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• PRICE 1016.
(0:UE~Hl7Ili GUIDE ~ E(0(ZlrESH7I31FI(07II1 DII{E(0T.OI{Y,
London: KELLY & CO.,
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Published Annually.
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PRICE, 16s.
•• XV
Stanley grange, Sir Gerald Seymour Vesey Fit7..-Gerald Opdown house, Hon. Waiter Henry James M.P., D.L.,
J[.C.I.&, C.B.I. see Plaxtole..................................... 487 I.P.. see Ham .......................... ,. .......................... 336
Stapleton, Sir Thomas George Augustus Parkyns 1 Upper Newlands, Robert Lake esq. see Teynham......... 628
n.L., J.P. see Beckenham .................................... 43. Upton house, ·waiter James Green esq. see Worth ...... 698
Stede hill, ~ornwallis Philip Wykeham-Martin esq. J.P. 1 Vale Mascal, Leona~d Shuter esq. see North Cray --- .. 185
see Harnetsham ................................................ 337 Valence, Norman Watney esq. J.P. see Westerham ...... 667
Stone castle, Murray Maxwell Johnson esq. see Stone... 6o4 Villa Veta, Right Hon. Earl Granville K.G., P.C., n.c.L.1
Stone house, St. Martin's, Mrs. Coutts, see Canterbury 131 D.L. see KinR"sdown (near Deal) ........................... 36:}
Stone Ness, Arthr. Chas. Ramsden esq. J.P. see Ashurst 33 Vinters, Mrs. Whatman, see Boxley ....._................. 77
Stone park, Thomas Bevan esq. D.L., J.P. see Stone .•. 604 Waldershare park,Countess of Guilford,see Waldershare 662
Stone Wall, Harrington Evans Broad esq. see Chidding- Walmer castle, The Right Hon. Earl Granville K.G.,
sWne ................................................................ 170 P.C. see Walmer .................................................. 662
Street End house, Jn. Baker White esq. J.P. see Petham 486 Waiter's hall, George Alfred Collett esq. see Monkton... 463
Strode park, Chas. Wm. Prescott-Westcar J.P. see Herne 343 Wa.teringburyPlace,Lieut.-Col.Horatio David Davies J .P.
Summer hill, Rev. Arthur Wilkin M:.A. see Tenterden... 624 see Wateringbury ............................................. ,_ 665
Sorrenden Dering, Sir Edward Cholmelcy Dering hart. Weirleigh, Alfred Bassoon esq. see Brenchley ............ So
D.L., J.P. see Pluckley.......................................... 488 West Cliff house, Jn. Hy. Warre esq. J.P. see Ramsgate 500
Swanscombe Manor house, Robert Stewart esq. see , West Farleigh hall, Sir William l''itzherbert hart. D.L.,
Swanscombe ............................................ ,... ... 61 1 J. P. ~e West ~.,arleigh . .. ... . ... ... .. . ... ... ... .. . .. .. ... .. . ... 249
Swaylands, George Drummond esq. see Penshurst...... 485 Whiteness, James Abernethy J.P., C.E. see St. Peter's... 86
Swifts, Lieut.-Col. Boyd I<'rancis ~exander, see Cran- r Wickham court, Col. S~r John Farnaby Lennard hart.
brook .................................................. ,.,............. 181, D.L., J.P. soo WP.'It Wickham...................................... 678
Tankerton castle, Charles E. Newton-Robinson esq. see Wickha.m hall, Gustave Mellin esq. see West Wickham 678
Whitstable ......~..................................:........... 6]2 1 Wickhurst, Wm. Jas. Thompson J.P. see Sevenoaks Weald 564
Teynbam Court lodge, Henry Thomas Bensted esq. see Wierton park, William Moore esq. J.P. see Boughton
Teynham ........................... ". .. . ... ... .. . .. . ... .. . ... . .. .. . 628 Monchelsea ................... ~....... .. . . . . ... .. .. .. .. . . ... .. . ... 76
Theobalds, Mrs. Charles Rollings, see Hawkhurst ...... 339 Wildernesse park, Lord Hillingdon M.A., J.P. see Seal, .. 554
Throwley house, Herbert Hordern esq. see Throwley •.• 629 Woodlands, William Waring esq. J.P. see Chelsfield ... 168
Thurnham court, Sir George FranciS Hampson hart. Woodside, Sir William Hy. Crundall kt. J.P. -see River 521
J.P. see Thurnham ............................................. 629 Woodside, Robert Robinson Drabble esq. see Sundndge 60]
Tongswood, William Cotterill esq. see Hawkhurst ...... 339 Woodstock, Edward Maxwell Twopeny esq. ,J.P. see
Torry Hill, Robt. Leigh Pemberton esq. J.P. see Lenham 387 Tunstall ......................................................... 66o
Trowswell, Ha.skett Smith esq. see Goudhurst ............ 293 Woollet hall, Frederick. Friend esq. see North Cray...... 185
Twysden, Dowager Lady Smith-Marriott, see Kilndown 368 Wootton court, Geo. Jsph. Murray esq. J.P. see Wootton 697
Ulcombe Place, l''rancis l<'ord esq. see Ulcombe............ 661 Yewhurst, Gainsford Bruce esq. Q.C., M.P. seeBromley 101
Underhill, Mrs. Denne, see Cheriton ........................ 169 Yotes court, Viscount Torrington, see Mereworth ...... 459
Acol Twenties, chapel of, Margate Boleyn, Sir Thomas, K.G. earl of Wilt- Castle Rough, Milton (Sittingbonrne) •
Adams, William, traveller, Gillingham shire &c. Hever Castlereagh, viscount (see Stewart)
Akers family, Yalding Bolcyn, Anne, queen, Hever Catherine of Arragon, queen, Faver-
Albemarle, earls of, Ashford Bonar, Mr. & Mrs. murder of, Chisle- sham, Greenwich
Alcher, Saxon earl, Broadstairs burst Catherine of Braganza, queen, Tun-
Aldington Place, Thurnham Booth, Sir Charles, Maidstone bridge Wells
Aldric, king of Kent, Little Mongeha.m Bore Place, Chiddingst<Jne Catigern, Aylesford
Alexandra Caroline, princess of Den- Bosenden Wood, riots at, Hernhill Caii Collis (see Keycol)
mark, Margate Rosvile, Sir Ralph, kt. Riverhead Cawne or Cayne, Sir Thomas, kt. and
Alfred the Great, Rochester, Milton Boswell family, Sevenoaks Cawne family, Ightham
(Sittingbourne) Boswell, Sir William, kt. Sevenoaks Celtic remains :-Sittingbourne
Alfstan, Saxon bishop of Rochester, Boteler family, Graveney Ceo,lred, king of Mercia, Coldred
Bromley Boughton, W. G. n.n. bishop of Sydney, Channel Tunnel, works of projected,
Alien, Sir John, Ightham Canterbury Hougham
Alphege, St. Canterbury Bourchier, Thomas, archbishop of Can- Chapman, John, D.D. Canterbury
Amherst family, Sevenoaks terbnry, Sevenoaks Chapman, Sir Robert, Stone (Dartford)
Anne of Cleves, queen, Dartford, Deal, Bowes, Sir Martin, kt. lord mayor, Charles I. king, Canterbury
Greenwich Woolwich Charles II. king, Deal, Rochester, New
Anselm, St. Canterbury Box, Godfrey, inventor, Dartford Romney
Ansley family, Lee Boxley Abbey, Boxley Charles II. landing of, Kingsgate,
Archer, Sir Anthony, kt. Headcorn Boyle family, Faversham Broadstairs, Faversham, Greenwich
Archiepiscopal residences :-Aldington, Boyle, Michael, D.D. bishop of Cork, Chatham, William Pitt, earl of, Hayes
Bekesbourne, Charing, Gillingham, Canterbury Chatillon, Odet de Coligni, cardinal,
Maidstone, Otford, Stone, Wrotham Boys, Sir John, kt. & Boys family, Can- Canterbury
"Arethusa," training ship, Greenhithe terbury (2), Goodnestone, Hawkhurst Cheney Bank, Minster (Sheppey)
Ashford, barons, Ashford Boys, Thomas & Sarah, Deal, Berne Cheney, Sir Thomas, kt. K.G. Minster
Athelstan, king, Sandwich Bradsole Abbey, Poulton (Sheppey)
Athletic contests, Chilham Bradst<Jw, Reculver Chesterfield, Philip Dormer. Stanhope,
Athol, Elizabeth (Ferrers), countess of, Braybrooke,Sir Reginald, kt. Cobham 4th earl of, Blackheath
Ashford Brett, Sir Robert, kt. West Malling "Chichester," training ship, Greenhithe
Atterbury, Francis, S.T.P. bishop of Bridges family, Goodnestone Chillington House, Maidstone
Rochester, Bromley British remains :-Crayford, Keston, Christchurch Priary, Monkton, Petham
Audley, baron (see Touchet) Petham, Wrotham Churches, ruined: - Acol, Bircholt,
Aylesford, earls of, Aylesford Brockhill family, Saltwood Broadstairs, Court-at-Street, Dane,
.Bacon, Sir Nicholas, kt. Chislehurst .Brockman family, Newington (Hythe) Denton, Hope All Saints, Burst,
Badlesmere family, Badlesmere IBrome, viscount (see Cornwallis) Lidsing, Little Mongeham, Manston
Eaker, Sir John, kt. Cranbrook, Sissing- IBrooke family, Ash, Cobham Warden,Maplescombe Buckland, Mid-
burst Brydges, Sir Egerton, hart. Canterbury ley, Oxney Davington, Poult<Jn, Salm-
Eanks, Sir John, Aylesford, Maidstone Buenos Ayres, Margate stone, Seasalter, West Hythe
Earham,Rev.Richard Harris(Ingoldsby), Bunce, John, aldermaa of London, Chute, Sir George, l:Jart. Bethersden
Canterbury Otterden Cibber, Colley, poet & dramatist, Tun-
Barbam Downs, Kingstone Burntwick, Upchurch bridge Wells
Battle Hall, Leeds Burrells, barons Gwydyr, Beckenham Clappernappers Hole, Swanscombe
Eayard, Pierre du Terrail, the Chevalier, Butler, - , marquess of Ormonde, Ul- Clarenee, Thomas Plantagenet, duke of,
Woolwich combe Canterbury
&yham Abbey, Lamberhurst Bwlloyen, Sir Thomas, kt. Penshurst Clarke family, Kingsnorth, Woodchurch
Beaufort, Sir Thomas, kt. duke of Byng, Hon. Frances E. Merewortb. Clement, Sir Richard, kt. Ightham
Exeter & earl of Dorset, Greenwich Bynne, Queenborough Cl eves, Anne of, queen, Dartford
Beaufort, John, 1st Marquess of Dorset, Cade, Jack, rebel leader, Blackheath, Cobham, George Brooke, baron, K.G.
Canterbury Rochester, Sevenoaks Cobham
Beaufort, John, xst duke of Somerset, Cresar's Well, Keston Cobham, Henry de, Shorne
Canterbury Calins or Callis Grange, Broadstairs Cobham, John, esq. Hever
Becket's Well, Otford Call, Sir John, hart. M.P. Lee Cobham, Reginald, Hever
Bedingfield, Capt. T. Dymchurch Camden, earls & marquesses (see Pratt) Colebrooke family, Cbilham
Bellenden, Mary, duchess of Argyll Camden, William, antiquary, Bexley, Colepeper, Sir Alex. kt. Goudhurst
Berens family, Sidcup Chislehurst Colepepper family,Aylesford,Goudhurst,
Beresford, Sir William Carr Beresford, Campbell, Mary, lady, death of, Headcorn, Hollingbourne, Nonington,
viscount, Kilndown Sundridge West Peckham
Bertha, queen, Canterbury (2) Campeggio, Lorenzo, cardinal, reception Colfe, Rev. Abraham, school founder,
Bewsfield, Whitfield of, Blackheath Blackheath
Bexhill, Milton (Sittingbourne) Canute, king, Aylesford, Gillingham Colonna, Prosper, cardinal, Lydd
Bexley, baron (see Vansitta.rt) Carmelites, Aylesford Coly, Thomas, warden of Holy Trinity
Black Canons, Tonbridge Carter, Mrs. Elizabeth, authoress, Deal College, Bredgar
Black Prince, Edward the, Canterbury Casaubon Isaac, scholar, Canterbury Connaught, duke of, K.G. Blackheath
Black Friars (Dominicans), Canterbury Castle, Dr. Edmund, dean of Hereford, Conyugham, marquesses&; earls, Patrix-
Bligh, John, fourth earl of Darnley, Canterbury bourne
Sandgate Castles :-Cooling, Dover, Eynsford, Cork, Richard Boyle, earl of, Canterbury
Blue Bell Hill, Aylesford Gillingham, Hever, Queenborough, Cornwall, earl of (see Eltham)
Boddingham, Sir William, Biddenden Richborough, Rochester, Sandgate, Cornwallis, Charles James, visconn'
Boleyn, Sir Geoffry, lord mayor, Hever Sandown, Saltwood, Sissinghurst, Brome, Linton
Boleyn, George, viscount Rochford, Stone (Dartford), Studfall, Sutton Cosenton family, Aylesford
Hever Valence, Thnrnham, Tonbridge Cosway, Sir William, kt. Bilsington
Countless Stones, the, Aylesford! Dutch fleet, attacks by the, Rochester, Gibbons, Orlando, ~nsical composer,
Courtenay, William, archbishop. of Can- Isle of Sb.eppey Canterbury
terbnry, Meopham, Saltwood Dysart, Maria, countess of, Keston Gibbs, Sir Vicary, kt. judge, Hayes
Cowper, barons Wingham, Wingham Eadulf, Saxon duke, Darenth Gideon, Sir Sampson, hart. baron Eard-
Craggs, James, postmaster general, Eardley, baron (see Gideon) ley, Erith
Charlton Edgar, king, Bromley, Plumstead Gifford, John, historian & biographer,
Craik, Mrs. G. L. (nee Muloch), Edgeworth, Maria,authoress,Goudhnrst Bromley .
authoress, Keston Ediva, queen, Monkton Gloucester, duke of (see Plantagenet)
Cranworth, baron (see Rolfe) Edmund Ironside, Aylesford,Gillingha.m Gloucester, Princess Sophia of, Black-
Cribb, Tom, boxer, Woolwich Edred, king, Reculvor heath •
Crispe, Sir Henry, kt. Rirchington Edward theConfessor,Sandwich,Westwll Gloucester, Eleanor (Cobha.m) duchess
Crispe, Sir Nicholas, kt. Westgate-on-Sea Edward L marriage of, Canterbury of, BroJmfield
Crog Dick, inlet, Isle of Sheppey Edward II. Eltham, Reculver Glover Thomas, antiquary, Ashford
Cromer, Sir John, kt. Tunstall Edward Ill. Dartford, Eltham Godard's Castle, Thurnham
Cromwell, Thomas, baron, Headcorn Edward IV. Greenwich Godfrey family, Lydd, Norton
Crystal Palace, Sydenham Edward VI. Greenwich Godfrey, Sir Edmundbury, kt. Norton
Cnlmer, Richard, iconoclast, Canterbury Egbert, king of Kent, Westgate-on-Sea. Goldstone, prior, Canterbu-ry
Curlew, ringing of, St. Margaret-at- Elizabeth, queen, Canterbury, Dartford, Goldwell family, Great Chart
Cliffe, Minster Dover, Faversham, Greenwich, River- Goodwin Sands, Deal, Tenterden
Dacre family, Lee head, Rochester, New Romney, Sand- Gorsley Wood,tumuli in, Bi3hopsbourne
D'Aeth, Elizabeth, lady, & D'Aeth gate, Sittingbourne Goshall, Sir John, Ash (Sandwich)
family, Knowlton Ellenborough, Octavia Catherine, coun- Gough, John B. temperance orator,
Dallison family, Lower Halling tess of, North Cray Sandgate
Dane John, the, Canterbury Eltham, John (Plantagenet) of, Earl of Gray, Stephen, electrician, Otterden
Danish remains :-Kenardington, Milton Cornwall, Eltham Gregory family, St. Mary's
(Sittingbourne) Elys, Sir Thomas, priest, Shorne Grey, Richard, lord, Aylesford
Darell family, Little C:hart Elys, Thomas, founder, Sandwich Grey l!'riars (I<'ranciscans), Canterbury
Darnley, earl of (see Bligh) Emancipation Oak, Keston Gunning, Peter, D.D. bishop of Ely,
Daundelyon family, Westgate-on-Sea Ercombert, king of Kent, Minster, I. of Canterbury
Davington Priory, Faversham Sheppey Gybbon, Edmund, Benenden
de Bettrinden family, Sandgate Etching Hill, Lyminge Eiackendown, tumuli at, Broadstairs
de Blois, Eustace, l!'aversham Ethelbert, king of Kent, Canterbury, Haisberk, Sir Nicholas, kt. Cobham
de Bryene, Sir William, kt. Seal Reculver, Uochester, Sturry Haldene, Saxon prince, Petham
de Clare, Richard, 1st earl of Hertford, Ethelred, king of 1\'lercia, Rochester, Hales, Sir Edward, hart, Canterbury
Tonbridge Stone ( Dartford (Hackington)
de Corbeuil, ·william, archbishop of Engeham, Sir Edward, kt. Goodnestone Hales' Place, Tcnterden
Canterbury, Minster (Sheppey) Exeter, duke of (see Beaufort) Halley, Edmund, n.c.L. astronomer,Lee
de Gravesend, Sir Stephen, kt. Nurstead l<'airfax Thomas, baron, Maidstone Hardinge, Rev. Sir Charles, hart. Ton-
de Gravesend, Richard, bishop of Lon- falconer, Matthias, Brabant manufac- bridge
don, Nurstead turer, Isle of Sheppey Hardres family, IIardres
de Grey, Richard, Aylesford Falstaff (Shakespeare's), Higham Harflete alias Septvans family, Ash
de Hever, Thomas, Hever l<'arnaby,Thomas,M.A.scholar,Sevenoaks Harlakynden family, Woodchurch
de Leybourne, Sir Roger, kt. Leybourne l<'arnborough, baron (see Long) Harley, Thomas, esq. lord mayor,Broad-
de Lucy, Sir Richard, kt. justiciar, Faversham nunnery, Reculver stairs
Newin~n, Plumstead Fermor, Sir Edward, kt. and Fermor Harris, George, 1st baron, Throwley
de Montfort, Simon, earl of Leicester, family, Sevenoaks Hart, Sir George, kt. Lullingstone
Rochester Filmer family, East Sutton Hart, Sir Percyval, kt. Lullingstone
de Meopham, Simon, archbishop of Finch, Sir Heneage, kt. Eastwell Harvey William, M.D. Canterbury,
Canterbury, Meopham Finch, Sir John, kt. baron Fordwich :Folkestone, Willesburough
de Moreville, Hugh, Canterbury Finch, Sir Moyle, kt. Eastwell Harwich, borough of, Whitstable
Denne, John, D.D. antiquary,Canterbury Finch, Hon. Daniel, Canterbury Hawkesworth, John, LL.D. Bromley
de Northwood, Sir Roger, kt. Minster Finch Den, Tenterden Hawkins, Sir Thomas, Boughton
(Sheppey) Finch,Margaret,gipsy queen,Beckenham Heath family, Brasted
Deuton, Sir Anthony, kt. Tonbridge r'inch, Thomas, l<'aversham Hengist, Saxon chieftain, Canterbury
de Pentchester, Sir Stephen, kt. Penshurst Finnis, T. Q. alderman, Hythe Henniker, Sir John, bart. first baron.
Dering family, Pluckley Fitzurse, Reginald, Canterbury Rochester
de Rokesby, 8ir Robert, kt. Headcorn Fleet Creek, Isle of Sheppey Henley family, Otham
de Ruyter,Dutch admiral, Isle of Sheppey Flemish cherries, Teynharu Henrietta Maria, queen, Cante1 bury,._
de Septvans, Sir Robert, kt. Chartham Flemish settlP.rs, Sandwich Tunbridge Wells
de Spenser family, Mere worth Fogge, Str John, kt. & Thomas esq. Ash- Henry Ill. Teynham
de Tracy, Reginald, Canterbury ford, Chartham Henry IV. Canterbury (Shakespeare's),,
de Wmg:ham, Henry, bishop of London, Forge, John, esq. Brenzett Higham, Sandgate
Wingham Fote, Godwin, Foot's Cray Henry V. reception of, Blackheath
de Woodchurch, Sir Simon, kt. & Wood- Fordwich, baron (see Finch) Henry VI. reception of, lllackheath,
church family, Woodchurch Foreland, North (Promontorium Acan- Tenteden
Dickens, Charles. Higham, Rochester tium), Broadstairs Henry VII. Eltham
Digges, Sir Dudley, kt. Chilham Fort Pitt, Rochester Henry VIII. Dartford, Eltham, Green--
Dorset, earl of (see Beaufort & Sackville) Fowle, Sir John, kt. Sandhurst wich
Dorset, marquess of (see Beaufort) Fox, Chas. Jas. statesman, Broadstairs Herschel,SirJohn :F. W.bart. Hawkhurst,
Dourb1•yj, DurobrotJis & DurobrO'VUm, France, King John of, Canterbury Hertford, earl of (see de Clare)
Rochester France, Prince Imperial of, Ghislehurst Hesill, William, judge, Dartford
Dover, bishops of, Canterbury & Woolwich Heynys, John, llirch1ngton
Draper, Sir William, kt. Crayford Frederick II. emperor of Germany, Hislop, Sir Thomas, Charlton
Druidical remains :-Chiddingstone marriage of, Dartford Hoadley, Benjamin, bishop of Win~
Drummond, Rt. Hon. Sir Wm...M.P. Lee Frenchfamtly, Bromley chester, Westerham
Drnry, Sir Drew, kt. Lynsted Frewen, Accepted, archbishop of York, Hoare, Prince, F.S.A.. artist & author,
Dubris or Dour, river, Dover Canterbury Chislehurst
Dumpton Stairs, Broadstairs, Ramsgate Frith, John, martyr, Westerham Hoare, lady 1\iary, Staplehurst
Dunblane, James Wedderbnrn, bishop l<'urnese, Sir Henry, & i<'urnese family, Holland, Henry, 1st baron, Broadstairs
of, Canterbury Waldershare Holland, Marg-.J.ret, Canterbury
Dnncombe, Rev. Thomas, antiquary, Fyneux, Sir John, kt. Herne Holwood, Hill, Keston
Canterbury Gardner, admiral, c.B. Lee Honywood, Anthony, Lenham
Dungeness, Lydd Garrick, David, actor, Tunbridge Wel:s ·Honywood, Sir Courtenay, bart.Elmsted
Dunk, Sir Thomas, Hawkhurst Gay family, Elrnstead Honywood, Sir John, bart. Smeeth
Duppa family, Hollingbourne, Stoke Geary family, West Peckham Hooker, Richard, M.A. Bishopsbourne
Durand -,dean of Jersey, Canterbury Geological remains :-Erith,Folkestone, Horn Fair, Charlton
Durham, earl of (see Lambton) :Maidstone, Isle of Sheppey, Sitting- Horne, George D.D. bishop of Norwich,
Durovernum, Canterbury bourne, ~tone (Dilrtford) Otham
K. s.- & s. b
Hornley, John, B.D. Dartford Marsh, Herbert, n.n. bishop of Peter- Peel, Sir Robert, hart. Cha.rlton
Horsa, Saxon chieftain, Aylesford borough, Canterbury Pegge, Samuel, n.c.L. antiquary, Can-
Horsley, Samuel, LL.D. bishop of Martin, Sir George, kt. admiral, Lee terbury
Rochester, Bl'omley Mary, queen of France, Faversbam Penenden Heath, Boxley
Hroffeceaster, Rochester Mary I. queen of England, Fa.versham, Perceval, Right Hon. Spencer, P.c., H.P.
Huda, Saxon earl, Broadstairs Green "'ich Cbarlton
Huge..~en family, Lynsted Mayne, Sir Thomas, Biddenden Petit family, Boughton
Ilumphreys, Sir William, kt. & hart. Mean, the, High Halstow Phelip, Matthew, lord mayor, Herne
Hever Menil, Sir Waiter, kt. Lydd Philip I!. king of Spain, J<'aversham
Huntingtower, William Licmel l<'elix, Metropolitan Asylum Schools, Darenth Philippa of Hainault, queen, Queen-
lol'd, Keston Michelham Priory, Cooling borough
Hutchinson, Colonel John, Deal Milner family, Aylesford Philpot, Sir John, kt. Gillingham
Iden, Pawle, Penshurst Mineral springs :-Leigh,Southborough, Filcher family, Swingfield
Isley, Sir Thomas, kt. Sundridge Tunbridge Wells Pilgrims' road, the,Chevening,Thurning
Ja.mes II. Rochester, Elmley Moddenden Priory, Headcorn Pitt, William, Hayes, Keston
Joanof Navarre, queen, Canterbury Mohun, Joan, lady, Canterbury Plantagenet, Humphrey, duke of Glou-
John IL king of France, Canterbury Molloy, Admiral, Shadoxhurst cestor, K.G. Greenwich
John, king of England, Hawkinge, Molyngton, Agnes, lady, Dartford Plantagenet,Isabella (princess),marriage
Roche:Jter Monastic remains :-Dartford, Faver- of, Dartford
Johnson, Dr. Samuel (wife of), Bromley, sham, Folkestone, Boxley, Cooling, Plantag-enet, Richard, Eastwell
Tunbridge Wells Headcorn, Lamberhurst, Leeds, Ly- Plott, Robert, LL.D. topographer, Borden
Johuson, Rev. John, M.A. theologian, minge, Lympne, West Mailing, Min- Plume, Thomas, s. T. P. archdeacon of
Canterbury ster, Newington (Sittingbourne), Rochester, Longfield
Jones, Inigo, works of, Charlton, Che Plumstead, Poulton, Recul ver, Ro- Polders, the, Sandwich
vening, Norton, Hheldwich chester, Minster (Isle of Sheppey), Pole, Reginald, cardinal, Canterbury
Judd, Sir Andl'ew, kt. Tonbridge Swingfield, Sutton-at-Hone Polhill family, Otford
Julius Ca!Sar, Blackheath i Monins family, Ringwould, Walder- Porteus, Beilby, n.n. bishop of London,
Kempe, John, cardinal archbishop of shard, Walmer . Ide Hill, Sundridge, Wittersham
Canterbury, Wye Monk, Eli7..abeth, centenarian, Bromley Portus lJubris, Dover
Kemsley Down, Milton (Sittingbourne) Monteagle baron (see Stanley) Portus Lemanus, Lympne
Kench Hill manor house, Tenterden Monypenny family, Rolvenden Powell, Sir Christopher,Bou.'5hton ~ion-
Kent Archreological Society, Maidstone Morden College, Blackheath che!sea
Kent, holy maid of, Canterbury More, Sir Thomas, Canterbury Poynings, Sir Edward, kt. Brabourn8
Kenulr, king, Bexley, Teynham :\'lore, Mrs. Hannah, authoress, Teston Pratt, marquesses & earls Camden, Seal
Keppels, earls of Albemarle, Ashford Morrise, vice-admiralS. Betteshanger Pratt, Charles, earl Camden,Chislehurst
Keycol Hill, Bobbing, Newington ~Iountford or Mumford, Kingsnorth Princess Alice steamboat, sinking of
King, Edward, F.R.s. 1 P.S.A. antiquary, Moyl, Sir Robert, Boughton Aluph the, Woolw1Ch
Beckenham :v:luloch, Miss D. M. (:\'Irs. Craik), PromontoriumAcantium(seeN.Foreland)
King, Dr. Waiter, bishop of Rochester, authoress, Keston Pudding Pan Sand, Whitstable
Bromley Murray, George, bishop of Rochester, Queke or Quex family, Birchington
Kits Coty house, Aylesford Bishopsbourne Quex, Westgate-on-Sea
Knatchbull family, Mersham, Norton, Musgrove, Sir John, bart. Speldhurst Randolph, Sir Thomas, kt. statesman,
Smooth :'{ailbourn, stream, Ly minge Badlesmere
Knatchbull, Sir Edward, hart. Lynsted Nairne, - , dean of Battle, Canterbury Randolph, Thomas, D.D. professor, Can-
Knatchbull, Sir Norton, hart. Ashford, Napoleon IlL emperor, Chislehurst terbury ,
Mersha.m Napoleon, prince imperial, Chislehurst Re,qulbium, Reculver
Knatchbull, Sir Thomas, hart. Ashford, Narbrough, Sir John, kt. admiral, Reittingerus, Christopher, M.D. physi
Mer~ham Knowlton cian to the Czar of Russia, Newing-
Knatchbull-Hugessen family, Cheriton~ Nash family, Farning-ham ton (Hythe)
Knights Templars, Canterbury, Ewell, Nethersole family, Womenswould Reynolds, Sir Joshua, kt., P.R.A. Tun-
River Nevill, Richard, earl of Warwick & Salis- bridge Wells
Knights of St. John (Hospitallers), bury K.n. Wilmington Rice family, Tilmanstone
Swingfield, Sutton-at-Hone Neville family, Birling Richard IL Eltham, Sand~ate, Westwell
Lacer, Richard, loro mayor, Bromley Nevison, Sir Roger, Eastry Richardson, Samuel, novelist, Tun-
Lambarde,William,antiquary,Sevenoaks Nevynson Thomas, scout master, Eastry bridge Wells
Lambarde, Thomas, New Romney Newton, Sir Adam, Cha.rlton Richborough Castle (Rutupium), Ash
Lambton, Harriet, wife of J. G. (earl of Nore, mutiny at the, Sheerness (Sandwich), Dover
Durham), Beckenham Norris, Sir John, admiral, Benenden Richmond, James Stuart, K.G. duke of,
Landslips, Westerham North,. Dudley, 3rd baron North, Ton- Cheriton
Lapis Tituli (see Stonar) bridge Ridley, Nicholas, D. D. bishop of London,
Ledes, or Lydde Abbey, Leeds '' Northfleet," wreck of the, New Romney Bishopsbourne, Herne
Leeds, dukes of, Ashford Noviomagus, Keston Roberts family, Cranbrook
Leeds Castle, Broomfield Oaten Hill, Canterbury Rochfm·d, viscount (see Boleyn)
Lennard family, West Wickham Odo, bishop of Bayeux, Eltham, Nur- H.ogers, bishop of Dover, Canterbury
Leo, king of Armenia, Eltham stead Rolfe Sir R. M. kt. baron Cranworth,
Lcssness, Erith Oisc or Escns, kin~ of Kent, Saltwood Keston
Lessness or Lesnes Abbey, Plumstead Old Wives' Lees, Chilham Roman remains:- Ash (Sandwich),
Lethieullier, Sir J. kt. Greenwich Oldbury Hill, Ightham Canterbury, Chilham, Coldrei, Cool-
Lewin fa.milv, Otterden Orleans, Charles, duke of, Groombridge ing, Dover, Eastry, Eythorne, Faver-
Lilburne, Col. John, soldier & critic, Ormonde, marquess of (see Butler)
sham, Folbstone, Hartlip, Ightham,
Eltham Ormonde, earl of (see Boleyn) Keston, Lympne,Newenden,Reculver,
Limene river, Lympne Osbornes, dukes of Leeds, Ashford Ripple, Selling, Shooter's Hill,Siberts-
Little Stour river, source of, Lyminge Osborne family, Hartlip wold, Sit.tingbourne, Milton (Sitting-
London Bridge, Old, Greenhithe,Warden Oxenden, prior, Canterbury bourne), Snnthlbet, Stanford, Thurn-
Long, Right Hon. Sir Charles,G.C.B.,P.C. Oxenden, Ashton, D. D. bisho'l of Mont-; ham, Upcnurch, Whitstable,Woodnes-
baron Farnborou~h, Hromley real, Pluckley 1 borough
Lm·elace family, Bethersden, Kent ?acker, John, clerk of tne Privy Seal, Rondeau, Claude, refu~ee, Canterbury
Lovesey, Sir Michael, Sittingbourne Groumbridge Rooke, Sir Geor~e, Canterbury
Lydden Spout, Lydden Palreologus, Manuel, emperor of Con- Roper family, Canterbury
Lynch family, Staple stantinople, received by Henry IV. Royal residence, Dartford
Lynch,Symon,school fonnder,Cranbrook Blackheath Rutupium (see Richborough)
Magdala, Abyssinia, cross from,Crayford Palmer, Margaret, Lady, Chilham Rycauts family, Aylesford
Malemayns, Richard, e.sq. Pluckley Parr, queen Catherine, Canterbury Rycroft, Sir Richard, bart. & Rycroft
Manston Court & family, Ramsgate Pearce, Zachary, n.n. bishop of Roches- family, Ide Hill
Manwood, Sir Roger, kt. Canterbury ter, llromley Rypes, the, Lydd
(Ha.ckington) Peche, Sir John, kt. Lnllingstone Sackville, Sir Thomas, kt. earl of Dorset,
Marlowe, Christopher, Canterbury Peche, Sir Wi\liam, kt. Lullingstone Sevenoaks
Marsh, Dr. William, Beck1mha.m Peckham family, Wrotllam St. Augu:~tine, abbey of, Canterbury
Upper Eashing, see Walton Heath, see Wal- Westmoor Green, see Waking ..•...••...•••.••:..• 1556
Godalming ......•.•... 1303 ton-on-the-Hill ......••• 1531 'fatsfield ........•...... 1512 Woldingham.....•.•....... 1561
Upper Green, see Mit- Walton-on-Thames ...... 1532 West Norwood ............ 1384 Wonersh .................. 1561
cham ..•.•.••••••....•...• ·1373 Wanborough ...•••......••• 1536 Weston, see Thames Woodbridge, see Guild-
Upper Hale, see Hale..• 1326 Wandle Park, see Croy- Ditton .................. 1512 ford ..................... 1312
Upper Long Ditton...... 1365 don........................ 1202 Weston Green, see Woodcote see Walling-
Upper Mill, see Pubright 1422 Wandsworth Common, Thames Ditton......... 1512 ton ........................ 1529
Upper l'ditcham, see see Upper Tooting ... 1520 WestowHill,see~orwood 1384 Woodham, see Addle-
Mitcham ............... 1372 Warlingham ............... 1536 West Sheen, see Rich- stone ..........:.......... 1144
Upper Nntfield, see Nut- Waverley, see Tilford ..• 1514 mond ..................... 1457 Woodhatch, see Reigate 1449
tield ..................... 1412 Waverley Estate, see West Streatham ............1482 & Sidlow ............... 1479
Upper Penge, see Nor- Farnham ............... 1295 Weybourne, see Hale ... 1327 Woodland Hill, see Nor-
wood ..................... 1384 Wescott Borough, see Weybridge ............... 1538 wood ..................... 1389
Upper Pitfold, see Shot- Dorking ............... 1246 White Downs, see Dork- Woodmansterne .•....... 1562
tennill .................. 1479 West Barnes,see Merton 1369 ing ........................ 1246 Woodside .................. · 1562
Upper Sheen ............... 1477 West Betchworth, see Whitehall, see Cranleigh II97 Woodside, see Wimble-
Upper Tooting ............ 1520 Dorking..•.•..•....•..... 1246 Whitmoor Common, see don ..................... 1543
Upper Tooting Park, see West Clandon ............ II94 Worplesdon ............ 1564 Woodside Green, see
Upper Tooting ......... 1521 West.cott .................. 1537 Whyteleafe,see Warling- Woodside ............... 1562
Upper Tulse Hill ......... 1525 Westcott Heath, see ham ........................ 1537 Woolmer Hatch, see
Upper Warlingham ...... 1536 West.cott ........••••.•• 1537 Willey, see Wrecclesham 1565 Farnham ............... 1293
Valley End, see Chobham II93 West Croydon ............ 1205 Wimbledon .... ......... 1540 Worcester Gardens, see
VanLane,seeGodalming 1302 West Dulwich, see Dul- Wimbledon Common ... 1541 Sutton .................. 1505
Ville of Waverley (The), wich ..................... 1251 Wimbledon Hill, see Worcester Park, see
see Tilford............... 1514 West End, see Chobham 1192 Wimbledon ............ 1541 Cuddington ............ 124.')
Vineyard (The), see West End, see Esher ... 1289 Wimbledon Park .....•..• 1542 Wormley,seeGodalming 1305
Richmond .....•......... 1-458 West Ewell ............... 1291 Windlesham ............... 1554 Worple Way, see Mort-
Virginia Water, see Westfield, see Waking 1557 Winter's Bridge, see lake ..................... 138z
E~ham .................. 1277 Westfields, see Rarnes... n66 Long Ditton ............ 1365 Worplesdon ............... 1564
Waddon, see Croydon ... II99 Westgate Street, sec & Thames Ditton...... 1513 Wotton Low Hill......... 1565
Wallington ............... 1529 Westcott ............... 1536 Wisley ..................... 1555 Wotton-np-Hill ......•.• 1565
Wallington Bridge, see West Hall, see Byfleet... II77 Witley ..................... 1555 WrayPark,seeReigate ..• 1449
Wallington ............ 1531 West Hill, see Epsom... 1285 Witley,seeGodalming... I302 Wrecclesham ............ 1565
WallisWood,see Abinger 1143 Wes~ Horsley ............ 1336 Woburn Hill, see Addle- Wrythe, see Carshalton.. II79
& Ockley ... .•. .. .••• ... 1414 West Humble, see Mick- stone .. .... .. . ... ... •.. .•• II44 Wyke ... .. .... .•• .. •... ... ..• 1566
Walton, or Walton-on- leham .....................1371 Woburn Park, see Ad- York Town .................. 1566
the-llill ................. 1531 West Molesey ••••.....••. 1380 dlestone...•••...•.••••.•• II44
With Reference to the Places under which they will be found in this Volume.
Abinger hall, Sir Thomas Henry Farrer b1rt. B. A., ;r. P. Buccleuch house, Sir John Whittaker Ellis hart. M.P.
soo Abinger .....•.......••..•..•.....•.••.......••.••.•.......... 1143 see Richmond ................................................ . I459
Addington park, Rt. Hon. & Most Rev. the Lord Arch- Buckland court, Henry Clutton esq. see Buckland ...... 1176
bishop of Canterbury, see Addington ... .••. .. .. . ...... 1143 Burford lodge, Sir 'frevor Lawrence hart. M.P., J".P.
AI bury park, His Grace the Duke of Northumberland see Mickleham .••..........................•........•.........
K.G., LL.D., P.C., D.L., J".P. see Albury .................. 1146 Burgate, Pickergill Cunliffe esq. see Hascombe ....... ..
Alderbrook, Pandeli Ralli esq.B.A., D. L., ;r_ P. see Albury 1146 Burr-Hill park, Her Grace the Duchess (Elizabeth) of
Alderhurst, Lord Thring K.C.B., J".P. see Egham ...... 1278 Wellington, see Hersham.....................................
Aldworth, Lord Tennyson D.C.L. see Haslemere ......... r330 Burrows lea, Sir Arthur Temple Felix Clay hart. J".P.
Ancaster house, Col. Sir Francis Burdett hart. D. L., see Sherea••...................•...•..........................•...
l.P. see Richmond .................................... :..... 1461 Burstow hall, John Jesse Tustin esq. s~e Burstow......
Anningsley park, Mrs. Goldingham, see Ottershaw ... 1414 Burvale, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Henry Clarke Terry l.P.
Anstie grange, Admiral Sir Leopold George Heath see Hersham ................................................... I533
K.C.B., J.P. see Holmwood ................................. I331 Burwood house, Mary Louisa, Countess of Ellesmere,
Apps court, Mrs. Gill, see Walton-on-Thames ......... 1532 see Hersham ................................................... 1533
Arden, Admiral R. Coote c.B. see Dulwich ............... 1254 Burwood park, Henry Wm . .Askew esq. see Hersham... 1533
Arnolds, Edmund Bayley esq. see Cape! .................. I 178 ' Bury hill, Robert Harelay esq. see Dorking.............. . 1246
Ashley park, Joseph ~assoon Sassoon esq. M. A., J".P. see Busbridge hall, Ellis Duncombe Gosling esq. see
uralton-on-'fhames ..•...........•.••.............•......•... I532 Godalining .....•...............................•................
.Ashtead park, Pandia Ralli esq. see Ashtead ............ Il52 Cambridge cottage, H. R.H. the Duke of Cambridge,
Ashurst lodge, Hon. Henry Dudley Ryder o. L., J.P. see see Kew .........................................................
Headley ......................................................... 1331 Camp (The), Sir J oseph Dalton Hooker c. B., K.c.s. r.,
.Aucote, Francis Bnrdett Thomas Money-Coutts esq. F.R.s., D.C.L., LL.D. see Windlesham.....................
M.A., J".P. see Weybridge .................................... 1539 Camp Hill house, Mrs. Evelyn, see Wotton ............. ..
Eagshot park, H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught x:.o., Cape Nor, Jarnes Hudson esq. see Nutfield ............. ..
K. T., K.P., o.c.s.I., G.C.M.G., P.C. see Bag-shot ...... II53 Carshalton park, John Frederick William Blake Taylor
• Eakeham, Rt. Hon. Lord l<'ield P.c. see Egham ......... 1278 esq. see Carshalton ........................................ .. II79
Eanstead wood, The Hon.Fras.Hy. Baring,seeBanstead u64 Castle hill, James Norris esq. see Bletchingley ....... .. 1173
Eartropps, Mrs. Harrison, see Weybridge ............... I539 Charlwood place, George Stoner esq. see Charlwood... 1185
Eaynards, James Waiter Wailer esq. see Cranleigh ... II98 Chartham park,Maj.Alfd.Rt.Margary J.P.see Lingfield 136-t
Heddington house, Rev. Canon Alexander Henry i Cherfold, James Sadler esq. sea Chiddingfold........... . II91
Bridges M. A. see Beddington .............................. II70: Cherkley court,AbrahamDixon esq.J.P.see Leatherhead 1361
Beddington place, Andrew Alfred Collyer-Bristow esq. Cherrimans, J ames Simmons esq..r. P. see Shottermill I479
see Beddington ................................................ II70 Chessington hall, Geo. Chancellor esq. see Chessington II91
Beechlands, Charles Asprey esq. see Caterham Valley u83 ' Chobham place, Sir Henry Denis Le Marchant hart.
I J.P. see Chobham ............................................. 1193
Helair house. Charles William Cookworthy Hutton esq.
F.R.G.s., .J.P. see Dulwich ................................. r254' Church house, Mrs. Booker, see Bram'ey ............. .. II75
Betchworth house, Mrs. Goulburn, see Betchworth ... I 171 Clandon park, Earl of Onslow B.A., D.L., J.P. see West
Bletchingley house, Major John Butler,see Bletchingley I I73 Clandon ......................................................... II9-t
Bookham grove, Lieut.-Col. the Hon. Lewis Payn Clare lawn, !''. Wigan esq. J.P. see Sheen.................. I477
Dawnay H.P. see Great Bookham ........................ 1174 Claremont, H.R.H. the Duchess of Albany, see Esher... 1289
Bookham lodge, Rev. the Hon. Henry Noel Waldegrave Cob ham park, Charles Combe esq. D. r..,J.P. see Cobham 1195
& Viscountess Chewton, see Great Bookham ......... I I?J , Collingwood mount, Maj.-Gen. Arthur Reid Lempriera
Botley's park, Wm. Cunliffe Gosling esq. see Chertsey u87 R.E., J".P. see Frimley ................................... ... I301
Boughton hall, Mrs. Paulton, see Send .................. 1475 Combe court, George Henry Pinckard esq. F.s.s., J".P.
Brackenhurst house, Edward Harbord Lushington esq. see Chiddingfold ............................................. Il9I
;r. P. see Hersham .............................................. 1533 Coombe croft, Robert Norton esq. see Norbiton ....... .. I349
Bradstone brook, John Thomson Renton esq. J".P. i Coombe end, Right Hon. Earl of Tankerville P.C., D.L.,
see Sbalford ....•....•.•.....•..•.................•.....•...... 1476 J.P. see Norbiron ...............................................
Bramley park, Percy Ricardoesq. n.L.,J".P. see Bramley 1175 · Coombe lodge, Bertram Wodehouse Currie esq. J".P.
Brightley,Adml.Sir Geo.Giffard K.C.B.,J".P.seeOutwood I4I5 see ~orbiton ................................................. .. I347
Broadford,Charles Walpoleesq. c.B., l.P. seeChobham 1193 Coombe springs, Sir Charles Douglas l<'ox c.E. see
Broadham manor, Edward Kelsey esq. see Oxted ...... I415 Norbiton....................................................... .. 1347
Broad Oak, Robert Mowhray Howard esq. J".P. see Seale 1474 Coombelands, John Marshall Paine esq. see Addlestone 1145
Broadwater, Lieut.-General FrederickMarshall c.M.G., Coulsdon court, Edmund Byron esq. J.P. see Coulsdon II97
J.P. see Farncombe .......................................... 1309! Coverwood, Hugh I<'ortescue Locke-King esq. J".P.
Brockham park, Lieut.-Col. Leopold Seymour l.P. see see Ewhnrst ................................................. ..
Brockham Green ............................................. u76 Croft (The), Hon. Sir Charles Edward Pollock Q.C.,
Brockham warren, Sir Benjamin Vincent Scllon Brodie j l. P. see Putney .............................................. ..
hart. see Brockham Green ................................. 1176 Crornwell house, James Wigan e..~q. see Mortlake .... ..
Brook lodge, Louis Charles Augustus Adrian De Cetto D'Abernon chase, Sir William Vincent hart. J".P. see
esq. J.P. ~ Holmw<><Ki .•••••..•...•••.....•.......••.•.... 1331 Stoke D'Abernon ••...............•.............•..........•..
Brooklands, Hngh Fortescue Locke-King esq. J".P. see Deepdene (The), Lord Henry Francis Hope Pelham-
Weybridge ..•.............••..••.•..•....•................•••••• 1539 Clinton-Hope, see Dorking ................................. I2-t6
Broome hall, Frederick Pennington esq. J".P. see Cape! 1178 I Dell (The), Baron John Henry William Schroder, see
Broome park, Mrs. Dobson, see Betchworth ............ 1171 Egham ······························-················ .....•... 1281
Denbies, Right Hon.George Cnbitt P.c., M.P., n.L., 3.P. Hermitage (The), Lady Henry Somerset, see Reigate 1450
ll.A. BM Ranmore ... ... .. . ...... ... ... ..• .. . ..•..• ... ... ... . .• 1439 Hermon, Thomas Boys esq. see Frimley .................. 1301
Douglas house, Charles Stirling Home-Drummond- High Trees, Walt. Blanford Waterlow esq.J.P.see Red hill 1440
Moray esq. see Petersham ... .•. ..• ... ... ... .•. ..• ..• .•..•• 1421 Highams, Henry Pige Leschallas esq. see Chobham ... II93
Dover house, J. P. Morgan esq. see Roehampton ... J.. 1473 Hill house, George Beetham Batchelor esq. see Esher... 1289
Down hall, Col. James Hornby Bnller J.P. see Epsom ... 1284 Hill house, John N. Bullen esq. see Streatham ......... 1481
Downshire house, David Barclay Chapman esq. see Hill house, Thos. Goodson esq. D.L., J.P.seeCarshalton u8o
RoohampWn ..•..•. .. ..• ..•. .. ..• .. . .••.... .• ... .•• ... ... .•..•• 1473 Hoe place, Mrt>. Wainwright, see Waking.................. 1557
Dnnbar hou~e, Mrs. Prescott, see Esher .................. 1290 Holly lodge, Frederick W. Du Pre Dyer esq. see
Dnnrozel, Hon. Fras. Alht. Rollo Russell, see Haslemere 1329 '\\:"'alt<Jn-on-Thames .............•..••..•.••...•••.•.....••..• 153rz
Dunsboroug-h house, Maj. PitcairnOnslow J. P.seeRiplcy 1475 Holmbury, Hon. Edward Frederick Leveson-Gower
Durdans (The), Rigb.t Hon. the Earl of Rosebery P.c. M.A., n.L., .J.P. see Holmbury St. Mary ............... 1331
see Epsom ..• ... .•. ... ..• .. ... . ... ... ... ... . .. ..•. .. .. . ... ... ..• 1286 Holmesdale house, Charles Maw esq. see Nutfield ...... 1413
Duxhurst, Miss Newton, see Sidlow ........................ 1479 Holmwood park, Mrs. Gough Nichols, see Holmwood ~1331
Eashing park, Right Hon. Lord Penzance P.c., M.A. Hoolyhowe, William MoorsonRoberts esq. seeCoulsdon II97
see Godalming ... . .. ... .. . .. .. .. ... .•. ... ... ... .. .. .. ... ... ... 1302 Horsley towers, The Earl of Lovelace (lord lieut. ), see
East Molesey court, Fk.Francis esq.J.P. see E. Molesey 1378 East Horsley ........... a....... a........................................ 1335
East Sheen lodge, Duke of l<'ife K.T.,P.c. see Sheen...... 1477 Horton manor, William Samson Trotter esq. llorton,
Eastbury manor, Miss Hagart., see Compton ............ u96 Epsom.............................................................. 1284
Eastly end, Henry Rikhie esq. see Thorpe ............... 1514 Hut (The), Col. John Hickinhotham Chambers n.L.,
Eastwick park, Wm. Kcswickesq. J.P.seeGt. Bookham 1174 J.P. see Cobham.......••.. a•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1195
EU.gcombe hall, Alderman Sir Thomas Gabriel hart. Imber court, l\Irs. Corbett, see Thames Ditton ......... 1512
J. P. soo Wimbledon .................•..............•..•...... 1545 Jayes park, Mrs. Lee Steere, see Wotton .................. 1565
Etthgham hill, Admiral Maxse, see Effingham ......... 1277 Joldwynds, Sir William Bowman bart' LL.D., M.n.,
Elderslie, Geo. Arhuthnot esq. F.R.G.s., J.P. see Ockley 1414 F.R.s., F.L.s. see Holmbury St. l\Iary .................. I331
Elmley house, Right Hon. Earl Beauchamp P.c., n.c. L. Juniper hall, George MacAnclrew esq. see Micklebam 1371
J.P. see Wimbledon .......................................... 1543 Kenley house, John Young esq. J.P. see Kenley ......... 1336
Elstead lodge, Lieut.-Gen. Augustus Bechcr Marsack Kenry house, Earl of Dunraven and l\Iountearl K.P. see
J. P. see Elsread ................................................ 1283 ' Kin.~ston Vale . .. ... .•..•.. .. .. . ... . .. ... .... .. . .. ... ... .•• ..• 1347
Enton, Fras. Edwd. East wood esq. J.P. see Godalming 1305 Kilcott Mrs. Robert Smith, see Godalming..... .......... 13o6
Esher lodge, John Fisher Eastwood esq. J.P. see Esher 1290 Killinghurst,Jas.Jn. Russell Stilwell esq. seeChiddingfld 1191
Esher place, Mrs. 'Vigram, see Esher ..................... 1290 Kings Mill house, Sir Henry Edwards n.L., J.P. see
Ewell castle, Aug. Wm. Gadesden esq. J.P. see Ewell 1291 South N uttield ................................................. 1413
I<'airlawn house, Frederick Arthur Heygate Lambert Kingswood, William Bignall Eastwood esq. see Egham 1278
esq. F.S.A., J.P. see Woodmansterne ..................... 1562 Kingswood \Varren, Henry Cosmo Orme Bonsor esq.
Farm field, Carrot Wheeler Ansdell esq. see Charlwoo1 u84 see Kings wood .•• 1360M.P.
a ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Farnham castle, Right Rev. Lord llishop of Winches- Kingthorpe, Thomas Weeding Weeding esq. J.P. see
ter D.D., D.C.L. see .Farnbarn •••........................... 1293 Addlestone .. . ... ... ... ... ... . .• .. . ... ... ..• .. ..•. ..• .. . ... ... ..• 1145
Felbridge place, Chas. Hy.Gatty esq.J.P.see Felbridge 1299 Kinnersley manor, Edward l3rocklehurst esq. J.P. see
Fetcham park, John Barnard Hankey esq. M.A., J.P. Sidlow ............................................................ 1479
see 14..etc:!ham .................................................... 1299 Kitlands,Douglas Denon Heath esq. M.A., J. P. see Cape! 1178
Field place, John King esq. see Compton .................. 1196 Knowle hill, John Earley Cook esq. see Cobham......... I 195
Fir hill, Reginald More Bray esq. see Shere............... 1478 Knowle park, Sir George l<'rancis .Honham bart. M.A. 1
Forbes howe, Mrs. Scott, see Ham ........................ 1327 .J.P. see Cranlei~h ................................................. 1198
Ford manor, Beresford V. ~Ielville esq. J.P.see Lingfield 1364 Langhurst, Col. T. S. Walford, seeChiddingfold......... 1191
Fox warren, Mrs. Buxton, see Wisley ..................... 1555 Latchmere house, Joshua Field esq. J.P. see Ham ...... 1327
Foxholes, Wm. Hy. Martineau, see Walton-on-Thames 1534 Lea park, William Henry Stone esq. J.P. see Witley ... 1556
Ft·anc hill, Mrs. Mason, see Camberley..................... 1568 Leigham house, Lynch White esq. see Streatham ...... I48 I
Frensham hall, Jas. Underwood esq. see Shottermill 1479 Leigham Mead, Sir Arnold Wm. White, see Streatham 1481
l~rensham hill, Mrs. Taylor, see Frensham ............... 1300 Lime lodge, Major-General Frederick Spence c.B., J.P.
Frensham place, James Tisdall Woodroffe esq. see seeEgflam ....................................... a .................. 1281
~,rensham ....................................................... 12~9 Limes (The), Maurice l3edclington csq. J.P. see Car-
Frensham vale,Jn. Keith Rennie esq.J.P., see Rowledge 1474 Stlalt(Jll •••••••••·••••••••·············••a••••••••·•••••···•••·a• 1179
Frimhurst, Major-General John Hall Smyth R.A., c.B.,
Little Tangley, Cowley Lambert esq. M.A., M. P. see
J.P. soo ~..ritnley....................•........................... I30I Wonersh .................................................... aa•••• 1561
Frimley Manor house, Mrs. Bun·ell, see Frimley .... .. 1300 Lodg"e (The), Ross Louis Mangles esq. see Pirbright ... 1422
Frirnley park, Mrs. Herries, see Frimley................ .. 1300 Ludclmgton house, Ure\'ille H. Palmer esq. see Egham 1278
tiarbrand hall, Sir James McCulloch hart. see Ewell 1291 Luste1, Jeremiah Dummett esq. see Tatsti.elcl............ 1512
(iar.·atts hall, Frederick Lambert esq. see Banstead ••• II64 Lyne, Henry I<'owler Broadwood esq. see Capel ........ 1178
Gatton park, Jeremiah Colman esq. see Gatton......... 1301 Lynwood, Gen. Sir William Payn K.C.B. see Ashtead... II52
Ulenhurst, Col. the Hon. \'\'ellington Patrick l\Ianvers Lythe hill, James Stewart Hodgson esq. J.P. see Has-
Chetwynd Talbot J.P. see Esher........................... 1290 lemere ...... ·••a•• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1329
Glenridge, The Misse8 Pocock, see Egham ............... 1280 Malquoits, Waiter Webb esq. see Ewhurst ............... 1292
Uorringe park, Wm. John Harris esq. see Mitcham... 1372 Marclen Deer park, James Hume Webster esq. J.P. see
Gosden house, Mrs. Gibbs, see Shalford ................ .. 1476 Godstone ........................................................... 1310
Grafham grange, Henry Woodyer esq. see Grafham... 131I Marden park, Walpole Greenwell esq. see Godstone... I3IO
Grange (The), Mrs. Sackvi!le Davis, see Leatherhead 1361 i\'Iargery hall, Georg-eTaylor esq. see Lower Kingswood 1360
Great Fosters, Haroness Halkett, see Egham _......... .. 128o May banks James Brahy esq. J. P., F.s.s. see Ewhurst ... 1292
Gre()n hills, John Dewrance csq. sec Tilford .......... .. 1514 .:VIelbury lo:lgc, Gen. Sir Patrick Leonard McDougall
Grenehurst, Wm. Clement Cazalet esq. J.P. see Cape! 1178 K.C.M.G. see Kingston ......................................... 1348
Grove (The), John Pyemont esq. see Epsom ............ 1284 l\Ierrist Wood hall, Charles Peyto Shrubb esq. see
w orplesdon ...•.••••.•..•.. 1564a .......................................
Hackbriclge howe, Mrs. Goad, see Hackbridge ......... 1531
Halebourne, W. J. Cullyer esq. J.P. see Chobham ...... 1193 Merrow grange, Lord Algernon :Malcolm Arthur Percy
Hall place, Edwd. Lee Rowcliffe esq. J.P. see Hascombe 1329 M. A., J. P. see Merrow ........................................ 1368
Ham house, Earl of Dysart J. P. see Petersham ......... 1421 Merstham howe, Lord Hylton n. L, J. P. see Merstham 1368
Ham Manor house, Mrs. Leith, see Ham................ .. 1328 .:VIerton abbey, Col. the Hon. I<'rederick Arthur Welles-
Harestone, William Garland Soper esq. J.P. see Cater- leJr, see 1\'lerton ... . .. ....... ... .•. ... . .. . .. ... ... . .. ... ... ... .•. 1370
ham Valley..........................:........................... . II83 Merton College, Alfred Geor;5e de Chastelain esq. see
Harewoods, Alfd. Howard Lloyd esq. see Bletchingley II73 l\lerton ............................................................. :1369
Hartswood, Henry Glutton esq. see Sidlow............... 1479 Mickleham downs, Robert Herb~rt Mackwurth Praed
Hatcblands, Stuart Rendel csq. M.P. see East Clandon 1194
Headley grove, Sir John Bridge J.P. see Headley ...... 1330 esq. see Mickleham ..........••....••..•.••.....•......•••..• 1371
Mickleham hall, Gordon Wyatt Clark esq. J.P. see
Headley park, Mrs. Lyall, see Headley .................. 1330 Micklehatn ..• ... . .. ..• .. .. .. ..• ... .. . . .. . .• ...... ... ... . .. ..••.• 137I
Heatblands, ~ir Adam llittleston J.P. see W~ybridge 1538 Milbourne house, Captain Cecil Holuer, see Barnes ... II67
Henfold, William Farnell Watson esq. see Cape!.. ....... 1178 Milburn Hon. Henry Lorton Bourke D.L., .J.P. see Esher 128~
Henby park, Right Hon. llaron Henry De Worms P.c., Milford house, Robert William Webb esq J.P. sea
~Iilford •••..•....••..•..•.•......•.•••••....••.•...•..•.••.••..• 137.1
ll.P., F.R.S. see \\"yk~ ............................ . r•••······
0 •
Milford Jod!!e, 1\Irs. Raymond-Barker, see Milford ••• I57I Pyports, His Honor Judge Vernon Lushington Q.c.
Milton court, Lachlan Mackintosh Rate esq. lii.A., J.P. see Cobbatn ·········~············· ............................ JI95
see Dorking . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 1246 Queensbury house, Thos. Cave esq. J.P. see Richmond. x461
Milton house. Arthur Powell esq. J.P. see Dorking ... I248 Queenwood, Robert Henry Otter esq. sr.e Ottershaw... 1414
Milton park, Baron de ~'orms J.P. see Egham ......... I278 Randalls park, Jn. Henderson esq. B. A. see Leatherhead 1361
Minster Lea, Sir John Rogers Jennings kt. see Reigate 1450 Ravensbur:v park, Ueorge Parker Bidder esq. H.A., Q.c
see Morden ......... ··········~·································· 1381
Monk's hatch, Andrew Hitchin esq. see Compton •••... II96
Moor park, Sir William Rose hart. see Farnham ...... 1293 Redstone Manor house, Henry Webb esq. see Redhill. 1445
Morden hall, Gilliat Hatfeild esq. see Morden... ... .. .... I38 I Ribsden house, Mrs. Rothery, see Windlesham ......... x555
Morden park, John Wormald esq. see Morden ......... 1-38I Hicketswood, Sir Alex. Meadows Rendell, see Charl-
Mount Ararat house, Admiral Robert Fanshawe Stop- wood ............................................................... ti85
fot d .1. P. see Richmond . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . 1466 Ridgeway, Lord Arthur Russell, sec Shere ............... 1478
Mount cottage, Sir Frederick Acclom Milbank bart. Ripley court., William Wainwrig-ht esq. see Ripley...... 1475
D.L., J.P. see ~·indlesham ................................. 1555 Hipley house, Miss Pigott, see Hipley ..................... 1475
Mount Felix, Mrs. Ingram, see ~'alton-on-Thames ... I532 River house, Lady Jephson, see Elstead .................. 1283
Mynthurst, James Wilson esq. see Leigh .................. 1362 -Hock field house, Misses Bare!ay, see Westcot.t .......... I537
Myt<:hett place, George James Murray esq. n.L., J.P. Roehampton house, Earl of Leven & Melville, see Roe-
soo ~"rim ley ... ... ... . . . . ... ... .. . .. . ... .... .. . .... ... ....... ... ... 13()() hampton ......................................................... 1473
Netley park, Mrs. Fraser, see Shere ........................ I478 Rookery (The), William Clarke esq. see Roehampton. 1473
''rNoirmont, Col. Sir William Topham K.C.H., J.P. see Rookery (The), Ueo. Arthur Fuller esq. see Westcott. 1537
eJ-"bridge .. . ... ... .. . ...... . .. .. .. ... .. ... .... .. ... ... .. .... ... 1539 Rookery (The), Sir Kingsmill Grove Key bart. see
• Nonsuch park, Capt. ~-illiam Robert Gamul Farmer
Streatham ...................................................... 1487
D.L., J.P. see Cnddington .................................... 1245 Rooks Nest, Hon. Pascoe Charles Glyn M.A., J.P. see
Norbury park, Thomas De La Garde Grissell esq. J.P. 1'andr1"d ge .............. I.............. .. .... ...... .. ...... .... I:J~11
se,e Mickleham ................................................ 1371 Runnymede park, Colonel Montagu, see Egham ...... 1278
Nore, Lieut.-Col. Henry Baversham Godwin-Austen Russ bill, Rear-Admiral Frederick Charles Bryan
F.R.S., F.G.S., F.Z.S., F.R.G.'3., J.P. see Bramley ..... II75 Hobinson, see Charlwood.............................. , ..... n85
Norfolk house, Mrs. Gabriel, EeeStreatham............... 148L Huxley lodge, Lorrl Foley D.L., J.P. see Claygate........ II94
Nork house, Earl of Egmont D.L., J.P. see Banstead... n64 Rt. Anne's bill, Baroness Bolsover, see Chertsey ......... u87
Normanby park, Gen. Sir Robert 0. Bright K.C.B. see St.George's hill, Admiral lion. FrancisEgerton F.R.o.s.,
y xs66W ke ............................... I • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• J.P. see B:~rfleet .. ··································I·········· II77
Nortbcote, Gen. Sir George Balfour K.C.B., lii.P., R.A., Sanderstead court, Jas. Brand esq.J.P. see Sanderstead. 1474
D.L., J.P. see Caterham Valley .......................... . II 83 1 Seale lodge, Mrs. Seawell, see Seale ........................ I474
Northcote, J<'redk. Charles Pawle esq. J.P. see Reigate 1453 Selsrlon park, Ht. Rev. Lord Bishop of Rochester, see
Nutfield court, Jesse Thomas Charlesworth esq. see Sanderstead -~ . . . . . . . ~·· 1474I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Nutfield ............ -~ -~ 1413I I ••••••••• Send grove, Misses Onslow, see Send ..................... 1475
•••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••
Nutfield priory, Mrs. Fielden, see Nutfield .............. . 1412 Send holme, Edward Festus Kelly esq. see ~end ...... 1475
Nutwood, Henry Edmund Gurney esq. see Uatton...... 130I Shabdent John Garratt Cattley esq. J.P. see Chipstead ug:a
Oakdale, Lady Laura E. Hampton, see Holmwood...... 133 I Shalford house, Lieut.-Col. Henry Haversham Uodwin-
Oakdene, Augustus Frederick Perkins esq. see Holm- Austen J.P., F.R.s., F.o.s., F.R.G.s., & L.F.z.s. see
Oawkofioedld, ···············~········~···~······························· 1331 Shalford ·······································~······~·······~·· 1476
1255 1477
Sir Wm. Anderson Ogg J.P. see Dulwich .... .. Sheen house, H.R.H. Comte de Paris, see East Sheen.
Oakfield, Henry Yool esq. D.L., J.P. see Weybridge .. . 1539 Sheen lodge, Professor Sir Richard Owen n. c. L., K.C.B.,
Oaks (The), Harry llerkeley James esq. see Woodman- F.R.S.. see Richmond -~·····················•··············· 1459
sterne I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I - I 1 I I I I I • I I I I I • I I I I I I I I 1 o 1 I I • • I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1
Sheen mount, Mrs. Porter Smith, see Upper Sheen ... 1478
Ockham park, Countess uf Norbury, see Ockham ...... Sherbrooke, Right Hon. Viscount Sherbrooke P.C.,
Ockley Court, Col. Archibald Motteux Calvert R.A.,J. P. o.c.B., LL.n., n.L.,J.P. see Caterham .................. u81
soo Ockley ............ ~····· ... ~·~ ... -~~ ....... ~·-· ............ . Shere lodge, Misses Locke-King, see Shere ............... 1478
Old Wells (The), JamesStuartStrange esq. see Epsom Shirley Uoss, Major-Gen. Thomas Harmer Sibley J.P.
Ormley lodge, Mrs. Mackinnon, see Ham ............. .. see Caterham Valley·····~····~···· ........................... 1183
Ottershaw park, Lawrence James Baker esq. see Shrubhurst, Mrs. Burdett., see Oxted ..................... 1415
Ot'tershaw .......... ~.I •••••• I •••••••••••••••••• I ••••••••••••••• 1414 Silverlands, Frederick Alers Hankey esq. M. P., M.A.,
Pain's Hill, Alexander Cushny esq. see Hersham ..... . 1533 J.P. see Chertsey .............................................. 1187
Park hakh, Joseph Uodman esq. J.P. see Hascombe... 1329 Silvermere, Chas. Edwd. Smith esq. J.P. see Hersham 1533
Park Hill house, Henry Tate esq. J.P. see Streatham.. . J481 Snowdenham, Robert Courage esq. see Hramley......... II75
Parkhurst, Lieut.-Col. Thos. Herbt. Lewin,see Abinger 1143 Stagbury, Henry Spencer Walpole esq. see Woodman•
Patteson court, Tom Nickalls esq. see Nutfield ........ . 14I3 sterne .................. ····c·············~········ ............... 1562
Pembroke lodge, Countess Russell, see Richmond .... .. 1458 Stanhill court, William Young esq. J.P. see Charlwood II8S
Pendell court, SirGeo. MacLeayK. c. M.G.seeBletcb.ingley Il73 Stansted house, Hy.GerardHoareesq.J.P.see Uodstone 1310
Penny hill, Louis Scbott esq. see Bagshot ............... II53 Sterburgh or Starborough Castle, Waiter Waterhouse
esq. see Lingfield ... ·····~ ~····· ··~··· ........................ 1363
Peper Harow, Viscount Midleton M.A., n.L., J.P. see
Peperharow ............ ~·· ................................... . 1421 Stoke D' Abernon Manor house, Rev. l''rederick Parr
Perrysfield, Rev. Chas.Maunoir McNiven M.A.seeOxted 1415 Phillips M.A. see StokeD'Abernon ........................ 1480
Petersham Place, Col. J. W. Engledue, see Hyfleet .... . 1I77 Stonebill, Sir Wm.Hy. White c.B,.J.P.see Upper Sheen 1478
Pickhnrst, John Ryde esq. see Chiddingfold ............ Il91 Strawberry hill, Monier Faithful Monier-Williams esq.
see Chessington.... ···································~········ 1191
Pien-epont., Richard Henry Combe esq. D.L., J.P see Sutton Place, Mrs. Harrison, see Woking ............... 1558
Sydenhurst, William Trotter esq. see Chiddingfold ... II91
Frensham ...... I I ••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Pine Ridge, Geo. Goodall esq. J.P. see Wrecclesham...
Pine wood, Rt. Hon. Lord Knutsford G.C.M.o., P.c., Tadworth court, Sir Charles Rnssell Q.C., M.P., J.P.
D.I... , J'.P. see Godaln1ing .................................... . see Tad worth . . . . . . . . . 360I ••••• •••••••• I ••• ••••••••• I ••• I. • • • • • • • • •I
Pinewood. Rear-Admiral Sir Hobert :More-Molyneaux Ta.ndridge court,Jn. Cooper, jun.esq.J.P.see Tandridge I5II
c..u. II53K. liag.sl1ot.............~ Tanhurst, Emily, Marchioness of Hertford, see Wotton I565
I •••••••• I ••••••••••••••••••••••
Pirford common, Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Wentworth Tekells castle, Major-Uen. Thomas Edmund Byrne
Dilke bart. P.c., J,P. see Pirford........................... B.A., J.P. See ~,rimley ....................................... 1300
Polesden park,Sir Waiter Rockliffe Farquhar hart. D.L. Tenchley park, Mrs. Teulon, see Limpsfield.............. 1363
1. P. see Great Bookbam ·~···· ............................. ~-· II74 Thames Ditton house. William Wentworth Fitzwilliam
Hume-Dick esq. see Thames Ditton...................... 1512
Polsted manor, Maj.-Gen.Lord William Frederick Sey-
Thames Ditton Manor house, Hannibal ~peer esq. see
mour, se.e Compton ................................... ·~· .. .
Partnall park, Rev. Henry Jerome Augustine Fane-De- Thames Ditton... ...... ... .................. .. .... ............. 1513
Salis li.A., J.P_ see Egham ................................ . Thatched House lodge, Lady Bowater, see Richmond 1458
Poyle park, Henry Morris Chest<:r esq. M.A., LL.D. see Thorncombe, Captain Edward R. Fisher-Rowe J.P. &
Tongham ........................... ·~······· ................. . 15I5 Lady Victoria Isabella Fisher-Rowe, see Bramley.... 1175
Poynters, Samuel William Deacon esq. see Cobham .. . 1195 Thorpe house, Wm. Charles &ott esq. J.P. see Thorpe. 1514-
Prior Place, Fredk. Hastings Goldney esq. seeFrimley. x300 Thorpe place, Hy.Currie Leigh-Bennett esq.see Thorpe 1514
Priory (The), Marchioness of Anglesey, see Reigate ... 1450 Thorpe Lee house, John Chas. Blackett esq. see Thorpe 15I4
Priory house (The), Countess Visconti, sre Pnttenham 14-39 Tilford house, James Thomas Ware esq. see Tilford.... I5I4
Putney park, Stamford Hutton esq. see Putney......... 1424 Tillingbonrne, George Honner 68Q. see Wotton........... 1565
PAGE p.!GB •
Titsey place, Granville William Gresham Leveson- Whim (The), A. Hobhouse esq. see Weybridge.......... r539
Gower esq. D.L., .I'.P. see Titsey....••...•.••.•..•.•...•.•• 1515 White lodge, H. S. H. the Duke of Teck G. c.n. see
Tongham 1\lanor house,Rear-Admiral HoratioLaurence Richmond ......... ... .... .. ... ...... ... ... ......... ...... ... .... 1459
Whitmoor house, Capt. Fras. Hy. Salvin, see Waking t557
Arthnr Lennox Maitland, see Tongham ............... 1515 Wilderness (The), Wm.Dawes Freshfieldesq.seeReigate 1453
Towers (The), Sir George Elvey Mus. D. oxon. see Wilderwick, Cuthbert Jeddere-Fisher esq. J.P. see
Windlesbam......... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .... ...... ... ... ... ..... 1554 Lingfield ............ _...... .. . ... ... ... .. .... ... ... ... . .. .. . .. .. .. 1364
Trashurst, Edward W. Nix esq. see Dorking ............. 1248
Trevereux, Charles Henry Wyndham A'Court-Reping- Willey, Col. H. Torkington, see Wrecclesham ............ 1565
ton esq. M.A. see Limpsfield ................................ 1363 Wimbledon house, Sir Henry William Peek bart .I'.P.
Tulse Hill house, Mrs. Fletcher-Bennett, see Tulse hill 1526
Tyrrell's woods,Roger Cunliffe esq. J. P. see Leatberhead 1361 see Wimbledon ................................................. 1547
Windlesham court, Samuel Bayly Verney Asser esq.
Unsted park, Charles Phillips esq. see Bramley ......... II75
Uplands, Col. James Lidderdale, see Merrow ............ 1368 J.P. see Windlesham ............ .............................. 1554-
Uplands, Herbert Wigram esq. see Sheen................. 1477 Winterfold, Sir Richard Everard Webster Q.c., M.A.,
Upper Gatton park, Alexander Druce esq. see Gatton 1301
Upper Grove house, Madame Lyne-Stephens, see M.P. see Cranleigh ... .. .. .. . .. ... .. .... . .. ..... . . .. ... ... .... . 1 rg8
Roebampton... .......... .. . .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....... 1473 Wonersh park, Jn. Jackson Sudbury esq. see Wonersh 1561
Upwood Gorse, Sir John Tomes F.R.s., F.R.S.E., L.n.s. Wonham manor, Misses Majoribanks, see Betchworth I.I7I
Wood hill, Wm. Walt. Henning esq.see Shamley Green 1477
BDg. see Caterham Valley................................... II83 Woodcut, Gen. Sir ArtburThomas Cotton R.E., K.C.S.I.
Viewfield, Alfred Henry Sly esq. see Kenley ............. 1336
Wallington house, Nathl. Bridges esq. see Wallington 1529 see Dorking .................................... ;................. 1248
Walton place, William Rolle Malcohn esq. see Walton.. 1531 Woodcote,Capt. George Thomas ScovellJ.P.seeDorking 1248
Wanborough Manor house, Sir AlgernonEdward West Wood cote grove, Wm. QuartermaineEast esq.see Epsom 1284
Woodcote house,Rev.Edwd. Wm.NortheyM.A.seeEpsom 1284
K.C.B., J. P. see Wanborough.............................. 1536 Woodcote park, Herbert Brooks esq. see Epsom ......... 1284
Watchetts (The), IIerbert John Butler llollings esq. Woodhill, Frederick Durrant Deare esq. J.P. see Send 1475
Woodlands park, Mrs. F.C. Bryant,see StokeD'Abernon 1480
J.P. see Frimley ................................................ 1300 Woodmansterne Manor house, Mrs. Wedd, see Wood-
Waverley abbey, Mrs. Anderson, see ·waverley.......... I5I5
Well house, D. H. Lambert csq. sec Banstead ............ II64 mansterne .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .... .. . ...... ... .. ... .. .. .. . ... ... .... . .. I 562
Wentworths, Countess de Morella, see Egham .......... 1278 Woolmer hill, John Edward Ward esq. see Shottermill 1479
West hall, Richard J oseph Godson esq. see Byfleet .... 1177 Worcester Park house, Augustus Wheeler esq. see
West Horsley place, Mrs. Fielder, see West Horsley.... 1336
Westwood, Lieut.-Col. George Coussmaker, see Wyke 1566 Cuddington ..................................................... 1245
Weybourne house, Mrs. Knight, see Hale ................. 1326 Wotton house, William John Evelyn esq. F.R.G.s.,
Weybridge park, Chas.Churchill esq.J.P.see Weybridge 1539
Weycombe house, George B. Buckton esq. F.R.s. see F.S.A., D.L., J.P. see Wotton ............................... 1565
Haslemere... ... ... ... .. ..... .. .. .... ... ... ... ...... .. .... ... .. .. 1329 Wykham park, Edward Pain esq. see Frimley........... 1301
Wyphurst, Edward Charles Healcy esq. J.P. see
Cranleigh ...................................................... -yrg8
Abbot, Georg-e, archbishop of Canter- Canterbury, archbishops of, Addington, Denham,-Sir John, judge, Egham
bury, Guildford Croydon de Paris, Comte, Esher
Abbot, Robert, bishop of Salisbury, Canterbury, viscount (see Manners- de Rodham, Sir Thomas, Nutfield
Guildford Sutton) Desenfans, Noel, art critic & collector,
Addington, Henry, viscount Sidmouth, Cape! family, Kew Dulwich
Mortlake Carew, Sir Francis, kt. & Carew family, Devereux, Robt. 2nd earl of Essex, Ham
..£thelwol£, Horne Beddington Devil's Punch Bowl, Haslemere, Shot-
£theLstan, Holmbury, Horne, Kingston Caroline, queen, Richmond termill
Albany, H.R.ll. Leopold, duke of, Bag- Castle Hill, G-odstone, Hascombe Diana's Fountain, Godstone
shot Castlereagh, viscount (see Stewart) Dimsdale, Sir Harry, Garrett
Aldebury, Send Castles :-Bletchingley,Farnham,Guild- Donne, John, D.D.divine & poet,Pirford,
Alfred the Great, Goda.hning, Merton ford, Reigate Mitcham ·
Alleyn, Ed ward, actor, Dulwich Castleton, Sir Richard, kt. Long Ditton Douglas, General, Kew
Ancaster, duke of, Richmond Caswellan or Cassivelaunus, Walton-on- Drake, Sir l<'rancis, kt. Esher
Anne of Cleves, queen, Ham, Petersham, Thames Drake, Sir William, kt. Esher
Walton Catherineof Arragon, queen, Kingston Duck, Stephen, poet, Kew
Anstis, John, M.P. & Garter King of Ceawlin, king of Wessex, Wimbledon Dunstable Common, West Molesey
Arms, Mortlake Cecil, Sir Edward, kt. viscount Wimble- J Durham, earl of (see Lambton)
I Earthworks,fortified :-Addington,Bag-
Archiepiscopal residences :-Addington, don, Wimbledon
Croydon Ct!l'otmsci, Cbertsey I shot
Arderne family, Leigh Ceroti Insula, Chertsey " Ebbisham," Epsom
Argyll, duke of (see Campbell) Chambers, Sir William, kt. Peperharow, Edema, G-erard, painter, Richmond
Aulton, Carshalton Richmond · Edgar, Kingston
Austen, Sir Henry E. kt. Shalford Chantry Downs, Chilworth Edmund, king, Kingston
Banks, Sir Joseph, bart. Kew Charles I. Bagshot, Ham, Petersham, Edrnund Ironside, Kingston
Barber, John, lord mayor, Mortlake Putney, Richmond, Wotton Edred, Kingston
Barnard, Sir John, kt. M.P. Mortlake Charles Il. Richmond Edward I. Richmond
Baronial war, Croydon Charles V. emperor & king of Spain, Edward II. Cranleigh
Barons' Cave, the, Reigate Richmond Edward Ill. Richmond
Bate, Dr. George, F.R.s. Kingston Charlotte, princess of Wales, Esher Edward IV. Richmond
Battle Bridge, Gattlm Charterhouse school, Godalming Edward The Elder, Kingston
Battles :-Holmbnry,Kingston, Merton, Cholmley, Richard, cup bearer to Edward the Martyr, Kingston
Wimbledon Charles I. Crowhurst Edwy, Kingston
.Baynard, Anne, learned lady, Barnes Churches, ruined :-Albury, Guildford Elizabeth, queen, Barnes, Beddington,
Beale, Robert, poet & novelist, Barnes "Churchfolie," Reigate Cheam, Uodalming, Haslemere, Rich-
.Benn, Sir Anthony, kt. Kingston Clanricarde, Harriet, countess of, Peter- mond, Waking
Hlack Cherry Fair, Chertsey sham Ermine Street., Croydon
Boram, William, dwarf, Putney Cleveland, duchess (see Villiers) I<~sher, baron (see Brett)
Borough English, custom of, Ham, Clive, Robert, rst baron, Esher Essex, earl of (see Crom well & Devereux)
Richmond Cobbett, William, political writer, Farn- Ethelbert, king of Kent, Wimbledon
Bourchier, Thomas, cardinalarchbishop ham Ethelred, Kingston, Merton
of Canterbury, Mortlake Cobham, barons, & family, Lin~field Evelyn, Sir John, kt. Godstone
Bourgeois, Sir Francis, kt. painter, Colley, Major-Gen. Sir George P . .Stoke, Evelyn,John,n.c. L.scholar & antiquary,
Dulwich Guildford Reigate, Wotton
Bowthe, John, bishop of Exeter, East Colston, Edwd philanthropist, Mortlake Eyre, Hon. Edw. John, Governor of
Horsley Cook, Captain James, nav~gator, Kew, Jamaica, Kew
Boyle, Richard, 2nd viscount Shannon, Merton Fairyland, Merrow
Walton-on-Thames Coopers' Hill, Egham Farthing Down, Coulsdon
Bradshaw, John, regicide, Walton-on- Copley, John S. painter, Croydon Finch, Margaret, gipsy queen, Norwood
Thames Corbet, Richard, n.n. bishop, Ewell Fitzwilliam, Richard, 7th viscount,
Braose, barons, Cranleigh Council House, the, Cheam Richmond
Braye, barons, Cranleigh Coway .Stakes, Chertsey, Walton-on- Fletcher, Sir Henry, 'Valton-on-Thames
Brett, Sir Baliol, baron Esher, Esher Thames Forster, 8ir Robert, kt. judge, Egham
British remains :-Coulsdon, Walton- Cowley,Abraham,poet,Bames,Chertsey Fox, Rt. Hon. Charles Jas. M P.Chertsey
on-Thames Croker, Rt. Hon. J. W. West Molesey Francis, Sir Philip, K.C.B. Mortlake
Brodrick, George, 4th viscount Midleton, Cromwell, Oliver, Mortlake, Walto~-on- Frithwald, viceroy of Surrey, Chertsey
Peperha.row Thames Gainsborough, Thomas, R.A. Kew
Brouncker, Hy. 3rd viscount, Richmond Cromwell, Thomas, earl of Essex, Putney Gainsford or Ganeysford family, Car-
Brown, Lancelot ("Capability"), Esher Cynewulf, king of Wessex, Merton shalton, Crowhurst
Brown's Oak, Hersham Darell, Sir Lionel, bart. Richmond George IlL Kew
Brownlowe, Lady, Sutton D'Aubernoun,SirJohn,kts.father & son, George IV. Bagshot, Kew
Buckingham, duke of (see Villiers) Stoke D'Abernon Gibbon, Edward, historian, Putney
Bulkeley, Sir Richard, hart. Ewell D'Aubernoun, Sir William, kts. father & Gibbons, G-rinling, wood carver, Gran-
Burleigh, Sir Simon, K.G. Guildford son, Stoke D'Abernon leigh
•• Cabal" ministry, the, Petersham Dawes, Sir Abraham, kt. Putney Gibson, Edward, painter, Richmond
Cresar's Camp, Farnham de Hlois, William, earl of Moreton, 1Gipsy Hill, Norwood
- Callf!fJa, Fal"nham Warenne& Surrey,Cranleigh,Reigate 1 Gloucester, earl uf (see de Clare)
Cambridge, Adolphus Frederick, duke, de Clare, Gilbert, earl of Clare & Glou- 1 Goldsmith, Oliver, Peckham
& Alli!nsta, duchess of, Kew cester, KingMton Gomselle, Cranleigh
Campbell, John, 2nd duke of Argyll, Dee, John, LL.D. astrologer & mathe- Gordon Memorial Home, Chobham
Petersham matician, Mortlake Gresham, Sir John, bart. Titsey
Canning, Rt. Hon. George, Petersham, deJoinville, prince, Richmond Grindal, Edmund, archbishop of Canter-
Putney de la Hall, Sir Edward, kt. Oakwood. bury, Croydon
Hall, Mr. & Mrs. S. C. Hall, art authors, Midlcton, viscount (see Brodrick) Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, M.P
Addlestone Mineral springs :---Ghertsey, Epsom, Shrnbb's Hill, Egham
Hamilton, Sir William, K.B. Merton Godstone Sidmonth, lord (s:m Addington)
Handel,GeorgeFrederick,composer,Kew M ooln•vansetiucx,&SiercTclheosmiaastsi,caklt . Guildfo rd Smith, Charlotte, poetess, Tilford
Hardwick Court, Chertsey M remains :- Stanislaus, Augustus, king of Poland,
"Heart of Midlothian," Se!ott's, Peter- Chertsey, Guildford, Merton, Reigate, Dulwich
sham Richmond, Send, Tilford, Tooting, "Stella ''(see Johnson)
Heath, Nicholas, archbishop of York, Wallington, Walton Stewart, Robert, viscount Castlereagh,
Chobham Montagu, duke of, Cranlei.gh Putney
Heidegger or Heydegger, John James, Moore John, M.n. surgeon & author, Snmner, Dr. C. R. bishop of Winchester,
playmaster, Barnes, Richmond Richmond Hale
Henrietta Maria, queen, Richmond More,. Sir George, kt. Godalming Button Place, Waking
Henry Ill. Kingston More, Sir Thomas, Crdnleigh Swift, J onathan, n.n. dean of St.
Henry V. Richmond More family, Cranleigh Patrick's, Richmond
Henry VI. Chertsey More-Molyneux family, Guildford Talbot, Francis, 1Itb earl of Shrews-
Henry VII. Chertsey, Richmond Morley, Sir Thomas, Maiden bury, Barnes
Henry VIII. Cranleigh, Richmond Murray, Elizabeth, duchess of Lauder- Talbot, William, 1st earl, Sutton
Henry, prince of Wales, Ham, Petar- dale, Petersham Taylor, Sir Henry, K.c.M.G. Mortlake
sham, Richmond Musgrave, Thomas, archbishop of York, Temple, Sir John & Sir William, kts.
Herring, Thomas, archbishop of Canter- Lyne Tilford, Mortlake
bury, Croydon National Rifle Association, Bisley · Thomson, James, poet, RIChmond
Higgin Bottom, Shottermill Nelson, admiral lord, Merton Thunderfield Castle, Horne
Hinton, Edward, n.n. Maiden Newark Priory, Send Thunderfield Common, Addington
Hoare, Sir Richard, kt. lord mayor, Newcastle, duke of (see Pelham) Tierney, George, statesman, Putney
Barnes Newland's Corner, Merrow Tilburstow Hill, Godstone
Hog's Back, the, Guildford, Wanborough Newte, Thomas, topograph3r, Sutton Tillingbourn estate, Wotton
Holbourn, admiral, Richmond Ni.::holas, Sir Edward, kt. West Horsley Toland, John, deistieal writer, Putney
Holland, earl of (see Rich) Nonsnch Palace, Cuddington, Ewell Tollcmache, Sir Lionel, Ham
How Green, Woodmansterne Norbury, Sir John, Stoke D'Abernon Tonson, Jacob, bookseller, Barnes
Howard, Sir Charles, kt. baron Howard Nottingham, earl of (see Howard) Tooke, John Horne, M.A. politician &
& earl of Nottingham, Reigate Oglethorpe,Major-Gen. J ames Edward, philologist, Wimbledon
James I. Bagshot Godalming Trees, remarkable :-Addlestone,Chob-
James II. Petersham Onslow, Rt.Hon.Arthur,speaker,Guild- ham, Tilford, Hersham
Jesse, Edward, naturalist, Mortlake ford Trevor,Sir John,kt.&family, Weybridge
John, king, Egham Onslows, earh; of Onslow, 'Vest Clandon, Tum.ckger,Abraham, metaphysician,Dork-
Johnson, Rester (" Stella "),Richmond Merrow
Jolhffe family, baronsHylton,Merstham Oranges first grown in England, Bed- Tumuli :-Addington, Chobbam,Couls-
Jnlius Cresar, Walton- on- Thames, dington don, Godstone
Wimbledon Orleans famiiy, Weybridge Turnours, earls of Winterton,Chidding-
Kean, Edmund, tragedian, Richmond Parkhurst, Rev. John, lexicographer, fold
King, Peter, Ist baron King & Ockham, Epsom University Boat race, Mortlake
Ockham Parkhurst, Sir Robert, kt. Guildford Vanbrugh, Sir John, Esber
King's Oak, the, Tilford Parkhurst, John, bishop of Norwich, Vancouver, Captain George, navigator,
Kirby, John Joshua, F.B.s. painter,Kew Guildford Petersham
Kit-Kat Club, Barnes Partridge, John, astrologer, Mortlake Vavasor,SirThomas,kt. Petersham, Ham
Kneller, Sir Godfrey, kt. Barnes Pelharn, Henry, Esher Villiers, Barbara, duchess of Cleveland,
Lackington, James, bookseller, wife of, Pelham-Clinton, Henry, gth earl of Lin- Richmond
Merton coln, Walton Villiers, George, 2nd duke of Bucking-
Lambton, John Georgc, 1st earl of Pelham-Holles, Thomas, duke of New- ham, Barnes, Kingston
Durham, Petersham castle, Esher Vincent, Sir Francis,kt. & bart. wife of,
Lauderdale, duchess of (see Murray) Pepys, Samuel, diarist, Barneg, Epsom Stoke D'Abernon
Law courts, transfer of, Richmond Pepys family, Earls of Cottenham, Vincent Sir Thomas, kt. & wife of,
Leigh, Sir Oleph, & Leigh family, Tandridge Stoke D'Abernon
Addington Perkins, Sir William, Chertsey Virginia Water, Egham
Leigh Hill, Wotton Perry Hill, Worplesdon Wakefield, Gilbert, critic & translator,
Lely, Sir Peter, kt. painter, Kew Pilgrims' Way, the, Chilworth, Gatton B.ichmond
Leopold, king of the Belgians, Esher Pitt, Rt. Hon. William, Pntney Wailer, Sir William, kt. Farnham
Leopold, prmce, duke of Albany, Esher Porter, Sir Robert Ker K.C.H. Esher 1 Warehon.~. emen&Cierks' Schools, Purley
Lewin, Sir William, kt. Ewell Portland, earl (see Weston) l ·walsingham, Sir Francis, kt. Barnes
Lewis, Matthew Gregory ("Monk"), Queensberrv, duchess of, Ham• Waiter, Lady Catherine, Maldon
Barnes Raleigh, Sir Waiter, kt. Beddington, Walworth, St. William, kt. Kingston
Lilly, William, M. n. astrologer, Walton- East & West Horsley, Mitcham Warenne, earl (see de Blois)
on-Thames Raleis-h, Carew, East Horsley Waverley Abbey, Tilford
Lincoln, earl of (see Pelham-Clinton) Havis,Thomas, bishop ofLondon, ~Ialden Waynflete, Wiliiam of, bishop of Win-
Littlebury, Isaac, translator, Button Reform Bill of r832, Petersham chester, Esber
Lloyd, Humphrey, M.P. Dcnbigh, an- Reynolds, Sir Joshua, P. R.A. Richmond West, Nicholas, bishop of Ely, Pntney
tiquary, Cheam Rich,Henry, 1st earl bfHolland,Kingston Weston, Jerome, 2nd earl of Portland,
Liverpool, Louisa Theodora, countess Richard Ill. Chertsey Walton-on-Thames
of, Kingston Roman remains :-Albury, Chobharn, Weston, Sir Richard, kt. Waking
Louis Phillippe, king of the French, Croydon, Egham,Farnham,Godstone, Whitgift, John, archbishop of Canter-
Esher, Richmond, Weybridge Hascombe, Holmbury, Wallington bur~·, Croydon
Love!, Sir Francis, 9th baron, Ham Rose, Sir John William, Horne Wilberforce, William, M.P. philanthro-
Lumley, Johu,last baron, & wife,Cheam Royal residences :-Bagshot,Hichmond, pist, Wimbledon
Maids of Honour, Richmond Weybridge Wimbledon, viscount (see Cecil)
Manners-~utton, Charles, viscount Can- Royal Staff College, York Town Winterton, earls of (see Turnour)
terbury, G.C.B. & Ellen, vicountess Runnymede, Egham Wolscy, cardinal, Esher, Richmond,
Canterbury, Addington, Nutfield Russell, John, Ist earl, Richmond Walton-on-Thames
Manning, Rev. Owen, B.D. county his- St. Ann's Hill, Chertsey Wood, Sir l\Iark, Gatton
torian, Godalming St. Erkenwald, abbot, Chertsey Wood, Robert, statesman & antiquary,
Marie Amelie de Bourbon, queen of the St. George's Hill, Walton-on-Thames Putney
French, Esher, Weybridge Scott, Vice-Adm. Sir Geo. Petersham Woodcote, Wallington
Markland, J eremiah,M.A.critic,Dorking Scott, Sir Waiter, bart. Petersham Wyat, Sir Thomas, kt. Kingston
Mary I. queen, Richmond ::-legar, Sir William, kt Wydville, Elizabeth, queen, Richmond
Merton, Waiter de, bishop of Rochester, Shakespeare (Richard III. ), Chertsey Yates, l\Iary Ann, actress, Richmond
Maiden, Merton Shannon, viscount (see Boyle) York, H.R.H. princess Frederica Char-
Meyer, Jeremiah, B.A. Kew Sheen, Palace of, Richmond lotte, duchess of, Weybridge
Middleton, Conyers, D.D. controver- Sheldon, Gilbert, archbishop of Canter- Zoffany, John, R.A. Kew
Zoncb, Sir John, kt. Waking
sialist, Hascombe bury, Croydon
Adsdean,see Funtington 2186 Belton, see Barlavington 1928 Broadbridge,see Bosham 1947 Chorley Common, see
Adsdean,seeWestbourne 2373 Bentons, see Shipley ..• 2340 Broadbridge Heath, see Chithurst ....••.••.••... 2134
Adversane, see Billings- Repton ..• ... ... ... ... ... ... 1934 Horsham 2254, & Chyngton, see Seaford... 23:17
burst ..................... 1939 BerlingGap,secEastdean 2173 Warnham .•...........•. 2372 Cissbury Hill, see Findon 2178
Albourne •....•..........•• 1917 Bersted North, see South Broadford Bridge, see Clapham .••.••.•......•..• 2134
Alciston .•••....•............ 1917 Bersted ........•..••••..• 1935 West Chiltingt:<>n ...... 2133 Clayton ..................... 2134
Aldingbourne ............ 1917 Bersted South ..•.....•..• 1934 Broad Oak, see Brede ClaytonPark,see Clayton 2134
Aldrington ... ... ... .. . ... 1918 Berwick ... .•. .•• ..• ..• ..• ... 1935 1949, & see Heathfield 2246 Cliffe, see Lewes ....••... 2276
Aldsworth,see Westbrne 2373 Best Beach Hill, see Broad water ..••••..•..•..• 2109 Climping ..•........•..•.•• 2135
Aldwick, see Pagham ... 2311 Wadhurst ............... 2367 Broad water Down, see Clivevale, see Hastings.. 2202
Alfriston •••.............•• 1919 Bevendean, see Falmer 2176 Frant ..................... 2185 Coates ..•.•...•............ 2135
Amberley .................. 1920 Bewbush, see Colgate... 2136 Brookham - Great & Cocking ..................... 2135
Ambersham-North,see Bexhill ..................... 1935 Little, see Beptou ... 1934 Cocking Causeway, see
Fernhurst ............... 2177 Bignor ..................... 1938 Broomhill .................. 2109 Cockina- ................. 2135
Ambersham-South,see Billingshurst............... 1939 Broyle Side, see Ringmer 2325 Codmore Hill, see Pul-
Easebourne ............ 2149 Binderton,seeWest Dean 2145 Buchan Hill, see Lower borough ................. 2323
Ancton, see Felpham ... 2177 Binsted ..................... 1940 Heeding .................. 1933 Coggins Mill Street, see
Angmering ............... 1921 Birch Grove, see West Buck's Green, see Rudg- Mayfield ............... 2298
Ankton, see Felpham ... 2177 Hoathly.................. 2251 wick ..................... 2329 Cokeham, see Sompting 2347
Annington, see Botolphs 1947 Birdham .................. 1940 Buddington, see Bignor 1938 Cold Waltham ............ 2370
Anty, see Cuckfield ... 2143 llirlingGap,see Eastbrne 2153 & see Easebourne .....• 2149 Colgate ..................... 213_<;
Anthony Hill Tower, see Bishopric, see Horsham 2253 Buncton, see Ashington Col wood, see Bolney ..• 1946
Willingdon .......•..•. 2378 Bishopstone ............... 1940 1926, & Wiston ..•....•• 2381 Colworth, see Oving .•• 23II
Appledram ............... 1921 Bittlesham, see Lurgas- Burdocks, see Wisbor- Compton .................. 2136
Ardingly .................. 1922 hall........................ 2294 borough Green.....•... 2380 Coneyhurst, see West
Arlington .................. 1922 Blackboys,see Framfield 2184 Burgess Hill ............... 2110 Chiltington ...........• 2133
Arundel........•......•..... 1923 Blackness, see Westham 2375 Burpham ..•............... 2113 Cooksbridge,see Hamsey 2199
Ashburnham ........•..• 1926 Black Rock, see Brighton 1962 Burton ..................... 2113 Coolham, sec Shipley ..• 2340
Ashdean,see Funtington 2186 Blackstune, see Wood- Burton-West, see Bury 2IIS Coombs ..................... 2136
Ashdown Forest, see mancote.....•............ 2383 Burwash ....•........••.•. 211-4- Cootham,seeStorrington 2355
Maresfield ............... 2296 Blackwater, see Worth 2385 Burwash Weald ......... 2115 Copsale, see Nuthurst... 2309
A.shington-cnm-Buncton 1926 Blatchington-East...... 1940 Bury ........................ 2n5 Copthorne .................. 2136
Ashling-East & West, Blatchington-West ... 1941 Buttolphs, see Botolphs 1947 Court Hydneye, see Wil-
see Funtington......... 2186 Boar's Head, see Crow- Buxted ..................... 2115 lingdon .................. 2378
Ashurst ..................... 1927 borough.................. 2140 Byworth, see Petworth 2316 Couslcy Wood, see Wad-
Ashurst Wood, see East Bodiam ..................... 1941 Cade Street, see Heath- hurst ..................... 2367
Grinstead, 2189, & Boble Street Green ...... 1941 field .................... 2246 Cowbeech, see Bodle
Forest Row ............ 2183 Bognor ..................... 1942 Caldbec Hill, see Battle 1931 Street Gr~en 1941, &
Balcombe .................. 1927 Bognor-Li1 tle, see Fit- Camber, see Broomhill 2uo Hurstmonceux ......... 2264
Baldslow, see Hastings 2204 tleworth ............... 21 Bo & see Winchelsea ...... 2379 Cowfold ..................... 2137
Ball'sCross,see Kirdford 2273 Bohemia, see St. Leon- Campfield, see North Crabtree, see Cowfold... 2137
Barcombe .................. 1928 ards-on-Sea ............ 2205 Stoke ..................... 2354 Crawley ..................... 2138
Barlavington............... 1928 Bolebrook, see Hartfield 2200 Castle Hill,seeNewhaven 2304 Crawley Down .......•...• 2139
Barlington, see Barlav- Bolmer, see Falmer...... 2176 Catsfield •.•..•.••.••..•.•• 2117 Creed, see Bosham ...... 1947
ington .............••.•. 1928 Bolney ....••..............• 1946 Chailey ..................... 2117 Cracker Hill, see Box-
Barlton,seeBarlavington 1928 Borden Wood, see Chit- Chalvington ....••......... 2II9 grove ..................... 1948
Barn Rocks, see Pagham 2311 hnrst ..................... 2134' Chapel Green, see Crow- Crossbush,seeLyminster 2295
Barnell Green, see Itch- Boreham, or Boreham borough ................. 2140 Cross-in-Hand, see Wal-
ingfield •............••... 226g Street, see Wartling 2372 Chapel-North........•.•• 2II9 dron ..................... 2369
Barnham •.•.••..........•• 1929 Bosham ..................... 1946 Charlton, see Single- Crowborough ....••.•...• 2139
Battle........................ 1929 Botolphs or Buttolphs... 1947 ton ........................ 2344 CrowboroughBeacon,see
Battlehurst,see Kirdford 2273 Bow Hill, see West Stoke 2354 Charlton Forest, see Sin- Crowborough ......... 2140
BaybiiSh, see Colgate ..• 2136 Boxgrove ........•..•.....• 1947 gleton.....•..•......•...•. 2345 Crowborough Cross, see
Beachy Head, see East- Hramber .................. 1949 Chelwood Common, see Crowborough ........• 2140
bourne .................. 2150 Braydell, see Wivelsfield 2383 Fletching ............... 2181 Crowborongh Town.....• 2141
Bebyngton, see Bepton 1934 Brede ........................ 1949 Chichester .•..•...... ..:..• 2II9 Crowhurst.................. 2141
Beckley ..•.••..............• 1932 Bridge Street North,see Chick Hill, see Pett....•. 2313 Crowlink, see Friston ... 2r86
Beddingham............... 1933 Robertsbridge ......... 2325 Chiddingly ............... 2132 Crow's Rest, see Crow-
Bedham, see Fittleworth 2180 Brightling.................. 1950 Chidham .................. 2132 borough Town .......•• 2141
Beading-Low. & Upper 1933 Brightling Down, see Chilgrove,see West Dean 2145 Cucktield .................. 2141
Bell Cross,see Fernhurst 2178 Brightling ............... 1950 Chiltington - East & Cuckmere Haven, see
Belle Hill, see Bexhill... 1936 Brighton & Hove ........ : 1951: West ..................... 2133 Seaford .................. 2337
BellsyewGreen,seeFrant 2185 Brimfast, see North Chinton, see Seaford .•• 2337 Cudlawe or Cudlow, see
Belsham, see Yapton ... 2397 Mundham ............... 2304 Chithurst ................. 2133 Climping ... ... ...... .. 213;
I>allington... ... ...... ... ... 2 r44 Enfield Common, see GosdenGreen,see South- Bigh Cross, see Fram-
... . . . .Dane Hill, see Fletching 2181 Lindfield .......•...•..• 2288 bourne .................. 2348 field .. .. .. .. ....•. n~ l84
& 886 Horsted Keynes 2263 Eridge Green ............ 2174 Gosden Green, seeWest- Bighdown Hill, see J<'er-
Dean-East (near Chi- Erid~e Rocks, see Eridge bourne ...•••.••......••• 2373 ring ....•...............• 2178
chester) .. •.• . ... ... ... ... 2145 Green.•.•...............•• 2174 Gosport, see Bosham ... 1947 Highgate,see ForestRow 2183
Dean-East (near East- Ersbam, see Hailsham 21~ Graffham ......•••......•• 2187 High Hurst Wood, see
bourne), see Eastdean 2173 Etchingham ............... 2175 Great Brookham, see lluxted .................... 2n6
Dean-West (near Chi- J<:whurst .•...•.••.••..•..• 2175 Bepton .••.............•• 1934 Highleigh,see Sidlesham :Z344
chester) .. •.. . ... ... ... ••• 2145 Ewhurst Green, see Greatham .................. 2188 HighWood,see Boxgrove 1948
Dean-West (near East- Ewhurst •••..•..•.••..• 2175 Great Hydneye, see Wil- Hoathly-Ea.st .••.....•... 2250
bourne) ..•.............•• 2374 Fairlight .......••..•..•..• 2176 lingdon ................•• 2378 Hoathly- West ......... 22so
DellQuay,seeAppladram 192 I l<'airlight Down, see Greenhurst, see Thake- Hoe, see Hunston ...... 2264
DenneHill, see Horsham 2254 Fairlight ..............• 2176 ham ··········~··· .....• 2359 Holliersbill,Ree Bexhill... 1936
Densworth, see Funt- Fairwarp, sea Mare3field 2297 Green Hydueye, seeWil- Hollingsbury Castle, see
iUocrton ... ..•.•. . .. .. . ... 2 186 I<'almer ..•...........•..•... 2176 lingdon ..•............... 23781 Brighton ...........•... 1958
Denton ...................... 2146 l<'aulking, see Edburton 2173 Grinstead-East •.•.••... 2188,Hollington..•............... 2251
Dcvil'sDy ke,seeBrighton 1958 I<'aygate, see Colga.te ... 2136 Grinstead-West .••..• 2193 Holly· Hill, see Ha.rt-
& see Poynings.•..••... 2321 f<'aygate, see Roffey ... 2326 Groombridge-New ..• 2194 field .....•.....•.•....... 2199
Dicker, The .. ..... .• .•• .•. 2146 l<'aygate, see H.usper ... 2331 Guestling .................. 219-1- Holmbush, see Colgate 2136
Didling ..................... 2146 felbridge,see East Grin- Guldeford, or Guilford llolmbushlleaconTower,
Ditchling, or Ditchelling 2147 stead ..•........•..•.•...• 2189 East ...•.......•..•...... 2195 see Lower Heeding ••• 1:;33
Ditchling Beacon, see I<'elpham .....•...........• 2177 Guldeford Level, see Holt, see Clapham ...... 2134
Ditchling ..............• 2147 fen Place, see Crawley llroomhi:I ........•...... 2109 Holtye Common, see
Dodsley Fields, see Ease- Down ..............•... 2139 Gumber (The), see Slin- Hammerwood ...•.•... 2198
boome .................. 2150 I<'ernhurst .................• 2177 don........................ 2346 Holywell,see Eastbourne 2153
Dole-Small, see Upper Ferring, or West .Fer- Habin, see H.ogate ...... 2327 Hooe ................•....... 2252
Heedin5 ..•...........•... 1934 ring ....................• 2178 lladlow Down ....•...•... 2195 Horeham H.oad ........•... 2252
Donniugton ..............• 2148 findon, or l<'inden .....• 2178 Hailsham .••..............• 2195 Horncroft, see Bury ... 2II5
Uown Ash, see Hails- f<'irle-West ............... 2179 Hale Green, see Chid- Hornet, see Chichester
ham ..•...........•...... 21g6 Firle Beacon, ilee Wes.t dingly ........•......... 2132 2127, &sec Rumbolds-
Downs (The), seellrigh· l<'irle ...........•......... 2179 Halland, see Laughton 2275 wyke ..........•...•....•• 233.0
ton .................•...... 1951 P'ishbourne-New .....• 2179 Halnaker, see Boxgrove 1948 Horsebridge, see Eel-
Dragon's Green, see l<'ishbourne- Old, see Halton, see Hastings ..• 2203 lingly ..................... 2247
Shipley .................. 2340 llosham ................. 19-47 Ham, see Sidlesham ..• 23441 Horse Eye, sea Hails ham 2196
Uripping Well, see !<'air- Fisher, seeNortll Mund- Hammerwood ...........• 2198 Horsey, see Eastbourne 2153
light ....••........•...... 2176 ham ....................• 2304 Hampnet~ -East, see Horsham .................. 2252
Dumpford, sec Trotton 2363 ?ishergate, see South- Boxgrove ............... 1948 Horsted Keynes ......... 2262
Dnncton.••.................. 2148 wick ....................• 2349 Hamsey ..................... 2198 Horsted-Little ..•...... 2263
Unrgates, see Wadhurst 2367 I<'ittleworth ... .. . ... .•• ... 21 So Handcombe, see West- Houghton ..............•... 2263
Uurrington ............... 2148 five Asl1 Down, see ham ..•...........•.....• 2375 Hou;hton Bridge, see
Earnley .•...•..•..•.....•... 2148 Buxted ..•.............. 21 r6 Handcross,seeSlaugharn 2345 Amberley ............... 1920
J<:artham •.•.••....••..•..• 2148 I<'ive Ashes, see Hadlow Handcross, see tltaple- Housedean, see Falmer 2176
Ea~ebourne ............... 2149 Down .................. 2195 field ..................... 2351 Hove, see Brighton ...... 1951
Eason's Green, sae Five Chimneys, see llux- Hangleton ........•........• 2199 Hoyle, see !Ieyshott..•... ~249
Framfield ..•............ 21S4 ted .....•.................• 2116 Han~leton, see Ferring 2178 Hunston ..........•....... 2264
East Ashling, see Funt- /ive Oaks, see Billings- Harbreating, see Hail- Hurst,seeHurstpierpoint 2265
ington .................. 2186 burst ....••.....•........• 1939 sham ..............•...... 2196 Hurst Green, see Etch-
East lllatchington •.•... 19-1-c. I<'lac.:kley Asl1, see Peas- Hardham .................. 2199 ingham 2175, & see
Eastbourne ............... 2150 marsh .................. 2313 Harttield ........•......... 2199 Salehurst .......••....•• 2136
East Chiltington ......... 2133 [•'lansham, see Felpham 2177 Harting-East & West, Hurstmoncmx ............ 2264
J<:ast Dean (near Chi- /let<:hing .................• 2180 see South Harting ... 2201 llurstpierpoint .••.••.....• 2265
cbester) .....•..•.....•..• 2I<t5 Flimwell ••••••.••.••..... , 2182 Harting-South ......... 2200 Hydney, see Willingdon 2378
Eastde:m (near East- F1itchfold, see Wis- Haslet Coppice, see Icklesham .................• 2267
bourne) ..•..•...........• 2173 borough Green......... 2380 Stoughton .••.....•...... 2356 Iden ..•.•.....•......•..•... 2267
Eastergate ................. 2173 P'olking, seEJ Edburton 2173 HassOL:ks, see Keymer 2270 I field .....•.....•............ 2268
Eastgate, see Chichester 2121 t•'olkingLon ..•....•....... 2182 Hastings .................. 2201 Iford ..•....................• 2268
East Grinstead ............ 2180 I<'ord ........................ 2182 Haven, see Rudgwick ... :2329 Inholm, see titoughton 2356
East Guldeford, or Guil- Ford's Green,see Nutley 2310 Haven - Little, see !ping ...........•.....•..•..• 2268
ford ...........•.....•.•. 2195 r'ord Station, see Tor- Roffey .................. 2326IIping Marsh, see I ping 2268
Easthampnett, see Box- rington .....•........•... 2362 Hawkenbury, see Frant 2185 )sfield ........................ 2269
grove ..•......•........... 1948 l''orest Row ...........•... 2183 Hayward's Heath .•.....•• 2242 Island of Thorns, see
East Harting, see South Forest ~ide, see Stough- Heath-North, see Pul- Thomey Island.••..•.•• 2359
Harting .••............... 2201 ton .......................• 2356 borough....•.........•... 2323 Itchenor-West ......... 2269
East Hoathly ...•.•.••... 2250 !<'ramfield ..............•..• 2184 Heathfield ..•.•............• 2245 Itchingfield .............•• 2269
East Lavant, see Lavant 2275 l<'rant ...........•.....•..• 2185 Heeue, seEJ Worthing ..• 2386 Jarvis Brook, see Rother-
Ea3t Lavington, see t<'riday Street, see West- Heighton-South..•..•.•• 2247 field ........•............ 2328
Fernhurst, 2177, & ham ........•.......•.... 2375 Hellingly .................. 2247 Jevington .................. 2270
see Woola.vington ... 2383 :'riston ..................... 2186 Henfield..•.••.••.•••••.•...• 2248 John's Cross, see Mount-
East Marden ............... 22g6 I<'ulking, see Edburton 2173 Henley Common, see field ..............•...... 2303
Easton, see Chidham ... 2133 r'untiugton ............... 2186 Fernhurst ............... 2178 Jolesfield, see Partridge
East Pallant, see Chi- Furnace, see Crawley Henley Hill, see Ease- Green....•.....••..•...... 2194
chester .................. 2127 Down .................. 2139 bourne .................. 2149 KempTown,seeHrighton 1951
ElSt Preston.••............ 2322 Fyning, see Hogate .....• 2327 Hermitage, see South- Keymer ........•....••..•.•• 2270
East Tarring, S.Je Tarr- Gallipot, see Hartfield..• 2200 bourne ..•.•...•.....•... 2348 Kingley Bottom, see
ing Neville .......•.... 2357 Gardner Street, see Hermitage, see West- West Stoke .•...•..•..• 2354
East Wittering ..........•• 2381 Hurstmonceux ...... 2264 bourne ...........•...... 2373 Kiugsfold, see Warnham 2372
Ebernoe, see Kirdford... 2272 Gate House Green, see Heron's Ghyll, see Kingsham, seeCpichestr 2123
Ecclesbourne Glen, see Wadhurst •.•..•.....•..• 2367 Huxted .••..•..•..•.••••. 2116 Kmgston(uear Lewes) ..• 2271
Hastings .•......•....•. 220-l Gay Street, seEJ West Hewin Street, see Ham- Kingston, or Kingston
Ecclesbourne.Valley, see Chiltington ..•........• 2133 sey ........................ 2198 Wyke(near Worthing) 2271
Fairlight .•...........•. 2176 Glynde ...•....•.•......•..• 2187 Heysbott .................. 2249 Kingston-by-Sea .....•..• 2272
Echinhsm, see Etching- Golden Cross, see Chid- Hic.:kstead, see Twine- Kirdford •••..•.••.••..•..• 2272
ham •...••.••.....•.•.... 2175 dingly .................• 2132 ham ..............•...... 2363 Lagness, see Pagh:1.m ••• 23II
Eck.ington, see Ripe ...... 2325 Goldstone Bottom, see Highbeach Warren see Lancing.................._.. 2273
Edburton •••.••.....•..•... 2173 Brighton •......••.•...• 1952 llalcombe ..............• 1927 Lancing tiouth, see Lan-
Egdean ..................... 2174 Goodwood, see Boxgrove 1948 Highbrook, see West cing ..........•.....••..• 2273
El.sted •.•.••.•............• 2174 Goring ..••••..•..•.•...••.• 2187 Hoathly .•......•.•.....•• 2251 Langley, see Milland ••• 230~
• •
' Langley Fort. see Wil- Maundling,orMaundlin, Nuthurst .......••......... 2309 Priestcomb, see Hough-
lingdon .•••••.••..•.••.•• 2378 see Westhampnett ..• 2376 Nutley ..................... 2309 ton ..•....................• 2264
Langness, see Pagham... 23II Maytield .................. 2298 Nytimber, see Pagham. 2311 Prinstead, see South-
Langney, see Westham 2375 Meads, see Eastbourne.. 2151 Oak Down, see Burwash bourne .................. 234B
Langney Point,see East- Meeching,see Newhaven 2304 Weald .................. 2IIS Prior's Lease, see West-
bourne ••..••.....•...... 2153 Merston ..................... 2299 Oakendean, see Cowfold 2137 bourne .................. 2373
Laughton ...........•..•..• 2275 )lichelgrove, see Clap- Offham, see Hamsey ... 2198 Priory Park, see Chi-
Laughton Place, see ham ..................... 2134 Old Fishbourne, see Bos- chester .................. 2123
Laughton ............... 2275 ~Iiddleton .••..•.......•.... 2299 ham ..................... 1947 Pulborough ............... 2322
Lavant ..................... 2275 Midhurst .................. 2299 Old How;e Warren, see Punnett's Town, see
Lavington-East&West, Mid Lavant, see Lavant 2275 Worth .................. 2385 H oothfield ... _.... _. .. ... 2246
see Fernhurst 2177, & Mike Mtll's Race, see OldShorebsm,see Shore- Pyecombe .................. 2324
see Woolavington ..•... 2383 Horsham ............... ~254 ham .................... . Queen's Park, see Brigh-
Leominster, see Ly- Milland ..................... 2302 Old Steine, see Brighton ton . . . .. . . . . ... .. . .. . . . . ... I 9.57
• mt-nster .................. . 2294 Miller'sTomb,seeGoring 2187 Old Town, see East- Rackham, see Amberley 1920
l.,ewes.•. ...................... 2276 Milton Hide, see Arling- b01.~rne .................. 2153 ll.acton ,..................... 2324
Liberty of the Sluice, ton ................. -.....• 1923 Old Town .held, see Bex- Rake, see Milland.....•... 2302
see Hexhill.. ............. 1936 ~Iilton Street,see Arling- hill ........................ 1936 Rake, see Rogate......... 2327
Lickfold, see Lodsworth 2293 ton ........................ 1923 Ore........................... 2310 Redford, see Linch ...... 2287
Lidsey,seeAidingbourne 1917 Minsted, see Stedham... 2351 Oving........................ 2310 Rickney, see Pevensey... 231S
Linch ........................ 2287 Miswell, see Crawley Ovingdean.................. 23u Ridgewick, see Rudge-
Linch Farm, see Linch 2287 Down ..................... 2139 Pagham..................... 2311 \\ick ..................... 2329
Linchmere, or Lynch- Moulse Combe, see Pale House Common, see Ridgewood, see Uckfield 2363
mere ..................... 2287 Patcham ............... 2312 l<"ramfield ............... 2184 Ringle's Cross, see Uck-
Linch - South, see Mount Caburn, see Pallant - East, West, field ..................... 2363
Bepton .................. 1934 Glynde .................. 2187 North & South, see Ringmer .................. 2324
Lindfield .................. 2288 Mountfield.................. 2303 Chichester............... 2127 Ripe ........................ 2325
Linnick Street, see Mount Harry, se~ Lewes 2277 Parham ..................... 2312 River, see Tillington ... 2361
Rudgwick ............... 2329 ~fuddles Green, see Parkminster-Little,see l.{obertsbridge ............ 2325
Litlint_>Wn .................. 2290 Cbiddingly ............ 2132 Cowfold .................. 2137 Rodmell ..................... 2326
Little Bognor, see F1ttle- Mundham-Nortb. ...... 2303 Partridge Green, see Rod mill, see Eastbourne 2153
worth..................... 2180 Mnndham--Sonth, see \\'est Grinstead ...... 2193 Roffey ..................... 2326
Little Brookham, see Pagham.................. 23n Patcham .................. 2312 Rogate ..................... 2327
Bepton .................. 1934 Muntham, see Itching- Patching .................. 2313 Rose Green, see Pag-
Little Common, see field .: ................... 2270 Peasmarsh.................. 2313 ham ...................... 23II
Bexhill- .................. 1936 Nayland, see Balcombe. 1927 Peas Pottage, see Slang- RosersCross,seeWaldron 2370
Littlehampton ............ 22go Needle (The),see Bright- ham ..................... 2345 Rotherbridge, see Ro-
Littlehampton l<'ort, see ling........................ 1950 Pell Green, see Wad- bertsbridge ............ 2325
Climping ............... 2135 Nep Town, see Henfield 2249 hurst ..................... 2367 Rotherfield ............... 2327
Little Haven, see Roffey 2326 Netherfield, see Battle.•• 1930 Penhurst .................. 2313 Rottingdean .............. 2329
Little Horsted ............ 2263 New Fishbourne ......... 2179 Peppering, see Burpham 2II3 Roughey, see Roffey ... 2326
Little Hydneye, see Wil- ~ew Groombridge ...... 2194 Perry Hill, see Hartfield 2200 Rowhook, see Rudgwick 2329
lingdon .................. 2378 Newhaven .................. 2304 Petit Iham, see St. Rudgwick .................. 2329
• Little London, see Chi- Newick ..................... 2307 Leonards-on-Sea ...... 22o6 Rum bold's Hill,see Mid-
chaster .................. 2128 New Pound Common, Pett ........................ 2313 hurst ..................... 2301
Little Parkminster, see see Wisborough Green 2380 Petwortb .................. 2314 Rumboldswyke............ 2330
Cowfold .................. 2137 Newtimber ............... 2307 Pevensey .................. 2317 Runcton, see North
Little Udimore, see Udi- New Town, see Crawley 2138 Pevemey Bay ............ 2318 1\Iundtmm............... 2304
more ...... _.. ... .. .... .. . 2366 New Town, see East- Pict's Hill, see Horsham 2254 Rundlmrst, see Lurgas-
Lodsworth.................. 2293 bourne .................. 2153 Piddinghoe ............... 2318 hall. ....................... 2294
London-Little, see Chi- New Town, see Uckfielcl 2363 Pilsey Isle, see Thorney Runtington, see Heath-
chester .................. 2128 Xinfield ..................... 23oS Island ..................... 23.S9 field ..................... 2246
Lordington, see Racton. 2324 ~orth Ambersham, see Pilt Down, see Flatching 2181 Rushlake Green, see
Lover's Seat, see Fair- Fernhurst ............... 2177 Pilt Down, see Mares- Warbleton............... 2371
light ...................... 2176 North ll3pton.see Bepton 1934 field ..................... 2297 Rusper ..................... 2331
Lower Beeding............ 1933 North llersted,see South Pippingford, see Nutley 2310 Rus!.ington ............... 2331
Lowtield Heath, see · Bersted .................. 1935 Pitlands, see Stoughton 2356 H.ye........................... 2331
Crawley .................. 2138 N'ortb. Bridge Street, see Plaistow, see Kirdford ... 2272 Rye Harbour, see Rye ... 2332
Loxwood, see Wis- Robertsbridge ......... 2325 Playden ..................... 2318 Hype, see Ripe ............ 2325
borough Green......... 2380 North llridge Street, see Plough Hydneye, see Saddlescombe, see New-
Lullington .................. 2294 SaL'!hurst ............... 2336 W1llingdon ............ 2378 timber .................. 2307
Lumley,see ·westbourne 2373 ~orth Chapel ............ 2II9 Plummer's Plain, se~ St. Anne's, see Lewes... 2277
Lurgashall,orLurgeshall 2294 North Chapel, see Hor- Lower Beeding......... 1933 St. John's Common, see
Lyminstcr ................... 2294 sham ...................... 2254 Plnmpton .................. 23I8 Burgess Hil1 ............ 2110
Lynch, see Linch......... 2287 North Common, see Polegate, see Hailsham 2196 St. Leonard's J<'orest, see
Lynchmere, see Linch- Chailey ................•. 2u8 Puling ..................... 2319 Lower lieeding......... 1933
mere ..................... 2287 North End, see Hamsey 2198 Punt's Green, see Ash- St. Leonards-on-Sea, see
Lyoth, see Wivelsfield... 2383 Northgate, see Chiches- burnham ............... 1926 Hastings ............... 2201
.1\Iadehurst.. ................ 2295 ter ........................ 2122 Poorcroft, see Walber- St. Pancras, see Chiches-
:Magham Downs, see North Heath, see Pul- ton ........................ 2369 ter ........................ 2r27
Hailsham ............... 21g6 borough.•......•.......•. 2323 Portfield..................... 2319 St. Roche's Hill, see Sin-
1\Ialling--Sth. see Lewes 2278 ~orthiam .................. 2308 Portobello, see Brighton 1952 gleton..................... 2345
Mallydame,see Fairlight 2176 North Marden ............ 2296 Portslade .................. 2320 St. Tbomas·in-tbe-Cliffe,
Malthouse, see Worth .•. 2385 North Mundham ......... 2303 Portslade-by-Sea, see see Lewes ............... 2278
Manning's Heath, see North Pallant, see Chi- Portslade ............... 2320 Salehurst .................. 2336
Nuthurst ............... 2309 chester .................. 2127 Pound Green, see Bux- Salvington, see ·west
l\Iaplehurst,5.eeNuthurst 2309 North Stoke ............... 2354 ted ........................ 2116 Tarring .................. 2358
:Manlen-East ............ 22g6 North wood, see Stan- Pound Hill, see Worth 2385 Sandy Cross, see Heath-
.1\Iarden-North ......... 2296 sted ........................ 23_')0 Pound Pitt, see Little field ..................... 2246
Marden-West, see Up- Norton.seeAlrlingbourne T9I7 Horsted .................. 2263 Saxonbury Hill, see
marden .................. 2367 Norton, ~:>ee Selscy ...... 2339 Pounsleys, see Fram- Eridgc Green ......... 2174
MareHill,seePulborough 2323 Nursery (The), see East field ..................... 2184 Sayers Common, l!~e
Maresfield .................. 22g6 Hoatbly.................. 2250 Poynings .................. 2321 Hurstpierpoint......... 2265
Mark Cross ............... 2297 Nutbonrne, see Pul- Preston, see Bnghton... 1957 Scaynes Hill, see Lind-
Marsham, see Fairlight. 2176 borough.................. 2323 Preston-East ............ 2322 field ..................... 2288
Seabeach, see Boxgrove 19-ts
Mandlin, seeWesthamp- Nutbourne, see South- Preston Park, see Brigh-
nett ..................... 2376 bonrne ... .. . ...... ... ... 2348 ton ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... 1957 Seaford ....................• 2336
Seaford Heights, see Standard Hill, see Nin- Twineha·m.•••••.....•.••.•• 2363 West Marden, see Up-
Seaford •••..•.•......•... 2336 field ....••.....••••...... 2308 Two Mile Ash, see marden •.•...•••.•..••..•. 2367
Seahonses, see East- Standean, see Pyecombe 2324 Southwater ............ 2349 Westmeston ............... 2376
boume ..•.....•........• 2153 Stanmer .••.....•..••••..• 2350 Uckfield.••..•.••.....•..•.•• 2363 West Pallant, see Chi-
Sedgwick, see Broad- Stansted .................. 2350 Udimore .................. 2366 chester .................. 2127
water ..................... 2109 StapleCross,see Ewhurst 2176 Ud1more- Little, see West. Stoke .............:. 2354
Sedlescombe or Sels- Staplefield.................. 2351 Udimore ............... 2366 West Tarring ............ 2358
combe..................... 2338 Star Row, see Roffey ... 2326 Upmarden ............... 2366 West Thorney, see
Selham ..................... 2338 Stedham .................. 2351 Upper Beeding ......... 1934 Thorney Island ...... 2359
Selmeston .................. 2339 Steel Cross, see Crow- Upper Bevendean, see West Wittering ......... 2382
Selscombe, see Se<Hes- borough.................. 2140 Falmer .................. 2177 West Worthing, see
combe .................. 2338 Steine(The),seeBrighton 1951 UpperBognor,seeBognor 1943 Worthing ............... 2386
Selsey or Selsea ......... 2339 Steyning .................. 2352 Upper Waltham ......... 2370 Westergate, see Aiding
Selsfield Common, see Stockbridge, see Chi- Upperton, see Tillington 2361 bourne .................. 1917
West Hoathly ......... 2251 chester .................. 2123 Verdley, see Fernhurst 2177 Westerton, see ··west- •
Sennicotts, see Funting- Stoke North ............ 2354 Vinehall, see Mountfield 2303 hampnett ............... 2376
ton ........................ 2186 Stoke South ............ 2354 Vines Cross, see Heath- Westgate,see Chichester 2127
Shepherd's Hill, see Stoke West............... 2354 field ..................... 2246 We..'lton, sec Chidham ... 2133
Buxted .................. 2n6 Stonecross, see Wr"!tham 2375 Wadhurst .................. 2367 Whatlington.....•......... 2377
Shermanbury ............ 2339 Stonegate .................. 2354 Walberton.................. 2368 Whiteman's Green, see
Shipiey ..................... 2340 Stonelynk, see Fairlight 2176 Walderton,see Stoughtn 2356 Cuckfield ............... 2143
Shoreham .................. 23:1-I Stopham .................. 2355 Waldington, see Stough- Whitesmith,seeLanghtn 2275
Shoreham - Old, see Storrington ............... 2355 ton ........................ 2356 Wick, see Lyminster ... 2295
Shoreham .............. 234I Stoughton.................. 2356 Waldron .................~ 2369 Wickham,seeRumbo!ds-
Shover'sGreen,see Tice- Straw's Castle, see Fair- Walstead Common, see wyke ..................... 2330
burst ..................... 236o light ..................... 2176 Lindfield ............... 2288 Wicks, see Ford ......... 2183
Shripney, see South Ber- Streatham, see Henfield 2248 Waltham-Cold ......... 2370 Wiggonholt ............... 2377
sted ..................... 1935 Street........................ 2356 Waltham-Upper ...... 2370 Wilderness, see Bnxted 2n6
Sidlesham .................. 2344 Strettington,seeBoxgrve 1949 Walton, see Bosham ... 1947 Wildham Wood, see
Sidley Green, see Bexhll 1936 Strood Green, see Kird- Wannock, see Jevington 2:z7o Stonghton............... 2356
Silver Hill, see Salehurst 2336 ford ..................... 2273 Warbleton.................. 2370 Willingdon ......... .. . ... 2377
Sindells, see Westbourne 2373 Sulham, see Selham ... 2338 Wardley Marsh,seelping 2269 Wilmington ............... 2378
Singleton .................. 2344 Sullington .................. 2357 Warminghurst............ 2371 Winchelsea ............... 2378.
1:5kaines Hill, see Fram- Summer Hill, see Hails- Warnham .................• 2371 Wind Mill Hill, see
field ..................... 2184 ham ..................... 2196 Warningcamp,seeArun- Hurstmonceux......... 2264_
Slade, sea Rogate......... 2327 Sumpting, see Sompting 2347 del 1924; & see Ly- Windmill Hill, seeWart-
Slaugham .................. 2345 Sutton ..................... 2357 minster .................. 2295 ling.................... :... 2372-·
Slindon ..................... 2346 Sutton, see Seaford ...... 2337 Warninglid, see Slau- Wineham, see Sherman-
Slinfold ..................... 2347 Swanborough, se~ Iford 2268 gham ..................... 2345 bury ..................... 2340 ·
Sluice, Liberty of the, Swiftsden,see Hurst Grn 2175 Warren Farm Well, see Wisborough Green ...... 2379,
see Bexhill.. ............. 1936 Swiftsden Cross, see Brig·hton ............... 1952 Wish (The), see East-
Small Dole, see Upper Salehurst ............... 2336 Wartling .................. 2372 bourne .................. 2153
Beeding .................. 1934 Tangmere .................. 2357 Wartling Hill, see Wart- Wiston ..................... 2380 .
Sompting .......;.......... 2347 Tarring Neville, or East ling........................ 2372 Withdean, see Patcham 2312 . •
South Ambersham, see Tarring .................. 2357 Washington ............... 2372 Withernden Hill, see
Easebourne ............ 2149 Tarring-West............ 2358 Waterbeech, see West- Burwash ............... 2114.
South Bersted ............ 1934 Telham Hill, see Battle 1930 hampnett ............... 2376 Withiam, see W1thyham 2381
Southbourne, see East- Telscombe.................. 2358 Watersfield, see Cold Withyham, or Withiam 2381
bourne .................. 2153 Telscombe Tye, see Tels- Waltham ............... 2370 Wittering-East & West 2381
Southbonrne............... 2348 cornbe .................. 2358 Wellingham, see Ring- Wivelsfield ............... 2382
South Common, see Terwick ..................... 2358 mer .................•... 2325 Woldringfold, see Cow-
Chatley .................. 2118 Thakeham.................. 2359 Wepha.m, see Burpham 2113 fold ........................ 2137
South Downs, see East- The Dicker.................. 2146 West Ashling, see Funt- Wolstonbnry Beacon,
bourne .................. 2150 TheGumber,see Slindon 2346 ington .................. 2186 see Pyecombe ......... 2324
Sonthease .................. 2348 The Nursery, see East West Blatchington ...... 1941 Woodcote, see West-
Southern Cross, see Hoathly .................. 2250 West Bognor, see Bog- hampnett ............... 2376
Portslade ............... 2320 Thorney Island ......... 2359 nor ........................ 1942 Wooaend,seeFuntington 218& .
Southga.te,seeChichester 2122 Thorney West, see Westbourne ............... 2373 Woodlands, see Mares-
South Harting ............ 2200 Thorney Island......... 2359 West Burton, see Bury 2II5 field ..................... 2290 ·
South Heighton ......... 2247 Three Bridges, see Worth 2385 West Chiltington......... 2133 Woodmancote ............ 2383,.
South Lancing, see ThreeCups,seeWarbletn 2371 West Dean (near Chi- Woodmancote, seeWest-
La.ncing .................. 2273 Three Legged Cross, see chester) .................. 2145 bourne .................. 2373 .
South Linch, see Bepton 1934 Ticehurst ............... 2361 Westdean (near East- Woodrnan's Green, see
South Malling,see Lewes 2278 Ticehurst .................. 2360 bourne) .................. 2374 Linch .•.................• 2287-
South Mundham, see Tidebrook,see Wadhnrst 2367 West Ferring,seeFerring 2178 Wood's Corner, see Dal-
Pagham.................. 23II Tilgate Forest,seeWorth 2385 Westfield .................. 2374 lington .................. 2144.
Southover, see Lewes ... 2277 Tillington .................. 2361 West Firle.................. 2179 Wood's Green, see Wad-
South Pallant, see Tisrnan's Common, see West Green, see Ifield ..·. 2268 hnrst ..................... 2367 ·
Chichester............... 2128 Rudgwick ............... 2329 ·west Grinstead •••...... 2193 Woodsidc, see Barcombe 1928"
South Stoke ............... 2354 Tortington ............... 2362 Westham .................. 2375 Woolavington ............ 2383
South View, see Crow- Tottington,seeLymnster 2295 Westhampnett ............ 2376 Woolbeding ............... 2384.
borough.................. 2140 Town Row,see Rothcrfld 2328 West Harting, see South Wootton, see Folkington 2182·
Southwater ............... 2348 Treyford .................. 2362 Ha.rting .................. 2201 World's End, see Bur-
Southwick.................. 2349 Trotton ..................... 2362 West Hoa.thly ........•..• 2250 gess Hill ............... 2IIO.
Sparrow's Green, see Trundle Hill, see Single- West Itchenor ............ 2269 Worth ..................... 2384
Wadhnrst ............... 2367 ton ........................ 2345 West Lavant,see Lavant 2275 Worthing .................~ 2385.
W~ Lavington, see
Spear Hill, see Thake- Turner's Hill, see Cra.w- Worthing"-West, see _
ham ...................... 2359 ley Down ............... 2139 Fernhn:st2177; & see Worthmg ............... 2386-
Spithnrst, see 13arcombe 1928 Turwick, see Terwick ... 2358 Woolavmgton ......... 2384 Yapton ................... ~. ;'397
K. S. & S.
With Reference to the Places under which they will be found in this Volume.
Ades, James Ingram esq. see Chailey........................ 2II8 'Broomham park, Sir Anchitel Ashbnrnham hart. .:J.P.
Adsdean, Robert Bedford Wallis Wilson esq. see West- see Guestling ................................................... 219t
1>ourne............................................................. 2373 Buckham hill, Mrs. Yates, soo Isfield.......••. :...•....•••.• 2269
Aldwick Place, Baron Albert Grant, see Aldwick ......... 2311 Buckhurst lodge, Col. Wm. Fras. Walker, see Wadhurst 2367
Aldworth house, Lord Tennyson n.c.L., H.A. see Buckhurst park, Earl De la Warr D.L., l.P. see
Lurga..shall ..••....••••..•••.....••.............••............... 2294 Withyham ........•.....•................••.••.••.••....••..•.•• 2381
Ark (The), Maj.-Gen. Sir Christopher Charles Teesdale Buckmgham house, Henry Head esq. see Shoreham ... 234I
R.A., T.C., K.C.M.G., c.B.• l.P. see SouthBersted ... 1935, Bucksteep manor, Thomas H. Revington esq. see Bodle
.Arundel castle, Duke of Norfolk K.G., E.M., l.P. see Street Green ................................................... 1941
Arundel ......................................................... 1923 Buddington, Francis W. Bourdillon esq. M.A. see
.AsFh.sb.uAr.nshoaomAsPhlbaucren, hEamar.l•o..f.•.A...s.h..b..u•r•n•.h•a•.m.•.•D•..•L...,•.•J...P...•, 1926 I BuHrtuodndhinogutsoen,An""t'h"o'n..y..J""o"h""n""w""n·:g"h"t'~"B""t..d.d..u..lp..h..e..s.q....D...L...·, 2I49
Ashdown park, Thomas Charles Thompson esq. M.A., ~.P, see l:larlavington ....................................... 1928
l. P., uon.n.c. L. Durham, see Forest Row ............... 2183 . Burton Rough, Row land E. Robertson, see Burton ...... 2II3
A.shfield house, Rev. Henry Back M.A.camb. see Mid- Buxshalls, Lt.-Col. Dudley Sampson .l. P. see Lindfield 2288
hurst ....••....••.••..•..•...•.•....•.•••.••......•.•...•••..•..• 23()() Buxted park, Viscount Portman, see Buxted .......••... 2116
A.shfold, Eric Carrington Smith esq. see Slaugham ... 2346 I Camberlot hall, Hy.John Hammon esq. see Hellingly... 2248
Ashurst Wood house, Henry Finch esq. see Forest Row 2183 l1 Capron house, Col. Wm. By. Watson l.P. see Midhurst 2300
Avisford house, Robert Pryor esq. see Walberton ...... 2369 . Castle Goring, Arthur William Fitzroy Somerset D.L.,
Balcombe house, Sir Henry Daniel Gooch bart. see l.P. see Goring .................................:.............. 2I87
Balcombe ...................................................... 1927 'Castleham, J.\llrs. ~tone, see Hollington ..................... 2251
Halcombe Place, Mrs. Hankey, see Balcombe ............ 1927; Castle hill, Rt. Hon. James Stansfeld P.c., K.P., LL.B.
..Baldslow Place, Charles John Ebden esq. M.A., J".P, see · seeRotherfield ................................................ 2328
Westfield ......................................................... 2375 Catsfield Place, Mrs. Burrell-Hayley, see Catsfield ...... 2n7
Banks {The), Charles Augustus Egerton esq. D.L., J.P. Chalet (The). Miss Gorring, see Burton .................. 2u3
see Mountfield ................................................ .2303 Chantry (The), Rev. John Henry Mee M.A., D.Mus. see
.Barcombe Place, The Hon. Sir William Grantham Westbourne ................................................... ~373
(Justice of Queen's Bench Division), see Barcombe ... 1928 Charman Dean, George Wedd esq. J.P. see Broadwater 2I09
Barham, Joseph Rickett esq. see East Hoathly............ 2250 Chelwood Beacon, Edward Wormald esq. see Nutley ... ~3IO
Barkfold, Capt. Osborne Nathan.iel Henry B:uwell J.P. Chesnut lodge, Sir Prescott Gardiner Hewett hart.
see Kirdford •...•...•.••.•.•.•......•••..•.•...••••....••.•...• 2272 F.R.s. see Hoy-sham- .....•..•...•.•..•.. ~ ................••.•• 2254
Barrow hill, Mrs. Hall, see Henfield ........................ 2248 Chestham park, Henry Ross esq. F.S.A. see Henfield ... 2248
Battle abbey, Duke of Cleveland K.G., D.C.L., D.L. see Chichester palace, Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of
Battle ............................................................ 1929 Chichester (Richard Durnford n.n.), see Chichester 2I~I
.Beauport, Major Sir Archibald Lamb hart. J.P. see Chithurst house, Capt. Henry King R.N. see Chithurst 2134
Hollington ...................................................... 2251 Cissbury, Hugh Wyattesq. LL.D., D.L.,~.P. see Findon ~r78
l1eckworth, Ernest J. Arbouin esq. see Lindfield ...... 2288 Clayton court, John Eiger esq. see Rogate ............... 2327
.Bedales, Rev. Frederic Willett M.A. see Lindtield ......... 2288 Clayton priory, Gen. Waiter Douglas Phillipps Patton-
.Beechland, Thos. 8~. Leger Blaauw esq. l.P. see Newick 2307 Bethune, see Clayton ....................................... 2134
lleedingwood, Wildman Cattley esq. see Lower Beeding 1933 Coates castle, Louisa, Dnchess of Abercorn, see Coates 2I35
.Belmoredean house, John Benjamin Walford Whitelock Coldharbour wood, Thomas Sutherland esq. M.P. see
esq. see West Grinstiead ...........•.................•......... 2193 Milland ......•..........•.....•.•..................•............ 2303
.Dersted lodge, Mrs. Fletcher, see Bognor .................. 1943 Col wood house, Rt. Hon..Sir Charles Synge Christopher
Bignor park, John Heywood Johnstone esq. .J.P. see Bowen P.c., n.c.L. (Justice Queen's Bench Division),
Bignor ..............•.••....•.....••.............••.....•...... 1938 see Slaugham .•...•...........•.........•••....•...........•..• 2346
Binderton house, Henry Charles Deedes esq. .:J.P. see Combe lodge, Lady Thompson, see Rogate ............... ~327
Binderton ...................................................... 2145 Combe Place, Rev. Sir Georgc Croxton Shifiner hart.
tBineham, John Geo. Blencowe esq. D.L., J".P. see Chailey 2n8 M.A. see Hamsey ............................................. 2198
Binsted house, Ed ward Staker Read esq. see Binsted ... 1940 Compton Place, the Marquess of Hartington P.c., !LP.
Boorzell_house,GeorgeBuirow Gregoryesq. M..A.., .l.P. seeEas!bcn~rne ................................................ 2153
see Fhmwell ................................................... 2182 Conyboro, R1gbt Hon. Lord Monk Bretton P.c., D.L.,
Bolnore, Henry Woodcock esq. J.P. see Cuckfield ...... 2142 J".P., F.R.G.Ii. see Rarcomhe................................. 1928
Borde hill, Thomas Thompson Cunlifie-Lister esq. .J.P. Coolhurst, Charles Robert Scrase-Dickins esq. M. A.,
~e Cuckfield ..............•.......••..................•.•.••... 2142 D.L., l.P. see Horsham ................................. :••.•• 2254
Borden wood, Theodore Julius Hare esq. J".P. see Cottage (The), GeorgeMolineux esq. J.P. see Isfield ... 2269
Chithurst ...................................................... 2134, Conrtlands, l<"rederick Augustus Du Croz esq. 1.P. see
Bramblehurst. Henry Lucas esq. see Forest Row ...... 2r83j West Hoathly ................................................... ~251
Brambletye, Donald l..arnachesq. see Forest Row ...... 2I83 , Cowdray park, Right Hon. Earl of Egmont D.L., l.P.
Bramlands, Mrs. Jephson, see Woodmancote ............ 2383 see Easebourne ................................................ ~149
Brantridge, Finlay Campbell esq. see Balcombe ......... 1927 Crabbet park, Wilfrid Seawen Blunt esq."see·worth .,.,.;;!J84
Brickwall, Edwd. Frewen esq. D.L.,~.P. seeNortbiam 2308 Cranesden, Lord Francis Hervey H.A., H.P.,·.J.P:•8ee ,
Brightling park, Henry John Nicoll esq. see Brightling 1950 Mayfield .........................................:;•• :...:..., ... 2298
Broad Oak,Lieut.-Col. Hy.Lane l.P. see Little Common 1:936 Crowham manor, Wm. Leigh Smith esq. see Wes't.field 2374
'Broadlands, George Baker esq. see North Chapel......... 2119 1 Crowhnrst park, Philip Oxenden Papillon esq. K.A.,
Broadwater Manor house, James Nattrass Ritchie, see D.L., .J.P. aee Crowhnrst .................................... ~141
Broadwater...................................................... 2I09 Cuckfield park, Charles Warden Sergi!lon esq. .:J.P. see
Brockhnrst, Kenneth Robert Murchison esq. P.R.G.s., Cuckfield......................................................... ~142
D.L., .J.P. seeEastGrinstead .............................. 2189 Dale Park house, Charles John J<1etcher esq. D.L., .J.P.
Brook hill, Wm. Borrer esq. H..A.., D.L. .:J.P. see Cowfold 2137 see Madehurst ................................................ 2295
Brookfield, E. Carleton Holmes esq. see Lyminster ...... 2295 Danehnrst, Mrs. Hardy, see Dane Hill ..................... sn81
Dangstein, Charles Thomas Lane esq. see Terwick ...... 2359 Gratwicke house, James Wilsbn esq. see Billingshorst I939
DaHnnnyrstppat.errkp,o1W. nitll.i.a.m.••.H••e.•n•r.y....C..a..m..•p.i•o•n....e.•s.q..•.•.J•..P.....•s.e•e• Gravely house, Lewis Weedon esq. see Lindfield .••, •• 2288
Gravenhurst, Philtp Woolley esq. see Bolney ............ 1:946
Dencombe, Lieut.-Geo. Sir John Watsoo v.c., K.C.B. Great I<'renches (The), Mrs. Thorne, see Crawley Down 2139
BM ~laugham........•........•.................•..•..•......... Great Ote hall, Matthew Herbert Woods esq, see
Denne park, Mrs. Eversfield, see Horsham .....•.....•... \Vivelsfield .........•....•....•........•..•..••:.......•..•...••. 2383
Densworth house, Lieut.-Col.Robert Edward Garnham, Great Walstead,Sills Clifford Gibbons esq. see Lindfield 2288
see Funtington . .•.•• .... .• . .. .. . . . . ... ... ... .•• ..•. .• ... .... 2 I 86 Grove (The), Edwiu Martin esq. Sf'.e Worth.....•......... 2385
Dewhurst lodge, Mrs. Gee, see Wadhurst ............... 2368 Habin hill, Rev. Prebendary J oho Bradley Dyne D.D.
Down park, Stanley RllSSell esq. see Crawley Down ... 2139 see Itogate ... •. •... ... .. ••. . ... ..• .. . .•.••.... •. . .. . ..• .. •••• ••• 2327
Drove house, Henry Bull esq. see Singleton ............ 2344 Ham manor, Col. Sir Henry Fletcher hart. H. P., D.L.,
Drunswick Manor house, Ernest E. llraby esq. see J. P. see Angmering ..............•..•..........•.••••...•••.. 192I
.WxwO<Xl •••.••••••••.•..•••••.••••••••.••.••••••••.•••••..•.•• 2380 Hammerwood lodge, Oswald Augustus Smith esq. see
Dndwell house, William Hampton esq. see Burwash ... 21 r4 Hammer wood ................................................... 219B
Dnnford, Misses Dickinson, see Heyshott.................. 2250 Hamsell manor, Wilfred Haughton Hodgkin M.A., l.P.
Eartham house, Sir Peniston Milbanke bart. D.L., 1. P. see Eridge Green ........•...•••..• ···-· ...•.•.••...••......• 2174
see Eartham ..•. •• .••.••... ..•..•. .. ..•.••.•. . •• ... ..•... ..•... 2 r 49 Hamsey house, George Whitfeld esq. l.P. see Hamsey 219B
Eastbourne Manor house, Carew Davies Gilbert esq. Handcross park, John Warren esq. see Slaugham ...••• 2346
.I.P. see Eastbourne ........................................... 2153 Hapstead house, Thomas Potter esq. see Ardingly...... 1:922
East Pallant house, Lt.-Geu. Wilbraham Oates Lennox Haremere hall, Thomas Russell esq. see Etchingham 2175
J.P., R.X., C.B., V.C. see Chichester ........................ 2128 Hartwell, John Mews esq. J.P. see Hartfield ............ 2200
Ebemoe house, John Peachey esq. see Kirdford ......... 2272 Hawkhurst court, John Osmastoo esq. see Kirdford..i 2272
Elfinsward, Lindsay Eric Smith esq. see Hayward's Hawksfold, Osbert Salvin esq. F.R.s. see Fernhurst ••• 2177
Heath ... ... ........ .. ... .... .. ..• .... .. ... ... .••..•. ... ..•.•.. .. ... 2243 Heatherden house, James George Boucher esq. .J.P.
Elm house, Sir William Reynell Ansou hart. D.C.L., see Cross-in-Hand ................................................ 2369
J.P. see Flimwell ............................................. 2182 Heathfield house, Major Henry Joseph Plumridge
Ely grange, J.<'rederick Henry Jewell Kay l.P. see Frant 2185 Wood head, see Heathfield ........................ ~ ........ 2246
Eridge castle, Marquess of Aberga.venny K.G., D.L., Heathfield lodge, Rev. Thos.Bumingbam, see Midhurst 2300
J.P. see Eridge Green ....................................... 2174 Heathfield park, Frederick Henry Scott esq. D.L., .J.P.
Fairlight hall, William Luca.s-Shadwell esq. .J.P. see see Heathfield ................................................... 2246
Fairlight......................................................... 2176 Henley house, George Hankey esq. J.P. see !<'rant ...... 2185
Fairlight lodge, His Honor Judge Alfred Martineau Hermitage, Norman William Grieve esq. see East
H. A., J'.P. see Fairlight.•••.•....•...•.•..•••••....••..•...... 2176 1. H Grin stead .. ......•.•... .........•.......••. •......••••.......•. 2189
Fair Oak, Hon. Jn. Jervis Carnegien.L., J.P. see Rogate eron' s Ghy ll, Ouke of
2327 Norfolk K.o., l.P. see Buxted 2116
Felpham house, Mrs. Auld, see Felpham.................. 2177 Hickstead Place, .Mrs. Wood, see Twineham ............ 2363
Fen Place, Mrs. Oxley, see Turner's Hill.. ................ 2139 1 High Beeoch, Col. \Vm. Rowe Lewis l.P. see Hollington 2251
Fernden, Herbert George- Yatman esq. see North Am- High Beeches, Wilfrid Bans Loder esq. J.P. see
'bersham ..•....•.......••••.•....•...•.....•....••..•...•.•.....• 2r77 r Slaugham .••......••....•••.•....•.•.•.......••.....•.•.••••... 2346
Ferns (The), Lieut.-Col. John Rose Holden-Rose D.L., High Cross,Robt.Thornton esq. J.P., D.L. see Framfield 2184
u~. see Wivclsficld ........................................... 2382 IIigham house, Rev. George Curteis Luxford H.A., J.P.
F~rrmg grange, ~Irs. Henty, see Ferrmg .................. 2178 i1 _see Salehurst ................................................... 2336
Field Place, 1\IaJor-Gen. George Edward Baynes, see 1. HHiigghbllaenydsm, aBnaorrn,a rd Becket Hodgson esq. see Bolney... 1946
Wamham ...................................................... Uobert Cradock Nichols
2372 esq_ see
Finden Place, Lt.·Col. Wm. Geo.Margesson, seeFindon 2178 ! Halcombe ...................................................... 1927
Firle Place, Right Hon. Viscount Gage D.L., J.P. see 'Hilder's court, Thomas Shepherd Richardson esq. see
West r,irle ····················-~································ 2179 I Chirlrlingly .................•.........................•...•....•. 2132
Firs (The), John Long esq. J .P. see Walberton ......... 2369 Ho! brook, Alfred Richard Crcyke esq. see Horsham ••• 2254
Fitz hall, Fraser Piggott_esq. see !ping .................. 2268 Holbrook, John Crossley esq. see Waldron ............... 2369
Folkington Manor house, James Eglinton Anderson Hollandsfield, Gen. Sir Henry Percival De Bathe D.L.,
Gwynne esq. l.P., F.S.A., F.R.G.s., c.B., F.s.s. see l.P. see Funtington .......................................... 2186
Folkington ...................................................... 2182 Holly hill, John McAndrew, see Hartfield .................. 2199
Forest farm, Lieut.-Col. Lord Frederick John Fitzroy [Hollycombe, Sir John Hawkshaw F. R.s., J. P. see Linch 2287
J.P. see Balcombe ............................................. 1927 . Holmbush, Col. James Clifton Brown J.P. see Colgate 2136
Forest lodge, Capt. William N oble.J.P., F.R.A.S. ,F. R. M.s. 1 Holme park, J ames Livesey esq. see Rotherfield ...... 2328
see Maresfield ................................................. 2297 : Holtye house, Joseph Osbert Whatley esq. see Ham-
Forest Mere, Right Hon. Sir Henry Cotton n.c.L. (Lord merwood ........................................................ 2198
Justice of Appeal), see Milland ···············-· ......... 2303 , Hooke (The), Mrs. Hepburn, Ree Chailey ............... 2u8
Franchise, Henry Lucas esq. see Burwash ............... 2114 I Horeham Hurst, Waiter Monckton esq. .J.P. see
Framfield Place, Francis Hugh Baxendale esq. see Horeham Road ................................................ 2252
Framfield ...................................................... 2184 Horsgate, Richard Alex. Be¥an esq. l.P. sea Cuckfield 2142
Frankham, Henry Gould Dixon csq. see Mark Cross... 2297 Horsham park, Robert Henry Hurst esq. M.A., D.L., J.P.
Franklands, Mrs. Jenkins, see Burgess Hill ............... 2III see Horsham .................................................. 2254
Franklyns, The Hon. Mrs. Pakenham, see Wivelsfield 2383 Horsted Place, Francis Barchard esq. M.A., D.L., .J.P.
Frant court, The Hon. Misses Canning, see Frant .....• 2185 see Little Horsted ................................ ~ ••......•.• li26J
Freshcombe lodge, Lieut.-Col. H. C. Bridger, see Huntslancb, Hennan Rucker esq. see Crawley Down 2139
Upper Beeding •••.•...:....................................... 1934 Hurst Dene, Edwd. Saml. Norris esq. H.P., J.P. see Ore 2310
Friars (The), Major Hobert Curteis Stileman l.P. see Hurst grange, Majl)r C. H. Borrer .J.P., D.L. see
Wincbelsca.••....•..••..•.......••.•..••.•.....••..•..•.•...•... 2379 Hur tpierpoint ................................................. 2265
Fryem house, Frederick King esq. see Storrington ... 2355 Hurst Gre!'n lodge, William Orme Carter J.P. see
Fnntington house, Admiral of. the Fleet Sir Provo Hurst Green ................................................... 2175
William Parry Wallis o.c.B. see Funtington .•••.•.•• 2186 Hyde (The), Edward J.<'rancis Bigg esq. see Slaugham 2346
Fyning house, Miss Simpson, see Rogate.................. 2327 !ford house, Lionel L. Constable esq. see Kirdford...... 27.7ll
Glenleigh, Major William Taylor, see Westham......... 2375 !ping house, Sir Edward Archibald Hamilton hart. see
Glynde Place, Right Hon. Viscount Hampden P.c., I ping ............................................................ 2268
o.c.B., D.L., l.P. see Glynde .............................. 2187 !ridge, Rev. J. Sumner Gibson :M.A. see Hnrst Green 2175
Glyndebonrne, William Langham Christie esq. D.L., Isenhurst, Sir George Rendlesham Prescott hart. J.P.
l.P. see Glynde .......•......•.•..•...•..•.....•.••......•••... 2187 see MaJ,.field ....................................................... 2298
Gaffs hill, Edwio Henty esq. l. P. see !field .......... :.... 2268 Isfield Place, Henry King esq. K.A., .J.P. see lsfield ... 2269
Goodwood, Duke of Richmond &; Gordon K.G., P.c., Ivorys, William Percival Boxall esq. see Cow£old ...... 2137
LL.D., D.C.L., l.P., D.L. see Bo:xgrove ......... - ....... 1948 Kidbrooke park, Henry Ray Freshfield esq. J.P. see
Gore hill, Henry Upton esq. .J.P. see Petworth ............ 2315 Forest Row................... ·-~·········· ........ - .......... lU83
Goring ball, Major Willi~tm Lyon .J.P. see Goring •.•.•• 2187 Kingston house, Hugh Gorringe esq. J.P. seeKingstQn•
Grange (The), Mrs. Grafton, see Selsey .................. .2339 by-Sea .............................................................. 2273
''rGrange (The), Forrester Britten esq. J.P. see Sher- , Kingston house, Mrs. Oliver, see Kingston. near ; 1
Grmasasnlabnndr,yF··r·e··d·e··r·i·c·k···W···a··i·l·e·r-·e··s·q·.···Q··.·c·.·,··n··.·L··.·,··.·J·.·P·.· · ···· 2340 Kne orthing , .C..a..p.t....S..i..r..C..h..a.r.l.e..s..R..a..v..~..o..n..d.. ............ "'····· ~27~
see pp castle Burrell hart.
Staplefield ...•.•.....·.•.·....•••..·...,........................... 2 351 .I.P. see__S_hipley ·········-······················••·•·······-.•··· 23A~(>
x. s. & s. c2
Knole, Col. Sheffield Hamilton-Grace n.c.L., J.P. see Oving Manor house, Llewellyn Foster Loyd esq. see
14,rant •.•.•..•••.•.••.••..•....••..•....•.•••..•.••.....•..•.••••• 2185 Oving ......•.•.•••••..•....•.•••..•...•••.••.•••••..••.•...•••.•• 2311
Knowle, Mrs. Latham, see Cuckfield .................•... 2142 Paddockhurst, Robert Whitehead esq. see Worth .....• 2385
Knowles lodge, George Knott esq. see Cuckfield ..•... 2142 Pakyns, Wm. Borrer, jun. esq. J.P. see Hurstpierpoint 2265
Laker's lodge, Hy. Frederick Napper esq. see Loxwood 2380 Pashley house, Miss Wetherell, see Ticehurst ..•.•....•.• 236o
Lancing manor, James Martin Carr-Lloyd esq. J. P. see Patcham Place, Rev. Frederick .Anthony Stapley M.A.
I..ancing .. . . . . •. •.. . . . . . .• .. . . . . . .. . .• .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . . .•. ••• 2273 see Patcham ............••.............•••..................••• 2312
Lanehurst, Sir Daniel Adolphus Lange F.R.G.s. see Pax Hill park, William Sturdy esq. see Lindfield •••.•• 2288
Allxlnrne.••...•.•...............................•..............•• 1917 Penn's Rocks, Alexander Thomas .Aibert Pryce esq. J.P.
Laughton lodg-e, Sir James Duke bart. see Laughton 2275 ~see With~· ham ................................................ 2381
Laurelhurst, John Conrad Schroeter, see Burwash ... 2II4 Petworth house, Lord Leconfield n.L. see Petworth ... 2315
Lavant house, Major John Cavendish Orred J.P. see Pickforde, Nathaniel Stuart Alexander esq. see Tice-
!Avant.............................................................. 2275 hurst .......................................................... 236o
Lavington house, Reginald Garton Wilberforce esq. Pipping-ford park, Frederick Gray esq. see Nutley, ....• 2309
n.L., J.P. see West Lavington..........••..•..............• 2384 Pit's hilL Capt. Wm. Kenyan MitfordJ.P. see Tillington 2361
Leasam house, Lieut.-Col. .Arthur Montagu Brookfield Place (The), Charles Liddell esq. J.P. see Peasmarsh... 2313
x.P., J .. P. see Rye ..........•..••.......•..••...........•.•.... 2333 Plaw Hatch, Wm. R . .Arbuthnot esq. see Forest Row ... 2183
Leighside, Mrs. God lee, see Lewes.. •• .• . .. .. . . . . .•. . . . .• •... ll278 Portfield house, Joseph Davies esq. J.P. see Portfield..• 2319
Leonardslee, Sir Edmund Giles Loder bart. M..A.. see Port'lade house, James Evitt Nash esq. see Portslade 2320
Lower &eding ................................................ I933 Portslade lodge, Miss Borrer, see Portslade ............... 2320
Lime park, Cecil Arkcoll esq. see Hurstmonceux ..•..• 2264 Portslade Manor house, Mrs. Barber, see Portslade ... 2320
Little Green Manor house, John A. Miller esq. see Possingworth, Louis Huth esq. see Waldron ...........• 2370
C<>mpton.•.•......•.........................•.•.............••.•. 2136 Preston Place, Reginald .Augustus Warren esq. J.P. see
Lodsworth house, Lieut.-Col. Edward Ommanney East Preston ......... ......... ... ...... ... ............ ......... 2322
Hollist R.A.., J.P. see Lodsworth ...........•...•.•.......•• 2294 Quarry house, W. F. M. Copeland, see St. Leonard's-
Lordington house, Admiral Sir Geoffrey Thomas on-Sea .................................................••.•......• 2200
Phipps Hornby G. c. B., J.P. see Racton .......••......... 2324 Rattan park, Freeman Thomas J.P. see ·willingdon ... 2378
Loxwood house, Minaid Cammell esq. see Loxwood ... 2380 Reedens, ·wm. Hy. Hallettesq. n.L., F.L.S. see Chailey 2n8
Lucastes, Robert Hannan esq. J. P. see Hayward's Heath 2243 Ridgewood house, Geo. Wm. Adairesq.J.P.seeUckfield 2364
Lydhnrst, Ernest Noel esq. D.L., J.P. see Slaugham ... 2346 Ripsley, Charles Ranken Vickerman Longbourne esq.
Lyminster house, Capt. Kemp J.P. see Lyminster...... 2295 see Mill and ....................•.•............•.....•....•......• ~303
Maresfield park, Lady Shelley, see Maresfield •.•.•...• 2296 Rockhnrst, Chas.Hill esq. J.P., F.S.A. see WestHoathly 2251
Maritean house, J<'rederic .Andrew Inderwick esq. Q.c., Rocks (The), Henry Gebhardt esq. see Crowborough ..• 2140
D. L., J. P. see Winchelsea .................•...........•...... 2379 Rocks(The),Richd. Jas. Streatfeild esq.J.P. see Uckfield 2363
Markly, The Misses Darby, see Warbleton .••..•.......•• 2371 Roeheath house, William Graves Cotesworth esq. J. P.
Maybanks, Jame.'l Braby esq. F.s.s., J.P. see Rudgwick 2329 see Chailey................................•.••...........•.....• 2118
Meeching Place, Miss Catt, see Newhaven ............... 2304 Roffey house, Capt. & Mrs. Arthur George Smith, see
Middleton house,Hy.Chas. Lane esq.J.P.sceWestmeston 2377 Roffey ....•...•..•........•.......••.••.••....••...•••........•... 2326
Milland house, .Alex. Jas. Macdonald esq. see Milland ... 2303 Roffey park, James lnnes esq. J.P. see Lower Beeding 1933
Rogate lodge, George Morley Dowdeswell esq. Q.c.,
Molecomb house, Earl of March & Kinrara J.P. see
Singleton........................................................ 2344 M.A., J.P. see Rogate ...............................••........• 2327
Monks, Mrs. Thomas, see Wadhurst. .. . .. .. . .•. •.• ... .•.. .. 2368 Rotherfield hall, Peverill Turnbull esq. see Rotherfield 2327
Moulse Comb Place, Benjamin Tillstone Rogers- Rotherfield house, Francis Montier Mercer esq. F.c.s.,
Tillstone, see Patcham......... ···'·························· 2312 F.I.C. SP-e Easebourne ......................................• 2149
Mountfield court, Lady Mary Frances Egerton, see Rotherhill, Rev. Henry Ruck-Keene H.A. see Stedham 2351
Moontfield . •. •.•.. . . . . . .. .• . .. . . .. . .•. . •. . . . .•.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 2 303 Rotherhurst, Henry Robert Goldfinch esq. B.A., J.P.
Mnntham, Percy Sanden Godman esq. B.A., J.P. see see Rotherfield . . .. . •.. . .•. .•. . . . .. •• •. ..• .•. . •. . .• .. . . . •. .• . .• 2328
Itchingficld..................................••............•.•... 2270 Roundwyck, Capt. Robert Penfold, see Kirdford.•......• 2272
Mnntham court, Harriet, Marchioness of Bath, see Rovinrlene, Chas. Horace Stenning esq. J.P. see Playden 2318
Findon..•........•.........................•....................•. 2178 Rowdell house, Charles Munro Sandham esq. J.P. see
Mytten house, Major Thomas Astley Maberley J.P. see "\\-"ashington .. . . .. .. . ... . . . ... . .. ... . . . . .. . . . . . . ... .. . .. . ... ..• 2373
Cnckfield....•......................................•....•.•....•. 2143 Rowfant, Lady Lampson, see Copthorne .••••••.•......•.• 2136
Newells, Frederick Wm. Longman, see Lower Beeding 1933 Runcton house, George F. Marsden esq. see North
Newick park, Jas. Hy. Sclater esq. D.L., J.P. see Newick 2307 Mundham ..• . . . . . . . . . .. •. . . . .. . .• .•• . . . . .•.. •••. . .. ..• .•• . .. . .• 2304
Newtimber Place, Mrs. Gordon, see Newtimber.......•. 2307 Rushton park, William Rushton Adamson esq. n.L.,
Normanhnrst, Lord Brassey K.C.B., D.L., J.P. see J.P. see Mountfield •...•••••................•...........•..• 2303
Catsfield ....••................................................... 2117 Rusper Nunnery, Edward Lawson esq. see Rusper.....• 2331
Normans, Waiter Cobb esq. see Rusper ................ .. 2331 Rustington house, Hugh Penfold esq. M.A., J.P. see
N orthlands, Mrs. Henty, see Funtington .•...........•.... 2186 Rustington .......................•....•...•.......•............• 2331
North Mundham house, William Stanley Harris esq. Saint Hill, Edgar March Crookshank esq. see East
soo North Mundham ...•........................•............ 2304 Grinstead ..•........•............•.......•.••.•..••....•....... 2189
Northwood, William John Evelyn esq. J.P., D.L. see Salt Hill park, Sir .Archibald Levin Smith kt. see New
Hoi"StOO Keynes .............................•.................. Fishbourne .....•.............••....•........•...........•.•••..• 2179
Norton house, Mrs. Christopher Richard Buckle esq. Sandgate, Wm. Valentine Felton esq. see Sullington..• 2357
~ Aldingbonme .•...••.....•.•..•.••.....•.............•.... I917 Sandrocks, Mrs. Renshaw, see Hayward's Heath .....• 2243
Nymans, Capt. John Dearden J.P. see Staplefield ....•• 235I Sa.xonbury lodge, Frederick Jameson, see Frant..••....• 2185
Nyton park, Thomas Barnett esq. see A.ldingbonrne... 1917 Seacox, Rt. Hon. George Joachim Goschen P.c., H.P.,
Oakdown, Hon. Mrs. Holland, see Bnrwash Weald ... 2115 M.A., n.L., J.P. seeFlimwell .............................. 2182
Oaklands, Mrs. Allcard, see Chichester •••........•...... 2127 Searle..<J, Sir Spencer 1\'Iaryon Maryon-Wilson bart. J. P.
Oaklands, Hercules Brabazon Brabazon esq. M.A., J.P. soo F1ekhing ..•......................•.....••.•...•....•..••..• 2181
& Boyce Harvey Combe esq. J.P. !'ee Westfield ..... . 2374 Sedgwick park, Robert Henderson esq. seeNuthurst..• 2309
Selehurst,Wm.EgertonHubbard esq.see LowerBeeding I933
Oakleigh, .Alderman Sir Francis Wyatt Truscott J.P.
!Jf:e East Grir1stead ..............•.••.••..•...•..•••..•.•.••• 2191 Sennicotts ho. E. Graham Boucher esq. see Sennicott.s 2186
Oakwood, Francis Baring Du Pre J.P. see Fnntington 2186 Sheffield park, Earl of Sheffield n.L., J.P. see Fletching 2181
Oakwood, Major-Gen. Charles Scudamore Longden Sbermanbury park,1R. Hoper esq. seeShermanbury... 2340
R.A. ~ Ifield .....•.....•................•........•......•..•••. 2268 Shernfold park, Countess Katherine Charlotte .Ash-
Ockenden, Dowager Lady Burrell, see Cuckfield ...... 2142 burnham, soo Frant •••....•.•.•..•.....•.••.................• 2185
Ockley manor, James Wood esq. see Keymer ..........•. 2270 Shernfold park, Hon. John Ashburnbam, see Frant..• 2185
Offham house, Fendall Thompson esq. see Hamsey ..• 2198 Sherringt.on manor, Cecil Long esq. see Selmeston •.• 2339
Offiington house, Thomas Gaisford esq. n.L., J.P. & Shillinglee park, Earl of Winterton D.L.,J.P.seeKirdford 2273
Lady Alice, see Broadwater .............................. 2109 Shopwyke house, Henry Steinmetz Kennard esq. see
Old Lands, Mrs. Nesbitt, see Buxted ..................... 2n6 Oving ....................•....................................... 2311
Old lodge, Thomas Brown esq. J.P. see Hartfield ...... 2200 Shovelstrode lodge, Cha.s. Ta.ylor esq. seeHammerwood 2198
Old park, Hon. Charles Paget Fitzhardinge Berkeley Sladeland, Ross Porter esq. see Kirdford......... ......... 2272
D.L., l.P. 8e«l Fontingtc>n ....•••.•.••.•.•.•.••.•..•••••.••••• 2186 Slaugham grange, Mrs. Lister & John Jame8 Lister
Old park, Mrs. Lennox, see Bosham...... ......... ......... 1:947 esq. l.P. soo Slaugham.......••.••.•.•••.••....•••••.•.••.••• 23-46
Old Place, Charles Earner Kempe e.sq. see Lindfield ... 2288 Slangham park, William Tulloch e!!q. see Slaugham... 2346
Slindon house, Charles Stephen Leslie esq. seeSlindon 2246 Upperfold, Wm. Williams esq. see North Ambersbam 2r77
Slinfold lodge, Lieut.-Col. Edward John St. John n.L., Vale wood, Mrs. Mangles, see Lurgashall .••.•..•..•..•• :-.1294
l.F. see Slinfold................................................ 2347 Verdley Place, Sir Horace Davey kt. Q.c., M.P. see
Somers Place, Robert Gaff esq. see Rillingshurst ...... 1939 Fernhurst ...................................................... 2r.77
Sompting Abbotts, Henry Peter Crofts esq. n.L., l.P. Wadhurst park, Adriano & Cristobal De Murrieta esqrs.
see Sompting................................................... 2348 see Wadhurst................................................... 2367
South lodge, Frederick Du Cane Godman esq. F.R.S. Wadhurst Place, Mrs. Evered, see Wadhurst.........••• 2367
see Lower Heeding .......................................... 1933 Wakehurst Place, Thomas William Board esq. M.P.
South park, Arthur Croft esq. see Wadhurst .......••.•• 2367 see Ardingly ................................................... 19:1:1
Southbins, Thomas Hy. Bolton esq. see Burwash Weald 2II5 Walberton house, Leicester Hibbert esq. see Walbert.on 2369
Southover grange, Mrs. Thorne, see Lewes...•••......... 2278 Wamham court, Charles Thomas Lucas esq. D.L., l.P.
Southover hall, Mariano De Murrieta esq. see Burwash 2114 . see Warnham..........••.........•.......................•.•..• 237::1
Spring lodge, Maj.-Gen. Henry Ellenborough Dyneley, Warnham lodge, Henry Harben esq. see Warnham ••• 237:1
Isee Heathfield ................................................ 2246 Warren (The), Lieut.-Col. Thomas. !<'. Wisden n.L.,
Springfield, William Fickus, jun. esq. see Crawley ..• 2138 l.P. see Broadwater .........................................• 2r.og
Sta.nmer, Rt. Hon. Earl of Chichester, see Stanmer ... 2350 Watergate, Richard Christy l.P. see Stougbton......... 2356
Sta.nsted park, George Wilder esq. see Stansted.......•• 2350 Watergate house, Richd.Christy esq, J".P.see Upmarden 2366
Stedham hall, Hy. Billinghurst esq. M.D. see Stedham 2351 Welkin (The), Mrs. Otter, see Lindfield .....•............ 2289
~tillyans tower, Lady Dorothy Fanny Nevill, see , West Hroyle house, John James Johnson esq. Q.c., J.P.
H~thfield ...................................................... 2246 see Lavant .....................................................• 2275
Stoke house, Lady Victoria C. M. Pole-Tylney-Long- West Burton house, Mrs. Currie, see Bury ..•..••....•.•• 2115
Wellesley, see West Stoke ................................. 2354 West Dean house, Frederick Bower esq. J".P. see West
Stone house, John Roberts Dunn esq. n.L., J.P. see Dean •••••••••.••.....•.••.•........•.•.•.••.••.•...•.•••••....•• 2145
Warbleton ...................................................... 2371 Westergate house, Hon. Mrs. Richard Denman, see
Stopham house, Col. Sir Walter Barttelot Barttelot Aldingbourne..... .................................................. 1917
hart. C. B., M.P., D.L., .J.P. see Stopham .••...........• 2355 Westfield house, John .Ashley Mullens esq. see Westfield 2374
Storrington Abbey, Col. Sir Walter George Stirling West Grinstead lodge, Mrs. Otter, see West Grinstead 2193
hart. l.P. & Eliza Horatia, Viscountess Clifden, see West Grinstead park, John Arthur Whitaker esq. .J.P.
St.<>rringt<Jn... ..•..............•................................• 2355 see West Grinstead .. .... . .. ... ... . .. ... ... ... .. . ... ... . .. .. . 2193
Street Place, Major-Gen. Henry Terrick J<'itz-Hugh Westlands, George Day esq. see West Grinstead ...... 2193
R.A., l.P. see Street .......................................... 2356 West Preston manor, Thos. Bushby esq. see Rustington 2331
Strood Park, William Morrison Strachan esq. see Slin- Whiligh, George Campion Courthope esq. D.L., l.P.
fold ............................................................... 2347 see 'ricehurst . .. ... .. . ... . .. ... ... . .. ... .. . ... ... .. . ... ... . .. .. . 236o
Summer hill, Mrs. Charles Catt, see Lindfield .•..•.... 2288 Whyke house, Capt. George .Arthur Trevor (Royal
Summer Hill house, William Lamb Taylor esq. see Sussex regiment), see Rumboldswyke .......•...•...... 2330
Five Ashes ..............................................•....... 2r95 \·\-"imblehurst, Edward Allcard esq. see Horsham ...... 2254
Sunny bank, George Bell Irvmg esq. see Mayfield.•...• 2298 Windmill Hill Place, Herbert Mascall eurteis esq. see
Sunte house, Mrs. George Catt, see Lindfield .......•..•• 2288 Wartling......................................................... 2372
Sntton hall, Frederick Smith Shenstone esq. M. A., D.L., Wispers, Mrs. Scrimgeour, see Stedham................•. 2351
J.P. see Barcombe .................•........................... 1928 Wiston house & park, Rev. John Goring M.A., l.P. see
Swallowfield, Norman MacLeod of MacLeod, see Nut- Wiston............................................................ 2381
hnrst ...... ... ... .. ..... .. ...... ... .. . ... ... .. . ... ... . .. .. . ... . .. 2309 Withdean hall, Frank Mowatt esq. c.B. see Withdean 2312
Swandean, Mrs. Lee, see Durrington •.•.••.••..........•. 2148 Woldringfold, Chas. Hulkeley Godmau esq. see Cowfold 2137
Tedfold, Chas. Waiter Schroeter esq. see Billingshurst 1939 Woodcroft, Sir Charles Lennox Peel K.C.B., .J.P. see
Telham court, Edwd. Tiley Lambert esq. .J. P. see Battle 1930 Cuckfield ... ...................................................... 214~
Telham grange, Mrs. Hotham, see Crowhurst ......... 214x Woodend, Mrs. Kincaide Smith, see Funtington .....• 2r.86
Terry's Cross, Henry Thos. West esq.l.P. see Henfield 2249 Woodhurst, Philip Rawson esq. l.P. see Slaugham .•• 2346
Thorney Island Manor house, J<'rancis Herbert Pad- Woodleigh, Edward Grey esq. see Mayfield ............... 2298
wick esq. see Thorney Island.............................. 2360 Woodmancote Place, Arthur Smith esq. see Wood-
Thomhill, Lord Henry Neville, see Forest Row .•..•..•• 2183 mancore . .. ... . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. ... . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . 2 383
Tilgate, John Hennings Nix esq. see Worth ..•......... 2384 Woodside, Maj.-Gen. Andrew .Aldcorn Munro J.P. see
Tottingworth park, l''ras. Logie Pirie esq.see Heathfield 2246 Frant ............................................................ ~185
Tower house, Capt. Edward Henry Mostyn n.L., .J.P. Woodside, Thomas Smith Pix esq. J.P. see Peasmarsh 2313
~ Arnndel ... ...... ......... ... ... ...... ... ...... ... ... . .. ... 1925 Woolbeding house, Lady Lanerton, see Woolbeding ... 2384
Trotton Place, Edwd. Aug. Nevill esq. l. P. see Trotton 2363 Worth hall, Mn;. Hurst Wrig-ht, see Worth.••......•••..• 2385
Twineham court, Lady Howyer-Smijth, see Twineham :1363 Worth park, Mrs. Montefiore, see Worth .......•..•....... 2385
Twyford lodge, John Parsons esq. see Nutley........•••• 2310 Wykehurst, Edward Huth esq. l.P. see Bolney ••....••• 1946
Uckfield house, Mrs. Day, see Uckfield .•.....•.......••• 2363 Yewhurst, Charles William Bell esq. l.P., D.L. see
Up park, Miss J<'etherstonhaugh, see South Harting.•• 2200 J4.,orest Row...................................................... 218 3
'• Abberton," Edburton Campfield, North Stoke Dyke family, Waldron
Adela, daughter of William I. Ilastings Caaning, George, M. P. Seaiord Ecclesbourne Valley, Fairlight
Adeliza, queen, Lyminster Canning, Sir Stratford, viscount Strat- Echyngbam family, Battle, Echingham,
Ainsworth, William Harrison, novelist, ford de Redcliffe, K.G. Frant 'ficehurst
Cuckfield, Hurstpierpoint Cannon, first English, Buxted Edward I. .Arundel, Eastdean, Horsham
Alard, Gervase & Stephen, admirals, Caryl or Carrell, Sir Edward, kt. South Edward II. Horsham, Slinfold
Winchelsea Hartinge Edward VI. Boxgrove, Kirdford
Alchorne family, Buxted Caryl or Carrell, Sir John, kt. Horsham Elizabeth, qneen, Ashington,Chichester.
Alfred the Great, Arundel, Steyning Caryll, Sir John, kt. Warnham Mayfield, Parham
Ancient houses:-Appledram,Harlaving- Caryll, John, titular earl Caryll & baron Ella, Saxon king, Shoreham
ton, Boxgrove, Cuiddingly, Cuckfield, Dartford, South Harting Elliott, Sir George.Augustus, K.n. baron
Westdean, Easebourne, Etching-ham, Caryll family, West Urinstead, South Heathfield, Heathfield
Forest Row, Greatham, Henfield, Hey- Harting, Shipley Eminences :-Ditchling, Brightling, Fer-
shott, East Hoathly, Horsham, Hurst- Castles :-.Amberley, Arundel, Bodiam, ring, l<'indon, West Firle, Fletching
pierpoint, Keymer, Lindtield, Lods- Bramber, Broadwater, Coates, Fern- Episcopal residences :-Aldingbourne,
worth, Midhurst, Milland, Ninlield, burst, Ford, Hastings,Hurstmonceux, Amberley, Ferring,Henfield, Horsted-
Newtimber,Oving, Parham,Petworth, Midhurst, Pevensey, Shipley, Win- Keynes, Kirdford, Mayfield, Rmgmer,
Pulborough, Racton,Ringmer,Rother- che!sea A.indon, West Tarring, Wisborough
field,Rusper,Shermanbury,Slaugham, Charles I. Ashburnham, Tillington Green, West \Vittering
Slindon, Stansted, Stopham, Street, Cl1arles II. Shoreham Epiton, Battle
Ticehurst, Upmarden, \Valdron, War- Chesworth house, Horsham "Eritheham," Hardham
bleton, Westfield, Westham, Willing- Cheyney family, Guestling, Icklesham Ernle John, attorney general, Earnley
don, Wiston, Withyham, Wivelsfield, Cbillingworth William M.A. divine, Ernle or Ernley, William, esq. West
Woodmancote, Woolbeding Chichester Wittering
A nderida. Pevensey Church, smallest in England, Lullington Estover ferry, Stopham
Ardene, Sir Halph, kt. Linchmere Churches, ruined : - llotolphs, South Ethelwealh, king of Sussex, Selsey.
Armada, clock captured from, Rye Heighton,Kingston Wyke,Lullington, Steyning
.Arundel, earls of, Arundel, Chichester, Lyminster, Ore, Seaford, Selsey,Trey- Evelyn, Jobn,D.C.L.scholar & antiquary.
Houghton, Lyminster ford, West 1\Iarden, Winchelsea North Stoke
Arundel, Maud, Countess of, Chichester Cissa, king of the South Saxons, Exeter, bishops of, Bosham
Ashburnham family, Ashburnham Chichester· "Falchebam," Felpham
Audley Fir Henry, kt. Iping Cis.sbury Hill, Findon, Worthing "Feringham," Hardham
Baldock family, Buxted Cnut, Danish king, daughter of, Bosham Fermor, Sir Henry, Rotberfield
Bartlet or Barttelot family, Billings- Cobden, Richard, M. P. Heyshott, Mid- Fetherstonhaugh, baronets (ext.), South
burst, Stopham burst, West Lavington Harting
Battles, Hastings (Battle), Lewes Coffee, first English dealer in, FClrd Fig orchard, ancient, West Tarring
Beachy Head, Eastdean Collins William, poet, Chichester I<'itzalans, Earls of Arundel, Houghton,
Bell, Dutch, Duncton Compton Sir Henry, K.B. Forest Row Linchmere
Berodalbus or Bervald, Saxon chieftain, Covert family, Slaugham Fitzjames, Richard, bishop of Chiches
Hastings, Pevensey Cowdray house, _Easebourne ter & London, Steyning
Bleatbam, Egdean Cowper family, South Harting Fitzwilliam, William, Earl of Southamp-
Blue Idol, Thakeham Cranmer Thomas, archbishop of Can- ton; Easebourne,Heyshott,Linchmere,
Bohun family, Midhurst terbury, Mayfield Midburst
Bord, Andrew, M.D. physician to Henry Crowlink, Friston E<'rewen, Accepted, archbishop of York.
VIII. Pevensey Cudlowe or Cudlow, submerged village & Frewen family, Northiam
u Borne,'' Westbourne of, (;limping Frog Firle house, Alfriston
Borough English, custom of, Seaford Culpepper family, Ardingly I<'uller family, Waldron
Brackenbury family, Portslade Cumberland H.R.H. Henry Frederick, Fynes or Fiennes, Sir Richard, 7th
Bradford Sir H. H. K.C.R. Storrington duke of, Brighton baron Dacre, Hurstmonceux
Brambletye house, Forest Row Curfew, the, Hastings Gage family, viscounts Gage, WestFirle.
Bramston Rev. James, M.A. poet, Hart- Oacre, baron (see I<'ynes) Framfield
ing, Lurgashall Dalyngrudge, Sir Edward, kt. Bodiam Garway family, Ford
British remains :-Ditchling, Findon, D ~lyngrugge, Sir Waiter, kt. Fletching Gaunt John of Ore
Glynde, West Hoathly, Singleton, Danish remains :-Horsham "Gentle Kate" (Shakespere's), Trot\on
North Stoke Dawtrey family, Petwortb George IV. Brighton
.Browne Sir Anthony K.G. & wife, Battle, De Blois William, earl of, Moreton Gibbon, Edward, historian, Fletching
Easebourne, Hastings Warrenne & Surrey, Brighton, King- Gibbons, Grinling, carver, works of,
Browne Sir Anthony, K.G. T"iscount ston, Lewes Petworth, titansted
Montagu., Easebourne, Midhurst De Braose, Sir Thomas, kt. 3rd & last Goodwood, Singleton
Browne Sir George, kt. North Marden baron, Horsham Gordon-Lennox, Charles, sth Duke of
Broyle place, Ringmer De Braose family, Horsham, Shipley, Richmond, K.G. & wife, Hoxgrove
Huckhurst mansion, Withyham Wiston Goring family, Billingshurst, Lewes
Burghersh, Burwash De la Warr, barons (see West) Gaunter family, Racton
Burnett, Sir Wm.K.C.B. & wife,Boxgrove De Montfort, Simon, 1st & only earl of "Great-upoQ.-Little," au isolated rock,
Burrell family,Cuckfield, WestGrinstead Leicester of that name, Lewes West Hoathly
Burrell, S1r William, hart. West Grin- Dell Quay, Appledram, Chichester Green man, the, Wilmington
stead, Lewes Delves, Captain Thomas. Hastings Gresham, Sir Thomas, kt. Mayfield
Burrows, Sir Cordy, kt. Brighton Derby, Mary, countess of, Boxgrove Grey, Sir l<'ord, 3rd baron Grey ofWerke.
Caburn, Mount, Glynde Devil's Dyke, the, Brighton, Poynings South Harting
Camber castle, Winchelsea Dit-cham estate, &uth Harting Guldeford Level, Broomhill
Camois, Sir Ralph, kt. Trotton, Turwick Dorset, earl of (see Sackville) "Halestede," Elsted
Camois or Camoys, Sir Thomas K.G. D'Oyley family, Buxt.ed Halnaker house, Boxgrove
xst baron Camois, & wife, Trotton Drunswick or Dyrringswyke place, Halsham, Sir Hugh, kt. & Halsham
Camois, Margaret, lady, Trotton Wisborough Green family, West Grinstead
11 H;~.mesford," Stedham "Meeching," Newhaven Plantagenet!or de Warrenne, John, earl
Hannington, James,n.n. bishop and mar- Meopham, Simon, archbishop of Can- of Warrenne & Surrey, Brighton
tyr, Hurstpierpoint terbury, Mayfield Pole, Regiuald, cardinal archbishop,
Harcourt, lady Catherine, Buxted "Mereden," Marden RActon
Hanlin.,ae, Rev. Sir Charles hart. Crow- Michelham priory, Dicker, Hailsham Pole, Sir Richard, kt. Racton
burst Mida (Midhurst) introduction Porlus .Adurni, Bramber
Hare, Julius Charles II.A. divine, Hurst- Mike Mill's Race (avenue), Horsham Possingworth, Old. Waldron .
monceux Mill, Sir Richard, hart. & family, Wool- Powlett family, West Grinstead
Harold 11. Battle ; reputed grave of, beding Pynham priory, Lyminster
HBJ~tings Miller's tomb the, Goring Radcliffe, .Anthony James, 4th earl of
Haselrigge, Sir Arthur, kt. Chichester Mineral springs :-Balcombe, Brighton, Newburgh
Hastings (battle of) Battle Hove, Hellingly Radcliffe, Charles, titular earl or
Hayley, William, author, Eartham, Mogridge, Geor5e (Old Humphrey), Derwentwater, Slindon
Felpham Hastings Radcliffe, James Bartholomew, 3rd earl
Heathfield, baron (see Elliott) Moleyns, Adam, bishop of Chichester, of Newburgh, Slindon
Henniker family, Hartfield Amberley Rattan house, Willingdon
Henry I. Arundel Monastic & ecclesiastical remains l - Rede, William, bishop of Chichester,
Henry II. Wiuchelsea Alciston, Alfriston, Arundel, Battle, Amberley .
Henry IlL Lewes Upper Heeding, Bosham, Boxgrove, Richmond, duke of (see Gordon-Lennox)
HJptagonal font, unique, Hollington Bramb~r, Chichester, Dicker, Ease- Richmond,Frances,duchess of,Boxgrove
Herbert, Sir Thomas, hart. royalist & bourne, Hailsham, Hardham, Hast- Riggcs family, Woolbeding
antiquary, Tillington ings, South Heighton, Hooe, Kingston Roberts family, Warbleton
Heronry, Parham \\'yke, Lewes, Linchmere, Lyminster, Roman remains :-Ardingly, Ashington,
"Herredeham " or " Ileringham," Midhurst, Poling, Robertsbridge, Bignor, Billingshurst, Brighton, Chi-
Hardham Rotherfield, Rusper, Seaford, Steyn- chester, Duncton, Eastbourne, Etch-
11 Heschapelia," Shipley ing, Tortington, Warbleton, Wilming- ingham, Ferring, Findon, Hastings,
Hessel, Phrebe, female soldier, Brighton ton, Winchelsea Henfield, Lancing, Pevensey, Pul-
Highdown Hill, Ferring Montagu, viscount (see Browne) borough, Rodenell, Rumboldswyke,
Hills place, Horsham More house, Petworth Seaford, Telscombe, Walburton, West-
Hog' house, Buxted Mount Harry, Lewes hampnett, Wiggonholt, Worthing
Hollingsbury castle, Brighton Mylne family, Greatham Rook's Hill, Singleton
Holmbush tower, Lower lleeding Napoleon L emperor, Boxgrove "Rookwood" (Ainsworth's), Cuckfield
Holroyd family, earls of S 11etlield, Fletch- Nash family, Wa! berton Rowe John, antiquary, Lewes
ing Neale, John Mason, D. D. liturgiologist, Royal Oak, knights of the, Horsham
Hopton, Sir Ralph, K.B. rst baron, East Grinstead Royalist "clubmen," Singleton
Arundel ''Needle," the, Brightling Ryman family, Appledram
Hotham, Sir Ricb.ard, kt. South Bersted, Nevills, earls & marquesses of Aher- :Sackville, family nf, Westhampnett,
Bognor gal'enny, Er.dge Green, Fletching,l Withyham
Roward, Edward Granville George, rst !<'rant, East Grinstead, Rotherfield Sackville, Sir Thomas, kt. rst earl of
baron Lanerton, Woolbeding Newcastle, Thomas, duke of, K.G. & Dorset, Withyham
Howanl, Thomas, 4th duke of Norfolk, pr1me minister, Laughton St. Clement's Caves, Hastings
I. G. Horsham New place, Angmering St. Gilbert, 16th bishop of Chichester,
Hnskisson, Rt. Hon. William, K.P. New priory, Hastings (Holy Trinity) Houghton
Chichester, Eartham Newburgh, earl of (see Radchffe) St. John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospital-
Hussey family, Elsted, South Harting, ,Newington family, Ticehurst lers, Midhurst, Paling
!ping NICholl, Sir Charles Gunter, Racton St. Leger, Sir Anthony, kt. Slindon
lden, Alexander, sheriff of Kent, Heath- "Nine Worthies of the World," the, St. Richard, 13th bishop of Chichester,
field Amberley Steyning, West Tarring
"!ham," Winchelsea Nineveh horne, Arundel St. Roche's Hill, Singleton
Islip, Simon, arcbbishop of Canlerbury, "Nouneminster," Lyminster St. Wilfrid, bishop of Northumbria,
Mayfield Norfolk, duke of (see Howard) Selsey
Jack Cade's Stone, Heathfield Norfolk, dukes of, Arundel Savage family, Broadwater
Jackson, Rev. Cyril, n.D. Felpham Normans house, Rusper Saxon remains :-Alfriston, Arundel,
John, king, Hastings North, Sir Edward, kt. M.P. Mayfield Eridge Green, Findon
JoweLt family, Hartfield Northeye, old town of, Bexhill Sea, England's supremacy of the, pro-
Jmon, William, bishop of London, Oftley family, Waldron claimed, Hastings
Albourne Old Roar waterfall, Hastings Seal or Sele, priory of, Upper Beeding
Kempe, Sir Anthony, kt. & Kempe Otham or Otteham priory, Hailsham Sedgwick castle & estate, Broadwater
family, Slindon Otway, Thomas, dramatist, Trotton Selden, John, II.P. jurist, West Tarring
Kent, H.R.H. Victoria, duchess of, Bog- Otway family, Woolbeding Selsey, baron (see Peachey)
nor Owen, Sir David, kt. Easebourne Selwyn family, Friston
Kingsham house, Chichester Owers Light, Hognor Senlac, battle of, Battle
Kirkland, Sir John, kt Oxenbridge, Sir Godard, kt. & Oxen- Sergison family, Cuckfield
Knepp Pond, Shipley bridge family, Brede, Winchelsea Shelley, Percy Bysshe, po~t. Horsham,
Knights Temvlars, Shipley, Southwick Palmer, Sir Thomas, kt. Slindon Warnham
Lade, Sir John, hart. Warbleton Palmer family, Angmering Sherborne, Robsrt, bishop of Chichester,
Lamb family, Rye Parker, Sir John, kt. Willingdon Amberley, West Wittering
Lanerton, baron (see Howard) Parker, Sir Nicholas, kt. Willingdr>n "Silletone," Singleton
Lan,<Tton, Stephen, archbishop of Canter- Peachey, Sir James, hart. rst baron Shirley, Sir John, kt. & Shirley family,
bury, Slindon Selsey, Westdean Isfield, Wiston •
Lee, Edward, D.D. archbishop of York, Peckham family, Compton Shovel, Sir Cloudesley, kt. rear-admiral,
Kirdford Pelham family, Hastings, Lancing, Hastings
Leicestel", earl of (see de Montfort) Laughton, Penhurst, Warbleton Shulbrede priory, Linchmere
Leicester, Eleanor, countess of, Bramber Pelham, Sir John, kt. Crowhurst, War- Sluice, liberty of the, Bexhill
Leighton, Robert, arcnbishop of Glas- bleton Small Dole, Upper Heeding
i!'OW, Horsted-Keynes Pelham, Sir Nicholas, kt. Lewes Smirke, Sir Robert, kt. R.A. architect,
Lemon, Mark, dramatist & author, Pellatt, family, Bignor Walberton
Crawley Penn, William, colonizer, Thakeham, Smith, Charlotte, authoress, Bignor,
Lewknor family, Westdean, Kingston- Warminghurst Woolbeding
by-Sea, Trotton, Tnrwick Percy family, Petworth Southampton, earl of (see Fitz.william)
"Lolinminster," Lyminster Percy, Sir Henry, kt. (Hotspur), sword Spencer, lord Robert, Woolbeding
Lnmley, Frances, viscountess, West- of, Petworth Standard Hill, Ninfield
bourne Peveril family, Shermanbury "Stenningham," Steyning
Lunsford family, East Hoathly Phipps family, Compton " Stocktone,'' Stoughton
Lyell, Sir Charles, hart. Midhurst Picts' Hill, Horsham Stratford, Joseph, archbishop of Canter-
Maitland family, Hartfield Pierce, Sir Thomas, hart. Westfield bury, Mayfield
Ma.tilda, empress of Germany, Arnndel Piers family, Westtield Stratford de Redcliffe, viscount (see
March, Amy Mary, countess of, Boxgro Pitt, William, H.P. Seaford Canning)
Synods, provincial, Mayfield Trollope,Anthony,novelist,SouthHartng Wells, singular :-Rottingdean
Tenures, curious, Sutton "Tuck's Hythe," "Tewksleith" & West family, Shermanbnry, Shoreham
"Terringes,'~ West Tarring
"Tnxleigh," Milland West, Thomas,K.G.8th baron De la Warr
Tettersell, Captain, royahst, Brighton Tnmnli :-West Stoke Broadwater '
"Tilletone," Singleton . Twyne, Thomas, M. D. Lewes West, Sir Thomas, K.G. 9th baron
Todham, Great, house, Midhnrst Verdley, manor of, Femhurst De la Warr, Broad water
" Tordewyke," Turwick Victoria, queen, Bognor West, Sir Thomas, kt. Boxgrove
Tournament, first held in England, Vidal, Dr. K 0. bishop of Sierra Leone, Wilberforce, Sam_nel, n.n. bishopofWin.
Hastings · Dicker ?he.ster, & fam1ly, Woolavington
Treasure trove, Washington Waldegrave, William, 8th earl, & family, W1ldgoose, lady Margaret, Willingdon
Trees, remarkable :-South Bersted,Box- Hastings William the Conqueror, Battle Win.
grove, Catsfield, Crawley, Hollington, Wailer, Sir William, kt. Arundel, Chi- chelsea
Pett, Stedham, Tangmere, Wilming- chester, Greatham, Stansted William Rufus, Arnndel
ton, Woolbeding Wakehurst family, Ardingley Winterton, earls of, Kirdford
Tregoz family, Slinfold "Wamecha," Lyminster Wren, Sir Christopher, kt. Chichester
11 Treverde," Treyford • Warrenne family, Lewes "Wynkenholte," Wiggonholte
Trevor, Hon. Richard, bishop of Dur- Warrenne,earl(see deBlois&Plantagenet) "Wyseberg," Wisborough
ham, Glynde Webster family, Battle Ypres tower, Rye
LONDON & COUNTY BANKING CO ....... I Accountants:-
LONDON & PROVINCIAL ........................
2 J. B. TERSON & SON ..• ... ...... ......... ... ...... 6o
J. WAGHORN.......................................... 6o
Advertising agent :-
w. p ANKHURST ..•.....I............................ 98
CO ....................................................... 4 Aerated water manufacturer:-
BRITISH EMPIRE ................................. 3 J. W. COURT........•..........•..................•..• 113
CHURCH OF ENGLAND........................... 4 Agents-House, land & estate:-
CITY OF LONDON FIRE ........................ 3 F. AMOS ... ... ..• ... ..• ..•..• .••... .•• ..• ... ...... ..• .•• 77
COMMERCIAL UNION ...........................
COUNTY FIRE ....................................... 5 0
ECONOMIC LIFE...................................• 5
J. BRAY .....•..•.•••.•.••.•••.•...•••.•••••..•••..•..• 105
C. BRIDGER ........................................... 63
J. C. COLLIER .•....••....... ~·· ....••.••....•.....•• 82
ENGINE, BOILER & EMPLOYERS' CRONK (}!ESSRS.) ... .•• ... ... ... ... ... ..• ... ..• ..• 105
LIABILITy.........................I •••••••••• I • • • • • 4 G. DREWITT ......... ~····· ..........................• 11.")
GENERAL................................................. 7 FOLKER & HORTON .............................. 114
GENERAL REVERSIONARY & INVEST- 6 H. C. HOLMAN & CO •....•..............• ~·· ....•• 90
MENT CO ...................... ··~ ......... -~· ... ..•
G. KNIGHT & SON .••••••••••.... ~····· .••..•..•... 115
GRESHAM IJIFE ... ... ............ ... ...... ....••..• 8 J. OTHEN •.•.••........•...............•......•....... 42
IMPERIAL FIRE & LIFE ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE ......... 7 J. PLUMER ... -~···································· g8
8 PRIOR & JO~ES ..•.••....•.........•............... s6
LONDON ASSURANCE .. . ...... ...... ... .•. ...... 9 A. J. RAWLINSON •••.••.•.........•.••.••.•......• 108
LONDON IJIFE ...........•...... ~·· ... ... ... ... ... ..• 10 REEVE & FI~N ... ~·· .•............•.•............. 108
W. RE~H & SONS .................................. 117
YORK ...•.•.•....... -~· ..•.....• ~-· ... ... ..• ... .•• ..• 10 D. STEWART & CO ........•..•.....•.....•.••..•..• 118
NATIONAL BOILER ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..• ... ... 7 J. E. TERSON & SON ................................. 6o
NATIONAL PROVIDENT........................ 11 - VENESS ....••••...•.•••••... -·~ ... ..• .•. ..• .... ..• ... 119
NORTHERN ..................................... I.. ... ... 11 J. WAGHORN.......................................... 00
NORWICH UNION FIRE ... ... ...... ...... ...... 12 WOODHAMS & SON ... ... ...... ......... ... ... ... 104
PH<:ENIX FIRE .••.....•.••••. -~· ... ... ... ... ..• .•. ..• 12 A. WOOTTON & SON ... ...... ...... ... .•• ...... ... 62
PRO'VIDENT UFE ... ... ... ... ... ... ......... ... ... 13 . WORSFOLD & HAYWARD ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 62
QUEEN ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... .... .... .... ..... ... .. ... ... ... 13 Agents-Insurance : -
RELIANCE MUTUAL LIFE..................... 9 J. C. COLLIER ....................................... 82
ROCK LIFE .•.......... I..... ...... ......... ... ... ... I 4 SALISBURY (MESSRS.)........................... 118
ROYAL EXCHANGE .••..•.................•.....• 14 Agricultural engineer:-
SCOTTISH EQUITABLE ........................ IS · A. EADE, Ju111 ....... ••• ••• ••• ••• ••••••••• ••• ••• ••• ••• 86
SECURITY CO ..•.•.••.•••... ~-- .........•••..•.•...• IS Agricnltnral implement agents : -
SUN FIRE ...•••.••........•.•••.•••.•.•.....•....••... 16 H. CLARK ... ... ... ... ... ... ..• ... ... ..• ... ... ... ... .•• 64
UNION ...........•.••.......••.•.....•..............•.••• 17 FINN & SONS LIMITED ........................ Faci11g
WESTMINSTER FIRE ........................... 17 com~t of Ktmt
YORKSHIRE ..• .•• ••• ..• .•• .•• ••. ... ..• .•• ... ..• .•• ..• 18 HAMMOND & HUSSEY........................... 51
' l'AGB
• l'AGB
Agricultural implement agents:- Bath & wash-house fittings manufacturers :-
A. W. KNIGHT···············-······-··············· 70 T. BRADFORD & CO .................. ··· ··· ... ... 19
W. MEEDS, JuN •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 91J Bedding manufacturer : -
A. NEWNHAM •.•.•..•...•.....•..•..•..•.••..• ·•• ·•• 72 G. TURNER ... ... ... ... ..• ... ... ... .. .... ... ... ... ... IOJ
Agricultural implement manufacturers :- Bee hive manufacturer : -
CERES IRON WORKS LIMITED .....•.....• 81 C. T. OVERTON .................. ··· ··• ······••• ··• 73
G. COPPIN & SONS ..•.••..•... ·-·················· 112 Eellhangers :-
. . . .. ... . . . . . ....W. COTTIS & s·oNS..••...••..•............ ··· ··· ··• 33 J. LUCK .••....•.........•............... ··· ...... ··• ··· 107
J. ELUS & CO ..... .. .. . . ... .. .. . .--· 65 J. E. QUICK •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 73
E. EVENDEN..........••.•......•..................... 88 • 8o
W. P. LOVE ......................................... 96 Bicycle & tricycle manufacturers:- 31
STEELE & DODSON ................••............ 74 CASTELNAU CYCLE CO ... ... .•• .•. .•• ••. ... ...
H. S. & F. TETT ..................................... 102 COVENTRY MACHINISTS' CO ...........• ···
WEYMAN & CO. LIMITED .•..................• 61 L. H. FREEMAN (WEST END CYCLE
WORKS) •.•.•...........•............................ 119
Ale & stout merchants :- Eill poster :-
COURT & CO .....•.•......•.•...• ···········•········• 47 W. PANKHURST ..• ••• ••• ... ... ... .•. ... ..• .•. ..• ... g8
Architects:- Elack lead manufacturers:-
COWELL & BROMLEY .,. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 64 J. OAKEY & SONS ........................... ··· ··· 29
Art master:- Eoarding house:-
M. SULLIVAN ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 118 - ROSE ...........•.................. ··· ··· ··• ··· ··· ··· 73
Artesian well engineers :- Boat builders:-
AQUEOUS WORKS & DIAMOND ROCK E. A. LITTLE .......................................... II6
BORING CO. LIMITED........................ 24 H • TAGG • • • • • • .• • • .. ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 59
Association:- T. TAYLOR & SON .................. ··············· 109
ASSOCIATION OF NURSES(THE LONDON) 20 :Boiler manufacturers : -
Auctioneers:- J. BELLAMY ........•............ -~· ............ ··· ··· 31
Ll J. & C. SEAGER ..................... ·········~·· 74
F. AMOS .••........•......•......•............ ··· ... ··• 77
WEYMAN & CO. LIMITED..................... 61
E. BARFOOT .......................• ··· ··· ··· ··• ··· ··· 45
Eone merchant & crusher :-
J. BRAY ........•..•....••..•.•.................••..•..• I05 H. Gl{.IST .....•.••.••....•.........•.................• 12o
c. BRIDGER ....................................... I I. 63 Bookbinders:-
COLLARD BROTHERS .•. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..• 46 EASTBOURNE NEWSPAPER & PRINTING
CRONK (MESSRS.) ................................. 105
CO •••..•.•••••.•••••..• ~·· .•••••.••..• ~·· .•. ·•• ••• ··· ··• 87
G. DREWITT ......... Ill ••••••••• Ill •1111•••• •••••••••••• I 13
T.E.GOODNER 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 88
FOLKER & HORTON...........•..•............... I 14
"Vt'. B. HARRISON...... ..• ... ... ... ..• ... ... ..• ... .•• I o6
H. C. HOLM AN & CO ..........••..•............ 90 Eookseller : -
G. KNIGHT & SON ....•••.........•..............• 115 H. T. PAIN .................• ························~--· 84
S. LONG ................................................. 107 :BotLied beer merchant-
J. OTHEN .•...............•.••.••........• ··• ·•· ··· ··· 42 H. LETTS ........•.••..•....••...... ...Inside Back Cover
J. PLUMER ...........•..................•.•.••......• 9~ Erassfounders :- . 83
R. DANN ....••.••.•• ·- ~·· ...........•..•.•• ···•·· •·• ·••
PRIOR & JO~ES .................................... s6
GUEST & CHRIMES .....•.••.......•............. 124
A. J. RAWLINSON ............. ·- ................... 108
REEVE & FINN ........•••........................ 108 STEELE & DODSON .............................. 74
W. RELPH & SONS ......•.. ····~···· ...........• 117 WEYMAN & CO. -LIMlTED..................... 61
SALI8BURY (MESSRS.) ..•.~........•.....••.....• 118
D. STEWART & CO ........................... :.. 118 Brewers:-
J. B. TERSON & SON .......•.............•........ 6o . BREEDS & CO ......................................-. ··· 36
- VENESS ........................................... 119 • CA.SWALL & TAYLOR •............•.........• ~· 8o
COBB _&. CO -----·- ... -· •.• ..• ... ..• .•• ••• ••• .•• ..• .... 64
WOODHAMS & SON .•.••••••.•.•.•..••••••.•.•.• 104 H. h DAMPIER ..•....•..............•....... ··· ···
A. WOOITON & SON .............................. 62 HALLETT & A.EBEY ..........................._.. 83
WORSFOLD & HAYWARD..................... 62
JUDE, HANBURY & CO ._ ................-... 50
Baby linen warehouse:-
TARN & CO ... ....... Facing commence-ment of Surrey KING & SON.......................................... 70
F .. LENEY & SONS ..•.••.•............•... •·· ··· ··• 95
w. RAy -·· ....... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. ... ... ... I 17
Bag manufacturer :-
J. W. AILEN ........................... ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· 24 A. F. STYLE & CO····--·····-·-·················· 58
Barge owners:- J. YOUNG & SON ..•.••............ ·- ............. 110
• YOUNG & RAWLEY ... ... ... ..• ... ..• ..• ... .•• ..• 104
F. J. DOUGHTY ............................ ········• 85 Erewers' cooper :-
MEDWAY NAVIGATION CO .....•............ 55
G. AI..I,EN ..• ..••.• ..• ... .... ... ... ..... ..• ..• ..• ... ..• ... j8
H. J. SIMMONS ........................................ Ic:>g Erick & tile manufacturers : -
. •
Bath propnetors :- AYLESFORD POTTERY CO ..... u .......... 78
DEVONSHIRE PARK & BATHS CO. LIM 84 W. BRYA.NT ························-·~·············· II2
-·Brick & tile manufacturers:- Candle manufacturer:-
H. E. CRUTTENDEN ...... -· .................. 105 J. BROAD -· ............................................. I IZ
GENT & LlYFIELD 114 Canvas mll.nufacturer : -eee 111111111 111111111 Ill I 11 Ill I I I Ill Ill I I I
M. GENTRY 11 I Ill ell Ill 11 I Ill ·eel Ill Ill Ill Ill"' I I Ill Ill 88 T. BRIG GS .._ •.....•............... ~ ... I ................. . 122
P. JENKINS -·· ........................................ 91 Carpenters : -
KEYMER BRICK & TILE WORK CO. LIM 95 F. AGATE e I . I I I I • • I l e • • • 'I I . I . 11 • • e • ' e I I • • • • • I I • • • • ' ' • • I Ill
C. M I T C H E L L 116I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I 11 I 11 I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I C.T. CUE • e ' ' I I • • • • . • • • ' I ' ' • • • ol • I • • . • • • • .. , ' I ' I e I • • . • • . 113
TALLANT BROTHERS 11 I Ill I I I I I I I I I 0 I I I 11 I I I I I I 59 A. SIMMONS ........................................•. II8
Brick & tile merchant:- G. E. D. WOOLLARD 119I. I I I' • I. I •• I I I I e. • t' I I. e e. ' ••
P. BAGWELL... -~~· ........•... ~-· .....................• Ill Carpet cleaners:- •
Builders:- SMITHERS & SONS ...................•............• 57
F.AGATE .............................................. Ill Carpet importers:-
P. ANSCOMBE Ill Ill Ill I Ill Ill Ill 111111 1111 Ill I Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill I Ill Ill Ill 111111 I Ill I Ill I I I I Ill I Ill I I I Ill 63 CARDINAL & HARFORD I. I • I. I'' • e e • I. I I. ' ' e el I 32
I . .AWCOCK Ill Ill Ill I Ill Ill I Ill Ill I Ill Ill 1111 Ill Ill 111111 Ill" Ill I Ill Ill Ill 1111 I 1111 Ill Ill Ill I I Ill I Ill Ill I 1111 78 Carpet warehouse:-
W. BRYANT Ill I I I I Ill • Ill Ill I 111111 Ill Ill Ill I Ill Ill I I Ill 111111 Ill Ill Ill Ill I Ill I Ill I I Ill I Ill I I Ill 1 I Ill 112 TARN & CO..••.•.•...... ,. ....................... ... Facing
W. CRIPPS .............................................. 82 commencement of Surrey
G. CROW ................................................. 83 Carriage builders :- 79
H.A.BOOKER • I. 11. I • I I 'I e I I. e. I I I e I. I I e I I e I I e I I e. ' ••
H. E. CRUTTENDE~..•........................... 105 120
F. E. GOUGH ..............•.......................•..•
ssF. J. DOUGHTY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• J. GUY........................................................... so
J. H. DYKE ................................................. 86
J. FINCH .....................................•.......... 66 HEAD & SONS I I I • 'e I' I 'el 11. I I I I I • 0. e I •. e •. • e I e I. 1"1 I 68
J. W. HUMPHREYS el I I I I I' I 1 1 ' e I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I ee go H. NEALE & CO e e. e e' e e. • e. e •• I e I I I I I' I I I I I I' •. e • • e 97
P. JENKl~S I I I I I I I I I • 'I 11 I e • I I • I I' I e 11 I I I 1'' 'I' I e 1' I • • W. VERRALL.~···· ................................•. 76
S. KNIGHT ............................................. 116 WILES & ROBI.NSO,....'I • e I • I e I. I I. I • I. I. I I I e o e I e I' I e. 110
G. L E W I S & SO~S u 6I' I I I I I 11 ' I I I I I 'I I ' ' I 'I I ' ' I I I I 'I I Carriage proprietors :~
................................ ......
S. MITCHELL ~ 116 G. C O B B ' I . I e'• e. I. I • ' e I • • • • I I . ' • e I I I ' I I . I I ' • I I I I el. I I e 82
...E. NORRIS & SONS I 11 I I I 'I' I I I I'' 1• I I I I I'' I' I I I I 72 R. T. LUFF......... ····~···· ...........................
J. OTHEN ~................................................... 42 Cement manufacturers :-
A. SIMMONS .......•......•....•..•.....••............ 118 ROBINS & CO. LIMITED 108I I e I. I • I. I I I • I' I.' '. e I. I
D. STEWART ..•.....•..•..•..•..•..............•...... 118 TALLANT BROTHERS .......................... . 59
W. VINE .........•.•.••..•.•..•.....•.........•......•.• Chandelier manufacturers:-
J. WALES .... ... .... .... ... .... ... ....... .... ...... .... ... ....
G U E S T & C H R I M E S 124e I. ' •• I e I e •• I I. I • 1 '1 I o 1. 1 1' 1 ...
WEYBRIDGE FURNISHING CO ............... Chemists:-
G. H. WILTSHIRE • •• • • • • •• • •• ••• • •• •• • •• • • •• • • • • •• J . I N G A L L I ' ' 11 W I I I '11 • ee I I I e ••• I. • 1111. I e I I • I I • I I I • ' • ee ' " • 91
G. E. D. WOOLLARD ..•..•....•...•..•............ P. WILLIAMS & CO ................................... 77
Builders' merchants:- China, glass & earthenware warehouse:-
J. }"INCH................................................. 66 w T . N Y E •..•••I I. I ••••• I I •••••••••••• I I • I •• I •• I I • • • •• • I I7
W. H. STEER........•....................•...........• 109 Cigar manufacturers:-
E. VAUGHAN ........................................ 103
W. J . HARRIS & SONS 11 • I • I I I • • I e I. I I I I I' I 'I' ••• 21
Building material merchants:- Cigarette manufacturers :-
P. ANSCOMBE .......••...•....•..................... 63 W. J. HARRIS & SONS I I. e • I e. I o. I e. I I I. I e I ••• '" e 21
W. BRY.ANT Coach builders : -I io I I' ol I I I I. I I I I I I I I • I 1 I I e I I I 11 • 1 I • I I 1 I I • • 1
ROWLAND BROTHERS........................... 117 E .. E VENDEN............................................ 88
Building Societies:- F. E. GOUGH..........................................
DOVER & EAST KENT PERMANENT W. MEEDS, JuN I' I ••• we I •• I I I I ••• ••. •' I • I. •. I • •• ••.
BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY ............ 113 A. PARSONS I I I I I I •• I ••• I •. • I. 0 I I • •• I • • I I I • I. e ... I.' -I
DOVER PERMANENT BENEFIT BUILD- PREEN & SHA w ........................I ••••••••••••
I N G S O C I E T Y 106I I I I ' I ' .. I I I I I I 11' I I I • 11 •• • • • e • ee '• • • •• W . W A T E R S •• I I I . I . I 11 I ••• I I . ~I. 0 ' I I. I I • 0 ' I . . . . . '11 • e I
A. WOOD..•.•.•.•........••••... ~·· .•.............•...••
I N G S O C I E T Y io • I • ' I • 11 I 11 11 I I I I I 11 ' I o( I I I I l l ' I I I I I
Coach, cart & van builders :-
Butchers:- W. P.ARKYN & SOYS .............................. 35
BURRELL & SONS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Coal merchants :-
... ...... ..... ...R. ELGAR ... ... ......... . ... .-~ ......
H . A. B O O K E R I l l••••• I • ••• • I • I I I I ' • • ' ' I . I. I • 0. I ... I I ' • I •
Cabinet manufacturers:- A. B R O A D 1 1 2I I . ' . I I I ol 0 I . I •• ' I I • I . I io I •• ' I I. • ' I I I I I . ' • I I • ' .
J. BOON •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 79 A. EADE, JuN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . llo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 86
F.COZE ....................................................... 113 A. GAMMAX .......••... I •••••••••••••••• I •••••••••••• 66
E. & G. H 0 BDAY ..•.......•.•••.•.................•• 68 C. GOLDING & SONS ............................. . 67
G. HILTON ............................•.........•...... 115 J. INWOOD................................ I •••••••••••• 53
G. KNIGHT & SON .............•................... 115 MEDWAY NAVIGATION CO ..................... 55
J. OTHEN I I' I' I I'' I' I 'I. e •• ' I ' • I e I. I • e I el I e I e •' e "'• e • e e 42 S. MITCHELL I •• e e. • •. •.' • I • • I I •'. I. 1 I • 0 • I' I I. • I I • e. 116
F. ROSE & SON ....................................... 108 G. NEWINGTON & CO .............................. 97
SMIT.3.E RS & SONS ..•.••••...•.....•.•....•.•.•..•• 57 E. NORRIS & SONS................................. 72
S. T . S H A R P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ol'. . . . . . . . . . . . . · · · · · · · '
G. TURNER .................................... -............. 103 118
WEYBRIDGE FURNISHING CO ............... 77 H. J. SIM.MONS ..............-....., . :.. .....•.....•...·... 109
Coal merchants :- Diamond rock boring company:-
STENNING & ARNOLD ........................... 100 AQUEOUS WORKS & DL\.MOND ROCK
• T. WATSON............................................. 110 BORING CO. LIMITED ... ... ... ... ... ..• ... ... 24
C. WHEELER .....•.....•...... 1194 .................... Drain pipe manufacturers:-
Cocoa manufacturers :- . C. MITCHELL ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... II6
J. EPPS & CO ..•..•.....•..•..•..• .•.Inside Front Cover TALLANT BROTHERS ... .. . ... ... . .. ... ..• ... ... 59
Coffee & dining rooms:- Dressing case manufacturer:-
- HUXLEY ......................................... 115 J. W. ALLEN .......... ...... ... ... ... ...... ... ....... .•• 24
Coffin. furniture manufacturers:- Druggists :-
DOTTRIDGE BROTHERS ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... 26 SUSSEX CO-OPERATIVE DRUG CO. LIM 1or
Coke manufacturers:- Egg merchant:-
BRENTFORD GAS CO .................•............ 121 A. HARVEY ........•..............•........•........• 106
Coke merchants:- Emery & emery cloth manufacturers:-
Ill...H. A. BOOKER .................................
1I J J. OAKEY & SONS ... -·~ ............ ··~ ... ~·~ ... ... 29
A. BRO.A.D ... ... ... ... ... ..• ..• ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I 12 Engineers:-
A. EADE, J UN •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ill......... 86 H. FAGG ................................................ 65
A. GAMMAN .••..•.•..•...........••..•....... I. • • • • •• 66 E. A. c. LARKIN ......................•.... I..... ... 70
C. GOLDING & SONS ..•... "'-" .•. ... ..• ... ... ... ... 67 G. PAINE ..................-... ...... ...... ... ......... 97
!. INWOOD .............................................. 53 L. J. & C. SEAGER ........................ .....•...
STEELE & DODSON ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 74
ssMEDWAY NAVIGATION CO ..................
G. NE WINGTON & CO ........................... 97 WEYMAN & CO. LIMITED ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
E. NORRIS & SONS ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 72 E ngm. eers' stores : -
s. T. SHARP .......................................... I 18
W. H. WILLCOX & CO ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Color manufacturers:- Engineers' tool manufacturers:-
T. HUBBUCK & SON LIMITED .... ... ..• .•. ... 22 GREENWOOD & BATLEY LIMITED.......•. 125
Confectioner:- Florists:-
F. INGE ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... 69 W. COOPER ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 82
Contractors:- G. HESTER... ... ... ... ..... ... ... .... .... ... . ... ... ... ... ... 90
P. ANSCOMBE ..• ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..• 63 G. MERRITT ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 33
W. BRYANT ........•.......................•......... 112 Flour mill engineers:-
W. CRIPPS ........................ ~·· ... ... ... .. . .•. ..• 82 GREENWOOD & BATLEY LIMITED.......•. 125
J. FINCH................................................. 66 Flour mill & machinery valuer & agent:- -
J. W. HUMPHREYS .............................. - go · H. GRIST ..........•.................•.................. 120
P. JENKINS ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ...
91 French polish manufacturer:-
S.KNIGHT..........•......•........................... 116 H.FIJACK .....•.••.•.....•.........•..•.•••.•........• 121
G. LE WIS & SONS ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 116 1 Fruit merchant :-
S. MITCHELL ... ... ... ... ... ... ..• ... ... ... ... ... ... I I 6 A. HARVEY ..................... Ill.................. 106
D. STEWART ...........•.............................. 118 Fnrniture polish manufacturers:-
G. H. WILTSHIRE ................................. 104 J. 0AK"l1~Y & SONS ..............~ ... ... ... ... ... ... 29
Convalescent home :- Furniture removers:-
E. LE VETT ... ... ..• ... ... ... ... ..• ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... 54 E. BARFOOT ... ... ••. ... ... ... ........ ..•. ..•....•..•• 45
Copper (portable) manufacturer:-
H. & R. BENNETT ........I......................... 45
J. BROWN ............................................... 25 F. L. PETTMAN ....................-. ... ..• ... ... .•. 55
Coppersmiths :- J. SAYERS............................................. 118
I.....R. DANN ...........•..............•...............
83 SMITHERS & SONS................................. 57
A. W. KNIGHT....................................... 70 TARN & CO....... ... Facing commenceme1~t of Surrey
Corn merchants :- Furrier :-
A. BROAD ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... .... ... ... ... ...... I I 2 H. EVENDEN.......................................... 49
S. T. SHARP •.. . .. ... ... ... ... ... .•. ... ... ... ... ... ... I I 8 Gas engineers : -
H. J. SIMMONS ..........••..•.•..•................ I<J9 48G. AIJIJEN ····••··••·•···········•···•·······•·••·••·•• Ill
STE NNING & ARNOLD ... ... ... ••. ... ... ... .•• ... 100 A. DASHWOOD & SONS LIMITED............
C. WHEELER ... .••... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 119 Gasii.tter : -
Costumier:- A. W. KNIG_•:r ............ ... ...... ...... ...........• 70_
H. E VENDEN.......................................... 49 General Btores :- r'
Crutch manufacturer:- F. FINN & 30NS LIMITED ... ..•.....•..•... Facing
W. DANIE~ ... ... ... ... ... ... ..• ... ... .•• .•• ... ... ... 1C>6 commencement of Kent
Cycle engineering tool manufacturers:- German san&.ge mar.ufacturers : -
CASTELNAU CYCLE CO •.• ... ... .••.•. ..• ... ... 8o BURRELL & SONS ....••... ... ... .•.••...• .•. ... ... 46
Dairymen:- Glass merchanU! : -
G. :BRADFORD & SONS .•...•..••.•............... 112 T. HUNT & SON .................................... 115
Decorators:- GlllSS paper manufacturers:-
s. MITCHE.LL .•......•.•••••.••...•.•..............• I 16 J. OAKEY & SONS .••...... ... ..• .••... ... .•• .••••• 29
J. WALES ... ... ....... ... ......... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 76 Glass & sign writers:.-
W. '\lf~STON -· .• •... ... ..• ... ..• ... ... ... .•. ... ... ... 103 EDMETT & CO ... ..• ... .•• ... ... ..• .•• .•• ... .•• ••• .•• 26
• ••
Glazier:- Hotels:-
E. J. HOLDEN ... ... ... ... ... .•. ... ... ... ... ... ... ..• 68 GRAND HOTEL (BRIGHTON).................. 39
Granite merchants:- W. A. HARRIS •.• ..• .•. ..• .•• •.• .•• .•. ••• .•• ..• .•• ••• 67_
C. J. EI.T.IOTT & SON .............................. 113
E. A. HOADLEY .......................• ~.. •.. ... ... ~
Grocers-wholesale :- L. H. LUCK ........................................... 116
R. DICKESON & CO................................. 48 H. MURPHY ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... .... ... ... ... ... ... 97
Grocers:- QUEEN'S HOTEL (EASTBOURNE) ...... ... 41
F. FINN & SONS LIMITED ......... .••...... Facing T. ROUGRAN .•...............••••.••....•...•..•...•.• 117
commencement of Kent J. R UDD ••...•..•..•...••••••.•••••••••.••••••••••••. ••• 43
Gun manufacturer:- H. J. STANBURY ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 74
A. J, RUSSELL ... ..• .••...... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... 57 H. TAGG ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .•• ..• ... ... ...... ..• ... ..• 59
Gymnastic apparatus manufacturer:- _ J. H. TAYLOR ........................................ IC>9
G.SPENCER ..•.........•.. ,.........................• 28 J. J. TAYLOR... ...... ................................• 75
Hardware fac•or :- R. TO WNSEND ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 44
W. H. SrrEER ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 109 J. A. WILTSHIRE ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ..• ... ... 110
Hardware manufacturers:- Hotel & public house broker :-
COURT BROTHERS ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 47 - VENESS ..•................•......•...•...........•.• 119
Hatters:- House decorators :-
T. EURLEY & SON ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 105 F. CR-UTTENDEN... ~-- .................•...........• I 13
J. FALCONER ...... ........................... ...... 6S E. J. HOLDEN ... ... ... ..• ..• ... ... ... ... ... ... ..• .•• 68
J.LEA&CO .................•..•....................• 71 G. H. WILTSHIRE ... .•. ... ... •.. ... ••• .•. ... .•. ... 104
Hay & straw merchants:- House furnishers :-
A. BROAD ............................................. 112 G. HILTON ..................•.......................•.• 115
J. INWOOD... ........................ ...... ...... ...... 53 W. WESTON ......................••..•..............• 103
S. T. SHARP .......................................... 118 Hydraulic ram manufacturer:--
c. WHEELER ....................................... I 19 J. BLAKE .............................. ······ ......... 126
Herbal ointment manufacturer :- Hydropathic establishment:-
MADAME IRELAND .............................. 106 W. HILL .............................................- 115
Homreopathic chemists:- India rubber manufacturers:-
J. EPPS & CO ........................Inside Front Cover W. WARNE & 00 .................................... 29
Horticultural builders:- India rubber hose manufacturers:-
A. DASHWOOD & SONS LIMITED............ 48 W. W ARNE & CO ................................. ,.. 29
J. WEEKS & CO ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 30 India rubber knife board manufacturers:-
Horticultural engineers :- • J. OAKEY & SONS ..• ... .•• ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..• 29
EWING & eo.......................................... I 10 Insuranee broker:--
Hosiers & glovers :-- T. WATSON ................•...•..............•.•...• 110
H. EVEND ~:N .. . ..• ... .•. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..• 49 Invalid furniture manufacturers:-
J. FALCONER ............ ...... ... .................. 65 ALDERMAN, JOHNSON & CO. LIMITED... 34
STRANGE & ATKINSON ........................ sS Iron buildings manufacturers:-
TARN & CO .........Facing commencement of Surrey W. HARBROW ... ... ... ... ... ... ..• ... ... ••• ..• ..• ..• 34
W. Y. WILSON ....................................... 119 LONDON IRON BUILDING CO ......·.......... 35
Hospital:- Iron cistern manufacturer:-
LONDON HOSPITAL...... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... 32 J. BELLAM Y... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..•... .•• ... ... .•• 31
Hot water engineers :- Iron founders:-
G. AI,T,EN ... ... ... ... ... ..•... ... ... ... ..•... . . . .. . ... I I I L. J. & C. SEAGER ....••............ ............... 74
w. W. COULSTOCK.....•........................... I 12 STEELE & DODSON ...... ...... ..• ......... ... ... 74
H. E. CRUTTENDEN .............................. 105 WEYMAN & CO. LIMITED..................... 6r
A. DASHWOOD & SONS LIMITED .... . .... 48 Iron manufacturers:-
J . E. QUICK ... .... .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... 73 STRINGER BROTHERS........................... 123
J. WEEKS & CO..................................... 30 Iron roof manufacturer:- .
WEYBRIDGE FURNISHI~G CO............... 77 W. HARBROW ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ...... ... ... 34
WEYMAN & CO. IJMITED...... ......... ... ... 61 Iron tank manufacturer:-
E. J. WINSTONE .........................•.......... 119 J. BELLAMY ............ .................•.••..•..... 31
Hotels:- Iron wine bin manufacturers :-
I. AWCOCK .. ... ..• .•. ..• ... ... ..... •.. ... ... ... ... ... 78 FARROW & JACKSON ................-......... 27
77 Ironmongers ::-
W. BODDY..............................................
79 G. COPPIN & SONS ....................•....•....... I 12
F. BOWER & SON .•...• .••..•..•.•. ... ....••......
8o w. w. CO ULSTOCK... ... ..• ..• ••. ..• ..• ... ..• ..• ..• I 12
W. BRIDEN ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
W. CESSFORD •.•.••...... ... ... .•• ... ..• .••.•• ..•... 105 COURT BROTHERS ......... ••. ... ... ...... ... ... 47
c. H. CHURCHER .•. .•• ..• ..• ... .•• ... ... ..• .•• ..• I 12 F. FINN & SONS LIMITED ..................Facing
C. W. DOWNING ..•.....•....•...•..............• -· 37 commence71Unt of Kent
s. FOAT .•. ..• ..•. . .•.• •.• ••• .•. •.• .•• ..• •.• ... .•• .•• .•. I I 4 HAM_MOND & HUSSEY .............~. .......... 51
A. G. FREUND ..• ..• ... ... •.. .•. .•.•.. ... ... ... .•. .•• 38 T. HUNT & SON .•..••..••.•.••.•.••••••••• ~••...•.• 115
C. GOLDING & SONS ............................_ 67 A. W. KNIGHT ..• ... ... .•. ..• ••• •.• •.. .•• .•• ••. .•• ..• "!o .
Ironmongers:- Manure merchants :-
S. KNIGHT ....... ···-·........ .•.•.• ... .•. ... .•• ... ... 116 STENNING & ARNOLD ••••••••• ••• ••• ·•• ••• ··• lOO
A.. NEWNHAM ··································-··· 72 Marble mason : -
W. H. STEER ..................................... _•..• 109 J. OTHEN •.•..••.. -~··················· ................
E. V A UGRAN .............~. .•• ..• ..• ... ..• ..• ... ... 103 Market gardeners : -
WEYBRIDGE FURNISHING CO............... 77 W. COOPER ........................... ... ...... ...... 82
Jam manufacturers :- J. KE~NE'IT ..• .•. ..• ... ..• ..• ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..• 91
C. SOUTH WELL & CO ..• .•• ... ..•..••.. ......•.. 28 Marmalade manufacturers:-
Japwmers :- C. SOUTHWELL & CO ... ..• ..• ... ... ....••..•... 28
COURT BROTHERS......................"......... 47 Mat & matting manufacturers (cocoanut fibre):-
Jelly manufacturers:- A. ADKINS & CO................................... 35
. C. SOUTHWELL & CO ·- ................ n ••• ••• 28 Matting manufacturer : -
Jobma.sters :- G. TWYMAN .................... -~············· ..•.••.•• 76
w. R. B. HESKETH... ... ..• ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... 5I Medical school : -
1. W. SMITH ·························--~·-············· 99 GUY'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL ...
Joiner:- Mercantile offices : -
G. E. D. WOO!LARD ..•..•.••..•..•........•...... I 19 - STUBBS ..• ..• .•• ••• .•• ... •.• .•• . . . ... •.• ..• ... •.• ...
Laceman :- Military outfit.ter :-
H. EVENDEN....................................... ... 49 F. MARTlN .•• .••.•• .•• .•. ... ..• .•• ... ... ... ..• ... .. ...• 96
Ladies' outfitters~~ Miller:-
STRANGE & ATKINSON ... ... ...... ... ...... ... 58 H. J. SIMMONS ..·• ... ..• ... ..... .... ... ... ... ... ... 1~
TARN & CO.....•. ... Facing commencement of Swrrey Milliners:-
Ladies' tailor:- STRANGE & ATKTNSON ... ...... ......... ...... 58
H. EVENDEN........................................... 49 Millwrights :-
Lathe manufacturers:- STEELE & DODSON ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 74
GREENWOOD & BATLEY LIMITED ......... 125 WEYMAN & CO. LIMITED..................... 61
Launch builders:- Mineral water manuiacturers :-
T. TA.YLOR & SON ••• ... .•• .•• .•• .•••.• .•. ... ... ..• 109 CASWALL & TAYLOR ... ... ... ... . . . ... ... ... ... 8o
Laundry engineers :-
KING & SON.......................................... 70
T. BRADFORD & CO ... ..• ... ... ....•. ... ... ... ... 19 H. LETTS ..•...•••.....•...•........ ...Inside Back Go ver
Lead merchants:- LYLE & MARSHAIL... ... ... ... ... ... .. .... ... ... 107
T. HUNT & SON •.............•..•..•..•..•... ··' ... I I 5
YOUNG & RAWLEY .............................• 104
Levant warehouse :- Monumental masons:-
CARDINAL.& HARFORD ..• ... ... ... ..• ... ... .. . 32 J. BARKER & SON .................~...-. ... ... ...... 25
Lime manufacturers:- DOTT RIDGE BROTHERS ... .. . ... ..• ... ... ... ..• 26
G. NEWINGTON & SONS ..• ...... ... ... ... ... ... 97 C. J. ELLIOTT & SON.............................. 113
Linen drapers :- J. OTHEN ·... ... ..• ... ... ....... ... ... .•• ... ... ... ... ... 42
STRANGE & ATKI.NSON ..........•...•....•.... s8 A. K. SUTTON ..•......................•............. 102
TARN & CO ••• ••• ••• .11-7' a' ct•ng commencement oifSurrey Music master:-
w. Y .. WIIBON ........................................ I 19 G. E. JONES .•. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6g
Linen manufacturer: Mustard manufacturers:-
G. TWYMAN ..• ....•..•• ... ... ....••..•.•. ... ..•.•. ... 76 CHAMPION & CO .•.........•.................• 18 & 34
Lithographers:- Newspapers:-
CO. LIMITED .••.•. ... ..•.•• ... .•..•...• .•• .•. .•• 87 NEWS ..•..•.....•.••...........•..•.....•...... ,.. ..• 8o
Livery stable proprietors:- CHATHAM & ROCHESTER NEWS............ 81
T. FIELD ........•.••....••..•..•.....••.......•..•.....• I 13
CROYDON CHRONICLE ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... 83
W. R. B. HESKETH................................. SI DEAL, WALMER, DOVER & KENTISH
B. w. KELSEY ....~.........._ ......................... I I5 TELEGRAM ... ... ... ..• ..• ... ... ... ..• ... ... .•. ..•
J. W. SMITH·····································~···· 99 DEAL, WALMER & SANDWICH MER-
Locksmiths :- CURY ... ..•... ... ..• •.• ... ... ... ... ... ... •.. ... .•. .•• 85
DOVER & COUNTY CHRONICLE •.. ... ... •••
J. E. QUICK ... ... ... ... ..• ..• ..• .••..• .•. ..• ... ..• ..• 73 DOVER EXPRESS ......... ... ..• ..• .•. .....• ..•..• 85
DOVER TELEGRAPH.............................. 86
E. J. WISSTONE ...........•...... ·····- ..•......... I 19 EAST KENT GAZETTE .......•.... .'.;............ 86
EASTBOURNE GAZETTE ..•....••••~............
Machinists :- 87
GREENWOOD & BATLEY I.IMITED......... 125 EASTBOURNE STANDARD .....•.•••:.••• ·-···
G.·P..~INE .............................•............ ... 97 EPSOM HERALD................ -.···· ........ _.......
H. S. & F. TETT .....•..•..•..•.•...•.....•.•....... I02 GRAVESEND&DARTFORD REPORTER
Ma' gnesia manufacturers:- KENT COAST TIMES ...... ••• ••• ............ ••. •••
KENT COUNTY STANDARD..................... 9~
DIN'NE'FURD & CO ... ..• •.. .... .... ..• ... ..• ... ... ..• 34
Maltsters :-
A. F. STYLE & CO ••. .•• ..• .•. .•• .••.•• ... ... ... ..• 58 KENT HERAI,D ·······--··········-···--............... 92
. YOUNG & RAWLEY ••• •.• ... ... .•• ... ... . .. ..• ... 104
l. YOUNG&SON..•.••.•••.•..•••••••.••..•.••..•..• 110
Mantle warehouse :-
TARN & CO.. --Facing comm.escement of Surrey
Newspapers:- Painter:-
KENT MESSENGER & MAIDSTO:YE W. ~E~S, ifuN....................................... 96
TELEGRAPH .......••.........•••......•.......• 93 Pastrycook :- •• -
KENT & SUSSEX COURIER ...•.•.•.......... 93 F. INGE ...... ...... ... ...... ........• ..•... ... ......... 6g
KENT TIMES & CHRONICLE ............... ... 93 Patent medicine vendo,rs : -
KENTISH CHRONICLE........................... 92 F. FL~N & SONS LIM"\TED ...... ............ Facing
TIMES ................................................. 94 Pewterer :-
KENTISH OBSERVER & SURREY & R. DANN .•. ··· ... .•. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..• ..• ... ... 83
SUSSEX CHRONICLE........................... 94 Photographer:-
KINGSTON EXPRESS g4 M. JACOL'E.:rTE...... ..•..• ..• ..• .•• ..• ........•... ... 91
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
KINGSTON & SURBITON NEWS ... ..• ... ..• 94 Pianoforte tuner :-
LITTLEHAMPTON NEWS •• • ••• •• • ••• ••• ••• ••• 95 R. HAYLLAR ..•.....•....••........•.............•. .:• 11-J
92 •
MID-SUSSEX TIMES •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 96 P. ANSCOMBE ... ..• ..• ... ..• ..• ... ..• ... ... ... .•. ... 63
RICHMOND EXPRESS ••• • •• ••• • •• •• • ••• ••• ••• ••• 94 W. W. COULSTOCK........•....••.................• 113
ROCHESTER & CHATHAM JOURNAL...... 99 W. CRIPPS...........•................................. 82
SHEERNESS TIMES ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 99 F. CRUTTENDEN..•..•.•••.•.••..•........•........• ll3
SOUTH EASTERN EXPRESS ..••..•......••..• 100 J. H. DYKE ........................................... 86
SOUTH EASTERN GAZETTE .................. lOO E. J. HOLDEN .....•....•............•................ 68
SURREY ADVERTISER.....•....•.........•..•... 101 J. LUCK .................•..............•............... 107
SURREY COMET .................................... 101 W. VINE ..........•..............•...•..•............... t19
SURREY LEADER ..•..•...•.•.....•..............• 109 E. J. WINSTONE ..•................................. 119
SURREY MIRROR ...........•.......•......•.....• 101 Portable copper manufacturer::-
J. BROWN ... ... ... ..• .•. ... ... ... ... ..• ... ... .•. ... ... 25
SUSSEX EXPRESS ..............................•.• 102
TEDDINGTON EXPRESS ....................... 94 Portmanteau manufacturer:-::- '
J. W. ALLEN ..• ... ..• .. . .•. .•. ... ... .•• ... ... ... ... ..• 24
EXPRESS ............... -· ....•.........•.••.•...• IOJ Potato merchant:- ·
A. HARVEY ........•..•.......••.....•.....•......... 100
Nurserymen : -
J. CHEAL & SONS ... ... ... ... ..• ... ..• ... ... ... ... 63 Potters:-
W. COOPER ......••..•.•......•........•.....•.....• 82 AYLESFORD POTTERY CO..................... 78
T. W. EDMUNDS .................•..•........•...... 49 GENT & LINFIELD ..............-................... 114
EWING & CO.......................................... uo Poultry food manufacturer;- •
FLETCHER BROTHERS........................... 88 T. lAMBERT ........•................................. 107
A. JEFFKINS... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..• ... ... ..• ... ... 53 Printers:- •
J. Kl~NNETT .....•........•.••..•.•.•••.•,... .•. .•. ..• 9 I EASTBOURNE NEWSPAPER & PRINT-
J. LAING & SONS ... ..• .....• ...... ... ....•. ..• ... ..• 95 . ING CO. llMIT.ED· ~... ... ... ... ..• ... ...... ... ... 87
R. MASON ... .....• ..............•...... .....•......... 71 T. E. GOODNER ... .•• ..• .•• .•. ... .•• ... ..• .•...• ... 88
G. MERRITT ... ..• .•. ..• .. •..• ..• ... ..• ..• ... ..• ... ..• 33 Printers & publishers~-
Nursing institution:- KELLY & CO., Printers & -publishers of the
.MRS. RAWLINSON ..• ..• ... ..• ... ... .•• ..• ..• ... ..• 98 Post Office London & Country Direetories
Oil cloth manufacturer:-
· Facing Ftrmt Cover, Facing Back Cover :f
T. BRIGGS ..........•...•..•.....•.•......•.....•...... 122 pp. 121, 127 & 128
Oil & color merchants : - Printing machine manufacturers :-
T. HUNT & SON .....•.....•.•......•.•.•••..•.•••.• GREENWOOD & BATLEY I.IMITED......... 125
Oil & color warehouse : - Private hotel:-
W. T. .NYE .. I I • I I7 - ROSE ... ... ..• ... ..• ..• ... ..• .•. ... ..• ... ... ... ... .. . 73
Oil merchants & refiners:- Private lunatic asylums:-·
J. BROAD ..•..•..•.•......•....••.•.•.•.••.••••.•...• II2 DR. J. ADAM......... ....•.... .•......•.....• ... ... ... 78
T. HUBBUCK & SON I.IMITED ............ - '22
Oil mill machinery manufacturers:- .
Organ builders :- .
W. B.EALES & CO .•......•.•••.•.•...•.••..•.••.••.,. P. BAGWELL...••~,··.,•.••.•......• ·····-·· .......... Ill
C. D. HOBDAY ........................... ····- ..• .•• 52
W. A.DARBISHIRE ....,...••- ............ _..... 120
E. HARRISS ..........................,................. ·-PEN.YR-ORSEDD. SLATE QUARRY CO. ... 120
' •• ITMITED ·.·.-·--........................... -··--·
Outfitters :- ._
J. LEA & CO .................. _......... ...... ...... ... 71 Rain water.sepa.rator manufacturer;-
TARN & CO ..•..•.•. Facing commencement of Surrey · C. G•. ROBERTS •.•.•••••••.••.•• ,•••..,. .••••• ,., •.• _. 99
H. EVENDEN .................. ...... ... ............... 49 Revolving shutter manufacturer:- _ ( · .
J. FA.I£0NER ........................·..............• 65 - G.. SPENCER ..•••....••,.,•.••••,.,, •••. -,•••.•...•••
Paint manufacturers:- · Rheumatic mixture manufacturer:- .
T. HUBBUCK & SON LIMITED ..••.•••.-•.JL 221 ~ M • EDW. A.RDS .............. ,...........-.-. ,..·..,...","" ... ·~•·•• tt•• 100
• Seed merchants :-
Rick cloth manufacturers :-
J. MEAD ....................•..............•............ • B. L. COLEMAN •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 112
J. PARSONS & SON •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
J. LAI~G & SONS ............ ~·· ........•...... ~·~ .. . 95
Riding master :-
STENNING & ARNOLD I I e lee I I I I I I I I I e 11 I I I I I I I I I lOO
J. W. SMITH •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 99 Seedsmen : -
Rope, line & twine manufacturers :- J. CHEAL & SONS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 63
T. ERIGGS ..•.••..•.................•.................. 122 T~ W. EDMUNDS ...... ~····· .•....... ~·· ..~ ..•...... 49
G.TWYMAN •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 76 J. INWOOD ..•......•...................•.....•.•• ··~ ~~· 53
Rose grower:- A. JEFFKINS ............ ··~ ... ··~ ··~ .................. 53
53A. JEFFKINS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• G. MERRITT ........................................... 33
Rouge manufacturers :- Sheeting manufacturer:-
J. OAKEY & SONS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• T. BRIGGS ~·· ......... ··~ ... ~·· .. ~ ·~· ...... -~. -~· ··~ ..• 122
Sacking manufacturers:-
Ship broker:-
T. BRIGGS ............................................. 122 T. W ATSON ........................... •••••••••••••••••• IIO
J. PARSONS & SON .•.•.•.••.......•...•........•••• 108 Silk mercers:-
G. T W Y M A N I l l I l l 11 I 11 I I l l 11 I I l l 11 I I l l I l l I 11 I l l 11 I I l l 76 H.EVENDEN eI I I I I • I I I I I I • I I I I I • I I I I I e e eI I eI I I I I I I e 49
Sail manufacturer :- STRANGE & ATKINSON 58I • I o • I I • I • • I I I e • I I o I I I ••
• J. MEAD .....•........•.•............•...........•...... TARN & CO .......•• ~~1Z~ commencement of Surrey
Salt manufacturers:- Slate merchants:-
D. BUMSTED & CO ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 31 W. A. DARBISHIRE ........................... ~·· ... 120
A. GAMMAN •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 66 LIMITED ••••••••• • e. I e I I e I I I I I • e • I • • I I I I I e I I I e I I I I 120
Sanitary engineers:- ROBERTS, ADLARD & CO ........................ 32
H.E.CRUTTENDEN •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Slater:-
J. WALES e I e I e I I e1 e I I I e1 e •• I e I I I I • e e I e I I I e • I I I I I I I • e 11 F. THORNTON ... -~· ~·· ..............• ··~ -~· -~~ ··~ ~·· 109
Sausage manufacturers :- Spinner & manufacturer :-
BURRELL & SONS .................................. T. BRIGGS ~·· ......... ~·· ................ -~ ...... ~·· ... 122
Sausage skin manufacturer:- Stationers :
A. G. EPPS ............... -~· ... -~· ····~· ... ~·· ......... T.E.GOODNER I I I I I e I. I I I I I I e I I I I I I I I I I •• • I I I I I I I I
Saw mi1l proprietors : - H. T. PAIN ...................... ••••••••••••••••••••••••
J. FINCH·~·············································· 66 Steam engine manufacturers:-
D. STEWART ............ -~· ~·· ............ ··~ ........ . 118 J. ELLIS& CO I I I 1 I I I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I e I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I
Schools & collyges :- GREENWOOD & BATLEY LIMITED ••••••
REV. J. B. BLOMFIELD ....••..................... Ill Steam launch builder:-
H. C. EOND .....•.......•...•....••..............•.....• Ill E. A. LITTLE ............ ··~ ................ ·~ ......... 116
B. BOTTING •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Il• l Steam laundry engineers:-
J.O. CONLAN eI I I • I I I I I I e I I e e I I I e I I I e e I. I e I I 11 I I I I I e 105 T . B R A D F O R D & CO I I I • e I I I I I. I I I e I. I I •• 11 I I I e • I I 19
REV. H. L. DAVIS e e I I I I I I I I e I I e I I I I I I e I e e I 11 e I I I I e 84 Steam ploughing machine proprietor:-
J. GIBSON ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •• • 66 E. A. C. LARKIN ... -~· ··~ ............................
DR. J. GROEZINGER I I e I I I I •• I • I I I e I I e I I e I I I I I I I I I
67 Steel manufacturers :-
GUNDULPH COLLEGE ....••..........•.......... 89 STRINGER BROTHERS ....................... . ••• 123
MRS. H. H. HARVEY ............ Ill ••••••••••••••• 89 Stone & marble masons:-
HIGH CLASS SCHOOL (RAVENSWORTH) 114 J. OTHEN I • • • • I • • 00 • I e • 00 I I • • • 11 I I I I I . 11 I oo I I • • I • • . • • I I I I 4.2
HORSHAM COLLEGE................,......•.....• 114 A. K. SUTTON I I I e. I e I I I I I I •• 111 • e I • I I I I e I I. I I I e •• I I e 102
115 Stone merchants:-
MISS JAY ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 107 P. BAGWELL .•............. ~·· ........•............ ~·· Ill
REV. W. T. JONES ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 40 C. J. ELLIOTT & SON .............................. 113
ASSOCIATION LIMITED ••••••••••••••••••••• 93 Stud farm:-
M. LICHTENSTEIN ....••....••.••.....•.....•..•... 107 .R. ANKERSON, ~··JUN •••••••••••••• 1 ••• : ••••• Ill
••• Ill
MISS MARSH........................................... II6 Surgical instrument manufacturer:-
••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 ••••••••••••• 1 ••••• Ill el •••••• I •••••••••••• 11.
W. A. RUDD •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 108 Surveyors:-
H. J. SOULSER & P. C. GRANDIN .....•.•.... 118 C. BRIDGER ..•..............•....... I ••••••• •I •••• I •• 63
J. STOKES .............................................. 75 ·COWELL & BROMLEY ........................... 64
J. THORNHILL..•..•.••....................•..•...... 35 113
G. DREWITT ~-~ ··~ ··~ ··~·~·Ill ••••••••• 114
REV. LE. TOW NE •........•.......•............... 122 • • • •· • • •••••• •••
GIRI...S ................................................. 102 J. PLUMER I I I I. e e e I I I. I I. I I. I I •• I I I I. I I. I I I •• I • I I I I e
PRIOR & JONES ........................ -~· ... ~.....
REV F. W'II.BON .•••••..• 110I I•• •••••••••••••••••••••••• W. RELPH & SONS ... ~-~ .......••..• ~·· ............ JI7
J. WOOD ...... ·~· •.•.••••.•••••••.••.•••••••.••.•.•••••• 119 D. STEWART & CO ....•......•.........•.•.••...... uS
S. YEATES ................... ~·· •.•.••..•..•••.•••.••••• 120
J. B. TERSON &SON 11111 Ill ••• e I I I ell Ill •••• ell el• 6o
Sculptors :- • VENESS .....•.......~······························· 119
J. BARKER & SON ••• Ill Ill •••••••••••••••••••••••• WORSFOLD &HAYWARD 6zI. I I el I •• I Ill • I I I I I •• I
. xlix
IU pholsterors :- PAGE
Tailors:- SON ... --- ......... w.s-· .............. . G. H I L T O N .. . . . . . . . . . . . 0 •• 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . 115
J.LEA&CO .......................................... 71 E. & G. IIOBD.l\.Y .................. ,. .............. . 68
G. ·KNIGH'r & SO~ ................................. 115
J. FALCONER • ••• • •• ••• • •• •• • • 0 •••• - ••••••• 6s
•• • • • • •• •
F. MARTIN.......•..................................... J. OTIIEN ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... 42
J. NICHOLSON ...... ......... ............ ... .. .....- F. ROSE & SON ...... ... ... .. ... ... ... ...... ... . .. 108
W. STEPHENSON •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Si\IITIIERS & SO~S ................... ,......."...... 57
Tarpaulin manufacturers :- _ TARN & CO.................... ... F'acin.fJ cvmmcnceme11t
T. BRIGGS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 122 . nf St,rrey
J. MEAD ....................•... I ••••••••••••••••••••••• 72 . G. "'fUR"8I~:R ..................... ·····~ .. o .............. tOJ
J. PARSONS & SON..................... ...... ... ... 108 W. 'V"ESTON ........................•.. :01" ............. IOJ
Tea merchants:- WEYBRIDGE FUHNISIIING CO ...... ,..... 77
H. LETTS ........................ ...... Inside B(l£k Couer Vaccine lymph:- ·
R. F. HOLLAND ............ ... ... .. . ...... ....... ... 115 PURE VACCINE LY:.IPII..................... 18
Tent & marquee manufacturers:-- Valuors:-
J. MEAD ................................................ . 72 E. BARFOOT ...... ......... ...... ... ... ...... ... ... ... 45
J. PARSONS & SON ................................ . 108 J. BRAY ............................................... 105
Thrashing machinery proprietors :- COLLARD BROTIIERS ..................... ...... 46
H. CLAI{K ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 64 CRONK (MESSRS.) ............................... 105
E. A. C. L A R K I N r.••••••• • 0 • •• I •••••••• 0 • 0 0 0• • 0 • 0 •. G. D R E W I T T ·················•·-·····-~·-·•·o•••O······ I 13
FOLKER & HORTON •••••••••••••••••• 0 •••••••••••
Tinplate workers:- I 14
G. ALLEN ............................................ . Ill G. KNIGHT & SON................................ 115
A. W. KNIGHT ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... 70 J. OTHEN ................................... 0.. ... ...... 42
J. LUCK ............................................... . 107 J. PLUMER ............................ 0..... ... ... ... 98
E. J. WINSTONE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • •• • •• • 0• 0 119 PRIOR & JONES ............ ......... ...... ... ...... s6
Tubacco manufacturers:- REEVE & FINN .................................... 108
W. J. HARRIS & SONS ...... ...... ...... ...... ... 2I W. RELPH & SONS .............................. II7
Traction engine proprietors :- SALISBURY (ME~SRS. ) ........................... 118
H. CLARK ••• ..• ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 64 D. STEWART & CO ............................. 118
H. FAGG ............................................... . 65 J. B. TERSON & SON .................. ...... ... 6o
Tr-J.de protection associations:- - VENESS ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ·•• ·•• ·•• ·•• . .• .•• .•• .••. . . I 19
MARGATE & DISTRICT TRADE PRO- J. WAGIIORN ............................., ......... . 6o
TECTION ASSOCIATION .................... . 71 WOODHAMS & SON .............................. 104
RAMSGATE & DISTRICT THADE PRO- A. WOOTTON & SON ............................. . 62
I 62
WORSFOLD & IIAYWARD .....................
TECTION ASSOCIATION ..................... 7 Varnish manufacturers:-
H. FLACK 12[
TION ..•................................................ 75 ••••••••••••••• 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Tyresmiths :- T. HUBBUCK & SON LIMITED ... ............ 22
PREEN & SHAW ................................... . II7 Vat & back maker :-·
G. ALLEN ...... .... .. ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ... ... 78
A. WOOD ............................................. . 104 Ventilating gear manufacturer : -
Undertakers :- 1
P. ANSCOMBE .. . ... .. . ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .. . 63 G. P AINE ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... .. . 97
I. AWCOCK .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Vinegar manufacturers: .-
78 CHA.lVIPION & CO .............................. 18 & 34
J. BOON •••••••••••••••••••••• 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••
79 Waterproof goods manufadurers : -
G. CROW 83•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
W. W ARNE & CO ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ..• 29
ssC. T. CUE ............................................. 113 Well sinkers:-
F. J. DOUGHTY ·-·. 0 •••••••• 0 •••••••••••••• 0 •••••••• AQUEOUS WORKS & DIAMOND ROCK
J. FINCH ••. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 66 BORING CO. LIMITED ... ...... ...... ...... ... 2 4
C. FOWLE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 114
S. KNIGHT............................................. 116 Wheelwrights :-
E. EVENDEN. .. ... .. . ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... ..• 88
E. NORRIS & SONS ...... ......... ...... ......... 72
w. MEEDS, JUN ••• ••• ••• ••• .•• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• 96
J". OTHEN ••• o •. • •• & •. o 0 0 o o. eo • o. • • •. o •. • o 0 • •. o • I • •. •.. 42
118 H. NE ALE & CO.......... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..• 97
SAIJSBURY (MESSRS.) ... ... ... ... ...... .. .... ...
w. VINE ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I I 9 I A. PARSONS ..• ... ..• ... ... .•. .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... g8
PREEN & SHAW ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. • 11 7
W. WESTON .......................................... 103
I A. SIMMONS ........................................... 118
Undertakers' manufacturers & warehousemen:- WILES & ROBINSON ... ... ...... .... .. ...... ...... 110
DOTTRIDGE BROTHERS ........................ 26 I
Upholsterers :- A. WOOD ••• · •• ••• ••• ••• •• • •· • · · · · · • · · •...........•..•. •• I 04
J. :BOON .•• ... ... ... ..• ... ... ... ... ... ... ..•... ... ..• ... 79 .. hite lead manufacturers:--
F. COZE ............... ··•··· ..•..............•......... I 13 T. HUBBUCK & SON LIMITED............... 2:.1
F. FINN & SONS LIMITED .................. ... Facing White zinc paint manufacturers : -
T. HUBBUCK & SON LIMITED .....!......... 2~
com.mencement of Kent
L B. & S. d
PAGE Wine & spirit merchants:-
Whitesmiths :- H. LETTS .............'........... ...... Inside Back Cove.,.
J. LUCK .....................................•............ 107
J. T. MAyBANK .................. I.. ... ... ...... ... 116
J. E. QUICK ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... .. .... ... ... 73
Window blind manufacturers:- YOUNG & RAWLEY .............................. 104
E. M. DOWLER ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 85 J. YOUNG & SON ................................. uo
JANES & SON .................. -·· ... ... ... ... ... ... 35 Wine & spirit merchants' engineers : -
J. WILTJAMS . ............. I • •• •• • • •• ••• • • • • • • • •• ••• • • • 33 FARROW & JACKSON ...................... ,.... 27
Wine & spirit merchants:- Wood stain manufacturer :-
CAS WALL & TAYLOR .. :... ......... ... ......... 8o H. FLACK ........................................ --~--- 121
COURT & CO ..................................... ." 47 Woollen drapers:-
C• GOLDING & SONS... • .. .••• •• •• • • •• ••• • • • • •• • • 67 J. LEA & CO ........................ ~···········...... 71
E. A. HOADLEY ... ... ... ...... ... .... ........... ... go Yacht builder:-
KING & SON.............................. .. ..... ... 70 E. A. LITTLE ................................. ....... I 16
ADAM Dr. J., Private lunatic asylum................. 78 BRYANT W., Builder & contractor....•.....••.••.•. 112
ADKINS A. & 00., Cocoa-nut fibre mat & matting BUMST ED D. & CO., Salt manufacturers .......... 31
manufacturers ............................................. . 35 BURLEY T. & SON, Tailors & habit makers .•• 105
AGATE F., Carpenter & builder ....................... . Ill BURRELL & SO~S. Butchers, meat contractors
ALDERMAN, JOHNSON & CO., LIMITED, & public provide~s. .. ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... . . .... ... ... 46
Invalid furniture manufacturers....................... 34 CANTERBURY PRESS & KENT COUNTY
ALLE:i G., Brewery cooper, vat & back maker ..• 78 NEWS, Newspaper....................................... 8o
ALLEN G., Gas & hot-water engineer ............... 11 I CARDINAL & HARFORD, Carpet import.ers &
ALLEN J. W., Bag, portmanteau & dressing case Ievant warehouse.......................................... 32
manufacturer ............................................. 24 OASWALL & TAYLOR, Brewers & wine & spirit
AMOS F., Auctioneer & valuer .......................... . 77 merchants..................................................... 8o
ANKERSON R. JUN., Stud farm .................... . 111 CASTELNAU CYCLE CO., Cycle engineering
ANSCOMBE P., Builder & contractor ... ... ......... 63 tool manltfa.cturers ............... ;.. ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... 8o
BORING CO. LIMITED ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 drill & horse hoe manufacturers ... ............ ... 81
ASSOOIATIO~ OF NURSES (THE LONDON)... 20 CESSFORD W., Hotel .................................... 105
ASSOCIATION FOR THE SUPPLY OF PURE CHAMPION & CO., Mustard & vinegar manufrs.18 &34
VACCINE LYMPH ................................... . 18 CHATHAM & ROOHESTER NEWS, Newspaper 81
AWCOOK I., Builder & hotel proprietor............ 78 CHATHAM & lWCHESTER OBSERVER,
AYLESFORD POTTERY CO ....................... .. 78 Newspaper ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ...... ..• ... 81
BAGWELL P., Quarry owner & stone merchant ... I 11 CTIEAL J. & SONS, Nurserymen, seedsmen & land-
BARFOOT E., Furniture remover, auctioneer & scapo gardeners ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 63
valuer ..................................................... . 45 CHEMICAL & MINERAL REFINERS' CO...... 81
BARKER J. & SON, Monumental sculptors .... .. 25 OHURCHER C. H., Hotel .............................. 112
BEALES W. & CO., Organ builders ............... 79 CLARK H., Steam traction & thrashing machinery
BELLAMY J., Wrought iron tank & cistern manufr 31 proprietor ................................. ··~ ... ... ... ... ... 64
BENNETT H. & R., Furniture removers & starers.. 45 COBB & CO., Brewers ............... .... ......... ...... 64
BLAKE J., Hydraulic ram manufacturer ........... . 126 COBB G., Livery stable proprietor ...... ...... ...... 82
BLOMFIELD REV. J. B., School .................... . I 11 CO LEMAN B. L .. Sood merchant ...... ...... ... ... ... 112
BODDY W., Hotel ....................................... 77 COLLARD BROTHERS, Auctioneers & valuers... 46
BOND H. C., Sr.hool ..................................... . I 11 COLUER J. C., House & estate a~ent ...... ... ... ... 82
BOOKER H. A., Carriage builder ...... ... ............ 79 CONLAN J. 0., School ................................. 105
BOOKER H. A., Coal & coke merchant............... 111 COOPER W. ,Florist, nurseryman& market gardener 82
BOON J., Undertaker, cabinet maker & upholsterer 79 COPPIN G. & SON::-l, Ironmongers & agricultural
BOTTING B., Srhool ..... ................ ...... ......... I 11 implement makers ..... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .. . 112
BOWER F. & SON, Hotel .............................. 79 COT'l'IS W.& SONS, Agricultural implement mnfrs 33
BRADFORD G. & SONS, Dairymen .................. 112 COULSTOCK W. W., Ironmonger ... ... .•. ... ... ... I I 2
BRADFORD T. & CO., Steam laundry engineers 19 COURT BROTHERS, Ironmongers, japanners &
BRAY J., Estate & house agent ..................... 105 hardware manufactt1rers... ... ...... ... ... ......... ... ... 47
BREEDS & CO., Brewers .............................. 36 COURT & CO., Wine & spirit. merchants ...... ... 47
BR~NTFORD GAS CO., Coke manufacturers .. . 121 COURT J. W., Aerated water manufacLurer......... 113
BRIDEN W., Hotel ....................................... 8o COVENTRY MACHINISTS' CO., Bicycle & tri-
BRIDGER C., Auctioneer, appraiser & general cycle manufaetnrers .... .................. u••u ............. 31
surveyor .................................................... 63 COWELL & BROMLEY, Architects & surveyors 64
BRIGGS T., Canvas, sheeting & sacking manufactr 122! OOZE F., Cabinet maker ................................. IIJ
BROAD A., Corn, coal & coke merchant .......... .. 112 CRI PPS W., Builder & contractor .................. 82
BROAD J., Candle manufacturer ................... .. 112 CRONK MESSRS. Auctioneers, surveyors. lsnd &
BROWN T., Portable copper mapqfactur(l:r .... ,.... 25 estate agents ..... , .... ,.. ,, ............................................. 105
CROW G., Builder & undertaker ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 83 FINN F. & SONS LIMITED, The Canterbury &
CROYDON CHRONICLE, Newspaper............... 83 East Kent Stores ......... Facing commencement of Kent
CRUITENDEN F., Plumber & house decorator... 113 FLACK H., French polish & varnish manufacturer 121
CRUTTENDEN H. E., Builder & contractor ...... 105 FLETCHER BROTHERS, Nurserymen............... 88
CUE C. T., Carpenter, joiner & undertaker ......... 113 FOAT S., Hotel ............................................. 114
DAMPIER H. L., Brewer •.• ..• .•• ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 83 FOLKER & HORTON, Auctioneers, land agents &
DANIELS W., Crutch manufacturer ... ... ... ... ..• ... 106 surveyors .....•.......................•...•••..••••.,. ... ..• 114
DANN R., Brewers' & paper makers' coppersmith 83 FOWLE C., Funeral furnisher & undertaker ......... 114
DARBISHIRE W. A., Quarry owner & slate FREEMAN L. H. (WEST END CYCLE WORKS) ng
merchant .•. ..•..• ... ... .. . .. . •.. ... ... .. . ... ... .. . .. . .. . ... I 20 FREUND A. G., Hotel ...... ...... ...... ......... ... ...... 38
DASHWQOD A. & SOYS LIMITED, Ilorticul- GAMMAN A., Coal, coke, salt, soda & general mer 66
tural builders, hot water & gas engineers ... ... ... 48 GENT & LINDFIELD, Brick, tile & pottery mfrs 114
DAVIS REV. H. L., School ............................ ~ GENTRY M., Ornamental brick & tile manufactr 88
DEAL, WALMER, DOVER & KENTISH TELE- GIllSON J"., School ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..• ..• ... ..• 66.
GRAM, Newspaper....................................... 84 GOLDING C. & SONS, Hotel ...... ... ...... ......... ... 67
DEAL, WALMER & SANDWICH 1.1ERCURY, GOODNER '1'. E., Stationer, printer & bookbinder 88
Newspaper •.•.•• .••.....•.•........••.............•...•.•• 84 GOUGH F. E., Coach builder ..•........................ 120
DE\?ONSHIRE PARK & BATHS CO. LIM...... 84 GRAND HOTEL, Brighton.............................. 39
DICKESON R. & CO., Wholesale grocers & pro- GRAVESEND &DA. RTFOHD REPORTER, News-
vision merchant.B... ... .•. .•• . .. .•. ... ..• ... ... ... ... ..• ... 48 paper................. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8g
DINNEFORD & CO., Magnesia manufacturers ... 34 GREENWOOD & BATLEY LIMITED,Machinists
DOTTRIDGE BROTHERS, Undertakers' manufac- & engineers' tool manufacturers ..................... 125
turcrs & warehollBemen .••.........•.•.•...•.•........•• 26 GRIST H., Bone merchant & crusher .................. 120
DOL'GHTY F. J., Builder, contractor & house GROEZINGER D&. J., School ...... ...... ... ......... 67
decoraWr -· •••...••.•..•.•...•.•....••....................• Ss GUEST & CHRIMES, Bra.ssfounders ............... 124
DOVER & EAST KENT PERMANENT BENE- GUY J., Coach builder ............ ...... .................. so
FIT BUILDING SOCIETY ........................... 113 GUY'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL............ 27
DOVER EXPRESS, Newspaper........................ 85 IIALLET & ABBEY, Brewers........................... so
SOCIETY..•................................................ 106 & agricultural implement agents ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 51
ssDOWLER E. M., Window blind manufacturer ... HARBROW W., Iron buildings & roof manufactr... 34
DOWNING C. W., Hotel ................................ . 37 IIARRIS W. J. & SONS, 'fobacco, cigar & cigarette
DREWITT G., Auctioneer & valuer ................. . I 13 manufacturers ........................ 0.. ... ..• ..• ••• ... ..• 21
DYKE J. H., Builder....................................... 86 HARRIS W. A., Hotel ... ...... ... ............... ... ...... 67
EADE .A.. JuN., ·Agricultural engineer................ .. 86 HARRISON W. B., Auctioneer & estate agent ...... 106
EASl' KENT GAZETTEl Newspaper................ .. 86 HAR".?ISS E., Professor of music........................ 114
EASTBOURNE GAZETTE, Newspaper............... 86 HARVEY A., Egg, fruit & potato merchant......... 1o6
EASTBOURNE NEWSPAPER & PRINTING CO., HARVEY MRS. H. H., School ...... ......... ......... 89
IJM.ITED......__,............................................ 87 HASTINGS & ST. LEONARDSNEWS, Newspaper 89
EASTBOURNE STANDARD, Newspaper ............ 87 HAYLLAR R., Pianoforte & organ tuner ... ... ... ... 114
EDMETT & CO.. Glass & sign writers .............. . 26 HEAD & SONS, Carriage builders ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 68
EDMUNDS T. W., Nurseryman & seedsman ......... 49 HESKETH W. R. B., Livery stable keeper & job-
EDW;\.RDS M., Rheumatic mixture manufacturer 106
master ......... 0 ............................................. 51
ELG4R R..., Butcher ....................................... 87
RESTER G., Nurseryman & florist ............ ·-·...... go
ELLIQTT C. J. & SON, Stone, marble & granite
• mcr~hant:s .._.........•....................................... 113 HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS (ERITH) ............ 114
F~LIS J. & CO., .Ploughing, threshing, sawing & HILL W., Hydropathic establishment .................. 115
traction engine proprietors.............................. 65 HILTON (}., Cabinet maker & upholsterer ......... 115
EPPS J. & CO., Hommopathic chemists & cocoa HOADLEY E. A., Hotel ... ...... ...... ... ............... 90
manufacturers ...... ..................... Inside Front Cover HOTIDAY E. & G., Cabinet manufrs. & upholsterers 68
EPPS A. G., Sausage skin manufacturer............... 87 HOBDAY C. D., Organ builder ...... ...... ........... 52
EPSOM HERALD, Newspaper ......... ... ...... ...... 87 HOLDEN E. J., Plumber, glazier & house decord.tor 6~
EVENDEN E., Coach builder & wheelwright ... ... 88 HOLLAND R. F., Temperance hotel .................. Il5
EVENDEN H., Silk mercer, costumier & general IIOLMAN II. C. & CO., Auctioneers & estate agents 90
outfit'tar.•, .................................................. 0 •• 49 HORSHAM COLLEGE ................................... II5
EWING & CO., Nurserymen .......................... .. uo HUBBUCK T. & SON LIMITED, White zinc
FAGG H .• Agricultural engineer & contractor .... .. 65 paint, white lead, oil, paint & varnish manufactrs 22
FALCONER J., Tailor, hatter, hosier & general HUMPHREYS J. W., Builder & contractor......... 90
outfitt-er........................... , ........•.................. 65 HUNT T. & SON, Wholesale ironmongers ............ IIS
FARROW & JACKSON,.Wine & spirit merchant;s' HUXLEY -,Coffee & dining rooms .................. 115
engi•neers ..•.•...•.••....••...•.....•.•..•................•• 27 HYTHE PERMANENT BENEFIT BUILDING
FIELD T., I~ivery stable :proprietor..................... 113 SOCIETY ............ ·- ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .§2
FINCH J.,Builder & contractor........................ 66 INGALL J., Chemist .••..•.•. 0.. ........................... 91
INGE F., Pastry cook & confectioner............ •. ... 6g MEAD J., Sail, tent, tarpaulin & rick cloth maker 72
INWOOD J., Coal & coke merchant & seedsman ... 53 MEDWAY NAVIGATION CO., Coal, coke &
IRELAND MADAME, Herbal ointment manufactr 106 creosote merchants ..• .•• ... ... .•• ••• ... .•. ..• .•• .•. ••• ... 55
JA.COLETTE M., Photographer........... ...........• 91 MEEDS W., jun., Coach builder, painter & wheel-
JA.NES & SON, Window blind manufacturers ... ... 35 wright ... ... ... ... .. .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 96
JA.Y MISS, School .......................................... 107 MERRITT G., Seedsman & florist ............... ...... 33
JEFFKINS A., Nurseryman & seedsman... ... ...... ... 53 MIDIIURST TIMES, Newspaper ......... ............ 88
JENKINS P., Builder & contractor ... ... ... ... ... .•• ... 91 MID SUSSEX TIMES, Newspaper..................... 96
JONES G. E., Teacher of music ......................... 6g MITCHELL C., Brick, pip~& tile manufacturer ... 116
JONES REV. W. T., School.............................. 40 MITCHELL S., Builder & decorator .................. 116
JUDE, HANBURY & CO., Brewers ...... ... ......... 69 MOSELEY MRS. L., Surgical instrument manufr. 117
KELLY & CO., Printers & publishers & printers MURPHY H., Hotel .............................;......... 97
of the Post Office London & County Directories... NEALE H. & CO., Carriage builders & wheel-
Facing Front Cover, Facing Back Cover ~ wrights ... ...... ...... ...... ... ...... ... ... ............... ... 97
pp. 121, 127 ~- 128 NEWINGTON G. & CO., Lime burners, manu-
KF;LSEY B. W., Livery & bait stables ............... 115 facturers & merchants.................................... 97
KENNETT J., Nurseryman & market gardener...... 91 NEWNHAM A., Ironmonger, smith & implement
KENT COAST TIMES, Newspaper..................... 92 agent ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 72
KENT COUNTY STANDARD, Newspaper .. ....... 92 NICHOLSON J., Tailor.................................... 117
KE..'IT HERALD, Newspaper ...... ... ... ............... 92 NORRIS E. & SONS, Builders & undertakers...... 72
KENT MESSENGER & MAIDSTONE TELE- NYE W. '1'., Oil, color & italian warehouseman ...... 117
GRAPH, Newspaper ...... ... ... ... ... ...... ......... ... 93 OAKEY J. & SONS, Emery, emery cloth & black
KENT & SUSSEX COURIER, Newspaper ......... 93 lead manufacturers....................................... 29
KENT TIMES & CHRONICLE & MAIDSTONE OTHEN J., Builder, monumental mason, cabinet
ADVERTISER, Newspaper ... ...... ... ... ...... ... ... 93 maker & uphol.Bterer ... ......... ... ............ ...... ... 42
KENT WESLEYAN METflODIST SCHOOL OVERTON C. T., Bee hive manufacturer ............ 73
ASSOCIATION LIMITED ........................... 93 PAINE G., Engineer, machinist & smith ............ 97
KENTISH GAZETTE, Newsp:1prr......... ...... ...... 94 PANKHURST W., Bill poster & advertising agent 98
KENTISH OBSERVER, Newspaper ... ...... ... ... ... 94 PARKYN W. & SO~S. Coach, cart & van lmilders.. 35
KEYMER BRICK & TILE WOH.K CO. LIM... ... 95 PARSONS J. & SON, Tarpaulin, sack, tent, rick
KING & SON, Brewers.................................... 70 cloth, rope & machine oil factory ..................... 1o8
KINGSTON EXPRESS, NewspapeT ............... ... 94 PARSONS A., Coach builder & wheelwright......... 98
KINGSTON & SURBITON NEWS, Newspaper ... 94 PECKHAM HOUSE ASYLUM ........................ 33
KNIGHT G. & SON, Auctioneers & valuers ........ 115 PEN-YR-ORSEDD SLATE QUARRY CO. LIM. 120
KNIGHTS., Builder & contractor ..................... n6 PETTMAN F. L., Furniture remover.................. 55
KNIGHT A. W., Wholesale & retail ironmonger ... 70 PLAYERS., School ........................... ............ 56
I.AING J. & SONS, Seed & plant merchants ...... ,.. 95 , PLUM ER J., Auctioneer ... ............ ...... ... ... ...... 98
LAMBERT T., Poultry food manufacturer............ 107 PREEN & SUAW, Coach builders, wheelwrights &
LA.RKIN E. A. C., Engineer, steam ploughing & tyresmiths ... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... .. .... ...... ... ...... 117
threshing machine proprietor........................... 70 PRIOR & JONES, Land agents, valuers, auction-
LEA J. & CO., Tailors, woollen drapers, hatters & eers & surveyors ... ... ... ......... ...... ... ... ............ 56
outfitters ....................................... ··~ ... ... ... 71 QUEEN'S HOTEL, Eastbourne ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 41
LENEY F. & SONS, Brewet-s ... ... ... ... ... ... . • ... ... 95 QUICK J. E., Whitesmith, locksmith & bellhanger 73
LE'ITS H., Wine & spirit merchant ... In~ideBack Cover RAMSGATE & DISTRICT TRADE PROTEC-
LEVETT E., Convalescent home for children .... .. 54 TION ASSOCIATION ............... ...... ...... .••... 71
LEWIS G. & SONS, Contractors & builders ......... 116 RAWLINSON A. J., Auctioneer, house, land &
LICHTENSTEIN M., School ........................... 107 estate agent ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1o8
LITTLE E. A., Yacht & boat builder .................. 116 RAWLINSON'S BRIGHTON INSTITUTION
LITTLEHAMPTON NEWS, Newspaper ... .... . . .• . 95 FOR HOSPITAL TRAINED NURSES ......... 98
LONDON HOSPITAL ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 32 RAY W,, Brewer .......................................... 117
LONDON IRON BUILDING CO. ..................... 35 REEVE & FINN, Auctioneers & valuers ............ 108
LoNGS., Auctioneer, estate agent & valuer ........ . 107 RELPH W. & SONS, Auctioneers, surveyors &
LOVE W. P., Agricultural implement maker & agent g6 valuers ........................................................... 117
LUCK J., :Bellhanger....................................... 107 ROBERTS, ADLARD & CO., Slate merchants ...... 32
LUCK L. H., Hotel ....................................... 116 ROBERTS C. G., Rain water separator manufactr. 99
LUFF R. T., Carriage proprietor........................ 54 ROBINS & CO. LIMITED, Cement manufactul'ers 108
LYLE & MARSHALL, Mineral water manufactrs. 107 ROCHESTER & CHATHAM JOURNAL, News-
MAIDSTONE & KENTISH JOURNAL, Newspaper 92 paper ............................................. ··!......... 99
MARGATE & DISTRICT TRADE PROTECTION ROSE F. & SON, Cabinet makers & upholsterers... 108
ASSOCIATION ......................................... . 71 ROSE - , Private hotel & boarding house............ 73
MARSH MISS, Sch(J()l .................................... 116 ROUGHAN T., Hotel ............ -....................... 117
MARTIN F., Tailor & military outfitter............... 96 ROWLAND BROTHERS, Builders & building
MASON R., Nurseryman ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ...... ... 71 material merchants ... ... . .. ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... 117
MAYBANK J. T., Wine, spirit & beer merchant... 116 l{UDD J., Hotel....., ..............,.,...................... ··· 43
RUDD W. A., School ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .... .•. ... 108 TETT H. S. & F., Agricultural implement manu£ rs i 02
RUSSELL A. J., Gun maker & ammunition stores 57 THANET TRADE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION 75
THORNHILL J., School ...... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3S
, SALISBURY MESSRS., Auctioneers, valuers &
nndert:.akers ..•..•......................................•... 1 18 THORNTON F., Slater.................................... ICXJ
SAYERS J., Furniture remover ........................ II 8 TOWNE REV. L. B., School ... .. ..•. ... ... ... ... ... ... 122
SEAGER L. J. & C., Engineers & founders ......... 74 TOW.NSENDR., Hotol.................................... 44
SHARP S. T., Coal & coke merchant .................. u8 TUNBRIDGE WELLS. HIGH:. SCHOOL FOR
SHEERNESS TIMES, Newspaper ..................... 99 GillLS ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..• 102
SIMMONS A., Wheelwright & carpenter .......... .. 1 l8 TURNER G., General house furnisher ............... 103
SIMMONS H. J., Milrer, corn & coal merchant.. .... 109 TWYMAN G., Sacking, linen, rope, line & twine
SMITH J. W., Riding & jobmaster..................... 99 manufacturer ... ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... . .. 76
SMITHERS & SONS, Carpet beating machine VAUGHAN E., Builders' merchant & ironn:;.onger.. IOJ
manufacturers & furniture removers ............... 57 VENESS - , Auctioneer & valuer .................... . IIg
SOULSER & GRANDIN, School ..................... II8 VERRALL W., Carriage builder ................... .. 76
SOUTH EA.STERN EXPRESS, Newspaper ........ . 100 VINE W., Builder & undertaker ....................... . 119
SOUTH EASTERN GAZETTE, Newspaper ........ . 100 WAGHORN J., Valuer, accountant & house agent 6o
SOUTHWELL C. & Co., Wholesale jam & j oily WALES J., Builder, decorator & sanitary engineer 76
m• anufacturers ...........•...........•..................... 28 WARNE W. & CO., India rubber manufacturers... 29
SPENCER G., Gymnastic app:1ratu!i & revolving WATERS W., Coach builder.............................. 61
shutter manufacturer .................................... 28 W ATSON T., Ship & insurance broker ............... 110
STANBURY H. J., Hotel.. ............................... 74 WEEKS J. & CO., Horticultural builders & hot I
water engi•neers . .. .. . .. . ... ... . .. .. . ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... 30
STEELE & DODSO~. Engineet-s & millwrights .. . 74
WEST SURREY TIMES, Newspaper ................. . 10.)'
STEER W. H. 1 Builders' merchant ..................... 109 WEST ON W., Upholsterer & decorator ............... xo3'
STENNING & ARNOLD, Corn, seed, salt & coal
merchants .................................................. . 100 WEYBRIDGE FUR~ISIIING 00., House fur-
STEPHENSON W., Tailor & breeches maker ...... 100 nishers &c. ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 77
STEWART D. & CO., Auctioneers & estate agent~> 1x8 WEYMAN & CO. LIMITED, Engineers, boiler
. STEWART D., Builder & contractor ................. . 118 makers, millwrights, iron & brass founders ... ... 61
STOKES .T., School ....................................... 75 WHEELER C., Corn & coal merchant ... ... ... ... ... 119
STRANGE & ATKINSON, Draperlj & silk mercers sS WILES & ROEINSON, Carriage builders & wheel-
STRINGER BROS., Iron & steel manufacturers· ... 123 wrights .................................................•.... 110
STUBBS' MERCANTILE OFFICES .................. 23 WILLCOX W. H. & CO., General engineers' stores 30
STYLE A. F. & CO., Brewers & maltst.ers ...... __ ... sS WILLIAMS P. & CO., Chemists........................ 77t
SULLIVAN M., Art master .............................. II8 WILLIAMS J., Window blind manufacturer......... 33
SURREY ADVERTISER, Newspaper ............... 101 WILSON REV. F., School .............................. uo
SURREY COMET, Newspaper ....................... . 101 WILSON W. Y., Draper, hosier & haberdasher ... Il9
SURREY LEADER, Newspaper ........................ 109 WILTSHIRE G. H., Builder, house decorator &
SURREY MIRROR, Newspaper ....................... . 10 I contractor .. . ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... .. . ... .. . ... ... ... . .. ... 104
SUSSEX CO-OPERATIVE DRUG CO. LIMITED 101 WILTSHIHE J. A., Hotel .. . .... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... uo
SUSSEX EXPRESS, Newspaper ....................... . 102 WINSTONE E. J., Plumber & hot water engineer 119
SUTTON A. K., Stone, ffiarble & monumental mason 102 WOOD A., Wheelwright, coachbuilder & tyresmith 104
TAGG H., Hotel & boat builder ................•....... 59 WOOD J., Private tutor ..................... ~--······ ... 119
TALLANT BROTHERS, Brick & tile manufactrs.. 59 WOODHAMS & SON, Auctioneers, valuers, land
TARN & CO., General house furnishers & silk & estate agents............................................. 104
mercers.................. Fac-ing commencement of Surrey WOOLLARD G. E. D., Carpenter, joiner & builder 119
TAYLOR T. & SON, Steam & electric launch WOOTTON A. & SON, Auctioneers & valuers ... ..• 62
builders...................................................... 109 WORSFOLD & HAYWARD, Auctioneers, sur-
TAYLOR J. H., Hotel ................................... 109 veyors & estate agents . . ... ...... .•. ... ... ... ...... ... 62
TAYLOR J. J., Hotel....................................... 75 YEATES S., School ....................................... 120
TERSON J. B. & SON, Auctioneers, valuers, sm·- YOUNG J. & SON, Brewers & maltsters ............ 110
veyors, house, land & estate agents ...... ... ... ... ... 6o YOUNG & RA\VLEY, Brewers & maltsters......... I04
- -- ---- - - ---- - - _____- - ---=- - ------ - - - - -- -- - - ___ - __-_ ,-_-_-- - . c~~~-- ~--~-~
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- -
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- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
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.Agents for all Best Makes of .Agricultural Implements.
22, 23 & 24,
No. I. H No. 2. H No. 3. H No. 4.
Tea, H Drugs, H Perfumery and H Ironmongery,
Coffee, Toilet ~ . Bedding,
Grocery, H H H1 Mats,
!H Homreopathic H
Provisions, I~ H Requisites, H Matting,
H and Patent
Italian Goods, HH· Medicines, and H Purses, Bags, ~ Linoleum,
Confectionery, HHI other H H Brooms,
Aerated H
H &c., &c. 1~ Brushes,
H Ladies' Waiting Sponges,
H H Hand Bags,
Proprietary H Room
H .H
H &c., &c., &c.
H (In charge of a Lady). 1H
Waters. HI Articles.
KENT is bounded on the north by the sea and the Estuary of fuel of the northern district. Goudhurst Hill is 497 feet
the Thames, on the west by Surrey, on the south by ~ussex, high. The mineral products of the county are ragstone and
the Kent water, the river Rother, and the sea, which also limestone for building, clay, chalk, lime, flints, Roman
fonns its eastern limit: it juts out from the southern coast cement stone (septaria from Sheppy), iron, brimstone and
of England in the form of a cant, corner, or born, whence copperas.
its ancient Iberian or British name, Romanised into Cantium, Kent contains many mineral springs, some chalybeate, as
and preserved to us in the present name of Kent: this horn at Bromley and Canterbury, but the most remarkable are
runs into the sea. from west to east, its seaboard dipping those of Tunbridge Wells and the neighbourhood.
from north to south. The most northerly promontory is The northern part of the county along the Thames and
formed by Foreness and the North Foreland, the latter Medway shore, is girt with a belt of marsh land, which
I 0 291 east of Greenwich; the southern promontory is extends a mile or two inland. Between the main land and
Dengeness, or Dungeness, which is 0° 59 1 east of Greenwich: Thanet, marshes also exist ; and the south-east of the shire is
its dimensions are-from London to Dungeness (north·west formed by the marsh islands of Romney, Oxney and Ebony.
to south-east) 59 miles; from the North Foreland to the The frith of the Medway contains the Isle of Sbeppy (con-
junction of the three counties of Surrey, Sussex and Kent sisting of Sheppy, Elmley and Harty) divided from the main-
(north-east to south-west) 62 miles; from London to the land by the Swale channel, and containing ~2,928 acres,
North Foreland (west to east) 64 miles; from the North being 1x miles long and 4 broad.
Foreland to Dungeness (north to south), 38 miles. The Isle of Thanet, called by the Britons and Romans
Kent is the ninth English shire in size, and contains Taneta, and separated by the Wantsum channel, through
995,392 acres. which the river Stonr runs, forms the extreme north-east
In 1700 the population was estimated at 153,800; in 1750 end of the shire, and contams 26,021 acres, being ro miles
long from east to west, and 6 miles broad from north to
at 190,000; it x8ox it was -returned at 308,667 ; in 1831, south. Romney is in the marsh district t<l the south-east, 13
miles long and 9 broad, and containing 4S1000 acres. Oxney
479,558; in I84r, 549,353; in r8s1, 615,766; in r86r at
733,887; in x87x, 848,294; and in x88r 977,706. Of these adjoins Romney, and is surrounded by the Rather, is 5
the males were 478,6s3 and the females 499,053, of which
::z8s,56o are in the metropolis; the number of houses were- miles long and 3 broad, containing 6,643 acres.
inhabited, 173,432; uninhabited, 10,549; building, 2 1399· Off the coasts and in the friths are numerous sands ; the
Kent is a billy county, with a great. deal of chalk, belong-
ing to the North Downs range : this t;balk ridge runs from chief being the Margate sands off Margate and the Goodwin
west w east towards the sea, and is from 3 to 6 miles sands off Ramsgate, the channel between which and the main-
in breadth. Bollingbourne Hill, in this range, between the land constitutes the great anchorage called the Downs. The
edway and the Stour, is 6o6 feet high ; Knockholt, 783; Goodwin sands are supposed by the best authorities to have-
lddlesworth, near Folkest<Jne, 6a6 feet; FolkestoneHill,S75 been an island called "Lome," submerged in HX)7; they
...et; Dover Castle Hill, 400 feet ; and the North Foreland, are 10 or 11 miles long from north to south, their greatest
100 w 200 feet high ; a. point in the range of hills near breadt.h being 3 or 4 miles: and they are traversed by a.
Wrotham is 770 feet above the sea. Between the chalk range narrow channel called "the Swaehway." The sheltered
and the Thames is a tertiary formation connected with the anchorage of the Downs is 8 miles long and 6 broad; to the
London basin, and consisting partly of plastic clay and partly north of them are the Small Downs.
Q( London clay : this formation includes the land between Time of High Water on the Full and Change of the Moon
the Medway and the Thames, the Isles of Graine and Sheppy at the following places on the Coast of Kent:-
-the latter rich in fossils. The chief hills in this formation High Water. Rise •
are Shooter's Bill, about 400 feet high, and Sheppy, 480 feet PLACE. Full & Change. Springs. Neaps.
high, both of London clay. This district yields clay for h. m. ft. ft.
1-,.;~k.s and coarse pottery, riTer sand for mortar, Roman
Dungeness ............. ....... . 10.4S .•• ~~~ •.• 19
1ent stone and copperas stone. The chalk formation
1rds chalk for manure and for mending walls, inferior Folkestone.................... . II-7 •.• 20 ••• x6l
e for building anti whiting and agricultural purposes, Dover ............................ 1I.I2 ••• I8i ... xs
sand for building and likewise flints, which are much nsed Deal ..... ~- ................... . 11.15 ••• 16 •.• 12~
for building and fences. South of the North Downs range
lfe find the chalk marls and greensand of the secondary Ramsgare ...................... ll.44 ••• IS ••• I~
Margate ........................ 11-4S ••• IS! ••• 13
fonnation. The greensand contains beds of limestone, used
for road-making, lime, stucco and sugar refining, for which Pansand Hole ........•...... noon ••• 15i ... 13
latter purpose it is exported to the West Indies. Nore ..........................• 0.30 ••• 1 Si ... 1 3
The southern slope of the secondary formation forms the Sheerness ..................... 0-37 ••• I6 ••• 13f
ragstone range of bills, some of which are from 6oo to Boo Chatllam ..................... 1.11 ••• I8 ..• 14!
feet high; this st<lne is used locally, and sometimes in
Grave.send ..................... 1.10 ••• 17} ••• 14
Woolwich ...................... I.37 ••• I8j •.• ISl
Greenwich.................... . 1.43 ••• I9 ••• I5
London, for building purposes. The next parallel belt • By the rise of the tide ill meant its vertical rille above the mean
through the middle of the county from west to east is the low water level of spring tides.
Valley of Weald clay, 5 miles broad, formed by the rivers The rivers are numerous, and the Thames and Medway
Eden, Medway and Beult, and constituting the nucleus of open in wide frit.hs ; the Thames, bounding the northern
\he Weald of Kent, "weald" signifying a. forest tract; and shore, is the grand channel of communication and receives
\his l,listrict was formerly a great wood, frequented only by several feeders from Kent. The Ravensbonrne on the wes1i
deer and wild hogs. The Wealden formation is succeeded border rises near Keston Common and flows past Bromley
by the iron-sand, reaching to the Sussex border : the iron- and Lewisham to Deptford : it is Io miles long, navigable
llland .district was, down to the 17th century, the seat of the for lighters for I mile, tnrru several mills and supplies the
iron manufacture, when the application by Lord Dudley of Greenwich and Deptford waterworks. The Cray, whicij.
pit-coal as fuel, instead of billet-wood, gave the superiority gives name to several villages, and to Crayford, rises near
lD cheapness, though not in quality, to the richer ores and OrpiDc.aton all.d runs 9 miles, falling into the Dart below
K. s. & S. 1
Dartford, where it is navigable; it is famous for its trout. plums, cherries (particularly at P9lstead), damsons, but-
The Darent, or Dart, which gives its name to Darenth and laces, walnuts, filberts, wood nuts, goosebemes, currants,
Dartford, rises in Squerryes Park, near Westerham, runs strawberries, blackberriP~'l and rhubarb (Gravesend), and in
under the North Downs, thro~II which it forms a grand addition canary seed and radish seed (both in Thanet),
pass, and proceeds by Otford, Shoreham, Eynsford, J<'arning- seeds, spinach, watercresses (near Gravesendj, white mus-
ham and Sutton, to Dartford, receiving the Cray and falling tard, peas, asparagus (near Deptford and Gravesend),
into the Thames: it is 20 miles long, 3 uf which are navig- kidney beans, tomatoes, mushrooms, woad and madder
able and called Dartford Creek: it furnisheslwater power for (these latter near Sandwich). Market-gardening is now
a manufacturing district for paper and gunpowder. The largely carried on, and the manufacture of jams is also a
Ebbsfleet is a small brook, running at Northfieet and used for good industry. The gardening of the connty was much
watercress cultivation. improved by the Netherlands rdugees in the 16th century.
The Medway waters the western part of the county: its The lathe of Sutton-at-Hone is a great fruit district, and
name seems to be Iberian, and it had a Roman station on the valley of the Medway is famous for hops. Filberts are
it, called Ad Madium; it rises near East Griustead and almost peculiar to Kent. The woods are extensive and
Crawley, in Sussex, passes Ashurst and Penshu111t, where produce much oak, beecb., hop poles, billet wood, hoops and
it receiYes the Eden, a mill stream (which rises near Goi- bark, besides timber for ship and house-building. The rich
stone and is 16 miles in length), and becomes navigable; it marshes include 27,000 acres on the banks of the Stour,
thence proceeds by Tonbridge to Yalding, where it receives u,soo on Lhe shores of the Medway, Thames and Swale,
the Teise and Beult; The Teise, rising in Sussex, runs by and so,ooo in Romney Marsh, feeding numbers of fine cattle
Lamberhurst, a course of 17 miles, and joins the Beult, and sheep.
which rises in the Weald of Kent and has a course of 20 Kent is not remarkable at present for any great manufac-
miles. The Medway then flows past Maidstone (where it tures, though formerly it was engaged largely in the pr()-
receiYes the Len, which rises at Lenham), Aylesford, duction of woollen cloths and of iron. The paper manuf~
R.ochester, Strood ami Chatham, then by Sheerness to the ture employs r,ooo persons, and is carried on in mills upon
frith of the Thames. the streams in the west of the county_ In weaving ribbons,
The Medway is the noblest feeder of the Thames, and has calico, linen, ~ilks, jersey flocks, shirts, woollen and cottoli,
a total length of 6o miles, 40 of which are navigable, and is about 400 persons are employed. Other manufactures are
the great outlet for Mid Kent: the tide formerly flowed a bricks, tiles, pottery, cement and lime, in which s~vera1
mile or two higher than Maidstone, but it is now stopped by thousand people are engaged~ gunpowder (Dartford, 'fan-
a lock below the bridge. Lime burning is carried on upon bridge and l''aversham), Roman cement, pottery, sugar
the Lower Medway ; and on the upper stream the paper moulds, tobacco pipes, hop bags, sacks, copp~ras, glass,
trade. Ships and large vessels get up to Rochester bridge ; sugar refining : tar, whiting and Tonbridge ware are al&O
the river is famous for its fish; at Rochester, soles, flounders produced, the latter being peculiar to Tunbridge Well$.
.and smelts are obtained, and ·up the numerous creeks, The principal operatives are connected witb. the dockyards
oystel"s; the shrimp is caught largely, and a small kind of and shipping interest. There are, however, considerable
cra.b and crayfish are found. ship-building and marine engine yards, iron foundries,
The St.our, either an Iberian or British name (the Stur-ius breweries, maltings and tanneries. The chief seats of
of tbe Romans), consists of the Greater and Lesser Stour. manufacture are Greenwich, Dartford, Maidstone, ~orth
The Lesser Stour rises near Lyminge and passing by Elham fleet and Faversham. Besides th~
and Barham, above which it 'Sometimes becomes dry, pro-
The fisheries of Kent are very important.
-ceeds by Bekesbourn and Ickham to Stourmouth, where it deep sea fisheries of cod, herring and mackerel, they include
joins the other Stour. The Greater Stour rises near Len- those of the Thames and Medway, and comprise oystere,
ham and proceeds to Ashford, where it receives another for which the county is famous by the name .of "native&,"
stream and proceeds by Chilham to Canterbury, and thence also shrimps, soles, flounders &c. The fisheries employ 1,200
to the junction with its sister stream: the two then form a persons and are carried on chiefly at Gravesend (shrimps),
-channel, flowing by two mouths to the sea, l,lO !U to ~eparate Queenborough {oysters), Rochester (oystel'":l), Milton and
the Isle of Thanet from the main land ; this ch~nnel, called Faversham (oysters), Whitstable (oysters), Margate and
the ' 1 "'antsu~" was formerly 3 or 4 miles over, but in the Ramsgate, Pegwell Bay(shrimps),Deal, Dover and Folkestone.
time of Bede 3 furlongs, and commonly passable only at two When ·we contemplate Kent as a mariti~ county we find
plaoes, Sarre and Stonar, where ferry-boats plied. After it taking a high rank; in the earliest times of English
the tim!l of Henry VIII. it was at one time- dry, but a cut history the men of Kent showed themselve!l true to their
being made, Th&net is >again. an island : the channel falls origin, and were looked upon as the stay of pur naval power)
into the sea near Reculver on the one side, passing throngh Hence the establishment of the Cinque Ports, endowed with
Sandwich to Pegwell Bay on the other; both Streams have exclusive and valuable privileges, and which, .down to the
excellent trout and salmon-trout, often of 9 lbs. weight and 1.]th century, supplied the greater part of the shipping and
of a peculiar kind. The Greater Stour is navigable from seamen to our fleets. At the present tim11 it contains the
Fordwich to the sea, and its length from Lenham to Pegwell important establishments of Wuolwich, Chatham and Sheer.
Bay is 45 miles. A small stream runs into the sea at Sand- ness. Woolwich is not now a shipbuilding station, and the
wich, rising at Northbourne. The Dour rivm-, though a docks are applied to other uses. Chatham is an old dock-
very trifling stream, received its present name from the yard with modern additions, and is now the head quarters of
Cymric "dmr," water, and was called by the Romans a marine division: here many of the largest ships ol war
Durius: it gives its name to Dover, in the valley of which are fitted out in the extensive basins, and supplied with all
it anciently formed the haven ; the river is about 5 miles recent appliances, and it is the head quarters of the steam
long and tnrll8 se.-eral paper mills. The Rother rises in reserve. Sheerness constitutes a noble establishment, we!~
Sussex and fOI" a considerable distance forms a boundary of provided. Other public establishments connected with th~
Kent~ it is navigable on its entry into Kent, and was navy are also attached to the cotmty: Greenwich Hospital,
anciently called by the l3ritons and Romans Limene, enter- now utilized as a Naval college; and Dover and Folke.swne
ing the sea at New Romney: in the time of Edward I, it as packet stations. Stangate Creek is the great quaranti~
deserted its channel and formed a new one by Rye and establishm!lnt; and at Chatham is a large convict establish-
Winchelsea. The principal canal is the Royal Military ment. The private yards also contribute to the. naval
-canal, which runs along the borders of Romney marsh from resources, many fine vessels having been built at N orthflee~
the Rother to Hythe; very little above the level of the sea ; and Gravesend. Northfleet was once the head dockyard ror
but parts of this are filled up. The Gravesend and Rochester the East India Company's vessels, and now launches iron
canal has" been partly used for the North Kent railway, but steamers for English and foreign Governments and com-
irtesmbaam.si.ns a. nd the .po. rtion from Gravesend to Higham still panies. At Greenwich iron shipbuilding is carried on. The
proximity of the county to the port .of London and to the
Tht~ climate j.s mild and genial. From the lay of the great station for merchant shipping in the Downs, furnishes
country and the nature of the cultivation it is one of the it with a large traffic. Ramsgate is a reguliu constituted
most beautiful districts in the world, abounding with pleas- harbour of refuge, made at a great expense ; and another on
ing scenery and rich in its agricultural productions. The a latger scale has been formed at Dover. The coasts are
soil consiats of gun~l, chalk &nd clay, with alluvial. soil• well protected by light houses and ships, the chief of whieh are
which are very productive. · In the chalk district are ex- -the Nore lights at the mouth of the Thames, floating off
tensive sheep downs: in the Weald the soil is very fertile. Sheerness; the ~orth and South Foreland lights, at the east-
The Isle of Thanet has s thin, light soil, made productive ern extremity of the county, with one floating light on the
by skill. The county producell wheat, oats, barley, rye, Goodwin Sands ; and lighthouses at Margate, Ramsg"d.te,
hop8, vegetables and fruit. Hops are planted to the Dover and Dungeness. Of these the most remarkable are·
extent of 35,487 acres, which is more than half the area the screwpile lighthonse on the Maplin Sands and the
cnltivated in England, Sussex being next highest with 7,282 beacons driven by Pott's hydraulic process.
acres, and Hereford following with 6,850; for purposes The Central Scientific Observatory, from which the longi-
of classification the Kentish bops are described as from tude is reckoned, is at Greenwich Hill ; there are others in
certain districts, viz. East Kent, Mid Kent and the Weald the Royal Naval School, Greenwich, and at Woolwich. At
of Kent. The frnit produced comprises apples, pears, figs, Deal is a time-ball worked from Greenwich.
Kent is also the seat of large military establishments. At Cranbrook, Ashford, Faversbam and S'utton Valence. The
Woolwich are the head quarters of the Royal Horse and colleges are Chatham (engineering), Woolwich (artillery],
Field artillery, with college and arsenal and large manu- Greenwich (naval), and St. Augustine's, CanterbttrY'(eccle-
facturing establishments for providing the requirements of siastical).
the naval and military l!lervices; at Chatham is the depot The railway communication is effected by thtr &e~eral
of the Royal En~neers and also the school of Military En- lines belonging to the South Eastern Railway C()mpany and
gineering, a military prison and a lunatic asylum ; at Hythe the London, Chatham and Dover Railway. -T:be Sout-h
is the school of mu.sketry for the training of military and Eastern has its metropolitan stations at Cannon St.root,
volunteer officers ; at Shorncliffe and Lydd are camp~. and Lonrion Bridge and Charing Cross. The Greenwich and
at the latter large ordnance are tested. There are garrisons North Kent lines of the South Eastern rnn in the north to
at Woolwich, Sheerness, Chatham and Dover, with forts and Deptford, Gre&nwieh, Woolwich, Da.rtford, ~nd, fJo
e~~tablishments at Gravesend and Upnor. . Strood (a. suburb of Rochester and Chatham), and Maid-
The ports of the coasts and rivers are numerous. · The stone, thence to their main line at Paddock Wood, The
ports of entry are London, Rochester, Faversham, Rams- Hundred of Hoo branch ,starts from the NDI'th Kent liM
gate, Dover, and Folkestone, with many dependencies. near Gravesend and through Cliffe to Sharnal Street, and
Deptford, Greenwich, and Woolwich are naval dependencies ha'! its terminus at Port Victoria, on the Medway opposite
on London. Erith has a local traffic; so has Dartford,
which exports paper and gunpowder. Gravesend and Sheerness. The Mid Kent line leaves New Cross and
Northfleet are watering places and steamboat stations, and passes by Lewisham and Lower Sydenham to Beokenham
are e~craged in fishing, the lime trade and the supply of Junction and Croydon, with a. branch to !!ayes: at Becken-
provisions to shipping; all these places 11.re oR the Thames.
ham Junction there is a communication with the L8ndon,
Rochester is \he great shipping port for the Medway, Chatham and Dover railway. The Lewisham and Dartford
Milton (on a creek of the Swale), is the port of Sitting-
line connects these pla<:es, passing through Lee, Eltham and
bourne. On another creek is Faversham, with a trade in
the export of gunpowder, and fisheries. Whitstable iS' the Crayford. In r868 the South Eastern Railway Company
port of Canterbury, a steamboat station, and is engaged in
opened their line to Tonbridge via Sevenoaks, which
the oyster fishery. Herne Bay is a watering place on the
North Sea coast; Margate, & steamboat station and watering shortens the distance to Tunbridge, Tunbridge Wells and
place, has also some foreign trade and communication with
Hastings by about 13 miles. A short line;, opened January,
the Continent. Westgate, nearly adjoining Margate on the
west, is a rapidly increasing watering place. On the ea-;t 1878, from the Grove Park station on this line gives direct
coast are to be found the remaining coast towns. Broadstairs communication with Bromley, and there is anothe11 branch
is a watering place. Ramsgate is a harbour of refuge and
extensive watering place, steamboat station and fishing town, from Dunton Ureen to Westerham. The other main line is
having communication with the Continent and maintaining a
in the south, and proceeds from Redhill Junction, whm-e it
oommunicates narthj through Croydon, with London 1 west~
ward through Reigate, Dorking, Guildford, Farnborough
and Reading ; and east, through Tonbridge, with a branch
to Tunbrid~e Wells and Hastings : Paddock Wood,' 'with a
branch to Maidstone ; Ashford, with branchea north to Can-
small trade. Sandwich is a port for the Stonr and the neigh- terbury, Margate, Ramsgate and Deal, and south to :Rye,
bouring district. Deal is en~aged in the supply of shipping
in the Downs and in boat-building. Dover is one Qf the Lydd, New Homney and Dungeness and "lsu w HBBting:s;
great ports for steam navigation to France and Flanders
the main line continues to Folkestone and Doverj witb .a
as well as an extensive waterini' plaoe, with a small trade.
Folkestone is the rival of Dover and a rising port and packet branch from Sanclling Junction to Hythe and SalldgR~.
station, with a trade to France. Queenborough, near Sheer~ The latter part of the main line with its branches like~
oess, is the station of the London, Chatbam and Dover
Railway for their continental trade via Flushing. Hythe belongs to the Great S,mth Coast line reaching from Marga.te
has a little trade and some fishing; formerly important, it
is now inconsiderable. New Romney has also waned from to Dorchester. The Dover and Deal Railway, connecting
its &ncient importance. Besides the ports on the Thames
and Medway, the following have harbours regularly main- these towns, was opened in r881. From Canterbury are
tained: Ramsgate, Sandwich, Dover and Folkestons. Herne
Bay, Margate, Hroa.dstairs, Ramsgate, Deal, Dover and Folke- branch lines to Whitstable and another to Folkestone vi&
sklne have piers. The watering places are Erillh., Green-
Westenhanger. A branch is now in course of construction
hithe, Northfieet, Gravesend, Sheerness-on-Sea, lferne Bay,
Birchington, Westgate,. Margate, Ramsgate, Broadstairs, from Paddock Wood Junction, on the Tonbridge and. A.!!hf~d
Kingsgate, Deal, Dover, Folkestone, Hythe and Sandgate ;
and Deptford, Greenwich, Woolwich, Nortb.fleet, Sheerness, line to Cranbrook and Ha.wkhnrst.
The London, Chatham and Dover railway has its London
termini at the Victoria station, Pimlico, HolbOrn Viaduct,
St. Paul's and Ludgate Hill, and is ronnected -..rith t-he
Metropolitan Railway at Farringdon street. The Hue from
Victoria passes by Sydenham, Heckenham, Bromley;Roches-
ter, Chatham, Sittingbourne, Faversham and Canter-bury to
Dover, and thence to Deal, with branch~ from Farningha.rn
Road to Gravesend and from Lou!{hborough Junction to
Chatham, Ramsgate and Dover have docks for the building Hlackheath Hill, from Swanley Junction to Sevenoalt.l,
and repair of shipping. thence from Otford Junction to Maidstone and .Ashford;
~team boats run from London to Greenwich, Erit.h1 Groon- other bnmches from Sittingbourne to Sheerness ; from Faver-
hitbe, Northfleet, Gravesend, Sheerness, Southend,. Whit- sham, called the Kent Coast line, to Whitatable, Heme Bay1
stable, Margate, Ramsgate, Deal a.ncl Dov~I' ; from Cbatham Hirchington, Westgate, Margate, Broadstairs and RamsgaU!I.
to Sheerness and Southend, and Port Victoria to Sheerness ; The line from Ludgate hill, communicating with the Metro-
from Margate occasionally to" Ostend ; from Dover to London, politan at Farringdon street, passes by Rlackfriars, Elephant
Ostend, Calais and Boulogne ; from Folkestone to Boutogne ; and Castle, and Camberwell, joining the main line at Herne
from Queenborough ~Flushing and Cologne. · 1 1 Hill.
The province of "Canterbury includes all the sontli of The London, Brighton and South Coast Railway enter~
England. 11 the county in the extreme north-west, on its route to Croy-
The county contains 435 ci\-il parishes lzl.lld ~~u·ui Gf tix don, and re-enter!l it again on the south-westr through
others and is partly in th~ diocese of C11-nterbury and partly Edenbridge to Groombridge, in Su.ssex..
in that of Rochester. Th'e diocese of Canterbury is divided In r.85a, the first successful attempt was made ~ earry
a submarine telegraph from Doyer ~ Calais ; alliJther is
into the archdeaconries of, Canterbury and Maidstone; the
archdeaconry of Canterbm-y< comprises the deaneries of East carried from Dover t~ Ostend, and t.hese communicate
Bridge, West Bridge, Canterbury, Dover, Elha.m, North throughout Europe with England and.l.re\~nd.
Lympne, South Lympne, Ospringe, Sap.d wich and Westbere ; The three principal roads i:n Kent ar~ Watling Street or
the arcbdeaconry of Mai'dstone ·contains the deaneries of the Dover road, an ancient Roman road by Dartford~ -Graves-
East Charing, West.Charing, Croydon, East Dartford, West end, Rochester, Sitt.iugbourne and Canterbury; the Hythe
Dartford, North Mailing, So11th Mailing, Shoreham, Sitbng- road and the Hastings road. The total. length of the main
bonrne, Sutton and Tonbridge. For a. portion of this diocese roads is about 586 miles; from these lines branches lead to
a llllffragan bishop has boon appointed with the title. of Whitstable, Herne Bay, Margate., ,Ramsgate, Sandwich, ·
Bishop of Dover. That part of Rochester diocese in this Deal, Folkestone, Tenterden and Cranbrook. . r
county is the Rochester archdeaconry, sub-divided into the King William the Norman burnt E,omney and Dover,
deaneries of Rochester, Cohham, Gravesend, Greenwich, but confirmed to the men of Kent their privileges.J Theae
Lewisham and Woolwich. , are chiefly comprised in gavelkind, or tho successiou of all
The ecclesiastical ~tablishments of Kent includel.b.a seat the sons or brothers and nephews to landed propel'ty, and
of the Primate l{)f the English Church at Canterbury, the right of non-forfeiture of lands, except for treason. In
Christianity having been first introduced in Kent, in the case of executions, this is expressed in the distich-
reign of King Ethelbert. I:J;ere are two cathedrals, Canter- " The father to the bough,
bury and Rochester ; and many fine churches, formerly The son to the plough." '1
collegiate or abbatial, as Maidstone, Cobham, Minster &c. The city of Canterbury forms a distinct shire. The
The Collegiate and Grammar schools include those of Cinque Ports are also independent, and are under the special
Canterbury, Rochester, Tonbridge, ~laidstoue,1.&venoak:~, jurisdiction of the Lord Warden, who has usually been.- high
1 K. s. & s. 1•
functionary of the Crown, holding the office for life, and has Brook Mersham
the chief control, naval, military, civil and criminal,in his dis- Challock Molash, or Moldash
trict in Kentand Sussex,which includes-1st. Sandwicb,which Chilham Orlestone
includes Sarre, Ramsgate, Deal, Walmer and Fordwich; 2nd. Crondale Ruckinge
Dover, with the villages of Birchington, St. Peter's, Broad- Eastwell Sevington
stairs, Acol or Wood and Folkestone ; 3rd. Hythe; 4th. New Godmersham Smeeth
Romney, with Lydd, Old Romney, Appledore, Brenzet, Ivy- Hastingleigh Wareborne
church, Snargate and part of Broomhill and Brookland ; and Hinxhill Willesborough
sth. Tenterden, a member of the Cinque Port of Rye. For Hurst Wye
judicial purposes the shire belongs to the South Eastern Kennington
Circuit, except Greenwich, Deptford, Woolwich, Lewi11ham, WEST AsHFORD UNION.
Sydenham and the other snburban districts of the metropolis, Kingsnorth
which are under the Central Criminal Court and within the Ashford
Little Chart
Metropolitan police district; the remainder of the county is Bethersden Plnckley and Pe~oton
divided into u police districts. Maidstone is the assize town Charing
for the shire, but assizes are also held at Canterbury for the Egerton
City. Great Chart
The county has one court of quarter sessions at Maidston'3 Hothfield Westwell
and ia divided into 16 petty sessional divisions, exclusive of BLIUN UNION.
the liberty of Romney Marsh, which has petty and general
Archishop's Palace St. Gregory
sessions under its charters.
The shire is divided into 5 lathes and 73 hundreds :-rst Blean, or St. Cosmus and lSt. Stephen, or Hackington
St.. Augustine's, the north-eastern, on the coast, containing Damian-in-the-Blean Seasalter
169,978 acres and 12 hundreds and 3 liberties; 2nd. Shep- Chislett Staplegate
way, the south-eastern, on the shore, containing 14 hundreds Christchurch Sturry
and one liberty, 130,891 acres; 3rd. Scray, the east midland, Heme Swalecliffe
stretching across the shire from north to south, and containing Hoath Westbere
20 hundreds, 226,927 acres; 4th. Aylesford, west midland, Reculvir Whitstable
also extending from north to south, and including 15 St. Dunstan
hundreds, and parts of 3 hundreds, 246,r6o acres; and 5th. BRIDGE UNION.
Sutton-at-Hone, forming the western part of the shire, with 8
hundreds and parts of 2 hundreds, and 178,627 acres. The Adisham Milton-next-Canterbury
whole number of hundreds is 72. Canterbury is generally re- Barham Mint
garded as the capital of the shire, as it is of the eastern Beaksbourne or Beakesbourne Naekington
division. Maidstone is the capital of the western division. Bishopsbourne Patrixbourne
Petham- . !
The municipal boroughs are Canterbury, population in Bridge
1881,21,704; Chatham, 46,788; Deal, 8,500; Dover,3o,270;
J:<'aversham, 8,616; l''olkestone, 18,986; Gravesend, 23,302; Chartbam St. Nicholas Hospital
Hythe, 4,173; Lydd, 2,129; Maidstone, 29,623; Margate, Fordwich Stodmarsh
16,030; Queenborougb, 982 ; Ramsgate, 22,683 ; Rocbe.ster, Harbledown Thanington
21,307; New Romney, 1,026 ; Sandwich, 2,846; Tenter-
den, 3,620; Tunbridge Wells, :o14,308. Holy Cross Westgate Without Upper Hardres
Other towns are, Ashford, population in 188r, 9,693; Ickham Waltbam
Bromley, 15,154; Dartford, 10,163 ; Greenwich, 46,580;
Sevenoaks, 6,296; Sheerness, 14,286; Sittingbourne, 7,856; Kingstone Wickhambreux
LiLtlebourne Womenswould
Lower Hardres .
Tonbridge, 9.317; Walmer, 41309; Whitstable, 14,882 ; and Beckenham Chelsfield
Woolwich, 36,6oo. Chislehurst
Besides these the following are large places in the neigh- Cudham Knock bolt
bourhood of London :-Beckenham, IJ,045; Blackheath, Downe North Cray
xo,ooo; Forest Hill, 10,800 ; Lee, 14,435; Lewisham, Farnborough Orpington
33,000; New Cross, 16,ooo; Plnmstead, 33,000; Sydenham, Foots Cray St. Mary Cray
15,000. Hayes St. Paul's Cray
' The Registration Districts are:- Keston West Wickham
27 Greenwich 3,427 131,264 All Saints] St. Margaret
28 Lewisham 14.436 73,314 Black Princ>e's Chantry St. Martin
29 Woolwich 6,soa 8o,782 East Bridge Hospital St. Mary Bredin
• 41 Eromley 40,338 48,972 Holy Cross Westgate Within St. Mary Bredman
42 Dartford 52,330 53,435 Old Castle St. Mary Magdalen
43 Gravesend 1,256 23,302 St. Alphege St. Mary Northgate
44 Strood 37,488 27.437 St. Andrew St.. Mildred
45 Hoo 19,859 3.4°5 St. Augustine's Monastery, St. Paul
46 Medway I21o80 61,644
47,410 Almonry & Precinct St. Peter
47 Malling 26,041
67,293 St. George the Martyr Wbitefriars
48 Sevenoaks 27,190
St. John's Hospital
49 Tonbridge 46,658 sx,SO'J
so Maidstone 38,6]8 45,091 CRANBROOX UNION.
51 Hollingbourneo 57,624 14,040 Benenden Goudhurst
52 Cranbrook 41,4511 13,774 Cranbrook Sandhurst
53 Tenterden 47,324 10,461
54 West Ashford 42,333 18,126
55 East Ashford 54,886 13,697 DJ.RTFORD UNION.
Bridge 4 3r,,3I4Io~ 12,405 Ash Horton Kirkby
57 Canterbury 17,o6o Bexley Kingsd<*wn
Crayford Longfield
58 Blean 28,983 18,867 Darenth Lullingstone
59 Faversham 44,67~ 24.956 Dartford Ridley
East Wick.ham Southfleet
6o Milton 31,91~ 23,270 Erith Stone, near Dartford
Eynesford Sntton-at-Hone
61 Sheppy 22,451 18,204 Farningham Swanscombe
Fa.wkham Wilmington
M Thanet 29,179 so,821
63 Ea.stry 46·395 28,074
64 Dover 29,111 36,813
65 Elham 42,919 33,769
66 Romney Marsh 44,335 6,166
The following list gives the several poor law unions, ~ith
the places in each:- DOVER UNION.
Aldingto~ EAST AsHFOHD UNIONj Alkham Denton
Buckland Dover Castle Liberties
• Bilsington • Capel-le-Ferne East Cliffe
Bircholt Charlton, near Dover East Langdon
Bonnington Coldred Ewell
Broughton Aluph
Guston St. Margaret-at-Cliffe Nettlesread ·west Barming
Otham West Farlmgh
Hongha.m St. Mary the Virgin (Dover) Staplehurst Yalding
Lydden Sibertswold MALLING UNION.
Oxney West Cliffe Allington Offliam
Aylesford Ryarsh
Poulton West Langdon B1rling Shipborne
Burham Snodland and Paddlesworth
Ringwould Whitfield • Ditton Stanstcd
East Mailing Trotterscliffe, or Trosley
River Wootton East Peckham Wateringbury
lghtham West Mailing
Sti. James the Apostle (Dover) Leybourne West Peckham
Mereworth Wouldham
Ash-next-Sandwich Ripple MEDWAY UNION.
Barfreston St. Ba.rtholomew's Hospital
Betshanger Cathedral Church (Rochester) Lidsing
Chillende:q. St. Clement (Sandwich)
Deal St. Mary (Sandwich) Chatham St. Margaret (Rochester)
Eastry • St. Peter (Sandwich)
Elmstone Sholden Gillingham St. Nicholas (Rochester)
Eythorn Staple-next-Wingham
Goodnestone Stourmouth Grange
Great Mongeba.m Sutton-by-Dover
Tilmanstone Bapchild MELTON UNION.
Ham Waldershare Bobbing
Walmer Borden I wade
Knowlton Bredgar Kingsdown
Little Mongeham Wingham Hartlip Lower Halstow
Nonington Murston Milstea.d
Northbourne Woodnesborough Newington Milton-next-Sittingbourne
l'reston-by-Wingham Worth Rainham Sittingbourne
Rodmersham Tong
.Acrise Folkestone
Cheriton Hawkinge Blackmanstone ROMNEY MARSH UNION.
El ham Lyminge Brenzett
Elmsted Lympne Brockland Midley
Monks Horton Sellinge-in-Ashford Burmarsh Newchurch
.Newington-next-H ythe Standford Dymchnrch New Romney
Pa.ddlesworth Stelling Eastbridge Old Romney
Posiling Stelling Minnis Fairfield Orgarswick
St. Leonard (Hythe) Stowting Hope All Saints St. Mary the Virgin
Saltwood Swingfield Ivychurch Snargate
Lydd Snave
Eadlesmere Luddenham Chevening SEVENOAKS UNION.
Newnham Chiddingstone
Jloughton-under-Blean Norton Cowden Otford
Buckland Oare Edenbridge Penshurst
Ospringe Halsted Riverhead
Da.vington Preston-next-Faversham Hever Seal
Doddington Selling Kemsing Sevenoaks
Dunkirk Leigh Shoreham
Eastling Weald
Faversham Sheldwich
Goodnestone Stalisfield
Graveney Stone-next-Faversham
Hernhill Teynham
Leaveland Throwley
Gravesend Milton-next-Gravesend
Isle of Elmley
Greenwich St. Paul (Deptford) Leysdown Queenborough
Minster-in-Sheppy St. Tbom'ls (Isle of Harty)
St. Nicholas (Deptford) Warden
llicknor Rucking Cnxton I field
Langley Frindsbury Luddesdown
Boughton Malherbe Leeds Hailing Meopbam
&xley Lenham Higham Northfieet
llredhnrst Otterden Nursted
Broomfield Stockbury Shorne and Merston
Sutton Valence Strood
Chart Button Thurnham, or Thornham
Detling Witchling
Wormshill Acol, or Wood Monkton
East Sutton Bircltin.,rrton
Minster Ramsgate •
Frinsted St. Lawrence (Ramsgate)
St. Nicholas-at-Wade
IIarrietsham St. Peter
St. John the Baptist (Margate)
Hoo UNION. Sarre
Allhallows St. James (Isle of Graine) Stonar
Coolin<Y St. Mary Hoo
Appledore Rolvenden
High Halsto"N Biddenden Stone-next-Tenterden
Ebony Tenterden
Roo St. Werburgh High Halden Wittersham
Kenardington Woodchurch
FJ.tham LEWISHAM UNION. Newenden
Lee Mottingham
Barming Linton Asburst Horsmonden
Loddington Hid b o r o u g h
.Bearsted Brenchley Pembury
Loose Capel
Boughton Monchelsea Maidstone Hadlow Speldhurst •
East Farleigh Tonbridge
llunto11 Tudely •
6 KEI'ST. [.i:ELLY's
WOOLWICH TJNION. mersham, Rolvenden, Sandaurst, Selling, Sevington, Shad..
Charlton-next-Woolwich Plumstead oxhurst (part of), Sheldwicb, Isle of Sheppy, Sissinghnrst,
Kidbrooke W oolwich Sittingbourne, Smarden, Stalisfield, Staplehurst (par& of},
The following is a list of lathes, with the places comprised Stockbury (part of), Stone next Faversham, Tenterden.
in each:- Teynham, Throwley, Tong, Tunstall, Ulcombe (pan of).
Lathe of Aylesford (comprising the hundreds of Ayles- Upchnrch, Warden, Warehorne (part of), Westwell, Willes.
ford, Brenchley and Horsmonden, Chatham and Gillingbam, borough, Woodchurch, Wychling (part of), and Wye.
Eyhorne, Badlow, Boo, Larkfield, Littlefield, Maidstone, Lathe of Shepway (comprising the hundreds of Aloes..
Sha.mwell, Tunbridge, Toltingtrougb, Twyford, Washling- bridge, Bircbolt Barony, Bircholt Franchise, l<'olkestone,
stone, West Mailing and Wrotham) :-Addington, Ailing- Ham, Heane, Hythe, Longport, Loningborough, Newchurch.
ton, Ashurst-, Aylesford, East and \Vest Harming, Bearsted, Oxney, St. Martins Longport, Stowting, Street and Worth)~
Bicknar (part of), Bidborough, Birling, Boughton Malherbe -Acrise, Aldington, Alkham, Appledore (part of), Bilsing-.
(part of), Boughton Monchelsea, Hoxley, Bredhurst, Brench- ton, Bircholt, Hlackmanstone, Bonnington, Braboume (palt'
ley, New and Old Brompton, Broomfield, Burham, Capel, of), Brenzett, Brookland, Burmarsb, Capel-le-Ferne, Cheri..J
Catbedral Church (Rochester), Chalk, Chart Sutton, ton, Dymcburch, Eastbridge, Ebony (part of), Elham,
Chatham, Cliffe at Hoo, Cobbam, Cooling, Cuxton, Debt- Elrustead, Fairfield, Folke!ltone, Hastingleigh, Hawking!,
ling, Denton and Gravesend, Ditton, East Farleigh, East Hope-all-Saints, Huret,Bythe and Ivychurch, Kenardington~
ld:alling, East Peckham, East Sutton, Frant, Frindsbury, Lydd, Lydden (part of), Lyminge, Lympne, Mersbam (pa~
Frinsted, Gillingham, Grange, Gravesend, Badlow, Lower of), Midley, Sandgate, Monks Horton, New Romney, New•
Hailing, Harrietsham, Headcorn (part of), Higham, High church, Newington-next-Hythe, Old Romney; 'Orgarswick,
llalstmr, Hildenborough, Hollingbourne, Hoo Allhallows, Orlestone (part of), Paddlesworth,Postling,Poulton, Raindeu
Hoo St. Werburgh, Horsmonden, Bucking, Bunton, !field, (part of), Ruckinge, St. Loonard (Hythe), St. Mary the
I2htham, Isle of Graine, Lamberhurst, Langley, Leeds, Virgi~ Saltwood, Sellinge, Bhadoxhurst (part of), Smeeth,
Leiih (part of), Lenham (part of), Leybourne, Lidsing, Snargate, Sna:ve, Stanford, SU~lling, Stelling Minnis, 8tonei
Linwn, Loose, Luddesdown, Luton, Maidstone, Marden near-Rye, Stowting, Swingfield, Upper Hardres {part of),
(part of), Meopbam, Mereworth, Milton-next-Grl!.vesend, Waltbam (part of), Warehome (part of), West Hythe and
Nettlestead, Nortbfleet, Nur~ted, Offham, Otham, Otterden Wittersham.
(part of), Paddock Wood, Pembury, Perry street, Platt, Lathe of Sutton-at-Hone (comprising the bundred.s of
Plaxtole, Rosberville, Rusthali, Ryarsh, St. Margaret Axton, Blackheath, Brasted~ Bromley and Beckenham1
(Rocbester), St. Mary Boo, St. Nicholas (Rochester), Ship- Codsbeath, Dartford and Wilmington, Little and LellsneSJ,
borne, Shorne and Merston, Snodland and Paddleswortb, Ruxley, Somerden, and Westerham and Edenbridge):~Asb
Southborougb, Speldhurst (part of), Stanstead, Staplehurst near Sevenoaks, Beckenham1 Belvedere, Bexley, Bexleyt
(part of), Stockbnry · (part of), Stoke, Strood, Sutton Heath, Blackheath, Brasted~ Rromley, Charlton~next-WooJ..
Valence, Teston, Thurnbam, Tonbridge, Trottescliffe, wicb, Chelsfield, Chevening, Cbiddingstone, Chislehnrst;
Tudely, Tunbridge Wells, Ulcombe (part of), Wateringbury, Cowden, Crayford, Crocken Hill, Crockham Hill, Cudha~
We11t Farleigh, We11t Mailing, West Peckham, Wychling Darentb, Dartford, Downe, East Wickham, Edenbrid~
(part of), Wormsbill, Wouldham, Wrotham and Yalding. Eltham, Erith, Eynsford, J<'amborongh, Farningbam,
Lathe of St. Angnstine (comprising the hundreds of Fawkham, Foots Cray, Fordcom b, Forest Hill, Greenhithe,
Eleangate, Eridgs and Petham, Buesborough, Comilo, Greenwich, Groombridge, Halstead, Hartley, Hayes, Hever,
Downbamford, Eastry, Kingbamford, Preston, Ringslow, Horton Kirby, Ide · Hill, Kemsing; Keston, Kidbrooke,
Seasalter, Westgate, Whitstable and Wingbam) :~Acol or Kingsdown (near Dartford), Knockholt, Lee, Leigb (part of)j
Wood, Adisham, A11h-next-Sandwich, Barfrestol), Barham, Lewisham, Longfield, Lullingstone, Mark Beech, Mottilli"
Bekesbourne, Hetteshanger, Hirchington, Bfsbopsbonrne, ham, North Cray, Orpington, Otford, Penshnrsti Plnzn..
Elean or St. C011mus and Damian-in-the-Blean, Bridge, stead, Ridley, Riverhead, St. Mary Cray, St. Nichola~ and
Eroadstairs, Buckland, Canterbury, Cbarlton near Dover,· St. Paul (Deptford), .St. Panl's Cray, Seal, Sevenoaks,
Chartham (part of).,. Chillenden, Chislet, Coldred, Deal, Sevenoaks Weald,' Shoreham. St. Lawrence Seal, Short-
Denton near Canterbury, Dover, Dunkirk, East Langdon, lands, ~idcup, Southfleet, Speldhurst (part of), Stone Ilea~
Ea8try, Elmstone, Ewell, Eythorne, Fordwich, Goodnestone Dartford, Sundridge, Sutton-at-Hone, Swanley, Swans-
near Sandwich, Great :Mongeham, Guston, Hackington, combe, Sydenham, Under River, Westerham., Westfield1
Ham, Harbledown, Berne, Berne Bay, Hemehill (part of), West Wickham, Wilmington1 Woodlands and Woolwteh.l
Hoath, Holy Cross Westgate Without, Hougham, Ickham1 LIBERTY OF ROMNEY l\IARSH1 comprising bundreJSI 4t
Kingsdown near Deal, Kingstone, Knowlton, Little Monge- Aloesbridge (detached), which includes parts of AppieJ
ham, Littlebourn, Lower Hardres, Lydden (part of), Mar- dore, Hrenzett, Brookland, Kenardington, Orlesto~
gate, Milton near Canterbury, Minster, Monkton, Nacking- (det. No. 8), parts of Snargate, Snave, Warehorne (det.
' 1·
ton, Nonington, N orthbourne, Oxney, Patrixbourne, No. 7) & Woodchurch (det. ).
Petbam, Preston-by-Wingham, Rarnsgate, Reculver, Ring- Ham (part of):-Orlestone (part of), Snave (det. Nos. r &:;
would, Ripple, River St. Dunstan and St. Gregory 2) & Warehorne (part of).
(Canterbury), St. Lawrence (Ramsgate), St. Margaret-at- Newchurcb (part of) :-Aldington (det. Nos. 4 & 5), Apple-
Cliffe, St. Nicbolas-at-Wade, 1:-lt. Peter (Ramsgate), St. dare (det. No 3), Bilsington (part of), Bonnington (part
Stephen or Hackington, Sarre, Seasalter, Sholden, Siberts- of), Hope A11 Saints (det. No. 1 ), Newchurch, Ruckinge:
wold, Staple-next-Wingham, Staplegate, Stodmarsb, Stonar, (part of) & St. Mary the Virgin (det. ).
Stonrmouth, Sturry, Sutton-by-Dover, Swalecliffe, St. Martin's, Longport (part of) :-Appledore (det. No. 2),
Thanington, Tilmanstone, Upper Hardres (part of), Wal- Hilsington (det. Nos. 1 & 2 ), Brook land (det. No, 3)~
dershare, Walmer, Waltham (part of), Well, Westbere,West- Hope All Saints (part of), parts of Ivyehureh, Ne"\'11
gate-on-Sea, WestCliffe, West Langdon, West Marsh, Whit- Romney, St. Mary the Virgin, Marsh&. Snave (det. No. 4)l
field, Wbitstable, Wickbam Breaux, Wingbam, Womens- Worth :-Aldington (part of), Hlackmanstone, Hurma.rsh;
would, Woodnesborough, Wooton and Worth. Dymchurch, Eastbridg-e, Hnrst (part of), Lympne (part.!
Lathe of Scray (comprising the hundreds of Ashford, of), :Kewington-next-Hythe (det. No. 2, part of), Orgars·-
Earkley, Blackbome, Bougbton, Calehill, Chart and Long- wick, Sellinge t det.) & West Hythe (part of).
bridge, Cranbrook, Faversbam, Filborough, Great Barn- CINQUR PoRT LIBRRTY OF DovER :-Huckland (pa.t't ()f),
field, Marden, Milton, Newenden, Ospringe, Rolvenden, Charlton (part of), Dover ·castle (ex. par.), East Cliff&
Selbrittenden, Sheppey, Tenterden, Teynham, West Barn- (ex. par.), Hougham (part of), St. James theApostle&'
field and Wye) :-Appledore (part of), Ashford, Badlesmert~, St. Mary the Virgin. ·s
"Eapcbild, Benenden, Bethersden, Bicknor (part of), Bidtlen- LIMBS OF THE CrNQUE PoRT LIBERTY OF DovER :-Aco},
denj Bobbing, Borden, Houghton-under-Blean, Boughton Hirchington, Faversham (part of), O~pringe (det. No. 2),
Alnph, Hrabourne, Hredgar, Brook, Buckland, Cballock, Preston (part of), Ring-wold, St. John the Baptist, ~t. Peter
Charing, Cbaring Heath, Great Chart, Little Chart, & Minstero (det. ), within the Cinque Port liberty, but.
Chartham (part of), Chilham, Cranbrook, Crnndale, adjoining Acol parish.
Davington, Doddington, Eastchurcb, Eastling, Eastwell, LIBERTY OF THE TOWN OF FOLKESTONE & LTMB OF rnll'
Ebony (part of), Egerton, Elmley Isle, Faversham, Fritten- CrNQUE PoRT LIBERTY OF DovF.R :-Folkestone Towm
den, Godmersham, Goodnestone near Faversham, Goud- LrMB OF THE Cl~QUE PoRT LIBERTY oF HASTINGS :-Grange.
horst, Graveney, High Halden, Lower Halstow, Hartlip, & part of Beakesbourne.
Harty Isle, Bawkburst, Headcorn (part of), Hernebill (part CrNQUE PoRT LIBERTY OF HYTHE comprises Aldington
of), Hinxhill, Hothfield, I "·ade, Kenardington (part of), (det. No. 3, part of), St Leonard (Hythe)&WestBythe
Kennington, Kilndown, Kingsdown near Sittingbourne, (part of).
Kingsnortb, Leaveland, Lenham (part of), Leysdown, CINQUE PORT LIBERTY OF NEW ROMNEY comprises parts ol
Luddenbam, Lynsted, Marden (part of), Mersham (part of), Appledore, Hrenzett, Rrookland, Hroomhill, Ivychurch,
Milstead, Milton next Sittingbonrne, Minster-in-Sheppy, Kenardington, Lydd, 1\"ew &. Old Romney & Snargate.
Moldash, Murston, Newenden, Newington-juxta-Sitting- LIBERTY OF LYDD & LIMH OF THE CINQUE PORT LIBEBrl
bourne, Newnham, Norton, Oare, Orlestone (part of), OF NEw RmtNEY :-Broomhill & part of Lydd.
Ospringe, Otterden (part of), Pluckly-cum- Pevington, CINQUE PouT LmERTY OF SANDWICII :-St. Bartholomew's
Preston next Faversham, Queenborougb, Rainham, Rod- Hos1 ita!, St. Clemeut, ft. :\lary the Virgin & St. Peter.
Lnms OF TBK CINQUB PoRT LIBRRTY OF SANDWICH :~Deal, Faversham Hundred :-Badlesmere, Bonghton Malherbe
Ramsgate, Sarre, Walmer & part of Fordwich. (part of), Boughton-under-Blean (part of), Buckland,
CITY AND CoUNTY OF THE CITY OF CANTERBURY :-All Davington, Eastling, Faversham (part of), Goodnestonl',
Saints', parts of Fordwich, Hackington, Holy Cross, Harty, Leaveland, Luddenbam, Newnham, NorU>n, Oare,
Westgate, Littlebourne, Nackington & Patri:x:bourne, St. Otterden (part of), Preston (part of), Selling (part of),
Alphege, St_ Andrew, St. George the Martyr, St. Mar- Sheldwich, Stalisfield, Stone, Throwley, Ulcombe (put of),
garet, St. Martin, St. Mary Bredin, St. Mary Bredman, Wichling (part of).
St. Mary Magdalene, St. Mary Northgate, St. Mildred & Felborougb Hundred :-Challock, Chartham (part of), Chil-
St Peter &. parts of St. Paul, Sturry & Thanington. ham, Godmersbam & Molash. .
LDlB OF THE CINQUB PoRT LIBERTY OF HASTINGS:- Folkestone Hundred :-Acrise (part of), Alkham, Capel-le-
Gillingham (part of). Ferne, Cheriton, Folkestone (part of), Hawkinge, Lydden
ClTY & LIBERTY OF RoCHEST&R: -Cathedral Precincts (ex. (part of), Newington (part of), Poulton,. Rainden k
par.), Chatham (part of), St. Margaret (part of), St. Swingfield. ,
Nicholas, Strood (part of) & Wouldham (part of). Great Barnfield Hundred :-Part of Hawkhurst. ,
The following are the hundreds, with places within their Hadlow Hundred :-Parts of Capel & Hadlow & Mereworth
limits:- - (det. No. I). ,
Aloesbridge Hundred (part of; for remainder see Liberty Ham Hundred :-(part of; for remainder see Liberty of
of Bomney Marsh) :-Appledore (part of), Brenzett (part Rornney Marsh) :-Parts of Orl~tone, Ruckinge, Shadox-
of), Brooldand (part of), Ebony (det. ), Fairfield, Kenard- hurst & \\'arehorne.
ington (part of), Snargate (part of), Suave (det. No. 3), Heane Hundred :-Postling & Saltwood.
Stone(part of) &Warehorne (det. No. 8). Hoo Hundred :-Ailhallows, High Halstow, Hoo, St. Mary~
Ashford Hundred :-Part of Ashford.
Stoke, West Peckham (part of) & The Mean (common w
Axton Hundred :-Ash, Darenth, Eynsford, Farningham, the parishes of High Halstow & St. Mary).
Fawkham, Hartley, Horton Kirby, Kingsdown, Long- Kinghamford Hundred :-Barha.m, Bishopsbourne, Deuton
field, Lulling8tone & Lullingstaine (consolidated), Ridley, (part of), Kingston, Lydden (Det.) & Wootton (part df). ·
Soutbfleet,Stone, Sutton-at-Hone,Swanscombe&Westfield. Larktield Hundred :-Addington,Allington,Birling,Bnrha.m,
Ayl~ford Hundred :-Aylesford. Ditton, East Malling, Leybourne, Offham, Paddlesworth,
Barkley Hundred :-Parts of Benenden, Biddenden, Cran- Ryarsh1 St. Margaret (part of), f"nodland, 'frotter~litie&.
Would ham.
boook, Frittenden, Headcorn, High Halden .& Smarden.
Bircholt Barony Hundred :-Bircholt, Brabourne (part of) Little & Lessness Hundred :.....Crayford, East Wiclr.ham,
& Hastingleigb. Erith & Plumstead.
Hircho!.t Franchise :-Aldi~on (part of), Brabourne (det. ), Littlefield Hundred :-Parts of East P~kbam, IJadlow,
Mersham (part of), Sellinge (part of) & Smeeth. Mereworlb & West Peckham.
Blackbome Hundred :-Parts of Appledore, Bethersden, Long-port Hundred ;--.-Parts of Midley, New & Old Romney.
High Halden & Kenard1ngton, Orlestone (det. Nos. I & Loningborough Hundred :--.-Acrise (part of), Elham, J.)-
2), parts of Shado:x:hurst, Smarden, Warehorne & Wood- minge, Paddleswortb, Stelling (part. of), Stelling Minnjs
church. & Upper Hardres (part of).
Biackbeath Hundred :-Charlton, Eltham, Greenwich., Kid- Maidstone Hundred :-Boxley, Detling, East Barming {~x;.
brooke, Lee, Lewisham, Mottingham, St, Nicholas &; St. par.), East l<'arlmgh, Hunton (pa-rt of), Linton, Loose.
Paul, Deptford & Woolwich. Maidstone, Marden (part of), Staplehv.rst (part of) & West
Bleangate Hundred :-Chislet, Hackington ( det. ), Herne, Ba.rming.
Hoath, Recalver, Stourmouth, Sturry (part of), Swale- Marden Hundred :-Parts of Goudhurst, )larden IJ Staple-
cliffe (part of), Westbere (part of) &. Whitstable (det. burst.
Nos. I & 2). Milton Hundred ~-Bapchild, Bieknor (part of), BobbiJig.
Boughton Hundred: -lloughton under Blean (part -<Jf), Borden, Hredgar, Elmley, Hartlip, Kingsdown, Lower
Graveney, Hernhill (part of) & Selling (part of). Halstow, Milsted, Milt.on, Murston, Newington, Rainham,
Brasted Hundred :-Part of Brasted. Rodmersham, Sittingbourne, Stockbury {part of), Tonge-,
Brenchley & Horsmonden Hundred :-Brenchley, Horsmon- Tunstall & Upchurch.
den, Lamberhurst, Mereworth (det. No. 2) & Yalding Newchurch Hundred (part of; for remainder see Liberty
(part of). of Romney Marsh) :-Parts of Bilsington & Ruckinge,
Bridge & Petham Hundred :-Bridge, Lower Hardres, Newenden Hundred: -Part of Newenden.
Nackington (part of), Patrixbourne (part of), Petham, Ospringe Hundred :-Part of Ospringe.
Upper Hardres (part of) & Waltham (part of). Oxney Hundred :-Parts of Ebony & Stone&- Wittershalll,
Bromley & Beckenham Hundred :-Beckenham & I,Jromley. Preston Hundred :-Elmstone & Preston.
Buesborough Hundred :-Buckland (part of}, Charlton Ringslow Hundred ~-Minster (part of), Monktoo, No Man's
(part of), Coldred, Ewell, Guston, Hougham (part of), Island, St. Lawrence, St. Nicholas-at.-Wade & Stonar.
Lydden (part of), O:x:ney, River, St. Margaret-at-Cliffe, Rolvenden Hundred :--Beneden (part of) & Rolveuden. ·
Sibertswold, West Cliffe, West Langdon, Whitfield & Ruxley Hundred:- Bexley, Chelsfield, Chiddingstone (det. )-
Woottun (part of). Chislehurst, Cudham, Downe, Farnborough, Foot's Cray9
Calebill Hundred :-Bethersden (part of), Cbaring, Egerton, Hayes, Hever (part of), Keston, Knockholt, North Crar•
Hesdcom (part of), Lenham (part of), Little Chart, Orpington, St. Mary Cray, St. Paul'& Cray & West Wick-
Plnckley, Smarden (part of) & Westwell. ham.
Chart & Longbridge Hundred :-Ashford (part of), Bethers- St. Martin's, L<lngport (detached; for other part see Libert.y
den (part of), Great Chart, Hinxhill, Hothfield, Kenning- of Romney Marsh) :-Ivychurch (part of), Midley (det.),
ton, Kingsnorth, Mersbam (part of)~ Sevington, Shadox- & parts of New & Old Romney. .
hurst (part of) &; Willesborough. Seasalter Hundred :-Part of Seasalter.
Chatham & G11lingham Hunrlred :-Chatham (part of), Selbrittenden Hundred :-Parts of llenenden, Hawkhurst &
Gillingham (part of) & Isle of Grain. Newenden & Sandhurst.
Cod sheath Hundred :-Chevening, Halsted, Kemsing, Leigh Shamwell Hundred :-Chalk, Cliffe, Cobham, Cooling, Cux-
(part of), Otford, Seal, SeYenoaks, Shoreham, Speldhurst ton, Deuton, Frindsbury, Hailing, Higham, 8hor.IlEI &.
(part of) & tiundridge. Strood (part of). 1
Cornilo Hundred :-East Langdon, Great Mongeham, Little Sheppey Hundred :~Eastchurch,Leysdown,Minster,Q~n..
Mongeham, Northbourne (part of), Rpple,. Sholden & borough & Warden. '
Sutton. Somerden Hundred :-Brasted (det.), & parts of Cbidding-
Cranbrook Hundred :-Parts of Benenden, Biddenden, Cran- stone, Co" den, Edenbridge, Hever, Leigb., Penshur'8t ~
brook, Frittenden, Goudhurst;, Hawkhurst, Ueadcorn & par~ of Speldhurst.
Staplehurst. Stowting Hundred :-Elmsted, Monk's Horton, Stanford
Dartford & Wilmington Hundred :-Dartford & Wilmington. (part of),Stelling (part of),Stowting&-Waltham (pan W)~
Downhamford Hundred :-Adisham, Bekesbourne (det. Nos. Street Hundred :-Parts of Aldington, Bonnin!!ton, llm;~t,
J &2),Ickham& Well, Littlebourne (part of), .Staple (part Lympne, Newington (det. No. I & part of No..2), 1'11-.rt
of), Stodmarsh & Wickhambreux. of Sellinge & .Stanford.
Eastry Hundred :-Barfreston, Betshanger, Chillenden, Den- Tenterden Hundred :-Limb of the Cinque Port liberty of
ton, Eastry, Eythome, Ham, Knowlton, Noningtou (part the ancient town of Rye, Ebony (part of) & Tenterden.
of), North bourne (det. No. 1 ), Tilmanstone, \\'aldershare, t"eynham Hundred :-Doddington, Headcorn (pan of),
Woodnesborough & Worth. I wade, Linsted & Teynham.
Eyhorne Hundred :-Bearsted, Bicknor (part of), Bonghton Toltingtrough Hundred :-Gravesend, !field, Luddesdown,
Malherbe (part of), Boughton l\Ionchelsea, Bredhurst, :\Ieopha.m, :\Iilton, Northfleet & Nursted.
Broomfield, Chart Sutton, East Sutton, Frinsted, Har- Tunbridge Hundred :-Part of Tunbridge.
rietsham, Headcorn (part of), Hollin!;bourne, Rucking, Twyford H1mdred :-East Peckham (part of), Hadlow (det.
Langley, Leeds, Lenham {part of), Otham, Otterden (part No. 2), Hunton (part of), M:arden (part of), :Xettlest.ed,
of), Stock bury {part of), Sutton Valence, Thomham, Teston,Wateringbury, WestFarleigh & Yalding (part of).
Dlcombe (part of), Wichling (part of) & Wormshill. \Yashlingstone Hundr~.;d :-Ashurst,Bidborough,Capel(det.).
Frant, Leigh (part of), Pembury, Penshurst (part of), L.D.S.R.C.S. Img. dental surgeon; Zachariah Prentice, house
Speldhurst (part of), Tudeley & Tunbridge (part of). surgeon; William Frederick Albert Clewes L.R.C.P. LOnd.
West Barnfield Hundred :-Part of Goudhurst. assistant house surgeon and dispenser; M. L. Bell L.D.S.R.c.s.
West Malling Hundred :-West Malling. Eng. dental surgeon; Rev. - Vaile M. A. chaplain; Charles
Westerham & Edenbridge Hundred :-Cowden (part of), H. Read, sec. ; Miss F. A. Learmouth, matron.
Edenbridge (part of) & Westerham. The Kent County Ophthalmic Hospital, at Maidstone,
We.~tgate Hundred :-Bekesbourne (part of), .Black Prince's founded in 1847, is a building in a simple Tudoresque style,
Chantry, Chartham (part of), Christchurch, Dunkirk, and is entirely supported by voluntary contribut.ions; the
Eastbridge Hospital, Hackin~ton (part of), Holy Cross, building is capable of receiving 42 in-patients, and during
Westgate (part of), Milton, Old Castle Precincts, St. Aug- the year 1889 285 in-patients and 5,384 out-patients were
ustine, 1-;t. Dunstan, St. Gregory the Great, St. Michael received. )latthew Algernon Adams F.Rc.s. Eng. surgeon;
(Harbledown), St. Nicholas (Harbledown), St. Paul (part J. Hughlings-Jackson M.n., F.R.s. consulting physician;
of), Seasalter (part of), Staplegate, Thanington (part Jonathan Hutchinson, consulting surgevn; George Bullock
of), The Archbishop's Palace Precincts, The Mint, The Hunter, dental surgeon ; Percy Targett Adams M.R.c.s.
White Friars, Westbere (det.) & Whitstable (part of). Eng. house surgeon; Ebenezer Goodwin, sec. ; Miss Ger-
Wbitstable Hundred :-Hernhill (det.), St. Cosmus & St. trude Brown, matron.
Damian in the Blean,Swalecliffe( det. )& part of Whitstable. The Royal Sea Bathing Infirmary, or Royal National
Wingham Hundred :-Ash, Goodnestone, Nonington (part Hospital for Scrofula, Margate, founded in 1791, for the
of), Staple (det. ), Wingham & Women.'lwold. treatment of scrofulous disease in all its forms, has now 220
Worth Hundred, see Liberty of Romney Marsh. beds and is open all the year round, annually receiving Boo
Wrotham Hundred :-Ightham, Shipborne, Stansted & or goo patients from all parts of England, of whom more
Wrotbam. than half come from London and its neighbourhood ; through
Wye Hundred :-Brabourne (part of), Brook, Boughton the liberality of the late Sir James Erasmus Wilson K.T.,
Aluph, Crundale, Eastwell, Westwell (part of) & Wye. LL.D., F.R.s. a new wiug with a chapel and tepid swimming
•• bath was added in 1882, at a cost of about £3o,ooo; Thomas
Her Majesty's Prison, Canterbury, a red brick building, Smith Rowe M.D. consulting surgeon; William Knight
surrounded by high walls, and situated at Longport, was Treves F.R.c.s. Eng. Bertram Thorrton and Arthur Walton
formerly the house of correction for East Kent ; it was Rowe M. B., li!.S. visiting surgeons; George H. Chexfield,
erected in 18o4, and since the transfer of prisons to the superintendent; Rev. Henry Woods Tindall M.A. chaplain:
GoTernment in 1878, it has been greatly enlarged and will John Thomas "'alker, sec.
now hold 190 males and 21 females; William R. Chedley, PARLIAME~TARY REPRESENTATION OF KENT.
governor; Rev. Richard Caton Kinchant !I. A. chaplain;
William Pugin Thornton, medical officer; W. H. Oxley, Kent formerly returned six members in three divisions,
clerk and storekeeper ; William Pickup, chief warder. but under the proY"isions of the " Redistribution of Seats
Her Majesty's prison, situate at Maidstone, is a very Act, 1885," it now returns eight members in eight divisions.
capacious and well-constructed edifice, begun m 18u and No. I, the Western or Sevenoaks Division, comprises the
completed in 1818 at a cost of £2oo,ooo; and is authorised sessional divisions of Bromley, except so much as is com-
to receive 229 males and 68 females, but is further available prised in Division No. 2, & Sevenoaks, the parish of
for 128 additional inmates. William Green, governor; Rev. Mottingbam, the area of the parliamentary borough of
William Jackson !I.A. chaplain; Rev. J. Warner, Catholic Lewisham & so much of the area of the parliamentary
chaplain; Charles Edward Hoar M.A.. medical officer. borou~h of D~ptford as is included in the county of Kent
The County Lunatic Asylum, opened 1st January, 1833, No. 2, the North Western or Dartford Division, comprises
and since greatly enlarged, comprises an extensive range of the sessional division of Dartford & the parishes of l''oots
stone buildings, situated at Harming Heath, 2 miles from Cray, North Cray, Orpington, St. Mary Cray & St. Paul's
Maidstone, 250 feet above the river Medway ; it contained Cray in Bromley sessional division, & the area of the par-
in 1889 1,430 inmates (574 men and 856 women). Francis liamentary boroughs of Greenwich & Woolwich
Pritchard Davies M.D., C.M. medical superintendent; W. No. 3, the South Western or Tonbridge Division, comprise!
Johnson Smyth M.B., c.M. Alfred Griffiths M.B., c.M. and the sessional divisions of Tonbridge & Tunbridge Wells
:Frederick Keyt M. B., c.M. assistant medical officers; Rev. & the parishes of Hunton, Nettlested, East Peckham &
Henry Sylvester Alison B.A. chaplain ; Victor E. Mallett, Yalding m Mailing ses::-ional division
steward and clerk ; Miss Margaret Chalmers, matron. No. 4, the Mid or Med way Division, comprises the sessional
The East Kent Lunatic Asylum, erected in 1875 on Chart- divisions of Bearsted & Mailing, except so much as is
barn Downs at a cost of £25o,6oo, from designs by Messrs. comprised in division No. 3, Rochester, including the
Ui~es and Gough, is a red brick building, commanding a fine parish gf Grange (non-corporate member of Hastings)
view of the river Stour and covering with its grounds an area & the municipal boroughs of Gravesend, Maidstone &
of seven acres ; the building consists of central entrance, with Rochester
offices and committee rooms, two blocks on either side, six No. 5, the North Eastern or Faversham Division, comprises
in the rear and a chapel in the centre; it will hold goo the sessional division of l<'aversham & the municipal
patients and in 1890 had an average attendance of 830. boroughs of Faversham & Queenborough
Robert Spencer L. R.C. P. L. medical superintendent ; John No. 6, the Southern or Ashford Division, comprises the
Norman Anwyl L.R.C.P. LOnd. senior assistant medical sessional divisions of Ashford & Cranbrook, the municipal
officer; Thomas Brushfield !I.A., M.B. junior assistant boroughs of Lydd, New Romney & Tenterden & so much
medical officer; Rev. Peter James Syree Ph. D. chaplain; of the liberty of Romney Marsh as is not included in
Alien Fielding, Canterbury, clerk to the committee of visi- division No. 7
tors; T. Barton, clerk and steward; Miss M. G. Boyce, No. 7, the Eastern or St. Augustine's Division, comprises
matron. the sessional divisions of Elham, Home & Wingham,
The West Kent and General Hospital, at Maidstone, the municipal boroughs of Canterbury, Deal, Dover &
established in 1832, is a building in the rusticated Italian Hythe, Bekesbourne (non-corporate member of Hastings)
style, and consists of a central block, including the principal Ringswold & Kingsdown (non-corporate members of
entrance and a retiring wmg on either side. During the Dover) & Walmer (non-corporate member of Sandwich),
vear 1889 there were received 422 in-patients, s,ooo out- & such parts of the parishes of Aldington, Hurst, West
patients and 689 casualty cases; 21 patients were also sent Hythe, Lympne, Newington-next-Hythe & Sellinge as are
to the seaside during the year. The children's ward, added within the liberty of Romney Marsh
in 1883, holds 12 cots and 2 cradles, and in 1886 it was No. 8, the Isle of Thanet Division, comprises the sessional
handsomely decorated at the expense of a lady resident in division of Ramsgate, the municipal boroughs of Margate,
the neighbourhood. The new Hollingworth memorial wing Ramsgate & Sandwich, Sarre (non-corporate member of
was opened in July 188g. Charles Edward Hoar M.D. and Sandwich) & Birchington, M:inster, St. John, St. Peter &
John Edward Meredith B. A., M.n., M.ch. physicians; Adol- Wood (non-corporate members of Dover)
phns Henry Blackwood Hallowes and John Knowles, sur- MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT.
geons ; Frederick Charles Allen L.D.S.R.c.s. Eng. dental Eastern Division: Aretas Akers-Douglas esq. n. L., J.P. Chil-
surgeon; Waiter Reginald Tuckett M.R.c.s. Eng. house ston park, Maidstone; Baads, West Calder, Edinburgh,
surgeon; J. Spooner Hardy, sec. ; Miss Guinness, matron. NB.; Craigs, Dumfries, N.B.; & Carlton & Junior Carl-
The Kent and Canterbury Hospital, in Longport street, ton clubs, London s w
Canterbury, instituted in 1793, owes its origin to the late Mid Division: Hon. John Stewart Gathorne-Hardy D. L., J.P.
well-known Canterbury physician, Dr. Carter, formerly 2 Cadogan square & Carlton, Travellers' & Wellington
fellow of Oriel College, Oxford: two additional wings have clubs, London s w
been added and it now contains 102 beds: the number of North Eastern division : Herbert Thomas Knatchbull-
in-patients treated during the year 1889 was 8oo, and about Hugessen esq. M.A. Lynsted, Sittingbourne ; & Carlton,
5,000 out-patients. H. A. Gogarty M.D. physician; James Junior Carlton & Constitutional clubs, London s w
Reid F.R.c.s. Eng. consulting surgeon; Charles Holttum North Western Division: Rt. Hon. Sir William Hart Dyke
F.R.c.s. Eng. J<'rank Wacher, Thomas Whitehead Retd hart. P.c., M.A., D.L., J.P. Lullingstone castle, Dartford;
L.R.C.P. Land. and J. Greasley, surgeons; M. L. Bell & Carlton & White's clubs, London s w
Southern Division: William Pomfret-Pomfret esq. J.P. God- Cinque Ports (rst) Volunteer Brigade, Eastern Division,Roya~
inton park, Ashford ; Morghew, Tenterden; & Carlton Artillery, Staff-Col. Percy S. Court, commanding; J.
clubs w & Union club w c, London Stilwell, major & hon. lieut.-col.; S. Penfold, major;
South Western Division: Robcrt Norton esq. Downs house,
Yalding, Maidstone; & Union club, London w c Capt. W. Moore-Lane .R.A. adjutant ; Henry Hayward,
quarter-master; head quarters, near Guilford battery,
Western Division : Hon. Charles William Mills, Wildemesse Dover. Batteries-No. 1, Capt. F. Finnis; No. 2, Major
park, Sevenoaks; & Vernon house, Park lane w; & Carl-
ton & St. James' clubs, London s w H. Poole, Dover; No. 3, Major Stephen Penfold, Store.
Isle of Thanet Division: Rt. Hon. James Lowther P.c., M.A.., house & drill shed, 133 Dover road, I<'olkestone; Nos. 4 &
ll.L., .l.P. Swillington house, Leeds & Wilton castle, Red- 5, Capt. A. Daniel, Drill hall, High street, Ramsgate ;
car, Yorks; & 59 Grosvenor street, London w No. 6, Major W. Mate, Sandwich; No. 7, Capt. W. T.
Green, Deal; No. 8, Capt. Alfred Drewe-Mercer, head
COUNTY OFFICIALS. quarters, Clifton baths, Margate; No. g, Lieut. R. F.
Connty Treasurer, Henry Tasker, Kentish Bank, Maidstone Alston, Sandgate
Under-Sheriff J. County Solicitor, John Brennan, 86 & 88 Kent rst Volunteer Brigade, Eastern Division, Royal Artil-
Waek street, Maidstone lery, Col. C. Pennell, commanding; R. J. I<'ynmore & R.
U>nnty Surveyor, Frederick William Ruck, Bridge foot, H. Simpson, majors; Capt. A. H. Carter R.A. adjutant;
High street, Maidstone Capt. Thos. W. Attwaters, quartermaster ; R. B. Brown,
County Analyst, Matthew Algernon Adams F.R.c.s.Eng., surg.-maj.; C. Arrol M.D. H.. J. Bryden & J. I. Boswell
F.I.c., :r.c.s. Trinity house, Church street, Maidstone M. B. acting surgeons; Rev. C. E. Donne M.A.. & Rev. F.
A. Gardiner M. A. acting chaplains; bead quarters, 59
Coroners, East division, Reginald M. Mercer, 25 Watling
street, Canterbury; deputy, Henry Fielding, 14 Burgate Windmill street, Gravesend.· Batteries Nos. I &2, Capt.
street, Canterbury; West division, Edward Arundel F. A. Walker, Gravesend; Nos. 3 & 4, Capt. A. Tassell,
Carttar, Catherine house, 3I Blackheath roan, Greenwich Preston street, Faversham ; Nos. 5 & 6, Capt. E. H.
8 B; deputy, Edward Negll8 Wood, 12 Burney street, Haymen, Chatham; No. 7, Capt. E. H. Haymen, Snod-
land; Nos. 8 & 9, Capt. V. H. Stallon, I4I High street,
G-reenwich s E; Ctanbrook district, George Hinds, Guud- Sheerness-on-Sea
Kent (2nd) (comprising 6 batteries), E. T. Hughes, lt.-col.;
hurst; deputy, Thomruo~ Joyce M. D. ~hepherds house,
Cranbrook; Rochester district, William Henry Bell, High H. J. W. Cox & J. G. Chillingworth, majors; Capt. C. E.
street, Rochester; deputy, Ernest Woodgate, Star hill,
Rochester; Thomas Buss, 30 Mount Pleasant road, Tun- Maturin R.A. adjutant; Capt. W. T. Vincent, quarter-
bridge Wells; William James Harris, 76 High street,
Sittingbourne master; Surgeon-Major R. Gooding, F. Smith & J. F.
Tabb, surgeons; Rev. & Hon. Canon A. Legge H.A. &
Rev. J. 0. Bent M.A.. acting chaplains; head quarters of
MILITARY. Brigade, Blomfield road, Plumstead. Nos. 4 & 5 bat-
teries, Capt. T. W. Hutchings, Blackheath. Captains, C.
Woolwich is the head quart.ers of No. 8 or Woolwich Military Woodley, W. Narborough, J. Malings, N. 0. Budden, F.
district, & is also the seat of extensive establishment1t in G. Nichols & H. G. Hemmerde, commandants of other
connection with the War Department, comprising the batteries
Royal Gun Factories, Royal Carriage Department, Royal Kent (3rd) (Royal Arsenal) (comprising 8 Batteries);
Laboratory, as well as the Ordnance Department; Wool· Staff-Col. H. M. Hozier, commanding; Hon. Lieut.-Col.
wich is also the depot of the Royal Horse & Field Artillery, H. Hudson & W. H. Hudson, majors; Major Granville
& here is also the Royal Mihtary Academy. Full particu- Deedes, adjutant; Captain William A. Weston, quarter
lars are given at page 686. Chatham is the head quarters master; Surgeon-Majm:: Williarn W. Coleman, surgeon;
of No. 5 or Thames Military district, comprising Sheerness Rev. Alexander Israel M'Caul M.A.. hon. chaplain; bat-
& Gravesend, including Tilbury Fort & Coal House Point teries', No. I, Capt. S. E. Paul; No. ~. Capt. R. E.
Hickie; No. 3• Capt. H. A. De Pinna; No. 4, Capt. A. G.
Battery, & is also the seat of a division of the Royal Weatherby; No. 5, Capt. T. C. Carr; No. 6, Capt. E.
Marines. At Chatham is also stationed the School of Chambers; No. 7, Capt. H. W. S. Brown; No. 8, Major
Military Engineering & it is the depot & head quarters of
the Corps of Royal Engineers & has besides large barracks J. Forsdyke, commandants; head quarters, Royal Ar-
for Infantry of the line. Full particulars will be found at
page I 59· Canterbury is the depot of all the cavalry regi- senal, Woolwich
ments on service & also of Regimental district No. 3, the
Buffs, East Kent Regiment, 3rd foot regiment, besides the RIFL:&S.
head quarters of the East Kent Militia, which forms its 3rd
& 4th battalions. Full particulars will be found at page Under the Home Defence Mobilisation scheme the follow-
126. Maidstone is the dep0t of Regimental district No. ing three battalions form part of the Dover brigade :-
so, the Queen's Own, Royal West Kent Regiment, soth &
97th foot regiments, also the head quarters of the West Officer Commanding Brigade, Col. W. H. Richards
Kent Militia, which comprises 3rd & 4th battalions. Full The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) rst Volunteer Battalion ;
particulars will be found at page 419. At Hythe is a
School of Musketry for officers, see page 360. Col. E. WollastonKnocker, commandant; Lieut.-Col. C. J.
VoLUSTEERi. · ' Plumptre & I<'. Cheesman, majors ; Lieut. G. S. Wilks, in-
MEDICAL STAFF CoRPS. structor of musketry; Capt. F. Smith, adjutant; KenyonW.
• Wilkie,quartermaster; Surg.-Major Charles G. M. Lewis,
surgeon; R. Bevan, acting surgeon; Rev. John P. AlcOC"k
Woolwich district, 3rd Division (one company), I<'rancis L. M.A..& Rev. W.H.Tindall M.A.hon.chaplains; Rev.Frederick
Stephenson M.B. (in command), C. H. Hartt, W. Culling- A. Hammond M.&. acting chaplain; head quarters, Bur-
ridge H.D. S. Davies M.B. & R. C. Studdert M.D. sur- gate street, Canterbury; Companies-:-A, Capt. A.Bromley
geons; head quarters, Barracks, Woolwich Burrows, George street, Ramsgate; B, Capt. R. Lake &
C, Capt. G. H. Frend, Burg-c~ote street, Canterbury; D,
Thames district, 5th Division (one company), Surg.-Major Capt. Henry Mackerson, Great Conduit street, Hythe; E,
D. Henry Monckton (in command) & H. F. H. Barham,
surgeons; J. Grant M. B. acting-surgeon; W. J. Saveall, James Frederick Honeybull; head quarters, Town hall,
quarter-master; head quarters, The Old Palace, Maid-
Sittingboume; G, Capt. Vemon E. Knocker; head
quarters, Hawley street, Margate; H, Capt. J. T. Welldon,
Norwood street, Ailhford; I, Lieut. H. A. Plumptre,
Wingham; K, Major R. Chignell, commandant, Drill
room, Northampton street, Dover; L, Capt. Arthur Fenn,
New Romney
stone The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) 2nd (Weald of Kent) Vol-
YEOMANRY, unteer Battalion; Col. the Hon. John S. Gathorne-Hardy,
commanding; Charles W. Morlaml, major; Capt. D. A.
Royal East Kent (Dnke of Connaught's Own) (~fonnted Hamilton, adjutant; Surg-Major Henry Benja.min Wood
Rifles), Col. the Marquess of Ormonde K. P. commanding; M. D. Surg.-Major Thomas Joyce & Surg.-Major William
Lient.-Col. C. S. Hardy, major; Capt. H. H. R. Ogilvy, M. Harmer, surgeons; Rev. James S. Clarke M.A.. Rev.
adjutant; head quarters, Canterbury. Troops-A, Capt. Thomas A. Carr M.A. & Rev. Charles Storr, hon. chap-
Viscount Throwley, Faversham; B, Capt. J. H. Morins, lains ; Rev. George 1''. Reyner D.D. acting chaplain ; head
Dover; C, Capt. R. J. Tylden, Sittingbourne; D, quarters, Stone street, Cranbrook ; Companies-A, Major
Lieut.-Col. C. S. Hardy, Canterbury; E, Major F. A.
MacKinnon, Elham ; F, Capt. H. A. Campbell, Ashford Thomas Net"e, Cranbrook; B, Capt. G ..J. Goschen, com-
mandant, llawkhurst ; C, Capt. WiUiam Hoare, Staple-
West Kent (Queen's Own), Col. Sir Fitzroy D. Maclean bart. burst; D, Capt. Edward W. Hussey, Lamberhnrst; E,
commanding; Lieut.-Col. W. H. Roberts, major; Capt. Capt. Richard Ellis Marchant, Brenchley; F, Capt.Herberti
W. H. F. Hinde, adjutant; Isaac S. Jones, surgeon; Rev. Neve; head quarters, Rolvenden; armoury, Benendcn;
H. Harbord M.A.. bon. chaplain; head quarters, Ye
Anciente Bell hotel, Maidstone. Troops-A, Capt. E. H. G, Capt. William B. Tylden-Pattenson, Tenterden
Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) ISt Volunteer
Hills, Bromley ; B, Major J. F. Edmeadcs, Cobham ; C,
Battalion ; Col. Viscount Hardinge A.D.C. commanding;
Capt. Lord Henry G. R. Nevi!l, Tunbridge Wells; D, Lieut.-Col. G. Ilenderson & C. S. Williams, majors; Capt.
C. W. H. Evans, adjutant; C. W. Powell, quartermaster;
Capt. H. A. Brassey, Maidstone
• ( KELLY78
10 KENT,
C. Boyee M. D. & A. E. Marsack, surgeons; Rev. Canon E. Appledore, fourth monday in June, for stock &t pedlery
Moore M.A. & Rev. T. S. Curteis M.A. acting chap- Benenden, May 15, for cattle
lains; bead quarters, Public ball, Tonbridge; Companies Bethersden, third munday in .April, for cattle & pedlery
~A, Major C. E. Wright & B, Capt. F. Pine; head Be.xley Heath, cattle market every wednesday
quarters, Ye Anciente Bell hotel, Week street, Maidstone ; Beddenden, November 8, for cattle
C, Capt. C. E. Warner, Tonbridge; D, Capt. A. T. F. Bromley, market day, thursday
.Simpson; E, Capt. 1<'. W, Monckton, Public hall, High Canterbury, in October ; mark:eli days, wednesday &t sat
street, Tnnbridge Wells; F, Capt. .Arthur J. Ram!lden, Cobham, August 2
Pensburst; G, Capt. Sydney J. Wilson, High street, Cowden, August 2, for pleasure
Sevenoaks ; H, Capt. R. B. Drabble, Westerham Cranbrook, May 30 & September 29, for horses & cattle. hop
Qneen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) :md Volunteer & corn. Market every alternate wednesday
Battalion; Col. William Bristow, lieut.-col. commanding; Crayford, August 2-J.
Lieut.-Col. H. W. Pook, second in command; E. Satterth- Dartford, August 2. Corn market saturday & cattle market.
waite & F. W. Frigout, majors; Capt. E. E. Ravenhill, first tuesday in each month
adjutant; Surgeon H. W. Roberts, in medical charge; Dover, market day, satnrday
Rev. J. W. Marshall M.A. Rev. C. Swainson K.A. Rev. B. Dymchurch, last saturday in Whitsun week, for pleasure
Lambert x.A. Rev. A.. G. Hellicar & Rev. C. H. Greendy Edenbridge, a stock market every second & fourth monday
K.A. acting chaplains; head quarters, Holly Hedge house, Erith, Whit monday
Blackheath s E. Companies-A, Capt. H. E. Bristow; Farningham, October 15, for cart colts
E, Capt. Gordon Smith; G, Capt. Hesketb Pembroke; Faversham, October 11 & two following days ; market days,
H, Capt. G. T. Charleton; J, Capt. H. Benwell ; L, Capt. wednesday & saturday; cattle market, fortnightly, on tues
W. K. Lemon & L, Capt. G. J. Reward, Blackheath; C, Gillingbam, Easter monday
Capt J. B. Horton & D, Capt. George Hamilton I<'enner; Gravesend, October 2~; market day, satnrday
armoury, Spital street, Dartford ; E, Capt. B. H. Latter 1: Greenwich, Easter mond:\y k Whit monday; market days,
Y, Capt. E. Latter, Drill hall, East street, Hromley; K, wedne!!dsy & Saturday
Capt. G. H. Graham, The Village, Old Charlton - Groombridge, May 17 & SepU!mber 25 ,::
Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) 3rd Volunteer Ham Street, near Ashrurd, cattle & sheep, last thursday in
Battalion; Staff-'-Col. J. D. C. Farroll, commanding ; August
Lient.-Col. W. F. Despard &i; C. D. Davies, majors; Capt. Headcorn, June 12
F. B. Fanshawe, adjutant; Capt. R. T. Smith, quarter- lghtham, wadn~day in Whihmn week
_master; Snrg.-Major W. R. Smith ll.n. surgeon; H. Kenningt<>n, July 6
Smith M.D. acting surgeon; Rev. J. W. Horsley :u:.A. Lamberhurst, .April6
acting chaplain; Companies-A, Lieut J. J. Murphy; B, Lydd, laet monday in July
Major R. J. Terry; C, Capt. E. J. Moore; D, Major E. Maidstone, February 13 1 :W:ay 12, June :o10 & October 17; the
.Deuton; E, Capt. E. H. Short; F, Capt. W. H. Matthew& ; last the great hop fair; msrk.e~ day11, tbursday &:: satur-
G, Major R. Pidcock; H, Capt. W. Hunt; I, Capt. B. J. day & a stock market on tuesday
-BaTlow; K, Capt. J. W. Gidney ; head quarters, Beres- West Malling, November 17
ford street, Woolwich , Newenden, June 21, for stock. & pedlecy
Queen's Royal West Surrey RPgiment, rst Volunteer Bat- New Romney, .August 21, principally for sheep & Jambs
talion (fol' mobilisation purposes form!! part of the Surrey Hamsgate, market days1 wedne8day & ~~aturday,
Brigade), .C eo. Capt. T. A. Clark & G eo. Capt. J. G. St. Lawrence, August 10
Morton, commandants, Cryl!tal Palace s B Sandhurst, May 251 for cattle
Sandwich, II!OI'n mark.et wednesday k cattle market every
alternate monday '
Canterbury Farmers' Club & Chamber of Agriculture, Brad-
Sevenoaks, stock market, third wednesday
bury William Tassell, t>resident; William David Young,
Shipborne, Jnne 18
"Sec., Fountain hotel, Canterbury .'
Sittingbourne, market day. friday i cattle markets the first
Maidstone,. R . .A. Hamilton Seymour, chairman ; George
& third wednesday in every month
Hnrn, sec., 36 Earl street, Maidstone
Smeeth, May 15 & September 29
CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Tenterden, first monday in May for cattle & wool, first fr~.
Medway, Norman & St-igant, joint secretaries, ~3 High day in September for lambs; market day, lriday I
street, Chatharn
Tonbri1lge, cattle market. on tuesday, cat\h~ #air last week
in Oetohe'r t, , ~
FAIRS AND MARKETS. Tunbridge Wells, market daJ', friday • J 1
.Ashford, May I7 & r8, September g, October 12, I3 & 24 for Westerham, May 3rd for cattle; market day, wednesday
horses, cattle & pedlery; market day, tuesday, for corn & Wittersham, May 12, for pedlery
cattle Wye, October II
NATuRAL HrgroRY AND Scrl!:NTIFIC SociETIEs.-Croydon p. 431. x88o. Davies, W.-Tbe Musk-Ox at Crayford.
Microscopical Club, Report: East Kent Na.tural History Geol. Mag. p. 246. r88o. Ettingshausen, Baron Von.-
Society, Canterbury; Folkestone Natural History Society; Report on Fossil Flora of Sheppey. Geol. Mag, p. 37·
Maidstone Natural History and Philosophical Society; West 1-88x. Shrubsole, W. H.-Diatoms of the London Clay.
Kent Natural History and Micro11copical Society; Mid-Kent Journ. &y. Microscopical Society, p. g8r.
:Natural History Society. THx inhabitants of Kent have great facilities for the study
MuSEUMS. --Canterbury Museum; Museum in Fort Pitt, o{ the rocks of their county. All along the coast admirable>
Cltatham; Museum in Royal Engineers' Barrack.s,Chatham; sections are exposed in the cliffs, and inland the absence of
Dover Museum ; Folkestone Museum ; Greenwich Museum; ihe eurface deposita which, llnder the name of drift, .so pll-
M&idstone Public Museum; The Rotunda Museum, Wool- scure the geology of the counties north of the Thames, per-
wich. mits the various strata to be traced with comparative ease.
PulJLlCATIONS OF THH: GEOLOGICAL SUR'V'EY.-Maps.- The entire·- county ha~~ been mapped by the Geological
Slreets; I, London; 2 1 Sheerness ; 31 Canterbury, Margate, Survey, and these maps, on the scale of one inch to a mile,
Ramsgate, Dover; 4, Folkestone, Hye; 5, Hastings, New- are so coloured that any one can determine by their ~
haven, Hailsham; 6, Bromley, Chatham, M&idstone, Tun- the exa.ct character of th~ rock!! of the neighbourhood in
bridge. Boob: The Geology of the Country between which he may happen to dwell. There are also two admir-
Folkestone and Rye, by F. Drew, IS.; Geology of the Weald, able memoirs published by the same department explaining
by W. Topley, 28s. ; Geology of the London Basin, by W. the maps, and giving full particulars of the various sections
Whitaker, 13s. and fossils : the first of these, by Mr. Whitaker, is entitled
. IMPORTANT WoRKS OR l?APERS oN LocAL GEOLOGY.- the '.' Geology of the London Basin," and -xlescribes the
See Lists of Works on Geology of this county in the two northern part of the couuty ; whilst Mr. Topley's "Geology
Government Survey memoirs, Whitaker's Geology of the of the Weald " is a full and faithful authority for the re-
London Basin, and Topley's Geology of the Weald. 1874· mainder of the district. The~e works represent the sum of
Price, F. G. H.-The Gault of Folkestone. Journ. Geol.Soc. our present knowledge, toward;~ ·which many bard workers
.vol. xxx. p. 342. 1874· Topley,W.-The Channel Tunnel. in the field of geological science have contributed ; among
Popular Science Review, vol. xiii. p. 394· I877. Lucas,J.- whom may be mentioned Drs. Mantell and Fitton, Sir Charles
The Chalk Water System. Proc. Inst. Civil Eng. vol. xlvii. Lyell, Messrs. Martin, Godwin-Austen, S. V. Wood, jun. and
p. 70. I877. Price; F. G. H.-Beds between Gault and Professor Prestwich. The works of Mant.ell and Lyell are
Upper Chalk near Folkestone. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol.xxxiii. well known, but many valuable papers by other authors