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Kelly's Directory of Kent, Surrey & Sussex - 1891
Part 1 Kent - County & Localities

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Published by Colin Savage, 2018-08-09 20:14:45

KENT - 1891 (1)

Kelly's Directory of Kent, Surrey & Sussex - 1891
Part 1 Kent - County & Localities


Willett Archiba.ld Edward, solicitor, sec L'ltter & Willett Wood Jabez, parish clerk, Clareville, Ethelbert road

Williams l\Iarion (Mrs.), dress maker, 30 Park road Wood Thomas, gardener to l\frs. Osborne, 77 Homesdale rd

Williams Mary Ann (l\1rs. ), apartments (furnished), plea- Wood William, greengrocer, I04 Palace road

santly situated; terms moderate, 7 Florence road Wood William Selby, riding master, ro Freelands road

Williams Waiter Albert A. R. r. B.A. architect, SI High street Woodhams John L. builder, 'j7 Mason's hill

Williamson William, newspaper pro;lr. North st. & I 8 Corn Woollard Alfred, boot maker, 48 Palace road

Willson Waiter Richard, blacksmith & ironmonger, Wid- Working Man's Clothier (Geo.Perkins,manager), 29 High st

more road & Lewes road Worley Arthur, florist, Langley cottage, Tylney road

Windebank & Co. dyers, 8.) High street '\'right Charles, butcher, 72 High street

Wingfield Charles, postmaster, vVidmore Wright Robert, sanitary engineer, Ma!!On's hill

Wingfield Henry, beer retailer, ro North road Wyborn Thomas Harrison, machine agent, 58 Palace road

Wingfield James, nurseryman & florist, Widmore road Yates Herbert, saddler, 2 Norfolk terrace, Homesdale road

Win,o-field Saml. tobacconist & post office, 53 Chislehurst rd Yates John, builder, 46 Walpole road

Winstone Edwin James, plumber, hot water engineer &c. 4 Yeates George, shopkeeper, 32 Bloomfield road

}'a.rwig lane. See advertisement Yeldham Thomas, scripture reader, 7I West street

Wise Eliza (:\Irs.), laundress, Widmore road· Yelland Maria (Mrs.), dress maker, 25 Simpson's road

Withycombe William Henry, beer retailer, .Farwig lane Yollancl John Horatio M. R.c.s., L.S.A. surgeon, 38 Common

Womersley Mary (Mrs.), fancy repository, I6 Broadway Young Men's Christian .As'ociation ( W. Edwards, sec.),

Wood Thomas & Son, bakers, 74 Farwig lane 5 East street

Wood Arthur, dairyman, 6 Mason's hill Young Women's Christian Association (Mis3 Susanna Reid,

Wood Benjamin, librarian & pianoforte tuner, 30 Cres- superintendent), 23 Widmore road

cent road, Plaistow

NEW BROMPTON is an ' parish, formed PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Can-


Sept. r5, I863, from the civil parish of Gillingham, and is terbury street.-W. Turner, receiver. Letters through

in the Mid division of the county, Chatham and Gillingham Chatham, dispatched at 8.10 a.m. & 1.45• 4 & 8.30 p.m

hundred, lathe of Aylesford, :\Ied way union, Gillingham . GrLLI:sqHAM LoCAL BOARD.
local board district, Rocbester petty sessional division and Offices, Upper Gardiner street.
county court district, and in the Hochester rural deanery, Board day, every alternate thursday at 3 p.m.
archdeaconry and diocese, and is one mile east from Chatham

and adjoins Chatham lines, an open area of hilly ground 1\fEJ\IDERS.

nsed by the military, and to which the public have free New Brompton Ward.
access. There is a station here on the London, Chatham I Hill Thomas
Beveridg-e Charles John

and Dover railway, which passes under Chatham lines by a Bines Harry R. IMackey William James

tunnel four furlongs in length. It is suppli~d with water by Brown John George Sheepwash Richard

the Brompton, Chatham, Gillingham and Rochester Water Old Brompton 'Vard.

Works Company, and lighted with gas by the Hochester Gas King William Watchurst Edgar John

Company. The church of St. Mark is a structure of brick, Sheepwash Benjamin Henry
Gillingham Ward.
in the Early English style, and consists of apsidal chancel,
clerestoried nave, aisles, vestry and a south porch; the nave 'fozer William (chairman) I Gibbs Hcrbert

is separatecl from the aisles by arcades of five arches, each sup- Croneen William I Gittings John

ported on round piers with moulded capitals :the chancel arch Featherby George Green John -·

is inclosed by iron grilles: below it on the south side of the Clerk, James Basset, High street, Rochester.

communion table is a credence, with piscina below it: there Treasurer, C. H. A. Lock, London & Provincial Bank,
are Boo sittings. The register dates from the year r 866. The Chatham
living is a vicarage, net yp,arly \'alue £3or, with residence, Medical Officer of Health, Edwin Charles Warren, 123 High
in the gift of the vicar of Gillingham, and held since r872 by street, New Brompton
the Rev. Richard Morris, of Trinity College, Dublin. A Surveyor, Alfred Wanstall, Arden street, New Brompton
mission hall in connection with St. Mark's is now (I89o) in Sanitary Inspector, Cornelius Candler, Victoria street, New
course of erection and will seat 350 persons. The Baptist Brompton
chapel in Green street, erected in 1889, at a cost of £3,8oo, Collector, James Godden, Local Board office

is a building of Kentish rag in the Gothic style: the front is PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services:-
flanked by dwarf towers containing the stairs, and there is a St. Mark's Church, Rev. Richard Morris, vicar; 10.30
traceried window filled with stained glass: under the chapel a. m. & 6.30 p.m

is a school for 550 children. The Wesleyan chapel, in Baptist, Green street, Rev. Waiter W. Blocksidge; 10.45
Cani<lrbury street, was opened in I882. The Free :Methodist a.m. & 6.30 p.m

chapel in Arden street, opened in 1887, has sittings for about Bible Christians', Trafalgar street, Rev. J olm :VIallett ;
400, and the Bible Christian chapel in Trafalgar street will
seat about 350. The Public Hall, a spacious building suit- 10.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
able for public meetings, was erected in the year 1876 in the
High street, and consists of a large hall, well lighted and Congregational, High street, Rev. A. I. Anthony; I I a.m.

ventilated and fitted with a balcony and stage ; annexed is & 6.30 p.m
National Scotch, Paget street, Rev. George Bruce Watson;
a smaller ball, divided by folding doors and arranged so as
II a.m. & 6.30 p.m
to deepen the stage for theatrical purposes : the large hall Primitive Methodist; ro.3oa.m. & 6.30 p.m
Wesleyan Methodist, Canterbury street, Rev. Daniel Henry

will bold soo persons. The area is 524 acres ; the popula- Carr; 10-45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
tion in 18Br was 8,958. United Methodist Free, Arden street, Rev. J. W. Wood-

Parish Clerk, J oseph Robert Peachall. cock ; Io. 30 a. m. & 6. 30 p.m
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office

(head office).-Jesse John Packenham, sub-postmaster. SCHOOLs:-
Letters through Chath am are dispat ched ealtI. v6er. re5d, & St. l'IIark's National (mixed), built in I858, for 699 children
II.Jo a.m. 2.15, 6.2o, 7 & 9.15 p.m. & are d 9 7
Pop&sT.mI&.I.M&Io.de0al..ivm0e..r,e&ds.a7Bt p.7.&ma..Am;n at & sinc.e lenl&arged f·orf 912; aJverage Sahtte1ndance, 390 b.o,,~y· s,
on sundays, dispatched a t S· 15
nu ity & Insu rance Office, High 220 g1r s 270 m ants; ames e ton, master; m.ISS
Thorpe, mistress ; Miss Bagley, infants' mistress

Wesleyan (higher grade) (boys, girls & infants), Arden

street.-Moses Trayton Skinner, receiver. Letters through street, erected in 1870, for 6oo children & enlarged in 1889

Chatham are dispatched at 8.45 & I r. rs a. m. & 2. IO, 4·40 r!or I' 250 ; average attendance, soo boys_, 300 girls & 255
& 9 p.m.; on Sundays at 5 p.m
I~fa~ts ;_ Edward Avery, master;. Mtss ~- ~osterne,
PosT & M. 0. 0., s. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Duncan f,prls mistr_ess ; Miss Sarah J. ~ease, mf~nts mistress

road.-Henry Hurrell, receiver. Letters through Chat- I Railway StatiOn, Albert W. Partridge, statiOn master
ham are dispatched at 8.5 a. m. 1.30, 4.15 & 8.25 p.m.; j Co:svEYANCE.-Omnibus from York hotel, Chatham, to the

on sundaysat 4.25 p.m Railway hotel, High street, at frequent intervals daily

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Beck Richard, 33 Mill road Bowers Thomas, 36 Mill road
Alford Wm. Hy. Lorne villa, Nelson rd Heveridge Charles John, I37 High st Brown Andrew, rr Stafford road
Alien Charles (warrant officer R.N.), Biggs Lieut. Thomas Arthur Hastings Brown Hichard (warrant officer n.N.),

40 Mill road H.E. 3 York terrace Ylo house, Nelson road
Avery Edward J. Stancombe house Btlls William (chief engineer R.N.), Bruce Robert, Barclay villa, Nelson rd
Banes Miss, so Mill road Budden James Henry, Marlow house,
Nile cottage, Mill road
BarrettCapt. DacreLeonardR.M. (supt. Napier road
of Gymnasia, Thames dist.) 4 Mar!- Blocksidge Re,-. Waiter W. [Baptist], Burrows Rev. Francis Robert M.A.
borough terrace Green street
[vicar designate of St. Barnabas,
BartonAmos,Milernsvilla, Canterbry.rd Boorman Frederick John, River View Gillingham], Beacon court
villa, Napier. road
Bear Edgar George, 57 Paget street Carne Richard, II9 Canterbury street
Botten Geo, Wainscot house, Napier rd


Castle Mrs. Duncan road Mrs. Palm cotta~e,Canterbury rd Boorman Walt~r, wheelwright, Green 81

Chambers Mrs. I College avenue Shortwater Henry, 6 Canterbury street Borough of Chatham Reform Club (Uil].

Clark Thos. Tranquil villa, Nelson rd Sinclair Alfred (army pay dept. R.E.), ingham branch) (Christopher West,

Olck Richard Henry, Franklin villas 55 Paget street sec.), I 14 High street

Coleman Waiter (chief engineer R.N. ), Smith John, Edina villa, Napier road Boswarthick Jarnes, minPral water

2 Ethelbert villas, Gillingharn road Stedman James, Mill road manufacturer, rB King street

Collins Mrs. Lanka villa, Canterbury rd Steed Mrs. 8 York terrace Bowra John, butcher, Trafalgar street

Cozens Edwd.Cleveland house,Napier rd Steel Cyrus, Franklin house Hrattl2 Wm. bootma.93 Copenhagen rd

Cross Mrs. 37 Mill road Steel Mrs. Franklin house Brook John, shopkeeper, 81 GardinerS1

Davidson Mrs. I25 High street Steel Thomas, Tweed house, Stafford st Brooks James, shopkeeper, I Otway st

Davis William Henry (fleet engineer Swan Jn.2Alcester villas, Canterbury rd Brooman Thomas, corn factor, 127

R.N. ), Beacon close, Windmill lane Swatman George, 69 Mill road Canterbury street

Dawson William James, .Xapier road Thompson Mrs. 62 Mill road BrothersJn.boot&shoema.27GardinerSi

De Chair Lieut. Richd. Blackett u.M,L.I. Thompson William Burnett, Grosvenor Brown J<'rederick, beer ret. rr9Victorian

5 York terrace villas, Nelson road Brown .Jn. Geo. brush maker, 12 High st

Dingley John Leonard, St.lVfark's house Treadgold Joscph, College avenue Bullock Herbert, solicitor, commissioner

Doran Brigade-Surg. Jas. M.D. 42 Mill rd Wakeley Percy, Fairview,Canterbury rd to admini-;ter oaths & high constable

Edgerley Miss, 10 York terrace Wailer Capt. Edmund R.E. I York ter of Glllingham, 7 Station road

Ellis ·Charles J ones, 32 Mill road ~rarren Edwin Charles, I23 High street Bullock Thomas, tailor, I7I High street

Everist James, Nelson villa, Nelson rd Waters William, I I Paget street Bm·ton Philip, hair dresser, r6o High st

Falkner Rev. Thomas Felton M.A.[chap- Watson Rev. George Bruce [National Caddy Thomas, beer rctJ.iler, 9 Mill road

lain to the forces J, 5 Marlhorough ter Scotch], Bosemont cottage, Mill road Candler Cornelius, sanitary inspector to

Fielder Thomas, 3r Canterbury street Watson Rev. James Bruce Scoular M. A. Gillingham local board, Victoria st

Flood William, Duncan road [curate], Rosemont cottage, Mill road Carter James, butcher, I2I Victoria st

Forster John Henry, 2 Dryden villas Wetherell William Howard [scripture ! Chalklen William, tailor, I ro High st

Freeman Mrs. D'Earl villa, N apter rd reader R.M. L. [. ], I20 Trafalgar street ' Chandler Edwd. hoot maker, sVictoria s&

Gardiner Andrew, 70 Mill road Williams Henry P. I2I High street Charles Professor Charles, illusionist&

Greet Thos. Young, 29 Canterbury st Williams John,Mendip house, Napier rd entertainer, Primrose cots. Nelson rd

Hartley J oseph, Stafford street WoodcockRev.Jsph. Wm.[UnitedMetho- Checksfield William Herbert, Napier

Bead Mrs. 59 Mill road dist ], Bishopstone viis. Gillingham rd Arms P.R. Britton street

Higgie James, Dunkeld villa, Nelson rd Woodley Mrs. I Alcester villas, Canter- Child Alfred Clark, draper, Bon Marche,

Hugo Edward Henry, IIS High street bury road High street

Huleatt Capt. Hugh H.E. I Grafton viis Wright John, Shipley wood, Napier rd Clements John, dairyman, Wellington

Hurst George, Duncan road Yclverton Lieut. Bentinck John Davies Road dairy

Jobson Wm. St. Andrew'svil. Nelson rd R.N. 7 York terrace Clements Samuel, grocer, go High st

Johnstone Capt. Frederick Colpoys Young Simon, 1 Dryden villas, Canter- Clother Henry, collector of water rate!,

Ormsby R.M.L.I. 2 Marlborough ter bury road High street

Jordan J ames, 9 Paget street COMMERCIAL. 1 Cockell John Lawrence, carpenter, 28

Lamb Martin Annesley, 45 Mill road Ackhurst Jn. shopkeeper, 9 Saunders st Canterbury street

J.ancaster Mrs. 9 York terrace Adams Bethulia C. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Coddington Caroline (Miss), dress

Lang Lieut.Edwd.Lewis R.N. 6 York tcr I56 High street maker, 67 Arden street

Larg James Collie, 39 Mill road Adsley Chas.shopkeeper,57A, Skinner st Conservative Club ('V. G. Button, sec.),

Lee John (fleet engineer R.N. ), Dalkeith Akehurst John, shopkeeper,Sea View rd High street

villa, Stopford road - Akehurst Tbos. shopkpr. IS Victoria st Constable Jas. Prince Albert P. H. High st

Leeds Rev. Wm. Howard B. A. [chaplain Aldridge Susannah(Mrs.), dress maker, Constable Wm. clothes dealer, 49 High~

to the forces], I :\1arlborough terrace I55 High street Cook Robert, butcher, 22 High street

Le Grave Rev. William [Catholic chap- Alien Charles, boot maker, 14 Arden st Cook Thos. shopkeeper, Canterbury rd

lain to the forces], 17 Paget street Allison Elizabeth (Mrs.), young ladies' Cooke Jabez & Son, ironmngrs.8 High st

Mackay Andrew, 70 Canterbury street school, 70 Copenhagen road Coomber Elizabeth Rebecca (Miss),

.Mallett Rev. J ohn[Bible Christian], ~ew Anderson & Cornelius, coal merchants, ladies' school, 48 Park road

Romney villa, Xapier road I43 High street Co-operative Society(Jasper Read,sec.),

McCulloch Quartermaster Alex. Neilson Andrew Geo. 'Vrn. painter, 20 Green st I38, 140 & I42High st.&Gillingham rd

R.E. Nelson road Arthur John, painter, 87 High street Corcoran Ellen (.M:rs. ),shopkpr.s7Fox Si

McLean Alfred Joseph, 167 High street Atwood Chas. greengrcr. 2 Trafalgar st Cork Edwin, baker, 83 Britton street

McMahon Frederick, Nelson road BakerChas.Jas.beerretailer,22 Ardenst Cornwell Edward, dairyman, 2 Canter-

Michell George Kathaniel H. (staff BakerElizabeth & Ma.ry(:Wisses),drapers bury street

engineer R. N.), 3 Urafton villas & milliners, 50 High street Crews Mary (;\'Irs. ),greeng-rcr.IO Mill rd

MoffettEdwd. (engineer R.N.),4I Millrd Baker Henry Ed ward,shoeing & general CroneenHoraceGeo.jeweller,7&9High si

Morris Rev. Richard, Vicarage smith, Green street Croneen William,Viscount Harding P.H.

Morriss Robert, Rutland house Baldwin Alfred, shopkeeper,Franklin rd & brick maker, High street

Morton Jn. Hy. The Linrlens,~apier rd Bald win William Summers, dairyman Croneen William Gilpin, brick maker, I

Munchin Jas. Thos. Hope vil. Napier rd & florist, Trafalgar street Crescent villas, Canterbury road

Munro Capt. Lewis (2nd Hantsj, 3 Ballard Charles, boot maker, Lock st CroucherEliza(Mrs.),laundrss.Napierrd

Marlborongb terrace Barnaby John, brewers' agt. 153 High st Daley Henry Robert, furniture broker,

X oble Williarn (f:leet paymaster R.N. ), Barnes J ames, Rail way hotr.l, High st 22 Britton street

Holly Tree house Barnett John, steam power dyer, 64 Darton James, shopkeeper, 91 Saxton st

Norris James (master-at-arms R.N.), 51 Trafalgar street Davison John, leather seller, I9 Highst

Mill road Basset James, solicitor & commissioner Davison Wm. Rd. house agt. rs Pagetst

Obree l\Irs. Gillingham road for oaths, & clerk to Gillingham local Dawes Thos. John, monumental mason,

OnnEdmundThompson (warrant officer board, 97 High street 85 High street

R. E.), 53 Paget street Bath Thus. poultry &c. dlr. Rainham rd Day Charles James, florist & cab pro-

Payne Alfred, Nelson road Beal David Robt. shopkeepr. 1 James st prietor, 4 Britton place

Pearson Thos. Jsph. Upberry ho. Mill hl Beard Candler, coal agent, 7 Paget st Day Richard B. inspector of shipwrights,

Pink Miss, 34 l\lill road Bennett Benj. shopkeeper, 20 Jeffery st 20 Paget street

Pope Lieut. -Col. Alfred, 35 Mill road Benster Jn. · ret.r4 Skinner st Dealler Wm. greengrocer, 14 Fox st

Porter Herbert Frank, 7I High street Berry James Joseph & Son, butchers, Dean Mildred(Mrs.),beer ret.27Ardenst

Pound l\Irs. Gil!ingham road Io High street DelahuntyPhilipJn. tobaccnist. 26High~

l'owell Lieut. Francis R.M.I,.J. Maybush Betts Horace, butcher, 3 Paget street Dennis Mary Ann (illrs. ), shopkeeper,

house, Nelson road Retts William, butcher, Canterbury st 143 Victoria street

Read J aspcr, Desrnond vil.Canterbury rd Bcvcridge Charles John, undertaker, Dennison John Jas. cowkeeper, Napier rd

Reeve George Blucher, 2 Bishopstone I37 High street Doran James 1\LD. phvsician & surgeon,

villas, Gillingham road Bills Richard, shopkeeper, 13 Britton st 42 Mill road •

Reidy William, I36 High street Bines Harry Richd. builder, 89 High st Doughty J esse, grocer, 126 High strett

Richards Albert Edward, I39 High st Bine_s Thomas, cooper, painter &c. 146 Drake Emily Hollick(Jiiss),girls' school,

Ridons Col. Joseph Bramley, 2 York ter H1gh street 133 High street

Ridout Mrs. 4 York terrace Blake Benj.Jas. apartments, 33 Paget st Dukes John Dennis, draper & tailor,

Rogers John Thomas, 94 Canterbury st Blake Thomas, beer retailer, Green st I29 High street

Rowlatt Staff Commander .frank R.N. Blampeed Jane Mary (:Wrs.), dress Dunster Thos. boot maker, 33 Britton~

Montague house, High street maker, 98 Saxton street Durling William, baker, 69 Skinner st

Salmon George Henry, I Ethelbert Bloor Fredk. wardrobe dlr. 72 High st Dye Edward, shopkeeper, 7 Arden st

villas, Gillingham road Boarer Edmund, beer ret. 34 J effery st Ed wards Lorenzo, bricklayer, Shaket"

Saunders Richard, 38 Mill road · Doorman Charles, painter, 82 Saxton st peare road


J:?wards Hy.rngrcr. 13 Britton Farm st j Hastrick OrestesJersey, bldr.4o Green st McFarlane C. & Co. clothing
EmcbCXJmb ~m. carpenter, Trafalgar st HastrickJn. Wm. bldr. 17 Copenhagen rd facturers, 122 Trafalgar street
.Ellard Wm. Hy. plasterer, Wellington rd Hayter Charles, dairyman, 9 Fox street Mcintosh H.v. greengrocer, 72 Britton st

Ellilli!Wn Cl1arles, oilman & painter, 52 Hibbard Stephen, West Court .Arms Mclntosh William, market gardener,

Jeffery street hotel, Canterbury street Beacon Close lane

Elliott Henry Wm. builder, Napier road High George, greengrocer, 13 High st ~IcKenzie, Nye & Co. tailors, 27 High st

.Ellis Wm. Joseph, bricklayer, Napier rd Hill Frederick, grocer, r Paget street McLean .Alfred Joseph L.R.C.P.Edin.

Ellis Wm. shopkeeper, Shakespeare rd Hill Henry, grocer, 95 Copenhagen rd physician & surgeon, r67 High street

EvansJas. Fleur de Lis p .H. Gillinghm.rd HillHenry, photographer, Canter bury rd Mackey Brothers, corn factors & grocers,

EwellWm..Attwell,stationer, ror High st Hinton James, beer retailer, .Arden st 6, 27 & 30 High street

Fenner John, hay &straw dlr. Nelson rd Hodges Frederick William, shopkeeper, l\IanneringChas.greengro. ro7Victoria st

Fieldgate & Son, fishmongers, 31 High st 98 Trafalgar street MannessSarah(Mrs. ),shopkpr.Nelson rd

}'innes Alfred, butcher, 85 Brit tun st Honey .Alfred, photographer, 25 High st l\lantle Caroline (Mrs.), dress maker &

r'itzclark John, Halfway House P.H. HoneyGeo.chinmy.swpr BrittonFarm st milliner, 43 High street

Church road Hopkins Henry Maurice, insurance Maplesden George, baker, 3 Green st

Flight Philip J ames,carpenter & builder, agent, r3 Paget street Maplesdcn Wm. coal merchant, Station

45 Canterbury street Hook Ellza (.\liss), shopkeeper, ro7 :\farchant .Alfred, clothier, 59 High st

"Ford Chas. shopkeeper, 58 Waterloo st Canterbury street :Vlartin Jn.draper & grocer,23Churchrd

Ford George, boot maker, 32 High st Hopper Benj. wood & coal dlr. Nelson rd Masonic Temple, Park road

Forster Jn. Geo. shopkpr.Gillingham rd HopperHy.carpntr.&ladcler ma.Nelsn.rd Masters Thos. upholsterer, 40 High st

Forster John Henry,surgeon, 2 Dryden Horn 'Vm. cab proprietor, Britton villa Mattocks Frederick Ueorge, butcher,

villas, Canterbury road Horton Wm. Hy.grngrn.2oGillin£5ham rJ 25 Jenery street

.FossettJane( Miss ),dress ma. r6 I High st Hoskings Arthur, baker, Victoria street Miles James, beer retailer, 6 r High st

}'oster :\fary .Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Howlelt Emma (Mrs.), milliner, 2 Miller Wm. Hy. stationer, r32 High st

100 Saxton street Copenhagen road Miller William John, tobacconist & news

.Foster Wm.Hy. fishmonger, rso High st Hubbard Sctrah (Mrs.), dress maker, 28 agent, 79 High street

Fowler Kenelm, shopkpr. r Franklin rd Church road Millington Thomas Ernest L. com-

}'ox Walter, shopkecper,Shakespeare rd Hughes Elizabeth (l!Irs.), shopkeeper, mercial traveller, 25 Nile road

Freathy Clarinda (,Yfiss), shopkeeper, 2r II5 Britton street .:\Iontara Fredk. greeng-rocer-33 High st

Paget street Hugo Ed ward Henry L. R.C. P. Edin.surg. Morr:s Frederick William, french

French Geo. Old Black Lion P. H. Mill rei (firm, We~kes & IIugo ), I 15 High st polisher, 8 Arden street

Frost John, beer retailer, 129 Victoria st Hurrell Henry, grocer, Post office, Mortley S:uah (Mrs.), coal mer. Station

Fuller Sl. Ghuznce Fort P.H. Church rd Duncan road Munden James,greengrocer, 51 High st

Fynn Charles, draper, 46 & 52 Hig-h st Ide Thus. wood & coal dealer, Ot.way st Mutton l\lary Ann C\Irs. ), Woodland
Gann Alice (:\Irs. ), draper, 134 High st j International Tea Co. 2r High street
tavern, Canterbury street

Gell w·m. beer retailer, r23 Gardiner st Irons Robert & Son, paperhangers, rr r Newman Edward, boot & shoe maker,

German l'hillis (Miss), dress maker, Canterbury street 34 Canterbury street

140 Britton street Jacob Sarah (:.\irs. ), grocer & baker, 4 Nicholson J olm, undertaker, 13 r High st

DibbsWaltr.Wm.milk dlr.2.) Victoria st Park road Nobbs Alfred Edmund, shopkeeper,

Gilbert Sidney Whitmore, shopkeeper, J arvis A.lfreu, greengrocer, 6 Britton st 'Vindmilllane

88 Canterbury street Jarvis l'!Iary .Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, X ye Henry, greengrocer, 68 High st
IGillingham Fever Hosp~tal (Henry J esse Gilling-ham road
.N ye Thomas, builder, Gardiner street

White, steward), BJacon Close lane ' Jasper &Sons,pastrycooks &c. 23 High st Oliff Thomas, paperhanger, 52 Fox st

Gittings John, grocer, 44 High street Jell John Thos. Falcon P.H. 46 Park rd OliverWm.Jas. beer retailer, I7 High st

Glazebrook Chas. grocer, Trafalgar st Jennings SJlina (Mrs.), corn factor, Osmotherly Geo. shopkpr. 70 Britton st

Goad Elizabeth (iVIrs. ), young ladies' 1 Dnncan road Ottaway Ed wd. wheelwright, Victoria st

school, r28 Saxton street Jezreel James J. grocer r52, & boot Packenham Jesse John, china & glass

Goclden .Alfred,shopkeeper, r6 Skinner st dealer 24, High street dealer, & sub-postmaster, 29 High st

Goclden James, rate collector, Local Jezreel Shoein~ Forge (Andrew Still, Packer William Elijah, harness maker

Board office, Gardiner street foreman), Rainham road & confectioner, 65 High street

Godfrey .Annie (.~Irs. ), shopkeeper, 57 Jezreel's Refreshment Room (Joseph Packham Charles Henry, decorator, 3

Church road Rogers, manager), Beacon Close lane Waterloo street

Goodwin Daniel & Son, coach builders, Johnson Rchd.Hy. bricklayer, Napicr rd Palmer :Edward, grocer, 48 Mill road

130 High street Jolley & Son, cabinet makers & green- Palmer William Thomas Carter, sta-

Goodwin Edmund James, builder, grocers, 86 & 88 Gardiner street tioner, 54 High street

Windmill lane Kidney James, shopkeeper, 43 King st Panteny Herbert, builder, Windmill la

GoodwinJn.Edwd.bricklayer,Skinner st Kid well & Son, auctioneers, r66 High st Park & Robson, saw mills, Jeffery street

Gould Joseph, wardrobe dlr. 5 Park rd KirkbyChas.John,beer retlr.79 .Arden st Parker John, beer retailer, r58 High st

Gowar Richard, grocer, 66 High street Knight John, toy dealer & confectioner, Parker lVIary .Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer,

Gransclen George, shopkeeper,Napier rd 88 High street 21 J effrey street

Greatbead Joscph .Arthur Waghorn, Knight Wm. boys' schl.ro4Canterbury st Parkins William George, Beacon Court

· solicitor, High street Ladbury Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, 9 tavern, Copenhagen road

Green Alfred (}Irs. ), ladies' school, r2o Canterbury street Partridge Albcrt W. station master

High street Lamb Martin Annesley M.R.C.S.Eng. Passby Richard ·James, coal merchant,

GreenDaniel,fishmonger, 2A,Skinnerst surgeon, 45 Mill road & agant for W. & .A. Gilbey, wine &

Green John, farmer, Barnsole farm LambethGeo.E.general smth.Skinner st spirit merchants, 64 High street

Griffith Eleanor (Miss), beer retailer, 73 Lambeth George M. iron & brass PearmanWm.greengrocer,Gillinghm.rd

Saxton street founder, Skinner street Pearson J n. beer retailer, ro5 Britton st

Griggs Arthur, butcher, Arden street Langton John, shopkeeper, Nelson road Pemble Richard, dairyman,31 Arden st

Groombridge Geo. baker, 62 Saxton st Larke 'Vm. Bensley, draper, 38 High st Perk ins ~1ary Ann (Mrs. ),dress maker,

Grove Samuel, greengrocer, 59 Fox st Larkin Fredk. "'m. grocer, 30 Jeffery st 42 Waterloo street

Gurney Edward Robert, Gillingham rd Lean Robert, tailor, II3 High street Perrin Edward,shoe maker, 65Arden st

Hackney Thos . .Alex. grocer, 57 High st Lee Eliza(Mrs. ),apartments, I 59 High st Pettett George James. insurance agent,

Hadclen James, g~neral & fancy draper Lee John, shopkeeper, 30 Canterbury st 19 Trafalgar stre-·t

& milliner, I6 High street LemmonJas.Philip,shpkr.9oGardiner st Peyton Michael, boot maker, r6 Fox st

Hall Ebenczer & Sons, bakers & pastry- LewingtonWm.herbalist,6rCopenhgn.rd Picrson Fredk. draper,92 Canterbury st

cooks, 36 High st.; & at Chatham Lewis .Arthur, hair drssr. Canterbury st Pleasance .John, grocer, r2rGardiner st

Hall Harriet Louisa (:\frs.), apart- Lewis Thomas, relieving officer, No. 2 Pocknell James, beer rctlr. 57Jeffery st
j district, Med way union, 177 High st Pool Margaret (Mrs. ),milliner&draper,
ments, 40 Canterbury street

Hammond Caroline(Mrs. ), dress maker, Lexster.Alice(Miss),dress m a. 28Green st 55 High street

Gillingham road Liddle Wii:iam, shopkeeper, 35 Park rd Porter & Holmes, flour merchants,

HampshireHy.painter,57Cantcrhnry st Lilley John Newton, teacher of music, Gillingham road

Hardiman Owen,hair dresser,39 High st 122 High street Porter Humphrey Tuck well, butcher,

. Harling Mary (l\Irs. ),shopkpr.Napier rd Lines Caleb .Tn. aca lemy, Canterbury st 63 High street

Harman Robert & Co. army & navy Lloyd Wm. shopkeeper, 35 Britton st Purfielcl \Villiam, grocer,6o High street

contracwrs, Canterbury road London & Provincial Bank Limited Ramsden Thomas, chemist, II8 High st

Harris Wm. boot & shoe ma. 62 High st (Chatham agency) (J. E. Harris, Randall James & Son, pawnbrokers &

Harrison Eunice (Miss), shopkeeper, manager), High street masonic outfitters, 76 High street

r64lligh street Longhurst Jn. shopkpr. Gillingham rd Ranger James, boot maker, 24 Gillin;;-

HarveyMary(l\Irs.),shopkpr.IChurch rcl Lovett Edwd. paperhanger, 33 Park rd, ham road

K, S, f S, 8



Read & Macaulay, bakl!rs & confec- Smith B:-os. builders, 76 Church road Tunbridg-e James Robert, shopkeeper, S

tioners, 19 Paget street Smith .Alex. Jas. F. builder, Duncan rd Copenhagen road

Read Thomas James, grocer & beer Smith Ambrose George, boot & shoe Turner Maria (Mrs.), beer retailer, rr

retailer, 87 Eritton street maker, too Canterbury street Britton street

Reed Thomas,shopkeeper,no Saxton st Smith Charles, bricklayer, 68 Saxton st Turner Wm. grocer, go Canterbury st

REES DAVIt>, SAUCE &. PICKLE Smith Fredk. shopkeeper, 61 Church rd Tweed Martin, shopkcP-per, Skinner st

MANUFACTURER, Britton farm SmithGeorge Mence, italian warehouse, Ty!er Maria(Mrs.),shpkpr.33 Sl~:inrrerst.

Reid Thos. shop~eeper, 13 Gardiner st 58 High street Tyler Thomas, harness ma. 85 High st

Rix John.Alfred, ironmonger, 53 High st Smith John, shopkeeper, 29 Saxton st Varrcn Samuel, beer retailer, 1 High st

Hichards Albert Edward, pawnbroker, Smith John, surgn. Edina vil. Napier rd Vinall Samuel, grocer, 36 Jeffery street

14 High street Smith Reuben, painter &c. 5 High st & ironmonger, 128 High street

Ride Alfred, corn fac;tor, 77 High street Smith Samuel,coal dealer, 36 Britton st Vincent Edward, butcher, 78 High st

Hidgen W. E. & J. ale & stout stores Smith Samuel, millwright, 24Church rd Waghorn Charl()s, watch ma. 151 High st.

(James Townsend, store keeper), 73 SmithWm.Hitchin, shopkpr.Duncan rd Wakefield Chas.Jesse, painter,& Pagetst..

Copenhagen road Snow William Cornish, builder & coal Wakcfield William, Prince of Wales P.H.

Ripley Lucy ()lrs. ), dress maker, 89 merchant,2Crescent vils.Canterby.rd Mill road

Canterbury street Sparks Jas. marine store dlr.19Arden st Vr'akef,Jrd John, grocer,25Canterburyst

Roberts Annie (Miss), shopkeeper, 24 Spenceley ,'\'.illiam & Son, florists & Walker Geo. go~·ernment contractor fol'"

Canterbury street seedsmen, Duncan road horses,H.M.Dockyard; & atGravesend

Robinson George Ed ward, tobacconist, SpcnceleyFredk. shopkeeper,37 High st Walmsley Chas. grocer, 49 Trafalgar st.

73 High street Spenceley Harry, shopkeeper & beer Wanstall Alfred, surveyor, & surveyOl'"

R.obinson Wm. greengrocer, ro.Arden st retailer, 49 Gardiner street to Gilling-ham local board, Arden st

Rogers l\lary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 21 Stanley ·william, shopkeeper,86 High st Warren Edwin Charles, surgeon, &

Trafalgar street Stapley Charles Thomas, insurance medical officer of health to Uilling-

Rouse Henry Benjamin, poor rate col· agent, 87 Canterbury street ham local board, 123 High street

lector, Arden street Stedman James,miller (steam & wind), Watchurst Hy. .Alfd. grocer, 20 High st.

Rowden Wm.Jn.fishmngr.Gillnghm.rd Brompton steam mills; & at Town Watson Linder, grocer, Napier road

Ruber Mary .Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, mills, Chatham Watson Robt. shopkeeper, 39 Skinnerst

51 Arden street Steel Cyrus, solicitor & commissioner WattsElizh.(Mrs. ),dress ma.47Saxtonst.

Ryan Iames, beer retailer, High street for oaths, Franklin house Watts George Henry, wood & coal

Sackett Charles William, greengrocer, Stephenson Frances (Mrs.), fancy re- dealer, 91 Copenhagen road
usWeekes & Hugo, surgeons, High st
Gillingham road pository, 67 High street

Samson Henry, cab proprietor, Mill rd Stevens Emmeline (Miss), dress maker, Weeks Jesse, corn factor, 42 Higb st

Sands Frank,photographer, 148 High st 53 Canterbury street Wells Mary (Miss), dress ma.66Ard.enst.

Saxby Wm. stationer, 54 Canterbury st Stevens J ames, chemist, 18 High street Wellspring Ellen (.Yirs. ), shopkeeper, 44-

Sayer Wm. wood&coal dlr. 15Victoria st Stiff Alice (Mrs. ),shopkeeper,1Rock av .Arden street

Scott John, wheelwright, 30 Fox street Stigant .John, draper, 56 High street West.Albt.Richd. fishmonger,n Highst

Scott Mary (Miss), shopkpr.m8High st Stowell Willoughby Ebenezer, leather Westcott Christr. shpkpr, 1 WatCTloos~

Scriven I<'dk. Wm. butcher, 162 High st seller, 15 High street Westou Thos.chimney sweepr.Brittonst

Scriven George Christopher, butcher, Stroud Wm. shopkeeper, 71 Skinner st White Wm. insurance agt. 85 Arden st

129 Trafalgar street Sturla Fanny (Mrs.), beer rctlr.High st Wild ish Elizh. (Mrs.), painter,7o Highst

Scriven George Hiel, butcher, 106 & Style11 Wm. beer retailer, 97 Skinner st Williams John, shopkeepr. 20 Brittonst

roB Copenhagen road Sud weeks J oseph, beer retlr. Church rd Willis Henry J ames, chemist,48 High st

Seal! .Amelia (Miss), dress maker, Swain & Stanley, painters &c.63King st Willis James Edward, insurnnee-super-

YVindmill lane Tadman Jsph. Wm. butcher, Duncan rd intendent, 66 Canterbury street

Sears Floreuce(l\Iiss),statnr. 4rHigh st Taverner Ann Augusta (Miss), dress Willis Jas. ·wm. shopkeeper,24-Ardenst

Seaton Arth. drssr. 106High st maker, r J effery street Winter Bros. who. tailors, 42 Skinner st

Sharp Jos. hair dresser, 13 Church rd Terry John, butcher, 35 Skinner street Wise William, dairyman, Napier road

Sheepwash Hd. cowkeeper, 61 Mill road Thomas Geo. dairymn. 52 Gardiner st i ·wood John, piano tuner, 10 Fox street

Shepherd, Neame & Co. family pale ale Thomas Richard, tailor, Canterbury rd Wood Josiah, pastrycook, Trafalgar st
brewers; stores, Britton Farm street Thompson Ernest John, watch maker, Woods John, music stores, 4S High st

Shorter Thomas .Abraham, bricklayer,? 84 Skinner street Woollard Ueorge Edward D. builder~

Britton Farm street Thompson Robert Larkin, tinman &c. carpenter & joiner, I 'Vaterloo street.

Shugrue Wm. greengrocer, r8 Saxton st III High street See advertisement

Simper James, cab proprietr. 3 Fox st TiC'kle Jos.~ph, dairyman, f'topford road Working Men's Club & Institute (W _

Skinner Moses Trnyton, tobacconist & Tiltman William (Mrs.), dress maker, Pearson, sec.), 135 High st.rcct

stationer, & po3t office, High street r8 Church road Wotnham James, hair dresser,2rCopen-

SkyrmeRobert,fishmonger,Gillnghm.rd 1 TozerFras.(Miss),dress ma. 14Churcb rd hagen road

Simons Marshal\, butcher, 74 High st I Treeby Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, Wray John, butcher, 35 High street

Slack Charles, shopkeeper, 6 Arden , 103 Saxton street 1 Wren Gco. Edmd. bldr-43Copenhagen rd.

street & 47 High street I Tremain Hy. greengrocer, 168 High st I Wyatt Joseph, miller (wind), Mill hill

OLD BROMPTON is au ecclesiastical parish, formed 300; both are in Manor street. Chatham lines ex•end int<>-

Jan. 19, 1830, out of the parishes of Chatham and Gillingharn., this parish and the school of military engineering, barracks-
adjoining Chatha.m on the north and north-west and Gilling- and a convict prison are all in this parish, but particulars of
ham on the north and north-east; it is in the Mid division these will be found under Chatham. The area is 212 acres;

of the county, Chatham and Gillingham hundred, lathe of the population in r881 was 6,782, including 1,542 in the-

.Aylesford, Mcdway union, Gillingham local board district, school of military engineering ami 1,168 in the convict prison..
Rochester petty sessional division and county court district, Parish Clerk, J ames Lines.
and Rochester rural deanery, archdeaconry and diocese. It PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & .Annuity & Insurance Office.
is supplied with water by the Chatham, Gillingham and 4I High street.-Miss Elizabeth Smithers Pearce, pos\-
Rochester Water ·works Company, and lighted with gas by mistress. Letters arrive from Chatham at 7·45 a.m. &
the Rochester Gas CoJmpany. The church of the Holy II a. m. 3.30 & 6.30 p.m.; dispatched at. & 11.50 a. m.
Trinity, erected in 1848 at the expense of the Rev. William & 2.30, 6.35 & p.m
and .Miss Conway, is an edifice of brick, with Bath stone ScHOOLS:-

dressings, in theEarlyEnglishstyle, and consists of chancel, Trinity National, erected in 1851 & enlarged in 1856, will

nave with clerestory, aisles separated. from the nave by hold 480 children; average attendance, 148 boys, r3&-
arcades of five bays, chantry, south porch, and a tower girls & 59 infants ; William Wainwrig-ht, master; Miss.
with spire and containing a clock and one bell: in the Susanah Chamberlin, girls' mistress; Miss Alice Harri-
chancel is a memorial window to Dr. Henry Weekes, son, infants' mistress

of this parish: the church will seat 1,000, 240 being free. Infants', erected in r884, to hold 65 children; average-
The register dates from the year 1847. The living is a attendance, 6o
vicarage, gross yearly value £3oo, with residence, in the CoNVEYANCE : -
gift of Hyndman's trustees, and held since r847 by the Rev. An omnibus from Chatham station passes through to th~
Daniel Cooke, of Queens' College, Cambridge, hon. canon of Railway hotel, New Brompton, at frequent intervals daily-
Rochester. Here is a Catholic chapel, dedicated to St. Kent's omnibus from Old llrompton, daily, to Chatham /;.
Aloysius, with 250 sittings, and a Vi'esleyan chapel, seating Rochester

• PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Butt Mrs. 14 Prospect road Clayton Major E. G. (deputy governor

Bonny Mrs. 4 Prospect road Byrne Patrick, 52 Wood street sH.:VI.Convict prison), St.Mary's val~
Bromley Mrs. 19 Prospect road
Burgess Mrs. 14 Mansion row Burgoyne Capt. R. D. G. H. (deputy Champness Henry, 24 Manor street

governor of H.M. Convict prison), 1 [ Collins Daniel Joseph, 6 Garden street

St. Mary's vale Cooke Hev. Canon Daniel, The Vicarag8


Cottell Surgeon Arthnr Bowdich L R.C.P. Church of England Young Men's Inst:- I Mehigan Jnha, boot ma. 40 High street

Edin. (medical staff), 30 Garden st tutc(J.Mdntosh, hon.sec. ),32Iligh st :\!orris Sarah Ann (2\frs.), colorman,

Dadswell Mrs. 2 Mansion row Clement Albt.Ueo.pastrycook,37High st IO High street ·

Fox ~\Iiss, Io Mansion row Clift William, upholsterer, 30 High st Morriss Elizabeth (Miss), pork butcher,

HarrisCapt. W.F. V. (governorofH.M. Coleman:\-Iathw.LordNelsonP.H.Wood st 42 High street

Convict prison), St. l\Iary's vale Collison ·waiter, Royal Engineers P.H. Munn Samuel, baker, 36 Low. Wood st

Hogg David (steward H.}L Convict 5I Wood street Nicholas Margaret (Mrs.), greengrocer,

prison'. St. Mary's vale Cook J oseph, boot maker, High street 6r High street

Husband J. 28 Middle street Cooke Samuel, Dolphin P.H. 28 Hig-h st Odey Georgc, lodging house, 4 Wood st

Longland Rev. Charles Boxall M.A. CopperJane(Mrs.), greengro.59 Wood st Paine Wm. general dealer, 12 High st

[curate], 3 Mansion row Copper William, fishmonger, 59 High Page Geo. dining rooms, 4 Westcourt st

Macdonald :Major George, 28 Garden st stree~ & 2 Middle street Page Geo. beer 'retailer, I Westcourt st

~avo Mrs. I2 Mansion row Cosscy Benj. dining rooms, 21 High st Pearce Elizabeth Smithcrs (Miss),
~cN• alty Brigade-Surg. George William CRAWLEY EOWARD, house & estate stationer & postmistress, 4I High st

M.D. 20 Prospect road agent, rent & debt collector ; estab- Peckham Chas. beer retlr. Io Manor st

Moore Major E. C. S. R.E. 6 Prospect rd lished r84o; largest collector of rents Penfield Harry, beer retailer, Manor st

Morris Miss, Io Prospect road in the district, 23 Westcourt street Peters Frances (Mrs.), china & glass

O'Brien Miss, 15 Prospect roa:i Creighton Henry, Prince of Wales P.H. dealer, 44 High street

Packham Mrs. 6 Mansion row 6 \Vestcourt sLreet Porter Amariah W. butcher, 29 High st

Penfuld Mrs. 4 Mansion row Daines John, shopkeeper, 38 High st Porter James, lodging ho. r6 Manor st

Roberts Capt. H. B. R.E. 9 1\Iansion row Daley Isabella (Mrs. ),Bricklayers' Arms Ramage Caroline (Miss), milliner, 63

Robinson William James, 4 G,arden st P.H. High street Wood street

Spiller Henry, I6 Prospect road Dartnall Fredk. boot maker, 7l\Iicldle st Rayment F. & A. (Misses), drapers,

Stokes l\1rs. 48 Wood street Denney iVilliam, marine store dealer, High street

Styles Mrs. 3 Prospect road 2A, Westcourt street Record Thomas, hair dresser, 4 Middle

Taylor Mrs. so Wood street Doherty John, tailor, 13 iVoo:l. street street & Westcourt street

Tipret Charles, 7 Prospect road Kate (Mrs.), ~hopkeeper, 37 Robins Wm. I. R. Swan P.H.Low. Wool st

Voisey Clement Bernard M.D.LOnd. (as- Lower iYood street Robinson William James L.K.Q.C.P.Irel,

sistant surgeon H. M. Convict prison), Dowle John, tailor, 27 Lower iVood st surgeon, & honorary surgeon St.

3 St. Mary's vale Draper Joscph Henry, King of Prussia Bartholomew's hospital, Chatham, 4

Walker George .Edward (medical officer P.H. Garden street Garden street

H. M. Convict prison),4 St.Mary's vale Dnnn l\1ary Ann (~Irs.), shopkeeper, 12 Rochester & Chatham Cafe Co. (Joseph

Weekes Henry, Mansion house Manor street Plewis, manager), Garden street

Wheeler H.ev.Joseph Bishop [chaplain of Ellis E. (Miss), lodging ho. 9Prospect rd Salt La wr2nce, Duke of Wellington P.H.

H. M. Convict prison], St. l\Iary's vale Fergusson Eleanor (Mrs.), tobacconist, Wood street

Wilkins Thomas, 5 Prospect road 7 High street Savage Wm. Queen's Head P.H.I High st.

Wood Miss, 2 Garden street Ford Edward, shopkeeper, so High st Sheepwash Benj.greengrocer,6iWood st.

COMMERCIAL. Ford Margt. (l\Iiss),confectionr. 6High st Sheepwash Benj. Hy. grocer,6g Wood st
Friend Wm. military outfitter,2 High st Shillito Jas. beer retailer, 26 Middle st.

.ArmsbyJas.military outfittr. I Garden st Fryer .Fredcrick, carpenter, High street Shrubb James Richard, shopkeeper, 33

Arlidge Alfd. A. cabinet ma. 43 High st Gale & Polden, printers & stationers, 3 Lower Wood street

Austen John, corn dealer, 49 Wood st High street Shrubb Wm.Chas. beer retlr. Garden st

Ayres James, baker, 6I Wood street Godfrey Mary A. K. (Mrs.), Shepherd ShrubbWm.Robert,Crown P.H.Wood st

Baguley Daniel T. dairyman & cow- & Shepherdess P.H. 19 Wood street Smart Mark, lodging house, I3l'rospect.

keeper, Old Brompton dairy farm Gurney John, dealer in secondhand road & 13 Mansion row
Smetham, Tntt & Co. pawnbrokers, sS
Baker Jsph. lodging house, 27 ·Manor st clothes, 45 Wood street

Baldry John, lodging house, 9 ~Ianor st Hamlyn Tile!a (iHrs. ), dining rooms, 30 High street

Baldwin Richd. news agent, 36 High st Westcourt street Srnouton Enoch, shopkeeper,8 Middle st

Batt & Co. military outfitters, 53 & 57 Hart & Co. tailors, 47 High street Spong Elizh. (Mrs.), shopkpr. 4I Wood st

High street Heath Geo.Jas. shopkpr. 7 Westcourt st Stigant Wm. Jn. baker, 26 High street

Bear James, baker; genuine whole meal HillJane( Miss), shopkeeper, 10 Garden st Stokes Waiter Ed wd.chemist, 22IIigh st

bread, 27 Westcourt street Hill William Thomas, grocer, tea dealer Tanner Georg-e, carpenter, Wood street

Berry & Son, butchers, 53 ·wood strer~t & provision m~rcha.nt, 35 High street Taylor Charles Wellesley, tinman,

Bills Robert, baker, 9 High street Hill William, jun. grocer, & agent for IO Middle street

Birrell Wm. cab proptr. 27 Uarden st W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit mer- Thorpe Joseph, hair dresser, 55 Wood st.

Blackadder Jobn,greengro. 20 ~Iiddle st chants, 55 High street TomsettWm.King'sHeadP.H.36Middle st

Blackman Thomas Richard, dairyman, Jacobs William, greengrocer, r6 High st Topley William, beer retailer, 39 High st

18 We.9tcourt street Jamcs "Mrs. lodging ho.s,7&8:\111.nsion rw Townley Ernest Ethelbert L.n.s.rrel.

Blackman Wm. tobacconist, 4 High st Jarvis Hugh, baker, I2 Middle street dentist, 22 High street

Hooker Henry, eating house, 65 Wood st Kilroy .John, Dockyard P.H. Middle st Twyman Elizabeth (:\Irs.), linen draper~

Branford Edwd. watch ma. 34 High st King Williarn, builder, 2 & 4 River st 24 High street

Brindley Mrs. midwife, I4 Ri1·er street Lamb Lawrence H. Navy & Army P.H. Waddell Alfred Thomas, Duke of York

Brompton Grocery & Provision Stores 3 River street P.H. Westcourt street

(Wm. Britcher, manager), 49 High st Lane MaryElizh. (Miss), grocer, River st Walker Charles, contractor, Team yard

Brooke James, grocer, 20 High street Licensed Victuallers' Protection Society Wallington Charles, Lord Napicr P.H.

Brown Jn. ironmonger, I3 & ISHighst (Joseph H. Draper, hon. sec), King Manor street

Buckley George, boot maker, 8 High st of Prussia P.H Warcus & Pullen, provision merchants,.

Burrell & Sons, butchers & meat con- Longhurst Harriett (Miss), shopkeeper, 25 High street

tractors, 11 High street; & at Chat- 5 Manor street Watchurst & Son, builders, Middle st

ham & Strood. See advertisement McAulay John, Shipwrights' Arms P.H. Watchurst Hy. Alfd. grocer, 63 High st

Burrell George Alfred, Golden Lion Westcourt street Webb John Robert, Sun in the Wood

P.H. High street :\lcCaffery Mary M. (Mrs.), fancy ware- P.H. 52 High street

Butcher Jn.Hy.military outfittr.Hi,sh st house, Middle street Weekes Henry L.R.C.P.Edin. (firm,

Butler Benj. engraver, 21 Westcourt st McCarthy Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer, Weekes & Hugo), surgeon, & ad-

Bntler Benj.marine store dlr.43 Wood st 2I Lower Wood street miralty surgeon & agent & medical

Byatt Chas. Navy Arms P.H. I4 High st McCulley Wm. lodging ho. 31 Manor st officer & public vaccinator, No. J

Cabburn Thomas, King's Arms P.H. McGillicuddy l\Iargaret (Miss), shop- district, Medway union, Mansion ho

Westcourt street keeper, 23 Wood street WilliamsEdwd.Ford,irnmngr.46High st

·canning Geo. 0. ha.irdrssr. IBA, Highst Mackay John, lodging ho. ro Prospect rd Williams Wm. shopkeeper, 43 Wood st

Catchpool Thomas, pawnbroker, 2 & 3 Mackey Brothers, grocers, 5 High street Willis Hy. James, chemist, 45 High st

Westcourt street Mclntosh Wm. Geo. grngro. 23 High st Wingrove Jas. lodging ho. 8 Garden st

Cbalmers Jas. beer retailer, 7 River st Mat tin Charles, stationer, 57 Wood st Wisdom Jn. Two Sawyers P.H. I9High st

Chatham Soldiers' Home (Miss E. L. MattocksThos.tallowchandlr.48 High st Wood William, boot maker, 33 High st

Bothamley,manageress),Pleasant row Maynard John, butcher, 9 :\fiddle street Woolley Thos. stationer, SI High street

BROOK (or BROOKE) is a village and parish, 2~ miles Ashford county court district and petty sessional division,
East Ashford union, and in the rural deanery of West
south-east from Wye station on the Ashford and Canterbury Bridge and archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The
section of the South Eastern railway, 6 north-east from church of St. l\Iary, erected about 1075, is a building of stone,
Ashford and 72 from London, in the Southern division of the in the Early Norman style, CDnsisting of small chancel,
connty, upper division of the lathe of Scray, iVye hundred,
K. s & s. s•

116 BROOK. KENT. [1:ELLY11

nave, north porch and a massive western tower containing 1 Parish Clerk, George Shorter.

3 bells : there are 200 sittings. The register dates from the
year 1695. The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge £12~, PosT OFFICE. - Geo~ge Shorter, po~~master. L~tter1

with 20 acres of glebe, in the gift of Sir John William through Ashford arnve at 8 a. m. "Jllesborough IS the

Honywood bart. and the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury , nearest money order office, & tclegr.aph office at Wye,

alternately, and held since r852 by the Rev. John Pbilpott LETTEH Box cleared at 5 p.m. wmter & 5·3o P·lll.

M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge, who is also chaplain summer months

of East Ashford union and rector of Hinxhill, where he A School Board of 5 members was formed in 1875 for the
resides. Sir '\Yyndham Knatchbull bart. J.P. of Mersham
Hatch, is principal landowner and lord of the manor. The united district of Wye & Brook ; J. Creery, Ashford,
soil is clayey; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat,
clerk to the board

beaus and hops. The a1·ea is .173 acres ; rateable value, Board School (mixed), for Brook & part of Wye, built,

£8o2; the population in 188r was 136. with residence for mistress, in r 876, for 6o children;

TROY TOWN and PICKERSDEAN closely adjoin Brook; average attendance, 40 ; Miss Emily Rickett~, mistress

HAMPTON is half a mile south-east.

Pay John Hammond Percival, farmer, Hampton ! Rains Thomas, Honest Miller P.H

Cook Waiter, farmer Mills George, farmer , Shorter George, shopkeeper, Post office

HammondFredk. miller(wind & water) Pitcher Francis, farmer & blacksmith , Smeaton Frank, farmer, Court lodge

BROOKLAND is a parish and village, situated on the field, joint gross yearly value £3oo, with residence, in the

road from New Romney to Hye, with a station half a mile gift of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, and held since
north on the Appledore, Lydd, Dungeness and ~ew Romney r871 by the H.ev. \Yilliam Baldock B. A. of Trinity College,

line of the South Eastern railway, 6 miles west from New Cambridge. A Wesleyan chapel was erected in 1849. The

Romney and 68 from London, in the Southern division Dean and Chapter of Canterbury are lords of the manor.
of the county, Aloesbridge hundred, lathe of Shepway, The principal landowners are Lord Hothfield, Sir Edward
Romney Marsh liberty and union, Ashford petty sessional Archibald Hamilton bart. of Iping House, Midhurst, and
division, Xew Romney county court district, and in the Sir Edward Cholmeley Dering bart. D.1~., J.P. of Surrenden.
rural deanery of South Lympne and archdeaconry and diocese Dering. The soil is light; subsoil, sand. The chief crops

of Canterbury. The church of St. Augustine is a plain are wheat, turnips and grass. The area is x,832 acres;
structure of rubble, in the Early English style, consisting of' rateable value, £3,798; the population in r88r was 434·
chancel, nave of six bays, aisles and a most curious detached ! Sexton, George Robinson.
belfry, wholly constructed of timber, octagonal in form, Pos-r 0FFICE.-George Robinson, receiver. Letters from
with a conical shingled roof, and containing 5 bells: there New H.omney S.O. at 8.25 a.m. ; dispatched at 5.25 p.m.
is o. fine leaden font of Norman date, cylindrical in shape, The nearest money order office is at Appledore. Postal
with the signs of the zodiac and the names of the corres- orders are issued here, but not paid. Telegraph office at
ponding months inscribed round its upper circumference; Brookland railway station


this font has been especially noticed in the Arch<l)ological [Infant School, built in 1873, for 100 children; average
Journal for 1849 and in the Arch. Cantiana iv. 87 : in the 1 attendance, 6o ; Miss Fowle, mistress ; the elder children
chancel are two Early English sedilia and a piscina: there attend the school at Brenzett
are 250 sittings. The register dates from the year 1558. Railway Station, John Stately, station master
The living is a vicarage, united with the vicarage of Fair- CARRIER TO RYE.-James Carey, every wed. & sat

Baldock Rev. Wm.n.A.[vicar], Vicarage Cotton John, blacksmith N oakes Frederick, boot maker
Huggett Mrs. Hook house
Frampton George, bricklayer Palmer & Burgess, farmers, Finn farm
COMMERCI.A L. Godden George, carpenter Santer George Lansdell, baker & corn
Austen Thomas, farmer Hickman Stepben (Mrs.), farmer
Baker John, carpenter Hobbs Bcdo, cattle ~alesman & grazier & flour dealer
Barling Edward, farmer & butcher Huggett John, grazier Selden Samuel, farmer
Brignell Margaret (Mrs.), "\VoolpackP.H Hutchings John Lewis & Henry Alfred, Shorter John, farmer
Burgess Frank,grocer & gen. shopkeeper
Chaplin J oseph, Royal Oak P. u grocers & drapers Smith Charles, farmer, King farm
Terry John, Alliance P. H

BROOMFIELD is a parish and village, half a mile south Martin, situated in a beautiful park and surrounded by a

of the London road to Ashford, on the river Lee, 6 miles large moat supplied by a stream which rises at Lenham and
south-east from Maidstone, in the Mid division of the empties itself into the Medway, is a magnificent building of

county, lathe of Aylesford, Eyhorne hundred, Bearsted stone, erected at various times and in different styles: it is
petty sessional division, Hollingbourne union, Maidstone believed that a considerable portion was built by Edward I.
county court district, Sutton rural deanery, Maidstone about r28o, and some other parts indicate a still earlier
archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The church of date : the upper story of the keep was added by Henry
St. Margaret is an ancient building of stone, in the Early VIII. about 1535, and the building was partly reconstructed
English and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, in r822: the castle was visited by Richard II. and in the
nave, south porch and a western tower containing 3 bells: reign of Henry V. Joan of :Navarre, the second Queen of
it was thoroughly restored in r881 by Mrs. Wykeham- Henry IV. being accused of conspiracy against the life of
Martin, of Leeds Castle, in memory of her husband, Philip her stepson, was imprisoned here : in the reign of Henry VI.
Wykeham-Martin, formerly M.P. for Rochest~r, d. 1878 : Archbishop Chichele presided at the trial of Eleanor
there are roo sittings. The register dates from the year (Cobham), wife of Humphrey (Plantagenet), Duke of Glon·
1575. The living is a vicarage, annexed to that of Leeds, cester K.G. for practising sorcery and witchcraft, held
joint gross yearly value from tithe rent-charge £3oo, with within its walls in 1440. The soil is loam ; subsoil, rag·
residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and stone. The chief crops are fruit, hops and corn. The area
held since 1877 by the Rev. Adolphus Philipse Morris M.A. is 1,449 acres; rateable value, £r,5o2; the population in
of Worcester College, Oxford, who resides at Leeds. The 188r was r6o.

great tithes are held by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. Parish Clerk, William Thorneycroft.
Mrs. Wykeham-lVIartin is lady of the manor, and the Letters received through Maid~tone. Hollingbourne is the
trustees of the late Sir Edmund Filmer bart. are the prin- nearest money order & telegraph office
cipal landowners. Leeds Castle, the seat uf Mrs. Wykeham- The children of this parish attend the school at Leeds

Wykeham-Martin Mrs. Leeds castle Glover Charles, farm bailiff to Henry Knell Henry,shopkeeper & fruit grower
Chapman John, farmer, hop & fruit D. Norwood esq Lewis William, farm bailiff to )irs.

grower; & at East Sutton Holland Alfred, farmer Wykeham-Martin, Garden house
Coveney Daniel, farmer & hop grower, Jenner John, blacksmith Skinner John, Park Gate P.H.

Park farm

BUCKLAND (in DOVER), !lee DovER.

BUCKLAND (near F AVERSHAIH) is a parish adjoining the ruins, and the south-west angle of the fabric is the only

London road, 3§ miles west-north-west from Faversham, considerable portion now remaining; at the west end is 11
a mile and a half cast from Tcynham station on the
London, Chatham and Dover railway and 44 from London, Decorated window, and the south wall has a rude Norman
in the Xorth Eastern division of the county, upper division
of the lathe of Scray, Faversham hundred, petty sessional doorway: the inhabitants attend the churches at Ludden·
division, union and county court district, rural deanery of
Ospringe and archdeacony and diocese of Canwrbury. The ham and Xorton. The living is a sinecure rectory, yearly
church, an edifice of flint and stone, has been many years in value from tithe rent-charge£ 199, with 4~ acres of glebe, in
the gift of James Druitt esq. and held sinC"e r873 by the
Rev. James Mayo n. D. of Trinity College, Cambridge.
Thomas Gillow esq. of Lynsted, Sittiugbourne, is lord of


the manor and principal landowner. The soil and subso] Letters through Sittingbourne arrive at about 9.30 a.m.

are various. The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans, OJ.ts Green Street is the nearest money order & telegraph office

and turnips. The area is 336 acres; rateable value, £2,2r5; The children of this place attend the school at .Norton
the population in 1881 was 70.

:Medhurst William, farm bailiff to Thos. Gillow esq

BURHAM is a parish and is situated on the east bank of the Right Hon. G. Cubitt P.C., M.P. and held since 1888 by

the navi,o-able M:edway and at the foot of the chalk range, 5 the Rev. Alfred Ernest Bourne B. A. of Sidney Sussex College,
miles north-west from Maidstone, the same distance south Cambridge. The Aylesford brick, tile and pottery works
from Rochester and one mile and a half west from Snodland are partly in this parish. Burham Cement Co. William
station on the North Kent railway on the the opposite bank George Margetts e.'!q. and Henry Peters esq. are the princi-
of the river, in the Mid division of the county, lathe of I pal landowners. The soil is chalky; subsoil, chalk. The
Aylesford, Larkfield hundred, Mailing petty sessional divi- I chief crups are wheat, beans, barley and hops. The area is
sion and union, Rochester county court district, rural I, 749 acres; rateable value, £6,847; the population in I88 I
deanery of Cobham, archdeacClnry and diocese of Rochester. was I 13S3·
The old church of the Blessed Virgin, an ancient building of KEWLAND is a mile and a half south-east.
stone in various styles, consisting of chancel and nave, Parish Clerk, William Edmonds.
with a low square tower, is at present disused, except for PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annmty & Insurance Office.-
funerals, but' is now, I89o, being repaired and is to be re- Charles Bolton, postmaster. Letters arrive from Roches-
opened by the Bishop of Rochester; the new church, ter at 8.30 a.m. ; dispatched at 5.30 p.m. The nearest
erected from designs by Mr. E. W. Stephens, of Maidstone, telegraph offices are at Wouldham & Snodland
at an estimated cost of £4,5oo, towards which the vicar, A School Board of 5 members was formed in r875; S.
Mrs. Wigan, of Maidstone, and the Right Hon. George Wagon, Aylesford, clerk to the board; Tom Hilder Snod-

Cubitt M.P. contributed £r,ooo each, is in the Decorated land, attendance officer
style of the 14th century, and consists of chancel, nave of Board School, erected in r8s6 & enlarged 1878 as a National
four bays, aisles, transepts, vestry and narthex, a large south School for 400 children ; average attendance, I 10 boys,
porch and a massive embattled central tower with pinnacles, IIS girls & 8o infants; Robert Carr, master; Miss Sarah
containing 3 bells removed from the old church : there are Price, mistress ; Mrs. Caroline Phillips, infants' mistress

J6o sittings. The register dates from the year 1600. The CARRIERS TO : -

living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge £182, net yearly MAIDSTONE-Wm. Parker, from 'Royal Exchange,' daily

value £28S, with residence (erected in r865), in the gift of RocHESTER-John Benjamin, daily

Bourne Rev. .Alfred Ernest B.A. [vicar], Brooker George, Old Bell P.H. & farmer Langford & Bolton, grocers & drapers,

Vicarage Hrooker Thomas, farmer, Burham court Post office
Brooker Henry
Hatton Wm. .Andrews, Burham house Brown Charles, farmer, Brook farm Martin 'Villiam, shopkeeper

COMMERCIAL. Brown Thomas, farmer Mills Alfred, beer retailer
Abrahams J ames, shopkeeper
Ashenden Benjamin, shopkeeper Durham Brick, Lime & Cement Co. Mitchcll Wm. Thomas, grocer & draper
Baldwin John, beer retailer
Barrows Horace, beer retailer Limited (William Varney, manager) Parker Wilham, Royal Exchange P.H
Barrows John, hair dresser
Bassett Ann (Miss), farmer Butler Chas. beer retlr. & shopkeeper Salmon George, butcher
Benjamin George, shopkeep0r
Benjamin John, sho!Jkeeper & carrier Day Filmer, beer retailer Skinner George, farmer, Pett's farm
Brooker Elias, Fleur de Lis P.H
George Robert, builuer Smith William, Robin Hood & Little

Hadlow ~'illiam, butcher John P.H

Holden Frederick, draper & grocer Usher James, beer retailer

Honey J oseph, shopkeeper Wakeman James, shopkeeper

J enkins & Boreham, boot & shoe makrs West Kent Gault Bric~{ & Portland

Jessup Charles, baker Cem~mt Co. Limited Office

Knott James, grocer & farmer . \Yhiting Alfred, carpenter

BURMARSH is a parish, 4~ miles south-west from 1 muted tithes £265 r6s. with residence and three acres of

sHythe,s north from New Romneyand south from Smeeth: gleb~, in the gift of the Crown, and held since 1890 by

station on the South Eastern rail way, in the Soutllern divi- · the l{ev. George Victor Macdona B. A. of Trinity College,

ision of the county, hundred of Worth, lathe of Shepway, Dublin. Sir Edward Cholmeley Daring bart. D.L., J.P. of

hberty and union of Romney Marsh, petty session:J.l division Surrenden-Dering, who is lord of the manor, Sir John

of Dymchurch, New Romney county court district, and in William Honywood bart. J.P. of E\'ington Place, Elmstead,

the rural deanery of North Lympne and archdeaconry aml and Henry Rigden esq. are the principal landowners. The

diocese of Canterbury. In r888 about one-third of the soil is stiff; subsoil, sand. The chief crops are grass, wheat

parish of West Hythe was annexed to this parish, the re- I and beans; turnip seed is also grown. The area is 2,247

mainder being added to the borough of Hythe. The church acres; rateable value, £3,987 ~ the population in I88r was

of All Saints is an anc:ent edifice of stone in the Norman 178.

style, consisting of chancel, embattled nave, south porch Parish Clerk Charles Spicer.

and an embattled western tower containing 3 bells: the east '
window is a m 3morial to the Rev. Henry J. Borchardt, a PrL~AR LETTER Box cleared at 6 p.m. in summer & 4 p.m.
wu~ter, week days only. Letters through Folkestone
Iformer rector (found drowned 2 gth January, 1876), and was ar~1ve. at 9 a. m. The nearest money order & telegraph
office IS at Dymchurch
inserted by W. Tournay Tournay esq. of Brockhill: there

are 120 sittings, all being free. The register dates from the
year 1572. The living is a rectory, yearly value of corn- The children of this parish attend the school at Dymchurch

Macdona Rev. George Victor B.A. Checksfield Alfred, farm bailiff to the Piddock Henry H. Botolph's BridgeP.H

Rectory exor.s. of Stephen Piddlesden esq Rayner George, grocer & farmer

Ashdown Thomas, blacksmith Finn Thomas, farm bailiff to Arthur t-imith William, farmer

Butcher Jemima (:\1rs.), farmer Blaxland esq Wood .Albert, farmer & cattle salesman

C A N T E R B U R 1~,


rANTEBBURY, the chief city in Kent, though not the seat of latitude and 1° I5', east longitude: its bound:1ries ara 12!

the assizes, is a city and county of itself, and under the miles in length and the extent of the city, within the wall,

Local Government Act,r888,is declared a" county borough," is about half a mile from east to west and rather more thau

and is the head of a union and county court district and is that distance from north to south: it is 61 miles from

locally in the Eastern division of the county, Home petty London by the Lond.on, Chatham and DoYer railway, 70 by

sessional division, in the lathe of St. Augustine, bead of a the South Eastern railway and SS:i by road ; I6 from Dover

diocese, and giving name to an archdeaconry and a rural by rail and 16 by road; 20 from Margate by rail and IS by

deanery ; it is situated on the river Stour and on the road; 16 from Ramsgate ; 26 frum Rochester; IS from

ancient Watling Street from London to Dover. The Ash- Folkestone by road; 12 from Sandwich; 17 from Deal; I4

ford, Canterbury, Whitstable and Margate branch of the from Ashford ; 27 from Maidstone ; 40 from Tonbridge ; 45

South Eastern railway and the main line of the Londnn, from Tunhridge Wells; 30 from Rye and 41 from Hastings.

Chatham and Dover railway, place it in communication Whitstable, 6 miles north, is its port on the Thames side,

with the metropolis and with other parts of the country. and Fordwicb, the frequent scene of Royal landings and em-

The geographical position of the city is 51 Q 17', north barkations in old times, 2 miles below on the Stour, its port


on that river. The Stour is crossed by several bridges and . of the shrine, burned and scattered to the winds. At

has on it some ancient flour mills, by which the navigation various subsequent periods the edifice has been repaired

is impeded. and greatly extended and more recently considerable

Canterbury returned two members to Parliament until I restorations have been very carefully effected.

the passing of the Redistribution of Seats Act, r88:;, I The plan of the cathedral is that of a double cross and

under which the number was reduced to one. The city is 1 consists of a choir of six bays, with aisles, a choir traruept

divided into the municipal wards of Dane John, Northgate forming an additional bay, with two apsidal chape!s in each

and Westgate, which by the Municipal Reform A.<:t replaced wing; a presbytery of two bays, with aisles; an eastern

the six ancient wards of Worthgate, Northgate, Westgate, ambulatory, also with aisles; St. Thomas' apsidal chapel of

Burgate, Queningate and Ridingate, each from one four bays, with a magnificent procession path and aisles;

of the ancient entrance gates, and is governed by a Corpor- and eastward, the circular llecket's crown; King Henry IV.'s

ation consisting of six aldermen and eighteen councillors, cbantry, north of St. Thomas' Chapel ; the apsidal chapel

from whom the mayor is chosen, and who appoint a sheriff. of St. Anselm, south of the presbytery and north of it the

The Corporation act as the Urban Sanitary authority. similar chapel of St. Andrew; the Lady Chapel, ea't of the

There 1s a commission of the peace for the city, and quarter north wing of the great transept; St. Michael's Chapel, east

sessions are held by the Rerorder. of the south wing; baptistery, library, eastern and western

The city is lighted with gas and supplied with water by a transepts; a nave of nine bays, central and two western

company, whose works are within the precincts of the towers, chapter house, cloisters, and a crypt or undercrofl,

ancient castle ; this company has obtained an increased 163 feet by 83 feet 6 inches, the largest, finest, and most

supply of good water at Thanington, by boring to the depth interesting structure of its kind in this country. The grand

of 525 feet, and large works with powerful machinery have central tower, completed in 1495, was originally called Tm

beeu erected, from whence a good supply at constant high Angel Steeple, from its being once surmounted by a pin.

pressure is conveyed to all parts of the city, the surplus 1 nacle bearing a gilt angel, but is now more familiarly known

water being forced up to a reservoir on the summit of St. as Bell Harry TMI!e'l", from "Bell Harry," a small bell

Thomas' hill. The gas works cover over an acre of ground given by llcnry VIII. and placed on its summit under a

and have gasometers capable of holding about 920,000 cubic penthouse: it is chimed, each time for ten minute~, every

feet of gas: there are II2 retorts and 3 gasholders: sulphate morning at. :f to 6 in the summer, and :i to 7 in the winter

<lf ammonia has been made here for the last 20 years. half of the year (this custom being the only existing remnant

Canterbury W<:IB evidently a British town, deriving its of an early senTice formerly held in the Sermon House or

Romanized name of "Durovernum '' from the Cymru, dw1, Chapter House), before morning and afternoon daily service

water and 1vhen~, swift and may even have been of Iberian in the choir and as a curfew at 8 p. m. ; it is never tolled

<Jrigin; in Julius Cresar's time it was held by the Helgre, but on the death of an Archbishop of Canterbury, or of a

afterwards by the Romans themselves, when it became an member of the Royal Family.

important city; and there are still Ruman remains in St. The north-west or Arundel To·wer was originally bw1t

Martin's church and the burial grounG. near St. Sepulchre's; by Lanfranc, whose work remained until r834, when the

being captured by llengist and the Angles, Frisians and tower, haviiJg fallen into a dilapidated condition, was re-

.Jutes, ii was named Cantwaraby1·ig, the Kentishmen's built by the Dean and Chapter, under the superintendenCll

borough, a term now converted into Canterbury: it was of Mr. G. Austin, at a cost of £2s,ooo, as the exact counter.

besieged and sacked by the Danes more than once, but for part of the south-western or Chichele Tower, a leaden spire,

the last Boo years has suffered few vicissitudes. During 100 feet in height, having been previously removed in

the Middle Ages it profited very much from the troops of August, 1705; of the three, the ''Bell Harry" may

pilgrims who came from all parts of England and Europe justly be regarded, from its superb and harmonious design,

to the shrine of St. Thomas a Becket ; and subsequently as the glory of all towers ; it consists of two stages, with
from the industry of the ·walloons, who carried on here an two two-light tr~nsomed windows in each face, the lower

~xtensive trade in woven fabrics. The present importance tier being canopied; it is 35 feet square, surmounted by

of Canterbury is due in part to its position as the capital of octa~onal turrets at each angle and rises to a height, in·

East Kent, but chiefly to the greatness and endurance of its eluding the- pinnacles, of 249 feet, 4 inches; the western

historical associations, and to its high ecclesiastical rank as towers are each of six stages, with battlemented parapets

the chief city of the English Christian World. and four large double pinnacles at the angles and are 156

Canterbury is the See of the Right Honourable and Most feet high. The whole of the western portion of the catiJedral,

Reverend the Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Primate of as far as the choir, is Perpendicular; the eastern part, in·

al.l England and Metropolitan Patriarch of the English eluding the choir and chapels, exhibits highly curious Early

Church-an ecclesiastical dignitary who holds the highest English work, some of which is but just emerging from the

rank in the kinguom as a peer next to the Royal Family, ruder Norman; the arches of the choir and all the lower

taking precedence of the dukes, and receiving the title of portions may be regarded as Norman, but late in style; the

·~His Grace,'' and "The Most Reverend Father in God:" treasury, situated north of Trinity chapel, is a very tine

his Archiepiscopal authority extends over that part of Eng- example of Norman work, with ranges of intersecting arches;

land and Wales lying south of the Trent and he is aLso the west window is of seven lights; the nave has no tri·

Bishop for the greater part of Kent and exercises control forinm, each bay being subdivided into pier arch with

<lver the colonial churches. By virtue of his rank the Arch- clcrestory and panelling reaching to the string course above;

bishop is president of the Houses of Convocation of bishops the roof under the lantern was painted in fresco by MM.

and procurators for the South of England, his chief official Austin : the north wing of the main transept bears the

residence being Lambeth Palace, and his country seat at name of "the Martyrdom," and is the site of the murder of

Addington Park, near Croydon. Canterbury has held the St. Thomas a Decket, which took place Dec. 29, II70, while

dignity of an Archiepiscopal See since King Ethelbert, the vespers were being sung: the Primate was mounting the

Britwald, introduced Christianity into this country, upwards stairs to the north aisle, now removed, to seat himself in

<lf twelve centuries since; and many of its prelates have his patriarchal chair, when the knights overtoo!' him;

been venerated as saints, including St. Augustine, St. the spot where he fell beneath the blows of. their swords

aAlphege, St. Dunstan, St. Anselm, and St. Thomas is now marked by a square stone: the west door of the
Becket. cloisters by which he entered and the Calln pavement by the

The cath~dra.l of Christ Chnr{!h, the city's greatest orna- wall, on which he fell, still remain: the soft and silvery

ment, stands on the site of the palace in which Ethelbert, glazing of the north window in this transept was given by

Britwald and King of Kent, resided, when persuaded to be- Edward IV.; the south window is filled with portions of

eome a Christian by Bertha, his Queen, and St. Augustine, old French glass.

afterwards the first Archbishop of Canterbury. The king The choir offers the earliest instance of the Pointed arch

gave the palace to the saint, who converted it into a cathedral in England, as well as of graining on a large scale and~

and monastery : it was subsequently much enlarged, but. approached by noble flights of steps; the screen, with its

was plundered by the Danes and Archbishop Alphege nich')d imagery of founders and saints, dates from tba

martyred. Archbishop Lanfranc, after the Norman acces- fifteenth century; the clerestory of the choir is filled with

sion, repaired the ea thedral and rebuilt it on a magnificent stained glass representing the Genealogy of Our Saviour;

scale. In II74 the choir was burned, and, on its re-erection, the stall carvings are by Grinling Gibbons: the archbishop's

the church was extended to the eastward by '\Yilliam of Sens throne, a gift of Archbishop Howley, cost £r,2oo and was

and an English architect of the sam[] name: in the new carved by Flemish workmen from the designs of Mr. Austin:

Trinity Chapel was dedicated, on the 7th of July, 1220, the the stone pulpit, desig-ned by Mr. Butterfield, was set up in

shrine erected for St. Thomas a Becket, wlw, on December 1846: the eagle lectern is dated r663 : the old organ, re-
~o, rr7o, had been massacred at the altar, whicll then stood built by Samuel Green, contained the open diapasons froiD

against the eastern wall of the north-west transept, by four the urgan used at the Handel Festival in Westminster Abbey

barons of Henry II. named Regina,ld Fit.zurse, William de in 1784 and was enlarged by Hill in 1842; but a new organ,

Tracy, Hugh de Morevi!le and Richard Brito: this spot has embodying all that was available in the old instrument, will

ever since borne the name of "The Martyrdom," and was dedicated July 3oth, 1886: on the wall of the nortb

the object of many pilgrimages. The shrine was removed I choir transept is a fragmental fresco of the Comersion ol

in the reign of Henry VIII. and Eecket's remains taken out St. Eustace.


In the apse, approached by broad flights of steps, is Clarence, who fell at Beauje in J42I, tomb with effigies;

a'St. Thomas' Chapel lformerly the chapel of the Holy John Earl of Somerset (1444), Archbishops Theobald (1161),

Trinity), surround2d by a double arcade of columns; it Thomas Hecket (1170), Richard (u84), Peckham (:r292)
has also a curious mosaic pavement, with the zodiacal signs altar tomb with effigy in Irish oak; Warham (1534) >

in white marble, serpentine and porphyry, brought from St. Courtney (1397) ; Winc!lelsea, who was considered as a

Augustine's Abbey: this chapel contains the tomb of Henry saint (1313); Reynolds (1327); Walter (1215); Kempe (1454),

IV. 1413, and his queen, J oan of Navarre ; it is of alabaster, altar tomb .with an elaborate wooden tester ; Stratford

richly sculptured with effigies of both, and was ori5inally (1348); Simon of Sudbury, beheaded 13th June, 1381;

-painted and gilt; here also is the tomb of Eelward the Meopham ( 1333), coped tomb, with a very beautiful sculp-

Black Prince, 1376, with his effigy under a flat testoon and tured open screen; Bradwarden ( 1349); Chichele ( 1444),

his gauntlet, surcoat and scabbard suspended above it, the raised tomb, screen with imagery and effigy and cadaver,

surrounding iron railing being the original closure; also the restored in polychrome in 1846; Langton (1228); the Car-

tombs of Odo Coligny Cardinal Chatillon, 1571 ; the Very dinal Archbishop Bourchier (q86), raised tomb of Bethersden
Rev. .Nicholas Wotton LL.n. the first Dean of Canterbury marble, under an arch ; Cardinal Archbishop ~or ton ( xsoo); 1

.and Dean of York, with his effigy kneeling before a desk ; Cardinal Archbishop Pole (1558) ; Cardinal de Chatillon

Archbishop Courtenay, 1397, with his effigy on an altar l1571 ); the learned Casaubou; Orlando Gibbons, the musici~Il

tomb; Archbishop Theobald, n6o: in the centre of this (1625); Sir John Boys (x6x2); Colonel John Stuart")

chapel once stood the sumptuous shrine of St. Thomas a Doctor Chapman and Prior Thomas Goldstone; Dean11
Becket, inclosing his coffin of gold, the body of the ~artyr Wootton (r566); Rogers, Bishop Suffragan of Dover (1597)~

being placed here with much pomp, July 7, 1220, in the James WeddP-rbnrn, Bishop of Dumblane (r639); Father-

presence of King Henry Ill.; to this tomb came great bye (x619); Boys (1625); Ha.rgrave (1643); Turner (1672);

numbers of pilgrims, ami the steps, still existing, are worn Powys (18og); Joan (de Burghersh) wife of John de Mohuq,

into hollows by their kneeling; hither also from II77 to 2nd Baron Mohun of Dunster (1395).

a15~0, came various English monarchs and foreign potentates; In the north-west transept, the scene of St. Thomas

and here, in 1299, Edward I. offered the crown of Scotland : BBcket's martyrdom, Edward I. was married to Queen,,,

eastward of tt1is chapel is an elegant part of the edifice, Margaret in 1299. The large window in this transept was

-ea!Jed Becket's Crown, which has been left externally in- onca remarkable for its splendour, but it was almost

-complete; probably, however, the cathedral is, even so, entirely destroyed in 1643 by a fanatic named RichaTd

grander than if modern Norman spires were now added to Culmer, a Puritan, commonly called" Blue Dick," who -wa&

it; it was possibly erected on the site of the ancient circular thrust by the Parliamentarians, during the usurpation of

baptistery and tomb-house of the Saxon primates and bears Cromwell, into the otlice of one of the "Six Preachers.''

.some similarity to the east epd of the Marien Kirche, at Mounting a ladder, with a pike in his hand, this fanatic dEl!- •

Lubeck; some decayed frescoes linger on the interior walls ; molisbed the beautiful glass as he ascended, crying, '' l am

the stained glass of the east window is of the 13th cen- doing the work of the Lord and rattling down proud Becket's

tury. The Treasury contains the ancient charters, a number glassy bones." A bystander said, "I'll help him;'' and

.{)[them Saxon and some prior to the Norman accession, one with a well-directed stone, struck him on the head and ,

being a charter by King Ethelbert, written by St. Dunstan: brought him down, but not before he bad almost completely

in the nc1rth aisle are two fine painted windows. From the demGlished the finest window in the cathedral: its remains

Martyrdom a flight of steps conducts to the crypt, or under- have still considerable interest and· bear a sad testimony to 1
-croft, of which the south aisle, under St. Anselm's Tower, its original grandeur. The great window in the opposite

has been appropriated to the worship of the Walloons and transept is a patchwork of ancient glass, but still magmfi- ,

I<'rencl1 Huguenot refugees since 1568, when their looms cent. In June, 1882, a memorial window to the late Mr.

were here set up; they are now not so numerous as formerly, Pemberton was placed in the south-east transept. The

though a. respectable congregation still attends the French patriarchal or metropolitan chair of Bethersden marble, in

aservice. In the crypt no less than ten archbishops are which the Primates are enthroned, formerly stood in the

buried. Here is the site of the original tomb of St. Thomas chapel of the Holy Trinity, but was removed for the en-
Becket, to which King Henry II. came barefoot to do penance thronement of Archbishop Sumner, who was enthroned in l

;and before which he suffered flagellation, receiving five it in front of the altar, and it is now placed in Becket's 1
.strokes from each prel!J,te and abbot and three from every Crown.

>()De of the 8o monks; on the same spot, also King Louis The dimensions of the cathedral are-na>e, 2:zo feet long t

VII. of France watchi!d a whole night. and 72 in breadth~ choir, x8o feet in length and 40 in width;
In the south aisle of the choir, divided off by the screen of great transept, 124 feet long; choir transept, 154 feet. long~

Archbishop Meopham's monument, is the chapel (anciently cloisters, 144 feet square; Trinity chapel, 71 feet 1on2" and

~hat of St. Peter and St. Paul) and tower of St. Anselm, with 6g in breadth: external length, 530 feet; internal length,

.a .fine window, built by Prior Oxenden, 1336 ; abm'e is a cell 514 feet i western towers, 156 feet 8 inches in height;

with a grated window commanding a view of the high I Central or Bell Harry Tower~ 235 feet ;. or including its

.altar; it is believed to have been used as a place of imprison- pinnacles, 249 feet 4 inches. 1.

ment for the monks and as a watching chamber of the The old library, erected on the site of the prior's chapel,

__snrine; KinJ John of France was, accordin6 to tradition, with the original ambulatory beneath. contains a valuable

immured in it : westward of thi!l chapel is the choir transept, collection of books and manuscripts, belonging to the late

the two aspscs of which were the chapels of SS. Stephen and Ven. Henjamin HarrisonM.A. Archdeacon of Maidstone. The

Martin; the south apsidal chapels were those of SS. John cathedral library contains the manuscripts oflsaac Casaubon, •

and Gregory, once containing tbe tombs of four Saxon William Somner, the antiquary, and others; a collection of

primates; in the north aisle of the apse i~ King Henry I V. 's Greek and Roman coins and an exteXIsive collection of Bibles.

~hantry, with rich fan-tracery in the vault: in the baptistery, A handsome and extensive building, in the Norman style,

approached from the north-eastern transept, stands a font erected in r868 on the north side of the Chapter House, for

given by Bishop Warner, of Rochester, circa 1638, and called the reception of the library, was opened on the occ~sion

"Bell Jesus," because formed on the model of a bell lost at of the enthronement of the late Archbishop, on February 1
sea on its passage from Rome. The cloisters have eight 4th, r86g, and is open for reference for two hours on Tues~

bays on every side, the panes being mullioned and the day 1md Friday in each week. In the Green Court i:!j the)

stone roof grained with 700 shields on the bosses; on the Deanery, a spacious house, formerly the Priory; in the ·~

north side is a range of stone seats, canopied; under the entrance hall, as well as in the noble drawing-room and

-choir transept is the chantry of the Black Prince, founded by dining-room, are portraits of many former deans of Canter-

him in 1366 and east of it St. John's chapel, with an inner bury ; only one portrait, that of Dean Aglionby ( r622-25);

-chamber in which to secrete the sacred vessels and relics in being wanting to make the set of portraits complete. The

1imes of alarm: in the south aisle is a memorial to H. M. Sermon House, or Chapter House, approached from the east

31st foot (now East Surrey Regiment), by Richardson, above walk, was built in 1264, repaired in 1304 and the upper -

which the old regimental colours were placed, I<'ebruary I Ith, part rebuilt in the rstll century; it is go feet long, 37

x8so: in the north aisle are suspended the colours of the broad and 54 high and is a beautiful and well-proportioned

3rd Buffs (East Kent Regiment) and some Afghan flags buildmg, with a canopied arcade on the east, a large se\·en-

·captured by the 5oth foot ( rst Battalion Royal West Kent light window and an exquisitely carved roof of Irish oak.

Regiment). The cathedral precincts contain some remains of the

The memorial to Archbishop Tait, who died 3 Dec. r882, former priory: the fine Gothic gateway, known as Christ

-<:Onsists of an altar tomb of marble, bearing an effigy ex- Clmrch gate, at the junction of Burgate street and Sun

ecuted by Sir J. E. Boehm ba.rt. R.A. at a cost of about street, was built by Prior Goldstone in ISI7-

.£2,soo, and is placed in the north-east transept. The precincts of the Cathedral and ville of Christ Churcb

In the cathedral have been interred St. Alphege (1012), St. are under the jurisdiction of the Dean and Chapter, and are

Anselm (n09), King llenry IV. (1413) and Queen Joan of in Blean union. The Dean and Chapter have the patronage

Navarre (1437), Edward the Black Prince (1376), John of about 30 livings, chiefly in the south-eastern counties.

Beaufort, Earl of Somerset K.G. (1410), Margaret Holland Of the Arch bishop's palac.:e in Palace str!!et only a small

(1449) and her two husbands, John (Beaufort) Marquess of portion remains, and the archbishops have mng been non-

Dorset JL.G. (1409), and Thomas (Pla.ntagenet) Duke of resident.


UlO C.iNTER!tl'RYI •

The parish of All Saints is now annexed ecclesiastically to situated in St. Dunstan's street, is a structure of fi"int with

that of St. Alphege: the church, situated in Eastbridge and stone dressings in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles~

now used as a Sunday school, was rebuilt in r828, nearly on consisting of chancel and nave of three bays, south aisle,

the site of the original church (erected in the reign of north porch and a plain tower at the west end of the south

Edward IlL), and is a very plain brick building, in a modern aisle, containing 6 bells, two of which are dated 166o and

style of Gothic, consisting of nave, south porch aud a square 1675 respectively, and there is a striking clock with tw(}-

tower containing an illuminated clock and one bell: the dials : four Pointed arches with elegant moulded piers and

walls are ornamented internally with Corinthian pilasters circular shafts divide the nave from the aisle: the nave and

and the edifice was rcscatcd and judiciously restored in 1878; aisle windows have good Early Decorated tracery, that of the-

the organ was rebuilt in r88o, at a cost of £3oo, raised by west window being Perpendicular: two windows in the chan-

subscriptions. The register dates from 1559 and is in excel- eel are memorials to Edward and Sarah Holttum, erected br.

lent preservatior. their only surviving son Charles Holttum F. R.C.S.E. ; the'

St. Mary-de-Castro and St. Mildred's form a united bene- east window contains small painted medallions: two Pointed

fice. The ancient church of St. Mary-de-Castro has disap- arches with an octagonal pillar, separate the chancel from ita

peared, but its site can still be traced. This parish, though south aisle or Roper chapel, which is built of red brick and

included in the consolidated benefice and under the spiritual dates from about 1500; it has a flat timber ceiling, panelled,

charge of its rector, is an extra-parochial precinct. and contains two ancient altar tombs of Bethersden rnarble-

~t. Mildred's, situated at the end of Stour street, is one of to earlier members of the Roper family ; these tombs were

the largest and most ancient churches in the city, parts of it once richly carved, but are now in a sad state of decay: in a.

having been erected, it is supposed, in the 8th century : it vault below this chancel, inclosed in a leaden case, resting in

shared in the general conflagration from which a large part a niche, is preserved the head of Sir Thomas More, placed

of Canterbury suffered severely in 1246 ; and in 1512 the 1 there by the pious care of his favourite daughter, Margaret.

southern chantry or chancel was rebuilt by Thomas Atwood, Roper, who had rescued it from the gate tower of London

a resident in Stour street, three times mayor of' the city: bridge, where it was placed after his ex:ccution 6th July.

the church, constructed chiefly of flints, is principally Early 1535 ; the body was buried at the old church of St. Luke,

Engli~h, with windows of Perpendicular date; it consists of Chelsea,which contains a magnificent tomb to his memory: the-

a chancel and nave, each with a north aisle and a chantry communion table, of walnut wood, is curious from its being-

as above mentioned on the south side of the chancel : the made to lengthen out at will like a dining table ; it formerly

nave is divided from the aisle by three Pointed arches, with stood on wheels. The Roper monument, now in the north

an octagonal pillar; the north door of the nave has some wall and formerly in this chancel, is a memorial to the son

Early Tudor carving: of a series of five windows in the north of Margaret Hoper: there are no other monuments of any

aisle two have been filled with stained glass with scenes from note, but several quaint old tombstDnes cover the now filled-

the life of the Saviour ; one by Miss Pcmell, a descendant of up vaults; one in the south aisle is inscribed to Claude Ran-

Queen Catherine Parr, and the other by Miss Houlden, in dean, a Canterbury merchant and ''refugee in England for-

memory of her father and mother: the church underwent a the Protestant religion," who died in 1720, aged 72; several

thorough restoration in the year x86o, at a cost of £1,200, of this family were buried here: near this is a curious mem-

solely through the exertions of the late Rev. J osiah Hodwell, . orial to Elizabeth Scranton, spinster, who died in r685:

then curate in sole charge, and with its winding avenue of there are others to Christopher Browne, r657 ; and Daniel

lime trees, which skirts the eastern side of its churchyard, Hall, twice mayor of Canterbury: below is an octagonal font,

forms one of the most picturesque objects in the city ; it is with an elaborate oaken cover of tabernacle work : in r8go.
endowed with an ample repair fund, foul!ded for the susten- a prayer de~k was given by some of the ladies of the parish,

tation of the fabric of the church and of the churchyard and lectern steps by :Mrs. Forrest, an old parishioner: in the

fences, about three centuries since, by John Hind, supple- Trinity chapel, now used as the vestry, is a well prescrred pis-

mented by a further benefaction left to the parish by an un- , cina and a hagioscope now closed up : in a field opposite the-

known donor : its parochial charities are the most extensive church there once stood a chapel built by Archbishop Bald-

in the city: a new organ was erected by subscription in win in u87 and dedicated to St. Thomas a Becket. The

1881 : the parish possesses some antique and valuable corn- church was restored in 1878-g, when some early work, at-

munion plate, especially a small and very ancient g-oldfm tributed to Archbishop Lanfranc, was uncovered : there are-

paten and a chalice, presented by Sir Anthony Honywood 400 sittings, all being free. The register of baptisms dates-

hart. in 1622: there are 350 sittings, nearly all being free, from the year r574; marriages, 1561 ; and burials, I559·

though some appropriations are made at the discretion of The church wardens' accounts from A.D. 1484 1580 have-

the churchwardens. 'fhe register dates from the year 1559 already been printed by Mr. J. l\I. Cowper and will be gradu-

and is in excellent preservation. The living is a rectory, ally completed. The living is a vicarage, aremge tithe rent-

tithe rent-charge £24, net yearly vaiue £230, with resi- charge £79, net yearly value £270, including 10~ acres of

dence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since glehr., with residence, in the gift of the Archhis!Jop of Canter-

1883 by the Rev. John Parmiter M.A. of Christ's College, bury, and held since 1888 by the Hev. Thomas Benjamin

Cambridge. Watkins M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford.

All Saints and St. Alphege now form another united bene- The church of SS. George the Martyr and Mary Mag-

fice, the church of the former parish being disused except dalene, situated in St. George's street, was enlarged on th~

for Sunday school purposes. demolition of the church of St. Mary Magdalene, llurgate,

The church of St. Alphege, situated in Palace strert, is an and consists of chancel, nave aisles and a massive embattled

ancient structure of rough flints and brick, in the Decorated western tower surmounted by a slight wooden spire and

and Perpendicular styles, although its dedication seems to containing a clock restored in 1877, with two projecting-

indicate a much earlier foundation; it was probably rebuilt illuminated dials : this church was anciently one of the

about the 15th century, and consists of chancel, nave and possessions of Christ Church, Canterbury, and when that

north aisle, separated from the nave and chancel by an monastery was dissolved by Henry VIII. the rectory was

arcade with hexagonal columns: there are memorials with transferred to the Dean and Chapter: the original church

quaint epitaphs to Thomas Prude, Henry Gosbourne, alder- consisted of nave and south aisle and had formerly a tower

man and four times mayor of Canterbury, and to John projecting into the street, the footpath passing through a&

Caxton and Isabel his wife, q85: the church affords 265 arch in the lower stage; but this was taken down towards

sittings. the end of the last century: in the north wall is a small

The church of St. Mary, situated in Northgate street and closed-up doorway, which no doubt formerly gave access.

now used as a mission church, is a comparatively modern to the tower: the chancel and north aisle were added

edifice of brick, rebuilt in a poor and meagre style, the south in 1871, mainly by the exertions of the Rev. N. H.

side having been pulled down, as well as the old north gate McGachen, then rector: the nave and aisles are separated

over which the chancel stood, and a new south aisle erected: by arcades of five Pointed arches on octagonal pillars-

the original north wall, however, still remains, though some- with square caps ; three of the pillars on the north side

what concealed, and is of rough flint work, with traces of a were brought from the old church of St. Mary Magdalene ~

Norman and a Perpendicular window; the church consists of the others are new and have been executed in fac-simile~

nave and aisles, and contains an inscription to Ralph Brown, the tower is supported on Pointed arches, springing from

alderman and mayor of Canterbury : there are 400 sittings. circular shafts: in the south wall is a monumental recess-

The registers .date from 1558 and 164o respectively and are and a piscina of early date, the projecting basin of which

in excellent preservation. has been broken off: in the chancel is a memorial win·

The rectory of St. Alphege and part of the vicarage of St. dow to the Rev. T. Dixon M.A. for 38 years rector of

Mary, N orthgate, with the rectory of All Saints, constitute Holy Trinity, South Shields, Frances, his wife, and Jan~

a united benefice, net yearly value, St. Alphege £x 1os. and Margaret Marianne, their daughter, erected 25th Decem-

All Saints £2, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, her, r881, by the Rev. Thomas Featherston Dixon M.A.

and held since 1887-8 by the Rev. Thomas George Crosse late rector, and his sister, to their parents and sister; in th~

M.A. of Caius College, Cambridge, master of Eastbridge hos- north aisle is a memorial winuow to the Hon. Mrs. Isaac,

pital. r85o; and in the south aisle one to Mrs. Kingsford, 18.p ~

St. Dunstan's is a parish situated at the west end of the in the south aisle are also two sedilia of Decorate:! work and

city and without the city walls. The church of St. Dunstan, an ancient door now blocked up: in the floor of the nav•


is a well-preserved brass, with effigy to John Lovelle, a towards the East, a Church built of old in honour of St_

former rector of this church, 1438: the font is a very good Martin, while the Romans inhabited Britain:" it is sup-

Early English one, octagonal in form, and supported on a posed to have been built about A. D. 187 and is said to be the

central pedestal, wi~.h several surrounding shafts: th2re was oldest church in England: this view, though disputed by

formerly in the vestry a painting on panel, representing Guy · some antiquaries, has been undoubtedly strengthened by

fawkes entering the Parliament House, dated 1632 and j the recent discovery, on the south-east side of the nave, of

inscribed, "In p~rpetuam Papistarnm infamiam : " the I an old wall of stone and rubble, with regular bonding-

new organ was opened in r884; the brass ledern was given courses of Roman bricks at intervals and faced with Roman

on Easter Day, 1885; and the pulpit, of Caen stone, alabaster plaster; this work has been traced to a height of five feet.

and marble, in 1886; there are sittings for :;oo p3rsons. from the ground and is believed to belong to the original

Th!J registers of St. George the Martyr date from 1538 ; Roman church in which St. Augustine preached and Queen

the portion between that date and 1574 being a copy from Bertha worshipped: the church was probably dedicated at.

some pre-existing book; those of St. Mary Magdalene date a later period to St. Martin, a bishop of Tours, who died in.

from r664 only, and have been edited by Mr. J. M. Cowpcr. 395: it consists of chancel, with a small north chapel, nave.

St. George the Martyr and St. Mary Magdalene form a and a low, square, ivy-covered western tower containing 3-

joint recwry, yearly value £212 from the Ecclesiastical Corn- bells, on one of which is the inscription, " Sancta Caterina.

missioners, in addition to house-tithe, fees and offerings, and ora pro nobis," and another dated r6.p: the outer walls.

residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Canter- are chiefly of rough flint, with a mixture of what looks like

bury, and held since r886 by the Rev. Henry Day French Roman brick, besides other material: at the south-east

)(.!.of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. corner of the nave may be seen a very early Norman

The church of St. Gregory, situated near Military road, piscina, and in the wall to the north of the tower is a curious.

erected in 1848, as a memorial to Archbishop Howley, is a Norman hagioscope: many of the windows are stained~

building of flint with stone dressings in the Early Decorated the original church, allowed to fall into partial ruin after

and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave of the Roman evacuation of Britain, may have been restored

four bays, north aisle, south porch and a belfry on the west- towards the end of the 6th century, to serve as an oratory

ern gable containing 3 bells; there are 400 sittings. The for Queen Bertha and her attendant Bishop Leotard or

register dates from the year 1849. The living is a vicarage, Luidhard : some Saxon beads have been found in the church-

originally formed from the parish of St. Mary, N orthgatc, yard, as well as a gold medal, engraved with the name of

net yearly value £350, with residence, in the gift of the Arch- Bishop Luidhard and now deposited in the British ~Iuseum :

bishop of Canterbury, and held since 1890 by the Hon. and a chrismatory or ampulla for holding consecrated oil was.

Rev. Arthur Francis Northcote M.A. of New College, Oxford, found on the wall plate at the last restoration in 1849 :

and chaplain of St. "John's Hospital. the so-called tomb of Queen Bertha, in the north wall of the

The parishes of St. Margaret's, St. Andrew and St. Mary chancel, bears a chamfered slab of Portland oolite, a stone

Bredman have lately (r8go) be.m ecclesiastically united by_ rare in Canterbury; but this tomb cannot be that of the

Order in Council. Queen, who was, without doubt, buried m the "porticus,''"

The church of St. Mary Bredman, situated in the High or chapel of St. Martin, in the church of tlt. Peter and St.

street, was rebuilt in 1822, replacing an older church; it is Paul: the font, presumably Saxon (in which it is saici

a plain rectangular chamber, possessing no object of interest Ethelbert, the first Christian king, was baptised by St.

but a tablet to the memory of the Rev. John Duncombe M. A. Aug·ustine), is a very £¥le work of cylindrical form, sur-

fellow of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge, one of the six rounded with rude and.shallow sculpture, assumed to be of

preachers of the cathedral and vicar of Herne from 1773, later date; the font itself is constructed of 24 distinct

who is well known as a wnter on local topography; he died stones, in three tiers: there are some brasses of the 16th

r8th January, 1786; his wife Susannah,daughter of Joseph c~ntnry: the church also contains a mural monument

Highmore, the pamter, also died at Canterbury 28th Octo- to Sir John Finch, Baron Finch of Forclwich, Speaker of the

her, r8r2; this church is now (189o) closed, and will even- House of Commons during the Sb.ip Money debates, Chief

tually be removed. Justice of the Common Pleas and lord keeper, d. Nov. "2o,..

The church of S. Margaret, in St. Margaret's street, is an r66o, when the title became extinct: by the liberality of the.

edifice of stone in the Perpendicular sLyle, consisting of late Hon. Daniel Finch, auditor of tile cathedral, the church:

apsidal chancel, nave and aisles, the north aisle projectin.~ was thoroughly restored in 1847, and the chancel was

beyond the central apse and the south aisle retiring- below internally decorated in 1885; there are 100 sittin;;s.

it, this singular disarrangement was caused by the removal St. Paul's church, standing just outside the city walls, in.

of the south-eastern angle of the church in order to widen Church street, St. Paul's, a continuation of Burgate street,

the street: the mutilated east end of the church was skil- is a structure of tiint, probably of Early English date and

fully dealt with by the late Sir G. Gilbert Scott R.A. the east was almost entirely rebuilt and very considerably enlargecl

wall of the south aisle being set back and an apse added to io. 1856; it now consists of chancel, nave, aisles, and a

the central aisle, as above mentioned: at the south-west turret containing 3 bells: there are several monum:mtai

angle is an embattled tower containing 3 bells: the eastern brasses and a stained window at the west end in memory of

apse is filled with stained glass, and there are various other a former rector, the Rev. William John Cb.essbyre M.A.

stained windows, one of which, in th~ north aisle, was erected canon of the cathedral : in this church is buried Sir George

by Mr. Wood in memory of his wife: this church also con- Rooke, the famous admiral, who in conjunction with Sir

tains numerous monuments, including a mural tablet in the Cloudesley Shovel captured Gibraltar 21 July, 170+, and

north aisle to the celebrated Kentish antiquary, William died 24 June, 1709; a monument was erected to his

Somner, who died March 3oth, r669, erected by Barbara, memory in the cathedral: there are 450 sittin6s. The

his widow and second wife: there are 400 sittings. This register of St. Martin dates from the year r662 and that of

church is regarded as the mother church of Canterbury, and St. Paul from the year 1562. The living is a rectory and

the Arcl:!bisbup's and Archdeacon's visitations have been vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £202, net yearly value

held in it for many centuries. The register of S. Margaret's 1,"242, with half an acre of glebe and resiclenc~, in the gift.

dates from the year 1654, S. Mary Brerlman 1558 and St. of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since 1&82 by

!ndrew 1538; tl:!e last-mentioned has also churchwardens' the Rev. Leslie Ellis Goodwin M.A. of Caius College, Cam-

accounts from 1483. The united livings form a rectory, net brid!;e.

yearly valu~ £250, with residence, in the gift of the Arch- The original church of St. Mary Bredin, a very small

bishop and Archdeacon of Canterbury, and held since r888 building, s1tuated in Rose lane, was replaced in 1867 by a.

by the Rev. Richard Norris Gandy M. A. of Hertford College, far larger edifice of flint in the Gothic style, consisting of

Oxford. chancel, nave, aisles, north and south porches, and an

The chnrch of St. Andrew, which formerly stood in the octagonal bell-turret containing 3 bells, surmounted by a.

middle of the Higl:! street near its junction with St. Mar- lofty spire, added in r88x by the parish:oners, at a cost of

garet's street and Mercery lane, was pulled clown in the £312, as a memorial to the Hev. G. 13. Lee 'Varner, late

middle of the lwt CJntury and replaced in 1774 by a brick v1car: the church has recently (189o) be(\n new roofed, at a

edifice, erected on a site a little withdrawn from the street; cost of £"220: there are 540 sittings. The register dates

this church, however, was closed in r88o, and has recently from the year 1695. The living is a vicarage, average tithe

been converted into a room for the use of the united benefice rent-char~e £152, net yearly value £288, including glebe.

of S. Margaret with S. Andrew and S. Mary Bredman, as with residence in the Old Dover road, in the gift of Simeon's

well as for general church purposes, under the designation trustees, and held since r888 by the Rev. Joseph Sanger-

of S. Andrew's Church House, a remarkably handsome Davies n.A. of Queen's College, Oxford.

gateway in the Renai~sance style, surmounted with a statue tit. Peter and Holy Cross constitute a united parish: St_

of S. Andrew, having been erecLed at the entrance from the Peter's church, situated in St. Peter's street, is an ancient

Parade. The great-grandfather and the great-great-grand- structure of Hint, with some Decorated and l'erpendicular-

father of Dean Swift were both rectors of this elmrch. features, consisting of three equal aisles and a tower at the

St. Martin and ~t. Paul constitute a united parish. St. west end of the south aisle containing 3 bells: the centre

Yartin's church is situated on the foot of St. Martin's hill, aisle is divided from each of the otl1ers by an arcade of four

Lon,crport: the first authenticated record concerning it is the plain Pointed arches, on square and perfectly plain piers:

well-known sentence of Beda-" There was near the City, the church has b~en thoroughly repaired since rB82. The


<>riginal church of Holy Cross was built in the upper part of stone was laid by Sir G. B. Bruce, and the church waa

the old West Gate of the city: when Archbishop Sudbury opened 21 and 24 July, r88I, and will seat 550 persons.

{who held the Metropolitical See from 1375 to 1381) pulled The Congregational church, in Guildhall street, opened

down the original West Gate, a .structure coeval with the in 1877, is a structure of brick and Kentish rag with Bath

Conquest, the church was rebuilt on its present site, in West- stone dressings, in the Decorated style, erected at a cost in.
gate, granted for this esrecial purpose, in the third year of eluding site, of £5,000, from the designs of the late Mr. J.

Richard II. ( 138o): it is a building of flint, in the Decorated G. Hall; the principal front is flanked by two slender

and Perpendicular style, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, turrets with spires: there are sittings for 700 persons.

south porch and a western tower, erected about 188o in The chapel of the congregation of the late Countess ol
place of the plain and massive square tower,formerly standing Huntingdon is a stone building, in the Early English style,

at the south-west angle of the nave and containing 5 bells: erected in r863, on the site of the old chapel in Watling

other portions of the church have also been restored: there street: it will seat soo persons.
are 6oo sittings, all free. The registers date respectively i The Wesleyan chapel in St. Peter's street, is an edifice li

from rs6o and 1568. The living is a rectory and vicarage, , brick, erected in r8II, and will seat r,oso persons.

joint average tithe rent-charge £rs, net yearly value £r5o, 'I'he Baptist chapel, in St. George's place, is of red brick

in the gift of the archbishop, and held since r882 by the Rev. with stone dressings, and has 650 sittings.

Philip Wood Loosemore, hon. !ILA. of Bishop's College, Len- The Particular Baptist chapel, Burgate lane, is a structure

noxvillc, Canada, minor canon of the cathedral. of brick, erected in 1845, with roo sittings.

Other ancient churches which have shared the fate of St. There is also a Primitive Methorlist chapel in the Borough,

Mary de Castro, are those of St. John, in the parish of St. r erected in 1876, and seating rg3 persons, and a Unitarian

Mildred ; St. Michael, in Burgate; St. Edmund, in Ridingate; I chapel in Blackfriars ; it is a building of stone erectOO in

and the chapel of St. Mary, Queningate. 1722, with 200 sittings.

The Archiepiscopal and Archidiaconal Courts were for- The. <?emetery, situated near the Whitstable road and
merly held by the Surrogates in the Consistory Court of the compr1smg a~ area ?f 12 _ac~es, was op_ened 4th. July, r8~,

<Jathedral, and in the north aiMle of St. Margaret'M church, f?r th?se _parishes lymg Withm the parliamentary and mum.
on the first Thursday in every month. The Archiepiscopal ctpal lt~mts : about half the gro~nd has been consecrated~
Court is now held once in four years. The Archbishop holds a port1_on of th~ other half 1s. reserv~d for consecratiOll
should 1~ be reqmre~; the remamder bemg_allotted ~~Non-
his visitation yearly about Eastertide. confDrmists, Cathohcs, Jews and the Society of Fnends:
.. . there are two chapels, united by a central tower with spire
_The BencdlCti_ne abbey of _St. Augustme, founde~ by
Xmg Ethelber_t m 6o5, stood m Longport an~ was nchly IIO feet high and also a lodge for the curator; the south-
~m~uwed, holdmg 12•000 ~cres of land and Wit? re':enues east buildings are faced with rag stone and have Bath stone
.estimated at the Dls~olutwn at £1_,43I ns. 42d.: lt ,was dressings: the cost of the land, planting, fencing &c. and
-once a pla~e. of cons1derable ~agmficence; Henry ~III.
.conv~rted 1t mto a p~la?e? Phd1~ and Mary g~anted lt to buildings was about C£o9u,n0c0i0l ; the Mr, J. G. Hall was the
architect ; the Town form the Burial Board,
Cardmal Pole, and w1thm 1ts precmcts Queen Ehzabet~ kept The Guildhall, or Courthall, situated in High street, and
her court fo~ several ~ay~, and Charles I. was marned. to in the parisl:r of St. Mary Bredman, was rebuilt in the reign

-Queen. H_ennetta Mana ; m the churchyard are the remau:s of Queen Anne, replacing an older building erected in 1437:

<>f the mtirmary .or cemetery c~apel of S_t. Pa,ncras, 1387• sm.d its walls are decorated with pikes, matchlocks and other

to have been bu_llt_about the tlm~ o_f Kmg Ethelbert I. : thls ancient arms, taken from Lady Wootton's house in the time
;abbey was rebmlt lil: 1 848 as a ~ISSlonary College, a_t a very of the Commonwealth: it also contains a. collection of po~·
g~eat expens~, the Slte and remams of t_he abbey havmg been traits of former aldermen, eminent men and benefactors of

g1ven for th1s purpose by the late R1ght Hon_ .Alexander the city and poor of Canterbury, including among others,

James Beresford Beresford-Hope P.C., M.P., D.C.L; who pur- Sir Thomas White, the founder of St. John's College,
-chased _the who!~ property a~out 184:5 =. the obJect of the Oxford; Elizabeth, widow of the Rev. George Lovejoy .M.A.

colleg? 1_s to prov1de an e~ueahon q~al~fymg young men for late fellow of Merton College, Oxford, some time head

the mimstry of the Co:omal and Mlsswnar~ Churc~, at ~n master of the King's School; Sir John Boys knt.; Lord
;annual_ charge for mamtenan?e and educa~wn of .£4°: lts Chief Justice Tenterden; Alderman Barham, father of the
.educatwnal staff and go\·ermng body consists of a warden, late Rev. Richard Harris Barham !LA. of Brasenose College,
J~ub-warden and ~h~ee fellows! and there are .about forty Oxford, minor canon of St. Paul's, author of the "Ingold.sby
~t~dents: the bwldi_ng c~mprises ~n ele~_ant little c~apel, Legends;, Alderman Simmons M.P. (who left an endow·
With a crypt, hall, hbrar~, wardens lodbmgs and smtable ment for keeping up the terrace and garden of the Dane
Tooms for the fellows and stu~ents: t~e. great I 3th century John), and otber Canterbury worthies. In r88o the whole
.gateway of the monasterr, still remammg, has b~~n care- of the interior was re-arranged and re-decorated.
iully restored : the appomtment of ~ll the authortties, who The Canterbury Museum and Free Library, situated in

m_ust be graduates _of Oxford, Cam?ndge or Durham, rests Guildhall street, was founded in 1826, and is open free from

"With the two archbishops and the bishop of London. 10 a. m. to 10 p.m. The Library, open from u a.m. tD 1

The Catholic church, dedicated to St. Thomas, situated p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. contains over 5,000 volumes,
in Burgate, is a building of Kentish rag with Bath stone most of which are in circulation amongst the citizens; and

dressings, from designs by the late Mr. J. G. Hall Assoc. there is a Free Reading Room well supplied with newspapers

Mem. mst. c.E. architect, of this city: the fa<;ade is pecu- and magazines.

liarly beautiful and has statues of its patron saint and of two The .Museum contains many curiosities, and includes a

;angels, one on either side : the high altar is surmounted by collection of Roman antiquities, found in the city when the

.a carved canopy, which is again backed by a reredos in two streets were being excavated fQr drainage, and a valuable

panels, representing in alto relievo groups the "Death of oil painting by T. Sidney Cooperesq. R.A. The Lusbington

.St. Thomas," and the "Penance of King Henry II. ; " the H.oom contains the valuable animals, birds and weapons,

-canopy is supported on four columns of marble, and the bequeathed by the late S. R. Lushington esq. ; and also 1

tlbernacle is of polished alabaster, with gemmed and gold marble bust of the late Alderman l\lasters, by H. Wee.kes

{joors, surrounded by glittering spar work ; high above are esq. R.A.
delicate pinnacles with tracery and sculpture of exquisite .Mr. T. Sidney Cooper R ..A.. of Harbledown, has established

design : there are several other altars, one of which is at his own expense, in the house in St. Peter's street in

dedicated to St. Thomas, and the beautiful shrine which which he was born, a gallery of casts, statues and drawin,os

reposes thercon (containing relics of the saint) is a fac- for the use of students, which is to be carried on as a School

.simile of the original shrine which formerly stood in the I of Art iu connection with the Art Department, South Ken·

.cathedral: the other altars are dedicated to the Blessed smgton : the school is managed by the Town Council, and

Virgin, St. Joseph, Saints John and Lucia, St. Gregory conducted by the :Museum Committee.

the Great, the Sacred Heart and St. .Augustine: the The Swimming Bath, situated in Whitehall road, wa.s

baptistery contains a very beautiful font with carved oak constructed in r876, and has a total length of 375 feet, and

.canopy, the work and gift of Mr. Horan, one of the citizens: a width of 75 feet; the main depth of 7 feet to 6 foot 6

the east window is stained : the church has s:ttings for 500 inches at a distance of 133 feet, gradually decreasing towards

persons. the other end to 2 feet 3 inches ; the ambulatory is ro f~

The Jews' Synagogue., situated in King street, has sittings wide all round, with dressing boxes at the sides, and mala

for 100 persons. and female attendants' rooms at the entrance.

The meeting house of the Society of Friends, in Canter- The old Castle, of which there are still amply sufficient

bury lane, is a building of stone, and seats roo persons. remains to show that it was formerly a strong and import-

The Plymouth Brethren have a meeting house in Pound ant fortress, is now occupied by the Gas and Water Works

lane, erected in 1878, with sittings for about roo persons. Company (Incorporated), who use the keep for the stof!lgllol

St. .Andrew's Presbyterian Church of England, situated coal.

in Wincheap, and erected by subscription in 188o-1, at a The 111usic Hall, a spacious room, is in St. Margarefs

cost of £5,000, is constructed of red brick with Bath stone street.
dressings,-in the later Early English style, from designs by The Agricultural Hall, a fine building, situated just on~

-the late Mr. J. G. Hall c. E. of Canterbury: the foundation. side tbe city wall and close to tbe London, and-


Dover Railway station, covers half an acre of ground and is during the year x88g was 8oo, and about s,ooo out-patients.

used for cattle-shows, flower-shows &c. and also let for The Dispensary in Burgate street was instituted in 1836.

menageries and acr.:>batic performance.'!. - • ---,~ There are many anctent ecclesiastical and charitable

The Masonic Temple, in St. Peter's street, the foundation establishments in the city, as well as others of modern date.

stone of which was laid 4th March, r88o, by the ·Mayor of Cogan's Hospital, in St. Peter's street, wa::J founded in II99

Canterbury, was built from the designs of the late Mr. J. G. for six poor widows of clergymen; within Its original build-

Hall. The following lodge9 and chapters hold their meet- ings, in St. Peter's street, are the remains of a dwelling be-

ings here :-The United Industrious Lodge, No. 3I ; ·the St. longing to the Grey or Franciscan Friars, who were settlej

AugliStine Lodge, No. 972; the Royal Military Lodge, No. here in 1224 by Henry Ill. :in connection with this hospital

1449; the Bertha Chapter (Royal Al"ch), No. 3I ; tha Samt six houses have been built on the London road, near St.
Martm-Mark Master Mason Lodge, No. 262 ; tl1e Ethelbert Dunstan's church; the present endowm~nt provides eac4

Chapter, Rose Croix, No. 82; tile Black Princa Preceptory inmate with£25 yearly and a house rent free.

and the Invicta Council, No. r4. The site of the monastery of th~ Dominicans, or Black

St George's Hall, situated in St. George's street, is 84 Friars, who s~ttled here in 1221, was in St. Peter's street,

feet long and 27 fee~ wide and 20 feet high: it will hold 400 and is now occupied by a wool warehouse ; some portions of

per30ns and is let for musical entertainments &c.; A. Gimler, their once extensive priory, including an Early English

lessee. refectory, now used as a Unitarian chapel, still remain, but

H.M. Prison, a red brick building, surrounded by high part has been converted into tenements.

walls, and situated at Longport, was formerly the house of The hospital of St. Thomas a Becket, commonly called

correction for East Kent; it was erected in r8o4, and since King's Bridge or East Bridge hospital, and situated

the transfer of prisons to the Government in 1878, it has in the High street, was founded by Archbishop Hubert

been greatly enlarged and will now hold 190 males and 21 Waiter II97-12o6, and endowed by him with the tithes of

females. Near it is the Sessions House, a building of the certain mills ; Archbishop Langton, 1207-29, confirmed to

Doric order, erected in 1808. the hospital the gift of Blean church and parsonage, and

The Canterbury Sewage Works are situated 011 the Sturry Archbishop Parker in 1569 eularged the foundation, at first
intended only for pilgrims, by adding a school for 30 boys,
road and have two pumping engines, each capable of dis- which has now ceased to exist; the hospital now (r89o)
a hei~ht of 55 feet: supports five brothers and live sisters, who are resident, and
charging 1 ,2420!0agcarlelsonins per minute to the Corporation and as many of each sex who are non-resident, all these having
the wurks, area, belong to yearly pensions: on any vacancy occurring among the

differ from other sewage farms in su;1plying liquid manure

to the entire exclusion of all solid matter: there are cottagr.s

far the engineer and attendant and a substantial brick brothers and sisters the mayor for the time being nominates

engine-house : the whole was de5igned and carried out by two persons to the master, who then, as directed by th.e
the late Mr. J. G. Hall c. E. city surveyor.
statutes, chooses one to fill the vacancy: the building includes
. . . . a chap~l with a good roof, an cl a hall, or refectory, contain-
Canterbury IS a cons1d~rable military statiOn, bei!"Ig the f ing an ancient fresco: the mastership, which is in the gift of
£head quarte:g of the dep.~ts of all the ca~·alry reg~me:rts ) the Archbishop of Canterbury, is valued at 140 yearly, and
abr_oad, and~~ also the depot of the 3rd ~egimental d1stnct, I has been held since x8S8 by the Rev. Thomas George Crosse

WhiCh compriSes the 1st and 2nd battalions of the Duffs or· IlL A. rector of St. Alphege and All Saints, vicar of St. Mary
E~st _Kent Regiment (3rd Foot regiment) and the East Kent. N orthgate.

Miltt1a, whose head quarters are_ here: the Cavalry B~r- Maynard's and Cotton's (or St. Nichola~· and St. Cather-
~ks, o~ t~e Margat:e road, co~s1st of four blocks of fine ine's) Hospital, in HospitaL lane, originally founded before
bnck b~Jldmgs, formmg_ three sides of a square, and were
erected m 1794: they Will hold. ~,500 men and 450 horsP.s. r2o3, is now for four men and as many women, of 50 year.'!

of age, and was refounded by John Maynard and L3onard
The Old Infantry Barracks, su!hcJC_nt !or r,ooo me~, are also I Cotton, formeJ·ly mayor.'! of the ctty ; the buildings, having
on the ~iargate road and :vere bmlt. m r798; besides these fallen into d~cay, were re-erected in 1708 by the Corporation,

there are barracks for artillery, available for I50 men and rand atoh-eedcmhaernit~y~dwwhiocmh iesnu. nder their control now maintains
266 horses and now occupied by cavalry. The Military ten '.
H?spital, behind_ the barracks, is a plain edifice of red brick Th~ endowed charities, amounting to £309 yearly, are

With stvne dress.mgs. . derived from cottaga property in various parts of the city and

The Theatre, m Gmldhall street, was decorated hy Thos. invested funds and are distributed amono-st the poor
"' 1
Sidney Cot>per R.A. the celebrated animal painter and will weekly. '

hold 8oo persons. ' . The hospital of St. John the Baptist ancl the remains of ·

Markets are held on Wednesday and Saturday m each St. Gregory's Priory are in N orthgate street; both were

week, for poultry, butter and vegetables ; and on Saturday I foumled by Art:hbishop Lanfranc, the former jn 1084, and

for mea.t, corn, hops and lean cattle. the latter, c. IOJ4, for canons regular of the order of St.
The Cattle Market, without St. George's gate, is spacious; Au~ustine : in the chapel of St. J ohn1s Hospital is an ancient
the market days for fat stock are lleld_ fortni~htly (,on Mon- • font, a carved pulpit and other good wood wo:k, and in the
~ays) .. ~he Corn and Hop Exch~nge, m St. Geor~e s street, hall an old carved chest ; the precincts cxh1bit some good
IS a ~mldmg ?f s_toue, of the !omc order, erected m 1824, by , examples of Domestic Gothic : here are maintained a prior ·

pnbhc subsonptwn, on the Site of the old Shambles and has . and twenty-five brothers and sisters, nominated by the Arch-

been considerably enlarged. I deacon of Canterbury, who is the master ; the H.ev. the Hon.

The Canterbury exhibition of fat stock and agricultural ! Arthur Francis Northcote 1\!.A. vicar of St. Gregory's, is the

produre is held yearly at Christmas, at the Agricultural chaplain; and George Austin esq. seneschal to the Dean and

Hall, Rhodaus town. Chapter, is the prior. Jesus Hospital, founJed by Sir John

Several fairs used to be held in Canterbury, but all are (Boys in rs95, is also in Nurthrrate street: it maintains eight

now extinot, except tb.e "Canterbury !<'air," held in October, men, four women and a warden, elected from among the

-w:hich still C(}ntinue8. No races are no~ hel~ here, but the brethren and living ip a separate house :. ~o this foundation

Clty has of late J:'ears become famous for 1ts crwket matches, the dean nominates and the mayor elects ; scholars~ips are
held on a large mclosed grournl"on the Old Dover r~Jad, for also maintained at the 1\:Iiddle Schools from its revenues._,

one weekj dating from the first Monday in August, when Harris' Spital in "'iucheap, maintains five poor persons,
the All ~ngland and some of the strongest county teams two from the parish of St. ilhry Magdalene, two from Than-

play against the Gentlemen of Kent. ington and one from St. Milclred's: the man·agement is

The following newspapers are published here wel)kly : - vested in the incumbents of those three parishes with cer-

Conservative: "Canterbury Journal," Saturday, F. Mud- tain other trustees: it is endowed with Morley (arm, in the

ford, 49 fit. George's street; "Kentish Gazette," Tuesday parish of Kingstone, near Canterbury. St. James' Hospital

and Saturday, E. B. Goulden, 39 St. Georg-e's street ; for lepers, at Wiucheap, founded in the time of Henry ll. is

Liberal: "Canterbury Press," Saturday, Cross & Jack man, now defunct.

6 High street ; " Kent Herald," Thursday, Arthur H. In Chantry lane arc the remains of Doge's Chantry, now

Claris, 9 High street; Independeut: "Kentish Observer," converted into a cottage. St. Sepulchre's Priory, near
Thursday and Saturday, F. Mudforcl, 49 St. George's street. Oaten Hill, founded by Archbi>~hop Anselm in I wo, for

There are two banks, viz. the Canterbury Bank, carried Benedictine nuns, was the abode of Eiizabeth llarton, the

on under the firm of Hammond, Plumptre, Furley, Hilton so-called "HfJly l\Iaid o! Kent," who was hung at old

and l\Ic)laster, and a branch of the London and County Tyburn, April 21, I53<f:i the ground behind was a Roman

Bank. burial ground, where urns have been found. Lawrence

The e:1ief trading establislaments are breweries, maltings, House stood a little further on ; a large stoue, with the

tanneries, brickfields, whiting works, limekilns, coach lofts, fig-ure of St. Lawrence and his gridiron, is the only relic

linen weaving and rope walks. of it. ·

The Kent and Canterbury Hospital in Longport street, In St. George's street stands one of the gateways of the

instituted in I793• owes its origin to the late well-known now destroyed Priory of the Augustinian friars, or Friars'

Canterbury physician, Dr. Carter, formerly fellow of Oriel Eremites, founded by R. French in 1325, and of which John

College, Oxfurd: two additional wings have been added and Capgrave D.D. the historian, was a membPr; the·house wa.s

it now contains 102 beds: the number of in-patients treated dissolved in I557·


The Mint, in Palace street, once belonging to the Knights slope of a hill; it now consists of a range of cottages and

Templars, is a priviledged extra-parochial place, under the gardens, with a large common hall in the centre and a fine

jurisdiction of the Board of Green Cloth. old church, constructed of flint, with stone quoins and con.

Staplegate is also a privileged district, which has now 259 sisting of chancel, nave and tower; the interior, which has

inhabitants; and is the spot where St. Augustine was first been restored, contains some very interesting remains of tha

received by King Ethelbert. original Norman building, including the north arcade of

St. Radigund's Eath, without Northgate, is an ancient the nave: there are also extensive remains of frescoes on
the walls all round the church : the font is a very fine
establishment, supposed to have been Roman, and is supplied example of the Tudor period : the hall contains many
by a. natural spring. West gate, the only one of the city
gates now remaining, is a structure of squared stone with acurious relics, most of them trauitionally connected with
two fine round towers and a battlemented parapet : the old
city gaol, which is joined to it by a corridor, is now used as St. Thomas Becket: a prior, chaplain and sub-prior preside
the city police station. over the establishment: the Rev. James Alcock M.A. curate
of Harbledown, is chaplain.

The Dane John, a favourite walk of the citizens, has a lofty 'l'be church of St. Micbael, Harbledown, stands in the

artificial mound overlooking the city and the picturesque centre of the village on the summit of a hill ; it was almost
scenery of the surrounding country ; it has been much im- wholly rebuilt in 188o-1 from designs by Mr. J. P. St. Aubyn,
proved and is maintained by an ample endowment fund, architect, at a cost of about £3,000, and was consecrated

bequeathed by Alderman E!immons, whose munificence is anew on 25th April, r88r, by the Bishop of Dover: the
commemorated by a pillar standing on the mound. During
the repair, in Oct. I883, of the old city wall and buttresses original church, a structure of flint with stone dressings,
still in existence beside the Dane John, a piece of Roman dating from the 12th century, consisted only of chancel and
tesselated pavement was found embedded in the structure; nave with a timber bell cote at the west end, and bad been

indifferently renovated in 1829: to this simple form of church

it is formed of small ·stone cubes, the tcsser<£, all white, had been added a transept or aisle, projecting at right angles
being inlaid in a layer of fine salmon-coloured mortar, from about the middle of the nave, into which it opened;
similar tu the remains of a Roman villa recently found at this transept has been removed and a new nave and chancel
Wingham and at the ancient church of St. Martin. Exca- erected on the north side of the church, the previous nave
vations within a short distance of the old city moat have and chancel now forming aisles to the new work; the new
resulted in the unearthing of from 20 to 25 skeletons, chancel is Early English: there are three stained windows,
together with Roman urns of fine red ware, a fragment of a the east window being the gift of T. G. Peckham esq. of
highly-decorated bowl, bearing a raised image of a Roman Hall Place : the fabric generally has been repaired, the
interior reseated and a new organ erected: there are 450
soldier, with a shield on his left arm, coins, rings, brace-
lets, some curious flint instruments, and rounded sling sittings, about so being free. The register of baptisms

stones. dates from the year I557; burials, 156I ; marriages, 1562.

The population, area and rateable values of the parishes in The living is a rectory, average yearly value from tithe rent-
the municipal and parliamentary borongh, are as follows:- charge £3r3, net income £140, with residence and 8~ acres

of glebe, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and

Rate- held since r865 by the Rev. Thomas Kyrwuod Buwyeanu..

Pop. Area. able of Caius College, Cambridge. Hall Place, the seat of Thos.
1881. Gilbert Peckham esq. D.L., J.P. is a fine old Elizabethan

All Saints' ......... ........................... 349 £ mansion, standing in grounds of about 150 acres, beautifully
tArchbishop's Palace .....................
t Beaksbourne (part of) ................. . 178 5 1 1827 situated on the acclivity of a hill about a mile from Canter-
Black Prince's Chantry •.................
5 4 840 bury: from the undulating nature of its grounds and it!
tChrist Church ........................... 5 ••• 73 1eing heavily timbered (some of the oaks and elms are very

223 3I old and of great height and size) it is considered one of the

20 1,644 most beautiful seats in the neighbourhood; the house was

East Bridge Hospital ..................... 36 o·6o7 149 greatly enlarged by Mr. Peckllam on his purchasing the
tFordwich (part of) .................... . • • • • • • 6s estate in r86r. Thomas Gilbert Peckham csq. D.L., J.P.
tnackmgton, or St. Stephen (part of)
Holy Cross, Westgate 'Within ........ . 57 • •• 6,o8_s who is lord of the manor, George Eowdler Gipps esq. and

186 17 78I the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury are the principa.lland·

tHoly Cross, Westgate Without ...... 773 57 3,809 owners. The area of Harbledown is I ,6r8 acres; ra.teable
Littlebourne (part of) ................. .
t:Nackington (partof) .................... . ••• 9 7 value, £6,781 ; the population in r88r was 720. The area

Old Castle................................... . 46 145 479 of St. N icholas Hospital is 70 acres ; the population in r88r
65 3 I, 128 was 31.
tPatrixbourne (part of) ................. . 19 8o
St. Alphage ................................. . 1 ,o6:) 10 196 RouGH CmrMON, I mile north-west, is a hamlet of !hi&
St. Andrew ................................ . 420 4 3·583

*St. AugllStine ............................. . 365 1,468 Parish Clerk, Stephen Hawkins.

• • • 8,222

10 2,162
16tSt. Dunstan (part of) ................. . 1 ·535 ST. STEPHEN's (otherwise called HACKINGTON) adjoins St.

St. George-the-Martyr ................. . I, 193 Dunstan's to the north. The former name, by which it is

tst. Gregory ............................. . 1,306 • • • II8 more generally known, was given to it from the fact of the
St. John's Hospital ........................ 39 3.120
St. 1\·'largaret ............................. . 539 1,483 church being dedicated to the Proto-martyr St. Stephen.
St. Martin..................... , .............. 212
This parish is within the lathe of St. Augustine, and the

a St. Mary Hredin ........................ 1,776 11,907 hundred of Westgate, union of Blean, county court district

St. Mary Bredman ........................ 267 2 02448° of Canterbury, Canterbury rural deanery, archdeaconry and
St. M<1.ry Magdalen..........•..••.........
387 2,' dwcese. The church of St. Stephen is a cruciform building

§St. Mary Northgate ..•..........•....... 4,884 12 52589962366I of flint, consisting of chancel, nave, transepts, soutb. porch,
St. Mildred ................................. 2,364 10
1,787 ' and a western tower containing a clock and 8 bells: in the
St. Paul...................................... . I, 124
I 103I I l ' ' church is a monument, Rwiicthhmaolnadb,as1te5rthbuNsot,.vetombSeirr, Roger
St. Peter .................................... 259 Manwood, knighted at IS78,
tStaplegate ................................. 243 ,
tThanington (part of) ..................
2 34 3, who was chief baron of the Exchequer and founder of Sand-
"'-rhitefriars ................................. .
1 ~~9 wich school, ob. 1592 ; below is a skeleton on a mattress: the

3: ~ south and west doors are Nor man: the church was thoroughly

---- • restored during the incumbency of the late vicar : there are

21,704 330 sittings. The register dates from the year 1567. The

-11' Including 79 in H.M. Prison and 105 in the Kent and living is a vicarage, average yearly value from tithe rent-

Canterbury Hospital. charge £494, with half an acre of glebe and residence, in the

§ Including r ,630 in the Barracks. gift of the Archdeacon of Canterbury, and held since r886

a Including 188 officers and inmates in the Workhouse. by the Rev. Frederick IIarrisun llichens M. A. of Exeter Col·

Marked thus t are in Bridge Union. lege, Oxford. St. Stephen's Almshouses, near Hales' Place,

Marked thus t are in Blean Union. were endowed in the year 1590 by Sir Hoger Manwood kt.

for the benefit of six aged persons, with an allowance of about

HARBLEDOWN is a parish and village in the Eastern divi- £s yearly, one house being for the parish clerk. Hales Place,

sion of the county, hundred of Westgate, lathe of St.. Augus- near St. Stephen's church, lately the residence of Miss Haies,

tine, union of Bridge, county court district of Canterbury, was built in I768 by Sir Edward Hales, but has recently been

Canterbury archdeaconry, rural deanery and diocese, situ- purchased by a society of French Jesuits for the purpose of

ated on each side of the high road from the metropolis to founding an educational establishment, called the college of

Canterbury and 1 mile from the West Gate of the latter. St. :Mary, for French students : new buildings of red brick

The name is supposed to be derived from the variety of herbs with stone facings have been erected for 300 pupils, a com-

for which the down was famous. The hospital of St. munity room for the use of the clergy and an e:xlubition hall

Nicholas was founded in 1084, by Archbishop Lanfranc, for r 12 feet long and 40 feet wide for entertainments; there arc

lepers, and then comprised several wooden houses on the also rooms for science classes, chapel, large dining hall, re-


fectories, reception rooms, chemical laboratory, physical bells: in the transept chapel is a brass, dated q.n, to' an

cabinet and a spacious and well-ventilated dormitory; the esquire of Kent, named Ha\le: the lych gate of oak was

whole is under the management of the Rev. Stanislaus Du erected in IB7r, to the Rev. William Pearson, a former vicar

Lac, father superior. The area is 1,97S acres of land and ro of this parish, by h1s relatives : the church was thoroughly

of water; rateable value, £6,o8.); the population in r88r was restored in r882 at a cost of about £ r, r 50 and re-opened

632· March, r883: there are r8o sittings, 155 being free: the
Parish Clerk, William Banks. late Venerable Bcnjamin IIarri~on ~f. A. Archdeacon of Maid-

stone, is buried in the churchyard. The register dates from

THUI~GTO~ is a parish, 1 mile from Canterbury, to the the year rsss. The living is a vicarage, annexed in r885 to

south-east of Harbledown, in the lathe of St. Augustine, lhe rectory of Milton, joint tithe rent-charge £I76, joint

hundred of Westgate, union of Bridge, rural deanery, arch- net yearly value £223, with 8~ acres of glebe and residence,

dr11conry and diocese of Canterbury, on the road to Ashford in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury for the first two

and is watered by the river titour. St. Jacob's Hospital, a turns and Matthew Bell esq. for the third turn, and held

foundation for leprous WDmen, established prior to the reign since r885 by the Rev. "''illiam Henry Holman liLA. of Lin-

of King John, stood within this parish, at the extremity of coin College, Oxford. On a farm here is a well, called "the

Wincheap street. The church of St. ~icholas is an ancient Black Prince's well." George Bowdler Gipps esq. who is

cruciform structure of flint with stone dressin;;s, in the lord of the rnftnor and Matthew Bell esq. are the principal

Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south tran- landowners. The area is r ,213 acres of land and 9 of water;

septal chapel and a tower on the north side containing 3 rateable value, £5,576; the population in r88r was 454·

Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.

PoST, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, I County Magistrates for the Home Div2sion of St.

High street.-C. J . .Ayre, postmaster; J. F. Bing, chief Augustine.

clerk Peckham Thomas Gilb~rt esq. D.L. Hall Place, Harblelown,

OFFICE Hocns.-On week days for general bminess, 7 a. m. chairman

till 10 p.m. On Sundays, open for telegrams & the sale of Conyngham Marquess, Bifrons, near Canterbury

stamps & delivering letters from 7 a. m. till Io a.m. & 5 to Austin Harry Gcorge csq. Precincts, Canterbury
Davie~ HDratio David esq. Strode park, Herne
6 p.m
Flint Frederick esq. Roper house, Canterbury
Furley Georgc esq. Canterbury
rst, 7 a.m.; 2nd, rr.2o a. m.; 3rcl, 3.25 p.m.; 4th, 6.15 p.m Lambert Capt. Thomas, Stanmorf', Cant~rbury

DISPATCHES OF LETTERS & PARCELS:- Lauric Col. Robert Peter, Hardres court, Canterbury

*Asbford (parcel;; only) ... ... ... ... 8.30 a.m Prescott-\Vestcar Charles William esq. Strode park, Hcrne
'*London & places beyond ... ... ... ... 8.30 a. m Thomson Richard Edward esq. Kentield
*London, Ashford, Yolkestone, Hythe &c ... I I. 40 a. m Watertield Ottiwell Charles esq. Nackington ho. Canterbury

*London & places beyond (parcels only)... ... 1.30 p.m White John Baker esq. Street End house, near Canterbury
'*Ramsgate, Margate, Sandwich & Deal... ... 2.20 p.m Clerks to the Magistrates, Kingsfon.l, ·wightwick & Kings-
*London & places beyond & Dover ... ... 3.20 p.m ford, r6 & 17 Watling street, Canterbury

*Faversham, Sittingbourne & Folkestone . . . 4· 20 p. m Petty Sessions are held at the clerks' office, lVatling street,

Redhill & forward (parcels only) ... ... 4· 30 p.m Canterbury, every saturday, at 12 o'clock. The following

*The Continent, via Dover . .. . . . . . . 5· 45 p. m places are included in the Petty Sessional Division:-

*London, Hawkhurst, .Ashford &c ... ... 7. o p.m Blean, Jlekesbourne, Ericlg:3, Chartham, Chislett, St.

General dispatch to all parts ... ... ... 10. o p.m Dunstan's, Harbledown, Lower Hardres, Upper Hardr~s,
Late fee, ~d. ... ... ... ... ... ro. 15 p.m
¥The~e mails are not made up on sunda.ys Herne, Hoath, Nackington, Patrixbourn~, Petham, Re-

culver, Seasalter, St. Stephens, Sturry, Swalecliff, Than-

SuB OFFICES & REcEIVING HousEs : - ington, Waltham, Westbere, Westgate Without, Whit-
*Barham, Bekesbonrne, f/Bishopsbonrne, 11 Blean, *Bridge, stable, Milton, St. Nicholas

*Chartham, *Chilbam, II'TChislet, Crundale, 11 Denton, City Magistrates.

IEddington, tEiham, lfFord wich, Godmersham, Harble-
down, *Herne Bay, *Herne Street, Kings tone, 11 Lower The Nfayor & Ex-Mayor
Hardres, ·tPetham, 1/Shalmsford Street,· Stelling Minnis, Amos Daniel, Highfield house, Surnmerhill, Harbledown
'*Sturry, lfSwalecliffe, Tyler Hill, tUpstreet, I:Bossingham Austin Harry George, Archbishop's palace
Street, IIWaltham, *Whitstable, fl Womenswould, Woot- Collard Charles, The Gables, Barton fi2lds
ton, tSt. George's, tCastle Street, tOld Dover Road, Cooper Henry, Chantry house, Chantry lan~
Fill Robert Young·, 33 St. George's place
tXorthgate, tSt. Dunstan's
•Money Order, Savings Bank & Telegraph Offices. tMoney Order Hart Henry, 20 High street

& Savings Bank Offices. 'I[Telegraph Office. 1: Postal Order Mason William Watson, Barton fields

Offices (issue only) Neame Alfred, Stour street

LocAL PosTs. Young William Robert, St. George's place

Herue Bay, Sturry & Chislet ... . .. 4.30 & 11.30 a. m Clerk of the Peace, Alien Fielding, Burg-ate street
-Wbitstable & Blean ... . .. . .. ... 4 & 1o. ·w a. m Clerk to the Magistrates, William Plummer, 28 St.

Bridge, Bekesbourne, Bishopsbourne ... . .. 4.30 a.m Margaret's street
Barham . .. ... . .. . . . .. . . .. 4. 30 a.In The :Magistrates meet at the Guildhall mondays & thursdays
Bridge, Bishopsbourne, Kingstone, Barham, Den-
at rr a.m
ton & Wootton ... ... ... ... . .. 11.30 a.m

Harbledown ... ... 4.30 & 11.30 a.m. & 5.30 p.m Corporation.

Godmersham, Chilham & Chartham ... ... 4.30 a.m Meet on first wednes:lay in every month at the Guildhall at
Chartham & Chilham ... .. . 1 r. 30 a. m. & 4· 20 p. m I I a. m.
Stelling Minnis, Petham & Crundale . . . . .. 4· 30 a. m
Whitstable ... ... ... ... .. . . .• 2. 20 p. m MAYOR-William Watson Mason esq.
Lower Hardres & Nackington .. . . . . . . . IO 30 a. m
DEPUTY MAYOR-~lr. .Alderman Mount.

Town RECORDER-F. Meadows White esq. Q.c.
Arrivals. Deliveries.
SHERIFF-W. R. Harris esq. ~orthgate.

1. London & all parts of England, UxDER-SHERIFF-Henry Fielding, Burgate street.

Scotland & Ireland .............. . 3- I5 a. m. 7· o a.m ALDERMEN.
7· o a.m
2. London midnight mail ........... . 6. o a. m. Marked thus t retire in 18f!O.
11.20 a.m Marked thus ! retire in 1891.
3· London, all parts of England,
3-25 p.m Marked thus <:t retire in 1892.
Ireland, Scotland, foreign & 3·25 p.m Marked thus§ retire in 1895.
3-25 p.m
colonial ............................. . 6.20 p.m *Henry Hart §Franc·is R~acl Bateman
4- London, A~hford, Dover, Folke- 6.15p.m *William Mount §' Alfred James Beer
6. r5 p.m *Henry Bell Wilson §George Plomer Collarcl
stone, Tunbridge & Hedhill .. . 2-45 p.m.
5. & Sandwich.................... . I2.15p.m. tThomas Wells COUNCILLORS.
6. Margate & Ramsgate .............. . 2-45 p.m. tThomas Lambert Westgate Ward.
7· Faversham & Sittingbourne ..... . 4.10 p.ITI.
8. Dover, Ashford & l<'olkestone ..... . 6. o p.m. tJohn Edward Wiltshicr
9- London & all parts beyond ..... . 6. o p.m. *Edward Nlills

Member of Parliament. !Henry l\Iartyn Clements •Charles John Wood

Dane John Ward.

J hn Henniker Heaton esq. 36 Eaton square & Car! ton & tRobert Young Fill tSamuel Hill Dean

Rt. Stephen's clubs s w & Sa\·age club w c, Lonclon 1"\Villiam Sanderson *Thomas Cross

Returning Officer, Sheriff for Canterbury for the time being tSamuel Prentice *Waiter Furley


Northgate Ward. District Bankruptcy Court, 38 St. Margaret's street, Waiter

fWilliam Rowland Harris !Samuel SylvesterWarren J Furley, registrar for Eastern di•·ision

tGeorge Herbert Frend *Thomas Wood I District Registry Office of the Court of Probate, 3 Castle

tWilliam Watson Mason 1 *William Robert Young street, Henry Mapleton Cbapman, district registrar· J

Mayor's Auditor, Councillor Sanderson Browne, chief clerk '·

Elective Auditors, Henry James Hammond & Rchard Plant East Kent & Canterbury Medical Library, Kent & Canter.

bury Hospital, Henry Alex. Gogarty B.A., M.D. librarian

OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATIO:s- & UuBAN SANITARY Emig~ation Inquiry Office, 12 Guildhall street, E. Dnnnt,

AUTHORITY. registrar

To" n Clerk, Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority & to the Free Labour Regi~try, 12 Guildhall st. E. Dunne, registrar

iBurial Board Wm. Norman "\Vightwick 16

Treasurer, Ge~rge Furley, High street '
& 17 ·watlino- st Foresters' Hall, lhgh street, F. C. Forrester, sec
" Guildhall, High str-eet, John Norman, hall keeper

Coroner for Canterbury City, T. S. Johnson M. D. 2 6 St. ·H. M. Prison, St. Augustine's, William R. Chidley, governor·
George·s place Rev. Richard Caton Kinchant M. A. chaplain; Willmn;

City Analyst, Sidney Harvey, 8 High street Pugin Thornton, medical officer; W. H. Oxley,. clerk A;

Medical Officer of Health, Frank Wac-her, 24 High street storekeeper; "William Pickup, chief warder

Chaplain to the Mayor, Rev. L. E. Goodwin M.A. St. Martin's Inland Hevenue Office, Kingsbridge, High street, John

rectory, Lower Bridge street Ansell Blofield, collector ; John A. Rayson, supervisor.
Henry Huward Riches, first clerk; John Hurley & J. G:
City Surveyor, Frank Baker c.E. Watling street

Head Constable & Billet Master, Rt. Peacock, Police station Lewis, clerks ; John B. Stevenson & Andrew J. Macfarlane,

Sanitary Inspector, Charles Richardson, 28 Watling street officers
Inspector of Weights &&MPearisvuirleesg,PJsa, s.WPielltitammanL, a3d7dP,al1a9ce st Kent & Canterbury Institute for Trained Nurses, 8 Sl
Collector of Rents Margaret's street, Miss C. N. Harbord, lady supt.
George's place Kent & Ca~t~rbury Hospital, Longport, ; H. A. Gogarty
Collector of Sanitary Rat!', George F. Franci~, St. Dunstan's
M. D. phys1cmn; James Reid F.R.c.s.Eng. consulting sur.

Guildhall Keeper, John Norman, Cossington road geon; Charles Holttum F.R.c.s.Eng. Frank Wacher
'rhos. Whitehead ReidL.H.C.P.Lond.& J.Greasley,surgeom:
RToanwgnerCorifetrh, eStDepahneenJoOhank,eCnfhualrll,e7s King street John
Court, Dane Zacbariah Prentice, house surgeon; Wm. Fredk. Albl

Superintendent of Cemetery, Henry Martin, Cemetery lodge, Clewes L.R.C.P.Lond. assistant house surgeon & dispenser;

Whitstable road M. L. Bell L.D.S.R.c.s.Eng. dental surgeon; Rev. Arthur

Museum Exhibitor, A. D. Blaxland, Hawkes lane Vaile M.A. chaplain; Charles H. Read, sec. ; Miss F. A.

Town Serjeant, Rubert Barrett, Burgate street Learmouth, matron
Masonic Hall, 38 St. Peter's st. ; Robt. Blake, hall keeper

Fire :Brigades. Museum & Free Library, Guildhall street; A. D. Blaxlan~
curator & librarian
County (formed in 1867) ; head quarters, W35atSlitn. gGestorr~aeet';s
street; engine house, Anderson's stables, Music Hall, St. Margaret street
Odd I<"ellows' Hall, 15 Orange street, Chas. Measor, steward
Capt. W. G. Piddnck, 3 lieutenants, an engineer & 5 Refuge, 16 St. Mary street, Mrs. Ann Manuel, matron
men. The engine is a Merryweather " Paxton " manual, Sessions House for East Kent, St. Augustine's
& was, with all the necessary appliances, supplied to the Sewage Works, Sturry road, Stephen Rowland, engineer
brigade by the directors of the County .Fire Office
Stamp Office, Inland Revenue Office, Kingsbridge; Jolu!
City ; head quarters, Corn Exchange ; four ladders with A. Blofeld, distributor for Kent
ropes, 200 feet of hose ; Frank Baker C.E. chief of the Theatre Royal, Guildhall street, Thos. Sidney Cooper R.4.
amalgamated brigades, captain; number of men, 7
proprietor ; Arthur H. Claris, lessee
Kent; bead quarters, 24 High street ; engine house,
Stour street, Capt. Thomas Ashenden, I Iieut. & 5 men
Fire Escape ; the City fire escape is kept at the police station Commar.ding the Troops, Colonel J. C. Russell
Senior Medical Officer, Surg.-Maj. Scott c.B.
& is worked by the police force
Semor Commissariat Officer, Deputy-Assistant Commissary

Ptlblic Establishments. General, W. Crumplin

Alford Poor Relief Association, 12 Guildhall street, Colonel Superintcudent of liymnasia, Captain F. W. Greatrex,
William Henry Horsley, hon. secretary
u;t Dragoons
Agricultural Hall, Horace Broughton, 17 St. George's st. sec
Canterbury Farmers' Club & Chamber of Agriculture, Chaplain to the Forces, Rev. W. C. Parr M.A. Magdalen

Bradbury ""illiam Tassell, Hode farm, Patrixbourn, College, Oxun

president; William David Young, 15 St. George's street, Station Paymaster, Lieut.-Col. W. R. Kaye, army pay


sec. The Club meets monthly (saturdays), at the CAVALRY DEPOT.

Fountain hotel Commandant, Colonel J. C. Russell

City Police Station, Westgate Towers, Robert Peacock, head Assistant Commandant & Superintendent Riding Establish-
constable ; the force consists of I supt. I inspector, 3 ment, Colonel The Hon. W. J. Stewart
sergeants & 19 constables
Riding Master, Major Thomas Henry Joncs
Cattle Show, George Slater, secretary, ""atling street
Paymaster (staff l'aymaster army pay department), Lieut.·
Cemetery, St. Dunstan's, William Norman Wightwick, clerk Uol. D. Spiller
to the burial board & registrar; Henry Martin, supt
Adjutant, Major H. M. Ridley, 7th Hussars
Corn & Hop Ex~hange, St. George's street, Robert Barrctt, Quartermaster, Lieut. Henry Thomas Naylor
market attendant
Veterinary Surgeon, Henry 'fhomson
County Constabulary Office, Kirby lane, Westgate, John
Wood, superintendent; 2 sergeants, 4 instructing con- 3RD REGIMENTAL DISTRICT.
stables & 16 constables Depot of the .lluffs (East Kent Regiment) (1st & 2nd

County Court, Guildhall, High street; offices, 38 St. Mar- battalions 3rd foot)

garet's street ; His Honor Judge William Lucius Selfe, Commanding Regimental District, Colonel Frederick Taylor
judge; Waiter Furley, registrar; Worsfold Mowll, soli- Hobson
citor, Canterbury oflicial receiver; William Welby, high 3rd Battalion, The Buffs (East Kent Militia), head·
bailiff ; William Plant, chief clerk ; the court is held quarters, The Barracks, Sturry road; Col. II. T. Howell,
heut.-col. commandant Lieut.-Col. Sir H. C. Perrott hart.
monthly. The district comprises the foBliloswboinpo~-­- & Lieut.-Col. A. Blundell, majors; Capt. J. H. Ma.theson
places :-Adisham, Barham, Bekesbourne,
bourne, Bramling Bridge, Blean, Cbartbam, Chilham, instructor of musketry ; Capt. Gco. A. Porter, adjutant;
Chislet, Fordwich, Grove, Hackington (otherwise St. Capt. James William Colley, quartermaster: Surg.-Maj.
Stepben's), Harbledown, Upper & Lower Hardres, Herne, William Kaylet Curtis, medical officer
Herne Bay, Hoath, Ickbam, Kingstone, Littlebourne, Royal East Kent Yeomanry Cavalry (Duke of Connaught'&
Milton Chapel, Nackington, Patrixbourn, Petham, Re- Uwn Mounted Rifles), Col. The Marquess of Ormonde K.l'.
culver, Seasalter, Stodmarsb, Sturry, Swalediffe, Than- commanding; Capt. A. H. R. Ogilvy, adjutant; W. W.
ington, Waltbam, "'estbere, Whitstable, Wickhambreaux Halls, regimental sergeant-major ; D Troop, Lieut.-C<i.
C. S. Hardy, commandant; Regimental Sergeant-Major
& Womenswould
W. W. Halls, drill instructor
Certified Bailiffs under the Law of Distress Amendment Act, 1st Volunteer Battalion, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment~
William Plant, Nunnery fields, Canterbury; H. 'f.
Johnson, Orange street, Canterbury; W. D. Young, St. Burgate st. (A, ll, C, D, E, G, H, I, K & L cos.~

George's street, Canterbury Col. Wollaston Knocker, commandant; Lieut.-Col. C. J.

County Magistrates' Office, 16 Watling street, Kingsford, Plumptree & F. Cbeesman, majors ; Lieut. G. S. WilkS.
mstructor of musketry ; Capt. 1<'. Smith, adjutant; KeD"
Wightwick & Kingsford, clerks
!Dispensary, Eurgate :streeet, George Rigden, surgeon & sec. ; yon W. Wilkie, quarter-ma.ster; Surg. Maj. Charles G
B. Rigden, assistant surgeon M. Lewis, surgeon; Rev. Jo!m P. Alcock M.A. Rev. W


H. Tindall lf.A. hon. chaplains ; Rev. Frederick A. Registrar of Births & Deaths for Chartham Sub-district,

Hammond M.A. acting ehaplain; Drill Instructor Col.- Bridge Union, Charles James Wanley, Croft, Kin_:jstone

Sergt. Tbos Carden; B eo. Capt. R. Lake, commandant; Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marria~es & Relieving &

Sidney Wacher, acting surgeon ; C eo. Capt. G. H. Freud, Vaccination Officer for Sturry District, & School Attend-

commandant ance Officer for Blean Union, Fr~derick Hardiman, 8&

C.:wterbucy Union. N orthgate street

Sheriff's Officer for Canterbury, Henry Thomas Johnson, z

Board day, tuesday. & 3 Orange street

The Union comprises the following parishes & precincts, viz: Solicitors to the Kent & Canterbury Hospital, Kingsford,

-All Saints, Black Prince's Cbantry, East Bridge Hospital, Wightwick & Kingsford, 16 & I7 Watling street
Holy Cross, Westgate Within, Old Castle, St. Alphage, Sap~rintendent of County Police, John Wood, Kirby lane

St. Augustine's Monastery Almonry & Precinct, St.Andrew Superintendent Registrar of Blean Union, James Burch, 39

the Apostle, St. Gcorge the Martyr, St. John's Hospital, Castle street

St. Margaret, St. Martin, St. Mary Bredin, St. 1\iary Bred- Superintendent Registrar of Bridge Union, Allen Fielding.

man, St. Mary Magdalen, St. Mary Northgate, St. Mildred, 15 Burgatc street

St. Paul, St. Peter & the Whitefriars. The population of Snpen.Jsur of Inland Revenue, James A. Rason, Kingsbridge.

the union in I88I was I],o6o; rateable value, £69,795. High street

The suburbs of Canterbury are comprised in the llridge & Surveyor of Taxes, James Douglas Webber, 29 Kingsbridge

Blean unions Surveyor to B!ean Highway Board & the Commissioners of

Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Henry Sewers for East Kent, Thomas Ashenden, 29 High street

Ladd, I Wincheap street Diocese of Canterbury.
Treasurer, George Furley, Bank
Collector to the Guardians, Alfred D. Blaxland, 7 Hawkes la I882-Archbishop, The Hight Hon. & Most Rev. Edward
White Benson n.n., P.c. late fellow of Trinity College,
Relieving Officer, Henry Christian Sutton, 7 Watling street Cambridge, Lambeth palac-e, London s E ; Addington
Collector of Poor Rates, William Ladd, 19 St. George's pl
Vaccination Officer, I<'rancis Rd. Harris, 18 St. Margaret's st park, Croydon & Athenaeum Club, London s w

Medical Officer, Frank Wacher, 24 High street r87o-Bishop Suffragan of Dover, Right Rev. George Rod-

Public Vaccinator,George Rigden,6o Burgate street; deputy, ney Eden M.A. The Precincts
r87r-Dean, Very Hev. Robert Payue-Smith n.n. late canon
Brian Rigden, 64 Burgate street
Superintendent Registrar, Henry Ladd, I Wincheap stre3t ; of Christ Church, Oxford, Dilanery, The Precincts
deputy, E. Milton Small, 7 Oaten hill
Registra-rs of Births & Deaths, l''rancis Richard Harris, I8 I887-Maidstone, Ven. Benjamin Frederick Smith M.A..
St. Margaret's street; deputy, Clarence Elgar Harris, r8 The Precincts
I89o-Canterbury, Right Rev. Georga Rodney Eden M.A
St. Margaret's street

Registrar of Marriages, Thomas Bunce, 4 St. Alphage laue, Canons-
Canterbury; deputy, John F. Bunce, 27 St. George's st I872-Rev. George Rawlinson M.A. late fellow of Exeter-
The Workhouse, situated at the top of Nunnery field;;, near College, Oxford, rector of All Hallows, Lombard street

the Old Dover road, on the south-west side of the city, is E c, The Precincts
a. large red brick building, in the later Gothic style ; 1882-Francis James Holland 1\I.A.. Trinity College, Cam-

although available for 4I6 inmates, its average number is bridge, The Precincts
not greater than 2oo, who are employed in making bread, I882-Hon. William Henry Fremantle li!.A. fellow &.
theological tutor of Balliol College, Oxford, The Precincts
wood splitting & gardening; William Thurgar, master; 1883~William Cadman M.A. The Precincts
Rev. Frederick John Ottley Hclmore M.A. chaplain; Frank
Wacher, medical officer; Mary Jane Thurgar, matron 1887-Ven. Archdeacan Benjamin Frederick Smith M.A
The Workhouse Infirmary was erected in I883, at a cost of I8go-Right Rev. George R. Eden, bishop of Do~·er

about .£4,000 & contains 70 beds Honorary Canons-
1863-Josiah Bateman M. A. of Queens' College, Cambridge,.

Almshouses. rector of Southchurch, Essex
1863-Henry B~•iley D. n. late fellow of St. John's College,.
Cogan's Charity (for six widow;; of clergymen), London rd
Cambridge, vicar of West Tarring, Sussex
East Bridge Hospital, Rev. Thos. Geo. Crosse M.A. master r864-The Right Rev. Ashton Oxenden n.n. of University

Harris's Almshouses, Wincheap street College, Oxford
Maynard & Cotton's Hospital (for four brothers & six sisters),
1866-Jolm Price Alcock M.A.. of St. John's College, Cam-
Hospital lane
St. John's Hospital, Northgate; Archdeacon of Canterbury, bridge, " Six Preacher"
I 866~John Robert Hall M.A. late student of Christ Church,.
master; Rev. The Hon. Arthur Francis Northcote l\LA..
chaplain ; George Austin, prior rector of Hunton

St. Nicholas Hospital, Harbledown; The Rev. James Alcock x868-Edward Hoare, of Trinity Collsge, C.tmbridge, vicar-

H.A. chaplain of Holy Trinity, Tunbridge Wells
St Stepben's Almshouses (for six :,1ged persons & the parish 1869-John Puckle M. A. of Brasenose College, Oxford, vicar-

elerk of this parish) of St. Mary the Virgin, Dover
Smith's Almshouses (for eight poor men & women of the I869~RobertCharlesJenkins M.A. of Trinity College, Cam-

parish of St. Paul's), Longport bridge, rector of Lyminge
Sir John Boys' or Jesus Hospital (for a warden, eight
I87I-The Right Rev. Charles Waldegrave Sandford D.D.
brothers & four sisters), Northgate, Charles Redman, late student of Christ Church, Oxford, bishop of Gibraltar-
warden I87I-The Right Rev. John Mitchinson n.c.L.late fellow o~
Pembroke College, Oxford, rector of Sibstone, Peter-

Publio Officers. borough, formerly bishop of the Windward Islands
1872-Henry Anthony Jeffreys M.A. student of Christ

Assistant Overseer & Assessor of Queen's Taxes, William Church & vicar of Hawkhurst

Ladd, St. George's place 1872-William Nathaniel Griffin n.n.late fellow of St. John's

Clerk to Blean Unum & Highway Board, James Burch, 39 College, Cambridge, vi.::ar of Ospringe

Castle street 1873-John Stevenson n.n

ClP.rk to the Bridge Union, Allen Fielding, I5 Burgate st 1 873-James Ind Welldon n.c. L. of St. John's College,

Clerk to the Burial Board & Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes Oxford, vicar of Kennington, near Ashford

for Home & Wingham Divisions, William Norman Wight- 1873-William Archibald Scott Robertson M.A. of Christ's

wick, Watling street College, Cambridge, rector of Throwley, ne:~r Faversham

Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes, William Gilbert !1'74-George Charles Pearson M.A. of Christ Church,.

Pidduck, 35 St. George's street Oxford, I I St. Margaret's street, Canterbury

Clerk to the Commissioners of Sewers for the Eastern 1876-William Frederick Erskine Knollys M.A. of Merton

Division of the County, Montague Kingsford, 16 & I7j College, Oxford, rector of Wrotbam

Watling street I 879-Charles Francis Routledge M.A.. Kin!{'s College,

Clerks to the Justices for the Home & Wingham Divisions, Cambridge, H.M. Inspector of Schools, St. Martin's. hill.

Montague Kingsford & William Norman Wightwick, r6 & Canterbury

17 Watling street I879-Richard Elwyn M.A. late fellow of Trinity College~

Clerk to Charity Trustees of City of Canterbury, Edward Cambridge, master of the Charter House, London

Plummer, 15 Bnrgate street 1885-George Frederick .1\hclear n.n. of Trinity College.
Coroner for East Kent, Reginald M. Mercer, 25 Watling st Cambridge, Warden's lodge, St. Augustine's College~

Deputy Coroner for East Kent, Hy. Fielding, 14 Burgate st Canterbury

Inland Revenue Officer & Inspector of Corn_Returns, .Andrew r887-George John Blore n.n.,Ch. Ch. Oxford, St. Stephen's

James Macfarlane house, Canterbury

Inspector of Weights & :Measures (County), John Fill Bing, x888-William Benham B.n.cantuar. 32 Finsbury square,

45 Whitstable road London E c, rector of S. Edmund the King


:r888-John Worthington Bliss B.A. Betteshanger, Sandwich suRROGATES.

1890-Francis Henry Murray M.A. of Christ Church, .Ashford, Rev-. P. F. Tindall J.I.A. The College

Oxford, rector of Chislehurst Eromley, Rev. .A. G. Hellicar, The Vicarage
Six Preachers-
Canterbury, Rev. Frederick John Ottley Helmore M.A. The

1858-John Price .Alcock M.A. of St. John's College, Carn- Precincts; the Very Rev. the Dean, Rev. Leslie E

bridge, Eanlernont, Crayford Goodwin, St. l\Iartin.'s Rectory ·

.x86g-Henry Geary M.A. of Corpus Christi college, Cam- Cranbrook, Rev. .A. H. Harrison, Vicarage

bridge, vicar of St. Thomas', Portman square, St. Mary- Dartford, Hev. A. H. Watts, Vicarage

lebone Deal, Rev. D. Eruce Payne D.D. St. George's vicarage

:r874-James Samuel Hoare M. A. St. John'& College, Cam- Dover, Rev. Canon J. Puckle lii.A. St. Mary's vicarage

bridge, vicar of Godstone,· Surrey Eastry, Rev. W. F. Shaw, Vicarage

"1878-Francis Frederick Walrond M.A. University College, Edenbridge, Rev. C. F. Gore, Vicarage

Durham, vicar of Rusthall Faversharn, Rev. C. E. Donne M.A. Vicarage

188s-Jompb Cullin M.A. Corpus Christi college, Cam- Folkestone, Hev. M. Wood ward IlL A. Victoria grove & Rev.

bridge, The Prerincts, 'fait Missioner C. Bosanq uet, Christ's Church, Folkestone

I888-Herhert Guildford Sprigg li1.A. Corpus Christi col- Hythe, Rev. T. G. Hall, Vicarage

lege, Cambridge, Augusta gardens, Folkestone, assistant Lydd, l{ev. F. S. Dale u.A. Rectory

Tait Missioner Maidstone, Rev. E. F. Dyke M. A. All Saints' vicarage & Rev.

Librarian, vacant H. M. Spooner, Trinity vicarage
Sub-Librarian, Rev. Canon George John Blore D.D
M:alling ·west, Rev. J. H. Tirnins, M.A. Vicarage

Minor Canons- Margate, Rev. W. Eellars 1\I.A. St. John's

1878-Frederick John Ottley Helmore IlL A. of Oriel College, N orwoocl, Rev. J. Watson, All Saints' vicarage, Upper

Oxford, The Precincts, Precentor Norwood

-:r882-Philip ''\rood Loosemore non. ~LA. of Lennoxvillc, 'Raiuharn, Rev. C. Cobb liLA. Vicarage

Canau~, The Precincts . Rams~ate, Rev. H. Bartram, St. George's ¥icarage & ReT.

1884-George Holmes Gray M.A. Jesus College, Cambnclge, J. E. Brcnan, Christ Church vicarage
The Preci~cts, Sacrist . Ri\·erhead, Rev. J. M. Burnmurdock,~Vicarage

I886-W1lham James Foxell B. A., B.llms. London Umver-. St. Peter's, Thanet, Hev. A. Whitehead 1\I.A. Vicarage

sity,_ The rr~cincts Saltwood, Hev. E. H. Blyth M. A. Rectory
Org~mst, \\ tlham Henry Longhurst l\IUS. noc. cantuar
Aud1tor to the Dean & Chapt~r of Canterbury, vacant . Sandwich, Rev. A. M. Chichester B. A. St. Mary's vicarage

Sheerness Rev. W. ll. G. Mann M.A. Holy Trinity, Sheerness

Grarn~~r Master ?f the Chonsters, Joseph Plant, Precmcts Sidcup, Rev. C. E. Shirlcy Woolrner liLA. Vicarage

Exarnmmg Chaplams- , . . Sittingbourne, Rev. A. llanham, Trinity vicarage
z88;<-Very Rev_. Henry Montagu Butler D.D. fnmty 1 Tenterden, Rev. S. C. Lepard l\LA. Viearage
College, Cambr1dge
"I883-\ro~e8sor Henr.y 'Vace D.~ · Tonbridge, Rev. T. Manley, Hildenborough vicarage

Tunbridge 'Vells, Rev. Canon E. Hoare M.A. Calverley road

1884-Chrtstopher Blick Hutchmson 1\LA. Duppas hill, Westgate-on-Sea, Rev. G. Collis M.A. St. James' vicarage

I88s-Canon Richard Elwyn l\LA
1887-John Thomas Pearse M.A. Brabourne, Ashford Reg·istrars of the Diocese of Canterbury & of the Arch·
1889 John Mee Fuller M.A. Bexley
Resident Chaplains- deacons of Canterbury & Maidstone, Sir John Hassard M.!.
:Arthur Hamilton Baynes M.A. Lambeth palace s E 5 Dean's court, Doctors' commons, London E c
St. Clair Donaldson B.A. Lambeth palace 1878-Deputy Registrar of the Diocese of Canterbury &of
Chaplains- the Archdeaconries of Canterbury & Maidstone, Alien
Fielding esq. 15 Burgate street

.1883-The Very Rev. the Dean of Windsor liLA.; The Very Places of Worship, with timp_q of Services.
Rev. the Dean of Rochester

:r883-Venerable Archdeacon Smith lii.A. ; Rev. Montague . R. signifies Rectory. v. Vicarage.

Fowler M. A · The Cathedral, Cathedral yard ; 8.15 (holy communion),
r883-Canon Cadman M.A 10.30 a.m. & 3 p.m.; daily, ro a.m. & 3 p.m. (~ov. Dec

Six Domestic Chaplains- Jan. & Feb. 4)

r883-Canon William Cadman M.A. r6 .Albany terrace, 1 Holy Cross, v. Westgate; Rev. Phillip Wood Loosemore l!.A.,

Marylebone road, London w 10 30 a. m. & 6.30 p.m

r883-Ven. Benjamin Frederick Smith M.A. Precincts, :St. Alphega, v. Palace street, Rev. Thomas George Crosse

Canterbury M.A.; rr a.m. & 6.30 p.m

r883-Edward Stuart Talbot M. A. Leeds St. Andrew's, R. Parade, Rev. Richard Norris Gaudy M.A.;

I883-Very Rev. Samuel Rcynolds Hole M.A.,n.n. Dean of: 11 a.m. & 7 p.m .

Ruchester · St. Dunstan's, v. St. Dunstan's street, Rev. Thomas Ben]&·

1883-Very Rev. Randall Thomas Davidson D. D. Windsor min Watkins M.A.; 10.30 a. m. & 7 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m

Diocesan Inspectors- St. George the Martyr, R. St. George's street, Rev. Henry Dar

Lewis Clarke B. A. Little Mongeham, Deal French M.A. ; II a.m. & 6. 30 p.m.; wed. II a. m.; fn,

William Eastgate Middlet<Jn Nunn M.A. Stansted II a.m

Legal Secretary to the Archbishop, Harry W. Lee esq. 2 St. Gregory's, v. Military road, the Hon. & Rev. Arthur

The s~nctuary, Westminster s w Francis ~orthcote 1\LA.'; daily, 8 & I0-30 a.rn. & 6.3op.m

.Assistant Secretary, Mandeville B. Phillips esq. Lambeth St. Margaret's, R. St. Margaret street; Rev. Richard Norril

Palaces E Gancly M.A.; rr a.m. & 7 p.m; fri. 8.15 p.m

Vicar General of the Province, The Right Worshipful Sir St. Martin's, R. Longport, Rev. Leslie Ellis Goodwin X.A.;

James Parker Deane Q.c., D.C.L. 7 16 Westbourne terrace, 11 a.m. & 3 p.m
St. Mary Northgate,. v. ~orthgate, Rev. Thomas George
London w

Commis!:'ary of the City & Diocese, Thomas Hutchinson Cros~e liLA. ; 10.30 a.rn. & 6.30 p.m

Tristrarnesq. Q.C., n.c.L. 12 King's Bench walk,TempleEC St. Mary Bredin, v. Rose lane, Rev. Joseph Sanger Danes

Dean of the Court of Arches, Dean of Peculiars & Master of M. A. ; 11 a.m. & 7 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m

the Court of Faculties, The Right Hon. Lord Penzance St. Michael's, R. Harbledown, Rev. Thomas Kyrwood Bow·

Registrar of the Court of Arches, Cyrus Waddilove esq year M. A. ; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m

Registrar of the Court of Faculties, W. P. Moore esq St. Mildred's, R. with St. Mary de Castro (no church), near
Apparitor General, Sir John Alexander Hanham hart. Inner the Castle, Rev. John Parmiter M.A. ; 8.15 & II a.m.~

Temple, London 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 11 a.m.; fri. 11.30 a.m

Diocesan Architect & Surveyor of Ecclesiastical Dilapidations St. Nicholas, v. Thanington, Rev. William Henry Bolman

for the Diocese, R. Philip Day esq. 20 John street, M.A., R.N.; 11.30 a.m. & 3 p.m

Adelphi, London w c St. Paul's, v. Church street, Rev. Leslie Ellis Goodwin x.A.;

Librarian at Lambeth Palace, S. Wayland Kershaw esq. M.A II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; daily 4·3op.m. & wed. &fri.ns.IIl

Hon. Librarian, Rev. W. Sparrow Simpson M.A St. Peter's, R. St. Peter street, Rev. Philip Wood Loosemort

Seneschal, Joseph Brigstocke Sheppard esq. LL.D M.A.; 10.30 a.m. & 7 p.m

Organist, "'illiam Henry Longhurst esq. Mus. noc. Precincts St. Stephen's, v. Hackington, Rev. Frederick Ha~D

Lay Clerks, Joseph Plant, Robert Rhodes, Richard C. Cross, HichensliLA.; 10.30 a.m. & 3-30 p.m

J. H. liiggins, John Grundy, Waiter Pitt, Charles Ken- Military Church, Military road, Rev. Willoughby Ch3--<l,

ningham, Byron Dewhurst, John Pearson, Samuel Price Parr M.A. chaplain; 10.45 a.m. & 6.35 p.m
Walloon Church, Cathedral crypt, H.ev. J. Eugene Cho~1
Ten Choristers

Ten Probationers M.A., B. D. pastor; 3 p. m
Two Vesturers Catholic (St. Thomas), Burgate street, Rev. Richard Po~

Four Vergers priest; 9 & II a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; daily, 8 a.m. i thotS-

Twelve Bedesmen 8 p.m


Jewish Synagogue, Kin~ street, Marks Cohen (rabbi) Clergy Orphan School, St. Thomas' hill, Rev. Charles

Society of Friends, Canterbury lane; IO a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; Matheson M.A. late fellow of St. John's College, Oxford,

thurs. II a. m head master

Presbyterian, Wincheap,lRev. John Patterson; 10.30 a. m. & Kent College, St. Thomas's hill, was erected in 1886, at a
6.30 p.m. ; wed. 8. rs p.m cost of £1,ooo, by the Kent Wesleyan Mcthouist School

Baptist, St.. George's place; Rev. William Townsend; 10.30 Association Limited, & is under the management of a
a. m. & 6.30 p. m; wed. 7 p. m
board of 12 directors, of which the Rev. B. Browne is
Baptist (Particular), Burgate lane, various ; ro. 30 a. m. & chairman & A. Atkinson esq. sec. The builuing, ad-
6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7 p.m
mirablv situated, is of red brick with Bath stone facings,
Countess of Huntingdon's, Watling street; II a. m. & 6.30 from designs by Mr. Charles Hell, architect, of London,
p.m.; mon. p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
& will hold 100 boarders & so day scholars ; there are at
Congrt:gational, Guildhall street, Re\·. Benjamiu Price; I I present (r8go) g8 scholars; L. W. Posnett M.A., head
a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
master; L. C. Wilkes, C. W. Posnett, B. B. Thompson &
Plymouth Brethren, Pound lane, various ; I I a. m. & 6.4S Charles H. Simpson, assistant masters
p.m. ; mon. & thurs. 7 4S p.m .
Primitive Methodist, Borough, Rev. John J oplmg; I0-4S School of Science & Art (Thomas Sidney Cooper R.A. ), 23
Peter street, George A. Wood F.R.Hist.s. principal;
a.m. & 6. 30 p. m. ; tues. 7 p. m
GeorO'e F. l''rancis, hon. sec. ; John Chandler, <'Urator
Unitarian, Blackfriars, various ; ro. 4S a. m
Wesleyan, St. Peter street, Rev. James Bransom & Rev. St. Ma;y's Catholic College, Hales place, Rev. Stanislaus
Joseph Griffin Hodson; IO. 30 a. m. & 6. 30 p. m. ; man. & Du Lac, superior

wed. 7 p.m The Industrial School, Wincheap, provides a safe home &

Colleges & Schools. good instruction for respectable girls who desire to become

household servants ; the school consists of 20 girls, of
The King's School, situated in the Mint yard & approached whom 12 are partly paid for by subscribers or friends:
by the celebrated Norman, is a foundation of these enter at the age of 13 or 14 & ordinarily stay in
unknown antiquity, but refounded in I S34 by Henry VIII. the school about 2 years, & they are known by the name
for 2 masters & so king's scholars & forming an integral of "The Industrials;" the other 8 are chosen by the Dean
portion of the cathedral foundation. Among the eminent & Chapter from among the poor & deserving families in
men whom it has produced are Christopher Marlowe, the Canterbury; these enter at the age of 12; they wear the
dramatist; Richard Boyle, H the great Earl of Cork;" old-fashioned school drel!s & are boarded, lodged & edu-
William Harvey M.D. the discoverer of the circulation of cated gratuitously ; these go by the name of " The _Blues,"
the blood; Accepted Frewen, Archbishop of York ( 1660-4); & are the survival of the Grey & Blne schools wh1ch ex-
William Somner, the antiquary & historian of Canterbury, isted in Canterbury for nearly 200 years : the Blue school
auditor of the cathedral; the Rev. William Gostling M. A. has a small endowment & the Dean & Chapter subscribe
minor canon ; Archdeacon Denne, Sir E~erton Brydges £2o annually to its funds. The schools being now amal-
batt. M.P. & Samuel Pegge, antiquaries; Bishops Boyle of gamated, the Industrial school will receive this money as
Cork (1660-3 ), Gunning of Ely ( 167S-84), Marsh of Peter- a grant from the Blue school; lady manager, Mrs. Rich-
borough (1819-39) & Broughton of Sydney (1847-54); mond Powell, assisted by Mrs. Gray, undertakes the
Deans Boys & Lynch of Canterbury, Spencer of Ely, supervision of the school; The Ven. .Archdeacon Smith,
Castle of Hereford, Durand of Guernsey & Nairne of hon. sec. The Precincts; G. Furley esq. treasurer, The
Battle; Lord Chancellor Thurlow; Lord Chief Justice Bank
Tenterden; the Rev. John Johnson M. A. best known as the Diocesan National, Broad street, erected in 1842, for 1Bo
author of "The Unbloody Sacrifice;" .Archdeacon boys, 180 girls & 180 infants; average attendance, 140
dolph D. D. president of c. c. c. & Vice-Chancellor of_ Oxfo~d boys, 9S girls & 120 infants; William John Taylor,
&many others. A history of the school was published m master; Miss L. Hughes, mistr~ss; Miss H. E. Hammant,
1865 by the Rev. J. S. Sidebotham M. A. then rector of All infants' mistress
Saints, but now vicar of .Aymestry, Herefordshire. The The original hospital in Lamb lane or Stour street, called
school was reorganized by the Charity Commissioners in the Poor Priests' Estate or Blueeoat Schools, was founded
I879, & has a yearly endowment of £1,000. The so king's
scholars are divided into 2s probationers, IS junior & 10 bv Simon de Lbeann~Of"ittono, f archdeacon of Canterbury, in
1;43, for the " poor priests," the estates of
senior scholars; there are also 2 Heyman scholarships of which, at its dissolution in 1575, were bestowed by Queen
£30 each, tenable for 4 years at any school, but limited to Elizabeth on the city & afterwards transferred by .Act
the kin of P. Heyman, or in default to natives of Sellinge, of Parliament to the guardians of the poor, who applied
Kent; 4 exhibitions of £so a year, tenable for 4 years at the surplus revenue to the benefit of the poor rate, after
Oxford or Cambridge, each exhibitioner receiving also cer- maintaining, educating & apprenticing out sixteen poor
tain additional gifts; 2 Parker exhibitions of £so a year, boys, called ''The Bluecoat Boys," each having a premium
tenable with a foundation scholarship at C!lrpus Christi of £30 paid for him, with £5 allowed for clothing; the
college, Cambridge; the Bunce exhibition of £so a year, revenue of these estates, chiefly derived from lands,
tenable for four years at Oxford or Cambridge. There are amounted to about £6oo yearly; this foundation, by a
about 160 boys. There is a Junior Department for boys scheme prepared by the Charity Commissioners in 1878
betwP.en 7 & 13, erected in r88r, at a cost of £3,000, under the Endowed Schools Acts,was transferred about 188o
granted by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in considera- to a new governing body for the purpose of establishing t~e
tion of £r,ooo being raised by subscription & expended on Simon Langton Middle schoflls as stated, the cost bemg m
the then existing portion; they also granted to the school part defrayed by the transfer of the educational endow-
the Archbishop's Palace with the grounds adjacent ; this ments of various charities, under the jurisdiction of the
addition provides room for so additional . b~ys _& so trustees of the City Charities, and as to the remainder,
boarders-the upper portion of the new bmldmg IS for bv the sale of part of the Bluecoat School Foundation
class-rooms, the lower for sitting-room & lavatory; a p~operty & the accumulation of income; the scheme
gymnasium & three new fives-courts have also been added. provides twenty scholarships of £rs each in the boys'
The Dean & Chapter are the governors; Rev. Thomas school, two of £rs each in the girls' school & ten of [12
Field M.A. late fellow of .1\Iagdalen College, Oxford, bead each in the girls' school, each to be held for 3 years & to
master; Rev. Richard Greaves Hodgson M. A. late junior be tenable by pupils from the public elementary 3chools of
student of Christ Church, head master of junior depart- the city & £100 yearly is to be expended in exhibitions
ment; Richard Goodall Gordon M. A. of Exeter College, from the schools to others of a higher grade; by a subsidiary
Oxford; Rev. Leslie Goff Harrington .Mason M. A. of Cor- scheme, the educational endowments of Jesus hospital, in
PM Christi college, Cambridge; Rev. Edward James Northgate, are also transferred to the Simon Langton
Campbell M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford; James Ritchie school, several additional scholarships being thus secured ;
ll.A. of Corpus Christi college, Oxford ; Rev. L. H. Evans the schools were opened in r88 I: there are at present 135
li:.A. of Pembroke College, Cambridge; C. Scudamore M.A. boys in the school. & additional class rooms are ~n course
St. John's College, Oxford & W. G. Price, assist. masters of erection; the g1rls' school has been enlarged smce r881

Missionary College of St. .Augustine, Rev. George Frederick & has now Bo pupils

Maclear n.n. warden; Rev. Charles Henry Cotes M. A. Simon Langton Schools, White Friars, erected in 1878, on a

sub-warden; Rev. :Wark John Simmonds M.A. Rev. Charles site acquired at a cost of £3,soo, for I3S boys &; roo

Henry Robinson M.A. & Henry Havelock Ramsay B.A. girls; the buildings, together with residences for the bead

fellows; Henry .A. Gogarty esq. M. D. lecturer in practical master & bead mistress, costing £4,200; William Parting-

medicine; Charles Holttum F.H.c.s. hon. consulting sur- ton l\Iann B.A. head master; Miss Sarab Jane Hamm,

geon & examiner; T. W. Reid F. R.C. P Edin. lecturer in head mistress

practical surgery; F. Wacher esq. M.R.c.s. medical at- A School Board of 9 members was formed in 1871 ; Her;ry

~ndant at the college & examiner of probationers ; Fielding, 14 Burgate street, clerk to the board; Fredenck

lieinhold Rost c.r.E., Ph. D., LL.D. oriental lecturer Hardtman, 86 Northgate street, attendance offic~r

K. S. & S. 9

130 CAXTERBURY. . [ K E L L l ' '8.


St. John's Board School, Rt. John's place, Northgate, erected ELHAJ\l (throuf!h Bridge & Barham)-(James Spicer), fl'O!II

in r871, for 255 boys, 220 girls & 200 infants; average at- 'George & Dragon,' sat

tend:mce, 230 boys, 179 girls & 137 infants; Albert FAVERSHAM-Omnibus from 'George & Dragon' (Miles),

Shreeves Paine, master ; Mrs. Mary Ann L11.tha.m. mis- daily, evening 5 p.m. ; (Thomas Hurren) from Victoria

• tress ; ::'lfiss Annie Vt'iltshier, infants' mistress hotel, 71 NorLhgate street, daily, morning 10..30

St. Dunstan's Parochial (boysJ, London road, for 100 boys ; DovER-(Thomas Burren), from Victoria hotel, fri. 10 & m

average attendanc~. 8r ; C. M. Sanctuary, master FOLKESTONE & HYTHE-Omnibus (Banks), from £ Nag'a

St. Dtmstan's Parochial (girls), London road, erected in r862, Head,' sat

for 75 girls; averag2 attendance, 68 ; Miss Ellen Ongley, HERSE BAY-Sayers' omnibus, from the ' Sun,' at 5 p.m.

mistress daily ; & from Market hall ; (Burren) from 'Victoria,'

St. Dunstan's Parochial (infants), London road, erected Northgate & 'Fleur-de-Lis,' daily, 5 p.m

in r862, for 90 children; a•erage attendance, 70; Miss LYMINGE & STONE STUEET-Omnibus (Banks), from 'Nag:la

Ang-usta Groombridge, mistress Head,' sat

Industrial (girls), Wincheap, erected in 1859, for 20 girls; SANDWICH, AsH,· LITTLEBOURNE & WINGHAM-{Stringer),

average attendance, r6; Miss Annie Baldock, mistress from 'Sun' inn, daily, 4 p.m

St. Mary Bredin (mixed), Rhodans Town, erected in 186o, WINGHAM, AsH & LITTLEBOURNE-Omnibus (Hooker), fl'OIII

for 100 children ; average attendance, 140; Charles S. 'George & Dragon,' & 'Saracen's Head' daily, at 4 p.m

Bnfton, master

St. Mary Bredin (infants), Rhodans Town, erected in r 86o, Railways.

for so children ; average attendance, 64 ; Mrs. Bufton, London, Chatham & Dover, Thomas Henshaw, station
infants' mistress master, Vt'incheap; omnibuses to meet every tmin from
St. Mildred's National (boys), Church street, erected in the Fountain, Fleur-de-Lis & Rose hot.els

186o, for 124 children; average attendance, 95; Charles South Eastern, St. Dunstan's. George Fright, station master;
Redman, master omnibuses to meet every train from the Fleur-de-Lia
& Rose hotels
.St. Mildred's National (girls), Church street, erected in

1855• for 108 children ; average attendance, g6; Miss

Helena Foreman, 1nistress Carriers, with inns they call at & days of departure.
St. Mildred's National (infants), Church street, erected 1855,
for 8o children; average attendance, 75 ; Miss Ada Pickford & Co. to all parts of the kingdom (John Shaxby,
agent) ; Dffice, 16 Orange street
Abbott, infants' mistress
-St. Paul's National (boys), Church street, erected in 1855, Sutton & Co. to all parts of the kingdom (W. H. Lee, agent),
for II7 children; average attendance, 117; Henry Wil· 6 St. Peter's street
AsH(tbrough Littlebonrne & Wingham)-Hooker's omnibll8,
shere, master

-St. Paul's National (girls), Church street, erected in 1872, 'George & Dragon,' daily; & Stringer's omnibus from

for 120 children; average attendance, 130; Miss Sarah Sun inn
AsHFORD (through Chilham &c. )-Green, 'Queen's Head,'
Knabb, mistress

, .St. Paul's National (infants), Church street, erected in r872, tues. thurs. & sat. 9· 30 a. m
for 100 children; average attendance, 104; Miss Marian BARHAM-Willis, • Pine Apple,' daily, wed. thurs. fri, at

Julia. Lawrence, infants' mistress 4.30 p.m.; Burren's mail cart, from his house, 71 North·

St. Peter's & Holy Cross ('boys), St. Peter's place, for 100 gate street, daily ; Spicer, 'George & Dragon,' fri.;

children; average attendance, 75; Richard Francis Whtte, 'Crown,' sat. 6 p.m

St.MPaertsehra'sll1&mHaosltyeCrross (girls), St. Peter's place, erected irt BLEAN-Merritt, 'George & Dragon,' daily, at 12.30 A:
5 p.m

.:r872, for 6~ children; average .attendance, 65; Miss H. BRAllOURNE-Prebble, ' Cross Keys,' tues. & sat. 4 p.m.;

Ellen Blaire, mistress Pilcher, 'Queen's Head,' tues

.St. Peter's & Holy Cross (infants), St. Peter's place, erected BRlDGE-Burren's mail cart, from 71 Northgate street i

in 1872, for no children; average attendar.ce, 85; Mrs. Willis, ' Star,' daily; Spicer & Burren, 'George 11;

Elizabeth J. Ede, infants' mistress Dragon,' fri. & sat

St. George's & St. Mary Magdaleue (mixed), Canterbury CHALLOCK-Summers, ' Prince Albert,' thurs. & sat. at

lane, erected tin 185g, for :aio children; average attend- 3·30 p.m

ance, 158 ; James Partridge, master; Mrs. C. Partridge, CHARTHAM & CrrrLHAlii-Henry Greenstreet, 'Queen'!
Head,' mon. wed. fri. & sat
.St. Stephen's (mixed), Hackington, erected in 1848, for 120 CrrrsLET-Henry Garden, 'Seven Stars,' sat. ; Mrs. T. Mar·

children; average attendance, 90; Alfred Stephen Baker, tin, ' Seven Stars,' wed. & sat
CRUNDALE-D. Harlow, 1 Queen's Head,' tues. thurs. & 8111
master ; Mrs. Baker, mistress

Weslcyan (mixed), St. Peter's street, erected in x87o & en- DENTON-Burren's mail cart, from 71 Northgate st. daily
larged 1886, for 420 children; average attendance, 350; DovER-Thomas Burren's luggage van, from his house, 71
Northgate street, fri
Samuel Walker, master
HarbleiownNational (mixed), Harbledown, erected in 1852, EASTRY J. ,V. Luck's van, 'Crown.' sat. 4.30 p.m.; l
for 140 children ; average attendance, 105 i Percy Kcmp, White, 'Crown,' sat. 6 p.m

master ELHAM-Spicer, ' George & Dragon,' sat

"Thanington National (mixed), Wincheap, erected in 1838, ELMSTED--Hopkins,' Queen's Head,' sat. ;, 'Queen's

for 38 children ; average attendance, 34 ; Miss Rebecca Head,' sat

Sharpe, mistress EYTHORNE-Appleton, 'Sun,' wed. & sat

Catholic (St. Thomas') (mixed), Stour street, for 100 child- FAVJ<.:RSHAM-Miles, 'George & Dragon,' daily; ThOIIIII
ren; average attendance, 72; Miss Kate Log-an, mistress Burren, daily, 10.30 a. m

Newspapers. GOODNESTONE (through Littlebourne, Iekham & Wingham)
-Ulement's van, 'Saracen's Head,' mon. wed. & sat. al
Canterbury Journal & Farmers' Gazette, 49 St. George's 4-30 p.m
street, J<'rederic Mndford, proprietor & publisher; pub- HAsTINGLEIGH-Pilcher, ' Queen's Head,' sat
lished sat. See adverti~ement
HFRNE BAY-William Spratt-& Stone, • Seven Stars,' sat.;
Canterbury Press & Kent County News, 6 High street; John Ells's mail cart, daily noon ; Burren, ~Victoria,'
Cross & Jackman, proprietors & publishers; published Northgate & 'Fleur-de-Lis,' daily, at 5 p.m
sat. See advertisement
HoATH-Henry Garden, 'Seven Stars,' sat. ; Boulger, 1 Sun,'
Kent Herald, 9 High street ; Arthur H. Claris, proprietor & wed. & sat
publisher; published thurs. Sec advertisement
KINGSTONE-Burren's mail cart, 71 Northgate street, daily;
Kentish Express & Ashford News (branch), 62 King's Willis, ' Star,' daily
bridge; W. H. l<'iddian, manager; published sat
LITTLEBOURN-Hooker, 'George & Dragon' & Stringer,
Kentish Gazette & Canterbury Times, 39 St. George's 'Son,' daily ; J. W. Luck, 'Crown,' sat
street; Edward Baker Goulden, proprietor & publisher;
LYMINGE-Longhurst, 'Nag's Head,' sat. at 4.30 p.m
published tues. & sat. See advertisement
MARGATE-Dodd, 'George & Dragon,' wed.& sat. at g.Joa.JII
Kentish Observer, 49 St. George's street; Frederic Mudford, NONINGTON-Appleton's van, 'Sun,' wed. & sat
proprietor & publisher; published thurs. See advert PETHAM-Stephen Coleman, 'Old City of Canterbury, tn~

South Eastern Gazette (branch), 6 High street· ; Percival tburs. fri. & sat. 3.30 p. m. ; Morrington, 'Nag's Head.'

d'Este Eastes, manager; published at Maidstone mon. & tues. thurs. & sat
sat PETHAM & WAL'fHAM-Coleman, I o;d City of Canterb1ll1·'
Whitstable Times, 49 St. George's street; Frederic Mud-
ford, proprietor; published sat mon. wed. fri. & sat. ; Dilnot, 'Nag's Head,' fri. & w '

Conveyances. PRESTON-Deveson, 'Crown,' sat

aRnrsGATE-Lilley, from 'George & Dragon,' tues. thuJS.
Asrr-Omnibus (Hooker), from George & Dragon, & sat. 10.30 a.m. ; James Lilley. from his house, Notil
Saracen's Head inns daily, at 4 p.m. suns. excepted; lane, tues. thurs. & sat. at g. 30 a.m
(Stringer), from Sun inn daily, 3.30 p.m
RECULVER-Sayer's omnibus, 'Sun,' daily, 5 p.m


S1.•mwrcn-Hooker, 1 George & Dragon,' daily; Stringer, 'VHITSTABLE-:VIerritt, 'Sun' & 'George & Dragon,' daily

Sun inn, daily WrNGHAM-Hooker, 'George & Dragon,' daily; J. W. Luck,

STELLING----Harvey's mail cart, daily, 5 a. m. ; Belsey, 1 Old 1 Crown,' sat

City of Canterbury,' sat.; Champion, 'Blue Anchor,' WoOTTON-Burren's mail cart, from his house, 71 North-

tnes. thurs. & sat. ; Woollett, ' Queen's Head,' wed. & sat gate street, daily

STOURMOUTEI-White, 'Crown,' sat. 3.30 p.m WYE-Henry Greenstreet, 'Queen's Head,' mon. wed. fri.

SrouTING-Prebble, 'Queen's Head,' tues. ; Hart, 1 Blue & sat

Anchor,' thurs. & sat Water Conveyance.
STuRRY-Burren, 1 Fleur-de-Lis,' daily

.&r. NICHOLAs, STURRY & lTPSTREET-.M:rs. Young, 'Seven Digby & Kemp, late J. R. Horsley's boys, from Whitstable

Stars,' sat every wednesday to Griffin's wharf, Tuoley street, London

WALTHAM-Stephen Coleman, 1 Old City of Canterbury,' E c, returninf! every saturday evening; office, Kitchen-

tues. thurs. fri. &. sat. ; Waters, 'Nag's Head,' sat. 3 p.m ham place, Whitstable

"PRIVATE RESIDENTS. sBlore Rev. Canon George John D. D. St. Cohen Marks [Jewish Rabbi], Spring-

!bbotChas..Jn. Lewellyn,s DaneJohn gro Stephen's house, St. Stephen's road field terrace, Black Griffin lane

.Abbott Miss,3Harbledown pl. Harbld wn Boothbv Mrs. Barton fields Cole Mrs. 53 London road
• Cole Robert Hilding, 3 St. John's lane

.Adman8 Juhn Jas. Lepine, 22 King st Barman Miss, 36 Watling street

.Alcock Rev. James !I!. A. [curate of Har- Bourne Thomas, 38 Watling street Collard Albert, II Wincheap street

bledown],4Harbledown pl.Harbledwn Bowyear Rev. Thomas Kyrwood M.A. Collard Charles, Little Barton

.Allardyce l\lrs. 2 St. Lawrence villas, Rectory, Harbledown Collard Douglas, 9 St. Lawrence villas,

Old Dover road Bradley l\Irs. 85 Broad street Old Dover road

.Alien Ernest, 3I Whitstable road Bransome Rev.Jas.[Wes.],47London rd Collard Geo. The Gables, Barton fields

.Alien Jas. Creyghton, 27Nunnery tields Bredin Col. Alexander, St. Peter's ho. Collard George P. 37 St. Margaret's st

.Alien .Miss, 43 Whitstable road St. Peter's lane Collard Mrs. 21 Lower Bridge street

.Alien Mrs. I Hanover pl. St. Dunstan's B'remer :Mrs. 6 St. Martin's hill Collard Mrs. 37 North lane

.Alien William Wood, Briarfield, Ethel- Brcnt Miss, 6 Cossington street Collard Spencer, St. Lawrence house,

bert road Bright Miss, Claremont, London road Old Dover road

.Amos Daniel, Highfield house, Summer Brock ~\Trs. 2 St. George's fields Collard Stanley Ash, r Hawk's lane

hill, Harbledo wn Brooks Miss, 2 Wincheap street Collard Thos. Mount, 8 Low. Bridge st

.Anderson Mrs. 29 Oaten hill Brothers George, I7 Old Dover road Collard William, I5 Orchard street

.Andrews George, 16 Hanover villas Brothers Misses, 2 Aucher villas Collingwood Edwd S.I2St.Dunstan's ter

.Aris Mrs. 63 Ivy lane Broughton Horace, 47 St. George's pl Cooper Henry, Chantry ho. Chantry la

Armitage Capt. Harry Arnold, 4 St. Brown Mrs. 7 St. George's place Cooper Mrs. Fern Dtme, Jewry lane

Stephen's road Browne ~Iiss, 27 Palace street Cooper Thomas Sankey, 55 Wincheap st

.Ash Thomas, 32A, Nunnery fields Brownhill William, 42 Whitstable road Cooper Thomas Sidney R.A. Vernon

Ashbee John George, I3 The Friars Browning Russell Benjamin,43Castle st Holme, Harbledown

.Ashenden Mrs. 3Summer hill, Harbltlwn Buvkley Thos. Waterworks, Thanington Coppin Mrs. 29 St. George's place

.Ashenden Thomas, Stour street Bufton Chas. Samuel, 2 Alexandra ter Cornes Charles, 3 Dane John terrace

.Ashenden William, 102 Wincheap st Bullard Misses, 25 St. George's terrace Cotes Rev. Charles Henry M.A. [sub-
warden l, St. Augustine's college
.Ashenden William, j un. Eastcott, Old Bunce Mrs. 39 Watling street

Dover road Bunce Robert, 6 Old Dover road Cotton Albert Ellise, I6 Whitstable road

Ashton Mrs. 33 Whitstable road Bunce Thomas, 4 St. Alphage lane Court Charles John, IO St. Mary's st

Austen George, Bellair, Norman road Burch James, 23 Oaten hill Court William Henry, 78 Castle street

.Austin Capt. Ueoffrey L. The Precincts Burch James Ernest, 23 Oaten hill Courtois George, 18 Whistable road

Austin George, The Preeincts Burgess George, 13 Orchard st,reet Coutts Mrs. t-:ltone house, St. Martin's

AustmHarryGeo.J .P.Archbishop's palce Burridge Maj. Jn. Osborne, Barton fields Cowell ·Mrs. 3Hanover pl. St. Dunstan's st

.Ayre Charles Joseph, 27 Watling street l:luss Mrs. Derwent house, London road Cowell Mrs. John, 27 Oaten hill

Ba!;gS William Holland, 8 Broad street Butler-ShaweMajor-Gen. ~·illiamButler, Cowper Joseph Meadows, 2 Victoria rd.

.Baker Frank, I Dane John grove Garfield house, London road · Wincheap

.Baker :\Irs. de Chair, St. Stephen's CackettEdwcl.Bellevue cot.Whitstable rd Cox George, 3S Whitstable road

llarker John Burgess, 5 Hanover place, Cadman Rev. Canon Wm. M.A. [rector Cox J ames, 8 Castle street

St. Dunstan's of Trinity, Marylebone],The Precincts Cox Joshua,Harbledown ho.Harbledown

Jlarker Mrs. 3 Oswald ter. Watling st Caffin Mrs. 71 St. Dunstan's street Cozens John Foat, 3oA, Whitstable road

Barnes Thomas, 29 Whitstable road Callow James, 6 Linden grove Cozens Thomas Foat, I I Monastery st

llatema.n Bartlett, 8r St. Dunstan's st CampbellRev. Edwd. Jas. M.A. ( mathema- Cozens Thos. Grant, 32A, Old Dover rd

Bateman Herbert W. 20 Orchard street tical mastr. King's schl. ), ThePrecincts Cozens ·waiter, 33 Dover street

Bat.eman Miss, Dane John cottage, Campin George (city missionary), 2 Crawford Mrs. 23 Old Dover road

Worthgate place Vernon place, Old Dover road Croadsdill :Miss, v~·estgate house, St.

Bates William, 75 Castle street Carrick Chas. 2 Summer bl. Harbledown Dunstan's street

Bear William, Vernet ho. London road Carter Mrs. r8 Monastery road Cross Richard C. 53 St. Dunstan's st

Jleeching Charles, I6 Orchard street Castle Miss, 6 St. George's terrace Cross Thomas, 40 St. George's place

Beer AlfredJames,6Ch urvh st. St. Paul's Castle Mrs. 12 St. George's place Crosse Rev. Thomas George M. A. [rector

Beer George, Harton fields Castleclen John Rd. Lady Wootten's grn of St. Alphage & of All Saints, vicar

Bell Martin Luther,3I St. Margaret's st Castleden Joseph Saddington, 54 St. of St. Mary's, N orthgate & master of

Bell Mrs. Dane John place Dunstan's street East. Bridge Hospital], King's Bridge

BellinghamGeorgeFrederick,9Longport Catt Mrs. 29 Old Dover road Crow John, 33 Nunnery fields

Jlellingham Mrs. 28 Old Dover road Champion Mrs. 28 Castle street Crowder Mrs. 2 Longport

Bel~ey Mrs. Io Hawk's lane ChapmanHy.Mapletn.St.Martin's priory Crowhurst J ames, 3r St. Ueorge's place

BelsomWilliam, Leslie viis. Norman rd Chennell Wm. Mount vw.Nunnery fields Crowburst William Henry, The Pad-

Jlennett Miss, The Precincts Chesshyre Mrs. Barton court, Longport dock, Upper Chantry lane

llentham ~rs. Barton fields Chidley William R. (governor), H.M. Crowther Benjamin, 6 St. Dunstan's st

.Betts Alfred, 2 Uofdon road Prison, St. Augustines Crumplin Capt. William (Army Service

Betts Reuben, 29 Watling street Chittenden Thomas, Vine ho. Orchard st Corps), 2 St. Dunstan "s terrace

Jletts William, 3 Gordon road Choisy Rev. J.Eugime M.A.,n.n.[French Cullen John, 15 St. Dunstan's street
ehurchJ, 28 Haveluck street
Biggleston Hy. ~oss, 75 Old Dover rd Cullen :\liss, 6 Stour street

lliggleston Mrs. 39 Wh1tstable road Chubb Mrs. 8 St. George's terrace Cullin Rev. Joseph M.A. [Six preacher

Biggleston Philip, 36 Whitstable road Cladish Henry, 26 St. George's terrace & Archbishop Tait Memorial mis-

lling Edwin, Io Ethelbert road Clark Col. Stanley, 7 St. Lawrence sionerl, The Precincts

lling John Fill, jun. 4I Whitstable road villas, Old Dover road Curtis Surgeon-Major William Caylet,

Blackman James, 46 Whitstable road Clark Charles, 12 Burgate street 6r Burgate street

lllackmore Mrs. 5 Aucher villas Ulark Mrs. 14 St. Dunstan's street Dance Mrs. Worthgate ho. Worthgate pl

1Uamiel'l! Thomas Hepper, Toronto ho. Clarke Miss, 9 Watling street Daniel Mrs. Belmont lodge, Harbledown

St. Martin's Clay Charles, 6 Alexandra terrace Daniel Hir.hard B. II St. Dunstan's ter

]nigh Henry, I St. Radigund street Clegg William, 20 Cossington road Datlen Adam Ja.mes, 17 Orchard street

Bligh Jarris, 48 Palace tltreet Clements Hy.Martyn,72 St.Dunstan's st Daubigny Madame, 34 Whitstable road

Bligh Jasper, I St. Radigund street Clements William, ro St. Margaret's st Davies Rev. Joseph Sanger M.A. St.

Bligh John, 75 Havelock street Clifford Mrs. 35 London road MaryBreclin's vicarage,I80ldDover rd

Bligh Wi\Ham, 5 St. Radigund street Clowes William Frederick Albert, Kent Davies Arthur, r8 Prospect place
Davies Mrs. 7 St. Mary's street
Blunson Mrs. 19 Whitstable road & Canterbury hospital, Longport

K. S, & S. 9*


DeLaBedoyreMadame, 1 St. Stephen's rd Gandy Rev-. Alfred S. A. C. (mission- Heathcote Wyndham, 32 Wbitstable~

Delmar Miss, Da~ar ho. Dane John ary), 6 Hawks lane Helmore Rev. Frederick John Ottley
Denne Miss, 12 Vernon pi. Old Doverrd Gandy ReY. Richard Norris liLA.. [rec- M.A. [precentor, chaplain of the Cai

Diamond Miss, 3 St. George's terrace tor of St. Margaret's, St. Andrew & terbury union & assistant priest at

Dinnis Waiter John, 11 Parade St. Mary, Bredman], St. Andrew's St. Milclred], The Precine~'l

Dixon Arth.Rt.I Stanley vls.Norman rd rectory, Ethelbert road Hendrey Fk. rsVernon pi. Old Doverrd

Doe Wm. 19 Hanover pi. St. Dunstan's Gann Cecil Marsland, 8 St. Dunstan's ter Hichens Rev. Frederick Harrison • .._

Donaldson Mrs. r St. Lawrence villas, Gardner Mrs. The Precincts St. Stephen's vicarage, St. Stephen•1

Old Dover road Gaskin Jas. Chas. Victoria rd. Wincheap Higgins John Sims, 24 Old Dover l"Qid

Drake Wm.Edwd. Victoria rd. Wincheap Gaskin William, 27 Castle street Higham Mrs. 3 Victoria ter. Wincheap

Drayson Charles Millington, Album George Wm. Hopewell vil. Hanover rd Hill William T. 25 Old Dover road

villa, Nunnery fields GibbsJas.Barnett ho. Victoria rd. Wnchp Hills Miss, 65 St. Dunstan's street

Drury George John, 2 St. Stephen's rd Gibson James, ~7 London road Hilton Mrs. The Limes, H:arbledown

Drury Ha!, Hackington, St. Stepben's Gilbert William, 47 Wbitstable road Hoar .Andrew, 6 Oaten hill

Du Lac Rev. Stanilaus [Catholic], St. Gilham ArthurAusten,42Nunnery fields Hobday Edwin, Harlow, 65 Burgate s1

Mary's college, Hales pl. Hackington Gill Henry W. 23 Orchard street Hobson Col. Frederick Taylor (coll-

Dunbruck Erncst, 13 St. Dunstan's ter Gillman William, 17 Lower Bridge st manding Reg-imental District No. 3)

Dunford Mrs. 44 Whitstable road Ginder Miss, 34 St. George's place Wilst!'ad, Ethelbert road '

Dunk William, 17 Rose lane Glover Thomas, 15 Monastery road Hodgson Rev. Richard Greaves li:J...

Dunkin Mrs. Upper Harbledown Godden Fredk.Jn. Station rd.(L.C.& D) (head master, junior dep!!.rtment,

Dunn George, 19 St. George's terrace Godden Hm·bert Edwin, 2 St. John's la King's school), Archbishop's palsce.

Dunning Misses, 6 Orchard street Godden Mrs. 20 Monastery road Hodsun Rev. Joseph Griffin [Wesleyan],

Eastes Pereival d'Este, 69 Old Dover rd Gogarty Henry Alexander B.A., M:. D. I6 I3 Longport

Easton Thomas, 28 Nunnery fields St. George's place Hogben Mrs. 22 Whitstable road

Erle :Frederick, 68 Castle street Goodhart Frederick Emanuel, The Holden Mrs. 25 Longport

Eden Right Rev. George Rodney M.A. Elms, Old Dover road Holland Rev. Francis James M.A.[canem

[bishop of Dover & canon & archdea- Good win Rev. Leslie Ellis M.A. [rector & treasurer of the cathedral], The

con of Canterbury], The Precincts of St. Martin's & vicar of St. Paul's], Precincts; & The Lodge, Up. Ramble.

EkinsEdwd.Geo.Sth.EasternStation rd Lower Bridge street down; &6Up.Baker st.Regent'sParn

Eldridge Mrs. 5 Cassington road Goodwin::\Iiss,2Harbled wn. pl.Harbldwn IIolloway Mrs. 20 Watling street

Elgar John, 34 Watling street Gordon Mrs. Leven house, London rd Holman Rev. William Henry M.A.,R.J.

Ellyett William, 5 Old Dover road Gordon Richard Goodall M. A. (assistant [vicar of St. Nicholas & rector r1

Elmes Charles Ogilby, 31 Havelock st master, King's school), The Precincts Milton-next-Canterbur_v], Thaningtm

Elmes l<'redk. Lansell, 23 Monastery rd Goulden Edward, llertha cot. Borough vicarage, 70 Wincheap street

Elmes WiUam, 24 Monastery road Gonlden Edward Baker, Ryecroft, HolmanThos.R.gVernon pl.OldDoverl'J

Elvy Edward Henry, 49 St. George's st Ethelbert road Holttum Charles, 26 Watling street

Elwin Miss, 20 Whitstable road Goulden Henry Jas.r'ern lea,London rd Hooker Wm. 2 Elon vils. N wmery fields

Evans Rev.LeonardHugh M.A. (assistant Goulden Mrs. 45 St. Peter's street Horne Thomas, 13 St. George's terraa~

master, King's school), The Precincts Graham Mrs. Walnut Tree house, Whit- Horsley Col. William Henry, Si.

Evans Miss, 21 Old Dover road stable road Stephen's lodge, St. Stephen's road

Eva.ns Miss K. 1 Cossington road Graves Wm. Thos. Westfield,Barton flds Horsnaill.AifredEdmund,3I Wincheap 5

Ewins Mrs. Willow down, Up.Harbledwn Gray Rev. George Holmes M.A. [minor Houlden Miss, 34 Castle street

Fagg Frank, 89 Broad street canon, sacrist of Canterbury cathe- Howard John, 21 St. George's place

Fagge Sir John William Charles hart. x dral & cumte in charge uf Stodmarsh, Hudson Alfred, 28 Whitstable road

Victoria road, Wincheap Kent], The Precincts Hudson Stephen, 40 Whitstable road

Fairbrass Mrs. so North lane Grayling Misses, The Priory, Lady Hunt Josepb, The Pynes, Old Dover l'J

FairbrassThs.Wm.Willshier,3London rd Wootten's green Hurley John, 20 St. George's terrace

}<'arrow James Hnnn, 22 Hawk's lane Greasley John, 4 St. George's place Hussey Rev. Canon William Law u

Field Rev. Thomas M.A. King's school, Greatrex Capt. l<'erdinand, Oswald 30 St. George's plac~

The Precincts house, Watling street Huxley Rev. Thomag Scntt M.A. Vicar-

Field John, 55 St. Dunstan's street Green Edward, Orchard cottage, St. age house, Dane John

Fielding .Alien, x London road Dunstan's terrace Huxley George Thomas Scott, Fairvie1,

Fill Mrs. Hanover place, St. Dunstan's Green George,6SoutbEasternStation rd Ethelbert road

Fill Mrs. 20 St. George's place Green Geo. Williams, 8 Dane John gro Inge May, 14 Longport

Fill Robert Young, 33 St. George's pl Green John Lamb, I St. Alphage lane Ivory Miss, 2r St. George's place

Finch J ames, 39 North lane Greenwood Mrs. 48 St. George's street Jackman John, II Upper Bridge stree\

Finn Arthur George, Fairbourne house, Griggs Henry James, 32 Nunnery fields Jackman JohnGibbons, 6 Low.Hridgel!l

Dane John Groombridge Wm. St. George's fields Jackson Charles, 4 Stour street

Finn Frederick, 7 Lower Bridge street Haines The Hon. Mrs. Dropmore house, Jennings John A. r8 St. George's ter

Flint Fk. J.P. Roper ho. St.Dunstan's st St. Martin's Jennings Mrs. 10 Church st. St. Paul't

:Flint James, 52 London road H alherl1\1rs. TheCottage,Up. Harbledown .JenningsWilliamJ osepb, 56 Wincheap !I

Flint Thomas Jas. White, 52 London rd Hall J olm Richard, r2 Burgatc street J ermain .Miss, 2Hanover pl.St. Dunstan'&

Flint William White, The Hermitage, Hall Miss, I Best lane J ohnsou George, Al bert pl. Northga~

London road, Harbledown Hall Miss, 3 Longport Johnson John Gilbert, Barton mill
Hall Mrs. South Eastern Station road J ohnson Mrs. Ventnor house, London Ill
Fogarty John, 19 Monastery street
Ford Thomas, 17 St. George's terrace Halliday Mrs. r6 St. George's terrace J ohnsonThos. SoarsM.D. 26St.George's~

Foreman Mrs. 26 Old Dover road Hamilton Col. James Graham, 4 St. Jones Charles Edward, so Havelocks$

Forrest Mrs.22 Hanover pl.St.Dunstan's Lawrence villas, Old Dover road J ones George, Hollow lane, Thaningtdl

Foster Mrs. 4 Hanover pl. St. Dunstan's Hamm Miss (head mistress Middle J ones George Arthur, 56 St. Dunstan'ssl

:Fowler Albert Ed ward, 9 Wincheap st schools), White Friars J ones Geo.EvanL.R.A. M. 7DaneJohn grv

Fowlm James, 103 Wincheap street Harnmond HenryJarnes, South Eastern J ones Leslie, 47 St. George's strce~

Foxell Rev. "\\'illiam James B.A., B.Mus. Station road J ones William, 92 Broad street

[minor canon], The Precincts Hanree William Casey, 71 Broad street Jopling Rev. John [Primitive Metl~D-

Francis George F. 8o St. DWlStan's st Harben Arthur Charles, Hilldene, dist], 45 Haveluck street

Francis Mrs. xo Old Dover road Whitstable road Jordan Mrs. 44 Castle street
Fraser John, 37 Castle street Hardiman Frank, 57 St. Dnnstan's st Kay Alfred Goodwyn M.B. (medic~~

Fremantle Rev. TheHon.CanonWilliam HardyEdwin, rHarbledown pi.Hrbldwn staff),roSt.Lawrence vls.OldDover!d

Henry M.A. [fellow & theological Harrii;on Alfred, Maida vi!. Thanington Kearney Mrs. I Anchor villas

tutor of Balliol college, Oxford], The Harrison John, 7 Dane John terrace Keeler Mrs. 9 St. George's terrace

Precincts Harvey Mrs. The Laurels, Watling st Keen J nhn, Grove cottage, Harbledofll

Fremont Ludovic, 19 Hawk's lane Harvey Sidney, 8 High street KeightleyWm.Fk.Earle vils.Norman!d ·

French Rev. Henry Day M.A. [rector of Hatcher Miss, 21 Monastery street Kelk Edman, 6 Westgate grove

SS. George the Martyr & Mary Mag- Hatton Charles, 14 London road Kelly Mrs. D. r6 Monastery road

dalene], 14 St. George's place Hawkes Miss, 7 London road Kemp Alfred, ro Hanover place
Frend George Herbert, 26 St.George's st Hawtrey Rev. John W. :M. M.A. 9 St. Kempton Castledine, 14 Monastery ~

:Fryer Mrs. 24 St. George's terrace George's place Kennedy Alexander, 9 Hawks lanll

Fullagar Mrs. 12 St. George's terrace Hayward Miss, 4 Orchard street Kennett Frederick,Orchard vils. Ne.,il

Furley Fredk. Sunbury ho.Barton fields Headley Henry, The Wilderness, St. Keyes Frcdk. 29 St. Peter's st. West,aalf

Furley George J.P. Harton fields Stephen's Kibble Edward Gilbert, Beverley boiJ!I!

Furley Walter, Malling ho. Barton fields Hearn Geo. Wingate bill, Up.Harbledwn Whitstable road d Caton [chaP~
Gale The Misses, Burgate house Heath George (evangelist), 2 Ethelbert Kinchant Rev. Richar

Galt'm Mrs. 12 Hanover villas villas, Norman road to H.M. prison], 39 St. George's 1"


~in,asford Cecil Edward, 8 St.Lawrence MountCharles, Madeley cot.Harbledown Rayson James Arthur, 8 Orchard street

v llas, Old Dover road Mount Herbert H. I9 Oaten hill Read Charles Henry, 48 Havelock street

l{m,aosford Miss, 14 St. Dumtan's ter Mount Mrs. I9 Lower Bridge street Read Misses, 27 St. George's place

J{ ngsford Stanley, Barton mill Mourilyan Thomas Longley (Staff com- Read Mrs. 37 Whitstable road

J(night George, 7 St. Dunstan's terrace mander), 5 St. Lawrence villas, Old Red man Chas. 14Vernrm pi. OldDover rd

1{ Misses, May eot. Cossington rd Doyer road Reeve Waiter, 2 London road

~d Henry, I Wincheap street Moxon Richard, 30 Old Dover road Reeves George, 23 \\'atling street

[.·una.rre Madame de, The Haven, St. Mairhead William, 4r St. Peter's street Re id Jas. F. R. c. s. En~. I2 Low. Bridge st

Stephen's road Mundie George ?.1. n. Binnewyth house, Reid Thos. Whitehead, 42 St.George's pl

J.,smbert Capt. Thom3S J.P. Stanmore, The Friars Richardson Miss, 8 Longport

Barton fblds Mutton Miss, 4 Summer hl. Harble:lown Riches Henry H. 25 Orchard street

J,sming Fras. Red ho. Wincheap green Nash Charles, I5 London road Rigden Brian, 64 Burgate street

Lancaster Arthnr John, 2r Watling st Neame Mrs. 5 London road Rigden George, 6o Burgate street

jpl,rrer ArthurWilliam(master of Simon Neame Mrs. 3r St. Dunstan's street Ri.,rg John, 2r Orchard street

Langton school), 43 Nunnery fields Nelson.Mrs.5 Harbledown pl.Harbledwn Ritcllie James M.A. (assistant master,

Lefevre Samuel, 7 Hanover place Netherclift William. Henry F.R.c.s. 8 King's school), The Precincts

Lefford Thomas, 23 Broad street St. George's place Robb Captain David Elvy, I Summer

Lemar Miss, 5 ~St. George's terrace Newman Samuel, 20 St. George's street hill, Harbledown

Lepine Charles Thomas, 43 Broad st Nichols William, 14 St. George's terrace Robertson Mrs. The Precincts

Letts Herbert, 43 St. George's street Noble Robert, ro Watling street Robinson Rev. Charles Henry M.A. 4

Lewis Mrs. 18 Orchard street Northcote The Rev. Hon. Arthur Fras. John grove

.Llddell Miss, 40 North lane M.A.[vicar of St. Gregory's, ]Militry.rd Roe Colonel Robert Edward, Ethelbert,

Lmom Mrs. 32 St. Dnnsta.n's street Noyes .Miss, 2 Oswald ter. Watling st villa, Ethelbert road

Lochee Mrs. Oat£n Hill bo.250at.en hill Oakenfull Mrs. 2I St. Danstan's street Rog-ers Colonel Ebenezer, Catling villa,

Lochee William Arthur, 25 Oaten hill Ockmden Mrs. 74 Castle street Ethelbert road

Long Henry, 17Vernon pl.Old Dover rd 01iver Francis J. Barton fields Rogers Rev. John Pritt M.A. [curate of

Longhurst Wm. Hy. MUS. noc. (organist Onslow Col. 12 Longport St. Gregory's, Northgate], Church

of the cathedral), The Precincts Ovenden Rt. Hill Side cot. Whitstable rd street, St. Paul's

Loosemore Rev. Philip Wood M.A. Oxley William Henry, 30 Nunnery fields Rolfe Mrs. 4 Aucher villas

[minor canon, rector of St. Peter's & Paine William Henry, 50 London road Rolt Rev. Henry George M.A. Sacombe

Holy Cross], The Precincts Parrniter Rev. John llr.A. [rector of St. lodge, Harbledown

Love Mrs. 51 London road Mary de Castre & St. Mildred], St. Roots Miss, ro5 Wincheap street

MacCormack J oseph Gilson, Norman Mildred's rectory, Wincheap Rost Reinhold c. T.E. (oriental lecturer),

villas, Norman road Parr Rev. Willoughby Chase M. A. [chap- St. Augustine's college

Maclear Rev. Ueorge Frederick n.n. lain to the garrison], I Dane John ter Routledge Rev. Charles Francis M.A.

[warden of St. Augustine's college], Parry l<'rederick, 12 St. Dunstan's street (hon. canon & H.M. inspector of

Warden's ldg. St. Augustine's college Patterson Rev. John [Presbyterian], 7 schools), St. Martin's hill

Macleod Murdoch, 30A, Nunnery fields Lower Bridge street Ruff Miss, 21 Whitstable road

MCJ.'faster John, The Holt, Harbledown Payne George Henry, 9 Oaten hill Rumins William, 35 Nunnery fields

Madams Mrs. I5 Palace street Pearson Rev. George Charles M.A. Lhon. Russell Col. John Cecil, The Hoystings,
Majendie Mrs. Harton fields canon J, I 1 St. Margaret's street
Old Oover road

.Mann William Partington B.A. (head Peckham Thomas Gilbe1t D.L., J.P. Russell J oseph, 23 St. George's place

master Simon Langton schools), Hall place, Harbledown Russell Thomas Squire, 9 Hanover pl

Whitefriars, St. George's street PettitS!. Bexhill, IGordon vis. Norman rd Russell William John, uo Northgate st

Manning Benj. Joseph,25 Whitstable rd Pettman Thomas Farley, 8 Oaten bill Rye Mrs. 29 Castle street

MappersonRt. Prospect vi!. Nunnery flds Phelips Capt. Henry, 13 Oaten hill Sadler Henry George, Crayford house,

Markcrow Mrs. 13 Old Dover road Pierce William, 6 London road Lower Bridge street

Marriott Gen. Hayes, Ellerslie, Bartn. flds Pilch Alfred, I3 St. George's placa Sadlier Jn. Martley,Orchard ho. New st

Marsh George, .')8 Broad street Filcher Alfd.Hy. 2Victoria ter. Wincheap Sanderson Wm. Holmwood,Ethelbert rd

Marshal! Fredk. James, I9 Orchard st Filcher James Wm. 45 St. Dunstan's st Sandiford · James Gilbert, 9 Church

Marten Mrs. I6 Lower Bridge street Filcher Robert, St. George's place street, St. Paul's

Martin Geo. u Hanover pl. St.Dunstan's Filcher Williarn B. 4 St. Dunstan's ter Banger Mrs. 3 Aucher villas

.Martin Mrs. 27 Whitstable road Ptllow William, I6 Church st. St. Paul's Sangster I<'rancis, 27 Old Dover road

M11rtin Mrs. 23 Whitstable road Pitcher George Alfred, 2 Alexandra ter Sankey Herbert Tritton, 2 Castle street

Martin Stephen, 32 St. George's place Pittock Francis William l\!.D.7Vernon pl Sankey Miss, I4 St. Mary's street

.Mason Rev. Leslie Goff Harrington M. A. Plant J oseph (grammar master of the Sankey Mrs. 3 Watling street

(assistant master King's school), The choristers), The Precincts Sargent Thos. Wm. I I St. Ueorge's ter

Precincts Plant Richard, 22 Monastery road Scholefield Clement Geo. 4 Wincbeap st

:Mason Edward Birkin, Sunnyside, Plant William, 29 Nunnery fields. Scoones Thomas, 9 St. Dunstan's ter

Hanover road Plummer Major William,St.Augustine's Scott Thomas, 4I St. George's place

Mason William Watson, Barton fields Plummer Edward, 4 St. George's fields Scndamore CyrilM.A. (assistant master,

Massignac Madame de,38 Whitstable rd PortRandallJn.Hanover pi. St. Dunstan's King's school), The Precincts

Matheson Rev. Charles M.A. (head Porter Capt. George A. (adjutant 3rd Scudamore Mrs. Bellvue, Harb!edowu

master Clergy Orphan school), St. batt. (Militia )theBuffs),220idDover rd Serincourt Madame, 10 St.Dunstan's ter

Thonas' hill, Whitstable road Posnett Charles W. (assistant master Shaxby Henry, I2 Wincheap street

Matthews William, Sunnyside, L.C.& D. Kent We.5leyan college),St. Thomas' hi Shaxby Miss, 8 Church st. St. Paul's

Station road Posnett Leonard W. lii. A., B. se. (head Sheppard John, Sth. Eastern Station rd

.May Thomas, 38 Castle street master Kent Wesleyan college), St. Sheppard J oseph Brigstock, Elmington

.Mayge:r Mrs. 24 Whitstable road Thomas' hill house, Ethelbert road

.Maylam William, 4 Watling street Potter l\'liss, 33 Watling street Sherrard Major John Meade, II St.

Maynard Miss, 27 High street Powell William Waiter Richmond, 33 Lawrence villas, Olq Dover road

.Mears Mrs. 3 Ethelbert road Old Dover road Short Miss, 10 St. George's place

Medhurst Stephen, 1 St. George's fields Power Rev. Rd.[Catholic],59 Hurgate st Siddes Miss, 2I St. George's place

Mercer Reginald Mackenzie, Thyra Pratt Frederick Mantell, Stoneleigh, St. Simmonds Rev. Mark John M.A. St.

house, Dane John Lawrence, Old Dover road Augustine's college

.Metcalfe Misses, Clavering, Harbledown Prebble Mrs. I Orchard street Simpson Charles H. (assistant master,

Mighell Jesse, Shirley house, Hanover Prebble Mrs. A. 2 Orchard street KentWesleyan college), St.Thomas' hl

place, St. Dunstan's Prentice Ueorge, I St. George's place Skinner Mrs. Combe ho. .Barton fields

Miles William, 9 St. Peter's ~treet Prentice Samuel, I St. George's place Sladden Miss, 19 Cossington road

Mtller Henry, 5 Gordon road Prentice Zacbariah lii.R.c.s.Kent &Can- Slater George, Highfield, Ethelbert rd

Millimer Charles Hichd. I5 Hanover vls terbury Hospital, Longport Slatter Miss,6Hanover pi. St. Dunstan's

Mi ls Mrs. 4 Ethelbert read Preston Hy. Octavius, I 8 St. George's pi Small Edward Milton, 7 Oaten hill

Mtlls William B. S. 4 Ethelbert road Price Rev. Benjamin [Congregational], Smith Ven. Benj.Frdk.M.A.[archdeacon

Mllne Chas. Lancaster vil. Hanover rd Victoria road, Wincheap of Maidstone & canon], The Precincts

MJ..Skin John Black, Hugenot cottage, Price Waiter, I St. l\Iargaret's street Smith Very Rev. Robert Payne n.n.

Whitstable road Price William Ueor~e (asststant master, [dean], Deanery, The Precincts

M lony Rev.Chas.Arthr. M.A.Barton flds King's school), 56A, Wincheap street Smith Harry P. H. 12 St. Lawrence

Molony Miss, The Shrubbery, Oaten hill Pringuer Mrs. 2 Adelaide pi. Castle st villas, Old Dover road

Money Major-Gen. Robert Cotton, Prin~uer Sl.2o Hanover pl.St.Danstan's Smith John Dndley, 3 Ridin6 gate,

Hopebourn house, Harbledown Puttick Fredk. Thos. 6 St. Dunstan's ter Old Dover road

Moor Rev.Drayson M. A. 6 St.Alphage la Rawlinson Rev. George M.A. [canon], Smith Mrs. 5 The Friars
ldorgan Mrs. 4 Castle street
The Precincts Snell Edwin Henry, 5 Wincheap street


Sneller Mrs. 15 Rt. George's place Tice 'Villiam, 5 Castle street "\\'harham Mrs. 2 Shakespeare terrace,
Solly Wm. Geo. Stanley v1l. Hanover pl
Solomon Lewis, 71 St. Dunstan's street Tice John, Eldon villa, Nunnery fields Dane John
Somerville Miss, 5 Etbelbert road
Southee FrankBaxter,sSt.Dunstan's ter Tomlin Mrs. Combe ho. Barton fields Whiddett George, 23 Broad street
Southee Misses, 3 St. Dunstan's terrace
Sonthee Mrs. 5 St. Dunstan's terrace Townsend Rev. William [Baptist], 38 White Miss, 3 Dane John grove
Southee Thomas, 10 Orchard street
SpiUer Col. D. C. 0. (Staff Paymaster, St. George's place White Wm. The Yews, Nunnery fields

Cavalry depot), Barton house Turner Rev. Geo. [Wes.], 20 Hawk's la Whitnall J<'rancis, 4St. George's terrace
Stagg Harry, 53 North place
Staplcton Chas. Hy. 4 Lower Bridge st Twyman Geo. Victoria road, Wincheap Wicks Mrs. Upper Harbledown
Stapleton Mrs. 12 Old Dover road
Starr Mrs. Barton fields Twyman George, jun. Norman road Wightwick Mrs. Dane John house
Stead Capt. Ed ward George, Rose lawn,
Underhill Thos. Fairview, Whitstable rd Wig-htwick Wm. Norman, Barton fields
London road
Stead Mrs. 3 St. Stephen's road Urry Alfd. 23 Hanover pi. St. Dunstan's ~Wildie Waiter, 22 Watling street
Stevenson James B. 7 Alexandra ter
Steward Chas. Wm. 15 Whitstable rd Vaile Rev. .Artlmr M.A. [curate of St. Wilkes Leopold Camplin (assi>tant.
StonleyJoseph,Zetland lodge, London rd
Story George Arth. Vale ho.St.Peter's st Martin's & St. Paul's & chaplain to master Kent Wesleyan College), 9
Stroughill Mrs. 7 Longport
Strouts Mrs. 23 New street the Kent & Canterbury hospital], St. Thomas' hill
Stuart Col. Charles James, Stanley
Church street, St. Paul'il \Vilkinson Mrs. 5 St. Georg-e's street
villa, Ethelbert road
Swain Mrs. 69 St. Dunstan's street Vlieland Mrs. 6 Aucher villas Willcocks Ed ward, 64 Broad street
Sworder Miss, .Albion cot. Whitstaole rd
"'acher Frank, Monastery house 'Villiams Miss, 5 St. Gcorge's fields
Swyer Mrs. 37 High street
Talman James John C.E. The Grange, Wacher Sidney, 24 High street 'Villiamson Silas, Victoria rd. Wincbeap.

Harbledown ·wacher Thomas, 2 Ethclbert road Williamson Stphn. Tower ho. WestgaU!
Tassell Mrs. The Shrubbery, Oaten hill
Taylor Henry Edward, II Longport Wall Rev. Richard M.A., [curaterof St. Wills ~Iiss, 40 St. Margaret's street
Taylor Miss, 32 Watling street
Teal George H. 5 Orclmrd street Martin's & St. Paul's],26Monastery rd WilsonHy. Bell, TheBeeches,OldOoverm
Terry John, :u Old Dover road
Terry Thomas, 36 London road Wall :\frs. 2 Summer villas, Norman rd Wilson Henry John, 10 Oaten Hill pl
Thomas Miss, 9 Old Dover road
Thompsatt Miss,' St. George's lane Ward Misses, 10 Wincheap street Wilson J ames, 2-1- St. George's plal'e
Thompson Bernard Bash (assistant
Ware Miss, 30 Oaten hill W1lson Jas. Viclgen, 3 I Nunnery fields
master Kent Wesleyau College), St.
Thomas' hill Warren Mrs. Ingleside, Hanover place, "'ilson Jn. Rernington, Shakespeare ter
Thomson Major Henry, 62 Burgate st
Thornton Wm. Pugin, 35 St.George's pl St. Dunstan's Wiltshier Jas. Bank ho. St. Margaretst
Thruston Thomas, 11 & 12 Oaten hill
Warren Sami.Sylvester, 1Ethelbert road 'Viltshier John Edward, 18 Hawk'slane-

Waterfield Rev. Henry Brooke B. A. WiltsbireGeo. Hy. Victoria vl.Korman rd

[curate of Holy Cross], Ivy lodge, Wood Chas. Jn. M;lton ho. London rd

North lane Wood Edward, 38 London roacl

Waters Miss, 4 Burgate street Wood Fredk. 8 Tudor road, Winchea.p

~Watkins Rev. Thomas Benjamin [ >icar], Wood George, 14 The Friars

St. Dunstan's vicarage, Harbledown \'Vood Georg·e C. Tudor nl. 'Vincheap

Watkins Miss, Riversleigh, London rd WoodGeo.Hy. Woodville ho.Th:mingtoll!

Webb James, Earle >illas, Norman rd Woodhouse Henry Richd. The Precinctg_

WebbMiss,6St.Lawrnce.\·ls.OidDov-r.rd Woods Major Hy.r1Church st.St.Pa.ul's.

Webber James Douglas, Tower house, ,~·raight )1rs. 13 London road

Harbledown Wright l\Iiss, The Precincts

Welby William, 21 Oaten hill Wright Thomas, Wade house, L.C.&D~

Wellard Richard, 11 Orchard street Station road

Weller William (head master Garrison Wright Timothy, 5 St. George's place

school), 24 North lane Yeoman Edward, 6 Dane John grove

West Henry Philpot, 76 Castle street Young William Davicl, 22 Oaten hill

West Miss, 3 Orchard street , Young ~Wm. Robert, 11 St. George's pL

Westwood Richd. York hu. Old Dover rd 1

COMMERCIAL. .Austen Waiter George, bookseller & printer, 42 Burgate st.

Abbott Charles, brush manufacturer, 66 Castle street .Austen ".illiam, sexton of St. Dunstan's, 9 London road

Abrahams Abraham, clothier, 58 Northgate street Austin Amelia (l\Iiss), dress maker, 49 Stuur street

Abrahams Jacob, glass & china dealer, 4 High street Austin Charles, shopkeeper, 15 St. Radiguud street

Adley Edward, blacksmith, Hollow lane, Thanington Austin Edward, carter, 125 ~orthgate street

Adsett James, gun maker, 4 Upper Bridge street .Austin William, coal dealer, Church lane, Northgate street

Adsley Henry Thomas, shopkeeper, 29 King street .Ayers Charles, cattle dealer, 8o Wiucheap street

Aiano William Lewis, boot maker, u Watling street Hack .Albert, Cardinal's Cap P.H. 13 Rosemary lane

Alchin Robert Nicholas, boot & shoe maker, 20 Burgate st Bailey Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, 4 Farley cottages, Love la.

Alford Penny Bank(Col.Wm.Hy.Horsley,Rec.),J2Guildhall st Bailey Georgc, painter &c. 26 Broad street

Alford Poor Relief Association (Col. ·william Henry Hors- Bailey Henry, Bell & Crown P.H. ro Palace :>treet

ley, hon. sec.), 12 Guildhall street Baker Alfred John, grocer, 7 Palace street

Allen Charles William (exors. of), photographer, ·westgate. Baker Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 6 Best lane

studio, St. Dunstan's street Baker Frank c. E. city surveyor & engineer to the urban

Allen Frederick, hair dresser, 10 Castle street sanitary authority, 8 Watling street

Allen Frederick James, hair dresser, 22 Upper Bridge street BAKER GEORGE, temperance hotel, 31 tit. George's street

Alien John, corn chandler, 7 Upper Bridge street Baker Henry, Providence inn, 102 Northgate street

Allen William \'Vood, miller, se3 Weston & Allen Baker Henry Minter, wholesale grocer, see Barnwell & Baker

AllsworthSusanNaomi(:\Iiss),millnr.&'sst Baker James John, umbrella maker, r6 St. Peter's street

American Dentists' Association, dentists, 7 Lower Bridge st Baker de Chair William (Mrs.), farmer, St. Stephen's

Amos Daniel, pharmaceutical chemist, z Parade Baldry James, tailor, 2 Northgate street

Amos Frank, house agent, auctioneer & valuer, 1 Parade. Ballard Emma (~Irs. ), oyster bar, 4 Butchery lane

See advertisement Bangham William, shopkeeper, r :\:till lane

Anderson Albt. Wm. livery stables, Watling st. & 13 Rose la Bankruptcy Court (Distriet) (Waiter Furley, registrar for

Anderson Alfred, travelling tea dealer,. 15 Canterbury lane Eastern district), 38 St. Margaret's street

Anderson :£<'rank, shopkeeper, 17 Duck lane Banks Wm. Beverley .Arms P.H. & parish clerk, St. Stephen's;

Anderson Thomas, house agent, 7 Victoria grove Barberllros.corn&fodcler dlrs.68 St.Dunstan's st.&26Northl~

Andrews Edwin, carrier & contractor, 6o St. Dunstan's st Barnard Richard, cabinet maker, 5 Burgate street

Andrews Frederick Goorge, dairyman, 49 Whitstable road BarnesHy.Darrell,frmr.&hop grwr.Polehurst frm.Harbledwn.

Andrews George, tailor, 29 St. J\Iargaret's street Barnes W1lliam, Bricklayers' .Arms P.H. 21 Best lane

Andrews Henry, dairyman, 24 London road Harnwell & Baker, wholesale grocers, 4 Orange street

Andrews Marian (Mrs), butcher, 32 Oaten hill Barracks (Cavalry & Infantry) (Col. J. C. Russell, commandr

Apps Alfred, shopkeeper, 2 Riding gate, Old Dover road ant; Deputy .Assistant Commissary General, Captain W.

Argrave George Percy, watch maker, 28 St. Peter's street Crumplin, acting barrack master) (3rd regimental dis--

Arnold .Alfred, wardrobe dealer, 27 Northgate street trict, Col. F. T. Hobson), Northgate

Ash & Co. brewers & maltsters, Dane John brewery; Lon- Barwick James, carpenter, 25 Cossington road

don stores, Railway arch, York road, Lambeth SE Bateman & Son, builders & undertakers, 81 St. Dunstau's-

Ashbee S. C. & L. bakers, 17 St. Dunstan's street street & carpenters, Kirby's lane

Ashby Samuel, umbrella maker, 38 Palace street Bateman Edwin, auctioneer, 10 St. Peter's street

Ashdown George, beer retailer, 5 White Horse lane Bateman Francis Read, paperhanger & house decorator, 4 &.

Ashenden Thomas, land agent, surveyor & surveyor to the 5 King's bridge, St. Peter's street

Blean highway board & surveyor & expenditor to the hon. Bateman H. B. hair dresser, 20 Sun street

commissioners of sewers for East Kent, 29 High street Bates William, builder, Castle street

Ashenden William, buteher, 32 High street Batten Thomas, Avenue P.H. Worthgate place

Atkins Thomas, Prince .Albert P.H. 82 Stour street Beasley & Son, dyers, 22, 23 & 24 Stour street
Attwood James, auctioneer, 23 Palace street Beckett Thomas, Riding Gate inn, 4 Old Dover roa...~

Attwood Thomas, verger to the cathedral, 17 St. l\:[ary's st Beckett William, builder, 5 Burgate street


Bedwell Caroline (Mrs.), dress maker, 3 Broad street Burton Wm. Falstaff Tap P.H. job & post master,s North lane

Beeching & Richards, hop samplers, Hope cot. Thanington Busby Alfred, White Lion P.H. & 6 St. George's street &

Beecbing Geo. market gardener, Wincheap st. Thanington blacksmith, St. Martin's

BeerGeo.&Co.brewrs.&wine&spirit mers.Star brwry. Broad st Butcher Anna Maria (Miss), mantle warehouse, 12 Parade

Beer & Co. brewers & maltsters, Original brewery, Broad st BUTCHER EVERARD .JOHN, cowkeeper & dairy farmer;

Beer Albert, picture frame maker, 22 Broad street office, 3 King's .bridge, Canterbury ; contracts made for

Belcbamber John, The Mitre P.H. The Friars the supply of large quantities of milk &c. to hotds, insti-

Bell Emilie (Madame), milliner, r6 High street tutions &c. at reduced rates; telephone, No. 57

Bell Martin Luther L.D.S.R.c.s.Eng. dental surgeon, 31 St. Butcher Henry, nurseryman, 8 Albert place, Northgate st

Margaret's street Butcher Stephen, King's Head P. H. 79 Wincheap street

Bellingbam & Newman, tailors, 19 St. George's street Butler Robert, hair dresser, 11 St. Dunstan's street

Belsey Brothers, builders &c, Albion place, Broad street Butler Thomas, fruiterer, 57 St. George's street

Belsey Herbert John, builder, Stanley villas, Norman road Butler William, George & Dragon P.H. 18 High street

Bennett William Richard, hair dresser, 64 North lane Button Frank, dairyman, S Foundry cottages, North lane

Berry Thomas, cattle salesman, 34 Nunnery fields Button John, draper, milliner, hosier, glover & ladie~' out-

Best Henry, b~er retailer, 75 Stour street fitter, 5 & 6 St. Margaret's street

Best Joseph, tobacconist, 20 Broad street Caldwell Samuel, painter on glass, 52 Palace str~et

Betts R. &Sons, coal mers.29Watling st.&L.C.&D.Ry.station Callow John, grocer, 86 St. Dunstan's street

BIGGL.ESTON EDWIN R. cb.emist & perfumer by appoint- Canterbury Agricultural Hall Go. L1mited (Horace Brough-

ment to their Royal Highnesses the Princess of Wales & ton, sec.), 17 St. George's street

Princess Christian; proprietor of John R. Hall's wood vio- Canterbury Cattle Show (George Slater, sec.), \Vatling st

let perfume, II Mercery lane CanterburyCl ub( Wm. Plant, sec. &manager), :13 St. George's st

BingE. & Son, pharmaceutical & manufacturing chemists, Canterbury & District Co-operative Society Limited (Joseph

mineral water manufacturers & distillers of essential oils, Atkinsrm, manager), 17 St. Peter's street

la>ender &c. 4I St. George's street ; aerated water works, Canterbury & District Licensed VIctuallers' Protection Asso-

Monastery street ciation (Percival d'Este Eastes, sec.), 6 High street

Bing Alfred, grocer, 2 St. George's gate Canterbury Farmers' Club & Chamber of Agriculture (Brad--

Bing Jarvis, farmer, Tonford farm, Thanington bury William Tassell, president; William David Young,

Bing John Fill, inspector of weights & measures (county), sec.), 45 St. George's street

45 Whitstable road Canterbury Gardeners' ~ntual Improvement Society (W.

Blackman Thomas Bullard, 'l'"erger, The Precincts Fricker, sec.), Foresters' hall, High street

Blaxland Alfred Denne, cur.1tor & librarian to the museum, Canterbur:dnstitute(Rev.Thos.Field,chairmn. ),24Burgate st.

7 Hawks lane Canterbury Journal & Farmers' Gazette (I<'rcderic )Iudford,

BLIGH BROTHERS, coach builders; show rooms, Sun proprietor & publisher; published sat.), 49 t:;t. George's st

street; works, Northgate; & at 27 Preston st. Faversham • Canterbury Press & Kent County News (Cross & Jackman,

Bligh James, bncklayer & plasterer, 21 King street proprietors; published saturday), 6 High st. See advert

Boarman Silas, greengrocer, 4 Northgate street Canterbury SewageWorks(Stphn. Rowland,engnr. ),Sturry rd

Bodin William, gun maker, 52 Burgate street Canterbury Swimming Baths Co. Limited, \'l'hitehall road

Bounds Frank, baker, 71 Castle street (Albert Henry I'ilcher, sec.) ; offices, I Parade

Bounds Waiter, builder, 26 Stour street Canterbury Swimming- Club (Henry Ellenor, hon. sec.), 12·

Bonrne T. & Son, confectioners, 19 Sun street Havelock street

Bourne Ann (Mrs.), grocer, 14 & 15 Watling street Cardinal Christopher, boot maker, 84 St. Dunstan's street

Boume Daniel, tobacco pipe maker, 94 N orthgate street Care George Hiram, printer, 122 Northgate street

Bourne George, hop dealer, 93 Northgate street Carree Anthuny, boot maker, 61 Broad street

Bourne Thomas, shopkeeper, 6-t Union street Carrick Charles, private tutor, 2 Summer hill, Harbledown

Bowels Stephen James, George & Hoy P.H. 12 Beer Cart la Carter Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 55 Wlutstable road

Bowen Richard William, parish clerk of St. Martin's & St. Castle Thomas & Son, dairymen & greengrocers, 68 Old

Paul's, 26 Longport Dover road & 19A, Watling street

Bowles Percy Charles, cabinet maker, 24 St. Peter's street Castle Fanny (Miss), shopkeeper, 15 ·winchcap street

Bown Stephen, hair dresser, 63 Dover street Castle Henry, Royal Dragoon P.H. wo Military road

Bown William, hair dresser, 84 Northgate street Cave Eliza (~lrs. ), greengrocer, 70 Castle street

Bradford Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 52 King street Cemetery (W. N. Wightwick, clerk to the burial board &

Bradly Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 55 Castle street registrar ; Henry Martin, superintendent), St. Dunstan's-

Brand Trayton, dairyman &cowkeepr. 33 & 34 St. Radigund st Chambers Alford, cycle maker, 12 Northgate street

Brenchley Elizh. (:Vlrs. ), I<'leur-de-Lis Tap P.H. White Horse la 1 Chambers Frederick, geneml smith, High street, St.

Brett Maria (.Miss), fancy repository, 36 St. Margaret's street I Gregory's & r I St. Stephen's road

Brett Stephen, grocer, 65 Castle street Chandler Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 15 Old Dover road

Brett Thomas John, bricklayer, 63 Whitstable road Chandler John, curator to the School of Art, 22 St. Peter's st

Brickeuden Charles, Gutteridge Gate P.H. Old Dover road Chandler William, boot maker, 9 N orthgate street

Bridger Ann (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 53 Palace street Chapman Charles & Son, lime merchants, r Gordon road

Bristow Henry, private tutor, II South Eastern Station rd Checkley Waiter Milford, Saracen's Head P. H. 73 Burgate st.

Broadbridge & Port, english & foreign timber & slate mer- i Cheeseman Thomas, shopkeeper, I Railway ter. Thanington

chants & saw mill proprietors, Hanover pi. St. Dunstan's Cheesman David, shopkeeper, 38 Back Griffin lane
IChubb :\'Iary (Mrs.), kindergarten school, 8 St. George's ter
Brock James, Kent Arms P.H. 16 St. Dunstan's street

Bromley Andrew, architect & surveyor, see Cowell & Bromley Ctty of Canterbury Mutual Building Society (F. W, Drury, 1

Bronghton Horace (firm, Collard &, Broughton), solicitor, & sec.), 46 St. Dunstan's street

agent to the Westminster Fire Otlicc & Scottish Union & City Fire Brigade (Frank Baker c.E. chief of the amalga-

National Insurance Co. 17 St. George's street mared brigades, captain), Corn exchan6e

Brown Elizabeth (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 28 Palace street City Grocery Co. (established for the purpose of supplying J

Brown George, french polisher, 4 King Ftreet tea, coffee, general grocery, provisions, patent & homreo-

Browning Rebecca (Mrs.), nurse, 73 Broad street pathic medicines, drugs &c. in retail quantities at whole~

Browning Thomas, Maiden's Head P.H. 13 Wincheap street sale prices for cash only); stores, 46 High street

Browning William, shell fish shop, 45 Xurthga' e street Clancey Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 26 New Ruttington lane

Brnndle ~amuel, horse dealer, 7 Gravel walk Claris Arthur H. publisher of the ''Kent Herald" & the

Buckingham Clara (Mrs.), machine hosier, 2 I Burgate st " Kentish Chronicle," 9 High street. See ad \'ertisement

Budds Howard Stonehouse, hosier, 35 High street Clark George James, butcher, 54 Palace street

Bnnce Emma (Mrs.), fancy repository, 28 St. :Nlargaret's st Clark Henry, linen draper, 27 St. Peter's street

Bnnce John Friend, cricketing outfitter & brush maker, 27 Clark William, boot maker, 40 St. Dunstan's street

St. George's street Clarke F. & Co. engineers & boiler makers, Rhodaustown

Bunce Thomas, registrar of marriages for the Canterbury Clarke Waiter, gmcer & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine ·

district, 4 St. Alphage lane merchants, I4 Hi<>h street
Bnrch James, superintendent registrar & clerk to the Blean Clary Alfred, hair d~esser, 20 ~ortbgate street

union, highway board, rural sanitary authority, school Claydon Thomas, debt collector, 6 High street

attendance committee & assessment committee; office, Cleaver James, watch maker, 26 Burgate street

39 Castle street Clements Hy. W. cowkeeper, 6 St. Jacob's ter. Thanington

Burch James Ernest, solicitor & assistant clerk to the Blean Clements James, butcher, 42 St. Margaret's street

union, 39 Castle street Clements Joseph, chimney sweeper, Knott's lane

Burley James, pork butcher, 27 St. Dunstan's street Clergy Orphan School (Rev. Charles Matheson M.A. head

Burren Tbos. Victoria P.H. & fly proprietor, 71 Northgate st master), St. Thomas' hill, 'Whitstable road

Burton John R. Blue Anchor P.H. 25 North lane Clerical Library (Rev. Canon George John Hlore D.D. sub·

Burton Swinford Miles, livery stables, 2 Upper Bridge street librarian), The Precincts

Burron W. J, umbrella maker, 55 Palace street Clifford Charles Thomas, shopkeeper, 44 St. Dunstan's st



Clinch & Maxted, plasterers & whiting manufrs. Broad st Crow Geo.livery stables & weighing machine, nLow. Bridge st

Clinch John, farmer, \Vestgate Court farm, London road Crow Mary Jane (Miss), dress maker, 126 Northgate street

Clowes William Frederick Alb~rt M. R.c.s. assistant surgeon Crow William, boot maker, 72 Broad street

to Kent & Canterbury hospital, Longport Crowhurst Bros. M.R.c.v.s. veterinary surgeon, Iron Bar la

Coach worth Jn. Coach & Horses P.H. & shopkpr. Harbledown Cruikshank John, pawnbroker, 6r & 76 Northgate street

Coast Frederic:k George, hair dresser, 2z St. Margaret's Cullen James Henry, cowkeeper, St. Stephen's

street & 12 l\Iercery lane Cullen Richard, coal dealer, 124 Nortbgate Rtreet

Colborne Arthur, jeweller, 53 St. George's street Cullen \\-'illiam, greengrocer, 56 King street

Colborne Arthur Francis, photographer, 18 Castle street Curling Arihur D. commission a~ent, 24 Orchard street

Cole George, plumber, gasfitter, painter, paperhanger & Curteis Thomas, furniture broker, 59 N orthgate street

house decorator. 57 Castle street Curtis William Kaylet, surgeon, 61 Burgate street

Coleman Benjarnin Jarnes, coffee rooms, 1 Butchery lane Dabbs Ague;; ()lis;;), taxidermist, 2 North lane, Westgate

Collard Brothers, auctioneers & valuers, Nackington & Little Dadds Leonard Thomas, baker, 59 Ivy lane

Barton. See advertisement Dalimer James, leather lace maker, 57 Wincheap street

Collard & Brou'Ihton, solicitors, I7 St. George's street Dance Htmry Howarth, optician, 8 Butchery lane

COLLARD GEORGE P. & SON, wine & spirit merchants, Daniels George, Princess .Alexandra P.H. 30 Northgatestreet

37 St. Margaret's street Dash wood John Edward, ironmonger, 7 Church st. St. Paul's

COLLARD & CO. COAL & COKE MERCHANTS, 37 Davey Charlotte ( ~\Iiss ), greengrocer, 26 Palace street

North lane Davey Frederick George, shoe maker, I \\'hite Horse lane

Collard Charles, farmer & hop grower, Little Barton Davcy Henry Zachariah, fruiterer, 2r Hawks lane

COLLARD DOUGLAS, corn, timber & slate mer. Stour st Davey Earah Ann (:\Iiss), news agent & stationer, 30 St.

Collard Emma (Mrs. ),furnished apartmcnts,47St.George's pl )'Iargaret's street

Collard Henry, blacksmith, 3 r Dover street Da,·ey Zachariah Winslcy, cowkeeper, 19 Stour stroot

Collard Nehon, corn factor, 28 Oaten hill Davies Gcorge, jobbing gardener, 20 Tudor rd. Wincheap

Collard William, corn dealer, 3 DoYer street Davis George, marine store deala, II4 Artillery gardens

Colley William Henry, boot maker, 28 King street Davis Henry, Sportsman P H. 8g Wincheap street

Collins Albert, picture maker, 45 Palace street Davison Ernma (;.Hrs.), dress maker, 17 Orange street

Collis Henry lleauchamp, photographer, 46 St. George's st Daw Ann Sophia( Mrs. ),antique furniture dlr. 26St.Dunstan's

Coltham Georgc, baker, 30 Wincheap street Deakin Samuel Thomas, clothier, I & I8 Sun street

Constable Horatio George, boot maker, 42 Broad street Deal Joscph, milk dealer, 28 Dover street

Constant Caroline (Mrs.), tinplate worker & brazier, 40 Dean & Son, wine merchants, 34 St. George's street

Northgate stre.)t Dean Henry, boot & shoe maker, 35 & 36 St. Peter's street

Constant James, ironmonger & gasfitter, 82 Broad street Delahaye Jarnes, wholesale confectioner, 6 Best lane

Cook Bros. furniture dealers 66, & grocers 72, Northgate st Denne Thomas, corn chandler, 62 N orthgate street

Cook Alfred John, whitesmith &c. Pound lane Denyer Herbert, paperhanger, 38 Orchard street

Cook Ellen (~1iss), shopkeeper, 15 Broad street Desormeaux Willi<J.m Thomas, hair dresser, 34 N orthgate st

Coombs Edward, boot maker, 35 Chantry lane De V ear Thomas, tea merchant, 4 Summer hill, Harbledown

Coombs John, coal dealer, 35 Chantry lane Deverson George, bookbinder, 77 Castle street

Cooper & \Yacher, land agent~ & sun·eyors, 2 Up. Bridge st Dilnot James, Bridge House tavern, 31 Old Dover road

Cooper Fr:mk, dairyman, 43 St. Peter's street Dilton )'lary Ann & ~arah ( Misses),stationers,46 N orthgate~

Cooper Godfrey, cowkeepcr, 8 Black Griffin lane Dinnis \Valter John, manager of the London & County Bank,

Cooper 1\Irs. furnished apartment~, 22 Lower Bridge street rr Parade

Coplans :Michael, tailor, 14 Lower Bridge street Dispensary (Gcorge Rigden, surgeon & secretary; B. Rigden,

Coppen Edwin Chas. shopkpr. & beer retlr.25 Nunnery fields assistant !)urgeon ), Burgate street

Coppen William, builder, I 8 Nunnery fields District Registry Oltice Court of Probate (Henry :Mapleton

Copping Gco. Edward, undertaker & carpenter, 17 Broad st Chapman, district registrar; J. Browne, chief clerk), 3
Castle street
Coppins Ada (l\1rs.), beer retailer, sr }1ilitary roau

Cork William, shopkeeper, I r Northgate street Ditch George Edward, saddler, 32 St. Margaret's street

Corn & Hop Exchange (Hobert Barrett, market attendant), Ditton William, beer retailer, 43 King street

St. George's street Divers Mary J ane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 13 Burgate street

Cornes Henry, butcher, 9 Butchery lane Dixon Elias James, corn dealer, 65 Wincheap street

Cornes \\rilliam, butcher, 14 .l\Iercery lane Dixon Mary Ann (Mrs.), Crown&Sceptre P. H. 21 St. Peter's st

County Athletic Ground (Geo.Felix Finn,propr. ), Thanington Dixon ·waiter, Miller's Arms P.H. St. Radigund street

County Court (His Honour William Lucius Selfe, judge; Dixon \\'illiam, groc~r, 36 Broad street

Walter Furley, registrar; William Welby, high bailiff), Dobson BrothJrs, bakers, 21 Havelock street

Guildhall, High street; otliccs, 38 St. Margaret's street Dobson Thomas, baker, 30 King street

County Fire Brigade (W. G. Pidduck, captain) ; head Down George, saddler, 88 St. Dunstan's street

quarters, 35 St. George's street ; engine house, Anderson's Down William James, shopkeeper, 6o Wincheap street

stables, Walling street Draper William, slwpkeeper, II3 Northgate street

COURT BROT~ERS, ironmongers, tinplate workers, Dray son Annie (Mrs.), Ht·ewers' Delight P.H. 33 Broad st

japanners, oil merchants & carpet warehousemen, 11 & I2 Drew Richard, shopkeeper, 19 Broad street

Butchery lane. See advertisement Drury & lliggleston, ironmongers, 22 St. George's street;

Court Albert, organist of St. Stephen's, 23 St. Dunstan's st warehouse, 17 St. George's st. & smitns &c. High street

Court Chas. head gardener to the Dane John, Dane John ldge Drury Fredk. Vi.illiam, brewers' agent, 46 St. Dunstl1n's st

Court James, greel}groeer, 85 St. Dunstan's street Drury Gcorge John, brick maker, St. Stephen's

Cowell & Bromley, architects & surveyors, The Precincts. Duly Frederick, accountant, 30 Stour street

See advertisement Dunk Eiithcr Elizabeth (Miss), teacher of music, 17 Rose la

Cowell Geo. Whiting, vet.surgeon,23 Prospect pl. Old Dover rd Dunkin Charles, farrier, 7 St. George's ter. & St. George's la

Cox & Ellyett, wholesale grocers, South Eastern Station rd Dutnall Wm. Cross Keys P.H. & bowling green,24 Oaten hill

Cox Jas. agent for Law Union Fire & Life Office, 8 Castle st Eastbridge Hospital or Hospital of St. Thomas aBeeket (Rev.

Cozens Waiter, builder, 5 Dover street & 37 High street Thomas George Crosse M.A. master), King's bridge

Craig William, jun. hair dresser, 67 llurgate street East Kent & Canterbury Conservative Club (Richard Wm.

Craik James, photographer, 4 St. George's gate Bowen, sec.), 40 St. George's street

Crippen Sarah (Mrs. ),furnished apartments,2oLow.Bridge st East Kent Club (Capt. Edward Plummer, hon. sec.), 59 St.

Crippen William, greengrocer, 43 N orthgate street George's street

Crofts Robert & Son, builders, 8 Wincheap street East Kent & Canterbury Medical Library (Henry Alexander

Crofts Minnie (Miss), dress maker, 82 Northgate street Gogarty B.A., :r.r.n. librarian), Kent & Canterbury Hospi·

Cross & Jackman, publishers of "Canterbury Press & Kent tal, Longport

County News,'' 6 High street. See advertisement East Kent 1'\atural History Soc.(W. E. Drake, sec.),6 High si

Cross Fras. \'Vm. boys' boarding & day school, 18 Watling st East Kent Regiment (The Buffs) 1st Vnlunteer BattaliOII

Cross George, grocer, 6 Longport (A, B, C, D, E, G, H, I, K & L cos.) (Col. Wollaston

Crotch W. Rose family & commercial hotel & posting house, Knocker, commandant; Capt. I<'rancis Smith, adjutant;

IS Parade B eo. Capt. R. Lake, commandant ; Sidney Wacher,

Crotball Henry, boot maker, 25 Black Griffin lane acting surgeon; C eo. Capt. G. H. l<'rend, commandant),

Crothall John, boot maker, I6 The Friars Rurgate street

Crouch Edwin, plumber & glazier, Io Longport East Kent or St. Augustine Cons()rvative Registration Asro-

Crouch James, plumber & painter, 19 Dover street ciation (Cecil E. Kingsford, sec.), r6 & 17 Watlingstr~

Crouch Walt.Royal GeorgeP.H. & painter &c. 74 Wincheap st East George K. confectioner, 83 St. Dunstan's street

Crow Ann ()'Irs.), cutler, 16 St. George's street Easton George, cabinet maker, 52 Castle street

Crow Edward, bookseller & stationer, Mercery lane Easton George Major, baker, 107 Northgate street

Crow George, builder, contractor & undertaker, I Beer Cart Easton Thomas, boot maker, 5 Palace street

lane & Gordon road, \Vincheap. See ad>ertisement Eddolls James William, baker, 89 Northgate street


Ede Frederick, corn & hop factor, see Philpott & Ede Francis George, farm bailiff to Thomas Sidney Coop3r esq.

Ede Richard James, eoach builder &c. Albion pi. Broad st Harbledown

Edney Edmund, confectioner, I2 Palace street Free Labor He6istry (E. Dunne, registrar), 12 Guildhall st

Edwards Charles, florist, 8,1 St. Dunstan's street Freeman, Hardy & Willis Ltmited, boot makers, 5 High st

Elding \'illliam, greengrocer, 8 Guildhall street r I<'reeman William, White Swan P.H. 48 N orthgate street

Eldridge Charles, boot maker, 14 Black friars north FREND &. SON, wine & spirit merchants, 26 St. George's st

Eldridge Charlotte (Mrs.), greengrocer, 53 Northgate street Fricker William, commewcial traveller, 28 Longport

Eldridge William, boot maker, 49 St. Peter's place Fright Geo. station m•ster S. E. railway, 28 St. Dunstan's st

Eldridge W1lliam, green~rocer, 64 Castle street Frost Erl ward, family grocer, 3 St. Margaret's street

Ellenden Eliza (Miss), fancy repository, IS Castle street Fucrgle Horace, Red Lwn P.H. LovP. lane

Ellenor Henry, wheelwright, Best lane fullagar E. & G. fancy repository & toy warehouse 52, &

Elhs Edwin, St. Lawrence launrlry, Old Dover road photos-raphers 54, St. Gear:5e's street

Ellis Thomas, boot maker, 8 Monastery road Fullagar Kelsham, tobacconist & hair dressr.521SL.George's st

Ells George John, baker, 77 Broa:i street Fuller Thomas, shopkeeper, 72 Stour street

Ells William Watson Fordridge, beer retailer, 58 Ivy lane Yurley Waiter, solicitor, c1mmissioner fur oaths & reJistrar

Elmes W. T. (~Irs.), baby liuen repository, 2rA, Burgate st of county court, 38 St. Margaret's street

Elvy Charle!i!, boot maker, 22 St. Dunstan's street Furner Edwin James FrJrt, tobacconist, 13 High street

Elvy Chas. jun. tobacconist & postmaster,r8 St. Dunstan's st Fyles John, George & Drag-on P.H. 13 St. Dunstan's street
Galvin Susan~h (~Ir.'l.), shopkeeper, 28 North lane
Elvy John C. joiner &c. I3 Ivy lane

Elwin John liurr.ey, farmer, I St. Dunstan's terrace Gammon Gcorge, llen Johnson P.H. ID Guildhall street

Emigration Inquiry Olhce(E. Dun ne, regist. ), I2 Guildhall st Gammon Stephen, grocer, Tyler bill, l:lt. Stephen's

Emons Alfred, linen draper, ID, II, 12 & 13 Borough & 33 Gardener E. L. auctioneer &c. see Youn:_r & L<ardener
Gardener Thomas, chimn~y sweep~r, 99 Northgate street
St. Margaret's strcrt

Emons Henry Ed ward, draper, 79 St. Dunstan's street Gardner & Co. brewers (of Ash, Sc1nd IYich ), ale stores, St.

English William Henry, Butchers' Arms P.H. 10 Butchery la Margarct's str~et
Gas & w·ater Co. (James Ilurcb, s~c.; mana~ers, Thomas
Epps Thomas, urocer, 53 llur!!ate street

Escot Annie (.Miss), stay maker, so Palace street J.Vhy A.M.I.C.E. g,ts, & TnomltS Buckley, water); olhce,

Essex Goo. King W1lliam IV. P.H. Victoria row, St.Gregory's 39 Castle street

Evans Matilda (;\1iss), preparatory school for young gentle- Gaskin Jas. Chas. builder & brick m a. 27C.:astle st. & Sturry rd

men, Holme house, 20 Old Dover road Gaywood Edward, confectioner & pastrycook, 41 High st

Everest Thomas, Black Lion P.H. Albert place, Northgate st General Employment Agency, servants' registry office,

Ewell Edmund, jrJbbing gardener, 64 St. Dunstan's street 24 Sun street

Eyles Eliubeth (Mrs.), shopbeper, 33 Palace street Gentry Wallaca, builder, 44 Broad street & Military road

Fagg Frank, grocer, 87 North~ate street George Wtlliam, jun. tailor, 12 Broad street

Fagg Hannah (Mrs.), Bat & llall P.H. _55 Old Dover road, & Gibbs & Sons, publishers & printers, 43 Palace street

livery & bait stables, Dover street Gibbs Thomas, baker, no Wincb!'ap street

Fagg Henry, agricultural machme manufacturer, Prospect Gilbert Waiter, butcher, 7 Borough

place, Old Dover road. See advertisement Giles George Ed ward, shopkeeper, 59 Stour street

Fagg John Newport, coal dealer, Lansdowne road Gilham Alfred John, cabinet maker & upholsterer, 9 St.

Fagg William, cowkeeper & dairyman, go Northgate street Margaret's street

Fairbrass Frederick Alfred, cabinet maker, 17 King street Gillman Wm. & Son, tailor & habit mas. 6 Upper Bridge st

Fairman John, grocer, 19 Wincheap street Ginder A. stationer, 4 St. George's street

Farrow James Charles, picture frame maker, 2 Butchery la Glover "\Villiam, dairyman &c. see Hedges & Glover

l''flSham John, Star & Garter P.H. 34 Military road Godden& Son,auctionrs. ho.& estate agts. & valuers, furniture

Fedarb James, tailor, 53 Elack Griffin lane removers & depository for warehousing furniture, uphol-

Ferry Edwin Charles, greengrocer, 29 Longport sterers, cabinet manufacturers, undertakers & venetian

Fetherstone Waiter Alfred, grocer, & ag-ent for W. & A. blind makers, 32 Wincheap st. & Station rd. (L. C. & D)

Gilbey, wine & spirit merchants, 58 Palace street Godden Charles Edward, Pine Apple P.H. & livery stables,

Fever Willtam, draper, 8o Northgate street 44 St. George's place

Fewson Hartley, Freemasons' tavern, 13 St. Margaret's st Gogarty Henry Alexander B.A.., M.D. physician, & physician

Field Henry, baker, 12 North lane to Kent & Canterbury Hospital, lecturer practical medi-

Field Henry Strevens, saddler & harness maker, 17 Dover st cines to St. Augustine's college, 16 St. George's place

Jt'ield John, butcher, 55 Dover street Goldsack Alfred, Monument P.H. 37 St. Dunstan's street

Field John, earthenware dealer, 51 St. Peter's street Goldsack Edward Jn. farmer, lleauherne farm, Harbledown

Field William, Shakespeare P.H. 5 Butchery lane Goldsack Stephen, grocer, 41 Broad street

Fielding Alien (tirm, Plummer & Fielding), solicitor & notary Goldsmith Brothers, chimney sweepers, 98 Broad street

public, commissioner for oaths & perpetual commissioner, Golrlsmith&Stredwick, wh itesmitbs & ga.sfittrs. Canterbury la

deputy registrar of the diocese & of the archdeaconries of Goldsmith Thomas, metal worker, 16 Blackfriars street

Canterbury & Maidstone, & clerk & superintendent regis- Goldsmith Thos. Wm. Oddfellows' Arms P.H.6t St. Peter's pi

trar to the Bridge union & to Bridge high way board, cl:Jrk Goodban Alfred, carver, gilder & picture frame maker, 8

of the peace for the city, 15 Burgate street St. Geor!!e's street

Fielding Henry, solicitor, clerk to the Canterbury school Goodman William, oil & lamp warehouse, 108 Wincheap st

board & deputy county coroner, 14 BurJ"ate str!'et Goodwin Francis Henry, waLch maker, 73 Northgate street

Fill & Baldock, engine proprietors, Tyler hill, St. Stephen's Gongh William Clift, insurance agent, 3 St. Alphage lane

Fill Elizabeth (Mrs.). Cricketers P.H. I4 St. Peter's street Gonlden Edward Baker, printer & publisher of" Kentish

!<'ill John, traction & steam thrashing enpne proprietor, Gazette" & " Canterbury Times; " otlice, 39 St. George's

14 St. Peter's street street. See advertisement

Finch James, confectioner, 54 St. Peter's street Goulden Henry James., wholesale bookseller, manufacturing

Finch William Peal!, butcher, 16 Butchery lane stationer, printer, music seller & pianoforte dealer, 39 &

FINN FREDERICK &. SONS LIMITED, wholesale & family 40 High street & 35 Hank street, Ashford

grocers & provision merchants, tea dealers & coffee Goulden William Edward, new & secondhand bookseller,

roasters, ham & bacon curers, patent & homccopathic South Eastern Station road

medicine, drug, perfumery, broom, brush, oil & italian, Grace William John, leather seller, 49 Palace street

mat & sponge warehouse & mineral \Vater depot, general Graha.m Elsie (Mrs.), furnished apartments,sLow.Bridgest

ironmongers & agents for all the best makers of agricul- Graham George, furniture dealer, SI Palace street

tural implements, tools &c. &c. The Canterbury & East Greasley John M.R.c.s.En~. surgeon & surgeon to the Kent

Kent stores, 22, 23 & 24 St. Margaret's street. See & Canterbury Hospital, 4 St. George's place

advertisement page facing Kent Green Frederick Thomas, carrier, 18 Cossington road

Finn Edward, zinc & tinplate worker, 12 Castle street Green John Lamh, rag dealer, I8 Knott's lane

Finn George I<'elix, engineer, Thanington Green Joseph William, Two Erothers P.H. gr Northgate st

Flenry Thomas, cowkeeper, 42 St. Peter's street Greensted Ann (Mrs.), Fountain Tap P.H. 16 Rose lane

Flint Frederick & Sons, brewers, St. Dunstan's street GREENWOOD M. corn & seed merchant, 48 St.George's st

Ferd Elgar, bailiff to Edward Maxted esq. Eeverley farm, Griffin James, builder, 3I Longport & Chantry lane

St. Stephen's Griffith Charles, chemist & dentist, 17 High street

Ford Thomas Alfred, tailor, z4 Palace street Grunrly John, teacher of music, 1o6 Wincheap street

Foresters' HJ.ll (F. C. !<'arrester, s~c. ), High street Guildhall (John Norman, hall keeper), Guildhall street

Ferrester Frank Carlyle, lodging house, 71 St. Peter's place Hadaway George Waiter, Wheatsheaf P.H. 19 Pound lane

Foster Henry, baker, 8 Union street Hadley Henry, bricklayer, ro Mo'lastery streat

Fowler Thos. jnn. & Son, fruit & potato salesmen,26 Castle st Hadlow Mary (Miss), milliner, Church street, St. Paul's

Fowler Margaret (Mrs.), Dane John Dairy ho. Wincheap gro Hagell Frederick J oseph, baker, 8 Orange street
Fowler Thorn~, sen. potato salesman, 2 Gas street
Haggar John, cattle dealer, Sturry road

Fox Thomas, Jeweller, 3-:> St. George's strJet Hall John R. see lliggleston Ed win R


Hambrook William Arthur, tobacconist, 8 Borough Hobday E. & G. upholsterers, cabinet makers, auctioneers,

Hammond C. & Son, grocers, 23 Military road valuers, decorators & undertakers, contractors for removal

Hammond Plumpter, Furley, Hilton & McMaster, bankers of furniture in pantechnicon vans,6o&61Palace st. See advt

(Canterbury Bank), 5I High street; draw on Glyn, Mrlls Hobday Charles Dunn, organ builder & music warehouse, I

& Co. London E c ' & 2 Guildhall street; workshop, Jewry lane. See advert.

Hammoud Henry, Nunnery tavern, 30 Lansdowne rd Hobday Herbert )\'illiam, grocer, 13 Parade

Hammond Thomas, City of Canterbury P.H. l:it. Thomas' Hobday Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 12 St. Peter's place

hill, Whitstable road Hogben William, Whitehall tavern, Harbledown

Hancock Charles, miller (wind), Harbledown Hogbin Frederick, shopkeeper, 65 Broad street

Hardiman !<'rank, deputy registrar of births, deaths & mar- Holden Henry, mineral water manufacturer, 25 Lr.ngport

riages for Sturry district of Blean union, 57 St. Dunstan's st Hold stock Fanny (Mrs.) & E. Parsons (Mrs.), shopkeepers,

Hardiman Frederick, relieving & school attendance officer 49 Military road

& registrar of births, deaths & marriages for Sturry sub- Holland George, farm bailiff to John G. Elwin esq. Cherry

district of Blean union, 86 Northgate street Tree farm, Harbledown

Harding William, furnished apartments & boarding house Hollis & Co. grocer!', 56 Dover road

for large or small families, good cooking & attendance, by Holman M. & L. (Misses), china dealers, 14 St. George's st

the week, month or quarter, close to rail & church, capi- Hulman Thomas Hichd.agricultural implement ma. Dover st

tal drainage & water, terms moderate, ID & II London rd Holmas James, The Exeter P.H. 57 llroad street

Harle Charles, grocer, 78 St. Dunstan's street Holttum Charles F. R.C. s. Eng. surgeon, 26 Watling street

Harlow Charles, fried fish shop, 18 Borough Holium Edwin, tobacconist, 8 Palace st.rect

Harnden John Edward, wheelwright, 9 & ID Wbitstable rd Homersham Edward, wool stapler, Kirby's lane

Harris W. J. & Co. Limited (E. Goodwin, manager), do- Homewood Joseph, farm bailiff to .Ambrose Ward esq.

mestic machinery depot, 17 Bnrgate street Cheyney farm, Upper Harbledown

Harris .Alfred Frederick, cats meat dealer, gB Northgate st Honey Edward, bnot maker, Upper Harbledown

Harris Chas. Richd. Nightingale P.H. 55 New Rutting-ton la Honophy Mary (Mrs.), midwife, 26 New Town street

Harris Clarence Elgar, deputy registrar of births & deaths, Hook Garwood & Sons, drapers, 12 & 13 St. George's st

18 St. Margaret's street Hookway Jame.s, tobacconist, 21 Castle street

Ilarris Eliza (Mrs.), teacher of music, 70 Havelock street Hoole Louisa (Mrs.), Lord Nelson P.H. 5 Knotts lane

Harris Francis Richard, chemist, vaccination officer & re;.ris· Hooper Henry Augustus, Bee Hive P.H. 52 Dover street

trar of births & deaths for Canterbury sub-district, 18 St. Hopkins Richard, Fight Bells P. u. 34 London road

.Margaret's street Hopper "William & George, bakers, 42 St. Dunstan's street

Harris George Giles, grocer, 57 Stour st. & 9on, ·wincheap st Hopper Edward, jun. baker, 12 Blackfriars street north.

Harris Thomas Henry, Gun tavern, 92 St. Dunstan's street Hopper Edward, baker, IA, Military road

Harris William Rowland, builder, 112 Northgate street Hopper Frank, baker, _se Castle street

Harrison Francis Robt. clay pipe manufr. 14 St. Radigund st Hopper Fredcrick, confectioner, 7 St. Margaret's street

Harrison Henry Samuel, oyster dealer, 5 Guildhall street Hopper John, draper, see Medhurst & Hopper

Harrison John, tea dealer & tobacconist, 40 St. (.ieorge's st Hopper Julia (.Miss), shopkeeper, 56 Ivy lane

Hart & Co. tailors & outfitters, 20 High street Hopper Mary A. (Mrs.), catholic repository, 58 Burgate st

llart llenry, pawnbroker, 13 Best lane Hopper Samuel, supt. to the Pearl Life Assurance Co. Lim.

Hart Nora (Miss), day school for children, 5 Greenfield ter- 42 Castle street

race, (.iordon road Horan George Michael, stone & marble mason, 3 Adelaide

Hartley John, fishmonger, 56 Palace street place, Castle street & St. Margarct's street

Harvey Fanny Sophia (Mrs.), day school, 6 The Friars HorneT. & Son, butchers, 1 Broad street

Harvey Henry H. (Mrs.), superior education for young Horne Thomas, greengrocer 41, & butcher IOI,Northgate st.'

ladies, resident certificated governesses & visiting masters, Horner Francis & Co. clothiers, 15 Butchery lane

pupils prepared for London University, Cambridge Local, Horsley Arthur, baker, rg St. Peter's street

College of Preceptors, Royal Academy (music) & South Horton Bros. oil & calor men, r6 & 19 Borough, Staplegate

Kensington (drawing), Tl.!-e Laurels, Watling st. See advt Horton Albert, greengrocer, 63 North lane

Harvey John James Sayer, surveyor, Bo Castle street Horton J oseph, jeweller, 17 Castle street
Harvey Sidney, pharm. ch~mist & city analyst, 8 High st Houghting George, Ye Cathedral Restaurant P.H. 13 Suns\

Harvey Thomas, stationer, 37 St.'s street Houlden James, draper, 36 & 37 St. George's street

Hatt<>n Mary&Annie(Misses),strawhatmas.13Canterburyla Honsden Ann (lVfrs.), licensed to let horses, JOB Broad st

Rattan Charles, linen draper, 14, 15 & 16 Sun street Howard Elizabeth (.l\Irs.), baker, 22 Sun street

Ilatton IIarriet (Mrs.), pork butcher, 14 Butchery lane Howard Emily (Mrs.), lodging house, 16 Best lane

Rattan Sarah (Miss), Falstaff hotel, 8 St. Dunstan's street Howard Kate (Mrs.), milliner, 2 St. MargareL's street

Hawkes Frederick, furniture broker, 44 Northgate street Howland Benjamin, furniture broker, 17 Palace street

Hawkins Stephen, !!exton, Harbledown Howland Percy, gre:mgrocer, 16 Castle street

Hayes Charles Henry, printer, 55 Eurgate street Hubbard John, farm bailiff to T.G.Peckham esq.Harbledown

Hayward Brothers, bookbinders, 6 Burgate street Hubbard Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper,38 New town,Nortb.gate

Hayward Ledger, coach builder, 49 Burgate street H uckstepp Robert, baker, 109 Broad street

Hayward.William,gatekeeper to the Cathedral,The Precincts Huggett Emily (Miss), dress maker, 4 Love lane

Haywood Charles, shopkeeper, 10 Northgate street Huggins James, beer retailer, Tyler hill, St. Stephen's

Head Richard William, wheelwright, Kirby lane Huggins Jesse, gatekeeper to the Cathedral, The Precincts

Hearn Henry, Plough P.H. Upper Harbledown Hulburt George, pianoforte tuner, 13 Castle street

Hearnden Martha (Mrs.), dress maker, 56 Castle ;;treet Hulgrave Henry, confectioner, 112 \Vin cheap street

Hedges & Glover, dairymen &c. Vaul(hall ho. Sturry road Hunt & West wood, general drapers, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Mercery la

Hedley George, fried fish shop, 104 Northgate street Hunt Arthur Edward, butcher, go St. Dunstan's street

Henshaw l<'rederick Lookar, gas & wate11 rate collector, Hunt Waiter, stationer, 41 Palace street; & picture fram~

L. C. & D. Railway station maker, 7 Guildhall street

HenshawThos.station mast.London,Chatham&Dover stat.ion Hutchings James, chimney sweep, The Friars

Rester George, fruiterer, florist & market gardener, North- Hutchings Joseph, shopkeeper, II Best lane

gate nursery, Northgate street. See advertisement Hyde Sarah (Mrs.), tobacconist, r r St. Peter's street

Hettema George,commercial tra¥.2 Stewart vils.Norman rd Hymers Hy. William, British Oak P.H. I Rosemary lane

Hewett William, grocer, 79 Old Dover rd. & 6 Nunnery tlds Industrial School for Girls (The Ven. Archdeacon Smit~

Hickman Henry, market gardener, 42.~, Broad street hon. sec.; Mi,s Annie Skipps, mistress), 71 Wincheap st

Hickmott Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 17 St. Peter's place Inge Emric, baker, Canterbury lane

Higgins Charles, watch maker, 13 St. Peter's street Inge Frank, fishmonger & poulterer g, & confectioner ro,

Higgins Joseph H. lay clerk to the Cathedral, 47 Castle st St. George's street. See advertisement

Hills Charles, butcher, 88 Wincheap street Inge May,grocer, 21 Borough, 44 Stour st. & 31 ~orthgate st

Hills Charles, corn factor, 70 St.. Peter's place Ingleton Henry, farmer, Britton Court farm, St. Stephen's

Hills Elizabeth (Mrs.), artificial florist, z8 Palace street Inland Revenue Otlice (James A. Rason, surveyor; Joh!)

Hills Frederick, butcher, 7 Nunnery fields Ansill Blotield, collector; John A. Rayson, supervisor;

Hills Frederick, dealer in horses, 18 Palace street John B. Stevenson & A. J. Macfarlane, officers), Kings-

Hills James, Duke of Cambridge P.H. 46 Broad street bridge, High street

Hills Thomas, greengrocer, 68 Northgate street International Tea Co. (W. Broom, manager), 44 High st

Hills William Thomas, butcher, 51 St. Dunstan's street Invicta Club (Henry Andrews, sec.), Palace street

Hine Henry, blacksmith, 17 Beer Cart lane Iron Henrietta (Miss), preparatory school for young gentle-

Hitchcock Charles, hair dresser, 36 Palace street men, 39 t3t. Margaret's street

Hitchcock Edward Witman, ticket writer, 63 Broad street Jackman John Gibbons, hosier & glover, 6.&., Parade

Hitcllcock George, photographer, 36 Palace street Jackman Joseph Giblett, tailor, 6 Parade

Hoare Geor~e, basket maker, 56 Burgate street James Albert, coach builder, 40 Castle street

Hoare Joseph, shopkeeper, 48 Broad street James Chas. Ephraim, watch ma. &jeweller, 7 St. Peter'ss\


James Catherine {Mrs.), baby linen wareho.44St.George's st Kentish Gazette & Canterbury Times (established 1717)

James Thomas, marquees, tents, wedding breakfasts, balls, (Edward Baker Goulden, proprietor & publisher ; pub~

suppers & public dances catei:ed for, The Precincts lished tuesclay & saturday), 39 St. George's st. See advert

Jarrett l<'rederick, fruiterer, 32 Palace street Kentish Observer (FrecleriCk Mudford, proprietor & pub-

Jarrett William, Jolly Sailor P.H. 75 Northgate street lisher ; pub. thurs. & sat. ),49 St.George's st. See ad vert

Jarvis Edwd. Builders' Arms P.H. r Cross st. St. Dunstan's Kettle Xathaniel Thomas, butcher, 9 Borough

Jarvis John, Sign of Dover P .H. 35 Old Dover road Kirld George, fish dealer, I7 Old Ruttington lane

Jefferies William, fancy draper, 57 Palace street King Edmund Alfred, shopkeeper, 31 Cossington road

Jeffery Mary Ann (Mrs.), newsvendor, ro Union street King's School (Rev. Thomas Field llf.A. head master; Rev.

Jenkins Elizabeth (Miss), fancy stationer, The Precincts Richard Greaves Hodgson M.A. master of the junior de-

Jenner & Son, carpenters, 85 \\'incheap street partment), The Precincts

Jenner John William, builder, St. Stcphen's road Kmgsford, Wightwick & Kingsford, solicitors, x6 & 17

Jenner Samuel, tea dealer, 47 Whitstable road Watling street

Jennings Edwin, confectioner, 43 t:lt. George's place Kingsford Cecil Edward, solicitor & commissioner for oaths~

Jennings John Adolphns, printer, 18 St. George's lane see Kingsford, "\Vightwick & Kingsford

Jennings ·wm. Joseph,architect &c. see Stenning & Jennings · Kingsford Montagne (firm, Kingsford, Wightwick & Kings-

Joad Benjamin, baker, 46 Dover street ford), solicitor, commissioner for oaths & clerk to the com-

Johncock George, joiner, 3 St. Mary's street missioners of sewers for the Eastern division of the county

Johnson & Co. Limited, brewers, Northgate street & St. & joint clerk to magistrates for Home &Wingha.m divisions,.

George's street; stores, Westgate r6 & 17 Watling street

Johnson George, beer retailer, 39 New town, Northgate Kingsford Stanley, miller (steam), Barton mill

Johnson Henry Thomas, coach maker, 2 & 3 Orange street, Kinmont Jane Ann (Miss), fruiterer & florist, w Parade

& furniture dealer, 24 Burgate street. Knight & Wenman, Fleece hotel, 14 Parade

Johnson John Gilbert, miller, Barton mills KNIGHT LILLA (MRS.), modiste & costumiere, 18 St.

Johnson Richd. coal merchant & fishmonger, 39 St. Peter's st George's street

Johnson Thomas Soars M. D. st. And, ~!.R.C.P.Edin. & Knott Jane (.\Irs. ), shopkeeper, 4 OJ.ten hill

H.R.C.S.Eng. (L.R.C.P. & r.. M.Edin. 1886),physician & sur- Lacey Alfred George, flori~t, 7 West Vww ter. Thanington

geon; H.M. coroner for city & county of Canterbury, Ladd J ane & Elizabet.h ()lisses), toy dealers, 22 Burgate st.

medical examiner Guardian, Equity & Law, Equitable & Ladd Alice (Mrs.), greengrocer, 36 Stour street ·

other Assurance Cos. ; late assistant ace. Queen's hos- Ladd George Philip, stationer & bookseller, 34 Burgate st

pital, Birmingham ; assistant surgeon N. R. Co. Gaol, Ladd Henry, clerk to guardians & assessment committee,&.

Northallerton & Cannock Chase colliery works, 26 St. superintendent regis. & sec. to the Governors Simon Lang-

George's place ton school, I Winchcap street

Johnson Thomas Wm. Little Rose P.H. 27 King street Ladd William, assistant oversJer & assessor of Queen's taxes,.

Johnson William Henry, coach maker, St. George's lane & collector of poor rates for the Canterbury union, 19 St.

Jones G. & Sons, boot makers, 57 Northgate street George's place

Jones George Evan L. R.A.M. professor of music, 7 Dane John Lamberton Ed ward, baker, 53 :\Iilitary road

grove. See advertisement Lammg Harriet (:\lrs.) & Son, builders & undertakers, 17

Jones John William, paperhanger, 65 St. Peter's lane St. H.adigand

Jones Leslie, law agent &c. sec Prior & Jones Laming Frank, antique furniture dealer, 24 Castle street

Jordan & Son, grocers, & post office, 48 Castle street Laming George, wood dealer, 7 Blackfriars north

Jordan Edward, boot maker, 47 Northgate street Lancaster Arthur John, accountant & auditor, 2rWatling s~

Jordan George Hall, Unicorn P.H. 62 St. Dunstan's street Lancefield Fanny (1\Irs. ), tobacconist, 41 St. Mar_;aret's st

Jordan Matthew, Carpenters' Arms P.H. 49 lllack Griffin la Lane Tom Down, grocer, 7 Ivy lane

Joy George Langford, commercial traveller, 2 Stour street LAW FIRE INSURANCE eo. (Thomas Bunce, agent), x:;

Jnll Agnes H. (1\'lrs. ), dmss maker, 15 Burgate lane Burgate street

Kay William, baker, 24 Longport Law Jamcs Brown, watch maker, 94 \Vincheap street

Kay William, boot maker, 8r Ca~tle street Lawless Thomas, tailar, 62 Whitstable roacl

Keen H. & Son, general smiths, Rhodaus town Lawrence Elizab~th (i\lrs. ), greengrocer, 43 Burgate street

Kelsey Edwn. Ernst. dairyman, r8 Dover st. & 2S Longport Lawrence William, farm bailiff to Major W. Plummer, Stone

Kemp J. L. & Co. bill posters, r8 Best lane IIouse farm, St. :Martin's

Kemp John, farm bailiff to the Right Hon. the Earl Cowper, Lazarus & Co. tailors, 36 High street

Hoath farm, St. Martin's Leach Clara (:\Irs.), Unity inn, 21 Palace street

Kennedy Alexander, boot & shoe maker, 3 & 4 Sun street Lee William Hammond, agent for Sutton's parcel delivery,.

Kennett, Son & Chamberlain, upholsterers, Westgate 6 St. Peter's street •

Kennett Catherine (Mrs.), oil & lamp dealer,35~orthgate st: Lefevre E. & E. fancy drapers, ro Mercery lane

Kennett Eliza (Mrs.), grocer, 79 Northgate stre'3t LefevreMary&Annie(.Misses),linen drap~rs,13A,St. Peter's st.

Kennett Hezekiah, baker, 123 Wincheap street I Lefevre Edwd. worsted manufacturers, 47 & 4~St.Peter's st

Kennett John, nurseryman & market gardenerJ Old Park , Lefevre James, shopkeeper, 56 Broad street

nursery, St. Martin's. Re:l advertisement I Lefevre William, linen draper, 2 Sun street; r, 3 & 1&

Kennett Thomas, cabinet maker, 6r North lane Guildhall street & 12 High street

Kennett Thomas William, gardener, 30 Watling street i Leggett Esther (Mrs.), farmer, Tbanington et. Thanington

Kenningham Chas.lay clerk to the cathedral, 12 St.l\Iary's st Leman Thomas, Comet inn, 4 Broad street

KENNY HENRY &. SON, boot & shoe manufacturers, 55 Lemar George, greengrocer, 76 i\filitary road1

St. George's street i LETTS HERBERT, wine & spirit merchant, importer &.

Kent & Canterbury Hospital (H. A.Gogarty M. D. physician; ' bonder, 43 St. George's st. See advert. Inside Back Cover

James Reid F.R.c.s.Eng. consulting surgeon; C. Holttum Lewis William, tea dealer, 37 llurgate street

F.R.G.s.Eng. F. Wacher, T. W. Reid L.R.C.P.LOnd. & J. i Lillcy Edward James, poulterer & carrier, 45 North lane

Greasley, surgeons; M. L. Bell L.D.S.R.c.s.Eng. dental Lillcy Henry, tobacconist, 4 Dover street

surgeon; Zachariah Prentice, house surgeon; William 1 Link George, greengrocer, II Wincheap street
Frederick Albert Clowes L.R.C.P.Lond. assistant house : Link Henry, greengrocer, I King street

surgeon &dispenser; Rev. A. Vaille M.A. chaplain ; Charles Linom Eliza & Caister M. (Misses ),dress makrs. 73 Castle 10t.

H. Read, sec.; Miss F. A. Learmouth, matron), Longport LocMe William Arthur, solicitor, 19 Watling street

Kent & Canterbury Institute for Trained Nurses (Miss C. Lockyer E. (:Mrs.), shopkeeper, 6o Whitstable road

N. Harbord, lady supt.), 8 St. Margaret's street London & County Banking t:o. Lim. (Waiter Jn. Dinnis,.

Kent & Canterbury Permanent Benefit Building Society manager), 11 Parade; draw on head office, London E c

(James William Pilcher, sec.), r Parade London & Manchester Industrial Life Assurance Co.Limiteci

Kent & Canterbury Supply Association (William Doe, man- (T. W. Sharpe, agent), 17 Union street

ager), 11 & 12 ~un street Long Jane (Mrs.), fishmonger, z6 St. Margaret's street

Kent College (L. '\V. Posnett M. A., B. se. head master; L. C. Longhurst Wm. H. Mus. noc. professor of music, Precincts

Wilkes,·C. H. Simpson, C. W.Posnett & B. B. Thompson, Longley Edward, builder, 2 Duck lane

assistant masters), St. Thomas' hill. See advertisement Lukey John & Sons, wine & spirit merchants & Ye Old6

KentCountyCricketClub(A. J. Lancaster, sec. ),21 Watling st Vintner P.H. 30 High street

Kent !<'ire & Life Branch Office (Thomas Ashenden, district Lyon Elizabeth (:\l!ss), dress maker, 26 Oaten bill

manager), 29 High street Lyon William Page, paperhanger, 34 Cossington road

Kent Fire Office Engine (Thos. Ashenden, capt. ),24 Hig4 st McCiory Owen, saddler, 27 Burgate street

Kent Herald (Arthur H. Claris, printer, proprietor & pub- McConnell James, shopkeeper, 4-9 Union street

li.sher; published thursday), 9 High street. See advert McKenzie William, shopkeeper, Vauxhall, Sturry road

Kent Lunatic Asylum (J. J. Harvey eflq chairman; Alien ~fcNeill Wallace, tailor, 23 Wineheap street

Fielding, clerk) ; office, 15 Burgate street] :Major Henry, lodging house, 17 Best lane

Kentish Express & Ashford News (branch) (W. H. Fiddian, ~lakey Richard, Clarendon P.H. 83 Northgate street

manager), 62 King's bridge (published saturday), Manning Waiter Chas, Jolly Gardeners P.H. 3 ~orthgate st


Manuel Thomas, farm bailiff to Mr. Henry Wood, Cockring Museum & Free Library( A. D. Blaxland, curator & librarian·

farm, Thanington W. N. Wightwick, sec.), I3 Guildhall street '

Maple George, Dog & Bear r.n. & baker & grocer, Rough Music Hall, I3 St. Margaret's street

common, Harbledown Nash Brothers, tailors, 3 Parade

Maple Stephen, Little Wonder P.H. 56 l\Iilitary road Nash George & Son, tailors, 51 St. George's street

Marchant & Tubb, clothiers, 5 Parade Nash Albert, baker, IIS Northgate street

Marks .A. H. cutler, 33 Burgate street Nasb James, brush & basket maker, 23 St. George's street

1\'larsh Charles, Bridge House P.H. Tyler bill, St. Stephen's & Old Dover road

Marsh Henry George, upholsterer, I2 Hawks lane Neame Albert, wood turner, 2 Dover street

Marsh John, baker, 19 Old Dover road Neame Alfred, soap manufacturer, Stour street

Marsh Thomas, Black Dog P.H 67 Castle street Neame Edward, baker, 20 Palace street

Marshal! l<'anny Eliza. (l\Irs. ), pork butcher, I_') St. Peter's st Nelson J. & Co. fish salesmen, 63 N orthgate street

:Marshal! John, plumber & gastltter, 54 Burgate street Netherclift William Henry F.u.c.s. surgeon, late medical

J\.Iarshall Sydney, watch maker, 91 St. Dunstan's street •officer H. M. convict prisons, Portland, Portsmouth &

J\'Iartin & Snell, linen drapers, I St. George's street Dartmoor, resident medical officer Royal 'Vestminster

:Martin .Anne (}liss), dress maker, I 2 London road Ophthalmic Hospital, Charing cross & medical superin-

J\'Iartin Arthur, watch maker, 8 Sun street tendent Chelsea Hospital, 8 St. George's place

J\'Iartin Gcorge, shopkeeper, 46 St. Peter's lane Nethersole Mary Ann (:VIrs.), dress maker, 19 Palace street

:Martin James, cowkeeper & shopkeeper, IIO Broad street Newing Henry, beer retailer, St. Martin'8 hill

Jlflartin Robert, shopkeeper, 23 Longport N ewing Thomas, baker, 25 Broad street

1\'Iartin Sophia (:\Irs. ), Ship inn, I St. Martin's hi)l N ewington Harriet (Mrs.), laundress, 51 Wincheap street

ltiartin Thomas, assistant superintendent to the Prudential Newington William, Vauxhall P.H. Sturry road

Assurance Co. Ivy villas, Norman road Newman Samuel, tailor, see Bellingbam & Newman ·

Mason C. & Son, silversmiths & watch mas. 29 St.George's st Newport William John, Royal Oak P.H. 22 Longport

Jlflason Thomas, marine store dealer, 47 King street Nicbolson George Fredk. teacher of music, 57 Havelock st

J\'Iasonic Hall (Hobert Blake, hall keeper), 38 St. Peter's st Nightingale & Son, coach builders, -n'incheap street

Masters Osborn John, Black Horse P.H. I2 Orchard street Norris Thomas, toy dealer, 23 Burgate street

J\'Iatthews Archie William. sho()ing smith, Rose lane North Charles Alien, elothi~r, 56 St. Peter's stre~t

J\'Iaxted William, provision dealer, 44 Burgatc street Northgate Coffee Tavern Co. Limited (Frederick Jamcs,

May Henry, shopkeeper, 8 Hospital lane manager), 92 ~orthgate street

.May John, greengrocer, 8 Knott's lane Noyce Sarah Ann (:Mrs.), dress maker, I St. George's ter
Nutting John, greengrocer, 9 Orange street
May Mary Ann ("'Irs.), wood dealer, os Wincheap street

May Stephen, shopkeeper, 55 North lane Nye Martha (:Mrs.), oyster bar, 9 Guildhall street

May Thomas A.M.I.C.E. manager to the Gas Co. 38 Castle st Oakenfull Stephen, bill poster & town crier, 7 King street

Maynard Thomas James, baker, SI Burgate street O'Brien Frances (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 28 N orthgate street

Meade Frederic N. & Co. wood merchants, 8o Stour street O'Brien Joseph, greengrocer, 29 Northgate street

Medhurst & Hopper, drapers & silk mercers 7, & boot O'Brien Michael, greengrocer, 3 Borough

makers 38, High street Odd Fellows' Hall (Charles Measer, steward), IS Orange st

MEDHURST THOMAS, hosier, batter, glover & shirt & Offredi Felice, confectioner, 6 Palace street

collar maker, 2 St. George's street Olive Henry, wheelwright, Tyler hill, St. Stephen's

Mercer Reginald Mackenzie, solicitor, commissioner for Orchard Fredcrick Joseph, boot maker, 48 & 49 High street

<Jaths, coroner for East Kent & clerk to the visiting com- Orpin Isaac, tailor, I Duck lane

mittee H.M. prison, 25 Watling street Ostler Alfred, baker, 35 Watling street

Miles George & Albet·t, cabinet makers, r2 Mill lane Ovenden George Thomas, builder, 30 ·whitstable road &

Miles .Alfred, farmer, New house, Thanington London road

Miles Edward, grocer, 44 King street Ovenden Henry, ironmonger, 3r Burgate street

Miles George, Iffinn farm, Tbanington Owen George, carrier, 4 Hospital lane

Miller George Thomas, Gallant Hussar P.H. 1 Borough Oxbrow Alfred, watch maker & jeweller, 35 Burgate street

Miller John, King's Arms P.H. 49 St. Peter's street Paget Charles, Black Boy P.II. 40 Burgate street

J\Wls Ed ward, grocer, 20 St. Peter's street Paine Albert Shrceves, master St. John's Board school, St.

Mills Frances (Mrs.), gun maker, 62 North lane J obn's place, Northgate

Mills George, farm bailiff to H. Barnes esq. Manor farm, Paine Henry, builder, 8A, & 57 North lane

Harbledown Paine William Hy. disp~nsing chemist, IS St. Margaret's st

Mills Henry, greengrocer, 20 Borough & 43 St. Peter's street Paliu Caroline (Mrs.), greengrocer, I2 St. Margaret's street

Mills Henry, shopkeeper, 15 N orthgate street Palin Waiter Samuel, photographer, 4S St. George's place

J\lills Henry, postmaster, Harbledown Parker Ed ward, Man of Kent P.H. Wrothgate place

Mills Isabella (.Mrs.), greeng-rocer, 5 Union row, Ivy lane Parker James, builder, 48 Back Griffin lane

Milton Alfred Nelson, Yew Tree P.H. 26 Military road Parker Thomas, laundry, St. Augustme's

J'vlinter Chas. Daniel, farmr.Court ho.Rough com.Harbledwn Parker 'Villiam, marine store dealer, 26 & 27 Castle row

M inter Emma (Mrs.), dress maker, 56H, Wincheap street Parker William Jame~, shopkeeper, 4I Stour street

Miskin Georg-e, bardwareman, 42 & 45 High street Parren .Alfred .John, grocer, & post office, 25 N orth.,a-ate st

1\IIiskin Henry, hardwareman 38, & furniture warehouse 20, Parren Arth. SI. White, King's Head P.H. 32 Northgate st

St. George's street Parren !<'rank Thomas William Ives, painter & decorator,

Missing George, Maid of Kent P. H. 9 Blackfriars street 38 Northgate street

Monastery Coffee Ta~·ern (Waiter Dray, manager), I2 Parren George, picture frame maker, 24 N nrthgate street

Church street, St. Paul's Parry George, boot maker, r Church street, St. Paul's

Mond Walter, lodging house, 2 Dane John terrace Parry William, boot maker, 52 Northgate street

Moody Charles William, grocer, 107 Wincbeap street Parsons W. (Mrs.), photographer, 8 Northgate street

Morfee Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2 .Aima street Pay Alfred James, dairyman, 90A, 'Vincheap street

Morgan George, emigration agent, 9 Albion place, Broad st Pay Jane (Mrs.), lodging house, 9 Castle street

Moore William Petts, linen draper, 36 Burgate street Payne Thomas, commercial traveller, 40 Watling street

:Morris James, shopkeeper, r8 New Ruttington I:me Peacock Robert, head constable of city police & billet

Moscrop Wm. Hy. Coach & Horses P.H. 56 St. George's st master, -n'estgate towers

Moss John, shopkeeper, 16 Burgate lane Pearson Charles, baker, 30 St. Dunstan's street

Moss Rhoda (Mrs.), Sun bote! & posting house, 7 Sun street Pearson John, lay clerk to the cathedral, 4 Gordon road

Mount Brothers, builders, Upper Harbledown Pegden Thomas, lodging house, r6 Rose lane

Mount Charles, builder, so St. Dunstan's street Peirce Ambrose, dairyman, 34 Union street

Mount Geo. nurseryman, 26 St. Peter's st. & Whitstable rd Peirce George, fire wood dealer, 35 Old Ruttington lane

Mount James, boot maker, I Longport place, Longport Peirce Waiter .Alfred, Rising Sun P.H. Vauxhall, Sturry rd

Mount James, farmer, Willow farm, Upper Harbledown PELICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. (Thomas Bunre, agent),

Mount William, pharmaceutical chemist, 2 Palace street 15 Burgate s•reet

:Mowll & Mowll, solicitors, 5 Castle street Penfold Edwin Jas. Duke's Head P.H. 4 Church st. St. Paul's

Mowll Worsfold (firm, Mowll & Mowll), solicitor & official Penfold George, farm bailiff to .J. ll. Coaks esq. Old Park

receiver in bankruptcy, 5 Castle street farm, St. Martin's

Moyes William, upholsterer & paperhanger, 2S Burgate st Penn Maria (~Irs.), cabinet maker, 18 Burgate street

Moys Richard, whitesmith, Clyde street Penn William, cabinet maker, 45 & 46 Burgate street

Mudford Frederic, printer, 49 St. Georgc's street Pettit Samuel Bexhill, tobacconist & news agent, I St.
Mummery Brothers, tanners, curriers & leather merchants, George's gate & xs St. George's street

Palace street ; & at Dover Pettman Frederick (Mrs.), dress maker, 36 St. George's pi

Mundie George M.D. surgeon, Binnewytb house, The Friars Pettman James, baker & inspector of weights & me1sures,

Munns John, Seven Stars P.ll. I Orange street 37 Palace street

Murphy James, boot maker, 51 Castle street Phillips & Co. domestic machinery depot, 4 Palace st


soPhilpot Carolina (1\irs.),cooper, Burgate street Read William Thomas, tobacconist, 67 Northgate street

Philpot Joseph, cooper, 70 & 71 Burgate street Reeve John, furniture broker, 25 Stour street

Philpott & Ede, corn & hop factors, 69 Castle street Heeve Walter, dispensing chemist, 34 St. Peter's street

Philpott Ann Elizabeth (.:\lrs.), pork butcher, 19 Burgate st l{eeve Will[am, grocer, 43 Orchard street

Philpott Leonard, insurance agent, 14 Orchard street Reeves Richard (exors. of), boot & shoe makers, 2 Parade

Pickiord &Co. carri~rs (John Saxby, manager), 16 Orange st Reeves William Arthur, shopkeeper, 87 Wincheap street

Piddnck William Gilbert, district manager & agent for the Refuge (Mrs. Ann Manuel, matron), 16 St. Mary's street

County Fire & Provident Life offices & clerk to the corn- Heid & Thornton, surgeon, 34 & 35 flt. George's place

misnrs.of taxes for Canterbury&Ford wich,35St. George's st Heid James, tailor, 20 Castle street

Pierce Philip H. florist, 48 Whitstable road Heid Thomas Whitehead L. H.C.P. LDnd. physician & surgeon.

Pierce William, veterinary surgeon, 6 London road surgeon to Kent & Canterbury Hospital, 42 St. George's pl

Pilch Alfred, coal merchant, 59 St. George's street Hennie John, credit draper, South Eastern Station road

Filcher & Son, accountants, 1 Parade Revell John, Rose & Crown P.H. 22 Military road

Filcher George, coal merchant, 52 St. Peter's street & Sout-h Reynolds Samuel, builder, 39 Havelock street

Eastern Railway station Reynolds William, grocer & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine

Filcher Goorge, Queen's Head P.H. 'Vatling street & spirit merchants, 24 Lower Bridge street

Filcher Robert, ale & porter merchant, 48 .tlurgate street Rhodes Robert, professor of music, 89 V'ernon place

Filcher Stephen, shopkeeper, 27 Broad street Richardson Charles, sanitary inspector, 28 Watling street

Pine John, pork butcher, 17 Oaten hill Hichardson John, pork butcher, 21 Longport

Piper Charles, Globe P.H. 79 Castle street Rigden Brian, surgu.& deputy public vaccntr. 64 Burgate st

Pitman Alfred, eating house, 10 Sun street Rigden George, surgeon & public vaccinator, 6o .tlurgate st

Pitt Waiter, carpenter, 6g St. Peter's place Higden William Edward & John (of Faversham), brewers,

Plummer & Fielding, solicitors & commissioners for oaths, Beer Cart lane

15 Burgate street Roberts Alfred, watch maker, 35 Broad street

Plummer Ed ward (firm, Plummer & Fielding), solicitor & : Hoberts Mary Ann ( :Wrs. ), wardrobe dealer, 3r Palace st

steward of Whitstable Oyster Co. perpetual commis- ' Robertson Thomas, Prince of Wales P.H. 51 King street

sioner & commissioner for oaths & clerk to the Municipal Robins Frederick, fruiterer, 20 St. Dunstan's street

Charity trustees, Burgate street Robins Mary Ann (Mrs.), mineral water manufacturer,

Plummer John, solicitor, 15 Burgate street 8gA, Broad street

Plnmmer William, solicitor & clerk to the city magistrates, Robinson Charles, Union Castle P. H. 48 Union street

28 St. Margaret's street Robinson Richard Henry, New inn, 19 Uavelock street

Pocock Bros. (Frederick Herbert Orchard, manager for 1 Robus Thomas, boot maker, r3 Xorth lane

Kent), boot & shoe manufacturers, 25 St. :Margaret's st Rogers Geo. Edward, baker, 13 Church street, St. Paul's

Pocock Henry Thomas, Dolphin P.H. St. Radigund street Rogers Thomas, Nag's Head P.H. 11 Dover street

Pollard William, watch maker, 58 St. George's street Rolfe William George, b~er retailer, 47 Wincheap street

Pope George, Railway inn, South Eastern Station road Roots Albert, forage contractor, Gordon road

Pope William Cooper, baker, 2 Borough, Staplegate Roots Ann (l\lrs.), Railway inn, Wincheap green

Pople George, Old City of Canterbury P.H. Oaten Hill place Hose!<'. & Son, cabinet makers, upholsterers, undertakers,

Post William, pork butcher, 69 Northgate furniture dealers & removers & house agents, 20 Stour

Potter Sarah Ann (Mrs.), Rose Tap P.H. 20 Rose lane street. See advertisement

Potter Susanah (Mrs.), confectioner, 21 St. George's street Routley John, painter & decorator, 26 Nunnery fields

Powell Charles, fire wood dealer, 26 New Ruttington lane Rowland Diannah (Mrs.), greengrocer, 28 Wincheap street

Powell George, smith, 12 Knott's lane Russell William John, corn dealer, IIO Northgate street

Powell John, shopkeeper, 2 Military road Saddleton Henry, greengrocer, 36 St. Dunstan's street

Powell Mary (Miss), clothes dealer, 24 & 25 King street Sadler & Preston, surgeons, Crayford ho. Lower Bridge st

Powell William, Star inn, 2 St. George's place Sadler Henry George, surgeon (Sadler & Preston) Crayford

Pratt Frederick Mantell, ironmonger, II St. George's street house, Lower Bridge street

Precious George, boot maker, 41 Dover street , St. Augustine's Church of England Missionary College (Rev.

Prentice Bros. linen, hop pocketing, sacking & rope & I Frederick George Maclear D.D. warden; Rev. Charles

twine, tarpaulin, rick cloth & wagon, sail, cocoa &kentish Henry Cotes M.A. sub-warden)

matting & mat manufacturers & hop string importers, 1 St. Jesus Hospital (for 4 women & 8 men), Northgate st

& 3 St. George's place & Broad street. See advert St. John's Hospital, Northgate

Prentice Zachariah M.R.c.s. house surgeon Kent & Canter- St. Mary's Catholic College (Rev. Stanislaus Du Lac, supe-

bury Hospital, Longport rior), Hales place

Preston Henry Octavius, surgeon, 18 St. George's place St. Paul's Young Men's Club (Rev. Leslie Ellis Goodwin

Preston Sarah (Mrs.), fancy repository, 46 St. Peter's st M. A. president), 12 Church street, St. Paul's

Prett Harry Edmund, baker, 16 Northgate street Samson James ThomllS, cork manufacturer, 88 Broad st

Prett Wm. Thos. teacher of music, 10 Lower Bridge st Sankey Herbert Tritton, solicitor & commissioner for oaths,

Price Waiter, ironmonger, II Parade & Watling street 1 Castle street

Prime William, hosier & glover, 17 St. Margaret's street Sargant John William, coffee rooms, 25 St. Peter's street

PRIOR &. JONES, auctioneers, valuers & land agents, 47 11 Sayers Maurice, draper & silk mercer, I ll; 2 Mercery lane

St. George's street. See advertisement Scamp Charles, horse dealer, 18 St. Radigund street

Provident Life Otlice (W. G. Pidduck, district manager), Scarlett John Walter, accountant, 9 Dover street

35 St. George's street Schlenc ker & Son, grocers, 21 High street

PughWm. verger at the cathedral, 6 Vernou pl.Old Dover rd School of Science & Art (Sidney Cooper) (Geo. Albert.

Pnllinger :Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 39 Church street, Wood F.R. Hist. s. principal; Geo. F. Francis, sec.;

St. Dunstan's John Chandler, curator), 23 St. Peter's street

Punnett Martha.(Mrs. ),eating ho. & beer ret.7A,St.Peter's st Scott John & Son, dyers & cleaners, 23 Sun street

Putwain Alexander Gardner, coal merchant, 6 North lane Scott Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 68 Military road

Qua.ife "\\'illiam, Waterloo tavern,Albert place, Northgate Scott Thomas, grocer & provision dealer, 7 Mercery lane

Qua.rterman Eliza (~Irs.),loclging house, 67 St. Dunstan's st Scary James, baker, Artillery street

R.ackbarn Alfred, miller, St. Martin's mill Sedgwick William, shoe maker, 22 Wincheap street

Rackham Robert, dairyman, St. Stephen's Sharpe Thomas William, insurance agent, 47 Union street

Ralph Thomas, boot maker, r8 Ivy lane Shaxby Bros. wine & spirit merchants & mineral watel."'

Ralph William, wardrobe dealer, 44 Palace street manufacturers, Jewry lane

Ramsgate & District Trade Protection Association (John Shaxby Richard Underdown, poulterer 2o, & baker 21, St.

W. Scarlett, sec.), branch, 9 Lower Bridge street l'vlargaret's street

Ransom Edward, boot maker, 65 Military road Shaxted Jabez, bricklayer, 52 Landsdowne road

RapsonHy.assist. to H.M.inspctr. of schools,8 Alexandra ter Shears Uenry Phippard & Co. tobacconists,75 St. Dunstan's

Ratcliffe Robert, plumber & gasfitter, 22 Palace street street & 20 Sun street

Rarine Edmund, boot maker, 6 Butchery lane Sheepwash Walter William, jobmaster, 13 St. George's lane

Ravine Edward, butcher, 8 St. Peter's street Sheepwash "'illiam, carrier, 5 Monastery lane .

Rawlins John, Garrison Arms, 103 Northgate street Shepherd, & Co. ale stores, L.C.& D. Station road

Read & Son, builders, Kirby's lane Shepherd William, butcher, 19 Castle street

Read Arthur, bailiff to G. J. Drury esq.Folly fm.St.Stphn's Sheppard George, boot maker, ro Stour street

Read Charles Henry, secretary to the Kent & Canterbury SheppardJohn,jun. teacher of music,Station rd.St.. Dunstan's

Hospital & to the M.U.Odd Fellows, 48 Havelock street Shersby Edwin, Two Brewers P.H. 26 Stour street

Read Emily (Miss), dress maker, 9 Greenfield ter.Gordon rd Shoosmith Cbas. Fredk. house decorator, 66 St.Dunstan's st

Read James F.R.c.s. hon. consulting surgeon to the Kent & Shorto Henry Ralph, commercial traveller, 5 Dane John ter

Canterbury Hospital, 12 Lower Bridge street Shovelicr Crispin, boot maker, 3.5 Palace street

Read James, wardrobe dealer, 96 Northgate street Shrubsole Thos. William, butcher, 35 St. Margaret's street

Read Sarah (Miss), dress maker, 8 Iron Bar lane Simmons John, draper, 33 High street


Simon Langton SChools (W. P. Mann B.A. head master; Stroud Francis, Woolpack P.H. 36 North lane

Miss S. J. Hamm, head mistress), St. George's street Styles Elizabeth (Mrs.), fishmonger, 82 St. Dunstan's stree~

Sinclair Richard, artist, 123 Nort~ate street Styles Frances (Mrs.), grocer, 88 Northgate street

Singer Manufacturing Co. (MurdockMcLeod,man. ), 6High st Styles Mary Ann (Miss), market gardener, North Holmes

Skinner Richard & Sons, linen drapers, 1 & 2 High street & Summers William Hy. clothier &c. see Warren & Summen

9 Mercery lane Surry William Chapman, baker, so Broad street

Skinner Esther (Mrs.), beer retailer, 20 King street Sutton Arthur Kingsey,stone,marble & monumental mason,

Skinner Thomas, Griffin P.H. 40 St. Peter's street 36 Castle street. See advertisement

"Skinner "\\'illiam, coal dealer, 4A, Lady \Vootten's green Sutton Emily (Mrs.), blacksmith, 36 Old Dover road

Skipps John, cabinet maker, 13 Palace street Button Henry Christian, relieving officer, Canterbury union,

Sladden Edwin, Princess Charlotte P.H. 34 St. Martin's hill 7 Watling street

Sladden Waiter Ernest, hair dresser, 122 \Vincheap street Sutton John, Tanners' Arms P.H. I2 DC)lasaux square

Sladden William, lodging house, I3 Vernon place Sutton Thomas, tailor, 42 Dover street

Slater George, horse dealer & land agent, Watling street Swain Richard Mark, baker, 42 Stour street

Small E. Milton, deputy supt. registrar, 7 Oaten hill Swain William, baker, 49 Northgate street

Small Edward, plumber & painter, 85 Northgate street Swannell Joseph, b~er retailer, 43 Stour street

Small George Edward, ginger beer maker, 3 Butchery la Talbot Netterville Oswald, jeweller, 3 High street

Small Henry, plumber, 22 Orchard street Taylor Henry Edward, corn, seed & foreign fruit merchant,

Small James Albert, plumber, 94 & 95 St. Dunstan's street 28 St. George's street ; 6 Sun street & Stand, 43 Corn

Small John H. plumber, 73 St. Dunstan's street Exchange stores, Ivy lane

Smart Susan (Mrs.), shopkeeper, IO Tudor road, Wincheap Taylor Jane Elizb.Florence( Mrs. ),Greyhound P.H. I9High st

8meed George Hills, butcher, 49 Castle street Taylor Susannah (~Irs. ), blacksmith, 51 North lane

"Smith Alfred, tea dealer, Post office, I Nunnery fields Taylor William Edward, ale & porter mer. St.Margaret's st

"Smith Charles, commercial traveller, 48 Broad street Taylor William John, master to Broad Street school, School

"Smith Charles Williarn, Victoria P. H. 30 Castle street house, Broad street

Smith Clarissa (Miss), furnished apartments, I6 Longport Teal Amy (Miss), teacher of music, 5 Blackfriars street

Smith George, architoct & surveyor, 32 Dover street Teal William Edward, cabinet maker, 5 Blackrriars street

Smith George, photographer, I4 Castle street Tempest Leonard Bcasley, shopkeeper, 9 Burgate street

Smith George Mence. oil & color man, 59 Palace street Terry & Sons, builders, West.gate, & brick mas. Sturry road

Smith Henry, bricklayer, 38 Stour street Terry Ann & Mary (Misses), ladies' school, Westgate house,

Smith James, coachsmith & wheelwright, I2 Victoria row, St. Peter's street

St. Gregory Terry Thomas, beer retailer, 75 \Vincheap street

Smith Jane (Mrs.), dairy, Thanington Theatre Royal (Arthur H. Claris, lessee), Guildhall street

:Smith John, Stour fishing water bailiff, Thanington Theobald Clara (Miss), dress maker, 35 Castle str"eet

Smith Louisa (Miss), shopkeeper,2 Church street, St.Paul's THOMSON &. WOTTON'S, brewEJry stores (F. W. Drury,

:Smith :Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, IS St. Mary's street agent), 46 St. Dunstan's street

Smith Thomas, boot maker, Victoria row, Northgate Thorner Thomas, greengrocer, 36 Northgate street

Smith Waiter, builder, IOJ Broad street Thurgar William, master of the workhouse, Nunnery fields

.Smithson Thomas, shopkeeper, 41 ·wincheap street Thurston & Son, blacksmiths, Broad street

Snell Edwin Henry, dmper, see Martin & Snell Thur8ton Charlotte Catb. (Mrs.), shopkpr. 19 Northgate st

Snell Samuel, Flying Horse P.H. I Dover street Tice William, general & furnishing ironmonger, engineer &

Snelling John, tailor, 23 Upper Bridge street hot water apparatus manufacturer, 3 St. George's street

Soldiers' & Sailors' Institute( Geo. Young,mgr.),47Burgate st Tilbe l\Iaria Louisa (Mrs.), baker, 39 Union street

Sally Albert, coal dealer, 7 Rose lane Tillerson George, Princess Louise P.H. 54 Nortbgate street

Sally John, shopkeeper, 24 Lansdowne road Tilly Emma (Mrs.), Two Bells P.H. 59 Military road

Solly Samh Ann (Miss), dress maker, 40 Palace street Todd George, verger to the cathedral, I I St. Mary's street

Somerford Mary (Miss), dress & mantle makr. 5 Oaten hill Todd William, Tower inn, & rag & metal dealer, 14 Pound

South Eastern Gazette (branch) (F. W. & H. R. Cutbush, lane & farrier, Kirby's lane

proprietors ; Percival d'Este Eastes, publisher ; published Tolhurst Robert William, butcher, 76 Havelock street

tuesday & saturday), 6 High street Tomalin George Hatton, wheelwright, r St. Radigund place

SOUTH OF ENGLAND TELEPHONE CO. LIMITED (A. Tomlin Henry, fisnmcnger, 55 Northgate street

F. Burden, manager), 35 St. George's street Tomlin Henry Peter: farrier, Canterbury lane

&uthee Frank Baxter, fellmonger & woolstapler, King st Tomlin Mary (~Irs.), coal dealer, 52 North lane

Spain James, fruiterer, 48 St.George's pi.& 320ld Dover rd Tournay George Edgar, builder, Wincheap street

Sparks Emma (Mrs.), private school, 27 Longport Townsend Stephen, lllue Anchor P.H. 49 Dover street

Sparks Esther Annie (Mrs.), Old Crown P. H. 43 High street Trimnell William Charles, silversmith & jeweller, 7 Parade

Sparks Waiter, commercial tmveller, 27 Longport & 9 Mercery lane

Spicer Charles, shopkeeper, 2 Cross street, St. Dunstan's Tuck James, watch maker, 4 Borough

Springett Clarissa (Miss),dress maker,IoSt.George's terrace Tucker Edmund, Albion P.H. I6 Palace street

Stace John, shopkeeper, 8 Church street, St. Dunstan's Tucker John, grocer, 30 Dover street

Stagg Harry, fellmonger, 53 North lane & Pound lane Turmaine Frederick, butcher, 29 St. Dunstan's street

Stamp Otlice (John A. Blofield, distributor); office, inland Twyman George, manufacturer of linen, hop pocketing, bed

revenue office, Kingsbridge sacking, corn & flour sacks, rope, line & twine, cocoa nut

Stanbury Edward, watch maker, 25 Palace street & kentish matting, rick cloths & waggon covers,82 Castle

Stanmore James, beer retailer, 22 Ivy lane street ; & at Boughton Blean. See advertisement

Stapleton William (exors. of), clothiers, II Guildhall street Twyman James, chimney sweeper, 4 'Vhite Horse lane

Starr-Bowkett BuildingSociety( 161st)( IstCanterbury & Dis- Uden Charles, fruit & potato merchant, 83 Stour street

trict) (Richard Wm. Bowen, sec.), Foresters hall, High st Uden \Villiam, jobbing gardener, 2I Cossington road

Starr-BowkettBuildingSociety(209th )(2ndCanterbury &Dis- Upton Henry John, jun. undertaker, 3 Best lane

trict) (George Down, sec.), Odd Fellows hall, Orange st Upton Mary (Miss), ladies' day school, 3 Best lane

Starr Bowkett Building Society (94oth) (3rd Canterbury & Urry Albert, saddler & harness maker, r8 St. George's st

District) (F. C. Forrester, sec.), Foresters hall, High st Vautier John, leather seller, 6o Northgate street

Steadrnan Alfred, Rose & Crown P.H. 75 St. Dunstan's st Venner Frederick Bell, paperhanger, 4 Dane John terrace

Steddy George, linen draper, 64 & 65 Northgate street· Vickers Caroline (Mrs.), registry office for servants, x6

Steed Albert, Grapes P.H. I09 Northgate street Burgate street

Stenning & J ennings,architects &surveyrs.4St.Margaret's st VidgenEdward, dairyman, I20 Northgate street

:Stent Charles Frederick, fruiterer & greengrocer, 2 King's Wacher F. & S. surgeons, 24 High street

bridge, St. Peter's street Wacher Frank (firm, Wacher F. & S. ), surgean & medical

Stent George Herbert, fruiterer, 32 Burgate street officer of health to urban sanitary authority & medical

Stephenson William, tailor, 24 St. George's st.. See advert officer to the workhouse, 24 High street

Stevens James, Three Compasses P.H. r8 St. Peter's street Wacher Sidney F.R.c.s.Eng. (firm, Wacher F. & S.), sur·

Sti~els Alfred John, baker, 69 Military road geon & medical officer to Clergy Orphan school & to Kent

Stockbridge Herbert, greengrocer, 32 Artillery street College, 24 High street

Stokes Sarah Ann (Miss), lodging house, 14 Old Dover road Wacher Thomas, land agent &c. see Cooper & Wacher

Stone George Henry, laundry, 58 Old Dover road Wacher WilliamHenry,corn & seed factor,5 Upper Hridgest

Story George Arthur, dentist, Vale house, St. Peter's street Wakeford George, superintendent to the Prudential Assur·

Stour Fishery Protection Association (Capt. Geoffrey L. ance Co. 124 "\\'incheap street

Austin, bon. sec.), The Precincts Walker Samuel, teacher of music, 22 St. George's terrace

Stow James Frederick, market gardener, 24 Wincheap st Walkley Thomas Harry, wine, spirit & bottled beer mer-

StratforC. C. Russell, Guildhall P.H. High street chant, 4 Parade

Streeting Samuel, shopkeeper, Upper Harbledown Wall John, Leopard's P.H. 63 Military road·

Streeting William Thomas, builder & greeng-ro. 37 Broad st Wallis & Co. tailors, 20A1 Palace street


Wallis Albert, Angelo Castle P.H. 7 Butchery lane Will cox &1Gibbs Sewing Machine Company, IS Mercery lane·
Walli~ Frederick, grocer, s6 & 57 Whitstable road Willey A. (Mrs.), fruiterer & market gardener, 6B Burgate I

Wallis Jane (Mrs.), furnished apartments.3 LowerHridgest Willey Henry Edward, baker, II4 Northgate street

Waiters Jeannie (Mrs.), dress maker, 3 Win cheap street Williams & Sons, tailors, 3 St. George's gate

Walton Samuel, stationer, III Northgatestreet Wi!liams Edwin Stanly, plumbsr &c. 79 Stour street

Wanstall Harriet (Mrs.), dress maker, 30 Palace street Williamson J. J. & Sons, tanners, St. Mildred's tannery & 5

Wan.stall Witherden Valour,beer ret.& smith, 12Northgate st Sun street

·ward Horatio, Royal Fountain hotel & posting house, x6 St. Wilson & Heslop, ladies' school, 24 St. George's place

Margaret's street & Fleur de Lis hotel, 34 High street Wilson Charles, confectioner, 25 St. George's street

Warren & Summers, clothiers & hatters, 41 Burgate street Wilson Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Alma street, Northgate

WatsonJohn :\Iuirhead, credit draper & clothier, BHawke la vVilson Henry, tailor, z King street

Watts Henry Stephen, White Hart P.H. Worthgate place Wilson Henry Bell, builder, 22 St. George's place, & tim-

Webb Alfred, baker, 26 Orchard street her merchant, Tudor road

Webb Charles, baker, 13 Butchery lane Wilson John, boot maker, 16 St. Radigund place

Webb James, market gardener, 7 The Friars Wilson John, Navy Arms P.H. 51 Ivy lane

Webb John, Dane John tavern, 4r Watling street Wilson John William, stationer &c. 74 Nortbgate street

Weekes Frank, butcher, 77 Northgate street Wiltshier John Edward, builder & surveyor, Stour street

Weekcs Robert, butcher, 7 St. George's street "\Viltshier William, plumber, Watling street

Welby & Co. wine & spirit merchants, 2 St. Peter's street Wiltshire George H. builder & contractor, St. John's lane
Welby Robert, pastrycook & baker, so St. Peter's street
& Norman road. See advertisement

Welby William, high bailiff of county court, 2I Oaten bill Winchester Charles, baker, 22 Highstreet

Wellard William Ilalliday, confectioner, 9 Upper Bridge st Winder John Crispe, watcll maker, 4 Guildhall street

Wells Arthur, tailor & draper, 53 & 53A, St. Peter's street Winter Herbert Edwin, beer retailer, 26 Artillery street

Wells Henry, Tally Ho P.IL 7 Clyde street Wise & Bates, tailors, 17 Borough

Welsh John William & Charles, coach builders, Westgate Wood E. Lancefield, boot & shoe maker, I9 St. Margaret's st

Welsh John, tobacconist, 5 St. Dunstan's street vVood Edward, grocer, 93 St. Dunstan's street

West Fortescu~ & Hy. Philpot, linen drapers, 8 & 9 Parade Wood George Henry, dealer in horses, Gravel walk

West George, news agent, 39 Palace street Woud Henry Simon, boot & shoe maker, I7 Sun street
West George By. saddler & harness maker, 6 Guildhallst I Wool John, Military tavern, 23 King street, & marine store

Westbrook Joseph Henry, .Fox & Hounds P.H. 13 Ivy lane store dealer, 5I Northgate street

Weston & Allen, millers (steam), City mills, St. RadiJund Wood John, superintendent of county police, Kirby's lane

street & Dean's mills, St. Stephen's road Wood Thomas, pork butcher, 9 Sun street

Westwood Richard, draper &c. see Hunt & Westwood V\'oodcock John, nurseryman, 6 Landsdowne road

Whiddett Wm. Catherine Wheel P.H. 25 St. Dunstan't> street Woodgate Christiana (.Mrs.), furnished apartments, 28 St.

Whitcombe John, basket & sieve maker, 8 Upper Bridge st George's place

Whitcombe ""'illiam, furniture broker 29, & wardrobe Woodhouse Henry Hichard, barrister-at-law, The Precincts

dealer 34, Palace street Woo:lman Frederick, commercial traveller, ro Havelock st

White Henry, shopkeeper, 8 Clyde street \Voodruff Edward, butcher, 13 Lower Bridge street

White P. (Mrs.), baby linen repository, 6r King's bridge Wood ward Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 6 Castle street

White Tench James, music publisher, pianoforte warehouse vVoolley Charles, gardener, St. Peter's street

& music & musical instrument dlr. 42 St. George's street Worters Rt. beer retailer & dinin;; rooms, 13 Mercery lane

Whitear Eliza (Mrs.), Crown P.H. 57 Burgate street Wraight Albert Sa¥age, baker, 69 Burgate street

Whiteman George, farmer, Park farm, St. Stephen's WraightJane(Mrs.),HopPoles P.H.Wincheap st.Thaningtn

Wbiteman Thomas John, confectioner, 57 St. Peter's street Wratten Mary Ann (Mrs.), laundress, 4 Lady Wootten's grn

Whitstable Times (Fredc. Mudford, proprietor, published Wrio;ht Charlotte Cobb (:vJ:rs.), Duke's Head P.H, 29 Win-

saturday), 49 St. Gcorge's street cheap street

Whittaker John, Three Cups P.H. rB Broad street Wright Joscph, tobacconist, 15 Borough

Whittaker Robert W. baker, 24 St. Dunstan's str~et WriJht Thomas M. n.c. v.s. veterinary surgeon, Wade

Wightwick Wm. Norman (firm, Kingsford, Wightwick & house, L. C. & D. Station road

Kingsford), solicitor, commissioner for oaths & clerk to Wyver Emma (Miss), milliner, 107 Broad street

the commissioner of taxes for Home & Wingbarn divisions Yeoman Mary Jane (Mrs.), carrier, I Pin hill

& joint clerk to the magistrates of the Home & Wingham Young & Gardener, auctioneers, 45 St. George's street

division, town clerk, clerk to the urban sanitary authority Young Thomas William, butcher, 3 Palace street

& to the buri11l board, 16 & 17 Watling street Young Women's Christian Association (Miss Mary Flint,

Wilkinson George Thomas, butcher, 14 Palace street sec.), 24 Watling street

Willcocks William, Weaver's Arms P.H. 70 Broad street

CAPEL (near To~BRIDGE) is a parish situated on the year r663. The living is a united vicarage, joint average

road from Maidstone to Tunbridge Wells, 4 miles south-east tithe rent-charge £357,net income £198, with residence and

from Tonbridge and 2 south-west from Paddock Wood 8 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Viscountess Falmouth

station on the South Eastern railway, in the South Western (llarones~ Le Despencer), and held since 1889 by the Rev.

division of the county, lathe of Aylesford, hundreds of Frederick Case M.A.. of St. John's College, Cambridge. In

Hadlow and Washlingstone, petty sessional diYision, union this parish are ·some mineral springs similar to those of

and county court district of Tonbridge, rural deanery of Tunbridge Wells. The hospital of the Tunbridge Rural

Tonbridge, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Can- Sanitary Authority, erected in r887, for the treatment of

terbury. From the 25th March, r885, the parish of Capel, all infections diseases, stands in this parish, and is available

under the "Divided Parishes Act, 1882" (45 and 46 Vict. c. for 16 inmates : there are two pavilions, each witll two

58), was amalgamated for all but ecclesi'l.stical purposes wards, and a nurse's room, a caretaker's cottage and

awith that of Tudely, the uniterl parishes being now known attached grounds well laid-out and walled in for the use of

as " Cape!." The church of St. Thomas Becket, at inmates. Baroness Le Despencer (Dowager Viscountess
Cape!, is a small edifice of brick in the Perpendicular style, Falmouth), who is lady of the manor, Sir Julian Goldsmid

with some Norman remains, and consists of chancel and bart. 111. P. the representatives of Capt. Leslie Martin, B. S.

nave and a low hattlemented westP.rn tower of stone with a Hassell esq. J.P. of The Grange, and J. T. Baker esq. are

tlpire and containing one bell: the rails of the communion the principal landowners. The soil is light loam and

table bear date 16B2: the font is ancient, and consists of a gravel~ subsoil, clay. The chief crops are corn, fruit and

very plain octagonal bowl on a circular stem : a. portion of hops. The area is 3,181 acres; rateable value, £12,270;

the nave wall has been rebuilt in brick, and the church has the population in x88I was nf Capel, 561, and Tudely 549·

been re-seated with open benches and contains 100 sittings : At FIVE OAK GREEN, a hamlet of this parish, is a Con-
in the churchyard, near the east end of the church, is a very gregational chapel.
large yew tree. The register of baptisms and burials dates
from the year x663; marriages, 1754. The church nf All Po~T 0I<'FICE, Five Oak Green.-William Tully, receiver.
Saints, Tudely, is a SIJlall building of brick and stone in the Dispatched at 8.xo & rr.5o a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; sundays,
Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, ro a.m. through Paddock Wood R.S.O. Letters arrive
south porch and a western tower of brick with a squat from 'fonbridge & those marked thus* through Paddock
shingled spire and containing 3 bells: in the chancel is a Wood, which is the nearest money order & telegraph office

very fine altar-tomb, with a canopy supported on columns, A School Board of 5 members was formed in 1873 for Capel
& Tudely; W. Wickham, Tonbridge, clerk to the board ;
to the family of Fane, subsequently Barons Le Despencer Nehemiah Tink, attendance officer

and Bnrghersh and Earls of Westmorland, dated 1545-7I1
and restored in 1876 by Viscountess Fa!mouth, in her own

right Baroness Le Despencer: the church was thoroughly Board School, built in 1875,for 100 boys; average attendance,

reswred in the same year and several stained windows in- 55 ; Nehemiah Tink, master ; & x8o girls & infants ;

serted : there are ISO sittings. The register dates from the average attendance, u6 ; Mrs. Tink, mistress

144 CAPEL. • [KELLY'tt


Cape!. *l•'oreman George, farm bailiff to the Tolhurst William, farmer, The Moat &

[Names marked thus o receive thEir letters Dowager Viscountess Falmouth, Lily farm
through Paddock Wood R. S. 0.] *TompsettWm. Rt.frmr. StoneCastle fm
Plogg's hall

Case Rev. Fredk. M.A. [vicar], Vicarage Freeman Alfred, shopkeeper Young Peter, farmer, Crockhurst Street

Colvil J ames, Crockhurst Street Fry Alexander, bailiff for George Sprig-

*HassellBenden Sharvell, The Grange gins esq. Lydd farm Five Oak Green.
Tompsett William Henry, ·woodlands Hospi1al for Infectious Diseases (W.
*Tompsett William Robert [Letters are received through Paddock Wood
.:\Ialden, attending medical officer) R.S.O.]
COMMERCIAL. Humphrey John, farmer,Sandling farm
*Baker Jas. Thos farmer, Brook farm Kempton John, The Chequers P.H COMMEHCIAL.

Bowles Thomas, Carpenters' Arms J?.H. Levett William. farmer, Reid's farm Crowhurst Caleb, grocer

& farmer & blacksmith,Crockhurst St Maplesden Charles, farmer Jones Hinton, butcher

Bridges John, beer retailer .Mercer Edgar, farmer, Crockh:ust Larkin Stephen, shopkeeper

Brotherwood Geo. George & Dragon P.R , Norman William, farmer Mercer Wm. blacksmith & wheelwright

Buggs James A. farmer, Church & . Pemble William, farmer, Tatlingbury Play foot Mary (Miss), shopkeeper

Tanner's farms : Seabrook Thos. & Co. farmers, Hall farm Potter Thomas, beer retailer

Buggs Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Tudely i Skinner Alfred, farmer, Colt's Hill farm TullyChas. blacksmith, &King'sHead P.ll

Church farm Smith Georg-e, farmer, Barham house Tully Miles, builder

Children John, farmer, Shernden *Tompsett William Robert F.S.I. auc- Tully Thomas, builder

Coomber 'William,grocer, Crockhurst St tioneer, valuer, land & estate agent & Tully Thomas, jun. beer retailer

*Dampier Charles Hassell, steward to surveyor, Stone Castle farm & at Wallis John, boot maker

B. S. Hassell esq. The Grange Masonic buildings, Tonbridge Wheeler .Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer

""CAPEL LE FERNE is a parish, 2~ miles north-east church has been much improved and contains 103 sittings.

from Folkestone, 4~ west from DoYer and 84~ from London, The register dates from the year 1592. The living is ~
in the Eastern division of the county, lathe of Shepway, vicarage, annexed to that of Alkham, joint average yearly

Folkestone hundred, Wingham petty sessional division, value from tithe rent-charge £244, net income£30CJ, with 9
Dover union and county court district Dover rural deanery, acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of

Canterbury archdeaconry and diocese. The parish derives Canterbury, and held since 1881 by the Rev. John Clay

its name from having been a capella (chapel) to the church Worthington Valpy, who resides at Alkham. Capel Morris
of Alkham: th~ houses are scattered throughout the parish. esq. is Lord of the manor. The principal landowners are
The church of St. Mary, occupying a solitary position among the Earl of Radnor and Capel Morris esq. The soil is loam

the fields, away from the village, is a fiint structure, in the and clay ; subsoil, chalk and limestone. The chief crops

Early English style, with Decorated aud Perpendicular are grass, grain and roots in rotation. The area is r,636

windows, and consists of chancel and nave, north porch and acres of land and 100 of water; rateable value, £2,I64; and

a low western tower containing one bell: the most remarkable the population in 188r was r86.

feature in the church is the singular triple arch forming the Letters through Folkestone, which 'is the nearest money
division between the nave and chancel, an arrangement order & telegraph office & railway station, arrive at 9 a.m.
of very uncommon occurrence : on the south side of the WALL LETEEU Box, Cape! street, cleared about 9 a.m
chancel are two small niches, with trefoiled heads : the The children of this place attend the school at Alkham

Morris Capel, Manor house Gore David, cowkeeper Marshall Edward (Mrs.), farmer, Great
N orton Edward M.D. Capellodge Gosbey George, farmer, .Abbott's cliff
N orton Ed wd. M.D. surgeon, Cape! lodge
COMMERCIAL. Hogben Thomas, shopkeeper, Satmar
"'eston Frederick Jasper, farmer, Hock-
Bromley Austin, fam1er, Capcl cottage Marsh John Atkins, farmer, Satmar ley Hole farm

Bromley H,ichard, farmer, Hollingbury ' Marsh SamuelDourn,dairyman,grazier, Young James, builder

Constable James, farmer, Satmar fanner & overseer, Capel street

Fagg James, farmer, Fern cottage

CATFORD is a rapidly-increasing suburb of London, RusREY GREEN is a hamlet of Lewisham, r mile south of

with a station called "Catford Bridge" on the South Eastern the Ravensbourne river and on the road to Bromley.

railway, about si miles from London Bridge, in the V\-'estern 1 PEHRY HILL and PERRY SLOUGH are on the road to

division of the county, within the parliamentary borough of Sydenham, and are near the Forest Hill railway station.

Lewisham formed by the "Redistribution of Seats Act, PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Otlice.-

I88s," and also included in the "County of London " 14 Catford hill.-Alfred Dale Sheppard, receiver. ro.5

created by the "Local,Governrnent Act, r888," in Lewisham a.m. 12.20, 2.25, 5· 5, 9 & ro. so p.m. except saturday;

civil parish and union, Greenwich county court district, sunday, p.m

rural deanry of Lewisham and archdeaconry and diocese of PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,

Rochester, South Eastern metropolitan postal district and r6o Rushey Green. 10.20 a.m. 12.30, 2.40·, 9 & II

within the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan police. St. p.m. except Saturdays; & on sundays 10.5 p.m

Laurence's church, occupying a commanding site at Rushey PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & .Annuity & Insurance Offices,

Green, given by the late Major Foster, and erected in r887, Perry Hill.-J. S. Smith, receiver. 9.50 a.m. 12.5,,

at a cost of £7,000, is a cruciform edifice of red brick and 5 & 8.50 p.m. No collection onsundays

"\Vestwood and Corsham stone, in the Early English style, PILLAn & WALL LETTEn Boxws, Catford Bridge railway

somewhat freely treated, from designs by Mr. H. Roumieu station, Ravensbourne park, Perry Hill, Catford hill

Gough F .R.I.B.A. architect, and comprises a spacious chancel, LEwiSHAM DisTRICT BoARD oF WoRKS.
nave, transepts, aisles (the south aisle having at the east end

a morning chapel), vestry, organ chamber, north porch and Offices, Catford.

a central tower containing one bell and clock : there are For names of members & officers, see Lewisham

r,ooo sittings. The register dates from the year r887. PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services:-

The Jiving is a vicarage, gross yearly value about £250, St. George's Church, Perry llill~ ·Rev. Charles N. Williams

derived from voluntary offerings, in the gift of the Bishop M.A. vicar; rr a.m. & 3.30 & 7 p.m.; fri. 11.45 a.m.&

of Rochester, and held since r888 by the Rev. EdwardCecil 7·3o p.m

Robinson liLA. of Exeter College, Oxon. The .Mission church 1 St. Laurence Church, Rushey Green, Rev. Ed ward Olcil

of St. Cyprian, situate in Brockley road, and erecteq in r882, Robin son M. A. vicar ; Rev. William Hook Longsdon M.A. &

is an edifice of simple brick, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles Rev. Frederick Sparks B. A. curates; 8 & 11 a.m. 3.30 &7

and a turret containing one bell: there are 450 sittings. St. p.m.; daily, mou. tues. thurs. & sat. 8 a. m. & 7.30 p.m.;

George's, Perry Hill, is an ecclesiastical parish, formed May wed. 11 a.m. & 8 p.m. ; fri. 8 a. m. 12 at noon & 4 p.m.;

7• r88o, from Lewisham and Christ Church, Forest Hill, Holy Communion, sun. 8 a. m. rst & 3rdsundays, II a.m.;

parishes. The church, the foundation stone of which was Holy days, 7.15 or 11.30 a.m

laid 23rd November, 1878, is a building of stone, in the St. Cyprian's :Mission Church, Bruckley road, Rev. Frederi~:

Decorated style, erected at a co!'t of £8,ooo, borne by the Johu Hammond A.K.C. curate in charge; II a.m. & 7

late George Parker esq. J.P. of Lewisham, and consists of p.m.; week days, 8 a.m. & 4.30 p.m

chancel, nave, aisles, western porch and a tower at the east BapList, Catford hill, Rev. T. Greenwood, minister; n

end containing a clock and. one bell: there are 6o8 sittings, 1.=;o a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m

being free. The register dates from the year r88o. The Congregational (temporary), Rushey Green; 11 a.m. k

living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £4oo, with residence, 6.30 p.m

in the gift of the trustees of the late George Parker esq. and Wesleyan Methodist, ·wildfell road, Catford; II a.m. & 6.:JO

held since 1884 by the Rev. Charles Nathaniel Williams M.A. p.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p.m

of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. The vicarage house was St. Laurence Mission Hall, Willow walk, Rushey Green;

built in r885. There are Baptist and "Wesleyan chapels at 11 a. m. & 6.30 p.m

Catford and a Congregational chapel at Hushey Green. Salvation Army Harracks, Rushey Green


&HooLS:- H. Oxenbam, clerk to the governors ; Miss Edith Ash-
Lewisham Grammar School for girls, situated here, was worth, head mistress
established under a scheme of the Endowed Schools Com-
missioners approved by Her Majesty in Council, IS Sept. London Board, Plassy road, erected in I884, for 240 boys,
I887, & the school was opened IS Sept. I8go. The 240 girls & 320 infants ; average attendance, 220 boys,
buildings are of red brick with stone dressings, in the 2ro girls & 230 infants; George Latham Dean, master;
Renaissance style, from designs by Mr. Albert L. Guy Miss Frances Trench, mistress ; !Miss Frances Harrison,
A.B.I.B.A. architect, of Lewisham, & include, on the infants' mistress
gTonnd f!oor1 an Assembly hall, 6o by 30 feet & 27 feet
high, with ante-room & a gallery ; board room, dining London Board, Ratbfern road, Catford, a temporary iron
room & head mistress' & class rooms, with lavatories &c.; building erected in I885, for 240 boys & 240 girls & 330 in-
on the first floor are three large class rooms, drawing & fants (mixed); average attendance, I38 boys & I25 girls &
needlework rooms, a lecture theatre, laboratory, assistant 95 infants; Albert John Miles, head master; Miss Elizabeth
mistress's room, & a kitchen for instruction in cookery. Ivy Skinner, mistress
Attached to the school are Io Prendergast scholarships, Catford Bridge Railway Station, Hy. Gosling, station master
& 6 St. Dunstan scholarships, besides annual prizes ; the
school is for day scholars only, & is designed to receive CONVEYANCES:-
300; there is a large playground, partly covered in. The Omnibuses to & from Forest Hill several times daily
management is vested in a body of governors; Mr. Edward South Eastern Metropolitan (L~wisham & Greenwich)
tramways from Rushey Green to Greenwich several times

Brereton Frank Sadler F.R.I.B.A. Shan- Cooper Alfred, 44 Canterbury road

PRIVATE RESIDENTs. bally, Rushey green Cooper Miss, so Hushey green

!chart Louis, 5 Exbury road Brewiss Edward, Wolferts roost, Van- CooperWm. I3RutlandPk. viis. Perry hill

Adshead George Herbcrt. 54 Blythe vale cou ver road Coote Thomas, 58 Catford hill

Allberry Chas. Henry, 47 Brownhill rd Brierley Jn. Hy. Copley dene, Honley rd Cope Thomas, 12 Brownhill road

Allbeury Edward, 2 Lauri villas, Haw- Britten Percy, IS Brownhill road Cosbey John N. 47 Catford hi.!

stead road BrookesFredk.2Buxton vls.Beechfieldrd Cossins James Henry, 29 Plassy rd

Alien Alfred, 3 Bowness road Brooket> Richard Thot>. 4 Brownhill rd Cotterel.Miss, sSt. George's vils. Perry hl

Alien Waiter James, so Blythe vale Brooks Mrs. 48 Ringstead road Couch James, 6 Laurel ter. Bradgate rd

!mer Mrs. I. 2I Rutland road Brown Harry Missing, 53 Ringstead rd , Cowling James, Rose vil. Vancouver rd

AmnerJosiah Thos. I Up. Winchester rd Brown J ames, Io Honley road Cresswell Mrs. 29 Bowness road

Anderson Fredk. Wm. 14 Westdown rd Brown Thos.Grant Napier,35Blythe vale Cracker Isaac, 6r Blythe vale

Andrews John, 9 Barmeston road Brown William, 9 Perry hill Crook Hev. James [Baptist], I Chestnut

Archer I<'rcdcrick, 23 Bowncss road Bruce Robert Richard, II Bradgate rd villas, Bradgate road

Archer Reubcns, I25 Rushey green Brushfield Richd.Ellerslie, Vancouver rd Crouch Francis James, 4 Springfield

Asplin Thomas, I2 Rutland Park villas, Bunting James, 2I Up. Winchester rd villas, Hawstead road

Perry hill Burton David, 14 Milford terrace, Crowe Mrs. Homleigh, Vancouver road

Asquith William, 2 Charsley road Brookdale road Gumming John, r6 Schuckburgh road

Atkins Jn.Christopber, rg Ilarmeston rd Burton William, 7 Barmeston road Daisley William, 31 Ringstead road

Atkins Thomas James, 7 Glenwood rd BushWilliam John, BLow. Winchester rd Dalton Leonard, 5 Ringstead road

Aue CharlM, 3 .Albion villas, Perry hill Caiger .Arthur Ernest, I7A, Glen wood rd Daniel Horace John, 5 Pattenden road

Austin Herbert, 49 Brownhill road Ca1ger William John, Pontac villa, d'Arenberg .Arthur Wm. I Butland pk

.Axford James Tobias, nr Hushcy green Westdown road Dastis Francisco, 34 Brownhill road

Baggs Hillinghurst Wilson, 39 Blythe hl Caldecott Joscph, 24 Schuckburgh road Davis Miss, 51- Rathfern road

Bagnall Robert Ironside, m Brownhill CaJder Alec, I2 Schuckburgh road Dawson William Henry John Wickes,

villas, Brownhill road Campbell Daniel, I7 Exbury road 6 Rutland park

BanbamMiss, I Lawson vils. Glenwd.rd Campion George Joseph, 89 Rushey grn Dean George Latham, 54 Ringstead rd

Barclay James Younes, 29 Blythe hill Carline John C.E. 41 Catford hill 1 de Dohfe Chas. 3 Albert ter. Doggett rd

Barfield .Alfred Page, 21 Glenwood road 1 Carne Frederick, 43 Bradgate road De Montmorency Mrs. ro Rutland road

Barnard Joseph, ID Perry hill Carson John, I Plassy road Dcnison Alfred, I4 Brownhill road

Barnard William Charles,I2 St.George's Carter John H. ro Barmeston road Dennis Robert, 51 Catford hill

villas, Perry bill , Carter J oscph Rice, II Honlcy road Diamond Mrs. 3 Meadowcroft, Perry hl

Barnes Mrs. 26 Barmeston road I Castle Capt. Charles Thomas, Fairlight, Digby Herbert, 39 Bradgate road
Barnes .N athaniel, 19 Canterbury road 1 Ravensbourne park
DigbyHy. Jas-4Milford ter. Brookdale rd

Barnicoat Charles H. St. Erney, Van- Catford John, 7 Honley road Dinwoodie John R.N. 3 Chestnut villas,

couver road Catford John, jun. 25 Ringstead road Bradgate road

.Bates Aquila, 66 Catford hill Chambers John, 124 Catford hill Ditcbam GeorgeAlex.4 Brownhill villas,

Bayley George Betbel, 4 Brighton Charles Frederick, 3 Lawson villas, Brownhill road

terrace, Rutland park Glen wood road Dixcee Thos.Hy.Mayfield, Woolstone rd

Bayne Robt. Turvill, 5 Ravensbourne pk Cbevassus Henry, 63 Catford hill Dixon Thomas Francis, 55 Brownhill rd

Bedford George, Zetland, Honley road Chinn Williarn Henry, SI Brownhill rd Dodds Henry, 3 Retreat VIls.TheHetreat

Beer Edwin, 53 Catford hill Christopherson Mrs. 33 Blythe vale Dodge Mrs. I Springfield vils.Hawstd.rd

Bennett George, 37 Ringstead road Christopherson Wm. Bayley, 4 Berlin rd Dovey .Alex. Morton, 43 Ringstead road

Bennett Mrs. 43 Blythe vale ChurtonChas.Stanly.7Ravensbournepk Downes Miss, 33 Bradgate road

Bentley Hy. 3 Priory vils. Brownhill rd Clapham Matthew, 7 Ringstead road Drewett Henry, R3 Rushey green

Berkshire Wm. Vine cot. River View pk Cl ark Edward, r Adenmore gardens DriverThos.r Wickham ter. Brookdale rd

Beste Geo. Watkins,Orcbard ho.Perry hl Clark J ames, 71 Blythe vale Duffin Jas. r IIerbert vils.Catford brdge

BeynonGeorge, Endsleigh, Honley road Clarke George Joseph, 6 St. George's Dunkley John Thomas, 2 Medusa road

Bezer William James, I6 St. George's villas, Perry hill Dyer Harry, 5 Lower Winchester rpad

villas, Perry hill Clarricoats John, r67 Rushey green Eales Miss, r Glenwood road

Billyeald Arthur, Claremont, Perry hill Clayton Benjamin, 48 Blythe vale Earle FrederickWilliam, I2 Glenwood rd

Birch Jesse J. II Plassy road Clements Mrs.gSt.George's vls.Perry hl Ede Edward Richard, I5 Canterburyrd

Birkett Mrs. Hatherleigh, V"ncouver rd Cleminson Robert, 4I Bradgate road Edmett Edward, 3 Wickham terrace.

Birt William Henry, 59 Catford hill Coatts Reuben James, 72 Catford hill Brookdale road

Bishop Frank John, II St. George'~ CobbettJn.I3Brownhill vls.Brownhl.rd Edmonds Henry, 7 Beechfield road

villas, Perry hill CocksThos.sDartmouth villas,Farley rd Edney Herbert, ro Plassy road

Bishop John, 17 Barmeston road Colby John Wm. Scott, 13 Glenwood rd Edwards Edward, I4 St.Georgc's villast

Blackman James, 7 Medusa road Cole St.George's vls.Perry hl Perry hill

Blott Arthur, 3 Honley road Cole Mrs. 4 Elgin ter. Catford bridge Edwards Henry, 52 Catford hill

Blott Mrs. 7 Brownbill road Coleman John Parratt, 20 Blythe hill Egan George, Barton vil. Westdown rd

Boon William,IoLaurel ter.Bradgate rd Collard Jas. IO Charsley rd. Southend Elder Robert, 7 Bowness road

Bouttell Charles Smith, 3 Brownhill rd Collingwood Mrs. 8 RavenstJourne park Eldridge CharlesDickson,6s Blythe vale

Boxall John George, 2 Glenwood road Collingwood Percy, I2 Honley road Eley Jn. Chas. Burleigh, 2I Exbury rd

Boxell John R..N. 82 Catford hill Collins Cbas. Wm..Mayfld.Ravensbrn. pk Elkerton William Nance, 4 Dartmouth

Boyce Frank, 8 Barmeston road Coilins H.obert Neal, 68 Catford hill villas, Farley road

BradleyHenry,7Retreat viis. The Retreat Collins Wm. I3 Milford ter.Brookdale rd Elphick Waiter Harry, 6 Verey's cot-

Brangwin Rowland Allan,32 Blythe vale Coltart William Henry, 52 Blythe vale tages, Perry hill

Brant Thomas, I5 Schuckburgh road Conford Miss M. A. 6 Up. Winchester rd Essex Frederick William, 7 Milford ter-

Braund Miss, I Aitken road Cooper Arnbrose Henry Raphael, 6 race, Brookdale road

Breden 0. W. xo Glenwood road Ravensbourne park Evans George Thomas, I4 Plassy road

K. S. & S. 10

146 , C.ATFORtJJ

• Eva.ns Sidney, 21 Pla.ssy road Hargreaves Edward, 5 Brownhill villae, Kiver Alfred, 33 Canterbury road

Everett Miss, 15 Bowness road Brownhill road Knapp Edwin, 43 Bradgate road

Fa.ldo Thomas, 111 Catford hill Harris George William, 6 Glenwood rd Knight Thos. Wm. 8 Up. WinchesteT n1

Farnan Geo. Adams, 17 Blythe vale Harris Henry, xo Westdown road Knight William, 77 Blythe vale

l''enn Waiter, 8 Schuckburgh road Harris Herbert George, 59 Blythe vale B:nott Waiter James, 143 Rushey green

Field Thomas James, The Lodge, HarrisMiss,xHawstead vils.Hawstead rd Laing John Alexander, 2 Blythe vale

Ravensbourne park Harris Thomas, 74 Rathfern road Lamb Mrs. 9 Rushey green

Fieldson Arthur Langhelt, 5 Hawstead HartSidneyGeo.CarnBrae, Lamont Eugene, 5 WICkham terrace,

villas, Hawstead road Harvey Alfred, 59 Brownhill road Brookdale road

FieldsonWm.6Brownhl. viis. Brownhl. rd Hase Algernon George, 12 Brownhill Lark Frederick Marsham, 55 Catford hl

J<'ieth Bernherd, 51 Blythe vale villas, Brownhill road Law Frank Weyms, 65 Ringstead road

Fisher Richard, 7 Rutland road Hassall 'wm. 14 Upper Winchester rd Lawrence James, 12 Charsley road

!<'!etcher Miss, 26 Rin~stead road Hatherly James John, 37 Blythe vale Ringstead rd

Fowden Reginald, 4 Rutland park Hawkes Henry, 14 Ringstead road LawsonEdwardCharles, IVancouverrd

Francis Frederick James, 62 Blythe vale Hay Thomas Hastie, 12 Westdown rd Leader Anderson, 39 Bradgate road

Francke Arnld.3 Dartmth.vils.Farley rd Hayward Robert, Fairlight, Farley rd Leagas Charles, 41 Bradgate road

Fraser Charles Orr,7 St. George's villas, Hayward William Richd. 39 Blythe vale Leather J. Waiter Ph. D. 15 Bradgate nl

Perry hill Haywood Robert, 25 Brownhill road Lee Benjamin Banks, 19 Exbury road

Freegard John Frederick, Sunderland Hayzen George Taylor, 35 Blythe hill Lee John, 35 Rinf!stead road

villa, Westdown road Hearne Geo. Gibbins, 35 Brownhill rd Lee John Beunett,Sununerfield,Ravens-

I}'rench George Petto, 23 Rutland road Helm Henry James, 13 St. George's bourne park
French Thos.s Milford ter.Brookdale rd villas, Perry hill Leighton Geo. Shirra. 2r Blythe vale

French Thomas, jun. 1 Milford terrace, Henderson Edward, 71 Catford hill Lester Henry, 24 Barmeston road

Brookdale road Henry Charles, 5 Honley road Le Tall Clement, 41 Brown hill road

Freymuth Jobannes Martin,6Exbury rd Heywood SI. Knockholt, Levermore Edward Wm. 29 Catford hl

Froggatt Edwin, 41 Blythe vale Hiatt Mrs. 29 Canterbury road Levison David, 3 Exbury road

Frost Jn. 7llrownhill vils. Brownhill rd Hig~ns Robert Brice, 5 Aitken road Lingham Jas. Arthur, 19 Ringstead rd

Fryer Alfred Halliday, 9 Exbury road Hildred Cbas. Wm. 14 Glenwood road Litten Herbert C. r6 Barmeston road

Furze Aldridge Henry, 2 Milford ter- Hill Mrs. 38 Barmeston road Little Frederick H. 25 Glenwood road

race, Brookdale road Hine Egbert Wm. II Bowness road Lloyd Wm. Jn. Chagford,Vancouverrd

GaleWilliam Frederick,34 Ringstead rd Hingeston Edwin Aug. x66 Rushey gn Lamas Richard Hy. r Schuckburgh rd

Gardener J.<'rank, Woodgrange, Van- 1 Hinton William James, 2 Gresham' Lone Gyles, 8 Elgin ter. Catford bridge

couver road villas. Bradgate road Longsdon Rev. Wm. Hook M. A. [curatAI

Gardiner John Malstead, 7 Charsley rd Hirzel Conrad, 1r F.xbury road of St. Laurence], x6 SpringfieldPk.crea

Gardner P. A. 6 Medusa road Hole Charles, 25 Canterbury road Lowe Hodgkinson, Fernlea, Westdwn.rd

Gardner WilliamHenry, r6 Ringstead rd Hole Nelson, Burmah vil. Vancouver rd Lownds Edwin John, 23 Plassy road

Garland Charle.~, 9 Ravensbourne park Holland Mrs. Clare lodge, Perry hill Lucas Waiter, 29 Bradgate road

Garnar Mrs. 7 Plassy road Ilollebone Mrs. Park ho. Luntley Jn. 4 Hawstead vils.Hawstd.rd

Garrow Mrs. 9 Bradgate road Holliday Alexander, IS St. George's 1 Lyle Artbur, 7 Schuckburgb road

Gay Stephen \'\'alter, 14 Beerhfield rd villas, Perry hill l\lcClean Robert, 8 Charsley road

Gibbs William, 59 Ringstead road Roman Mrs. 12 Canterbury road McCubbin RobertJames, roRingsteadrd

\Tibson Mrs. 37 Rarmeston road Homes John Angus, 79 Blythe vale Macdonald John, 6 Schuckburgb road

8-ill Francis William, 36 Ringstead rd Homes John Angus, jun. 19 St. George's , Mackay Ueorge, 3 Schuckburgh road
Mackenzie James Denniston Dunlop, 9
Gillespie Walter Hugh, 7 Dartmouth I villas, Perry hill

villas, Farley road Honeyball William Henry, 37 Blythe hl Charsley road

G-inini Francis, 5 Schuckburgh road Honnoraty Gustave, I Blythe vale Mackintosh Mrs. Morningside, Wool·

Glanville Richard, 4 Plassy rmd Hooke Joshua Jackson, 17 Brownhill rd stone road

Glanville Silvanus Gordon,42Rushey gn Hooker Robert John, 24 Ringstead rd Macnicol Peter, 24 Brownhill road

Glegg James, Perry Hill ho. Perry hill i Hooton William Hy. 4 Vancouver road Macord Mrs. II Glenwood road

Uatham George, 56 Catford hill I Hopf Paul, 6 Vancouver road McTaggart Capt. Wm.Bell,61 Catfordhl

G-oldieMattbew,gLaurel ter. Bradgate rd Hopkinson Miss, 8 Blythe hill Major Henry, 50 Rushey green

Goldman Augustus, 65 Catford hill Horn Henry, 71 Ringstead road Major Mrs. 62 Rushey green

Good John William, IS Ringstead road HorseyJn. Geo. The Elms, Catford hill Mallett Charles W. 9 Plassy road

Goodman Frank, 9 Beecbfield road Houghton Mrs. 36 Catford hill Malster William, 3 Helvetia street

Goodway Cephas Clifford, 2 St. George's Ho ward Waiter Hy. 17 Ringstead road Mann Joseph Norman, 12 Upper Win·

villas, Perry hill Howcroft Frederick, 37 Catford hill chester road

G-oosey John George, 2 lllythe hill Howell Evan, 29 Ringstead road Mansfield Mrs. 14A, Up. Winchester rd

Gorringe John, 78 Rushey green Howett Charles, 37 Bradgate road Manuel George\Vatson, Eildon,Ravens-

Gosling John, 57 Ringstead road Hubbard William, 42 Barmeston road bourne park

Goss Geo.IIy.s Retreat vils. The Retreat Hudson Fredk. Aug. 27 Barmeston rd Marley Frederick, 67 Ringstead road

Gow Robert, 34 Blythe vale · Huggett Alfred, 7 Rutland park Marriott ArthurWm. Manor ho.Perry bl

Graham George, Oakfield, Woolstone rd 1 Hnghes Miss, In~leside, Woolstone rd Marsh Mrs. 9 Upper Winche.-.ter road

Grant Ueo.8 Browuhill vils.Brownhill rd J Hulbert Harry Walter, so Ringstead rd Marshal Henry, 2 Schuckburgh rood

Grasham J ames Henry,23 Ringstead rd Humphreys Fredk.William, 3 Brownhill Martin Capt. Wm. R. R.N. 8 Exbury rd

G-reen Edward Baker, Ravensbonrne pk villas, Brownbill road Martin Edgar, 45 Ringstead road

Greenfield Thomas Alex.8 Westdown rd Hunt Charles, 46 Rushey green Martin George, 13 Barmeston road

G-reensladeChas.John.4Schuckbnrgh rd Hunton Charles A. 7 Vancouver road Martin John, 23 Bradgate road

Greenstreet Jas. Harris, 15Glenwood rd Hurrell Charles, 70 Catford hill Meadwell Jeremiah, 43 Brownhill road

G-reenstreet JosephWm. 19 Glenwood rd Hurst William, Hrierley ho. Honley rd Meuser Gustave, I Priory vils. Brown·

Greenwood Rev. Thomas [Baptist], 3 Hutchings Lt.Hy.S.R.N.6oRingstead rd hill road

Rutland Park villas, Perry hill Hutson Eclward, 8 Plassy road Meyer Adolph Albert, 15 Blythe vale

G-regory George, 7 Exbury road Hyatt Arthur, 30 Brownhill road Michell Mrs. Bermuda, Vancouverrd

Griffin William Henry, 6o Blythe vale Ing Arthur George, 73 Rlythe vale Miles Harvey James, 2 Hawstead villas,

Grove \\'illiam Henry, 39 Catford hill Jackson Mrs. 4 Lower Winchester road Hawstcad road

Groves James Billingham, Woolstone rd Jeffery Mrs. 18 Glenwood road :Millen Step hen R. 5 Rutland park

Gullick Edward Charles, 2 Lawn villas. Jobns William, 5 Blythe vale Miller David Alien, 27 Bradgate road

Hawstead road .)'ones Arthur, 36 Blythe vale Miller George, Birnam, Woolstone road

G wynn Re1,1ben IIerbert, St. George's J ones Rowland J ohu, 6 Milford terrace, Miller Jas. II Milford ter. Brookdale rd

lodge, Catford hill Brookdale road Miller James, 13 Ringstead road
Hall Mrs. 15 Barmeston road Judge Lorenzo Charles, 7 Pattenrlen rd Miller Mrs. Thynne villa, Honley rood

HallRichd James, Brighton terrace,Rut- KeddeH Hany, 8 Dartmth. vls.Farley rd Milligan John, 57 Brownhill road

land park Keel! James Alfred, 44 Ringstead road Mills William, 58 Blythe vale

Hamilton SydneyMontague,4IBlythehl Keene Charles M. I4 Barmeston road MilneMrs.Alex.Fairhaven,Woolstonerd

Hammersley J sph.M.R.c.s. BsRushey gn Key wood Wm. Geo. 34 Canterbury rd Mitehell John Reid, I Brown hill road

Hammond Richard, 78 Rathfern road Kioble Oliver, 'fhe Laurels, Ravens- Mitchell Thomas Alexander L.R.C.S.L,

Hampton Mrs. Retreat ldg.The Retreat bourne park L.K.Q.C.P. I2I Rushey green

Harbert Sydney R. 43 Blythe bill King William, 31 Bradgate road Monnery Mrs. 45 Catford hill

Harding Cecil Murray, 2 Dartmouth i Kingsford Jn. Langley vil. Westdown rd Memument John, 18 Barme;ton road

villas, Farley road Kinnersley Richard, 9 Honley road Morgan Charles Alfred, 45 Blythe hill

Harding Joseph, 8 Perry bill Kirke William, 62 Catford hill :Morgan Richd. Aneurin, 45 Rushey ~
Hardy Edward Lee Carteret Price, 3 Kitcbingman Charles Joseph, Lynton, Morgan Thomas Edwd. 27 Ringstead td

Berlin road Vancouver road Morice William Stewart, 25 Exburyrd



Morison Mrs. 10 Ravensbourne p&rk Prior Thomas, 3r Blythe vale _ Si! verthorneEd wardCh ristian, 2RavE!ng.,.

Morris John, 17 Upper Winchester rd Protchie Charles John, I7 Rutland road bourne park

Morson Edward, 4 Blythe hill Prutz Otto William, 22 Barmeston rd Simmers James, 25 Plassy road

Morson Frederick, 9 Brownhill road Pugh Charles John, 33 Blythe hill Hinclair Major Andrew,46 Ringstead rd

Mortleman Charles, 27 Blythe hill Pugh Miss C. 27 Bowness road Sinclair R. K. 79 Blythe va.le

Mortimer Alexander, I Berlin road Purrier Edward Arthur C. 3 Milford Sindall Robert Langford, Woodlands,

Moutrie Arthnr, Perrymead,Woolstn.rd terrace, Brookdale road Ravensbourne park

Mulligan Mrs. 5 Bowness road Pynegar Hy. Priory villas, Brownhill rd Sisley Charles Towers, 15 Exbury road

Mullinder Charles, 21 Schuckburgh rd Quirk MajorPhilip, VValmer ho.Perry hl Slade Henry, 3 Medusa road

Murael Hngh John, 5 Charsley road Radford Shelley, 2 Chestnut villas, Slade Mrs. 14 Canterbury road

Naylor Robert Gray, 70 Blythe vale Bradgate road. Slopcr Samuel, r8 Rutland road

Neal Collison, II3 Rushey green Radley Henry, I Barmeston road Smart William, I6 Heechfield road

Neary Frederick, 48 Catford hill Ramsay Stephen, 23 Bradgate road Smith Arthur, 7 Hlythe vale

Needs Harry Arthur, 49 Ring-stead road Ransorne Allen W.Bassett, Vancouver rd .Smith Fredk. r .St.George's vis. Perry hl

Nelson John William R..N. Whiteaway, Raymond Mrs. 67 Blythe vale .Smith Fredk. Brabant, 68 Blythe vale

Vancouver road Raymoncl Wm.Jas.IsUp. Winchester rd Smith Fredk. II. C. E. 39 Ringstead rd

Nelson Mrs. 4 Ravensbourn11 park Raynes Thomas A. I \"Y wall, Perry hill Smith George Peter, 32 Hrownhill road

Neumann Arnold Louis, ro3Rushey grn Reader Henry, 26 llrownhill road .SmithHenry, x2Milford ter. Brookdale rd

Neuville Peter J. 28 Ringstcad road Reader William, II Hrownhill road Smith John Archer, 67 Catford hill

Newton Isaac, 2 Wickham terrace, Record John George, 126 Catford hill Smith Mrs. Schuckbur,rh road

Brookdale road Reed Thomas Croad, Lul worth, Wool- Smith Mrs. E. 40 l3lythe vale

Norman Miss, 2 Albion viis. Perry hill stone road Smith Stephen, 21 Ringstead road

Northway James, 75 Blythe vale Reid Alexander, 2 Oak vls. Ht~wstead rd Smith William, ~9 l::lro wnhill road

Nye Thomas, 75 Catford hill Reid Henry, 2 Mcadoweroft, Perry hill Smith William, Hoslyn, Honley road

Oakden Frank, Devon vi!. Honley road Rendell William, 11 Canterbury road Smithers Frederick, r3 Rutland road

Oake Emest. George, 3 Charsley road Reynolds Miss, 93 Rushey green Smyth Francis Buxton, I4 Rutland Frederick Harman, 23 Blythe hi Reynolds Mrs. 7 Hradgate road Park villas, Perry hill

Olver Alfred William, 56 Rathfern road Reynolds William Read,4o Ringstead rd Smyth RLJbert Newton, 27 Exbury rd

Omash William Alien, 2~ Blythe vale Rich Frederick, N etley villa, Farley rd Sowra.y Woodford, 54 Catford hill

Ory Alfred Louis, r6 Charsley road Richards Miss, 27 Plas:>y road Sparrick Thomas ·wm. 27 Blythe vale

Dry Harry, 10 Aitken road Richards ThrJmas, 6 Honley road Stamper .Salkeld, 28 Brownhill road

Osborne Christie Tate, 69 Catford hill Richardson Maurice, 13 Exbury road Standing Henry,9Elgin ter.Catforcl bdg

Osborne Mrs. M. A. 4 Up. Winchester rd Richardson N clson H. 4+ Hlythe vale Stanford Cbs.Portway ho. Vancouver rd

Page Willia.m, I Exbury road Richardson Robert, 4 Canterbury road Stanley James Hill., 91 Rushey green

Pakeman Jas. Wm. Clyde vil.Farley rd Rickard William J. F. 27 Canterburyrd Steel Edward Corbo:nld, I7 Bradgate rd

Palmar Comelius, 63 Blythe vale Riddell James, 30 Ringstead road Stephens Miss, 5 Heechfield road

Palmer David, 31 Catford hill Riminton William, 69 Hingstead road Stephenson Rieharcl Frederick,4La.wson

Palmer I<'redk. Alex. 5 Hradgate road • Ringer Ernest S. 17 Glenwood road VIllas, Glenwood road

Parker Mrs. 6 Perry hill Roberts Ernest Thos. M. 7 Helvl)tia st Stevens Era.!!mns, 53 Hrownhill roa1

Parker Mrs. rog Rushey green R.oberts John, 33 Ringstead road StcvcnsJamcs, Evelyn vil.Westdown rd

Parker Richard Ramsey, 69 Blythe vale Robinson Rev. Ed ward Cecilli-I.A. [vicar Stewart Charles Edward, 15 Rutland

Parker William C. E. 57 Catford hill of St. Laurenc~J, St. La.urencB Park villas, Perry hill

Parrish James, I Ringstead road vicarage, 5 Herliu road Stillwell George Di'-iby, 85 Blythe vala.

Patient Wm. F. Perry cot. Perry hill Robinson Mrs. Heulall, IIonley road Stillwell ::Hiss, 56 Blythe vale

Paton Weir, 2I Bradgate road Rogers Henry, 3 P.lassy road Stocken Waiter JuliusHerd,4Medusa rd

Pead Thomas, 36 Hrownhill road Rolt \Villiam, Gragmere, Honley road Stockley Mrs.Stanley lo. Ra vensbrne. pk

Peak James, Ra tcliffe cot. Perry hill Ross Waiter, I2 Blythc hill StockwcllJn. Aifd. I Retreat vIs. ThcRetrt

Peddell John, 4 Exbury road Routledge Charles, 2 Springfield villas, Stokes Thomas, 360 Stanstead road

Peeke Gordon Lennox, 74 Catford hill Hawstead road Stormer William, 62 Ring-stead road

Peel :Miss, 4 Honley road Routley John, I7 Bradgate road Stuart Charles, I Ra\'ensbourne park

Peircey William, 3 Glenwood road Rowland Ed ward Trevor Parry, 137 Stuttard Arthur Nathaniel, Ashby villa,

Pengelley Miss, 3 Springfield villas, Rushey green Vancouver road

Hawstead road Rowland Ernest Alfred, 2 Honley road SnmmersFrederickW m.39Barmeston rd

Penny Wil!iam Charles, 5 Vancouver rd Ruegg Edward Wm. 58 Ringstead road Summers Geo. Augustus, 19 Blythe vale

Penrose Ernest Thos. 66 Canterbury rd Ruffles CliffordHenry, 97 Rushey green Summers Henry Charles, I Medusa road•

Percheron Louis, 107 Rushey green Russell Fredk. Wm. 3I Canterbury rd Swanton Mrs. 8o Catford hill

Perry Matthew Forrest, 13 Blythe vale Ryder Edward, 20 Hrownhill road Sweeting William Jas. IoBeechfield road

Perry Miss, 22 Schuckburgh road Sach Mrs. 8 IIonley road 'I a!bot .Anthony, I4 Blythe hill

Pettman Thomas Bridges, Glenwood, Sands Henj. I Laurel ter. Hradgate rd Tapson Thomas K I Pattcnden road

Vancouver road Sard George, 22 Brownhill road T<1ylor Charles, 37 Canterbury road. r

Petty Mrs. I Bowness road Sard Samuel Robert, II7 Rushey green Tay]or James, 2 l Glenwood road

Phelps Jarnes Clement, I Albiun villas, Sawyer Thomas, 8o !{athfern road TaylorJn. Wm.6Dartmouth vls.I<'arly. rd

Perry hill Saxton William Thos. 45 Brownhill rd Thomas John, 10 Hlythe hill
Phillips Miss, 20 Rin~stead road Scharrer Andrew August, Bavaria, Thompson:\Irs. r ]{utlandPk.vis. Perry hi

Phillips William, 2 Exbury road Woolstone road Thomson David, 37 Bradg,tte road

Plu1lips William George, 8 Medusa rd SchoenfeldLeon,3Laurel ter.Bradgtc. rd Tbomson GJo. Tre_,;antle, Woolstone rd

Philpott Edwd. [verger of St. George's], Schoeufelder OLto, I Hrmley road Tbomson Octavius Alex. 3 Vancouver rd

53 Blythe vale Schofield George T. 25 llowness road T hurnEdgarSpcncer, 23 Barmeston road

Pickenng Alexander S. 43 Catford hill Schofield Samuel Robt. 4 G-len wood rd Thorp C!Jas. 2 .AlberL viis. Catfurd bridge

Pickering Mrs. 3 Hawstead villas, Haw- Schwarzenbich Fredk.62 Canterbury rd Thaw Georga A. IS Glenwood road

stead road Scott Jsph.Pressy, Fern cot. Wildfell rd Tickle Alexander W. 3 Buxton villas,

PiercyGeo. Thos. I Dartmth. vls.Farley rd Seaton ErnestPennington, I I8Catford hl Heechfield road

Piggott Waiter William, 12 Plassy road Selby Mrs. 3 Ravensbourne park Tilley .:Wiss, 16 Hrownhill road

Pilkington Alfred, 15 Plassy road Sellwood James, 23 Brownhill road Tilling Thos. Swartley cottage, Perry hl

Plant Geo. Wm. Asather, Woolstone rd Serle Daniel, 74 lllythe vale Tindall James, I3 Plassy road

Plant William Ed ward, 76 Catford hill Sexstone Hy. 4 Laurel ter. Bradgate rd Tindell Charles, 76 Rathfern road

Plater Charles, 141 Rushey green Sexton Stphn. Robert, 17 Canterbury rd ToddMrs. Clock house, Ravensbourne pk

Player Edwd.Elmsbolme, Harmeston rd Sharland Edwd.Emanul.6Westdown rd Tofft Chas. Prynross, Vancouver road

Poll Mrs. 5 Chestnut vils. Bradgate rJ Sharp Benjamin, 14 Schuckburgh road Tolley Jam~ M. 66 Blythe vale

Pooles C. G. 23 Glenwood road Sharp Charles Seward, 45 Blythe hilt TooveyEdwinSaunders,sBrownhill road

Pope S:J.muel, 6 Lower Winchester rd Sharp Henry, 6 Barmeston road Topham Rd.2 Brownhl.v1s.Brownhill rd

Poper Mrs. 2 Vancouver road Sharp Joscph, 35 H trmeston road Townshend George, St.George's cottage,

Potter Edmd.C.Brooklyn,Vancouver rd Shattock Richd. Jas. 7 Adenmore gruns Vancouver road

Potter Henry John, 9 Ulenwood road Shaw Freierick, 49 Catford hill Towse-Wrench John, Hillside, Ravens-

Pratt Albt. Wm. Hy. I2 Ringstead rd Shaw Wm.1Brownhill vls.Hrownhill rd bourne park

Pratt Henry, 4I Barmeston road Sheppard Mrs.7 Laurel ter.Bradgate rd Tozer Frank, Kingscot, r6 Upper Win-

Pratt Wm. Henry Canterbury rd ShorterMrs. Vancouver lo. Vancouver rJ chester road

Preston Thomas, n Barmeston road -L Shrimpton Harold George, 8 Aitken rd Tozer Henry, 47 Blythe h11l

Priestley Miss, I xs Rushey green Sidery Mrs.6Wiekham tcr.Brookdale rd Tozer Wdliarn, 32 Canterbury road

Prior Harvey, Honley ho. Honley road Siever George, 5 B'irme3ton road Trant Henry Richard, 38 Hlythe vale

K, S. & S, 10*


Treiber Carl,Westleigh, Vancouver road CO:HilERCIAL. Evans Hy. hair dresser, 18 Catford hill

Trench Miss, 33 Bradgate road AdamsJas.Cornelius,grcr.54Rushey grn Evans William, boot maker, 25 .Alethia

Trumper Misses, 29 Exbury road Adams John,laundry, I Gresham villas, terrace, Brookdale road

Tnllis Alexander, 37 Brownhill road Bradgate road Farmaner Jane (Miss), apartments, 28

Turner Edward Henry, 4 Wickham ter- AdieAnn(Mrs.),beer retlr.68Rushey grn Catford hill

race, Brookdale road Airey f'rank, butcher, 8 The Pavement, FarrowJn.job.gdnr.sVerey co1;.Perryhl

Tyler John, 64 Blythe vale Ferry hill Fieldson William & Co. printers, r4
Tyler Waiter, 8 Rutland park
Aldridge Chas.dairyman, I9 Rushey grn Spring-field Park crescent

Tyre Robert, Marston villa, Honley road Aldridge James,pa"\tnbroker, II Spring- Finch Thos.dairyman,r38Rushey green

Valdes Antonio Angel, I6 Plassy road field Park crescent Fisher ElizabethAnn(Mrs. ),preparatory

Valentine Henry Edward,Ig Rutland rd ret.5ICreeland gro school, 13 Bowness road

Vane Geo.Morris, II Ravensbourne park Allder Joshua Thomas, draper, IOO, Ford Robt.dairy,r3SpringfieldPark crea

Veal Frank, I3 Schuckburgh road 102 & I04 H.ushey green Freeman William,gardnr. 17Bownesa rd

Vickeridge CharlesHenry,Ecclesbourne, Allington Arthur, insurance agent, 6o Frey Martin (Mrs.), laundry, 3 Lower

Vancouver road Engleheart road Winchester road

Vincent Miss, 61 Ringstead road Amer Fredk. Two Brewers P.H.Perry hl Fromant Anna (Mrs.), fancy repositry.

WadleyGeorgeHenry, r rlleechfield road Amer Ily.joiner, I Oak vils.Ilawstead rd g6 Rushey green

Wake Mrs. IO Upper Winchester road Amos Chas.sign writer,66 Rushey green Frost William, florist, Railway station,

WalkerJas.2RutlandPark vils.Perry hill ApplebyWm.&Sons,fl.orsts.s2Rushy.grn Catford bridge

Walker Mrs. 2 Barmeston road Ardleigh Bread Co. Limited (The)(John Fry David, coal mercht.Catford Bridge

WalkerWm-4 St.George'svils.Perry hill Miller, manager), bakers, Postoflice, railway station

Wallace Howard, r6Rutland Park villas, 160 Hushey green FullerJn.Hy.carpntr.23Up. Winchstr.rd

Perry hill Austin James& Alfred,grocers,&agents Fuller Oliver George, Railway tavern,

Waller Robert Albert, 2I Bowness road for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit Catford bridge

Walpole Thomas, 7 Perry hill mercluLnts, 162 Rushey green Gane Bdwin, jobbing gardener. 3 El-

Walter Thomas Ueorge,8Canterbury rd Austing J oseph, estate agt. 8Hingstead rd gin terrace, Catford bridge

"\Vard John Wesney, Red house, Ravens- A uty Jas. horticultural bldr. Rushey grn Gardner, Allender & Co. fancy reposi.

bourne park AvisRichard,apartments,6 Priory villas, tory, 22 Rushey green

Ward William Henry, 2 Plassy road BrPwnhill road Girls' Home (Alice 1\Iory, sister in

Warren Misses, 93 Rushey green Bailey William, joiner, r Lawn villas, charge), I Blythe bill

Watmough Henry Dixon, 46 Blythe vale Hawstead road Goodwin William John, tobacconist, r6

Watson Alfred, 25 Bradgate road Ealdwin Eleanor (Miss), dress maker, Springfield Park crescent

Weatherley Edwin, 83 Blythe vale 42 Canterbury road Gotts Thomas, carman, I Scrooby st

Webb Frank, 2 Aitken road Balls George, coffee rooms,5Catford hill GreenawayJas.gardnr.23Canterbury nl

WebbJamell,New Mill house,Catford hill BarberWm.John,boot ma.86Rusbey grn 1 Gwynn Reuben Herbert L.R.C.P.Edin.

Webb James Greenaway, OldMill house, Barnett "\\'alter, boot ma. 14oRushcy grn i surgeon, St. George's lodge

Catforci bill Barrett Fnk.Ernst. rate col. 8rRushey gn Hammersley Jsph.surgn. 85Rushey grn

Webb John Fenner, 6o Catford hill Bavton William,china&glasl' dealer, I26 I HardstoneFrdk.G.butchr. rs8Rushey gn

Wedlake George, 31 Bowness road Rushey green , Hardstone John, jun. undertaker, Re-

West Joseph Wilson, 21 Brownb.ill road Bearman George, jobbing gardener, 3 1 treat cottage, The Retreat

vVhiffen Mrs. 6 Canterbury road Verey's cottages, Perry hill I Hardstone William Monk, greengrocer,

White Albert James, 63 Ringstead road Bennett&Anstey,cowkprs. 83 Catford hi ro6 Rushey green

White Mrs. 46 Canterbury road Birch Jesse J. prof. of violin, II Plassy rd Harris Robt. greengro. I 54 Rushey grn

White Mrs. 99 Rushey green Bowen Edwn. Wm.boot ma.2oCatfrd.hl IIarrison Chas. plumber, 15 Rutland rd

Whitehalll\Iichael Thos.7 Rushey green Brazier Jn.Wm.carpenter,Io Catford hl' Haynes MaryEmma (Mrs.),tobacconist,

"Whitehead Alderman Sir Jas. hart. J. P., Brereton Frank Sadler F.R.I.B.A. archi-, 26 Rushey green

F.S.A., F.R.Hist.s., F.S.s. Highficld ho tect, Shanbally, Rushey green ' Hazleby Robert William, dairy, I Sta·

Whitewood Edward J.52Ringstead road Bright Frank, gardener, 14 Rutland rd i tion buildings, Catford bridge

Widdowson Mrs. 2 Brownhill road Bright John,laundry,38 Canterbury rd ·Heath Matilda (Mrs.), dress maker, 3

Wightwick :Wrs. Thanet lo. Westdown rd Bright dresser,94 Rushey grn Blythe Hill lane

Wigley William Henry, Farley lodge, Brock Arthur John, china & glass dealr. Herring Frances (Madame), professor

Farley road 3 Station buildings, Catford bridge . of swimrnin15, 22 Engleheart road

Williams Rev. Charles N. M . .A. [vicar of Brookdale Hall Billiard Rooms (John Herring MarthaAnn(Mrs.),tobacconist,

St. Ueorge's], St. George's vicarage, Harrison, proptr.), Brookdale road 2 Station buildings, Catford bridge

Vancouver road Brown Isaac, oilman, 6 The Pavement, HerringWm.warrnt.officr. r63Rushy.g11

Williams Rev. Samuel Tamatoa [Con- Perry hill Heywood Fnk.Rntland tavern, Perry hl

gregational], r8 Blythe hill BnckWm.Fk_carriage bldr.4oRushey gn Hodge Martha Ann (Miss), fancy repot-

WilliamsFdk.8 St.George's vils.Perry hl Budd William, jobmaster, I Albert itory, 24 Rushey green

Williamsf' Gerrard, 56Ringstead rd terrace, Doggelt road Hodge Thomas, collector of Queen's

WilliamsReginld. Heber,43Barmeston rd Burgoyne Alfred John, corn dealer, 3 taxes, 24 Rushey green

Williamson Douglas, 5 Adenmore grdns The Pavement, Perry hill Hodgetts William, manager of the Lon-

Williamson Mrs. 64 Canterbury road CarncllW. D. tailor, 13Up. Winchester rd don&Provincial Bank, r66 Rushey grn

Willis Geo.Richd.Morthoe,Vancouver rd Catford Conservative Club (Alfred Fin- House Thos. Jas. florist, r2 Perry hill

Willis John, 5 sPelpa shs, •vIOr oIaRd u s h ey green deisen, hon. sec.), Catford bridge Howard Ernest P. & Charles,dairymen,
Willoughby Jo Catford District Vaccination Station, 20 Rushey green

Wilshere Frank c. E. 72 Blytlte vale The Retreat Hull Jas. Nelson, fruitr. 8I Catfordhill

Wilson Charles, 3 Upper Winchester rd Childs Wm.Bartlett,gardnr.I6 Perry hl JamesEliza(l\Iiss),milliner,18Husheygn

"Wilson Frank, 2 Canterbury road Chipps George, grocer, I Elm terrace, Jenkins Frank,hair drssr. I3rRushey1!11

Wilson Miss, 8 Ravensbourne park Brookdale road JonesWm.jun.gasfitter, 105 Catford hill

Wiltshire Ernest Wm. 8 Beechfield road Church Thomas James & Co. butchers, Joy William, carman,ro5 Rushey green

Winter Thos. 5 Priory viis. Brownhill rd 98 Rushey green KerlogueThs.corn chndlr.37 Englhrt.rd

Wolfram Walter, 2 Berlin road ClarkeJas.launclry ,25V p. "Winchester rd Key woodThomas, painter, 16Rutland rd

Wood Henry, 6 Plassy road Cleminson Robt. artist, 41 Bradgate rd King Louisa (Mrs.), apartments, !I

Wood Herbert, Richmond villa, West- Collins Richard, baker, 79 Catford hill Albert terrace, Doggett road

down road Cooke C. J. grocer, 142 Rushey green Kirby Thomas,cowkpr. 1.47 Rushey grn

Wood Robert, 5 Mednsa road ConsP-rvative Clnb (Frank Bishop, sec.), Kirk Mary (Mrs.), ladies' school, u

Wood Timothy Giddins, II Schuck- I Meadowcroft, Perry hill Beechfield road

burgb road Corrall & Co. coal merchants, Railway Lacey Wm.reg.lodging ho.2Rushey grn

W oodley J ames Edward, 3 r Plassy rd station, Catford bridge Laing John & Sons, nurserymen, Sa·

W oodley;\lrs. I Buxton viis. Beechfield rd Craig Frances (Mrs.), apartments, 124 bin's lane,Grafton rd .& Rutland pari

Wooff Richard, I23 Rushey green Rushey green Laird Jamcs, builder & contractor, 13

Wraight Miss,3 Brighton ter.Rutland pk Cracker John Henry, cycle maker, 15 Bradgate road

WrenWm.II Brownhill vls.Brownhill rd Springfield Park crescent Lang John&Sons,fiorists,RiverViewprk

WrightEdward, The Avenue,Rushey grn Dedell Wm.comcl. travlr. I Bradgate rd Lawrence Thomas, picture frame ma·

Wright John, 38 Ringstead road Dehnertiienry,boot ma.3oCanterbry.rd ker, 88 Rnshey green

Wright:\'Irs.Chas.Buxton vls. Beechfid.rd Dell Frederick Barton A. P.s. chemist, 4 Letts & Ody, bakers&c. r8Rushey greeD

Wykes William Arthur, 3 St. George's The Pavement, Perry hill

villas, Perry hill Eddington M. butcher, 13 Rushey green Lewisham Grammar School for Girl!

Wyttenbach Louis, 8 Glenwood road Eedlow Harriet (Miss), dress maker, 2 (The) (Miss Edith Ashworth, belli

Yonng Geo. Augustus,48 Rushey green Albert villas, The Retreat mistress), Rushey green

Young Mrs. 4 Charsley road EppsHenry,general shp.32Creeland gro Lifford George, fishmonger, I52Rnsbl!1

Yonngs Jeffery, 3 Pattenden road EustaceWalt.Wm.oilman,grCatford hill green


LinehamAiice (Mrs.), coffee rooms, II2 Perren Saml. boot ma. 155 Rushey gm Smoker Wm. boot maker, 89 Catford hi

&; 159 Rushey green Perry Hill Lecture Hall, Perry hill Somerford Henry Gerald, professor of

Little George William, greengrocer, IO Pett JamP-S M. grocer, 67 Engleheart rd music, 2 Priory villas, Brownhill rd

Elgin terrace, Catford bridge Petty Daniel, builder, 2 Jutland road Spencer Mary D. (Misi!), milliner, 26

Lomas Wil!iam,baker,go Rushey green Petty Rebecca (Mrs.), laundress, 2 Catford hill

London & Provincial Bank Limited Elgin terrace, Catford bridge Stallworthy John, boot maker, 7 Amos

(William Hodgetts, manager), I66 PhillipsThos. tobacconist, rsr Rushey gn cottages, Perry hill

Rushey green; draw on head office, Phillips Wm.Geo.oilman, 13-4- Rushey gn Stening Albert, shopkeeper & wheel-

7 Bank buildings E c & Glyn, Mills, Phipps Louis, corn dlr. 70 Rushey grn wright, 7 Catford hill

Cnrrie & Co. London E c Pittard William Lewis, estate agent, I9 SteningHy. Wm.sign writr.77Catford hl

London & South Western Bank Limited Plassy road Stott William, advertising agent, 12

(Edward Trevor Parry Rowland, PotterJas.bakr.7ThePavement,Perryhl Springfield Park crescent

manager), I37 Rushey green; draw Priory Park Lawn Tennis Club (A. M. Sturman Richd.greengro. wgCatford hl

on head office, 170 Fenchurch street, Dovey, hon. sec.), Engleheart road Sutch Jn. plumber, rLow. Winehester rd

London • c Private Bank's Cricket & Athletic Club Sykes Alfred, builder, 25 Rutland road

Lone Edward Clark, black lead manfr. (Clifford Henry Ruffles, hon. sec.), Tapping John, stationer, I Rutland rd

74 Rushey green Catford lodge Taylor Alfred, boot ma. I3 Creeland gro

Lucas Louisa (Mrs.), dress maker, 153 Ranger Jesse, laundry, 12 Rutland rd Taylor Enoch,Rising Sun P.H.84Rushey

Rusbey green Record Wm. jobmaster, Rushey green green

McKenzieEdward,grocer, 12Rushey grn Reynolds Thomas, draper, 5 The Pave- Terrell Waiter, marine store dealer, 133

Ma.~or Henry, builder, 76 Rushey green ment, Perry hill Rushey green

MaJorJsph. Lovell,grocer,8oRushey grn Reynolds Wm. butcher, 72 Rushey grn Thimbleby Richard, plumber, 6 Spring·

Mantle Wm. laundry, Schuckburgh rd Rhoadesgdwd.Jas.plmbr.7sRushey grn field Park crescent

Manton Alfred John, boot maker, 5 Roberts John W. lamplighter,47 Engle- ThomasWm.Hy.prov.dlr.IsoRushey gn

Amos cottages, Perry hill heart road propr.Rushey grn

Marsh Alfred, carpenter, I7 Spring- Robinson Robert, dairyman, Berlin rd Tillott George, grocer, r6x Rushey grn

field Park crescent RobusAnn(Miss), T22Catfrd.hl Tungate Jn. Benj.dairy,n6 H.ushey grn

Marshal! Albt. Geo. fishmgr. 22Catfrd. hl Robus William Henry, contractor, 6 Vernon Wm. beer rctlr. no H. us hey grn

MarshallFdk.wheelwrght.I27Rushey gn Gresham villas, Bradgate road Wale John, turncock to Kent Water

MartinAlf.Heap,watch ma. Raper Fredk. tobacconst. 129Hushey grn Works, 149 Rushey green

Martin H. J. jobmaster, 11 Rutland RoseFredk.Geo.decorator,12Catford hl WalkerRd.Heath,builder,8xBlythevale

Park villas, Perry bill Rose Richard, tailor, 92 Rushey green Walton John C. & Co. coal merchants,

Martin Mary Ann (Mrs.), tobacconist, Rouse Henry, draper, 65 Engleheart rd 14 Rushey green

I56 Rushey green Rowland Edward Trevor Parry, man· Walton Sophia Jane (Mrs.), ladies'

May Shepherd, saddler, 4 Perry hill ager of the London & South Western school, 2 Ringstead road

Mercer Charles Joseph, news agent, 5 Bank, I37 Rushey green Ward John Wmmey, solicitor, Red

Springfield Park crescent Rumens Alice (Mrs.), dress maker, 77 house, Ravensbourne park

MilesArthm·, upholsterer, 103Catford hl Rushey green Warrell Eliza (Mrs.), greengrocer, I

Mitchell Thomas Alexander L.K.Q.C.P. Rushey Green Cricket Club (Thomas I The Pavement, Perry hill

rrel. surgeon, 121 Rushey green A. Trigg, sec.), Sangley WatmoreMoses.grngro.35Engleheart rd

MoltenoFk.Jn.phtgrphr. 12oRushey grn Russell Hy.Geo. plasterer, 3 Rutland rd Watson Eli Liddell,grocer,g3 Catford hi

Morgan Thomas, tailor, 107 Catford hl Sabin Geo. contractor, I39 Rushey grn I Watt James, joiner, Ivy cot. Wildfell rd

MorganWm. Jn. stationr. mBRushey grn Sales Edgar Howe,auctnr. 14Rushey grn Watts John, saddler, 122 Rushey green

Morris Bros. fruiterers, 146 Rushey grn Salvation Army Barracks, Rushey grn Weal Alfred, laundry,Elm vil.Sabin's la

Mousley Louisa (Mrs.), shirt & collar SampsonFredk.cattle dlr. r6sRushey gn Weal Edwd. genl. shop,42 Creeland gro

dresser, r Albert villas, The Retreat Sandman Theresa & Clari (Misses), Webb James & Sons, Catford Bridge

{)tley George, plumber, 2 The Retreat drapers, 4 Station bldgs.Catford brdg steam flour mills, Catford hill

Packer Oliver, laundry, IS Perry hill ShawGeo. RavensbourneP.H. I6Catfrd.hl Werner Christian, tailor, 73 Catford hill

Palmer J. dealer in building materials, Sheppard Alfred Dale, stationer, & post Whiffen Geo. boot ma. I48 Rushey grn

9 Catford hill office, I4 Catford hill Whybrow Mrs. & Son, chimney sweeps,

Palmer J. house & estate agent, I Sheppard Samuel, farmer, Cockshed 6 The Retreat

Albert villas, bridge farm, Sangley road Wigg Richd.Edwd.tobcnst.BsCatford hi

Parish Charles, chimney sweeper, 4 Smith Albert J<'rederick, sign writer, Wilkes Charles William, professor of

Albert villas, The Retreat 3 Gresham villas, Bradgate road music, 54 Catford hill

Parrish James, farrier, Rushey green Smith Fanny Freeman (Mrs.), iron- Wilkinson Charlotte & Rose (Misses),

PartEdwd.Jas.chemist,r64 Rushey grn monger, I6 Rushey green drapers, 136 Rusbey green

Paynter Francis Ed ward, solicitor, The Smith George W. fiorist, 11 Upper Wo~dhamHy.contractor,33Brownhill rd

Lodge, Ravensbourne park Winchester road Woods Geo. boot ma. 3 Rushey green

PearceCharles & Sons, chimney cleaners, Smith John Samuel, grocer, & post 1 Wyllie Robert, carpenter, I Helvetia st

:l Creeland grove office, Wiltshire house, Perry hill Wynne Henry Augustus, painter, I~

Perch Richard,castrator,7 Priory villas, Smith Thos. cab proptr. 58 Rushey grn .Elgin terrace, Catford bridge

Brownhill road Smith Walter,George P.H.I Rushey grn Young Wm. oilman, 82 Rushey green

CHALK is a parish and village, situated on the road from 1661. The living is a vicarage, average yearly value from

London to Dover and bounded on the north by the river tithe rent-charge £ r6o, wtth residence, in the gift of the

Thames, a mile and a half south-east from Gravesend, 24 Lord Chancellor, and held since I856 by the Rev. William

miles from London, in the Mid division of the county, lathe Joynes M. A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, who is also

of Aylesford, Strood union, Gravesend county court district, sinecure rector of Merston, in the parish of Shorne; gross

petty sessional division of Rochester, hundred of Sham well, yearly value £8g, and in the same patronage. The Earl of

rural deanery of Gravesend, archdeaconry and diocese of Darnley, who is lord of the manor, and W'illiam Brown esq.

Rochester. The parish is intersected by the North Kent are the principal landowners. The soil is lig-ht chalky ; sub-

railway and canal. The church of St. Mary, standing on a soil, chalk. The chief crops are grain. The area is 1,970

rising ground, 1 mile east of the village, a short distance acres of land and 283 of water ; rateable value, £3,982 ;

from the road, is an edifice of flint, in the Early English the population in I88I was 341.

and later styles, and consists of chancel with north aisle, Sexton, John Hurdle.

nave of three bays, north aisle and a western tower of stone,
with embattled parapet and an octagonal stair turret, and Letters through Gravesend...arrive at 6.30 a.m. PILLAR
containing 3 bells: within the porch on the west side of the Box cleared at 9·5° a.m. & 7·3° p.m.; on sundayat 11.3°
· and the are severa1grotesque aG.m. Thde nearest money order & telegraph office is at
to wer a stoup, over entrance

figures carved in stone: on the south side of the chancel is a ravesen

sedile, and near it, on corbel heads, a piscina: there are. National School (mixed), built in I866, for Bo children;

sittings for I8o persons. The register dates from the year I average attendance, 6o; Miss Wailer, mistress

llrooke George Henry, West court llrooke George Henry, farmer & hop Mullender Oscar, blacksmith

Brown Willia.m, West Filborough grower, West court Patterson Harry James, painter

F"lSh William, Manor house Crowhnrst Edward, farm bailiff to Prentis Edward, farmer & hop grower,

Joynes Rev. Wm. M.A. [vicar], Vicarage William Brown esq Clayne & Filborough farms

Lowcock Charles Frederick Crowhurst George Jn. Lisle Castle P.H Redsell William, market gardener

Wickham Edward, Rose villa Deaves Henry, shopkeeper Stone James, grocer

COMMERCIAL. Elliott Justw, farmer Stone James, jun. Lord Nelson P.H

Ashdown Harriette (Mrs.), laundress Finney Edward, White Hart P.H

CHALLOCK (or CHALLOCK LEES) is a parish, situated borders of a high wood and of Eastwell park, 6 miles north
on the high road from Faversham to .Asbford and on the from Ashford, 4 north-west from Wye station on the South


Eastern railway -and 54 from London, in the Southern since I88g by the Rev. William Henry M.A. of Caiua College,

division of the county, lathe of Scray, partly in the lower Cambridge. The charities amount to £5 ss. yearly, derived

half hundred of :Felborough and partly in that of Wye, Ash- from 2 acres of land, left in 16:18 and distributed to the

ford county court district and petty sessional division, East poor. A fair, formerly held here, was abolished February
Ashford union, and in the rural deanery of West Bridge 7th, 1873. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners are lords of
and archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The ancient the manor and the Earl of Winchilsea principal landowner.

church of St: Cosmos and .St. Damian, situated three-quar- The soil varies considerably ; subsoil, chalk. - The chief
ters of a mile south, in a strikingly beautiful and secluded crops are wheat, oats, hops and barley. Tbe area is 2,837
spot, is a building of flint and stone in the Early English acres; rateable value, £x,g88 ; the population in 188r was
and later styles, a.nd consists of a chancel with north chapel, 356.
nave of three bays, south porch and a western embattled Parish Clerk, James Austin.
tower, of Perpendicular date, with an angle stair-turret and PosT OFFICE.-William Chapman, postmaster. Letten

containingl4 bells: a parclose screen of Perpendicular work through Ashford arrive at 9·5 a.m.; dispatched at 5.30

incloses the chancel aisle on the west ; here is a piscina p. m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is a.t

and another in the chancel : the font, arcaded all round, is Charing

Early English : there are 200 sittings, so being free. The National School (mixed). built in I 866, for 76 children i

register dates from the beginning of the year 1558. The average attendance, 58 ; Miss Sarah Alien, mistress
living, formerly a chapelry, annexed to the vicarage of God- CARRIERS TO : -
mersharn, was in 1870 constituted an independent vicarage, AsHFORD-John Summers, every tues

net yearly value £250, including 3! acres of glebe with resi- CANTERBURY-John Summers, thurs. & sat. returning

dence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held same day

Henry Rev. WilEam M.A. Vicarage Cox Charles, Halfway House P.H Small George, miller (wind)

Maxted John · Epps Lewis, farmer, Pested Smith John, farmer, Paddock farm

COMMERCIAL. Fryer Edward, farmer, Bodshead farm Summers John, carrier

Amos Henry, farmer Grant John, farmer Swan :::5tephen, farmer

Bishop Edward, farmer, Great Paddock Hams Frederick, farmer Tamsitt John, blacksmith

Chapman John, baker I Howland Elizabeth (Mrs.), wheelwright Tourne) Edward, farmer, Nine Chim-

Chapman w,lliam, grocer, Post office I Jarrett Edwd. frmr. Clock House farm neys farm

Cheeseman :Frederick, farmer · Small Ueorge, Chequers P.H. & grocer

CHARING is a parish and a small town, situated at the tributed to the poor in money and bread by the vicar and

foot of the chalk scarp, on the road from Ashford to Maid- churchwardens to IO persons, each receiving £4 yearly, and
stone, with a station on the Maidstone and Ashford branch towards payment of the schoolmaster's salary. There are
of the London, Chatham and Dover railway, 13 miles south- ruins here of an ancient residence of the Archbishops of

east from Ashford, 6 north-west from Maidstone and 47 from Canterbury, the gateway of which still remains, and much
London, in the Southern division of the county, lathe of of the sides of the court; within it, on the east side, is an
Scray, hundred of Calehill, West Ashford county court dis- apartment, supposed to have been the dining-room, now
trict and petty sessional divi-ion, Ashford union, and in the converted into a barn; other portions of the ancient site are

rural deanery of East Cbarin!!, archdeaconry of Maidstone occupied by a farmhouse and stables. Pett Place is the

and diocese of Canterbury. The town is lighted with gas residence of Mrs. Sayer, The Moat of Lieut.-CoL Stepben
by a company formed in 1869. The church of SS. Peter and Percy Groves J.P. and Olcar Mount of John Sayer esq. l.P.
Paul is a crucifurm building of flint and stone, in vari•-'us The principal landowners are Mrs. Sayer, Charles Wheler
styles from the 13th to the 16th century, consisting of Wheler esq. M. A., J. P. of Otterden Place, Faversham, who
chancel with south chapel, nave, transepts, south porch and is lord of the manor, and Mrs. Darell Blount. The soil is
a western tower of Perpendicular character with a small loamy; subgoil, loam and chalk. The chief crops are wheat,
beacon turret and containing a clock and 6 bells : the east beans and hops. The area is 4,68o acres, including part of
and west windows are stained and in the chancel are three Charing Heath parish; rateable value, £7,664; the popula-
plain mis-shapen sedilia and a piscina : the church contains tion in 1881 was 997-

a number of memorial tablets to the Sayer family, besides Parish Clerk, John Croucher.

others: in I878, through the exertions of the Rt. Rev. E. PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.
W. Tufnell D.D. late Bishop of Brisbane, curate in charge -Alfred Piper, receiver & sub-distributor of stamps.
here :1877-9 and now vicar of Felpham, near Bognor, Sussex, Letters from London arrive from Ashford by rail at 7-3<>
the church was thoroughly restored and a peal of 6 bells, & I I a.m. ; dispatched at 10.45 a. m. & 7-45 p.m.; sun-
the gift of Dr. Tufnell, added: there are 400 sittings, 200 days arrive at 7.40 a.m. ; dispatched at 8.45 p.m
being free. The register dates from the year 1590. The National School (mixed), built in I872, for 200 children;

living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge £448, net yearly average attendance, 130; Samuel Darlington, master;
value £292, including 3~ acres of glebe with residence, in Mrs. Darlington, mistress
the gift of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, and held since Railway Station, Milo William Woodhams, station master
1888 by the Rev. William Henry Ady M.A. of Exeter Cullege, CARRIERS TO:-

Oxford. The Wesleyans have a place of worship. In :1765 AsHFDIW-Thomas Goldup, daily
Elizabeth Ludwell, of Charing, lert £2,96o, now invested in FAVERSHAM-Thomas Goldup, daily

Consols; the interest, amounting to about £go, is dis- MAIDSTONE-Thomas Goldup, tues. & fri

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cheesman John, farmer, Acton MitchesonJoseph Hopkins L.R.C.P.Edin.
Ady Rev. William Henry M.A.. [,·icar], Clifton William, tin plate worker surgeon & medical officer & public-
Coast Thomas, builder vaceinator No. 3 district & mP.dical
The Vicarage Day Richard, farmer, Palace farm officer to the workhouse WestAshford
Ashwell Mrs Dunk Herbert Miehael, butcher union & certifying factory surgeon,
Campbell Lieut.-Col. John R Edwards Philip, bricklayer Wakeley house
Groves Lieut.-Col. Stephen Percy J.P. Hardwick Frederick ReptimusM.D.,C.lll.
Moir David, saddler
The Moat; & Union club, Trafalgar snrgeon&medical officer & public vac- Murton The Misses, farmers, Pett fann

· square, London s w cinator No. 2 district West Ashford Norwood Edward, solicitor
Hardwicke Frederick Septimus l\I.B Harvey Elizabeth (~Irs. ), family grocer Osborne Joseph Munn, grocer & draper
Hickman Alfred & provision dealer
Langley George Histed Ed ward, coal dealer & agent for W. & A. Gilbey wine &
Mitcheson Joseph Hopkins, ~·akeley ho spirit merchants, High street
Norwood Charles Histed Pame1a J ane (Mrs.), shopkeeper Payne & Edmed, plumbers & painters
Norwood Edward Piper Alfred, tailor & stamp distributor,
Sayer John M.A., J.P. Clear mount Honeysett William, pork butcher Post office
Sayer Mrs. Pett place Horton Alex. engineer, Ashfurd road Reeves John, farmer
Jenkins George, farmer, Stacker's head Smith Thomas Elvy, grocer
COMMERCIAL. Jeunings Henry, farmer, Hook farm Spicer Charles, draper
Amos John, farmer Judge William, boot maker . Stroude Thomas, beer retailer
Boorman John, beer retailer Langlev Georg-e, clerk to the Guardians Tippen William, watch maker
Brenchley Jo'>eph, farmer, Stone stile Whorlow William, baker
Brenchley Wm. Hy. farmer, Harnfield of West Ashford union & clerk to the Whyman Alfred, Swan co~mercial &I
Briggs Joseph, stationer Smarden & Stalisrleld school boards bicycle touring club hotel & posting
Cack:ett Alfred, hair dresser Lee George, baker & grocer house ; accommodation for private
Cack:ett John Humphr-ey, poulterer Lindridge William, butcher families
Charing Gas & Coke Co. (John Kings- MarshDavid,King's Head family & corn- Willis Thomas, blacksmith
mercial hotel & posting house
northJ sec)

CHARINq- HEATH~s an ecclesiastical parish, formed/ Pluckley station on th~ South ~astern railway, and zi miles

4tfrom the panshes of (;hanng and Lenham, I<'eb. 24, 1874. north-west from Charmg statiOn on the London, Chatbarn

situated 8 miles north-west from Ashford, norLh from J and Dover railway, in the.Southern division of the COWltf.o


lathe of Scray, Dalehill hundred, Ashford county court St. Bees. The principal landowners are Mrs. Darell J3lonnt

district and petty sessional division, West Ashford union, and J. Vincent esq. The soil is sandy; suhsotl, clay. The

and in the rural deanery of East Charing, archdeaconry of chief crops are wheat, beans, oats and hops. The popnla·

Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. The church of the tion in 1881 was 6oo.

Holy Trinity is a plain stone building, in the Early English Sexton, Horace Coppin11•

style, consisting of apsidal chancel, nave, north porch and PosT OFFICE.-John Smith, receiver. Letters through
a turret on the eastern gable containing one bell : in the d
Ashford, arrive at 8 a. m. ; dispatched at 7 p. m. ; sun ays,
chancel are three small stained windows, erected in memory

of Miss Sayer, who enlarged the church in 1874: there are arrive at I0.3o a. m. ; dispatched I2 a. m. The :n,earest

1100 sittings, all being free. The register of baptisms dates money order & telegraph office is at Charing

from 1872; burials from r873 ; and marriages from I874· National School (mixed), built in I86g, at the cost of tbe

The Jiving is a. vicarage, net yearly value £ I72, including 3 late Miss Sayer, for 6o childran; an infants' scho-1l for ::Jo

acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of John Sayer esq. children was added in 1884; average attendance, 8o ; Miss

J.P. and held since I874 by the Rev. Dynely Dean Parkin, of Elizabeth Brooke, mistress 1

Parkin Rev. Dynely Dean, Vicarage Burton George, butcher Millgate John, farmer

"''horpe Benjamin Keely Chapman Charles, shopkeeper Moreton John Henry, Red Lion P.H
Cbapman Friend, farmer Smith John, blacksmith & post office
Amos John, brick maker & farmer

Brown Charles. farmer Hickman Alfred, farmer, Burley farm

CHARLTON (OLD and NEW) is a parish and Wilsonbart.(lieut.)R.N.,J.P.lordofthemanorandprincipal

ll1l.burban district of London, with a station on theNorth . landowner, is a good example of the pieturesque style of the

Kent railway, 9 miles from Charing Cross station, r! east j Stuart period; its was probably built for Sir .Adam Newton,

from Greenwich and I mile west from Woolwich; it is I tutor to Prince Henry, the eldest son of James I. in 1607-12,

within the parliamentary borough of Greenwich as formed, and is one (lf the best works of Inigo Jones, who lived at

under the " Redistribution of Seats Act, I 885.'' in the North Cherry Orchard in this parish : the house is of red brick,

Western division of the county, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, with stone dressings, and in plan follows the shape of the

Blackheath hundred and petty sessional division, Woolwich. letter E; the principal front, of three storeys, has a central

uruon and county court district, Plumstead Board of Works 1 projecting bay, the lower stage of which forms an entrance

district, rural deanery of Woolwich and archdeaconry and porch ; and at either extremity is a boldly projecting wing,

diocese of Rochester, and within the jurisdiction of the with oriels rising to the parapet, which is balustraded; the

Central Criminal Court and Metropolitan Police. The dis- 1 interior comprises a great hall, chapel, state dining room,

met is lighted w1th gas by the South Metropolitan Company saloon and gallery, all elaborately ornamented, some of these

and supplied with water from works situated at Crayford apartment<! having fine ceilings; there is a picturesque stair-

and Lewisham, the property of the Kent Water Company. 1 case of chesnut and some good family portraits: the grounds

The church of St. Luke, an edifice of red brick and the second are extensive and afford fine views of the city, the river and

Protestant church built after the Reformation, consists of the country round. Charlton has several old houses still

chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch and a turret contain- standing, but is being gradually transformed into a regular

ing one bell : it was rebuilt in r63o and contains some in- suburb: near the rail way are the great chalk pits, which

teresting memorials, several of which are to various owners abound in fossils. King John is said by a local story to

of Charlton House since r625; there are others to the Right have granted a charter for the once famous "Horn Fair,"
Hon. Spencer Perccval, who was assassinated in the lobby 1 abolished in 1768, but only finally suppl:'essed in I872. The

of the House of Commons, May u, r8r2; to Sir Thomas area of Charlton parish is I,235 acres; rateable value,

Hi.slop, commander in the Mahratta war, ob. 1834, by West- £6o,5o6 (exclusive of Kidbrook); the population in r88I

macott ; Brigadier Richards, probably the first master of was 8,764 (exclusive of Kidbrook).

H.M. Ordnance at Woolwich, ob. 1721; and to Sir Adam Parish Clerk, George Guyer.

Newton, ob. r629, by Nicholas Stone; in the churchyard PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, New

are the tombstones of James Craggs, Postmaster-General, I Charlton.-Thomas John Bentley, receiver. Letters re-

I72I; and of Eel. Drummond, murdered in 1843, in mis- f ceived from Old Charlton 8.0. at 8 a.m. & 1, 3• 7.30 & g

take for Sir Robert Peel: there are 280 sittings, of which 20 ' p.m. ; dispatched to London at 9.50 & r 1.40 a.rn. & r,

are free. The register dates from the year 1559. The living 2.40,, 9 & 11 p.m.; sundays, 8.55 p.m

is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £275, net mcome PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,

£303• includmg glebe and residence, in the gift of Sir Spencer Old Charlton. (Sub-Office. Letters should have S.O.

Maryon Maryon-Wilson bart. and held since I874 by the Kent added.)-James Stephens, sub-postmaster. Letters

Rev. Charles Swainson M . .A.. of Christ Church, Oxford. are dispatched to London at 9.50 & 11.25 a. m. & 12-40,

St. Paul's is an ecclesiastical parish, formed Nov. 4· r862 : 2. 20, 5· 1o, 9 & r 1.30 p.m. ; sundays, 9 p.m. Money orders

the church, consecrated in I867, is a structure of brick in are granted & paid from 9 a. m. till6 p.m

the Gothie style, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles and a PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,

new south porch, erected in memory of William Henry Church lane.-Mrs. Emma Streeter, receiver. Letters

Prik:hett M. A. first rector of this parish, who died Feb. 12th, are dispatched to Lond(<}n at 9.50 & 11.55 a. m. & 1.10, 3,

1885: there are 897 sittings, SI3 of which are free. The 5-I5 & 9.25 p.m "'

register dates from the year I867. The living was declared PILLAR LETTER Box, Victoria road, cleared at 9-40 & I 1.15

a rectory Aug. 16, I867, average yearly value from tithe a.m. & 12.30, 2.5, 5, 8.50 & 11.30 p.m.; sundays, 8.50

rent-charge £225, net income [252, with residence, in the p.m. ; Lower road, J<'lorence terrace, 9.25 & 11 a.m. &

giUof Sir Spencer Maryon Maryon-Wi1son bart. and held I2.I5, 2, 4.4o, 8.3~ & 10.50 p.m.; sundays, 8.4op.m

since 1885 by the Rev. Cornelius Witherby M. A. of Lincoln PuBLIC EsTABLISHMENTS:-

College, Oxford. The area is 476 acres; the population in Assembly Rooms, The Village, Robert F. Clarke, keeper

1881 was 4,88o. St. Thomas' is an ecclesiastical parish, Board of Works, Piumstead District; G. Whale, clerk ;

formed May 13, I845, from the parishes of Charlton and Edwin Philipps, assistant clerk ;Herbert Leopold Bernays,

Woolwich: the church of St. Thomas, at Old Charlton, medical officer of health, Charlton District; Edward
Penny, inspector of nuisances ; John Rowland, surveyor;
erected at a cost of £6,ooo, was consecrated 31st July, r85o,

and is a building of red brick in the Byzantine style, con- Alexander Thomas, bookkeeper

listing of nave, aisles and a western porch : there are 8oo Cemetery, Old Charlton, Richard Ratcliff, clerk to the

sittings, of which soo are free. The register dates from the board ; Thomas llards, superintendent

year 185o. The living is a rectory, gross yearly value £300, Queen's Own, Royal West Kent Regiment, 2nd Vol. Batt.

in the gift of Sir Spencer Maryon Maryon-Wilson bart. and (K Co. ), Village, Capt. George H~rbert Graham, corn

held since 1877 by the Rev. Ambrose Morris. A new rectory PuBLIC 01<'FICERti : -

house was built in I888, at a cost of £2,000. The area is Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Charlton District,

185 acres; the population in I871 was 6,538 and in 1881 Woolwich Union, Richard Fegan M. D. Old Charlton

1ras 7,630. Holy Trinity church is a temporary iron struc- Collector of Poor Rates, William Saunders, Vestry offices

ture, on a site where a new church will at some future time Registrar of Births & Deaths for Charlton Sub-District,

be built. There is a Wesleyan chapel in Lower road, New James Wilson, 22 Charlton villas, Church lane, Old

Charlton, built in I889. The cemetery contains 8 acres Charlton; deputy, Miss Wilson, Old Charlton

and has two mortuary chapels; it is under the control of a Vestry Clerk, Allan Burnett, Vestry offices, Old Charlton

Burial Board of nine members, elected by the vestry. The PLACE~!! OF WoRSHIP, with times of services:-

Assembly Rooms, erected in r881, and presented to the St. Luke's Church, Rev. C. Swainson M. A. rector; 8.30 &

parish by Sir Spencer M. Maryon-Wilson hart. form a hand- u a.m. & 3.30 & 7 p. m; m on. tues. thurs. & sat. 4.30 p.m

aome building of red brick, used for public meetings, lectures St. Paul's Church, Rev. Cornelius Witherby H. A. rector;

and concerti!; the hall will seat 400 persons. There are r I a. m. & 7 p. m for five females, founded by Robert Raynes. St. Thomas' Church, Rev. A. Morris, rector; u a.m. &

Here are also almshouses, supported by the Dutch Church, 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7 p.m

Austinfriars, London, for eight poor Dutch men and women. Holy Trinity, Itev. James Edmond Long, incumbent; u
~ Hou,...., the seat of Sir Spencer )iaryon Maryon- . a.m. & 7 p.m


• Lower road, New C h a . r l t • n • I • a . m . & 6.go p.m.; Miss E. C. Widgery; mistress ; Miss t. M. Platts, infant!'

Wesleyan, o ; I mistress

thul'S. 7.30 p.m Railway Station, James Bryan, station master

National School, New Charlton, erected in :r863, for 245 boys, CARRIER.-William Wootten, to & from London, daily

• 2r:r boys & 198 infants: average attendance, :r71 boys, I66

girls & 174 infants; William James Widgery, master;

New Charlton. Gilham Angelina (Miss), dress maker, Rich John, White Horse P.H. Lower rd

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. 9 Kingston terrace, Lower road lUst Isaac, coffee rooms, 8 The Pave-

Beech Miss, 21 Ann's place, Lower road GillmanJohn,provision dealer,83East st ment, Lower road
Church Geo. Hy. Chesnut vl. Lower rd Gillman William, shopkpr. 28 North st Rogers Mary Ann (Mrs.), fancy draper,
Clinock Joseph, 5 Prospect pl.Lower rd
Coombe John, Westleigh, Lower road Glenton & Co. sand merchants, 9 Glen 56 Eden place, Lower road
Dolling Miss, 3 Charlton ter. Lower rd terrace, Lower road · Rye William, beer retailer, Lower road
Dover Mrs. 2 Charlton villas, Lower rd Sacre Edwin· William, greengrocer &;
Johnson Wm. Magdala house, Lower rd Gritlith & Co. genl. ironfounders, West st
Long Rev. Jas. Edmond [vicar of Holy Harper Joseph, baker, 20 Charlton ter- corn dealer, 3r & 22 Manor way
SargentJsph ..Anchor&Hope P. H. Rivrsde
TrinityJ, 4 .Albion villas, Lower road race, Lower road Saunders Thomas & Sons, fishmongers,
HarrisJas.boiler compostn.mnfr.West st
Lynn Edwd. 22 Kingston ter. Lower rd Hassett Ruse Elizabeth (Mrs.), midwife, 4 Denmark terrace, Lower road
May Richard, 4 Gurney ter. Low~r road SayerCharles Alfred, corn & flour dealer,
Phillips Edward,2 Albion viis. Lower rd 36 Ann's place, Lower road
Ries Fredk.Wm. 3 Prospect pl.Lower rd Hicks Charles, greengrocer & tobaccnst. I Lombard terrace, Lower road
Smith Thus. Abingdon villa, Lower rd
Wilson Rev. John [Baptist], Montague 2I Charlton terrace, Lower road Scott James Maconnell, tailor, 6 Pros-
Hocking Henry, Lads of the Village P.H.
house, Lower road pect place, Lower road
Wyatt Mrs. 5 Lime terrace, Lower road Manor way Scott Samuel, coffee & dining room,
Howlett Thomas, carman & corn chand-
COMMERCIAL. 4 Loutbard terrace, Lower road
ler, Lower road SewardAlbt. wheelwght. & smith,Lo1f.rd
Humphrey Alfred Samuel, Horse & Shed George, waterman, Charlotte lane
Sheppard William, market gardener,
Groom P.H. Lower road

HurdleFrdk.Roupell ArmsP.n.Lower rd Hawkwood house, Lower road

Alien Mary .Ann (Miss), ladies' school, Johnson & Phillips, telPgraph engineers, Siemens Bros. & Co. Limited, telegraph

I7 Charlton terrace, Lower road Victoria works, Victoria road & electrical engineers

Ayles Wm. Richd. rope ma. Riverside Kadwell & Addis,grocers,79 & B:r East st Silicate Paint Co. (J. B. Orr & Co.

Baker Jane (Mrs.), shopkpr. 63 East st Kelvie Wm. firewood mers. Riverside Limited, proprietors), Riverside

Barnes Thomas, smith, West street King Rose Hannah (Mrs.), beer retailer, SimmsJames,mathematical instrument

Barton Wm. B. Rose of Denmark P.H Charlton lane · maker, see Troughton & Simms

Bentley Thomas John, grocer, & post Lauer Caroline (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I Slazenger & Sons, lawn tennis manu·

office, 4 Coburg place, Lower road Manor way facturers, West street

Bowles John William, greengrocer, 26 Laurence John, baker, West street Smith Rd. pilot, 5 Florence ter.Lowerrd

Ann's place, Lower road Laurence Samuel, grocer, 3 Florence Smith Wm. Fk. painter, 25 & 26 Low.rd

Boyd Eliza (Mrs.), Antigallican P.H. terrace, Lower road Snashall Henry I<'rancis, fruiterer, 1

Lower road Leach John Robt. commercial traveller, Florence terrace, Lower road

Bradley Geo. greengrcr. Lydenburgh st 3 Albion villas, Lower road Snook George, butcher, Cross street

BrentJas. btchr. :rDartmth. ter.Lower rd Lindup William, oilman, 26 Florence Steward Charles, furniture dealer, 3

Brett Frank Percy, baker, 6 The Pave- terrace, Lower road Denmark terrace, Lower road

ment, Lower road Loader John Richard, french polisher, Still David U. chemist, IA, Coburg ter·

Broom Riceard Cogger,plumber,I Lime 3 .Ann s place, Lower road race, Lower road

terrace, Lower road Ladder James, greengrocer,West street Stout John Collins, draper, 2r Manor

BrownEd winJsph.insur."Igt.Charlton la Lynn Edward, surgeon, 22 Kingston way, Lower road

Bullin William, shopkeeper, Manor way terrace, Lower road Tailby John, beer retailer, Lower tast st

Burnett David,ironmonger,23 Charlton Lyons John, hair dresser, Lower road Taylor Edward, shoe maker, East st

terrace, Lower road McCafferty Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer, Theobald George, carman, 4 Armstrong

Castle H. & Sons, ship breaking yard, Manor way terrace, Lower road

Riverside Mace John, fishmonger, T6 Manor way Thomas James, shopkpr. 24 Lower rd

Chaperlin Henry, baker & corn dealer, McPhearson William, hair dresser, 7 Thomas Samuel, greengrocer, I North s~

8 Ann's place, Lower road The Pavement, Lower road TindleyWm.oilmn. roHicks ter.Lower rd

Charlton Liberal Club (C. E. Westall, Martin Benjamin, greengrocer, I Hick's Trought.on & Simms, mathematical in·

sec.), The Planes, Lower road terracP., Lower road strument ma. The Works, Lower rd

Clark Hy.shopkpr. 9 York ter.Lower rd Martin Ed win, dining rooms, r Charl- Turner Peter Albert, butcher, 9 The

ClarkWm.plasterer,4-York ter.Lower rd ton terrace, Lower road Pavement, Lower road

Clifton James,shopkeeper, I York street May.Alfd. plumbr.3Lombfl.rd ter.Low.rd Turner William, grocer, 5 The Pave·

Congdon Annie Prithina (Mrs.), fancy Miller John,shoe ma.3 Fredk.pi.Low.rd ment Lower road

draper, :ro The Pavement, Lower rd New Charlton Loan & Discount Co. (A. Turpin Mary Jane (Miss), dressmaker,

Coombs Henry, estate agent, I Charlton M.Oxley,sec.), 2 Charlton ter.Low.rd 4 Charlton terrace, Lower road

villas, Lower road NP11le John, pharmar-eutic11l chemiRt., 2 Tusons Professor, Disinfectant Co. Lim.

Cory William & Son, barge builders & Lombard terrace, Lower road Lower road

engineers, Riverside Newberry Hy. jun. greengrocer, Eastst Wakeham Win. R.grocer,2o Manor way

Cosmopolitan Club (Liberal) (Charles Newel! W. J. auctioneer & estate agent, Wall Wilham Thomas, gasfitter, 9

W. Rothhoff, manager; George Bom- 2 Hick's terrace, Lower road Florence terrace, Lower road

chardt, sec.), Glenmohr ho. Lower rd Nichols Frederick George, lime burner Watts Thos.grocer, 2 Ann's pl.Lowerrd

Creed & O'Connor,surgeons, 23 Florence & merchant, Lime villa, Lower road ; Webb Hy.grocer,IProspect pl.Lowerrd

terrace, Lower road & at Upper Warlingham, Surrey Webb J oseph Geo. bieycle ma. East st

DalladayJoseph,boot maker, I6 Florence OrganD.E. boot ma.28Ann's pi. Lower rd Webb Robt.grocer,27Ann's pl.Lowerrd

terrace, Lower road Owers Frederick John, grocer, 22 Charl- Wells William, pawnbroker, 6LomLard

Daniels Jn. Jas. beer retailer, Lower rd ton terrace, Lower road terrace, Lower road

Daws John, oil & colorman, Lime ter- Packman H. T. butcher, 24 Charlton Welsh Albert, shopkeeper, 119 East st

race, Lower road terrace, Lower road Wenbourne Charles, greengrocer 11.

Da w.sOn George, grocer &c. 5 Denmark Page Hy.printr.& paper bag ma. West st carrier, 9 York cottages, Lower road

terrace, Lower road Parham Frederick, shopkeeper, West st Wenbourne John, shopkeeper, 7 York

Downham Mahala (Miss), dress maker, Parrott George, shopkeeper. Sandford cottages, Lower road

xI Charlton terrace, Lower road cottage, Lower road Wenman William, emigration agent,

Easley Frederick, baker, Cross street Patent American Firelighter Co. (Frdk. 18 Florence terrace, Lower road

FosterMary(Mrs. ),shpkpr.JCharlotte st Charles Terrell, proprietor),Lower rd Whetherfield John, grocer & butcher,

Fullager Sarah (Miss), dress maker, 9 Phillips Samuel E. telegraph engineer, I5 North street

Magdala terrace, Lower road see Johnson & Phillips White Alfred, furniture dlr. 67 East st

Garner William, shopkeeper, :rg Den- Pilgrim George, blind maker, 13 York WILSON JAMES, racket & ball &lawn

mark terrace, Lower road cottages, Lower road tennis man uf .Magdala works,Low.rd

GarrattJn. barg-e&ship breakerRiverside Queen's OwnRoyalWest KentRegiment, Wood Brothers, coal merchants, Dor·

Gatehouse William, toy dealer & statnr. 2nd Vol. Batt. (K Co.) (Capt. George ham wharf, Riverside

Post office, 2 Florence ter. Lower rd Herbt. Grab am, commandant),Village Wood James, tobacconist, 5 Lombard

Geering Thomas Henry, watch maker, Rainsbnry John, marine store dealer, teJ"race, Lower road

21 Florence terrace, Lower road Charlotte street Woolley Rosetta Elizabeth (Miss),d~

Giblin~Hy.shopkpr.Manor way,Low.rd R11.nce Jn. Wltr. jun. beer retlr. West st maker, I Magdala terrace, Lowertd

Gilbert Alfred, baker, 4 Florence ter- Realff George C. insurance agent, 24 W orthington Wm. shopkpr. 95 Eas' si
Young Jas.bldr.:r6 Magdala ter.Lo.,.·
race, Lower road Florence terrace, Lower road


Old Charlton. Dickson William, 5 St. Thomas' terrace, Marsh Miss, 3 Charlton viis. Church la

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Woodland road Martin William Robt. 26 Wellington rd

Dieselhorst Wilhelm, 28 Wellington rd Mead Charles, 31 Victoria road

AbdyCapt.Anthony J.R.A.SS Maryon rd Dixon CaptainEdward R.A.6gMaryon rd MillbankCapt.John James,21Victoria rd

Aldridge Richard William,27Victoria rd Dodd Ths. Hy. 15Charlton vils.Church la Minstedt J ulius, 7 Maryon road

Alien Mrs. 22 Victoria road Down Frederick Jonathan,28Victoria rd Moir Alexander, ID Swallowfield road

Allsup William J. Blackheath road Ducker Waiter, Heath cot. Little heath Moore William, 93 Charlton lane

Anderson Alexander, 12 Wellington rd Duke Frederick, 10 Delafield road Morris Rev. Ambrose, St. Thomas rec-

AndrewsCharlesErnest, I St. Thomas' ter Durner Oscar, 91 Maryon road tory, 67 Maryon road

Andrews John, 2 Sundorne road Edwards Major Sir Fleetwood Isham Murray Edward Digby, 3 Champion

Arbuckle Miss, 10 Little heath R.E., K.C. B. Springfield,Blackheath rd terrace, Blackheath road ·

Armstrong Thos. Geu. :;8n, Maryon rd Edwards .flenry John, 12 Clarendon Newsom John, 43 Maryon road

Ashton Jas. Wilson, 6 Swallowfield rd villas, Church lane Newton Major W. H. R.A. 25 Victoria rd

Atkinson William, 5 Wellington road Ellis James, Cedar house, Church lane N icholasLicut. John R. H. A. 49 Maryon rd

Bainbridge Lt.-Col. Edmund R.A. Fair- Ellis Oliver J. 29 Victoria road North-Wates J oseph, Winchelsea house,

field house, Fairfield road Elwes Major Ernest Veness R.A. r6 Wel- • 8 Wellington road

BakerJn-4 Champion ter.Blackheath rd lington road Obach Dr. Eugene, 2 Victoria road

Baker Percy, 3 Wellington road Evans William Norman, Park place PageEdwd.La-nsdowne ho.Lansdowne rd

BanksMiss, rC!arendon vils. Church lane Fegan Richard M.D. Park place Palmer Frederick Wm.r7 Wellington rd

Barlow William Henry, High Coomb, Feilden Lt.-Col. Houghton R.A. 7 Vic- Parker Edmund William, 4 Sundorne rd

Blackheath road toria road PeckEdwd.C.8Clarendon viis. Church la

Barrett J osephAugustus,7Wellington rd Festing Lady, 23 Victoria road Petley Mrs. 3 !<'airfield road

Harwell Major-Genl. William Barwell, ForemanBenjaminJohn,8Sundorne road PollardFrdk. 14Clarendon vils. Church la

33 Victoria road France Capt. Hector, 4 Charlton villas, Price John Charles F.s.s. 20 Maryon rd

Barwell Edmund, 6 Sundorne road Church lane Price Wm. Hy. 4 Melita viis. Victoria rd

Bax Henry A. Orlebar, Blackheath road FyshEdwd. Thomas, TheFirs, Victoria rd Prior Albt.Hy.3 Perthina vils.Church la

Bayne Alex. 1 Perthina villas, Church la GabbettEdmnnd Rich,Corbally cottage, Pritchard Mrs. 19 Victoria road

BenjaminJas.2o Charlton vils.Church la Wellington road Prowse Mrs. Glen cottage,Lansdowne rd

BernaysHerbt.Leopold, Rivoli,Church la Gardener Miss, Bay cottage, Fairfield rd Pye Mrs. 39 Victoria road

BerryFredk. r6Clarendon viis. Church la GatesWilliam,roCharlton vils. Church la Quick Thomas Edwin, 75 Maryon road

Blain Mrs. ro Charlton Park terrace, Gathercole Clifton James, Claremont, Randal!William Sandcroft, 11 Clarendon

Blackheath road Church lane villas, Church lane

Booth Lt.-Col. Waiter, 32 Victoria road George Mrs. 5 l\'Ielita villas, Victoria rd Ravenhill Maior-Genera!Frederick Geo.

BrandonErnest, 10 UpperWoodlands ter Gibbon Lieut.-Gen. James Robert R.A., R. H. A. 26 Victoria road

BrassingtonCoi.J. T.R.A. r8Victoria road C.B. 34 Victoria road Read Andrew Correy, 64 Maryon road

Brazil William, 39 Sundowne road Goldsmith Mrs. 35 Victoria road RischGustav,2Belvedere cottages, Lans-

BrownJohn, nCharlton VIllas, Church la Graham Mrs. 59 lYhryon road downe road

Bull John Julius, 77 Maryon road Grant Col. Daniel Alexander, Holmes- Roberts Mrs. Shrub cottage,Fairfield rd

Hulling John, 33 Maryon road dale, Blackheath road RobertsonMrs.6 Charlton viis. Church la

Burn Captain Henry Pelham, Cherry Grant George,3 Melita villas, Victoria rd Rohertson-Shersby Capt. Thos. Harvie

orchard, Marlborough lane Gray Thomas, 16 Victoria roa l Shersby R.N., J.P. Little Heath house

Burnett Allen, 4 Park place Greet Mrs.21 Char! ton villas, Church la Robson Hartholomew,Lansdownc lodge,

Burnett Miss, 4 Fairfield roall Griffiths Thomas Coburg, Church lane Lansdowne road

Burney Mrs. Oa.k cotta~e, !<'airfield road Grillier Brice, 10 Clarendon villas, Rowe I<'rederick, 66 Maryon road

Burton Captain John R.H.A. 9 Charlton Church lane Rowland John,s Charlton vils.Church la

Park terrace, BlaC"kheath road , Grinley Arthur, 3Friars villas, VICtoria rd Rowland Mrs. Charlton cottage

Bushe Col. Charles Kendal, Bramhope, Grubb Lieut.-Col. Alexander R.A. Marl- Rudd William John, 58n, Maryon road

Blackheath road borough lodge, Blackheath road H.ussell Mrs. 17 Maryon road

Canham Henry John, 29 Maryon road Haack Miss, 5 Lansdowne road Sampson Thomas Albert, Homend cot-

Carter Edmund John Cresswell, 8 Low Haff Max J oseph, 79 Maryon road tag-e, Lansdowne road

Maryon road Hager Charles, 58A, Maryon road Sanders John, 41" Maryon road

Carter George, Norfolk villa, Maryon rd Haggerty Jame~, 8 Swallowfield road Schleomor A. 8. I Fairtield road

CarterJohn, 12Charlton villas, Church la Harrison George I<'redk. ro Victoria road Scott Charles Augustus, 3 Maryon road

Cattermole Ernest, 8S Maryon road Hart Charles, The Elms, Blackheath rd Shand Robert Forrest, 38 Maryon road

CaveWm. Waltr.4Friars viis. Victoria rd Hartwicl:l William, 14 Delafield road Shelton Miss,6 Clarendon vils.Church la

ChambersChs.Wm.Geo.2St.Thomas' ter Harvey George Harry, 36 Victoria road Shirreff Miss, Blackheatb road

Chaplin Mrs. 23 Maryon road Havelock Mrs. 1 Champion terrace, Simmsl''redk.3Clarendon vils.Church la

Chauncey Col. Charles, 7 Wellington rd lllackheath road SimmsJas. Westbourne lo.Blackheath rd

Chipp August us, 3 St. Thomas' terrace Hay Jas.Alex.Cameron,4 Wellington rd Simms Mrs. I Park place
Christie George, ss Maryon road
Hen~on Rev. Thomas [Baptist], The Smith Ellis, 1 Friars villa5, Victoria road

ChristieHerbt. r6Charlton vls. Church la Poplars, St. Thomas' te.r. Woodland rd Smith Mrs. 14 Charlton vils.Church lane

Clapham Charles James, r8 Maryon rd Hickson Frederick, Lansdowne road Smith Robert, 73 Maryon road

ClarkThomas,I 8Charlton viis. Church la Hinderer Henry Harvey, 8 Maryon road Smith Theophilus, 9 Victoria road

C!ift Geo.Fk.g Clarendon viis. Church la IlitchcoxEdward Jas.q Swallowfield rd Smith Rev. Waiter 111. A. [curate of St.

CliftonJohnRobt.Myrtle cot.Fairfield rd Hobson Thomas, 3 Park place Paul's], ICharltonPark terrace, Black-

Clothier Samuel John, 4 St. Thomas' Ho\lands Sidney, 5 Maryon road heath road

terrae(), Woodland road Hoeltzer Carl,Cambridge ho. TheVillage Squirrell Rev. Wm.K. 2A.,Clarendon vils

CoghlanMajor Edward,so Delafield road Horne William C. 27 Wellington road Stanley William Pavid, 23 Wellington rd

Cole Henry Charles, I Lansdowne road Horton Major James, 22 Wellington rd Starling George, 42 .Maryon road

Collier George, 25 Wellmgton road HughesConst:mtine,Grove cot.I<'airfld.rd Starling Mrs. 44 Maryun road

Comptoni\Irs. I7Charlton vils. Church la Hull Miss, 30 Maryon road Strange Henry Bland, 5 Victoria road

Compton Mrs. 6 Victoria road Jackson Thomas, Elm cot.Fairfield road StreetAlfred l<'abion,Ivy cot.l<'airfield rd

Cook Robert Jewell, r Wellington road Jones Frederick, High ho.Blackheath rd Studdy Henry William, 12 Victoria road

Cooper Charles Priestlcy, IS Clarendon Keats George William, 62 Maryon road Sutherland Charles, 1A, Maryon road

villas, Church lane Kellner William Ph.n., F.c.s., F.I.c. 13 Swainson Rev.Charles Jd.A. [rector of St.

Cornish John, 8 Melita villas,Victoria rd Clarendon villas, Church lane Luke's], The Rectory, Hlackheath rd

Courtney George, 9 Maryon road KirkJames,sCiarendon villas,Church la Sylvester Major Hy.Jas. 2 Wellington rd

Crabbe John, 34 Maryon road Koesell Mrs. 99 Maryon road Terry l<'rederick, 2I Wellington road

Craig David, 40 Maryon road Lacy Mrs. 21 Maryon road Thomas Alexander, r6 Maryon road

Crawford George David, 4 Maryon rd Lange Franz, 3 Victoria road Thompson William, 12 Maryon road

CulleyWilliam Richard, 15 Maryon road Laslett Thomas Newman, 89 Maryon rd Tomkins William, 17 Clarendon villas,

Curtois Charles, Heath ldge. Little heath Lauckert Ed ward, 63 M aryon road Church lane

Daley Patrick, 2 Fairfield road Livingston John,r2 Cedar ter.Church la TothiII J ames, rRise mount, Church lane

Davies Ehenezer, 10 ·Wellington road Lamas Walter Thomas, sBc, Maryon rd Townshend Capt. G.R. R.A. 14 Welling-

Dawson William Richard,2o Victoria rd McBride George, I6 Swallowfield road ton road

Day Henry, 95 Charlton lane McCallum Mrs. 32 Maryon road Trigg-er Oliver, 24 Wellington road

Delmard Maurice, 11 Victoria road McCanlis Capt. Wm.A.s.o. 45 Maryon rd Turner George, The Croft, Little heath

De Pinna Horatio A. E. La. Plata, Vic- MaceCharles WilliamHy. 5oMaryon road Turner Richard, 25 Maryon road

toria road Majendie Col. Vivian Deering C.B., R.A. Tye Charles, Lansdowne road

dePinna. Mrs. 2 Friars villas, Victoria rd Sprin!!field Ugland Ketil, I9 Charlton vls.Church la

De Rus.sett Henry George,37 Maryon rd Mann Frederick George, 6o Maryon rd Valentine William, 6 Charlton Park ter-
Dickenson James Watson, SI Maryon rd Mann Robt.I9 Clarendon vils.Church la race, Blackheath road


Vansittart Lieut.-Col. Charles Edward, Chappenden Caroline (Miss), milliner & Millard Anne (Miss), lodging house, 7
83 Maryon road dress maker, 4 Village & 8 Charlton villas, Church lane

Vicars Henry, 2 Whitehouse villas Chard Henry John, cowkeeper, I2 & I3 Moore Jas. insur. agt. I Low.Maryon rd

Wa!ker Major-General Edmond G. L. Upper Woodland ter. Woodland road Morgan A lice (Mrs.), fancy repository,

R.E. The Warren, Church lane Charlton Conservative Club (Patrick H. The VIllage

Walton James, 28 Maryon road Branigan, hon. sec.), 2 Church lane MOTTERAM FREDERICK,BugleHorn

Warburton William, 1 Maryon road Clarke Albert Frederick,drill instructor hotel,& wine & spirit mercht. Village

Ward Robert, 36 Maryon road 2nd Royal West Kent Volunteers, 2 OldCharlton Cemetery(Ricbd.CookRat.

'Watts Mrs. 20 Swallowfield road Maryon road cliff, clerk to the burial board; Thos.

WebbHarry,EastCoombe,Biackheath rd Cross Frederick, fancy repository, r Hards, supt.), Village

Webb Miss, II Maryon road Cedar terrace, Church lane Potter Hy. Geo. cabinet maker, Village

Webb Mrs. 8 Charlton Park terrace, Dick David, baker, The Village Ratcliff Richard Cook, draper & dress-

Blackheath road Diplock Mary (Mrs.), laundress, IO makar & clerk to the Charlton burial

WeissOtto,Eastbourne vl.Lansdowne rd Woodbine cottages, Victoria road board, Village

WestWalt.Jsph.Fairlawn.Biackheath rd Dowley Thomas James, nurseryman & Reeve Joshua, fancy draper,4 Church la

Wharton Mrs. 15 Victoria road seedsman, Little heath Richardson Henry Percy, teacher of

Whitmore Miss, 57 Maryon road Drummond Waiter, barge owner, 7 music, 7 Lower Woodland terrace

Wiedmann John Frederick, Woodlands, Clarendon villas, Church lane Robinson Henry Blundy, cowkeeper,

Lower Maryon road Duke Fredk. solicitor, 10 Delafield road Clifton Farm dairy, Church lane

Wilson Sir Spencer Maryon Maryon- Earney Thomas, grocer, Village Rowland John, architect & surveyor of

bart. R.N., J. P. Charlton house Ellis Frank, tchr. of music,3 Little heath Plumstead district, Board of Works,

Wilson Dow. Lady Maryon, Little Emms MaryAnn(Miss),corn dlr. Village 5 Charlton villas, Church lane

Coombe, Blackheath road Evans Mary(Mrs. ),shopkpr.4 Little hth Sacro Edwin Wm. greengrocer, Village

Wilson Edwin,2Clarendon vls.Church la EvansWm.Norman Saunders William, collector of poor

Wilson Ernest, 2 Rose mount, Church la Fegan Richard M.D. surgeon, medical rates, 22 Delafield road

Windley Samuel, 47 Maryon road officer & public vaccinator Charlton Sanderson William Frederick, Wood-

Wing James, 97 Charlton lane district, Park place man P.H. Little Heath

Witherby Rev. Cornelius M. A. St. Paul's Fitt & Willoughby, watch & clock ma- Scott Jas. Wm. boot & shoe ma. Vlilage

rectory, Fairfield road kers, Village Smith Thomas, dairyman, I Woodbine

W'ood Ernest, 13 Charlton vls.Church la Fox George Clement, chemist, Village cottages, Victoria road

Woods Hy.Arthur,6Cedar ter.Church la Fox George, cab proprietor, Village StapleyAlfd. crpntr. &bricklyr.Lit. heath

Woods Mrs. 31 Maryon road Fryer Wm. Edmunds, tobccnst. Village Stephens Henry Jas. plumber, painter,

Woollett Captain William Charle~, 5 Gale George, tailor, Village &c. Little heath

Charlton Park ter. Blackheath road Gostling Geo. Fredk. dairyman, Village Stephens J ames, grocer, & agent for W.

W'oollett John Cresswell, 13 Maryon rd Graham Wm. John, sand mer. r White- & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit merchants,

Worsley Fredk.Stanhope,griCharlton la house villas, Upper Woodland terrace Post office, Village

·wotherspoon George, 6 Melita villas, Grant Frank, builder, Village Steward Mary (Mrs.), preparatory

Victoria. road GravesJane(Mrs. ),dress ma.6J:Iaryon rd school,2 Champion ter.Blackheath rd

Wright Thos. River view, Victoria road Guyer George, butcher, Village Stoermer Emily (Miss), teacher of mu-

COMMERCIAL. Haine Henry, carpenter, Little Heath sic, 5 Cedar terrace, Church lane

Archer Richard, painter, I Grove place, Harding John, greengrocer, Village Street Gcorge A. cricket outfitter, The

Lausdowne road Harris David, butcher, I Church lane Rectory field

Assembly Rooms (Robert F. Clarke, Harwood Charles, carpenter & builder, Streeter Emm a (Mrs.), tobacconist, &

keeper), The Village 39 Maryon road post office, 2 Cedar terrace, Church la

Avey Fredk. dairyman, Lansdowne rd Hitching Waiter, baker & confectioner, Tamsett William, builder, Village

Bell & Heath, surgeons, 4 Village 5 Church lane Taylor Joseph David, boot ma. Village

Bernays Herbert Leopold, surgeon & Holmes Alfred J. (late of J. L. Holmes Taylor Wm. china dealer, The Village

medical officer of health for Charlton, & Son, Limehouse), ironmonger & Thompson Henry, news agent, Village

Rivoli, Church lane gasfitter, Village TURRELL ROBERT, Swan hotel,

Berry & Co. grocers & provision dealers, Ives James Mingay, grocer & green- Village

3 Church lane grocer, I Little Heath Wallace John, verger St. Luke's, 3 Rose

Blackheath Cricket, Football & Lawn' James Phillip, inspector of weights & mount, Church lane

Tennis Co. Limited (R. S. Mason, measures, Little heath West Geo. lighterman, 9 Wellington rd

hon. sec.), The Village Lambert Agnes (Mrs.), milliner & dress Whale George,solicitor & commissioner

Bowes John,'shoe ma. r A, Lansdowne rd 1 maker, 4 Milton ter. Victoria road for oaths & clerk to the board of works

Branigan Patrick H. hon. sec. to the Lewis Aliee (Miss), ladies' school, 13 Plumstead district, Village

CbarltonHabitationPrimrose League, Wellington road White John ~raides, rent collector, 4S

12 Delafield road Light Edwin, grocer, Village Maryon road

Bray John Fredk. confectioner, Village 1 Lillyerop Edgar, tailor, 14 Maryon rd Williams W. & Son, builders, plumbers

Brooks Chas. Hy.fishmonger, TheVillage McKnight Alexander, tailor & outfitter, & decorators, gas, hot water & sani-

BrownCbas.Fk.insr.agt.3Lansdowne rd I The Village tary engineers, house agents (estab-

Browning William, laundry, 1 Inkerman Martin Arthur, engineer, Fern villa, lished 1838), Village

terrace, Church lane I Lansdowne road Wilson David, plumber, Little Heath

Buckle George, blacksmith, Village j Martin Robert, mechanical tool& horse '\Vilson James, registrar of births &

Burns William, draper, Village 1 clipper manufacturer, Village de<iths for Cbarlton, 22 Charlton

Burnett Allan, solicitor & commissioner MerredewAlbertAsbton,french polisher, villas, Church lane

& vestry clerk, Village 5 Inkerman terrace, Church lane

GREAT CHART is a village and parish on the road senting William Sharp, ob. 1499, and his wives: in the chan-

from Ashford to Tenterden, 2 miles west from Ashford, and eel is an ancient altar tomb, once magnificently inlaid with
54 from London, in the Southern division of the county, brass, but now only retaining two elligies of some members

lathe of Scray, hundred of Chart and Longbridge, Ashford of the family of Gold well, probably of William de Goldwell,

county court district and petty sessional division, West Ash- ob. I485, and his wife Avice; there is also a brass, with

ford union, and in the rural deanery of East Charing, arch- effigy, to Thomas Twesden, gent. ob. 1500, and Benedict,
deaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. The his wife, and the brass effigy of a notary, c. 1470: five
river Stour passes through the parish on the northern part. windows are stained, the east window being a memorial to
The church of St. Mary is an ancient structure of stone in the Hon. and Rev. George Pellew D. D. dean of Norwich,
the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chan- prebendary of York, and sometime rector here, d. 13 Oct.
eel with aisles and arcades of three arches, clerestoried nave, I866; those in both the chancel aisles were erected to Nicholas
also with aisles and arcades of three arches, north and south and Emma Toke, by Lieut.-Col. John Leslie Take and their
porches and an embattled western tower containing a strik- six younger children ; and there is also one in the south aisle
ing clock and 6 bells: in the north chancel is a pew, with to the memory of l\Ir. Edward Greenhill : there are 150 sit-

wood carving, temp. James I. and in the aisle is a tomb and tings, all being free. The register of baptisms and burials

a number of ancient brasses with effigies, to members of the dates from the year 1558, marriages from I559· The living
Toke family of Godinton, including one with effigies of John is a rectory, tithe rent-charge £s7o, net yearly value £sr:;.
Toke esq. ob. I5I3, and Margaret (Walworth) and Anne including 16 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the
(Eugeham) his wives ; John Toke esq. son and heir of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since r888 by the Rev.

preceding, ob. I565 ; Cicely (Kempe) his wife, ob. 1559, and William George Longden u.A. of Queens' College, Cambridge.

n children; and Nicholas Toke esq. ob. r68o, and three The Wesleyans have a chapel here. Here are almshouseS
wives or daughters, whose kneeling effigies remain; there for two aged persons, founded and endowed by Francis Toka
are also numerous tablets to the same family: in the nave esq. of Godinton Park; they were erected in 1583 llil(}
is a brass with the effigies of a man and five females, repre- rebuilt in 1833; each pensioner receives gs. a week•• James


Goldwell, Bishop of Norwich (1472-99), a native of this NEw STREET, 1 mile south-west, and CHILMINTON GREEN,
parish, 1f8ll a great benefactor to the church and died in I499· a mile and a half south, are hamlets of this parish.

Godinton, the property of Lieut.-Col. John Leslie Take J'.P. Parish Clerk, Henry Day.
and the residence of William Pomfret Pomfret esq. M.P.
l.P. is a large red brick mansion, standing in a well-wooded PosT OFFICE.-James Heyward, postmaster. Letters from
Ashford arrive 7 a.m.; dispatched at II.5 a.m. & 9.50
park of 400 acres. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners are p.m. ; sundays, 9.50 p.m. The nearest money order &
lords of the manor. The principal landowner is Lieut.-Col. telegraph office is at Ashford
foke l.P. The soil is mostly stiff clay ; subsoil, rock. The

chief crops are wheat, hops, beans and peas. The area is National School (mixed), built in r845, for ISO children;

3.297acres; rateable value, £8,712; the population in I88I average attendance, 97; Ueorge Smith, master; Mrs.

was 744· George Smith, mistress

Knowles George Davis John, timber mer. & wheelwright Norton James, carpenter

Leney Harry, Godinton cottage Day Robert, farm bailiff to John Russell Padgham Henry, carpenter

Longden Rev. Wm. Geo. M.A. Rectory Lewis esq Palmar William, farmer, Ninn house

Pomfret William Pomfret M.P., J.P. Fry William, farmer, New street Shorter John Thomas, farmer

Godinton; & Carlton & Union clubs, Godden Sml. Jn. grcr.draper & butcher Sinden Henry (Mrs.), beer retailer

London w c Gold Edward, farmer Skinner George, blacksmith

Reid Capt. Francis, Bucksford house Greenhill Edwd. frmr. Chilmington grn Strouts Richard, farmer & wool buyer

Streeter George, Chart house Grist Charles Giles, Swan P.n Swaffer Frank, farmer

COMMERCIAL. Grist Giles, grazier Swaffer James, bricklayer

Bean Wm. farmer, Chilmington green Hills Herbert, farmer, Daniels water Tanton Geo. farmr. Chilmington green

Bingham Henry, blacksmith King Ueorge, farmer, Chilmington grn Wicks Thomas miller (wind & water)

Hrown Horace, farmer,Court Lodge fm Kingsnorth John, frmr. Bucksford frm Wood James, farmer, Lodge place

LITTLE CHART is a parish and village, situated on charge £3941 net yearly value £4oo, with 33 acres of glebe

the Stour, 2~ miles north from Pluckley station on the South and residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury~

Eastern railway, 2 south from Charing station on the Lon- and held since I88I by the Rev. Richard Samuel Oldham

don, Cbatham and Dover railway and 6 north-west from M.A. of Wadham College, Oxford. The charities amnunt to

Ashford, in the Southern division of the county, lathe of £4 IOS. yearly, chiefly arising from land left in 1616 by the

Scray, upper half-hundred of Calehill, Ashford county court Rev. Johr1 I<'otherby and in 1824 by Edward ilurford; the

district and petty sessional division, West Ashford union, income arising therefrom is distributed by the rector and

and in the rural deanery of East Charing, archdeaconry of churchwardens as they please on the r6th of April. Here is

Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. a paper mill. Lieut. -Col. SirEd ward Cholmeley Dering bart.

Mary is an ancient stone building in the Perpendicular style, D.L., J.P. of Surrenden-Dering, and Mrs. Darell B!ount, of

consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, with an arcade of Maple Durham, Oxfordshire, are lord and lady of the manor

two arches, south porch and an embattled western tower and principal landowners. Th~ soil is light ; subsoil the

containing 5 the north aisle belongs to the Darell same. The chief crops are wheat, hops, beans and peas.

family and is diVIded from the nave by oak screens in good The area is I,6r6 acres; rateable value, £3,023; and the

preservation ; in this aisle is the effigy of a knight in alabas- population in 188I was 276.

ter and a mural brass to Sir John Darell kt. of Calehill in At CALEHILL is the ancient mansion of the Darell family,
this parish, ob. r5o9 ; there are al,;o monuments with kneel- attached to which is a Catholic chapel dedicated to St. Fras.
ing figures to George Darell esq. Mary (Whitehead) his wife Xavier and St. J oseph and served by the Catholic priest of
Ashford. Ford Mill is a paper mill, in the occupation of
md his children, I.i78-rs8s; John Darell esq. and his wife, Messrs. Batchelor and Son.
J6I8-1624 ; Sir Robert Darell kt. ob. 1645, his wife and chil-
dren; Sir John Darell kt. ob. 1675; and to his nephew Sir :MoNDAY Boys is a detached portion of this parish, about
John Darell kt. ob. I694; there is also a slab, with a muti- 2miles west of the church.
lated brass to John Darellesq. ob. 1438, and Florence his2ud
wife, heiress of Archbishop Chicheley, to whom he was Parish Clerk, Peter Murton.

steward: in the chancel is a piscina: the east window is a WALL LETTER Box, opposite the Swan inn, cleared at 6 p.m.

memorial to the late William Chessman, of Chart Court, and on week days; sundays, a. rn. Letters through Ash-

Elizabeth, relict of the late Thomas Tassel!, of Maidstone : ford, arrive at 8.30 a. m. The nedorest money order &

the church was thoroughly restored at a cost of£ 1,200 and telegraph office is at Pluckley village

re-opened in May, 1877: there are ISO sittings. The regis- National School (mixed), built in I87-t, for 6o children;

fer of baptisms and burials dates from the year IS63 ; average attendance, 54 ; Mis~ Caroline Eliza Millyard,

marriages from JS62. The hving is a rectory, tithe rent- mistress

Cheesman Frederick, Chart court Hills Thomas Miller (water & wind), Maxted Juhn, beer retailer
Oldham Rev. Richd. Saml.M.A.Rectory
Swallow mill Missing Thomas (Mrs.), farmer, Mon-
Batchelor & Son, hand-made writing & Jones William, smith day Boys farm

account book paper manufacturers LangleyEdward,relieving & vaccination Phillips The Misses, farmers
Collier William Eastman, Swan inn
Coppins Mrs. shopkeeper otticer & registrar of births & deaths, Rofe Robert, farmer
Fowle Thomas, farmer, Monday boys
Freed Charles, bricklayer Calehill sub-dist. West Ash ford union Stevens James, farmer, Monday boys

LangleyLuke,deputyregistrarof births Tipples Frederick John, farmer & hop-

& deaths, Calehill sub-district, West J grower, Rooting manor

Ashford union Turk Robert, farmer, Monday boys

~HART BUTTON (or Chart) is a village and parish, Nottingham. The trustees of the late Sir Edmund Filmer

Bttuated on the range of hills which overlooks the Weald of hart. D.L. (d. 1886), who are lords of the manor, Lieut.-Col.

Kent to the south, between the parishes east and west of II. W. Keays-Young J.P. Herbert Neve, trustees of the late

Sutton Valence and Boughton Monchelsea, 5 miles south-east John Dunstan Whitehead esq. Thomas Foster esq. represen·

from Maidstone, 5 miles north-west from Headcorn station tatives of the late Robert Golding esq. and the trustees of th6

on the South Ea.stern railway, 5 miles north-east from late Samuel Buss esq. are the chief landowners. The soil is

Staplehurst station on the South Eastern railway, in the stiff clay anr1 loam; and the subsoil of the upper part of the

Mid dtvision of the county, lathe of Aylesford, hundred of parish is rock and is noted for producing superior golding

Eyhorne, Bearsted petty sessional division, Hollingbonrne hops. The chief crops are hops, fruit and corn. The area.

union,Maidstonecountycourtdistrict, Suttonruraldeanery, is 2,188 acres; rateable value, £3,6o6; and the popula-

Maidstone archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The tion in 1881 was 687.

clmrch of St. Micha.el, struck by lightning 23 April, I778, Parish Clerk, Harold Hughes.

and rebuilt without a chancel, is a building of stone, in the PosT 0FF1CE.-John Boorah, postmaster. 1 Letters arrive by

Late Decorated style, consisting of nave and a western foot post from Staplehurst at 7·4S a.m. at the post office

tower containing a clock and 6 bells; it was re-pewed in at Sutton Valence, from whence they are distributed; dis-

I868, and has 270 sittings. The register dates from the patched at 6.40 p. m. The nearest money order office is at

y~r 1558. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £2o2, Sutton Valence, which is also a telegraph office
lnth residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of WALL L~T rER Box, near the church, cleared week days,

Ruc.hester, and held since 1868 by the Rev. Thomas Robin- 6.5s p.m. ; sundays, Io.2o a.m ·

IOD. lLA... of Trinity College, Cambridge: the rectorial tithes National School (mixed), built in 1865, for 100 children &

amount to [,670 and are held by the Dean and Chapter of since enlarged (I879); average attendance, 78; Mrs.
~heste«-. There are charities of £2 I os. yearly value, aris- Emily Wilson, mistress

Jng from land left in I599 by the Earl of Winchilsea and CARRIER TO :MAIDSTOS&.-John Brown, daily, except tues

Balston Thomas. Chart place Lenden Miss Hoorah JClhn, baker& grocer, Post office

Jago Edwud William, The Moorings Robinson Rev. Thomas M. A. Vicarage Houlden Ueo. Robt. Buffalo's Head P.H

KeaYli"'YonngLt,•Col.Hy.Wm...J.P.Eyles- COMMERCIAL. Boulden William,farm bailiff to Richard

den i &ArmykNavy club, London sw Ashby Sarah A.(Mrs.),Lord Raglan P.H Waterman esq


Brooks John Charles, builder Coleman William,beer retailer & shpkpr Oyler Thomas Henry, farmer,Laddscn
Brown John, carrier Dray John, fruit & hop grower Parrett Richard, farmer, Ashurst lodge
Buss Samuel(trustees of the late), land- Foster Thomas, landowner, farmer & Peen William, undertaker
Potts Da,;d, farm bailiff to Messrs.
owners,frmrs.& hop growers, Park ho fruit grower, New house
Chapman John, farmer, hop & fruit Joy• John, blacksmith William Noakes, Son & Collard
Miskin Arthur, farmer & hop grower, Rose Walter, farmer & hop grower
grower ; & at East Sutton
Chittenden Edwin, registrar of births, Elderden SedgwickThos.Richd. farmr .&hop growr
Morgan Edward, farm bailiff to the Stedman John William, farmer, Place
deaths & marriages for Headcorn
district & relieving, vaccination, trustees of the late Charles Neve esq. Wood farm
school inquiry & attendance officer Hermlen Stedman Thomas, farmer & cattle dlr
for No. 2 district & inspector of Neve Charles (trusteeil of the late), Wenham William Young, blacksmith
nuisances to· the rural sanitary landowners, farmers & hop growers,
authority, Laurel house Amberfield Wood James, jun. brick maker


CHARTR-'.M is a parish ·and village, near the road from Lunatic Asylum, erected in 1875 on Chartham Downs at a
Canterbury to Ashford, on the river Stour, amid a fertile cost of £25o,ooo, from designs by Messrs. Giles and Gough,
vale and pastures, with a :,tation on the Ashford and Rams- is a red brick building, commanding a fine view of the river
gate branch of the South Eastern railway, 3 miles south-west Stour and covering with its grounds an area of seven acres;
from Canterbury, 11 north-east from Ashford and 6-; miles the building consists of central entrance, with offices and com-
from London, in the Eastern division of the county, lathes mittee rooms, two blocks on either side, six in the rear and
of St. Augustine and Scray, Felborough and Westgate a chapel in the centre: it will hold 900 patients, and in 1890
hundreds, Bridge union, Canterbury county court district, had an average number in attendance of 850. Mystole is the
petty sessional division of Horne, West Bridge rural deanery residence of the Rev. Edward Neville Crake M.A. formerly
and Canterbury archdeaconry and diocese. Chartham is dean and vicar oi Battle. The Dean and Chapter of Canrer.

built round a green, with the parsonage and church on the bury are lords of the manor. George Bowdler Gipps esq.

south side of it. 'The church of St. Mark is a long and John Darell Blount esq. and the trustees of the late Sir John

narrow cruciform building of flint, stone and brick, chiefly Fagge bart. (d. 1873) are the largest landowners. The soil

in the Early Dec0rated style, and consists of chancel, nave, is light loam; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat,
transepts, north porch and a battlemented western tower of barley, oats and hops. The area is 4,568 acres; rateable
Perpendicular date, containing a clock and 6 bells: the value, £9,36r; the population in r88r was 2,473, including
chancel windows are all very elegant and retain much of 763 in the East Kent Lunatic Asylum.
the original stained glass, and this part of the church is alsu SH~LMSFOim STREET is a considerable hamlet, adjoining
rich in sepulchral remains, principally brasses ; these in- Chartham; CHARTHAM HATCH (or Hatch Green), I mile
clude: 1. a fine brass on a grey slab of a knight, cross-legged north, is another hamlet.

and clad in mail, with a surcoat and shield ernblazoned with HORTON, half a mile north-east, contains 399 acres and is

the arms of Septvans and a Lombardic inscription, now im- a chapelry, or hamlet, with 14 houses; DENSTEAD is 2 miles
perfect, to Sir Robert de Septvans, 1306 ; this brass is north, in Blean Forest, as is PETTY FRANCE ; HowFIELD
remarkable as bein-.! one of the earliest known examples, and adjoins Milton; NrcKHILL is I mile north-west; MYSTOLB,
has been engraved in Bout ell's "Monumental Brasses ; " 2. a mile and a half south-west ; UNDERDOWN, I mile south;
a very small brass of a priest, representing Robert London, THRUXTED, I mile south.
a former rector, 1416, also engraved in the same work; 3· Parish Clerk, Henry Attwood.
a brass of Rubert Sheffield, a former rector, in surplice and

almuce, 1508; 4· a brass of Robert Arthur, a former rector, Pmn, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-

a large figure, in cope, 1454; 5· a small figure of a iady, George Shrubsole, receiver. Letters arrive from Canter-

with an invocatory inscription, to Jane Dowther, of Lewys bury by mail cart at & IL45 a.m. & 5.15 p.m.; dis-
Clefforth, 1530: in the north wall of the chancel is a seg- patched at r2.15 & 7.40 p.m. ; sundays, 11.30 a.m. i
mental arcl1, m· e1os•mg a marblc tomb , t h e Sl"des of wh"rc11 are alternate, 12 ·, dispatched, 7 a.n1
panelled with trefoiled arches: the font dates only from 1720 : LETTER Box at Shalmsford ~treet cleared 7· 25 p.m. sundays
there are 300 sittings. The register dates from the year excepted
1558. The living is a rectory, with the chapelry of Horton East Kent Lunatic Asylum, medical superintendent, Robert
annexed, average yearly value from tithe rent-charge £6r6, Spencer L.R.C.P.L. ; senior assistant medical officer,

net income £540, with residence and 30 acres of glebe, in J ames Norman Anwyl L.R.C.P.Lond. ; junior assistant,
the gift of thE! Archbishop of Canterbury, ancl held since 1873 \Villiam Everett M.B., c.M. ; chaplain, Rev. P. J. Syree;

by the Rev. Cyril Randolph 1\I.A. of Christ Church, Oxford. clerk to the committee of visitors, Alien Fielding, Can·
There are Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist chapels here. terbury; clerk & steward, T. Barton; matron, Miss M. G.
On the Stour is the paper manufactory of Mr. John Howard, Boyce

giving employment to nearly 2oo hands. On Chartham A School Board of 5 members was formed in 1874; F. S.
Downs were formerly a considerable number of barrows, Cloke, Canterbury, clerk to the board; George Norris,
now ploughed up, in which at various times have been attendance officer
found the remains of bodies, articles of pottery and trinkets, Board School (mixed), erected in 18721 for 325 children;
mostly Anglo-Saxon, and on the contiguous plains of Sward- average attendance, 250; Philip Flatten, master
ing Downs are three lines of entrenchments. The East Kent Railway Station, Edward Gorham Hilder, station master

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Coltham George, farmer Jordan James, bailiff to .A.rthur Finn
Anwyl James Norman L.R.C.P.LOnd. Colthup Edwin, bailiff to the exors. of esq. Deanery farm

Lunatic asylum Peter Martin esq. Nick Hill farm Le Feavre Charles, farmer, Perry farm
Burden John, The Firs Coombes William, Chapter Arms P.H Marten Stephen Watson, farmer,
Cobb Lieut.-Col. John, The Deanery Corrie Fras. A. & Son,frmrs.Horton crt
Corrie Francis A. Horton court Cruttenden ~"il1iam & Son, wheel- Shalmsford bridge
Crake Rev.Edward NevilleM.A. Mystole
Drew Charles Thomas wrights, Shalmsford street Martin J ames, carpenter
Everett Wm. M.B., c.M.Lunatic asylum EldridgeHerbt.Jn.saddlr.Shalmsford st Nash James, jun. grocer & coal mer
Fagge Mr:>. The Hill Elvy Benjamin, draper, Shalmsford st Norris George, farmer, assistant over-
Harvey l\Iiss Epps William, farmer, Rentain farm
Holloway George ForemanAlfred,carpentr.Shalmsford st seer & school attendance officer
MartenStphn.Watson,Shalmsford brdg Forwood Fanny (Miss), dress maker
Newington Thomas Fox Thomas, jun. King's Head P.H Pettitt Charles, chimney sweeper
Randolph Rev. Cyril M.A. Rectory Gipson John, chimney sweeper Reed William Emmett, shopkeeper
SpencerH.t.L.R.c.P.Lond.Lunaticasylum GoldupJames, Artichoke P.H Rodwell Thos.millwright,Shalmsfordst
Sutton Thomas Seagreave Hardiman William Waiter Kingsford,
Syree Rev. Peter .Joseph, The Chap- Shrubsole George, Post office
Fagge Arms P.H Shrubsole George William, grocer
laincy, Lunatic asylum Harvey Lewis & Percy, butchers, Stupples James, George P.H. Shalms·
Shalmsford street ford street
Ealdock Edwin, carrier Harvey Saml. farmer,Burnt House frm
l3aldock Phcebe ()'Irs. ), beer ret.& frmr HarveyWilliamFinch(exors.of),farmers Sutton Thomas Seagrave, surgeon, &l
Baldock Stephen, grocer & baker medical officer & public vaccinator,
Bisbop Abraham, butcher & hop growers, Thruxted farm No. 2 district, Bridge union
Bryant Harry, farmer & hop grower, Hooker Wm. miller (steam & water)
Hopkins Stephen, farm bailiff to James Terry ·william, blacksmith
Howfield manor
Burchett Ambrose, boot & shoe maker, H.Harvey esq.ofShottenden,Chilham Warden Alfred,CrossKeys P.H.Bolt'li hl
Horton Henry Alfred, baker
Shalmsford street Howard John, paper manufacturer, Warman Alfred T. boot maker
Watson Joseph, grocer & baker,
Chart.ham Paper mills
ford street
Windle Wm. fruit grower, Underdown
Wood John, bricklayer, Shalmsford ~

Wyles Lucy (Mrs.), Railway tavern



CHATHAM is a municipal and parliamentary borough, with ' value from tithe rent-charge, transferred from the rectory

government establishments of great importance, and large of St. Mary, Chatham, £192, net income, £188, with resi-

town in a valley on the south bank of the ~led way river, dence, in the gift of the Bishop of Rochester, and held since

adjoining Rochester on the same side of the river, 7t miles 1889 by the Rev. Christopher Joseph Ord M.A. of Trinity

north from Maidstone, 9 south-east from Gravesend, 27 Hall, Cambridge. The parish of St. Paul contained in 1881

west from Canterbury, 44 north-west from Dover and 33 a population of 7,879. ·

from London, in the l\'Iid division of the county, lathe of St. Bartholomew's chapel, situated in Chatham Intra and

Aylesford, hundred of Chatham and Gillingham, partly in standing on the site of an ancient hospital for lepers, now

the city and liberty of Rochesier, and in Rochester petty serves as a chapel for the General Hospital, erected in 1863

aessional division and county court district, Med way union, in the adjoining road: the remains of the chapel, described

rural deanery, archdeaconry and diocese of Rochester. The by the late Sir Gilbert Scott R.A. as "a precious archreo-

London, Chatham and Dover railway has a station near Fort logical and historical relic," were brought to light in 1874,

Pitt and passes through three tunnels here, the third, ap- during the carrying out of some improvements in the

proached by a viaduct,is through Chatham lines. The North High street, and a committee was then formed to effect its

Kent railway is to be extended to Cb.atham from the present restoration: this work, begun in July, r88o, was completed

terminus at Strood by means of a bridge across the Med- in April, 1881, at a total cost of about £1,350, and the

way, completed in r8go. Behind the Sun hotel is a pier, building now consists of apsidal chancel, with north chapel,

erected in 1886. The town is supplied with water by a nave of three bays, north aisle, north porch and a tower con-

company from reservoirs constructed on Chatham Hill, filled taining one bell: the chancel has an open oak roof, dating

from the works at Luton, which have been con!riderably from about 1350, original Norman windows and an ancient

enlarged, and now consist of a series of buildings, with doorway: the windows of the north chapel, also Norman,
numerous large boilers and five engines, besides two others 1 have been re-opened, as well as three others in the nave, two

for outside purposes ; the great well is r6o feet deep and of which retain their original wooden lintels: the north aisle,

communicating adits or galleriesfurnishadditionalsupplies. west front, porch and tower are all new and have been

The town is lighted with gas from works situated at Roches- wholly executed in stone : there are 120 sittings, and such as

ter and Gillingham, the property of the Rochester, Chatharn are not required for the hospital staff are entirely free and

and Strood Gaslight Co. ; the streets are narrow and many unappropriated: the revenues of this institution are those of

of them steep. the original Leper Hospital of St. Bartholomew, founded in

The parliamentary borough comprises parts of the parishes 1078 by Bishop Gundulph and reconstituted in 1858 and are

of Chatham and Gillingham and returns one member. The administered by a body of trustees acting under a decree of

town has hitherto been governed by a local board of 15 the Court of Chancery. The chaplaincy, yearly value £2oo,

members, but a Charter of Incorporatirm has been applied in the gift of the Dean of Rochester, has been held since

for and it is understood has been granted and expected to 1878 by the Rev. John Bailey B. A., LL.n. of Trinity College,

be received during 18go. The stipendiary magistrate for Dublin.

Chatham and Sheerness holds a court at the Police station The Catholic church, dedicated to St. Michael the Arch-

every Monday and Thursday. angel, Ordnance place, erected in r862 and 1863 at a cost of

The church of St. Mary the .Virgin, standing close to the £3,000, on a site purchased from the War Department for

river, almost entirely rebuilt in 1788 in a debased modern £375, was opened by the Right Rev. Dr. Grant, 25 June,
~tyle, was originally a Norman structure, erected about A. D. r863, and collSists of nave and aisles under a continuous

II20 and subsequently received additions in the Early roof, the nave being separated from the aisles by lofty

English and Later styles, of which some portions yet arcades of Bath stone with double columns: it will seat 650

remain: it consists of nave and aisles with galleries, !'outh- persons.

west porch and a small western turret containing 2 bells : The Presbyterian church, erected in r86I, at the cost of

on the south side of the nave is a fine Norman doorway of £r,4oo, on ground near the railway station, granted by the

three orders; the west door seems also to have been Nor- War Department, is a building of galvanized iron, and will

man : in the church is the tomb of Stephen Borough, who seat 500.

discovered the passage to Archan~el: the chancel and side The Bible Christian chapel, Luton road, erected in r884-5

chapel were rebuilt in r88g with Kentish rag, in the Early at a cost of about £r,8oo, is an edifice of brick and stone in

English style, from designs by Sir. A. W. Blomfield M. A., the Lancet style, with school and class rooms and vestry in

A.R.A. at a cost of £3,400: there are Boo sittings. The the rear: the principal front has a large rose window and is

register dates from the year 1568. The living was declared flanked on one side by a lofty turret. with tall pyramidal

a rectory May rr, r866, average tithe rent-charge £226, net crested roof and on the other by a small octagonal turret

income £237, with residence and 3 acres of glebe, in the gift with slender spire: there are 200 sittings.
of the Dean and Chapter of Rochester, and held since 1889 There is also a Catholic Apostolic church in the ~ew road,

by the Rev. George Bowyer Vaux ll.A. of Corpus Christi a. Baptist chapel in Cannon street, with rso sittings, one in

college, Oxford. The population of the parish is 5,6rg, not Clover street, seating 300, and another inNelson street, seat-

including naval and military population. ing 170 ; the Congregational church in Clover stroot seats

St. John the Divine is an ecclesiastical parish, formed 400, and there are Mission rooms in connection in Brook and

Oct. 22, 1852, out of Chatbam: the church, near the Hail- Chatham hill; the Primitive Methodist chapel in George

way station, erected r82r, at 11. cost of£16,ooo, is a build- street seats 200; the Swedenborgian chap~! in Rhode street,

ing of stone of the Doric order, and consists of nal"e with 140; the Unitarian church on Hammond hill, 250; the Free

eastern apse, aisles, north and west porches, and a western Methodist chapel in John street, 250; the Wesleyan chapel

tower containing a clock and one bell, and was improved in in James street, Ordnance row, r8o; and that in Higl].

1859 at a cost of £3,000: it has 1,100 sittings. The registe-r street, 450.

dates from the year r853. The living was declared a rec- The Cemetery, in the Maidstone road, formed in 1869 at

tory April 3rd, r866, average tithe rent-C'harge £242, gross a cost of £12,200, comprises twelve acres of consecrated and

yearly value £334• with residence, in the gift of the rector four of unconsecrated ground: there are two chapels, for

of St. Mary, Cbatham, and held since 1886 by the Rev. the Church of England and Nonconformists respectively,

Thomas Everard Cartwright H.A. of St. Mary Hall, Oxford. under a ~ingle roof.

The population of the parish in r88x was 5,6og. The borough of Chatham Reform Club, Military road, and
S~. Paul's parish was formed Feb. 23, 1855, out of the opened 16 Feb. x888, by the Earl of Aberdeen, is of red brick

panshes of St. John and St. Mary, Chatham and Gilling- and stone in the Classic style, erected at a cost, including

ham: the church, in the New road, consecrated in January fittings, of £5,000, from plans by Mr. John Nash, architect,

~B54, i.s a building of Kentish rag with Bath stone dressings, of Rochester: on the ground floor is an entrance hall lead-

m the Trawlition style, and consists of apsida.l chancel, nave ing to a spacious smoking and reading room, waiting room

soof three bays, transepts and a tower at the south-east angle and a lecture hall capable of seating 4so persons, with stage

:.the chancel containing one bell : there are 7 sittings, 200 and retiring rooms : on the second floor is the secretary's
li t;Ig free. The register dates from the year 1854· The office and recreation and reading rooms: the third floor

VIng 'l1ra.8 declared a vicarage April3, r866, average yearly comprises a spacious and well ventil11.ted billiard room.


The Conservative Club occupies premises also in the of £70 yearly for bread. Friend Boar'.'!, for coals, produ~

Military road. about£10 yearly.

St. Bartholomew's Hospital was originally founded by Considerable business is carried on by means of the Med.

Gundulph, Bishop of Hocbester, in 1078, for the benefit of way, which is navigable for vessels of large tonnage.

lepers returning from the Crusades, and after being many Near the railway station is a bronze statue, erected in

years in abeyance was reconstituted in 1858 and a General 1888, to Thomas Frederick Waghom lieut. R.N. and the

hospital erected on the New road, Chatham ; this institution pioneer and founder of the overland route to India, who was

was opened in 1863 and is supported from the revenues of born at Chatham in r8oo and died r8so.

St. Bartholomew's Hospital and a grant of £r,ooo yearly Major Mawdistly Gaussen BestJ.P. of Park House, Boxley,

from Watts' charity, Rochester, as well as by voluntary sub- near Maidstone, is lord of the manor. The area of the parish

scriptions. In r 88o an addition was made to the building is 4,441 acres of land and 3 of water; rateable value,£I06,gg6;

to facilitate the reception of outdoor patients, :\t a cost of the population in r88r was (parish) 26,889, including 689 in

£2,200; it is now a large red brick structure with a central the Royal Marine Barracks, r,492 m the Chatham Barracks,

tower overlooking the river. 177 in the Rnyal Marine Infirmary and 617 officers and in·

The Hospital for Decayed Mariners wa;;: founded by Sir mates in Med way workhouse ; local board district., 26,424;

John Hawkins, of Chatham, in 1592, and provides for twelve parliamentary borough, 46,788, which includes 20,236 in

indoor and twelve outdoor pensioners. Gillingbam parish.

The endowed charities for distribution are Payne's, of Clerks, St. Mary the Virgin, F. Head, the Old Cemetery;

£320 yearly, for bread, fuel and clothes and Sir E. Gregory's I St. John the Divine, Thomas John Ayres, 23 Dale end.

The Dockyard & Garrison.

THE dockyard at Cbatham, first founded in the time of building is Classic in style with centre and two wings, the

Queen Elizabeth, was situated on the spot no·~ occupied hy upper portion above the entrance forming an open arcade

the Ordnance wharf or Old dock. In r667 the Dutch supported by columns; in front and facing the Brompton

Admiral, Van Ghent, burnt several ships here, and after I barracks is the statue to Major-Gen. Charles George Gordon

that time it was strongly fortified and extended, and is now R.E., c.B. killed at Khartoum in 1885, erected in r8gotnhis

one of the principal naval stations of the empire. The memory by the rorps of Royal Engineers : this statue is of

dockyard now, by the addition of St. Mary's island, has a bronze, and he is represented seated on a camel, in full

river frontage of more than threP. miles : the older portion uniform as an Egyptian Pasha, as Governor-General of the

of the yard, stretching up the river to the town of Chatham, Soudan; the saddle of the camel is covered by long tasselled

includes dry docks and slips, a ropery, workshops and hoordges, while a water-bottle hangs near his left hand, and

storehouses, w1th residences for the officials : the modern in his right he carries the cane said to be the only weapon he

extension comprises three larg-e basins: a repairing basin took into action in China or in the Soudan ; on the plinth are

of 21 acres, a factory ba.sin of 20 acres and a fitting-out the names of his campaigns, from the Crimea to Khartoum,

basin of 28 acres in extent, all with walls above 40 feet hig-h and in front the word "Gordon ; " the statue has been

and 2r feet thick at the base; in the first are four very fine P.xecuted by E. Onslow Ford A. R.A.

stone docks, each upwards of 400 feet in length : over the The Major-General commanding the district occupies a

entrance sill of this basin there is about 34 feet of water, mansion adjoining the institute, and the whole is surrounded

and as the tide rises some 17 feet, there is consequently by well kept grounds.

a considerable depth of water at all times. A portion of the The officers of the garrison have a fine recreation ground

stone used in these docks was supplied by the convict and also a cricket ground.

establishment at Portland, but the facings and copings are On an elevated knoll is the garrison church, a stone build-

of granite from Cornwall, Jersey and France. From the ing in the Early English style, consisting of chancel and

fitting-out basin access is obtained much lower down the nave, with a turret containing one bell : it is used for ser·

river, and between here and Sheerness the Medway has been vices both to Protestant and Catholic troops and also to the

dredged at a cost of £25,ooo, to enable large warships to , public : the Rev. Thomas Felton Falkner M.A. of Chrioi

steam between Sheern~ss and Chat~am at ordinary tides; i Cht_rrch,. Oxford a~d Rev. William Ho":ard Leeds B.A. ~f the

here are moored shrps classed m the steam reserve. 1 Umversrty of Oxford, aro the cbaplams of the Estabhshed

The yard is protected by a body of the metropolitan 1 Church; the Rev. W. Le Grave is the Catholic chaplain.

police under the control of the admiral superintendent The Soldiers' Institute, begun in r86r, is within the

of the yard. There are waterworks on the premises, boundary of Chatbam barracks, facing the public road from

affording every facility for the extinction of fires. A large Brompton to Chatham and Rochester and nearly opposite to

establishment is kept up here, and as many as 3,ooo the barracks of the Royal Marines: it is substantially buil~

workmen of various kinds are employed, the number chiefly of brick, faced with white Huntingdon bricks, relieved

borne on the books for pensions being 1, 166. The work- with Bath stone and contains two lofty principal floors, with

shops are fitted with ingenious machinery fur dealing with a small mezzanine floor in the rear. There are smoking and

the various metals used, and among the appliances is a coffee rooms on the lower floor, with a capacious serving

monster crane, capable of lifting no less than 250 tons: bar between them, one of these rooms being appropriated to

tramways connect the various parts, and there are also games and supplied with seven bagatelle tables; there is

branches of the London, Chatbam and Dover railway into also a billiard room, fives court and bowling and skittle

the yard. '\'Vithin the walls of the dockyard is the Chapel, alleys. The reading-room and library above are so arranged

which is open to the public, who are permitted to inspect as to be thrown into one large apartment occupying the en·

the dockyard under certain regulations ; the approaches tire extent of the upper floor. 'fhe library contains about

and neighbo:1rhood are strongly fortified, and in the marshes 7,500 volumes and is calculated to hold go persons; the

on either side of the river below the dockyard are two coffp,e and reading room, 1oo; the game room, So; and the

isolated forts, known as the Hoo and Dartnclt forts, corn- lecture theatre, 450 ; t.otal, 700. An addition was made to

rnanding the centre stream ; at Gillingham is a factory for the building in 1872 by the erection of a lecture theatre,

the construction of torpedoes. The Chatham di>ision of styled "the Buckley hall" and capable of holding about

~oyal :VIarines b.ave their head quarters here, with extensive 6oo people. Soldiers attending the institute subscribe the

barracks on the ri,·er side clme to the town and St. Mary's sum of threepence monthly.

church, and the Melville hospital for seamen and marines There is a fine gymn11.~ium for the troops near the Bromp-

opposite is available for 340 patients. ton barracks.

There is a ~arge convict prison in St. Mary's vale. . . The Soldiers' and Seamen's Home and Institute, Military
. Ch.atham IS ~~e he~d quarters of the Tham~s m1htary mad, Chatham, instituted in 1887, is open every day to all

d1stnct, compnsmg Sheerness, Gravesend, Tilbury and ranks of both branches of the service · it includes a beauti-

Coalh?use Point forts, Maidstone and Sboeburyness ; the I fully fitted-up refreshment room, a ·good library of .500

large mfantry barracks near the town are on the slope of · volumes and readin()' room baths beds smokin[)' and recre&·

a hill overlooking the river, and surround an extensi,·e tion rooms and a lecture r~m wh~re m~ical entertainments

parade ground, and near New Rrompton are the St. Mary's temperance meetin()'s Bible classes mothers' meetin.,.s and
barracks : between the two are the Royal Engineers' or Evangelistic service~ ~re held
' "'

Erornpton barracks, erected in 1804, which will bold r,zoo A branch of · Ml.s~,·wn ~all. and .,
men ; the buildings form three sides of a square, the fourth t.he Aldershot Soldrer:'
side partly occupied by an entrance arch, erected as a ~ome w~s estabbshed here by Mrs. Damell m 1863 and IS

memorial to the officers and men who fell in the Crimean Situated m Old Brompton.

war, 1854-s-6, and inscribed with their names : opposite is the Chatham lines comprise a series of earth-works on the
fine building of the Hoyal Engineer Institute and head land side, enclosing all the government establishments, and
quarters of the School of Military Engineering, founded here outside is a considerable area of grassy upland reserved by
in r8r2, and presided over by an oflicer of the Royal
Engineers: in the course of each year's practice, siege the military authorities for the drilling and instruction of the
operations are sometimes carried on upon a large scale, and
a portion of land in the rear is set apart for exercise in the troops and for exercising the horses of the service. The
construction of field works and shelter trenches : this public are allowed free access to these lands, which overloo~

the town of Chatham and the Medway and command some

extensive views•


Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.

POST, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & .Annuity & Insurance Office. Constructors, H. Cock & C. P. Lemon

-Jame~ Hepbnrn, postmaster Chief Engineer, W. G. Littlejohns

Chief office, 77 High street. Open from 7 a. m. till ro p. m.; Assistant to Chief Engineer, R. 1{. Andrews
snnday, 7 till 9 a. m. Money order office &c. from 9 a.m. Superintendent Engineer, I<'. G. Fishenden
till6 p.m.; sat. 9 a. m. till 8 p.m.; not open on sunday Assistant Civil Engineer, W. Kite
Naval Storekeeper, W. P. S. Burton
Officer in Charge of Expense Account, C. Napier Pearn
Chatham & rural posts, 5 a.m.; London & all parts, 7.30 Cashier, W. Ternan
a.m.; Sheerness, 9.10 a.m.; Rochester, 9.20 a.m.; Lon- Chaplain, Rev. John B. Budds B.A
don Cbatham, rural posts & all parts, xo a.m.; London, Fleet .Surgeon, Richard S. P. Griffiths R.N
Rocbester, Gravesend, Maidstone & all parts, 12.20 p.m.; Surgeon, E. J. MorlPy
Chatham, 3 p.m.; London, Rochester, Faversham, Ports- Surveyor of Stores, John Pearce
mouth, Maidstone, Gravesend, Sittingbourne, 3· 15 p.m., Clerk of Works, F. W. Kite
Sheerness, 5 p.m.; Chatham, 5.30 p.m.; London & all Chief Boatswain, John Mahoney R.N
parts, 7 p.m.; Staplehurst, Hawkhurst, South East coast; Master Rigger, Michael J. Taylor !l.N
Mid Kent &c. 7-45 p.m.; London & all parts (general
night mail), Rochester, Maidstone, Gravesend, Dartford, Superintendent, George Godfrey
9.50 p.m.; London, Sittingbourne & Sheerness & all parts, Chief Inspector, Edwin Smith; Inspectnrs, John Clarke,
n p.m. Sundays-r, Staplehurst, Hawkhurst, South Willism Jackson, Jos. Treadgold & William Lloyd
East coast, Mid Kent &c. 7-45 p.m.; 2, General, 8.45
p.m. Lett-ers &c. can be post.ed with additional !d. ~ntil 5
minutes of dispatch of ma1l ; letters can be registered Manager, L. Brennan
until half an hour before the box closes, or till closing by
Guard Ship of Reserve.
payment of late fee, 4d
Rear Admiral, Edward Kelly
Captain, Hilary G. Andoe c.B
Dispatches, ro a.m. & 12.20, 2.3o, 7 & p.m
Commander, Edward W. Hodgkinson
ARRIVALS.-Delivery by postmen & to callers.
Staff Commander, James R. W. Quinn
London night mail & all parts, 7 a. m.; London, Rochester,
Portsmouth, Sheerness, Continent of Europe & all parts of Captain Marines, Frederick C. 0. Johnson

the United Kingdom, 10.35 a. m. ; London, Rochester, ~Fleet Surgeon, Richard Purnell Griffiths L.R.C.P.Lond
Maidstone, Gravesend, Sheerness & a!! parts, 3· r =) p.m.;
Staff Payma~ter, Montague B. Williams

London, Rochester, Maidstone, Gravesend, Sittingbourne, MELVILLE ROYAL NAVAL HOSPITAL.

Sheernesa &; all parts, 6 p. m. On sunday & bank holiday Deputy Inspector General, Rinso R. Siccama R.N
Staff-Surgeon, William R. Drew R.N
there is one delivery by postmen, 7 p.m
Surgeons, J osepb H. Whclan M.D. & Geo. H. H. Symonds M.B
PARCEL PosT.-Delivery by postmen & to callers.
The duties of Chaplain are carried out by the Chaplain of
Artirals, 7 & 9 a.m. & 3· 15 & 6 p.m the Dockyard assisted by the Chaplain of the Royal Marines

RECEIVING OFFICES:- Dispenser, James R. Gardner

294 High street~ J. A. Chalmers, receiver.-Collections at Clerk, G. W. Ginn

7, 9.25 & n.15 a.m. 2.40, 6.40, 7.30 & 9.40 p. m. ; sun- RaYAL MARINE L m HT INFA~RY ( Chatham Division, r6 Cos.)

day 5-35 p.m Head Quarters, Royal Marine Barracks.

*Lnton road, R. Lambert, receiver.-Collections at 9· 10 Commandant, Col. Ponsonby Ross Holmes

.t 11.40 a.. m. 2.25, 6.25, 7· rs & 9· 25 p. m Second Commandant, Col. Joseph Philips c.B

*Onlnance place, J. Glover, receiver.--Collections at 7·5• Lieut.-Colonels, Edward Willoughby Grenville Byam, Henry

'9-115 & u.15 a.m. 2.4o, 6.2o, 7.25 & 9·45 p.m Seton Bouchier, Jn. Alfred Sweny & Chas. Harington Scafe
*194 High street, J. B. Abery, receiver.-Collections at 7·5
Staff Officer, Capt. T. J. P. Evans
& 9.30 a. m. 12 noon, 2.45, 6.45, 7·35 & 9-45 p.m
T!!LEGRAPH OFFICE open from 7 a. m. till xo p.m. ; sundays Instructor of Gunnery, Capt. E. A. Wylde

7 till1o t~.m. & 5 to 6 p.m Instructor of Musketry, Major Arthur E. Smyth .
Adjutants, Capt. C. H. Kennedy & Capt. Charles <:T· llr1ttan

OtHoos marked thus • are Money Order Offices. Quarter-masters, Major Valentine Brown & Franc1s Powell

Member of Parliament. Paymaster, Col. James Conway Travers .

Sir John Eldon Gorst ?ti.A., Q.C. India Office, Whitehall s w; Barrack Master, Bt. Lieut.-Col. Robert William Franc1s Halt

6 Crown Office row, Temple E c & Car!ton club,London sw Chaplain, Rev. Robcrt O'Callaghan B. A

Returning Officer, George Winch, New road Thames Military District.

Stipendiary Magistrate for Chatham & Sheerness. Comprising Gravesend & Sheerness (including Tilbury,

Edwa.rd James Athawes esq. M.A. Sl!aftesbury house, Maid- CGrlaifif~e, Coal house Point Battery, Shornmead, Hoo, Darnell,
stone road, Rochester Garrison Point & Slough Forts, Maidstone & Shoe-

Clerk, George Winch, New road buryness), so far as regards the Regular Forces
Sits at the Police court, New rd.on mondays & thurs. at 9 a. m
Ohatham Local :Board. Commanding the District, Major-Gen. W. H. Goodenough

Offices, Military road. C.B 1 R.A

Aide-de-Camp, Capt. F. J. Fox R.A

Meet fridaj' fortnightly, at II a. m. Assistant Adjutant General, Colonel J. G. CO<'kburn
Deputy Assistant Adjutant General, Lieut.-Col. G. J.
Adam Stigant, The Paddock, Chatha111, chairman.
Parkyn, A. S. corps
Charles Bessent Anthony John Knowlden Commanding R.A. Thames District (Col. on the Staff),

Richard Brain Thomas Campling Lamb Col. E. D. Elliott R.A

James Breeze William Phillips ~taff Captain R.A. Bt. Major J. Adye R.A., P.s.c

John Bush William Edward Renwell Commanding Royal Engineer (Col. on the Staff), Col. C. J.

George Church Randall Moysey c.M.G

llobert Crittenden William Scott Senior Ordnance fltore Officer, Lieut.-Col. J. E. Taylo;·,

George Henry De La Cour John William Taylor Assistant Commissary-General of Ordnance
Senior Medical Officer, Brigade Surg. W. H. B. Cla~p M.D
Clerk to Local Board & Registrar of Burial Board, Frederick
District Paymaster, Major T. G. Booth A.P.D. (staff paym)
Adam Stigant, 22 High street

Treasurer, Jn. Richard Westcoml>e, London & County Bank

}ledicalOfficer of Health,Jn.Holroyde,Camden ho.Homond hi RoYAL ENGINEERs' DEPARTMENT-THAMES DrsrRICT.

Surveyor, Charles Day, New road Paymasters of the Division, Licut.-Col. J. Payno (itaff pay-

Sanitary Inspector, Thomas Byford, Best street master} & J. Dewns
Collector, William Richard Harridge, 2 Ordnance street
Surveyor, B. R. Tucker

Naval & Military Establishments. ScHOOL OF MILITARY ENGINEKRING0 CHATHAM.

Commandant, Maj.-Gen. R. N. Dawson-Scott

Admiral Superintendent, Rear-Admiral Edward Kelly, Flag Assistant Commandant, Col. I. Fellowes

Ship "Pembroke" Brigade Major & Secretary, Major St. G. M. Kirke

~tary to Superintendent, Edward T. Howard Adjutant, Capt. l. Ferrier

C1vilAsiiistant, Robert Barnaby JNSTUUCTIONAL.

C&ptain of Steam Reserve, Henry Stephenson A. P.C., c.n ;ESTIMATING & CO~STRUCTION.

Queen's HarbOur Master, Staff Capt. John E. Chapple R.N ll:lstructor, Major E. S. C. Moore
Chief Constructor, Charles T. Glenn _
Assistant Instructor, Capt. W. H. Turton


SUH.VEY. Volunteer Fire _Brigade Stntion, Military road, Jalllee
Instructor, Major A. 0. Green Burrell, 265 H1gh street, captain & 14 men & 3 officers
Assistant Instructors, Capt. C. W. R. St. John & Capt. .A.
E. Haynes Board day, thursday, at the Union, at rr a.m.
The union comprises the following places :-Chatham, Gij.
Instructor, Capt. R. L. Hippisley lingham, St. Margaret Rochester, St. Nicholas Roch~ter,

Assistant Instructor, Capt. A. M. Stuart Lidsing Ville, Grange Hamlet & Cathedral Precmct.s,

Tempora.ry .Assistant & InstrQ.ctor,. Capt. & Bt. Major A. Rochester; the population in r88r was 6r,644; rateable

Bagnold value, £249,592 .
FIELD FORTIFICATIONS. Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, George

Instructor, Major J. W. Savage Buchanan, I9 Paddock terrace, Chatham
Assi!rt.ant Instructors, Capt. A. W. Roper, Capt. William
Treasurer,John Richard Westcumbe,London & County Bank,
M. Hodder & Capt. J. Winn (in charge of workshops)
CHEMISTRY & PHOTOGRAPHY. High street, Rochester ..
Relieving Officers & Collectors to th; Guardian~, No.. I ~18-
.As.-;istant Instructor, Capt. A. M. Mantell trict,George Bennett Robson,r71 1'\ ew road ; ~ o. 2 dtstnct,
Thomas Lewis, Gillingham .
Instructor, Lieut. T. P~ Gumming, Thames & Medway
division Vaccination Officer, Jabcz Whitehearl, 203 H1gh st.Chatbarn

Assistant Instructors, Capt. F. R. Reynolds, Lieut. E. C. Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. r or Rochester
Seaman & Lieut. W. G. Lawrie
TACTICS. district, William Watson, Paddock house, Rochester;

Instructor, Major W. H. Smith-Rewse No 2 or Chatham district, Walter Buchanan, Paddock
BALLOONING. ho~se, Chatham; No. 3 or Gillingham district, Henry

Instructor, Major J. L. B. Templer Weekes L. R,C. P. Edin. Old Brompton
TRAININ6 BATTALION ROYAL ENGINEERS. ~uperintendent Registrar, Geo. Buchanan, 19 Paddock ter.
(A. B, C, D, F & N COS.)
Chatham;. deputy, John Edwin R~g~en, New Bro~pt?n
Major F. Edmondes, commandant
Rea-istrars of Births & Deaths, G!llmgham sub-d1stnct,
(M 28 & 29.) Jabez Whitehead, 203 High street, Chatham; deputy,

Colonel II. P. Lee Albert Whitehead, 203 High·street, Chatham ; Rochester

Adjutant, Capt. S~ R. Rice sub-district, Joseph Arthur Wag-horn Greathead, 10 The

SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT. Banks, Rochester ; deputy, Donald Ed win Prothero, I The
Secretary R.E. Institute, Capt. W. A. Gale
Paddock, Rochester .
Secretary R.E. Committee, Capt. H. E. Rawson Registrar of Marriages, Jabez ·whitehead, 203 Htgh stree~

R~Jcord Office, Quarter-master A. Hills Chatham ; deputy, Albert Whitehead .

SoLDili:RS' INSTITUTE, opposite Royal Marine barracks. The Workhouse erected in I855, on an elevated s1te near

President, Major-General W. H. Goodenough c.B., R.A Luton, is a st;ucture of brick, available for 750 inmates,
Hon. Secretary, Capt. L. Munro P.s.c
Librarian, Joseph Power Richard W. H. Poynton, master; Rev. '!'homas Arthm,

SoLDIERS' & SEAMEN's HOME & INsTITUTE, Military road. chaplain· Waltcr Buchanan 1 medical officer; Mrs. Lncy
Secretary, Rev. James Fletcher Poynton,' matron; James A. Price & Henry Williwn
Manager, Arthur Cornforth
Robus, schoolmasters ; Mrs. Ann Whithorne & Mrs.
Head Sister, Miss Rebecca Burleigh Louisa Price, schoolmistresses
Sisters, Miss M. O'Bryen & Miss H. A. Stewart

Meets as occasion demands.
Clerk, George Buchanan, rg Paddock terrace, Chatbam
Treasurer, John Richard Westcombe, London & County

Bank, Hi~h street., Rochester
Medical Officer of Health, Walter Euchanan, Paddock house,

Sanitary Inspector, J. Peachell, Gillingham


Kent (Ist) Volunteer Brigade, Eastern division, Royal 1\Ieets at lVIedway Board Room, on thursday, at 7 p.m.
Artillery (Nos. 5 & 6 Batteries), Capt. E. H. Haymen,
commandant ICnlqeurki~yG&eoArgteteBnduacnhcaenaOnf,fi1c9erPs,adWdoilclikamterBrarcoew, nC, hatham
CONVICT PmsoN. Gillingham

Governor, Captain ·w. F. V. Harris & John Scrace, Chatham

Deputy Governors~Capt. R. D. H. H. Burgoyne & Major Public Officers.

E. G. Clayton R.,E Certifying Factory Surgeon, Waiter 13uchanan, Paddock ho
Chaplain, Rev. Joseph Bishop Wheeler
Medical Officer, G. K Walker L.R.C.P Deputy Coroner for Sittingbourne Dist.rict,Ernest Woodgate,
Assistant Medical Officer, C. B. Voisey M.D.Lond., F.R.c.s Star hill, Rochester
Catholic Priest, Rev. W. Alton
Collector of Poor Rates, William Thomas Wiggins, Thorold
Visiting Presbyterian Minister, Rev. G. B. Watson house, Thorold road, Luton

Steward, David Hogg Inspector of Weights & Measures, John J. Pope, Luton road
Chief Warder, E. Kemp
Inspector of Police, Hilder Capps, I Otway street
Civil Establishments. Sub-Distributor of Stamps, Hy. Christopher J ohns, High si

CHATHAM CouRT LEET. SuperiHtendent of Police, Edward Coppinger, New road

Lord of the Manor, M. G. Best esq Places of Worship, with times of services.
lligh Constable, H. J. Browne
Steward, George Winch, New road St. Mary-the-Virgin (Parish Church), Rev. George Bowyer
Foreman1 Hurnphrey Wood, High street
Pound Keeper, Thomas Brooks, Skinner street Vaux M.A. rector; Rev. Henry Northcote Eales B.A. t
Reeve, George Robert Bannister, Ruchester terrace
Rev. W.l\L Dingwall B.A. curates; holy communion, SOil·
Cemetery, Maidstone road, Frederick Adam Stigant, clerk
& registrar to the burial board 8 & Ist & 3rd sundays after matins ; holy days 8, sOIL
matins 10.451 children's 3.3o, evensong 6.30; holy d11ys,
County Police Station, ~ew road, Edward Coppinger,supt.; matins r 1.30, evensong 8; daily, matins 8, evensong 8
r inspector, r sergeant, r corporal & r6 constables St. Mary's Mission Room, Cross street, Brook; holy rol!l·
m union last sun. 8, evensong sun. 7; tur-s. 8
House of Refuge & Industrial Home, Chatham hill, Rev. W. St. John's Church, Railway street, Rev. Thomas E. Ca.~
H. "Duke M.A. hon. sec
wright M.A. rector; 8 & 10.30 a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; dailY
Medway Chamber of Commerce, 22 High street, Norman &
Stigant, joint secs 8.3oa.m. &5 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m

St. B<.~.rtholomew's Hospital, New road, J. S. Knight M.D. St. Paul's Church, New road, Rev. Christopher Joseph Ord
consulting physician; J. V. Bell, M.D. consulting surgeon;
Arthm• Wolcot Nankivell L.R.C.P.Lond. resident surgeon; M. A. vicar; Rev. Harry Straker B. A. curate; 10.45 a.Xllo
&6.3op.m.; wed. 7.3op.m
G. Hartridge F.R.c.s. H. Penfold L.R.C.P.Edin. F. W. H.
Penfold, W. R. S. Jefferiss M.D., C.M. H. Jeffcoat, H. E. St. Eartholomew's Hospital Chapel, Rev. John Bailey B.'-•

H. Dickson & W. J. Robinson, hon. surgeons; Alexander LL.B. chaplain
Garrison "Church of England, Hev. T. F. Falkner M.A. &ReV
Grant Russell Foulerton L.R.C.P.LOnd. assistant house
"SUrgeon; B. Moore, hon. dentist; W. W. Hayward, clerk; W. H. Leeds M.A. chaplains; ro & 11.30 a.m.; voluntat1
Rev. John Bailey B.A., LL.B. chaplain ; .A. H. Brown, services at 6 p.m. ; hnly communion e\·ery sun. 7·4l
dtspenser; Thomas Crockford, steward; F. F. Smith,
receiver; Mrs.. M. Copeland, matron a.m.; also rst & 2nd sun. II.3o a.m.; on first sun. earlY

celebration is choral; matins & sermon, ro & 11.30 a.m•

children's service, 2nd & +th sun. 3 p.m. ; evensong*

sermon, 6 p.m. ; holy days, holy communion 7·45 a.m.•

daily, evensong 6 p.m. Catholic services, 9 a..m. lflll'
ter; 8.45 a. m. summer; evening service, 6.30 p.m. ~


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