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Kelly's Directory of Kent, Surrey & Sussex - 1891
Part 1 Kent - County & Localities

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Published by Colin Savage, 2018-08-09 20:14:45

KENT - 1891 (1)

Kelly's Directory of Kent, Surrey & Sussex - 1891
Part 1 Kent - County & Localities


Chnrch of Scotland, for Presbyterian troops, sun. 9 a. m. in 223 girls & 220 infants; Charles Edward Boxall, master;

Buckley hall; for the Royal Marines & Naval Reserve be- Miss Sarah Gillings, mistress ; Mrs. Julia Miller, infants'

longing to Presbyterian Church at IO. 30 a.m. in St. mistress. The infants' school is situated in Ordnance

Andrew's church, Chatham; National t:lcotch Church, street & was erected in 1863

Pa,uet street., New Brompton, at II a.m. & 6.30 p.m St. Paul's National (infants), New road, built in 186r, for

Wesleyan, troops & Naval Reserve belonging to Wesleyan 192 children; _average attendance, I85 ; Miss Sarah

Church at u a. m. in the Manor Street chapel, Old Bromp- Barrage, mistress

ton; a sunday school is also held at IO a. m. & 2.30 p.m St. Paul's National (boys & girls), Claremont place, erected

Royal Marines, Royal Dockyard chapel, at 11 a. m. & 6.30 1884, for 200 boys & 200 girls; average attendance, I90

p.m.; & Manor Street chapel, Old Brompton, at n a. m boys & as many girls; Thomas Shaw, master; Mtss Mary

Ulapel in Manor street., Brompton; mass on sun, at 9 & IO Zoller, m istress ·-

a.m.; sundays, mass at 9 & Io a. m. ; week days, mass 8 St. Peter's National, Rochester, for 370 children; average

a.m. ; tues. benediction, 7.30 p.m attendance, I25 boys, Iro girls & 8o infants ; James

St. Michael's (Catholic), Ordnance place, Rev. Thomas Damp, master; Miss Teresa Ford, mistress; Miss Susan

Morrisey, priest; high mass, n a. m. ; baptisms & Davis, infants' mistress

-cbnrchings, 3 p.m. ; vespers, 6.30 p.m. in winter & 7 St. Paul's (mixed), Hardstown, built for I 50 children; aver-

p.m. in summer; mass on holy days, 10.30 a. m.; vespers, age attendance, 137; Miss Mary Ann Fassnidge, mistress

7 p.m. ; benediction on fri. 7 p.m. ; Dockyard church, II Royal Engineers, built for 337 children ; average attendance,

a. m. & 6. 30 p. m IIO boys, go girls & 104 infants; William John Rix,

l'resbyterian, New road, Rev. Samuel Dowden Scammell master; Mrs. F. Cook, girls' mistress ; Mrs. Mayo, in-

F.R.G.S. minister; 10.30 a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 fants' mistress
p.m Ro~·al Marines, erected in r879, in Military road, for 520

llaptist (Zion), Clover street, Rev. Thomas Hancocks, min- children ; the present average is 130 boys, I x6 girls & 134

ister; I0.45 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; man. & wed. 7.30 p.m infants ; Charles Williams, senior master; Miss Rhoda

Jlaptist (Enon), Nelson street; I0.3o a. m. & 6.30 p.m Littlejohns & Miss Louisa Brand, mistresses

l!aptist, Cannon street; 10.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m British, New road, built in 1846, for 172 boys & 170 girls;

Bible Christians', Vniun street; I0.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; average attendance, 152 boys & 146 girls; John Danford,

wed. 7.30 p.m master

CatbolieApostolic, New road; ro a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. Catholic· School (boys), Brook, for 135 children; average

7 p.m attendance, 94; Daniel Collins, master •
Gmgregational (Ebenezer), Clover st. Rev. Jas. R. Webster, Newspapers.

minister; 10.4_S a.m. ~ 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7-I5 p.m

Omgregational (Ebenezcr Mission), Brook; ro.4J) a.m. & Chatham & Rochester News, 30 High street, William John

6.30 p.m Parrett & George Neves, proprietors & publishers ; pub-

Congregational (Ebenezer Mission), Chatham hill; I0.30 lished friday & saturday. See advertisement
Chatham & Rochester Observer, High street, ·w. & J.
a.m. & 6 30 p.m

Primitive Methodist, George street ; ministers, various ; Mackay & Co. printers & publishers ; published friday &

I0.30 a. m & 6.30 p.m. ; tues. 7 p.m saturday. See advertisement

&lvation Army Hall, Brook; 10.30 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. Rochester & Chatham Journal, 78 High street, William

6.30 p.m Thomas Wildish, proprietor &; published friday
Swedenborgian (Salem), Rhode st. ; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m & saturday. See advertisement

Unitarian, Hamond hill; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m London, Chatham & Dover Railway Station.
United Free Methodist, John street; 10.30 a. m. & 6.30

p.m.; wed. 7 p.m Williarn Elcurnbe, station master

Wesleyan, Ordnance place; ministers, various; rr a. m. & William Turtle, goods agent

6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m Carriers.

Wesleyan, High street; ministers, various; 11 a. m. & 6.30

p. m. ; wed. 7 p. m Pickford & Co. 29 High street, Chatham Intra, rail way agents

Schools. & shippers to London & all parts of the kingdom

Sutton & Co. (Edmund Wyles, agent), 321 High st. Chatham

St. Mary's National (girls & infants), Military road, for Water Conveyance.

500 children; average attendance, 100 girls & 145 in-

fants; Miss Mary Anderson, mistress; Miss Mary Jane LONDON.-Woodham & Levy's boys, from Old Aberdeen

Bott, infants' mistress wharf, every wednesday & saturday ; & A. Gamman's

St. Mary's National (boys), Cr~ss street, built in r883, for steam boys, from Carron & Continental wharfs, every

230 children ; average attendance, 130; William Henry wednesday & saturday

Bnrton, master SHEERNESS.-Steamboats from the Railway pier, Strood,

St. John's National, New road, erected Illo9, for 300 boys, calling at the Sun & Upnor piers, Chatham, four times

280 girls & 281 infants ; average attendance, 300 boys, daily each way in the summer months

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Buchanan George, I9 Paddock terrace Duffield William, 7 Nelson road

Acworth Joseph John, 38 Gibraltar ter Bnchanan Wlt..M.R. c.s.Eng.5Paddock ter Duffy Edward, 36 Rochester terrace

Aldridge John Thomas, 13 Paddock ter Budden William James, 53 High street Dunstall Mrs. 7 Waghorn terrace

Alien John Lester, Clover ho. Clover st Bullbrook John, Clifton house, New rd EdwardsFerguson ·wright,rs Ordnance

Alloway Silas, I67 New road Burton Miss, 6 Cambridge terrace terrace

An.sten Mrs. 23 Paddock terrace Buss John, 9 Ordnance terrace Elcombe William, I3 Albany terrace

Bacon Edmnnd, 33 Rochester terrace Cartwright Rev. Thomas Everard M.A. Ellington Mrs. no New road •

Baisden Miss, 8 Waghorn terrace St. John's rectory Elliott Edward Henry, 158 High street

Bannister George Robt. 2 Rochester ter Catt Godfrey George, 25 Railway street Elliott Thomas John, Maidstone road

llarnaby Rnbert, IS Paddock terrace Catt Jesse, 30 Gibraltar place Evans William, I3 The Paddock

Batchelor Richard David, 358 High st Chambers Edwin, 2 C1mbridge terrace Field John, 2 St. Bartholomew villas

Bellis Charles Frederick, I37 New road Clift William, I 14 New road FieldJn. Stedman,2St. Hartholomew vils

Bennett William Henry, 10 ThePaddock Collard Major A. W. (Army Service Yield SidneyAibt.2Martin vls.Luton rd

Bernard Capt. John R.M. (attached to Corps), 2 Milton terrace, New road Filley Alfd. Hy. I St. Hartholomewvils

ArmyServiceCorps),4 Cambridge ter Collins John, 42 Rochester terrace Fisher Rev. William Henry [curate of

Berry Mrs. 17 Ordnance terrace Cornley Edwin Jarnes, 5 Waghorn ter St. John's], 2 Ordnance terrace

Bessent Charles, 86 Brook Cosford Thomas, I I Nelson road Fittock J olm, 2 "'aghorn terrace

Bessent Charles Richard, High street Caster John, 24 Gibraltar place Fletcher Rev. Jas. LWesleyan chaplain •

BlackmanJames Eclwd. I6 Gibraltar pi Coulter John, High street to the forces J, 8 Albany terrace •

1lockham Henry, rr2 New road Cretchley George Edward, 108 New rd Flood Thomas Ueorge, 17 Paddock st

Booth Major Thomas George R.E. (pay- Crockford Mrs. II6 New road Ford Wilton, 43 Colegate terrace

master), 3 Milton terrace Darlington John Wm. 32 Gibraltar pl Forster Archibald Thomas Victor (staff

Bowcock Wm. Edwd. 39 Rochester ter Davis Edward, Maidstone road engineer), I Cambridge terrace

Brain Richard F. r I Paddock terrace Davis Misses, Hamond hill Funnell John Thomas, 18 Paddock st

Breeze James, 8 Ordnance terrace Day Charles, I65 New road Gamman Arthur, l\fedway street

Brett Miss, 9 Paddork street DeUruchy Francis, 40 Rochester ter Gifkins Henry George, 5 Albany ter

Brown Arthur John, 7 Hamond hill Dingle Mrs. r Waghorn terrace Gilbert Wil!iam (tleet engineer R.N.),

BrownHy.Jn. Thos.Grosvenr.ho.New rd , Dip rose J oseph, 30 Rocheste:r terrace r6 The Paddock

Bryant Alfred Charles E. 3 Albany ter ', Dornum Thomas Harris, I Nelson road Gill Edwin, 4 St. Bartholomew villas

Buchauan Arthur M.D. High street 'Driver Joshua William, 5 NelsiJn road Glover David, 41 Rochester terrace

K, S, & S•• 11


Godsiff Robert, 221 New road Miller George, 61 New road Simmons Thomas George, Bcssemer-

Gallop George, 3 The Paddock Miller James Thomas, 17 Paddock ter hOllSe, Oliver street

Graham Edward (chief engineer R.N.), Moll Jacques, 7 The Paddock Skinner Charles Edward, 25 Railwayst

3 Ordnance terrace Moore Benjamin, 40 High street Smith Harry William, 29 Rail way st

Grant .Alfred, 66 High streeJ; Morrissey Rev. Thomas [Catholic], St. Spurr Edward, 6 Alba.ny terrace

Grigg William Henry, 6 Waghorn ter Micbael's presbytery, Ordnance pl Stephens Adolphus F. W. Rome house

Hancocks Rev. Thomas [Baptist], Moss Mrs. I 2 Gibraltar terrace 33 Railway street ..

Colgate terrace Moysey Col.Charles R.E., c.M.G. Nevill Stephcns Matthew S. .;o Gibra.ltav pi

Harnden John Edward, 20 Railway st house, New road Stevens George, 15 Albany terrace

Harris James Edward, I26 High street Mullenger William, 39 Railway street Stigant Adam, I r The Paddock
Murray Jas. Andrews, 104 New road Storrar David (fleet engineer R:.N.), 37
Harvey J ames, 67 New road

Ha.rvey James, 4 "\'Vaghorn terrace Nanki\"ell Arthur Wolcot, St. Bartholo- Rochester.terrace

Rathaway Timothy, I Gibraltar place mew's hos1 ita!, New road Straker Rev. Harry B. A. [ comllte of St.

Hayward George, 5 The Paddock Newcomb William, 21 Paddock terrace Paul's], 86 Luton road

Heath William, 32 Otway street Nicholson Mrs. II Albany terrace Sullivan George, 5 Cambridge terrace

Hellier Henry J obn, 20 The Paddock Norman J oseph, 28 Gibraltar place Button Robert,Belmont tel'.Chatham pu

Henry Jeremiah, 4 Gibraltar place Ord Rev.Christopher Joseph M.A. [vicar Swail John, I2o New road

Higman Albert James, 90 New road of St. · Paul's], St. Paul's vicarage, Taylor John Wm. 9 Paddock terrace

Hill Miss, 118 Ncw road Old road Terry Mrs. 9 Nelson road

Rillard Mrs. 14 Albany terrace Paine William, II Cambridge terrace Theobald Henry, jun. 65 Ordnance st

Hills Alfred, 8 Cambridge terrace Palmer Richard, 34 Hocbester terrace Theobald William, 122 New road
Pankhurst Thomas, Clover street Tribe Herman Tht)mas Bedingfield,.
Hodges Waiter, I St. John's terrace

Hodson Henry, 21 The Paddock Pearson Archibald, 44 New road Paddock terrace

Hollic Miss, 8 Cambridge terrace Peatfield Robert, 32 Rochester terrace Tribe William, 102 New road

Rolroyde John, Camden ho.Hamond hl Penn Mrs. 2 Mid Kent villa, New road Turtle Wm. Charle~ 26 Gibraltar ter

Honey George, 35 Rochester terrace Penney George, 6 Ordnance terrace Udal George, 31 Railway street

Humber Herbert, 20 Gibraltar terrace Pepper George, 6 The Paddock Viney George, 35 Railway street

Hyman Philip, 37 Railway street Phillips Benjamin, Lynton ho. Jeyes st Wade Henry, I Albany terrace-
J arrett Mrs. 3 St. John's terrace Phillips Mrs. s St. John's terrace
Ware Charles, 6 Gibraltar terrace

Jasper Frederick, 7 Paddock terrace Phillips William,I Mid Kent vil.New rd "'arren Henry, 4 Paddock street

Jasper Henry, High street Piper Juseph, 2 St. John's terrace Wayland William, 3 Nelson road

Jefferiss Waiter Robert Spence M.D. 4 l'rotbero Donald Edwin, I The Paddock Webb William Oliver, 3S Rochester ter·

Milton terrace Randall Alfred Thomas, 20 High street Webster Rev. Jas. R. [Cong.], New rd
Randall James \Vatson, Hamond hill Wells John, Belle Vue b(). Chatham hl
Jenkinson John, xs The Paddock

Kappey Jacob Adam, I4 Gibraltar pl Ratcliff John Edwin, 2 Military road Westcombe John Richard, r68 High st

Knight.Alfd.Jsph.Beacon lo.Chatham hl Read Thomas Parish, I2 Albany terrace Wbarton Geo. Lee, 1 Milton tet": New rdi

Lane J oseph, 8 The Paddock Renson Edwd. 3 St. Bartholomew vills White Mrs. 12 Ordnance terrace

Levy Lewis, 24 Nelson road Ringland John, Stanley house, Brook Whitefield E. E. M. A. 22 Gibraltar pi

Lonsdell Francis, 3 r Rochester terrace Robertson Cecil, 219 New road Whitehead Albt.Jabez, 19 The Paddock.

Lorden Daniel, 9 Albany terrace Roda J ames, 4 Mount Pleasant Whittle Geo. Norfolk, 16 Ordna.nce ter

Lott Charles, Belle Vue villa, ~ew road Rolfe George, 2 Frederick street Willmott John, 2 Rome villas

Lowe John, Military road Saker Nathan, I The Paddock Willmott George, 12 The Paddock

Lund Christopher, 14 Ordnance ter Saunders George, 63 ~ew road Winch George,Holcombe. Maidstone r~

Macfarlane Jas. Albany ho. Albany ter Scammell Rev.Samuel Dowden F.R.G.s. Winch Thomas, Elm house, ~ew road

Mackay James,2 Gundulph vls.New rd [Presbyterian], 14 The Paddock Wood Humphrey, I&4 High street

Mann Henry Philip, 44 Hamond place Scott Samuel, I24 High street ·wood John, Hampden house, Luton rdi

Maplesden William, 2 Colegate terrace Scott William, Victoria ho. Railway st Wood Miss, Myrtle villa, New road

Margetts Ml's. 4 St. John's terrace Scullard Theophilus,Artoise vil.New r<i Woods Mrs. 58 New rood

Margetts Wilham, 169 New road Seagars Edward Daniel, 2 Albany ter Young Alfred, 86 High street

Mason Thomas, 4 Albany terrace Seymour John, Herbert villa, Luton rd Young George, 4 OrdnanL-e terrace

Mason Thomas, Rhode street

COMMERCIAL. llarrett William Dennis, The Little George P.H. 155 lligh st

Abery John B. grocer, & post office, 194 High street Batchelor Richard David, artesian well borer, 358 High st

Acworth Joseph John, tallow chandler, Fair row Bates Edward, linen draper, 74, 75 & 127 & 135 High street

Adams Edward Henry, smith, 174 New road Bath George, shoe maker, IOS Henry street

AkehorstGeorge, grocer, 378 & 380 High street Beard William, coal agent, 32 Claremont place

Aldridge John Thomas, Angel P.H. 208 High street llelither Alexander, shopkeeper, I8 Otway street

Alien Charles, shopkeeper, I83 Brook Bell, Fayle & Buchanan, surgeons, High street

Allingham William, shoe maker, 337 High street Bell John "rilliam, shopkeeper, 69 Coleman street

Alloway Samuel, bui!der, 167 ~ew road Bell Richard, shopkeeper, 2II New road
Allway Silas, builder, Church street
BelliS Emma & Annie (Misses), ladies' school, I37 New roadl

Andrews James, Andrews' temperance hotel, first-class house Bennett Edmund George, hair dresser, 341 Higb street

for commercials & bed rooms, Railway street Bennett William Henry, beer retailer, Coleman street

Ansell William Henry, toy & fancy repository, 3I High st Benster Charles, beer retailer, 141 Brook

Ashdown George, bakeY, Coleman street Benthal Alfred Robert, upholsterer &c. 22 Henry street

Ashdown Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 107 Brook Bessent Charles & Son, timber & slate merchants, Hig!J

Ashdown John, musician, 13 Fullalove alley street & Medway street

Ashdown John, pianoforte tuner, 289 High street Bett Edmund William, architect., Medway street

Atkins Catherine (Miss), shopkeeper, 9 Watts place Biggs Charles, fishmonger, 4r9 High street

Atkinson John, tinman, 379 High street Billinghurst John, shopkeeper, Cage lane

Attwood Alfred, Coach ~fakers' Arms P.H. & coach maker, Bilney Julia (Miss), dress maker, 12 Henry street

33S High street Eirrell Alexander, cab proprietor, IO Ordnam:e street

Attwood Edward, beer retailer, 2 Magpie road Bishop Caroline (Mrs.), grocer, 109 Brook

Atwood John, beer retailer, Skinner street Bishop Matthew, refreshment rooms, 23 High street

Austen William Henry, beer retailer, Jenkins dale Bishop Thomas, ginger beer retail manufacturer, 8o Brook.

Austin George, beer retailer, Cross street, Brook Blackman James Edward, private tutor, 8 Gibra.ltar plare

Ayerst Thomas, beer retailer, Hards town Blake William, dairyman, Otway street

Ayres William, shopkeeper, 24 Military road Blakiston Arthur, cooper, Fullalove alley

Back John, greengrocer, 282 High street Bonifas Albert, White Hart P.H. 31 Brook

Bacon Thomas, wood & cnal dealer, II7 Brook Bonny \Villiam, shopkeeper, 61 Henry street

Baird Charles Bradford, boot maker, 2 ·watts place Booker Emma (Mrs.), draper, 3 Ordnance

Baker Benjamin, lodging house, 49 ~ ew road Boorman Edward, beer retailer, Best town

Baker James, Hook & Hatchet P.H. Snodhurst Borer Esther (Mrs.), beer retailer, New road

Ballard John, King's .Arms P.H. 9 Medway street Borer George, Ordnance .Arms P.H. Coleman street

Banks Mary (Miss), baby linen warehouse, 70 High street Borough of Chatham Reform Club (John Edwin Ratclif

Barber James, shoe maker, Jenkins place sec.), Military road

Barnard Lyon Benjamin, Palace of Varieties, High street Bonrne Felix, baker, 226 High street

Bal"nes George, lime burner, London wharf Bow Richard Holloway, family grocer & provision merehanl

Barnett Benjamin, clothier, I62 High street . Post office, 26 & IS Mills terrace & 27 Cage lane

Barnett Rebecca (Miss), clothier, 332 High street Bowman Edward, beer retailer, Cage lane

Barnicott William, White Hart P.H. High street Bown William, coffee house, 331 High street

DIRECfORY.] KENT. .CH.ATH.Al\1. 16'3

Boyman William, grocer, 209 High street Chatham (2nd) Investment Building Society (Henry P.Mann,
solicitor), Hailway str~et
Boys Alfred, beer retailer, 97 New road

Brady John, general dealer, 394 High street Chatham & Rochester News ("William John Parrett & George

Brady Mary (.~liss), dress maker, 39 Fort Pil.t street Neve~, printers & publishers; published friday & satur~

Brain Richard, currier & leath~r seller, rg6 High street day), 30 High street. See advertisement

Brand Alfred, beer retailer, Railway street Chatham & Rochester Obsen·er (W. & J. Mackay & Co.

Brenchley Edward, insurance agent, 177 New road printers & publishers; published friday & sa.turday), 54

Brenchley Edward Giles, painter, 38 Military road High street. See advertisement

Brenchley Edwin, shopkeeper, 276 New road Chatham Workmen's Club (John Bromley, sec.), Nelson rd

Brenchley Mary Ann (Miss), ladies' school, 177 New road Chick Richard Henry, hair dresser, 384 High street

Brian Phc:ebe (~Iiss), dress maker, 15 High street ChrisLopher Edward, shoe maker, 4 Fair row

Bridger Charles, hair dre~ser, 17 Military road Christopher William Henry, shoe maker, 70 Coleman street

Bridges George, Sir Robert Peel P.H. 31 Skinner street CHURCH&. HUTTON, drapers &c. 183 High street

Brinsted Mary (;.\fiss), florist, 88 Iligh street Church George, draper & milliner, 277 to 290 High street

Brister Elleu (?.Irs.), tobacconist, 13 ~Iilitary road Church Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Saunders street

Bristow Henry Ryer, wholesale clothing manufacturer, Chat- Clark Alfred Lancelot, photographer, 8 Watts place

ham Intra & Medway clothing works Clark Hcrbert William, tailor, r8 Ordnance street

BRISTOW RALPH, wholesale & retail clothing manufac- Clark Thomas, blacksmith, 376 High street

turer, Chatham hill Clark William Henry, grocer, 139 New road

Broadbridge John Joseph, shopkeeper, 25 Whitaker street Clift Elizabeth Ursula (Mrs.), pawnbroker, 178 High street

Broadbridge Hichard, Coach & Horses P.H. r87 High street Clift Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 48 Coleman street

Brockwell James John, beer retailer, Fullalove alley Clift '\-'illiam, pawnbroker, 261 High street

Bromley & Son, plumb2rs, 23 Fair row Clissold Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 14 Military road

Brompton, Chatham, Gillingham & Rochester Water Works Clothcr Georgc, carpenter & undertaker, 19 !<'air row

Co. (Godfrey G. Catt, sec.); otlices. Railway street Clout Hichard, beer retailer, Chatham hill

Brooks Cathcrine (Miss), Magpie inn, :Wagpie road Coatcs Henry, tobacconist, 307 High street

Brooks Henry Charles, shopkeeper, r Skinner street Cobb Richard, shopkeeper, Oliver street

Brown .Alfd.ll. dispenser St. Bartholomew's hospital,New rd Cogger .Alfred, fruiterer, 4 Railway street

Brown Charle3, cabinet maker, 1 Watts place Cogger Charles, hair dresser, 42 Brook

Brown Elizabeth (Miss), teacher of music, 66 Henry street Cogger George, gre~ngrocer, 409 High street

Brown George, tobacconist, 271 High street Cogger William, shopkeeper, 6r John street

Brown Horace, cab proprietor, Claremont place Cokayne Thomas, upholsterer, 142 Thorold road

Brown Richard, cab proprietor, 20 Church street Cole William, athletic outfitter, 27 High street

Bruce John, shopkeeper, 32 Fort Pitt street Colegate Nicholas, carpenter, Railway street

Brunt William, Old llarn P.H. 313 High street Collier J oscph Daniel, mantle warehouse, rB, 32 & 34 High st

Bryan Jvlm, saddler, 309 High street Collier William, hatter, II2 High street

Bryan John Nicholas, chemist & druggi'lt, 21 Ordnance road Collins Douglas, printer, 96 High street

Buchanan & Robertson, surgeons, 5 Paddock terrace Collinson Jamcs, Victoria P.R. King street, Brook

Buchanan Arthur M. D. surgeon, High street Collison Thomas, pork butcher, 215 High street

Buehanan George, superintilndent registrar & clerk to Med- Colvill Mary Julia (Mrs.), tobacconist & news agt.357High st

way board of guardians & rural sanitary authority, & to Coomber Herbert John, hair dresser, Railway street

the school attendance committee, 19 Paddock terrace Coomber Maria (:VIrs.), shopkeeper, 21 Clover street

Buchanan Waiter, surgeon, medical officer, & public vacci- Cook, Son & Co. Axe Brand machine sewing works, High st

nator for No. 2 distrid, Medway union, & medical officer COOPER D. c. watch maker, jeweller &c. dealer in domestie

of health to the sanitary authority, 5 Paddock terrace machines (established x873), r6r (late 163) Xew road

Buck John, china & glass dealer, 243 High street Cooper Martha (Miss), ladies' school, r63 New road

Budden James, wine & spirit merchant, 53 High street Cooper William Thomas, butcher, 227 High street

Burford Louisa (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 4 Watts place Coppinger Edward, superintendent of police, New road

Burford Sampson, jun. barge owner, Hamond hill Cork Joseph, boot maker, X3 Claremont place

Burford Sampson, Gibraltar inn, near Railway Cork "\Villiam, greengrocer, 20 Henry street

BURGESS BROTHERS, family millers, corn &seed factors, Cornall William, shoe maker, 277 High street

44 Luton roa.d & 298 High street Cornford Joseph, shopkeeper, 8 Medway street

Burnip John, shopkeeper, liartmgton street Coster G-eorge, painter & grainer, r I Clover street

Burrell & Sons, meat contractors & purveyors, 254, 263 & Couchman H. A. & Co. cutlers, 167 High street

265 High st.; & at Strood & Old Rrompton. See advert Coulter John, wine & spirit merchant, High street

Burton Margaret (Miss), dress maker, 52 New road Coulter Waiter, shopkeeper, 16 Rhode street

Butcher Charles, shopkeeper, Richard street Coultrup Mary Ellcn (Miss), mantle maker, 35 New roacl

Butler & Daly, dining rooms, ro High street Coward Henry George, confectioner, 221 High street

Butler .Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 113 New road Cranfield Samuel, baker, ro Luton road

Butler Eli7.a (Mrs.), beer retailer, r61 Brook Crawford Mercy (Miss), dress maker, 26 Ilill terrace

Campbell George, Waghorn coffee tavern & temperance Cremer Christopher William, tobacconist, 18 "\\ratts place

hotel, 295 High street Crick John, gasfi tter, 3r Hill terrace

Carlton Bank Lim. (M. T. Skinner, manager), 6 Holborn la Croft Henry, hair dresser, Globe lane

Carpenter Arthur, beer retailer, 131 Brook Crofts Holmes Cheney, pharmaceutical chemist, 323 High st

CARTER OWEN ..1. &. CO. wholesale & family wine & spirit, Croome William, news agent, 339 High street

ale & stout merchants, 39 High street; & at Rochester Cue Charles Thomas, peel maker, carpenter & undertaker~

Carter Owen J. & Co. cigar, tobacco & cigarette manufac- 6 Hill's terrace, Ordnance place. See advertisement

turers & importers, 41 High street Cue Joseph James, peel maker, 66 Dale street

Carter Eliza (Miss), greengrocer, Cbatham bill Cullam Sarah (Mrs), blacksmith, Brook

Carter George, batter & hosier, 192 & 200 High street Cummings William, chimney sweeper, n King street

Carter Thomas, shopkeeper, Chatham bill Curd James William, broker, 326 High street

Carter William, grocer, 77 New road Curtis Arthur, shopkeeper, I Frederick street

Cate Mary (Miss), dress maker, 27 l\fedway street Daniels Richard, beer retailer, II5 Brook

Catt Godfrey Geo. sec. af the Brompton, Chatham, Gilling- Danish Dairy Company, butter merchants, 242 High street

ham & Rocbester Water Works Co. ; offices, Railway st Dartnall Rebecca (Mrs.), baker, 283 High street

Catt Jesse, wheelwright & smith, Railway street Davies Edward, tailor, 85 High street

Catt John, stationer, 238 High street Davison Henry Edward, grocer, 121 Brook

Caulfield William, smith, Whitaker street Dawes George, stone mason, 19 High street

Cavell Robert, tailor, 319 High street Day Charles, surveyor & inspector of nuisances to the local

Cemetery (Frederick Adam Stigant, clerk to the burial board of health, New road

board), Maidstone road Day Edward, oilman, 43 Ordnance street

Cemmett William, greengrocer, John street Dean John Samuel, shopkeeper, 30 John street

Chalklen Thomas, grocer, 49 Brook De la Cour George Henry, silversmith & jeweller, 76 High st

Chalmers John Anderson, ironmonger & oilman, & sub post Denney Robert, cooper, 39 Alfred street

office, 294 High street Dennis John, shoe maker, Church street

Chalmers Octavia (Mrs.), milliner, 27 New road Dennis William, beer retailer, New road

Chatham Cabinet Manufacturing Co. (W. Rayfield, man.), Denson John Russell, wholesale clothing manufacturer.

The Brook Meeting House lane

Chatham Conservative Club (George De La Cour, chairman ; Dickeson & Castle, preparatory school, Hamond hill

Thomas Robinson, sec.), 3 Military road 1 Dickinson Sarah Lucy (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 20 Union street

K. S. & S.

• KENT. •


Dives Wm. Thos.hosier & haberdasher, 117, 183 & 185 High st Gilbert William, beer retailer, 32 Military road

Dodd Robert, farrier, Railway street Gilby Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 3:1 Military road

Dorey Albert, stationer, 131 New road Giles Henry, Portland Arms P.H. Cromwell terrace

Dornom Thomas, plumber, Nelson road Giles John, marine store dealer, IIO Brook

Douse Lonisa (Mrs.), dress maker, 28 Railway street Giles Lawrence, linen draper, 223 High street

Dowler Edward Matthew, venetian, wire, spring roller & Gill George William & Sons, barge & ship builders, Bridge

general window blind manufacturer & writer, Railway wharf & Chatham Intra

street. See advertisement Glover Jesse, news agent, Post office, 53 Ordnance street

Drago Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 40 Brook Glover Reuben, grocer, 348 High street

DRIVER .JOSHUA &. SON, corn & seed merchants, hay & Glover Richard Henry, shopkeeper, Chatham hill

straw salesmen, 125 Brook & Union street Goddard Charles, greengrocer, 23 Union street

Dndman William, Army & Navy P.H. Brook Godsiff Robert, marine store dealer, :Fullalove alley

Duller William, beer retailer, Watts street Goodman Morris Berlmer, outfitter, 264 High street

Dnnn Sara.h (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 154 Ordnance street Goodwin George Charles, bricklayer, 91 Ordnance street

Dunstall Ernest, carpenter & joiner, Railway street Gordon Chambers, lodg. ho. (Frank Parks, mngr. ), 57 Brook

Dunstall William, commercial school, Maidstone road Gowar Edmund, shopkeeper, 47 Skinner street

Dnrling Henry, beer retailer, 139 Henry street Graham Charles, baker, Medway street

Eckert John James, shoe maker, 274 High street Graham Edward, builder, Hill's terrace

Edgington Jesse, Kent dining rooms, with every attendance Graham John, baker, Hill's terrace

(next tb Barnard's), 113 High street Grant Alfred, wine & spirit, ale & stout merchant, 66 High st

Edser & Bockham, carpenters, Railway street Greenfield George, shopkeeper, I I6 Ordnance street

Eggleson Edward M. carman, x Fort Pitt street Greengo Caleb, beer retailer, 292 High street

Elcombe William, station master, 13 Albany terrace Gregory Robert, shopkeeper, 2 Prospect rolf

Ellingham John, tailor, 353 High street Gridley Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 3 l'air row

Elliott Frederick, dairyman, 314 High street Grieveson Thomas, insurance agent, 4 Lumsden terrace

Ellis E. Maurice, surgeon-dentist, 87 High street Grigg Marion (Mrs.), baker & beer retailer, 5 Claremont pi

Evans Edward, shopkeeper, I Best. street Gritfiths John H. beer retailer, 99 Brook

Evans Edwin (late Wisdom's), Prince of ·wales hotel & res- Groves David, Little Crown, 346 High street

taurant, Hailway street Gurnsey Richard, cabinet maker, 25 High street

Evans Elizabeth (Miss), baby linen warehouse, 122 High st Gurr & Son, butchers, 245 High street

Eveling '\Valter, tailor, 138, 140 & 142 High street & 1, 2 & Gutteridge James, shopkeeper, Coleman street

3 Railway street Hale Alfred, boot maker, 67 High street

Everest Mary Ann (Mrs.), Lord Nelson P.H. Ordnance st Bales George, butcher, 59 Henry street

Eyres Alfred, photographer, 36 Gibraltar place Hales George, jun. corn dealer, 65 Henry street

Warmer & Son, gt'OCers, 276 High street HALL EBENEZER &. SON, bakers & confectioners, I6a

Farrer Ellen (Mrs.), fishmonger, Cannon street High street; & 36 High street, New Brompton

Fearne George Marshall, fruiterer, x66 New road Hall Hanuah (Mrs.), tobacconist, 287 High street

Featherby Robert George, tobacconist, 377 High street Hall John, shopkeeper, 5 & 7 Fair row

Fehrenbach Bros. watch & clock makers, 54 High street Halliday Thomas William, picture frame maker, 92 High st

Fenner James, coal, cement, slate & drain pipe merchant, Hammond John C. homceopathic chemist, 11 Watts place

Railway station Harden William, tailor & clothier, xso & I52 High street

Fergnson Thomas, greengrocer, 2 King street Harn Robert, butcher, 31 r High street

Field Fred, builder & contractor, 4 Colver street Harridge Richard Bush, boot maker, 6 Ordnance street

Field James, shopkeeper, King street Harris Henry, boot maker, 21 Best street

Field John Stedman, miller (wind), corn factor, seed mer- Harris Jas. Edwd. mngr. London&ProvincialBankLim.High st

chant & seedsman, 278 & 28o High street Harris William, grocer, I Ordnance street

Flood Harry, hosier, 30 Military road Harrison Charles, butcher, I65 High street

Flood Henry Thomas, tobacconist, 27 Military road Harrison Hy. Wm. ironmngr. & nndertaker,272 & 293 High st

J<lnnder James, hosiery & fancy dealer, 224 High street Hart Richard, grocer, 100 Ordnance street

l<~oord & '\\rebb, plumbers & decorators, 12 Railway street HART SIDNEY .JOHN, grocer & provision merchant &

Ford Wilton, advertising contractor, 31 High street cbeesemonger, 247, 249 & 251 & 275, 347, 373 High street

Foreman Joseph, fancy warehouse, 6 High street & SI Ordnance street

Forss l<'rederick, Old King's Head P.H. High street Harvey James, china & glass warehouse, I5 Railway street

Fortescue Frederick, hatter, hosier & outfitter, 16 High st Harvey Richard, tailor, 10 Lumsden terrace

FOWLE CHARLES, builder, contractor & undertaker, Luton Hatt Richard, farmer, Dank hill & Maidstone road

road. See advertisement Hatterley Joseph, greengrocer, 17 Otway street

Fowle Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, 167 Brook Hawes Charles, boot maker, 38 Old street

Fowle Thomas, furnishing undertaker, 250 High street Hawkins Charles John, saddler, 71 High street

Frame John, tailor, 72 Coleman street Hawkins James Richard, oil & color man, 5 High street

Frampton Henry, oil & color man, 256 High street Hayes Ernest William, carpenter, 34 Dale street

Ftancis Emma & Hettie (Misses), young ladies' school, 6 Haybow Percy, beer retailer, 417 High street

Medway street Hayward Edwin, beer retailer, 374 High street

Francis Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs.), bot & cold baths, Medway Hayward George, jeweller, 5 New street

baths, Medway street Hearn Alfred James, grocer & cheesemonger, 235 High st

Franklin David, carver & gilder, Io Watts place Hibbert Henry, beer retailer, 2 East street

Franks Joseph, painter, 41 New road Hickmott John Henry, Lord Duncan P.H. 59 New road

Freedman Maurice, jeweller, 5 Military road Hickmott Waiter, Spread Eagle P.H. Jeyes street

Freedman Sampson, furniture dealer, 6r High street Hicks George, butcher, 368 High street

French Herman, chemist, 148 High street Hickson Samuel Richard, furniture dealer, 259 High street

French James, taxidermist, 14 Watts place Rider Edward Charles, butcher, 393 High street

Friend Richard, tailor, 17 Watts place Hider William, butcher, 143 New road

Frisby Frederick, shopkeeper, 32 Old road Higgins Henry, shopkeeper, 55 Brook

Frost Ellen (Mrs.), lodging house, 7 Rome villas Higham Annie (Mrs.), greengrocer, 328 High street

l<'uller David, greengrocer, 5 High street Highley John, watch maker, 28 High street

l<'uller Richard, baker, 20 Cromwell terrace Hill John Bliss, boot maker, 36 High street

Funnell John Thomas, outfitter, 18 Paddock street Hind Waiter Bingham, tea dealer, 69 High street

Furminger Eliza (Mrs.), greengrocer, 389 High street Hinkley Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Newuham street

GAMMAN ARTHUR 1 coal merchant, hoyman & cooper, Hiscox Kate (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 15 Brook

Holborn wharf. See advertisement Hitches Edwin, shopkeeper, 204 New road

Gamon Edward, baker, 141 New road Hobart Henry, beer retailer, 63 High street
Garthwaite Charles Henry, hair dresser, :3 'Watts place
Hobbs Robert D. shopkeeper, 145 Brook

Gater Charles James, confectioner, 7 Watts place Hobbs Thomas Edward, secondhand bookseller, 13 High s1i

Gates Margaret (Mrs.), ladies' school, 51 New road HOBDAY HENRY AMOS, tool merchant & cutler, 45 High

Geere Joseph Hooper, mason, 12 111~"'"- street; & at Folkestone & Dover ·

Gest George, greengrocer, 46 Orda<tr:l'J street Hodges Edgar, grocer, 36 Henry street & 19 Stanley road

Gest William, greengrocer, 25 Fair row Hodges William, grocer, 246 High street

Gibbons Joseph & Co. leather sellers, Globe lane Hogg Robert, builder, 73 'fhorold road

Gibbs Daniel, shopkeeper, 22 Brook Holden Henry, Saracen's Head P.H. 179 Brook

Gibson Alexander, draper, tailor & house furnisher, houses Holliday Thomas, Old George P.H. Globe lane
~ furnished throughout on the hire system, 17 Ordnance st Holloway Charles, fishmonger, 303 High street

Gifford Elizabeth (:\Irs.), greengrocer, Cage lane Holloway Charles, shopkeeper, Church street

Gifford l<'red'erick, 'Shopkeeper, Bards town Holroyde & Murray, surgeons, 104 New road


Holroyde John, surgeon & medical officer of health to local Langham Edwin, druggist, 5 Watts place

board, Camden house, Hamond hill Langham Edwin James, eating house, 11 Military road

Honey .Alfred, photographer, II4 High street Langley Stephen Charles, general dealer, II Dale street

Hook Peter James, beer retailer, 26 Military road Larke Francis, tinman, 268 High street

Hook William, general dealer, Coleman street Larking Richard, York hotel, Ordnance terrace

Hopkins George James, Prince gf Orange P.H. 21 High st Laslett Edmund, stationer, 285 High street

Homer & Co. tailors, 29 Military road Lawrence George, coal & wood dealer, 387 High street

Horscroft Charles Wallace, hair dresser, tobacconist & news Lawrence Henry Charles, nurseryman, seedsman & florist,

agent, 2 73 High street 4 High street & Albany Road nursery, Luton
Horscroft Rosa (Mrs.), dress maker, 273D, High street Lawrence Joshua, picture frame maker, 300 High street

Honghton William Stockley, beer retailer, 218 High street Leake Thomas, fancy repository, 281 High street

House of Refuge & Industrial Home (Rev. W. H. Duke M.A. Lear Charles, pork butcher, 9 High street
LEAVEY GEORGE H.&. eo. merchant tailors, outfitters,
hon. sec.), Chatham hill

Howe Depot (branch) (Arthur Andrews, mangr.),56 High st hatters & hosiers, 95 to 99 High street; & High street &

Hudson Annie I. (Miss), fancy draper, 348 High street Mill street, Ylaidstone; & 8 to 12 High street, Ramsgate

Hudson James, beer retailer, Fort Pitt street Lecture Hall & Opera House (L. W. Whitehead, lessee ;.T.

Hughes Ernma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 42 Richard street E. Evans, manager), High street

Hughes Henry, confectioner, 350 High street Legg Percy, mineral water manufr.Nelson rd.&2o Military rd

Hughes Henry, grocer, 202 High street & Brook Lemon Samuel John, pewterer, Medway street

Haghes William, fishmonger, 267 High street LENEY &. SONS, brewers (H. G. Gifkins, manager), 57

Hull&. King, grocers, 189 High street High street; & at Tunbridge Wells & Wateringbury,

Hunt Theophilus, shopkeeper, 342 High street Maidstone; & London stores, 182 Brompton road, South

Hutchings Caroline, beer retailer, Hill's terrace Kensington s w. See advertisement

Hutchinson William, printer, 258 High street Lessey Nathaniel Johnson, millwright, 27 Colegate terrace

IND, COOPE &. CO. brewers, 33 Military road Letheren Matthew, linen draper, 149 High street

Ive & Lowe, news agents & stationers, 15 Military road LewisJsph. Fras. Mitre commrcl. hotel & livery stables,High st

Jacks Thomas, butcher, 85 Brook Lewry Martin, shopkeeper, 32 Ordnance street

Jackson John Howard, grocer & provision mer. 144 High st Liney J. Carter, wholesale ironmonger, ng & 255 High st

Jarrett Horace, White Horse P.H. Chatham hill Linnell Joseph, cab proprietor, Cannon street

Jarrett Robert, shopkeeper, I Dale street Lloyd John Robert, beer retailer, 8 High street

JarvisAnn (Mrs.), beer retailer, 3 Fair row Loft Alfred Rodney, artificial stone manufacturer, Nelson rd

Jarvis George, baker, 3 I Best street Loft Alfred Rodney, tobacconist, 137 High street

Jarvis Samuel, carver & gilder, 320 High street London Boot Company, 195 High street

Jasper Henry, Henry & Sons, fancy bread & biscuit bakers, London & County Banking Co. Limited (branch of) (John

26, 123, 240 & 270 High street Richard Westcombe, manager), High street; draw on

Jasper William, beer retailer, 310 Hig-h street head office, Lombard street, London F. c

Jasper William Thomas, baker, 333 High street London Fine Art Co. photographers, 22 Military road

Jefferies Charles, boot maker, Jeyes street London & Provincial Bank Lim. (branch) (Jas. Edwd. Harris,

Jefferiss Waiter H.obert Spence M.D., c.M. physician & sur- manager), High st.; draw on Glyn, Mills & Co. London E c

geon, 4 Milton terrace Long William, grocer & cheesemonger, 190 High street

JohnsHy.Christr. statur. & distributor of stamps, IIoHigh st Longdon Harry John, shopkeeper, I Saunders street

Johnson Alfred, grocer, 125 High street Lavage Alexander, cllirnney sweep, 386 High street

Johnson George, painter, 30 Brook Lovell Aaron, shopkeeper, Hards town

Johnson Herbert, manufacturers' agent, Clarence ho.High st Lowdell John, slater, 403 High street

Johnson John, boot maker, 87 High street Lowdell Stephen James, beer retailer, Medway street

Johnson John Jesse, boot & shoe warehoui'e, 186 High street Lowe John, news agent, see I ve & Lowe

Johnson Williarn, boot maker, 24 Oliver street Lucas Jane (;\Irs.), King's Head P.H. 149 Brook

Johnstone Robert, tailor, 19 Rail way street Lucas Stephen, watch maker, 37 New road

Jolley Alfred, lodging house, 181 Brook Lund Christr.col!ector of Queen's taxes, 14 Ordnance street

Jo!ley Alfred, Three Cups P.H. 129 Brook Lyddon William, first class tailor & outfitter, 77 New road

Jones Edward, shopkeeper, 173 Brook LYONS JOHN LIONEL, upholsterer & pianoforte ware-

Jordan Isabel!a Amelia (Mrs.), dress maker, 89 Ordnance st house, I So High street

Jost Caroline (Mrs.), lodging house, 103 Brook 1\:IcCarthy Patrick, greengrocer, 6 J ames street

Jost Henry, eating house, 308 High street McDowell Eliza (Mrs.), coal dealer, go Brook

.JUDE, HANBURY &.CO. (Wateringbmy), pale ale brewers, Macfarlane Jas. tailor & outfitter, Albany ho. .Albany terrace

London wharf, High street. See ad\·ertisement McGowan John, draper, 2 The Paddock

Jury Thomas, broker, 336 High street McGowan John, Brown Jug P.H. Wbitaker street

Kappy Jacob, bandmaster of marines, 14 Gibraltar place Mclntyre James, shopkeeper & draper, 29 Rest street

Kearley & Tonge, grocers, 120 High street Mackay Brothers, grocers, 169 High street

Keir Edward James, Kent Arms P.H. 217 High street Mackay W.&J.& Co. booksellers & printers, proprietors & pub-

Kelly James, Red Lion P.H. Military road lishers of the "Chatham & Rochester Observer," High

Kennedy George, boot maker, Fullalove alley street. See advertisement

Kennedy John, Horse Shoe P.H. 143 High street ;\'IcLellan William John, solicitor, see Wood & McLellan

Kent (1st) .Artillery Volunteer Brigade, Eastern Division Mall George, tailor, 89 Thorold road

Royal Artillery (Nos. 5 & 6 batteries) (Capt. E. H. Hay- Mallet Thomas John, insurance agent, II Ordnance terrace

men, commandant) Manington John Nicholas, ironmonger, 3o6 High street

KENT .lAMES, job & post master & omnibus proprietor, MannHy. Phill ip, solicitor & commissionr. for oaths,44 High st

Union street Mannerings Thomas, Criterion P.H. 129 High street

Kent Richard Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 219 High street Mannington William, baker, 355 High street

Kent Sarah (Mrs.), photographer, 19 Military road MANTELL .JOHN WILLIAM, builder, carpenter & joiner,

Kent William, shopkeeper, 87 Chatham hill undertaker, shopfitter &c. 7 George street

Kidd David, clothier, 2r6 High street Mantle Richard, shopkeeper, 13 Union street

Kilby Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 135 New road Maplesden William & Co. coal merchants, Railway street

Kimpton Thomas, wardrobe dealer, 232 High street Margetts, Son & Co. architects & engineers, 169 New road

King Daniel, fishmonger, 23 Military road Marks Isaac George, jeweller, 101 High street

King John, shoe maler, Chatham hill Martin Charles Lemucl, draper, 146 High street.

King Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 14 Fair row Martin Edward Richard, corn dealer, 93 Ordnance street

Kingslow Thomas, shopkeeper, 13 Cross street Martin George Ed ward, Sir Colin Campbell P.H. 24 Fair row

Kitchenham John. beer retailer, Military road Martin Henry, bricklayer, 407 High street

Knight Henry, fishmonger, 305 High street Martin John llean M.R.C. v.s. veterinary surgeon & livery

Knott Robert, United &rvice P.H. High street stable proprietor, Railway street

Knowlden Anthony Jn. farmer, Cawkwell farm, Ordnance st Mason Joseph, beer retailer, 24 John street

Kybett Mary Jane (Mrs.), Royal Exchange P.H. 55 High st MASON THOMAS, wholesale rag, rope & metal merchant,

Kyle Joseph, la!lndryman, 72 Luton road Rhode street
Ladd Richard, shopkeeper, 7 ~fed way street Massey Joseph & Co. drapers, 104 /)<, 106 High street

Lakeman Ann (Mrs.), midwife, 30 Hills terrace Masters Martha (Mrs.), ulobe P.H. 131 High street
La.mkin John, baker, 40 Hills terrace Masu:rs Rosetta (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 6 Hamond hill

Landen John, beer retailer, 73 Brook MathJson John Moffatt, draper, 17 Railway street •

Lane CC~hralrleess,, sen. confectioner 62 High street May Robert, beer retailer, 2 Fair row
Lane jun. confectione;, 225 High street Maynard Ed\\"ard Old Lord Raglan P.H. 26o New road
Lane Richa~! laundry, 34 Gibraltar place Medhurst Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Jenkin's place

I.angdon W1lliam, beer r.:tniler, 120 Ordnance street Medw::ty Yacht Clnb (C. J. Tuffill, hon. sec.), Sim hotef


Medway Chamber of Commerce (Norman & Stigant, joint Petts James, beer retailer, 38 Henry street

secs.). 22 High street Petty Edward James, beer retailer, 92 New road

Meek George, shopkeeper, 21 John street Phillips George & Son, grocers, 312 High street

MelvilleRoyal NavalHospital (J. H.Whelan R.N. & A. H. L. Phillips Robert & Co. pianoforte manufacturers, 24 High at

Cox R.N. surgeons; Rev. John Booth Budds B.A. chaplain; Phillips Benj. Robert, mineral water mannfctr; 178 Ne" rd.

G. W. Ginn, clerk; Miss Rebecca Burleigh, head sister) Phillips George, greengrocer, Chatham hill

Miles William, wardrobe dealer, 21 Military road Phillips Henry, tuy & fancy repository, 179 High street

Miller William John, tobacconist, 3 High street Phillips John Stephen, leather cutter, 317 High street

Miils James, East End hotel, High street Phillips Samuel Charles, tobacconist, 6 Railway street

Moir .Andrew, shopkeeper, 6 Skinner street Phillips William John, baker, 28 Whitaker street

Mole Charles, shoe maker, 13 Watts place Phillpott Jabez, boot maker, 147 High street

Molinas Julia (Mrs.), ladies' school, 10 Gibraltar place Philp Thomas John, brush maker, 383 High street

Moll Jacques, photographer, 35 High street Piper Mary Ann (Miss), Duke of Cambridge P.H, Brook

Moore Benjamin, dentist, 40 High street Pocock Brothers, boot & shoe manufacturers, 48 High st

Morgan .Alfred William, chemist & druggist, 7 Railway st Podger Waiter Albert, dyer, 291 High street

Mount Jane (Miss), dress maker, 204 New road Pope John J. inspector of weights & measures, Luton road

Muirhead T. & Son, drapers, 18 Ordnance terrace Pott Robert, Wellington P.H. New road

Mulliner William, fishmonger, 316 High street Potts George, beer retailer, 245 New road

Murray James Andrews L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon, see Holroyde Pound George, Fox & Hounds P.H. Ordnance street

& Murray Presnall James, hair dresser, 230 & 296 High street

Nankivell .Arthur Wolcot L.R.C.P.LOnd. resident surgeon, St. Provins William, beer retailer, King street, Brook

Bartholomew's hospital, New road Ralfs Charles W. hair dresser, 4 John street

Nankivell J ames, butcher & beer retailer, 6 Dale street Handall J. Watson & Co. upholsterers, 37 & 38 High street

Naylor Edward, shoe maker, 16 Ordnance street Randall Alfred Thom3s, auctioneer, 20 High street
• Randall Frederick, l'"oresters' Arms P.H. 82 Henry street

Neate Percy John, engineer, 16 The Bank, High street

Neate '''illiam Henry Yeo, beer retailer, so New road Randall James, china & glass dealer, Br"ok

Neves George, printer & publisher of " Chatham & Roches- Randall William Edward Renwell, auctioneer & pawnbroker,

ter News," see Parrett & Neves 10 Railway street

Newcomb F. & H. ladies' outfitters, 5 Railway street Ratcliff John Edwin, auctioneer, accountant & valuer, 2

Newcomb F. & B. hosiers, glovers, shirt makers, hatters & Military road ; & 120 West street, Faversham

tailors, naval, military & general outfitters, 133 High st Ravenhill Elizabeth (~Irs.), dress maker, 95 Brook

Newman Jn. S. grocer & provision merchant, 58 Ordnance st Raycraft Frank, fishmonger, 237 High street

Nicholls George, shopkeeper, 32 Best street Read Thomas Parish, linen draper, 64 High street

Nicholson John, tailor, clothier & outfitter, 12 Watts place. Reader Thos. & Son, grocers & provision mers. 42 High st

See advertisement Reed Samuel, greengrocer, 46 Old road

Norman J n. & Sons, music & pianoforte wareho. I Military rd Reynolds George, Bull P.H. IIS High street

Norman & Stigant, solicitors, joint secs. to Medway Cham- Rhodes Edwin, baker, 165 Brook

ber of Commerce, 22 High street Richardson & Game, grocers & provision mers. 151 High~

Norman Alfred Reynolds, solicitor, see Norman & Stigant Richardson & Son, butchers, 49 Coleman street

N orris John, shoe maker, 66 Brook Richardson Henry Charles, butcher, I r8 & 153 High street

N utton William Joseph, Eagle P.H. 10 Military road & 49 Fort Pitt street

Nye Charles, greengrocer, 315 High street Roberts John, shopkeeper, Henry street

;Nye Charles W. watch maker, 391 High street Roberts Rosina (Miss), carver & gilder, 28 Military road
Nye Edward Jordan, greengrocer, 266 High street
Robertson Cecil, surgeon, 219 "Xew road

Nye Joseph, watch maker, 391 High street Robinson Mark, jun. china & glass dealer, 16 Military road

O'Connor Thomas, shopkeeper, 44 Chatham hill Robinson Mark, coffee tavern, 37 Military road

Oliver Susannah (l\Irs.), ladies' school, 164 New road Robinson Thos. acentnt. valuer & rent & debt collr.29 High st

Ongley Charles, fruiterer, 35 Henry street Robson George Bennett, relieving officer for No. 1 district,

Ongley Francis, beer retailer, 11 Fort Pitt street Medway union, 171 New road

Ongley Thomas, greengrocer, Coleman street Rochester & Chatham Industrial Home for Friendless Girls

Osborn Oliver, fishmonger, 161 High street (Miss M.ary Ann Hoddinott, matron), 1 Ordnance tel'l'l~Ce

Osenton .Alfred, shopkeeper, 98 Ordnance street Rochester & Chatham Joint Hospital Board (Henry Philip
Overbury Albert, shopkeeper, 12 Magpie Hill road Mann, clerk), 44 High street

Overy William, shopkeeper, 134 New road Rochester & Chatham Journal (Wm. Thos. Wildish, propr.k

Pack Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 74 Brook publshr. ; published fri. & sat.), 78 High st. See advert

Packer Mark, baker, confectioner, corn dealer & seed mer~ Rochester & Chatham People's Cafe (William Coopper, mana·

chant, 4II & 233 High street ger), 121 High street

Packham Charles, grocer, 25 Military road Rochester & District Co-operative Society Lim. Militaryrd

Page Edward, ironmonger, 102 High street H.ockliffe Charles Richard, confectioner, 136 High street

Paine & Co. pawnbrokers, 175 High street H.ogers Henry, shopkeeper, 6 Chalk Pitt hill

Palace of Varieties (Lyon Benjamin Barnard), High street Rogers John, carrier, Stanley road

Pankhurst Fanny (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 72 New road Rogers Richard, cowkceper, Henry street

Pankhurst George, shopkeeper, Church street Root George, shopkeeper, 10 Fair row

Pankhurst Thomas, builder & contractor, 5 Clover street Rose J.<:dith (Miss), milliner, 58 High street

Parish "\Villium, shopkeeper, Fair row, Brook Ruby William, bricklayer, Brook

Parnham William, fishmonger, 13 Military road Ruck Ellen (Mrs.), Dover Ca.stle P.H. Globe lane

Parrett & Neves, printers, proprietors & publishers of the H.uh Adolf, watch maker, 55 John street

"Chatham & Rochester News," 30 High street Rule James Thomas, White Lion P.H. 325 High street

Parsons Arthur, pawnbroker, III Brook Rule William, jeweller, 15 Watts place

Parsons Bernard William, butcher, 220 High street Rpm Thomas, insurance agent, 75 Ordnance street

PassbyRd.Jas. wine mer.&agent for W.& A.Gilbey,2o1High st St. Bartholomew's Hospital (A. W. N ankivell L.R.C.P.Lond.

Payne Emily (Mrs.), draper, 36 Luton road resident medical officer; Rev. John Bailey B.A., LL.B.

Payne \Villiam, paperhanging stores, 279 High street chaplain; Thomas Crockford, steward ; Mrs. M. Copeland,

Payne William George, house decorator, 168 New road matron), New road

Peak Robert, beer retailer, 163 High street St. John William, beer retailer, 4 Skinner street

Pearce George, beer retailer, 110 Ordnance street Sampson Robert George, builder, George street

Pearsall Sarah .A. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 56 John street Samuel Joseph, clothier, 184 High street

Pearson Archibald B. New inn, 6o John street s~.yer Joseph Frederick, ironmonger, 385 High street

Pellegrini Raffaelo, modeller, 345 High street Schollar Thomas, grocer, 3 J oyes street

Pemble Henry, hair dresser, 309A, High street Schultheiss John, Theodore, watch maker, 116 High street

Penfield Harry, Swan P.H. 53 Brook SCOTT WII..LIAM IJL SAMUEL, timber & slate merchants

Pengelly Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Hartington street & steam saw mills, High street & Wharf, Medway street

Penn "\\'illiam, boot & shoe warehouse, 13q & 141 High st Scott Henry, shopkeeper, 126 Ordnance street

Penny Samuel James, tailor, 91 High street Scott John Recce G. baker, 204 High street

People's Bread Co. confectioners, 240 High street Scott Thomas, shopkeeper, 2 East street

Pepper George, accountant, 22 High street Scrace John, school attendance inquiry officer, Chatham hiD

Percival James, beer retailer, Perry street Seagers Ed ward Daniel, builder, Brook

Percival John, butcher, S Ordnance street Scagoe Richard, shopkeeper, 59 Coleman street

Perse Frederick, watch maker, 173 High street Searne Richard, florist, Chatham hill

Pett James, furniture dealer, 193 Brook Segenbohm Harry, tailor, 2 Hamond bill

PETT THOMAS, manufacturer of high class aerated Sharp Jesse, gunsmith, 364 High street

waters (established 1865},. Church street Shaw Dona!J, beer retailer, 33 Brook


:Sheppard John,shopkeep:)r, 18 Fort Pitt street Taylor Robert, tailor, 32 Luton road
Shoesmith George, jun. chtmney sweeper, 8 Cage lane
ShOO.!lmith George, chimney sweeper, Whttaker street Taylor William Ed ward, Crown & Anchor P.H. 397
High street

Sibun Alfred George John, shopkeeper, 2 Best street Terry John, secondhand dealer, 16 Watts place

Sidney Charles, fishmonger, 244 High st. & Fullalove alley Terry Mary (:\'Irs.), marine store dealer, I Barnes wharf

Simmonds & Son, drapers, 181 High street · . _ Theobald & Sons, tobacco manufacturers, 108 High street

Simmons Arthur John, baker, 67 Ordnance street Thomas Jesse, auctioneer, appraiser & land agent to the

Simmons Charles Henry, pork butcher, 348 High street Crown, stock & estate sales, .Auction mart, 5I High street

Simmons Josepll William, pork butcher, 299 High street & 3 \Vatts terrace

Simmons Thomas (Mrs.), baker & corn dlr. 55 Ordnance st Thompson James, jun. coal merchant, 47 High street

Singer Manufacturing Co. (G eo. Denyer, mugr. ), I4 High st Thompson Hobert, baker, 35 Military road

Skinner Charles, greengrocer, ro Church street Thornton Alfred, tailor, Chatham hill

SKINNER CHARLES EDWARD (county), builder & con- 'fhorpe Joseph, hair dresser, 6 Fair row

trsclor, Railway street Thorpe Joseph, hair dresser, 36 Military road

.Smith H. C. & Co. bill posters, 7 Chatham Intra Thurgood Anne (Mrs.), dress maker, 99 Ordnance street ,
.Smith W. H. & Son, book stall, L. C. & D. Railway station
Thurlow Edward John, tailor, I75 ~ew road

.Switk Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 47 Gage lane Tilby James, baker, 57 New road

.SrnithChas. Thos. wholesale draper & valner,95,97&99High st Tippin Thomas, beer retailer, Watts place

SmiLh Edward, gr11engrocer, 24I High street Tooze Thomas, wood turner, I9 Cross street, Brook

.Smith Edwin, grocer & wine & spirit mer. 103 & 105 High st Towner Sarah Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I Mills terrace •

.Smith George, shopkeeper, 104 Ordnance street Townley Ernest, dentist, I32 High street

.Smith GMrge .Andrew, photographer, 18 Military road TRIBE &. LAMB, pharmaceutical chemists & tea dealers,

.Smith George Mence, oilman, 231 High street wholesale & retail, High street
.Smith Harriet (Mrs.), baker, 302 & 304 High street Tribe Herman Thomas Bedingfield L.F.P.S.Glas. surgeon, •

Smith Harry William L.K.Q.C.P.Irel. surgeon, 29 Railway st 25 Paddock terrace

.Smith Henry, draper, xoo High street Trickey George, shopkeeper, 6o Henry street

.Smith Henry, greengrocer, I Jenkin's place Tuck Horace, fruiterer, 228 High street

.Smith Henr}· J. beer retailer, Russell street Tuffnell Williarn George, Fountain P.H. High street

.Smith Horace John, watch maker, 65 High street Turner James, leather seller, 33 High street

.Soldiers' Institute (Maj.-Gen. W. H. Goodenough C. B., R.A. Turner Hichard Gcorge, greengrocer, 257 High street

president; Capt. L. Munroe P.s. c. sec) Turtle William, goods manager of railway, New road

.Soldiers' & Seamen's Home &Institute (Rev. J amesFletcher, Turtle William Gillingham, chemist & druggist, 26o High st

sec.; Arthur Cornforth, manager), Military road Tyler Joseph, chimney sweeper, 3 Clover street

.SOloman Charles, upholsterer, 212 High street Udal George Francis, ironmonger, 174 High street

.South-Eastern Booking Office (Jn. B. Martin, agt. ),98 High st Underdown James, fruiterer, I45 & 147 New road

.SOuth of England Telephontl Co. Limited (A. F. Burden, Upson John, boot & shoe warehouse, 177 High street

manager) ; exchange office, 16 High street Vaughan Miss S. fancy repository, so High street

Southwell Frederick, oyster merchant, I Globe lane Verrall Cb.arles, ironmonger, 19 High street

.Sparkhall Mower, hair dresser & perfumer, 90 High street Vincent Thomas, shopkeeper, 76 New road

.Spells Charles William, Navy .Arms P.H.l\Ieeting House lane Vincent William, butcher, 327 High street

S~e1celayh Henry, confectioner, 8 Railway street Viney George Robbins, pawnbroker, 2r3 High street

.Spiers & Pcmd, refreshment rooms, Railway station Yokes John, Brewers' Arms P.H. 206 H1gh street

Springfield Thomas Henry, dairyman, Old road Volunteer Fire Brigade (James Burrell, captain) ; station,

Springate Richard, ironmonger, 35r High street ~Iilitary road

Springate Stephen, shopkeeper, 26 Skinner street Wade Richard & Son, tailors, 134 High street

..':lpurling David, beer retailer, 247 High street Walker Robert William, shopkeeper, r6 Henry street

.Spurrier Henry, Sun hotel, High street \'.'allis Maria (Mrs.), greengrocer, John street

.Stafford Ti:wmas, Prince of Wales hotel, Railway street Waiter Eliza (Mrs.), servants' registry office, go High street

.STAGG AMBROSE ALFRED, district superintendent of the Waiter James P. wood & coal dealer, Whitaker street

Wesleyan & General Assurance Society, I High street Ware Fanny (Mrs.), beer retailer & lodging house, 27 Fair

.Stapley William Ricb.ard, shopkeeper, 47 Railway street row & 77, 79 & 81 Brook

.Statham Henry James, shopkeeper, n2 Chatham hill ·ware George, greengroeer, 29 Fair row

.Steddy Thomas, clothier, I 59 High street Ware John, shopkeeper, 143 Brook

Stedmau. & Wingent, millers (steam) & wharfingirs, Town Warren James, dairyman, 63 Henry street

mills & Wharf Waters Eleanor (Miss), dress maker, 33 New road

-STEED ALFRED JAMES, coal mer. Boundary ho. High st Waters John William, tailor, 297 High street

.Steer Richard, wardrobe dealer, 30I High street Watson Louisa (1\Irs. ), dyer, 89 High street

.Stephens M. S. & Son, solicitors, 33 Railway street Watson Hobert, lodging house, 169 & 171 Brook

Stephens Adolphus Frederick William (firm, Stephens Wattez Adolphe Charles, greengrocer, 341 High street

M. S. & Son), solicitor, & perpetual commissioner & com- Watts Henry, pharmaceutical chemist, 68 High street

missioner for affidavits, 33 Railway street \'.'ay Arthur Wallace, tobacconist, II High street

Stephens Matthew Spray (firm, Stephens M. S. & Son),· Webb William & Co. timber merchants, colliery agents,

so~itor, commissioner for affidavits, 33 Railway street cement, slate & drain pipe merchants, dealers in every

.Stevens Harry Waiter, baker, 127 Brook description of terra cotta, chimney pots, closet basins,

Stevens William, chemist, 253 High street plain & fancy ridges, plasterers' hair &c. ; trade supplied

Stigant .Adam & George, linen drapers, 46 High street at London prices, Railway station

~tigant Frederick Adam (firm, Norman & Stigant), solici- Webb & Son, tailors, 8o High street

tor, clerk to Chatham local board & burial board & Sim \'.'ebb Georgo, shopkeeper, 3 r John street

Pier, 22 High street Weller Emma (Mrs.), fruiterer, 269 High street

Stobbart Ralph, Rose in the Valley P.H. Hill's terrace Wells Caroline (Mrs.), beer retailer, 14 Fort Pitt street

Stowell James, shoe maker, 36I High street Wells Waiter Frederick, baker, 17 Fair row

.Btreeter William, watch maker, 252 High street Wells William, fishmonger, 171 High street

.8tretten William Thomas, dairyman, 20 Old road Wellsted William, draper, 349 High street

-Btudd William Owen, beer retailer, 157 High street Wenn William Robert, shopkeeper, 84 Henry street

Stupple Arthur, beer retailer, 330 High street \Vest James Hamon, china & glass dealer, 370 High street

Sullivan William, Prudential agent, 3 Colegate terrace West John William, wood & coal dealer, 23 Rhode street

Sutton & Co. carriers (Edmund Wyles, agnt.), 321 High st Westcombe John Richard, manager of London & County

Button Emma (Miss), dress maker, 9 New street Bank & treasurer to the local board, High street

.Sweeney George, shopkeeper, 13 King street "\Vheaton Oliver, grocer, 329 Iligh street

Swmnock Edward Daniel, confectioner, 94 High street Whiffen David Joel, mineral water manufacturer, Railwayst

"Tanner & Co. hardware dealers, 6o High street White Alfred, Old Ash Tree P.H. Rainham road

Tapsell Thomas, shopkeeper, 29 Cross street White Frederick, Imperial hotel, 49 High street

Tapsell William, baker, 5 Cross street White John, greengrocer, 109 Chatham hill

Taverner Ernest William, tobacconist, 2r4 High street Whitehead & Son, mourning drapers, 205 & 207 High street

Taylor Frances (Miss), clothier, 1~ High street Whitehead Albert. deputy registrar of births & deaths for

"Taylor George, boot maker, 282 High street Gillingham sub-district & deputy registrar of marriages,

Taylor George, greengrocer, 344 High street 203 High street

"Taylor Henry, musical instrument, pianoforte & cycle Whitehead Albert Jabez, furniture dealer, I97 & 199 High st

dealer, 7 High street Whitehead Jabez, auctioneer & registrar of births & deaths

Taylor James John, grocer, 94 New road for Gillingham sub-district, & registrar of marriages &

"l'aylor John William, tailor & outfitter, hosier & hatter, I91 vaccination officer for Medway union, 203 High street
Whitehead Edward, greengrocer, 3I8 High street
&I93 High street


Whittingham William, beer retailer, 70 New road Winch E. & Sons, brewers & maltsters, High street
Wickham James, White Swan P.H. 363 High street Winch George, solicitor, clerk to the stipendiary magistrates
Wickham John, Boatswain & Call P.H. Chatham hill
Wiggins William Thomas, poor rate collector, Thorold road & steward to Chatham court leet, registrar of Sheernesa
Wilcox Charles, fishmonger, 288 High street county court & alderman Kent county council, Milt<>n.
Wildish William, beer retailer, Cannon street cottage, New road
Wildish William Thomas, stationer & printer, proprietor &
Wise Thomas, shopkeeper, 2 Fort Pitt street
publisher of "Rochester & Chatham Journal," 78 High Witham Ellen (Miss), ladies' school, 83 New road
street; & at Rochester. See advertisement Withecomb Charles, currier & leather seller, Fair row
Wilkins Adelaide (Mrs.), feather cleaner, 31 New road ·wood & McLellan, solicitors, & solicitors to the 2ooth Starr.
Wilkins Bannah (Mrs.), dining rooms, 236 High street
Bowkett Building Society, 164 & 166 High street
Williams Henry, painter, 199 New road Wood George Henry, greengrocer, 234 High street
Williams Thomas, costumier, 14 Clover street Wood Humphrey, solicitor, see Wood & McLellan
Williams Thomas, linen draper, 229 High street Wood Robert William, scale maker, 11 High streei
Williams Thomas, plumber, Church street Wood William George, builder, 180 New road
Williamson Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer, 42 Ordnance street Vi'oodman John, greengrocer, I Claremont place
Williamson William, grocer, Dale end Woodman John, grocer, 3 Claremont place
Willmott George, tailor, 222 High street Woolf Rachel (Miss), umbrella maker, 6 Watts plare
Willson William Henry, coal & wood dealer, 9 Church street Woollett Charles Arthur, general dealer, Railway street
Woolley Thomas, beer retailer, 50 Ordnance street
Wilson Charles, confectioner, 239 & 359 High street Working Men's Institute (Jn. Bromley, hon. sec.), Nelsonrd
Wilson Edwin, baker, 62 Henry street Wright Richard, chimney sweeper, 20 Whitaker street
Wilson Peter, french polisher, 26 Brook Wyles Edmund, grocer, & agent for Sutton & Co. carriers.

Wilson William, beer retailer, I4 Church street 321 High street

Wilson William, greengrocer, 17 Brook

CHELSFIELD is a small parish and pretty village, Burnaby Atkins esq. the Earl of Derby K.G., P.C. and Miss.

situated in a rural neighbourhood to the east of the high Hallett are the principal landowners. The soil is var10us;

road from Sevenoaks to London, and has a station 1 mile subsoil, mixed. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, tur-

west from the village on the Tonbridge (South Eastern) nips, beans and peas, and a small quantity of hops; fruit~

railway, 16~ miles from London, 8 north from Sevenoaks also grown here. The area is 3,378 acres; rateable value.

and 7~ south-east from Bromley; it is in the Western divi- £12,700; the population in 188r was 947·

sion of the county, hundred of Ruxley, lathe of Sutton-at- GREEN STREET GREEN is a hamlet, partly in this parisli.

Hone, Bromley petty sessional division, union and county and partly in I<'arnborough, one mile and a half west of
court district, West Dartford rural deanery, Maidstone Chelsfield, on the high road from Sevenoaks to London, ill

arcbdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. Orpington postal delivery. Here is an iron Gospel Mission.

Mary is a building of flint and stone in the Early English hall, erected by Mr. Ebenezer Morrison, who also conducts.

style, consisting of chancel, nave with south chapel, south the services.

porch and a tower with spire, on the north side containing 5 Parish Clerk, Arthur Thomas Verrells.

bells: the south chapel is divided from the nave by two low PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B., Annuity & Insurance Office (Sub.
office. Letters should haveS. 0. added ).-William Stacey,
Pointed arches: set high in the walls are some windows of sub-postmaster. Letters arrive at 7.10 a. m. 3.10 & 7.'}J;)
Norman date: the chancel was decorated in r889, and has a p.m. ; sundays, 7.30 a.m.; dispatched at w.3o a.m. Ia:
noon & 7.30 p.m. ; sundays, dispatched 12 noon
brass to Robert le Brun, priest, ob. 1417, with a crucifix and
figures of SS. Mary and John: on the north side, within a The TELEGRAPH OFFICE is at the railway station
recessed arch, is a tomb of Perpendicular character, and
opposite are the tombs of three successive rectors-father, WALL Box, Pratt's Bottom, cleared at 9-45 a.. m. & 5.15 p.m.
son and grandson, by name Smith, of the 15th and 16th

centuries: there is also a brass of the 15th century to Mrs. SCHOOLS:-

Alice Braye, a benefactor to the parish: there arc 250 sit- A School Board of 5 members was formed in 1884; Geo.

ting~. The register dates from the year 1538. The living Wall, Bromley, clerk to the board; Josiah Smith, Sl

is a rectory, average yearly value from t.1the rent-charge Mary Cray, attendance officer

£688, net income [416, with residence and 12~ acres of Board School, erected in 1864, for 140 children; average

glebe, in the gift of All Souls College, Oxford, and held since attendance, I 10 ; William Bailey, master; Mrs. Lucy

r888 by the Rev. John William Nutt M.A. late fellow of that Bailey, mistress

college and examining chaplain t{) the Bishop of London. Board School, Pratt's Bottom, built in 1885, fur 170 chil-

There are places of worship for Wesleyans and Bible Chris- dren; average attendance, 8o; George Richard TunstaU.

tians. The charities amount to £19 8s. yearly, arising from master; Mrs. Tunstall, mistress

a house and land left in 16o8 by J oan Collet, of London, and Railway Station, Charles Bowles, station master
expended in keeping up the tomb and chapel, the surplus (if CARRIER TO LONDON-George Hlundell, from Shoreham ro.

any) being applied to the repairs of the church. William ' Queen's Head,' Borough, mon. & thnrs. returning tues.

Waring esq. J.P. who is lord of the manor, Mrs. Harris, & fri

Auld Edgar, Fairtrough Dougal Chas. farmer, 'Vashness farm Osgood George, carriage builder& shop-

Brind Frederick William, Court lodge Dunmall Richard, farm bailiff to l\Iiss keeper, Pratt's bottom

Collins Danl.The Grange,Pratt's bottm Hallett, Goddington l'ackman Thomas, Five Bells P.H.

Fox Wm. Beardsworth, Lilley's farm Ellis George Wm. cutler, Pratt's bottom Rock Montague Miles M. R.c. v.s.L. vet-

Hallett Miss, Goddington Foreman Henry, fruit grower erm• ary:<surgeon

Morgan Miss M. Cross house Fox William & Edwin, farmers, Lilley's Smallwood Thomas, baker

Norman Edward, Chelsfield house & Court Lodge farms Smith James,carpntr.buildr &undertkr

Nutt Rev. John William M. A. Rectory Fox William Beardsworth, farmer, Lil- Smith Richard, beer ret. & fruit grower

Powell Rev.~Harold Robert Powell M. A. ley's farm & Court Lodge farm Springett Thomas, baker-

[curate], Ivy cottage French Edward, carpenter Staceyi William, stationer, & post offics-

Rock Mrs. Stone house Greaves Thomas, wheelwright Sweetman John,shopkpr. Pratt's bottm

Stanley David, Cross house Groombridge Geo. butchr. Pratt's bottm Thomas Charles, beerretailer, Wellhill

Uhlrich HeinrichSigismund,Brynterion Harvey John, fruit grower Thompson Henry, grocer & draper

Waring William J.P. Woodlands Hathrell James, beer retailer, Well hill Verrells Thomas, harness maker

COMMERCIAL. Hufford George, tailor, Well hill Walton J sph. blacksmith, Pratt's botwm

Hlnndell Thos.fruit growr. YewTree cot Hughes William, land agent to Earl of Walton Thomas Waiter, farmer, Julia-

Brooker Robert, land measurer Derby, Northsted Brimstone's farm

Brooks George, pimp maker (firewood) Jackson Martha pirs. ), gro. Pratt's btm West Joseph, carting contractor ~

Capon Alfred, Hull's Head P.H. & far- Jcal Selina (l\Irs. ), shopkpr.Pratt's btm shopkeeper, Pratt's bottom

mer, Pratt's bottom Jessup tiamson, lime burner & whiting Whitehead George, fruit grower

Capon Leonard, grocer, Pratt's bottom manufacturer, Pratt's bottom Wickham Thomas, blacksmith

lfarm [For residents at Green Street Green,
Crawford Hew,poultry fancier,Hewitt's Latter William, fruit grower

Marchant Jn. White Hart P.H. no peep see FARNBOROUGH.l

Crowhurst John, wheelwright Morgan Thomas, fruit grower

CHERITON is a parish, situated in a pleasant and : lathe of Shepway, Elham union and petty sessional division,

picturesque neighbourhood, and within the parliamentary i Folkestone hundred and county court district and in ~

borough and partly within the municipal borough of Hythe, • rural deanery of Dover, and archdeaconry and diocese of

2~ miles west-north:west from Folkestone, 9 west from Canterbury. The church of St. Martin is an ancient edifi~

Dover, 2~ north-east from Hythe, 1 mile north-west from of flint and stone in the Early English style, consisting cl
Sandgate and 1 mile west from Shorncliffe station on the chancel, nave of two bays, south aisle, transept, north porcll
South Eastern railway, in the Eastern dirision of the county, and a small embattled western tower containing 6 bell.l,


fonr of which were recast and two new bells added as a and the girls attend the National school at Newington;
memorial to Maria (Brockman), wife of the Rev. Reginald superintendent, Arthur William Harvey; matron, Mrs. Jane

Bryd~ Knatchbull Hugessen B. A. rector of this parish I866- B. Harvey. A vilhge hall, built by Jesse Filcher esq. in

'}6. and now rector of West Grinstead, Sussex; she died 1869 and presented to the parish by his widow in 1873, 18
188o: the nave is divided from the south aisle by three used for lectures and meetings: there is also a. reading room

arches on octagonal pillars : in the north chapel or transept and a residence attached. At Underhill, during the troubled

Ill a. Decorated window containing a fragment of stained times of the Comrnonwealth, J ames Stuart, Duke of Lennox

glass representing the "Crucifixion," and at the east end of and Richmond K.G. a devoted adherent of the king, when in

the south aisle are two sedilia of the same period ; under this country, was concealed in a subterranean passage lead-

the windows on each side of the chancel are six fine Early ing from this mansion to the house of one Writter, who at.

English niches or stalls, with shafts of Purbeck marble and the Restoration in r66o was rewarded for his loyalty by the

moulded caps ; the pulpit has tolerable wood carving of governorship of Upnor Castle: it is now the property of F.

Perpendicular date: the church contains three recumbent D. Brockman esq. and in the occupation of Mrs. Denne.

fi.,"llres of the 14th century, brasses to John Child M.A. rec- Francis Drake Brockman esq. J.P. of Beachborough, Hythe~

tor, ob. 1474, with effigy in academical dress ; to Thomas, and Sir John W. Honywood bart. J. P. of Evington place,.

son of Sir John Fogg, rector, ob. 1502, and to Joan, wife of Elmsted, are lords of the manor and principal landowners_

Roberl Brodnax, ob. 23 Jan. 1592; Mrs. Elizabeth Raleigh, The soil is light; subsoil, chalky. The chief crops are

granddaughter of Sir Waiter Raleigh, who died 26 Oct. 1716, wheat and barley, lucerne and turnips. The area is 1,748

at Enbrook, Sandgate, is buried here: there are memorial acres of land and 5I of water; rateable value, £18, 128 ; the-

windows to the Rev. N. Fraser, a former rector; Jesse population in 1881 was 4,0530 inclusive of 1,686 at the Mili-
Filcher esq. of this parish and Sir Francis Savage Reilly tary Camp, Shornclifie.

t.C.M.G., Q.c., M. A. d. r883: in 1873 the church was restored, SEABROOK and part of HORN STREET, under the Divided
and a north aisle added; and in 1877 the tower was restored
and a vestry built: there are 350 sittings. The register Parishes Act of r882 (45 & 46 Vict. c. 58), have been added
dates from the year 1563. The living is a rectory, yearly
wlue from tithe rent-charge £475, with 7 acres of glebe to Hythe.
and residence, in the gift of Francis D. Brockman esq. and Parish Clerk, George Mitchell.

held since 1889 by the Rev. William Blackwall Buckwell M.A. PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
of Wadham College, Oxford. Di,•ine services are regularly John Bartter, receiver. Letters arrive from Sandgate at
7·45 a. m. & 7 p.m. ; dispatched at 7·45 a. m. & 7 p.m

held at the National school, Cheriton street, by the Rev. R. ScuooLs : -

E. Johnston B.A. curate in charge. The Congregational National (boys), built in 1869, for 16o; average attendance~

chapel, Cheriton street, erected in 1883, is an iron building. roo ; ~tephen Greenstreet, ma,:ter

The Cottage Homes here were built by the Elham union in ~ational, Cheriton street (girls & infants), built in 1887..

1888 for 52 pauper children, and stand in two acres of for xso children ; average attendance, 121 ; Miss Eliza-

ground; the boys are educated at Cheriton National school beth Moore, mistress

Bostock Charles LJay reader] Bean E. B. (Mrs. ),lodging ho. Rocklnds Johnson Edwin, hair dresser

Buckwell Rev. William Blackwall M.A. Bridgland Thomas James, grocer Kesby Peter, butcher

The Rectory Briggs John, baker Mcintyre James, baker

Conley Geoq;e Catt, I Enbrook villas Brown Laura (Mrs.), laundress Marchant Wm. farm bailiff to Francis

Denne Mrs. Underhill Brown William, shopkeeper Drake Brockman esq.J.P.Danton frm

Down W!lliam, Brook cottage Bull C. & Son, boot makers Martin:& Uridge, millers (wind),Cheri-

Dunster \\'illiam Peny, Mon Repos Burden David, corn & flour dealer ton mill

Heritage Charles, The Oaks Collard Edward, coal dealer Mitchell George, shopkeeper

Johnswn Rev.Robt.Edwin B.A.[cura.te- Crust George V.'illiam, ironmonger Parsons J ane (l\Irs. ), milliner
in-charge ofCheriton StreetJ, Enbrook Darby John Sackett, beerretlr. Horn st Pay Jamcs, confectioner

manor Dinmore William John, confectioner Philphott EJward & John, dairy

Page Stephen, Bank house DrummondMaurice,laundry, Lion Indry Pilchcr Richard, builder & contractor

Peden Frederick, 2 Enbrook villas Fisher F. J. corn & flour fa'!tor Port Charles, grocer

COllMERCIAL. Fisher Thomas, shoe maker Quested Chas. Robt. grocer & beer seller

Austin Charles, plumber Folkestone SanitarySteam Laundry Co. Rolre William, builder

Baldock Henry, White Lion P.H Limited (H. H. Barton, sec.) Works Russell Caleb 0. miller (water), Horn.

Bartter John, grocer, Post office Foster Wi!Jia.m Bodman, steam laundry Street mill

Bowley SusannahCatherine(Mrs. ), brick Fuller J oseph, greengrocer Stockwell Caroline (Miss), shopkeeper

& tile manufr. & farmer, The Firs Harris Frances Elizh. (Mrs.), Unity inn Turk H.ayner, blacksmith

CHEVENING is a parish including the hamlets of tithe rent-charge f.,"]66, with residence and 23 acres of glebe~
CHIPSTEAD and BESSELS GREEN, extending in length nearly in the gift of the archbishop of Canterbury, and held sinca
6 miles, being very narrow: the village is pleasantly situated x88g by the Rev. _Alleyne ~all Hall M. A. of University College,

about 3 miles north-west from Sevenoaks and 3 west from Oxford. There 1s a chanty of about £30 yearly, for appren-

Dunton Green station on the South Eastern railway, in the ticing poor children, derived from money le[t in 1713 by

Western division of the county, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, H.ebecca Wyndbam and Katherine Strode, of this neighbour-

hundred of Cod~heath, petty sessional division, union and hood and now in the hands of the Charity Commissioners.

county court district of Se-..enoaks, rural deanery of Shore- Chevening Place, the seat of Earl Stanhope F.s.A., D.L., J,:P_

ham, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. situated in a delightfully picturesque park, was erected from

The church of St. Botolph, one of the pilgrimage churches designs by Inigo J ones. The principal landowners are Earl

on the old road to Canterbury (the Pilgrims' road having Amherst D.L., J.P. lord of the manor, Earl Stanhope, George

previously run through Chevening park), is a building of Perkins esq. and William John Tonge esq. The soil is chalky

stone in the Early English and later styles, consisting of loam ; subsoil, ganlt, clay and lower green sand. The chief.

chancel and nave, each with a south aisle, south porch and crops are oats, cereals and pasture. The area is 3,893-

a massive embattled western tower of Perpendicular date, acres; rateable value, £6,528 ; tllC population in x88x was.

with an octagonal turret at the north-east angle containing 1,o86.

:;z bells: the nave is divided from the south aisle by three Bessels Green is a small hamlet containing severa~

wide pointed Early English arches on circular columns, and villa residences, a mile and a half west of Sevenoaks and
the chancel from its aisle or chapel by two Pointed arches on about 2 miles south-east from Chevening- church, on the
a circular pier ; in this chapel are three sepulchral arches Maidstone and (.i-odstone high road. There are Unitarian
and a piscina: in the east wall is a square locker: the and Particular Baptist chapels; the former dating from.
chancel contains a memorial window to Frederick Perkins 1667.
esq. and another erected by the Rev. Thomas Sikes M.A. late
Chipstead is a hamlet and pretty village of this parish,.
rector (1854-89) : in the south chapel are several monuments
to the Stanhope family and others, including a very beautiful on a branch of the Darent, 2 miles nurth-west from Seven-
memorial by Cilantrey to Lady Frederica Louisa (Murray), oaks railway station and 1 mile south-east from Chevening-
lrlfe of Lient.-Col. the Hon. James Hamilton Stanhope; she church. Divine service is held in the National school on.
died 14 Jan. 1823: it also contains two windows painted by Sunday evenings from October to March inclusive. Chip-
the late Countess Stanhope; Earl Stanhope presented five stead Place, the residence of Robert Gordon esq. is situated
new service books to Chevening church 14 Dec. 188o, on the a short distance east of the village.
occasion of the christening of his eldest son and heir, Vis- Parish Clerk, Henry Wood, Chevening.

count Mahon: on Easter-day, 5 April, 188s, a massive brass PosT & T. 0. Chipstead.-Thomas William Millen, sub-

eagle lectern was presented by A. T Bevan esq. of Bessels postmaster. Letters arrive from Sevenoaks at 6. 30 &

Green : the church was restored in t855 by the late rector, II.30 a. m. & 6.45 p.m. ; dispatched at 11.40 a.m. & 4.15
at a cost of nearly £1,300 and has 300 sittings, all free. The
& 7.15 p.m. The nearest money order office is at River-
regl8ter dates from the year 1561. The living is a rectory, head


W ALL L ET. I'ER Box, Cheven·mg VI'llage, clcare d II-45 a.m. & NaTtotioowhnlaoelIrd,Sm1c5ha0osotclehr('1mldirxeend;) , Chipste aadt, t benudilatnicne,th9e 8y;eaCrh1a8r5"1!l.
.6 ·45 p.m. week days & 1r.4o a. m. sundays average

Chevening. Chipstead. Palmer John Horace, boot & shoe deal!
Pope R. C. registrar of births & deatm
Stanhope Earl F.S.A., J.P. (lord Iieut. Cross James, Burton villa
& custos rotulorum of the county of Dark Misses for Shorebam sub-district
Kent), Chevening place; & 20 Gros- Foulger )!rs
venor place & Carlton, St. Stephen's Gordon Robert, Chipstead place Ranger Albert, George inn
Miles Thomas Henry, Darent cottage Shoubridge Thomas, shoe maker
& Travellers' clubs, London s w Tudor Richard, baker
Hall Rev. Alleyne Hall M.A. Rectory Osborne Thomas Upfold J ames (1\f rs. ), draper
Staples Mrs. Vine cottage Walker John Rock P.H. & hotel
Houghton William, Rose cottage
Tower Charles Working Men's Club (William Henry
Leton Miss, Grove house Grayson, sec)
Llewellin William M.A. Morant's court Wren William
COMli!ERCIAL. 'Visdom James, butcher
Lock Robert Parker, Cross Way house Wren William, iron founder & smith
Baker Edmund, Crown inn
McMonies James, Park house :Bessels Green.
~.range William John, Star liill house llristow Thomas, shopkeeper
Brown Fredenck, carpenter Baverstock William
COMMERCIAL. Bevan Arthur Talbot
· Burfoot Wm. miller (water & steam) Branson Mrs. Park point
Carr Mrs. Southdown cottage
Eooker William, farmer & fruit grower, Charman John, farmer Cattell Rev. James [Baptist]
Heath Waiter Brougbam
Morant's Court farm Cork James William, farmer, Frogball
Heath Misses
Cage Alfred, farm bailiff to Earl Am- Dark George, farmer, Moat farm Knaggs Miss, Southdown cottage
Newton Arthur Apsley, Chapel house
herst, Salter's heath Green Alfred William, tailor Rabson Misses
Reynolds John Mnllis, Southdown ho
Hornby .Benjamin,farmer,Turvin's frm Harbour John, wheelwright Veare Mrs. Bessels house

J\f:cMonies James,agent & farm steward Heath Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer Bramley Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Russell George John, King's Headinn
to Earl Stanbope, Park house Hodge John, plumbP.r &c

Richardson J oseph, farmer Martin A. & Son, whiting manufactrs.

Sutton Charles, head gardener to Earl & silver sand quarry owners

Stanhope Millen Thomas William, grocer & pro-

Wells Mrs.George,farmer, The Star frm vision merchant,uealer in china,glasll,

Wood Henry, farmer, Whitley mill ironmongery &c. Post office

~HIDDINGSTONE is a village and parish, situated in family, held by them since the year 1500 and now the pro-
the Weald, on the river Eden, a mile and a half south-west perty of Capt. Henry Streatfeild, is occupied by Edward
lfrom Penshurst station (in this parish) on the South Eastern Maynard Denny esq. ; in the park is the old Chiding Swne,
railway, 4 miles south-east from Edenbridge and 7 south from which the name of the village and parish is derived;
irom Sevenoaks, in the South Western division of the county, its origin is unknown but is supposed to be either a Druidical
lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, Somerden and Ruxley hundreds, remain or one of the preaching stones. Stone Wall is now
union of Sevenoaks, Tonbridge pett.y sessional division and occupied by Harrington Evans Broad esq. The principal
.county court district and in the rural deanery of Tonbridge, landowners are Capt. Henry Streatfeild, who is lord of the
archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. The manor, Edmund 'Waldo Meade-Waldll esq. .r.P. and Frank

.church oi St. Mary is a large building of stone in various Clark Hills esq. of Red Leaf, Penshurst. The soil is a stiff
styles from Early English to late Jacobean, and consists of clay; subsoil, north side of parish, clay, and south side,

-thr11e aisles, the two easternmost bays of the central aisle rock. The chief crops are wheat, beans, oats, peas and

tonning a chancel, nave of four bays, south porch and a fine llops. The area is 5,933 acres of land and 48 of water; rare·
and lofty embattled western tower of Kentish rag stone, with able value, £7,579; the population in 1881 was r,292.

<Jctagonal turrets at the angles, terminating in crocketed BouGH BEECH is in this parish, 1! miles north.

pinnacles and containing a clock and 8 bells: the north Parish Clerk, Charles Carpenter.
.chancel aisle was formerly a chantry belonging to Hore PosT 0FFICE.-George Chandler, postmaster. Letters arrive
Place in this parish and was built in the reign of Henry VII.: by foot post from Edenbridge at 8 a.m. ; dispatched &I

at its ju.nction with the north aisle of the nave, in the north 6.30 p.m. in summer & 5.30 p.m. in winter, & on sunday
wall, are the doorway and staircase formerly leading to the 1 at I r. 15 a. m. The nearest money order office is at Pens-
rood loft: the nave and aisles are said to have been destroyed ' burst & teleg-raph office at Penshurst station
tly fire in the 16th century and to have been rebuilt about / PosT OFFICE, The Hoatb.-Clifford Baker, receiver. Letters
:1640: the arches and piers are constructed of the ironstone i arrive by foot post from Edenbridge at 8 a. m.; dispatchoo

found in the parish: t.he pulpit, seats and font cover are all ' in summer at 6 p.m. in winter at 5.30 p.m. Penshurst is

iif old oak: there are hatchments and tablets throughout the ! the nearest money order & Cowden railway station the
dwrch to the Streatfeild family, chiefly modern: the large ' nearest telegraph office

lx'ass clu.ndelier was given by Dr. Tillotson, a former rector, PosT OFFICE, Hough Beech.-George Winter, receiver.
in. 1730; he also left for the private communion of the sick Letters from Edenbridge arrive at 8 a.m.; dispatched al
a very interesting chalice and paten of silver gilt: the chan- 6.15 p.m. in summer & 5.50 p.m. in winter. Edenbridg9
eel was restored about 1870 by the late Mr. G. E. Street R.A. is the nearest money order office & Penshurst station the
who also designed the reredos, a beautiful work representing telegraph office
the " Crucifixion: " there are 409 sittings. The register PosT OFFICE, Causeway.-John Crowburst, receiver. Let-
date.s from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, tithes tcrs arrive by foot post from Edenbridge at 8.30 a.m. &:

tCOmmuted at £768, with II acres of glebe and residence, in are dispatched at p.m. Penshurst is the nearest

~he gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since money order & Cowden railway station the nearest tele-

I875 by the Rev. Edward Henry Lee B.A. of New Inn Hall, graph office
{)xford. St. Saviour's iron church was erected at Cbiddin~- ScHOOLS : -


.stone causeway in 1887, at the cost of F. C. Hills esq. of Red National (mixed), built in 184o, for 124 children; average
Leaf, and has a western turret with one bell. Divine serviee attendance, 109; \Villiam Alfred Hughes, master
is also held in the school-room at the Hoath. The charities National, Hoath (mixed), for 70 children; average attend·

.amount to £14 yearly, arising from land and cottages left ance, 45 ; Miss Frances Hill, mistress
at various times by member5 of the Streatfeild family and National, Causeway (girl.~ & infants), built in 1873, for
o<Jthers; this sum is distributed in gifts of money on St. about 100 children ; average attendance, 6o; Miss Selin&
T.lwmas' Day and Good Friday to aged widows and parish- Sarab Skinner, mistress

ioKers with large families. The mansion of the Streatfeild Penshurst Railway Station, Henry Burgess, station master

Broad Harrington Evans, Stonewall coMMERCIAL. Capes Gerald, farmer, Camp hill

Cbcesman Ernest Richard,Bough Beech .Ag-ricultural Steam Plough Co. (Henry Chandler George, grocer, Post office

DennyEdwardMaynard; &IIIlryanston Edward Snashall, sec) ComberHy. miller(water),llassett'smill

square, London w Baker Clifford, grocer & draper, Post CollinsGeo.Blacksmiths'ArmsP.H.Hoath

Duke John, Causeway cottage office, The Hoath Coulstock Bros. wheelwrights, Hoath

Francis Mrs. Peregrine, Rectory cottage Baker William, farmer, Batt's farm Crowhurst John, shopkeeper,Postoffice,

.Hale James, Waterlake Bavey Henry North, Castle inn, & Causeway

Hale Mrs. Ivy cottage butcher & farmer Eade Ann (Mrs.), sbopkpr. BoughBeech

Lee Hev. Edwd. Hy. B.A. The Rectory Beale 'William, farmer, Larkin's farm Eade Albert, farmer, Bough Beech

.Salt Rev. William John M.A. [curate-in- Betts Jeremiah, farmer,Harbro' & Pole- Eastwood Samuel, farm bailiff to Mn.

charge of St. Saviour'sj, Chidding- brook farms Richard Streatfeild

stone causeway Bridger Edwin, coal merchant, Pens- Hale Abraham, farmer, Somerden

:Stonestreet Thomas, Mission rooms burst railway station Hale John, farmer

:Streatfeild Capt. Edward, Chested Brigden Benjamin, black5mith Hills Arthur, coal merchant, Pensh~

Ware Thomas, Sidcup Butcher John, carpenter railway station


HoathWilliam,coal merchant,Penshurst Remnant Henry, brick & tile maker, Wells Thomas, farm bailiff to Henry

ratlway station Red Leaf brick works Gibson esq. Boar place

Hollamby Henry, farmer, llobb's hill Sear! Frdk.frmr.&beer ret.Bough Beech Whitebread Thomas,farmer,Cole's farm

IZ7.8rd Jonathan, boot & shoe maker Skinner Edward, farmer, Boar's place Wiles James, farmer, Sharp's place

Leigh Francis, brick maker, High house 8kinner Frederick, farmer, Brownings Williams Edgar, Rock P.H. Hoath

Marcbant Edwin, blacksmith, Blue Boar Skinner George E. farmer, Lock Skin- Winter George, shopkeeper, Post office,

Palmer George, baker, Hoath ner's farm Bough Beech
Parsons John, farmer, Truggers farm Smallpiece Thomas Jesse, Railway inn Wood Robert, farmer, Kiln hou~e

Payne John, Chequers P.H.BoughBeech Smith Bros. farmers, Bay Leaf Young Jas. John, miller (water),corn &

Randle Samuel, farmer, Bales farm Wallis James, wheelwright flour dealer & frmr. Chiddingstn.mill

CHILHAM is a village and parish, situated on the old ages of sixteen and twenty-four ran a tye at Old Wives Lees,

rood from Canterbury to Ashford and the river Stour, with on which occasion the winning pair were entitled to £10

a station on the South Eastern railway, 65 miles from Lon- each, left by will, in 1638, by Sir Dudley Digges : this cus-

d n by rail and 54 by road, 6 south-west from Canterbury, tom has become obsolete and the money is now added to

8 north-east from Ashford and 7 south-east from Faversham, the funds of the National schools. Chilham Castle, the

m the Southern di\•ision of the county, lathe of Scray, bun- property and seat of Lieut.-Col. Charles Stewart Hardy

dred of .Felborough, union of East Ashford, Canterbury D.L., J.P. lord of the manor, is a structure of flint, chalk and

county court district, petty sessional division of Ash ford, stone, dating originally from the Norman period, and cover-

West Bridge rural deanery and archdeaconry and diocese of ing an area of 8 acres; the park, which adjoins that of God-

Canterbury. The village is lighted with gas by a com- mersham, is a mile in length and 400 acres in extent, and

pany. The church of St. Mary, situated in a churchyard affords a view over the Vale of Ash ford: courts leet and baron

surrounded by beautiful lime trees, is a building mostly are held here. The trustees of Peter Marten esq. and J. C.

f flint, in the Perpendicular style, with some earlier portions, Kay esq. and Lieut.-Col. Hardy are the principal landowners.

and consists of chancel with two chapels, clerestoried nave, The soil is loam and chalk ; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops

aJ.Sles, transept. south porch and an embattled western tower are wheat, barley, oats, fruit and hops. The area is 4,398

f chequered flint and stone, containing a clock and 8 bells: acres; rateable value, £8,563; the population. in r88r was

the nave has on either side an arcade of fonr arches, springing 1 1419.
from octagonal piers; at the west end of the church is a SHOTTENDE~. 1~ miles north-west, is a considerable ham-

] rge and gorgeous monument to Margaret, Lady Pal mer, let. Here is a Primitive Methodist chapel. HAGHAM CROSS

1619: on the south side of the chancel is a monumental pillar, is also in this parish.

erected by Sir Dudley Digge->, in memory of himself and his Parish Clerk, John Collens.

lady; he died xBth .March, 1638-9 ; there is also a memorial PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-

in the church to J. B. Wildman esq. a former owner of Richard Clinch, receiver. Letters arrive from Canter-

Chilham Castle and in the vestry traces of brasses: the door bury by mail cart at 6.50 a. m. ; by rail at 12.30 p.m. &

to the rood loft still remains: there are 6oo sittings, all being 5.30 p.m. ; dispatched at 12 a.m. & 7 p.m.; sundays,
free. The register dates from the year 1558. The living is a.m

a vicarage, gross yearly value £8oo, including 23 acres of W..&.LL LETTER Box, Old Wives Lees, cleared 6.15 p.m.;
glebe, with house, in the gift of Charles Stewart Hardy esq. sundays, 10 a.m

J.P. and held since r862 by the Re\'. Charles Henry Ramsden WALL LETTER Box, Shottenden, cleared 6 p.m. ; snndays,
JI.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. The poor have £29
yearly, derived from Consols and land left by various per~ons 9.20 a.m

and distributed at the discretion of the churchwardens. The SCHOOLS:-
National, erected in x862, for 230 children ; average attend-
Wesleyans and Primitive Methodists have chapels here. ance, 74 boys, 63 girls & 72 infants; Thomas Fag-ge,
Cllllbam was the scene of numerous conflicts between the master ; Mrs. T. Fagge, mistress; l\'Iiss Fanny Riddell,
infants' mistress
Britons and Romans and many Roman remains have been Sbottenden (mixed), built in 1864, for 36 children; average
attendance, 24; Mrs. Thomas Dray, mistress
from time to time discovered on the spot where the castle
now stands. When the Roman~ gained a permanent settle- Railway Station, William Moore, station master

ment in Britain, they made this place one of their '' Cast,·a CARRIEHS TO CA~TERBURY.-Sommers, from Challock,

nativa," or permanent encampments. The early Saxon

kings seem to have had a castle near the site of the present

mansion. Withred, King of Kent (694-725) resided here and thur!j. & sat.; Frederick Green, Canterbury- to .Ashford,

made it a place of great strength. A curious athletic con- tues. thurs. & sat.; Greenstreet, to & from Wye to

test used formerly to take place here annually on the 19th Canterbury, mon. wed. fri. & sat.; & Harlow to Canter-

of 1\Iar, when two young men and two maidens between the bury, toes. thurs. & sat

Cockerell Mrs. Robinscroft Croucher Thomas, grocer, Shottenden Knowler John, veterinary surgeon

Gillett Henry Day John, farmer & hop grower, How- LarkinsFrdk.frmr.&bop gTWr.Shottndn

Hamilton Henry let's farm, Shottendcn Marten Peter (exors. of), farmers & hop

Harnmond William Henry Dixon Thomas Minter, farmer & hop growers, Lower Ensign farm

Hardy Lieut-Col. Charles Stewart D.L., grower, Bowerland & Style farms Miller William, Wool Pack P.H

l.P. Chilham castle Dray Thomas, farmer & fruit grower, Owen James, nurseryman

Hobday Henry Shottenden Palmer Samuel, beer retailer

Ledeboer Mrs. Upper Ensign Fagge Thomas, assistant oversper & col- Pope George, plumber

Ramsden Rev. Charles Hy.M.A.Vicarage lector of Queen's taxes Pullen Thomas, farmPr & hop grower

Tylden Mrs Gillett Henry, miller (water & steam) ReynoldsGeorge,bailiffto HenryBarnes

Wilson Rev. Geo. Sumner B. A. [curate], & farmer & hop grower esq. of Faversham, Old Wives Lees

Danecourt Gillett John, farmer, Soles Hill farm ~eagerWilliam, farmer, Newhouse frm

COMMERCIAL. Greenstreet George, bailiff to Edward Shilling William, shopkeeper

Ballard Charles Richard, builder Lenery esq. of Maidstone, Cork farm Smith John, baker, Mulberry

&rnes Henry D. farmer & hop grower Hamilton Henry, surgeon Smith Robert, bailiff to J. C. Kay

ButtWilliam,steward toLi~ut.-Col.Chas. Harvey James Hambrook, farmer & esq. East Stour farm

Srewart Hardy esq. D.L., J. p hop grower, Shottenden Stanrord Edward William, boot maker

Cheesman William, grocer & draper Hawkins John, bailiff to l\'Iiss !<'airbrass, Stanley David, blacksmith

ChilhamGa!l.Co.Lim.(Jn.Knowler, sec) Denne manor, Shottenden SwafferJane(Mrs. ), hlcksmth.Shottndn

Clements Waiter, saddler Hills Frederick Thomas, Alma P.H Ward Alfred, Star P.H. Old Wives Lees

C\ements WiUiam Henry, butcher Horton James,wheelwrig-ht, Shottenden Ward Edward, grocer, Old ·wives Lees

ClinchRchd.grcr.&linen drpr. Post office Kennett Stephen, bailiff to Henry WilesFrederick, fruit grower,Shottendn

Coleman ('hristopher, baker Barnes esq. Hurst farm Wills John, cooper & turner, Dane st

Collier Edwin, Plough P.H. & grocer, Kingsland Thomas, grocer & baker, Wills John James, rustic worker

Shottenden Old Wives Lees

CHILLENDEN is a village and p;~,rish, 5 miles south- taining one bell : a carved oak screen divides the nave

west frow. Sandwich, 9 west from Deal, 8 south-east from the chancel, on the south side of which is a piscina,
from Canterbury and 3 west from Adisham station on and the church has a little ancient stained glass: it was
the London, Chatham and Dover railway, in the Eastern restored and reseated in 187r, and has 1500 sittings. The
CtVISion of the county, Eastry hundred and union, lathe register dates from the year IS59· The living- is a rec-
of_ St. Augustine, Win!l"ham petty sessional division, Sand- tory, average tithe rent-charge £84 a year, net income£ 122,

""Ieh county court district, East Bridge rural deanery and with residence and 18 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Re\·.
arehde.sconry and diocese of Canterbury. The church of Richard James Coling M.A. rector of Stowe Maries, Essex,
All ~nts is a small building of rough flints, in the Nor- and Miss Coling, and held since 1888 by the Rev. Edward
lllaQ and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave, Tritton Gurney. Lieut.-Col. Narbrough Hughes D'Aeth is

•u•la, north porch and a turret with shingled spire con- lord of the manor. The trustees of the late Rev. Sir Brook


George Bridges bart. of Goodnestone Park, and W. Oxenden Parish Clerk and Sexton, William Hopper Bean.

Bammond esq. of Wingham, are the principal landowners. Letters, via Dover, arrive at 7.30 a.m. 'fhe nearest DlDI!eJ

The soil is day; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, order & telegraph otlice is at Nonington

barley, oats and hops. The area is 202 acres ; rateable WALL Box cleared at 6.40 p. m. week days only

value, [469; the population in 1881 was 138. The children of this parish attend Goodnestone school

Gurney Rev. Edward Tritton, Rectory Burchell George, farmer Groombridge AlfredThomas,shopkeepep

(wind) Gibson Walter,carpenter & wheelwright Teall John, farmer

CHISLEHURST is an extensive parish, delightfully the roof is grained and the chapel is lighted by a small oda.

situated on the high road from Bromley to the Crays, with a gonal window set in the western end and three smalllan~

station on the South Eastern direct line to Tonbridge, 3 miles windows at the side: the sarcophagus of polished Aberdeen

east from Bromley, 8 south-west from Dartford and 11 from granite, presented by Her Majesty the Queen, within winch

London, in the Western division of the county, lathe of rested the remains of the Emperor Napoleon Ill. has been

Sutton-at-Hone, Ruxley hundred, Bromley petty sessional removed with the body of the emperor to the chapel built

division, union and county court district, ·west Dartford by the Empress Eugenie at Farnborough, Rants, where a!&~

rural deanery, Maidstone archdeaconry and diocese of Can- are now laid the remains of the Prince Imperial, killed at

terbury. The village is supplied with water by the Kent ltelezi, in Zululand, on the 1st of June, 1879, while se~

Water Company from works at Shortlands and Orpington. as a volunteer on a reconnoitring expedition during the

The church of St. Nicholas, situated in a beautiful church- Zulu war, temporarily deposited here 12 July, 1879: 1
yard, shaded by fine trees, is a fine structure of Hint and beautiful memorial to the prince has been erected by Mon.

entirely ~ave part of t.he chancel) in the Perpendicular signore Goddard on the spot where his body lay while in~

style; it consists of chancel with north and south aisles, church; this memorial consists of a canopied wall tomb et

nave, north chantry, south porch and a tower at the north- rsth century Gothic, with a recumbent figure of the prince

west angle with shingled broach spire, containing a clock of whhe alabaster in the uniform of the Royal Artillery:

and 8 bells; the nave is separated from the aisles by an the Right Rev. Monsignore Goddard is the resident priest:

arcade of five arches, on light piers of four clustered shafts ; there is a small cemetery adjoining the church.

the tower is placed at the west end of the north aisle, occupy- The Wesleyan chapel, situated on the Common and built

ing the space of one arch: at the east end of the aisle is a in 187o, is a structure in the Gothic style, with 400 sitting!;

good screen of wood, and there is also a rood screen: the a minister's house was built in 1.874.

reredos is of stone, carved and gilt, and the walls on either The Village Hall, situated near St. Nicholas' church, is

side are decorated with paintings executed in 1866: the used for parochial meetings, entertainments and concert.!,

font, dating from the 12th century, ,consists of a square and has a small stage with proscenium and scenery; it will

arcaded basin, mom1ted on five shafts : in the porch are the seat about 350 persons.

remains of a stoup: doorways anciently leading to the rood St. Mary's Hall, Chislehurst west, is a commodious build-

loft may still be traced in the north aisle: the church con- ing, erected in 1878, by voluntary subscription, at a cost of

tains monuments to Sir PhilipWarwick,sccretary to Charles I. £2,ooo and is used for Sunday and daily school p!irposes,u

who died Jan. 15, 1683: William Selwyn esq. treasurer of well as for entertainments and public meetings ; it also pro.

Lincoln's Inn and grandfather of the late Bishop Selwyn, of viues rooms for a workmen's club: the hall will hold 400

Lichfield, d. r817, with sculptures by Chantrey; Sir Edmund persons.

Walsingham kt. tb. r549; Sir Thomas Walsmgham kt. his In Church lane is a meeting-room, erected by the Chisle-

son, ob. 1630 ; and a brass with demi-effigy to Alan Porter, hurst Habitation of the Primrose League ; it will hold abon~

rector, 1452: the spire, together with the upper part of the 100 persons, and connected with it is a lending library;

tower, was burnt in r857 and the clock and bells broken ; it meetings are held on the ISt Thursday in each month; F.

was, however, rebuilt in the following year and the bells and C. Dob bing, ruling councillor.

clock replaced: part of the church (alled "The Scadbury The parochial charities produce an aggregate yearly incom~

Chantry " has for many years been the burial place of the of £ ro6 4s. 8d. and consist of Benson's gift of £I5 155.

Townshend family, Viscounts and Earls Sydney, and con- yearly, arising from £525 in New 3± per Cents. and ex-

tains a bracket, badges of the houses of York and Lancaster pended in clothing ; four benefactions, amounting unitedly

and some old monuments : all the stained ~lass is modern : to £8 Ss. 6d. yearly, derived chiefly from Consols and gifen

the (·hurchyard is entered by a beautiful lych gate, near to the poor; Harvill's charity of £r3 16s. 8d. annually, in

which is the tomb of Mr. and Mrs. Bunar, murdered at the hands of the Charity Commissioners and a sum of

Camden Place in 1813: the church was restored in 1849 and £1,306 14s. 4d. invested in Consols and producing £36 :zs.

has 480 sittings. The registers date from the year 1558. yearly, both devoted to the support of the national schools;

'fhe living is a rectory, average yearly value from tithe rent- Rand's and Cowell's gift of [ 7 a year, res tilting from

charge £450, net income L117, including 14 acres of glebe, £233 6s. 8d. in Consols and distributed to widows and

with residence, in the gift of the of Worcester, and widowers ; "Wilson's bequest of £16 IS. 8d. annuiilly,

held since 1846 by the Rev. Francis Henry Murray M.A. furnished by the Charity Commissioners for books for paro-

formerly student of Christ Church, Oxford, hon. canon of chial use; and Warwick's benefaction of £5 18s. wd. de-

Canterbur•y and rural dean. rived from a sum of £2oo 15S. 3d. invested in Consols and
The Church of the Annunciation, constituted the church of
applied to the apprenticing of lads to the sea service and

a separate ecclesiastical parish Oct. 29, r876, was built in trades connected therewith. These gifts apply to the whole

187o1 at a cost of £ro,ooo, and is an edifice of stone in the (civil) parish of Cbislehurst, comprising the ecclesiastical
Gothic style, consisting of chancel, IJRYe and aisles, side parishes of tit. :Nicholas, the Church of the Annunciation,

cbapel for daily service~, south porch and a vestry forming- St. John's Sidcup and part of !<'oat's Cray.

the first st.1ge of the tower : there are 6oo sittings. The .Almshouses fur 12 inmates were erected in r882.

register dates from the year 1870. The living is a vicarage, St. l\1ichael's Orphanage was established in 1855 for boys

gross yearly value £ II5, in the gift of Keble College, Oxford, between the ages of 4 and 12 years who have lost either or

and held since 1870 by the Rev. Henry Lloyd Russell, of St. both parents; they are admitted on payment of£13 annually

Mary Hall, Oxford. The population iu 1881 was 1,793· during their stay ; and are trained in accordance with tlut

Christ Church, erected in 1872 on a site presented by N. doctrines of the Church of England ; the institution is sup-

·w. J. Strode esq. at a cost of about £s,ooo, is a building of ported by voluntary subscriptions and is under the mana,ooe-
Kentish rag, with Bath stone dressings, in the Early Deco- ment of a lady superintendent assisted by the rector.

rated style, consisting of apsidal chancel, clerestoried nave, The Governesses' Benevolent Institution, Barley street.

transepts, aisles and a western tower with four pinnacles and London, office, 32 Sackville street w, founded in 1842, has

a spire containing a clock and one bell: it has 700 sittings, an asylum here for aged governesses; it is a building in the

one-third of which are free. The register dates from the year Late Perpendicular style, erected in 1871, w1th residential

1872. The living is an incumbency, yearly value about chambers for 12 annuitants, who receive £42 a year, paid

[350, derived from pew rent.~, in the gift of trustees and monthly, four tons of coal and medical attendance.

held since 1872 by the Rev. William Fleming u".R. of St. Cam den Place, on the we,;t side of the Common, built and

Catherine's College, Cambridge. formerly inhabited by William Camden, the antiquary, who

St. Mary's Catholic church, situated near the south edge died here Nov. 9, 1623, and till lately the residence of th6

of the Common, is a building of stone, erected in I 854, ex-Empress Eugenie, is a large brick mansion in the ItaliaD

chiefly at the cost of the Bowden family, and consists of style, situated in beautiful grounds, which, together with

chancel, nave, porch, mortuary chapel and a bell-cote above the park, cover an area of about 130 acres; the house con-

the chancel arch, containing one bell : the east window is sists of a central block of three storeys, with low projecfulg

stained : the chapel which adjoins the nave on the north side wings, the whole being finished with a balustraded parape&i

was added in 1874 by the Empress Eugenie, at a cost of over the entrance is a projecting balcony, and above this, oo

£1,soo, from the designs of Mr. H. Clutton, architect, to the upper storey, is a clock, supported by allegorical figul'flS,

rereive the remains of the Emperor Napoleon Ill. who died under a segmental arched pediment: the window overlook·

at Camden Place on Jan. 9, 1873: it is divided from the nave ing the balcony is that of the room in which the EmperU"

by an arcade of two arches, supported on columns of jasper; Napoleon III. died, and may be ;iewed from a footpaUi

vnu;;c roBY.] KENT. CHISLERURST. 173

past Ule garden front; the gardens are well laid out and The following county magistrates for Brom1ey Petty Ses-

ornamented with statuary: Camden is said to have written sional Division hold occasional courts as cases arise at the

his "Annals of Queen Elizabeth," while resident here about police station :-F. J. Edlm:J.nn, R. B. Martin, P. Nickalls

1615: Charles Pratt, lord chief justice of the King's Bench, & Clarence ~mith

and Earl Camden, took his title from this place : Mr. and PuBLIC EsTABLISHMENTS:-
Mrs. Bonar, who lived here in 18I3, were murdered in their Governesses' Benevolent In~titution, Manor Park road,

bedroom May 30, by the footman, Philip :Nicholson, who was Miss Edwards, superintendent

banged on Penenden Heath, August 23, in the sam;} year. Metropolitan Police Station, Henry Silver, inspector ; Geo.

The house is at present unoccupied. Pond & Charles ~tewart, sergeants & I7 men

Frognal, formerly the residence of Roland Tozer and now Rt. Mary's Hall, Chislelmrst West, Jn. J. Woodger, keeper

the seat of Countess Sydney, is a large mansion of brick, Village Hall

containing many family and historical portraits of much in- Chislehurst Common Conservators, John Hooper, keeper

terest, including some fine miniatures; the gardens are laid FeirnegEm. negeirne Station, Henry Harris,_captain & J. H. Burton,
out in the Italian style ; it is separated by a road and a.

beautiful avenue of trees from Scadbury Park, which is PLACHS OF WORSHIP, with times of serviCJS : -

well timbered and preserved, and comprises about 300 St. Nicholas', Hev. Francis Henry Murray M.A. rector;

acres. sundays, holy communion 7 & 7-45 a. m. first & third sun.

There are common lands secured to this parish, extending after m:ttins; matins & sermon 9·45 a. m. ; m:1tins, litany

over 150 acres, intersected by roads and footpaths and in & sermon II a.m.; children's service 3.30 p.m.; even-

parts covered with gorse and trees, and during the summer song & sermon 7; festivals, holy comm!Jnion 7-45 & 10. IS

months are a favourite resort of excursionists : they are a. m.; children's service 9· IS a. m.; matins 1I a. m.; even-

now under the management of a Board of Conservators. song 5. IS or 8 p. m.; evensong & sermon on t11e festival

()n the common is a monument to the Prince Imperial, 8 p.m.; week days, holy communion (except on wed.)

erected in I88o by the residents of Chislehurst; it consists 7-I5 a.m. wed. IO.IS a.m.; matins (except wed. & fri.)

of a Runic cross of granite, 27 feet high, beautifully carved 8 a. m. weJ.. & fri. 1 I a. m.; evensong (exc~pt wed. & fri.)

and having on the front the imperial bee and the inscription 5.1_5 p.m. wed. (&vigils) 8 p.m. fri. 7.30 p.m.; from

following:-" Napolerm Eug8nA Louis Jean Joseph, Prince Easter to Michaelmas evensong at 6 instead of 5· 15

Imperial, born in Paris, I6th March, r856, killed in Zulu- Church of the Annunciation, Rev. Henry Lloyd Russ~ll,

land, 1st June, 1879 ; " at the back is inscribed an extract vicar; sundays, holy communion each sun. 8 a.m. 1st &

from the prince's will, expressive of his gratitude to H. M. 3rd sun. 7 & 8 a. m. 2nd & 4th sun. 8 & I 2 a.m. sth sun. 8

the Queen, the royal family and the English nation. & 10 a. m. ; matins (&, when there is no late celebration,

The celebrated statesman Sir Francis Walsingham, Queen litany) & sermon II a. m. ; children's service, 3· I5 p.m. ;

Elizabeth's minister, was born at Chislehurst about I536, evensong & sermon 7 p.m.; festivals : great festivals, holy

311 was also (in I5o;J) Sir Nicholas Bacon, father of Francis communion 6, 7, 8 & 12; saints' days 7· 15 & 11.30 a. m.;

Bacon, Viscount St. Albans and lord chancellor ; Prince evensong, S-30 p.m. on the even or vigil 8 p.m.; week

Hoare F.S.A. artist and author, who died at Brighton, Dec. days, holy communion (except thurs.) 7. IS a.m. thurs. 8

2:1, 183-t-, was buried here; and William, 1st Baron Wynford, a. m. ; evensong daily at 5· 30 p. m

formerly lord chief justice of the Common Pleas, died here Christ Church, Rev. William Fleming LL.B. incumb:mt;

March 3, I845· 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. II a.m

The principal landowner is now the Countess Sydney, who St. Mary's Catholic, Rt. Rev. Monsignore Goddard, reili-

is lady of the manor. dent priest ; mass, 8,3o & I I a. m. ; devotions, instruction

The soil is various, but is chiefly loam, gravel and. clay ; & benediction, 4 p.m. ; holidays of obligation, mass 8.30

subsoil, sand and chalk. The chief crops are cereals of all a. m.; benediction 4 p.m. ; week day services as an-

kinds, but mostly fruit. The area is 2,748 acres; rateable nounced

value, £57,6oo; the population in 1881 was 5,341. Wesleyan, Rev. Thomas Clarke, minister; II a. m. & 6.30

SrncuP, an ecclesiastical district, partly formed from this p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
parish, will be found under a separate head. . 72
Parish Clerk, St. Nicholas, John Chivers. National, erected in 1874, for I30 boys, III girls & in-
infants; average attendance, 70 boys, 40 girl.,; & 6o
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- fants; Charles Edward Eggleton, master; Mrs. Martha
Mrs. Sarah E. B. Wbomes, postmistress. Letters arrive Eggleton, mistress ; Miss Elizh. Owen, infants' mistress
from London & all parts at 7.20 a. m. & 1.30 & 6.40 p.m.; Countess Sydney's (mixed), built for 40 children, with full
snndays at 7.30 a.m. ; dispatched for London & all parts average attendance; Miss Jessie Page, mistress
at 9 a. m. & I, 3·45 & g.2o p.m.; sundays 6.20 p.m
Christ Church (mixed & infants), for ISochildren; average

PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Chisle- attendance, 75 ; Miss Matilda Marsh, mistress; Mrs.

hurst West.- Wil!iam King, sub-postmaster. ~etter j Snsanna 'fanslcy, infants' mistress

Box cleared at 8.4.) a.m. 12.30, 3.30 & 8.30 p.m., sun- National, Chislehurst West, enlarged in r866 & again in

days at 6 p.m 189o, for 120 boys, 120 girls & I50 infants ; average at-

PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, tendance, 70 boys, 65 girls & 99 infants ; '"'illiam P~rson,

Lower Ca:rnden.-Robt. Alexander Lowe, sub-postmaster. master ; Miss Florence Cole, infants' mistress

Letter Box cleared at 9 a.m. I2.30, 4 & 8.30 p.m.; sun- Wesleyan, built in 1875, for 320 c~ildren ; average attend-

days at 5.30 p.m ance, I 8o ; Henry Poole, master

POST OFFICE, White Horse hill.-Charles Feltham, receiver. Catholic (mixed), erected in 1877 at a cost of £6oo, for

Letter Box cleared at 8.35 a.m. 12.20, 3-30 & 8.15 p.m.; 8o children; average attendance, 34; Miss Irma Kips,

Sundays at 5-45 p.m. Chislehurst is the nearest money mistress

order office & Chislehurst West the nearest telegraph Railway Station, William Akers Lord, station ma.ster

office CARRIERS TO LoxnoN.-William Reed & Son, daily

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bassett R. G. 29 Chislehurst road Bushell Thomas, 5 Wellfield place,
Chislehurst west
AdamsJn.Franklin,The Oaks, Manor pk Batten Thos. Foxdeane, Low. Camden
Adams Mrs.3 St.Mary's viis. Willow gro Beck Fras. Fairholm, Chislehurst com. Campbell Miss, Achlian, Church row
Allchorn David, I Crown lane Beck Misses, Willow grove
AllenArth.Jn.Salcombe, Chislehrst. corn Beck Morris, St. Paul's Cray common CampbellWm.Rossmore,
Alien Joseph, Shepherd's green Beckwith Edward L. Millfield, Chisle- Carey HerbertS.Coverdale,Summer hill
Alston Alfred, Grange cottage, St. Chapman Chas. Capel, Red Hill cottage
hurst cornuwn
Paul's Cray road Rirkett Louis, Richman cot.Church row Charke Rev. Thomas [Wesleyan], The
AU!tonMrs.Grange cot.St.Paul'sCray rd lllakemore Ramsey, Woodlands, Chisle- Manse, Chislehurst common
Amos Miss, Coed Bel, Lubbock road
Anderdon Miss, St. Michael's lodge, hurst road Charrington Thomas, Mayfield, Chisle-
Bloxam Robert John, Calderwood, St. hurst com.mon
Chislehurst common
Aplin Isaac Weston, I R'lyal parade Paul's Cray road Chattel! David James, 4 Clarendon
Asbe John William Leach, The Mount, Blyth Arnold, Marlings, 'St. Paul's Cray villas, Chislehurst common

Chislehurst road common Chubb Sir George Hayter, Newlands,
Ashe Wm.Percy,Ivy bank,Chislehrst. rd BookerGeo. Wm. Combertn. Low.Camdn Chislehurst common
Baker Jn. 1 Florence viis. Chislehurst rd Boulcott Miss, Hurstmead,Church lane
BalmeCharles,Kemnal wood,Kemnal rd Bnwen Jas. Hill, Lewestnn, Chislehurst Chubb Harry, 5 Summer Hill villas
Balme Nettleton, Inglewood, Kemnal rd Brigden William, 15 l<'rognal villas Chubb Miss, Bro<tdOak,Chislehurst corn
Barber George, Walsingham, Manor pk Bristol Charles, Church row
Bamard William, Nutwood, Royal par Brown Miss, 3 Red Hill villas, Red bill Chubb Thos.Percival,4\VillowGrove vilf!
Barry Charles, Beaverwood, Perry st Bruce Jas. Black mount, Summer hill Clarke Robert Boucher,Eldridge, South
Bartlett Mrs. Holly Brake, Church lane Bull James Weston lii.D. Scadbury
Hill road
villas, Chislehurst west Cockcroft Thomas Howerth M. D. Manor
Bulley Charles A, Green lane
lodge, Manor Park road
Cornberbach J n.Glenthorne, Low. Cmdn
Cromwell Oliver, Susan ·wood cottage.

Chislchurst road

., •


Croshaw George, Churchill, Manor park Keeble Richard, White Horse hill Pettigrew Mrs. South bank,Elmstead]a

Crouch Jn. Saxby's, St. Paul'sCray corn Kemp John, 10 Church row Phillips Geor!?"e, Remony, Willow ln'llle

Cruickshank AlexanderJames,Kincraig, Kenderdine Charles H. Scadbury park Pickering-J n.Foster,St. Aloes, Low. Cmi!a

Lubbock road Kennet-Dawson Benjamin Were, Pillans Mrs. Cadlands, Perry street

Cunliffe Miss, 2 Lamorna villas, Chisle- Braemar, Lower Camden Plowden Miss, The Cottage, Church la

hurst west King E. J. Rosedale, Gushill road Plummer Mrs. Oak Jo. Chislehursti'O!n

Day Frdk.2Morley cots.Chislehurst com Klotgen William J. Hugo, Chatham Postlethwaite Geo. B. Pelham,Manorp{

Day Mrs. Stanstead, Lower Camdcn house, Goshill road Poo;tlethwaite Mrs. Pelham, l\Ianor par(

Dean Thomas, 5 Red Hill villas, Red hill Lamb Charles, 10 Lower Camden PotterWm. 'Water htoe'r"b'ra.nCkh,isSluehmrmst.ercoh1J11
Deen John, 1 St. Mary's viis. Willow gro Lash William, 10 Frognal villas Powell Mrs . Heat

De Pontchalon Mrs. 4 Morley cotta.gcs, La wson J oseph, Rectory cottage, St. Powell Mrs. Wardley, Church lane

Chislehurst common Paul's Cray road Pugh Alfd. Cheshire,2RedHI. viis.Red iiJ

Dobbing Frederic C. Crayfield, St. Leaver Frederick, 9 Marland villas Raikes RobertTaunton M. A., J.P. Ender.

Paul's Cray road LelliottChas.\Yater towr. Chislehrst. corn field, Lubbock road

Dodsworth Rev. William Wallis M.A. Line Arthur, 7 Red Hill villas, Red hill Redpath Peter, Manor ho. Manor Pk. rd

[curate of the Church of Annuncia- Lovett John Anthony Stratford, Wood- Reed Wm. 2 Rectory pi. Chis!ehurst com

tion], Scadbnry viis. Chislehurst west burn, South Hill road HeidRev.Stuart[Cong. ],4 WillowGro.rd

DonmallMiss, Whinfield,Chislehrst. com McCaul Gilbert John, Creggan Darrock, Rhodes Arth. Powerscourt,Chislehrst.rd

Drebar Geo.Aug.Fernwood,Camden wd Yester road Rhodes Arthur Charles, Warren house,

Dnncan Andrew, Holbrook, St. Paul's Macduff John Ross D.D. Ravensbrook, St. l'aul's Cray road

• Cray common Lubbock road Richards John Rog-ers, The Homestead,

Durling Thomas, 4 Crown lane Machin Alfred, Logshill, Elmstead lane Chislehurst road

Easson Rev. Utten James M.A. [curate MacIntyreThos. Hydeswood, E lmstead la Robertson Miss, Lime villa, Church rOl'

of St. Nicholas Parish Church], Manger Geo. Arab's tent, Low. Camden Rogers Jn. I. Raggleswood, Lubbockrd

Clergy house, St. Paul's Cray road Marsh Mrs. 3 Marland villas Rose Mrs. ro Red Hill villas, Red hill

Edlmann Frerlerick Joseph J.P. Hawk- Martin Richard Biddulph M.A., F. R.G.s., Russell Rev. Henry Lloyd [vicar of tbe

wood, Chislehurst common J. P. Chislehurst common VC.Ihcuarrcahgeof Annunciation], Red Hill

Edwards Geo.Elmstead cot.Elmstead la MartineauMiss,Furzefield,

Edwards Owen, Camden wood Martinoysky Ignaz, 3 Lower Camden Russell Miss, 10 Red Hill villas, Red hill

Fellowes Mrs. 6 Red Hill villas, Red hill Matthews Bertie Pardo, Royal parade Rus~ell William Campbell,Goldenmead,

Field George, 31 Chislehurst road Mawe Fk. Hy. Wrenna weald, Willow gro Mead road

Field Geo. Edwd. Penrhos, ManorPk.rd Mawe Mrs. Hatton house,Lubbock road Sidgrove Waiter B. Walden Knowle,

Firbank Joseph Thomas J.P., D.L. The Merck Arthur,Ivybridge,Chislehurst rd Walden road

Coopers, Chislehurst common Merry William G. Chislehurst common Saffery Ed ,..d. Ballygrange, Low. Camdn

Fleming Rev. William LL.B. [vicar of MiddletonClementAlexander,W oodcote, SandersonJn. Buller's wood,Elrnstead la

Christchurch], Hill side, Lubbock rd Elmstead lane Sangster Frdk. 8 Reel Hill viis. Red hill

!<'lemming Robt. Walden, Camden wood Mileham Charles Henry Money, Burling- Schuster Francis J oseph, Ellll8teali

Ford James, Inchape, South Hill road ham, Chislehurst common wood, Elmstead lane

Foster Henry,Rose cot. Chislehurst com Miles Jn. Rectory gdns.Chislehurst corn Scott Sir John, South borne, Kemnal rd

Foster Richd. Homewood,Shepherd's rd Miller George, Chislehurst common Scott.Jn.jun. ElmstP-ad grnge.

Fox Thomas Percy, 1 Church row Millman Wm. Beechbrook, Lubbock rd ScottThos.Edwd. Woodlnds.Low. Cmdn

FreeseFrdk. Wm.Granite lo.Lubbock rd Mitchell Albert Theodore, Elmstead Search Hy. Wm. Manor cloiie, l\Ianorpk

French Rt. Rev. Thomas Valpy M.A. glade, Walden road Shackelton l\Iiss, Chislehurst common

Whinside, Chislehurst common Mitchell Alfred C. Lnbbock road Shadbolt Geo. Beechcroft, Lubbock rd

Gibson Edwd.G.Camden hl.Lubbock rd Moberly V!'illiam Harvey, 4 Rectory Shelley Percy, Willowcroft, Willow gro

Goddard Rt. Rev. Monsignore [vicar place, Chislchurst common Silver Col. Hugh Adams, Abbey lodge,

of St. Mary's Catholic], Crown lane Molesworth Mrs. St. Meddens, St. Paul's Lubbock road

Goodale Miss, 2 Queen's villas Cray road Silver Waiter Hugh, 2 Clarendon villas,

Gould Misses, Woodheath, Kemnal road Moncrieff William Scott, Little Lang- Chislehurst common

Griffith Edward F.c.o. Rectory place, tons, Lower Camden Slade Edmund, Burstock, Mead road'

Chislehurst common Monro Miss, Lubbock road Slade ~Iisses, Belmont, Green lane

Gropius Wilfried, Heidelberg villa, Muir Andrew, Villefranche, Low. Camdn Slater Ernest John, r8 Lower Camden

Lower Camden Murray Rev. Francis Henry M. A. [rector Smith Rev.Henry UrlingM.A. [cnraU:of

GunyonThos. Crown cots. Chslehrst. corn of St. Nicholas, hon. canon & rural St.Nicholas], Summerside,Summer W

Hannam Fredk.Rirchwood,SouthHill rd dean], Rectory, Manor Park road Smith Clarence J.P. The Hawthorns,

HarrisHy. Chas. White MurtonWalt. Meadwcrft. Chislehrst. corn Chislehurst common

Hart Harold, I Red Hill villas, Red hill Nanson Christr. Ennismore, Yester rd Smith Hamilton, Oakleigh,Summer hill

Hart William Pepper, Hill side, White Newman Edward, 2 Summer Hill viis Smith Miss, The Anchorage, Church la

Horse hill Newton Alfd.Jas.Northwd.Manor Pk.rd Smith Mrs. 5 Church row

Hawes Travers, The Nizels,Kemnal road Nickalls PattesonJ.P.Fallowfiel d, Chisle- SnellF. Alford, Athelney,Cbislehrst. cvm

Heales Major Alfred, Leesons, St.Paul's hurst common Snell Frederick William, The Chestnuts,

Cray common Nicoll A. Ventnor, Camden hill St. Paul's Cray road

Hewitt Thomas Robert,Chislehurst corn Nussey Anthony Foxcroft, Ivy house, Speyer Chs. AnthonyTrinarn, Kemnal rd

Hil!ErnestGeo. Crathorne, Low. Camden Chislehurst common Spicer Miss, Inglewood, Chislehnrst rd

Hiscock James, 1 Albert villas Nussey Misses, 4 Church row Spicer William Gage J.P. Oakwood,

HodgesOliverThomasLaC'hine,Yester rd OakleyChristopher,Cromlix,Summer hl Camden wood

Hodgkinson Mrs. Cleveland, St. Paul's Ogle Wm. Slingsby,Rod wId. Chslehrst. rd Spink Charles F. 1 Summer Hill villas

Cray road OldendorffEd win,N urnberg villa,Lower Steele Alexander Robertson, Ee-Yuan,

Holland Ed ward Lancelot, Seafield, Camden .Manor park

Chislehurst common Oldendorff Ludolph Heinrich, Ferns, Stephenson Henry Langton, Glen Avon,

Honey Henry,Wyvelsfield,Kemnal road Lower Camden Lower Camden

Howard J n. Fair oak,St. Paul'sCray corn Oldham Mrs. Walpole, Manor park Stephenson Miss, Mead road

Howar!L'irs.4Florence viis. Chislehrst. rd Otter Mis~, 9 Red Hill villas, Red hill Stott Newell S. Fair vw. South Hill rd

Hubbuck Augustus George, Elmstead Otway John, Green lane Surie Peter, The Garth, Chislehurst rd

lodge, Elmstead lane Owers George, 3 Crown lane Sydney The Countess, Frognal

Hugill John, Rosedale, Lubbock road Palmer Wm. Elmstead court, Elmstd. la Tapsell Thomas, Chislehurst comm~n

HumphryCharles Hy. 4 Lower Camden Panckridge Mrs. Bockleton, St. Paul's Tay!er Miss, I Rectory pl. Chislehrst.COIII

Hunt George Stratford, Sandfield, Cray common Teichmann Emil, Sitka, South Hill rd

Chislehurst road Parker Archibald, Sunnyhill, Yester rd TesterMrs.Norman cot.Chislehurstcom

Button Thomas Owthwaite,Merlewood, Parker Mrs. 2 Church row Thornton Wm. Sunnymd. Chislhrst. colll

Chislehurst road Pascall Amos, 4 Red Hill villas, Red hll Thorpe Francis Robert, Royal parade

Jackson Mrs. Clifton vil. Royal parade Pascall George, Red hill Tiarks Hy. Frdk. Foxbury, Kemnal rd

Jackson Thomas, Oak bank,Lubbock rei Pears HughVaughan,Hornbrook house, Telling George, Green lane

J amesHenry, HollyBowers,Kemnal road Chislehurst common Tindall Hy. Edward Arnside, Mead rd

J ansonDearman, Northfield, El m stead la Pearse Misses, Pennithorpe, 1.\'Iead road Tosh John, Camden ridge, SouthHL rd

Jeffery Mrs. Chislehurst west Pedder Misses, Chislchurst common TownendArth. P. Chipstd. Chselhrst.colll

Johnson David,Camden wood,Yester rd Perkins Hy. Llwyn Gwern, Willow gro Townend Thos. Glenrose, Chislehrst.colll

J ohnsonMiss,TheDeodaras,Royal parade Perks George, 3 Church row Treby Miss, Ashton, Mead road

Johnson Mrs.Kemnal manor,Kemnal rd Perks Rbt. Wm. Claverley, Lubbock rd TurnerMiss, 3Morley cots. Chislhrst.~

Johnsron Francis Jn.Lamas,Lubbock rd Perks Saml.Hollis,Brooklyn,Lubbock rd TwitchenGeo. Rectry .gdns.Ch;-lhrat.colll

Josling Mrs. 3 Summer Hill villas Perry Mrs. 11 J<'rognal villas Tye Silas, 2 Crown lane

JoynsonEdwd.H.Ravenshill,Summer hl Perry William, Thorndale, Lubbock rd Tylor Mrs. Willow grove


ClEUSLl!:EC''RST, 176

Vanner James,Engelbert,Camden wood Collison Frances (Mrs.), dress maker, Law Edward, boot & shoe maker, Vie•

Vanner William, Camden wood Chislehurst road toria cottage, Marland villas

VanghanWm. E lmstead knoll, Elmstd .la Collison Wait. Wm. baker,Chislehurst rd Lawrence & Wenborn, photographerst

Wade George Herbert, Ivy lodge, Cooling Geo. fishmngr. Chislch urst west Chislehurst west

Church row Cooling Wm. fishmonger, Royal parade Lawrence Frederick,stationer, 2 Chisle-

Walker l\frs. Holmleigh, Kemnal road Cooper Bros. corn mers. Royal paradB hurst west, & photographer, see

Wallroth Mrs. Woodclyffe, Summer hill Cooper William & Co. drapers & Lawrence & Wenborn

Ward William Hardcastle, Coombe hatters, 6 & 7 Royal parade Lawrence George, fruiterer & greengro_

Mavis, Lower Camden Coulthard John, cowkeeper, Perry st Chisletmrst west & 3 Royal parade

Wardrop Thomas, Camden Wood cot- Crouch Thos. coal dlr. 7 Marland villas Leaver Fredk. tailor, Chislehurst west

tage, Southill road Crowe Brothers, (Frederick William & Lester John, plumber, 4 Wellfield pl.

WatererPercy, TheCottage, Low. Camdn Thomas), greengrocers, I Park road Chislehurst west

Watt Thomas Rossiter, The Briar, Crowe Thomas, beer retailer, Park rd Libby Thos. Hy. buildr. 2 Imperial ter

Chislehurst common Crowhurst Geo. butcher, Royal parade Lindon Fanny (Mrs. ),laundrss. Re:i hill

Webb Edward A. Cookham Dene, Cruttenden Benj.plbr.&glazr.22Park rd Line Moses & Son, grocers, drapers &

Manor park Culley Henry, fly propr. Chislehurst west outfitters, Chislehurst west

Webb Warwick,Hatton cot. Lubbock rd Dabner Charles, builder, Helmont grove Lord William Akers, station master,

WebsterJn. Woodlands,Chislchurst corn Dabncr Robert, gt"occr, 15 Mill place Chislehurst sta.tion

WestMrs.3Clarendon vls. Davis Thomas, painter, 17 Camden ter Lowe Robert Alexander, builder & con-

WestStph. Hy. Heathfield, DawsonHarrt. (Miss),schl. uFrognal vls tractor,& post office, I Low. Camden

WhichelowGeo.TheFerns,ManorPark rd Deen Walter, ladder maker, Red hill Malby John, oil & color man,21 Park rd

White Richard, Harley, Manor park · De Pledge Thomas, mason, Slades cot- Manning & Anderson Almshouses (Miss

·wbitehead Alfred, 2 St. Mary's villas, tages, Green lane I<'reeman, lady supt. ), Chislehurst we

Willow grove Donmall Robt. carpntr. Chislehurst corn Margetts Edmund,fruitr.Chislehurst rd

Whomes Richard, 3 Rectory place, Edey George, dentist, I Hoyal parade Marsh Henry, baker, Chislehurst west

Chisleburst common Elliott & Cripps, chimney sweepers, Martin & Co. bankers (Thomas Robert

WhyteRobt.Oakwood ho.Camden wood Chislehurst west Hewitt, manager), Chislehurst corn.;

Wigram Lewis, The Grange, St. Paul's Feltham Charles, carpenter,shopkeeper, draw on head office, 68 Lombard st-

Gray road & post office, 3 Camden cottages, London E.C

Wilde Miss, Well cot. Chislrhurst corn White Horse hill Mathews, Humphry & Mathews, sur-

Wilkins Henry,Oak cot.Cbislehurst corn FieldChas.job&post mstr.'Chislehrst. we geons, 4 Lower Camden

Willis Henry J. I Lamorna villas, Field Geo. jobmaster, Chislehurst road Matthew Seth, Bickley . Arms hotel,

Chislehurst west Fire Engine Station (Henry Harris, Chislehnrst road

Willmore Graham, Wildcroft,Sth. Hl. rd captain & J. H. Burton, engineer) Matthews Bertie Gards, surgeon,

Wollaston George Buch1nan, Bishop's FleggGeo. Fredk. sadd!er,Chislehurst we Royal parade ·

well, Chislehurst common Foreman Harry, smith, Chislehurst we Maxlow J ohn,job.gardnr. 9 Frognal vils

WollastonStanleyG B. 2 WillowGrove vls Foster Jesse, baker, Park road M.ercerJas. boot & shoe ma. Belmont gro

Wood James, I Queen's villas Francis Wm.coff. rms.Chislellurst statn Messenger Geo. confectioner, Royal par-

WoodPeterFrdk.Camden lo.Lnbbock rd French George, house decorator, 5 :Mileham Charles Hy. Money, architect,

Woodgcr John Joseph, 4 St. Mary's Eugcnie cottages, Crown lane Burlingham, Chislchurst common

villas, Willow grove Garrett Philip, jobbing gardener, 6 Miles John, butcher, 5 Burlington par-

Wythes ErnestJ. Bickly. pk. Chislehrst. rd Frognal villas ade, Chislehurst west

Yarborough Rev. James Cooke M.A.. GauntChas. hair dresser, Chislehurst we Miles Thursa (Miss), dress maker,

[curate ofSt. Nicholas Parish church], Goodale Emma Maria (Mrs.), confec- Delmont grove

Erpingham, Chislehurst common tioner, 4 Chislehurst west Miller Albert, grocer & provision dealer,

Yarborough Richard Cooke, Clergy Goulding Thos.hairdresser,4 Royal par 28 Chislehnrst road

house, St. Paul's Cray road Governesses' Benevolent Institution Mitcham Jn. coffee ho. Chislehnrst corn

COMMERCIAL. (Miss Ed wards, lady supt. ), Manor Mitchell Hy. jobmaster, Church row

Park road Monk John \V. shopkpr. White Horse hl

Aldridge Alfred, coffee tavern, Chisle- GrayWalt. Hy.lodging ho.I2Frognal vils Morris1Alfred \Vm. carman& contrctr.

hurst west Grecngrass Getly, upholsterer, Chisle- 1 Wellfield place, Chislchurstwest

Allan Williarn, baker, Chislehurst west hurst west NewmanArth. watch ma.3Chislehrst we

Amos Katherine Elizabeth( Miss), ladies' Gregory & Co. stationers, 6 Burlington Oldman Jn. Wm. buildr.Chislehurst rd

school, C,oed-Bel, Lubbock road parade, Chislehnrst west Org-ar Robert Henry, Queen'sHead P.H.

Ashe Wm. Percy L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon Griffith Edward F.c.o. professor of Chislehurst west

Ashtield Charles L. boot & shoe maker, music, 5 Rectory pl. Chislehurst corn Otway John, builder, Belmont steam

3 Burlington parade,Chislehurst west Grubb Jas. lndry. Belmont ter.Green la works, Green lane

Baxter Henry, smith & farrier, Perry st Harland Richard, stock brick maker, Parsons J ane (Mrs.), grocer, Burling-

Bayman Charles, bricklayer & beer re- I6 Camden cotts. White Horse hill ton parade, Chislelmrst west

tailer, Chislehurst west Harris Hy. Crown inn, Chislehnrst corn Pascall Bros.flower pot manfrs. Red hill

Beadle Brothers, coal, timber, slate &c. Harrison & Spo0ner,builders, Willow gro Pears Hugh Vaughan, boarding school,

mercs.Chislehurst station; & at Erith Hart Brothers (George Barlow & Neve Hornbrook house, Chislehurst comn

Blackney Emily (Miss), dress maker, Robert ), builders, 15 Royal parade Peck Robt.Geo.job.grdnr.6Marland viis

I3 Frognal villas Haynes Sarah (Mrs.) dress maker, 3 Peckham Geo. butcher, Chis~ehurst rd

Bolger Horace Lear, Tiger's Head P.H. Frognal villas Peel Hy. boot &shoe ma. 10 Marland viis

Chislehurst common Hearu Joseph, gardener to Peter Red- Pettman Charles (:\frs. ), boot & shoe

BoultonThos.farmer,Frog pool,Perry st path esq. Manor Park road maker, 23 Park road

Brand Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker, 14 Hewitt Thomas Robert, manager of Phillips John, harness maker, 5 Camden

Frognal villas Martin &Co. bankers, Chislehurst corn cottages, White Horse hill

Brigdcn Wm. corn dlr. Chislehurst west Holmans S. C. & Son M.n.c.v.s. Pierce Gcorge, lodging house, Burling-

Bull James Weston M.D. surgeon, &ad- veterinary surgeons, Chislehurst west ton lodge, Chislehurst west

bury villas, Chislehurst west Hornby Brothers, Alderley Farm dairy, Pierce Joseph, shopkeeper, 4 Belmont

Burgess Richard Soanes, boot maker, Chislehurst west terrace, Green lane

12 Camden terrace · Humphry Charles Henry, surgeon, see Pinyon William & Son, nurseryman,

Barley Ada(l'l!iss), drss. m a. Belm ont gro Mathews, Humphry & Matbews Imperial nursery, Chislehurst west

Burton James, plumber & decorator, 9 Hurman SpencerBaugh,milliner & dress Pinyon Henry, jobbing gardener, 2

Church row maker, Camden villa1 2 Low. Camden Camden cottages, White Horse hill

Chattell David James, auctioneer & InnsDavid, bldr.& plmbr.Chislehurst we Powell Thomas Jones, general draper,

estate agent, I Lower Camden J ames Edwd. beer retlr. Chislehurst corn 5 Burlington parade, Chislehurst we

Cbislehnrst Common Conservators Jeal Charles, gamekeeper to the Coun- Radford Thos. gnsfitter, 3 Imperial ter-

(John Hooper, keeper) tess Sydney, St. Paul's Cray common Reed Wm. & Son, carriers, Royal par

Chislehurst Co-operative StoresLimited J osiffe Chas. Sydney Arms P.H. Perry st Rimell George, jobbing gardener, r

(Edwin Gole, sec.), Victoria road J ull William J obn, smith & ironmonger, Camden cottages, White Horse hill
Chislehurst HolidayHome(Alfred Snell, Sydney place, Royal parade
Rock & Son M. n. c. v. s. veterinary sur-

master & Miss Joan Yokes, matron), Keaton Susan Mary {Miss), tobacconist, geons, Royal parade

2 Marland villas Chislehurst road Russell William Campbell, solicitor,

Chislehurst Mineral Water Co. (Line, Keeble Harriet (Mrs.),laundrss.Perry st Goldenmead, Mead road

Shaddoclr & Co. proprtrs. ), Park rd King William, grocer, & post office, St. Harnabas Orphanage (branch of

ChiversJohn,parish clerk of St. N icholas, Chislehurst west Pimlico) (The Sisters Clewer, man

I Morley cottages, Chislehurst corn Kenderdine Charles H. land agent to ageresses), Chislehurst west

elements John, Imperial Arms P.H. the Countess Sydney, Scadbnry park St. Joseph's Convalescent Home (Miss

Chislehurst road Lash Wm.carriage bldr. Chisleburst we Wheeler, matron), Chislehurst west,


St. Mary'•Hall (JohnJ. Woodger, hall! Tilling George,jobmaster, Royal parade White Stephen (Mrs.), laundress, :u,

keeper), Chislehurst west Turner John, gardener to Alfred James Marland villas

.St. Michael's Orphanage (Miss Ander- Newton esq. Manor Park road Whomes Geo.Bull'sHead hotl.Royal par

don, lady superintendent) Turner John, grocer, White Horse hill Whul"Rt.Fredk.tailor&hatter,Royalpar

Shadwell James, carpenter, Barn En(_! Underwood Alfred, shopkpr. Perry st Wilkinson Eliza & Sophia (Misses), pre-

cottage, Crown lane Uridge William, grocer,& agent for W. paratory school, 4 Summer Hill villaa

Sharland Joseph, j!1lrdener to Lewis & A. G. Gilbev, wine & spirit mer- Willis & Day, grocers, 17 Royal parade

Wigram esq. 3 Belmont ter. Green la I chants. 4 & -~ Royal parade Wilson Wm. corn dlr. Chislehurst west

Sbeard Richard John, butcher, Chisle- Village Hall (The) (Field Penrbos, sec. Wing, Aplin & Wilson, chemists, 1

burst west & - Spicer, ball keeper) Royal parade, Chislehurst west; 29

Bibley John, saddler, 9 Royal parade Wade George Herbert, surgeon Low. Camden & 29 Chislehurst road

SmithWm.(Mrs. ),milnr.Chislehurst we Wain Jas. boot & shoe ma.2 Frugnal vils Winn Robert, news agent,12 Queen's rd

Sparkes Aylett, grocer & china & glass Wale Charles, turncock, 23 Park road Wise James, butcher, Chislehurstwest

dealer, Frognal villas & confectioner, Walton Leonard, carman, Park road Wise John, boot maker, Church row

16 Royal parade Waters Edgar, stationer, 8 Royal par Witten Arthur J. domestic machinery

Squires \Villiam,china & "glass dealer, 7 Wells \\'il\iam, White Horse P.H. White agent, Hurling-ton par. Chislehurst we

Burlington parade, Chislehurst west Horse bill Wood Baruch & Son, wood brokrs.Redhl

Stacey Efiza (Mrs.), shopkpr. Perry st White Benjamin Julins & Son, builders, Wood Edward, farmer, Thoungs farm,

.Stockbridge Joseph, dairyman & cow- Belmont grove Botany Bay lane

keeper, Victoria road White & Bnshell, general & furnishing Wood Francis, builder,Chislehurst west

Sturt Waiter,. gardener to E. Parker ironmongers, gas & bot water engi- Wood George, stationer,Chislehurst we

esq. 3 Wellfield pl. Chislehurst west neers, stove & range manufacturers, WoodwardWm.grocer, 1 Chislehurst wa

Sunidge Alfd.gardener to Thos. Towend . locksmiths & bellhangers, shoeing & WrightSl. Hy. upholsterer, ro Royal par

esq. 6 Wellfield place, Chislehurst we ' - general smiths, coach builders & Young Phoobe (:\fiss ), berlin wool re-
Sweet Wm. shopkeeper, II Mill place I wheelwrights, Chislehurst west
pository, Church row

CHISLET is a parish and village, extending to the sea, derived from a farm left in 1752 by John 'l'aylor esq. The
Archbishop of Canterbury is lord of the manor. The prin·
situated on the old Margate road and on the river Stour, cipal landowners are the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury,
{)ne mile north from Grove Ferry station on the Ashford and the Marquess Conyngham and Gerard de Witte esq. The
Ramsgate branch of the South Eastern railway, 4 miles soil is sandy loam; subsoil, various. The chief crops are
-south-east from Berne Bay, 6 narth-east from Cantel"bury wheat, barley, oats and hops. The area is 6,773 acres, ol
and 76 from London by rail, in the Eastern division of the
county, hundred of Bleangate, lathe of St. Augustine, Home which about 8oo acres are woodland and 176 water; rate-
petty sessional division, union of Rlean, county courtdi!itrict
able value, £13,386; the population in 188x was I,124.

{)f Canterbury, and in the rural deanery of Westberc and GROVE l<'ERRY STATION, on the South Eastern railway,

archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The church of is in this parish, 76 miles from Loadon; MARSH SIDE is I

'St. Mary is an ancient structure of flint and stone in the mile north; UP STREET, 1 mile south, is on the old Mar-
Norman and Early English styles, consisting of clerestoried gate road.

chancel, nave, with arcades of three arches, aisles, and a Parish Clerk, Alfred Male.

massive central tower, large and low, of Norman character,
surmounted by a hPavy belfry containing 6 bells: under PosT & M. 0. 0., S. ll. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Up

the south-east window of the chancel are three Perpendicular Street.-Mrs. Eliza Jordan, receiver. Letters through

sedilia and eastward of these a piscina: the church was Canterbury arrive at 7.30 a.m.; dispatched at 6.35 p.m.

.-estored in 1866 and has 396 sitting-s, all being free. The Telegraph office, Grove Ferry railway station

register dates from the year 1538. The living is a vicarage, PosT & T. 0., Chislet.-Richard Castle, receiver. Letters

yearly value from tithe rent-charge £339, with three acres through Canterbury arrive at 8.30 a.m.; dispatched at

of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of 6.20 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Up Street

Canterbury, and held since 1876 by the Rev. Frederick National :School, erected in 1864 & enlarged in 1885, for

George Hazlewood LLD. of Clare College, Cambridge. 190 children; average attendance, 128 ; Thomas Jones,

The Mission Chnrch of St. John the Evangelist, Marsh master; Mrs. Carden, mistress

Side, was erected in 1879, and there are also Wesleyan and Railway Station & Postal Telegraph Office, Grove :Ferry,

Congregational chapels. The charities amount to £88 yearly, Harry King, station master

Clark Rev. Edward Travers [curate] Curling Alfred, farmer, Boarded house Petley John, blacksmith, Marsh side
deWitte Gerard, Grove court, Upstreet Dixon A. H. grocer, Upstreet Pope Peter, farmer, Chitty
Haslewood Rev. FrederickGeorge LL.D. Hancock James, farmer, Nethergong Port 'Villiam, Six Hells P.H·
Harrison Geo. S. shoe maker, Upstreet
Vicarage Harvey Ann (Miss), grocer, Upstreet Rigden William, grocer, Hoyden gate
:Moss James John, Upstreet Harvey Vincent, farmer, Upstreet
Padley Mrs. Ivy house Holness Edwin, Fox & Hounds P.H. Rowden Nathaniel, farmer
"Rigden Artbur, Marshside Smith George, farmer
Sbirley Mrs. Upstreet Herne common Smith James Wellard, saddler,Upstreet
White John, Grays Janes Frederick, baker, Upstreet Spratt Thomas, farmer, Wall end
White Robert, Grays Jezard Saffrey, hay dealer Wacber Sarah (Mrs.), farmr.Chisletcrt
Kedman Stephen, assistant overseer Wilks Emma (:\frs.), farmer
COM!lERCIAL. Kernan Wm. John, Ship P.H. Upstreet Wood Richard W. farmer, Forstalfarm
Addley Charles, blacksmith, Upstreet Kingsland William, carpenter, Upstreet Woolley Fredk. basket maker, Upstreet
CareyElizaJane(Mrs.),farmr.Highstead Llowarch Eliza (Mrs.), Royal Oak P.H. Wootton John (Mrs.), frmr. Marsh side
Castle Richard, baker, Post office Wootton John, miller (wind)
Collard Allington, farmer Upstreet Young George, farmer, Oxenden house

CLIFFE (near RocHESTER), sometimes called Cliffe-at- are traces of a doorway formerly leading to a now destroyed

Hoo, is a parish with a station on the Hundred of Hoo sacristy : the ancient wood stalls still remain: there are
branch of the South Eastern railway, 5 miles north from some frescoes of the 13th century in the tr-dnsepts: the
Rochester and 3 north-east from the Higham station on the pulpit of wood, finely carved, has an hour-glass stand and iB
South Eastern railway, in the Mid division of the county, dated 1634: there is a brass to Thomas Faunce, ob. 16oc},
lathe of Aylesford, Shamwell hundred, Rochester petty ses- and his two wives, some matrices of other brasses and in
!!ional division and county court district, Strood union, and the nave an ancient slab, with an inscription in Norman
in the rural deanery of Gravesend and archdeaconry and French to Joan, the wife of John Ram: the communion
diocese of Rochester ; it lies at the end of a chalk range plate includes a paten of silver gilt and enamel, which is
forming a steep cliff, commanding a fine view and at the accurately engraved in vol. 2 of "Instrumenta Ecclesias-
edge of extensive marshes bordering on the Thames; on tica :" there are 400 sittings. The register dates from the
the shore is the Swallow coastguard station and a large fort year 1558. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-
has been built here for the defence of the river Thames. charge £r,r26, net income £446, with 25 acres of glebe and
The church of St. Helen, situated on the brow of an emi- residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and
Bence, is a large cruciform building of Kentish rag, in the held since 1889 by the Rev. William Henry Grove M.A. of
Early English and later styles, consisting of a spacious Corpus Christi college, Cambridge. The rectory house is a
chancel, transepts, clerestoried nave, aisles, south porch and very ancient and curious building, with arches and windows
an embattled western tower containing a clock and 8 bells, dating from the 13th century. There are charities amount-

re-cast in 1859: the nave arcades consist each of five pointed ing to £25 yearly, distributed in bread. Here are whiting
• arches and include the transepts ; the piers are circular ; the and Portland cement works and chalk quarries, with a canal

transepts are Early English and their arrangement is curious and tramroad leading from the quarries to the river. Cliffe
and interesting: the chancel contains a piscina and three was anciently an important place and several councils were
beautiful sedilia ascending eastward with crocketed canopies held here in the Saxon times. The seal of the Ecclesiastical
and graining beneath: opposite to these, on the north side, Court, formerly held in Cliffe, is still preserved. The rec·

ilt a wide sepulchre of Perpendicular character, near which 1torial glebe is a lordship called " Parson's Borough," the


rector being ex-officio the lorrl of the manor. The principal National School, built in 1854 & enlarged r874, r884 & x88g,
for 420 children; average attendance, ro6 boys, 7 5 girls
manor belongs to the Earl of Darnley, who holds a court & 125 infants. Attached to the school is a charity of
j;22 4s. yearly, providing a teacher's residen:::e & free
baron here once in seven years. The principal landowners education for 12 poor children; J. W. Grubb, master;
Mrs. Grubb, girls' mistress; Miss Alice Straw, infants'
are the Earl of Darnley and Jacob Harvey esq. The soil is
a light loam and sand; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are

corn, potatoes and fruit. The area is 5,621 acres of land

and 2,133 water; the ra.teable value, £ r4,822; the popula-

tion in 188 r was 2,24:;. Railway Station, Richard John Taylor, station master

Sexton, John Osenten. CARRIERS TO:-
RoCHESTER (for passengers &c. )--:-Arthur J ohnson, daily;
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- Thomas Tborndike, mon. thurs. fri. & sat.; James Martin,
Alfred Chesterton, receiver. Letters arrive from l{oches- daily, except wed

ter at 7.30 & II.3o a. m.; dispatched at r.r5 & 5.30 p.m.;
sundays, dispatched at 10.45 a. m

Eiggs Frank, The Villa England Lewis, baker Reeves Edward & Son, wheelwrights,
I<'ilmer James Frederick, farmer builders & undertakers
Grove Rev. Wm. Hy. M ..A. The Rectory Foss John, saddler & harness maker
Frayling Waiter, shopkeeper Relf William, whiting dealer
COMMERCIAL. Francis & Co. Limited, manufacturers Richards John, beer retailer
Rogers Georg-e, boot maker
Alk"Orn Alfred, shopkeeper of portland cement, The Nine Elms
Ashby Arnbrose, shopkeeper cmnent works Scott Sarah (;_vrrs.) ,grocer & pork butchr
Eeckenham & Penge Co. Lim. brick Hailcs Wilden, shopkeeper Smith Horace, grocer
Smith Joseph, baker
works, Cliffe station

Eowles Henry, baker Horn William, farmer, l'erry Hill farm Smith J oseph, beer retailer
Brown Alfred, Black Bull P.H. & farmer IIughes Alfred George, ironmonger
Chapman Edmund, grocer Johnson Arthur, carrier & shopkeeper Smith William, farmer, West street
Chapman Fanny (Miss), shopkeeper Lane Henry Stephen, oil & calor man Stevens Charles, chemist
Co-operJ.tive Society Limited (Alfred Lane Stephen, boot & shoe maker Stone Orlando E. farmer, Manor farm
Ledger Horace, farmer, Mortimers Thorndike Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer
Chesterton, sec) Lingridge Joseph, farmer Thorndike Thomas, carrier
Cornford Eunice (Mrs.), beer retailer Martin James, carrier Thorndyke Waiter, butcher
Collilins Eliza (Mrs.), farmer, Gatton Ma.yhew J oseph,_ watch & clock maker Topley John, blacksmith
Crane Thomas Charles, butcher Monk George, market gardener Topley John, Six Bells P.H
Elford Ann (Mrs.), butcher & baker Oakley Richard, boot dealer Wright Fredk. farmer, Westconrt farm
Elford George, shopkeeper

WEST CLIFFE is a parish 3~ miles north-east from held since 1885 by the Rev. Grainger Lawrence Towers B. A._
of St. John's College, Cambridg-e. The principal landowners
Dover, in the Eastern division of the county, Bewsborough are the trustees of the Earl of Guilford (a minor),who are lords
hundred, lathe of St. Augustine, Wingham petty sessional of the manor, William John Banks esq. J.P. of Oxney Court,
division, Dover union and county court district, and in the
and William Coleman esq. The soil is red loam ; subsoil,
rural deanery of Dover and "\l.rchdeaconry and diocese of chalk. The chief crops are wheat and turnips. The area.
Canterbury. The church of St. Peter is an ancient edifice is r,18o acres; rateable value, £1,424; the population in
of tlint and bears traces of Norman work: it consists of 188r was r23.
chancel, nave, south porch and a low tower on the south
side, containing one bell, and was restored in I 875 at a cost Parish Clerk, George Chapman.
of about [400: there are roo sittings. The register of Letters through Dover arrive at 5 p.m, The nearest money
marriages dates from the year 1576; baptisms, 1577;
burials, I579· The living is a vicarage, annexed to St. order & telegraph office is at St. Margaret-at-Cliffe
Margaret-at-Cliffe, joint net yearly value £3rr, with resi- WALL LETTER Box cleared at 10.15 a.m. & II.IO p.m
dence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and The children of this place attend the National School at St.


Claringbould Fredk. T. Swing Gate P.H Devereux Thomas, chief boatman of Marsh John, farmer

Coleman William, farmer coast guard Wiles William J. farmer

Curling William, jun. farmer Eastes Gillbee, farmer, Bere farm

COBHAM is a parish and pretty village, x mile north- large number of fine brasses, including ten of the Cobharn

east from Sole Street station on the London, Chatham and family from 1300 to 1433, and others to Sir Reginald Bray-

Doverrailway, 28 miles from London, 5 west from Roches- brooke I40S, tiir Nicholas Haisberk 1407, Sir John Broke and

ter and 4 south from Gravesend south of Watling street, in lady r5r2, Sir Thomas Brooke and lady, John Gerne,priest,

the Mid division of the county, Shamwell hundred, lathe of mutilated, 1447, and to four masters of Cobham college,
Aylesford, Gravesend county court district, petty sessional viz: William Tanner, first master, 1418, William Hobson
division of Hochester, Strood union, Cobham rural deanery 1472 (a palimpsest), John Gladwyn and John Sprotte I498:
and archdeaconry and diocese of Rochester. This place the east and west windows are stained and there are
gave the title of baron, by writ of summons, to a family of memorial windows to members of the Bligh and Stokes

the same name from 1313 to 1409, when on the death of John families ; four coffin slabs of stone bearing crosses, dis-
de Cobham, third baron, Joan, his grand-daughter, became covered in different parts of the church, are now in the
sole heiress and married Sir John Old castle kt. who was tower : there are 460 sittings. The register dates from

summoned to Parliament as Baron Cobham from 1409 to rG53. The living is a vicarage, averag-e yearly value from

1413; he was executed in 1417 as a heretic Lollard, and the tithe rent-charge £340, net income £3or, with residence,
title remained dormant until it was revived, by writ of sum- in the gift of the Earl of Darnley, and held since 1876 by the

mons, 13 Jan. 1445, in favour of Edward Brooke, great- Rev. Arthur Hastings Berger M. A. of Cot'pus Christi college,
grandson of the Joan above mentioned, but expired on the Cambridge. Cobham College, founded by Sir William
death of Henry, Lord Cobham, 24 Jan. 1518, he having Brooke, Lord Cobham, in 1596, stands on the south side of
been attainted for his share in the Raleigh conspiracy. Th~ the church ; its buildings form a quadrangle and are con-
Collegiate church of St. l\Iary ~Iagdalene is an edifice chiefly structed of flint in a good style of the Perpendicular period;

of flint and Kentish rag, in the Early Englisll and Perpencli- it contains twenty almshouses for the reception of poor
cular styles, consisting of spacious chancel, lofty clerestoried people from various parishes, who have each a stipend of

nave of four bays, aisles, north porch with grained ceiling £ r r2s. per month: other charities are-W. Hayes' of 2os.

sand a parvise above it and a western battlemented tower and R. Hayes' of £3 7s. 5d. yearly for bread. A fair is held

with octagonal turret containing a clock and bells ; the here on August 2nd. Cobham Hall, the scat of the Earl of
tower, a Perpendicular work, is entirely of stone : there are Darnley, is a mansion, chiefly in the Elizabethan style, built
two wooden screens and on the south side of the chancel, fine about 1590, and contains a rich picture gallery and a unique
triple sedilia. of Decorated character with!canopies; eastward gilt hall much admired by visitors, to whom the hall is
of these is a piscina with octagonal basin, also canopied ; open every Friday by tickets to be purchased in Gravesend,
near the piscina a short mural staircase has been discovered, Rcchester and Cobham, IS. (the proceeds being devoted to
on the steps of which fragments of statuettes were found; the medical charities of these towns): the park is 7 miles
on the opposite side is an aumbry under an elegant arch: in circumference and covers an area of I, Boo acres, undu-
the chancel retains its oaken stalls and contains a magnifi- lating in character, well stocked with deer and is orna-
cent altar-tomb to George Brooke, 3rd Baron Cobham K.G. mented with timber of every variety and description ; on
ob. 2qth September, rsss. with the carved and emblazoned 'William's hill, in the park and close to the heronry, is a
effigies of himself and his wife, Anne (Braye), figures of mausoleum built in the year 1783 by an ancestor of the pre-
thetr children being placed on the sides of the tomb : on the sent earl, but it has never yet been used for the purpose for
chancel walls hang several specimens of tilting armour of which it was erected. The Earl of Darnley, who is lord of

Ilenry V's. reign: this church contains an exceptionally the manor, T. Stevens esq. and Thomas Henry Baker esq.

- K, S. & S, 12


~.P. of Owletts, are the principal landowners. The soil • is Cbarle3 Axten, receiver. Letters arrive from Gravesend

light; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are cereals, turnips, at 8 & 1I.30 a. m. ; dispatched at 12 noon & 6 p.m

mangolds, potatoes and hopS". The area is 3,056 acres; WALL LE"ITHR Box at Sole Street, cleared at 10 a. m. &

rateable value, £II,27o; the p~ulation in 1881 was 9ry. 5-45 p.m

HENHURS'I' is a hamlet halt a mile north-west : KNIGHT's Earl of Darnley's Schools, built in 1874, for 220 children,

Pi.ACE 1 mile north-east ; SoLE STREET is I mile south- with residences for teachers ; average attendance, boys 45,

We.:Jt and is a station on the London, Chatham and Dover girls 33 & infantls 43 ; H. 'f. Gates, master ; Miss Robus,

rail war. . , girls' mistress; Miss Thomson, infants' mistress

Parish Clerk, Charles Morris. Railway Station, Sole Street, L. C. & D. George Davey~

PosT, ;M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- station master

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. I COMMERCIAL. Pye J ames, farmer, Knight's place.

Darnley Earl M.A., D.L., J.P.& Countess Axten Charles, grocer, Post office [Postal address, RochesterJ

of, Cobham hall; & .21 Hill street, Baker Mary (Miss), baker Redsell Thomas, market gardener

• Herkeley square, London w ' Berry George, shoe maker Savage Wm.Hy.frmr.&bop grwr.Solest

.Baker Thomas Henry J.P. Owletts BishopHrbt. Lingley,b lcksmth. Henhnrst Sedgwick Charles G-iles, farmer & hop

Berger Rev. Arthur Hastings M.A. Broad Richard, butcher grower, Cobham bury

Vicarage Ellis Geo. Sexton, builder, Sole street Shearman Philip, wheelwright Miss, Crocker's place Fox Richard, Ship P.H Smith Anthony JamesPickwick, Leather

<:!oombes Mrs. White house, Sole street GowarRobt.Jeremiah, DarnleyArmsP .H Bottle P.H

Dawson Mrs. Meadow house Head Richard, beer retailer, Sole street Snoad Chas. Hayward, draper & grocer

:Miller Mrs. Eden villas, Round street Holdstock J obn, farm bailiff to the Earl Stevens Thomas, farmer, Parsonage ho

Savage Miss, Dane..'! place '" of Darnley lJsher Robert, ironmonger, Sole street

Scratton John, Sole street Latter Edmund, farm bailiff to T. H. Wadlow George, blacksmith

Steveps Thomas, Parsonage house Baker esq West Kent(Queen'sOwn YeomanryCar-

Treynor Mrs. Holly cottage Morris Charles, miller (wind) alry (B Troop) (l\laj. J. J<'. Edmeades,

'Tull Henry, Cracker's place Oldfield George, Railway inn, Sole st com.; Sergt.-Maj.G.Cleater,drill iust)

COLDRED (in Domesday Book t!tyled "Colret ") is a Canterbury, and held since 1888 by the Rev. Charles Buchan
Shirres, of Aberdeen University, who resides at Sibertswold.
.small village and parish, 5 miles north-west from Dover and Various Roman remains have been discovered in this neigh~
I mile south-east from..Shepherdswell station on the London, bonrhood. On cutting a road through the centre of the en-
Chatham and Dover line, in the Eastern division of the trenchments, a well, probably Roman, and more ithan 300
.county, Bewsborough hundred, lathe of St. Augustine, Wing- feet deep, was found, whence the adjoining farm-house is
ham petty l'!essional division, Dover union and county court now supplied, The trustees of the Earl of Guildford (a minor),
district, and in the rural deanery of Dover and archdea- who are lords of the manor, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners,
·Conry and diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. Pan- Thomas Wright Watson esq. of Lubenham, Market Bar-
eras is a very small and ancient building of flint and con- borough and Mr. W. H. Baynes are the principal landowners.
.crete in the Early Norman and Early English styles, con- The soil is heavy clay and chalk ; subsoil, chalk. The chief
.!!isting uf -chancel, nave, south porch and a western bell crops are wheat and oats. The area is r ,552 acres ; rate-
gable containing one bell; it stands within an entrenchment able value, £r,694; the population in x881 was l5o. A
considerable part of the population is at CoLDRKD STREET,
twO' acres in extent, the tradition concerning which is that half a mile south.

it was formed by Ceolred, King of Mercia and the Mid-Eng- PILLAR LETTER Box cleared at 7.15 p.m.; snndays, 10.30
lish, who in 715 repaired hither to assist the men of Kent a.m. Letters by mail cart from Dover arrive at
against Ina, King of the West Saxons, by whom a burden-
BOrne tribute had been imposed in 694: on the south wall of a. m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at

the chancel is a. brass to the Fyntch family, dated 1615 : · Sibertswold

there are 88 sittings, all free. The register of baptisms and The children of this parish attend the school at Sibertswold
burials dates from the year 156o; marriages from 1562.
The living is a vicarage, annexed to thll.t of Sibertswold, (about three-quarters of a. mile distant), & a few go to
joint yearly value from tithe rent-charge £334, with 29
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Waldershare

Baynes William Bales, farmer & land.. Gosby William,carpenter & wheelwrght Ward Edward, farm bailiff to Mr.David

owner, Coldred farm Richards Fredk. farmer, Newsole farm Curling (farmer & dairyman, Priory

Fof Joseph, Carpenters' Arms F.H Richards Geo, farmer, Parsonage farm farm,Elms rd.Dover),ColdredCrt.frm

COOLING (or CowLING) is a parish 2 miles from the . .I

<Jliffe statio!l on the hundred of Hoo railway, on the South time of Richard II. and besieged by Sir Thomas Wyatt in
Eastern railway, 6 miles north from Rochester,·~ north-m\st
the reign of Queen Mary I.: on t.he tower front is a metal
from Higham station and 32 from London, m the Mid tablet bearing the following inscription in Old EngliSh:-
.qivision of the county, lathe of Aylesford, 'Shamwell bun- "Knowcth that be'eth And shall be, That l am made in
dred, Hoo union, Rochester petty sessional division and help of the country, In knowing which thing, This is chatter
county court district and in the rural deanery of Gmvesend, and witnessing:" the remains are considerable, and some
of the towers and walls are still standing, but in a ruinous
archdeacunry and diocese of Rochester. The greater.part condition. The Earl of Darnley is lord of the manor. The
principal landowner is W. Baldock esq. of Cbilworth Howe,
of the parish is marsh land extending to the Thames~ The Southampton. The soil is sandy loam ; subsoil, chalk. In
church of St. J ames is a small and ancient building of. stone, the marshes are osier beds. The chief crops are grain. The
area is 1,555 acres; rateable value, £3,074; the population
in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south in 1881 was 232.

porch and a western tower containing 3 bells, two of which Sexton, Thomas Waters.
WALL LETTER Box cleared at 8.30 a.m: & 6.30 p.m. ; sun-
are dated 1651: on the south side of the chancel is a double
piscina with an aumbryover and next it sedilia: the font is days, 6 p.m. Letters through Rocbester arrive at 8.30
a.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at
Norman: there are 200 sittings. The register dates from
ab:>ut 1661. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent- Cliffe
charge [461, net yearly value £292, with~ acres of glebe National School (mixed), erected in 1864, for 35 children;

and residence, in the gift of and held since I 888 by the Rev. average attendance, 35; Mrs. !''arrow, mistress

William Henry Acome Leaver, of Oxford Univer!>ity. Here

are the ruins of a castle, fortified by John de Cobham in the

Leaver Rev. Wm. lly. Acome, Rectory I Ilodshon Saml. Horseshoe & Castle P.H I Wood William, farmer, Cooling castle

COWDEN is a parish and village, situated on the confines turret at the west end with spire, and containing a clock

of the county, adjoining Sussex and Surrey, from which it is and 5 bells, dated respectively, with the exception of the
separated by the Kent water, a tributary of the ·Medway, third bell, 1635, 1584, 1791 and x654; the bell excepted is
with a station xi miles west on the Tunbridge Wells branch inscribed, "Johannes est nomen cjus:" in 1742 the church

of the London, .Brighton and Sonth Coast railway, 5 miles was repaired with money found on the person of Joan

south-east from Edenhridge, 37 from London by rail and 31 Wickenden, a presumed pauper who had been receiving
by road, and 6 miles north-east from East Grinstead, in the parish relief for forty years: the Decorated east windoW"
South Western division of the county, hundreds of Somer- has some modern painted glass, consisting of seven subjects
· den, Westerham and Edenbridge, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, in small medallions, dated 162o and copied from illumiua-
Tonbridge petty sessional division, Sevenoaks union, East tions by Lucas Van Leyden: the pulpit, dated 1620, retains
Grinstead county court district, and in f.he rnrnl deanery of the iron stand of an hour glass: the church was restored in
Tonbridge, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Can- 1885 at a cost of £1,400, and has 265 sittings. The register
terbury. The church of St. Mary Magdalene, situated commences in 1566 and, with other ancient records, is in
eastward of the village, is a small and ancient building of good preservation ; the latter furnish evidence of the manner
stone, in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting in which the poor rates were collected and expended in the

of chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch and a shingled year x6oo, and contain instances of marriages :conducted


in 1654_ by _the magistrat~, under Cromwell's Act of ~653·. 1 initials of Richard and Dorothy Tichborne, :r6o e Maple-
The hvmg IS a rector~, tithes. comm~ted at £545, With 4 treuse, now vacant, was the residence of Right
i the

acres of glebe and residence, m the gift of the Crown, and Hon. Sir Richard Haggallay P.c., J.P. lord justice of appeal;

held since :r881 by the Rev. Richard Abbey Tindall M.A. of Oakdene is the residence of Henry Astley Darbishire esq.

Hatfield Hall, Durham. John Pulsett, of Penhurst, gave in J.P. This parish was anciently held by the Augustinian

:r6o2 2os. a year to the poor from Coleman's farm; Richard priory of Holy Trinity, at Michelham, Sussex, founded r6

Still gave in 1726 £1 a year to the clerk or sexton for ringing Hen. III. ( I23I·2). The principal landowners are J. T.

the great bell at 5 a.m. and 8 p.m. from Michaelmas to Morton esq. H. A. Darbishire esq. J.P. Miss Catley, John

Lady Day; George Richard Gainsford left in :r861 £1,ooo GilbertTalbot esq. n.c.r.. , M.P. of Falconhurst, Mark Beech,

in Consols for the poor of the parish, to be distributed on Oswald Augustus Smith esq. of Hammerwood Lodge, East

the 21st of December every year in meat and flour; Joseph Grinstead, and the representatives of the late Rev. T. Har-

Gainsford left in 1863 £500 in Consols to be distributed in vey. The soil is clayey and gravelly; subsoil, gravel and

flannel in November every year, for the poor of the parish. clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans and hop!!. The

A pleasure fair is held on the 2nd of August. In the vicinity area is 3, 231 acres ; rateable value, £4,355 ; the population

are the remains of some Roman camps. Crippenden House, in 188r for the whole civil parish was 644.

the propertl o! John '~ho!llas Mo~ton e'><}. _a.nd now occup~ed PosT & M. 0. 0., s. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-

by John '-\ ylhe esq. Is. situated m we!l-timbere~ park-hke Henry Shoesmith, postmaster. Letters arrive from
1&nds, on_an elevated ~Ite and commands fin_e v1ews of the
.snrroundmg scenery: It was formerly the restdence of John Edenbridge by foot post at hb8ea-.~mea.r&es1t•3t e01epg.mra.p;hdi0stpfIactecsh ed
Tichborne, an iron founder, descemled from a branch of the m T at
"Tichborncs of Hants, and who during the Civil War fur- at 9 1~a·iT·wa&ys6ta3~1?Pn· &.E d
nished supplies of ordnance to the Parliamentary forces; • e en n ge
Natwnal Sch?ol (miXed), formed out of thr~ ~ottages, to

Robert, his son, wa<> master of the Skinners' Company in hold 75 ch1ldren; average atteudance,68; W1lham Dealey,

1650: the entrance hall is panelled and has a finely carved master

oak chimney piece, with a verse in bold relief and the Railway Station, Robert Charles Daniels, station master

Catley Miss, Claydene Booker Herbert, farmer, Bassett's farm Leigh Robert, farmer, LudweiJ's
llarbishire Henry Astley J. P. Oa.kdene Hrooker John, boot & shoe maker Lucas John, builder
Dodd John Packrnan, Lower Priors Clark Christopher, grocer & draper Miles Jamm:l, boot & shoe maker
Glasier 'Villiam Richard, Moat farm
"Tindall Rev. Richd. Abbey M.A. Rectory Coomber John, farmer, Cross farm Noyes George, builder & contractor, &
Wyllie John, Crippenden house Dads well Thomas, miller, Water mills Fountain P.H
Young Gerald H. B. Green farm Day William, carpenter
Edwardes Eliz;h. (Mrs.), newsvendor Piper James, fellmonger & woolstapler
COMMERCIAL. Fooks William, farmer, Beechen wood Sl10esmith Henry, grocer, Post office
Gearing Fanny (Mrs. )1 shopkeeper Shorter Frederick, farmer, BasinJS frm
Bartholomew Chas. farmer, Woolcombs Goodwin Thomas (exors. of), farmers Snashall John, farmer
.Benson John, farmer, Liverox bill Stapley Arthur, blacksmith
£ingham Jesse, house decorator, & & wheelwrights Tester George, farmer, .Pilegate farm
Hollands Arthur, butcher Walrler Waiter, miller (water) & farmer
Crown P.H
Kenward Jn.miller(water),Furness mill


CR.ANBROOK is an extensive parish, market and union town, ancient glass formerly in the east window has been re-

tiituated in a valley on the Crane, a small tributary of the moved and re-inserted in one of the windows of the north

Medway, 48 miles from London, 14 south from Maidstone aisle: at the west end is a monument of white marble,

and 6 south from Staplehurst station on the South Eastern erected in r8go by Mrs. Webster in memory of Thomas

railway, and is the head of petty sessional divisiou and Webster R.A. d. 23 September, 1886: the chancel was re-

county court district, in the Southern division of the county, stored some time since and the nave in 1879: the church

hundreds of Barkley and Cranbrook, lathe of Lower Scray, plate, of silver gilt, is plain and massive and dates from

rural deanery of West Charing, archdeaconry of Maidstone 1730 : there are 1,000 sittings. The register of baptisms and

and diocese of Canterbury. marriages dates from the year 1559 ; burials from 1:553·
The town is lighted with gas by a company.
The living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge £66, gross yearly

The church of St. Dunstan, standing in about the centre value £449 (which includes a grant of £r2o by the Ecclesias-

of the town, is an ancient and spacious edifice of sandstone, tical Commissioners for a curate), with 23 acres of glebe and

147 feet in length, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of residence, erected in 1871, in the gift of the Archbishop of

chancel with aisles or chantries, clerestoried nave, aisles, Canterbury, arid held since 1882 by the Rev. Alban Henry

south porch and an embattled western tower, 94 feet in Harrison M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge.

height, containing a clock and 8 bells : the nave is divided Here is a Congregational chapel, with 200 sittings, a Cat-

from each aisle by six arches of Late Perpendicular date: vinistic chapel, seatiug about Boo persons, and a Baptist

the chancel is plainer and lower and opens to each aisle by chapel, with about 100 sittings.

two simpler arches of earlier date, on piers of four clustered The trade of this town consists chiefly in the supply of

~hafts: in this part of the church are several helmets and goods throughout the Weald of Kent; there is some brew-

banners of the family of Roberts, of Glassenbury, with ing and malting.

monumental memorials~ the south chancel aisle contains a The London and County Bankiug Company have a branch

~lab with two fi.gures in brass, one of a civilian, c. r520, with here.

a cbihl in swaddling clothes, a merchant's mark, and the There are two hotels in the town, the" Bull," a commer-

initials T. S. and another with the figure of a civilian kneel- cial and family establishment, with a good billiard-room ;

ing, f!. 1640: here also are two altar tombs of Perpendicular and the "George," which is also a good family and corn-

character, with panelled sides, and a monument of later mercial establishment.

date, with a complete pedigree of the family of Roberts, and A hop and corn market is held on every alternate Wed-

<>n the south side of the chancel is a brass to Sir Thomas nesday in the Vestry Hall and fairs on the 3oth May and

Howland Roberts, 10th baronet, of Glassenbury, d. March 29th September, for horses and cattle.

IBt, 1864 : there are also three ~Slabs, with inscriptions in The Literary Association has rooms in the hall supplied

Lombardic characters, and a marble monument to Sir John with the daily, weekly and local papers; the library has

Baker kt. of Sissinghurst Castle, privy councillor to Henry over 1,ooo volumes.

VIII. and Queen Mary: on the south side of the nave is a A county Police Station was erected in 1865, at a cost of

rectangular baptistery of stone, constructed in 1725 by the about [2,000: it has residence for a superintendent; the

Rev. John Johnson, then vicar, for the purpose of immer- station has a lock-up for prisoners previous to their transfer

sion ; it resembles a bath with a descent of several steps, to Maidstone.

a.nd is said to have only been used twice: the reredos and There are several chalybeate springs in the parish, which

stained east window were presented by the late Robert possess the same qualities as the Tonbridge waters.

Tooth esq . .l.P. a window on the south side by the late Glassenbury, 2 miles west, is the seat of Major John

ThomM Webster esq. R.A. and one on the north, a memorial Roberts Atkin-Roberts J.P. ; the house, which is surrounded

to the late vicar, by his son, F. Barrow esq. Recorder of by a moat, has been restored and a wing added; the

Rochester: Mr. C. Cramp also erected a stained window grounds are extensive and remarkable for their undulating

in the north aisle, in 1872, in memory of his wife : the ' and picturesque character. Angley, half a mile north-west,

x. s. & s. 12*


is the seat of Mrs. Sackett Tomlin and has been rebuilt. owners. The soil is clay and loam. The crops are chiefly

Swifts, half a mile north-east, the residence of Lieut. -Col. hops, wheat and beans, with a good proportion of pasture.

Boyd Francis Alexander and formerly belonging to the The area is 9,861 acres of land ; rateable v11.lue. £19.270;

Courthope family, is situated on an eminence in a. well- and the population. including Sissinghurst, in 1871 was

wooded park of 200 acres. 4,321 ; I88r, 4,2r6, which includes 131 officers and inrn&t~

Viscount Cranbrook P.C., G.c.s.I,, D.C.L. is lord of the in the workhouse.

manor and takes his title from this place. Fiennes Stanley HARTLEY is a mile south-west. The Cranbrook Unil~t

Wykeham Cornwallis esq. M:.P., J.P. of Linton Park, Philip Workhouse is situated here.

Beresford Beresford-Hope esq. J.P. of Bedgebury Park, and WILI-ESLEY PouND is also in this parish.

Major John Roberts Atkin-Roberts J.P. are the principal land- Parish Clerk, William Taylor.

Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.

PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Charles W. Morland, major ; Capt. Douglas A. Hamilwn,

High street.-Edward James Holmes, postmaster adjutant; Surgeon-Major Henry Benjamin Wood M.D,.

Delivery of letters from all parts commences at 6 a. m. 12.3c Surgeon-Major Thomas J oyce & Surgeon-Major William

& 7-I5 p.m.; dispatched at 8.40 a.m. 4.15 & 8.40 p.m.; M. Harmer, surgeons; A. S. Wood & W. Fear, acting

sundays at 8.40 p.m. Money orders granted & paid from · surgeons; Rev. JamPli S. Clarke M. A. Rev. Thomas A.

9 a. m. to 6 p. m. ; saturdays to 8 p. m Carr li.A. & Rev. Charles Storr, hon. chaplains ; Rev.

Telegraph office open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; but with extra George F. Reyner D.D. acting chaplain. A Co. Major

fee of IS. telegrams can be forwarded at 7 a.m. & until Thomas X eve, commandant; Sergeant-Major James Wm.

IO p.m Harris, drill instructor

\VALL LETTER BoxEs, High street, cleared at 8.30 a.m. & CRANBROOK UNION.
8.30 p.m.; on sundays at 8.30 p.m. only; Willesley
Green, cleared 8.55 a.m. & 9 p.m.; on sundays 9 p.m. Board day, alternate wednesdays at the Workhouse at
10.30 a.m.
only; Glassenbury, daily, 8.20 p.m.; Whitewell, daily at
8 p.m. & 7.30 a. m. on; Picklegate at 8.20 a.m. & The union comprises the following parishes :-Benenden,
8.25 p.m. ; sundays 8.25 p.m. ; Willesley Pound at 9 a. m. Cranbrook, Frittenden, Goudhurst, Hawkhurst & Sand-
hmst. The population of the union in I88r was 13,773;
& 9·5 p.m.; sundays at 9·5 p.m
rateable value, I89o, £65,335

County Magistrates for the Cranbrook Division. Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Thoma!J
Hunt Crampton, Cranbrook
Cranbrook The Right Hon. Viscount G.c.s.I., P.C., n.c.L. Treasurer, l<'rederick l<'oreman, London & County Bank
Hem~;ted park, Staplehurst Relieving & Vaccination Officers, No. I district, Johrt

Gathorne-Hardy The Hon. John Stewart D.L. 2 Cadogan Bushell, High street, Cranbrook ; No. 2 district, John
square, London s w Mercer Durrant, Hawkhurst
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Benenden district,
Oakeley Sir Charles Williarn Atholl bart. Frittenden house, Percy R. Stevens L.R.C.P.Lond. Benenden; Cranbrook &
St11.plehurst Frittenden districts, Henry Benjamin Wood M.D. High
street, Cranbrook; Goudhurst district, Robert Samuel
Atkin-Roberts Major John Roberts, Glassenbury, Cranbrook Newington, Goudhurst; Hawkhurst district, Chas. James
Austen John esq. Capel manor, Horsmonden S.O Hardy Smith 1\I.B. ; Sandhurst district, Charles Humphrey
Weld, Sandhurst
Bcresford-Hopc Philip B. esq. Bedgcbury, Hawkhurst Superintendent Registrar, Thomas Ilunt Crampton; deputy,
Courthope Geo. Campiun esq. Whiligh, Ticehurst, Hawkhrst George Thompson, 'Waterloo place, Cranbrook
Courthope Geo. John esq. M.A. Sprivers, Horsmonden S.O Registrars of Births & Deaths, Cranbrook sub-district, John
Dickins Major-General William Drummond Scrase-, Col- Bushell; deputy, John Springett, Stone street; Hawk·
burst sub-district, John }Iercer Durrant, Hawkhurst;
lingwood, IIawkhurst deputy, -Morris, assistant overseer, Ha.wkhurst
French George esq. Risden, Hawkhurst Registrnr of Marriages, John Bushel!, High street, Cranbrook;
Frewen Edward esq. Brickwall, Northiam, Sussex deputy, John Springett, Stone street
Goschen The Right Hon. G. J. P.c., D.C.L., M.P., D.L. Seaco:x ·workhome, llartley, a building of stone, built in 1838, t()
hold 350 inmates ; Rev. A. H. Harrison M. A. chaplain;
heath, Hawkhurst Henry Benjamin Wood llr.D. medical officer; Henry
Hardcast.le Edward esq. "M.P. New lodge, Hawkhurst Fincham, master; Mrs. Fincham, matron, Miss Sarah
Honstoun Admiral Wallace, Sissinghurst Place, Staplehurst Ellen Bromham, schoolmistress
Hussey Edwd. Winseresq. M.A.Scotney castle, Lamberhurst
Jessel Sir Charles Jas. bart. D.L. Ladham house, Goudburst
Loyd Lieut.-Col. Edward, Lillesden, Hawkhurst
Monypenny Col. Robert Thomas Gybbon Gybbon D.L. May-

tham hall, Rolvenden
Rmith-Marrmtt Rev. Hugh F. M.A. Rectory, Horsmonden S. 0

Tomlin Edward Locke esq. Angley park, Cranbrook RuRAL SANITARY AUTHORITY & HrGHWAY BOARD.

Tweedie Alexander Forbes esq. Rolvenden Meets at the Workhouse on alternate wednesdays after the

Tylden-Pattenson Wm. Boys esq. Dashmonden, Staplehurst union business.

Tylden-Pattenson ~apt. W. H. Dashmonden, Sta~leburst Clerk, Thomas Hunt Crampton

Clerk to the Magistrates, John Callaway, The Htll, Staple- 1 Treasurer Frederick Fore mHaarn~iLs oBnudtotne r f&i eCl do uSnetvyeBnoaankks
burst, Cranbrook Medical o'fficer of Health
· Pe~ty Sessions are held at the Vestry Hall th~ first thursday Sanitary Inspector, Wm. 'collins, Cranhmok ~d. Hawkhurst

m every month at II a.m. The followmg places are! Surveyor Charles Poole Sissinghurst Staplehurst

included in the Petty Sessional Division :-Benenden, ' ''

BHiadwdeknhduernst', CHroarnsbmrooonkd'enF,rKittielnnddoewnn' ,GMoaurddheunr,sNt 'ewHeanlddeenn,' ScHOOL AatTTthENe DuAmN·CoEn CoMMITTEE.
Meets Work house.

Rolvenden, Sandhurst, Sissinghurst & Staplehurst 1 Clerk, Thomas Hunt Crampton
Attendance Officers, John Bushel!, Cranbrook; John Mercer

Public Establishments. Durrant, Hawkhurst

· Connty Court, Vestry Hall, His Honor William Lucius Selfe, Public Officers.
jndge; John Amherst Philpott esq. Cranbrook, registrar;
Assistant Overseer, Frederick Iggulden, High street
T. Bowling, Ramsgate, high bailiff. The Court is held Certifying Factory Surgeon, Henry Benjamin Wood M.D
every alternate month: the following places are within Clerk to Deputy Lieutenants for Lathe of Lower Scray,
its jurisdiction : - Cranbrook, Tentcrden, Applcdorc,
Benenden, Biddenden, Frittenden, Goudhurst, Halden, John Amherst Philpott, ';fhe Hill
Hawkhurst, Horsmonden, Newenden, Rolvenden & Sand- Clerk to the Visitors of Asylums, John Callaway, The Hill
hurst Clerk to the Commissioner of Taxes, John Amherst Phil-

Certified Bailiffs appointed under the Law of Distress Amend- pott, The Hill; Assistant Clerk, George Thompson,
ment Act, William Francis Winch, Frank Viney Winch & Waterloo place
Collector of Queen's Taxes, William Tarbutt, High street
Frederick Winch, Stone street, Cranbrook
County Police Station, ·waterloo road, Stephen Bartlett, Deputy Coroner for Cranbrook Division, Thomail Joyce M,D.
Shepherd's house, High street
superintendent, 2 sergeants & 20 constables
Fire Engine Station, Vestry Hall, Thomas Sydney llarham, Deputy Stewards to the Royal Manors of Wye, Benenden,
.Corsehorne, Hemsted & Ripton, Philpott & Callaway, The
superintendent & r2 men Hill
Stamp Office, George Waters, sub-distributor, Stone street
Inland Revenue Officer, John Benj. Wm. Robinson, Stonest
Vestry Hall, William Tarbutt, warden, Stone street Inspector of Weights & Measures for Cranbrook division,
John Bourne, Biddenden

East Kent Regiment (the Buffs) 2nd (Weald of Kent) Superintendent of Police, Stephen Bartlett

Volunteer Battalion (comprising A, B, C, D, E, F & G Veterinary Inspector for the Division (except Horsmonden),

companies); head quarters of battalion & A Co. Stone William Eason, High street

street, Col. Hon, John S. Gathorne-Hardy, commandant; Vestry Clerk, John Amherst Philpott, The Hill


Places of Worship, with times of s3rvices. National, erected in 1823 & re-established in 1835, for soo

Churcb. of St. Dunstan, Rev. Alban Henry Harrison M.A. children ; there are now on the books 14~ boys, 150 girls
vicar; Rev. Henry James Ferrier D. D. curate; Thomas & 102 infants; average attendance, ng boys, 120 girls &
Ditch Francis, organist; ·wmiam Taylor, clerk; Thomas
Bo infants: in 1886 the master's residence was converted
Taylor, sexton; II a. m. 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; saints' days, into class rooms, at the expense of Mr. C. Cramp, & a
u a.m. ; daily services at ro a.m new residence for the master erected by subscription at
Congregational, 10.45 a.m. & 6.go p.m.; tues. 7.30 p.m
Calvinist (Providence), II a. m. & 2 p. m a cost of about £soo; James Weston Lake, master; Mrs.

Frances Lake, mistress ; Miss Sutherland, infants'mistress

:Baptist, Je.sse Tandy, pastor; 11 a.m. & 2 p.m.; thurs. Conveyance.

7 p.m Miles' omnibuses from George hotel to Staplehurst sution,

Sohools. five times a day & twice on sunday

Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, founded by Simon C. & T. Williams' omnibus daily at 8 a.m. irom High street

Lynch, in 1574, was chartered by Queen Elizabeth shortly to Staplehurst except sunday, returning from Staplehurst

after her visit to the town: the school buildings include at 5.48 p.m

~ large school room, dining hall, library & sanitori urn, C. & T. Williams' omnibus daily from High street to Maid-

erected in 1885, at a cost of £ s,ooo, a chemical labora·- stone except sunday, at 8 a. m. returning from Star hotel,

-t()ry, open-air swimming bath, gymnasium & museum, Maidstone, at 3·45 p.m

also a workshop with lathes, in which carpentry & turning C. & T. Williams' omnibus, wed. & sat. from High street at

·are taught: attached to the school is a scholarship of the 8.15 a.m. to Etchingham, returning at 11.20

annual value of £so, tenable at Oxford or Cambridge: C. & T. '\-'illiams' market 'bus, thurs. only, leaves Gran-

three school scholarships of the annual value of £ro & one brook a' 12 to meet up & down trains at Staplehurst &

o()f the annual value of [5, are open for competition: arriving at Maidstone at 2.30 & leaving at 5.30

prizes are awarded at Christmas & Midsummer: there are C. & T. Williams' 'bus to & from Etchingham, wed. & sat

now (18go) about 6o boys: there are 12 governors of the The above convey passengers & parcels

·achool, W. B. Sharpe esq. & J. A. Philpott esq. being the Carriers.
wardens; Theodore M. Roberts esq. M. A. head master;

Pryce T. Taylor M.A. Percy Tootell111.A. & Henry D. Hirst MAIDSTOXE-Charles & Thomas Williams, from their own

JI.A. assistant masters; Dr. Otto Hoensch, resident house daily except sun. at 7 a.m

"French & German master ; P. Tootell M. A. science master ; STAPLEHURST-Mrs. Martha Williams' luggage van, twice a

Major Allen B. A. drawing master; H. F. Henniker & F. day except sun

W. Dutnall, music masters 'fENTERDEN-\Villiam Hook, from George inn, wed. & sat

PRIVATE RF.SIDRS"TS. Roberts Theodore M. M.A. (head master Callaway John, solicitor & commissioner

.Alexander Lieut.-Col. Boyd Francis, ofQueenElizabeth's grammar school), for oaths & clerk to justices & to the

Swifts ; & Carlton club, London s w School house visitors of asylums (firm, Philpott &

.Alien Major B.A. (drawing master of Rumens Mrs. Bridge buildings Callaway), The Hill
Queen Elizabeth's grammar school)
Russell Mrs. Stone street Callow Jas. farm bailiff to Philip Heres-
.Appach Misses, Swattenden
Atkin-Roberts Major John Roberts J.P. Saint Thomas, High street ford Beresford-Hope esq. Trenley frm

Glassenbury; &JuniorUnitedService Sharpe Wm. Barling, Baker's Cross ho Carly Elizabeth (Miss), boarding & day
club, London w
llarham James Pay, The Row Smart Misses, Dearn villa, High street school, High street
.Eewley Capt. George William, Camden
villa, Willesley Smith Charles, The Hill Chapman Thos. greengrocer; Stone st
.Burt Henry, Windmill hill
]utler Mark, Windmill cottage Stokes Thomas Stanger, Beaumont Chapman Wm. furniture dlr. High st
Butler Mrs. Windmill hill
<Jallaway John, High street villa, High street Chittenden John Thomas, grocer &
Clarke Misses, 2 Jersey villas
Crampton Thomas Hunt, Myrtle house Stuart Captain Dudley V. Baker's cross provision merchant, Stone street
Uavies Misses, High street
Easo11 William, Shepherd's park Tandy Jesse [Baptist], High street Clarke Charles, shopkeeper, Hartley·
Evernden Samuel, Fern cottage, High st
I<'arrar Mrs. High street Taylcr Pryce T. M.A. (assistant master Clarke John, farm~r & hop grower,
Ferrier Rev. Henry James n.n. [curate
of St. Dunstan's], West terrace of QueenElizabeth's grammar school) Flishinghurst
Finnemore Charles
i<'innemore Mrs. High street Thompson George, Waterloo place Coilins James, jeweller, Stone street
I<'oreman Frederick, High street
-Galpine Thomas James, Waterloo row Tomlin Edward Locke J.P. Angley park Cooper John, shopkeeper, Goford gate
Hague John, Waterloo road
Hardy Frederick Daniel, Waterloo pl Tomlin Mrs. Sackett, Angley park Cornford William, ironmonger, High st
llarris John William, High street
Harrison Rev. Alban Henry M.A. [vicar, Tootell Percy M.A. (science master of Couchman Rd. umbrella repair. High st
& chaplain to workhouse], Vicarage
'Hirst Henry D. B.A. (assistant master Queen Elizabeth's grammar school) Cradduck George, plumber, High st
ofQueenElizabeth's grammar school),
High street Torkington Captain Charles, Hartley Cramp Clement, builder, High street
iloensch Dr. Otto (french & german
master ofQueenElizabeth's grammar Tye James, Hose villa, Waterloo road Crampton Thomas Hunt, clerk to the

school) Waghorn Misses, Hazleden guardians, to rural sanitary authority
Horsley John Callcott R.A. Willesley
Hudson Miss, High street Webster Mrs. High street & to the assessment & school atten•
1ggulden Mrs. High street
.Jobson Thomas Baron, Brooksden Winch Frank Viney, Willesley green dance committees & supt registrar
Joyce Thos. 11.n. Shepherd's ho.High st
Knowler Mrs. High street Winch William Francis, ThP Hill Cranbrook Cricket Club (Sir Charles W.
Levett Mrs. Baker's cross
Levett Mrs. I Jersey villas, High street Winch William Haffenden, High street A. Oakeley bart. J.P. president; E.
Macnaughtan Misses, Old Willesley
Miller Henry Charles, Waterloo place Wood Henry Benjamin M. D. High street L. Tomlin, esq. vice-president; !<'red
MorrisMrs. High street
·Neve William Tanner, Osborne lodge COMMERCIAL. Winch esq. hon. sec)
Nye Mrs. Waterloo place Curl Henry, shopkeeper, Waterloo·road
Owlett Miss, High street
l'arrett Mrs. High street Alien Samuel, grocer, The Hill Dadson Charles, confectioner, Hi~ st
J>ethurst Miss, High street
"Philpott Jn.Amherst,Oaklands, The Hill ArcherThos. chimney sweeper, The Hill Delves & Son, linen drapers, Stone st

"Potter Mrs. Willow house, High street Baker Thomas, tailor, The Hill Dennet John Thos. stationer, High st ·
Roberts Major, see Atkin-Roberts
Hald win John Thomas, builder & brick Dobell Albert Bourn, tailor, High'Street
Major John Roberts, Glassenbury
maker, Heath wood Dobell Mark, confectioner, High street

Baldwin Mark, farmer, Clay hill DrawbridgeGeo.boot & shoe ma.High st

Hartholomew J ames, farmer, Goford Dungey Andrew & Edward, foreign

Bartlett Stph .supt. of police,Waterloo rd fruiterers, Stone street

Bates John James, farmer Dungey Ernest, farmer, Glassenbury

Beeken Stephen, grocer, draper, provi- Dungey George, farmer, Angley farm,

sion merchant. hardwareman & Glassenbury

general stores, High street Dungey Henry, farmer-, The Vents

Bennett Alfred, beer retailer, Stone st Dungey Jas. farmer,OldMiddleton farm

Hishopp Richd. boot ma.St.David's brdg Dungey John, farm!lr & hop grower,

Blake Kezia (Mrs.), Crane coffee tavern, Three Chimneys

St. David's bridge Dunk Ann & Elizabeth (Misses), day

Blunt Horace, blacksmith, Glassenburv school, The Bridge

Bowlden William, butcher, High street Eason William, veterinary surgeon &

Brown Chas. hay trusser,Swattenden la inspector, Shepherd's park

Burnham Stephn. & Son, tailors,Highst Eaton Eli,frmr.&hop grwr.Badger's oak

Burnham James, farmer & hop grower, Edmonds Bros. ironmongers, High st

Hart.ley _ ElliottFdk.Geo.plmbrt&painter,High st

Burt Samuel, farm bailiff to W. H. Evernden Chas. Iden, sa\ldler, Stone st

Winch esq. Stream farm Finnemore & Son, wholesale & general

Bushell John, relieving officer, No. 1 ironmongers, coppersmiths, braziers,

district & registrar of births & deaths tinplate workers & bellhangers, agents-

for the sub-district of Cranbrook, & for agricultural implement & sew""-

marriages fort he union of Cranbrook ing machines, & dealers in creosote,

& school attendance officer, High st Stone street


File 8. farmer, Freizley farm Manser Chas. grocer & beer ret. High st Santer Chas. shoeing smith, The Bridge

Foreman Fredk.manager to the London Marchant & 'fubb, clothiers, Stone st Santer Owen,farmer,LittleGoford farm

& County Bankmg Co. Lim. High st Marshal! Frederick & Son, builders & SaYage William Kemp,Bull commercial

FrancisThos.Ditch,orgamst,'Waterloo pi monumental masons, High street hotel & posting house, wine & spirit

Fry Thomas, machinist, High street Maybourne George, farm bailiff to Mr. merchant ; billiards; borses & car-

Fry Waiter George, Crown inn; good Ruff, Barrack farm riages for hire, Stone street

stabling & accommodation for tra- Miles Thomas,George hotel commercial Sharpe William Barling, brewer, ho~,

vellers, High t:treet inn & posting house(head quarters uS merchant & maltster, Baker's cross

Fryer Rd. & Son, dairymen, The Bridge the C. 'I'. C.), & agent by appointment Sivyer George, beer ret. ThreeChimneys

Gann Rupert Harry, :miller (water), to the South Eastern Railway Co. Smith Chas. Lewis, baker, The Bridge

Hockridge mill Stone street Smith George, fellmonger, High street.

Gas ·works (George Thompson, sec. & Moore Fredk.Wm. hair dresser,High st Smith ma.& jeweller,High st

superintendent), Waterloo place Nunn William, tailor, Stone street Smith Joseph, farmer,-Goford green

Gilbert Nelson, greengrocer &' fish- Owlett Elizabeth Sarah (Mrs.), grocer, Sprange James, farm bailiff to William

monger, High street & agent for W. & .A. Gilbey, wine & Barling Sharpe esq. Tillsden

Goldsmith Joseph, bill poster, High st spirit merchants, Stone street Springett John, boot & shoe maker, &.

Gurr James, farmer, Hawkridge Oyler Samuel, farmer & hop grower, deputy registrar of births & deaths,

Haddock John, farmer, Charity farm, Goddard's green Cranbrook sub-district & deputy

Swattenden · Paine Henry, cabinet maker, Stone st registmrof marriages, Stone street

Hardy Fredk. Daniel, artist, Waterloo pl Pankhurst W. Weald of Kent bill poster Standen William, farm bailiff to Julius:

Harris John Wm. L.R.C.P.Lond. phy- & adyertising agent; bills distributed A. S. Freight, Mount Ephraim

sician & surgeon, High street & contracts taken; prominent private Standen Wi!Jiam James, woodreve ~

Harris Richard, shopkeeper, Stone st stations, High street. See advert Major John Roberts Atkin-Roberts

Haselar & Co. chemists, Stone street Parks Caroline (Mrs.),laundress, Bowl- J.P. Wellroyd, Glassenbury

HayterThos. boot& shoe ma. Waterloo rd ing green Stanger Edward, saddler, High street

Heseltine Wllliam & Son, tea dealers; Parratt Jas. Thos. fishmonger, High st Stenson Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, St_

branch, Stone street Parrett Richard, jun. farmer & hop David's bridge

Hill Wm. Mitchell, shopkeeper, High st grower, Swattenden Stickells & Sons, photographers,High st

Hinkley Alfred, boot maker, Stone st Parrett Sarah (Mrs.), farmer, High st Stokes & Sons, linen drapers, Stone st

Hinkley David, shopkeeper, Waterloo rd Pearce Charles, farm bailiff to the Stone David & Ebenezcr, farmers, Col-

Hollands George, supt. Prut,lential As- Misses Appach, Swattenden cottages lier's green

surance Co. High street Pethurst David, tailor, High street Sturdy Dnl.dispensing chemist, Stone st.

Holliday Arth.White Horse P.n.E:igh st Philpott & Callaway, solicitors & corn- Swatland Sophia & Susanna (Misses),

Holmes Edward, draper, High street missioners for oaths, The Hill; & at dress makers, The Hill

Holmes Edward James,portrait & land- llawkhurst Tarbntt Williarn, fancy repository, &;

scape photographer, stationer& post- PhilpottJohn Amherst, solicitor & corn- collector of Queen's taxes, High st

master, High street missioner for oaths, registrar of Taylor Thomas, farmer & corn mer-

Hopson Joseph, boys' S('hool, Tanyard county court, clerk to deputy lieuts. chant, High street

Huntley Louisa(Mrs.),beer ret.The Hill for Lathe of Lower Scray & to the Taylor William, cabinet maker, High st

Huntly Katharine (Misses), ladies' commissioners of taxes, & vestry clerk Terrill John, beer retailer, High street

boarding school, High street (firm, Philpott & Callaway) Thirkell Elizh. (:\Irs. ), farmer,Hazleden

lgguldenJames Dadson & Co. butchers, Pile George, grazier, farmer & hop Thomas Susan Beal (Mrs.), grocer..

Stone street grower, Hartley Three Chimneys

Iggulden Frederick, assistant overseer Piper Thomas, coach builder, High st Thompson George, sec. & supt. Gas Co.

& house agent, High street Pope George, boot & shoe ma. Stone st & dep. supt. registrar & assistant

Jenner Charles Edward, builder & con- Pope William, boot maker, The Row clerk to corns. of taxes, Waterloo pl

tractor, Bridge house Potten John,seedsman & horticulturist, Ticehurst Henry, farmer, Goford

Jenner Fanny (Miss),dress ma.The Hill Stone street Tipples Wm. farmer. Hartridge farm

Jenner Stphn. bldr. & contrctr. The Hill Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School Tye James & Sons, corn & seed factors,..

Jones Isaac, farmer & dairyman, The (Theodore M. Roberts M.A. head Stone street; stores, Waterloo road

Bottoms master; Prycc T. Taylor M.A. Percy Tye Cornelius, grocer, Willcsley green

Joyce Thomas M.n.physician & surgeon, Tootell M.A. & Henry D. Hirst IJ.A. I Unicume William, farmer, Bull &;

& deputy coroner for Cranbrook divi- assistant masters ; Dr.Otto Hoensch, Bishop's farm, Hartley

sion, Shepherd's house, High street resident french & german master; Unicume William, jun. Hall Wood

Judge Brothers, farmers & hop growers, P. Tootell master; Major farm, Hartley

Folly & Chittenden farms .Allen B.A. drawing master; H. F. VaneCbarlotte(Mrs.),sbopkpr.Highst

Judge Mary A. (Mrs.), baker & con- Henniker & :F. W. Dutnall, music Vane Thos. Duke William P.H. Hartley

fectioner, Church gate masters) Waters Gcorgc, printer, bookseller &;

Kemp George Thomas,farmer,Chequer Read William, farm bailiff to Mrs. stationer & agent to the Suri Fire

Tree farm Saint, Hartley office, & stamp distributor, Stone st

Kemp Edward, farmer, Huggin's hall Reeves Thomas, farmer, Coursehorn Weston Joel, draper, High street

Kennard Charles, carpenter, Court stile Relf Edwin, farmer, Breach farm Whatman Edgar, beer retailer, Stone st.

Kilpin William James, grocer & provi- Relf George Samuel,The Windmill P.H. Wilden Albert, beer retailer, High st

sion dealer, High street Windmill hill Wilden Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house,

Law Robert, shopkeeper, Flishinghnrst Robinson John Benjamin Wm. inland The Limes .

Levett John, farmer, Tubslake farm revenue officer, Stone street Williams Charles & Thomas, carriers

Levett William, farmer & hop grower, Rofe John, plumber, Market place & omnibus proprietors, coal & coke

Glassenbury Hill farm Rogers Joseph, boot maker, High street merchants, goods removed & store!~

Levett Wm. jun. farmer, Furnace farm Rumens Isaac, farmer, Will~ley green with greatest care, High street

Literary Association & Reading Room Rumens James, farmer & bop grower, Williams Martha (Mrs. ),carrier,High st.

(William James Kilpin, treasurer; Dove farm WUmshurst J onathan, butcber,Stone st

Thomas Hunt Crampton, hon. sec. ; Rumens William, carpenter, builder & Winch William Haffenden & Sons, auc-

J'ohn Thomas Dennett, librarian; undert.aker, Hartley tioneers,valuers & surveyors,Stone st·

William Tarbutt, sub-librarian) Russell & Son, millers (wind & steam), Wood Henry llenjamin M.D. physician

'London & County Banking Co. Limited Union mills, The Hill . & surgeon, & medical officer & public-

(branch of) (Fredcrick Foreman, Russell .Albert, grocer, High street vaccinator for Cranbrook & Fritten--

manager),High street; draw on head Russell John, farmer, Collier's green den district, Cranbrook union, &

office, London E c Russell Thomas, beer retailer, Willesley medical officer to workhouse & certify-

Mans£eld James, hair dresser & tobac- Russell Thos. shopkeeper, Waterloo rd ing factory surgeon

conist, Stone street Sanders Ezekias, farmer & hop grower, Young .Alfred, farm bailiff to Viscount

ManwaringHarry,farmer & hop grower, Hancock's farm Cranbrook, High Tilt


CRAYFORD (mentioned in Domesday Book as having Cord union, petty sessional division and county court district,.
anci in the rural deanery of East Dartford, archdeaconry of
a church) is an ancient parish and village, situated Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. The river Cray runs
on the old road from London to Dover, with a station on ~hrough the ¥illage and is navigable from the Thames to within
the Dartford loop line of the South Eastern railway, 13
miles from London, 2 miles south from Erith and a mile a mile of the place, towkich it gives its name, and upon this
and a half west from Dartford, although part of the parish stream, near to the, are several extensive silk and
extends to within a quarter of a mile of the suburbs of that calico-printing establishments, a factory for the manufacture
town. The parish is in the North Western division of the
county, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, Lessness hundred, Dart- ofgrapesugarandagunandammunitionfactory. Theparish
is supplied with water by the West Kent Water Co. frorn


works situated here, and lighted by the West Kent Gas Co. Short.lands.. A small fair is held here on the 24th of August..

from works at Nettle Bottom, on the Dover road, which Pemmell's charity of £3 yearly, derived from money left

also supply the villages of Bexley, Bexley Heath and Craw· by Mrs. Pemmell and invested in Consols, is for bread ;

ford. The church of St. Paulinus i!l an ancient structure Say's charity of £27 yearly, left by Miss Say, of Crayford,
ofllint and rag stone, in the Perpendicular style, consisting and similary invested, is for coal. There are also Allnutt'l
of chancel with aisles, transepts, twin naves, south porch charity of £13 a year fur the Sunday Schools and for re-

and an embattled western tower containing a clock and 8 pairing monuments of the family of Allnutt; Raymond's
bells, placed in the tower as a memorial to the late David charity of /.,"2 I]S. wd. yearly for coals; Susannah Jacksou's
Evans esq. of Shenstone: the chief peculiarity of this church charity of£ rBa Consols for the support of the day schools ~
is the double nave, consisting of two broad aisles with a and Day's charity of £99 ]S. 6d. invested in Consols for
range of five arches on clustered shafts running down the bread, coals or blankets. In the parish are several caves,
centre: the chancel has but one arch to each of the side some of which are 20 fathoms deep, widening in circum-
chapels, which seem to have been private chantries: the ference; there is a tradition that they were formed by the-
Barne chapel contains a tomb with two recumbent life-size Cymri as places of security for their wives and children
figures in marble of William Draper esq. of Crayford, ob. during their wars with the Britons. There are also chalk
x65o, and Mary, his wife, ob. 1652: the east window offour pits and brickfields. Col. Frerlerick St. John Newdegate
lights and 10 others are stained : the fabric was restored in llarne, of Sottcrley Hall, Wangford, Suffolk, who is lord of

x861 at a cost of about £I, wo, and subsequently enlarged Crayforrl manor, and the trustees of the late Frederick
in I88I : the church possesses an engraved brass processional Stoneham esq. are the principal landowners. The area of
cross, brought from Magdala, in Abyssinia, on its capture the parish is 2,343 acres of land and 90 of water; rateable

by the late Lord Napier, I3 April, 1868, and presented to value, £2I 0456. The soil is gravel; subsoil, gravel. The
the vicar : a new communion-table of mahogany, in the chief crops are grain; much fruit is grown; the pppulation

Perpendicular style, has been presented by a parishioner at in I 88 I was 4, 347.
a cost of 100 guineas; it was designed by Mr. James Brooks, MAY PLACE, half a mile north-west ; BARN's GRAY, half a.
diocesan architect, and has five panels beautifully painted mile north-east; HowBURY, a mile and a half north-east;

'Jy Mr. N. H. J. Westlake, of Endell street, London, the NoRTH E:sn is a mile and a half north; l::lLADB s GREEN (or-

!entre panel represeuting "The Heavenly Worship of the Slate's Green) is I~ miles north and names of residents here·

Lamb" and the others, the four Evangelists : there are will be found under Erith.

soo sittings, about one third of which are free. The regis- Parish Clerk, George Conyard.

ter dates from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, tithe PosT, M. 0. & T. 0. S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.~
rent-charge £845, net yea1·ly ¥alue £soo, including 57 acre.s Miss Emma~'est, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive from

of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Mrs. Sophia Alcock, London 6.20 & 7.50 a.m. I.IO & 6.30 p.m. & saturdays

of Eardemont, Crayford, and held since I888 by the Rev. p.m.; dispatched at 8.45 & I2.I5 a.m. 4-45 & 8.40
John Price Alcock lLA. of Oriel College, Oxford. An iron p.m.; dispatched toWoolwich, 11.40 a.m. & 6.r5 p_m_;
church was erected in the year x87a, at the sole cost of dispatched to Bexley Heath, I & 5· 15 p.m. Money orders.
Robert Lloyd esq. of Martin's grove, in the llexley road granted from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Telegraph work, 8 a.m._

and parish of Bexley, close to the boundary on the south- to 8 p.m

west of Crayford, and is intended for the benefit of the ScHOOI.s : -
inhabitants at that end of the parish : it has 300 sittings, National, Crayford hill (boys, girls & infants), for 65T

100 being free.- There is a Catholic church dedicated to St. children ; average attendance, 240 boys, II5 girls & 14z..
l\Iary with a house for the priest and a school attached and infants; James Thompson-Brown, master; Miss Grace
also a Baptist place of worship. Four almshouses were Berry, mistress ; Miss Elizh. Osborne, infants' mistress

erected in I866 by Mrs. Stable, as a memorial to her National (mixed), Slade's Green, built in I868 & en--

husband and for the benefit of four aged persons, each of larged in 1890, for 220 children; average attendance, 126;
whom receives one shilling a week; a clergy house was Miss Mary Ann Newman, mistress
also built in the same year by Miss Swaisland, partly as a Catholic (mixed), for 100 children; average attendance, 6o~

memorialjto Charles Swaisland, of which the rent is used Miss Ellen O'Hara, mistress
for the benefit .of the sick of the parish. A village hall, in Railway Station, John Harden, station master

connection with a temperance hotel, called "The British "WATER CARRIHRS, to & from London, Blaker& Co.'s barges,_.

Workman," was erected in the High street in 1874 by Sir Sawmills wharf

Stevenson Arthur Blackwood K.C.B. of Shortlands House, CARRIKRS.-Parker & Soni daily, returning same day

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Squibbs Charles Robert, Iron Mill lane Ellingham Mary (Miss), millinery,.

Alcock Rev. John Price M.A. Rectory Stoneham Mrs. Orchard House. [Letters London road

Allcock Mrs. Eardemont through Erith] Evans David & Co. silk & shawl printers.

Andrews George, Station road Thomson Thomas, Swan cottage Gates Chas.mechancl.engnr.Lonclon rd

Batty George, Station road Whittin Frcderick, Station road Giffin Alfred \Valter, saddler, High st

Bawcutt William, Gray cottage White Jarnes, Station road Gilks Benjamin, beer retailer, Chapel r<i

Bentler Miss, Bexley lane White Joseph, Earde villas Gill David, shopkeeper

Blaker Mrs. Iron Mill lane COMMERCIAL. Goddard Alfred, hair dresser, High st

Burke Mrs. Yew Tree cot. Orchard hill Alexandre Julia(Madame),drcss maker, Gregory Thomas, greengrocer

Channer Col. The Elms 8tation road Heath & Co. Lim. nautiCal instrument.

Clemishaw George, The Ferns Allbury John, Duke's Head P.H. High st manufacturers & opticians

Cowie Frederick William, Bexley lane Amis Joseph, beer retailer, London rd Henden Tom, CrayfordP.H. High street.

Dempsey Peter, Cray house Ashdown Wm.Reform,glass & china dlr Howlett Henry John, chemist

Dobson Mrs. Bexley lane Rarnes John James, painter & plumber retlr.Londonrd

.Downing Thomas, White Hill house Bath John, farmer, Wansunt farm Idenden George, butcher

Dowsett James, Station road Beadle Brothers, coal merchants &c Jeffers Charles, butcher, London road

Dowsett Mrs. Station road Blaker & Co. barge builders & owners, Jones Alfd. Jas. Blaek Bull P.H.High st.

Drew Samuel, Park cottage, London rd Saw mills Jury Charles, organist, Station road
Blieck Brothers (C. & T.), grape sugar Kemp John, wood dP~ler
Dwelly George, Yew Tree cottage

Evans Mrs. Shenstone manufacturers, Saw mills Kent Bone & Tallow Co. Lim. (J. M.

Fooks Mrs. Grove place Bond Frederick, boot maker, London rd Gale, manager; H. E. Lawson, sec.),

l<'raser Capt. Hugh Alex. 2 Earde villas Box Wm.mangr.of Gas works,Crayford Invicta mills

Gracewood Alfred A. Glenview house, Brand Samuel,shopkeeper,London road Kent WaterWorks(Chas.Currah,engnr)

Station road Brewer Chas. Alfd. shopkpr. London rd Lee James, draper, High street

Grabam William, Manor house Bmwn James, grocer, Saw mills Mclntosh Hugh,Duke ofWellington P.H

Higgs William, Station road British Workman Temperance Hotel, Mahone David, shopkeeper, High st

Hogan Rev. William John [Catholic] Village Hall & Library (John Jack- Maxim Nordenfelt Gun & Ammuni-

Horner Edward J.P. May place man, manager) tion Co

Hough Thomas, Station road Butler Edmund, White Swan P.H May Thomas, surgeon, Fritwell house

liunt James, Station road Br()()ks Henry & Son, blacksmiths Mllne Herbert David, watch maker

Mabcy Mrs. Station road Cook Ed wd. Williams, boot & shoe makr Mugford William, Bell inn

May Thomas, Fritwell house mer.Londn.rd Neave John Wm. boot maker, High st

Mazey William James, StaLion road Cooper William, beer retailer Newman James, baker, High street

Moore Mrs. High street Crane By. jobbing gardener, London rd Orme Jas.Hy.& Co. grocers,London rd

Nisbitt Miss, Bexley road Currah .Fanny (Mrs_ ), tobaccnst.High st Pease Henry, farmer

Nowell Miss, Bexley lane D<~vidson Robert, shopkeeper, Saw mills I Powell Arthur Charles, baker, High st

Nurse Hugh, Station road Davis George, jobmaster Robinson Esther (Miss), baker

Page Mrs. Station road Downing- Thomas, miller, Saw mills Roe George, blacksmith
Durant Elizabeth (Miss), dress makel' Rutter Daniel & Charles (Viney Blaker,
Pim Theodore, ot. Martin's grove Dwelly John, shopkeeper, High street manager), brick makers

Plowman Robert, Brooklands



Seagrove J oseph, coffee & dining rooms, Swann Charles, grocer Wells Harriet (:Mrs.), greengrocer
West Kent Gas Light & Coke (A,
London road Sweeting Alfred, grocer
(William Box, manager), Crayford; t•
Sevenoaks Chas. E. carman,London rd Thacker John, Bear hotel, High street (Albt. Tbos.Box,mngr. ), West st.Erit~
·west Emma(:Miss),stationer,Post offi~
Steele "\Villiam, fishmonger, High street Thompson Thomas, coach builder Whale Jas. beer retailer & shopkeeper

Steptoe Michael,shopkeeper,London rd Tippins Edward, baker, London road Whitehead I<'rancis, baker, High stl'effl

Stcvens Charles, cowkeeper, High street Turner Joseph Geo. grocer, & agent for Wisdom George, boot maker
Young David, butcher
Studart Peter, insurance agt. Dover rd W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit mers

Swaisland's PrintingCo.Limited(Henry Upton George, Jolly Farmers P.H

Honey, chairman) l Wells John, plumber, High street


THE CRAYS are parishes contiguous to each other, situated Institute Day School, for 150 mixed children; average

on the banks of the river Cray, which rises at Orpington, in attendance, 143 ; John Barber, master; Miss Elizabet~

a beautiful and diversified country, interspersed with numer- Richardson, mistress ; infants, 55 ; average, 45; mistress,

ous elegant seats and noble mansions, in the North Western Miss Mary Glassup

division of the county, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, Ruxley Catholic (mixed & infants), for 120 children; average

hundred, Bromley petty sessional division, union and county attendance, so; Miss Mary Quin, mistress

court ;district, !within the Metropolitan police district and Railway Station, James Thomas Cookson, station master

in the rural deaneries of East and West Dartford, arch- CARRIERS TO LONDOX : -
deaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. These WilJiam Burgess, every mon. tues. wed. thurs. & fri
villages are lighted with gas by the Cray Gas Co. aud sup- Carter, Paterson & Co. twice daily & Pickford & Co. once
plied with water by the West Kent Water Works Co.
ItFoot's Cray is a pleasant village and parish, miles
St. Mary Cray has a station on the London, Chatham south-east from Sidcup station and 5 north-east from Hrom-

and Dover railway, qf miles from London and 13 by road ley, situated in a beautifully wooded country, on the road

and 4 east from Bromley. The church of St. Mary is an from London to Maidstone; it was formerly styled Fote's

ancient structure of stone and flint, in the Early English, Cray, taking its name from God win Fm, who held the manor

Late ·Decorated and Perpenchcular styles, and consists of from Ed ward the Confpssor. Foot's Cray parish and a pnr.

chancel with aisles, nave, aisles, south porch and a plain tion of Chislehurst were formed into an ecclesiastical districl

western tower with shingled spire, containing a clock and 5 by Order in Council, March 2oth, 1863. The church of All

bells : the nave is divided from each aisle by three Early Saints, prettily situated near the river, among trees, is a

English arches on circular piers and the chancel arch is small building of flint and stone in the Perpendicular style,

similar : south of it is the door formerly leading to the rood consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, west porch, and a

loft: arches on either side connect the chancel and its aisles : small turret with a shingled spire on the western gable con-

in the north chancel aisle is a piscina and the church has taining five bells: the nave opens to the north aisle or chapel

.some screen work : there are four brasses, one being to by two arches of pointed form, but of very dissimilar propor.

·Richard Greenwood, 1773: there are 300 sittings, about tions: on the north side of the chancel is an arched rece8!

one-half being free. The register dates from the year 1579. in the wall and on the south side of the church, at the

The living was a vicarage, 18 Feb. 1868, net yearly eastern extremity of the nave, is a square turret lighted by

value £300, with residence and 2 acres of glebe, in the gift small windows and containing a stone staircase which now

vfthe Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since 1889 by the leads to the pulpit: several of the wmdows are stained:

Rev. Edmund Ball Th.A.K.C.L. The Temple Congregational there is a fine old Norman font of Purbeck marble, and in

church, built in 1851 at a cost of £ 12,ooo, defrayed hy the the north chapel, beneath an arch in the wall, is a monumenl

late W. Joynson esq. is a building in the Italian style and to Sir Roger De Vaughan and his wi.fe, with effigies of both:
will seat 8oo persons. The Catholic chapel was built in the chancel is a brass inscribed to Thomas Myton, for·
in 1873 at a cost of £8oo, and is dedicated to St. Joseph. merly rector here, 1489: in the churchyard is an iron
The cemetery in Star lane comprises I acre with an un- monument to Martin Manning, 1665. The register dates
consecrated chapel, and i~ under the control of a Burial from the year 1650. The living is a rectory, yearly value
Board of nine members. The Literary Institution was from tithe rent-charge £265, with residence and about 21
founded in 1848 and has reading rooms attached. There acres of glebe, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held
are police and fire-engine stations. A field of 10 acres since 1861 by the Rev. Charles Birch M.A. of St. John's Col·
was inclosed and devoted to the use of the inhabitants, by lege, Cambridge. The Baptists have a chapel here. Foot's
the late W. Joynson esq. Here is the extensive paper mill Gray Place, a Palladian Yilla, was the seat of Lord Bexley;
of Messrs. Joynson and .Son, where ahont 6oo hands are it is now the residence of Sir John Pender K.C.M.G., F.R.G.S.,
employed. A charity flf £6 3s. 6d. yearly, arising- from a J.P. The trustees of Mrs. Baugh are lords of the manor;
bequest of money by Valentine SpaiTOW esq. of St. ~Iary the principal landowner is Capt. Rohert Arnold Vansittal1
Cray, is part distributed in bread, £2 12s. being- thus ex- J.P. The soil is loamy and gravel; subsoil, gravel. The
pended. Richard Benyon Berens esq. llf.A., J.P. of Kevington, chief crops are cereals of all kinds and much fruit. The
is lord of,the manor and the principal landowner. The soil is population in 1881 was I,go8, of the parish; and 6g6 of the
gravel and loam; subsoil, gravel. J<"ruit and hops are grown ecclesiastical dist.rict; the area of the parish is 804 acres;

here. The area is 2,027 acres; rateable Talue, £21,300; rateable value, Lz1,500.

the population in 1881 was 1 1go6. Parish Clerk, Thomas Hewer.

CROCKEN HILL is partly in this parish and partly in that· PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Offire

of EYNSFOlm, and will be found under a separate head. (Sub-Oflice. Letters should haveS. 0 .Kent added).-~Iiss

Parish Clerk, Charles Dabnor. Florence Standing, postmistress. Letters deli1ered a$

PosT,_ M. 0 . & T.O., S.R. & Annui,ty & Insurance Office (su b- 8 a.m. I. I_') & 7 p.m.; dispatched at g.1o a.m. 1.15, 4·35.
7 & 9·5 p.m. Money orders are granted & paid fron!
Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Kent added).-Edward am to 6 pm
Clarke, recei>er. Letters from London arrive 7· ID a.m. I 9 .~
.· · , · . .
& 2 & 6. c;o p.m. ; dispatched at 9_25 a. m. & 12.20, 3. 10, Nati?nal School (m1xed & mfants), rebmlt m 188_2, for 220
g. IS & 10 p.m.; sundays 6 p.m. Money orders are granted
a.m. till ?hildren; average attend_ance, 70 boys, ~o guls & 50
at 8. 35 «
:&& paid at the Row- mfants; Ja~es Arthu_r Wmter, master;. Miss Elle? M~
8. 35 p.m.; P~field, asslStant mistress; l\11ss Anme Rose, mfan!8
cflreoamred9 6 p.m. PILLAR Box mL~tress
a.m. & 2. 10
1 ~. 40
sundays at 5 20 pm
·· CARRIER TO LoNDON.-William Burgess, daily
Cemetery, R. G. Mullen, Bromley, clerk to the burial North Cray with RuxLEY (which gives namerothe
board hundred) is a mile and a half north from Foot's Cray, 1

Fire Engine Station, H. Tyrer, jun. captain & r 2 men; key mile south from Bexley station on the Dartford loop line of
at police station the South Eastern rail way, and 8 north-east from Brornley.

Metropolitan Police Station, Thomas Baker, resident inspec- The parish of Ruxley or Rokesley was united to North Crsy

tor & 18 constables in 1557, on account of the dec-ayed state of the church.
PUBLIC OFFICERS : - The church of tit. James, beautifully situated in a sequ~
tered spot, east of the river, is a building of stone in t~

Certifying Factory Surgeon, Rt.Alex.Shannon;L.R.C.P.Edin. Perpendicular style, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles,

Medical Officer, 3rd district, llromley union, William south porch and a tower with· spire containing 3 bells: the

Donaldson L.K.Q.C.P.Irel. chancel was rebuilt in 1871, at a cost of £I,ooo, bytheRev.

Relieving & Vaccination Officer, No. 2 district, Bromley F. Wood M.A. and contains a stained east window and 1

union, J. Bates carved wood reredos of Flemish work, representing the

ScHOOLS:- "Adoration of the Magi" and the" Flig-ht into Egypt:" there

National (endowed) (mixed), for 370 children ; average are also several memorial windows in the nave and aisle and

attendance, 320; infants, go ; average, 84; Harry ·Aigar, a carved oak pulpit, bearing the date 1637: in the churcll~
1a finely carved marble figure in memory of Octavia Cathe-
master ; Mrs. Eliza Algar, infants' mistress


rine (Vane-Tempest), wife of Edward, Ist Earl of Ellen- extensive paper mill. The church of St. Paulinus, bcauti-

borough, d. 5 Il1arch, I8r9: the stained west window is a fully situated in a narrow part of tbe valley, is an ancient

memorial to J. B. Cape! esq.: there is also a fine picture of building of tlint and stone, chiefly in the Early English style,

the "Crucifixion " by Gessi, formerly in old LamorhPy and consists.{){ chancel, nave, south aisle, west porch and a

chorch, in Bexley parish: there are I So s1ttings, of which western tower with shingled spire containing 3 bells: the

83 are free. The register dates from the year I538. The nave had formerly a north aisle, now destroyed, but two

living is a rectory, yearly value from tithe rent-charge £353, arches of its arcade have been built into the wall : on the

with residence and 10 acres of glebe, in the gift of Captain south side of the nave is a range of three elegant pointed

R. A. Vansittart J.P. and held since I86S by the Rev. Hug-h arches, on slender circular pillars: the chancel had also a

William Johnston lit. A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. north aisle, only part of which now remains: the beautiful

There are five unendowed alms houses, occupied by respect- east window was erected by the present rector, and there are

able families and £ r2 ws. is distributed yearly in bread. two memorial windows to Richard Paterson esq. late of

Woollet Hall, the residence of Frederick Friend esq. is Leesons, in this parish : on the tower door may he seen an

celebrated as the place where Viscount Castlereagh K.G. the inscribed lock: the lychgate, at the entrance of the church-

eminent statesman, committed suicide August I 2th, I822 ; yard, is modern, but the churchyard itself affords fine views

Yale l\Iascal, the residence of Leonard Shuter esq. is a man- over the surrounding landscape: there are 250 sittings.

sion situated in extensive grounds; Mount Mascal, situated The oldest register dates from the year 1579. The living is

on a commanding eminence from which it takes its name, a rectory, yearly value from tithe rent-charge £490,

and approached by a fine avenue of lime trees, is one of the net £391, with residence and 14 acres of glebe land, in the

mOBt beautiful seats in tl1ese parts, and the residence of gift of Countess Sydney, and held since 1858 by the Hev.

Lieut.-General John Neptune Sarg-ent c.B. Capt. Robert Ueorge Leopold Langdon M.A. of St. Peter's College, Cam-

Arnold Vansittart J.P. is lord of the manor and principal bridge. Charities amounting to about £ro 1os. are distri-

landowner. The soil is gravel and loam ; subsoil, hea,-y butcd annually amongst the poor. There is a small Baptist

loam and ehalk. Fruit of every description is grown here in ! chapel. The Countess Sydney, who is lady or the manor

abundance for thll supply of the London markets. The and William Chapman esq. of Southill, Delvin, eo. West-

area is 1,483 acres; rateable value, £·4,500; the population meath, are the chief landowners. The common lands,
i secured to this parish, comprise about IOO acres and in parts
111 188r was 635.
HuxLEY 1 mile to the sonth-east gives name to the hun- ' are covered with gorse and clumps of tre~s ; they extend to
dred ' ' ' and adjoin Chislelmrst Common. The soil is partly chalk,
Pa~ish Clerk, Henry D. Whatley. sand and gravel; the subsoil _is a rich loam. The chief

PILLAR Box cleared at • & 2· 1 5 ~ ?· 15 p.m. & at crops are wheat, barley, turmps, mangold-wurtzel, peas,
9· 1.J a. m. hops and fruit. The area is 1,65I acres; rateable value,
Letters thro:rgh_Clusl~hurst. The £ 6 100
8.15 a. m. on sundays. telegraph office IS at I< oot's Cray . the population in r88r was 774.
nearest money order & '
J '

Se . PosT 0FFICE.-Edgar Lindridge, sub-postmaster. Letters

Nrarotw_OnLaS•l.-b UI.1~ • I 863~ f 5° h"Jd . average d dispatched at 9 a.m. I2, 2.35 & 9 p.m.; sundays, 5-45
c _I ren • atten - p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at St.
m, or Mar Cra
ance, 40; M1ss Grace Turner, m1strcss

Infant, built in r863, for 40 children; average attendance, .y y . .
15 · Miss Emma Smith mistress Natwnal School (m1xed), for Ioo cluldren; average attend-

' TO Lo~DON.-Pa' rker & Son, . a nee, 74 : a residence for the mistress, built in 1879, was
daily the gift of the late Miss Paterson, of Leesons, St. Paul's

St. Paul's Cray, surrounded by scenery of the most Cray; Miss Emma Hobbs, mistress

picturesque description, is I mile north from St. Mary Cray CARRIERS TO LONDON : -
station on the London, Chatham and Dover railway, and 4 William Burgess, man. tues. wed. thnrs. & fri

east from Bromley, on the river Cray, which here works an Carter, Paterson & Co. Lim. once daily

St. Mary Cray. Reeve Thomas W. Derry downs Epsom George, builder
Reeves John, Derry downs Everist Robert, fishmonger

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Raper Henry, Derry downs Figgess Herbert, farmer & fruit grower,

.Arthur Charles, Derry downs Shannon Robert Alexander Fire Engine Station (H. Tyrcr,jun. capt)

Ball Rev. Edmund Th.A.K.C.L. St. Smith Charles, Belgrave l<'lynn Ellen (Mrs.), boot maker

Mary's vicarage Snclling John Carnell, Spring hall Ford George, beer retailer

Battiscombe Christopher George M.B., Spicer Augustin, The Rookery Fordham VI illiam, butcher

c.M. Sandlings Stanger James, Derry downs Foster Thomas Castle, beer retailer

Berens Rd. Benyon M. A., J.P. Kevington Stephenson Herbert, Derry downs Fox Richard, news agent

Bowers Arthur, Derry downs Tillyard J ames Charles, The I vies Garratt Jesse, farmer, Hockenden

Brooker HCohbaerlret,s,BIedld·!-!ersalveeigvhilvlaislla Tomkin!' William Henry, Derry downs Goldfinch Amelia C. (Mrs. ),confectionr.
Tyrer Henry, Lime villa & tobacconist

Cook William, Derry downs Tyrer '\\7illiam, Derry downs Good enough J ames, shopkeeper

Crowhurst Miss, Belgrave place Valery Frederick, Derry downs Goodwin James, grocer

Dalton Mrs. Derry downs ·weller Herbert, Beach villa Gray William, farmer, Sheepcote farm

Dolan Lawrence F \Veller Herbert, Derry downs Haines \"r'illiam, farmer, Crouch farm

Downie George M. Tay villa Willcock Frcderick Henry, Wyedown Hall John, butcher

Edward Samuel, Derry downs Winter Albert, Derry downs Hams Thomas, farmer, Kemp fann

Fearnley James Samuel, Grassmeade, COliiMERCIAL. Hart Brothers, bmlders & painters
Derry downs
Heath Henry S. chemist

Francis James,Clyde ville,Derry downs Bailey Ann (Mrs.), baker Hosmer J\Iary (Mrs.), grocer & draper
Gaughran Rev.Patrick John [CatholicJ Baker Thos. police inspctr.Police station Hilson Charles I<'. Reel Lion P.H
Huggett Ned, beer retailer
Golder James L. Derry downs Bailey Harold W. dairyman

Gowman Wm. Fernside, Derry downs Balclwin Eliza (Miss), seed stores Hutchings Brothers, carpenters

Gray William, Sheepcote farm Brtrker George Osborne, watch maker Hutchings Henry Sydney, coffee room

Griessbauer Theobald, Derry downs Bates J. relieving & vaccination officer Hutton Jn. Stockwell, Bull inn, Birchwd

Grimes Edwin, Park villa No. 2 district, & deputy registrar of Inge Mary A.(Miss),china&glass dealer

Hall Alfred, Derry downs births & deaths, Bromley union International Tea Co. (J. Rowley,mngr)

Hall William, Derry downs Bath Ingledew, farmer, Waldens farm Jackson Henry, farmer & fruit grower

Harlow George, Rose croft Battiscombe Christopher Geo.JII.B.,C.M. Jones Arthur, outfitter

Harris Henry, Derry downs surgn. see ·wade,Ashe & Battiscombe J oynson & Son, paper manufacturers

Houghton George, Richboro' lodge Boyce Frederick, hair dresser LANE GEORGE & JAMES COCK-

Joynson .Miss, Effingham lodge Brett l<'rederick, greengrocer MANNINGS, nurserymen

Laird Andrew, Derry downs I Burstow Amelia (Mrs.), dress maker, Lapthorn Ann (Mrs.), coffee rooms

Lane Richard, Holly lodg. Der:-y downs Derry downs Laslett '\\'illiam, tobacconist

Lane William R. Derry downs Clarke Edward, printer, bookseller &c. Lee William, general draper

Lauchlan Mrs. C~qy villa Post office Lemon & Son, wheelwrights

Lewis Rev. William [Congregational] Coleman Frederick, boot maker London Tailoring Co. High street

Manning- Alfred, Belgrave place Cookson Jas. Thomas, station master Martin & Co. bankers (T. R. Hewitt,

Mansfield Mrs.Garden vil.Derry downs Corke Stcphen, shopkeeper manager); attendance from Chisle-

May William, Northfield Costen Edwin, boot & shoe maker hurst tues. & fri. from 1I till3 ; draw

Moore Jn.North Bank vils.Derry downs Crook Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper on London office, 68 Lombard st E c

Ogburn Mrs. Derry downs Crowhurst Frederick Chas. fruit grower Martin William, boot maker

Percy John P. Waldens DaltonEliza(Mrs.),laundy. Derry downs May William, solic-itor, N orthfield

Phillipt'! Jas. Nth. Bank vils. Derry downs Dow George, shopkeeper Mayatt James, painter
! Driscoll Edward, boot & shoe maker Miles William, clothier
Pryce Joseph T. Derry downs




Millhouse William, house agent & Keeler Mrs. 9 May's villas \Vilson William Martin, Seven StarsP.Il

queen's tax collector Kekewich Lewis, Twysdens North Cray.
Mitcbell James, baker Kinder Edward
Mugridge John, butcher Kinder Misses, Homecroft Cutbill Arthur, Ruxley cottage
Leders John, 2 Woodland villas
Ogburn Ellen(Miss),dress maker, Rose- Morgan Miss, 8 May's villas Friend Frederick, Woollett hall
dale, Derry downs Pender Sir John K.C.M.G.,F.R.G.s., .T.P.
Grant George, Cray house
Ogburn George, saddler Foot's Cray Place; & I8 Arlington
Packman Dan, basket maker street, Piccadilly & Brooks'& Reform Johnston Rev. Hugh Wm. M.A. Rectory
Palmer James, Five Hells P.H
Peirson Henry, pharmaceutical chemist clubs s w & City of London club, Lawrie Miss, The Gattons
Penfold CTeorge, blacksmith
Petty \Villiam L. nurser_yman Lonoon E c Lowe Miss
Ralph Miss, 3 Ursula lodges
Sargent Lieut.-Geni.John Neptune C.B,

Mount Mascal ·

Shuter Leonard, Vale Mascal

Phillips Edwards, coffee house Rayden William, I Woodlands villas COMMERCIAL.

PbilliiJS Richard, butcher Rogers John, 7 May's yillas agent & auctioneer, Rnxley
Pollard John, rate collector Shand Mrs. 12 May's villas, Sidcup hill Hath William, farmer
Rankin Charles W. hair dresser Shea Charles Edward, The Elms
Reeve William Thomas, grocer Slater '\\'illiam Henry, 2 May's villas Brown John, farmer,Mount Culver frm
St. Mary Cray Cemetery (R.G.Mullen, Stevens George, 5 May's villas J ackson Thomas, fruit grower, Ruxley
Walker Miss, 2 Ursula lodges McPher~on John, Red Gross P.H
clerk to the burial board), Star lane Weedon Waiter, 4 Woodlands villas May John, shopkeeper & baker
St. Mary Cray Literary Institute & Petty William, fruit grower, Ruxley
Williams James T. 5 Woodlands villas
Reading Hooms(JosiahSmith, librarn) Whatley Henry A. grocer & parish clrk
Schewerer David, watch maker COMJ\IERCIAL. Wood Thomas, fruit grower
Shannon Robert Alex. L.R.C.P.Edin.

S'lrgeon, & certifying factory surgeon Allen Jarnes,auctioneer & estate agent, St. Paul's Cray.

Sharp William, Black Hay P.H 4 May's villas Bly Robert Marling
Shewen John, ironmonger Attree Eardley, wood dealer & farmer Chambers Mrs
Slade & Stratton (Misses),dress makers Banks John, shopkeeper Chapman Rev. Canon Edward William
Smith George Mence, oil & color man, Baxter Alexander,gardener to Sir John
M.A. Paul's Cray hill
High street Pender K.C.M.G Gardner Rev. James Geo. B.A. [curatej
Snelling John Carnell, brewer & miller Brooks Alfred Henry, basket maker IIcales Major Alfred, Leesons

(steam) Bur~ess William, l~ed LionP.H.&carrier Heath Harry, The Cottage

Spooner Isaac, butcher ClarkHy.Jas. coach builder& ironmongr Langdon Rev. George Leopolcl M.A..

STANGER FRANK, grocer, draper & Coast Thomas Henry, grocer& draper, [rcctorl
outfitter, & agent for W.& A. Gilbey, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & Nash Williarn, Nash villa
wine & spirit merchants spirit merchants
Pollard James
Stratton Mary (Miss), dress maker, see Corke David Taylor, grocer, draper &c. Stancliff Gifford, H,1lly lodge
Slade & Stratton Kent house
Strouts Robert Homersham, butcher Cribb Isaac c.E. architect & surveyor, COMMEHCIAL.

Styles John, blacksmith & wheelwright 6 May's villas Barton George, baker

Taylor Henry, news agent Cunnington .Archer, plumber Chambers Jane & Ann (Misses), ladies'

Thames Rosetta Agnes (Mrs.), shopkpr Downton Thomas, boot maker school

Town Abel, carpenter Endersby James, shopkeeper Chislehurst & Crays Valley Cottage

Tyrer Harry & Co.corn,coal& coke mers I<"ord Edwin, blacksmith Hospital (Arthur L. Cutbill, sec.;

Tyrrell John, hair dresser Green George, greengrocer Miss Westwood, matron)

Wade, Ashe & Hattiscombe, surgeons Ha.zell James, blacksmith Clark Ellen (Miss), shopkeeper

Walker Thomas J. outfitter King Jn. Thos. birch broom & basket ma Crays Gas Co.'s Works (Frank M.

WallbridgeJaneAngel(Miss),leather sllr Laslett Daniel, beer retailer Edwards, sec)

Watson James, fishmonger Law, Sons & Co. bookbinders' cloth Crays Industrial Co-operati,·e Society

West James, boot maker manufacturers Lim. (C. W. Collins, manager)

Winter Mary (Miss), fancy repository, Leders Harriette (Miss), teacher of Faircloth Frederick, eating house

& tobacconist music, 2 Woodlands villas Hearn Henry, fruit grower

Foot's Cray. Moss .Frank, baker, Church road Laslett William, Bull P.H

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Oxley Tom E.saddler & insurance agent Lindridge Edgar, grocer, & post offic&

Packman William, coffee house Mann Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper

Albin John Francis, IO May's villas Pascall George, stock brick maker Marjoram William, basket maker

Bcnning Misses, 3 Woodlands villas Rankin Stanley, cabinet maker May George, farmer & fruit & hop
Birch Rev. Charles M.A. Rectory • Reading Room• & Working .Men's Club grower, Gray's farm

Bryans Arthur, The Cottage (Thomas Downton, hon. sec) May Thomas, farmer & corn factor &

ChickAlfd. Young, I rMay's viis. Sidcp. hl Reeve Joseph, turncock fruit & hop grower, Chalkpit farm

Corke David Taylor, 6 Woodlands viis Smith George, shopkeeper ~ills W. Waterfall, fruit grower

Cribb Isaac C.E. 6 ~fay's villas Spenceley John, butcher Nash William, writing, envelope, blot-

Croly Miss, I U1.'8ula lodges St,anding Florence (Miss), stationer, ting & cartridge paper manufacturer,

Francis Britain, Woodfalls Post office Cray Valley mill

Gardiner Miss, 6 Ursula lodges Stebbings Charles F. builder Tappenden l<"rederick, Old Star P.R

Gorham Miss, 5 Orsula lodges Sutton John, market gardener Tapsell Horace, horse dealer

Green William, Albany lodge Thorpe Henry, beer retailer Tyrer Harry&Co.coal & corn merchants

Hills George, 3 May's villas Tompkins Joseph Septumas, butcher Vinson Ed win, farmer & hop grower,

Holland Miss, 4 Ursula lodges Tossell George, baker & confectioner Home farm

H urren Henry, r May's villas Weeks Wi Iliam, greengrocer Wintle George, The Anchor P.H

CROCKEN HILL is an ecclesiastical district, formed built and endowed in r86I by Mrs. Mosyer, a native of
this place. The Right Hon. .Sir William Hart Dyke bart.
out of the pari~hes of Eynsford and SLitton, April 201 M.P., P.c., D.L., J.P. of Lullingstone Castle, is lord of tb
1852, 6 miles south from Dartford and 1 mile south from manor and principal landowner. The soil is light sandy

Swanley Junction on the London, Chatham and Dover

railway, in the North Western division of the county, loam; subsoil, gravel and chalk. The chief crops are hops,
hundred of Axton, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, Dartford petty wheat, oats and fruit. The population in r88r was r,on
sessional division, union and county court district, and Parish Clerk, Henry Johnstone. ,

in the rural deanery of East Dartford, archdeaconry of POST OFFICE.-Robert Bath, receiver. Letters arrive from
Maidstone earnedcteddiom·ceser 8_o')fI, C· anterbudr'fyi. T.he hof Swan1ey J unctw· n 8.0 . at 7.40 a.m. & 2.30 p.m.; di·!to
All SouIs, lS an e 1 ce ot stone m t e patched at 10_3 m. .3 &T6h.e45npe.amre.s;t sunday delivery,
7te_l2e5gr;apdhispoaffticche, is at Swa nley Junction, money order .t
Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south ·
distance I mile.
porch and a western bell cot containing one bell: there are

several stained memorial windows and sittings for about Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
200 persons. The register dates from the year I852. The

living is a Ticarage, net yearly value £295, with residence, ScHOOLS : -
National, erected in I86o, for II3 children; average
in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held

since r88o by the Hev. Frederick Newton Style M.A. of attendance, 96; Henry Rollinson, master

Lincoln College, Oxford, and chaplain of Kettlewell Con- British (mixed), erected in 1870 & enlarged in 188g, for

valescent Home. The union chapel, erected in 187o, 170 children ; average attendance, 127; Thomas Wilson,
has sittings for 200 persons. There are six almshouses, master

Everest Thomas, Home farm II Langlands George, Westead 1 Style Rev. Fredk. Newton :M.A. Vicarage
Everest '\\'illiam, Moat house M:arshall Rev. James Hand, Union
1Vinson Edwin, High croft


Wood John Everest John, fruit grower Odd Thomas, fruit grower
Wood Thomas, Sound lodge Everest William & Thomas, coach Relph Jame!l, shopkeeper
Wood William, Home farm Seabrook Richard Charles, gro~r
builders, builders & fruit growers Smith Benjamin, florist & fruit grower
COMMERCIAL. Field Richard, shopkeeper Smith J ames (:\in;.), beer retailer
Bath Robt. draper & grocer, Post office Jackson Daniel, market gardener Smith William, fruit grower
Best Caleb, butcher Jackson Mary (1\Irs. ), fruit grower Turner Sarah Jane (:\'Irs.), beer retailer
Chapman Edward, farmer Knowles ~ewman, shoe maker Wood John, fruit grower
elements John, fruit grower Langlands David, farmer, Westead Wood Thomas, agricultural engineert
Clifton Henry, shopkeeper Lee Caleb, farmer & fruit grower
Crocken Hill Co-operative Society Lee Frederick Cooper, baker proprietor of steam ploughing &
Loosemore Robert, butcher thrashing machinery, traction en-
(George Smith, manager) Mills William Henry, Chequers P.H gines, road rollers &c
Drury J oseph, shoe maker

CROCKHAM HILL is a hamlet and ecclesiastical The register dates from 1841. The living is a vicarage,
gross yearly value £140, with residence, in the gift of
parish, formed in 1845 from the civil parish of Wester- Lieut.-Col. Charles Arthur Madan Warde, of Squerryes
ham, situated on the borders of Surrey, 2! miles south Court, Westerham, and held since I886 by the Rev.
from that town, 2 north from the South Eastern railway Cameron Churchill M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford, and
station and 2i from the London and Brighton station at domestic chaplain to the Earl of Donoughmore. The land-
Edenbridge, in the Western division of the county, Wes- owners are Lieut.-Col. C. A. M. Warde, Rev. John Erskine
terham hundred, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, Sevenoaks petty Campbell-Colquhoun M.A. of Chartwell, Courtenay Tracy
~ressional division, union and county court district, and in and Joseph Hobinson esqrs. The soil is stiff loam; subsoil,
the rural deanery of Shoreham, archdeaconry of Maid- clay and gravel. The chief crops are hops and corn, with ~
stone and diocese of Canterbury. The church of Holy
considerable portion of pasture. The population in I88r
Trinity, erected in 184I, is a building of stone in the was 517.
Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and
an embattled western tower containin!? a clock placed in Sexton, Leonard Ingram.
r887, at a cost of £66, and one bell: the reredos is PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & .Annuity & Insurance Office.---"-
adorned with mosiac work, including sacred emblems and
monograms: the communion table cloth was worked by William Latter, postmaster. Letters through Eden-
the Hon. Mrs. Warde, and other accessories by the ladies of bridge, delivered at 7 a. m.; dispatched at 9·35 a. m. &.
the parish: the organ cost£ r8o: and there is a brass lectern, 8. IO p.m
presented anonymously: on the south side is a memorial
National School (mixed), built in I 867, at a cost uf £I ,250,
window to Mrs. Shand of this place: there are 200 sittings.
for 120 children; average attendance, 86; Edwin Bond,

master ; Mrs. Bond, mistress

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. IIogben Ilerbert William, Pootings Cooper John, Itoyal Oak P.H -
A'Court Repington Chas.Hy. Trevereux Lewis Charles L. ''~rarren house Cox William, blacksmith
Banks John, Dennett lodge Melchers Car! Edward, Rusholme Deadman .Arthur, builder
Banks Waiter Taylor, Dennett lodge Robinson Joseph, Lewins Ellis James, farmer, Coakham lodge
Banks John Rowland, Crockham house Scorer Frederick, Kent hatch Goading William, grocer & baker
Campbell-Colquhoun Rev. John Erskine Shand Alexander Innes, Oakdale Hollamby Waiter, farmer, Hurst

M.A.,J.P.Chartwell. [Letters received Storr John S. '\'illys at Heath Horseman George, stone mason
through Westerham S.O] York Miss, Larksficld Inglcfield George & Son, butchers
Latter 1't'm. shoe maker, Post office
Churchill Rev. Cameron M.A. [vicarJ COM)'IEHCIAL. Skelton Robert, farmer, The Grange
Barnett l'hilip, farm bailiff to George Smith George, farmer, Uplands
Deedes .Mrs. Newlands Stevens Henry, dairy farm
Dickinson Francis, Wheatlands Osenton esq. Close farm Tillyard Arthur, farmer, Pootings
Doody .Francis, Oaklands Botley Charles, shoe maker, Frog hole
Hewitt Miss, Medhurst Collins George, farmer, l'ootings farm

CRUNDALE (or CRUNDALL) is a parish 3~ miles 17II, left IOS. yearly, derived from land in Crundale; and
the Rev. Francis Filmer, formerly rector of Crundale, left
north-east from Wye station on the South Eastern rail- in r859 £I,IOO in Consols; the dividends yielded by the
way, 70 from London, 8 south-west from Canterbury and above charities, amount\Pg to an annual sum of £35, are
7 north-east from Ashford, in the Southern division of the distributed amongst the aged poor. In I728, the Rev.
county, lathe of Scray, Wye hundred, Ashford county court Richard Foster left a library of 959 volumes of theological
district and petty sessional division, East Ashford union, and and other works for the use of the rectors of Crundale
in the rural deanery of West Bridge and archdeaconry and for ever. The trustees of the late Sir E. Filmer bart.
diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. Mary, sitaated
(d. r886), who are lords of the manor of Trimworth, in
on elevated ground, three quarters of a mile from the
village and surrounded by trees, is a building of stone in this parish, John Cunlitfe Kay esq. of Godmersham Park,
the Early English and Perpendicular styles, consisting of and Wanley :Eilis Sawbridge-Erle-Dra.x esq. of IIolnest.
chancel, nave, north porch and a tower on the north side of Park, Dorset, are the principal landowners. The soil is
the nave with a low spire containing 3 bells, one of light; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are corn and hops.
which is cracked: there are 150 sittings. The register of The area is I,593 acres; rateable value, £'1,462; the popu-

baptisms dates from the year 1556; marriages, I559 ; lation in I88I WaS 275·
burials, I554· The living is a rectory, yearly value from SOLE STREET, 1 mile east, and DANEORD, half a mil~ north-
tithe rent-charge £38o, with 20 acres of glebe and resi-
deuce, in the gilt of the trustees of the late Sir Edmund west, are hamlets of this parish.
Filmer bart. and held since I868 by the Hev. Waiter Parish Clerk, James Arr.old.
Arnold Vaughan M. A. of Christ Church, Oxford, and domes.
tic chaplain to Viscount Barrington, who resides in London; PosT OFFICE.-Frank Pilcher,receiver. Letters arrive from
Canterbury at 9.30 a.m. ; dispatched, 5· IS p.m.; sundays,
IO.I5 a.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is.

the Rev. Myers Dallas )!alden M.A. of Emmanuel College, at Wye

Cambridge, has been curate in charge since 1885. The National School (mixed), built in I868, for 54 children;

Earl of Winchilsea holds a portion of the rectorial tithes. average attendance, 32; & endowed with £I6 yearly.

John Finch, of Lympe, in 1705, left £2 yearly, deriyed left by R. Foster, in 1729; John Croome, certificated

from land in Godmersham ; Mrs. Thomasin Philpots, in master

Maiden Rev. Myers Dallas M . .A.. [curate Pilcher Frank, grocer1 Post office Richardson James, butcher & farmer
Swinyard Alfred, farmer
in charge] Pilcher Thomas Smith, farmer Warden Alfred, farmer

Hann John, farmer Pollen T. farmer

Jarvis Stephen, Compasses P.H

CODHAM is an extensive parish and widely-scattered at an estimated cost of between £3,000 and £4,000; the
spire will be entirely new and an additional bell will be
village, situated to the west of the high road from London placed in the tower : there are 350 sittings, nearly all
to Sevenoaks on the Surrey border, 7 miles north-west being free. In the churchyard are some very fine yew
from Sevenoaks, 7~ south from Bromley, 3~ south-west trees, measuring 27 feet 9 inches in circumference. The
from Orpington station on the South Eastern railway, in register of baptisms and burials dates from the year
the Western division of the county, Ruxley hundred, lathe 1653; marriages, 1654. The living is a vicarage, average
of Sutton-at-Hone, Hromley petty sessional division, union yearly value from tithe rent-charge £272, ·with resi-
and county court district, rural deanery of 1't'est Dartford, dence, in the gift of Sampson Copestake esq. and held
archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. since I875 by the Rev. Henry Leftwich Freer Lie. Theol.
The church of SS. Peter and Paul, which dates from the of University College, Durham. Here is a Wesleyan
12th century, is a building of flint and brick in the Perpen- chapel. Buckhurst Lodge, :a miles south-west, is the
dicular style, consisting of chancel with side chapel, nave, seat of George Christy esq. who is lord of the manor
north aisle, south porch and a central tower containing 3 of APERFIELD, a small hamlet in this parish. The Right.

bells: the church is now (18go) being thoroughly restored


Hon. Sir William Hart Dyke bart. P.c., M.A., D.L., J.P. sundays, dispatched at I0.3o a.m. The nearest money
of Lullingstone Castle, is lord of the manor. Earl Htan- order oflice is at Downe; telegraph office at Knockholt or
hope and the. Earl of Derby K.G., P.C. are the principal Orpington

landowners. The soil is clayey, with a great quantity of WALL Box, Jail lane, cleared at I 2 noon
chalk and flint ; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat,

barley and oats. The area is 5, 923 acres; rateable value, WALL Box, Westerham Hill, cleared at 8.45 a. m. & 6.30
£6,ooo; population in 1881 was 1,029. p.m. i sundays, 7·45 a.m

Parish Clerk, Richard Yeates. National School (mixed), erected in I85I, for I36 children;

PosT OFFICE.-Richard Yeates, postmaster. Letters arrive average attendance, 109; Waiter Crooks, master; Miss

from Orpin,crton R.S.O. at 8.45 a. m.; dispatched at 4 p.m. ; Blanche Crooks, mistress

{Names marked thus • should be addressed Clarke James, fruit grower, Park cot Martin Thos. poultry farmer, Gatelanda

Westerham Hili.] Collins Daniel, farmer, Burys Packman Samuel, fruit grower, Jail la

Carless Mrs. Cudham street Collins Henry, wheelwright Pearce Charles, farmer, Hostye farm
{)hristy George,. Buckhurst lodge Cowland William, fruit grower Prince Waiter, Salt Box coffee tavern,

Dummitt Jeremiah, Lusted Cowlard Richard, baker, & Old Jail inn Westerham road
Freer Rev.llenry Leftwich L.Th.[vicar],
ICrane George (Mrs.), farmer Roberts Percy James, naturalist
Higgins .Edward, Little Portlands Dewberry Samuel,farmer & fruit grower Roberts William, grocer & draper
Jackson,Vm.CrownAsh cot.Lit.PortlndB
Dougal Marmadukc Thomson, farmer, Smithcrs Charles, decorator

Biggin flill farm Swindel Mrs. grocer, Biggin hill

Keay Mrs. Cudham grange Drew .Amos & Thomas, fruit growers, *Thompson John, Fox & Hounds P.R
Moxham Robert Hale, Hostye lodge
Grub grounds Tipping John, fruit grower, Jail lane
*Musker John H. Gray's farm
Fairall Abel,nurseryman,"Westerham rd 'fremain John, blacksmith & frui~

Reynolds John Clitiord, The Retreat I<'owden James, farmer, Horn's green grower, Mead house

Vicat Mrs Galloway Thomas, grocer \'l'allis William, wheelwright & farmer

COMMERCIAL. Gillett ~-illiam, grocer Webster Charles, fruit grower

,Alwen Jo~m, farmer ~ Hallam William, bay dealer, Biggin hill Wells Thomas, carpenter

.Alwen Thomas, bricklayer Holland William, blacksmith 'WestbrookJames,farmer&fruitgrower,
Rateman Jobn, shoe maker
HowardChas.Hy.Blacksmiths'Arms P.H Great South Street farm

Blackwell William, bird stuffer Hugbes Arthur S. poultry fancier, New- Westbrook William, fruit grower
Blackwell William Hunt, farmer, Par- born apiary Wheatley Freuerick, farm bailiff to the

sonage farm Jackson George, farm bailiff to George Earl of Derby K.G. Cudham court
*Blake Geo. carpenter, Westerham hill Christy esq. Apcrfield court \Vhiting George, Black Horse P.H
!Hake Wm. blacksmith & fruit grower Wood Geo. farmer, Old Harrow cott.age
Jackson Richard, fruit grower, Jail lane

.Blundell Wm.fruitgrowr.Grub grounds Jessup Benjamin, farmer, Mace farm Yeates .Albert, builder
Burkin Henry, fruit. grower, .Tail lane Yeates John, shopkeeper, Horn's green
.Burkin J ames, fruit grower, Jail lane Jessup John, farmer, Cudham Lodge!frm Yeates Rosina (Miss), dress maker,
Burkin Wm. fruit grower, Old Harrow
Chitty Richard, farmer, Skid bill *Marchant William,gamekeeper & farm Horn's green

bailiff to .A. H. Baker esq .

Markham'fhos. (Mrs.),fruit grwr.Jail la

CUXTON is a parish and village, situated on the banks average £3I2, net yearly valde £320, with residence and 30
acres of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of Rochester, and
<>f the Medway, with a station on the North Kent railway a held since 1874 by the Rev. Charles Colson M. A. late fellow
quarter of a mile south-west of the- church, 3 miles south- of St. John's College, Cambridge,honorary canon of Rochesrer
west from Rochester and 3I miles from London, in the Mid Cathedral ( r874) and examining chaplain to the bishop.
division of the county, lathe of Aylesford, Shamwell hundred, The Earl of Darnley is lord of the manor and the principal
Rochester petty sessional division and county court district, landowner. The soil is chalky; subsoil, chalk and clay. The
Strood union, and in the rural deanery, archdeaconry and chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, peas and hops. The
diocese of Rochester. The cllurch of St. Michael, pleasantly area is r,6gx acres of land and 70 of water; rateable value,
situated on a high bank, commanding a fine view over the £7,793; the population in 1881 wa.s 393·

valley of the Medway, is an ancient building of stone, Parish Clerk, William Cogger.

originally erected in the Early English style, b'.lt restored in PosT OFFICE.-James Hewett, receiver. Letters arrive
the Tudor period, and consists of chancel with south chapel, from Rochester at 6.30 a.m. & 4· I6 p.m.; dispatched at
nave, south aisle, north porch and an embattled western I 2 ·55 & 6.45 p.m.; sundays dispatched at I~. I.) a.m. i
tower, of Perpendicular character, containing 5 bells : an arrive at 6. 30 a.m. The nearest money order office is &t
arcade of three arches divides the aisle and nave, in which Lower Hailing: the telegraph is at the railway station
are some traces of a rood loft: there is a piscina niche in the
chancel and a stoup or aspersorium near the north door;

the interior has been rest{)red and some stained windows National School (mixed), erected in x86.j., for 120 children:
inserted: there are 200 sittings. The register dates from average attendance, go ; Miss Sibley, mistress
the year 156o. The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge Railway Station, William Darley Sewell, station master

Colson Rev. Canon Chas. M.A. Rectory Burr William, wheelwright Pye John, farmer, Ranscombe
l'ye William, Brick house Clifton William, blacksmith Pye William, farmer, Brick house
:Baker .Mary (Mrs.) & Son, grocers, Jupp Edward, White Hart P.H Samson Frederick, hurdle maker
Moore John 0. farmer, Court lodge Tuff Cllarles, farmer, Dean farm
Upper bush
Booth & Co. portland cement manufrs ·

DARENTH (or DaRENT), a village and parish, takes its marriages, 1695. The living is a vicaragP., tithe rent-charge

name from the river Darent, on the banks of which it is situ- £3oo, with 5 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the
ated, I mile north from Farningham Road station on the Dean and Chapter of Rochester, and held since 1883 by the
London, Chatham and Dover railway, 2 miles south-east from Rev. Henry Bingham Stevens KA. of Emmanuel Colle,o-e,

Dartford, 7 south-west from Gravesend and 20 from London; Cambridge. The poor have £29 6s. 8d. yearly from 1
it is in the North Western division of the county, Axton bequest by Sir T. Smith, now in the hands of the Skinnen'

hundred, lathe of Sntton-at-Hone, Dartford petty sessional Company, of London and £36 from other sources. Here
division, union and county court district, and in the rural are Wesleyan and Presbyterian chapels. The asylum for


deanery of Gravesend and archdeaconry and diocese of imbeciles and school for imbecile children, erected by the
Rochester: it was given by .Athelstan to Duke Eadulf, who managers of the Metropolitan Asylum district, constitute
in 940 gave the church and manor to the cathedral church ; one of the largest establishments of the kind in the king·
of Canterbury, but the chapter afterwards exchanged these • dom: the buildings, erected in 1878 at a cost of £ro,fXX!t
for Lambeth with the chapter of Rochester, and they are from designs by Messrs. C. and A. Harston, architects, of
now in the bands of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. South London, are in the Gothic style, and stand on the uplands
Darenth, I mile south, is partly in Horton Kirby parish. some 200 feet above high-water level ; they have a frontage
The church of St. Margaret is a small and ancient editice of of nearly half a mile, including two massive water t!lwers
stone, chiefly of the Rectilinear period, and consists of chancel, about Ioo feet in height, and a handsome clock tower, and
nave, south aisle with an arcade of three arches, south porch, also comprise a chapel, infirmary and detached baths; a ne11'

and an Early English tower at the west end of the south aisle, wing was added in I888 at a cost of £so,ooo, to hold 4o0

crowned by a shingled pyramidal spire and containing 3 imbecile children, and a smallpox convalescent hospital ha!
bells : the eastern portion of the church is Norman work and been built in the Darenth wood, at a cost of £63,000, for 6oO
has a grained stone roof: the font is also Norman, cylindri- patients; the school contains nearly r,ooo imbecile children
cal in form and of large size, so as to admit of immersion : and the asylum will hold I, 500 adults : the grounds and fanJl are some interesting monuments and five stained win- comprise about I70 acres, including a small part of DarentJr.
dows, the east window being a gift by Mrs. Seager in memory wood : picturesque and substantial farm buildings have IJee!l
of her husband: there are sittings for rso persons. The erected near the wood, and at the lower part of the gi'Ilund.

l'egU!ter of baptisms and burials dates from the year 1631 ; are gas works : the water supply is derived from a well i"


the chalk 250 feet deep, whence it is pumped to the tower PosT OFFICE, Darenth.-Charles Lester, receiver. Letters

t.anks at the rate of about roo,ooo gallons per day: the arrive through Da.rtford at 7 & rr.2o a. m.; dispatched at
~ewage is disposed of by irrigation on the farm land : one r1.roa.m.&7.Iop.m.; sundaydelivery at 7 a.m.; dis-

acre of the ground has been set apart and consecrated as a patched 10.35 a.m.; 11.40 a.m. & 7.15 p.m.; sundays.

cemetery: the total cost has amounted to about £330,000; dispatched at 10.15 a. m

Stamford Felce M.R.C.P. is chairman of the committee. The WALL LE'ITER Box at Lane End, cleared 7.30 p.m. week •

Grange is the residence of Thomas Horn I<'leet esq. D. L., J. P. days & I 1.30 a. m. sunday
The Ecclesiastical Commissioners are the lords of the manor. Metropolitan .Asylum Schools for Idiots, FLetcher Beach M.B_
Thomas Horn Fleetesq. D.L., .T.P. William Tristram esq. and
Percy Hassell esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is medical superintendent; John llrooke Ridley M.B., C. M.
light and dry, the subsoil chalk. The chief crops are vege- ·assistant medical officer ; Samuel Crick, steward & general
tables and fruit, with a smaller portion of grain. The area
manager for both
is 2,214 acres of land and 8 of water; rateable value,£ 14,191;
~he population in r88r was r,536, including Bar in Lhe lm- Metropolitan Adult Asylum, Thomas Birch Dyer M.D. medi-
J>ecile Asylum.
cal superintendent; .Alfred Thomas Oliver "rhite L.R.C.P.
GREEN STREET GREEN is a considerable hamlet, a. mile
Edin. assistant medical officer; Rev. W. H. Langborne.

and a half east; ST. MARGARET's is 1 mile south-east ; GILLS BoARD ScHOOLS ;-

is a mile and a half south-east. Here is a chapel of ease for .A School Board of 5 members was formed in r875 ; W. J.

the neighbouring hamlets, served by the vicar of Darenth. Judge. Horns Cross, Gre~nhithe, clerk to the board &

PosT OFFICE, Green Street 11-reen.-Edward Gregory Sum- attendance officer

mers, receiver. Letters arrive from Dartford at 7 a.m.; Lane End (mixed), built in r868, for 75 children; average

dispatched at 7.10 p.m. weekdays &atr0.45a.m. onsun- attendance, 48 ; Miss Margaret Beaney, mistress

days. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Green Street Green (mixed), built in 1876, for 70 children;

Fawkham average attendance, 67; William Sanders, master

Darenth. Barnett John, Chequers P.H Saunders T. H. & Co. paper manufctrs
Burtenshaw John Mercer, farmer Treadwell James, farmer & fruit grower.
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Evered George, cowkeeper
Beach Fletcher M.B. Metropolitan Lester Charles, grocer, Post office Lane end
Metropolitan Adult .Asylum (Thomas Webb John, farm bailiff to Mr. John
Asylum school
Dyer Thomas Birch M.B. Metropolitan Birch Dyer M.D. medical superinten- Bartholomew
dent; .Alfred Thomas Oliver White WhiteEdwd.marketgardener,Lane end
Asylum L.R.c. P.Edin. assist. medical officer ;
l<'leet Thos. Horn D.L., J.P. The Grange Rev. W. H. Langhorne, chaplain) Green Street Green.
J'arvis Mrs. The Downs Metropolitan .Asylum School for Idiots
Langhorne Rev. W. H. [chaplain], (Fleicher Beach M.B. medical superin- .Armstrong John M.D
tendent; John Brooke Ridley M.B., Banks Rev. William [curate]
Metropolitan Asylum c.M. assistant medical officer ; Samuel Hassell Percy
Marchant William Armstrong Francis, farrner
Millbourn .Arthur, Rose cottage Crick, steward) Conford William Anthony, hay dealer
Ridley John Bl"Ooke M.B., c.M. Metro- Munn Stephen, grocer&baker,Lane end
H.obb Roderick, Fox & Honnds P.H. & fruit grower
politan .Asylum school Hassell Percy, farmer
Smith Rev. John [Presbyterian], The Lane end Miles Frederick, White Hart P.H
Rogers Rebecca(Miss),market gardener, Summers Edward Gregory, grocer k
Manse, Lane end
Stevens Rev. Hy. Bingham M. A. Vicarage Grub street draper, Post office
Tristram William, St. Margaret's Russell George Percival, farmer, St. Wallis Frederick, Ship P.JI
White .Alfred· Thomas Oliver L.R.C.P. Wallis John, boot & shoe maker
Edin. Metropolitan .Asylum

COMMERCIAL. Soloman Alexander, farmer & fruit WareEmily(Miss ), blacksmith &shopkpl'

Andrus George, fruit grower, Gills grower, Gills West Edmund, fruit gro,ver


THE town of Dartford is a parish and the head of a union, and address of Richard II. On the 17th July. 1555, Chris-
petty sessional division and county conrt district, in the iopher Waid was burnt at the stake on Dartford Brent: a
.North Western division of the county, Dartford and Wil- costly monument has been erected to this ffiartyr in the old
mington hundred, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, rural deanery of burial ground on the spot where anciently stood a chapel
East Dartford, archdeaconry nf Maidstone and diocese of dedicated to St. Edmund the Martyr. The town is governed
Canterbury. It is situated in one of the valleys of north- by a local board of nine members, formed in 185q. It is
west Kent, with a station on the North Kent section of the lighted with gas by a company and supplied with water
South Eastern railway, 15 miles from London by road and from works situated in the parishes of Crayford and Wil-
,17 by railway, 2 from the Thames, 7 west from Gravesend mington, the property of the West Kent Water Works
and 3 south-east from Erith. The town, which has been a Company.
place of consideration from the time of the Roman occupa- The parish church of Dartford, The Holy Trinity, is a
tion, derives its name from its situation on the river Dart or venerable and stately edifice of flint and brick, in the Early
Darent, on which it was an important station at the point English and later styles, and consists of a lofty chancel with
where the great Watling Street from London to Dover crossed aisles separated from it by arcades of three arches on the
the stream by means of a ford.. Dartford is frequently north and two on the south, clerestoried nave with arcade~
mentioned in history and has been the scene of many im- of three arches on either side on octagonal piers, aisles,
portant events. At the time of Domesday Book it had a south and west porches and a tower, partly of Early English
church and three chapels. Isabella, sister to Henry Ill. was date between the north aisle of the nave and that of the
married here in 1235 to the Emperor Frederick III. Edward chancel, and containing a clock and 8 bells: on the east wall

ill. held a grand festival here on his return from France and I of the south chancel aisle (formerly a chapel) are traces of a.

in 1355 he fonnded a Dominican nunnery ou this spot to frescO" of St. George and the Dragon and a niche for an
commemorate the victory of Cressy (26 Aug. 1346) and image: in the chancel are two very fine brasses, one of which
surrender of Calais (29 Aug. 1347) ; a portion of the build- · exhibits the figure of a civilian l.n a mantle and his wife;
ings of the convent, which was dedicated to SS. Mary and I there are others here to .Agnes (Appelton) wife 1st, of
Margaret, and now occupied as a. farm house, yet remain, I ~'illiam Hc3ill, baron of the Exchequer (1421-4) and 2nd, of
as well as the brick embattled gateway; the convent was also Robert Molyngton, she died 1454 ; to Capt. .Arthur Bostocke~
used as a palace by Henry VIII. and by .Anne of Cleves, his gent. ob. r612, Frances (Rogers) his wife and six children,
qneen, as well as by Queen Elizabeth, it.s gardens and beneath a rich canopy and an inscription to Richard
orchards then covering 12 acres ; on its dissolution the Martyn, of Dartford, ob. 1402 ; in the nave is a brass t()
yearly revenue of the house was estimated at £4o8. In William Death, gent. once principal of Staple Inn, Holborn.
1381 an insurrection broke out here, arising from the un- ob. 1590, his wives, Elizabeth and .Anne and r6 children;
popularity of the poll-tax; this movement was headed by and in the south chancel are mutilated brasses to William
Wat Tyler, a smith, of Dartford, who led the insurgents to Rothele, ob. 1464 and his wives Elizabeth and Joane;
Blackheath and there encamped 12 June: next day he pro- Richard Burlton, gent. and Katherine, his wife, 1496; a
ceeded with his followers to London, seized the Tower and civilian. ob. r;;oB and Elenor, his wife; John Bur esq. ob.
marched to Smithfield, where he was killed by Sir William 1572, his wives .Alice and J oane, son and grandson; there
Walworth, and the insurgents were dispersed by the courage are also in the church brasses to John Hornley B. D. presi-


dent of Magdalen Hall, Oxford, ob. 1477, with effigy in gift of [,1o yearly; John Dowse's, of £6; William Ladde'~
academical dress, and to a female, c. 1590; and a fine of £9 ; and gifts by Jerome Warram and Robert and Fran~

monument to Sir John Spielman, knighted at Dartford, 25 Rogers, amounting together to £10 yearly. Those to the

May, 1605, who here introduced into England the art of poor comprise William Vaughan's charity, of [25 a year·

paper making: the font has an octagonal basin, each face of John Burton and Francis Goldsmith's, of £r5; Willia'

which is sculptured with two rude Early Pointed arches, and Reynold's and William Hal't'ison's charity, of £84 16t!.;

in has-relief on the sides are the heads of the four Evan- Robert Rogers',of £16 18s.; Jonathan Brett's, of£25 8s. rod.;
gelists: the east and west windows are stained and in the Thomas Cooper's, of [.I ; Catherine Bam'8, of £r ; Joha

south aisle is a window erected to Charlotte, wife of Robert Handall's, of £10 ros. gd. left by will .August 14, I77I•

Wilks, by her friends and neighbours of the parish, in r862; Miss Pettet's, of £3o, left by will February 26, 1795, llld

the nave and aisles were restored in 1877, considerable distributed quarterly, in sums of £ss. each, to poor per.

repairs having previously been made in r863; and the west sons; the Rev. Charles Chambers', of [,r ros.; Dr. Plnlllt's,

porch was restored in r869 ; the south aisle has also been of ms.; .Anthony Poulter's and John Round's, of £2, distn.

almost entirely rebuilt: the communion plate includes a buted in money on Christmas Day; and some anonymo~

silver flagon of 1712, an alms dish given by Mr. Joseph gifts of £9 ms. yearly, which are received by the vicar',

Alien in 1749, and other pieces of similar date : there are warden and distributed by him. For the poor in the Uni~

820 sittings, 200 being free. The register dates from the House there are charities of £35 14s. 6d. yearly (lesslnCOI!le

year r_s6r. The living is an endowed vicarage, yearly Tax), left by Grace Say and given to aged inmates recorn.

value, from tithe rent-charge £s6o, with glebe and resi- mended by the master; and of £rs yearly, given by will!i

dence, in the gift of the Bishop of Worcester, and held since Ed ward Pierce, dated October 13, 180<), for the poor in the
house. The schools have yearly £3 xos. 3d. from Randa!J•1
1887 by the Rev. .Alan Hunter Watts, and surrogate.

Au iron church, erected on the Dartford road, was opened charity and £3 9s. 4d. from Chambers' charity.

in May, 1870: it has about 250 sittings, all free, and is The Spital Almshouses, anciently used as a hospital for
lepers, provide nine aged widows of the parish with £r2 per
served by the parochial clergy.

The Mission church of St. ..Alban, situated at East Hill, on year each, besides coals and woods; the bequests towaniJ

a site given by Mrs. Sankey, a landowner in this parish, is a their erection were chietty made in the x6th century; iu

structure of white brick, erected at a cost of £700 and 1572 they were rebuilt and re-endowed by John Byer esq,

()pened 7 Oct. I 88o: it consists of chancel, nave of four bays and in 1704 were restored at the expense of John Twistleloo

and a western bell-cote containing one bell: there are 200 esq. of Horsman's place; they have been again rebuilt (18go
by voluntary subscriptions, at a cost of over £1,400 ~then

There is a temporary Catholic chapel in Hythe street, are also four almhouses in Lowfield street, occupied by fouz

dedicated to St. Anselm, with 8o sittings. widows, rent free; the yearly income of both these foiiiP

The Wesleyan chapel in Spital street was erected in r844, dations amounts to £128 15S. 8d. and is chiefly derived

at a cost of £2,500; galleries and vestries have since been from house property in Dartford.

added, at a cost of £1,500: it will seat 6oo persons. There The 16th century was particularly remarkable and im-

is also a Baptist chapel in Highfield road, erected in r867, portant as regards the manufacturing interests of Dartford,

with 350 sittings. for in 1:590 the process of rolling and slitting iron was filii

The Congregationalists at present hold services in their established in England in this town by Godfrey Box, 11 na-

schools at West Hill, erected at a cost of £1,400, and hold- tive of Brabant; and m the same century Sir John Spiel·

ing about 250 persons. There is now (189o) building a man kt. introduced at this place the process of paper making.

chapel in the Gothic style, which will consist of clerestoried .Associated with this town is the name of the celebrated

nave, aisles, and transept and a tower with spire, the lower engineer, Richard Trevethick, inventor of the locomotive
steam engine, who was for a short time a resident, and dioo
stage of which will form the principal entrance.

The Primitive Methodist chapel, East Hill, built in 1874, here 22nd April, 1833, and was buried here. A larg!

on a site given by the late H. M. Pigou esq. of Bath, is an amount of steam power is employed, in combination with

edifice of brick with Bath stone dressings, in the Gothic the natural fall of the river, in adapting the place to exllln·

·style, anrl has 220 sittings: in the rear is a school. sive manufacturing operations and its navigable creek

The Cemetery, situated on the East Hill, originally con- affords an easy means of access to the Thames, and faci~·

sisting of about 4 acres, was enlarged in 188r by the in- tates the exportation of manufactured and agricultural pro-

closure of two more acres, and has two mortuary chapels; it duce. The important gunpowder manufactory of "Pigou,

is under the control of a Burial Board of seven members. Wilks and Laurence Limited," is situated on the river

The Martyrs' Memorial Hall, West Hill, is an edifice of Darenth ; the construction of steam engines and gene!11

brick, erected in r8go, at a cost of £I,6oo ; it contains a machinery is extensively carried on here by Messrs. J. and

library, reading room, refre.shment room and gymnasium E. Hall and :Vlessrs L. J. and C. Seager. Messrs. Burrougbs,

and a hall to accommodate 500 persons : the Dartford 'Vellcome & Co's. chemical laboratories, Messrs. Hepburn'1

Young Men's Bible Class, numbering 270 members, meets tan works and the Dartford Creek paper m1lls are likewi!ll

here. large and important establishments. There are mannftw>

The Police Station is in Highfield road. tories for Bank of England note and paper moulds, beside1

A Masonic lodge (No. 299) meets at the Bull hotel on the bandana silk printing works, corn mills, breweries, mall-

last Tuesday in each month. houses and brickfields.

The Corn Market is held in the Exchange, Bull hotel, on Oak field is the residence of Richard Cornbe Miller esq. H.

Saturdays, and is well attended; a cattle market is also The parish contains 4,251 acres of land and 198 acm rJ

held on the first Tuesday in each month, in rear of the Rull water; rateable value, £49,o62; the population in 188nu

hotel. Dartford is a great provision market for the neigh- ro, 163 including- 2II officers and inmates in the workhouse.

bouring district. A fair is held on the second of .August in and 17I in St. Vincent's Catholic Industrial school.

each year. OvKRY is a liberty in this parish.

The benefactions to the church~consist of Robert Taylor's Parish Clerk, James Watts, We!!t bill.

Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.

FasT & M. 0. & T. 0. & S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Treasurer, S. J. Da,•is, London & County Bank

Office, High street.-Miss Laura Hodges, postmistress. Medical Officer of Health, Ebenezer Moore, 20 Spital stree1

Arrival, 1.30 & 10 a.m. & 4.50 p.m. : dispatch, 9 a.m. & Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, William Harston c.H. 153

11 41 8 & Iop.m. Deliveries-First, 7a.m. ; second, 10.30 Spital street

a.m. ; third, 5.30 p.m.; sunday, 1st delivery, 7 a.m. & Collector, Henry Bolt, 15 Dartford road

sunday dispatches, 9.30 & 10 p.m. Box closes at 9 a.m. Commissioners of Sewers, Lombard's wall to Gravesend
& r & 10 p.m. Money orders issued & paid from 9 a.m. bridge

till 6 p.m. Telegrams granted from 7 a.m. till 9 p.m Clerk, J. C. Hayward, Sessions house, Lowfield street

l'osT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & .Annuity & Insurance Office, Surveyor & Collector, .A. W. Hayles, 9 Park road, Belvedere

New Town.-Robert Crane, receiver. Box cleared 8.30 DARTFORD DISTRICT HIGHWAY BOARD.
Day of Meeting.-First tuesday m each month at Bos~
a.m. 12.30 & 7.40 p.m.; sunday, 7 p.m

I'osT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & .Annuity & Insurance Office, West Room, Dartford Union Workhouse, at 3 p.m

Hill.-Edward Else, receiver. Box cleared 6.30 a.m. 12 Clerk, J. C. Hayward, Sessions house, Lowfield street

.noon & 6-45 p.m Treasurer, S. Davis, London & County Bank, Dartford
Surveyor, J. Hookins, Tower road, Dartford

Offic.-es, Sessions house, Lowfleld street. COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR THE DARTFORD DIVISIOS'•

MEMBERS. .Anderson William esq. Lesney house, Erith ~
Beamish Lieut.-Col. Edward Spread R.A.
C. N. Kidd, chairman. Halfway

James George Cann Alfred Edwin Horrell house, Bexley S. 0

William Greig Emery Alexander Quait Bean Alfred William esq. Danson park, Welling

George Hackman Richard Sanham Bevan Thomas esq. D.L. Stone park, Stone .

Everard Hesketh James Sharp Dyke Right Hon. Sir William Hart H.P., P.C., D.L. Lulli!f'

Clerk, John Camdei! Hayward, Sessions house, Lowfield et stone castle, Dartford


Jlleet Thomas Horn esq. n. 1.. The Grange, Darenth, Dartford '

Superintendent Registrar, John Camden Hayward, Sessions

Fools William Cracroft esq. Q.c. The Bowman's lodge, Dart· house, Lowfield street ; deputy, William .Ayrton Bidolph

ford heath, Dartford Pinoha.rd, 22 Spital street

H mer Etlward esq. May place, Crayford, Bexley heath S.O Registrars of Births & Deaths & Vaccination Officers, Bexley

Jack110n John Flower esq. Bourne place, Bexley sub-district, F. W.F. Ranger, Bexley Heath; deputy, Geo.

Miller Richard Combe esq. D.L. Oakfield, Dartford W . .Ayliffe, Bexley Heath ; Dartford sub-district, James

P&Jmer Capt. Arthur, I Bryanstone place, llryanstone square, George Cann, 46 Spital street, Dartford; deputy, John

Loodon w May, 21 Dartford road, Dartford; Farningham sub-dis-

Piciersgill W. Cunliffe esq. Blendon hall, Bexley trict, Mrs. Eliza lloyce, South Darenth ; deputy, William

Robertson-Shersby Capt. Thomas Harvia Shersby R.N. Little Robert Stedman, Sutton-at-Hone

Heath honse, Old Charlton Registrars of Marriages, Henry Thomas, East hill, Dartford,

Umfreville Samuel Charles esq. Ingress abbey, Greenhithe & Williarn Robert Stedman, Sutton-at-Hone

Wbita J. B. esq. I4 Vicarage gate, Kensington, London w Workhouse, a structure of brick &stone, to hold 46oinmates;

White Robert Owen esq. r8o Cromwell road, South Kensing- a chapel has been added at a cost of £x,soo, & will seat

ton, London s w 200 persons, & in x89o a new infirmary was erected, at a

Clerk to the Magistrates, John Camden Hayward, Sessions cost of over £6,ooo; Rev. Oscar Hewitt M.A. chaplain:

honse, Lowfield street Hugh Hamilton McNaul M. B. medical officer; Thomas

Petty Sessions are held at the Petty Stlssional Court House, Wills, master

Lowfield st. every Saturday at I p.m. & the last tuesday in RuRAL SANITARY AUTHORITY.
r:ach month at the Local Board office, Erith, at 3.30 p. m
The following places are in the Dartford petty sessional divi- Meets at the Workhouse on alternate saturdays, at 12 noon.
aioD. :-Ash, Bexley, Crayford, Darenth, Dartford, Erith, Clerk, John Camden Hayward, Sessions ho. Lowfield street
Eynsford, Farningham, Fawkham, Hartley, Horton Treasurer, Stephen Joshua Davis, London & County Bank
Kuby, Kingsdown, Longfield, Lullingstone, Ridley, Medical Officers of Health, No. I. district, L. J. J. Barnes
Southfleet, Stone, Sutton-at-Hone, Swanscombe, East
Wickham & Wilmington M.D. Erith; No. 2 district, Thomas Wheeler, Bexley; No.
3 district, Thos. Frederick Hugh Smith F.R.c.s.Eng., M.D.
Farningham ; No. 4 district; Sylvester Richmond M.D.
Cemewry, East hill, CharlP.~ Reginalcl Gibson, clerk to the
burial board & registrar ; Gcorge Hemmings, sexton Greenhithe
QJnnty Court, Spital street, holds its sittings monthly at
Sanitary Inspectors, W. J. J ndgej Horns cross, Eltone ; Jas.

Pace, Bexlcy Heath; Edwd. Longhurst, Longficld, Dartfd

10 a. m.; His Honor Homersham Cox M.A. judge; Charles SCHOOL .ATT ENDANCE COMMITTEE.

Reginald Gibson, regigtrar & acting high bailiff ; Ge01-ge Meets at the Workhouse on alternate saturdavs, at Io a.m.

E. Pearce, bailiff. The County Court House is a hand-
Clerk, John Camden Hayward, Sessions ho. Lowfield street
some building in Spital street ; the district of the court .Attendance & Inquiry Officers, No. 1 district, Frank Joseph
comprises the following parishes & townships :-Ash,
George, Bexley Heath ; No. 2 district, Herbert Henry
Beiiey, Crayford, Darenth, Da.rtford, Erith, Eynsford,
Farningham, Fawkham, Hartley, Horton Kirby, Kings- Hunt, 65 Lowfield street; No. 3 district, William Robert

down, Longfield, Lullingstone, Mavlescombe, Ridley, Stedman, Sutton-at-Hone

Southfieet, Stone, Sutton-at-Hone, Swanscombe, East PUBLIC OFFICERS:-

Wickham & Wilmington Certifying Surgeon under Factory A.ct, Ebenezer lVIoore, 20
~rtified Jlailiffs appointed under the Law of Distress Spital street
Amendment Act, George Edward Pea.rce, Highfield road,
&Thomas WJlliam Stidolph, High street Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes & of Sewers from Lam-
bard's wall to Gravesend Bridge, Dartford & Crayford

A.lmshonses, Lowfield street Navigation Commissioners & to Highway Board, J. C.

Cittle Market, Bull hotel, High street Hayward, Sessions, Lowfield street

Corn Exchange, held at the Bull hotel, High street Collector of Creek Dues, James George Cann, 46 Spital st

County Police Station, Highfield road, G-eorge Webster, Collector of Poor's Rates & Queen's Taxes, Laban Lesster,
snpt. ; John Sharp, sergeant ; & 7 constables Lowfield street
Fl!'e Brigade, Spital street, John T. Barton, captain
Inspector of Weights & Measures, John Webb, 41 Overy st
Fire Escape Ladder, 54 Spital street
Heath Street Hall, Heath street, T. W. Stidolph, supt Superintendent of County Police, Geo. Webster, Highfld. rd

Inland Revenue Office, Bull hotel, High street, John Key, PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services:-
officer, Summerhill road
Holy Trinity Church, Rev. Alan Hunter Watts, vicar ; II
Kent Fire Insurance Engine House, Hythe street; keys at
Me58rs. Sharp & Son's office, Hythe street a,m_ 3.30 & 6.30 p.m.; wed. II a.m. & 7.30 p.m.; fri. II

M&SOnic Lodge (299), Bull hotel, High st. Thos. Wills, sec a.m. & 4· 30 p.m.; sat. 7 p. m
Norwich Union Fire Engine House, Hythe street ; lr.eys at
Christ Church, Dartford road, served by the parochial
Mr. W. Gumbrell's, jun. High street
clergy; u a. m. & 6.30 p.m
Royal Exchange Insurance Engine House, near the Bridge ;
ieys at Mr. G. Russell's, 66 High street St. AlbaQ's, East hill, served by parochial clergy ; 11 a.m.
Spital Almsbouses, Spital street
&6.3op.m.; thurs. 7.3op.m
Stamp Office, Spital street, Miss Laur-a Hodges, distributor
Baptist, Highfield road, H.ev. Thomas A. Carver, minister;
Temperance Lecture Hall, High street, E. Buck, proprietor
II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
Victoria Assembly Rooms, Bull & Victoria hotel, High st
Queen'~ Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) 2nd Volunteer Baptist (Zion), Priory road, ministers various ; 11 a..m. &
Bat1alion, Armoury, Spital street ~ Capt. J. B. Horton
6 p.m
(C Co.) & Capt. George Hamilton Finner (D Co. ), com-
Congregational, West hill, Rev. Edward Hayward; II a.m.
mandants; Ernest W. White M. H.LOnd. acting surgeon;
& 6.30 p.m •
Rev. Alan Hunter Watts, acting chaplain; Joseph Tiley,
Primitive, East hill, Rev. George Robert Bell, minister;
DARTFORD UNION. II a.m. & 6 p.m.; tues. 7.30 p.m

Board day, saturday, at the Workhouse, at I I a. m. Wesleyan, Spital street, Rev. Starkie Starkie; II a.m. &

The Union comprises 2I parishes, viz. :-Dartford, Ash, 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7· 15 p.m

Bexiey, Crayford, Darenth, Erith, Eynsford, Farningham, Catholic, St. Anselm, Hythe street, Rev. Robt. V. Collinson
Fawkham, Hartley, Horton Kirby, Kingsduwn, Longfield,
& Rev. A.nthony A. Limpens, priests; mass, 8.30, 9.30 &

II a.. m.; rosaryt sermon & benediction, 6.30 p.m.; holi-

days of obligation, mass, 9 a. m. & rosary & benediction,

8 p.m.; daily, mass, 8.I5 a.m.; wed. rosary&benediction,

8 p.m

Lullingstone, Ridley, Southfleet, Stone, Sutton-at-Hone, ScHooLs:-

bwanscombe, East Wickham & Wilmington. The popula- Grammar (Endowed), originally founded in 1576, by Dr.

~on of the union in x88r, was 53,435 ; rateable value, Vaughan & others, was revived in x866, & new school

£344.2]6 buildings of stone erected on the West hill; in 1873 a
Oert to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, John master's house was added ; these works. were in part

Camden Hayward, Spital street, Dartford carried out & a site purchased from funds acquired in I865

Trusurer, Stephen Joshua Davis, London & County Bank by the sale of the Grammar School property, consisting

Relievmg Officers & Collectors to the Guardians, No. I dis- of various benefactions left by John Beare, of Swanscombe,

trict, A. McLeod, Bexley Heath ; No, 2 district, Herbert in I68o & others, which produced a capital sum of £830;

Henry Hunt, Lowfield street, Dartford; No. 3 district, the school was reorganized in 1876 by the Charity Com-

William Robert Stedman, Sutton-at-Hone missioners, & a wing was added in x883, at a cost of
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. AI district,
£soo, in order to provide for the reception of boarders;

Ebenezer Moore, 20 Spital street, Dartford; No. A2 dis- the school has three scholarships, tenable at the school for
trict, Thomas Wheeler, Bexley ; No. B2 district, Leopold
three years; the income amounts to £7 only; the govern-

John 1oseph Barnes M. D. Erith; No. 3 district, Thomas ing body consists of 7 persons, the vicar of Dartford

Frederick Hugh Smith F.R.c.s.Eng. Farningham; No. 4 being chairman; Lewis P. Harris M.c.P., F.R.G.s. head
~rict, Sylvester Richmond B. A., M. D. Greenhithe master


• A School Board of 7 members was formed in I874; offices, St. Vincent's Catholic Industrial school, formerly estab.

3 Spital street; Edward Waterman, clerk to the board, lished at Tanner's Hill, Deptford, was erected in r87.s, ~

3 Spital street, Dartford ; George Patten, attendance a hill at the east end of the town, & comprises school.
room, workshops & general offices for 200 boys ; & ha.
officer, Brent cottages, Dartford

Board, St. Alban's road, built in 1875, for ISO boys, 147 in connection with it a farm of about 20 acres, entirely

girls & 200 infants ; average attendance, 150 boys; 153 worked by the boys ; it is under the superintend.

girls & 221 infants; Francis Towell, master; Miss llarriet ence of the Community of Presentation Brother~, Ber.

Mann, mistress ; Miss Elizabeth Smith, infants' mistress John Stanislaus Cogan, superior ; Rev. Patrick Williarn

Board, Heath street, built in 1876, for mo boys, as many McDermott, superintendent of works; Rev. Robert V.

girls & 158 infants ; average attendance, 104 boys, 84 Collinson, chaplain

girls & 155 infants ; Henry Gadd, master ; Miss Annie NEWSPAPERS:-

Rosetta Bigmore, mistress; Mrs. Elizabeth Bullworthy, Dartford Chronicle, Hythe street, Kentish District Times

infants' mistress Co. Limited (R. G. Bassett, manager), printers; published

Board, West hill, Dartford road, opened in 1890, for 175 sat

boys, 175 girls & 2so infants Dartford Express, Thomas J enkins, Bexley Heath, printer

National, West hill (mixed & infants), with an endowment & publisher; published SH.t

of £52 yearly, for 170 boys, 170 girls & 150 infants ; West Kent Advertiser, Old Bank house, High street; 1aa.

average attendance, 164 boys, 146 girls & 136 infants; Snowden, printer; published sat.; Dartford Newspaper

James ·watts, master; Miss Sarah H.achel Armes, mis- Co. Limited, proprs. (Henry William Knock, manager)

tress; Miss I<'lorence Jeffery, infants' mistress l\ailway ~tation, George Pile, station master

Wesleyan (girls & infants), Hythe street, erected in r858, 'VATER CoNVEYA~CE TO Lmmo~.-~'aller's barges,!() t
from, daily, sunday excepted, from Wharf, Water side
at a cost of £934, for I6o children; average attendance,
98 girls & 6o infants; Miss Ellen Smith, mistress ; Miss CARRIER TO LONDON.-Aifred Warland, from Spital stree~
Annie Bowler, infants mistress
We5leyan (boys), Spital street, built in 1868, at a cost of at 1 p.m. daily & returning from 33 Cannon street, at 8

j,I,6oo, for 220 boys; average attendance, 16o boys; p.m. daily

Arthur B. Coomb, master OMNIBUS (John :Mace & Son), to & from Farningham 3

Catholic (mixed), Hythe street, built in r874, for 133 chil- times daily, sundays twice ; to & from Darenth Asylum

dren; average attendance, 86 ; taught by the Sisters of road, twice daily; a brake runs every visiting day from

the Convent of S. U rsula Dartford station to Asylum & back

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. E<igar Miss, Westfield house Lesster Laban, 33 West hill

.Allchin William, 24 Miskin road Edgar Wm. Alston,Camden ho.Spitalst Limpens Eev. Anthony .A. [Catholic~

Allchin William George, 54 Lowfield st Ellis William Henry, Orchard street IIythe street

Alien Miss, 35 West bill Evitt John, 28 Spital street McDermottRev. PatrickWm.[Catholic],

Aylan George, 5 Highfield road Fayres l:Teorge Robert, 22 Miskin road St. Vincent's Industrial school

Baily Henry Ernest, 12 Hig-hfield road Fisher Oscar, Glencairn, Fulwich road Mc~aul Hugh Hamilton M.B. Bridge

Baker Williarn Victor, 70 East llill FiBber Thos. Ivy villa, Surnmerhill rd house, High street

Banks Frederick, Asher ho. Higbfield rd Fooks 'hlliam Cracroft Q.C., J.P, The Manners William, 59 Lowfield street

Banks Miss, 49 Spital street Bowman's lodge, Dartford heath. Martin Mrs. 2 Bedford villas, Tower rd

Barron Ralph, Montrose, Tower road [Letters received through Crayford] Martin Mrs. 2 West hill

Bass Mrs. 31 West hill Gales Wilfred A. Netherton, Tower rd Miller Richd. Cumbe D.L., J.P. Oakfiel~

Bell Rev. George Robert [Primitive Gibbs Andrew, 48 Spital street Millership Joseph, 48 East hill

Methodist], Fane house, East hill Gibson Mrs. m Highficld vls. Highfid.rd 1\Iiskin Misses, East Hill house

Bennett Robert, 72 East hill Gill Fredk. ·wm. Airelands, Miskin rd Miskin Mrs. Miskin, l\Iiskin 11*1

Bicknell Mrs. 20 Highfield road Gill Geo. J oseph, Airelands, Miskin rd l\:Iitchell J. Lawrence, Uartley haM,

Blackman William, 75 East hill Gingell Mrs. Louth villa, Summerhill rd Dartford road
BlakeChas. Ed wn.Brighton ldg. Tower rd Godfrey Miss,TheLaurels,Shepherd's la Monckton Thos. ~'yvernhoe, Miskinrd

Bleick Cleophile, Tlte Dartons, Miskin rd Graham 'Yilliam Robt. 28 Lowfield st Moore Ebenezer, 20 Spital street

Bleick Harry, Clyde villa, Miskin road Hall Albert T.W. St. Alban's ho. East hi Newberry Jas. Banksmead, Dartforhl

Boswell Mrs. Goldsmiths Dene Hall Mrs. 77 East hill Newton William M. Summerhillcotlage

Boutle Jacob Perryrnan, Eynesbury Hall Mrs. Hazel cottage, Tower road North Harry, 67 Lowfield street

hom-1e, Highficld road Hall Richard Henry C. 18 Highfield rd Northall John, 22 Dartford road

Brett James, Orchard villa, Highfield rd Hamilton Jamei'J, 20 Spital street Nutting Ernest Stanley M.B. 25 West bl

Bretton Harry Turn well, 28 Miskin rd Harding Jn. 22 Dackham vls. Highfld.rd Parker Edwd. 3 La.ughton vls. Towerrd
Brown Thos. Summerhill, Oakfield lane Hards Beverley Robinson, Mill house Pearce George Edward, Highfield road

Huller Mrs. 2 Clifton mount, Summer- Hards Rokeby Rubinson, Surrey villa Pearce Thomas Hodsoll, 17 llighfield nl
Harris Lewis P. M.C.P., F.R.G.s. (head Pearce William Lucas, 2 Highfield ~
hill road

Bulworthy William 'Villiams, Devon master of EndowedGrammar school), Pelton Fredk. The Dartons, Miskin nl

villa, Summerbill road West hill Penney Alfred, xLaughton viis. Towerrd

Bunn Henry, 28 Highfield road Harston William, 53 Spital street Perry Arthur, jun. Beverley, Tower rd

Burls Bernard, 19 Dartford road Hayward Rev. Edwd. [Congregational], Phillips George, 37 Highfield road

Burroughs Silas 11ainville, The Home- Alpine lodge, Miskin road Phillips Mrs. 6 Highfield road

stead, West hill Hayward 'Villiam, Laburnum villa, Pigou Frederick Alex. Preston, Bignorel

Carman Chas. Waltr. 25 Summerhill rd Shepherd's lane Pilling Mrs. 126 Dartford road

Carver Rev. Thomas .A. [Baptist], Park- Hepburn John Gotch J.P. Oakfield lane Potter Mrs. Fernleigh, Miskin road

stone, Tower road Hesketh Everard, Heath wood, Dart- Quait Emery Alexander, Hulse lodge,

Carvosso Jas. II. Truro lodge, Miskin rd ford heath. [Letters received through Dartford heath

Chant Robert Stroud, Cranford lodge, Bexlcy S.O} Rawson John Woolhouse, Miskin raW

Lowfield street Hewitt Rev. Oscar M. A. [chaplain to City Read Hobert William, Miskin road
Chapman Miss, Highfield ho. Highfld.rd of London Lunatic Asylum & to Richardson Robert Thomas, Ho~

Clarke Mrs. Dorset villa, Hlghfield road Workhouse], 78 East hill lodge, l\liBkin road

Clarke Thomas Furze M.D. Horsman's Hind l\Iri'. Crome cottage, Tower road Rid ley Clement Cotterill, Brae side,

place, Lowfield street Hodder Miss, 3 Highfield road Miskin road

Clayton Miss, West bill Hodsoll ~Irs. 63 Lowtield street Safwell Ephraim, 17 Great Queen st

Cm;an Rev. John Stanislaus (superior of Honychurch Rt. Springwoml,Oakfield la Satterthwaite Edward Fowler, King'S

St. Vincent's Industrial schl. ), East hl Hookins John, Belmont, Tower road field, Oakfield lane

Collinson Rev. Ht. V. [Cath_ ~. Hythe st liorton J ames, 71 East hill Scott Henry, Heathfield, Miskin road

Comyn William George, Brooklands Huckle James, 27 Highfield road Scudarnorc Hy.West Hill vil. Mislunlli

Coornb .drthur Bate, 7 Shepherd's lane Humphris Henry, IS Miskin road SeagerChas. The Laurels,Summerl!illrd

Cooper Geo. Heath close, Dartford hth Ilsley Miss, 3 Dartford road Seager Larking John, 0\'ery ho. Overysl

Cooper William, Melrose vi!. Miskin rd J enkins Eev. CharlesMajor B. A. [curate], Sear] Albert, The Caxtons, Miskin r1Jad

Croucher Hy. The Limes, Dartford rd Clairmont, Tower road Sharp Ed win, West Hillldg. Dartford !11

Culmer Charles V'l"m. 127 Dartford rd Johnston John A. High street Sharp Henry, Ashleigh, Miskm road
Keddell Fredk. Seyton May, Miskin rd Sharp J ames, Homewood, ~
Curtis William, 28 Spital street

Dann Henry, Highlands, l\Iiskin road Kernp William, Laurel house, East hill Sharp Mrs. Hill side, l\Iiskin road

Davids Mrs. I6 Highfield road Kennard Frcderick, Summerhill road Simpson Rev. Algernon Reyna~

Davis Stcpben J. 12 High street Key Jn. r Clifton mount, Surnmerhill rd M. A. [curate], 9 r St. Alban's road

Dixon Arthur Sam, 6 Dartford road rJKidd I~ient.-Col. Charles Newman, Smith Arthur Percy, 3r Highfield

Dukes Hobert, 27 West hill West Hill house Smith David, :\lount Pleasant villa

Durnford Arthur Hamilton, The Cottage KingstonMrs. 8Highfield vls. Highfield rd Smith Miss, 47 East hill

Edgar Henry, The Lindens, West hill KruseWm.Fk.Engadine cot.Dartford rd Snowdcn Frederick, 26 Overy street


Snowden James, Bridge villa Teeter Charles Hodsoll, Glenview, Ful- Watt Fredk. The Elms, Summerhill rd

Spoor Jn. Lamb, Athollodge, Miskin rd wich road 'Vatts Hev. Alan Hunter [vicar &

StarkieRev. Starkie[Wesleyan], Chapel Thackara Miss, 24 Orery street surrogate], Vicarage

house, Spital street Tomlyn Mrs. Harra wins, Tower road Webb Robert, 25 Colney road

SU!phens Robert lle~riman, 53 Low- Towill Francis George, 76 Blackman's Weern Capt. Car!, Pencroft,Miskin road

field street villas, East hill Whitehead David,Illedford yfs. TowP-r rd

Strudwick Mrs. 23 Dartford road Tufnail Mrs. The Poplars, West hill Whitehead Miss, Dartford road

Sturge Rev. .Alfred LBaptist], Highfield Turner Eardley Lenton, I Highfield rd Wicker John, Glendale, Fulwich road

lodge, Highfield road Turner Francis, 55 Lowfield street Willding Mrs. 4 West hill

Tait George Hunter C.E. Spital street Turner J n. Digby, Seaton c\ilay, .Miskin rd Wren Harry, 18 Highfield road

Tapp Olava, I29 Dartford road Watson Geo. Rose cot. Summerhill rd

COMMERCIAL. Burfield William Robert, grocer, Hythe street

A.ckworth Brothers, tallow melters (George Barker, man- Burroughs, Wellcome & Co. chemical manufacturers (Albert

ager), Orchard street . Sear!, manager), Snow Hill laboratories, Phcenix mills

!dams .Arthur, beer retailer, 148 Lowfield street But~er John, rag & metal merchant, 34 Lowfield street

.Akennan Thomas, grocer, 10 Lowfield street Cann J ames, pharmaceutical chemist, 8 Low field street

.Alden William, grocer, I Gas lane Cann James Ueorge, registrar of births & deaths & vaccina-

!ldous Sarah (Mrs.), grocer, 73 Hytbe street tion officer for Dartford sub-district & collector of creek

Applegatb Printing Co. Limited (Laban Lesster, sec ), color dues, 46 Spital street

& bankers' cheque printers, Ort:hard street / Canty Alfred, tobacconist, 6 Spital street

.Apted Alfred, Woodman P.H. East hill Caswall & 'faylor, wine & spirit merchants, 14 Hythe street;

Archer Thomas Henry, baker, 36 Heath street & at Wilmington. See advertisement

Arnold Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer, 35 Spital street ·Cemetery (Charles Reginald Gibson, clerk to the burial Zigmud, furniture warehouse, II tlpital street board & registrar), East hill

Askew Francis A. shoe maker, East hill Chadwin Henry, tobacconist, 2 Hythe street

.Austiu .l<'redk. market gardener, Canford mead, Lnwfield st 1 Challis James, Walnut Tree P.H. 1Iighfield road

A.ustiu John James, Kentish Arms P.H. 63 High street Challis William, bricklayer & shopkeeper, 13 West hill

Bacon John, fruiterer, 86 Lowfield street Challis William Jas. Royal Oak P.H. & johmaster, Spital st

Bacon John William, fishmonger, 43 Hythe street Chancellor Walter Egerton, solctr. (firm, Hidley & Chancellor)

Baily Henry Ernest, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, 32 Chandler James Shepherd, eating house, 26 Hythe street

Spital street Clarke J ames, Coach & Horses P. H. I 7 Spital street

Baker & Co. tailors, 55 High street Clarke Thos.Furze M.D. physician, Horsman's pl.Lowfield st

Banks Frederick, baker & corn dealer, so High street Clayton \Yilliam, fruit grower, Shepherd's lane

Banks Hannah Maria (Miss), private school, 49 Spital street Clifford James, plumber, 18 Spital street

Barker Charles, insurance agent, 61 Great Queen street Cook Hy. agent for Provid£~nt Building Society, 28 Heath st

Barr Benjamin, greengrocer, 31 Dartford road Cook Waiter, King's Head r.H. I I High street

Barton Alice (Miss), dress maker, 5 Mount Pleasant villas, Corden William, tailor & outfitter, 67 High street

East hill Corn Exchange, Bull hotel, High street

Barton Frederick Thomas, butcher, 33 & 35 High street ; 14 Cosson AI bert, butcher, 35 Lowficld street

Hytbe street & Great Queen street County Court Offices (Chas. R. Gibson, registrar), Spital st

Barton William, tobacconist, 71 Lowfield street J County Police Station (Ueorge Webster, supt. ), Highfield rd

Barton Williarn Charles, shopkeeper, 70 VVest hill Crane Robert, tobacconist, & post office, East hill

Bates Levett Charles, confectioner, East hill Cranfield James, hair dresser, 7 Lowfield street

BaxU!r Alfred, greengrocer, Great Queen street Crighton Thomas McDougal, confectioner, 22 Hythe street

Baxter Job, shoe maker, I7 Lowfield street CrippsW m .farm bailiff toE. I<'. Satterth wai te esq. Dartford hth

Baylis William Toll, beer retailer, 4;1 West hill Cross Henry, frmterer, 99 Lowtield street

Beadle Brothers, coal merchants (Charles Hind, manager), Cross Robert, greengrocer, 33 Spital street

Dartford Creek & Station road Crowhurst Thomas, butcher, Dartford road

Beale Joseph Alfred, Smiths' Arms P.H. 37 Hythe street Cunningham Waiter, shopkeeper, 44 St. Albans road

Beckley Robert, hair dresser, 8 & 57 High street & East hill Dalton William, baker, 19 Overy street

Benee John Thomas, painter, 40 Lowfield street & 23 Eliza- Daly Francis Joseph, milliner, 14 Spital street

beth terrace, Spring vale Dann Henry, auctioneer, 3 Spital street

Bennett George, shopkeeper, 25 Hythe street Dartford Chronicle (Kentish District Times Co. Limited)

Bennett William, shopkeeper, 31 Colney rd. Gt. Queen st • (H. G.llassett, mangr.),printers (published sat.),Hythe st

Benson Richard Fmnk, confectioner, IOI Hythe street Dartford Conservative Club (Wilfred A. Gales, sec.), 24

Benton Georg-e, fancy repository, I5 Spital street Spital street

Bickmore Edward, boot & shoe warehouse, 51 High street Dartford Co-operative Industrial Society Limited (John

B1ddle Thomas Kirk, photographer, 73 High street George Lewin Bush, manager), 13 Spital street

B1rchley Henjamin John, shopkeeper, 12 East hill Dartford Cricket & Recreation Ground (Robert B. Stephens,

Bmningham Owen, rag & metal mer. u8 Lowtield street lessee), Brent

B1rt John Mason, shoe warehouse, 20 High street Dartford Creek Paper Mill (William Greig, manager)

Bishop William, baker, 109 Lowfield road Dartford Express (Thomas J enkins, Bexley heath, printer &

Blackman William, surveyor, 75 Blackman Yillas, East hill publisher; published sat)

Blanks Ch:trles, draper, 13 Lowfield street Dartford Free Lecture Society(Fk. Wm. Gill, sec.), Mis kin rd

Bloomfield William, Bull & George P.H. High street Dartford Gas Co. (John Camden Hayward, sec.); otlices,

Blunt Charles, beer retailer, 56 Hythe street Spital street ; works, Water side

Bolt Hy. collector to local board of health, 15 Dartford road Dartford Liberal & Radical Association (local) (A. S. Dixon,

Hooker Caroline H. (Mrs.), tobacconist, 39 Dartford road hon. sec.), 6 Dartford road

Borner Sophia (Miss), dyer, 25 Spital street Dartford Mineral Waters Co. (Fredcrick Noble Perry, mana-

Botwood Charles Walker, surgeon-dentist, I Spital street ger), 14A, Hythe street

Bourne Charles, draper, 6 Lowfield street Dartford Poultry Association (Urban Judge, sec.), The Brent

Bradbury William lienly, confectioner, 72 High street Dartford Swimmir1g Bath Co. Limited (Edward Waterman,

Brett James, grocer, 3 Overy street sec.), 3 Spital street

Bridgland Thomas, grocer, 39 Spital street Dartford Working l\Ien's Club & Institute (William Bussell,

Bntish WorkmanCoffeeTavern(.Sl.Yeates,prop.),Lowfield st sec.), East bill

Br1tton & Sons, boot makers, 21 & 29 Hythe street Dartford. Wo1·king Men's Conservative Club ( Robert Crane,

Bntton Alice Louisa (Mrs.), dress maker, 28 Orchard street sec.), Old Bank house, High street

Brokenshaw James William, insurance agent, Dartford road Dartford Young Men's Bible Class (Sydney Smith & E. T.

Brookwell Thomas, whiting manufactu'rer, West hill Stidolph, secs.), West hill

Brookwell Thomas Charles, insurance agent, 155 Lowfield st Davrs Joseph & W"illiam, bird & animal preservers & picture
Brown James, greengroca~, Bull ace l~ne
framers, birds' eggs & insects, 31 & 33 Hythe street

Buck .Edward «.Son, tailors, clothiers, outfitters & boot DavisStephenJ. mangr. of London&County Bank,r2High st

warehousemen, 9 High street & 2 Lowfield street; & Day James, nurseryman, 109 Dartford road

family drapers & ladies' outfitters, 38 & 40 High street Diamc.nd Thomas Henry, Black Boy P.H. High street

Buck Waiter John, stone & marble mason, 70 Lowfield st Dott John, tailor, 3 East hill

Bnckland Thomas William, shoe warehouse, I8 Lowfield st Drew & Son, biscuit manufacturers (Charles Arnold, agent

Budd Annie (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, 7 Spital street & manager), 30 Spital street .

Buller Amy (Miss), young ladies' school, 2 Clifton mount, Driver Jas. Clayton, land agt. to Lord Tredegar,Dartford hth

Snmmerhill road Dnnlop Da,,id Glen, farmer, Temple farm

K. S. & S. 13



l>urrant Williarn, builder, Summerhill road Hodge \Villiam, beer retailer, I30 Hythe street

Eastwood John, farmer & contractor, Holme villa, Bullace la Hod~es Laura(l\Iiss), post office & stamp distributor, Spitaht

Edgar William A. & Henry, veterinary surgeons,s6 Spital st Hodsdon John \Villiam, tailor, 42 Spital street

Edgar Susannah (:\iiss), proprietor of Edgar's croup lotion, Holt John Charles, grocer, 54 Hythe street

Westfield house, Spital street Holton \\'illiam, greengrocer, 75 High street

Edgcumbe Edwin, watch maker, 4I Spital street Hookins John, surveyor to district highway board, Tower rd

Else Ed.ward, shopkeeper, & post office, Dartford road Hopkins C. (Mrs.), leatherseller, I & 3 Lowfield street

Farnfield Alien, greengrocer, 52 West hill Horrell & Gaff, chemists, & agents for W. & A. Gilbev

Farrier Frederick Thomas, draper, Great Queen street wine & spirit merchants, 34 & 36 High street ·'

Firman William J. coffee house keeper, East hill Horton Henry, beer retailer, East hill

Foley Emily Jane (~lrs.), dress maker, 23 Dartford road H ubbard J ames Richard, carriage builder, Dartford carriage

Foster & Sharp, florists & fruit growers, Rose of Kent nur- & wheel works, 3I Lowfield street

sery, Overy street Hudson George, shopkeeper, St. Albans road

Foster Joseph, florist, see Foster & Sharp Humphrey Jane (}Iiss), dress maker, 42 Spital street

Fountain Frank \\'illiarn, shoe maker, St. Albans road Hunt Herbert Henry, school attendance & inquiry & reliev.

Freeman, Hardy & Willis, boot & shoe wareho. sB High st ing otftcer & collector to the guardians, No. 2 districl,

l''ullman George. beer retailer, I I3 Lowfield street 65 Lowfield street

Ganter Leopold & Juseph, watch & clock mas. ro Spital st Hunt John, beer retailer, 96 Overy street

Garratt George, smith, I Orchard street Hutchinson William James, tobacconist, 3 Overy liberty

Gibbs Andrew, butcher, 46 High street Hy land John & Co. Limited, silk & calico printers (~I. Cook,

Gibson Charles, smith & farrier, East hill sec.), Print works, Hullace lane

Gibson Charles Reginald, solicitor, registrar & acting high Indian Empire Tea Co. grocers (branch) (Jacob Hill,

bailiff to county ccurt & clerk & registrar to the burial manager), 68 High street

board, commis.-;ioner for taking acknowledgments of Inkpen Alfred, New inn, I9 High street

marned women, commissioner for oaths &c. Court house Inland Revenue Office (John Key, officer), Bull hotel, Highst

Gingell Charles William, confectioner, 40 Spital street Jarvis John Andrew, upholsterer, cabinet maker, dealer in

Glasscock Fred. fishmonger & poulterer, 4 High street new & secondhand furniture & bicycle & tricycle agent,

Golding Ann ~lary (Mrs.), bookseller, 3 High street 25 Lowfield street

Goldsmith Ellen plrs.), beer retailer, Dartford road Jewiss Charles ~- shopkeeper, 7 Heath street

Goldsmith Sarah (JI.lrs. ), beer retailer, 104 Dartford road Jewiss Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, I27 Lowfield street

Goldsmith Thomas, dairyman, 64 Hythe street Jcwiss Thomas, shopkeeper, 128 Hythe street

Grainger Alfred Tb.omas, confectioner, 8 Spital street Jones David 1\1. grocer, 12 Lowfield street

Grammar (Endowed) School (Lewis P. Harris M.C.P., Jones Priessnitz, tailur, 2 High street

F.R.G.s. head master) Jones "\Villiam, farrier & smith, I5I Lowfield street

Green Thomas, New Town tavern, Fulwich road Joyce Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 94 Hythe street

Greig "\'Villiam, manager at the paper mills, Dartford creek Judge Brothers, house agents, The Brent

Gumbrell William, builder, 25A, High street Kage ''Villiam, grocer, so Colney road

Hackman George, One Bell P.H. 7 High street Kaill William, hair dresser, 46 Hythe street

Hall John & Edward, engineers, iron & brass founders, Keep Henry, chimney sweeper, 126 Hythe street

boiler makers & gunpowder machinery manufacturers, Kemp George, beer retailer & painter, 67 Dartford road

Dartford iron works, Hythe street Kemp George, lime burner, \Vest hill

Hallpike Edwin, saddler, 16 Hythe street Kent Conservative Association, Dartford Division (W. A.

Hamilton James, surgeon (firm, see ~Ioore & Hamilton) Gales, central agent), 22 Spital street

Haneock Ebenezer, draper, r6 Lowfield street Kerr William Robert, linen draper, 6 High street

Hands William, tinman & glazier, 149 Lowtield street Key John, inland revenue otlicer, Summerhill road

Barber Charles, beer retailer, rro Hythe street Keyes Sidney Kilworth, miller (water), Town mill

Harber Susan (Mrs.), beer retailer, 149 Hythe street KiddChas.Newman, brewr. &mltstr. Steam brewery, Hythe st

Harber Stephen, beer retailer, 3 Darenth road King George, Crown inn, 49 High street

Harding Robert, Windmill inn, Lowfield street Kingston Ann (Mrs.), apartments, Highfield road

Hards & Hills, millers (water), Royal mills Knight Clarence William, hair dresser, 5 Hythe street

Hards Rokeby R.farinaceuus food manufacturer, Royal mlls Lambden Henry, confectioner, 2 Spi tal street

Harrington W. & Co. ironmongers, 109 Lowtielct street Lambert Philip J oseph, tailor, East hill

Harris William Henry, beer retailer, Heath street Lander Alfred James, beer retailer, 39 Hythe street
Ha.rston William c.E. surveyor & sanitary inspector to the Lane James, 1ishmonger, s Lowfield street

local board, 53 Spital street Lawday James Turner, shopkeeper, rio Dartford road

Hart Charles, shopkeeper, 42 Overy street Lesster Laban, collector of poor's rates & Queen's taxes,

Hartshorn Mary Ann (Mrs.), statnr. & news agt. 31 Spital st Lowfield street

iJiarvey Harry Brooks, beer retailer, Dartford road Light \\'illiam John, Hull's Head P.H. High street

Hawes George, ironmonger, 62 High street Lodge John, painter, paperhanger & ho. decorator,65 Highst

Hawes George, shopkeeper, 38 Great Queen street London & County Banking Co. Limited (Stephen J. Daris,

Hawkins George, baker & shopke~per, 34 Dartford road manager), 12 High st.; draw on head office, LondonEC

Ha.wkins James Henry, shopkeeper, 87 Dartford road Londonl'apcr Mills Co.Limited, paper mnfrs. Riverside mills

Hayson Joseph, stone mason, 7 Eli1.abeth ter. Sprmg vale Lonergan Robert, builder, Great Queen street

Hayward J. & J. C. solicitors, Sessions house, Lowfield st McLean Donalcl, travlng. draper, 8 Mt. Pleasant ter.East hill

Hayward John Camden, solicitor (firm, J. & J. C. Hayward), McNaul Ilugh Hamilton M.n. surgeon & medical officer to

clerk to the justices, clerk to Dartfonl & Crayford Naviga- workhouse, 8I High street

tion Commissioners & to Commi~sioners of Sewers for Mace John & Son, job masters, Bull Hotel stables & 74

limits extending from Lombard's wall to Gravesend Lowfield street

bridg-e, clerk to local board of health & to rural sanitary Mace William, shopkeeper, rro St. Albans road

authority, clerk to guardians & assessment committee, to 1\Iann George, confectioner, 2 I & 23 Lowfield street

highway board, clerk to school attendance committee, Manners William, corn dealer & pork butcher, 42 Highst

solicitor to \Voolwich Mutual Building Society, clerk to Mannerson Mary (Mrs.), dress maker 35 High street

commissioners of taxes, superintendent registrar & com- Manning Wm. Isaac, fishmonger, II Spital st. & 7 West hill

missioner for oaths &c. secretary to the Dartford Gas Co. Martin N oah, china, glass & fancy warehouse, Io Hig-h st

Sessions house, Lowfield street Martyrs' Memorial Hall (Edwin Sharp, treasurer), West hill

Heath Street Hall (T. W. Stidolph, supt. ), Heath street Masonic Lodge (299) (Thos. Wills, sec.), Bull hotel, High st

Hemming William, boot mJ.ker, 29 Spital street Mattock Ann (:VIrs.), Eleven Cricketers P.H. East hiil

Henbrey Tb.omas W. baker, ro East hill Mattock Henry, Rising Sun P.H. Dartford road

Henden .Tames Thomas, beer retailer, g:J & 92 Lowfield st Maxim N orclenfelt Guns & Ammunition Co. Limited (Wm.

Hepburn & Co. tanners & curriers, Priory works George Comyn, manager), Cartridge works

Hermann Joseph, watch & cluck maker, II East hill May George, dairyman, 49 West hill

Hewitt Edward Wm. builder, High street & St. A! bans road May John, insurance & commission a;;ent & dep. registrar

Higgins Frederick Ferdinancl, superintendent Prudential of births & deaths, 2I Dartford road

Assurance Co. Limited, St. Alba.ns road May William, Fox & Hounds P.rr. Lowfield street
Rilbert Philip, market gardener, 132 Dartford road Mayne George William, insurance agent, 48 Lowfield stree~

Hill James, travellin~ draper, 52 Lowfield street Melton J. (:\1rs. ), berlin wool & fancy rep. SI Lowfield st

Hill Thomas, stone mason, 52 Spital street Melton Samuel, undertaker, sr Lowfield street

Hill William, shoe maker, East hill Mewett Napthali, butcher, 4 Overy liberty

Hillier Alfred, wheelwright & smith, 95 Overy street Micah David, milliner, 69 & 71 High street

Hillier \Villiam, greengrocer, o~·cry street Miles Thomas, farmer, White Hall farm, Dartford road

Hinchcliffe Edward, shopkeeper, Elizabeth ter. Spring vale Miller & Aldworth, brewers & maltsters, Lowfield street

Hiscock Ueorge, Waterman's Arms P.H. 134 Hythe street Miller Percy, plumber & decorator, 52 High street



1\fitson Samuel, coal dealer, Overy street Rumley James, tobacco pipe maker, Overy street

M re & Hamilton, surgeons, 20 Spital street Russell George, beer retailer, 66 High street

~ re Ebenezer, surgeon & medtcal officer of health to local R ussell Hobert, ·travelling draper & rent & debt collector,

boo.rd & medical officer & public vaccinator for No. A r r4 Mount Pleasant terrace, East hill

dt:.trict, Dartford union & certifying factory s-qrgeon, see Sales William, beer retailer, 43 Darenth road

~ re & Hamilton, 20 Spital street Salmon John, hurdle maker, r54 Lowfiald street

Moore G-eorge Arthnr, baker, 68 West hill Salmon Richard, Long Reach inn, Lon:r reach

'\losen Annie (Miss), dress maker, St. Albans road Sanham Richard, builder, St. James' place & 55 Spital st

~urdock John G. & Co. Limited, musical instrument manu- Sarel Caroline A. (Mrs.), lod1;ing house, Miskin road

facturers (branch) ( Robert Phillips, man.), 54 Spital st Sawyer William Rivers, greengrocer, 39 St. Martin's road,

~ewm~ William, toy dealer, 9 Spital street Great Queen street

Newns George, beer retailer, r8 St. Albans road Saxby Frederick William, beer retailer, Spital street

X rth Western Dartford Division of Kent Central Liberal ScottHy. solicitor&commissnr. for oaths, Heathfield,Miskin rd

& Association (Arthur Sam Dixon, sec. & agent), Sea;5er L. J. & C. engineers, iron & brass founders, steam

6 Dartford road engine & boiler titters, pump makers, millwrights &c.

North John, jun. linen draper, 14 High strec;t Overy Street iron works. See advertisement

N rth Sarah (Mrs.), draper, 59, 61 & 78 Hi~h street SBager Waiter, music warehouse, 3 Hythe street

NO~TON ALFRED, FLORIST, East Hill nursery Searey William Knapp, coffee & dinin~ rooms, 7 Hythe st

N y Emma (Mrs.). dress maker, sr Spital street 8earles Edward, fruiterer, BA, High street

NuttirrgErnestStanley M. B. physician & surgeon, 25 West hill Srlvage John, greengrocer, 74 Hythe street

Older William R. grocer, 9 Highfield road Selvage Thomas, boot maker, 35 Dartford road

Oliver Edwin, bak •r, St. ~'Htin's roa:l & Gre:1t Queen st Sharp Jamcs & Sons, timber & slate merchants & steam saw

Oliver John Ed ward, farmer, 6 Colney road mill proprietors, Hythe street

Oxley Oscar James, butcher, rrA, Lowfield street Sharp llarry, shopkeeper, so Home gardeng

Parker John, carman, 42 Lowfield street Sharp James, timber merchant, sawing mills proprietor &

Parkhurst Henry, farmer, Ful wich farm wharfinger, Victoria wharf

Parsons Wiltiam, builders' ironmonger & dealer in tools, 62 Sharratt Mary Ann (MiRS), private school, 47 Lowfield st

Lowfield street; London office & stock room, 8 Buck- Sibree Mary (Miss), shopkeep3r, Dartford road

ingham street w c Sloss Thomas Richard, shopkeeper, r31 Lowfield street

Fatten Geo. school board attendance officer, Brent cottagBs Smale Arthur William, baker & confectioner, 177 Lowfield st

Payne & Co. grocers, 68 Lowfield street Smale Hichard, carpenter & carrier, 42 Lowtield street

Payne Edward Albert, boot maker, ror Lowfield street 8mith George, beer retailer, 5 Overy street

Peacock Herbcrt, green~rocer, r8 East hill Smith George Mence, oil & color man, 17 High street

Peacock Thoma!l, green~rocer, 144 Lowfield street Smith Harwood, grocer, 88 Lowfield street

Pearce George Erlwal"l, auctioneer, surveyor, land & estate Smith .Josh, beer retailer, 33 Great Queen street

agent & bailiff to county court, SA, Spital street Smith William. brick maker, Dartford heath

Pearce William Lucas, farrier, 22 Hi~h street Snell James, dimng rooms, 37 High street

Pensm William, brick maker, Heath street Snowden Charles, saddler, 6o High street

Peirce Emma (Miss), tobacconist, 22 Lowfield street Snowden James, printer & stationer, 64 High street

Pe l John, baker, 34 Great Queen street Solomon Edwin, farmer, South field

Pelton Frederirk, wine merchant & tailor, 23 Higb street Spendiff William, mineral water manufacturer, 54 Spital st

Pelton Lonisa (Miss), milliner & dress maker, 9 East hill Staedale Charles, watch maker, Hi5h street

Penney Alfred Thomas, grocer, wine, spirit, ale & porter Stamp Offica (Miss Laura Hodges, distributor), Spital street

merchant, 44 & 47 High street ; r II Lowfield street; 36 Standen William, jobbing gardener, 146 Lowfield street

East hill & 101 Overy street Starr-Bowkett Building Society (863rd) (Urban Judge, sec.),

Perrin Harry Thos. beer ret.. r6 Colney rd. Great Queen st 15 Lowfiald street

Perry Arthur, jun. boo~seller & stationer, r3 High street Start up George Edmeades, Bull hot.el, High street

Perse John, watch & clock. maker, 56 High street Steed John, Odd Fellows' Arms P.H. West hill

Phillips Florence (Mrs.), apartments, Highfield road Steer Mary Ann (Miss), dress maker, 93 Lowfield street

Phillips Geo. baker, corn dlr. & confectnr. 4 & 37 Lowfield st Stephens Robert B. surveyor & lessee of Dartford cricket &

Phtllips Simon Francis, !men draper, 27, 29 & 31 High st recreation ground, 53 Lowfield street

Ph llipson Fredertck, insurance agent, 86 East hill Stevens Elizabeth (Mrs.), tobacconist, 91 Lowfield street

Ptgou, Wilks & Laurence Limited, gunpowder manufac- Stevens James, pianoforte & organ dealer, 9 Lowfield street

tnrers, Powder mills ; magazines, Erith marshes, Belve- Stidolph Thomas William, bed & bedding manufacturer,

dere & Ripple Level, Barking, Essex ; office, II Queen upholsterer & undertaker, house & estate agent, auctioneer

Victoria street, London E c & patentee of improvements in bedsteads & bedding, 82

Pile George, station master High street

Pilkinton John, house decorator, 4 Spital street Stratford Alfred John, coal merchant, Howe gardens

Pinchard William Ayrton Bidolph, deputy superintendent Strickland Samuel, corn & seed merchant (agent for J.

registrar Dartford union, 22 Spital street Gibbs & Co ), 5 Spital street

Potter Chas. Christphr. butcher, 14 Lowtield st. & 53 High st Styles Thomas, house agent, 100 St. Albans road

Pound Annie (Mrs.), dress maker, 6o Hythe street Sutton Wm. Richd. linen draper, milliner, clothier, hosier

Prcddy Alfred Henry, florist, 49 Lowfield street &haberdasher; family mourning, Waterloo ho. 21 High st

Putland Frederick Stanley, milliner & draper, s High street Sweet Thomas, commercial tr,welter, 4S Spital street

Quat & Standen, silk mencers, liuen & woollen drapers, mil- Swift Frank, plumber, 32 Elizabeth terrd.ce, Spring vale

liners, upholsterers & undertakers, 28, 30 & 32 High st Swinnerton l<'rancis, The Foresters P.H. r6 Great Queen st

Quait Emery Alexander, pawnbroker, New court; 32 High Tait George Hunter M.rnst.c.E. surveyor, architect & sanitary

street & 37 Spital streeL engineer, 47 Spital street

Quilter Henry, tailor, 23 Spital street Talbot Albert James, travelling draper, 49 East bill

Quinton William, shoe maker, 7 East hill Tapley Ed win Keet, private sc.1ool, 27 Lowtield street

Rampton Arthur Charles, watch maker, 34 Spital street Tarra.nt Percy, hair dresser, 8o Lowfield street

Ray Frederick Thomas, Two Brewers P.H. Lowfield street Tatner Arthur, grocer, & agent for W. t;;, A. Gilbey, wine &

Ray Thomas, gun maker, 48 Hi,crh 5treet spirit merchant, 54 Great Queen street

Reynolds William, cowkeeper, 86 Great Queen street Tatner Eliza (Mrs.), private school, ro3 St. Albans road

Reynolds Willia.m, shopkeeper, 37 Overy street Temperance Lecture Hall (E. Buck, proprietor), High st

Rice Clara (Miss), dress maker, 8 .\fount Pleasant road Thomas Henry, registrar of marriages, East hill

Ridewood Claude Thomas, stationer, 59 Hii;h street Thompson William J ames, beer retailer, 40 Heath street
Rtdley & Chanc~llor, solicitors, 26 Lowfield street Thorogood Mary Ann (Mrs.), White Hart P. H. 39 High st

Rtd ey Clement Cotterell (firm, Ridley & Chancellor), solicitor Tickner Georg-e Henry, baker, 40 Overy street

& commissioner for oaths, 26 Lowfield street Tile Richard llarnard, Crown & Anchor P.H. So High street

Robson William Richard, grocer & dJ;aper, 20 Rt. Albans rd Tiptaft Robert, hardware dealer, 19 Lowfield street

Rore Albert Edward, shopkeeper, 119 Hythe street Titan Tea Co. Limited (Wm. Young, manager), 23 Hythe st

R gers Frederick H. confectioner, rs East hill Tomlinson George, Railway hotel, Railway station

Rowland James, chnnney sweeper, 84 Lowfield street Tufnail Philip, ironmonger, 16 & 18 High street
RowL~tone Henry, sand & gravel merchant & market gar- 1 Turner Caroline (Mrs.), dress maker, 27 Hythe street

dener, 106 Dartford road I Turner Joseph George, grocer, 43 & 54 High street
Royal West Kent Re~iment (Queen's Own), 2nd Volunteer i Turner Thomas, shopkeeper, Dartford heath

B ttalion (C eo. Capt. J. B. Horton & D eo. Capt. G. H. Turner William, seedsman, 44 Spital street

Fenner, commandants· J oseph Tiley, sergeant-in:;tructor), Tyrrell Levi, fishmonger, 88 Lowticld street

Armoury, Spital street 1 Underhill William El ward, greengrocer, 1 Overy street

K. B. & S. 13*


Upson John & Co. boot makers, 15 & 25 High street West Kent Regiment (Queen's Own Royal), 2nd Volunteer

Upton Edmund, eating house,41 High"street Battalion (C & D co.'s) (J. ll. Horton & George Hamtl!oQ

Upton George, farmer, Priory farm · Fenner, captains; Ernest W. White M. B. acting surge n·

Venn & Woodcock, solicitors, West hill H.ev. Alan Hunter Watts, acting chaplain; Joseph Tlley'

Victoria Assembly Rooms, Hnll hotel, High street sergeant-instructor), A-rmoury, Spital street '

Vine Charles, chimney sweeper, to Overy street Whatling Frederick, umbrella maker, 29 Lowfield street

Vine Hcmy, chimney sweeper, 76 Hythe street Wheatley I<'rederick Cliarles, baker, 77 High street

Vine Thomas, greengrocer, 75 Lowfield street Whiting l"rancis Jas. wheelwright & smith, 76 Lowfield st

Wailer George, coal merchant, Hythe street 'Vhitmarsh William, coffee house, East hill

Waller John, Princ-e of Wales P.H. Hythe street Wilkins .Amelia (Mrs.), baker, 82 Lowfield str~et

Waller William Edward, beer retailer, 36 Overy street Wilkinson William, florist & jobbing gardener, 83 West hill

Wailer William Hy. barge owner & coal mer. 69 Lowfield st 1 Willard Philip, shopkeep•r, 50 Dartford road

Warrington & Son, ironmongers, 24 Hythe st. & St. Albans rd Williams George, beer retailer, 98 Low field street

·waterman Edward, clerk to the school board Williams Philip, beer retailer, West hill

Weatherley Frederick, bricklayer, 5 East hill Williams William, cooper, g6 Lowfield street

Webh .John, inspector of weights & measures, 41 Overy st Wilson & Botwood, wholesale & dispensing- chemists,rSpital~

Webster George, superintendent of police, Highfield road ~Wilson Jonathan, shopkeeper, qo Lowtisld street

Weekes & Co. ironmongers, 74 & 76 High street Winch James Batting, grocer, 24 High "treet

West George, coal dealer & carman, Great Queen street Winter Alfred, baker, 31St. Albans road

West Kent Advertiser ( Dartford Newspaper Co. Limited, Wisden Thomas, shopkeeper, 38 Heath street

proprietors: H. W. Knock, mana~er; Jamcs Snowclen, 'Volfe Alfred, baker, 41 Hythe street

printer; published saturday), Old Bank house, High st Wright. Louisa Ann (Mrs. J, toy dealer, 20 Lowfield street

West Kent Waterworks Co.; chief office, Deptford (George Yeates Samuel, British Workman coffee tavern, Lowfield st

J. Gill, Bexley Heath, collector: James Lowen, 57 West j Youens Brothers, basket makers, Tower cottage, Tower rd

hill, turncock)


DEAL is a plea"antly situated sea-coast town and pilot living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £375 yearly,
station, municipal borough and a member of the Cinque with residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury,
Port of Sandwich, head of a county court district and was and held .,ince 1862 by the Rev. Thomas Llewelyn Gritiith
formerly the terminus of a branch line of the South Eastern Ill. A. of University College, Oxford. The population in r88r
Railway from Minster. Another line uniting this town to was 2, 848.
Dover was constructed in 1879. Deal is 73 miles from Lon-
don by road and 9c by railway, 20 south-east from Canter- St. George's is an ecclesiastical parish, formed Aprilgth,
bury by rail, 9 north from Dover, 4 south-east from i::land- 1852. The church of St. George the Niartyr, Lower Deal, is a
large rectangular structure of brick, in the Queen .Anne

wich, 13 south from Ramsgate and 17 south from Margate, style, conSisting of nave only and was completed in 1715
in the Eastern division of the county, lathe of St. Augustine,
Wmgham petty sessional division, Eastry union, Sandwich with funds raised under an Act of Parliament obtained in
rural deanery and archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury.
It is coming into notice as a watering place, being very 1712, imposing a duty of two shillings a ton on water-borne
healthy and bracing, and the Deal Navy Yard, at the sonth
end of the town, having been purchased by the United Land coals for 25 years : a memorial pulptt of stone wa.s erected

in r869 and a font was presented at the same time: open

seats were substituted in 1877 for the original hig-h square

pews : an organ, provided by the bcque~t of I, r,ooo by

Co. Limited, who have erected some fine bonses on it. (ieorge Rcdsull Carter, surgeon, was erectetl in r879: there

The pier, begun in r86r and finished in r864, at a cost. of are £r,ooo sittings, about 300 being free. The register

£r3,5oo, by the Deal and Walmer Pier Company, is r,ooo dates from the year r852. The living- is a vicarage, gross
feet in length and 23 feet wide: a pavilion for concerts was yearly value £3oo, with residence, in the gift of the .Arch-

erected at the head of the pier in r886. bishop of Canterbury, and held since r868 by the Rev.

Deal was made a boroug:t1 by charter of William IlL The David Bruce Payne D. D. of L" niversity College, Durham.

municipal body, as remodelled by the Act of r835, consists The population in r88r was 2,734; the area is 100 acr08.

of a mayor, six aldermen and eighteen councillors; and these St. Andrew's is an ecclesiastical parish, formed .Aprilgth,

act as the Urban Sanitary Authority. The town is paved r8s2. The church, situated at the north end of the town, is
and lighted with gas from works the prop~rty of the Deal
and ·walmer Gas Co. and is well supplied with water from a building of stone, in the Early English style, erected at a
works situated at Upper Deal, the property of Deal Water
\\'orks Co. : it is under the jurisdiction of the county police cost, including the site, of about [ w3i,t0h00a, iaslneds, consecrated in
r8so, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles,

north-west porch and a tower with spire containing one hell:

force and has a Court of General Sessions of the Peace and a tihne18e6a5stthweincdhoanwceils was extended and chancel aisles arlded:
Court of Record; the borough has a Commission of the a memorial to Elizabeth (Herhert,
Peace and separate Court of Quarter Sessions. Countess of Clanwilliam, died 2 oth Sept. 1g5s, and there

The "Cinque Port Justices," appointed under Act 5 1• Geo. are several others: the north wall of the chancel was
Ill. cap. 36, for the Deal Division of the liberties of the Cinq ue
decorated in 1a88h2a_n4dswoimthe subjects from the Old and New
Ports (comprisir1g Walmer and Ringwould), hold their ses- Testaments: carved oak pulpit "ith painted

sions at Deal. panels has been presented to the church by the Rectory

Upper DAal is the site of the ancient Deal described hy \'l'orking Party; a brass eag-le lectern by Miss "\\'ys and a

Lcland in his "ltinerary" as a "fisher" village, and at that beautiful processionai cross by Miss Taverner : there are 625

time half a mile from the sea-shore; but now at a greater sit.tings, of which 400 are free. The register dates from the
year 1re8s5i0d_euc~T,hienlitvhienggiifst a rectory, net yearly Yalue [,rQ(J,
distance, and it still retains some quaint old buildings. with of the Archbishop of Canteroury,

The parish church of St. Leonard, situated at Upper and held since IBB8 by the Rev. James Benjamin Parker
Deal, rebuilt in 1684 and enlarged in r8r9, is a spacious
M. A. of St. Mary Hall, Oxford. The population in r88I
building of flint and brick, in the Early English style, but
has undergone many injudicious and tasteless alteratiom; was 2,918 ; the area is 230 acres.
it consists of chancel, nave, aisles, north porch and a battle-
mented western tower of brick, surmounted by a wooden tur- A Mission Hall in connection with St. Andrew's has been

ret and containing- a clock and 5 bells, dated Ib8 4 ; this tower erected at the north end of the parish for boatmen and has

is a mark to mariners: the nave is separated from the aisles 200 sittings, all of which are free.

by arcades of three obtusely pointed archP-~, springing from The Catholic church, dedicated to St. Thomas of Canter·

circular columns : the chancel st.ill retains some interesting bury, affords 200 sittings.

ancient features : on the south side are two ascending sedllia The Con!!reS!ational Bi-Centenary )lemorial church,
and eastward of these a curious piscina, having the appear-
ance of Norman work: in the north wall of the chancel is an erected in r88z, is an edifice of brick, with Bath stone dress-
arched recess, perhaps an aumbry: in the chancel is a
brass, with kneeling etfil,ry, inlaid in a slab of llethersden ings, in the Early English style, from designs by .:\lr. Jos.
Gardner, architect, of Folkestone, and has a gabled fron~
flanked by turrets with octagonal spires: the interior ~

marble, to Thomas Boys esq. ob. 1562 : there are memorial galleries on three sides, and will seat 775 persons.
windows to ~Irs. Oldman, placed in r86r, and to the late Victoria Baptist church, opened Aug. 4, r88r, is anediiice
Miss Smith, of Upper Deal: the lectern was presented in of local brick with lla~h stone dressings, in _the Goth~c stylJ
memory of Lieut. T. LL Gritfith (son of the present rector), erected from the designs of Mr. John "ells, arch1tect,

killed a"t Isandula, Zululand, 22nd January, 1879: there are Derby, at a cost of £3,300: there are sittings for about fdJ

6oo sitting-s. The register dates from the year 1559. The . persons. The school premise:> were erected in 1882; thll


entire rost of chapel and schools, including site, new organ Deal is a laq·e pilot station for the licensed or branch
£and furnishmg throughout, was s,ooo.
pilots of the Cinquc Ports and for Trinity pilots, there being

The Wesleyan chapel, in West street, was erected in r86s-6 8 of tlte former aml 38 of the latter; these are attached to

and thhaesrelairs5ea schools in tb.e rear for boys, girls and infants, the port and employed in piloting vessels from the Downs to
and Primirive :\Iethodist chapel.
Gravesend : a fund, from which their widows receive 1.," 12 a

The Cemetery, sitl)ated at Middle Deal, and consecrated year, is Lm~faeintBaoinaet,d by the body of pilots generally. named
The "Mary bomen·ille" (ori rinally
in March, r856, consists of about six acres, with two
" Van Cooke '1), stationed at the north end, is one nf the
mortuary chapels, and is controlled by a burial bod.rd of
rune members. largest and most powerful boats m the country and was

The Town Hall, situated in High street, and erected in given to the town b y the well-k·nown marm· e artist, ln\.I r. E .

rBo3, is a spaciom building and contains fine portraits of W. Cooke, at a cost of £6oo.

\rilliam III. and Wi\liam IV. and of Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, The trade of Deal consists largely in supplying vessels in

the Downs with water, provisions and hovelling; and there

born at Deal, r6th December, 1717, and well known as the an fish ctuing establishment!'.

tl'llnslaror of Epictetus: a council chamber and some police Tl1e K Battery rst Cinque Ports Artillery Volunteer Bri-

cells were added in r883. gade, Eastern Division Royal Artillery, is stationed in the

St. George's Hall and Public Rooms, situated in Park town.

street, and belonging to a company, erected in r864, The charities amount to £r6 yearly, derived from various

at a cost of£1,000: they contain an assembly room, seating bequests and distributed in bread; th[)re is also a soup

Boo persons, well adapted for balls and lectures, committee,, kitchen in Brewer street, a coal charity, clothing club and

bJliard and reading rooms: the Deal and \.Yalmer Carter In- I a Boatman's Benevolent Society ; the Deal and Walmer l'rovi-
st.tute is also in the building, which has a good library of dent Dispensary, in Wellington Road, established in 1862,

above 1,400 volumes and is well supplied with periodicals and condncterl on the provident system, is intended for the
and newspapers; the reading room contains a collection of relief of the sic1< poor of Deal and Walmer ; and contains an

curiosities presented by residents of the town and neighbour- infirmary ward with eizht beds for seamen and others, who
hood. may meet. with accidents.

The convent and orphanage of St. Ethelburga, West street, The Deal ~ea~ide camp for London boys, opened here at

established in r87r, for educating young girls, consists of twu Midsummer, 188g, similar to those started in I888 at Ndw-

large houses, surrounded by extensive grounds, near the castle-on-:ryn~ and ~iverpool, is designed to. proYide an

railw-c~y station anJ. about five minutes' wal1;: from the sea; opportnmty for workmg-elass lads employed m to,~n, be-

the teaching is conducted by the sisters of ~6tre Dame des 1 tween 1-:1- and I7 years of age, to _pass a we~k ?r fortmght at
the s~astde, on the recommendatiOn of subseribers, or of the
MLSSions · and there is room for about 70 inmates.

There a' ~~ three loca~ newspapers=. the " Deal and~.~]mer managers of town parochial clubs and institutes. The camp
Telegram, founded m_ r85 2, pubhshed on Weclnesd.~y by occupies an isolated position on the Sandhills, two miles
:dr. H..~; Pam, propnetor, of. Broad s~_ree~; the, D~l
north-east of the town, and here a lar~e marquee is pitched,
Mercury, fot~nded m 1865, published on lrtday, by Thomas
capable of feeding fifty lads, and round it are about 20 army
~redenck, Pam a~d belo,~gmg to ~ company; _and the bell-tents, a and a Broad Arrow kitchen on the
·~~uth Ea5ter~ Express, foun~ed m ~874, published on
military camp sy,tem: a payment of 2s. 6d. for each wee'c
must be made for each youth, the remaining expense being

Fnday, by H. S. Chapman and Co. of ;\llddle street. defrayed by subscriptions. 'l'l1e camp is managerl by a

The Downs, which lie off Deal, form a safe roadstead London committee ; London offices, N nrthnmberland cham-
except from the south for fleets and ships of the largest
description; they are well protected on the east, west and hers, Northumberland avenue w c; Mr. Mosse Macdonald,
north and contain 20 miles of good anchorag-e. A magniti-
cent sight is presented here on a change taking place after a secretary.
The pretender, Perkin ~'a.rbeck, landed at Deal with his

forces in July, 1495. aml was defeated by the tr~ined bands

continuance of contrary winds, when hundreds of ships of Sandwich. In IS.fO Anne of CleYes rested here to recover

may be seen at one time making sail. The (:i-oodwin Sands, from the fatigues of her voya""e, on her way to be married

which form the protection of the anchorage, extend for a to Henry VIII. In August, 1648, during. the Civil War,

length of about 9 miles, but are highly uangerous and Prince Charles, afterwards Charles II. camce in to the Downs
ocmsion frequent wr_e~ks, deman~ing_ and _i~variably :e- with a considerable ft?.et and on the rsth of that month
attacked the town of Deal; but his force'l were entirely
cemng that ready activity_and darmg mtrep1d1ty for which routed by the Parliamentary troops, under Colonel Rieb..
the boat~en of De_al are JHStly celebrated: the number of

boatmen IS now est1mated at about 400. Deal Castle, bnilt by Henry VIII. in the year I539. for the

There are two reading-rooms for the Deal boatmen, one defence of the coast, has four round bastions of stone, of

at the north end of the town and the other at the south end: thick arched work, with numerous embrasures: from the

the former was erected in the year I862 and rebuilt in centre of these rises a large round tower, having a cistern
1884 through the liberality of the late Earl of Shaftesbury at the summit and in thP basement an arched bomb-proof

l.G. and under the auspices of the late Viscount Palmerston cavern, the walls of which are from 20 to 30 feet thick at

l.u. (then Lord Warden), who furnished the reading room the foundation, gradually diminishing to ahont I I feet

witb. a valuable library and achromatic telescopes: the read- towards the summit : the residence of the captain of the

mg room at the south end was established in r8 58 by the Rev. castle, whn is generally a nobleman appointed by the Lord

J. ~1. ~isbet M.A. formerly rector of Upper Deal (r856-6r); Warden, is a modern building faeing the sea: the present

and the existing premises were built by the Rev. T. S. occupant is the Right Hon. Lord Herschell P.C., D.C.L.

Treanor M.A. mission chaplain to seamen in I888. 8andown Castle, formerly standin~ at the northern ex-

Oh bh at h h d f h tow~ . a. l~ f y tremity of Deal, is now only represented by the ruins of
nt e eac te sout en_ te t some part of the original structure: during the reign of
0 IS Charles II. Colonel John Hutchinson, who had been a

square tower,_ formerly used as~ signal or telegraph ~tat_JOn,
on the summtt of wht~h there IS a tune ~all for_ shtppmg,
~rorked by the el~ctnc_ telecrraph fro~ Greenwich <?bser- member of the Long Parliament and governor of N otting-

\"atilry: the ball IS raised half-mast htgh at ~ve mumtes ham Castle, and was one of the judges of Charles I. was con-

before I p.m. nrarly, and t_o the top at three n_unutes before tined and died here September I I, it6h6e4 . borough,
The parish is co-extensive with municipal
1 ~~m. _nearly, every day; It IS d.ropped b~ an
ga aruc current from tbe. Royal Obs~rvatory, GreenWICh, which is divided into north und s:mth wards; the population

eiaetly at 1 p.m. Greenwich mean time every day; the £in r88 I was 8' soo .' the area is r '124 acres: rateable value,

time to be noted being the instant at whic~ the ball begins p :~~~~9CLERKS :-

to fal~ from the cross-arms. of the :ane; If, however, the Genrge M. Denne, CPmetery lodge, Upper Deal.

Wind 18 very heavy, the ball1s not raised. . St. George's, Georg-e Maxted, sexton.

The Custom House is situated in High stre3t. St. Andrew's, Abraham Hare, sexton.

Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.

Posr, "M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, times. Only one dispatch on sundays at ro. ro p. m. ; par-
Park street.-Thomas Taylor, postmaster. cels are dispatched at 10-40 a.m. 6.10 & 9 p.m. to
London, but forwarded with the letters to the neighbour-
First delivery of letters commences at 7 a. m. ; the second ing towns

delivery commences at II.30 a.m. ; the third at 4 p.m. & NoRTH DEAL TowN RECEIVING OFFICE, M. 0. 0., S. B. &
fourth at 6.50 p.m. Box closes for London & London
Annuity & Insurance Office, 129 Middle street.- W. A. C.
forward 9 a. m. ; for the London day mail (with a bag for Chapman, receiver. Box cleared at 10.25 a. m. 5.50 & 9
Ashford, Folkestone, Canterbury, Faversham & Hythe)
at 10.40 a.m.; Dover & the Continent, London, London p. m. Parcel post B a.m. to 8 p. m

forward qo p.m. ; Margate, Ramsgate & Sandwich at UPPER DEAL TowN RECEIVING OFFICE, M. 0. 0., S. B. &
Annuity & Insurance Office.-Mrs. E. A. Denne, receiver.
2 p.m. For London & through London at 6. ID p. m. Box cleared at 10.45 a. m. 12.5 & gp.m.; sundays,r2.5op.m

For the London night mail & general post, box closes at

9·30 p.m.; with extra ~d. stamp ro minutes after above

198 . DEAL. • Kh'NT: [KELLt"s

Corporation. Consuls.
Consuls for Belgium & Vice-Consuls for Netherlands, Ger.
•MAYOR-George Colema.n. ma~y, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Russia, SwedeQ
RECORDER-Henry Fielding Dickens. & l'i orway, Consular Agents for Austria & Agenu for
French Lloyd's, George Hammond & Co. 101 Esplanade

Retire in 1892. Retire in 1895· Pilots-Deal District.
Alex. Fredk. Samuel Bird Edmund Brown CINQUE PORTS PILOTS.
James Roberi Lush
Elias Elliott

Aynott Chitty Woodruff William Henry Hayman James M. Gosley Robert Finnis

North Ward. South Ward. Hemy T. S. Bristow John E. Apps

Returning Officer & Presid- Returning Officer & Presicl- Charles B. Gillman

ing Alderman. ing Alderman. Joseph H. Hartley TRINITY PILOTS.
James Robert Lush Elias Elliott John W. Arnold
Mark T. Stephenson
CoUNCILLORS. Charles Pordige

North Ward. South ·ward, • George 'V. Moon Thomas H. Rogers

1890 Thomas Chandler I 8go.-George Chas. Alien J ames H.. A pps George lllaxland
Daniel M. Goldsack· George J. Norris
Hy.Stephen Chapman Genrge Cottew William J. Eastman
William ll. Mackie
Wm. A. C. Cbapman William Darracott

Henry E. Millen Jarvist F. Arnold

I8g1-Geo. Coombes Haine~ I891-William Nethersole John J. Pott William Hart
Walter Duncan
Wilham Kelsey John Elgar Hayward George H. Crowhurst

John Pettet Ramell John Edward Wall William A. Beck Richard E. Arnold

William H. Putt John F. H. Hughes

1892-Thos. Winston Allen 1892-F. Backhouse Hulke 'Villiam T. I3laxlaud John Cotton

Richard Thomas May Thomas Steed Bayly John J. Philpott John Baxter

J oseph Wa!lis ThomasJn. Woodruff James J. Erridge William H. Paton

The Corporation meet at Town hall on the last Tuesday in Edward Appleton George II. Walker
every month. Bowes M. Beer Henry Pont
John R. Dixon Lyndsay W. Rogers
Mayor's Auditor, Aynott Chitty Woodruff William C. Harrison
Elective Auditors, Edward S. G. Warren & Thomas Wellden


AUTHORITY. William L. Dunn, Ramsgate

Town Clerk & Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority & Anthony J. llowles, Margate

Coroner, George Mercer, Queen street \Villi am C. Peverly, Broadstairs

Treasurer, Samuel Mayo, 9 High street Public Establish:ments.
Clerk of the Peace, Alfred Charles Brown, High street

Medical Officer of Health, Alexander Bruce Payne L.R.C.P. Asoembly Rooms (The Old), High street

Edin. 170 Beach street; residence, 8 The Beach, "\\'almer Cemetery, Middle Deal, Mercer, Edwards & Co. clerks to

Borough Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, Robert Wilkins the burial board ; George M. DPnne, keeper

Redman, South esplanade Cinque Ports ( rst) Artillery Volunteer Brigade, Eastern

Collector, Harold Crofts Ramell, n8 High Rtreet Division Ro~·al Artillery (No. 7 Battery), Capt. WalterJ.

Inspector under Explosives Act & Town Sergeant, Joshua Green, commandant; Waiter J<'rederick Lovell, acting

Douglas Philpott, Prospect villa, Nelson street surgeon; Rev. J. L. Griffith, hon. chaplain: Sergt

PoRT SANITARY AuTHORITY. Harding R.A. drill instructor
Clerk, George Mercer, Queen street
Medical Officer of Health, Alexander Bruce Payne L.R.C.P. Coastguard Station, Claude H. Millett, officer in command
County Court Office, Park house, Park street, His honor
Edin. 86 Beach street; residence, 8 The Beach, "\\7a.lmer
Sanitary Inspector, H.obt. Wilkins Redman, South esplanade William Lucius Selfe B. A. judge; Worsfold Mowll, official
receiver; Frederic William Hardman LL.D. registrar;
Thomas Bowling, high bailiff. The county court is held

Borough Magistrates. • once a month alternately at the Town ball, Deal & lli
The Mayor for the time being Sandwich; it has the following places within its jurisdll:·
diction :-Betteshanger, Deal, Great & Little Mongeham,
Ex-Mayor for the time being
Kingsduwn, NorLhbourne, Ringwould, Hippie, Sholden,
Bird Alexander Frederick Samuel, 118 Beach street
Cottington, Foulmead, Sutton, Tilmanstone, Upper Deal
Brown Edmund, 181 High street
& Upper & Lower ·walmer
Hi!ton Thomas Denne B. A., M. B. Upper Deal
Certified Bailiffs Appointed under the Law of DistresS
Iggulden John, 18 Queen 8treet
Amendment Act, Thomas James Usher, Victoria road;
Lush James Robert, .Alfred house, Alfred square
William Nethersole, Queen street ; Frederic Hall, Middle
Nethersole John, 160 High street Deal ; George Charles Allen, Victoria road ; William D.

Nethersole William, 34 High street J ones, Water street
County & Cinque Ports l.Yiagistrates' Office, 20 Queen streel
Roope Thomas, 22 Victoria road
County Police ~tation, 1 St. George's place, George Lacy,
Clerk to the Magistrates, John Jas. "\\'1lliamson, Queen st
inspector; 2 sergeants & 6 constables
Borough petty sessions are held at the Town hall, Deal, Custom House, 126 High street, James Toohey, principal

every thursday at II a.m

Cinque Ports Magistrates. coast officer in charge of Deal & Sandwich

Banks Edward esq. Sholden Deal Pier, John Edward Lawrenee, manager
Brown Edmnnd esq. 181 High street, Deal Deal & Walmer Carter Institute, Park st. I. E. Wall, l!te
Coleman Capt. George, Rosway, Middle Deal Deal & 'Valmer Provident Dispensary, ·Wellington road, D
Davey Richard S. esq. Walmer
Lush James Robert e!iq. Alfred house, Alfred square Hughes, W. F. Lovell & A. Hruce Payne, medical officersi
Matthews John esq. Walmer Rev. T. L. Griffith M.A. secretary
Monins John Henry esq. Ringwould Fire Brigade, Market place, High street ; plant, one manus!
Page Henry esq. Walmer engine & one escape; G. H. Denne, captain, & 12 men
Tod Alexander esq. Walmer Inland Revenue Office, 2 Adelaide villas, Thomas MnrphY•
divisional officer
Clerk to Magistrates, George Mercer Lifeboat Institution, Rev. T. S. Treanor, sec. & treasurer•
Petty se!'sions ilre held at 20 Queen street .every monday at Beechwood, Middle Deal
Lloyd's Signal Station, Beach street, John Prior, manager
11 a.m Mercantile Marine Shipping Office, 126 High street, J~

County Magistrates for Deal sub-division of pil1Toohey, superintendent
Wingha:m Petty Sessional Division.
Pilot Office, Broad st. Thomas Ralph, clerk & ruler of
Banks Edward Richard Rupert Geo. esq. Sholden ho. Deal St. George's Hall & Public Rooms, Park street, Waiter ·

Banks William John esq. Oxney court, Dover Solomrm, manager

Coleman Capt. Geurge, Rosway, Middle Deal Stamp Office, 18 High street, Giraud & Sons, distributors.J.

Lister Walter Venning esq. Eastry, Great Walton, Dover Time Ball Royal Signal Tower, South beach, William c~·

Monins John Hy. esq. Ringwould house, Ringwonld, Dover ing Newby, manager

Bladen Lieut.-Col. Joseph, Ripple court, Walmer Town Hall, High street, Joshua Douglas Philpott, keeper

Clerk, George Mercer, 19 & 20 Queen street Public Officers.

Petty sessions are held at the Sessions house at Wingham Admiralty Surgeon & Agent, Alexander Bruce Pa~
the first thursday in every month & at Dover the third

tbursday in every month L.R.C.P.Edin. 86 Beach street

jLIJ.IU§{ilUll. X• KENT. DEAL. · 199

A.smtant Overseer for Dllal & Vl'almer Waiter Joseph 6.30 p.m. ; holy days, mass 9 a. m. & evening service 6.3o

Solomon, 3 Victoria town ' p. m. ; week days, mass 8 a.m.; fri. in convent 7·45 p. m.;
benediction, thurs in convent 5 p.m.; fri. in church b.3o
Certifying l''actory Surgeon & Medical Officer & Public

Vaccinator, Deal D1strict, Eastry Union, Hichard Lyddon p.m •

x.B. Cavendish house, Prince of Wales terrace Baptist, Victoria road, Rev. N. Dobson, minister; 10.45

Clerks of the Burial lloa.rd & Registrars to the Cemetery, a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; man. 8 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m

Mercer, Ed wards & Co. 20 Que m street Conr;regational, High street, l{ev. W. C. Atwell, minister ;

Collector of Income & Assessed Taxes, Harold Crofts 10.45 a. m. & 6. 30 p. m. ; m on. & wed. 7 p.m

Ramell, rr8 High street Plymouth Brethren, Old Assembly rooms, High street;

Ccllector of Water Rates, Josiah Bayly, 2 Park street ro. 30 a.m. & 6.30 p. m

Deputy Raceiver of Wreck, James Toohey, I26 High street Primitive Methodist, Park street; various ministers; I0.45

Inland Revenue Officer, Thomas Murphy a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; werl. 7 p.m

Inspector of County Police, George Lacy, I St. George's pl \Vesleyan, West street, Rev. J. B. Dawson D.D. minister;

Lloyd's Agents, George Hammond & Co. IOI Beach street ro.45 a. m. & 6.30 p. m. ; mon. & wed. 7 p.m

Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Thomas Eastes Schools.

Cavell, 2 Wellington road; deputy, Miss Celia H. Cavell, •

2 Wellington road A School Attendance Committee, consisting of 9 members of

Registrar of the Court of Survey, F. W. Hardman LL.D. the Corporation, was formeJ in J annary, r877; Edwip

Park street Noble, 5 Beaconsficld road, clerk & attendance officer

Registrar to Commissioners of Salvage, Geor,;e Mercer, Deal Central (St. George's), l\Iiddle street, founJed in 1829,

Queen street rebuilt in IB70 & enlarged in 1882, to eontain r8o boys,

Relieving Officer, Second District, Eastry Unilm, Thomas I2o girls & ISO infants; average attendance, I50 boys, go

Waters, 5 Victoria cottages, Middle Deal girls & I40 infants; Waiter ~Iorris, master; Miss Julia

Places of Worship, with times of Services. J. Woods, mistress; llliss Afra Dyason, infants' mistress

Deal Parochial (St. Leonard's & St. .Andrew's), Middle Deal,

St. Leonard's Parish Church, Upper Deal, Rev. Thomas erected in r852 & enlarged in r87o, for r8o boys, ISO girls

Llewelyn Griffith M.A. rector; Rev. G. D. Pagden, curate ; & as many infants; average attendance, 1.30 boys & I30

n a.m. 3.30 & 6.30 p.m. ; ISt sunday in the month, holy girls & 130 infants ; \Villiam Howitt, master ; Mrs. Eliza

communion after morning sen'ice; 3rd sunday in the Ann Howitt,mistrcss ; Miss .Mary Harrod,infants' mistress

month, holy communion 9 a.m. ; wed. evening service Infants', St. Andrew's, Duke street, opened in r87o & en-
larged & restored in r885 at an expense of £300, for 300
7-30 o'cloek

St. Andrew's Church, West stre~t, Rev. James Benjamin cl1ildren; average attendance, I20; Miss Elizh. Grace, mist

Parker M.A. rector ; Rev. John H. M<1rtin, curate ; 8 W esleyan, Union street, erected in r 86o by William Betts,

(holy communion) & I r a.m. 3 & 6.30 p. m. ; week days, for 375 children; average attendanc.o, boys & girls r85,

8 a. m. & 5.30 p.m. except wed. & fri. when it is r r a. m. infants 8o; James .Mu_;furd, master; Miss Varney,

& 8 p.m infants' mistress

St. George's Church, High street, Rev. Da vid Bruce Payne NewspaperP,

n.n. vicar; 9 (holy communion) & n a.m. 3 & 6.30 p.m.;
we~k days, wed. & holy days, I2 a. m. & 7 p.m. ; all other Deal, Walmer, Dover & Kentish Telegram, Broad street;

days, 12 noon only published tues. for wed. ; Henry Thomas Pain, publisher

Mission to Seamen, Nurth end, Beach street, Rev. T. S. & proprietor
Treanor M.A. chaplain; J. W. Lowe, scripture reader ; Deal, Walmer & Sandwich Mercury, Queen street; pub-

services twice weekly as convenient lished friday; Thomas Frederick Pain, publisher
South Eastern Express, Deal, \Yalmer & S<1ndwich Chronicle
St. Andrew's )lission Hall (for boatmen), North end; 5.30
& St. Augustine s Herald, 178 Middle street ; published
p.m. sun
fri. ; Henry Stephen Chapman & Co. printers & proprs
St. Andrew's Par1sh Room; 8.30 p.m. ; sat. 8 p.m

St. Thomas of Canterbury Catholic, Blenheim road, Rev. Railway Station.

M. O'Neill, priest; holy communion in convent 8 a. m.

mass formarines 9 a.rn. & for civilians rr a.m. vespers Superintendent, G. Swan

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Chandler Thomas, ro Princes street Dobson Rev. Nicholas [Baptist], Gils-

Alien John, Everfield ho. Sondes road Chandler William, 6oA, High street land house, Mill road

Ambrose Mrs. 32 Wellington road Channer Capt. A]Jd. Wm. 33 Beach st Dix:on Mrs. Wilton house, Victoria road

Atking George, Hillside ho. Mill road Chitty Harry, I2 Union street Drew Mrs. 98 ~Iiddle street

Atwell Rev.\'rilliamC.[Congregational], Chitty Miss, Mill house, l\1ill road Drury Mrs. 9 Welling-tun road

Clanwilliam road Clarabut Herbert John, 12 High street Durham )liss, 17 Wellington road

.Baker Misses, The Cottage, Upper Deal Clare Capt. John Coughran, 7 Queen st Dutton Mrs. 27 Wellington road

IBass Mrs. 6 Napier terrace, West street Clark Alexander (staff-sergeant R.M. ), ~yer Miss, Ever~tield_ ho. Sondes road

Bayley Mrs. ro Park street 30 Gladstone road Eastes Albert, 152 M1ddle.street

Bean Mrs. rg VIctoria road ClarkWm.Lansdown vil.St..Andrew'srd 1 Eastes John Watson, 33 lligh street

BOO.ingfield Thomas Forrester, Thorn- Clarke :'drs.4 Albion ter. Upper Deal road Eastes SI. St. LeonarJ's rd. Upper Deal

ton, Clanwilliam road Clements James, 18 Victoria road Edgar James, g8A, High stre~t

Bell Dvd. Thos. Taverner vil. Ranelagh rd Clifton Rev. Hy. C. The Oaks, Upper Deal Edwa.rds Henry, 11 Princes street

Belsey Mrs. 12 Water street Clifton Thomas, 18 Wellin~ton road Edwards James Barber, 35 High street

Berry Mrs. 19 Gilford road ClifLon Wm. Gordon ho. Sondes road Ekins James Robert, Park street

Betteridge Daniel, Heath villa, Cowper Coan George (scripture reader R.N.) 24 Elgar Mrs. 98 High street

road, Middle Deal Blenheim road Elliott Elias, :\Iyrtle villa, Middle Daal

.Bingham Mrs. 7 Park street Coast Thomas Julian, 3 Southampton Elliott Henry, 36 Gladstone road

Bird Alex. Fredk. Saml. II 8 Beach st terrace, Victoria town Fenwiek :\liss, 7 Wellington terrace

Bird Alex. Fredk. Saml. jun. 8 Park st ColemanCapt.Geo.J.P.Rosway,Mid.Deal Francis Mrs. 12 Park street

Blacker Walter (staff-sergeant R.M. ), ColemanJn.Noakes,Kent ho. UpperDeall Franklir. Henry, 20 Gilfurd road

29 Gladstone road ConnertonThos. Ventnor vl. Ranelagh rd l'ranklin John, II lHenhllim road

Boray Miss, 6o Beaeh street Coppin Waiter Shorey, Milford villa, Fraser David, Addelarn, Upp3r Deal

Boys Miss, Bygrave house, Upper Deal St. Patrick's road Frost Henry G. r87 High street

.Bruley Edward Hobday, The Water- Curnwell Edwin,The Cedars, Victoria rd Frost Percy Alfred, Woodford lodge,

works, Upper Deal Cosby John Nugent, Lorraine house, St. Patrick's road

Brooke Capt. .Francis Charteris Henry, Prince of Wales terrace Gaunt John Richard, Upper Deal ho

liD!e cottaze, Upper Deal Cottew George, jun. 3 Farrier street GedgeThos.Elgar,Montrosevil.Up.Deal

Brown Alfred Charles, 51 High street Cottew George, sen. I Southampton, Gersant Jules, 96 High street

Brown Edmund J.P. rBr High street terrace, Victoria town Gibson Mrs. The Firs, Upper Deal

.Brown Herbert George, 52 Higil street Coveney James, 4 Napier ter. West st Giraud Miss, 34 Wellington road

Brown Mrs. 52 High street Crews Samuel, 5 Albion terrace Golding Wm. Ha.rt1ield, Wellington pl

Brown Mrs. 5 Victoria road Cullen Jn. Ford, Walmer vil. Western rd Goodman.Alfred, bolly lodge, UpperDeal

Brure-Payne Edgar, IS Beach street CurtisCuthbert,Redfern vl.Ranelagh rd Gould Miss, II West street

Bull Miss, 6 Wellington terrace Danielson Mrs. The Yews, Upper Deal Goymer Hichard Samuel, Whitham,

BliShell Mrs. Adelaide vi!. Wellington rd Darby Mrs. 26 Higb street Sundes road, Victoria town

BliShellMrs. Blenheim ho. St. Patrick's r d Davies Charles, Upper Deal Grant Geo. 8 Castle rd. Victoria town

Byass Miss, 8 Victoria road Davison Robt. Sherrard ho.Middle Deal Green Misses, 27 Water street

CaWJ John Hatch, 2 Gilford road Dawes Edward, 6 Uilford road Greenstreet.Jn.Jarvi~.Braemar,Up.Deal

Carter H.obert, 28 Water street Dawson Rev. J. H. n.n. [Wes. ],Castle rd Gregory Mrs. 3 Wellington terrace

Chambm Miss, 23 Queen street Dimmer John Francis (staff-sergeant Grittith Rev.Tilos. Llewelyn M.A.[rector
Champion Misses, 9 Northcote road
R.M. ), 5 Blenheim road of St.Leonard's], .Rectory, Upper Deal


GriffithsMontagueC. TheOaks, Upp.Deal · Martin James Conolly, 10 Golden st I Roughton MiSA, Albion ter. Middle Deal

Groves Edward, Wellington ldg.Mill rd . Mason Mrs. Clevedon villa, 17 Welling-! Saby Mrs. Upper Deal

Haines George Coombs, Fairlight lawn, ton terrace i Sachs Thos.Rinson, Marine lo. Castlell{

High street . Mason Mrs. The Limes, Broad street ! Sanderson Henry Sherman, Houghton,

Hale Mrs. q6 Hi!!h street · Mayo Samuel, 9 Hig-h street I Victoria road

Hall Fredk. The Hollies, Middle Deal I Measday Chas. The Elms, Upper Deal rd : Sartain Miss,TbeLaurels,St. Patrick'srd

Hall Thomas Cave, I3"\- Beach street I Mercer George, 2 Victoria road Saunders Mrs. Wellington ter. Mill rd

Hammond John Reynolds, 120 Beach st ~Miles John, 3 Gladstone road , Sayer Henry T. Dahlia villa, Vicwrian!

HansonFras.Thornton, r8Wellington ter •Millen Mrs. 5 New Gilford road I Scamp Sergt.James (clerk R.M.) 7 Blen.

Harding Mrs. ro Upper Queen street 1 Mills Thomas, 4 Southampton terrace, I heim road

HarrisonWm.B.TheWillows,MiddleDeal! Victoria town ! Selth Christopher Thomas, 35 Dukest

Harvey Hy .Nowell,Cotmanto_n, U~.Deal i Milne Mrs. 3Castle terrace, Vict_oria road : Selth Zachariah, Gilfor_d cot. Gilford rd

Harv~y James Edward, 25 VICtoria rd 1 MoelledonnMrs.TheRetreat,MiddleDeal. Sharpe Mrs. Malvern villa, Ranelaghrd

IIarvey Mrs. The Lodge, Upper Deal I Morley J oseph, I3 Gilford road ! Smith Robt.David,Norman ho.Middlest

Harvey Troward, Dagmar ho. Queen st 1 Morris Mrs. The Cottage, Upper Deal I Smith Wm. Hy. 2 Castle ter. Victoriard

Hatch Mrs. 16 Broad street I Morris Waiter, Hope vil. St. Andrew's rd 1 Solly.Tn.Farley, IoCastle rd. Victoria twn

Hayes Mrs. Ranelagh ho. Ranelagh rd Mostyn Mrs. Elgin house, Victoria road • Solomon Waiter .Toseph,2o Victoria road

Hayman William, 13 Victoria road Mourilyan Capt. Edward R.N. St. 'Sparke John, 22 High street

Hayman William Hy. 13 Victoria road George's lodge, St. George's place i Stokes Misses, 9 Queen street

Helman Mrs. 62 Hic_;-b street Mugford James, 28 Union street ! Strong Mrs. 9 Victoria road

Helman Mrs. I09 High street Murpby Thos. 2 Adelaide vils. Up.Deal rd : Stroud Mrs. Blenheim, Clanwilliam road
Herschell Rt. Hon. Lord P.c., D.C.L.Deal Myers Charles Alfred, Victoria road 1Stubberfield Mrs. 2S \Yater street

castle;&46Grosvenor grdns. Londonsw Nethersolc John, r6o High street I Swann Mrs. Petalnma,New Gilford road

Hills Daniel Mclntosh, 24 High street Ncthersole William, 34 High street I Tapp Samuel, 4 Wellington place
1Taverner Mrs. 3 Castle rd. Victoria W1fll
Hills Edwin, 6 Victoria road Newton Sydney, 24 Queen street

Hilton Thos.Denne B.A.,M.B. Upper Deal Noble George, 8 Napier terrace, Westst I Thompson Charles William, 50 High st

Hinds Mrs. 7 Victoria road ~orris Mrs. 128 High street Thompson Mrs. 4 Gladstone road

Hobday Miss, 3 Napier ter. West street O'Neill Rev.M. [Catholic], Wellington rd Thorpe Mrs. I53 Beach street

IIodges James, 48 High street , Pagden Rev. Geo. Derner lii.A. [curate Treanor Rev. T. StanleyM.A. [chaplain
Holmes James, II Park street 1
of St. Leonard's], St. Albans, Middle of missions to seamen], Beechwood,

Honeyball Fredk. Thos.4 St.George's pl Deal Middle Deal

HoskinsJamesThos.Park ho.UpperDeal Pain Mrs. Church cottage, Upper Deal Tucker Mrs. Beach row, Beach street

Hovell John Rayner, Betshanger house, Pain Thomas Frederick, 4 Queen street Usher Mrs. Victoria road

Middle Deal Parker Rev. James Benjamin M.A. 1 Vaughan Henry, Clarence house, Cow-
Howitt William, School ho. Middle Deal . [rector of St. Andrew's ], High street I . per roarl, Middle Deal

Hubbard Mrs. S Wellington terrace l'ayne Rev. David Bruce D. D. [vicar of Vcrrier William James, I3 Jleach street

Hughes David, Bedford house, High st · St. George's], 170 Beach street Wall John Edward, 89 Beach street

Hulke Frederick Backhonse, Admiralty I Penfield Mrs. Cuba home, Beach street Wallis Joseph, Claremont road

house, Queen street Penn Mrs. Clevedon villa, Gilford road War-ren Benjamin .Tohn, I 2 Victoria road

Hulke Miss, 156 High street Phillips George, 23 Water street Warren Edward, Prince of Wales ter-

Iggulden John, 18 Queen street Phi!lips Mrs. 87 Beach street race, Victoria town

Irvime Miss, 7 N apier terrace, West st Philpott George, r Adelaide villas, War wellRd. H. Tamworth vi!. UpperDeal

Jenuings Sl. Bennett,Rhodaho.Bcachst Upper Deal road Watts Henry, 5 Victoria road

Kennett James, IS Alfred square Pletlge John, 5 Napier street, West street Wellard Mrs. 8 Victoria road

King Col. Hy. Robt. C. Ncw gro. Up. Deal Pock! ington Robert Frank, Cowper Wellden Thomas, n Queen street

Ladd John, 2 ~apier ter-race, West st lodge, Middle Deal '\\'eller Mrs. I Albert terrare, Upper Deaf

Lane Gcorge Edward, Thornton house, Pordigc Mrs. S Princes street Westhorp Capt. William Hast, Seagirt

Cowper road, Middle D3al Price :\Iiss, 5 Gilford road cot, Beach street

Lane Mrs. 55 Beach street Qnic.k Alex. Richard, Middle Deal WheelerWm."\\'alt.St.Aubin~,Up.Dealrd

Lareeve Mrs. I Gilford road Ralph Mrs. I3 High street White Mrs. Fairlight, Upper Deal

Lee Misses, 3IA, Hig-h street Read Mrs. Byrom house, St. Pat rick's rd White Mrs. 9 Napier terrace, West st

Lobb Arthur, 5 Sandown terrace Read Mrs. Kent ho. Prince of Wales ter Wig-ley Benjamin, 97 High street

Long Mrs. L'pper Deal Redman Robert Wilkins, 48 West st \\'illiamson John James, 2r Queen st
Lovell Waiter Frederick, 4 Queen st. Wiltshire Miss, 4 Duke street
Rcdsall Miss, rs Victoria road

Lush Ernest Martin, Deal college, Ricketts Jas. Coniferoe vils. Middle Deal Wood Hy. Drew,Cross bank,Middle Deal

Alfred square Rigden John, Prospect cot. Upper Deal Woodcock Miss, 3 Victoria road

Lush Jas. Robt. J.P. Alfred ho.Alfred sq Roberts Richard Jamcs, 4 Water street Woodland Mrs. Fern cottage, Mill road

Lyddon Richard M. B. Cavendish house, Robin.;;on Edwd. Wm. 3 Glanville cotts Woodruff Aynott Chitty, 3 St. George's

Prince of Wales terrace Rogers John, 10 Wellington road place

Macrae Robert C. 3 Albion ter. Mill rd Rogers Richard Iron, Hughenden house, Woodruff Misses, 6 Victoria road

Marsh Mrs. I2 West street Sondes road, Victoria town \Vraight Thos. Elveden, St. Andrew'srd

Marshal! Mrs. 53 High street Hoope Thomas, 22 Victoria road Wybroo Arthur, I Claremont villas, St.

Martin Rev. John Hankins [curate of Rose Mrs. Upper Deal Andrew's road

St. Andrew's], Mission ho. Middle st Ross John William, 140 Beach street Young Miss, 7 Victoria road

COMMERCIAL. Barnett Kate (Miss), professor of music, r Gilford road
Abbott Maria (Mrs.), Pier hotel, Beach street Barrett Harry, S1r Sydney Smith P.H. Beach street
Adkins Martin, stationer & bookseller, 193 High street Bass William Featherstone, blacksmith, 136 High street
Alien Emily (Miss), dress maker, 63 High street Baxter Louisa (Mrs.), lodging house, 5 Southampton ter
Alien Geo. C. auctioneer & house & estate agent, 2 Victoria rd Bayly John, grocer & tallow chandler, 183 High street
Allen Mary (Miss), dress maker, 4 Alfred square Bayly Josiah, collector of water rates, 2 Park street
Alien Thomas \\'instone, baker & grocer, Peter street Bayly Thomas Steed, ironmonger, I9o High street

Almond Caroline (Mrs.), Fountain inn, 54 Beach street BaynP.s John Francis, fishmong-er, 6 Brewer street
Amess Henry H.andall, market gardener, r Ark lane
Beal Henry, storekeeperS. E. railway, Belsey's cottage, St.
Anderton Geo. goods supt. L. S. Railway, 6 New Gliford rd
Patrick's road
Ansell John Philip, builder, 7 Castle road Beck William Alfred, trinity pilot, Rose villa, Union road
Apps James Richd. trinity pilot, Cliftvn vil. St. Patrick's rd Bedwell Thomas Frederick, pork butcher, 54 West street
Apps John Edward, Cinque Ports pilot, 2r Water street Beecher Charles, farmer, Western road
Archer Richard Redman, boot maker, 14 Alfred square Beer Bowes M. trinity pilot, 2 Castle road
Arnold Jarvis F. trinity pilot, Elderslie, Blenheim road Bell Madame, milliner, I86 High street
Arnold John William, trinity pilot, 9 Park street Bent Thomas, furniture broker & bill poster, 20 & 21 Higll
Arnold Richard Edward, trinity pilot, rA, Cannon street
Ashington J ane Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer, I69 Beach street street ; 16 King street; 30 Middle street & Market street
Axon Henry David, over sea pilot, I2 Gilford road Bentley Sarah (Mrs.), laundress, I7 Gladstone road
Bailey George, fishmonger, 7 King street Ber-ry Ann (~Irs. ), lod!.!ing house, I9 Gilford road
Baker Ann Butcher (Mrs.), lodging house, w King street Betts John "\\'illiam, fish curer, 99 Middle street
Baker Dick, solicitor, see Emmerson & Co Bingham IIerbert William, carpenter, Blenheim Toad
Baker Richard Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 138 High street Birch Charles William, market gardener, Upper Deal
Baker Thomas \V. tobacconist, 201 High street
Baldwin Theophilus Collins, draper, I8o High street & spirit merchants, King street
Banfield Alfred Ernest, Black Horse hotel, High street Bish Louisa (Mrs.), lodging house, 14 Victoria road
Bish William Henry, lodging house, 14 Victoria. road
Barnes Elizh. (Mr8.), lodging ho. Milford vil. Clanwilliam rd
Blackburn Institute (Rev. D. B. Payne n.n. sec.), Middles!


Blaxland George, trinity pilot, 4gc, High street Cinque Ports (Ist) Artillery Volunteers Brigade, Eastern

Blaxland Williarn Thomas, trinity pilot, 7 Wellington road Division Royal .Artillery (:Vo. 7 Battery) (Capt. Waltcr J.

Bollans George William, butcher, I27 High street Green, commandant; Serg. Harding R.A. drill instructor)
Clarabut Herbert James, silk mercer & furnishing unier-
Bond Henry, teacher of violin, 22 Water street
taker, 12 High street
BoothLydia (Mrs.), lodging house, II5 Beach street
Bossence .Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 19 Princ~s street Clare J. Minter (Mrs.), ladies' school, 7 Queen street
Clark Sarah .Ann & Mary (Misses), hosiers & haberdashers,
Bowbyes James, waterman, I72 Beach street
I48 High street
Bowles Ellen (Mrs.), lodging house, 2o6 Micldle street Clark Mark John, lodging house, 6 Park street

Brett Willia.m, lodging house, 13 Silver street Clayson llaylor William, boot & shoe maker, I47 High st
Clayton Hector\Ves1ey,hair dresser &c. see Kennett & Clayton
Brewer Susan (Mrs.), lodging house, I31 Beach street
Clement.s W illiam, painter, 193 :.\Iiddle street
Brisrow Edward, boat builder, 3 Fisherman's row
Clifton llrot!Jers, grocers & cllecscmongcrs, 2 & 2A, High st
Bnstow George, boot & shoe maker, 2 Stafford terrace,
Clifton & Gritli.ths, army tutors, The Oaks, Upper Deal
West street
Cloke Isaac, permanent way insp~ctor S. E. R. Hail way house,
Brisww Hannah (Mrs), straw hat ma. 2 Stafford ter, Westst
Middle Deal
Brisww HenryTheron Strouts, Cinque Ports pilot, 4 New st
Cockings Richard, silversmith & jeweller, I85 High street
Brisww William Petty, mast & block maker, r86 Beach st Coleman Jonathan, Eagle P.H. 4 Upper Queen street
Colley Elizabeth (Mrs.), confectioner, I43 High street
Brittenden Ann (Mrs.), baker, I35 Beach street Collins Edward Duncan, lodging house, r New Gilford road
Collins Eliza (Mrs.), Five Bells P.H. 39 Middle street
Brook l<'anny (.\Irs. ), lodging house, 99 Beach street
Collins William Henry, Clarendon hotel, Reach street
Brook Wm. Loften, fly propr. & lodging ho. 99 & I r2 Beach st CollyerGeo. Wright, bricklayer, I Southlands tcr.Middle Deal
Collyer William Cornelius, coa.l & coke dealer, rg Duke st
Brooksby William, pork butcher, I88 Middle street Convent of St. Ethclburga (.:\'!other St. .Augast.ine,superior),

Brown & Brown, solicitors, High street \Vest street
Cooper Caroline (Mrs.), laundry, 76 High street
Brown George & Son, photographers, 7 Broad street
Cooper Hannah (Mrs.), poulterer & fishmonger, 57 Beach st
Brown .Alfred Charles (firm, Brown & Brown), solicitor &
Cooper Jarnes, Yew Tree P.!I. .Mill road
clerk of the peace for the borough, High street
Coppin Waiter, glass & china warehouse & fancy repository,
Brown Ann (i.\Irs. ), lodging house, Victoria cot. Victoria rd I8oA1 & I8on, High street

Brown Clara (Miss), shopkeeper, 9 lleaconsfield road Corke Jn. Dean, lodging ho. Albany ho. Prince of Wales ter
Corke Wm. Dean, cabinet maker, I Kent ter. Bcaconsfield rd
Brown George, Queen's Head P.H. Bridge road Cornish Thomas H. grocer, 196 High street
Cottew Geo. & llayly Alfd. J n. builuers & brick mas. New st
Brown Herbert George, solicitor, see Brown & Brown Cottle Sophia (:\'liss), dress maker, 30 Wellington road
Cotton John, trinity pilot, Norman, lllenhi!im road
Brown John, basket maker, 81 Middle street
County Court (F. W. Hardman LL.D. registrar; Thomas
Brown John Gardner, baker, l:7I Beach street
Bowling, high bailiff), Town hall, High street
Brown Redman, farmer, 6o High street
Cox "William H.ichard, greengrocer, 142 Middle street
Brown Richard Petty, Deal Lug~er P.H. 183 Beac!1 street Cribben Harriet (Mrs.), laundress, 12 Princes street
Crickett Richard, chimney sweeper, Portobello alley
Brown Thomas Viney, currier & leather cutter, I8r High st
Cruwhurst Geo. H. trinity pilot, WestfiGld, St. Andrew's rd
Brown Vincent, market gardener, 52 High street Cuffiey Samuel, greengrocer, 47 :Widdle street
Cullen Ann Elizabeth (Miss), school, 27 Duke street
Brown William Henry, grainer & decoratLlr, 5 Queen street Culmer ELl ward, stationer & news agent, qo High street
Curling George Frederick, market gardener, Upper Deal rd
Browne Fredk. Hy. organ builder, ro High st. & Nelson st Curling Thomas Kirby, lodging ho. Iddesleigh, Blenheim rd
Custom House (James Touhey, ,principal officer), r26 High st
Browne Fredk. Henry, pianoforte & music seller, IO High st Dadd W1lliam, fishmunger, 20 Griffin street
Darby Henry Hunter, baker, 10 \Vater street
Browning James .Matthew, grocer, & agent for W. & .A. Gil-
Darracott William, fan1ily draper, costume & mantle maker,
bey, wine & spirit merchants, I7 High street hosier, laceman, milliner, dress maker & general fur-
nisher &e. 6 & 7 High street
Browning William, Druid's Arms P.H. 12 Market street
Davis & Co. general carriers (Geo.l'loble, agent), r68 High st
Bruce-Payne Ed!iar, solicitor, 8 Queen street & Delf street Davis Thomas, brick makers' foreman, Mill road

Blldd William Baile~·, mariner, 14 Coppen street Daw Frank, confectioner, rS High street
Dawkins (.i-eorge, lodging house, 36 Beach street
Bullen Waiter, lodging house, 2 New Gilford road Day Annc (Mrs.), lodging house, Moreton cot. Middle Deal

Burgess James, coach builder, 37 High street Deal l'ire Brigade (G. H. Denne, supt. ; W. Chamller, de-

Burnap Louisa (Mrs.), Horse & Farrier P.H. Farrier street vuty supt.), Market place, High street

Burns John, tailor, 1 q Beach street . Deal Lifeboat Institution (Hev. T. S. Treanor, sec. & trea-

Burton Geo. l\d. builder, & Liverpool .Arms P.H. Up. Deal surer), Beechwood, l\Iidd le Deal

Bnrron Robert B. builder,15 St. Leonard's ter. Upper Deal Deal United .f<'rienrlly .Association (No. 2) (James P. Norris,

Burton Thomas Aaron, carpenter, 55 Middle street sec.), 6 Portland terrace, West street

Bushell Samuel John, The Magnet inn, Upper Deal Deal& Walmer Carter Institution (I. E. Wall, sec. & mana-

Bushel! Thomas B. saddler & harness maker, I I High street ger), Park street
Deal & Walmer Gas Co. (W. R Hamrnond, mgr. ),Cannon st
Bushell William Wilkins, Napier tavern, 4 Beach street
Deal & Walmer Provident Dispensary (Rev. T. L. Griffith,
Bushnell Henry, blacksmith, South street
sec. ; D. Hughes, W. F. Lovell & A. Bruc.::-Payne, medi-
Camburn John, butcher, 5 Market street
cal officers), Wellington roacl
Canicott Riebard, insurance agent, I Nelson street
Deal, Walmer & Sandwich Mercury (Thomas Frederick
Capeling J. & Son, grocers, 9 Alfred square
Pain, publisher; published friday), 4~ Queen street.
Caspell Henry James, Waterman's .Arms P.H. 128 Beach st
See advertisement
Cattermole Thomas, batlling machine proprietor, Sandown Deal, Walmer, Dm·er & Kentish Telegram (Henry Thomas

Cave Williarn Richard, watch maker, I2 Broad street Pain, publisher & proprietor; published tues. for wed.), 9

Cavell Albert .Alphonso, builder, I7 Duke street Broad street. See advertisement

Cavell Celia H. (Miss), deputy registrar of births, deaths & Deal Water Works Co. (W. H. Hamrnond, mngr.), Cp. Deal

marriages, 2 Wellington road . Dean Thomas H. stone mason, 4 St. Andrew's road
Denham Joseph V. carpenter, 3 Kent terrace, Upper Deal
Cavell Charles, sen. fishmonger & poulterer, IA, High street Denne Geo. H. & Sun, builders, contractors & decorators,

Ca¥ell Edward Brooksby, carpenter, 6 Princes street brick mas. lime burners & builders' genl. mers. Queen st
Denne \Villiam & Thomas, brick makers
Ca-rell Frederick, painter, I45 Middle street
Denne Anna (Mrs.), fanner, Upper Deal
Cavell Josephus, baker, 3 Upper Queen street Denne Elizabeth (Mrs.), Star & Garter P.H. I32 Beach st
Denne Elizabeth Aynott (Mrs.), grocer, Upper Deal
Ca-rell Thomas Eastes, registrar of births, deaths & marriages Denne George M. parish clerk, C.::metery lodge, Upper Deal

for the district of Deal, 2 Wellington road Desormeaux Thus. W. Harp inn,& hair dresser, I67 Middle st
' Dessent Ann (Mrs.), laundress, 10 Market street
Deverson Frederick, carpenter, builder, joiner, wheelwright
Cemetery (Mercer, Edwards & Co. clerks to the burial
& undertaker, Kent terrace, Upper Deal
board), Middle Deal Devine Johu Thomas, oilman, 7 Alfred sqaare

Cbancerelle Wenceslas, fish curer &c. North end

Chandler Thomas & Wllliam, builders & general contractors,

6oA, High street & IO Princes street; offices & stores, Corn

Exchang-e street & Middle street
Chandler ~Iargaret (Mrs.), dress maker, I76 Beach street

Chandler Stephen Pilcher, tailor, I78 High street

Chandler Thomas Henry, dairyman, Ark lane

Chandler Thomas James, lodging house, I76 Beach street

Chandler William James, mason, I4 Princes street

Chapman Henry Stephen & Co. publishers & proprietors of

"South Eastern Express & Sandwich Chronicle & St.

Augustine's Herald," 178 High street

Chapman Frank, lodging house, 58 High street

Chapman Frederick, carpenter, I Golden street

Chapman Henry Stephen, lodging house, Downs View

terrace, Bearh street

Chapman Wiliiam Ashby C. painter & plumber, I Golden

street & North Deal post & money order otlice, I 39Middle st

Cheeld Henry .Augustus, grocer, 151 High street

Chittenden Edward Waiter, Black Bull P.H. 30 High street

Chittenden Henry Wise, Globe inn, I82 Beach street

ChiUendenJa.mes, watch maker, 140 Middle street


Dixon John Robert, trini·y pilot, 3 Cannon street Goddard Ellen (l\Irs. ), lodging house, Dudley house, Pnn~

Dixon John Robert, jun. valuer, I3 King street of Wales terrace

Dixon Thomas, carpenter, 'Varden cottage, Nelson street Goldfinch Charles, painter, II Union street

Dodd Edward Richard, confectioner, I48 lleach street Goldfinch Sarah Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, II3 Beach st

Drew Edward Matthew, fly propr. & dealer, 98 Middle street Goldsack Daniel Me D. trinity pilot, Worcester ho. Beach st

Drew John \\"illiam, basket maker, 7 Oak street Goslett Alfred, Windsor Castle P.H. 205 High street

Drew John 'Villiam, jun. general dealer, I6g Middle street Gosley Jas. J n. lodging house, Carlton villa, Clan william rd

Drincqbier Ernest, poulterer, South street Gosley J ames :'\'Iorchousa, Cinque Ports pilot, IA, Castle

Drury R. Moutray, surgeon-dentist, I8 lligh street terrace, Victoria road

Dryer Arthur, stone & marble mason, I2 "\\'ellington road Goymer Eliza & Ellen (Misses), dress makers, Sondes road

Duffy Thomas, tailor, 5 Coppen street Grant V\'illiam, Deal Hoy P.H. 16 Duke street

Duncan Waiter, trinity ptlot, 3 Albert terrace Gra \'CS Jas. H y. wood & coal dealer&beer retailer, 19.')Middle st

Dunn Eliza Prudence (Mrs.), lodiciing house, 8 Farrier street Greedy Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundress, 7 Grove terrace

Dunn Emily (Miss), dress maker, 5 Kent street, Upper Deal Green John, pharmaceutical chemist, Ig6 High street

Dunn Henry, sen. furniture dealer, 14 High street Greenstrcet Waiter Henry, lodging house, 3 New Gilford nl

Dunn Hy. W. upholsterer &c. & pa1 erhanger, 30 Victoria st Grey Wm. lodging house, Portland & Apsley ho. Sondes nl

Dunn George Stewart, chemist & drug~orist, I7o High street Grigg Eel ward Galley, Albion inn, I66 Beach street

Dunn \\"alter, paperhan,;-er & upholsterer, 5 High street Grigg John G. X orth Sea pilot & The Ship P. H. 69 Middle st

Dunn William, blacksmith, 6o High street Gunner William, greengrocer &c. I 17 High street

Dunn Wm. florist&market grdnr. Portland nursery, West st Hall Frederick, accountant, 200 High street

Dunn Wm. Betts, paperhanger & upholsterer, 202 Middle st Hall Geors:rina (-"lrs.), shopkeeper, 84 Beach streBt

Durban Charles, boat builder, 2 Fisl.wrman's row Hall Keziah, lodging house, 18 Gilforu road

Durban Henry Cavell, boat builder, 77 High street Hambrook Ed ward Thos. lodging house, 4 New Gilford road

Dyer Maria (J\Irs.), lod1,ring house, Sondes road Hamilton John, cutler, 3 Nelson street

Eastes Benjamin ~ilvester, tinplate worker, 59 Middle street Hammond George & Co. consuls, merchants & shipping

J<:astes Silvester Henry, clothier & hatter, I74 High street agents, Ior Beach st. ; & at Dover; Margate & Ramsgate

Eastman William Jn. trinity pilot, Cliffe cot. St. Patrick's rd Hammond ·william Richard, superintendent of gas works k

Eaton Amelia (Miss), fancy repository, 172 High street collector of gas rates, 2I Victorta road

Edgar J. & Co. preserved provision manufacturers, N ort!1 Ha mmond Mary (Mrs.), lodging ho. Stratford vil. Ranelagh rd

End factory, Philpot lane Hancock William, fly proprietor, IS Middle street

Edward,Jas. Barber, solicitor (firm, Mercer, Edwards & Co) Hanger Edward, North Star P.H. I85 Baach street

Ekins James Robert, general post office, Park street Hanger William, Jolly Sailor P.H. Western road

Elson James, furniture dealer, 152 High street & Duke of Hard man Fredk. Wm. LL.D. solicitor, registrar of the c Junty

Wellington inn, Water street courts of Deal & Sandwich & of the court of survey, Park st

Emmerson & Co. solicito:s, I I I IIi.;h stre~t Hare Abraham "\\'alker, florist, St. Andrew's road

Epslcy Edmund, bricklayer, I Duke street Harri<>on William Collins, trinity pilot, 7I Micldle street

Erridge F:dward Thomas, corn &c. dealer, 45 High street Harri!'son William Robert, solicitor, see Emrn3r~on & Co

Erridge J ames John, trinity pilot, 27 Nelson street Hart William, trinity pilot, ISS Beach street

Erridge John William, groc~r, 25 Duke street Hartley Joseph Henry, trinity pilot, II Alfred square

Evans Charles Thomas, ClareiJdon Tap, I9D Middle st IIarvey Jesse, market gardener, Upper Deal

Ewelll''redcrick, grocer, 2 l:pper Queen street Hawkes Thomas, fish dealer, Pope's hole, Upper Deal

Eyers Sarah (Mrs.), ParaJon P. H. Middle street Hawkins Frederick Wilson, Clifton hotel, Mtddle street •

Fenton Eleanor A. (1\irs.), lodging hous8, Castle terrace Hayrnan Richard Morris, lodging house, 138 Heach street

Finnis J. & Co. bathing machine proprietors, Nth. esplanade Hayman Hobcrt William, builder, contractor, carpenter,

Finnis Philip John & Co. sail m.1kers, I3 Farrier street joiner & undertaker, IA, Water street

Fmnis Frcderick, lodging house, 58A, High street Hayward George, hair dresser, I20 Beach street

Finnis Geors-e \\"iliiam, sail m'lker, II Farrier street Hayward Henry Hobbs, dairyman, 27 Victoria road

Finnis Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 13 Farrier street Hayward Isaac Gammon, jun. watch maker, 130 High street

Finnis Robert, Cinque Ports pilot, r8 Farrier street Hayward J ohu Elg-ar, builder, carpenter & undertaker; ~

Firminger Eclwarcl Henry, market gardener, Gladstone road timates given, 8 Wellington road

Firminger Stephen Files, insurance agent, 2 Eythorne cot- Hayward Louisa (Mrs.), dress maker, 27 Victoria road

tages, Middle street Hayward Mrs. lodging house, 177 lleach street

Fisher John Baker, Crown inn, 29 Beach street Hayward Richard 1\lorris, lodging house, I38 Beach street

Fitt Francis Edward, chemist, 58 Beach street Hayward William Tapley, dyer, 3I High street

l<'landers Robert, bricklayer, rn, B_lenheim road Hedgcock Edward, butcher, r65 High street

}<'!etchers Urbane, foreman of gas works, 7 Cannon street Henley Gcorge, beer retailer, I r Beach street

Foukes Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 9 HiJh street Hills & Son, pale ale & porter brewers & bottlers & maltsters,

Ford Eldred, boot maker, I9 Oak street 28 High street; & at Great Mongeham

Forest Sarah (Mrs.), lodging house, 56 Mddle street Hills Annie Covell (Mrs.), tobacconist & news agt. 177 Highst

Foster John, fishmonger, 14 King street Hinds ElizabJth (:Mrs.), lodging house, r63 Beach street

Foulser Ezra Harold, Bowling G-reen P.H. Upper Deal Hiscocks Saml. Watkins,Royal family& commrcl.htl.lleachst

Fox Richard, confectioner, 61 Beach street Hobday W1lliam, lodging house, 17 Farrier street

Francis Thomas Stead, linen draper, IS IA, High street Hogben Ann (Mrs.), baker, I Napier terrace, West street

Franklin Frederick, draper, 4 High street Holness Frederick, boot maker, 2 Coppen street

l<'ranklin William Henry, photographer & fancy repository, Holness Gcorge, lodging house, 3 Park street

3 High street & Victoria road Ilolness John, jobbing gardener, 7 West street

Frwnd John George, market gardener, 7A, Robert street; Holness Sarah (Miss), lodging house, I2 Water street

garden, Blenheim road Honeyball Fredk. T. auctioneer, seeNethersole & Honeyball

Friend Richard Edward, plumber & glazier, I I & I2 Hookham Waiter Thomas, lodging house, w6 lleach street

Beach s ~reet Hopper Amy (Miss), boarding house, 179 Beach street

Friend William B. pastrycook & confectioner, Victoria road Hopper llarriett (Mrs.), preparatory school, 5 Wellington pl

FROST H. G. wholesale & retail ironmonger, bellhanger, Hopper Henry Finnis, carpenter, 5 Wellington place

locksmith, smi h, plumber, engineer & gasfitter, agricul- Horne Emma (Mrs.), grocer, 7 Gladstone road

tural implement a,;ent, maker of stove~ & ranges, fencings, Horne James, market gardener, 6 Gladstone road

hurdles & field gaks, tin & plate worker, coppersmith, Horner Benjamin, fishmonger, 42 High street

ship smith & chanller, cycle agent, gunsmith & sporting Hougham William Edward, gas collector, 26 Water street

ammunition, hut water & sanitary en,{ineer, electric bell Howgego Joseph Henry, Prince of Wales P.H. 86 ~Iiddle st

fitter, maker of spring shop blinds, tube wells driven & Hudson Susannah (Mrs.), marine store dealer, 62 Middlest

electro plater & gilder, 187 Highst.; & 45 Strand, Walmer Hughes David, surgeon. Bedford house, High street

FurnerMartha( Mrs. ),ldgn<;(".ho. Harley ho. Prince of Wales ter Hughes John Friend Ilurst, trinity pilot, 22 Queen stree~

Garrett Richard, boot & shoe maker, 6 King street Hulke & Lovell, surgeons, I9 Queen street

Gas Works (Mercer, Edwards & Co. secs.; William Richard Hulke Frederick Backhouse L.R.c. P. T.ond. surgeon, Ad·

Hammond, manager), North end miralty house, Queen street

Gates George, carpenter, 10 ~ew Gilford road Hunter William, tailor, 8o Beach street

George Edward, nurseryman, SflGdmtan & florist, 5 Albertpl Huntly Jesse Springett, linen draper, I73 High street

Gibbous Richard, builder, 8 New street Hutchings William John, cowkeeper, 6 ~ elson street

Gibbons Wm. 'f. builcler, 2 Luther villas, St. Patrick's road Hyde Henry George, warrant officer RN. Blenheim road

Gil.rnan Char;es Brown, Cinque Ports pilot, 20 Water street Inkpen Edwin, coal dealer, 2 Market street

Gillman Thoma<, pastrycook, I Queen street Inland Revenue Office (Thomas Murphy, divisional officer),

Giraud & Sons, printers & booksellers & stamp office, 92 2 Adelaide villas

Beach street & 18 High street .Ja.cobs Amelia (Miss), china & glass ware'.1ouse, 9 Broad~

Glogg George, lodging hou<e, Kenilworth, Blenheim road James John, lodging house, II Gilford road



Jaques J hn, coffae tavern, 12~ High street May Freleric, teacher of french, Beachbrow, Beach street

Jarman Henry, waterrnan, 29 Middle street May Henry William, milk dealer, 6 Gravel walk

Jarman Wm. Sacher, grocer & provision dealer, 6 Broad st May Richard Thomas, baker, I North street

Jarrett.Ch~.farmer&dairy farmer, I Adelaide vils. Up. Deal rd Maynard Alfred, beer retailer, 57 High street

Jefferson Sa.rnuel Robinson, Beach House temperance hotel, Mayo Samuel, manager National Provincial Bank of England,

Beach street 9 High street

Jeffurd Ann (Mrs.), monthly nurse, 8 Glad stone road Meakins William Robert West, Port Arms P.H. Beach street

J nnin.,etS Alfred, cattle salesman, Middle Deal ::\Iercantile M<J.rine Shipping Office (James Toohey, sup~rin­

Jennings Edwin, butcher, 127 Beach street tendent ), 126 High street

Jennmgs frederick, butcher, I98 High street l\Iercer, Ed wards & Williamson, solicitors & notaries, com-

Jennings Sarah Ann (.Mrs.), lodging house, St. John's, missioner3 to administer oaths & clerks to the burial board

Prince of Wales terrace & reJistrars of cemetery, 19 & 20 Queen street & Strand

Jennings William E. cattle salesman, Poplar frm.Middle Deal street, Sandwich

J b S.Hah (Miss), lodging house, I 54 :.Iiddle street Mercer George (firm, Mercer, Edwards & Williamson), so-

J b Stapleton Pain, dining rooms, I rg B~ach street licitor & notary, coroner, town clerk, clerk to the urban

Job Stapleton Willey, van builder, West street & port sanitary authorities, to Walmer local board & to

J nes Robert William, lodging house, I34B, Beach street the county & Cinque Ports magistr~tes, registrar to Com-

Joon.son Ann Maria(Mrs. ),lodging house, I Clanwilliam villas missioners of Salvage & perpetual commissioner & com-

J rdan Robert, lodging house, 8 New Gilford road missioner for oaths, 19 & 20 Queen street

J rdan Thomas, wholesale crml merchant & shipping agent, METHOLD EDWARD, grocer & italian warehouseman &

93 Beach street & Station yard wine & spirit merchant, 8 High street

Kernp Amelia (Mrs.), Yarmouth Packet P.H. I8o Beach st Miles Brothers, tinsmiths, Middle street

Kernp Charles Edward, bricklayer, 30 Xelson street Miles John Boakes, gasfitter, 144 High street

Kernp George, bricklayer, 28 Nelson street Mill en Henry Edward, trinity pilot, 18 Griffin street

Kemp Thomas, Five Ringers P.H. Upper Deal Millen J n. Bullock, commission agent, Beaumont, Victoria rd

Kennard James, jobbing gardener, 8 Blenheim road Mdler )Iatthew, sergeant R.M. 33 Gladstone road

Kennett & Clayton, hair dressers & fancy repos. 196A, High st MillsHannah(Mrs. ),lodging ho. Stanley ho.Prince ofWales ter

Keys George, Swan inn, Queen street :Milton George, greengrocer, I25 Beacl1 street

Kmgcomb William Henry, lodging house, 3I Beach street Minter & Sons, market gardeners, I:pper Deal

Kingsford Ernest, grocer, I]I Middle street Moat Sarah (::.\Irs. ), dress maker, 33 Duke street

Kmgsford Wm. baker & sack maker, 149 & 150 Middle st Mockett Joshua Kingford, master mariner, 69 High street

Knight Richard Valentine, boot maker, I62 Beacb. street Mockett Stephen George, Bell P.H. I Robert street

Korf Frederick, lodging house, 96 Beach street Moon George William, trinity pilot, 4~ Victoria road

Lacy George, police inspector, 1 St. George's place Moore l3aac, blacksmith, 28 Victoria road

Laker John, boot & shoe maker, 94 Middle street ~Iowle J. & Son, cabinet joiners & paperhangers &c. 53

Laker Stephen, boot & shoe maker, 2 Queen street Middle street

Lambert :Yia.ry Ann (Mrs.), greengrocer, 5 Oak street Mowll William Rutley, coal merchant, 2 Victoria road

Lambert Richard John, lodging house, 79 Beach street Munn Eliz:abeth (i\'lrs. ), laundress, Upper Deal

Lambert William Gray, master mariner, 77 Beach street Musson Charles Ernest, lodging house, 126 Be:1ch street

Langley Charles, cutler & paperhanger &c. 167 Beach street Myers Charles Alfred, surgeon dentist, Victoria road .

Langley Morris, florist, seedsman, fruiterer &c. 159 High N ad!er Leon, hair dresser, 204 High street

street & St. Andrew's nursery Nash Alfred, professor of music & organist for St.Andrew's,

Langley Morri,;(~Irs. ),cabinet m a.& paperhanger, I66 High st 89 Beach street

Langley Thomas, auctioneer, valuer & appraiser, r Park st National Provincial Bank of England Lim. (branch) (Sam'.

Larkins Henry, fishmonger, 9 Oak street Mayo, manager), 9 High street ; draw on bea 1 office, 11 2

Lawrence John Edward, pier manager, IO Chapel street Bishop5gate street, London E c

Liberator Permanent Building Society (J. B. Millen, agent), Neeve John Thomas, lodging house, 68 High street

Beaurnont, Victoria road N eeve Thomas Hy. Norman, greengrocer, &c. 67 High st

Licence William, Saracen's Head P.H. I Alfred square NETHERSOLE &. HONEYBALL, auctwneers &c.24Queenst

Lindsell Charles, tinman, I98 Middle street Nethersole & Sons, wine & spirit merchants, importers &

Lloyd's Signal Station (John Prior, manager), Beach street bond warehouse keepers, I62 High street .

Long R. G. & Sons, boot, shoe & portmanteau warehouse, Newby William Curling, manager of the tim~ ball, Royal

4A, 202 & 203 High street Sign1.l tower, South end, Beach street
Long Ann (Mrs.), school, Kent cotta,~es, I:pper Deal Newby Wm. Curling, jun. grorer & prov. dealer, 7 Water st

Long Edmund Frederick, boot maker, 9 Grove terrace Newing Jolm, market gardener, 33 'Vest street

Lovell Waiter Frederick, surgeon, see Hulke & Lovell Newing John Goodman, blacksmith, Robert street

Lowe James William, scripture reader, Missions to Seamen, Newing Wm. lod~ing ho. Wellington lodge, Wellington rd
7! St. George's place
Newton Clara (Mrs.), lodgingho. 4 Castle ter. Victoria rd

Lownds George, tailor, 84 Middle street Newton 'Villiam, greengrocer, 2 King street

Lownds Robert Ramell, tailor, 9 Robert street Nichola'l James, boat builder, North end

LllSh James Robert, Deal college, Alfred square Nicholas James Robert, lodging house, I8 Beach street

LllXford Joseph, lodging house, Beverley, Blenheim road Noakes Mary (Miss), lodJing house, I 54 Beach street

Lyddon Richard M. B. surgeon & certifying factory surgeon N oakes Matilda (Mrs.), school, I6 Griffin street

& medical othcer & public vaccinator, Deal dist. Eastry Noble Annie (Mrs.), coal dealer, 9 Market stre-Jt

union, Cavendish house, Prince of Wales terrace Nob le Edwin, lodging ho. & carrier, 5 Beaconsfield road

McDia.rmidJohnBuckwell,pharmaceutical chemist, 19High st Noble George, leather seller, r68 High street

Macintosh J ames, lodging house, 34 Beach street Noble George Thomas, watch maker, 2 St. George's pla~e

Mackie Henry William, shipping agent, 4 Gilford road Noble John, fruiterer, I High street

Mackie William Burvill, trinity pilot, 2 Water street Norris Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 2 Gladstone road

MacKinnon Donald, draper & lodging house, Walbrook N orris Emily(Miss ), teacher of music, Somerset ho. Gilford rd

house, lllenheim road Norris Geo. Fuller, boatman, Missions to Seamen, 9 Duke st

Magee William P. boat builder, 75 High street Norris George James, trinity pilot, )1ilton villa, Victoria rd

Manning Isaac, fishmonger, I4I Beach street Norris Grove, beer retailer, I44 l\Iiddle street

~Iargeison George Richard, baker, Middle Deal Norris James Paterson, painter &c. 6 Portland ter. 'Vest st

Mariners' Reading Room (Rev. T. Ll. Griffith M.A. sec.), N orris Katherine ( ~Irs. ), lodging- house, 128 High street
us Beach street
Norris Norris, over sea pilot, 3 Griffin street

Maroney Agnes (Miss), lodging ho.Penryn vil. Clanwilliam rd Norris William George, lodging house, 15 Wellington road

Marriott Edward, lodging ho. Tufnell house, Middle street Oatridge Charles, lodging house, Fonthi\l ho. Victoria road

Marsh Eliza (Mrs.) monthly nurse, 25 Union street Oatridge James, fishmonger, I3 Duke street

Marsh Henry, shopkeeper, 21 Duke street Oatridge Wm.confectnr.&lodging ho.kecpr. 102&1o3Beach st

Marsh Henry, tobacconist, High street Old Assembly Rooms, High street

Marsh Sarah (Mrs.), lodging ho. 9 Castle rd. Victoria town Olds Samuel, coach & fly pl'oprietor, 3 Queen street

Marsh Su'!anna.h V. (Mrs.), Admiral Keppel P.H. Up. Deal Ongley Thomas Robt. Hy. tailor, Cb.urch walk, Upper D~al

Marsh Sergt. Thomas R.M. lodging house, 121 Beach street Osborn Frances (Mrs.), lodging house, ro King street
Marsh Thorn~, Sun inn, George street
Ottaway George, Antwerp hotel, 105 Beach street

Marsball William, lodging ho. 95 Beach st. & 3 Gilford rd Outwin John Thomas, Three Compasses P.H. I46 Reach st

Marshall William, lodging house, 3 Gilford road Ovendcn 1\'J:ary Ann (Mrs.), lod1,ring house, 149 Beach street

Martin James Conolly, coroner for Sandwich & its liberties & Overton James, boot maker, 3 Coppen street

coroner for the borough of Ramsgate, 22 Farrier street Page Alfred William, boot & shoe maker, I I Broad sLreet

Martin Samuel, baker, 150 High street Page Charles Harold, farmer, Court lodge, Middle Deal

Matson Frederick, miller (wind), Upper Deal mill Page James, stationer, 3 King street

l12.v F.dward Walter, florist, I ~ydenham cottages, High st Pain Edmund Joshua, Lifeboat P.H. Beach street


Pain Henry Thomas, fancy repository, printer, bookseller, ' Russell Charles, hatter, hosier, glover & shirt & collar ma~

& stationer, Askew house, High street ; & proprietor of 3 Victoria road '

the" Deal& Walmer Telegram," 9 Broad st. See ad,·ert Rye Charles, lodging house, IS6 Beach street

Pain Thomas Frederick, printer & publisher of the " Deal, Hye Mary (lVIrs. ), laundress, 2 Sandown cottages

Walmer & Sandwich Mercury," 4~ Queen st. See advert St. Andrew's ConvalescentHome(Miss Boys,supt.),UpperDe.J

Pantling Charles, journalist, Granville street St. George's Hall & PHblic Rooms (Walt~r J. Solomon,

Parker Arthur, cycle agent., plumber, gas & hot water fitter, manager), Park street

Jubilee works, Water street Sandcraft l<'rederick R. J. linen draper & hosier, 171 High81

Parker Stephen Edward, grocer, Uppe.!' Deal Sandcraft James Waiter, builder, 26 Nelson street

Parsons Chas. Wm. lodging house, 1 Stafford ter. West st Savage John Jeffery, plumber & gasfitter, 9 Nelson street

Parsons Edward Bullen, clothier, 199 & 200 High street Sawyer Robert, grocer, 76 Middle street

Parsons Richard, cowkeeper, go Middle street Saxby William & Co. stationers, IOA, H1gh street

Paton ·william Henderson, trinity pilot, 36 \\'ellington road Scarlett & Long, carpenters, Upper Deal

Payne Alexander Bruce L.R.c. P.Edin. medical ollicer of health Schurig Paul Alexander, \Va! mer Castle hotel, High street

to urban sanitary authority & Admiralty surgeon & agent, Seamen's Mission Institute & Reading Rooms (Rev. T. S.

86 Beach street Treanor liLA. ~haplain), 173 Beach street

Pcarce Georgc, Deal Castle inn, 17 Victoria road Scath Edward William, insurance agent, 7 Gilford road

Pett Emma (l\Irs.), stay maker, ggA, Middle street Selth Caroline (Ylrs. ), lodging house, Clyde ho. Sondes road

Pettet Edward, fly proprietor, I6A, Middle street Selth Richard Hopkins, baker, 156 Middle street

Pettet George, fishmonger, r :\Iiddle street Selth Thomas Valentine, beer retailer, Short street

Pettet William, marine store dealer, 193 Middle street Selth Valentine, painter, 25 Union street

Pettett Waiter, pork butcher, 14 Broad street Semadeni & Volmar, confectioners, 205~ Hig-h street

Pevy Charles, market gardener, Yew cottage, Upper Deal Sharp Richard I. carpenter, 19 Union street

Philpott Charlotte (Mrs.), tailoress, 66 Middle street Shelvey Daniel, beer retailer, I I Blenheim road

Philpott Joshua Douglas, town sergeant & inspector under Shclvey Frederick Thomas, Hare & Hounds P.H. Wesrernrd

Explosives Act, Prospect cottage, Nelson street Shipwr,~cked Fishermen & Mariners' Society (Stephen P.

Philpott John Johnson, trinity pilot, Westhourne villa, St. Chandler, agent), 178 High street

Patrick's road Shorten Stephen 1:-lawkins, Carter House school, South st

Pbilpott William, lodging house, r61 Beach street Simmons Charles John, lodging house, 146 Beach street

Phipps George Bradley, bookseller, 23 High street Simmons John, shoe maker, 4 Ivy place

Pilot House (Thomas Ralph, clerk), Broad street Simmons John, tailor, 30 Mid,lle street

Pittock John, draper & outfitter, r6 High street Simmons Joseph, boot maker, 9 ~orth street

Pittock William, tailor & hatter, 10 High street Singer Manufacturing- Co. (Elijah Dye, agent), 13 Broad~

Pordige Charles, trinity pilot, 5 Princes street Skinner Thomas, beer retailer, Sandy lane

Porter Geo. Edwd. boat proprietor, Holden house, Beach st Slack William, armoury sergeant R.M. 8 Granville street

Pott John Bunce, lodging house, 94 Beach street Slater Alfred, hair dresser, .'.Iarket street

Pott John Henry, paperhanger, 94 Beach street Small Frederick, Greyhound P.H. 132 :Widdle street

Pott Jn. Jas. trinity pilot, Elton villas, St. Andrew's road Small Harriet (Mrs.), Alma inn, 8 West street

Pott William Henry, trinity pilot, 49B, High street Smith Allie (Miss),young ladies' schl. Carll:;le ho.Ranelagb rd

Potts George, dairyman, 27 Gladstone road Smith Caroliue (Mrs.), grocer, 138 Middle street

Pout Henry, trinity pilot, 14 Farrier street Smith Charles, Pelican P.H. 159 Beach street

Powell Edward, carpenter, Pope's hole, Upper Deal Smith Chas.Alfd. LordlVarden P. H.&shpkpr.Mill rd. L'p.Deal

Prescott Richard Charles, carrier, 2 Blcnheim road Smith Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 13 13lenheim road

Price Frank !<:. chimney cleaner, 17 Middle street Smith George C. lodging house, I24 High street

Price James, town porter, 7 Portland terrace, West street Smith Georgc Cavell, baker, 18A, Grillin street

Pritchard William Thomas, rope maker, IJI Hi~h street Smith George Mence, oil & calor man, I88A, High street

Puckering William J<.~mes, boot maker, I63 High street Smith Henry, Locomotive inn, \Vest street

Purser Jane (Mrs.), laundress), Claremont ter. Mill road Smith John, boot maker, Custom House lane

Ralph Alfred Rdwards (exors. of), coal mers. 24 Queen st Smith Joshua, grocer, Upper Deal

Ralph Charlotte (Mrs.), Forester P.H. r8sA, Beach street Smith Robert David, baker, 46 High street

Ralph Henry, shopkeeper, 47 High street Snelling Isaac, boot maker, 3 Eythorne cottages, Middle st

Ralph Jn. Jas. blacksmith & coach builder, Vulcan West st Snoswell Edward Henry, North sea pilot, r62 Middle stroot

Ralph Thomas, ruler of pilots, 19 Broad street Solly Ed ward S. & J n. F. plumbers & painters, 2 & 3 South st

llamell Harold Crofts, corn dealer & collector to urban sani- Solomon ·waiter Joseph, assistant overseer for Walmer &

tary authority & of income & assessed taxes, r r8 High st Deal, 3 Victoria town

R.amell John Petter, grocer & provision dealer, 120 High st South Eastern Express, Deal, Walmer & Sandwich Chronicle

Ramell MaryAnn(Miss), prep. school & haberdsbr.55 High st & St. Augustine's Herald (Henry Stephen Chapman &01.

Ramell Wm.Hy. plumber,painter &gilder, BA, St.Geor'{e's pl printers & publishers; published friday), 178 ~Iiddle st

Randall Frederick William, boot & shoe maker, 195 High st Spears Lucy (:VIrs.), greeng-rocer, 26 Wellington road

Rand all Thomas, Vic•toria tavern, 14 Glad stone road Spears :Vlary (Mrs.), lodging honse, 30 Beach street

Ratcliffe Margar~t (Mrs.), shopkeeper, roB High strm~t Spears William Frost, North sea pilot, zr Wellington road

R'>yworth George, beer retailer, 19 Farrier street Speed Mary Ann (:VIiss), laundress, 24 Gladstone road
Read Charlotte (Miss), dress maker, 1:5t. Patrick's road
Spicer Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), lodgin~ house, 14 Gilford road

Redman Alphonso J ames, New inn, High street Sp;eer Frederick, beer retailer, 3 !';"elson street

Redman Richard, tailor, 141 & I42 High street Spicer Frederick, pork butcher, 71 High street

H.edman Robt. Wilkins, borough survyr. & sanitary inspectr. Spicer Frederick Charles, Hope P.H. 73 Middle street

for urban & port sanitary authorities; oflicc,Sth. esplanade Spicer Henry William, fruiterer & greengrocer, 18 Broad st

Redman Stephen, carpenter, 36 Duke street Spicer Stephen Waiter, pork butch8r, 170 Middle street

Red man William Wilkins, White Horse P. H. I Up. Queen st Spicer Wm. pork butcher & licensed to let horses, 149 High st

Redsull Alfred, waterman, 105 Middle street Spratling H.obert, lodging house, r6 Beach street

Redsull Joseph, beer retailer, 74 High street Stanton John Partridge, hoot & shoe maker, ro6 High streel

Redsull Mary E. (Mrs.), New Plougll P.H. Middle Deal Stcphcnson Mark T. trinity pilot, I Water street

Redsull Thomas Plurnmer, shopkeeper, 102 Middle street Stewart Sergt. Alex. pay ofiice clerk R.M. 2 illenheim road

Reed Elizh.Mary (Mrs.), shopkpr. 2 Hailway ter. Western rd Stockwell William, Railway inn, Queen street

Reynolds George Kingsford, boot & shoe maker, I2I High st Stoddard George James, fiurist, I23 Beach street

Ri~.:ketts & Street, nurserymen & florists, ::\Iiddle Deal Street '\Villiam, nurseryman, se~ Ricketts & Street

Ricketts Edward Tapley, cowkeepn, ro Blenb.eim road Stroud l\Iary Ann (iH1ss), lodging house, 44 Wellington rd

Rigden James Fredk. Elgar, farmer, Ivy house, Upper Deal Sutton George Lambly, chimney sweeper, 41 High street

Riley Wm. Saml. Prince Albert P.H. & grocer, 92 :\Iiddle st Swan George J. station master, Queen street

Risien Eli7.abeth (Mrs.), lodging houses, r 13 High street & Tandy John, Castle inn, Sandown

Rochdale house, Ranelagh road Taylor J ames, butcher, I57 High street

Roberts Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, I43 Middle street Taylor William, lodging house, 4 Victoria road.

Roberts Frederick, Rose & Crown P.H. Beach street Terry }Iarian (lVIiss), lodging- ho. I Castle rd. Victor:a tolrll

Rcberts Henry, grocer, 150 Middle street Terry Thomas, butcher, 25 Queen street

Roberts Joseph, Central coffee tavern, 37 Middle street Thompson Eliza (Mrs.), baker, King street

Robcrts Leonard, greengrocer, 9 Griffin street Thompson Freeman George, painter, 5 Silver street

Roberts Richard, coxswain of life boat, 84 High street Thompson Hy. W. china, glass & hard ware dlr. 122 High lrt

Robinson Edwd. T. Queen's Arms P.H. & bricklyr.38 High st Thompson John, painter, 165 Beach street

Rock Sarah Annie (Mrs.), King's Head P.H. 83 Beach street Toohey James, principal coast officer in charge of custorn-1

Rogers Alexander, chimney sweeper, 5 Custom House lane & deputy receiver of wreck, h·y hnuse, High street

Rogers Lyndsay W. trinity pilot, 49 High street Town Hall (Joshua D. Philpott, keeper), High street

Rogers Thomas H. trinity pilot, 5 Castle roai Town George, chimney sweeper, 39 High street


i:~HEendwrya,.rfdi,shbmuoilndgeerr,& 14 Beach street . road Wheatley William, boot & shoe maker, 18 Middle street
contractor, lilenhe1m White James Charles, carpenter, 21 Gilford road

'fr'OU Charles, shoe maker, .82 Beach street White Mary (Mrs.), upholstress, 24 Union street

'fr'Olt Dan mariner, 204 Middle street White Mary Ann (Mrs.), confectioner, 4A, Gravel walk
'fr'Oit Ed~rd, Providence in?, r King street White Robert, county court bailiff, 16 Gilford road

frOU Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodgmg house, 78 Beach street Whitlock Charles, haberdasher &c. So Middle street

Trott Thomas, ~ariner, 31 Wellington road. Whyman George, lodging house, Southward house, West st

'fnrl Willism R1chard, watch maker, 167 Iligh street Wick Jam~s Charles, organist & music teacher, gA, Grove ter

Turner Frederick, shoe maker, l''arrier street Wilds Eliza (Miss), laundress, 8 Beaconsfield road

Twyman & Dunn, blacksmiths, Middle street Wilds Stephen, boatman, Seamr,n's Mission, 3 Bulwark row,

rwyman George, lodging hoUSe), 18 I Beach street Middle street

'f1ler Stephen Ba.rwick, tailor & shopkeeper, 143 Beach st Wilkins Henry, tailor, 5 Granville street

Tyler William Robert, tailor & fireman D. F. B. 17 Park st Wilkins Mildred (Mrs.), stay maker, noA, High street

Upton Richard John, greengrocer, 134 Beach street Wilks Richard, jun. solicitor, 6 Park street

Vennall Jane (Mrs.), watch maker, 33 Water street Willey Simeon, plumber, 164 Beach street

W&keham Emma. (Mrs.), grocer, 132 High street Williamsou Betsy (Mrs.), lodging house, 35 Wellington rd

Wakeham George, farmer, :Sandown farm Williamson J n. Jas. clerk to the borough magistrates, Queen st

Walker George Henry, trinity pilot, Sondes road Willis John Stephen, bath chair proprietor, 54 Middle street

Wailer Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundress, 39 Duke street Wiltshire Herbert, beer retailer, 2 New street

Warren Edward, private bonding establishment, Deal Wise Jas.Jn. buildr.contrctr. brick ma.&sand mer. r2Queen st

house, Prince of ·wales terrace Wood Henry, bricklayer, St. Andrew's road

Water Works (George Mercer, clerk), Upper Deal 1Vood Herbert Thomas, boot & shoe maker, r86 High street

Waters Thomas, relieving officer second district Eastry Woodcock John, baker & confectioner, 6o Middle street

union, 5 Victoria cottages, Middle Deal Woodcock William, whitesmith, r Park cots. Upper Deal

Webb Henry Edwa.rd James, Park tavern, Park street Woodham William John, tobacconist, 17Broad st. &r Bgiiigh st

Webb William, dairyman, 5 West street Woodruff Richard, butcher, 43 High street

Wellard John Orrick, hair dresser, 98 Beach street Woodruff Thomas Frederick, grocer, r64 High street

Wellard Waiter, lodging house, Redfern villa, Ranelagh rd Woodruff Thomas John, butcher, 190 High street

Wellden Charles Broad, clothier & pawnbroker, 189 & 190 Woolyen Edwin, saddler, r6g High street

Middle street & 184 High street Wrighton William, lodging house, Florence ho. Crown court

West, Usher & Co. auctioneers, surveyors, estate agents & Wyborn Henry Woodruff, painter, 83 Beach street

nluers, 3 Victoria town Wyborn John, lodging house, zor Middle street

West Charles Tady, butcher, 4 Broad street Wyman James, yt:oman, Allenton ho. Mill rd. lJpper Deal

West Richard, baker & corn chandler, 24 Duke street Young George, Maxton Arms P.H. Western road

Weston Frances (Miss), greengrocer, 200 Middle street Young Women's Christian Association (Miss Kennett, sec.),

Whalley John, hospital nurse U.M. 9 lllenheim road 32 High street

DENTON (near Canterbury), in Donwsday "Daintone," Rev. Charles John Hussey 1>LA. of Christ's College, Cam-

Ill parish, situated in a valley]o1. the road from Canterbury bridge. There is a charity, founded by Catherine Ann

to Folkestone, 7 miles north from Folkestone, 9 north-west Dicks, of Denton, which now produces £3 yearly, for bread;

from Dover, 8~ south-!ilouth-east from Canterbury, 4 west also one founded by W. Willats esq. of Dcnton Court, for

from Shepherds well station on the London, Chatham and the employment of roo scripture readers throughout Eng-
Dover line, and 2~ miles east from Barham station on the land; the freehold estates vested for this purpose being at

Elham Valley branch of the South I•:astern railway. The Hatb, in Somersetsbire, and producing a yearly income of
parish is in the Eastern division of the county, Eastry and £4,ooo, from which each reader receives an annual stipend

Kmgbamford hundreds, lathe of St. Augustine, Wingham of £4o. Denton Court is a spacious mansion pleasantly
petty sessional division, Dover uninn and county court dis- situated in a park of about r8o acres and is the seat of

trict, and in the rural de.:•nery of, and archdeacenry William Hale Willats esq. J. P. lord of the manor and prin-
and diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. Mary Mag- cipal landowner. The soil is chalk and stiff clay ; subsoil,

dalene, prettily placed in a seclude:l site, amidst fine woods, . chalk. The chief crops are wheat, beans, barley and oats.
near Denton Court, but far from oth~r dwelling-s, is an The area is r, 193 acres ; rateable value, £1,370 ; the popu-
edllice of flint, in the Early En6Esh style, with Decorated lation in r88r was 137.

lllSertions and consists of chancel, nave, north porch and. an Parish Clerk, Charles Crux.
embattled tower at the west end, containing 2 bells: the
chancel has a low-side window on the north side, the lower PosT 0FFICE.-Charles Crux, receiver. Letters through

part of which is now closed: the windows are stained : there Canterbury, arnve at 7· IS a. m. & 3 p.m. ; dispatched at

are 102 sittings. The register dates from the year rs6o. 9 a.m. & 6.40 p.m. The nearest money order& telegraph

The living is a rectory, commuted tithe rent-charge £213, ol:lice is at Barham

net yearly value [148, with residence and 7 acre..'! of glebe, The children of this parish attend the school at Selstead in

Ill the gift of M. Kingsford esq. and held since 1877 by the the parish of Swingfield

Cbeeseman Miss Green Frederick, baker Rogers l\Iaria (Mrs.), infants' school
Hambruok John P. farmer, Snode bill Seath :f<'raucis, Hed Lion P.H
D~0l1l'!1&eIlSntehyMMRisesrsv.S. .CMBhaayrdleeskeJnohn M.A. Rectory Smith James, farmer
Kent George, farm bailiff to W. H. Smith H.owland William, farmer, Gatt-
illats William Hale J. P. Denton court Willats esq. J.P. Tappenden
ridge farm
C COMMERCIAL. Oxley J ames, pork butcher, grocer,
pro~·ision dealer, draper & corn mer Webb Frederick, bricklayer
pI'U1: Charles, boot maker, Post office Webb John, bricklayer
ox John, boot maker Oxley Thomas, farmer, Lodge Lees
Quested George, carpenter

TD1~E"NsTcaOttNere(dne_ahoruGsesr,avbeosuenndde) disoan parish, containin; only this parish, but partly within tlie parish of Cobham) was
the north by the river
Grames, 23_ miles f~om .L_o~don and r mile east from erected in r886-7, and opened in Oct. r887, and is a well-
S vesend, m the ~lid dn·iswn of the county, union of built structure of brick, occupying a healthy and pleasant
situation on the road from Gravesend to Cobham, and will

~!rtooyd, chouunrdtredi:lstorfi~Sthaanmdwpeel_lt,tylastehsesioofnAalydleivsfiosirodn, Gravesend hold ro patients: in connection with it is a small-pox
of Hoches- hospital, quarter of a mile north-east, and originally an old
:C~r·1cesb~iayosfl~icnSatlO.lyrl\dIaeanrrynm,exnCeodowunitncoilr,uli:\Mn1isal,ytoc2no7-nn,seirxs8tt7s-9G,ornathvlyies5oepfnldathc. ee
was I farm house; it has 6 beds. The soil is chalky. The chief
The crops are wheat and pulse. Area., 434 acres of land and 91
east of water; rateable value, £-2,308; the population in r88r

~• of thteh3nacvheanacnedl the chancel, with some parts of the side was 218.
arch and the eastern window of the PosT&M. 0. O.,S. B.&Annuity&InsuranceOffice.-Joseph

lit I are perfect: the whole is mantled with ivy. The Payne, receiver. Letters through Gravesend, arrive at
8 & 1r.3o a.m. & 1.30 p.m.; dispatched at 4.30, 6.30 &
bel.ilea are impropriated. Nearly the whole of the parish 8.30 p.m.; sundays, 7.30 p.m.. The nearest te~egraph
e.nongs to Louis Ra.pb.ael esq. aml Georg-e i\latthews Arnold
The Port of London Sanitary Hospital for Seamen, otli.ce is at Gravesend
This place is included in Gravesend L'nited District School
1884, is a larJe structure of brick, situated on tb.e

-.nk. of the Thames, in this J:arish, and is available for 40 Board . ..

Pahenta. The Corporation of Gra1esend t3anatorium (in The nearest school where the ch1ldren attencliS at Milton

llarna.rd :Mrs. Denton court Corporation of Gravesend Sanitorium Jordan Harriet (Miss), shopkeeper

.\Jlen CO!lMERCIAL. (Onslow Robert. Richmond L.R.C.P. May Ambrose, hoop & bavin maker

An_ S!qlhen. mineral water manufr LOnd. medical officer) Niblett Benjamin James, beer retailer

~ greengrocer Heath Abraham, butcher Rayner Samuel, beer retailer


Port of London Sanitary Hospital Taylor Joseph, tailor WilliamsSarah(Mrs. ),Ship& Lobster P.Jr:
(Philip Whitcombe, medical officer) Templeton Matthew, farmer Wood T. F. (trustees of the late), gnn-

Rutland Keziah (Mrs.), dress maker Williams Edward, boot maker p Jwder lightermen

DEPTFORD.-The major portion of this place is given in the "l'ost Otftce London Directory," the remainder being

included under the heads of .Hrockley, Deptford New Town and New Cross.

DEFT FORD NEW TOWN is a rlistrict within the '
parish of St. Paul, Deptford, and undPr the" Redistribution
Battersea, and held since r885 by the Rev. Evelyn Joseph
of Seats Act, 1885," is within the parliamentary borough of Hone M. A. of Wadham College, Oxford. St. John's Mission
Deptford, and is included in the County of London Hall, King street, built iu r86o, will seat 500 persons;
under the provisions of the Local Government Act, I888 : it services are held twice on Sundays and on Thursday even-
is bordered on the east by the river Ravensbourne, which ings. The Free Methodist Chapel is in St. John's road, and
separates it from Greenwich, 4~ miles from London, and is has soo sittings. The Kent Water Company's works, on
in the South Eastern Metropolitan postal district, Western the Ravensbourne, supply about 120 square miles of the
division of the county, Blackheath petty sessional division, metropolitan area and adjacent parts in the county of Kent;
the principal offices and works are at Deptford. The supply

Greenwich union and county court district, rural deanery of of water is exclusively obtained from deep wells sunk in the
Deptford and archdeaconry and diocese of Rochester. The chalk at different parts of the county. The area is 290
South Eastern railway has a station at St. John's, and the acres; the population in 1881 was II,706.
London, Chatham and Dover at Lewisham road. The
ecclesiastical parish of St. John was formed in I 855 out Parish Clerk, Thomas Rushforth, 40 A!'hmead road
of St. Paul's, Deptford: the ehurch, situated m the Lew1sham
PosT, M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, IO Gran-
brook street. -Miss Margaret Waring, receiver. Uis-

road, is a building of stone in the Decorated style, erected patched at 9· ro & 9.50 a. m. 12 noon, 12.45, 3, 4.5o, 9.\

in r855, and consists of chancel, nave, with an arcade of I r.2o p.m. ; Parcels post dispatched at 9· xo & 9.50 a. m.

four bays on the south and five on the north side, aisles, 12-45, 3, 4· so & 8.30 p. m. The nearest telegraph office
north and west porches, and a tower with lofty spire, con- is at Deptford Broadway

taining a clock and a fine peal of 8 bells : the east and west Inspector of Weights & Measures, James Lucas, 73 Albyn rd

windows and also one at the east end of the south aisle are ScHOOLS : -

stained: near the west door is a brass tablet, erected to the London School Board, Tanner's hill, erected in I879, for 300
memory of James John Seymour Spencer Lucas, of .Hurfield boys, 300 girls & 398 infants; average attendance, 240
Priory, Gloucestershire, who was instrumental in the for-
mation of the parish: there is also a marble monument to boys, 239 girls & 26o infants; Samuel Richard w·ells,
the late John Allan, of this parish, and in the chancel are
marble tablets to Anna Eliza, wife of the Rev. Charles F. S. master ; 1\lrs. Elizabeth Crook, mistress; Miss urace Amy
Money M.A. hon. canon of Rochester and vicar of St. John's,
Stevens, infants' mistress
St. John's National (mixed & infants), St.. John's road,

built in I855, fur 300 boys, 28o girls & 250 infants; aver-

185s-83, and to John Astbury Aston M.A. : there are r,672 age attendance, 160 boys, I4I girls & ISO infants; Richard
sittings, 300 being free. The register dates from the year Newton l{ooksby,master; Miss Margaret Durant,mistress;
1855· The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value l,6oo, Miss Rcbecca Willmer, infants' mistress
derived from pew-rents, with residence, in the gift of the Railway .Station,St. John's (South Eastern),Thomas Privett,
Rev. George Ferris 'Vhidborne M.A. vicar of St. George's, station master

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Crickmore Geo. 3 Church vls. St. John's Higgins Thomas Ed wd. 69 Albyn road

Adams Frank, 22 Batsford road Curteis ueorge, 84 St. John's road llilcy William Edward, 12 Cliff terrace

Alrlwell Edward Henry, 2 Albyn road Da'J.g-herty Edward, 11 Albyn road Hodge William George, 48 Aslunead rd

Alexander Joseph, 7 Bolden street Davidson Henry, 9 Cliff terrace Holt ueorge Frederick, 33 Albyn road

Alwin Joseph, 23 Asbrnead road Davis Frank, 2 Batsford road Hone Rev. Evelyn Juseph M.A. St.

Amioti Louis, 49 Ashmead road Davis George Edward, 15 Albyn road John's vicarage

Apps James, 34 Batsford road Davison John Searles, 4 Ashrnead road Hopwood l\Jiss, 61 Ashmead road

Apps Stephen, 128 St. John's road Dawkins James, I9 Bolden street Horne James, 25 Albyn road

Bailey William, 8I St. John's road De Levante Waiter, 9 Lind street Hontson William, 83 St. John's road

Baker George Lamech, 55 Ashmead rd Deuton Francis, ros St. John's road Howard Leonard Harry, I Ashmead rd

Baker Joseph, 19 Ashmead road Dunstan Rev. William, 4 Lind street Jameson ueorge Henry, 25 Ashmeadrd

Barnett Charle..'i, 44 Ash mead road Durant .Yiiss, 86 St. John's road J ennings John, r6 Batsford road

Barrett Edward, I08 St. John's road Dyer Jas. 'Vm. Bostall ho. Abbey Wood Jesse Edmund Jsph. II9 St. John's rd

Bassett Edward James, 65 St. John's rd Earner James Westley, I4 Batsford rd Jewel! Charles William, II Cliff terrace

Bastone Frederick, 9I St. John's road Edney Samuel Fluriet, 29 Lind street Job .Yirs. I3 Lind street

Bateman James, 17 Bolden street Ellis John Thomas, r6 Cliff terrace Johnson George, 49 H.a,·ensbourne st

Beadle Mrs. 12I St. John's road Elton ueorge, 71 St. John's road Jones Frank William, 14 Albyn road

Bean Frank, I I Bolden street Emmett Mrs. I r3 St. John's road J ones Robert, 75 Alhyn road
Beard John, 82 St. John's road 1 England William Charles, I9 Albyn rd Judd Miss, 8 Albyn road

Beardsall John, 47 Albyn road Everard "'illiam, I Lind street Kemp Richard, IO Lind street

Bell Michael, 20 Lind street Fabling Henry, 27 Ashmead road Kench William, 54 Ashmead road

Best John Thomas, 28 Lind street Featherstone John, 8 Batsford road Kennedy "'illiam Henry, 3 Batsford rd

Bethell Giles, 124 St. John's road Fiegehan James George, 4I Ashmead rd Knowles James T. 8I Albyn road

l~ibby William, 77 St. John's road Fisher Walter John, 4 Ravensbourne st Knowles John, 22 Albyn road

Black Peter M. 29 Ashmead road Fletcher Henry John, I Holden street Lambourne George, 7I Albyn road

Blacknell Mrs. 18 Lind street Fowler John Allen, III St. John's road Landragin Gilbert Ueorge, 51 Albyn rd

Blanchard George Chas. 12 Ashmead rd Fox Robert, 5 Church villa<>, St. J ohn·s Lansdell John, 45 Albyn road
Leech John, sB Ashmead road
Bland Henry Joseph, I8 Albyn road Fraser Frank, IS Bolden street

Boorne John, II4 St. John's road Furmedge VVilliam, IIO St. John's road Lcssels Thomas Frederick, 15 Lind st

Boyd Robert, 16 Lind street Gale Henry l\I. 57 Albyn road Levy Henry, 4 Albyn road

Brain George, 14 Bolden street Garner William Geo. 3 Ashmead road Lewis Alfred, 92 St. J olm's road

Ilrassett James, Fern cot. Ashmead rd Gaymer John, 16 Albyn road Lindsay John Bruce, 10 Ashmead road

Rromley Frcderick, 4 Batsforrl road uibbon Wm. Francis, 67 Ashmead road Lines Miss, 65 Alhyn roarl

RrooksmithEqwd.1Churchvls.St.John's Gilbey Mrs. 20 Bolden street Little Horace, 49 Alhyn road

Brown James, I6 Ashmead road Goater Alfred, 21 Bolden street Litton William, 6 Lind street

Brown Robert, 35 Albyn road Goodman Joseph, 25 Lind street Lloyd Charles, 28 Batsford road

Rrnmfit John, 4 Cliff terrace Goodwin Henry, 77 Albyn road London Frank, 1 Albyn road

Bullen Charles Willia.m, 12 Batsford rd uoulden Benjamin, 7 Cliff terrace Lucas James, 73 Albyn road

Burke Abraham, 3 Bolden road Grant William, 63 Ashmead road Luckhurst Frederick, 13 Bolden street

Bnrkett Thomas, 9 Albyn road Grimm James, I9 Lind street Lyell Thomas, 130 St. John's road

Calder Hugh, 28 Ashmead road Groom Robert, I8 Bolden street Major ueorge Ilarry, 59 Albyn road

ca:dicott Mrs. 109 St. John's road Gunner Edward Robert, IO Albyn road ~lalings .Yiiss, 3 C,iff terrace

Casson George, 31 Albyn road Haggitt Harvey E. F.S.A. I Batsford rd :\Iallet George, 53 Albyn road

Chappell Mrs. I8 Batsford road Hallett George, 94 St. John's road Manu John W. 67 Albyn road

Chee!'man William Henry, 2 Lind street Hapg-ood Willoughby, 45 Ashmead rd Mann Robert, 26 Batsford road

Cl:>Jk Edward Fredk. 136 St. John's rd Harding Thomas, IOI St. John's road Marsh Charles Joseph, 65 Ashmead rd

Climpson Charles, 5I Ashmead road Hartmann Mrs. 30 Batsford road :\Iarshall William, 13 Cliff terrace

Cocks Mrs. 43 Albyn road Hawkes Miss, 5 Albyn road lVIartin Thomas, 22 Lind street

Cole John Edward, 29 .Albyn road Hayward Waiter, 27 Albyn road Mason George, 7 Albyn road

Collard Edward, 4 Holden street Heppell William, 6I Albyn road May George, 14 Lind street
· Comley Thomas T. 13 Batsford road Herdsman James Peter, 7 Ashmead rd I May George, 6g St. John's road

Creamer Jnsiah, II Lind street Herdsman William Hy. 13 Ashmead rd Mayhew Mrs. 35 Ashmead road


Miller James, 5 Lind street Ward J ames, 24 Lind -street Conner David John,plumber,H Lucas st

Millington Mrs. 75 St. John's road Watson Jn. Rowland, 20 Ashmead road Cook Jnhn, turncock, 3 Nelson street

Mitchell Alexander Jas. 52 Ashmead rd Watts HeDry, 33 Ashmead road Cooper &Dakin, tea mers. IogTanner's bl

Mitchell Chas. E. Pare!, .so Ashmead rd Waugh G'eorge William, 41 Albyn road Cornock Ucorge, baker, 46 St. John's rd

Mitchell George, 9 Batsford road Weeks Henry Geo. 59 Ravensbourne st Coulson Wm.greengrocer,44 Tanner's bl

Mitchell ~rs. 27 Lind street Wellman. Alfred, ro Holden street Court T. H. plumber & gas & hot water

Mitchell Waiter, 15 Ashmead road West Mrs. 9 Ashmead road engineer, 14a Tanner's hill

Monk Charles, go t:lt. John's road West William Thomas, 8 Lind street Crayford Jas.shopkpr.2l:{avcmbourne st

Montgomery Mrs. 39 Albyn road White James Holly, 16 Bolden street Crosby A.lice & Ellicomb2 Mary Ann

Moore William Thomas, 107St.John's rd White JohnWilliamCharlcs,37 Albyn rd (Misses), dress mas. 117 St. John's rd

Morgan Alfred, I32 St. John's road White William, 24 Batsford road DavicsDavidGeo. furn. d Jr. 7ITanner's hl

Morgan John Hem us, 146 St. John's rd Wilkinson Albert Edwd. 57 Ashmead rd Davi~ '\'illiamj tailor, 6o Friendly street

Morris Nathaniel D. 127 St. John's rd Williams Joseph, 22 Bolden street Day Jas. haberdasher, I8 Tanner's hill

Morris William, MJI lane Wilton J oseph·, 95 St. John's road Deptford Committee of the Charity

Mudie Miss, 88 St. John's road Witney Harry George, 23 Lind street Organization Society (Thomas Rush-

Nash Mrs. 3 Albyn road Wood Henry Geo. 102 St. John's road forth, agent), St. John's road

Nash William John, 20 Batsford road Wood Mrs. I4 Ashmead road DeVox A. ventriloquist, 57

NealWilliamEdward.79 St. John's road Wood Richard, 17 Ashmead road Dowing Carolinc (Mrs.), laundress, 112

Neeld Mrs. 37 Ashmead road Woodward George Arthur, 2I Lind st Tanner's hill

Newell GeorgA, 7 Lind street Wright William, 73 t:lt. John's road Diprose John, carman, I Victory stre2t

Nichoils Silas, 34 Ashmead road Yearley Frederick, I2 Albyn road Drew Fredk. boot maker,69 Tanner's hill

Norfolk Arthur, 17 Albyn road Young James William, M. D. 4 Church Dungey Henry Charles, haberdasher,

Norfolk Charles, I Cliff terrace villas, St. Johns I Ravensbourne street

Norton Rev. Geo. [Cong.], 14 Cliff ter • COMMERCIAL. DunkinWm. reg. plnmber,6oSt.John's rd

Nutt James, 6 Albyn road Adams Fras. E.tobacnst. rr5 Tanner's hl Durrant Matilda. (Mrs.), dress maker,

Page HerbertHenry, 134 St. John's road Allwright Frederick, socond-band fur- 18 Ravensbourne road

Page Jasper George,55 Kavensbourne st niture dealer, 8o Tanner's bill Edmett Waiter, glass & sign writer, 43

Papps Norman, 22 Ashmead road Alwin Thos. watch maker, rr King st Tanner's hill

Park Alfred Samuel, I 12 St. John's rd Anderson Thos. painter,34Crnnbrook st EndersleyJohn, sweet shop, 53Friend Iyst

Parke John, 125 St. John's road Appleton Alex. baker, 99 :friendly st Eustace J.& Son, watch

Parker Edward, 3r Ashmead road Aries William, oilman, so Friendly st Eveleigh Wm. ho. decorator, 6o 03car st

Parker Mrs. 85 St. John's road Artcr Wm.F.zinc worker, 19 Ship street Fail Ed ward, beer retailer, raKing street

Perry James, 99 St. Jolm's road ArthurHy. woodware rnnfr.38I<'riendly st Fairhall,IsFriendly st

Phillips Thomas, 32 Batsford road AtkinsAdolpbus,corn dlr. ISoTanners hl Falla Wm. greengrocer, 12 Friendly st

Piggott Edward Henry, 17 Lind street Banks Wm. grocer,28 Ravensbourne rd Featherstone Charles Cloake, white-

Plant Henry, 123 St. John's road Barker E.G.plumbr.s3Ravensbourne st smith, 75 Oscar street

Plumbridge James Wm.43 Ashmead rd Barker Geo. W. beer retailer, 48 Lucas st Featherstone Mary (Mrs ), dress maker,

Poolev Charles Wm. 21 Ashmead road Barrett Charles Ed ward, china & glass 57 Oscar street
Prince" Mrs. 83 Albyn road
riveter, 24 Oscar street FenncllHy.&Son,carpntrs. 46Tanner's bl

Pritchard Josepb, 30 Ashmead road Barrett Wm. brazier, 45 Victory street Field Chas. beer retailer,49 St. John's rd

Privett Thomas, 53 Ashmead road Bass Thomas, dairyman, 34 King street FirmingcrJohn,prov.dlr.26 St.John's rd

Recknell Henry, 21 Albyn road Bassett Hy. Robt.fruitr. 142Tanner's hill Fisher Richard, boot maker, 24 Kiug st

Regan Colston, 85 Albyn road Bateman Thos. Jas. tobcnst. 25 King st Fitz Robt. marine stores, I I4 Tanner's hl

Richards Mrs. 47 Ashmead road Benning'ton Robert Henry, house deco- Fletcber Hy. provision dlr.9oFriendly st

Ricl1ards William F. n Batsford road rator, I04 Friendly street Fletcher William George, revolving

Richardson J amcs, 8 Bold.en street Bills Augustus Seymour, second-hand shutter maker, 5 Hol:len street

Robinson Benjamiu, 6 Batsford road bookseller, 34 Tanner's hill Flight William, baker, 8 Tanner's bill

Robinson William Charles, 23 Albyn rd Bird George Reuben, upholsterer, 57 FordCha.s. paprhng-.wareho. Iifannr's.hl

Robson Joseph, ri Ashmead road Friendly street & rso St. John's road Fordham Henry, dairy, 26 Friendly st

Rollinson J ames Young, 8 Cliff terrace Bird Jas. C. tobcnst. 99 Ravensbrne. rd Fosdike Janet (Mrs.), The Golden

Rose John, 23 Bolden street Bond Jn. gen. shop, 9 Cranbrook street Fleece P. H. 62 Mill lane

Ross Alexander, 69 Ashmead road Bond Thomas, bnilrlf'r, 5 Ratsford road FosdikeWm.T. zinc

Salmon Mrs. 59 Ashmead road Booth Horacc J n. grngro. 125 Friendly st Fowlo George, grocer, 72 St. John's rd

Sanders Frederick, 6 Ashmead road Boys John, stonemason, 19 Tanner's hill I<'owler James, contractor, Nile street

Schofield Mrs. 2-1- Albyn road BranfordElisba, brush ma. 16Friendly st FoxGeo. wardrobe dealer,43 King str~et

Shearlock John Charles, 87 Albyn road Brittlel3mj. wardrobe dlr. 29Tanner's hl Fox Isaac J. boot maker, 107 Friendly st

Silverlock Orestes, r2 Lind street BrittonArthur, boot ma.36Strickland st Francis 'Valt. watch ma. 24 Tanner's hill

Silvester George, 46 Asl1mead road Broad.fn.Fredk.bricklayer,II Victory st Franklin John, dairy, 48 Victory street

Blade John, 87 St. John's road Brown Bros. corn dlrs.97 Ravensbrne.rd Franklin Thos. heer retlr 44 St. John's rd

Sleap Miss, ro Chff terrace Brown Joseph, second-band furniture Freak Charles. beer retailer, 38 Mill la

Smith Arthur, 32 Ashrnead road dealer, 47 King street · Freak J ulia (Mrs.), genl. shop, 2 Mill la.

Smith John, 2 Cliff terrace BrowseWm.Fredk. tailor, 9 Friendly st Freak J ulia (Mrs.), lodging ho.4o Mill la.

Smith John, 3 Linci street Burgess James. dairy, '122 Tanner's hill Freame Thomas James, paperhangings

Srnitb. \'\-'alter, 12 Holden street BurnessMary( Miss) ,dress ma. 19Lucasst warehouse, 22 Tanner's hill

Smith William Geo. 24 Ashmead road Burridge Emily (l't-Irs.), general shop, Fryer Frederick James,Crown & Sceptre

Snowden Geo. Seymour, 26 Lind street 47 Lncas street P.H. 92 Friendly street

Soloway Alfred, 126 St. John's road Burslcm John Alfd. builder, 31 Lind st Gable Alfred, shopkeeper, 6 Oscar st

Spence Mrs. 129 St. John's road Burslem Ward, builder, 6 Cliff terrace GARDINER &. eo. clothing & general

Spurling William, 9 Bolden street Byrt William, painter, 40 Lucas street outfitting stores, Deptford house, 32

Staples Miss, 36 Ash mead road Callaghan Rd. general shop,32 Mill lane to 35 Broadway

Stedman Thomas, 5 Cliff terrace Campbell Aaron, umbrella maker, 59 Garner J sph. general shop, 14 Nelson st

Stephens :\1rs. 8 Ashmead road Tanner's hill GatteyRichd. Wm.butchr.q6Tannr'~.hl

Stevens Mrs. 20 Albyn road Capener Jas. gen. shop, r5 Brunswick st Gibbins Richard, cooper, 3 TanneF's hill

Stevens William, 6 Bolden street eHAPMAN HENRY c!i. SON, beer Gill J ohnRobt. baker,49A,St.Jolln's road

Stone Mrs. 115 St. John's road bottlers, mineral water manufactrs. Gladman Robert, general dlr. 7 Nile st

Stone Mrs. M. J. n6 St. John's road & wine & spirit mers. Tanner's hill Goddard Sarah (Miss), draper, IOI

Stoodley Thomas, 36 Ratsford road Chapman Edward, Royal George P.H. Ravensbourne road

Summers Henry, 63 Albyn road Tanner's bill Godwin "'illiam J. mat & rug maker,

Sutherland John, 79 Albyn road Chave Robt.babcrdashr.72Tanner's hill 33 Friendly street

Taylor James, 26 Ashmead road CheckleyEdwin,news agt. II9Friendly st Golden Wm. carpenter, 96 Tanner's hill

Ta.ylor Miss, 13 Albyn road Clark Joseph, butcher, so Tanner's bill GRAPHITE PLUMBAGO e:-zueiBLE

Teskey Robert, I2o St. John's road Clayton A.lfd. news agent, 12Tanner's hi eo. LIMITED (William Leathes,

Thomas Miss, 18 Ashmead road ClaytonUeo. Wm. macl1inist,2Friendly st manager), 82 Tanner's hill
Thompson Mrs. I Seymour s• treet Cleak Amelia (Mrs.), midwife, 14 Gray Hy. zinc worker, 51 St. John's rd

ThorpJohn Carter, 15 Cliff terrace Friendly street Green Wm. firewood cutter,7 Nelson st

Threadgold George, 5 Ashmead road Clemmison SamuelNathal.\:Thos. Court, Greenaway Jas. hair drssr. I 3Tanner's hl

Tompson Mrs. 97 St. John's road builders & decorators,58 St.J ohn's rd Greenaway Thomas William, boo~

Turner Richard, 38 Ashmead road Clifford William Charles, grainer & maker, 85 Friendly street

Vanhouse Thos.Ormond,s6Ashmead rd marbler, 55 Oscar street GrimbleGeo. Fk. wrdrbe. dlr. sTannr's: 111

Vincent George, 8g St. John's road Coast John Edwd. fishmonger, I King st Grogan John, cooper, IIO Tanner's hill

Wagsta:ffe Geo. Reginald, 55 Albyn rd CockleThos. fancy wareho. 52Tannrs's. hl Haine Arthur, tailor, 128 Tanner's hill ·

.Wallis James, 93 St. John's road Cockle Thos. watch maker, 45 King st HallHy.SI. coffee r-ooms, 1 I I Tanner's hill


Halstead Thomas, plumber, 79 Oscar st March John Wm. boot ma. 14 King st Salter George, purveyor of eat's meat,

Harding Ju. wharfinger, 104 St.John's rd Margerum Wm. upholstr. 78 Friendly st 19 Victory street

Harling Jn. paperhngr. 62 St. John's rd Marshal!Cbas. Fredk.hairdrssr.sKing st Sand ford Wm. boot ma. 26 Tanner's hill

Harrison Thos. oilman,24 St. John's road Martin Jas. marine store dlr. ~5 King st ScottJas.&Son, boot m as. 74St.Jobn's rd

Harvey George, brush maker, 63 Martin Jas. sen. wardrobe dlr.23 King st Seiler Edward, tailor, 22 Cranbrook st

Ravensbourne street Yfatthews "'m. Jas. 103 St. John's road SbearsA.lbt.butchr. 103 Ravensbourne rd

Harvey John, fum.dlr. 56 Tanner's hill May Thomas, carrier, go Tanner's hill Sheath Chas. tinman, 104 Tanner's hill

Hatch Tbos. Jas. fishmonger, 16 King st Maybank J n. marine store dlr. 27Mill la Sheen Chas. Jas. paprbngr. 32 Victory st

Hawker Josepb, baker, 75 Tanner's hill Middleton Chas.insur.agt.3 Elverson rd Shepherd, 70 Tanner's hill

HAYCRAFT JOSIAH &. SON, iron- Millard Amelia (:\'Irs.), midwife, 17 Shorter Jn.Chas.bricklayer, 46 Oscar st

mongers, 2 King street Oscar street Silvester George, architect & surveyor,

Hayday William, sewing machine Millgate Jas. boot ma. 42 Cranbrook st 46 Ashmead road

manufacturer, 7 Tanner's bill Millington Emilie (Miss), dress maker, Skinner Hy. barrow ma. 49 Tanner's hl

Hazelwood William, oilman, r Heald st 75 St. John's road ~kinner James, greengrocer, 15 King st

Hiatt Wm.cycle manufr. 138 Tanner's hl Milton Robert, confectioner, 5I King st Smith Bros. butchers, 25 Tanner's bill

Hillman Charles, tailor, 37 King street Mitchell Alex. Jas. carpntr.rA,Oscar st SmithGeo.cbimney cleaner,5~Nelson st

Hillman Jn.clay pipe maker, 5 Nelson st Moody Jsph. window blind ma.33King st Smith Geo. general shop, 49 Oscar st

Hinton John, shoeing forge, King street Morgan&Co. timber mers.68St.John's rd Sop er Robert, builder, II7 Tanner's bill

Hogg Geo. hair dresser, 97 Tanner's hl Morgan Wm. umbrella manfr. 4 Mill la & 46 Ravensbourne street

Bolt! & Co. bakers, 48 Friendly street Morris Jas. grngro. IO5RavensbOU'IIlle rd Soper Wm. general shop, ro6Tanner's hl

Holloway .Fredk. butcher,55 Friendly st Morris J oseph, coal mer. x8 Seymonr st Spall Robt. greengro. 77 Tanner's hill

Hooper Geo. hair dresser,2Tanner's hill Moss John & Co:Lnannfacturing & phar- Stayner Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker,

!Hopkins Annie (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, maceutical chemists, Wilson street 33 Ravensbourne street

16 Tanner's hill Myers Alfd. boot dlr. sr Ravensbourne st Steward Chas. farrier, 43 Tanner's hill

Ilorner David, boot maker,sxFriendly st I Myers Alfd. hair drsr. 8Ravensbourne st Stokes Tom, cab proprietor, 39 Friendly
Howcll Jas.grocer,xo7 Ravensbourne rd I Nelson Jn. 'Vm. firewood dlr. King st
street & St. John's station

HuntEdwd.fnrn.dlr.I01&103Tannr's.hl Newington Thos. carpenter, 9 King st Stone George, baker, 25 Mill lane

Hurburgh J sph. tailor, II4 Tanner's hill N ewman Geo. & Co. Lim. bldrs.King st Stringer Rich d. dyer, 126 Tanner'! bill

Hussey William Waiter, timber mer- NewmanGeorge W.builder & decorator, TappenAgnes(Mrs.),laundts.nNelsonst

chant, 94 Tanner's hill 71 Ashmead road Taylor Charles, furnishing undertaker,

Huxley William John, The Cranbrooke Newson David, carpntr. xo St.John's rd I Friendly street

Arms r. H. 8 Ravensbourne stroet Nicholson Charlotte (Mrs.), feather Terry Richard, turncock, 3 Wilson st

lies Mary( Miss), dress maker,350scar st dresser, 99 Tanner's hill Thoma~David,carver & gilder,33Kmgst

InceElisha,umbrella ma.23Tanner's hill Nicholson Jn. bicycle ma.99 Tanner's hl Thomas Samuel, general wood turner,

Irish Thomas Windsor, xo6 St.J ohn's rd Osborn Josiah, boot maker, 7 King st 36 Tanner's hill

Jeavons George, brazier, r8 King street Palmer Henry, zinc worker, 43 Ravens- Thomasson Jas.confctnr.r48Tanner'shl

Jelliss Charles, cutler, 93 Tanner's hill bourne street Thompson Edward James, laundry, ro
Johnson Jacob, ho.decrtr.25 Seymour st I Palmer Robert, corn dealer, 19 King st Friendly street

JobnsonWm.bldr.&cntrctr.rsllatsfd.rd Palmer Robert, zinc worker, 21 King st Thompson Mary (Mrs.), ladies' school,

J ohnson"\\'m.Jas.ho.dcrtr.62Tanner's hl Parfrement Arthur, butcher, 19 Ravens- I Seymour street

J ohnson \Vm. Jas. tbccnst.62 Tanner's hl bourne street Thurgar Chas. insur. agent, 3 Nelson st

Jones Fk. cowkpr. & dairyman,6 King st Parke Jn. architect, 125 St. John's rd Till William, wheelwright & shoeing

J ones Hepztbah (Mrs.), laundress, 26 Parker Amos, engineer, 48 Tanner's hl smith, r & 2 '''ilson st. & Florence gro

Cranbrook street Parker Anne(.\1rs. ),,8Wi1son st Tosland Fras. draper, 29 & 31 King st

Jones Jn. boot maker,s Ravensbournc st Parker Thos. fruiterer, 27 Tanner's hill Turner SI. A. confctnr. 30 Tanner's hill

Jones Stphn. beer retailer,97 Friendly st Parker ·wm. boot ma. 130 Tanner's hl Tyler Robert -Henry, chimney cleaner, retailer' IO5Ta.nner's hill Pearson Geo. Thos. brick layer, 5 Lucas st 29 Friendly street

Kent Water Works (Alexander Dickson, People's Hall, 2oA, Tanner's hill Tyler William, chimney cleaner, u6

sec.: Wm. Morris, engineer), Mill la Pigott Robt. Hy. carpenter, 14 Oscar st Tanner's hill

Kent Wm. greengrocer, 13 Cranbrook st Pomfret Hy. beer retailer, 73 Tanner's bl Vestry Offices, St. Paul's, Deptford

Kerr Brothers, oilmen, 113 Tanner's hl Pooley John. dairyman, 23 Friendly st (Thomas William Marchant, clerk),

Kersey Wm. boot maker, 16 Lucas st Prebble John, plumber, 67 Lucas street 20 Tanner's hill

King William & Herbert, bakers, 26 Pritchard Frank,prov.dlr.47Tanner's hl Wakeford Jas.insur.agt. r8 Elverson rd

Ravensbourne road Privett Thomas; station master, St. Wallace Jas. confctnr. 21 Tanner's bill

King Thomas Charles, auctioneer, 138 John's railway station, St. John's rd Waring Margaret (:\fiss), stationer &

& 140 St. John's road Pursey Edmund, carpenter, 44 Oscar st haberdasher, & post office, rr Cran-

Kirby James, Carpenters' Arms P.H. 8 & Pym Richard, lead merchant 9, & rag brook street

xo Oscar street merchant n, Tanner's hill Warry George, oilman, 15 Cranbrook st

KirkleyAtlelaide (Mrs.), Royal Standard Quinney John Martin, furniture dealer, Watllng Wm. baker, 31 Tanner's hill

P.H. 68 Tanner's hill 17 Kmg stre:)t Watts Charles, shopkeeper, 13 Mill lane

Knowles Herbert, confectioner,3King st Hanger Chas.french rolisher,2o King st Webb Joseph, coal mer. 84 Friendly st

Landragin Mary Ann (Mrs.), The Fox Hant William, beer retailer, 27 King st Went William, umbrella ma. 15 Mill la

P.H. 49 King street Head Edward Harold, plumber, 84 & West Kent Water Works, Ravens-

Langley Richd. Hy. crpntr. roSeymour st 86 Tanner's hill bourne street

Langley "\\'m. plumber, 98 St. John's rd Reed :\'Iary (Miss), dress maker, 99 West Rebecca (Mrs.), laundress, 120

LarkinChas. Hy. boot m a. 17Tanner's hill St. John's road Tanner's bill

LarkinLouise( l\Irs.), dress m a. r 3King st ReeveCbas. H y. gen. shop, I 32Tanner's b 1 Westficld Robt. tinman, n6 Friendly st

Leary Nicholas, genl. shop,2 s~ymour st Hobinson Albert, 122 St. John's road 1 Whaley }{obt. ho. agt. roo St. John's rd
Leek Isaac, boot ma. 3 Ravensbourne st Hobson Jsph.surveyor, 11 Ashmead rd Wheeler Edward, picture frame maker,

Lewis Robert, china & glass warehouse, Rogers Jarnes,gen. shop, 10 Summer st 6o Tanner's hill

138 Tanner's hill Romano GabrieJ ,confctnr. 10Tanner's hl \ Whelan & 1:5mith, gras. 17Cranbrook st

Lewisham Security Building Society Rooksby R. N. (St. John's school house), I White Clement,insur.agt.9Strickland st

(\V. H. Ottoway Jack, sec.), King st Seymour :,treet ),confctnr.4rLucas st I White Ernest, grocer, 32 Tanner's hill
Lippross Adolph, baker, 22 Kmg street Roote:\latilda(Mrs. White Jane (Mrs.), children's outfitter,

Little"'m.greengrocer,Ist::lt.John'sroad Rose George, carpenter, 5I Lucas street 74 Tanner's hill\lillla Rose Henry, carpenter, 18 Friendly st I Wick .Matt. boot ma. 8o St. John's rd

Lorimcr Jspb. boot maker, 6o Victory st Rushforth Thomas, clerk of St. Joha's Wiffin Daniel, butcher, 39 King street

Lovett & Co. wheelwrights, 2 Nelsonst church), 40 Ashmead road Wilkins Mary Ann (Mrs.), wardrobe

Lucas James, inspector of weights & Russell Alfd Chas.lw.decrtr. r 5 Lncas st dealer, 54 Tanner's hill

measures, 73 Albyn road Russcll John William, general shop, 37 Willson Gco. dairyman, 21 Friendly st

Lucking Geo. srreengro. 68 St. John's rd Oscar street Wilson James, florist, 23 Lucas street dresser,28Tanner's hl Russell Mary Ann (Mrs.), greengrocer, Wilson Wm. ladder ma. 2 St. John's rd

Lynn By. perambulator ma. I Tanner's hl 92 Tanner's hill Withersby Alfd. oilman, 65 Tanner's hi

Mantall Sarah Ann (:\Irs.), beer retailer I St. John's Hall (Thomas Charles King, Wood Fred, dairy, 1St. John's road
York James, paperhanger, sr Oscar st
26, & lodging house 28, :Vlilllane I. proprietor), 138 St. John's road

DETLING is a village and parish, prettily situated at the sessional division,Hollingbourne union, Sutton rural deanery,

foot of the chalk scarp, on the road from Maidstone to Sit- archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. The
tingbourne and also on the aneient pilgrims' road from
Rocbester to Canterbury, 2~ miles north-east from Maid- church of t!t. Martin, beautifully situated on the declivity of
stone, in the Mid division of the county, Maidstone hundred the chalky range of bills which traverse the county and com·
mand a wide view across a rich and lovely country, is I
and connty court district, lathe of Aylesford, Bearsted petty
small building of rough flints in the Early English and later


styles, consisting of chancel with north chapel, nave of three .Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since 1875 by the Rev.
bays, north aisle, south porch and a low western tower of John Cave-Browne M:.A. of Wadham College, Oxford. East
Portland stone, sum1ounted by a shingled spire containing Court, the property of Henry Rugg esq. who is lord of the
one bell: two plain Early English arches separate the nave manor and principal landowner, is occupied by William

and nocth aisle : in the north chapel is a piscina with tre- F'rederick Mercer esq. The soil is chalk and fiin t and yields

foiled niche and in the chancel is a monument to Mr. and chalk of the finest quality, extensively used in lime works.

Mrs. Foote, 1788: the church C'ontains a very richly carved The chief crops are wheat, roots and hops. The area is 1,589
lectern of the Decorated period, with a light octagonal shaft, acres, about 500 of which are woodland; rateable value,

each face of which is enriched with pierced tracery of varied .lI, 862 ; the population in 188 I was 336.

(lbaracter : there is also an ancient poor box cut out of the Parish Clerk, George Wetherley.
solid wood: the upper story of the tower was raised by the PosT 0FFICE.-James White, receiver. Letters arrive from

late William Peale esq. of Loose: there are IIO sittings, 6o Maidstone at 7.15 a.m. & 12.45 p.m.; dispatched at I &
being free. The register of baptisms dates from the year 6.25 p.m.; on sundays at II a.m. Bearsted is the nearest
1558; marriages, 1563; burials, I5JI. The living is a money order & telegraph office

vicarage, tithe rent-charge £195, gross yearly value £2r8, National School (mixed), built in 1856, for 6o children;

including 30 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the I average attendance, so; Mrs. Elizabeth Daniels, mistress

PRIVATE HESIDENT.:l. COMMERCiaL. Coveney James, shopkeeper
.Austin John Edward, West court .Alexander Thomas, farmer, Cox Street HOLLANDS ALBERT, lime burner
Brown Charles, farmer, Hermitage Leader Charles, Cock inn
Cave-Browne Rev. John M.A. Vicarage Brown Charles, jun. farmer, Pollyfields Marks George, shoe maker
Brown George, farmer, Pollyfields Marley Norval, sLirveyor, builder & in-
Cook Richard, The Croft Brown John, farmer, Cox Street
-Grist John, Hillifield Clifford Thomas (Maidstone), farmer surance agent
Hampson The l\'hsses, Lyncilfield house Dawson Caroline & Mary .Ann (Misses), Marshall Wm. farmer, Scragged oak
Shilling Thomas, blacksmith
Hollanrls Albert butchers White James, wheelwright, Post office
.Jukes Joseph Burleigh, Burleigh villa
.Mercer William Frederick, East court

DITTON is a village and parish, pleasantly situated on Cambridge. The charities amount to £8 gs. 6d. yearly.

the London road from Maidstone, 4 miles north-west from Henry .Arthur Brassey esq. M.A., D.L., J.P. who is lord of

.the latter place, r~ west from .Aylesford station on the Lon- the manor, Rev. J. Y. Stratton llf.A. :Mrs. Tassel! and F.

don, Chatham and Dover railway, in the Mid division of the Neame esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is sandy

.county, hundred of Larktield, lathe of .Aylesford, petty ses- loam: subsoil, Kentish rag. Hops are largely grown here.

6ional division and union of Mailing, Maidstone county court The area is I,073 acres, in a high state of cultivation ; rate-

district, North .Mailing rural deanery, Maidstone archdea- able value, .£'4,040; the population in 1881 was 336.

oeonry and Canterbury diocese. The church of St. Peter is Parish Clerk, John Nash .

.a small hut ancient building of stone, consisting of chancel,
nave and a plain tower at the west oefntdhecoDnetacoinriantegd3pbeerilolsd: Letters are received from Maidstone through Larkfield post
fiome of tile windows appear to be oflice, arrive at 8.30 a.m. k 2.30 p.m. Larkfield is the

and there are remainS Of stained glaSS: the church haS been nearest money order office, & telegraph office at "Test

!Well restored and there are 200 sittings. The register dates Mailing

trom about the year 1667. The Jiving is a rectory, yearly WALL LETTER Box cleared at 10.45 a. m. & 7· 15 p.m
value from tithe rent-charge and glebe £452, with residence, National School (mixed), built in 1853 & enlarged in I887,
in the gift of the Earl of .Aylesford, and held since r856 by
the Hev. John Young Stratton JII.A. of Magdalene College, for 140 children ; average attendance, 109; Miss Char-
lotte Neath, mistress

Bartlett John, Ditton holm Featherstone James, shoe maker Nash toCountyKentFriendly

Hammrmd George Thomas Foster Rohert, shopkeeper Society, Pleasant row

Hilton Mrs. Ditton Place H umphreys Henry, beer retailer Peppercorne .Alfred, land agent

Hoomau Thomas Charles, Fern leigh Jellis Joseph, miller (water) Relf Thomas, farm bailiff to Robert

tltratton Hev. John Young M.A.[rector], Johnson William, jun. coal, oil & soda Mercer esq. Cobdown farm

Rectory merchant & manufacturer of tar, Sargent George Thomas, carpenter

Waterman Mrs pitch, creosote, naphtha, benzoic, Scott Thomas, farmer & hop grower,

COMMERCIAL. asphalte, black varnish, wagon grease, Ditton court
sulphate of ammonia, disinfecting Skinner Waiter, miller (water), Mill

Carman John, fruiterer powder &c. Mill Hall; late at New Hall mill

Cyster John, shopkeeper Hythe Southwell James, farmer & hop grower,

Ditton & Neighbouring Parishes Work- Joy .Alfred (AylesforJ), bee farmer Eoro' court, New Hythe

ing Men's Club & Institute (S. Joyce Florence (Miss), private school White George, shopkeeper

Wagon, sec) (boys & girls)

DODDINGTON is a parish and village, seated in a is a Wesleyan Methodist chapel here. The charities are of

ialley, 6 miles south of Sittingbourne, 6 south-west from £10 yearly value. Doddington Place, the seat of Sir John
I<'arersham, 4 south from Tcynham station on the London, Frederick Croft bart. B.A., J.P., F.S.A. is a large mansion of
Chatham and Dover railway and 49 from London, in the red brick, in the Elizabethan style, seated on high ground
North Ea11tern division of the county, Teynham hundred, and commanding an extensive view of the surrounding wood-
lathe of Scray, Faversham petty sessional division, union land and picturesque scenery. Sharsted Court, the seat of
and county court district, and in the rural deanery of Chapman De Laune Faunce De-Laune esq. J.P. an ancient
Ospringe and archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The mansion, modernized in the early part of the 18th century,
<:hurch of St. John the Baptist is an ancient and very stands amid park-like grounds of about 250 acres, embel-
.interosting building of tlint in the Early English and Transi- lished with numerous groups of stately forest trees ; the
tional styles, consisting of chancel with south chancel aisle house is approached by two carriage drivP~'>, each about one
(the property of Chapman De Laune Faunce De Laune esq. mile in length, one of which passes through a noble avenue
.J.P.), nave of three bays, south aisle, south porch and a low of beeches. Sir John F. Croft bart. Chapman De-Laune
wooden tower at the west end of the north aisle containing Faunce De-Laune esq. and .Edward Leigh Pemberton esq.
2 bells: in the south pier of the chancel aisle is a double J. P. of Tarry Hill, Lenham, are the principal landowners.
hagioscope opening to both chancels: in the east wall of the The soil and subsoil, various. The chief crops are wheat,
chancel proper is a piscina and in the south wall a fiat barley, oats, beans and turnips. The area is 1,945 acres;

arched recess: on the north side of the chancel is a tall and rateable value, £3, II9; the population in 1881 was 58o.

narrow low-side window with a small and shallow arched PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & .Annuity & Insurance Office.
niche on it8 eastern jamb, with a sloping stone desk below -Henry .A. Jarvis, receiver. Letters are received by
&S if for a book; in the opposite jamb is an aumbry : there cart at 8 a. m. & by foot post from Sittingbourne at 4 p.m.;
is another piscina in the south chapel, where is also a slab dispatched, 8.5 a.m. & 5.30 p.m.; sundays, 11.10 a.m
with an incised cross and inscription in Lombardic characters' .A Schoollloard of 5 members was formed in I 875 for the
the pulpit is Jacobean: in 1873-4 the chancel was re-paved united district of Doddington & ·wychling, & March 14,
and fitted with new stalls at the cost of the present vicar : 1876, Newnham was included in the district ; Sir J. F.
the church contains 250 sittings, I 50 being free. The regis- Croft bart. chairman & clerk to the buard; Thomas Smith,
ter dates from the year 1589. The living is a vicarage, attendance officer
yearly value from tithe rent-charge £224, with resilience, Board School (mixed), erected in 1876, for 183 children;
in the gift of the .Archdeacon of Canterbury, and held since average attendance, roo ; Thomas Potts, master ; Mrs.

1872 by the Rev. William John i\Ionk M.A. of St. John's 1 Potts, mistress
College, Cambridge. The Sunday school was erected at the CARRIER TO FAVERSHAM.-Hughes, passes through from


cost of the vicar, by whom it was enlarged in 1878. There i Lenham, tues. thurs. & sat

K. S. & S. 14


Croft Sir John Fredcrick hart. B.A., Chapman Gcorge, pig dealer .Longhurst J ames Medhurst'A...C.P. boyt'
F. s. A., J. P., Doddington Place Croucher Abraham, fruiterer
Fisher Edward, shopkeeper private school
De-Laune Chapman De Laune Faunce Garnbell Horace, farm ba1liff to Chap-
J .P. Sharsted court Maxted William, builder
man De Laune Faun~e De-Laune
Farthing Mrs esq. 1. P. Sharsted court Monk Thomas, farmer, Little Sharsted
King Mrs. Saunders farm Gambell William, head gardener to Sir
L\'Ionk Rev. William John M. A. Vicarage John F. Croft hart. J.P Monk William, farmer, The Laurels
Strouts Mrs. Hrewster villa Harrison Daniel, farmer, Blade
Howland Clark, farmer, Homeshill Norrington Henry, sen. wheelwright
COMMERCIAL. Jackson James, butcher & cattle deg,ler
J arvis Henry A. grocer & provision Pettman Rester (Mrs.), saddler
Anderson Frank,farm bailiff to Sir John dealer, Post oilice
Frederick Croft hart..T.P Jarvis John, miller (steam & wind) & Read James, thatcher ·
farmer, Down court
Austen John, cowkeeper Kite Amos, gamekeeper to Sir John Rudcl William. Albert, boarding- school
Bensted Harriet (Mrs ), srnitll Fredk. Croft hart. J.P. Seed farm
Bensted John, farrier for young gentlemen, Gloucester
Roulter Charles, boot & shoe maker
Bradley Thos.farmer,Court Lodge farm house. See advertisement
Bugden James, poultry farmer
Sage Alfred, Chequers P.H. & collector

of assessed taxes

Sellen Reuben, baker

Wiseman Joscph, boot & shoe maker

Wraight John, jobbing gardener

Wrapson Thomas YYbite, tailor


DOVER is a seaport, parliamentary and municipal borough, street afford a spacious carriage way from the beach to the,

Cinque Port, union and garrison town, and head of a county market.

court district, situated on the small river Dour, with an The harbour is capable of receiving vessels of r,ooo to01

artificial harbour opposite to Calais, on the French coast; burden, and, together with the extensive harbour works, iJ

the South Eastern Railway Company has a terminal station under the supervision of the Dover Harbour Board: the

in Beach street, with a branch to the Admiralty Pier ; the inner dock was enlarged and deepened and reopened for

railway proceeding along the coast towards Folkestone by traffic in July, 1874. The Admiralty Pier, begun in 1847, for

tunnels under Arch cliff, the Shakespeare cliff (133 r yards the purpose of forming a harbour of refuge, extends 1,5so

long) (half a mile south-west from Dover),and underAbbott's feet into the sea and has three landing places on the ea3t and

cliff (1940 yards in length), and the Martello tunnel (766 two on the west side, available for ships of large tnnnage at

yards) near Folkestone. The London, Chatham ancl Dover all times of the tide.

Railway Company has two stations at Dover-one at the Dover is the seat of a large post office establishment and

Priory on the Folkestone road and a terminal station (the of the packet service for Calais and Ostend. The foreign

town and harbour station) in Strond street, with a branch service is performed by the boats of the Belgian Royal Mail

to the Admiralty Pier. Both termini are 78 miles from Lon- Service and the London, Chatham and Dover Railway Com·

don. The railway from Deal to Dover, has a regular service pany: it is also a great telegraph station, holds considerable

~f trains to and from the London, Chatham and Dover and rank as a port and is the grand pilot station of the Cinq\18

South Eastern stations. Dover by road is 71 miles from Ports, with 74 attached pilots, who are employed in the

London, r6 south-east from Canterbury, 46 east from Maid- Channel service under the regulations of the Trinity House.

stone, 21 east from Ashford, 46 east from Tonbridge, 6 The town is supplied with water by the Town Council,

north-east from Folkestone, 9 south-west from Deal and the works being situated on the Castle hill ; the supply, ob-

about 3 miles south-west from the South Foreland, in the taiw~d from deep wells in the chalk, is pumped into tw()

Eastern division of the county, Bewsborough hundred, lathe reservoirs, giving a high and low supply on the constan'

of St. Augustine, ·wingham petty sessional division, rural service system; the water is remarkably pure and free

deanery of Dover and archdeaconry and diocese of Canter- from all traces of organic impurity. The town is wcll

bury. The town is situated in a deep valley or depression drained. The borough is lighted with gas by a company in-

in the chalk hills which forms the bed of the river Dour, corporated in the year 1822; the works were for many years

anciently called "Dubris," and is continued for some miles situated at the back of the marine parade, under th~

into the interior. The Roman road, Watling street, which Shoulder of Mutton field, but in 186o the company obtained

passed over the Barham Downs to Canterbury, in its course powers to increase their capital and to erect new works near

towards tho western part of the kingdom, commenced here the Union Workhoui'le at Buckland, the old site being re-

and another road runs to Richborough. Dover seems, occupied by a larger gas holder: the company has another

from its name, to have been of British origin, but in the gas holder in Russell street, where also arP. the offices, shops

Roman period it was a town called "Portus Dubris:" it and show rooms for stores and burners.

suffered the usual vicissitudes of seaport towns by siege and The Custom House, near the harbour, was built in 1836

invasion, from the time of the Danes dowu to that of Henry and formerly did much business in passing baggage; at

VIII. : its natural situation has always given it importance present, however, the bulk of the luggage is carried throu,oo!J

and 1t has formed for centuries the principal port of depar- by the two railways and cleared in London.

ture from this island to the Continent. Dover is a Cinque The Post Office Submarine Telegraph's steamer, "Lady

Port and comprises, as members, the corporate towns of Carmichael," is stationed here in readiness to repair any of

Faversham, Folkestone and Margate and the parishes of their cables in the Channel and North Sea. .

Birchington, Ville of Wood, St. Peter's and Ringwould. The There were anciently here a great many churches and

town of Dover contains within its parliamentary and muni- ecclesiastical establishments, most of which are now de-

cipal boundaries, which are co-extensive, the parishes of St. molished.

Mary the Virgin and St. James the Apostle, nearly the whole The parish church of St. Mary the Virgin, Cannon street,

of Cbarlton and Buckland, parts of the parishes of Hougham one of the most ancient in the kingdom, is a building of

and Guston, and the parishes of East Cliffe and Dover flint, consisting of chancel, nave of five bays, with aisles of

Castle. The borough returned two members to Parliament e1.1ual width tthe south aisle being somewhat shorter east-

until the passing of the "Redistribution of' Seats Act, r8H5," ward), south porch, and a massive western tower, witb

which reduced the number to one. small leaded spire containing a clock and 8 bells: the lower

The Corporation consists of a mayor, 6 aldermen and stage of the tower, nave, arch and three westernmost bays

eighteen councillors. The town is divided mto three wards of the nave are of Anglo-Saxon date with Norman and

-Castle 'Yard, Town Ward, Pier Ward. The borough has Early English extensions: the two upper stages of the tower

a commission of the Peace. Quarter sessions are held for are Norman and the font is also of this period: in the

the town and liberties in the Town Hall. A Court of church is a memorial tablet to Samuell<'oote, the comedian,

.Admiralty of the Cinque Ports, Dover, Hastings, Sandwich, who died here 20 Oct. 1777, but was buried in Westminster

Rye, Romney and Hythe is also held here. Part of the Abbey: the church was restored and enlarged in 1843• at a.

jurisdiction of the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports was, cost of £7,000: there are r,6so sittings, 1,200 being free.

however, abol:shed by the Act r8 & 19 Vie. cap. 48. The registers date from the year 1557: the two oldest regis-

Dover as a bathing place has the advantage of a fine ters have been curiously restored. The living is a vicarage,

beach with a steep shore, thus at once placing the bathing net yearly value £380; it was formerly in the gift of the

machine in a convenient depth of water: on the Marine parishioners, but the patronage was voluntarily transferred

parade is an establishment for snvplying warm and cold by them August 13th, 1872, to the Archbishop of Canter·
baths. The residences on the East cliff, 1\'Iarinc parade, bury, the Lord Warden and the Lord Lieutenant, as

Waterloo crescent and Esplanade, form, in connection with trustees : the living being wholly unendowed, depends en·

others, a continuous range of imposing buildings, extending tirely on voluntary contributions, and has been held since

a distance of nearly a mile, while Bench street and King 1842 by the Rev. John Pur.:kle M.A. of Brasenose College,

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