:Bond Arthur Harper, Horticultural Alien Frederick J. poultry breeder Leigh John, ironmonger
college Dean James, house agent Maller Thomas John, fruit grower
Clement Mrs. The Ferns Horticultural College (I. C. Johnson, Mann Edward, shopkeeper
Emerson Jacob chairman; Arthur Harper Bond, May John, farmer.
MacaulayMiss managing director; C. W. H. Mercer Mary (Mrs.), grocer & baker,
Smith PentlandM.A., Horticultural Greaves F.R.H.s. sec. ; F. R. Cheshire Post office
college~ F.L.s., F.R.M.s, & Pentland Smith Myatt fruit grower
Todd John Miles Roger, Hextable lodge M.A., B. se. professors)
SWANSCOMBE is a parish extending to the Thames, bell. The register dates from the year 1883. The living is
3 miles west from Gravesend, 4 east from Dartford and a vicarage, yearly value £3oco, with residence, in the gift of
three-quarters of a mile from Northtleet station on the Messrs. J. B. White and Brothers and the Bishop of Roches-
North Kent section of the South Eastern railway, in the ter alternately, and held since 1884 by the Rev. James
North Western division of the county, Axton hundred, lathe Thomas Christie M..&. of Exeter College, Oxford.
()f Sutton-at-Hone, Dartford petty sessional division, union The extensive cement works of Messrs. John Bazley
and county court district, and in the rural deanery of White and Brothers Limited, at Swanscombe Cross, give
Gravesend and archdeaconry and diocese of Rochester. The employment to nearly the whole of the working population
.church of SS. Peter and Paul is a building of flint and stone, here. The Ebbstleet stream is said to have been for-
-chiefly in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, merlynavigable. Swanscombemanor house, the seatof the
elerestoried nave, aisles, south porch and a western tower Weldon family, now occupied by Robert Stewart esq. is an
-with a lofty shingled spire containing 6 bells: the nave is anCient building. Thomas Bevan esq. D.L., J.P. of Stone
.separated from the aisles by three Early English arches on Park, near Dartford, who is lord of the manor, Samuel
each side, resting on circular piers with octagonal capitals: Charles Umfreville esq. l.F. of Ingress Abbey, Greenhithe,
the wooden lectern is a Perpendicular work:· there are some Mrs. Hassell and J. B. White Brothers are the principal
good monuments to the Weldons, including those of Anthony landowners. The soil is gravel and chalk; subsoil, chalk.
Weldon, Eleanor, his wife, and their son, Sir Ralph We1don The area is 2,140 acres of land and 415 of water; rateable
kt. ob. 1602: on the south side is a monument of alabaster value, {,32,648, this includes Greenhithe; the population in
with recumbent effigies of a knight in armour and his lady, 188r was 3,996.
both resting their heads on pillows: the nave and aisles KNOCKHOLT, half a mile west ; WESTERN CRoss, three-
were restored by the late Sir James Erasmus Wilson quarters of a mile south-west; MILTON STREET, a quarter
LL.D., F.R.s. who formerly lived here, died 1884, and was of a mile north-west; and ALKERDEN, half a mile south·
buried in the church; a stained window commemorates the west, are hamlets.
restoration, and there are three others: there are 220 sit- Parish Clerk, Thomas Coombes.
tings, all free. The register dates from the year rs59· PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
The living is a rectory, yearly value from tithe rent-charge Waiter Ames, receiver. Letters received through Green-
.£4oo, with 39 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of hithe S.O. delivered at 8 a.m. 12 noon & 7 p.m. ; sun-
Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, and held since 1889 by day, 8 a.m. ; dispatched at 8.30 a.m. & 2 & 7 p.m. ; sun·
the Rev. George Hale M.A. and formerly Taylor lecturer of day, 10.20 a.m
that college. HereareC()ngregationaland Wesleyanchapels, PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.
a Primitive Methodist chapel at Galleyhill, a Baptist meeting Galleyhill.-Mrs. Fanny Head, receiver. Letters arrive
room at Milton street, and Salvation Army barracks. A new through Greenhithe S.O. at 7.30 a. m. 1:2 noon & 6.30
burial ground of 5 acres was formed in r885 at a cost of p.m.; sundays, 7.30 a.m. ; dispatched at 8.10 a.m. 1.40
& 6.30 p.m. ; sunday, to a.m. The nearest telegraph
.£493, and is under the control of a burial board of 5 mem- office is at Swanscombe
bers, but there is no mortuary chapel. Beare's almshouses,
foWlded in I587 by John Beare, of Greenhithe, for three WALLLETTERBoxatKnockholt,letterscollectedatg.Ioa.m.
families, are situated at Greenhithe; the inmates are sup- & 2.40 & 7.40 p.m; sunday, u a.m. ; also one at Milton
ported from a charity left in 1721 by Lady Judith Swan, and street, 8·4° a. m. i 2·10 & 7· p.m. d
endowed with half an acre of land, which is let on building 10 i
sun ay, ro.3o a.m
and other leases. 'fhe income is about £6o a year ; each ScHOOLS:-
married couple receives 8s. and each single person ss. 6d. a National (mixed), erected in 1878, for 240 children; aver-
week. Swanscombe Wood is well known; and here is a age attendance, 176; William Joseph Legg, master
.cavern called "Clabbernappers Hole." British, Galleyhill (boys, girls & infants), built in 1858 &
G.&LLEYHILL is an ecclesiastical parish, formed in r883. chiefly maintained by Messrs. White Brothers, for 380
children ; average attendance, 323 boys & girls & 121
The church of All Saints, a temporary building of iron, was infants; Matthew Henry Heys, master ; Mrs. Emma
erected in 1882 at a cost of [,r,2oo, and consists of chancel, Heys, mistress; Miss Annie Cross, infants' mistress
nave, west porch· and a western bellcote containing one
Swanscombe. Hoadley Henry George, shopkeeper Borough of Gravesend Co-operative So.
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Hudson John, Ingress tavern ciety (branch) (William Jn. Francis,
Christie Rev. James Thomas M. A. [vicar Martin William Edwd. baker & corn dlr manager), Broomfield road
of All Saints', Galley hill] Pool Henry, carpenter Buggs John, shopkeeper, Broomfield rd
Fuller Thomas, Coomb lodge Ridgewell Charles, beer retlr. Milton st Butler Thomas, greengrocer
Hale Rev. George M •.&. [rector],Rectory Rixson William, baker Byhurst Arthur, beer retailer
Hewett Charles, Knockhalllodge Stevens Harry, jobbing gardener Catton Arthnr John, baker
Ingall William Thomas Fitzherbert, Stevens Joseph, grocer Chapman Stephen, greengrocer
Mackenzie, Knockholt Stewart Robert, farmer, Manor house Church & Clinch, drapers &c
Lipscombe Frederick Rogers,Knockholt StylesLucy(Mrs.),farmr.Knockhall frm Church Thomas, butcher
Marcet Alex. Mt. Pleasant, Knockholt Taylor Henry, shopkeeper Clarke Richard Feaver, chemist
Moss William, Knockholt Weetman Frank, insurance agent Croft & Church, grocers, & agents for
Nugent Mrs. Knockholt Wellard Waiter, butcher W. & A. Gilbey, wine& spirit mers
Rodd Richd. 4 Cobden vils. Knockholt White John Bazley & Brothers Limited, Edwards William, butcher
Shrewsbury Rev. George [Congrega- portland & keen's cement & whiting Finn Michael, shopkeeper
tional], Ingress vale manufacturers & brick makers ; & at Forman Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Smith Howard Castle-, Parkwood lodge, 2 Lime Street square, London E c Fuller George, shopkeeper
Goreham Eliza (Miss), private school,
Knockholt White Edward, farmer
Stewart Robert, The Manor house Wright William, boot maker Kirton terrace
Grout Arthur, grocer
Styles Mrs. Knockhall farm Galleyhill. Havis George, baker
Turrell James, 2Western vils.Knockholt
Wailer George, Knockholt Bardoe John, Swanscombe villa Head Fanny (Mrs.), stationer & farrier,
coMMERCIAL. Bare James, Crayland house Post office
Bateman Edmund, Highview house
Aldred Charles Saml. Blue Anchor P.H Bliss Aaron Herbert Wm.Geo.George & Dragon P,H
AmesWalter,grocer & draper, Post office Dearn James Bertram, Arthur cottage Homersham Osborn Charles Snoulton
Brisley William Charles, shopkeeper
(late Russell & Homersham), builder,
Cook William, grocer Reid Alexander M.B. !field house contractor, undertaker & general
Dalton Robert, beer retailer
Deacon Waiter, coal merchant COMMERCIAL. ironmonger
Earl Charles, baker
Ginn Flora (Miss), private school Bardoe Edward John, shopkeeper Jenns Wllliam, tobacconist
Hardoe George, baker, Broomfield road J ones Robert, painter
Bartholomew Wm. fruitr. Bloomfield rd Lovell Thomas, beer retailer
Gosling Edwin, beer retailer Benge Robert Havelock, baker Luxford Thomas, baker
Graves Thomas, draper Bignell William, greengrocer
Harvey Henry, shopkeeper, Sun road Bond Charles Richard, butcher McKenzie John, hair dresser
Martin Thos. shoe maker, Broomfld. rd
K. S. & S. 39•
Martin Wm. Hy. beerretailr. Craylands Reid Alexander M.B. surgeon & certify- Stevens William Fl'ederick, coffee honse.
ing factory surgeon, !field house Swanscombe Literary Institute & Read-
Matthews William, fishmonger
.Mercer Emily (Mrs.), private school Ridgwell John, beer retailer, Milton st ing Room (GeQrge Cavan, see)
Norris George, shopkeeper Rogers Edward Arron, shopkeeper Tufnail Goorge, shoe maker
Pearson Charles, grocer & draper Rogers John, shopkeeper Wiseman Thomas Edward, butcher
Penney Amos, grocl'r Saward Johu,beerretailer&shopkeeper, Witchell Charles, fancy repository &;
Pidgeon Albert, engineer & machinist
Porter William, beer retailer Broomfield road hair dresser
Selby James, beer retailer, Craylands
SWINGFIELD (anciently Swynefelde) is a village and ceptory have been converted into farm bnildings, now the-
parish, situated on high ground, 6 miles north from Folke- residence of Mr. Thomas Prebble. The principal landowners
stone and 8 north-west from Dovsr, in the Eastern division are the trustees of the Earl of Guilford, who is lord of the-
of the county, lathe of Shepway, Folkestone hundred and manor, William H. Willat,s esq. and W. A. Maekinnon esq.
county court district, Wingham petty sessional division, J.P. The soil is clay; subsoil, clay and chalk. The chief-
Elham union, rural deanery of Dover and archdeaconry and crops are grass, with roots and grain in rotation on the arable
diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. Peter is a struo- portion. The area is 2,6og acres; rateable value, £2.529;
ture of flint and Kentish ragstone, in theNorman and Early the population in 1881 was 386.
English styles, with Decorated and Perpendicular additions, SELSTED is a hamlet one mile north-west on the road t~
and consists of a chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch and Canterbury.
a western tower with a very large and lofty circular turret Parish Clerk, Edward Prescott.
and containing one bell: in the chancel are some ancient Letters through Canterbury received at 9 a.m. WALL LET-
monuments to the Filcher family: in 1870 the church was TER Box, Selsted, cleared at 5 p.m.; no collection on sun-
partly restored, and in 1889 the porch was restored, the floor day; Swingfield street, 4-45 p.m. The nearest money
relaid and the interior generally renovated : there are 150 order office is at Uphill ; telegraph office & railway station,.
sittings. 'The register dates from the year 1685. The living Shepherdswell station, London, Chatham & Do\·er railway
is a vicarage annexed to the rectory of Hawkinge, joint This place is contributory to the Acrise & Paddlesworth
average tithe rent-charge £ni, gross yearly value £287, United School Board district, sending 2 members
.and held since 1872 by the Rev. William Legg M.A. of Hert- National School (mixed), erected in 1871, is a building of
ford College, Oxford, who resides at Hawkinge rectory. The brick & flint, holding 140 children; average attendance.,
Bible Christians have a small place of worship here. In the 59; Mrs. Frances Reeve, mistress
reign of Henry II. the Knights Hospitaller!! of St. John of CARRIER.-Richard Alien, from his house at Swingfield, tues~
Jerusalem bad a preceptory here: the remains of the pre- thurs. & sat. to Dover at 6 a. m. returning same day
Johnston Miss, Thorndean Gammon Frederick, grazier Nickoll Saml. jun. cowkpr. & dairyman
Maxted Richard, Selsted Gammon John, farmer, Stockham Prebble Michael, farmer, Boyington
Nickoll Samuel Wilson
Gammon Thomas, farmer & grazier, PrebblePercy,farmer&grazier,North crt
Alien Richard, carrier Foxholt farm Prebb1e Thos. farmr. & grazr. St. John'S'
Earwick George Ottaway, farmer
Bean Robert, carpenter & wheelwright Gillis John, Three Bells P.H Seath George, farmer, Densole farm
Eoxer Henry, cowkeeper Hambrook Edward, blacksmith,Selsted Smith Joseph, farmer,Everdean
Di:xon Thomas, blacksmith
Gammon Frederick, miller (wind) Hambrook Edwin,machine cwnr.Selstd Tritton Olive (Mrs.), Black Horse P.H:
Hambrook Richard, grocer Ward William, Chequers inn
Hobbs John, farmer, Newland farm Welch Robert, grazier
Middleton Wm. farmer, Little Densole Woodland John, farmer, Pound farm
S YDE N H A~l.
SYDENHAM is a suburb of London, distant therefrom 7 miles, of the Earl of Dartmouth, and held since 1879 by the Rev.
and within the parliamentary borough of Lewisham, formed Huyshe Wolcott Yeatman M.A. of Emmanuel College, Cam-
under the "Redistribution of Seats Act, 1885," and also bridge, hon. canon of Rochester and surrogate. The area is
within the "County of London," as constituted by the 483 acres; the population in 1881 was 3•913.
"Local Government Act, 1888;" it is situated in the West- St. Philip's ecclesiastical parish was formed from that of
ern division of the county, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, hundred St. Bartholomew,January 15, 1869; the church, situated in
and petty sessional division of Blackheath, county court dis- the Wells road, is a building of stone in the Early English
trict of Greenwich, union and board of works district of st)·le, consisting of chancel, nave, transepts and a turret con-
Lewisham and South Eastern Metropolitan Postal district, taining one bell : there are 700 sittings, of which 400 are
withi:q the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan police, and is in free. The register dates from the year 1868. The living is
the rural deanery of Lewisham and archdeaconry and diocese a vicarage, net yearly value £230, partly derived from pew
of Rochester. rents and partly from the weekly offertory, with residence~
Gas is supplied by t,he Crystal Palace District Gas Co. from in the gift of the vicar of St. Bartholomew's, and held since
works situated in Lower Sydenham, and water is obtained 1889 by the Rev. Alfred Edmund King M. A. of Clare· College,
from the South Lambeth Water Co. Cambridge. The area is 200 acres; the population in 188:r
The London, Brighton and South Coast railway has a sta- was 3,192.
tion at Sydenham and another within the Crystal Palace ; The parish of St. Michael and All Angels, Bell green, was
the Mid-Kent line of the South Eastern railway a station at formed October 31, 1879, from the parishes of St. Bartholo-
Lower Sydenham; and the London, Chatham and Dover mew, Christ Church, Forest Hill and Lewisham: the church
railway has stations at Crystal Palace (opposite) and at Wells is a building of stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting
road, Upper Sydenham. of chancel and nave and a turret containin~ one bell : there
St. Bartholomew's, Sydenham, was constituted a separate are 378 sittings, of which 110 are free. The register dates
parish out of Lewisham, 13 Feb. 'I855, under the Act 58 from the year 1867. The living is a vicarage, net yearly
George Ill. cap. 45· The church of St. Bartholomew was value £I6o, with residence, in the gift of the vicar of St.
erected in 1832, as a chapel within the vicarage of Lewisham, Bartholomew's, and held since 1888 by the Rev. Charles
from funds provided by Her Majesty's Commissioners for Henry Bowly M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford. The popula-
building churches, with other additional money raised by tion in 1881 was 4,135·
subscription, and is an edifice in the Gothic style, from de- Christ Church, which is about to be rebuilt, is a chapel of
signs by Mr. Lewis Vulliamy, architect, consisting of chan- ease to St. Micbael's, and has 6oo sittings, about half being
cel, nave, south porch and a tower containing one bell : the free.
present chancel was built in 1857, from designs by Mr. Holy Trinity ecclesiastical parish was formed in 1866 from
Edwin Nash, at a cost of about £2,000, and the body of the two district parishes in the parish of Lewisham : the church,
church, with the exception of the outer walls, was also re- situated in Sydenham park and erected in 1866, is a build~
built under his direction in 1874-5, when the interior was ing of stone in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave
refitted, a new organ provided and other improvements made, of five bays, aisles, south porch and a turret containing one
at a total cost of £7,883 14s. 7d. and in 1885 a further bell; and has eight stained windows: it will seat 1,300 per-
restoration was carried out at a cost of £3,500: most of the sons, 300 sittings being free. The register dates from the
windows are stained: there are about I,ooo sittings, of which year 1866. The living is a vicarage, income derived from
half are free: the church and churchyard were closed against pew rents, in the gift of Simeon's trustees, and held since
interments by Order in Council, September 15, 1854, modi- 1866 by the Rev. Henry Stevens M.A. Cantuar. The area is
fied September 27, 1859· The register dates from the year 129 acres ; the population in 1881 was 3,024.
1832. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value, derived St. Matthew's church, Panmure road, a chapel of ease to
from seat rents and fees, £2501 with residence, in the gift St. Bartholomew's1 is a structure of brick in the Early
French-Gothic style, from designs by Mr. J. E. Cutts, archi- character are also held an•d grand musical festivals of the
tect, at a oost of £8,ooo, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, highest class, such as the Handel Festival and immense choral
large vestries under the chancel and a western belfry con- gatherings of children take place here at intervals and are atJ
-taining one bell : the first stone was laid Sept. goth, 1879, tended by crowded assemblies. Occasionally celebrations of
by the Earl of Dartmonth, and the building consecrated by State importance occur, such as the public reception or cere-
-the Bishop of Rochester on St. John the Baptist's day, June monial visits of foreign Sovereigns, and many great class cele-
-24th, I88o: there are 6oo sittings, half of which are free. brations of national significance. The orchestral music is of the
The services are conducted by the clergy of St. Bartholo- highe3t excellence; the Saturday concerts (October to May)
mew's. have acquired a deservedly high reputation ; and, on days
Here is a. Catholic chapel dedicated to Our Lady and St. when no special attractions are provided, the orchestral band
:Philip Neri, with sittings for 200 persons. of the company usually performs twice; a performance on
the Handel Festival organ is also given daily. The ordinary
The Congregational chapel in Jew's walk will seat 700 and prices of admission are one shilling during the first five days
the Wesleyan chapel, in the High street, 900. of the week and 2s. 6d. on f::!aturday; but these prices vary
upon occasions when special fetes are given. The railway
There is a Primitive Methodist chapel in Coombe road, communication is direct with all parts of the metropolis:
Wells road, seating about 200 persons; and a Baptist Mission the line of the London, Brighton and South Coast enters one
room in Southend lane, Bell green. wing of the palace, and, passing through, communicates
with either London Bridge or the West End at Victoria and
Here is a public Lecture Hall and a Literary Institution. Kensington : the London, Chatham and Dover railway
The Crystal Palace School of Art is under the superintend-
~nce of Mr. F. K. J. Shenton.
THE CRYSTAL PALACE, situated both in Surrey and Kent, comes by the high level to the central transept entrance,
was opened on the IOth June, 1854, in great state by Her which is thus brought into connection with Ludgate hill,
Majesty the Queen, the late Prince Consort, the late King of Moorgate street and the whole northern system, as well as
Portugal and other important personages being present. · with Victoria and the west.
'The_ ~uilding measures 1,6o8 feet i~ length_; the wings an CRYSTAL pALACE COMPANY.
additwnallength of 574 feet each, With a railway avenue of
720 feet ; the greatest width is 384 feet and the general List of Directors, 1890.
width 312 feet; the height of the great transept from the Chairman, Captain The Hon. D. J. Monson, Mulgrave house,
Jloor is 175 feet and from the terrace I97 feet 10 inches: Fulham s w
the area of the galleries is 261,568 square feet and that of Deputy Chairman, George J. Rait esq. Milton, Beckenham
the whole building, 603,072 square feet. One wing and a Edward Clark esq. Lapsewood, Sydenham hill
i'art of the north end of the Palace were burned down, but John M. Douglas esq. Kuparra, College rd. Up. Norwood s B
a portion has been completely restored. At either end of the Samuel Green esq. 4 Chester place, Regent's park
building are two octagonal towers, each rising to the height Jonas Levy esq. 4 Verulam buildings, Gray's inn w c
()f 284 feet and surmounted by a tank holding 357,675 Dr. Reginald Read, I Guildford place, Russell square w c
gallons, or I,576 tons of water, for supplying the highest jets Manager, Henshaw Russell
f()f the great fountains. Each tower contains 8oo tons of Secretary, William Gardiner
iron: the weight of the fountain water-piping is 4,000 tons Superintendent Educational Department, F. K. J. Shenton,
~nd its length :ro miles: the central jets of the two great F.R.Hist.S
-lountains reach a height, if undisturbed, of 280 feet ; the CRYSTAL PALACE Co.'s ScHooL oF ART, SciENCE &
.central fountain, near the temples, plays to a height of 150 LITERATURE.
leet and the fountains on the terrace to go feet : there are Ladies' Division, senior.
in all the fountains u,788 jets, throwing 12o,ooo gallons of Water Colour Painting &c. Edward A. Goodall R.w.s.
water in a minute, and a grand display of all the fountains and John Scott R.I. ; Drawing from Antique and Life, A. G.
·requires 6,ooo,ooo gallons. Entirely apart from any extra Macgregor; Modelling, Anatomy &c. A. G. Macgregor;
attractions, the Palace has a series of Fine Art Courts, Drawing &c. (First Grade), H. Windsor J<'ry; Painting in
illustrating, by great authoritative examples, in chrono- Oil, E. A. Goodall, John Scott R.I. E. Wensley Russell;
logical sequence, the architecture, sculpture and decorative Etchings on Copper, E. A. Goodall; Art. Wood Carving, G.
arts of Egypt, Greece and Rome, the Byzantine, Medireval A. Rogers ; Decorative Art and Desig-n, B. A. Lillie; Visitors
:and Renaissance periods, and Early as well as Late Italian : in Art School, E. J. Poynter R.A. Edwin Long R.A. J. B.
1he superb decorations of the Alhambra are also here Burgess R.A.; French Language, Literature &c. M. Henri
minutely reproduced, and there is a complete realization of Roche; German ditto, Dr. N. Heinemann F.R.G.s.; Italian
a Pompeian house. The Palace has also a Technological ditto, Luigi Ricci n.A. ; English ditto &c. Rev. H. Russell
Museum, an Educational Department, with a complete staff Wakefield; Greek and Latin, J.H. Rose M. A.; General History
-of distinguished teachers, and a successful school of Practical (vacant); History of England, H. E. Maiden M.A. ,F.R.Hist.s. ;
Engineering. A great marine aquarium has been erected at
the north end and there are, besides industrial courts, a Geography, J. H. Rose M.A. ; Arithmetie, Dr. W. B. Kerns-
"Picture gallery, fountains, flowers and tropical plants and
-trees. The park and gardens occupying, with the palace, head; Pianoforte, Gustav Ernest, Ferdinand Praegar, A. J.
an area of about 200 acres, are arranged in the Italian and Eyre, Mdme. Marie Pereira., Miss E. Tedder ; Explanatory
English styles and include a great lake with artificial rock- Demonstrations of Music, Gustav Ernest ; Violin Solo, Otto
-work skilfully arranged so as to illustrate various geological
~rata; and on the islands are grouped models of the extinct Manns &c. ; Violoncello Solo, R. Reed ; Organ, A. J. Eyre ;
monsters inhabiting the earth in primreval times. The park
is laid out in a style of rich natural beauty, contrasting admir- Harmony and Counterpoint &c. Gustav Ernest; Composition
-ably with the more artificial charms of the terrace gardens. Instrumentation, Gustav Ernest; Classical Chamber Music,
The grounds become more beautiful each year as the shrubs Otto Manus, Robert Reed; Pianoforte Ensemble, John
-and trees attain finer growth and nowhere near London is Francis Barnett, Professor J. F. Bridge Mus.noc. Ebenezer
such magnificent scenery to be had as that seen from the ter- Prout B.A.; Singing, Henry Blower, Mdme. St. Germaine,
Signor A. Romili ; Sight Singing, Herr R. Grevillius ;
Solfeggi &c. A. J. Eyre; Dancing, M. Louis d'Egville, Miss
Louisa Pear.
race walks. The authorities of the Palace issue season tickets Ladies' Division, junior section.
l Up to 16 Years of Age).
-at one guinea each, which admit the holders to the Palace from
the 1st of each month for a year. Entertainments, such as Gentlemen's Division.
aperas, and popular and classical concerts are given almost School of Practical Engineering, J. W. Wilson M.mst.c.E.
-daily and in the summer season there are magnificent displays and M. E. Principal.
of fireworks and of the terrace and lower series of great Boarding Houses, connected with either division, indi·
fountains; flower shows and other exhibitions of a scientific cated by superintendent.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, 5
High street, Upper Sydenham.-Mrs. Emeline Jane Freeman's terrace, Sydenham road.-WalterGeorge Brad·
Boucher, receiver. Collections at 7.go, 8.40, 10 & II.IO ley, receiver. Collections at 6.55, 8.40, 10 & Io.5o a.m. &
a.m. & 1, 2.55, 4.5, 5.10, 9 & n.go p.m.; sundays, 12-45, 2.30, 3-45. 5, 9 & II.2o p.m.; sundays, IO.IS p.m
10.15 p.m PosT & M. 0. 0., .S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
"PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, 3 Bell green.-Robert Fowler & Co. receivers. Collections
Kirkdale.-James William Hembrow, receiver. Collec- at 6.45, 8.go, 9.40 & 10.40 a..m. & 12.35, 2.2o, 4.50, 8.55
& 11. 10 p. m. ; sundays, xo p. m ·
tions at 8, 9, Io.Io & II.15 a.m. & I, 3·5• 4.Io, s.xs, 9 &
II.40 p.m. ; sundays, 10.25 p.m First collection in each on mondays only & last on satnrdays
PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, 4 PuBLIC EsTABLISHMENTS:-
Station terrace, Newlands park.-John M. Rhodes, re- Home & Infirmary for Sick Children & South London Dis-
ceiver. Collections at 6.40, 8.40, 9·35 & n a. m. & 12.40, pensary for Women, Sydenham road; W. V. Bird M.D.
2.4s, 4, 4.50, 8.45 & 10.50 p.m.; sundays, xo. 10 p.m consulting physician; G. Cowell F.R.c.s Eng. &; S. T.
Smyth M.D. consulting surgeons; C. E. Steele Perkins M.B. St. Matthew's Church, Panmure road ~ the clergy of St.
& J. K. Brigham M.A., M.D. physicians; Arthur Grayling Bartholomew's serve this church; 8 & u a.m. & 7 p.m
M.B. assistant physician; E. W. Collins M.D. & G. C. Par- Christ Church, Sydenham road (Chapel of Ease to St.
nell, surgeons; R. H. Gwynn L.R.C.P.Edin. assistant sur- Michael's); 8 & 11 a. m. & 7 p.m. ; wed. & fri. 11 a.m. &
geon ; A. Clark, dentist ; Miss E. C. Elwes, lady presi- 6 p.m. ; mon. tues. thurs. & sat. 8 p.m
dent; William Aste, hon. sec. ; Miss Meadows, matron Our Lady & St. l'hilip Neri Catholic, Sydenham road, Rev.
Lecture Hall,~ydenham hill,Sydenham Hill rd.Geo.Bird,sec Martin George Gifkins, priest; mass, 9 a.m. (holy com-
Metropolitan Police Station (P division), John Broadbridge, munion before) & u a. m. ; solemn mass & sermon, 7 p.m. ;
Sidney Smith & Frederick Bing, inspectors; 5 sergeants & devotions, sermon & benediction, daily mass, 7-45 a.m. ;
36 constables frL confessions, 7 p.m.; devotions & benediction, 8 p.m. ;
Park Hall, Sydenham park, Thomas Chitty, hon. manager .sat. confessions, 12 to 1 p.m. & 6 to 9 p.m. ; holidays of
Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment, 1st Volunteer Bat- obligation, mass, 8 & 10 a.m. ; rosary & benediction,
talion (C Co.), Crystal Palace, Capt. T. A. Clark & (G 8 p.m
Co.} Capt. Oscar Koble, commandants Congregational Church, Jews' walk, Rev. Arthur Frederick
Vaccination Stations, 6 Crown ter. Bell green & 34 Wells rd Joscelyne B.A. ; 11 a.m. & 6.go p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m
PUBLIC 0FFICERil : - Primitive Methodist, Wells road, ministers various; II
Collector of Taxes, William J ames Raymond, 85 High street
Collector of Rates, Thomas Chitty, 28 Sydenham park a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Sydenham District, Wesleyan, High street, ministers various; n a.m. & 6.30
Lewisham Union, W. Riddell Brunton, 43 Kirkdale pm.; thnrs. 7 p.m
RP.gistrar of Births & Deaths for Sydenham Sub-district, Baptist Mission room, Bell green; u a. m. & 6.30 p.m.;
George Phillips, Bradfield villa, Allenby road, Forest hill
thurs. 7·30 p.m
Salvation Army Barracks, Southend lane
ScHOOLs, under the London School Board : ~
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services:- Haseltine road, built in 1885, for 240 boys, 240 girls & 223
St. Bartholomew's Church, West hill, Rev. Canon Huyshe infants; John Crouch, master; Miss Harriet Pamment,
Wolcott Yeatman M.A. vicar; Rev. Fletcher John Wood- mistress; Miss C. Moody, infants' mistress
house M.A. Rev. Douglas Lee S<'ott LL.D. Rev. C. H. Payne Sydenham Hill Road, built about 187o, for 234 boys, 222
Crawfurd M. A. & Rev. John Harold Greig M.A. curates ; girls & 197 infants; average attendance, 222 boys, 215 girls
8& II a.m. & 3.30 & 7p.m.; wed. & fri.u.3o a.m.; &128infants;GeorgeBird,master;MissEmmaLoveday,
r mon. tne!J. thurs. & sat. lo a..m.; daily, 5.30 p.m. except~ mistress; Miss Rosa Grady, infants' mistress
ing winter. when 4.30 p.m CARRIERS TO LoNDoN:- #
Holy Trinity Church, Sydenham park; Rev. IIenryStevens Michael Spiars, J. Thompson, Simon Wreford &; Williams
M.A. vicar; Rev. James L. S. Roosmale CocqM.A. curate; & Carter, daily
II a.m. & 1 p.m.; wed. u.3o a.m London Parcels Delivery Co
-Bt. Philip's Church, Coombe road, Wells road, Rev. Alfred Carter, Paterson & Co. Limited
Edmund King M.A. vicar; Rev. Herbert Wigan lii.A. & i RAILWAY STATIONS:-
Rev. Charles P. Banks lii.A. curates; I0.45 a. m. & 7 p.m.; High Level, L. C. & D. R. Richard Grout, station master
fri. 8 p.m Low Level, L. B. & S. C. R. Richard Ruffell, station master
St. Michael & All Angels' Church, Champion park, Rev. Sydenham, L. B. & S. C. R. Donald C. Scott, station master
Charles Henry Bowly M..A- vicar; 8 & u a.m. & 7 p.m. ; Upper Sydenham, L. C. & D. R. Edwd. Huish, station mast.
wed. 8 p.m Lower ~ydenham, S. E. R. James Lord, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Arch Mrs. 22 Sydenham park Bean Charles Frederick, 20 Peak hill
· Adams George Fredk. 26 Sydenham pk Armstrong Henry, 53 Kent House road Bean Waiter, 13 Kinver road north
A-dams Henry, 12 Kent House road Arrowsmith Edwd. Jn. 46 Beasley Mrs The Cedars,Crescent road,
Adams Mayow Wyneli J.P. The Old Asbury Chas. John, 70 Kent House rd Lawrie Park road
house, Sydenham road Ashby Joshua, 7 Wells road Beaumont EugeneChas.14KentHouse rd
Adams Miss, 9 Grosyenor pl.Venner rd Ashby William, I6 Sydenham park Becher Maj.-General Alfred,Lexington,..
Adams Miss, 6 West hill Ashdown George, I r Mount Ash road Crystal Palace Park road
Adams MJ'S. Lynton, Peak hill Ashley Edwd. 14 Charleville cir.West hl Beck Wm.Alfred,r Park vils.Venner rd
Adams Mrs. 39 Peak Hill gardens · Aste John, Beulah, Cator road Beer Fredk.Hy.The Ferns,Wiverton rd
Adams Sidney Page, Valetta, Crystal Atkinson Edward Tindal Q.C. Fairbank, Beer Mrs. 65 Sydenham park
Palace Park road Crystal Palace Park road Beesley William, 7 Peak Hill gardens
.!damson Miss, Connemara, Venner rd Atkiitson F. H. 68 Kirkdale Beeton Robt. Jas. Saml. 29 West hill
Alciatore Gilvann, Dilstpn, Tredown rd Austin Miss, 4 Mount Ash road Bell John Chas. Rock ho.Sydenham hill
Alexander Mrs. 51 Longton grove Austin Robert, 22 Kent House road Bennett Rev. Arthur B.2rKnightn.Pk.rd
Allan John Alex. 31 Sydenham park AustinWm.Geo.I Venner vls.Vennerrd Bennett James, 11 Kinver road
Allan Miss,2Mouut vls.Sydenham Hl.rd Baass Andrew Henry Julius,Round Hill Bent Lieut.-Gen. Geo. 54 Longton gro
Allaway Mrs. Undermount, Sydenham house, Round hill Bentley Edward Henry, u Grosvenor
Hill road BaconArthur,22Priory vls.Newlands pk place, Venner road
Alien David, Southfields, Sydenham rd Baddeley Henry John, Meadow view, Berg Louis, Neveri, Sih'erdale
Alien Frederick William, 13 Peak hill Sydenham Park road HerkeleyEssexDigby,Lonsdale,Lngtn.av
Alien George James, u Linden grove Bagster Mrs. Braeside, Longton avenue Bernard Frederick, 6 Fransfield grove
Alien Henry, I Newlands ter. Boyne rd BaileyMrs.Glyrn,CrystalPalace Park rd Berridge Geo. Fernwood, Lawrie Pk.av
Alien Mrs. I3 Kent House road Baillie Thomas, 29 Linden grove Berrill William, 26 Peak Hill gardens
Alien Mrs. 18 Peak hill Baker Harry, 2 Champion park Bertram Ernest, 2 Albion Villas road,.
Alien Robert, Nettlestead, Venner road Balcombe Geo. 7 Newlands ter. Byne rd Sydenham Park road
Alien William, 43 Kent House road BalfourWm.Russell,Craigmore, Cator rd Bettson Bernard, 4 Albion Villas road,.
Alien William, Prenton, Wiverton road Ballard Frederick Stanley,The Lindens, Sydenham Park road
Allen William Hart, 20 Trewsbul:'y rd Sydenham road Bickerton-Evans Miss, 40 Longton gro
Allt Thomas, 8 Newlands ter. Byne Td Banks Miss, I Clarence Tils.Wiverton rd Biggs Chas.Fk.13Charlevillepir.West bl
Alpe Frank, St. Da.vid's, Crystal Palace Banks Mrs. Meadow bank, Longton av Billamore Alexander, il Veuner road
Park road Bannerman Mark Alfred, 52 West hill Bindoff David, 9 Fransfield grove
Alston Harry,Io Charleville cir.West hl Barclay Harry, Wapella, Byne road Bing Henry Francis, 24 Longton grove
Amery Thomas Pearson, $>. Houghton Barker Mrs. Anglesea, Hurghill road Binks George, 32 West hill
villas, Wiverton road Barnett Mrs. 2 Redberry grove Bird George, 22 Fransfield grove
Amsden Walter,Eversley,Sydenham av Barrett Thos.Wm. The Elms, Silverdale Hirkett Edward, Reathfield, Longton av
Anders George, 33 Peak Hill gardens Barry Charles Ainslie, Gloucester lodge, Birkinshaw Frederick, 16 Charleville
Anderson David, 9 St. Mark's road Lawrie Park road circus, West hill
AndersonJn. Wm.Highfield,Sydenhm.hl Barry Miss, 30 West hill Bishop William Thos. E.5 Linden grove
Andrews Geo, High bank, Panmure rd Barry Mrs. Acacia house, Venner road Blackmore John Thomas, 33 Kirkdale
Andrews G-eorge Martin, 6 St. Michael Bartholomew George, 70 Kirkdale BlackwellRchd.Charleston vil.Border rd
crescent, St. Michael road Bartlett John, I Sydenham park Bland George Davison, I02 West hill
AndrewsJn,Sotheron lo. Sydenhm. Hl.rd BartonJohnJas. 100riel vils.Newlnds. pk Blenkinsop Wm.Robt.45 KentHouse rd
AndrewsMrs.sOlarence vis.Wiverton rd Barton William Waiter, 2 St. Mark's rd Blight Peter Prance,3 Knighton Park rd
Andros A. C. I37 High street · Bates Wm. rCarlyle vls.KangleyBrdg.rd Bliss Mrs. I Beaconsfield ter. Byne rd
Annand Wm. 14 Grosvenor pi.Venner rd BathnrstJobn, I Oriel vils.Newlands pk Bloe George James, 6 St.Michael's road
ArlissChas.Sawforde,I9 Knighton Pk.rd Batt Mrs. 5 Claremont villas, Byne rd Bluett Miss, 25 Priory vils.Newlands pk
Ashby Frederick, Home pk.Sydnhm.rd Bawtree Hy.Christr.34Knighton Pk.rd Blundell George, 5 Wells road
AttreeThomasMill,Laughton lo. West hl Baxter Harry W. Petherton, Burghill rd Bodley Alfred CousiM, !l Grosvenor
Ayles Albert, 23 Acacia road Bayliss Alfd.MapleDurbam,Panmure rd place, Venner roa.d
.Appel Jn..<J-eo,3 Oriel viis. Newlands pk Beadell Mrs. I Peak Hill avenue Bokenham Fredk.G-eo.J-7 Trewsbury rd
Bolus Waiter, Armytage Io. Wells road Carter Fk.Wm. roHill Crest rd.West hill! Conolly William, Ravensbonrne, Crys-
Bolwell Isaac, 5 Hill Crest rd. West hill Carter George, I2 Linden grove tal Palace Park road
Boniface Richard, 8 St. Mark's road Carter Samuel, 3 Hill Crest rd. West hill Coochey Joseph Hy. 65 Kent House rd
Booth George Henry, SI Kirkdale Cash Thos.Bra.ckenbolme,LawriePrk.rd Cook Geo. 3 Beaconsfield ter. Byne rd •
Bordman Thomas, Cator ho. Cator road Castello Jacob Nunues, The Roccles, Cook George, I Champion park
Bousfield Mrs. Danecroft, Recreation rd West hili Coomber John William, 21 Peak hill
BovillJas.Hy. Shaftesbury vil. Venner rd Castle Mrs. 4 Grosvenor pl. Venner rd Coombs David Walker, 7 Eustace ter·
Bowly Rev. Chas. Hy. M.A. St. Micbael Catchpole Edward, Woodland~, Syden· race, Wiverton road
& All Angels vicarage, Champion pk ham hill Coombs Henry Geo.8 Peak Hill gardens
BowmanAlfcl.Geo.Faircross,Paumure rd Catenhusen August Mus. noc. Spohr Cooper George Warren, Weston lea,
BoysHy.qKelvingro.Sydenham Hill rd house, Silverdale Cator road
Bradford Mrs.6Marlow viis. Wiverton rd Cathcart David McCubbin, I3 Oriel Cooper Henry, Fernside, Newlands park
Bradford Mrs. 25 West hill villas, Newlands park CooperJohnBrooker,ssSydenham park
Bradley Waiter George, 2 The Firs, Catling Fredk.Jas. Corcyra,Panmure rd Cooper Miss, 18 Fransfield grove
Sydenham road Caton James, 7 Peak Hill avenue CooperMrs.Fiesole,Crystal Pal.Park rd
Bradly Mrs. 3 Albion Villas road, Cazenove Charles D. 10 Priory villas, Cooper Thomas, IS Kent House road
Sydenham Park road Newlands park Copas Edward, 2 Dalton viis. Vennerrd
Braid Jn.Jas.9 Oriel viis. Newlands park ChadVI ickGeo. 9Priory vils.Newlands pk Copland Theodore Oswald, Oaklands~
Branfoot Mrs. Su. Albans, Longton aven Challen Waiter, so Kent House road Border road
Brassington Thos. Harcourt, SilverdalP Chambers Henry J.P. Manor house, Coppard Frederick, 9 Linden grove
Bratt Lionel George James, Norway Sydenham hill Corker Edward Langley, Kilmarnock
villa, Venner road Chambers Wilham James, 7 Oriel villas villa, Venner road
Bray James, Park house,Addington gro Chandler Charles, I2 St. Michael's rd Corner Wm. Mead, Silverdale grange,
Brenchley George, I Wells road Chandler George,3 Albert villas, Syden· Silverdale
Brereton Edward, Redberry grove ham Hill road CosensGeo. Woodleigh, CrystalPal. Pk. rd
Brereton I<'rancis, 17 Peak Hill avenue Chandler George, Adela ho. Byne rd Cotton Mrs. 12 Grosvenor pl. Venner rd
Brew Henry, IO Bell green Chandler John, 34 Hanover st. Wells rd Cotton Stephen, Fairbairn, 8o West hill
Bridgman Alfred, 24 Trewsbury road Channon Mrs. Kent ho. Myrtle grove, Couldrey Horatio Henry, Elizabeth villa,
Brigham Jn. KingM.A.,M.D.33West hill Acacia road Addington grove
Broadbridge Mrs. 19 Champion park Chaplin Harry, 13 Priory villas, New- Coules Miss, 7 Jews' walk, High street
Bromley Henry, Glazeley, Sydenham lands park Cow Miss, 72 Kirkdale
avenue, Upper Sydenham Cheeseman Mrs. I3 Ori~l villas, New· Cowling Mrs. 14 Sydenham park
Brook WillougbyLeonard,3Amberley rd lands park Cox William, 18 Kent House road
Brooke Charles, 64 Kent House road Chester Edward, 38 Sydenham park Coxon Mrs. 16 West hill
Brooks Mrs. 7 Woodbridge viis. Byne rd I Chester James Douglas, 18 Longton gro Cracknell Alfred, 6 Eustace terrace,.
Brooksbank Thomas J.P.Newlands park Child Miss, 8 St. Michael's crescent, St. Wiverton road
Brouson Herbert, 20 Peak Hill gardens 1 Michael's road Craig John, Colebrooke, Longton aven
Brown Alfred Joseph, 23 Sydenham pk ChildsThos. Fairlight, Addingtongrove CrampMrs.Southacre,CrystalPal.Pk.rd
Brown George, St. John's lodge, Chitty Thomas, Glenrosa, Sydenham pk Crampton Mrs. Monteith lodge, Lawrie
Sydenham Park road Christie George, St. Philip's, Venner rd Park road
Brown Jas. 2 Bedford vils. Trewsbury rd ChristieGeo. W.sPriory vls.Newlands pk Crampton Percy, 37 West hill
1 Christie William Alban, 10 Portland Cranfield William, 24 Acacia road
Brown James, 23 Linden grove
BrownJn.Morris,St.Leonard's,Vennr.rd place, Veuner road Crickett William, 8 Linden grove
Brown John William, 4 Lindeu grove Christy Thomas F.R.G.s.Malvern house, Cripps Henry, 19 Kent House road
Brown Mrs. 59 Sydeuham park Sydenham road Crisford George Stephen, 2 Charleville
Brown Mrs. Burlington ho. West hill Church Walter,Greensville,Tredown rd circus, West hill
Brown Robert, Peakview, West hill Clarence Mrs. sB Longton grove CrockfordFrdk.TheTrossachs,Silverdale
Brown Waiter, 21 Fransfield grove I Clark Geo. D. The Myrtles, Silverdale Crofts Mrs.sGrosvenorplace,Vennerrd
BrowneAubery,8Hill Crestrd.Westhilll Clark John, Lilian cottage, Burghill rd Crowden Robert Hill, The Larches,
Browne Chas. Milner M.B. 66 Kirkdale , Clark Miss, 38 Knighton Park road Newlands park
BrowningMiss,s Madison vls.Venner rd · Clark Thomas Henry, 5 Marlow villas, Crowe Thomas, 9 Peak Hill avenue
Brownlow Edwin John, Ormonde, Wiverton road CroyleJames, Northfield, Trewsbury rrl
Burghill road ClarkWalterWm.fiHillCrestrd.Westhill Croyle Mrs. I Kingsley viis. Venner rd
Brunton William Riddell, 43 Kirkdale Clarke Major-General John, The Dingle, Crump Ernest Compson, I3 Kirkdale
Bunn Mrs. I33 High street Sydenham hill CrumpHarry, q.Priory vis. Newlands pk
Buchanan Mrs. 3 Kinver road ClarkeRev.WilliamJonesM.A.[assistant Culver Charles Frederick, Plaisance
Buckland Mrs. 6 Kiuver road north master King's & curate of villa, Burghill road
Buist John,3 Panmure vils.Panmure rd St.Mark,Camberwell],28Longtongro Cunnington Thos. 63 Kent House road
Bull Waiter, 15 St. Michael's road Clarke Henry Pickering, 5 Grosvenor Currey Henry, The Chestnuts, Private
.Buller Miss, I7 Kent House road villas, Venner road ' road, West hill
Buller PlumerAlex.Cawood ho.Cator rd Clarke Miss, 84 Kirkdale Currey Percival, Pen Bryn,Border cres-
Bulley Mrs. 6o Longton grove Clarke Mrs. 3 Linden grove cent, Lawrie Park avenue
Burgess Wm. Sandown villa, Byne rd Clarke Mrs. Cyprus house, Venner rd Cutbill Mrs.Southwood,Sydenham aven
BurlsEdwardCharles,Southdene,Trews- 1 Claxton Rd. Hy. 2Carisbrooke, Venner rd CutbillWalt.Ormidale,Crysta!Pal. Pk. rd
bury road Claydon William, u6 High street Dancer Alfred, 66 Longton grove
Burne Edward, Wilmington, Crystal Cleaver Allan,4 Claremont vils.Byne rd Darnley Darnel Rowland, 4 Charleville
Palace Park road Cleeve Charles John, 20 Fransfield gro circus, West hill
Burnstingel Mrs.Hawthornden, Lawrie Cleave Mrs. 10 :Fransfield grove Davidson Charles, Sydenham hill
Park road Clerihew Mrs. 52 Longton grove Davidson Jas.27 Priory vls.Newlands pk
Burrows Mrs. 10 Acacia road Clifford Mrs. Vine cot. Laurel grove Davidson Robert Grant, 30 Acacia road
Burt James, 25 Kent House road Cobb Waiter, 9 & II Peak Hill gardens Davies Edgar Endith, I22 High street
Bush Wm.Jn. Thornleigh,Sydenham h] & Silverdale lodge, Silverdale Davies Mrs. Byne villa, Byne road
ButlerHy.Wm. Windsor vil. Wiverton rd Cocq Rev. James Lewis Somers Roos- Davis Laurence, IThe Firs,Sydenham rd
Butler Mrs. xs Peak hill male M.A. [curate of Holy Trinity], Davis Tom, 6 Peak hill
Butler Percy William, x Eustace ter- 8 Longton grove Dawes Mrs. I8 Peak Hill avenue
race, Wiverton road Cole"l\Irs. Andora house, Cator road Dawkins Charles, 26 Kent House road
Butterworth William,77 Kent House rd Coleman Francis William, 4 Grosvenor Dean James, Brooklyn, Newlands park
Cadell George Edward Archer, Hillside, villas, Venner road De-Cerjat Capt.WynneChas.47 West hl
Crystal Palace Park road Coleman Henry, 37 Kent House road de Grave John William, I Amberley rd.
Cadell William, I Oakley vils. Silverdale Collings Mrs. Belfield, Lawrie Park rd De Lacey Charles, 39 Sydenham park
Cain Geo. 3 Priory vils. Newlands park Collins Edward Wolfenden M. A., M. D. Delany Jas. I Albion vls.SydenhamPk.rd
Campin John Richman, Thurlow lodge, Farnboro' house, Kirkdale Delmas Louis, 31 Longton grove
Panmure road Collins Jas. Holmsdale, Newlands park Denman William, xo Longton grove
Campion Frnk. Glenarm, Longton aven Coilins Maurice, 8 Trewsbury road Dennison George, 6 Peak Hill avenue
Campion John, 29 Hanover st. Wells rd Collins Richard, 48 Monnt Ash road De Neufville Richard, The Brooms,
Capes Mrs. I39 High street Colquhoun - fitirling Mrs. Elmwood, Crystal Palace Park road
Capes Stanley, 3 Kinver road north Crystal Palace Park road Denton GeorgeWilliam,SouthHilllodge,
CareyFrederickWm.IOChampion park Compton Frederick, 9 Trewsbury road Private road, West hill
Carpenter Charles, 8 Mount Ash road Condy Philip John, 5 Cleveland villas, de Pass Mrs. North lodge, West hill
Carpenter Charles Pickwick, 8 Priory Newlands park De Pury CharlesAlbert,x Bedford villas,
villas, Newlands park Connor Mrs. Maycroft, Recreation road, Trewsbury road
Carter Fk.Hy.Burnage,Sydenham aven Silverdale Desmoulins 1.\<Iiss, 34 Longton grove
Devereu:x Robert, 25 Peak Hill gardens Franks Henry, Beechenhnrst, Crystal Hamilton Francis Dancy, II Bell green,
Dewhirst Miss, 2 Peak hill Palace Park road . Sydenham road
Dickinson Herbert, 21 Linden grove Friedlander Waldemar, 90 West hill Hammerton Thomas Moy, Avon villa,
Dieseldorff Charles William, Dorchester Friend John Rorie, 52 Kent House road Addington grove
house, Lawrie Park gardens Gaa.rn Miss, 49 Sydenham park Hammond John, 14 Peak Hill gardens
Diggens David Livingstone, St.Sidwells, Gaitskell EdwardForbes, Catton, Crystal Hancock Thomas, 7 Albion Villas road,
Venner road Palace Park road Sydenham Park road
• Gandon Chas. Aberdalgie lodge,Bellgrn Handcock Mrs. 13 Peak Hill avenue
Dingle William, 3I Linden grove
Dinnage Daniel, 12 Kelvin grove,Syden- Gardiner Wm.St.Clottlde,Longton aven Hands Col. Wm. I Bindley vIs. Venner rd
ham Hill road Gardner-WoollotonArthurWells,Lethen Hanlon George, 18 Champion park
Dobinson Arthur, 4 Panmure villas, grange, Lawrie Park avenue Harbert Frederick Piercy, 2 Franklin
Panmure road Garey Edwd.Blithedale,Sydenham aven villas, Venner road
Dods Mrs. 14 St. Mark's road Garmeson Miss, 35 Peak Hill gardens Hardcastle Henry Chas. 22 Linden gro
DodsonMrs.Cambridge ldg.Newlands pk Garrard Frederick, 22 Champion park Harding William, 47 Acacia road
Donisthorpe GeorgeEdmund,Belvedere, GarrettJn. Lewis,Montacute, Burghill rd Hardy John Charles, 29 Longton grove
Crystal Palace Park road Garrod Henry, Somerton, llurghill rd Hardy Thomas, 28 Kent House road
Dorman Chas. The Firs, Westwood rd Garwood ArthurEdmd.41Sydenham pk Hardy William, 7 Acacia road
DormayJohnPeter,Reculvers,Silverdale Geary Wm. Ecclesbourne, Venner road Harker Robert, 6 Tredown road
· Dorrington Benjamin, IHoughton villas, Gellatly Edwd. Uplands, Sydenham hill Harper George, 7 Peak hill
Wiverton road George Arthur Wilbraham, 135 High st Harries Daniel Davies, 62 West hill
Douglas Wm. Kennet.h, 62 Longton gro Gibbs Miss, The Cottage, West hill Harrild Horton, 143 High street
Doyle .drthur, 1 Priory vils.Newlands pk Gibson Mrs. Merton villa, Venner road Harrild Horton, jun.Westwd. 17 West hl
Drake Herbert, 46 Longton grove Gibson Samuel, 75 Longton grove Harris Edward, 69 & 71 Longton grove
' Drake John Ramsey, St. Helen's,Crystal Gifford Henry W1lliam .Berkinger, Harris Mrs. 5 Peak Hill avenue
· Palace Park road Mavisbank, Sydenham avenue Harrison Edward, Colwyn, Crystal
Drakeford Rev. David J osiah B. A. Elm Gifkins Rev. Martin George [Catholic], Palace Park road
grove, Sydenham road Clifton villa, Sydenham road Harrison George, 5 West hill
Druitt George, 15 Linden ~rove Gilbert John Gilbert, Montana,Cator rd Harrison Mrs. Wynnstay,LawriePark rd
soDuncan James Heron, 18 West hill GilburtJsph. 6Clarence viis. Wiverton rd Hart William Stanford,4 Charles street,
Dunlop Wm. Carstairs, Longton gro Ginn Alfred Durrant,19Peak Hill gardns Sydenham Hill road
Dunton James Wallis, 39 Kirkdale Girling John Arthur M.A. Claremont Hartley Frederick, 43 Knighton Pk. rd
Durham Jas.Gordon,35 Knighton Pk.rd villa, Sydenham road Harvey Augustus Frederick Hargrave,
Dyer Misses, 22 West hill Gladwin Ernest, 7 St. Michael's road IO Sydenham park
Eales Charles, Harberton, Silverdale Glass William, Meadow view,Venner rd Harvey John, 7 Knighton Park road
Eames Charles Gladstone, 16 Peak hill Goddard Mrs. 3 Jews' walk, High st Harvey Mrs. Ivy '\"illa, Byne road
Earl Mrs. 9 Mount Ash road Godwin Mrs. I3 Fransfield grove Harvey Mrs. 4 Peak Hill avenue
Eastman Arch. Sylvan ldg.Lawrie Pk.rd Gold James, 2 Knig·hton Park road Haslegrave Edward Joseph, 19 North
Easton Charles James, Cambridge Good Walter Chas. Treverven, Byne rd terraC{l, Fairlawn park
house, Sydenham Park road Goodman Mrs. 22 Acacia road Hatcher Mrs. Fernagh, Tredown road
Eastwood Jas. Richd. Oak vil. Byne rd Goodwin Wm. Borderville, Newlands pk Hatfield John,I Woodbridgevls.Bynerd
Edney Henry, Birkendale, Taylor's lane Goodyear Thos. Henry, 2 Trewsbury rd Hatfield Mrs.9 Gloucester vls. Venner rd
Edows Mrs. 39 Kent House road Gordon Miss, 68 West hill Hawkridge Jsph.7Glo'ster vis. Venner rd
Edwards Geo.Donovan lodge,Venner rd Gordon William Edward, The Avenue, Hawtrey Mrs. Sunnyside, Venner road
Edwards Jas. Stockbridge ho. Venner rd Sydenham Park road Hayward Arthur Curtis, Didcombe,
Edwards Robt. 6 Newlands ter.Byne rd Gough Geo.Addington ho.Addingtn.gro Long-ton avenue
Eldrid Edwd.Hy. 13Jews' walk,High st Gould Miss, 4 Trewsbury road
Heald Frederick William, 31 West hill
Eldridge Rev. Philip, 6 Carlton terrace, Grady Mrs. Grove lodge, Ch urchley rd Heald George James, 27 West hill
Bydenham park
Graham Mrs. 26 Knighton Park road Heald Richard, 4 Peak hill
Eldridge Alfred, 19 Linden grove Grainger Mrs. 36 Hanover st. Wells rd Heath Mrs. 4 Clarence viis. Wiverton rd
Elgood Charles Alsager, 37 Longton gro Gray George, 52 Sydenham park Heawood Misses, 32 Longton grove
Ellis Mrs. 21 Champion park Gray Geo. Hy. Holmlea, Trewsbury rd Heinke l\llrs. 5 Woodbridge vis. Byne rd
Emery Mrs. 17 Peak Hill gardens Gray Miss, 49 Kent House road Hemmings Miss, 4 Peak Hill gardens
Enslie Alex. Parkhurst, CrystalPal. Pk.rd Grayson Miss, 27 Knighton Park road Henderson Chas.2Portland pl. Venner rd
Enthoven Fk.TheGableho.LawriePk.av Greak Mrs. I2 Peak hill Hensman Harry, 39 Knighton Park rd
Erskine Wm. M.D. Tullyallan, Peak hill Greehy Edmund, 13 Peak Hill gardens Henton :Frank, 3 Claremont vls.Byne rd
Etheridge Herbert Wilham, 2 Guildford Green HEmry, 126 High street Herbage Percy Geo.l:tosenheim,Silverdl
villas, Burghill road Green Jas. I Cambridge vls. Wiverton rd Hettler Ewald, 2 Kinver road north
Etheridge John, The Briars, Silverdale Green Mrs. Lindale,CrystalPalacePk.rd Hewitt Misses,Fairview,Sydenhm.Hl.rd
Evans Frederick Moule, Maisonnette, Green Mrs. Kelvin gro.Sydenham Hl.rd HicksEd wd. Sl.Claremont,Sydnm. Pk. rd
Crystal Palace Park road Green WI!liam, I Tremaine villas, Hicks Thomas Henry, Strathmore,
Evershed William, 8 Fransfield grove Kangley Bridge road Crystal Palace Park road
Fairbrother Travis William, 29 Priory Greenfield William,5Westbourne villas, Higginton Wm. 2 Carlyle vls. Venner rd
villas, Newlands park • Westbourne road Hill Miss, 2 Madison villas, Venner rd
FarlowMrs.I Holland vils.Trewsbury rd Greengrass Edwin, The Woodbines, Hillier Mrs. St. Olave, Silverdale
Farmer Walter Henry, 2I Priory villas, Silverdale Hitchcock Edward Thomas, Glenwood,
Newlands park Greenwood Alfred M.A., F.R.S.L. 27 Tredown road
Farquhar Misses, 86 West hill Sydenham park Hobbs Mrs. Laverstock vl. Newlands pk
Farrance Arthr. 3 Myrtle gro. Acacia rd Greenland Charles Francis, 35 West hill Hobbs Stephen, 22 Peak Hill gardens
Farrar George, 10 Kinver road north Greenwood.ijerbt. Southwood,Silverdale Hodgson Harry, 3 St. Michael's road
Farrow Alfd. Edwd. St. Helena,Bynerd Gregg Miss, 27 Kirkdale Hodgson Tbos.2oCharleville cir.West hl
Fawcett Edward, I4 Linden grove Greig Rev. John Harold B.A. [curate of Hoffmann Carl, 73 Longton grove
Felli'\irs.Elmcroft,Recreation rd.Silvrdle St. Bartholomew], 17 Peak hill Hobs Edgar, 5 Beaconsfield ter. Byne rd
Fenerty Miss, Bellevue, Border crescent, GrellierMiss,3Charleville circus, West hl HolliesJsph .4Westbrne.vls. Westbrne. rd
Lawrie Park avenue Griffin Wm. 27 North ter. Fairlawn pk Holloway Mrs. 5 Park viis. Venner rd
Fickus James, Ivanhoe, Silverdale Griffith Edwd. Jn. Maydeken,Silverdale Holmes William, r6 Knighton Park rd
Figg Wm. 8 Portland pl. Venner road Griggs Miss, 6 Mount Ash road · Holt Henry, 34 Sydenham park ·
Fisher Christian Hy. 3 Peak Hill grdns Grimes George Edwd. 3 Trewsbury rd Holtom Henry, I4 Kinver road north
Fitter Ernest,I2Priory vils.Newlands pk Gritton Miss, 6 Longton grove Hooper John, 51 Sydenham park
Flood Mrs. Margaret vil. Addington gro Grove SirGeo.n.c. L.,LL.n.Sydenham rd Hooper Mrs. The Hurst, Sydenham hill
Flood-Page Major Saml. 76 West hill Graver Arthr. 25 North ter.Fairla.wn pk Hopkins Edward, Sherwood lodge,
Fogerty Jsph. Enderby, Lawrie Park rd Guerrier Alfred Childs, 5 Gordon ter- Lawrie Park road .
Forbes David Knight, 9 West hill race, Wiverton road Hopkins John, 4Northumberland villas,
Forrester Mrs. Helios, Crystal Pal.Pk.rd Gunson Edward,The Beeches,Silverdale Newlands park
Forster Miss, Etherston, Tredown road Gunston Richard, I24 High street Hopper Wm. TheGrange,Sydenham rd
Foster Miss, 45 Kirkdale Haines Harry,u Oriel vils.Newlands pk Horton John, 54 Kent House road
Fowkes Henry Raper George,98 West hl Hagemann Otto,Hillthope,Sydenham hl Roster Albert, Grove house, Myrtle
Fox Mrs. Woodrille, Cator road Hale Edward Howard, 2 Longton grove grove, Acacia road
Francis Lady, 49 Longton grove Hall Jn. Percy, Carville, Lawrie Park rd Hotham Richard, 7 St. Mark's road
Francis John, 12 Acacia road Hall Mrs.TheChiUet,Crystal PalacePk.rd HoughtonMrs.2Gloucestr. vls.Venner rd
rrancis John Henry, I Cromwell villas, Hall Mrs. Samrena villa, Venner road Housden J ames B. Brooklyn, Cator rd
Vennerroad Halley Mrs. 25 Knighton Park road Howard Mrs.5 Lansdowne pl. Venner rd
Franklin James, 6 Linden grove Hamer Mrs. 8 Peak bill HowarthBenj.2Grosvenor vis.Venner rd
Howie Wm. Innes,Mayfield, Tredown rd Kirkman William Octavins, 2 Beacons- :McArthur Miss, The Cottage, West hill
Hubba:rd Albert, I3 St. Michael's road field terrace, Byne road
McCarthyDnl.Florence vil. Addngtn.gro
Hubbuck Charles Alfred, Heathtield, Knapp Mrs. The 'Briars, Venner road McClellan Benj. Sussex vi!. Venner road
Sydenham hill Knight Capt. Thomas, 9 Charleville McDermott LMvrence, to Peak hill
Hubbuck George Parker J.P. Wyton circus, West hill McEuen Charles Henry, Highwood,
house, Border road KnightMrs.Springfield,Crystl.Pal.Pk.rd Crystal Palace Park road
Hudson Henry Robert, 5 Peak hill Knight William, 19 West hill Mackenzie David, Glenesk, Cator road
HughesCecilB.tGorclon ter. Wiverton rd Knighton William, Peak Billlo. Peak hl Mackenzie Jas. Derwent vils. Silverdale
Hughes Mrs. 4 Myrtle grove, Acacia rd Knoche Car], Fernleig-h, Burghill road Mackey Mrs. I Charleville circus, West hl
HugueninMiss, Knott Frederick Singleton, The Briars, McKinlay Mrs. I8 Kinver road north
Hunt John, 6 Woodbridge vis. Byne rd Crystal Palace Park road Maclean Alex. Woodville, Hurghill road
Hunt William Morris, 5 Amberley road Knott George,2I North ter. Fairlawn pk ~Iaclean Miss, The Cottage, West hill
Hunter Joseph, Rosemont, Venner road Knowles Richard, Arazaris, Crystal McLean Rohert, 25 Linden grove
Hunter Mrs. 12 Hill Crest rd. West hill Palace Park road :McLoughlin Eugene, 4I Kirkdale
Hunter Robt. 18 Priory vis. Newlands pk Laker Jas. 3 Gloucester viis. Venner rd McMullenWm.Arthr.24 Kni~htonPk.rd
Huston Mrs. 29 Peak Hill gardens Lambert George, 14 St. Michael's road MeNair Major John l''rederick Adolphus
Hutchings Charles, I5 Sydenham park Lambert Wm.Augm;tus,67 Longtongro c.M.G., R.A. 34 West hill
Hutchins Arthur Robert, Hanover Lander John, St. Aubyn's, Crystal Maginnis Arthur,Manora,Trewsbury rd
lodge, Sydenham road Palace Park road Manger Richard, Eversleigh, Byne road
Button Robert, 2I Trewsbury road Lane Thomas :Frederick, 5 Portland Markwell Albert, I Newlands, Venner rd
Huxtable Mrs. Ashbrne.Lawrie Pk.gdns place, Venner road Marotta C. The Riviera, Border cres-
Hyslop Mrs. 96 West hill Langer Paul, 2I Longton grove cent, Lawrie Park avenue
Inman Miss, Katrine, Silv~rdale Lankstead Henry, 7 Linden grove MarriottFdk.Jn. 14Hill Crest rd.West hl
Irvine Alex. Lodwick, 56 Longton gro Larking Henry, I2 Longton grove Marsdon Henry, Ivyside, Addington gro
IsardArthr.Jas.2llrindley vis. Venner rd Latham John, Enderley, Hurghill road Marshali Georg-e Arthur, 36 West hill
IvoryWilliam,2 Marlow vls. Wiverton rd Latham Wm. Hy. Park villa, Hyne road Martin Edward, Woodlands, Cator road
Jackman Jas. II Newlands ter. Byne rd Laver Edward, ~o Russell st.reet Mason Edwin,7 Gordon ter. Wiverton rd
Jackson H.t. Raynsford,Ashurst,West hl Lavington Wm. Wykeham,Newlands pk MastersS tephn. Sunnyside, Addngtn.gro
Jackson Thomas, II Frausfield grove Law James M.D., c.M. I Grosvenor Mathews Mrs. 58 Kent House road
JamesGeo. Robt.3Madison vls. Venner rd place, Venner road Maunder Henry John, 27 Atoacia road
James John Bailey, 37 Sydenham park Lawes Edward Bowen, Hillside, Syden- Maxted Henry, 72 Kent House road
Jefferies James, I6 Peak Hill gardens ham Hill road J\olaxwell Mrs. 66 West hill
Jefferson Henry, I I Kinver road north Lawes Thomas, 42 Sydenham park May Fdk. The Birches, Lawrie Pk. gdns
Jeffries Jsph. 8 Gloucester vls.Venner rd LawrenceChas.I5Newlands ter.Byne rd May Mrs. 3 Park villas, Venner road
Jenner William, 33 Longton grove LawrenceJsph.Berkeley lo.Sydenhm.hl May Philip, Roslyn, Longton avenue
Jennings Hy. I7 Prioryvls.Newlands pk Lawrie Mrs. Arden house, Border road Mayhew Edwd.17North ter.Fairlawnpk
Jennings Henry Rowland, I Grosvenor Lazenby Charles, Summerfield, Border Mayow Misses, 37 Kirkdale
villas, Venner road crescent, Lawrie Park avenue Meade Chas. 5 Eustace ter. Wiverton rd
JepsonOctavs.M.D.Elmfield, Lazenby Walt. Castlebar, Sydenham hl Meakin Wm. Alfd. I8 Trewsbury road
Jervis Lieut. WilJiam, Chatkyll, Cres- Leach Mrs. I4 Longton grove Medcraft Richard Charles, 2 Priory
eent road, Lawrie Park road LeadbeaterMrs.4 Eustace ter. Wivrtn.rd villas, Newlands park
Jessop Matthew John, n Priory villas, Lee John, 34 Acacia road Meeks Mrs. 2 St. Michael's crescent, St.
Newlands park Lee John, jun. York house, Myrtle Michael's road
Job Mrs. I Mount vils. Sydenham Hl. rd grove, Acacia road Meier Diederick, I9 Trewsbury road
JohnsonEdwd.Howard,2rSydenham pk Lee-Smith Frederick James, I6 Priory Meinhardt Mrs. I Panmure villas, Pan-
.Johnson Mi~s, 43 West hill villas, Newlands park mure road
Jobnston Ernest,6 Kelvin grove, Syden- Lester Francis Wilson, I Carlyle villas, Melhuish Mrs. 28 Peak Hill gardens
ham Hill road Venner road Melville John, xo Mount Ash road
Johnston Thos. Waverley, Newlandspk Lester Mrs. Stanmorelo. Newlands pk Mercer Nicholas Alfred, The Cottage,
Johnstone Mrs. Grangewood, Border Levick Misses, Edge hill, Peak hill Sydenham hill
crescent, Lawrie Park avenue Lewis Lewis George, 76 Longton grove Merrall Mrs. I2 Trewsbury road
Jolly Sidney Blake M.B. 38 West hill Lightfoot Mrs. Kelvin house, Kelvin Merralls Geo. Fredk. 23 Trewsbury rd
Jonanno Charles, 64 Kirkdale grove, Sydenham Hill road Merritt Thomas, 20 Kent House road
Jones Daniel Luce, Beechavon, Border Lindsay Francis, 69 Kent House road Meyer Misses,15 Charleville cir. West hl
crescent, Lawrie Park avenue Lindsay John Alexander Crumpus, Meyrick Rev. Edwin, 4 Amberley road
Jone~ Frederick, 2I West hill Lilyvale, Newlands park Miall Jas. Augustu.s, 73 Kent House rd
Jones Henry, 5 Jews' walk, High street Lingham George Askew, Milverton Miles Mrs.4 Cleveland vils.Newlands pk
Jones Miss, 2 Apsley viis. Trewsbury rd lodge, Sydenham Hill road Mill Miss, 4 Longton grove
Jones Miss, St.. Helen's, Long-ton aven Lister George, 6 Jews' walk, High street Miller Edwd. Josiah,I8 Knighton Pk.rd
Jones Mrs. 3 Myrtle grove, Acacia road Litchfield Mrs. Ronville, Longton aven Miller Geo. Stephen,53 Sydenham park
Jones Mrs. Burchester, Venner road Little Wm.Alfd. Belle vue,Sydenham hl Miller Mrs. Birchfield, Panmure road
Jones Thomas, 79 Kent House road Littlejohnsf<'red,2 Venner viis. Venner rd Mills Waiter, 24 Kent House road
Jones Thomas, 3 TremaineyiUas, Kang- Littleton Alfred, 7 West hill Millwood Jn. 6 Gordon ter. Wiverton rd
ley Bridge road Littleton Mrs. Westwood P'ield, Lawrie Milne George Grinnell, The Hollies,
Joscelyne Rev. Arthur Frederick B.A. Park gardens Crystal Palace Park road
[Congregational], 37 Peak Hill grdns Livingstone Frederick, The Retreat, Milner William Henry, 13 Linden gro
. Just Martin Z. Belmont ho. Sydnhm. hl Newlands park Milton Mrs. 3 Wood bridge vils.Hyne rd
Kaltenbach Mrs. Cecil ho. Westwood rd Livingstone Mrs. 33 Sydenham park Miners :Nirs. I Dalton viis. Venner road
Kay Albert Edward, 5 Kinver road Lloyd Edwd.Ig Priory vils.Newlands pk Mitchell George Westlake, Rockhills,
Kay Jn. Wm. M. D. Darley ho. Venner rd Lodge Charles, Clune ho. Sydenham rd West hill
Keating Mrs. 33 East ter. Fairlawn park Lodge Miss, I9 Sydenham park Mitchell Mrs. Gonville,Sydenham aven
Keddell Ambrose, Chatsworth, Cator rd LojewskiGeo.Fdk.Priory vil.Sydnhm.rd Moore Charles, Kent villa, Venner road
Kendall Arthur, 24 West hill Long Charles, IS Peak Hill gardens Moore Charles Henry, 17 St. Mark's rd
Kendrick Henry, Hope lodge, Venner rd Longmore Wm. Dalmally,Trewsbury rd Moore Dl.Woodthorpe,Sydenham Hl.rd
Kennedy-Purvis Alex.K. 42 Longton gro Lorimer Francis John M. B. 25 Kirkdale Moore Mrs. 8 Lansdowne pl. Venner rd
Kennedy-Purvis Mrs. 59 Longton grove Loundes Henry, The Lawn, Panmure rd Moure Mrs. 29 Sydenham park
Kenning George, "'oo West hill LoveringAlfd.Ernst.Salterne, Venner rd Moore Thomas, 23 Peak hill
Keiser William, 15 Champion park Low Stephen Philpot J.P. I4I High street Morgan John, II Charleville cir.West hl
Kimpton Mrs. Florence villa, Syden- LoweGeo.Danl.IONewlandster.Bynerd Morgan Thomas, 53 Kirkdale
ham Hill road Lowe John, 20 West hill Morris Wellington, Rocky Hill house,
Kinder Alexander, IS Kinver rd. north Lowe Miss, 11 Portland pl. Venner road Addington grove
KinderArthr.23 Prioryvils.Newlands pk Lowndes Ernest, 8 Sydenham park Morrison Willtam, I 5 Trewsbury road
King Rev. Alfred Edmund M.A. [vicar Lowrie Ueo. St. Ronans, Newlands park Mott Henry H.ThePriory,Sydenhamrd
of St. Philip's], 72 Longton grove Lucas Thomas P. 3 Peak hill Motton Miss, 42 Kent House road
KingEdwd.2Cleveland vils. Newlands pk Luke William, The :Ferns, Crystal MouldMaj.-Gen.Fk.R.E.39 Longton gro
King Mrs. Southwood, Sydenham hill Palace Park road
Muggeridge Thomas Benjamin, The
King Sidney Herbert, Cheriton, Border Lumley I<'arrar, 8 Woodbridge villas, Vale, Crystal Palace Park road
crescent, Lawrie Park avenue Byne road Muhm John, 'l'he Elm, Addington gro
Kingsford Jas. The Wood, Sydenhm. hi Lyell John, 4 Portland place, Venner rd Mullins John,3Marlow vils.Wh·ertonrd
Kipping Mrs. H. x Longton grove Lyons Robert, 7 Mount Ash villas, Mundy Henry, Brading vil. Byne road
Kirkman :Miss, The Cottage, West hill Sydenham Hill road Munse Robt. 4 Marlow vils. Wiverton rd
Kirkman Wm. Boxmoor vil. Tredown rd 1 McAdam Alex. 8 Knighton Park road Muriel Miss, Bolton house, Peak hill
M1ll'ton Arthur,7Pol'tland pl. Vennet rd PJowright Augustine, go Sydenhatn rd Roberts Miss, I2 Portland pl. Venner rd
Musellwhite George, 5 Mount villas, PlumberyRobert,2 Kelvin grove,Syden- Roberts Misses, 54 West hill
Sydenham Hill road ham Hill road Roberts Mrs. Athollodge, Venner road
Nankivell !<'rank lii.D. 6o Kirkdale Plumptre Claude, Rosemount, Lopg- Robertson Edmund Geo.26 Longton gro
Narizzano Alberto,Genoa ho. Silverdale ton avenue Robinson Maj.Jas.R.M.A. I3 Trewsbry.rd
Nash John, I Gordon vils. Wiverton rd Poge Jn.Alfd.29 North ter. Fairlawn pk Robinson Rev. John Eblill M.A. 36
Nash Mrs. Red house, Border road Poll Isaac, 24 Sydenham park Sydenham park
Naumann F. W. Seymour lodge,Syden- Pollard Ch!i.rles,Marshwood,Burghill rd Robinson Ernest, go Linden grove
ham Hill road Porter John Henderson, 23 Longton gro Robinson Geo.7Priory vils.Newlands pk
Neame Capt. Albert, 13 Grosvenor Pottinger Robert, 27 Longton grove Robinson Miss, St. Clair, Venner road
place, Venner road Powell Henry, 27 Kent House road Robinson Mrs.sGloucester vls. Vennr.rd
Neame Laurence Harding, Lowood, Poyser Arthur, 88 West hill Rochfort Mrs. Roslyn, Silverdale
Crystal Palace Park road Pratt David Groom, 3 St. Michael's Rocke Major-Gen. James Harwood c.B.
Nevill Mrs. 4 Woodbridge vils. Byne rd crescent, St. Michael's road Weldnn lodge, Lawrie Park road
New Mrs. Camden villa, Panmure road Pratt Geo. The Hawthornes, Silverdale Roddick David Hy. Montrose, Venner rd
NewmanJsph.Rosemarkie,Trewsbry. rd PrenticeWilliam,3 Niton villas,Kangley Rodgers William, 2 Kent House road
Newport Waiter, IO Knighton Park rd Bridge road Rogers Ernest, I Westbonrne villas,
Newsam William Read, I Sutton villas, Prevett Henry, 5 Mount Ash road Westbonrne road
Venner road Price Thos. William, 75 Kent House rd RogersFrank,4Gloucester vls. Venner rd
Newstead Arthur Charles, Ambergate, Price William Charles, 4I Acacia road Rogers Harry, 2 Fransfield grove
. Catorroad Prisley John Hy.North view, Venner rd Rogers Thomas William, I5 Priory
Newthwaite John, 6 Cleveland villas, Pritchard George, Io Linden grove villas, Newlands park
Newlands park Puckett Wm. I3 Newlands ter.Byne rd Rogers Wm.Walt.ColleyHaw,Longtn.av
Nichols Henry, IO Trewsbury road Pollen Harry, Parkfield,LawriePark av Rolfe Fredk. Io Grosvenor pl.Venner rd
Noakes Charles, I Carlton terrace, Purchase William Hy. 9 Kinver rd. nth Rose George, 1 Peak hill
Sydenham park Quixley James Henry, I Claremont Rosenstock Julius, 66 Kent House road
Norris Miss, u West hill villas, Byne road RossetterWm.Maude vil.Addington gr()
Northard Thos. York ho. Sydenham rd Rablits CharlesJames Whittuck,Sheriff Rothney Mrs. 16 Peak Hill avenue
O'Bryen James(Joseph M.D. 7 Fairlawn wood, Silverdale RothwellGeo.2oPriory vls.Newlands pk
terrace, Sydenham road Rackstraw Mrs.20riel vils.Newlands pk Rowett Mrs. 2 Newlands, Venner road
Offor George, Peak Hill villa, Peak hill Raine Richd. ,Birkendale, Newlands pk Ruffer Alphonse, Menival, Crystal
Ohren Charles Magnns, I8 St. Mark's rd Rainey William John, II Peak Hill av Palace Park road
f Ohren Magnus A.M.I.C.E. ,aell green, RaillB Mrs. 43 Sydenham park Ruffer Ernest, Ribblesdale, Crystal
Lower Sydenham Ramsden William, 26 Linden grove Palace Park road
OldhamCharles Edward,Carnley house, · Ranking Mrs. 2 Grosvenor pl. Venner rd Ruffer Maurice, 39 West hill
Venner road Ransom Mrs. 23 Charleville cir. West hi Rush Joseph George, 31 Kent House rd
Oliver Alfd. Jn. The Glen, Wiverton rd Ransom Mrs. 10 Peak Hill gardens Rush William, 29 Kent House road
J Olney EdwinA.TheMyrtles,Wiverton rd Rappard William. The Orchard, The Rusbton Frank,sCharleville cir.West hl
Orchard Hy. The Sycamores, Silverdale Mount, Sydenbam Hill road Russell Miss, Kenton cot. Sydenham rd
Orpe Mrs. Mentone, Border crescent, Rashleigh Charles Edward,The Chimes, Rutt Fdk. Wm. 31 Hanover st. Wells rd
Lawrie Park avenue Crystal Palace Park road Sack Herman Lewis, The Priory, Pan-
. Orsi Count Joseph,33 Kent House road Ratcliff Hy. Geo.37 Hanover st. Wells rd mure road
OsmondWatson,Nethertn.Newlands pk RatcliffMrs.4Albert vls.SydenhamHl.rd Saker Albert, 3I Knighton Park road
Owen Miss,2Charles st.SydenhamHl.rd Ratcliff Sidney Charles, 6 Gloucester Sales Mrs. Chalet Bellevue, The Mount,
Owzman Charles, 14 Champion park villas, Venner road Sydenham Hill road
Oxland Charles, Greystoke, Crystal Raw William Edmund St. Michael, Salter Joseph Humphreys, 32 Acacia rd
Palace Park road Oak bank, Crystal Palace Park road Samways George, 8 Mount Ash villas,
Oxley Wait. Wm. 68 Kent House road Rawlings Fredk. 'fhos.2o Champion pk Sydenham Hill road
PackmanFk.Jn. rOak viis. Trewsbury rd Rawlings Mrs. 27 Linden grove Sanders Mrs. II Trewsbury road
Page Arthnr Thomas, II Peak hill Rawlins Rev. Charles M.A. St.Ethelbert, SarsonWalt.Jn.2 Newlands ter.Hyne rd
Pagnell Percy, 36 Knighton Park road Crystal Palace Park road Sartin Mrs. I Kelvin gro.Sydnhm.Hill rd
Palmer Francis Randall, so West hill Reddis Mrs. 104 West hill Satchell William, 47 Mount Ash road
Palmer John, 16 Linden grove Redman James, 2 Peak Hill avenue Saunders William, I Trewsbury road
Palmer William, 2 Fransfield grove Redpath Mrs. 35 Kirkdale Sauze Harold Augustus, 4 Mount villas,
Park Henry, The Paddock, Venner rd Reed Herbert,The !<'erns,Crescent road, Sydenham Hill road
Park Mrs. 3I Peak Hill gardens Lawrie Park road SaviHe Wm.Hy ·9 Portland pl. Venner rd
Parker Frederick, 12 Peak Hill gardens ReesJn. Chas.Eliot ldg.Sydenham Hl.rd Saxton E. Beltwood, Sydenham hill
Parker Samuel Edward, Battle cottage, Reeves John, The Limes,Addingtongro Saywood Fdk. 3 Newlands ter. Byne rd
Sydenham Park road Reeves Miss, 62 Kirkdale Schilling George, High:field house,
Parry Captain William Henry,Derwent Reid Mrs. 48 Longton grove Crystal Palace Park road
house, Crystal Palace Park road Reilly James Al'thnt". Waterloo house, Schmidlin Mrs. 47 Sydenham park
Pash Mrs. Esbonrn, Crescent road, Addington grove Schofield George, Southfield, Silverdale
Lawrie Park road Reinert Eugene Leopold, Border lodge, Schotield Robt.Holmleigh,Longton aven
Passingham Chas. 41 Knighton Park rd Border road - Schott Emile,Alpine cot.Sydnhm.Pk.rd
Fatten Arth.Hy.39 Hanover st. Wells rd Relf Richard, 120 High street. SchrollAdolph,2 Newport vls. Venner rd
Paul John Hy. Ellesmcre ho. Venner rd Remminton Henry, 22 Trewsbnry road Schultze Richd. Schultzenhof, Cator rd
Pawle Frank, 11 St. Mark's road Rendell James, Somerville, Tredown rd Scholey George William, 3 Charles
• Payne John, Kathlamba, Sydenham av Renter Victor, Hawkhurst lodge, street, Sydenham Hill road
Payne-Crawfurd Rev. Charles Herbert Sydenham road Scoles George Matthew Corey, Crofton
M.A. 17 Peak hill Reynolds Hewetsou Russell, Stowell, lodge, Venner road
Pearce Reginald, Via Gellia, Kinver rd Burghill road
Scott Maj. -Gen.Jn. Guillam,41West hill
Peirce Mrs. 7 Sydenham park Reynolds Michael Thomas, 22 Peak hill Scott Rev. Douglas Lee LL.D. (head
Penfold Edward Linzee,64 Longton gro Reynolds William Pierce, The Ches- master of Mercers' school, London),
Pengelley Edwd. The Limes, Sih•erdale nuts, Silverdale 74 Longton grove
Penney George Hamilton, 8 West hill Rhodes John, 20 Sydenham park Scott Edward, 2 Linden grove
PerkinsChas.Edwd.SteeleM.B.8oKirkdle Rhodes Miss,Hawthorndene,Longton av ScottJn. Robinsn.4Madison vls.Vennr.rd
Perkins Christopher, 53 Acacia road Rice John, Mayfield, Recreation road, Scott Walter, 25 Fransfield grove
Perrott William Hy.Dunolly,Venner rd Silverdale Scruton Mrs.Eversfield, Lawrie Park rd
Perry Richard, 2 Mount Ash road Rice Mrs. 5 Tredown road Sealey Chas.2o North ter.Fairlawn park
Petrides DemetriusNicolas, 58 West hl RichardsFk.10Gloucester vls.Venner rd Sellon John Scudamore, The Hall,
Pettengill JameE', 20 Longton -grove Ridgway Mrs.LimeTree cot.Sydnhm.rd Private road, West hill
Phillips George Herbert,. Rochallions, Ridley Miss, 45 Longton grove Selman'Miss,22North ter.Fairlawn park
Crystal Palace Park road Rigold Bernard, 10 Lansdowne place, Selous Edric M.n.66 CrystalPalacePk.rd
Phillips James Arthur, 65 Longton gro Venner road Sendyk Oscar Villers, Roseneath,
t Philpott Mrs. 22 Longton grove Riley William, Talbot villa, Venner road Sydenham Park road
, Pickering Alfred,Sunbnry ho. Venner rd Riscox Mrs. 9 Peak hill Sercombe Thomas, 38 Longton grove
Pickup Thos. Park vil.Sydenham Pk.rd Ritchie Mrs.2 Carlton ter.Sydenham pk Severn Mrs. 24 Priory vils. Newlands pk
Piggott Courtney, 40 Sydenham park RitherdonLt.·Gen.Aug.54Bydenham pk Seward Mrs. Pendennis, Venner road
PinchbeckMrs.6Priory vls.Newlands pk Ritherdon Mrs. Waltair, Trewsbury rd Sewell George Campbell, Bedford vill&,
Pitt Squire Jn. Fernthorp, Venner rd Ritter Eugene, 2 Lincoln vils. Vt>nner rd Venner road
Pittpitts Wm. Strathmore, Cator road JRix George Ed ward, 4 St.Michael's road Seymonr John, Denkeld, Newlands pk
Plimmer Henry George, J: West hill Roberts Edward M. D. 9 Sydenham park Sbackleton Henry M.D. 12 West hili
.. Sharland Mrs. 40 West hill Steele Richd. Geo. 5 Kinver road north 'Troughton• Chas. 37 Koighton Park ri:1. ·
Sharp Edmund, Neville lodge, Charles Stenhouse Andrew, 5 Knighton Park rd Tufnell Carleton Fowel, Greenlands,
street, Sydenham Hill road Stevens Rev. Henry .M. A. [vicar of Holy Border crescent, Lawrie Park avenue
Sharpe Hawley, Firsleigh,Longton a.ven Trinity], Tudor lo. Sydenham Hill rd Turner Mrs. 3 Grosvenor pl. Venner ;rd
Shaw RobertJames, Waltham, Catorrd Stevens Abraham, 9 St. Michael's road Turner Saml. 2 Sutton vils. Venner rd
Shearman Francis, 2 Clarence villas, Stevens James, 32 Kent House road Turton Charles Dennett, Arrandale,
Wiverton road StevensonMrs. Norwood ldg. Venner rd Lawrie Park road
Sheerman Henry, g6 Priory villas, Steward Mrs. I2 Sydenham park Tyler John, Dorset vil. Addington grove
Newlands park Stewart Edward Harry, 24 Linden gro Tyler Reuben, Camden ho. Venner rd
•ryson Thomas Richard, Gladwyns~
Sheffield John, St. Helier's, West hill Stewart Mrs. 6 Peak Hill gardens
Sbelley Alfred Bond, The Oaklands, Stimson Sherman Brown, 13 Kinver rd Sydenham avenue
Longton avenue Stone Edward Mulready, Cumnor, Pri- Uffindell Fdk. I Myrtle !!TO. Acacia rd
1 Shenton Francis Kingston John F.R. vate road, West hill Umney Charles F.c.s. Eardley house,.
HIST. s. Cranleigh, Longton avenue Stone Waiter ,Henry, 92 West hill Lawrie Park road
Shepherd Henry, 20 Linden grove Straughan Captain John Wilson, 59 Upham Henry, 15 Knighton Park road
Sbeppard Thomas, Lordlands, Lawrie Kent House road Usher Mrs. 49 West hill
Park gardens Streatfield William Henry, Wynthorpe, VaileArthurWm.Mandeville, Burghill rd
• Sheridan Mrs. 68 Longton grove Longton avenue VanVliet Edward, Strathcarron, Lawri&
Sherwood Sydney, I9 Peak hill Street William Stafford, Derby house, Park road
Shorey Jsph.x Madison vils. Venner rd Trewsbury road Vane George, 25 Longton grove
Shram Jn. Fdk. Kent cot. Sydenham rd Strohmenger Wm. West view, Venner rd Vassie Geo. l Gloucester vils. Venner rei
Shute Miss, 17 Knighton Park road Stromer Edward, I6 Kim·er road north Vaughan Geo. Maidstone ho.Venner rd
Siers Alexander Donaldson, Shanklin Sturdey Miss, 55 Kirkdale Vaux Captain Catford R.N. 7 Hill Crest
1 villa, Sydenham Park road Sturman Mrs. 23 Fra.nsfield grove road, West hill
Vigers Leslie Rt.Camden cot.Round hill
SillemAug.Summerfield,Sydenham av Sturt Frederick, I5 West hill
Sillem Louis Aug. 2 Jews' walk, High st Suckling Benjamin, I Mount Ash road Vivian Charles, Lynton villa, Venner rd
SilverWm.Beckenhamview,Newlandspk Suckling Peter, 49 Mount Ash road Von Glehn Olga,Priory cot,Sydenhm.rd
Simmonds Alexander Hague, Pen-y- Sugg Richd. I Carisbrooke, Venner road Voss August, 12 Champion park
bryn, Sydenham hill Voss Frederick, u Champion park
Simmons Alfred Lovell, Knightwick, Summarsell Mrs. 4 Carlton terrace, Waddington Jas. Claremont, Venner rd
Crystal Palace Park road Sydenham park Waddington Jas. P. I3 Knighton Pk. rd
Simmons Mrs.3Gordon ter.Wiverton rd SutherlandMrs.7Beaconsfld.ter.Byne rd Waddington John, 56 West hill
Simson Arthur Theodore, Reelick lodge, Sutton Mrs. I Apsley viis.Trewsbury rd Walker Mrs. Denmark villa, Venner rd
- Crystal Palace Park road Sutton William Richard, Io8 West hill Walker Mrs. 7 Marlow vils. Wiverton rd
Slade Ambrose, I3 Acacia road Swain George, I8 Linden grove Walker Mrs. Spriu,;yfield, Crescent road,.
.Sleap Charles, The Homestead~ Recrea- Swain Mrs. Arundel cot. Sydenham rd Lawrie Park road '
tion road, Silverdale Swarffield Frank, 27 Fransfield grove Wall Mrs. 43 Longton grove
Smart John Vaughan, 7 Trewsbury rd SykesMiss,uKelvingro.Sydenhm.Hl.rd Wailer Charles Beaumont, 2 West hill
ISmith .Artbur Wellesley, 9 Kinver road Syme James, Hensill, Panmure road Walsh Walter, The Chase, Byne road
Smith Charles Eastlake, Weston lea, Symington Robt.Gleni:ffer,Newlands pk WaltonMrs.TheTowr. Crystal Pal. Pk. rd
Crystal Palace Park road Tanner Major-Gen. Sir Oriel Viveash Walton Thomas, Heatherbell, Crystal
Smith George, 3 Mount Ash road K.C.B. Biluch Dera, Lawrie Park rd Palace Park road
SmithJn. Benj. Glenroy,Tradown road Tappenden Edward, I3Sydenham park Ward Edward, 106 West hill
• Smith Jn. Thos.TheEims,Lawrie Pk.rd TarletonWalt.2Woodbridge vls.Byne rd Ward Frederick, 16 Kent House road
SmithJsph.Holmshaw cot.Champion pk Taylor Capt.Alfd.R.N. 27 Peak Hl.grdns Ward George Walter, 63 Sydenham pk
Smith Louis, Sunnyside, Newlands pk Taylor Edwd. 6 Portland pl, Venner rd Ward Henry, Hazelwood, Venner road
Smith Miss, 17 Longton grove Taylor Frank M.A., M.B. Cleveland Ward Mrs. I9 Fransfield road
Smith Miss, 9 Newlands ter. Byne road lodge, Sydenham road Ward Thos.Christmas,32 Sydenham pk
SmithMiss,Omegaldg.SydenhamHI.rd 'faylor Frederick, 5 St. Mark's road Warner Richard, 36 Longton grove
Smith Mrs. 26 West hill Taylor Henry Marshall, 64 West hill Waters Charles Edward, 4 St. Michael's
Smith Saml.I Sutherland vils.Venner rd TaylorJn.Arth.Strathkyle,Trewsburyrd crescent, St. Michael's road
Smith tlamuel, I7 Sydenham park Taylor Misses, 70 Longton grove Watson John, Rosendale, Lawrie Pk. rd
Smith Sidney, Beechwood, Silverdale Taylor Mrs. 24 Peak Hill gardens Weatherhead Charles, 47 Kent House rd
Smith Sidney, 8 Kinver road north Taylor Mrs. 40 Wells road Webb James, 3 West hill
Smith Sidney, I4 West hill Taylor Robt. Hy. 55 Kent House road Webb J oseph J ames, 6 Kent House rd
Smith Stua.rt Le Blanc, 84 West hill Taylor William, Penola, Tredown road Webb Miss, 3Cleveland vils.Newlaitds pk
Smith Sydney, 21 Peak Rill gardens Taylor William Golding, 28 Priory Webb Miss, Elmswood vil. Newlands pk
Smithers Mrs. Myrtle villa, Byne road villas, Newlands park WebbMrs.sKelvin gro.SydenhamHl.rd
Smyter Reiner Edwd.Fernside,Cator rd Terry Thomas, 5 St. Michael's road Webster Mrs. 61 Sydenham park
Smyth Geo. 9 Lansdowne pl. Venner rd Theobald William Edward, I Lans- WeinerSamuel, Lyndhurst,Newlands pk
Snelling Mrs. 28 West hill downe place, Venner road Welch Mrs. 13 Kent House road
Soden Robt. 3 Lansdowne pl. Venner rd Thirkell Sidney, I Cleveland villas, Welch William Henry, Burton villa,.
Sole George, 8 Myrtle gro. Acacia road Newlands park Sydenham Park road
Solomon Mrs. Fairlawn, Addington gro Thomas Alfred, The Firs, Sydenham hl Wells Joseph Leonard, Appleby villa,
Soltau Hy.B.12 Charlevillecircus,We.hl Thomas John Charles, Venwyk, 67 Venner road
Sorensen Charles Godfrey, Cairvenain, Kent House road Wells Mrs. 5 Trewsbury road
Silverdale ThomasSavilleBartlett, x6Trewsbury rd Wells Wm. W. The Elms,Sydenham hill
Soues Capt..EJy.Jn. R.N.I E:inver rd.nth Thompson Herbert George, 8 Marlow Welti Ferdinand Arthur, Danemore,.
Souter Mrs. Brunswick house, Peak hill villas, Wiverton road Panmure road
Sparham Harry Wicks, 2 Amberley rd Thompson WilfridJohn, 12 Oriel villas, Wendt Otto, 5 & 6 Albion Villas road,
Sparks Col. Jn.B. Engledene, ~iiverdale Newlands park
Sydenham Park road
Speed Arthur Andrew R.N. 2 Kingsley Thorburn James, 19 Longton grove West Stanley Ward, Silver Birch, Ad-
villas, Venner road Thorn Joseph Hartley, Cherry Hinton, dington grove
Spinks jl'homas Q.O,, n.c.L. Claver- Burghill road
West Wm. Edwd. 28 Knighton Parkrd
house, Wells road Thornberry Joseph Hartley, Cherry Westbrook Wm. Jsph. Mus.Doc.cantab.
J SpoJ,tiswoode Renry P. 6 Amberley rd llinton, :Burghill road 4 Redberry grove
Springett Daniel, 74 Kirkdale Thorp Hy.I Albertvils.Sydenham Hl.rd Westmore Sidney, The Lindens, Crystal
Springett Mr1t1 a !Al.nsdowne place, Tidman lsaac Cornelius, Oakdene, Palace Park road
Venner road Silverdale Weston Miss, 44 Longton grove
Staddon Frederick, 7 Kinver road Tietzsh William, I Wyndham villas, Wheatley Joseph, 78 .Kirkda1e
Stafford Francis Moss, 2 Cromwell Wiverton road Wheeler John Wickham, 3 Eustace ter-
villas, Venner road Tilling William, 4 Park vils. Venner rd race, Wiverton road
Stainbank Miss,Spring lo. Lawrie Pk.rd Tindell Alfred Cbas. 61 Kent House rd WheeleyMiss,2Panmurevls.Panmure rd
Standring Benjamin, Southill, West hill Todhunter Thomas, 49 Kirkdale Whereat ueo.ITheFems,Addingtongr()
Starbuck John Thomas, 28 Linden gro Tomlyn Miss, 9 Jews' walk, High street Whicker J siah. 3Clarence vls. Wivertn. rd
Stayton George,. Birdhurst, Crystal Tonkin Jn.2Albert vls.Sydenham Hl.rd WWhhiitteeGBeroo.mFrlee•vd,k.GGlelennmw()oroed, ,VLeonnngetro rd
Palace Park road 1 Topp Maj.Wm.Hy.23 Peak Hill gardens n av
f)tead Richard William, Chaseley, Crys- Townend John, 2 Peak Hill gardens White Henry, I Fransfield road
tal Palace Park road Travers-Wire Cecil Daniel, 46 West hill White Mis~, 4 Beaconsfield ter. Byne rd
SteainsMl'S.Parklands,Crystal Pal. Pk. rd TriggChas.Jn. I Marlow vils. Wivertn.rd White Mrs. Sunnydene, Silverdale
Stabbing Henry Percival, Southfield, Tringham Francis, 3 Carlton terrace, Whiteley Matthew, 2 Wyndham villas,
Wiverton road
Trewsbury road Sydenham park
Whiteman William Thomas,4 Newlands WiisonArth.Edwd.Venner ldg:venner rd Woodhouse Rev. Fletcher John lt:.A. 45
terrace, Byne road Wilson George Bailey, I5 Wells road Sydenham Park road
"'.hiter J obn, 6o Kent House road Wilson HarryArthur, I 3 Portland place, Woods Fk. Oak lea, Lawrie Park aven
Wbytehead William Waiter, Beverley Venner road Woods Waiter, IA, Redberry grove
lodge, Silverdale Wilson James,I Franklin viis. Venner rd WoosnamMrs. 3oPriory vls.Newlands pk
Wickins Artbur Crompton, 7 Cbarleville Wilson Miss, 44 Kent House road Wrangham John, Oakfield, Crystal
circus, West hill Wilson Mrs. Clovelly, Crystal Pal.Pk.rd Palace Park road
Wicks Mrs. Rosedale, Sydenham road Wilson Mrs. 23 Knig-hton Park road Wright Alfred, 7 St. Michael's crescent,
Wiggins Henry, 57 Sydenbam park Winter Emest, Linden vil.Newlands pk St. Michael's road
Wild Augustus, I4 Trewsbury road Winter Joseph, 6 Beaconsfield terrace, Wright George, 33 Linden grove
Wilkins Miss, 18 Sydenham park Byne road Wright George Hayles, 7 Grosvenor
Wilkinson Cuthbert, Florian, Lawrie Wolfe Mrs. 6r West bill place, Venner road
, Park avenue WoodArth.Cummings,33Knightn.Pk.rd Wright Mark, Gothic house, Bell green
WillcocksGeorge, Adelaide ho. Venner rd Woo:i Benjamin, 6 Trewsbury road Wright Mrs. Roslyn, SydenhamPark rd
Williams Edmund I.ogan Willyams, Wood Colonel Archibald, 6 Grosvenor Wright Samuel Hy.Ravenfield,Cator rd
The Limes, Venner road place, Venner road Wright William, 48 Sydenham park
Williams :Francis James, I Hill Crest Wood Mrs. 6 Knighton Park road Yeatman Rev. Canon Huyshe Wolcott
road, West hill Wood Richard, 6o West hill M.A. [vicar of St. Bartholomew & sur-
Williams Theophilus Wm. I3 West hill WoodbridgeGeorge Washington, Wret- rogate], 4 West hill
WilliamsonAiexander,Io Kent House rd ham cottage, Tredown road Yost Philip R. I7 Champion park
Wills Charles Glendore, Kensington, Woodbridge William Walter, 2 West- Young Thomas Fredk. 7 Kinver rd.nth
Trewsbury road boume villas, Westbourne road Zurhorst Wm. Westfield, Trewsburyrd
COMMERCIAL. Blondun Frederick Wm. greengro. 9 Crown pl. South End la
Ahrens Louis, painter, 64 Wells road Blundell Henry, dairy, 46 Wells road
Aldhouse Stephen, butcher, IO High street Blundell Thomas, dairyman, I07 Hig-h street
.A.ldridge Henry, carpenter, 6 'l'aylor's lane Bolton Henry, fancy repository, 28 Weils road
Alexander Edgar Douglas, beer retailer, 46 Kent House rd Bossom William, house decorator, I 1 St. Michael'il road
Alien Francis, coal merchant, I Porthcawe road Bosworth John, butcher, Sydenham road
Alien Frederick, dining rooms, 2 Royal terrace, Bell green Boucher Emeline Jane (Mrs.), grocer,&post office, 29 High st
..Allison Wm. Jsph. confectnr. 3 & 4 Trafalgar cots. Bell gm Boulton Ellen (Mrs.), ladies' outfitter, 92 High street
.Alsford Fredk. Wm. hair dresser, 4 Edney cots. Sydenham rd Bowyer George, turncock, I Prospect road
Anderson & Davies, ladies' outfitters, 2 Station parade, Syd- Boyles Charles Henry, oilman, 23 High street
enham road Bradford Matilda Jane (Mrs.), registry office, 6 Kelvin ter•
Ankers John, boot maker, 86 High street race, Sydenham Hill road
Aransolo Ann Mary (Mrs.), tobacconist, I5 Bell green Bradley Walter George, grocer, & post office, 5 Freeman's
Armstrong James, marine store dealer, South End lane terrace, Sydenham road
Amold George, greengrocer, so Wells road Brice William, smith & farrier, 66 Wells road
..Asbury Charles John L.R.C.P.Edin. physician & surgeon, 70 Brigden George, com merchant, Mill house, Mill lane
Kent House road Brigbam John King M.A., M.D., physician & surgeon,
..Ashby William & Son, fishmonger, I3 & I5 High street 33 West hill
Ashby William, tailor, 37 Bradford road, Wells road Brine Ernest William, cheesemonger, 4 Kirkdale
Assembly Rooms (Alfred Kindred, proptr. ), Sydenham road Brissenden Jn. carver & gilder, 6 TbePavement,South End la
.A.tkin James Charles, butcher, I The Chestnuts, Bell green British Women's Temperance Home (The) (Miss Mary Hod-
.Atkinson F. H. surgeon-dentist, 68 Kirkdale danott, matron), The Tor, Silverdale
.Austin Samuel (Mrs.), dress maker, 27 Hanover st. Wells rd Brotzmann Henry, baker, 96 Wells road
Ayles John, Talma P.H. 109 Wells road Brown Brothers, florists, 35 Sydenham park
.Bacon Leonard, ereengrocer' 70 wells road Brown John William, tailor, 2A, Kirkdale
Baddeley Hy. Jn. solicitor, Meadow view, Sydenham Park rd Browne Charles Milner M.B. surgeon, 66 Kirkdale
Bailes Edward, coal dealer, I3 Springfield road Brunton William Hiddell, surgeon, medical officer & public
Balliott Wm. photographer, IA, Station par. Sydenham rd vaccinator, Sydenham dist. Lewisham union, 43 Kirkdale
Banbam William, corn dealer, 4 The Chestnuts, Bell green Buckingham Gertrude (Miss), preparatory school, IS North
.Banks William, news agent, Bell green terrace, Fairlawn park
Bannister Thomas John, cork modeller, 9 Champion park Buckingham William, school master, 5 Sydenham park
Earber Henry, marine store dealer, 2 Bell green Budd Henry, butcher, 78 High street
.Barfield Mary A.(Miss), ladies' schl. 4 Oriel vils.Newlandspk Buller Joseph, builder, 2 Croft terrace, Bell green
.Barnes Kate & Fanny (Misses), ladies' outfitters, 20 High st Bullock George John, Bricklayers' Arms P.R. I08 High st
.Barrington Henry, fruiterer 6, & fishmonger 8, Kirkdale Bulpitt Ann (Miss), dress maker, 31 Watlington grove
Bartlett Bros. timber mers. Grosvenor place, Venner road Burbridge Henry, picture frame maker, 67 High street
Eartlett Isaiah William, dyer, I36 High street Burfield James, rout furnisher, I20 Wells road
Barton William, baker,4 Alexandra terrace, Sydenham road Burley Waiter, hair dresser, 79 High street &•s6 Wells rd
.Barwis Emma (Miss), costumier, 5 St. Michael's crescent, Burrage Harry, grocer, 7 The Parade, Bell green
St. Michael's road Burrell Charles William, furniture dealer, 2I Wells road
.Eatchelor Margaret (Mrs. ),Railway Tavern P.H.Soutb End la Bursey Arthur, fancy repository, so Kirkdale
Batcbelor William, chair caner, I03 High street Burton David, coffee rooms, 95 Wells road
Batchelor Wm. Ernest, wheelwright, I Lee ter. South End la Burton James, jun. builder, 33 Wells road
.Bathe George William, photographer, 54 Miall road Butler Henry, fancy repository, 5 Kent House road
.Bayton Thomas, boot maker, I30 High street Butler Henry Geo. tobacconist, 3 Edney cots. Sydenham rd
Bazeley Vincent & Son, fruiterers, 9 High street Byford Thomas, confectioner, 8 Hanover street, Wells road
.Bazeley Hartley Philips, corn dealer, 2 High street Byford William Alfred, turncock, 22 Hanover street, Wells rd
Beardwell Robert, baker, Sydenham road Carlton William, baker, 97 High street
Beesley Brothers, boot makers, IIO Wells road Carter Charles, carpenter, 73 Wells road
Belbin Charles Edward, sen. plumber, 9 Acacia road Carter Robert, plumber, 89 Wells road
Bell & Co. chemists, Sydenham road Cash Grocery & Provision Stores (Richard Long, manager),
.Bell Edwin, grocer, 2 The Chestnuts, Bell green I Bell Green terrace, Bell green
Belle M. (Madame), professor of music, 9 Knigbton Park rd Collier Chas. Herbert, prof. of music, East new, Venner rd
Bennett & Anstey, cowkeepers, Wells road Chalklin James Edward, cbeesemonger, 30 High street
Bennett Elizabeth & Florence (Misses), milliners, I9 High st Chamberlain Frederick, builder, 36 Coombe road
Bennett John, dairyman, 93 Wells road Chandler Richard, shopkeeper, 42 Springfield road
Berryman Elizh. (Mrs.), confectioner, 22 Russell st. High st Chant Sml. jobbing gardnr. 5 Longton Grove ter. Taylor's la
. Best Arthur, butcher, 9 Silverdale buildings, Sydenham rd Chaplin & Ward, naturalists, I2A, Kirkdale
Bigel Charles, hair dresser, Bell green Chapman George, oilman, 6o Wells road
Eignell William, tobacconist, 44 Wells road Chapman Tbos. beer retailer, IA, Denmark ter. Bell green
.Bird James, fishmonger, 58A, High street Charge Harry R. watch maker, I05 High street
Birkett John, ham & beef shop, 48 High street Charles & Co. drapers, 4 The Parade, Bell green
Bishop Charles, dairy, I6 Bell green Chester Thomas, butcher, 3 The Parade, Bell green
Black James Watson, chemist, II Kirkdale Chiesman Brothers, fancy drapers, g6 Kirkdale
Blackburn Grace (Miss), ladies' school, 36 Wells road Children's Hospital (Miss Mary Meadows, matron), Cham·
.Blackmore Samue-,l, saddler, 70 High street pion park, Sydenham road
Blackwell George, greengrocer, I St. John terrace, Bell green Chitty Thomas, rate collector, 28 Sydenham park
.Blake James, grocer, 94 Kirkdale Church Edward, saddler, 6 High street
.Blaud Sarah (Mrs.), laundress, I6 Bradford road, Wells rd Clark Henry, registry office, 76 Kirkdale
Clark Louisa (Miss), dress maker, 54 Kirxdale Garrett Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 28 Fransfield grove
Clark William, boot maker, 19 Coombe road Gee Herbert Henry, oilman, n2 Wells road
Clay Wm. Henry, tobacconist, 17 Kent ter. Sydenham rd George David, insurance ag:ent, 9 Laurel grove
Clifton & Co. coal merchants, Newlands park Gibbs Benjamin, tailor, 6 Rowland grove
Cobb Waiter, carpet & furnishing warehouse 5 & 7, & silk Gibbs Thomas, greengrocer, 12 Relinque road
mercer & stationer r8, 20, 22 & 24, Kirkdale Gilbert & Etheridge, grocers, 7I Wells road
Cobb William, Golden Lion P.H. Sydenham road Gilchrist David, furniture dealer, 79 High street
Coleman Thomas, plumber, II3 Wells road Girling John Arth. 111. A. solicitor, Claremont vil. Sydenham rd
Collett Charlotte & Emily (Misses), ladies' school, Burleigh Girls' Public Day School Co. Limited (Andrew McDowall,.
house, Venner road · sec. ; Miss Irene Clara A.rthiel Thomas, head mistress), 72
Collins Edward Wolfenden M.A., M.D. physician, Farnboro' West hill
honse, Kirkdale Glass William, b11tcher, 14 & I6 Kirkdale
Connor John Alfred, plumber,! Laurel grove, Acacia road Goldsmith George, beer retailer, 29 Wells road
Conservative Working Men's Club (John Andrews, sec.), 4 Goodsell William, fruiterer, 5 Station parade, Sydenham rd
High street Goodwin Wm. Benj. grocer, 3 Station ter. Newlands park
Cooper Alfred, boot maker, 72 Wells road Gould George, builder, 75A, Willow walk
Comaby Carolina Bowyer & Emily (Misses), fancy reposi- Gouldsmith Charles James, stationer, 4 Freeman's terrace,.
tory, 44 High street Sydenham road
Cosens George, solicitor, Woodleigh, Crystal Palace Park rd Grand John, tailor, 2 Park villas, Venner road
Couldrey Horatio Hy. artist, Elizabeth vil. Addington grove Gray Eliza (Mrs.), china dealer, 2I Kirkdale
Cox George Henry, builder, 6 Larkbere road Gray James, grocer, go Wells road
Cox John, saddler, 3 Freeman's terrace, Sydenham road Green Emma (Miss), kindergarten school, 25 Sydenham pk
Cripps & Son, corn dealers, I9 Kent terrace, Sydenham rd Greenwood Alfred M.A., F.R.S.L. school, 27 Sydenham park
Crockford George Thomas, Woodman hotel, 3I High street Greenwood George, boot maker, 24 Willow walk
Crystal Palace Co. (William Gardiner, sec.; F. K. J. Shen- Griffin John, oilman, 4 Royal terrace, Bell green
ton F.R.Hist.s. supt. educational department) Griffin Wm. jobbing gardener, Charles st.Sydenham Hill rd
Crystal Palace Company's School of Art, Science & Litera- Griffith William, undertaker, g8 Kirkdale
ture (F. K. J. Shenton F.R.Hist.s. supt. ), Crystal palace Grogan Maria (Miss), ladies' school, I Portland pl.Vennerrd
Crystal Palace District Gas Co. (Magnus Ohren A.M.I.C.E. Grout Richard, station master, High level
sec.; Charles Gandon, engineer & manager), :Bell green, Guidot Mark, house agent, 78 Miall road
Lower Sydenham; works (James Clark Watson, fore- Gwynn E.euben Herbert L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon, I Trafalgar
man), South End lane ; testing station, I Station parade, cottages, Bell green
Sydenham road Haggis James, greengrocer, 1 Station ter. Newlands park
Dale George Edgar, chemist, 92 Kirkdale Hales Thomas, butcher, 3 Royal terrace, Bell green
Dann Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 2 Lee ter. South End la Hallier Harry, photographer, 4I High street
Deacon John Wren, watch maker, 42 High street Halsey Joseph, baker, 4 St. John's terrace, Bell green
Dean William & Son, bakers, 102 Kirkdale Hamer Elizabeth (Mrs.), outfitter, 63 High street
Dean William Robert, corn merchant, 57 High street Hamilton Fras. Dancy, surgeon, I 1 Bell green, Sydenham rd
Denman William, solicitor, IO Longton grove Hammerton Elizabeth & Carolina (Misses), berlin wool
Dennison George Pratt, hosier, 40 Kirkdale warehouse, 42 Kirkdale
Devereux Robert, solicitor, 25 Peak Hill gardens Hancock Richard, bricklayer, 49 High street
Dobinson Eliza M. (Mrs.), furniture dealer, 65 High street Harding John Barnes, sign writer, 52 Springfield road
Doo Henry, coal merchant, 5 Albert villas, Sydenham Hill rd Hardy John Charles, solicitor, 29 Longton grove
Down Frederick, boot & shoe ma. 4 West ter. Fairlawn park Harris Thos. Dawes, plumber, IA, Wilson's p1. Sydenham rd
Downey Jn. Thos. upholsterer, 2 Kelvin ter. SydenhamHl.rd Hart Frederick, bricklayer, 7 Bell Green cots. South End la.
Duffin James, dairy, 27 High street Hart J oseph, shopkeeper, I Camden cots. South End lane
Dnnford Hy. Rd. hot water enginr. u Hanover st. Wells rd Harvey Hy. Thos. fruiterer, 8 Silverdale bldgs.Sydenham rd
Dunk John, tobacconist, 2 The Pavement, South End lane Hawk Mary (Mrs.), laundress, 29 Russell street
Early Henry, china dealer, 26 Wells road Hawkins John, shopkeeper, 5 Springfield road
Eastman Brothers, auctioneers, IA, Kirkdale Hayball Emma & Sarah (Mieses), costumiers, Mortimer
Edmonds John, provision dlr. 5 Silverdale ter. Sydenham rd house, Sydenham road
Edney John, ironmonger, x Edney cottages, Sydenham rd Hayden George, hair dresser, 84 Wells road
Edwards Chas. boot maker, 6 Silverdale bldgs. Sydenham rd Haywood Joseph Hirste At:. A. prep. school, 57 & 59 Kirkdale
Elliott Margaret, Jane & Georgina (Misses), ladies' school, Ha14leman Peter, draper, 56 High street
Highfield, Longton avenue Headington Hy. Jsph. oilman &c. 8 The Parade, Bell green
Erskine Wm. M.D. physician & surgeon, Tullyallan, Peak hl Heard Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, IO St. Michael's road
Eve George, hair dresser &c. 36 Kirkdale Hembrow Jas. Wm. stationer, & post office &c. 3 Kirkdal&
Evison Wm. Henry, oilman, 5 Fairlawn ter. Sydenham rd Henley Stephen, baker, 10 The Parade, Bell green
Express Dairy Co. (Thos. Crouch, mangr. ), I Kirkdale Herbage Percy George, solicitor, Rosenheim, Silverdale
Fagg Arthur, prof. of music, Fern Glen, Sydenham Park rd Hockley James Stephen, carpenter. I3 Wells road
Fairbaird William Alfred, laundry, 8 Acacia road Hodder John, baker, 52 Wells road
Farnell Chas. Richd. boot maker, 6 The Parade, Bell green HolderWm.Jn.&Son,bookbinders,IICoomberd.&IS Kirkdale
Farrance James, greengrocer, Sydenham road Holliday Thomas Alfred, builder, 23 Wells road
Farrance Wm. fishmonger, I Silverdale bldgs. Sydenhamrd Hollingham Edward Arthur lll.R.C. v.s. veterinary surgeon,
Fehrenbach John, watch maker, 64 High street I09 High street
Fennell Samuel, builder, I Alexandra terrace, Sydenham rd Holmes Philip & Sons, furniture brokers, I22 Wells road
Fenner Charles, builder, 9 Wells road Home & Infirmary for Sick Children, & South London Dis-
Fiehn Ferdinand Heinrich, baker, I Oxford ter.Sydenham rd pensary for Women (William Aste, hon, sec. ; Miss Mary
Fincher Sophia(Miss),ladies' school, Winster ho.Newlands pk Meadows, matron), Sydenham road
Firrell Henry, ironmonger, 56 Kirkdale Home of Rest (Mrs. Ellen Reeves,matron),30 & 32 Coombe rd
Fish Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundress, 37 Wells road • Homewood Rachel (Mrs.), Prince Alfred P.H. Sydenham rd
Fisher Joseph, umbrella maker, 24 High street Hood John, watch maker, 3 Dawson's cots. Sydenham road
Follings John, fried fish shop, Bell green Hopkins Charles, carman & contractor, 2 Mayow cottages,
Forrester Mary (Mrs.), laundress, 43 Wells road Sydenham road
Forsyth George, tobacconi~t, 4 Station parade, Sydenham rd Hopkins Henry, boot & shoe maker, 3 The Chestnuts, &
Fossett Ann (Mrs.), chandler's shop, Bell green clothier, 2 & 3 St. John's terrace, Bell green
Fossett Richard, grocer, I4 Relinque road Howard William, printer &c. 76 High st. & 4 Fransfield gr()
Foster Ernest Rd. prof. of music, 6 Madison vils. Venner rd Huish Edward, station master, Upper Sydenham, L. C. &
Fowler Robert &Co. grocers, & post office, Bell green D. R. High Level line, Wells road
Francis Richard Harold, solicitor, 49 Longton grove Humphres & Co. fancy drapers, I24 Wells road
Freeman Mary Ann (Mrs.), laundress,s Laurel gro.Acacia rd Humphrey James, shopkeeper, 2I Kent House road
Frewin Samuel B. boot maker, 46 High street Hunter Robert, wardrobe dealer, 37 Acacia road
Friday Alfred, plumber, r Kent House lane Hustwitt Chas. Philip, accountant, 29 Knighton Park road
Frost Harry, corn merchant & job master, 35 & 37 High st Hutchings Charles, pawnbroker, 53 & 55 High street
Fryar Elizabeth (Miss), laundress, I Taylor's lane
Hutchings Richard, carman, Sydenham road
Fryar Thomas, livery stables, 8 Hanover street, Wells road Ide Charles, coffee rooms, 42 Wells road
Futcher Robert, greengrocer, g6 High street Ife Charles, beer retailer, 32 Kirkdale
Gadd George, coach builder, 28 High street Isard Arthur James, solicitor, 2 Brindley villas, Venner road
GaitskellEdwd. Forbes, surgn. Catton, Crystal Palace Pk. rd Iverson Levi, jobbing gardener, I Bradford road, Wells road
Gammon Thomas, bricklayer, Hilton cottage, Mill lane Iverson Thomas, fried fish dealer, gi Wells road
Ganty Henry lt'redk. watch maker, 5 The Parade, Bell grn Jackson William, boot maker, 81 Willow walk
Gamham Thomas, oilman, 14 Sydenbam road Jacobs George, baker, 88 High street
James Henry, butcher, g:a Wells road Moxley Elizabeth & Mary (Misses), drapers, 93 High street
James Martha Ann (Mrs.), registry office, 4 Kirkdale Mummery William Henry, baker, Sydenham road
J effreys Moses, dining rooms, 6 Alfred ter. Sydenham road Murphy Ellen (Mrs.), news agent, I02 Wells road
Jenner Robt. carpenter, Mount Pleasant, Sydenham Hill rd Nalson James, butcher, 38 High street
Nankwell Frank M. D., c. M. physician & surgeon, 6o Kirkdale
Jepson Octavius M.D. surgeon, Elmfield, Newlands park
Johnson Adams, haberdasher, 5 Alrred ter. Sydenham road Neeson Horace John, chemist, 62 Wells road
Johnson Martin Smith, builder & sanitary engineer, ss Newbold Harry, grainer, 36 Stanton square
Newport Waiter, oilman, 20 Kent terrace, Sydenham road
Johnston Sarah Jane (Miss), dress maker, Bempton house, Nicholls Henry, fly proprietor, Kirkdale stables, Kirkdale &
livery stables, Taylor's lane
Station parade, Sydenha.m road
Norburn Louisa (Mrs.), general draper, 7 Silverdale build-
Jolland & Jolland, dyers, 3S Kirkdale
ings, Sydenham road
Jolly Sidney Blake :M.B. surgeon, 38 West hill
Norris John, carpenter, IOI High street
Jones Frederick, beer retailer, 6I High street
Jones Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 5 Belitha viis. South End la Nottle Edward, confectioner, 6 Royal terrace, Bell green
Noyce Charles, jobbing gardener, 38 Wells road
Jones Robert, grocer, 40 High street ~unn Alfred Wm. & Co. chemists, I Trafalgar cots.Bellsgrn
Jordan Charles William, Crown inn, Bell green
Kay John Wm. M.n. surgeon, Darley house, Venner road 0'Bryen James J oseph M.D. physician & surgeon, 7 Fairlawn
terrace, Sydenham road
Keen Joseph, marine store dealer, 45 Willow walk
Kelly Michael, boot maker, I Kent House rd. & 9 Miall road Ouzman William Edward, tailor, Sydenham road
Kelvin Hall (John Cox, sec.), Kelvin gro. Sydenham Hill rd Page Thomas, tobacconist, 2 .Fairlawn terrace, Sydenham rd
Palmer Francis Randall, solicitor, so West bill
Kemp George, builder, 43 High street
Park Hall (Thomas Chitty, hon. manager), Sydenham park
Kemp Isaac, insurance agent, 5 Fransfield grove
Parrett Delacey, tobacconist, 68 High street
Kemp Samuel Pu:x:ty, builder, Sydenham road t
Kent William Henry (Mrs.), ladies' school, The College, Parry Elizh. (Miss), boys' prep. schl. 2 Hill Crest rd. West hl
Parsey & Powell, plumbers, ss High street
Crystal Palace Park road
Peachey Alice & Jane (Misses), dress makers, 6 Albert
Kirby John, beer retailer, 25 Willow walk
villas, :::lydenham Hill road
Knight John, bricklayer, 28 West terrace, Fairlawn park
Krojanker Henry, boot maker, I 'Wilson's pl. Sydenham rd Pearce Jas. Burrough, boot ma. 2 Rowland grove, Wells rd
Pearson & Son, metal workers, 82 High street
Ladd John, carpenter &c. 4S Kent House road
Pearson Alfd. Jn. beer retlr. I Kelvin ter. Sydenham Hill rd
Ladkin John & Co. drapers, 44 Kirkdale
Peckham John, wardrobe dealer, 5I Wells road
Lakin George, ironmonger, Bell green
Pegg Nathanl. & Co. coal mers. Railway statu. Sydenham rd
Larcher Brothers, oil & color men, 2 Silverdale buildings,
Sydenham road Peirce Reginald & Co. printers, so High street
Law Jas. M.D., c.M. physician, I Grosvenor pl. Venner road Penfold Peter, florist, 3 Sydenham park
Lawes Edward Bowen, solicitor, Hillside, Sydenham Hill rd Penfold William John, builder, 30 Wells road
Perkins Charles Edward Steele M.B. surgeon, So Kirkdale
Lawrence Alexander, confectioner, 54 Wells road
Phillips Charles, greengrocer, Sydenham road
Lecture Ball (George Bird, sec.), Sydenham Hill road
Pickup Thomas, builder. 8o High street
Leeks Maria (Mrs.), coffee rooms, 106 High street
Pickup Thomas, furniture dealer, I7 & I9 Kirkdale
Lester Henry & Co. drapers, 14 & I6 High street
Pidwell Engall Thos.plumber, 8 Kelvin gro.Sydenham Hl.rd
LLeinwdisFEremdielryicJka,nhea(iMr disrse)s,smeri,llsinTerra, f3a4lgKarirckodtasl.eBell green Plater James Charles, beer & wine retailer, Sydenham road
Lines Charles Richard, beer retailer, IS Relinque road Plimmer Henry George, surgeon, I West hill
Lisney Arthul', pastry cook, 6 Silverdale ter. Sydenbam rd Pocklington & Co. chemists, 7 High street
Po inter Waiter Henry, draper , 7 Royal terrace1 Bell green
Loader Henry, florist, Kirkdale & Sydenham road Po pham Henry , boot m Edney cottages, S ydenham r d
London & South Western Bank Limited (branch of) (Ernest aker, s
C. Crump, manager), I3 Kirkdale; draw on head office, 7 Powell Mary (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, I3 Sydenham road
Pratt George, auctioneer, I Silverdale terrace, Sydenham rd
l''enchurcb street, London E c
Long & Co. tobacconists, 5 Silverdale bldgs. Sydenham road Pratt Joseph, builder, Berryman's lane & I2 Kirkdale
Pressland William, ironmonger, 34 High street
Longmore Edmund, grocer, 69 & 71 High street
Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment, Ist Volunteer Batta-
Lord James, station master, S. E R. Lower Sydenham
lion (C Co.) (Capt. 'f. A. Clark; (G Co.) Capt. Oscar
Lorimer Francis John M. B. surgeon, 25 Kirkdale
Koble, commandants), Crystal palace
Lovatt Henry, tobacconist, I04 High street
Randall William, boot maker, 24 Springfield road
Low Isaac John, paperhanger &c. IS Acacia road
Lucas Mary (Mrs.), laundress, Hamilton cot. Sydenham rd Ransley Annie (l'lrs. ), laundress, 28 Miall road
Ransom Robert, hair dresser, I7A, Kirkdale
Luscombe William, house decorator, 17 Wells road
Ratcliff Eliza (Mrs.). dress maker, I38 High street
Lythgoe Thomas, hair dresser, 2S High street Ratchff Emma (Mrs.), ironmonger, 2I High street
Macdonald Sarah (Mrs.), ladies' outfitter, 52 Kirkdale
Raw William Edmnnd St. Michael L.R.C.P., M.R.c.s. phy·
McPherson Alfred, Bell inn, Bell green
sician & surgeon, Oak bank, Crystal Palace Park road
Maddams Frederick, job master, 3 High street
Maddox William, furniture dlr. Oxford ho. Sydenham road Raymond William James. queen's tax collector, ss HiO'h st
Malpress J ames, chimney sweep, 57 Willow walk Reading & Church .Army Room(- Pollard, sec.), Parish
Mancer William John, beer & wine retailer, 99 High street house, Kent House lane
Redman James, tailor, 48 Kirkdale
Marchant Mary (Mrs.), boot maker, Sydenham road
Margetts Fredk.Wm.plumber, 7 Kelvin ter.Sydenham Hl. rd Redward Jonah, furniture dealer, 67 Willow walk
Marsden Brothers, hair dressers, 4 Station par. Sydenham rd Renn Hannah (Mrs.), tobacconist, 8I Wells road
.Martin Henry, boot maker, 10 Charles st. Sydenham Hill rd Rhodes Jn.M. chemist,&post office,4Station ter.Newlands pk
Richards William, tailor, I7 High street
.Martin John Thomas, confectioner, South End lane
Mears Stanley (Mrs.), fancy repository, 3 Silverdale build- Riches Chas. Wm. & Son, herbalists, 9 The Parade, Bell gn
Rickett,Smith & Co. coal mers.Railway station,Sydenham rd
ings, Sydenham road
Rickett Benjamin, greengrocer, 98 Wells road
:Meears Berry & Waiter Henry, booksellers & stationers, IA,
Station terrace, Newlands park Ridgewell Albert George, dairyman, s Royal ter. Bell green
Melville Thomas Henry, greengrocer, S3 Wells road Ridgwell Alfred, fishmonger, IO Crown pl. South End lane
Menge Ebenezer, watercress grower, 9 Lee ter. South End la lWey George William, rustic worker, Sydenbam road
Rivers Samuellsaac, Dolphin P.H. Sydenham road
Metcalf Emily (Mrs.), laundry, I2 Fransfield grove
Metcalfe Caroln. (Mrs. ),Springfield lndry. IS&r7Springfld. rd Roberts Alfred George, dairyman, &2 Wells road
. Roberts Edward M.D. surgeon, 9 Sydenham park
Millard William Francis, printer, IS Kirkdale
Miller Edward & Son, cab proprietors, IO Sydenham road Roberts John Cornelius, builder, 86 Kirkdale
Robertson Edmund George, solicitor, 26 Longton grove
Miller Edward, beer retailer, 2 Kirkdale
Miller Elijah, florist, 35 Wells road Robertson Joseph P. boot maker, 54 High street ·
Miller George, oilman, 4 Bell green Robinson Alfred Joseph, oilman, Ss Wells Toad
Mills William, greengrocer, S8 Wells road Roden Edmund William, cheesemonger, 2 Edney cottages,
Mitchell Hugh, florist, 19 Wells road Sydenham road
Moist Joseph, beer retailer, 32 Wells road Rose & Son, bakers, 28 Kirkdale
Moon Emma (Mrs.), laundry, 35 Acacia road Rouse James, wheelwright, ·59 Willow walk
Moore John, french polisher, I7 Fransfield grove Ruddle William, coffee tavern, 51 High street
Mordaunt George, hair dresser, 7 Kent House road Rudling Benj.verger ofSt.Michael's & All Angels,33 Acacia rd
Morgan Margaret (Mrs.), confectioner, 84 High street Ruffell Richard, station master, Low level
Morgan Thos. David, dairyman, 3 Station par. Sydenham rd Rule Thomas, house agent, 7 Trafalgar cottages, Bell green
Morris Annie (Mrs.), laundry, 4 Taylor's lane Rnlton Lydia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I6 Relinqne road
Russell Henry, boot maker, 7 Crown place, ~outh End lane
Morris Henry, baker, 9 Denmark terrace, Bell green
Morris Thos. P. confectioner, I Fairlawn ter. Sydenham rd Russell Horace, grocer, '76 Wells road
Rutter Charles, pawnbroker &c.. Bell green
Mortlock Waiter, auctioneer, Tower house, Byne road
St. John's Ambulance Association (Sydenham centre) Taylor George, oilman, Io2 High street
(Wynne Charles de Cerjat, treas. & hon. sec.), 47 West hil Thomas James John, chemist, I8 Kent ter. Syderiham road
Salmon William, Duke of Edinburgh P.H. 94 Wells road Thomas Mary (Miss), teacher of music, 57 Longton grove
Sammons Arthur, plumber, 2 Prospect road Thompson Robert, hosier, 66 High street
Sayer Samuel, fruiterer, 74 High street Tidmarsh John, grocer, I5 Kent terrace, Sydenham road
Sayers Waiter Henry, cheesemonger, 39 High street Tilley Charles Marsden, bakeT, 4 Fairlawn ter. Sydenham rd
Schnabel Hermann, watch maker, 18 High street Todman John Henry, confectionel', 22 High street
Scoles George Matthew Cory, solicitor,Crofton lo. Venner rd Tomsett Alfred, beer retailer, 61 Willow walk, High street
Scott Donald C. station master, L.B. &S.C.R. Sydenhamrd Town MaryAnn(Mrs.),shopkpr.1ThePavement,SouthEnd la
Scott Henry, china dealer, I Willow walk Townend George Frederick Harvey, chemist, 45 High street
Scott Joseph, wheelwright, 3 Willow walk Tranter Mary (Miss), laundress, 26 West ter. Fairlawn park
Scndder Thomas, beer retailer, I25 Wells road Treaddell William, wine & spirit merchant, 47 High stTeet
8eadon John, wardrobe dealer, 13 Relinque road Turnbulll<'rederick William, shopkeeper, 2 Miall road
Selman John, upholsterer, 6A, Hanover street, Wells road Turner Henry }o'loyd, fancy bazaar, 72 High street
Shackleton Henry M.D., M.R.C.S.E. physician, 12 West hill Turner Samuel, grocer, 126 Wells road
Sharpe Charlotte (Miss), dress maker, 23 Kirkdale Turner William, oilman, 59 High street
Shaw Charles & Son, wheelwrights, 31 Wells road Twite William, butcher, 78 Wells road
Shaw &Prentice, grocers, 2 Alfred terrace, Sydenham road Tye George Thomas, jobmaster, 10 Kirkdale
Sheppard Charles, baker, 69 Wells road Uridge William, shopkeeper, 36 Dalla~ road
Ship Arthur, pork butcher, 100 Wells road Verey James, brewer, Kent House lane
Short Henry, greengrocer, 3 The Pavement, South End la Victoria Wine Co. wine retailers, ~4 Kirkdale
Simpson Emma (Mrs.), dress maker, II Kent House road Vincent Cbas. Tbos. verger of Chnst Church, 8 Larkbere rd
Simpson Nathaniel, fishmonger, Sydenham road Vincent James, butcher, 2 Bell Green ter. Bell green
Sims Henry, marine store dealer, 48 Wells road Vincent James Wm. greengrocer, 3 Alfred ter. Sydenham rd
Skinner &Sons, drapers, 2, 3 & 4 Silverdaleter. Sydenham rd Virgo Henry, confectioner, 38 Coombe road
Slade Henry, linen draper, 74 Wells road Waddington & Co. Lim.(Hy. J. Player,sec.),bldrs.33 High st
Sloper Charles S. (l\irs. ), boys' school, The Hollies, Silverdale WadeGrace( Mrs),wardrobe dlr. 3Alexandra ter. Sydenhm. rd
Smart John, greengrocer, I 3 Bell green Waller & Gaitskell, surgeons, 2 West hill
Smellie Thomas, bookseller, 26 High street Wailer George, confectioner, 4 High street
Smith Friend, Greyhound P.H. IO Kirkdale Wailer George, tobacconist, 2 Oxford terrace, Sydenham rd
Smith Harry Charles, confectioner, 3 Kent House lane Wallis George, tailor, 2 Alexaudra terrace, Sydenham road
Smith John Edward, builder, ioo High street Waiter Maria (Mrs.), laundress, 32 Russell street
Smith Sydney, grocer, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & Warner Arthur Henry, florist, III Wells road
spirit merchants, 26 Kirk dale Warner Edward, marine stores, 40 Coombe road
Smith Thomas, boot maker, 3 The Parade, Bell green Waterman William, fruiterer, Sydenham road
Smith William, confectioner, Sydenham road Wates Emma (Mrs.), fancy repository, II2 High street
Smith William, marine store dealer, 68 Wells road Watkins Edmund John, butcher, 94 High street
Smith William, wardrobe dealer, 134 High street · Watling Emily (Mrs. ),dress maker. 25 Rowland gro. Wells rd
Smoker James Turner, leather seller, 98 High street Watson Thomas, blacksmith, High street
Snazel William, beer retailer, 81 High street Webb Henry, dairy, 21 Kent terrace, Sydenham road
Southwood John, tailor, 3 Kent House road Webb Henry Thomas, beer retailer, 19 Holmshaw road
Sparks William, boot maker, 91 High street Webber Charles Thomas, confectioner, 62 High street
Sparrow Carolina (Miss), ladies' college, 2, 4 & 6 Sydnhm. pk Webster Henry, sewing machine depot, 87 High street
Spearman Richard, builder, II High street Wells Hall (The) (Rev. Canon Huyshe W. Yeatman M.A.
Spearpoint William Richard, beer & wine retailer, 5 Alex- president), 36 Wells road
andra terrace, Sydenham road Wells Henry, shopkeeper, IO Springfield road
Springett Daniel &Co. provision dealers, 52 High street Wells Philip, private tutor, Kingswood, Silverdale
Springett Herbert, veterinary forge, 6o Higk street Wells Robert, nurseryman, Longton nursery, Churchley rd
Springett Herbert M.B.c.v.s.L. vet. surgeon, Kelvin cot. Wellsted William Edwd. draper, 13 Kent ter. Sydenham rd
Sydenham Hill road & 6o High street West Mary Ann (Mrs.), confectioner, Sydenham road
Squire & Newton, auctioneers, 8 High street West Samuel, tailor, 77 High street
Squire John, tailor, 3 Kelvin terrace, Sydenham Hill road Wheatley Joseph, solicitor, 78 Kirkdale
Stanbridge Jas. Charles, boot maker, Sydenham road White William Edward, Fox & Hounds P.H. I High street
Stap Herbert Chas. tobacconist, 2 Station ter. Newland's pk Whitmarsh Henry, wardrobe dealer, 4 Miall road
Stevens Richard Henry, builder, 6 Hanover st. Wells road Wilcox Mary (Mrs. ),laundress, I Alfred ter. Sydenham road
Steward Aug. homooopathig chemist, roo Kirkdale Wiles William, wardrobe dealer, 6 Trafalgarcots. Bell green
Stewart &Co. grocers & beer retlrs. 1 Warwick ter. Taylor's la Wilkinson James George, chimney sweeper, Sydenham road
Stidolph John, cowkeeper, 129 Wells road Wilkinson Joseph, chimney sweeper, Taylor's lane
Stidolph Mary (Mrs. ),dress maker, 3 Bradford road,Wells rd Wilkinson William, chimney sweeper, 44 Russell street
Stimpson Willia.m, dairy, 110 High street Williams Edmund Logan Willyams, solicitor, The Limes,
Stock Victor Geo. coach bldr. 8 Fairlawn ter. Sydenham rd Venner road ,
Stockdale Samuel, carpenter, Silverdale cot. Sydenham rd Williamson Cecilia (Miss), dress maker, 38 Kirkdale
Stone Henry, butcher, 3 Oxford ter. Sydenham road Wilson Arthur Edwd. L!R.C.P. LOnd. surgeon, Venner lodge,
Stray Henry, boot maker, 30 Kirkdale Venner road
Stringer Frances (Mrs.), laundress, II Springfield road Wilson Frederick William, naturalist, 19A, Kirkdale
Stringer John, builder, 30 Mount Ash road Wilson George Bailey, solicitor, 15 Wells road
Stringer Sarah (Mrs.), laundress, 9 Bradford road, Wells rd Wilson William, baker, 32 High street
Strndwicke Frank, baker, 23 Kent House road Wilson William, dairyman, 27 Sydenham road
Strutton Henry &Co. coal merchants, 5 Croft cots. Bell green Windermere Liberal Club (Arthur Roberts, manager),
Stnrt Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 26 Fransfield grove Sydenham road
Sugden Walter, boot maker, I2 High street Withrington Harriett (Mrs.), laundress, 38 Springfield road ·
SnmmersEllen & Julia (Misses),, 13 Longton gro Wood Thomas Henry, seedsman, 89 High street
Surrey & Sussex Coal Co. I2 Kirkdale Woodham William, contractor, 2 Holmshaw road
Swain Alfred, boot maker, 5 Kelvin ter. Sydenha.m Hill road Woodhonse Rev. Fletcher John M. A. boarding school, 45
Swan Edward A. music warehouse, 9 Kirkdale Sydenham Park road
Sweating Edward Robert, saddler, go High street Woods Joseph, coal dealer, 25 Coombe road
Swinbnme Horace, laundry, 73 High street Woolston George, draper, 17 Bell green
Sydenham Athletic Association (Samuel Smith, sec.), Wood- Wright Ed ward, baker, I The Parade, Bell green
bastwick road, Cator road Wright Edward, tobacconist, 5 The Chestnuts, Bell green
Sydenham &; Forest Hill Benefit Building Society (A. J. Wright Emma (Miss), dress maker, 5 High street
Tyler, sec.), Silverdale terrace, Sydenham road Wright Joseph, marine store dlr. 3 Fairlawn ter. Sydnhm. rd
Sydenham Liberal & Radical Club (Wm. Booth, sec.), 140 Wright Mark, surgeon-dentist, Gothic house, Bell green
High street Wright William, boot maker, 22 Bradford road, Wells road
Syms Wm. Chas. draper, I & 2 Freeman's ter. Sydenham rd ! Yeo James William, boot maker, 87 Wells road
Tapping Jas. oil & colorman, 4 The Pavement, South End la J Young Mark, jobbing gardener, I3 Hanover street, Wells rd
I Young Matthew, jobbing gardener, I6 Hanoverst. Wells rd
Tapping William, tobacconist, 79 Wells road
Taylor Frank M.A., M.B. physician, Cleveland lodge, ' Young Women's Christian Association (Miss Alice Choat,
Sydenham road 1 sec.), Eastbourne house, Sydenham Hill road
TENTERDEN is a municipal borough, market town, to the hundred, in the Southern division of the county,
limb of the Cinque Port, liberty of Rye (Sussex), head of a lathe of Scray, Cranbrook petty sessional division and in
union and county court district and parish, giving its name the rural deanery of. West Chacing, archdeaconry of Maid-
stone and diocese of Canterbury, 18 miles south-east from the town and now a farmhouse, was for many years the
Maidstone, 7 west-by·north from Appledore station on the residence of the family of that name; KenchHill, formerly a.
Rye and Hastings branch and 9 south·east from Headcorn manor house, is now a farmhouse, in the occupation of Mr.
station on the main line of the South Eastern railway. The Stringer Weston. The manorial rights are held by the Cor-
borough includes part of Ebony. The town stands on ele- poration, as lessees under the Dean and Chapter of Canter-
vated ground, the greater part being built on each side of the bury, who are the lords. The principal landowners are Mrs.
high road leading from the western parts of Kent through Palmer, Mrs. Croughton, Mrs. Gordon, W. P. Pomfret esq.
this parish south-east ; it is well-built, contains many good M.P., J.P. R. B. Curteis, William Curteis 1. P. Richard Neve,.
residences and seats and is lighted with gas, supplied by a D. Norton, Frank Morri.son and Albert Dixon esqrs. The
company, and has a good supply of water procured from generality of the land is pasture, above 2oo acres consisting
springs. Tenterden possesses all the privileges of the Cinque of hop plantations. The area of the parish is 8,471 acres of
Ports and received a of in<'orporation from Henry land and so of water; rateable value, £13,014; and the
VI. : it is a member of the ancient town of Rye and at the population of the municipal borough in x88r was 3,620, in-
time of its annexation the sea flowed up to the parish at cluding xog from Ebony parish and 124 officers and inmates
Small Hythe. The Corporation consists of a mayor, four in the workhouse.
aldermen and twelve coun<'illors, also acting as the Urban Parish Clerk, Henry Goodsall.
Sanitary Authority: the borough has a commission of the Sexton, Robert Charles Snelling.
peace and separate court of quarter sessions held before the ST. MICHAEL's, xi miles north; ST. JoHN's SMALL HYTHE,
recorder. The church of St. Mildred is a large building of stone 2! miles east and READING STREET are hamlets in the
in the Early English and later styles~ consisting of chancel borough of Tenterden.
with aisles, nave, aisles, south porch and a lofty and beautiful
Perpendicular western tower with pinnacles, containing a SMALL H~THE, 2i miles south on the River Rother, is an
clock and a fine peal of 8 bells, of which the tenor bell, weighing ecclesiastical parish formed May 1x, x866 : the church of St.
33 cwt. with three others, were recast in x884: the nave is John the .Baptist, erected in r,soo and licensed by Arch-
divided from each aisle by five Pointed arches, on alternately bishop Warham, is a plain structure of brick in the Perpen-
circular and octagonal columns; and the nave roof is coved dicular style, consisting of chancel and nave, west porch and
and panelled with richly-worked bosses ; the chancel arcades a western turret containing one bell : the east and west
are each of two arches: the church has been restored and windows and three others are stained: the chancel is divided
the large east and west windows with six others in the south from the nave by an oak screen: the church was restored in
wall filled with stained glass: this church in 1259 formed x884 at the expense of the Rev. A. Wilkin M.A. of Summer
part of the ancient possession of the monastery of St. Hill, and has xso sittings. The register dates from the year
Augustine, at Canterbury, and so continued until the x86x. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £242, in
Dissolution: attached to the church, on the north side, is an the gift of the householders, and held since 1868 by the Rev.
e:cclusorium, or penitentiary, supposed to have been used by Charles Thomas Pizey B.A. of St. Catharine's College, Cam-
some religious person; it was also used in the reign of Queen bridge. The population in x88x was 269.
Mary for the confinement of martyrs previous to their being AsHENDEN and SUMMER HILL are in this parish.
taken to Canterbury : in the north aisle is a fine marble Parish Clerk, John Reynolds.
mC!lnument to Herbert Whitfield, of Tenterden, ob. 1622 : .
Ithere are 798 sittings, all being free, except 20 held by St. Michael's, prettily situated on undulating ground~
faculty. The register dates from the year I544· The living xi miles north from Tenterden, on the road to Headcorn
is a vicarage, tithe rent-chargA .£422, net yearly value [272, station and formerly a hamlet in Tenterden parish, was
with residence and three acres of glebe and £70 from the formed into an ecclesiastical parish July 12, x864: the church.
Ecclesiastical Commissioners for a curate, in the gift of the of St. Michael, standing in an elevated part of the parish~
Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, and held since r883 by the was erected at the expense of Seaman Bealeesq. Mrs. Atley,
Rev. Samuel Campbell Lepard M.A. of Worcester College, Miss Parke:t and others, and is a building of Kentish rag,
Oxford, and chaplain of Tenterden union. The diversion of with Bath stone dressings, in the Early English style of the
the funds for the maintenance of the sea walls on the Good- Transitional period, and consists of chancel, nave, south
win to the building of Tenterden church is said to have been aisle, north porch, vestry and a tower at the south-east
the origin of the proverb as to the influence of Tenterden angle, with spire, forming a prominent object for many
steeple in· causing the Goodwin sands. The Wesleyan miles around, and containing a clock and one bell: the east.
chapel, situated at West Cross and erected in 1884 at a cost and west windows and others are stained: the reredos,
of £2,300, is a building of red brick and Bath stone dress- principally of British marbles, is very handsome: there are
ings, and will seat 350 persons. There is also a Baptist 250 sittings. The register dates from the year 1866. The
chapel, erected in r887, with 280 sittings, and a Unitarian living is a vicarage, net yearly value £272, with residence,
chapel, erected in x688, which seats 300 persons : attached in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since
to the Unitarian chapel is a library of 900 volumes and a 1882 by the Rev. William Murray Charles Clarke; the income
bmial ground. A small burial ground of 3A. 2R. 27P. was augmented in x88x by the patron and the Ecclesiastical
situated on the Cranbrook road, without mortuary chapel, Commissioners, who also made a grant of £r,7oo for the
was formed in r884, and is under the control of a burial erection of the vicarage. Ingleden, the seat of Mrs. Gordon,
board of nine members. The Town Hall, erect.ed in 1792, is situated at Knockwood in this district, stands in a beautifully
situated on the north side of High street : here the county wooded glen of about xoo acres, surrouu.ded by fine wood-
court, quarter sessions and other meetings are held and it is land scenery, the walks about which are magnificent. The
also used for concerts and lectures; the hall will bold 250 area is 2,205 acres; the population in x88x was 654.
persons. The corn market is held on Friday, at the Eight Parish Clerk, William Roberts.
Bells inn. There is an annual fair held on the first Monday PosT 0FFICE.-Mark W. Bennett, postmaster. Letters
in May for cattle and wool and a lamb fair on the first
.Friday in September. Summer Hill is the seat of the Rev. arrive by mail cart from Ashford, 4.15 a.m. & p.m.;
Arthur Wilkin H.A. cantab. ; Homewood is the seat of dispatched at 9·45 a.m. & 8.40 p.m. The nearest money
Joseph Skelding esq.; Heronden Hall the residence of order & telegraph office is at Tenterden
James Dampier Palmer esq. ; Heronden is the seat of National Schools (mixed), erected, with residence for
Mrs. Croughton ; Morghew Hall the residence of Francis teachers, in 1863, not far from the church, for 140 child-
Jellanus Dennys esq. H.r.c.E. ; Hales ;r1ace, north-east of ren ; average attendance, uo; James Richards, master
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c. •
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S'. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office. COUNCILLORS. Retire
-George Thomas Morris, postmaster. Letters arrive Retire I
from London & cross post from Ashford at 4.20 a.m.; de- Hilder Edward W x8gx Dennys Francis J x8gx
livery commences at 7 a.m. ; London day mail arrives at Howard Edgar x8go Avery Richard 1892
1:.25 p.m. ; dispatched at 9.25 a.m. & 3.15 & 8.25 p.m.; Boorman Henry 1891 Newman John F 1892
for Sussex 7.25 p.m Lemmon George r8go Sayers Frederick x8gr
WALL LETTER BoxEs, West cross, cleared at 9.20 a.m. & Weston Stringer x8go Hook Stephen I892
8.xo p.m. ; East cross, 8.45 a.m. & 7 p.m. sundays ex- Edwards Obadiah 18<]0 Wood Thomas 1892
cepted; Small Hythe,at 7.30 & 2.30 p.m.; sundays, The Corporation meet at the Town hall every quarter at ro
a.m.; bi-monthly Thursday at the Police station at xoa.m
7-~a.m ,
Mayor's Auditor, Thomas Wood
CORPORATION. Elective Auditors, Waiter Edward Manby & Edwin Stanger
DEPUTY MAYOR, Henry Boorman.
REcoRDER, Francis Russell, 5 Paper buildings, Temple,
London EC. Town Clerk, Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority, &
Baker Charles Eaton} Retire Rogers Matthew} Retire Clerk to School Attendance Committee, Joseph Munn
Mace, Little Barton
Curteis William 1895· Winser Edgar 1892.
DmEc·ronY.] KENT, TENTERDEN'. 62-'
Borough Treasurer, Siduey Charles Beecroft, London & Me:lical Officer of Health, Harris Butterfield, Sevenoaks
County Bank
Surveyor of Hi~hways & Inspector of Nuisances, Edward
Clerk of the Peace, Arthur Herbert Latter, High street Beale Alien, The Firs, Tenterden
Medical Officer of Health, Harris Butterfield, Sevenoaks SCHOOL ATTENDANCE COl\11\IITTBE.
Borough Surveyor & School Attendance Officer, Benjamin Meets at Workhouse when necessary.
Clerk, Joseph Munn Mace, Tenterden
Thomas Goldsmith, Oak's house, Ea'St cross
Borough Inspector of Nuisances, Joseph Skinn6r, High st Attendance Officers, John Palmer, Appledore; Frederick
BOROUGH MAGISTRATES. William Russell, High Halden; Robert Hart, Rolvenden;
C. E. Collard, Wittersham; A. Pearson, Woodchurch
The Mayor for the time being
Baker Charles Eaton, The Cedars Assistant Overseer & Collector of Poor's Rates, George
Frederick Varty, sen. Borough place
Boorman Henry, West Cross house • Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes, J oseph Munn Mace,
High street, Tenterden
Curteis William, Eastwell house Collector of Taxes, George Frederick Varty, jun. High st
Clerk to the Vestry, Arthur Herbert Latter, High street
Dennys Francis J. Morghew Inspector of Weights & Measures, Petroleum & Explosives,
for Cranbrook division, John Bourne, Biddenden; attends
Rogers Matthew, Crayville Town hall second monday in May & October
Weston Stringer, Kench hill
Wilson-Haffenden John, non-resident
Winser Edgar, Ratsberry
Clerk, William Glover Mace
Borough Petty Sessions are held at the Police station, every
alternate monday at 10 a. m PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services:-
PUBLIC ESTABI.ISHJIIENTS : - St. Mildred's Church, Rev. Samuel Campbell Lepard M.A.
Police Station, High st. Robt. Breeze, sergeant & 3 constables vicar; 8 & 11 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; daily at 10 a.m. & 5
Cemetery Geo. l<'redk. Varty, jun. clerk to the burial board p.m
St. Michael's Church, St. Michael's, Rev. William Murray
Corn Market House, • Eight Bells'
County Court, office at West cross, His Honor William Charles Clarke, vicar; 11 a.m. & 3 p.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p.m
Lucius Selfe, judge; Joseph Munn Mace, registrar; A. S. St. John the Baptist, Small Hythe, Rev. C. T. Pizey B.A.
Cully, 4 Pavilion buildings, Brighton, official receiver. V•Icar; 2.30 p.m
The court is held once a month & has jurisdiction over Particular Baptist, St. Michael's, Mr. Weeks, minister;
the following parishes & places :-Appledore, Benenden, 10.30 a.m. & 2 p.m
B1ddenden, Cranbrook, Ebony, Jt'rittenden, Goudhurst, Baptist, Rev. John Glaskin, minister; 11 a.m. & 6.3op.m.;
Halden, Hawkhurst, Kennardington, Newenden, Rolven- mon. 7.m. & thurs. 8.30 p.m
den, Stone, Sandhurst, Tenterden, Wittersham & Wood- Bible Christian, Boar's Isle, Rev. - Andrew, minister; 2 &
6 p.m; & every alternate tues
Certified Bailiffs appointed under the Law of Distress Unitarian, Rev. George William Lewin, minister; 11 a.m.
Amendment Act, George Button & Son, High street & & 6.30 p.m
Wesleyan, Rev. Tilney Rising, minister; u a.m. & 6.30
James Waterman, High street
East Kent Regiment (2nd Weald of Kent) Volunteer Bat- p.m. ; thurs. at 7 p.m
talion (G Company); armoury, East cross; William Boys ScHOOLS:-
Tylden-Pattensen J.P. captain; Joseph Munn Mace, lieu- A School Attendance Committee, consisting of 9 members
tenant; John Woods, sergeant instructor
Inland Revenue Office, Canterbury, F. Nops, supervisor, of the corporation, was formed in 1876; the town clerk is
Ashford; officer, George Finch, Linton house, Ashlord rd clerk to the committee; Benjamin Thomas Goldsmith,
Town Hall, High street, Stephen Goodsall, keeper Oak's house, East cross, attendance officer
Volunteer Fire Brigade, Stephen H. Willsher, captain;
Thomas Avery, superintendent & ro men National, erected in 1847, for 372 children; average
attendance, 103 boys, I 13 girls & 64 infants ; attached is an
TENTERDEN UNION. endowment varying from £4oto £soyearly: thechildren
formerly educated under Dr. Curteis's charity now attend
Board day, alternate fridays at the Workhouse at II a.m. this school ; George Frederick Varty, master ; Miss
The Union comprises the following parishes :-Appledore, Louisa E. Waiter, infants' mistress
Biddenden, High Halden, Kennardington, Newenden, British (mixed), erected about 1847, for 208 children;
Ebony, Rolvenden, Stone, 'fenterden, Wittersham & average attendance, 120 ; William l<'ranci!J, master ; Miss
Woodchurch. The population of the Union in 1881 was Francis, assistant mistress
10,461; rateable value, £53,449 Small Hyt.he (mixed), built in 1874, for 50 children ;
Clerk to the Guardians & Union Assessment Committee, average attendance, 35; Miss Minnie Phillimore, mistress
Joseph Munn Mace, Tenterden CoNVEYANCE TO:-
AsHFORn-Hook's omnibus daily, at 8 a.m. (sundays ex-
Treasurer, Sidney Charles Beecroft, London & County Bank,
Tenterden cepted), returning at 5.40 p.m. & twice on tues
CRANBROOK-Hook's omnibus, wed. & sat
Relieving Officer & Vaccination Officer for the Union, Henry HAWKHURST-Bennett's omnibus, every fri. at 7.30 a.m.
.Ashbee, High street, Tenterden winter; tues. & fri. from June 1st to November 3oth
HEADCORN-Bennett's omnibus, three times a day to meet
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Biddenden district, the trains (sundays excepted), from the Eight Bells inn ;
Selby Norton lii.D. Biddenden; Halden district, Charles
Eaton Baker, Cedars, Tenterden; Rolvenden district, Lavence's omnibus to station once a day
Richard Minors, Parsonage, Rolvenden ; Tenterden dis- RYE-Bennett's omnibus, daily via Wittersharn, via Ebony
trict, Jesse Henry Newington, West cross, Tenterden;
Wittersham district, Joseph Garside Terry, Wittersham; sat ·
Woodchurch district, Edwd. Bachelor Terry, Woodchurch
Superintendent Registrar, Joseph Munn Mace, High street, CARRIERS TO : -
Tenterden; deputy, George Frederick Varty, jun. High APPLEDORE-H. Ashdown, fri. & Green, twice daily, from
street, Tenterden West cross
Registrars of Births & Deaths, Tenterden sub-district, AsHFORD-William Bourner Hook, daily
Henry Ashbee, High street, Tenterden; deputy, Waiter BETHERSDEN-Woodcock, fri
Thomson, High street, Tenterden CRANBROOK-William Bourner Hook, wed. & sat
Registrar of Marriages, Edwin Stedman, High street, Ten- HAWKHURST-R. &J. Bennett & Co. every fri. at 7.3oa.m.
terden; deputy, Joseph Charles Skinner, High street, & tues. & fri. from June 1st to November 3oth in connec-
Tenterden tion with Williams, Cranbrook, carrier to Etchingham,
The Workhouse, to which a Hospital was added in 1883 at a returning the same day from the Royal Oak iun, at 12.20
cost of about {,21000, is a structure of red brick in the HEADCORN-R. & J. Bennett & C'o. three times a day; H.
form of the letter E, situated at the west end of the town Lavence, once a day
& will hold 438 inmates ; the workhouse children attend HYTHE, SANDGATE & FOLKESTONE-William Bourner Hook,
the National schools; William Macdonald, master; Rev. mon. wed. & fri. in connection with T. Checksfield, of
8. Campbell Lepard H. A. chaplain; Jesse H. Newington, Ashford, 6.40, leaving Pavilion shades, Folkestone, the
medical officer ; Mrs. Macdonald, matron following day at 8 a.m
RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY & HIGHWAY BOARD. MAIDSTONE-Bennett, daily, at 8.15 a.m; return same day
Meets at the Board rol)m of the Workhouse, every alternate at 3.30 p.m
RoLVENDEN-R. & J. Bennett & Co. daily, at 9.30 a.m
friday at 10 a.m. RYE-R. & J. Bennett & Co. West cross, daily, arriving in
Clerk, Joseph Munn Mace, 'fenterden time for the trains to Hastings
Treasurer, Sidney Charles Beecroft, London & County Bank, SMARDEN-Pearson, fri
Tenterden .· WooDCHURCH-Trowell, mon. wed. & fri
K. S. & S. 40
626 T.ENT~RDEN.-. {ULLY's
Tenterden. Weston Stringel', Kencb hill Chambers Thomas & Son, fisbmongel'8
. Wilkio Rev. Arthur M.A. Summer hiil & poulterers, High street ,
PRIVATE RESIDENT~ Winser Edgar, Ratsberry .. r Chapman Thomas & Spns, brewers (W.
Aggs Thomas, Westwell house Winser Edward, Arreton ho. Ashford rd Marsh, storekeeper), Ashford ,Lion
Avery George, Ashford road · Winser Miss, Beach house, High street brewery stores ,
WoodMrs. Philip, TheSummit,Ashfrd. r.d Checksfield George, farmef & hop
Avery Richard, High s'treet '
Baker Charles Eaton1 The Cedars Wood Thomas, Beacon oak grower, Good's Hill farm
Bartlett Thomas, East cross
ChecksfieldHy.mrkt.gdnr.Brewhonse la
Beale Mrs. S. C_ Tress. East gate COMMERCIAL. Conservative Club (William Paskin,
Beale'Mrs. M. J. Ivy Court, East cross Alien Edwin Beale, surveyor of high- president& Robt. Chas. Snelling, sec)
Bedwell Alfred, Eden villa, West cross ways & inspector' of nuisances, rural County Court ~His Honor William
Beecroft Sidney Chas. Bank ho. High st sanitary authority, The Firs Lucius Selfe, Judge; Joseph Munn
Biffin William, High street. Anderson Mary Ellen (Mrs.), registry Mace, registrar) .
BQOrman Henry, West Cross house off. for senrants, Fair view, East cross Coveney Stephen Chittenden, farmer,
Caister MU!s, East cross Apps & Son, furnishing ironmongers & Brungar farm
Cheney William Turley, 3 Oak's place lamp & oil dealers, East cross CrampGeo.baker & confectioner,High st
Clarke Mrs. Ashford road Apps Edwin P. (exors. of), wholesale Crittenden Richard & Frank &Elizabeth
Coleman Misses, Roselin ho. East cross ironmongers & agricultural imple- (Miss), bakers & confectioners
Cooke Ja.mes, Westwell cottage ment agents, High street Croucher Richard 0. wholesale horse
Cooke Mrs. West cross Apps William, fanner, Small Hythe , collar maker, High street
Cooper Charles, Ashford road Ashbee Henry, registrar of births & Croucher Thomas, bricklayer
Croughton Mrs. Heronden ' deaths & vaccination officer & reliev- Cruttenden Thomas, carpntr. West cross
Curteis Mrs. John, Woodside ' . ing officer for the union, High street Cunnold George Henry, tailor, High st
Curteis Robert Bassett, Ashenden Austen George, fruiterer & farmet, Curteis, Pomfret & Co. bankers (open
Curteis William, Eastwell house Small Hythe road tuesdays n to 3 & fridays n to 5);
Dennys Francis Jellanus H.I.C.E. Mor- Austen Thomas, shopkeeper, Golden sq draw on Smith,Payne&Smiths,Londn
ghew hall Avery & Son, wine& spirit mers.Highst Curteis Robert B. grazier, farmer &hop
Dennys Francis Lardner, Morghew hall; Avery Howard, butcher, East cross grower, Ashenden
& Auchnant, Aberdeenshire Avery Richard, wine & spirit merchant, CurteisWm.frmr.&hopgrwr.Eastwll.ho
Dennys Haddock Percival,Morghewhall see Avery & Son East Kent Reg. (2nd) (Weald of Kent)
Elliot Thomas John u.R.A.c., F.H.A.s. Avery Thomas, decorator, plumber & Volunteer Battalion (G company)
Craythorne glazier, Ashford road (Capt. William Boys Tylden-Patt.en-
Ford Mrs. Woodlands, Ashford road Baker Charles Eaton,surgeon, &medical son J.P. commandant; Joseph Munn
Francis William, Ashford road officer & public vaccinator for Halden Mace, lieut; John Woods, sergt.-in-
Glaskin Rev. John [Baptis.t], High st district, The Cedars structor), Armoury, East cross
Godfrey Mrs. Miriam ho. Ashford road BARDEN GEORGE, bicycle & tricycle Edwards Obadiah&Sons, brewers &wine
Harman Mrs. West cross manufacturer ; all kinds of repairs, & spirit mers. Tenterden brewery
Harris Mrs. High street nickel plating, & lightning conductor Edwards Henry, shoe maker, High st
Hilder Edward Winser, High street erector, Cycleden ElliottWm.plumber & glazier,Eastcross
Hook Mrs. Edwin,Milbourne ho.High st Barden Hy.confectnr.& grngrcr.High st Ellis George, boot & shoe ma. High st
Hook Mrs. 8 Wellington place Barnes Jane (Mrs.), beer retlr. High st Finch George, inland revenue officer,
Hope Miss, East hill Barton Reuben, hair dresser,High street Linton house, Ashford road
Howard Edgar, Chennell park Beeken John, boot & shoe maker & I<'reeman Lewis William, cabinet maker
Howard Saml.0. Woodbury, West cross leather seller, East cross , & easy chair & couch maker & furni-
Howard William, West cross. Beeken Sarah (Miss), fancy repository, ture broker,Kent chair &couch works,
J arvis Mrs. East cross East cross High street
J enner Charles, High street Bennett R. & J. & Co. railway & for- FUGGLE ALBERT RICHARD, baker,
Johnson Miss, Chfton house, Ashford rd warding agents, jobmasters, furni- . High street
Lansdell Mrs. Chain house, East cross ture removers & coal & coke mer- l<'uggle Octavius L. shopkeepr. High st
Latter Arthur Herbert, High street chants, West cross Gilbert Alfred, grazier, Wellington ho
Lemmon George, West cross Benstead Wm.Alfd. farmr.Little Halden Gilbert Joseph, carter, Golden square
Lepard Rev. Samuel Campbell u.A. BesleeWilliam,basket maker, West cross Gilbert Sarah Ann (Miss), dress maker,
Bishop Edward, Woolpack commercial Ashford road
[vicar], Vicarage
Lewin George Wm.[Presb.],Ashford rd hotel &cyclingtourists'head quarters, Gilbert William, carter, Golden square
Longley Charles, Wellington villa. adjoining the Town hall, High street Goldsmith Benjamin Thomas, borough
~a.ce Harry Buckler, The Pebbles Bishop George, boot ma.. Golden square surveyor & school attendance officer,
Mace John Ellis, Ashford road Blanch George, farm bailiff to Robert Oak's house, East cross
Mace Joseph Munn, Little Barton Dank esq. Gibbet farm, Leigh green Goldsmith Hy.Fdk. coach bldr.Oak's ho
Mace Joseph Spyring, High street Boorman Henry & Co. grocers & dra· Goodman James, grazier, High street
Mace Miss, Crayville, High street pers, & agents for W. & A. Gilbey, Green George John, carrier, Golden sq
Mace Mrs. Ashford road wine & spirit merchants, West cross Goodsall Hy. shoe maker & parish clerk
Mace William Glover, Belle Vue house Bourne Geo. farmer, Park Gate farm Groves Elijah, hair dresser & tobacco-
Matthews Frank, West Cross house Bourner Geo.statn~t.& booksellr.High st nist, High street
Maylam Miss, 5 Oak's place Bourner Hester (Mrs.),teacher of music, Hadlow Isabella(Mrs.),Eight Bells P.H.
Munn Mrs. West cross East cross High street
Newing~on Jesse Henry, West cross Breeze Robert, sergeant of police Haffenden Thomas, farm bailiff to Wm.
Newman Jn. Fras.Beacon ho.Ashford rd Bridge Samuel & Sons, painters & Curteis esq. Small Hythe
Older Mrs. Denmark villa, West cross glaziers, High street Harris William, boot & shoe ma.. High st
Ottaway Thos.Akron villa, Ashford road BridgeRichd. BlackHorse inn, West cross Hatch & Waterman,auctioneers,High st
Palmer James Dampier, Heronden hall Britcher Fredk. confectioner, West cross Hatcher Adolphus,nurseryman &seeds-
Pearson Mrs.Boxley house,Ashford road Brown Eliza(Mrs. ),frmr.Isemonger frm man, West cross
Pilcher Miss, Denmark villa, West cross Brown Samuel, farm bailiff to J. D. Hawkins Henry, baker, High street
Pizey Rev. Charles Thomas H.A. [vicar Palmer esq. Penhale Hilder William & Sons, farmers & hop
of Small Hythe] BROWN WILLIAM, grocer, Ashford rd growers & agricultural implement
Priday Mrs. 1 Borough place Buckman James Morris, builder, car- agents, Little Westwell
Purfield John, 4 Oak's place penter & undertaker, Ashford road Hobson SI. saddler &harness ma.High st
Ransom John, TheSummit,Ashford road Buckman Mary(Mrs. ),beer ret. East crss Hook John, dairyman & grazier, Brew-
Redman Mrs. West cross Burden & Harris, bricklayers, High st house lane
Rising Rev. Tilney [Wesleyan], West crss Butcher George, baker, High street Hook Stephen &Son,graziers & butchers,
Roget·s Matthew, Crayville, High street Button & Son, auctioneers & land & High street
Saunders Edwin Dawes, Ashford road estate agents, Albion house, High st Hook William Bourner, jobmaster &
Shoobridge Thomas, Silver hill Button Caroline {Mrs.), dress maker, china & glass dealer, High street
Skelding Joseph, Homewood Borough place Howard & Sons, tanners, curriers &
Smith Arthur Henry, High street Button George (exors. of), farmers & leather merchants
Sommers Miss, The Limes briok makers, Good's Hill house Hukins George Hopper, jeweller &
Tait Thos.Andw.Ovenden ho. West cross Care William, farmer, Bullam farm watch maker, High street
Thompson Mrs. Ivy lawn Carey Edwin, farmer, Belgar farm Huntley Edward, farmer, Ashford rd
Waterman Miss, East cross Cassingham & Co. temperance hotel, International Tea Co. (Bobert WilliaUl
Weeks Reuben,Akron villa, Ashford road High street Winsor, manager), High street
Weld James, Halls place Cemetery (George Fredk. Vaity, jun. Jarvis Jn. grocer & painter, Golden sq
Wells Edward D. West cross clerk to the burial board) Latter Arthur Herbert, solicitor, & clerk
Weston Miss, Westbourne, West cross ChacksfieldJabez,drpr.&millinr.Highst of the peace & vestry clerk, High st
uiRECTORY.J KE.t.~T~r •
Lavence Henry, carrier.& omnibus p-ro- Ridley &7 O:ffen, coal dealers &·carmen, Weston Stringer, farmer & hop grower; •
prieror & emigration agent, High st. I~ .RiHdliegyhTshtrreifett, , Kench hill
Ledger Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, coal dealer &c. see Ridley Wiles Thomas, greengrocer & fly pro-
West cross 1 & Offen .· prietor, West cross
Ledger Sophia(Miss),dress ma.Eastcrss Rogers William, fanner & hop grower, Willsher Robert, farmer & hop grower,
Lewis & Hyland, linen drapers & out- Heronden farm Plommer House farm
fitters, High street Russell Wiiliam, farmer, Coombe farm WILLSHER STEPHEN HENRY {late
London & County Banking Co. Limited Sayers Frederick &. Son, corn, seed & Bolton), pharmaceutical chemist,
(Sidney Charles Beecroft, manager); 1 wool merchants, High street bookseller,stationer&newe agent,agent
draw on head office, London E c 1 S ay e rs Eber, but cher, High street . s o n , to theRailway Passengers' Assurance
S ha c kl etonEphra imJos eph,st onema
Longley Charles, t"eterinary surgeon, 1: Co. & cattle food manufacturer ;
Wellington villa j Wellington place manufactory &stores, High street
Lowes John, mineral water manufac- Sharp Alfd.china & glass dlr.Ashford rd S. H. Willsher has stores for his cat.tle
turer, 6 Oak's place Sims James, builder, Ashford road food at the Ashford cattle market &
W.jMace W. G. & Sons, solicitors, High .st, Skinner Joseph & Son, photographers, attends personally an market days
Mace William Glover (firm, Mace High street from u until3 o'clock
G. & Sons), solicitor, clerk to the Skinner Joseph, borough sanitary in- Wilmshurst Benjamin, land steward to
magistrates & commissioner for oaths ' spector, High .street J.D.Palmeresq. Woodlands,Ashfrd.rd
Mace Harry Buckler, solicitor, see Mace Skinner Joseph Charles, deputy regis- Wilson Frances (Mrs. )1 dress maker,
W. G. & Sons trar of marriages, High street
Ashford road
Mace Joseph Munn (firm, Mace W. G. Smith Arthur Henry, organist Parish Winser Edgar, grazier & hop grower,
& Sons), solicitor, clerk to the guar-. church, High street
Rat.<Jberry -
dians, superintendent registrar, town Snelling Robert Charles, seedsmaq & Winser Joseph Sawyer, grocer, High st
clerk, clerk to the union assess- sexton, High street Wood John, draper & outfitter, Highst
ment committee, to rural sanitary Sommers Jane (Miss), ladies' boarding Woods J ohn,sergeant instructor (G Co.)
authority, to highway board & school school; thorough education & careful East Kent Regiment, East cross
attendance committees, clerk to the home training ; pupils successfully Workman's Club & Reading Room (A.
commissioners of taxes, registrar of prepared. for Oxford, Cambridge, Gilbert&H.B.Mace,hon.secs. ),High st
county court &commissioner for oaths College of Preception, the Kensington St. Michael's.
Manby Waiter Edward, pharmaceutical locals (english & music), Royal
Academy of Music, Trinity & Inter- [Na.mes marked thus t letters should be ad-
chemist & dentist, High street national Colleges of Music, The Limes
Manktelow John, wheelwright, High st Southern or Ashford Division Liberal dressed Tenterden.]
Martin Charles, farm bailiff to Miss Association (J. M. Mace, sec.),High st
StanbridgeFk.grocer&draper,East cross Andrew Rev. -
Hope, Small Hythe Stanger Edwin, grocer & provision Clarke Rev. William Murray Charles
Martin Mary Ann (Miss), laundress, dealer, High street
Stedman Edwin, tailor, & registrar of [vicar], Vicarage
West cross marriages for Tenterden union, Craddock George, Briton house
Masters Thos. watch maker & jeweller Gordon Mrs. Ingleden
Marshall George, Kenmure
& gun, rifle & pistol maker, High st Masters John, Shoreham castle
Matthews Frank M.R.c. v.s.Lond. veter-
inary surgeon, West Cross house High street COMMERCIAL.
Millen Hm·ace, farmer, Leigh green Stretten Agnes {Mrs.), dress maker, Bassett William, pig dealer
Milsted Charles & Sons, agricultural im- West cross tBarton James, marine store dealer
plement manufacturers, West cross Stretten Benjamin. cabinetma. High st Bennett Mark W. grocer & draper,
Milsted Ann Elizabeth (Miss), fancy re- Swift John, bill poster, High street Post office
pository, High street Tait Thomas Andrew, dentist, Ovenden Burden Carolina (Mrs.), beer retailer
Milsted Edward, smith &farrier,Highst house, West cross Button John, carter
Milsted Wm.cabinet ma.7 Wellington pl Tenterden Gas Co. (Henry Boorman, Capeling & Manktelow, wheelwrights
MitchellJohn,butcher & farmer,High st chairman; Chas. Cooper, sec. & coli) tChecksfield Edward, shopkeeper
Mitchell Mary Ann {Mrs.), shopkeeper, Tenterden Tradesman's Club (Edward Collins George, farmer & hop grower,
High street Winser, chairman; Henry Lavence, Brown's corner
Mitchell Wooddy, boot ma. Ashford rd sec. & treasurer) Collins Sion Rofe, farmer, Potts farm
Morris George 'Thomas, stationer, sew- Thomson Waiter, wholesale stationer & Collins William, farmer & hop grower,'
ing machine agent, postmaster & sub- printer & deputy registrar of births Readers bridge
distributor of stamps, High street & deaths, High street Cradduck Wm. farmer, Old House frm
Morris Samuel Thomas, grocer, High st 1Tickner George, farm bailiff to Mrs. Cradduck George, farmer &landowner,
Munn William Henry, farmer & hop 1· Croughton, Quarter
Briton house
grower, Leigh green Tickner Walter, farmbailiff toR. Neve Field Thomas (Mrs.), farmer, High
Murrell Sarah (Miss),beerret.Golden sq esq. Pick hill Chimney farm
Newington Jesse Henry, surgeon, & Town Hall (Stephen Goodsall, keeper), Foster William, baker
medical officer & public vaccinator for High street Fuggle Alfred, shoe maker
Tenterden district & medical officer Vanlanschooten W,m.farmer, Watermill Fullager Adolphus, shopkeeper
to workhouse, West cross Varty George Frederick, jun. deputy Gilbert Jeffrey Wm. cattle dlr. & fannr
Noble John Rumble, White Lion corn- superintendent registrar, collector of tGoodsall Thomas, saddler
mercial hotel & posting house,High st taxes & clerk to the burial board & Hayward Samuel, blacksmith
NUNN ALBERT EDGAR, builder, con- agent for Employers' Liability Assur- Honeysett Jabez, farmer,Children's frm
tractor, sanitary engineer, stone & ance Corporation, High street Honeysett J obn, farmer, Readers bridge
monumental mason, building ma- Varty George Frederick, sen. assistant Jarvis George, farmer, Martins farm
terial & english oak timber merchant overseer & collector of poor's rates, Ledger Alfred, brick & drain pipe makr
& undertaker ; plans & specifications Borough place Masters David, farmer & hop grower,
&estimates free, High street; works, l Volunteer }<'ire Brigade (Stephen H. Bugglesden
' Gas lane Willsher, capt. ; Thos. Avery, supt) Mitchell George, farmer, Cover farm
Offen Edwin (Mrs.), laundress, High st WaddellJn. watch ma. & jewellr. High st Mitchell Wm. (Mrs.),farmr. ThreeVents
Parsons Alfred,grocr.& farmr.Leigh grn Waterman James,farmer& hop grower, Morphett Susannah (Miss), farmer,
Payn Margaret Frances (Mrs.), tobacco- Pigeon hoe landowner & hop grower, Upper
nist, High street Weeks Reuben & Son, builders, contrac- Hunt Bourne
PiersooWilliam Geo.farmer, Leigh green tors & undertakers; all kinds of Parsons John, farm bailiff to R. & J.
PilbeamJames, miller (wind),Leighgrn buildingmaterialsatmoderateprices; Bennett, Lon~on beach
Pinyon Aaron, miller (steam, wind & plans & specifications for all branches; Read John, manne store dealer
water). Ashbonme mills High street ReeYes Mary (Mrs.), Crown P.H
Ransley Mitchel, toy dealer, High st Weld Jas. grazier & farmer, Hales place I Vane Caleb, farmer, Henley farm
Rich Wilijam, carpenter, Ashford road Weller Richard, greengrocer, High st Wood Clark, farmer, Silcocks
TESTON is a village and parish, situated on the banks of North Malling, archdeaconry o( Maidstone and diocese of
the navigable Medway (over which is a. bridge of five arches Canterbury. Barham Court, in this parish, has given the
on the road from Teston to West Farleigh), 4 miles south-west title of baron to the Middleton family, subsequently trans-
from Maidstone, I mile north-north-east from W ateringbury ferred, by marriage, to the Noel family, and now held by the
station on the South Eastern railway and 53 miles from Lon- Right Hon. the Earl of Gainsborongh. The church of SS.
don, in the Mid division of the county, lathe of Aylesford, Peter and Paul is a small cruciform building of stone, con-
Twyford hundred, Maidstone union and county oourt dis- sisting of chancel, nave of two bays, aisles and a. low western
trict, petty sessional division of Mailing, rural deanery of tower, with an octagonal spire, containing 3 bells: the
• •. K. S. & ll. 40•
church was rebuilt about 1750 by Sir Philip Boteler hart. of Captain Robert Arnold Vansittart J.P.; this mansion was
the last owner of Barham Court of that name, who died in 11. favourite resort of the distinguished statesman and philan-
1772, and was reconstructed in its present form about 1846 thropist, William Wilberforce esq. M.P. and Mrs. Hannah
by the Rev. the Hon. Francis James Noel M.A. vicar of Tes· More, the well-known authoress, during the earlier part of
ton and Nettlestead, who died 3oth July, 1854: there are this century; and one of the first Sunday schools established
brass memorials, erected in 1885, to Frances (Jocelyn), was begun in this parish by Mrs. More. In excavating
Countess Dowagel' of Gainsborough v.A. d. 12th May, 1885, for the schools the remains of a Roman cemetery were
and the Hon. Mrs. Francis James Noel, d. 27th June, 1885 ; found; the remains of a Roman villa, discovered in one of
there is also a monument to the Rev. James Ramsay, who, the hop gardens, were also excavated by the late W. A.
with Margaret, wife of Admiral Sir Charles Middleton hart. I<,remlin esq. a paper by whom, descriptive of these relics,
of Barham Court (subsequently created ( I8o.!l) baron Bar- has been published. The soil is red sandy loam ; subsoil,
ham), originated the movement for the abolition of slavery, rock. Hops and fruit are grown in abundance here. The
and there are other memorials to former possessors of Bar- area is 519 acres; rateable value, £,2,187; the population in
ham Court: there are 220 sittings, chiefly free, but some are 1881 was 324.
conditionally appropriated. The rt-gister dates from the Sexton, Thomas King.
year 1538. The living is a rectory, average yearly value PosT 0FFICE.-Alfred Valentine Reader, receiver. Letters
from tithe rent-charge £222, with residence and 24 acres of received through Maidstone at 6.go a.m. & 12.45 p.m.;
glebe, in the gift of Lady Victoria Buxton, and held since dispatched at 12.45 & 7· Io p.m.; sunday, dispatched at
1875 by the Rev. Clement Francis Cobb M.A. of Trinity Col- 11.40 a.m. only. The nearest money order & telegraph
lege, Cambridge. The local charities and annual contribu- office is at Wateringbury
tions for the support of the poor amount to £62 1os. Barham Village School, built for 120 children ; average attendance,
Court, the property of Roger Leigh esq. J.P. who is lord of go; & supported in part by Roger Leigb esq. J.P.; Paul
the manor and principal landowner, is now in the occupation Green, master; Mrs. Georgina Green, mistress
Allwork Mrs. The Firs Vansittart Capt. Robert Arnold J.P, Caller Edward, farm bailiff to Mrs.
Cobb Rev. Clement Francis M.A..
Barham court l<'remlin
Fremlin Mrs. Court lodge Balchild William, beer ret. & bricklayer HaycockChas.head grdnr. toR.Leigh esq
Key Edmund Henry R.N. Park cottage
Mendel Mrs. Fairlawn Betts John, boot & shoe maker Reader Alfred V. grocer & cricket ball
Cable William, steward to Mrs. Frem-j maker, Post office
lin, & assistant overseer 1 Ru&sell Alfred, beer retailer
TEYNHAM (or TENHAM) is an ancient town and parish, , land here with cherries, pippins and golden rennets, which
situated on the coast of the Swale, partly in a marshy dis- he had obtained from beyond the sea; hence all the cherry
trict, with a station, a quarter of a mile south from the gardens and orchards in Kent have been stocked with the
village, on the London, Chatham and Dover railway, 3 Flemish cherry. On account of the marshes Teynham was
miles east from Sittingbourne and d: west from Faver- formerly reputed to be unhealthy, but at the present time
sham, in the North Eastern division of the county, hun-1 the health of the district is very satisfactory, this improve-
dred of the same name, lathe of Scray, Faversham petty ment being accounted for by the drainage of the marshes.
sessional division, nnion and county court district, and in Teynham Court Lodge is the residence of Henry T. Bensted
the rural deanery of Ospringe and archdeaconry and diocese esq. and Upper Newlands of Robert Lake esq. Lieut.-Col.
of Canterbury. This place gives the title of baron to the Charles John Roper Tyler J.P. of Loyterton, Lynsted, is
Roper-Curzon family. The parish church of St. Mary, lord of the manor. There are in this parish about 22 acres
situated on rising ground, is a large cruciform building of of land belonging to the vicarage of Bapchild and about 43
flint, in the Early English and Perpendicular styles,consistin~ acres (Queen Anne's Bonnty ), to the vicarage of Oare.
of chancel, north and south transepts, nave, aisles, west porch Robert Lake esq. and Robert Mercer esq. are the chief
and an embattled tower at the west end, containing a peal landowners. The area is 2,474 acres of land and 390 of
of 6 bells dated 1743: the nave is separated from each aisle water; rateable value, £n,gg6; the population in 1881
by two wide Pointed arches on octagonal piers: the font con- was 1,767.
sists of an octagonal bowl on a circular stem: the pulpit is On the Creek is Conyer's Quay ; G~tEAT and LIT rLE FnoG-
Jacobean: there are brasses, with effigies, to John Frogen- NAL are x mile south-west; BARRow GREEN, half a mile
hall esq. ob. 1444, the effigy wearing a collar of SS ; to south-west.
Robert Hayward, ob. 1509 ; William Wreke, ob. 1533 and GREEN STREET is partly in this parish and partly in Lyn-
another in the chancel to William Palmer and Elizabeth, his sted. the names of residents for which see Lynsted.
wife, dated 1639: a memorial window was erected to Miss 1 Sexton, Henry J. Cox.
Lake in the year 1865: the stained east window was inserted 1 PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Influrance Office,
in 1883 as a memorial of James Lake esq. of Newlands, and Green Street.-William James Read, postmaster. Letters
there are two others in the chancel to Mr. Roper and Mr. by foot post from Sittingbourne arrive at 6.50 a.m. 2 &
Gillow: the chancel was restored in 1873: there are 256 6.50 p.m.; dispatched at u.~o a.m. & 6.45 p.m.; on sun-
sittings, 200 being free. The register dates from the year days aL 12.20 p.m. Money orders are issued & paid from
1539. The living is a vicarage, tithe commuted at i.,'2o6, 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.; on saturdays until 8 p.m
with residence, in the gift of the Archdeacon of Canterbury, LETTER Box at 'feynham station, cleared at 11.20 a.m. &
and held since 1878 by the Rev. Edward James Corbould 6 p.m
IM.A. of Wadham College, Oxford. Here are extensive I National School, Barrow Green, founded in 1849 & enlarged
Roman and Portland cement works; brick making is also in 1872 & again in 1884, for 400 children; average attend-
Icarried on extensively. Teynham was given to Christ ance, boys 120, girls xoo, infants 100; James Henry
Church, Canterbury, by Kenulf, King of Mercia (794-819) Winterton, master; Mrs. Margaret Winterton, mistress;
and the Archbishops of Canterbury had a palace here. King Miss E. R. Foster, infants' mistress; Edward Henry,
Henry IlL granted to the town a market and a fair. Richard ! attendance officer
Harris, fruiterer to Henry VIII. planted 105 acres of rich Railway Station, Thomas Riches, station master
Bensted Hy.Thos.Teynham Court lodge Goodchild Henry Lovett, manager to Nethersole & Honeyball, auctioneers,
Corbould Rev. Edwd. Jas.M.A. Vicarage Millichamp & Co. Limited valuers & estate agents
Honeyball Frederick, :New gardens Gambell Hy. pork butcher, Lucerne st Peene James, smith & farrier
Honeyball Fredk. Jas. jun. New gardns Honeyball Frederick & Son, farmers Poison William, farm bailiff to William
Howard Gilbert Honeyball & Son, coal merchants ; Roper Dixon esq
Lake Robert, Upper Newlands & at Sittingbourne, Faversham & RichardsonA.&W.T.cement & brick mfrs
Riches Thomas Westgate-on-Sea Rogers Frank John, grocer, Lucerne st
COMMERCIAL. Hougham Thos. Railway inn,Rlwy. stn Rogers John, wheelwright, Lucerne st
Bensted Henry Thomas, farmer & hop HonghtonWilliam,Anchorcoffeetavern, Rossiter Phrebe (Mrs.), shopkeeper
grower, Teynham Court lodge Railway station Ru!.selll<'rederick, farm bailiff to Robert
Challender Wm. surveyor, Lucerne st Howard Gilbert, manager to Messrs. A. Mercer esq
Crippen William Hills, builder & W. T. Richardson Smith George, carpenter
Edmed Edward,foreman to Millichamp Lake Robert, farmer & hop grower, Trigg Henry, carter, Barrow green
& Co. Limited, Frognallane Upper Newlands Trigg William Henry, hurdle maker
French Henry, Brunswick Arms P.H. Langton Dl. W. barge bldr.Conyer's qy Upton Frederick John, stationer
Conyer's quay Lawrence Thos. Plough P.H. Lucerne st WarringtonJn.gardener to Rt.Lake esq
French James & Sons, grocers & pro- Millichamp Henry & Co.Limited, chim- White Leonard, farm bailiff to H. T.
vision dealers, Barrow green ney pot & drain pipe manufacturers, Bensted esq
Frost Ebenezer,Ship P.H.Conyer's quay I Frognal brickfields Wigg William, carman & shopkeeper
THAN ET (ISLE OF), at the extreme north-east of west and about 4 miles from north to south ; it is intersected
Kent, is formed by the course of the river Stour from the by the London, Chatham and Dover and the South Eastern
north coast to the east, is 10 miles in length from east to railways, and comprises the popular bathing towns of MAR·
soGATB and RA.MSGATE, and the lesser watering places of along the coast, Ramsgate to Margate, into cliffs to xoo
HROADST.AlRS and WESTGATE and the parishes of AcoL, feet high, on one of which, the North I<'oreland, the extreme
BrRCHINGTON, MINSTER, MONKTON, ST. LAWRENCE, ST. eastern point, is a lighthouse; the soil on this part is com-
PETE&, ST. NrcaoLAS-AT-WADE, S.ARRE and SroNAR, all of paratively shallow, resting on the chalk. The southern and
which are described in other parts of this Directory. The western parts are marshy along the banks of the Stour, with
island forms a division for Parliamentary purposes, and the rich alluvial soil, on which, corn, fruit and vegetables are
above places constitute a poor law union. The land rises grown. The area of the Isle is 26,021 acres.
THANINGTON is a parish forming part of the City of CANTERBURY, which see.
THROWLEY is a parish, situated on high ground, in a. Sondes ; each inmate lives rent free and has a small allow-
picturesque country, 4 miles south of Faversham and 44 ance of coals. Belmont, a noble mansion, built in 1769, and
from London by road, in the North Eastern division of the charmingly situated in an extensive park of soo acres graced
county, lathe of Scray, hundred, petty sessional division, with numerous groups of forest trees, is the seat of Lord
union and county court district of Faversham, and in the Harris B.A., D.L., J.P. and governor of Bombay from 1889, an
rural deanery of Ospringe and archdeaconry and diocese of extensive landowner in this county, and well known as one
Canterbury. This place bestows the title of Viscount on the of the foremost of English cricketers. Tbrowley House,
Earls Sondes. The church of St. Michael and All Angels, seated amid foliage, opposite Sheldwich church and sur-
situated on high ground, is an ancient edifice of flint, in the rounded with lawns, is the seat of Herbert Hordern esq.
Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave of three bays, The manors belong to Earl Son::les and Lord Harris, who
aisles, chapels, south porch and an embattled tower on the j are the principal landowne s. The soil and subsoil are
south side, containing 6 bells: it was restored in 1867, and various. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, beans
shortly afterwards the tower, a conspicuous object in the and turnips. Hops are extensively grown bere. The area.
neig-hbourhood, was raised in height: in the north chapel is is 3,256 acres; rateable value, £3,886; the population in
a monument and statue to George, first Baron Harris of 1881 was 622.
Seringapatam and Mysore, who was so created (uth Aug. HocKLHY HoLE is a quarter of a mile west; THROWLBY
x8r5) for his gallant capture of the Indian stronghold of FORSTAL is a hamlet 1 mile south; WILGATE GREJ:o:N and
tbat name, and d. 19th May, 1829; in the other chapels are WILDERTON, I mile north;_ To~o GREEN, Ii miles south r
various memorials to the family of Sondes: there are 300 SNODE STREET, 2~ miles Routh, on the road to Charing.
sittings, all being free, but subject to allotment by the Parish Clerk, James Pratt.
churchwardens. The register dates from the year 1557. PosTOFFICE,ThrowleyForstal.-Stephen ThomasMatcham.
The living is a vicarage, yearly value from tithe rent-charge receiver. Letters arrive by foot from Faversham at 8.20
£280, with residence and 26 acres of glebe land, in the gift a.m.; dispatched at 5·35 p.m. The nearest money order
ofthe Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since 1884 by the & telep-aph office is at Charing
Rev. William Archibald Scott Robertson M..A. of Christ's PILLAR Box, near the church, cleared at 6 p.m.; sundays,
College, Cambridge, honorary canon of Canterbury, rural 12 noon
dean of Ospringe and hon. sec. and editor for the Kent National School (mixed), built in 1872, for 110;
Archreological Society. There are three almshouses for the average attendance, 92; Edward Shallcross, master
relief of aged persons, founded by an ancestor of Lord CARRIER.-Holdup, from Charing to l<'aversham, on wed
Harris Lord B.A., D.L., J.P. Belmont; & Cobb Frank Bridge, farmer & hop Minter Thos. farmer, Parsonage farm
Carlton club, London s w grower, Town place Pay John, farmer, Cadmans
Hordern Herbert, Tbrowley house ; & Fowler Frederick, plumber Pay Samuel, farmer, Park Lane farm
Junior Carlton club, London Hayes Jas. beer ret. Tbrowley Forstal Pettman Hester (Mrs.), saddler
Robertson Rev. Canon William Archi- Hurrell Richard, beer retailer & grocer Revell J<'k.blacksmith,Throwley Forstal
bald Scott M.A. Vicarage Kennett Harry, Windmill P.H. Throw- Rye Charles, house steward to Lord
COMMERCIAL. ley FoNtal Harris B.A., J.P. Belmont
Ashbee Lewis, farmer & hop grower, Kingsnorth Geo.farmer, TbrowleyForstl Rye Henry, farmer, Tht·owley Forstal
Wilgate green Mair James John, farmer & hop grower, Shorter Jn. farmer, Throwley Forstal
Austin Wm.miller ( wind),Parsonage ml Bells Forstal TheobaldsGeo.butcher, Throwleyl<'orstal
Coast Geo. carpenter, Throwley Forstal Mannel John, farmer, South Hill famt Wacher John, farm manager to Lord
Coast Nathaniel, miller (wind), Throw- Matcham Stephen Thomas, grocer & Sondes
leyForstal farmer, Post office, Throwley Forstal Ward George, farmer, Broomfield
Creed Henry, pig dealer Millen William, farmer, Wilgate green Wise Chas.timber mer.Throwley Forstl
THURNHAM (or Thornham) is a parish and village, supposed to have been originally a Roman work. Thurn-
from 2 to 4 miles north-east from Maidstone, in the Mid ham Court is the residence of Sir George Francis Hampson,
division of the county, hundred of Eyhorn, lathe of Ayles- bart. J.P. Aldington Place, a fine old building, is now used
ford, Maidstone county court district, Bearsted petty ses- as a farm house. Sir George Francis Hampson bart. J.P.
sional division, Hollingbourne union, Sutton rural deanery, who is lord of the manor and lay rector, and Mrs. Knight,
archdeaconry of ~Iaidstone .and Canterbury diocese. The Major Isherwood and E. L. Lusb.ington esq. are the chief
church of St. Mary the Virgin is a building of stone, in the landowners. Tue soil in the upper part of the parish is
Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, south chalky and light, but below of a richer character. The
porch and an embattled western tower containing a clock chief crops are hops, wheat, fruit and roots ; there are a
and 3 bells: there are memorial windows to Charles Kaye great many acres of woodland. The area is 3,362 acres ;
Bumey and to Edward Tootell,who died in India :the church rateable value, £4,216: the population in x881 was 648.
affords 120 sittings. The register dates from the year 16oo. 1\rARE STREET is 1 mile south-west from the church ;
The living is a vicarage, consolidated in the r6th century with here is a barrow or tumnlus ; a small Wesleyan chapel was
the rectory of Aldington, joint gross yearly value from built here in 1 877.
tithe rent-charge (commuted) £494• net income£ x8o, with Parish Clerk, Charles Hills.
13 acres of glebe and :residence, in the gift of Mrs. Wigan,
Oakwood, Maidstone, and held since 188o by the Rev. John LETTER Box cleared at 6 p.m. Letters by foot post from
Durst ar.A. of Caius College, Cambridge. On the top of a. Maidstone arrive at 8 a.m. The nearest money order
chalk bill, about half a mile from the church and near the & telegraph office is at Bearsted
ancient Pilgrims' road from Rochester to Canterbury, are National School (mixed), built in 1872, for uo children;
the ruins of Thurnham (or Godard's) Castle, a fortress a\·erageattendance, 77; Charles James, master
Durst Re;. John M.A. Vicarage Arthur Albert,farm bailiff to Sir George Maxted William Sutton, farmer & hop
Bampson Sir George Fraucis bart. J.P. F. Hampson hart. J.P grower, Barty farm
Thurnham court Blinkhorn John, farmer Sankey John, farm bailiff to John Rams.
Knight Mrs. Barty house Cheeseman George, builder, carpenter bottom esq. Binbury farm
Sandland Henry J.P. Birling house & undertaker; & at Bearsted SmithEdwinMalcolm,gen.smith &grocr
Tubb Charles, Hill house Day Robert, farmer, Cold Blow farm Stanford William, hurdle maker
Wykeham Martin Malcolm Fiennes, Hodges John, Bel1 P.H Tilby John, farmer
Mount Pleasant Hoppe Alfred, farmer, Aldington Watkins Alfred, boot maker
COMMERCIAL. Hunt Aaron, grocer White Horace, bricklayer
Annon Mary Ann (Mrs.), basket maker Masters Thomas, Black Horse P.:a: ·
TILMA NSTONE is a small village and parish, situ- county court district, Sandwich rural deanery and Canter-
ated in a valley on the road from Sandwich to Dover, 5 bury archdeaconry and diocese. The church of St. Andrew
miles south-west from Sandwich, 7 north from Dover, 6 is a small structure of rough flints and stone, in the Norman
west from Deal, and 3i miles from Shepherdswellstation on and Early English styles, with later insertions, consisting
the London, Chatham and Dover railway, in the Eastern of chancel, nave, south porch and a low western tower con-
division of the county, Eastry union and hundred, lathe of ta.ining one bell: there are also several monuments and.
St. Augustine, Wingham petty sessional division, Deal tablets to the Hatton and Rice families ; and a brass at t.he
least eb.d t6- Richa~d Fogg, dated 1598 ~ th&- 'church was see of Canterbury. Admi'ral Sir Edward B. Rice lt.C.B., .l';P.
restored in :t884: there are 130 sittings: in the church- who is lord of the manor, and the Earl of Gnilford, are the
yard is an ancient and very large yew tree. The register of principal landowners. ' The soil is chalk ; subsoil, chalk.
baptisms and burials dates from the year 1558; marriages The chief crops ar~ wheat, barley, oats and hops. The
from 1559. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent- area is I, 149 acres; rateable value, £2,008 ; the popula-
charge £212, with ! acres of glebe and residence, in the tion in x881 wa11 362.
gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since 188o Parish Clerk and Sexton, Robert Wyborn Parker.
by the Rev. James Henry Jaquet M.A. of Clare College,
Cambridge. Here is a small Wesleyan chapel. Dane Letters via Dover arrive at 9 a.m. The nearest money
Court, a manor, and the seat and property of Admiral Sir order & telegraph office is at Eastry· WALL. Box
Edward Bridges Rice :s;.c.B., J.P. is a mansion, surrounded cleared at 7 p.m. week days; & 9.30 a.m. Sundays
by a :finely-timbered park 103 acres in extent. Long pre- National School (mixed), built in 1857, for 75 children;
viously to" Domesday Survey" this manor belonged to the average aUendance, 54; Miss Alice Hayes, mistress
Jaquet Rev. Jas. Henry M.A. Vicarage Bowman George, beer retailer ·Lawrence Sarah (Mrs.), laundress
Knott Mrs Chase Cornelius, shoe maker Richards Mary {Miss), laundress
Rice Admiral Sir Edward Bridges K.C.B., Colthup Emily Elizabeth (Miss), mil- Richards William, shopkeeper
~ 'faylor William, carrier
J.P. Dane court liner & dress maker
Rice Major Augustus R.l!:. Dane :field Dixon William, market gardener ! Tilbee Ueorge, grocer & draper
Rice Miss, South court Drury John William, land steward to~ Tritton Edward, beer retailer
COMMERCIAL, Admiral Sir E. B. Rice K.C.B., J.P. Whaley Samuel, farmer, Barville farm
New Purchase farm Wyborn William, grocer -
Ayers Martin, farmer, Chapel farm Dungey Charles, blacksmith Wyborn William Parker, farmer
Beer George, farmer Gillham John, market gardener Young Geo. Henry, Three Ravens P.Ji
l3irch Wm. Hy. farmer, Barville farm GrayWm.Ford,farmer,North Court frm
TONBRIDGE is an ancient town and large parish, 27 miles there is also a monument, erected by subscription, to James
from London by railway, via Sevenoaks, and 30 by road, 14 Alexander esq. of Somerhill, a benefactor to the town, d.
west-south-west from Maidstone, 5 north from 'funbridge Sept. 1848; and m the nave another, by Roubiliac, to
. Wells, 6 south-east from Sevenoaks, 40 from Canterbury, Richard Children esq. of this town: the chancel contains a
48 from Dover and 33 from Hastings. The parish includes memorial window to the late Rev. Sir Charles Hardinge, bart.
Tonbridge town, Southborough and part of the town ot vicar of 'fonbridge for more than fifty years, d. 3 I<'eb. 1864:
1'unbridge Wells.. the church was thoroughly restored, the south side extended
Tonbridge town is seated in a valley on the banks of the and organ chamber and vestry added in 1879, from designs
Medway, over which is an iron bridge of three arches, by Ewan Christian esq. at a total cost, including the resto-
erected on the old foundations of a previous stone bridge ration and repairing of the organ, benches and pulpit of
and opened in Sep~mber, 1888. The river itself, by means upwards of £15,ooo; there are 1,200 sittings. The register
of two .Acts of Parliament, respectively obtained in 1664 dates from the year 1549. 'fhe living is a vicarage, average
and 1739, was made navigahle for barges of 6o tons. The yearly value from tithe rent-charge, £797; net income,
South Eastern Railway from London through Sevenoaks £245, with residence, in the gift of Mrs. Deacon, of Mable-
here joins the old line from Redhill to Folkestone, and don Park, and held since 1890 by the Rev. Thomas Howard
shortens the distance by 13 miles between London and Gill M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge.
T9nbridge, which is also the junction of the Tunbridge St. Saviour's Church, Dry Hill Park, erected by John
Wells and Hastings branch railway. Tonbridge gives its Deacon esq. in 1876 as a chapel of ease to the church of SS.
name to the hundred, for which the sessions are held here Peter and Paul, is a small edifice of red brick in the Early
every Tuesday, and is the head of a union, petty sessional English style and consists of chancel, nave of four bays,
division and county court district, in the South-Western north aisle and a turret at the east end containing one bell:
division of the county, lathe of Aylesford, partly in Wash- there are 350 sittings, 40 being free; the Rev. John Collier
l ingstone hundred, rural deanery of Tonbridge, arch- Barker M. A. of Jesus College, Oxford, has beea curate since
deaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. 1877.
1 Tonbridge owed much of its consequence in former days St. Stephen's ecclesiastical parish was formed April sth,
to its castle, built by Richard Fitz Gilbert de Clare, Earl of 1853; the church, situated on the road to Tunbridge Wells,
Hertford, in the reign of Henry I. : this fortress, after was built and consecrated in 1852, and is of stone in the
having sustained several sieges, was dismantled during the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave of five bays,
civil wars, and is now in ruins, but a very :fine tower gate- aisles and a. tower with spire at the south-east angle, con-
way still remains in a very perfect condition ; it is flanked taining 3 bells and a clock with quarter chimes, the gift of
by two large round towers, and has above the arch two tiers William Brown esq. in 1879: at th~ entrance to the church-
of windows, the arch itself having bold and deep mouldings yard is alych gate: there are 820 sittings, about soo being
and four portcullises, viz., two at the chief gateways and free. The register dates from the year 1852, The living is
two others a:t the inner doors ; the ruins generally are a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £4o, net income £285,
highly picturesque and beautirul : the mound on which with residence, in the gift of the trustees of .st. Peter's,
stood the keep is now covered with trees and underwood. Southborough, and held since 1881 by the Rev. Ueorg-e Noel
Here was a priory of Austin or Black Canons, founded Storrs M.A. of Caius College, Cambridge ; the population in
in the reign of Henry I. by Richard de Clare, first Earl 188x was s.690. ..
of Hertford ; the revenues of this convent at the Disso- Christ Church (free church), situated in the Lansdowne
lution of monasteries in the reign of King Henry VIII. road, is an iron building, opened in 1874 and enlarged with
, amounted to £r.6g yearly. In 1295 Tonbridge sent two brick in 1876 ! it will seat r.,ooo persons : the Rev. William
Scorer Seymom: Theol. Assoc. K.C.L. is minister, with a
members to Parliament. .
The town is governed by a Local Board of Health of 18 stipend of about £250.
members, formed in 1870, and is lighted with gas by a There are two Haptist chapels, one in High street, erected
.Company and supplied with water from works situated at in 1868 with 450 sittings, and another in Pembury road,
~he new wharf. • erected in 1867, and seating 200 persons. ThEJ Congrega•
1,onbridge·formerly conferred the title o.f Viscount on the tional chapel in High street, erected in I 876, has 500 sittings.
Burke or De Burgh family, barons Somerhill and Earls of The Free Methodist chapel, Priory street, erected in 1868,
St. Albans, bnt these titles expired in 1659. has 250 sittings. The Wesleyan chapel, East street, erected
The church of S~. Peter and Paul is a building of stone in 1872, will seat 500 persons.
in the Early English and later styles, with some Norman The Cemetery, covering ro acres, and situated half a mile
remains, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles and an embat- north of the town, on an eminence, contains two mortuary
tled western tower, containing a clock with quarter chimes chapels and is under the control of a Hurial Board of nine
and a peal of 8 bells : the nave is wide and opens to the members.
north aisle by five Pointed arches of Early English character, The Town Hall and Market House stands in the eentre of
on lofty circular piers: the south aisle is modern and quite the town, and is an old and plain bri~k building with an
plain: in the north aisle is a monument to Alexander Weller, illuminated clock, near which is a row of old timbered
167o and near the altar a monument with effigies in alabaster houses.
to Sir Anthony Denton, 1617, one of the honourable band of The Public Hall, situated in the High street, and erected
ain 1874 by a company, is building of red brick with-stone
pens.ioner! to Queen Elizabeth and James I. ; and his wife :
facings in the Italian style: the hall will holU Boo persons, by- 'SUbscription td the meft!ory· of the Rev. Edwal'd lnd
and is nsed for concerts and meetings. Welldon, for 35 years a master of the school and during the
The Free Library (formerly the Mechanics' Institute) greater part of that time second master, and at the base of
situated in the High street, was opened in r882 and con~ the pillar is a Latin inscription to that effect. An examina-
tains reading .room, well supplied with daily and weekly tion for scholarships, tenable in the school, is held annually
papers and periodicals, and has a good library of 6,ooo and the scholars then elected enter upon their scholarships
volumes ; above it are the board room and offices of the in September; these schularships are combined as follows :
to the first the Judd scholarship of £4o; to the others a
Local Board.
The xst Volunteer Battalion Queen's Own Royal West foundation scholarship, together with a house scholarship.
Kent Regiment have their head quarters in the Public Hall. Foundation scholarships consist in the remission of the school
Petley's and Deakin's Almshouses, in Pembury road, were tuition fee, and may be held by any boy, whether day·boy
founded and endowed by Mr. George Petley, of this place, or boarder; they are tenable for two years and at their
in 1704 and Thomas Deakins in 1707, for r2 persons of expiration the holders will be re-eligible to similar scholar-
either sex, being inhabitants of Tonbridge, each inmate ships for a further period of two years, if they are found on
receiving about two guineas yearly. The almshouses in examination to have maintained a satisfactory standard of
the churchyard are for r2 poor persons, and were originally acquirement. The Jndd scholarship is tenable for four
erected by a bequest of John Brightling, blacksmith, of this years, and may be held by any boy, day-boy or boarder.
town, in r648, and rebuilt in r847 ; none of the inmates A house scholarship is tenable in any boarding house in
receive any pension from the charity ; the endowed charities which there is a vacancy, and so long as the boy remains
for distribution in kind amount to £44 yearly, derived from at school, or until he is elected to a scholarship of higher
rents, &c. left by various persons. value. Five exhibitions are awarded annually to boys about
The traffic of the town, carried ou by means of the to leave the school at the July examination, viz. : One ex-
railways and the river Medway, is considerable; there are hibition of £go for four years, one exhibition of £8o for
four years, one exhibition of £70 for four years, one exhibi-
gunpowder mills on the banks of the river, breweries, corn
mills,and a substantial trade is maintained in wool stapling. tion of £6o for four years, tenable at any university, recog-
A cattle market, well supplied with fat and store stock, is nized medical school or approved agricultural college within
held on Tuesdays, and a cattle fair is held in the last week the United Kingdom, at the Royal Academies, at the Royal
School of Mines, at South Kensington, at Woolwich, at
in October.
About half a mile from the town, on the Wells road, is a Sandhurst, at Cooper's Hill and at such other places of
chalybeate spring, possessing all the properties of the waters higher education as the governors may approve ; and one
. Smythe exhibition of £21 a year, tenable at Oxford or
of Tunbridge Wells. · • Cambrtdge. Any boy who is being and has for not less
than three years been educated at the school, whether
DRY HILL P.ABK AND Qu.A.RBY HILL are fashionable foundationer or non- foundationer, and whether on the
classical or on the modern side, may compete. The scholars
suburbs. The neighbourhood is picturesque and thickly of Tonbridge school are also eligible to the following exhi-
bitions: one scholarship of [100 yearly, founded by Sir
wooded. Somerhill Park is the seat of Sir Julian Goldsmid Thomas White kt. at St. John's College, Oxford, awarded
bart. M.P., D.L., ;J.P.; the mansion is built of stone, in the
by the Master and l<'ellows of St. John's; one exhibition of
Elizabethan style, and stands in an undulating park of £29 6s. 6d. yearly, founded by Mr. Henry l<'isher, at
Brazenose College, Oxford, in the gift of the governors of
about 400 acres, adorned with (orest trees, and containing
Tonbridge School; one exhibition of £z r3s. 4d.· ye.arly,
a lake extending over 7 acres: the public are at all times
founded by Mr. Thomas Lampard, in the gift of the church-
permitted free access to the park ; the gardens are large wardens of Tonbridge. Governors, The Master, Wardens
and well cultivated. and Court of Assistants of the Worshipful Company of Skin-
ners; Head Master, Rev. Joseph Wood D.D. late Fereday
The area is 15,378 acres; rateable value of the entire fellow of St. John's College, Oxford; Classical Masters,
W. G. Toope B.A.. London University ; Rev. Arthur Lucas
parish, £258,II9, of which a. large amount belongs to Tun- M.A..late scholar of Clare College, Cambridge; W.O. Huglies-
Hughes, M.A..late scholar of Wadham College, Oxford; Rev.
bridge Wells ; and the population in x86x was 21,004, and
in 1871, 29,756, and in I88r, 35,919, of which 20,442 was in
Tunbridge Wells Local Board district, g,87o in Southboro',
9,317 in Tonbridge Local Board district, and 2,290 in the
rural districts.
Parish Clerk, SS. Peter and Paul, George Stidolph : St.
Stephen's, George Smith.
ToNBRIDGE ScHooL. Thomas Walker M..A.. jun. late Hastings Exhibitioner of
The Grammar School was founded under a charter of King Queen's College, Oxford ; Revs. H. R. Stokoe M.A. late Ex-
Edward VI. in 1553 by Sir Andrew Judd, alderman and Lord hibitioner of Oriel College, Oxford; G. A. Floyd M..A.. late
Mayor of London, and the management is now vested in the Exhibitioner of Keble College, Oxford ; E. C. Goldberry lii..A..
Master and Wardens of the Ski~ners' Company, the revenue late scholar of St. John's College, Oxford; H. J. J. Watson
being derived from estates in London and amounting to B.A. late scholar of St. John's College, Oxford; Rev. John
about £5,ooo yearly. It is now conducted under a scheme Albert Babington M..A.. late scholar of New College, Oxford,
>Of the Charity Commissioners, dated July, r88o, and has late head master of Lincoln School; Mathematical Masters,
a modern side and a junior department. The buildings, H. Hilary 1\I•.A.. late scholar of St. John's College, Cambridge ;
forming with the chapel and head master's house three sides Geometrical Drawing, E. H. Goggs M •.A.. Christ's College,
>Of a quadrangle, are of white stone, and comprise a large Cambridge; Master in Natural Science, A. G. Earl B..A..,
• school-room, ro class rooms, and a dining hall on the ground F.c.s. late scholar of Christ's College, Cambridge; Eyre
floor, with dormitories above; the grounds used for recrea~ Jevers M.D. (ambulance class); Drawing Master, M. A.
tion cover an area of 15 acres, in which are workshops, Buckmaster, Art schools, South Kensington; Choir Master
laboratories, fives -courts and a small observatory. New & Organist, H. Ha.yden; Workshops, G. Baker. The head
buildings, intended to form a second quadrangle,were opened master and four of the assistant masters receive boarders,·
in 1877 at a cost of about £r6,ooo; these comprise a library, viz. Rev. Joseph Wood D.D. head master, School House;
-etudio for drawing, ehemieal and physical laboratories, lee- H. R. Stokoe M.A. Park House; .Rev. A. Lucas M..A.. Pa-.;k-
"ture room artd class Tooms, and a gymnasium. In the side; Rev. J. A. Babington M.A, Judd House; Rev. T.
-:school chapel a massive brass eagle lectern has}?een placed Walker H •.A.. Hill Side. •
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
PoST, M. 0. & T. 0:, S. B. &; Annuity & Insurance Office, STATION SORTING OFFICE, Barden road & Down platform,
High street.-Albert Alfred Thomson A'Vard, postmaster. Letters dispatched at 4, 9.25 & 10.30 a. m. 12.40, 1.30, 3,
Letters from London delivered at 7 & a.m. 4 & 6.30 3.3o, 4·45• 6, 7.3o, 9 & xo.3o p.m. ; sundays, IO p.m
p.m.; dispatched at 9 & a.m. 12.20, :1,20, 2.30, 3.2o,
4.4o,, 7.20, 8.45 & ro p.m.; sundays, 6.30 & 9.4<) COUNTY MA.GISTBA.TES FOB TONBBIDGB DIVISION.
p.m. ' •
Hardinge Viscount M.A., D.L. South park, Penshurst
ST. STEPHEN's RECEIVING 0FFICB, M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity Bramwell The Right Hon. Lord P.C.,F.B.s.,LL.D. Holmwoods,
&Insurance Office.-Letters dispatched at 8.50 & Four Elms, Hever, Edenbridge
a.m. 12, 2.40, 4.~o, 8 & 9·5 p.m. ; sundays, 7.30 p.m. De L'lsle & Dudley, The Right Hon. Lord, Penshurst castle,
HoUSELANDS RECEIVING OFFICE.-Charles Stevens, receiver. Tonbridge
Letters dispatched at 8.50 & 10,5 a.m. 12.5, 2.2o, 4.25, 8.30 Byng Hon. James Master Owen D.L. Great Culverden, Tun-
bridge We1ls
& 9·45 p.m.; sundays, 9·35 p.m Goldsmid Sir Julian· bart. lii.A., M.P., D.L. Somerhill park,
Pa.rMROSB HILL RECEIVL~G OFFICE. Joseph Beaching, re- Tonbridge
reiver. _ Letters dispatched at 8.40, 10 & u.45 a.m. 2.30,
4.1o, 7·40 & 8.55 p.m.; sundays, 7.20 p.m Hardinge Sir Edmund Stracey hart. D.L. Fowler's park,
Hawkhurst; & Boundes park, Tunbridge Wells
SliiPBOURNE RoAn RECEIVING 0FFICE.-Robert Field, re· Salomons Sir David Lionel hart. M.A., D.L. Broomhill, Tun.
ceiver. Letters dispatched at 8.4o, 9·55 & a.m., bridge Wells ·
~P5, 8.20 & 9·35 p.m. ; mndays, 9.20 p.m • Beeching Arthur Thomas esq. Ferox hall, Tonhl'idge
Bo8cawen Hon. John Richard de Clare, Mereworth castle, VoLUNTB.ERS : -
near Maidstone Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment, xst Volunteer
Cazalet William Marshall esq. Fairlawn, Shipbourne Battalion (comprising A, B, C, D, E, F, G & H companies),
Cox His Honor Judge Homersham M.A. Marfield house, head quarters, Public hall, Col. Viscount Hardinge A.n.c.
commanding ; G. Henderson & C. S. Williams, majors ;
Pembury road, Tonbridge Capt. C. W. H. Evans, adjutant; C. W. Powell, quarter
Darbishire Henry Astley esq. Oakdene, Edenbridge master; C. Boyce M.D. & A. E. Massack, surgeons ; Rev.
Deacon John Fras. William esq. Mabledon, Tonbridge Canon E. Hoare M.A. & Rev. T. S. Curteis, ll.A. acting
Field George Hanbury esq. Ashurst Park, TunbTidge Wells chaplains
J<'itz Hugh Major-Gen. Alfred O.B. The Birches, Penshurst,
Geary William Nevill Montgomerie esq. Oxon Hoath, Ton- ToNBRIDGE UNION.
Germon Lieut.-Col. Richard Charles Henry, 3I Vemon ter- Board day: alternate fridays at u a.m, at the Workhouse.
·near Pemburv• .
race, Brighton
HankeyThomsonesq. F.R.G.s. Shipbournegrange, Tonbridge The Union comprises the nine following parishes-viz.:
Hankey Herbert esq. Shipbourne grange, Tonbridge Ashurst, Bidborough, Brenchley, Cape!, Hadlow, Hors-
Harrison James esq. Dornden, Tunbridge Wells monden, Pembury, Speldhurst & Tonbridge. The popu-
Kemp Charles Fitch esq. D.L. Foxbush, Tonbridge lation of the union in I88I was 5I,507; rateable value,
Meade-Waldo Edmund Waldo esq.Barmoor castle, Beal N.B £366,xoi
Melville Beresford Valentine esq.B.A. Ford manor, Lingfield, Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Frank W.
Stone, 23 Church road, Tunbridge Wells
. Morley Samuel Hope esq. Hall place, Leigh
Treasurer, Arthur T. Beeching, Old Bank, Tunbridge Wells
Platt John Harold esq. I>ene park, Tonbridge
Relieving & Vaccination•Officers, Collectors to the Guardians
Ta.lbot John Gilbert esq. ll.P., D.C.L., D.L. Falconhurst, & School Inquiry Officers, ISt district, William Wiseman~
• Edenbridge Tunbridge Wells ; 2nd district, J oseph Ion Collins~
Clerk to the Magistrates, Thomas Fuller Walker, East st
Petty Sessions are held at the Police Station every tuesday Priory road, Tonbridge; 3rd district, Henry Lawrence,
at II.30 -a. m Matfield
The following pari11hes are included in the Tonbridge Petty Medical Officers, No. I district (first part), Edwin Alfred
Sessional division :-Bidborough, Brenchley, <Japel, Chid- Starling ll.B., Tunbridge Wells (second part), David
dingstone, Cowden, Edenbridge, Hadlow, Hever, Leigh, William Henry Llewellyn L.R.C.P.LOnd. Southborough;
Penshurst, Shipbourne & Tonbridge No. 2 district, Arthur Claypon Horner L.R.C.P.LOnd. 137
High street, Tonbridge; No. 3 district, Waiter Maiden
LOCAL BOARD. ll.A., lii.B. Pembury; No. 4 district, Henry Major Law-
rence L.R.C.P.Edin. Hadlow; No. s.dis~rict, ~alter Maiden
Offices, 83 Higb. street. ll.A., M.B. Pembury; No. 6 district, Wdham Fear,
Brenchl~y; No. 7 district, Charles B. Hum.(lhrey~
Board day, xst wednesday in the month. L.R.C.P., L.R.c.s. Horsmonden
• W. J udd, chairman.
Public Vaccinators, No. I, ~. 3, 4, s, 6 & 8 districts, same
R. W. Annison W. Hodgskin as medical officers; No. 7 district, W. Fear, Brenchley
E. C. Aueten E. Holloway
W. Baldwin E. Jevers
Joseph Beeching W. Judd Superintendent Registrar, Frank W. Stone, 23 Church road.
J. A. Broom A. H. Neve Tuubridge Wells; deputy, James Stringer, 19 Calverley
W. J. D. Bryant E. Plowright street, Tunbridge Wells
J. C. Rice
G. Dadson F. Vane •
F. East A. Willis Registrars of Births & Deaths, Brenchley sub·district, Henry
Lawrence, Matfield ~ deputy, Erskine Piper, Matfield
H. H. Hitchcock
green; 'fonbridge sub-district, Joseph Ion Collins, Priory
Clerk, Joseph Arthur Snelling, High street road, Tonbridge ; deputy, Septimus Collins, Priory road,
Treasurer, A. T. Beeching, Old Bank, Tunbridge Wells Tonbridge; Tunbridge Wells sub-district, William Wise-
Medical Officer of Health, Harris Butterfield, Sevenoaks man, 32 Calverley road, Tunbridge Wells; deputy, William
Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, George Hobbs, Beechmont, Murray, York road, Tunbridge Wells
Pembury road Registrars of Marriages, E C. Austen, Bedford lodge, Pew-
Collector, Thomas Montague Dove, IOI High street bury road, Tonbridge; deputy, Ernest Harris, Shipbourne
• TONBRIDGB DISTRICT RIGHWAY BOARD. road, Tonbridge ; William Wiseman, 32 Calverley road,.
Board:day, first tuesday each alternate month at ~ p. m. at
Tunbridge Wells; deputy, William Murray, York road,
the Angel hotel. · Tunbridge Wells
The Workhouse, a large structure of brick erected at various
The district comprises the following parishes-viz. : Ashurst. periods is available for 575 inmates ; there is a detached
Bidborough, Brenchley, Capel, Chiddingstone, Cowden, hospital erected in 1856; Thomas Richard Macgill, master;
Edenbridge, Hadlow, Hever, Horsnionden, Lamberhurst, Rev. Henry Gardner, chaplain; Waiter Malden ll.A., ll.B.
Leigh, Pembury, Penshurst, part of Speldhurst & part medical officer; Mrs. Emma Macgill, matron; Henry
of Tonbridge
Parsons, schoolmaster ; Miss Emma Gann, schoolmistress •
Clerk, Thomas Fox Simpson, 2I & 23 Church rd. Tunbridge
Surveyor,HerbertDaniel Harris,Waghorn's farm,Bidborough
Meets at the Workhouse after each Guardians' meeting~
.Assistant Surnyor, James Wells, Pembury.
Clerk, Frank W. Stone, 23 Church road, Tunbridge Wells
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS:- Treasurer, Arthur T. Beeching, Old Bank, Tunbridge Wells
Medical Officer of Health, Harris Butterfield, 146 High
Cemetery, Shipbourne road, William Henry Morgan, clerk street, Sevenoaks
to the burial board ; Charles Corke, superintendent
Sanitary Inspector, Joseph Brown, 2 Ventnor place, Peru·
Oounty Court, His Honor Homersham Cox, judge ; Thomas bury road, Tonbridge
Fuller Walker, registrar & high bailiff. 'fhe court is held Surveyor, William Oakley, Mount Pleasant road, Tunbridg&
monthly at the Police ·station : tb.e following places are Wells
within its jurisdiction-viz.: Hidborough (part of), Capel, ScuooL ATTENDANCE ColiiMITTE.E.
Chiddingstone, Edenbridge, Four Elms, Hadlow, Hayes-
den, Hever, Hildenborough, Leigh, Nizells Heath, Pens- Meets at the Workhouse after each Guardians' meeting.
burst, Tonbridge & Tudely
(Tonbridge Rural & Urban Sanitary Districts.)
Certified Bailiffs Appointed under the Law of Distress
Clerk, Frank W. Stone, 23 Church road, Tunbridge Wells
Amendment Act, A. H. Neve, sen. A. H. Neve, jun. W. Attendance Officers, William Wiseman, "Tunbridge Wells;
A. Hardley, Alfred Goodwin, James Wild Martin, William Michael Charles Sherida.n, Ephraim cottage, St. Stephen
Robert Tompsett & Henry Cogger, Tonbridge street, Tonbridge ; & Henry Lawrence, Matfield
County Police Station, Pembury road, Alfred Barnes,
superintendent; 2 sergeants & ~4 constables
Inland Revenue Office, 2 Richmond villas, Pembury road, Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes for the Lower South
.Albert Waddington, supervisor Aylesford Division. Thomas Fuller Walker, East street
Public Hall, High street, E. C. Austen, manager Collector of Poor's Rates & Income Taxes & Assistant Over-
Town Hall, High street, Tom Pawley, proprietor seer, William Wickbam, 180 High street
Volunteer Fire Brigade, High street, John Le J<'leming, Deputy Coroner for the County, Richd. Preston, 97A, High st
capt.; William Flood, superintendent& engineer & 1 I men ; Inspector of Weights & Measures, John I<'rancis, Watts
the plant consists of one steam & one manual engine & cross, Hildenborough
Town Crier, Louis Uear, 19 FoiiSe road
ftre e~eape
PLACES OF WoRSHIP, with times of servtces : - !l50 children; average attendance, 2I5; Miss Clara
SS. Peter & Paul's Church, Rev. Thomas Howard GillH.A. Dennis, mistress
vicar; Rev. Canon G. A. P. Arbuthnot, curate ; 11 a.m. St. Stephen's Pembury road (infants), erected in 1857, as a
& 3 &:: 6.30 p.m.; wed. II a. m. & 7.30 p.m; fri. II a.m memorial to James Alexander, of Somerhill, by his family,
St. Saviour's, Rev. John Collier Barker M. A. curate; I I a. m. to accommodate 200 children; average attendance, 2oo;
& 6.30 p.m. ; wed. n.3o a. m Miss :Mary Sheldrake, mistress
St. Stephen's, Rev. George Noel l'ltorrs M.A. vicar; Rev. NEWSPAPERS:-
George Samuel Brewer B.A. & Rev. Sidney Gurney, Tonbridge & Tunbridge Wells Free Press, High street ;
curates; II a.m. 3 & 6.30 p.m.; wed. & thurs. 7.30 p.m.; Blair & Twort, publishers ; published friday
holy communion every sunday
Tonbridge & Sevenoaks Standard, Masonic buildings ;
Mission Church, Haysden & Mission Room, Priory road, Frederick Edwd. Roe, printer & publisher; published fri
clergy of St. Stephen's, 3 p.m. & 6.30 p.m
Tonbridge Telegraph, 25 High street ; South Counties Press
Christ (Free) Church, Rev. William Scorer Seymour Limited, publishers ; published saturday
T.A.LC.L. minister; II a.. m. 3.30 & 6.30 pm. ; thurs. Railway Station, Ernest Edmund Thomas, station master
7.30 p.m
Omnibuses from the Rose & Crown hotel to railway
Baptist High street, Rev. Benjamin George Knight, minis- station to meet every train
ter; n a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m
Baptist, Pembury road, Rev. Henry Penfold, minister; CoNVEYANCB:-
HADLow-Pine's omnibuses leave Tonbridge railway statwn
10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. tues. ; & thurs. 7 p.m
Congregational, Rev. Richard Cole Hutchings, minister ; twice daily on week days at 1.25 & 7·35 p.m. ; sundaysp
9· xo & 8. I 5 p. m. ; Whiting's omnibuses leave Tonbridge
n a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7 p.m
United Methodist Free Church, Priory street, Rev. Joshua railway station, three times daily, at 10.20 a. m. 4 & 7 p.m
GOLDEN GREEN & EAST PECKH.o\lll-Ashdown's omnibus
Tyson; 11 a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; tues. 7.30 p.m
Wesleyan, East street, Rev. John Boulter, minister; u leaves Tonbridge railway station, three times daily, at
Io.2o a. m. 4 & 7·45 p.m
a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m SouTHBOROUGH-Hardwick's omnibus leaves Tonbridge
National, Bank street, for 720 children; average attend- railway station three times daily at IO.I5 a.m. & 2.15 &.
7 p.m
ance, 6oo; partly endowed with £27 I7s. 2d. yearly,
derived from rents & consols; George Frank Stacey,
master; Miss Carolina Butter, mistress; Miss Jane CARRIERS TO :-
Bartlett, infants' mistress LONDON & ALL PARTS-Sutton & Co. St. Stephen street
St. Stephen's, Waterloo road (boys), erected in I857, to MAIDSTONE-Baldwin, from his own house, wed
accommodate 290 children; average attendance, 253; SEVENOAKs-Baldwin, from his own house, tues. & fri
Richard Covington, master TUNBRIDGE WELLs-Baldwin, from his own house, m9n. &
Wesleyan, Barden road (mixed), built in I86g, for 26o thurs
children; average attendance, 200 ; Tltos. Clarke, master WATER CONVEYANCE:-
St. Stephen's, Pembury road (girls), erected in I87I, as a The Medway Navigation Co.'s barges to & from Sharp's
memorial to John & Sophia Deacon, by their sons, for wharf, Wapping, London everytues. See advertisement
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Brown John, Elmhurst, Dry Hill park Edwards Arthur, Eton vil. Pembury rd
Abrey John, Highfield, London road Brown Wm. Quarry Hill ho. Quarry hl Evans Capt. Charles, Bordyke
Allan Thomas Sprot, 7 Salford terrace, 1 Bryant William John Daniel, East st Everitt Jas. Salisbury vils. Quarry hill
Quarry Hill road Burfoot John, The Ferns, Alexandra rd Ewell Wm. Somerhill vils. Pembury rd
Allison Mrs. Albert road Case J oseph, 30 Albert road Fagg John, Quarry bank, Quarry hill
Annison Richard William, Chatham Chalcroft Rt. 2 Florence pl. Priory rd Fendick Mrs. 2 Park pi. Dry Hill park
house, Hadlow road Chalklin Francis, I Priory Bank villas, Ffolliott Joseph Lee, Hilden manorp
Arbnthnot Rev. Canon George Alex- Pembury road London road
ander-Papendick Ccurate of St. Peter Chalklin Miss, 56 High street Finch Maj. Jn. William, Knowles bank
&; St. Paul], Bordyke CharltonMrs.Dennis, Eton pl.London rd FranksFrankWm.Veronaho.Pemburyrd
Armstrong Mrs. The Cedars, B01 dyke CharltonJn.Sills,Shrublands, Ha.dlow rd Freeland Geo. Mona villa,45 Quarry hill
Arrow Mrs. Myr:le bank, Dry Hill park Cheeseman William, I4 Albert road Gill Rev. Thos. Howard M.A. Vicarage
Atkins George Huntley, 2 Cla.remont CheesmanMrs.Meadowlawn,Waterloord Goggs Edwd. H. {asst. mast. Grammar
villas, Havelock road ChildrenMiss,Somerhill vils.Pemburyrd school), 2 Langdale villas, Dry Hill pk
Austen Edward Cole, Bedford lodge, Clapham Charles George, Riverdale, Goldsmid Sir Julian bart. M.P., M.A.,
Pembury road Dry Hill park D.L., J.P. Somerhill park; IOS Picca-
A'Vard Albert Alfred Thomson, Cla.rk Thos. Geo. Weald view, Quarry hl dillyw; Brooks', Reform, Athenreum,
Shipbourne road Clarke Thomas, 4 Albert road Devonshire & National Liberal clubs
BabingtonRev.JohnAlbertM.A.(assistant Cobbold s w & St. James' club, London w
master Tonbridge Grammar school), Coe Rev. John Wm. D.D. Hadlow road. Gorham John, Bordyke lodge, Bordyke
Jndd house, High street Collins Henry, 3 Dry hill Gorham Mrs. Wm. I72 High street
Baker Benjamin, The Oaks, Quarry hl Collins Jn. Eureka house, Hadlow road Gower James, 143 High street
Baldwin William, I Richmond villas, Constable Stephen, 53 Quarry hill Graham George, 69 Primrose hill
Pembury road Cooke Mrs. I5I High street Grant Mrs. Malvern vils, Quarry hill
Balfour Mrs. Hanover house, Dry hill CornfootDavd.DryHillho.Shipbournerd GrayWalter Bernard,St.Stephen's villa.,
Ball Edwd. Priory lodge, Pembury rd Covington Richard, 49 Quarry hill Quarry hill
Barker Rev. John Collier M.A. [curate Cox His Honor Judge Homersham M. A., Greenfield John, 79 Priory street
inchargeofSt. Saviour's], Silverleigh, J.P., Marl Field house, Pembury rd Greig Mageus Willia.m, Clarehouse,
Dry Hill park Crease Geo. Hurstone vil. Dry Hill pk London road
BarkerMrs Auriol,Camano ho.Quarry hl Croft Capt. William Thomas, I J udd Grice Thomas Edmund, Belle Vuep
Barnett Mrs. 24 Albert road place, London road Pembury road
Bartram Albert Augustus, Walmer Cuffe Henry Rothwell, 6 The Avenue Griffiths Mrs. 44 Quarry hill
villas, Quarry hill CummingsHy. Hambletn.vil.Pembry.rd Grindod Henry Armstrong F.R.R.S.
Bartram Reginald, Bridge house,High st Cummins Rev. William Henry M.A. Griggsville, Alexandra road
Bartram William, 42 Hadlow road Kirklands, Dry Hill park Gully Charles Lawrence, St. Albans,
Batchelor Mrs. 4 Florence pl. Priory rd Cupass Mrs. Elm lodge, Hadlow road Dry Hill park
Bates Miss, 7 Albert road Cuthbert William :Fisher, Fairlight, Gurney Rev. Sidney [curate of St.
Beeching Alfred Hoppe, Bordyke Pembury road Stephen's], Pembury road
Beeching Arthur Thomas J.P. I<'erox hall Dadson Geo. Meadow vil. I Meadow cots Hall Lieut-Col. Ed ward, Leelands,
Beeman lsaac, Loam Pits ho. Hadlow rd Dance Mrs. The Chimes, Pembury rd London road
Bent Charles, Dry bank, Dry Hill park Dann William, Uridge road Halse Jas. Jn. Walmer house, Bordyke
Berncastel Julius, 2 Geneva villas, Dry Davey Horace, Rose vil. Shipbourne rd Hampton Miss, Osborne ho. Dry Hill pk
Hill park Dawes Mrs. 33 Albert road Hams Robert, Cape house, Hadlow road
Blumhardt Misses, Fraoch ho. Bordyke DayHoraceM.D.TheElms,Shipbournerd Harborow Henry Arthur, 8 Salford ter-
Boulter Rev. John [Wesleyan], Dunor- Deacon John, Mabledon park,Quarry hl race, Quarry Hill road
!an villa, Pembury road Denyer !<'rank, I Claremont villas, Hardy Rev. Jn. West gro. Dry Hill park
BoysmithMrs.TheHermitage,Hadlowrd Havelock road Hardy Mrs. West grove, Dry Hill park
BradshawMrs.2Somerhillter.Pemburyrd Doust Edward, Five Elms, Waterloo rd Harrison Wait. Geo. Trevean,London rd
Brewer Rev. George Samuel B. A. [curate DownesMrs. 1 Somerhill ter.Pemburyrd Hartnup Mrs. 5 Albert road .
St.Stephen's] I View viis. Pemburyrd Dunn Col, East grove, Dry Hill park Hatch Mrs. 43 Hadlow road
BritcherGeorge,Oak lodge, Pembury rd Dyson William, IS Albert road Hervey John, The Firs, Dry Hill park
Bromley Rev. John William, Warders, Earl Alfred George B.A.,F.c.s. Meadow- Herrey Mrs. Elm place, Hadlow road
Hadlow road side, London road Hewetson Robert, 17 Lansdowne road
:Brown George, Albert road EastlandEdwd. Sunnyside, Pemburyrd HilaryHenry li!.A.Zion house, London rd
'634 'TONBhlDGE. KENT. • '[KELLY's
Hitchcoc'k Horace HY."rs tnnsdoWiie td Neve Arthur Hy. Cornwall ho. Bank 'st Stagg~Rowland, Yardley et. Shipbourrte
Hockley Mrs. The Pinnacles,Shipbourne Neve .Arthur Hy. jun. r6 Lansdowne rd road
road Nicolas Rev. Percy M.A. Correnden Standen Wm. Selwyn ho Lansdowne rd
Hodge Waiter John, r8 .A.lbert road house, Dry Hill park Staveley Rev. William B1own, Havelock
Hodson Henry Wilson, Bolton villas, Nightingale Thomas, 4 The Crescent villa, Havelock road
Pembury road Nottidge Albert Jas. M.A. Dry Hill park Stenning George, 85 High street
Hogben William Nicholas, .A.lbert road Nottidge Miss, Park lodge,Dry Hill park Stokoe Hy. R. M. A. Park ho. Dry Hill pk
Horner Arthur Claypon, 137 High st Oldman Mrs.2 Park villas, Dry Hill park Storrs Rev. Geo. NoelM.A. St. Stephen's
HorsleyJn.Salkeld,Spring cot.Quarry hl Osborne Henry, 16 Albert road vicarage, Quarry Hill road
Howard Daniel, South Frith, Quarry hill Palmer Geo. I Prospect viis. Hadlow rd Streeten Miss, Bordyke
Hubbard Rev. Henry Dickenson M.A. Pattisson Capt. John R.N. Andrew Sylvester Samuel Augustus,DryHill prk
2 Oak villas, Dry Hill park house, London road Tanton Fredk. Arthr. Fairview, Albert rd
Hutchings Rev.Richard Cole [Congrega- Pattisson Mrs. 204 High street Taylor John, II5 Lavender hill
tional], Pembury road Penfold Rev. Henry [Baptist], Hillside, Thomson Alexander, ~ Priory Bank
Hutchinson Rt. Portland vil.Quarry hill Pembury road villas, Pembury road
Huxtable Arthur Edwin, Holton villas, Penny Major-Gen. Charles Brodie F. Thyne Capt. William Kirkwood, r Oak
Pembury road Bincleaves, Dry Hill park . villas, Dry Hill park
levers Eyre M.D., c. M. Bayham house, Penson George, Durham villa,Albert rd Tobin Mrs. Belgaum ho. Dry Hill park
High street Perkins William Alloway, I Elm Tree Tucker Mrs. Shell cottage, Dry Hill park
Irving Mrs. 157 High street villas, Hadlow road · Tnrner George Thomas, Waterloo villa,
lsaacson Rodolph Ernest Wooton, I Pett Alfred Henry, 2 Albert road Waterloo road
Gordon villas, Pembury road Pierce Mrs. Meadowbank, Hadlow road Turner Mrs. Rose cottage, Hadlow road
Jackson Capt. John Boddington, High Plarr Gustave, 22 Hadlow road Tyson Rev. Joshua [United Methodist
bank, Pembury road Plowright Edward, I2I High street F),'ee Church], 33 Danver's road
Jackson Geo.2Myrtle bank,DryHill park Plummer Rev. John [Cong.], Bank st Vallings Edward Harold, 12 London rd
Jaques Mrs. The Cottage, Dry Hill park Preston Rd. I Langdale vils.Dry Hill pk Vaughan Capt. William, Postern house,
J arvis Mrs.2 Auckland vils.Pembury rd Prissick Mrs. Middlecane, Dry Hill park Tonbridge (environs)
Jemmett George Elwick, Hurstone Pritchard Fras. Brook ho. Waterloord Waddington Albert, 2 Richmond villas,
villa, Dry Hill park Punnett Edward, St. Margaret's villa, Pembury road
Johnson Mrs. Acacia place, Quarry hill Quarry hill Wadmore James Foster, Dry hill
Johnson William, Albert road Punnett William Cornwall, St. Mary's, Waghorne Bernard St. John, 2 Salford
Jones Rev. Edward M.A. 2 Park cres- Pembury road terrace, Quarry Hill road
cent, Dry Hill park RadcliffMiss,rHeather bank,DryHill pk Waite Mrs. Postern heath, Tonbridge
Jones George James, Albert road Randall Miss, Grape cot. Alexandra rd (environs)
JordonJames,Ebenezer cot.Havelock rd Reynolds Edwin, 2 Roberts l<'ield place, Walker Rev. Thomas, jun. JII.A. (assis-
Judge Harry, 26 Albert· road Dry Hill park . taut master Tonbridge school), Hill
KingSteph.H.Hilden grange, DryHill pk Rice James Canlar, 149 High street side, Dry Hill park
Kitchen Alexander, Inver, Quarry hill Rich Mrs. Camden cottage, Hadlow rd Walker Thomas Fuller, East street
Knatchbull Col. Francis, Lyons, East st RichardsonMrs.2Prospct.vls.Hadlow rd Wardley William Arthur, I Prospect
Knight Rev.Benjamin George [Baptist], Robinson Mrs. Alfred Murray, 3 Charl- villas, Hadlow road
• 25 Quarry hill ton terrace, Hadlow i'oad Warner Charles Edward, 2 Eaton place,
Knight Davenport, Knox house,High st Rogers Mrs. Spring villa, Quarry hill London road
Lachlan Mrs. The Park, London road Roots William,Gordon house,Hadlowrd Warner George Daniel, Dry Hill park
Lane Thos. 2 Portland villas, Quarry hill Row Rev. Jn. I Ventnor pl.Pembury rd WarwickAndrw.r Suffolk pl.DryHillpk
Langley Misses, 52 Quarry hill Rymer-Jones Mrs. Fern ldg. Hadlow rd Warwick I<'rank,Halton cot. Pembury rd
Leach James Courtenay,155 High street Sanday Samuel, Hillside,Pembury road Wanton Charles J. M. M.A. The Castle,
Leaper William Adolphus, Priory Schrober Miss, Dry Bank road ' Castle street
mead, Albert road SchroderJoseph Henry,Knowlecottage, Want-on Mrs. Brionne, Pembury road
LebeanJohn,IGeneva vls.DryHill park London road White Waiter, Spring villa, Quarry hill
LeFlemingJn. M.A. Eton ho. London rd ScottJohn, 2 Gordon villas,Pembury rd Wightwick Humphrey, Claremont
LeMay Edwd. Denmark ho. Quarry hill Selby Harrison, II Albert road house, High street
Leney Mrs. 54 Quarry hill Sells Arthnr, Eden hill, London road WightwickHumphreyMilner, 105Highst
Leonard Charles, 72 Priory street Seymour Rev. William Scorer T.A.K.c.L: Wightwick William Jeffery, Hilden
LidlowStphn.Strawberry vale, Priory rd [incumbent of Christ Church], 5 house, London road
Lock Mrs. Myrtle house, Hadlow road · Charlton terrace, Hadlow road Wiles Mrs. I59 High street
Loud Frank, Rock house, Quarry hill Seymour Adolphns, 2 Suffolk place, Williams Charles Unglass, Vine cottage,
Lucas Rev. Arthur M.A. (assist. master, · Dry Hill park ' • Houseland road ·
Grammar E"chL ),Park side, Dry _Shaw Mrs. 5 The Avenue Williams John Henry, 28 Albert road
Mabbett John, Lansdowne road 1 Sheffield Mrs. Hillersden, Dry Hill park Wilson Carrington Freeman, Modena
McKenna George Frederick Neil, Go- Shelley Walter Rumble, 1 Park place, lodge, Pembury road
burn villa, Dry Hill park ! Dry Hill park Wilton ThomaS', Medway wharf
Main Mrs. Beech lawn, Dry Hill park I Simmons Joseph, I7 Albert road Wise George, I Park villas, Dry Hill park
Marshall Frederick, 2 Lansdowne road Skinner George Edwin, Rose Bank villa, Wood Rev. Joseph D.D. (head master
Martin Wm. Simla house, Dry Hill park Dry Hill park ofTonbridge school ),School ho. High st
Miller Horace, 19 Albert road Smtth Charles, II5A, Lavender hill Wood Richard, Victoria villa,Albert road
Mills Frank, 88 High street Smith David, I3 Lansdowne road WoolleyChas.sSomerhill ter.Pembry.rd
Milne Mrs. C. The Glen, Dry Hill park Smith William Arthur, Colebrook park, Worrin John, Grove house, Hadlow rd
Monk Mrs. I Roberts Field pi. DryHill pk Pembury road Worthington Richard B. Firmont house,
Moore Edwin John, 6 Albert road Snelling Misses, 19 Lansdowne road Dry Hill park
Morgan Wm. Hy. Rose villa, Hadlow rd Stacey George Frank, 4 Crescent place, Wright Mrs.2 Heather bank,Dry Hill pk
Mullett Thomas, 14 London road The Crescent 1 Young Jn. Ebenezer cottage,Dry Hillpk
.• ' '
COMMERCIAL. Ba'ker James Taylor, brewers, Waterloo road •
Agri-Horticultural Chemical Co. (H. A. Grindrod, manager), Baker Samuel, baker, 62 Priory street
St. Stephen's street Baldock Henry, Vauxhall P.H. Pembury road
.Alien Thomas Sprot, physician & surgeon, 7 Salford terrace, Baldock William, ladder maker, Hilden cottage, London rd
Quarry Hill road Baldwin & Son, egg & potato merchants, St. Stephen's st
Alien Edward, ;rrocer, 28 Quarry hill Baldwin Susanna (Mrs.), beer retailer, I4 East street
Allen George Baker, insurance agent, 1I Pembury grove Ball Edward, guano, nitrate of soda, chemical manure,
Alleyne & Walker, solicitors, East street linseed & cotton cake merchant, sole agent in Kent for
Annison Richard Wi!Jiam, grocer, Bx, r2o & 122 High street ''Raw Peruvian Guano," as imported by the Anglo-
Arnold Joseph, umbrella repairer, IO St. Stepben's stree' Continental Guano Works, sole contractor with the
Ash Louisa (Miss), dress maker, Woodside road Ohilian government for Great Britain & Ireland &c.
Ashly Alfred, shopkeeper, 8 Woodside road Masonic buildings; & at Paddock wood
Austen Edward Cole, registrar of marriages & manager of Ball Sarah Ann (Mrs.), milliner, 3t Priory road
the Public Hall, Bedford lodg-e, Pembury road Baltic Saw Mills Co. timber & slate mers. Medway wharf
Austen Peter, cow keeper, Barden cottage, Barden road Barden Eleanor(Miss ),dress maker, 1 Oxford vils.Houselands
Austen Quelez, builder, Pembury road Barden Henry, smith, Bank street
Austin William, toy dealer, 188 High sLreet Barnes Alfred, supt. of police, Police station, Pembury road
A'Vard Albert Alfred Thomson, postmaster, High street Bartholomew William, insurance agent, I4 Priory road
Bailey Henry, tailor, Mead road Barton William, painter, 10 Havelock road
Baker Benjamin, solicitor & brewer, The Oaks, Quatty hill Bartram W. & G. brewers, High street
cntRECTQRY.J • KKNT. 'l'O:s-.BRJDGE• 635
Bartram WiHiam, mechanical engineElr, Barden road Donovan Patrick,. inlanct revenue officer, 2 View villas,
Bassett Thomas, boot maker, 6 High street Pembury rord
Bean Humphrey, Logger Heads P.H. 82 High street Doughty Alfred Robert, insurance agent, 7 Havelock road
.Beecher Edward, farmer, Postern, Tonbridge (environs) Donst Hrothers & Co. hop, seed, corn & coal mers. Danvers
Beecher Richard, tobacconist, 186 High street road & hop & seed factors at High street, Boroughs E
Beeching Joseph, baker, & post office, I Lavender hill Donst E. (Mrs.), ladies' school, Five Elms, Waterloo road
Beechings, Hodgkin &, bankers, High street; draw Dove Thomas Montague, plumber, & collector to the Ton·
·on Barclay, Bevan & Co. Lombard street E c bridge local board, IOI High street
Bennett Cornelius l<'enner, fly proprietor, 22 Shipbourne rd Down Thomas, grocer, 174 High street
Benzie Arthur Thos. watch maker, 2 Oxford vils. Houselands Drury Nicholas John, blacksmith, I2 East streeb
Bingha.m Alice (Mrs.), confectioner, 30 Quarry hill Duff William, shopkeeper, 68 Priory street
Blair & Twort, printers & publishers of the •· Tonbridge & Duly J esse, general smith, I St. Stephen street
Tunbridge Wells Free Press," 103 High street Dumbrell Julia (Miss), dress maker, I5 Barden t'Oad
Blair William, stationer, Post office buildings, High street Dunmall Albert, butcher, 14 High street •
Dunn Richard, butcher, u Priory road & 38 Lavender hl
Blundell George, bricklayer~ Bordyke
"B" MINERAL WATER CO. (THE) (J. S. Horsley & Co. Duplock Mary .Ann (Miss), shopkeeper, Woodside road
proprietors), manufacturers of the highest class mineral Earl Ge9rge, beer retailer, 54 Lavender hill
waters obtainabley put up in syphons, corked or patent East l<'rank, draper & clothier, 5 & 1 High street
bottles, Masonic buildings, High street Elcombe Fanny Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 67 High street
Boarer Edward, shopkeeper, 5 I & 53 Pembury road Eldridge George Edgar, builder, Mayfield pi. Lavender hill
Bonner John, upholsterer, Church lane Elkington Elizabeth Matilda (Mrs.), beer retlr. r6 Vale road
Booker W. & Son, bakers, Shipbourne road Elkington John Crofts, painter & plumber, 58 High street &
Boosey Abraham, basket maker, 192 High street 14 Harden road
Boullin Waiter, grocer, I6 & I7 Priory road Elkington Louisa (Miss), dress maker, 99 Lavender hill
Bourner Geo. Spencer, farmer, Mabledon farm, Quarry hill Eller John, boot maker, 21 Waterloo road
Bowrah Charles, beer retailer, Priory road Elliott Matt, bill poster, 22 Hawden road
Brackenbury William, 'l'he Somerhlll inn, Pembury road Elliott William, chimney sweep, Rose cottages, Rose street
Bray & Son, sweeps1 Shipbourne road · Everist Joseph, beer retailer, 85 Shipbourne road
Bray James, coach builder, East street Everitt James, tailor, 29 High street
Breeze Luther John, South Eastern hotel, Barden road Evernden William, saddler, II4 High street
Brenchley Jonathan, smith, Fairthorne, Pembury road Fagg John, surveyor, Quarry bank, Quarry hill
Bridger Harry ..Stephen, bookseller, I3I High street Featherstone Charles Cornelius, baker, I2 Shipbourne road
Bridges George David, Primrose inn, Pembury road l',eatherstone Ellen (Miss), professor of music, I2 Ship·
Britcher George, fruiterer, 6o High street bourne road ·
Broom John Albert, tailor, 2 Priory terrace, Quarry Hill rd FFOLLIOTT &. PA YNE, coal & coke mers. II7 High street
Brotherwood George, beer retailer, 176 High street FFOLLIOTT .JOSEPH LEE, insurance broker, Hilden
Brown Joseph, sanitary inspector to the rural sanitary manor, London road
authority, 2 Ventnor place, Pembury road Field I<'rederick James, shoe maker, 38 St. Stepben street
Brown Joseph George, baker, I23 & I25 Priory street Field Robert, grocer, & post office, 41 Shipbourne road
Bryant William John Daniel, Sir Andrew Judd's commercial Fielder Stephen, beer retailer, I Waterloo road
school, East street Figgett William, farmer, Yew Tree farm, Pembury road
Buckingham Frederick Willia.m, tailor, I45 High street Finch Arthur, blacksmith, High street
Bnley lsaac, fishmonger, 6o High -street Flaxman Laura (Miss), milliner, 196 High street
Burfoot Emma (Miss),. dress maker, IS Barden road FLEMONS THOMAS A. photographer, I4I High street
Burgess Frederick, grocer,·r Priory street Freeland George, manure merchant, Mona villa, 45 Quarry
Bnrton Alfred, greengrocer, 4 High street hill ; works, South Bermondsey ; wharf, St. Peter's
Ilushell George, cow keeper, 8 Priory 11treet street, Maidstone
Butcher Benjamin Edward, news agent 2 High street Free Library (George Presne1l, librarian), High street
Butcher Richard, The Station Bridge inn, Quarry Hill road Fricker Elizabeth Sophia (Miss), girls' schl. 89 Lavender hl
Carpenter Wm. Allen, shopkeeper, I Verbena cots. Rose st Fuller William, beer retailer, Haysden
Carr Ann (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 16 High street l''unnell Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker, 7 Bordyke
Case & Barnes, ironmongers, 31 High street Funnell Harry, house decorator, 2 East street
Catt l''rank, mechanical engineer, New wharf Funnell Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer, 2 East street
Cemetery (William Henry Morgan, clerk to burial board ; Gabriel Henry, builder, 102 Lavender hill
George Corke, superintendent), Shipbourne road Gale William, boot & shoe maker, 41 & I70 High street
Chalklen Francis, brick & tile maker, La¥ender hill Gammon Charles (Mrs.), prep. school, Felix vil.London road
Ch.apma.n William J. carpenter, .') East street Gasson Thomas, shopkeeper, I Milnemont cotts.Pembury rd
CharltonJn.Sills,miller(steam&water),Townmills,Hadlw.rd Gear Louis, town crier, 19 Fosse road
Cbatfield Robert, boot maker, 28 High street Gibbs William, beer retailer, Shipbourne road
Cheal William, beer retailer, Quarry hill Gilbert Charles, boot maker, 6 East street
Cheeseman John, greengrocer, Bickley road Gilbert Stephen, greengrocer, I Castle street
Children Richard, farmer & hop grower, Hawden farm, Ginn Alfred Francis, assistant county surveyor, Salisbury
Tonbridge (environs) villas, Quarry hill
Chivers John1 plumber, 9 Lansdowne road Goddard Sarah (Mrs.), lodg. ho. 5 Portman ter. Hadlow rd
Clavey M. (Miss), beer retailer, Lodge road, Quarry hill Gooding John, baker, 77 Vale road
Coates Thomas, glove & lagging maker, so High street Goodsell Richard, baker, 63 High street
Coley Thomas, Telegraph inn, Priory road ·. Goodsell Wm. Jas. wheelwright, Fairthorne, Pembury rd
Collins J oseph Ion, r~gistrar of births & deaths for Tonbridge Goodwin Alfred, furniture dealer, 39 High street
sub-district, & relieving & vaccination officer for No, Gorham & levers, surgeons, 89 High street
2 district & school inquiry officer, Priory road Gorham, Warner & Son, solicitors, I70 High street
Collins Septimus, deputy registrar of births & deaths, Ton~ Gower Brothers, chemists & wine merchants, 9 High street
"' ' Graham George, land steward to Sir J ulian Goldsmid bart.
bndge sub-district, Priory road
Coomber J obn, carpenter, 7 Stepben's street .. lii.A. 1 M.P., D.L., I.P. 69 Primrose hill
£orke Arthur Robert, writer on glass, 144 High street Graham William, tailor, 6 St. Stephen's street
Corke Charles, plumber, 198 High street & Shipbourne rd Grave Maria (Mrs.), greengrocer, 70 High street
Charles Charles H. plumber, I44 High street Gray Brothers, engineers, Barden road
Corke Henry, plumber, Shipbourne road Greenfield Richard, tobacconist, 47 High street
Corke Sarah (Mrs.), confectioner, I98 High street Gregory Percy M.B.c.v.s. veterinary surgeon, 147 High st
Cornell.Alfred, watch maker, 3 High street Griffiths Ashton Edward, fishmonger, I64 High street
Coules George, general smith, Shipbourne road Groombridge Philly & Carolina (Misses), dress makers,
Coultham Thomas, boot maker, Shipbourne road I3 East street
County Court (His Honor Homersham Cox, judge ; Thomas Groves Levi, hair dresser, 30 High street
Fuller Walker, registrar & high bailiff), East street Gunner George Turk, draper, Masomc buildings, High st
Crease George & Son, wine & spirit merchants, I40 High st Hadawa.y Richard Albert, clothier, I28 High street
Cripps David, beer retailer, 4 Barden road Hall Stuart Charles, carver & gilder, 194 High street
Cuthbert William Fisher, builder, contractor, monumental Harmer William, tailor, 7 Strawberry vale, Priory road
& stone & marble mason, High street Harris Ernest, Dry Hill Farm dairy, & deputy registrar of
Dance Richard William, saddler, 96 High street marriage, Shipbourne road
Dart Frances (Mrs.), beer retailer, 4 Castle street Harris James, draper, 51 High street
Da.vis Robert, dairyman & farmer, 1I Bank street Harris John, umbrella maker, n6 High street
Day HoraceM.n., M.R.c.s. surgeon, The Elms,Shipbourne rd Hawes Charles Granger, fishmonger, 130 High street
Denny Mary (Mrs.), confectioner, 3 Castle street Haynes Joseph Bailey, dyer, 108 High street
Hayward Charles, boot maker, 2I Shipbourne road Le Fleming John M. A. private tutor, Eton house, London rd
Hearn & Co. patent medicine vendors, 4 Priory terrace, Leggett Thomas, smith, Waterloo road
Quarry Hill road Le May W. H. & H. hop factors, Denmark house, Quarry hill
Hearsey Alice (Mrs.), dress maker, 9 Pembury grove Leonard Charles, coal merchant, I Florence place, Priory
Henderson Andrew, head gardener to John Deacon esq. road & Station Bridge wharf
Mabledon park, Quarry hill Leppard Tea Co. 65 High street
Henderson Catherine Isabella (Mrs.), milliner, 113 High st Letchford George, greengrocer, 146 High street
Henderson George, baker, 92 High street Letchford Harry, boys' school, 2 Por tman terrace, Hadlow rd
Heseltine William & Son Limited, grocers (Thomas J ames Lewis Albert, grocer, 27 & 48 High street
Merritt, manager), 68 High street Lindridge E. & Sons, grocers, 91 High street
Hewitt Leonard, plumber, 2 Castle street Local Board Offices (J. A. Snelling, clerk; T. M. Dove,
Hewitt Thomas, farm bailiff to John Deacon esq. Mabledon collector), High street
park, Quarry hill Lockyer Charles, watch maker, 10 East street
Rider Robert, fancy repository, 45 High street London Charlotte (Mrs.), butcher, 23 Shipbourne road
Hill William John, coffee tavern, I48 High street London & County Banking Co. Lim1ted (Samuel Wm. Shaw,
Hills Mark, fly proprietor, Rose & Crown yard, High street manager), High st. ; draw on head office, Lombard st E c
& Shipbourne road L->we Frederick, insurance agent, 5 Grove terrace,Barden rd
Hilton Louis, grocer, 2 Lodge road, Houselands Lower Joseph Richard, land surveyor, 17 East street
Hobbs George, surveyor & sanitary inspector for Tonbridge Mabbett John, boot maker, 59 & 76 High street
Local board, Beechmont, Pembury road Manwaring Thomas & Co. corn, coal, seed, manure & hay
Hobbs Robert, carpenter, 5 Havelock road merchants, 44 High street & Station buildings wharf; &
Hodge & Brown, accountants, 2 Ventnor place, Pembury rd at Hadlow & Staplehurst
Hodge William, shopkeeper, I3 Prwry road Marsh George, butcher, 34 Quarry hill
Hodgskin William, grocer, 17 High street Marsh Mary A. (Mrs.), Foresters' Arms P.JJ. 35 Quarry hill
Holland Walter, cowkeeper & dairyman, I04 Vale road Martin& Marston, auctioneers &c. x62A, High street
Hollands Benjamin Charles, beer retailer, I Pembury grove Martm Frederick, outfitter, 33 High street
Hollomby Esther & Sarah (Misses),haberdshers.23 Quarry hl Martin John, cowkeeper, 6 Havelock road
Hollomby Edwin, journalist, 59 Quarry hill Mathers William, Greyhound P.H. Shipbourne road
Holman George, cowkeeper, 89 Priory street May George, boot maker, 49A, Priory street
Holmes Owen, butcher, II7 Priory street May Horace, florist, 59 Priory street
Holt Thomas, boot maker, 5 East street Medway Navigation Co. (William Stow, manager), water
Hopgood Thomas, head gardener to Sir Julian Goldsmid carriers & coal & coke merchants, High street & Medway
M.P., M.A., D.L., J.P. Somerhill park, Pembury road wharf. See advertisement
Homer Arthur Claypon L.R.C.P.LOnd. surgeon & medical Mercer Frederick, The Mitre P.H. Hadlow road
officer & public vaccinator No. 2 district, Tonbridge Miller Horaee, china & glass dealer, 79 High street
union, 137 H1gh street Millidge Thomas Edward, chemist, 124 High street
Howard Robert, baker, 27 Quarry hill Mitchell Cecil, watch maker, 135 High street
Howard William, baker, 11 East street Mobsby John Henry, dining rooms, 106 High street
Howard William Henry, hosier & tailor, 5 & 6 Barden road Mockford John Frank, hair dresser, 8o & 134 High street
Hubbard Mary (Mrs.), fruiterer, 25 Shipbourne road Monk Arthur, bailiff toW. J. Wightwick esq. Little Trench
Rubble Edward, greengrocer, 1~7 High street farm, Shipboume road
Humphrey Mary (Mrs.), laundry, 3 The Crescent Montague Frances (Miss), draper, 32 Shipbourne road
Humphrey William, boot maker, 99 Priory street Morgan William Henry, solicitor & clerk to burial board,
Hunt James, linen draper, 138 High street Rose villa, Hadlow road & East street
Huntley Herbert, Bull hotel, 49 High street Morley Thomas & John, sign writers, I2 Danvers road
levers Eyre M.D., c.N.. surgeon, see Gorham & levers Murdoch J n. G. &Co. lim.domestic machine dlrs. 29Quarry hl
Inland Revenue Office (Albert Waddington, supervisor), 2 Neve & Son, auctioneers, Bank street
Richmond villas, Pembury road Neve Arthur Hy. jun. solicitor & corn. for oaths, I58 High st
Jarvis James, shopkeeper, 3 Lavender hill Nicholls Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 2 The Crescent
Jeffery Harry, boot maker, 8hipbourne road Nichols Eliza (Mrs.), tobacconist, 18 High street
Jeffery James, butcher, 150 High street Nightingale Edward, boot maker, 206 High street
Jefiery Trayton, grocer, I Portman terrace, Hadlow road Nightingale William, boot maker, 15 Barden road
Jempson George, beer retailer, near Powder mills Noakes John & Son, cattle salesmen, farmers & hop growers,
Jennaway James, White Horse P.H. I54 High street Cage farm, Shipbourne road
Jenner George, carman, 2 Fosse road Noakes John Thomas, butcher, 46 High street
Jenner Henry, beer retailer, 8 High street Noble Mace, sheep agent, 3 Ventnor place, Pembury road
Jenner John, boot maker, 2 Houseland road Norman Edward, carman & coal merchant, II4 Lavender
Jermy James,• wardrobe dealer, 4 Bank street hill & Priory road
Jobson Frederick William, watch maker, 25 Quarry hill Norman EmmaElizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 25 Barden rd
Johnson Alfred, fly proprietor, 2 Church street North J obn George, hair dresser, 35 High street
Jobnson :Frank, cab proprietor, Bull Hotel yard Norton Thomas, pleasure boat owner, 100 Vale road
Jones Charles, George & Dragon P.H. Shipboume road Nottidge Albert JamesM.A. solicitor, I Dry Hill park
Jones George James, builder, Waterloo road Nutley Sarah (Mrs.), chair caner, 45 Pembury road
Judd William, saddler, 142 High street Ongley William Henry, fishmonger, 66 High street
Jupp Henry, nurseryman, Hadlow road Osborn George Henry, shopkeeper, Woodside road
Jupp Wiliiam, florist, 2 St. Stephen's street Osborne Charles, carman, Providence cottage, Priory street
Jury John, beer retailer, 42 Sbipbourue road Overy H. J. dairyman, u8 High street
Kember Thomas, coal dealer, Shipbourne road OwlettMary (Mrs.), grocer, 12 High street
Kent Nursing Institut.ion (Nurse Lucy Binns, matron), 6 Pack Frederick, shopkeeper, Shipbourne road
Park view, Uridge road Palmer & Wardley, solicitors, I East street
Kenward Emma (Mrs.), Red Lion P.H. I25 High street Palmer George, collector, Tonbridge Stock & Cattle Market
Killick Alexander, butcher, 8 East street Co. Limited, Laburnham cottage, Havelock road
Kimmins George, baker & confectioner, 107 High street Palmer George, solicitor, see Palmer & Wardley
King Charles, butcher, 42 Lavender hill Palmer John, beer retailer & grocer, 11 & 13 St. Stephen's st
King Frederick, tobacconist, 94 High street Palmer Rose (Mrs.), dress maker, 12 Lodge rd. Houselands
King George, general shop, 46 Vale road Palmer Walter, beer retailer, Bank street
King James, coach builder, 33 Quarry hill Parry & Ede, wholesale confectioners, 61 High street
King Leah (Mrs.), baker, 111 Priory street Pawley Tom, Rose & Crown hotel, High street
Kingswood & Son, cricket ball manfrs.Great Bridge,High st Payne Charles, boot & shoe maker, III High street
Knight Friend, painter, 9 St. Stephen's street Payne Charles, Castle hotel, 69 High street
Lambert John, baker, 2 Barden road Payne George, shopkeeper, 12 Lansdowne road
Lane Thomas, school, 2 Portland villas, Quarry hill Payne Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, 95 Lavender hill
Langton Daniel Wilson, timber merchant, Medway wharf Peacock Alma (Mrs.), sllopkeeper, go Shipbourne road
Lansdell John, commercial traveller, 51 Quarry hill Pearch Thomas H. By proprietor, London road
Larkin Mary (Miss), dress maker, 9 Danvers road Pearson George, dairyman, xo Waterloo place
Lawrance Wm.George, working watch maker, I9 Danvers rd Pearson Henry, builder, Rehoboth villa, The Crescent
Lawrence Clara (Mrs.), laundry, 24 Meadow cottages Perch J ames, lodging house, 4 Portman terrace, Hadlow rd
Lawrence George, jobbing gardener, 24Meadow cottages Perkins William Alloway F .s.A.A. accountant, 87 High street
Lawson George Edward, cabinet maker, 133 High street Peters & Race, ho.furnishers u9, & pawnbrokers no, High st
Leach James Courtenay, surgeon-dentist, 155 High street Pettitt John, Dorset Arms P .H. 36 High street
Leaper William Adolphu.s, local sec. Gresham Life Assurance Pettitt Percy, cowkeeper, 3 Waterloo place
Society, Priory mead, Albert road Phillips George, grocer, 64 Priory street
• Snelling Jsph. Arthm, clerk to Tonbridge local board,High st
Pickett George, photographer, So High street
Pipe &Sons, drapers, & post office, 3r or 33 St. Stephen's st Snelling Thomas, grocer, II Strawberry vale, Priory road
Pledger Louisa (Miss), prep. schl. Brickwood ldg. Hadlow rd Southey Albert, draper 95, & outfitter I56, High street
Pluck William, boot make r, Pembu rry•oarodad
Pocock John, shopkeeper, Waterloo Spencer & Reeve, auctioneers &c. 162 High street
Spickett Stephen, monumental mason, 5 East street
Pope Thomas, beer retailer, 16r High street Stagg Rowland, wool stapler & fellmonger, 43 High strl'.et
PoweliHenry Arthur, bicycle manufacturer, 77 High street Standen William, grocer, 83 & 84 Shipbourne road
Powell Peter, gun maker, 77 High street Standen William, timber dealer, New wharf
Powell William, baker & confectioner, 38 High street St.anford Thomas, greengrocer, 98 High street
Preston Richard, solicitor & deputy coroner for the county, Steed Robert, tailor, London road
97A, High street Stenning Geo. solicitor & commr. for oaths, 85 & 87 High st
Price Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 2 \'Iona cots. Hadlow rd Stevens Charles, grocer, & post office, I Houseland road
Public Hall (E. C. Austen, manager), High street StevensJaneMary(Mrs. ),apartmts.3Crescent pl.TheCrescent
Punnett Edward, builder, contractor, plumber, painter, Stevens Thomas, builder, II Lodge road, Honselands
glazier, stone &slate mer. Tile House works, Pembury rd Stonestreet Manasach, printer & stationer, 25 High street
Purdey Waiter James, boot maker, 24 Priory road Summers William Henry, furniture dealer, 190 High street
Queen's Own (Royal West Kent) Regiment, :rst Volunteer Sutton's Parcel Office (Baldwin & Sons,agts. ),8t.Stephen's st
Battalion, Col. Viscount Hardinge A. D.C. commanding; Swain Frederick, dairy, 36 Shipbourne road
Capt. C. W. H. Evans, adjutant; C. W. Powell, quarter- Swain Reuben, dairymen, 104 Lavender hill
master; Capt. C. E. Warner, commanding C company; Syckelmoore & Norton, tailors, I09 High street
head quarters of battalion &C company, Public hall,High st Talmey Frederick, grocer, 29 Lodge road, Honselands
Randa\1 Jesse, beer retailer, 36 Priory road Taylor James William, commercial traveller, 5 Lansdowne rd
Rathbone Ann (Miss), fancy repository, 102 High street Taylor John, plumber, 34 Strawberry vale, Priory road
Rathbone William, watch maker, IO.J. High street Taylor Waiter, grocer, 39 Priory road
Ratliff William. leather seller, I9 High street Terry George, grocer, 3 Barden road
Ravilions Frank, cabinet maker, 3 Soho cottages, London rd Thomas Ernest Edmund, station master
Ravilious William, coach builder, Dry hill Tompsett W. R. & Son, auctioneers, valuers, estate agents &
Relf Albert Edward, journalist, 52 Priory street surveyol's, Masonic buildings, High street
Rice James Canler, linen draper, I26 Bigh street Tonbridge Angling Club &Fish Preservation Society (Edwin
Ricbardson William, potter, 35 Shipbourne road Hollomby, hon. sec.), 59 Quarry hill
RobertsAmos,oil & lamp wareho.2!4 & 26Lodge rd.Houselands Tonbridge Boating Club (H. A. Collins & F. Plowright, hon.
Robertson Jane Ann (Mrs.), Angel hotel, I High street secs.), New wharf
Roe Frederick Edward, printer & publisher of the "Ton- Tonbridge Club (Samuel Wm. Shaw, hon. sec.), High street
bridge & Sevenoaks Standard," Masonic buildings, High st Tonbridge Constitutional Club Co. Lim. (B. Sidney Wilmot,
Rogers Ja.mes, farmer & hop grower, Brook street sec.), Thomas Bradshaw, steward), Barden road
Roots John Thomas, contractor (exca\·ating), 27 Pembury rd Tonbridge Gas Co. (thoma;; Wilton, manager & sec.) ; office,
Roser & Son, coach builders, High street High street; works, Medway wharf
Roser George, cowkeeper, Little Oak lodge Tonbridge Local Board (Jsph. Arthr. Snelling, clerk),High st
Rummery Samuel, assistant superintendent, Prudential Tonbridge Local Board Sewag-e Farm ( George D. Easterfield,
Assurance Co. Limited, 3 Florence place, Priory road bailiff), Waiters farm, Medway wharf
Rush Harry, butcher, 123 High street, & farmer, Hectorage, Tonbridge Rag Co. (The), wholesale & retail rag, bone,
Priory road, & Cage Green farm, Shipbourne road manure & metal merchants & general marine store dealers
Sales George, farm bailiff to Sir Julian Goldsmid M.P., M. A,, Tonbridge Sanitary Steam Laundry Co. J.imited (W. A.
D.P., J.P. Somerhill park, Pembury road Perkins, sec.), 87 High street
Sales Sarah Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 4 East street Tonbridge & Sevenoaks Standard (Frederick Edward Roe,
Sampson Henry, tailor, 51 Priory street printer & publish~r), Masonic buildings, High street
Sampson William John, temperance hotel, 13 Harden road Tonbridge Stock & Cattle Co. Lim. (W. A. Perkins, sec. 87
Sandall Zachariah, butcher, 57 High street High street; George Palmer, collector, Bank street)
Sands R. S. plumber, 21 High street Tonbridge Tele!raph (South Counties PressLim.publishers),
Sands Stephen, confectioner, 208 & 210 High street 25 High street
Saunders John, cowkeeper, 25 Pembury road Tonbridge & Tunbridge Wells Free Press (Blair & Twort,
SaundersMaude(Miss),dress ma.2:Welhourne vls.Pem bury rd publishers), I03 High street
Saunders Samuel, boot maker, 2 Melbourne viis. Pembury rd Tonbridge Water Co. Limited (Frederick Thomas Bridger,
Sawkins John, gamekeeper to John Deacon esq. Mabledon sec.); offices, 4 The Terrace, High street (William Flood,
cottagP.s, Quarry hill engineer), New wharf
Seabrook T. & Co. farmers & hop growers, Hall farm, Capel; Tourle Rhoda (l\lrs. ), hosier, n Priory street
& Ramhurst farm, Leigh, & millers (steam & water), Towner George, cowkeeper, 34 High street
Priory mills Town Hall (Tom Pawley, proprietor), High street
Seale A. & Son, iron & brass founders, 78 High st. & Botany Trowell Frederick, shopkeeper, 34 St. Stephen's street
Seale Edward Thomas, saddler, I3 High street Turner George Thomas, journalist, ·waterloovil.Waterloo rd
Seale Isabel (Mrs.), straw hat maker, 54 High street Turner Wm. cb;na & glass & marine store dealer, 23 High st
Seale William, carman, 9::J Lavender hill Twort Jacob, boot maker, Shipbourne road
Sears Emma (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 6o Priory street Vane Thomas, grocer, 53 & 55 High street
Sewell Robert, shopkeeper, 113 Lavender hill Volunteer Fire Brigade ( William Flood, supt. & engineer),
Seymour William, refreshment room!', I Barden road , High stmet
Sbaw SI. Wm. (manager London & County Bank), High st Waddington Albert, supervisor of inland revenue, 2 Rich~
Shepheard Henry, pianoforte tuner, 72 High street mond villas, Pembury road
Sheridan Michael Charles, school attendance officer, Ephraim Waghorn Silvester, butcher, n High street
cottage, St. Stephen street Waghorne Bernard St. John, teacher of mnsic, 2 Salford
Shoebridg-e Thos. wheelwright, Rose &Crown yard, Church st terace, Quarry Hill road
Shorter Abraham. carman, I9 Priory road Waite James Arthur, farmer & hop grower, Postern Heath
Shorter Elizh. (Miss), straw bonnet cleaner, 3 Lansdowne rd farm, Tonbridge (environs)
Shorter James West, boot maker, 3 Lansdowne road Waite John, farmer, Postern Park farm, Tonbridge(environs)
Shorter Jonathan, Kinlossie, Pembury road Walker Nathaniel J oseph Staples, firewood dealer, 3 Prospect
Simunds H. & G. Limited, refreshment rooms (Mrs. Louisa row, Waterloo road
Van Ullner, manageress), Railway station Walker Thomas Fuller, solicitor & commissioner for oaths
Singer Manufacturing Co. I5 High street & perpetual commissioners, clerk to magistrates of Ton-
Sir Andrew Judd's School (Rev. Joseph Wood D.D. head bridge division & commissioners of taxes for Lower South
master), High street Aylesford division & registrar & high bailiff of county
Skilton Chas. wood hoop ma. l\ledway wharf & 5 &6 Priory st court, East street
Skinner Alice (Mrs.), dress ma. Tasmania cots. Woodside rd Wall Sergt.-Maj. Daniel, drill instructor, 4 Lansdowne road
Smith & hes, cricket ball makers, Woodside road Wardley William Arthur,solicitor (firm, Palmar & Ward1ey)
Smith & Son, grocers, & agents for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & Warner Chas. Ed wd. solicitor (firm, Horham, Warner &Son)
spirit merchants, 152 High street Warner George Daniel, solicitor & commissioner for oaths
Smith W.H.& Son, booksellers &news agents,Railway station (firm, Gorham, Warner & Son)
Smith Daniel, house decorator, 2 Charlton ter. Hadlow rd Warner Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 66 Priory street
Smith George, oil & lamp dealer, 20 Priory street, & parish Warnett James, beer retailer, 3 Priory street ·
clerk, St. Stephen's Waters William, pleasure boat owner (steam launch), Ior
Smith George Henry, greengrocer, m High street Lavender bill
Snelling Hephzibah & Emmeline (Misses), booksellers & Wanton Charles Joseph Morrison M.A. prep. school for gen·
stationers, High street
tlemen, The Castle, Castle street
Snelling Frederick, baker, 35 St. Stephen's street
Weaver John, watch maker, 20 Priory road
Webber Frank, florist, t 'Priory terrace, Quarry Hill road Wiles William, hair dres8er, 97 High street
Wells J oseph, farmer, Postern farm, Tonbrid~·e (environs) · Wing Edwin, gardener to Capt.Jackson, High Bank cottag-e,
West Henry, beer xetailer, Pembury road • ' i Pembnry l'oad '
West Henry, shopkeeper, 2 Vale road Withers William John, boot maker, 100 High street
West Herbert Fk. beer retlr 20, & tobacconist 42, High st Wood John, carman, 79 Vale road .
Wheatley Edward, builder, Bordyke & brick & tile works, Wood Richard, manufacturer of rick cloth, tarpaulin, coal,
Pembury road & corn sacks, tents, marquees & flags & manure agent,
Wheeler, Son & Co. provision merchants, 129 High street Priory road: res. Victoria villa, Albert road
Wheeler George, carpenter, 2 Lansdowne road Wood Sarah Ann.(Mrs.), dress maker, 12 Bank street
WheelerJames, baker, 19 Shipbonrne road Woodhams Albert, jobbing gardener, Pembury road
White James, ironmonger, 93 High street Woodhams Bethuer, wood turner, 109 Shipbourne road
Whitehead George, Star & Garter P.H. London road Woods William, groeer, 49 Lavender hill
Wibmer & Wardley, chemists, 132 High street Wooldridge & Co. coal & coke merchants &c. Vale road
Wickenden George, butcher, 37 High street Woolley Charles William, dyer, 74 High street
Wickenden William, laundry, 129 & 130 Shipbourne road Woolley William Thomas, music warehouse, n5 High street
Wickham Thomas, builder, 6 Waterloo road Wright Gage Edward, Chequers P.H. 112 High street
Wickham William, assistant overseer, poor's rate collector Young George, Stag's Head P.H. Houselands
& assessor & collector of income tax: & clerk to Ca.pel Young Men's Christian Association (Thomas Down, hon.
school board, x8o High street sec.), Church house, Church lane ·
Wicks Benjamin; wood hoop maker, Priory walk Young Women's Christian Association (Miss Snelling, sec.),
Wightwick Humphrey & Son, tallow chandlers, 105 High st 172 High street .·
TONG (or TONGE) is a small parish, situated on the river £25o,.with residence and three acres of glebe, in the gift of'
Swale and crossed in the centre by the old Watling Street Major Roberts, p.nd held since· 1886 by the Rev. Josian·
from London to Dover, a mile and a half east-by-north from Marling Apperly llf.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge.
Sittingbourne station on the London, Chatham and Dover There is a charity of the yearly value of £IO x2s. 6d. df\rived
railway, in the North Eastern division of the county, lathe from the interest of £2oo left in 1783 by William Houson
of Scray, Milton union, Faversham petty sessional division, and invested in the £4 per Cents. to be applied to the
Sittingbourne county court district and in the rural deanery education of poor children of the parishes of Tong, Murston
of Sittingbourne, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of and Bapchild. About half a mile on the north side of the
Canterbury. The church of St. Giles is an ancient edifice public road to Canterbury is the site of an old castle, con-
of flint and brick, partly in the Norman and Early English sisting of a high mound surrounded partly by a dry moat.
styles, with Decorated and Perpendicu~ar insertions, and Chekes Court is the residence of Robert Lake, jun. esq.
consists of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and a bold and Mrs. Harriet White, of Murston, is lady of the maaor. The
massive tower of early 13th century work of an uncom- principal landowners are Mr. John Seager, Major Crookes
mon type and entirely in one style ; it contains 3 bells, two and E. Staines and Robert Lake, jun. esqs. The soil is heavy
of which are dated respectively 1626 and 1784; the bell-cage and very fertile ; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat,
is dated 1720: the rood screen belongs to a. peculiar type fruit and hops. The area is 1,631 acres of land and 367 of
of which very few examples remain, and dates from not water; rateable \'alue, £5,707; the population in 1881 was
later than 1450: there are some curious fragments of 314.
glass in the west window, very small but finely painted : the Parish Clerk, William Bottle.
nave is wide, and its north arcade has plain semicircular
arches of Norman character on one circular and two square WALL Box: in church cleared at 7.30 a.m. & 5.30 p.m.
piers; the south arcade has two rude Pointed arches, with Letters through Sittingbonrne arrive at 7.30 a. m. but
a square pier: the chancel arch is Pointed, the pulpit is there is a post office receiving house at Bapchild & also in
Jacobean: the east window is stained and there are two Green Street, Teynham, which latter is a money order &
memorial windows: the church affords 250 sittings, all telegraph office
being free. The register dates from the year 1580. The The children of this village attend the Bapchild & Tong
living is a vicarage, yearly value from tithe rent-charge National schools, situated in Bapchild parish
Apperly Rev. Josiah Marling M.A. Akhurst Charles, farm bailiff to Albert Lake Robert, jun. farmer & landowner
[vicar], The Vicarage Jesse Thomas esq. of Rodmersham Chekes court
Cunningham-Graham Lieut. Charles Bensted Jas. Lacy, farmer, Tong corner SeagerJ.&J.frmrs.& fruit & hop growers
R.N. (inspector of Lifeboats), Hemp- Cluick John, farmer, Scuddington farm Strouts John, jun. farmer, Dully house
stead house Ditcher Albert, farm bailiff to Robert Wicks Charles, miller (steam & water)
Lake Robert, jun. Chekes court Lake, jun. Backetts farm & baker, Tong mill
Strouts John, jun. Dully house
TROTTESCLIFFE is a village and parish, xo miles value from tithe rent-charge £289, with residence and 6
south-west from Rochester and 5 west from Snodland acres of glebe, in the gift of and held since 1875 by the Rev.
station on the North Kent railway, in the Mid division of Charles William Shepherd M.A. of Trinity College, Cam-
the county, Larkfield hundred, lathe of Aylesford, Mailing bridge, J'.P. Edward J. Wingfield Stratford esq. is lord
petty sessional division and union, county court district of of the manor and Charles Soper Whitburn esq. is the prin-
Maidstone, rural deanery of North Mailing, a.rchdeaconry of cipal landowner. The soil is clay; subsoil, chalk. The
Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. The church of SS. chief crops are wheat, beans, barley, oats and hops. The
Peter and Paul, placed in a. very retired situation, imme- area is x,154 aeres; rateable value, £1,867; the population
diately under the range of chalk hills, is a small structure in x881 was 296.
of flint, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a plain Parish Clerk, William Wooding.
tower on the south side containing one bell. It is principally PosT 01-'FICJiJ.-David Banfield, receiver. Letters arrive
in the Perpendicular style, but has some remains of Norman from Maidstone at 8.4oa.m. & are dispatched at 4.30 p.m.;
and Early English work: the font is a good specimen of the sundays dispatched at 9·55 a. m. Postal orders are issued
Perpendicular period : the oaken pulpit has some curious here but not paid. The nearest money order & telegraph
carving of late date, apparently Flemish: in the nave is a offices are at Wrotham
brass to William Crofton, gent. B.C.L. of Gray's inn, ob. 1483, National Endowed School (mixed), built in 1849, for 75
and Margaret, his wife : the east window is a memorial to children ; average attendance, 49 : the endowment con-
the Rev. John Shepherd, late rector, and his wife: on the sists of £9 yearly, derived from land in the parish, left in
south wall is a marble monument to the Rev. John Morgan 1711 by the Rev. Paul Bairstow & Mrs. Mary Godwin, &
B.D. rector of Medburn and precentor of St. David's, who is applied to the education of 15 poor children; Mrs. Aunie
died in 1773: there are 100 sittings. The register dates Howe, mistress
from the year 1649. The living is a rectory, average yearly CARRIER. -David Lovel to Gravesend, tues. thurs. & sat
Shepherd Rev. Charles William M.A., Capon Frederick, farmer Oliver Jeremiah, carpenter
Parriss George, beer retailer
J'.P. [rector], Rectory Fisher Benjamin, grocer & baker Pine Robert, farmer
Stone William, George P.H
Shepherd MatthiasEgertonM.A.Rectory Howe Alfred, wheelwright Usher John, farmer
Usher William Love! David, carrier
Bantidd David, grocer, Post office Morphew William, blacksmith
TUDELEY parish is now amalgamated with Cape!, which see.
TlJNBRIOO.E 't ~EL~S;r 639'}
TmmRIDGE WELLS is a fashionable watering place, munici- The Pump room, a large red brick._ building, situated at
pal borough and market town and bead of a county court the south end of the Pantiles, was erected in I877 by a
and bankruptcy district and petty sessional division, situ- limited company for the convenience of visitors coming
ated partly in the parish of Tonbridge and partly in Speld- hither to drink the chalybeate waters : it includes a. large
burst, Kent and partly in Frant, Sussex, in the South room containing a fountain, drawing rooms &c. and is amply
Western division of the county of Kent, union of Tonbridge, supplied with all the daily and weekly papers: the premises
rural deanery of South Malling, archdeaconry of Maidstone are also used by a club and a local masonic lodge, and the
and diocese of Canterbury, 36 miles from London by road principal apartment is occasionally let for balls and other
and 32 by rail, via Sevenoaks, 5 south from Tonbridge, 20 entertainments.
south-west from Maidstone, I I south-south-east from Seven- The .Calverley Promenade is a range of buildings, sev~n
oaks and 28 north-north-west from Hastings: it has a station teen in number, erected at the north-western extremity of
on the Tonbridge and Hastings branch of th~ South Eastern Calverley Park, in the form of a crescent, with a spacious
railway, the direct route afforded by this line from London colonnade in front.
through Sevenoaks to Tonbridge having shortened the rail- There are several extensive districts, called parks, in which
way distance by about I3 miles. In I866 the London, are a number of villas and mansions. ·
Brighton and South Coast Railway Company opened a line The following ecclesiastical parishes in the town of Tun-
from Brighton to Tunbridge Wells, termed the East Grin- bridge Wells are within the parish of Tonbridge: The
stead, Uckfield and Lewes branch, which has its terminus parish of the Holy Trinity was formed January I, 1833;
here. the church, situated in ChurcH road, is a building of stone,
The town was formerly governed by a Local Board of :a4 c.-onsisting of chancel and nave and an embattled western
members, but on Jan. I9, I889, it received a charter of in- tower, with pinnacles, containing a clock and I bell; the
corporation, and the government is now vested in a mayor, first stone was laid on the 17th of August, I8:a7, being the
8 aldermen and 24 councillors: who also act as the Urban birthday of her Royal Highness the late Duchess of Kent
Sanitary Authority. The borough is divided intQ 4 wards. (then residing at Calverley House), and the building was
The town is lighted with gas from works situated in Brook- consecrated on the 3rd of September, I829, the cost of
side, the property of a company formed in I843, and is erection being £I2,ooo: it has I,5oo sittings; 8oo of which
supplied with water from works situated at Pembury, the are free. The register dates from the year 1829. The living
property of the Corporation: the reservoirs have a capacity is a vicarage, gross yearly income, derived from the pew
j rents, £goo, with residence, in the gift of John Deacon esq.
offorty five million gallons.
The district possesses beds of secondary iron ore, which and held since I853 by the Rev. Edward Hoare M.A. of
give rise to the chalybeate springs here, accidentally dis- Trinity College, Cambridge, honorary canon of Canterbury,
covered during the reign of James I. by Dudley Lord NorLh rural dean of Mailing and surrogate.
when on a visit to Eridge Castle, Frant, the seat of the Earl The church of King Charles the Martyr, situated near the
of Aberga.venny, his attention being attracted by the ochreous end of the Parade and formerly a chapel of ease to Tonbridge,
aspect of the water in the neighbourhood; having himseif had a district assigned to it May 31st, I889: the church is
experimented with the water in the hope that it might a plain rectangular building of red brick, erected in I676
prove medicinal, and deriving great benefit from its use, it and enlarged in 1690, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles,
gradually began to attract notice and the Earl ofAbergavenny north porch and a turret containing a clock and one bell :
mclosed two springs and made other various improvements the church was thoroughly restored in I88I at a cost of
with a view to popularizing the new remedy: in I63o Queen £4,000 as a memorial to the Rev. W. L. Pope, late incum-
Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I. attended by a large bent: there are 700 sittings, 250 of which are free. The
suite, came here t-o re-establish her health, but was obliged register dates from the year I745· The living is a perpetual
to camp on the Downs for want of other accommodation; curacy, yearly value £170, derived from pew rents, in the
and for thirty years after the visit of this queen, visitors gift of trustees, and held since IB7B by the Rev. Lewen
were obliged to resort to tents and booths or to reside at Street Tugwell, late organizing secretary of the Spanish and
Southborough : at the close of the reign of Charles I. Portugese Church Aid Society.
buildings increased in all directions, and towards the end of Christ Church parish was formed March 7th, IB56 : the
the reign of Charles II. the place was frequently visited by church, situated in High street and opened May 9th, IB4I, is
Catharine of Braganza, queen of that monarch, with whom a structure of white brick, and consists of chancel, nave,
it was a favourite abode, and it gradually became a place of aisles, west porch and an embattled western tower contain-
fashionable resort; but the acme of its prosperity must be ing one bell: there are I,2oo sittings, 250 being free. The
IISSigned to the period when Colley Cibber, the poet and register dates from the year x841. The living is a vicarage,
dramatist, Dr. Johnson, David Garrick, Samuel Richardson, gross yearly income £4oo, derived principally from pew
the novelist, Sir Joshua Reynolds P.R.A. Miss Chudleigh and rents, with house, in the gift of trustees, and held since
Mrs. Thrale were its constant visitors: a curious picture I886 by the Rev. John Campbell Strickland D.D. of Queens'
representing these eminent characters at the Wells has College, Cambridge.
been preserved, and furnishes an amusing illustration of the St. John's parish was formed January I 8th, IB59: the
costumes and courtesies of that day. church, situated in St. John's road, is a buildmg of Kentish
The whole neighbourhood abounds in springs and mineral ragstone, in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave
waters, but only one is held in particular estimation ; this of five bays, aisles and a western tower with spire contain-
spring, yielding about a gallon of water per minute, is clear, ing a striking clock and one bell: there are 824 sittings, 331
bright and colourless, with a taste savouring strongly of being free. The register dates from the year 1858. The
steel; it has scarcely any smell, though sometimes in a living is a vicarage, net income £130 yearly, derived from
dense air its ferruginous exhalations are very distinguish- pew rents, with residence, in the gift of five trustees, and
able; its temperature is invariably moderate, for the spring held since I8SB by the Rev. Thomas Woods Weston LL.B. of
lies at such a depth that neither the summer beat nor the Christ's College, Cambridge.
winter cold affects it ; when this water is first taken up its St. J ames' parish was formed November 4, 1862 : the
particles continue at rest till it is warmed nearly to the heat church, situated at the east end of the town and at the
of the atmosphere, whensomeairy globules begin to separate junction of Ferndale and St. James's road, is a building
and adhere to the glass, and in a few hours a light copper- of native sandstone, in the Gothic style, consisting of
coloured ~~eum begins to float on the surface and an ochreous chancel, nave of four bays, aisles, porch, organ chamber,
sediment settles at the bottom ; long-continued rains some- vestries and a belfry with spire: the nave and aisles are
times gives this water a milky appearance, but do not other- separated by arcades of three stone arches on stone piers
wise sensibly affect it. From the experiments of different with floriated capitals ; the north aisle was added in IB83 :
chemists, it appears that the component parts of this water there are sittings for 950 persons, 340 being free. The
are-steely particles, marine salts, an oily matter, an register dates from the year I862. The living is a vicarage,
ochreous substance, pure water and volatile vitriolic spirit I yearly value £soo, chiefly derived from pew rents, with
too subtle for any chemical analysis. The spring (from residence, in the gift of trustees, and held since I886 by the
which the water is supplied by the dippers) still retains its Rev. .Avison 'ferry Scott M. A. of Trinity College,Cambridge.
original situation, but the approach to it was greatly im- St. Barnabas is an ecclesiastical parish, formed May Ioth,
iproved in I847 by the addition of a portico or piazza. A r88I, from that of St. James: the church, situated in Stan-
broad and handsome parade extends I75 yards from the ley road and erected in I889-90, at a cost of over £Is,ooo,
mineral spring, and along its whole front is a piazza serving 1 is an edifice of brick, with stone dressings, in the Lancet
as a fashionable rendezvous: a row of trees also contributes 1 style, from designs by Messrs. J. E. K. and J. P. Cutts,
to the pleasantness of this picturesque promenade, popu- architects, of London, and consists of chancel, with chapel
larly called " the Pantiles," in the centre of which is an on the south side. below which is a mortuary chamber,
orchestra, where a band plays during the season. clerestoriednave, aisles, organ chamber, vestries, an incom-
plete tower and a fleche above the chancel arch, containing The Public Hall, situated opposite the South Eastern rail-
one bell : the lower stage of the chancel is arcaded except on way station, at the foot of Mount Pleasant, and erected in
the south side, where it opens to the chapel by an arcade of 1870 at a cost of .£"tg,ooo, is a building of stone in the
three arches : the communion table is of oak, with an upper Byzantine style : the large hall is 100 feet in length and 42
slab of Devonshire marble and panelling decorated in gold feet in width, and will seat 700 persons. The Tunbridge
and colour ; therP- are three sedilia, also of oak, with carved Wells Club occupies the first floor, the ground and lower
elbows: the east window of the morning chapel contains floors being used for offices and as a restaurant.
stained glass transferred from St. Stephen's mission church The Mechanics' Institute, situated in Dudley road, was
and in the chapel are fittings from the same: the lectern is erected in 1872: it is well supplied with newspapers and
of oak and walnut, and the font of marble and alabaster : a periodicals, and contains a library of over 3,500 volumes.
fine screen of wrought-iron divides the nave and chancel : The Friendly Societies' Hall, in the Camden road, erected
there are nearly r,ooo sittings. The church has not yet in 1878, is a structure of brick with stone dressings, part of
been consecrated. The living is a. vicarage, net yearly which is used by a Working Men's Club. .
value £rso, in the gift of Keble College, Oxford, and held The Corn Exchange, situated on the Pantiles, is a building
since t88r by the Rev. Henry Shrubb Iredell M. A. of Christ's of brick, in which a market is held every Friday.
College, Cambridge. 'fhe area is 150 acres ; the population Tunbridge Wells is the head quarters of the C Troop of the
in r88x was 3,200. Queen's Own Royal West Kent Y eomanl'y Cavalry and of
Broadwater Down parish was formed June 28, 1867: the the D and E Companies of the rst Volunteer Battalion
church of St. Mark, situated in the parish of Frant, county Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment.
of Sussex, and erected by the late Earl of Abergavenny on
his estate at Broadwater Down, is a building in the Late The General Hospital, Grosvenor road, established in
French-Gothic style of the 14th century, from designs by x828, is a building of stone, and is supported by voluntary
contributions: it contains so beds, xo of which are cots for
0 Mr. R. L. Roumieu F.R.I.B.A. constructed principally of children ; the number of in-patients in 1889 was 454, and of
native stone quarried on the earl's estate, the walls being
lined with hard bricks ; the church is cruciform in plan, and out•patients, 3,723. There is also a Provident Dispensary
consists of chancel with semi-octagonal apse, clerestoried in Grosvenor road, established in October, 1877, and a
nave of four bays, aisles, transepts, vestry, organ chamber Ho-mooopathic Hospital and Dispensary, in Upper Grosvenor
and a tower at the north-west angle, with QCtagonal spire, road, established in 1863.
together 132 feet in height, and containing one bell: there are
several stained windows, including one in each transept to the The Eye, Ear and 'l'hroat Dispensary, situated on the
memory of the founder and the west window placed by the Pantiles, was founded in 1878 ; during the year 188q there
Misses Chippendale as a memorial to various members of were 45 in-patients and 630 out-patients.
their family : the church affords 540 sittings, of which 120
are free. The register dates from the year 1867. The The Literary Society, instituted in 1840 and occupying
living is a vicarage, gross yearly income £5so, derived from premises situated on the Pantiles, possesses two good read-
pew rents, in the gift of the Marquess of Abergavenny X.G. ing rooms, a library of upwards of s,ooo volumes and a
and held since 188x by the Rev. John Hume Townsend D. D. small museum.
of Trinity College, Dublin, and surrogate for archdeaconry
ofLewes. The Post Office is situated at the north end of the
The town clock in the tower of the London, Brighton and
South Coast Railway station, was erected by subscription:
it has two illuminated dials.
The Common, situated close to and almost surrounded
St. Peter's parish was formed July 25th, 1876 : the church, by the town, is a great attraction and a favourite resort
in the Bayhall road, erected in 1875, is a building of stone for visitors. It covers an area of 179 acres, clothed with
in the Early English style, and consists of chancel, nave, ferns and heather, and from its higher points commands an
north aisle and a tower with spire containing a striking extensive view of the town and surrounding country ; it
clock and 8 bells, with Cambridge chimes: there are 700 includes two good cricket grounds.
sittings, 270 being free. The register dates from the year The Grosvenor· Recreation Ground, situate at the north
1876. The living is a vicarage, yearly value chiefly derived of the town, and opened in June, x88g, contains 8~ acres,
from pew rents and variable, in the gift of trustees, and held consisting of part of the Old Calverley Water Works, sup-
since 1886 by the Rev. Joseph Edmund Rogers M.A. of plemented by land given by J. Stone-Wigg esq. J.P. first
Christ's College, Cambridge.
mayor, and laid out at a cost of £2,300.
The Catholic church, dedicated to St. Augustine, Grosve- The Bishops Down Grove Spa and Tunbridge Wells Sana-
nor road, a stone building in the Classic style, was opened torium, situated in grounds of 6o acres, in an elevated posi·
17th July, 1838: a campanile with a clock and chimes of five tion facing the south, and commanding an extensive view of
bells were added in 1889: the church will seat about 400 the surrounding country,is a fine building,comprising dining,
drawing and recreation rooms,a reception hall,reading,smok-
The Countess of Huntingdon's church, Mount Ephraim, ing and billiard rooms and conservatories, the whole being
erected in 1867, adjacent and in succession to a smaller connected by spacious corridors : the garden and grounds
building erected by the Countess of Huntingdon and are beautifully wooded, and contain among other features
opened by the Rev. George Whitfield in 1769, is a building a noble group of chestnut trees, made famous by the fact
of stone in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave and that her Majesty the Queen, when visiting Tunbridge Wells
aisles and a tower surmounted by a spire 140 feet high :
there are s6o sittings. with her late mother, the Duchess of Kent, used to sketch
under their shade: there are also large lawn tennis courts
The Baptist tabernacle, opened on New Year's day, x884,
at a total cost, including site, of about [5,400, is a building and a chalybeate spring.
of red brick, with dressings of concrete and Bath stone,
in the Early Decorated style, from designs by Messrs. The principal hotels are :-The Calverley hotel, situated in
Lander and Badells, architects, of London : behind the CalvePley park, the grounds of which cover about 20 acres,
chapel on the ground floor is a lecture room and OT'er it commanding extensive views over Ashdown Forest and the
three class rooms: there are sittings for 650 persons. surrounding country; the Royal Kentish hotel, on the
London road, a short distance from the chalybeate spring ;
The Baptist chapel in Hanover road will seat 3')0 and that the Mount Ephraim hotel, situated on an eminence com·
in Chapel place 250. manding a fine panoramic view of the town and surrounding
country ; the Castle commercial hotel, on the London road ;
The Wesleyan chapel, in Vale Royal, erected in x872-3 on the Swan commercial hotel, on the Back Parade ; Ephraim
the site of an older edifice, is a building of stone in the hotel, on Mount Ephraim ; and the Wellington and Royal
Gothic style and will seat 700 persons. Mount.
The Congregational chapel, a stone building-, is situated on An agricultural show is held in the autumn of each year
Mount Pleasant, and has 8oo sittings. The Congregational in grounds on the Eridge road and a horticultural show
chapel in Albion road, erected in 1873, and built of Kentish is held in July in the Spa grounds.
rag, will seat 500.
'l'he Primitive Methodist chapel, in Camden road, erected The trade of Tunbridge Wells is similar to that of Spa, in 1878, is a building of red brick with Bath stone dressings, Belgium, and consists chiefly in the manufacture and sale of
and seats ladies' work-tables, boxes, toys and fancy articles made of
' Holy Trinity cemetery, called j' the Old Cemetery,'' is wood inlaid in mosaic and called " Tunbridge ware ; " the
situated in the London road, and consists of 3 acres, with a woods principally used for this purpose are beech, sycamore,
small mortuary chapel. Tbe cemetery at Frant, in Sussex, holly, cherry and plum, inlaid and beautifully polished: the
about 2 miles south-eMt of the town, covers an area of about elegance of these articles is universally admired, and their
20 acres, and contains two mortuary chapels : it was conse- manufacture gives employment to a great number of
crated xoth November, x883, and is under the control of the hands.
Corporation acting as a burial board for the district. Tunbridge Wells has much picturesque scenery m the
The Town Hall, in Calverley road, is an edifice of stone, neighbourhood, and is in close proximity to the castles of
and comprises a large hall, a meeting room for the Town Tonbridge, Eridge, Penshurst and Hever. The High Rocks,
Council, police station with cells, also offices for the town a mile and a half south-west, in Sussex, present many curious
clerk, suiTeyor and collector. views : in the valley adjoining Rusthall Common, about a
mile from the town, is a curious rock, called the "Toad burst parish, 2,518; Tonbridge, 20,442: Frant (Sussex),
Rock," forming part of a group, very remarkable for the 1,348.
singular shapes which many of its portions present.
The population of the ecclesiastical parishes in 188I was
· RusTHALL, which forms a suburb to the town is in the -Christ Church, 2,541 ; Holy Trinity, 5,84I ; St.Barnabas,
3,os2; St. James, 4,038; St. John, 3,732: St. Peter, 1,66o;
parish of Sp:!ldhurst, and will be found under a separate St. Stephen, 5,690; and Broadwater Down, I,348.
beading. . Parish Clerks :-Holy Trinity, Timothy Joseph Hickmott,
The rateable value of the town IS £2oi,J40. 41 Victoria road ; Christ Church, Edwin Fox, 20 Berkeley
The population of the town in I86I was I3,807; in I87I, road; St. Mark's, Broadwater Down, !George W. Kent,
I9,410; and in 1881,24,308,composed as follows :-In Speld- , Frant road ·
Official Establishments, Local Institutions, &c.
POST, MO~EY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Camden road R.O. 9 & 11.35 a. m. & 2.s, 6, 7• 7·45 & 9·45
Sa¥ings Bank & .Annmty & Insurance Office, p.m. ; sundays, 7.40 & 9 p.m
Church road R.O. 9.30 & 11.55 a.m. & 2·3°• 6. 25• 7· 25, 8.IO
Pantiles; & Branch Office, High street.
w·n· & Io p.m. ; sundays, 8 & 9 p.m
P. os t m a s te r a m Nh Grosvenor road R.O. 9.I5 & II.45 a.m. & 2.20, 6.I5, 7-IS, 8
- Il as ·
Ch1ef Clerk Jonathan Holt Carey. & 10 p.m. ; sundays, 7.4s & 9 p.m
Mount Ephraim R.O. 9.20 & II.50 a.m. & 2.25, 6.20, 7.20,
Head Branch Head Branch 8.s & 10 p.m. ; sundays, 7·45 & 9 p.m
TOWNS, &c. Olfice, Olfice, TOWNS, &c. Office, Office, Lew R. 0.9. IO & 11.20 a.m. & 1.45, 5·45, 7·35 & 10.20 p.m. j
Pantiles High St Pantiles High St sundays, 7.30 & 9 p.m
Ashiord ......*h2 o 12 IS Hurst Green 9 I5 9 15 St. James's road R.O. 8.45 & n.2o a.m. &, 5.45, 7·30
, ...... l 9 15 9 IS Kilndown...... 9 IS 9 15 & 9.30 p.m.; sundays, 7.20 p.m
Bayham ...... l 9 IS 9 IS Lamberhurst 9 IS 9 IS St. Peter's R.O. 9.I5 & 11.45 a.m. & 2.20, 6.20, &
Bidborough... i1o o *t5 o Langton ......*t1o 30 5 o p.m.; sundays, 7.30 & 9 p.m
Brenchley ... 9 IS 9 I5 , ...... tio o*tio 30 Western road R.O. 8.55 & 11.30 a.m. & 2, S-55• 7.40 & 9.40
Brighton .....*tio 30 10 40 Lewes .........*t 2 so 3 45 p.m.; sundays, 7.30 p.m
, ......*t I IO I 20 , ......... l 9 IS 9 IS PARCEL PosT MAILS ARE DISPATCHED from the parcel office,
, ......*t 2 so 3 45 London and High street, at 7 & 10.5 a.m. & 12.I5, 3, 4.30 & 8.20 p.m.
,,. ............ tl
8 20 °8 20 places beyond*t 9 4S 9 55 DELIVERIES, at 8.30 & n a.m. & 4.15 & 7 p.m
9 15
9 IS , *t12 12 IS Collections from Head Office, Parade, & Receiving Offices..
Burwash ...... t 9 IS 9 IS , *t :.~ so
Canterbury...*tr2 o I2 IS , t 7 45 3o are made as under:-
7 45
tw" ... t 9 15 9 xs , l 10 0 12 0 Head office 9·45 & 10.30 a.m. & 12 noon, 1.10, 2.50, 4.xs._
Chiddingstone o 12 o Maidstone ...*t 2 so 3o 6.30, 7·45• 8.2o, 9 IS & 10 p.m
Cranbrook .•• t 9 15 9 15 , ... l 9 15 9 15 Broadwater Down R.O. 9.30 & 11.45 a.m. & 2.25, 6.xo &.
9 15
, ... twCrowborough *t I xo 5 o Mayfield ...... t 9 15 I2 15 7-55 p.m
o *h 20 Margate ......*ti2 o
9 IS Calverley road R.O. g.1o & II.40 a.m. & 2. 15, 6.101 7.IO'._
9 15 7.55 & 10 p.m
Croy,don ............*lt 9 45 9 55 , ...... tt 9 IS Camden road R.O. 9 & 11.35 a.m. & 2.5, 6. 7, 7·45 & 9·45
7 45 7 45 PaddockWood 9 I5 p.m
, ...... t1o o 12 o Perubury......*tio 30 5 ° Church road R.O. 9.30 & 11.55 a.m. & 2.30, 6.25, 7.25, 8.10·
Deal............*ti2 o I2 IS , •••••• txo o*ho 40 & 10 p.m
, ............ t 9 15 9 IS Penshurst ... txo 0 I 2 0 Grosvenor road R.O. 9-IS & 11.45 a.m. & 2.2o, 6.xs, 7·15, 8
, ......... t t.Dorking ......*t 9 45 9 55 Ramsgate ...*tx2 o 12 IS & IO p.m
7 45 7 45 , ••• 9 IS 9 15 Mount Ephraim R.O. 9.20 & 11.50 a.m. & 2.25, 6.2o, 7.2o,
Dover .........*t 2 so 3 o Reading ......*t 9 45 9 55 8.5 & 10p.m
, ......... l 9 xs 9 IS , ......*t I IO I 20 Lew R.O. 9.10 & 11.20 a.m. & 1.45, 5·45 & 7·35 p.m
EastGrinstead lw o 12 o ,
...... t 7 4S 7 45 St. James rd. R.O. 8.45 & n.2o a. m. & I.5o, 5·45 & 7.30 p.m
°Eastbourne...*t I IO I 20 Red Hill ......*t 9 45 9 55 St. Peter's R.O. 9·I5 & 11.45 a.m. & :a.20r 6.20 & 7.50 p.m
, ...*t 2 so 3 45 , ......*ti2 12 IS Western road R.O. 8.55 & u.3o a.m. & 2, 5·55 & 7.40 p.m
......*t I Io I 20 Money orders issued & paid, & Savings Banks open at Head
, ... 9 15 9 15 ,
Edenbridge... 10 o 12 o , ......*t 2 so 3 o Office, Parade, & at Broadwater Down, High st.Calverley,.
EridegGreen Io o *t5 o , ...... txo 0 I2 o Camden& St. James' road, MountEphraim & Lewoffices~
Frant .........*tio 30 5 o Reigate.........*t 9 45 9 55 daily from 9 a. m. till6 p.m.; on saturdays till 8 p.m
, ......... tio o*tio 40 , .........*t I Io I 20
7 45 County Magistrates for Tunbridge Wella
fFolkestone ..••t 2 so 3 o , ......... 7 45 Division.
, ... t 9 IS 9 15 Robertsbridge 9 IS 9 15
No appointed chairman.
Goudhurst ... t 9 IS 9 IS Rotherfield ...*t x xo 5o
Groombridgeittxo 30 5 o , ... txo o *h 2o .AbergavennyMarquessof,K.G.Eridge castle,Tunbridge Wells'
, txo o*ho 40 Sevenoaks ...*t 2 50 3 o Lewes Earl of, Eridge castle, Tunbridge Wells
Guildford ...*t 9 45 9 55 , ... tio o 12 o Byng The Hon. James Master Owen D.L. Great Culverdon,
, ...*t 1 xo I 20 Southboro' ••.*txo 30 5 o Tunbridge Wells
, ... t 7 45 7 45 , ...*t 6 3° IO 4° Browell William Faulknor esq. Claytons, Tunbridge Wells
!Hadlow ...... ho o I2 o , ... tiO o *t6 3° Cleeve Frederick esq. c.B. Rokeby, Tunbridge Wells
Hailsham ... 9 I5 9 IS Rpeldhurst ... tro o *ts o Collins Brenton Halliburton esq. Pembury road, Tunbridge
Hartfield......*txo 30 5 o Staplehur.;t ...*t 2 so 3 o Wells
... t 9 15 9 15 Curteis Frederick William esq. I6 Calverley Park gardens,
" ...... tn o*ho 40 ,
Hastin.,<TS ......*t - 7 o Ticehurst..••.. t 9 IS 9 15 Tunbridge Wells
, ......*t I IO 1 20 Tonbridge ...*t 9 45 9 55 Field George Hanbury esq. .Ashurst park, Tunbridge Wells
°, ......*t 4 30 4 35 I2 15 Green Capt. Philip, Bayham abbey, Lamberhnrst
., ...*t12
°, ...... 9 15 9 IS
,. ...*t 2 so 3 Hodgkin Wilfred Haughton esq. M.A. Hansell manor,
, ...... 10 o 12 o , ... t1o o 12 ° Eridge, Sussex ·
Rawkhurst ... 9 IS 9 IS Uckfield ...... t 9 IS 9 15 Hussey E. W. esq. Lamberhurst, Hawkhnrst
Hever ......... txo o 12 o Wadhurst ... t 9 IS 9 I5 Lutwidge Charles Robert Fletcher esq. M.A.Shandon court,
Hildenboro'... :):Io o I2 o Withyham ...*tw 30 5 o Pembury road, Tunbridge Wells •
Horsmonden. :): 9 15 9 IS , ... lio o*ho 4° McClean l<'rank esq. Rusthall house, Tunbridge Wells
• Delivered the same day. Morland Charles William esq. Elmscroft, West Farleigh
NOTE.-All times prior to 6 shown thus t. All times after Morland William Courtenay esq. D.L. Lamberhurst Court
6 p.m. are shown thus! lodge, Hawkhurst
Letters posted at the branch office, High street, np to 5 Ramsden .Arthur Charles esq. Stoneness, .Ashurst, Tun-
a.m. are delivered by first delivery; at the General office, bridge Wells
Parade, or High street office, up to 10.30 a.m. are Salomons Sir David Lionel bart.D.L.Broomhill,Southborough
delivered by mid-day delivery, & before 6.30 p.m. are Shaw Sir John Charles Kenward bart. Kenward, Pembury,
delivered in the evening Tunbridge
BRANCH 0FFICES.--Letter boxes close as follows : - Smith George S. l<'ereday esq. F.G.s., F.R.G.s., M.A., D.L.
:Broadwater Down R.O. 9.30 & II.4S a.m. & 2.25, 6.10 & Grovehurst, Tunbridge Wells
7·5S p.m. ; sundays, u. 15 a. m. & 9 p.m Stirling Lieut.-Col. Sir Waiter George bart. Storrington
Calverley roadR.O. & u.4oa.m. &2.I5, 6.x8, 7.10, abbey, Pulboro'
1 1·5S& 10 p.m.; snndays, 7·45 & 9 p.m Stone-Wigg John esq. Estcourt, Tunbridge Wells ·
K. S. & S. 41
Clerks to the Magistrates:Stone,Simpson & Son,23Church rd Fire Engine & Life Escape Station, Town hall & Nevill
Petty Sessions are held at the Town hall, Tunbridge Wells, streett Edward Westbrook, captain; John Hosmer, second
every monday at n a.m officer ; 16 men & 2 messengers
The following -places are included in the Petty Sessional Friendly Societies' Hall, Camden road
Division :-Ashurst, Frant (that portion situated in Kent), General Ho pital, Grosvenor road, John Johnson li.D. &
La.mberhurs~ Pembury, Rusthall, Speldhurst,Tunbridge John E. Ranking M.A., M.D. physicians ; C. Lammiman
Wells L.R.c.P.LOnd. William Howells Rix & J. Bulkley Footner
Corporation. L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeons; W. B. Bacon L.n.s.R.c.s.Irel.
188g-go. dental surgeon; Edward William Du Buisson L.R.c.P.Lond.
MAYOR-J, Stone-Wigg J.P. house surgeon & sec.; Henry Harris, dispenser ; Mrs.
• Caroline Odam, matron
DEPUTY MAYOR-Hori Pink. Homooopathic Hospital & Dispensary, Upper Grosvenor
ALDERMEN. road, :Frederick Neild M.D., c.lii. hon. physician; J. C.
!Thomas Barton I~Philip Jackson Pincott L.R. c.P.Edin. hon. surgeon; A. H. Tester L.D.S.Eng.
,-Henry Clifford ,-Hori Pink
tJohn Mitchell Evans bon. dental surgeon ; Thomas Oetzman, bon. sec
tEdward Hook I ,-John Alexander Robb
I !Ebene:.r:er Waymark. Inland Revenue Office, 4 South grove, Randolph Marriott
Smyth, surveyor of taxes ; Ed win Morris, officer
CouNciLLORS. Literary Society, Ye Pantiles, Henry H. Cronk, sec
North Ward. Natural History & Philosophical Society, Ye Pantiles, G.
tGilbert Finch I !William Wilson Abbott, hon. sec. & curator ,
tJohnJones I*Benjamin J. C. Coles Police Station, Town hall, John Joseph Embery, chief con-
tWilliam Hogbin
, *James Whittem Hawkins stable; the local force consists of one chief constable, 5
East Ward. sergeants~ 34 constables
tJohn Mason tGeorge Hume Carey Provident Dispensary Grosvenor road, C. Vise lii.D. Thomas
tJohn Saunders *John Hayward Elliott B.A., M.D. J. B. Footner L.R.C.P.LOnd. A. Marsack
tJohn Braby *Henry H. Cronk L.R.C.P.Edin. & W. Stamford L.R.C.P.LOnd. & Claude Wil-
South Ward. son M. D., c.M. medical officers ; C. Hayden, sec. & dis-
tThomas Baitup !Timothy J. Hickmott penser .
tJoseph 0. Uapell *Robert Willsher Weekes Public Rooms, Mount Pleasant road, Henry Bevan, sec
tHenry Adams *John Brider Public Swimming Baths, Quarry road, N. Strange, sec
West Ward. Pump Room, Ye Pantiles
tThomas Putland !Sydney William Allen Town Hall, Calverley road, Frederick Mallion, keeper
tWilliam Henry Delves *John AllenAnscombe Volunteer Steam Fire Brigade,Monson ro~d,Charles Richard
tJohn Stone-Wigg *Thomas Ladds Catchpool, captain & 25 men
Marked thus t retire in 1890. VoLUNTEERS.
Marked thus t rftire in 1891.
West Kent (Queen's Own) Yeomanry Cavalry (C Troop),
Marked thus* retire in 189:!. Capt. Lord Henry G. R. Nevill, commanding; Sergeant-
Marked thus,- retire in 1894. Major J. Whiley, drill instructor
Mayor's Auditor, Councillor Wm.Hy. Delves,23 Mount Sion Queen's Own, Royal West Kent Regiment, 1st Volunteer
Elective Auditors, James Smith, Dunstan road & Edward Battalion (0 & E companies), Drill hall, Victoria road,
Capt. Alfred •rhomas Simpson, commandant of D Co. ;
Catchpole, 28 Dudley road
The Corporation meet at the Town hall on the first wednes- Capt. F. Moncton,of E Co.; Robt.Bennett,sergt.-instructr
dayin each month, at 10 a.m
- AUTHORITY. Tunbridge Wells Club, Fredk.Wadham Elers, sec.Great hall
Tunbridge Wells Constitutional Club Co. Limited, Francis
Towon Clerk, William Charles Cripps, Town hall
Boreham, sec. 84 Calverley road
Treasurer, Arthur Thomas Beeching, Mount Pleasant
Medical Officer of Health, William Stamford L.R.O.P.r.ond. Nevill Club, J. G. Calway, sec. Pump Rooms, Ye Pantiles
Jt'riendly Societies Club & Institute, Rufus Stevenson, sec.
Collingwood house
Borough Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, William Brentnall, Camden road
Town hall Public Officers.
.Chief Constable & Inspector of Common Lodging Houses &
Assessor & Collector of Income Tax, William W. Ashby,
Hackney Carriages, J. J. Embery, Town hall
Veterinary Inspector, under the Contagions Diseases Monson house, Mount Pleasant road
Certifying Factory Surgeon, Edwin Alfred Starling M.B.,
(Animals) Act, Richard Roberts M.R.C.v .s. Cumberland g6 Calverley road
..Joint Collectors, Thomas Stevenson & Joseph Stevenson, Clerk to the Guardians & Rural Sanitary Authority & School
Town hall Attendance & Assessment Committees for Tonbridge
Union, Frank William Stone, 23 Church road
Public Establishments.
Clerk to the Tonbridge District & Mark Cross Highway
Bishops Down Grove Spa, Benjamin Pomfrett sec Boards, Thomas Fox Simpson, 23 Church road
-cemetery, Frant, William Charles Crippst clerk to the Collectors of Poor's Rates, Rufus Stevenson, 29 Queen's road
burial board; Thomas Joyce, superintendent & Frank Hoptroff, Langton
.Cemetery, Holy Trinity, Jacob Humphrey, sexton Inspector of Weights & Measures, Thos. Austen, 18 John st
.Corn Exchanget Ye Pantiles, W. H. Delves, sec.; T. Lay- Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator for No. 1. District (1st
cock, keeper part), Tonbridge Union, Edwin Alfred Starling M.B.,M,ch.
.County Court, Calverley road, His Honor Homersham Cox, 36 Calverley road
judge ; Frank William Stone, registrar & high bailiff, Registrar of Births & Deaths for Frant Sub-District, Henry
officet !H Church road ; A. Mackintosht official receivert George Alliston, Frant road; deputy, George Weller
24 Railway approach, London bridge s E; county court is Kent, Frant road
held monthly ; the following places are within its juris- Registrar of Births,Deaths & Marriages & Relieving Officer
diction, viz.: in Kent-Ashurst, Bidborough (part of), for Tunbridge Wells District, William Wiseman, 32 Cal-
Brenchley, Hook Green, Horsmonden,Lamberhurst,Lang- verley road; d"puty, William Murray, 32 Calverley road
ton, Matfield Green, Paddock Woodt Pembury, Rusthall, Superintendent Registrar of Tonbridge Union, FrankWilliam
Southborought Speldhurst & Tunbridge Wells; in Sussex Stone, 23 Church road ; deputy, James Stringer, 19
-Bodiam, Burwash, Crowborough, Eridget Etchingham, Calverley street
Flimwell, Frant, Groombridge, Hadlow Down, Hawken- Chief Constable, John Joseph Embery, Calverley road
bury, Hurst Green, Mayfield, Rotherfield, Ticehurst & Supervisor of Inland Revenue, Randolph Marriott Smyth,
Wadhurst 4 South grove
Certified Bailiffs appointed under the Law of Distress Town Criers, Gilbert & Son, 49 Mount Sion
Amendment Act, William Roper, The Pantiles ; Mark Places of Worship, with Times of Services.
Ripley, 17 Albion road; John James Spencer, 16 Mount
Pleasant road; Benjamin Pomfret,3o High street ; George Christ Church, Rev. John Campbell Strickland D.D. vicar;
Langridge, The Great hall, Mount Pleasant road; Rev. W. H. Hornby Steer M.A. curate; u a. m. & 6.30
Edward Westbrook, Tunbridge Wells; & Frank Austen, p.m. ; holy days II a.m.; wed. 7.15 p.m
Wadhurst Holy Trinity Church, Rev. Canon Edward Hoare lii.A.vicar ;
Eye, Ear & Throat Hospital & Dispensary, 55 Ye Pantiles; Rev. G. Frederick Richa.rdsoq M.A. Rev. Clifiord Berney
open on mondays, thursdays & fridays at 3 p.m.; George Hall lii.A. & Rev. David H. D. Wilkinson M.A. curates ;
Abbott L.R.C.P.LOnd. surgeon; Edwin Alfred Starling 11 a. m. & 3 & 6.go p.m.; we . 7.30 p.m.; fri. 12 noon
M.B., anresthetist; William Thomas Trollope King Charles the Martyr's Chu eh, Rev. Lewen Street Tug·
L.D.s.R.c.s, uel. ,surgeon-dentist ; J. G. Calway, sec well, vicar; u a. m. & 3 & 6!.30 p.m
St. Barnabas' Church, Rev. Henry Shrubb Iredell M.A. Higher Grade (boys), Chapel place, founded 1688, rebuilt •
Ticar; Rev. P. N. Clark & Rev. J. Duncan Robinson, in 1S44, for 240 children; average attendance, 217; Wm.-
curates; 8 & 10.30 a. m. & 4.15 & 6.30 p.m. ; daily, 8 a.m Alfred. Diggens,. master
&4.30 p.m.; holy days, 8 & 10,30 a.m. & 4.30 p.m Christ Church District (girls), Vale road, erected 1S56, for
St. James', Rev. Avison Terry Scott M.A. vicar; Rev. Waiter 190 children ; average attendance, 100; Miss Martha
Lighton Greene M.A. curate; 8 & n a. m. & 3.30 & 6.go Evans, mistress ; & for 88 infants; average attendance.
p.m.; daily, 5.30 p.m. (except wed.); wed. fri. & holy 75; l\Iiss Emma Howard, mistress
Grosvenor United (mixed), Meadow road, erected in I86x.
days, 12 noon; wed. & holy days, 8 p.m
& since enlarged for 216 children ; average attendance._
St. John's, Rev. Thomas Woods Weston LL.B. vicar; u a.m.
&6.30 p.m. ; fri. 7 p.m 18o; Thomas S. Thorne, master
Camden Road Day, for 170 children~ average attendance,
St. Mark's, Broadwater Down, Rev. John Hume Townsend go ; Miss Alice Packham, mistress
D.D. vicar; 8 & II a. m. & 3.30 & 6.go p.m. ; holy days National (girls & infants), Mount Sion, for I40 children ~
& wed. II a.m.; fri. 5 p.m
average attendance, I Io ; Miss Harriett Parrott, mistress
St. Peter's, Bayhall road, Rev. Joseph E. Rogers M.A. vicar; Holy Trinity National (girls), York road, for 320 children;
n a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m average attendance, ISS; Miss S. S. Gnnnell, mistress
St. Augustine's Catholic, Grosvenor road, R.tlv. Canon Holy Trinity Mission (mixed), Varney street, for 158
Josepb. Searle, priest·; S.3o & u a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; daily, children; average attendance, 96; Mrs. Hannah H.
8.30 p.m. in winter & 8 p.m. in summer
Woodhouse, mistress
.Baptist Tabernacle, Calverley road, Rev. James Smith, St. Mark's National (mixed), Frant road, built in IS71, for
minister: II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon. & wed. 7.30 p.m I7ochildren; average attendance, So; Alfred J. Denning-
ton, master i (infants) for So children; average attend-
:Baptist (Hanover), Hanover road, John Newton, minister; ance, 6o; Miss Alice M. Seager, mistress
u a.m. & 6.30 p.m. : thurs. 7 p.m St. Harnabas' National, Vernon road (mixed), for 200
Eaptist (Rehoboth), Chapel place, Rev. William Smith,
children ; average attendance, I45 ; Miss Henrietta .Mary
minister; II a.m. & 3 & 6.go p.m. ; mon. & wed. 7 p.m Gooderson, mistress
Congregational, Mount Pleasant, Rev. G. W. Cowper Smith, St. James' Parochial, Quarry road, for 200 boys, ISO girls
& 36o infants; aV'erage attendance, 200 boys, 143 girls
minister; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m & 220 infants ; William Knight, master ; Miss Harriett
Congregational, Albion road, Rev. James Irving, minister; Armstrong, mistress; Miss Ellen Lovegrove Lucas, in-
u a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m fants' mistress
Countess of Huntingdon, Rev. James Mountain, minister; St. John's National (boys & girls), St. John's road, built in
u a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30p.m 1S6x, for 240 children; a'l"erage attendance, 220; William
Independent (Salem), St. John's road, Rev. Thos. Edwards, John Wheatley, master; Miss Josephine Maltby, mistress
Infants', Down lane, for 16o children; average attendance,
minister; II a-. m. & 6.30 p. m 137 ; Miss Annie Trotman, mistress
Disciples of Christ, Commercial road; II a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; Infants', Baiinghall street, for 270 children; average at-
tendance, 23S ; Miss Elizabeth Hrowne, mistress
thurs. 7.30 p.m Mount Ephraim Middle Grade (girls), Vale Towers hall,
Primitive Methodist, Camden road, Rev. William Benjamin
The Common, established 18S2, for 200 children ; average
Baebe, minister; II a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7 p.m attendance, 120; Miss Jean Miller, mistress
Wesleyan, Vale Royal, Rev. Charles Burbridge, minister; St. Peter's (boys), Windmill street, erected in x88o, for 156
children ; average attendance, qo; Saml. Oaten, master
n a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m St. Peter's (girls & infants), North street, for 300 children;
Friends' Mission Room, 63 Mount Sion ; II a.m
Bible Mission Room, John street; 3 & 6.30 p.m
Wesleyan Mission Chapel, Hill street; II a. m. & 6.3op.m.;
tues. 7 p.m
Schools. average attendance, I70 ; Miss Elizh. Lockington, mistress
Victoria National, Camden road, erected in 1S34, for 240
The Skinners Company's Middle Class, situated in St. John's children i average attendance, 2-lo; J. G. Passingham,
road, was founded by the ·worshipful Company of Skinners master •
Catholic (mixed), Hanover road, built in 1 s52, for xso
under a scheme of the Charity .Commissioners dated
the ~rst July, I88o, & opene~ 1~ I8S7, ~ hold 200 children i average attendance, S2 ; Miss Mary Carrigan,
Ibors, atta~h~d t~ the schoo_l are JUmor foundatiOn scholar- Wmaesgilesetyaratetnse,sn;dVa{anilnecfea,Rn6tos4y) ;ablMui(ilsmtsiiMxnea1drs)y7, 9Fo,lpfyoennrne1,dIm3iincshtr1ie8lds7sr9e•nf;orav2e0r0-
..ships, cons1stmg m exemption from the payment of school
~ees to the e;x:tent of £6 a year or £2 a term & awar~ed
m the first mstance f?r. two years, at the en~ of whiCh children. avera"'e attendance I02 • Artbur George Sey-
tbe holders are re-eligtble for a further penod of two mour U:aster "' ''
years if npon re-examination they shall be found & re-
' Newspapers.
ported to have maintained a satisfactory standard of
acquirement, & if the governors think fit their scholar- Tunbridge Wells Advertiser, x88I (neutral) (Clements &
ships may be increased to exemption from payment of Co. proprietors & publishers; published fri.), 36 Mount
school fees to the extent of £9 a year, & they shall then Pleasant road
be called senior foundation scholars: the senior founda- Tunbridge Wells Gazette, xS85 (neutral) (Joseph Merrell,.
printer & publisher; published fri. ), 59 High street
tion scholarships are tenable for two years, at the end of
which the holders may be re-elected as in the jnnior Tnnbridge Wells Journal (Liberal) (Southern Counties Press
scholarships: two junior & two senior foundation scholar- Limited, printers & publishers; published thurs.), 5 Cal-
ships are at present offered for competition each year:
the Hunt & Atwell exhibition is offered for competition Yerley road
Kent & Sussex Courier, 1872 (Conservative) (Matthew
annually to all boys who are being & have for not less Andrew Harris Edwardes, publisher ; published wed. &
than two years been educated at the school; it is tenable fri. morn. & even.), I9 Grove Hill road
for three years at any place of higher education approved Tonbridge & Tuubridge Wells Free Press (Liberal) (Blair &
Tworts, printers & publishers ; published fri. ), xS Chapel pl
by the governors & its value is £go for the first year & Tunbridge Wells Illustrated Fashionable Visitors Guide &
Court Directory, I879 (M. A. H. Edwardes, publisheq
J., 35 for the second & third years of tenure: three Skinners'
scholarships are also offered for competition annually to published wed.), 19 Grove Hill road
all boys under x6 who are being & have for not le8S than
Railway Stations.
two years been educated at the school: they are tenable
at Tonbridge school for three years & are of the value of Sonth Eastern, High street, George Frost, station master
[20 yearly each, the first & second of sueh scholarships London, Brighton & South Coast, Back parade, Frederick
being increased to £25 yearly for the second & third years James Morrison, station master
of tenure: head master, Rev. Frederick Geo. Knott M.A Omnibuses,
The Technical Institute, Walmer ho. Mount Sion, was opened Omnibuses to Southborough (Spittles) eight times daily;
in x888, & is intended to afford educational training of a (Osborne's) ten times daily; (Hardwick's) six times daily
wider & more scientific character: instruction is given in & (Hoadley's) thirteen times daily
wood carving & joinery, slojd, cookery & dress making,
leather & iron work & other handicrafts; Sir David Omnibuses to Pembury four times daily
Salomons, president; Mr. A. T. Trollope, treasurer; G. Omnibuses to Langton twice daily
Abbott, hon. sec. ; A. H. Bateman, sec.; teachers:- Omnibus to Speldhurst twice daily
leather work &c. Miss Edith Robinson; dress making,
Miss Macknrdy; cookery, Mrs. Sharman; wood carving, WITH THE INNS THEY START FROM & DAYS OF DJ!JPARTURB.
Mr. Kuchemann; carpentering, Mr. Kew; for brass LoNDON-Pickford & Co. (T. G. Reeve, agent), Goods Sta-
·repousse & venetian bent iron work, only voluntary tion road; Globe Parcel Express (Charles Booth, agent),
teachers 55 Calverley road
K. S. & S. 41.
AsuoRST-Baldwin, 'Hand & Sceptre,' Ye Pantiles, fri.; j HoasMONDEN-Lambert, 'Sussex Shades,' tues.• & fri.;
Killick, 'Hand & Sceptre,' tues. & fri Cbeesman, • Hand & Sceptre,' tues. & fri
BRENCHLEY-Lamoort, 'Sussex Shades,' tues. & tri. i Hum- KILNDOWN-Blunt, 'Hand & Sceptre,' tues. & fri. ; Barrow,
phrey, 'Royal Oak,' tues. & fri.; & Seward, 'Hand & from' Kentish Yeoman,' tues. fri. & sat
Sceptre,' mon. thurs. & sat
BunwAsH-Lavender, from 'Sussex Shades,' Nevill st. fri LAMBERHunsT-Campany, 'White Bear,' mon. & thurs.;
BUXTED-Watson, from • Hand & Sceptre,' fri Putland, 'Hand & Sceptre,' tues. fri. & sat
CAPEL-Weeks, from the 'Camden,' tues;& fri LANGTON-Killick, 'Hand & Sceptre,' tues. & fri. ; Eddowes.
CowDEN-Baldwin, 'Hand & Sceptre,' fri 'Hand & Sceptre/ daily
Cao~BOR~?UGH-Ja~vis &. Guy, 'Han~ & Sceptr~,' tues. & MARK Caoss-Fenner, 'Nevill Arms,' tues. & fri
fn.; Pnce, fro~ ~enttsh Ye~man, ~ne~. & frt !MATFIELD-Lambert, 'Sussex Shades,' tues. & fri
Fx:E A~HEs-Ja~vx~, Hand & Sceptre, fn. ; & Mrs. Hall, 'MAYFIELD-I<'enner & E. Eaton, 'Nevill Arms,' tues. & fri
Nevtll .t\rms, frt f~om the , ~amden~, tues. fr~. . PADDOCK Woon-Weeks, from the' Camden,' tue.9. & fri
FIVE OAK GREE!'i:-Weeks, PEMBURY-Putland, , Hand & Sceptre,' tues. tburs. & sat
FORDCOMBE-Ktll~ck, from Hand~ ~~eptre, tues. & fn., PENSHURST & SMARTS HILL-Lefevre, 'Hand & Sceptre,"
Eddow~, from !fan~ & Scept~e, datly
mon. wed. & fri
FRANT-Gtllham, Nevlll Arms, wed. & sat. ; & Fenner,. SOUTHBOROUGH-Mart.m, from street, da1.1y ; Goble,
tues & fri
Goun~URST-Wilson, 'Camden,' tues. & sat. ; Blunt, from 'Swan' stables, twice daily
'Royal Oak,' tues. & fri. ; Harris, Bridge tavern, tues. TICEHURST-Gillham, 'Nevill Arms,' wed. & sat
wed. fri. & sat WADHURST-Gillham, 'Nevill Arms,' wed. & sat
PRIVATB RESIDENTS. Barber Mrs. 9 Queen's road Boodle Mrs. H. M. 39 Queen's road
Abbott George, 57 Ye Pantiles Barber Mrs. 35 St. John's road Boorman Richd. 17 Culverden Park rcl
Abbott John Theodore, I7 Monson road Barcham Thomas, 122 Up.Grosvenor rd Booth Charles, 41 Calverley street
Abbott Mrs. 104 St. James' road Barfoot Mrs. r r Cambrid15e street Booty James Ernest, 4 Vale avenue
Adams Henry, 28 Monson road Baring Capt. Henry, 2 Mount Ephraim Boreham Fras. 134 UpperGrosvenor rd
Adams Miss, 10 Upper Grosvenor road Barker Mrs. 45 Upper Stone street Borradaile Mrs. 40 Mount Pleasant roau
Adeney EdwinLeonard !\I.D.3MountSion Barkworth Rev. Shadwell Morley D.D. Bosanquet Miss, 2 Calverley park
Akroyd John, 16 Broad water down It Ferndale Botten William, 4 Belgrove
Albrow Samuel Henry,r8 Mountfield rd Barlow Mrs. 3 Beulah road Bottomley J ames, 9 Linden park
Alford Right Rev. Bishop Chas. Richd. Barnard Adolphus H. 53 St. James~ rd Botwrigbt Chas. 2 Cumberland gardens
3 Calverley terrace, Crescent road Barnett Joseph, 42 Cambridge street Boultbee Mrs. 7 Linden park
Alington Rev. Henry Giles M.A. (H. M. Barnett Mrs. 7 Nevill park Bound Frank, 10 Cambridge street
inspector of schools), n Ferndale Barten John, 30 Prince's street Bourn Rev. Henry Hugh, 9 Greciaa
Allen James, 51 Culverden Park road Bartlett Charles M. 31 Broadwater down terrace, Claremont road
Allen Miss, 43 Calverley road Bartlett James, 4 Vale road Bourn Miss, 6 Calverley ter. Crescent rd
Allen Mrs. 6 Dudley road Bartlett Mrs. 2 Claremont road .Bourne Francis, 14 Dudley road
Alien Mrs. 46 Grove Hill road Bartlett Mrs. 58 Culverden Park road Bourne Jobnson, Viewlands, Frant road
Alleyne Phiiip, I26 St. John's road Bartram Major Geo. W. I Calverley pk Bowman Mrs. 73 Mount Ephraim
Allnutt Mrs. Huntleys, Bishop's Down, Bartram Mrs. I Sandrock road Boyce Thomas Amos, 36 Queen's road
Park road Bateman Miss, 3 The Priory, Mount Brackett Arthur, 69 Queen's road
Alhvork Misses, 29 Caiverley street Pleasant road Brackett William, 42 London road
Almack Miss, 2IA, Beulah road Bates John Frederick, 21 Mount Sion Braid Alexander Jas. 5 Brunswick ter
Amys Misses, so Upper Grosvenor road Bays Miss, 9 Monson road Bramley Thomas, Ekuro vil. Dunstan rd
AndersonJas.M.D. Howard lo.MountSion Beale Alfred George, 23 Monson road BramptonWm.Edwd.2rCulverdenPk.rd ,
Andrews Mrs. 8 Broadwater down Beale Louis, 2 Birling road Braybrooke Philip Watson, Studleyr
Annersley Miss, 1 Woodbury Park gar- Beale Mrs. 3 Birling road Bishop's Down park
dens, Woodbury Park road Beaumont Rev. Matthias Henry M.A. Brentnall William, 4 Culverden Park rd
Anscombe John Allen, r Sussex view, 57 Upper Grosvenor road Bretherton Mrs. r I Broadwater down
Cumberland walk Beeby Mrs. 48 Upper Grosvenor road Brewerton SI. Rt. 42 Broadwater down
ApplebyChas.Whitby lo.WoodburyPk.rd Beecher Charles, r6 Culverden Park rd Bridger Geo. 3 Nevill ter. Montacute rd
Armitage Mrs. r St. James' road Beeching Miss, I8 Lansdowne road Brindle Thomas, 7 Sandrock road
Armstrong Capt. Robt. G. 49 Queen's rd Beeching R. A. Dallas, 24 St. James' rd Brittain George Alfred, 3 Ferndale
Arnold Joseph, 29 Broadwater down Bell Frank, ror Upper Grosvenor road Broadwood Mrs. 4 Calverley Park grdns
Ascough John, Meadow road Bellamy Mrs. 16 Berkeley road BrookerMrs.Marine ho.Cumberland wlk
Ash Rev. Jarvis Holland n.c.L. ro Bentley Mrs. 3Woodbury Park gardens, Brooks Mrs. 23 St. James' road
BrowellWm.FaulknorJ.P.uSandrock rd
Hungershall park Woodbury Park road
AshbyWm.W.Monsonho.Mt.Pleasantrd Beresford Mrs. 17 Church road Brown Alfred, 6 Calverley Park gardens
Ashdowne Harry, 26 Grove Hill road Berry John W. 9 Broadwater down Brown James Albert, 40 St. James' rd
·AshJey Waiter Henry, 27 Beulah road BevanRev.D.Barclay M.A.4 Sandrock rd Brown John, 2 Berkeley pi. Berkeley rtl
Ashton Mrs. 8 Montacute gardens Bevan Henry, 19 Claremont road Brown Misses, 49 Culverden Park road
Ashurst Mrs. 2 Lawn vils. Limehill rd Bevis Mrs. 26A, Prince's street Brown William T. 15 Monson road
Ashworth Misses,46 Upper Grosvenor rd Bidwell Misses, 21 Lansdowne road Buck Francis, 4 Brunswick terrace
Atkinson Misses, 5 Hungershall park Biggs Miss, roo Upper Grosvenor road Budgen Misses, 38 Calverley street
Austen Mrs. 53 Beulah road Bigwood Miss, Kinellan.WoodburyPk.rd Bull Rev. Rd. M.A. xs Mount Ephraim rd
Austin Jeffrey Cornelius, 44 Beulah rd Billing Charles, 9 London road Bull Henry Edward Marriodd, 55 Cul-
Aynsley Henry George, 41 Princes st Bingham Mrs. Hurstwood lodge, Burst- verden Park road
Bache Rev. William Benjamin [Primi- wood lane Bullin James, 6r Ye Pantiles
tive Methodist], 75 St. James' road Bingley Edward, St. Clair, Frant road Bulpitt Alfred, 21 Prince's street
Backhouse Miss, 52 St. James' road Bishop William Henry, White house, Burbridge Rev. Charles [Wesleyan], 32
Backhouse Mrs. P. B. 13 Beulah road Bishop's Down Park road Cambridge street
Bacon Wm. Beadell, 17 Mt. Pleasant rd Bishopp John, 14 Cambridge street Burbridge Miss, roo Upper Grosvenor rd
Bagwell Miss, 26 Culverden Park road Bisshopp Francis M.A., M.D. Belvedere, Burns Miss, r Blenheim pl. Mount Sion
Bag:well William, 17 Mount Ephraim Mount Pleasant road Burrell Mrs. 77 Queen's road
Bailey Thomas, ro Beulah road Bisshopp James, Buckingham house, 51 Burslem Thomas, 15 Calverley street
Baillie-Hamilton Mrs. 43 Broadwater Mount Ephraim Burton Alfd.Fredk.Wm.7Brunswick ter
down 36 Up•per Grosvenor rd Blackall John, 8 Grove hill Burton Fk.W. 7 Brunswick ter.Mt.Sion
Baker Arthur, Blackburn Miss, 10 Calverley park Burton John, 8 Church road
Baker Miss, Dunstan road Blake Mrs. Glynlee, Clarence road BushellMiss, 4Cambridge ter. LimeHI.rd
Baker Mrs. 23 Calverley street Block Mrs. 75 Mount Ephraim Buss Thomas, 30 Mount Pleasant road
Baker Mrs. 32 Culverden Park road Bloxham Stphn. Bank, MountPleasant rd Boston Roger,Hurstleigh, Hurstwood la
Baker Samuel, Clairville, Frant road Block Miss, 40 Beulah road Butler Miss, 6 Mount Ephraim
Baker Thomas, Avondale, Claremont rd Blyth Henry, Ederlyn, Lansdowne rd Butterworth Mrs. 2 Calverley mount,
Baldwin Alfred Kennard, Wilton place, Bobbett Stphn.Jas. 175Up.Grosvenor rd Crescent road
Grosvenor road Bodmer Mrs. High field, Vale avenue Byass Mrs. 43 Mount Pleasant road
Balfour Job~ Duncan Macleod, 18 Bolton Robert, r Eden road Byng Hon. James Master Owen D.L.,
Prince's street Bond Geo. S. 130 Upper Grosvenor rd J.P. Great Culverden,Mount Ephraim
Ball Mrs. 37 Mount Sion Bone Jn. Geo. Manor ho, Bishop's down Caley Mrs. 23 Upper Grosvenor road
Ball William James, 6 Sutherland road Bonner Thomas, 56 Culverden Park rd Calway John George, 38 Ye Pantiles
Bailey Rev. Elisha, So St. James' road Bontein Mrs. r The Priory, Mount Cameron Mrs. 7 Church road
Bannick Mrs. 6 St. James' road Pleasant road Cameron Mrs. 19 Monson road
Camfield Mrs. I4 Monson road Cooper Mrs. 21 Ferndale Dowson Joseph, I4 Garden road
Cape Mrs. 6 Nevill park Coote Rev. Algernon, 2 Camden park Driffield Mrs. 24 Mountfield road
Capell Joseph 0. I Monson road Coote Charles James, 9 Calverley ter- Drummond Miss, so Mount Pleasant rd
Capell Miss, 6I St. James' road race, Crescent road Du Buisson Edward William, General
Carey George, I Sydney vils. Stone st Copland Miss, 27 Jt'erndale hospital, Grosvenor road
Carey Miss, 28 Lansdowne road Coppard Chas. Lawrence, 23 Eridge rd Dunbar Miss, 46 Pleasant road
Carey Mrs. 30 Heulah road Corbett James Henry, 43 Heulah road Duncan Mrs. I Upper Grosvenor road
Carman Mrs. 52 Heulah road Corbett Mrs. 36 York road Dungate Mrs. Garden ldg. Rock Villa rd
Carpenter William, 8 York road Corke Mrs. Edgar, 7 Hanover road Dunk Thomas, 41 Goods Station road
Carr Arthur J. 2 Carlisle vls. Norfolk rd Corke Richard, 64 St. J ames' road Du Pre Mrs. 8 Hungershall park
Carr John, 26 Monson road Cornwell Daniel Geo. 23 Grove Hill rd Durrant Edgar, I6 Cambridge street
Carr John, 120 Upper Grosvenor road Cory Thomas J.P. Nevillcourt,Nevill pk Durrant Peter, 20 Cambridge street
Carr Joseph, I3 Buckingham road Coules Miss, 8 Beulah road Dymoke Edward Lionel Wells, I3
Carr Josiah, I Melbourne villas, Clare· Coulter Miss, xo Meadow Hill road Broadwater down
mont road Cousins Mrs. 10 Mount Ephraim road Eden Mrs. Aymestrey,Woodbury Pk. rd
Carr Josiah, jun. I6 Buckingham road Cove William Tylor, 45 Church road Edwardes Matthew Andrew Harris,
Carr Mrs. 27 St. James' road Cowper-Smith Rev.George W. [Congre- Sutherlands, Sutherland road
Carr Philip, I Melbourne ter.Norfolk rd gational], 141 Upper Grosvenor road EdwardsRev.Thomas[Congregational],
Carr Thomas, I8 Cambridge street Cox Charles, 5 Salisbury gardens, Upper 42 St. John's road
Carrick George Tbos. 40 Calverley st Grosvenor road Edwards George, 31 Down lane
Carruthers Mrs. 5 Queen's road Cox Miss, 16 Alhion road Edwards Jn. xAbergavenny vls.Frant rd
Carter Edward James, 7 Guilford road Cox Thomas Charles, Rockleigh, Wood- Edwards Miss, 16 Lansdowne road
CassinghamWm.Bourne, bury Park road Edwards Mrs. so Grove Hill road
Catt Charles Frederick, 37 Prince's st Cox Waiter. 19 Mountfield road Edwards William, 3 Sandrock road
Caiterall Miss, IO Mount Ephraim Cozens Edwd. Lanham, I Cambridge st Ekins Mrs. 8 Linden park
Caunce James, 11 Culverden Park road Cra:dord Frederick, 55 Upper Stone st Elers Fred Wadkam, Manor lodge,
Bishop's down
(;avie Frederick, 45 Newcomen road Creasy Mrs. I2 Garden road
Cressey George Lister, 24 Lansdowne rd Elkins Henry, 22 Dudley road
Cawley Alfred, 30 Grove Hill road Elliott Misses, 17 St. James' road
oCecil Rev. Edward Gilbert, 69 Cnlver- Cripps Mrs. I 1 Prospect road
CrippsWm.Chas.Mountfld.GroveHill rd Elliott Mrs. 21 Monson road
den Park road
.Chadwick Miss, 11 CalverleyPk. grdns Crook Rev. Arthur B. B.A.54 London rd Elliott Thomas B.A., ·M.D. 6o Mount
Pleasant road
{)hamberlain Joseph, 28 Cambridge st Cronk Egbert, 30 St. John's road
Chandler Alfred, 8 Meado'v Hill road Crook Hy. Hickman, 4 Mt. Ephraim rd Ellis Frederick W. 24 London road
Elphick James Henry, 5 Woodbury
Chapman Mrs. 22 Lansdowne :road Crook Miss, 30 St. John's road
Park gardens, Woodbury Park road
Chard Mrs. I Prospect road Cronk Mrs. 19 York road
Crook R. Widen, 37 Mount Pleasant rd Elwood Miss, 25 Queen's road
{)harlton Arthur, 29 Eridge road
.Chase Rev. Henry, 12 St. James' road Crouch Miss, 34 Upper Grosvenor :road Embery John Joseph, 10 Calverley st
Engley EdwinJn.99 UpperGrosvenor rd
oCheal Sidney Alexander, 23 Ferndale Cro:x:ford John, 38 Prince's street
Chetwynd-Stapylton Miles, n8 Upper Cuming George Walker, 8 Sandrock rd Erskine Henry C. 8 Ferndale
Cumming Miss,TheCottage,TheCommn Erskine Mrs. 5 Guildford road
Grosvenor road
oCheverton George F.c.s. Melrose, Upper Cunningham Thomas Charles, 14 Salis- Estridge Mrs. 23 St. J ames' road
bury gardens, Upper Grosvenor road Evans Capt. JohnMitchell, Pen-y-Brin,
Grosvenor road
{)hippenda.le Misses,38Broadwater down Curteis Wm.l''k.J'.P. x6CalverleyPk.gdns Woodbury Park road
Evans George, 5 Carlton road
.Chitty Piercy, I Thoma8 street Curtis John, 26 Calverley street
{)hristy Mrs. 14 Calverley Park gardens Curtis Mrs. 36 St. James' road Evans Miss, 29 Upper Grosvenor road
Clark Rev. Paul N ewbnry [curate of St. Dainton Henry, 28 Eridge road Evans Mrs. xo Grove hill
Barnabas], 7 Ferndale Daish John Henry, 6 Woodbury Park Even, Mrs. 41 Queen's road
Evens Philip, 22 Cambridge street
.Clark Fredk. Septimus, 57 Queen's rd gardens, Woodbury Park road
Everest Mrs. 29 York road
.Clarke Rev. Charles Granville M. A. 117 Dakins Mrs. 41 St. James' road
Eyre Mrs. 5 Calverley Park gardens
Upper Grosvenor road Daldy Edward M. 25 Church road
Fairhead Henry, 55 Mount Sion
oClarke Jasper, 54 Beulah road Dalston Miss, 14 Albion road
Clarkson Rev. Wm. 7 Culverden Park rd Dalton Herbert, 12 Broadwater down Featherstonehaugh Miss, 24 York road
.Clayton William Clayton, Bishopsdown Dalton Mrs. Howard, 6 Brunswick ter Fenwick Emest, 45 Beulah road
Fenwick Wm. 32 Upper Grosvenor rd
house, Bishop's Down park Dalziel Waiter, 30 Eridge road
Cleeve l''rederick c.B.,R.N.,J.P. Rokeby, Damon George, 44 Cambridge street Field Mrs. 5 Monson road
}<'inlay Miss, 12 Woodbury Park road
Chilston road Damper Benjamin, 2 BPlgrove
{))ements R. Henry Martin, 74 Upper Darell Miss, 42 Upper Grosvenor road FinnHerbt. 10 Grecian ter. Claremont rd
Darnell Mrs. 52 Mount Pleasant road Fisher Joseph, 17 Mount Ephraim road
Grosvenor road FisonMiss,3Cambridge ter.LimeHill rd
Clementson Rev. William M.A. 41 Upper Dartmall William, 41 Beulah road
Davey Henry John, 32 Prince's street Fitness Stephen, 35 Mount Ephraim
Grosvenor road Davides Mrs. 43 Upper Grosvenor road Fleming Mrs. 22 Queen's road
Clemow Mrs. 37 Calverley street I<'ootner John B.F.R.c.s.Eng. 2 Rochelle,
<Clifford Hy. Jerningham vil. Mount Sion Davidson Miss, 5 Ualverley park Crescent road
Clough Hugh Butler, 40 Grove Hill rd Davies Frederick, 28 Prince's street
Davis Col. Hy. William, 9 Lansdowne rd Ford Miss, 14 Upper Grosvenor road
Oowes Miss, 75 London road
Coates Miss, Bedford house, Mount Sion Dawes Col. Thomas, 26 Lansdo1vne rd Fo:rdham-HarrissJas.Bargrove,Frant rd
<:oath Thos. 3 Calverley Park gardens Dawes Miss, 27 Church road Forester Lady, 39 London road
Cobb Thomas, 39 Mount Sion Dawes Mrs. 15 Broadwater down l<'orrester Archbd. Ekuro vil. Dunstan rd
Codrington Mrs. 2 Sandrock road Dawes Waiter, 12 Vale road Forster Lt.-Col. Wm.David, 58 Frantrd
(Jolbran Mrs. 54 Culverden Park road Day Robert, 3 South grove Forster John Bishop, 14 Berkeley road
Colledge John Wm.4o Up. Grosvenor :rd Deakin Henry, I Buckingham road Forster Misses, x6 St. James' road
Coiling John J. 22 .:\l'lnson road Dealtry Mrs. 37 Upper Grosvenor road Foster Mrs. 147 Upper G:rosvenor road
{)gJlins Brenton Halliburton J.P. Dun- Delon Nama, 17 Dudley road Fox John W. 5 Broadwater down
orlan, Pembory road ' Delves Mrs. 4 Park road Fox Miss, 34 Beulah road
.Collins George, 16 Calverley street Delves William Henry, 23 Mount Sion Frame Miss, 75 Upper Grosvenor road
Collins Joseph Langford, 38 Culverden de Misa Marquess, 9 Nevill park Francis Mrs. 37 London road
Park road Denman Wm. Andrew, x8 Calverley st Fraser Col.Thos.L.Io2 Up.Grosvenor rd
Collins Thomas E. 6 South grove de St. Crois Mrs. 2 Molyneux place, Fraser Geo.Leighside,Bishop's Down pk
Coils Benjamin, g6 Upper li-rosvenor rd Dunstan road Frazer George, 2 Guilford road
Coils Misses, 25 Eridge road Detmold Mrs. 2 Carlton road Freeman Joseph, 7 Calverley park
Collyer Henry, 37 Beulah road Dibley Caleb, 22 Albion road :Freeland Misses, I9 Grosvenor road
Colville Mrs. 108 St. James' road Dickerson Frederick John, 35 Queen'~ rd Frewen Mrs. 1I Calverley park
Comrie Mrs. Braeside, WoodburyPark rd Dickinson John, 37 York road Fueter Charles, 55 St. James' road
C11nnan Thomas Steele, 5 York road Diggens Alfred, Cnmberland villa, Cum- l<'ugle Alfred Campbell, Lincluden villa,
Connor Richard, 8 Brunswick terraee berland walk Dunstan road
CookeMiss,2 Cambridge ter.LimeHill :rd Diplock Marcus, 135 Up. Grosvenor rd Gadd Jn.Harry, 58 Upper Grosvenorrd
Cooke Misses, 112 Upper Grosvenor rd Dives Mrs. 6 Guilford road Gairdner Mrs. 125 St. John's road
Cooke-Yarborough Col. Charles c.B. Dobbin Mrs. 106 Upper Grosvenor road Gall Mrs. R Prince's street
Woodlands, Camden park Dobson Rev. Thos.Robt.71 Mt.Ephraim Gardner Rev. Henry Snook B.A. New-
Coombes John, The I<'irs, Lime Hill rd Dodd Mrs. Grosvenor ldg. Grosvenor rd ton house, Woodbury Park road
Cooper Mrs. 8 Calverley park Dosseter Daniel Robert, 9 Guilford rd Gardner Mrs. Thornleigh, Woodbury
Cooper Mrs. 22 Calverley street Doubleday John Russeil, 4 South grove Park road
Cooper Mrs. 62 Culverden Park road Dowker Mrs. 28 Church road Gaston Mrs. 24 John street •
Gaston Williaro, 33 Beulah road Harvey Mrs. 7 Claremont road James Rev. Benjamin Fuller M.A. 6
Gaviu John, 3 Carlton road Haward Edwin, 82 Upperurosvenor rd Hungershall park
George Mrs. 46 Culverden Park road Haward I<'rederick, 68 St. James' road Janson Mrs. 8 Calverley ter. Crescent rd
George Williaro, 27 Monson road Hawkins James Whittem, 103. Upper Jarrett Mrs. 44 Culverden Park road
Gerard Eiward, 33 St. John's road Grosvenor road Jarvis Charles, 15 Sutherland rood
Gibbon Misses, 44 Mount Pleasant .road Hawkins Jsph.6 Nevill ter.Montacute rd Jarvis John, I Mountfield road
Gibbons Miss, 6 Prince's street Hawley Samuel, 28 Beulah road Jeans Henry, 146 Upper Grosvenor rd
Gibbs Mrs. 70 Mount Ephraim Hay Admiral James Bickford Lewis, J effery Mrs. Rock ho. Woodbury Park rd
Gibson James, 2 Ferndale The Oaks, Frant road Jenkins William, 59 Queen's rood
Gilbert Henry, 138 Up. Grosvenor rd Hay Capt.Albert,33 {]pperGrosvenor rd Jenkinson Edwd. Case, 33 St. James: rd
Gill Miss, 22 Grosvenor road Hayden Charles, Grosvenor road Jenner Jeffery, 5 Bedford terrace
Gill Miss, 81 Queen's road Haynes Henry, 4 Carlton road Jennings Mrs. Grove Hill ho. Gmve hill
Glazebrook Misses, 10 Queen's road Haynes John, 2I Upper Grosvenor rd Johnson John M. D. 1 Beulah road
Glendinning Mrs. 11 Hungershall park Hayward John, 5 Albion road J ohnson Misses, West hall, Chilston rd
Glossop Miss, 22 Calverley park Head William, 8 Guilford road Johnson Theophilus Maurice Stephen,
Godden John, I<'ernclyffe, Pembury rd Headlam Rev. J. u. 8 York road Eversleigh, l<'rant road
Goldie Lewis,Hamilton ldge.Chilston rd Heasman Mrs. 11 Sutherland road Johnstone Miss, 19 Ferndale
GoldieMiss,Hamilton house,Amherst rd Heaton Rev. Joseph [Wesleyan], 36 Johnstone Mrs.sNevill ter.Montacute rd
Goldsmid Lady, Western house, Bishop's Grove Hill road J ones John, Allandoo, Amherst road
down Hebbert Mrs. I Calverley Park gardens Jones John, 22 Upper Grosvenor road
Gooding Mrs. West hall, Chilston road Hebblewhite Mrs. 1 Lawn villas, Lime Jones Miss, Molyneux ho. Molyneux pk
Goodrham Henry, 29 Mount Sion Hill road Jones Miss. 24 Upper Grosvenor road
Goodrham Mrs. 12 South grove Hellyer Waiter Maine, 13 Queen's road Jones Mrs. 16 Mount Ephraim
Gordon Miss, 23 Lansdowne road Hemstead Alfred Joseph, I6 Garden rd Jones Mrs. 22 Woodbury Park road
Gould Mrs. 45 Queen's road Hennen Mrs. 9 Calverley park JonesMrs.Crompton,37Broadwater dwn
Gower Joshua Robert, I8 Garden road Henning Richd. Skinner, 59 Ye Pantiles Jones Willia.mMay,67 Up.Grosvenorrd
Grant George Alex. The Glen, Park rd Hewetson Henry, 3 Broadwater down Joubert Jules, The Vale, Park road
Gray Mrs. 28 Broadwater down Hewett John Hall, Io Woodbury Pk. rd Joy Miss, I5 Garden road
Grayston-ReidMrs.25Broadwater down Higgs Mrs. 71 Upper Grosvenor road Joy Mrs. 29 Church road
Greaves Horatio, 30 Queen's road Hilder Miss, 42 Culverden Park road Joynes Rev. Canon Rd. B. D. 5 Grove hill
GreenFrederick,Tbornfield, Pembury rd Hill Mrs. Rowland, 2 Broadwater down Judd Mrs. 3 Sutherland road
Greene Rev.Richd.M.A. 26 St.James' rd Hills George, 64 Upper Grosvenor road Jull Frank Knight, I Cumberland grdns.
Greene Rev. Walt. Lighton M.A.[curate Hills Mrs. 32 Beulah road Kay Miss, St. Cuthbert's, Camden park
of St. J ames'], 42 Beulah road Hinds Charles Heaton,34 Lansdowne rd Kay Misses, Kynn Keppe, Frant road
Greenway James Riley M.D. 8 Upper Hoare Rev. Edward M. A. [vicar of Holy Kays John Hy. Greenbank, Chilston rd
Grosvenor road Trinity, & surrogate, hon. canon of Keene Alfred, I3 Fern dale·
Grenside Wm.Christr. 3 Cah·erley park Canterbury & rural dean of South Keeson Miss, 18 Cumberland walk
Gridley William, 4 Broadwa~;er down Malling]. Calverley road Kelsey Edward, 6 Culverden Park road
GriffinLouisMorow, Belmont, Prince's st Hobart Robert Thompson, 9 Ferndale Kelsey Henry, 31 St. John's road
Griffin William Henry, 4 Berkeley road Hobbs George Franklin, Durley chine, Kemp John, 2 Albion road
Gnffiths Miss, 5 Mount Sion . Vale avenue Kemp Mrs. 6 Bedford terrace
Grinstead William, 57 Mount Sion Hobbs Miss, 27 Mountfie:d road Kempson Enoch, Marine cottage, Cum-
Grunwell Nicholas, 133Up.Grosvenor rd Hobbs Mrs. Grove lodge, Mount Sion berland walk
Guest Rev. William F.G.s, [Congrega- Hobbs William Robt. 2 Buckingham rd Kennedy James, 49 St. James' road
tional], 65 Upper Grosvenor road Hobson Charles, 6 Claremont road Kennett Misses, Io St. James' road
Guest Josiah, 33 Down lane Hodges Rev. George, 48 St. John's road Kent Mrs. Gibraltar cot. The Common
Guilford Mrs, 3 Eden road Hogbin Wm. I The Gables, Lime Hill rd Kent Thomas, 40 Culverden Park road
Gunner William Henry, 33 Prince's st Hollamby Henry, Woodland prospect, Kershaw Mrs. 2 Culverden Park road
Kilburn Edward Dunbar, Chancellor
Gunston Mrs. 36 St. John's road Frant road
Guthrie James, .6 Broad water down Hollamby Mrs. 3 Buckingham road house, Mount Ephraim
Guy Mrs. 43 Mount Sion Holland Col. TrevenenJames c.B., D.L., Killick Mrs. 2 Blenheim pl. Mount Sion.
HaggardFredk.'fhos. IBroadwater down J.P. Mount Ephraim house King Mrs. 2 Meadow Hill road
Haigh Mrs. 35 Upper Grosvenor road Hollands William Chas. 24 St. John's rd Kington Col. William, 4 Linden p:uk
Kinleside Rev. Robert Vernon Carter, 8
Rains Mrs. 22 Beulah road · Hood Miss, 27 Queen's road
Halcombe Miss, 5 St. James' road Hook Edward, Oakleigh, Forest road Calverley Park gardens
Hale Capt. Richard,32 Lansdowne road HornerFdk. Archbld. 86 Up. Grosvenor rd Kipling Jonathan, .'i9 Culverden Park rd
Knight Benjamin, 6 Albion road
Hall Rev. Clifford Berney M.A. [curate Horsfall Miss, I4 Mount Ephraim
Holy Trinity Church], Crescent road Hotham Augustus Thos. 17 Calverley pk Knight William, 57 St. James' road
Knocker Edward Newman, South Hill
Hall Miss, 5 Linden park Howard ueorge, I I Monson road
hous~, Chilston road
Hall Misses, 2I St. James' road Huffey Causan, 8I St. James' road
Knott Rev. 1<'. G. M.A. Holmlea, Park rd.
Hall Mrs. 24 Broadwater down Hughes William B. 43 London road
KnowlesMrs. 7Grecian ter. Claremont rd
Hall Mrs. 4 Hungershall park Hulford Miss, 2 Sutherland road
Hall Mrs. & Miss, Roselle, Frant road Hull Mrs. lnglenook, Woodbury Park rd Ladds Thomas, Ellington cot. Frant rd ·
Hallifax Mrs. Ellerslie, Chilston road Humphery l\Irs. I8 Upper Grosvenor rd Laird Mrs. 6I Queen's road ·
Lake George, I2 Mount Sion
Haly Miss, 25 Mount Sion Humphrey Mrs. I Hanovel' road
Hamblin James, I6 Quarry road . Humphreys Charles, 7 Meadow Hill rd Lake Mrs. I7 Cambridge street
Hamilton Mrs. 4 Salisbury .gardens, Hunnibell Fk. Fernbrake, Claremont rd Lakeman Mrs. I2 Upper Grosvenor rd
Lamb Major-General Charles Francis
Upper Grosvenor road Hunter Mrs. Beechville, Frant :road
Hammond John, 29 Prince's street Hussey Misses, 25 Lansdowne road Grant, 33 Lansdowne road
Hammond Wellesley Thomas, 52 Upper Hutchins James Benjamin, 19 Beulah rd Lamb Ed ward Heckitt, 1 Brunswick ter
Grosvenor road Hutchinson Miss, 6 uuilford road Lambert Mrs. 4 Lansdowne road
Hancock FrancisWilliam,2 Lindenpark Ruth Charles Fredk. 77 Mount Ephraim Lambert William, 25 Dudley road
LammimanCleland F.R.c.s.Eng.Elleray,
Hanmer Philip, 20 Beulah road Huxley Miss, 74 St. John's road
Crescent road
Hantler George, 32 Grove Hill road Hyde Mrs. 45 St. James' road
Hare Major Humphrey John, u Cal- Iredell Rev. Henry Shrubb lii.A. [vicar Lander Rchd.Smith.5CulverdenPark rd
of St.Barnabas],128 Up.Grosveuor rd Lanfear Mrs. 47 Queen's road
verley Park gardens
Hare Mrs. Christian, 22 St. John's rd Irons Nelson Elven, 53 Mount Ephraim Langmore Hy. B. Firwood ldg.Frantrd
lrving Rev. James [Congregational], Langridge George, 5 Lansdowne road .
Hargrave Mrs. 4 Prospect road
Harley Mrs. Brierleigh, Chilston road 3 St. James' road . Langridge William, 9 Grove hill
Harrild RobertOlil"er, Kingswood,l'em- Isacke Wm. I40 Upper Grosvenor road Langston Miss, 6 Beulah road
bury road Isard Mrs. 6 Upper urosvenor road Langton Waiter, 13 Calverley park
Harris Henry, 57 Beulah road . Jackson Arthur Howland, Croft house, Laroche Mrs. 94 Upper Grosvenor road
Harris Misses, 8 Lansdowne road Woodbury Park road Lashmar William, 8 Frant road
Harris Mrs. 49 Beulah road Jackson Anber Melville, Grove villa, Lavenue Miss, 29 Culverden Park road
Harris Mrs. The Chesnuts,Gro\"e Hill rd South Grove Lee Joseph, 12 Monson lane
Harris Samuel, 54 Grove Hill road Jackson Edward Samuel, 10 Park road Lee Mrs. 24 Queen's road .
Harris Thomas, I Cambridge terrace, JacksonJsph. Martandale, I7Suthrlnd. rd Lee Thomas, 31 Culverden Park road ·
Lime Hill road Jackson Mrs. 6 Calverley park Legh Miss, I3 Upper Grosvenor road
Harrison John Henry, 4 Woodbury Jackson Philip, 2 Prospect road Le Lacheur John Alley,The Wilderness,
. Park gardens, Woodbury Park road Jacob Misses, 3 Claremont ro11d . Pembury road
Harrison Miss, 2 Eden road Jacomb-Hood Mrs. 46 Broadwater down Leonard William,44 UpperGrosvenorrd
Harrison Misses, 17 Beulah road Jacombs Thos. M A.K.c. 12 Queen's rd LeshleyJ n. Claremont ldg. Claremunt l'd
Letchford Arthur J ames, 47 :\Iount Sion Miles Mrs. 11 Guilford road Overton Mrs. Glanford lo.Woodburypk
Levell Miss,B Gre('ian ter. Claremont rd Miller Edward James, 4 Meadow Hill rd Overy Charles, 6 Prospect road
Le Vert Mrs. I77 Upper Grosvenor road Milne Mrs. 46 Mount Pleasant road Owen Mrs. 38 St. James' road
Levett Miss, 28 Queen's road Missing Robert, I4 Cumberland walk Packharn William, I7 Eridge road
Levett William, 79 Queen's road Mitchell Henry, 31 .Heulah road Pain Jn. Kirby, Pinehurst, Eridge grn
Lewis George, 22 York road Mitchell Trayton, IOA, Cumberland wlk Palmer Mrs. 63 Culverden Park road
Lewis Thomas, 38 London road Moat William J. 18 Monson road Pa.lmer Mrs. Su'>sex villa, Frant road
Light George, 27 Upper Grosvenor road Moberley Miss,4 Lawn view, LimeHill rd Pardington George Lucas M.D. 47
Lightfoot Misses, Dunstan road Moilliet !<'rank, 4 Clarence road Mount Pleasant road
Lightfoot Thos. Stratfield, 8 Nev'ill pk Moore Rev. John Charles, Brampton Parrock Artbur, 8 St. James' road
Lindsey JohnBurke,93 Up.Grosvenor rd rise, !<'rant road Parsons Allen, 17 Prince's street
Lisle William Beresford, I8 Berkeley rd Moore Mrs. 36 Broad water down Parton Mrs. 37 St. John's road
Livesey George, 5 Camden park Moore Mrs. Uecil, I 1 Lansdowne road Passingbam John G. Victoria house-,
Lodge Alfred Herbert, 8 Sunderland rd Morgan Lieut.-Gen. William Domett, PaCssamlvoerreleM•v srst.r eet Garden roai
Lomax James Lucius J unius, Tyndale, I3 Frant road 24
Grove Hill road Morgan Miss, 4 Claremont road Paterst:m Mrs. 6o London road
Loof Edward Fry, IS Frant road Morgan Mrs. 2 Hungershall·park Pattrick Miss, 61 Mount Ephraim
London Mrs. I3 Culverden Park road Morier Miss, Conway house, London rd Payne Mrs. 15 Prince's street
Lovegrove Mrs. 56 Beulah road Morier Mrs. Amherst lodge, Amherst rd Peacock James, 6o Culverden Park rd
Lucas Mrs. IS Quarry road Morris Edmund, 6 Grove hill Pearse John, 4S Mount Pleasant road
Luck Charles, 136 Upper Grosvenor rd Morris James, 6 Buckingham road Pearson Amos, 20 Mountfield road
Luck Mrs. 7 Mount Ephraim road Morris Miss. Portland house, Frant rd Pearson Mrs. 19 Cumberland walk
Luck Mrs. I South grove , Morton John Davis, I3 Lansdowne rd Peile Miss, 69 Upper li-rosvenor road
Luck Waiter, I Mount Sion Morton Miss, I Calverley mount, Pennington Mrs. 6 Cambridge street
Luck William, 106 St. James' road Crescent road Perkins Mrs. 12 Calverley park
Lusted Henry, 5 Mouutfield road Mountain Rev. James [Countess of Perress Misses, 18 Beulah road
Lutwidge MajorCharles Robert Fletcher Huntingdon'sC:hurch]MountEphraim Perrin Ed win, 26 Cambridge street
M.A., J.P. Shandoncourt, Pembury rd Mounttord Misses, 47 St. James' road Perry Lewis Henry, 6 Queen's road
Lynd William, I3 Monson road Moxon Edwd. St. Helena, The Common Peto Dowager Lady, Blackhurst, Fern-
L•vnn Daniel, IO Monson road Mug-geridge James, 23 Prince's street bury road
McAuliffe John, 45 Culverden Park rd Muggeridge Mrs. 4 Ferndale Phelan Mrs. 63 Upper Grosvenor road
McCorkell Mrs. 5I St. James' road Murdoch Henry H. Calverley lodge, Phillipps Mrs. 105 Upper Grosvenor rd
Mackay Misses, 2 St. J ames' road Pembury road Phillips Mrs. Cuh•erden castle, Bishop's.
Mackenzie Gordon, 8 Mount Ephraim Murrell Mrs. 15 Beulah road Down Park road
Mackenzie Mrs. 18 Broadwater down Murrell Mrs. 61 Mount Sion Philpot Charles, 3 Meadow Hill road
McKenzie Mrs. 74 Mount Ephraim Murton-Neale Alfred Chas. 2 Nevill pk Philpott Mrs. 59 Upper Stone street
McLannahan Mrs.97 Uppr.Grosvenorrd Naesmyth Miss, 9 St. James' road Pickett Edwin, 23 Dudley road
Maclean Mrs. 3 Linden park Nation Miss, 27 Lansdowne road Pickett Frank, Murray ho. Berkeley rd
Maiden Hy. Melville Scott, Sandrock rd Neale J ames, 27 Western road Pickett Frederick Robert, I45 Upper
Maiden Mrs. Manor grange, Hurstwd. la Neale Robert, 6 St. John's road Grosvenor road
Manu Miss, 1 York road Needham Stourton, 53 Up.Grosvenor rd Pickford Francis Palmer, I42 Upper
Manning Frank, 25 Mountfield road Neild Frederic M.D. I Church road Grosvenor road
Manning Miss, 28 York road Nelson Misses, 7 Beulah road Pierce Misses, 20 Church road
Manser Frtlderick, 2 The Priory, Mount Nesbitt Archibald, 20 Mount Ephraim Pierce Mrs. IS Culverden Park road
Pleasant road Nevill Mrs. 49 Eridge road Piercy Alfred, I8 St. James' road
Mansfield Harry, Firwood, Frant road NevilleRev.Brent[curate of St.Mark's], Pierson Alfred Wm. 27 Dudley road
Mansfield Mrs. 2S Frant road 29 Frant road Piggott Horatio, 20 Broadwater down
Margary Mrs. The Hollies, Frant road Newbold William, 7 Broadwater down Pincott James Cole, 56 ¥t. Pleasant rd
Marsack Arthur, Dunedin, Frant road Newington Jsph. I07Upper Grosvenor rd Pink Hori, Woodbury ho. Amherst rd
Marsack Mrs. 20 Upper Grosvenor rd Newington Mrs. 45 Prince's street Pitts Mrs. 33 Calverley road
Marsh Col. Hippisley Cunliffe, Clarence Newing-ton Mrs. 51 Queen's road Thomas, 16 Sutherland road
Hill, Clarence road Newman George, 6 Vale road Plimpton Mrs. I Meadow Hill road
Marsh Misses, I9 Queen's road Newton John, xo Albion road PlummerStephen, I24 Up.Grosvenorrd
Marshal! Alfd. I Fernside, Bishop's down Nightingale Mrs. 3-l Beulah road Plumptre Miss, 3I Lansdowne road
Marshall J ames Archibald, ·I4 Broad- Nix Misses,:33 Ferndale Pocock Mrs. 15 St. James' road
. water down Noakes l\1rs. Omega. ho. Woodbury Pk.rd Pollard Mrs. 34 St. John's road •
Marston Harry, 83 Queen's road Noakes William, 1 Claremont road Pollock Rowland, 42 Mount Pleasant rd
Martin Col. Hy.Richmond,4 St.James'rd Noakes Wm. Thos. Font hl. London rd Poole Ernest, 52 Culverden Park road .
Martin Edward Peckham, 7 Calverley Nolan-Martin Mrs. 21 Dudley road Pore Miss, 41 Vale road
Park crescent Norfolk Mrs. I4 Buckingham road Porter Edward, II3 Up. Grosvenor I'd
Martin James, 63 Mount Ephraim Norman Carl, 29 St. James' road Potter Henry Johnson, 25 Cambridge st
:Martin Miss, 98 St. James' road Norris Mrs. 42 St. James' road Potter Miss, Moffat ho. Woodbury Pk rd
Martin Ragan, 25 High street Norris William Jn. IS Buckingham rd Potter Thomas, 9 Culverden Park road
Masaroon Wm. Robert, IS Calverley pk North Mrs. Northcote, Frant road Powell Legh Richmond, 8 Woodbury
Mason George Holt, Castleton, Frant rd Norton Charles, 3I Calverley street Park gardens, Woodbury Park road
Mason Gilbert, 71 High street Noyes John, 14 Eridge road Powell ;\'lrs. so Culverden Park road
Ma.~on Mrs. I7 Cumberland walk Nuttall Thomas, Shatters road Powell Mrs. George, I Carlton road
Masterman Thomas Wm. 55 Queen's rd Nye Mrs. 4 Lime Hill road Powles Allen H. Woodbury Park ga.r..
Masters Miss, 3 Guilford road Nye Mrs. 2 St. John's road dens, ·Woodbury Park road
Mather William, 12 Ferndale Oakes Col. Richard Francis R.E. Spring- Prendergast Miss, 24 Grove Hill road
Mathew Mrs. 2 Park road head, Sandhurst lane Proctor Miss, 28 St. James' road
Mattock William, 43 Prince's street Oakley Wm. 171 Upper Grosvenor rd Puckle Frederick Craig, 4 Eden road
Matthews Col. Charles J. 6 Linden park Oaten Samuel, 9 Prospect road Puckle Ml'8. 31 Mount Sion
Maxwell Mrs. II Upper Grosvenor road Oetzman Thos. 47 Gulverden Park rd Puckle R. Kaye, 4 Calverley park
MayEdward, 32 Calverley road O'Grady Hon. Mrs. 5 Calverley terrace, Pugh Miss, I7 Mountfield road
May George, Borzelle, Dunstan road Crf'scent road Pulford Alfred, 21 Broadwater down
May George, 70 St. James' road O'Kelly Geo. 151 Upper Grosvenor rd Pulford Alfd. Ravensdale, Pembury rd
Maynard Thomas, I9 Mount Sion Okes Misses, Eden house, Mount Sion Pulford Harry, 27 Broadwater down
Meager Squire, 28 Calverley street Oldacres Wm. 21 Upper Grosvenor rd Pye Miss, 109 Upper Grosvenor road
Mellett Mrs. I22 Rt. John's road Oldfield Capt. M. H. 5 Up.Grosvenor rd Quinnell Richard, I3 Cumberland walk
Mellish Mrs. 6 Lansdowne road Oldfield Miss, 26 Beulah road Randall Miss, 28 Grove Hill road
Melior Mrs. 25 Monson road Oldrid Rev. John Henry M. A. Woodbury Ranking Ebenezer M.A., M.D. I8 Mount
Mercer Edmund Henry, 4 Bedford ter hill, Queen's road Ephraim road
Mercer Mrs. 6o Upper Grosvenor road Oliver Albert, 23 Culverden Park road Rawes ·Mrs. Bougbton lodge, Frant rd
Merre!l Joseph, 59 H1gh street Oliver Mrs. 48 York road R1wlins Mrs. 3 Clarence road
Meyer Lieut.-Col. L. C. A. Chesterfield O'Mealy Wilham, 44 St. James' road Ray Charles M.D. 3 Cnlverden Park rd
house, Camden park Ord Mrs. 18 Calverley park Read John, 2 Abergavenny vls. !<'rant rd
Meyer Misses, 9 Hungershall park Orr James, 18 Queen's road Reade Miss, 4I Mount Pleasant road
Michell Col. Thomas Bernard, 34 St. Ostrehan Col. Eliott, 108 Up~r Reading William, 8 Albion road
James' road Grosvenor road Redfern Wm. M. Io Calverley Pk. gdns
Miles Howard M. The Bracken, Frant rd Ouseley.Maj. -Gen.Reginald, 17Ferndale Reece Robertp 20 Broadwater down ·
Miles Miss, I6 Upper Grosvenor road putrim Thos. Wll:\. 12 Cumberland walk ~eily Charles, 3 Nevill park •
Rhodes Rev. Henry Jackson M. A. 4 Simmonds Mrs. 27 Eridge road Strange Nicbolas, 32 Calverley street
Beulah road SimonAlfred M. Firwoodbury, Frant rd Strickland Rev. John Camphell D.D.
Richardson Rev. George Fredk. M.A. Simpson Alfred Thomas, 6 Garden rd Christ Chur('h vicarage,Claremont rd
[curate Holy Trinity Church], Lime Simpson Mrs. 31 Upper Grosvenor-rd Stringer Alfred Dudley J.P. Beechwood
. Hill road Simpson Tliomas Fox, 6 Garden road hall, Pembury road
Ricbardson Albert William, 104 Upper fiimpson William, 31 Prince's street Strong Mrs. 14 St. James' road
Grosvenor road Skilbeck John, 2 Lansdowne road btutter Mrs. 36 Lansdowne road
Richardson Mrs. 33 Dudley road Skillen Edward, 37 Dudley road Suart Mrs. Lloyd's ho. Bishop's down
Richardson William, 46 Frant road Skinner Alfred Charles, Guildford ho. Summerskill John, 37 Culverden Pk. rd
Rix Benjamin, 2 Mount Ephraim road Grove Hill road Sutton Major John, 7 Queen's road
Rix William Howells, x Mt. Ephraim rd Skinner Mrs. 21 Mountfield road Sweet Miss, 16 Upper Grosvenor road
Roach Harold, Pinewood, Frant road Skinner Mrs. Wycliffe, Amherst road Tapson Rev. Robe1·t, 15 Lansdowne rd
Robb Edward, 20 Garden road Skipwith Mrs. 2 Garden road Tasker Mrs. 5 Mount Ephraim road
Robb John Alexander, 47 Up. Stone st tiloman Mrs. Birchfield,WoodburyPk.rd 1Tattoo Misses, 11 Church road
Robbins Mrs. 4 Garden road Small Alex. Jsph. 144 Up. Grosvenor rd Taylor Rev. John M.A. Cambridge
Roberton Henry S. B.A., Jerning- Smart :Francis Gray, 78 Mnt. Ephraim house, Camden park
ham house, Mount Sion Smart Mrs. 12 York road Taylor Miss, I8 Mount Ephraim
Roberts Charles, IO Sutherland road Smith Rev. Jas. [Baptist], 7 Monson rd Taylor Miss, 3~ York road
Roberts Charles Duncan, Hillside, Smith Rev. William [Baptist], 2 Mel- Taylor Mrs. 16 Calverlt~y park
Bishop's Down park bourne terrace, Norfolk road Tebb Rt.Palmer,Heathfield,Pembury rd
Roberts David, 74 Culverden Park road Hmith Albert, no Upper Grosvenor rd Tebbitt Waiter, 16 Mount Sion
Roberts Misses, 61 Upper Grosvenor rd 1 Smith George Hy. 66 Up. Grosvenor rd Temple Miss, 38 St. John's road
Roberts Richard M.R.c. v.s. Little; Smith Henry, x6 Queen's road Tdrrey Miss, 58 St. John's road
Grove house, Mount Sion Smith Jas. 4 Molyneux pl. Dunstan rd Terry Edward, 22 Eridge road
Roberts Robert, 7 Garden road Smith Mrs. 39 'J~roadwater down Tessier Arthur Charles, Northbrook
Robertson Mrs. Struanlodge, Woodbury Smith Mrs. 40 Cambridge street house, Culverden Park road
Park road Smith Mrs. Russell, 39 York road Tester Alfred Horace L.D.s. Church rd
Robinson Henry Peach, 2 Queen's road Smith Percival, 7 Calverley Park giJ-rdns Thomas Miss,Ciirtoo lodge, Camden pk
Robinson Mrs.Ashbrnhms.Bishop's dwn Smith Richard, 38 Grove Hill road Thomas Mrs. 9 Brunswick terrace
Rodd Admiral Jo. Rashleigh, Warberry Smithers Mrs. I43- Upper Grosvenor rd Thompson Miss, 17 Lansdowne road
house, Bishop's Down park Smyth Miss Bower, Holmhurst, Hurst- Thompson Mrs. 4 The Gables, Lime
Roe Miss, 4 Prospect road wood lane Hill road
Rogers Rev. Jsph. EdmundM.A. [vicar Smyth Mrs. Dunnaweil, Woodbury Thomson John, 8 Culverden Park road
of St. Peter's], Camden park Park road Thomson Mrs.Gordon,8x Mnt.Ephraim
Rogers Mrs. 3 Camden park Smyth Randolph Marriott B. A. Dunna- Thorne Thomas Samuel, 20 Prince's st
RogersMrs. Clarencelodge, Clarencerd weil, Woodbury Park road Thornton Rev. Richard Thornton M.A.
Rogers William, ldg. Langton rd Soden Rev. Frank, I Queen's road 33 Broadwater down
Rogers-Tillstone B. T. 84 Upper Gros- Soman Jt'rederick, 10 Garden road Thornton Miss, I9 St. John's road
venor road Somerford George Thos. 25 Standen st Thorpe Edwin, 55 Beulah road
Rolfe Robert, 34 Prince's street Southgate George, 26 Dudley l'oad Thorpe Mrs. 8 Woodbury Park road
Roots Joseph Wm. Down farm, Down la Spedding Misses, Brundholme, Grove Tibbs Charles, 51 Mount Pleasant road
Roper Mrs. 40 St. John's road Hill road Tickner John Herbert, :o14 Prince's st.
Roper William, 49 Mount Pleasant road Spence William, 2 Beulah road Till Waiter, 95 Upper Grosvenor road
Ross Mrs. 56 St. James' road Spence William Heather, Liddesdale, Timins Mrs. Arundel ho. Clarence road
Royce Waldo, 2 Lonsdale gardens Molyneux park Tindall Wm.Hy.Hollyshaw, Camden pk
Rumbold Wm. Hy. 77 Up Grosvenor rd Spencer Misses, 73 London road Todd Mrs. 19 Calverley park
Rumens Mrs. 9 Albion road - Spens Maj.Lionel J.26 Broadwaterdwn Todd Thomas, Bayhall ho. Bayhall road
Rundle Richard, 46 Beulah road Spicer Thomas, 7 Sutherland road Tolhurst Geo. 98 Upper Grosvenor rd
Russell Miss, x8 Culverden Park road Springett Miss, 7 Prospect road Tolson Charles, 4 Buckingham road
Russell Mrs. 21 Eridge road Sprott Miss, 7 Grove hill 'fomlinson Miss, 20 Lansdowne road
Rutherford Richard Capel, 45 Frant rd Spurr William, 71 Culverden Park rd Tompkin Robert, IO Mountfield road
Ruthven Hon. Miss, 5 Calverley terrace, Stacey William, Montacute house, Tompsett Mrs. 3 Prince's street
Crescent road · ' Broadwater down Tourle James, 28 Albion road
Sanderson Benj. 7 Upper Grosvenor rd Staite Horace, II Mountfield road Townsend Rev. John Hume D. D. [vicar
Sands Mrs. 29 Ferndale Stamford .William, Collingwood house, of St. Mark's, Broad water Down &
Saunders William, 35 Down lane Grosvenor road surrogate for archdeaconry of Lewes],
Savage John, 37 Queen's road Standen Louis, 8 Monson road Herne lodge, Frant road
Saxby John, 26 Grosvenor road Stanley Mrs. 5 Ferndale Townsend Miss, 2 Nevill terral'e, Mon-
Schilizzi John, 34 Broadwater down Stapleton Miss, I7 Calverley park tacute road
Scholes Miss, 3 Claremont road Stapley Miss, I:" Mount Sion Travers Mrs. 9 Calverley Park gardens
Scott Rev. Avison Terry M.A. St. Stapley Misses, Woodbine cottage, Travers Mrs. .Frant lodge. J<'rant road
James' vicarage, I Ferndale Cumberland walk Tremlett Rear-Admiral Francisco San-
Scott Mrs. II St. James' r~d Stapley Mrs. Garden cot. Rock Villa rd gro, Bellevue, Claremont road
Scott Septimus, 7 Hungershall park Starker James, 14 Meadow Hill road Trim Mrs. III Upper Grosvenor road
Scott Thomas, I Nevill park Starling Edwin Alfred M. B., 36 Trollope William Thomas L.n.s.R.c.s.
Searle Very Rev. Canon Jo.seph [Cath.], Calverley road Irel. 42 High street
St.Augustine'svicarage, Grosvenorrd Starmer Geo. Hy. 70 Up. Grosvenorrd Trubner Mrs. 41 llroadwater down
Sedgwick Mrs. 67 Queen's road Stead Mrs. 53 Queen's road Tuddenbam Miss, I6 Monson road
Selby Mrs. 29 Lansdowne road Stabbing Rev. Thomas M.A. Ephraim Tugwell Rev. Lewis Street [perpetual
Seldeh Mrs. 12 Park road lodge, The Common curate of King Charles the Martyr],
Sewell Miss, 12 Monntfield road Stedman John, 10 Buckingham road I Montacute gardens
Sewell Mrs. ·4 Queen's road SteeleOswaldJas.Woodlands,Pemburyrd Tulk Alfred, 14 Mount Sion
Seymour Archibald, 2oMonson road Steele William, 19 Lansdowne road Tummons Miss, 61 Culverden Park rd
Seymour Arthur George, 24 Heulah rd Steer Rev. William Henry Hornby M. A. Turner Hatton, 33 Queen's road
Sha.rman Miss, 24 Broadwater down 33 Mount Sion Turner Henry B. H. 4 Calverley ter-
Sharow Preston, 8 Berkeley road Stephens George, 27A1 Beulah road race, Crescent road •
Sharp Miss, Albany ho. Lime Hill road Stevens Miss, 'l'hornleigh, Woodbury Turner Mrs. 32 St. John's road
Sharp Misses, 39 Cnlverden Park road Park road Turner Mrs. 17 York road ·
Sharvill Harry, I Sutherland road Stevenson Joseph, 9 Meadow Hill road Turpin Waiter 'l'homas M.A. 47 Upper
Sheerman \\'illiam, 26 St. John's r(lad Stevenson Rufus, 29 Queen's road Grosvenor road
Shephard Miss, 4 York road Stevenson Thomas, 34 Calverley street Turrall Henry, 149 Upper Grosvenor rd
Shepherd Miss, 7 Buckingham road Stewar~ Thos. Wm.Fredk. 46 Eridge rd Tweet William Oliver, 13 Lansdowne rd
Sheppard Miss, 42 Jt'rant road Stimpson Orlando John, 27 Mount Sion Twiner Joseph Hy. 36 Culverden Pk. rd
Shippam Frederick, 29 Dudley road StockwellMrs.7Neville ter. Montacute rd Tylden Miss, 42 York road
Shore Henry, 3 Brunswick terrace Stoddart-Douglas Mrs. Chilston house, Tylden Miss E. 14 Beulah road
Sibley Mrs. 26 Eridge road Pembury road Unwin Mrs. IS Queen's road
Sibthorpe Mrs. 53 Stone street Stokes Dilnott, Kinsale, Guildford road Urry James, 12 Buckingham road
• Siemens Lady, Sherwood, Pembury rd Stone Frank William, 6 Carlton road Usher Willia.m, 4 tit. John's road
Silvester Mrs. 59 St. James' road Stone-Wigg John J.P. Estcrt. Nevill pk Van Heythuysen Mrs. :.10 Queen's road
Simes Miss, 4 Montacute gardens · Stovold Alfred George, 18 Eridge road Van RaalteJacques, 10 Broadwater dwn
Simmonds !<'rank, 2 Sussex view, Cum- Strange Chas. Matt.22 Culverden Pk.rd Vaughan Alfred, 59 Up. Grosvenor rd
berland walk Strange Edwin Sydney, 5 Belgrove VavasourMrs.Cambcidge lo.Camdenpk
VennerWm.Hy.Totterdel1,3 Prospect rd Werner Mrs. I7 Guilford road 1''illiams Mrs. 62 Upper Grosvenor rd
Verbeyst Joseph, 3 Salisbury gardens, West Albt.Franklin,73 Up.Grosvenorrd Willia.mson Mrs. 5 Prospect road
Upper Grosvenor road West Miss, 23 Cambridge street WilliamsonOct.aviusJ.Fairview,Frantrd
Verrall Mrs. 73 St. John's road Westbrook Edward, 3 Dudley road Willis Alfred, 45 London road
Vigor Miss, 24 Monson road Westbrook Miss, 115 Up. Grosveuor rd Willmnt Josiah. I4 l\fountfield road
Wilmot Benj. Sidney, 3I Eridge road
V1se Christr. M. D. 39 Mount Pleasant rd Westbronk Mrs. I6 Mountfield road
Vowles Miss, 5 Church road Weston Rev. Thomas Woods LLB. St. Wilson Claude M.D., c.M. 9 Church rd
Wilson Leonard, II Cumberland walk
WagnerOrlandoHy.49 Up.Grosvenor rd John's vicarage, Amherst rPad
Wilson Miss, 5 Beulah road
Wagon Miss, 45 Mount Sion Weston James, I Camuen park
Wetherell Major Rd. I2 Lansdowne rd Wilson Miss, 4 Nevill park
Walford Miss, 31 Fern dale Wilson Mrs. 13 Mount Ephraim road
Walker Greaves, 24 Frant road Wheeler George, :24 Eridge road
Wheeler Misses, 7 Woodbury Park gar- Wilson Mrs. IO Nevill park
Walker Mrs. 82 Mount Ephraim
dens, Woodbury Park road Wilson Wm. David, 4 Up. Grosvenor rd
Walker Mrs. so St. John's road
Wilson William Shepley, Burnside,
Walker Thomas Fuller, I I St. John's rd Wheeler William, IO Berkeley road
Wallace George, 43 Qneen's road Wheeler William Jas. 54 St. James' rd Sandhurst lane
Wailer Horace, 62 St. James' road Whieldon Mrs. 14 Woodbury Park rd Wiltshire Thomas L.R.C.P.2I Queen's rd
Walton Charles, I Culverden Park road Whilaker Mrs. 87 St. James' road Windemer Capt.Olaf A. sll Grove HI. rd
Walton Miss, 12 Beulah road White Benjamin Chittenden, Tudor Windett-Woods Wm. 63 St. James' rd
Ward Henry Robt. Payne, IS Albion rd villa, St. John's road Winham Rev. Daniel, Calverley hill,
Ward James Jackson, 24 Calverley pk Whitford Hy. Frdk. I9 Culverden Pk. rd Clarence road
Wardell Mrs. IA, Calverley park Whitlock Rev. George Steward M.A. 21 Winnifrith George, 56 Mount Ephraim
Warden Augustus Brooke, I7 Broad- Calverley park Winser Edward, 25 Uulverden Park rd
water down Whittaker Mrs. Richmond villa, Cum- William, 36 Calverley street
Warden By. Oakfield et. Camden park berland walk Witt Mrs. 12 Mount Ephraim
Ware Miss, 4 Camden park Whitty Jn. Chas. I9 Broadwater down· Wix Samuel, 22 Broad water down
Warner Mrs. I Linden park Wickenden Frederic'<, 41 Mount Siou Woo1 Francis John, 19 St. James' road
Warner Mrs. Arthur, 25 Fern dale Wickenden Hy.Iddesleigh,Claremont rd Wood Henry 'rhos. 30 St. James' road
Warren Maj.-Gen. Arthur Fredk. c. B. Wickens James, 65 St. James' road Wood John, I9 Upper Growenor road
12 Calverley Park gardens Wickham William, 14 Culverden Pk. rd Wood Mrs. 75 Queen's road
Warren l\Iaj.Hy.Edwd.s Sandrock road Wilkie Rev. John, 54 Up. Grosvenor rd Wood Thomas, 4 Mountfield road
Warren William, zoo ~t. James' road Wilkin Henry, 15 Guilford road Woodcock Miss, I7 Up. Grosvenor road
Warry The Misses, 3 Up. Grosvenor rd I Wilkins Mrs. 48 Culverden Park road Wuodfall Miss, 9 Mount Ephraim road
Waterhonse Mrs. 46 St. John's road Wilkins ~Irs. 30 John street Worsley James A. M.R.c.v.s.Lond. 30
Waterhouse Mrs. 124 St. John's road Wilkins William, 17 Queen's road Dudley road
Waterlow Herbert, 44 Broadwater down Wilkinson Rev. David H. D. B.A. Wraight Frederick, 35 Church road
Watson Charles, Pembury end, Pem- [curate Holy Trinity Church], Upper Wraight William, 22 Princes street
bury road Grosvenor road Wright Hon. Mrs. 20 York road
Watson Geo. Sl. 3 Mount Ephraim rd Wilkinson Herbt. Firwood cot. Frant rd Wright Miss, 2 Grove hill
Watson Miss, 9 Beulah road Wilkinson Miss, 25 Up. Grosvenor road Wright Miss, 4 Woodbnry Park road.
Watts Arthur, 26 Mount Sion Wilks Robert, 9 Sutherland road Wright Wm. H. 48 :Mount Pleasant rd
Way Hon. Mrs. 3 Mount Ephraim Willard Ernest., I24 St. John's road Wyatt John Graves, 9 Up.Grosvenor rd
Weare John Smith, Sandhurst, Sand- Willard Harry, 35 Calverley street Wye William Geo. I3 Cambrid~e street
burst lane Williams Major Reginald Stewart, 8 Wyer George, I2 Prospect road
Weatherhead Mrs. 76 Up. Grosvenor rd Queen's road Wyndowe Major W. Freene, 40 Broad-
Webb George, IO Prospect road Williams Frederick, I2 Sutherland rd water down
Webb Thomas, 30 Broadwater down Williams Geo. Edwin M.D.3I Queen's rd Yarborough-Parker Mrs. 32 Broadwater·
Webber Wm. Grove house, Mount Sion Williams Henry Alex. 38 London road down
Weekes Robert Willsher, I8 Mount Sion Williams Miss, 67 Upper Stone street Yates Miss, 23 Calverley park
Weeks George, 30 Cambridge street Williams Mrs. 29 Albion road Yorke Major-Gen. l''rederick Augustus
Weeks Mrs. 19 Eridge road· Williams Mrs. 2 Melbourne villas, R.E. 45 Upper Grosvenor road
Weight James William, 5 Nevill park Claremont road Young Major Jn. I26 Up. Grosvenor rd •
Wells George, 26 Albion road. Williams Mrs. Molyneux, I Hungers- Young Ebenezer, I West grove, Clare-
Wells Mrs. 53 Mount Sion hall place mont road
Wentworth Lady, Hawthorndene, Cam- Wilhams Thomas Coombe, One Oak, Young Geo. 2 West gro. Claremont rd
den park Molyneux park Young Thomas, 5 Montacute g_ardens
COMMERCIAL. Andrews Robert, lodging house, SI & 52 Frant road
Abbott George, consulting surgeon oculist, 57 Ye Pantiles Anscombe Elizabeth (Mrs.), ladies' nurse, 24 MontroEe ter
Abbott John Tbeodore, surgeon, 17 Monson road Anscombe John Allen, linen draper, II Chapel place
Abrahams Wm. confectioner, 28 Berkeley rd. & 5 Chapel pl Ansell Charles Edward, mineral water manufr. 69 Mt. Sion
Adams George Fry, nurseryman, 157 & 159 UpperGrosvenor Archer Benjamin, clothier, 19 Camden road
road & n: Queen's road Argyle Frederick, accountant, 18 Claremont road
Adams Henry, baker, 68 High street AI'nold Frederick, writer, 4'Z Rochdale road
Adams Henry, builder, 28 Monson road, & beer retailer, 9 Arnolu Robert, lodging house, 3 Cumberland gardens
Camden road Ascongh John, coach. builder, 3 Goods Station road
Adams James, watch maker, 8 Xevill street William Wildboar, appraiser & house agent, dealer in
AdenPy Edwin Leonard M.D. physic1an, 3 Mount Sion antique & high class modern furniture, old china &c. ;
Adie Brothers, builders, Little Mount Sion collector to the General ho3pital & assessor & collector of
Akehurst Ann (Mrs.), ladies' nurse, 2 Stratford street income tax, Monson house, Mount Pleasant road .
Akehurst Henry, shoe maker, 20 Auckland road Atherton Albert G. chemist, 30 Ye Pantiles
Allcorn Georg-e, hair dresser, 92 Camden road Attwater Ellen (Mrs.), lodging ho. 3 The Gables, Lime ID. rd
Alien Annie (Miss), teacher of music, 43 Calverley road Aubin Brothers, blacksmiths, I Birling road ·
Alien Fanny (Mrs.), dress maker, 2 Western road Austen S. & Son, coal dealers, 11 Standen street
Alien George, draper, 49 High street Austen Joseph, carman, 4 Auckland road
Allen James, plumber, see Lester & Allen Austen Thomas, inspector of weights& measures, I8 John st
Alien James, tailor & outfitter. 43 Calverley road Austen William, lodging house, Lilian house, London road
Alien John Edmund, boot & shoe maker, 31 Mt. Pleasant rd Austin George, butcher, 43 Little Mount Sion
Alien Martha (Miss), lodging house, 7 Montacnte gardens Avard Jonathan, lodging house, 51 & 52 London road
Alleo Robert, lodging house, 67 London road Ayres Rebecca (Mrs.), lodging house, 58 York road
Alien Samuel, gro<~er, 44 Grosvenor road Bachelor John, greengrocer, 4 Grove Hill road
Alien Thomas, shopkeeper, 24 Vernon road Bacon William Beadell L.D.S.Irel., M.o.s.G.B.M.B.D. dental
Alleyne & Walker, solicitors, I2 Vale road surgeon, I7 Mount Pleasant road
Alliston Henry George, registrar of births & deaths for Frant Baitup & Barefield, nurserymen &c. Bayhall road
sub-district, Rose Lee, Frant road Baitup John, draper, 22 Grosvenor road
Baker & Son, chimney sweepers, Monckton's cottage
Almond Noah, plumber, so Beulah road
AItree Charles, confectioner, no Camden road Baker William & Sons, grocers, 56 High street
Ames George Harris, bricklayer, 6 Granville road Baker Horace, fruiterer, 2 Castle street
Anderson & Marsack, surgeons, Howard lodge, 1\Iount Sion Baker Jesse, boot maker, 39 Goods Station yard
Anderson James M. D. surgeon, see Anderson l!tL Marsack Baker Jessie (Miss), preparatory school, Dunstan road
Andrew & Cheale, solicitors, 10 Calverley parade, :Mount Baker Samuel, chimney sweeper, I6 Crescent road
Pleasant "road Baker Sarab (Miss), stationer, IOI Camden road
Andrews James, drill instructor, 46 Albion road Baker Waiter, dairy, I William street
Baker William, chimney cleaner, 48 Camden road · Booty James, silk mercer, linen draper, haberdasher, cabinet
Balding Edwin (late Balding & Bnss), linen draper, outfitter maker & .general house furnisher 40, & silk mercer 6o,
& juvenile clothier so & 52, & outfitter & boot & shoe · 62, 64 & 66 Ye Pantiles
Rorough Fire Brigade (E. W~stbrook, captain), 3 Dudley rd
dealer, Ye Pantiles
Baldock Frances (Mrs.), newsvendor), 19 Albert street Botten Benjamin, greengrocer, 11 Williatn street
Baldwin & Son, egg & potato merchants, 12 Camden road Botten James, baker, 4 Nevill street
Baldwin Alfred Kennard, printer, stationer, bookbinder & Botten Joseph, baker, 23 & 25 Baltic road •
publisher, Grosvenor works, Goods Station road Botten Luke, greengrocer, 18 Quarry road
Ball William, tobacconist, 5 Chapel place Boulter James William, painter, 31 Wood street
Baltic Saw Mills Co. timber merchants, Goods Station road Bournes William, paperhanger, 7 John street
Banfield Ebenezer, brewers' agent, IS Sutherland road Bower Richard, french polisher, Little Mount Sion
Banning Frederick Tudor, clothier, 64 High street Box John, coal merchant, Garden street
Barber Annie (Mrs.), laundress, 65 Queen's road Boyce,Brown & Kemp,tunbridge ware manfrs.IoS Camden rd
Barefield Henry, nurseryman, see Baitup & Barefield Braby John, jun. Wellington hotel, Mount Ephraim
Baresley & Howard, lodging house, 12 Calverley Park cres BRACKETT WILLIAM &. SON, auctioneers, house & estate
Barham John Thomas, lodging house, 84 Mount Ephraim agents, valuers & surveyors ; Time Table compendium &
Barnes Bessie, Ellen&Julia (Misses),Jadies' sehl.24 Dudley rd "House & Estate Circular" issued monthly, 27 High st
Barnes George, basket maker, 9 Goods Station road Bradley Fredk. Wellesley, brass finisher, see Smith &Bradley
Barnes Robert, bellhanger & gasfitter, 9 Auckland road Bradley Henry, Roebuck P.H. Sg Camden road
Barnett Augusta (Mrs.), lodging house, 9 Mount Ephraim Bradshaw Henry Lea, farmer, Liptrap farm, Sandhurst la
Barnett Elizabeth (Mrs.), registry office, 48 High street Bradshaw James, tailor, 7 Nevill street
Barnett Joseph, carrier, see Caffyn & Barnett Brandon Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundry, 158 St. James' road
Barrett James, beer retailer, 53 Varney street Breeds Albert, cutler. Io High street
Bartholomew Sarah (Miss), lodging house, 57 Mt. Ephraim Breutnall William. borough surveyor, inspector of nuisances
Bartlet.t J ames, coach &c. builder, S Vale road & engineer to water works, Town hall, Calverley road
Bartlett James, fly proprietor, 2 Cambridge street Brider John, builder, I2 Calverley street
Bartlett Mary (Miss), kindergarten, 16 Eridge road Bridger Ben jamin, jobbing gardener, 46 Stanley ·road
Barton Maria (Miss), lodging ho. 2Tweeddale ter.London rd Briscoe Thomas William, grocer, Little Mount Sion
Barton Thomas, tunbridge ware manufacturer, 93 Mount Broad Martha (Mrs.), laundress, 14 William street
Ephraim & 48 Ye Pantiles Broad Thomas William, grocer, I 16 St. James' road
Bashford Rose (Mrs.), dress maker, 10 Thomas street Brockman Benjamin, grocer, 69 Goods Station road
Bassett Albert William, tailor, 66 Camden road llrockman Jesse, shopkeeper, 63 Rochdale road
Bateman Henry, hatter, 9 Chapel place Bromley Rosama (Mrs.), dress maker, 19 Stone street
Bates John Frederick, corn merchant, Cumberland yard Brooker George, carman, I Warren villas, Bayhall road
Batting Thomas Gilbert, chemist, 98 Calverly road Brooker John, fly proprietor, 34 Garden road
Beale & Son, builders, decorators & building material mer- Brooman Benjamin, dining rooms, 6 Castle street
chants, 4 Birling road . Broomfield John, rick cloth manufacturer, 6 Walton terrace
.Beale Alfred Geo. physician, 23 Monson rd. & 106 Camden rd Brown Ann (:Miss), dress maker, 20 Dudley road
Beale Henry, coal dealer, Vernon road • Brown Edwin James, jobbing gardener, 5 Garden street
Beard Ansley (Mrs.), dress maker, 39 Dudley road Brown James, tunbridge ware manuf.seeBoyce,Brown&Kemp
Bearsby Giles, corn merchant, 65 & 67 Victotia road Brown James Tompsett, grocer, & post office,74 St.James' rd
Beecher Alfred, boot maker, II3 Queen's road BrownJn.dairyman,34High st.; 84St.James' rd.&Berkeley rd
Beecher Charles, carpenter, 4 Calverley road Brown Joseph, boot & shoe maker, 105 Camden road
Beecher Stephen, boot & shoe maker, 14 Grove Hill road Brown Paul, lodging house, xo St.. John's road
Beeching R. A. Dallas (firm, Peerless & Beechiug), solicitor Brown Robert, builder, I Molyneux place, Dunstan road
&commissioner for oaths, 32 Mount Pleasant road Brown William, beer retailer, I4 John street
Beechings, Hodgkin & Beeching, bankers( R. Widen Cronk, Bucha.nan Andrew, travelling draper, I3 Prospect road
manager), 37 MouJit Pleasant road; draw on narclay, Buck Francis, dentist, I The Broadway, Mount Pleasant rd
Bevan & Co. London E c Buckett J. & Co. wine merchants, Frant road ·
Bell Frank L.D.S.R.C. s. Irel. dental surgn. 68 Mt. Pleasant rd Buckley Emma (Mrs.), laundress, 49 Auckland road
Bellingham James, grocer, 8 Bayhall road Bullin James, upholsterer,High st.& auctioneer, IO London rd
~ Bennett Henry Wm. & Co. boot & shoe makers, 21 High st Burbidge & Biggs, young ladies' preparatory school, xoo
Bennett George, sen. fly proprietor, Camden road Upper Grosvenor road
Bennett Robert, chemist, 7 London road Burchell Maria (Mrs. ),lodging ho. IS Calverley Park cres
Bennett Robert, sergeant instructor, 38 Victoria road Burgess Thomas, coal dealer, 3 Garden street
Benoy & Son, plumbers, 12 London road Burgess William, umbrella repairer, 82 St. John's road
Berry Annie (Miss), lodging house, Roseal, Lime Hill road Burnell George & Son, upholsterers, x6 Crescent road
Berry George, lodgiug house, 64 London road BurslemAlbt.mon. mason,42Calverley rd.; works,Quarry rd
Best Thos. ~ylvester, builder, 2IB,Beulah rd. &St. James' rd Burton Alan, lodging house, 1-Tweeddale terrace, London rd
Bianchi Benedetto &Son, watch makers, 12 Grosvenor road Burton Fredk. W. artist, Sussex Assembly rooms, Ye Pantiles
Bickle Ernest Wills, draper, 95 Calverley road Burton Henry Alfred, superintendent of agents for Pruden~
Biggs Emily (Miss), dress maker, ro Dale street tial Assurance Co. Limited, 88 Upper Grosvenor road
Biggs Henrietta (Miss), young ladies' school, see Burbidge Burton John, solicitor, 8 Church road
& Biggs Bushby HP-nry, bath chair proprietor, Rock ldg. London rd
Biggs William James, grocer & agent for W. A. Gilbey, wine Bushby Margaret (Mrs.), dining rooms, 93 Goods Station r I
& spirit merchants, I3 Ye Pantiles, & wine & spirit mer- Buss Daniel, butcher, 29 Goods Station road
chant, 88 Calverley road Buss Samuel Daniel, hatter, 73 Mount Pleasant road, & boot
Bishop Frank, stationer &c. 45 Mount Ephraim & shoe warehouse, 18 Calverley road
Bishopp & Son, fish dealers, 9 Western road Buss Thomas, solicitor, commissioner for oaths & coroner for
Bishop's Down Grove Spa & Hydropathic Co. Limited (B. Kent, 30 Mount Pleasant road
Pomfret, sec.), 30 High street Buston Roger, boys' private school, Hurstleigh, Hurstwood la
Bishop's Down Spa & Hydropathic Establishment (George Butcher Geo.Clarence family & commercial hotl.24Church rd
Lake, sec.), Bishop's Down · Butcher Peter, Rose & Crown P.H. I8 Grosvenor road
Bisshopp Francis M,A, lii.D. physician, Belvedere, Mount Butcher Thomas, shopkeeper, 21 North street
Pleasant road Butler Eliza (Miss), fishmonger, 17 Calverley road
Bisshopp James L.R.C.P.LOnd. surgeon, 51 Mount Ephraim Butler George, fishmonger, 33 Albert street
Blackman James, tobac~nist, 5 Castle street Caffyn & Barnett, carriers, London road
Blair & Tworts, printers & publishers of the " Tonbridge & Caley Herbert Murkin, architect, Broadway chambers,
Tunbridge Wells Free Press," IS Chapel place Mount Pleasant road
Blunt Charles, baker, 151 Queen's road Calverley Coffee House (Richd. Borne,mngr.),xo Calverley rd
Bobbett SI. Geach, corn mer. 4 Monson rd. & 14 London rd Calverley Hotel Co. Limited (The), Calverley Park family
Bobbitt Nurton William, lodging ho. 8 St. John's road hotel, Crescent road
Bold John Richard, grocer, 22 ~fount Pleasant road Cane & Hayhow, printers, 39A1 Camden road
Bond Samuel, commission agent, Pateley cot. Dunstan road Cane .Tohn Charles, dairy, 20 Crescent road
Bond William (late James Hawkins), furnishing & manu- Cannock Chase Railway Colliery Co. (George Henry Smith,
facturing ironmonger, gasfitter & bellhanger, 35 High st agent), 36 Mount Pleasant road
Boorman David, confectioner, 102 Cah·erley road Capell Joseph Osborn, cabinet maker, upholsterer & carpet
Boorman Frank, smith, Quarry road warehouse, 7·1- Calverley road
Boorman James, beer retailer, ss Camden road, & plumber, Card Edward, carpenter, 2 William street
Quarry road & Victgria roa(i Card !<'rank, fly proprietor, 19 Lond,{>n road
Booth Charles, pork butcher, 55 Calverley road Card George, fly proprietor, IS Ch,nrch road •
Booth William, corn & flour dealer, 58 St. John's road Card Harry G. pork butcher, 75 9'alverley road
Card Henry, monumental mason, 3u., Grosvenor road; Coombes George, corn & flour dealer, 46 Goods Station rd
Victoria road & Quarry road Coombes Henry, bath chair proprietor, 34 Quarry road
Card Horace, fly proprietor, IS Holly Bank terrace Coombes Hercules, watch maker, 33 Calverley road
Card Thomas, furniture remover, 40 Albion road Cooper Ellen (Miss), dress maker, 25 Newcomen road
Card William Henry, Mitre P.H. 94 St. James' road Cooper Sarall (Mrs.), laundress, Shatters road
Carey George H.& Co. building material dlrs.Goods Station rd Coppard Charles, bill poster, 5 Warwick road
Carey Edwin, lodging house, 13 Dudley road Coppard Hannah (Mrs.), monthly nurse, 4 Thomas street.
Carey James, chiropodist, 3 Poona road · Coppard Thomas, saddler, 20 London road
Carlow Jane (Mrs.), dress maker, 7 Granville road Copper Eli George, dairyman, 150 Camden road
Carnell Frederick Sydney, furnishing warehouse, 8 Chapel pl Copper William, shopkeeper, Commercial road
Carpenter Elizabeth (Miss), lodging ho. 5 Mount Ephrairu Copsey John, agent for Carr's teas, 34 John street
Carpenter Louisa (Miss), lodging ho. 22 Mount Ephraim rd Corbett James Henry, accountant, 43 Beulah road
Carpenter Thomas, grocer, & post office, 72 St. John's road Corfield John, stationer, 33 Mount Ephraim
Carr Josiah & Sons, grocers, 46 Calverley rd. & 7 High st Corfield Sophie A. (Mrs.), ladies' hair dresser, 33 Moun'
Carr James, wardrobe dealer, 28 Camden road Pleasant road
Corke Emily (Mrs.) &Ada (Miss), registry office for servants~
Carr John, draper, 26 Monson road
Carrick Henry, hair dresser, 4 John street 39 Grosvenor road
Carter Arthur & Alfred Humphries, dairymen, 13 Victoria rd Corke Joseph J. confectioner, 86 Calverley road
Carwood Stephen, saddler, 8 London road Corlett William, jobmaster, Dudley mews, Dudley road
Cass Thomas, lodging house, 45 Vale road Corn Exchange Co. Lim. (W. H. Delves, sec.), Ye Pantiles
Cassingham William, furniture dealer, 70 Calverley road Corner John, Bridge hotel, 6 Mount Pleasant road
Catchpole Edward, insurance agent, 28 Dudley road CoswayDaniel,pork butcher,22 Basinghall st.&2Grosvenorrd
Cave, Edwards & Co. grocers, 25 High street Cottenham Alfred, shopkeeper, 11 Albert street
Cavie Charlotte (Mrs.), greengrocer, 61 St. John's road Cottington Henry, butcher, 82 Camden road
Cavie David, grocer, 20 Caiverley road Cotton Alfred Edgar, White Bear P.H. London road
Cavie Edmund, shopkeeper, 24 William street Couchman Edmund, tobacconist, 120 St. James' road
Cavie Philadelphia (Mrs.), dairy, I4 Currie road County Court (His Honor Homersham Cox, judge; Frank
Challans Thomas Green, bricklayer, 76 Culverden Park rd W. Stone, registrar & high bailiff); office, 21 Church rd
Chamberlain Charles, furniture dealer, 39 Camden road Cousins Charles, furniture dealer, 13 Calverley road
Chapman Margaret (Mrs.}, lodging house, 65 London road Cove William Tylor, classical school, 45 Church road
Charlton John, nurseryman, seedsman, florist & landscape Cowper Edwin, lodging house, 12 Mount Ephraim road
gardener, 37 Ye Pantiles; Summervale nursery, Eridge Cox Charles, builder, horticultural builder & hot water
road & High Brooms engineer, Western road
Charman AWbielll,iabmooRt imchaakredr1, baker, I Basinghall street Cox l::larah Louisa (Miss), girls' school, 16 Albion road
13 Beech street Cox William, bath chair proprietor, 15 Garden street
Chatfield Edwin, boot maker, 25 Quarry road Cox-SmithLydia(Mrs. ),servants',43St.James'rd
Chatfield Emily Jane (Mrs.), dress maker, 14 Grecian road Cracknell Chas. Jas. chim, sweepr. I Nevill cots. Nevill st
Chatfield George, bird dealer, Mercer street Cramp's Riding School (Messrs. Evans, proprietors), Vale rd
Chatfield Harriet (Miss), dress maker, 33 Bculah road Crampton Robert, lodging house, 14 York road
Chatfield William, shoe maker, 9 Quarry road Crandall William, fishmonger, 13 Nevill street
Cheale Sidney Alexander (firm, Andrew & Cheale), solicitor, Crates John, bldr. I6A, Grosvenor rd.& 27 Culverden Park rd
& commissioner & perpetual commissioner, 10 Calverley Cresse William, painter, 34 Standen street
parade, Mount Pleasant road Cribb Charles Henry, confectioner, 35 Grosvenor road
Cheesman David, builder, 7 Stratford street Crichton Edwin, beer & wine retailer, 21 Victoria road
Cheesman William, general dealer, 78 St. John's road I Cripps Thomas & Son, nurserymen, 65 High st. & Frant rei
Chessell Danl.furnished apartments, Onsl()W ho. The Common Cripps W. C. & Son, solicitors, 62 Mount Pleasant road
ChevertonGeo.F.c.s.chemist,3 TheHroadway,Mt.Pleasant rd Cripps Caroline (Mrs.), laundress, 21 Western road
Child Percy William, carpenter, 93 St. James' road CrilJpS William Charles (firm, Cripps W. C. & Son), solicitor
Churcher William, bath chair proprietor, 30A, Albion road & town clerk & clerk to urban sanitary authority & to the
Chytrreus & Vital, ladies' &children's outfitters, 6 London rd burial board & solicitor to Tunbridge Wells Benefit Build-
Clark Edith (Miss), school, Stratford street ing Society, to Tunbridge Wells Licensed Victuallers' As-
Ciark James, Royal Oak Prospect road sociation & to Corn Exehange Co. Limited, 62 Mount.
ClarkJames Hy. household removal contractor&van haulier Pleasant road & Town hall, Calverley road
for the trade, The Borough pantechnicon, 39 Monson rd Crittenden Jane (Mrs.), laundress, ro Shaftesbury road
Clarke Thomas, coffee house, 125 Camden road Crittenden Thomas, baker, 79 Auckland road
Clernents & Co. proprietors & publishers of "Tunbridge Crittle Albert Thomas, carver & gilder, 3 John street
Wells Advertiser," 36 Mount Pleasant road Crook Henry H. & E. architects, 4 Mount Ephraim road
Clemon Ellen (Miss), artist, 37 Calverley street Crook Rev. Arthur Round B.A. preparatory school for gentle-
Clifford Frank, lodging house, 7 Dudley road men, 54 London road
Coad John, builder, 18 Camden.road Cross Frederick Harry, tobacconist, news agent & hair
Coal Co-operative Society Limited, coal merchants, 2 Mount dresser, 93 Camden road
Sion & Goods Station road Cross Henry, boot maker, 25 Victoria road
Cobby Sarah Ann (Mrs.), general shop, xo Little Mount Sion Crowhurst Henry, coach builder, Garden street
Colbran Henry Solomon, stationer & printer, 9 Calverley rd Culliford Charles, head gardener toR. 0. Harrild esq. King-
Cole Charles, baker, 15 George street wood, Pembury road
Cunningham Thomas Chas. furniture dealer, 5 Calverley rCI
Cote Charles, grocer, I Quarry road
Cole Charles Alfred, grocer, 18 Crescent road Curtis John, blacksmith, 17 Albert streat
Cote Thomas, lodging house, 83 Mount Ephraim Dadgwell Gilbert, lodging house, II Mount Ephraim road
Cole Wm. George, fly proprietor, 137 Upper Grosvenor rd Dainton Ernest, c;igar merchant, 4 High street
Coleman Edward, beer retailer, 7 Varney street Damper Ann (Mrs.), watch maker, 69 Calverley road
Colernan George, dairy, 13 Crescent road Damper William, watch maker, 36 Quarry road
Coleman William, furniture dealer, 2 Quarry road Dann Emily (Mrs.), lodging house, Lime hill, London roa!l
Coleman William, lodging house, 4 Calverley Park crescent Dann James Thomas, photographer, 3 St. John's road
ColernanWm. mkt. gardnr. Swiss cot. Bishop's Down Park rd DartnallS. (Mrs. ),seedsman, 28 Mt. Ephraim&CulverdenPk. r<l
Coles Alfred Thomas, furnishing ironmngr. 30 Calverley rd Davey Rosanna (Mrs.), dre--s maker, 31 Camden road
Collins Frances (Mrs.), laundress, 9 Avon street Davis Hannah (Mrs.), baker, 1 & 3 Victoria road
Collins John, baker, So Camden road Davis Sophia (Mrs.), lodging house; 40 London road
Collins William, grocer, 95 Camden road Daws Susan (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 13 Quarry road
Collins William Albert, head gardener to Mrs. Muggeridge, Day Charles, lodging house, 26 York road
The Dell, Ferndale Day Sarah (Miss), lodging house, I Calverley Park crescent
Coils Benjamin & Co. tailors, 5 Ye Pantiles Day William, greengrocer, 48 Auckland road
Collyer Henry, corn & coal merchant, I47 Camden road Day William, lodging house, 59 London road •
Colvin James, working cutler, 30 Rochdale road Dean Joseph, baker, 65 St. John's road
Competitive Stores (The), grocers (I<'rank Chfford, manager), Dearing & Brett, lodging house, 3 Tweeddale ter. London rd
I Grosvenor road Delves Thomas H. The Wine stores, 75 High street
Connor Michael Francis, greengrocer, 135 Camden road Denne Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 38 Garden road
Connor Richard, house & estate agent, I London road Denne John Piddick, confectioner, 4I Camden road
Constable James, bricklayer, 23 A\bert street
Dennis Albert, lodging house, 68 & 69 Mount Ephraim
Constable Mary Ann (Mrs.), laundress, 46 Queen's road Denton Annie (Miss), confectioner, 9 Camden road
Cooke Christopher, plumber, Forest road Dickinson George, boot & shoe maker, 41 Mount Ephraim
Cooke Joseph, boot maker, 6 High street Dicks Jane (Miss), lodging house, 31.. Mount Ephraim
Coomber Wm. nurseryman, 59 Calverley rd. &St. James' rd Dicks Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, I2 Norman road .
Dillon Thomas, superintendent Liverpool Victoria Legal Farmer William, beer retailer, Little Mount Sion & green-
Friendly Society, I2 Stratford street grocer, 17 Berkeley road
Diplock Brothers, fancy drapers, 24 Mount Pleasant road Farrer George, jeweller, 19 High street
Diplock William, beer retailer, I09 Queen's road Fassnidge James, book dealer &c. 46 Grosvenor road
Diprose Emma (Miss), lodging house, 46 York road Faulkner Charles, wine merchant, 13 High street
Diwell George, basket maker, I Varney street Featherstone G. & Sons, bakers, 22 Camden road
Dobell Arthur, jobbing gardener, 23 John street Featherstone Geo. baker & confectioner, 70 & 72 Ye Pantiles
Dodd George, draper, 11 Grosvenor road :Feaver Frank, dairy, 174 St. James' road
Dodd Waiter Horace, tailor, IO Camden road Feaver Waiter, general shop, 86 St. John's road
Dodwell John, cabinet maker~ see Edwards & Dodwell Fennell Henry, lodging house, 2 Bromley villas, Bayhall r<J,
Doisly ueorge Maurice, Nevill Arms hotel, 9 Nevill street :Fenner Robert, rent &c. collector, 19 Western road
Donovan Ellen (Miss), straw bonnet maker, 47 Calverly rd Fenner Sarah (Miss), lodging house, 26 Mountfield road
Donovan l''rank, decorator, 48 Calverley road l<'erriman Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 4 Tweeddale
Donovan George, cabinet maker, 19 Crescent road terrace, London road
Dougall Andrew, manager Tunbridge Wells Gas Co. Up- Festorazzi Fanny (Mrs.), laundress, 8 Shafte3bury road
per Grosvenor road Field George, shopkeeper, 58 Auckland road
Dowson Joseph, linen draper, 48, 50 & 52 Camden road Field Mary (Miss), dress maker, 70 Victoria road
Dowson Robert Carter, linen draper, 63 Mount Pleasant rd Field Robert, lodging house, 67 Mount Ephraim
Drake Henry Joseph, watch maker, 38 Calverley road Field Sarab (Mrs.), lodging·house, 9 Calverley Park crescent
Duerth Emma (Mrs.), dress maker, 45 Ye Pantiles :Fielder James, carpenter, 24 Park street
· Duley Charles Edward, lodging house, 2 Hanover road J<'iggett Frederick, shopkeeper, 37 Newcomen road
Dunbar Harriet (Mrs.), teacher of music, 27 Mt. Pleasant rd Fillingham Joseph, draper, 41 St. John's road
Dungey Alfred, lodging house, 65 Mount Ephraim Finch Gilbert, lodging house, 69 & 70 London road
Dunk Thomas, greengrocer, 143 Camden road !<'ish Joseph, Railway inn, Io6 Goods Station road
Dunk in Richard, fruit & potato salesman, 16 Monson road; Fitcb Arthur, chair caner, 93 Goods Station road
& at Maidstone Fletcher J oseph Stanwell,Railway .Bell hotel, I Mt. Pleasant rd
Dunkley & Rogers, pharmaceutical chemists, 55 & 57 High st l''loyde Eli"abeth (Mrs.), monthly nurse, Goods Station road
Dunn & Soman, auctioneers, surveyors, valuers & land & Floyde William Lock, smith, 63! St. John's road
estate agents, Royal Kentish buildings, High street Foot Albert Henry, butcher, 29 Vale road
Dunn Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, I Cumberland walk :FootnerJn.BulkleyF.R.c.s.Eng. surgn. 2 Rochelle,Crescent rd
Dunn Henry, boot maker, 9 Castle street Forbes Charles & Co. wine & spirit merchants, Langton road
Dunn John, dairyman, 30 Mount Ephraim Ford George, grocer, 76 St. James' road
Duplock John, commission agent, 35 Little Mount Sion Forster John, shopkeeper, 57 Rochdale road
Duplock John (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 35 Little Mount Sion Foster Jacob, shopkeeper, 62 Tunnell road
Durrant Edward, grocer & wine & spirit mrchnt.7Ye Pantiles :Foster James, farm bailiff to B. H. Collins esq. J.P. Dunorlan
Dust William, draper & silk mercer, I Ye Pantiles farm, Blackhurst lane
Dutnell Maria (Miss), dress maker, 5 Garden road Fowler Benj. Ades, corn & coal mer. n & 13 Mt. Ephraim
Ear & Eye & Throat Hospital & Dispensary (George Abbott Fowler James, beer retailer, 27 Camden road
L.R.C. P. LOnd. surgeon ; Edward Alfred Starling lii.B., Fowler Waiter Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 121 Camden rd
anresthetist; William Thomas Trollope L.D.S.R.c.s.Irel. l<'ox Charles l''rederick, professor of music, 13 York road
dental surgeon; J. G. Calway, sec.); open mondays, l''ox Edwin, french polisher & parish clerk of Christ ChurGh,
thursdays & fridays, at 3 p. m. Ye Pantiles 20 Berkeley road
Eason Henry, greengrocer, 26 Crescent road Freeman, Hardy & Willis Limited, boot & shoe makers, 6g
Eastwood William, boot maker, 5 Culverden street Mount Pleasant road
E1ien William, hair dresser, 76 Calverley road Freeman Sydney, auctioneer, see Langridge & Freeman
Edmed George Henry, plumber, 3 Calverley street FREMLIN BROTHERS (brewery, Maidstone), family pale
Edwardes Matthew Andrew Harris, printer & publisher of ale & stout stores, Monson road, Tunbridge Wells; also
the "Kent & Sussex Courier," 19, 21 &23 Grove Hill road branches at 157 Buckingham Palace road, London s w ;
Edwards & Dodwell, cabinet makers & upholsterers, 38 Camberwell, .Brighton, Croydon, Eastbourne, GuildfOI"d,
Mount Ephraim; Newton road & 2I & 23 Vale road Hastings, Rochester & Woolwich
Edwards Edward Cherill, confectioner, 17 Camden road French Eliza (Mrs.), dining rooms, xo Grove Hill road
.Edwards George, jun. builder, 18 Woodbury Park road French Sydney, masseur, 101 Camden road
Edwards John, builder, Clifton cottage, Woodbury Park rd l<'riend Alfred, grocer & wine merchant, 32 Mount Ephraim
EdwardsThos. beer retlr. & brwr. Goods Stn. rd. & Tunnell rd J<'riend Samuel, shopkeeper, 5 Grove Hill road
Edwards Thomas, grocer, see Cave, Edwards & Co Friendly Society's (;Jub & Institute (Rufus Stevenson, sec.),
Eldred Ebenezer & Son, grocer, 84 Goods Station road Camden road
Elfick Harriet (Miss), lodging house, I2 St. John's road Friendly Societies' Medical Association (T. S. Connan,
Eling Thomas, earthenware dealer, 151 Camden road medical officer), 5 York road
Elliott & Son, pianoforte & music warehouse, 46 High street Frier Ernest, baker, I9 Quarry road
Elliott Edward, accountant, 9 Hill street l<'rost James, lodging house, 39 Mount Ephraim
Elliott Ellen (Miss), private school, 5 H!lnover road J<'ry Thomas, smith, Warwick road
Elliott Mary (Miss), ladies' school, 17 St. James' road Fullman George, smith, 3 Golding street
Elliott Thomas B.A., M.D. physician, 6oMount Pleasant road Fullman Thomas, Grosvenor hotel, 1 Calverley road
Ellis Charles, corn, coal & seed merchant, 34 Calverley road I<'unnell Alfred, oil & lamp wareho!lse, 73 Camden road
& farmer, Hall's hole, Bayhall road Funnell Charles, wheelwright, 51 Tunnell road
Ellis Edward, marine store dealer, 7 Tunnell road Funnell Henry, fly proprietor, IOO St. John's road
Ellis Edwin, fruit merchant, I London road :Funnell Mary (Mrs.), monthly nurse, 11 Montrose terrace
Ellis 'Frederick W. boys' school, 24 London road .Furlong Abraham, confectioner, 35 Vale road
Ellis James, china & glass warehouse, 1.6 Basinghall street Gallard Charles John, brick maker, St. John's road
Ellis Mary Ann (Mrs.), ladies' nurse,2 Roslyn villas, Gallop William, beer retailer, Golding street
Gram·ille road Gander Waiter B. grocer, 69"Victoria road
Ellis Owen Edw.gro.& earthenware dlr. 35&37 Camden rd Gardiner Lucy (Miss), lodging house, 7 Mountfield road
Ellis l'hilip, costumier, 34 & 35 Mount Pleasant road Gardner Henry, printer, 14 Sutherland road
Eimes George, head gardener to Major C. R. 'F. Lutwidge Garmston Elizabeth (Miss), lodging house, 48 London road
M:.A., J.P. Shandon court, Pembury road Gates George M. & Co. music sellers, 2 Monson road
Embery John J oseph, chief constable, Town hall, Calverley rd Gates Alfred Darius, grocer & wine dealer, 37 Mt. Ephraim
Emery Edwin, insurance agent, 24 Granville road Gattel Angeline (Mdlle. ), teacher of music, 4 Bromley villas,
Emery Jules Albertonne, lodging house, 2 Mountfield road .Bayhall road
England Henry, bird preserver, 49 Rochdale road Gattel Carolina (Mdlle. ), teacher of music, 3 Molyneux: place,
.Eridge EstateOffice(GeorgeMacbean,land agent),46 Frant rd Dunstan road
Etherington John, grocer, 32A, Grosvenor road Gedge Albert, boot maker, 23 Quarry road
· Evans David & Sons, tailors, 38 & 40 High street Geer David Alfred, shopkeeper, 56 Western road
Evans Ell en Cooke (Miss), lodging house, 8 Buckingham road General Hospital (John Johnson lii.D. & John E. Ranking
Evans Henry, blind maker, 41 Albion road & 47 Monson rd lii.A.,lii.D. physicians; C.Lammiman L.R.c.P.Lond.William
Evans Mary (Miss), lodging house, 3 Bedford terrace Howells Rix & J. B. Footner L.B.c.P.Lond. surgeons;
Everest John, baker, 126 St. James' road W. B. Bacon L.D.S.R.c.s.uel. dental surgeon; Edward
Everest Matilda (Mrs.), laundre..c1s, 42 Queen's road William Du Buisson L.R.C.P.LOnd. honse surgeon & sec.; •
Eversfield Ed ward Herbert, berlin wool depot, Crescent road Henry Harris, dispenser; Mrs. Caroline Odam, matron),
Every Fanny (:i\lrs. ), dining rooms, 3 Nevill street Grosvenor road
:Excell James, shopkeeper, 3 Auckland road Gentry Charles, ironmonger & whitesmith, 9 Grove Hill
I<'aircloth William, confectioner, 2 Camden road road & 25 & 27 North z:~treet
Farmers' Club (E. Durrant, sec.), Pump room, Ye Pantiles George Mary Ann (Mrs.),lodging ho. 4 Lawn vils.Limehill•rd
• •
George William, Red Lion P.H. 66 St. John's road, & fly Hart Albert, head gardener to John Godden esq. Fernclyffe,.
proprietor, Currie road Pembury road
Gerard Pauline (Mdlle.), teacher of languages, 15 York road Hartley Thomas, beer & wine ret3.iler, 31 Goods Station rd
Gess Mark, lodging house, 38 York road Harvey Elizabeth (Mrs.), haberdasher, 67 St. John's road
Gibbs George, grocer, 69 & 7' Camden road Harvey Kate (Miss), laundress, 38 Queen's road
Gilbert & Son, bill posters & town criers, 49 Mount Sion Haslett Geo.nurseryman, Up. G-rosvenor rd.&157Queen's rd
soGilbert & Co. ironmongers, 73 High street Hasloch John, watch maker, 29 Camden road
·Hatch Elizabeth (Miss), lodging house, 29 London road
Gilbert Alfred, dining rooms, High street
Gilbert James, whitesmitb, 31 Crescent road Hattersley F. Kilvington Mus. Bac., A.R.A.lll., professor of
Gilbert Llewellyn, watch cleaner, 36 Duke's road music, Exeter villa, London road
Gilbert Mary & Emily ( l\'lis-es ), dress makers, 29 Tunnell rd Howard Samuel Edwin, ironmonger & oil & colorman, I~
Gilham Richard, grocer, 105 St. James' road 16 & 18 Goods Station road
Gillard Phoebe (Miss). lodging house, 4 Guilford road Hawkes Susannah Elizh.( Miss ),ladies' school, 22 Berkeley rd
Gillham T. W. coal merchant, Stone street Hawkins Wm. John, Alexandra Temperance hotel, 39 Vale rd
Gillingham Charles, working jeweller, 20 Stone street Hawley Samuel Frederick, grocer, go Camden road
Gillingham Edward,fly proprietor,46Quarry rd.& Dunstan rd Hayden Charles, sec. & dispenser, Provident Dispensary,.
Girling John, news agent, 24 Basinghall street Grosvenor road
Gladwin Annie Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 4 Sutherland rd Hayhow Harry, printer, see Cane & Hayhow
Gladwin George, perfumer, 33 High street Hayler Levi, beer retailer, ro Kensington street
Glanville George, photographer, 2 The Broadway, Mount Hayward James, butcher, 2 Grove Hill road
Pleasant road Hayworth Robert, laundry, 6o Queen's road
Glazabrook (Misses), ladies' school, Combermere house, 10 Head Brothers, tobacconists, 13 Vale road
Queen's road Head Henry, fishmonger & beer retailer, I8 Calverley road
Globe Parcel Express Office (Charles Booth, agent), 55 Head Lizzie (Mrs.), lodging house, 3+ & 36 Dudley road
Calverley road Heasman George, tailor, 17 Quarry road
Goldie MaryS. (Miss), ladies' school, Hamilton ho.Amherst rd Heath Emily (Mrs.), dress maker, I8 St. Peter's street
Goldsmith David, dairy, 58 Western road Heather William F. lodging house, 7I London road
Goldsmith James Wailer, costumier, 15 & I7 High street Hebberd Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, 5 St. John's rd
Gooch Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, 8 Down lane Hebblethwaite Elizabeth (Miss), lodging house, 2 The
Goodman Thomas, farmer, 14 Prospect road Gahles, Limehill road
Goodrick George, The Bull P.H. 56 Frant road Hebblewhite Martha (Miss), dres~ maker, 136 Camdan road
Goodwin William, beer retailer, 2 Avon street Hemsley W. B. & Co. auctioneers, ro Grosvenor road
Goody Waiter, assistant superintendent Provident Asso· Hemsley Annie (Miss), costumier, 5 Hanover road
ciation of London, 7 Stanhope road Hemsley Charles, beer retailer, 89 St. John's roa1
Gough Joseph, boot maker, 4 Victoria road Hemsley Thomas, blacksmith, 3 South view, Kirkdale road
Gould Emma (Miss), fruiterar, 36 High street Henley James, shopkeeper, 33 Park street
Goulden & Nye, booksellers, Royal library, 6I High street Henning Richard Skinner, surgeon, 59 Ye Pantiles
Gover Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 6o York road Henty Ann (Mrs.), monthly nurse, 63 Goods Station road
Graham Frederick, colliery agent & publisher of Graham's Hepburn Charles, head gardener to Mrs. Stoddart·Douglas,
Railway Guide&Graham's daily events&band programme, Cb.ilston house, Pembury road
& district manager of Standard Accident Insurance Co. Hepworth Lewis, printer & stationer, 8, to, 12 & I4 Nevill st
Lim. Royal Kentish buildings, London road Hermitage Samuel Frederick, plumber, I Belgrove
Grainger Frederick, lodging house, I Montacute road Hewitt Stephen, jobbing gardener, 105 Queen's road
Gravett Alfred, beer retailer, 45 Camden road Hewlitt Richard, plumber, 47 & 49 Camden road
Gray Edwin Harry, Coach & Horses P.H. 3I Ye Pantiles Hickmott Timothy Joseph, undertaker & parish clerk of
Green & Thorpe, lodging house, 3 Montacute gardens Trinity, 41 Victoria road
Green Edward, fly proprietor, I9 Stanley road Higgs Mary Sophia(Mrs. ),patent medicine vendor,nHigh st.
Green Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundry, 52 St. John's road High School for Girls (Girls' Public Day School Co. Lim.)
Greenfield Emily (Mrs.), dress maker, 9 Mountfield road (Miss Moberly, head mistress), Mount Zion. See adver~
Greenway James Riley M.D. surgeon, 8 Upper Grosvenor rd Hillier James Foach, berlin warehouse, roo Calverley road
Greig Francis, lodging house, 76 Mount Ephraim & 20 Hills Henry, dairy, 9 Chandos road
Mount Ephraim road Hills Jonathan, gasfitter, I9 Garden street
Griffin Louis M. naturalist, 7 Grove Hill road Hind William, baker, 8 Park street
Griffiths James, fishmonger, 4 Grosvenor road Hinton George, confectioner, 21 Mount Pleasant road
Groombridge Arthur John, coal merchant, 88 Camden road Hitch Wortham, lodging houses, 5 & 8 Calverley Park cres
& Goods Station road Hoad Henry, beer retailer, 30 Crescent road
Groombridge Thomas, school attendance officer for rural Hoad MaryAnn(Mrs.),lodging ho.6Grecian ter.Claremont rd
district, 32 Calverley road Hoadley Daniel & Co. fly & omnibus proprietors, 28 Crescent
Grover George, builder, 9 Calverley road road ; Station yard, S.E.R.; Mount Pleasant road ; Mount.
Groves Henry, bookseller & stationer, I4 Ye Pantiles Ephraim ; & farriers, Calverley street
Guays Victor, prof. of languages, 5 Tweeddale ter.London rd Hoar George, florist & nurseryman, Dover pl. 8g Queen's rd
Haine William, photographer, 32 High street Hoare Henry, teacher of swimming, The Baths, Quarry rd
Hales Waiter James, tobacconist, 2 Calverley road Hobbs & Sons, builders, Mount Zion
Hall James, haberdasher, 2 Chandos road Hobbs James, working cutler, 8 Duke's road
Hall Rhoda (Miss), shopkeeper, 87 St. John's road Hobbs William Gatling, Compasses hotel, 47 Little Mt. Zion
Hamilton Jane (Miss), dress maker, 42 Grove Hill road Hodge George Waiter, plumber, see Stedman & Hodge
Hamlin Mary Ann (Mrs.), pork butcher, Il3 Camden road Hodges Charity (Mrs.), grocer, I4 & 16 Belgrave road
Hammond Waiter, builder, 27 Albert street & 159 Queen's road
Hammond William, builder, 33 Kirkdale road Hodges Kate (Miss), fishmonger, 28 Basinghall street
Hammond William, firewood dealer, 2 Avon street Hodson Thomas P. auctioneer, land, house & estate agent &
Hancock Francis William, fishmonger, J: Vale road valuer, Colonnade Estate Agency Offices, 20 Monson road
Hanmer Philip, collector of Queen's taxes for Speldhurst, Hofiand Selina & Marion (Misiles), milliners, 26:\it. Ephraim
16 Eridge road Hogbin & Tolhurst, wholesale grocers, Basinghall street
Harbour Emma (Miss). dress maker, x Bayhall road Hogbin Thomas, grocer, I3 Goods Station road
Harden Harriet (Miss), dress maker, 44 Quarry road Holden Edwin, pork butcher, 67 High street
Hardinge Louisa (Miss), matron Orphan's Home, 72 Upper Hollamby Alfred, nurseryman, 3 Camden villas, Forest rd
Grosvenor road Hollamby George, dining rooms, 23 Ye Pantiles
Bards Alfred, lodging house, 6o Mount Ephraim Hollamby Henry, tunbridge ware manufacturer, 27 Frant
Hards Edward, upholsterer, 21 Ye Pantiles road & 12 Ye Pantiles
Hards Edwin James, groeer, 15 Victoria road Holland Maria & Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 54 & 55
Hardy Charles, chimney sweep, 11 Little Mount Zion Mount Ephraim
Harmer James, grocer & post office, 97 Camden road Holland Frank, baker, I39 Camden road
Harmer Waiter, beer retailer, Model cottages, Golding st Holland Maria (Miss), lodging house, 72 London road
Harmer William, saddler, 43 Mount Ephrain Holland Phoebe (Miss), lodging house, 55 London road
Harris Henry, greengrocer, 67 Camden road Hollands William Charles, florist, St. John's road
Harris Joseph, riding master, Rink mews, Grove Hill road Hollman James, lodging house, 56 York road
Harris Louisa (Mrs.), fruiterer, 3I Grosvenor road Holt Emanuel, baker, 5 John street
Harris Maria (Miss), dress ma. I Bromley villas, Bayhall rd Holy Trinity Burial Ground (Jacob Hnmphrey, sexton),
Harris Samuel, solicitor, 54 Grove Hill road Woodbury Park road
Harris William George, furniture remover, 17 Grosvenor Holyer Henry, butcher, 9 Ye Pantiles, & farmer,Reynolds la
road & Victoria pantechnicon, Ye Pantiles . Home for Aged Wr .nen (Mr.s. Sarah Clack, matron), 63
Harryman George, carriage builder, Quarry road UpperStcae ro::d
Homersham George, coal merchant, 4 Dudley road Junior Conservative Association (H. Murray Bing, sec.), S4
Homreopathic Hospital & Dispensary (Frederic Neild M.D., Calverley road
c.M. bon. physician; J. C. Pincott L.R.c.P.Edin. hon. Jury Henry Thomas, builder, 5 Stratford street
surgeon; A. H. Tester L.D.S.R.c.s.Eng. hon. dental Jury W1lliam Burton, plumber, IOg, & draper, III Camden
surgeon ; Thomas Oetzman, hon. sec.),UpperGrosvenor rd road & builder, Norman road
Hook Edward & &m, boot & shoe makers, 8o & 81, & leather Kelsey Edward & Henry, brewers, Culverden brewery &
sellers, I9 Calverley road farmers, Reynold's lane, St. John's road ,
Hook Zenas, fly proprietor, 85 St. James' road KEMBER FRANK,general ironmonger, smith, gas, hot water
Hooper Robert Prestbury, grocer, 39 Church road & sanitary engineer, 2 George street; works, North stree~
Hoper Richard, fmiterer, 34 Little Mount Sion Kember George, head gardener to Hon. J. M. 0. Byng D.L.~
Hopper William, surveyor, I3 Standen street J.P. Great Culverden, Mount Ephraim
Horsey George, cowkeeper, Beechwood farm, Blackhurst lane Kemp Frank, laundry, 85 Queen's road
Hosmer John, house decorator, 58 Beulah road Kemp Jn. tunbridge ware mnfr. see Boyce, Brown & Kemp
House J. & G. iron plate workers, 79! Goods Station road Kempster Jame3, cabinet mkr. 155 Camden rd. &Norman rd
House George, hardware dealer, I03 Camden road Kendall William James, draper, 23 Crescent road
House James, tinman, IS Culverden square Kennard Waiter, lodging house, 9 York road
How Mary & Esther (Misses), lodging house, 6 Hanover ra Kent Nursing Institution (Miss M. Norman, lady supt. ), 29
How James, jobbing gardener, 8 Hanover road Monson road
Howard R. & Son, pharmaceul. chemists, 44 Calverley road Kent & Sussex Courier (Matthew Andrew Harris Edwardes,
Howard Henry, lodging house, 21 York road publisher ; published wed. & fri. morning & evening), Ig,
Howard Henry, tailor, 29 Granville road 21 & 23 Grove Hill road
Howard John, lodging house, 8 Montacute road Kent George Weller, grocer & deputy registrar of births &
Howard William, tailor, 33 Little Mount Sion deaths for Frant sub·district, & post office, 54 :Frant road
Howis Edward Owen, wine & spirit mer. 67 Calverley road Kenward & Court Lim.brewers( Hy.Dainton,mngr. ),4High st
Rubble John, jun. chimney sweeper, 23 Goods Station road Key Margaret (Mrs.), laundress, 2 Thomas street
Hudson T. builder, 23 Thomas st. & Forge rd. South Bow Kidd Ephraim John, laundry, 88 Queen's road
Huffey Causan, furniture dealer, 6 Camden road Killick Francis J. & Florence A.. (Misses), lodging house, 23
Hughes Edwd. T. grocer, italian warehouseman & provision Mount Ephraim road
mers. Tunbridge Wells&Mid Kent stores,39&41YePantiles Killick Jn. Thos. saddlr. & harnss. mkr. 22 Goods Station rd
Kinchen Charles, dairy, 58 Goods Station road
Hughes Sarah (Miss), dress maker, 32 Standen street
Hughes William Barnsley, architect &c. 43 London road King Amos, greengrocer, 91 Camden road
Humphrey Hilkiah, florist & nurseryman, Monson road & King Harry, photographer, IOI Queen's road
37 Beulah road . King Thomas, bath chair proprietor, London road
Rumphrey John, oil & colorman, see Isard & Humphrey King Thomas, greengrocer, 30 Baltic road
Hnmphrey Thomas, auctioneer, valuer, house & estate King William, saddler, Mount Sion
agent,. I Lime Hill road Kingsworth Albert Edward, clothier, 53 High street
Humphrey William, giJ & colorman, see Isard & Humphrey Kingswood Edward, shoe maker, 78 High street
Humphreys Chas. Carter, builder, see White & Humphreys Kingswood William, boot maker, II2 Camden road
Hunnibell Fredk. prof. of music, Fernbr a ke1 Claremont rd Kinsbury John & Sons, leather sellers, 12 High street
Hunt James, drap er, g i Calverley road Kirkland Isaac, lodging house, 2I Grove Hill road
Hunt Samuel, stationer, 55 Mount Pleasant road Kneller Jane (Mrs.), laundress, 20 Western road
Hunter John, Temperance hotel, I8 High street Knight Annie (Miss), teacher of music, I6 St. John's road
Huntley Elizabeth (Miss), lodging house, 33 Church road Knight George, furniture broker, 7 Quarry road
Huntley SI.(exors of),Grosvenor Mnt. htl. 28&2gGrosyenor rd Knight George, grocer, 56 Camden road
Hutchins James, lodging house, 2I Mount Ephraim Knight Henry ltichard, district supt. Sceptre Life Associa-
Huxtable John, lodging house, 25 London road tion, 2 Brunswick terrace
Illman Adelina (Miss), lodging house, Cbillingworth house, Knight Jane (Mrs.), blacksmith, I6 St. John's road
Lansdowne road Knight Peter, boot mkr. Mount Pleasant cots. Grove Hill rd
Ingram Frederick A. scale maker, 41 & 43 Monson road Knight Samuel, lodging house, sS Mount Ephraim
Inland Revenue Office (Randolph Marriott Smyth, surveyor Knights William, gasfitter, 83 Goods Station road
of taxes; Edwin Morris, officer), 4 South grove Lacock Thomas, lodging house, 8 Cambridge street
International Tea Co. (J. Turner, manager), 92 Calverley rd Lake Herbert, fruiterer, 13 St. John's road
Irish Charles :Frederick, linen draper, 3I High street Lamb Charles, Cross Keys P.H. St. John's road
IronsNelsonElven,organist. HolyTrinity chch.53 Mt. Ephraim Lamb Harry, butcher, 86 St. James' road
Isard & Humphrey, oil & colorme~ 14 Grosvenor road Lamb Maria (Mrs.), dress maker, 3 Granville road
Ivimey Edward, tailor, 7 Chapel place Lambert Chas.Wm.dairyman & fruiterer,13 & IS Camdenrd
J'ackman William, lodging house, I8 York road Lammiman Cleland F.R.c.s. Eng. consulting surgeon, Elleray,
J'ackson John S. draper, 74, 76 & 78 Camden road Crescent road
J'acombs Thomas Mortimer A.K.c. young gentlemen's school,
Lanchbery John, lodging house, so York road
I2 Queen's road Lander Richd. SmithF.R.I.B.A.architect,s Culverden Park rd
J'ames Henry, hair dresser, 23 Victoria road Lane & Son, coal &c. merchants, Albion road
.Tames John, tailor, 35 Newcomen road Lane Richard Mark, cutler, Albion road
J'arvis John, builder, plumber, house decorator, gas & hot Langley Rd. J n. Gt. Hall restaurant, Gt. hall,Mt. Pleasant rd
water engineer, Grove Hill road & Goods Station road LANGRIDGE & FREEMAN, auctioneers, house &estat.e agts.
surveyors & valuers, The Great hall, Mount Pleasant road
J'arvis Waiter, writer, r5 Avon street
Langridge Edwin, marine store dealer, Warwick road
J'eal Henry, lodging house, 44 Mount Ephraim
J'effery James Neal, carpenter, 65 Stone street Langridge James, lodging house, 43 Vale road
J'effery John, insurance agent, 5 Stafford place, Tunnel rd Langridge Stephen, grocer, 39 Little Mount Sion
Jeffrey Ann (Miss), dress maker, 9 John street Lankester Percy Squire, photographer, 3I Grosvenor road;
J'enkins Henry, photographer, post office, hair dresser, 40 & & Great Hall studio, Mount Pleasant road .
40A, Grosvenor road Larkin Frank, butcher, 30 Berkeley rd. & IO Chapel place
J'enkinson Edward C. tailor, 28 Mount Pleasant road Lavender Carolina (Mrs.), upholsteress, 72 St. J ames' road
J'enks Thomas, boot maker, 172 St. James' road Lavender Susannah (Mrs. ),boardng. ho. Eden glen, Limehl.rd
Jenner Jeffery & Sons, fruiterers, I4 Chapel place Lawrence Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 14 Quarry road
Jenner George, fancy repository, 107 Camden road Lawther James K. chiropodist, I9 Cambridge street
Jewells Jane (Mrs.), coffee rooms, I57 Camden road Leaney Walter, photographer, I Albion gardens, Albion rd
.Johnson George, farm bailiff to Hon. J. M. 0. Byng esq. D.L., Lee Joseph, watch maker, I2 Monson road
J.P. Great Culverden farm Lee William, lodging house, Rock villa, London road
Johnson James, umbrella maker & repairer, So High street Lefevre Thomas, beer retailer, IS Crescent road
& 64 Culverley road Legg Emma (Mrs.), laundress, 26 Kirkdale road
Johnson John M.D. surgeon, I Beulah road Leggatt Henry, lodging house, 40 York road
Jones Harriet (Miss), ladies' outfitter, Crescent road Leney Fk.& Sons,brewers(Wm.Hy.Downs,mgr. ),26 Lndn.rd
Jones John, builder, see Soper & Jones Leney Leonora (Miss), dress maker, 52 Calverley road ·
Jones Sarah (Mrs.), laundress, I2 Poona road Leonard William, coal merchant, 127 St. James' road
Jones WilliamGodfrey, carver & gilder, 23 Grosvenor road Lepperd Tea Co. 23 Mount Pleasant road
Jordan Eleanor (Miss), lodging house, 4S Mount Ephraim Lessels James, Bristol Arms P.H. 66 Calverley road
Jordan Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 4 Granville road Lester & .Alien, plumbers, 30 Church street
Joy Edward, shoe maker, 33 Goods Station road Lewer Levi, boot maker, 52 Western road
Joyner Jane (Mrs.), lamp dealer, I7 William street Lewin William, head gardener to B. H. Collins J.P. Dunorlan,
Judd Waiter Ernest, builder, 24 Stone street Pembury road ··
dUQE, HANBURY lt. CO. (Wateringbury), pale ale brewers, Lewis & Williams, solicitors, 36 Mount Pleasant road
The Great hall. See advertisement Lewis Thomas, solicitor, see Lewis & Williams
Lewrey John George, Oxford Temperance hotel, 7I Mount Mechanics' Institute & Reading Rooms (Wm. E. Brampton,
Pleasant road, & baker, 4 Calverley road hon. sec. ; R. Gale, assistant sec. & librarian), Dudley rd
Liberator Permanent Benefit Building & Investment Society Medway Coal Co. coal & coke merchants, I High street &
(William W. Ashby, a~ent), Mon.son ho. Mount Pleasantrd wharf, Quarry road
Liddell ,John Edwd. tailor, Montpelier cot. Mount Ephraim Meggy William, fruiterer, IS Ye Pantiles
LinternArth.Chas. butcher, 79Calverley rd.&43A,St.John's rd Mercer Edmund Henry, tobacconist, IO Chapel place
Lintott George, green~ocer, 42 Albion road Mercer Fanny (Mrs.), laundress, I03 St. John's road
LISTER & CO. mantle & cloak makers, 27 Mount Pleasant Mercer George, builder, 4 St. John's cottages
road &at Hastings Mercer George, tailor, 27 Ye Pantiles
Lloyd Evelina (Miss), lodging house, 10 Church road Mercer Jeffery, Kentish Yeoman P.H. x8 Grove Hill road
Lock Ellen Beer (Miss), milliner, Crescent road Mercer William, fish dealer, 18 Wood street
Lock William, grocer, 62 High street Merrell Joseph, printer & publisher of the "Tunbridge
Lockey James, beer retailer, 61 Camden road Wells Gazette & Visitors List" newspaper, 59 High street
Lockhart Edgar, fruit mer. 79A, High st. & 43 Ye Pantiles Merrick Elizabeth (Miss), lodging house, 66 Mount Ephraim
London & County Banking Co. Limited (Stephen Bloxbam, Merry M. A. (Mrs.), dress maker, I8 Stanley road
mgr.), Mt. Pleasant rd.; draw on bead office, London E c Miles Fredk. Geo. news agent & tobacconist, 5 Calverley rd
Longley Wm. & Co. sewing machine dealers, 83 Camden rd Miles George, butcher, 25 George street
Lon~rley Frederick, beer retailer, 76 High street Miles Henry, beer retailer, 43 George street
Lord Nevill, tailor, ss Tunnell road Miles Thomas, fly proprietor, Frant road
Love George, builder, 13 Warwick road Miller & Co. chemists, 42 Mount Ephraim
Luck Charles, china & glass warehouse, 4 Ye Pantiles Miller William, cooper, 9 St. John's road & Warwick road
Luck Waiter, photographer, 81 High street · · Milton Edward, laundry, so Stanley road
Lyle E. & Son, mineral water manufacturers, 13 Newton rd Minter Lydia Ameli.a (Miss), dress maker, 6o Beulah road
Lynn Daniel, draper, Io Monson road Missing Robert, fishmonger, 16 Chapel place
Macbean George, land agent to the Marquis of Abergavenny, Mitchell George, hair dresser, 3 Basinghall street
Eridge estate office, 46 Frant road Mitchell William, hurdle maker, 26 Park street
McCall Elizh. (Mrs.),lodging ho. 4 Nevill ter. MontacJJ.te rd Moat William, watch maker, 99 Camden road
McCowen Jas. fancy stationer, 65 & 67 Mount Pleasant rd Mockford Rose (Mrs.), dress maker, 5 Walton terrace
McKenzie Donald, head gardener & farm bailiff to Lady Molineux, Whitfeld & Co. bankers (John Geo.Calway, man.),
Siemens, Sherwood, Pembury road 38 Ye Pantiles & 64 Mount Pleas:\ntrd. ; draw on Williams,
Main Edmund William, dyer, I4 High street Deacon & Co. Birchin lane, London B c
Malcolm Alex. cabinet maker, Rink mews, Grove Hill road Molineux Mary (Mrs.), laundress, 6 Shaftesbury road
ManktelowMahala (Miss), dress ma. 4Carlisle viis. Norfolk rd Molyueux Park Mansion", private boarding house (George
Manktelow Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2I Albert street Lewing. manager), Molyneux park
Manning Frank, tobacconist, I Camden road Montague Thomas, bath chair proprietor, Granville road
Mansell Sidwell (Mrs.), lodging house, 66 London road Moon George, shopkeeper, 7 Albert street
Manser &Vise, surgeons, 2 The Priory & 39 Mount Pleasant rd Moon James Thomas, blacksmith, Little Mount Sion
Manser Edward George, draper, 8 &. IO Ye Pantiles Morgan & Co. bicycle makers, 23 Calverley road
Manser Frederick, surgeon, see Manser & Vise Morgan James William, pianoforte tuner, 35 Prmce's street
Manser Samuel, hoot & shoe maker, 149 Camden road Morgan William, shopkeeper, 44 Albion road
Mansfield George & Son, builders, Pelham house, London Morley William, chimney sweeper, 5 Basinghall street
road & Montacute road Morse Sarah (Miss), lodging house, 3 Lime Hill road
Manton Henry & Charles W. hair dressers, 8 Camden road Moss Charlotte (Mrs.), preparatory school, 3 York road
Marchant George, plumber, sanitary engineer, house deco- Mount Ephraim Middle Grade Girls' School (Miss Jean
rator, gasfitter & general contractor, Little Mount Sion Miller, head mistress), Vale Towers hall, London road
Markins Eliza. (~Irs. ), dress maker, 48 Goods Station road Muffett Frederick, beer retailer & carpenter, 40 Victoria rd
MarsackArthur L. R.C.P.Edin. surgn. see Anderson &Marsack Muggleton HumphreyThos. greengrocer,37 Goods Station rd
Marsh Rohert, boot 1"\}aker, 6 Chapel place Murphy Edward, bath chair proprietor, 21 ~tone street
Marsh Thomas, fruiterer, 6 Nevill street Murray William, sanitary inspector & deputy registrar of
Marsh William, fish dealer, 54 Western road births,deaths&marriages&mendicity officer,32Calverley rd
Marshall Joseph, carpenter, Quarry road Murrells John, lodging house, 2 Cal verley Park crescent
Marston Henry, auctioneer, see Martin & Marston Nagle Patrick, lodging house, 6 York road
Marten John, fishmonger, 27 Crescent road Nash Alfred, cowkeeper, Gro,.e Spa farm, Langton road
Martin & Marston, auctioneers, 52 High street Neale Silvena (Mrs.), beer retailer, I4 Little Mount Sion
Martin Arthur, dairy, 3 Hanover road Neale Thomas James, grocer, 41 & 43 Western road
Martin Eleanor:Frances (Miss), furniture dlr.7A,St. John's rd Needham Stourton, boys' school, 53 Upper Grosvenor road
Martin Edwd.Peckham,accountant,7 CalverleyPark crescent Neeves Benjamin George, tobacconist, 1 I Quarry road
Martin Emest, builder, 38 Standen street Neild Frederick M:.D, C.M:. physician, I Church road
Martin Harriet Grace (Mrs.), dress ma. 13 Sutherland road Nevill Club (J. G. Calway, sec.), Pump room, Ye Pantiles
Martin James, furniture dealer, 7 St. John's road New Zealand Froren Meat Co. 72 High street
Martin Louisa (Miss), dress make~.', 22 London road New Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging houses, Nevilllodge & Mait-
Martin Nary Ann (Mrs.), laundry, Dover house, Queen's rd land house, Ye Pantiles
Martin Newlun, gasfitter, 32 Dudley road Newington Mary (Miss), lodging house, 6 Montacute grdns
Martin Ragau, solicitor, 25 High street Newman George, auctioneer & valuer, 6 Vale road
Martin Selina (Miss), dress maker, I32 Camden road Nichols Henry James, insurance agent, 26 Thomas street
Martin Thomas, hosier & clothier, 82 & 83 Calverley road Nicholson Alfred, chymist, I8 Ye Pantiles .
Martin Thomas Samuel, accountant, I3 Sutherland road Nicholson Alfred, berlin wool repository, 22 Ye Pantiles
Martin William, coal & wood dealer, Stanley road Ninnes James Hy. watch maker, 20 Mount Pleasant road
Martin William, fishmonger, 49 Albion road Noakes William &; Son, linen drapers, 45 & 47 High street
Martin William, lodging house, 23 York road Noakes Elias, linen draper, 26, 27 & 28 Calverley road
Martin Wm. Edward, coal merchant, 6r Goods Station rd Noakes William Thomas, carriage builder, Elliott's carriage
Mason Anne Ethel (Mrs.), ladies' outfitter, 89 Calverley rd works, London road
Mason George Richard, assistant superintendent Prudential Noel Sylvia (Miss), boarding house, Deep dene, London rd
Assurance Co. Limited, Vernon house, Dunstan road Norcross E. & Co. blind manfctrs. 4 & 35 Goods Station rd
Mason James Thomas, plasterer, 9 Hill street Norman Carl & Co. photographic publishers, 46 St. James' rd
Mason John, architectural modeller, I8 St. John's road Norman John, carman, 6 Camden road
Mason William, scripture reader, 11 Calverley street Norman Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 27 Calverley street
Masters Emily (Miss), masseuse, I7 Calverley street Nonnan Owen, french polisher, 33 Victoria road
Matthew Jane (Miss), lodging house, Hartonleigh, London rd Norman Thomas, shopkeeper, I Stanley road
Maundrell Eaton, lodging house, 34 York road Norton Charles, surveyor, 31 Calverley street
May Anne (Mrs.), lodging house, 18 Dudley road Novis George, butcher, 12 Quarry road
May Edward Pudduck, dairyman, 8r Camden road Noyes Sarah Jane & l\'lary Ellen (Misses), dress makers, 3
May George, decorator, Borzelle, Dunstan road Wiltshire place, Kirkdale road
May Mary C. (Mi89), dairy, I7 Grove Hill road Noyes John, stationer, 69 High street
May Richard, shopkeeper, 57 Tunnell road Nye Alfred George, confectioner, 34 Mount Ephraim
Mayer Clara (Mrs.), private boarding ho. 32 & 33 London rd Nye Edward Charles, bookseller, see Goulden & Nye
Mayer Eugene, military tutor, 32 & 33 London road Nye Joseph Henry, bookseller & music seller, 7Grosvenorrd
Mayfield District Gas Light Co. Limited (Wm. E. Brampton, Oakley William, architect & surveyor & district surveyor to
sec.), 21 Culverden Park road the rural sanitary authority of the Tonbridge union, 36
Mayner Frederick, butcher, 3 Grosvenor road Mount Pleasant road
Meades Aaron, beer retailer, 53 Goods Station road O'Bryan Charles, paperhanger, I2I Queen's road .
Meads Simeon, laundry, 86 Queen's road O'Grady Agnes (Miss), catholic repository, 34 Grosvenor rd
Oliver A. & Co. fly proprietors & job masters, livery stables, Playfoot Alfred, Harp P.H. St. John's road
Mount Ephraim Plummer Stephen, professor of mnsic,x24 Up. Grosvenor rd ·
Oliver & Co. flour factors, corn merchants & cattle food Pocock George, tobacconist, 71 St. John's road
manufacturers, 26 Grosvenor road ; stores, Culverden st. Pollard James William, shopkeep3r, II9 St. John's road
& millers, Barden (water) & Bidborough (wind) Pollock Rowland L.K.Q.C.P.m~l. physician & sur~aon, 42
Oliver Albert, baker, 25 Mount Ephraim Mount Pleasant road
Oliver Waiter, butcher, 43 Camden road Pomfret Benj.auctnr. estate agt. valuer &accntnt.30 High st
Oliver William, butcher, 49 Church road & 30 Camden rd Poole William, tailor & outfitter, 78 Calverley road
Orphan'sHome(MissL.Hardinge,matron),72Up.Grosvenr.rd Pope Alex. boot maker, xo Gro,re Hill cots. Grove Hill road
Orpin Louisa (Mrs.), dining rooms, 11 Goods Station road Porter Albert, baker, 3 Western road.
Orpin Stephen Stokes, chemist, 65A, Camden road Porter Isaac, lodging house, 22 Church road
Orpin William, baker, 2 Granville road Potter Charles Benfield, grocer, 102 Camden road
Orton Alfred, hosier & glover, 54 Ye Pantiles Pound Blanche (Miss), mediCal rubber,68Upper Grosvenor rd
Osborn Thomas Harmer, dairy, 122 St. James' road Powell Edwin, bicycle maker, 12 Grove Hill road
Osborne Harriet (Miss), dress maker, 139 Queen's road Powell Frances (Miss), costumier, 5 Dudley road
Ovenden Arthur, painter &o. I Garden road
Powell Godfrey, invalid chair propr. so Goods Station road
Powls Thirza (Miss), dress maker, 90 Camden road
Ovenden Charles, decorator, 34 Cambridge street
Owen Thomas Lewin, fancy repository, 43 High street Pratt John, carpenter, 81 St. John's road
Packham Alfred, jobbing gardener, 6 Dunstan road Pratt Waiter, shopkeeper, 1 Stanhope road
Packham Ann (Mrs.), laundress, 5 Shaftesbury road. Pratt William, blacksmith, 55 Goods Station road
Packham Edwin, fishmonger, 8 Grove Hill road Pratt William, cowkeeper, 1 George street
Packham Joseph, chimney sweeper, 61 Varney street Prebble Emma (Mr11.), dress maker, xg Dudley road
Packham Stephen, carman, 39 Stanley road Prentice Caleb, hair dresser, 153 Camden road
Padget Thomas, su~sex Shades P.H. Frant road Price Ann (l\lrs. ), beer retai er, 16 John street
Page John, beer & wine retailer, 65 Camden road Price Eli, tailor, 37 Monson road & u Garden road
Paige John T. watch maker, 70 High street Price Henry, greengroeer, 12 Varney street
Pain John Kirby, corn, cake, guano, manure, coal & seed Prickett Isabella (Mrs.), nurse, 14 Montrose ter.Kirkdalerd
merchant & hay & straw salesman, 49 Ye Pantiles Pride John Edmund, saddler, 85 & 87 Camden road
Paling George, shopkeeper, 9 Varney street Prior Sarah (Miss), lodging house, 2 York road
Paramor Sidney, riding master, Mount Ephraim Procter Alfred, stationer, & post office, 41 Church road
Pardington Geo. Lucas M.D. physician, 47 Mt. Pleasant rd Prouse I<'anny (1\'Iiss), Royal Mount EJ!hraim family hotelp
Mount Ephraim
Parker Alfred, fishmonger, Golding street
Provident Dispensary (Dr. C. Vise Thomas Elliott, J. B.
Parker Richard, gardener, 17 Stanley road
Footner, A. Marsack, W. Stamford & Dr. Wilson, medical
Parker William, hair dresser, 63 Victoria roal;l
officers; Charles Hayden, sec. & dispenser), Grosvenor rd
Parker William Henry, lodging house, 6 Berkeley road
Parker William Samuel, confectioner, 44 & 46 Ye Pantiles Provis John, commercial traveller, 8o Upper Grosvenor rd
Parkes John, head gardener to R. P. Tebb esq. Heathfield, Pryke Arthur, beer retailer, 47 Grosvenor road
Pembury road Public Rooms Co. (Henry Bevan, sec.), Public rooms, Mount
Parks & Heasman, lodging house, 13 Calverley Park cres Pleasant road
Parnum George Frederic Handel, pianoforte & music ware- Public Swimming Baths (N. Strange, sec.), Quarry road
house, 3 Chapel place Purdy Frank, boot maker, 2I Baltic road .
Parslow Hannah {Miss), lodging ho. Glazzard ho.Limehill rd Putland Thos. corn & coal mer. 54 HigliSt.& Goods Statn.rd
Parsons Alien, coal mer.8 Mt. Pleasant rd.&GoodsStation rd Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment, xst Volunteer
Parsons George, greengrocer, 133 Camden road Battalion (D Co. Capt. Alfred Thomas Simpson, com-
• mandant; E Co. Capt. F. Moncton, commandant), Drill
Parsons Mary (Miss), lodging house, xo York road
Pattenden John, coal dealer, Granville road hall, Victoria road
Pattle William, lodging house, 5 Sutherland road Quelch John, lodging house, 3 Belgrove
Payne & Co. watch makers, 37 High street & 26 Ye Pantiles Quinnell Ann (Mrs.), laundress, Richardson road
Payne Jane (Mrs.), coal dealer, 87 Goods Station road Quinnell Jane (Mrs.), laundress, 8 Avon street
Payne Katharine (Mrs.), milliner, 23 High street Ragge John, waiter, 36 Beulah road
Payne Richard, boot maker, 31 Little Mount Sion Ralph Alfred & Son, bakers, II7 Camden road
Peacock Charles, corn & coal merchant, 2 London road & Randall & Leshley, butchers, 16 Calverley road
Goods Station road Randall Henry William, commercial traveller, I6 Benlah rd
Peak Jeremiah, tailor, 91 St. James' road Ranking John Ebenezer M.A., M.D., M.R.C.P., M.R.C.S.Eng.
Pearce William, fly proprietor, 67 Mount Sion physician, 18 Mount Ephraim road
Pearless & Beeching, solicitors & commissioners for oaths, Ranson Ann Mary (Mrs.), laundry, 7 Culverden square
32 Mount Pleasant road Ravenscroft F. J. hair dresser, 19 Mount Pleasant road
Fearless Reginald Wilson {firm, Pearless & Beeching), soli- Read James, dairyman, 78 Culverden Park road
citor & commissioner for oaths, 32 Mount Pleasant road Read John, accountant, 44 High street
Pearse Henry, colporteur, 104 Camden road Reader Edward, baker, 88 St. James' road
Pearse John, dentist, 45 Mount Pleasant road Redman Robt. Wooderso•, Duke of York P.H. 17 Ye Pantiles
Pearson Emma {Mrs.), dress maker, 25 Auckland road Reeve T. G. & Co. furniture removers, x Goods Station road
Peckham & Co. butchers, 137 Camden road Reeve A. T. ironmonger, 47 St. John's road
Peckham Annie (Mrs.), lodging house, 47 Ye Pantiles Reeve Jessie (Miss), milliner, see Whittingham & Reeve
Peerless Wm.Saunders Summers, shopkeeper,27 Belgrave rd Reeves James, boot & shoe maker, 9 Grosvenor road
Pell George, upholsterer, 10 Bedford terrace Reeves Robt. blacksmith, Murray rd. & beer ret. 66 High st
Pelton Richard, bookseller, 68 Ye Pantiles & printers, 1 The Relf Flora (Miss), dress maker, 22 Garden street
Broadway, Mount Pleasant road Relf Obadiah, greengrocer, 5I Calverley road
Penfold Hy. Wm. lodging ho. SI Church rd. & 63 London rd Rhodes Louis, smith, 11 North street
Penn Charles, carver & gilder, 51 High street • Rich Alfred, tailor, 123 Camden road
Pennifold Kate (Miss), dress maker, 2I John street Richards George, boot maker, 6I Victoria road
Peploe Annie (Mrs.), dress maker, 38 Beulah road RichaTdson Albert William, solicitor & commissioner for
Perkins Rachael (Mrs.), laundress, I6 Thomas street oaths, Alpha ho. Upper Grosvenor rd.; & at Edenbridge
Peters Philip & Co. glass & china warehouse, 20 Monson rd Richardson Edwin, shoe maker, 33 Crescent road
Phillips Robt. & Co. pianoforte &c. warehouse, 22 M:onson rd Richardson Eliza (Mrs.), laundress, 6I Auckland road
Richardson Herbert, tobacconist, so Frant road
Philpot Isaac, boot & shoe maker, 63 High street
Pickersgill H. D. & Co. ham curers, 7 Camden road Richard'!lon James, fly propr. Clarence mews, Clarence row
Pickett H. & Sons, who. fancy stationers, I2 Calverley road Rickett, Smith & Co. coal merchants, 29 High street
Pickett James & Son, tailors, 25 Grosvenor road Rickwood Saul, town crier, 49 Mount Sion
Pickett Thomas & Co. steam dyers & cleaners, 77 Calverley Ridley Mark, certified rent bailiff, 17 Albion road
road ; works, Quarry road Rix Wm. Howells & Benj. surgeons, I & 2 Mount Ephraim rd
Pickford & Co.carriers (T. G. Reeve,agent),1 Goods Statn.rd Roberton Hy. S. (Mrs.), ladies' schL Jerningham ho.Mt.Sion
Piesley :Francis Alfred C. lodging house, 48 Beulah road Roberts Henry & Son, tailors, 21 Crescent road
Pilheam Edward, fly proprietor, 35 Beulah road Roberts Ruth&Sophia(Misses),lodging ho.6 CalverleyPk.cres
Pilbeam Thos. lodging house, I & 2 Rochelle, Crescent road Roberts Caro:ine (1¥1iss), dress maker, 9 Buckingham road
Pincott James Cole L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon, 1 Calverley Roberts Frederic:k, waste paper mer. 3 Goods Station road
parade, Mount Pleasant road Roberts John, grocer, 6 Calverley road
Pink Hori, cabinet maker & upholsterer, 48 Grosvenor road ROBERTS RICHARD M.R.c.v.s. veterinary surgeon, .t
& builder, St. John's road veterinary inspector under the Contagious Diseases
Pink Thomas, lodging house, 16 York road {Animals) Act for the borough, Little Grove ho. Mt. Sion
Piper William J. stationer, 37 Vale road Roberts William Harrison, fruiterer, 97 Calverley road
Pitts Raymond (Mrs.) B.A. M. tchr. of music, 33 Calverley rd Rl)bertson Joseph Peter, butcher, 145 Camden road
Robinson Annie (:.\fiss), dress maker, 2 Lime Hill road Simmonds S. & Son, clothiers & outfitters, 20 & 22 Chapel pl
Robinson Geraldine (Mrs.), antique dealer, 25 Vale road Simmons Sarah C~Iiss), lodging house, 5-t York road
Robinson :\Iary Ann (:\'lrs. ), wardrobe dlr. 26 Basinghall st Simons Robert Kent. professor of music, 2 South grove
Roffe Jane(Mrs. ),fruiterer & lodging ho.4o & 46 Mt.Ephraim Simpson Albert Henry, grocer, so Western roa l
Rogers Albert, fly propr. Hilder pl. High st. & Rink mews
Rogers Oliver, pharmaceutical chmst. see Dunkley & Roger.;; Simpson Alfred Thomas (firm, Stone, Simpson & Son), soli-
citor & clerk to Pembury school board
Rogers Samuel, lodging house, 9 Dudley road
Rogers Thomas, fly proprietor, 8 Tunnell road Simpson Henry, insurance agent &c. 57 Goods Station road
Rolfe Julia (:\'lrs. ), servants' registry office, 11 Dudley road Simpson Thomas Fox (firm, Stone, ~impson & Son), solici-
Rolls Jane pirs. ), dress maker, 39 Calverley street
Romary Alfred, biscuit. manufacturer, 26 Church road tor, commissioner for oaths & perpetual commissioner,
. clerk to Tonbridge district & Mark Cross highway boards
Rootes John Rose, builder, see "'aite & Rootes
ROPER & CARTER, auctioneers, house & estate agents, & joint clerk to the m;~gistrates for Tunbridge Wells
(Kent) & Frant (Sussex)
surveyors & valuers; monthly register, map & time table Sindcn Thomas, greengrocer, 121 St. James' road
fre~; established I797• The Pantiles Singer Manufacturing Co. 6o High street
Rose Henry, grocer, 24 :Monson road Singer John, boot maker, 37 Little Mount Sion
Roser William, plasterer, 4 Kensington street Skinners' Compa.ny's Middle School (Rev. Frederick G3orge
Rourke John Laney, tailor, 2 Garden street Knott :aLA. head master), St. John's road
Skinner Alfred Thomas, tailor, 25 Grove Hill road
Royal Kentish Hotel Co. Limited (James Keisey, manager), Skinner Kate (:\Irs. ), dress maker, g6 Goods Station road
London road
Skinner Stei1hen, shopkeeper, 43 Auckland road
Ruffell William, watch maker, 59 Mount Pleasant road Slade Sylvia A. ( }lrs. ), laundress, 43 Albion road
Rule William, Swan family & commercial hotel &restaurant, S'atter Henry, pianoforte & music warehouse, Chapel place
Slydel William Ebenezer, painter & decorator, 56 Goods
56 & ss Ye Pantiles
Rumble Owen Thomas, bead gardener to A. Pulford esq. Station road
Smith & Bradley, brass finishers, Little Mount Sion
Ravendale, Pembury road Smith Caroline & Elizabeth (Misses), boarLling house, 14
Rummery Joseph John, upholsterer, 45 Goods Station road
Rundle Jerome, cabinet maker, 3 Norman road St. John's road
Rundle Richard, cabinet maker, I 19 & I27 Camden road Smith W. H. & Son, bookstall, S. E. R. platform, Mount
Runnacles Sophia (Mrs.), lodging house, Ss Mount Ephraim
Rush John William, butcher, 9 Chapel place Pleasant road
Russell Charles, dairyman, 32 Little Mount Sion Smith Alfred Ernest, baker, I 1 Bayhall road
Russell Frank, wardrobe dealer, 53 Camden road Smith Annie ( :VIrs. ), lodging house, 92 Mount E;)hraim
Russell George, builder, Salem ho. Western rd. & Albion rd
Russelll\Iaria (Mrs.), laundress, 103 Queen's road Smith Charles Thomas, tobacconist, 34 Ye Pantiles
Ryan Sergt.-}laj. William, gymnastic instructor, go Calver- Smith David, boot maker, I2 John street
Smith Eliza (Mrs.), fly proprietor, I2 Baltic road
ley road & uo St. James' road Smith Eliza (Mrs.), laundry, I Auckland road
Ryder Tom, plumber, painter, builder & house decorator, Smith Eliza (::.\Irs. ), lodging house, 5 Lime Hill road
Smith Eliza Jane (}Irs. ), school, I Dudley road
16 Grove Hill road Smith Frances (::.\Irs. ), laundress, 66 Queen's road
Smith George, coach builder,4o Calverley road; Crescent rd.
St. James' Invalid & Soup Kitchen (Mrs. Emma 0. Sayers,
& 8 Calverley street
manageress), 3 Wood street Smith George, insurance agent, I43 Queen's road
Sale Harriet (Mrs.), laundry, The Common Smith George Henry, coal merchant, Goods Station road
Sale Mary (~Irs. ), laundress, 3 William street Smith George L. Star inn, 4 George street
Salter John, butcher, 27 Mount Ephraim & 94 Calverley rd Smith George i\Ience, oil & color man, I r Calverley road
t>altmarsh Mark, carver & gilder, 39 High street Smith James, fly proprietor, Calverley Parade mews,
Sands Jane (:Miss), dress maker, ug Queen's road
Sands William, shopkeeper, I ·windmill street Mon<>on road
Smith James, lodgin~ hous~, 14 Church road
'Santer Henry, Camden hotel, Calverley road Smith John Barker, decorator, go Goods Station road
'Saunders John, baker & grocer, 70 Auckland road Smith Mary (Mrs.), nurse, 7 Stone street
Saunders John George, lodging ho. Holland ho. Lime Hill rd Smith Reuben, fly proprietor, Grove Hill road
Saunders Julia (Mrs.), laundress, S4 Queen's road
Saunders William, builder, 12S St. James' road Smith Stephen, oilman, 59 Victoria road
Saunders William, carman, Southfield Smith Waiter William, boot maker, 4 Vernon road
Savage James, bath chair proprietor, 10 Garden street Smith William, dairy, I9 Goods Station road
Sawyer & Son, fishmongers, Ir Camden rd. & 44 Victoria rd Smith William, Ieatherseller, 6 Grove Hill road
Saxby Henry, carpenter, I47 Queen's road Smith William Jabez, fly proprietor, 11 London road
SaxbyJohn, carver & gilder, 10 Newcomen road
Sayers Benjamin, head gardener to A. D. Stringer esq. J.P. Smith William Sidney, hair dresser, 24 High street
Smithers Arthur, dealer in works of art &c. 28 High street,
Beechwood hall, Pembury road
Sayers Joseph, head gardener to Rev. S. M. Barkworth D. D. & wardrobe dealer, 3 Camden road
Smithers John, beer retailer, I2 North street
Ferndale Smyth Randolph }iarriott, supervisor of inland revenue, 4
Sayers Stephen, carpenter, I I Grecian road
Scales William John, tailor, 57 Victoria road South grove
Schmidt Charles, fly proprietor, Grove Hill road Snowdon Francts, carrter, 77 Goods StatiOn road
Schmidt William, fishmonger, 43 St. John's road Snowdon Thomas, dairy, 79 Goods Station road
Scott William, chair maker,6S Camclen rd. & I2 Kirkdale rd Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (branch)
Sell Laird, coach trimmer, 7 Ely lane
Sells & Son, pharmaceutical chemists, I3 Grosvenor road (Edward Westbroo!l:, inspector), 3 Dudley road
Semadeni Julis, pastrycook, 26 High street • Soman F. (late of Dunn & Soman), appraiser, valuer,house &
Senior Harry Stanham, draper & sewing machine agent, 36 estate agent, manager of the Colonnade Estate Agency,
:Mount Ephraim 30 Monson road
Soper & Jones, house & estate agents, valuers, builders,
Sewell Sisters, fruiterers, 7 Vale road house decorators, plumbers & gasfitters, 53 Mount Pleasant
road ; Rock Villa road & W oodbury Park road
Sewell Samuel, boot maker, 4 Duke's road
Seymour Henry, umbrella repairer, 6 Culverden street South of Eng-land Tdephone Co. Limited (W. A. Denman,
Sharvill Henry & Son, tailors, I] & 19 Vale road mana.fl"er), Broadway chambers, Mount Pleasant road
Sharvill Francis, cricket bat manufacturer, 19 Nevill street
Sharvill William, lodging house, 57 London road South Grove Home for the Children of the Poorer Clergy,
Shaw :Mary Ann (}irs.), laundress, S2 Queen's road X aval,}Iilitary &c. (:\'I:rs. Ladds,hon.sec. ), ro & II South gro
Shaw Peter, shoe maker, 33 \Villiam street
Shepherdson Alfred: wardrobe dealer, 6 Quarry road Southern Counties Dairies,Co. Lim.(JohnGordon, manager),
Sheppard Frederick, farmer, 121 St. John's road 16 Grosvenor road & 49 St. John's road
Shingleton James, shopkeeper, I Duke's road
Shir;ey Emily (}Irs. ), lodging house, 7 Mount Sion Spence & Co. greengrocers, rS Monson road
Shoebridge David, head gardener to William Edwards esq. Spenceley Ellis :\lurtin, grocer, 27 Grove Hill road
Spencer & Reeve, auctioneers, house agents, valuers & sur-
3 Sandrock road
Short Elizabeth (:.\Irs.), dress maker, So Goods Station rd veyors, 66 )'[ount Pleasant road ; & at Tonbridge
Sibthorpe William M. milliner, 101 Calverley road SP£NCER JOHN H. hosier, hatter & shirt ma. 2 Pantiles
Sidney Eliza (:\'Irs.), lodging house, Pelham ho.Lime Hill rd Spiers Waiter John (}lrs.), stationer, S High street
Spratley Richard, picture frame ma. 6I l\lonnt Pleasant rd
Silver Samuel, hair dresser, 31 Vale road Spratley \Vm. cabinet maker, Prospect lodge, Tunnell rd
Simco Eli, lodging house, 68 London road Sprott & Son, solicttors, 2 Cumberland walk
Simkins Kate Lydia (::\Irs. ), dress maker, 12 DJ.le street Stacey Sa.rah (}lrs. ), lodging house, Walmer cot. :\Iount Sion
Stafford J0hn 'E. fancy repository, 2 & 4 Chap3l place &
S3 & 85 High street
Staite & Co. tobacconists, 9 High street
K. S. & S. 4.2
Stamford William L.R.C.P.LOnd. physician & surgeon & Thorman Eliza Ann (Miss), lodging ho. 11 Buckingham rd
m~>dical officer of health, Collingwood ho. Grosvenur rd Thorncroft Richd. builder, 7 Baltic rd. & Little Mount Sion
Stanbridge Thomas, builder, 30 Calverley street & 37! Goods Thorncroft Sarah Susannah (Mrs.), haker, 54 Calverley rd
Station road Thorogoo:J James, fly proprietor, 43 Dudley road
Standard Accident Insuranee Co. Limited (Fredk. Graham, Thorp T. H. colliery owner & coal merchant (Preston
district manag-er), Royal Kentish buildings, London road Sharow, agent), 1I High street & Quarry road
Standen Charlotte (Mrs.), dress maker, 23 Auckland road Thorpe Edward, plumber, 20 Albert street
Thorpe Edwin Astley, tea dealer, 5 Vale road
Standen Louis Albert, tobacconist, 8 Monson road
Stapley John, carman, 8 Down lane Thorpe Emma (Miss), lodging house, see Green & Thorpe
Starkey Anthony Edg-ar, valuer, Belle ville, The Common Thorpe Jasper, carpenter & joiner, 55 Victoria road
Starling Edwin Alfred M.B., surgeon, & medical officer Thorpe J osiah, toy repository, 94 Camden road, & carpenter,
& public vaccinator for No. 1 district, Tonbridge union, & Kirkdale road
certifying factory Sllr[!"eon, 36 Calverley road Thorpe Reuben, lodging house, 42 Dudley road
Starmer Geo. Hy, pianoforte & music wareho.5 Grosvenor rd Thresher Frederick trimmer, 64 Goods Station rd
Starr Mary Ann (Mrs.), coffee house, 54 Camden road Thrift George, lodging house, 62 London road
StarrOliviaVallance(Miss),lodging ho. 14&16Mnt. Ephraim rd Thurbon E. builder, Garden street
Starr Spencer, insurance agent, 2 Ebenezer cottages Tibbitts Aunie (Mrs.), grocer, 1 Western road
Stedman & Hodge, plumbers, 13A, Warwick road Ticahurst Ellen (Mrs.), laundress, 131 Queen's road
Steege Fanny (Miss), ladies' school, 1 Cumberland walk Tidy George, Elephant & Castle P.H. 12 Goods Station rd
Steege Wm. Henry, lodging house, Exeter villa, London rd Timberlake Charles, bicycle maker, 41 High street
Steers "William, dairyman, 156 Upper Grosvenor road Tolhurst George, wholesale grocer, see HoJbin & Tolhurst
Stephens John, watch maker, 27 Vale road Tolson Charles & Co. fishmongers, Ye Pantiles
Stephenson George, boot maker, 19 Norman road Tolson C. F. (Mrs.), berlin wool repository, 24 Ye Pantiles
SteYensonThomas & Joseph, joint rate collectors to borough, Tomlinson Thomas Rowland, upholsterer, Crescent ,.oad
Town hall, Calverley road Tompsett Annie (Mrs.), matron Tunbridge Wells Rescue &
Stevenson Rnfus, collector of poor's rate, 29 Queen's road Preventive Association, 14 Basinghall street
Stewart Thomas William FrederickD.D.S. dental surgeon,2o Tonbridge & Tunbridge Wells Free Press (Blair & Tworts,
High street & 46 Eridge road printers & publishers; published fridays), 18 Chapel pi
Stoate Thomas, baker, 33 Grosvenor road Tookey ·waiter, beer retailer, I Norman road
Stock George, lodging house, 42 Beulah road Tooth P. Jane (Mrs.), lodg-ing house, 49 & 50 London road
Stokes Dilnot , house agent &c. 32 Mount Pleasant road Town Hall (Frederick Mallion, keeper), Calverley road
Stokes Wm. Dudney, medical botanist., 35 Calverley road Towner Charles, bath chair proprietor, 7 Shaftesbury road
Stone, Simpson & Son, solicitors, & clerks to the magistrates Towner William, shopkeeper, 35 Cromwell road
of TunbridgeWells(Kent)&Frant(Sussex),21&23Church rd Tracey Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 52 York road
Stone 'Frank William (firm, Stone, Simpson & Son), soiicitor, Tree John, shoe maker, 17 Goods Station road
commissioner for oaths, registrar & high bailiff of county Trenholm Rose (Miss), lodging house, 16 Church road
court, clerk to guardians & rural sanitary authority & Trinity Parish Working Men's Institute (Rev. E. Hoare
school attendance & assessment committees, superinten- M.A. sec.), Victoria road
dent registrar of Tonbridge union & joint clerk to the Trollope Wm. Thos. L.D.s.R.c.s.uel dent. surgn. 42 High st
magistrates for Tunbridge Wells (Kent) & l<'rant (Sussex) Trotman Albert, insurance agent, 36 Albion road
Stonham Frederick, wheelwright, Quarry road Trotman Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 5 Duke's road 0
Stovold Alfred George, tailor, 4 London road Trowell S. & Sons, jobmasters, 45 Monson road
Strange E. H. & Co. silk mercers, 25 & 28 Ye Pantiles Trowell Albert, lodging house, 47 Mount Ephraim
Strange & Sons, builders, 34 London road Truckle James, plumber, 7 Western road
Strange Edwin Sydney, plumber &c. 21 London road Tucker Ann (Miss), lodging house, 14 Calverley street
Strange Nicholas F.S.A.A. accountant & auditor, 48 High st Tuddenbam Brothers, mineral water makers, Standen st
Streatfield Joseph Henry, tailor, 36 Kirkdale road Tunbridge Wells Advertiser (Clements & Co. proprietors &
Street Ann Maria (:Mrs.), confectioner, 22 High street publishers; published fri. ), 36 Mount Pleasant road
Streeter Louisa (Miss), confectioner, 2 Goods Station road Tunbridge Wells Bathing Association Limited (N. Strange,
Stringer Ernest Augustus, scale maker, 8 Wood street sec.), 48 High street
Str~nger James, deputy supt. registrar of Tonbridge union, Tunbridge Wells Benefit Building Society (Edward Catch-
I9 Calverley street pole, sec.), 28 Dudley road
Stuart Eliza (Mrs.),babylinen wareho.25Mount Pleasantrd Tunbridge Wells Club (Frederick Wadharn Elers, hon.sec. ),
Stubbings Aquila, tobacconists, Crescent road Public rooms, Mount Pleasant road ·
Stubbings Emma( Mrs.) ,lodging ho.IO & uCalverley Pk. cres Tunbridge Wells Conservative Association (F. F. Simpson,
Stubbs Frances Colebrook (Miss), post mist. 39 Calverley rd sec.), 23 Church road
Summers Anne Rose (Miss), baby linen wareho.I Standen st Tunbridge Wells Constitutional Club Co. Limited (Francis
Sumner Richard, dairyman, 114 Camden road Borebam, sec.), 84 Calverley road
Sumner Wm. builder, 23 1\iountfield road ; works, High st Tunbridge Wells Cottage Improvement Co. Limited (T.
Swain William, baker, gi Goods Station road Walker, sec.), 23 Church road
Swallow Wm.coal dealer,32 Belgrave rd.&31Goods Station rd Tunbridge Wells & District First Perfect Thrift Building
Swift Susanna, apartments, 3 Albion road Soc. (E. H. Eversfield,sec. ),FriendlySociety's hll. Camden rd
Swinnard Joseph, house decorator, 74 High street Tunbridge Wells & District Permanent Mutual Benefit
Swinnard Joseph (Mrs.), tobacconist, 74 High street Building Society (Edward Fry Loof, sec.), Sussex Assem-
Tandy Sarah (Mrs.), tea dealer, 6 Grosvenor road bly rooms, Ye Pantiles
Taylor Alfred, watch maker, 103 Calverley road Tunbridge Wells Exhibition Pen Society (N. Strange, sec.),
Taylor Craven, teacher of music, I Baltic road 48 High street
Taylor Harriet (Mrs.), confectioner, I I Grove Hill road Tunbridge Wells Fanciers'Associati<m (N. Strange, sec.),48
Taylor Henry, farmer, Reynold's lane High street
Taylor James, head gardener to John Sweare esq. Sand- Tunbridge \YellsGardeners'Mutua!Improvement Association
hurst, Sandhurst lane (D. G. Cornwill, sec.), Camden hall
Taylor James, tinplate worker, I40 St. James' road Tunbridge Wells Gas Co. (John Read, sec.) ; office, 44 High
Taylor Priscilla (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 5 Auckland road st.; works, (Andrew Dougall, mangr.), Up. Grosvenor rd
Taylor Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, 78 St. James' road TUNBRIDGE WELLS GAZETTE &.VISITORS' LIST(Jsph.
Taylor Thomas, lodging house, 6 Mountfield road Merrell, printer & publisher; published friday),59High st
Taylor William, bath chair proprietor, I8 Beech street Tunbridge Wells Homreopathic Hospital &Dispensary(Thos.
Taylor William, lodging house, I6 Calverley Park crescent Qetzmann, hon. sec.), 2 Upper Grosvenor road
Temple John, shopkeeper, 1 Chandos road Tunbridge Wells Horticultural Society (Wm. E. Brampton,
Tempter Wm. Geo. commercial hotel, 29 Mount Ephraim sec.), 21 Culverden Park road
Terry Harriet (Mrs.), laundress, 99 Queen's road Tunbridge Wells Illustrated :Fashionable Visitors' Guide &
Terry Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 51 Baltic road Court Dirctory (M. A.H.Edwardes, publisher; published
Terry Thomas, lodging house, 22 Mountfield road wednesday), 19 Grove Hill road
Tester Alfd.Horace L.D.S.R.c.s.Eng. dental surg.3Church rd Tunbridge Wells Industrial Co-operative Society Limited
Tester Frederick, carman, 26 Ely lane (Rob John Manu, manager), 7 Kensington street
Tester George Edward, wheelwright, Kirkdale road Tunbridge Wells Journal (Southern Counties Press Limited,
'fester John, draper, 32 Camden road publishers; published thursday), 5 Calverley road
Tester Sarah Ann (Miss), nurse, 12 Currie road Tunbridge Wells Lads' Institute (HeJiry Edward Jenner
TheobaldFanny Harriet (Miss), dress maker, 3 Monson rd manager), 23 Camden road
Thompsett Benjamin, grocer, 54 & 56 St. John's road Tunbridge Wells Liberal Association (Edward Skillen, sec.),
Thompson Geo.Alfd.pharmaceutical chemist,nsCamden rd 51 Monson road
Thompson William Henry (Mrs.), boarding residence, Tunbridge Wells Natural History & Philosophical Society
Romanoff lodge, The Common (George Abbott, hon. 6ec. ), 32 Ye Pantiles
Tonbridge Wells Literary Society (John Stone Wigg J.P. Waiter Waiter, fruiterer, 30 Basinghall street
president; Henry H. Crook, sec. ; E. H. Strange, hon. Waiters Alfred, Carlton family hotel, Montacute road
librarian), 32 Ye Pantiles
Waiters Truman, coffee rooms, 13 London road
Tunbridge Wells Mutual Plate Glass Insuranoe Co. Limited "\\'alton Henry, shoe maker, 40 Queen's road
(Frank Simmonds, sec.; Dilnott Stokes, managing direc- Ward Jabez Bonshor, tailor, 57 Mount Pleasant road
ror), 32 M()unt Pleasant road Ward James, corn & coal dealer, 2 Stanley road
Tunbridge Wells Permanent Benefit Building Society (John Ward Waiter, beer retailer, 45 Grosvenor road
Read, see.), 9 Calverley road Warner John Thomas, greengrocer, 19 WiUiam street
Tunbridge Wells Pump Rooms Co. Limited (H. Groves, Warren Gates, stationer, 32 Mount Pleasant road
sec.), Ye Pantiles Warren Harriett (Miss), masseuse, 12 Monson road
Tonbridge Wells Rescue & Preventive Association (Mrs. A. Warren Mary Carolina (Mrs.), hoer retailer, 59 Camden rd
Tompsett, matron), 14 Basinghall street Warrener Thomas, grocer, 69 St. John's road
Tunbridge Wells Savings Bank (W. H. Delves, actuary), Warrener Thomas Silas, grocer, 141 Camden road
38 Ye Pantiles Warwick John William, butcher, 52 Mount Ephraim
Tunbridge Wells Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Water Works Office (William Brentnall, engineer), Town
Animals (Edward Westbrook, officer), 3 Dudley road hall, Calverley road
Tunbridge Wells (29oth) Starr-Bowkett Building Society Waters Neil, bOOr retailer, 99 St. James' road
{D. G. Corn well, sec.), Friendly Society's hall,Camden rd Waters Samuel, sign writer, 81 Calverley road
Tunbridge Wells (554th) Stan·-Bowkett Building Society Waters William, bookbinder, 37 Calverley road
(D. G. Corn well, sec.), Friendly Society's haU,Camden rd Watkins 'l'homas, lodging house, 15 Dudley road
Tunbridge Wells Technical Institute(George Abbott M.R.c.s. Watson George Samuel, surgeon, 3 Mount E;Jhraim road
hon. sec.), Walmer house, Mount Sion Watson John, watch niaker, 32 High street
'Tunbridge Wells Trade Protection Society (Benjamin Pom- Watson Robert Samuel Rteven, baker, 2oGoods Station rd
fret, sec.), 30 High street Watson Thomas, grocer, 122 Camden road ·
Tunbridge Wells Tradesmen's Association (N. Strange, Waymark Ebenezer, draper, 104 Calverley road
see.), 48 High street Weatherley Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 9 Newcomen road
Tunbridge Wells Working Men's Conservative Association Webb Esther (.\Iiss), laundress, 163 Queen's road
(It'. Boreham, sec.), 23 Church road Webb Wm. St.arkey, drill instructor, 57 Culverden Park rd
Topper William, plumber, 41 Calverley road Webber George, architect, 24 Cambridge street
Turk Tb.omas, grocer, & post office, 23 Western road Webber Sarah E. (Mrs.), lodging house, 7 Mount Ephraim
Turner & Thornton, wine & spirit mers.58 Mount Ephraim Webber William, private school, Grove house, Mount Sion
Turner Alfred Thomas, draper, 21 & 22 Calverley road • Weddell WiHiam, shopkeeper, 27 William street
Turner Argyle Richard, coal merchant, 87A, Camden road Weekes Harry, ironmonger, 3 Grove Hill road
Tomer Harry, stationer, 21 Camden road, & tobacconist, 25 Weekes Robert Willsher, draper~. 3, 4 .& 5, tailor 7, & out-
Calverley road fitter 9, Mount Pleasant road; carpet warehouse, I Grove
Turner John, working jeweller, 5 Vernon road Hill road ; & at 49 & so Grosvenor road
Turner Norman, head gardener to J. A. Le Lacheur esq. Weeks James, architect, 2 Bedford terrace
Tb.e Wilderness, Pe mrebtauirl•ye road George street Weeks J ames, boarding house, 53 London road
'Turner William, beer r, 27 Welch James, general dealer, 71 Varney street
Tutt lngram, dairy, 4 Avon street Welfare John, beer retailer, 9 Down lane
Twine William, lodging house, 17 Calverley Park crescent Welfare Thomas E. dairyman, Ioo Camden road
Twort Wallace, beer retailer, 8 Goods Station road Weller William, greengrocer, 10 John street
UnderhiU Sarah (Mrs.), laundress, 14 Western road Wells T. & Co. timber merchants, 8 Kensington street
Upson John, boot & shoe warehouse, 87 Calverley road Wells Ann (Mrs.), shoe maker, 37 Grosvenor road
Upton Frances (Mrs.), dress maker, 13 Garden road Wells Charles Frederick, grocer, 13 & 15 Berkeley road, &
Urqnhart William E. The Castle family hotel, London road glass & china dealer, 41 Little Mount Sion
Urry James, mechanical engineer, 9 Camden road Wells Eliza Ann (Mrs.), lace cleaner, 24 Culverden Park rd
Usherwood William, laundry, 48 Victoria road . Wells George, lodging house, g8 Dndley road
Usherwood William John, umbrella maker, 72 Camden road Wells Henry, agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit mer·
Varge Edward, carpenter, 39 Princes street chants, 45 St. John's road
Veness John, grocer, & post office, 17 George street West Kent (Queen's Own) Yeomanry Cavalry (C Troop)
Venner William Henry Totterdell,school of art,3Prospect rd (Capt. Lord Henry G. R. Nevill, commanding; Sergeant-
Vern on Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundres<;~, us Queen's road Major J. Whiley, drill instructor)
VerraH Annie (Mrs.), preparatory school, 73 St. John's rd West Catherine (Mrs.), fancy repository, 58 High street
VerraU Charles Ebene:~;er, auctioneer, 73 St. John's road West Eliza (Miss), stay maker, 17 Crescent road
Verrall Sopllia (Mrs.), ladies' nurse, 31 Dudley road WestGeorge, coal dealer, 37 Cromwell road
VerraU Thomas Michael, boot maker, 40 Quarry road Westbrook Edward, inspector for Society for Prevention of
VerraU Valentine, boot maker, 70 Camden road Cruelty to Children & to Animals & captain of Borough
Vessey James, bath chair proprietor, 32 Garden road fire brigade, 3 Dudley road
Vidler George, upholsterer, 4 Garden street Westheuser Bernard, tailor, 96 St. James' road
Vidler Henry, carpenter, 13 Garden street Wheatley Kezia (Mrs.), brewer, 73 Goods Station road
Vigor Charles, watch maker, 22 Crescent road Wheeler Edwin & Robert, hair dressers, 35 Ye Pantiles
Vise Christopher M. D. surgeon, see Manser & Vise Wheeler William & Co. grocers, 84 Calverley road
Volunteer Steam Fire Brigade (Charles R. Catchpool, cap- Wheeler Robert, lodging house, 4 Cumberland gardens
tain), Monson road Whibley George, boot maker, 45 St. John's road
Voysey A. J. dairyman, 33 Ye Pantiles Whibley Henry, waterworks inspector, 9 Garden street
Waghorn Ellen (Miss), dre's ma. Osborn cot. Mt. Ephraim Whibley John, refreshment saloon, 49 Monson road
Waghorn George, lodging house, 25 Beulah road White & Humphreys, builders, 2 Park. street
Waghorn Thomas, horse dealer, Osborn cot. Mt. Ephraim White Thomas & Son, batchers, 90 High street
Wagner Thomas, pawnbroker, 71 & 72 Calverley road White Albert, fruiterer & greengrocer, 47 Church road
Waine Alfred, fruiterer, 24 Mount Ephraim White Charles, beer retailer, 36 Little .Mount Sion
Waite & Rootes, carpenters, Belgrove house, Belgrove White Jane (Miss), dress maker, 17 Calverley street
Walker Charles, grocer, 32~ Queen's road White Waiter I<'rank, watch maker, 27 Grosvenor road
Walker Henry, shopkeeper, 24 Goods Station road Whitrow Benjamin, chemist, 15 St. John's road
Walker Isabella (Mrs.), lodging house, 46 London road Whittingham & Reeve, milliners, 26 Mount Pleasant road
Walker Olivia (Mrs.), lodging houses, 49 & so Mount Whittington William, Blaek Horse P.H. 159 Camden road '
Ephraim & Mount Edgcumbe house, The Common WICKENDEN &. SONS, auctioneers, valuers, house, estate
Walker William R. builder, so St. ,John's road & business agents, hotel brokers & licensed gaugers, 20
Walkling John, grocer, Claremont villas. Bayhall road High street
Walkling WiJliam, beer retailer, 27 Albion road Wickens Alfred Ernest, tailor, 36 Grosvenor road
Wallis Levi & Son, grocers, 129 Camden road Wickens George, butcher, 99 Calverley road, & farmer,
Wallis Edmund, corn & coal merchant, 68 St. John's road Charity farm, St. James' road
Wa.llis George, bricklayer, 19 Down lane Wickham William, accountant, 14 Culverden Park road
Wa.llis George, dining rooms, 18 & 20 Basinghallstreet Wicking Ann (Miss), lodging house, 56 London road
Walsh John Edwin, dentist & chemist, 24 Camden road Wicks Edward John, writer, 3 Castle street
Waiter Albert, chimney sweep, Golding street Wightwick Charles Medhurst, saddler, I Nevill street
Waiter David Henry, school attendance officer, 153 Upper Wilding Ephraim, lodging house, 16 Dudley road
Grrevenor road Wiles Thomas Henry, carpenter; II London road
Wa.lter Frederick William, grocer, 3 St. John's road Wiles William, boot maker, 24 Crescent road
Wa.lter Rose (Miss), dress maker, 16 Woodbury Park road Willard Harry, architect, 35 Calverley street
K. S. ~~ S. 4.2*
Williams Eliza (Mrs.), lodging house, 27 York road Woodward Charles Albert, watc-h maker, 29 High street
Williams Fk. wardrobe dealer, 4 Albion terrace, Albion road Woodward Thomas, lodging house, IS Mount Si~Jn
Williams Harriet( Mrs.),boarding & lodg. ho. 3o&3rLondon rd Wooldridge William, lodging house, 44 London road
Williams Henry Alexander, solicitor, see Lewis & Williams Woolman Ellen (Mrs.), laundry, 168 St. James' road
Williams James, chemist, 33 Mount Pleasant road Wordley Mark, pork butcher, 3 Calverley road
Willicombe Arthur, builder, 14 & 16 Camden road Worrell Chas. boot ma. 25 Camden rd. & Hilder pl. High st
Willmot Henry Jn. lodging house, 6 & 8 Mount Ephraim rd Worrell George, boot maker, 52 St. John's road
Willmot Josiah, oil & color man, r6 High street Worsley Jas.A.M.R.c.v.s.Lond.veterinary surgn.3oDudley rd
Willson James, fly proprietor, II3 St. James' road Wraight Frederick, hosier, 30 Mount Pleasant road
Wilmhnrst Mary (Miss), lodging house, rg Mount Ephraim Wraight George Robert, linen draper, 37 Church road
Wilson Claude M.D., C.M., surgeon, 9 Church road Wratten George, shopkeeper, 2 Down lane
Wilson George, butcher, 56 Calverley road Wray John Cook, umbrella maker, 3 & 33 Vale road
Wilson Leonard, grocer, I Chapel place & Mount Sion Wright Annie (Miss), private school, 42 Calverley street
Wilson Thomas, house decorator, 75 Camden road Wyatt & Co. job masters, 15 ~'[ount Ephraim & 44 St. John'&.
Wilson William, farmer, Ramslye farm, Eridoge road road, & smiths, Rockvilla road
Wilson William John, Hand & Sceptre P.H. 46 Ye Pantiles Wyatt Henry (Mrs.), dress maker, s Nevill street
Wilton & 1\'Ioon (Misses), lodging house, 6I London road Wyatt John, lodging house, 64 Mount Ephraim
Wiltshire Thomas L.R.C.P. surgeon, 21 Queen's road Yarrow Charlotte (Mrs.), seamstress, 49 Calverley road
Winnifrith George, painter, 20 (back of) St. John's road Yate Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 21 Calverley road
Winslet Thomas Henry, lodging ho. The Firs, Lime Hill rd Yearnsley John, painter, 29 Quarry road
Winter I<'anny (Mrs.), lodging ho. 3 Lawn viis. Lime Hl. rd Yetman Fanny (Miss), lodging house, 58 London road
Winters I<'rederick Halford, bookbinder, 25 Crescent road Yetman Henry William, lodging house, 86 Mount Ephraim
Wisdom Edward, lodging house, IS Mountfield road Young Isaac & Ebenezer, boot & shoe makers, 36 Ye Pantiles
Wiseman Wm. registrar of births, deaths & marriages&reliev- Young Men's Christian Association (A. C. Tessier, hon. sec.),
ing officer for 'funbridge Wells district, 32 Calverley road 28 Mount Pleasant road
• Wood Charles, beer retailer, 57 & 59 St. John's road Young Women's Christian Association (Miss M. L. Chase,
Wood Charles, builder, Park road hon. sec.), 29 Mount Pleasant road '
Wood Jn. coal mer. I6B, Grosvenor rd. & Goods Station rd Young Alfred, greengrocer, 27 Victoria road
Wood 'f. Ashby, general ironmonger, smith, bellhanger, Young Annie flophia (Mrs.), dress maker, 2 Wiltshire place
gasfitter & agricultural implement agent, 29 Mount Young Charles, builder, 2 Cromwell villas, Granville road
Pleasant road & Market works, Golding st. Calverley rd Young Emily (Mi<>s), lodging house, I4 Calverley Park cres
Wood William, builder, I Mount Ephraim Young George Walker, shopkeeper, IS Goods Station road
Wood William, grocer, rs Nevill street Young Ralph, Greyhound hotel, 131 Upper Grosvenor road
Woodhams Christopher, shoe maker, I47 Queen's road Young Thomas, carpenter, North street
Woodhams James, butcher, 63 St. John's road Young Walker, confectioner, II6 St. John's road
Woodhams Thomas, fly proprietor, Mount Ephraim Young William, beer retailer, 82 Victoria road
Woods Thomas Bird, draper, 65B, Camden road Zdzienicki Louis, ham & beef warehouse, 93 Calverley road
TUNSTALL is an ancient village and parish, which I6Io; there are also memorials to the families of Hales and'
belonged to Oswald in the reign of Edward the Confessor, Crowmer, and to the Rev. Edward Rowe Mores D.D., F.S.A.
and is I mile south-west from Sittingbourne, in the North born here 13 Jan. I730, and subsequently rector, and author
Eastern division of the county, lathe of Scray, Milton Iof a " History of 'funstall and its antiquities," published
hundred and union, l''aversham petty sessional division, 1780; the monument includes a beautiful marble bust of Dr.
Sittingbourne county court district and in the rural Mores, who died 28 Nov. I778 : overhanging the rectory and
deanery of Sittingbourne, archdeaconry of Maidstone and ehurch grounds is a remarkable cedar of Lebanon, one of
diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. John the Baptist, the very finest specimens in the county: there are 300
situated in a pretty and retired spot, overshadowed by fine sittings, no being free. The register dates from the year
trees, is a building of flint, with stone quoins, in the Early I557· The living is a rectorv, gross yearly value £s10, with
English and later styles, and consists of chancel with south · residence, and 9 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Dean and
chapel (the property of the Hales family), nave, aisles with Chapter of Canterbury, and held since I889 by the Rev.
arcades of four arches, south porch and a saddle-backed George Sutton Flack lf.A. of Queens' College, Cambridge.
western tower containing 6 bells: on the south side of the Gore Court, a modern structure in the Italian style, is now
chancel is a double piscina and on the north a flat arched occupied as an educational establishment by Mr. Arthur W.
aumbry with hinges and shelf: the font seems early and W. Gordon. Woodstock, about 2 miles south, is the resi-
bas a cylindrical bowl, with shafts of Romanesque appear- dence of Edward Maxwell Twopeny esq. J.P. The prin-
ance: there are eight stained windows, the large Per- cipal landowners are George Webb esq. William Elvy esq.
pendicular east window representing, in thirteen compart- Edward Maxwell 'fwopeny esq. J.P. Richard Denne esq.
ments, the principal events in the life of St. John the and A. L. Woollaston esq. ; the land is all freehold. The-
Baptist, with figures of Prophets and Evangelists :the church soil is generally rich; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are
contains an alabaster tomb without inscription and a stately hops, wheat and fruit. The area is 1,200 acres ; rateable
monument of marble, with full-sized recumbent effigy in value, £2,688; the population in I88I was 269.
armour to Sir Edward Hales, kt. and bart. of Woodchurch UFTON is I mile north-west; GROVFJ ENn, half a mile south-
and 'l'unstall, an active adherent of the Parliament during west; HEART's DELIGHT, I mile west.
the Civil War, who married as his second wife, Martha Parish Clerk, Edward Feakins.
(Carew) relict of Sir John Cromer, kt. of 'funstall; he died Letters through Sittingbourne, which is the nearest money
in Sept. 1654: there are brasses, with effigies, to Margaret order & telegraph office, arrive at 7 a. m. PILLAR LETTER
(Crowmer), wife of John Rycyls, ob. 1496; one in the nave to Box in the village is cleared at 6.55 p.m. week days; on
Ralph Wulf, a former rector, ob. 1525; another of a lady, sundays at I2.45 p.m
c. I590 and others to Henry Guyldeforde esq. captain of Parochial School (mixed), built in 1846, for 40 children;
Archcly:ffe fort, near Dover, ob. 1595, and Christopher Webbe average attendance, 30; Mrs. 'fingley, mistress; Edward
D.D. president of St. John's Coli. Camb. and rector here, ob. Henry, attendance officer
Denne Richard, Gore Court lodge Webb George, Tunstall house Homewood Edward Charles, farmer,
Elvy William, Grove end Baker George William, farm bailiff to Ufton court
FlackRev. GeorgeSuttonM.A. [rector], G. H. Dean esq :Mount Robert, farm bailiff to Edward
Rectory Bnrley Thomas, farmer, Fulstone farm M. Twopeny esq. J.P. Woodstock
Gordon Arthur W. W. Gore court Elvy William, farmer & hop grower & Pack Benj. farm bailiff toW. Elvy esq
Greensted Harry, The Denne landowner, Grove end Webb George, land steward & agent&.
Homewood Edward Chas. Ufton court Gordon Arthur W. W. private school, surveyor
'fwopeny Edwd.:Maxwell J.P. "\Voodstock Gore court •
ULCOMBE is a parish and village, 8 miles south-east only of the nave, south porch and an embattled western tower
from :Maidstone and 4 north from Headcorn station on the with pinnacles of Perpendicular date and containing 6 bells ~
South Eastern railway, in the Mid division of the county, the south arcade of the nave, consisting of three arches on
Eyhorne and Faver11ham hundreds,Aylesfordand Scray lathes, square piers, is rude Early English, and the arcade between
Maidstone county court district, Bearsted petty sessional the chancel and its south aisle is similar; the north chancel
division, Hollingbourne union, rural deanery of Sutton and aisle is Perpendicular and the arcade separating it from th&
archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. The chancel comprises two Late arches on light piers: in the nortb
church of All Saints was ·formerly attached to a college chapel is a fine canopied brass with the effil!y of a man in
foullded here in 1226 by Archbishop Langton and dissolved armour and an inscription to William :Maydeston esq. ob.
about 1300; it is a building of Kentish rag in the Early 1419; another with figures of a knight and lady, to Ralpb
English and later styles, consisting of chancelandnave, with Sentleger, ob. 1470, and Anne, his wife; and a monument
south aisle throughout, north aisle to the chancel and part to the Marquess and Marchioness of Ormonde: the font has