ScBooLs:- Infant, erected in zBso, for go children; average 'attend•
ance, 70 : Miss Stephen; mistress
A. School Board of 5 members wa.s formed Jan. 281 1879;
H. Stringer, New Romney, clerk to the board; Henry Jell, Appledore, Lydd, Dungeness & New Romney branch of
Lydd, attendance officer the South Eastern railway, Jas. Hy. Payne, station master
.Board, for 200 children; average attendance, 170; Edgar
Edwards, master ; Mrs. :Fensome, mistress CARRIERS TO :--
Board, Dungeness (transferred to the board in x87g), for AsHFORD-Frederick Turk, tues. tburs. &; sat
6o children; average attendance, 57 ; Miss Phcebe Annie
Stevens, mistress RYE-Loftus Gillett, wed. & sat
Lydd. Burkett Edward, jun. butcher May William, carpenter, 2 Chapel row
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Butler John Theophilus, printer & Mittle Ellen (Miss), shopkeeper
stationer, Post office Paine Sophia (Mrs.), hair dresser &
Bass Edward Thomas, Tourney hall Cole Alfred, carpenter wardrobe dealer
Bevan Richard, Cobbs hall Cole Charles, coal merchant Payne Henry James, station master
Dale Frederic Spencer M.A. [rector & Cole Henry Lording, New inn, & wine Pope Thomas, beer retailer
surrogate], The Rectory & spirit merchant Prescott William, grazier
Denne Mrs. Alured, Underhill, Hythe Cole John, Royal Mail P.H Procter James Cooper, surgeon, admir~
Finn Adolphus Cole & Mittell, blacksmiths alty surgeon & agent, medical officer
Finn Arthur, Westbroke File Wm. farm bailiff to A. Finn esq & public vaccinator, Lydd district,
Finn Edwin, Elm grove Finn Adolphus, auctioneer, valuer, Romney Marsh union & surgeon to
Finn l<'rancis, Hamilton villa farmer, grazier, seed grower, cattle Trinity lighthouse & Coast Brigade
Finn George, Ivy house salesman, agricultural implement Royal artillery, Beach house
Finn Mrs. '\Vestbroke & manureagent, High street Ramsden Rd. mrkt.gardnr.&dairyman
Finn Mrs. George, Prospect house Finn .Arthur, farmer, grazier & seed Ramsden Thomas, beer retailer
Goble Joseph Thomas grower, Westbroke Rayner Stillingfleet, George hotel &
Green Alfred, Rose house Finn Edwin,brewer,maltster & mineral posting house
Hunter JamM (Ordnance store depart- water manufacturer Reeve & !<'inn, auctioneers & valuers,
ment), Sea view Finn Emma (Miss),day schl.Ladson vil land, house & estate agents, High st.;
Leach Rev. William Attfield [Wesleyan] Finn & Green, farmers &c. & High street, Rye S.O. Sussex
Lyons Lieut.-Col. Edmond (command- Finn &Green,steam plough proprietors, Samson Caroline (Mrs.), grazier,Manor '
ant of the Holmstona camp), Com- Westbroke house
mandant house Finn Fredk. farm bailiff to E. Finn esq Samson George, farmer & seed grower
Mansell Mrs Finn George, grazier Samson William, farmer & seed grower
Masters William, Hawthorn house l<'inn-Kelcey & Finn, cattle & stock Sellens Chas. Thos. chemist & stationer
Prescott Miss, Shrubbery house salesmen Selling William, chimney sweeper
Procter James Cooper, Beach house FreathyHenry, shopkeeper Sisley James, shopkeeper
Robins Cyril A. W. B. A. [curate] George Leeds Harriet (Mrs.), farmer Slattery Michael, tailor
Samson George 1 George John Leeds, beer retailer
Smithers Elizabeth (Mrs.), blacksmith
Samson Mrs. Manor house ' Gillett Loftus, carrier Snoad Charles William, builder
Samson William Gillett Henry, thatcher Terry Fk.(exors. of),farmers &graziers
Southerden Mrs Goble Josepb Thomas,farmer & grazier Terry George, bricklayer
Tunbridge Mrs. The Paddock 1 Goble Thomas, baker &miller (wind) Terry Matthew, farmer & seed growf'r
Wootton Frank Ernest, Ness villa Godden & Son, builders & farmers Town Hall & Assembly Rooms (Charles
Young Edward Daniel R.N. (divisional Godfrey George, farmer l<'isher, keeper)
officer, coastguards) Godfrey George, Railway hotel Turk l''rank, carrier
Godfrey: Geo. jun. surveyor & sanitary Turner John C. inland revenue officer
COMMERCIAL. inspctr. to the urban sanitary authrty Vile Bethulia (Miss), dress maker
Alien Charles, grocer & draper Gower Charles Barton, wheelwright Waddell William, watch maker &
Alien George, general dealer Green Robert (exors. of), graziers jeweller, High street _
Alien William, beer retailer Haines John Olive, chimney sweeper Watts Richard, shopkeeper
Anscombe Amon, baker Haines William, carrier &c Weaver Horace, beer retailer
Anscombe Edward Jonah, ironmonger, HaisellJn.Edwin,farm bailiff to Messrs. 'Veaver Jamf's, farmer, South villa o• cr
hardware dealer & general shopkeepr Finn & Green White Charlotte (Mrs.), draper & gr
Austin Richard, shopkeeper Haisell William Jn. builder & contractr Wood Harriet tMrs. ), shopkeeper
Baker James, boot maker & shopkeeper Holland .A. (Mrs. ),lodging house keeper, Wood William & Son, saddlers
Bailey George, boot maker Station road Dungeness.
Bailey Thomas, cowkeeper, West Ripe Hook William Hughes, grocer & draper
Balcomb Jolm, shopkeeper Hughes James, marine store dealer [Letters for Residents marked thus • should
Balcomb Richard, farmer & shopkeeper H utchings John Lewis &; Henry Alfred, be addressed New Romney) ·
Balcomb William,lodging house keeper, drapers & grocers *Bates Graham, dutch consul & shop-
Station road Hutchings John,sec. to Lydd Gas works ke~per, Water house
Ballard Sarah (Mrs.), farmer & registrar of births & deaths forNo. Cody Michael,chief boatman-in-charge,
Bass Charles Edward, farmer & grazier I district, Romney Marsh union No. 3 station
Bass Edward Thomas, farmer, grazier Hynes Joseph M. shopkeeper Douch David, chief boatman-in-charge,
l; seed grower Jackson Emily (Mrs.), day school No. I battery
Belseys James William, coal merchant JarrettElizh. (Mrs. ),furnished aprtmnts Gillett John, fisherman
Bevan Richard L.R.C P.Lond. surgeon,& Jell Benjamin, painter *Herring John, Pilot P.H
medical officer of health to the urban Jell Henry, tailor& school board attend- Jenkins Hy. Thomas, lighthouse keeper
sanitary authority & No. r district, ance officer & parish clerk *Lawrence William, beer retailer
Romney Marsh Tnral sanitary au- Jones Charles & Son, farmers Legge John, chief boatman-in-charge,
thority, Cobbs hall JoTdan James G. boot & shoe maker Lydd station
Bingham George, painter & plumber Kenealy Jane (Mrs.), furnished apart- Mills Thomas, Hope & Anchor P.H
BishoppGeo.farm bailifftoMrs.A.Denne ments & boarding house *Oilier Charles, British Sailor P.H
Blacklocks Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeepr Laslett Thomas William Chas. farmer Oilier Herbert, beer retailer
lUaeklocks Mrs. shopkeeper Leaver George A. grocer & draper Ramsen John, chief boatman-in-charge,
Blaeklocks James, fisherman&; farmer Lording Loftus, farm bailiff to J. No. 2 battery
lnaeklocks John, coal merchant Selmes esq *Ramsey William, Jolly Fisherman P.H
Blacklocks William, farmer, grazier & Mackett John, shopkeeper Richardson Twosigns, fisherman
8eCd grower Mackett 'Ihomas, farmer & grazier Tart Isaac, fisherman
Blacklocks Wm.jun. frmr.& seed growr Marsh Harry, hair dresser *Tart Richard, fisherman
Brett Stephen, butcher & farmer Marshall Ellen (Mrs.), furnished apart- *Tart Robert, fisherman
Brown Alfred, painter & plumber ments, Station road Tart William, fisherman
Browne William Healy, Dolphin P.H Martin Wm. builder & armycontra<'tor Trebbel John & George, fishermen
Burgess George, farm bailiff to William Maynard Henry Richard, general furn- Williams James, chief officer·in-charge,
Blacklocks esq. Denge Marsh cour~ ishing ironmonger, Cannon street The Grand redout I
LYDDEN (or LIDDEN) is a village and parish, situated on way, which traverses the parish, in part through a tunnel
the road from Dover to Canterbury, in a valley between the one mile and a half long: the parish is in the Eastern division
chalk hills, which. rise boldly to a considerable height on of the county, Bewsborough, Folkestone and Kinghamford
each side of it and towards the north are open and uninclosed, hundreds, lathes of St. Augustine and Shepway, Wingham
S miles north-west from Dover and lill north-west from petty sessional division, Dover union and county court district
Kearsney station on the London, Cha.tbam and Dover rail~ and in the rural deanery of Dover and archdeaconry a.nd
dioceee of Canterbury. The church of St. Mary is a small and landowners are the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, William''
unpretending structure of flint, in the Early English style, Hale Willats esq. J.P. of Deuton Court, Canterbury and
restored in x868-6g'at a cost of £8oo, and consists of chancel Messrs. Thomas and George <Joleman, The soil is chalk ;
and nave, south porch and a low western tower, containing subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat. The area is
one bell: there are 132 sittings. The register dates from 1,444 acres; rateable value, .[,r,3I7; the population in I88x
the year 1540. The living is a vicarage, commuted value of was 203. Letters through
tithe rent-charge ,£224, with residence and ~~acres of glebe, Parish Clerk, Michael Fox.
in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since
1865 by the Rev. John Larking Latham M.A. of Worcester PosT 0FFICE.-Edwin Golder, receiver.
College, Oxford. Considerable springs rise here, which, Dover arrive at 6.20 a. m. ; dispatched at 7.30 p.m. Ewell
after a ]ong underground course, fall into the sea between is the nearest money order & telegraph office
Dover and Folkestone, under the name of "Lydden Spout." National School (mixed), built in 187o, for about 40 child-
The Earl of Radnor is lord of the manor. The principal ren; average attendance, 35; Miss Elizabeth Plumb, mist
Coleman Misses 1 Goldfinch Henry, Bell P.H Hogben Philip,farmer,Wickham bushes
Hogben Richard, farmer
LathamRev.John Larking M. A. Vicarage Godden Susannah (Mrs.) & Leonard, Prebble John, farmer
Woodland Henry, farmer
Broadley Thomas Egerton, farmer, Golder Edwin, beer retailer & shop-
Swanton court keeper, Post office
LYMINGE (or LIMINGE) is an extensive parish and small workhouse, built in 1835, is situated at Etching Hill, in this
village, 4 miles north from Westenhanger station on the parish, and is available for 346 inmates ; particulars are
South Eastern railway, with a station on the Elham Valley given under Elham. The manor, which originally formed
railway, 73 miles from London, 5 north from Hythe, 6 north- the endowment of the Benedictine monastery and nunnery
west from :Folkestone and 13 from Canterbury, in the Eastern of Lyminge (founded by St. Ethelburga, daughter of King
division of the county, Loning-borough hundred, lathe of Ethelbert, in 633), became a part of the estate of the arch-
Shepway, Elham union and petty sessional division, Hythe bishops and was held by them from g65 till 1546, when
county court district, Elham rural deanery and Canterbury Archbishop Cranmer surrendered it to the crowp ; the original
archdeaconry and diocese. One of the principal branches act of surrender of the advowson with the archbishop's signa-
of the Little Stour rises near the church, from a spring tore is now in the British Museum : it has since, through
called St. Eadburg's well. The church of SS. Mary and various possessors, passed to Lord Loughborough and is
Eadburga is a building of stone of various periods, consist- now held by Messrs. G. Foord-Kelcey and F. Finn-Kelcey.
ing of chancel, nave, north aisle and an embattled western The principal landowners are W. E. Sawbridge-Erle-
tower, containing a clock and 6 bells: the chancel and south Drax esq of Holnest Park, Dorset, Mrs. Honywood, of
wall of the nave were built by St. Dunstan in 965 out of the Marks Hall, Essex, Messrs. H. and T. Rigden and Alexander
ruins of the Basilica! church, founded by St. Ethelburga (or Mackinnon esq. and Messrs. F. Finn-Kelcey and G. Foord-
Eadbnrg) in 633, the apsidal foundations of which still Kelcey. The land through the valley, which extends from
remain; these are believed by Roman archreologists to be Etching Hill towards Canterbury, is of great fertility, but
portions of the villa given t.o Ethelburga by her brother on the hills the soil is light and poor; the latter consists ·
Eadbald and to belong to the early part of the 5th century: of a ferruginous red earth, with subsoil of chalk ; a great
all the sittings in the church are free. The register of births, portion is grazing, with upwards of 1,000 acres of woodland.
which dates from 1544 and that of burials, which dates from The chief crops are grass and grain and roots in rotation,
1.<;38, are now in the .British Museum; the register of mar- The area is 4,505 acres; rateable value, £4.137 ; the popula~
riages dates from 1665. The living is a rectory and vicarage, tion in 1881 was 854, inclusive of 212 in the workhouse.
with the chapelry of Paddlesworth annexed, joint average ETCHING HILL, through which there is a cutting on the
tithe rent-charge £68g, with 34 acres of glebe, joint gross Elham Valley line 8o feet deep, is 1 mile south-east; BROAD
yearly value £8so, with residence, in the gift of Arthur STREET, a. quarter of a mile south; SIBTON, half a mile north-
Miller esq. of Leatherhead, Surrey, and held since 1854 by west; LONGAGE, 1mile north-west; WooDLANDS, half a mile
the Rev. Robert Charles Jenkins M. A. of Trinity College, west; RHODES MINNIS, 2 miles north-west; SHUTTLESFIELD,
Cambridge, honorary canon of Canterbury and hon. curator 1~ miles east; HEMPSTEAD, 2 miles west.
of the library of Lambeth Palace. The Wesleyan chapel, Sexton, Albert Tanton.
built in 185o, seats 250 persons. Timothy Bedingfield esq. PosT 0FFICE.-Thomas Kemp, receiver. Letters arrive
of Dymchurch, left lands at Lyminge and St. Mary's, from Hythe at 8 a.m.; dispatched at 5.40 p.m; sundays
Romney Marsh, now of the value of £160 yearly, for educat- arrive 8 a.m.; dispatched at 10.40 a. m. Nearest money
ing poor boys of the parishes of Lyminge, Smeeth and order office Elham & telegraph office at Lyminge station.
Dymchurch, belonging to the Church of England, whose Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
parents are not receiving parochial relief and for apprenticing WALL LETTER Box, Etching Hill, collected at 6.10 J;>.m. i
them to various trades; under a scheme of the Charity sundays, 11.10 a.. m
Commissioners this fund is administered by a governing County Police, Etching Hill, John Thos. Marshal!, constable
body consisting of the rectors of the parishes and elected Nationa] School (mixed), built in 1849 & enlarged in 1885,
representatives. William Kingsford, of Lyminge, left £1o for 152 children; average attendance, 8o; Wm. Stroud~
yearly for educational purposes, to be divided between this master ; Mrs. Stroud, mistress
parish and that of Paddlesworth; and Stephen Kelcey -esq. Railway Station, George Henry Llong, station master
also of Lyminge, a bequest for bread to be distributed annu- CARRIER.-John Longhurst, from his house to Canterbury.
ally to the poor attending the church. The Elham unim sat. 9 a. m. & to Folkestone wed. 9 a. m. returning same daf
Claris John, Stone street Finn-Kelcey Stephen, farmer & grazier, Laker George, wheelwright & black-
Finn-Kelcey Francis, Prospect house Prospect house smith, Rhodes minnis
Francis Leonard, The Mills Flowers Edward Warwick, Gate P.H. Lawrence Isaac,New inn, Etching hill
Hawkins Rev. Benjamin E.[Wesleyan], & farmer, Rhodes mianis Lightfoot John, boot maker
Mount Pleasant Fordred William, grazier Longhurst John, carrier
Hogben William, Lynden hall French Hy. beer retailer, Rhodes minnis Mills Edward, Ark inn, Etching hill
.Tenkins Rev. Robert Charles M.A.. [hon. Hogben John, farmer & blacksmith, Peett George Edward, baker & grocer
canon of Canterbury & hon. curator Woodlands Richards Thomas, farmer, Lye court
of the Library of Lambeth palace], Hogben John Harold, huildr. Myrtle vil Rigden Henry, farmer & grazier, Broac\
Rectory . Hogben Maria (Miss), dress maker Street house
Rigden Henry, Broad Street house Hogben Richd.carpentr.Watercress frm Rigden Thomas, farmer & grazier{,
Rigden Thomas, Etching Hill house Hogben Thomas, farmer, Shuttlesfield Etching Hill house
Higden Thomas Henry, Broad Street ho Hogben Wm. Lepine, grocer & butcher RigdenThomasHenry,farmer &grazier.'
Walker Mrs. Joseph, Sibton house Iden William, farmer Robus farm
Jacob Robert, farmer, ~keet farm
Rolfe Henry, miller (wind) & baker;
COMMERCIAL. Johnson John, shopkeeper, Etching hill picnic parties supplied; cakes &c.1
Baldock Henry, farmer, Hempstead Kemp Thomas, shoe maker, Post office made to order; discount given for
Broadley Jn. & Alfd. farmers, Longa.ge Kingsmill Comfort, relieving, vaccina- cash on flour
Bushel! Charles, Coach & Horses P.B tion, school inquiry & attendance Smith Henry, farmer, Shuttlesfield
Daniels Henry, farmer officer, rst district, Elham union Sugden Henry J<'rank, vet. surgeon
LYMPNE is a parish and small village, situated on the Hythe county court district and in the rural deanery of
scarp of the hills, on the road from HythA to Aldington, North Lympne and archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbu-ry.
about 3 miles west from Hythe, a mile and a half south This place took its name from the ancient river Limene,1
from Westenhanger station on the South Eastern railway which once ran close to the place and formed, in the time of ,
and 78 horn London, in the Eastern division of the county, the Romans a commodious port, then called PlYrtus LemmaisJ
Street hundred, ]a.the of Shepway, partly in the 1iberty of The church of St. Stephen, situated at the south-east eometor
Romney Marsh, Elham petty sessional division and union, of the village, is a building of flint stone, in theNorman andl
Early English styles, consisting of chancel, nave, north lands at Lympne upon Lady day. Mr. Valentine Nott, by
aisle, north porch and a plain but massive tower, standing his last will about the year 1614, gave an annuity of 8s.
between the chancel and nave and containing 5 bells : the yearly to the poor of Lympne, to be distributed to them
nave is separated from the aisle by two rude Early English for ever upon Christmas day; to be paid out of land'l at
arches: the chancel arch is semi-circular and has a smaller Bonnington. Mr. John White, by his last will dated 1616,
Pointed arch on either side ; the chancel retains a piscina: gave to the poor of Lympne an annuity of xos. yearly, out
the church was thoroughly restored at a cost of about of certain lands in Lympne and Saltwood, to be always paid
£,2,000 in 1876-8, and in October, 1885, a reredos of Caen at Shrove-tide. Mr. William Hayman, by deed 22 James I.
stone, with dark marble shafts and gold mosaic panels, was (1624), ga,•e a sixth part of the rent of 27 acres of marsh
erected at a cost of £.130 2s. 3d.: the churchyard is exten- land in Warehorne, to three poor householders of Lympne
sive, and is wholly on the north 8ide: there are 240 sittings. and Sellindge; to be paid unto them half-yearly or rather
The register dates from the year 1618. The living is a quarterly for ever: two of the said poor householders to be
vicarage, with that of West Hythe annexed, tithe rent- always of that parish, either of Lympne or Sellindge, which
charge (Lympne) £239, with 8 acres of glebe, joint net shall be most burdened with poor. Shepway Cross is •
yearly value £300, with residence, in the gift of the Arch- recorded by Hasted as formerly a place of such importance
deacon of Canterbury, and held since 1882 by the Rev. as to give its name to the whole lathe: here also the Lord
Henry Brydges Biron B.A. of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Wardens of the Cinque Ports were anciently sworn into
Charities: John Finch, gentleman, by his last will dated ' office. In Lympne are the ruins of Studfall Castle, which
Sept. 19, 1705, gave the twenty-fourth part of 16o acres of once covered or inclosed 10 acres of ground: the fragments
marsh land in Eastbridge, to the minister and church- of the walls still remaining show it to have been a fortress
wardens of Lympne (1.) to pay 2os. yearly to the minister of great strength: the ruins of the castle and some Roman
of Lympne to preach a sermon yearly in the parish church remains are on the estate of Robert Bartholomew Lawes esq.
of Lympne upon the day of his burial, which was Feb. 7, n.L., J".P. of Old Park, Dover. Col. Herbert George Deedes
1707; the remainder of the rent to be distributed to five J".P. of Saltwood Castle, is lord of the manor. The prin-
poor people of the parish of Lympne, being members of the 1 cipallandowners are Sir John William Honywood bart. J.P.
Church of England, who have never received relief of any I of Evington Place, Elmsted, Francis Drake Brockman esq.
parish whatsoever-one part on the Sunday after Christ- J".P. of llenchborough, Newington, Hythe, R. ll. Lawes esq.
mas, the other part on the day of his burial, and the n.L., J.P. Tom Nwkalls esq. E. Conant esq. H. Paine esq.
charity to be forfeited if not punctually observed: (2.) a and the Rev. M. H. S. Champneys M.A. rector of Epper-
sixth part of the same land, after the death of Mrs .. stone, Notts. The soil is light; subsoil, limestone. The
Catherine Hayman, to the minister, churchwardens and chief crops are wheat, oats, barley, beans and roots. The
overseers of Lympne and Eastbridge, two-thirds of the area is 2,663 acres; rateable value, £3,916; the population
profits to six poor people of the parish of Lympne, qualified in x881 was 549·
as before mentioned, to be paid at. the sa~e times: (3.) COURT-AT-STREET is an insignificant straggling hamlet in
~thhruerec-hfifatnhsd of 43 acres of marsh olafnldanmdsEcaasltlberdid·g~ Ce oawndlaN:nedws"- I this parish 2 miles north-west and derived its name from
three twenty-fifths the Street,' or Via Strata of the Romans, which led from
m Newchurch, afte.r t~e death o~ Mrs. Mary Chiswell, m the Canterbury to Studfall Castle. At a short distance are the
same trust, to be distnbuted to eight poo; people of Lympne, ruins of a chapel, commonly called the Chapel of our Lady
as before: (4.) x6 acre~ of ma~sh.land 1~ W~rehorne, after of Court-at-Street which was visited by the pilgrims from
the death of Joyce Gc1hbrisosnt~, nhedis executrix (m case Joyce Ca;atreirsbhuCryl~rk, '
Gibson leave no is.sue by the name of Finch), in James Stonham.
the same trust, Warehorne mcluded, one-half of the re.nf:S to Deput Parish Clerk Robert Rolfe.
the poor obfyLhyims plnaestanwdilWl, adraetheodrn1es,saos, before. Mr. WJlham Y '.
Fodred, gave to the poor of Letters arrive from
PosT 0FFICE.-Thomas. Rolfe, receiver.
Lympne about the seventh part of the rent of 25 acres of Hythe at 7 a.m. ; d.rspatched at 7 p.m. The nearest
land in St. Mary's, in Romney Marsh, to be always distri- money order office lS at Hythe & telegraph office at
buted yearly on Christmas day. Mr. William Pantry, by Stanford
his last will, dated 1587, gave to the poor of Lympne an 1 National School (mixed), built in 1872, for 100 children;
annuity of IOS. yearly for ever, to be paid out of certain 1 average attendance, 8o; Edward Cooper, master
Biron Rev. Hy. Brydges B.A. Vicarage Herring Christopher, farm bailiff to Ovenden Waiter, farm bailiff to Bedo
Blaxland Arthur, Berwick manor Rev. M. H. S. Champneys, Great & Hobbs e5q. Cold Harbour
Kennett Thomas, Berwick house Little Otterpool farms PiddockThs.farm bailiff toJas. Watts esq
Nickalls Tom, Bellevne Hoile John George, veterinary surgeon Pitkin Frederick, butcher
Idenden William, carpenter & wheel- Stonham Jas. farmer,Court Lodge farm
COMMERCIAL. wright Strange Waiter, County Members P.H
Blaxland Arthur, farmer, Berwick 1 Johnson William, farmer, Brent's farm Taylor Est her (Mrs.), beer retailer,
BrooksThos.blacksmith,Court-at-Street 1Jones Thomas, grazier, Hollybush farm Court-at-Street
Brooks Thomas, jun. blacksmith ~Iallion Robert, farm bailiff to Tom Taylor Wm. grocer, Court-at-Street
Casey Frances (Mrs.), baker & coal Nickalls esq. Cliffe house Tibbles James, thrashing machine ownr
dealer, Newin green Maylam William, miller (wind) Uden William, farmer, Court-at-Street
Cheesman John, farmer, Newin green Mitchell James, grocer Wood Thomas, farmer, cattle salesman
Dorman Henry, farmer, Coombe farm Newman Thomas, farmer, Berwick & hop grower, Manor farm, Court-
Harvey Thomas, farmer, Oathill farm Offen William, farmer, Court-at-Street at-Street
iLYNSTED (or LYNSTEAD or LINSTED) is a parish and I effigies, to Elizabeth (Parke), wife of John Rooper, c. 1570,
large village,~ miles south-east from Sittingbourne, a mile with 3 children; and to John Worley gent. of Skuddington-
and a half south-west from Teynham railway station on the in-Tonge, ob. 1621, and Alice, his wife, as well as a
London, Chatham and Dover railway, in the North Eastern memorial to the Right Hon. Sir Edward Knatchbull bart.
division of the county, Teynham hundred, lathe of Scray, who died 24 May, 1849, having previously inherited the
Faversham petty sessional division, union and coWlty court Hugessen property : in the south chapel are various
district and in the rural deanery of Ospringe and arch- sumptuous monuments of the Ropers aad an oblong
deaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The church of SS. piscina: the east window is very large and was filled with
Peter and Paul is a structure of flint in the Decorated and stained glass by the vicar, as a memorial to his daughter:
Perpendicular styles and consists of chancel, with two there is also a memorial window, erected by Lieut.-Col.
chapels, belonging respectively to the Teynham and the C. J. Roper Tyler, a descendant of the Teynham family:
Hugessen families, nave, aisles, south porch and a tower at there are 450 sittings, 250 being free. The register of
the west end of the north aisle, with a belfry storey and spire baptisms dates from the 1693; marri<1ges and burials, 1654
and containing a clock and 5 bells: the nave and aisles are The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £344, tithe rent-
lofty and wide: the south arcade has three arches on tall charge £278, with three acres of glebe and residence, in the
octagonal columns ; on the north side the tower occupies gift of the Archdeacon of Canterbury, and held since 1839
the western bay, witll arches opening both to the nave and by the Rev. John Hamilton M.A. of Brasenose College,
aisle ; the remaining portion eastward has two arches, also Oxford. The market is discontinued. Lynsted Lodge, the
on octagonal piers: the chancel is divided from the north seat of Sir Roper Lethbridge M.A., M.P., K.C.I.E. is 1 mile
chapel by two arches on a square pier and is inclosed on this south-east. Dadmans is the residence of Herbert Thomas
side by a stone screen and on the other by a screen of wood, Knatchbull-Hugessen esq. M.A., M.P. ; Aymers, of Captain
within an arcade of two arches; the projection of the rood Thomas William Vallance M.A., J.P. Philip Barling esq.
loft stair is seen on the north: the chapels contain several Lieut.-Col. Charles John Roper Tyler J.P. and Capt. T. W.
handsome monuments, dated 1618 and 1622, to the family Vallance M.A., J.P. are the chief landowners. The soil is
of Teynha.m, and others, dated 1634 and t646, to that of brick earth; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are fruit, hops
Hugessen; there is also a beautiful monument to Catherine and wheat. The area is 1,826 acres; rateable value, £7,129;
(Finch), 2nd wife of Sir Drue Drurye knt. usher of the privy in 1881 the population was 1,284.
chamber to Queen Elizabeth, ob. 16o1, and brasses, with DEDMAN {or Dadmans) is three-:}uarters of a mile south.
GREEN STREET is a large village tl miles north, partly in & 2.30 p.m. ; dispatched at g.20 a.m. & 6.40 p.m. The
this parish and partly in Teynham, on the road from nearest money order office is at Green Street, Teynham
Sittingbourne to Dover, which divides the parishes. A School Board of 5 members was formed in I874; A.
St. Andrew's, a chapel of ease to Teynham, situated Tassel!, Faversham, clerk to the board ; Sergeant-Major
here, is a building of brick, consisting of chancel and na,·e, Thomas Smith, attendance officer
and has 320 sittings. There are Wesleyan and Bible Board School (mixed), built in I877, for 200 children;
Christ-ian chapels. average attendance, I70; Mr. Ackermann, master; Mrs.
Parish Clerk, Thomas Back. Ackermann, mistress
PosT & T. 0. Lynsted street.-Robert Busbridge, post- CARRIER.-George Shepherd passes through from London
master. Letters through Sittingbourne arrive at 7 a.m. to Faversham, tues. thurs. & sat
Lynsted. Trigg James, carman tGeorge Abl'aham, beer retailer
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Green Street. tGeorge Stephen, builder
• Barling Philip, Nouds [Names marked thus t are in the parish tGreen Street Co-operative Society
Barling The Misses, Tickham
of Teynham.J Limited (William A. Lavers, sec)
Castle Rev. Joseph B.A. [curate] Aldrick Thomas Hills Robert, shopkeeper
Court Valentine, The Greys Everest. Rev. John George [curate of Homewood Jas. T. Dover Castle P.H
Hamilton Rev. John 1\:LA. Vicarage Teynham] tJarrett Benjamin, shopkeeper
Honeyball Frank, Mount house French James Johnson .Jethrow, corn dealer
Honeyball :Frederick Thomas, Mount ho tGeorge Stephen, jun Kain Robert, tailor
Knatchbull-Hugessen Herbert Thomas J Keeler Miss Keeler Emma (Miss), preparatory schl
M.P., M.A. Dadmans ; & Carlton, Lees William Kemp William J. saddler & harness ma
JuniorCarlton & Constitutional clubs, Millen Albert Littler Albert, insurance .agent
London s w Millen Edward Charles, Claxfield house Marvell Herbert Sam. shopkeeper
Lethbridg-e Sir Roper x.c.S.I.,M.P.,M.A. Prest William Chalk Millen Albert, farmer & fruit dealer
Lynsted lodge ; & Carlton clubs w & tSelby Prideaux George, Breeson house Millen George, shopkeeper
CI.ty CarIton ClUb E C, L Ondon Nix Edwin, shopkeeper
Mercer Robert 1\'Iontague, Batteries COMMERCIAL. tPark Louisa (Mrs.), grocer
Stevens Mrs tAalon Roaf, hair dresser tPay Edward, shopkeeper
Tyler Lieut.-Col. Charles John Roper tAldrick Thomas, coach builder tPunnett Jane (Mrs.), watch maker
BAaursktienr Funr~.a.1n1~.caism,, stationer tRayG& Co. flfolris·ts & seedsmen
Va.Jli.Pa.ncLeoyCtaeprtt.onThomas William M.A., Ray eorge, ortst
.J.P. Aymers ~eengrocer tRayner Benjamin Nutt, grocer
' Brooks Wdham, George P.H tRead Wm. Jas. grocer, & post office
COMMERCIAL. tBurnett Henry, beer retailer Saloin Philip, butcher
Busbridge Robert, smith & farrier
Back Thomas, builder &c Chambers Andrew, shopkeeper tSelby Prideaux George L.R.C.P.Lond.
physician & surgeon, & medical officer
Busbridge Robt. shopkeeper, Post office tCheesman John, boot maker
Champion William Harrison & Son, Cheesman William, boot & shoe maker & public vaccinator for the 4th
farmers, Colyers farm tCheesman William, blacksmith Faversham district, Breeson house
Champion William Harrison, miller Corbett Alfred, baker Shepherd George, shopkeeper
(steam, wind & water) Court Frederick, tailor Silver Charles, smith & farrier
Dence John, carman tCOZENS ARTHUR GRANT, grocer, tStedman Waiter, chemist
Dence Miss, dress maker, Lynsted lane provision merchant, draper, milliner Swan Charles, shopkeeper
Dixon Roper, farmer, Cambridge house & outfitter Thomas John, potato merchant
Gardener Robert, Fox Hunters P.H tCrippin William Hills, builder tThomas John Henry, draper
KillickSarah(Mrs. ),seminary,Lynsted la tCullen William, plumber ' tTown William, Fox inn
Marshall George, dairyman, Lynsted la tDuncan James, shoe maker Trigg & Son, chimney sweepers
Mercer Rbt.Montague, farmer,Batteries Everett Thomas, market gardener Trigg l"rederick, Swan P.H
Millen Edward Charles, hay dealer, J<'ilmer George Alfred, butcher tTrigg Thomas, boot maker
Claxfield house French James, farmer Trigg Wm. shopkeeper & coach painter
Rye Edward, <:arpenter & wood turner tGambell James, baker Walker William, insurance agent
Smith George Alfred, grocer & draper, tGeorge Stephen, jun. registrar of Watts James, ironmonger
Lynsted street births & deaths for the Teynham dis- tWildish Fredk. Chas. & John, builders
Smith Hy. Black Lion P.H. Lynsted st trict, & collector of assessed land & 1Wilkins William, butcher
Smith James, farmer & fruiterer I income taxes
l\1 A 1 D S 1' 0 N E ..
MAIDSTONE is a municipal and parliamentary borough, the by a substantial bridge (available also for foot passengers)
assize town of Kent and the capital of the Mid division of the to a station at the north-west end of Week street opposite
county, as well as a polling place and election centre for that the prison and a short distance from the centre of the townf
division, being also the head of a hundred, union and an extension of this line, 18l miles in length, was opened in
county court district, in the lathe of Aylesford, rural deanery July, I884, to Ashford. A bridge over the, Medway to re•
of Sutton, archdeaconry of :Maidstone and diocese of Canter- place an older structure was built in I878-g ; the abut-
bury: it is pleasantly situated on a gentle declivity at the ments, piers and arch stones, cornice and coping are of
foot of a range of chalk hills, on the eastern bank of the granite, and the spandrils, wing walls and parapets of
river Medway and on the London and Ashford highway and Kentish rag; it consists of three fiat segmental arches,
is by road 34 miles from London, 27 west from Canterbury, the span of the centre arch being 54 feet 6 inches and that
33! north-west from Rye, 18 east from Sevenoaks, 8 @outh of each of the side arches 47 feet 6 inches: the total width
from Rochester and Chatham, I 1 south-west from Sitting- of the bridge between the parapets is 40 feet and is bronghfi
bourne, 18 north-west from Tenterden and IS east-by-north- more nearly into a line with the High street than was the'
east from Tonbridge and by railway 43 from London, Io old bridge. The town is governed by a mayor, six alder-
from Paddock Wood junction, 32 from Asbford, 46 from men and eighteen town councillors and is divided into fonr
Canterbury, 52 from Dover, 47 from Folkestone, 66 from wards; it has separate quarter sessions, at which a recorder,
Margate, 62 from Ramsgate, I2 from Strood and 20 from elected by the Corporation, presides ; these courts are held
Tunbridge Wells. The South Eastern Railway Company in the Town Hall, where also the borough magistrates hold
has two stations here, one of which, opened in I874, is called their petty sessions. The Corporation are the Urban Sani-
the Maidstone Barracks station; this line communicates tary Authority. The Local Government Act, 1858,
southwards with the main line at Paddock Wood junction was adopted by the borough Feb. 20, I866. The town is
and northwards via Strood with the North Kent section at lighted with gas by a company formed in I823, whose works
Gravesend, London being reached by e1ther route in about are situated in St. Peter street, West Borough, and wateris
2 hours; a short branch to Tovil, constructed in I886 by supplied partly by pumping and partly by gravitation from
the South Eastern Company, crosses the Medway by an works situated at East Farteigh, the property of the Water
iron bridge, and is used only for goods traffic in connection Works Company, established in I 86o. The reservoirs are •'
with the mills at Tovil; the London, Ohatham and Dover Barming and Boarley, in the parish of Boxley, their stora&"8
Railway C<>mpany affords communication with this town by capacity being 500,000 and 200,000 gallons respectively.
a line from :Swanley junction vi~\ Sevenoaks, opened for A complete system of drainage was carried out in t878.
traffic on theIst of June, 1:874, which crosses the Medway The town was incorporated by Edward VI. in 1549, bm
disfranchised by Queen Mary for the part it took in Sir building in the Geometrical Gothic style, consistin~ of chan-
Thomas Wyatt's insurrection m 1554. The town was again eel, nave, north porch and a western turret containing 2
incorporared by Queen Elizabeth and subsequently by bells, and has been endowed by the Earl of Romney and the
George II. in 1748, and under the Municipal Corporations Ecclesiastical Commissioners : a vestry and organ loft were
Act, 1835• it was divided into four wards: Queen Eliza- added in 1885: there are 200 sittings. The register dates
beth granted the privilege of sending two members to par- from the year 1862. The living is a vicarage, net yearly
liament, which it enjoyed until the passing of the Redis- value £"250, with residence, in the gift of trustees, and held
tribution of Seats Act, 1885, which reduced the num- since 1890 by the Rev. Robert Edward Spencer, of St.
ber to one. The parliamentary borough does not under , Aidan's. The vicarage house was built in 1875. The area
this .Act include the hamlet of LoDDINGTON, a detached por- is 1,200 acres; the popula1.ion in 1881 was 439·
tion of Maidstone parish, beyond the municipal limits. I St. Michael and .All Angels was formed into an ecclesiastical
During the Civil war Maidstone sided with the King and in parish from that of St. Peter, by Order in Council, July 2oth,
1648 held out for some time against the P:uliamentary 1877: the church, in Tonbridge road, is a building of Kentish
forces, but was e\·entually stormed and taken by Fairfax. ragstone, in the Decorated style, from designs by Sir A. W.
The parish church of All Saints', formerly belonging to Blomfield M.A., R.A. architect, of London, and consists of
the college founded here by Archbishop Courtenay, is an edi- chancel, nave of four bays, transepts, aisles and an embattled
flee of stone in the Perpendicular style, anrl consists of large north-west tower, 74 feet high, containing obells and a clock :
chancel with ais1es, clerestoried nave, aisles and an embattled there are 580 sittings. all being free. The register dates
tower on the south side of the nave containing a clock and 1 o from the year 1876. The living is a vicarage, net yearly
bells, the lower stage of the tower forming a porch: the in- 1 .ralue £"300, with residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of
terior is very light and beautiful, and its proportions are Canterbury, and held since 1882 by the Rev. George Bohun
unusually fine: the nave is separated from the aisles by Coulcher M.A. of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge. The
arcades of six arches on each side, on moulded pier!!, and population in 1881 was 5,772.
the chancel from its aisles by similar arcades of three arches, In connection with S. Michael's church are two Mission
the clerestory being continued along the nave and chancel: buildings, one in Milton street, erecred in 1885, and sittings
in the chancel are several stalls with misereres, and sed ilia 1 for 250 people and another in Queen's road, purchased from
and a piscina, both surmounted by elaborate canopies; and I t h e Congregationalists in 188g, and seating So persons.
on the south side is a beautiful monumental chapel, with rich 'rhe ecclesiastical parish of St. Paul was formed .April
tabernacle work and canopied arches; parts of it retain 1861, out of that of Holy Trinity: the church, in Perryfield,
traces of painting and gilding, and within it stands an altar I the foundation stone of which was laid in October, 1859,
tomb with panelled sides: north of the chancel is some is a building of stone, in the Gothic style of the 14th
wood scrP.en work, and there are also several brasses of the I century, and consists of chancel, nave of four bays, aisles,
17th century and traces of one formerly existing to Arch- I south porch and a tower on the north side with pinnacles and
bishop Courtenay ob. 1396: the chancel, erected by him, eontaining one bell : the church was built by subscription at
dates from 1395, the nave is probably later: the l·hurch was a cost of upwards of £"5,000, and will seat 802 persons, 423
restored and fitted with open seats in 1844 and in 1871 the sittings being free. The register dates from the year 1861.
east window was enlarged and filled with stained glass: in Ttle living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge £22, net yearly
1885-6 the interior was restored at a cost of nearly£ u,ooo,in- value £340, with residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of
eluding new oak roofs, enriched with moulding and carving, Canterbury, and held since 1887by the Rev, Samuel William
and the erection of an organ chamber: the church was re- Oarwin l<'ox M.A. of Wad ham College, Oxford. The area is
opened by the Archbishop of Canterbury on February 23rd, 499 acres; the population in 1881 was 7,040.
1886: a memorial window to the Messrs. Hollingworth was St. Luke's :Free Mission church, Wheeler street, was
erected in 18go: the steeple was destroyed by lightning in erected in 1886 at a cost of £r.2oo and will seat 350. The
1730 and has not been rebuilt: there are about 2,000 sittings. services are conducted by the clergy of St. Paul's.
The register dates from the year 1509. The living was de- ~t. Peter's church, West Borou~h, formerly the chapel of
clared a v:icarage August 14, 1866, yearly value from tithe the hospital of St. Peter and St. Paul, founded by Boniface,
rent-charge £so7, net £362, with residence, in the gift of Archbishop of Canterbury, in 1244, and known as the PH-
the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since 1883 by the grims' chapel, was recovered from desecration, restored and
Rev. Edwin Francis Dyke M. A. of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, enlarged in 1836, and had a district assigued to it December
and rural dean of Sutton. On the south side of the church- 22nd, 1840; it consists of nave and two small transepts, and
yard are the remains of the College, a Perpendicular work, in 1859 was reseated with open seats and furnished with a
of which considerable portions remain, including an embat- stone pulpit: there are sittings for g6o persons, &f which So
tled gareway tower with two entrances : a portion of the are free. The register dates from the year 1840. The living
premises are occupied. On the north side of the church- is a vicarage, net yearly value £250, derived from pew rents
yard, and close to the river Medway, stands the ancient and fees, with re~idence, in the gift of the Archbi~hop of
archiepiscopal palace, a fine old stone building of the Eliza- Canterbury, and held since 1889 by the Rev. Henry Howard
bethan period, with large square mullioned windows and Letchworth M.A.. of Oriel College, Oxford. The population
dormers in the roof: opposite to 1t i'l an ancient barn. in r88r was 1,848.
The ecclesias1ical parish of Holy Trinity was formed June The ecclesiastical parish of St. Philip, Kingsley, was
1st, 1841; the church, erected in 1826 and consecrated in formed April 16th, 1861, out of All Saints parish: the
1828, is a large but plain building of stone, in the Classic style, church, consecrated in 185~, is a stone building, in the Early
and consists of qua.~i-chancel (formed by inclosing a part of English style, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle,
the east end), nave, aisles, west porch and a western western porch and a tower on the north side with spire and
tower with lofty spire and containing one bell: the church containing a striking clock and one bell weighing 10 cwt.:
"Was l'flseated in 1877 and nearly £s,ooo has been spent the aisle was added and a new pulpit erected in 1869, chiefly
during the past few years upon improving the edifice : there through the munificence of J. Brenchley and W. Peale esqrs.:
are 1,450 sittings, 8oo being free. The military stationed the chancel was built in 1878 by Messrs. Thomas aud John
in Maidstone attend thi~ church. The register dates from Hollingworth, of Turkey Court, in memory of deceased
the year 1842. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value members of their family, and the tower and spire were
£Joo, with residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canter- erected at the same time by public subscription, augmented
bury, and held since r887 by the Rev. Henry Maxwell by a donation from Messrs. Hollingworth: the church has
Spooner M.A. late fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. The about sso sittings, of which 236 are free. The register dates
population in 1881 was 4,938. from the year 1858. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly
The ecclesiastical parish of St. Faith was forme1 August income £311, chiefly contributed by the Ecclesiastical Com-
Ist, 1871, out of the parish of Holy Trinity : the church, in missioners, with residence, in the gift of the Vica.r of Maid-
Station road, consecrated in 1872, is a stone building in the stone, and held since 1862 by the Rev. Henry Collis M.A. of
Early English style, from designs by Mr. E. W. Stephens, Caius College, Cambridge. T 11e area is 158 acres ; the popu-
architect, of Maidstone: in the years 1881-2 the unfinished lation iu 1.88r wa.s 2, 728.
portion of the church was completed, and it now consists of The Catholic chapel, deiicated to St. Francis, Week street,
chancel, nave, aisles and a tower on the south side, 88 feet erected in 188o, is a small building of red brick, with stone
high, with pinnacles and containing one bell and a striking dresSings, in the Gothic style ; the old chap~! is now used as
clock with three dials: there are sittings for 650 persons, schools. Providence Calvinistic Baptist chapel, Mote road,
The register dates from the year r872. The living is a built in 1820, will seat 250 persons; Bethel Baptist chapel,
vicarage, net yearly value £goo, with residence, in the gift Union street, 4001 Priory Calvinistic Baptist chapel, Priory
of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since 1889 by the road, built in 1885, 250;. the Congregational chapel in Week
Rev. Henry Frederick Rivers M. A. of Trinity College, Cam- street, 8oo; that in Tonbridge road., 6oo ; the Primitive
bridge. The area is 41 acres ; the population in 1881 was Methodist chapel, Brewer street, 200; the Unitarian chapel,
2,388. Earl street, 480; the Wesleyan chapel, Union street, 850;
The ecclesiastical parish of St. John the Evangelist, and that in Tonbridge road, 400; the Society of Friends'
Mote Park, was formed April 19th, 186r, out of the parish meeting house, Wheeler street, has 100 sittings; the Dude-
of All Saints: the church, erected by subscription in 1861, nominational (formerly Baptist) 9hapel, King street, will
on a site given by the Earl of Romney, is a small stone seat 8oo. There are in addition several Mission chapels.
The Cemetery is an inclosure of 20 acres, well laid out The Freemasons' Hall, in Brewer street, was formerly a
and situated on the Button road, about 1 mile south from Presbyterian chapel.
the town : it has two mortuary chapels, and is under the The Church Institute, Union street, opened in November,
control of a burial board of 9 members. 1882, and greatly enlarged in 18go, is a structure of brick
The college of All Saints was founded here by William and Bath stone enriched with marble, in the Domestic Gothic
Courtenay, Archbishop of Canterbury, in 1395, and its style of tlie 14th century, and contains a spacious reading
revenues at the Dissolution amounted to £159 6s. 1od. ; room and a library of nearly 3,000 volumes, three recreation
the gatehouse and fellows' buildings, overlooking the Med- rooms, two class rooms, a gymnasium, lavatories, and an
way, with a gate tower, still remain. assembly room known as the "Hollingworth Hall."
The Town Hall, erected in 1764, is a large plain building The West Kent and General Hospital, in Marsham street,
in the High street, near the centre of the town, and will established in 1832, is a building in the rusticated Italian
hold 250 persons. · style, and consists of a central block, including the principal
The Corn Exchange, a commodious structure, built in entrance and a retiring wing on either side. During the
1835 and erected over the market, is entered by an arch- year r889 there were received 422 in-patients, 5,000 out-
way from the High street next the Mitre hotel : it contains a patients and 689 casualty cases ; 21 patients were also sent
large room in which entertainn;lents can be given, there to the seaside during the year. The children's ward, added
being no theatre in the town. in x883, holds 12 cots, 2 cradles, and in 1886 it was hand-
The County Club is in Week street ; the Maidstone and somely decorated at the expense of a lady resident in the
Mid-Kent Conservative Club, in Earl street, is a handsome neighbourhood. Dowager Lady Howard de Walden, of
building erected in 1883; the Maidstone Club is in Earl street; Mote Park, Maidstone, gave a donation of £ 10,ooo, bear-
the Maidstone Liberal Club premises are in Stone street, and ing all expenses of building alterations, which will add 8
there are working men's clubs in Brewer street and West beds to the hospital, and also making a special room for
Borough. " operations. The new Hollingworth memorial wing was
The market, one of the largest attended in the county, is opened on July I8, I889, by Her Royal Highness Princess
held on Thursday for corn, seeds and hops, and for general Louise: the general architectural features of the building,
business on Saturday. The stock market is held weekly ou designed by Mr. E. W. Stephens,West Borough offices, Maid-
Tuesday at the Fair meadow, and annual fairs on the 13th stone, are simple but effective ; t!te treatment being of simple
of February, the 12th of May, the 2oth of June aud 17th of Italian outline, the material re:l brick relieved with moulded
October, which latter is the great hop fair. strings, and a central pediment, containing a plain red stone
There are two banking establishments in the town, the slab with an inscription showing the designation of the
Kentish Bank (Wigan, Mercer, Tasker & Co. ), Bank street, structure. The Stephen Monckton Nurses' Home, estab-
and a branch of the London and County Banking Co. lished in memory of the late Dr. Stephen Monckton, is now
High street. incorporated with the West Kent General Hospital ; hospital-
Her Majesty's Prison, at the end of Week street, is a trained nurses are provided for private families ; aJ?plications
capacious and well-constructed edifice, begun in 1811 and to be made t{) the lady superintendent.
completed in I8I8, at a cost of £2oo,ooo, and is authorised Maidstone Hospital for Infectious Diseases, Frant lane,
to receive 229 males and 68 females, but is further available built in x884, at a cost of £4,000, comprises 2 pavilions, each
for 128 additional inmates. The Sessions House, forming consisting of two wards for six beds and four beds respec-
the front portion of the prison, in which assizes are held and tively, and a building for administrative purposes ; the three
the county business transacted, was commenced in 1825 and blocks are completely isolated, but communicate by means of
opened at the winter assizes of 1827-8, the cost of erection covered ways ; there is a fourth block containing the laundry
being £4o,ooo; there are convenient rooms for solicitors, and disinfecting chamber in the rear : the buildings are of
witnesses, and also offices for the Clet k of the Peace for the red brick.
county. .
The Kent County Ophthalmic Hospital, Church street,
The head quarters of the County Constabulary are situated founded in 1847, is a building in a simple Tudoresque style,
at Wren's Cross, where there are barracks for 40 men and and is entirely supported by voluntary contributions ; during
a staff of officers.
the year x88g, 285 in-patients and s,834 oat-patients were
Maidstone is the head quarters of a military district received, and the total expenditure for the year was
(No. so), Queen·s Own Royal West Kent Regiment. The £2,690 xs. ud. The building is capable of receiving 42
barracks, in the Sandling road, are occupied by the depot of in-patients.
3rd and 4th battalions of thatregiment(WestKent Militia). The County Lunatic Asylum, opened 1st January, 1833,
There are also three Volunteer battalions attached to the and since greatly enlarged, comprises an extensive range of
regiment, and two companies (A and B) of the 1st Volunteer stone buildings, situated at Barming Heath, 250 feet above
battalion have head quarters in the towu. The West Kent the river Medway and about 2 miles from the town ; it now
(r8go) contains 1,430 inmates (574 men and 856 women).
Yeomanry also have their head quarters here.
The almshouses include Sir John Banks's, consisting of six
The M~um and Public Library, located in Chillington houses in Faith street, with an endowment of {,10 for each
House, a curious and interesting old manor house ot the 16th
century, situated in Faith street, were founded in 1858 by house yearly, for six poor men and women: John Brenchley's,
the late distinguished antiquary, Thomas Charles esq. who comprising four houses in King street, for decayed house-
bequeathed to the Corporation his valuable collection of keepers of this town, and endowed with a donation of {,12
Roman and other antiquities, fossils, library and pictures, yearly to each for ever ; Mrs. Dukes, four houses in King
and on the death of Edward Pretty esq. the first curator, street, for females. Corrall's charity, comprising six houses
in College lane, for three men and three women, with £15
this collection was augmented by the bequests of his pictures, yearly for each house ; E. Hunter's, twelve houses in Mote
drawings and books: in 1868 the east wiug of the old man- road, for twelve poor men and women ; and Cutbush's,
sion was purchased and presented to the town by the late consisting of six houses in Church street, erected in r865 by
Alexander Randall esq. and the building made available for Thomas Robert Cutbush in memory of his brother, the late
the library, comprising about I3,000 volumes, and for the Robert Cutbush, for aged and decayed tradesmen of the
reception of the collection then given by the late Jnlius
Lucins Brenchley esq. but the space being found insufficient, town, who live rent free and receive a weekly stipend of £x;
the west wing was purchased and rebuilt, and at Mr. Bren~h in addition to these pensioners, twelve widows and spinsters
ley's death his gift w:S still further increased by the bequest receive a weekly stipend of tos. from Cutbush's charity. The
of his magnificent collection of china, bronzes, pictures and
other works of art, together with his library ; the whole now endowed charities for distribution amount to about £,450
yearly, including Fisher's charity, for apprenticing poor boys
forms one of the most interesting and valuable local museums and for the relief of poor widows; Wright's charity, for
in the kingdom: a new wing has lately (18go) been!ferected
by the liberality of Messrs. Bentlif. The house is in itself an thirty poor widows, who receive £x IS. each at Christmas;
object of great interest, and, together with its furniture and
Gill's charity, for sixteen householders, £I IS. each at
fittings, forms a choice and interesting example of an old Christmas; Edmett's charity, providing annuities for old
English mansion. An extensive garden, originally belonging parishioners: about £I4syearly is also distributed in bread.
to the mansion, was purchased in 1871 by the late J. L.
Brenchley esq. who laid out and planted the grounds and The Palace, once the residence of Archbishop Courtenay,
was purchased for the town in I887, and is used for the
built a lodge at his sole expense, and eventually conveyed purposes of the School of Science and Art, the School of
the whole estate to the Corporation for the benefit of the in- Music, the Amateur Photographic Society and the Volunteer
Medical Staff.
habitants. The museum and library are opened free to the
pub1i9 from 10 till 5, and on Wednesdays from IO till dusk. The Mote, a large and well-built mansion, ocrupying an
elevated position, one mile south-east from the town and
surrounded by an extensive and well-wooded deer park, is
The Kent .Archaeological Society, whose meetings are held the property of the Earl of Romney, and is now occupied by
at Chillington House, was founded in 1857; it now comprises the Dowager Lady Howard de Walden.
nearly I,ooo members, and has a fine collection of antiquities The town had formerly a very extensive water traffic and
Illustrative of the archreologyofKent. Annual meetings are was at the head of the navigation of the Medway, the aggre-
held in the months of July or August at different places of gate "tonnage passing through Alllngton lock in the year
antiquarian interest in the county. being 1201000 tons and the tolls £3,000: this traffic has,
DllUWTORY.] KENT. • 417
oowever, been very much reduced since the opening of the parish of Barming; it wasinclosed in :~865: four a.creswere
various railways, and is now comparatively small. In the reserved as a. place for recreation. By arrangement with the
parish and immediate neighbourhood are several large paper Local Board of Maidstone, this was fenced and levelled by
mills and an oil mill: there are also paper mould works, subscriptions in :~885.
utensive breweries, maltings, a distillery, iron foundries, TovrL, a hamlet and ecclesiastical parish, formed February
agricultural implement manufactories, coach factories, a 28th, 1843, from the civil parishes of Maidstone, East I<'ar-
tannery, ho~ bag, matting, sacking, rope and twine manu- leigh and Loose, is about a mile south from Maidstone, on
factories, Roman cement and lime and brick works, and the banks of the Medway. An iron bridge for foot passen-
~rtificial stone manufactories. There are also numerous gers, erected in r872, connects a portion of Maidstone (West
and extensive stone quarries, producing the Kentish rag, so Borough) with the village. In 1886 the South Eastern
much used for general building purposes. The celebrated Railway Company constructed a short branch line to the
iossil iguanodon, now in the British Museum, was discovered mills in Tovil, for goods traffic only, which is carried over
in a stone quarry here. The parish and neighbourhood the Medway by an iron bridge. St. Stephen's church is a
abound in hop gardens and fruit is largely cultivated for the small stone building, in the Early English style, the founda-
London market. tion stone of which was laid by the Archbishop of Canter-
Part of Maidstone parish, containing a population of 24 bury, 15th August, 1839, and the church consecrated 9th
and 568 acres, is detached and is $tuated at Loddington, 5 June, 1841: it consists of chancel, nave, north and west
miles south, and is not included within the parliamentary porches, organ chamber, and a western tower containing a
and municipal boundary. The names of residents are given clock, with shingled spire containing one bell: the pulpit is
nnder Linton. The Maidstone union workhouse is at Linton. of Caen stone with alabaster panels: there are sittings for
The area of the parish is 4,632 acres; rateable value, 36..! persons, of which one-third may be appropriate<!. The
.£133,801 ; the population in 1881 was: parish, 29,647 ; register dates from the year 1841. The living is a vicarage,
municipal and parliamentary borough, 29,632, which in- net yearly value [300, with residence, in the gift of the
cludes 1,4o8 in the Kf'nt County Lunatic Asylum, 700 in Archbishop of Canterbury and five trustees alternately, and
the cavalry barracks, and 298 in H. M. Prison. held since 1871 by the Rev. Abraham Sedgwick of St.
PENENDEN HEATH is a large open space, where county Bees, who resides at Polhill, Harrietsham. The Rev. John
meetings have been held for centuries, and is situated a mile Manning is curate in charge. The population in 1881 was
and a half north-by-north-east from the town, in the parishes 983 : 738 in Maidstone borough : 194 in East Farieigh
'Of Maidstone and Boxley ; by arrangement, in 1882, the parish; and 5I in Loose parish.
Maidstone Urban Sanitary Authority was empowered to Parish Clerk, All Saints, the vicar ; vestry clerk, Richard
inclose the heath for the use of the public. Holms, 16 Knightrider street; verger, David Grigsby, 24
BAR.MING HEATH is situated about 2 miles west, in the Kingsley road; sexton, Alfred Ransley, 7 Brewer street.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
l'osT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, ttHardy street, 8.25 & 10.25 a.m. ; 1.25, 5.25, 6.45 &
High street.-J. E. Atkinson, postmaster 8.5 p.m
The head office is open for ordinary business on week days tSandling road, T.R.O. 8.40 & xo 40 a.m. ; 1.40. 5.4o, 7
from 7 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. ; sunaays, 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. & 8.20 p.m.; sunday, 6.55 p.m
Money order & savings bank business from 9 a.m. to 6
p.m. & on saturdays till 8 p.m.; postal orders issued from tWeek street, 8.35 & 10.3,5 a.m.; 1.35, 5·35• 6.45 & 8.15
7 a. m. to 9.30 p.m. ; paid, 9 a. m. to 9.30 pm. The tele- p.m
graph office is open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. on week days
& 7 to 10 a.m. & 5 to 6 p.m. on sundays tKing street, 8.50 & 10.50 a. m.; 1.5o, 5.5o, 7.10 & 8.30 p.m
The first delivery of letters takes place at 7 a. m. ; the second
at 10.30 a. m. ; the third at 3·45 p.m. & the fourth 6.45 p.m tLower Stone street, 8.50 & 1o.5o a.m. ; 1.45, 5.5o, 7.20 &.
General Sorting Office 8.30 p.m
DISPA.TCHES-LET l'ERS & PARCELS Post Office. S. E. R. yard. Harming heath, 1.40 & 7.30 p.m.; sundays 12.5 p.m
tTonbridge road, 8.10 & 10.3oa.m. ; 2, 7.25 & 8.10 p.m
Box cleared.
tMilton street, 1.50 & 7·35 p.m ·
Marked thus tare M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Offices.
Marked thus : is a Telegraph Office.
Tonbridge &c ........................... 8.45 a.m. 9· o a.m. PosT," M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
London & forward, Ashford, Dover, Tovil.-William Beeching, sub-postmaster; letter box
Folkestone, Canterbury &c. also cleared at II.35 a.m. & 7.ro p.m.; sundays, 12 noon
day mails for .Harming, East &
West Farleigh, Teston, Tovil, Member of Parliament.
Bearsted, Hollingbourne, Leeds, Fiennes Stanley Wykeham Cornwallis esq. J.P. Lintonpark,
Harrietsham, Lenham, Sandway,
Loose, Linton, Boxley, Detling... 9·45 a.m. near Maidstone ; & Carlton club s w & Bachelors' club,
Tunbridge &c. also day mails for
Hunton, Yalding, Mereworth & London w
•10• o a.m.
Returning O:ffcer, The Mayor
Wateringbury ..•.....•..•..•.••...••• II.15 a.m. n.3o a.m. County Ma.gistra.tes-Baarsted Division,
London & forward, also day mails 12.15 p.m. Usually attending Petty Sessions.
for Sandling, Aylesford,Larkfield, 2 .30 p.m.
lil-45 p.m. Romney Earl of D.L. Hobart place, London s w
East & West Mailing &c..•.....•••• II.45 a.m.
Tonbridge, Tunbridge Wells &c .•• 2.15 p.m. Hampson Sir Geurge l<'rancis bart. Detling court, Maidstone
London & forward (parcels only) ..• 2.15 p.m. Akers-Douglas Aretas esq. M.P. Chilston park, Sandway,
London & forward, Colonial & 3. o p.m. 3·3o p.m. Maidstone
Foreign (letters only); Rochester, 7-15 p.m. 7·25 p.m. Balston Richard James esq. Springfield, Maidstone
Chatham, Sittingbourne, Ash- 7·45 p.m. 7·45 p.m. Best Major Mawdistly Gaussen, Park ho. Boxley, Maidstone
ford, Dover, Folkestone &c. (let- Cornwallis Fiennes Stanley Wykehamesq. M.P. Lintonpark,
8. o p.m. s. o p.m.
ters & parcels) ......................•. near Maidstone
Fowler R. esq. Kent club, M&.idstone
London &forward ..........•..........
Fulcher Arthur William esq. Milgate park, Maidstone
Ashford &c. (parcels only)••••••.•••••
Redhill, Dorking, Rei~ate, Ton- Keays-Young. Lieut.-Col. Henry Eylesden, Chart Sutton,
bri~e ~c .............................. ~taplehurst
London & forward, also cross post
Marsham George esq. D.L. Hayle cottage, Loose, Maidstone
for East & Weald of Kent, Hast-
Moore Wm. esq. Wierton, Boughton Monchelsea, Maidstone
ings, Eastbourne, Brighton, Salldland Henry esq. Birling house, Thurnham, Maidstone
Lewes, Croydon & places on S.E. Thomas Ri<'hard Gerard de Visme esq. M.A. Eyhorne cot-
railway (letters only) ..........••..• 8.3o p.m. 9. o p.m. tage, Hollingbourne
9·3o p.m. Whitehead Charles esq. D.L. Barming house, Maidstone
London & forward (parcels only) .•• 9· o p.m.
Wykeham-Martin Cornwallis Phi:ip esq. Stede hill, Harriet-
London & forward (letters only),
Rochester, Chatham, Gravesend, sham, Maidstone
Dartford, Sheerness & Sitting- Clerk to the Magistrates, Francis Robert Howlett, 9 King
bourne (letters & parcels) •••....•• 9·3o p.m. IO. o p.m. street, Maidstone
Sundays, Box closes for all parts ... 8. o p.m. 8. o p.m. Petty Sessions are held at the Grand Jury room, Sessions
No late fees.
house, Maidstone, first &third monday in each month at
TowN RECEIVING OFFICES, with times of clearing :- half-past ten o'clock & at the Petty Sessional Court house,
tWheeler street, 8.15 & 10.15 a.m.; 1.15, 5·151 6.35 & 9 King street, Maidstone, every other monday (except
7·55 p.m · Hank Holidays) at half-past ten o'clock
K. S. & S. 27
The ~following places are in the Bearsted Petty Sessional Medical Officer of Health & Public Analyst, Matthew-
Division :-Barming East & West, Bearste-d, Ricknor, Box- AlgernonAdams F.R.c.s.Eng.,F.C.S.,F.I.c. County Analyst
ley, Bredhurst, Broomfield, Boughton Malherbe, Boughton laboratory, Albion place
Monchelsea, Chart Sutton, Detling, East Farleigh, East Surveyor, Waiter George Scoones c.E. ; offices, Fair meadow
Sutton, Frinsted, Harrietsham, Headcorn, Hollingbourne, Sanitary Inspector & Inspector of Canal .Boats & Commou
Bucking, Langley, Leeds, Lenham, Linton, Loose, Otham, Lodging Houses, William Jackling, Inspector's office
Otterden, Stockbury,Sntton Valence,Thurnham, Ulcombe, Inspector of Weights & Measures, Charles Beale, 25 Earl st
Wychling & Wormshill Local Rate Collector, George Rubble Whibley, 25 Earl st
Wharf Toll Collector, E. C. Wood, 3 Lubbock vils. Holland 9t
:Borough Magistrates.
The Mayor & Ex-Mayor. Public Establishments.
Recorder, Samuel Prentice esq. Q.C Borough Police Station, King street, Henry Dalton, supt. ;
Baker George1 Boxley road Wm. George Waghorn & Edward Eagleston, inspectors,
Bunter George Bullock, Clarendon place 5 sergeants & 26 constables; G. H. Furber, surgeon
Cutbush Horatio Richard, The College Borough Hosp1tal for Infectious Diseases, Fant lane, M. A.
Day William, Somerfield, London road Adams F.R.c.s. medical superintendent
Doe Richard, Buckland house, London road Cemetery, Sutton road, George Elbourn, superintendent;
.Ellis Charles, London road • Arthur J oseph Ellis, clerk to the board, 35 Earl street
Franklyn Lieut.-Col. Thomas Pain, Bower Mount road Corn Exchange, High street, Henry Gilbert, toll collector
Furber George Henry, 7 Ashford road County Constabulary, head quarters, Wren's Cross house,
Haynes George, 5 Bower terrace, Tonbridge road Capt. J. H. Hay Ruxton, chief constable; Charles John-
son, superintendent & deputy chief constable ; Inspector
Haynes William, Vinter's road William Henry Martin, chief clerk
Hills John Hyde, Knightrider street
Hoar Charles Edward, Rocky Hill terrace County Constabulary (Bearstcad Division), Wren's Cross.
Hobbs William, Heath house, Barming house, Stephen Bates, supt. ; 2 sergeants & 17 constables
Hulburd George, Buckland hill County Court, Sessions house, His Honor Homersham Cox,
judge; John Brennan, registrar & high bailiff; regis-
Ker George, Gabriel's hill
Laurence William, Elsfield house, Leeds trar's office, 88 Week street; official receiver, Richard
Prall, 86 Week street. The court is held twice monthly
Mercer Samuel, Sandling place except January. The following is a list of parishes within
its jurisdiction :-Addington, Allington, Aylesford, Bann-
Oliver Josiah, 5 Rocky Hill terrace
ing, Bearsted, Birling, Boughton Malherbe, Boughton
Page William, Bower :Mount road Monchelsea, Boxley, Bredhurst, Broomfield, Chart-next-
Sutton Valence, Coxheath, Detling, Ditton, East & West
Roberts John, The Laurels, Sittingbourne road Farleigh, Harrietsham,Headcorn,Hollingbourne,Huckling,
Hunton,Langley, Leeds, Lenham, Leybourne, Linton,Loose,
Taylor William, 4 Ashford road Maidstone, East & West Mailing, Marden, Merewo!'th,
Youngman George, Lenfield, Ashford road
Clerk, Charles Alfred Case, High street
Borough Petty Sessions are held at the Town hall every
tuesday, thursday & saturday at u a.m
Corporation, lSSF-90. Nettlestead, Offham, Otham, East & West Peckham.
Ryarsh, Snodland, Stanstead, Staplehurst, Stockbury1
Mayor, James Clifford esq East Sutton, Sutton Valence, Teston, 'fhurnham, Totters-
Ex & Deputy Mayor, Alfred Spenoer esq cliffe, Ulcombe, Wateringbury & Yalding
Recorder, His Honor Judge Prentice Certificated Bailiffs appointed under the Law of Distress
Amendment Act, John Staker Anscomb, 40 Week street;
* Alfred Spencer ALDERMEN. Samuel Bennett, r Bridge terrace; William Day, 23 High
• *~Richard Doe street; William Day, jun. 23 High street; Felix Kite,
34 King street ; Walter Gray Kite, 34 King street ; Roberl>
**'Charles Ellis ~c. G. Long Troutbeck, 46 Earl st. ; Richard Waterman, 20 Week st.;
John Potter ~R. Waterman Thos.EdwinWright, West Mailing; Jn.Moren, WestMalling
C 0 U N C I L L 0 R S. County Lunati~ Asylum, Barming heath, Francis Pritchard
Davies M. D., c.M. medical officer & superintenden'; W.
High Street Ward. Johnson Smyth M.B., c.M. Alfred Griffith.'! M.B., c.M.
& Frederick Keyt M.B., c.M. assistant medical officers;
tAlfred Mark Dorman tRobert McVicar Rev. Henry Sylvester Alison B. A. chaplain; Victor E.
Mallett, steward & clerk ; Miss Margt. Chalmers, matron
tJames Thomas Crouch §Frank Gerald Laurence
tJames Clifford §John Straker Anscomb
King Street Ward.
II tGeorge Ephraim Wallis
tGeorgeRoberts Dann §William Brownscombe
tJohn McVitie
tRichard James Balston §Charles Beale, jun
· IStone Street Ward. District Registry of the High Court of Justice, 86 & 88 Week
tJoseph Barker §William Thomas Wallond street, John Brennan, registrar
tWalter Cox Freemasons' Hall, Brewer street
IWest Borough Ward.
Her Majesty's Prison, County road, William Green, governor;
tJames Franklin Burnard §James Tootell Rev. William Jackson M.A. chaplain: Rev. J. Warner,
tTimothy Epps Catholic minister; Charles E. Roar M. D. medical officen
& Benjamin Charles, chief clerk & storekeeper
Marked thus q are Presiding .Aldermen at Ward Elections
Inland Revenue & Stamp Office, Post Office buildings, High
Marked thus t retire in 1890
Marked thus t retire in 1S9i
Marked thus § retire in 1892
Marked thus ".f retire in 1895 street, J<'itzgerald Dalme Richards, collector & stamp dis-
Auditors, "\Villiam Henry Gibbons, 74 Wheeler street & W.
tributor; Edward Cozens Mace & Willia.m H. Brown, chief
H. Martin, Gabriel's hill clerks; George Cavendish, clerk; Jas. Dawes, supervisor;
Mayor's Auditor, James Thomas Crouch, 40 Earl street Henry Sandlin, Thomas Green & Thomas Malone, officers
The Corporation meet at Town hall, quarterly, the 2nd Judges' Lodgings, 28 Stone st. Albert Porter, res. steward
wednesday in February, May & August & on November 10
Kent County Ophthalmic Hospital, Church street, Matthew
Algernon Adams F.R.c.s. surgeon; J. Hughlings-Jackson
OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION. M.D., F.R.s. consulting physician: Jonathan Hutchinson,
consulting surgeon ; George Bullock Hunter, dental sur-
Town Clerk, Herbert Monckton, 72 King street geon; Percy T. Adams M.R.c.s., L.s.A. house surgeon;
Chaplain, Rev. S. M. Crosthwaite M.A. Tonbfi.dge road Ebenezer Goodwin, sec. ; Miss Gertrude Brown, matron
Clerk of the Peace, Henry Alexander Hughes, 6 Mill street
Coroner, Richard Turner Tatham, 9 King street Kent Fire Office Fire Brigade, High street; W. J. Gates,
Corporation Surveyor, Walt. Geo. Scoones c.E. Fairmeadow
Inspector under Contagious Diseases (Animals') Act r886, captain ; 8 fireman
William George Waghorn, Borough police station Maidstone (late West Kent) Chamber of .Agriculture; R.
Fair & Stock Market Toll Collector, E. C. Wood, 3 Lubbock A. Hamilton Seymour esq. Aylesford, chairman; George
villas, Holland street
Hum, secretary, 36 Earl street
Superintendent of Police, Henry Dalton, King street
Treasurer, W. I+'. Mercer, Kentish bank Museum & Public Library, Chillington house, Faith street,
Town Crier & Billet Master, W. H. Ballard, Town hall Edward Bartlett, curator; Percy H. Bate, assist. curator
Sergeants at Mace, Orlando Harris & Charles Gulvin, police Sessions House, H. M. Prison, Week street
sergeants Town Hall, High street, William Henry Ballard, hall keeper
"URBAN SANITARY AUTHORITY Trustees of the Poor Office, 16 Knightrider street, Richard
Holmes, clerk
Meetings are held at the Town hall every alternate wedn~
day at ro a.m. Volunteer Fire Brigade, head quarters, King street; Charles
Clerk, Herbert Monckton, 72 King street Ellis, captain ; l<'rank Edwin French, supt. ; the brigade
Treasurer, W. F. Mercer1 Kentish bank consists of a captain, 21ieutenants, 2 sergeants & 2ofiremen
West Kent General Hospital, Marsham street; Charles West Kent (Queen's Own) Yeomanry Cavalry; Orderly
Edward Hoar M.D. & John E. Meredith M.D. physicians; Room, Florence house, Dover street; Sergeant-Major
A. H. B. Hallowes & John Knowles, surgeons; F. C. William Henry Mason; Col. Sir F. D. Maclean bart. emu-
Alien L.D.S.R.c.s.Eng. dental surgeon; Waiter Reginald mandant; Lieut.-Col. W. H. Roberts, major; Capt. w. F.
Tuckett :M.R.c.s.Eng. house suTgeon; J. Spooner Hardy, H. Hinde, adjutant; J. S. Jones, surgeon; Rev. H.
secretary; Miss Isabel Jones, lady superintendent Harbord M. A. hon. chaplain. D Troop; head quarters, Ye
,.,.. "d t U . Anciente BJ!l hotel, Week street; Capt. H. A. Brassey,
.w.a1 s one n1on. 1 commanding
Board day, alternate thursdays at Town Hall at ro.3o a.m. Queen's Own, Royal West Kent Regiment, rat Volunteer
The Union comprises the following parishes :-Harming Battalion (A & B Companies), head quarters, Ye Anciente
(East & West), Bearsted, Boughton Monchelsea, East Bell hotel, Week street, Major C. E. Wright, A company~
Farleigh, Hunton, Linton, Loose, Maidstone, Marden, & Capt. ~'. . Pine, commandant B company ; George
Nettlestead, Otham, Staplehurst, Teston, West Farleigh Bunyan, dr1ll mstructor
& Yalding. The population of the union in 188r was Volunteer Medical Staff Corps, Thames District, 5th Divi..
45,091; rateable value, £219,471
sion (I Company), head quarters, Palace grounds; Surg.-
"Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Robert Major D. H. Monc~{ton M.D. (in command) & H. F. H~
Hoar, 9 King street, Maidstone Barham, surgeons; J. Grant Ill.B. acting surgeon; H.
Treasurer, Randall Mercer, Kentish Bank Sandland, quartermaster
Relieving & School Enquiry Officers & Collectors to the
G~ardians, No. 1 district, Thomas Dewell Jones, 45 Public Officers.
Kmgsley road, Maidstone; No. 2 district, T. Taylor, Certifying Factory Surgeon, John Edward Meredith B •.l.,.
West End, Marden; No. 3 district, Richard Treasure, M.D., M.ch. 9 Albion place
Clerk to the Burial Board, Arthur Joseph Ellis, 35 Earl st
Yalding Clerk to the Commissioners of Assessed & Property Taxes,
Vaccination Officers, W. N. Pearson, Western road, Maid- Aylesford East, Francis Robert Howlett, 9 King street
Clerk to the Fisher's Charity, Rd. Holmes, 16 Knightriderst
stone; T. Taylor, West End, Marden; R. Treasure,
Clerk to Committee of Visitors & to Sub-Committee of
Yalding; A. Tapsfield, East Farleigh Visitors of Kent County Lunatic Asylum, Francis Robert
Howlett, 9 King street
Medical Officers, No. I district, John Edward Meredith B.A.,
Clerk to the Lieutenancy of the County, Charles Turner, 86
K.D., M. eh. 9 Albion place, Maidstone ; No. 2 district,
& 88 Week street
Adolphus Henry Blackwood Hallowes, n King street, Clerks to the Medway Lower Navigation, Hoar, Howlett &
Maidstone; No. 3 district, Edward Joshua Wood B.A., Tatham, 9 King street
Clerk of the Peace for the County & to the County Council,
M.B. Yalding; No. 4 district, Alfred Stephen Wood,
Francis Russell, Sessions house, Week street
Staplehurst; No. 5 district, Isaac Stephenson Jones Clerk to the Trustees of the Poor, Richard Holmes, 16
L.R.C.P.Edin. Loose; No 6 district, Alfred Smart, Shep- Knightrider street
herd's house, Marden Collector of Poor Rates, Frederic Ransley, 21 Faith street;
Public Vaccinators, Nos. I & 2 districts, J. E. Meredith B.A., office, 2 to 5; sat. 9 to r
Collector of Queen's Taxes, Waiter Gray Kite, 34 King st
M.D. Linton villa, Albion place, Maidstone; Nos. 3, 4• 5 County Analyst, Matthew Algernon Adams, Trinity house,
& 6 districts, same as the medical officers Church street
~ounty Surveyor, Fredk. Wm. Ruck, Bridge foot, High st
Superintendent Registrar, William Pick, 7I King street, County Treasurer, Henry Tasker, Kentish Hank, Bank st
Official Receiver in Bankruptcy, Richard Prall, 86 Week st
Maidstone ; deputy, George Knowles, 28 Kingsley road
Returning Officer to the E:ent County Council, John Brennan,
Registrars of Births & Deaths, Loose sub-district, A. Taps- 86 & 88 Week street
field, East Farleigh; deputy, Mrs. Tapsfield; East Maid- Surveyor of Taxes for Maidstone District--comprisin,. the
Divisions of Aylesford East, Aylesford Upper S~uth,
stone sub-district, J oseph Anscomb, 40 Week street; Lower Scray & Tenterden, Edward Richard Tompson, Post.
Office buildin~s
deputy, Edward Pearson, 8 Cross street, Maidstone;
Summoning Officer, William Henry Ballard, Town hall
West Maidstone sub-district, Henry Gray,g6 Union street,
Under Sheriff of the County, Jn. Brennau, 86 & 88 Week st·
Maidstone ; deputy, Richard Holmes, 16 Knightrider
Vestry Clerk, Richard Holmes, 16 Knightrider street
street; Marden sub-district, T. Taylor, West End, Mar-
d~n :. deputy, Fredk. W. Tippen, Marden; Yalding sub-
district, Thomas G. Hards, Yalding; deputy Gabriel
Hards, jun. Yalding '
Registrars of Marriages, Richard Holmes, r6 Knightrider
street, Maidstone, deputy, Alfred King, 78 Wheeler
street; T. Taylor, West End, Marden; deputy, Frederick
W. Tippen, Marden
Workhouse, Coxheath, Linton, is a structure of brick and
will hold 6oo inmates; number in r8go, 431 ; Charles
John Moss, master; Rev. W. Jones, chaplain; Isaac S.
Jones, medical officer ; Mrs. Charlotte Sophia Moss Places of Worship, with times of Services.
matron ; William Searle White, schoolmaster ; Mrs: All Saints (parish church), Rev. Edwin Francis Dyke M.A~
Hannah White, schoolmistress
vicar; Rev. Wdliam Spear M.A., M.D. senior curate; Rev.
RuRAL SANITARY AuTHORITY. Stephen Frederic Cartwright M.A. & Rev. Neville A. Holt
Meets at Maidstone Town Hall monthly at 1r.3o a.m. B. A. curates; 8 & 10.30 a. m. 3 & 6.30 p.m. daily prayers
Clerk, Robert Hoar, 9 King street, Maidstone 10.30 a.m. & 5 p.m. (winter), & 8.rs p.m. (summer)
Treasurer, Randall Mercer, Kentish Bank
Medical Officer of Health, H. Butterrleld, Sevenoaks Holy Trinity, Church street, Rev. Henry Maxwell Spooner
,Sanitary Inspector, Sydney Stallard, Harming M. A. vicar, & acting chaplain to the forces ; Rev. John
Arthur Richards A.K.C.L. curate; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.;
wed. 7.30 p.m
SCHOOL ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE. St. Michael & All Angels, Tonbridge road, Rev. George
Bohun Coulcher M.A. vicar; Rev. George Norwood B.A. &
Meets at Town Hall, Maidstone, every month at 2.30 p.m. Rev. Charles Edmund Walter Dalison M.A. curates; 8
Clerk, Robert Hoar, 9 King street, Maidstone (holy communion) & 10.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. &
Attendance Officers, T. Taylor, West End, Marden; Richard
Saints days (holy communion) 7.30 a.m.; daily matins
Treasure, Yaiding
10 a.m. & evensong 5 p.m. except wed. & fri. 7.30 p.m
Military. St. Faith's, Rev. Henry Frederick Rivers M.A. vicar; Rev.
John M. Tamplin M.A. curate; Io.3o a.m. & 6.30 p.m.;
REGIMENTAL DISTRICT No. so. wed. fri. & saints' days n.3o a.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m
'I'he Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Ragiment), 1st batt. St. ~ohn the Evangehst, Mote, Rev. RobertEdward Spencer,
soth foot ; 2nd batt. 97th. VIcar; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. (summer), 3.30 p.m. (winter)
Depot, Barracks, Sandling road. St. Paul's (Perryfield), Rev. Samuel William Darwin Fox:
Officer Commanding Regimental District, Col. D. J. D. M.A. vicar; Rev. James Thomas Taylor M.A. & Rev.
Safford William Henry Collis B.A. curates; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30
3rd ~.4:th Battalions Royal West Kent Regiment (West Kent p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
M1htm); head quarters, Barracks, Sandling road; Col. E. St. Peter's, West .Borough, Rev. Henry Howard Letchworth
E. Larking, commandant (3rd batt.) ; Col. E. T. Luck M.A. vicar; Rev. George E. C. Rodwell B.A. curate ; 10.45
(4th batt.); Bt.-Major C. W. Hume (3rd batt.) ; & J. a.m.. ~ ~-30 _P.m. wed. fri. & saints' days rr a.m .
Bonhote (4th batt. ), majors ; Capt. 0. J. Daniell, adjutant St. Ph1hp s, Kmgsley road, Rev. Henry Collis M. A. vtcar;
(3rd & 4th batts.); Capt. J. Clifford, quartermaster 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 Jt.m
(3rd & 4th batts. ); Army Service Corps, William Andrews, St. Stephen's, Tovil, Re.v. Abraham Sedgwick, vicar; Rev
barrack quartermaster-sergeant John Manning is curate in charge; rr a.m. & 7 p.m.
Three Volunteer Battalions are attached to District t~urs. 7.30 (Advent to Trinity sunday)
K, S, & S. 27• •
Mission Room of St. Michael's, Scrubbs ]a. Queen's rd. 7 p. m ' St. Philip's (girls & infants), Melville road, erected in 1866,
St. I<'rancis Catholic, Week street, Rev. John Warner, priest; 1 for 250 children; average attendance, 6o girls & 100 in-
mass, 8.30 & u a.m.; vespers & benediction 6.30 p.m. fants; Miss Martha Sntton, mistress; Miss Sarah Ann
daily mass 7.30 a.m. & on holy days mass at 9.30 a.m.; Carter, infants' mistress
fri. instruction & benediction 7.30 p.m St. Stephen's, Tovil, built in 185o, for 97 boys & 121 girls&;
Society of Friends' Meeting House, Wheeler street ; 10.30 infants; average attendance, 54 boys, SS girls & 53 infants;
a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 3 to 4 p.m Alfred Barker, master; Mrs. Louisa Barker, mistress
Baptist (Bethel), Union street, Rev. George Walker, minis- Trinity or Model, Wyatt street, enlarged in 1B7I, for 60<)
ter; 10.30 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon. 7.30 a.m. children; avP.rage attendance, soo; George Henry Ger-
Baptist (Providence), Mote road, ministers various; 10.30 man, master; Miss Kennard, mistress; Miss Jane Crowe,
a.m.& 6 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m infants' mistress
Baptist (Calvinistic), Priory road, ministers various; 10.30 ·
a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thnrs. 7 p.m Catholic (mixed),Week street, built in x86o, for 100 children;
Congregational, Week street (vacant}, pastor; 10.45 a.m. · average attendance, 64; Miss Maloney, mistress
& 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 8 p.m British, Wheeler street, for 260 girls & infants; average at-
Congregational, West Borough, Tonbridge road, Rev. Ernest tendance, 76 girls & 64 infants; Miss Fanny Kemp, mis-
Saml. Brown, pastor; 10.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. 8 p.m tress; Miss Lizzie Moseley, infants' mistress
Primitive Methodist, Brewer street, Rev. William Thomsett, Wesleyan (mixed), Brewer street, built in 1858, for 212
minister; n a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon. 8 p.m children; average attendance, 154; Henry John Smith,
Undenominational Church, King street, Rev. Waiter Friend, master
minister; 10.45 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m Newspapers.
Unitarian, Earl street (vacant) ; 1.1 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Wesleyan, Tonbridge road, Rev. Charles Tomlinson Home; Kent Messenger & Maidstone Telegraph, soA, Week street &
Station road ; William Richard & Feederick Masters, pub-
10.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.15 p.m
Wesleyan, Union street, Rev. John Westlake; 10.30 a.m. &. lishers ; published fri. & sat. See advertisement ·
Kent County Standard, Market buildings; Frederick E. Roe,
6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
proprietor; published fri. See advertisement
Maidstone Evangelical Mission, Mechanics' Hall, Market Kent Times & Chronicle & Maidstone Advertiser, 7 Middle
row; Josiah Beeching, publisher; published fri. for sat.·
buildings, Charles Thomas Wallis, evangelist; u a.m. & See advertisement
Maidstone & Kentish Journal & South Eastern Advertiser,
6.30 p.m
School Board. Market buildings ; Frederick E. Roe, proprietor ; pub-
lished tues. & sat. See advertisement
Formed 1870, consisting of nine members
Clerk, Stephen Lancelot Monckton, 40 King street South Eastern Gazette, 56 Week street; Frederick Waiter
School Attendance Officers, John Oxbrow, 40 King street & & Horatio Richard Cutbush, proprietors & publishers ; .
Alfred Burnell, 30 Church street
published tues. & sat. See advertisement
· Schools Railway Stations.
The Grammar School, founded iL. 1536 by the Corporation London, Chatham & Dover, top of Week street; Edward
of Maidstone, and formerly in Earl street, was removed Gratwick, station master; John Larking, carting agent
in 1871 to a new building on the Tonbridge road; it has
various exhibitions tenable at the school & two scholar- South Eastern & North Kent, West Borough, Job Robert
ships, yearly value £40 each, tenable for four years, at Raggett, station master; John Roberts, manager of goods
University College, Oxford; the number of scholars is up- department. Omnibus meets each train (except the last
wards of 100; Rev. Herbert Armstrong Watson H. A. down & sunday trains)
heasl master Railway Parcels Offices.
School of Art, Old Palace (open daily); Geo.Ward,art master; John Larking, Pudding lane
Chas. Adams, science master ; Rev. H. Collis H.A. hon. sec Pickford & Co. 6o High street
The Girls' Grammar School, Albion place, was opened in Button & Co. Jesse Leaver, agent, High street
1888, the buildings having been erected at a cost of nearly Foster's Express Parcel Co. Limited, George Swan, agent,
£5,000, comprise a central hall, art studio & lecture room Church street & Union street
with class rooms & playground adjoining ; it is managed
by a governing body ; Miss Pope, head mistress
Blue Coat, Knightrider street, founded in 17n & providing CRANBROOK.-Williams' omnibus from the' Star,' daily (ex-
clothes &education for 6o boys &40 girls ; Charles Adams, cept sundays), at 3.30 p.m. ; thurs. 3 & 5.30, arriving a~
• master ; Miss Eliza Frances Lushington, mistress
Staplehurst in time for the down train
Sir Charles Booth's school is abolished & the funds are now SITTINGBOURNE.-Gambell's omnibus from Sittingbourne
expended in paying the school fees of the poorer children at g.so daily (except sundays), leaving Mitre hotel, Maid-
attending the national schools in this town
stone, at 3.20 p.m. passing Detling, Stockbury & Key st
TENTERDEN.-Bennett's omnibus, from Tenterden, every
All Saints, College road, erected in 1866, at a cost of about morning (except sunday) at 8.15, arriving in Maidstone
£3,ooo, raised by subscription & a parliamentary grant; u.45 a.m. leaving the 'HaWJch of Venison' at 3.30 p.m.
the school will hold 290 boys, 170 girls & 120 infants ; passing through Langley, Sutton, Headcorn, Biddenden&
average attendance, ~29 boys, 175 girls & 109 infants; High Halden, arriving at Tenterden at 6.30
William Job Browne, master ; Miss Louisa Clements, mis- Carriers, with the inns they call at & days of departure.
tress ; Miss Minnie Phillips, infants' mistress
John Larking, to London, by London, Chatham & Dover
All Saints, Padsole lane, built in 1873, for 180 children; railway, daily, from offices, Pudding lane, Maidstone;
average attendance, 66 boys, 46 girls & 26 infants; Paul Davis, I2A, Long lane, Aldersgate street, daily; goods
Frederick Lancaster, master; Miss Sarah Sunnock, mist forwarded to all parts·of the world
Maidstone Heath (mixed), built in 1863 & enlarged in 1885, Pickford & Co. to London & all parts of the North by rail-
for 230 children; average attendance, 160; Miss Agnes way; offices, Hart street, Maidstone
Sophia Brace, mistress
Sutton & Co. to London & all parts, Jesse Leaver, agent,
St. I<'~ith's (boys), Medway street, opened in June, 1876, for High street
200 children; average attendance, So; Wm. Beecher, mast AnmNGTON-Larking, from his office, Pudding lane, daily;
St. Faith's (girls & infants), Station road, built in 187r, . 3 p.m. ; Barton, 'Rose & Crown,' daily (except wed.), 4
. for 250 children; average attendance, 81 girls; 73 in- p.m. ; Upton, 'Star,' wed. & sat. 4 p.m
fants; Miss Annie Cole, mistress; Miss Elizabeth Eayles, AsHFORD-Hughes, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. 3 p.m.; Goldnp,
infants' mistress
'Star,' tues. @thurs. 3 p.m. & sat
St. James' (girls & infants), James street, built in 1877, for AYLESFORD-Parker, 'Mitre,' daily, 2 p.m.; Lockyer,
·305 children; average attendance, 270 ; Miss Sarah Ann 'Haunch,' daily (wed. except), 2 p.m ,
Eagleton, mistress BARMING-James Newman, 'Star,' tues. thurs. & sat. at a
St. John's (mixed), Mote, built in 186r, fcir 107 children; p.m. Also see Wateringbury carriers .
ay-erage attendance, 70; John Baker, master • BATTLE-James, ' Rose & Crown,' & Larking's office, Pudding
St. ~aul's, Perryfield, for 470 boys, 320 girls & 250 infants; lane, thurs. at 9 tl..m
• average attendance, 340 boys, ·234 girls & 173 infants ; BEARSTED-John Larking, from his office,Pudding lane, daily:
John Beavis Groom, master; Miss Agnes West, mistress; at 9 a. m. & 3 p.m. ; William Sloman, 'Star,' daily (wed.
Mrs. Alice Haywood Merrifield, infants' mistress excepted), at 2 p.m.; Hickmott, 'Haunch,' daily, 2 p.m
St. Peter's & St. Michael's United, Fant; boys' erected about BECKLEY-James, 'Rose & Crown,' & from Larking's office,
.:r875 ; girls' in r866 & infants' in 1881-2 ; for 260 boys, Pudding lane, thurs. at 9 a. m
26o girls & 250 infants; average attendance, 240 boys, 229 BENENDEN-Williams, from 'Star,' daily, 4 p.m.; thnrs. 4
girls & 16o infants ; Alfred Adams, master ; Miss Harriet & 5.30 p.m.; Southon, 'Queen's Head,' daily, 2 p.m t1
• Cunningham, mistress; Miss Charlotte Frances Chantler, BENOVER-Hemsley, 'Queen's Head,' tues. thurs. fri. & saL,
infants' mistress ·· 2 p.m
BETHERSDEN-Busswood, 'Star,' tues. thurs. & sat. 2 p.m IGHTMAN-Hortoo, 'Rose & Crown,' thurs. & sat. at; 3.30
BIDDENDEN-Bennett, 'Haunch,' dally, 3 p.m. ; Couchman, p.m. ; Bassett, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. & fri. 3.30 p.m
pp..mm. ; thurs. p.m. ; Giles, ' Ship,' LANGLEY~Buss,wood., , Star,' t ues. 'thurs. & sat.. 2. p.m. ;
It'uSetsa.r&,' tdhauilrys,.
2 5.30 ;ul~er, ,Star, dally (wed: excepted),~ p.m._, W!ckens~
BrRLING JohnLarking,fromhisoffice,Puddinglane,dally;
Mitre, mon. wed. & fn. 2.30 p.m. , ?ollin~, Star,
Allchin, 'Bull,' moo. thurs. & sat. 2 p.m.; Burton, 'Rose
& Crown,' daily (wed. excepted), at 4 p.m. i Barton, 'Rose tues. thurs. & sat. 3 p.m. ; Cou~hman, ' Star, 'daily, ~
& Crown,' daily (except wed.), 4 p.m p.m. & thurs. extra van at 5 p.m. , Page, Queens Head,
Bono' GREEN-Horton, ' Rose & Crown,' tues. thurs. & sat. tues. thurs. & ~t. 2 p.m .
3 p.m.; Bassett, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. & fri. 3.30 p.m LARKFIELD Larkmg, from his office, Puddmg lane, dally;
BouGHTON MALHERBE-Collins, 'Star,' tues. thurs. & sat. at Upton, 'Star,' wed. & sat. 4 p.m.; Brown, 'Queen's
Head,' mon. ~ues. thurs. fri. & sat. 4 p.m. ; Ba~n, 'Rose
3 p.m.; Hawkins, 'Star,' moo. tues. tburs. & sat. 2 p.m.; & Crown,' daily (wed. exc~pted), 4 p.m.; Morr1s, 'Rose &
Wickens, • Mitre,' mon. wed. & fri. 2.30 p.m
BouGHTON MoNCHELSEA-Brown, 'Queen's Head 'daily(ex- Crown,' mon. wed. & fn. 2.30 p.m.; Baker, 'Rose &
cept tues.), 2.30 p.m. ; Thomsett, 'Queen's Head,' tues-. Crown,' tues. & tburs. 2 p.m.; Horton, 'Rose & Crown,'
thurs. & sat. 2.30 p.m. ; Southon, 'Queen's Head,' daily tues. thurs. & sat. 3.30 p.m
(wed. excepted), 2.15 p.m LEEDs-Page, 'Queen's Head,' tues. thurs. & sat. 2 p.m. f
BoxLBY-Simmons, 'Bull,' thurs. 2.30 p.m Sloman, 'Star,' daily (wed. excepted), 2 p.m
BREDHtrRST-Simmons, ' Bull,' thurs. 2. 30 p.m LENHAM-Hughes, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. tburs. & sat. 3
BRENCHLEY-Humphrey,' Queen's Head,' wed. 2.30 p.m.; p.m.; Goldup, 'Star' & from Larking's office, Pudding
Homewood, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. & thurs. 3 pm lane, tues. & thurs. 3 p.m
BROHPTON (OLD & NEw)-Bottle, 'Star,' tues. thurs. & sat. LENHAM HEATH-Chapman, 'Bull,' thurs. 1 p.m. ; Fekins,
2.30 p.m. ; Larking, from their office, Pudding lane, 'Bull,' tues. thurs. & sat. 2 p.m .
weekly LEYBOURNE-Larkmg, from hts office, Pudding lane, daily;
BURHAH-Parker, 'Mitre,' daily, 2 p.m. ; Norris, New inn, Baker, 'Rose & Crown/ tues. tburs. & sat. 2 p.m.; Bar~
wed. 2.30 p.m. ; Lockyer, 'Haunch of Venison,' daily ton, 'Rose & Crown,' daily (wed. excepted), 4 p.m
(wed. excepted), 2 p.m LIDSINO Simmons, 'Bull,' tburs. 2 p.m
CHARINO Goldup, 'Star,' tues. & thUTs. 3 p.m LONDON-Larking, from his office, Pudding lane, daily
CHARING HEATH-Chapman, 'Bull,' thurs LoosE & LINTON-Brooker, 'Haunch of Venison,' daily, 2
CHART-BY-BUTTON, through Boughton Monchelsea-Brown, p.m. ; James, 'Rose & Crown,' tburs. 9 a.m. ; Collins,
'Queen's Head,' mon. wed, thurs. fri. & sat. 2 p.m. ; 'Start' tues. thurs. & sat. 3 p.m. ; Williams, 'Star,' daily-,
Thomsett, •Rose & Crown,' tues. thurs. & sat. 2 p.m 2.50 p.m. ; Sisley, 'Queen's Head,' tues. thurs. & sat. 2.30
CHATHAM-Bottle, 'Star,' tues. thurs. & sat. 2.30 p.m. ; p.m. ; Southon, 'Queen's Head,' daily, 2 p.m. ; Collison,
Larking, at their office, Pudding lane, weekly 'Bull,' daily (wed. excepted), 2 p.m.. Hodges, 'Ship,'
CoLLIER STREET-Reeve, 'Star,' moo. wed. fri. & sat. 2.30 thurs. I p.m
p.m.; Hemsley, 'Queen's Head,' tues. thurs. fri. & sat. MALLING (EAsT)-Brown, 'Queen:s Head,' mon. tues. thurs.
2 p.m fri. & sat. 4 p.m.; Smith, 'Rose & Crown,' fri. 4 p.m. ;
CoxHEATH-Collison, 'Star,' moo. tues. thurs. & sat. 2 p.m.; Larking, from Pudding lane, daily
Hemsley, 'Queen's Head,' tues. thurs. fri. & sat. 2 p.m. ; MALJ,ING (WEsT)-Larking, from Pudding lane, daily; Bar~
Sisley, 'Queen's Head,' tues. thurs. & sat. 2 p.m ton, 'Rose & Crown,' daily (except wed.), 4 p.m.; Upton,
CRANBROOK-Williams, 'Star,' daily, 4 p.m. ; tburs. 4 & 'Star,' tues. & sat. 4 p.m.; Brown, 'Queen's Head,' mon.
5.30 p.m.; James, 'Rose & Crown,' tburs. 9 a. m.; Lock- thurs. fri. & sat. 4 p.m
yer, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. & fri. 9 a.m.; Soutbon, MARDEN-Collison, 'Bull,' daily (except wed.), 2 p.m.;
'Queen's Head,' daily, 2 p.m Brooker, 'Haunch of Venison,' daily, 2 p.m.; Neave,
CnoucH-Fawcett, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. 2.30 p.m 'Rose & Crown,' tues. thurs. & sat. 2.30 p.m. ; Collins,
DEAN STREET-Hemsley, 'Queen's Head,' tues. thurs. fri. & 'Star,' tues. thurs. & sat. 3 p.m. ; Streeton, 'Queen's
sat. 2 p.m Head,' mon. wed. & fri. 2 p.m
DETLINO-Simmons, 'Bull,' tues. & sat. I p.m. ; Gamble, MATFIELD GREEN-Homewood, 'Rose & Crown,,. tues. &
'Mitre,' daily, 3· 15 p.m thurs. 2.30 p.m
Dl'ITON-Barton, 'Rose & Crown,' daily (wed. excepted), 4 MERKWORTH-Newman, 'Mitre,' tues. thur'!. & sat. 2.30
p.m.; Brown, 'Queen's Head,' rnon. tues. tburs. tri. & p.m.; Baker, 'Mitre,' moo. tues. thurs. fri. & sat. 3.30
sat. 4 p.m p.m.; Baldwin, 'Rose & Crown,' wed. 2 p.m.; Fawcett,
DODDINOTON-Hughes, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. thurs. & sat. 'Rose & Crown,' tues. 2.30 p.m.; Ongley, 'Star,' tues.
3 p.m thurs. & sat. 2.30 p.m. ; Weston, 'Star,' tues. thurs. fri.
DuNKS GREEN-Fawcett, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. 2.30 p.m.; & sat. 2 p.m
Beadle,' Rose & Crown,' tburs. 3 p.m MILTON-Gamble, 'Mitre,' daily, 3.15 p.m
EGERTON-Fekins, 'Bull,' tues. thurs. & sat. 2 p.m NHTTLESTEAD-Middleton, 'Ship,' fri. 2.30 p.m.; Latter,
EwHURST-James, 'Rose & Crown,' thurs. 9 a. m 'Queen's Head,' tues. tburs. & sat. 4 p.m.; Homewood,
FARLEIGH (EAsT)-Reeve, 'Star,' moo. wed. fri. & sat. 2.30 'Rose & Crown,' tues. & thurs. 2.30 p.m
p.m.; Streeton, 'Queen's Head,' daily ; Hemsley, 'Queen's NEWENDEN-James, 'Rose & Crown,' tburs. 9 a.m
Head,' tues. tburs. fri. & sat. 2 p.rn NEWINGTON-Simmons, 'Bull,' tues. & sat. I p.m
FA.RLElOH (~'EsT)-Reeve, 'Star,' mon. wed. fri. & sat. 2.30 NEWNHAM-Hughes, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. thurs. & sat.
p.m.. Streeton, 'Queen's Head,' daily 3 p.m
FAVERSHAM-Hughes, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. thurs. & sat.; NoRTHIAM-James, 'Rose & Crown,' & Larking's office,
Goldup, 'Star,' tues. & thurs. 3 p.m Pudding lane, thurs. 9 a.m -
FoRSTAL-Parker, 'Mitre,' daily, 2 p.m.; Lockyer, 'Star,' 0FFHAM-Larking, Pudding lane, daily; Brown, 'Queen's
mon. tues. thurs. fri. & sat. 2 p.m. ; Larking, at their Head,' mon. tues. thurs. fri. & sat. 4 p.m
office, Pudding lane, weekly OsPRINGE-Hughes, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. thurs. & sat,
FRITIENDEN-Hodges, 'Ship,' mon. & thurs. 2 p.m 3.30 p.m
GJLLINOHAJ\1-Bottle, 'Star,' tues. thurs. & sat. 2.30 p.m 0THA11I-Sioman, 'Star,' daily (wed. excepted), 2 p.m
GouLDHUR~T-Collins, 'Star,' daily (wed. excepted), 2.30 PADDOCK Woon-Homewood, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. &
p.m.; Neave, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. thurs. & sat. 2.30 thurs. 3.30 p.m
HADLOW-Ongley, 'Star,' tues. thurs. & sat. 2.15 p.m.; PARK liATE-Chapman, 'Bull/ thurs. I p.m. ; Fekins
Weston, 'Star,' tues. tburs. fri. & sat. 2 p.m 'Bull,' tues. tburs. & sat. 2 p.m
BAMHILL-Baker, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. & thurs. 2.30 p.m PEAS MARSH-James, 'Rose & Crown,' thurs. 9 a:.m
BARRIRTSHAM-Goldup, 'Star,' tues. & thurs. 3 p.m. ; PECKHAM (EAST)-Latter, 'Queen's Head,' tues. tburs. &·
Hughes, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. thurs. & sat. 3 p.m sat. 4 p.m.; Weston, 'Star,' tues. thurs. fri. & sat..2 p.m
BARTLIP-Simmons, • Bull,' tues. & sat. I p.m PECKHAM ("'RsT)-Latter, 'Queen's Head,' tues. tburs. &
BAWKHtrRST-James, 'Rose & Crown,' thurs. 9 a. m. ; Lock- sat. 4 p.m.; l<'awcett, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. 3.30 p.m
yer, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. & fri. 9 a. m.; '\'1lliams, 'Star,' PEMBURY-Taylor, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. 1.30 p.m
daily, 2.50 p.m PLATT-Bassett, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. & fri. 2.30 p.m. ;
HEADCORN-Couchman, 'Star,' daily, 2 p.m. & thurs. 5.30 Horton, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. thurs. & sat. 3.30 p.m.;
p.m.; Buswood, 'Star,' tues. thurs. & sat. 2 p.m:; Ben- l<'awcett, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. 2.30 p.m
nett, 'Haunch,' daily, 3.30 PLAXTOL-Beadle, 'Rose & Crown,' thurs. 3 p.m.; Fawcett,
BoLLINGBOURNE-Honey, 'Royal Oak,' daily (wed. ex- 'Rose & Crown,' tues. 2.30 p.m
cepted), 3 p.m PLUCKLEY-Busswood, 'Star,' tues. tburs. & sat. 2 p.m
HORSMONDEN-8treeton, 'Queen's Head,' daily RAINHAM-Simmons, 'Bull,' tues. & sat. I p.m
HUNTON-Streeton, 'Queen's Head,' daily, 2 p. m.; Hemsley, RIVERHEAD-Baldwin, 'Rose & Crown,' wed. 2 p.m. ; Hor-
' Queen's Head,' tues. thurs. fri. & sat. 2.30 p.m. ; Colli- ton, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. thnrs. & sat. 3.30 p.m
son, 'Star,' mon. tues. thurs. & sat. 2 p.m RocHESTER-Bottle, 'Star,' tues. thurs. & sat. 2.30 p.m.;
HunsT GREEN-James, 'Rose & Crown,' thurs. 9 a. m Larking, from his offices, Pudding lane, weekly •
lD:&..'f-James, 'Rose & Crown,' tburs. 9 a.m RoLVENDON-Southon, 'Queen's Head,' daily,2 p.m
422 1\UlDSTO.YE.
RYARSH-Larking, Pudding lane, daily; Upton, 'Star," TENTERDEN-Couc,hman, '~tar,' da.il;y,. 2 p.tn. & thurs. .t
toes. & sat. 4 p.m p.m.; Bennett, Haunch· (bus), dally, 3.30 p.m 1
SANDHURST-James, 'Rose & Crown,' thurs. 9 a.m
TONBRIDGE & TuNBRIDGEWELLs-Baldwin, 'Rose & Crown,"'
SANDWAY-Chapman, 'Bull,' thurs. r p.tn. ; Fekins, wed. 2 p.m.; Larking, from his offices, Pudding ·lane,
'Bull,' toes. thurs. & sat. 2 p. m. ; Berndeu,, ' Star,' weekly
mon. tues. thurs. & sat. 2 p.m · TUDELY-Homewood, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. & thurs.
SEAL-Horton, 'Rose & Crown,' toes. thurs. & sat. ~.~o 2.30 p.m •
p.m.; Bassett, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. & fri. 2.30 p.m ULCOMBE-Collins, 'Star,' tues. thurs. & sat. 3 p.m.;
SEVENOAKs-Baldwin, 'Rose & Crown,'wed.2 p.m.; Bassett, Wickens, 'Mitre,' mon. wed. & fri. 2.30 p.m
I'Rose & Crown,' tues. & fri. 2.30 p.m.; Horton, 'Rose & WATERINGBURY-Newman, 'Mitre,' toes. wed. thurs. &
Crown.' tues. thurs. & sat. 3.30 p.m sat. 2.30 p.m.; Ongley, 'Star,' tues. thurs. & sat. 2.15
&rssrNGHURsT-Williams, ' Star,' daily, 2.50 p.m.; Southon, p.m. ; Middleton, 'Ship,' fri. 2.30 p.m. ; .Latter, 'Queen's
'Queen's Head,' daily, 2 p.m Head,' tues. thurs. & sat. 4 p.m. ; Baldwin, 'Rose &
S.tiiARDEN-Busswood, 'Star,' tues. thurs. & sat. 2 p.m Crown.' wed. 2 p.m.; Homewood, 'Rose & Crown,' toes,
SNoni.AND--Baker, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. & thurs. 2.30 & thurs. 2.30 p.m
p.m. ; Morris, 'Rose & Crown.' mon. wed. & fri. 2.30 p.m WEAVERING STREET-Larking, from his office, daily;
~TAPLEHURST-Sisley, ' Queen's Head,' tues. thurs. fri. & Sloman, 'Star,' daily (wed. excepted), 2 p.m
sat. 2.30 p.m. ; Williams, 'Star,' daily, 2.50 p.m.; WouLDHAM-Norris, New inn, wed. 2.30 p.m
Southon, 'Queen's Head,' daily, 2 p.m. ; Hodges, 'Ship,' WROTHAM & WROTHAJ\I HEATH~Upton,.' Star,' wed. & sat.
thurs. I p.m.; James, •Rose & Crown,' thurs. ga.m 4 p.m.; Davis, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. thurs. & sat,
STILEBRIDGE-CoJlison, 'Bull,' daily (wed. excepted), 2 p.m 3.30 p.m
8TOCKBURY-Simmons, 'Bull,' tues. & sat. I p.m YALDING & CLAY GATE (through Hunton)-Hemsley,
So'l"rON (EAST)-Sisley, 'Rose & Crown,' tues. thurs. fri. & 'Queen's Head,' tues. thurs. fri. & sat. 2.30 p.m
sat. 2 p.m. ; Martin, 'Mitre,' mon. wed. & fri. 2.30 p.m.; YALDING (through West Farleigh)-Streeton, 'Queen's
Collins, 'Star,' tues. thurs. & sat. 3 p.m.; Fuller, 'Star,' Head,' daily; Reeve, 'Star,' mon. wed. fri. & sat., 2.30
daily (except wed.), 2 p.m p.m. ; Middleton, 'Ship,' fri. 2.30 p.m
SuTTON V.ALENCE-Thomeett, 'Rose & Crown,' mon. wed. Water Conveyance.
& fri. 2.30 p.m.; Martin, 'Mitre,' mon. wed. fri. & sat.
z p.m. ; Busswood, 'Star,' toes. thurs. & sat. 2 p.m.; H. Wright & Sons, barges from Town wharves to & from
Couchman, 'Star,' daily, 2 p.m. & thurs. 5.30 p.m. ; / London & elsewhere; particulars upon application
Fuller, 'Star,' daily (except wed.), 2 p.m . Leycester & Co. barges from Albion wharf to London daily
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Baldwin Mrs. H. S. I Romney place Bonny William, 42 Bower lane
Abnett Cbarle8, 8 St. George's square Balston Miss, 249 Boxley road Bonny Wm. Uplands, Bower Mount rd
Abnett William, 86 Upper Fant road Balston Richard James J.P. Springfield Bootes Alfd. Edwin Walt. 12 Romney pi
Adam•s Matthew Algernon, Trt•m•ty Barber Henry, 2I3 Upper Fant road
Bootes William, IO Victoria street
house, Church street Barham Ht.FredericHy. IILow.Stone st Bosanquet Mrs. Penneden ho. Boxley rd
.Adams Mrs. 24 Bower place Barling Robert,Gien Doone,Buckland rd Bottle Thomas, I7 St. George's square
Adams Percy Targett:M.R.c.s.Eng. Kent Barnes Benjamin, 8 Victoria street Boyce Charles M. D., c.M. 25 King street
CountyOphthalmic hospital,Church st Barney Robert E. 36 Victoria street & 3 Clarendon place ·
Akhurst Henry, I57 Union street Barrick Henry, I33 Union street Bradford William, 2 Buckland road
Alcock Mrs. M. 49 Randall street Barrow Miss Harriet, 6I Upper Fant rd Brattle James, 2I9 Upper Fant road
Alger George Herbert, Denmark house, Barrow Miss S. E. 23 Western terrace, Brennan Jn. Somerfield ho. London rd
Tonbridge road Tonbridge road Bridge Mrs. Craythorne, Tonbridge rd
Allan Mrs. 127 Upper Fant road Bartbolomew Mrs. 47 Kingsley road Bridges Ernest John, SI Victoria street
Allcorn Edward, 30 & 32 Stone street Bartholomew Thomas, jun. Buckland la Brisley Mrs. Cossington house, Rocky
Allcorn Mrs. A. A. I4 Hastings road Bartlett Edward (curator of museum), hill, London road
Alien Arthur Barrow, Dalmuir, Chillington house, Faith street Britt Stephen, r6 Church street
Tonbridge road Barton Arthur, 53 Randall street Brook Alfred, Fant house
Alien Frederick Chas.4I Upper Fant rd Barton Henry, 2I Church street Brooker Thomas, r8 Victoria street
Allman George James, I77 Up. Fant rd Barton Jesse, I53 Union street Brown Rev. Ernest Samuel [Congrega-
Allwork John, 9 King street Barton :Mrs. James, Manor villa, Bower tional], 21 Western ter. Tonbridge rd
Ambrose Alfred William, 95 Up.Fant rd Mount road Brown George Waltr. 7 St. George's sq
Ambrose John Day, 4A, Ashford road Batchelor Charles, 24 Melville road Brown J oseph Charles, 6 Market street
Amies Edwin, 8 Asbford road Batchelor Mrs. Mark, II College road Browne Benjamin, 2 Upper Fant road
Amoore Miss, 8 Knightrider street Bate Percy, I3 Lower Fant road Hrownscombe William F.R.G.s. Bruns-
Anderson Albert Ed ward, West Borough Batten Mrs. E. 23 Marsham street wick house, Buckland hill
Anderson James,6 Nelson pi. Queen's rd Beale Charles, Lubbock vils. Holland st Bruce William, 3 Nelson pl. Queen's rd
Anderson Mrs. 2I St. George's square Heale Edward Downes, 613 King street Bryant Henry, 64 Kingsley road
Andrews Alfred Henry, Buckland Beales Alfred, 37 Kingsley road Bryant Miss, 34 Brewer street
Beaney Henry, 5 Upper Fant road
. villas, Buckland hill Bryant William, 247 Boxley road
Andrews William, 38 Victoria street Bear Horace, Heathclitf, Tonbridge rd Buckley Thomas, I2 Hastings road
Anscomb J n. Staker, Hove vil. Coli ege rd BeaumontChas. Highcross, Tonbridge rd Budd James Edward, 9 Milton street
Anscomb Joseph, Claremont, Albion pl BeaumontRobt.Whichcord(dep. inspec.- Bunter George Bullock, 4 Clarendon pl
Anscomb Miss, 3 College road general R.N. ),Highcross, Tonbridge rd Bunyard Geo. Kenmore, Tonbridge rd
Appleton George, 5 Church street Beeching Josiah, 7 Bower street Bunyard Mrs. I7 London road
4-ppleton James, 30 Kingsley road Belcher Albert, 39 Hastings road Burgess Albert Chas. 35 Upper Fant rd
Appleton William, 72 Kingsley road Bellingbam J obn, 20 Lower Fant road Burgiss-BrownJn. West bnk.Bucklnd.rd
Appleyard Geo. Normanton, London rd BenstedHubert,Rockstow, Somerfield rd Burnard James J<'ranklin, 29 Western
Apps William, I2I Union street Bensted Wm. H. Longfield, London rd terrace, Tonbridge road
Arkcoll Jn. Foley bo. Sittingbourne rd Bentlif Saml. Draycott ho. Tonbridge rd Busbridge Mrs. Mahala, 38 Kingsley rd
Arkcoll Mrs. 15 London road Benzie Robt. Hill side, Bower Mount rd Busbridge Mrs. Sussex pl. Tonbridge rd
Argles Mi88, I7 Albion place Berry Edward Geo. I5 St. George's sq Busbridge Thomas, 55 Marsham street
Argles Mrs. Roselle, Buckland hill Betts Thomas, 2 Albany vils. Albion pl Butler Edward, 247 Upper Fant road
Ashdown Mrs. F. 2I Romney place Betts Wm. Sycamore ho. Buckland rd Butler Richard Wm. 24 Victoria street
Atkinson John Edward, 2 Buckland Bezant Mrs. 36 Brewer street Cackett Jesse Daniel, 3 Cooper's terrace,
terrace, London road Biggs Albert, 237 Upper Fant road Upper Fant road
Attwood John William,2 Lower Fant rd Bignell Robert, 30 Lower !<'ant road Capon Stephen Hy. 23 Lower Fant rd
Austen Miss, 5 Marsham street Bilbey Miss, 6 College road Carpenter Charles, 40 Victoria street
Avery Edward, Lonsdale, Westree, Billinness William Robert, I Priory rd Carpenter Mrs. r6I Upper Fant road
Reginald road Birch Clement, 19 Lower Fant road Carr Oliver, 6r Victoria street
Baggs Barnabas, 23 Church street Bishop Armigill John, Norfolk villas, Carr William Venn, I I London road
Baggs Frederick, II Hastings road Buckland bill Cartwright Rev. Frederic Stephen M.A.
Lcurate of All Saints'], r Melville road
Bailey Alfred, 152 Milton street Bishop George, 13 Milton street
Bailey William, 58 Marsham street Bishop George, jun. I2 Upper Stone st CaseChas.Alf. Mount ho. BowerMount rd
Baily Miss, 7A, London road Blaxell John Westlake, IO Fisher street Castle William Alfred, 57 Kingsley road
Baker Frederick, 9 London road Blunt Rev. James Henry T. M.A. The Catt Albt. Edwd.M.R.c. v.s. IO Albion pl
Baker George, 233 Boxley road Laurels, St. Michael's road Cavendisb George, 6 Hastings road
Baker John, X4 Orchard place Bodkin Wm. Stockwell vil. Milton street Chambers James, Fern villas, Milton st
Baker Mrs. A. 9 Marsham street Bolton Edmund, 23 Victoria street Chambers Mrs.Mary,Castlemaine villa,
Baldwin George, Buckland hill Bonny Edwin Anderson, 84 Boxley road London road
Chambers Mrs. Ann, 16 St. George's sq Dadson Henry, 3 St. George's square Fremlin Waiter Thomas, Ro<:klai!.dSa
ChambersPhilipJsph.Fairvw. College rd Dalison Rev. Charles Edmund Waiter Tonbridge road
Chambers Robert, 31 Victoria street M.A. [curate of St. Michael's & All FriendReV'.Walt.[Bapt.J,ggLow..l"antr<l
Chambers Wm. Lampard,26 Ashford rd Angels' J, Laurel lodge, Tonbridge rd Friend George, 44 Earl street
Chapman Hy. Geo. 75 Upper Fant rd Danchell Fredk. Hahn, 47 Tonbridge rd 1Frost Miss, lluckland hill
Charles Benjamin, 27 Hastings road Dann Mrs. I Elmsdale vils.Bnckland hill1 I<'rost William, 23 Upper Fant road f:I
Cheeseman Herbert John William, 175 Darby James Sipson, 13 Hastings road I<'rost Williarn Wootton, Querens ilex_.
Upper Fant road Davidson Mrs. Devon ho. Tonbridgo rd Upper Fant
Cheeseman William, 259 Upper Fant rd Davies Francis Pritchard M.D. (supt. Fryer Mrs. 46 Bower lane
Cbittenden Fredk. 207 Upper Fa.nt rd CountyLunatic asylum),Barming hth 1Fulljatnes Mrs, 12 London road
Clark Arthur Dobson, 1 Naboth villas, DawesJames,Hill house, Upper Stone st Furber George Henry, 7 Ashford road
Queen's road Day Albert Edward, 12 Victoria street Gadd James, 20 Victoria street
Clark Chas. 9 Cooper's ter. Up. Fant rd Day Frederick, 25 Hastings road Gallaway Thomas, 149 Bower street
Clark John Tarvis, 4 Cooper's terrace, Day Joseph, I Milton villas, Milton st Gandy Henry, 76 Kingsley road
Upper Fant road Day Joseph, Woodbury, Tonbridge road Gandy Mrs. 20 Albion place
Clark Lewis, 12 Ashford road Day Miss, 53 Marsham street Gardner Edward; 3 Brewer street {
Clark Mrs. Cecilia villas, Oak wood road Day Mrs. Ash Tree house, Loose road Garrett .Balls, I Somerfield terrace;'
Clark ~a.muel, 199 Upper Fant road DayMrs.Phrnbe,Ravenhurst,Up.Fant rd London road
Clarke Mrs. 38 Bower lane Day William, Somerfield, London road Gascoine Edmund, 15 Waterside
Clements James, 12 College i'oad Day William,jun. Ingleside,Buckland hl Gates Miss; IS Albion place
Clifford Capt. Frederick James, Wymer· Dean Mrs. 63 Victoria street George Henry, 33 Upper Fant road ->
ing villa, Huckland road Dear Mrs. St. Helier's, Albion place George James, The Red ho.Buckland.rd
Clitiord Charles, rs6 Milton street Derrick George William,. 2 Tay Bank Gibbon Miss Harriet, 38 Uppe( Fa~t rd
Clifford Jas. The Gables, Tonbridge rd villas, Milton street GibbonMisses, Warwick ho.Tonbridge r.d
Clitiord Mrs. E. Bower cot.Tonbridge rd Dickinson Edward John, 59 High street Gibson John Grant, 21 Upper Fant rd
ClitiordMrs.Jane,Clitheroe ho. Londn.rd Dickinson Thomas Payler, Eastnor, Gifford Miss, 9 Ha>tings road
Clinch Thomas John, r6r Union street Charles street Gilbert Charles, 59 Marsham street
Coats Harrison, Sg Upper Fant road Dickinson William Payler, 17 Milton st Gilbert Henry John, 26 Victoria street
Coats Joseph, 28 Lower Fant road Ditcher George, 81 Upper Fant road Gilliam William, 26 Church street/
Coatsworth Miss, 14 Marsham street Ditcher William L.263 Upper !<'ant road Gillingbam Joseph Day, 33 Victoria st
Cogger Thomas, 32 Victoria street Dixon Mrs. 29 Upper Fant road Glover James Gower, 51 UpparFantrd
Colby Herbert C. 27 Western terrace, Dobell David Gibbons, 1 Clarendon pl Godden James, 5l Randall street
Tonbridge road Dobie Misses, Rockhouse, London road Goldsmith Chas. Geo. 30 St.GMrge's sq
Colegate Edward, 34 St. George's sq Dobney Mrs. L. 3 Marsham street Goldsmith Frank Herbt. 7 Low.Fant rd
Coleman William Jn. 5 St. George's sq Dockrill William, :129 Union street Good Percy Thos. Glenthorne,Albio~ pl
Collingwood Nelson, Ferndale, Westree, Doe Henry, Lily cottage,off .Boxley road Gooclhew Mrs. 4 Romney place
Reginald road DoeRichard, Buckland bonse,London rd Goodsell Mrs. 59 Upper Fant road
Collins John, 21 Lower Fant road Doret Gustave,Maryland ho. Vinter's rd Goodwin Alfred Thomas, The Vineries,
Collis Rev. Henry M.A. St. Philip's Dorman Alfred Mark, 6 Somerfield 25 Marsham street
terrace, London road Goodwin Ebenezer, Bleak ho. Thornhills
vicarage, Kingsley road
Collis Rev. William Henry B.A. [curate Dray Herbert, 55 Upper I<'ant road Goodwin Theodore, Melbourne house,
St. Paul's], 201 Boxley road Dunmall Miss A. 127 Kingsley road Thornhills
Cooe George, Southon house, Boxley rd Dunmill Alfred Thomas, 3 St. Michael's Gordon J ames, I St. Michael's terrace,
Cook George Thos. 43 Kingsley road terrace, Upper Fant road Upper Fant road •
Cook John, 17 Romney place Dutnall William, 92 Upper Fant road Gowen \\'illiam,Ecclesbourne, Reginald
Cook Richard, 123 Union street Dyckhoff Wm. Cowley cot. Up. Fant rd road, Westree estate
Cooke M1ss, 19 Kingsley road Dyke Rev. Ed win ·Francis M.A. [vicar of Grace Mrs. E. M. Essendine, College rd
Cooper Hrbt. r Chertsey ter. Up.Fant rd All Saints'], The Vicarage, Mote road Graham George Henry, 45 Hastings rd
Cooper Jesse, no Kingsley road Dyson Miss, 126 Kingsley road Grainge Tom, York house, Albion pl
Cooper John, 79 Kingsley road Eaton Miss, 43 Marsbam street Grant Thomas, Shirley house, Hart st
Cooper Mrs. 19 Victoria street Edmett William, The Elms, London rd Grant Thomas, 21 Kingsley road
Cooper William C. 145 Union street Edwards Thomas, 169 Upper !<'ant road Grant William Robert, 7 Hastings rd
Coote Charles, 155 Upper Fant road Elfick Robert, 40 Kingsley road Grant Wm.Shirley,Riverdale,College rd
Coppinger Major T. S. Lawn villas, Ellis Hon. Chas. I. The Mote,Ashford rd Gratwicke Edward, Lansdowne villa,
Tonbridge road Ellis Arthur Joseph, London road Buckland hill
Corben Richard, 17 Bower street Ellis Charles, London road Gray Edwin Samuel, 30 Victoria street
Cording George Frederick, 151 UniJn st Ellis Henry Charles, 26 Gabriel's hill Gray Mrs. 3 Milton street
Corfe Alfred 1''. Eastgate, Asbford road Ellis Richard, 44 Marsham street Gray Mrs. Maria, 20 Upper }''ant road
Corke Thomas, 33 Kingsley road Emary Albert Henry, 167 Upper Fant rd Green J<'rederick, 122 Kingsley road
Corke William John, ro Lower Fant road England Walter, Uiddy Horn lane, Green John, 5 College road
CornfordArth.Helle vue,BowerMount rd London road Green Laurence, Chamberlayne house,
{)ouchman Edwin R. Orchard house, Epps Albert Timothy, 8 London road London road
Orchard street Evans Mrs. 65 Victoria street Green Mrs.Edingthorp,.Bower Mount rd
Coulcher Rev. George Bohun M.A. Evans William (chief paymaster R.N.), Green Thomas, 34 Hastings road
[vicar of St. Michael's & All Angels'], The Elms, Buckland road Green William (governor H.M. prison),
The Vicarage, St. Micbael's road Eve Frederick, 31 Lower Fant road Governor's house, County road
Coulter James, 22 Kingsley road Farmer George, 2 Ashford road Griffiths Alfred If. B. (assistant medic.-al
Court Mrs. 147 Union street Farrance Charles, 73 Upper !<'ant road officer County asylum), Barming hth
Covus Frederick, SI Kingsley road FenningMrs.Willingtonho.Willingtonst Ground Edwd. B.A.,M.D. 23 Gabriel'shl
Cox Alfred Josepb, 18 Marsham street Fermor Obed, II Orchard place Groves William, 25 Upper Fant road
Cox Thomas A. 249 Upper Fant road Field John L. 2 St. George's square Hall Reuben, 119 Upper Fant road
Cox Walter, Belmont, College road Finch Horace, 79 Upper Fant road Hallowes Adolphus Henry Blackwood,
Cox William, 2 Ross villas, Albion place Fischer Frederick, 183 Upper Fant rd 11 King street
Cox William, jun. Sunnyside, College rd Fison Rev. Edward [Wesleyan], 2 Hamilton Sidney Robert, 6 St.Michael's
Craddock Amos, Fern cots. Oak wood rd Naboth vineyard, London road terrace, Upper Fant road
Crandall Miss, 6SA, Kingsley road Fletcher Watson J. 94 Kingsley road HammertonCbas.Esher, .BowerMnt. rd
Crane Geo.45Western ter.Tonbridge rd Flinn Misses, 29 Hastings road Hanson Edward, 36 Ashford road
Crawford Audrew, 2 Prospect place, Foord Mrs. 137 Union street Harding Robert, 6] Victoria. street
Ashford road Forder Isaac, 10 London road Hards Alfred, 23 Milton street
Cripps Mrs. 29 Lower Fant road Foreman Mrs. :158 Milton street Hargrave Walter Harle, Clifton, Bower
Crittenden Harry, 8 Hastings road Foreman Thomas, 2 St. Michael's ter- Mount road
Crofts William, Cotfield, London road ra('e, Upper Fant road Harman Samuel, 90 Washington ter-
Crouch James Thomas, 40 Earl street Foster Major Charles Mar-shall, ·west- race, Upper !<'ant
Crow Matthew Lawler, 48 Marsham st field, London road Harmer Ueorge Anthony, 2 Chertsey.
Crow Miss, 48 Marsham street
Fox Rev. Samuel William Darwin l'ri.A. terrace, Upper Fant road
Crowhurst WaltPr, 27 Romney place St. Paul's vicarage, Boxloy road Harrington Henry, Mount Pleasant,
Cumberland Major·Gen. Chas. Edwd. Francis John, 6 Lower Fant road Tonbridgeroad
Manor house, Tonbridge road Franklyn Lieut-Col. Thomas Pain, Harris Edwd.Northcote vil.Buckland hl
Curtis John, 38 Ashford road Pettridge, Bower Mount road Harris George, 46 Brewer street
Cutbush Frederick Waiter, 54 Week st Fremlin Frank, Warden ho. Queen's rd Harris James, 53 Upper Fant road
Cutbush Horatio Richard, The College Fremlin Mrs. Sheals court, Tovil road Harris Philip Aug. lnchulva, Albion pl
CuthbertRobt.2 Naboth viis. Queen's rd Fremlin Ralph James, Heathfield Harrison Jn. Lambrook, 235 Boxley rd
Harrison Wallace Richard,Gothic house, Jackson Rev. William M.A. [chaplain to Marjoram Hy. S. Dundaire, Charles st
6o Marsham street H.M. Prison], Chaplain's residence, Mark Miss, Hawthorn villas, Milton st
Harrison William Wallace, Cromwell Boxleyroad Marley Albert, 1 Lgwer Fant road
house, Loose road J amesonMrs.J .H.Rose bnk.Tonbrdge.rd Marriott Thos. 1 Westree vls. Charles 8t
Harpur Major Joseph, 193 Boxley road Jarrett Richard, Bower Mount road Martin Frank, 27 Victoria street
Harvey Henry, 3 Orchard place Jarvis Charles, I3 Victoria street Martin Horace, 98 King street
Harwood Mrs. 115 Kingsley road Johnson Harry Edwin, 23 Kingsley rd Martin John, r6 Victoria street
Haswell Edwin, 8o Peel street Johnsoh John, The Limes, Low. Fant rd Martin John, 2 Westree vils. Charles 8t
Hatch Miss, ro Knightrider street JohnSQn Joseph William LL.D., F.S.A., Martin Thomas, 24 St. George's square
Haynes Geo. 5 Bower ter. Tonbridgerd F.R.G.s., Beau manor, Buckland road Martin William, 88 Upper Fant street
Haynes Mrs. 3 Ashford road Johnston John, 2 Rocky Hill terrace Maskell Jn. Wm. Rose villa, Albion pl
Haynes William, Vinter's road J ones Charles, 23 I Boxley road Maskell William, 35 Tonbridge road
Haywood Frederick John, 2 Devonshire J ones Isaac Judge, 2 Milton vls. Milton st Mason Thomas, 25 Victoria street
villas, Bower lane Jones Samuel, IS Ashford road Mastersl''redk. Foley vl. Sittingbournerd
Headford Edward, 9I Kingsley road Jones William, 15 Ashford road Masters James E. 129 Kingsley road
Hearnden Mrs. 87 Upper Fant road Joslen Arth. Heathercliffe, J,luckland hl Masters Miss, 40 Ashford road
Heathman John Henry, Chertsey Joy Jesse Cooper, 50 Victoria street Masters Mrs. 52 Marsham stree•
house, Upper Fant road Joy Miss, 2 Cooper villas, London road Masters William, 75 Kingsley rood
Hedges Walter, 22 Church street J udgesHy.4Naboth vineyard, London rd Masters William Richard, 26 Brewer st.
Henniker Henry F. Mus.noc., A.R.A.M. Judges Mrs. 34 Upper Fant-road Matson Fras. Thomas, I8 Hastings rd
Sterndale, College road Jury Hendon Irvin, 2 Orchard place Matthews Miss, 3 Albion plac.:e
Heme Robert, 7 Milton street Jury William, 5 Milton street Maynard John, I7I Upper Fant road
Hewitt Charles G. 4I Tonbridge road Keeley Waiter, 28 Ashford road Meacham Chas. Stephen, 62 Earl street
Hickmott Alfred, I Tannery villas, Keeley William, 6 Bower place Mears Henry Daniel, 127 Union street
Buckland road Kelcey Mrs. 35 Lower Fant road Medhurst Arthur, 26I Upper Fant road
Hickmott Henry, 3 Hastings road Kemp Charles, Io6 Kingsley road Menpes Mrs. Buckland hill
Hickmott Mrs. I4I Union street Kentish Mrs. 201 Boxley road Mereer John T. 63 Kingsley road
Hicks William Thos. 211 Up. Fant rd Kenward Thomas, I2 Orchard place Mercer Mrs.7 St.Michael ter.Up.Fantrd
Hill Alfred, 66 Kingtdey road Ker George, Gabriel's hill Meredith John Edward B.A., II.D~
Hills John Hyde, Knightrider house, KershawWm.A.Medway ho.Sandlingrd Lenton villa, Albion place
Knightrider street Keyt Frederick M.B. (assistant medical Merrall George, 69 Upper !<'ant road
Hinkley William, I05 Upper Fant road officer, County Lunatic Asylum), Merrall George Wm. 7I Upper Fant r<l
Hinton Edwin Henry, 4 Albion place Barming heath Merralls John, 82 Upper Fant road
Hitch Fredk. Wm. 8o Upper Fant rd King Geo.Hrbt. Rutherglen,Buckland hi MillerChs.1 Naboth vineyard,Londonrd'.
Boar Chas.Edwd. M.D. 3 Rocky Hill ter King Job, 32 Lower Fant road Miller Miss, 19 Asbford road
Boar Robt. Hawthorndene,Buckland hl King John, 2 College road Miller Mrs. Wm. Milton ho. Boxley rd
Bobbs Alex. Wyard ho. Tonbrldge rd King Thomas, Oakwood vil. Oakwood rd Milner Henry, 26 St. George's square
Bobbs Jn. Roslin vil. St. Michael's rd Kinnard Mrs. 22 Lower Fant road Monckton David Hy. M.D.6 RockyHl.ter-
Bobday Richard Henry, Richmond Kite Felix, 34 Ashford road Monckton Herbert, Northgate, Sitting-
villas, Buckland hill Knight Elboure Wm. 39 Kingsley road boume road
Hodgson John, Canal honse, West Boro' Knowles John, 5 Ashford road Monckton Laurence, 3A, London road
Hodgson Mrs. 2 Bridge ter. West Boro' Lacey George, I50 Milton street Monckton Miss, 70 King street
Holder Alfred, 45 Randall street Lamb William, 9 Lower Fant road MoncktonSteph. La.ncelot,3A,London rd
Holcftlr William, 47 Randall street Langton Daniel, Highfield, London rd Moorcraft Alehin, 23 St. George's sq
Hollams Miss, 4 Buckland ter.London rd Larkin Gage Henry, 24 Ashford road Moore John, 101 Kingsley road
Hollingsbee Mrs. 12 St. George's square Larking James William, 38 Earl street Moore John Robert, 2 Heat.horn villas,.
Holloway Miss, 4 Hastings road Lattimer Mrs. M. 5 Hastings road Heathorn street
Holmes Richard, 37 Hastings road Laurence Frank Gerald, 22I Boxley rd Morfett Henry Willia.m, 21 Victoria st
Bolt Rev. Neville A. B.A. [curate of Laurence Frederic, 8 Somerfield terrace, Morfill Miss, 131 Upper Fant road
All Saints'], 18 Kingsley road London road 1\Iorgan George, r6 Lower Fant road
Hooker J olm Spencer, I College road Law Robt. Jas. The Briars, Tonb:--idgerd Morgan Mrs. 25 St. George's square
Hope Waiter, 5I Marsham street Lawrence Jn. 2 Oak Bank vils. Milton st Morling J as.Richd. 3Bedford pl.Rockyh)
Hopkins Edwin Robert, Fern cottageg, Leaney Frederick George, 2I Albert st Morling Wm. Hawarden, College road
Oakwood road Le Clair Mrs. E. Tonbridge road Moule l<'rederick Richard, 7 Orchard pl
Hopper John, n John street Lee Joseph, 45 Upper Fant road Mowill Miss, I2 Marsham street
Home Rev. Charles T. [Wesleyan], Leeds Ernest J. 57 Upper Fant road Muirhead Richard, Westborough
Clifton, Bower Mount road Leeks Alfred, 9 College road Munn Charles, 45 Upper Stone street
Horton Edwd. 4 Bridge ter. West Boro' Leney Edward, Ensinge ho. London rd Munn Valentine, 21 Hastings road
Horton Mathew, so Marsham street LesterLord.Wm. IOakBnk. vils.Milton st Musgrave Miss, 115 Upper Fant road
Horton William, 179 Upper Fant road Letchworth Rev. Henry Howard M.A. NaughtonJas. Rbt-4Nelson pLQueen's rd'
Hovell Charles Jas. 32 Hastings road St. Peter's vicarage, Somerfield road Neale Adolphus, 267 Upper Fant road
How Mrs. 27 Upper Fant road Link William, Fern cots. Oakwood rd Neale William, 4 Orchard place
Howard de Walden Dowager Lady, The Lock George, I55 Union street Neech Thos. Wm. Alfred, 11 Romneypl
Mote Loder Francis, I9 Hastings road Newing Herbert Thos. 33 Marsham st
Howard Mrs. E. 40 Marsham street Long Charles G. Woodside, London rd Newman Ernest, I6 Hastings road
Howarth Charles Duncombe, 48 Earl st Long Miss, 86 Boxley road Newman Miss, I Prospect pl.Ashford rd'
Howlett Francis Robert, 2 Bower ter- Long Thos. Mount Pleasant vil. Loose rd Nichols Jas. Ashberry, Tonbridge road
race, Tonbridge road Lorden J onah,3Devonshire viis. Bower la NoakesHenry, I Lawn vils.Tonbridge rd
Howlett Mrs. M. 28 Church street Love John, 251 Upper Fant road Noakes Miss, I5 Hastings road
Hudson Mrs. 2:29 Upper Fant road Lovett Thomas Brown, Park view, Norman Frederick, 7 College road
Hughes Henry Alex. Little Buckland Sittingbourne road Norwood Rev. George B. A. [curate of St.
Hughes Misses, It Ashford road LowryJohn, 43 Upper Fant road Michael's & All Angels],Laurel lodge~
Hughes Mrs. The Bower, Tonbridge rd Lucas Robert, 28 Victoria street Tonbridge road
Hulburd George, Ardeer, Buckland hill Lunnon Chas. Henry, 33 Hastings road Nye Charles, 8 Orchard place
Hulseberg Brigade-Surgeon John Wild, Lurcock Mrs. 27 St. George's square 0 beeThomas,6 Bridge ter. West borough
I3 Ashford road Lyle Daniel Thomas James, 9I King st Old Mrs. Norfolk villas, Buckland hill
Humphrey William, I63 Upper Fant rd McCabe William John, I2 Up. Fant rd Oliver Chas.PyeM. B. Lond.sRockyHl.ter
Hunt Alfred, I Tay Bank vils. Milton st McCaig Wm. Marsden Bower, Mount rd Oliver Josiah, 5 Rocky H1ll terrace
Hnnt William, I59 Upper Fant road MaceEdwd. Cozens,Osborne cot.Loose rd Oliver Mrs. I23 Kingsley road
Hurn George, I2 Albion place McLachlan J n. Roderick, I7 Hastings r 1 Ongley Thomas, I43 Union street
Hutchesson Miss, 8 Albion place McVitie James, 10 Ashford road Orford Alfred, I3 Marsham street
Huxley James E. 26 Upper Fant road McVitie John, 2 Marsham street Ottewill Wm. Hy. 125 Upper Fant rood
Huxstep Mrs. I23 Upper Fant road Maggs Frederick (H.M. assistant in- Packham Mrs. 53 Bower street
Hyatt William, I I Albion place spector of schools), 30 Hastings road Paddon Mrs. N eville, Richmond villa,
Hyde Francis, Hyde house, Fant lane Maldon James, Tonbridge road Buckland hill
Iliff James, 13 St. George's square Malins Thomas, Folly ho. 28 Bower la Page William, Bower Mount road
lllsley Wm. Chas. 85 Upper Fant road Malley Miss, 5 Buckland ter. London rd Page Wm. James,Hollyhurst,Londonrd
Ion John, 4A, Prospect pl. Ashford rd Mallinson Mrs. 29 Victoria street Paine Daniel, 4 Lower Fant Troonabdrdg.~
Ireland Bernard, I95 Upper Fant road Mangelsdorff Christoph, 3 Chertsey PaineDenniss,BowerHill ho.
IremongerAustin,2Nelson pl. Queen's rd terrace, Upper Fantroad Parker Charles, Westdene,Tonbridge
Ivens Edward, 149 Union street Marchant Alfred, Hazlemere, Bower pl Parker Mrs. 9 Kingsley road
Jackson Thomas, 18 High street Marchant J sph. Stoneleigh, London rd Parker Richard, 31 Milton street.
Parks Mark, 173 Upper Fant road SandersSaml. Percy,lvythorne,Albion pl Stephens Edmund Thomas, 72 Peel st
Parks Mrs. H. 20 Kingsley road Sanders William, Albion place Stephens Henry, 17 Victoria street
Parrett Alfred, 39 Marsham street Sankey Mrs.3Wilton place,Low.Fant rd StephensMrs. Southgte.Sittingbourne rd
Parrish George, 26 Lower Fant road Sawer Joseph, ng Union street Stephenson Mrs. E. l\I. 19 Church st
Paterson William, 2I Marsham street Sawers Mrs. I Ivy Bank villas, Milton st Stevens Ed ward, 83 Kingsley road
Pearce Mrs. I8 Albion place Scoones Waiter Georgec.E.Buckland hill Stevens James, 31 Hastings road
Pearson WeymouthCarter,41 Victoria st Scott Henry, 2 Hastings road Stevens John, Blenheim ho.St. Peter's st
Peckham Mrs. 6 Albion place Scudamore Mrs. 28 Lower Stone street l:ltevens Joseph, I St. George's square
PenfoldMorrisEdward, I4 Victoria street Seager EdwardGeorge,59Victoria street Stevens Joseph John, ro Hastings road
PerrinWm.2Clarendon place,Ashford rd Seaton Miss, 6A, London road • Stisted Col. Thos. West hi. London ru
Peters Alfred, Fern villas, Milton street Selby Samuel, 1 I Milton street Stockwell Wm. David, 82 Kingsley rei
Peters John, 14 Kingsley road Seyfang Waiter Louis, The Cedars, Stone Frederick, 54 Kingsley road
Peters Lee, 39 Upper Fant road Bower Mount road Stone James, 46 Ashford road
Peters Robert, 4 t;t. Michael's terrace. Sharp Charles, Natal house, Albion pl Stone Thomas, I9 Marsham street
Upper Fant road Sharp James, 223 Boxley road Stonham Thomas Goland, Olney house.
Peters Waiter, Rangemore,Buckland rd Sharp Joseph, 219 Boxley road Sittingbourne road
Philbrick Charles, 2 Chertsey villas, Sharp Mrs. 21 Brewer street Stopes Mrs. M. 13 Romney place
Upper Fant road Sharp William, 37 Tonbridge road Storey Parker, I9 Milton street
Pine David Wire, 5 Clarendon place Shaw George, Windermere, Up. Fant; rd Streatfield Chas. Clement, 19 Albion pl
Pine Frederic, Ravensbourne,London rd Shaw Mrs.5 Somerfield ter. London road Streatfield Edward Warton, 7 Albion pl
Pine Miss, 33 Earl street Shaw William M.D. Eynsford villas, Streatfield Edwd.Worgor, 18 Romney pl
Pine Mrs. Westree villa, Tonbridge road Tonbridge road Streatfield George Rd. Bank ho.Bank st.
PlomleyJohnFrederickM.D. We. Borough Sherwood Alfred, 5 Nelson pl. Queen's rd Streatfield Henry, Bank house, Bank s~
Poffiey Fredk.Jas. xo St.George's square Silvester Edward James, Cedar view, Streatfield Wm. Fernbank, London rd
Poole William, 57 Victoria street London road Styles George, 8 Brewer street
PopeMiss,FiveWays ho..Sittingbourne rd Simmonds Charles, 14 Romney place Styles Mathias, Meadow bank, Ton-
Poste Misses, 6 Bower ter. Tonbridge rd Simmons Mrs. 35 Victoria street bridge road
Potter James, 124 Kingsley road Simmons William, I Rose Bank villas, Sudds Alfred, I39 Union street
Potter John, I Hastings road Milton street Sunnuck Ja1ues, 32 Kingsley road
Potter Thomas, 47 Upper Fant road Simons Wm. Hy. Westree, Reginald rd Sutton Miss, 2 Rocky hill, London rd
Potvine Herbert, 22 Albion place Sims George Henry, 142 Milton street Swan George, I4 Union street
Prentis Mrs. 4 Rocky Hill ter Sinden John Edward, 24 Lower Fantrd Swift William, 22 Victoria street
Price Robert, 6 Knightrider street Sisley William John, 165 Upper Fant rd TadmanRichard,Woodbine cot. Loose r<l
PriorMrs.F.A.P.Lynwood,Tonbridge rd Skeats Richard, 47 Victoria street Tamplin Rev. John Mainwaring M.A.
Pryer Miss, Eynsford viis. Tonbridge rd Skelding Thomas, 269 Upper !<'ant road [curate of St. Faith's], I7 Faith st
Pryor Amos, 7I Kingsley road Skelton Thomas, Priory place, Priory rd Tappfield Joseph Kidd, 64 Boxley road
Pybus Charles, 227 Boxley road Sladden JohnEdward,27Low.Fant road Tapply Edward S. 16 Ashford road
Rains Septimus, 96 King street SmartEdwinHy.Boxley cot. Oakwood rd Tassell Miss, 49 Upper Fant road
Randall FrederickWilliam, Westborough Smith Albert, 3Prospect pi. Ashford road Tassell Mrs. 225 Upper Fant road
huuse, Tonbridge road SmithAlbt. Wm.F.R.I. B. A.4ILow.Fant rd Taylor Rev. James Thomas M.A. [curate
Randall Mrs. Fintonagh, Boxley road SmithChas.L.25Westrn.ter. Tonbrdg.rd of St. Paul's], 229 Boxley road
Smith Duncan, Mount Pleasant, Ton- Taylor Frederick, Bower lane
Randall Misses, I30 Kingsley road
Taylor Henry, Carisbrooke, London rd
Rands Ebenezer, 2 White Rock place, bridge road
Terrace road Smith George Henry, 9 Orchard place Taylor William, 4 Ashford road
Ranger Robert, I Lower Stone street Smith Henry, 7 Upper Fant road Taylor William Henry, 42 Victoria st
Ratcliff Edmund, 29 St.George's square Smith Henry Jesse, 8 Romney place Thompsett William, 25 Lower Fant rd
Read Frederick F. C. I05 Kingsley road Smith Henry John, 159 Union sLreet Thomsett Rev. William [Primitive
MethodistJ, Alien street
Reader Waiter Stevenson, IO Romney pl Smith John, 10 College road
Record Alfred, Buckland cot. London rd Smith Miss, 8 College road ThorogoodEdwd. Danemoor, Up. Fant rd.
Redmond Joseph, 55 Vict.oria street Smith Mrs Eliza, I4 St.George's square Thorpe Miss, I4 Ash ford road
Reed Mrs. I6 Albion place Smith Mrs. ·rhos. The Yews, College road Thrush Richard, 33 Lower !<'ant road
Smith Reginald, Brookfield, Sitting- 'fhurstonFnk. Jsph. Ferncote, London rd
Relf George, 6 Romney place
Revill Mrs. 93 Upper Fant road bourne road .Tidy Miss, 33 Tonbridge road
Rr.ynolds Louis Bond, I Wilton place, Smith Sidney, 31 St. Peter's street Tiltman John, 113 Upper Fant road
Lower Fant road Smithson Thomas, 84 Kingsley road Tobin George, 28 St. Heorge's square
Richards Rev. John Arthur A.K.C.L. Smyth W. JohnsonM.B.(assistantmedi- Tolhurst William, 7 Romney place
('curate of HolyTrinity],I37 Union st cal officer), County Lunatic asylum, Tomlin Albert, 37 Upper Fant street
RichardsFttzg-errald D. The Rock, Ton- Barming heath • Tomlin Joseph, Albion villa, Albion pl
bridge road Smythe Algernon Sydney, Ivythorne, Tompsett Mrs. 14 Upper Stone street
Riley Alfred, Cromwell ho. Loose road Tonbridge road Tompson Edward Richard, Buckland
Ring George, 47 King street Smythe Hy. Bella Vista, Bnckland road villas, Buckland hill
Ring James, Hawthorn viis. Milton st Smythe John, Fairview, London road Toms Thomas, 31 St. George's square
Rivers Rev. Henry Frederick M.A. St. Snellingl\Iiss, I Buckland ter.London rd Tootell Charles, Harestone, London rd
Faith's vicarage, Sittingbourne road Solomon Arthur, 19 & 20 Waterside TootellJsph.Coombe cot.St.Michael's rd.
RobertsJn. TheLaurels, Sittingbourne rd Sothan David, 6 Marsham street Tootell Mrs. 10 Upper Fant road
Robinson Charles, 25 K ngsley road Spall John, 217 Upper Fant road Tovey Luke, 13 Kingsley road
Robinson Henrv, 1 Buckland road Spear Rev. William M.A.,:u.n. [curate of Tovey Mark, 55 Kingsley road
Robinson John; 67 Upper Fant road All Saints], 22 Ashford road Tovey Mrs. I I Kiugsley road
Robson Rev.James StuartM.A.Oaklands, Spencer Rev. Robert Edward, St.John's Towner Amos, 27 Church street
St. Michael's road vicarage, Willington street Towsley Henry, 22I Upper Fant road
RobsonRt. Walt.Northbrook ho. Union st Spencer Alfd.4Somerfield ter.London rd Trant John Albert, 99 Upper Fant road
Rodwell Rev. George E. C. B. A. [curate of Spencer Mrs. George, Rocky Hill house, Troutbeck RobertM.R.A.c., F.S.I. Blen-
St. Peter'sl, 47 Victoria street
London road cow. Sittingbourne road
Roe Fredk.Edwd.Penrhyn, College road Spens Willoughby, 2 Elmsdale villas, TubbFdk.Jn.Rossdale,Sittingbourne rd
Roti Mrs. Cecilia villas, Oak wood road Buckland hill Tuckett W.Reginald M.R.c.s.Eng. Wes\
Roff Wm. Thos. Queen's gate, London rd Spiers William, 153 Upper Fant road Kent General Hospital, Marsham st
Rogers Frederick, 28 Bower place Spooner Rev. Henry Maxwell M. A. Holy Turner Albert, 11 Victoria street
Rogers George Henry James,so King st Trinity vicarage, 74 King street Turner Charles, 86 & 88 Week street
RookMrs.3Buckland terrace, London rd Springett Alfred J. 6 Cooper's terrace, Turner Herbert, I9I Upper Fant road
Roots James Henry, 135 Union street Upper Fant road Turner Jn.MountEphraim,Oakwood rei
Royle Thomas White, 24 Hastings road Stacey Capt. Edwd. The Firs, Boxleyrd Turner John Henry, 6 Ashford road
Ruck Fredk. Wm. Westcombe,London rd Stacey Mrs. 2 Romney place Turner Moses, 125 lJnion street
Ruck Mrs. Carlyle house, Lower Fant rd Stanford Miss, 39 Victoria street Turner William, 32 Bower lane
Rugg Mrs.2 Somerfield ter.London road Stanger Ebenezer, 26 Hastings road Turpin Albert, 53 Tonbridge road
Rumsey John, 109 Upper Fant road Stanger Mrs. Pivington, London road Twose John, I Devonshire vls. Bower la.
Russell Mrs. E. 39 Tonbridge road Stanger Mrs. Alfred, Glentworth, Buck- Tylor Thomas, 22 St. George's square
Ruxton Captain J. H. Hay D.L. (chief land hill Tyrwhitt-Drake Hugh William, Grey-
constbl.), Wren's Cross ho. Up. Stone st Stanley Mrs. H. 36 Kingsley road stone house, London Toad
Rymer James Francis, 1 Ashford road StapleyAlvis, Marsden, BowerMount rd UrmstonCol.Henry Brabazon,Ardenlee,
Sallows Edward, 15 Victoria street Starnes Hy. Ynislas, Sittingbourne rd Sittingbourne road
Sampson Mrs. 24 Upper Fant road Stedman Albert, 245 Upper Fant road Urmston Arthur Brabazon, I Bower ter
Sanders Godfrey, 155A, Upper Fant rd Stenning Fdk.Stoveld,Hil\ pi. London rd Usmar Mrs. I Albany villas, Albion pl
Varney Wm. Belgrave ho. Low. Fantrd Waterhouse William, 8I Kingsley road White Geo. Fairlawn,I Bower Mountrd
White Richard, 7 Clarendon place
VaughanEdmund,Kelsale,Tonbridge rd Waterman Richard, Arreton house, Whyman Miss, II3 Kingsley road
Vaughan Mrs.IA, Rocky hill, London rd Sittingbourne road Whyte Tlilos. Grieve, 27 Kingsley road
WickhamJn. 2 Tannery vIs. Buckland rd
Vidler Mrs. 7 Somerfield ter. London rd Waters George, IS Lower Fant road Wickham Miss, I3 London road
Waters Thomas, 257 Upper Fant road
· Vidler Mrs. Letitia, 52 Kingsley road Watson Rev. Herbert Armstrong M A. Wickings James, 157 Upper Fant road
Vidler Percy Alexander, Cotterbury, WiganJn.Alfd.Oakwood ho.Tonbrdge.rd
Tonbridge road (head master of the Grammar schl. ), Wigan Mrs. Oakwood ho. Tonbridge rd
Vidler Thomas, 22 Upper Fant road Tonbridge road Wildes Henry Dudlow, 3 Somerfield
Watson William, 2 Albion place terrace, London road
Viggers John Hawson, 95 Melville road Watts Edward, I4 Upper Fant road
Vinson Mrs. I I London road Watts Jn. Wm. 7 Bridge ter. West Boro' Wills John, 5 Romney place
Watts Miss, 37 Lower Fant road Wilson Henry, 9 St. George's square
Vyle Miss F. 7 Marsham street Watts Mrs. I Bedford place, Rocky hill Wilson Wm. 44 West place, Bower lane
Waghorn Edwin, 9 Victoria street Webb Benjamin, 20 Hastings road Winslow John, 34 Brewer street
Waghorn Jas. 4 Bower ter.Tonbridge rd Winter George, 74 Kingsley road
Webster Miss, 49 Kingsley road Witts Chas. Newbury ho. 'fonb.ridge rd
Wagon Edward, t5 Kingsley road Weeks Edward, ·I6 Upper Fant road Wood Edwd. Howard ho. Low. Fant rd
Wagon Miss, 90 Kingsley road Weeks Wm. 3 Bower ter. Tonbridge rd Wood Miss, 47 Hastings street
Welch Miss, 40 Bower lane Wood Mrs. 6 Orchard place
Wagon Silas, jun. 49 Marsham street Wellband Thomas, 57 Marsham str~et
Wakefield Charles, 8 Lower Fant road Wells Charles Milton, 55 Tonbridge rd Wood Robt. Lenfield cot. Ashford road
Wakefield George, 4 College road Wells James, 43 Victoria street Wood Thomas, I8 St. George's square
Wakeford Geo. jun. 17 Knightrider st Welsted James, IOI Upper Fant road
Wood Wm. Hy. I Nelson pl. Queen'srd
. Walker Rev. Geo.[Baptist],27Brewer st WenbonrneEdwd. Wm. 63 Up.Fant rd Wood-Row Mrs. 31 Upper Fant road
Walker Frederick, Mote park West Herbert, 77 Upper Fant road Woollett Joseph, 91 Upper Fant road
Wallis Charles, 20 Earl street West Rohert, I2 Rocky hill, London rd
Western Miss, 49 Tonbridge road Wraith Lionel, Mount Ephraim, Oak-
Wallis Frederick Edwin, :237 Boxley rd Westlake Rev. John (Wesleyan], IS wood road
Wallis Goorge Ephraim, 217 Boxley rd
Wallis Jeremiah, Io Orchard place Brewer street Wright Ohas.Edwd. J<'ernlea, College rd
WallisWm. Fras. Cholgrove,Cromwell rd Whatman Mrs. Vinter's pk. Ashford rd Wright Fras. Wm. Highlands, London rd
WallondWm.Thos.Northcote,Collegerd Wheaton Richard, I Victoria street Wright John, 45 Victoria street
Walmsley Alfred, 16 Romney place Whibley George Hnbble, 5 St. M1chael Wright Thomas Henry, I White Rock
Walter William, 18 Lower Fant road
Wanstall Edmund, Beech holme, Ton- terrace, Upper Fant road place, Terrace road
bridge road Whibley Richard, 185 Upper Fant road Wright Waiter, 17 Brewer street
Whitaker Wm. Hy. 97 Upper Jl'ant rd Yapp Edward, 53 Victoria street
Ward George M. 129 Upper Fant road White Claude Hamilton, Westholme, Yonell Henry, 4 Victoria street
Ward William, 13 Orchard place Young Edward, 8 Upper Fant road
Waring Edwd.Fdk. TheLimes,Boxley rd Tonbridge road
Warne Albert, 2 Victoria street Youngman Geo. Lenfield, Ashford road
Warner Rev. John [Catholic], Gro\"e White Frederick, 107 Upper Fant road
house, Week street
Warren John Thomas, 8 Church street
COMMERCIAL. ARKCOLL CHARLES, wholesale grocer & provision mer-
Abbott Charles, Holly Bush inn, Fisher street chant, 29 Lower Stone street
Abnett Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 30 Wheeler street Arnold Ann (Mrs.), tobacconist, 31 Union street
Abnett William, bricklayer, 48 Tonbridge road Arthur Henry, Haunch of Venison hotel, 12 High street
Adams Charles, boot maker, 6 Brunswick street east Artlett Austin, insurance agent, I4 Paradise row
.Adams Matthew Algernon F.R.c.s.Eng., F. I.e., F.c.s. medi- Ashby Stephen, shopkeeper, x Cox's terrace, Tonbridge rd
cal officer of health for Maidstone, surgeon to Kent Ashby Thomas Foreman, shopkeeper, 81 Union street
County Ophthalmic hospital & county & borough analyst, Ashby William Thomas, shopkeeper, Malling road
County Analyst laboratory, Albion place Ashdown & Bartlett, jewellers & silversmiths, 53 Week st
.Adams Percy Targett M.R.c.s.Eng. house surgeon Kent Ashenden Edward, boot & shoe maker, 30 Gabriel's hill
County Ophthalmic hospital, Church street Ashenden Marian (Mrs.}, draper, 30 Gabriel's hill
Aiston Li.lly (Miss), dress maker, 2 Thornhill place Askew Charles James, boot maker, 26 Wyatt street
Aland Manoah, Lord Nelson P.H. 62 Faith street Assembly Rooms (The} (Maidstone & Kent County), Sand-
Alcock Herbert Edmund, pastry cook, ~onfectioner & res- ling road
taurant, I6 & I7 Middle row, High street Atkins John Williamson, cuwkeeper, Sandy lane
.Alexandra Hall (John Banks, proprietor), Tonbridge road Atkins Mark Abraham (Boughton, Winchelsea), maltster,
All Saints' Parochial Circulating Library ; open on monday Waterside
& thursday, from 12 till I, National schoils, College road Atkins Richard, cowkeeper, 46 Grecian street
All Saints' Youths' Institute, Padsole lane Atkinsou John Edward, postmaster, 58 High street
A11chin Charles, commission agent, so Brewer street Attridge John, chimney sweeper, 39 & 41 Gabriel's hill
Allcorn Edward, wholesale & retail ironmonger, iron, oil & Attwood Edward, grocer, 133 Week street
color merchant, gasfitter, brazier, iron, zinc & tinplate Attwood John, general shop, 70 Georgp, street
worker & dealer in electroplate, 30 & 32 Stone street Austen George, gardener to Capt. E. Stacey, Shepherd's
Allcorn Henry, decorator, 27 Union street cottage, near Pennenden heath
Alldridge Joshua, barge owner, 24 Market street Austen Henry Edward, wine & spirit merchant, 27 Stone st
Allen & Robinson, accountants, 98A, ·week street Austen John, Bower dairy, 9 Warwick place
Alien Arthur Barrow, solicitor, 36 Earl street Austin Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 64 George street
Alien Frederick Charles L.n.s.R.C.S.Eng. dental-surgeon, Austin Henry Edward, wine & spirit mer. 27 Low. Stone st
West Borough & 4I Upper Fant road Auton Thomas, Bridge House hotel, West Borough
Allen H. (Mrs.), certificated nurse, 11 Gabriel's hill Avard Charles, farmer & hop grower, Coombe farm, Tovil rd
AHender Thomas, stone mason, I6o Union street Avard Richard, builder, Tonbridge road
Ambrose John Day, linen draper, see Semark & Ambrose Avery Charles, beer retailer & boot maker, 48 Boxley road
Amies Edward, butcher, I Hart street & 39 Bower place Avery Edward, boat builder & pleasure boat owner, Lons•
Amies Edwin (by special appointment to H;.M. Home, dale, Reginald road, Westree estate & at Tovil bridge
Colonial & Indian governments), manufacturer of rollers Axtell William Thoma~, butcher, West Borough
& moulds for producing water-mark in paper, bank notes, Bailey Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 47 Wyatt street
shares &c.; works, Chancery lane Bailey Frank Edward, china & glass dealer, 66 Low. Stonest
.Anderson Albert Edward, dentist, West Borough Bailey Joseph, tobacco pipe maker, 20 Pudding lane
Anderson Edward, barge owner, 42 Perryfield street Baker Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 8I Boxley road
Anderson Esther (Mrs.), tailoress, I2 Foster street Baker Emma (Miss), dress maker, 87 Milton street
Andrews Arthur Raglan, Howe sewing machine depot, 36A, Baker George, shopkeeper, 15 Lucerne street
Week street Baker Geo. :Fk. draper,7 King st. & carpet factor,Io Week st
Andre.ws Harriett (Mrs.), grocer, I03 Upper Stone street Baker Harriet (Mrs.), dress maker, 7 Holland street
Andrews Jn. beer retailer, 3 Kingman's yard, Upp. Stone st Baker Henry, pianoforte tuner &c. 14 Market street
Andrews Thomas, shopkeeper, SI Union street Baker John, fruiterer & greengrocer, 87 King street
Anning Albert, chemist & druggist, 34 Week street Baker Josiah Thomas, bazaar & furnit>hing warehouse, 72
Anscomb John Staker & Son, auctioneers, 40 Week street Bank street, & portmanteau maker, West Borough
Anscomb Francis (Miss), ladies' school, 3 College road Baker William, picture frame maker, 77 Union street
Anscomb Joseph, registrar of births & deaths for East Maid- Baldwin Cyril, butcher, 9 Upper Stone street
stone sub-district, 40 Week street 'VBall James, wheelwright, 97 Upper Stone street
Apps John, green~rocer, Upper Fant road
Ballard m. Hy. town crier & billet mast. Townhall,High st
ARKCOLL CHARLES & CO. BREWERS of Chatham Balston W. & R. paper manufrs. Springfield mill, Sandling rd
{Waiter Crowhurst, manager), 25 Romney place Banks George Ernst, baker, 81 Milton street
Banks John, grocer, & Bower inn, Tonbridge road Blake Frederick, boot & shoe maker, 8 Lower Stone street
Barber Alfred,_ carpenter, 99 Upper Stone street Blandford Henry, shopkeeper, 48 Whitmore street
Barden Thomas Isaac, builder &c. 8 Union street Blinkhorn Alfred, miller & corn dealer, 14 King street
Barham Herbert Frederic Henry, surgeon, II Low. Stone st Bliss John, grocer, I32 & 134 Upper Stone street
Barker Jsph. & Son, wine & spirit mers. & brewrs. 10 High st Blunt Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 70 Peel street
Barling James D. watch maker & silversmith, 7 High street Boarer Thomas, greengrocer, 7 Albert street
SARLING ROBERT, family & fancy draper, hosier, glover Bodiam Charles James, wheelwright, II & I3 Medway st
&costumier, 9 Week st.; millinery & mantle show rooms Bodkin Thomas, shopkeeper, 38 George street
& mourning warehouse, 13 Week st. (J:teformed funerals) Bodkin Wm. mineral water manufacturer, 112 Week street
Barnes Benjamin, shopkeeper, 100 Upper Fant road Bolton Waiter, jobbing gardener, 8llower lane
Harnes Nelson, coffee room, so Sandhng road Bonner William, shopkeeper, 13 Scott street
Barnes Thomas, coal dealer, 34 Chillington street Bonny Edward, carpenter, 48 Ashford road
Harnes William, undertaker, 23 Whitmore street Bonny William, blacksmith, West Borough
Barnett Benjamin William, clothier, 14 Sandling road Bonny William, pork butcher, 29 Unionstreet
Barney George, carpenter, 64 Union street Boorman John Nathaniel, wheelwright, 22A1 Well road
.Barney Thomas, cowkeeper, 25 Well road Bootes E. (Mrs.), brush & basket warehouse, 39 King street
Barrett Cornelius Charles, grocer, 33 & 35 Bower place Boozer Jessie (Mrs.), tobacconist, 129 Week street
Bartlett David, jeweller &c. see Ashdown & Bartlett Boozer Thomas, boot maker, 73 King street
Bartlett Edwd. curator of museum, Chillington ho. Faith st Bottle Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Ill UpperFant road
Barton Annie & Louisa (Misses), dress makers, 5 Brewer st Boucher Frank Thomas, carpenter, 44 Victoria. street •
Barton Charles, watch maker, 15 Upper Stone street Boucher George, picture frame maker, 42 Gabriel's hill, &
.Barton Edwin, jobbing gardener, 57 Mote road photographer, 22 Bower place
Barton Ephraim, baker, 109 Upper Stone street Bow Edwd.&Co.artificial stone manufrs.&c. 15Knightrider st
Barton John1 general dealer, 6o Charlton street Bow Charles Frederick, .Fishers' Arms P.H. 40 ,Perryfield st
Barton John, plumber, 181 Boxley road Bowes Charles, bricklayer, 6I John street
I Eashford George, shopkeeper, 69 Upper Stone street Bowes Edward, shopkeeper, Il3 Union street·
Bassam Robert Charles, boot maker, 9 Mill street • Bowes George, bricklayer, 32 Upper !<'ant road
llatchelor Charles, valuer, commission agent & undertaker, Bowins Samuel, hair dresser, SI Upper Stone street
56 Lower Stone street Bowyer Eleanor (Mrs.), general shop, 38 Upper Stone st
Batchelor Mark, plumber, 2 & 4 Brunswick street east BoyceChas. lll.D., C. M. surgeon, 25 King st. & 3 Clarendon pl
.Bates Stephe1~ superintendent of the Bearsted division of Bradshaw Perren Watson, marine store dlr. 72 Wheeler st
the Kent county constabuiary, Wrens Cross house Bramble Eliza (Mrs.), Windsor Castle P.H. 72 Week street
Beadle Brothers. coal merchants, West Borough Bratton James, Sun inn, II Middle row
Beadle Henry, Rose inn. 35 Mote road Bray Waiter Thomas, greengrocer, 54 King street
Beadle Thomas. beer retailer, I6 Lower Stone street Brennan & Turner, solicitors, 86 & 83 Week street
.Beale Charles. general secretary to the London & Southern BrennanHenry, plumber &c. 36 Pudding lane
Counties Labour Lea~ue & Kent & Sussex Labourers' llrennan John (firm, Brennan & Turner), solicitor, under
Union & Liberal & Radical registration agent, 96 Week st sheriff for the county, district registrar of High Court of
Beale Charles, inspector of explosives & weights & measures ; Justice, registrar & high bailiff of county court & solicitor
office,. 25 Earl street to the Kent Fire & Life Insurance Co. returning officer to
Beale Charles John, beer retailer, 119 & 121 Wheeler street the Kent County Council ; offices, 86 & 88 Week street
~ale Waiter Thomas, house furnisher, 94 Week street BrettArthur, shopkeeper, & post office, 86 Hardy street
lleattie John, travelling draper, I8 Church street Bridge John Henry, builder, 6 Brewer street
lleckettFdk.Rt. tricycle works & gen.smith,I Knightriderst Bridge Mary McCaul (Mrs.), preparatory school,Craythorne,
lleeching Charlotte (Mrs.), beer retailer, Hart street Tonbridge road
lleeching Josiah, publisher of the "Kent Times & Chronicle Bridge Stephen, town carter, Sandling road
& Maidstone Advertiser;" office, 7 Middle row. See advt Bridgeland Moses, shopkeeper, 28 Carey street
.Beeching Rowena (Mrs.), Union Flag P.H. 62 Union street Bridger Wiiliam Lindridge, confectioner, 23~ Boxley road
lleeching William Thomas, tailor, 28 Earl street Bridgland Thomas Jas. tailor & woollen draper, 38 King st
lleeney John, Monk's Head P.H. 39 Lower Stone street, & Brissenden Adolphus Charles, Rose & Crown P.H. 37 High st
greengrocer, 3 Earl street . llrissenden Edward, baker, 18 Wyatt street
Beeson Wm. permanent way insp. L. C. & D. Raily. 26 Peel st llrissenden George, farmer & cowkeeper, Thornhills farm
Begent James, confectioner, 37 Week street Bristow Deborah (Mrs.), beer retailer, 21 Water lane
Bellingham Henry, jun. shopkeeper, 5 Upper Stone street llristow John Thomas, baker, 120 Upper Stone street
llenge William, shopkeeper, 36 Mote road Bristow Richard, watch maker &jeweller, u Sandling road
Bennett Archibald, umbrella maker, 29 Mill street Bristow Richd. Geo. watch maker & jeweller, 83 King street
Bennett Samuel, auctioneer, I Bridge ter. West Borough British & Foreign Bible Society Depot, 57 Week street
llennett William, baker, Upper Fant road Britt Stephen & Son, tool & cutlery dealers. 3 Week street
llensted W.H. & Son, Kentish rag stone merchants &c.Lon- Britter & Co. newsvendors, 4 Earl street
don road Britter Wm. coal dealer & wood hoop manufr. 2 Mote road
Bensted Hubert, architect, 86 Week street Bromley Journal & West Kent Herald (proprietor, Frederick
llentlif Samuel, boot maker, g6 High street E. Roe; published friday), Market buildings. See advert
llenzie Robert, coal merchant, 55 High st.&West Kent wharf, Bromley Thomas, shopkeeper, 16 Holland street
Waterside . Brooke George Mortimer, gasfitter, 105 Union street
Benzie Sarah (Mrs.), Fountain P .H. 24 Week street Rrooker l<'rederick, paraffin oil dealer, 81 Gladstone road
Berry George, band master 1st Volunteer Battalion, Queen's Brooker George, fruit grower, Huntsman's lan6
Own, Royal West Kent Reg. I Heathorn villas, Heathorn st Brooker Horace, grocer, 2 Peel street
Berwick Stephen, shopkeeper, 17 Upper Stone street Brooker William, farmer, Boxley road
Betsworth Jesse, jobbing gardener, 47 r'aith street Brooks John, grocer, 10 Tufton street
.Betts James, butcher, 55 Week street Broomlield John H. Ten Bells inn & town carter 96 & 98, &
Betts James Rayner, butcher, 4 Gabriel's hill wardrobe dealer 92, Upper Stone street
.Bevis William & Co. wine importers, Knightrider street Brothers J. & Co. booksellers & stationers, 18 Middle row
BevisWm. accountant & insurance agent, ISA, Knightrider st Brown A. & A. fancy drapers, 1 Upper Fant road
Bigg Daniel, carpenter, 34 Fisher st. & IA, Thornhill place Brown Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I Wheeler street
Biggs Edward, baker & grocer, 45 Scott street Brown Charles William, boot maker, 65 Grecian street.
Biggs Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 6o King street Brown Edmund S. hair dresser, 6 Earl street
Billenness George, painter, 49 Brewer street Brown Edward, tailor, 9 Faith street
Bills Mary (Mrs.), laundress, 16 Laurel pl. Tonbridge road Brown George, draper, 59 Upper Stone street
Birchall George, shopkeeper, Dover street Brown Henry, grocer&; cricket stores,35 Uppar Stone street
llirchall Stephen William, grocer, 187 Upper Fant road Brown Henry '1'. beer retailer, 2I Upper Stone street
Bird Esmy, beer retailer & grocer, 39 Brewer street Brown John Skirving, travelling draper, 19 Brewer street
Hirt George, greengrocer, 3 Knightrider street Brown Thomas Bensted, prmter & stationer, 57 Week street
Bishop Arthur Thomas, boot & shoe warehouse, 69 & 78 Brown Thomas Bishop, coffee room, 135 Week street ·
Week street & 52 King street Brown William, boot maker, 30 Peel street
Bishop Ehza (Miss), dress maker, 25 Church street Brown William, greengrocer, 53 Brewer street
Bishop John Thomas, Fant Arms P.H. 20I Upper Fant road Browne & Relf, boot makers, 67 Bank street
Bishop William Hy. whip manufacturer, 73 Upper Stone st Browne George, grocer, 75 Union street
Blackett George llnrnett, miller & corn merchant, I4 Mill Browne William, saddler, 207 Boxley road
street & Crisbrook mills, Tovil Brownlow Eliza J ane (Mrs.), boot & shoe ma. 61 Hardy st
Blackman George, cabinet. maker, 7 & 8 Hope street Brownscombe William F.R.G.s. boarding & day school,
BLAKE SARAH (MRS.), general draper, costumier, hosier, Brunswick house, Buckland hill
glover &c. 93A, & 94 High street Bryant William, general draper, 17 & 19 Week street
Buck John, boot maker, 63 Week street ' Church of England Young Men's Society (Richard Henry
Buckingham Thomas G. boot maker, 2Q Bowel' lane Hobday, sec.), Church institute, Union street
Bucklow John, boot maker, 28 Astley street· Clark Daniel, poulterer & fruiterer, 54 High street
Budd John, french polisher, 9 Mill street Clark Le"·is, corn,seed & coal merchant, 88 King street
Bugg John, shopkeeper, 93 Wheeler street Clark Matilda Harriet (Mrs.), dress maker, 29 Hardy street
Bulpit Jessie (Mrs.), dress maker, 35 High street Clark William, hair dresser, SI Union street
Bunce Edwin, grocer, 56 King street Clarke & Co. photographers, 46 Week street
Bunter George Bullock, dentist, 4 Clarendon place Clementi John, teacher of music, 183 Boxley road
Bunyan George, drill instructor 1st Kent Rifle Volunteers, Clements James, builder, Mill street & 12 College road
47 Marsham street , Clifford & Sharp, bakers & confectioners, 37 Union street
Bunyar Edwin, grocer, 36 Peel street Clifford Edgar Frederick, horse dealer, I Ross vils.Albion pi
BUNYARD GEORGE &. CO. fruit tree growers, florists,seed Clifford James, wholesale & retail rope & twine spinner,mat
merchants & general nurserymen, The j)ld & Bower & matting manufacturer, weaver & sail & tarpaulin
nurseries, London road & 92A, High street, Maidstone ; maker, 85 Bank street & Westree works
rose & fruit nurseries at Allington ; Boxley & also East Clifford Thomas, horse dealer, r6 Union street
Harming, next L. C. & D. station Clifford Tom, verger to Holy Trinity church, 6 Wyatt street
Bunyard Elizabeth Anna (Miss), Bodmin House school, 14 Clinch Herbert, dining rooms, 2 Hart street
London road Clinch James, ironmonger, 30 King street
BUNYARD FREDERICK,bookseller, stationer,artists' color- Coatsworth Alfred, tobacco pipe manufacturer & beer
man, photographic publisher & library, 29 Week street retailer, 28 & 30 Upper Stone street
Burch Edward, beer retailer, 38 Mote road Coatsworth Elizabeth J ane (Mrs.), dress ma. 19 Sandling rd
Burden William, boot & shoe maker, 42 Wheeler street Cocks Emma E. (Mrs.), tobacconist, 16 Earl street
Burgess George, boot maker, 124 Upper Stone street Cocks John, coal dealer, I96 Wheeler street
Burgess Mary (Mrs.}, general dealer, 68 George street Cogger William, whitesmith, .Valentine's yard, High street
Burgess Thomas, WeHington P.H. 10 Mill street Colby Adelaide(Miss) ,dress ma. 27 Western ter.Tonbridge rd
BURGISS·BROWN .JOHN, bookseller, stationer, printer & Collins Arthur Thomas, beer retailer, Io6 Week street
publisher, "Kentish Appendix" office, 18 Week street; Collins Fredk. Horace Young, fancy repos. 14 Middle row
res. West Bank Collins George, baker, 33 Sandling road
Burkitt Thomas W. butcher, 49 Week street Collins George, shopkpr. so, & blacksmith 97, Up. Stone st
Bumand Edwin, photographer, 42 High street Collins Jessie Ann(Mrs.), shopkeeper, 116 & 118 Kingsleyrd
Bumard James Franklin, Conservative registration agent, Collins Thomas John, undertaker, 35 Boxley road
40 Week street Collins William, jobbing gardener, 51 Brewer street
Bumell Alfred, school board officer, go Church street Collison Daniel, pork butcher, :JI Gabriel's hill
Burnell John, shopkeeper, 4 Grecian street Collison Daniel, jun. pork butcher, 44 Sandling road
Burnston Sampson, accountant, 11 Brewer street Collisson Tamar (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 52 Grecian street
Burr Henry, plumber, Post Office yard, High street Comber Edward, coal merchant, 5IA, Faith street
Burridge George, wardrobe dealer, 36 Upper Stone street Comber Ed win, carman, 55 Thornhill place
Burrows John & Son, builders & undertakers, Hedley street Comber William, carman, 11 Faith street
Burrows Asa, shopkeeper, 68 Lower Stone stre~ Comfort James, linen draper, 16 Gabriel's hill
Burton George, butcher, 12 Market avenue • Comport William, commission agent, 9 Romney place
Busbridge Helen (Mrs.), ladies' school, 55 Marsham street Concert Hal1, Earl street & Market avenue
Bushnell James, Market House P.H. 30 Earl street CONNOR ROBERT .JOHN, carpenter& undertaker,Churcb
Butcher Geo. Robert Howland, London hotel, IIO Week st street & 54 Marsham street
Button Edgar, draper, 34 Lower Stone street Conservative Registration Office (Borough) (James Franklin
Button Edward Charles, dairy, 61 Mote road Bumard, agent), 40 Week street
Button John Edwin, grocer, Broadway, West Borough Conservative Registration Office for Maidstone District of
Button Thomas, furniture dealer, 35 & 37 Gabriel's bill Mid or Medway Division of Kent (Robert Hoar, agent), 9
Calver John Alfred, commercial traveller, 85 Kingsley road King street
Camfield George, Marquis of Granby P.H. 10 Middle row Constable William, butcher, 48 Up. Stone st. & q. Market av
CANDLER GEORGE, builder & contractor, house decorator Conway Henry, baker, I Milton street
&c. Earl street & 34 Charltf\n street Cook James, confectioner, 42 Lower Stone street
Cantan Henry, tailor, 12 Thomhill place Cook Joseph, general shop, 265 Upper Fant road
Carman Alfred, tarpaulin maker, 43 Upper Stone street Cook Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 3 Invicta ter. Tonbridge rd
Carpenter George Charles, baker, 17 John street Cook William, general dealer, 36 Bower lane
Carpenter Henry, cooper, 33A, Wheeler street Cook William (exors. of), house decorator, 36 Lower Stone st
Carpenter Thomas, grocer &c. 15 \\'eek street & West Boro' Cook William, Royal Oak P.H. job & post master, open k
Carr Albert, bailiff to Mr. T. B. Lovett, Shep"ay Court fm closed carriages, livery & bait stables, 89 King street
Carr William John, shopkeeper, 23 Fair meadow Cook William, jun. picture frame maker, 44 Lower Stone st
Carrick & How, milliners, I09 Week street Coomber Fanny (Miss), servants' registry & fancy reposi-
Carrick Thomas, dealer in old china &c. 33 Pudding lan-e tory, 6t Week street
Carroll Thomas, outfitter &c. 8o, 8r & 82 Bank street Cooper Fred. printer, see Young & Cooper
Carter Henry, greengrocer, 2 Grecian street Cooper George, coach maker, 8 Upper Stone street
Case John & Son, solicitors, 6oA, High street Cooper Thomas Woolett, mail contractor, coach builder &c.
Case Charles Alfred, solicitor (firm, John Case & Son),clerk .p Melville road & 35 Upper Stone street
to borough mag-istrates&sec.toWaterWorksCo.6oA,High st Cooper William, beer retailer, 114 Kingsley road
Case Kate M. (Miss), milliner, 22 EarL street Cording John, permanent way inspector, L. C. & D. rail-
CasinghamGeorge,manufacturing confectioner,seeHeyburn, way, 243 Boxley roatl
Casingham & J upp Corfe Alfred F. chemist, 5 Gabriel's hill & Eastgate, Ash-
Casingham Jabez, jeweller, 10 Mote road ford road ·
Cassingham Ernest John, tobacconist & news agent 33, & Corke Henry Noakes, draper 87, & pawnbroker 88, Bank st
furniture dealer 35, King street CORKE .lAMES THOMAS, manufacturing confectioner &
Catlin William Henry, house agent, 55 Melville road . foreign fruit mer. 22 High st.& Pudding la.&at 98 Weekst
Catt Albert Edward M.R.c.v.s. veterinary surg.Io Albion pl Corke Sarah (Mrs.), baker, 6 Havock lane
Cattell Ann (Miss), ladies' school, 11 Hardy street Corn Exchange (Henry Gilbert, toll collector), High street
Chambers T. & Son,fishmongers,poulterers & ice merchants, Cornell Edward, grocer, 86 King street
20 High street ; & at West Mailing & Tenterden Cornell Emily (Mrs.), watch maker, I4 Gabriel's hill
Chambers Adelaide (Mrs.),dress &mantle ma.s6 Gabriel's hl Corrall's Almshouses, College walk
Chambers Alfred, baker, 48 Grecian street Cossins Arthur, beer retailer, 4I Wyatt street
Chambers Rosa (Mrs.), general shop, 32 St. George's square Cossins William, tailor, 5 Orchard place
Chambers Thomas, builder, 32 St. George's square Couchman H. A. &Co. brush manufacturers, 6 Low.Stonest
Champ George, shopkpr. & beer retailer, 104 Grecian street Coulter James, greengrocer, I4 Lower Stone street
Chandler Ellen (Mrs.), baker, 119 Upper Stone street Coulter James, jun. greengrocer, 43 Bower place
Chantler Alfred, grocer, 40 Waterloo road County Constabulary Chief Office (Capt. J. H. Hay Ruxton,
Chantler John, beer retailer, 5 Sandling road chief constable), Wren's cross
Chappell Bros. grocers, I2 East street County Council of Kent (Francis Russell, clerk), Sessioll$
Charles Benjamin, chief clerk & storekeeper to H.M. prison house, Week street
Chayney Thomas Sinclair, scale maker, 30 Marsham street County Lunatic Asylum (Francis Pritchard Davies K.D.
Chidley James Waiter, hair dresser, 41 Brewer street medical officer & superintendent ; W. J ohnson Smyth K.J.
Chittenden James Henry, boot maker, 109 Bower street Alfred Griffiths M.B. & Frederick Keyt lii.B. assistan$
Chittenden John, boot maker, I39 Upper Stone street medical officers ; Rev. Henry Sylvester Alison B.A. chap-
Chittenden Thomas, grindery dealer, 54 Lower Stone street lain ; Victor E. Mallett, clerk ; Miss Margaret Cbalmers,
Church Institute (George Hulburd, treas.), Union street matron), Barming heath
County Court {His Honor Homersham Cox, judge; John Dowes Charles, general shop, 62 Sandling road
Brennan, registrar& high ba1liff), Sessions house, Week st Drake Alfred, fancy repository, & post office, 64 King street
County Treasurer's Office, 90 Bank street Dray William, Admiral Gordon P.H. Tonbridge road
Court Louisa (Mrs.), dress maker, 14 Brewer street Draycon Willia.m, upholsterer, xs Church street
Court William Thomas, farmer & fruit grower, Cherry Dray80n George & Co. timber & slate merchants, Baltic
Ground farm, Loose road wharf, St. Peter street
Cowper Albert, boot maker, Bower lane Drescher Henry, boot & shoe maker, 25 Saudling road
Cox Brothers, builders, 22 LO\ver Stone street Drewett Joseph, boot & shoe maker, 51 King street
Cox Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, 43 Randall street Driscall John James, chimney sweeper, 4 Rose yard, High st
Cox Waiter, house agent, 22 Lower Stone street Driver Charles, hair dresser, 5 Mill street
Cox William, surveyor, 2 Ross villas, Albion place Drowley George, fruit grower, 96 Boxley road
Cradduck Charles, bailiff to Mr. George Smith, Willington st Duff John Norris Miles, be~r retailer, West Borough
Crawford Andrew, private school for gentlemen, 2 Prospect Dutfield John Henry, greengrocer, 27 & 29 Boxley road
place, Ashrord road Dunkin Richard, fruiterer, I7 Hartnup street
Crispe Arthur, shopkeeper, 34 Sand ling road .. Dunkin William, shopkeeper,4 Hartnup street
Crispe George, tinman, 59 Week street Dunmill Eliza (Mrs.), saddler, IO Gabriel's hill
<::rittenden William, boot maker, 39 Scott street Dunmill Thos. Palmer, woodware manufr. 14 Knightrider st
CrockerEdward Henry,general smith, 21 Union street Dunning Thos.Christr.draper,7s&77Week st.. &x,3&5 lt'aith st
Crofts Rt. & Wm. pawnbrokers, 74 Week st. & 13A1 Union st Durling William G. baker, 4I King street
Crouch James Thomas, accountant, 40 Earl street Dyer Francis Charles, agent for W. H. Smith & Son, news
Crow Eleanor Lawler (Miss), teacher of music,48 Marsham st agents &c. Railway stations
Crowhurst Charles M.:a.c. v.s. veterinary ~urgeon, 56 Earl Dyke E. & Son, manure & co1.l merchants, ]IA, King street
sstreet; shoeing forges, 9 Market buildings ; 2 Havock lane Easton Elias Canute, decorator, Lower Fant road
Edmed Thomas, window blind maker, 27 Week street
& 13 Union street
Crowhurst George, beer retailer, 31 ·woollett street EDMETT G. &. CO.'S SUCCESSORS, hosiers, tailors &
Crowhurst Waiter, local manager to C. .Arkcoll & Co. outfitters, 3 & 4 High street, & pawnbrokers, x Rose
brewers, Chatham, 27 Romney place yard, High street
Crnndwell James, painter &c. 23 Wheeler street Edmonds James, farmer, Fant farm, Upper Fant road
Crnttenden Edgar, baker, 68 Upper Stone street Elbourn George, supt. of Maidstone cemetery, Sutton road
Cruttenden George, baker, Holland street Eliott William, florist & gardener, .Ashford road
Cruttenden Henry, plumber &c. 44 Week street Ellis Charles & Son, wholesale furnishing & general iron-
Crnttenden Thomas, baker, 84 King street mongers, saddlers' ironmongers, oil & color merchants,
Crnttenden Thomas John, baker, 52 Lower Stone street 22, 24, 26 & 28 Gabriel's hill
Crnttenden William, naturalist, 27 Mill street ELLIS .JESSE &. CO. general agricultural engineers, general
Cnckow William Henry, pork butcher, 46 Lower Stone street implement agents & makers, traction engine owners,
Cullen Henry, beer retailer, 6 Fair meadow thrashing machine owners & road contractors; Invicta
Curie Mary Ann (Mrs.), greengrocer, 43 Perryfield street works & Sufferance wharf, St. Peter's street. See advert
Curtis Robert,linen draper, 31 Week street Ellis .Arthur Joseph, solicitor, commissioner for oaths, clerk
Cutbush Frederick Waiter & Horatio Richard, printers, pro- to burial board, clerk to the Cutbush charites & hon. sec.
prietors & publishers of the " South Eastern Gazette" to the Mid or Medway Liberal Association, 35 Earl street
newspaper, 56 Week street. See advertisement Ellis Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer, 45 Bower place
Cutbush's Almshouses, Church street Elliott Edward, commercial traveller, 23 Knightrider street
Cutler Francis Alfred, baker, xIS & I I7 Week street Elmore Thomas, builder & undertaker, 66 King street
Dadd Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 3 &4 .Albert street Else Edward, beer retailer, 24 Earl street
Dale Amy (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I25 Boxley road Emblen George, hair dresser, 67 Brewer street
Dale Elizabeth (Mrs.), chimney sweeper, 8 Station road Emerson Edmund Sallitt, grocer, Market buildings
Dalton Henry, superintendent of police, soA, King street Emery Albert, butcher, 55 Lower Stone street
Danchell Frederick Halm, civil engineer, 47 Tonbridge road Epps & Son, job master & coach builders, West Borough
Dann George Roberts, butcher & farmer, 37 Sandling road Epps Timothy, Railway commercial hotel & posting house,
Dann John, boot maker, 2I Hope street West Borough
Dann Louisa (Miss), Ancient Druids P.H. 7I Brewer street Evans David Churchill, chemist x6 & x8A, & oil & color man
DANN RICHARD, general ironmonger, brewers' & paper- J4A, Tonbridge road
makers' coppersmith, brass founder & finisher, gasfitter, Evernden George Thomas, agent for J. Jensea & Co. guanos
& J. Thorley, oil cakes, 16 Brewer street
iron & tin plate worker &c. 32 High street. See advert
Davey George, boot maker, 49 Upper Stone street Exchange Committee Room, Market buildings
Davey James, tobacconist, 33 High street Fagg Richard, mason, WoodEide cottage, London road
Davis Elizabeth (Mrs.), china dealer, I 10 Upper Stone street Fardon & Co. chemists & druggists, 41 Lower Stone street
Davis Henry, baker, 56 Alien street FARR FREDERICK WILLIAM (retail & wholesale), boot &
Davis John William, shopkeeper, xo Marsham street shoe manufacturer, 50 & 52 Gabriel's hill
Davy Katherine (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 13 Market street Fettes David, saddler, 14 Earl street
DawWilliam, boot maker, S Woodbridge ter.Tonbridge road Field Eleanor (Miss), dress maker, 24 Church street
Dawes James, supervisor of inland revenue offices, Post Field George, White Hart inn, Hart street
Office buildings, High street Field John, photographer, 13 Bower place
Day Wm.Thos. &Fredk. corn & coal mers. 70 &72 Up. Stone st Field Mortimer, photographer, 6 Sandling road
DAY WILLIAM &. SONS, auctioneers, valuers & estate Filmer Thomas John, grocer, x68 Wheeler street
agents, 23 High street Fletcher W. & R. butchers, 96A, Week street
DAY WILLIAM &. SONS, cabinet makers, upholsterers & Fletcher Watson James, tailor, 6I Upper Stone street
carpet warehousemen, 23 High street Foord John Richard, plumber, 20 & 22 King street
Day Frederick, paperhanger, 79 Gladstone road Foord William, decorative painter, 90 & 92 King street
Dean Edward, coal dealer, 132 Wheeler street Foreman Charles James, plumber,4 Foster street
Dedrick John Philip, grocer, 27 Milton street Foreman Mercy (Mrs.), dress maker & milliner, 9 Church st
Dellistone George, Rose of Denmark P.H. x6 Market street Foreman Thomas, dining rooms, 57 King street
Delo George Bromley, chum &measure maker, 77 Bank st Fortnam Elizh. (Mrs.). fur cleaner & repairer, 49 Gladstone rd
OICKINSON EDWARD .JOHN, lithographic & letter press Foster Charles Marshall, brewer & maltster, see lsherwood,
printer, engraver, account book maker & manufacturing Foster & Stacey
stationer, Post Office printing works, High street Foster Jesse, tobacconist, 20 Sandling road
Diprose Frederick, working cutler, 18 Pudding lane Foster's Parcel Express Co. Lim.(Geo.Swan,agt. ),x4Union st
Diprose Mary (Mrs.), upholstress, 9 Melville road Fowle Frank, pastry cook, 131 Week street
Discharged Prisoners' Aid Society (Ebenezer Goodwin, sec.), Fox Caroline (Mrs.), sweet stuff shop, 28 Fisher street
Bleak house, Thornhills FRANKLYN, McALPINE &. CO. wine & spirit merchants,
Dobie E. & .A. (Misses), ladies' school, Rock house, London rd Market buildings & 17 Earl street
Dockrill William, baker, 28 Brewer street Franks Mrs upholstress, 28 Mill street
Doe 'l'homas, farmer & fruit grower, Cherry orchard, Ton- Freed Henry, butcher, 14 Bower street
bridge road Freeland George, manure merchant; wharf, St.Peter'sstreet
Dolden John Henry, boot & shoe maker, 4 Knightrider street Freeman, Hardy & Willis Lim. boot manufactrs. 21 High st
Donovan James, shopkeeper, 22 Market street Freemasons' Hall, Brewer street
Doret Gustave, prof. of languages, Maryland ho. Vinter's rd FREMLIN BROTHERS, family pale ale & stout brewers &
Dorman Alfred Mark, tanner &fellmonger, Mill street maltsters, Earl street ; branches at London ; Brighton ;
Doubell Richard, saddler, 24 Pudding lane Camberwell; Croydon; Eastbourne; Guildford; Hastings;
Dove Edwd.retort setter & oven builder,Coombe cot. Tovil rd Rochester; Tunbridge Wells & Woolwich
sDove Henry, boot maker, 6r Perrytield street
French & Son, watch makers, King street
Dove Jasper, shopkeeper, 21 Sandling ro!l.d French Henrietta Julia (Miss), ladies' school, 6o High street
Fre~ch James Hillier, ~pholsterer, Queen's road . Green Thomas, licensed horse slaoghterer,"-22 Well road
French Sidney Herbert, professor of music, 6o High street G-reen Wm. governor to H. M. Prison, Governor'S residen~
French Stephen, pianoforte & music warehouse, 6o High st Greenacre Charlotte (Mrs.), herbalist, 91 Union street '
. French Walter, firewood dealer, 8 Bristow's yd. Up. Stone st Grenstead Ann (Miss), fancy repository, 44 Gabriel's hill
Fricker Ern~s~ Robert, hou:e furnisher, West Borough
Fridd George, shopkeeper, 26 George street ssGriffin John Robert, boot maker, 86 Bank street .
Friend George, architect & surveyor, 44 Ea-rl street'
Frost Thomas & Co. nurserymen, Tonbridge road Grifiiths Alfred, shopkeeper, King street
GrigsbyDavid, verger,AllSaints' pari'lh church,24Kingsley rd
Grimsley Eleanor (Mrs.), shopkeeper, so Whitmore street
FROST WILLIAM WOOTTON, YE ANCIENTE BELL Ground Edward B.A., M.D. surgeon, see Hoar & Ground
HOTEL, Week street Hadgraft Edward, shopkeeper, 19 Whitmore street
Frond Brothers, butchers, 13 Market avenue Hadler Hariet (Mrs.), general dealer, I 1 Upper Fant road
Frond Arthur, butcher, II9 Week street Hadler Thomas, baker, 26 Upper Stone street
Frond Charles, laundry, 112 Upper Stone street Hadlow Albert Henry, butcher, 84 Union street
Frond Edwin, shopkeeper, t4 Thornhill place • Hadlow Edmund James, egg importer, 61 King street
Frond Elisha, butcher, 66 Upper Stone street Hadlow William, dairy, Bertha cottage, Union street
Frond George Christopher, bntcher, I & 3 Peel street Hales Mary (Mrs.), corn dealer, Rower lane
Frond George Thomas, greengrocer, 45 County road Hallowes Adolphus Henry Blackwood, surgeon & mediell
Frond John, dairyman, 13 Lower Stone street • officer No. 2 district Maidstone union, n King street
Fiichter Fidel, watch maker, IS Lower Stone street Hammond George, brush maker, 47 Earl·street
Fiictcher M. A (Mrs.), reg. office for servants, t5 Lo. Stone at Hanford W-aiter, boot makeT, 39A, Milton street
Fuller Edward, boot & shoe maker, 34 Mote road • Hards Charles Frederick, ironmonger, 96 Upper Fant roa!{l
Fuller John, baker, Queen Anne road Hards Herbert, grocer, 9 Sandling road ·
Fuller John Samuel, beer Tetailer, 59 King street Hards John William, greengrocer & fishmonger, 112 Week s1
Funnell Ephraim, Brickmakers' Arms, 109 PeTryfield street Harman Samuel, accountant, clerk to Lhe Hollingbonrne
Furber George Henry, surgeon, 7 Ashford rbad district highway board, sec. to Maidstone Ratepayerst
Furniss & Co. tea dealers, 3 Pudding lane · Association &c. 8 Middle row (entrance, Bank street)
GabrielJspb.Sutcliffe,Kentish rag stone mer. Scrubb's quarry, Harper Arthur, boot maker, n Knightrider street
Harradine Thos. fishmonger & greengrocer, 67 &69 Boxley rlt
Queen's road ; & taT paving works, St. Peter's street
Gamon Clara (Mrs.), fish dealer, 29 Saudling toad Harris John, tailor, 65 King street
PIGardeners' Mutual Improvement Society (William T. "Frost, Harris Philip Aug. professor of drawing, Inchulva, Albion
sec.); meet at RI)Se & Crown inn, High street, on alternate Harrison Wallaee R. seed merchant, High street; Bank stre~
wednesday~ at 8 p. m & 48 Week street
Gardiner Henry, engraver, 87 Union street Harrtsson Edward, carpenter, 6 Bishop's terrace, Fant lan&
Gardner & Co. engineers, Brewer street Harrisson Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I2B, Union street
Gardner Alfred, Rifle Volunteer P.H. Wyatt street Hart Henry, painter, 23 Perryfield street
Garrett Balls, engineer, Earl street .
HartnupChas.farmer&fruit grower,Bower frm. Tonbridge rll
Gascoine S. Lilian (Madame),court dress ma.&c.I3Middle rw Hartnup Edgar, butcher, I8 Cox's terrace, Tonbridge road
Gatt.on William, boot & shoe maker, 27 Bower place Harvey Albert George, baker, I & 2 Whitehall place
Gegan George, can·er& gilder, 75 Bank street Harvey George, shopkeeper, S Thornhill place
Gibbon Alfred, cab proprietor, 175 Boxley road Harvey George Herbert, baker, Padsole lane
Gibbon Hillier, cab proprietor, 7 Well road Hastie George, basket maker, r66 Union street
Gibl?on Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 175 :Boxley road Hatch Edith (Miss), teacher of music, IO Knightrider stree~
Gibbons George, jobbing gardener, Manor cot. Oakwood rd Hatcher Alfred, shopkeeper, 3I Albert sb·eet
Gibbons Wilham Henry, accountant, 74 Wheeler street1 Hawks Henry, beer retailer, 23 Havock lane
Gilbert Charles, china & glass dealer, 4 & 6 Union street Hayler Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, t8S Boxley road
Gilbert Henry, corn exchange toll collector, I5 Earl stree~ HAYNES BROTHERS, wholesale & furnishing ironmongers,
Gilbert Herbert, beer retailer, 13 Sandling road iron merchants, hot water engineers & color merchants,
Gilbert William Henry, grocer, Upper Fant road makers of hydronette syringes & cycle agents, 2 &4 Week
Girls' Grammar School (Miss Pope, head mistress), Albion pl st-reet & I & 3 King street
Goble Frederick, shopkeeper, SI Boxley road Hayward Ann (Mrs.), heer retailer & carter, 30 Medway st
Godfrey Alfred, draper, 12 Gabriel's hill Hayward Elizabeth Cooper (Mrs ), Swan P.H. IS Woollett st
Golden William Frank, draper, 9I Week street Hayward George, bailiff to F. S. Stenning esq. Hill Plaee
Golding G. H. (Mrs.), jeweller & optician, 68 Bank street cottages, Queen's road
Golding John, boot maker, 6l Union street Hayward Walter, grocer & post office, 35 Milton street
Good 'fhomas Pearce, 1:hopkeeper, 2 I Wyatt street Hay woodLouisa(Miss) ,dress ma. 2 Devonshire villas,Bower la
Goodbody Frederick Stephen, Dog & Bear P.H. 37 King st Haywood William, brush maker, 104 Week street .
Goodbody John, jun. Dog & Gun P.H. 215 Boxley road Hazell Annie (Mrs.), dress maker, 20 Alien street
Goodbody Wm. Chas. Fortune of War P.H. 136 Up. Stone st Hearden Amy (Mrs.), beer retailer, 32 Albion place
Goodhew Martha (Mrs.), grocer, 9 Upper Fant road Hearnden Frederick Thomas, beer retailer, 47 Boxley road-
Goodsell Francis D. beer retailer, 'fonbridge road Hearnden Thomas, glove & !egging lnanfr. 34 Gabriel's hill
Goodwin Ebenezer, house agent &c.; sec. to the County· Hearnden Thomas James, dining rooms & Coach & Horses
Oph•halmic hospital, to the Discharged Prisoners' Aid P.H. 6 Middle row
Society & to the Maidstone Coffee PalaceCo. Limite9-,Bleak Hedges Alfred, watch maker, 25 Boxley road
house, Thornhills Henniker Henry F. Mus. ooc., A.R.A.M. professor of musi"c,
Goodwin Harry, shopkeeper, IS Peel street Sterndale, College road
Goodwin Theodore, brick & Kentish rag stone merchant, Henty Frances (Mrs.), dress maker, I7 & 18 Fair meadow
Chillington brJCkfield; res. Melbourne house, Thornhills H. M. Prison (William Green, governor; Rev. William
Goord Fanny (Miss), fancy repository, 73 Week street Jackson M.A. chaplain; Rev. J. Warner, Catholic minister;
Gorham Ellen (Miss), corn chandler, IOS Upper Stone street Charles E. Hoar M.D. medical officer; Benjamin Charles,
Gosby M. & E. (Misses), apartments, 2 Bedford pl. London rd chief clerk & storekeeper), County road
Gonlden & Wind, pianoforte & music sellers, 97A, High st Hewett Thomas, butcher, 32 Fisher street
Graham Charles Henry Edgai', boys' school, Hedley street Heyburn, Casingham & Jupp, manufacturing confectioners,
Graham Geo.Hy. wholesale&retailstationer, I3Gabriel'shl 112 Week street
Grammar School (Rev. Samuel Maitland Crosthwait.e M.A. Hibling Everett Edward, photographer, I25 Week street,&;
bead master), Tonbridge road picture frame maket, 2A, Union street
Grant Thomas & Sons, rectifiers, importers of wines & spirits Hickmott Albert, grocer, & post office, 1o2A, Wheeler street
& manufacturers of Grant'sMorella cherry brandy, Maid- Hickmott Alfred, bookseller & bookbinder, 37A, Week street.
stone distillery Hickmott Charles, greengrocer, 31 Foster street
Gratwick Edward, station master L. C. & D. Ry. Station rd Hickmott James, shopkeeper, 89 Union street
Graveney James, wardrobe dealer, 19 Upper Stone street Hicks Mary (Miss), dress maker, 47Wyatt street
Gray Charles, shopkeeper, I62 Union street Hill Josepb, baker, 5 Brunswick street west
Gray Henry, registrar of births & deaths for West Maidstone Hills Alfred, plumber, 25 Upper Stone street
sub-district, g6 Union street Hills Edward, tailor & woollen draper, 30 & 32 Week street
Gray James, builder, IS Pudding lane Hills Thomas, Ship inn, 33 Gabriel's hill
Gray John, beer retailer, 36 Sandling road Hills Thomas William, basket manufacturer, 24 London rd
Gray John, bricklayer, 208 Wheeler street Hillyer Felix, boot & shoe maker, 66 Union street
Gray Mary Ann (Mrs.), baker & confectionern6 Bank st Hind Joseph Valiance, beer retailer, 23 Camden street
Green J. Bareham & Sons, paper manufacturers, Hayle mill Hinton Edwin Henry, dental surgeon, 67 King street
Green Christopher, ironmonger, oil merchant, paraffin oil & Hitch Albert Arding & Co. coach builders; carriages of ewry
color man & general house furnisher, 38 Sandling road ·description bUilt to order; estimates furnished, Carriage
Green FTederick John, baker & post office, Tonbridge road wheel works, Knightrider street
Green Thomas. inland revenue officer, 43 Hastings road Hoar & Ground, physicians & surgeons, 23 Gabriel's hill
Boar, Rowlett & Tatham, solicitors, commissioners to ad- Hutson Albert, Star & Garter P.H. so High street
minister oaths, clerks to the Medway Lower Navigation & Ingram Richard, greengrocer, 39 & 4I Boxley road
to the Maidstone Gas Co. 9 King street • Inland Revenue & Stamp Office (Fitzgerald Dalme RichardsP
Roar Chas. Edwd. M.D.LOnd. physician, see Hoar & Ground collector & stamp distributor), Post Office bldgs. High st
Boar Robert (firm, Hoar, Howlett & Tatham), solicitor, & International Tea Co. (W. Brett, manager), I9 King street;
agent for Maidstone district of Mid or Medway division & ("W. Wright, manager), 36 Week street ,
of Kent Conservative Registration Society, clerk to Maid- Invicta Dairy Co. (Thos. Chas. Chappell, man.).98A,Weekst
stone guardians, school attendance & assessment com- Invicta Investment Co. Limited (Waiter Cox, manager;
mittees & rural sanitary authority & joint clerk to Maid- King & Hughes, solicitors), registered office, 6 Mill street
stone Gas Co. & Medway Lower Navigation & commissioner ISHERWOOD, FOSTER&. STACEY, brewers &maltsters,
to administer oaths, 9 King st,reet Lower brewery, Lower Stone street; stores, 8o. Manor
Roar William, supt. Prudential Assurance Co. 158 Bower st street & Station road, Clapham
Roare Charles C. baker, 77 & 79 Bower street Jackling William, sanitary & canal boat inspector to Maid-
Hoare Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 7 Union street stone urban sanitary authority, Inspector's office ; res.
Hoare Henry, assistant superintendent Wesleyan & General 46 Victoria street
Assurance Society, 41 Perryfield street Jackson & Smith, manufacturin~ confectioners, I6 High .st
Hobbs William &Sons, manufacturing stationers & printers, Jal·kson Caroline (Mrs.), dress maker, 12 Scott street
43 to 51 Lower Stone street Jackson Charlotte Mary (Miss), ladies' school, 35 Scott st
Hobman & Co. tar paving contractors, Clifton quarries, Jackson Thomas, branch manager London. & County Bank-
Tonbridge road ing Co. Limited, High street
Hodges David Harrison, coach builder, I9 Faith.street Jacob John, farm bailiff to Mr. Charles Chambers, Upper
Hodgson John, cake & manure mer. see Storr & Hodgson Fant farm, Hackney road
Holden Albert, boot & shoe maker, 58 Perryfield street Jacobs Maurice, house furnisher, :12 & 52 ·week street
Holland Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, u8 Upper Stone street James George Chas. jun. chimney sweeper, 37 Thornhill pl
Hollingbourne District Highway Board (Samuel Harman; James James, chimney sweep, I2 & 24 ""yatt street
clerk) ; office, 8 Middle row (entrance, Bank street) Jarrett Alien, shopkeeper, 22 Bower lane
Hollingworth & Co. paper mills, Turkey mills, Ashford road Jarrett Frederick, tobacconist, 87 Week street
Holloway Charles, baker, 7I Buxley road Jarrett George, boot maker, 2I5 Upper Fant road
Holloway Frances (Miss), grocer, IS Sandling road JarrettJames, boot maker, 24 Charlton street
Holloway Francis Eliza (Miss), ladies' school, 4 Hastings rd J arvis Louisa (1\frs.), dress IJlaker, I 3 Victoria street
Holloway William Charles, builder, 48 Brewer street Jefferys Harriett (Mrs.), dress maker, I23 Boxley road
Holmes Joseph James, general shop, 85 Sandling road Jeffrey Jn.Stephen, fruiterer & beer retailer.4o Low.Stone st
Holmes Richard, clerk to the trustees of the poor of the Jenner Caroline Susannah (Mrs. ),grocer & tea dlr.59Union st
parish of Maidstone, clerk to the Fisher's charity, registrar Jennings Francis Rice, chemist & druggist, West Borough&.
of marriages for Maidstone district & deputy registrar of 85 Week street
births & deaths for West Maidstone sub-district & vestry Jermyn Thomas, umbrella maker, 26 Pudding lane
clerk, x6 Knightrider street Jessup Henry John, baker & beer ~;:eller, 53 Hardy street
Holmes William, brass finisher, 37 & 39 George street Jewell John, tailor, Ill Week street .
Hone Elizabeth Fanny (Miss), dress maker, 2 Hope street Johnson Chas. supt. & deputy chief constable,Wren'sCross ho
Hone Lillian .Amy (Miss), teacher of music, 2 Hope street Johnson Henry, confectioner, IO Earl street
Honnor Alfred, coal & corn merchant, I08 Week street J ohnston John, surgeon &c. 2 Rocky Hill ter. & I9 Mill st ·
Honour Thomas William, musical depot, 32 King street Jolly Frederick William, beer retailer, 102 Week stre~t
Hood George, news agent, 31 Upper Stone street J ones Robert, barge owner, 40 Bower street
Hopper John, coal dealer, 9 Hart street Jones Thomas Dewell, relieving & school inquiry officer
Hopson George, beer retailer, 22 Wyatt street No. I district, & collector to the guardians of Maidstone
Horner & Co. tailors & clothiers, 96 Week street union, 45 Kingsley road
Horsecroft William, beer retailer, I Perry street Joslen Arthur, solicitor, Market buildings
Horton Harry, hair dresser, I I Upper Stone street Joy Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 4I Union street
Horton Henry, furniture dealer, 57 Upper Stone street Judd Arthur, boot maker, 34 Milton street
Horton Peter, greengrocer, 2 Well road Judges' Lodgings (Albert Porter, resident steward), 2&
How Emie (Mrs.), milliner, see Carrick & How Lower Stone street
Howard Elizabeth Ann (Miss), ladies' & children's outfitter, Jupe Naomi (Miss), refreshment rooms, II.A, Upper Stone st
2 & 4 Mill street Jupp Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 6I Union street
Howard de Waldeninstitute (Miss Monckton,sec.),temporary Jnpp Geo. Hy. confectnr. see Heyburn, Casingham & Jupp
home for young women, 45, 46 & 46.A, Marsham street KEELEY .JOSEPH, STAR FAMILY &. COMMERCIAL
Howarth Charles Duncombe, solicitor, 48 Earl street HOTEL, IS High street
Howes Selina (Miss), dress maker, 44 Hardy street Keeley Waiter, bookbinder, 6oA, High street
Howlett Frances Robert (firm, Hoar, Howlett & Tatham), Kelcey Montague Marshal!, grocer, I & 3 Hardy street
solicitor, clerk to t.he Bearsted justices, clerk to com- Kemp Rose E. (Miss), preparatory school, 2 Ada pl.Milton st
missioners of taxes, Aylesford east, clerk to committ'* & Kent Archreological Society (Edward Bartlett. curator).
to sub-committee of visitors of Kent county lunatic Chillington house, Faith street
asylum, joint clerk to Medway Lower Navigation & to Kent Club (J. Spooner Hardy, sec. ; George Freeland,
Maidstone Gas Co. & commissioner to ad!Dinister oaths, steward), Week street
9 King street Kent C<mservative Co. Lim. (George Hurn, sec.), 36
Howlett William, shopkeeper, 16 Bower street Earl street
Hubble William, grocer, The Stores, Tonbridge road Kent County Ophthalmic Hospital (J. Hughlings Jackson
Hughes Charles, wire blind maker, 7 Brunswick street east 1\I.D., F.R.S. consulting physician; Jonathan Hutchinson,
Hughes Eliza (Mrs.), fishmonger, I8 Sandling road consulting surgeon; Matthew Algernou Adams, surgeon;
Hughes George Gibson, tobacconist, 113 Week street George Bullock Bunter, dental surgeon ; Percy T. Adams
Hughes Henry Alexander (firm, King & Hughes), solicitor, M.R.c.s. house surgeon; Ebenezer Goodwin, sec.; Miss
commissioner for oaths & clerk of the peace for the borough Gertrude Brown, matron), Church street
of Maidstone, 6 Mill street Kent County Standard (Frederick E. Roe, proprietor; pub-
Hulett Dorah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Dover street lished friday), Market buildings. See advertisement
Humphreys Alfred, shopkeeper, 63 Kin~J street • Kent Fire&; Life Assurance Co. (Waiter L. Seyfang, sec. &.
Humphries John, butcher, 65 Brewer street
general manager), High street
Hunn James, shopkeeper, 7 Alexandra street Kent Fire Office Fire Brigade (W. J. Gates, capt.) ; engines,
Hunt James & Son, marine store dealers, I5I Upper Stone Kent Fire office, High street
street & 1 The Close Kent Friendly Society's Office (Edwin Schartau, sec.),
Hunt Alfred, whitesmith, 3 Church street London road
Hunt Elizabeth Levina (Miss), bookseller, & post office, 8 Kent Law Society (Chas.Alfd.Case, sec.) ; office, 6oA,High st
Sa.ndling road Kent Messenger & Maidstone Telegraph (William Richard &
Hunt Harriett (Mrs.), beer retailer, 39 Sandling road Frederick Masters, publishers ; published friday & satur-
Hunt John, carpenter & builer, 34 Marsham st. & Water lane day), soA, Week street; works, Station rd. See advert
Hunter's Almshouses, Mote road K~nt Road Maintenance & Stone Supply Co. Lim. (Morland
Hum George, clerk to the guardians of Hollingbourne union, JohnGreig, managing director; H. W. Clarke, sec.), West
superintendent registrar, sec. to the Maidstone Chamber of Borough chambers; & at Gravesend & Erith
Agriculture & sec. to the Kent Conservative Co. Lim. clerk Kent Times & Chronicle & Maidstone Advertiser (Josiah
to the Boughton Monchelsea school board, 36 Earl street Beeching, publisher; published weekly, friday for satur-
Burst Frederick, vinegar brewer, 19 Dover street day), 7 Middle row. See advertisement
Hntchesson Sarah (Miss), ladies' school, 8 Albion place Kentish Engineering Works (Limited) (Richard Muirhead
Hntson Charles & Sons, boat builders & pleasure boat owners, M.I.M.E. managing director), mechanical engineers, iron
Undercliff , & brass founders, millwrights,machinists &c. West borough
Kentish Bank (Wigan, Mercer, Tasker & Co.), 9I Bank st.; London & County Banking Co. Limited (Thomas Jackson,
draw on Smith, Payne & Smiths, London E c manager}, I 8 High street ; draw on head office, Lombard
Kentish Express (Ashford) (Igglesden, Friend & Igglesden, street, London E c
publishers; published friday for saturday) ; branch 1 London & Southern Counties Labour League & Kent & Sus-
-office, 15 King street sex Labourers' Union (Charles Beale, general sec.); offioo,
Kentish Sarah (Miss), teacher of music, 201 Boxley road 96 Week street
Ker George & ~::ion, dyers, 20 Gabriel's hill Long Charles Grey, New inn & Railway hotel, I Boxley road
Kettle Charles, undertaker, 30 Fisher street & I Sandlin~ road
Killick Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 5 Chillington street Long Henry Plater, surgeon, 2I Marsham street
KING FRANK &. SONS, tailors & clothiers, 21, 23 & 25 Longley William, beer retailer, 21 Astley street
Lower Stone street, & grocers, 54 Gabriel's hill Lott Moses, marine store dealer, 63 Brunswick street west &
King & Hughes, solicitors, 6 Mill street I Charlton street
King Alfred, deputy registrar of marriages, 78 Wheeler st Love William, fishmonger, xoo Upper Stone street
King Fanny (Miss), dress & mantle maker, I & 2 Readers Loveland John, currier & leather seller, 96 High street ·
cottages, Lower Stone street Loveland John Thompson, nurseryman & florist, Buckland
King George Herbert, tailor & outfitter, 3 Gabriel's hill Road nursery & 137 Week street
King Henry, cowkeeper, I Gladstone road Lovett Thomas, farmer, Shepway court, Sutton road
King James, farmer, College farm, College road Lower Henry Thomas, shoe maker, 7 Earl street
K;ng Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 3I Pudding lane Lower John, shopkeeper, 26 Earl street
King Stephen Henham, solicitor, see King & Hughes Lucas Charles, butcher, 43A, Milton street & 78 Boxley rd
King Thomas, grocer, 30 London road Lucas Olive (Miss}, beer retlr. & ginger beer ma. 2 James st
King William, china, glass & earthenware dealer, 46 & 48 Lutchford Charles, grocer, 45 & 47 Chillington street
Gabriel's hill LYLE DANIEL THOMAS .JAMES, mineral water manufae-
King William, Flower Pot P.H. 91 Sandling road turer, East Layne works, King street
Kingman John, hair dresser, 36 Bower place McAlpine Kenneth, wine & spirit merchant, see Franklyn,
Kirby William, hair dresser, 8o Week street McAlpine & Co
Kirkby James, plumber &c. 3 Foster street & 40 Melville rd McCabe William John, boys' school, St. Augustine's college
Kite :Felix, accountant & valuer, 34 King street McCulloch James,farmer&fruit grower, Gould's ct.Sutton rd
Kite Waiter Gray, collector of Queen's taxes, 34 Knig street McKeough Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 36 Fisher street
Knapp Sarah (Mrs.), lodging house, 14 Bower place MC VICAR ROBERT, MITRE COMMERCIAL HOTEL &
Knight John, marine store & coal dealer, 37 Albert street spirit vaults, 9 High street & Castle P.H. 6 & 8 Week st
"Knowles George, deputy supt. registrar, 28 Kingsley road McVitie John, draper & tailor, I Marsham street
Knowles John, surgeon, 5 Ashford road Maidstone Amateur Photographic Society (L. Stansell, hon.
Laker George Thomas, wood & coal dealer, 33 Union street sec.), The Old Palace
Lamb Dennis,monumental mason, near Maidstone cemetery; Maidstone Angling Society (Albert Henry Emary, hon. sec.),
Sutton road & I I Bower street 50 High street
Lamb Harriet (Mrs.), laundress, 8 Foster street MaidstoneCemetery(George Elbourn, superintendent,Sutton
Lambert Charles Thomas, boot maker, 74 Hank street road ; Arthur J oseph Ellis,clerk to burial board) ,35 Earl st
Lampard Charlotte (Mrs.), baker, 2 & 4 Perryfield street Matdstone (late West Kent) Chamber of Agriculture (R. A.
Lane Mark, market gardener, Tovil road Hamilton Seymour esq. chairman; George Hurn, sec.),
Langford William, plumber & glazier, 6o Union street 36 Earl street
Langton Danl.Wilson,timber mer.Hridge wharf, We. Borough Maidstone Church Institute (Richard Hobday, sec.),Church
Larking John, railway & general carrier & contractor for 1 institute, Union street
household removals, parcels office & also general office Maidstone Club (Frederick Norman, sec.; George Mercer,
for all carriers to & from Maidstone, Pudding lane; I steward), 31 Earl street
London offices, I2A1 Long lane, Aldergate street E c Maidstone Coffee PalaceCo. Limited(Miss Mary Ellen Prowse,
Laurence Arthur, seedsman, I2A, Union street manageress; E. Good win, sec. ),Central Commercial Tem-
I.AURENCE WILLIAM, wholesale & retail grocer & provi- perance hotel, 62 & 64 Week street .
sion merchant, 28 High st. ; 24 Lower Stone st. ; & Market Maidstone Co-operative Society Limited (H. D. Peters, sec.),
buildings; drat 61 Eastcheap, London EC u8 Week street
Law George, carpenter, II2 Week street Maidstone Cottage Improvement Co. Limited (George Hul-
Lawrence Frederick, farmer, Half Yoke farm, Upper Fant burd, managing director; King & Hughes,solicitors); regis-
Lawson George, coal merchant, 34 Upper Stone street tered office, 6 Mill street
Leaver Annie (Miss), ladies' school, 17 Brewer street 1 :Maidstone Gas Company (Henry Smythe, engineer & man-
Leaver Jesse, corn & coal dealer, 34A, High street
I ager), St. Peter street, West Borough
l..EAVEY GEORGE H. merchant tailor, hatter, hosier & Maidstone & Kentish Journal & South Eastern Advertiser
outfitter, 65 & 66 High st. & 2 & 4 Mill st. ; also at 95 to 1 (propr. Fredk. E. Roe, pub. tues. & sat.), Market. buildings
99 High street, Chatham & 8 to 12 High street, Ramsgate Maidstone Liberal Club (R. P. Seeley, sec.; Waiter Cowlard,
Ledger Henry, fruit grower, 94 Boxley road steward), 22 Stone street
'Lee John, upholsterer & furniture dealer, 17 King street Maidstone & Mid-Kent Conservative Club (F. C. Dyer, sec.
Leeson Edwin, cowkeeper, Violet cottage, off Boxley road to the committee; David Collett, steward), Earl street
Lepper George, shopkeeper, 25 London road Maidstone & Mid-Kent Training Home for Girls (Miss Carter,
Letchford Thomas, greengrocer, 44 Wheeler street lady superintendent), Boxley road
Leverett, Frye & Page, grocers, & agents for W. & A. Gil- Maidstone Public (or Fever) Hospital (W. Shaw M.D. in
bey, wine & spirit merchants, 13 & 14 High street charge; M. A. Adams, medical superintendent; Henry
Levett Charles, beer retailer, xo Sandling road Guest, master ; Mrs. H. Guest, matron), Fant lane
Lewis Thomas, Oak & Ivy inn, 65 Upper Stone street Maidstone Local Board Offices (Walter George Scoones c.L
Leycester & Co. wharfingers, corn, coal & manure mer- borough surveyor), Fair meadow
chants, 18 St. Peter's street Maidstone Public Baths (Henry Turk Croucher,superintend·
Liberal & Radical Registration Office (Borough) (Charles ent), !<'air meadow
Beale, agent), 96 Week street Maidstone Ratepayers' Asso('iation (Samuel Harman, sec.),
Liberal Registration of Mid or Medway division of Kent 8 Middle row (entrance, Bank street)
(Arthur Joseph Ellis, hon. sec.), 35 Earl street Maidstone Rowing Club (F. H. A. Foster, hon. sec.),Tovil bdg
Lincoln James & Son, saddlers, 74 & 76 Upper Stone street Maidstone School ~f Music (Henry F. Henniker Mus.noc.,
Lindridge James, beer retailer, 138 Upper Stone street A.R.A.M. principal), The Old Palace
Lindridge William, fruiterer, IO'J Week street Maidstone Soup Kitchen (Joseph Day, sec.; George Baker,
Lingham Henry, dairy, 42 Brewer street treasurer), Church street
Lingham James, King's Head inn, 46 High street Maidstone Water Co. (William John Ware, engineer & man·
Link Henry, confectioner, 61 Milton street ager); office, 23 Pudding lane
Liverpool Victoria Legal Friendly Society (George Shaw, Malins Thomas, professor of music, 28 Bower lane
manager), West Borough offices MallettVictorE.clerk toCountyLunatic asylum,Barming hth .
Loader Henry James, outfitter, 71 Week street Malley Emily Fram•es (Miss), boys' preparatory school, S
Lockyer Geo. Hy. Nag's Head P.H. & ho. decrtr. 76 Week st Buckland terrace, London road •
Lockyer Harry James, tobacconist, 21 Week street Mangelsdorff Christoph, professor of music, 3 Chertsef
Lockyer Isabella (Mrs.), temperance hotel, 27 Gabriel's hill terrace, Upper Fant road
Loder & Sons, coach builders, Fair meadow Mann William, fishmonger, I2o Week street
Lofthouse Henry, shopkeeper, 28 Sandling road Mannerings Henry & John, printers, 8r King street
Logan James, baker & confectioner, 36 High street Manning Henry, musical instrument repairer, 6gA, Unions&
Lomas Alfred, tailor, 26 Sandling road Manning Susanah (Miss), wardrobe dealer, 39 Union stree'
Lomas Alfred, jun. beer retailer, 22 Pudding lane Manning William Charles, furniture dealr. g, 2I & 23 Earl~
London, Chatham & Dover Railway (Edward Gratwick, Mansell Edward, shopkeeper, 26 Havock lane ·
Marchant & Tubb,general merchants, 15, 17 & 19 Gabriei'sLI-
station master), Station road
:Marchant David, printer, Acme house, Tonhridge road Morgan Mary (Mrs.), teacher of music, II Wheeler street
Marchant George Henry, agent to Prudential Assurance Co. Morgan Richard, fruiterer & confectioner, r6 Mill street '
Limited, 54 Brewer street Morling William, hosier, 12 Middle row, High street
Marjoram James, shopkeeper, go Sandling road Morphett Jane (Mrs.), ~rocer, 53 High street
Markwick Henry, farm bailiff to Mrs.L.D.Wigan,Oakwood rd Morphett John, insurance agent, Ill Lower Fant road
Marriott Brothers, boo~ makers, 48 High street Morris Alfred,agent for Pickford& Co.raily.carriers,6High st
Marsh & Son, boot makers, 29 High street Morris Edward, Wheatsheaf inn, Loose road & Button road
Marsh Frederic William, grocer, 67 Waterlow road Morris Emily (Mrs.), First & Last P.H. 40 Bower place
Morris John, tinplate worker, 4 Sandling road.
Martin Albert, cabinet maker, 78 Week street
Martin Henry, beer retailer, 3 St. Peter's street Morris M. A. (Mrs.), milliner & dress maker, 6 High street
Martin Horace, grocer, 100, 102 & 104 King street Mosley Robert James, writer & grainer, 144 Union street
Martin James, watch maker, 25 Week street I Mote Cricket Club (The) (R. A. Hamilton Seymour &
Martin John, hardwood merchant, Faith street Kenneth McAlpine, hon. secs)
Martin John Edward, cabinet maker, 2 Middle row Muggridge Somers, commercial traveller, 6 Fisher street
Martin Richard, bailiff to Mr. W. L. Hubble, Willington st Munn Edward, boot maker, 129 Bower street
Martin lnspeetor William Henry, chief clerk Kent County Munn Henry, plumber & decorator, 45 Upper Stone street
constabulary, Wren's Cross house Munn James, brush maker, 13 Peel street
Martin William Lewis, beer retailer, 13 ltnightrider street Murray Isabel (Mrs.), laundress, 100 S!lndling road
:Maskell & Son, mineral water manufactrs. 5 St. Peter's st f Museum & Public Library (Edward Bartlett, curatorj,
Mason Edward & Co. brewers, Waterside Chillington house, Faith street
Mason Caleb, hair dresser,~ King street Na.sh Henry John, hair dresser, 3 Union street
Mason Charles, beer retailer &c. II5 & rr7 Upper Stone st Neaves William Thomas, greengrocer, 78 Upper Stone street
Mason J. Adlington, grocer & provsn. mer. 21 Gabriel's hill Newman Caroline (Mrs.), laundress, 6 St. George's square
Mason Louis, solicitor, 10 Waterside New man Geo. Alfred, commercl. traveller, 31 Tonbridge rd
Mason Mary (Miss), umbrella maker, 23 Mill street Newman Waiter, fruiterer &c. 36 Gabriel's hill
Mason Sergt.-Major William Henry, drill instructor, West Newton John & Co. manure manufacturers, Corn exchange
Kent Queen's Own Yeomanry Cavalry, D Troop; orderly Newton Thos. Jas. commercial traveller, 19 Knightrider st
room, Florence house, Dover street Nichols John1 wardrobe dealer, 3 Upper Stone street
:Massie Margaret (Mrs.), milliner, 20 Lower Stone street
Nickels Ernest Pahl. fancy repository, I Bower place
Masters William Richard &Frederick, printers, booksellers & Nixon Edward, butcher, 4 Middle row
stationers&publishers of the " Kent Messenger &Maidstone Noakes Henry & Richard, wholesale & retail ironmongers &
Telegraph'' soA, Week st.; works, Station rd. See advert iron, lead, oil & color merchants, 6r High street
Masters Fanny (Miss), milliner, 106 King street Norden Richard, wine & spirit merchant, 1 & 2 High street
Masters Mary Ann (Mrs.), butcher, 31 & 33 Lower Stone st Norley Charles &Co. pawnbrokers, go & 92 Week street
May Waiter & George, wood hoop makers, 4 Hedley street Norman l''rederick, tobacconist, 6 High street
May George, manager to Mrs. Orlando Packham, truss & Norrington William Hooper, coach builder, Post Office yatd,
elastic stocking manufacturer, 26 King street High street & blacksmith, Undercliff
Maynard Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 62 Kingsley road Norton & Son, solicitors, 13 Earl street
Mead Alfred Frederick, baker & shopkeeper, 'I James st Norton Silas (firm, Norton & Son), solicitor, 13 Earl street
Meades Edward, Eagle P.H. 56 Brewer street Norton Wm. South (firm, Norton & Son), solicitor,r3 Earist
Meades James, wire worker, 15 Union street Nurse Charles, china & glass riveter, 3 Mill street
Mears & Yapp, cabinet makers, 12 Union street Nursing Home for St. Paul's Parish (Mrs. Emma Strickson:
:Mechanics' Hall, Market buildings resident nurse), 47 Thornhill place
Medhurst James, fancy draper, I2A, Tonbridge road Nye Edward, insurance agent, Ephraim pl. Tonbridge hilt
:Medway Liberal Association (Arthur Jo11eph Ellis, hon. sec.), Oakley Annie (Miss), berlin & fancy repository, 'I7 Faith st
35 Earl street Obee Alfred, confectioner, 4A, Tonbridge road
Medway Lower Navigation (Hoar, Howlett & Tatham, clerks O'Brien Thomas, farm bailiff to Dowager Lady Howard de
to the company), 9 King street Walden, Mote park
Medway Paper Mills Co. Limited (S. L. Green, sec.),. off Offen John, photographer, 78 Peel street
Sandling road Old Palace School of Science & Art (Rev. H. Collis M.A. &
:Mepsted James Heathorn, furniture dealer & chimney sweep, F. M. Cutbush, hon. secs.), Mill street
Older Mercy (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 128 Upper ~one street
26:\lill street & 65 Upper Fant road
Mercer Joseph, hair dresser, 16 Pudding lane Oliff Brothers, butchers, 35 & 40 High st:Peet
:Meredith John Edward B.A., K.D., M.ch. surgeon & public Oliver & Son, physicians & surgeons, 14 Mill street
vaccinator Nos. l & 21 districts, Maidstone union & certi- Oliver Albert, greengrocer, n Peel street I
fying factory surgeon, Lenton villa, Albion place Oliver Charles Pye M.B.LOnd. phys. & surg. 5 Rocky Hill ter
Merricks George, shopkeeper, ~ Padsole lane
Oliver Fredk. Josiah A.P.S. family chemist, 43 Gabriel's hill
Merrony Alfred, egg importer, 31 Marsham street Oliver Hy. jobbing gardnr. I Winchester pl. Queen Ami rd
Merrony Richard, lath render, 17 Lower Fant road Oliver Josiah M.R.c.P.Edin. phys. & surgn. 5 Rocky Hill ter
Midland Railway Company (Oliver Carr, agent), wharf, Oliver Oliver, carpenter, 41 Bower place
L. C. & D. railway, Sandling road O'NeilJohn Henry, shopkeeper, 45 King street
Midmore Frederick, toy & fancy warehouseman, 5 Pudding Ottaway Sarah Ellen (Miss), shopkeeper, 20 Astley street
lane & grocer, Queen's road PACKHAM ORLANDO (MRS.}, self-adjusting truss, band•
Millbourne Albert, coal dealer, IA, Carey street age & elastic stocking manufacturer, 26 King street
Millen B. Davis, hair dresser, 3 Middle row PAINE DENNISS &. CO. general drapers & outfitters, 24
Miller John, tailor, 46 Union street ~s. 26 & 27 High street
Mills William Charles, groc:er, 4 Boxley road PalmerEmma(Mrs. ),dlr.in antique furnitu:re,4Market bldngs.
Milner William, gardener to R. J. Fremlin esq. Heathfield Palmer John, wardrobe dealer, 43 King street •
lodge, Pennenden heath Palmer Matthew Henry, confectioner, 24 King street
Misson Frederick John, colporteur, 137 Wheeler street Palmer William,- coach smith, rr Marsham street
Misson Robert, ironmonger, 24 Bower lane Pankhurst & Co. bellhangers & gasfitters, r8 Gabriel's hill
Misson William, Bee Hive P.H. r2 l''aith street Pankhurst Mary Ann (Mjss), berlin wool & fancy repository,
:Mitchell Henry, agent to Refuge Assarance Co. Limited, 83 Bank street
47 Hardy street Pantony Richard William, cowkeeper, off Bo:xley road
Monckton & Son, solicitors, 72 King street Parker Alfred, house decoratorj 83 Upper Fant road
Monckton (Stephen) Home for Nurses (Miss Isabel Jones, Parker James, general shop, 13 George street
lady superintendent), West Kent General hospital . Parker Stephen, general dealer, 127 Boxley road
:MoncktonDavid Hy.M.D.,F.R.c.s.consult.phys.6RockyHl.ter Parks David George, oil, color, glass &c. merchant, see
Monckton Herbert (firm, Monckton & Son), solicitor, town Sergeant & Parks . l
clerk & clerk to the local board, 72 King street Parks Joseph Benjamin, builderj 7 & 9 John street
Monckton Stephen Lancelot. solicitor & clerk to school Parramore John, general shop, 28 Chalton street
board, 40 King street Parsons Bernard Wil1iam, butcher, 43 Week street
Moon Charles, boot maker, 6 Church street Parsons Charlotte (Miss), dress maker, 45 Sandling road
Moon Edward, shopkeeper, 15 Holland street Parsons Henry, grocer, 47 & 48 Sandling road l.
Moon Job, beer retailer, 9 & ro Square hill , Pash Arthnr, boot & shoe warehouse, 5 High street
Moorcraft Geo. J n. market gardener, Heathfield la. Boxley rd Payne Daniel, steam saw mills, West Borough
Moore Charles Fredk. bookseller & stationerj 127 Week st Payne Henry, draper & milliner &c. 26 Lower Stone street
Moore Henry, shoe maker, 179 Boxley road Payne James, Queen Ann P.H, & cooper, Queen Ann road
Moore John, hair dresser, 5 Earl street & ro Faith street Pearce Edward, greengrocer, 85 Perryfield street
Moore Noe, greengrocer, 86 Uni9n street Pearce Richard James, beer retailer, 46 Upper Stone street
K. S. & S. 28
. 434 •
• ·KENT.
Pearcb'Joseph, Duke of Marlborough P.H. 25 Union street Richardson Frederick, photographer, 29 Milton street
Pearson &·Co. wholesale stationers, steam printers & paper Riddle James Richard, Greyhound P.H. 77 Wheeler street
bag makers, West Borough . Riddle John Henry, grocer, 63 Hardy street
Pearson Edward, deputy registrar births & deaths, East Rimbault Stephen Francis, town missionary, Vinters road
Maidstone district, 8 Cross street Ring Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 17 Bonneys yard
Pearson Edward, undertaker, 52 Whitmore street Roberts John, goods managerS. E. railway, Hart street
Pearson Jonn. jun. shopkeeper, I4 Wyatt street Roberts John, grocer, 79 & 81 Week street
Pearson Wilham Neighbour, vaccination officer, Western rd RobinsonJane &Elizh.(Misses),fancyrepository,6Gabriel'shl
Peirce Mary Ann (Miss), milliner &c. 13 Earl street Robinson Thomas, accountant, see Allen & Robinson
Pell Charles, cork cutter & brush maker, 18 Low. Stone st Robson John Thos. Duke of Cambridge P.H. 32 Sandling rd
Pepper Thomas John, Cherry Tree P.H. Tonbridge road Robson Robert Walter, wholesale bedding upholsterer k
Perrin George Henry, dairy & greengrocer, 51 Hardy street cabinet manufacturer, Union Street works, Union street
Perrin Wm. farm bailiff to Mr. J. McCullocb, Willington st Roe l<'rederick E. proprietor " Maidstone & Kentish Journal,"
Perry Frederick, greengrocer, 14 Pudding lane "Kent County Standard" & "Bromley Journal & We~
Pett James Frederick, draper, West Borough Kent Herald," Market buildings. See advertiseme»t
Pettipiere Reuben, provision dealer, 39 Upper Stone street Rogers Frederick & Sons, barge builders, St. Peter's street
Phillips Robert, musical instrument depot, 29 Upper Stone st Rogers Geo. Hy. Jas. dental surgeon (attends every friday
Phillips William, greengrocer, I7 Market avenue from 3 tills at Mr. Hoad's,jeweller, We.Malling),soKingst
Philpott Frederick George, fishmonger, 58 King street Rogers James, shopkeeper, 6x Gladstone road
Phipps Charles, Royal George P H. 2 Boxley road Rogers William, pharmaceutical chemist, 3S High street
Pick William, supt. registrar of Maidstone union, 71 King st Rook Ja,.mes, vinegar merchant,. fost Office chmbrs. High Ill
Pickard Thos. carpenter & undertaker, Priorycot. Prioryrd Roots Ge01oge, auctioneer, 2 Bow'e)';place
Pickford&Co. railway carriers(AlfredMorris,agent),6oHigh st Roots Henry Francis, shopkeeper, ·.xz,. Bower street
Rose Richard, jobbing bricklayer, j·2 Whe~ler street
Piercy Frederick Thomas, shopkeeper, 56 Sandling road
Piercy William (Mrs.), teacher of music, I Hope street Rouse Charles, White Lion P.H. 53 Lower Stone street
PINE &. SONS, corn, seed, coal & manure merchants & Rouse George Flick, saddler, 46 Kmg street
maltsters, 51 High street & Rodney wharf Rouse William Thomas, fishmonger, 23 Upper Stone street
Pine Robert, corn & coal merchant, 19 Earl street Rowcroft Albert Edwd. A.P.s. chemist &druggist, 66 Weekst
Piper Alice (Miss), tailoress, 28 London road Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Mid-
Piper Daniel, greengrocer, 43 Whitmore street Kent branch) (S. L. Monckton, hon. sec.), 40 King stree~
Piper Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 44 Thornhill place Ruck & Smith, architects & surveyors, County Surveyor's
Playford William, boot maker, I93 Upper Fant road office, High street
Plomley John Frederick M. D. surgeon, West Borough Ruck J<'redk. Wm. architect & surveyor & county surveyor
Pobgee J ames, fancy draper, 32 <.tabriel's hill (firm, Ruck & Smith),County Surveyor's office, High street
POCOCK BROTHERS, wholesale & retail boot & shoe RUCK WALTER, bookseller, stationer &news agent, circu-
manufacturers, Gabriel's hill lating & subscription library, II High street
Pointer Josiah, shoeing smith, 31 Boxley road Russell Alex. John, gun maker (has every modern improve-
Poole William John, artist, 2 Ivy Bank villas, Milton street ment, including Green's treble wedge bolt), 15 Mill street,
Pope Jessie (Miss), professor of music, Five Ways home, See advertisement
Sittingbourne road Russell Alexander John, manure merchant, St. Peter's stree~
Popham Jane (Mrs.), leather seller, I4 Faith street Russell Alfred, shopkeeper, 19 Woollett street
Porter Emma C. (Mrs.), dress maker, 18 Market street Russell Emily Elizabeth (Miss), ladies' school, 19 Stone st
Potter John, baker, 38 Wheeler street Russell Frederick, watch maker & jeweller, 44 King street
Potter John, Globe inn, 20 Knightrider street Russell George, Lamb inn, Fair meadow
Powell John, grocer, 36 King street Ruxton Capt. J. H. Hay, chief constable, County Police
Powell Margaret (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 45 Union street station, Wren's Cross house
Prall Richard, official receiver in bankruptcy, 86 Week st . Rymer Jas.Fras.lll.R.c.s.& L.D.S.Eng.dental surg.1 Ashfrd.rd
PRENTIS GEORGE ck SON, wine & spirit mers. 37 Earl st Sage Henry D. & Jas. Lionel, leather mers. &c. 18 & 20 Mill st
Price Brothers, watch makers & jewellers, 97 High street Sage Mary Ann (Miss) & Co. Oriental art depot, 22 Mill st
Price Thomas Robert & Son, watch makers & jewellers, 39 St. John Ambulance Association (James Francis Rymer
Week street & x Earl street M.R.c.s. hon. sec.), 1 Ashford road
Price & Son, ~~Chemists & dentists, 105 Week street St. Paul's Literary Institute & Library, Fisher st.&Perryfld.st •
Priestman & Whyte, tailors, hatters & hosiers, 14 Week st Saker Henry, hair dresser, 35 Week street
Pryer A. N. & Co. plumbers & builders, 'I'onbridge road, J Salt Edwin, fancy repository, 38 Week street
West Borough Salvation Army Divisional Head Quarters(Staff Capt.Richard
Pryer Samuel, picture frame maker, ro Lower Stone street Nash), 205 Boxley road; hall, Sandling road
Public Mortuary, Mdl street Sampsou John Hy. boot maker & general shop, 15 Mote road
Pyne Frances & Naomi(Mi'lses),drapers & hosiers,n4Week st Samson Wm. Hy. sanitary disinfectant manufr. 42 Earl st
Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment), Ist Volunteer Samway Joseph, beer retailer, 20 Laurel place, Tonbridgerd
Battalion (Major C. E. Wright, commanding A Company Sanders Samuel Percy, cabinet maker, upholsterer, carpet
& Capt. 1<'. Pine, B Company; drill instructor, George warehouse & wholesale bedding maker, II Week street; 3
Bunyan).; head quarters, Ye Anciente Bell hotel, Week st Market street & factory, Rose yard
.Radcliffe Alfred, cab proprietor, Union street Sandlin Henry, inland revenue officer, 28 Hastings road
Radford William, beer retailer, 21 St. Peter's street Sandon Alfred, boot maker, 164 Union street
.RaggettJob Robt. station masterS. E. rly. West Borough Sandwell John, beer retailer, 24 Union street
Ralph Albert George, boot maker, 1 Undercliff Sanson Harry, sewing machine repairer. 24 Mill street
Ramsden Sarah (Miss), confectioner, n Mill street Sargent Robert, beer retailer, 16 Thornhill place
Randall Frederick William &Co. boot & shoe manufacturers, Sayers Jn. boot mkr. 41 & marme store dlr. 33.!, Wheelers'
29 & 31 Gabriel's hill Schmidle Ann (Mrs.), watch maker, 9 Hardy street
Ransley Alfred, parish sexton (All Saints'), 7 Brewer street School of Music (H. F. Henniker Mus. noc. A.R.A.M. pro-
Ransley Frederic, poor rate collector, 2I Faith street fessor), The Old Palaee
Ransley J ames, grocer, I3 Mill street School of Science & Art (George Ward, art master; Charles
Rasey Thomas, coffee house, 95 & 97 Wheeler street Adams, science master), The Old Palace
Rawlinson Tom, provision dealer, 1 Alien street Scoones Wait. Geo.c.E. borough surveyr.; offices,Fair meadow
Ray George Henry, butcher, II Market ave:que Scotcher Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 28 Havock lane
Reader Thomas Courtney, painter &c., 7A, Knightrider st · Scott Frederick Ambrose, assistant superintendent, Pruden·
Reeve Samuel, agent to Prudential Co. 12 Fisher street tial Assurance Co. 57 Hardy street
Reeves Thomas, china & glass dealer, West Borough Seagoe John, marine store dealer, Brunswick street east
Reeves Thos. Edwd. furniture dlr. 5, 7, 9 & 12 Low. Stone st Sealy George, greengrocer, I27 Upper Stone street
Reeves William, Bell inn, Sutton road Searles & Co. confectioners, 7 Mill street
Relf Arthur, decorator, 35 Perryfield street Searles George, boot maker, 7 Upper Stone street
Relf Frederick, grocer, 64 Upper Stone street Searles Wm. bookbinder & account book maker, 12 Mill si
Relf James Thomas, boot maker, see Browne & Relf • SedgwickA. (Mrs.), fancy draper, 35 Lower Stone stree~
Relf Jane (Mrs.), general shop, 24 Sandling road Selby Joseph, general shop, 63 Charlton street
Relf Samuel, boot & shoe maker, 25 Mill street SE MARK ck AMBROSE, linen drapers, silk mercers &c. r
Relf Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, 3 Romney place Gabriel's hill & 2 & 4 Kmg street
Reynolds Charlotte (Miss), tobacconist, 23 Week street
Sergeant & Parks, oil, color, lead & glass merchants, sS
Richards Emma Marie (Mrs.), Greyhound P.H. Queen's rd Week street
Richards Fitzgerald Dalme, collector of inland revenue & Sessions House, Week street .
stamp distributor ; offices, Post Office buildings, High st . Shadgett Eliza Ann (Miss), ladies' school, 41 Randall streel
Richards John, baker, 76 Union street Sharp Brothers, pork butchers, IS Middle row
Richards Joseph Alfred, greengrocer, 73 Union street Sharp Edward, grocer, 93 Week street
DIRECTORY.] KENT. .. • 435
Sharp George, bak~r (sea Clifford & Sharp), 37 Union street Stanger Alfred (Mrs.), kindergarten & school, GJentworth,
Sharp John, cowkeeper, I4 Perry street Buckland hill •,
Sharp Wil1iam, dairyman, 23 Arundel street Stapley William, Three Tuns P.H. I8 King street
Shaw Edward, West Kent hotel, 97 Week street Starnes Henry~ iron merchant & wholesale ironmonger, gas-
Shaw William M.D. surgeon, Eynsford villas, Tonbridge rd fitter, locksmith & bellhanger, oils & colors of every de-
Shirley Charles Waiter, butcher, 98 Upper Fant road scription ; estimates for all branches of the trade,s I Week st
Shirley John Stanley, beer retailer, Bower lane Steer William, shopkeeper & dairy, I IS Melville road
Short Elizb. (Mrs.) & Son, general dealers, 32 Sandling road Stenning I<'rederick Stoveld M. A. solicitor, 50 Earl street
Short Alfred, jun. fishmonger, 6o Wheeler stt-eet Stephens & Urmston, solicitors, 42 Week street
Short Frederick, greengrocer, 7 Pudding lane Stev-ens Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker~ 253 Upper Fant road
Shrubsole William James, painter, 53 Charlton street Stevens John, timber merchant, Lower Medway wharf,
Silk James, Cltb proprietor, 6 Bower street . St. Peter's street
Sills Stephen, Kentish rag stone merchant, quarryman & Stickings Robert, boot maker, I2I Week street
barge owner, Throat wharf & Tovil quarries ; office & Stone Edwin, chair manufacturer, XI Salem street
residence, Prospect house, Tovil Stone Herbert, butcher, I5 Market avenue
Simmonds Edwin, tailor, 227 Upper Fant road Stone Street Working Men's Club (Cyril Baldwin, sec.), 27
Simmonds George, shopkeeper, 13 Water lane llpper Stone street
Simmons Alice (Mrs.), greengrocer, 2 John street Stone Thomas, wood turner & cricket goods maker, George
Simmons Thomas, general shop, 153 Upper Stone street yard, King street
Simonds H. &G. Limited, refreshment rooms,S. E. R.station, Stone William Henry, chair maker, 50 Melville road
West Borough Stoneham William, fishmonger, 55 Union street •
Simons Wm. boot &s4oe maker, West Borough& I2 Hart st STONHAM THOMAS GOLAND de. SON, wholesale & retail
Simpson Albert, furuiture dealer, West Borough chemists & druggsts. &mineral water manfrs. 70&7I Bank st
Simpson George, dairy, Buckland road Stonham Fanny Ward (Mrs.), grocer, 94 Upper Fant road
SimpsonJames, confectioner, Broadway, West Borough 8\orr & Hodgson, cake & manure merchants, Canal wharf,
• Simpson John Liberty, grocer, 39 High street
West Borough & at Paddock wood
Simpson John William George, chemist, 92 High street Rtreatfield Edward Warton, flour factor, corn & seed mer--
Simpson Liberty, White Horse inn, 29 London road chant, 83 'Veek street
SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. (Charles Hovel!, mana- Strobridge William, wardrobe dealer, I6 Market street
ger), 7 Gabriel's hill Stuart William Charles, commission agent, 63 Brewer street
Skinner George, tobacconist, 7 Sandling road Stubbs Frederick, boot maker, Tonbridge road
Slade Charles Joseph, builder & contractor, 83 Wheeler st Stubbs' Mercantile Offices, 20 Week street
Slender John, beer retailer, 69 & 7I Mote road Stuffins William, pork butcher, 89 Week street
Smarf John Alfred, shopkeeper, ~5 Union street Style Albert Frederick & Co. brewers & maltsters, Medway
Smith W. H. & Son, book~ellers & news agents, Rly. station brewery. St. Peter's street & 22 Week street. See advert
Smith Albert William F.R.I.B.A. architect & surveyor, see Styles Brothers, corn &coal merchants, IO King street
Ruck & Smith Sunnuck Louisa (Mrs.), grocer, 34 Victoria street
Smith Charles, hair dresser, 49 Union street Sunnuck Thomas, shopkeeper & beer seller, 34 Melville road
Smith Charles L. stationer, & post office, 2A,. Tonbridge rd Sutton & Co. railway carriers (Jesse Leaver,agt. ),34A,High st
Smith Edward, baker, 26 Fisher street Sutton John Edward, greengrocer, 7 St. Peter's street
Smith Edward, Kingsley Arms P.H. 36 Melville road SuttonMartha(Mrs.), greengrocer, West Borough
Smith Eldred, Plough inn, I30 Upper Stone street Swain John Jarvis, British Queen P.H. s8Sandling road
Smith Ellen Ma1-tha (Mrs.), laundress, Tonbridge road ' Swain Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, I6g Boxley road
Smith George, tailor, 8 Mill street Swan George, <.-ool & fire wood mer. Church st. & 14 Union st
Smith George Mence, oil & color man, I9 High street Swinfen John, gun maker, 79 Bank street
Smith Henry Chasemore, grocer, 104 Wheeler street Tamkin Frederick James, baker, 25 Pudding lane
Smith Henry Jesse, builder, x6 Upper Stone street Tanner Henry &Co. bazaar, u6 Week street
Smith James, tea dealer, 103 Upper Fant road •rapply Edward S. corn, coal & manure mer. & wharfinger,
Smith John, house agent, 4 Church street 47 High st. & Undercliff wharf ; & farmer, Gatland farm
Smith Joseph, shopkeeper, 55 Milton street Tapsfield Springett, restaurant, 73 Bank street
Smith Joseph Upsher, draper, 84 Bank street Tatham Richard Turner (firm. Roar, Howlett & Tatham), •
Smith Robert Valentine, shopkeeper, 34 Brunswick st. west solicitor & borough coroner, joint clerk to Medway Lower
Smith Thos.glass,china &earthenware dlr.Ig & 20Middle row Navigation & to Maidstone Gas Co. & commissioner to
Smith William Hillyer, boot maker, 32 Bower place administer oaths, 9 King street
Smythe J. A. & S. timber, slate & cement merchants & Taverner Frederick,commercial traveller, 51 Tonbridge road
agts. for Truman,Hanbury,Buxton&Co. BridgeTimber whrf TaylorGeorgeFuller, saddler &c. 17 High street
Smythe & Co. clothiers, 47 Week street Taylor Henry, tailor & clothier, 25 Gabriel'8 hl. & 7 Week st
Snelson William Arthur, hair dresser, Market buildings Taylor Thomas James, baker, 77 &79 King street
Society for Promoting ChristianKnowledge(depot),18Week st Taylor Waiter, hair dresser, 6A, Tonbridge road
Solman John Henry, butcher, 94King street Taylor William, miller & corn merchant; ofiice; 69 Bank
South Eastern Gazette Newspaper (Frederick Waiter & street & Lenworth & Bridge Wharf mills
Horatio Richard Cutbush, proprietors & publishers ; pub- Tebbutt Eli, boot maker, 33 Upper Stone street
lished tuesdays& saturdays), 56 Week street. See advert Temporary Home for Fallen & Destitute Gil'ls & Women
South Eastern .Railway (Job Robert Raggett, station master; (Miss Brooke, lady superintendent), 54 Hardy street
John Roberts, goods manager), West Borough Terrill Colin Joseph, tailor, 100 Week str~t
South of England Telephone Co. Limited, Exchange office, 8 Terrill William, assistant surveyor, 100 Week street •
Middle row (entrance Bank street) Terry Esther (Mrs.), beer retailer, go Union street
Southern Counties Dairies Co. Limited (John Gordon, man- Terry Jesse, fish seller, II Earl street
ager), West Borough Thatcher Edward Arthur, tobacconist, 70 Week street
Sparks Frances (Mrs.), dress maker, 5 Union street Thomas William Henry, tailor, 16 King street
Spencer George & Son,wine & spirit merchants, I Middle row Thompson Charles, saddlei:, 4S Earl street
Spencer Robert, french polisher, 40 Upper Stone street Ttdey John, fruiterer &greengrocer, IoA, Tonbridge road
Spiers & Pond Limited, Victoria hotel, I43 Week street & at Tilby Charles W. stationer, tobacconist, & post office, 17
refreshment buffet, L. C. & D. Railway station Lower Stone street
Spiers William & Co. bill posters & advertiEing contractors, Tillett George Valentine, grocer, 6o Lower Stone street -
9 & u Market street Tipping Ellen (Mrs.), coffee rooms, 7 Faith street
Sprange Moses, Mitre tap & livery stable keeper, Mitre mews Tisdale Eliza (Mrs.), certificated midwife, 15 Albert street
Springett Alfred & Son, builders, 7 Ada place, Milton street Tomlin Joseph, pawnbroker, I6 & I7 Sandling road
Springett David Jonathan, painter, Bower lane Tompson Edward Richard, surveyor of" taxes, Post Office
Squibb Jane M. A. (Mrs.), beer retailer, 44 George street chambers, High street
StaeeyEdwd.brewer & maltster,seelsherwood,Foster&Sta.cey TOOTELL .JOSEPH de. SONS, auctioneers & estate agents,
Stamp Office (Fit~erald Dalme Richards,stamp distributor), I3 King street
Post Office buildings, High street Tov;ey Charles, Grasshopper ·p.H. Sandling road
Standan Henry, baker, 32 Marsham street Town Hall ( William Henry Ba1lard, hall keeper), High street
Standen & Wynn, butchers, 9 Market buildings Town James Grigsby, hair dresser, 35 Sandling road
Standing Thomas Robert, jobbing garrl ener, 29 Brewer street Town William Barling, wheelwright, Arundel street
Stanford Edmund, wood dealer, Scrubbs lane, ~ueen's road Towner Clara (Miss), confectioner& dress maker, 2I Mill st
Stanger M. &E. (Misses), ladies' school,Pivington,London rd Training School for Domestic Servants (Mrs. Whatman,
Stanger.&Co. watch makers & jewellers, 8 Earl street hon. sec. ; Miss Elizabeth Kemp, matron ; Miss Kate
Stanger John, accountant, 8 Earl street Perrin, assistant matron), I9 & 20 Romney place
K. S. & S. 28,.
'rrendall Albert, plumber &c. 4 Station road soWellband Thomas, boot & shoe maker, Week street
Weller Edwin, corn & coal factor, 56 Upper Stone street
Trendall William, printer, I & 3 WatR.r lane
Wenham Frank, hair dresser; II .Faith street
Trill Harold, huilder, 3 Lower Fant road
Troutheck & Waring, land agents & surveyors, 46 Earl street WEST &. WRIGHT, millers & corn merchants, TO'Wn 'wharf,
Tubb John Charles,. genera.! merchant, see Marchant & Tubb High street & Iguanodon mills
Tucker Charles, cowkeeper, 7 Jl'ant lane · West Kent General Hospital (Chas. E. Roar IK.D. & Jobn E.
.Tuckett William Reginald M.R.c.s. house surgeon West Kent Meradith M. D. physieians; A. H. B. Hallowes & John
w·.• Knowles, surgeons; F. C. Allen~L.D.S.R.c.s.Eng. dental
General hospital, Mai'Sham street
Turner Albert, tailor, Market buildings surgeon: Reginald 'fuckett IK.R.C.S.Fmg. house sur-
l'urner Charles (firm, Brennan & Turner), solicitor, clerk to geon; J. Spooner Hardy, sec.; Miss Isabel Jones, lady
Kent Lieutenancy, clerk to Kent Standing Joint Corn.. superintendent), Marsham street
mittee. 86 &88 Week street • West Ada (Miss), dress maker, 26 Bower place ·
Turner George, linen draper, 38 & 40 Gabriel's hill West Alfred, master mariner, 26 Bower place
Twelvetrees Ed win Harper, steam laundry prpr. Whitmore st West.. George James, boot maker, 52 Sandling road
Twort Mark, Priory laundry, Mill street West John C. builder, 76 Milton street
Tye John, shopkeeper, Arundel. street West Kent (Queen's Own) Yeomanry Cavalry (Col. Sir F.
Tyrer Harry & Co. coal merchants, Sandling road D. Maclean, commandant; Capt. W'. F. H. Hinde, adju-
Tyrrell Thomas, writer & grainer, 15 ~omney place tant.) ; head quarters, Ye Anciente Bell hotel, Week street~
Upson John, boot maker, 5 Week street • D Troop (William Hy. Mason, sergeant-major); orderly
Upton Mahala (Mrs.), chiropodist, I7 Church street room, Florence house, Dover street
Urmston Arthur Braba:oon, .solicitor & notary public, see Weston Alfred, Queen's Head hotel, 6a & 63 n:gh street
Stephens & Ormston Weston Stephen, gilder, 204 Wheeler street
Usherwood &.Son, coach builders, wheelwrights & smiths, Westover Thomas, g-reengrocei", 53 Union street
62 King street Wheatley Charles Thomas, fruiterer, 3 Sandling road
Usherwood Thomas William, shopkeeper, 34 County road Whibley Geo. Rubble, collector of local board rates; office,
Usmar Sarah (Mrs.), greengrocer, 31 King street 25 Earl st. (open 3 to 5 p.m. mon. to fri. ; ro to 1 on sat)
VallomElizabeth (Mrs.), laundress, 29 John street White Arthnr, butcher, 125 Upper Stone street
Vane Abraham, jun. barge owner, West Kent ho. Waterside White Claude Hamilton, solicitor, West Borough
Vaughan Edmund, builders' merchant, monumental mason White Eliza (Mrs.), infants' school, 7 Brewer street
&c. Tonbridge road. See advertisement White Frederick Julian, plumber &c. 2 & 7 Market street
Vernon Clement, photographer, 9 Gray's ter. Tonbridge rd White James Charles, draper, 21 & 23 King street
Verrall George &Sons, corn merchants, Hart street White John, news agent, 65 Union street
Verrall George, baker1 34 Bower place White John, wheelwright & shopkeeper, 13 & 14 Hope st
Vidler Percy Alexander, solicitor, West Borough chambers; White Richard B. A.., M.R. surgeon, 7 Clarendon place •
West Borough • White Sarah Ward (Miss), tailoress, 55 King street
Vidler Thomas, steam saw mills, Baltic wharf, St. Peter's st White William, dairy, 15 Faith street
Vigeon Mary Ann (Mrs.), fancy repository, 12 King street Whyte Thomas Grieve, tailor &c. see Priestman & Whyte
Viggers John Hawson, carpenter, 27 Faith street Wickenden Robert, beer retailer, 10 Hart street
Vioson Edward, chemist, 8 Middle row Wickings James, architect, 157 Upper Fant road
Vivish William Stephen, commercial stationer & general Wickins Frederick, beer retailer, 72 Union street
Wigan, Mercer, Tasker & Co. hankers, Kentish Bank, 91
printer, 28 King street
Volunteer Fire Brigade (Chas. Ellis, capt.; Frank E. French, Bank street:' draw on Smith, Payne & Smiths, Lombard
superintendent); head quarters, King street • street, London E <l
·volunteen Medical Staff Corps (Major D. Henry Monckton, Wilkinson George, grocer, 26 Allen street ,
surgeon); head quarters, 'fhe Old Palace Willet William, coppersmith, Valentine's yard, High street
Waghorn James,. valuer, accountant & hoase agent, West Willett Edward, shopkeeper, 196 Union street
Borough chambers-. See advertisement 1 Williams Alfred, Fountain inn, Tonbridge road
Waghorn Wm. Geo. inspector boro' police, ;r6 Marsham st 1 Williams Charles Henry, baker, 34 High street
Waite William Henry, beer retailer, 29 Hartnup street Williams George, hair dresser, 3 Hart street
Wakefield G. tallow melter, 2 Bridge wharf Williams Richard, grocer, 67 Week street
Wakefield Geo. Edwd. corn mer. 30 High st.&2 Bridge wharf Willmore Edward Thomas, Rising Sun P.H. & sanitary
Wakefield James Edward, butcher, 62 & 64 Lower Stone st plumber, 22 Marshal;ll street
Wakefield Richard, corn & coal merchant, 59 Lower Stone Wills Wm. house decorator, 58 Low. Stone st. & Water lane
street ; Knightrider street & Mote road Wimble Frank, corn dealer, & post office, 68 Week street
Wa.keford George, jun. marine store dealer, 5 Knightrider Wind Chas. Robt.pianoforte & music seller,seeGoulden&Wind
street & Church street Windsor Albert, tobacconist, 53 Upper Stone street
Wakeford Herbert, photographic artist, BA, Tonbridge road Winn William Charles, butcher, see Standen & Wino
Walker David, commission agent, 15 Waterloo road WinnellGeo.locomotive foreman, L. C. &D. Rly. I 1Alexandra st
Walker Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker, 42 Ashford road Winterhalter Dominickus, watch & clock tnaker, optician &
Wallis G. 'E. & Sons, builders & contractors, artificial stone jeweller ; optician by special appointment to the Kent
manufacturers & monumental masons &c. Boxley road County Ophthalmic Hospital, 64 High street
• Wallis Belmont (Miss), dress maker, 20 Earl street
Wise & Sons, coach smiths, Queen Ann street
Wallond William Thomas & Sons, fishmongers, 100 High Wise Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, 27 Marsham street
street, & jobmasters, Rose yard, High street Witcombe George, monumental &builders' mason, artificial
Wallond Mary An.n. (Miss), tobacconist, Market buildings· stone manufacturer, monuments, tablets & headstones in
Walmsley Edwin, tailor, 48 Lower Stone street stone, marble & granite, executed in the best style at
Waiter Charles, plumber, I3 Upper Stone street London prices, monuments &c. cleaned & restored, de·
Walter Edmund Cole, beer retlr. I Salem st. & n George st signs & estimates on application, imperishable letters in
Walter Henry Jatnes, grocer, 63 Upper Stone street solid lead, Maidstone Mid Kent cemetery works, King st
Walter James, carpenter, g Upper Fant road Wood Jn. & Son, coal mers. n Waterside & Mason's wharf
Walter Stephen P. auctioneer, x6 Week street WoodRbt.Hy.& Son,scale&weighing machine mkrs.56High st
Ward George M. & Co, tailors & clothiers, 3I High street Wood Anna Maria (Miss), tobacconist, West Borough
WareWm. Jn.enginr.&man. Waterworks o.ffice,23Pudding la Wood Charles, fly proprietor, 37 Foster street
Waring Herbert F. land agent, see Troutbeck & Waring · Wood Edmund Clemson, fair & stock market toll collector.
Warren Charles, Roebuck inn, 41 Week street 3 Lubbock villas, Holland street
Warren John Alfred, printer, 27 King street Wood Harriet (Mrs.), baker, r.2 Sandling road
Warren John Thomas, music teacher, 8 Church street Wood James, smith & stove & range maker, George yard,
Watchurst Amelia (Miss), dress maker, 34 Brewer street King street; res. Io College road
Waterman &; Sons, auctors. valrs. &estate agnts. 20 Week st Wood John, butcher, 70A, Wheeler street
Waterman John Harrop, beer retailer, 33 Perryfield street Wood William, cab proprietor, 7 Bower place
Waters Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundres11, 42 Sandling road Woodcock Henry Graham, corn. traveller, 22 Melville road
Waters George, beer retailer, 37 Upper Stone street Woodger Alfred, dairyman, 43 High street
Waters Robert, shopkeeper, 36 Camden street Woodhams Alfred, insurance agent, 42 Charlton street
Waters Wm. general smith, Craddock's yard, Up. Stone st Woodhams George, sweet stuff shop, 53 Peel street
Watson William & Co. tobacco manufactrs. 36 Gabriel's hill Woodhouse Mary Ann (Mrs.), laundress, 33 John street
Watson George William, basket maker, 23 Sandling road Woods William, toy & fancy repository, 57 High street
Watts Henry, shopkeeper & beer sellen, 59 Brewer street Woodward Henry Newton, quaTtermaster sergeant R. W.
Weach James, hair dresser, 22 Sandling road Kent Regiment, 74 Peel street ~
Weaver Langley John, tailor, 54 George street Woollett Charles James, cooper, go Upper Stone street
Weavel's Thomas John, draper, 45 Week street Woollett Thos. Barton, carpentr. & undertkr. 41 Marsham st
Weeks Wnliam & Son, engineers, Waterside & 47 High st Woolley A. H. (Mrs.), dyer, 9 Pudding lane
Woolley Alfred Henry, gasfitter, 12 P~dding lane
Welfear.Thomas Ebenezer, dairyman, 29 King street
Working Men's Club (Samuel H. Capon, sec. ; Hanry H3p- WRIGHT WALTER, manufacturer of CRICKET, TENN!S
worth, steward), 39 Bower lane, West Borou5h & FOOT BALL GOODS, 33 Week street
Working Men's Club & Institute (Wm. Coats, sac. ; Henry Wyatt Rose (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Tonbridge road f
John Baker, steward), 15 Brewer street Wyborn Frederick Edward, Bull hotel, & wine & spirit mer-
Worley Robt. Jas. wholesale & retail grocer, 98 & 99 High st chant, 9 Q-abriel's hill
Wraith Edward Henry, grocer, 38 Lower Stone streat Wynn Ellis & Son, corn & coal dealers, 2 Cross street
Wren Mary Ann (Mrs.), laundress, 5 Alb3rt street Yapp Edward, cabinet maker, see Mears & Yapp
Wright Henry & Son, wharfingers, Hart street Young & Cooper, printers &c. 78 Bank street
Wright Ann (.Mrs.), sh•)p~{e~per, 68 B::>wer street . Young l<~benezer, phe'!.sant breeder, 88 Union street
Wright Charles, chimney sweeper, 4 Sharp's yard, King st Young Edward, baker, 65 Week street
Wright Emily (Miss), ladies' school, 14 Upper Stone street Young Women's Christian Association (Miss Newman, hon.
Wright Francis Wm. miller & corn mer. see West & Wright ~roe.), 12 Mill street
Wright Frederick John, shopkeeper, 13 Puddin~ lane Yonngman George & Co. corn & seed merchants, West
Wright John, general dealer, 45 High street • Borough offices & St. Peter's street
Wright Josiah Harry, corn dealer, 27 Sandling road '
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Beeching Wm. boot maker, & post office Rayfield Geo. shopkeeper, Farlelgh hiU
Aitchison Robert, Tovil Upper inills Blackett Geo. Burnett, m1l\r. Crisbrk. mls Salmon Isaac,beer retailer & dairyman.,
Brook George, Tovil green Brook' T. W. & Co. seed crushers & oil 19 Church street ·
Brook Mrs. The Manor house & oil cake manufactrs. Tovil oil mills Sills Stephen, Kentish rag stone mer-
Cooper Charles, The Mount Drowley Geo. Victory P.H. 42Chmchst chant, quarrymau & barge owner,
J<:ve George, Church street Fitness Thomas, cowkeeper, Church st Throat wharf & 'l'ovil quarries; office
Eve Joseph, Church streat Hoar Thomas, beer retailer & res. Prospect house
Fairholme George, 'fovil Upper mills Hodges William, Rose inn, Farleigh hill Smith Geo. Wm. bakel', 30 Church st
Green Herbert, Bydews Holman Wm. coal dealer, II Church st Tovil Paper Co. Lim. Tovil Upper mills
Hill Col. W. A. Tovil house Hurn Cbas. dairyman, 26 Church street Turner Alfred, Old English Gentleman
Mackinnon Mrs. 'fovil court Kemp Wm. shopkeeper, Farleigh bill P.H. Church street
Maeonochie Capt. Blair R.N.Prospect ho King Richard, boot maker, 15 Tovil hl Wallel' Elizh.(Miss),shopkpr.14 Tovil hl
Manning Rev. John [curate in chargeJ, Knight Alfd.·blacksmith, Farleigh bi}l Waller William Edward, shopkeeper,
St. Stepben's vicarage Nash James, Royal Paper Mill P.H
67 & 69 Church street
Wells Charles M. Lowel' Tovil Newbury Thomas, verger & parish clerk Wilson David, shopkeeper
• COMMERCIAL. tO' St. Stephen's • Wood W. Fk. barge owner, sChnrchst
Allnutt Henry & Son, paper manufac- Oddy Timothy, butchel', Church street Working Men's Club (Alfred Barker,
tnrers, Lower Tovil mills OliverEmma(Mrs.),shopkpr.4Church st sec.), Chnrch street
Baker William, greengrocer, 9 Tovil hill Rayfield Charles, collector
EAST MALLING is a parish and large village, I mile The staple trade is pape:t making~ two mills al'e emplo:ted •
east from Mailing station on the London, Chatham & Dover in this manufacture and there are brickfields and a -corn
railway, and 5 miles west from Maidstone, in the Mid mill. A fair, abolished in r88r, was fol'merly held yearly
division of thecounty,lathe of Aylesford, Larkfield hundred, on the 15tb July, Eradboume House, in this parish; is the
Mailing petty sessional division and union, county court seat of Miss Twisden• who is the lady ()( the manor and
district of Maidstone, rural deanery of North Malling, arch- impropriator of the great tithes. The pl'incipallandownerli
deaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbul'y. The are William Lewis Wig-an esq. the Twisden family, Captain
church of St. James is an ani!ient building pf Kentish rag, Bald~k, Mrs. Wells, the trustees of Graham's estate, and
its architectural features being chiefly those of the Decorated Samuel Lee- Smith esq, The soil is sandy loam ; Slilbsoil,
and Perpendi~;ular styles, with some indications of earlier Kentish Tag. The chief crops are hops, fruit and corn.
work, and consists of chancel and nave, both withclerestory, 'fhe area is 2,795 acres, {)f which 300 acres are planted with
aisles, south porch and a battlemented western tower of hops; l'ateable value, £11,054; the population in 1881 Wa9"
Norman and Perpendicular work containing a clock and 6 ~.383. In the St. James' district there were 725 males and
bells: in the north aisle are some very geod, though small 7o6 females, 1,431 in all: in the New Hythe district! 493
specimens of ancient glass, and in the south aisle four good male$ and 459 females, 952 in all.
modern stained windows, the largest of which, illustrating LARKFIELD is a cbnsiderable hamlet, giving its name to
the history of St. James, the patron saint of the church, is the hundred, 1 mile north from the parish church and on the
a memorial to the late vicar, the others being to certain of high road from London to Maidstone.
his relatives ; neav the westel'n end of the church is a me-
morial window to an old parishioner: the arcades have three NEw HYTHE, also in the pal'ish of East Malling, is a small
arches each. but are irregulal' in design, and it is evident hamlet, ~miles north. The church of the Holy Trinity, a
that originally the church had no aisles: in the easternmost chapel of ease to the mother church and erected about I8S6,
piers on either side, are two doorways, formerly leading by is a building of stone, consisting of chancel, nave and south
stairs to the rood loft, and over the chancel arch are three aisle: a parsonage house was built in .r88:o~. LuNSFORD is 2
excelli\Dt modern frescoes: the east end of the north aisle, miles north-west. ,
once a chantry and formerly called the "Twisden chapel," Parish Clerk, Johli. Wagon.
h ll d T 'th 'It bo th PosT, M. 0. &T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
as a pane e cei rng, c. IJOO, WI gi sses: ere are
brasses with effigies to Thomas Selby ob 1489, and Isodia. William Blnnden; receiver. Letters from Maidstone by
his wife 1 and another with effigy in almuce, to Richard mail cart arrive at 6.Jo a. m. & 1·4° p.m. ; dispatched.
at 10·2 5 a.m. & at 6·55 p.m.; sundays, 11.45 a.,m.
Adams, vicar and prebendary of the Benedictine abbey of
West Mailing, ob. 1 ,,22 : the font is octagonal and has an Larkfield is the nearest money order office
elegantly carved wooden cover: the church was restored in PosT & M. 0.0., S.B.& Annuity &Insurance Office,Larkfield.
the year 1871, when the western ~allery was removed and -George Ring, receiver. Letters from Maidstone arrive-
the tower opened to the church by the insertion of a fine at 6.10 a. m. &.r.3op.m.; dispatched at 10.45 a.. m. & 7.15
arch; the ceiling and walls :were also decorated, a vestry p.m. The nearest telegraph office is at East Mailing
built and open seatt~ substituted : the wall of the north aisle ScHOOLS:- 'l
'Was restored and the bells rehung in 1885. The register National (mixed), built in 1850, for 300 children; average
dates from the year 1572. The living is a vicarage, average attendance, 185; l'"rederick Moorlend, master; Miss
tithe rent-charge £355, gross yearly value £7oo, net £400, Hariet Kirby, infants' mistress
with residence and 6 acres of glebe, in the gift of William National, New Hythe, built in 1858, for 160 children;
Lewis Wigan esq. and held since 1876 by the Rev. Septimns average attendance, 135;. the infants' school was built in
Wigan M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. Here is a 1872, for 100 children; average attendance, 74; Miss
Wesleyan chapel. Miss Smith's almshouses are for 5 poor Rebecca. Smith, mistress; Miss Jane Robinson, infants'
women of the parish, each of whom has an annuity of £t+ mistress
East Mallin g. Legge Rev. Octavius Chas.B.A.[curate] Blunden Wm.grocer &drpr.&post office
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Long Henry Plater, Clare cottage Botten George, beer retailr. The Rocks
Baldock Capt. Edward, New Hythe Peppercorne 1\tlisses, Holm house Bugden Fredk. Bull P.H. New Hythe
Baldock Mrs. Belvedere house
Bostock Mrs. Court lodge Seaton Waiter Lewis, Lunsford hall Burren John1 beer retailer, New Hythe
JJusbrid~e l''rederick George, The Limes Stiles William Henry 1Jusbridge & Co. paper makers, East
Colgate William King
Gojf Miss Thornhill Mrs · Mailing mills
Johnson Wm.Orchard villa, New Hythe Twi8den Miss, Bradbourne house Butterick Theophilus,~uildr. & eontrctr
I.angdale Rev, J obn ThOIJ, B. A. [curate]
Wigan Ret. Septimus M.A. Vicarage Chambers Jabez John, butcher
COMMERCIAL. Church William, builder
Allchin William H. buildel' Colegate Frederick, baker ·
Blundell John, beer retailer, Jlocks Costin Geo. beer l'etlr. 8pl'ingett's hill
Godden L~wis, farm bailiff to Mr .Thos. Newman Ideo Thomas, Woodman P.H. Lark1ield.
Phillips Heath •
Goff Jesse,frm.bailiff to W.L.Wigan esq PeppercorneAlfred (of Ditton),assistant Smith Samuel I.ee
Goodbody John, beer retlr. New Hythe m·erseer, tax collector &c Wigan MN. Larkfield house
Hartnup Geo. William, farmer, Ivy ho PhillipsThomas(of West Malling),miller Wig-an Wm. Lewis .J.P. Larkfield house
Hodges George (of WestMalling),brick (water), farmer & hop grower Allchin William, shopkeeper
maker, Heath Pool Louis, tailor Butler George, blacksmith
Horten Charles, beer retailer & baker Pye Edward Henry, plumber Chatfield Fk. carriage builder, wheelwt.
Huggett Mary (Mrs.), cowkeeper Simons Edrnund, baker & blacksmith, mill bill & edge tool ma
Iggulden Thomas James, boot maker, Skinner Cornelius, butcher Lane John, beer retailer
& shopkeeper Smith Charles, Ship P.H Lane Thomas, brick maker & builder
Jarrett Danl. frmr. & hop growr. Heath Smith William, sen. cab proprietor Matthews Robert, steward ·w S. Lee
Knott John & Son, farmers, Park farm Taylor Wm. shopkeeper, New Hythe Smith esq
Letchford Lydia Elizabeth (Mrs.), Thornton Michael, baker Patterson George, grocer & baker
blacksmith & beer retailer Wissenden Fk. baker & grcr.New Hythe Richardson William, Bull P.H
Long Hy. Plater, surgeon, Clare cottage Wood Thomas, beer retailer Ridley Horace Henry, tailor
LuckJn.M.Ferry House P.H.NewHythe Yeomans William, King & Queen P.H. Stonham Amelia (Mrs.), baker
Millen John, shopkeeper & builder Whiffen Alfred, beer retailer & shopkpr
WEST MALLING is a parish and large village, head from payments made by persons who employ the nurses and
of a union and petty sessional division, with a station on the partly from subscriptions. A branch establishment was
Sevenoaks and Maidstone branch of the London, Chatham opened at Tunbridge Wells iu November, 1888. Here also,
and Dover railway, 12 miles east from Sevenoaks, 6 west situated in a beautifully secluded valley in one of the most
Ifrom Maidstone and 34 from London, in the Mid division of picturesque and healthy localities in Kent, is a private asylum
the county, West Mailing hundred, county court district of for the care and treatment of the insane of both sexes belong-
IMa.idstone, lathe of Aylesford, .North Mailing rural deanery, ing to the upper and middle classes; James Adam M.D, is
Maidstone archdeaconry and Canterbury diocese; it is resident medical superintendent. On the outskirts of the
1ighted with gas from works situated in the village, the town is the old County Cricket ground, now maintained by
property of the West Malling Gas Co. established in 1853. the Malling Town Cricket Club. At West Mailing was
The Mid Kent Water Company have now (1890) laid formerly a .Benedictine nunnery, founded by King Edmund
their pipes throughout the town, and will shortly be in 9441 and refounded by .Bishop Gundulph in IO<}O, some of
prepared to supply the inhabitants with water; but at the buildings of which are still standing, their principal lea-
present water is obtained only from pumps. During the ture being th& very fine Norman tower, a work of consider-
period 1884·90, a complete system of drainage and sewerage able dimensions and great beauty ; the tower is square
has been carried out by the Rural Sanitary Authority, at below and octagonal above, and has arcaded angle turrets of
cost of about £7,000, from plans by Messrs. Law and Cha'- corresponding form, crowned by large pinnacles; and the
terton, engineers. The church of St. Mary is an ancient late Early English cloister, in good preservation, with part
building of stone in the Norman, Early English and later of the church and domestic buildings also remain: the
styles, consisting of chancel and nave and a western tower rel'enlies at the Dissolution were [245 xos. zid.: the ancient
with lofty 'llated .spire and cQDtaining a clock and 8 bells: almonry chapel, at the gateway, which is principally of the
the tower, a very early specimen of Norman work, is said to Perpendicular period, with portions of Decorated work, has
have been erected by Gundulph, Bishop of Rochester (1077- been beautifully restored, and daily service and frequent
noS): the chancel is Early English and has an east window celebrations of the Holy Communion are conducted in it by
of three lancets: the nave, which was also Early English, the parochial clergy : the gateway itself has Tudor arches
fell down and wa'l rebuilt in a modern and unharmonious with shields in the spandrels: the abbey house is of good
style in 1778: south of the chancel is a range of three arches Perpendicular work and dates from the reign of Henry VI.
• built into the wall, one forming a doorway, and here is About ! mile south of the church, close to the Ton·
also a large marble monument to Sir Robert Brett kt. ob. bridge road, is situated the famous Leonard's Tower, built
1620 : there are soo sittings; those in the nave, excepting- by Bishop Gundulph almost immediately after the Conquest,
the six nearest the pulpit, were made free and unappropriated and is believed by antiquarians to be the earliest Norman
for ever by a decision of the vestry, confirmed by the Arch- keep in existence. • There are several charities-Sir Robert
bishop, in 1862. The register of baptisms dates from the Brett kt. who died in r62o, gave by will /.,"26 a year for pro-
year 1698 ; marriages and burials from 1700. The living is viding a weekly lecture, and the same amount for weekly
a vicarage, average yearly value from tithe rent-charge distribution to 20 poor persons; the RJv. George !<'erne
£164, with residence, in the gift of the representatives of Bates, who died in 184r, bequeathed the interest of [5oo,
the late W. Lawson esq. and held since 1842 by t.he Rev. less legacy duty, to the support of the National Boys' School
Johd Henry Timins M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, and and the interest or £2so for providing coals for the poor at
surrogate. The Misses Savage are the impropriators of the a reduced rate. The Misses Savage, who own the manorial
great tithes-. There is a .Baptist chapel in Swan street, built rights, the Dowager Vicountess Falrnouth (Baroness Le
in 1836. 'fhe Mailing division of the county constabulary Despenser), Col. Everard Thomas Luck J.P. and the trustees
have their head quarters here; and a police station, with of the Graham family, are the principallandowne~. The are-1
magistrates' room, was erected in 1866. A Fair is held on is 1,378 acres (of which r6o are planted with hops); rateable
the r]th of November. The Kent Nursing Institution, I value,£g,48o; the population in r881, including 24ooflicers
established in 1875, is carried on in two houses adjoining I and inmates of the Union house, was 2,242.
the vicarage house, and is under the management of a corn- I . •
mittee, of which the Dowager Viscountess J<'almouth is presi-
To the south_ of the Malhngs extends a ~elt of_ wood and
dent and the Countess Dowager of Aylesford vice-president; I heath seven miles long, _by two or three miles wtde, under
nurses are supplied from the institution for sick persons of r t?e na~es of ~ast Malhng Woods, Mereworth Woods and
every class throughout the county of Kent: its present Great Comp "oods.
annual income is about £1,800, which is in part derived Parish Clerk, John Hilder.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- Waterlow Sir Sydney Hedley bart. Trosley towers, Wrotham,
• Edward Baldock, Swan street, receiver. Letters arrive Sevenoaks
from Maidstone at 6.4c:> a.m. & 2 p.m.; box closes for Bligh Lodovick Edward esq
dispatch !Ct 10.5 a.m. 1.30 & 6.30 p.m.; sundays arrive at Brassey Henry Arthur esq. M.A., D.L. Preston hall, Ayles-
6.40 a.m. & dispatched at II.4o a. m. Money orders are ford, Maidstone
issued & paid from 9 a. m. till 6 p. m. ; postal orders, Campbell-Banuerman Rt. Hon. Henry M.A., 1\l.P., D.L. 6
8 a.m. to 8 p.m Grosvenor place, London s w
PILLAR Box, High street, cleared 10 a.m. &6.15 p.m.; suo- Dalison Max Hammond esq. Hamptons, Tonbridge
days, n a.m - Evelyn Edmund Boscawen esq. Terry's lodge, Wrotham,
• Sevenoaks
COU.!:i'TY MAGISTRATES FOR THE MALLING PETTY SESSIONAL Fleteher Lionel John William esq. M.A. Ewell manor, West
Farleigh, Maidstone
Bligh The Rev. The ·Hon. Edward Vesey llr.A. Fartherwell Geary Wm. :fevill Montgomerie esq. Oxon-hoath, Tonbridge
hall, Rya.rsh, Maidstone, chairman Holland Col. Trevenen James c.u., D.L. Ivymeath, Snod-
Aylesford Earl of, The l<'riars, Aylesford, Maidstone land, Rochester
Falmouth Viscount D.L. Merewortb. castle, Maidstone James Lieut.-Col. Demctrius Wyndham Grevis-, Ightham
Boscawen Hon. Jn. Richd.de Ulare,Mereworth castle,Maidstne court, Sevenoaks
Nevill Hon. Ralph Pelham D.L. Birling manor, Maidstone Leigh Roger esq. Barham court, Teston, Maidstone
Collet Sir Mark W. bart. St. Clere, near Sevenoaks Luck Col. Everard Thomas, The Hermitage, West Mailing
• Geazy,.Sir ,Francis hart. D.L, Oxon-hoath, Tonbridge Monckton Waiter esq. Basted house, Wrotham, Sevenoaks
Norlaad Charles William esq. Elmscroft, West Farleigh Charles Viner, Birling; No. 2 district, Miles Sanders,
Norton Robert esq. II.P., D.L. Down's ho. Yalding,Maidstone Borough Green; Yo. 3 distric1j, John Leeds, Mereworth
Rigg William Thomas esq. Wrotham Hill park, Sevenoaks Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. 1: district, Herbert
Roberts Wm. Henry esq. Birling, West Malling, Maidstone I<'rancis Montag11 Pope L.R.C.P.Edin. West Mailing; No. 2
Shaw-Lefevre 'fhe Right Hon. Ueorge John li,A., P.c., D.L. district, Islay Burns Muirhead lii.A., lii.D., C.M. Aylesford;
Oldbury place, Ightham, Sevenoaks No. 3 district, John Cozens Kent, Wrotham; No. 4 dis-
Vansittart Kobt.Arnold esq.Barham court,Teston,Maidstone trict, John William Fry, Wateringbury; No. 5 district,
Wigan William Lewis esq. Larkfield, Maidstone J. Evans Smith, Snodland
Wingfield-Stratford Edwd. John esq. Bury st. St. James s w Superintendent Registrar, Henry Dudlow Wildes, West
Clerk to the Magistrates, Henry Dudlow Wildes Malling; deputy, Frederick John Allison, West Mailing
Petty Sessions are held at West Mailing court buuse on the Registrars of Births & Deaths, Aylesford sub-district, William
211d & 4th monday in every month at II a. m. The fol- Charles Viner, Birling; deputy, John Elsley, Birling;
lowing parishes are in the division :-Addington, Alling- East Peckham sub-district, John Leeds, Mereworth;
lton, Aylesford, Birling, Burham, Ditton, East Malling, deputy, William Woollett, Mereworth; Wrotham sub-
East Peckbam, Hunton, Ightham, Leybourne, Mereworth, district, Miles Sanders, Borough Green ; deputy, Frank
Nettlestead, Offham,Ryarsb, Snodland, Stanstead, Teston, Perkins, Borough Green
"frotterscliffe or Trosley, Wateringbury, West Farleigh, Registrars of Marriages, William Charles Viner, Birling ;
West Malling, West Peckham, Wrotham & Yalding deputy, John Elsley, Birling
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS:- Workhouse, about a mile sou h from the village, is a build-
Inland Revenue Office, Swan inn ing of brick, built in 1836, to bold 472 inmates; Rev.
County Police Station, Richard Hulse, superintendent of Cecil Henry Fielding M. A. West Mailing, chaplain; H. F.
Mailing division, 2 sergeants & 23 constables l\1. Pope L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon; Harry Charles Russell,
Volunteer Fire Brigade, Thomas Edwin Wright, superin- master; Mrs. Anna Jane Russell, matron ·
rendent ; key at Lucknow house RURA!. SANITARY AUTHORITY,
PuBLIC OFFICERS :- Acting as the Highway Board also.
Assistant Overseer, Waiter Cole, West Mailing Meets at Board room, Mailing Union workhouse, every first
Clerk to the CommissiOners of Taxes & to Visitors of Mal- wednesday in month, at n a.m.
ling Asylum, Henry Dudlow Wildes, West Malling Clerk, Henry Dudlow Wildes, West Malling
Surveyor to Mailing Highway District & Sanitary Inspector, Treasurer, John Alfred Wigan, Kentish Bank, Maidstone
John Ennals, West Malling Medical Officer of Health, Harris Butterfield, Sevenoaks
"Town Crier, Thomas Card Sanitary Inspector, John Ennals, West Mailing
MALLING UNION. Surveyor of Highways, John Ennals, West Malling
lloard day, every wednesday from November to April inclu- ScHOOL ATTENDANCE CoMMITTEE.
sive; alternate Wednesdays from May to October inclusive Meets at Board room, Mailing Union workhouse, monthly,
'J.'he union comprises the following 22 parishes :-Addington at 10.30 a.m.
Allington, Aylesford, Birling, Burbam, Ditton, East Mal- Clerk, Henry Dudlow Wildes, West Mailing
ling, East Peckham, lghtham, Leybourne, Mereworth, Attendance Officer, George Tucker, West Malling
Offham, Ryarsh, Shipborne, Snodland, Stanstead, Tot- ScHooLs:-
1erscliffe or Trosley, Wateringbury, West Malling, West National (boys), High street, built in 1857, for 120; average
Peckham, Wouldham & Wrotham. The population in attendance, 99; William Cheal, master '
1881 was 26,041; rateable value in 1890, £150,252 Girls' & Infants', Churchyard, built in 1854, for 1:20 chil-
Clerk to- the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Henry dren; average attendance, 92 girls & 82 infants ; Miss
Dudlow Wildes, West Malling Amelia Neatb, mistress; Miss Alice Louisa Edwards, in-
Treasurer, John Alfred Wigan, Kentish Bank, Maidstone fants' mistress
Collectors to the Guardians & Inquiry Officers, Wiiliam These schools have an endowment under the will of the
Charles Viner, Birling; Miles Sanders, Borough Green; Rev. G. F. Bates, as stated above
& John Leeds, Mereworth Railway Station, Richard Busbridge, station master "'
Relieving & Vaccination Officers, No. l district, William CARRIER TO MAIDSTONE.-Richd• .Barton, daily, except wed
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Abery Thomas, beer retailer & lamp & Driver Thomas, carpenter
Adam James JII.D. Mailing Place oil dealer & shoeing smith Duffill John, Rose & Crown P.H
Akers Mrs. The Abbey Adam James 1\I.D. proprietor of private Dutt John Beadell, tobacconist
.AIIison Frederick John lunatic asylum, Mailing Place. See East Edmnnd, lath render
.Andrew George advertisement Edmed George, carman
"Banks Mrs. The Hollies .Allchin Alfred, school for boys & girls Ennals John, surveyor & inspector to
Bowen Mrs. Cade house Allison I<'redk. Jn. deputy supt. registrar Mailing Union rural sanitary au-
"Breton Henry, Brooke house Andrew George, district manager to thority & surveyor of highways
.BrineRev.AigernonLindsay B. A.[curateJ Star Life Assurance Society
Flint Abrabam Marsh (of Aylesford),
"Busbridge George Frederick, The Lodge Apps Brothers, saddlers coal merchant, Railway station
Clout Richard, Hrome house Apps Wi:liam Mason, ironmonger Foreman Charles, baker
Dickensmt Samuel John Assiter Harry, hair dresser Fullagar John, linen draper
Dudlow Misses Baldock Edward, tailor & clothier, & Gaulton Wilfred William, beer retailer
Dudlow Miss Ann post office, Swan street & greengrocer
Dutt Henry, Abbeygate house Bamden Henry, beer retailer Gifford Sydney, grocer & glass & earth·
Dutt Mrs. Swan street Barrow George, I<'ive Bells P.H. St. enware dealer
Eedes Mrs. Leonard's street Henderson Robert, farm bailiff to Misses
Fielding Rev. Cecil Henry M. A. [chap]ain Barten John, grocer Savage, St. Leonard's
West Mailing union] Barton George, stationer & news agent Higgins Thomas, wheelwright
Hayward Mrs Barton Richard, carrier & toy dealer Hoad Henry, watch maker & jeweller
Jupp John, West street Bethell Thomas Yerbury, school for boys Hodges George, builder & brick maker
Ligertwood Miss, Nurses' Home & girls, Arundel house Holden William, shoe maker
Luck Col. Everard Thomas J.P. The Billinghurst Alfred, dairyman Hollands Wm.Thos. hop-set growr.& dlr •
Hermitage BillinghurstCeliaElizabeth(Mrs. ),grocer Hopkins Charles,bird &animal preserver
Mason Rev. Mowbray Pinckney M.A. Bines Jonathan Heqry, Bull P.H Hulse Richard, superintendent of police
[vicar of Nidd, Ripley, YorksJ
BoughtonJohn Partes,printer & stationr Humphrey Amos, farm bailiff to Robert
Melior Sanderson, Swan street BrownAlbert, mangr. toMr.Thos. Phillips Mercer esq: Broadwater
Norton Bradbury BrunelMaria (Mrs. ),reg. office for servts Humphrey William Henry, 'boot maker
Norton Silas, Brooke house Buggs James, beer retailer j & shopkeeper
Norton William South, Brooke house Busbridge Richard, station master Inland Revenue Office, Swan street
Peters Miss Card Thomas, town carter Jarvis William, baker & grocer
Philips Miss Carman William George, tailor Joy & Sons, saddlers
Phillips Thomas, Abingdon house Chambers T. & Son, fishmongers, Judges James (exors. of}, plumbers &c
Pope Herbert Francis Montagu poulterers & ice merchants; also at Jupp,Charles Williams, butcher 1
Roberts Arthur Maidstone & Tenterden Jury William, greengrocer
Sackette Misses, Scott house Channer' Joseph, shoe maker Kent Nursing Institution for Hospital·
~vage Misses, St. Leonard's house Chantler J ames Charles, beer retailer Trained Nurses (hon. treasurer &
Timins Rev. John Henry lii.A. [surro- ColeWalter, cabinet maker & assistant sec. The Rev. W.Gardner-Waterman,
gate], Vicarage · overseer forWestMalling & Leybourne Bicknor rectory, Maidstone; hon.
Viner Mrs. John, Rosedale cottage Collings Alice (Miss), ladies' school chaplain, Rev. John Henry Timins;
Wright Thomas Edwin, Lucknow house Dann George Cruttenden, manager of lady supt. Miss Helen Ligertwood);
COMMERCIAL. King's Arms P.H also branch at 29 Monson road,
A.bery Josiah, beer retailer Doe John, general dealer - Tunbridge Wells
440 • KENT:. (KELLY's
Lancaster George, boot maker Payne Stephen, farmer & brick maker Tidmarsh Thomas, veterinary surgeoQ
Larking John (of Maidstone), railway & Phillips George, farmer & hop grower, Town Malling Cricket Club (president.
Thomas Phillips esq.; hon. see. k
genl. carrier & contractor, coal &coke St. Leonard street
mercha.nt &c.: depot, ~ailway station Phillips Thomas, brewer,Abbey brewery treas. P. D. Stonham)
Leeds John (of Mereworth), regi~trar of Piper John, beer retailer Tucker George, inspector of weights&:
births & deaths, East Peckham sub- Pointer Richard, corn dealer measures & school attendanre otficer
district, Mailing )Inion (attendance Pope & Roberts, pbpiciails & surgeons Tupper W. & Son, florists & seedsmen
thursday from xo to II) ~ Pope Herbert FrancisMontagu L.R.c.P. Usmar Bridget (Mrs.), greengrocer
London & County Banking Co. Ljmited Edin. (see Pope & Roberts), surgeon, Usmar George, watch maker
(sub-branch)(Thomas Jackson,mana- mediC'al officer & public vaccinator, Viner George, draper & clothier
ge:r) (open fridays & fair days only, I I No. I dist.& med. officer to- workhou~ Wade Charles, rent & debt col.lettor.
till g); draw on head office, 21 Lom- Private Lunatic Asylum (James Adam Melbourne house
bard street, London EC :1\LD, prop.), Malling Pl. See advert Wallis Harry, beer retailer
Longhurst Thomas, blacksmith Rayfield Thomas, builder Waters George, fruit grower &dealer
LUCAS THOMAS .lAMES, Swan Roberts Arthnr, surgeon, see Pope & Webster Charles, farm bailiff to Col.
family & commercial hotel & posting Roberts Everard Thomas Luck, Eden cottage
house, wine & spirit merchant ; Robinson John Charles, carpenter West Malling Agricultural Association
private sitting rooms ; horses, car- Rogers George Henry J ames, surgeon- (Richard Clout, hon. see)
riages, waggonettes &c. on hire : good dentist ; attends from Maidstone on West Mailing District Conservative As·
CJJach-house & stables ; billiards fridays at Mr. Hoad'11 sociation for Mid Kent {Bradbury
Marshal! Charles, beer retailer, Cannon Seager Geo. shopkeeper,St. Leonard's st Norton, agent)
heath. [Letters are received through Sear Frederick, coffee tavern, Swan st West Mailing Horticultural Society (W.
Wateringbury] Selden Henry, Bear family&; commer- J enner, sec)
Martin Isaac, George commercial hotel ; cial hotel & posting house ; choice West Malling Gas Co.(Henry D.Wildes,
wines, spirits, ales & cigars of superior wines, spirits & cigars, Guinness's solictr.& sec. ; Wm. Everest, mangr)
quality; dinners & teas provided for bottled ales & stout ; good stabling & Wildes Henry Dudlow,solicitor,clerk to
beanfeasts & private parties on billiards the guardians, to school attendance-
moderate terms; horses & traps on Sharp Reuben, Fountain inn committee,to the county magistrates,
hire; good stables & coach-houses Shepherd Wilham, cQach builder &c rural sanitary authority, commis-
Masters John, };leer retailer Sbrosbery John Livett, linen draper sioners of taxes, to visitors of Mailing
Masters Philip, shopkeeper . Skinner Aaron, shopkeeper asy1urn & supt. regist.to Mailing union
May Wm, Geo. Theodore, ~bacconist Sloman William, wheelwright,shoeing & Williams John William, butcher
Mellor Sanderson, IIJUrgeon, Swan street general smith & hop sampler, St. Worley Henry, baker
Mittell John Tolhurst, butcher Leonard's street Wright Edward Henry, grocer cheese-
Moore Richard, builder Smith Alfred, linen draper mngr. & italian warehouseman,&; agb.
Moren John, furniture dealer Smith Emma (Mrs.), dlr. in old clothes for W. &A. Gilbey,wine&spiritmers
Morfett Frank, marine store dealer Stedman Richard Broomfield, pharma• Wright George Frederick, coal & coke-
Norton & Son, solicitors ceutical chemist, bookseller & sta· merchant, Swan st.; res. Lucknow ho
Norton Bradbury, solicitor tioner, & circulating library Wright Percy, house furnisher, uphol-
. Norton Silas (firm, Norton & Son), solr Stevens Mary (Mrs.), chimney sweeper sterer &c
Sorton WilliaJU Soutb (tirm, Norton & Stickings William, boot maker WrightThos. Edwin,auctnr.& estateagt
Son)1 solicitor Stiles Chas. beer retailer & coach builder Young .Men's Christian .Association
OliverHy.Chall.Hewitt, chemist & statnr Stonham PeterDulvey,commercial trav ( Edmund Moss, sec.), Swan street
Palmar Edward, shoe maker
MARDEN is a picturesque village and extensiv~ parish, •
Turner, u a husbandman," left in 1569 certain lands, the-
situated on th~ high road from Goudhurst to Maidstone, rents of which were to be distributed twice a year to sucb
with a station on the South Eastern railway, sol miles from poor as were not in receipt Qf parish relief: Edward
London, 7 south from Maidstone and 3 north-west from Maplesden did the like in 1632, and :Mary Alien in 1707, and
Staplehurst, in the Southern division of the county, bun- her son John followed her example a few years later: the
dreds of Maidstone, Twyford and Marden, lathes of Aylesford interest arising from these bequests, amounting in all to
and Scray, petty sessional division of Cranbrook, Maidstone about £73 yearly, is distributed on Ash Wednesday. Ed-
union and county court district, Sutton rural deanery, ward Hussey esq. B.A., D.L., J.P. who is lord of the manor,
Maidstone archdeaconry and Canterbury diocese. The F. S. W. Cornwallis esq. M.P., J.P. and William Henry
church of St, Michael is an edifice of stone, chiefly in the Campion esq. are the principal landowners. The soil i&
Decorated and Perpendicular styles, with portions of an clay, loam and gravel. The chief crops are hops, wheat~
earlier date, and consists of chancel with aisles or chapels, oats and beans. The area is 7•.'i49 acres; the rateable value-
nave, aisles, south porch and a western tower containing a is £I7,ooo; and the population in I88r was 2,32r.
clock and 6 bells : the tower in its lower portion is Early STILE BRIDGE is north-east, about 2i miles, on the rivet
English, but the belfry story is of wood, with a pointed Beult.
top; the nave is separated from ea9h aisle by three arches Parish Clerk, James Bridgland.
on octagonal piers, these alternating on the north side with PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.
circular columns ; the chancel is connected with its aisles (Sub-office. Letters should have R.S.O. Kent added)...,.-
by two arches on piers similar to those of the nave, but Frederick William Tippen, postmaster. Letters arrive at
lower: in the south chancel aisle is a fragment of a monu- 2.45 & I0.30 a.rn. & 6.35 p.m.; dispatched, IO a.m. t
mental arch and a mutilated canopy: the stairway to the 1.20 &. 8.30 p.m. Marden Beech letter box cleared at 9
rood loft remains, and the south porch, which is large, has a. m. & 7.30 p.m. Royal Oak, Chainhurst, cleared at 8
a parvise over it, with an octagonal stair turret at the north- a. m. & 5.50 p.m. Mile Bush cleared at 7 a. m. & 7.3op.m
west corner : the font is a plain octagon, with 11o good ScltooLs -
wooden cover, dated 1662: the chancel was restored in I862 National, erected in I86o, for 275 children; average
by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, and the nave in 1888: attendance, 26o; Robert White, master; Mrs. White,
there are 500 sittings. The register of baptisms dates from mistress; Miss E. Bing, infants' mistress
the year 1559, marria~es and burials from. 156I. The District (mixed), erected in I864, for 6o children; average
living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge £soo, net yearly attendance, 39 ; Miss Crowe, mistress
value £442, with residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Railway Station, Samuel ~axby, station master
Canterbury, and held since 1882 by the Rev. Thomas Arnold CARRIERS TO MAIDSTONE.-William Collison, tues. thurs.
Carr M. A. of Brasenose College, Oxford. Here are Congre- fri. & sat.. ; E. Collison, mon. tues. thurs. & sat; William
gational and Wesleyan chapels, and there is a Primitive Brooker, daily; Neave, from Goudhurst, tues. thurs. &
Methodist chapel at Marden Beech. Charities :-Richard sat. ; C. Collins, mon. tues. thurs. & sat
· PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Smart Alfred, Shepherd's house Butter James, farmer
Campbell Andrew, Spring grove
Carr Rev. Thomas Arnold M.A. [vicar], Watts Edward, Mile Bush house Carpenter Arthur, farmer
The Vicarage COMMERCIAL. Cleaver Martyr, farmer
Dean Thomas
Duckworth William A.shdown Alfred, beer retailer Clapson William, beer retailer
Fox Charles Montague, The Folly
Hardy Mrs. Sunny cote Beecher Edward, farmer • Collison Edward, carrier
Hooker Mrs. Jewel house Bentley William, farmer, Stile bridge Collison William, carrier
: Monckton Marshall M.D. Grey friars
Bourne Henry, blacksmith I" Crowhnrst Albert, farmer
Oliver Major David, New lodge
Palmer Rev. Albert Thomas [Congreg] Brand John, farmer Crowhurst Henry, farmer, Springfiefd
Reader Mrs. St. Ca:herine's
Bray l<'rank Daws M.R.c.v.s. vet. surgn Crowhurst Mary (Mrs.), farmer
Bridgland James, grocer Crowhurst Henry, grocer & draper
Britcher Henry, farmer .t hop grower Dann George, boot maker .
j Day Carolina (Mrs.), farmer & hop
Brooker Thomas, farmer
Burbridge Waiter, cattle l;lealer grower, Wanshurst green
Day Edward, farmer Judge Alfred, baker Sharpe Alfred, farmer, Stile bridge
Day Sibery, farmett, hop grower & tim- King Henry, bailiff to C. M. Fox esq Sharpe George, farmer, Stile bridge
ber merchant, Gate House farm Large JamesDay,farmer & hop grower,· Smart Alfred, physician & surgeon,
Drury Samuel, farmer, Mountain farm Chainhurst Shepherd's house
ExcellHumphrey, bailiff to C. M. Fox esq Lawrence Waiter, plumber Smith Alfred, farmer, Tanner fatm
Foreman Frederick, beer rpailer Le Feaver John, Stile Bridge inn Spencer Thomas Pearce Day, farmer .&i
Fowlo Thomas Albt. grocer & assistant Lucas William, farmer hop grower, Church farm
overseer, assessor of & collectr.of taxes Luck Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Stanley Ann(Mrs. ), beer retlr. West end
Foggle Amos, farmer Manwa.ring Geo. farmer & hop grower Stanley Stephen, beer retlr. Mile bush
Fullagher Cosam, farmer Manwaring Herbert, farmer & hop Stanley William, blacksmith
Gaskin James, beer retailer grower, Bradenburgh farm Starr William, baker
Gilbert Frederick Wm. Unicorn hotel Martin Henry, harness maker Tassell Wm. Chequers P.H. & farmer
Gilbert John, tailor Miskin Bros coal merchants, West end Tassell Wm. farmer, Little Cheveney
Gilbert Phrebe (Mrs,.), farmer, Stone- Monckton Marshall M.D. physician & Taylor Waiter & Son, grocers, & agents
pit farm surgeon, Grey friars for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit mers
Godden Edward, farmer Moon Thomas, coal merchant Taylor Thomas, registrar of births,
Gr&ham Chas. hop factor, Westfield ho Offen George, butcher marriages & deaths for Marden sub-
Hamm~md Henry, miller (water) Oyler Edward, farmer, Rose mount district, & relieving, vaccination,
Hammond Wm. farmer & horse dealer Penfold Henry, bricklayer school inquiry & attendance officeJ.r
Haines Edwd. fam1er,Little Tilden frm Penfold William, builqer for Maidstone union, West end
Highwood James, farmer, Stile bridge Pettitt John Millard, grocer Tippen FrederickWilliam, watch maker
Highwood Louisa (Mrs.), farmer, Stile Piper Samson, poulterer & postmaster
bridge Pope Henry, wheelwright Verrall John, farm bailiff to Messrs.
Highwood William, farmer, Hirst field Possee John, Roya1 Oak lf'·H Arthur & Waiter Kennard
Holliday Austin,farmer, Longridge frm Potter James, bailiff to exors. of L. D. Verrell Horace, painter & glazier
Honess Thomas, farmer, Gt. Cheveney Wigan esq. Waiter Samuel, farmer
Hunt Thomas, jun. farmer Reeves John (exors. of), farmers West William, farmer
James & Reader, farmers Savage Thomas, farmer, Beech lane Willcocks Simpson, farmer •
Jenner George, boot maker Saxby ~amuel, station master Wratten James, ca-rpenter
Judd Thomas, farmer, Southon hou~e Seymour Henry, beer retailer
lVl A lt G A '1., E • •
·MABGATB; in the north-east Qf the Isle of Thanet, is a about r,ooo feet in front of the Royal crescent, forms .a
watering place, seaport tow~ municipal borough, head of Q favourite walk for visitors and residents and is protected·
county court district and railway station, situated to the from the sea by a stone wall. The Esplanade or Marine
west of the North I<'oreland and opposite Margate sands, 72 drive, in continuation, opened in x88o, leads from the Marine
miles from London, 20 north-east from Canterbury, 4 from terral'.e to the Parade and has a width of 70 feet, by which
Ramsgate, 34 from Ashford and 64 from Hastings, in the the severe gradients of the Elephant hill, th-e lower part of
Lsle of Thanet division of the county, parish of St. John, High street and the narrow street have been avoided: this
Ringslow hundred~ lathe of St. Augustine, Isle of Thanet fine road, constructed on a site reclaimed from the sea, i8
union, rural deanery of Westbere and archdeaconry and lined with good bujldings and shops, which have been erected
diocese of Canterbury. The borough was incorporated July on the surplus land adjoining ; it was designed awl carried
29th, 1857, and has a commission of the peace and a separate out by Mr. Albert Latha.m C.E. surveyor and engineer to
court of quarter sessions ~ it comprises a portion only of the the Corporation, at a cost of £40,000. The Parade is con•
parish and is divided into four wards ; and the Corporation tinued from this drive, and the Fort is a fine promenade on
consists of a mayor, four aldermen and twelve councillors, the cliffs eastward of the town. having in the centre a
each ward being represented by an alderman and three green, on which a band, partly provided by the Corporation,
councillors : the Ce>rporation are the urban sanitary au- plays in the band-stand. From the l<'ort is a walk along the
thority! there is also a recorder, who holds quarter sessions. edge of the cliff to Kingsga.te. The cliffs here are of some
The borough and urban sanitary district are co-extensive. height, and the seashore along this portion is rocky.
The place was formerly known by the name of " St. High street, the principal street of the town, which in
John's," still earlier as "Mergate," signifying a passage some parts was only x6 feet in width, has been widened 011
(f!ata) to the shore through the line of Kentish cliffs; after- the east side, at the lower end, at a cost of .£23,000.
wards a small fishing town arose at the gate in the cliff The Jetty, a landing place, extending seaward nearly
called "Margate," and this name now applies to the whole x,soo feet, supported on iron pillars, was erected in 1854, re-
town: those portions of the town to the west of the harbour placing one of timber of a much older date, known as
are called ".Buenos Ayres '' and "Westbrook." Jarvis's, and is a great convenience, enabling passengers to
Margate is much frequented as a watering place, on land at any time of tide: it was enlarged in 1B76, at a. eost
account of the salubrity of its air, a fact alluded to in the of about £3o,ooo, from designs by Mr. G. G. Page c.l!l. and
motto of the borough arms: "Porta maris portus Salutis," was re-opened May :tst, 1877, by the Lord Mayor of London.
baving communication both by steamboat and railway with This extension comprises the hexagonal pier-bead; consist~
the metropolis. Steamboats run to London, Tilbury, and ing of an outer ring, forming a continuous promenade, 26
also to Ramsgate during the season. 'fbe coast line of the feet wide ; but the north-east and north-west portions, over
London, Chatham and Dover railway affords a direct route the most used steamboat landings, have a width of 40 feet.
from London, and a branch of the South Eastern railway Each face of the hexagon is 120 feet in length., the entire
communicates with the town from Ramsgate : the London, perimeter being about 720 feet. In the centre stands a.
.Chatham and Dover line follows the coast through I:Jrood- decked structure, containing the central pavilion and band
stairs to Ramsgate. l<'ishing for skate, haddock and soles stand, connected with the outer ring or promenade by six
and other flat fish is carried on, and there is some little trade bridges spanning the interval between the two structures, a.
with the Netherlands for the supply of the immediate wants distance of 40 feet, and at each internal angle of the outer
of the district, promenade is a kiosk. Three tiers of landing stages are
The posi•tion of the town gives it special advantages, provided and a waiting room has been erected at the shore
standing as it does on the acclivities of two hills, the valley end adjoining the Droit house, at a cost of £soo, for the
between extending from the seashore some miles inland. The convenience of stt'.amboat passe~ooers, with a lighthouse at
salubrity of air here is proverbial, and the excellence and its extremity, and forms the protection to the harbour, used
safety of its sea bathing is one of its chief attractions, the principally by the fishermen and colliers.
large expanse of sands being dry and bard at low water, The pier, to the west of the jetty, built in x8xo by John
while the death rate has an average of 14·5 per ,_,ooo. Rennie c.E. is of Whitby stone, gox feet long, 6o feet wide
The town is well laid out and paved and supplied with and 26 feet high.
water from works at Tivoli and the Dane Valley, fed by The church of St. John the Baptist is a building of rough
nnderground springs; these works, opened in 1859, were flint of Norman and Early English date, with later inser-
acquired by the Corporation in r88o, and have connected. tions, and consists of chancel w1th aisles, nave of seven bays,
with them a reservoir in Victoria road with a capacity of aisles, north and south porches and a modern tower, with
400,000 gallons and another by St. Peter's footpath, holding spire, at the west end of the north aisle, containing a clock
225,000 gallons. Gas is supplied by the Isle of Thanet Gas and 8 bells: parts of the Norman work still exist in the
Company, whose works are situated in the Dane. The eastern arches of the arcade ; others are Early English and
:Marine terrace, 1,500 feet in length, with the addition of the aisles Late Perpendicular: there is a brass to Sir John
44.2 MARGATE. • (i:ELLY'8
Daundelyon kt. ob. 1443 and one to Thomas Cardiffe, vicar, sea-water by every tide, warmed in winter to the normal
ob. 1515 and several stained windows: the church was summer temperature.
entirely restored in 1875 under the direction of Mr. Ewan The Hall by the Sea, near the railway station, has a spacious
Christian, at a cost of about [7,000: there are 1,000 sittings, i and well-ventilated ball room, beautiful gardens embellished
500 being free. The register dates from the year 1559. The with statuary and fountains and a menagerie with some
living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £292, net curious and rare animals. .
income [460, with residence, in the gift of the Archbishop The Royal Assembly Rooms in Cecil square, re-erected
(')f Canterbury, and held since t888 by the Rev. William after a fire in 1882, have busts of George Ill. and the Duke
Bellars M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. of Cumberland.
· Holy Trinity church, in Trinity square, near the Fort, The Clock Tower a~ the junc~ion of the Marine ter~ and
built in 1825, and to which a district was assigned 26 April, Esplanade, ~rected m 1889, Is. a square structure m the
x842, is a structure of brick, cased with Bath stone, in the French Renaissanc~ style~ of a h1ghly ornamental char~eter,
Pointed style, and consists of chancel, nave of five bays, aisles faced externally ~Ith white Portl~nd stone on a rust1~ted
and an embattled western tower with pinnacles, I35 feet basement 0~ ~entish rag: the roof IS of orna"':lental op~n uon
high, partly built at the expense of the Trinity House as a work co~tammg a fine p~l of bells ; J?Ortrait medallions of
landmark, and containing a clock and one bell; the chan-: Her .MaJesty and the Prmce ~nd Prmcess of Wales form
j architectural panels on thr~ Sides of the first stage of the
eel windows are stained : there are 2,000 sittings, I,200 tower, the _four~h pa~el havmg the bo~ugh arms; the clock
being free. The register of baptisms dates from ha~ four dtals, Illmnmated by automatiC ~s apparatus, and
The living is 1 342 .
a vicarage, yearly value about £soo, chiefly
derived from pew rents, in the gift of trustees, and held strtkes .the hours a_nd quarters, and there IS a time-ball sur-
sin<'e x887 by the Rev. Walter Senior M. A. of Durham Uni- mountmg_ the d?me; the cost w~s abou~ [1,300.
varsity. The Cobb family have endowed an evening lecture- The Chftonville Hall and Gymnasmm, e~cted by a
ship in connection with this church. 'fhe population in company for the purposes of a concert room, w1ll hold 400
:x88x was 5 o67 · persons.
'· P~ul, ~hf._tonvll. ~e, consecrated and There are several fine hotels ; among the principal are
The church of St. Fagg's "White Hart," Reeve's "Royal York," and "The
opene.d by the la~ ArchbiShop fa1t, Novem?er 13th, 1873, ts Cliftonville," the property of the Cliftonville Hotel Company
an edifice of K~nt1sh rag and Bath stone, m ~he Decorated Limited and the ,, Station."
style, from desigi_lS by R. K. Blessley esq._.architect,_ot East- Margate is the head quarters of the No. 8 Battery, xst
bourne, and consists of chancel, nave of ~>IX ?ays, a1sles and Cinque Ports Artillery Volunteer Brigade, Eastern Division,
an embattled tower at the w_est end, b~t _without bells, the
lower part of the tower f~>rmi,~g the prmcipal entr,ance: the Royal Artillery and the G Company, 2 nd Volunteer Bat-
talion, the Buffs, East Kent Regiment.
st.one reredos, representmg The Last Supper, was the Shaftesbury House, situated on the Marine terrace and
gift of Jos_eph T~ylor esq. churchward~n ; a~d tb.er~ are formerly the Carlton Hotel, is a seaside home belonging to
several stallled wmdows .: the :total ~ost, mcludmg the near- the London Xoung Men's Christian Association, to whom it
age, was [IO,ooo, th~,S1te bemg given by T. D: ~eeve and
was presented byGeorgeWilliams esq. of St. P1atuel'ss chnrch-
I. Andrews esqrs. of margate: there are 800 Sittmgs, half rd d ;w. ~anssf1~dmeir·sabhleed t th. ~ 0f .th6 M1
being free. The register dates from the year 1874. The ya an a expe.nse mg a · or ey
living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £goo, with residence, esq. M.P.
additiOns, mclud a new _lecture
in the gift of trustees, .and held since 1873 by the Rev. Ger- ~all and dmmg room, have been made, towards which the
l'ard Lewis M.A. of St. Catharine's College Cambridge. The ate R. C. L. Bevan ~89· gave £soo.
ulation in l88x was The endowed charities amount to [179 yearly.
pop g, 172 · ' The Royal Sea Bathing Infirmary, founded in 179I, forthe
The Catholic church, Victoria road, dedicated to SS. treatment of scrofulous disease in all its forms, has now220
Austin and Gregory, is an edifice of brick, erected in 1804 beds and is open all the year round, annually receiving Boo
and restored in x887, and has 200 sittings. Emmanuel , or 900 patients from all parts of England,.of whom more than
.church, Victoria road, erected in 1882, belongs to Lady half come from London and its neighbourhood; through the
Huntingdon's connection and will seat 48.5 persons. The' liberality of the late Sir James Erasmns Wilson kt. LL.D.,
Baptist chapel, in New Cross street, has 700 sittings; the F.R.s. a new wing with a chapel and. tepid swimming bath
Congregational chapel in Union -creseent has 750 sittings; was added in x883 at a cost of about [3o,ooo. ·
the Primitive Methodist chapel in the Dane was erected in Margate Cottage Hospital was established in 1876 for the
187I and has 300 sittings. The Wesleyan chapel in Hawley I reception of 9 adults and 3 children; during the year 1889
square, dating from I8o8, has sittings for 750; the Wes- there were 8 patients.
Jeyan chapel in Alexandra road, Cliftonville, opened in The Deaf and Dumb Asylum, in the Victoria road, in con·
.June, 1878, is a building of Kentish rag with Bath stone nection with the Institution founded in 1792 in the Old Kent
dressings, in the Early French Gothic style, consisting of Jl road, London, is an edifice of red brick, opened in July, 1875'
.chancel, nave, north and south transepts and 3 galleries, by T.R.H. the Prince and Princess of Wales; & new wing
the whole seating 750 persons; the cost of erection was was added in: 188o and another in 1886, in order to meet the
{,6,ooo. special requirements of the "oral" system of teaching.
The Cemetery, situated near Salmstone, has an area of The Metropolitan Infirmary for Children, in Northumber-
,;8 acres, an additional 10 acres having been purchased in land road, established in 1841, is available for 165 children;
1882; it contains two mortuary chapels, and is under the the average number in the institution is about ISO·
.control of a burial board of 10 members. Hartsdown House, commanding a fine view of the harbour
The Town Hall, erected in 1820, is a plain building near and the North Sea, is occupied by Captain Charles Taddy
the market and contains some portraits i in the Hall is a Hatfeild J.P.
tablet of carved oak, inscribed with the names of the sue- ~The Marqne$s Conyngham is lord of the manor. The
-cessive mayors of this borough and presented by Messrs. principal landowners are Marquess Conyngham, James T.
Paramo~ & Son; the quarter and weekly petty sessions and I<'riend esq. Capt. C. T. Hatfeild and H. H. P. Cotton esq.
also the monthly meetings of the town council are held here. The area of the parish is 3,912 acres of land and 222 of
The Market, erected in 1820, is well supplied with meat, foreshore; rateable value £u5,917; the population in 1871
poultry, fish and vegetables; the market days are Wednes- was 13,903 and in 1881 was 18,236 of the parish and 16,030
days and Saturdays. of the borough.
The Droit Office, at the end of the Pier, is a building with WoonciJURCH is a hamlet, 2l miles south-west, where was
.a portico. The Post Office is in Cecil square.
formerly the chapel of Acol Twenties; SHOTTENDANB and
The Police Station, Market place, has been remodelled at SALMSTONE are half a mile south: here is an ancient grange
a cost of about £700 and 4 cells added. and also the remains of a chapel or infirmary. CHALK HoLE
There are two banks Messrs. Cobb & Co.'s and a branch is a mile and three quarters south-south-west; VINCENT, 2
.of the London and County Banking Company Limited. miles south-south-west; LYDDON, 2 miles south, and FLEET,
Clifton Baths are excavated from the chalk on the coast ; 2 miles south. DANE had formerly a chapel, erected in pur-
they have comfortable 'tVaiting and reading rooms attached. suance of a licence granted in 1230, but it is now in ruins.
The town contains assembly :rooms, bazaars, libraries, NAsll CouRT is I mile south from )largate.
reading rooms and all the usual amusements of a watering On the road to Ramsgate are CHAPEL HILL, I mile south;
place. PooR HOLE, a mile and a half south; near it NASH and
The Foresters' Hall, erected in I874, at a cost of [2,500, WEsTwoon, and JAcK-A-BAKERS; 2J miles south; with
is used for meetings and concerts and will seat soo persons. NoRTHWOOD lving adjacent. On the road to St. Peter's and
The Theatre, erected on the site of t-he old one in Adding- Broadstairs, half a mile south-east, are Michael Yoakley's
ton street, from designs by Mr. I. T. Robinson, will hold almshouses for drapers, built in 1709, and under the super·
~.ooo persons and has frontages to Hawley square, Adding- intendence of the Society of Friends: these originally con·
ton road and Princes street. sisted of eight houses and a housa for the overseer, also used
The Marine Palace and Baths are situate under the i"ort as a Friends' meeting house; the almshouses have been in·
Cliffs, on some land reclaimed from the sea, near the Jetty creased to twenty-two, the recipients oP the charity being
and Fort, ar1d have a fine promenade, and concerts and balls selected trem the parishes of St. John, St. Peter, Birching-
are given in the large hall; the baths are supplied with fresh ton and Aeol and each receives IOS. weekly. Near this are
UPDOWN, SAcKETT HILL and SHALLOWs, a mile and a half 1863: these homes are supported by voluntary contribu-
south. The Alexandra Philanthropic Homes for decayed in- tions and now maintain twenty-six occupants; under the
babitants of M:ugate were erected to commemorate the safe 1 will of the late W. Barker esq. the charity has been endowed
arrival of t.he Princess Alexandra (now H.R.H. the Princess with an income of £1,000 a year.
of Wales) on her way from Denmark to London in :March, Parish Clerk, George Cain, 4 Sussex avenue.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, South Eastern Railway Wall Box, 8.45 & I0.20 a. m. & I2.25,
Cecil square.-Joseph Hawkins, postmaster 3.2o, *5, 5·55 & 8 p.m. ; sunday, 8 p.m
MAILS DisPATCHED.-LETTERS & PARCELS. Eaton road (wall box), 8.45 & 10.20 a.m. & 12.25, 3.20, *5,
London & London forward, 7.50 a. m. ; registered until 7.20 5-55 & 8 p.m.; sunday, 8 p.m
a.m.; parcels, 10 p.m • Special clearance. LettP.rs for Margate by this collection delivered
Canterbury, 9·5 a.m. ; registered until 8.35 a.m at 5.50 p.m.
t For first town delivery.
London & London forward, 9· 35 a. m. (extra !d. stamp, 9·45
a.m.); registered until 9·5 a.m.; parcels, 9 a.m
London & London forward, Ashford, Broadstairs, Redhill & Letters-Five London mails daily; first delivery, 7 a. m;
Ramsgate, 10.30 1un. (extra !d. stamp, 10.45 a.m.); second, 11.50 a.m ; third, 5.40 p.m.; to callers at counter,
registered until ro a.m. ; parcels, 10.30 a.m . 7, 10.45 & 11.40 a.m. & 4.30 & 5.40 p.m
Tonbridge, 12.30 p.m. (extra id. stamp, 12.40 p. m.) ; regts- Parcels-First delivery, 7 a m.; second, 11.30 a. m. ; third,
5.40 p.m.; to callers at counter, 7 & II a.m. & 5.40 p.m
tered until I2 p.m. ; parcels, 12.30 p.m .
London & London forward, Canterbury, Deal, Dover, Fa.vers- HouRs OFFICE IS OPEN:-
ham & Sandwich, 12.30p.m.(extra !d. stamp,12.40 p.m.); For Savinga Bank, Money Order & Insurance Business on
registered until12 p.m. ; parcels, 12.30 p.m
week days from 9 a.m. to. 6 p.m.; saturday, 8 p.m
London & London forward., 3.30 p.m. (extra !d. stamp, 3.40 Inland Revenue Stamp Office, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m
p.m.) ; registered until 3 p. m
Postal Orders sold & letters registered, 7 a.m. to IO p.m. ;
Broadstairs &. Ramsgate, 4.30 p.m. (extra !d. stamp, 4·35 postal orders paid, 9 a.m. to ro p.m
p.m.) ; registered until 3·55 p.m.; parcels, 4.25 p.m
Telegraph Business is tran>Sacted on week days from 7 a.m.
London, London forward & Continent, via Dover, 6 p.m.
to 10 p.m. & on sundays from 7 a. m. to IO a.m. & 5 p.m.
extra lrl. stamp, 6.10 p.m.); reJistered until 5.30 p.m.; to6 p.m
parcels, 6 p.m . Cinque Port Justices (acting for the Thanet
Ashford, Hastings & St. Leonards, 6 p.m. (extra !d. stamp,
6.10 p.m.); registered until 5.30 p.m
London & all parts, 8.20 p.m. (extra td. stamp, 8.40 p. m.) ; That portion of the parish beyond the municipal limits,
together with the parishes of Birchington, Acol & St. Peter,
reo-istered until7.50 p.m. ; parcels, 8.30 p.m
Margate. Sundays :-One dispatch to all parts a:t 8.20 p.m. is under the jurisdiction of justices called " Cinque Port
(extra ~d. sta,mp, ~l.4o p.m.); no parcel business done on Justices," appointed by .Act SI Geo. Ill
Cotton Henry Horace Powell, Quex park, Birchington
Crawford John esq. Albion house, Margate
Westgate-on-Sea, including Birchington, Garlinge, St. Elyard Col. James, St. Peter's
!<'lint .Arthur, Westgate lodge, Westgate-on-Sea
Nicholas & Sarre, 4.30 a.m. ; registered until 9·45 p.m. ; Friend James Taddy esq. Northdown, Margate
parcels, 9·45 p.m
Hammond Henry Blythe, West cli:ffe, Ramsgate
Westgate-on-Sea, including Birchin!!ton, Garlinge, St. Hannam George Emilius esq. Bromstone ho. near Ramsgate
Nicholas & Sarre, 9·35 a.m. (extra !d. stamp, 9·45 a.m.); .Hatfeild Capt. Charles Taddy, Hartsdown house, Margate
-registered until 9·5 a.m. ; parcels, 9.30 a.m
Westgate-on-Sea, including Birchington, Garlinge, St. Hermitage Henry l<'rancis, Hawley square, Margate
Hodges Basil Ellington, .H.amsgate
Nicholas & Sarre, 3.30 p.m. (extra !d. stamp, 3.40 p.m.) ; Ind Thomas Messiter, St. Peter's footpath, Margate
registered until 3 p.m. ; parcels, 3· 30 p.m
Registration.fee, 2d. Levy J. esq. Kingsgate castle, St. Peter's, Ramsgate
List William Melville esq. Cliftonville, Margate
LETTERS & PARCELs.-Dispatches from:-
Birchington, 10.30 a. m. & 7.20 p.m. ; sunday, 7.20 p.m Rayden Arthur Robinson, The Hay, Birchington
Wtlkie Kenyon Wood esq. Ellington, Ramsgate
Garlinge, I0.25 a.m. & 7.25 p.m.; sunday, 7.25 p.m
Woodalll<'rederick, 4 Godwin road, Margate
St. Nicholas, 6.10 p.m.; Sunday, n a. m
Wootton Edward Staple, High street, Margate
Westgate-on-Sea, 9.40 & 10.35 a.m. & 12.25, 1.5, 4·30 & 8.10 Wyatt Sir R. H. K.B. The Maisonette, Broadstairs
p.m. ; sunday, 8.10 p. m
Clerk, Toke Harvey Boys, 18 St. John's road
There are three deliveries of letters & parcels in Birchington, Petty Sessions are held at the Town hall daily at 12 noon
Garlinge & Westgate daily & two at St. Nicholas
Magistrates for the Borough.
The Mayor.
Crawford John, 12 Fort crescent, Margate
Buckingham road, 8, 9.25 & 11.30 a. m. & *4 45 &6.55p.m.; Green \Valter, India house, Margate
Hannam George Emilius, Hromstone house, near Ramsgate
sunday, 6.55 p.m Head George Frederick, .East Cliff house
Keble Thomas Harman, 59 Grosvf'\nor place, ~Iargate
High street R.O. 8.5, g.Io & II.35 a.m. & 2.30, 4.50 & 7 Leetham William, Thanet college
Levy Jonas, Kin~sgate castle, St. Peter's, Ramsgate
p.m List William, l\IeHord house, Cliftonville, l\'largate
Marshall Horace Brooks, 6 Ethelbert crescent
Angle place, t6, 8.6, 9.30 & 11.35 a.m. & 2.30, *4.55, 4.50
Pittock George Mayris M.D. Cecil street
& 7 p.m. ; sunday, 7 p.m · Pointon Samuel, I H.oyal crescent, Margate
Robinson George ·wharton M..A. Hawley street
St. Peter's road, 8.10, 9·35 & 11.40 a.m ..& *4·45 & 7·5 p.m.; Wilkie Kenyon Wood, Ellington, Ramsgate
Sunday, 7·5 p.m Wood Robert, 6 Dalby square, Cliftonville, Margate
Wyatt Sir Richard Henry, The Maisonette, Hroadstairs
Milton square R.O. 8.10, 9·35 & ir.4o a. m. & *4·45 & 7·5
Clerk t.o the Magistrates, Toke Harvey Boys, 18 St.
p.m. ; sunday, 7·5 p.m John's road
Borough Petty Sessions are held at the Town hall daily, at
Victoria road, t6, 8. rs, 9-3o & 11.45 a. m. & 2.35, *4.4o, 5 &
II a.m
7.10 p.m.; snnday, 7.10 p.m Corporation, 1889-90.
New Town R.O. 8.20, 9·45 & n.so a. m. & 2.40, *4-35. s.IO
& 7.15 p.m.; sunday, 7.15 p.m
Sweyn road, 8.25, g.4o & 11.55 a.m. & 2.45, *4.40 & 7.20
p:m.; sunday, 7.20 p.m
Cliftonville R.O. (&telegraph office), 8.3o, g. so & 11.55 a.m.
& 2.50, *.f-40, 5.10 & 7.20 p.m. j SUnday, 7.20 p.m
Cliftonville, t6, 8.25· 9-50 & n. 55 a.m. & 2.so, *4·40· s.IO
& 7.20 p.m. ; sunday, 7.20 p.m & 10
Northumberlan d road R.O. (& telegraph office), 8. 35 7.25 MAYOR-Councillor W. Leach Lewis.
a.m. & 12.5, & 7.25 p.m. :. sunday, RECORDER-Henry Bargrave Deane B. A. 8 King's :Bench
2..55, *4·45, 5.15
walk, Temple, London E c
Pa~mgon, t6, 8.35 & xo a.m. & 12.5, 2.55, *4.45, 5-IS & 7.25
CCelicfitloWnvialr1ed -WHaernd -r yRForbaenrcti swH'ooe rdm(i1t8a9g2e) (1892)
Fopr.tmro.;asdu nRd.Oay. ,s7. 4.205 p .m10.5 a. m. & 12. 10, 3, * 4 .50, 5.2o &
Marine Ward-Edward Staple Wootton (1895)
&. Pier Ward.-W.alCtOerUGNrCeILeLnO(RI8S.95)
.PI.7e·r3, 0t6p·5.m, 8-45 & 10.10 a. m. & 12· I 5 3, *4-50' 5-2~ & 7·35 I
Pm.; sunday, 87,·3150·p15.m& 11.5o a.m. &*4·5° & 7·55 .\ • Cecil Ward. Marine Ward.
Westbrook R.O. p.m.' 1William Leetham (18go)
I Samuel Pointon (I890)
lsu_nday, I2.5 p.m sun- William Leach Lewis (1891) 1Gustave Masu (1891)
Bertram Thornton (1892} 1Edwd.AtkinsSimmons(I8g2)
Station road, 8.45,
10.20 & 11.55 a.m. & 5 & 8 •
day, 8 p.m
Cliftonville Ward. . Pier Ward. Royal. Sea Bathing Infirmary, Thomas S. Rowe M.D. con.
Richard Laird (18go)
j Robert Redman (18go) sultmg surgeon; W. Knight Treves F.R.C.S.Eng. Bertram.'
Edward Maltby (1891) Geor,g-e Fredk. Brown (1891) Thornton & Arthur W. Rowe M.D. visiting surgeons.
George :Fredk. Head (1892) I PercyTerry Greensted (1892) George H. Chexfield, superintendent; Rev. J. Leech Beu'
Mayo;r's Audi~or, Al~erman E. S. Wootton, 76 High street chaplain ; A. H. Pierce, sec
Soup .Kitchen, .Alkali road, Thomas Wootton, sec
Elective Audttors, Edward Coleman, 142 Hio-h street & Stamp Office, Cecil square, Joseph Hawkins, distributor ' _
Andrew Turner, 87 High street "'
Theatre Royal, Addington street, Miss Sarah Thorne, lesseer
The ordinary meetings of the Corporation are held at the
Town hall, & as the Urban Sanitary Authority, on the Town Hall, Market place, J. F. Kevis, keeper
2nd tuesday in each month
Town Missions, Ebor house, Union crescent, Rev. Jolu>
James, hon. sec ·
OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION & URBAN SANITARY Vaccination Station, Forresters' hall, Edward .Alexandet
AUTHORITY. White B.A., M.D. vaccinator
Town Clerk & Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority, Geo. Yoakley's (Michael) .Almshouses, Drapers
Foord-Kelcey, 2 Hawley street VOLUNTEERS.
Deputy Town Cle~k & Accountant, Edwd. Brooke, Hawley st
Treasurer, FranCis C. Cobb, Margate Bank, King street Cinq?e Ports (1st) Artillery (No. 8 Battery); head quarters.
Coroner, Toke Harvey Boys, St. John's road
Cler~ of the Peace, Herbert Tritton Sankey, Cecil square Chfton baths ; Capt. Alfred Drew-Mercer, cHo.mBmlyatnhdMa.nAt~·..
MediCal Officer of Health, Arthur William Scatliff n.P.H., E. A. White M.D. acting surgeon; Rev. E.
L.R.C.P.Edin. 2 Clifton terrace acting chaplain r
The B~ffs (East Kent Regiment) 2nd Volunteer Battaliml
Public Analyst, Sidney Harvey, Canterbury
(G Co.); head quarters, Hawley street; Capt. Vernon E.~
Chief Constable, Charles Buck, Market place
Knocker, commanding
Surveyor, Albert Latham C.E. Cecil square Public Officers.
Sanitary Inspector, Herbert Balster, Town hall Admiralty Sur&'eo~ & Agent for Margate & St. Nicholas,
Collector of General District & Borough Rates & Market
George Mayrts Pittock M.B., F.R.M.S. 23 Cecil square
Tolls, Theodore Golder, Town Hall
Manager of Water Works Department & Collector of Water Assistant Overseer, William Duckett, 93 High street
Certifying Factory Surgeon, .Edward Alexander White M.A.•
Rates, Frederick Stanley, Town hall
M.D., M.ch. 5 Marine terrace
Superintendent of Fire Brigade, D. F. Fitzmaurice
Veterinary Inspector, E. L, Dixson M.R.c.v.s. Bentley's Clerk to the Burial :'J<>:Lrd, Rosser Morton, Addington square·
Clerk to the Commtss1oners of Taxes, George Foord-Keleey
yard, High street
2 Hawley street '
Inspector of Dairies, Charles Buck, Trinity hill
Inspector of Weights & Measures, D. F. Fitzmaurice, New st Clerk of the Peace, H. T. Sankey, 10 Cecil square
Collector of Poor Rate, George Gore, 93 High street
Town Sergeant, John F. Kevis, Town hall
Collector of Queen's Taxes, Thomas Dunn, The ·Parade
Market Keeper, W. H. Morgan .
Commissioner for Settling Salvage, John Crawford
Town Crier, Rtchard Tappenden, High street
Harbour Master, J oseph Petley
Public Establishments. Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Isle of Thanet Union,
Edward Alexander White M.A., M. D., M.ch. 5 Marine ter
Alexandra Philanthropic Homes (originally built for 52 & Registrar of Births & Deaths for :Margate sub-district &
enlarged to accommodate 64), .Alexandra road; F. W. Deputy Registrar of Marriages, Alonzo Bilham Pilcher;
Ansell, sec . Grosvenor place .
Borough Police Station, Market place, Charles Buck, chief Relieving Officer to Margate District, Isle of Tbanet UniQn,
constable, I inspector, 3 sergeants & I7 constables
Richard Catt, 93 High street
Cemetery, Salmstone, Rosser Morton, clerk to the burial Stamp Distributor, Joseph Hawkins, Cecil square
board & registrar, Addington square
ChpurrecshidIennstt;itRutiec,haHrdaw~llleiyottsqesuqa.reL,.HR.Dev. .hoWn.ilsleiacm Bellars Places of Worship, with times of Services.
St..John the Baptist Church, Rev. William Bellars M.A.
Co~aNstegwuaTrodw(nMsatartgiaotne) station), Edwin Fox, cchhieieff boofafitcmma- ~• VI~r :. ~I a.~·. 3. & 6.30 p.m.; th~rs. 7 p.m
John George Cooper,
Holy fnmty, frimty square, Rev.\\ alter Senior M.A. vicar J
m charge
Hev. A. H. Courthope M.A. cumte; Rev. W. H. Windld
Cliftonville Hall, Cliftonville
Cooper M.A.; Rev. A. W. Boulden M.A.; n a..m. 3 & 6.36
Cottag~ Hospita~, Victoria road, William Knight Treves,
p.m.; wed. evening lecture 6.30
mediCal supermtendent; W1lliam J. Mercer,· hon. sec
St. Paul's, Cliftonville, Rev. Gerrard Lewis M.A. vicar ; Rev~,
County Court, Town hall, His Honor Judge W. L. Selfe,
Charles J. Houlden lt.A.; u a. m. 3.30 & 6.30 p.m.; wed.;
judge; Egerton Isaacson, Jr.egGi.stBraerre; nogfefirc,ea, s7siCsetacinltsbqauilairfef~·
'f. Bowling, high bailiff; 7 p.m
St. John's Mission, Shakespeare road, Milton s::~uare; Ii:
~ c~m?tJ: court is held_once a mont~, comprising within its
a.m. & 7 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m
JUrisdictiOn the followmg places, Lv1izt.tl:e-ABcroool,kBEirncdh,inCgaltoain~ All Saints' Mission, Westbrook, Rev. J. M. Whitehead M.A;
.Broadstairs, Great Brook End,
curate in charge; II a. m. & 7 p.m.; wed. 7 pm ·
Grange, Chalk Hole, Chapel Hill, Dentdelion, Dumpt.on
SS. Austin & Gregory Catholic, Victoria road, Rev. Charles
Fl.eet, Garlinge, George Hill, Hengrove, Jack-a-Bakers:
Sigisbert Sanders, priest; 8 & u a. m. & 6.JO p-m.; dailYt
Kmgsgate, Lydden, Margate, Motherwicks, Nash Court,
8 a.m
Little Nash, Northdown, West Northdown, St. Peter's,
Trinity Hall (Evangelical Mission), Hawley street, ministers
Plum Pudding Island, Quakes or Quex, Rancorn, Reading
various ; 11 a. m: & 6.30 p.m.; mon. & thurs. 7.30 p.m
Street, Sackets Hill, Salmstone, Shottendane, Street
Society of Friends' Meeting House, Dmpers' Almshouses, 1:111
Twenties, Vincent, \\'estbrook, Westgate & \\'oodchurch'
a.m.; wed. 11 a.m
Certified .Bailiffs appointed under the Law of Distress
Bapt!st, New Cross street ; I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m
.Amendment Act, John Bayly, 53 High street; George
Baptist, Thanetroad; II a.m. &6.gop.m; thurs.7p.m
Staner, 111 High street; John & W. B. Reeve, Grosvenor
Congregational, Union crescent, Rev. John James, minister
place; A. Wootton & .A. Wootton, jun. 20 Marine drive
11 a. m. & 6.go p.m.; wed. 7 p.m
& W. A. Gibson, 4 Hawley street, Margate
Emmanuel, Countess of Huntiugdon's, Victoria road, Rev..
Deaf & Dumb Asylum, VIctoria road, Richard Elliott, head
David Lloyd, minister ; II a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7 p.Dl
master; Mrs. Jane Raymond, matron
Plrm.o~th Brethre.n, Dane RO?m, Dane road; 6.30 p.m
Fire Brigade! Engine & Escape House, New street, consisting
Primitive Methodist, Dane hill, Rev. James William Coa<t~·
of I supermtendent & I4 men; D. F. Fitzmaurice, supt
.minister ; 10.45 a.m. & 6.3~ p.m.; wed. 7 p.m ·
Inland Revenue Office, Cecil square, Henry I<'incher, officer
Wesleyan, Alexandra road, Chftonv1lle, Rev. W. Mellor; u,
Lying-in Charity, 11 Union crescent, Mrs. Alexander Brown,
a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m
treasurer & sec
Margate Harbour Pier Co. T. H. Boys, chairman; Anthony Wesleyan, Hawley square, Rev. A. J. 0. Lyle, minister; II.
Blackburne Cobb, treasurer; W. Sowter, chief clerk & a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m
registrar; G. H. Watson, collector; T. Petley, harbour Schools.
master ·
Masonic Hall, High street School Board, formed in 1875, consisting of 7 members;.
Metropolitan Infirmary for Children, Dane hill, Edwin offices, Hawley street; G. Foord-Kelcey, Hawlev street,!
Levett, proprietor; W. P. Price, medical officer clerk ; George Cain, 4 Sussex avenue, St. Peter's road,;
Parochial Office, 93 High street attendance officer ·
Philanthropic Institution, Philanthropic hall, Fort road, J. Board, New Cross street, for 530 children ; average attend-!
T. Friend~ patron; R. Wood, treasurer & president; ance, I70 boys, 157 girls & I04 infants; Henry Waiter:
George Gore, sec Thicke, master ; Miss Alice Bennett, mistress ; ::\:l.iss &rala
.Royal Assembly Rooms, Cecil square, D. Ross, proprietor Ann Smith, infants' mistress
Holy Trinity, Trinity square; built in 1850 for 320 children, Thanet Guardian & Margate & Ramsgate Record, High si.
bot now in course of enlargement; average attendance, Frederick Ward, printer & publisher i published sat
170 boys & 90 infants ; Robert l<'lorance, master ; Miss
Wrigbt, infants' mistress Railway Stations.
St John's National, Victoria road, built in 1854, for 586 London, Chatham & Dover, John Veal, station master r •
children; average attendance, 203 boys, 167 girls & 187
infants ; J. Bondfield, master ; 1\liss Rose Gteenfield, mis- Inquiry Office, 22 The Parade '
tl'f'.ss ; Mrs. Harriet Kevis, infants' mistress
South Eastern, William Btandley, station master
Voluntary Cbnrch, Dane road, built; in 1877 & enlarged in
Parcel Office, 18 Parade ·
1890, for 620 children ; average attendance, 147 boys, 177 • Carrier.
~iris & 87 infants: James Berry, master; Miss M. T.
CAatnEB TO RAMSGATE.-Arthur Avery, from Savin's yard,
Latto, mistress ; Mrs. Hutchinson, infants' mistres
Gatholic, Victoria road, for 100 children_; average attend- New street, daily
ance, 56 ; Miss Alice Cox, mistress Water Conveyance.
Keble's Margate & Ramsgate Gazette, Albert terrace, Har- General Steam Navigation Company's vessels to London in
man Keble, publisher ; published sat summer, daily (George Bennett, agent)
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bishop Frederick, Ingles~de, Station Cobb Francis Marsden, 21 & 23 Kings t
road, Westbrook Cobb Misses, u Marine terrace
Abbott Mrs. I I Clifton gardens Coggan Mrs. 3 Arthnr road
Ablett Misses, 22 Addington square Blackie William Gourlie, 9 Gordon rd Coleman Joseph, 4 Churchfield place
Acton Mrs. ~- A. 5 Churchfield place BlakemoreJn.W.T.1Elon vils.Harold rd Colley Mrs.CharlesArthur, 2 Grosvenor
Adams Albert Hy.2 Northumberland rd Blurton Thomas, 1 Station road
Boncey Mrs. 26 Helena avenue villas, Eaton road
Adams Miss S. 2 Daisy viis. Thanet rd Bonny Sacerdote, Brooklyn lo.Albion rd Collins William, Aseot lo. CJifton grdns
Addis Horace W. Scone villa, Eaton rd Bossey Wm.3Sandringham vls.Eaton rd 1 Colyer William Alexander, Eaton road
Admans Mrs. 40 St. Peter's road Boulden Rev. C. J. M.A. 61 Ethelbert rd place
Constable Henry G. 12 Charlotte
Agar Mrs. Maidwell cot. Pleasant place Boulden Mrs. 51 Athelstah road Constable William Hy. ~~ Charlotte pl
Aldrich Robert, Brook cottage, Park pl Bowle.s Anthony James, 6 Oxford street Cook Edward, 5 Brook ter. Eaton road
Alexander Mrs. 57 Dane road B<lys Miss, I Grosvenor vils. Eaton rd Cook Miss, 43 Godwin l'oad
AllenMrs.1Claremont vils.Addington rd Boys Toke H. 18 St. John's road Cook Miss, 8 Pleasant place
Alien Mrs. D. 6 Godwin road Brandley Wm. Hylton ho.Hartsdown rd Cooke Mrs. I St. John's street
Amos Charles, Brooklyn lo. Victoria rd Braybrook Mrs. IO Dane Hill row Coombes James, I Argyle viis. Eaton rd
BrettonEdwn.xMartin vls.Addington rd Coomer Chas. Moss Rose villa, Eaton rd
Amos James, I Chaucet road Bridges Fk.2Chandos vis. Canterbury rd Cooper Rev.W. H. WindleM.A.21Dalby sq
Amos John, Victoria hon11e, Victoria rd
Andrews Jas.12Clifton ter. Alexandra rd Brighurst Mrs. William, 38 Marine ter Cooper Jn.2 Balmoral vls.Northdown rd
Andrews Thomas A.R.I.B.A. I8 Cecil sq Bristed John, 35 St. Peter's road Cooper John Barman, 21 Dane Hill row
Brittain Charles J. 16 Albert terrace Cooper Thomas, 29 Athelstan road 1
Andrews Thomas, I2 C_lifton terrace, Coppen 1\liss, 12 1\lyrtle villas, Tivoli rd
Alexandra road Britten Mrs. 3 Addington road
Ansell FrederiekWilliam,37Athelstan rd Broadbent Thos.Ernest Boyd,3Bankside Cordingley W. H.x Elstow \'ils.Eaton rd
Atkey Frederick Waiter, Northumber- Brockman George, Addington lodge, Cork William, 48 Trinity square
Corke Edward Richard,5 Ethelbert cres
land house, Northumberland road Addington road Corkhill Miss, 2 Sussex avenue
Atkinson George, 8 Sussex avenue Brown Edward, 2 Perth viis. Station rd Cowdrey William, IA, Ceci1 square
Atkinson James, 6 & 7 Queen's terrace, Brown J. F. 22 ClifMn ter.Alexandra rd
Cox Charles, 6 St. John's road
Ca-nterbury road Brown Mrs. II Union crescent Cozens Albert E. M.C.P. 1 Clarendon rd
Atkinson Miss, 7 Dalby square Brown Robt.Geo.8oNorthumberland rd Craddick Captain Ernest, 3 Bankside
AustinChas.1Somerset vls.St.Peter's rd Browne Seymonr, 20 Cliff terrace
Austin William Comelius, 10 Cecil st Cranbrook Mrs. 4: Clifton gardens
Baker Mrs. 28 Ford road Buck Charles, 24 Helena avenue
Bamber Col. H. W. 40 Hawley square Buck Charles James; 46 Addington st Crawford JohJ11t.P. 12 Fort crescent
Barber Richard, 10 St. Peter's road Bullworthy Edward, 42 Athelstan road Crawford W. The Limes, Hawleystree't
Barecroft Mrs. Mill view, Clarendon rd
Burge Miss, 6o Grosvenor place • Crickett CharleS, Eden vil.Ramsgate rd
Burge Mrs. H. 25 Athelstan road Crisp Mrs. Dingley dell, Sweyne road
Barrett Job Platt, 3 St. John's villas, BurksJamesJennings, 5 Chandos villas, Crocker Samuel, 4 Clarendon road
St. Peter's footpath Canterbury road Crooks Mrs. 5 Belgrave villas, Eaton rd
Bartholomew Geo.Earlsmead,Harold rd Bushell Frederick George, 8 Clifton Crookshank Miss, 30 Hawley square
Bartholomew Peter, Ashleigh,Harold rd terrace, Alexa.ndra road Cross Mrs. J. B. 3 Clarendon road
Basset Alfred, 3 Addington square Bushell William Saunders, The Hollies, Croxford Henry, 52 Addington street
BattenMrs.sMagdala viis. Northdown rd Clarendon road Crump Richard James, 2I Clifton gdns
Baxter Edwin, 40 Athelstan road Cadby John P. 23 Hawley square Cumbers Charles, 5 Westbrook terrace
Bayly John, South bank, Frog hill Cadogan Edward, I6 Addington street Cutlack Robert, 28 Grosvenor place
Beal William Philpott, 5 Addington st Callingham Wm.Adstonleigh,Arthurrd Daly John, I Church square
Beattie Rev. Robert A.K.c.L. St. John's Cannaby William, 4 Hawley street Daniel Capt. Charles L. F. Farningham
Mission house, St. Peter's road Cannon Miss, 7 Union crescent house, Canterbury road
Beckett Mrs. Mildmay house, North- Carley Mrs. Montpelier vil.Ramsgate rd Daniels Edward, 3 Clifton gardens
Carpenter Horace,3Argyle vils.Eaton rd Darby Miss E. 2 Myrtle viis. Tivoli rd
umberland road
Beckham Mrs. 3 Station road Carroway Misses, 37 Hawley square Davey Edwin Risdon, Mon-repos,
Beckwith Mrs. High Leight, Sweyn rd Castle Edward Henry, i3 Oxford street Ramsgate road
Beedell Mis&, 3 Clarendon villas, Castle l<'rederick, 3 St. John's street Davies Miss, 'I Addington TOad
Clarendon road Cattermole Chas. North lo. St. Peter's rd Davis James, 28 Victoria road
Beerling William, Hazel Dell, Thanet rd Chambers John, Alkaskie, Tivoli road Davis William John, 4 Clarendon villas,
Belcher H. Taswell, Glenwood house, Chambers Robert, 17 Charlotte place Clarendon road
Edgar road Chancellor John Gyles, 8 Grosvenor Davis William John, 4 Clarendon road
Bell Henry, 6I Grosvenor plaoo terrace, Grosvenor place Dawson J. I Melrose vils. Canterbury rd
.Bell John Leach, 2 Laburnam villas, Chancellor Matthew, 30 Addington st Day Rev. H. J. M.A. St. John's college,
Canterbury road Chancellor Stephen Sackett, 42 St. 34 St. Peter's road
Bellars Rev. William M.A. The Vicarage, Peter's road Dean Charles Yardley, Nottingham bo.
Churchfield place Chancellor Stephen Sackett, Bridge Westbrook terrace
Bellerbv Edward Johnson Mos.:oac. 5 house, St. Peter's road Demetrius John, 3 St. Paul's road
Hawfey square Chapman William, 52 Trinity square Deune George, 54 Grosvenor place
Cheesman J ames Robt. 22 Clifton grdns
Bennett George Thomas,s Clifton grdns Dickson Donald William, Io Stanley rd
Bennett William Henry, 3 Cliff terrace Chexfield George, 4 St. John's road
Bentley William, 45 Hawley square Chidwick Charles Edward, I Myrtle Dixon George, 10 Clifton gardens
BentleyMrs.4Melrose vis. Canterbury rd Dixson Edward Lyne, Bentley's place
Berenger John George, 7 Sussex aven villas, Tivoli road DottridgeJohnW.l<'airfield,Clarendon rd
Chidwick Mrs. 104 High strAet
Berry Charles, 44 Addington street Clark Jesse, 2 Beaconsfield terrace, Doughty Frederick, 25 Grosvenor place
Beverley Mrs. 4 Hawley square Doust 'fhomas, 3 Athelstan road
Buckingham road Drayson Daniel, 2 Park place
Bilham James, 4 Beatrice vils.Sweyn rd
Clark Mrs. 36 Grosvenor place Drayson John, 2 Argyle viis. Eaton rd
Billin Thomas, Pentewan, Sweyn road Clark Mrs. Robert, 8 Clarendon villas, Drew Rev. Joseph, 10 Cecil square
Birch Miss H. 5 Oxford street Clarendon road Duckett John, 48 Addington street
Birch Mrs. T. Riverton vil. Chancer rd Clarke Frederick, 8 Eastern esplanade Dunkin Mrs. C. D. Redfern lodge,
Bird Thomas, 20 Hawley square Cobb A. B. 29 Dalby square Northflown road
Dunn Hy. 2 Retreat viis. Alexandra rd Halliday George, 33 Marine terrace Knott Joseph, 3 Addington street
Dunn Waiter James, 4I Trinity square Hancock Edward,The Hollies,Helena av Lacey J osep h Jt'rederick, 12 Oxford g
Dunt Mrs. 6I Trinity square Hardey Rev. Montague M.A. 25 Ad- Laird Richard c.E. 13 Sweyn road
Dutton William, I I Ethelbert gardens dington road Lane Wm.Oxford house,Canterbury rd
Eastland Jas. Perseverance ho. Eaton rd Harding Miss, I Laburnum villas, Last Mrs. 53 Grosvenor place
Edwards D'Arcy B.A. Clarendon house, Canterbury road Latham Albert li!.I.c.E. Westboume'
Clarendon road Harding Mrs.Mostyn vil.Canterbury rd house, Canterbury road
Edwards Frederick. 20 St. Peter's road Hargreaves Jarne!';, 11 Churchtield pi La 'frobe Mrs. 44 Hawley square
HarmsWm.Hy.7Thanet ter.Thanet rd Laurence Henry, 5 Cliff terrace
Edwards Miss, I7 Godwin. road
Harnett Charles, 23 Charlotte place Lawrence Fk.Geo.xDaisy vis. Thanetrd
Edwards Miss, 39 Gordon road
Lawrence William Henry, 6r Dane td
Edwards Mrs. I4 Charlotte place Harrison Mrs. I5 Zion place
Eedes Miss, I Arthur road Harvey Mrs. 7 St. Paul's road LeathersThomas,Taroona, Canterbry:rd .
Elkington John Adams, Somerville, Harvey Waiter, 32 Hawley square Lee Barnard, 20 Clifton terrace, .Alex. ·
Canterbury road Hawker Wm. Fern cot. Cbaucer road andra road, Cliftonville
Ellerman Col. Sarina villa, Harold road Hawkins Joseph, 22 Cecil square Leetham Miss, I7 St. Peter's road
Elliot Isaac Clark, 5 Sussex avenue Hayward Miss, 6 St. Paul's road LesterMiss,Montpelier cot.Ramsgate rd
Ellis Fras. I4 Clifton ter. Alexandra rd Head Geo. F. LL.D.,F.R.G.S.,M.C.l'.East Levy Samuei,Mabellodge, Arthur road
Ellis Fredk. I Hazel Dell vils. Thanet rd Cliff house, Alexandra rd.Cliftonville Lewis Rev. Gerrard M. A. St. Paul's vie~
ElvishMiss, IPorchester vls. Cantrbry. rd Heathcoat Francis, :1: Belmont villas, arage, Alexandra road, Cliftonville
Emptage Albert, Io St. John's road Canterbury road Lewis Charles, 12 Sussex avenue
Epps Miss, Montpelier ho.Ramsgate rd Hedgcock George, 3 Oxford street Lewis Jacob, Lyndhurst, Grosvenor p 1
Eversfield Stephen, 63 Godwin road Henning Jn.Geo. Glynmere,Grosvenr.pl Lewis Mrs. IS Godwin road
Fagg Alfred, 51 High street HermitageHy.F.J.P.,F.G.s.s2Hawley sq Lewis Mrs. T. Noyes, Ivor house, North-
Fairn Steph.Beaconsfield lo. Victoria rd Hester Mrs. 32 Dalby square down road, Cliftonville
Farmer Mrs. 9 St. Peter's road Hewett Richard, 2 Union row Lewis Oliver E.Madras ho. Arthurroad
Faynsbury Mrs. 2 Inverness villas, Hewitt John C. IO Oxford street Lewis W. Leach, I2 Union crescent
Canterbury road Hill Col. Rowland, x Norfolk villas, List William, 2 Ethelbert crescent
Feaver Harry, I6 Charlotte place Sweyn road List William, Melford ho. Clarendon rd
Fells Thomas, I7 Union crescent Hill Mrs. J. J. 29 Harold road Lloyd Rev. David, .Emmanuel parson-
Filmer Mrs. C. W. Draper's road Hill Thos. 5 Grosvenor villas, Eaton rd age, Addington square
Filon Madame, 42 Godwin road Hills Mrs. CJ-eorge, 5 Pitcairn terrace, Love Miss, I I Vicarage crescent
Fincher Henry, 8 St. Paul's road Victoria road Lownds Miss, 12 Stanley road
Fitter John, 3 Daisy villas, Thanet rd HillsWait. 6Grosvenor ter. Grosvenor pl LyleRev.A.J.O.(Weslyn. ],15 Hawleysq
Jt'lorance RoiJert, 8 Ethelbert gardens Hilton John, 17 Victoria road McAvoy Mrs. J.B. 12 Addington square
Foord-Kelcey G. 25 Cecil square Hitchin-Kemp Frederick William, I3 McClure Mrs.Jn. Culmorton,Arthurrd
Foster Thomas, 7 Westbrook terrace Grosvenor place McCormickJohn.4Thanet ter.Thanet rd
Fox Mrs. 3 Pleasant place Holgate Mrs. 84 Northumberland road MacFarlane George,Moray ho.Sweyn rd _
Fraser Mrs. 5 Eastern esplanade HollandsWm.Henley ho.Canterbury rd Malins John Brown, 3 Grosvenor vill~
FreemanHy.IDenmark vils.Beatrice rd Holloway Miss, 79 Trinity square Eaton road
FruinEdwd.3Melrose vis. Canterbury rd Holt Mrs. 4 Martin viis. Addington r~ Malins Miss, 26 Victoria road
Fry Miss, 4I Hawley square Holt Mrs. I Royal Crescent villas, Malpas Misses, 56 Trinity square
Fulljames .Amos, 2 Hazel Dell villas Canterbury road March James, 28 Addington street
Gahan Jt'rederick Stephen, Holmwood, lionur Rev. Charles Garton, I Dane hill Marriott Richd. Guildford lo. Eaton rd
Northdown road Hooley George, 4 Helena avenue Marshal! Albert, 3 Hartsdown villas,
GainesJn.s Clarendon vls.Clarendon rd Hopkins Miss, I Royal pi.Canterbury rd Westbrook road
Gale Miss, Longleat, Sweyn road Hopwood Charles H. 2 Oxford street Marshal! Horace Brooks F.R.o.s. 6
Galton Mrs. Wilton house, Edgar road How Miss,Darlington ho. Grosvenor pl Ethelbert crescent
Gardiner Rev. Robert Gregory Webber Hubbock Mrs. 6 Ethelbert gardens Mason Mrs. W. 59 Trinity square
B.A. I4 Oxford street Hughes Charles, I Clifton gardens MasuGustave,Bellevueho.Canterbry.rd
Gardiner Geo. West Cliff ho. Rancorn Hughes Miss, 36 Victoria road Matcham Mrs. E. Westdown house.
Gardner Geo. Wm. I I Ethelbert road Humphreys Miss, Glenthorpe,Sweyn rd Northdown road
Gegan Mrs. Elliston ho. Canterbury rd Hurry Mrs. 57 Godwin road Mathew Thomas John, 2 Grosvenor pi
Gibson Francis Oscar, Mooltan vi~la, Hurst John William, 6g Dane road Maxted Mrs. I Amberley viis. Victoria rd
Alexandra road Hyde Mrs. 53 Godwin road Maxwell Mrs. 7 Clarendon road
Gibson George, I2 Ethelbert gardens Isaacson Egerton, 7 Cecil square Mayor George, 8 Godwin road
Gibson Mrs. 8 Oxford street IsaacsonEgerton, 9 Dalby square Mead Thomas John, 37 Grosvenor place-
Gilder Mrs. g Union crescent Jackson Mrs. 4 Love lane Meikle Mrs. 6g Trinity square
Gilder Mrs. William, 14 Vicarage cres James Rev. John [Cong.J, 3 Union cres MeliorRev. Wm. [Wesleyan],25 Dalby sq
Giles Miss, 13 St. Peter's road JarmanWltr.3Whitehead vls.Ramsgt.rd Melior Mrs. 57 Ethelbert road
Giles Mrs. Clare house, Sweyn road Jephcott Thomas, 21 Fort crescent Mercer William J. 12 Marine terrace ~
Gilson Mrs. Ballyhooley1 Sweyn road Jezard John, 14 Athelstan road Meredith Mrs.S. Ferndale cot.Sweynrd ·
Glegg James, 31 Athelstan road J ohnson Herbt. Tavistock ho. Victoria rd Mettam John, IS Eaton ter. Eaton road
Golder Theodore, 46 Hawley square Johnson Miss, I4 St. Peter's road Meyrick Mrs. 5 Myrtle villas, Tivoli rd
Goodale Charles, 2 Chancer road Johnson Wm.xRoyal ter. Canterbury rd Micklewright JohnGeorge, 4 Chaucerrd
Goodale Mrs. 20 Ethelbert crescent Johnston Mrs. 62 Harold road Middlemass John Edward, 3 Rose ter-
Goodall Miss,South view, Clarendon rd JQhnstone Mrs. 3 Lancaster road race, Westbrook road
Goodman Geo. Frederick, 9 Albert ter J olland Miss, Eastdown ho. Clarendon rd Middleton Alfred, Dane house, Dane rd
C oodwin Mrs. 8 Sussex avenue J olliffe Miss, 52 Harold road Miles William, 72 Harold road
CJ-oodyear Thoma~, SI Hawley square Jones Rev. George Hugh, x6 Dalby sq~ Millgate Charles, xo Park place
Gorbell Mrs. 6 Cliff terrace Jones Rev. W. TaylorliJ.A. Herne house, Mincbin Miss, Hamslade, Sweyn road
Gore :Frank, 27 Addington road Arthur road Mitchell James, 6 Cecil square
Gore George, 8 Clifton gardens Jones Charles, 20 Athelstan road Mitchell Mrs. 14 Eaton ter. Eaton road
Gore Job, Nonington ho. Victoria road Jones Mrs. 25 Trinity squate Monk Miss, Helston house,Chaucer road
Gore Miss, 7I Trinity square Jones Mrs. 40 God win road Moor Benjamin L. 24 Oxford street
Gore Thomas, 29 Dale hill Jones Richard, 4 St. John's street Mordaunt Mrs. 1 Stanley road
Gore W. R. 21 Addington road Judd William, 11 Myrtle viis. Tivoli rd Morgan Mrs. J. I2 Clifton gardens
Gore Waiter, Herrnhut, Victoria road Kay Mrs. Sans Souci, Clarendon road Morris Mrs. 13 Stanley road ..
Grant William, 18 Union crescent Kay Wm. Jn. Fern villa, Helena avenue Mullett Mrs. IPitcairn ter. Victoria road
Gray Mrs. 3 Myrtle villas, Tivoli road Keble Barman, 10 Albert terrace MulliganEdwd.M.D.Alpha ho.Ramsgt.rd
Gray Richd,The Grange, Canterbury rd Keble Thos. Harman, 59 Grosvenor pl Mussared James Valentine,23 Fort cres
Gray William George, 14 Addington sq KelseyEdwd.Lewis,Westleigh,Harold rd Natali E. Dover court, Arthur road
Greef Harry, Egbert house, Eaton road Kelsey Mrs. 7 Myrtle villas, Tivoli road NathanMrs.6 Royal ter. Canterbury ro.
Green James, Alpha ho. Grosvenor pl KemptonMrs.R.B.1Belgravevls.Eatn.rd Neale Mrs. Westholme, 15 Gordon road
Green Miss, I Sussex avenue Kennard David, 6 Myrtle viis. Tivoli rd Neame H. B. Warley house, Union cref
Green W. India house, Hawley street Kerr Robert, 38 Grosvenor place Neame Horace B. 8 Prince's street
Greenfield Mrs. 2 Park villas, Park pl Kevis Jn.Frdk. Grove vil. Ramsgate rd. Nelson Mrs. Aubrey, 31 St. Peter's road
Griffiths Wm.2 Dagmar vls.Beatrice rd KightleyMrs.1oMelrose vls.Cantrbry.rd Newby Mrs. 43 Ethelbert road
Hall C. G. 3I Harold road Killick Mrs. 6 Eastern esplanade Newling Benjamin, 7 Arthur road
Hall Mrs. Owen, Bridgewater villa, King Appleby B.A. 24 Cecil square Newton Joseph, 5 Clarendon road
Addington square King James William, 4 Oxford street Nichol Frnk.Edwd. M.B. uEthelbert ~l.
Hallaway J amesBillinghurst, Grosvenor Kirkwood Miss, 19 Godwin road NicholasJn. 1Westlea viis. Canterbury rd
villa, Grosvenor place KlothAug.rHartsdown vl. Westbrook rd Nicholas Jobn, 1 Addington square
NodesArthor,Vinecot.Northdown road Rowan Miss, so Godwin road · StrevensGeo.2Whitehead vls.Ramsgt.rd
Noott William, so Harold road Rowe Arthur Walton M.B. I Cecil st Stride Mrs. 52 Grosvenor place
NortonMiss,2Clarendon vls.Clarendn.rd Rowe T. S. II7 High street Stroud Thomas, 13 Pleasant place
Norwood Edwin, 8 Union crescent Rowe Thos.Smith M.D. Union crescent Sty• les Mrs. Sea View terrace
Nutt :Mrs. 2 Alexandra viis. Beatrice rd Ruddock Ed ward H. 24 Dalby square Swanton William, 4 Chandos villas.
OdellAlf. rWhitehead vils. Ramsgate rd Rumbell Mrs.L. T. Harold lo.Harold rd Canterbury road
OlliverJohn, 25 Eaton terrace, Eaton rd Russ Geo. 2 Melr.ose vils.Canterbury rd Sykes Mrs. 19 Ethelbert crescent
Osborne Mrs. S. 42 Hawley square Ryder Mrs. 5 Sea View terrace Talbot Frederick, 54 Harold road
Owen Edward Reid, Osborne villa, SackettFdk.Jn.Lenham,23DaneHill row Talfourd:\'Irs. Belgrave cot.Grosvenor pl
Addington road Samson Thomas George,Holland house, Tannenbaum Nathan, 4 Queen's terrace,
Padget Edward, Ferndale, Eaton road Arthur road Canterbury road
Pain Mrs. Penzance ho. Chancer road Sanders Rev. Charles Sigisbert o.s.B. Taylor John, 3 Thauet ter. Thanet rd
Palmer Mrs. 7 Rose ter. Westbrook road [Cath.], The Presbytery, Victoria rd Taylor Mrs. 7 Stanley road
Paramor Frank Richard, Sunnyside, Sandon James William, 5 Addington sq Temple-Allen}frs.Frogtield ho.Tivoli rd
Alexandra road Sankey Percy E. 11 Cecil square Thicke Henry Waiter, 18 Addington st
Paramor Mrs. 11 Grosvenor place Saunders William, 8 Helena avenue Thirton A.. W. ::~1fartin viis. Addington rd
Parker Herbert, 19 Dane Hill row Sawyer William, 38 Godwin road Thomas Misses, I7 Dalby square
ParkinFnk.2Westleavils.Canterburyrd Saxby Edwin, 7 Oxford street Thompson John C. 2 Porchester villas,
Parkinson Miss, 7 Ethelbert road Sayer John Samuel, 2 St. John's street Canterbury road
Parsons William Henry, 3 Upper grove Scales Mrs.s Queen's ter.Canterbnry rd Thompson Mrs.8 Belgrave vils.Eaton rd
Pascall Mrs. 27 Dalby square Scatliff A. W. D.P.H. 2 Clifton terrace, Thomson Robert l'tr. n. Elmhurst, Gros-
Pawley Chas. Sylvan vil. Canterbury rd Alexandra road venor place
Payne John, Doves nest, Harold road Schmidt Edward Allan, Willy house, Thorne Miss, 38 Hawley square
Payne John, Marseilles villa, Harold rd Edgar road Thornton Bertram, I4 CP.cil square
Pearce Henry Thomas, AthoU lodge, SchmidtWm.2Denmark vls.Beatrice rd Thornton Mrs.W. H. 8I Trinity square
Forest green, Fort Paragon Schofield Mrs. William, 8 :Fort Paragon Thurston J ohn,Zetland lo. Grost"enor pi
Pearce Miss, I9 Victoria road Scholes J. 8 St. John's street Thwaites Thomas Sunderland, I Perth
Pearce Mrs. Addison, 7 Magdala villas, Scott John, 26 Oxford street villas, Station road
Northdown road Sear William Lane, Union row Tiddy WiBiam Elliott, 9 Stanley road
Pearce William, 8 Bath road Searles Mrs. 46 Harold road Tiffin Herbert Frank, 55 Grosvenor pl
PeirceMisses, rSeaView vils.2rHarold rd Searles Mrs. 48 Harold road Tompkins Joseph I<'. 12 Helena avenue
Penfold Charles, I2 St. John's road Searles Percy A. M.A. 25 Harold road Tosland Thomas, 30 Helena avenue
Pepper Robert, 4 Myrtle viis. Tivoli rd Sell Saml.4 Whitehead vls.Ramsgate rd Tournier Mrs. Gaspard, Greek lodge,
PercivalChs.Jsph.Grasmerelo.Edgarrd Senior Rev. Waiter M.A. Holy Trinity Grosvenor place
Perman Mrs. I3 Addington street vicarage, Wolverley vil. Clarendon rd Townend Alexander,8 Queen's gardens
.Perruchot Mademoiselle, 33Athelstan rd Sharp Mrs. 2 Clifton gardens Townend Herbt. 2 Lorne vls.Harold rd
Perry William, 27 Hawley square Sharp Mrs. Tredegar house, Eaton rd Travers Howard Wm. 8 Brewery hill
Peters John, 39 Addington street Sharpe John William, 8 Addington st Treadwell Mrs. 4 Laburnum villas.
Petticrew Robert M.D. 99 High street Sharpus John, 3 Sea View terrace Canterbury road
Pettman Mrs. C. M. 5 Sweyn road Shepherd Octavius, Westbrook house, Treves William Knight F.R.c.s.Eng. 31
Pettman Robert, 36 Dane hill Canterburv road Dalby square
Pettman Thomas Lewis, 4 Sandown Sherrell Francis, t6 Eaton ter.Eaton rd Tripp J oseph Edward, 6 Clarendon
villas, Northdownroad Sherwood Mrs. I4 Hawler square villas, Clarendon road
Petts Stephen, 24 Victoria road Sholl Ruiter, Bedford cot. Sweyn road Turner Misses, The Linn, Sweyn road
Petts William, 16 Trinity square Showier Mrs. ~3 Athelstan road Tweedie G. R. F.c.s. 54 Hawley square
Philcox Mrs. Sedlescombe, Tivoli road Simmons Edward A. 33 Grosvenor pl Twyman Thomas, 30 St. Peter's road
Phillpott Miss, 7 Grosvenor place Simmons Mrs. John Valentine, 27 Tyer George, 6 Westbrook terrace
Pickering Edgar John, 3 Sussex avenue Grosvenor place Upton Mrs. 2 Rose ter. Westbrook rd
Pickering Miss; ss Grosvenor place Simons Mrs. A. 48 Northumberland rd UrryWalterB.Kentmere,Canterbury rd
Pickering Mr~. r6 Vicarage crescent SimpsonMrs.E.M.Fairview,Garden row VennerMiss,7Melrose vis. Canterbury rd
Pilcher Alonzo Bilham, 19 Grosvenor pl Sinclair William J ames, 38 Pleasant pl Viekers Albert, 29 Oxford street
Piper Thomas, 9 Ethelbert crescent Skey Edward Oscar,Bevan house, 7 St. Vincer Charles, 2 Dane villas, Dane rd
PittockG.M. M,B.Lond. 23 Cecil square Peter's road Vincer Miss, 25 Godwin road
Pointon Samuel, I Buenos Ayres Smart Chas. Whitehead,28 Helena aven Wackerbarth Charles, I Rose terrace,
Powell Mrs. 21 Grosvenor place. SmithChas.9Melrosevils.Canterburyrd Westbrook road
Price Miss l\L A. Hooper's Hill house, Smith Charles Dobson, 1 St. John's Wainwright Mrs. 18 Grosvenor place
Northumberland road villas, St. Peter's footpath Wakeford George,23Eaton ter. Eaton rd
Price Wm. Preston M.D.I Ethelbert cres Smith :Fredk.I Cambrid'l'e vils.Eaton rd Waller Mrs. 3 Lorne villas, Harold road
Pringle Miss, ·Bijou villa, Alexandra rd Smith Frdk.Stphn.Homeside, Thanet rd Waiter Miss, 3S Athelstan road
Prosser Miss, 7 Cecil street SmithJ.Spencer,Adelaide vil.Chaucer rd Wanstall Mrs. 3I Grosvenor place
Ranken Waiter Blackie, 6 Sea View ter Smith Misses, 8 Athelstan road Wanstall Robert Holness, 21 Oxford st
Rapson John, 4 Belgrave viis. Eaton rd Smith Mrs. Lovewell, 39 Athelstan rd \Vard George Jordan, r8 St. Peter's rd
Rawlinson George, 26 Athelstan road Smithett Mrs. IO Helena avenue Ward Misses, 42 Clifton terrace, Alex-
Ray Mrs. 6 Dalby road Snow Mrs. W, H. I Chandos villas, andra road
Rayner Edward Howard, 3 Chandos Canterbury road Wardle John,Over Haddon, Sweyn road
villas, Canterbury road Solly George Wass, I Alexandra villas, Wardle Mrs. Youlgreave, Albion road
Ware Mrs. 6 Melrose vils. Canterbury rd
Read William, Victoria road p'Beatrice road
Reeve Charles J. Grosvenor place Solomon Hy. 6 Thanet ter. Thanet rd Warren.GeorgeWilliam, 51 Grosvenor
Reeve Herbert Dalby, 2 Somerset villas, SpethGeo. Wm.Streatham ho.Harold rd Watney Mrs. 27 Gordon road
St. Peter's road Spicer George John, 2 Albert terrace Watson Frederick H. 1 I Cecil street
Reeve John, Rose lawn, Eaton road Spicer Mrs. IS New street Watson Mrs. 2S St. Peter's road
Reeve Miss, I Dalby road SpoonerRobt.Carlisle ho.Canterburyrd Weale Mrs. 23 Oxford street
Reeve Mrs. T. D. 2 St. John's villas, Sprange A. Charles,Cedar lodge,North- Webb Frank Speakman, 2 Cecil street
St. Peter's footpath down road Webb George Frederick, 31 Church st
ReeveWm.B.2 Cambridge vils.Eaton rd Springett Mrs.' W. Lever, 1 Dagmar Webb Robert,Amberley vil. Upper grove
Rich Miss, 7 Churchfield place villas, Beatrice road Webster Mrs. ss Trinity square
Richardson John, Bayham cottage, Stafford Charles WiHiam, 4 Station rd Webster Reginald T. 23 Harold road
Stammers Misses, 2 Seaview villas, I9 Weedon Miss, rs Sweyn road
Sweyn road, Cliftonville
Ridley Martin John, 22 Helena avenue Harold road Weir Wm.sSandown vils.Northdown rd
Riley Eli, 8 Stanley road Stannah John R. ·2 Claremont villas, WenhamRt.Croyland vil.Westbrook cot.
Roberts Mrs. Leonard, 2 Moselle villas, Addington road WestHy.2Hartsdown viis. Westbrook rd
St. Peter's road Starey Major John, 2 Sandringham Westbrook Chas.I2Jubilee ter.Eaton rd
Roberts Rd. Thos. Walnut ho. Thanet rd villas, Eaton road • Westerton Mrs. The Nayland, Canter-
Robinson John, 5 Queen's gardens Staveley Mrs. 3 Laburnum villas, Can- bury road ·
Robinson Miss, 25 Pleasant place terbury road Wheatley William, 2 Fort crescent
Robinson Richard, S Addington road Steede Mrs. s St. Paul's road Whitaker Miss, 32 St. Peter's road
Rogers John, I5 St. Peter's road Stickels Fredk. Gordon villa, Sweyn rd White Alfd.Kent vil.Eaton ter.Eaton rd
Rogers Mrs. I2 Vicarage crescent Stodart Charles, s Cecil street White Edwd.Alex.M.A.,M.n.sMarineter
Romanis Rt. Wilcocks,2o Dane Hill row Stokes Charles George, 22 Oxford st White Septimus Laining,46Athelstan rd
Rose Mrs. 6 Helena avenue Stokes Charles S. IS Dane road WhiteWm.Essex vil.Eaton ter.Eaton rd
Rosson Charles John,2 Amberley villas, 1 StonerThos.8Magdala vls.Northdown rd Whitehead Rev. Julius 1\lilles M.A. 8
Victoria road Storey Mrs. 3 Belgrave villas, Eaton rd Melrose villas, Canterbury road
WhittinghamMrs.Sl.Lewis,22Hawley sq WilsonWm.3Balmoral vls.Northdwn.rd Wootton JohnGeorge,23 Clifton gardens
Wil~s Thomas, 2Thanet ter. Thanet road \\inch Miss, Barham villa,Chaucer road Worger Miss, I2 Dane Hill row
Willett Frank W. I Clarendon villa, Winch Misses, 27 St. Peter's road Worster Edward William, Moncrieff
• Clarendon road Wood Robert, 6 Dalby square house, Ramsgate road
Willett Mrs. 33 St. Peter's road Woodall Frederick, 4 Godwin road Wright George Edward,4Westbrookter
Williams John Robert, I4 The Parade Woodland Mrs. Gilbert vil.Addington rd Wright Joseph Townsend,4 Rose terra~
Williams Mrs. 25 Sweyn road Woodruff Mrs. 44 Athelstan road Yeoman Richard Elias, Yeoman house,
WilliamsonDavid ,Hobart ho. Chaucer rd Woods Miss, Ivy cottage, Chancer road Clifton gardens
Willis Mrs. William James, 24 Clifton Woolley Mrs. I Thanet ter. Thanet rd Young Alfred, Falmouth ho.Chaucerrd
terrace, Alexandra road, Cliftonville Wootton Capt. Thomas, I Gordon road Young Goulder J. Helena avenue
Willy Ambrose, 9 Magdala villas, North- Wootton Alfred, jun. 9 Sussex avenue Young Mrs. 20 Grosvenor place
down road •
COMMERCIAL. Baker Henry, apartments, I4 Clifton street
Abbott Brothers, wholesale & retail dairy farmers, 6 King st Baker Richard, apartments, 2I Gordon road
Ablett E.M.&H.J.(Misses),preparatory schl.22Addington sq Baker Richard J. fishmonger, 22! Zion place
Abram Henry, pianoforte saloon, 32 Fort road Baldwin Mrs. apartments; 28 & 30 Ethelbert road
Adams Charles William, builder, 33 Dane road Ballard William Allen, china warehouse, I Lombard street
Adams Geo.Edwin, picture frame maker, 14Cranbourne allev Balster Herbert,sanitary inspector.3-4-Clifton cots. Cliftonville
Adams Goorge Thomas, builder, I7 Addington road • Bamford Albert George, apartments, I3 Zion place
Adams T. P. apartments, 6 & 7 Fort Paragon Bamford Alfred, boot maker, 12 Cburchfield place
Addis Ellen (Miss), apartments, 3 Fort Paragon Bamford Frances (Miss), apartments, 29 & 31 King street
Addis Eliza Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 22 Fort crescent Bamford Robert Williams, apartments, 27 King street
Admans G. S. bill poster, 59 King street Bangham Arthur, dealer in bicycles & tricycles, Cecil square
Admans William, builder, 5 Dane hill Bangham Arthur W. B. apartments, 13 Trinity square
Adutt Jessie (Mrs.), boarding house, CliCton mansion, Banks Jane (Mrs.), apartments, r8 Prince'$ crescent
Eastern esplanade Barnett George, apartments, 32 Grosvenor place
Agar Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, Maidwell cot. Pleasant pl Barnett Louis, hair dresser, Charlotte place
Akhurst Goorge Henry, Ship hotel, I The Parade Barnett M. optician, 184 High street
Akhurst James H. boot maker, 2 Church street Barratt Frederick Charles, apartments, 3 Stanley road
Albion House School, 26, 28, 30 & 32 God win road Barrett & Co. mineral water mapufacturers, Eaton road.
Albon Sarah & Elizabeth (Misses), apartments, splendid These waters are recommended for purity & excellence
position facing the sea, 6 Royal crescent Barrett Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Buenos Ayres
Alien Jr.. (Mrs.), apartments, I Lausanne ter. St. John1s rd Barrett Maria(Miss),apartments,48 Clifton ter.Alexandra rd
Allen Frank, apartments, IS Cliff terrace Barrett W. (Mrs.), apartments, Cecil house, Grosvenor hill
Alien James George, boot maker, 8 Canterbury road Barrs Sarah (Mrs.) & Elizabeth (Miss), apartments, Lorne
Alien John Bonny, apartments, 23 Ethelbert crescent villas, Harold road
Allen R. T. (Mrs.), brush maker, Market place Bartlett Alfred, laundry, Stanley villa, The Avenue
Alien Thomas, boarding house, Addington bo. Victoria road Bartlett Richard Joseph, assistant superintendent Prudential
Alexandra Philanthropic Homes (F.W.Ansell, sec.), Tivoli rd Co. 9 Myrtle villas, Tivoli road
Alexander George, inspector to Royal Society for Prevention Barton Emma (Mrs.), apartments, I I Buenos Ayres
of Cruelty to Animals, 9 Marlborougb road Barton George, apartments, 49 Marine terrace
Allison Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Albert terrace Barton Henry, grocer, I3 Mill lane
Amery John, apartments, Rock house, Edgar road Barton Richard, builder, & apartments, 46 Marine terrace;
Ames Andrew, apartments, II Dane Hill road yard, Devonport cottages
Amos John, builder; workshop, Victoria street Barwick & Ansell, builders, Soper's yard, King street
Anderson Edward, apartments, 21 Ethelbert crescent Bascombe Miss, lodging house, 5 Rose ter. Westbrook road
Anderson George, apartments, 39 & 40 Fort crescent Bass William, apartments, Garfield house, Garfield road
Anderson Thomas (Mrs.), apartments, I7 Cliff terrace Bass William, bath chair proprietor, 22 Brockley road
Anderson William Charles, apartments, Rose ril. Sweyn rd Bassett Wm. H. George & Dragon inn, II Charlotte place
Andrews A. G. shopkeeper, Grotto hill Bassett Artbur, dairyman, 3 Park place
Andrews Thomas A.R.I.B.A. architect, I8 Cecil square Bassett Stephen, Good Intent hotel, 32 Bath road
Andrews W. G. monumental works, 7 & 9 Upper grove 1Bate Mrs. apartments, 3 Belmont villas, Canterbury road
Ansell E. G. upholsterer, 44 Clifton terrace, Alexandra road, Bath William, apartments, 32 Dane hill
I Batson Eiannah (Mrs.), boarding establishment, ::~, 3• 4 &
Cliftonville .
Ansell Frederick G. apartments, 2 Jubilee terrace, Eaton rd I 5 Dalby square
Ardley Frederick, boot maker, 2 Caroline square Bayley Fk. Jn. Walmer Castle tavern, IS Cranbourne alley
Armfield John Henry, apartments, 6 Stanleyroad Bayley George, Shakespeare hotel, Canterbury road
Armstrong Sarah Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 47 Marine ter , Bayly E. W. stationer, 72 High street
Arnold Alfred, general shop, 37 St. J obn's road • Bayly John, auctioneer & estate agent, The Auction mart, 53
Arnold Mrs. apartments, 19 St. John's road High st.& nurseryman, South bank; nursery, Vicarage cres
Arnold Robert William, apartments, 2I Trinity square Bayly John, grocer & wine merchant, 7I High street; 43
Artillery Volunteers' Drill Shed (Alfred T. Parker R.A. Fort crescent & I3 Queen street
sergeant-instructor), Chfton baths Beak William John, apartments, I Addington street
Asbbee George Homersbam, baker &c. 4I Northumberland Beard Thomas, apartments, IO Godwin road
road & 5 Cliftonville terrace, Nortbdown road Beasley E. & Son, dyers, II5 High street
Asbford E. J. fishmonger, 32 King street Beaumont Edward John, hatter, 20 The Parade
Asblee George, farrier, I Dane villas, Dane road Beerling Arthur Frank, apartments, 3 Hanover place
Atkins Austin Thomas, draper, 39 Northumberland road Beerling Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, rg Albert terrace
Attwood Charles, apartments, 6 Zion road Beerling John, plumber, 9 Princes street
Attwood Charles, jun. bath chair proprietor, 6 Pleasant pl Beerling Rowland, apartments, 76 Trinity square
Attwood Edward Charles, apartments, 37 Pleasant place Beerling Waiter, apartments, Io Addington street
Atwood Thomas John, Primrose dairy, 79 Byron road Beerling William, waggonette proprietor, Thanet road
Aubrey Alfred, professor of music, 35 Fort crescent Beerling William Chapman, insurance agent, 4 Fort cres
Aubrey Alfred (Mrs.), young ladies' school, 35 Fort crescent Bellringer Artbur, boot maker, 43 Trinity square
Aucott J. W. tailor &c. 14 Trinity bill Bennett Mrs. apartments, IO Carolina square
Aucott James W. apartments, I Sea View ter. Sweyn road .Bentley Thomas & Co. ironmongers, 31 High street; stores
.Austen Charles, dining rooms, 2 Duke street & workshop, New street ·
Austen Robert, painter, II9 High street Bernard Josepb Julian, apartments, 13 Parade
Austin George William, coach builder, Dane bill Berry James, apartments, 5 Etbelbert road
Austin William Cornelius, dentist, IO Cecil street Berry William, fruiterer, 6 Cranbourne alley
Avery Arthur, carrier & ice merchant, I Eaton road Best & Feaver, coach builders, 8 to I2 Herbert place
Avery William, apartments, 32 Marine terrace Best George, apartments, 15 Charlotte place
Avery William Henry, apartments, 24 Marine terrace Best Miss, apartments, 34 Grosvenor place
Ayers Joseph D. confectioner, 52 Bath road Birch Mrs. confectioner, 38 Fort road
Bailey Emma Jane &Fanny Dearberg (Misses), young ladies' Bishop James, apartments, Bayswater house, Sweyn road
school, Montrose house, 58 & 6o Godwin road Bishop John, apartments, I Trafalgar place
:Bailey Hannab (Mrs.), apartments, 34 & 39 Marine terrace Bishop Mrs. ladies' school, I I St. Peter's road
:Baily John, pharmaceutical chemist, 3 The Parade & phar- Blackman Edwin, apartments, 2 Merlin cottages
macist, 26 Ethelbert road Blair Kathleen (Miss), school, 36 Addington street
Bainbridge M•ny (Mrs.), tobacconist, r68 High street Blake & Flower, ham & beef dealers, 4 Market street
Baker H. T. apartments, 30 I<'ort road Blaken~y John, fish 8hop, 14 Churchfield place
llligh James & Son, coach builders, Mill lane Bye William Alexander, laundry, 2 Milton road ·
Bloxham Nathaniel, apartments, 7 Grotto road Cadby Samuel K. chemist, 6o High street
Bobart Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 33 Ethelbert road Cain George, parish clerk & school board officer, 4 Sussex av
Bobby F. J. draper, 2 Queen street; 6s & 67 High street & Camp Charles, apartments, 16 Clifton gardens
ladies' outfitter, 5 Queen street Campany William Miller, apartments, 6 Paradise street
.Boger Percival Syl.vester~young gent's. school, Surrey house, Campion Mrs. Highcliff private hotel, I & 2 Queen's gardens
Edgar road · Campbell Arthur Wellington, baker, 30 Zion place
Bone Thos. fishmonger I2,& confectionen3,Cranbourne alley Cannaby William, apartments, IO Buenos Ayres
Borton Riehard Edward, china & glass mer. I7 Cecil square Care William (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Ethelbert road
Boulden Rev. C. J. M.A. Dane Hill school, Northumberland rd Carlton William Edward, baker, Arnold road
Boulting Charles James, fruiterer, 24 Ethelbert road Carpenter Elizh. & Rebecca (Misses), tailors, I2 New Cross st
Boulting Eliza (Miss), apartments, I9 Ethelbert road • Carr John, apartments, I9 Gordon road
Bourne Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, I2 Godwin road Carter Charles Henry, boot ma. Zion cot. Randolph passage
Bourne Waiter, butcher, 6 & 6A, St. John's street Carter Eliza Jane (Mrs.), apartments, I9 Union crescent
Bowden Geo. apartments, I Queen's terrace, Canterbury rd Carter Margaret (Miss), boot maker, 3 Trafalgar place
Bowness William, china dealer, 33 Fort road Carter Thomas James, decorator, 4 & 8 Broad street
Boyce Frederick A. apartments, IO Athelstan road Carter ·waiter, apartments, 36 Godwin road
Boys Toke Harvey, solicitor, clerk to the Cinqne Ports Castle Alfred William, apartments, 2 Clarendon road
borough magistrates & borough coroner, I8 St. John's rd Castle George, Oxford hotel, 3 St. Peter's road
Braden J. T. bookseller, I6 High street & Marine library, Castle Thomas, fly proprietor, 9 Sweyn road
Marine drive Castle William, baker, Clifton bakery, Grotto road
Brandley Wm. station master, S. E. Railway station yard Catt Frederick, apartments, 26 Fort crescent
'Brandon Joseph, apartments, 8 Royal crescent Catt Richard, relieving officer, 93 High street
Braybrook Abraham, apartments, I Caroline square Cattlan Alfred, hair dresser, 42 Trinity square
Brazier E. (Mrs.), apartments, 12 Athelstan road Cemetery (Rosser Morton, clerk to the burial board &
Brenchley Edward, apartments, 3 Clifton street registrar)
Brenchley Harriet (Mrs.), apartillents, 53 Trinity square Champness Henry William, apartments, 3 Ethelbert terrace
Brenchley Edward, apartments, 2 Clifton street Chancellor Elizh. Sarah (Miss), apartments, 23 Marine ter
Brenchley John William, fishmonger, 34 Fort road Chancellof S. S. jun. baker & confectioner, 7 King street
Brett John Birch, apartments, SS Godwin road Chandler GeorJe Thomas, tobacconist, 6 Broad street, &
Brett William, shoe maker, 34 Pleasant place watch maker, 17 King street
Brett William E. B. apartments, 29 Fort crescent Chapman Geo. William, fancy repository, 73 & I07 High st
Brewer Mrs. apartments, 5 Royal terrace, Canterbury road Chapman James, boot maker, 2 Prince's crescent
Brewster Misses, apartments, s Fort paragon Chaprnan John, boot maker, I9 The Parade 1
Brice Alfred, upholsterer, I Ethelbert road Chapman Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 11 Albert terrace
Brice I<'rederick, apartments, I6 Athelstan road Chapman William, apartments, 11 Eaton terrace, Eaton rd
Jlridge Isaac, apartments, I7 Fort crescent Chappell Henry, apartments, 18 Gordon road
Bridge Isaac, boot maker, 29 Trinity square Chedwick William, apartments, 3 Clifton street
Briggs Jas. baths establishment, Clifton baths, Fort crescent Chidwick Edwin, apartments, I Union row
Bright Ernest J. restaurant, 3 Queen street Chidwick George, apartments, 22 Grosvenor place
Brighurst Benjamin, greengrocer, Cowper road Chidwick George, plumber, 104 High street
Brighurst John, apartments, 38 1\Iarine terrace Chidwick Thomas Edward, apartments, II Zion place
Brighurst John, upholsterer, Albert house, Charlotte place Church Institute (R. Elliott & Rev. C. Boulden, hon. secs.),
Briginshaw Richard, apartments, 17 Dane Hill row . 53 Hawley square
BrisleyAlfd.aprtmnts. 18Ciifton ter.Alexandra rd. Cliftonville Cinque Ports (Ist) Artillery (No. 8 Battery) (Alfred Drew-
Bristed John, chemist, 12 Cliff terrace & 63 High street Mercer, capt. commandant) ; head quarters, Clifton baths
Bristow Phrebe Ann (~Iiss),preparatory school,2Lancaster pl Clark James, ironmonger, 14 Market place
Britton,William, apartments, Ellesmere, Sweyn road Clark James, jun. gasfitter, SA, New Cross street
Brockman George, grocer, 12 King street Clark Margaret (Miss), apartments, 26 Ethelbert crescent
Brook Misses, young gentlemen's school, Chnrchfield house, Cl"rk William, apartments, 9 Zion place '
Churchfields Clarke Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 13 Athelstan road
Brook Henry, apartments, 18 Pleasant place Clarke Augustus (Mrs.), apartments, 21 Athelstan road
Brooke Miss, ladies' school, 47 Hawley square Clarke W. J. printer, bookseller & stationer, 37 High street
Brookman George, apartments, 7 Park place Clayson Stephen, apartments, IS Pleasant place
Brooks Joshua William, basket maker, 1 Love lane Clements William, builder & carpenter, 5 Prince's crescent;
Brown J. & Sons, builders, Dane road workshop, f::lt. Peter's road
Brown Joseph & Son, builders, 26 Clifton street Clergy Rest (Miss Cannon, lady supt. ), 7 Union crescent
Brown Chas.Herbrt. baker, I West brook place, Canterbury rd Cleveland G. A. poulterer, 7 Hawley street
Cleveland George A. apartments, 57 Trinity square
Brown Daniel, beer retailer, 113 Byron road
Brown E. (Mrs.), apartments, 9 Dane Hill row Cleverly Samuel, apartments, 7 Brook terrace, Eaton road
Brown G. F. butcher, 6 Market place Clewley John, apartments, 76 Northumberland road
Brown J. H. hair dresser, I5 High street Cliftonville Hall (George Dubber, caretaker), St. Paul's rd
Brown John, shoeing smith, New street Cliftonville hotel (Henry R. Willats, manager),Dalbysquare
Brown John Geo. brush & mat warehouse, 98 & 100 High st & Ethelbert crescent
Brown John William, baker, 8 Church square ClisbySamuel, Cinque Ports hotel, Marine terrace
Brown Rebecca (Mrs.), apartments, 32 I<'ort crescent Coastguards' Station (EdwinFox, chief officer), Hartsdown rd
Brown Robert, apartments, 25 Ethelbert crescent Cobb & Co. Margate bank, King street; draw on Lloyds
Brown Robert, boarding house, 28 & 30 Ethelbert crescent Bank Limited, London E c
Brown Waiter R. fruiterer, 20 Bath road Cobb & Co. brewers & maltsters, 25 King street; brewery,
Brown William, apartments, I2 Cliff terrace Brewery hill & Trinity square. See advertisement
Brown William, Market House hotel, 4 Duke street Cocks Henry, boot maker, 5 Love lane
Browne Seyrnour, photographer, 35 Fort road Coleman J oseph & Sons, bakers & corn & seed stores, 142
Browning Edward, apartments, 75 Trinity square High street ; 2 Clifton gardens; I, 2 & 3 & I6, I7 & I8
Browning Sarah (Miss), apartments, Clydesdale, Sweyn rd Herbert place
Broxup George, apartments, I Harold road Coleman Wilham, outfitter, 3S High street
Bryce Thomas, apartments, 32 Clifton terrace, Alexandra rd Coles Brothers, ironmongers, 95 & 97 High street
Buddington Frank, apartments, IS Ethelb~rt road Coles Brothers, shoeing forge, Bentley's place
Bunter Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, 6 Addington street Collector's Office (Theodore Golder, toll collector; Walter
Burial Board Office (Rosser Norton, clerk), x6 Addington sq Henry Morgan, market keeper), Market
Bushell William & Son, builders, 8I King street & 4 Collins F. (Mrs.), apartments, 22 Gordon road
Northumberland road Collins Hy. Jn. apartments, 2 Canterbury vls. Canterburyrd
Bushell Charles, apartments, 31 Ethelbert road Colnet Alfred (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Gordon road
Bushell Fredk. fly proprietor & apartments, 11 Athelstan rd Colyer Edwin Henry, baker & confectioner, 33A, Dane road
Bushell J. G. (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Fort crescent Colyer William Alexander, solicitor, Eaton road
Bushell John, paperhanger, 7 Bath place Convalescent Home (Jonadab !<'inch, sec.), 33 Harold road
Bushel! W. baker kc. 24 Northumberland road Convalescent Home, Lawn house (Sister Jeanne Marie, lady
Bushell William, apartments, I Fort Paragon superintendent), 62 Grosvenor place
Butler Henry Wm. apartments, 9 Belgrave villas, Eaton rd Convalescent Home of the Infant Orphan Asylum (Henry
Bntler John, grocer, 20 & 2I Charlotte place William Green, sec. ; Mrs. E. Luck, matron), Wanstead
Butler John E. apartments, 9 Brook terrace, Eaton road house, Eastern esplanade
x. s. & s. 29
• KENT. ( KET,J,.Y'8
450 MARGAlE.
Convalescent Home of the Victoria Hospital for Children, Dike Ellen (Miss). apartments, 31 Hawley street
Chelsea (Mrs. Harriet Day, matron), 2 Churchfield place Dilnot Timothy, apartments, 2 Dalby road
ConwayM.A.(Miss),apartments,rSandownvls.NorthdoW'n rd Dixon Sarah Ann (Miss), apartments, 28 Fort crescent
CookS. & E. (Misses), art needlework depot, 49 Fort road Dixson Edward Lyne M.R.c. v.s. veterinary surgeon & in-
Cook George Robert, builder, 4 Zion place spector to urban sanitary authority, 23 Union crescent &
Cooke Thomas, Thanet nursery, Victoria road Bentley's place, High street
<(Joomber Cha:rles Richard, florist, 3 Beaconsfield terrace, Docking John, fancy repository, 4 Bankside & 53 Fort road
Bucking-ham road & Marlboro' road Doorne George Thomas, boot maker, 19 Buckingham road
Coombes ~Emma (Miss), apal'tments, 11 Sweyn road Doughty C. J. apartments, 4 Ethelbert road
Coombs George, fruiteret, 3 Market street Doughty Charles Edward, coal merchant, 16 Cli:ft terrace
Cooper Charlotte (Miss), apartments, 12 Trinity square Doughty Frederick James, builder, contractor & undertaker.
-Cordell Thomas, draper, 41 High street New st. ; & 26 Gordon road, Cliftonville. See advert
Cork Edward John, boot maker, nA, St. John's road Doughty James Charles, grocer &c. 30 Victoria road
Corley George, boot maker, 40 & 42 King street Doughty J ames Marbrook, teacher of music, 11 Oxford st
Cornelius H. J. watch maker & jeweller, 33 Hawley 1street Doughty John Henry, The Fountain, 6 Fort road
Cosh Christine (Miss), apartments, Berachah, Sweyn road Doughty S. A. (Mrs.), apartments, u Gordon road
Cosh Nathaniel, fruiterer, 38 Northumberland road Douglas Gerard (Mrs.), ladies' school, Sea View lodget
Coules Joshua, apartments, 3 Churchfield place Godwin road
County Court Office (His Honor W. L. Selfe, judge; Egerton Dowson Alfred, tobacconist, Union row
Isaacson, registrar), 7 CecH square Drake William David, apartments, Calva cottage, Gros-
Court George, builder, 2 Victoria cottages, Tivoli road venor place
Court William, apartments, I Ethelbert terrace Drew Maria (Mrs.), apartments, Wellington 'Villa, Sweyn rd
Cousins Mrs. East Cliff hotel, Alexandra road, Cliftonville Dring Mrs. & Emily (Miss), ladies' school, r8 Trinity square
Cowdrey William, tailor, 41 Hawley street Drury Thomas, fried fish shop, 85 High street
Cowley Henry, boot maker, 38 Clifton st. & 33A, Dane hill Duckett Charles Edmund, Clifton Arms P.H. 25 Clifton st
Cozens .Albert E. M.C.P. preparatory school, Stanley house, Duckett Charles Edmund, mason, 7 St. John's street
Albion road & 27 Harold road Duckett James William, Rose in June P.H. Trinity square
Crawford & Co. wine &spirit merchants, 5 & 6 The Parade & Duckett W. assistant overseer, 93 High street ·
3 Cliff terrace Duckett William A.C.P. boys' school, 35 Hawley square
Creche (The) (Miss Carrier, matron), 13 Hawley square Duncombe C. J. machinist, Cliftonville cycle works, Alex-
Crickett Charles, apartments, 19 Marine terrace andra road, Cliftonville
Crickett Charles, jeweller, Marine drive Duncombe Isaac, gasfitter, & apartments, 9 Arthur road
Cripples' Nursery (Margate branch) (Miss Berridge,matron), Dunn Thomas, collector & assessor of Queen's taxes & res-
ro Sea View terrace taurant, 12 The Parade
Cripps William, laundry, 2 Maldon villas, Alexandra road Dunthorne's Private Hotel & Boarding House, facing sandst
Crisp Mrs. apartments, 7 Sea View terrace near both stations & boat, 9 Marine terrace
Crocker Caroline (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Athelstan road -Dunthorne Robert, Man of Kent temoerance hotel, 186 &.
Crocker Caroline (Miss), dress maker, 7 Cliff terrace r88 High street & boarding house, 9 Manne terrace
Crocker Grace (Mrs.), apartments, 27 Bath road Dutton William, architect, 11 Ethelbert gardens
Crofts John, boot maker, 18 King street Dwelly 0. S. R. (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Sea View terrace.
Croisdale Mrs. apartments, 6 Jubilee terrace, Eaton road Sweyn road
Crompton James, apartments, 37 Marine terrace Earle William George, upholsterer, 6 Charles square
()rook E. (Mrs.), apartments, 29 Gordon road East Cliff House Grammar School (George F. Head LL.D.~
Crooks Mary (Mrs.), boarding house, r4 Marine terrace F.R.G.s., M.C.P. principal & head master), Alexandra
Crosbie Mary (Mrs.), apartments, Crosbie house, Sweyn rd road, Cliftonville
"Crosoer Edwin, grocer & provision merchant, 35 Northu:t:n- East Kent Regiment (The Buffs), 2nd Volunteer Battalion.
berland road & 16 Ethelbert road (G Co.) (Capt. Vernon E. Knocker, commanding ; James
Cross Horace J. shopkeeper, 7 Dane hill Rumbold, sergt.-major) ; head quarters, 27 Hawley st
Crouch John, florist, 1 Sandringham villas, Eaton road & 3 Eastland James, apartments, 25 I<'ort crescent
Vicarage place Eastland P. (Mrs.), Princess of Wales P.H. Tivoli road
CrowtheJ;' John, fruiterer, Market place Eastland Richard, cabinet maker, 9 Cecil street
Crump George, jobbing gardener, I7 Pleasant place Eastland Walter, biscuit agent, Eaton road
Cromp Richard, apartments, 20 Pleasant place Easton Joseph H. bath proprietor, 34 & 36 High street &.
Crump William, apartments, 14 Albert terrace Marine drive
Cullen Sergt. Thomas, drill master, 13 Clifton gardens Eavery Daniel, general shop, Buckingham road
Uulpepper Mrs. apartments, 4 Argyle villas, Eaton road Ebdon G. F. tailor, 144 High street
Culver William, boot & shoe maker, 25 Paradise street & 4 Edmonds Mrs. apartments, 9 Buenos A.,-;.es
Belgrave terrace Edwards E. dairy, Upper Grove farm, Upper grove & 48
Curtis George, apartments, 3 Royal place, Canterbury road King street
Curtis Richard, superintendent Prudential Assurance Co. Edwards Edwin Warren, carpenter, 40 Ethelbert road
Limited, 2 Elstow villas Eggar M. M. (Mrs.), apartments, 92 Dane road
Uutlack R. & A. drapers, 57, 64 & 66 High street Elcome & Son, greengrocers, 54 Clifton ter. Alexandra rd
Dale John, greengrocer, 20 Zion place Elcome Albert, apartments, 2 Hearne villas, Sweyn road
Dalton George William, boardmg house, ro & n Royal cres Elcome George, outfitter, 20 Paradise street
Dalton Jane (Mrs.), general dealer, 13 Victoria road Elliot Edward (Mrs.), apartments, 37 Ethelbert road
Dancy George William, carpenter, Saxon ho. Northdown rd Elliott Reginald, coffee tavern, 22 King street
Dane School (James Berry, master), Dane road Elliott Richard, fruiterer, 59 Fort road
Daniels Edward, blacksmith, Fort mount Elliott Richard L.H.D.head masterAsylum for Deaf &Dumb,
Darby William, Shakespeare dining rooms, Marine drive 41 Grosvenor place
Davies G. W. (Mrs.), apartments, 47 Athelstan road Elliott Richard, poulterer, 25.&., Zion place
Davies Henry, apartments, ro Jubilee terrace, Eaton road Ellis James Robert, builder, Garden row
Davies Percy R. boot & shoe maker, 47 Athelstan road & 4 Ellis John, apartments, 31 Dane hill
Bath road Ells James Robert, builder, 41 Ethelbert road & Garden ro"\t
Davies William, apartments, 23 Pleasant place Emptage C. (Miss), toy & fancy shop, I Fort arcade
Davis John, apartments, 7 Pleasant place Emptage Clifford Berbert, apartments, 32 Ethelbert road
Davis Miss, apartments, 5 Jubilee terrace, Eaton road Emptage Daniel, plumber & decorator, 43 & 45 Dane hill
Dawton William, general sliop, 22 Victoria road Emptage Edwin, apartments, 66 Trinity square
Day Rev. H. J. M.A. St. John's college, 34 St. Peter's road Emptage Stephen John, The George P.H. 44 King stree$
l>ay Ellen (Miss), dress maker, Fern Lea, Upper grove & Hawley street
Day William, boot maker, 154 High stteet Evans Daniel Thomas, dispensing & operative chemist,
Deacon A~fred, engraver, 8 Paradise street High street
Deaf & Dumb Asylum & Grounds (Thomas Lynn Bristowe Evans George, fancy bazaar, 24 King street
M.P. hon. treasurer; William Howarth Warwick, sec.; Eveling Matthew & Son, drapers & milliners, 8, 9 ~ xo King
Richard EUiott L.H.D. head master & Mrs.Jane Raymond, street & I Fort road
matron), Victoria road ~ Evenden M. (Miss), apartments, I Dalby square
Dean Joseph, apartments, 6 Church square roa«Everett Waiter, apartments,45 Godwin road
Dening C. E. upholsterer, 15 Hawley street ·
Everett William, apartments, 2 Beatrice villas, Sweyn
Dene G. Fred, riding & job master, 20 Fort road Eversfield S. (Mrs.), apartments, 63 Godwin road
Eves Mrs. apartments, 51 Godwin road
Dennes Selina (Mrs. J, apartments, 4 Albert terrace
Eves Thomas, bath chair proprietor, 51 Godwin road
Dennis John, cabinet maker, 54 Addington street
Dermott.Edward, boot maker, 76 Byron road Fagg Alfred, surgeon dentist, SI High street
l<'agg G. J. apartments, 26 Northumberland road
Dickens Rose (Miss), general shop, I Victoria road
,DIREQI'ORY.] .KENT. :M!RG.At.t(• 45l
Fagg Mrs. White Hart hotel, The Parade , Gisby Stephen P. 11partments, 73 Trinity square
Fagg William, marine store dealer, Church street Glenn Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 46 Northumberland road
Fairman Isaac, grocer, 15 Market place , Goddard Charlotte (Mrs.), apartments, I Union crescent
Famariss Misses, apartments, Holmesdale, Sweyn road Golder Theodore, rate collector, Town hall
Farm Produce Stores Co. {George Fasham, manager), I Goldsworthy Jesse, Grand hotel, Bankside
Mill lane; stores, 13 & 14 Herbert pla<-'6 Gomer Richard, confectioner, 16 & I8 Fort arcade
GoodbourneDanl. Dvd.carpentr. &apartments, 27Athelstan M
Fasbam George, apartmentst Angle house, Churchfields
Fasham George William, general turner, Thanet road Goodbun William John, apartments, 2I Pleasant place
Fasham John A. Belle Vue farm dairy, 26 Clifton terrace Goodman & Scbmidt, photographers, 57 Fort road
Feakins John, furniture remover, 6 Bath road Goodyear Thomas, grocer & provision merchant, I Market 8t
Feakins Mrs. boarding ho. & apartments, York ho. Edgar rd Gore Brothers, timber merchants, Adding-ton road
Feakins Sarah Ann (Mrs.), confectioner, 3 x :Fort road Gore George, collector of poor rates, 93 High street
Feakins T. fruiterer & greengrocer, 2 Market place Gore Thomas James, apartments, 54 Trinity square
Fehon Miss, ladies' school, 5 Union crescent Grainger Alfred, New inn, & jobmaster, New st. High st
Fiander Fanny (Miss), apartments, Northwood, Gordon rd Grant A. H. The Britannia P.H. 42 Fort road
Field Susanah (Mrs.), dress maker, 24 Bath road Grant Arthur, apartments, 9 Trinity square
Filmer James, hair dresser, I6o High street Grant George, apartments, 7 Ethelbert terrace
Finch H. (Mrs.), apartmeats, 5 Dalby road Grant James, boot maker, II Upper grove
Fincher Henry, inland revenue officer, Cecil square Grant John, general shop, 46 Trinity square
Finnis Robert, upholsterer, xo Grotto road Grant Waiter Frederick, gasfitter, u New Cross street3
Fire Engme Station (Duncan l''rancis Fitzmaurice, super- Green C. ham & beef warehouse, 20 High st. & Marine drive
intendent), 18 & 19 New street Green Edward, apartments, 27 Dane hill
Fishwick H. B. manager London & County Bank, I3 Cecil sq Green Waiter, wine & spirit merchant, 15 Cecil square
Fitzmaurice Duncan Francis, supermtendent of fire brigade Greenwood Thomas, fishmonger, 49 High street
& inspector of weights & measures, I8, :r9 & 20 New st Gregory Clara (Miss), apartments, 32 Athelstan road
Flaherty Dominic, bath chair proprietor, 23 Dalby square Gritfiths John Benjamin, builder, 2 Eaton villas, Eaton road;
Fleet Charles., writer, grainer, painter & decorator, I5 Upper workshop, 3 St. John's road
grove, Addington street & Rolfe's yard, Victoria road Groombridge William Edward, apartments, 67 Dane road
Flower Victor, fishmonger, 5 Market street Gurney Frederick Robert., apartments, I Hanover place
Foat Elizabeth (Miss), apartments, 47 Ethelbert road Gurney Henry, boot maker, Union crescent
Foat Frederick, butcher, 30 King street . Gurney James W. poulterer, I Hawley street
Foat Harriet (Mrs.), apartments, 24 Church street Gurton John, ship chandler & apartments, 15 Trinity square
Foat Harry, grocer, I Station road & I Ti.voli road Hadlow Mrs. apartments, Belgrave lodge, Eaton road
Foat Joseph, plumber &c. 24 Hawley street Haggis A. & M. fishmongers, 3 Duke street -i
Foat Mary Harriet (Mrs.), draper, 36 & 38 Bath road Hall Henry William, Clare House school for young gentle-
Foat S. C. paperhanger, 53 Etbelbert road men, Nort.hdown road
Foord William John, greengrocer, 11 Cranbourne alley Hamilton Ellen & Lizzie (Misses), ladies' school, 8o Trinity Sit
Foord-Kelcey George, solicitor & town clerk & clerk to urban Hancock (Edward) & Jordan (John), bathing machine pro-
sanitary authority, 2 Hawley street prietor, Vicarage cross, Ramsgate road
Foot William Joshua, apartments, Albert road Hanslow James Edward, coach builder, 18 Brockley toad
:Vordham Charles, butcher, I Zion place Harlow Edward Davis, farmer, Belle Vue farm, Dane road
FOTdred Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 32 Trinity square Harlow Edward J esse, apartments, I Fort crescent
Foreman Herbert, dining rooms, 7 & 9 Duke street Harlow George, apartments, 59 Ethelbert road
Foresters' Hall, Union crescent Harlow George, boot maker, 38 Clifton terrace, Alexandr&
Fossey Ellen C. (Mrs.), apartments, 40 Addington street rood, Cliftonville ·
Fowler Jane, (Mrs.), apartments, Rosenburg, Sweyn road Harlow George, cab proprietor, 2 Garden row
Fox Edward, carman, 38 St. John's road Harlow George, fly proprietor, 32 & 34 Victoria road
Fox George Edward, apartments, 24 Pleasant place Harlow John, apartments, 13 Arthur road
Fox John James, apartments, 21 Ethelbert road Harlow John, greengrocer, 35 Canterbury road
Fox Richard, apartments, 18 Fort crescent Harlow John Thomas, dairyman, Victoria road
Fox Robert, apartments, 8 Ethelbert terrace Harlow Michael James, Brewers' Arms P.H. & ginger beer-
Fox Susanah (Mrs,), apartments, 55 Ethelbert road maker, 94 High street .
Francklin Waiter John, baker, I72 High street Harlow William, dairyman, Acorn villa, :Sorthdown road
Freeman Emily (Mrs.), confectioner, 28 King street Harman Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Clifton villas
Friend & Baker,coal merchants,66 King st.& 94 Miltoa roae Harman George Charles, carpenter, Igo High street
Friend George Durban, coal merchant, 92 Milton road Harnett It'rederick, fishmonger, 44 Bath st. & 29 Zion place
Friend Joseph Bertie, butcher, 2 Market street Harper Catherine (Mrs.), apartments, 22 Zion place
Friend William, apartments, u Fort crescent Harpley John, The Dog & Duck P.H. Canterbury road
Fright Edwin John, miller {wind), 33 Church street Harradine Jane (Miss), apartments, 12 Zion place
Fright John Richd. chimney sweeper, 6 Northumberland rd Harris l''rederick, butcher, Zion place
Fright Stephen, apartments, 24 Gordon road Harris H. (Miss), apartments, 8 Sea View terrace
Fuller Thomas Richard, smith, I6 Clifton street Harris James, grocer, 16 St. John's road
Harris Wm. Hy. music warehouse & post office, 27 Fort nl
Fuller William John, apartments, 78 Trinity square
Furmidge Edward, bath chair proprietor & apartments, 6 Harrison Horace John, apartments, 42 Addington street
Athelstan road Harrison Helen (Miss), apartments, 7 Zion place
Furmston Brook, bricklayer, 2 Belgrave villas, Eaton road Hartmann Armin. apartments, 28 Athelstan road
Gadsden(John) & Mapley(John), decorators, Milford house, Hartridge Charles Matthew, apartments, I7 Church squar&
Northumberland road & Hanover place Harty George, apartments, 45 Marine terrace
Gahan Stephen, stationer, 47 Northumberland road Harvey R. A. (Miss), teacher of music, 7 St. Paul's toad
Gander Edward, apartments, n Pleasant place Harvey Wm. Sntton, chemist & druggist, 20 Market place
Gardener William E. baker & confectioner, 52 Clifton ter- Hatchard Joseph, apartments, 68 Godwin road
race, Alexandra road, Cliftonville Hatcher George, apartments, 30 Addington road
Gardiner Mrs. dealer in fancy goods, 33 King street Hatcher George, Duke of Edinburgh P.H. Milton road
Gardner Mrs. apartments, II Ethelbert road Hawes Annie (Mrs.), apartments, 42 Fort crescent
Gamer Thomas, draper, 2 Cliff terrace Hawkins Joseph, postmaster, Cecil square
Ganier W. builder, 15 Herbert place Hawkins Stanley, draper, 6 Hawley square
Garner Wilson, dining rooms, 2 Paradise street Haymes Harriet (Mrs.), apartments, I Ethelbert garden~
Garrett Edwin, apartments, Eastleigh, Sweyn road Hayward Eliza (Miss), apartments, 74 Trinity square
Garrett William,. apartments, 4 St. Paul's road Hayward Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 45 Athelstan road
Garston Frederic Wm. professor of languages, I St. Paul's rd Hayward Frederick, confectioner, 22 Hawley street
Gate Eliza (Mrs.), Bidston boarding house, 7 & 8 Marine ter Hayward John, tobacconist, 2 Cranbourne alley
Gaywood Walter John, upholsterer, 7A, New Cross street Hayward John Oxley, fancy repository, BankSide, & toy
Gegan & Niblett, pawnbrokers, I9 Market place dealer, 25 Hawley street
General 'Steam Navigation Co.'s Office (George Thomas Head Frederick, apartments, 49 Godwin road
Bennett, agent), The Harbour & Jetty Head Walter, plumber & decorator, 46 & 48 Victoria road
Gibbens Thomas, medical herbalist, I9 King street Healey Thomas Everard, Cliftonville college, Arthur road
Gibson William Alexander, accountant, house & commission Healing John; King's Arms hotet, 6 Market street
agent & rent~ debt collector, 4 Hawley street Hearn Agnes Sophia (Mrs.), The Crown hotel, 2 Broad st
Gifford Thomas John, fruiterer, 30 & 3~ Hawley street Hearn S. A. (Mrs.), apartments, 9, IO' & n Clifl terraee
Gilbert & Haseldine, drapers, 178 High street Heath Richard, apartments, 7 Addington street I
• K. S. &S, 29• .
Heath William, draper, 27 & 29 High street Huggett William Henry, boat builder, Fort mount
Hedgecock Walter James, Northern Belle P.YI. 4 Mansion st Huggins Mrs. apartments, 3 Westlea villas, Canterbury road
Herbert Mrs. gent's school, Alresford house, Eaton road Hughes Charles, apartments, 6 Trafalgar place
Hermitage Alfred William, a•)artments, 9 Fort crescent Hughes Charlotte (Mrs.), coffee house, 144 High street
Hermitage Alfred William, plumber, Bentley's place Hughes M. A. (Mrs.), apartments, I &2 Westbrook terrace
Hermitage J. J. fishmonger, 44 Northumberland road Hugbes Miss, apartments, 5 Grosvenor place
Hermitage John J. builder &c. Brunswick house, Zion pl Hughes Mrs. apartments, 23 Grosvenor place
Rester G. N. B. A. & S. C. B. A. gentlemen's school,32 Dalby sq Hughes William Henry, dining rooms, IJA, Paradise street
Hewett Elizabeth (Miss), apartment~, 5 Albert terrace Hume.James, baker & confectioner, 33 High street
Hewett George, baker, 13 St. John's road HummAlbert, marine store dealer, Bath road & Rolfe's yard,
Hewett George Chambers, apartments, 12 Albert terrace Victoria road
Hewett James William, apartments, 6 & 7 Albert terrace Hunt Edward, apartments, 8 Garden row
Hewett James William, carver & gilder, 19 Fort road Hunter John, hair dresser, 29 Bath road
Hewett Thomas John, chimney cleaner, 2oo High street Hunter Thomas, tailor, II Queen street
Hewitt Benjamin. apartments, 20 Fort crescent Hurst Charles, apartments, 1 Albion place
Hewitt Benjamin, plumber, New street Hurst John William, apartments, 69 Dane road
Hicks Amelia (Miss), ladies' school, 40 Grosvenor place Hutchings George, dining & oyster rooms, I King street
Hickson Thomas, fruiterer, 50 Bath road Hutchings J. (Miss), fruiterer, 10 Market street
Hickson William, coal merchant, Church square Impett Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 31 Marine terrace
Hickson William, greengrocer, 19 Charlotte place Ind Brothers, bakers & millers (wind), 8 Trinity hill
Higgins G. H. tobacconist, 77 High street lnd Thos. M. miller (wind), Drapers mills, St. Peter's footpath
Hill Harriet (Miss), apartments, 26 Addington square lngamellsArth.G. boot maker,39 Clifton cottages,Cliftonville
Hill Mathilda (Miss), apartments, 34 Ethelbert road lngamells Arthur George, boot maker, I9 Clifton street ·
Hills Herbert, butcher, Marble hall, 66 Northumberland rd lngmire F. C. furniture dealer, 127 High street
Hills James, fly proprietor, Bridport lodge, Northdown rd Inland Revenue Office (Hy. Fincher, officer), Cecil square
Hills Miss, apartments, Claughton, Edgar road Isaacson Egerton, solicitor & reg. of county court, 7 Cecil sq
Hills Miss, preparatory school, Llanberis, Northdown road Isle of Thanet Gas Works (T. C. Fuller, sec. ; Frederick
Hills Waiter, solicitor, 11 Queen street Doughty, manager), Addington street
Himmel Moris, hair dresser, 3 Lombard street Isteed Annie (Miss), apartments, 36 Athelstan road
Hinckley Grace Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 21 Sweyn road Jackson Edit.h (Mrs.), boarding house, IS Dalby square
Hoare Thomas, apartments, IS Albert terrace Jackson Thomas Alfred, fishmonger, IO Trinity hill
Hoare Thomas, fancy repository, 1 Cliff terrace James Miss, ladies' school, Lorne house, Harold road
Hobbs Frank, apartments, 18 Marine terrace Jarman James, decorator, & apartments, 43 Athelstan road
Hobbs Weekes William, boot maker, 25 Oxford street Jarman John, dairyman, 2 Shakespeare cots. Shakespearerd
Hobby Edward, apartments, 7 Trinit-y square Jarman William, apartments, IS Zion place
Hobday Charles, plumber &c. Flint ho. Northumberland rd Jarman William, dairyman, Catherine Yilla, St. Peter's rd
Hobday Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 59 Godwin road Jarvis William G. apartments, 26 Grosvenor place
Hobday Henry, grocer, 79 High street JeH Thomas, apartments, 9 Ethelbert gardens
Hobday John G. apartments, 78 Northumberland road Jenkins William Edward, apartments, 22 Addington street
Hobday Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 30 Clifton terrace, Jewhurst Richard, ironmonger, 45 Northumberland road
Alexandra road . Jezard Thomas, The Wellington P.H. I Duke.street
Hobday MaryAnu(Mrs. ),apartments, 82 Nortbumberland rd Jezard Walter E. Fort Brewery TapP.H. 11 Fort road
Hobday Thomas William, baker, 5 Duke street Job James, apartments. 65 Dane road
Johns Mrs. apartments, 2 Station road ·
Hobday William, gasfitter, so Milton road
Hobday William Herbert, apartments, I2 Pleasant place Johnson Charles William, fruiterer, 16 Pleasant place
Hobson George William, apartments, 4 Pleasant place Johnson Leonard, Bellevue tavern, Northdown road
Hodges Joseph, apartments, 23 Trinity square Jolley Edward Noah, apartments, 13 Fort crescent
Hogbin Thomas Edward, apartments, 24DaneHill row J ones J. &; Son, boot makers, 6 &7 Queen street
Hogbin William, farmer, Dane farm, Dane road Jones Rev. George Hugh F.A.s. New college, I6 Dalby sq
Hollands William, greengrocer, IOA, Charlotte place Jones Henry Thomas, apartments, 6 Trinity square
Hollett George, greengrocer, 146 High street JonesJohn Edward, boot maker, q8 High street
Holley Mile, greengrocer, 2 St. John's road Jones John Miller, apartments, 23 Gordon road
Holloway A. (Miss), apartments, 2 Buenos Ayres Jones Richard, greengrocer, Union crescent
Holloway Mrs. apartments, 6 Buenos Ayres Jones Robert(Mrs.), apartments, 22Trinity square
Holmes Harriet (Mrs.), apartments, 23 Dane hill Jones Sidney, boot malrer, 3 Clifton cottages, Cliftonville
Holness Clara Rose (Mrs. ), apartments, 7 Ethelbert cres Jones William, sail maker, 25 Fort road
Holness David, hair dresser, 12 Queen street Jones WilliamJ. carpenter, I Newby's place
Holness Elizabeth (Miss), apartments, 14 Fort crescent Jones William John, builder, 7 Clifton gardens
Holness Elizabeth (Miss), apartments, Northumberland road Jones Rev. William Taylor M.A. Cantab. L.C.P. pupils pre·
Holness Emily (Miss), apartments, 5 Fort crescent pared for a professional or commercial career ; prospec·
Holness Robert, apartments, 10 Ethelbert terrace tuses on application, Herne house, Cliftonville. See advt
Holness Robert, dairyman, 2 Milton cottage.'!, Amold road Jones-Bartley Benjamin, private tutor, 4-z Clifton cottages,
Holt James DeaconM.A. preparatory school for boys, Arthur Cliftonville
house, Arthur r&ad, Cliftonville Jol'dau Edward, private tutor, Northfield, Northdown road
Bolton & Co. livery stables, Paragon mews, Hanover place Jordan Emma(Mrs. ), apartments, Piermont house, Eaton rd
Bolton Frederick James, apartments, 4 Dalby road Jordan Thomas George, confectioner, 6 Lombard street
Bolton George Charles, fly proprietor, & apartments, 4 Jordan William, apartments, 2 Royal ter. Canterbury road
Ethelbert crescent ~ Joscelyne J. livery stables, Northumberland mews, Trinity sq
Bolton Richard, plasterer, James cottage, Hanover place Josling Henry, apartments, 4 Sea View terrace
Holyer Hy.Nicholas Collis,Druids' Arms P.H. .14 St. John'srd Josling Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Princes street
'fooper Ellen Annie (Miss), apartments, II Arthur road Kay Mary (Mrs.), apar.tments, I2 Royal crescent
Hopkins Samuel E. draper, 40 Northumberland road Keble's Margate & Ramsgate Gazette (Harman Keble,
Hopper Henry Payne, apartments, 7 Ethelbert gardens printer & publisher; published saturday), Albert terrace
Hopper Thomas George, greengrocer, 39Dane road Keen· Sarah (Miss), apartments, 34 Hawley square
Horn John, plumber&; decorator, 24 Brockleyroad .Kemp George Arthur, fruiterer, 23 & 24 Albert terrace
• Kemp John, apartments, I Grotto road
Horn John William, general shop, I Clifton street
Horn Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 16 Trinity hill Kemp John, The Royal Oak P.H. 143 High street
Home Sarah (Mrs.) &; Pope Mary {Mrs.), ladies' school, Kemp Mariner, apartments, 21 Dane hill ·
Athelstan road KempM. (Mrs.), a.pa.rtments, 2 Ethelbert tei'race
Horsley Henry William, insurance agent, .x x Cecil square Kennard Dan Bentley, china & glass dealer, 42 Northnm-
HoskinsSarahAnn&Jane (Misses), ladies' school, 22 Dalby sq . berland road
Houghton ()eorge E. photographer, 55 Fort road Kennard I. de Bock, pianoforte warehouse, 25 Ethelbert rd
House Elijah, builder &c. -5 Thanet terrace, Thanet r<>ad Kennett -,greengrocer, The Parade
How Ada (Miss), apartments, 15 Athelstan road Kennett Emma Jane (Mrs.), general shop, 59 Byron road
Howard Gilbert, apartments, 6 Grosvenor place l{ennett Josiah Adams, apartments, 35 Ethelbert road
Howard William Francis, grocer, 6 Cecil street Kennett W. R. pork butcher, 9I High street
Howells Albert Edward, apartments, 10 Fort Paragon Kenney Ellen (Mrs.), baby linen warehouse, 147 HighstreeS
Howland Frederick, apartments, 31 Fort crescent Kentish James, Hope & Anchor P.H. 173 & 175 High street
Hubbard & Son, chemists, I4 Zion place Kerslake Sarah Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 42 Victoria road·
Hubbuck Mrs. boarding house, Edgar house, Edgar road Kerton Mrs. apartments, 3 Grosvenor place·
Huckstep Charles, apartments, 6 Park place Kevis John Frederick, town sergeant, Grove viL Ramsgaterd
, .Hudson John, florist, 8 Pitcairn terrace, Victoria road Kidson Miss, boarding house, 4 Union crescent
Kimber Margaret (Mrs.), boarding house, Queen's gardens, Man of Kent Temperance Hotel & Boarding House, accom-·
Cliftonville modates 70 visitors (R. Dunthorne,proprietor),x86High st
King ApplebyB.A., L.D.S.R.c.s.Irel. dental surgn. 24 Cecil sq Manaton Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Clarendon road
King Waiter, apartments, I 1 Sea View terrace Manning Henry, baker & confectioner, 132 High street
Kingston Alfred Robt. Spread Eagle tavern, Victoria road Mannings A. A. watch maker, 8 Queen street
Kingston Frank, apartments, 22 Ethelbert crescent Mannings Carlton, grocer, So High street
Knight George, grocer, 13 Market place Manston Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Clarendon road
Knighton Thomas R. pork butcher, 134 High street Marcham Joshua, apartments, 21 & 23 Godwin road
Knott Edward George, house decorator, 3 Park cots. •Park pl Margate Club (William B. Reeve, sec.), ro Marine terrace
Knott James, apartments, 34 Northumberland road Margate Cottage Hospital (Wm. Knight Treves F.R.c.s."Eng.
Knowles Hannah (Mrs.), feather dyer, 14 Church square medical superintendent; W. J. Mercer, hon. sec.),
Laker William, apartments, 33 Trinity square Victoria road
Laker William James, boot maker, I3 Bath road Margat.e & District Coal Co. Limited, coal merchants ; regis-
Lamb Robert, wagonette proprietor, 30 St. John's road tered offices, Paramor & Sons, Eaton road
Lamb William, wardrobe dealer, I7 Market place Margate & District Trade Protection Association (W. H.
Lancashire Mrs. apartments, 2 Royal place, Canterbury rd Mummery, chairman; John W. Scarlett, sec.), 4 Cecil
L&nder Margaret (Mrs.), tobacconist, & apartments, 2 The square. See advertisement
Parade, & I Paradise street Margate High School for Girls (Mrs. Edward Maltby. prin--
I.ane W. Jones, general outfitter, 56 High street cipal). 1 Lancaster place
Lashmar Amy (Mrs.), apartments, 19 Fort crescent Margate Lawn Tennis Co. Limited; office, 12 Marine ter
Lashmar Waiter Daniel, boot maker, 3 Paradise street Margate Lying-in Charity (Mrs. Alexander Brown, treas. &
Laslett Sarah (Miss), apartments, 43 Hawley square sec.), 11 Union crescent
Latham Albert c.E. architect & borough surveyor, IS Margate Water Works Tower, Victoria road
Cecil square Margate & Westgate Government School of Art (Daniel N.
Law Miss,, Osborne house, school for boys, Harold terrace, W. Smith, head master), 10 Union crescent
Northdown road Margate Working Men's Club & Institute (F. Allen, sec.),
Lawrence Edward, tobacconist, 26 High st. & Marine drive 55A, High street
Lawrence Edward Horne, apartments, 66 Godwin road Marine Palace MargateCo.Limited(HenryW. Horsley,sec.);
Lawrence Frederick, apartments, 9 Ethelbert road office, x1 Cecil square
Lawrence George, apartments, 1 Garden row Marine Palace Swimming Baths (E. R. Corke, prop.),
Lawrence M. A. (Miss), apartments, 12 Ethelbert road Marine Promenade
Lawrence S. jun. confectioner, 4 Fort arcade Marshall J. & Co. coal & corn merchants, Westbrook,
Lawrence Shrubsole, confectioner, so High st. & 91. King st L. C. & D. railway & 9 Queen street
Lawrence Sophia (Mrs.), apartments, 24 Hawley square Marshall George, bath chair proprietor, II Caroline square
Lednor Thomas, apartments, 40 Marine terrace Marshall J ames Timothy, apartments, 5 Gordon road
Lee Barnard, solicitor, 20 Clifton terrace, Alexandra road, Martin Edwin, apartments, 30 Marine terrace
Cliftonville Maslin Frances (Mrs.), apartments, 68 Trinity square
Leetham & Smith, college for young gentlemen, Thanet Masonic Hall, High street
college; preparatory school, Thanet lodge; & ladies' Masters Hannah (Miss),ladies' school, 49 & 50 Hawley sq
school, Thanet hall, St. Peter's road Matteri Brothers, restaurant, 3A, The Parade ·
Leighton William J. & Co. Imperial hotel, High street & Maxted Edward, apartments, 11 Clifton street
Marine drive & Marine palace, Marine promenade Maxted Edward, butcher, 28 High street
Lester Miss, apartments, 8 Buenos Ayres Maxted Edward R. fruiterer, 9 Marine drive
Levett Edwin, Metropolitan Infirmary for Children, North- Maxted George, apartments, 20 Dalby square
umberland road. :-lee advertisement Maxted Thomas, dairy, Drapers road
Levy Samuel, teacher of the violin, Mabellodge, Arthur rd Maxwell Frances (Mrs.), apartments, 77 Trinity square
Lewis Charles & Elon, grocers & provision merchants, 130 Mayo Charles Morris, pork butcher, 36 Northumberland rd
High street & grocers, 1 Milton road Mead .Miss, apartments, 5 Station road
Lewis F. C. (Mrs.), preparatory school, 194 High street Mead Miss, boarding ho. 1 & 2 Magdala villas, N orthdown rd
Lewis Frederick Charles, The ~ix Bells P.H. 201 High street Meloy G. H. apartments, Harley house, Edgar road
Lewis Jacob, jeweller, 21 & 5I High street Mercer William J. architect, 12 Marine terrace
Lewis James, grocer, & post office, 28 Northumberland road Merifield Annie (Mrs.), apartments, 41 Marine terrace
Lewis Matilda (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Trinity square Merrick Alfred, apartments, 67 Trinity square •
Lewis Samuel, stationer, 15 King street Metali Antonio, restaurant, Fort arcade
Lewis W. Leach, school for young ladies & gentlemen & Methrell John, apartments, 72 Trinity square
preparatory school, Margate college, Hawley street; I, 2, Metropolitan Infirmary for Children (Edwin Levett, prop.),
3 & 4 The College grove ; & Margate preparatory college, Northumberland road. See advertisement
19 Hawley square Mettam John, mason,Eaton terrace, Eaton road
Lewis William, confectioner, 7 High street Miles Charlotte (Mrs.), The Phoouix inn, 68 King street
Lilley F. A. Queen's Arms hotel, Market street Miles Frederick, apartments, 1 Beatrice villas, Sweyn road
Lindenberger Mrs. laundry, Leasingham villa, The Avenue Miles Isabella (Mrs.), Prospect hotel, Zion place
Lindsay George, apartments, 62 Harold road Miles Robert (Mrs.), oyster rooms, 1 Trinity hill
London, Chatham & Dover Railway Parcels Office (Henry Miles Theodore, apartments, 31 Zion place
George Westlake, manager), 22 The Parade Miles Thomas, apartments, 5 Dane Hill row
London & County Banking Uo. Limited (H. B. Fishwick, Miller Charles Edward, apartments, 7 Caroline square
manager), 13 Cecil square; draw on head office, 2I Lom- Miller George, spinal carriage proprietor, IA & 2 Trafalgar pl
bard street, London E c Miller Jane (Miss), marine boarding house, 18&2oAlbert ter
Long E. (Mrs.), apartments, 11 Trinity square Miller Malcolm, tailol', 5 Broad street
Long R. M. (Mrs.), hair dresser, 11 Broad street Miller Thomas, .dairyman, Chaucer road '
Long William, butcher, 83 Trinity square Miller William,apartments, 17 Dane road
Longhi & Co. confectioners, Marine drive Millington Julia Elizabeth (Miss), boarding house, 10, u &
Love Clara (Mrs.), apartments, r8 Trinity hill 12 Dalby square
Love John Miles, gasfitter, 1 Park villas, Park place . Mills John, bath & invalid, chair proprietor, 72 Northumber-
Lovett R. H. house furnisher, 55 High street land road
Lovett Richard Henry, apartments, 18 The Parade •
Milway Gowland, apartments, 5 Buenos Ayres
Lowe Alfred, tailor, 182 High street l\Iirams George Henry, apartments, 4 Grotto road
Lower Edmun9., apartments, 4 Park place Mitchell Nimrod Samuel, apartments, 47 Godwin road &
Luckett Harriet (Mrs.), apartments, 8 & 9 Market place cycle stores, Sweyn road
Lurcock Williain, curiosity shop, 16 King street Mitchell Richard, tricycle warehouse, 21 Marine drive
Lynch William, bath chair proprietor, 8 Hath place Mockett M. A. greengrocer, 51 King street •
Lynch William, general shop, Clifton gardens • Mockett Robert, apartments, 7 New Cross street
Lyons John Joseph, verger of Holy Trinity church, 19 Molony Thomas Jos. general shop, 100 Milton road
Zion place Monk Mary Jane (Miss), ladies' school, 1 Grosvenor place
Mabbs James, apartments, 7 Sweyn road Montague William E. apartments, I2 Buenos Ayres
MacCreath John, chemist, 39 High street Moodey Samuel, painter &c.54Godwin road & Bath road
MacDiarmid Duncan, tobacconist, 9 High street ; xB,Marine Moodey William J. grocer&provision merchant,x4Trinity sq
drive & 6x Fort road Moodey William John, apartments, IS I.<'ort crescent
MacFarlaneGeo.Moray, apartments, Moray house,Sweyn rd Moore Alfred, restaurant & fancy repository, Fort arcade &
Mackie Frederick Horace, apartments, 10 Pleasant place 37 & 39 Fort road
MeNeille & Co. drapers, Albert house, Addington square Moore Annie (Mrs. ),apartments, 30 Dalby square •
Malacame Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 13 Albert terrace Moore John, apartments, 24 Fort crescent
Maltby Edward, gentlemen's school, 29 & 31 Godwin road Moore :Wm. apartments & fly proprietor, 22 Marine ter
• •
M<n;ganCharlotte(Miss),apartments,Linfield ho. Sweyn :t~oad Park Agnes (Miss), milliner, 94 Dane road
· l\:lorg~n Ha.nnah (Miss), apartments, 8 Dalby square Parker Ann Frances (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Ethelbert grdna
Morgan John Lewes (Mrs.), apartments, I9 Athelstan road Parker George, apartments, 23 Ethelbert road .
Morgan Mildred (Miss), apartments, 24 Etbelbert crescent Parker Henry, greengrocer, ~4 Addington street
Morrefi (Mrs.), apartments. 4 Grosl'tlnor place Parker Henry Harford, apartments, I7 The Parade
Morris Ellen (Miss), apartments, I5 Dalby square Parochial Office, 93- High street
Morris George, apartments, 5 The Parade Parry David R. preparatory school, Grongar house, Canter....
Morris Harriet (Miss), apartments, 36 Marine terrace bury road · ·
Morton Darid, apartments, 3 Dalby road Parsons William John, Love Lane hotel, Love lane
Morton Rosser, clerk to the burial board, Addington square Pash Henry, boot maker, 54· High street
Moss J. (Mrs.), apartments, 3I Gordon road Pavier John, baker &c. 5 Zion place
Mount Amy (Miss), dress maker, 28 Hawlev street Pay Frances (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Carolina square
Mount William Henry, apartmeqts, Beach house, Bankside Pay George (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Dane Hill row
& oyster bar, I Marine drive Pay George, boot maker, 3 Church square
Mount William Henry, furniture dealer, 27 Hawley street Pay Mary Ann (Mrs.), confectioner, 83 High street
Moys Edward, butcher~ I62 High street Peacock James, apartments, 4 Buenos Ayres.
Mulligan Edward ::.II.D. surgeon, Alpha house, Ramsgate rd Peall Charles, apartments, 8 Zion place
Murnmery Sarah (Mrs.), boot maker, 9 New Cross street Peall (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Brook terrace, Eaton road
Mummery W. H. grocer, earthenware & general stores, 28 Peall Robert, apartments, IO l<'ort crescent
B~th road & 133 & I76 High street . Pearce 'f, King's Head hotel, 46 & 48 High street ~ buffet.
Munns S. H, Terrace hotel & Hearts of Oak restaurant, :t49 entrance, Marine driv.e
IS, I6 & I7 Marine drive & 38,40 & 42 High street Pearson~J W. professor of music, 44 Godwin road
Munns T. H. eating house, u Marine drive. Pegden Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, I Cecil square
Munns William John, draper, I7 High street Pegden Nicholas, dairyman, 40 Buckingham road
:Murray Thomas, dried fish merchant, 1 Charlotte place Pegden Pendred, cowkeeper, 34 Church street .
Mussared George G. fishmonger, IO Broad street. Pemble James, florist &apartments, 35 Grosvenor place
Mussared Hy. confectioner, 47 Fort rd. & I2A & ,:4-King st Parkins Edward Austin, bathing machine proprietor, Frog
Mussared James, baker, 90 High street farm, TiTOli road
Mussared Mercy (Miss), apartments, 36 Fort crescent Perkins Elizabeth (Mrs.), fancy draper, I24 High street
Musselwhite Edward, apartments, 14 Clifton gardens • Perman MaryElizabeth (Mrs.), ladies' schl. I3 .Addingtonst
Na.sh Henry, fancy repository & library, I Cliftonville ter- Perry :Frank, convalescent home, Chateau Belle vue, Wilder~
race, Northdown road ness hill .
Nash Horace, fishmonger, 75 High street & apartments, Pesseau Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 49 Athelstan road
20 Trinity square Peterkin S. E. music seller, I05 H1gh street
Nash L, A. (Miss), boarding house, 4 & 6 Clifton terrace, Peters John, greengrocer, 26 .Addington str.eet
Alexandra road, Cliftonville Petley Joseph, apartments~ Retreat villa, Garden row
Nayland Rock Hotel Co. Limited, Royal crescent · Petley Jsph. harbour master, Droit office,TheHarbour&Jetty
New College (Rev. George Hugh Jones F.A.s. head master), Petticrew Robert M. D., M. eh. surgeon, 99 High street
I6 Dalby square · Pet.tman Charlotte (Mrs.), bathing machine proprietress, 20
Newing J. W. baker, 12 Addington street , ClifLon gardens & New Town baths, Newgate cutting,
Newing Thomas, apartments, 8 Cliff terrace Cliftonville
Newlove (Mrs.), dress maker, 7I King street Pettman E. (Miss), Cliftonville baths, Eastern esplanade,
Newport (Mrs.), apartments, 8 Jubilee terrace, Eaton road Cliftonville
N ichol Frank Edward M.B. surgeon, II Ethelbert terrace Pettman Edwin, builder, Preston house, Northdown road
Nicholson John M.R.c. v.s. veterinary surgn. I Addiogton sq Pettman F. dairy, 14 Godwin road ·
Nicholson Rachel (Miss), preparatory school for boys, I8 Pettman Frederick L. furniture remover & depository&coal
Ethelbert crescent merchant, Grotto hill & S. E. Railway. See advert
Ninnis Helen Emma & Clara Jessie (Misses), preparatory Pettman (Mrs.), apartments, I Godwin road
school for boys, 63 Ethelbert road Pettman (Mrs.), apartments, I3 Godwin road ..
Noakes E. J. florist, Marine drive Pettman Richard, chemist, 49 Northumberland road
Noble James, apartments, 2 Dane Hill row Pettman Thomas Lewis, bath proprietor, 4 Sandown villas,
North Wilts Dairy Co. 62 High street Northdown road ·
Norton (Miss), professor of dancing, Fernleigh, .Arthur road Petts Charles, greengrocer, 62 Milton road
Norton (Mrs.), professor of mu~ic, Fernleigh, Arthor road Philanthropic Hall (George Gore, sec.), 4 Fort road
Norwood E. (Mrs.), apartments, I6 Fort crescent Phillips Alfred, apartments, 7 Jubilee terrace, Eaton road
Nutter Charles, plasterer, 41 Clifton cottages, Cliftonville Phillips (Mrs.), boarding house, 4 Royal ter. Canterbury rd
O'Clee Frederick E. butcher, I28 High street Phillips Robert, builder, King street & 34 Dane hill
O'Connor Patrick, apartments, 4 New Cross street Philpot Rosa (Miss), dress ma. & apartments, 62 Trinity sq
Ogden Francis, watch maker & jeweller, 43 & 45 Fort road Philpott Henry George, saddler & harness ptaker, 35 King
& II & I3 l''ort arcade street & Trinity hill
Olliver (John) &; Addis (Horace William), engineers & mill- Philpott James, apartments, 37 & 41 Fort crescent
wrights, Eaton road • Phipps James, Ethelbert hotel, 36 Ethelbert road
Osborn John, stone mason, New street Phipps James1 writer & grainer, 25 Brockley road
Osborn John Alfred, stone & marble mason & apartments, Pichard (Miss), apartments, xo Belgrave villas, Eaton road
7 Fort crescent · Pickering E. J. tailor, 12 High street
Osmond John. house decorator, 44 Dane road Pickford & Co. carriers & furniture removers (H. Russell,
Ottaway Susanah (Mrs.), general shop, 35 Milton road agent), Grosvenor place
Ovenden J. E. & Sons, bakers & manufacturing confec- Pier & Harbour Co. Droit office, The Harbour & Jetty
tioners (wholesale & retail), I Trinity square (Joseph Petley, harbour master; William Sowter, sec.;
Ovenden Stephen & Joseph, fly proprietors, 31 Bath road G. H. Watson, collector)
Ovenden William John; apartments, 5 St. John's street Pierce George, oyster rooms, 4 Andrew's place
Overton Henry, upholsterer, 9 Clifton gardens Pierce Mary Upton (Miss), apartments, 9 Ethelbert terrace
Overton W. J. furniture dealer 3, & house furnisher 39, Pitcher Alonzo Bilham, auctioneer & registrar of births &
Hawley street · deaths, Grosvenor place
Oxley & Co. l;mtchers, 37 Northumberland road Pileher Harriet .Alice (Mrs.), Prince of Wales P.H. xo8 High
Oxley Jam~ Edward, apartments, 30 Fort crescent street & Grosvenor place
Packer John, fruiterer, 38 King street Pile Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 22 Athelstan road
Packer Mary Ann (Miss), apartments, 6 Churchfield place Pitman Samuel James, carpenter & builder, I2 Caroline sq
Pain T. & Son, fruiterers & dairymen, 23 & 24 Zion phce Pittock George Mayres M.B.Lond., F.R.li.S. surgeon &
Pain C. M. (Mrs.), fruiterer &c. 43 Northumberland road admiralty surg~on &; agent for Margate & St. Nicholas, 23
Pain E. (Mrs.), boarding house, IO Clifton terrace, Cecil square
Alexandra road, Cliftonville Player Samuel B.A., F.R•.A.S. boys'.school, CambridgE! house,
Palmer Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 28 Marine terrace Northdown road. See advertisement
Pointer Frederick, house furnisher & upholsterer, 4 .Cecil
Palmer James, boot maker, IA & 4 Lombard street...
Palmer Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 6o Trimty square stre"et ; 4 <'!o 5 Cecil square ; 40 Hawley square; ware-
Palmar Robert WiUiam, apartments, 49 Ethelbert road house, 6 Herbert place ,
Papwortp Robert, bath chair proprietor, 45 Ethelbert road Pointer Mrs. confectioner, w6 High street
Paramor & Son, builders, contractors, brick makers & saw- PooleD. Jeffery, house agent, Eaton terrace & Tha.net.stealJl
ing & planing mills, Eaton road; Hall-by-the-Sea terrace laundry, 24 Eaton terrace, Eaton road
& Victoria terrace Poole Daniel, boarding school, I36 High street
Paramor James, apartments,.S Ethelbert crescent Port John, apartments, n Belgrave villas, Eaton road
Paramaur Herbert. Walter, b~ot maker, 25 Zion place Porter Horatio1 general ~hop, Buckingham road
Pratt WiUiam, grocer, 4 Westbrook place, Canterbury road Rolfe G. S. R. builder, Victoria road .
Price Alfred, greengrocer, 52 King street Rolfe George Samuel Richard, fruiterer, 121 High street
Price Charles, apartments, xo Eaton terrace, Eaton road Roots Frederick Beale, tobacconist, 58A, High street & apart.;
Price Jas. fruiterer & greengro. to Queen st. & 131 High st ments, 3 Jubilee terrace, Eaton road l
Price William Preston M.D. surgeon, 1 Ethelbert crescent Ross A. (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Ethelbert gardens
Pringle R. Wallace, school of music, 3 Hawley square Rossiter Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 13 Ethelbert road •
Pritchard Vincent, chimney sweeper, Wakefield house, Rosslyn Private Hotel (Mrs. B.oss, manageress), 6 & 7
Caroline cottages . Queen's gardens ·
Pryor William, apartments, 6 Magdala viis. Northdown rd Rousell George, greengrot>.er, 1 Clifton viis. Clifton gardens '
Pull John, apartments, 17 Marine terrace Rowe T. S. & Son, coal merchants, Durham house, II7 Higq
Putnam Mrs. apartments, 5 Melrose villas, Canterbury road street & 2 Newby's place
Pyle Henry, apartments, 48 Marine terrace Rowe Thomas & Co. corn merchants, Newby's place
Pyle John B. apartments, 13 Brook terrace, Eaton rDad Rowe Thomas Smith & Arthur, surgeons, I Cecil street
Pysden Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, West Cliff lodge, Rowlinson William, apartments, 8 Ethelbert road
Fort crescent Rowlinson William Edward, tea merchants, I4 The Parade.
Quelch Edward, basket maker, xo New Cross street Royal Assembly Rooms (D. Ross, proprietor), Cecil square
.Quickenden Edwin, draper, II9A, High street & grocer & Royal Crescent College for Ladies (Mrs. C. Lord, principal}~
baker, 10 Charlotte place 5 Royal crescent, Westbrook
Royal National Lifeboat Institution, Lifeboat station, the.
Quinnell William, apartments, 22 Dane Hill row
Ramsgate Smack Owners' Ice Co. Limited (Philip Pepperell, Harbour & Jetty ·->
manager), 4 Cold Harbour Royal Sea Bathing Infirmary (Thomas S. Rowe .M.D. con-
Ranshaw Carter, boot maker, 10 Ethelbert road sulting surgeon; W. Knight Treves F.R.c.s.Eng. Bertram
Rapson John, draper, 74 High street Thornton & Arthur W. Rowe M.D. visiting surgeons;. G ...
Rapson Robert, hosier & tailor, 23 High street H. Chexfield, superintendent; Rev. J. Leech Bell, chap-
Ravensworth High Class School for Girls, Cliftonville. lain ; A. B. Pierce, sec.), Canterbury road
See advertisement Royal York Hotel (facing the sea), comfortable & commo-
Rawlins Charles William, watch maker, 166 High street
dious apartments, in all essentials unsurpassed (G. W~
Ray Herbert, chemist, druggist & proprietor of Herbert Heeve, proprietor)
Ray's vegetable pills 3, & surgeon dentist 12, Cecil square Russell Edward, apartments, 35 :Martne terrace
Rayner Edward Howard, grocer: & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, Sackett Edward, apartments, 70 Trinity square
wine & spirit merchants, 52 High street ; 13 Cliff terrace Sackett Stephen S. carrier, 30 Northumberland road
& post office, 15 Milton square; ale & stout stores, New st Sadler R. china & glass dealer, IOI High street
Rayner Misses. apartments, 4 Stanley road Sailors' Reading Room & Observatory (John Crawford J.P.
Read Ethel & Lottie (.Misses), dress makers, 26 Zion place hon. sec.), Fort arcade
Read James, tailor, 10 Zion place St. John's Hall, Cecil street & I Hawley square ..,
Read Mrs. apartments, 2 Belmont villas, Canterbury road St. Mildred's Home (Miss A. Ginger, superintendent), 8
Upper grove
Ready Ann (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, I2IA, High street
Redman Robert, grocer, 37,39 & 41 King street & 15 Clifton Samson Mrs. apartments, Holland house, Arthur road
Sanderson Charles, Arcadian hotel & restaurant, 22 Fort rd
gardens & butcher & gr&cer, Trinity hill
Redwood William, hair dresser, 20 King st. & 40 Fort road Sant!om Thomas S. boot maker & outfitter, 68 & 70 High
street & 41 Fort road
Reeve & Co. mineral water manufactory, Hawley street
Sandwell Stephen W. job master, 9 Mill lane
Reeve Charles J. architect & surveyor, Grosvenor place
Reeve George Whitbread, Royal York hotel, The Parade Sanger's Hall-by-the-Sea & Zoological Gardens (Gus. Foster,.
manager), Marine terrace
Reeve John, auctioneer, Estate offices, Grosvenor place
Sankey Herbert Tutton, clerk of the peace, II Cecil square
Reussuer Mrs. ladies' school, 3 Eastern esplanade
S-.tnkey Percy E. solicitor, II Cecil square
Reynolds .Joseph, baker, 13 New Cross street
Reynolds Mrs. apartments, II Jubilee terrace, Eaton road Santer William, apartments, 3 Marine terrace
Satchell William, Albion hotel, The Parade
Rhodes E. W. draper I22A, & outfitter 126, High street
S,mnders Frances (Mrs.), apartments, x6 Clifton terrace.,
Rice E. F. fancy draper, 43 High street
Alexandra road
Richards Robert, bill poster, 53 King street
Savage Mrs. apartments, 56 Godwin road
Richards William, fishmonger, 67 King street ,
Savin Edward, jun. fly proprietur, 8 New street
Riddle Sarah (Miss), apartments, I6 The Parade
Rigden William Edward & John, brewers & spirit mer- Savin I<'rederick L. coal dealer, 34 King street
Sd.vin George, fly proprietor, 10 New street
chants, Mill lane
Bigden Herbert James, butcher, 20 Victoria road Savin George, smith, 36 King street
Bigden-Major Mrs. dress maker, 7 Northumberland road Savin John, fly proprietor, 9 New street
Roberts A. F. (Mrs.), boardin~ house, 19 Dalby square Sayer Edward, apartments, 1 Jubilee terrace, Eaton road
Roberts Amelia (Mrs.), laundress, 22 Milton road Sayer George, boot maker, 53 Milton roan
Roberts Charles, apartments, Sil verdale, Sweyn road Sayer Jacob, shoe maker, 8 Prince's crescent
Roberts Edward, apartments, Crayford, Sweyn road Sayer James Wellman, apartments, 43 & 44 Marine terrace
Roberts George, apartments, 3 Beatrice villas, Sweyn road Sayer John, apartments, 7 Buenos Ayres
Sayer Mary Ann (Mrs.), stay maker, 150 High street
Roberts John L. china & glass dealer, 5 Trinity hill
Robertson Emily S. K. (Mrs.), dining rooms, II Trinity hill Sayers William, apartments, Winterton villa, Crescent road
Robertson George Alien, First & Last P.H. 19 Vicarage pl Scarlett John Waiter, sec. to Margate & District Trade Pro-
tection Association, 4 Cecil square
Robins Edwin, apartments, 24 Fort road
Robins Frederick, apartments, 39 Ethelbert road Scatliff Arthur William D.Ph. physician & surgeon & medi-
Robins George, apartments, 17 Trinity square cal officer of health to the corporation & urban sanitary
Robins George, grocer, &c. r6 Zion place authority, 2 Clifton terrace, Alexandra road
Robins George, jun. apartments, IO Trinity square Schindler Christian, professor of languages, 2 St. Paul's rd
Robins Jabez, carpenter, 3 Trinity square Scholes Mrs. apartments, 49 Trinity square ,
Robins Myra (Mrs.), apartments, 9 N urthumberland road
Schwarar Emma (Mrs.), apartments, so Alexandra road
Scott James, Queen's Head P.H. 10 Market place
Robins William, apartments, 19 Trinity square
Robins William, shoe maker, 9 Grotto road Scott Willia.m, apartments, 35 Dane hill
Robins William S. boot maker, King street . Sear William Lane, architect, Union row
Bobinson Edwd. cabinet maker & apartments, 29Marine ter Searle Misses, ladies' school, 26 Hawley square
Robinson Mrs. dining rooms, II Marine drive Seaside Home of the Young Men's Christian Association
Robinson Rachel (Miss), apartments, 25 Marine terrace (London) (W. Owens Mell, manager), Shaftesbury house,
Robinson Rachel Ann (Miss), apartments, 17 Albert terrace 6 Marine terrace
Robinson Richard, stationer, & agent for the Glacier window Selkirk Mrs. apartments, Beresford house, Eaton road
decorations, 4 Queen street . Sellwood Sidney, marine store dealer, I Milton square
Rogers Annie (Miss), boarding house, 13 Dalby square Setterfield Charles, greengrocer, 165 High street
Rogers Charles W. stationer &c. 74 Northumberland road Setterfield E. E. (Mrs.), apartments, 63 Trinity square
Rogers Emma (Miss), apartments, 2I Dalby square Setterfield Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Bath place
Rogers Henry, apartments, 51 Ethelbert road Setterfield John, confectioner, 122 High street
Rogers James, apartments, Vernon house, Northdown road Setterfield Stephen, apartments, 6 Prince's street
Rogers John, boot maker, 9 St. John's street • . Setterfield Thomas, smith, 79 King street
Rogers M. J. greengrocer, 68 Northumberland road Seward George, hair dresser, 27 Zion place ·
Ro~ers S. A. (Miss), dress maker, 163 High street Sexton H. E. confectioner, 192 High street
Rogers William Robert, fruiterer &c. 2, & grocer & wine & Sharp Thomas P. apartments, 5 Prince's street
beer merchant 3 & 4• Cliftonville terrace, Northdown road Sharpus John W. china & glass warehouse, 25 High street
Rogers William Stamper Waugh, baker, 24 Charlotte place Shaw Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 41 & 43 Athelstan road ;
Rolfe Betsy (Miss), apartments, 3 Fort crescent Shelvey R. J. greengrocer, & post office, r71 High street
45Q • KENT. ,...
.i u
Shepherd, Neame & Co. brewers; offices & stores, L. C. & D. Suckling Horace F. upholsterer, SPark place
Summerfield Sarah (Mrs.), greengrocer, 3l Bath roa• d
Station yard
Sheppard George, Sheppard's Hotel, Fort road Button's Parcels Express (Edwin Thorne, agent), x8 Cecil SCJ
Shipway Chas. propr. of The Grotto, &fancy repos. Grotto hill Sykes William A. apartments, 8 Albert terrace
Shrubsall Richard Wallace (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Arthur rd Syrett Arthur Edwin, confectioner, 47 High street
Simmons George (Mrs.), apartments, 8 Fort crescent Tannenbaum Nathan, pawnbroker & jeweller, 4 King street.
Simpson J. F. (Mrs.), boot maker, I6 Hawley square Tanner Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, S Caroline square
Simpson Matthew, apartments, 4 Royal crescent Tanner George, apartments, 7 Addington square
Sinclair William, apartments, 4 Jubilee terrace, Eaton road Tappenden Richard, town crier, I 55 High streei
Sinclair William, boot maker, I3 Churchfield place Taylor Albert Edward, Liverpool Arms P.H. 22 Charlotte pi
Singer Manufacturing Co. (Rd. :Fairclotb, agent), 8S High st Taylor F. (Miss), apartments, 23 Athelstan road
Sisley Jones Dadd, painter &c. 16 Hawley street. Taylor John, fishmonger, 164 High street
Small Harriet (Mrs.), apartments, 14 Dalby square Taylor Thomas, apartments, I7 Ethelbert road
Smart Miss, school, 23 Addington road Taylor Waiter, coal merchant, 56 Dane road & 8 Mill lane
Smith J. W. & Sons, saddlers, I6 Market place Terrell Richard, apartments, 23 Clifton street
Smith John & Co. grocers, 3S Dane hill Terry R. F. draper, 3 Cecil street
Smith Annie N. (Miss), apartments, 394 Ethelbert gardens Testa Mrs. apartments, I Park lane
Smith Emily (Mrs.), apartments, 38 Fort crescent Thanet Guardian & Margate & Ramsgate Record (Frederici:
Smith George, apartments, 6 Ethelbert terrace Ward, printer & publisher ; published saturday), High st
Smith George, apartments, 22 Pleasant place THANET. TRADE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION for the-
Smith George Mence, oil & color man, I 8 Market place district of Margate, Broadstairs, St. Peter's, Westgate-on-
Smith Henry, apartments, 3 Allendale villas, Thanet road, Sea & Birchington (W. Alexander Gibson, sec.), 4 Hawley
Smith J. W. job master, Fort road street. See advertisement ·
Smith James William, riding & job master, livery & bait Theatre Royal (Mi~ Sarah Thorne, lessee), Add~>ton st
stables, St. James' mews (near the Theatre Royal), & Thirton A. W. ironmonger, 35 Hawley street
White Hart mews, Fort road. See advertisement Thomas Martha (Miss), ladies' school, Goodwood house,
Smith Richard, apartments, IS Clifton gardens Northdown road
Smith Thomas (Mrs.), confectioner, I03 High street Thomas Mrs. apartments, 2 Queen's terrace, Canterbury rd
Smith William M. B.A. school, see Leetham & Smith Thomas Stephen, wheelwright, 48 Dane road
Smugglers' Caves (The), Trinity square Thompson Mrs. apartments, 6 Rose terrace, Westbrook rd
Snow SarahAnn (Miss), apartments, 3 Zion place Thompson Mrs. apartments, 24 Trinity square
Sod.en William, apartments, 36 Hawley square Thomson Robert, surgeon, see White & Thomson
Soffe Mrs. ladies' underclothing warehouse, I5 The Parade Thorne Edwin, fancy repository, 18 Cecil square
Solly Alfred Jabez, boot maker, I Marlborough ter. Tivoli rd Thornton Bertram, surgeon, I4 Cecilsqua.re
Solly Isaac, apartments, 4 Brook terrace, Eaton road Thorpe Charles Henry (Mrs.), boarding house, 7 Royal crfJSI
Solly Thomas (Mrs.), apartments, IO Ethelbert gardens Thresher James, apartments, II Godwin road
Somas M. A. (Mrs.), news agent, I25 High street Thunder Ann (Mrs.), greengrocer, I52 High street
Somes Victor Emanuel, news agent, 33A, Hawleystreet Thurston John, Elephant hotel, High street & Kent hotel.,
Somes William, watch maker, 4 Cranbourne alley Marine terrace
Soup Kitchen (Thomas Wootton, sec.), I Alkali row Tilbe Thomas, apartments, 8 New Cross slireet
South Eastern Railway Parcels office (Herbert Simpson, Tilley E. (:Mrs.), apartments, Fair Leigh, x6 Gordon road
manager), IS The Parade 'fimbrell Henry (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Caroline square
South of England Telephone Co. Limited, I5 Cecil square Timms Helen (Mrs.), general shop, 31 Milton road
Sowter William, sec. to Pier & Harbour Co. (Droit office), Todd Ellen (Mrs.), marine store dealer, 137 High street .k
The Harbour & Jetty Love lane; wardrobe dealer, 139 High street ; & apart-
Spain Charles, apartments, 46 Dane road ments, 6 Belgrave villas, Eaton road
Sparks Charles, London tavern, Addington street Tompson E. (Miss), apartments, 9 Fort Paragon
Spencer Benjamin, apartments, 2r Albion terrace Tookey Herbert, stationer, IS Paradise street
Spratt George, apartments, 19 Pleasant place Town Henry, wood merchant, 14 Paradise street
Sprules Henry Edgar,;apartments, Elmhurst, Sweyn road · Townsend James, apartments, 12 Eaton terrace, Eaton road
Stamp Office (Joseph Hawkins, distributor), Cecil square TorrianiC.&Sons,cafe restaurants,22&44High st.&Marine drv
Staner George, auctioneer, III High street Town Hall (J. F. Kevis, keeper), Market place
Stanford Edward, boot maker, 3 Cranbourne alley Treves William Knight F.R.c.s.Eng. surgeon, 3I Dalby sq
Stanley Frederick, manager & collector of borough of Mar- Tribe Mary Ann (Miss), apartments, 9 Athelstan road
gate water department, 6 Clifton gardens Trimnell Herbert, apartments, IS Athelstan road
Stanard Frank William, apartments, 64 Trinity square Trinder Elizabeth (Mrs.), fancy repository; 3 Westbrook
Station Hotel & Boarding House (Emanuel J. Samuels), 14 place, Canterbury road
Buenos Ayres Tritt George Marshall, apartments, 20 Union crescent
Station Hotel Restaurant (Emanuel J. Samuels), Station rd Tubbs William Thomas Henry, tobacconist, 7 Trinity hill
Stedall William, tailor, I3 Broad street Turner Andrew, bookseller, 87 High street
Stedman William, educational home, 34 Athelstan road Turner L. A. (Mrs.), apartments, 5 & 7 Athelstan road
Stevens Mrs. Hoy hotel, 'fhe Parade Tutt George Marshal!, apartments, 20 Union crescent
Stewart George, shoe maker (Sweyn cottage), Sweyn road Tweedie G. R. F.c.s. school of chemistry, 54 Hawley sqnar~
Stewart Henry William, outfitter, 36 Clifton terrace, Alex- Twyman E. (Mrs.), apartments, 25 Dane Hill row
andra road, Cliftonville Twyman John William, coal merchant, 4 Caroline square .it.
Stewart Mrs. apartments, 3 Queen's terrace, Canterbury rd 2IA, Northumberland road
Stickels Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 30 Dane hill Twyman William, oyster rooms, 3 Love lane
Stickles Geo. fly prop. I Cliftonville mews & 65 Godwin road Union Club (Toke H. Boys, hon. sec.), 2 Cecil square
Stickland Miss, apartments, Lyndhurst, Sweyn road Upton Henry, apartments, 5 Pleasant place
Stigant Thos. Wm. hosier, :n & I2 Market pl. & Lombard st Vanhear Robert, furniture dealer, I49 High street
Still Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Zion place Veal John, station master L. C. & D. Railway station
Stillwell Harriet (Mrs.), apartments, 27 Marine terrace Verstage Charles, boot maker, 28 Zion place
Stimpson George, chemist, I 10 High street Waldby Thomas, cabinet maker, Pleasant place
Stokes C. & Son, cowkeepers & dairymen, 56 Addington st Wales Joseph, builder & contractor, Crescent lodge, UnioD
Stokes Charles George, station master, East Margate station crescent ; workshop, Grotto road. See advertisement
(L. C. & D. railway), Ramsgate road Wales Martha (Mrs.), apartments, I7 Sweyn road
Stokes George P. apartments, I I Park place Walker Harriet (Mrs.), berlin wool warehouse, 3 'High st
Stokes John, Updown farm, Updown Walker Janet (Mrs.), apartments, Guilsborough ho.Sweyn rd.
Stokes John, school for young gentlemen, 28 St. Peter's Walker William Morris, apartments, 2 Fort Paragon
road. See advertisement Wallis W. D. & Son, butchers, 7 Market street
Stokes Mrs. apartments, I2 Brook terrace, Eaton road Wallis T. boarding house & confectioner, 17 Hawley street .
Stone William, baker, 75 King street Wallis William Daniel, butcher, 86 Northumberland road
Stranack Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 2I Fort road Walworth Elizabeth (Mrs.), leather seller, 6 Lombard st
Stredwick Henry, apartments, 44 Victoria road Walsham Elizh (Mrs.), certificated midwife, II Church sq
Stride EmmaSutton(Mrs. ), lndrJi.Margatelndry. 73 Dane rd Walton James Mersey, professor of dancing, I Booth place
Stroud Edward John, apartments, 14 Ethelbert road Wanstall B. (Mrs.), shoeing smith, Milllane
Stroud Mrs. dress maker, 12 Hawley square Wanstall Minnie (Mrs.), dyer & cleaner, 3 New Cross stree~
Stroud Thos. house decorator & apartments, 4 Athelstan rd Wanstall Percy, butcher, n St. John's street
Stroud W. H. florist & fruiterer, 7S High street & 36 Fort rd Ward Mrs. & Wootten Miss, ladies' school, Lynton house;.
Strouts Edwd. Gouge, apartments, 4 Allendale vls.Thanet rd Northdown road
Ward l<'rederick, "Thanet Guardian" office, & printer &sta·
Sturges Samuel, naturalist, 38 & 39 Trinity square
tioner, 45 High street ; 29 Fort road & Paradise street.
Styles James Henry, apartments, I8 Dane Hill road
Ward Harry, apartments, 2 Ethelbert road Wilks George, Star inn, I6I High street
Warne Mrs. ladies' school, 4 Canterbury viis. Canterbury rd Willett F. W. draper u, & boot maker 13, High street,
Warner Fanny (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Sweyn road
& milliner, Marine drive & I8 High street
Warner J. furn!ture dealer, 14 Hawley street Williams Eleannr Elizabeth (Miss), preparatory school for
Warner John, apartments, I3 Eaton terrace~ Eaton road boys, Stafford house, Edgar road
Warren George, leather dealer, 2 Charlotte place Williams F. R. (Mrs.), apartments, I] Gordon road
Wastall Edward George, wine & spirit merchant, 19 High st Williams George Abraham, boarding house, 9 St. Paul's rd.
Water Works (Thos. B. Mason, resident engineer), Tivoli rd Willy Ambro.se, surgeon, 9 Magdala viis. Northdown road
WatkinMrs. apartments, 9 Jubilee terrace, Eaton road Willmott Thomas, apartments, 5 Trinity square
Watler Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 13 Buenos Ayres Wilshaw Miss, apartments, 22 Union crescent
Watson Frances (Mrs.), greengrocer, 7 St. John's street Wilson John, apartments, I7 Clifton gardens
Watson Frederick Harry, coal factor & hay & straw sales- Wilson William, apartments, I Hearne villas, Sweyn road
man, Herbert place, Mill lane Wilton John (Mrs.), apartments, 26 Marine terrace
Watson Frederick Stephen, apartments, 3 Union row Winch Charles, butcher, 92 & 18o High street
Watson G.H.(Mrs. ),apartments,28 Clifton ter.Alexandra rd Winch Harry, fly proprietor, I9 Church street
Watson George Harry, collector (Droit office), The Harbour Winch James Charles. carriage proprietor, I8 Church squar&
& Jetty Winch Miss, ladies' school, 7 Grosvenor ter. Grosvenor pl
Watson H.G.china & glass dealer u,& ironmongr.13,King st Wise James (Mrs.), apartments. 25 Gordon road
Watson James, apartments, 55 Trinity square Wise W. farrier, Rolfe's yard, Victoria road
Watson Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 34 Clifton terrace, Wise William, fancy repository, 22 Ethelbert road
Alexandra road Wolfe John, apartments, 27 & 29 Ethelbert road
WatsonWm. boot ma. IClifton pl. &46 Clifton ter. Alexndra.rd Wood Daniel, apartments, 4 Jt'ort Paragon
Watson WJ.lliam, apartments, 13 Marine terrace Wood Daniel, boot maker, 37 Hawley street
Watson William, fruiterer & greengrocer,.89 High street Wood Henry, The Criterion restaurant& flrivatehotel,24, 3~
Watson William, greengrocer, Eaton road & 32 High street & Marine drive
·watt Frederick, The Bull's Head hotel, I Market place Woodcock Mary (Mrs.), apartments, I7 Zion place
Weale William, Randolph hotel, Zion place Woodruff W. C. watch maker, 5 High street
Webb & Co. brewers & maltsters, Fort brewery; office, Woodward Harold, West End restaurant, so & 51 Marine ter
5 King street ; & maltsters at Sandwich Woodward Joseph, apartments, 5 Ethelbert terrace
Webb lsaac, greengrocer, 36 Pleasant place Woodward Richard Henden, apartments, 4 Ethelbert ter
Webster Mrs. ladies' school, Claremont, Harold road Woodwar<J. William, poulterer, 37 Clifton street
Webster Reginald T. solicitor, 23 Harold road Woodward Wm. Hy. builder, 2 Eton vi!s. & 22A, Zion plac&
Weeks George, apartments, I3 Gordon road Woolls John Thomas, apartments, I8 Cliff terrace
Weight Priscilla (Mrs.), apartments, 33 Gordon road Wootton Alfred & Son, auctioneers, ¥aluers & house & estate
Wellard George, jobbing gardener, I8 Cliftou street agents ; offices, 20 Marine drive ; sale rooms, Albert ter-
Wellard Jane (Miss), apartments, 20 & 2I Marine terrace race. See advertisement
Wells George, apartments, I6 Dane Hill row Wootton Alfred, private hotel & boarding house, Fort lodge,.
Wells Harry, beer retailer, 218 High street 33 & 34 Fort crescent
Wells Robt. John, lime merchant, Sladden villa, Thane't rd Wootton E. S. (Mrs.), corn factor, 112 High street & Love la. I
Wells Thos. West, apartments, 2 Thorne vls. Addington rd Wootton Edward S. chemist, 76 High street
Wernbam George, The Saracen's Head P.H. I29 High street Wootton Henry, grocer & provision merchant, I] Paradise st.
West Arthur, saddler, 8 Cedl street Wootton T. (Mrs.), apartments, I Gordon road
West Mrs. apartments, 2 Royal Crescent viis. Canterbury rd Worster Alex. billiard rooms, Fort arcade
West Thomas, apartments, 27 Fort crescent Wotton Leonard, apartments, 19 Cliff terrace
Wetherbead George Robert, confectioner, 2I Dane road Wotton MaryAnn Elizh. (Mrs.), MulberryTree tavrn. Dane rd
WeymoutbEd wd.Chas. bldr. IBeaconsfield ter.Huckinghm.rd Wraight Noah Wm. fl.y proprietor, St. John's cot. Arnoldrd.
Whait Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Ethelbert crescent Wray Joseph, furniture dealer, 5 Cranbourne alley
Wharton Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 50 Addington street Wright Emily (Miss), apartments, 7 Gordon road
"Wheeler Thomas, photographer, 63 High street Wright Louis, apartments, 2t Grosvenor place
White & Thomson, surgeons, IS Cecil square Wright Miss, ladies' school, .Branscombeho. Northdown rd
White Edward Alexander M.A.,M.D., M. eh. surgeon, & medical Wright Waiter John, stationer, 3 King street
officer & public vaccinator, Margate district, Isle of Yeatmau Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Marine terrace
Tbanet Union & certifying factory surgeon, 5 Marine Yeoman John, hair dresser, 8I High street ·
terrar.e Yeoman R. E. draper, 4 & 5 Market place
White Emma (Mrs.), confectioner, I40 High street Yeomanson Emily (Mrs.), laundress, 89 Dane road
White Harry Edward, dini,tg rooms, 58 High street Young Men's Christian Association (R. Sholl, see.), 9 & IOt
White Mrs. boarding house, 33 & 34 Dalby square Churchfield place
White James, apartments, 40 Trinity square Young Eliza (Miss), apartments, 26 Dalby square
White John (Mrs.),apartments, 4 Trinity square Yonng Frank, butcher, 9 Hawley street
White Selina E. (Mrs.), apartments, 38 Addington street Young Frederick, draper, 32 & 33 Zion place
Whitehead James, chimney sweeper, 2 Lombard street Young S. J. dyer & cleaner, 7 Market place
Whitehead T. B. greengrocer, 86 High street Young H. W. butcher, 82 High street
Whitnall Edward, apartments, 65 Trinity square
Suburbs of St. John's Parish. •
Farmer Josepb, Chapel Hill house Chapman Thomas Young, farmer, Vin- NewportThos.B. market gardnr. Lydden.
Friend James Taddy J.P. Northdown cent farm, Vincent Orchin Wm.dairymn. Salmstone grang&
HatfeildCapt.Chas.TaddyJ.P.Hartsdwn Harlow Herbert W. farmer, Hospital PartisJohn,WheatSheaf inn,Northdown.
Ind Thomas Messiter J.P. Drapers mills farm, Northdown PerkinsWilliam,farmer,Fletefarm,Flete
Lawrence William, Chapel hill Higgs William, supt. St. John's Ceme- PetleyFk.farmer,NashCourt farm,Nash
Starr Capt. G. L. H. Flete cot. Flete tery, Salmstone grange PointerAugustus,farmr.Nash frm.Nasa
Sutton l<'rederick, Updown ho. Updown Iud Bros. millers & bakers, Drapers mill PriceMrs.Crown&Sceptre P.H.Chapel hl
Wastall Edward George, Chapel Hill J ohnsonStephen,blacksmith,Northdown Ralph Edward, farmer, Lydden
lodge, Chapel hill Manser Herbert, farmer, Omers farm, Sackett Bazilla, farmer, Northdown
COMMERCIAL. Northdown Setter:fieldWilliam,carpentr.Northdown.
AtwellJn.farmer&fly propr.Xorth down Marsh John, farm bailiff, Hartsdown Setterfield William, farmer, Northdown
Bishop Thonias, brick ma. Shottendane Maybourn Alfred, farmer, Shottendane Sharp Wm. market gardener, Lydden
.&wroo Emma (Miss), supt. Drapers farm, Shottendane Stokes Jn.farmer, Updown frm. Updowa
Almshouses, Drapers Mummery Martha (Mrs.),farmer,Chalk Theobald Richard, farmer, Northdown.
GongerJn. Wesley,farmer,Drapers farm Hole farm Tofts Mrs. lodging house, Northdown
MARX: BEECH is an ecclesiastical parish formed in secrated in 1852: it consists of chancel, nave, south porch
1852 from the civil parishes of Cowden and Hever, halt a and a small tower on the north side with shingled spire and
mile north from Cowden station on the London and Brighton containing one bell dated I852: all the windows in the:
railway, 3 miles south-east from Edenbridge, in the South chancel are stained, and there are I4o sittings. The register
Western division of the county, Somerden hundred, lathe of dates from the year I852. The living is a vicarage, net
Button-at-Hone, Tonbridge petty sessional division, Seven- yearly value £46, with vicarage house and Ioi act"es. of
oaks nnioo, county court district of East Grinstead, and in glebe, in the gift of J. Gilbert Talbot esq. M.P. and held
the rnral deanery of Tonbridge, archdeaconry of Maidstone since I852 by the Rev. Robert Shapland Hunt M. A. of
and diocese of Canterbury. The church of the Holy Trinity, Exeter College, Oxford. Falconhurst, the seat of J. Gilbert
a building of stone in the Early English style, was erected Talbot esq. D.C.I•• , M.P., D.L., J.P. is a stone building in th&
bJ the late Hon. John Chetwynd Talbot Q.C. and con- Jacobean style, and commands some fine views of the sur-
45t:s MARK BEECH• KE~T. · [KELLY's
rounding country. The principal landowners are J. Gilbert a.m. & 1 p.m. & dispatched at 9.30 a.m. & 7 p.m.;.
Talbot esq. n.c.L., M.P., D.L., J.P. and the trustees of the Sundays, n.3o a. m. The nearest money order office is at
late Right Hon. Sir Richard Baggallay P.C. (d. i:888). The Cowden & telegraph office at Cowden Ratlway station
WALL LETTER Box at the school, cleared at 6.35 p.m. &
soil is various; subsoil, generally gravelly.
n.sin x88x was ~u6. ·
Sexton, Thomas Bloice.
The population
a.m. on sundays
PosT OFFICE, Cowden Pound.-G. Larigridge, sub-post- National School (mixed), built in x853, for 45 children; aver.,.
mMter. Letters are delivered from Edenbridge at 7 ' age attendance, 36~ Miss Jane Scott, t;nistress
Hunt Rev. RoQert Shapland M.A.[vicar] Burfoot Christopher,Kentish Horse P.B;. Langridge G. Queen's Arms P.R. grocer,
TalbotJn.Gilbertn.c.L., M.P.,D.L., J.l'. Post office, Cowden Pound
& farmer
Falconhurst; & xo Gt. George st. & Chandler Thomas, farmer SewmanMattbew,farmr.Horseshoegrn
Carlton &Travellers'clubs, London sw Creasy Edward, shopkeeper Reed W. H. farmer
Newland Miss, Horse Shoe green Dam~George,coal wer.Horse Shoe green Winnifrith John, Victoria l'.R. & black·
Wodehouse 1''. The Cottage Hi.scock Mark, beer retaileT
smith, Horse Shoe green
WEST MARSH is an ecclesiastical parish, formed An iron room was erected in x889 by Mrs. Rundell, at a oost
from the parish of Ash (next Sandwich) on the 29th June, of about £4o, as a reading room &c. and will hold 100
1849, and comprises the hamlets of WESTMA'RSH, PARAMOUR persons. Here is a Wesleyan chapel. The principal land•
STREET, WARE, NAsH and HoADEN, pleasantly situated on owners are Sir Henry Montagu Oxenden bart. who is lord
rising grolind, 4 miles north-west from Sa.ndwich and 10 of the manor, Marquess Conyngham, Earl Cowper K.G., P.C.
east from Canterbury, in the Eastern division of the county, Lord Northbourne, A. Denne esq. and Emmanuel College,
Wingham hundred and petty sessional division,· lathe of St. Cambridge. The soi1 is rich loam; subsoil, clay. The
Augustine, Eastry union, Sandwich county court district, chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, hops and market garden
and in the rural deanery of East Brid~e and archdeaconry produce. The area is 2,000 acres ; the population in x88z
and diocese of Canterbury. The church of the Holy Trinity was 417.
is a small edifice of brick in a modern style, consisting of Letters from Sandwich, via\ Ash, arrive at 8 a. m.; Ash is the
.chance~, nave, south porch and a turret at the west end con- nearest money order & telegraph office
taining one bell: a few of the windows are stained, and WALL LETTER Box, ~leared at 7·45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. &
there are x8o sittings. The register dates from the year 7.30 a.m. on sundays .
1861~ The living is a vicarage. gross yearly value £250, National School (mixed), erected in 1873, for So children~
twith residence, in the gift of the Arehbishop of Canterbury, average attendance, 59; Robert James Briscall, master
and held since x884 by the Rev. William Joseph Rundell. Mrs. Maria Briscall, mistress
Rundell Rev. WilliamJoseph, Vicarage· Court Edward, jun. market gardener Maxted Robert Gouge, farmer & ho}l
Solley Mrs Court Frederick, market gardener grower, Hoaden
Court Stephen, market gardener, Nash Minter Frank, farmer, Nash
Drake John, farm bailiff for Edward Neame l''redk. farmer, Uphousdenfal'~Jl
.AdamsGeo.markt.gat'denr.Parmourst Kelsey, Barton farm Pettman George, shopkeeper
Bax John, Rose l'.H Elgar John, beer retailer, Ware lPet.tman Jn. farmer &marketgardener
Bennett Thomas, beer retailer, Hoaden Elgar Thomas, market gardener Quelch Frederick Wm. farmer, Ware
Buddle Thomas Hy. blacksmith, Ware Hammond Henry, farmer Ralph Daniel, farmer, Paramour stree
Castle Wm. jun. market gardener, Ware Kendall Eliza (Mrs. ),markt.grdnr.Nash Solley Albert, farmer, Paramour street
Cook Charles, farmer, Nash Lilliott Jt.ne (Mrs.), market gardener Stiff Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Nash
Court Edward, market gardener Marsh Henry Cook, farmer, Nash Teall Frederick, farmer, Hoaden
MEOPHAM is a parish and very pleasant village, situ- ward Lewis M.A. of Lincoln College, Oxford. There is a
ated on the road from Gravesend to Wrotham, having a Baptist chapel with a schoolroom apd vestry attached.
station on the London, Chatham and Dover railway, 25~ Meopham Court is the residence of Ralph Hart Tweddellesq.
miles from London, 5 south from Gravesend, in the Mid J.P. and Camer of William Allan Smith-Masters lii.A., l.P.
division of the county, Toltringtrough hundred, lathe of The Ecclesiastical Commissioners are lords of the manor.
Aylesford, Roohester petty sessional division, Strood union, The principal landowners are William Allan Smith-MasterS
Gravesend county court district, and in the rural deanery of esq. M. A., .J.P. R. H. Tweddell esq. J.P. and the Rev. J. W.
Cobham and archdeaconrv and diocese of Rochester. The. Crookes. The soil, which varies, is principally loam; sub-
church of St. John the Baptist is a fine building wholly of soil, gravel and chalk. The chief crops are grain and hops.
tlint, in the Early English, Decorated and Perpendicular The area is 4,713 acres; rateable value, £9,68o. The
.styles, built by Simon de Meopham before he became Arch- population in 1881 was 1,220.
bishop of Canterbury, dedicated in May, 1325, and was re- PRIESTWOOD is x! miles south-east; HARVEL, 2 mil~
.stored by Archbishop Courtenay in 1396: it consists of south; Hoo GREEN, a mile north.
ehancel, clerestoried nave of five bays, aisles, porches and an CuLVERSTONE GREEN is partly in this parish; Culvel'·
embattled western tower of massive proportions in the Early stone School church, a pretty brick building, was opened by
English style, containing" a clock and 5 bells: a hagioscope, the Bishop of Rochester in the spring of 1873: it has 16o
with the original iron grille and two piscinre, are still pre- sittings.
served: the church was thoroughly restored in 1859, with Parish Clerk, William Whiffen.
the exception of the west end and doorway, which were com- Pos-r, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.
pleted in 1870: the stained east window was given by Mrs. -Joseph Clark, postmaster. Letters from Gravesend
Barnett, who at the same time erected a handsome rerados, arrive at 8 a.m. & 12 p.m.; dispatcned at 12.45 & 6
the whole being in memory of her husband, Robert Barnett p.m. No dispatch on sundays
esq. late of Meopham Court: Mrs. Barnett, in September, PosT OFFICE, Hoo Green.-Henry Bishop, receiver. Letters
1:877, presented a tower clock with two faces: in the south from Gravesend arrive at 7·35 & 11.15 a.m.; dispatch~
aisle are two stained windows, one prasented by the late at x & 6. 15 p. m
Rev. Allan Smith-Masters, of Camer, in this parish (d. 1875), SCHOOLS : -
in memory of his daughter Edith, and the other by his son, National (mixed), built in 1840, for xoo children, & since
William Allan Smith-Masters esq. M.A., J.P. the present very much enlarged to hold xso; average attendance,
owner of Camer, in memory of his father: the stained win· xoo; Frederick Whait, master
dow in the tower was presented by W. Dawson esq. of Cob· Culverstorie (mixed) (&Church Mission), for 100 children;
• barn, and there are two memorial windows in the chancel to average attendance, 44; Miss Lester, mistress
the Rev. J. Hooper, a previous vicar, and to Lieut. Elwyn: Railway Station, Hoo Green, Meopham, Walter Kift, station
there are 480 sittings. The register of baptisms and burials master
·dates from the year 1573 ; marriages from 1575. The living CoNVEYANCE.-Omnibus from Meopham Green to Graves• ·
is a vicarage, yearly value from tithe rent-charge £435• with end, mon. wed. fri. & sat. -at 9 a.m. returning from .
7 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Archbishop Gravesend at I. 15 p.m.; also to Cobham on thurs. at 9·30
of Canterbury, and held since 1876 by the Rev. Lewis Wood- a.m. returning at 2 p.m
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Diamond Rigby, Horns Oak house LewisRev.LewisWoodward M.A.Vicarg6 ·
Baber John M.D. Deodars
Bates Henry, Portland villa Epps Waiter Henry, Horns Oak house Linfield Henry Charles, Culverstone
Beames Mrs. Greenfield cottage
Best Miss, Laurel villas Garratt Jesse, Meopham-station Maton James, Hoo green
:Bishop Daniel, Nevill villas Golding-Bird Cuthbert Hilton B •.A..,M.B. ~'leek William, Nevill villas
.Bond Miss, Hoo villa
Bromwich James, Rose mount Pitfield house : Murton William, Camer
Brown Miss, Laurel villas.
Buck William, Alma villas Hall Rev. Alfred Barnabas [Baptist], 1 Pollard Chas. Francis,Whiteho.Hoogrn
Woodland villa i Prior Mrs. Laurel villas ,
Cogswell Thomas, The Lances Smith-Masters William Allan M,A.l.~,
Ket.tle Edwin, Coningsby villa
Ladds Philip, The Laure1s 1 Camer
Larkcomb Samuel, Rose vil. Hoo green 'rurner Charles, Horns Oak house .
l..eeming Mrs. Nevill house, Hoo green . TweddellRalphHart .J.P.Meophamcourf
COMMERCIAL, Crowhurst Ebenezer, farmer, Harvel Jarvis William, farmer, Hoo green
Ashdown John, farmer, Foxendown Crowhnrst Jt'rederick, farmer & hop Jeal Robert, market gardener ·
Atkins John, boot maker, Hoo green grower, Wood Hill farm Killick Thomas, miller (wind)
Bishop Alfred, King's Arms P.H Crowhurst Robert, farmer & hop Loft James, fruiterer
Bishop Daniel, beer retailer & black-
grower, Lomer farm Martin Josinh, builder & contractor
smith, Harvel
Crowhurst Samuel, farmel', Rockley ho Martin Josiah, baker & draper
Bishop Hy. grocer, Post office, Hoo grn
Bliss George, farmer & hop grower, Cro.whurst 'fhomas, farmer & hop Meakin Samuel, George inn
Nicholls Henry John, farm bailiff to J.
Bloomfield farm grower, Priesthood
Bowles William, beer retailer, Hoo grn
Buggs James, The Cricketers P.H Dalton Henry, farmer & blacksmith Bromwich esq. David street-
Huggs James William, shopkeeper
]urge Henry. harness makr. J Kent ter Dalton William, farmer . Prior Hy. Railway tavern, & coal mer
Caller James, hay binder, The Green
Clark Brothers, builders Day David, fruit dealer Richardson Albert, tailor, The Green
Clark Joseph, sb.opkeeper, Post office
Coombes Jn. Edwd. farmer, Ivy house Day William, farmer, Harvellodge Russell Henry, farmer, Norwood farm
Coombes William, farmer, Green farm
Durling John, hop sampler Russell Leonard, butcher & stock dealr
Durling John, jun. builder Scudder George, coal dealer
French Robt. Hy. & Geo. frmrs.Hoo gm Tuff Charles, farmer, Combe hill
Harpley John, grocer & draper, Harvel Tyler Richard, shoe maker ·
.fledgecock Abraham Charles, butcher Wells Herbert, blacksmith
J •
MEREWORTH is a parish and village, on the high to be preached in the parish chm-eh t.b6 same day. J.
road from Tonbridge to Maidstone, 7 miles west from Maid- Masters esq. ·of Yotes Court, in this parish,. in r68t charged
soone, .2! west from Wateringbury station on the Sonth his estate with £1 annually, to be distributed to the poorest
Eastern railway and 3 miles south-west from l\{alling station people-of the parish who do not ask alms, and :oos. annuity
on the London, Chatham anq Dover railway, in the Mid issued from Baron's Place, which is the property of
division of the county, lathe of Aylesford, hundreds of Viscount Torrington. Mereworth Castle, the seat of th~
Brenchley anu Horsmonden and Hadlow and Littlefieldf Dowager Viscountess Falmouth (Baroness Le.-Despencer)u
Mailing petty sessional division and union, Maidstone coWlty iij a ~arge ~nd. handsome mansion and js situated in a
court, rural deanery of North Mailing, archdeaconry of park of 200 acres, which incloses an ornamental lake.
Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. lhe church of St. Yotes Court is the residence of Viscount Torrington. T~
Lawrence is a building of stone in the Classic style, coruust.. Dowager Viscountess Falmouth is lady of the manor, and thQ
ing of nave, aisles, a western portico of the Corinthlan ordev prlncipallandt>wners are the Dowager Viscountess Falmout:b.
and an embattled west~ru tower, with pinnacles and a lofty and Viscount Torringtou. The soil is a rich loam; subsoil,
spire and containing a clock and 6 bells : the east window is principally sandstone rock. The chief cropi! are the \Uiual
ornamented with ancient stained glass, collected by John, cereals, and hops and fruit are largely grown. The area. is
Earl of Westmorland, who rebuilt the churl"h, and there is 2,404 acres; rateable value_, £5,720;. the population in x881
also a memorial window, erected in 1876 by the parishioners, was 795·
to the Hon. and Rev. Sir Francis Jarvis Stapleton hart. for OLD HAY FARM, formerly a detached portion of this parish,
42 years rector of this parish, d. II l''eb. :r874, and another is now merged in Hadlow parish; HERNE POUND, formerly a
lately (1890) erected by Mr. Shulds, of London : attached detached portion of Aylesford parish, is now merged in
to the church is a private chapel of the Despencer family, Mereworth parish. KENT STRKET and HERNE PouND are :r
containing various monuments and several ancient and well mile north; NEW POUND is 1 mile north-west.
preserved brasses: in the aisle is also a monument to the Parish Clerk, William Burr.
Hon. Frances Elizabeth Byng, only daug)lter -of Viscount ,...
Torrington; she died 2 Sept. 1853: the lectern is a memorial PosT, .1.u. O., S. B. & Insurance & Annuity Office.--
to B. w. Horne esq.:
an organ was erected in 188 2 by the Thomas Peters, postmaster. Letters arrive from Maid.,
subscri·pt"wns 0 f the there are •tt. stone at 7 aT.hme. n&e a2r.e4s0t tpe.lmeg. r;apdhisopfafitcceheisdaat tWuat.2eorian.mgb.u&~
pari·sh.IOners : 300 SI mgs. 6.4o p.m.
The register dates from the year xs6o. The living is a
rectory, average yearly value from tithe rent-charge £ 741, A School Bdard of 5 members for Mereworth & Aylesfor
wDiotwh agreersidVeinscceouanntedss33Faalcmreosutohf glebe, in the gift of the was formed in 1875; George Down, clerk to the board;
{Baroness Le-Despencer),
Robert Woollett, jun. Mereworth, attendance officer
and held since 1Cgh7u4rcbhy, the Rev. Eliot Henry Stapleton Board School, built in 1856, for 175 children; average at•
M.A. of Christ Oxford. The charities include tendance, 122 ; George Henry Trott, master ; Mrs. Alice
~ sum of £2o yearly, being a perpetual charge upon Trott, mistress
her estate left in 1625 by the Right Hon. Mary (Fane) CARRIERS TO MAIDSTONE.-James Newman, daily (wed. ex-
Baroness Le-Despencer (d. 28 June, r626), for the relief and cepted); Burr, from West Peckham, passes through tnes.
clothing of ten poor men and ten poor women of this parish, thurs. & sat.; Fillery, from Hadlow, passes through tues.
to be distributed yearly on March 25th, and£ r for a sermon & sat. ; Ongley, from Hadlow, daily
Falmouth Dowager Viscountess (Baron- Chambers Geo. fruit grower, Beech frm Newman James, carrier
ess Le-Despencer), Mereworth castle; Chambers Snsan• (Mrs.), Beech inn, Newman John, grocer
& 2 St. James' square, London s w New pound Newman Thomas, fruit grower
Torrington Viscount, Votes court Enfield James, boot maker Pearce Thomas, farmer & hop grower,
Br-yan Rev. Guy M.A. Road house Featherstone William, Queen's Head Swantou Bottom farm
Fesron Waiter Malleson, Swayhorne P.H & builder Peters Thos. grocer & draper, Post office
Fremlin John, Herne house Foster Henry, beer retailer Reader J oseph, farm bailiff to the
Horne Mrs. Highlands Fremlin Jn. frmr.& hop growr.Herne ho 1 Dowager Viscountess Falmouth
Revington-Jones Rev. James [curate] Goodwin Sidney Herbert, farmer& hop 1 Reeves Francis, farmer & hop grower,
Stapleton Rev. Eliot Henry M.A. Rectory grower, Smart's well Bull & Brewers' Hall farms
Stapylton Henry Goulburn Chetwynd, Harryman George, carrier : Sharman Thomas,Torrington Arms P.K
Baron':~ Place Leeds John1 registrar of births & deaths &farmer&hop grower,Moorcocks farm
for East Peckham sub-district & re- Wells William, builder
COMMERCIAL. lieving & vaccination officer, No. 3 Woollett Robert, wheelwright & school
Adams James, baker district, Mailing nnion attendance officer
Baker Fanny (Mrs.), bntcher Lockyel\ George, fruiterer Woollett William, blacksmith, & deputy"
Hell George, shoe maker, Kent street Markham Herbert, hPad gardener to registrar of births & deaths, East ..
Blunden James, shoe maker the Dowager Viscountess Falmouth Peckham sub-district, Mailing union,
Bourne George, beer retailer, Kent st Morton James, land steward to the & assistant overseer for Mereworth k
Brooker Henry, farm bailiff to Viscount Dowager Viscountess Falmonth West Peckharn
Torrington . Newman Henry, grocer
1\IERSHAM is a village and parish, 3! miles BOuth-east massive Early English tower at the west end of the south
from Ashford, 71 from London and xt miles west from aisle, with a low shingled spire, and containing a clock and
Smeeth station on the South Eastern railway, in the South.. 8 bells: the first bell was presented by the ReV'. Reginald
em division of the county, Bircholt franchise, Chart and Bridges Knatchbull-Hugessen B.A. rector here I876·84; the
Longbridge hundred, lathes of Scray and Shipway, Ashford second by Sir Wyndham Knatchbnll hart. and the third by
petty sessional division and county court district, East. Ash- the Right Hon. Sir Edward Knatchbull hart. all in r88o;
lord oniony and in the rural deanery of North Lympne and the remaining bells were cast by Joseph Hatch in 1612 : the
archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. ch1mcel is divided from the nave by a carved oak screen ;
John the Baptist is a building of stone, originally Norman, and the south aisle from the n!'ve by .five Early Englisb
of which structure some details remain, but it is now chiefly arches on circular columns: there are piscinre in the chancel
illustrative of the Early English and later styles and consists and south chapel: the magnificent west window and some
ef chancel, with south chapel of late Rectilinear character, others retain portions of ancient glass: in the chancel is- a
um m five bay&, south aisle, south porch and a larg~ and monument to Richard Knatchbull, ob. 1590; another, witli
. 460 ~RSHAM. KEN~. (KELLY's
a recumbent figure in white marble, to Sir Norton J{natch- ing purposes. New House is now occupied by Sackville
bull kt. M.P. ob. 1636, and a third, with a kneeling figure Cresswell esq. The Dean and Chapter of Canterbury are
beneath a canopy, to his wife Bridget, ob. 1625: there are lords of the manor. The principal landowner is Sir Wynd~
several tablets to other members of the same family, besides ham Knatchbull bart. J.P. The soil is mixed; subsoil, roclt
some old helmets: in the J{natchbull chapel, inclosed on the loam. The chief crops are wheat, beans, peas and hops. The
north by an oak screen, is a monument to Sir Norton q.rea is 2,675 acres; rateable value, £5,846; the population
Knatchbull kt. and hart. M.P. ob. 1684; Sir John Knatch- in 1881 was 722.
bull hart. ob. 16g6, and other memorials: in the nave is a Parish Clerk, George Finn,
s.brass to Richard Knatchbull, ob. 1582, with a shield of arms i Pos1', M. 0. & T. 0., B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
and in the aisle one to John Knatchbullgent. ob. 1584; there Robert Simmons, receiver. Letters through Ashford
is also one to Margaret Boys, d. 1796 : the remains of a arrive at n7daay. m,a.r & 1 p.m . ; dispatched saptat9c.h4e0daa.tgm..4&o 6. 3G
staircase which originally leli to the rood loft still exist: the p.m.; su r1·veat7 . 3 0a.m.; d1' a.m
church was restored in 1877 by Sir Wyndham Knatchbull A School Board Aosfhf5ormd,emclebrekrstowtahsefobromaredd Oct. 17, 1g74 ;
bart. and the chancel by the late rector : there are 100 sit- H. Hamilton,
tings. The register dates from the year 1558. The living Board School (mixed), opened 2nd April, 1877, for I20 chil-
is a rectory, yearly value from tithe rent-charge £630, with dren; average attendance, 124 ; Richard Wickes, master;
40 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Archbishop Mrs. Wickes, mistress
of Canterbury, and held since x885 by the Rev. Ebenezer
Curling Lucey M.A. of Lincoln College, Oxford. Hatch, CoNVEYANCE.-Omnibus from Romney to Ashford, tues. &
anciently styled Le Hatch, is a manor and seat in this parish, fri. returning same day; it passes through Mersham about.
the property of Sir Wyndham Knatchbull bart. J.P. in whose II a. m. & 4 p.m
family it has remained ftom the reign of Henry VIII. and CARRIER TO AsBFORn.-Wanstal, from own house, tues.
is now occupied by Alexander McArthur esq. M.P. for shoot- thurs. & sat
PRIVATB RESIDENTS. Swaffer Alfred, The Den Huntley George, Farriers' Arms P.H
Barten Mrs. Belle house Parker John Kite, farmer
Brett Stephen COMMERCIAL. Parkes Stephen, grazier, Collyers hill
Payne George & Daniel, graziers
Browning Octavius, Collyers hill Baker Thomas, farmer, Bilham farm Filcher Thos.farmer,Quarrington farm
Cresswell Sackville, New house BatesChas. farmer, MershamCourt ldg Prebble Thomas, farmer, Chequer tree
Dnrtnal William Bishopp Edwd.farmr.Cheesman's green Ruck & Howland, fellmongers
Epps Mrs Brett Stephen Herbert, farmer Russell Calib Oyler, miller (water &
Lucey Rev. Ebenezer Curling M.A. Buss George, Royal Oak P.H ·
Cbittenden John, market gardener steam), Swanton mill
[rector], The Rectory Coleman James, farmer Seelly John, grazier, Collyers hill
McArthur Alexander M.P. Hatch Mer- Cork George, blacksmith Seelly Wm. Fredk.grazier,Johncock frm
Dixon Edwin, farmer, Stone green Simmons Edward, grocer & draper
sham ; & 79 Holland Park w ; Reform Finn George & Frederic, carpenters Smith Ernest Victor, baker
&Devonshireclubss w & City Liberal Gilbert Tom Laws, shopkeeper Swaffer Daniel, butcher
club, London E c Gower Henry, grazier, Collyers hill Swaffer Daniel,farmer,Conscience farm
Monday Mrs Harnden Charles, farmer
Norwood John, Belle house Howland John & Son, builders Waiter James, farmer, Bower farm
Norwood Mrs. The Laurels
SillibourneMrs.Cheesman'sGreen house
MIDLEY is a parish, 3 miles south-west from New· Boreham, Essex (d. Sept. 1877), and held since 1859 by th&
Romney and 2~ south-east from Brookland station on the Rev. George Laurence M.A. of Emmanuel College, Cam-
Lydd and Dungeness branch of the South Eastern railway, bridge, who is also curate of and resides at Erith. Th&
in the Southern division of the county, lathe of Shepway, principal landowners are the Dean and Chapter of Canter-
Longport hundred, Ashford petty sessional division, Romney bury and All Souls College, Oxford, and others. The soil is
Marsh union, New Romney county court district, and in the light and various; subsoil, sand. The land is entirely marsh
rural· deanery of South Lympne and archdeaconry and grazing land. The area is 2,141 acres; rateable value,
diocese of Canterbury. The church has long been in ruins; £3,559; the population in x88I was 63.
the cottagers attend divine service at Old Romney. The Letters through Lydd S.O, whichisthenearestmoneyorder-
living is a rectory, net yearly value £82, in the gift of the & telegraph office. No delivery
representatives of the late Sir John Tyssen Tyrrell bart. of The children of this place attend the school at Old Romney
Arter James, farm bailiff to R. R. FlisherJn.farm bailiff to W.Dunster esq Webb Jeremiah, farm bailiff to J. Finn-
Dagleish esq Filcher John, farm bailiff to T. T. Kelcey esq
l3ourne Edward, farm bailiff to Edwin Tunbridge esq · WrattenThos.frm.bailifftoG.Pepperesq
Cock esq
MILSTEAD (or MILSTED) is a village and parish, 3~ value, derived from 26 acres of land, left in 1722 by John.
miles south from Sittingbourne, in the North Eastern Wiatt, of Milstead, to the poor of Milstead and Frinstead,
division of the county, lathe of Scray, Milton hundred and £ xo of which is applied to the education of poor children and
union, Faversham petty sessional division, Sittingbourne £8 to the poor of the parish, a small fund being retained for
county court district, and in the rural deanery of Sitting- repairs. The Manor House is occupied by the Hon. Mrs.
bourne, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canter- H. E. Howard. Milstead Cottage is the residence of Richard
bury. The church of St. Mary and the Holy Cross is a James Tylden esq. J.P. The principal landowners are
• small building of flint, in the Early English and Perpen- Richard James Tylden esq. J.P. (lord of the manor), Edward
dicular styles, consisting of chancel with Tylden or north Leigh Pemberton esq. J.P. of Torry Hill, Edward MaxweU
chapel, south chapel, nave, south porch and a western tower Twopeny esq. J.P. of Woodstock, near Sittingbourne, and
of coarse masonry, with an octagonal turret at the north- Major I. R. Isherwood. The soil in the upper or southern
east angle and containing 3 bells : the belfry floor and bell part is poor, consisting partly of chalk and partly of a red
frames were restored in x89o: the chancel and north chapel earth, the whole of which is much covered with Hints; the
are divided by an arcade of two small arches of Early Eng· chief crops are wheat, fruit and hops. The area is 11226
lish work: the nave and tower are Perpendicular: the east acres; rateable value, £1,586; the population in 188x was
and west windows are stained, and on the south side of the 253·
chancel is a memorial window to Dame Mary Tylden: there Parish Clerk, Thomas Kennard.
is a piscina set in a Pointed recess on the south side boafsithn~e
chancel : the font is of stone and has an octagonal PoST OFFICE, Milstead street.-Edward Chambers, receiver.
the church was enlarged and restored in 1g72, under the Letters through Sittingbourne by foot post arrive at 8 a. m.;
direction of Mr. W. Butterfield, architect, of London, when box closes at 5.40 p.m. & on sundays xr a.m. Dodding-
the south chapel, taken down in 1672, was rebuilt : there are ton is the nearest money order & telegraph office
16o sitiings. The register dates from the year 1543. The Milstead & Frinstead Church of England Schools (mixed},
lwivitihng~i~saacrreesctoofryg,leybeearalnydvraelsuiedfernocme, tiinthtehreengti-fct hoafragned£2be6l9<~, built irnoo1m84a8dd&e~eninlaxrg8e8d7;i n x87o, for 170 children,
class average attendance, 130; sup-
since 1888 by the Rev. William Hilton-Simpson M:.A. of ported in part by £xo a year from Wiatt's charity;
Trinity College, Oxford. Here are charities of £18 yearly Edward Baker, master; Edward Henry, attendance officer
Hilton-Simpson Rev. Wm. M.A. Rectory Cooper Richard, farmer & hop grower, Parham John, painter & glazier
Howard Hon.Mrs.HenriettaE.Manor ho Great Higbam Trice Mary (Mrs.), Red Lion P.H. Raw·
Tylden Richard James J.P. Milstead cot Evans Thomas, farm bailiff to Rd. Jas. ling street
Chambers Edward, grocer, Post office Tyldenesq.l.P.Lit.Higham&Hogshaw
MILTON (near Canterbury) is a small parish, situated on Eastern railway, in the Eastern division of the county, lathe •
the Stour and on the Ashford road, 2! miles south-west from of St. Augustine, hundred of Westgate, petty sessional divi-'
Canterbury and x mile from Chartham station on the South sion of Horne, union of Bridge, county court district ai '