dhs 646; J i.184; ii.43; iv.223 (°tela); Vin i.58, etc. -°maṇḍa 441, 443.
[cp. BSk. sarpimaṇḍa Divy 3 etc.] the scum, froth, cream of -atthaka concerned with everything, a do — all J ii.30;
clarified butter, the best of ghee D i.201; A ii.95; VvA 172; 74; DhA ii.151 (mahāmatta). — profitable to all Miln 373 (T.
Pug 70; its tayo guṇā Miln 322. ṭṭh). of kammaṭṭhāna SnA ii.54; Vism 97. -atthika always
useful Miln 153. -âbhibhū conquering all Sn 211; Vin i.8.
Sappin (adj. — n.) [fr. sappati] crawling, creeping; moving
-otuka corresponding to all the seasons D ii.179; Pv iv.12 ;
along: see pīṭha°. — (f.) sappinī a female snake J vi.339
Sdhp 248. -kammika (amacca) (a minister) doing all work
(where the differences between a male and a female snake are
Vism 130. -kālaṁ always: see sadā. -ghasa all — devouring
J i.288. — ji all — conquering S iv.83. -(ñ)jaha abandoning
Sappītika (adj.) [sa +pīti+ka] accompanied by the feeling of joy,
everything S ii.284; Sn 211; Dh 353=Vin i.8. -ññu omni-
joyful A i.81; J i.10; Vism 86 (opp. nippītika).
scient M i.482; ii.31, 126; A i.220; Miln 74; VbhA 50; SnA
Sappurisa [sat (=sant)+purisa] a good, worthy man M iii.21, 37; 229, 424, 585; J i.214; 335; °tā (f.) omniscience Pug 14; 70; J
D iii.252 (the 7 s° — dhammā), 274, 276, 283; A ii.217 sq., i.2, 14; Nett 61, 103; also written sabbaññūtā; sabbaññutā-
239; Dhs 259=1003; Vin i.56; Dh 54; Pv ii.9 ; ii.9 ; iv.1 ; ñāṇa (nt.) omniscience Nett 103; DA i.99; VbhA 197. Also
J i.202; equal to ariya M i.8; S iii.4; asappurisa=anariya SnA written sabbaññū°, thus J i.75; -dassāvin one who sees (i.e.
479. sappurisatara a better man S v.20. knows) everything M i.92. -byohāra business, intercourse
Saphala (adj.) [sa +phala] bearing fruit, having its reward Dh 52. Ud 65; see saṁvohāra. -bhumma universal monarch J vi.45.
-vidū all wise Sn 177, 211; Vin i.8; Dh 353. -saṁharaka a
Saphalaka (adj.) [sa +phalaka] together with his shield Mhvs 25,
kind of perfume "eau de mille fleurs" J vi.336. -sādhāraṇa
common to all J i.301 sq.
Sabala [Vedic śabala (e. g. A. V. 8, 1, 9)=κέρβερος, Weber, Ind.
Sabbatthatā the state of being everywhere; sabbatthatāya on the
Stud. ii.297] spotted, variegated Sn 675; Vism 51; VvA 253;
whole D i.251; ii.187; M i.38; S iv.296; A iii.225; v.299, 344.
name of one of the dogs in the Lokantara hell J vi.106, 247 d
Expl at Vism 308 (with tt).
(Sabálo ca Sāmo ca). asabala, unspotted D ii.80.
Sabbassa (nt.) [sarvasva] the whole of one's property J iii.105;
-kārin acting inconsistently A ii.187.
v.100 (read: sabbasaṁ vā pan'assa haranti); °-haraṇa (nt.)
Sabba (adj.) [Vedic sarva=Av. haurva (complete); Gr. ο῞λος
confiscation of one's property J iii.105; v.246 (v. l.); sabbas-
("holo — caust") whole; Lat. solidus & soldus "solid," perhaps
saharaṇadaṇḍa (m.) the same J iv.204 (so read instead of sab-
also Lat. salvus safe] whole, entire; all, every D i.4; S iv.15; bappaharaṇa). At some passages sabba (nt.) "all," seems to be
Vin i.5; It 3; Nd s. v., nom. pl. sabbe Sn 66; gen. pl. sabbe-
used in the same sense, esp. gen. sabbassa — e. g. J iii.50;
saṁ Sn 1030. — nt. sabbaṁ the (whole) world of sense —
iv.19; v.324.
experience S iv.15, cp. M i.3. — At Vism 310 "sabbe" is de-
fined as "anavasesa — pariyādānaṁ." In comp with superla- Sabbāvant (adj.) [cp. BSk. sarvāvant Divy 294, 298, 352] all,
entire D i.73, 251; iii.224; A iii.27; v.299 sq., 344 sq.
tive expressions sabba° has the meaning of "(best) of all,"
quite, very, nothing but, all round; entirely: °bāla the greatest Sabbha see a°.
fool D i.59; °paṭhama the very first, right in front PvA 56; Sabbhin see a°.
°sovaṇṇa nothing but gold Pv i.2 ; ii.9 ; °kaniṭṭha the very
Sabrahmaka (adj.) [sa +brahma+ka] including the Brahma
youngest PvA iii; °atthaka in every way useful; °sangāhika
thoroughly comprehensive SnA 304. — In connection with world D i.62; iii.76, 135; A i.260; ii.70; S v.423; Vin i.11;
numerals sabba° has the distributive sense of "of each," i. e. DA i.174.
so & so many things of each kind, like °catukka (with four of Sabrahmacarin (adj. — n.) [sa +brahmacārin] a fellow student

Sabrahmacarin Samajjhaga

D ii.77; iii.241 sq., 245; M i. 101; A ii.97; Sn 973; VbhA 281. J i.266. -sama exactly the same D i.123; ii.136; Pug 64;
Miln 410; DA i.290. -sīsin a kind of puggala, lit. "equal —
Sabhaggata (adj.) [sabhā+gata] gone to the hall of assembly A
headed," i. e. one who simultaneously attains an end of crav-
i.128; Sn 397; Pug 29.
ing and of life (cp. PugA 186. The expl in J.P.T.S. 1891, 5 is
Sabhā (f.) [Vedic sabhā, cp. K.Z. iv.370] 1. a hall, assembly-room
wrong) Pug 13; Nett 190. -sūpaka with equal curry (when
D ii.274; A i.143; S i.176; J i.119; 157, 204. — 2. a public
the curry is in quantity of onefourth of the rice) Vin iv.190.
rest — house, hostelry J i.302. dhamma° chapel J vi.333.
Samaka (adj.) [cp. BSk. samaka Divy 585] equal, like, same
-gata=sabhaggata S v.394; M i.286.
Miln 122, 410; of the same height (of a seat) Vin ii.169.
Sabhāga (adj.) [sa +bhāga] common, being of the same division
samakaṁ (adv.) equally Miln 82.
Vin ii.75; like, equal, similar Miln 79; s. āpatti a common
Samakkhāta [saṁ+akkhāta] counted, known Sdhp 70, 458.
offence, shared by all Vin i.126 sq.; vīthisabhāgena in street
company, the whole street in common J ii.45; opp. visabhāga Samagga (adj.) [saṁ+agga] being in unity, harmonious M ii.239;
unusual J i.303; different Vism 516; Miln 79. D iii.172; A ii.240; v.74 sq.; plur.=all unitedly, in common Vin
-ṭṭhāna a common room, a suitable or convenient place J i.105; J vi.273 . A i.70=243; Sn 281, 283; Dh 194; Th 2, 161;
i.426; iii.49; v.235. -vuttin living in mutual courtesy, prop- ThA 143; J i.198, 209; samaggakaraṇa making for peace D
erly, suitably Vin i.45; J i.219; a — sabhāgavuttin J i.218; sab- i.4=A ii.209 =Pug 57; DA i.74; samagganandin, samaggarata,
hāgavuttika Vin ii.162; A iii.14 sq.; a — sabhāgavuttika ibid. and samaggārāma, rejoicing in peace, delighting in peace, im-
passioned for peace D i.4=A ii.209=Pug 57; DA i.74; samag-
Sabhājana [Dhtp 553: pīti — dassanesu] honouring, salutation
gavāsa dwelling in concord J i.362; ii.27. — samaggi-karoti
Miln 2.
to harmonize, to conciliate D iii.161. — Cp. sāmaggī etc.
Sabhāya (nt.)=sabhā Vin iii.200.
Samaggatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. samagga] agreement, consent Vin
Sabhāva [sa +bhāva] 1. state (of mind), nature, condition Miln
90, 212, 360; PvA 39 (ummattaka°), 98 (santa°), 219. — 2.
Samangitā (f.) [abstr. fr. foll.] the fact of being endowed or
character, disposition, behaviour PvA 13, 35 (ullumpana°),
connected with (—°) J iii.95 (paraloka°); VbhA 438 (fivefold:
220 (lokiya°). — 3. truth, reality, sincerity Miln 164; J v.459;
āyūhana° etc.).
v.198 (opp. musāvāda); J vi.469; sabhāvaṁ sincerely, devot-
edly J vi.486. Samangin (adj.) [saṁ+angin] endowed with, possessing Pug 13,
-dhamma principle of nature J i.214; -dhammatta= 14; J i.303; Miln 342; VbhA 438. — samangibhūta, pos-
°dhamma Vism 238. -bhūta true J iii.20. sessed of, provided with D i.36; A ii.125; Sn 321; Vin i.15;
Sabhoga (adj.) [sa +bhoga] wealthy D i.73. DA i.121; samangi-karoti to provide with J vi.266, 289, 290
(cp. vi.323: akarī samangiṁ).
Sabhoga [sa +bhoga] property, possession Miln 139.
Samacariyā [sama +cariyā] (f.) living in spiritual calm, quietism
Sabhojana (adj. — nt.) [sa +bhojana] sharing food (?) Vin iv.95;
A i.55; S i.96, 101 sq.; It 16, 52; Dh 388; Miln 19; J vi.128;
Sn 102.
DhA iv.145.
Sama [fr. śam: see sammati ] calmness, tranquillity, mental 3
Samacāga [sama +cāga] equally liberal A ii.62.
quiet Sn 896. samaṁ carati to become calm, quiescent J
Samacārin (śama — ) living in peace M i.289.
iv.172. Cp. °cariyā & °cārin.
Sama [fr. śram: see sammati ] fatigue J vi.565. Samacitta possessed of equanimity A i.65; iv.215; SnA 174
(°paṭipadā — sutta).
Sama (adj.) [Vedic sama, fr. sa ; see etym. under saṁ°] 1. even,
Samacchati [saṁ+acchati] to sit down together J ii.67 (samac-
level J i.315; iii.172; Mhvs 23, 51. samaṁ karoti to level Dh
chare); iv.356; vi.104, 127.
178; SnA 66. Opp. visama. — 2. like, equal, the same D
i.123, 174; S i.12; Sn 90, 226, 799, 842; It 17, 64; Dh 306; Samacchidagatta (adj.) [sam+ā+chida+gatta] with mangled
Miln 4. The compared noun is put in the instr.; or precedes as limbs Sn 673.
first part of cpd. — 3. impartial, upright, of even mind, just A
Samajja (nt.) [cp. Epic Sk. samāja (fr. saṁ+aj) congregation,
i.74, 293 sq.; Sn 215, 468, 952. — 4. sama°, foll. by numer-
gathering, company] a festive gathering, fair; a show, theatri-
als, means "altogether,". e. g. °tiṁsa thirty altogether Bu 18,
cal display. Originally a mountain cult, as it was esp. held on
18. — 5. Cases as adv.: instr. samena with justice, impar-
the mountains near Rājagaha. — J ii.13; iii.541; vi.277, 559;
tially (=dhammena K.S. i.321) Dh 257; J i.180; acc. samaṁ S v.170; DA i.84; DhA iv.59; DhsA 255. — On character and
equally D ii.166; together with, at, D ii.288; Mhvs 11, 12.
history of the festival see Hardy, Album Kern pp. 61 — 66. —
-cāga equally liberal A ii.62. -jana an ordinary man,
gir-aggasamajjaṁ mountain fair Vin ii.107, 150; iv.85, 267,
common people M iii.154=Vin i.349. -jātika of the same
360; DhA i.89, 113. samajjaṁ karoti or kāreti to hold high
caste J i.68. -jīvitā regular life, living economically A iv.281 revel J vi.383.
sq. -tala level, even J i.7; Pv iv.12 (of a pond). -dhāraṇa
-âbhicaraṇa visiting fairs D iii.183. -ṭṭhāna the place of
equal support or sustenance SnA 95. -dhura carrying an
the festival, the arena, Vin ii.150; J i.394; -dāna giving fes-
equal burden, equal J i.191; asamadhura incomparable Sn 694
tivals Miln 278; -majjhe on the arena S iv.306 sq.; J iii.541;
sq.; J i.193. But sama — dhura — ggahaṇa "complete impe-
-maṇḍala the circle of the assembly J i.283 sq.
riousness" VbhA 492 (see yugaggāha). -vāhita evenly borne
Samajjhagaṁ (B ° — guṁ) aor. from sam — adhi — gā. (See
along (of equanimity) DhsA 133. -vibhatta in equal shares

Samajjhaga Samanukkamati

samadhigacchati.) tiya. [The form is probably connected with samaicchia —
i. e. samaitthia (*samatisthita) in the Deśināmamālā viii.20
Samañcati [sam+añc] to bend together Vin iv.171, 363.
(Konow). Compare, however, Rhys Davids' Buddhist Suttas,
Samañcara [sama +cara] pacified, calm S i.236. 1
p. 178 ; ° — aṁ buñjāmi Miln 213; "I eat (only just) to the
Samañcinteti to think S i.124; see sañcinteti. full" (opp. to bhiyyo bhuñjāmi) suggests the etymology: sama
— titti+ka. Kern, Toev. s. v. as above.]
Samaññā (f.) [saṁ+aññā] designation, name D i.202; ii.20; M
iii.68; S ii.191; Sn 611, 648; J ii.65; Dhs § 1306; loka° a com- Samatimaññti [saṁ+atimaññti] to despise (aor.) sama- timaññi
mon appellation, a popular expression D i.202. Th 2, 72.
Samaññāta [saṁ+aññāta] designated, known, notorious S i.65; Samativattati [saṁ+ativattati] to transcend, overcome Sn 768,
Sn 118, 820; Nd 153; Vin ii.203. cp. Nd 10.
Samaṇa [BSk. śramaṇa, fr. śram, but mixed in meaning with Samativijjhati [saṁ+ativijjhati] to penetrate Dh 13= Th 1, 133.
śam] a wanderer, recluse, religieux A i.67; D iii.16, 95 sq., 1 3
Samatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. sama ] equality A iii.359; Mhvs 3, 7;
130 sq.; S i.45; Dh 184; of a non — Buddhist (tāpasa) J iii.390;
equanimity, justice A i.75.
an edifying etymology of the word DhA iii.84: "samita — pā-
Samatta [cp. Sk. samāpta, pp. of saṁ+āp] 1. accomplished,
pattā s.," cp. Dh 265 "samitattā pāpānaṁ Ǥ samaṇo ʼ ti pavuc-
brought to an end A ii.193; Sn 781=paripuṇṇa Nd 65. — 2.
cati"; four grades mentioned D ii.151; M i.63; compare Sn 84
[cp. Sk. samasta, pp. of saṁ+as to throw, cp. BSk. samasta,
sq.; the state of a Samaṇa is attended by eight sukhas J i.7; the
e. g. Jtm xxxi.90] complete, entire, perfect Miln 349; Sn 881;
Buddha is often mentioned and addressed by nonBuddhists as
1000; Nd 289, 298. samattaṁ completely S v.175; accom-
Samaṇa: thus D i.4, 87; Sn p. 91, 99; Vin i.8 350; Samaṇas
plished, full Sn 889.
often opposed to Brāhmaṇas: thus, D i.13; It 58, 60; Sn, p.
90; Vin i.12; ii.110; samaṇabrāhmaṇā, Samaṇas and Brāh- Samattha (adj.) [cp. Sk. samartha, saṁ+artha] able, strong J
maṇas quite generally: "leaders in religious life" (cp. Dial. i.179; 187; SnA 143.
ii.165) D i.5; ii.150; A i.110, — 173 sq.; It 64; Sn 189; Vin
Samatthita (adj.) [cp. Sk. samarthita, saṁ+pp. of artha-yati]
ii.295; samaṇadhammaṁ the duties of a samaṇa A iii.371; J
unravelling Miln 1.
i.106, 107, 138; pure — samaṇa a junior who walks before a
Samatthiya (adj.) [fr. samattha] able Sdhp 619.
Bhikkhu Vin ii.32; pacchāsamaṇa one who walks behind Vin
i.186; ii.32; A iii.137. — samaṇī a female recluse S i.133; Samatha [fr. śam, cp. BSk. śamatha] 1. calm, quietude of heart
ThA 18; J v.424, 427; Vin iv.235. — assamaṇa not a true M i.33; A i.61, 95; ii.140; iii.86 sq. (ceto°), 116 sq., 449;
samaṇa Vin i.96. iv.360; v.99; D iii.54, 213, 273; DhA ii.177; S iv.362; Dhs 11,
-uddesa a novice, a sāmaṇera D i.151; M iii.128; S v.161; 15, 54; cessation of the Sankhāras S i.136; iii.133; A i.133; Sn
Vin iv.139; A ii.78; iii.343. Cp. BSk. śramaṇoddeśa Divy 732; Vin i.5. — 2. settlement of legal questions (adhikaraṇa)
160. -kuttaka (m.) who wears the dress of a Samaṇa Vin Vin ii.93; iv.207; cp. DhsA 144; s. paṭivijjhati Pts i.180.
iii.68 sq. (=samaṇa — vesa — dhārako, Bdhgh ib. p. 271). -yānika who makes quietude his vehicle, devoted to qui-
etude, a kind of Arahant; cp. Geiger, Saṁyutta trsl ii.172.
Samaṇaka [samaṇa+ka] a contemptible (little) ascetic, "some sort
-vipassanā introspection ("auto — hypnosis" Cpd. 202) for
of samaṇa" D i.90; M ii.47, 210; Sn p. 21; Miln 222; DA i.254.
promoting calm [cp. śamatha — vipaśyanā Divy 95] S v.52;
At A ii.48 samaṇaka is a slip for sasanaka. Cp. muṇḍaka in
A ii.157; DhA iv.140; also separately "calm & intuition," e. g.
form & meaning.
M i.494.
Samaṇḍalīkata [sa+maṇḍala+kata] hemmed Vin i.255 (kaṭhina).
Samadhigacchati [saṁ+adhigacchati] to attain Th 1, 4; aor.
Samatā [fr. sama ] equality, evenness, normal state Vin i.183; A rd
samajjhagā It 83; 3 pl. samajjhagaṁ S i.103.
iii.375 sq.; Miln 351.
Samadhigaṇhāti [saṁ+adhigaṇhāti] 1. to reach, to get, obtain;
Samatikkama (adj.) [saṁ+atikamma] passing beyond, overcom-
ger. samadhiggayha M i.506; ii.25; S i.86= It 16. — 2. to ex-
ing D i.34; ii.290; M i.41, 455; Vin i.3; J v.454; Vism 111.
ceed, surpass, to overcome, to master J vi.261 (pañhaṁ samad-
Samatikkamati [saṁ+atikkamati] to cross over, to transcend D higgahetvā). Often confounded with samatigaṇhāti.
i.35; to elapse Mhvs 13, 5; ger. samatikkamma D i.35; M
Samadhosi variant reading S iii.120 sq.; iv.46; the form is aor. of
41; pp. samatikkanta crossed over, or escaped from S iii.80;
saṁdhū. See sañcopati.
Dh 195.
Samana (nt.) [fr. śam] suppression Mhvs 4, 35.
Samatiggaṇhāti [saṁ+ati+gṛh] to stretch over, rise above, to
Samanaka (adj.) [sa +mana+ka] endowed with mind A ii.48
reach beyond J iv.411 (ger. samatiggayha).
(text, samaṇaka); S i.62.
Samatittha (adj.) [sama +tittha] with even banks (of a pond) J
Samanantara (adj.) [saṁ+anantara] immediate; usually in abl.
(as adv.); samanantarā immediately, after, just after D ii.156;
Samatitthika (adj.) [sama +tittha+ika] even or level with the bor-
Vin i.56; rattibhāga — samanantare at midnight J i.101.
der or bank, i. e. quite full, brimful D i.244; ii.89; M i.435;
-paccaya the relation of immediate contiguity Tikp 3, 61
ii.7=Miln 213; S ii.134; v.170; J i.400; J i.235, 393; Miln
sq.; Dukp 26; Vism 534.
121; Vism 170 (pattaṁ °tittikaṁ pūretvā; v. l. °titthikaṁ);
Samanukkamati [saṁ+anukkamati] to walk along together J
A iii.403; Vin i.230; iv.190; often written °tittika and °tit-

Samanukkamati Samaya

iii.373. Samannāneti [samanvā+nī] to lead, conduct properly, control,
pres. sam-anv-āneti M iii.188; ppr. °annānayamāna M
Samanugāhati [saṁ+anugāhati] to ask for reasons, to question
closely D i.26; M i.130; A v.156 sq.; ppr. med. samanug-
gāhiyamāna being pressed M i.130; A v.156; Vin iii.91. Samannāhata [saṁ+anvāhata] struck (together), played upon D
Samanujānāti [saṁ+anujānāti] to approve; samanujā-nissanti
(fut. 3 pl.) M i.398; S iv.225; pp. samanuññāta approved, Samannāharati [saṁ+anu+āharati; cp. BSk. samanvā-harati] 1.
allowed Mhvs 8, 11; aor. 1 sg. samanuññāsin J iv.117 to concentrate the mind on, to consider, reflect D ii.204; M
(=samanuñño āsiṁ Com. ib. 117 ). i.445; A iii.162 sq., 402 sq.; S i.114. — 2. to pay respect to,
to honour M ii.169; Vin i.180.
Samanuñña (adj.) [=next] approving D iii.271; A ii.253; iii.359;
v.305; S i.1, 153; iv.187; J iv.117. Samannāhāra [saṁ+anu+āhāra] concentration, bringing together
M i.190 sq.; DA i.123; Miln 189.
Samanuññā (f.) [fr. samanujānāti] approval S i.1; M i.359.
Samanupassati [saṁ+anupassati] to see, perceive, regard D i.69, Samannesati [saṁ+anvesati] to seek, to look for, to examine D
i.105; S iii.124; iv.197; Miln 37; DA i.274. pres. also saman-
73; ii.198; M i.435 sq.; ii.205; Pot. Vin ii.89; ppr. °passanto
vesati S i.122.
J i.140; ppr. med. °passamāno D ii.66; inf. °passituṁ Vin
i.14; rūpaṁ attato samanupassati to regard form as self S iii.42. Samannesanā (f.) [fr. last] search, examination M i.317.
Samanupassanā (f.) [fr. last] considering S iii.44; Nett 27. Samapekkhaṇa (nt.) considering; a° S iii.261.
Samanubandhati [saṁ+anubandhati] to pursue Mhvs 10, 5. Samapekkhati [saṁ+apekkhati] to consider, ger. ekkhiya Sdhp
536; cp. samavekkh°.
Samanubhāsati [saṁ+anubhāsati] to converse or study together
D i.26, 163; M i.130; A i.138; v.156 sq.; Vin iii.173 sq.; iv.236 Samappita [pp. of samappeti] 1. made over, consigned Dh 315;
sq.; DA i.117. Sn 333; Th 2, 451. — 2. endowed with (—°), affected with,
possessed of J v.102 (kaṇṭakena); Pv iv.1 (=allīna PvA 265);
Samanubhāsanā (f.) [fr. last] conversation, repeating together
PvA 162 (soka — salla° — hadaya); Vism 303 (sallena). —
Vin iii.174 sq.; iv.236 sq.
yasabhoga° possessed of fame & wealth Dh 303; dukkhena
Samanumaññati [saṁ+anumaññati] to approve; fut. 3 pl. 3
afflicted with pain Vv 52 ; pañcehi kāmaguṇehi s. endowed
°maññissanti M i.398; S iv.225; aor. 3 pl. °maññiṁsu J iv.134.
with the 5 pleasures of the senses D i.36, 60; Vin i.15; DA
Samanumodati [saṁ+anumodati] to rejoice at, to approve M i.121.
i.398; S iv.225; Miln 89.
Samappeti [saṁ+appeti] to hand over, consign, commit, deposit,
Samanuyuñjati [saṁ+anuyuñjati] to cross — question D i.26, give Mhvs 7, 72; 19, 30; 21, 21; 34, 21; Dāvs ii.64. — pp.
163; M i.130; A i.138; v.156; DA i.117. samappita.
Samanussarati (saṁ+anussarati] to recollect, call to mind S Samabbhāhata [saṁ+abbhāhata] struck, beaten (thoroughly)
iv.196; Vin ii.183. Vism 153; DA i.140.
Samanta (adj.) [saṁ+anta "of complete ends"] all, entire Sn 672; Samabhijānāti [saṁ+abhijānati] to recollect, to know J vi.126.
Miln 3. occurs usually in oblique cases, used adverbially, e. g.
Samabhisāta joyful Th 2, 461.
acc. samantaṁ completely Sn 442; abl. samantā (D i.222; J
Samabhisiñcati [saṁ+abhisiñcati] to inaugurate as a king Mhvs
ii.106; Vin i.32) & samantato (M i.168=Vin i.5; Mhvs 1, 29;
4, 6; v.14.
Vism 185; and in definitions of prefix pari° DA i.217; VvA
236; PvA 32); instr. samantena (Th 2, 487) on all sides, ev- Samaya [cp. Sk. samaya, fr. saṁ+i. See also samiti] con-
erywhere, anywhere; also used as prepositions; thus, samantā gregation; time, condition, etc. — At DhsA 57 sq. we
Vesāliṁ, everywhere in Vesāli D ii.98; samantato nagarassa all find a detailed expl of the word samaya (s — sadda), with
round the city Mhvs 34, 39; samāsamantato everywhere DA meanings given as follows: (1) samavāya ("harmony in an-
i.61. tecedents" trsl ), (2) khaṇa (opportunity), (3) kāla (season),
-cakkhu all — seeing, an epithet of the Buddha M i.168= (4) samūha (crowd, assembly), (5) hetu (condition), (6) diṭṭhi
Vin i.5; Sn 345, etc.; Miln 111; Nd 360. -pāsādika all — (opinion). (7) paṭilābha (acquisition), (8) pahāna (elimina-
pleasing, quite serene A i.24; °kā Buddhaghosa's commentary tion), (9) paṭivedha (penetration). Bdhgh illustrates each one
on the Vinaya Piṭaka DA i.84; -bhaddakatta complete aus- with fitting examples; cp. DhsA 61. — We may group as fol-
piciousness, perfect loveliness SnA 444; VbhA 132. -rahita lows: 1. coming together, gathering; a crowd, multitude D
entirely gone J i.29. -veda one whose knowledge (of the i.178 (°pavādaka debating hall); ii.254 sq.; Miln 257; J i.373;
Veda) is complete J vi.213. PvA 86 (=samāgama). samayā in a crowd Pv iii.3 (so read
for samayyā; PvA 189 "sangamma"). — 2. consorting with,
Samandhakāra [saṁ+andhakāra] the dark of night Vin iv.54;
intercourse Miln 163; DhA i.90; sabba° consorting with ev-
DhA ii.94; S iii.60.
erybody J iv.317. — 3. time, point of time, season D i.1; Sn
Samannāgata (adj.) [saṁ+anvāgata] followed by, possessed of,
291, 1015; Vin i.15; VbhA 157 (maraṇa°); Vism 473 (def.);
endowed with (instr.) D i.50; 88 Vin i.54; Sn p. 78, 102, 104. — samayā samayaṁ upādāya from time to time It 75. Cases
SnA 177 (in expl of ending " — in"), 216 (of " — mant");
adverbially: ekaṁ samayaṁ at one time D i.47, 87, 111; tena
PvA 46, 73. — nt. abstr. °annāgatatta PvA 49.
samayena at that time D i.179; DhA i.90. aparena s. in

Samaya Samādāna

course of time, later PvA 31, 68; yasmiṁ samaye at which Samassattha [saṁ+assattha ] refreshed, relieved J iii.189.
time D i.199; DhsA 61. ekasmiṁ samaye some time, once
Samassasati [saṁ+assasati] to be refreshed J i.176; Caus.
J i.306. paccūsa° at daybreak PvA 38; aḍḍharatti° at mid-
samassāseti to relieve, refresh J i.175.
night PvA 155; cp. ratta°. — 4. proper time, due season, n
Samassāsa [saṁ+assāsa] refreshing, relief DhsA 150 (expl of
opportunity, occasion Sn 388; Vin iv.77; Bu ii.181; Mhvs 22,
59; VbhA 283 sq.; aññatra samayā except at due season Vin
iii.212; iv.77; samaye at the right time J i.27. — asamaya Samassita [saṁ+assita] leaning towards Th 1, 525.
inopportune, unseasonable D iii.263, 287. — 5. coincidence,
Samā (f.) [Vedic samā] 1. a year Dh 106; Mhvs 7, 78. - 2. in
circumstance M i.438. akkhara° spelling DhA i.181. — 6. agginisamā a pyre Sn 668, 670.
condition, state; extent, sphere (cp. def of Bdhgh, above 9);
Samākaḍḍhati [saṁ+ākaḍḍhati] to pull along; to entice; ger. °iya
taken dogmatically as "diṭṭhi," doctrine, view (equal to above
def 6) It 14 (imamhi samaye); DhA i.90 (jānana°); Dāvs vi.4 Mhvs 37, 145.
(°antara var. views). bāhira° state of an outsider, doctrine Samākiṇṇa [saṁ+ākiṇṇa] covered, filled S i.6; Miln 342.
of outsiders, i. e. brahmanic DhA iii.392, cp. brāhmaṇānaṁ Samākula (adj.) [saṁ+ākula] 1. filled, crowded B ii.4= J i.3;
samaye DA i.291; ariyānaṁ samaye Miln 229. — 7. end, con- Miln 331, 342. — 2. crowded together Vin ii.117. — 3. con-
clusion, annihilation Sn 876; °vimutta finally emancipated A
fused, jumbled together J v.302.
iii.173; v.336 (a°); Pug 11; cp. DhsA 57. — Pp. abhi°.
Samāgacchati [saṁ+āgacchati] to meet together, to assemble Bu
-vasaṭha at A ii.41 is to be read as samavasaṭṭha, i. e.
ii.171; Sn 222; to associate with, to enter with, to meet, D
thoroughly given up. Thus Kern, Toev. The same passage oc-
ii.354; Sn 834; J ii.82; to go to see Vin i.308; to arrive, come
curs at D iii.269 as samavaya-saṭhesana (see under saṭha).
Sn 698; aor. 1 sg. °gañchiṁ D ii.354; 3 °gañchi Dh 210; J
Samara [sa+mara] battle Dāvs iv.1
ii.62; aor. 2 sg. °gamā Sn 834; ger. °gamma B ii.171=J i.26;
Samala (adj.) [BSk. samala] impure, contaminated Vin i.5; ger. °gantvā Vin i.308; pp. samāgata.
samalā (f.) dustbin S ii.270 (=gāmato gūthanikkhamana —
Samāgata [pp. of samāgacchati] met, assembled Dh 337; Sn 222.
magga, i. e sewer K.S. ii.203); see sandhi°.
Samāgama [saṁ+āgama] meeting, meeting with, intercourse A
Samalankaroti [saṁ+alankaroti] to decorate, adorn Mhvs 7, 56;
ii.51; iii.31; Miln 204; cohabitation D ii.268; meeting, assem-
°kata pp. Dāvs v.36: °karitvā J vi.577.
bly J ii.107; Miln 349; DhA iii.443 (three: yamaka — pāṭi-
Samavaṭṭhita ready Sn 345 (° — ā savanāya sotā). hāriya°; dev'orohaṇa°; Gangārohaṇa°).
Samavattakkhandha (adj.) [sama+vatta+kh., but BSk. Samācarati [saṁ+ācarati] to behave, act, practise M ii.113.
sasaṁvṛtta°] having the shoulders round, one of the lakkhaṇas Samācāra [saṁ+ācāra] conduct, behaviour D ii.279; iii.106, 217;
of a Buddha D ii.18; iii.144, 164; Dial. ii.15: "his bust is M ii.113; A ii.200, 239; iv.82; Sn 279; Vin ii.248; iii.184.
equally rounded."
Samātapa [saṁ+ātapa] ardour, zeal A iii.346.
Samavattasaṁvāsa [sama+vatta +saṁvāsa] living together with
Samādapaka [fr. samādapeti; cp. BSk. samādāpaka Divy 142]
the same duties, on terms of equality J i.236.
instructing, arousing M i.145; A ii.97; iv.296, 328; v.155; S
Samavadhāna (nt.) concurrence, co — existence Nett 79.
v.162; Miln 373; It 107; DhA ii.129.
Samavaya annihilation, termination (?) see samaya (cpd.) &
Samādapana (nt.) instructing, instigating M iii.132.
Samādapetar adviser, instigator M i.16.
Samavasarati of a goad or spur Th 2, 210. See samosarati.
Samādapeti [saṁ+ādapeti, cp. BSk. samādāpayati Divy 51] to
Samavāpaka (nt.) [sama+vāpaka, cp. vapati ] a storeroom M
cause to take, to incite, rouse Pug 39, 55; Vin i.250; iii.73; DA
i.293, 300; aor. °dapesi D ii.42, 95, 206; Miln 195; Sn 695;
Samavāya (m.) coming together, combination S iv.68; Miln 376; ger. °dapetvā D i.126; Vin i.18; ger. samādetvā (sic) Mhvs
DhsA 57, 196; PvA 104; VvA 20, 55. samavāyena in common 37, 201; ppr. pass. °dapiyamāna D ii.42.
VvA 336; khaṇa — s° a momentary meeting J i.381. Samādahati [saṁ+ādahati ] to put together S i.169. jotiṁ s. to
Samavekkhati [saṁ+avekkhati] to consider, examine M i.225; A kindle a fire Vin iv.115; cittaṁ s. to compose the mind, con-
ii.32; It 30. centrate M i.116; pres. samādheti Th 2, 50; pr. part. samā-
dahaṁ S v.312; ppr. med. samādahāna S i.169; aor 3 pl.
Samavekkhitar [fr. last] one who considers It 120.
samādahaṁsu D ii.254. Pass. samādhiyati to be stayed, com-
Samavepākin (adj.) [sama+vepākin, cp. vepakka] promoting a
posed D i.73; M i.37; Miln 289; Caus. II. samādahāpeti Vin
good digestion D ii.177; iii.166; M ii.67; A iii.65 sq., 103,
iv.115. — pp. samāhita.
153; v.15.
Samādāna 1. taking, bringing; asamādānacāra (m.) going for
Samavossajjati [read saṁvossajjati!] to transfer, entrust D
alms without taking with one (the usual set of three robes) Vin
i.254. — 2. taking upon oneself, undertaking, acquiring M
Samavhaya [saṁ+ahvaya] a name Dāvs v.67. i.305 sq.; A i.229 sq.; ii.52; J i.157, 219; Vin iv.319; KhA
16, 142. kammasamādāna acquiring for oneself of Karma D
Samasāyisun (aor.) J iii.201 (text, samāsāsisuṁ, cp. J.P.T.S.
i.82; A iii.417; v.33; S v.266, 304; It 58 sq., 99 sq.; VbhA 443
1885, 60; read taṁ asāyisuṁ).

Samādāna Samāpajjati

sq. — 3. resolution, vow Vin ii.268; J i.233; Miln 352. a 3 (preliminary) grade is added as khaṇika° (momentary)
at Vism 144. — Three kinds of s. are distinguished, suññata
Samādinna [pp. of samādiyati] taken up, undertaken A ii.193.
or empty, appaṇihita or aimless, and animitta or signless A
Samādiyati [saṁ+ādiyati ] to take with oneself, to take upon one-
i.299; S iv.360; cp. iv.296; Vin iii.93; Miln 337; cp. 333
self, to undertake D i.146; imper. samādiya Bu ii.118=J i.20;
sq.; DhsA 179 sq., 222 sq., 290 sq.; see Yogāvacara's Manual
aor. samādiyi S i.232; J i.219; ger. samādiyitvā S i.232;
p. xxvii; samādhi (tayo samādhī) is savitakka savicāra, avi-
& samādāya having taken up, i. e. with D i.71; Pug 58;
takka vicāramatta or avitakka avicāra D iii.219; Kvu 570; cp.
DA i.207; Mhvs 1, 47; having taken upon himself, conform-
413; Miln 337; DhsA 179 sq.; it is fourfold chanda —, viriya
ing to D i.163; ii.74; Dh 266; Sn 792, 898, 962; samādāya
—, citta —, and vīmaṁsā — samādhi D ii.213; S v.268. —
sikkhati sikkhāpadesu, he adopts and trains himself in the pre- Another fourfold division is that into hāna — bhāgiya, ṭhiti°,
cepts D i.63; S v.187; It 118; Sn 962 (cp. Nd 478). — pp.
visesa°, nibbedha° D iii.277 (as "dhammā duppaṭivijjhā").
-indriya the faculty of concentration A ii.149; Dhs 15.
Samādisati [saṁ+ādisati] to indicate, to command D i.211; Mhvs -khandha the section on s. see above 1. -ja produced by
38, 59. concentration D i.74; iii.13; Vism 158. -parikkhāra requi-
Samādhāna (nt.) [saṁ+ā+dhā] putting together, fixing; con- site to the attainment of samādhi: either 4 (the sammappad-
centration Vism 84 (=sammā ādhānaṁ ṭhapanaṁ) in def of hānas) M i.301; or 7: D ii.216; iii.252; A iv.40. -bala the
samādhi as "samādhān' aṭṭhena." power of concentration A i.94; ii.252; D iii.213, 253; Dhs 28.
-bhāvanā cultivation, attainment of samādhi M i.301; A ii.44
Samādhi [fr. saṁ+ā+dhā] 1. concentration; a concentrated, self
sq. (four different kinds mentioned); iii.25 sq.; D iii.222; Vism
— collected, intent state of mind and meditation, which, con-
371. -saṁvattanika conducive to concentration A ii.57; S
comitant with right living, is a necessary condition to the at-
iv.272 sq.; D iii.245; Dhs 1344. -sambojjhanga the s. con-
tainment of higher wisdom and emancipation. In the Subha
stituent of enlightment D iii.106, 226, 252; Vism 134=VbhA
— suttanta of the Dīgha (D i.209 sq.) samādhi — khandha
283 (with the eleven means of cultivating it).
("section on concentration") is the title otherwise given to the
Samādhika (adj.) [sama+adhika] excessive, abundant D ii.151; J
cittasampadā, which, in the ascending order of merit accru-
ii.383; iv.31.
ing from the life of a samaṇa (see Sāmaññaphala — suttanta,
and cp. Dial. i.57 sq.) stands between the sīla-sampadā Samādhiyati is Passive of samādahati.
and the paññā-sampadā. In the Ambaṭṭha — sutta the cor- 1 3
Samāna (adj.) [Vedic samāna, fr. sama ] similar, equal, even,
responding terms are sīla, caraṇa, vijjā (D. i.100). Thus 1
same Sn 18, 309; J ii.108. Cp. sāmañña .
samādhi would comprise (a) the guarding of the senses (in- 2
Samāna [ppr. fr. as to be] 1. being, existing D i.18, 60; J i.218;
driyesu gutta — dvāratā), (b) self — possession (sati — sam-
PvA 129 (=santo), 167 (id.). — 2. a kind of god D ii.260.
pajañña), (c) contentment (santuṭṭhi), (d) emancipation from
-āsanika entitled to a seat of the same height Vin ii.
the 5 hindrances (nīvaraṇāni), (e) the 4 jhānas. In the same way
169. -gatika identical Tikp 35. -bhāva equanimity Sn 702.
we find samādhi grouped as one of the sampadās at A iii.12
-vassika having spent the rainy season together Vin i.168 sq.
(sīla°, samādhi°, paññā°, vimutti°), and as samādhi-khandha
-saṁvāsa living together with equals Dh 302 (a°), cp. DhA
(with sīla° & paññā°) at D iii.229 (+vimutti°); A i.125; ii.20;
iii.15; v.326; Nd 21; Nd p. 277 (s. v. sīla). It is defined as iii.462. -saṁvāsaka belonging to the same communion Vin
i.321. -sīmā the same boundary, parish Vin i.321; °ma be-
cittassa ekaggatā M i.301; Dhs 15; DhsA 118; cp. Cpd. 89 n.
longing to the same parish Vin ii.300.
4; identified with avikkhepa Dhs 57, and with samatha Dhs
54. — sammā° is one the constituents of the eightfold ariya Samānatta (adj.) [samāna+attan] equanimous, of even mind A
— magga, e. g. D iii.277; VbhA 120 sq. — See further D iv.364.
ii.123 (ariya); Vin i.97, 104; S i.28; Nd 365; Miln 337; Vism
Samānattatā (f.) [abstr. fr. last] equanimity, impartiality A
84 sq. (with definition), 289 (+vipassanā), 380 (°vipphārā id-
ii.32=248; iv.219, 364; D iii.152, 190 sq., 232.
dhi); VbhA 91; DhA i.427; and on term in general Heiler, Bud-
Samāniyā [instr. fem. of samāna, used adverbially, Vedic
dhistische Versenkung 104 sq. — 2. Description & character-
samānyā] (all) equally, in common Sn 24.
ization of samādhi: Its four nimittas or signs are the four
satipaṭṭhānas M i.301; six conditions and six hindrances A Samānīta [pp. of samāneti] brought home, settled Miln 349.
iii.427; other hindrances M iii.158. The second jhāna is born
Samāneti [saṁ+āneti] 1. to bring together J i.68. — 2. to bring,
from samādhi D ii.186; it is a condition for attaining kusalā
produce J i.433. — 3. to put together, cp. J i.120, 148. — 4.
dhammā A i.115; Miln 38; conducive to insight A iii.19, 24
to collect, enumerate J i.429. — 5. to calculate (the time) J
sq., 200; S iv.80; to seeing heavenly sights etc. D i.173; to
i.120, 148; aor. samānayi DA i.275 — pp. samānīta.
removing mountains etc. A iii.311; removes the delusions of
Samāpajjati [saṁ+āpajjati] 1. to come into, enter upon, at-
self A i.132 sq.; leads to Arahantship A ii.45; the ānantarika s.
tain D i.215 (samādhiṁ samāpajji); Vin iii.241 (Pot. °paj-
Sn 226; cetosamādhi (rapture of mind) D i.13; A ii.54; iii.51;
jeyya); samāpattiṁ J i.77; arahattamaggaṁ A ii.42 sq.; Vin
S iv.297; citta° id. Nett 16. dhammasamādhi almost iden-
i.32; saññāvedayitanirodhaṁ to attain the trance of cessation
tical with samatha S iv.350 sq. — Two grades of samādhi
S iv.293; kayavikkayaṁ to engage in buying and selling Vin
distinguished, viz. upacāra — s. (preparatory concentration)
iii.241; sākacchaṁ to engage in conversation D ii.109; tejod-
and appanā — s. (attainment concentration) DA i.217; Vism
hātuṁ to convert one's body into fire Vin i.25; ii.76. — 2. to
126; Cpd. 54, 56 sq.; only the latter results in jhāna; to these

Samāpajjati Samiddha

become S iii.86 (aor. 3 pl. samāpaduṁ). — pp. samāpajjita aor. samārūhi Mhvs 14, 38. — pp. samārūḷha. — Caus.
& samāpanna. samāropeti to raise, cause to enter Miln 85; to put down, en-
ter Nett 4, 206.
Samāpajjana (nt.) [fr. last] entering upon, passing through (?)
Miln 176. Samārūḷha [pp. of samāruhati] ascended, entered M i.74.
Samāpajjita [pp. of °āpajjati] attained, reached, got into D ii.109 Samāropana [fr. samāropeti] one of the Hāras Nett 1, 2, 4, 108,
(parisā °pubbā). 205 sq., 256 sq.
Samāpaṭipatti misprint for sammā° A i.69. Samālapati [saṁ+ālapati] to speak to, address J i.478. At J i.51 it
seems to mean "to recover the power of speech."
Samāpatti (f.) [fr. saṁ+ā+pad] attainment A iii.5; S ii.150 sq.;
iv.293 (saññā — vedayita — nirodha°); Dhs 30= 101; a stage Samāvaya=samavāya, closely united J vi.475 (in verse).
of meditation A i.94; Dhs 1331; J i.343, 473; PvA 61 (mahā Samāsa [fr. saṁ+ās] 1. compound, combination Vism 82; SnA
— karuṇā°); Nd 100, 106, 139, 143; the Buddha acquired 303; KhA 228. Cp. vyāsa. — 2. an abridgment Mhvs 37, 244.
anekakoṭisata — sahassā s. J i.77. The eight attainments com-
Samāsati [saṁ+āsati] to sit together, associate; Pot. 3 sg.
prise the four Jhānas, the realm of the infinity of space, realm
samāsetha S i.17, 56 sq.; J ii.112; v.483, 494; Th 1, 4.
of the infinity of consciousness, realm of nothingness, realm of
neither consciousness nor unconsciousness Ps i.8, 20 sq.; Nd 1 Samāsana (nt.) [saṁ+āsana] sitting together with, company Sn
108, 328; Bu 192=J i.28, 54; necessary for becoming a Buddha 977.
J i.14; acquired by the Buddha J i.66; the nine attainments, the
Samāsama "exactly the same" at Ud 85 (=D ii.135) read sama°.
preceding and the trance of cessation of perception and sensa-
Samāsādeti [saṁ+āsādeti] to obtain, get; ger. samāsajja J iii.218.
tion S ii.216, 222; described M i.159 sq. etc.; otherwise called
anupubbavihārā D ii.156; A iv.410, 448 & passim [cp. Divy Samāhata [saṁ+āhata] hit, struck Sn 153 (ayosanku°); Miln 181,
95 etc.]. — In collocation with jhāna, vimokkha, and samādhi 254, 304. Sankusamāhata name of a purgatory M i.337.
Vin i.97; A iii.417 sq.; cp. Cpd. 59, 133 n. 3. -°bhāvanā re-
Samāhita [pp. of samādahati] 1. put down, fitted J iv.337; — 2.
alizing the attainments J i.67; °kusalatā success in attainment
collected (of mind), settled, composed, firm, attentive D i.13;
D iii.212; Dhs 1331 sq.
S i.169; A ii.6 (°indriya); iii.312, 343 sq.; v.3, 93 sq., 329 sq.;
Samāpattila [fr. last] one who has acquired J i.406. Sn 212, 225, 972 etc.; Dh 362; It 119; Pug 35; Vin iii.4; Miln
300; Vism 410; Nd 501. — 3. having attained S i.48 (cp.
Samāpattesiya (adj.) [samāpatti+esiya, adj. to esikā] longing for
K.S. i.321 & Miln 352).
attainment Kvu 502 sq.
Samijjhati [saṁ+ijjhati] to succeed, prosper, take effect D i.71;
Samāpanna [pp. of samāpajjati] having attained, got to, entered,
Sn 766 (cp. Nd 2=labhati etc.); Bu ii.59= J i.14, 267; Pot.
reached S iv.293 (saññā — nirodhaṁ); A ii.42 (arahatta —
samijjheyyuṁ D i.71; aor. samijjhi J i.68; Fut. samijjhissati
maggaṁ entered the Path); Dh 264 (icchālobha° given to de-
J i.15. — pp. samiddha. — Caus. II. °ijjhāpeti to endow or
sire); Kvu 572 (in special sense= attaining the samāpattis).
invest with (acc.) J vi.484.
Samāpannaka (adj.) [last+ka] possessed of the samāpattis DA
Samijjhana (nt.) [fr. samijjhati] fulfilment, success DhA i.112.
Samijjhiṭṭha [saṁ+ajjhiṭṭha] ordered, requested J vi.12 (=āṇatta
Samāpeti [saṁ+āpeti] to complete, conclude Mhvs 5, 280; 30, 55;
DA i.307 (desanaṁ). — pp. samatta . C.).
Samiñjati [saṁ+iñjati of ṛñj or ṛj to stretch] 1. to double up M
Samāyāti [saṁ+āyāti] to come together, to be united J iii.38.
i.326. — 2. (intrs.) to be moved or shaken Dh 81 (=calati
Samāyuta [saṁ+āyuta] combined, united Miln 274.
kampati DhA ii.149). See also sammiñjati.
Samāyoga [saṁ+āyoga] combination, conjunction DA i.95; Sdhp
Samiñjana (nt.) [fr. samiñjati] doubling up, bending back (orig.
45, 469.
stretching!) Vism 500 (opp. pasāraṇa). See also sammiñjana.
Samāraka (adj.) [sa +māra+ka] including Māra Vin i.11=S 1 10
Samita [saṁ+ita, pp. of sameti] gathered, assembled Vv 64 ;
v.423; D i.250; iii.76, 135 & passim. VvA 277. — nt. as adv. samitaṁ continuously M i.93; A
Samāraddha [pp. of samārabhati] undertaken S iv.197; Dh 293; iv.13; It 116; Miln 70, 116.
J ii.61. Samita [sa+mita, of mā] equal (in measure), like S i.6.
Samārambha [saṁ+ārambha] 1. undertaking, effort, en-deavour, 3 1
Samita [pp. of sammati ] quiet, appeased DhA iii.84.
activity A ii.197 sq. (kāya°, vacī°, mano°); Vin iv.67. — 2.
Samita [pp. of saṁ+śam to labour] arranged, put in order J v.201
injuring, killing, slaughter Sn 311; D i.5; DA i.77; A ii.197;
(=saṁvidahita C.).
S v.470; Pug 58; DhsA 146. — appasamārambha (written
°rabbha) connected with little (or no) injury (to life) D i.143. Samitatta (nt.) [fr. samita ] state of being quieted Dh 265.
Cp. ārabhati . 3
Samitāvin [samita +āvin, cp. vijitāvin] one who has quieted him-
Samārabhati [saṁ+ārabhati ] to begin, undertake M i.227; Mhvs self, calm, Sn 449, 520; S i.62, 188; A ii.49, 50. Cp. BSk.
5, 79. — pp. samāraddha. śamitāvin & samitāvin.
Samāruhati [saṁ+āruhati] to climb up, to ascend, enter; pres. Samiti (f.) [fr. saṁ+i] assembly D ii.256; Dh 321; J iv.351; Pv
samārohati J vi.209 (cp. samorohatī p. 206, read samārohatī); ii.3 (=sannipāta PvA 86); DhA iv.13.

Samiddha Samudaya

Samiddha [pp. of samijjhati] 1. succeeded, successful Vin i.37; Samugghāta [saṁ+ugghāta; BSk. samudghāṭa Lal. Vist. 36,
Bu ii.4=J i.3; Miln 331. — 2. rich, magnificent J vi.393; J 571] uprooting, abolishing, removal D i.135; M i.136; A ii.34;
iii.14; samiddhena (adv.) successfully J vi.314. iii.407; v.198; S ii.263; iii.131; iv.31; Vin i.107, 110; J iii.397.
Samiddhi (f.) [fr. samijjhati] success, prosperity Dh 84; S i.200. Samugghātaka (adj.) [fr. last] removing Miln 278.
Samiddhika (adj.) [samiddhi+ka] rich in, abounding in Sdhp 421. Samugghātita [pp. of samugghāteti, see samūhanati] abolished,
completely removed; nt. abstr. °tta Miln 101.
Samiddhin (adj.) [fr. samiddhi] richly endowed with ThA 18 (Ap
v.23); fem. — inī J v.90. Samucita [saṁ+ucita, pp. of uc to be pleased] suitable Vin iv.147
(must mean something else here, perhaps "hurt," or "fright-
Samidhā (f.) [fr. saṁ+idh; see indhana] fuel, firewood SnA 174.
ened") Dāvs v.55.
Samihita [=saṁhita] collected, composed Vin i.245= D
Samuccaya [saṁ+uccaya] collection, accumulation J ii.235 (the
i.104=238; A iii.224=229=DA i.273; D i.241, 272.
signification of the particle vā); SnA 266 (id.). — samuccaya
Samīcī D ii.94: see sāmīcī.
— kkhandhaka the third section of Cullavagga Vin ii.38 — 72.
Samītar [=sametar] one who meets, assembles; pl. samī-tāro J
Samucchaka see samuñchaka.
Samucchati [derivation and meaning uncertain; Windisch, Bud-
Samīpa (adj.) [cp. Epic & Class. Sk. samīpa] near, close (to) SnA
dha's Geburt, p. 39, n. 1 derives it fr. saṁ+mucchati. Cp.
43 (bhumma — vacana), 174, 437; KhA 111; PvA 47 (dvāra°
Geiger, P.Gr. § 157] to be consolidated, to arise samuc-
magga) (nt.) proximity D i.118. Cases adverbially: acc. °aṁ
chissatha (Conditional) D ii.63.
near to PvA 107; loc. °-e near (with gen.) SnA 23, 256; PvA
Samucchita [saṁ+mucchita] infatuated S i.187; iv.71; Th 1,
10, 17, 67, 120.
1219. It is better to read pamucchita at all passages.
-ga approaching Mhvs 4, 27; 25, 74. -cara being near
DhsA 193. -cārin being near D i.206; ii.139. -ṭṭha standing Samucchindati [saṁ+ucchindati] to extirpate, abolish, spoil,
near Mhvs 37, 164. give up D i.34; ii.74; M i.101 sq., 360; J iv.63. — pp.
Samīpaka (adj.) [samīpa+ka] being near Mhvs 33, 52.
Samucchinna [saṁ+ucchinna] cut off, extirpated D i.34.
Samīra [fr. saṁ+īr] air, wind Dāvs iv.40.
Samuccheda [saṁ+uccheda] cutting off, abolishing, giving up M
Samīrati [saṁ+īrati] to be moved Vin i.185; Dh 81; DhA ii.149.
i.360; KhA 142; sammā s. Ps i.101; °pahāna relinquishing by
— pp. samīrita J i.393.
extirpation Vism 5; SnA 9; °maraṇa dying by extirpation (of
Samīrita [saṁ+īrita] stirred, moved J i.393.
saṁsāra) Vism 229; °visuddhi Ps ii.3; °suññaṁ Ps ii.180.
Samīhati [saṁ+īhati] to move, stir; to be active; to long for, strive Samujjala (adj.) [saṁ+ujjala] resplendent J i.89, 92 (pañca-vaṇṇa
after Sn 1064 (cp. Nd 651); Vv 5 ; VvA 35; J v.388. — pp.
— vattha°). raṁsi — jāla° resplendent with the blaze of rays
VvA 12, 14, 166.
Samīhita (nt.) [pp. of samīhati] endeavour, striving after, pursuit
Samujju (adj.) [saṁ+uju] straightforward, perfect Sn 352; S
J v.388.
iv.196 (text saṁmuju).
Samukkaṁsati [saṁ+ukkaṁsati] to extol, to praise Sn 132, 438;
Samuñchaka (adj.) [saṁ+uncha+ka] only as nt. adv. °ṁ glean-
M i.498. — pp. samukkaṭṭha.
ing, (living) by gleaning S i.19; J iv.466 (°ṁ carati).
Samukkaṭṭha [saṁ+ukkaṭṭha] exalted A iv.293; Th 1, 632.
Samuṭṭhahati [saṁ+uṭṭhahati] to rise up, to originate; pres.
Samukkācanā=ukkācanā Vbh 352; Vism 23. samuṭṭhāti Vin v.1; aor. samuṭṭhahi Mhvs 28, 16. — pp.
samuṭṭhita. — Caus. samuṭṭhāpeti to raise, to originate, set
Samukkheṭita [saṁ+ukkheṭita] despised, rejected Vin iii.95;
on foot J i.144, 191, 318.
Samuṭṭhāna (nt.) [saṁ+uṭṭhāna] rising, origination, cause; as adj.
Samugga [Class. Sk. samudga] a box, basket J i.265, 372, 383;
(—°) arising from A ii.87; Dhs 766 sq., 981, 1175; Miln 134,
Miln 153, 247; Sdhp 360 (read samuggābhaṁ). Samugga —
jātaka the 436th Jātaka J iii.527 sq. (called Karaṇḍaka — Jā- 302, 304; J i.207; iv.171; KhA 23, 31, 123; Vism 366.
taka ibid.; v.455). Samuṭṭhānika (adj.) [fr. last] originating DhsA 263.
Samuggaṇhāti [saṁ+uggaṇhati] to seize, grasp, embrace; ger. Samuṭṭhāpaka (f. °ikā) [fr. samuṭṭhāpeti] occasioning, causing
samuggahāya Sn 797; Nd 105. — pp. samuggahīta. DhsA 344; VvA 72.
Samuggata [saṁ+uggata] arisen VvA 280; J iv.403 (text samug- Samuṭṭhita [pp. of samuṭṭhahati] arisen, originated, happened,
gagata). occurred J ii.196; Dhs 1035.
Samuggama [saṁ+uggama] rise, origin VbhA 21 (twofold, of the Samuttarati [saṁ+uttarati] to pass over Miln 372.
Samuttejaka (adj.) [fr. samuttejeti] instigating, inciting, glad-
Samuggahīta [pp. of samuggaṇhāti] seized, taken up Sn 352, 785, dening M i.146; A ii.97; iv.296, 328; v.155; S v.162; It 107.
801, 837, 907; Nd 76, 100, 193.
Samuttejeti [saṁ+ud+tij] to excite, gladden, to fill with enthusi-
Samuggirati [saṁ+uggirati] to throw out, eject VvA 199; to cry asm Vin i.18; D i.126. Cp. BSk. samuttejayati, e. g. Divy
aloud Dāvs v.29. 80.

Samudaya Samuppilava

Samudaya [saṁ+udaya] 1. rise, origin D i.17; ii.33, 308; iii.227; ocean, e. g. Vin ii.237; A i.227; ii.55; iii.52; iv.101; SnA 371;
A i.263 (kamma°); Vin i.10; Sn p. 135; It 16 (samuddaya metri DhA iii.44. Eight qualities: A iv.198, 206; popular etymol-
causa) etc. dukkha° the origin of ill, the second ariya — sacca, ogy Miln 85 sq. (viz. "yattakaṁ udakaṁ tattakaṁ loṇaṁ,"
e. g. D iii.136; A i.177; Vism 495 (where samudaya is expl d and vice versa); the eye etc. (the senses), an ocean which en-
in its parts as sam+ u+aya); VbhA 124. — 2. bursting forth, gulfs all beings S iv.157 (samudda=mahā udakarāsi). — Cp.
effulgence (pabhā°) J i.83. — 3. produce, revenue D i.227. sāmuddika.
-akkhāyikā (f.) tales about the origin of the sea, cos-
Samudāgacchati [saṁ+udāgacchati] to result, rise; to be got, to
mogony Vin i.188; M i.513 sq.; D i.8; DA i.91. -ṭṭhaka
be at hand D i.116; M i.104. — pp. samudāgata.
situated in the ocean J vi.158. -vīci a wave of the ocean Vism
Samudāgata [pp. of last] arisen, resulted; received S ii.24; Sn
648 (=āgata C.).
Samuddaya metri causa instead of samudaya It 16, 52.
Samudāgama [saṁ+ud+āgama] beginning J i.2.
Samuddhaṭa [saṁ+uddhaṭa] pulled out, eradicated Mhvs 59, 15;
Samudācarati [saṁ+ud+ācarati] 1. to be current, to be in use M
J vi.309; Sdhp 143.
i.40 (=kāya — vacī — dvāraṁ sampatta s. MA 182). — 2. to
occur to, to befall, beset, assail M i.109, 112, 453; S ii.273; It Samuddharana (nt.) [saṁ+uddharaṇa] pulling out, salvation
Miln 232.
31; Vism 343. — 3. to behave towards, to converse with (in-
str.), to address Vin i.9; D ii.154, 192; A iii.124, 131; iv.415, Samuddharati [saṁ+uddharati] to take out or away; to lift up,
440; v.103; J i.192. — 4. to practise J ii.33 (aor. °ācariṁsu). carry away, save from; aor. samuddhari J vi.271; samud-
— 5. to claim, to boast of Vin iii.91. — pp. samudāciṇṇa. dhāsi (aor. thus read instead of samuṭṭhāsi) J v.70.
Samudācaritatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. samudācarita, pp. of Samunna [saṁ+unna] moistened, wet, immersed S iv.158; cp.
samudācarati] practice Miln 59. the similar passage A ii.211 with ref. to taṇhā as a snare (pariy-
Samudācāra [saṁ+ud+ācāra] behaviour, practice, habit, famil-
iarity J iv.22; SnA 6; DhsA 392; PvA 279. Samunnameti [saṁ+unnameti] to raise, elevate, Th 1, 29.
Samudāciṇṇa [pp. of samudācarati] practised, indulged in J ii.33; Samupagacchati [saṁ+upagacchati] to approach Miln 209.
Tikp 320.
Samupajaneti [saṁ+upa+janeti] to produce; °janiya-māna (ppr.
Samudānaya (adj.) [grd. of samudāneti] to be procured or at- pass.) Nett 195.
tained J iii.313 (su°).
Samupaṭṭhahati [saṁ+upaṭṭhahati] to serve, help; pres. samu-
Samudānīta [pp. of samudāneti, cp. BSk. samudānīta MVastu paṭṭhāti Sdhp 283; aor. samupaṭṭhahi Mhvs 33, 95.
i.231] collected, procured J iv.177.
Samupabbūḷha [saṁ+upa+viyūḷha] set up; heaped, massed, in
Samudāneti [saṁ+ud+āneti; cp. BSk. samudānayati Divy 26, full swing (of a battle), crowded M i.253; D ii.285; S i.98;
50, 490; AvŚ i.199] to collect, procure, attain, get M i.104; Sn Miln 292; J i.89.
295. — pp. °ānīta.
Samupama [saṁ+upama] resembling Mhvs 37, 68; also samū-
Samudāya [fr. saṁ+ud+ā+i] multitude, quantity VvA 175; the pama J i.146; v.155; vi.534.
whole VvA 276.
Samuparūḷha [saṁ+uparūḷha] ascended Dāvs iv.42.
Samudāvaṭa [saṁ+ud+āvaṭa? Better read as saṁ+ udāvatta] re-
Samupasobhita [saṁ+upasobhita] adorned Miln 2.
strained DhsA 75.
Samupāgacchati [saṁ+upāgacchati] to come to; aor.
Samudāhāra [saṁ+udāhāra, cp. BSk. samudāhāra Divy 143]
samupāgami Mhvs 36, 91; pp. samupāgata.
talk, conversation Miln 344; piya° A v.24, 27, 90, 201, 339;
Samupāgata [saṁ+upāgata] come to, arrived at Mhvs 37, 115;
ThA 226.
38, 12; J vi.282; Sdhp 324.
Samudikkhati [saṁ+udikkhati] to behold ThA 147 (Ap. v.52).
Samupādika being on a level with the water Miln 237 (Trenck-
Samudita [saṁ+udita ] 1. arisen Dāvs v.4. — 2. excited S i.136.
ner conjectures samupodika). The better reading, however, is
— 3. united VvA 321. samupp°, sama=peace, quiet, thus "producing quiet," calm.
Samudīraṇa (nt.) [saṁ+udīraṇa in meaning udīreti 1] moving M
Samupeta [saṁ+upeta] endowed with, Miln 352.
i.119; D i.76; Vism 365; DhsA 307.
Samuppajjati [saṁ+uppajjati] to arise, to be produced S iv.218;
Samudīrita [saṁ+udīrita] uttered J vi.17.
pp. samuppanna.
Samudeti [saṁ+udeti] to arise; pres. samudayati (v. l. samudīy-
Samuppatti (f.) origin, arising S iv.218.
ati) S ii.78; samudeti A iii.338; pp. samudita.
Samuppanna [saṁ+uppanna] arisen, produced, come about Sn
Samudda [cp. Vedic samudra, fr. saṁ+udra, water] a (large)
168, 599; Dhs 1035.
quantity of water, e. g. the Ganges; the sea, the ocean D i.222;
Samuppāda [saṁ+uppāda] origin, arising, genesis, coming to be,
M i.493; A i.243; ii.48 sq.; iii.240; D iii.196, 198; S i.6, 32, 67;
J i.230; iv.167, 172; Dh 127; Nd 353; SnA 30; PvA 47, 104, production Vin ii.96; S iii.16 sq.; It 17; A iii.406 (dhamma°);
J vi.223 (anilūpana — samuppāda, v. read, ° — samup-
133, 271; explained by adding sāgara, S ii.32; four oceans S
pāta, "swift as the wind"); Vism 521 (sammā & saha uppaj-
ii.180, 187; ThA 111. Often characterized as mahā° the great
jati=samuppāda). Cp. paṭicca°.

Samuppilava Samosaraṇa

Samuppilava (adj.) [fr. saṁ+uppilavati] jumping or bubbling up Samekkhati [saṁ+ikkhati] to consider, to seek, look for; Pot.
Sn 670 (°āso nom. pl.). samekkhe J iv.5; ppr. samekkhamāna Th 1, 547; &
samekkhaṁ J ii.65; ger. samekkhiya Mhvs 37, 237.
Samupphosita [saṁ+ud+phosita] sprinkled J vi.481.
Samubbahati [saṁ+ubbahati ] to carry Dāvs iii.3; v.35; ppr. Sameta [pp. of sameti] associating with Miln 396; connected
with, provided with Mhvs 19, 69; combined, constituted Sn
samubbahanto J vi.21 (making display of).
873, 874.
Samubbhūta [saṁ+ud+bhūta] borne from, produced from Dāvs
Sameti [saṁ+eti] 1. to come together, to meet, to assemble Bu
ii.199=J i.29. — 2. to associate with, to go to D ii.273; J iv.93.
Samuyyuta [saṁ+uyyuta] energetic, devoted Vv 63 ; VvA 269.
— 3. to correspond to, to agree D i.162, 247; J i.358; iii.278.
Samullapati [saṁ+ullapati] to talk, converse Vin iii.187; PvA — 4. to know, consider S i.186; Nd 284. — 5. to fit in J
237; ppr. samullapanto J iii.49. vi.334. — imper. sametu J iv.93 ; fut. samessati S iv.379;
Samullapana (nt.) [saṁ+ullapana] talking (with), conversation It 70; aor. samiṁsu Bu ii.199; S ii.158=It 70; & samesuṁ
SnA 71. J ii.30 ; ger. samecca (1) (coming) together with D ii.273; J
vi.211, 318. — (2) having acquired or learnt, knowing S i.186;
Samullāpa [=last] conversation, talk Miln 351.
Sn 361, 793; A ii.6. — pp. samita & sameta [=saṁ+ā+ita].
Samussaya [saṁ+ud+śri, cp. BSk. samucchraya "body," Divy
Sametikā Sii.285; read samāhitā.
70=AvŚ i.162] 1. accumulation, complex A ii.42= It 48; It
Samerita [saṁ+erita] moved, set in motion; filled with (—°), per-
34; bhassasamuccaya, grandiloquence Sn 245; — 2. complex 1
form, the body D ii.157=S i.148; Vv35 12 (=sarīra VvA 164); vaded by Sn 937; Nd 410; J vi.529; Vism 172.
Dh 351; Th 1, 202 ("confluence," i. e. of the 5 factors, trsl ); Samokiṇṇa [pp. of samokirati] besprinkled, covered (with) J
Th 2, 22, 270; DhA iv.70; ThA 98, 212; rūpasamussaya the i.233.
same Th 2, 102; cp. samuccaya.
Samokirati [saṁ+okirati] to sprinkle Bu ii.178=J i.27. - pp.
Samussāpita [saṁ+ussāpita] lifted, raised J iii.408. samokiṇṇa.
Samussāhita [saṁ+ussāhita] instigated VvA 105. Samocita [saṁ+ocita] gathered, arranged J v.156 (=suro-cita C.).
Samussita [saṁ+ussita] 1. elevated, erected J iii.497. - 2. ar- Samotata [saṁ+otata] strewn all over, spread Vv 81 (vv. ll.
rogant, proud, haughty Dh 147 (interpreted at DhA iii.109 as samogata and samohata); J i.183; Ap 191.
"compounded," i. e. the body made up of 300 bones); A i.199;
Samotarati [saṁ+otarati] to descend Mhvs 10, 57.
SnA 288 (°ṁ bhassaṁ high and mighty talk).
Samodakaṁ (adv.) [saṁ+odakaṁ] at the water's edge Vin i.6=M
Samusseti [saṁ+ud+śri] to raise, lift up, Pot. samusseyya A
i.169=D ii.38.
i.199 (here=to be grandiloquent). — pp. samussita.
Samodahati [saṁ+odahati] to put together, supply, apply S. i.7;
Samūpasanta [saṁ+upasanta] is v. l. for su — vūpasanta (?)
iv.178 sq.; to fix Nett 165, 178; ppr. samodahaṁ S i.7=iv.179;
"calmed," at KhA 21.
ger. samodahitvā S iv.178; & samodhāya Vism 105; Sdhp
Samūlaka (adj.) [sa +mūla+ka] including the root Th 2 385; ThA 588. — pp. samohita.
Samodita united VvA 186 (so read for samm°), 320; cp. samu-
Samūha [fr. saṁ+vah, uh] multitude, mass, aggregation Nett dita.
195; PvA 49, 127, 157 (=gaṇa), 200 (id.).
Samodhāna (nt.) [saṁ+odhāna, cp. odahana] collocation, combi-
Samūhata [pp. of samūhanati] taken out, removed D i.136; S nation Bu ii.59=J i.14; S iv.215=v.212; application (of a story)
iii.131; Th 1,604; Dh 250; Sn 14, 360; It 83; J iv.345 (Kern, J ii.381. samodhānaṁ gacchati to come together, to combine,
wrongly, "combined"). to be contained in Vin i.62; M i.184=S i.86; v.43, 231=A v.21
(Com. odhānapakkhepaṁ) A iii.364; SnA 2; Vism 7; VbhA
Samūhatatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. samūhata] abolition M iii.151.
107; samodhānagata wrapped together Miln 362; samodhāna-
Samūhanati [saṁ+ūhanati ] to remove, to abolish Vin i.110; D
parivāsa a combined, inclusive probation Vin ii.48 sq.
i.135 sq. (°hanissati); ii.91=S v.432; M i.47; ii.193; S v.76;
J i.374=Sn 360; Sn 14, 369, 1076; sikkhāpadaṁ Vin iii.23; Samodhānatā (f.) [abstr. fr. samodhāna] combination, applica-
D ii.154; uposathāgāraṁ to discontinue using a Vihāra as an tion, pursuance, in vutti° J iii.541 (so read for vatti°).
Uposathāgāra Vin i.107; sīmaṁ to remove the boundary Vin Samodhāneti [Denom. fr. samodhāna] to combine, put together,
i.110. Pres. also samūhanti S iii.156; Pot. samūhaneyya Vin connect J i.9, 14; DA i.18; SnA 167, 193, 400; especially jā-
i.110; imper. samūhantu D ii.154; & °ūhanatu Miln 143; ger. takaṁ s. to apply a Jātaka to the incident J i.106, 171; ii.381
samūhanitvā M i.47; Vin i.107; a° M iii.285; inf. samugghā- & passim.
tuṁ Mhvs 37, 32; grd. samūhantabba Vin i.107. — Caus.
Samorodha [saṁ+orodha] barricading, torpor Dhs 1157; DhsA
II. samugghātāpeti to cause to be removed, i. e. to put to
death Miln 193; samūhanāpeti Miln 142. — pp. samūhata
Samorohati [saṁ+orohati] to descend; ger. samoruyha Mhvs
& (Caus.) samugghātita.
10, 35.
Samūheti [Caus. of saṁ+uh=vah] to gather, collect Mhvs 37,
Samosaraṇa (nt.) [saṁ+osaraṇa] coming together, meeting,
union, junction D i.237; ii.61; S iii.156; v.42 sq., 91; A iii.364;

Samosaraṇa Sampadā

Miln 38. Sampaṭiggaha [saṁ+paṭiggaha] summing up, agreement KhA
Samosarati [saṁ+osarati] 1. to flow down together Miln 349. —
2. to come together, gather J i.178 (see on this Kern, Toev. Sampaṭicchati [saṁ+paṭicchati] to receive, accept J i.69; iii.351;
ii.60). Mhvs 6, 34; ovādaṁ s. to comply with an admonition J iii.52;
sādhū ti s. to say "well" and agree J ii.31; Miln 8. Caus. II.
Samoha infatuated Pug 61.
sampaṭicchāpeti J vi.336.
Samohita [pp. of samodahati] 1. put together, joined J vi.261
(su°). — 2. connected with, covered with Nd 149 (for Sampaṭicchana (nt.) [fr. last] acceptance, agreement DhsA 332;
SnA 176 ("sādhu"); Vism 21; Sdhp 59, 62.
pareta); Miln 346 (raja — panka°).
Sampaṭinipajjā (f.) [saṁ+paṭi+nipajjā] squatting down, lying
Sampakampati [saṁ+pakampati] to tremble, to be shaken Vin
down ThA 111.
i.12; D ii.12, 108; M i.227; iii.120. — Caus. sampakampeti
to shake D ii.108. Sampaṭivijjhati [saṁ+paṭivijjhati] to penetrate; Pass. sampaṭivi-
Sampakopa [saṁ+pakopa] indignation Dhs 1060. jjhiyati Nett 220.
Sampaṭivedha [saṁ+paṭivedha] penetration Nett 27, 41, 42, 220.
Sampakkhandati [saṁ+pakkhandati, cp. BSk. sampra-skandati
MVastu ii.157] to aspire to, to enter into Miln 35. Sampaṭisaṁkhā deliberately S ii.111; contracted from ger. ° —
Sampakkhandana (nt.) [saṁ+pakkhandana] aspiration Miln 34
sq. Sampatati [saṁ+patati] to jump about, to fly along or about J
vi.528 (dumā dumaṁ); imper, sampatantu, ib. vi.448 (itarī-
Sampaggaṇhāti [saṁ+pagganhāti] 1. to exert, strain DhsA 372.
taraṁ); ppr. sampatanto flying to J iii.491. pp. sampatita.
— 2. to show a liking for, to favour, befriend J vi.294. — pp.
sampaggahīta. Sampati [saṁ+paṭi; cp. Sk. samprati] now Miln 87; sampatijāta,
just born D ii.15=M iii.123. Cp. sampaṭike.
Sampaggaha [saṁ+paggaha] support, patronage Mhvs 4, 44.
Sampatita [pp. of sampatati] jumping about J vi.507.
Sampaggahīta [saṁ+paggahīta] uplifted Miln 309.
Sampatta [pp. of sampāpuṇāti] reached, arrived, come to, present
Sampaggāha assumption, arrogance Dhs 1116.
J iv.142; Miln 9, 66; PvA 12; KhA 142; SnA 295; Sdhp 56.
Sampaghosa sound, noise Mhbv 45.
Sampattakajāta merged in, given to Ud 75 [read sammat-taka
Sampacura (adj.) [saṁ+pacura] abundant, very many A ii.59, 61;
S i.110.
Sampatti (f.) [saṁ+patti ] 1. success, attainment; happiness,
Sampajañña (nt.) [fr. sampajāna, i. e. *sampajānya] atten-
bliss, fortune (opp. vipatti) A iv.26, 160; Vism 58, 232; J
tion, consideration, discrimination, comprehension, circum-
iv.3 (dibba°); DA i.126; three attainments J i.105; Miln 96;
spection A i.13 sq.; ii.93; iii.307; iv.320; v.98 sq.; S iii.169; D
DhA iii.183 (manussa°, devaloka°, nibbāna°); Nett 126 (sīla°,
iii.213 (sati+samp. opp. to muṭṭha-sacca+ asampajañña),
samādhi°, paññā°; cp. sampadā); four VbhA 439 sq. (gati°,
273. Description of it in detail at DA i.183 sq.=VbhA 347 sq.,
upadhi°, kāla°, payoga°); six J i.105; nine Miln 341. —
where given as fourfold, viz. sātthaka°, sappāya°, gocara°,
2. excellency, magnificence SnA 397; rūpasampatti beauty
asammoha°, with examples. Often combined with sati, with
J iii.187; iv.333. — 3. honour Mhvs 22, 48. — 4. prosperity,
which almost synonymous, e. g. at D i.63; A i.43; ii.44 sq.;
splendour J iv.455; Mhvs 38, 92; s. bhavaloko Ps i.122. Cp.
v.115, 118.
samāpatti & sampadā.
Sampajāna (adj.) [saṁ+pajāna, cp. pajānāti; BSk. sam-prajāna,
Sampatthanā (f.) [saṁ+patthanā] entreating, imploring Dhs
MVastu i.206; ii.360] thoughtful, mindful, attentive, deliber-
ate, almost syn. with sata, mindful D i.37; ii.94 sq.; Sn 413,
Sampadā (f.) [fr. saṁ+pad, cp. BSk. sampadā Divy 401 (de-
931; It 10, 42; Pug 25; D iii.49, 58, 221, 224 sq.; A iv.47 sq.,
300 sq., 457 sq.; Nd 395; Nd 141. sampajānakārin acting vamanuṣya°), also sampatti] 1. attainment, success, accom-
plishment; happiness, good fortune; blessing, bliss A i.38;
with consideration or full attention D i.70; ii.95, 292; A ii.210; 47
Pv ii.9 (=sampatti PvA 132). — Sampadā in its pregnant
v.206; VbhA 347 sq.; DA i.184 sq.; sampājanamusāvāda de-
meaning is applied to the accomplishments of the individual
liberate lie Vin iv.2; It 18; D iii.45; A i.128; iv.370; v.265; J
in the course of his religious development. Thus it is used
with sīla, citta, & paññā at D i.171 sq. and many other pas-
Sampajānāti [saṁ+pajānāti] to know S v.154; Sn 1055; Nd 655.
sages in an almost encyclopedic sense. Here with sīla° the
Sampajjati [saṁ+pajjati] 1. to come to, to fall to; to succeed, whole of the sīlakkhandha (D i.63 sq.) is understood; citta°
prosper J i.7; ii.105. — 2. to turn out, to happen, become D means the cultivation of the heart & attainments of the mind
i.91, 101, 193, 239; PvA 192. aor. sampādi D ii.266, 269. — relating to composure, concentration and religious meditation,
pp. sampanna. — Caus. sampādeti. otherwise called samādhikkhandha. It includes those stages of
meditation which are enum under samādhi. With paññā° are
Sampajjalita (adj.) [saṁ+pajjalita] in flames, ablaze A iv.131;
meant the attainments of higher wisdom and spiritual emanci-
Vin i.25; D i.95; ii.335; J i.232; Miln 84.
pation, connected with supernormal faculties, culminating in
Sampaṭike (adv.) [loc. fr. saṁ+paṭi+ka] now J iv.432 (=sampati,
Arahantship and extinction of all causes of rebirth, otherwise
idāni C.).
called vijjā (see the 8 items of this under vijjā b.). The same

Sampadā Samparibhinna

ground as by this 3 fold division is covered by the enumeration Sampadduta [pp. of sampaddavati] run away J vi.53.
of 5 sampadās as sīla°, samādhi°, paññā°, vimutti°, vimutti-
Sampadhūpeti (°dhūpāyati, °dhūpāti) [saṁ+padhūpāti] to send
ñāṇadassana° M i.145; Pug 54; cp. S i.139; A iii.12.
forth (thick) smoke, to fill with smoke or incense, to pervade,
The term sampadā is not restricted to a definite set of
permeate S i.169; Vin i.225; Sn p. 15; Miln 333. Cp. sand-
accomplishments. It is applied to various such sets besides
the one mentioned above. Thus we find a set of 3 sampadās
Sampanna [pp. of sampajjati] 1. successful, complete, perfect
called sīla°, citta° & diṭṭhi° at A i.269, where under sīla the
Vin ii.256; sampannaveyyākaraṇa a full explanation Sn 352.
Nos. 1 — 7 of the 10 sīlas are understood (see sīla 2 a),
— 2. endowed with, possessed of, abounding in Vin i.17; Sn
under citta Nos. 8 & 9, under diṭṭhi No. 10. — sīla &
152, 727 (ceto — vimutti°); J i.421; vijjācaraṇasampanna full
diṭṭhi° also at D iii.213. — A set of 8 sampadās is given at A
of wisdom and goodness D i.49; Sn 164; often used as first
iv.322 with uṭṭhāna°, ārakkha°, kalyāṇamittatā, sammājīvitā,
saddhā°, sīla°, cāga°, paññā°; of which the first 4 are expl d part of a compound, e. g. sampannavijjācaraṇa Dh 144; DhA
iii.86; sampannasīla virtuous It 118; Dh 57; sampannodaka
in detail at A iv.281=322 as bringing wordly happiness, viz.
abounding in water J iv.125. — 3. sweet, well cooked Vin
alertness, wariness, association with good friends, right liveli-
ii.196; Miln 395.
hood; and the last 4 as leading to future bliss (viz. faith in
the Buddha, keeping the 5 sīlas, liberality, higher wisdom) Sampaphulla (adj.) [saṁ+pa+phulla] blooming, blossoming
at A iv.284=324. Another set of 5 frequently mentioned is: Sdhp 245.
ñāti°, bhoga°, ārogya°, sīla°, diṭṭhi° (or the blessings, i. e.
Sampabhāsa [saṁ+pa+bhāṣ] frivolous talk S v.355.
good fortune, of having relatives, possessions, health, good
Sampabhāsati [saṁ+pa+bhās] to shine Miln 338.
conduct, right views) representing the "summa bona" of pop-
ular choice, to which is opposed deficiency (vyasana, reverse) Sampamathita [saṁ+pamathita] altogether crushed or over-
of the same items. Thus e. g. at A iii.147; D iii.235. — whelmed J vi.189.
Three sampadās: kammanta°, ājīva°, diṭṭhi,° i. e. the 7 sīlas,
Sampamaddati [saṁ+pamaddati] to crush out Miln 403.
right living (sammā — ājīva), right views A i.271. — Another
Sampamūḷha (adj.) [saṁ+pamūḷha] confounded Sn 762.
three as saddhā°, sīla°, paññā° at A i.287. — Bdhgh at DhA
iii.93, 94 speaks of four sampadās, viz. vatthu°, paccaya°, Sampamodati [saṁ+pamodati] to rejoice Vv 36 . — pp.
cetanā°, guṇâtireka°; of the blessings of a foundation (for sampamodita.
merit), ofmeans (for salvation), of good intentions, of virtue
Sampamodita [saṁ+pamodita] delighted, rejoicing Sdhp 301.
(& merit). — A (later) set of seven sampadās is given at J iv.96
Sampayāta [saṁ+payāta] gone forth, proceeded Dh 237.
with āgama°, adhigama°, pubbahetu°, attattha — paripucchā°,
titthavāsa°, yoniso — manasikāra°, buddh'ûpanissaya°. — Sampayāti [saṁ+payāti] to proceed, to go on; inf. sam-payātave
Cp. the following: atta° S v.30 sq.; ākappa° A i.38; ājīva° Sn 834; pp. sampayāta.
A i.271; DA i.235; kamma° A iv.238 sq.; dassana° Sn 231; Sampayutta [saṁ+payutta] associated with, connected Dhs 1;
nibbāna° Vism 58; bhoga° (+parivāra°) DhA i.78; yāga° ThA Kvu 337; DhsA 42. -°paccaya the relation of association
40 (Ap. v.7); vijjācaraṇa° D i.99. (opp. vippayutta°) Vism 539; VbhA 206; Tikp 6, 20, 53, 65,
2. execution, performance; result, consequence; thus 152 sq.; Dukp 1 sq.
yañña° successful performance of a sacrifice D i.128; Sn 505,
Sampayoga [saṁ+payoga] union, association Vin i.10; S v.421;
509; piṭaka-sampadāya "on the authority of the Piṭaka tradi-
DA i.96, 260.
tion," according to the P.; in exegesis of iti-kira (hearsay) A
i.189=ii.191=Nd 151; and of itihītiha M i.520=ii.169. Sampayojeti [saṁ+payojeti] 1. to associate (with) Vin ii.262; M
ii.5. — 2. to quarrel Vin ii.5; S i.239. — pp. sampayutta.
Sampadāti [saṁ+padāti] to hand on, give over J iv.204 (aor.
°padāsi). Samparāya [fr. saṁ+parā+i] future state, the next world Vin
ii.162; A iii.154; iv.284 sq.; D ii.240; S i.108; Sn 141, 864,
Sampadāna (nt.) [saṁ+padāna] the dative relation J v.214 (up-
J i.219; iii.195; Miln 357; DhA ii.50.
ayogatthe), 237 (karaṇatthe); SnA 499 (°vacana).
Samparāyika (adj.) [fr. last] belonging to the next world Vin
Sampadāleti [saṁ+padāleti] to tear, to cut M i.450; A ii.33=S
i.179; iii.21; D ii.240; iii.130; A iii.49, 364; iv.285; M i.87; It
iii.85; S iii.155; Mhvs 23, 10. — Act. intrs. sampadālati to
17, 39; J ii.74.
burst J vi.559 (=phalati, C.).
Samparikaḍḍhati [saṁ+parikaḍḍhati] to pull about, drag along
Sampaditta [saṁ+paditta] kindled Sdhp 33.
M i.228.
Sampaduṭṭha [saṁ+paduṭṭha] corrupted, wicked J vi.317 (a°);
Samparikantati [saṁ+parikantati] to cut all round M iii.275.
Sdhp 70.
(Trenckner reads sampakantati.)
Sampadussati [saṁ+padussati] to be corrupted, to trespass Vin
Samparikiṇṇa [saṁ+parikiṇṇa] surrounded by Vin iii.86; Miln
iv.260; J ii.193; pp. sampaduṭṭha.
Sampadosa [saṁ+padosa ] wickedness Dhs 1060; a — sampa-
Samparitāpeti [saṁ+paritāpeti] to make warm, heat, scourge M
dosa innocence J vi.317=vi.321.
i.128, 244=S iv.57.
Sampaddavati [saṁ+pa+dru] to run away; aor. sam-paddavi J
Samparibhinna (adj.) [saṁ+paribhinna] broken up J vi.113
vi.53. — pp. sampadduta.

Samparibhinna Sampāpuṇāti

(°gatta). ii.108; M i.253; Nd 316, 371 (pp. °pavedhita).
Samparivajjeti [saṁ+parivajjeti] to avoid, shun Sdhp 52, 208. Sampavedhin to be shaken Sn 28; Miln 386.
Samparivatta (adj.) [saṁ+parivatta] rolling about Dh 325. Sampasāda [saṁ+pasāda] serenity, pleasure D ii.211, 222; A
ii.199; M ii.262.
Samparivattaka (adj.) [saṁ+parivattaka] rolling about grovel-
ling J ii.142 (turning somersaults); DhA ii.5, 12; Miln 253, Sampasādana [saṁ+pasādana] (nt.) tranquillizing D i.37; Dhs
357; samparivattakaṁ (adv.) in a rolling about manner M 161; Miln 34; Vism 156; DhsA 170 (in the description of the
ii.138; samparivattakaṁ — samparivattakaṁ continually turn- second Jhāna); happiness, joy Bu i.35.
ing (it) Vin i.50.
Sampasādaniya (adj.) [saṁ+pasādaniya] leading to serenity, in-
Samparivattati [saṁ+parivattati] to turn, to roll about; ppr. sam- spiring faith D iii.99 sq. (the S. Suttanta), 116.
parivattamāna J i.140; pp. samparivatta. — Caus. sampar- Sampasāreti [saṁ+pasāreti] to stretch out, to distract Vism 365.
ivatteti [cp. BSk. °parivartayati to wring one's hands Divy
— Pass. sampasāriyati A iv.47; Miln 297; DhsA 376.
263] to turn over in one's mind, to ponder over S v.89.
Sampasīdati [saṁ+pasīdati] to be tranquillized, reassured D
Samparivāreti [saṁ+parivāreti] to surround, wait upon, attend on i.106; M i.101; DA i.275.
J i.61; aor. 3 pl. samparivāresuṁ J i.164; ger. samparivāray-
Sampasīdana (nt.) [fr. last] becoming tranquillized Nett 28.
itvā J i.61; °etvā (do.) J vi.43, 108. Cp. sampavāreti.
Sampassati [saṁ+passati] to see, behold; to look to, to consider;
Samparivāsita see parivāsita.
ppr sampassanto Vin i.42; D ii.285; sampassaṁ Dh 290.
Sampareta (adj.) [saṁ+pareta] surrounded, beset with J ii.317;
Sampahaṁsaka (adj.) [fr. next] gladdening M i.146; A ii.97;
iii.360=S i.143.
iv.296, 328; v.155; It 107; Miln 373.
Sampalibodha [saṁ+palibodha] hindrance, obstruction Nett 79. 2
Sampahaṁsati [saṁ+pahaṁsati ] to be glad; pp. sam- pahaṭṭha.
Sampalibhagga [pp. of next] broken up S i.123.
— Caus. sampahaṁseti to gladden, delight Vin i.18; D i.126.
Sampalibhañjati [saṁ+pari+bhañj] to break, to crack M i.234;
Sampahaṁsana (nt.) [fr. sampahaṁsati] being glad, pleasure;
S i.123; pp. sampalibhagga.
approval Ps i.167; Vism 148 (°ā); KhA 100 ("evaṁ"); SnA
Sampalimaṭṭha [saṁ+palimaṭṭha] touched, handled, blotted out, 176 ("sādhu"); Sdhp 568.
destroyed S iv.168 sq.=J iii.532=Vism 36. Sampahaṭṭha (adj.) [saṁ+pahaṭṭha ] beaten, struck (of metal),
Sampaliveṭhita (adj.) [saṁ+paliveṭhita] wrapped up, enveloped refined, wrought S i.65 (sakusala°; Bdhgh: ukkāmukhe pac-
M i.281. itvā s.; K.S. i.321); Sn 686 (sukusala°; SnA 486: "kusalena
suvaṇṇakārena sanghaṭṭitaṁ sanghaṭṭentena tāpitaṁ").
Sampaliveṭheti [saṁ+paliveṭheti] to wrap up, envelop; °eyya
Aiv.131 (kāyaṁ). Sampahaṭṭha [saṁ+pahaṭṭha ] gladdened, joyful Sdhp 301.
Sampavanka (adj.) [perhaps saṁ+pari+anka , contracted to Sampahāra [saṁ+pahāra] clashing, beating together, impact,
*payyanka>*pavanka] intimate, friend D ii.78; S i.83, 87; Pug striking; battle, strife D ii.166; Pug 66 sq.; DA i.150; Miln
36. 161 (ūmi — vega°), 179 (of two rocks), 224.
Sampavankatā (f.) [fr. last] connection, friendliness, intimacy S Sampāka [saṁ+pāka] 1. what is cooked, a cooked preparation,
i.87; A iii.422 (pāpa° & kalyāṇa°); iv.283 sq.; v.24, 199; Dhs concoction Vin ii.259 (maṁsa° etc.); Vv 43 (kola°); VvA
1326; Pug 20, 24; DhsA 394. Cp. anu° Vin ii.88. 186. — 2. ripeness, development J vi.236.
Sampavaṇṇita (adj.) [saṁ+pa+vaṇṇita] described, praised J Sampāta [saṁ+pāta] falling together, concurrence, collision It 68;
vi.398. kukkuṭasampāta neighbouring, closely adjoining (yasmā gāmā
nikkhamitvā kukkuṭo padasā va aññaṁ gāmaṁ gacchati, ayaṁ
Sampavattar [saṁ+pavattar] an instigator A iii.133.
kukkuṭasampāto ti vuccati) Vin iv.63, 358; kukkuṭasampātaka
Sampavatteti [saṁ+pavatteti] to produce, set going A iii.222
lying close together (lit. like a flock of poultry) A i.159. Cp.
(saṁvāsaṁ); Mhvs 23, 75.
the similar sannipāta.
Sampavāti [saṁ+pavāti] to blow, to be fragrant M i.212; J vi.534; Sampādaka [fr. sampādeti] one who obtains Miln 349.
VvA 343 (=Vv 84 ).
Sampādana (nt.) [fr. sampādeti] effecting, accomplishment Nett
Sampavāyati [saṁ+pavāyati] to make fragrant, Vv 81 , 84 ;
44; preparing, obtaining J i.80.
VvA 344.
Sampādeti [Caus. of sampajjati] 1. to procure, obtain Vin i.217;
Sampavāyana (nt.) [fr. last] making fragrant VvA 344.
ii.214; ekavacanaṁ s. to be able to utter a single word J ii.164;
Sampavāreti [saṁ+pavāreti; cp. BSk. saṁpravārayati Divy 285, kathaṁ s. to be able to talk J ii.165; dohaḷe s. to satisfy the
310, etc.; AvŚ i.90; MVastu iii.142] to cause to accept, to of- longing Mhvs 22, 51. — 2. to strive, to try to accomplish one's
fer, to regale, serve with; ger. sampavāretvā Vin i.18; ii.128; aim D ii.120; S ii.29
D i.109; aor. sampavāresi D ii.97.
Sampāpaka (adj.) [fr. sampāpeti] causing to obtain, leading to,
Sampavedhati [saṁ+pavedhati] to be shaken violently, to be bringing J iii.348; vi.235.
highly affected Vin i.12; D ii.12, 108; M i.227; Th 2, 231;
Sampāpana (nt.) [fr. sampāpuṇāti] reaching, getting to Miln 355,
J i.25; S iv.71. — Caus. sampavedheti to shake violently D
356 (tīra°).

Sampāpuṇāti Sambādha

Sampāpuṇāti [saṁ+pāpuṇāti] to reach, attain; to come to, meet Sampha (adj. — n.) [not clear, if & how connected with Sk.
with; aor. sampāpuṇi J i.67; ii.20; pp. sampatta. — Caus. śaśpa, grass. The BSk. has sambhinna — pralāpa for sam-
sampāpeti to bring, to make attain Vism 303. pha — ppalāpa] frivolous; nt. frivolity, foolishness; only in
Sampāyati [der not clear; Kern, Toev. i.62=sampāda-yati; but connection with expressions of talking, as samphaṁ bhāsati
to speak frivolously A ii.23; Sn 158; samphaṁ giraṁ bh.
more likely=sampāyāti, i. e. sam+pa+ā+yā] to be able to ex-
J vi.295; samphaṁ palapati Tikp 167 sq. — Also in cpds.
plain (DA i.117: sampādetvā kathetuṁ sakkuṇoti), to agree, to
°palāpa frivolous talk D i.4; iii.69, 82, 175, 269; A i.269 sq.,
come to terms, succeed D i.26; ii.284; M i.85, 96, 472; ii.157;
298; ii.60, 84, 209; iii.254, 433; iv. 248; v.251 sq., 261 sq.;
A v.50; S iv.15, 67; v.109; Vin ii.249 (cp. p. 364); aor. sam-
Tikp 168, 281; DA i.76; °palāpin talking frivolously D i.138;
pāyāsi M i.239. Cp. sampayāti.
iii.82; A i.298; Pug 39, 58.
Sampāruta [saṁ+pāruta] (quite) covered M i.281.
Samphala (adj.) [saṁ+phala] abounding in fruits S i.70; 90=It
Sampāleti [saṁ+pāleti] to protect J iv.127.
Sampiṇḍana (nt.) [fr. saṁ+piṇḍ°] combining, connection, addi-
Samphassa [saṁ+phassa] contact, reaction Vin i.3; A ii.117; D
tion Vism 159 (of "ca"); KhA 228 (id.); DhsA 171.
ii.62; M i.85; J i.502; kāya — s. the touch of the skin D ii.75;
Sampiṇḍita [pp. of sampiṇḍeti] brought together, restored J cakkhu —, sota —, ghāna —, jivhā —, kāya —, and mano —
i.230; compact, firm J v.89. s. D ii.58, 308; S iv.68 sq.; VbhA 19.
Sampiṇḍeti [saṁ+piṇḍeti] to knead or ball together, combine, Samphuṭṭha [pp. of samphassati] touched S iv.97; Av.103; It 68.
unite Vism 159; KhA 125, 221, 230; DhsA 177; pp.
Samphulla (adj.) [saṁ+phulla] full — blown J vi.188.
Samphusati [saṁ+phusati] to touch, to come in contact with; ppr.
Sampiya (adj.) [saṁ+piya] friendly; sampiyena by mutual con- 2
samphussaṁ It 68; ppr. med. samphusamāna Sn 671; Nd
sent, in mutual love Sn 123, 290.
199 (reads samphassamāna, where id. p. at M i.85 has ris-
Sampiyāyati [saṁ+piyāyati] to receive with joy, to treat kindly, samāna); aor. samphusi D ii.128; inf. samphusituṁ Sn 835;
address with love J iii.482; ppr. sampiyāyanto J i.135; D ii.355; pp. samphuṭṭha.
sampiyāyamāna (do.) fondling, being fond of D ii.223; J i.191, Samphusanā (f.) [saṁ+phusanā] touch, contact Th 2, 367; Dhs
297, 361; ii.85; DhA ii.65. aor. 3 rd pl. sampiyāyiṁsu J
2, 71.
Samphusitatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. samphusita] the state of having
Sampiyāyanā (f.) [saṁ+piyāyanā] intimate relation, great fond-
been brought into touch with Dhs 2, 71.
ness J iii.492.
Sambaddha [saṁ+baddha] bound together Sdhp 81.
Sampīṇeti [saṁ+pīṇeti] to satisfy, gladden, please; aor. 2 nd sg.
sampesi J iii.253; ger. sampīṇayitvā Dāvs iv.11. Sambandha [saṁ+bandha] connection, tie D ii.296=M i.58; SnA
108, 166, 249, 273, 343, 516. ° — kula related family J iii.362;
Sampīḷa (nt.) [saṁ+pīḷa, cp. pīḷā] trouble, pain; asam-pīḷaṁ free
a — sambandha (adj.) incompatible (C. on asaññuta J iii.266).
from trouble Miln 351.
Sambandhati [saṁ+bandhati] to bind together, to unite Vin
Sampīḷita [pp. of sampīḷeti] troubled; as nt., worry, trouble Miln
ii.116; pass. sambajjhati is united, attached to J iii.7; ger.
sambandhitvā Vin i.274; ii.116. — pp. sambaddha.
Sampīḷeti [saṁ+pīḷeti] to press, to pinch, to worry Vin iii.126; pp.
Sambandhana (nt.) [saṁ+bandhana] binding together, connec-
tion J i.328.
Sampucchati [saṁ+pucchati] to ask D i.116; ger. sam- puccha
Sambarimāyā (f.) [sambarī+māyā] the art of Sambari, jugglery
having made an appointment with S i.176. n
S i.239 (trsl "Sambara's magic art"). Sambara is a king of the
Sampuṭa [cp. saṁ+puṭa (lexicogr. Sk. sampuṭa "round box") Asuras.
& BSk. sampuṭa in meaning "añjali" at Divy 380, in phrase
Sambala (nt.) [cp. *Sk. śambala] provision S ii.98; J v.71, 240;
kṛta — kara — sampuṭah] the hollow of the hand (in posture
of veneration), in pāṇi° Mhvs 37, 192, i. e. Cūḷavaṁsa (ed.
Sambahula (adj.) [saṁ+bahula] many Vin i.32; D i.2; J i.126,
Geiger) p. 15.
329; Sn 19; sambahulaṁ karoti to take a plurality vote J ii.45.
Sampuṭita [saṁ+puṭita = phuṭita, cp. BSk. sampuṭaka MVastu
ii.127] shrunk, shrivelled M i.80. Sambahulatā (f.) [fr. sambahula] a plurality vote J ii.45.
Sambahulika (adj.) in °ṁ karoti=sambahulaṁ karoti J ii.197.
Sampuṇṇa (sampūrṇa) filled, full Sn 279; Bu ii.119= J i.20; Mhvs
22, 60. Sambādha [cp. Sk. sambādha] 1. crowding, pressure, incon-
venience from crowding, obstruction Vism 119. janasambād-
Sampupphita [saṁ+pupphita] in full bloom Pv iv.12 (=niccaṁ
harahita free from crowding Miln 409; kiṭṭhasambādha crowd-
pupphita PvA 275).
ing of corn, the time when the corn is growing thick M i.115;
Sampurekkharoti [saṁ+purakkharoti] to honour M ii.169.
J i.143, 388. — yassa sambādho bhavissati he who finds it
Sampūjeti [saṁ+pūjeti] to venerate Mhvs 30, 100. too crowded Vin iv.43; asambādha unobstructed Sn 150; ati-
sambādhatā (q. v.) the state of being too narrow J i.7; put-
Sampūreti [saṁ+pūreti] Pass. pūriyati° to be filled, ended; aor.
tadārasambādhasayana a bed encumbered with child and wife
sampūri (māso, "it was a full month since...") J iv.458.

Sambādha Sambhavati, sambhuṇāti & sambhoti

Miln 243; cp. S i.78; (in fig. sense) difficulty, trouble S i.7, enlightenment D i.156; ii.155; Dh 89=S v.29; Sn 478; S i.68,
48; J iv.488; sambādhapaṭipanna of the eclipsed moon S i.50. 181; A ii.14; It 28, 42, 117; SnA 73. See also sammā°.
As adjective "crowded, dense" sambādho gharavāso life in the -agga [°yagga] the summit of enlightenment Sn 693;
family is confined, i. e. a narrow life, full of hindrances D -gāmin leading to enlightenment S v.234; -patta having at-
i.63, 250; S ii.219; v.350; DA i.180; s. magga a crowded tained enlightenment, an Arahant Sn 503, 696; -parāyana
path J i.104; nijana° vana Vism 342; s. vyūha S v.369. — that which has enlightenment as its aim, proceeding towards
atisambādha too confined DhA i.310 (cakkavāḷa). — com- enlightenment, frequently of the Sotāpanna D i.156 (discussed
par. sambādhatara S v.350; asambādhaṁ comfortably J i.80. in Dialogues i.190 sq.); iii.131 sq.; A i.232; ii.80, 238; iii.211;
— 2. pudendum masculinum Vin i.216; ii.134; pudendum iv.12, 405; S v.343, 346; DA i.313. -sukha the bliss of en-
muliebre Vin iv.259; Sn 609; sambādhaṭṭhāna (nt.) pudendum lightenment Kvu 209.
muliebre J i.61; iv.260.
Sambodhiyanga the same as sambojjhanga A v.253 sq.; S v.24;
Sambādheti [saṁ+bādheti] to be crowded D ii.269 (read °bād- cp. spelling sambodhi — anga at Dh 89; DhA ii.162.
Sambodheti see sambujjhati.
Sambāhati [saṁ+bāhati; Kern, Toev. s. v. disputes relation to
Sambhagga [saṁ+bhagga] broken S i.123; M i.237. Cp. sam-
vah, but connects it with bāh "press"] 1. to rub, shampoo J
i.293; ii.16; iv.431; v.126; also sambāheti Miln 241; Caus.
Sambhajati [saṁ+bhajati] to consort with, love, to be attached,
sambāhāpeti to cause to shampoo Vin iv.342; ppr. sam-
devoted J iii.495; ppr. sambhajanto J iii.108; Pot. sambha-
bāhanta J vi.77; aor. sambāhi J i.293 Cp. pari°.
jeyya ibid. (C. samāgaccheyya). — pp. sambhatta.
Sambāhana (nt.) [fr. last] rubbing, shampooing D i.7 (as a kind
Sambhajanā (f.) [saṁ+bhajanā] consorting with Dhs 1326; Pug
of exercise for wrestlers DA i.88); A i.62; iv.54; Miln 241; J
Sambhañjati [saṁ+bhañjati] to split, break J v.32; Caus. samb-
Sambuka [cp. Sk. śambuka] a shell D i.84=A i.9; iii.395 (sippi°);
hañjeti to break M i.237; S i.123; pass. aor. samabhajjisaṁ J
J ii.100.
v.70. — pp. sambhagga. — Cp. sampali°.
Sambujjhati [saṁ+bujjhati] to understand, achieve, know DhsA
Sambhata [saṁ+bhata] brought together, stored up; (nt.) store,
218; inf. sambuddhuṁ Sn 765 (v. l. sambuddhaṁ); Caus.
provisions M i.116; D iii.190; A iii.38=iv.266; S i.35; ii.185=It
sambodheti to teach, instruct J i.142. Cp. sammā°.
17; J i.338; ThA 11.
Sambuddha [saṁ+buddha] 1. well understood Sn 765 (various
Sambhati [śrambh, given as sambh at Dhtp 214 in meaning "vis-
reading, sambuddhuṁ=to know); J v.77 (sam° & a°, taken by n
sāsa"] to subside, to be calmed; only in prep. comb paṭippas-
C. as ppr. "jānanto" & "ajānanto"); susambuddha easily un-
sambhati (q. v.).
derstood Sn 764. — 2. one who has thoroughly understood,
being enlightened, a Buddha Sn 178 etc., 559; A ii.4; Dh 181; Sambhatta [pp. of sambhajati] devoted, a friend J i.106, 221; Nd 1
S i.4; It 35 etc. 226=Vism 25. — yathāsambhattaṁ according to where each
one's companions live D ii.98; S v.152.
Sambuddhi (f.) [saṁ+buddhi] complete understanding; adj.
°vant wise J iii.361 (=buddhisampanna). Sambhatti (f.) [saṁ+bhatti] joining, consorting with Dhs 1326;
Pug 20.
Sambojjhanga [saṁ+bojjhanga] constituent of Sambodhi (en-
lightenment), of which there are seven: sati, selfpossession; Sambhama [saṁ+bhama, fr. bhram] confusion, excitement; °
dhammavicaya, investigation of doctrine; viriya, energy; pīti, — patta overwhelmed with excitement J iv.433.
joy; passaddhi, tranquillity; samādhi, concentration; upekhā,
Sambhamati [saṁ+bhamati] to revolve DhsA 307.
equanimity D ii.79, 303 sq.; iii.106, 226; M i.61 sq.; A iv.23;
S v.110 sq.; Nd s. v. Miln 340; VbhA 135, 310. The charac- Sambhava [saṁ+bhava] 1. origin, birth, production D ii.107; S
iii.86; A ii.10, 18; Sn 724, 741 etc.; Dh 161; J i.168; mātāpet-
teristics of the several constitutents together with var. means
tikas° born from father and mother D i.34; DhsA 306; natthi
of cultivation are given at Vism 132 sq.=VbhA 275 sq.
sambhavaṁ has not arisen Sn 235. — 2. semen virile J v.152;
Sambodha [saṁ+bodha] enlightenment, highest wisdom, awak-
vi.160; Miln 124.
ening; the insight belonging to the three higher stages of the
-esin seeking birth M i.48; S ii.11; Sn 147.
Path, Vin i.10; D iii.130 sq., 136 sq.; S ii.223; v.214; M i.16,
Sambhavati, sambhuṇāti & sambhoti [saṁ+bhavati] 1. to be
241; A i.258; ii.200, 240 sq., 325 sq.; v.238 sq.; It 27; pubbe
produced, to arise D i.45, 76; S i.135; iv.67; Sn 734; Dāvs v.6;
sambodhā, before attaining insight M i.17, 163; ii.211; iii.157;
Miln 210. — 2. to be adequate, competent D ii.287; na s. is of
S ii.5, 10; iv.6, 8, 97, 233; v.281; A i.258; iii.82, 240. abhabba
no use or avail Miln 152. — 3. to be present, to witness J i.56.
sambodhāya, incapable of insight M i.200, 241=A ii 200. (Cp.
— 4. to be together with J ii.205 (C. on sambhaj — °). — Pres.
Dial. i.190 — 192.)
°-bhuṇati or °-bhuṇāti (like abhi — sam — bhuṇāǤti) in the
-gāmin leading to enlightenment D iii.264; Sn p. 140.
sense of "to reach" or "to be able to," capable of Vin i.256 (°
-pakkhika belonging to enlightenment A iv.357. -sukha the
— bhuṇāti); Sn 396 (part. a — sambhuṇanto=asakkonto, C.);
bliss of enlightenment A iv.341 sq.
also sambhoti Sn 734, D ii.287; fut. sambhossāma Mhvs 5,
Sambodhana (nt.) [saṁ+bodhana] the vocative case VvA 12, 18. rd
100. — aor. sambhavi D i.96; 3 pl. samabhavuṁ Dāvs v.6;
Sambodhi (f.) [saṁ+bodhi ] the same as sambodha, the highest ger. sambhuyya having come together with VvA 232. — pp.

Sambhavati, sambhuṇāti & sambhoti Sammatta

sambhūta. — Caus. sambhāveti (q. v.). Sambhoga [saṁ+bhoga] eating, living together with Vin i.97;
ii.21; iv.137; A i.92; SnA 71; J iv.127; Sdhp 435.
Sambhavana (nt.) [fr. sambhavati] coming into existence Nett
28. Sambhoti see sambhavati.
Sambhāra [fr. saṁ+bhṛ] "what is carried together," viz. 1. ac- Samma [as to etym. Andersen, P. Reader ii.263 quite plausi-
cumulation, product, preparation; sambhāraseda bringing on bly connects it with Vedic śam (indecl.) "hail," which is often
sweating by artificial means Vin i.205. — 2. materials, req- used in a vocative sense, esp. in comb śam ca yos ca "hail
uisite ingredients (of food) Miln 258; J i.481; v.13, 506; J i.9; & blessing!", but also suggests relation to sammā. Other sug-
ii.18; iv.492; dabba° an effective requisite DhA i.321; ii.114; gestions see Andersen, s. v.] a term of familiar address D i.49,
bodhis° the necessary conditions for obtaining enlightening J 225; DA i.151; Vin ii.161; J i.59; PvA 204; plur. sammā Vin
i.1; vimokkhas° ThA 214. — 3. constituent part, element ii.161.
S iv.197; DhsA 306. — 4. bringing together, collocation S 2
Samma [samyak] see sammā.
i.135; Miln 28.
Samma a cymbal Miln 60; Dhs 621; J i.3; DhsA 319. - Other-
Sambhāvana (nt.) [fr. sambhāveti] supposition, assumption, the wise as °tāḷa a kind of cymbal Th 1, 893, 911; Vv 35 ; VvA
meaning of the particle sace Vin i.372 ; cp. J ii.29; DhA ii.77.
161; J vi.60; 277 ( — l — ).
Sambhāvanā (f.) [fr. sambhāveti] honour, reverence, intention,
Sammakkhana (nt.) [saṁ+makkhana] smearing Vism 346.
confidence Mhvs 29, 55; DhsA 163 (=okappanā); Sdhp 224.
Sammakkhita [saṁ+makkhita] smeared J v.16; abstr. °tta (nt.)
Sambhāvita [pp. of sambhāveti] honoured, esteemed M i.110,
Vism 346.
145; ThA 200; J iii.269 (=bhaddaka); VbhA 109.
Sammakkheti [saṁ+makkheti] to smear Vism 346.
Sambhāveti [Caus. of sambhavati. The Dhtp (512) gives a spe-
Sammaggata see under sammā°.
cial root sambhu in meaning "pāpuṇana"] 1. to undertake,
achieve, to be intent on (acc.) Vin i.253; DhsA 163. — 2. to Sammajjati [saṁ+majjati ] 1. to sweep Vin i.46; ii.209; J ii.25;
reach, catch up to (acc.) Vin i.277; ii.300. — 3. to produce, DhA i.58; ii.184; iii.168. — 2. to rub, polish J i.338. — pp.
effect Miln 49. — 4. to consider J iii.220. — 5. to honour, sammaṭṭha. — Caus. II. sammajjāpeti Vin i.240.
esteem; grd. °bhāvanīya to be honoured or respected, hon-
Sammajjana (adj. — nt.) [fr. last] sweeping J i.67; SnA 66 (°ka);
ourable VvA 152; MA 156. — pp. sambhāvita.
VvA 319 (T. sammajja).
Sambhāsā (f.) [saṁ+bhāsā] conversation, talk; sukha-° J vi.296 Sammajjanī (f.) [fr. last] a broom Vin ii.129; A iv.170; Vism
(v. l.); mudu-° J ii.326=iv.471=v.451. 105; DhA iii.7; cp. sammujjanī.
Sambhindati [saṁ+bhindati] to mix Vin i.111 (sīmāya sīmaṁ s. Sammaññati see sammannati.
to mix a new boundary with an old one, i. e. to run on a bound-
Sammaṭṭha [pp. of sammajjati] swept, cleaned, polished, smooth
ary unduly); DA i.134 (udakena). — pp. sambhinna. — Cp.
Vin iii.119 (su°); J i.10; iii.395 (smooth). Spelt °maṭṭa at Miln
Sambhinna [pp. of sambhindati] 1. mixed, mixed up Vin i.210;
Sammata [pp. of sammannati] 1. considered as M i.39; S ii.15;
ii.67, 68 (cp. Vin. Texts ii.431); J i.55; Sn 9, 319 (°mariyāda
iv.127; D iii.89 (dhamma°); Vin iv.161, 295. — 2. hon-
— bhāva confusing the dividing lines, indistinctness), 325
oured, revered M ii.213; J i.49; v.79; sādhusammata consid-
(id.). Said of a woman (i. e. of indistinct sexuality) Vin
ered, revered, as good D i.47; S iv.398. — 3. authorized,
ii.271=iii.129. — 2. broken up (?), exhausted J i.503 (°sarīra).
selected, agreed upon D iii.93 (mahājana°) Vin i.111; iii.150.
— asambhinna: 1. unmixed, unadulterated Vism 41 (°khīra
— pāyāsa); J v.257 (°khattiyavaṁsa); DhA ii.85 (id.). — 2. Sammati [śam; Dhtp 436=upasama] 1. to be appeased, calmed;
(of the voice) unmixed, i. e. distinct, clear Miln 360. — 3. to cease Dh 5; Pot 3 pl. sammeyyuṁ S i.24. — 2. to rest, to
name of a kind of ointment Vin iv.117. dwell D i.92; S i.226; J v.396; DA i.262 (=vasati); pp. santa.
— Caus. sāmeti to appease, suppress, stop, A ii.24; It 82, 83,
Sambhīta (adj.) [saṁ+bhīta] terrified Miln 339; a — sambhīta,
117, 183; Dh 265.
fearless Miln 105; J iv.92; v.34; vi.302.
Sammati 2 [śram; Vedic śrāmyati Dhtp 220=parissama,
Sambhuñjati [saṁ+bhuñjati] 1. to eat together with Vin iv.137.
436=kheda] to be weary or fatigued.
— 2. to associate with S i.162.
Sammati [śam to labour; pres. śamyati; pp. Vedic śamita] to
Sambhuṇāti see sambhavati.
work; to be satisfactory Vin ii.119 (parissāvanaṁ na s.), 278
Sambhūta [pp. of sambhavati] arisen from, produced Sn 272
(navakammaṁ etc. na s.).
(atta° self —; cp. SnA 304; attabhāva — pariyāye attani s.); S
Sammatta [saṁ+matta ] intoxicated, maddened, delighted D
ii.266; Dh 287; J iii.188; doting on J v.443; rogasammatta tor-
Sambhejja [grd. of sambhindati] belonging to the confluence of
mented by illness J v.90 (=°pīḷita C.; v. l. °patta, as under
rivers (said of the water of the ocean), united S ii.135; v.461 2
matta ).
(various reading sambhojja).
Sammatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. sammā] correctness, righteousness A
Sambheda [saṁ+bheda] mixing up, confusion, contamination D
i.121; iii.441; Pug 13; Dhs 1029; Nett 44; 96, 112; Kvu 609;
iii.72; A i.51=It 36; DA i.260 (jāti° mixing of caste); Vism 123
DhsA 45; KvA 141; °kārin, attained to proficiency in Miln
(of colours).

Sammatta Sammiñjati

191; sammatta — kāritā ibid. — The 8 sammattā are the 8 an- iv.226; v.265; J iii.305; It 87; Ap 218. Also sammāgata Vin
gas of the ariya — magga (see magga 2 a) D iii.255; the 10 are ii.203 . -ppajāna having right knowledge Dh 20; It 115.
the above with the addition of sammā — ñāṇa and °vimutti A -ppaññā right knowledge, true wisdom Vin i.14; Dh 57, 190;
v.240. Sn 143; It 17; Miln 39. -ppadhāna [cp. BSk. samyakprahāna
Divy 208] right exertion Vin i.22; Dhs 358; Dpvs 18, 5; they
Sammad° see sammā.
are four D ii.120; M iii.296; explained M ii.11 (anuppannā-
Sammada [saṁ+mada] drowsiness after a meal D ii.195; A i.3;
naṁ pāpakānaṁ akusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ anuppādāya; up-
v.83; J ii.63; bhatta — ° S i.7; J vi.57.
pannānaṁ pahānāya; anuppannānaṁ kusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ
Sammaddati [saṁ+maddati] to trample down Vin i.137; 286 (cī- uppādāya; uppannānaṁ ṭhitiyā).
varaṁ, to soak, steep); ppr. sammaddanto Vin i.137 (to crush). B. -ājīva right living, right means of livelihood, right oc-
cupation Vin i.10; S v.421, etc.; formula D ii.312; (adj.) living
Sammanteti [saṁ+manteti] to consult together D i.142; J i.269,
in the right way M i.42; A ii.89. -kammanta right conduct,
399; DA i.135.
right behaviour Vin i.10; S v.421 etc.; definition D ii.312; Dhs
Sammannati [saṁ+man, fr. Vedic manute, manvate, for the
300; adj. behaving in the right way M i.42; A ii.89. -ñāṇa
usual manyate: see maññati] 1. to assent, to consent to Mhvs
right knowledge, enlightenment, results from right concentra-
3, 10; DA i.11. — 2. to agree to, to authorize, select Vin
tion D ii.217; A i.292; adj. M i.42. -ñāṇin possessing the
iii.150, 158, 238; iv.50; Mhvs 3, 9; sīmaṁ s. to determine, to
right insight A ii.89, 222. -dassana right views Vism 605.
fix the boundary Vin i.106 sq. — 3. to esteem, honour; inf.
-diṭṭhi right views, right belief, the first stage of the noble
sammannituṁ Vin iv.50. sammannesi D i.105 is misprint for
eightfold path, consists in the knowledge of the four truths D
samannesi. — ppr. sammata.
ii.311; its essence is knowledge Dhs 20, 297, 317; cp. Vism
Sammasati [saṁ+masati] to touch, seize, grasp, know thor- 509; comprises the knowledge of the absence of all perma-
oughly, master S ii.107; Dh 374; Miln 325; to think, meditate nent Being and the reality of universal conditioned Becoming
on (acc.) J vi.379; ppr. sammasaṁ ii.107 & sammasanto Miln S ii.17; iii.135; and of the impermanence of the 5 Khandhas
379; J i.74, 75; fem. sammasantī ThA 62; sammasamāna Miln S iii.51=iv.142; and of Sīla, of causation and of the destruc-
219, 325, 398; pp. sammasita. tion of the Āsavas M i.46 — 55; how obtained M i.294; two
degrees of M iii.72; supremely important A i.30 — 2 292 sq.;
Sammasana [(nt.) fr. last] grasping, mastering Miln 178; Vism
(adj.) Miln i.47. -diṭṭhika having the right belief D i.139;
287, 629 sq.; cp. Cpd. 65, 210.
A ii.89; 220 sq.; iii.115, 138; iv.290; v.124 sq.; S iv.322. -
Sammasita [pp. of sammasati] grasped, understood, mastered J
dvayatānupassin duly considering both — i. e. misery with
its origin, the destruction of misery with the path, respectively
Sammasitar one who grasps, sees clearly Sn 69. Sn p. 140. -dhārā a heavy shower S v.379. -paṭipatti right
Sammā [cp. Sk. śamyā] a pin of the yoke Abhp 449; a kind of mental disposition A i.69; Nett 27; Miln 97; sammāpaṭipadā
sacrificial instrument SnA 321 (sammaṁ ettha pāsantī ti sam- Pug 49 sq.; DhA iv.127; sammāpaṭipanna rightly disposed,
māpāso; and sātrā — yāgass' etaṁ adhivacanaṁ). Cp. Weber having the right view D i.8, 55; Pug 49 sq. -passaṁ view-
Indische Streifen i.36, and sammāpāsa, below. ing the matter in the right way S iii.51; iv.142. -pāsa [Sk.
śamyāprāsa, but BSk. śamyaprāśa Divy 634] a kind of sac-
Sammā (indecl.) [Vedic samyac (=samyak) & samīś "connected,
rifice Sn 303; A ii.42; iv.151; S i.76; It 21; J iv.302; SnA
in one"; see under saṁ°] thoroughly, properly, rightly; in the 1
321. Cp. sammā . -manasikāra right, careful, thought D
right way, as it ought to be, best, perfectly (opp. micchā) D
i.13; DA i.104. -vattanā strict, proper, conduct Vin i.46,
i.12; Vin i.12; Sn 359; 947; Dh 89, 373. Usually as ° —, like
50; ii.5. -vācā right speech Vin i.10; DA i.314; definition
sammā — dhārā even or proper showers (i. e. at the right D ii.312; Dhs 299; (adj.) speaking properly M i.42; A ii.89.
time) Pv ii.9 ; especially in connection with constituents of
-vāyāma right effort Vin i.10; Dhs 13, 22, 302; definition D
the eightfold Aryan Path, where it is contrasted with micchā;
ii.312; adj. M i.42; A ii.89. -vimutta right emancipation
see magga 2 a. (e. g. VbhA 114 sq., 121, 320 sq.). — The
A i.292; °vimutti the same D ii.217; A ii.196, 222; (adj.) M
form sammā is reduced to samma° before short vowels (with
i.42; A ii.89. -sankappa right resolve, right intention Dh
the insertion of a sandhi — d —, cp. puna — deva), like
12; Vin i.10; Dhs 21, 298; definition D ii.312; (adj.) M i.42;
samma-d-eva properly, in harmony or completeness D i.110;
A ii.89. -sati right memory, right mindfulness, self — pos-
Vin i.9: PvA 139, 157; samma-daññā & °akkhāta (see be-
session Vin i.10; Dhs 23, 303; definition D ii.313; (adj.) M
low); and before double consonants arisen from assimilation,
i.42; A ii.89. -samādhi right concentration, the last stage of
like sammag-gata (=samyak+gata). The cpds. we shall di-
the noble eightfold path Vin i.10; Dhs 24, 304; definition D
vide into two groups, viz. (A) cpds. with samma°, (B) with
ii.313; adj. M i.12; A ii.89. -sampassaṁ having the right
view S iv.142. -sambuddha perfectly enlightened, a univer-
A. -akkhāta well preached Dh 86. -aññā perfect knowl-
sal Buddha Vin i.5; D i.49; Dh 187; J i.44; DhA i.445; iii.241;
edge Vin i.183; S i.4; iv.128; Dh 57 (°vimutta, cp. DhA i.434);
VbhA 436, etc. -sambodhi perfect enlightenment, supreme
It 38, 79, 93, 95, 108. -attha a proper or good thing or cause
Buddhaship Vin i.11; D ii.83; S i.68, etc.
J vi.16. -ddasa having right views A ii.18; S iv.205, 207; Sn
733; It 47, 61, 81; Kvu 339. -ggata [cp. BSk. samyaggata Sammāna (nt.) [fr. saṁ+man] honour J i.182; vi.390; Sdhp 355.
Divy 399] who has wandered rightly, perfect M i.66; who has Sammānanā (f.) [saṁ+mānanā] honouring, veneration D iii.190;
attained the highest point, an Arahant D i.55; S i.76; A i.269; Miln 162, 375, 386.

Sammiñjati Sayathā

Sammiñjati (& °eti) [saṁ+iñjati, see also samiñjati; cp. BSk. Sammudita [pp. of sammodati] delighted, delighting in Vin i.4;
sammiñjayati Divy 473. See also Leumann, Album Kern, p. M i.503; S iv.390.
393] to bend back, to double up (opp. pasārati or sampasāreti)
Sammuyhati [saṁ+muyhati] to be bewildered, infatuated, mud-
Vin i.5; M i.57, 168; D i.70; J i.321; Vism 365 (v. l. samiñjeti);
dle — headed J iv.385; Miln 42. — pp. sammūḷha D ii.85; M
DA i.196. — pp. sammiñjita.
i.250; A i.165; Sn 583; Caus. sammoheti to befool Miln 224.
Sammiñjana (nt.) [fr. sammiñjati] bending DA i.196 (opp.
Sammuyhana (nt.) [saṁ+muyhana] bewilderment DA i.193
pasāraṇa); VbhA 358.
Sammusā M ii.202, read sammuccā (from sammuti).
Sammiñjita [pp. of sammiñjati] bent back M i.326 (spelt
Sammussanatā (f.) [fr. saṁ+mussati] forgetfulness Dhs 14 1349;
samiñjita); A ii.104, 106 sq., 210.
Pug 21.
Sammita [saṁ+mita] measured, i. e. just so much, no more or
Sammūḷha [saṁ+mūḷha] infatuated, bewildered D ii.85; M i.250;
less; ° — bhānin Th 1, 209.
A i.165; Sn 583; J v.294; Tikp 366.
Sammilāta [saṁ+milāta] withered, shrunk M i.80.
Sammegha [saṁ+megha] rainy or cloudy weather J vi.51, 52.
Sammillabhāsinī (f.) [saṁ+milla=mihita,+bhāsin] speaking with
Sammoda [fr. saṁ+mud] odour, fragrance; ekagandha°, filled
smiles J iv.24; name of a girl in Benares J iii.93 sq.
with fragrance J vi.9.
Sammissatā (f.) [fr. saṁ+missa] the state of being mixed, confu-
Sammodaka (adj.) [fr. sammodati] polite D i.116; DA i.287; a
sion DhsA 311.
— sammodaka (f. ° — ikā) Vin i.341 .
Sammukha (adj.) [saṁ+mukha] face to face with, in presence;
Sammodati [saṁ+modati] 1. to rejoice, delight; pp. sam- mudita
sammukhaciṇṇa a deed done in a person's presence J iii.27;
(q. v.). — 2. to agree with, to exchange friendly greeting
sammukhā (abl.) 1. face to face, before, from before D ii.155;
with; aor. sammodi Vin i.2; D i.52; Sn 419; J vi.224; ppr.
Sn p. 79; J i.115; iii.89 (opp. parokkhā); with acc. Bu ii.73=J
sammodamāna in agreement, on friendly terms J i.209; ii.6;
i.17; with gen. D i.222; ii.220; M i.146. — 2. in a full assem-
ger. sammoditvā J ii.107; grd. sammodanīya [cp. BSk. sam-
bly of qualified persons Vin ii.3; loc. sammukhe D ii.206;
modanī saṁrañjanī kathā Divy 70, 156 & passim] pleasant,
J v.461. In composition sammukha°, sammukhā° & sam-
friendly A v.193; cp. Sn 419; Vin i.2; D i.52. — sammodita
mukhī° (before bhū): °bhāva (°a°) presence, confrontation
at VvA 186 read samodita.
Miln 126; (°ī°) being face to face with, coming into one's pres-
ence D i.103; M i.438; A i.150; °bhūta (°ī°) being face to face Sammodana (nt.) [saṁ+modana] satisfaction, compliment; °ṁ
with, confronted D ii.155; S iv.94; Vin ii.73; A iii.404 sq.; karoti to exchange politeness, to welcome VvA 141, 259.
v.226; one who has realized the saṁyojanas Kvu 483; °vinaya Sammosa [for *sam — mṛṣa, of mṛṣ: see mussati. sammosa af-
(°ā°) proceeding in presence, requiring the presence of a chap- ter moha & musā>mosa] bewilderment, confusion D i.19; A
ter of priests and of the party accused Vin ii.74, 93 sq.; iv.207;
i.58; ii.147; S ii.224; iv.190; Vin ii.114; Miln 266, 289; Vism
A i.99; DhsA 144. See also yebhuyyasikā.
63 (sati° lapse of memory).
Sammukhatā (f.) [abstr. fr. sammukha] presence, confrontation
Sammoha [saṁ+moha] bewilderment, infatuation, delusion M
Vin ii.93 (sangha°). 1
i.86, 136; Vin i.183; Nd 193; A ii.174; iii.54 sq., 416; S i.24;
Sammucchita see samucchita. iv.206; Dhs 390.
Sammujjanī (f.) [=sammajjanī] a broom J i.161; sam-muñjanī Sammoheti see sammuyhati.
the same Miln 2.
Saya=saka (?) one's own J vi.414 (=saka — raṭṭha C.).
Sammuṭṭha [saṁ+muṭṭha] confused M i.21; S iv.125; v.331; one Sayaṁ (adv.) [see etym. under sa ] self, by oneself Vin i.8; D
who has forgotten Vin iv.4 (=na ssarati); iii.165 ; °ssati id.
i.12; DA i.175; Sn 57, 320, etc.; p. 57, 100, etc.; Mhvs 7, 63
A i.280.
(for f.). Also with ref. to several people, e. g. DhA i.13.
Sammuti (f.) [fr. saṁ+man] 1. consent, permission Vin iii.199. -kata made by itself, spontaneous D iii.137 (loka); S ii.19
— 2. choice, selection, delegation Vin iii.159. — 3. fixing, sq. (dukkha); Ud 69 sq. -jāta born from oneself, sprung up
determination (of boundary) Vin i.106. — 4. common con- spontaneously J i.325; ii.129. -pabha radiating light from
sent, general opinion, convention, that which is generally ac- oneself, a kind of devas D i.17; iii.28 sq., 84 sq.; Sn 404; DA
cepted; as ° — conventional, e. g. °sacca conventional truth i.110 -bhū self — dependent, an epithet of a Buddha Bu xiv.1
(as opposed to paramattha° the absolute truth) Miln 160; = J i.39; Miln 214, 227, 236; Vism 234; SnA 106 (f. abstr.
°ñāṇa common knowledge D iii.226; °deva what is called sayambhutā), 135. -vara self — choice J v.426. -vasin self
a deva J i.132; DA i.174; see under deva; °maraṇa what is — controlled, independent Bu ii.20=J i.5; Dāvs i.22.
commonly called "death" Vism 229. — sammuccā (instr.) by
Sayatatta at S i.14 read saṁyatatta.
convention or common consent Sn 648 (v. l. sammacca=ger.
Sayati [śī] to lie down: see seti. Caus. II. sayāpeti ibid.
of sammannati). — 5. opinion, doctrine Sn 897 (=dvāsaṭṭhī
diṭṭhigatāni Nd 308), 904, 911. — 6. definition, declaration, Sayati [śri which is given in meaning sevā at Dhtp 289] to lean
statement Vin i.123 (ummattaka°); A iv.347 (vādaka°); VbhA on; to be supported etc.: only in pp. sita, and in prep. cpd.
164 (bhuñjaka°). — 7. a popular expression, a mere name or nissayati.
word Miln 28. — 8. tradition, lore; comb with suti at Miln 3. 2
Sayathā (adv.) [cp. Sk. sayathā or tadyathā; see sa . The usual

Sayathā Sarabha

P. form is seyyathā] like, as Th 1, 412. 68.
Sayana (nt.) [fr. śī] 1. lying down, sleeping Vism 26; PvA 80 Saraka a vessel, a drinking vessel J i.157, 266; iv.384; DA i.134,
(mañca°). — 2. bed, couch Vin i.57, 72; ii.123; D i.5, 7; A 136; Mhvs 32, 32; DhA ii.85; iii.7.
i.132; J ii.88; v.110 (°ṁ attharāpeti to spread out a bed); Miln Saraja (adj.) [sa+rajo] dusty Vin i.48; A ii.54.
243, 348; Nd 372 (°sannidhi); Pv i.11 (kis°=kiṁ°); PvA 78. 1
Saraṇa (nt.) [cp. Vedic śaraṇa protection, shelter, house, śar-
— sayanakalaha a quarrel in the bedroom, a curtain — lec-
man id.; śālā hall; to Idj. *kel to hide, as in Lat. celo, Gr.
ture J iii.20; sayanāsana bed & seat It 112; Dh 185, etc.: see
καλύπτω to conceal, Oir. celim, Ohg. Ags. helan, Goth. hul-
jan to envelop; Ohg. hella=E. hell; also E. hall, and others]
Sayanighara (nt.) a sleeping — room Vin i.140 sq.; iv.160; J
shelter, house Sn 591; refuge, protection D iii.187; Sn 503; J
i.433; iii.275, 276.
ii.28; DA i.229; especially the three refuges — the Buddha, the
Sayāna is ppr. of sayati lying down (e. g. A ii.13 sq.): see seti. Dhamma, and the Brotherhood — A i.56; D i.145; J i.28; usu-
ally combined with verbs like upeti Vv 53 ; Sn 31; gacchati
Sayāpita [pp. of sayāpeti] made to lie down VbhA 11.
D i.116; A iii.242; Vin i.4; Dh 190; Sn p. 15, 25; It 63; or
Sayita [pp. of seti] lying down J i.338; v.438. sukha° lying in a
yāti Sn 179; Dh 188; asaraṇa, asaraṇībhūta without help and
good position, sleeping well, well — embedded (of seeds) A
refuge Miln 148. See leṇa 2.
iii.404=D ii.354; Miln 255. sukha-sayitabhāva "having had
-āgamana=°gamana D i.146; SnA 42, 157. -gamana
a good sleep," being well J v.127.
(nt.) taking refuge in the three Saraṇas Vin iii.24; S iv.270.
Sayha see sahati. 2
Saraṇa (adj.) [sa+raṇa] concomitant with war Dhs 1294; DhsA
Sara [cp. Vedic śara] 1. the reed Saccharum sara Miln 342. — 50.
2. an arrow (orig. made of that reed) D i.9; Dh 304; Miln 396; 3 2
Saraṇa [fr. smṛ; i. e. sarati ] (nt.) remembrance; -tā (f.) re-
DhA 216 (visa — pīta).
membering Dhs 14, 23; Pug 21, 25.
-tuṇḍa a beak as sharp as an arrow DhA iii.32. -daṇḍaka 2
Saraṇīya (nt.) [grd. formation fr. saraṇa ] something to be re-
shaft of an arrow DhA ii.141. -bhanga arrow — breaking
membered A i.106.
Vism 411 (in comp.).
Sara (adj. — n.) [fr. sarati 1. going, moving, following Sn 3, Sarati [sṛ given by Dhtp 248 as "gati"] to go, flow, run, move
along J iii.95 (=parihāyati nassati C.); Pot. sare J iv.284. —
901 — 2. fluid, flow J i.359 (pūti°). 1
aor. asarā J vi.199. — pp. sarita . — Caus. sāreti (1) to
Sara (m. — nt.) [Vedic saras] a lake J i.221; ii.10; vi.518 (Mu-
make go A i.141; iii.28=M i.124=S iv.176 J iv.99; Miln 378;
calinda); there are seven great lakes (mahā — sarā, viz. An-
Vism 207. — (2) to rub, to mix Vin ii.116. Also sarāpeti.
otatta, Sīhapapāta, Rathakāra, Kaṇṇamuṇḍa, Kuṇāla, Chad- n rd 7
A Desid. form is siṁsare (3 pl. med.) at Vv 64 (=Sk.
danta, Mandākini) A iv.101; D i.54; J ii.92; DA i.164, 283;
sisīrṣati), cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 184.
aṇṇava° the ocean D ii.89; cp. A ii.55; loc. sare J ii.80; saras-
Sarati [smṛ, cp. smṛti=sati; Dhtp 248 "cintā"; Lat memor, memo-
miṁ Sn 1092; & sarasi Mhvs 10, 7; jātassara a natural lake J
ria=memory; Gr. μέριμνα care, μάρτυ witness, martyr; Goth.
i.472 sq.
maúrnan=E. mourn to care, etc.] to remember D ii.234; Vin
Sara (adj.) [fr. sarati ] remembering M i.453; A ii.21; DA
i.28; ii.79; J ii.29. A diaeretic form is sumarati Dh 324; ger.
i.106. °sankappa mindfulness and aspiration M i.453; iii.132; st
sumariya Mhvs 4, 65. — 1 pl. saremhase Th 2, 383; med.
S iv.76, 137, 190; Nett 16. rd
sare J vi.227; imper. sara Th 1, 445; & sarāhi Miln 79; 3
Sara [Vedic svara, svar, cp. Lat. su — surrus, Ger. surren] sg. saratu Vin i.273. — ppr. saraṁ Mhvs 3, 6; & saramāna
sound, voice, intonation, accent Vin ii.108; D ii.24 sq.; A Vin i.103. — aor. sari J i.330; fut. sarissati J vi.496. — ger.
i.227; Pv ii.12 (of birds' singing=abhiruda C.); J ii.109; Sn saritvā J i.214. — pp. sata & sarita . — Caus. sāreti to re-
610 (+vaṇṇa, which is doubtful here, whether "complexion" mind Vin ii.3 sq., 276; iii.221; sārayamāna, reminding J i.50;
or "speech," preferably the former); DhsA 17; eight qualities ppr. pass. sāriyamāna Vin iii.221; w. acc. D ii.234; w. gen.
D ii.211, 227; gītāssara song Vin ii.108; bindussara a sweet Dh 324; J vi.496; with foll. fut. II. (in °tā) Vin ii.125, 4; iii.44,
voice Sn 350; adj. J ii.439; sīhassara with a voice like a lion's 9, etc. — Caus. II. sarāpeti Vin iii.44; Miln 37 (with double
J v.296, 311 (said of a prince). Cp. vissara. — In comb with acc.), 79.
vaṇṇa (vowel) at A iv.307; Miln 340. 3
Sarati [śṛ; Dhtp 248: hiṁsā] to crush: see seyyati. Caus. sāreti
-kutti [=kḷpti; can we compare BSk. svaragupti "depth
Vin ii.116 (madhu — sitthakena, to pound up, or mix with
of voice" Divy 222?] intonation, resonance, timbre, melodi-
beeswax). Cp. saritaka.
ousness of voice Vin ii.108=A iii.251; J vi.293 (Kern, "en-
Sarada [Vedic śarad (f.) traces of the cons. decl. only in acc.
amoured behaviour" [?]); DhsA 16. Cp. Vin. Texts iii.72.
pl. sarado sataṁ "100 autumns" J ii.16] autumn, the season
-bhañña intoning, a particular mode of reciting Vin i.196; 2
ii.108, 316; J ii.109; DhA i.154. -bhāṇa=°bhañña DhA ii.95 following on the rains Sn 687; Vv 35 . °-samaya the autumn
season D ii.183; M i.115; A iv.102; v.22; It 20; S i.65; iii.141,
(v. l. °bhañña). -bhāṇaka an intoner, one who intones or
155; v.44; VvA 134, 161.
recites the sacred texts in the Sarabhañña manner Vin ii.300.
-sara an imitative word; sarasaraṁ karoti to make the noise Sarabha [Vedic śarabha a sort of deer J iv.267; vi.537] (rohic-
sarasara M i.128. casarabhā migā=rohitā sarabhamigā, C. ibid. 538); Sarab-
Saraṁsā (f.) [fr. sa +raṁsi] the sun (lit. having rays) Mhvs 18, hamigajātaka the 483rd Jātaka J i.193, 406 (text Sarabhanga);

Sarabha Salākā

iv.263 sq. S iv.286; A i.50; ii.41; iii.57 sq., 323 sq.; iv.190. Sn 478, 584;
-pallanka "antelope — couch," a high seat, from which Dh 151; Nd 181; J i.394 (six blemishes); ii.31; antimasarīra
the Bodhisat preaches J iii.342 (cp. vara — pallanka J iii.364). one who wears his last body, an Anāgāmin Sn 624; S i.210;
-pādaka having legs like those of a gazelle J i.267. Dh 400. — 2. a dead body, a corpse D ii.141, 164; M iii.91.
Sarabhasaṁ (adv.) [sa +rabhasaṁ] eagerly, quickly Dāvs iv.22, — 3. the bones D ii.164. — 4. relics Vv 63, 32; VvA 269.
-aṭṭhaka the bony framework of the body DhsA 338.
34 sq., 43.
-ābhā radiation of light proceeding from the body, lustre SnA
Sarabhū (f.) [cp. Sk. saraṭa] a lizard Vin ii.110; A ii.73; J ii.135,
16 (°ṁ muñcati to send forth), 41 (id.), 140 (id.). -kicca (1)
147; SnA 439.
funeral ceremonies, obsequies J i.180; ii.5; VvA 76, 257; PvA
Sarala the tree Pinus longifolia J v.420 (thus read with B instead 74, 76, 162. — (2) "bodily function," satisfying the body's
of salaḷa [?]). wants J ii.77; iv.37. -davya (=dabba ) fitness of body, good
Saravant (adj.) [sara +vant] 1. having or making a sound, well body, beauty J ii.137. -dhātu a body relic (of the Buddha)
Mhvs 13, 167; VvA 165, 269. -pabhā lustre of the body DhA
— sounding Vin i.182; A iii.375. — 2. with a noise Mhvs 25,
i.106. -parikamma attending the body SnA 52. -maṁsa the
flesh of the body J iii.53. -vaṇṇa the (outward) appearance of
Sarasa (adj.) [sa +rasa] with its essential properties (see rasa) the body Vism 193. -valañja discharge from the body, faeces
Nd 43; sarasabhāva a method of exposition DhsA 71.
DhA ii.55; iv.46 (°ṭhāna). See valañja. -sanghāta perfection
Sarasī (f.) [Vedic sarasī] a large pond Vin ii.201=S ii.269; J v.46. of body Vism 194. -saṇṭhāna constitution of the body, bodily
Sarāga (adj.) [sa +rāga] connected with lust, passionate D i.79; form Vism 193.
ii.299; M i.59; Vism 410. Sarīravant (adj.) [sarīra+vant] having a body S ii.279.
Sarājaka (adj.) [sa +rāja+ka] including the king J i.126; fem. — Sarīvaṇṇa resembling J ii.439 (v. l. sarīra°). Cp. sari.
ikā Vin ii.188; S i.162; J ii.113, 114 (sarājika at J iii.453); with 2
Sarūpa (adj.) [sa +rūpa] 1. of the same form A i.162; Pug 56. —
the king's participation Tikp 26 (sassāmika — sarājaka geha). 3
2. [sa +rūpa] having a body A i.83.
Sarājita denomination of a purgatory and its inhabitants S iv.309
Saroja (nt.) [Sk. saroja, saras+ja] "lake — born," a lotus Dāvs
sq. Various readings Parājita and Sarañjita.
Sarāpana (nt.) [fr. sarāpeti Caus. of sarati ] causing somebody
Sarojayoni [fr. last] a Brahmā, an archangel Dāvs i.34.
to remember Miln 79.
Saroruha (nt.) [saras+ruha] a lotus Dāvs iii.83.
Sarāva [Sk. śarāva] a cup, saucer A i.161; J i.8; M iii.235 for 1 3
patta); Miln 282; DA i.298; PvA 244, 251. Salakkhaṇa (adj.) [sa +lakkhaṇa] together with the characteris-
tics Sn 1018.
Sarāvaka=sarāva Vin i.203; ii.142, 153, 222.
Salakkhaṇa (nt.) [sa +lakkhaṇa] own characteristic, that which
Sari according to Payogasiddhi=sarisa (sadisa) cp. sarīvaṇṇa J
is consistent with one's own nature Miln 205; Nett 20. Opp.
ii.439 (=samāna — vaṇṇa, C.).
Sarikkha (adj.) [cp. Sk. sadṛkṣa, fr. sadṛś=P. sadisa] like, resem- n
Salana (nt.) [fr. śal] moving, shaking VvA 169; DhsA 62 (in def
bling S i.66; J i.443; iii.262.
of kusala as "kucchitānaṁ salan'ādīhi atthehi kusalaṁ").
Sarikkhaka (adj.) [=sarikkha] in accordance with, like J iv.215;
Salabha [cp. Sk. śalabha] a moth J v.401; Ud 72 (C.); VbhA 146.
PvA 206, 284. See also kamma°.
Salayati [Caus. of śal to leap] to shake DhsA 39.
Sarikkhatā (f.) [fr. sarikkha] resemblance, likeness J iii.241
Salaḷa a kind of sweet — scented tree J v.420; Bu ii.51= J i.13;
(taṁ° being like that); VvA 6 (cp. kamma°). 5
Vv 35 ; VvA 162; Miln 338; M ii.184.
Sarikkhatta (nt.) [fr. sarikkha] likeness DhsA 63; as
Salākā (f.) [cp. Vedic śalākā] 1. an arrow, a dart A iv.107 (T.
sarikkhakatta (kamma°) at DhsA 347.
has it as nt.). — 2. a small stick, peg, thin bar S iv.168; Dāvs
Sarita [pp. of sarati ] gone, set into motion Dh 341 (=anusaṭa,
iv.51. — 3. blade of a grass M i.79; J i.439. — 4. ribs of a
payāta DhA iv.49).
parasol Vin iv.338; SnA 487; Miln 226. — 5. a pencil, small
Sarita [pp. of sarati ] remembered Vin ii.85. stick (used in painting the eyes with collyrium) Vin i.204; J
Saritaka (nt.) powdered stone (pāsāna — cuṇṇa) Vin ii.116; sar- iii.419 (añjana°). — 6. a kind of needle Vin ii.116. — 7. a
itasipāṭika powder mixed with gum Vin ii.116. kind of surgical instrument, a stick of caustic Miln 112, 149.
— 8. a gong stick (of bronze, loha°) J ii.342; Vism 283. — 9.
Saritar [n. ag. fr. sarati ] one who remembers D iii.268, 286; A
membrum virile J ii.359. — 10. a ticket consisting of slips of
ii.35; S v.197, 225.
wood used in voting and distributing food, vote, lot Vin ii.99,
Saritā (f.) [cp. Vedic sarit, fr. sarati ] a river Dhs 1059; saritaṁ 176, 306; J i.123; PvA 272 (kāḷakaṇṇi°); salākaṁ gaṇhāti to
acc. Sn 3; gen. pl. J ii.442; nom. pl. saritā Miln 125. take tickets (in order to vote or to be counted) Vin i.117; ii.199;
paṭhaman salākaṁ gaṇhanto taking the first vote, first rate A
Sarisa (adj.) [=sadisa] like, resembling J v.159.
i.24; salākaṁ gāheti to issue tickets, to take a vote Vin ii.205;
Sarisapa various reading of siriṁsapa M i.10 etc.
salākaṁ dadāti to issue tickets J i.123; salākaṁ vāreti to throw
Sarīra (nt.) [Vedic śarīra] 1. the (physical) body D i.157; M i.157; lots J i.239 (kāḷakaṇṇi°).

Salākā Savighāta

-agga room for distributing food by tickets J i.123; Mhvs Sallapati [saṁ+lapati] to talk (with) D i.90; ii.109; Miln 4; sal-
15, 205. -odhāniya a case for the ointment — stick Vin lapeti the same Vin iv.1 .
i.204. -gāha taking of votes, voting Vin ii.85, 98 sq. (3 kinds).
Sallalīkata pierced, perforated J i.180. Trenckner suggests that
-gāhāpaka ticket — issuer, taker of voting tickets Vin ii.84.
this form may have arisen from *sallakīkata (from sallaka, por-
-bhatta food to be distributed by tickets Vin i.58, 96; ii.175;
J i.123; DhA i.53 (eight kinds). -vātapāna a window made
Sallahuka (adj.) [saṁ+lahuka] light J i.277; ii.26; Vism 65; DhA
with slips of wood Vin ii.148. -vutta "subsisting on blades
iv.17; sallahukena nakkhattena on lucky nights J ii.278; sal-
of grass" (or "by means of food tickets"?) Vin iii.6, 67; iv.23;
lahukavuttin whose wants are easily met, frugal Sn 144; DA
A i.160; S iv.323. Cp. BSk. śalākāvṛtti Divy 131. -hattha
brush — hand, a kind of play, where the hand is dipped in lac
or dye and used as a brush (?) D i.65; DA i.85. Sallāpa [saṁ+lāpa] conversation D i.89; A ii.182; J i.112, 189;
Miln 94. Often in cpd. kathā & allāpa°.
Salāṭuka (adj.) [cp. *Sk. śalāṭu] fresh, unripe S i.150= Sn p. 125;
Miln 334; VvA 288. Sallitta [saṁ+litta] smeared (with) Th 1, 1175 (mīḷha°).
Salābha [sa +lābha] one's own advantage Dh 365. Sallīna [saṁ+līna] sluggish, cowering D ii.255; asallīna active,
Salila (nt.) [cp. Sk. salila, to sarati ] water Sn 62, 319, 672; J upright, unshaken D ii.157; S i.159; iv.125; Cp. v.68. paṭi°.
i.8; v.169; VvA 41; PvA 157; Nd 665 ("vuccati udakaṁ"); Sallīyanā (f.) stolidity Dhs 1156, 1236.
Miln 132 (written saliḷa); Sdhp 168. It is also adj. salilaṁ āpo
Sallekha [fr. saṁ+likh] austere penance, the higher life M i.13,
flowing water J vi.534; cp. Miln 114: na tā nadiyo dhuva —
40; Vin i.305; Ps i.102, 103; Pug 69 sq.; DA i.82; Vism 69;
Miln 360, 380; adj. Vin i.45; sallekhitācāra practising austere
-dhārā shower of water Miln 117. -vuṭṭhi id. Vism 234.
penance Miln 230, 244, 348 sq.; °vutti Vin ii.197; Vism 65
Salla (nt.) [Vedic śalya, cp. śalākā] an arrow, dart M i.429 (°ṁ (°vuttitā). Cp. abhi°.
āharati to remove the a); ii.216; S iv.206; J i.180; v.49; Sn 331,
Sallekhatā (f.)=sallekha D iii.115; Vism 53.
767; Miln 112; Vism 503 (visa° sting of poison; cp. VbhA
Saḷāyatana (nt.) [ṣaḍ° for which ordinarily chal°: see cha] the
104 sallaṁ viya vitujjati); often metaphorically of the pierc-
six organs of sense and the six objects — viz., eye, ear, nose,
ing sting of craving, evil, sorrow etc., e. g. antodosa° Miln
tongue, body, and mind; forms, sounds, odouis, tastes, tan-
323; taṇhā° S i.40, 192; bhava° Dh 351; rāga° DhA iii.404;
gible things, ideas; occupying the fourth place in the Paṭic-
PvA 230; soka° Sn 985; Pv i.86; KhA 153. Cp. also D ii.283;
Sn 51, 334, 938; J i.155; iii.157; DhA iv.70. At Nd 59 seven casamuppāda D ii.32; M i.52; A i.176; S ii.3; Vin i.1; Vism
529, 562 sq., 671; VbhA 174, 176 sq., 319.
such stings are given with rāga°, dosa°, moha°, māna°, diṭṭhi°,
soka°, kathankathā°. — abhūḷha° one whose sting of craving Sava (adj.) [fr. sru, savati] dripping, flowing with (—°) Pv ii.9 11
or attachment is pulled out D ii.283; Sn 593; J iii.390; Pv i.8 7 (madhu°, with honey).
etc. (see abbūḷha). — Cp. vi°. Savaka see °saṁ.
-katta [*kartṛ cp. Geiger P.Gr. § 90, 4] "one who works
Savanka a sort of fish J v.405. Cp. satavanka & sacca-vanka.
on the (poisoned) arrow," i. e. a surgeon M i.429; ii.216; Sn
562; It 101; Miln 110, 169; Vism 136 (in simile); KhA 21 (id.). Savacanīya [sa +vacanīya] (the subject of a) conversation Vin
The Buddha is the best surgeon: Sn 560; Miln 215. -kattiya ii.5, 22, 276.
surgery D i.12 (T. °ka); DA i.98. -bandhana at Th 2, 347
Savati [sru; cp. Sk. srotas stream; Gr. ῥεϋμα, ῥέω to flow; Ags.
take as salla+ bandhana "arrow & prison bond" (ThA 242 dif-
strēam=stream; Oir. sruth] to flow Sn 197, 1034; J vi.278; Dh
ferent). -viddha pierced by an arrow Th 1, 967; Sn 331; cp.
370. — ppr. fr. savantī ThA 109.
ruppati. -santhana removal of the sting Dh 275 (=nimmath- 1
Savana (nt.) [fr. śru: see suṇāti] 1. the ear Sn 1120; Miln 258.
ana abbāhana DhA iii.404).
— 2. hearing D i.153, 179; A i.121; S i.24; Vin i.26; Sn 265,
Sallaka [cp. *Sk. śalala & śallaka] a porcupine J v.489. 1
345; Dh 182; J i.160, 250; Miln 257; Nd 188. sussavanaṁ
Sallakī (f.) [cp. Class. Sk. śallakī] the tree Boswellia thurifera sāvesi she made me hear a good hearing, she taught me a good
(incense tree) J iv.92; pl. ° — iyo J vi.535; bahu-kuṭaja — thing J i.61; savanaṭṭhāne within hearing J iv.378. dhamma°
sallakika Th 1, 115 (=indasālarukkha [?]). hearing the preaching of the Dhamma Vin i.101 etc.
Sallakkhaṇā (f.) [fr. sallakkheti] discernment, testing Dhs 16, Savana (nt.) [fr. savati] flowing Dh 339; J iv.288; v.257; savana
292, 555; Pug 25; Vism 278; VbhA 254; DhsA 147; asal- — gandha of the body, having a tainted odour Th 2, 466.
lakkaṇa non-discernment S iii.261. Savanīya (adj.) [grd. of suṇāti] pleasant to hear D ii.211; J i.96 (
Sallakkhita [pp. of sallakkheti] realized, thought DhA i.89. — ṇ — ); J vi.120=122 (savaneyya).
Sallakkheti [saṁ+lakkheti] to observe, consider Vin i.48, 271; Savantī (f.) [cp. Vedic sravat, orig. ppr. of sru, sravati] a river
J i.123; ii.8; Vism 150; to examine J v.13; to bear in mind Vin ii.238; Bu ii.86=J i.18; J vi.485; Miln 319.
DhsA 110; J vi.566; to understand, realize, conclude, think
Savara [Epic Sk. śabara, cp. śabala=P. sabala] an aboriginal tribe,
over J iv.146; VvA 185; VbhA 53; asallakkhetvā without de-
a savage Vin i.168; Miln 191.
liberation Vin ii.215; inadvertently J i.209. — Caus. II. sal- 4
Savasa [sa +vasa] one's own will DhsA 61 (°vattitā; cp. Expos.
lakkhāpeti to cause to be noted Mhvs 9, 24; DhsA 121; to
persuade, bring to reason J vi.393.

Savighāta Saha

Savighāta (adj.) [sa +vighāta] bringing vexation Th 2, 352; ThA 19, 27.
Sassa (nt.) [cp. Vedic sasya] corn, crop M i.116; J i.86, 143, 152;
Savicāra accompanied by investigation D i.37 etc., in the descrip- ii.135; Miln 2; DhA i.97; SnA 48; sassasamaya crop time J
tion of the first Jhāna. See vicāra. i.143; susassa abounding in corn Vin i.238; pl. m. sassā J
Savijjuka (adj.) [sa +vijju+ka] accompanied by lightning D i.340. °-kamma agriculture J vi.101; °-kāla harvest time Vin
iv.264; °-ṭṭhāna= °-khetta J vi.297; dussassa (having) bad
crops Vin i.238; A i.160; KhA 218 (=dubbhikkhā).
Saviññāṇa possessed of consciousness, conscious, animate A
-uddharaṇa lifting the corn Miln 307. -ghāta destroying
i.83; -ka the same A i.132; DhA i.6. — See viññāṇaka.
property S ii.218 sq.
Savitakka accompanied by reasoning D i.37 etc., in the formula
Sassata (adj.) [Vedic śaśvat] eternal, perpetual D i.13; iii.31 sq.,
of the first Jhāna. See vitakka.
137 sq.; M i.8, 426; A i.41; Dh 255; Dhs 1099; J i.468; Miln
Savidha (adj.) [Sk. savidha] near; (nt.) neighbourhood Dāvs 413; DA i.112; dhuvasassata sure and certain Bu ii.111 sq.=J
iv.32; v.9. i.19; sassatiyā for ever, Sn 1075; a — sassata J v.176; vi.315;
Savibhattika (adj.) [sa +vibhatti+ka] (able) to be classified DhsA sassatāyaṁ adv. (dat.) for ever (?) J i.468; v.172; Faus-
134. böll takes it=sassatā ayam (following the C.), and writes sas-
Savupādāna=sa-upādāna (A ii.163): see upādāna.
-diṭṭhi eternalism, the doctrine that soul and world are
Savera (adj.) [sa +vera] angry D i.247. eternal Dhs 1315; S ii.20; iii.98; Nett 40, 127. -mūla eternal-
Savyañjana (adj.) [sa +vyañjana] with the letters Vin i.21; D i.62; ist Dpvs 6, 25. -vāda an eternalist, eternalism D i.13; iii.108;
S ii.20; iii.99, 182; iv.400; Pug 38; DA i.104 sq.; Ps i.155;
DA i.176; Sn. p. 103; Vism 214.
VbhA 509. -vādin eternalist Nett 111; Mhbv 110.
Savhaya (adj.) [sa +avhaya] called, named Dpvs 4, 7; Ap 109.
Sassatika [fr. sassata] eternalist D i.17; Mhbv 110 (ekacca° par-
Sasa [Vedic śaśa, with Ohg. haso=E. hare to Lat. canus grey,
tial eternalist); Vin iii.312; °-ika J v.18, 19.
greyish — brown; cp. Ags. hasu] a hare, rabbit Dh 342; J
Sassatisamaṁ (adv.) [cp. Sk. śaśvatīḥ samāḥ] for ever and ever
iv.85; of the hare in the moon J iv.84 sq.; sasôlūkā (=sasā ca 14
D i.14; M i.8; S iii.143; also sassatī samā J iii.255; Vv 63
ulūkā ca) J vi.564.
(explained by sassatīhi samāna, like the eternal things — viz.,
-lakkhaṇa the sign of a hare J i.172; iii.55. -lañjana id.
earth, sun, moon, etc., VvA 265); J iii.256; DA i.105.
VvA 314 (°vant=sasin, the moon). -visāṇa a hare's horn (an
impossibility) J iii.477. Sassamāṇabrāhmaṇa (fem. — ī) together, with samaṇas and
Sasaka=sasa J ii.26; iv.85; Cp i.10 . brahmins Vin i.11; D i.62; iii.76, 135; S v.423; Sn p. 100;
DA i.174.
Sasakkaṁ [sa+sakkaṁ] as much as one can M i.415, 514 sq.
Sassara imitative of the sound sarasara; chinnasassara giving out
Sasati [śas. cp. Dhtp 301: gati — hiṁsā — pāṇanesu] to slay,
a broken or irregular sound of sarasara M i.128; see J.P.T.S.,
slaughter; sassamāna ppr. pass. J v.24 (C.=hiṁsamāna). inf.
1889, p. 209.
sasituṁ J vi.291 (read sāsituṁ from sāsati?). pp. sattha.
Sassāmika (adj.) [sa+sāmin+ka] 1. having a master, belonging to
Sasati [śvas] to breathe (cp. Dhtp 301: pāṇana): see vissasati.
somebody D ii.176. — 2. having a husband, married J i.177,
Sasattha [sa +sattha] with swords J iv.222; DhsA 62. 397; iv.190.
Sasambhama (adj.) [sa+sambhama] with great confusion Mhvs Sassirīka (adj.) [sa +sirī+ka] glorious, resplendent J i.95; ii.1;
5, 139. iv.189; vi.270.
Sasambhāra (adj.) [sa +sambhāra] with the ingredients or con- Sassū and Sassu (f.) [Vedic śvaśrū: see sasura] mother-in-law Vin
stituents Vism 20, 352, 353. iii.137; A ii.78; Th 2, 407; Sn 125; J i.337; iii.425 sq.; v.286
(gen. sassuyā); DhA i.307; VvA 110, 121; PvA 89. sassu —
Sasin [Sk. śaśin, fr. śaśa] the moon Dāvs iv.29; J iii.141; v.33;
Vv 81 (=canda VvA 314), 82 . sasure, see sasura; sassudeva worshipping one's mother-in-law
as a god S i.86; J iv.322.
Sasīsa (adj.) [sa +sīsa] together with the head; sasīsaṁ up to the 1 3
head D i.76, 246; J i.298; sasīsaka head and all D ii.324; Sn, Saha (indecl.) [fr. sa ; cp. Vedic saha] prep. & prefix, meaning:
p. 80. in conjunction with, together, accompanied by; immediately
after (with instr.) Vin i.38; Sn 49, 928; Th 2, 414=425; sahā
Sasura [Vedic śvaśura, f. śvaśrū (see P. sassū), Idg. *sṷe-kuros,
Sn 231.
*sṷekrū; cp. Gr. ἑκυρός & ἑκυρά; Lat. socer & socrus; Goth.
-anukkama=sahānukkama with the bridle Dh 398; DhA
swaihra & swaíhrō, Ags. swēor & sweger; Ohg. swehur &
iv.161. -āmacca together with the ministers Mhvs 5, 182.
swigar] father-in-law Vin iii.137; M i.168; A ii.78; VvA 69,
-āvudha together with one's weapons J iv.416. -indaka to-
121; Th 2, 407 (sassura); J i.337; sassu — sasurā mother — 1
gether with Indra D ii.208, 221; Vv 30 . -ūdaka together with
and father-in-law J ii.347; iii.182; iv.38; vi.510; the form sas-
water J v.407. -oḍha together with the stolen goods; coraṁ
sura Th 2, 407 has probably arisen through analogy with sassu.
° — aṁ gahetvā Vism 180; Mhvs 23, 11 (thena); 35, 11. See
— f. sasurī VvA 69.
oḍḍha. -odaka containing water Mhvs 4, 13. -orodha with
Sasenaka (adj.) [sa +sena+ka] accompanied by an army Mhvs his harem Mhvs 5, 182; -kathin conversing with (instr.) M

Saha Sahita

i.489. -kāra a sort of fragrant mango KhA 53. -gata ac- as a singular with a noun in the plural, sahassaṁ vācā Dh
companying, connected with, concomitant Vin i.10; D ii.186; 100; satasahassaṁ vassāni J i.29; also in the plural after other
S v.421; Kvu 337; DhsA 157. -ggaṇa together with his com- numerals cattāri satasahassāni chaḷabhiññā Bu ii.204=J i.29;
panions Dpvs 14, 58. -cetiya containing a Cetiya Mhvs 33, also with the thing counted in the genitive, accharānaṁ sahas-
10. -ja born at the same time Vv 81 . -jāta 1. born at saṁ Mhvs 17, 13; A i.227; or ° —, as sahassa — yakkha —
the same time, of equal age J i.54; vi.512. — 2. arisen at parivāra SnA 209. In combination with other numerals, sa-
the same time, coinciding with (instr.) Kvu 337, 620; VbhA hassa is sometimes inflected like an adjective, saṭṭhisahassā
127. — 3. (in °paccaya) the relation of co — nascence, coin- amaccā sixty thousand ministers J vi.484; satasahassiyo gāvo
cidence Dukp 17 sq., 52 sq., 113 sq., 129 sq., 145 sq., 225 100,000 cows Sn 308; the thing counted then precedes in a
sq., 334 sq. and passim; Tikp 36 sq., 62 sq., 107 sq., 243 compound jāti — sahassaṁ 1,000 births D i.13; It 99; ghaṭa
sq.; Vism 535. -jīvin (fem. — ī) living together with Vin — sahassam pi udakaṁ Miln 189; sindhava — sahasso ratho
iv.291, 325 sq. -dhammika having the same Dhamma, co J vi.103; sahassaṁ sahassena a thousand times a thousand Dh
— religionist M i.64; Nd 485 (opp. para°); regarding the 103; sahassass' eva in thousands D ii.87. — sahassaṁ (nt.)
Dhamma D i.94, 161; M i.368; Vin i.134; Nett 52; DA i.263 1,000 gold pieces Dh 106; J vi.484; Miln 10; satasahassaṁ
(=sahetuka, sakāraṇa); that which is in accordance with the a hundred thousand J i.28; sahassa (adj.) (fem. ī) worth a
dhamma Dhs 1327; M i.482; °ṁ adv. in accordance with thousand J v.484, 485; ThA 72 (Ap v.45, read sahassayo for
the dhamma Vin i.60, 69; iii.178; iv.141. -dhammiya co °aso); epithet of Brahmā, the B. of a thousand world systems
— religionist Nett 169. -dhenuka accompanied by a cow M iii.101. Cp. dasa — sahassī.
Mhvs 21, 18. -nandin rejoicing with It 73. -paṁsukīḷita -akkha thousand — eyed, the god Sakka S i.229; J vi.203;
a companion in play, a playfellow A ii.186: J i.364; iv.77; sahassacakkhu the same J v.394, 407. -aggha worth a thou-
PvA 30. -pesuṇa together with slander Sn 862 f.; Nd 257. sand Miln 284. -āra having 1,000 spokes D ii.172. -ṭṭhavikā
-bhāvin being at one's service J iii.181 (amacca). -bhū aris- a purse with 1,000 pieces (of money) Vism 383; J i.506; DhA
ing together with Dhs 1197; Nett 16; a class of devas D ii.260. ii.37; VvA 33. — netta thousand-eyed, the god Sakka S i.226;
-macchara with envy Sn 862. -yoga=karaṇa — vacana SnA Sn 346; J iii.426; iv.313; v.408; vi.174; Vv 30 ; DhA i.17.
44. -vatthu living together with Th 2, 414= 425; ThA 269. -bāhu having a thousand arms, said of Ajjuna J v.119, 135,
-vāsa living together, associating Vin ii.34; It 68. -vāsin liv- 145 (° — rājā); 267, 273; vi.201. -bhaṇḍikā a heap of 1,000
ing together J v.352. -sangha together with the Order Mhvs pieces J ii.424; iii.60; iv.2. -raṁsi the sun J i.183.
1, 71. -seyyā sharing the same couch, living together Vin
Sahassadhā (adv.) [cp. satadhā etc.] in a thousand ways A i.227;
iv.16; KhA 190. -sevaka together with the servants Mhvs
Th 1, 909.
36, 43. -sokin sorrowful (?) S iv.180.
Sahassika (adj.) [fr. sahassa] thousandfold J i.17; iv.175 (so for
Saha (adj.) [fr. sah] submitting to, enduring M i.33; Th 1, 659;
J vi.379; sabbasaha J v.425, 431. — dussaha hard to endure
Sahassī-lokadhātu (f.) a thousandfold world, a world system D
Sdhp 95, 118, 196
i.46; A i.228; DA i.130; dasasahassī — lokadhātu ten world
Sahati [sah to prevail] 1. to conquer, defeat, overcome M i.33;
systems J i.51, 63; cp. dasasahassī and lokadhātu.
S iv.157; Sn 942; Dh 335; It 84; J i.74; ii.386 (avamānaṁ);
Sahājanetta [sahāja+netta] at Sn 1096 is of doubtful meaning
iii.423 (id.). — 2. to bear, endure Sn 20; Pug 68. — 3. to
("all — seeing"?), it is expl as "spontaneously arisen omni-
be able D ii.342 (sayhāmi); Pot. sahe Sn 942; Pot. saheyya M
science" at Nd 669 (where spelling is sahajānetta); lit. "co-
i.33; saha (imper. excuse, forgive, beg your pardon!) J iii.109;
inciding eye"; SnA 598 expl as "sahajāta — sabbaññuta —
grd. sayha that which can be endured, able to be done Sn 253;
ñāṇa — cakkhu."
Dāvs ii.29; a — sayha Miln 1148.
Sahattha [sa +hattha] one's own hand J i.68; usually sahatthā Sahāya [cp. Epic Sk. sahāya, fr. saha+i] companion, friend D
ii.78; M i.86; S iv.288; Pug 36; Sn 35, 45 sq.; J ii.29; °-kicca
(abl.) with one's own hand Vin i.18; A i.274; D i.109; Sn p.
107; J i.286; Pv ii.9 ; ii.9 ; Miln 15. instr. sahatthena id. assistance (?) J v.339; °-matta companion J iv.76; °-sampadā
the good luck of having companions Sn 47; adiṭṭha-° a friend
PvA 110, 124, 135; J iii.267; vi.305. Cp. sāhatthika.
who has not yet been seen personally J i.377; iii.364; bahu-°
Sahatthin (adj.) [sa +hatthin] together with the elephant Mhvs
having many friends Vin ii.158; nāhaṁ ettha sahāyo bhavis —
25, 70.
sāmi I am not a party to that J iii.46; asahāya Miln 225.
Sahavya (nt.) [fr. sahāya, cp. Sk. sāhāyya] companionship Vv Sahāyaka (adj.) [fr. last] f. °yikā companion, ally, friend Vin
47 (=sahabhāva VvA 202). -°ûpaga coming into union with
i.18; D ii.155; A ii.79, 186; J i.165; ii.29; v.159; vi.256 (gihī
D i.245.
sahāyakā, read gihisahāyakā [?]).
Sahavyatā (f.) [abstr. fr. sahavya] companionship D i.18, 235;
Sahāyatā (f.) [abstr. fr. sahāya] companionship Dh 61; sahāy-
ii.206; M ii.195; iii.99; S iv.306; A iii.192.
atta (nt.) the same Mhvs 30, 21.
Sahasā (adv.) [instr. of sahas (Vedic), force] forcibly, hastily,
Sahita [pp. of saṁ+dhā, cp. Sk. sahita=saṁhita] 1. accompa-
suddenly Sn 123; DhA iii.381; PvA 40, 279; inconsiderately
nied with Mhvs 7, 27. — 2. united, keeping together D i.4; J
J i.173; iii.441. -°kāra violence D i.5; iii.176; A ii.209; Pug
iv.347; Pug 57. — 3. consistent, sensible, to the point D i.8;
58; J iv.11; DA i.80. d
A ii.138; iv.196; S iii.12; Dh 19 (at DhA i.157 expl as a name
Sahassa [Sk. sahasra, see etym. under saṁ°] a thousand, used for the Tipiṭaka, thus equalling Sk. saṁhita); Pug 42. — 4.

Sahita Sāṭheyya

close together, thick Th 2, 254. — araṇisahita (nt.) firewood sol Sn 688. — adj. sīla — sākha — pasākha whose branches
and appurtenances Vin ii.217; D ii.340 sq.; J i.212; DhA ii.246. and boughs are like the virtues J vi.324. In cpds. sākha° &
— sahitaṁvata (adj.) having a consistent or perpetual vow, i.e. sākhā°.
living the holy life J v.320 (=sīlācāra — sampanna C.); vi.525 -nagaraka "little town in the branches," i. e. a suburb,
(T. sahitabbata; C. expl as samādinna — vata gahita — tāpasa a small town D ii.146; J i.391. -patta-palāsa branches and
— vesa). Kern, Toev. ii.51 takes it as a corrupted Sk. śaṁsita foliage A iii.44; -patta-phal'upeta with branches, leaves &
— vrata. fruit A iii.43. -palāsa id. M i.488; A ii.200. -bhanga fag-
gots J i.158; iii.407; DhA ii.204; iii.375. -miga a monkey J
Sahitar [n. ag. fr. sahati] one who endures Sn 42.
ii.73; -ssita living upon branches (i. e. monkey) J v.233.
Sahirañña (adj.) [sa+hirañña] possessing gold Sn 102.
Sāgataṁ (indecl.) [su+āgata, orij. nt.=wel — come] "greeting
Sahetu (adj.) [sa+hetu] having a cause, together with the cause
of welcome," hail! D i.179=M i.481 (sāgataṁ bhante Bhaga-
Vin i.2; D i.180; DA i.263. See hetu.
vato); D ii.173; M i.514 (°aṁ bhoto Ānandassa); DA i.287;
Sahetuka having a cause, accompanied by a cause (especially of DhA iii.293.
good or bad karma) A i.82; Dhs 1073.
Sāgara [cp. Epic Sk. sāgara] the ocean D i.89; A ii.56, 140;
Sahoḍha see under saha . Sā see under San . iii.52; v.116 sq.; Vin i.246; Sn 568; PvA 29; sāgara— ūmi a
wave of the ocean, a flood J iv.165; °-vāri the ocean J iv.165;
Sāka (nt.) [Epic Sk. śāka] 1. vegetable, potherb D i.166; M i.78,
156; A i.241, 295; ii.206; Pug 55; Vism 70; Vv 33 ; J iii.225; sāgaranta or sāgarapariyanta bounded or surrounded by the
ocean (said of the earth) J vi.203; °-kuṇḍala the same J iii.32;
iv.445; v.103. — 2. (m.) name of a tree (Tectona grandis)
D i.92; DA i.259; Vism 250. °-vatthu ground for cultivation
of vegetables J iv.446; sāka — paṇṇavaṇṇa "like the colour of Sāgāra (adj.) [sa +agāra] living in a house, It 111; sleeping under
vegetable leaf" (said of teeth) J v.206 (cp. 203). the same roof Vin ii.279.
Sākacchā (f.) conversation, talking over, discussing D i.103; Sāngaṇa (adj.) [sa+angaṇa] full of lust, impure M i.24 (var. read
ii.109; M i.72; S i.79; A ii.140, 187 sq.; iii.81; Sn 266; Miln sangaṇa; this is also the reading at Sn 279, see above).
19, 24; DhA i.90 (°aṁ karoti); J vi.414.
Sācakka (nt.) [sā=śvan, dog; +cakka; cp. sopāka & suva] name
Sākaccheti [Denom. fr. sākacchā] to converse with, talk over of a science ("the interpretation of omens to be drawn from
with, discuss D ii.237 (+sallapati); ppr. sākacchanto Vin i.169; dogs") Miln 178.
fut. sākacchissanti Vin ii.75; iii.159; grd. sākacchātabba Vin 3
Sācariyaka (adj.) [sa +ācariya+ka] together with one's teacher D
v.123, 196; ppr. med. sākacchā yamāna A ii.189.
Sākaṭika [fr. sakaṭa ] a carter S i.57; Th 2, 443 (ThA 271=
Sāciyoga [sāci+yoga; cp. Sk. sāci crooked] crooked ways, in-
senaka); J iii.104; Miln 66, 164.
sincerity D i.5; iii.176; M i.180; A ii.209; v.206; Pug 58; DA
Sākalya (nt.) [fr. sakala] totality; KhA 187 (opp. vekalya); i.80.
sākalya A i.94 is misprint for sākhalya.
Sājīva (nt.) rule of life, precept governing the monastic life of the
Sākāra (adj.) [sa +ākāra] with its characteristics D i.13; iii.111; Buddhist bhikkhus Vin iii.24 ; adj. ° — samāpanna ibid.; adj.
M i.35; Pug 60; Vism 423 (+sa — uddesa). ° — kara one who supports J iv.42 (=sa — ājīvakara, C.).
Sākuṇika [fr. sakuṇa] a fowler S ii.256; A iii.303; Pug 56; J i.208. Sāṭa [cp. Sk. śāṭa] a garment, cloth Th 2, 245; sāṭi (f.) the same
Comb with miga — bandhaka & macchaghātaka at SnA 289; S i.115; Dh 394; J i.230 (udaka° bathing mantle), 481.
with māgavika & maccha — ghātaka at Pug 56.
Sāṭaka [sāṭa+ka] an outer garment, cloak; cloth ThA 246; J i.89,
Sākuntika [fr. sakunta] a fowler, bird — catcher A ii.207; Th 2, 138, 195, 373, 426; Vism 54 (sāṇa°), 275 (alla°); DhA i.393
299; ThA 227; DA i.162. (thūla°). Cp. antara°, alaṁ°.
Sākkharappabheda [sa +akkhara+pabheda] together with the -lakkhaṇa prognostication drawn from pieces of cloth J
distinction of letters, with the phonology D i.88; A i.163; Sn, p.
101; Miln 10; DA i.247 (akkharappabhedo ti sikkhā ca nirutti Sāṭikā (f.)=sāṭaka Vin i.292 sq.; ii.31; 272, 279 (udaka° bathing
ca). mantle) J i.330; Vism 339 (in simile); Miln 240 (cp. M iii.253).
sāṭiya the same Vin ii.177 (°gāhāpaka receiver of undergar-
Sākhapurāṇasanthuta [fr. sakhi+purāṇa°] one with whom one
has formerly been friendly J v.448.
Sākhalya & Sakhalla (nt.) [abstr. from sakhila] friendship M Sāṭetar [n. ag. fr. sāṭeti] one who dispels, drives away M i.220;
i.446 (=tameness); A i.94; D iii.213; Dhs 1343; DA i.287; A v.347 sq., 351, 359.
DhsA 396; J iv.57, 58 (=maṭṭhavacana "smooth words"). Sāṭeti [śat to cut, destroy] to cut open, to destroy; fig. to torment:
Kern's proposed reading (see Toev. s. v. sāveti) for sāveti at J
Sākhavant (adj.) [sākhā+vant] having branches J iii.493.
iii.198 (amba — pakkāni); iv.402 (attānaṁ sāṭetvā dāsakam-
Sākhā [Vedic śākhā, cp. also śanku stick, & Goth. hōha plough]
maṁ karissāni); vi.486 (kāyaṁ s.). He compares MVastu
a branch Vin i.28; M i.135; A i.152; ii.165, 200 sq.; iii.19, 43
iii.385: śāṭeti gātrāni. Cp. visāṭita & visāta.
sq., 200; iv.99, 336; v.314 sq.; Sn 791; J v.393; J ii.44; a spur
Sāṭheyya (nt.) [abstr. fr. saṭha=*śāṭhya] craft, treachery M i.15,
of a hill A i.243; ii.140; Miln 36; also sākha (nt.) Mhvs 1, 55;
36, 281, 340; A i.95, 100; Nd 395; Pug 19, 23; Miln 289. Cp
J i.52; iv.350; J i.164 (? yāva aggasākhā). — the rib of a para-

Sāṭheyya Sādhu

paṭi°. Sādana (nt.) [cp. Vedic sādana, fr. sad] place, house J iv.405;
Sāṇa (nt.) [cp. Sk. śāṇa hempen, fr. śaṇa=P. saṇa; cp. bhanga ] Yama — sādanaṁ sampatto come to Yama's abode: dead J
iv.405; v.267, 304; vi.457, 505 (do., the MSS. always read °
hemp D ii.350; Miln 267; a coarse hempen cloth Vin i.58; D
— sādhana).
i.166; iii.41; M i.78; A i.240; S ii.202, 221; Pug 55; Vism 54
(°sāṭaka). — sāṇavāka the same Th 2, 252; J iii.394 (var. Sādara (adj.) [sa+ādara] reverential Mhvs 5, 246; 15, 2; 28, 25;
read). 33, 82; sādariya (nt.) and sādariyatā (f.) showing regard and
Sāṇa [sa+iṇa] having a debt, indebted, fig. subjected to the kile- consideration Pug 24; cp. Dhs 1327.
sas, imperfect M iii.127=S ii.221 (=sakilesa, sa — iṇa K.S. Sādāna (adj.) [sa+ādāna] attached to the world, passionate Dh
ii.203); ThA 8; cp. anaṇa under aṇa. 406=Sn 630; DhA iv.180.
Sāṇadhovana (nt.) a kind of play DA i.84=saṇadhovikā. Sāditar [n. ag. fr. sādiyati] one who accepts, appropriates M
Sāṇikā (f.) [fr. sāṇī] a curtain J iii.462.
Sāṇī (f.) [fr. saṇa] hemp — cloth D ii.350; Vin iii.17; a screen, Sādiyati [cp. BSk. svādīyati: MVastu ii.145; Med. — Pass fr.
curtain, tent J i.58, 148 sq., 178, 419; DhA i.194; ii.49. ° — *sādeti, Caus. of svad] lit. to enjoy for oneself, to agree to,
permit, let take place D i.166; Vin ii.294; A iv.54, 347; S i.78;
pākāra a screen — wall Vin iv.269, 279; J ii.88; DhA ii.68, 71,
iv.226 sq.; Pug 55; Miln 95 sq.; aor. sādiyi Vin iii.38 sq.; fut.
186; VvA 173; PvA 283; Mhvs 7, 27; sāṇipasibbaka a sack or
bag of hempcloth Vin iii.17 . — paṭṭa-sāṇī a screen of fine sādiyissati J vi.158.
cloth J i.395. Sādiyanā (f.) [fr. sādiyati] appropriating, accepting Miln 95.
Sāta (adj.) [cp. *Sk. śāta] pleasant, agreeable It 114; Nett 27. Sādisa [fr. sadisa] (fem. -sī) like, similar D ii.239; Sn 595; Th 2,
Often comb with piya, e. g. It 114; Vbh 103; DA i.311. — 252 (sa° for sā°); Ap 239; J iv.97; Miln 217 (with instr.).
Opp. kaṭuka. — sāta (nt.) pleasure, joy M i.508; A i.81 sq.;
Sādu (adj.) [Vedic svādu, f. svādvī; fr. svad, cp. Gr. ἡδύς, Lat.
S ii.220; J i.410; Dh 341 (°sita= sāta — nissita DhA iv.49); Sn suavis, Goth. sūts=E. sweet; also Sk. sūda cook; Gr. η῞δομαι
867 sq.; Nd 30 (three, of bhava); Pv ii.11 ; iv.5 (+sukha);
to enjoy, ήδονή pleasure] sweet, nice, pleasant Vin ii.196; M
Dhs 3. asāta disagreeable, unpleasant Dhs 1343; J i.410; J
i.114; Th 2, 273; Sn 102; J iv.168; v.5; Dhs 629; asādu (ka)
i.288; ii.105; Sn 867 sq.; sātabhakkha Pug 55, read haṭab-
J iii.145; iv.509 (text, asādhuka, com. on kaṭuka); sādu —
karoti makes sweet J iii.319; Pot. a — sādu — kiyirā makes
-odaka with pleasant water D ii.129; M i.76; Vin iii.108.
bitter, ibid. 319; sādu sweet things Vin ii.196; sādu — phala
-kumbha gold VvA 13. See also v. l. under hāṭaka. -putta
see sādhuphala; for °kamyatā see the latter.
a noble son J vi.238 (=amacca — putta C.).
Sādutā (f.) [fr. sādu] sweetness Dāvs i.40.
Sātaka name of a kind of bird J vi.539 (koṭṭhapokkhara — °, cp.
Sādeti [Caus. of sad: see sīdati] to cause to sink, to throw down
540); SnA 359 (id.).
DhA i.75 (+vināseti; v. l. pāteti).
Sātacca (nt.) [fr. satata] perseverance M i.101; S ii.132; A
Sādeti [Caus. of svad; given as root in meaning "assā-dane" at
iii.249 sq.; iv.460 sq.; v.17 sq.; Th 1, 585; Vism 4; VbhA 346.
Dhtp 147] to enjoy: see ucchādeti (where better referred to
°-kārin persevering S iii.268, 271, 277 sq.; Dh 293; °-kiriyatā
avad) and chādeti .
persevering performance Dhs 1367.
Sādhaka (adj.) [fr. sādh] accomplishing, effecting J i.86; SnA
Sātataṁ (adv.) [fr. satata] continually S i.17=57.
394, 415; Sdhp 161; iṇa° debt — collector Miln 365; bali° tax
Sātatā (f.) [abstr. fr. sāta] happiness S i.17.
— collector J iv.366; v.103, 105, 106.
Sātatika (adj.) [fr. last] persevering Dh 23; S ii.232; It 74; DhA
Sādhakatā (f.) [abstr. fr. sādhaka] effectiveness, efficiency Sdhp
Sātatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. sāta] tastiness, sweetness A i.32.
Sādhana (adj. — nt.) [fr. sādh] 1. enforcing, proving J i.307;
Sātava (nt.) sweet result (of good words) kalyāṇakamma, Com.) DA i.105. — 2. settling, clearing (a debt) J ii.341 (uddhāra°).
J vi.235, 237. Is it misspelling for sādhava (fr. sādhu)? In this meaning mixed with sodheti; it is impossible to decide
which of the two is to be preferred. See iṇa & uddhāra. —
Sātiya (adj.) [fr. sāta] pleasant Sn 853.
3. yielding, effecting, producing, resulting in (—°) A iii.156
Sātireka (adj.) [sa+atireka, cp. BSk. sātirikta Divy 27] having
(laṇḍa° dung — producing); DA i.273; VvA 194; PvA 278
something in excess D ii.93.
(hita°). — 4. materials, instrument VvA 349; PvA 199.
Sātisāra (adj.) [sa+atisāra] trespassing Vin i.55.
Sādhāraṇa (adj.) general, common, joint Vin ii.258; iii.35; Th 2,
Sāttha [sa +attha] with the meaning, in spirit D i.62; ii.48; It 79, 505; J i.202, 302; iv.7 (pañca° — bhāva 5 fold connection);
111; Sn p. 100; Vin i.21; DA i.176; Vism 214. Nett 49 sq.; PvA 122, 194, 265. a° J i.78; DA i.71.
Sātthaka (adj.) [sa+atthaka] (fem. — ikā) useful PvA 12. Sādhika (adj.) [sa+adhika; cp. BSk. sādhika Divy 44] having
something beyond D ii.93; Vv 53 (°vīsati). ° — porisa ex-
Sātrā-yāga identical with sammāpāsa (Sn 303) SnA 322 (? con-
ceeding a man's height M i.74, 365; A iii.403.
jecture yātrā°).
Sādhiya (adj.) [fr. sādh] that which can be accomplished Sdhp
Sāthalika (adj.) [śrath, cp. saṭhila & sithila] lethargic, lax M i.14,
258 etc.
200 sq.; iii.6; A i.71; ii.148; iii.108, 179 sq.

Sādhu Sāmaññatā

Sādhu (adj.) [Vedic sādhu, fr. sādh] 1. good, virtuous, pious Sn Sāpada (nt.) [cp. Sk. śvāpada] a beast of prey J ii.126; vi.79.
376, 393; J i.1; Mhvs 37, 119; PvA 116, 132; asādhu bad,
Sāpadesa (adj.) [sa+apadesa] with reasons D i.4; A ii.22; M i.180;
wicked Dh 163, 223; DhA iii.313. — 2. good, profitable,
iii.34, 49; Pug 58; DA i.76. Opp. anapadesa M i.287.
proficient, meritorious Dh 35, 206 (=sundara, bhaddaka DhA
iii.271); D i.88; Pv ii.9 ; nt. adv. well, thoroughly Dh 67; J i.1; Sāpānadoṇī M ii.183=152 (C.=sunakhānaṁ pivanadoṇi a dog's
Mhvs 36, 97; 37, 73. Very frequent as interjection, denoting
(a) request (adhortative, with imper.: sādhu gaccha please go! Sāpekha [sa+apekhā] longing for D ii.77; iii.43.
Miln 18; gacchatha VvA 305), to be translated with "come 1
Sāma [cp. Vedic śyāma black & śyāva brown; Av. syāva; Ags.
on, welcome, please," or similar adverbs. Thus e. g. at Pv hāēven blue (=E. heaven); Gr. σκοιός, σκιά (shadow)=Sk.
iv.1 (=āyācane PvA 232); J i.92; PvA 6, 35, 272; VvA 69; —
chāyā; Goth. skeinan=shine, etc.] 1. black, dark (something
(b) assent & approval in replies to a question "alright, yes" or
like deep brown) Vin iv.120 (kāḷasāma dark blue [?]); D i.193;
similarly; usually with the verbs (in ger.) paṭisuṇitvā, vatvā,
M i.246 (different from kāḷa); J vi.187 (°aṁ mukhaṁ dark, i. e.
sampaṭicchitvā etc. Thus e. g. at J v.297; Vin i.56; Miln 7; on account of bad spirits); Vism 422 (opp. to odāta in colour
DhA iii.13; VvA 149; DA i.171; SnA 176 (=sampahaṁsane); of skin). — 2. yellow, of a golden colour, beautiful J ii.44, 45
PvA 55, 78 and passim. (migī); v.215 (suvaṇṇa — sāmā), 366 (suvaṇṇa — vaṇṇa). —
-kamyatā desire for proficiency VbhA 477. -kāra say-
f. sāmā, q. v. — See sabala.
ing "well," approval, cheering, applause J i.223; Miln 13, 16,
Sāma (nt.) [perhaps=Vedic sāman] song, sacred song, devotion,
18; VvA 132; DhA i.390; iii.385. -kīḷana a festive play, a sa-
worship, propitiation D ii.288.
cred festivity Mhvs 3, 11; sādhukīḷita the same Mhvs 20, 36;
° — divasa Vin iii.285; sādhu — kīḷā J iii.434; v.127; sādhu Sāmaṁ [on etymology, see Andersen Pāli Gloss., p. 268 (con-
— kīḷikā J iii.433. -jīvin leading a virtuous life It 71. -phala tracted from sayamaṁ, Trenckner), cp. Michelson, Indog.
having wholesome fruits J i.272 (read sādu°). -rūpa good, Forsch., vol. xxiii, p. 235, n. 3 (=avest., hāmō; slav., samz)]
respectable Dh 262. -sammata highly honoured D i.48; S self, of oneself Vin i.16, 33, 211 (s. pāka); iv.121; D i.165;
iv.398; Sn p. 90 sq.; Miln 4, 21; DA i.143. -sīliya good M i.383; ii.211; iii.253 (sāmaṁ kantaṁ sāmaṁ vāyitaṁ dus-
character J ii.137. sayugaṁ); S ii.40; iv.230 sq.; v.390; Sn 270 (asāma — pāka
not cooking for oneself), 889; J i.150; sāmaññeva, i. e. sāmaṁ
Sādhukaṁ (adv.) [fr. sādhu] well, thoroughly Vin i.46; ii.208;
yeva Sn p. 101.
D i.62. — instr. sādhukena (as adv.) willingly (opp. with
force) Pv ii.9 . Sāmaggiya (nt.) [fr. samagga] completeness, concord Sn 810;
sāmaggiya — rasa J iii.21 ("the sweets of concord"); adj. asā-
Sādheti [Caus. of sādh to succeed. Dhtp 421=saṁsiddhiyan] 1.
maggiya, unpleasant J vi.517 (C. on asammodiya).
to accomplish, further, effect J ii.236 (Pot. sādhayemase). —
2. to make prosperous PvA 113, 125. — 3. to arrange, pre- Sāmaggī (f.) [abstr. fr. samagga] completeness, a quorum Vin
pare Mhvs 7, 24. — 4. to perform, execute J i.38 (ārāmika — i.105, 106; meeting, communion Vin i.132 sq.; ii.243; una-
kiccaṁ); DA i.194; Mhvs 36, 62; Vism 344 (see udukkhala). nimity, concord Vin i.97, 136, 357; ii.204; D iii.245 sq.; A
— 5. to make clear, bring to a (logical) conclusion, to prove iii.289; Nd 131; J i.328; It 12.
J ii.306; SnA 192 (atthaṁ), 459; Tikp 58; PvA 30 (here as Sāmacca (adj.) [sa +amacca] together with the ministers D i.110.
much as "is any good"). — 6. to collect or clear a debt, to re-
Sāmañña (nt.) [abstr. fr. samāna] generality; equality, confor-
cover (money). In this sense sādheti is mixed up with sodheti,
mity; unity, company Miln 163; SnA 449 (jāti° identity of de-
which is regularly found as v. l., is it almost better to substitute
scent), 449 (generality, contrasted to visesa detail), 548 (id.);
sodheti at all passages for sādheti (cp. iṇa, uddhāra), e. g. J
VvA 233 (diṭṭhi°, sīla°, equality). ° — gata united D ii.80; °
i.230; ii.341, 423; iii.106; iv.45; DhA iii.12. — Cp. abhi°.
— nāma a name given by general assent DhsA 390.
Sānu (m. and nt.) [Vedic sānu] ridge Vv 32 ; J iii.172. The
Sāmañña (nt.) [abstr. fr. samaṇa] Samaṇaship D i.51 sq.; iii.72,
commentary on the former passage (VvA 136), translates vana
245; M i.281 sq.; S v.25; A ii.27=It 103; Dh 19 sq., 311; DA
wood, that on the latter paṁsupabbata; sānupabbata a forest —
i.158; Vism 132; adj., in accordance with true Samaṇaship,
hill J iv.277; vi.415, 540; pabbatasānu — ° J iii.175; girisānu
striving to be a samaṇa Miln 18; Samaṇaship A i.142 sq.; Pv
— ° J iii.301; iv.195. 18 d
ii.7 (expl at PvA 104 as "honouring the samaṇas").
Sānucara (adj.) [sa +anucara] together with followers Dh 294; J
-attha the aim of Samaṇaship D i.230; A iv.366; M
i.271; S ii.15; iii.93; J i.482; -phala advantage resulting from
Sānuvajja (adj.) [sa+anuvajja] blameable A ii.3. Samaṇaship, fruit of the life of the recluse D i.51 sq.; Vism
215, 512; VvA 71; VbhA 317; more especially the fruition
Sānuseti [sa (=saṁ)+anuseti] to fill (the mind) completely A ii.10.
of the four stages of the Path, sotāpatti —, sakadāgāmi —,
Sāpa [fr. sap, cp. Sk. śāpa] a curse VvA 336; DhA i.41. anāgāmi —, and arahattaphala S v.25; D iii.227, 277; Dhs
Sāpateyya (nt.) [sā (=guṇa of sva)+pateyya (abstr. fr. pati lord), 1016; DhsA 423; Miln 344, 358; DA i.158; three samaññapha-
cp. ādhi — pateyya] property, wealth D i.142; ii.180; iii.190; las Kvu 112.
Vin i.72, 274; iii.66; J i.439, 466; Th 2, 340; ThA 240; J v.117 1 1
Sāmaññatā =sāmañña (identity, congruity etc.) J vi.371
(sāpateya, var. read. sāpatiyya); DhA i.67.
(vaṇṇa°); Vism 234 (maraṇa°).
Sāpattika (adj.) [sa +āpatti+ka] one who has committed a sin Sāmaññatā =sāmañña D iii.145, 169; Dh 332; DhA iii.484;
(see āpatti) Vin i.125; ii.240; Nd 102.

Sāmaññatā Sāra

iv.33. nom. f. samīcīḥ freq. in R. V.] right, proper course Vin iii.246;
D ii.104; A ii.56, 65; S v.261, 343; Miln 8; DhA i.57.
Sāmaṇaka (adj.) [fr. samaṇa] worthy of or needful for a Samaṇa
-kamma proper act, homage Vin ii.22, 162, 255; A i.123;
Mhvs 4, 26; 30, 37; assāmaṇaka unworthy of a Samaṇa Vin
ii.180; D iii.83; J i.218, 219; Miln 8. -paṭipadā right course
of life M i.281; A ii.65. -paṭipanna correct in life D ii.104;
Sāmaṇera [fr. samaṇa; cp. BSk. śrāmaṇeraka Divy 342] fem.
S i.220; A ii.56; iv.310.
° — rī a novice Vin i.62 sq.; iv.121; S ii.261; Miln 2; VbhA
Sāmukkaṁsika (adj.) [fr. samukkaṁsati, cp. ukkaṁsaka. The
383; are not present at the recital of the Pātimokkha Vin i.135;
BSk. is sāmutkarṣikī dharmadeśanā Divy 617] exalting, prais-
°pabbajjā ordination of a novice Vin i.82. °pēsaka superin-
ing (i. e. the 4 truths), as much as "standard." Kern, Toev.
tendent of Sāmaṇeras Vin ii.177; A iii.275. — f., also -°ā A
ii.64, takes it to mean "condensed, given in brief." Usually in
iii.276; as -°ī at Vin i.141.
phrase °ikā dhammadesanā (thus as f. of °aka!) e. g. Vin
Sāmattha (adj.) [=samattha] able J ii.29.
i.16, 18; ii.156; D i.110; M i.380; A iv.186; v.194; DA i.277
Sāmatthiya [abstr. fr. samattha] (nt.) ability Mhvs 37, 243 (expl ); ThA 137; PvA 38, 195; VvA 50. Only once with ñāṇa
Sāmanta (adj.) [fr. samanta] neighbouring, bordering D i.101; at DhsA 9.
Vin i.46 (āpatti° bordering on a transgression); J ii.21; iv.124; Sāmudda (nt.) [fr. samudda] sea salt Vin i.202; Abhp 461.
connected with M i.95; °jappā (or °jappana) roundabout talk Sāmuddika (adj.) [fr. samudda] seafaring D i.222; S iii.155;
Vbh 353; Vism 28; Nd 226; VbhA 484. abl. sāmantā in the
A iii.368 (vāṇijā); iv.127 (nāvā); Vism 63; DhsA 320. At J
neighbourhood of Vin iii.36; D ii.339; loc. sāmante the same
vi.581 s. — mahāsankha denotes a kind of trumpet.
J iv.152 (Kapila — vatthu — °).
Sāmeti see sammati .
Sāmayika (adj.) [fr. samaya] temporary Sn 54; Miln 302 (so
Sāya [cp. Sk. sāyaṁ, on which Aufrecht, Halāyudha p. 380, re-
read); see sāmāyika.
marks: "this word seems to be the gerund of sā, and to have
Sāmalatā (f.) [sāma +latā; Sk. śyāmalatā] the creeper Ichnocar-
signified originally Ǥ having finished. ʼ A masc. sāya does not
pus J i.60.
exist." Cp. Vedic °sāya] evening, only adverbially sāyaṁ, at
Sāmā (f) [Sk. śyāmā Halāyudha 2, 38; see sāma , sāmalatā, and night Vin iii.147; J ii.83; DhA i.234; usually opposed to pāto
sāmāka] a medicinal plant J iv.92 (bhisasāmā, C. bhisāni ca (pātaṁ) in the morning, early e. g. sāya-pātaṁ D ii.188;
sāmākā ca); the Priyangu creeper J i.500; v.405. Miln 419; J i.432, 460; v.462; sāyaṁ-pātaṁ Vin ii.185; DhA
ii.66; sāyañ ca pāto ca Pv i.6 ; ii.9 ; PvA 127; sāya —
Sāmāka [cp. Vedic śyāmāka] a kind of millet (Panicum frumen-
tatiyaka for the third time in the evening D i.167; A ii.206;
taceum) D i.166; M i.78, 156, 343; A i.295; ii.206; Sn 239;
v.263, 266, 268; M i.343; sāyamāsa supper J i.297; v.461;
Pug 55; J iii.144, 371; Nett 141; DhA v.81.
DhA i.204. sāyaṁ as quâsi — nominative: sāyaṁ ahosi J
Sāmājika [fr. Sk. samāja: see samajja] a member of an assembly
vi.505; atisāyaṁ too late Th 1, 231; J ii.362; v.94; sāyataraṁ
Dāvs iii.27.
later in the evening (compar.) J vi.366.
Sāmādhika (adj.) [fr. samādhi] consisting in concentration S
Sāyaṇha [sāyaṁ+aṇha, cp. Sk. sāyāhna] evening D ii.9; J i.144;
-°samayaṁ at evening time D ii.205; M i.147; Vin i.21;
Sāmāmigī (f.) a black hind J ii.44. sāyaṇhasamaye J i.148, 279; PvA 33, 43, 100; °-kāle the
same J iv.120; sāyaṇhe (loc.) J i.144, 237; atisāyaṇha late
Sāmāyika (adj.) [fr. samaya] 1. on a friendly footing, in agree-
evening J vi.540.
ment M iii.110; Miln 22. — 2. occurring in due season, timely
Miln 302 sq., 305. — 3. temporary A iii.349 sq.; cp. sā- Sāyati [svad, Sk. svādate, cp. sādiyati] to taste, eat; pres. sāyati
mayika. Vin ii.121; ppr. sāyanto D iii.85; grd. sāyanīya savoury Vin
i.44; S i.162; ger. sāyitvā S iv.176; A iii.163. Cp. saṁsāyati.
Sāmi J v.489, read sāvi.
Sāmin [cp. Sk. svāmin, fr. sva=sa ] 1. owner, ruler, lord, master Sāyana (nt.) [fr. sāyati] tasting, taste Dhtp 229.
Vin i.303, 307; Sn 83; Mhvs 37, 241; J v.253 (°paribhoga, q. Sāyana the Nāga tree (cp. nāga 3) J vi.535 (vāraṇā sā
v.); Pv iv.6 ; Vism 63; DA i.261; PvA 43, 65. voc. sāmi "Sir" yanā=nāgarukkhā, C., ibid. 535, var. read. vāyana). Kern,
J vi.300; DhA i.20. f. sāminī J v.297; VvA 225. See also Toev. ii.77 conjectures sāsanā "with Asana's Terminalia's."
suvāmin. -assāmin not ruling Miln 253; Pv iv.6 . — 2. hus-
Sāyika (adj.) [fr. śī] lying, sleeping, resting in (—°) Dh 141; M
band PvA 31 (sāmi, voc.="my lord"), 82. — f. sāminī wife
i.328 (vatthu°); Th 1, 501=Miln 367.
Mhvs 5, 43; PvA 82, 276.
-vacana (sāmi°) the genitive case J i.185; iii.98 (up- Sāyita [pp. of sāyati, cp. sāditar] (having) tasted, tasting D i.70;
ayog'atthe); v.42 (karaṇ'atthe), 444; VvA 304; SnA 210 (for ii.95, 292; M i.188, 461; Miln 378; Vism 258 (khāyita+).
upayoga), 310 (id.). Sāyin (adj.) [fr. śī] lying Dh 325.
Sāmiya husband J i.352; see sāmika. Sāra [Vedic sāra nt.] 1. essential, most excellent, strong A ii.110;
Vin iv.214; J iii.368; Pug 53. — 2. (m.) the innermost, hardest
Sāmisa (adj.) [sa+āmisa] 1. holding food Vin ii.214= iv.198. —
part of anything, the heart or pith of a tree (see also pheggu)
2. fleshly, carnal D ii.298=M i.59; A i.81; Ps ii.41. Opp. to
M i.111; J i.331; Miln 413; most excellent kind of wood Vin
nirāmisa spiritual (e. g. Ps i.59).
ii.110; D ii.182, 187; sattasārā the elect, the salt of the earth
Sāmīcī & sāmīci° (f.) [fr. sammā =Vedic samyac, of which pl.

Sāra Sārāṇīya

M iii.69. — 3. substance, essence, choicest part (generally at Dh 149 (but at this passage expl as "scattered by the autumn
the end of comp.) Vin i.184; A ii.141; S iii.83, 140; Sn 5, 330, winds" DhA iii.112). — asārada stale, old D ii.353; S v.379.
364; Dh 11 sq.; PvA 132, 211 (candana°). sāre patiṭṭhito estab- Fig. sārada unripe, not experienced, immature (see sārajja
lished, based, on what is essential M i.31; A ii.183. — 4. value shyness), opp. visārada (der. vesārajja) experienced, wise,
Miln 10; appasāra of small value D ii.346. — asāra worthless selfconfident; vīta-sārada id. (e. g. A ii.24; It 123). — Note:
Sn 937; nissāra the same J ii.163 (pithless); mahāsāra of high At K.S. iii.46 (=S iii.54) s. is wrongly taken as sāra+da, i.
value J i.384, 463. e. "giving sāra"; but seeds do not give sāra: they contain sāra
-ādāyin acquiring what is essential S iv.250. -gandha (cp. sāravant). The C expl as sār-ādāyin is nearer the truth,
the odour of the heart of a tree Dhs 625. -gabbha a treasury but of course not literal; °da is not ā+°da, Moreover, the fig.
J iii.408; v.331. -gavesin searching for hard wood M i.111, meaning cannot be reconciled with this expl .
233; sārapariyesana the same ibid. -dāru strong, durable
Sāradika (adj.) [fr. sārada] autumnal Vin i.199; ii.41; Dh 285=J
wood J ii.68. -bhaṇḍa(ka) a bundle of one's best things J 17
i.183; Vv 64 ; DhA iii.428.
ii.225. -bhūmi good soil J ii.188. -mañjūsā a box made of
Sāraddha [=saṁraddha] violent, angry A i.148, 282; S iv.125; M
choice wood J iv.335. -maya being of hard or solid wood J
iii.318 (C. sārarukkhamaya, "of sāra wood" trsl ). -suvaṇṇa i.21; Vism 134 (opp. passaddha — kāya), 282 (°kāya); VbhA
sterling gold SnA 448 (in expl of name Bimbisāra). -sūci a 283 (id.).
needle made of hard wood J i.9. Sārana [fr. sarati ] going DhsA 133.
Sāraka (—°) (adj.) [fr. sāra] having as most essential Miln 133; Sārameya [Vedic sārameya] a dog (lit. "son of Saramā") Mhbv
a — sāraka rotten (said of wood) J ii.163. 111.
Sāraka [fr. sarati ] a messenger. Sārambha [=saṁrambha] 1. impetuosity, anger A i.100, 299;
Sāraka in the comp. kaṭa — sāraka a mat J iv.248 (v. l.); iv.474; ii.193; M i.16; Dh 133; J iv.26; Miln 289 (sasaṁrambha). —
2. quarrel Sn 483; J ii.223; v.141. — 3. pride Th 1, 759; VvA
v.97 (cp. osāraka).
Sārakkhati=saṁrakkhati Th 1, 729.
-kathā angry or haughty talk, imperiousness Dh 133; M
Sārakkhā (f.) [fr. sa +rakkha] "standing under protection" (?), a i.16; DhA iii.57.
category of married women Vin iii.139 (cp. M i.287). 2
Sārambha [sa+ārambha] involving killing or danger to living
Sārajja (nt.) [abstr. fr. sārada=*sāradya] timidity A iii.127, 203; creatures Vin iii.149; A ii.42 sq. Cp. samārambha.
iv.359, 364; Miln 24, 72, 196 (parisa°, cp. Nd 470); J i.334;
Sārambhin (adj.) [fr. sārambha] impetuous J iii.259.
ii.66; nissārajja undaunted J i.274.
Sāravant (adj.) [fr. sāra] valuable, having kernel or pith (said of
Sārajjati [saṁ+raj, cp. BSk. sārajyati, Sk. saṁrajyate, cp. grain or trees) A iv.170 (synom. daḷha, opp. palāpa); S v.163;
sārāga] to be pleased with, to be attached to A i.260; S ii.172;
M i.111=233.
iii.69 sq.; iv.10 sq.
Sārasa [cp. Epic Sk. sārasa] a water bird, Ardea sibirica VvA 57,
Sārajjanā (f.) [fr. sārajjati] infatuation, feeling infatuated Dhs
163; at both pass.=koñca.
389; J v.446.
Sārāga [=saṁrāga, fr. saṁ+raj] affection, infatuation Vin ii.258;
Sārajjāyati [Denom. of sārajja] to be embarrassed, perplexed,
M i.17, 498; A i.264; S iii.69 sq., 93; Dhs 1059, 1230; cp.
ashamed S iii.92; A iv.359.
saṁrāga. — Neg. a° Dhs 32, 312, 315.
Sārajjitatta (nt.) [=sārajjanā] infatuation, the state of being infat-
Sārāgin (adj.) [fr. last] attached to M i.239 (sukha — °); sukha
uated Dhs 389.
— sārāgita ibid. impassioned.
Sāraṇā (f.) [fr. sāreti ] reminding, remonstrating with Vin v.158,
Sārāṇīya (adj.) [the question of derivation is still unsettled. Ac-
164. 1
cording to Trenckner (Notes 75) fr. saraṇa (i. e. saraṇa or
Sāratta [=saṁratta, pp. of sārajjati] impassioned, en-amoured, sarana ?) with double vṛddhi. Kern (Toev. ii.74) considers
passionately devoted Vin iii.118; M ii.160, 223; S i.74, 77; the (B) Sk. saṁrañjanīya as the original and derives it fr.
Dh 345; J i.288; ii.140; Mhvs 10, 34 (°mānaso). asāratta saṁ+raj to rejoice, to gladden: see rañjati. The BSk. is di-
unattached Sn 704. vided: MVastu iii.47, 60, 206 etc. has sārāyaṇiya, whereas
AvŚ i.229 & Divy 404 read saṁrañjanī and saṁrañjanīya
Sārathi [fr. sa — ratha; Vedic sārathi] charioteer, coachman 3
(see below). — The C. at J iv.99 derives it fr. saraṇa in ex-
D ii.178, 254; S i.33; v.6; A ii.112; iv.190 sq.; Sn 83; J
i.59, 180; Pv iv.3 . assadammasārathi a coachman by whom plaining sārāṇīyā kathā as "sāritabba — yuttakā kathā"] cour-
horses are driven, a trainer of horses M i.124; S iv.176; teous, polite, friendly (making happy, pleasing, gladdening?),
only in comb with kathā, dhamma, or dhammakathā, e.
purisadammasārathi a coachman of the driving animal called
g. s. kathā polite speech, either in phrase sammodanīyaṁ
man, a man — trainer Vin i.35; D i.49; Sn p. 103; It 79. — In
kathaṁ sārāṇīyaṁ vītisāreti to exchange greetings of friend-
similes: Vism 466; KhA 21.
liness & courtesy D i.52; M i.16 (expl inter alia as "anus-
Sārada (adj.) [Vedic śārada, fr. śarad autumn (of Babyl. origin?
sariyamānasukhato s." at MA 110); A i.55, 281; ii.42; cp. BSk.
cp. Assyr. šabātu corn month)] autumnal, of the latest har-
sammodanīṁ saṁrañjanīṁ vividhāṁ k. vyatisārya AvŚ i.229.
vest, this year's, fresh A iii.404=D iii.354 (bījāni fresh seeds);
— sārāṇīyaṁ kathaṁ. katheti DhA i.107; iv.87; sārāṇīyā
A i.135, 181 (badara — paṇḍu); S iii.54; v.380; Miln 255;
dhammā states of conciliation, fraternal living (Dial. iii.231)

Sārāṇīya Sāvana

D iii. 245; M i.322; ii.250; A iii.288; v.89; DhsA 294; J v.382; rice seed A i.32; v.213. -bhatta a meal of rice Vism 191.
cp. BSk. saṁrañjanīyan dharmaṁ samādāya Divy 404. — -bhojana rice food J i.178.
sārāṇīyaṁ dhammakathaṁ suṇāti DhA iv.168.
Sālika (adj.) [fr. sāli] belonging to rice DhA iii.33.
Sāri [cp. *Sk. śāri] chessman DA i.85. d
Sālikā (f.) [cp. Epic Sk. sārikā crow, usually comb with śuka
Sārin (adj.) [fr. sāreti] wandering, going after, following, con- parrot] a kind of bird S i.190=Th 1, 1232; J v.110. See sāliya
forming to (loc.) J v.15; aniketasārin wandering about house- & sāḷikā.
less Sn 844, 970; anokasārin wandering homeless Dh 404; Sn
Sālittaka (nt.) [fr. Sk. saṁlepa?] a sling, catapult (?); slinging
628; diṭṭhisārin a partisan of certain views Sn 911; vaggasārin 7
stones, throwing potsherds etc. Pv iv.16 ; PvA 285; J i.418,
conforming to a party, a partisan Sn 371, 800, 912.
420; DhA ii.69.
Sārīrika (adj.) [fr. sarīra] connected with the body, bodily M i.10;
Sālin excellent Dāvs i.9.
A i.168 sq.; ii.153; (nt.) bodily relics Miln 341; °ṁ cetiyaṁ
Sāliya or sāliyā the maina bird (=sālikā) J iii.203; sāliya-chāpa (a
one of the 3 kinds: paribhogika, s., uddesika J iv.228.
young bird of that kind), and sāliyacchāpa (i. e. sāliyā which
Sāruppa (nt.) [abstr. fr. sarūpa, BSk. sārūpya & sāropya] equal
is probably the right form) J iii.202. — madhu — sāliyā J v.8
state; as adj. fit, suitable, proper Vin i.39, 287; D ii.277; S 11
(=suvaṇṇa — sālika — sakunā C. p. 9 ); J vi.199 (suva —
iv.21 sq.; J i.65, 362; DhsA 294; Sn 368; p. 79, 97, 104; J
sāliya — °), 425 (Sāliya — vacana the story of the maina bird,
iv.404. (a°) (nt.) Vism 24; PvA 269. paribbājaka — s°, as
var. read. suva — khaṇḍa; a section of the 546th Jātaka, but
befits a Wanderer J v.228.
sāḷiyā, sālikā, sāliyā is not a paṛrot.
Sāreti is Caus. of sarati as well as sarati . Cp. vīti°.
Sālīna (adj.) [fr. sāli] fine (rice) Miln 16 (°ṁ odanaṁ; cp. śālīnaṁ
Sāropin (adj.) [saṁ+ropin, cp. ropeti & rūhati ] healing, cura- odanaṁ Divy 559).
tive M ii.257 (vaṇa — °).
Sāluka (& °ūka) (nt.) [cp. Sk. śālūka] the edible root of the water
Sāla [cp. Sk. śāla & sāla] a Sal tree (Shorea robusta) M i.488; D — lily Vin i.246; J vi.563; VvA 142 (°muṭṭhi).
ii.134; A i.202; iii.49, 214; Dh 162.
Sālūra [but cp. Sk. śālūra a frog] a dog J iv.438 (° — saṁgha
-māḷaka an enclosure of Sal trees J i.316. -rukkha Sal
=sunakhagaṇa, C.; spelling ḷ).
tree VvA 176. -laṭṭhi Sal sprout A ii.200. -vana Sal grove 2
D ii.134; M i.124; S i.157; Vv 39 . Sāloka [sa +āloka] sight, view, sāloke tiṭṭhati to expose oneself
to view in an open door Vin ii.267.
Sālaka [Sk. syāla+ka] a brother-in-law J ii.268.
Sālohita [fr. sa +lohita] a kinsman, a blood relation, usually to-
Sālakakimi a kind of worm Miln 312.
gether with ñāti Vin i.4; D ii.26, 345; A i.139, 222; ii.115; Sn
Sālaya (adj.) [sa +ālaya] having intentions (on), being attached p. 91; PvA 28; VbhA 108.
(to=loc.) J iii.332.
Sāḷava [cp. Sk. ṣāḍava, which is given in diff. meaning, viz.
Sālā (f.) [cv. Vedic śālā, cp. Gr. καλία hut, Lat. cella cell, "comfits with fruits"] a certain dish, perhaps a kind of salad,
Ohg. halla, E. hall] a large (covered & enclosed) hall, large given as "lambila," i. e. bitter or astringent at DhsA 320 (made
room, house; shed, stable etc., as seen fr. foll. examples: of badara or kapiṭṭha); cp. Vin iv.259.
aggi° a hall with a fire Vin i.25, 49=ii.210; āsana° hall with
Sāḷika a bird; f. °ā the Maina bird J i.429; vi.421. Spelt sāḷiyā at
seats DhA ii.65; udapāna° a shed over the well Vin i.139;
J vi.425. See sālikā & sāliya.
ii.122; upaṭṭhāna° á service hall Vin i.49, 139; ii.153, 208,
Sāva [fr. sru] juice VvA 186.
210; S ii.280; v.321; J i.160; kaṭhina° a hall for the kaṭhina
Vin ii.117. kīḷa° playhouse J vi.332; kutūhala° a common Sāvaka [fr. śru] a hearer, disciple (never an Arahant) D i.164;
room D i.179= S iv.398. kumbhakāra° potter's hall DhA i.39; ii.104; iii.47, 52, 120 sq., 133; A i.88; M i.234; S ii.26; It 75
gilāna° sick room, hospital S iv.210; Vism 259; jantāghāra° sq., 79; J i.229; Vism 214, 411. — fem. sāvikā D ii.105;
(large) bath room Vin i.140; ii.122; dāna° a hall for donations iii.123; Th 2, 335; S iv.379; A i.25, 88. (Cp. ariya-°, agga-°,
J i.262; dvāra° hall with doors M i.382; ii.66; pāniya° a wa- mahā).
ter — room Vin ii.153; bhatta° refectory Vism 72; yañña° -sangha the congregation of the eight Aryas M ii.120; S
hall of sacrifice PugA 233; rajana° dyeing workshop Vism i.220 (cattāri purisayugāni aṭṭha purisapuggalā); ii.79 sq.; It
65; ratha° car shed DhA iii.121; hatthi° an elephant stable 88.
Vin i.277, 345; ii.194; J i.187. Sāvakatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. last] the state of a disciple M i.379 sq.
Sālākiya (nt.) [cp. Sk. śālākya in Suśruta] ophthalmology D i.12,
Sāvajja (adj.) [sa+avajja] blameable, faulty D i.163; ii.215; M
69; DA i.98.
i.119; S v.66, 104 sq.; Sn 534; Pug 30, 41; (nt.) what is cen-
Sāli [cp. Sk. śāli] rice D i.105, 230; ii.293; Vin iv.264; M i.57; surable, sin J i.130; Miln 392; VbhA 382 (mahā° or appa°,
A i.32, 145; iii.49; iv.108 (+yavaka), 231; S v.10, 48; J i.66, with ref. to var. crimes).
178; iv.276; v.37; vi.531; Miln 251; Sn 240 sq.; Vism 418; pl.
Sāvajjatā (f.) [fr. last] guilt Miln 293.
° — iyo J i.325; gen. pl. ° — inaṁ J vi.510. — lohitaka° red
Sāvaṭa (nt.) name of a certain throw in playing at dice J vi.281 (v.
rice Miln 252.
l. sāvaṭṭa).
-khetta a rice — field A i.241; iv.278; Vin ii.256; DhA
i.97; iii.6. -gabbha ripening (young) rice DhA i.97. -bīja Sāvaṭṭa (adj.) [sa +āvaṭṭa] containing whirlpools It 114.

Sāvana Sikkhati

Sāvana (nt.) [fr. sāveti] shouting out, announcement, sound, Sāhasika (adj.) [fr. sāhasa] brutal, violent, savage J i.187, 504;
word J ii.352; Sdhp 67. ii.11; PvA 209; DhA i.17.
Sāvasesa (adj.) [sa +avasesa] with a remainder, incomplete, of Sāhasiyakamma (nt.) a brutal act J i.412, 438.
an offence which can be done away Vin i.354; ii.88; v.153; A
Sāhāra (adj.) [sa+āhāra] with its food S iii.54 (viññāṇa s.); D ii.96
i.88. — Of a text (pāṭha) KhA 238; SnA 96. n
(Vesālī s.; trsl "with its subject territory").
Sāvi [Sk. śvāvidh, see Lüder's Z.D.M.G. 61, 643] a porcupine J
Sāhin (—°) (adj.) [fr. sah] enduring It 32. See asayha°.
v.489 (MSS. sāmi and sāsi, cp. Manu v.18).
Sāhu (adj.) [=sādhu] good, well Vin i.45; S i.8; Pug 71 sq.; Th 1,
Sāvittī (f.) the Vedic verse Sāvitrī Sn 457, 568=Vin i.246 (Sāvit-
43; VvA 284.
thī); J iv.184.
Sāhuḷacīvara (nt.) a coarse cloth M i.509 (cp. Deśīnāma-mālā
Sāvetar [n. ag. fr. sāveti] one who makes others hear, who tells viii.52; Karpūramañjarī p. 19; J.P.T.S. 1891, 5, and Prākrit
D i.56; A iv.196.
sāhulī, Z.D.M.G., xxviii., p. 415).
Sāveti is Caus. of suṇāti.
Sāhuneyyaka see āhuneyya.
Sāsa [Sk. śvāsa, fr. śvas] asthma A v.110; J vi.295. 6
Sāhunna [=sāhuḷa] a strip of ragged cloth Pv iii.1 ; PvA 173;
Sāsanka (adj.) [fr. sa +āsankā] dangerous, fearful, suspicious S J.P.T.S. 1891, 5; var. read. sāhunda.
iv.175 (opp. khema); Th 2, 343; ThA 241; Vism 107; J i.154;
Si (—°) [=svid, for which ordinarily °su] part. of interrogation; e.
PvA 13; Miln 351.
g. kaṁ — si DhA i.91.
Sāsati [śās, Dhtp 300=anusiṭṭhi] to instruct, teach, command; tell
Siṁsaka (nt.) [Sk. śīrṣaka?] name of a water plant J vi.536 (C.
J vi.472 (dūtāni, =pesesi C.); inf. săsituṁ J vi.291 (=anusāsi-
not correct).
tuṁ C.). 1
Siṁsati [śaṁs] to hope for Dhtp 296 (def. as "icchā"); only in
Sāsana (nt.) [cp. Vedic śāsana] order, message, teaching J i.60, cpd. ā° (q. v.).
328; ii.21; Pv iv.3 54 (Buddhānaṁ); KhA 11 sq.; the doctrine 2 1
Siṁsati is Desiderative of sarati . -Siṁsati "to neigh" at J v.304
of the Buddha Vin i.12; D i.110; ii.206; A i.294; Dh 381; Sn
is to be read hiṁsati (for hesati, q. v.).
482 etc.; J i.116. sāsanaṁ āroceti to give a message (dūtassa
to the messenger) Vin iii.76. Siṁsapā (f.) [cp. Vedic śiṁśapā] the tree Dalbergia sisu (a strong
-antaradhāna the disappearance or decline of the teach- & large tree) S v.437; Siṁsapā — groves (s. — vanā) are men-
ing of the Buddha. Said of the doctrine of Kassapa Bhagavā tioned near Āḷavi A i.136; near Setavyā D ii.316 sq.; DhA i.71;
SnA 156 (cp. sāsane parihāyamāne SnA 223), and with ref. to VvA 297; and near Kosambi S v.437.
the Pāli Tipiṭaka VbhA 432 sq., where 3 periods of the devel-
Sikatā (f.) [cp. Sk. sikatā] sand, gravel; suvaṇṇa° gold dust A
opment of the Buddhist doctrine are discussed, viz. sāsana —
ṭhita — kāla, °osakkana — kāla, °antaradhāna. -kara com-
Sikāyasa-maya (adj.) [made of tempered steel (said of swords) J
plying with one's order and teaching M i.129; -kāraka the
vi.449 (cp. Note of the trsl p. 546).
same Sn 445; -kārin the same A ii.26; susāsanaṁ dussānaṁ J
i.239 (English transl.: "true and false doctrine," "good and bad Sikkā (f.) [cp. Sk. śikyā] string, string of a balance Vin ii.110;
news"). -hara (+°jotaka) taking up (& explaining) an order 131, J i.9; ii.399; iii.13 (text sikkhā); vi.242; VvA 244 (muttā°
SnA 164. string of pearls); Kvu 336 sq.
Sāsapa [cp. Sk. sarṣapa] a mustard seed S ii.137; v.464; A v.170; Sikkhati [Vedic śikṣati; Desid. to śak: see sakkoti. — The Dhtp
J vi.174 (comp. with mt. Meru); Sn 625, 631, p. 122; Dh 401; (12) gives "vijj' opādāna" as meaning] 1. to learn, to train
DA i.93; DhA i.107; ii.51; iv.166; Vism 306 (ār'agge), 633; oneself (=ghaṭati vāyamati Vism 274); usually combined with
PvA 198 (°tela). -°kuṭṭa mustard powder Vin i.205; ii.151. the locative, thus sikkhā — padesu s. to train oneself in the
Sāsava (adj.) [sa =āsava] connected with the āsavas D iii.112; A Sikkhāpadas D i.63, 250; Vin i.84; It 96, 118; also with the
dative, indicating the purpose; thus vinayāya s. to train one-
i.81; Dhs 990, 1103; Nett 80.
self to give up Sn 974; the thing acquired by training is also put
Sāha six days (cp. chāha) J vi.80 (=chadivasa, C.). in the accusative; thus nibbānaṁ s. to learn, to train oneself to-
Sāhatthika (adj.) [fr. sahattha] with one's own hand J i.168; wards Nibbāna Sn 940, 1061; Miln 10; Pot. sikkheyyāsi Miln
DhsA 97; SnA 493; KhA 29. 10; sikkheyyāma D ii.245; sikkhema Sn 898; sikkhe Sn 974;
sikkheyya Sn 930. Fut. sikkhissāmi Vin iv.141; sikkhissā-
Sāhaṁ contraction of so ahaṁ.
mase Sn 814; ppr. sikkhanto Sn 657; ppr. med. sikkhamāna
Sāhasa [fr. sahas power] violent, hasty Sn 329; (nt.) violence,
training oneself Vin iv.141; D ii.241; It 104, 121; sikkhamānā
arbitrary action, acts of violence Sn 943; J vi.284; Mhvs 6, 39;
(f.) a young woman undergoing a probationary course of train-
sāhasena arbitrarily A v.177; opp. a° ibid.; Dh 257; J vi.280.
ing in order to become a nun Vin i.135, 139, 145, 147, 167;
sāhasaṁ id. J vi.358 (=sāhasena sāhasikaṁ kammaṁ katvā
iv.121; A iii.276; S ii.261; grd. sikkhitabba Vin i.83; J vi.296;
ibid. 359); adv. asāhasaṁ=asāhasena J iii.319 (C. sāhasiy-
M i.123; D ii.138; Miln 10; & sikkha that ought to be learnt
ataṇhāya ibid. 320, if we do not have to read sāhasiyā taṇhāya,
Miln 10; inf. sikkhituṁ Vin i.84, 270; ger. sikkhitvā Miln
from sāhasī).
219. — 2. to want to overcome, to try, tempt D ii.245. —
-kiriyā violence J iii.321.
pp. sikkhita. — Caus. II. sikkhāpeti to teach, to train J i.162,

Sikkhati Singī & singi

187, 257; DA i.261; Miln 32; PvA 3, 4. Sikhara [cp. Sk. śikhara] the top, summit of a mountain J vi.519;
Miln 2; a peak DhA iii.364 (°thūpiyo or °thūpikāyo peaked
Sikkhana (nt.) [fr. śikṣ] training, study J i.58.
domes); the point or edge of a sword M i.243; S iv.56; crest,
Sikkhā (f.) [Vedic śikṣā] 1. study, training, discipline Vin iii.23;
tuft J ii.99; (this is a very difficult reading; it is explained by
D i.181; A i.238; S ii.50, 131; v.378; Dhs 1004; VbhA 344
the C. by sundara (elegant); Trenckner suggests singāra, cp.
(various). — sikkhaṁ paccakkhātaka one who has abandoned
ii.98); a bud Th 2, 382.
the precepts Vin i.135, 167; ii.244 sq. (cp. sikkhā — pac-
Sikhariṇī (f.) [fr. last] a kind of woman (with certain defects of
cakkhāna Vin ii.279, and sikkhaṁ apaccakkhāya Vin iii.24; S
the pudendum) Vin ii.271; iii.129 (text, °aṇī).
iv.190; sikkhā apaccakkhātā, ibid.); tisso sikkhā S iii.83; Ps
i.46 sq.; Miln 133, 237; Nd 39; explained as adhisīla —, ad- Sikhā (f.) [Vedic śikhā] point, edge M i.104; crest, topknot DA
hicitta —, and adhipaññā — sikkhā A i.234 sq.; Nett 126; with i.89; J v.406; of a flame Dh 308; DhsA 124; of fire (aggi°)
the synonyms saṁvara, samādhi & paññā at Vism 274. — Sn 703; J v.213; (dhūma°) J vi.206; of a ray of light J i.88; in
2. (as one of the 6 Vedāngas) phonology or phonetics, comb d the corn trade, the pyramid of corn at the top of the measuring
with nirutti (interpretation, etymology) DA i.247=SnA 447. vessel DA i.79; °-bandha top — knot D i.7; vātasikhā (tikkhā
-ānisaṁsa whose virtue is training, praise of discipline A a raging blast) J iii.484; susikha (adj.) with a beautiful crest
ii.243; It 40 -ânusantatavutti whose behaviour is thoroughly Th 1, 211 (mora), 1136.
in accordance with the discipline Nett 112. -kāma anxious
Sikkhitaṛ [n. ag. fr. sikkhati] a master, adept; proficient, profes-
for training Vin i.44; D ii.101; S v.154, 163; A i.24, 238; ° — tā
sional J vi.449, 450.
anxiety for training J i.161. -samādāna taking the precepts
Sikhin (adj.) [fr. sikhā] crested, tufted Th 1, 22 (mora); J ii.363
upon oneself Vin i.146; Miln 162; A i.238 sq.; iv.15; v.165.
(f. °inī). Also name of (a) the fire J i.215, 288; (b) the peacock
-sājīva system of training Vin iii.23 sq.; Pug 57.
Sn 221, 687.
Sikkhāpada (nt.) [sikkhā+pada, the latter in sense of pada 3.
Sigāla (śṛ°) [cp. Vedic sṛgāla; as loan — word in English= jackal]
Cp. BSk. śikṣāpada] set of precepts, "preceptorial," code
a jackal D ii.295; iii.24 sq.; A i.187; S ii.230, 271; iv.177 sq.
of training; instruction, precept, rule. — 1. in general: D
(text singāla); iv.199; J i.502; iii.532 (Pūtimaṁsa by name).
i.63, 146, 250; M i.33; A i.63, 235 sq.; ii.14, 250 sq.; iii.113,
— sigālī (f.) a female jackal J i.336; ii.108; iii.333 (called
262; iv.152, 290 sq.; S ii.224; v.187; Vin i.102; ii.95, 258;
Māyāvī); Miln 365. — See also singāla.
iii.177; iv.141 (sahadhammika), 143 (khudd' ânukhuddakāni);
It 96, 118; VbhA 69 (bhesajja°); DhA iii.16. — 2. in spe- Sigālika (adj.) [fr. sigāla] belonging to a jackal J ii.108; iii.113
cial: the 5 (or 10) rules of morality, or the precepts to be (°aṁ nādaṁ, cp. segalikaṁ A i.187, where the Copenhagen
adopted in particular by one who is entering the Buddhist MS. has sigālakaṁ corrected to segālakaṁ). — (nt.) a jackal's
community either as a layman or an initiate. There seem to roar (sigālakaṁ nadati) D iii.25. Cp. segālaka.
have been only 5 rules at first, which are the same as the Siggu (nt.) [cp. Vedic śigru, N. of a tribe; as a tree in Suśruta]
first 5 sīlas (see sīla 2 b): S ii.167; Vbh 285 (expl in de- name of a tree (Hyperanthera moringa) J iii.161; v.406.
tail at VbhA 381 sq.); DhA i.32 and passim. To these were
Singa (nt.) [Vedic śṛnga, cp. Gr. κάρνον, κραγγών; Lat.
added another 5, so as to make the whole list (the dasasikkhā-
cornu=E. horn] a horn J i.57, 149, 194; iv.173 (of a cow); Vism
padaṁ or °padāni) one of 10 (which are not the 10 sīlas!).
106; VvhA 476.
These are (6) vikāla-bhojanā ( — veramaṇī) not eating at the
-dhanu horn — bow DhA i.216. -dhamaka blowing a
wrong hour; (7) nacca-gītavādita-visūka-dassanā° to avoid
horn Miln 31.
worldly amusements; (8) mālā-gandha-vilepana-dhāraṇa-
maṇḍana-vibhūsanaṭṭhānā° to use neither unguents nor or- Singa the young of an animal, calf J v.92; cp. Deśīnāma-mālā
naments; (9) uccā-sayana-mahā-sayanā° not to sleep on a viii.31.
high, big bed; (10) jātarūpa rajata-paṭiggahaṇā° not to
Singāra [cp. Sk. śṛngāra] erotic sentiment; singāratā (f.) fond-
accept any gold or silver: Vin i.83=Kh ii.; A i.211, and
ness of decorations J i.184; an elegant dress, finery Miln 2;
frequently. — dasa-sikkhāpadikā (f.) conforming to the
(adj.) elegant, graceful (thus read) J ii.99; singāra — bhāva
10 obligations (of a nun) Vin iv.343 (=sāmaṇerī). There is
being elegant or graceful (said of a horse) J ii.98.
nowhere any mention of the 8 sikkhāpadas as such, but they
Singāla variant reading instead of sigāla S ii.231 etc.; Vism 196;
are called aṭṭhangika uposatha (see sīla 2b), e. g. Mhvs 37, 2
Pv iii.5 .
202. — diyaḍḍha-sikkhāpada-sata the 150 precepts, i. e.
the Pāṭimokkha A i.230, 234; Miln 243. Singika (adj.) [fr. singa ] having horns J vi.354 (āvelita — ° hav-
ing twisted horns).
Sikkhāpaka (adj.) [fr. sikkhāpeti] teaching PvA 252; Miln 164.
Singin (adj.) [Vedic śṛngin] having a horn Vin ii.300; J iv.173
Sikkhāpana (nt.) [fr. sikkhāpeti] teaching Miln 163.
(=cow); clever, sharp — witted, false Th 1, 959; A ii.26; It
Sikkhāpanaka teaching J i.432. 112; cp. J.P.T.S. 1885, 53.
Sikkhita [pp. of sikkhati] trained, taught Vin iv.343 (°sikkha, adj.,
Singila a kind of horned bird J iii.73; DhA iii.22 (v. l. singala).
trained in...; chasu dhammesu); Miln 40; PvA 263 (°sippa).
Singivera (nt.) [Sk. śṛnga+Tamil vera "root," as E. loan
Sikhaṇḍin (adj. — n.) [Sk. śikhaṇḍin] 1. tufted, crested (as
word=ginger] ginger Vin i.201; iv.35; J i.244; iii.225 (alla —
birds); J v.406; vi.539; Th 1, 1103 (mayūra); with tonsured
°); Miln 63; Mhvs 28, 21; DhsA 320; DA i.81.
hair (as ascetics) J iii.311. — 2. a peacock J v.406; VvA 163.

Singī & singi Siniyhati

Singī & singi (f.) [cp. Sk. śṛngī] 1. gold Vin i.38; S ii.234; J Sitta [pp. of siñcati] sprinkled Dh 369; J iii.144; Vism 109
i.84. — 2. "ginger" in sense of "dainties, sweets" J iv.352
Sittha (nt.) [cp. *Sk. siktha] a lump of boiled rice Vin ii.165,
(=singiver' ādika uttaribhanga C.; cp. Tamil iñji ginger). 214; J i.189, 235; v.387; vi.358 (odana°), 365 (yāgu°); PvA
-nada gold Vv 64 ; VvA 284. -loṇa ( -kappa) license
99; sitthatelaka oil of beeswax Vin ii.107, 151.
as to ginger & salt Vin ii.300, 306. -vaṇṇa gold-coloured D
-âvakārakaṁ (adv.) scattering the lumps of boiled rice
ii.133. -suvaṇṇa gold VvA 167.
Vin iv.196.
Singu (f.) (?) a kind of fish J v.406; plur. singū J vi.537. Accord-
Sitthaka (nt.) [cp. Sk. sikthaka] beeswax Vin ii.116 (madhu°).
ing to Abhp. singū is m. and Payogasiddhi gives it as nt.
Sithila (adj.) [Vedic śithira, later śithila] loose, lax, bending,
Singhati [singh, given as "ghāyana" at Dhtp 34] to sniff, to get
yielding S i.49, 77=Dh 346=J ii.140; J i.179; ii.249; Miln 144;
scent of S i.204=J iii.308; DA i.38. Cp. upa°. n
DhA iv.52, 56; PvA 13. In comp with bhū as sithilī°, e. g.
Singhāṭaka [cp. Sk. śṛngāṭaka; fr. śṛnga] (m. and n.) 1. a square, °bhāva lax state Vism 502=VbhA 100; °bhūta hanging loose
a place where four roads meet Vin i.237, 287, 344; iv.271; D PvA 47 (so read for sithila°). -°hanu a kind of bird M i.429.
i.83; A ii.241; iv.187, 376; S i.212; ii.128; iv.194; Miln 62, — Cp. saṭhila.
330, 365; DhA i.317. aya-s° perhaps an iron ring (in the shape 1
Siddha [a specific Pali formation fr. sijjati (svid) in meaning "to
of a square or triangle) M i.393; J v.45. — 2. a water plant 2
cook," in analogy to siddha ] boiled, cooked J ii.435 (=pakka);
(Trapa bispinosa?) J vi.530, 563.
v.201 (°bhojana); Miln 272; SnA 27 (°bhatta=pakk'odana of
Singhāṇikā (f.) [Sk. singhāṇaka] mucus of the nose, snot D Sn 18).
ii.293; M i.187; Sn 196 — 198=J i.148 (all MSS. of both books Siddha [pp. of sijjhati] ended, accomplished Mhvs 23, 45, 78;
— n — instead of — ṇ — ); Miln 154, 382; Pv ii.2 ; Vism 264
successful Miln 247. — (m.) a kind of semi — divine beings
& 362 (in detail); DhA i.50; VbhA 68, 247.
possessed of supernatural faculties, a magician Miln 120, 267
Sijjati [svid, Epic Sk. svidyate] to boil (intr.), to sweat; ppr. si- [cp. Sk. siddha Halāyudha 1, 87; Yogasūtra 3, 33; Aufrecht
jjamāna boiling J i.503; Caus. sedeti (q. v.). The Dhtp 162 remarks: "This is a post — vedic mythological fiction formed
gives "pāka" as meaning of sid. — pp. sinna (wet) & siddha 1 on the analogy of sādhya"].
(cooked). -attha one who has completed his task Miln 214.
Sijjhati [sidh; Epic Sk. sidhyate. The Dhtp gives 2 roots sidh, Siddhatthaka [Sk. siddhārthaka] white mustard ThA 181 (Ap.
viz. one as "gamana" (170), the other as "saṁsidhi" (419)] to v.24); J iii.225; vi.537; DhA ii.273 (in Kisāgotamī story).
succeed, to be accomplished, to avail, suit SnA 310; PvA 58,
Siddhi (f.) [fr. sidh, Vedic siddhi] accomplishment, success,
113, 254 (inf. sijjhituṁ). — pp. siddha.
prosperity Mhvs 29, 70; Sdhp 14, 17, 325, 469; PvA 63 (attha°
Siñcaka [fr. siñcati] watering, one who waters Vv 79 (amba°). advantage); padasiddhi substantiation of the meaning of the
word DA i.66; cp. sadda°.
Siñcati [sic, cp. Av. hinčaiti to pour; Lat. siat "urinate," Ags.
sēon; Ohg. sīhan, Ger. ver — siegen; Gr. ἰκμάς wet; Goth Siddhika (adj.) (—°) [fr. siddhi] connected with success; nā-
saiws=E. sea. — Dhtp 377: kkharaṇe] 1. to sprinkle J iii.144; masiddhika who thinks luck goes by names J i.401; ap-
v.26; Mhvs 37, 203; SnA 66. — 2. to bale out a ship Sn 771; pasiddhika unprofitable, fatal, etc. J iv.4, 5 (sāgara); vi.34
Dh 369. inf. siñcituṁ J vi.583; pass. siccati Th 1, 50 (all MSS. (samudda).
siñcati); imper. siñca Dh 369; ppr. med. siñcamāna Mhvs 37,
Sināta [pp. of sināti] bathed, bathing M i.39; S i.169= 183; J
203; ger. sitvā Sn 771=Nett 6; pp. sitta. — Caus. seceti to
cause to sprinkle Mhvs 34, 45; Caus. II. siñcāpeti J ii.20, 104.
Sināti (to bind): see sinoti.
— Cp. pari°.
Sināti [Vedic snāti, snā. For detail see nahāyati. The Dhtp 426
Siñcanaka (adj.) [fr. siñcati] sprinkling (water) SnA 66 (vāta).
gives root sinā in meaning "soceyya," i. e. cleaning] to bathe;
Siṭṭha [pp. of śiṣ; Sk. śiṣṭha] see vi°.
imper. sināhi M i.39; inf. sināyituṁ M i.39; aor. sināyi Ap
Siṇāti see seyyati. 204. — pp. sināta.
Sita (adj.) [pp. of śā; Sk. śita] sharp Dāvs i.32. Sināna (nt.) [fr. snā] bathing M i.39; S i.38, 43; iv.118; Nd 39;
Sita [pp. of sayati ] 1. (lit.) stuck in or to: hadaya° salla Sn Vism 17; VbhA 337.
938; Nd 412. — 2. (fig.) reclining, resting, depending on, Sinānī (f.) bath — powder (?) M ii.46, 151, 182.
attached, clinging to D i.45, 76; ii.255; M i.364; Cp. 100; J Siniddha [pp. of siniyhati; cp. Epic Sk. snigdha] 1. wet, moist
v.453; Sn 229, 333, 791, 944, 1044. See also asita .
Vism 171. — 2. oily, greasy, fatty J i.463, 481; SnA 100
Sita [pp. of sinoti] bound; sātu — ° Dh 341 (bound to pleasure); (°āhāra fattening food). — 3. smooth, glossy J i.89; iv.350
taṇhā — ° Miln 248. Perhaps as sita . (of leaves); Miln 133. — 4. resplendent, charming ThA 139.
Sita (adj.) [Sk. sita] white Dāvs iii.4. — 5. pliable Vin i.279 (kāya, a body with good movement of
bowels). — 6. affectionate, attached, fond, loving J i.10; Miln
Sita (nt.) [pp. of smi, cp. vimhāpeti. The other P. form is
229, 361; VbhA 282 (°puggala — sevanatā).
mihita] a smile Vin iii.105; iv.159; S i.24; ii.254; M ii.45;
Siniyhati [Vedic snihyate, snih; cp. Av. snāēǤaiti it snows= Lat.
Th 1, 630; Ap 21 (pātukari), 22 (°kamma) DhA ii.64 (°ṁ pāt-
ninguit, Gr. νείγει; Oir. snigid it rains; Lat. nix snow=Gr.
vakāsi); iii.479; VvA 68. -°kāra smiling J i.351 (as °ākāra).
νίγα =Goth, snaiws, Ohg. sneo=snow; Oir. snige rain; etc.

Siniyhati Sira

— The Dhtp 463 gives the 2 forms sinih & snih in mean- Sippa (nt.) [cp. Sk. śilpa] art, branch of knowledge, craft Sn
ing pīṇana. Cp. sineha] (to be moist or sticky, fig.) to feel 261; A iii.225; iv.281 sq., 322; D iii.156, 189; J i.239, 478;
love, to be attached Vism 317=DhsA 192 (in def of mettā). Miln 315; excludes the Vedas Miln 10; sabbasippāni J i.356,
Caus. sineheti (sneheti, snehayati) to lubricate, make oily or 463; ii.53; eight various kinds enumerated M i.85; twelve
tender (through purgatives etc.) Vin i.279 (kāyaṁ); Miln 172; crafts Ud 31, cp. dvādasavidha s. J i.58; eighteen sippas
DA i.217 (temeti+); to make pliable, to soften Miln 139 (mā- mentioned J ii.243; some sippas are hīna, others ukkaṭṭha Vin
nasaṁ). — pp. siniddha. iv.6 sq.; VbhA 410. asippa untaught, unqualified J iv.177;
vi.228=asippin Miln 250. — sippaṁ uggaṇhāti to learn a craft
Sineha & sneha [fr. snih] Both forms occur without distinc-
VvA 138.
tion; sneha more frequently (as archaic) in poetry. - A.
-āyatana object or branch of study, art D i.51; Miln 78;
sineha: 1. viscous liquid, unctuous moisture, sap S i.134; A
VbhA 490 (pāpaka). -uggahaṇa taking up, i. e. learning,
i.223 sq.; J i.108; Dhs 652 (=sinehana DhsA 335); Vism 262
a craft J iv.7; PvA 3. -ṭṭhāna a craft M i.85; cp. BSk. śil-
(thīna°=meda; vilīna°=vasā). — 2. fat J ii.44 (bahu°); VbhA
pasthāna Divy 58, 100, 212. -phala result of one's craft D
67. — 3. affection, love, desire, lust J i.190; ii.27; PvA 82. —
B. sneha: 1. (oily liquid) D i.74; Pv iii.5 (anguṭṭha°, some- i.51. -mada conceit regarding one's accomplishment VbhA
thing like milk; expl as khīra PvA 198). — 2. (affection) 468.
A ii.10; S iv.188 (kāma°); Sn 36, 209, 943 (=chanda, pema, Sippaka=sippa J i.420.
rāga, Nd 426); J iv.11.
Sippavant [fr. sippa] one who masters a craft J vi.296.
-anvaya following an affection Sn 36. -gata anything
Sippika [fr. sippa] an artisan Sn 613, 651; Miln 78; Vism 336.
moist or oily A iii.394 sq.; DhsA 335. -ja sprung from af-
Also sippiya J vi.396, 397.
fection Sn 272; S i.207. -bindu a drop of oil Vism 263.
-virecana an oily purgative J iii.48. Sippikā (f.) [fr. sippī] a pearl oyster J i.426; ii.100 (sippika-
sambukaṁ); Vism 362 (in comp.)=VbhA 68.
Sinehaka a friend Mhvs 36, 44.
Sippikā at Th 1, 49 is difficult to understand. It must mean a kind
Sinehana (nt.) oiling, softening Miln 229; DhsA 335. - Cp. sene-
of bird (°abhiruta), and may be (so Kern) a misread pippikā
hika. 3
(cp. Sk. pippaka & pippīka). See also Brethren p. 53 .
Sinehaniya (adj.) [grd. formation fr. sinehana] softening,
Sippī [cp. Prākrit sippī] (f.) a pearl oyster J ii.100; sippi-puṭa oys-
oily; °āni bhesajjāni softening medicines Miln 172 (opp.
ter shell J v.197, 206. sippi — sambuka oysters and shells D
i.84; M i.279; A i.9; iii.395.
Sinehita [pp. of sineheti] lustful, covetous Dh 341; DhA iv.49.
Sibala N. of a tree J vi.535.
Sinoti [sā or si; Vedic syati & sināti; the Dhtp 505 gives si in mean-
Sibba (nt.) [fr. sīv] a suture of the skull; plur. °-āni J vi.339;
ing "bandhana"] to bind DhsA 219 (sinoti bandhatī ti setu). pp.
sita . sibbinī (f.) the same Vin i.274.
Sibbati [sīv, Vedic sīvyati. The root is sometimes given as siv, e.
Sindī (f.) [etym.?] N. of a tree Vism 183, where KhA 49 in id.
g. Dhtp 390, with def "tantu — santāna"] to sew J iv.25; VvA
passage reads khajjūrikā. See also Abhp 603; Deśīn viii.29.
251. Pres. also sibbeti Vin ii.116; iv.61, 280; ger. sibbetvā J
Sinduvāra [Sk. sinduvāra] the tree Vitex negundo DA i.252;
i.316; grd. sibbitabba J i.9; aor. sibbi J iv.25; & sibbesi Vin
DhsA 14, 317; also spelt sindhavāra VvA 177; sinduvārikā
ii.289; inf. sibbetuṁ, Vin i.203. — pp. sibbita. — Caus. II.
J vi.269; sindhuvāritā (i. e. sinduvārikā?) J vi.550=553; sin-
sibbāpeti J ii.197; Vin iv.61.
duvārita J iv.440, 442 (v. l. °vārakā).
Sibbana (nt.) [fr. sīv] sewing Sn 304=J iv.395; J i.220; vi.218.
Sindhava [Sk. saindhava] belonging to the Sindh, a Sindh horse
sibbanī (f.) "seamstress"=greed, lust Dhs 1059; A iii.399;
J i.175; ii.96; iii.278; v.259; DhA iv.4 (=Sindhava — raṭṭhe
DhsA 363; Sn 1040 (see lobha). -°magga suture Vism 260;
jatā assā); (nt.) rock salt Vin i.202; Sindhavaraṭṭha the Sindh
KhA 60 (id.).
country ThA 270; J v.260.
Sibbāpana (nt.) [fr. sibbāpeti] causing to be sewn Vin iv.280.
Sindhavāra see sinduvāra.
Sibbita [pp. of sibbati] sewn Vin iv.279 (dus°); J iv.20 (su°);
Sinna [pp. of sijjati; Vedic svinna] 1. wet with perspiration Vin VbhA 252 (°rajjukā). Cp. vi° & pari°.
i.46, 51; ii.223. — 2. boiled (cp. siddha ) esp. in the comp.
Sibbitar [n. ag. fr. sīv] one who sews M iii.126.
udaka-sinna-paṇṇa; it occurs in a series of passages J iii.142,
144; iv.236, 238, where Fausböll reads sitta, although the var. Sibbinī Dhs 1059, read sibbanī. Cp. sibba.
readings give also sinna. The English translation, p. 149,
Simbali (f.) [cp. Vedic śimbala flower of the B., cp. Pischel,
says "sprinkled with water," but the text, 238, speaks of leaves
Prk. Gr. § 109] the silk — cotton tree Bombax heptaphyllum
which are "sodden" (sedetvā).
J i.203; iii.397; Vism 206; DhA i.279. °-vana a forest of sim-
Sipāṭikā (f.) [cp. Sk. sṛpāṭikā, beak, BR.] 1. pericarp M i.306; Vv bali trees J i.202; ii.162 (s. ° — pālibhaddaka — vana); iv.277.
84 ; VvA 344; hingu° a s. yielding gum Vin i.201. Also writ- sattisimbalivana the sword forest, in purgatory J v.453.
ten sipātikā; thus ādiṇṇasipātikā with burst pod or fruit skin S
Siyyati see seyyati.
iv.193. — 2. a small case, receptacle; khura° a razor case Vin
ii.134. On s. at Pv iii.2 29 the C. has ekapaṭalā upānahā PvA Sira (nt. and m.) [cp. Vedic śiras, śīan; Av. sarō, Gr. καράρα
head, κέρας horn, κρανίον; Lat. cerebrum; Ohg. hirni brain]

Sira Sīgha

head, nom. siraṁ Th 2, 255, acc. siraṁ A i.141; siro Sn 768; 2. -santhāra stone floor Vin ii.120.
sirasaṁ J v.434; instr. sirasā Vin i.4; D i.126; Sn 1027; loc.
Silāghati [Epic Sk. ślāgh] to extol, only in Dhtp 30 as root silāgh,
sirasmiṁ M i.32; sire DA i.97; in compounds siro — A i.138. n
with def "katthana," i. e. boasting.
— sirasā paṭiggaṇhāti to accept with reverence J i.65; pādesu
Silābhu (nt.) a whip snake J vi.194 (=nīlapaṇṇavaṇṇa-sappa).
sirasā nipatati to bow one's head to another's feet, to salute re-
spectfully Vin i.4, 34; Sn p. 15, p. 101. siraṁ muñcati to Siliṭṭha [cp. Sk. śliṣṭa, pp. of śliṣ to clasp, to which śleṣman
loosen the hair J v.434; cp. i.47; mutta° with loose hair KhA slime=P. silesuma & semha. The Dhtp (443) expl silis by
120=Vism 415; adho-siraṁ with bowed head, head down A "ālingana"] adhering, connected A i.103; DA i.91; J iii.154;
i.141; iv.133; J vi.298; cp. avaṁ°; dvedhā° with broken head DhsA 15; Sdhp 489 (a°).
J v.206; muṇḍa° a shaven head DhA ii.125.
Siliṭṭhatā (f.) [abstr. fr. siliṭṭha] adherence, adhesion, junction
Sirā [Sk. sirā] (f.) a bloodvessel, vein Mhvs 37, 136; nerve, ten- Nd 137 (byañjana°, of "iti").
don, gut J v.344, 364; °-jāla the network of veins J v.69; PvA Silutta a rat snake J vi.194 (=gharasappa).
Silesa [fr. śliṣ] junction, embrace; a rhetoric figure, riddle, puzzle,
Siriṁsapa [Sk. sarīsṛpa] a (long) creeping animal, serpent, a rep-
pun J v.445 (silesūpamā said of women=purisānaṁ cittaband-
tile Vin i.3; ii.110; D ii.57; M i.10; S i.154; A ii.73, 117, 143; hanena silesasadisā, ibid. 447).
v.15; Sn 52, 964; J i.93; Pv iii.5 ; Nd 484; VbhA 6. -tta (nt.)
Silesuma (nt.) [Sk. śleṣman, fr. śliṣ. This the diaeretic form
the state of being a creeping thing D ii.57.
for the usual contracted form semha] phlegm Pv ii.2 (=semha
Sirimant (adj.) [siri+mant] glorious D ii.240.
PvA 80).
Sirī (siri) (f.) [Vedic śrī] 1. splendour, beauty Sn 686 (instr.
Siloka [Vedic śloka Dhtp 8: silok=sanghāta] fame D ii.223, 255;
siriyā); J vi.318 (siriṁ dhāreti). — 2. luck, glory, majesty,
M i.192; S ii.226 (lābha — sakkāra°); A ii.26, 143; Sn 438; Vin
prosperity S i.44 (nom. siri); J ii.410 (siriṁ), 466; DA i.148;
i.183; J iv. 223 (=kitti — vaṇṇa); Miln 325; SnA 86 (°bhaṇana,
VvA 323 (instr. buddha — siriyā). rajjasirī — dāyikā devatā
i. e. recitation); pāpasiloka having a bad reputation Vin iv.239;
the goddess which gives prosperity to the kingdom DhA ii.17;
asiloka blame A iv.364 (°bhaya); J vi.491. — 2. a verse Miln
sirī+lakkhī splendour & luck J iii.443. — 3. the goddess of
71; J v.387.
luck D i.11 (see Rh. D. Buddhist India 216 — 222); DA i.97;
Silokavant (adj.) [siloka+vant] famous M i.200.
J v.112; Miln 191 (°devatā). — 4. the royal bed — chamber
(=sirigabbha) J vi.383. — assirī unfortunate Nett 62=Ud 79 Siva (adj. — n.) [Vedic śiva] auspicious, happy, fortunate, blest
(reads sassar'iva). sassirīka (q. v.) resplendent SnA 91; sas- S i.181; J i.5; ii.126; Miln 248; Pv iv.3 ; Vv 18 . — 2. a wor-
sirika J v.177 (puṇṇa — canda°); opp. nissirīka (a) without shipper of the god Siva Miln 191; the same as Sivi J iii.468.
splendour J vi.225, 456; (b) unlucky VvA 212 (for alakkhika). — 3. nt. happiness, bliss Sn 115, 478; S iv.370.
— The composition form is siri°. -vijjā knowledge of auspicious charms D i.9; DA i.93 (al-
-gabbha bedroom J i.228, 266; iii. 125; v.214. - ternatively explained as knowledge of the cries of jackals); cp.
corabrāhmaṇa "a brahmin who stole good luck" J ii.409 (cp. Divy 630 śivāvidyā.
sirilakkhaṇa — °). -devatā goddess(es) of luck Miln 191
Sivā (f.) [Sk. śivā] a jackal DA i.93.
(+kalidevatā). -dhara glorious Mhvs 5, 13. -nigguṇḍi
Sivāṭikā various reading instead of sipāṭikā, which see.
a kind of tree J vi.535. -vilāsa pomp and splendour J
iv.232. -vivāda a bedchamber quarrel J iii.20 (sayanakalaho Sivikā (f.) [Epic Sk. śibikā] a palanquin, litter Bu 17, 16 (text
ti pi vadanti yeva, C.). -sayana a state couch, royal bed J savakā); Pv i.11 ; Vin i.192; °-gabbha a room in shape like
i.398; iii.264; vi.10; DhA ii.86; PvA 280. a palanquin, an alcove Vin ii.152; mañca-° J v.136, 262 (a
throne palanquin?). suvaṇṇa° a golden litter J i.52, 89; DhA
Sirīsa (nt.) [cp. Class. Sk. śirṣa] the tree Acacia sirissa D ii.4; S
iv.193; Vv 84 ; VvA 331, 344; °-puppha a kind of gem Miln i.89; Vism 316.
118. Cp. serīsaka. Siveyyaka (adj.) hailing from the Sivi country, a kind of cloth
(very valuable) Vin i.278, 280; J iv.401; DA i.133. The two
Siroruha [Sk. śiras+ruha] the hair of the head Mhvs 1, 34; Sdhp
latter passages read sīveyyaka.
Sisira (adj.) [Sk. śiśira] cool, cold Dāvs v.33; VvA 132. (m.)
Silā (f.) [cp. Sk. śilā] a stone, rock Vin i.28; S iv.312 sq.; Vin 445;
cold, cold season Vin ii.47=J i.93.
DA i.154; J v.68; Vism 230 (in comparison); VbhA 64 (var.
kinds); a precious stone, quartz Vin ii.238; Miln 267, 380; Vv Sissa [cp. Sk. śiṣya, grd. of śiṣ or śās to instruct: see sāsati etc.]
84 15 (=phalika° VvA 339); pada — silā a flag — stone Vin a pupil; Sn 997, 1028; DhsA 32 (°ânusissā).
ii.121, 154. Cp. sela. Sissati [Pass. of śiṣ to leave; Dhtp 630: visesana] to be left, to
-uccaya a mountain A iii.346; Th 1, 692; J i.29; vi.272, remain VvA 344. Cp. visissati. — Caus. seseti to leave
278; Dāvs v.63. -guḷa a ball of stone, a round stone M iii.94. (over) D ii.344 (aor. sesesi); J i.399; v.107; DhA i.398 (as-
-tthambha (sila°) stone pillar Mhvs 15, 173. -paṭimā stone
esetvā without a remainder). — pp. siṭṭha: see visiṭṭha.
image J iv.95. -paṭṭa a slab of stone, a stone bench J i.59;
Sīgha (adj.) [cp. Epic Sk. śīghra] quick, rapid, swift M i.120; A
vi.37 (mangala°); SnA 80, 117. -pākāra stone wall Vin
i.45; Dh 29; Pug 42; °-gāmin walking quickly Sn 381; sīgha-
ii.153. -maya made of stone J vi.269, 270; Mhvs 33, 22;
sota swiftly running D ii.132; A ii.199; Sn 319; °-vāhana swift
36, 104. -yūpa a stone column S v.445; A iv.404; Mhvs 28,
(as horses) J vi.22; cp. adv. sīghataraṁ Miln 82; sīghaṁ

Sīgha Sīla

(adv.) quickly Miln 147; VvA 6; VbhA 256; usually redupl. -anta a boundary Mhvs 25, 87; sin Sn 484; J iv.311.
sīgha-sīghaṁ very quickly J i.103; PvA 4. -antarikā the interval between the boundaries J i.265; Vism
74. -âtiga transgressing the limits of sin, conquering sin Sn
Sīta (adj.) [Vedic śīta] cold, cool D i.74, 148; ii.129; A ii.117,
795; Nd 99. -kata bounded, restricted Nd p. 153 (cp.
143; Sn 467, 1014; Vin i.31, 288. (nt.) cold Vin i.3; J i.165;
Mhvs 1, 28; Sn 52, 966. In comp with kṛ & bhū the form pariyanta). -ṭṭha dwelling within the boundary Vin i.255.
-samugghāta removal, abolishing, of a boundary Mhvs 37,
is sīti°, e. g. sīti-kata made cool Vin ii.122; sīti-bhavati to
33. -sambheda mixing up of the boundary lines Vism 193,
become cooled, tranquillized S ii.83; iii.126; iv.213; v.319; Sn
307, 315.
1073 (sīti — siyā, Pot. of bhavati); It 38; °-bhūta, tranquil-
lized Vin i.8; ii.156; S i.141, 178; Sn 542, 642; A i.138; v.65; Sīyati [for Sk. śyāyati] to congeal or freeze: see visīyati &
D iii.233; Vv 53 ; Pv i.8 ; iv.1 . sīti-bhāva coolness, dis- visīveti. — pp. sīna .
passionateness, calm A iii.435; Th 2, 360; Ps ii.43; Vism 248;
Sīra [Vedic sīra] plough ThA 270 (=nangala).
VbhA 230; PvA 230; ThA 244. — At J ii.163 & v.70 read
Sīla (nt.) [cp. Sk. śīla. It is interesting to note that the Dhtp puts
sīna ("fallen") for sīta.
down a root sīl in meaning of samādhi (No. 268) and upad-
-āluka susceptible of cold Vin i.288 (synon. sītab-
hāraṇa (615)] 1. nature, character, habit, behaviour; usually
hīruka). -uṇha cold and heat J i.10. -odaka with cool
water (pokkharaṇī) M i.76; Pv ii.10 ; sītodika (°iya) the same as — ° in adj. function "being of such a nature," like, having
J iv.438. -bhīruka being a chilly fellow Vin i.288 16 (cp. the character of..., e. g. adāna° of stingy character, illiberal Sn
244; PvA 68 (+maccharin); kiṁ° of what behaviour? Pv ii.9 ;
keḷi° tricky PvA 241; damana° one who conquers PvA 251;
Sīta (nt.) sail J iv.21. So also in BSk.: Jtm 94.
parisuddha° of excellent character A iii.124; pāpa° wicked
Sītaka=sīta S iv.289 (vāta). Sn 246; bhaṇana° wont to speak DhA iv.93; vāda° quar-
relsome Sn 381 sq. — dussīla (of) bad character D iii.235;
Sītala (adj.) [cp. Vedic śītala] cold, cool J ii.128; DA i.1; Miln
Dhs 1327; Pug 20, 53; Pv ii.8 (noun); ii.9 69 (adj.); DhA
246; tranquil J i.3; (nt.) coolness Miln 76, 323; VvA 44, 68,
ii.252; iv.3; Sdhp 338; Miln 257; opp. susīla S i.141. —
100; PvA 77, 244. sītalībhāva becoming cool Sdhp 33.
2. moral practice, good character, Buddhist ethics, code of
Sītā (f.) a furrow Vin i.240 (satta sītāyo); gambhīrasīta with deep
morality. (a) The dasa-sīla or 10 items of good character (not
mould (khetta) A iv.237, 238 (text, ° — sita).
"commandments") are (1) pāṇâtipātā veramaṇī, i. e. absti-
-āloḷī mud from the furrow adhering to the plough Vin
nence from taking life; (2) adinn'ādānā (from) taking what
is not given to one; (3) abrahmacariyā adultery (oṭherwise
Sīti° see sīta. The word sītisiyāvimokkha Ps ii.43, must be arti- called kāmesu micchā-cārā); (4) musāvādā telling lies; (5)
ficial, arisen from the pāda, sīti — siyā vimutto Sn 1073 (on pisuna-vācāya slander; (6) pharusa-vācāya harsh or impo-
which see expl at Nd 678). lite speech; (7) samphappalāpā frivolous and senseless talk;
(8) abhijjhāya covetousness; (9) byāpādā malevolence; (10)
Sīdati [sad, Idg. *si — Ǥd — ō, redupl. formation like tiṣṭhati;
cp. Lat. sīdo, Gr. ι῞ζω; Av. hidaiti. — The Dhtp (50) gives the micchādiṭṭhiyā heretic views. — Of these 10 we sometimes
3 meanings of "visaraṇa — gaty — avasādanesu"] to subside, find only the first 7 designated as "sīla" per se, or good char-
sink; to yield, give way S i.53; Sn 939 (=saṁsīdati osīdati Nd 2 acter generally. See e. g. A i.269 (where called sīla — sam-
420); It 71; Mhvs 35, 35; 3 pl. sīdare J ii.393; Pot. sīde It padā); ii.83 sq. (not called "sīla"), & sampadā. — (b) The
pañca-sīla or 5 items of good behaviour are Nos. 1 — 4 of
71; fut. sīdissati: see ni°. — pp. sanna. — Caus. sādeti (q.
dasa — sīla, and (5) abstaining from any state of indolence
v.); Caus. II. sīdāpeti to cause to sink Sdhp 43. — Cp. ni°,
arising from (the use of) intoxicants, viz. surā — meraya —
majjapamāda — ṭṭhānā veramaṇī. These five also from the
Sīdana (nt.) [fr. sīdati] sinking Mhvs 30, 54.
first half of the 10 sikkha-padāni. They are a sort of prelim-
Sīna [pp. of śṛ to crush; Sk. śīrṇa] fallen off, destroyed Miln inary condition to any higher development after conforming
117 (°patta leafless); J ii.163 (°patta, so read for sīta°). See to the teaching of the Buddha (saraṇaṁgamana) and as such
also saṁsīna. often mentioned when a new follower is "officially" installed,
Sīna [pp. of sīyati; Sk. śīna] congealed; cold, frosty M i.79. e. g. Bu ii.190: saraṇâgamane kañci nivesesi Tathāgato kañci
pañcasu sīlesu sīle dasavidhe paraṁ. From Pv iv.1 76 sq. (as
Sīpada (nt.) [Sk. slīpada] the Beri disease (elephantiasis) morbid
also fr. Kh ii. as following upon Kh i.) it is evident that the
enlargement of the legs; hence sīpadin and sīpadika suffering
sikkhāpadāni are meant in this connection (either 5 or 10),
from that disease Vin i.91, 322. 50
and not the sīlaṁ, cp. also Pv iv.3 sq., although at the above
Sīmantinī (f.) a woman J iv.310; vi.142. passage of Bu and at J i.28 as well as at Mhvs 18, 10 the ex-
Sīmā (f.) [cp. Sk. sīmā] boundary, limit, parish Vin i.106 sq., 309, pression dasa-sīla is used: evidently a later development of
340; Nd 99 (four); DhA iv.115 (mālaka°); antosīmaṁ within the term as regards dasa — sīla (cp. Mhvs trsl 122, n. 3),
the boundary Vin i.132, 167; ekasīmāya within one boundary, which through the identity of the 5 sīlas & sikkhāpadas was
in the same parish J i.425; nissīmaṁ outside the boundary Vin transferred to the 10 sikkhāpadas. These 5 are often simply
i.122, 132; bahisīmagata gone outside the boundary Vin i.255. called pañca dhammā, e. g. at A iii.203 sq., 208 sq. With-
bhinnasīma transgressing the bounds (of decency) Miln 122. out a special title they are mentioned in connection with the
— In comp sīma° & sīmā°. "saraṇaṁ gata" formula e. g. at A iv.266. Similarly the 10
sīlas (as above a) are only called dhammā at A ii.253 sq.;

Sīla Sīliya

v.260; nor are they designated as sīla at A ii.221. — pañcasu -kathā exposition of the duties of morality Vin i.15; A i.125;
sīlesu samādapeti to instruct in the 5 sīlas (alias sikkhāpadāni) J i.188. -kkhandha all that belongs to moral practices, body
Vin ii.162. — (c) The only standard enumerations of the 5 of morality as forming the first constituent of the 5 khand-
or 10 sīlas are found at two places in the Saṁyutta and corre- has or groups (+samādhi°, paññā°, vimutti°, ñāṇadassana —
spond with those given in the Niddesa. See on the 10 (as given kkhandha), which make up the 5 sampadās or whole range of
under a) S iv.342 & Nd s. v. sīla; on the 5 (also as under religious development; see e. g. Nd 21, 39; Nd p. 277. —
b) S ii.68 & Nd s. v. The so — called 10 sīlas (Childers) Vin. 162 sq.; iii.164; A i.124, 291; ii.20; S i.99 sq.; It 51,
as found at Kh ii. (under the name of dasa-sikkhāpada) 107; Nett 90 sq., 128; Miln 243; DhA iii.417. -gandha the
are of late origin & served as memorial verses for the use of fragrance of good works Dh 55; Vism 58. -caraṇa moral
novices. Strictly speaking they should not be called dasa-sīla. life J iv.328, 332. -tittha having good behaviour as its
— The eightfold sīla or the eight pledges which are recom- banks S i.169, 183 (trsl Mrs. Rh. D. "with virtue's strand
mended to the Buddhist layman (cp. Miln 333 mentioned be- for bathing"). -bbata [=vata ] good works and ceremonial
low) are the sikkhāpadas Nos. 1 — 8 (see sikkhāpada), which observances Dh 271; A i.225; S iv.118; Ud 71; Sn 231, etc.;
in the Canon however do not occur under the name of sīla sīlavata the same Sn 212, 782, 790, 797, 803, 899; It 79 sq.; °
nor sikkhāpada, but as aṭṭhanga-samannāgata uposatha (or — parāmāsa the contagion of mere rule and ritual, the infatu-
aṭṭhangika u.) "the fast — day with its 8 constituents." They ation of good works, the delusion that they suffice Vin i.184;
are discussed in detail at A iv.248 sq., with a poetical set- M i.433; Dhs 1005; A iii.377; iv.144 sq.; Nd 98; Dukp 245,
ting of the eight at A iv.254=Sn 400, 401 — (d) Three special 282 sq.; DhsA 348; see also expl at Cpd. 171, n. 4. — sīlab-
tracts on morality are found in the Canon. The Cullasīla (D batupādāna grasping after works and rites D ii.58; Dhs 1005,
i.3 sq.) consists first of the items (dasa) sīla 1-7; then follow 1216; Vism 569; VbhA 181 sq. — The old form sīlavata still
specific injunctions as to practices of daily living & special preserves the original good sense, as much as "observing the
conduct, of which the first 5 (omitting the introductory item rules of good conduct," "being of virtuous behaviour." Thus
of bījagāma — bhūtagāma — samārambha) form the second at Th 1, 12; Sn 212, 782 (expl in detail at Nd 66), 790, 797,
5 sikkhāpadāni. Upon the Culla° follows the Majjhima° (D 803; It 79; J vi.491 (ariya°). -bheda a breach of morality J
i.5 sq.) & then the Mahāsīla D i.9 sq. The whole of these i.296. -mattaka a matter of mere morality D i.3; DA i.55.
3 sīlas is called sīlakkhandha and is (in the Sāmaññaphala -maya consisting in morality It 51; VvA 10 (see maya, def n
sutta e. g.) grouped with samādhi- and paññākkhandha: 6). -vatta morality, virtue S i.143; cp. J iii.360. -vipatti
D i.206 sq.; at A v.205, 206 sīla — kkhandha refers to the moral transgression Vin i.171 sq.; D ii.85; A i.95; 268 sq.;
Culla — sīla only. The three (s., samādhi & paññā) are of- iii.252; Pug 21; Vism 54, 57. -vipanna trespassing D ii.85;
ten mentioned together, e. g. D ii.81, 84; It 51; DA i.57. — Pug 21; Vin i.227. -vīmaṁsaka testing one's reputation J
The characteristic of a kalyāṇa — mitta is endowment with i.369; ii.429; iii.100, 193. -saṁvara self — restraint in con-
saddhā, sīla, cāga, paññā A iv.282. These four are counted duct D i.69; Dhs 1342; DA i.182. -saṁvuta living under
as constituents of future bliss A iv.282, and form the 4 sam- moral self — restraint Dh 281. -sampatti accomplishment or
padās ibid. 322. In another connection at M iii.99; Vism attainment by moral living Vism 57. -sampadā practice of
19. They are, with suta (foll. after sīla) characteristic of the morality Vin i.227; D ii.86; M i.194, 201 sq.; A i.95, 269 sq.,
merit of the devatās A i.210 sq. (under devat'ânussati). — ii.66; Pug. 25, 54. -sampanna practising morality, virtuous
At Miln 333 sīla is classed as: saraṇa°, pañca°, aṭṭhanga°, Vin i.228; D i.63; ii.86; M i.354; Th 2, 196; ThA 168; DA
dasanga°, pātimokkhasaṁvara°, all of which expressions re- i.182.
fer to the sikkhāpadas and not to the sīlas. — At Miln 336
Sīlatā (f.) (—°) [abstr. fr. sīla] character(istic), nature, capacity
sq. sīla functions as one of the 7 ratanas (the 5 as given un-
DhA iii.272.
der sampadā up to vimuttiñāṇadassana; plus paṭisambhidā and
Sīlavant (adj.) [sīla+vant] virtuous, observing the moral precepts
bojjhanga). — cattāro sīlakkhandhā "4 sections of morality"
D iii.77, 259 sq., 285; A i.150; ii.58, 76; iii.206 sq., 262 sq.;
Miln 243; Vism 15 & DhsA 168 (here as pātimokkha — saṁ-
iv.290 sq., 314 sq.; v.10 sq., 71 sq.; Vism 58; DA i.286; Tikp
vara, indriya — saṁvara, ājīvapārisuddhi, paccaya — sannis-
279. — nom. sg. sīlavā D i.114; S i.166; It 63; Pug 26, 53;
sita. The same with ref. to catubbidha sīla at J iii.195). See
J i.187; acc. — vantaṁ Vin iii.133; Sn 624; instr. — vatā S
also under cpds. — At Ps i.46 sq. we find the fivefold group-
iii.167; gen. — vato S iv.303; nom. pl. — vanto Pug 13; Dhs
ing as (1) pāṇâtipatassa pahānaṁ, (2) veramaṇī, (3) cetanā,
1328; Nett 191; acc. pl. — vante J i.187; instr. — vantehi D
(4) saṁvara, (5) avītikkama, which is commented on at Vism
ii.80; gen. pl. — vantānaṁ M i.334; gen. pl. — vataṁ Dh 56;
49. — A fourfold sīla (referring to the sikkhāpada) is given at
J i.144; f. -vatī D ii.12; Th 2, 449. compar. -vantatara J
Vism 15 as bhikkhu°, bhikkhunī°, anupasampanna° gahaṭṭha°.
— On sīla and adhisīla see e. g. A i.229 sq.; VbhA 413 sq. —
The division of sīla at J iii.195 is a distinction of a simple sīla Sīlika (adj.) (—°) [fr. sīla]=sīlin J vi.64.
as "saṁvara," of twofold sīla as "caritta-vāritta," threefold as
Sīlin (adj.) [fr. sīla] having a disposition or character; ariyasīlin
"kāyika, vācasika, mānasika," and fourfold as above under
having the virtue of an Ārya D i.115; DA i.286; niddāsīlin
cattāro sīlakkhandhā. — See further generally: Ps i.42 sq.; drowsy, Sn 96; vuddhasīlin increased in virtue D i.114; sab-
Vism 3 sq.; Tikp 154, 165 sq., 269, 277; Nd 14, 188 (expl as hāsīlin fond of society Sn 96.
"pātimokkha — saṁvara"); Nd p. 277; VbhA 143.
Sīliya (nt.) [abstr. fr. sīla, Sk. śīlya for śailya] conduct, be-
-anga constituent of morality (applied to the pañcasikkhā-
haviour, character; said of bad behaviour, e. g. J iii.74=iv.71;
padaṁ) VbhA 381. -ācāra practice of morality J i.187; ii.3.

Sīliya Su

emphasized as dussīlya, e. g. S v.384; A i.105; v.145 sq.; opp. roar, the Buddha's preaching, a song of ecstasy, a shout of ex-
sādhu-sīliya J ii.137 (=sundara — sīla — bhāva C.). ultation "halleluiah" A ii.33; M i.71; D i.161, 175; S ii.27, 55;
J 119; Miln 22; DhA ii.43, 178; VbhA 398; (=seṭṭha — nāda
Sīvathikā (f.) [etym. doubtful; perhaps=*Sk. śivālaya; Kern de-
abhīta — nāda); SnA 163, 203. -nādika one who utters a
rives it as śīvan "lying"+atthi "bone," problematic] a cemetery,
lion's roar, a song of ecstasy A i.23. -pañjara a window J
place where dead bodies are thrown to rot away Vin iii.36; D
ii.295 sq.; A iii.268, 323; J i.146; Pv iii.5 (=susāna PvA 198); i.304; ii.31; DhA i.191. -papātaka "lion's cliff," N. of one of
the great lakes in the Himavā SnA 407 and passim. -piṭṭhe
Vism 181, 240; PvA 195.
on top of the lion J ii.244. -potaka a young lion J iii.149.
Sīvana & sīveti: see vi°.
-mukha "lion's mouth," an ornament at the side of the nave
Sīsa (nt.) [cp. Sk. sīsa] lead D ii.351; S v.92; Miln 331; VbhA of the king's chariot KhA 172. See also °kuṇḍala. -ratha a
63 (=kāḷa — tipu); a leaden coin J i.7; °-kāra a worker in lead chariot drawn by lions Miln 121. -vikkīḷita the lion's play, the
Miln 331; °-maya leaden Vin i.190. attitude of the Buddhas and Arahants Nett 2, 4, 7, 124. -seyyā
Sīsa (nt.) [Vedic śīrṣa: see under sira] 1. the head (of the body) lying like a lion, on the right side D ii.134; A i.114; ii.40, 244;
J i.119, 330; VbhA 345; DhA i.357. -ssara having a voice
Vin i.8; A i.207; Sn 199, 208, p. 80; J i.74; ii.103; sīsaṁ
nahāta, one who has performed an ablution of the head D like a lion J v.284, 296 etc. (said of a prince). -hanu having
ii.172; PvA 82; āditta-sīsa, one whose turban has caught fire a jaw like a lion, of a Buddha D iii.144, 175; Bu xiii.1=J i.38.
S i.108; iii.143; v.440; A ii.93; sīsato towards the head Mhvs Sīhaḷa Ceylon; (adj.) Singhalese Mhvs 7, 44 sq.; 37, 62; 37, 175;
25, 93; adho-sīsa, head first J i.233. — 2. highest part, top, Dhvs 9, 1; KhA 47, 50, 78; SnA 30, 53 sq., 397. -°kuddāla a
front: bhūmi° hill, place of vantage Dpvs 15, 26; J ii.406; Singhalese hoe Vism 255; VbhA 238; -°dīpa Ceylon J vi.30;
cankamana° head of the cloister Vism 121; sangāma° front DhsA 103; DA i.1; KhA 132; -°bhāsā Singhalese (language)
of the battle Pug 69; J i.387; megha° head of the cloud J i.103. DA i.1; Tikp 259. See Dict. of Names.
In this sense also opposed to pāda (foot), e. g. sopāṇa° head
Sīhaḷaka (adj.) [fr. last] Singhalese SnA 397.
(& foot) of the stairs DhA i.115. Contrasted with sama (plain)
Su (indecl.) [onomat.] a part. of exclamation "shoo!"; usually
Ps i.101 sq. — 3. chief point Ps i.102. — 4. panicle, ear (of
repeated su su J ii.250; vi.165 (of the hissing of a snake); ThA
rice or crops) A iv.169; DA i.118. — 5. head, heading (as sub-
110 (scaring somebody away), 305 (sound of puffing). Some-
division of a subject), as "chanda — sīsa citta — sīsa" grouped
times as sū sū, e. g. Tikp 280 (of a snake), cp. sūkara. —
under chanda & citta Vism 376. Usually instr °sīsena "under
Denom susumāyati (q. v.).
the heading (or category) of," e. g. citta° Vism 3; paribhoga°
J ii.24; saññā° DhsA 200; kammaṭṭhāna° DhA iii.159. Su- (indecl.) [Vedic su°, cp. Gr. εὐ — ] a particle, comb with
-ânulokin looking ahead, looking attentively after some- adj., nouns, and certain verb forms, to express the notion of
thing M i.147. -ābādha disease of the head Vin i.270 sq.; "well, happily, thorough" (cp. E. well — bred, wel — come,
J vi.331. -âbhitāpa heat in the head, headache Vin i.204. wel — fare); opp. du°. It often acts as simple intensive prefix
-kaṭāha a skull D ii.297=M i.58; Vism 260=KhA 60; KhA (cp. saṁ°) in the sense of "very," and is thus also comb with
49. -kalanda Miln 292. [Signification unknown; cp. ka- concepts which in themselves denote a deficiency or bad qual-
landa a squirrel and kalandaka J vi.227; a blanket [cushion?] ity (cp. su — pāpika "very wicked") and the prefix du° (e. g.
or kerchief.] -cchavi the skin of the head Vin i.277. -cola su — duj — jaya, su — duddasa, su — dub — bala). — Our
a headcloth, turban Mhvs 35, 53. -cchejja resulting in de- usual practice is to register words with su° under the simple
capitation A ii.241. -ccheda decapitation, death J i.167; Miln word, whenever the character of the composition is evident at
358. -ppacālakaṁ swaying the head about Vin iv.188. - first sight (cp. du°). For convenience of the student however
paramparāya with heads close together DhA i.49. -virecana we give in the foll. a few comp as illustrating the use of su°.
purging to relieve the head D i.12; DA i.98. -veṭha head wrap -kaṭa well done, good, virtuous D i.55; Miln 5; sukata
S iv.56. -veṭhana headcloth, turban M ii.193; sīsaveṭha id. the same D i.27; (nt.) a good deed, virtue Dh 314; A iii.245.
M i.244=S iv.56. -vedanā headache M i.243; ii.193. -kara feasible, easy D i.250; Dh 163; Sn p. 123; na sukaro
so Bhagavā amhehi upasaṁkamituṁ S i.9. -kiccha great
Sīsaka (nt.) [=sīsa] head, as adj. — ° heading, with the head
trouble, pain J iv.451. -kittika well expounded Sn 1057.
towards; uttarasīsaka head northwards D ii.137; pācīna° (of
-kumāra delicate, lovely Mhvs 59, 29; see sukhumāla. -
Māyā's couch: eastward) J i.50. heṭṭhāsīsaka head downwards
kumālatta loveliness DA i.282. -kusala very skilful J i.220;
J iii.13; dhammasīsaka worshipping righteousness beyond ev-
-khara very hard ( — hearted) J vi.508. (=suṭṭhu khara C.).
erything Miln 47, 117.
-khetta a good field D ii.353; A i.135; S i.21. -gajjin shriek-
Sīha [Vedic siṁha] 1. a lion D ii.255; S i.16; A ii.33, 245; iii.121; ing beautifully (of peacocks) Th 1, 211. -gandha fragrant
Sn 72; J i.165; Miln 400; Nd 679 (=migarājā); VbhA 256,
J ii.20; pleasant odour Dhs 625. -gandhi=sugandha J 100.
398 (with pop. etym. "sahanato ca hananato ca sīho ti vuc-
-gandhika fragrant Mhvs 7, 27; J i.266. -gahana a good
cati"); J v.425 (women like the lion); KhA 140; often used as
grip, tight seizing J i.223. -gahita and suggahīta, grasped
an epithet of the Buddha A ii.24; iii.122; S i.28; It 123; fem.
tightly, attentive A ii.148, 169; iii.179; J i.163, 222. -ggava
sīhī lioness J ii.27; iii.149, and sīhinī Miln 67.
virtuous J iv.53 (probably misspelling for suggata). -ghara
-āsana a throne Mhvs 5, 62; 25, 98. -kuṇḍala "lion's ear
having a nice house J vi.418, 420. -carita well conducted,
— ring," a very precious ear — ring J v.348; SnA 138; also as
right, good Dh 168 sq. (nt.) good conduct, virtue, merit A
°mukha — kuṇḍala at J v.438. -camma lion's hide A iv.393.
i.49 sq., 57, 102; D iii.52, 96, 152 sq., 169; Dh 231; It 55,
-tela "lion — oil," a precious oil KhA 198. -nāda a lion's

Su Su

59 sq.; Ps i.115; Vism 199. -citta much variegated Dh 151; smooth VvA 275. -bahu very much, very many Mhvs 20, 9;
DhA iii.122. -cchanna well covered Dh 14. -cchavi having 30, 18; 34, 15; 37, 48. -bāḷhika see bāḷhika. -bbata virtuous,
a lovely skin, pleasant to the skin D iii.159; J v.215; vi.269. devout D i.52; S i.236; Sn 220; Dh 95; J vi.493; DhA ii.177;
-jana a good man Mhvs 1, 85. -jāta well born, of noble birth iii.99; PvA 226; VvA 151. -bbināya easy to understand Nd
D i.93; Sn 548 sq. -jāti of noble family Mhvs 24, 50. -jīva 326. -bbuṭṭhi abundant rainfall Mhvs 15, 97; DhA i.52; -kā
easy to live Dh 244. -tanu having a slender waist Vv 64 12 the same D i.11. -brahā very big J iv.111. -bhara easily sup-
(=sundara — sarīra VvA 280). -danta well subdued, tamed ported, frugal; — tā frugality Vin i.45; ii.2; M i.13. -bhikkha
D ii.254; Dh 94; A iv.376. -dassa easily seen Dh 252; (m.) having plenty of food (nt.) plenty D i.11. -°vāca called
a kind of gods, found in the fourteenth rūpa — brahmaloka D plenty, renowned for great liberality It 66. -bhūmi good soil
ii.52; Pug 17; Kvu 207. -diṭṭha well seen Sn 178; p. 143. M i.124. -majja well polished J iii.282. -majjhantika a
-divasa a lucky day J iv.209. -dujjaya difficult to win Mhvs good noon A i.294. -mati wise Mhvs 15, 214. -matikata
26, 3. -duttara very difficult to escape from A v.232 sq., well harrowed A i.239. -mada very joyful J v.328. -mana
253 sq.; Dh 86; Sn 358. -dukkara very difficult to do J v.31. glad, happy D i.3; iii.269; A ii.198; Sn 222, 1028; Dh 68;
-duccaja very hard to give up J vi.473. -duddasa very dif- Vism 174. kind, friendly J iv.217 (opp. disa). -manohara
ficult to see Vin i.5; Th 1, 1098; Dh 36; DhA i.300; used as very charming Mhvs 26, 17. -manta well-advised, careful
an epithet of Nibbāna S iv.369. -duppadhaṁsiya very dif- Miln 318. -mānasa joyful Vin i.25; Mhvs 1, 76. -māpita
ficult to overwhelm D iii.176. -dubbala very weak Sn 4. well built J i.7. -mutta happily released D ii.162. -medha
-dullabha very difficult to obtain Sn 138; Vv 44 ; Vism 2; wise Vin i.5; M i.142; A ii.49 and sq.; Dh 208; Sn 117, 211
VvA 20. -desika a good guide Miln 354; DhsA 123; Vism etc.; It 33; Nd 453. -medhasa wise D ii.267; A ii.70; Dh
465. -desita well preached Dh 44; Sn 88, 230. -ddiṭṭha 29. -yiṭṭha well sacrificed A ii.44. -yutta well suited,
[=su+uddiṭṭha] well set out Vin i.129; J iv.192. -ddhanta well suitable J i.296. -ratta very red J i.119; DhA i.249. -
blown M iii.243; DhsA 326;=saṁdhanta A i.253; Vin ii.59. rabhi fragrant S iv.71; Vv 84 ; J i.119; A iii.238; Vv 44 ,
-dhammatā good nature, good character, goodness, virtue J 53 , 71 ; Pv ii.12 ; Vism 195 (°vilepana); VvA 237; PvA 77;
ii.159; v.357; vi.527. -dhota well washed, thoroughly clean Davs iv.40; Miln 358. — °karaṇḍaka fragrance box, a fra-
J i.331. -nandī (scil. vedanā) pleasing, pleasurable S i.53. grant box Th 2, 253; ThA 209. -ruci resplendent Sn 548.
-naya easily deducted, clearly understood A iii.179=sunnaya -ruddha very fierce J v.425, 431 (read °rudda). -rūpin hand-
A ii.148; iii. 179 (v. l.). -nahāta well bathed, well groomed some Mhvs 22, 20. -rosita nicely anointed J v.173. -laddha
D i.104; as sunhāta at S i.79. -nimmadaya easily overcome well taken; (nt.) a good gain, bliss Vin i.17; It 77. -labha
D 243 and sq. -nisita well whetted or sharpened J iv.118; easy to be obtained It 102; J i.66; vi.125; PvA 87. -vaca of
as °nissita at J vi.248. -nisit-agga with a very sharp point nice speech, compliant M i.43, 126; Sn 143; A iii.78; J i.224.
VvA 227. -nīta well understood A i.59. -pakka thoroughly Often with padakkhiṇaggāhin (q. v.). See also subbaca &
ripe Mhvs 15, 38. -paṇṇasālā a beautiful hut J i.7. -patittha abstr. der. sovacassa. -vatthi [i. e. su+asti] hail, well — be-
having beautiful banks D ii.129; Ud 83=sūpatittha M i.76. See ing Cp. 100=J iv.31; cp. sotthi. -vammita well harnessed J
also under sūpatittha. -parikammakata well prepared, well i.179. -vavatthāpita well known, ascertained J i.279; Miln
polished D i.76; A ii.201; DA i.221. -pariccaja easy to give 10. -vānaya [i. e. su — v — ānaya] easily brought, easy
away J iii.68. -parimaṇḍala well rounded, complete Mhvs to catch J i.80, 124, 238. -viggaha of a fine figure, hand-
37, 225. -parihīna thoroughly bereft, quite done for It 35. some Mhvs 19, 28. -vijāna easily known Sn 92; J iv.217.
-pāpa-kammin very wicked J v.143. -pāpa-dhamma very -viññāpaya easy to instruct Vin i.6. -vidūravidūra very far
wicked Vv 52 . -pāpika very sinful, wicked A ii.203. - off A ii.50. -vibhatta well divided and arranged Sn 305.
pāyita well saturated, i. e. hardened (of a sword) J iv.118. -vilitta well perfumed D i.104. -vimhita very dismayed J
Cp. suthita. -pāsiya easily threaded (of a needle) J iii.282. vi.270. -visada very clean or clear SnA 195. -visama
-picchita well polished, shiny, slippery J v.197 (cp. Sk. pic- very uneven, dangerous Th ii.352; ThA 242. -vihīna thor-
chala?). Dutoit "fest gepresst" (pīḷ?), so also Kern, Toev. ii.85. oughly bereft J i.144. -vuṭṭhikā abundance of rain J ii.80;
C. expl as suphassita. -pipi good to drink J vi.526. -pīta SnA 27; DA i.95; see subbuṭṭhikā. -vositaṁ happily ended
see suthita. -pubbaṇha a good morning A i.294. -posatā J iv.314. -sankhata well prepared A ii.63. -saññā (f.) hav-
good nature Vin i.45. -ppaṭikāra easy requital A i.123. - ing a good understanding J v.304; vi.49, 52, 503 (for °soññā?
ppaṭipanna well conducted A ii.56; Pug 48; — tā, good con- C. sussoṇiya, i. e. having beautiful hips); Ap 307 (id.). -
duct Nett 50. -ppaṭippatāḷita well played on D ii.171; A saññata thoroughly restrained J i.188. -saṇṭhāna having a
iv.263. -ppaṭividdha thoroughly understood A ii.185. - good consistence, well made Sn 28. -sattha well trained J
ppatiṭṭhita firmly established It 77; Sn 444. -ppatīta well iii.4. -sandhi having a lovely opening J v.204. -samāgata
pleased Mhvs 24, 64. -ppadhaṁsiya easily assaulted or thoroughly applied to A iv.271 (aṭṭhanga°, i. e. uposatha).
overwhelmed D iii.176; S ii.264. Cp. °duppadhaṁsiya. - -samāraddha thoroughly undertaken D ii.103; S ii.264 sq.;
ppadhota thoroughly cleansed D ii.324. -ppabhāta a good Dh 293; DhA iii.452. -samāhita well grounded, steadfast D
daybreak Sn 178. -ppameyya easily fathomed D i.266; Pug ii.120; Dh 10; DhA iv.114; It 113; — atta of steadfast mind
35. -ppavādita (music) well played Vv 39. -ppavāyita well S i.4, 29. -samucchinna thoroughly eradicated M i.102. -
woven, evenly woven Vin iii.259. -ppavedita well preached samuṭṭhāpaya easily raised S v.113. -samudānaya easy to
It 78; Th 2, 341; ThA 240. -ppasanna thoroughly full of accomplish J iii.313. -sambuddha easy to understand Vin
faith Mhvs 34, 74. -ppahāra a good blow J iii.83. -phassita i.5; Sn 764; S i.136. -sāyaṇha a good, blissful evening A
agreeable to touch, very soft J i.220; v.197 (C. for supicchita); i.294. -sikkhita well learnt, thoroughly acquired Sn 261;


Su Sukha

easily trained, docile J i.444; ii.43. -sikkhāpita well taught, 380; ii.56; DA i.262; see also pubbāpeti. — pp. sukkhita.
trained J i.444. -sippika a skilful workman Mhvs 34, 72.
Sukkhana (nt.) [fr. sukkha] drying up J iii.390 (assu — °).
-sīla moral, virtuous S i.141. -sukka very white, resplen-
Sukkhāpana (nt.) [fr. sukkhāpeti] drying, making dry J vi.420.
dent D ii.18; iii.144; Sn 548. -seyya lying on soft beds S
ii.268. -ssata well remembered M i.520. -ssara melodious Sukkhita [pp. of sukkhati] dried up, emaciated Miln 303. Cp.
Vv 36 ; SnA 355. -ssavana good news J i.61. -ssoṇi hav- pari°.
ing beautiful hips J iv.19; v.7, 294; cp. sussoṇiya J vi.503, &
Sukha (adj. — n.) [Vedic sukha; in R. V. only of ratha; later gen-
see °saññā. -hajja friend S iv.59; Dh 219; Sn 37; J i.274; A
erally] agreeable, pleasant, blest Vin i.3; Dh 118, 194, 331; Sn
iv.96; DhA iii.293. -hada friendly, good — hearted a friend
383; paṭipadā, pleasant path, easy progress A ii.149 sq.; Dhs
D iii.187 (=sundara — hadaya C.) J iv.76; vi.382; suhadā a
178; kaṇṇa — s. pleasant to the ear D i.4; happy, pleased D
woman with child J v.330. -hanna modesty J i.421. See
ii.233. — nt. sukhaṁ wellbeing, happiness, ease; ideal, suc-
hanna. -huṭṭhita [su+ uṭṭhita] well risen Sn 178. -huta well
cess Vin i.294; D i.73 sq.; M i.37; S i.5; A iii.355 (deva —
offered, burnt as a sacrifical offering A ii.44. manussānaṁ); It 47; Dh 2; Sn 67; Dhs 10; DhsA 117; PvA
Su (indecl.) (—°) [*ssu, fr. Vedic svid, interrog. part., of which 207 (lokiya° worldly happiness). — kāyika sukkha bodily
other forms are si and sudaṁ. It also stands for Vedic sma, welfare Tikp 283; cp. Cpd. 112 ; sāmisaṁ s. material hap-
deictic part. of emphasis, for which also sa & assa] a particle piness A i.81; iii.412; VbhA 268. On relation to pīti (joy) see
of interrogation, often added to interrogative pronouns; thus Vism 145 (sankhāra — kkhandha — sangahitā pīti, vedanā —
kaṁ su S i.45; kena ssu S i.39; kissa ssu S i.39, 161 (so read kkhandha — sangahitaṁ sukhaṁ) and Cpd. 56, 243. — De-
for kissassa); ko su Sn 173, 181; kiṁ su Sn 1108; kathaṁ su fined further at Vism 145 & 461 (iṭṭha — phoṭṭhabb — ânubha-
Sn 183, 185, 1077; it is often also used as a pleonastic particle vana — lakkhaṇaṁ; i. e. of the kind of experiencing pleasant
in narration; thus tadā su then D ii.212; hatthe su sati when contacts). — Two kinds, viz. kāyika & cetasika at Ps i.188;
the hand is there S iv.171. It often takes the forms ssu and several other pairs at A i.80; three (praise, wealth, heaven)
assu; thus tyassu=te assu D ii.287; yassāhaṁ=ye assu ahaṁ D It 67; another three (manussa°, dibba°, nibbāna°) DhA iii.51;
ii.284 n. 5; api ssu Vin i.5; ii.7, 76; tad — assu=tadā su then J four (possessing, making good use of possessions, having no
i.196; tay'assu three Sn 231; āditt'assu kindled D ii.264; nāssu debts, living a blameless life) A ii.69. — gātha — bandhana
not Sn 291, 295, 297, 309; sv — assu=so su J i.196. Euphonic — sukh'atthaṁ for the beauty of the verse J ii.224. — Opp.
ṁ is sometimes added yehi — ṁ — su J vi.564 n. 3; kacciṁ asukha D iii.222, 246; Sn 738; or dukkha, with which often
— su Sn 1045, 1079. comb (e. g. Sn 67, 873, with spelling dukha at both pass.).
— Cases: instr. sukhena with comfort, happily, through hap-
Suṁsumāra [cp. Sk. śiśumāra, lit. child — killing] a crocodile S
piness Th 1, 220; DhsA 406; acc. sukhaṁ comfortably, in
iv.198; Th 2, 241; ThA 204; J ii.158 sq.; Vism 446; SnA 207
happiness; yathā s. according to liking PvA 133; sukhaṁ
(°kucchi); DhA iii.194. — °rī (f.) a female crocodile J ii.159;
seti to rest in ease, to lie well S i.41; A i.136; Dh 19, 201; J
suṁsumārinī (f.) Miln 67; suṁsumārapatitena vandeti to fall
i.141. Cp. sukhasayita. — s. edhati to thrive, prosper S i.217;
down in salutation DA i.291.
Dh 193; Sn 298; cp. sukham — edha Vin iii.137 (with Kern's
Suka [Vedic śuka, fr. śuc] a parrot J i.458; ii.132; instead of suka remarks Toev. ii.83). s. viharati to live happily, A i.96; iii.3;
read sūka S v.10. See suva.
Dh 379. — Der. sokhya.
Sukka [Vedic śukra; fr. śuc] planet, star Ud. 9=Nett 150; (nt.) -atthin fem. — nī longing for happiness Mhvs 6, 4.
semen, sukkavisaṭṭhi emission of semen Vin ii.38; iii.112; -āvaha bringing happiness, conducive to ease S i.2 sq., 55;
iv.30; Kvu 163. Dh 35; J ii.42. -indriya the faculty of ease S v.209 sq.; Dhs
Sukka (adj.) [Vedic śukla] white, bright; bright, pure, good S 452; It 15, 52. -udraya (sometimes spelt °undriya) having
a happy result A i.97; Ps i.80; Pv iv.1 78 (=sukha — vipāka
ii.240; v.66, 104; Dh 87; Dhs 1303; It 36; J i.129; Miln 200;
PvA 243); Vv 31 . -ūpaharaṇa happy offering, luxury J
sukkadhamma J i.129; kaṇhāsukkaṁ evil and good Sn 526;
i.231. -edhita read as sukhe ṭhita (i. e. being happy) at
Sukkā a class of gods D ii.260.
Vin iii.13 & S v.351 (v. l. sukhe ṭhita); also at DhA i.165;
-aṁsa bright lot, fortune Dh 72; DhA ii.73. -chavi hav-
cp. J vi.219. -esin looking for pleasure Dh 341. -kāma
ing a white skin J iv.184; vi.508; at both pass. said of the sons
longing for happiness M i.341; S iv.172, 188. -da giving
of widows. -pakkha [cp. BSk. śukla — pakṣa Divy 38] the
pleasure Sn 297. -dhamma a good state M i.447. -nisinna
bright fortnight of a month A ii.19; Miln 388; J iv.26 (opp.
comfortably seated J iv.125. -paṭisaṁvedin experiencing
kāḷa — pakkha); the bright half, the good opportunity Th 2,
happiness Pug 61. -ppatta come to well — being, happy J
358; ThA 2.
iii.112. -pharaṇatā diffusion of well — being, ease Nett 89
Sukkha (adj.) [Vedic śuṣka, fr. śuṣ] dry, dried up D ii.347; J
(among the constituents of samādhi). -bhāgiya participating
i.228, 326; iii.435; v.106; Miln 261, 407. Cp. pari°, vi°.
in happiness Nett 120 sq., 125 sq., 239 (the four s. dhammā are
-kaddama dried mud Mhvs 17, 35. -kantāra desert J
indriyasaṁvara, tapasaṁkhāta puññadhamma, bojjhangabhā-
v.70. -vipassaka "dry — visioned" Cpd. 55, 75; with diff. vanā and sabbūpadhipaṭinissaggasankhāta nibbāna). -bhūmi
expl Geiger, Saṁyutta tsrl ii.172 n. 1.
a soil of ease, source of ease Dhs 984; DhsA 346. -yānaka
Sukkhati [fr. śuṣka dry; śuṣ] to be dried up Miln 152; J v.472; ppr. an easy — going cart DhA 325. -vinicchaya discernment
sukkhanto getting dry J i.498; ppr. med. sukkhamāna wast- of happiness M iii.230 sq. -vipāka resulting in happiness,
ing away J i.104; Caus. II. sukkhāpeti S i.8; Vin iv.86; J i.201, ease D i.51; A i.98; DA i.158. -vihāra dwelling at ease

Sukha Suññata

S v.326. -vihārin dwelling at ease, well at ease D i.75; gati, analogous to svar — ga (=sagga); doubtful. Cp. duggati.
Dhs 163; J i.140. -saṁvāsa pleasant to associate with Dh
Sugatin (adj.) [fr. sugati] righteous Dh 126; J i.219= Vin ii.162
207. -saññin conceiving happiness, considering as happiness
A ii.52. -samuddaya origin of bliss It 16, 52. -samphassa
Sunka (m. and nt.) [cp. Vedic śulka, nt.] 1. toll, tax, customs Vin
pleasant to touch Dhs 648. -sammata deemed a pleasure Sn
iii.52; iv.131; A i.54 sq.; DhA ii.2; J iv.132; vi.347; PvA iii.
760. -sayita well embedded (in soil), of seeds A iii.404=D
— 2. gain, profit Th 2, 25; ThA 32. — 3. purchase — price
of a wife Th 2, 420; J vi.266; Miln 47 sq. — odhisunka stake
Sukhallikânuyoga [same in BSk.] luxurious living Vin i.10 12
J vi.279; °-gahana J v.254; a — suṁkâraha J v.254.
(kāma — °). See under kāma°.
-ghāta customs' frontier Vin iii.47, 52. -ṭṭhāna taxing
Sukhāyati [Denom. fr. sukha] to be pleased J ii.31 (asu- place, customs' house Vin iii.62; Miln 359. -sāyika (?) cus-
khāyamāna being displeased with). toms' officer Miln 365 (read perhaps °sādhaka or °sālika?).
Sukhita [pp. of sukheti] happy, blest, glad S i.52; iii.11 (sukhitesu Sunkika [sunka+ika] a receiver of customs J v.254.
sukhito dukkhitesu dukkhito); iv.180; Sn 1029; Pv ii.8 ;
Sunkiya (nt.) [abstr. fr. sunka] price paid for a wife J vi.266.
healthy Mhvs 37, 128; °-atta [ātman] happy, easy Sn 145.
Suci (adj.) [Vedic śuci] pure, clean, white D i.4; A i.293; Sn 226,
Sukhin (adj.) [fr. sukha] happy, at ease D i.31, 73, 108; A ii.185;
410. — opp. asuci impure A iii.226; v.109, 266. — (nt.) pu-
S i.20, 170; iii.83; Dh 177; Sn 145; being well, unhurt J iii.541;
rity, pure things J i.22; goodness, merit Dp 245; a tree used for
fem. -nī D ii.13; M ii.126.
making foot — boards VvA 8.
Sukhuma (adj.) [Epic Sk. sūkṣma] subtle, minute Vin i.14; D -kamma whose actions are pure Dh 24. -gandha hav-
i.182; S iv.202; A ii.171; Dhs 676; Th 2, 266; Dh 125=Sn ing a sweet perfume Dh 58; DhA i.445. -gavesin longing for
662; Vism 274, 488 (°rūpā). fine, exquisite D ii.17, 188; Miln purity S i.205; DhA iii.354. -ghaṭika read sūcighaṭikā at Vin
313; susukhuma, very subtle Th 1, 71=210 (° — nipuṇattha ii.237. -ghara Vin ii.301 sq.; see sūcighara. -jātika of clean
— dassin); cp. sokhumma; khoma — °, kappāsa — °, kam- descent J ii.11. -bhojana pure food Sn 128. -mhita having a
bala — ° (n.?) the finest sorts of linen, cotton stuff, woolwork pleasant, serene smile Vv 18 ; 50 ; 64 ; VvA 96, 280 (also
(resp.) Miln 105. — Der. sokhumma. explained as a name); J iv.107. -vasana wearing clean, bright
-acchika fine — meshed D i.45; DA i.127; Ap 21 (jāla). clothes Sn 679.
-diṭṭhi subtle view It 75. -dhāra with fine edge Miln 105.
Sucimant (adj.) [suci+mant] pure, an epithet of the Buddha A
Sukhumaka=sukhuma Ps i.185. iv.340.
Sukhumatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. sukhuma] fineness, delicacy D ii.17 Sujā (f.) [Vedic sruc, f.] a sacrificial ladle D i.120, 138; S i.169;
sq. DA i.289, 299.
Sukhumāla (adj.) [cp. Sk. su — kumāra] tender, delicate, Sujjhati [śudh which the Dhtp (417) defines as "soceyye," i. e.
refined, delicately nurtured A i.145; ii.86 sq.; iii.130; Vin from cleansing] to become clean or pure M i.39; S i.34, 166;
i.15, 179; ii.180; beautifully young, graceful J i.397; Sn Nd 85; Vism 3; cp. pari°. — pp. suddha. — Caus. sodheti
298; samaṇa — ° a soft, graceful Samaṇa A ii.87; fem. (q. v.).
sukhumālinī Th 2, 217; Miln 68, & sukhumālī J vi.514.
Sujjhana (nt.) [fr. sujjhati] purification Vism 44.
Sukhumālatā (f.) [abstr. fr. sukhumāla] delicate constitution J
Suñña (adj.) [cp. Sk. śūnya, fr. Vedic śūna, nt., void] 1. empty,
v.295; DhA iii.283 (ati°).
uninhabited D i.17; ii.202; S i.180; iv.173; DA i.110; Miln
Sukheti [Caus. fr. sukha] to make happy D i.51; S iv.331; DA 5. — 2. empty, devoid of reality, unsubstantial, phenome-
i.157; also sukhayati DhsA 117; Caus. II. sukhāpeti D ii.202; nal M i.435; S iii.167; iv.54, 296; Sn 1119; Nd 439 (loka).
Miln 79. — pp. sukhita. — 3. empty, void, useless M i.483; S iv.54, 297; Dāvs v.17;
Miln 96; Vism 594 sq. (of nāmarūpa, in simile with suñña
Sugata [su+gata] faring well, happy, having a happy life after
dāruyanta). suññasuñña empty of permanent substance Ps
death (gati): see under gata; cp. Vism 424 (s.= sugati — gata).
ii.178; asuñña not empty Miln 130. — nt. suññaṁ emptiness,
Freq. Ep. of the Buddha (see Dict. of Names).
annihilation, Nibbāna Vism 513 (three nirodha — suññāni);
-angula a Buddha — inch, an inch according to the stan- 2
abl. °to from the point of view of the "Empty" Nd 680 (long
dard accepted by Buddhists Vin iv.168. -ālaya imitation of
exegesis of suññato at Sn 1119); Vism 512; VbhA 89, 261;
the Buddha J i.490, 491; ii.38, 148, 162; iii.112. -ovāda a
KhA 74.
discourse of the Blessed one J i.119, 349; ii.9, 13, 46; iii.368.
-āgāra an empty place, an uninhabited spot, solitude Vin
-vidatthi a Buddha — span, a span of the accepted length Vin
i.97, 228; ii.158, 183; iii.70, 91 sq.; D i.175; ii.86; 291, M i.33;
iii.149; iv.173. -vinaya the discipline of the Buddha A ii.147.
S iv.133, 359 sq.; A iii.353; iv.139, 392, 437; v.109, 207, 323
Sugati (f.) [su+gati] happiness, bliss, a happy fate (see detail un- 2
sq.; It 39; J iii.191; Miln 344; Vism 270; Nd 94. -gāma an
der gati) Vin ii.162, 195; D i.143; ii.141; Pug 60; It 24, 77, empty (deserted) village (in similes) Vism 484; VbhA 48; Dhs
112; A iii.5, 205; v.268; Vism 427 (where def as "sundarā
597; DhsA 309; °tthāna Vism 353; VbhA 57.
gati" & distinguished fr. sagga as including "manussagati,"
Suññata (adj.) [i. e. the abl. suññato used as adj. nom.] void,
whereas sagga is "devagati"); VbhA 158; DhA i.153. — sug-
empty, devoid of lusts, evil dispositions, and karma, but es-
gati (in verses), Dh 18; D ii.202 (printed as prose); J iv.436
(=sagga C.); vi.224. Kern, Toev. ii.83 expl suggati as svar- pecially of soul, ego Th 2, 46; ThA 50; Dhs 344; Mhvs 37,

Suññata Sutta

7; nibbāna DhsA 221; phassa S iv.295; vimokkha Dh 92; (text sussu — ).
DhA ii.172; Miln 413; vimokkha samādhi, and samāpatti
Suṇisā (f.) [Vedic snuṣā; cp. Gr. νυός; Ohg. snur; Ags. snoru;
Vin iii.92 sq.; iv.25 sq.; samādhi (contemplation of emptiness,
Lat. nurus] a daughter-in-law Vin i.240; iii.136; D ii.148; M
see Cpd. 216) D iii.219 (one of. three samādhis); S iv.360, 5
i.186, 253; J vi.498; Vv 13 (=puttassa bhariyā VvA 61); DhA
363; Miln 337; anupassanā Ps ii.43 sq.
i.355; iv.8; Pv ii.46 (pl. suṇisāyo, so read for sūtisāye). —
Suññatā (f.) [abstr. fr. suñña] emptiness, "void," unsub- suṇhā the same Vin ii.10; A iv.91; Th 2, 406; J ii.347; vi.506;
stantiality, phenomenality; freedom from lust, ill — will, and Pv iv.3. 43
dullness, Nibbāna M iii.111; Kvu 232; DhsA 221; Nett 118 1
Suta [pp. of suṇāti; cp. Vedic śruta] 1. heard; in special sense
sq., 123 sq., 126; Miln 16; Vism 333 (n'atthi; suñña; vivitta;
"received through inspiration or revelation"; learned; taught
i, e. abhāva, suññatā, vivitt'— ākāra), 578 (12 fold, relating to
A 97 sq.; D iii.164 sq., 241 sq.; freq. in phrase "iti me sutaṁ"
the Paṭiccasamuppāda), 653 sq.; VbhA 262 (atta°, attaniya°,
thus have I heard, I have received this on (religious) authority,
e. g. It 22 sq. — (nt.) sacred lore, inspired tradition, revela-
-pakāsana the gospel of emptiness DA i.99, 123;
tion; learning, religious knowledge M iii.99; A i.210 sq.; ii.6
-paṭisaṁyutta relating to the Void, connected with Nibbāna sq.; S iv.250; J ii.42; v.450, 485; Miln 248. — appa-ssuta
A i.72=iii.107=S ii.267; DA i.100 sq.; Miln 16; -vihāra
one who has little learning A ii.6 sq., 218; iii.181; v.40, 152;
dwelling in the concept of emptiness Vin ii.304; M iii.104, bahu-ssuta one who has much learning, famous for inspired
294. See on term e. g. Cpd. 69; Kvu trsl 142, n. 4.
knowledge A ii.6 sq.; iii.113 sq., 182 sq., 261 sq.; S ii.159.
Suññatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. suñña] emptiness, the state of being See bahu. asuta not heard Vin i.238; Pv iv.1 ; J iii.233; also
devoid DhsA 221. as assuta J i.390 (°pubba never heard before); iii.233. — na
Suṭṭhu (indecl.) [cp. Sk. suṣṭhu, fr. su°] well; the usual C. expl n suta pubbaṁ a thing never heard of before J iii.285. dussuta
of the prefix su PvA 19, 51, 52, 58, 77, 103 etc.; s. tāta well, M i.228; sussuta M iii.104. — 2. renowned J ii.442.
-ādhāra holding (i. e. keeping in mind, preserving) the
father J i.170; s. kataṁ you have done well J i.287; DA i.297;
sacred learning J iii.193; vi.287. -kavi a Vedic poet, a poet
suṭṭhutaraṁ still more J i.229; SnA 418.
of sacred songs A ii.230. -dhana the treasure of revelation D
Suṭṭhutā (f.) [abstr. fr. suṭṭhu] excellence A i.98 sq.; Nett 50.
iii.163, 251; A iii.53; iv.4 sq.; VvA 113. -dhara remember-
Suṇa "dog," preferable spelling for suna, cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 93 . ing what has been heard (or taught in the Scriptures) A ii.23
(+°sannicaya); iii.152, 261 sq. -maya consisting in learning
Suṇāti (suṇoti) [śru, Vedic śṛṇoti; cp. Gr. κλέω to praise; Lat.
(or resting on sacred tradition), one of the 3 kinds of knowl-
clueo to be called; Oir. clunim to hear; Goth. hliup attention,
edge (paññā), viz. cintā-mayā, s. -m., bhāvanā-mayā paññā
hliuma hearing, and many others] to hear. Pres. suṇāti D i.62, d
D iii.219; Vbh 324 (expl at Vism 439); as °mayī at Ps i.4, 22
152; S v.265; Sn 696; It 98; Miln 5. — suṇoti J iv.443; Pot.
sq.; Nett 8, 50, 60. -ssava far — renowned (Ep. of the Bud-
suṇeyya Vin i.7; D i.79; suṇe J iv.240; Imper. suṇa S iii.121;
sunāhi Sn p. 21; suṇohi D i.62; Sn 997; 3 sg. suṇātu Vin dha) Sn 353.
i.56; 1 pl. suṇāma Sn 354; suṇoma Sn 350, 988, 1110; Pv Suta [Sk. suta, pp. of sū (or su) to generate] son Mhvs 1, 47;
iv.1 . — 2 nd pl. suṇātha D i.131; ii.76; It 41; Sn 385; PvA fem. sutā daughter, Th 2, 384.
13. suṇotha Sn 997; Miln 1. — 3 pl. suṇantu Vin i.5; — 1
Sutatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. suta ] the fact of having heard or learnt
ppr. sunanto Sn 1023; DA i.261; savaṁ J iii.244. — inf.
SnA 166.
sotuṁ D ii.2; Sn 384; suṇitum Miln 91. — Fut. sossati D 2
ii.131, 265; J ii.107; J ii.63; Ap 156; VvA 187; 1 sg. sus- Sutappaya (adj.) [su+grd. of tappati ] easily contented A i.87;
saṁ Sn 694. — 2 nd sg. sossi J vi.423. — aor. 1 sg. assuṁ Pug 26 (opp. dut°).
J iii.572. — 2 nd sg. assu J iii.541. — 3 sg. suṇi J iv.336; Sutavant (adj.) [suta +vant] one who is learned in religious
assosi D i.87, 152; Sn p. 103; 1 pl. assumha J ii.79. — 2 nd knowledge Vin i.14; A ii.178; iii.55; iv.68, 157; S iii.57; Tikp
pl. assuttha S i.157; ii.230. 3 pl. assosuṁ Vin i.18; D i.111. 279; Sn 70 (=āgama — sampanna SnA 124), 90, 371; suta-
— ger. sutvā Vin i.12; D i.4; Sn 30. sutvāna Vin i.19; D ii.30; vanta — nimmita founded by learned, pious men Miln 1; as-
Sn 202. suṇitvā J v.96; Mhvs 23, 80. suṇiya Mhvs 23, 101. sutavant, unlearned M i.1 (°vā puthujjano laymen); Dhs 1003;
— Pass. sūyati M i.30; J i.72, 86; Miln 152. suyyati J iv.141; A iii.54; iv.157.
J iv.160; v.459. 3 pl. sūyare J vi.528. — Grd. savanīya
Suti (f.) [cp. śruti revelation as opp. to smṛti tradition] 1. hearing,
what should be heard, agreeable to the ear D ii.211. sotabba
tradition, inspiration, knowledge of the Vedas Sn 839, 1078;
D i.175; ii.346. — pp. suta: see separately. — Caus. sāveti
Miln 3 (+sammuti); Mhvs 1, 3. — 2. rumour; sutivasena by
to cause to hear, to tell, declare, announce J i.344; Mhvs 5,
hearsay, as a story, through tradition J iii.285, 476; vi.100. —
238; PvA 200; VvA 66. nāmaṁ s. to shout out one's name
3. a sound, tone VvA 139 (dvāvīsati suti — bhedā 22 kinds of
Vin i.36; DA i.262; maṁ dāsī ti sāvaya announce me to be
your slave J iii.437; cp. J iv.402 (but see on this passage and
Sutitikkha (adj.) [fr. su+titikkhā] easy to endure J 524.
on J iii.198; vi.486 Kern's proposed reading sāṭeti); to cause
to be heard, to play D ii.265. Caus. also suṇāpeti DhA i.206. Sutta [pp. of supati] asleep Vin iii.117; v.205; D i.70; ii.130; Dh
— Desiderative sussūsati (often written sussūyati) D i.230; 47; It 41; J v.328. — (nt.) sleep D ii.95; M i.448; S iv.169.
M iii.133 (text sussūsanti), A iv.393 (do.). — ppr. sussusaṁ In phrase °-pabuddha "awakened from sleep" referring to the
Sn 189 (var. read., text sussussā); sussūsamāna Sn 383; aor. awakening (entrance) in the deva — world, e. g. Vism 314
sussūsiṁsu Vin i.10; fut. sussūsissanti Vin i.150; S ii.267 (brahmalokaṁ uppajjati); DhA i.28 (kanaka — vimāne nib-

Sutta Suna

batti); iii.7 (id.); cp. S i.143. & supita). Should we read su — poṭhita? Kern, Toev. ii.85
Sutta (nt.) [Vedic sūtra, fr. sīv to sew] 1. a thread, string D i.76; proposes su-pīta "well saturated" (with which cp. supāyita J
ii.13; Vin ii.150; Pv ii.11 (=kappāsiyā sutta PvA 146); J i.52. iv.118, said of a sword).
— fig. for taṇhā at Dhs 1059; DhsA 364. — kāḷa° a car- Sudaṁ (indecl.) [=Vedic svid, influenced by sma: see su ] a de-
penter's measuring line J ii.405; Miln 413; dīgha° with long ictic (seemingly pleonastic) particle in comb with demonstr.
thread J v.389; makkaṭa° spider's thread Vism 136; yantā° pronouns and adverbs; untranslatable, unless by "even, just,"
string of a machine VbhA 241. — Mentioned with kappāsa e. g. tapassī sudaṁ homi, lūkha ssudaṁ [sic] homi etc. M
as barter for cīvara at Vin iii.216. — 2. the (discursive, narra- i.77=J i.390; cp. itthaṁ sudaṁ thus Sn p. 59; tatra sudaṁ
tional) part of the Buddhist Scriptures containing the suttas or there Vin i.4, 34; iv.108; D i.87; ii.91; It 15; api ssudaṁ D
dialogues, later called Sutta — piṭaka (cp. Suttanta). As such ii.264; S i.119; api sudaṁ S i.113; sā ssudam S ii.255.
complementary to the Vinaya. The fanciful expl of the word
Sudda [cp. Vedic śūdra] (see detail under vaṇṇa 6) a Sūdra Vin
at DhsA 19 is: "atthānaṁ sūcanto suvuttato savanato 'tha sū-
ii.239; D i.104; iii.81, 95 sq. (origin); M i.384; A i.162; ii.194;
danato suttāṇā — sutta — sabhāgato ca suttaṁ Suttan ti akkhā-
S i.102; Pug 60; Sn 314; fem. suddī D i.241; A iii.226, 229;
taṁ." — D ii.124; Vin ii.97; VbhA 130 (+vinaya); SnA 159, Vin iii.133.
310 (compared with Vinaya & Abhidhamma). — 3. one of
Suddha [pp. of sujjhati] 1. clean, pure, Vin i.16; ii.152; D i.110;
the divisions of the Scriptures (see navanga) A ii.103, 178;
Sn 476. — 2. purified, pure of heart M i.39; Dh 125, 412; Sn
iii.177, 361 sq.; Miln 263. — 4. a rule, a clause (of the Pā-
90 — 3. simple, mere, unmixed, nothing but S i.135; DhsA
timokkha) Vin i.65, 68; ii.68, 95; iii.327. — 5. a chapter,
72; J ii.252 (°daṇḍaka just the stick).
division, dialogue (of a Buddh. text), text, discourse (see also
-antaparivāsa a probation of complete purification Vin
suttanta) S iii.221 (pl. suttā), 253; v.46; Nett 118; DhsA 28.
ii.59 sq. -ājīva clean livelihood VbhA 116; DhA iv.111.
suttaso chapter by chapter A v.72, 81; suttato according to the
-ājīvin living a pure life Dp 366. -ânupassin considering
suttas Vism 562=VbhA 173. — 6. an ancient verse, quotation
what is pure Sn 788; Nd 85. -āvāsa pure abode, name of a
J i.288, 307, 314. — 7. book of rules, lore, text book J i.194
heaven and of the devas inhabiting it D ii.50; Vism 392. Five
(go° lore of cows); ii.46 (hatthi° elephant trainer's handbook).
are enum at D iii.237, viz. Avihā, Atappā, Sudassā, Sudassī,
-anta 1. a chapter of the Scriptures, a text, a discourse,
Akaniṭṭhā; cp. M iii.103. -āvāsakāyika belonging to the pure
a sutta, dialogue Vin i.140 sq., 169; ii.75; iii.159; iv.344;
abode, epithet of the Suddhāvāsa devas Vin ii.302; D ii.253;
A i.60, 69, 72; ii.147; S ii.267=A iii.107 (suttantā kavi —
S i.26. -pīti whose joy is pure Mhvs 29, 49. -buddhi of
katā kāveyyā citt'akkharā cittavyañjanā bāhirakā sāvaka —
pure intellect J i.1. -vaṁsatā purity of lineage Mhvs 59, 25.
bhāsitā); Vism 246 sq. (three suttantas helpful for kāyagatā
-vasana wearing pure clothes Th 2, 338; ThA 239. -vālukā
sati). — 2. the Suttantapiṭaka, opp. to the Vinaya Vism 272
white sand Mhvs 19, 37. -sankhārapuñja a mere heap of
(°aṭṭhakathā opp. to Vinay'aṭṭhakathā). As °piṭaka e. g. at
sankhāras S i.135.
KhA 12; VbhA 431. See Proper Names. -kantikā (scil. it-
thi) a woman spinner PvA 75; as °kantī at J ii.79. -kāra a Suddhaka (nt.) [suddha+ka] a trifle, a minor offence, less than a
cotton — spinner Miln 331. -guḷa a ball of string D i.54; M Sanghādisesa Vin ii.67.
iii.95; Pv iv.3 ; PvA 145. -jāla a web of thread, a spider's Suddhatā (f.) [abstr. fr. suddha] purity Sn 435.
web Nd 260. -bhikkhā begging for thread PvA 145. -maya
Suddhatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. suddha] purity D ii.14; Vism 44.
made of threads, i. e. a net SnA 115, 263. -rajjuka a string of
threads Vism 253; VbhA 236. -lūkha roughly sewn together Suddhi (f.) [fr. śudh] purity, purification, genuineness, ster-
Vin i.287, 297. -vāda a division of the Sabbatthavādins Dpvs ling quality D i.54; M i.80; ii.132, 147; S i.166, 169, 182;
5, 48; Mhvs 5, 6; Mhbv 97. -vibhanga classification of rules iv.372; Th 2, 293; DhA iii.158 (v. l. visuddhi); VvA 60
Vin ii.97. Also title of a portion of the Vinaya Piṭaka. (payoga°); Vism 43 (fourfold: desanā°, saṁvara°, pariyeṭṭhi°,
paccavekkhaṇa°); Dhs 1005; Sn 478; suddhiṁvada stating pu-
Suttaka (nt.) [fr. sutta] a string Vin ii.271; PvA 145; a string of
rity, Sn 910; Nd 326; suddhināya leading to purity Sn 910.
jewels or beads Vin ii.106; iii.48; DhsA 321; a term for lust
Cp. pari°, vi°.
DhsA 364.
-magga the path of purification (cp. visuddhi°) S i.103.
Suttantika versed in the Suttantas. A suttantika bhikkhu is
Suddhika (adj.) [suddhi+ka] 1. connected with purification Dhs
one who knows the Suttas (contrasted with vinayadhara, who
519 — 522; udaka — s. pure by use of water S i.182; Vin
knows the rules of the Vinaya) Vin ii.75. Cp. dhamma C
i.196; udakasuddhikā (f.) cleaning by water Vin iv.262; susāna
1 & piṭaka. — Vin i.169; ii.75, 161; iii.159; J i.218; Miln
— s. fastidious in the matter of cemeteries J ii.54. — 2. pure,
341; Vism 41, 72, 93; KhA 151. -duka the Suttanta pairs, 1
simple; orthodox, schematized; justified Nd 89 (vatta°); Vism
the pairs of terms occurring in the Suttantas Dhs 1296 sq.; -
63 (ekato & ubhato), 64 (id.); DhsA 185 (jhāna).
vatthūni the physical bases of spiritual exercise in the Suttan-
tas Ps i.186. Sudhā (f.) [cp. Sk. sudhā] 1. the food of the gods, ambrosia
Sutti (f.) [cp. Sk. śukti, given as pearl — shell (Suśruta), and as J v.396; Vism 258=KhA 56 (sakkhara°). — 2. lime, plaster,
whitewash, cement Vin ii.154; °-kamma whitewashing, coat-
a perfume] in kuruvindakasutti a powder for rubbing the body
ing of cement J vi.432; Mhvs 38, 74.
Vin ii.107; see sotti.
Sutti (f.) [Sk. sūkti] a good saying Sdhp 340, 617. Suna [Sk. śūna, pp. of śū to swell] swollen Vin ii.253; A iv.275,
Suthita (?) beaten out, Miln 415 (with vv. ll. suthiketa, suphita

Suna Suyyati

Suna [Sk. śuna; see suvāṇa] a dog, also written suṇa J vi.353, Supoṭhita [su+poṭhita] well beaten; perhaps at Miln 415 for
357 (cp. sunakha). suthita (said of iron); (nt.) a good thrashing DhA i.48.
Sunakha [cp. Sk. śunaka; the BSk. form is also sunakha, e. g. Suppa [cp. Vedic śūrpa] a winnowing basket Ud 68; J i.502;
MVastu iii.361, 369] a dog A i.48; ii.122; Th 2, 509; J i.175, ii.428; Vism 109 (+sarāva), 123; Miln 282; DhA i.174 (kat-
189; ii.128, 246; PvA 151, 206. — rukkha° some sort of tara°); ii.131; Mhvs 30, 9. °-ka a toy basket, little sieve DhsA
animal J vi.538. fem. sunakhī a bitch J iv.400. — Names of 321 (+musalaka).
some dogs in the Jātakas are Kaṇha (or Mahā°) J iv.183; Catu-
Suppatā (f.) [fr. sūpa] in mugga-s. pea — soup talk, sugared
rakkha iii.535; Jambuka, Pingiya ibid.; Bhattabhuñjana ii.246.
words Miln 370. See under mugga.
Cp. suvāṇa.
Suppanta see under soppa.
Sunaggavellita [su+agga+vellita; perhaps originally suv —
Suplavattha at J v.408 is doubtful in spelling & meaning. Per-
agga°] beautifully curled at the ends (of hair) J vi.86.
haps to be read "suplavantaṁ" gliding along beautifully; C.
Sundara (adj.) [cp. Epic & Class. Sk. sundara] beautiful, good, expl as "sukhena plavan'atthaṁ."
nice, well J ii.11, 98; SnA 410, 493 (cp. parovara). It is very
Subbaca (adj.) [su+vaca] compliant, meek A iii.180. See also
frequent as Commentary word, e. g. for prefix su° PvA 57,
suvaca (under su°). Der. sovacassa.
77; VvA 111; for subha PvA 14, 44; for sādhu ṢnA 176; for
sobhana PvA 49; for seyyo PvA 130. Subbhū (adj.) [su+bhū, Sk. bhrū, see bhūkuṭi] having beautiful
eyebrows J iv.18 (=subhamukhā C.).
Supaṇṇa [Vedic suparṇa] "Fairwing" a kind of fairy bird, a myth-
ical creature (cp. garuḷa), imagined as winged, considered as Subha (adj.) [Vedic śubhas fr. subh; cp. sobhati] shining, bright,
foe to the nāgas D ii.259; S i.148; J i.202; ii.13, 107; iii.91, beautiful D i.76=ii.13=M iii.102; Dhs 250; DA i.221; auspi-
187, 188; vi.256, 257; Vism 155 (°rājā), 400; Nd 92, 448; cious, lucky, pleasant Sn 341; It 80; good Sn 824, 910; sub-
DhA i.280; PvA 272; DA i.51; Mhvs 14, 40; 19, 20. Four hato maññati to consider as a good thing Sn 199; J i.146; cp. S
kinds S iii.246. iv.111; (nt.) welfare, good, pleasantness, cleanliness, beauty,
pleasure; — vasena for pleasure's sake J i.303, 304; asubha
Supati (suppati, soppati) [svap; Vedic svapiti & svapati; svapna
sleep or dream (see supina), with which cp. Gr. υ῞πνος anything repulsive, disgusting or unpleasant S i.188; v.320;
subhâsubha pleasant and unpleasant Miln 136; J iii.243 (ni-
sleep=Av. xvafna, Lat. somnus, Ags. swefn. — Dhtp 481
raya=subhānaṁ asubhaṁ unpleasant for the good, C.); cp. be-
"saye"] to sleep; supati Sn 110; J ii.61 (sukhaṁ supati he
sleeps well); v.215; Pv ii.9 ; suppati S i.107; soppati S i.107, low subhāsubha.
-angana with beautiful courts J vi.272. -âsubha good
110; Pot. supe S i.111; ppr. supanto Vin i.15; ppr. med.
suppamāna J iii.404; aor. supi Miln 89 ; Vin ii.78; PvA 195 and bad, pleasant & unpleasant Dh 409=Sn 633. -kiṇṇa the
(sukhaṁ); inf. sottuṁ S i.111; pp. supita; also sutta & sotta. lustrous devas, a class of devas D ii 69; M i 2. 329, 390;
iii.102; A i.122; J iii.358; Kvu 207; also written °kiṇha A
Supāṇa [=suvāṇa] a dog D ii.295=M i.58, 88; Sn 201; Miln 147.
ii.231, 233; iv.40, 401; Vism 414, 420 sq.; VbhA 520; KhA
Spelt supāna at J iv.400.
86. -gati going to bliss, to heaven Mhvs 25, 115. -ṭṭhāyin
Supāyika J iv.118 (read: supāyita). See under su°. existing or remaining, continuing, in glory D i.17; DA i.110;
Supita [pp. of supati] sleeping; (nt.) sleep S i.198 (ko attho A v.60. -dhātu the element of splendour S ii.150. -nimitta
supitena)=Sn 331; SnA 338; Pv ii.6 (so read for supina?). auspicious sign, auspiciousness as an object of one's thought
M i 26; A i.3, 87, 200; S v.64, 103; Vism 20. -saññā percep-
Supina (m. & nt.) [Vedic svapna; the contracted P. form is soppa]
tion or notion of what is pleasant or beautiful Nett 27. Opp.
a dream, vision D i.9, 54; S i.198; iv.117 (supine in a dream; asubhasaññā concept of repulsiveness A i.42; ii.17; iii.79;
v. l. supinena); Sn 360, 807, 927; Nd 126; J i.334 sq., 374; iv.46; v.106. See asubha. -saññin considering as beautiful
v.42; DA i.92, 164; Vv 44 ; VbhA 407 (by 4 reasons), 408
A ii.52.
(who has dreams); DhA i.215. The five dreams of the Bud-
Subhaga (adj.) [su+bhaga] lucky; °karaṇa making happy or
dha A iii.240; J i.69. dussupina an unpleasant dream J i.335;
beloved (by charms) D i.11; DA i.96. — Der. sobhagga
PvA 105 (of Ajātasattu); mangala° a lucky dream J vi.330;
mahā°ṁ passati to have (lit. see) a great vision J i.336 sq. Sumanā the great — flowered jasmine J i.62; iv.455; DhA iv.12.
(the 16 great visions); °ṁ ādisati to tell a dream Nd 381. — In composition sumana°.
Supina at Pv ii.6 read supita. -dāma a wreath of jasmine J iv.455. -paṭṭa cloth with
-anta [anta pleonastic, cp. ThA 258 "supinam eva jasmine pattern J i.62. -puppha j. flower Miln 291; VvA
supinantaṁ"] a dream; abl. °ante in a dream Th 2, 394; J 147. -makula a j. bud DhA iii.371. -mālā garland of j.
v.328 (spelt suppante; C. sopp°; expl as "supinena"); instr. VvA 142.
°antena id. Vin ii.125; iii.112; J v.40; vi.131; ThA 258; KhA Sumarati see sarati .
175; SnA 80. -pāṭhaka a dream — teller, astrologer Nd 381.
Sumbhati (& sumhati) [sumbh (?), cp. Geiger, P.Gr. 60, 128.
-sattha science of dream — telling, oneiromantics SnA 564.
The Dhtm (306 & 548) only says "saṁsumbhane." The BSk.
Supinaka [supina+ka] a dream Vin ii.25; D ii.333; M i.365; J
form is subhati MVastu i.14] to push, throw over, strike J
v.354; DA i.92.
iii.185 (sumh°); vi.549. — pp. sumbhita. — Cp. ā°, pari°.
Supīta read Miln 415 for suthita (Kern's suggestion). See under
Sumbhita [pp. of sumbhati] knocked over, fallen (over) PvA 174.

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