may !M! found in the publications of the Geological Society,, The scenery of this tract of Hastings Bed-; i!'l varied and
in the pages of the " Geological Magazine," or in the Pro- beautiful : the ground is hilly, Tonbridge being 88 feet aboYe
ceedings of the Geologists' Asl!ociation of London, whose the sea, Bounds 430 feet, and Tunhridge Wells 378 feet ; tile
membel"!l have frequently visited the eounty. hills to the north and west of this fayourite watering place
GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE STRAT-~.-lon the account are considerably higher, as is also the neighbourhood of
of the geology of Essex, Harts and Middlesex, we have Gondhurst. The alternation of clayey beds with those oi'
d~ribed how the chalk of the Chiltern Hills dips to the sand has been the great cause of the variety of landscape
south-east under the London clay : the same chalk strata which is seen in this district. Very fine natural exposures
rise again from below the tertiary strata, and form the of the sandstone rocks are to be seen round Tunbridge
North Downs, which have a gentle northerly slope, while Wells: those known as Harrisou's Rocks, ·and the Toad Rock
their aouthern sides are comparatively 1teep and precipitous_ on Rusthall common are striking examples_ '
Witll the South Downs the opposite is the case; their Iron Ore_-The ore known as clay ironstone occurs at the
northern sides are steep, while their south slopes, except base of the 'Vadhurst Clay, and a band of calcareous iron ore
where abruptly terminatej by the sea, are gentle. Further, occupies about the same position in the Ashdowi! Sand: these
l~'ing between the two chalk ridgss, wt~ find two sets of beds, two beds were Cormgrly largely worked, but owing to thP _
correllponding generally with l!<ich other, e,·ery one on the want of fuel (the woods ha,-ing been almost used up) the
north with a corresponding bed on the south. The probable 8melting and manufacture of iron came to an end in the
explanation of this, which at once strikes one, is, that these W ealden in the first quarter of the present century. Remains
seta of beds were once continuouii with one another over the of_ the bell-shaped pits from which the ore was mined may
intervening space ; but that by the adion of the se~, and sttll be ~een in many woods. ,
mbeeqnently by that of rain and ri\-ers, the mte:-mediate The ftrealcl Clay -This constitutes a low flat tract of land
N. 20° W. Tatsfield Ch. Westbrook Darent Moor. ,• Rent Hatch. S. :.::oo B.
oC> Farm Vallf'y House.
~... • ' -I- I
•"-. ••
I •I•
Section, showing the two escarpments formed by the Chalk a.nd the Lower Greemand, l l miles west of Wet~terham.
11 Gravel. c Upper Greeul!ll.nd. ~ FolkPf'tnne Be<ls, g Atherfield Clay.
f llythe Beds.
b Ch&lk. d Gault. .h We&ld Clay. )
• Sea li1vel,
TlliW! of rocks hM t>een worn llway. In the 8trata of lliddle- from font" tn ~ix mile!! wide, which runs east and west by
sex we have an example of what is geologically termed a Tonbridge, 8hipborne, Hnnton, Frittenden, Pluckley, and
basin, or 5ynclinal curve, the rocks having a trough-like ar- -High Halden to Romney Marsh: it is a brown or blue clay,.
rangement ; but in Kent we get just the opposite of this : jll drained and mostly in pasture: o()aks grow well upon it.
the rocks have been benj; Into a saddle-shaped or anticliiUd At Hytbe the top beds of the Weald clay contain a mixture
curve, and once formed a dome-like masll, the top of which pf freshwater snd marine fm•sils, showing probably a depres-
haa been removed by the eroding ag-encie11 alrtr!ady alluded sion of the gre&t estuary and the beginning of marine con-
to. The oldest rocks. those which undtrlie all the other!!, dition!l. The strata dip gently to the north.
will con!!equently be found about midway between the two - Th~ Lmoer Grun.mnd.-The strata known by this name
chalk escarpments. We shall commence with the descrip- form a piCturesque hilly ridge running from the coast a-t.
tion of these, and gradually rise to newer anci later-formed Hythe by Lympne, in a north-west direction to Sevenoaks,
rocks. and then due west towards Westerham. The height of this
:• • : - -==-=~-=---
Copt Point, Gault reb1lll1:{ uu Lower Greensand.
NBOOOVIAN FORMATION. The ""ealden Bed.1.-The strata tidge on the south of Sevenoaks is 666 feet, and a little
included under this term have a maximum thickness of further west at Bra~;ted Chart, lho feet. The following sub-
more than 2,000 feet: they have been subdivided as follow11, divisions of the Lower Greensand have been mapped by the
the different beds being named from places whf'l'e they officers of the Geological Survey. (See also fig. above.)
cover much ground, and are thick and well expo~ed. · Feet.
}<'~t. Folkestone Beds .. . ....... .. ...... 90
Weald clay ......................... . 400 to I, IOO. LoWEH Sandgate Beds..................... 8o
GREENSASD. -H"~the Beds .. .... ... ... . .. . .. ....... 120
Upper Tunbndgc Wells sand Atherfield Clay....• -............... 30
(with Cuckficld clay)......... IOO to 200 The wwest stratum, or Atherfield clay (named after ~
Grinstead clay..................... o to 8o place in the Isle of Wigbt, where it is much thicker), is seen
~ Lower Tunbridge Wells sand... 30 to 130 resting on the Weald clay, on the south side of the escarp-
.!:: Wadhurst clay..................... 100 tll I8o ment. Above it come the Hythe. Beds, which are by far the
~ A!!hdown sand_········-······--·-· most important : they contain valuable beds of limestone.
tJ:: Fairlight clays..................... 36o known as "Kentish .Rag," which are largely quarried at
/It will thus be seen that there are two main diviswns of Maidstone, more than so,ooo tons being annually sent away
the Wealden Beds, viz_ (x) the Hastings Beds, and above from the neighbourhood: many London churches are built
them (2) the Weald Clay. · The entire mass from bottom to of this material. The sandy beds which intervene between
top gives e\·idence of having been deposit€d in the estuary the layers of good building stone are known as~~· hassock.,,.
of a great river, for the fossils are either shells, such as The fossil shells Gervillia, 1Tigonia and Exogyra ace com-
C:yrena, Unio and Paludina, which inhabit fresh water, or mon here, and one guarry IS known a<;· the_" Iguanodon
bones of crocodiles, or of a gigantic land reptile, the Quarry," from a fine specimen discovered many years ~inceo
Iguanodon. . , by ~Ir. Bensted, and now in the British Museum. The
t The Hast:ln_r ~ Brds.-These are chiefly sandy, and occupy [ Folkestone Beds are sandy, and are dug for buildjng pur-
the south of the county. A line drawn through Chidding- . poses,- and fm: glass-sand at .Aylesford, Berstead, Eo1ling-
lltone to Tonbridge, and thence by Brenchley to Kenard- bourn, &c. ·
ington, would roughly indicate their northern boundary; The Gault.-Between the ridge formed by the lower gree~
thns their line of strike, or surface extension, has a direction sand, just described, and the chalk escarpment, there is a
on the whole from east to west. The dip or slant of the narrow and well-marked valley: the bottom of the valley is
beds is of course at right angles to tbis, or nearly due north. formed by the gault, which is a stiff blue clay, roo feet thick
at Folkestone, where at Copt Point a fine section of this Herne Ray : th3y are from ~o to 50 fe3t thick, and consist
bed is seen resting on the Lower Grcensand. It is highly of alternations of mottled clays with sands and pebble heds:
fossiliferous, but the shells are difficult of preservation ; they thick bands of oyster shells a1so occur. Ostrea bellovaci.n11
-should be soaked in a hot solution of gelatine immediately and Melania inquinata are the best known fossil shells.
after their extraction. Ammonites splendens and Rostdlaria Oldhaven Beds. -These are beds of flint-pebbles and sand,
carinata are perhaps the most characteristic fossils. At so named by :Mr. 'Vhitaker because they are well seen at
Aylesford and llurham fine sections are exposed in the Oldhaven Gap, west of Reculvers : they form the surface of
brick pits. Rlackheath anJ P\m1steau Common, and are from 20 to 30
1'he Upper Grl'ensand.-This formation is very thin indeed feet thick.
in Kent. North of Folkestone and in Eastwear Bay we see Saruls of tA~ ~7\-orth Do•vns .-Cappi11g the chalk escarpment
greenish sandy beds. about 20 feet thick, lying above the between Folke:;tone and the valley of the Stour we find,
ga.ult. InlanU. there is no exposure except in the brick pits,
where the gauJt clay is dug. •
1'he Chalk.-The chalk escarpment, abrupt to the south, -- • --=---
gently sloping northwards, we have already alluded to: its
height, north of Westerham, is 812 feet; Knockholt, 783
feet; near Detling, E57 feet; Hollingbourn Hill, 6o6 feet;
Charing, 64o feet ; Paddlesworth, 626 feet ; 'folsford Hill, (
562 feet; Folkestone Hill, 575 feet.
The total thirkneS!! of the chalk varies from 6oo feet on ('I ,1'1 ·'I'(
the west of the county near "'esterham, to 900 feet. as
shown in the cliffe on the coast. la the splendid s:Jctions
afforded on the c· •ast, th~ following subJivisions may be
recognized, cnmnwncing on the north in· the Isle of Thanet \\I
and walking towards Folkestone:-
Chalk with few flints (Margate)......... .....• 8o
C~lk wilh many tiints (Broadstairs to
D(J\~er)............ ... . . . . .. .. . ... . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . 350
Chalk with few tlints (DoYer).................. 130
Chalk without flints............................. 270
Chalk marl .................. ................. ,...... 70
Chalk is a white, soft, earthy, very pure limestone: its
structure ie homogeneous to the naked eye, but when ex-
amined microscopically it is found to be composep of count-
less numbers of shell.s of famminifera. It was probably
formed in a deep and open sea. Between Knockholt and
Orpington, the chalk outcrop is abont 5 miles wide. Passing
eastward11 we find it broaden to about 12 miles, running
north rigltt to the Thames at Dartford and Gravesend.
From Chath~m to FaverslJam the breadth north of the es-
carpment is from 4 to 8 miles, but in East Kent it is again
wide, !!tretchinj,! north nearly to Canterbury and Sandwich.
Dipping under the river Stour, the chalk rises again to form
the Isle of Thanet : it is also exposed at Cliffe in the Hun-
&ed of Hoo, and along the npthrow (south) side of a. line of
fault which extends from Lewisham to Woolwich Dockyard.
Jielemnitdla mucl"onata (fig. below) is a characteristic fossil of
the upper chalk at Margate and
the Isle of Thanet ;. it is a belem-
nite with a narrow slit on one
In the valley of the 1\Ierlway,
north of Maidstone, the chalk
without flints is largely worked, .-..·.
being ground up and mixed with
clay, when jt forms " Portland '•--
ends a series of deposits classed
as Secondary or Mesozoi(! (middle
life), and the strata we have now •
to describe belong to an entirely
different and later time, known
as the Tertial'y or Cainozoic (re-
cent life) Period: they constitute \
a tract of land from six tQ eight
Btltmnitt!lla mucronata, the miles wide, running along the
c• guard" of a cephalopod ; south side of the estuary of the
from the Upper Chalk. Thames.
EOCENE FORMATION.-The Eocene (dawn of recent life)
beds contain the first traces of creatures identical with those -
now existing. The lowest Eocena beds are the. Thanet Sands:
these were so named by Professor Prestwich, not because
they cover much ground in the Isle of Thanet, bnt because mostly presen-ed in pipes or hollows, certain deposits which
no other Eocene strata occur there, and also because in that Professor- Prestwich classed with the crag of Norfolk r.nd
region they are fairly fossiliferous, whilst, as we follow them Suffolk, but which Mr. Whitaker refers to either the Old-
westwards, fossils are found to be almost or entirely want- haven beJs or theWoolwich and R£:ading series. J<'ossils are
ing : they are well shown in the cliffs at Pegwell Bay, and few and imperfect, and the question of their age cannot yet
again at Recuh·ers; .everywhere they rest evenly upon the be regarded as settled.
chalk, and are seen to be fine grey or buff sands from 20 to The London Cla71.-This is a stiff blue or grey clay. Under
6o feet thick, with a bed of green-coated flints at the base. London it is 400 feet thick, but 480 feet in the Isle of Sheppy:
Where the covering of sand, however, is thin, the chalk has it forms the top of Shooter's Hill and the hills at Sydenham ;
often been worn into pipes or hollows by the action of car- it also constitutes the well-wooded tract lying between Can-
bonated water trickling down from above. Cyprina Jl.forrisii terbury, Whitstable and Herne Bay: it is the top bed in the
is a characteristic shell. f) fine exposure at Loam-pit Hill, Lewisham, but the best place
Woolwich and Readiny Bed.s.-These repose upon the by far at which to study it is the l;,le of Sheppy, provided
Thanet Sands, and with the latter are finely shown in the always that the weather be dry and that the visitor has on a
great pits at Lewisham, and a·t Charlton, near Woolwich. pair of " geological boots :" here it 1s seen to contain bands
There is a pit in Sundridge Park noted for the numerous of septaria, which are nodules of impure carbonate of lime,
fossils it has yielded, and the beds are also well exposed at and also much iron pyrites. The former are used in the
Cobham Park, and near Canterbury, and in the cliffs east of manufacture of " Parker's cement.," and the latter to make
eopperas. The London Clay is also dng at many points for rPc>entty been removed in consequence of the receliBion of the
brick and tile making. Great numbers of fossils have been cliff~, due mainly to the great land-slips which took _r>lace
collected at Sheppy, no fewer than 200 spcciC6 of plants in 1856 anct again in 1859.
have been determined, especially fruits of palms LViepadites A deep well-boring at Crossness, near Blaclt~all, has lately
tllipticus most common), and rr.any sper~ies of shells, as the afforded a splendid opportunity of discovering the nature
nautilus; also crabs, turtle>', sharks, snakes and pig-like of the rocks at a great depth : the beds yassed tl)rougb
mammals. or late years bones of some remarkable birds were:-
have been found at Sheppy, whose bills were armed with Feet.
teeth. Near the base of the London Cla:r Mr. W. H. Receat deposits......... ····:·············.......... 39
\\"()()} wich Bedi... . . . . . . . . .. . .. . ... . .. .. . ... ... .. ... 47
Shrubsole has detected a layer ur diatoms, beautifully
mineNiz~ by iron pvrites. Thanet Sands........................................ 51'
Chalk -··-··-·········································· 637
UpiJe:r Gree11sand ......... ...................•... ••:~ 65
frd.ult .... ... . .. ... ... ......... .................... ...... :176
Red 1\lads (Devonian ?) ......... ...... .•. .... ...• 6o
L Oldha:ven beds. Sandy pebble I,O'JS
... - ... ... ' ~ - . - .. ---'"" - "' :I; ·.1
bed, false bedded ; the lower i:tJ :; D
part very flue in places, and ~"'1108 ~
with mauy fossils in part with I• _" . . . . -· p:
.~";-:.::.0..l. ~.- =..<--....,.. mt;d::P:r.
a little sand ; resting irregu- (IQ
larly on, and sometimes cutting P.l>'
through the bed below_
~ .A
• ~ • • •
l!- Alternation of !IR.nd - - - - .. - ar
and clay, a. few feet
to nothing. -- ....•
3. Dark grey clay, with . ...·...•..~...'•...•.
shells in Close and
a even lines, marking •
the hertding, with an • - - - ...:11
oyster bed, less thall ----
o. foot from the bot-
tom : six to Eight feet. --- ......
4. Thin hard concre-
tiona.ry calcareous
layer iL part11. Woolwicb
5. Brown, yellow and Beds.
li grey sand and loam,
with layers of con-
cretionary ironstonl'
and clay, some of the
former containing
shells (Cyrena. &c.) :
thickness, from four
to seven feet, pa.ssin~:
down into:-
6. Buff and grPenhil1
sand, with pebbles in
the bottom part, rest-
ing evenly on the bed
.. I below : thickness,
about ~~even feet.
- ......-...• .. 0 I • o ••
• • •• • •o o • I I
• •• • •
•• 7. Thanet Sand. The nearly white
:·~ ....:..i. ••· ...... - .. :.··· • & •• part used in pottery work, the
~ . . . . . . ..,. . . ,1".·.... -\~· .•• ·•·• lower a.nd more clayey part
•• , • • • • ;;.ae, . •f • '• • {here known as " blo.ckfoot ")
I , .o for moulding in iron foundries
(ss a.Iso in the lower sand of the
. . . . . -" - ..z::- • .• • .. -~-. • •o o • I' ~ Wo ·lwich beds). Green-coated
- ... "c-==
........ ___ -..-~ ~--
•.•. .• .• ."'I. ... •. • -·,' ·. · ,• ...l • i •
r • • • ~z-;;:·~··~
•.___._.,. ~
1/lf-.-.or8 jJ flints at the bottom.. A.bout forty
feet in thickness.
"l - "p t-=- 8. Cha.Ik with tliuts.
I I General Section at Cha.rlton.
.- -* ( .~I r Woolwich (scale, 8ft. to an inch).
Bagshot Beds.-Tht> Lower Bagshot Sands may be seen
rapping the London Clay in the cliffs near the East-end
Coastguard station, in the Isle of Sheppy.
PosT-TEBTIABY DEPOSITS.- The absence of the Drift
(glacial clays and gravels) allows us at once to state that all
the various beds of gravel, sand, or brick-earth, which rest
in an irregular manner on all or any of the rock masses we
have been describing, are due to the agency of variom
atmospheric agents of denudation, of which rain and rivers
take the chief place. Many of the gravel beds occur far up
on the sides of the valleys, and so give us,a means of estima-
ting the amount of denudation which the rivers have effected.
Thus the ".Bone-bed" at Folkestone is-a deposit of marl and
flint gravel, which is considered to have been deposited by
the atream which now flows into Folkestone Harbour, no less
than a hundred feet beneath it. The beds of brick-earth and
gravel at Crayford and Erith are favourite hunting-grounds
of London geologists: here many species nf land .1nd fresh-
lf&ter shellB occur, especially Cyrenajlumt7lalis, now living
in the waters of the Nile. Bones of large quadrupeds-the
elephant, rhinoceros, bear, &e. have also been found. Ele-
t~nt bones have occurred in the gravels at Aylesford and
idsrone. ·
Of late years the sea has made considerable inroads on t ne
ccast line i Wa-rd--en Church, in th..e Lsle of Sheppy, has
r generally they are fashioned out of flint, and are round at Bigberry Hill (Canterbury), Folkestone, High ~treet near
one end and pointed at the other. The average length is Chislet, Isle of Tbanet, Leeds Castle, Maidstone, Ramsgate,
from five to eight inchet:. At Crayford large numbers of Ozengal, &c. : these occur either in mounds, where th ·y
flint flakes and imperfect implements ha\'e lately been found were buried with the dead, or haphazard on the surface,
by Mr. Spurrell. under 37 feet of gravel and sand. having been lost or thrown away by their owners.
Of the later, or Neolithic Stone Period, many finds of< elt-3 W. J. H.
(axe-heads), flint flakes, arrow-heads, &c. are recorded frum
Chief. C' olv.;table, Capt. J. H. HAY RUXTON I Deputy Chief Constable, Supt. C. JOHNSON, Maidstone
_ Inspectnr & Chief Clerk, WM. HY. MARTIN, Maidstone.
§Stations thus marked in the North Sub-division, the remainder are in the South Sub-division.
·- *Sergeants' stations.
The force consists of a chief constable, deputy chief constable, 12 superintendents, chief clerk, 3 inspectors,
35 sergeants & 330 constables.
. Mhford" Dr\"rsion, William Wenham, superintendent, Ash- ' Home Division, John Wood, Cantei'bury, superintendent.
ford. Stations-Appledore, *§Ashford, Bethersten, Stations-Adisham, Barham, §Blean, Bridge, §Canter-
Boughton Lees, §Brabourne, Brookland, §Challock, bury, Chartham, §Chislett, Harbledown, *~Berne, §Herne
§Chacing, §Cbilham, Great Chart, *Ham Street, Ken- Bay, Littlebourne, *Lower Hardres, Petham, §Stnrry,
niugton, Kingsnorth, Lydd, Mersham, New Romney, §Whitstable
'.§.Pluckley, Smarden, §Westwell, §Willesborough, Wither- Malling Divi!lion, Richard Hulse, West Mailing, superin.
sham, Woodchurch, §Wye tendent. Station!!-§Addington, §Aylesford, §Bnrham,
Bearstead Division, Stephen Bates, superintendent, Maid- Collier Street, §Eaat Mailing, East Peckham, Hunton,
stone. Stations-Harming, §Bearsted, *Boughton Mon· §Ightham, Mereworth, §Plaxool, §Snodland, Watering.
chelsea, §Boxley, Chart next Sutton Valence, §Detling, bury, §West Farleigh, *§West Malling, §Wrotham,
East Fa.rleigh, §Harrietsham, Hcadcorn, *§Hollingbourne, Wrotham heath, Yalding
Leeds, §Lenham, Loose, Maidstone, §Stockbury, Sutton Rochester Division, Edward Coppinger, Chatham, superin-
Valence, Ulcomb, §Wormshill tendent; H. B. Capps, Chatham, inspector. Stations-
Cranbrook Division, Stephen Bartlett, superintendent, Chalk, *Chatham, Cliffe, Cobham, Cuxton, §Frindsbnry,
Cranbrook. Statious-Benenden, Biddenden, Cran• Gillingham, Grain, Hailing, §Higham, §Hoo, Lnddllio
brook, §Frittenden, §Goudhurst, Hawkhurst, High down, Luton, Meopham, New Brompton, New Gilling-
Halden, Horsmonden, §Kilndown, §Marden, Rolvendon, ham, *§Northfleet, Old Brompton, §Shorne, §St. Mary,
Sandhurst, *§Sissinghurst, §Staplehurst, *Tenterden Boo, §Stoke, Wouldham
Dartford Division, George Webster, superintendent, Dart- Sevenoaks Division, Samuel Waghorn, Sevenoaks, superin·
fnrd. Stations-Ash, §Hetsham, Crocken Hill, §Dartford, tendent. Stations~Brasted, §Chelsfield, §Cudham,
*Eyneford, Farningham, §Greenhithe, Hartley, Horton1 §Dunton Green, *§Halstead, §Knockholt, §Otford,
Kirby, *§Stone, §Sutton-at-Hone, §Wilmington *Riverhead, Seal, Sevenoaks, Sevenoaks Weald, §Shor&-
Elham Division, Stephen Maxted, superintendent, Seabrook, ham, St. John's Hill, Sundridge, Westerham
Sandgate. Stations-§Alkham, *Cheriton, Court-at• Tonbridge Division, Alfred Barnes, Tonbridge, superinten-
Street, Dymchurch, *§Elham, §Ewell, §Lyminge1 dent. Stations-§Brenchley, Cowden, Edenbridge, §Five
Hougham, St. Mary's, Saltwood, ·Seabrook, Standford, Oak Green, *Hadlow, Lamberhurst, §Paddock Wood,
§Stelling, §Swingfield, *Hythe Pembury, Pemhurst, Rusthall, §Shipbourne, *Southboro',
Fayersham Division, Thomas Mayne, superintendent, Sitr Speldhurst, §Stocksgreen, §Tonbridge
tingbourne; Thomas Fowle, inspector, Faversham. Wingham Division, Henry Kewell, Sandwich, superinten-
Stations-Bapchild, §Bobbin , Bougbton, §Bredegt~.r, dent; G. Lacy, Deal, inspector. Stations-§Ash, §Eirch-
Davington hill, Doddington, Eastchurch, *Faversham, ington, §Bro11.dstairs, Coldrcd, Eastry, *Eythorn, Gar-
l:Iernhill, Lynsted, §Milton, Minster Street, Murston, linge, Great Mongeham, *§Minster, Nonington, §P~:eaton,
§Newington, *Ospringe, Preston, ~Qlleenborough (S), Ringwold, Sandwich, §St. John's, §St. Lawrence, St.
§Rainham, §*Sheerness, Sheldwich, *Sittingbourne, Martin's Cross, St. Nicholas, §St. Peter's, *Tilmanstone,
Throwley Walmer, West Cliffe, §Wingham, Woodnesborough
The County is also partly under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan police.
Chief Commissioner of Police, Col. Sir Edward Ridley Woolwich, William street; Lee roads •; Shooter's Hill;
Princes l!treet, Deptford l'! •; East Greenwich, Park roll'
Colborne Bradford K.c.s.r I!! 11; Eltham; St. Mary Cray ; Sidcup ; Hexley Heath;
Erith ; Chislehurst; Belvedere; Westcombe park
Head quarters, Thames embankment
Dockyard Police, W oolwich Division, Robert Congdon, super·
The divisions in Kent ex~nding beyond the Metropolis intendent. Inspectors' Stations, Royal Arsenal ; Dock·
are:- yard ; Greenwich Nn.val college; Deptford Victualling yard.
P. Camberwell, Thomas Butt, superintendent. Inspectors' Chatham Division, George Godfrey, superintendent. In·
spectors' Stations, Chatham Dockyard; Sheerness Dock·
Stations at Bromley ; Sydenham sE; Brockley ; Becken- )'ard; Sheerness Gun Wharf (Constable); Chatham Navsl
ham; Lewisham High street s R ~ Locksbottom.; Farn- Hospital ; Chatham Gun Wharf ; Powder Magazines,
borough Chattenden
R. Greenwich, Christopher· H. McHugo, superintendent.
Inspectors' Stations at Greenwich, Blackhe.ath road sE ;
- KENT.· 1•5
Local Government Act, 1888, 51 & 52 Vie. c. 41.
Undel' the above Act, Kent, aftel' the rst April, r88g, for County Council, to be appointed~ ther~in~.mentioned
the purposes of the Act, except such portion as is included in (sec~ g).
the" County of London," and also with the exception of a cer- The coroners for the county will in future be elected by
tain borough, see below (a), became an administrative county the County Council, and the clerk of the peace shall be
(see. 46), governed by a County Council, consisting of chair- appointed by such joint committee, and may be removed
man, aldermen and councillors (the number of councillors by them (sec. 83-2).
being' determined by the Local Government Board) to be 'fhe clerk of the peace for the county shall also be the
elected in manner prescribed by the Act (sec. 2).
The chairman shall, by virtue of his office, be a justice of clerk of the County Council (sec. 83-1).
the peace for the county, without qualification (sec. 46). 'fhe administrative business of the county (which wouM,
The police for the county will be under the control of a if this Act had not been passed, have been transacted by the
standing joint committee of the Quarter Sessions and the justices) shall be transacted by the County Council. •
(a) The following large borough shall be for the purposes gf this Act an administrative county in itselfr a.nd is t() be
called a county borough (sec. 3o), of which the Municipal Corporation shall have the power of a County Council (sec. 31)
MeetingS at the Sessions House, Maidstone, 7th November, and 3rd Wednesday in January, April and July, at noon.
Chairman.-Sir John Famaby Lennard hart. Wickham court, Beckenham.
·Vice-Chairman.-George Marsham, Hayle cottage, near MaidstonE',
• Part retire in r8g1, the remainder in 1894.
Adcock William John, Cranbourne, Salisbury road, Dover Groves Stephen Percy, The Moat, Charing, Ashford
AndersonJohn Andrew, Hillside house, 'Faversham Harvey John James, Woodlands, .A.disham, Wingham
Arnold Goorge Matthew!!, Milton hall, Grave:oend Hughes William James, Strand street, St. Mary, Sandwich
Brabourne The Rt. Hon. Lord P.C. The Paddocks, Smeeth, Low Stephen Philpott, Round Hill villll, Sydenham s B
Ashford, Kent . .. . . Nave George, Sissinghurst, 8taplehurst
Bugler John Udal, Stoke house, 5 Church st. Asbford, Kent Nickalls Patteson, Fallowfield, Chislehurst. .
Chittenden .Andrew, Sittingbourne . .. .. . Plumptre Charles John, Fredville, near Dover
Cobb Richard Lake, Mockbeggal' hall, Higham. Rochester Rayden Arthur Robin'lon, Birehington, Westgate-oli-S.:a
Courthope George John, Sprivers,llorsmonde:n, Staplehnrst Stanhope Earl, Chevening, Sevenoaks
Darnley Earl of, Cobham hall, Gra.veseurl . Stone-Wigg John, Estcourt, Tunbridge Wells •
Flekher Lionel John Wiliiam, Ewell ma.nor, West Farleigh, Weekes Henry, Mansion row, Brompt.on, Kent
Inear Maidstone
. . . .. Whitehead Charles, Barming house, Maidstone
Gathorne-Hardy The Hon. John .Stewart. .M.P. 2 Cadogan Winch George, Holcombe, Maidstone roJ.d, Chatha.m
square sw ,
• Elect<Jral Division. Names & .Addre!!ses. Electoral Division. Names & Addresses.
Ashford, East .............. . J ames Edwarq J arvjs, Ruckinge, Dover:- •• •
.A.shford · Borough (Pier division).. Thomas- Viney Brown, 15 King
Ashford, West ••••••••••••••• John Sayer, Pett Place, Charing, . street, Do-rer
Ashford & John Watson, u " (CMtle ward) ..• Hy. Peake, 16 Pencester rd.Dover
" (Town divsn) ..• Edwa.rd Wickins Fry, x St.
Blean ............................ • W ellesley vil.las, .Ashford
Horatio · David Davies, Strode Martin's teiTa<.-e, Dover
• park, Herne & Sydney Wynn Eastry.... •• .•• ..•... ... ... .•• . .. Thomas-, N aw -street,
• Grayl'!tone, 75 Jermyn street, &ndwich & John Matthews,
St. Jame~', London s w Uppet" Walmer, Deal
Bridge........ Sirrl'• ............ , •••• John WiH-iam Honywood Elham............. :.. ........... Francis ·Ale"Xander Mackinnon,
• -hart. Evington Place, Elm- r Haslingdane, Sheph~rdswell,
..• near- Dover- ··
I ' sted, tJ.Mr Ashford Faversham :- ••
Bromley . ~I •••••••••• ••••••••• _ Alfred· John· Baker, Westgate,
·AFortxh-nt.tir"oHvee nr o•r ya dB, aBkeecr ,kEe nl dhearms -; Borough ............. I ••••••• Frederic Jobnson., 67 Preston
street; I<'a,.er8!mm
lie, Wickham ;rd. Beckenham'; County ...... ··~··• ......... . Robert Lake1 Newhmds, Teyn-
Jame!t · :Batten,· ffig-hfi~ld, harri, Sittingbonrne &. The
, Bickley 7 · Herard Norman, Rt.·Hm~:·Viseon.nt Tbrowley,
Oakley, :Bromltly common, Lees- -e0t1rl; ·Bheldwich, near
Eromley & Clrri!!tapher Oak- Fa-rersham
Icy, <Jromle-x, Summer hill, Folkestone (borough) •••••• James Pledge, ~o Guildhall st.
• Chis:JehnT'l'!t · · Folkestone&Wm. Wightwic~,
Craltbrook .:. .,.................. Ed ward Locke Tomlin, Angley BA, Cheriton pl.· Folkestone
park, Cranbrook Gravesend :- ••
Dartford ......................... John Bazley-White JII.P,. Gen- Borough (Gravesend
niDgll, Hunton, Maidstone; ward~ ........................ John Russell, Glenthorne, Old
Francis John Beidle, Oak- ·' road, Milton next Gravesend
burst, Erith ; Wm. Cham- Borough(Milton ward) ..• Henry B~rkowitz, 91 Windmill
bers, Betsham, Southtleet, st. Milton next Gravesend
Dartford ; Everard Hesketh, Hollingbourne ....... ..... .•. Thos. Powell, Lenham, Maidstone
Heath wood, Dartford heath; Maidstone :-
Art.hur Thos. Waring, Far- Borough ..................... Richard J ames Balston, Spring-
ningham,Dartford &Stephen field, Maidstone; John
White, Oakwood, Crayford, Richard Ramsbottom Isher-
Dartford wood, Woodlawn, Loose, nr.
Deal (borough) ............. .. Rev. Thomas Llewelyn Griffith, Maidstone&Albert Frederick
Style, Boxley
The Rectory, Upper Deal
Dover ( connt y ) .••..• ··•··· ·•• John Henry Monins, Ringwould County .. . ... .. I •••••• I ••••• Ambrose Wa.rde, Tutsham hall,
house, Dover West I<'arleigh, Maidstone
16 KENT.
Electoral Division. Names & Addresses. Electoral~ Division. Names & Addresses.
Mailing ........................ Maj.-Gen. Chas. Edward Luard, Sevenoaks ...........•..•.•...• Wm. Fox, Westerham, Seven.
Ightham Knoll, near Seven- oaks ; Molton Lambarde,
oaks ; Samuel Lee Smith, Beechmont, Sevenoaks& John
Larkfield, Maidstone & Ed- Gilbert Talbot M.P. Falcon.
ward Wood. Howard house, hurst, Edenbridge
Margate :- Lower Fant road, Maidstone Sheppey ............•...•......• Edward William Brightman,
Edward street, Banks town,
North div. (borough) .•• Frederick Woodall, 4 Godwin Sheerness & .AlfredWhittaker
Howe,2 Victoria vls.Sheernsa
road, Margate
Strood ... .-................. ,..... Thomas Henry Baker, Owletts,
Sootherndiv. , ..• Walt. Green, II Hawley st. Mrgte Cobham ; Edmund Henry
Bevan,. Stone park, Stone,
Medway ........................ Richard I<'rederick Brain, 1~ Greenhithe & James Hulk~:~,
Little Hermitage, Frinds-
High st. Chatham ; Charles bury, Rochester
RicbardCheffins, TheGrange,
Grange, nr. Chatham ; Geo.
Featherby, Station road, Gil-
lingham ; Charles Thomas
Smith, Borstal road, Roches- Tenterden ....................... William Hodges Tylden-Patten-
ter & Adam Stigant, I I The son, Dashmonden, Bidden-
Paddock, Chatham den, Staplehorst
Milton........................... Richard Knight, Bobbing court, Thanet ........................ Basil Hodges, Claringbold house,
Sittingboume & Jas. Mans- St. Peter, Thanet
field, Rainham,Sittingbourne
Ramsgate :- Tonbridge ..................... George Cheverton, South lawn,
Eastern div. (borough) ... William Curling,Augu~ta lodge, Clarence road, Tunbridge
Western, .. Ramsgate Wells ; Francis Edward East,
... Thomas Wotton, Claremont, 7 High street, Tonbridge ;
Vale square, Ramsgate Wilfred Haughton Hodgkin,
:Rochester (borough) .•....... Rev. Robert Whiston, St. Mar- Hamsel manor, Eridge, Tun-
garet, Rochester & Frederick bridge Wells; Thomas Man-
Wingent, Castle hill, Rochestr waring, Marl Place, Brench-
Romney Marsh ............... John Dering Walker,Honeychild ley, Staplehnrst & Sir Da.vid
manor, Hope .All Saints, LionelSalomons bart.Broom-
New Romney hill, Tunbridge Wells
Names. Electoral Division. Lambarde M .•. . .. ..•... . .. Sevenoaks
Baker .A. H...... .. ... .•.• .. . Bromley Luard Maj.-Gen. C. E.~. Mailing
Baker .A. J .•••.. .•.. .. ... .. • Bromley Mackinnon F. A ............ Elham
Baker T. H .•.•..•.....•....• Strood Mansfield J .. ....... ... ... ... Milton
Balt!tou R. J . .. .. •.. .. .. ••• Maidstone (borough) Manwaring T............... Tonbridge
Batten J ..................... Bromley Matthews J .................. Eastry
Bazley-White J. M. P ...... Dartford Monins J. H ............... Dover (county)
Beadle F. J... .... ••. ... .•.• • Dartford Norman G ...••.. .. .. •.. .. .. Bromley
Berkowitz H ..........••..• Gravesend (borough,Milton ward) Oakley C..................... Bromley
Bevan E. H.................. Strood Peake H ..................... Dover (borough, Castle ward)
Brain R. F .................. Med way Pledge J ..................... Folkestone (borough)
Brightman E. W . .. . .. .. . Sheppey Powell T ..................... Hollingbourne
Brown T. V ............... Dover (borough, Pier division) Russell J ................,..... Gravesend (borough, Gravesead
Chambers W ............... Dartford ward)
Cheffins C. R •...•..•... .... Medway Salomons Sir D. L. hart.. Tonbridge
Cheverton G ............... Tonbridge Sayer J .......... .. .. . ...... West Ashford
Curling W .................. Ramsgate (borough, Eastern div) Smith C. T .................. Med way
Davies H. D ............... Blean Smith S. L ...... ...... ...... Mailing
Donnan T ... •.• .. .••. ... ... Eastry Stigant .A..................... Medway
East F. E .................. Tonbridge Style .A. F .................. Maidstone (borough)
Featherby G ............... Medway Talbot J. G. M.P ......... Sevenoaks
Fox W... ...... ... ...... ... ... &venoaks Throwley The Rt. Hon.
Fry E. W .................. Dover (borough, Town division) Viscount .................. Faversham (county)
Graystone S. W.... •• .•.... Blean Tomlin E. L ............... Cranbrook
Green W ..................... Margate (borough, Southern div) Tylden-Pattenson W. H.. Tenterden
Griffith Rev. T. L ......... Deal (borough) Walker J. D ............... Romney Marsh
Hesketh E ••• ... .•• .. ....... Dartford Warde A ..................... Maidstone (county)
HOOges B.................•... Thanet Waring A. T ............... Dartford
Hodgkin W. H ............ Tonbridge Watson J............ ... .•. .. . West .Ashford
Honywood Sir J. W. hart Bridge Whiston Rev. R............ Rochester (borough)
Howe A. W...... .•..... •. ... Sheppey White S ..................... Dartford
Hulkes J ..................... Strood Wightwick W............... I<'olkestone (borough)
Isherwood J. R. R .•.•.••.• Maidstone (borough)
Wingent F .................. Rochester (borough)
JarviB J. E .................. East Ashford Wood E ... ••• .. .. •. ....••••. Malli.IJ.g
Johnson F .................. Faversham (borough) Woodall F .................. Margate (borough, Northern dir)
Knight R..................... Milton Wotton T .................. Ramsgate (borough, Western dir)
Lake R ..................... Faversham (county)
• Clerk to the Cot:ncil, F. Rwsell
Office: Sess:o!l.S house, Mai<'a~one.
THE RIGHT HON. EARL STANHOPE, Chevening, 8eyenoaklt.
LORD BRABOURNE, The Paddock., Smeeth, Ashford.
JOHN GILBERT TALBOT Esq. M.P. Falconhurst, Edenbridge.
Marked thus t are Deputy Lieutenants.
Abergavenny Marquess of, K.G. Eridge castle, Tunbridge Cobbett John Fielden esq. Skeynes, Edenbridge ;
Wells ; & 34 Dover street, London w Collet Sir Mark Wilks hart. St. Clere, near Sevenoaks ; &
Adams Mayow Wynell esq. The Old house, Sydenham s :u 2 Sussex square, Hyde park, London w
tAkers-Douglas Aretas Bllq.M.P.Chilston park,nearMaidstone Collms Brenton Halliburton esq. Dunorlan, Tunbridge Wells
tAmberst Earl H.A.. Montreal, Sevenoaks; & 3 Wilton Colvill Lieut. -CoL Thomas Harpur, Overdale, Shortlands S. 0
terrace, London s w Cornwallis Fiennes Stanley Wykeham esq. M.P. Linton park,
Anderson William esq. C.E. Lesney house, Erith S.O near Maidstone
Anderson William Curling ~sq. 35 Queen's mansiOns, Vic- Courthope George Campion esq. Whiligh, Lamberhurst 8.0
toria street s w Courthope Lieut.-Col. George John :M.A.. Sprivers, Hors-
Amold George Matthews esq. Milton hall, Gravesend monden, Staplehurst
Atkin-Roberts Major John Roberts, Glassenbury, Cranbrouk Cox His H,onor Judge Homersham M.A.. Marl Field hoUBe,
Austen John Francis esq. Capel manor, Horsmonden S.O Tonbridge
Aylesford Earl of, Packington hall, Coventry tCranbrook Viscount P.c., o.c.s.r., D.C.L. Hemsted park,
Baker Thomas Henry esq. Owletts, Cobham, Gravesend Staplehurst; & 17 Grosvenor cres. Belgrave square s w •
Balston Richard James esq. Springfield, Maidstone Crofton Vice-Admiral Stephen Smith Lowther, Broom hall,
Bames F. Dallas esq. Boughton house, Beckenbam ; & Shooter's Hill s E
Hartley manor, Dartford Curteis William Frederick esq. Wissenden, Tnnbridga
Barrett Rev. Tufnell Samuel M. A.. Tevershall, Mansfield Wells
Batten James esq. Highfield, Hickley, Bromley Dalison Max Hammond esq. Hamptons, West Peckham,
Beamish Lieut.-Col. Edward Spread R.A.. Halfway Street Tunbridge; & Greetwell hall, Manton, Kirton-in-Lind-
house, Bexley sey, Lincolnshire·
Bean Alfred William esq. Danson park, Welling 8.0 barbishire Henry Astley esq. Oakdene, Edenbridge l.
Baeching Arthur Thomas esq. Ferm: hall, Tonbridge tDarnley Earl of M.A.. Cubham hall, Gravesend; & :n Hill
Berens Richard Benyon esq. H.~ Kevington, St. Mary street, Berkeley square, London w
Cray R.S.O Deacon John esq. M.A.. Mabledon, Tunbridge
Beresford-Hope Philip H. esq. Bedgebury park, Kilndown S.O De L'Isle & Dudley Lord,. Penshurst castle, Tonbridge; & 3
Best Major Mawdistly Gaussen, Park ho. Boxley, Maidstone Victoria street s w
tBevan Thomas esq. Stone park, Greenhithe 8.0 Devas Charles Frederick esq. Pickhurst manor, Beckenham
tBingham Gen. Geo. Wm. Powlett c. B. The Vines, Rochestr Dickins Maj.-Gen. WilliamD. Scrase,Collingwood, Hawkhnrst
Biigh Rev. the Hon. Edward Vesey M.A.. Fartherwell ha.!l, tDyke The Right Hon. Sir William Hart bart. M.P. 9 P.a.,
West Mailing, Maidstone; & 33 Portland pl. London s w M.A. Lullingstone castle, Dartf(lrd
Bligh Lodovick Edward esq. 33 Portland place, London w Edlrnann I<'rederick Joseph esq. Hawkwood, Chislehurst
Board Major John, Springfield, Westerham S.O Edmeades Maj.-Gen. Henry B.A.. Nursted court, Gravesend
Boscawen Hon. John Richard de Clare, 2 St. James' square, Edmeades James Frederick esq. Hazells, Gravesend
London s w Evelyn Edmund Boscawen esq. M.A.. Terry's lodge, Wrot-
Bra.mwell Right Hon. Lord P.c., F.R.s., LL.D. Holmwood, Sevenoaks
Four Elms, Edenbridge; & 17 Cadogan place, London s w tFalmouth Viscount, Tregothnam, Truro, Cornwall; Mere-
tBrassey Henry Arthur M.A. Preston hall, Aylesford, Maid- worth castle, Maidstone ; & 52 South .Audley st. London w
stone; & Bath house, 82 Piccadilly, London w tFereday-Smith George S. esq. M.A., F.G.s., F.R.G.S. Grove-
Browell William Faulknor esq. Claytons, Tunbridge Wells burst, Tunbridge Wells 1
Bndden Major Austen Frederic, Gad's Hill Place, Higham, Field George Hanbury esq. Ashurst park,. Tunbridge WeU!t;
Rochester & 67 Eccleston square, London s w
tBumaby-Atkins Thomas l<'rederick esq. M.A.. Halstead Fitz-Hugb. .Maj()r-General Alfred C.B- The Birches,~ Pens•
Place, Sevenoaks hurst, Tunbridge ·
tByng Hon. James Master Owen, Great Culverden, Tun- tFleet Thomas Horn esq. The Grange, Darenth, Dartford
bridge Wells ; & 2 Marine pamde, Folkestone I<'letcher Lionel John William esq. B.A.. Ewell manor, West
tCampbell-Bannerman Right Hon. Henry M.A., M.P. 5 Farleigh, Maidstone
Grosvenor gate, London s w Fooks William Cracroft esq. Q.C. The Bowman's lodge;
Campbell-Colquhoun Rev. John Erskine M.A.. Chartwell, Dartford Heath, Crayford
Westerham 8.0 Forbes Joseph Staats esq
Cazalet William Marshall esq. Fairlawn, near Sevenoaks Fowler R. esq. Kent club, Maidstone; & Union club,
Child Coles esq. Hromley palace, Hromley Brighton
Clabon John Moxon esq. Clarebank, Sevenoaks; & 21 Great Fox Thomas Hamilton, Oak house, near Orpington R.S.O
George street, London s w French George esq. Risden, Hawkhurst
Cleeve Frederick esq. C.B., R.N. Rokeby, Chilston road, Frewen Ed ward esq. Brickwall, Northiam, Rye R. S. 0. Susses:
Tunbridge Wells Fulcher Capt. Arthur William, Milgate park, Maid:!tone
K. S. & S. ·2
tGathorne-Hardy Hon. John Stewart M.P. 2 Cadogan t:Mildmay Henry Bingham esq. Shoreham place, Sevenoalu!;
square, London s w & 46 Herkeley square, London w
tGeary Sir Francis hart. 10 Cadogan place, London s w tMiller Richard Cornbe esq. Oak field, Dartford; & 120 Lex-
tGeary William Nevill Montgomerie esq. White's club, ham gardens, London w
London s w Monckton Walter esq. Basted house, Wrotham S.O. ; & Hore-
tGerman Major James, Belmont, Sevenoaks barn Hurst, Sussex
Germon Lieut.-Col. Richard Charles Henry, 31 Vernon tMonypenny Col. Robert Thomas Gybbon Gybbon
terrace, Brighton Moore William esq. Wierton park, Boughton Monchelsea,
tGoldsmid Sir Julian hart. M.P., M.A. Somerhill park, Ton- Maidstone
bridge; & 105 Piccadilly, London w Morland Charles William esq. Elmscroft, West Farleigh,
tGoodhart ~harles Ema~uel esq. Langley park, Beckel)ham Maidstone
Gordon Hugh Mackay ellq. The Court yard,. Eltham tMorlandWm.Courtenayesq.Court lodge, Lamberhurst 8.0
tGoschen Right Hon. George Joaehim li.A., P.C., Y.P. MorleySamuel Hopetesq, Hall Place, Tonbridge; &43 Upper
Seacux heath, Hurst Green, Hawkhurst; & 6g Portland Grosvenor street w
place, London w tNevill Hon. Ralph Pelham, Birling manor, Maidstone
Green Capt. Philip, Bayham abbey, Lamberburst S.O.; & 10 Nickalls Patteson esq. Fallow field, Chislehurst
Upper Brook street, London w Norman Archibald Cameron esq. The Rookery, Bromley
Haigh Frederic William esq. Woodlands, Bickley, Kent NorQillon Gerard esq. Oakley, Bromley common, Bromley
Hambro Everard Alexander esq. Hayes Place, Beckenham tNorton Robert esq. M.P. Downs house, Yalding, Maidstone
Hampson Sir Geo. Francis bart.Thurnham court,Maidstone CJakeley Sir .Charles Willilm\ Atholl bart. Frittenden house,
Hankey Herbert esq. Shipbourne grange, Tunoridge Staplehurst
Hankey Thomson esq. F.R.G.s. 59 Portland place,London w Palliser Capt.. Arthur, 1 llryanston place, Bryanston square,
tHardinge Viscount M.A. South park, Penshurst, Tonbridge London w
Hardcastle Edward esq.. M.l'. New lodge, IIawkhurst Pender Sir John K.C.M.G. 1 F.R.G.s. Foots Cray Place, Foots
tHardinge Sir Edmund Stracey hart. Fowlers park, Cray S.O. ; & 18 Arlington street, London s w
Hawkhurst Phillips Samuel Henry esq. Mapleton, near Edenbridge; &.
Harrison James esq. Dornden, Tunbridge Wells 17 Grosvenor street, London w
Hartley Lieut.-Col. Joseph LL.D. The Old Downs, Hartley, Pickersgill William Cunliffe esq. Blendon hall, Bexley S.O
Dartford Platt John Harold esq. Dene park, Tonbridge
Hillingdon Lord M.A. Wildernesse pijrk,Sevenoaks; & Catn£1- Poulter Brawnlow esq. 30 Lee park, Lees E
ford house, Park lane, London w Powell Charles Watson esq.M.A. Speldhurst,TunbridgeWells
Hodgkin Wilfred Haughton esq. M.A. Hamsel manor, Eridge, Prentis Capt. William Taylor .
Tunbridg-e Wells · Ramsden Col.Arth. Chas.Stoneness, Ashurst, TunbridgeWells
tHodgson Robert Kirkman esq. Ash grove, Sevenoaks; & so Rigg William Thomas esq
Grosvenor street, London w Roberts Major William Henry
tHolland Col. Trevenen James c.B. Mount Ephraim house, Robertson-Shersby Captain Thomas Harvie Shersby R.N.
Tunbridge Wells Little Heath house, Old Charlton S.O
Horuer Edward esq. May Place, Crayford, Bexley Heath Rogers Capt. John Thornton, Riverbill house, Sevenoaks
fi(}ustoun Admiral Wallace, Sissinghurst Place, Staple- tRomney The Earl of, Hobart place, London s w
hurst ; & 42 Eaton square, London s w tSackville Lord G.C.M.G. Knole park, Sevenoaks
Hulkes Cecil James Gladdish esq. n.A. Pittings house, Wro- Sandland Henry esq. Birling house, Thurnham, Maidstone
tham, near Sevenoaks Saunders James Ebenezer esq. F.L.s., F.G.s., F.S.A., Chelvi·
Hnlkeil James esq. Little Hermitage, Frindsbury, Rochester · stone, Lee terrace, Lees E
Hussey Edward esq. B.A. Scotney castle, Lamberhurst S.O tSalomons Sir David Lionel bart. M. A. Broomhill,Southboro',
llussey Edward Windsor esq. Scotney castle, Lamber- Tunbridge Wells ; & llerkeley chambers, 13 Brutou
hurst S. 0 street, London w
Jackson John Flower esq, Bourne Place, llexley Shaw Sir John Charles Kenward bart. Kenward, Pembnry~
James. Lieut.-Col. Demetrius Wyndham Grevis, Ightham Tunbridge Wells
court, Ightham, Sevenoaks; & Army & Navy club, tShaw-Lefevre Right Hon. Geo. John M.P., P.C. Oldbury pi.
London s w Ightham, Sevenoaks; & 18 Bryanston square, London w
tJessel Sit Cha.rles James bart. Ladham house, Goudhurst; Smith Clarence esq. The Hawthorns, Chislehurst
& 6 Cadogan mansions, London s w Srnith-Marriott Rev. Hugh .Forbes M.A. Rernington, Hors-
JohnsoR Isaac Charles esq. Mayfield house, Gravesend monden S.O
J<>hns'Wn Thomas esq. Broomleigh, St. Lawrence, Seal, Smith-Masters William Allan esq. M.A. Camer, Gravesend
Sevenoaks Soames James esq. Ma.1..e bill, East Greenwich sE
Jolly John Robert esq. The Oaks, Plumstead Common, Spicer William Gage esq. Oakwood, Chislehurst
Plumstead sE tStanhope Earl F.S.A. Chevening Place, Sevenoaks; & 20
Keays-Young Lieut.-Col. Henry William, Eylesdon, Chart Grosvenor place, London s w
Sutton, Staplehurst Stevens Richard esq. Maywood, Beckenham
tKemp Charles Fitch esq. Foxbnsh, Tunbridge Stirling Sir Waiter George bart. Storrington Abbey, Pul-
Kinnaird Lord, Plaistow lodge, Bromley; & so Audley borough, Sussex
street, London w Stone·Wigg John esq. Estcourt, Tunbridge Wells
Kirby Lieut.-Col. Sir Alfred knt. Fairlawn,New Cross rd.s E tTalbot John Gilbert esq. M.P., D.C.L. Falconhurst, Eden·
Knill Stuart esq. The Crosslets, The Grove, Greenwich sE bridge; & 10 Great George street, London s w
tLambarde Mutton csq. Beechmont, Sevenoaks Thomas Richard Gerard de Visme esq. M. A. Eyhorne cottage,
tLarking John Wingfield esq. The Firs, Lees E Hollingbourne, Maidstone
Leigh Roger esq. Hindley hall, Wigan Thompson William James esq. Wickhurst, near Sevenoaks
tLennard CoL Sir John Famaby bart. Wickbam court, Tipping William esq. F.S.A. Brasted park, Sevenoaks
Beckenham Tipping Lieut.-Col. William Fearon, Brasted pk. Sevenoaks
Lennard Henry Arthur Hallam Farnaby esq. Wickham Tomlin Edward Locke esq. Angley park, Cranbrook
court. Beckenbam · tTruro Lord, Falconwood, Shooter's HillS. 0 sE ; & 29 Dovel""
Leveson-Gower Granville William Gresham esq. Titsey street, London w
-Place, Limpsfield, Surrey Tweedie Alexander Forbes esq. Rawlinson, Rolvenden,
Lewes Earl of, Eridge castle, Tunbridge Wells Ashford
. Lewisham Rt. Hon. Viscount P.C.,M.P.SS Manchester street, tTyhlen-Pattenson Capt. William Hodges, Dasbmonden,Bid-
London w denden, Staplehurst
Low Stephen Philpott esq. Round Hill villa, Sydenham sE Tylden-Pattenson William Boys esq. Dashmonden, Bidden-
Loyd Lieut.-Col. Edward, Lillesden, Hawkhurst den, Staplehurst
tLnbbockRight Hon. SirJohn hart. P.c., M.P., n.c.L., F.R.B. Umfreville Samuel Charles esq. Ingress abbey, Greenbit~
F.S..A.H~h Elms,Farnborough,Beckenham; & 39 Berkeley Dartford
square, London w Vansittart Capt. Robert Arnold, Barham court, Teston,
Luck Col. Everard Thomas, The Hermitage, West Mailing, Maidstone
Maidstone tWarde Lieut.-Col. Charles Arthur Madan,Sqnerryes court,
Lutwidge CharlesRobert Fletcher esq. M.A. Shandon court, WesterhamS.O
Tunbridge Wells Waring William esq. Woodlands, Chelsfield S.O
Mackenzie Vice-Admiral Donald Macleod,Eltha.m ho.Eltham Waterlow Sir Sydney Hedley bart. Stansted, Wrotham S.O;
McClean Frank esq. Rusthall house, Tunbridge Wells & 29 Chesham place, London s w
tdarsham Rev. Jacob Joseph M.A. Overblow house, Shorne, Watney Norman esq. Valence, Westerham 8.0
Gravesend Whiston Rev. Robert M. A. The Palace, Rochester
tMarsham George esq. Hayle cottage, Maidstone White John Bazloy esq. Union club, Trafalgar squares w
Martin Rich¥d Biddulph esq. M.A., F.R.G.s. Chi.slehurst White Robert Owen esq.Gestingthorpe hall,Halstead,Essex;
Melvillc Beresford V. esq. FO!'d manor, East Grinsted & 180 Cromwell road, London s w
tWhitehead Charles esq. F.s.A., F.R.G.s., F.L.s., F.G.s.Barm- Wilson .Alfred esq. B.A. Oakhill, Sevenoaks
ing house, Maidstone Wilson Cornelius Lea esq. Cedars, Beckenham
Whitehead .Alderman Sir James hart. F.S.A.~ F.R.Hist.s., Wingfield-Stratford EdwardJohn esq.Bury st.St.James's ~"
F.s.s. Highfield house, Ravensbourne pk.Catford Bridges E Wreford Saml. esq. Bronghk.n ho. Duntan Green, Selienosks
Wigan William Lewis esq. Larkficld house, Maidstone Wykeham-Martin Cornwallis Philip esq. Stede hill, HMri'e~-
Wilson Sir Spencer Maryon Maryon ba.rt. R.N. Charlton sham, Maidstone
house, Charlton s .H; & 6 Princes gardens, London s w
Marked thus t are Deputy Lieutenants.
Abernethy James esq. C.E. Whiteness lodge, St. Peter'st Jemmett Willi:1m Francis Bond esq. Spearpoint, Ashford
Broadstairs R.S.O ; & II Prince of Wales terrace, Kensing- .Tohnson JohnWm.Denne esq.Temple Belwood,nearDoncaster
ton palace, London s w Keyes General Sir Charles Patton X.C.B. Shorncliffe lodg-e,
Astley Edward Ferrand M.D. Marine parade, Dover SandgateS.O ·
Austin Harry George esq. Archbishop's palace, Canterbury Kirkpatrick John esq. M.~. Horton pk. Monk'.s Hort6n,f!ytb~
Ranks William John esq. Oxney court, near Dover 1 Knatchbull Sir Wyndham hart. Newhonse, Mersbam'
Barrow Sir John C:roker bart. M.A. Ea~le lodge, Ramsgate Hatch, Ashford '
tKnatchbull-Huge~sen ~on. Edward M.P. Smeeth Padau~'k,
tBell Matthew esq. M.A. Bourn!} park, Canterbury
Billington Capt. John Wyndham, Kennington, Ashford Ashford ; & 5 MandeVJlle plaee, London w
Bowles Robert Loomon M. D. 8 West terrace, l''olkest<me Knight Richard esq. Bobbing court, Sittingbourrte.
tBrabourne The Right lion, Lord ~.c. The Paddock,Smeeth, Knight Capt. Wm. Wyndham, Bilting house, near Canterbpl"f
Ashford ; & 3 Queen Anne's gate1 London s w Lambert Capt. Thomas. Stanmore, Canterbury -
Rrockman I<'ras. Drake esq. M. A. Rooehborough house, Hythe Laurie Col. Robert Peter llr. P. 55 Eaton place, London s w
Burra Jas. Salkeld esq.M.A. Bockhanger,Kcnnington,Ashford tLawE)s Major Robert Bartholomew, Old park, Dover .
Csmeron Capt.John Duncan, Low W{)(}d, Bethersden, Ashford LevyJ onas esq. Kings1,ra te castle, St. Peter's, Br~tlstatt:sR. S.'0
Campbell Henry Alexander esq. Eastwell park, Ashford Lister Waiter Venning esq. Great Walton, Dover
tChichester Earl of, Enbrook, Sandgate S.O Lowndes William Layton esq. M. A. 27 Marine parade, Doyer
Coleman Capt. George R.N. Rosway, Deal Mackeson Henry Beam esq. Hill Side !louse, Hythe ·
Conyngham Marquess, Bifrons, near Canterbury Mackinnon :Franci!l' Alexander esq. Hazlingdene, near Dover
Cripps Wilfred J oseph esq. c. H., M.A., F.R.s. Farleigh house, Mackinnon William Alexander esq. Acryse Place, Folkestone
Sandgate S.O & 4 Hyde Park place, London w
Croft Sir John Frederick bart. B. A., P'.,s. A. Doddington Place, Measom George Samuel es(j- -'.R.G.S. St-. Margaret's,
Sittingbourne · ' Twickenham, MiddleSex
Curtis Charles William esq. 25 Clifton gardens, Folkestone Monins John Hy. esq. Ringwould house, Ringwould1 Dover
Murray George Joseph esq. Wootton court, C!Ulterbury
D' Aeth Capt. Lewis Narbrough Ilughes-
tNorthbourne Lord M.A. Betteshanger, Dover; & 6 Whi~-
Daglish Richard Rothwell esq. New .Romney S. 0 · .
hall gardens, London s w
Davies Alderman Horatio David, Wateringbury Place, Maid-
stone Nottidge Thomas esq. Whist villa, .!shford '
Dawes Edwin Sandys esq. Mount Ephraim, Hernhill, tPeckham Thomas Gilbert esq. Hall Place, Harbh;dowv,
Faversham Canterbury
Dean George Hambrook esq. Whitehall, Sittingbourne Pemberton Edward Leigh esq. B. A. 5 Warwick. sq. Londons W)
Deedes Col. Herbert George, 4 Lyall street, Belgrave square, Pemberton Robert Leigh esq. 5 Warwick squar~Lolld~ ~ )'\
London w Philips Francis esq. Lee priory, ne<,1r Dover
De-Laune C. De Laune Faunce esq. Sharsted court, Sitting- Phipps Filmer esq. River house, near Dover
bourne Plumptre Charles John esq. M.A. Fredville, near Dover
tDenne Major-Gen. Lambert Henry, The Down wood, Bland- PI urnptre Henry Fitzwalter esq. Goodnestone park, Wingham
ford, Dorset Pomfret Williarn Pomfret esq. M.P. Godinton, Ashford
tDering SirEdward Cholmeley bart. Surrenden Dering, Ash- Porter Frederick W. esq. Moyle Tower, Hythe
Prescott-westcarChas. w·rn. esq.B. A. Strode pk. Herne,Cantby
ford; & 22 Upper Brook street, London w
Dering Henry Neville esq. Surrenden Dering, Ashford Rice Admiral Sir Edward Bridges K.C.B. Dane court, Dover
Du Boulay Julius }Ioussemayne esq. West lawn, San<i.,o-ate S. 0 Rig-den John esq. Court street, Faversham • •
Elyard Lieut. -Col. J ames, Holmcote, Broadstairs R. S. 0 Rigden William Edward esq. B.A.. Court street, Faversham
Finnis John esq. Brook house, Dover Sayer John esq. M.A. Clear Mount, Charing, Asbford
Flint Frederick esq. Raper house, St. Dunstan's, Canterbury Schreiber ArthurThos. esq. Hengherst, Woodchurch, Ashford
Foreswr The Hon. Ceeil Theodore Weld, Rosebank, Birch- Sebag-Montefiore Joseph esq. East Cliff lodge, Ramsgate;
& 40 ~'estbourne terrace, Hyde Park, London w
ington, Westgate R.S.O ·
Fortescue Francis esq. 75 Eaton pl. Belgrave sq. London s w tSladen Lieut.-Col. Jsph. R.A, Ripple court, Wa.lmer, D~l
Friend James 'faddy esq. Northdown, Margare Sondes Earl, Lees court, Faversham ,r
Furley George esq. Barton fields, Canterbury tSpiuks Mr. Sergeant Frederick Lowteq M.A.Brenley house,l
Furley John esq. 14 Evelyn gardens, South Kensington s w Faversham
Gascoyne Wm Whitehead esq. Bapchild court,Sittingbourne Stevenson Major George Robert, 17 East cliff, Dover .
Gipps George Bowdler esq. Howletts, near Canterbury Symes Col. William Alexander, Stuartville, Cberiton rood.
Gipps Lieut. -Col. Herbert Leigh Folkestone
Godfrey Ingram Fuller esq. Brook ho. Ash-next-Sandwich Thomson Richard. Edward esq, Kenfield hall, Petha~,
Groves Lieut.-Col. Stephen Percy, TheMoat, Cha.ring,Ashford Canterbury
Ha.mmond Henry Blyth csq. West Cliff lodge, Ra.msgate tThrowley Viscount, Lees court, Faversham
tHammond W. Oxenden esq. St. Alban's court, near Dover Toorner George Elgar esq. Beaumont lodge, Folkestone rd.
Ha.nnam George Emilius esq. Bromstone house, St. Peter's, Dover; & Preston court, Wingham, Sandwich
Broadstairs R.S. 0 Tournay William Tournay esq. B.A. Brockhill park, Salt-
tHardyLieut.-Col.Chas. Stewart,Chilham castle,Canterbury wood, Ilythe
tHarris Lord, Belmont, near Faversham Tweddell Ralph Hart esq. Meopham court, Gravesend
Harvey John James esq. Woodlands, near Dover Twopeny Edward Ma.xwell esq. Woodstock, Sittingbourne
Henderson John esq Tylden Richard James esq. Milstcad cottage, Sittingbourne
Rilton Richard Jones esq. Preston house, Faversham Tyler Lieut.-Col. Chas. Jn. Raper, Loyterton, Sittingbourne
Honywood Sir John William hart. Evington Place, Elmsted, Vaile Lawrence William esq. South Cliffe house, Sion hill,
Ashford Ramsgate
Hooper Capt. Chas. Frederick, Harewell house, Faversham Valiance Capt. Thomas William M.A. Aymers,Sittingbourne
tHothfield Lord, Hothfield Place, Ashford; & 2 Chesterfield Walker Major Edward Bacheler,Lewin cottage, Lewin road,
gardens, London w Streatham s w
tJames The Hon. Waiter Henry M.P., B.A. Updown house, Walker Henry Bacheler esq. The Gables, New Romney S. 0
Sandwich; &; 6 Whitehall gardens, London s w WalkerWm.Dering esq.Honeychild manor,New Romney S.O
K. ~. & s. 2.
Warre John Henry esq. West Cliff house, Ramsgate Wheler Charles Wheler esq. K.A. Otterden Place, near
Waterfield Ot\iwell Charles esq. x.A. Na.ckington house, neat' Faversha.m
Canterbury White John Baker esq. Street End honse, Canterbury
Watkin Sir Edward William bart. x.P. Rose hill, Northen- Wilkie Kenygn Wood esq. H. A. Ellington house, Ramsgate
den, Cheshire Willats William Hale esq. Denton court, Canterbury
Watkin Alfred Melior esq. Dunedin lodge, Castle Hill avenue, Wright John William Zorapore esq
Folkestone Wyatt Sir Richard Hy. The Maisonette, Broadstaira R.S.O
Weigall Hy. esq. Southwood house, St. Lawrence, Ramsgate
tAngerstein Willia.m esq. Weeting hall, Brandon, Norfolk; Medley George Webb esq. F.s.s. :u Park street, London w
Mon!lon Hon. Debonnaire Jn. Hurlingham club, London 8 w
& 15 Stratton street, Piccadilly w
Bell Capt. Matthew James, Junior United Service Club1 Mostyn Lord, Gloddaeth hall, Conway, North Wales; & 33
London 8 w Portland place, London w
De la Warr Right Hon. The Earl, & Baron Buckhnrst, Buck- Murray Robert Henry esq
hurst,nearTunbridgeWellil; &6oGrosvenor st. London w. Nicholson Wilham Smith esq. M.A. ~aat More, near Yar-
Dixwell-Oxenden Percy Dixwell Nowell esq. Broome park, month, I. of Wight
Canterbury; & Elm Park gardens, Fulham sw Percival F. J. esq. Uerrard street, Warwick
Dufton Rev. John Riddell Sir Waiter Buchanan bart. 33 Grosvenor place,
Eardley~Wilmot Sir John Eardley bart. 13 Thurloe square, London s w
London s w Robinson John esq. Oak dene, Vermontrd. Norwood, Surrey
Fisher Cutb.bert Jedder&-eSq. Wilderwick, East Grinstead Rycroft Col. Sir Nelson bart. Kempshott park, Basingstoke,
Gosset Frederic Richards Mealy esq. Portslade hoUBe, Rants, Sussex Sandilands Edwin Chas. esq. 13 Denmark hill, Wimbledon
Hepbnrn John Gotch esq. Dartford Selfe Hi11 Honor Judge W. Locius, 48 Montague sq.London w
Hyde Francis Colville esq. Wilderton, Bournemouth, Hants Sheridan Hy. Brinsley esq.F.R.G.s.6Colville grdns.London w
Jervis Maj.Edward Lennox,Army & Navy club, Pall Malls w Tal bot Cap\. Gerald Francis, Faulkbourne house, near
Lncaa S. L. L. esq Witham, Essex
tMalcol.m John esq. M.A. 7 Great Stanhope street, London w Thomson Robert Thomas esq. Broomfield manor, Ja.cob-
Malcolm Jn, Wingfield esq. M.P. 7 Gt.Stanhope st.London w stowe, Exbourne, Devon
Ma1'8ham Hon. Robert, 5 Chesterfield street, Mayfair w Toke John Leslie esq. Heathcote, Cambridge Town, Surrey
Martin Simon Nicolson esq Ward Arthur W. esq. Tunbridge Wells ; & 40 Park street,
Meade-Waldo Edmnnd Waldo esq. Barmoor castle, Heal, N.B 1 Grosvenor square, London w
. , Clerk of the Peace, Fras, Ru8l!ell, Sessions house, Maidstone .
Angerstein William John Nettleship esq. Weeting hall, Alexander James Dalison esq. Oakbank, Seal, Sevenoaks
Brandon · Bazley-White John M.P. Gennings park, Hnnton, Maidstone
Cowper Right Hon. Earl x.G. Panshanger, Herts Hel"IChell Rt. Hon. Lord, 46 Grosvenor gardens, London
Harris-Temple The Hoq. Regina.ld Temple, Waterston, s w ~ & Deal castle, Deal 1
Athlone Isacke Cap~. Robert Matthew R.N. North Foreland lodge, St.
Legg The Hon. Arthnr Charles Peter's, Broadstairs R.S.O
Mackinnon William Alexander, sen. 4 Hyde Park place w Ruxton Capt. John lly. Hay, Broad!oak,Brenchley; & Wren
Oakdon Ralph esq . ' Cross house, Maidstone
Oppenheim Henry Manrice William. \Vytham abbey, Oxford Sicklemore Benjamin esq. 100 Maison Dieu road, Dover
Warde Arthur Wellesley, 40 Park street, Grosvenor sq w
' ' · Clerk to the Lieutenancy, Charles Turner, 86 & 88 Week street, Maidstone
The following Table shows the acreage under each kind of crop, and the number of horses, cattle, sheep and pigs in the
County of Kent, as taken from the agricultural returns, 1889:-
Corn atld cereals ..,.................................... 204,004 Horse!! for agriculture, brood mares, and un- •
Roots, artificial gra8l!es, cabbage & rape •••••• 77.578 broken horses ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 27,861
Clover & grasses . ,..••..•••.•••..•..•.•..••.•..•..••••• 57,211 Cows in milk or calf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3°,943 l
Other cattle................- ......................••..• 40,787
Perman.ent pasture...................•...............• 363,819
Hops ......................................................... 35.487 Sheep, I year old •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S83,I52
Bare fallow .·.·.·.·.·.·.·.~.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.··'.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·. :II1004 Ditto, under I year ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 307,109
Small fruit
13,959 Pigs I I I o I I 11 I I I I o o I I I I I 11 o o I I~ I I 11 • I I . . . . I I I I I I o I I 11 I I I I I I .. 63,6$5
Orchards • 100 194
• • • • • • • • • • • •.• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Market garde n s 649
Nn-rsecy grou n d s 0 • I ..•I I I 0 0 0 II IIII I I 0 oI o I I o ooI o o I I I I I 11 I I I . • . .
. . . . . . . .. ...• • . . .. • . . .•.• . . . . . . ..•. • • • .. .
Woods & plantations ... ~·--·· ........................ 85,887 - '.
• •• '-
Kent contained in 188r inhabited houses ··········-··································~·······~·-· 1 73,3It
Parishes ......................................................................... -,.,"'................ ~·········
In 1874 owners of land below I acre ..,............ ,.. ..................... ......... 26,925 1,
Owners of land of I acr~ and npwards......................... m........... ......... 7,758 .
. 34,683
To-tal acreage of rated lands.•.....................•... ~···················· ...... ··········~·········· 95o,6os
ltateable value................................................................................ I ••••• , £6,02o,•••••••• 166
Common or waste land, acres ...........•.......••.••. ,............................................... ,.. 5,302
Total acreage of the county........................................................................... 1,004~984
ACOL (sometimes called Woon) is a '\"Ille or hberty and also a We.sleyan chapel. The living is a chapelry' a.nnend
chapelry, and a member of the Cinqne Port liberty of Dover, to the vicarage of Birchington. The principal landowne1'8
and is situated near one of the roads from Margate to are H. H. P. Cotton esq. Mrs. Sicklemore and the Marqae1111
London and the Margate railway, Ij miles south from Birch- Conyngham. The soil is 8 light loam, very thin ill fi'Ome·
ington station, 4 south-west from Margate and 70 from places; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley!,
London, in the Isle of Thanet division of the county, Rings- oats, beans, peas and cinquefoil. The area of the district
low hundred, Ma.rgate county court diBtrict, lathe of St. is 1,428 acres of land and 55 of water; rateable 'VBlne,I
Augustine and Isle of Thanet union, and is under the juris- £3,887; the population in 1881 was 297. .1 1
diction of the Cinque Ports justices. .Acol was formerly Letters from Margate, by foot post, through Birchington1
called "Ville of Woode," and had a chapel dedicated to St. arrive at 8.30 a.m. WALL LE'I"rER Box cleared at 8.go
Mary Magdalen, at Woodchurch, 2 miles north-west; in
1564 the service was discontinued and the chapel, of which a.m. & 6.30 p.m. The nearest money order &
some remains still e:rist, fell into ruins. A mission church
office is at Birchington ·
was erected in 18761 to hold about 100 persons; there is The children of this place attend the school at Birchington 1
Gardner Edmund, farmer Knott Thomas, la.rmer Smith John Valentine Wellard~ farmer
Goodson uoorge M. farmer,Cleve court Smith Edwin, farmer, Cri.spe Terry :Frank, farmer, Cheesemans
Hogbin Tom, farmer Stewart David, farm bailiff k) George Warren George, farmer, Woodchurch
Knell James, Crown & Sceptre P.H Warren esq. Woodchurch White David, market gardener T,I.}
ACRISE (or AcBYSE), in Domesday called "Acres," is extensive park, is Acrise Place, a brick mansion, .apparently
a parish, situated on elevated ground, in a beautifully of the time of Henry VIL now the property and residen~
wooded and undulating country, 1} miles HOuth-east from of William Alexander Mackinnon esq. D.L., J.P. who is lord
Elham station on the Elha.m Valley railway,. 5 miles north• of the manor and sole landowner. The soil is heavy; stt~
eBMt from Westenhanger station on the South Eastern railway, soil, stiff clay a.nd chalk. The land is principa.lly pasturage,
5 north from I<'olkestone station and 8o from London, in the with rotation of corn and roots in the amble portion. Th~
Eastern division of the county, Shepwa.y lathe, Loning- area iK 1,038 acres; rateable value, £1,18~; the population
borough and Folkestone hundreds, Elham petty sessionaJ in 1881 was 219. .
division and union, Folkestone county court district, Elbam Parish CLerk, Edward Heyman.
roral deanery, Canterbury archdeaconry and diocese. The Letters through Folkestone received at 9 a.m. WALL
church of St. Martin, situated elose to the Hall and sur- LK'l"l'EB Box cleared at 5·45 p.m. ; 11nnday, 9.40 a. m. : & -
rounded by trees, is a small building of rough flints, consist- Whitega.te, cleared at 5·45 p. m. ; sund11y., xo. liS a. m.
ing of chancel, nave, south porch a~d a t.ower at the west The nearest money order offices are at Elham & Uphill;
end, with a small turret containing one bell: the church neare!lt telegraph office at Elham station
contains a brass, with effigy, to Mary Heyma.n, dated 16o1, ScHOOLS :- .1
and many monuments of the Papillon family: there is also A School Board of 5 members was formed in 1875 tor tb.e
a reredos, the gift of a lady, and some .stained glass : there united district of Acrise & Paddlesworth, with Elha.m &
are 100 sittings. The register dates from tha 21st Oct. 1561. Swingfield as contributories, each sending 2 members~
The living is a rectory, average yearly value from tithe Charles Woollett1 clerk to the board; .Arthur Cresswell,
rent-charge £182, net mcome 1,250, with residence and 40 Ashford, attendance officer
acres.of glebe, in the gift of W. A. Mackinnon esq. and held Board School (mixed), built in 1875, at 8 cost of £r,roo,
since 1888 by the Rev. Charles George .Harr M. A. of St. for 70 children; average attendance, 6r; Mrs. Mary M.
Peter's College, Cambridge. To the south-west, in an Woollett, mistress
Barr Rev. Chas. George M.A. Rectory Hart Thomas, gamekeeper to W. A. Sheaff Jn. grazier & shopkpr.Ridge row
Mackinnon Wm.Alex.D.L., J.P.Acrise pl Mackinnon esq
Allen Richard, farmer, Hoad farm Taylor John, farmer, White Gate farm
Davison Alex. J. farmr.Ridge Row farm Pitcher John, blacksmith
Hambrook Fredk.farmer,Brandred frm Quested Henry Philip, farmer Wickens William, gardener to W. A.
Roberts John, farmer, Winterdown
Mackinnon esq '
Woollett Charles, estate agent
• erected in 1883 by subscription. The register of baptisms
dates from March 3rd, 1562; burials, 3oth November, 1563;
ADDINGTON is a retired village and parish, very
marriages, 9th May, 1568. The living is a rec~1 yearly
pleasantly situated in the midst of diversified scenery, near
the Maidstone road, on a small mill stream tributary to the value from tithe rent-charge £20CJ, with 20 acres of glebe
Medway, called the Eden, which gives its name to Edenton
and residence, in the gift of C. J. S. Whitburn esq. and held
and to Addington, 3 miles east from Wrothan'l., 2 west since 1883 by the Rev. Julian Guise M.A. of Magdalen
from Malling station on the London, Chatham and Dover College, Oxford. Addington Park, covering 200 acres, is
the property of Charles Joseph Sofcr Whitburn est}, whO is
railway and 7 west from Maidstone. The parish is in lord of the manor and the princ1pallandowner: ln the pa.'rk
the Mid division of the county, Aylesford lathe, Lark- are Druidical remains, consisting of se~eral very lal'ge slabs
field hundred, Mailing petty sessional division and union, of stone, some o{ them weighing many tons each, resting
Maidstone county court district, and in the rural deanery against each other and forming portions of two circular in-
of North Mailing, archcleaconry of Maidstone and diocese closures. The soil is sandy; subsoil, sandstone. The chief
of Canterbury. The church of St. Margaret is a building
of stone, in the Perpendicular style, consi~ting of chancel, crops are wheat, oats, barley and hops. The area is 942
nave, north porch and a fine embattled western tower,
erected in 1403 and containing 4 bells: south of the chancel acres; rateable value, £2,198; the population in 1881 was
is a mortuary chapel with a marble monument to the 264. ,
Watton family; and there is a canopied brass to William ALDON is a hamlet partly in this parish a1;1d partly i.n
Snayth esq. sheriff of Kent in 1407 and lord of the manor, Ryarsh. ·
ob. 1409, and Alice his wife; another of a man in armour, Sexton, William Gregory. , J
probably to John Nortbwood esq. ob. 1416; within the
communion rails is a brass to a former rector: the church PosT OFFICE.-Philip Fry, receiver. Letters diBpatched to
was restored about I8S8, at the expense of the Hon. Mrs. Maidstone at 5 p.m. ; delivered about 8.55 a.m. %e
Wingfield-Stratford, reseated with open pews and 8 north nearest money order & telegraph office is at West
transept added: in 1881 the fittings of the chancel were Mailing · •1 •
improved and a reredos of Caen stone erected in memory of School (mixed), for 6o children; average attenuance1 47;
John Wingfield-Stratford esq. ob. :~881: the organ was Miss Alice M. Huntley, mistress , 1,
Guise Rev. Julian H.A. Rectory Whitbnrn Charles Joseph Sofer, 1 Elwin John, farmer, East street;
Hardy J. Spooner, The Vale .Addington park , Fry Philip, grocer, & post office
Hawley Mrs. T&e Mount Wing6eld-Stratford Mrs. St. Vincent's . Lancaster Alfred, Angel P.H
Hewlett Henry Gay, Shaw hill
Elcomb George, head keeper to C. J. i Millhouse Charles, carpenter r
Warde Frederick, Aldon house S. Whitburn esq i.
ADISHAM (or AnsHur) is a village and parish, situated north transept, north porch and a low embattled central
near the Dover road, with a station on the London, Chatham tower containing 4 bells : the east side of the south transept
and Dover railway, 6! miles south-east frum Canterbury, 9 retains a. trefoiled piscina with shelf, this transept has also
south-west from Sandwich and 67~ from London by rail, in some stained glass and a wood screen, brought from Canter-
the Eastern division of the county, St. Augustine lathe, bury cathedral by Archdeacon Battely: the chancel., lighted
Downhamford hundred, Wingham petty sessional division, by five lancet windows on each side ~d a triplet at the east
Bridge union, Canterbury county court district, East Bridge end, has a shallow anmbry on the north side and on the
rural deanery and Canterbury archdeaconry and diocese. south a double piscina, finely desi~ned : there is also a
The church of the Holy Innocents, originally erected A,D. slab with a fioriated cross : in 1870 the church was beauti-
616, is a cruciform building of rough flints, in the Early fully restored : there are 240 sittings, I 13 being free. The
English style, with Decorated" insertions, and consists of register dates from the year I539· The living is a rectory,
lofty chancel, nave, transepts, western chapel adjoining the average yearly value from tithe rent-charge £636, with resi-
!!~Me ~nd 14 acres of glebe, net wcoine .£478, in the gift of Parish Clerk, William Green.
tjaa A.rchbish()p of Canterbury, and held since I88li by the Letters through Dover arritte at 8 a.m. ; box cleared at(}
Be:v~· James Haslewood Carr M.A. of University College. rp.m. week days & sund1iys. Offiee for sale of stamp!! .to
D~rham, Here is a. Baptist chapeL The Dean and Chapter postal orders. The nearest money order offices are !it
o1 (]anterbury are lords of the manor. A court. baron is Wi:ngbam& Nonington r ' ,1 1
hel,d for t.his manor. The principal landowners- are J. Jj WALL LETTBR Box at Hossington, cleared week days at 7-35
l;Il\rvey esq. and Sir Henry M. Oxenden bart. The soil is p.m. ;• sundays,II<Do.2_9 Ill. m ,. · '
light loam; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, Na.tiqnal8choob {mixed), erected in 1864, for 100 ehildren;
barl!lY,. oats and hops. The area iB 1,853 acres; rateabla average attendance, 56; Miss Hannab Panl, mistress
value,,£3,404; the population jn dl81 was 499. , Railway Station, George Ka.y, station master
Can- Rev. Jas. Haslewood M.A. Rectory Chandler George, farmer
' ', Ratclifi' Charles Sutton, farmer
Harvey John James .J.P. Woodlands Cheeseman Harry, Bnll's Head P.H Sladden Simmons, farmer & auctioneel",
COMMERCIAL. Clifford Ashley, farmer, Bossington Adisham court
Addky John, farmer & corn factor, Honeyball & Son, coal merchants Tritton William, Moor's liead l'.:Et
"IcJlOSilington farm Marchant Thos. farmer, Coating farm Wbitaker Lucy (Mrs.), shopkeepel'
Best !<'red, grocer Pain William, farmer Young Harriet ( Mnr. ), blacksmith
Bet~t. Joseph, baker Prebble Alfd. wheelwright .k carpenter
. l• '
ALDINGTON (usually called ALLINGTON) is a village rssB. The living is a rectory, gross yearly value from tithe
~nd1 parish, rl miles south from Smeeth station on the South rent-charg!l' £945, with seven acres of glebe and a house, fn
Ea!Jtem railway, 73 from London, 6 west from Hythe and 6 the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, artd held sinoa
&O!Dtlreast from Asbford, in the Eastern division of the :x86B by the Rev. George John Blomfield K.A. of Exeter
oouRty.; partly within the .liberty of Romney Marsh,; pat"tly College, Oxford. The:re is a Friends' Christian Misskln Toon'l
within the liberty, municipal borough and port tJf Hythe .and at Clap Hill. Willia.m Fordred, by will, 1 rth July~ 1550l within the franehise of Bircholt ; in Shepwa.y lathe, gave a sum of m()ney QU.t .of the rents of a5 acres of land in
St~;eet. and Worth hundreds, El ham petrty ~essional division, St. Mary, Romney Marsh.< William Pantrey, by will, ib.
East Ashford union, Hythe county court district and in the 1587, gave one annuity of ten shillings a year, to be paid out
rural deanery of North Lympne and arehdeaconry and dio- of "Cabbin Lands,'l in Lympne; Thomas Hogbenj 15th
cese of Canterbury. The village is pleasantly situated on At>ril, .17n,. gave unto 20 poor families of this parisb. one
tba ridge of the Quarry hills, which command an extensive shilling, ont of a piece of marsh land called "Shrowsbury,'l'
Vliew. ('f. Romney Marsh, the Channel, and the coast of in Bilsington. Close to the church are the remains of on&ol
ana1"tanf6. Aldington Knoll was a. Roman beacon; between the manol' houses -'lf ~he Archbishops of Canterbury! now
it the church is the site of a Roman town or station. called Aldington Court and used as a private residence.
The church of St. Martin, mentioned in Domesday Hook, is Col. Herbert George Deedes :I.II. of Sandling Park1 is lord of
anJancient stone building, erected at five different periods, the manor and principal landowner 1 Lord Bra.bourne P.C. ill
'biiUi ehiefly in the Perpendicular style, and consists of chancel also a landowner. 'fhe soil varies ; subsoil, rock. The chief
w:i~h .south (or Blechynden) chapel, south porch, nave. south crops are wheat, barley and beans. The area is 3,490 acres;
aisle and a lofty western tower, built by Archbishop WarluJ.m rateable ·value, £5,284; the population in 1881 was 675.
and containing 6 bells : there are remains of a Saxon tower Parish Clerk, Edward Hyder.
~nd some. very fine carved oak, including six stalls with PosT & M. 0. 0 .• S. B. & Annuity & Insuranoe Office.-
misereres: the Perpendicular east window was filled with James Rayne11, sub-postmaster. . Letters through Hythe
stained glass in 1882 by the present rector and. his wife and arrive at 8 a. m.; dispatched at 5· 35 p. m.; sundays, arrive
ypere i5 a memorial window, inserted in 188:~; c the .church at 8.30 a. m.; dispatched at IC<>.35 a. m. The nearest tela-
contains a monument to John Blechenden, of Simnels, who graph office is at Mersham
died SepUimber, 1607, and a brass to his wife, Margaret, ob. National School (mixed & infants), founded by ihe late
30 June, 1596; in the nave is a brass, with effigies, to John William Decdes esq. D.L., J.P. of Saltwood Castle; the
Weddell, Maud, his wife, a.nd children, dated 1475 : the premises were built in 1835, for 150 children ; average
church was thoroughly restored in 1875, chiefly at the cost attendance, 90; Miss Jane Dines, mistress
of the late William Deedes esq. D.L., J.P. and the rector: CARRIERS TO AsHFORD.~Frank Harling, tues. & fri. ; John
;there lll'6 250 sittings. The register dates from the year Wanstall, tues. thurs. & sat
Bewsher William Hlackett, The Elms Dryfand Jn. jun.shopkpr, & beer retailer Hooker John, farmer, Lower Park farm
Blomfield Rev. Geo. John M. A. Rectory Earl W1Jliam & Son, traction engine & Jarvis Joseph, wheelwright
Howes Wm. M.R.c.s.Eng., L.S.A. Symnel threshing machine proprietors, lime Kirbv John, Good Intent P.H
Cheesman Henry, .Aldington court burners & quarry owners London John, farmer
Harris Rev. George A.K.C.L. [curate] Earl Chas. Jn. grocer & draper, Clap hl Nickolls Robert, farmer, Handen
Mills Henry · Ferridge Henry, grocer & draper Nye George, steam plough owner
Milton James, Cherry garden File Thomas & Richard, jarmers & hop Rayner James, grocer, Post office
Squire Thomas growers, Ruffin's hill Riddles Frederick, butcher
COMMERCIAL. Fuller Charlotte (Mrs.), farmr.Goldwell Shrubsall Henry, farmer
' Fuller Ellen (Mrs. ),grazr.StolleStead gn Smith Mary (Mrs.), Walnut Tree P.H
Ames Thomas, bricklayer Gasston Edwd. miller (wind & steam) Stone George, assistant overseer,
Howes William M.R.c.s.Eng., L.S.A. Hammon Charles Victor, farmer, builder & grazier, Camber farm
surgeon, Symnel Middle park Sutton Elgar, wheelwright & grazier
Brooks Donald, grazier, Stone Stead gm Harris Edward, farmer?J l'oulton farm Tutt Waiter, boot maker
Bull Henry, shoe maker Hobbs Henry, farmer Whitehead Richard, farmer, Oak fann
Burch John, grocer & butcher Hooker Edwin, farmer, fattison & Hank Wilson Thomas, carpenter
Dryland John, farmer, Partridge farm House farms ·
ALXHAM is a. parish, 5 miles north-east from Folkestone, Spe ccrtus, Fiuei Sermoni disertus: " there are 20o sittings.
5 west-by-north from Dover, 2 south-west from Kearnsey The register dates from the year 1558. The living is a
station on the London, Chatham and Dover railway, and 74 vi<;arage, with that of Cape] Le Ferne annexed, tithe rent·
from London, in the Eastern division of the county, Folke- charge [237, joint net yearly value £300, including 9 acres
, soone hundred, lathe of Shepway, Wingham petty sessional of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Atchbishop of
division, Dover union, county court and county police dis- Canterbury, and held since x88r by the Rev. John Clay
trict, and in the rural deanery of Dover and archdeaconry Worthington Valpy. The great tithes are commuted at
and diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. Anthony the £soo. The Earl of Radnor is lord of the manor. The prin-
Martyr is a building of J"Ough flint, chiefly in the Early cipal landowners are Miss Sladen, Francis Drake Brockman
English style, and consists of chancel, clerestoried nave, esq. ii'.P. of Beacbborough, Hythe, and Mr. Joseph John
south aisle, north chapel, south porch and a low western Smith. In this parish is an eylebourn, which, without any
tower with a pointed tiled roof, containing 4 bells : the nave appearance of head or spring, sends out periodically an
opens to the south aisle by an arcade of four Early English amount of water sufficient to turn a. mill; this occurs about
arches, on light circnlar columns: the north chapel is divided once in four years and occasionally at shorter intervals.
from the chancel by an Early English arcade of three arches The soil is chalky loam; subsoil, chalk. The chief crop~ are
and is the finest and most interesting portion of the church: wheat, oats and barley. The area is 3,2 II acres; rateable
the chancel has some remains of wood stalls and in its south value, £3,480; the population in 1881 was 575.
wall three graduated sedilia and a piscina: the east window
of four lights is Decorated and contains a little stained glass: Parish Clerk, John Moseling.
on the south side of the chancel is an ancient tomb, prob- PosT OFFICI!l.-Mrs. Elua Harvey, receiver. Letters re-
ably of the 14th century, covered with a marble slab, on the
ceived through Dover by foot messenger at 8.:w a.,m. &
verge J.>f which is inscribed in early characters, " ~
cleared at same tim'3; sundays the same; & also at 4 p.m.
Hie jacet. Herbertus, Simonis Proles, vir opertus1 Ad Bona from October 15 to February 28, & 6 p.m. from ~larch J
to October q. The nearest money order & telegraph National School (mixed.), built in r"862i fol!' t2o childnm ~
office is at Ewell. Postal orders are issued here, but not average attendance, 105 ; William A. Hal'tnan, rnaster;
paid Mrs. Sarah J ane Harma.n1 mistress
Banks Mrs Fag"g James, cowkeJper, A.rarat Matcham Charles (eltors. of), f&l'mers,
Da.rby-Griffith Mrs. Bushey Ruff house Thus. farm bailiff to Lieut.-Col. West Alkham
Gambrell Mrs Joseph·Sla.den D.L., J.P. Chilton farm Moseling John, blacksmith
Ha.yday Henry, West Alkham Finch Willia.m, farmer Pay James, blacksmith, West Alkham
ValpyRev.Jn.ClayWorthington, Vjcarge Goldfinch Frank, farmer, Ewell Minnis Ralph Stephen, farmer, Drillingvre-
COMMERCIAL. Goldfinch George, farmer, Ewoll Minnis Reynolds W'illiam, fa1rmer, Haltonlcourt
Doorman Thomas, marine store dealer, Heritage Ed ward, farmer, Chalk Sole fm Seath Thomas, farmer, Drillingore
Ewell Minnis Hogben John, farmer, Ewell Minnis Simpson Witliam, farmer, Ellinge-
Child Henry, wood dealer, Everdean Keeler William,bricklayer,Ewell Minnis, Smith John, farmer, Ewell Minnisr
Clout Edwa.rd (Mrs.), farmer Kitba.m Robert, Thomas & Margery Smith Stephen, beet retlr. We. Al:kh&m
(;[)!lard Ambrose, cowkeeper, Wolverton (Miss), farmers, West Alkham Smith William, farmer\ Everdean far:tu·
Colla.rd John, Marquis of Granby P.H Maple James, farmer, Pimlico Sutton Thos. boot ma. &<lodging hollsel
Constable John,fa.rmer,Chalk Sole green Marsh Susannah (Mrs.), farmer~ West . Tompsett George,farmer,Hogbrook frm.
Danieis .James, farmer Alkham · 1Tunbridge Frederick Adam,· catpenter
ALLINGTON is a pari~h, I~ miles north from reign of Henry VII.; it belongs to the Earl of Romney, all~
()ll the south bank of the navigable river Medway, where,the is in ruins, the circular towers and part of the. walls ~El'-!
locks are situated, ih the Mid division of the county, Lark- maining with the su,rrounding moat. Queen Elizabe~P- beT'l
field lmudred, Aylesford lathe, Mailing petty sessional divi- stowed the manor on Sir John Astley, from wlwm it pa&s!X\
sion and union, Maidstone county court district, and in the to the Earl of Romuey, who, with. Henry Arthur B.rassey
rural deanery of North Mailing, archdeaconry of Maidstone esq. M.A., D.L., J.P. are the principal landowners. The soi~
and diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. Lawrence is is rich loam; subsoil, ragstone, which is quarried.. The;
an edifice of Kentish ragstone, in the Early English style, chief crops are the usual cereals and hops. The area. ~s 6o~
consi~ting of chancel, nave, north porch and a low tower on acres; rateable value, £2,475; the population in. 1881. lflli-'f
the north side, with spire and containing one bell: there are 130.
6o sittings. The register dates from the year r63o. The Parish Clerk, Henry Ma.nnering. _
diving is a rectory, tithe rent-charge 1)45, gross yearly value Letters through Maidstone, arrive at 6.30 a. m. & 1 p.~
£155, including 5~ acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift The nearest post office is Sandling i money order & teleo:
oQf the Earl of Romney, and held ~incc r852 by the Hev. graph office, Maidstone
Edward Browne Heawood M.A. of Christ Church, Oxford. WALL L:t-;TTJ<.:H. Box, cleared at 7.30 p.m ' , .
Allington Castle was the birth place, in 1503, of Sir Th.oma$ I The children of this place attencl the schools at Mai<lston~-~
Wyat, statesman and poet, whose family purchased it in the, .Aylesford
Heawood Rev. Edward Browne M.A. :Ellis Jesse & Co. engineers. See advt Rubble William Lee, farmer &>-hop &
Rectory Gabriel Joseph ~- stone merchant
Gillett John, farm bailiff to Messrs. fruit grower, Newhonse farm: I
J3unyard George & Co. (of Maidstone), Medway Lower Navigation Co.(Stephetl
rose & fruit nurseries Style & Co. The Castle
Golding, lock keeper), Allington lock
APPLEDORE is a village and parish, situated on the acres of glebe, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury,
road from Tenterden to New Romney, on an elevation among and held since 1889 by the Rev. Edward Bacheler
the marshes, with an extensive view, 6 mile3 south-east from Here is a Wesleyan chapel. The Royal Military canal passe~t
Tenterden, 6 north from Rye and 65 from London by rail, through the village and facilitates the conveyance of CQal and
with a station one mile and a half east from the village on timber between this place, Rye and Hythe. A. fair is b.eld
the South Eastern railway, from which diverges the Lydd, here on the fourth Monday in June, for stock and pedlel"y.
Dungeness and Romney branch, at present a single line; the The Ecclesiastical Commissioners are the lords of the manoll
parish is in the Southern divisiou of the county, Blackborne and the principal landowners. The soil is mixed and rich~
and Aloesbridge hundreds, lathes of Scray and ShepW<ly, subsoil, crowstone. The crops are wheat, beans and roots,
partly in the Cinque Port liberty of New Romney, Ash ford but the principal part Gf the land is in pasture for grazing,
petty sessional division, Tenterden union and county court The area is 2,985 acres; rateable value, £4,169; the popu-
district, and in the. rmal deanery of Sonth Lympne and arch- lation in 1881 was 648.
deaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The church of 83. LITTLE APPLEDORE is a detached portion of this parish;
Peter and Paul, situated on an eminence, overlooking Rom- locally in Newchurch parish and in Newchurch hundred.
ney Marsh and immediately above the military canal, is an
edifice of stone in the Decorated and PerpBDdicular styles,with Parish Clerk, Walter Paine.
.some traces of early Norman work, and consists of chancel
with south aisle and a north chapel, nave, south aisle, south PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. R. & Annuity & tnsnrance Office.-,
porch and a massive embattled western tower containing a J ames Bald win, postmaster. Letters arrive via Ashforq
clock and 6 bells: the arcade oi the nave consists of four by foot post from Tenterden at 8.15 a..m. & 1.40 p.m.l
pointed arches on octagonal piers : the south aisle of the dispatched at 12.20 & 5.15 p.m
<:hancel, formerly a chantry chapel, retains a large piscina
and a fine sepulchral arch: the tower, mostly Late Perpen- WALL LETTgR BoxEs, Railway station, cleared at 8 a. m. & '
p.m. week days only; & Appledora Heath at 9.15 a.m. &
5· 15 p. m. week days only
dicular, has indications of Norman work in its lower por- National School, erected in 1863, foi' 120 children; average
tions: the western uoorway and the fenestration above it are attendance, 89; John Jar vis, master ; Mrs. l\'Iary AnR
exceptionally good : the church has been rescatcd, the fine Jarvis, mistres~ -
'()ak screen restored ar.d a new east window inserted: the Railway Station, Thomas Lloyd, station master
restoration of the chancel with its aisles wa.s completed in CARRIERS TO :~ ,
May r8go: there are 250 sittings: the greater part of the AsHFORD....,..John Hunter Ashdown, every tues. !Jr, thurs
south side of the church is finely mantled with ivy ,and tbe }tYE-William Lonkhurst., iram, · Halll ll>tre(l~, 1 tpr~g9-
churchyard is planted with trees. The register, whic/t, is ..Wa.Yeqo,rne, fri,; John Hunter Ashdown, ~very wed, 4--~
much mutilated, dates from the year 1538. The living is a 'rEsTERDEN-John Hunter Ashdown, fn
vicarage, with that of Ebony annexed, tithe rent-charge Woouc>toRcH:-Trowell, tues. thurs. & ~t. !throug-h to
£r84, joint yearly net value £26o, with residence and r6 Rye ~- Arthur, m'ln. wed. & fri. through to Rye
Avery Edward 1 Baldwin James, stationer & ale & porter Mitchell Oha.rles, shoe maker
Blackman Henry William, l!'orstall hall dealer, Post office N oakes Williamo~ Re<L Woo :P~m .
Palmer John.& Son.. plublbersl& gl~ts
Boon Thomas, Sexton house Blackman Henry Wm. corn & seed mer
Chennell Thomas, Orchard villa Boon Georgc, farmer, Appledore heath & builders · ·· ·
Palmer John Bourne William, farmer Palmer James, butcher
Hrown John, fanner, Appledore heath
Pearson Mrs Cock EdwiJI., farmer, Court lodge Palmer James, wheelwrighf,'canpenter,
Downe Benjamin, fanner
Pearson Thomas J Fowle Richd. beer retlr.Appledore heath· builders' ironmonger, agri.oultud.l
G-reen Henry, market gardener
Riddles Mrs Grist George, miller (wind) & baker, machine maker & agent .
Russell Rev. Edwd. Bacheler, Vicarage Appledore mills Pearson Thomas J. cattle salesman J&
COMMERCIAL, Hall Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, farmer, Park farm
Appledore heath- ."1
Ames Basil. blacksmith Pilchor Thomas, Railwa.y ta:vetR•
AmesBenjamin,carpenter & hop grower Hills George, saddlen ,
Ashbee Joseph, poulterer & farmer Johnson George,. bricklayer Pope Henry, farmer, Gusbonrne farib1
Ashdown John Hunter, carrier Kingsnorth J acob, grazier, Homestead Appiedore
Avery Edward & Son, grocers, & agents
Relpb. Isaiah, market gardener
forW.&A. Gilbey, wine&spiritmers
Riddles Wm. grazier & cattle sa.lttsman
Roberts George, shopkeeper
Rummery John, baker
I ISutton George, graZier & assistant over- Tamkin John, Swan inn
Sil~ibon.rne John, grazier seer & collector of taxes Terry Joseph Garside, surgeon
Sims ,W,illiam, grocer & draper
ASH (next Sandwich), so called to distinguish it from Ash Christmas. The interest of Wood's charity of £3oo Bank
:n,ear SeveiJ.oaks, is a village and parish, pleasantly situated Stock, given by deed of gift dated Jan. x864, by Miss Mart
vn rising ground, on the banks of a narrow valley w&tered Wood, formerly of Ash and latterly vf Ma.rgate, is applied
by the Wingham brook, which rises in a pond behind the in the first instance to the repair of a tomb, the balance
church, and on the old road from London to Sandwich, 3 being yearly distributed in blankets to poor females in
miles west from Sandwich, ~o east from Canterbury and 64 December ; and Goodban's, of£ xoo Stock, is distributed in
from London, in the Eastern division of the county, Wing- money to widows only on Christmas day. Messrs. Gardner
ham hundred and petty sessional division, lathe of St. & Co. are"large and noted brewers of pale ale. Brook&
Augustine, Eastry un.Wn, Sandwich county court district, House is the residence of Ingram Fuller Godfrey esq. J.P.
and in the rural deanery of. East Bridge and archdeaconry Sir Henry M. Oxooden hart. is lord of the principal manor;
and diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. Nicholas is the Marquess Omyngham, lord of Goss Hall manor and
a fine crnciform building of stone, varying in style from Hill's Court manor. Emmanuel College, Cambridge, lords-
Early English to the Perpendicular or Third Pointed style, of the Chequer's Court manor, and Major Toke, lord of
and consists of chancel, nave of four bays, north aisle, Goldstone Court manor. Sir H. M. Oxenden and the-
transepts, a·chapel on the north side of the chancel belong- Marques& Conyngham, Earl Cowper, Lord Northbourne,
ing to Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and a central tower Emmanuel College, Cambridge, Mrs. Western Plumptre
with spire and supported by four magnificent arches of the and Col. John Leslie Toke J.P. of Camberley, Surrey, a~
Perpendicular period, and containing a clock and a fine peal chi~landowners. The soil is rich loam; subsoil, clay. The
of 8 bells, rehung in r885 at a cost of £roo, given by chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and hops and market
lngram F. Godfrey esq. of Brooke House: on the south side garden produce. The area is 6,988 acres of land and 57 of
of the chancel is an Early English piscina, and an aumbry: water; rateable value, [17,6471 including West Marsh; the
there are some fine brasses, including one with effigy, wear- population in x881, 2,1g8, including West Marsh. '
ing an acutely-pointed horned head-dress, to Jane (Clithe- GUILTON TowN 1s a hamlet! mile west.
row} wife of - Keriell, c. 146o ; and others with effigies to RrcHHOROUGH is a hamlet, situated on a hill in this parish.
Richard or Roger Clitherow esq. c. 1440, and Matilda (Old- 2! miles north-east from Ash and a mile and a half north-
castle), his wife, ob. I457; William Lens (~) ob. 1525, and west from Sandwich. On the navigable river Stour are the
Anys, his wife ; Christopher Septvans, alias Harflete esq. remains of Richborough Castle, a Roman structure supposed
ob. 'i575 and Mercy (Hendley), his wife, ob. x6o2; Waiter to have been built by Severns and to have been a part of the
ISeptvJJ.ns, alias Harflete esq. ob. 1642, and Jane (Challoner), station Rutupiae, its port being named "Portus Rutu-
his wife, ob. 1626, with 6 children; an inscription only to pensis :" the walls now remaining are from 20 to 30 feet-
John Brooke, of Brookestrete, ob. 1582; and four shields of high, with a thickness of 12 feet at the base and seem to
arms:" between the chancel and north chapel is a solid wall, show the castle to have been a regular parallelogram. British.
let into which is a very fine tomb of the Decorated or Mid- Romlm and Saxon remains and coins have been found here
dle Pointed period beneath a orocketed canopy terminating and in the neighbourhood in great abundance.
~ a finial and bearing -the alabaster effigies of a knight and WEsT MARsH, 2 miles north-west from Ash, is an eccle-
siastical parish and will be found under a separate head.
W. lady. the former being in complete armour, with collar
Goss HALL,~ mile north-east, BROOK STREET,f mile north-
9f 8S ; within an arch next to this is the effigy of a cross-
east and WEDDINGTON1 i mile north, are places adjoinin[
legged knight, once painted and gilt, with a lion at his feet ;
11ccording to Planche, the knight's shield bears the arms of
SeptvMJ.s, alias Harfleet, although Philpot described it as Ash. GOLDSTONE, 2 miles north, CoPP STREET, 1 mile nortll
the figure of Sir John Goshall, temp. Ed. III. and Rich. II. : and OVERLAND, a mileand a halfnorth-west and DURLOCK•
in 1864 a memorial window to Thomas and Elizabeth Cole- x mile south-west, are hamlets.
man was placed in the south transept by George Coleman Parish Clerk, George Tritton.
esq. in imitation of the original window existing in the rsth PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
century, a description of which was found in some MS. in Charles Brisley, postmaster. Letters arrive from London
the British Museum ; there are several other memorial & all parts, via Sandwich & thence per mail cart at 4.5o-
windows, including one placed in r 887 to John Sladden esq. a.m. ; delivered at 6 & 7 summer & winter & 12 noon;
by his widow : a history of this parish and its numerous box closes at 8.30 p.m. ; dispatched at 9.40 a.m. & 8.3o-
antiquities was published in 1864 by the late J. R. Planche p.m. ; sunday, 8.30 p.m. The hamlets of Durlock~
esq. Somerset Herald: the chancel was new roofed and Guilton & Pedding have their letters through this office
repaired in x86x, and furthur renovated in 1877: the WALL LETTER Box, Guilton, cleared at 9.30 a.m. & 8.30
church has been entirely re-pewed, and will now seat 700 p.m.; sunday, 8.30 p.m
persons : the churchyard has been enlarged by the addition ScHOOLS:-
of half an acre of ground, presented by Ingram Fuller Infants', erected in 184r, on a site given by Emmanuel
Godlrey esq. J.P. of Brooke House. The register dates College, Cambridge, by Thomas Kelsey esq. & endowect
from the year 1:558. The living is a vicarage, yearly value by him with house & landed property, valued at £6S
from tithe rent-charge £364, with residence, in the gift of yearly ; it will hold 100 children; average attendance,
the Archbishop of Canterbury, iind held since x884 by the 70 ; Miss Amy Sheppard, mistress
Rev. Edward Samuel Woods M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. Cartwright's Endowed, erected in 18711 for 100 children;
A small iron church in connection with the parish church, average attendance, 86 ; the school has a yearly income
was erected in July, r888, by the inhabitants of Rich- of £100 arising from rent of a farm at Guilton, be-
borough and district, at a cost of about £r20, and will seat queathed by the Misses Eleanor & Ann Cartwright in
70 persons. · The Congregational chapel, built in r859, has 1720; Arthur Charles Buckell, master; Mrs. Annie
365 sittings, and there is a Primitive Methodist chapel in Buckell, mistress
Cooper street. CONVEYANCE TO CA,.,..TERBURY : - ,
Mrs. Elillabeth Godfrey, of Ash, who died in 18321 left 'by Hooker'e Omnibus, to Canterbury at Io a.m. ; to Sand-
will £x,ooo, the interest of which is devoted to the repair of wich at 6. 15 p.m
certain property attached to the Cartwright school; the Stringer's Omnibus, to Canterbury at 9 a. m.; returning ~t
balance being distributed in coals to the poor of Ash at 6p.m '
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Sally Mrs. Turner house Bourn John, Marquis of Granby P.H
Barfoot Henry, Gnilton . Vennell Rev. Rabson [Congregational] Bourne Sidney, butcher
Bounden Mrs. Greenhill place Watson John, Guilton Bradley Albt. Geo. beer retailr.Goldstone
Coleman Miss, Cyprus house Wi~ginsFredk. Alphington,Brewery bo Bradley Gcorge, shopkeeper
Cook Vincent, Guilton house. Woods Rev. Edward Samuel M.A. Brett John, bricklayer, Victoria row
;Ewing Rev. Alexander B.A [curate of Lvicar], Vicarage
Brisley Chas. photographer, Post office.
St. Nicholas] Young Mrs ,' Brisley J ames, builder
Gardner Ansten, Street end COJIIMRRCIAL, Brockman Joseph, miller (wind)
, Gardner Mrs. Gnilton rectory Ash Cricket Club {William Beer, sec) Buddle Thos. jun. blacksmith, Copp sl
Godfrey Ingram Fuller J. P. Brooke ho Ash-next-Sandwich Gas Light, Coal & Bushell William, farmer, The Moot
Harden Mrs. Rose hill Coke Co. Limited (William Dixon, Buxley Stephcn, beer retailer, Guilton
Herbert Mrs. Twitham court sec. & manager) Carter William, miller (wind)
Hogben Thomas Frederic Ash Edward, farm bailiff to Messrs. Castle William,market gardener,Lower
Jacobs Edward . Gardner & Co Weddington & Goldstone
,Jacobs Israel, Old vicarage Barrow Alfred, farmer & hop grower, Champ Henry, Chequers P.H
Keys John Thomas, Greenhill place Chequer's court ChandlerGiles, mrkt. grdnr. Goldstone
Mitchell George Alvrie lii.B., c.M. JM- Barrow Hy. farmr.&hop grwr. Molland Chandler John, market gardener,Lower
mine cottage · .. Beck Richard, beer retailer Goldstone
Saunders Wm. Robert, Spencer house Bedingfield Albert, coal merchant Chandler & Son, farmers
Sladden Mrs. . Beer Daniel, baker Coleman Thomas, farmer, Goss hall
Cook Hy. frmr. & mrkt. grdnr. Guilton Honey Charles, farm bailiff to Richard - gardenr.Goodban ho
CookLydia(Mrs.),fa.rmr.Overlandcourt Wilks esq. Richborongh Petley Frederick & Walter, auctioneers-
Cornwell ret. & grocr.Gnilton Horn Waiter James, bricklayer & valuers, Guilton
Court l<'redk. market grdnr. Watehorn House Benj. gardener,Gnilton Petley Geo. market gardener, Copp st
Court Fk.frmr.&mrkt.grdnr.Downfield Howard Alfred, Lion commercial inn & Petley Henry, farmer, Goldstone 11
Crisp James,butcher&grocer,Victoria. pi posting house Petley Wa.lter, farmer, Guilton
Cnlver John, blacksmith Huxstep Geo. farmer, Sparrow castle Pierce Harry, beer retailer
Deveson Geo. Lewis, farmer, East st Inge Alfred, baker Pool Samuel, shopkeeper
Dixon William, chemist & stationer Jacobs Brothers, grocers, tea dealers, Prett James, George & Dragon P.H
Elgar Edwd.farmr.&gra.zr.Richborough agents •for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & Quelch Frederick Wm. farmer & market
Fagg William, market gardener · t!pirit merchants, hardware & general gardener, Honeysuckle cottage '
Fells James, cabinet maker warehousemen, East Kent stores; & at Ralph Danl. farmer, Paramour gTan~
Ford John, market gardener', Durlock Sandwich Ralph John, thrashing machine owner
Gardner & Co. pale ale brewers, Ash Jarrett Genrge, market gardener Ralph William Thos. farmer, hay mer-
brewery 1 Kennard Ellen & Mary Dennis (Misses), chant & cattle dealer, Low. Goldstone
Goldup Edward, collector of taxes,Mor- dress makers, Queen's cottages Schenk Edward Lombard, Academy
rella villa, Durlock Keys John Thomas, Exciseman P.H. Sladden Francis Nixon, farmer, Guston
Griggs John, beer retailer Greenhill place Smith Wm. Thomas, J>lumber &glazier
Hada.way Francis, carpenter & wheel- Kingsland William, market gardener, Sofiey Alfd. J. farmer, Goldstonecourt
wright, Copp street ' Weddington Solley George, farmer, Richborough
Harden Elizabeth(Mrs. ),draper & tailor Laslett Robert, market gardener,New st Stonham Alexander, fancy repository &;
Harlow Julia (Mrs.), farmer, Lower Ledd Richard, beer retailer, New street boot & shoe warehouse
Goldstone Lnckhurst George, ca.rpenter, New st Sntton Sarah (Mrs.), market gardenet",
Ha.rpole Thomas David, draper Ma.rkwickEdwd.markt.grdnr.Sandhills Ivy cottage ''
Ha.rrison Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Marsh Mary (Mrs.), ladies' school Swinnock & Beer, confectioners
Victoria row Marsh William, farmer, Little Guston Tapsell John, market gardener, New st
Harvey Thos. farmer, Great Knell farm Marshall Thos. miller (wind), Guilton Thomas George, plumber
Herbert Chas. farmer, Twitham court MintetAlbt.ELmarket gardener,Durlock Wall Thomas, market gardener,Dnrlock
Higgins John, jeweller MitchellGeorgeAlvrieM.B.,C.M.surgeon, Watson Charles, wholesale & family
Hills Geo. grocer & china & glass dealer l Jasmine cottage grocer & provision merchant
Hills Henry, boot & shoe maker · ' Morris Edward, shoe maker ·watson John, road surveyor, Guilton
Hogben Thos. Fredc. :M.R.C.v.s. vet.surg Morris Emma (Miss), dress maker Wells Edward, saddler
Holliday Sarah (Mrs.), market gardenr. Morris Thos. hair dresser & hop sampler We1ls & Son, farmers, Little Guston
East street • Murton Edward, farmer & hop grower, Woodruff John, farmer & cattle sales-
Holne~s Henry, market gardener, Little "": Pedding house man, Weddington house
-Knell · Oakley Edward,blacksmith & ironmngr Young William, farmer, Copp street
ASH (near Seveno11ks) is a parish and beautiful village, 24 x881. There is a charity of about [,7 yearly. Multon
miles from London, 8! sor;th-west from Gravesend, 5 south- Lambarde esq. D.L., J.P. who is lord of the manor, Mrs.
east from Farningham road station and 3 south from Fawk- Fletcher, James Hulkes esq. and Major Roberts are the
ham station, on the London, Chatham and Dover railway, principal landowners. The soil is clay aud loam; subsoil,
in the North Western division of the county, Axton hundred, chalk. The chief crops are grain and hops. The area is
lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, petty sessional division of Roches- 3,o65 acres; rateable value, {,2,989 ; the population in 1881.
ter, Dartford union and county court district, Cobham was 632.
rural deanery, archdeaconry and diocese of Rochester. WEST YOKE hamlet, where there is a Baptist chapel, is x:.
The church of SS. Peter aiJd Paul is a structure of flint mile north.
with stone dressings, in the Decorated and Perpendicular HonSOLL STREET, 2 miles south-east, is a hamlet.
etyles, and consi~ts of chancel with aisles, nave of three bays, Part of CULVERSTONE GRF:EN is in this parish, the re,...
aisles, south porch and an embattled western tower with an mainder being in 1\:leopham parish,
octagonal turret at the south-east angle. containing 6 bells: Parish Clerk, George Elcome.
there is a brass in the chancel with the inscription, "Galon, PosT & M. O. 0., s. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.---
rector, 1445 :"there are 200 sittings. The register of bap- George Elcome, receiver. Letters through Sevenoaks,
et1il5su5md3is·ndgaTgthe£seaflcIr.rvoem·ms gotfhl·Sgelaeybereae,rc t1560 ;nemt ayrreiaarg1Yesv, IS62 [;, 5b4u8r•i am·l s-,
ory, a1ue arrive at 8.45 a.m. & 1.30 p.m. ; dispatched at 9· so a. m.
with residence, in the gift of Mul-
ton Lambarde esq. of Beechrnont, Sevenoaks, and held & 3 55 p.m. ; sundays, arrive at 8.45 a. m. i dispatched at
10_55 a.m. The nearest telegraph office is at Wrotham
since 1840 by the Rev. Richard Salwey B.A. of Christ Church,
WALL LETTER Box, Hodsoll Street, cleared at 5 p.m
Oxford, who resides at Clifton; the Rev. James Hill M. A. of National School, for 86 children; average attendance, 67;
Caius College, Cambridge, has been curate in charge since Frederick George, master ; Mrs. Meyers, mistress
[NBJlles marked thus b l"eceive their letters *BealeJoseph,wheelwright&blacksmith, *King Joh_n; beer retailer, West Yoke
through Wrotham,) Hodsoll street Pink Edward, farmer & fruit grower,
*Cox Charles John, Holywell house"" *Day Georg~, farmer, North Ash farm South Ash. farm. , . 1 • 1
*Day Henry, farmer, West Yoke RogersHichard, farmer, Attwood place
Hill Rev. Jarnes ~.A, [curate in charge], Dunmall John, shopkeeper *Rumsey Samuel Gurney, nurseryman
Elcome George, bricklayer, Post office Russell William, butcher
Rectory . *Fitt !<'red Giles, farmer, Pett.ings farm *Seamark Charlotte ,(Mrs.). farmer,
Glover Henry, farmer, Billet farm
*Hulkes Cecil James Gladdish J.P. Pet- Goodhew James, White Swan inn Hodsoll street
*Haygreen James, farmer, West Yoke *Simmons James, farmer, Oak farm
tings house Skudder G. blacksmith & wheelwright..
Morgan Mrs
Andrlll! Capt. Thos. farmer, Idley farm *Hollands John, wood dealer,WestYoke Wadlow Miss, dress maker
*Antrum Richard, Green Man · inn, *HulkesCecilJamesGladdislu.P.farmer, *Wellard Valentine, baker, Hodsoll st.
Hodsoll street - Pettings house & Gooses farm *Wingate Solomon, farmer, Hodsolls~
• Hastings ; it is the head of a county court district and petty
AsHFORD, deriving its name hom its situation on·the Esshe, sessional division, in the Southern division of the county,
hundreds of Ashford and of Chart and Longhridge, lathe of
or Esshet, the western branch of the Stour, is a market Scray, West Ashford union and in the rural deanery of East
town and parish, beautifully situated, and on the main line Charing, archdeaconry of Maidstane and dioce~~e of Canter-
of the Sonth Eastern railway to Folkestone and Dover, which
has branch lines diverging here northwards to Canterbury, bury.
Ramsgate and Margate, and southwards to Hastings, Lydd
and Dungeness. The London, Chatham and Dover Railway In consequence of being a central station, and the princi..-
Co. have a terminal station here on their lini from Lon-
don, via Offord Junction and Maidstone. Ashford is 52 pal locomotive establishment of the South Eastern railway
being located here, Ashford ha~ become a place of consider-
miles from London by road and 54 by railway, 20 by railway able impo~ance. To the south of the old town many build-
from Dover, 14 from Canterbury, 30 from Ramsgate, 34 from ings have sprung up around the railway station, beyond
Margate,xs from Folkestone, 31 from Sandwich,35from Deal, which is the New Town. The Local Government Act, x858,
was adopted March 10, 1863, and the town is now governe<i
n from Hythe, r6 from Rye, 18 from Maidstone by road, 31 by a local board of 21 ratepayers : water is supplied from
from Tunbridge Wells, 26 from Tonbridge and 26 from
26 .A,SHFORD... •
works the property of the board, the pumping ~tion being brick, with an iron and glass roof, and ~ used for vario118
at Henwood;. and gas by a company, whose works are close public purposes. besides those of a Corn Exchang~ t i& ltill
to the town and adjoining the railway. New sewerage seat from Boo f,o 1,000 persons.
wor¥8 wen. completed in 1888 at a cost of [14,000 and a In the centre of the wwn there are Assembly or Public
sewage farm of ~bout 8 acres formed. which, with receiving rooms, nsed for concerts and entertainments, and seating
tanks, are situated at Bybrook, half a mile north-east of the 400 persons. .· 1 J
fuwn; a pumping station has jilso been erected at.South Wh~tfeld Hall, Bank street, erected to the memary ·or1
Ashford. . Mr. Henry Whitfeld, by voluntary contributions, and,
An Act was obtained in the Session I 88 I for the construc- opened ,March, -:r874, is a building of red brick with stone
tion of a.ra.ilway from Ashford to Maidstone, by the London, facings, in the G-othic style, bQlding 120 persons, and q
Chatham a.nd Dover Railway Company, and it was opensd used for public meetings.
July J, 1884~ I Ashford Volunteer Fire Brigada., established in 1826, con.-
'J,'he j::hurch or St. Mary is a cruciform building of Kentish sists of ~8 members and has s~eam and manual~Jngines alld
rag, p~ainly in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel a fire escape. 'l
of three bays with aisles, nave of five bays, aisles, transepts A swimming bath was established here by a Limited Lia-
bility Company in 1867 at a cost of about £too and hM an
and a lofty embattled central tower o( two stages with four
qctagonal piunacled turrets a~ the angles, anq containing xo area of nearly 01111 ncre of water, varying from two to seven
bells ~~ond a clock with. two dials and carillon chimes, the
feet in depth. . . !I
latte1,' with 2 new bells, having been erectecl ~ 1885 at a cost Here are breweries. brick yards, a tan yard, iron .foundry
()f about £6oo: oa ths north side of the chancel is the pan- and agricultural implement works. lt ~
elled, ~\tar wmb of Sir John fogge, kqightedatthe Tower of Here are the ba.nkingrestablishments of thra London and1
London before the coronation of Edward IV, l46,I, ub. :1490, County Bank Limited and ~essrs. Pomfret Burr!\ and CD~ ij
witn mutilated brass effigy and verse inscription, held by an Ashford Savings Bank, in High street, was opened Sep-
angel, and recording his rebuilding of the wwer~ there is tember 3l'd, J8x6; the present deposits amolillt to [38.7551
another brass to Thomas l''ogg esq, sergeant porte.r to Henry u. xod. and, there are 8]6 depositors. 1;'ber~ is u.b!p ~
VII. and Henry VIII. ob. 15r2, his wife Eleanor and two Penny Saving Bank, opened January ISt, 1859, under tb.e
daughters, and in front of tha comm"!lnioq steps is a muti- gratuitous management of Mr. W, .fort!).. ,., · ,,!
lat.ed canopied brass to Elizabeth, Countess of At~ol, da.ugh· A ma.rkev is held every Tllesday for I!OFU and cattle, ~
tar of ;Henry, l3aron FerrerJ!, of Groby, and wife of David de which numbers (Jf' sheep and bullocks are brought fromr
Strathbolgie,•13th Earl of .AthoJ... on whose death, 10 Oct. Romney Mai;Sh and other districts. The rnarkBt was first
1375, she marrieq John Malewcyn~. of Kent, and died. here: established in the reign of Edward~. Fairs are held on the
in the south transept are ~hr~ large canopie!l monuments xrth. and JBth pf May. 9th .of September, l2th, 13th Emd
to the Smythes of Westenhanger. jncluding one to Sir 24th of October, for horses, cattle a.nd pedlery.
Richard Smythe, with his recumbent figure and kneeling Ashford Cottage Hospital, a handsome building of .-ed
effigies of his three wives, daughters and son, 1628 ; one brick, was erected in 1877 by William Pomfret Burra. asq.
with recumbent figures, to Sir Thomas Smythe and wife, J.P. in memory of his late wife, at a cost of £3,000, ex-
with kneeling effigies of their children, 1591 ; and a third to clusive of site; it cor.tains from 10 to 20 beds and is sup,
Sir John Smythe and wife, of tue same character ; there is ported by contributions ; the number of patients in the year
also a brass to Percy Clinton Sydney, sixth Viscount Strang-
ford, who died 29th May, t855, and five children ~ the 1889 was 85.
'The Almshouses, in Tufton street, were built in 1853 for
church was reconstructed in the reign of Edward IV. by Sir eight poor persons on land given by the late George Elwick
John Fogge, who also built the tower, and left a tenement Jemmett esq. of Ashford, with funds partly furnished by a
and lands in Ashford in trust fol' its repair for ever, and it legacy of £300 bequeathed by James Wall esq. of Ashford,
has since been enlarged: a reredos was erected in 1882 as a and increased by public subscriptions amounting to [340.
memorial to Margaret Rester, wife of McKenzie von 'lhe late Thomas Whitfeld esq. subsequently gave £1oo for
Dadelszen esq. : a lectern was presented in 1882 by sub- the benefit of this charity, which sum was invested in thtr
scription: the north transept was restored in t88g, and in purchase of ground in rear of the almshouses, producing a
October of the same year a memorial window was inserted rental of £5 yearly: the trustees consist of the vicar and
to Robert Farley esq. at a. cost of over [400 raised by sub· churchwardens and si1t ratepayers elected by the vestry..
scription ; there is auQther memorial window, erected at a Thomas Glover, Somerset herald and a laborious an.
cost of nearly [400, ~o the Rev. John Price Alcock l!ll.A. tiquary, was born here in 1543, and John Wallis D.n./
vicar 1847-871 and hon.:canon of Canterbury; there are also F.R.S. the celebrated mathematician, born 23rd November,
other memorial windows: the church has :r,750 sittings,
1616, was also a nativ~ of this place. The family of
of which about 500 are free. The register, in which Osborne, Dukes of Leeds, were also of this town, which
there are many curious entries, particularly during the confers the title of baron on the family of Keppel, Earl~r of
Commonwealth, dates from the year 1570. The living Albemarle. .
is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge [456 7s. with xo acres of Geor~:e Elwick Jemmett esq. and William Francis Bond
glebe and residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Jemmett esq. J.P. of Spearpoint, are lords of the manor of
Rochester, and held since x887 by the Rev. Peter Francis Ashford.
~indall H.A. of Jesus College, Cambridge. The Ecclesiasti· The principal landowners are Lord Hothfield D.L., l.t>.
cal Commissioners are owners of the great tithes. the Earl of Winchelsea and CoL John Leslie Toke J.P. of
Christ Church, &uth Ashford, a chapel of ease to the Clarewood, Cambcrley, Surrey.
pa.rish church, is a. building of Kentish rag, in ihe Transi- The area is 2, B29 acres i rateable value, £49,621 ; th&
tion style, and consists of chancel; clerestoried nave of five
bays, aisles and a turret at the west end containing one populat10n in 186J: was 6,950 i in 18711 8,458 and in 1S811
belll it was erected in x867 by subscription at a cost of g,6gJ.
about [4,500 and contains 6oo sittings., HENWOOD and EAST SToua, half a mile north-east; BEAVER,
Hem is a Catholic chapel, dedicated to St. Teresa and x mile south and BARROW HILL on the north adjoin the
town; MrLLBANK is ~~ miles south 4 RrPrON is half a mile 200 persons, and there is also a Unitarian chapel west; SPARRows HAf,L, half ~mile north-west; BYBROOJ:.,
half a mile north,
with about 4.50 sittings, a Congregational chapel seating
6oo, a Congregational school chapel at Beaver in this parish
with· x6o sittings, a Bible Christian -chapel and a meeting ASHFORD NBW·TOWN, as generally knownr Ol'! ALFRED,taS
house for the Society of Friends with sittings for 220. The originally named by its proprietors, the South Eastern Rail·
Wesleyan chapel, in Bank street, erected in 1874 at a, cost way Company, is principally in the parish of Ashford, but
()f [4,394, including site, is a building of stone, in the Deco- partly in Willesborough : it contains a population exceeding
rated style, and will seat 630 persons. The Baptist chapel, x,ooo persons and is principally important as having within
in Marsh street, is a building of red and whit.e brick,. in the its limite thE} whole of the locomotive and carriage depart·
Italian style, and was erected in x881, at a cost of £2,500: ments of this railway company, including four powerful
it will seat 700 persons. . engines for working the machinery used, together with gas
The Cemetery, situated about a quarter of a mile north and water works for the. company's establishments. The
of the church, has two mortuary chapels, and contain!i whole of the male p()pulation is engaged upon the workst as
about 9 acres of land, 7 acres of which were consecrated in I is also a. large proportion of that of the old .towru and the
x858 and the remainder in I886; a pol'tion of the ground is adjoining V11lages, the whole number thus employed being
appropriated for the use of Catholics. The cemetery is about x,3oo pel!sons. 1
under the control of a Burial Board of 9 members. The Railway .Mechanics' Institute here has a librnty of
The Corn Exchange, ererted about x861 1 is a building of 2,600 volumes.
_ · Official Establishments, Local Institution., &c.
POST1 M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, I envelopes, for sale & payment oil postal ordel-s, parcel post
Bank street. John Edwu.rd Munn, postmaster , business, registration of letters, delivery of letters t(l
HooKS. OF BusiNESS.......For sale of postage stamps, post 1 t:allers & telegrapfi businesi, week. days, 1 &m. ta 10
cards, newspaper wrappers, stamped & registered letter p.m. For money order, ~tavings bank, .insurnnce &
annuity b1L~iness, & issue of inland licences, week days, The following places are in Ashford Petty Sessional Divi-
9 a.m. to 6 p. m. ; saturda.ys, 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, sion :-Appledore, Ashford, llethersden, Bilsington,
for delivery of letters to callers, sale of sta.rnps, registra.- Hircholt, Bgnnington, Boughton-Aluph, Brabourne,
tian of letters & telegraph business, 7 to 10 a. m .Brenzett, Brook, Brookland, Broomhill, Challock, Char-
Head S.E.R. ing, Chart Great, Chart Little, Chilham, Crundale,
J<:astwell, Ebony, Egerton, Fairfield, God.mersham,
Office Stn.-bdg,
Hastingleigh, Hinxhill, Hothfield, Ivychurch, Kenning-
DISPATCHES OF LETTERS & PARC&LS. box wall-box ton, Kennardington, Kingsnort.h, Mersham, Midley,
Moldash, Orlestone, Pluckley, Romney New, Romney
closes. cleared. Old, Ruckinge, Sevington, Sbadoxhurst, Srnarden,
Smeeth, Snargate, Stone Warehorne, Westwell. Willes-
a.In. a.m. borough, WittershaqJ., Woodchurch & Wye
Folkestone, Ramsgate, Margate, Sand-
wich, Deal ~w •••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••• 8. 0 8.I5
Dover, Hythe, Brighton, Red hill, Staple-.
burst, Maidstone, Sevenoaks, Ton- Local Board or Urban Sanitary Authority.
bridge, Sandgate ...... ~ ................... . Board room & offices, North street. Board day, first wed-
London & all places beyond, Canterbury, nesday in each month at 7 p.m.
New Romney, Lydd, & day mails to MEMBERS.
Rye, Charing, Hothfield, .l<~astwell, T. Edwards, chairman: H. E. Austeu, J. Broad, '\V. R.
Boughton Lees, Kingsnorth, & for 2nd Browne, E. Chapman, G. T. Cantrell, W. H. Elgar,
town delivery, Hastings .................. 9·55 IO. ·0 S. Hart, W. G. Handcock, G. Harper, C. Harrison, W.
Day mails to places under Ashford on the G. Harvey, G. Hyland, G. Knowles, H. Knock, W.
Tenterden & Hra.bourne roads ......... Marshall, W. Pledge, W. M. Richardson, G. A. Spain,
London, Redhill, Hastings, Brighton, C. A. Wotton, J. Waterman
.Maidstone, & day mails to Plucklcy, Clerk, l<'rederick Hughes-Uallett, II Bank street
Egerton, Headcurn, Wye, Kennington, p.m. p.m. Treasurer, Elisha Davis
Rye, Winchelsea, Appledore, Ham-
Medical Officer of Health, William Harriott Coke L.R.b. P,
street ............ :... . ~ ........................... .
LOnd. I7 High street
Dover, I<'olkestone, Canterbury, Deal,
Sanitary Inspector & Surveyor, John '\\'illson, 2 Claremont
.Margate, Ramsgate, Sandwich .........
villas, Beaver road, South Ashford
London, Tonbridge,. Tunbridge Wells,
Sevenoaks, Maidstone, Staplehurst, Collector, John Edward Burden, IA1 Park road I
Hastings, & for 3td town delivery, Public Establishments.
& Brighton ................................... . 2. IS Assembly or Public Rooms, High street, Frederick Hughes-
s~ndgate & Shorncliffe .................... . 3·50 Hallett, sec
Dover, Canterbury, Deal.. .................. . 4· IO Cemetery, Frederick Hughes-Hallett, clerk; Geo. Cullen,
London, Redhill ................................. . 4·55 curator
Corn Exchange, Elwick road, James Fraser, sec
Folkestone, Hythe, Hastings, Brighton
Cottage Hospital, Brewer street, C. S. A. Atkinson, Ernest
(Sandwich, parcels only), & for 4th
George Colville, W. H. Coke, E. W. Thurston, J. C.
toWil. delivery ................................ .
'\\'ilkinson & G. Wilks M.B. hon. medical officers ; Robert
London & all places beyond, Tonbridge,
Elliott & Thomas N ottidge, hon. secs. ; Miss H.eynolds,
Sevenoaks, Redhill, Hawkhurst, East-
lady superintendent
bourne, Lewcs, Hastings ............. .. 7·40 tl. 0 County Constabulary, Police station, Tufton street, William
London & all parts ......................... .. 10.0 IO 45
Wenham, superintendent ; I sergeant & 7 constables
IO.o 10.45 County Court ; office, II Bank street ; His Honor William
London & all parts ...........................
Latest time for Registration is half an hour previous to the Lucius Selfe, judge; John Creery, registrar; Thornas
Bowling, high bailiff & official receiver. The court is held
time of respective dispatches.
in the Police court wednesday (monthly) at 10.30 a.m. ex-
TowN DELIVERIES, LETTER:i & PARCELS, commence at: cept in the month of September, when there are no sittings.
week days (I), 7 a.m. ; (2), 10.45 a. m.; (3), 2-45 p.m.; The following places are within its jurisdiction, viz. : -
(4), 6.45 p.m. ; sundays, letters only, 7 a.m.; corres- Ashford, Bethersden, Bilsingtori.r Bircholt, Boughton-
pondence from all part::! is included in each delivery
Aluph, Brabourne, Brook, Challock, Charing, Little
Chart, Great Chart, Crundale, Eastwell, Egerton, God-
AsHFORD ~Ew TowN M. 0. & T. 0., ~. B. & Annuity & mersham, Hastingleigh, Hinxhill, Hothfield, Kennington,
Insurance Office, Leonard Hopper, receiver, 8.35 & 10.45 Kingsnorth, n:Iersham, Moldash, Orlestone, Pluckley,
a.m. & 1.50, 3, 6.5 & 7-35 p.m.; South Ashford, 7.40 &. Ruckinge, Sevington, Shadoxhurst, Smarden, Smeeth, a.m. & 2, 3.3o, 6.20 & 7.50 p.m Warehorne, Westwell, Willesborough & Wye
County Magistrates for the Ashford Division. Certified Bailiffs appointed under the Law of Distress
The chairman is appointed at each meeting. Amendment Act :-J. H. Bayly & Son, High street, Ash-
ford ; W. & B. Hobbs, Ashford & Guinea hall. Sellindge;
Brabourne Rt. Hon. Lord P.c., D.L. The Paddocks, Smeeth, Richard Foord Foord, Smeeth & Ashford; James Water-
Ashford man, Ashford; Albert Checksfield, Ashford; Edmund Bal-
Hothfield Lord D.L. Hothfield Place, Ashford lard, Ashford; Harry H'l.rper Stickings, Wye; William
Dering Sir Edward Cholmeley bart. D.L. Surrenden-Dering, J. Richardson, Ashford ; Robert Ames, Perry court, Ash-
Plucklcy ford, Sarre & Westgate-on-Sea; Sidney Champion, West-
Honywood Sir John William bart. Evington Place, Ashford gate-on-Sea ; Thomas Bowling (high bailiff), Ramsgate ;
Kuatchbull Str Wyndham bart. Mersham hatch, Ashford George Knowles, 106 High street, Ashford
Knatchbull-Hugessen Hon. Edward M.P., D.L. Smeeth Inland Revenue Otfice, Middle row, Francis Nops, super-
Paddock, Ashford visor; Alexander Arthur Allam, officer
Billington Capt. John Wyndham, Kennington, Ashford Stamp Office, 8o High street, William Miller, sub-distributor
Burra James Salkeld esq. M.A. Bockhanger, Ashford Volunteer Fire Brigade Station, 24 New street, Frank Stock-
Cameron Capt. Jn. Duncan, Low wood, Bethersden,Ashford well Hart, captain ; & 17 men
Campbell Henry Alex. esq. Eastwell park, l)..shford Buffs (East Kent Regt.) rst Vol. Battalion (II Co.), Capt.
Daglish Richard Rothwell esq. New Romney J. T. Welldon
Denne Major-Gen. Lambert Henry D.L. The Down wood, EAST AsHFORD UNION.
Blandford, Dorset Hoard day, alternate mondays, at the Union, at IO a.m.
Dering Henry Nevill esq. Surrenden-Dering, Pluckley The Union of East Ashford comprises the following parishes,
l<'urley John esq. 14 Evelyn gardens, London s w viz. : - Aiding-ton, llilsington, Bircholt, Bonnington,
Groves Lieut.-Col. Stephen Percy, The Moat, Charing, Houghton-Aluph, Brabourne, Brook, Challock, Chilham,
Ashford, Wyndham Crundale, Eastwell, Godmersham, Hastingleigh, Hinx-
Hardy Charles Stewart esq. D.L. Chilham castle, Canterbury hill, Hurst, Kennington, Mersham, Molash or Moldash,
Jemmett William Francis Bond esq. Spearpoint, Ashford Orlestone, Ruckinge, Sevington, Smeeth, "\Varehorne,
Knight William esq. Bilting ho. Godrnersharn, Canterbury Willesborough & Wye. The population of the union in
Nottidge Thomas esq. Whist villa, Ashfurd r88r was 13,697; rateable value, £91,2~7
Pomfret William Pomfret esq. M.P. Godinton park, Ashford Clerk to the Gu~rdians & Assessment Committee, Horace
Sayer John esq. M.A. Pett Place, Cb.aring, Ashford Hamilton, 11 Bank street, Ashford
Schreibcr Arthur Thomas esq. llengherst, Woodchurch Treasurer, William Francis Bond Jemmett, 81 High street
Walker Henry Bacheler esq. The Gables, New Romney Collectors to the Guardians, Relieving & Vaccination
Walker Wm. Dering esq. Honeychild manor, New Komney Officers, first district, Henry William Fuller, Smeeth ;
Willats William Hale esq. Denton court, Canterbury second district, George Bailey, Kennington
Clerk to the 1\iagist.rates, John Creery, 11 Bank st. Ashford Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. I district, J N'!eph
Petty Sessions are held at the Police Station, Ash ford, every Manning, Wye; No. 2 district, Edward Whitefeld
tuesday at 11.30 a. m Thurston L.R.C.P.LOnd. 8 Elwick road, Ashford ; No. 3
district; Henry Hamilton, Chilham ; No. 4 district, Clerk to Commissioners of Land & Assessed Tax' M, James
Charles Stephen .Abbott .Atkinson, 90 & 92 High street, Frnser, 87 High street
.Ashford; No; 5 district, Lionel Mason Snow L.R.C.l".LOnd. Clerk to Mersham & to the Orlestone United District Scfiool
Brabourne; No. 6 district, 'Henry Wiglesworth M.B.Ham- Boards, Horace Hamilton, I 1 Bank street
street Inspector of Weights & Measures, Thomas Heming Morgan,
Superintendent Registrar, Thomas Tucker, Willesborongh ; Polire station, tues. 10 till 2
• · deputy, .fforace Hamilton, 11 Bank street Stewards to the Lords of the Manor of ..Ashford, Messrs.
Registrars of Births & Deaths, Brabourne sub-district, H. Hallett, Creery, Welldon & Creery, Bank street
W. F'uller, Smeeth; deputy, John Godden Epps, Smeeth; Suneyor of Taxes, W. T. Haworth, Dover
. Wye sob-district, George Bailey, Keunington: deputy, Places of WorBhiJ>, with times of services.
George Rains, Wye
Registrar of Marriages, H. W. Fuller, Smeeth St. Mary's Church, Rev. Peter Francis Tindall M.A.. vicar;
Workhouse, Willesborough, a structure of brick, erec,ted in Rev. Frederick W. Thurlow, Rev. John Parmiter & Rev.
_ 1837 to hold 350 inmates; Thomas Tucker, master; Rev. Ernest Tritton Sankey, curates; 8 (holy communion!&
John Philpott M.A. chaplain; Charles Stephen .Abbott .At- II a. m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; daily 8 a.m. & 6 p.m.; thurs.
kinson, medical officer; Mrs. Mary Ann Tucker, matron holy communion 7.30 o..m
RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY. Christ Church, South Ashford, minister, the Vicar; holy
· .Also acting as the East Ashford Highway 'Hoard. communion, 8.15 a.m.; service, II a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Meets at Willesborough union every month at Il.30 a.m. St. Paul's Mission Church. Forge lane, minister, the Vicar;
Clerk, Hornce Hamilton, 11 Bank street, 1\shrord · 6.30 p.m .
Treasurer, W. F. B. Jemmett, 81 High street St. Teresa Catholic, Barrow bill, Rev. Felix Reynaert, priest;
Medical Officer of Health, M:. K. Robinson M.D. Priory hill, mass 9.30; evening 'Service with instruction at 6.30
Dover , p.m. ; holy days, mass 7·30 a. m. service 6.30 p.m. ; week
Sanitary Inspector, Benjamin Cordery, Willesborough 1 days, mass 8 in winter, 7.30 in summer; thurs. service
Surveyor of Highways, John Godden Chittenden, Ruckinge 6.30 p.m
.Assistant Surveyor of Highways, Thos. Wm.Pullen,Crundale Friends' Meeting House,. NBw rents; 10.,30 a. m '
ScHoor.. .ATTENDANCE CoMMITTEE. Baptist, Marsh street, Rev. J. Whitaker, minister; 10.30
Meets at Willesborough union every month at 9.30 a.m. a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7-30 p.m
Clerk, Horace Hamilton, 11 Bank street, .Ashford Baptist (Particular), Norwood street, ministers various;
Attendance & Inquiry Officers, H. W. Fuller, Smeeth; 10.30 a.m. & 2 & 6 p.m
Bible Christians, South .Ashford, Rev.Henry Down, minister;
- George Bailey, Kennington
"WEST ASHFORD UNION. 11 a. m. & 6.30 p.m ....
Board day, every alternate wednesday, at the WorkhouS€) a1i Congregational, Church road, Rev. Alfred Turner, minister;
Westwell, at 12 o'clock. 10.30 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon_ 8 p.m
The union comprises the following parishes :-Ashford,
Congregational (School Chapel), Beaver; 6.30 p.m
Bethersden, Charing, Egerton, Great Chart, Hothfield,
Kingsnorth, Little Chart, Pluckley-cum-Pevington, Sha- The Brethren, South .Asbford ; 6.30 p.m
doxhurst, Smarden & Westwell. The population of the
Unitarian, Hempsted street, Rev. Alfred Joseph Marchant,
union in r88r was r8, 126 ; rateable value, £uS, 150
Clerk to the Guardians & .Assessment Committee, George minister; 6.30 p.m
Langley, Charing Wesleyan, Bank street, Rev. John Hogg & Rev. A. E. Belch,
ministers; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m
Treasurer, James Salkeld Burra • Schools.
Collectors to the Guardmns, Edward Langley, Little Chart; '
& George Galloway Taylor, 22 Park street, Ashford Ashford Grammar School was partly built in I635 by Sir
N orton Knatchbull kt. & afterwards completed &endowed
Relieving & Vaccination Officers, No. 1 district, Edward
by Sir Norton Knatchbull kt. & bart. his nephew & heir &
_ Langley, Little Chart; No. 2 district, George Galloway
Sir Thomas Knatchbull bart. with a. salary to the master
.Taylor, 22 Park street, Ashford
of £3o yearly, issuing & payable out of two pieces of
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. I district, Wm. marsh land in the parish of N ewchurch : the old school
_, Harriott Coke L.n.c,P. Lond. 17 High. street, Ashford ; premises were sold in 1875 & out of the proceeds of the
sale, together with subscriptions, amounting in 'all to
,No. 2 district, Frederick Septimus Hardwick M.n., C.M. £4,000, the present school has been erected, a little die-
tance from the town on the Hythe road, for 50 day boys
_ Charing; No. 3 district, Jsph. Hopkins Mitcheson L.R.C.P.
so& boarders : the school has the Burra Entrance Scholar-
:ii:diu. Charing; No. 4 district, Philip Ballard L.R.C.P.LOnd.
ship, affording free education for 2 years, & an Entrance
· Smarden ·
Scholarship fur boarders only of £ ro a year for 2 years:
Registrars of Births & Deaths, Ashford sub-district, George
according to a scheme framed by the Endowed School
Galloway Taylor, 22 Park street, Ashford; deputy, Her-
Commissioners in 1879, the school is managed by a body
bert Lee, 47 Hardinge road, Ashford; Calc Hill sub-dis-
of 13 governors, of which Sir Wyndham Knatchbull bart.
tpct, Edward Langley, Little Chart; ~eputy, Luke is chairman; head master, Benjamin Snell M. A. of Trinity
College, Cambridge ; clerk to the governors, Horace
Langley, Little Chart · Hamilton
A School Board of 7 members was formed in 1877; James
Registrar of Marriagllil, Arcpibald Miles,18 Hempsted street,
Fraser, 87 High street, clerk to the board; attendance
. Ashford ; deputies, William Miller, So High street, Ash- officer, Samuel Watts, School house, Beaver road
Board School, Beaver road, South Ashford (mixed &infants},
ford & Charles Buss, Smarden .
built in 1879, for 450 children; average attendance, I20
Superintendent Registrar, Charles Norwood, 27 High street,
boys, 16o girls & no infants; Henry Thomas Watts,
Ashford; deputy, Herbert D. Headley, 44 High street
master ; Miss Barbara Bird, mistress ; Miss Sarah Ann
Workhouse, Westwell, a structure of brick to hold 240
Standen, infants' mistress
inmates & containing an infirmary for 45 patients & a National School, Barrow hiU (mixed & infants), built in
school for 33 children, ,John Thomas Jones, master;. Rev.
Henry H. D'ombrain ll.A. chaplain; Joseph Hopkins Mit-
cheson L.R.C.P.Edin. medical officer; Miss Jones, matron;
Miss Emma Scott, schoolmistress
RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY. 1841, the infants' school·being enlarged in IB84-; the
• Also acting as the West Ashrord Highway Board. school will now hold 520 children ; average attendance,
Meets at the Workhouse, Westwcll, wednesday, monthly, at I so boys, I 30 girls & I70 infants ; Thos. Perkins, master;
12 o'clock.
Miss Jessie Bourne, mistress; Mrs. Ann Perkins, infants'
Clerk, George Langley, Charing mistress
Treasurer, J. S. Burra, 81 High street, Ashford South Eastern Rail way Co.'s Schools, South Ashford (mixed
,Medical Officer of Health, M. K. Robinson M.D. Priory gate,
& infants) ; the building was first used as a school in
Dover 1852; it will hold 6oo children; average attendance, 217
.Sanitary Inspector, William W. Amos, We!!twell
boys, 132 girls & 16o infants ; Joseph Garrod, master;
Surveyor of Highways, James l\'Iorris, jun. Smarden Miss Emily Boston, mistress; Miss Laura Samson, infants'
Meets at Workhouse, Westwell, wed. monthly, at 12 o'clock. British School, W~st !!treet (mixed & infants), built in 186I,
a master's house being added in 18B5; the school will no"ll'
Clerk, George Langley, Charing
Attendance & Inquiry Officer, William W. Amos, Westwell hold 497 children & has a full average attendance ; WilliaiD
Jarvis, master; Miss Bertha Corbin, mistress ; Miss
Public Officers. Louise West, infants' mistress '
Assessor & Collector of Taxes, Geo. Reed Bacon, 19 Park rd Newspapers. I
Certifying Factory Surgeon,Ashford district, Charles Stephen
Abbott Atkinson, 92 High street Kentish Express & Ashford News, 94 High street ; Igglesden,
Clerk to the Willesborough Burial & School Boards, Fredk. Friend & Igglesden, proprietors; published sat
Kent County Examiner, 44 High street; Barham Pm~
Hughes Hallett, I I Bank street
Clerk to Wye School Board, .John Creery, 11 Bank street Boorman, proprietor ; published fri
Railway Stations. EGERTON -Pack,· New inn, tues. & frL ; Ramsden,
South Eastern, William Henry Elgar, station master 4 Castle,' tnes. thurs. fri. & sat ,
London, Chatham & Dover, William M. Woodhams, station ELMSTBD & BoDIAM-Pilcher, 'Somerset Arms,' tues. 3·45
master FAVERSHAM & CHALWCK,-Rogers, 'Red Lion,' tues. tbnn.
OMNmusES. & sa~. 2.30 winter, summer 4-30
Omnibuses & fiys to the railway station from the Saracen's FoLKESTONE, HYTHE & SANDGAT&--Checksfield, New street,
Head hotel, 56 High street, to meet every train ' JDOn. wed. & fri. u ·'
TRNTKRDEN-Hook's omnibns leaves S. E. Railway station & HAMSTBEET & RYii:-Lonkhurst, 'Kent Arms,' tues. thUI'8.
Market inn daily at 5-45 p.m. & from Market inn for Great & sat. S
Chart, Bethersden, Halden & Tenterden, tues. 3 88 well HASTINGLEIGH-Pilcher, 'Somerset Arms,' tues
Woo:ocHURCH & SHADOx:soRS'l'-Tanton's omnibus leaves KINGBNORTH, RUCKINGE, BrLsiNGTO~ - Barling, 'Kent;
S. E. Railway station & 'Kent Arms' daily (sun. excepted) Arms,' tues. & fri
Nxw Ro1lNKY, LTDD k DYM:CRORCR-Turk, 'Kent Arms;'
at 6.10 p.m ' ,
tues. thurs. & sat
inn, tues. thnrs. & sat. 4 •
.ALmNGTON & MHRSHAJIJ-Wanstall, from 'Duke of Marl- SMARDEN-Ottaway, ,New inn, tues. 4 J
boro',' tnes. thurs. & sat. 2.30 SMARDEN & PLUCKLEY~Pearson, New inn, tnes. thurs. &
!PPLEDORB & RYE-Ashdown, 'Kent Arms,' tues. & thurs sat. 4
BKTHERBDEN & GREAT CHART-Woodcock's & Kingsnorth's TENTERDEN, HALDEN & BETHERSDHN--Skinner. Market inn.
vans from New inn, tues. thurs. & sat. at 4 tues. thurs. & sat
HRABOURNE & BMEETH-Hogben, 'Swan,' tues. & sat. 3 WooDCHURCH & SnAI>OXHURST-Tanton, 'Kent .Arms,' &
CANTERBURY & CHII.HAv--Green, • Red Lion,' tues. thurs. S. E. Railway station, daily 6. 10
&sat. 4 ., Wn & F.A.VERSHAK-Collins, ~Red Lion,' tues. thurs. &
CHALLOCK & BouGHTON-Summers, 'Somerset Arms,' tues sat. 4.30
CHA1UNG & MA.msTONE-Goldup, • Saracen's Head,' daily Wn: & KENNINGTON-Nash, 'Red Lion,' daily 4.30
PRIVATE RESIDJINTS, . Eastes Ja.mes Smith, Fa.irlawn house Masterton James. Cecil ho. Norwood at
!dams William Anders, Sussex avenue Edwards Thomas, 89 High street r Maylam Mrs. 9 Wellesley villas
Amos Frederick William, Albert road Elliott Robert, The Cedars Miles .Archibald, :xB Hempsted street
Andrews Miss, 7 Church road Everesj; Mrs. 53 Raglan place Miller William, I3 North street
Ansell Mrs. 42 Hardinge road Evershed Mrs. 4I Somerset road N eave George., 28 Somerset road
Ashbee William Hodges, 69 New street Farrance Mrs. Saratov vil. Wolseley rd Needham William J. 49 Raglan place
Atkinson Charles Stephen A. 92 High st Field John Edward, Canterbury road Neve Mrs. 31 Marsh street.
Ayre Mrs. 23 Somerset road Fielder Mrs. 19 Somerset road Nickalls Thomas, Clock house '
Back Miss, I4 Church road Finn Mrs. I7 Somerset road Noakes Thomas, 23 Hardinge road
Baker Misses, 45 Raglan place Foord Miss, 20 Ha.rdinge road Nops Francis, 18 Hardinge road
Ballard Edmd. F.S.I . .Avila vil. Albert rd Foord Mrs. I Church yard Norwood John Dobree, 16 High street
Barling Mrs. I Wellin,<Yton road Forth William, 29 Somerset road Nottidge Thomas J.P. Whist villa
Batchelur J oseph, 22 High street Fowler John, 40 Somerset road Odden Miss, 70 New street
Offen Mrs. 33 Somerset road
Eelch Rev. Alfred Ernest [Wesleyan], ~ Fraser James, 1~ High street
Romanofi villas, Wolseley road French Joshua Lewin, Farbrace villas Olliver William, 39 Somerset road
Betts Mrs. Edward Ladd, East hill Friend Joseph Thomas, 3 Elwick road Paris William, 37 Hardfnge road
Bird Mrs. 8 Church road Furley George, 12 Wellesley villas Parish .Alfred,3Eastwell vls.Somcrset rd
Bird Robt. 2 Eastwell viis. Somerset rd Gage Mrs. Elsenham, .Albert road Parkes Robert, x Church road
BlackburnMrs.5Clarendoa vls.liythe rd Gibbs Miss. 37 Somerset road Parmiter Rev. John [curate of St.
Mary's], North street.
Boykett Francis, Belmore Gibson George, Northdene
Bracher Henry James, 2 Church road Giles John, 76 New street Pattisson James Jollie, East Hill house
Bridge Mrs. 28 Hardinge road Giles William, Albert road Payne William Henry, II Somerset rd..
Brignall Mrs. 2I Hardinge road Goldsmith John, 27 Somerset road Pearson Mrs. 38 Hardinge road r .
Broad John, 5 Bank street Gutteridge Thomas, 8 Somerset road Phillips The Misses, I5 Church road
Brnnton Mrs. so llardinge road Ilallett Fk. Hughes, Brooke pl. EB!!t hl Piddlesden Mrs. 4 Church road
Bugler John Udal, Stoke house Hambrook Mrs. 44 Hardinge road Piety Marsh Pierson. 6 Somerset road
Puile Frank. Knowlden, Vulcan villa,
Bunn George Wickes, I Barrow Hill pl Hamilton Horace, Albert road
Bunyard Thomas, 3 W elleslcy villas Hardy James, 13 Dove'r place ' Wolseley road
Hurch Mrs. I Clarendon viis. Hythe rd Harms Mrs. 47 Somerset road Pritchard Charles, 34 Somerset road
Buss William, Oakleigh, Albert road Hart Alfred, 16 Church road . Reader Miss, I2 Church road
Butler Mrs. 45A, Raglan place Hart Frank Stockwell, 1:2 Connaught Reeve John, Holmleigh, Albert road
Button Samuel, 32 Somerset road villas, Canterbury road Reynaert Rev. Felix [Catholic], St.
Cantrell Frank Trew, Claremont house, Hart Mrs. 40 North street Teresa. presbytery
Albert road Hart Mrs. Woodside Richardson Mrs. 4 Romerset road
Challice John, 9 Somerset road
Hart Mrs. George, 6 North street , Richardson Waiter Marshall, Io Welles-
Challis Mrs. Clifton villa, .Albert road Ilarvey Wm. Fowler, 8 Wellesley villas ley villas
Chapman Ebenezer, Dover place. Head Wm. Geo. Cowslip villa, Hythe rd Rogers Charles, 29 Bank street
Clark Rev. Thomas, 9 Hardinge road Headley Herbert Dimsdale, Montfitchet Russell Rev. Harry Wright 11.A. 13
Clark Frederick, 24 East hill Higgins Percy, 39 Hardinge road Wellesley villas
Clark Mrs. 44 North street Hogg Rev.Jn. [Wesleyan], Samson Fredk, Fairview vils. .Albert rd
Coates Mrs. 6 Elwick i:oad Hollis Mrs. 38 Park road Sanderson Tom (H. M. assistant inspec-
Cockersell William, 45 Somerset road . Holmes Edmond Gore .Alex. Highworth tor of schools), North street .
Coke William Harriott, 17 High street Holmes J. Edwin, 6 Church road Sankey Rev. Ernest Tritton [curate of
Cole Robert, Albert road , Holt William, 5 East hill St. Mary's], 33 Hardinge road
Colville Ernest Geo. F.R...c.s. 14 High st Hooker William John, 53 Hardinge rd Savory Wm. Hannsworth, 2 New rents
Cooke John, 6 Queen street Howard Mrs. 6 Barrow Hill place Scarborough George, 3 Barrow Hill pl 1
Cooper Misses, w Church road Hunter George llarrisson, 7JA.1 High st Scott Mrs-..8 Canterbury Toad
Cotchin William A. .Albert road
Conlthard Thomas. 2 North•&treet Hyland Frederick, 91 High street Sharp John, 13 Somerset road
Igglesden Charles, Lodore, Albert road Shaxby Henry, 4 Queen street
Court Mrs. 5 Elwick road lgglesdcn Henry, Northbrook Sibery Mrs. 36 North street
Creery John, .Albert road Igglesden Williarn, II North street Skelton Mrs. 51 Raglan place
Culver Mrs. 3 Somerset road Johnson James William, 46 Somerset rd Slingsby Springfield, 45 Hardinge road
Dane Mrs. 49 New street Kingsford Julius, 9 North street SmithAlfredEvan, TheLawn,Hytherd
Davis Elisha, r Bank street Knight .Alfred, Farbrace villas· Smith Thomas, Dennis house, Albert rd
Davis Mrs. 7 Elwick road Lee James, I4 Canterbury road Snell Benja@n )I. A. School ho.Hythe rd
Daw Thomas, 48 Somerset road · Lewis George Alexander, 15 New rents
Dawes Mrs. 41 Somerset road Lewis John Russell, 4 Elwick road Spencer Mrs. Albert road
Day William, 22 Hempsted street LipopLorenzo,IEastwell vls.Somerst.rd
Dorman Frank, The Whist Lobley Mrs. 35 Somerset road Spicer Mrs. Sydney house, Marsh street
Douse Charles, 20 Kingsley terrace Long Mrs. 30 Hardinge road
Down Rev. Henry [Bible Christian], 1 Longley Mrs. 26 Hardinge road Spickernell Frank, 57 Raglan place
Stirling James, Belmont, New town
Sylvester Thomas, 2 Canterbury villas,
North street ,
Redfern vils.Beaver rd.South .Ashford McGill Frederick, 42 Somerset road Syme Capt. Peter M. R.A. Highworth
Dowsett George Finch, 7 East hill Marchant Rev. Alfred Joseph [Uni- Tanton Edward, .Athel house, Bank st
Dryland Edward, II Church road tarian]. 4 Clarendon villas, Hythe rd Tanton Mrs. 25 Somerset road
Dnnnett Coleman, 20 High street
Marshall William, 40 Hardinge road l Tatnell William Henry, 6 North street
! 0 - ~.ASBFO~D~ K:ENT. (kELLy'g
Tayior Willia.m, I) Chnrch road Tnrner- Re-v. Alfred [Congregational], -WilliaiM MisS', ~~ tlardinge road
Theoba.ld Arthur Herbert, Bartow Hill H) Bank street WiHiams M.rshn Ha.rdinge roa.d
·house 1 '. . 1 Viggers Charles, 36 Hardinge road Williams Mr~ 48 Hardingo road
Thorn Henry .Oli'fetl, 3B' Somerset ..oad' Wainwt<ight WIIY. Alfred ho. New town Willis Miss, 25 Hardinge road
Thurlow Rev. Frederick •W. [curate of Wa.lter William, •6 Wellesley villas Willsher George, 9I Beaver road
, St. Mary'sJ, 1 Queen street WatermBtl Ja.mes, 2 Elwick road Wilson Ml"'ii, 63 Ha.rdinge road
Thurston Edwd. Whitfield, 8 Elwick rd Watson Edwfn, t1 Wellesley villa.!! Wind Cbadee Robert, so Hempst.ed it
Tht111'St0ll. Mis~1 37 Queen street • Watt!i Henry Tlmmas, Fa,.rbraoo villaB Wood THorn.~ lrnfton street
Tindall Rev. Peter FrancisM.A. [vicar], Welldon James Turnel! B. A.. Albert road Worger Fred~rick, w &merset road
The College . ,. • Wildsmith Alfred, 7 Wellesly villas t Worger Mrs. Northam
Tom.sffit Mrs.. 4 lfardinge 'l"oad W)Jkimron John (l}ooper, 1 Elwic.k. :road Wright Arthm, 15' East hill
Tott Mrs. 3I Somerset road Wilk8 Geopge B. A. • V .11. 22 North lltreet Wright George. 30 Somerset road
T.rahear:rie '.Phbmas, 119 Ha'tdinge rbad ' Wilks'William, BMge house, East hill Young Mrs. 35 Park road ;
COMMERCI~L~ Bones William, Fqrester~' Arms :P,H. ~ Tonington road,
Alexander George Edwin, confectioner, 43 High street So uth .Ashford • ' ·
oor m• an & Co. d or8
B r a p e r s , Bank street
Alfred Joint St.ock Bread & Flour Co-. Limited (Jam~S" Boorman Barham Pratt, proprietO'I' & publisher of the" !ten~
Henley, manager), 42 North street £ounty Examiner,'' 44 High street -
.Mlan1.Alex. Arthnr, officer (}f inland mvenne, Sussex avenue· Boorlnan Edwttrd G. fruiterer, 'It Ca.sUe" ~treet
Amies William, dealer in ale & porter, 65'Tcwring1J6h road Boorman Elizabetf}. (Mrs.), ~hopkeeper, 95 New 8treet'
Andrews LaurB Mary (Mrs.), preparatory scaoo1, 7New rents Boughton Jo~eph, dairyman, so New street•
Andrews William Hy. butcher, Torrington rd. Sth.' Ashford Bowles Waltel' Ed win, 'Plumber & p!tmte-r, Tufton gf,reet
.Ashford Ballot &. Sale lluilding Society (Julius King-sford, Bozon George Edward, temperance hotel, High street
solicitor & sec.), Bank Street hall . · 1 Brett Henri, refreshment rooms, Railway station
Ashford •Cattle Market Co. •Limited (Frederick Hughes-- Briee James, carpenter, 22 Park road '
Hallett,sec.; Thos. Heming Morgan R.N. mangr. ), I xBank st Brissenden Horace,grocer,53Low. Denmark rd. SouthAshford
Ashford Club (The) (John Creery; hG!l. sec.), North street Britcher- John, boot maker, 47 Ttmington rd. South Ashfor.d
Ashford Oonser.vativeCiub(FI'edk.W.Amos,hon.800.),East hl Broad John, tallow chandler, ·wfiotesale &' retail candid
Ashford Co..ooperativeStGrBS" (Al'thur John Sexton, manager)'-,. · mannf~turer, 24 Park street. See advertisement
47 & 49 Hempsted street ! I , . ' • ' Bromhani William, blacksmith, Bt. John's laoo
Ashford Corn Exohang& Oo. Limited (lames F!'lMler, see) l Brothers John, >chemist & druggist, 107 High gtree't .
Ashf()rd Cottage Hospital ('I'b.omas N ottidge ,& Robt. Elli<:Jtff, Brown William Richard, Man of Kent P.H. Middle row
hon. sec~. ~ Miss Reynolcll!, lady lltrpt. ), Ikewer etroot J ·BUGLER .JOHN UDAL, i:ron foundet', wholesale ironmon-
Ashford & District (1:5:tst) Stat-Bowkett Building Society ger, smithJ bar iron merchant, agent for agricultu:r&} im-
(J. Lee, sec.), Whftfeld ban, Bank street · · • · plements. nail 'merchant, bellhangel', stove & rai!gl!
Ashford Fat Cattl& Show (Edtnund Ballard, sec.)~ office, manufacturer' & tinplate worker, also manufacturer of
41 Bank street. • . r . ' Rusthall improved desks, 35 & 37 High street ; irnplemen~
Ashford Gas &Coke Co. Limited (Frederick Hughes-Hallett, departments, 30 High street & Cattle market ·
Bullin William Edwin, sec. Ashford Perm~nent Benetl~
sec.; John Morton, manager); office, u Bank street·
Ashford Grammar School (Benjami'n Snell M. A. head master),. ' Bui~ding Society, 4li Hardinge road
Hythe road ·' • · . Bunyard Thomas, Rose nursery 1 •
Ashford Hot &ColdWater Baths( John Tolhurst, proprietor},· Burden John: Edward, collector of rates to Ashford )ocal
Marsh street • · . ( · ·board, lA, Park road •
Ashford Libe:ral Club {Thomas Bitton, sec.), 30 High street BURROWS &. BALLARD P.s.t. laud' agents, surveyors,
Ashford Local Board Water Works (F. Hughes-Hallett, auctioneers, valuers & eivil engineers, 4l Bank street
clerk); offices, North street·; pumping station (Alfred Busbridge Alfred Wm. newspaper reporter, 32 Hardinge rd
Bailey, engineer), Henwood Bushell Stephen James, dairyman, SI Hardinge road
Aehford Penny Savings Bank (Wm. Forth, sec.), 25 High st Buss George, linen draper & outfitter, x & 3 High street
Ashford Permanent Benefit Building Society (William Ed win Cantrelll''ra.nk Trew, manager to the Water & Steam Flour
Bullin,, sec.), 46 Hardinge road • • Mills Co: Limited, East hill ·
Ashford Savings Bank•(J. S. Burra, treasurer; Wm. Forth, Carey Mary (Mrs.) & Elizh. Ann (Miss), fruiterers,g :!Jankst
actuary), 25 High stree~ ' Carey Thomas, Freedom of Opinion P.H. Barrow hill
AsWord Saw Mills Co. Bank street ' Cemetery (l''dk. Hughes-Hallett,clerk ~ Geo.Cullen,curator)
Ashford Swimming Bath Co. Limited (Harry P. Cletnetson, Uhallis Arthur, mineral water manufacturer, Brewer street
sec.), 25 High street ·' J Chambers Susan (Mrs.), dress maker, 93 Kent avenue
A11sembly or Public Rooms(Fk. Hughes-Hallett, sec.), High st Champion Martin, boot maker, Forge lane
Atkinson Charles Stephen Abbott, surgeon, medical otfice'l' Champion Richard, town crier, 5 Hardinge road
. & public vaccinator for Not. 4 district, East Ashford union, Chapman Thormts & Sons, brewers by special appointment
& medical officer to workhouse & certifying factory sur- to H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh, Lion brewery, Dover
geon to Ashford district, g<) & 92 High street place; !tores, at l''our Throws, Hawkhurst ; Earl street,
Austen Henry< Edward, wine & spirit merchant, 73 High Hastings ; High street, Tenterden; Lenham, Maidstone~
street & 27 Stone street, Maidstone & 43 The Bayle, Folkestone
Back Georgina tMrs.), baker, 29 New rents Chapman Edward, market gardener, Canterbury road
Bacon George Reed. assessar & collector of taxes, 19 Park rd Chapman Sophia (Miss), fishlll1lnger, 37 New street
Bailey George, coal merchant, 34 Bank street Charlton William, watch maker, 47 High street
Bailey George, shopkeeper, 4 Hythe road Checksfield Agnes (Mrs.), milliner, &c. 11 Middle row
Baker Wm. builder & contractor, Park rd. ; works, 29 Park st Checksfield Albert, auctioneer & general business valuer,
Baker Williatn, circulating hbrary, 9 Castle street 'upholsterer & general furniture dealer ; secondhand furn·
Bake:r Wm. gro.& ale,7o Providence st.South Ashford iture bought to any value, 97 High street
.Baldock James, dairyman, 17 Hardinge road Checksfield George, bakel', 30 East hill
Ball William. basket maker, 15 New street Checksfield George, South Eastern tavern, 59 Torrington
Ballard Edmnnd F.B.I. land agent &c. see Burrows & Ballard road, South Ashford
Bank Street Restaurant (W. Sharpe & Son, proprietors): Checksfield Naomi (Mrs.), carrier, 20 New street
every home comfort fol' eommercial gentlemen, visitors Chignall Horace Charles, watch maker, 8 East hill
& cyclists, 23 Bank street · Chittenden Ann(Miss), registry office for servants,34Queen st
Barker Elizabeth (Mrs.), registry office, 28 Queen street Chittenden Charles, greengrocer, 13 Middle row
Barling John, shopkeeper, Beaver road Chittenden John, auctioneer, 5 Park road
Bames George, beer retailer, Bridge street, South Ashford ' Chittenden Lydia (Miss), china. & glass dealer, 84 High st
Bamett John, builder, Wall estate Chittendeu Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, r8 North street
Barns Samuel West (M-rs.), phot<>grapher, 100 High street Christopher Smart, boot maker, 19 Lower Denmark road,
Barrow Hill Brick COmpany, brick makers (John Reeve, South Ashford
proprietor), Chart road · Claringbold Henry, Hare & Hounds P.H. Potters corner
Bates Agnes (Miss), dress maker, i8 New street ' Clark Frederick, engineer & millwright, Elwick iron works
Batt Edward, beer retailer, 109 New street Clayson William, refreshment rooms, 40 & 42 New street
Bayley & Son, cabinet ma-kers &c. 66 High street Clemetson Charles & Son, linen drapers, 108 & 110 High st
Beacon Stephen Wilmhurst, tailor, 7 Somerset road Cobb George, Swan hotel, & wholesale wine, spirit, ale &
Bear Thomas Pilcher, hair dresser, 6 Middle row stout merchant, 17 Tufton street. See advertisement
Beken Francis (Mrs.), saddler, 67 High street Cobb George, livery stable & funeral carriage proprietor,
Berry James, carpenter, 73 Hempsted street ' Swan livery stables. See advertisement
Bindo11 Robert William, photographer, 35 New street Cobb Henry, seedsman, 71 High street
Bishopp Henry, boot maker, 85 High street Cole Benjamin Thomas, baker, 33 Apsley street
.ASBI<'ORD. 31
Coke William Harriott L.R.C.P.tond. surgeon, & medical Gore Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 29 Marsh street
officer & public vaccinator No. r district, West Ashford Gore James, hair dresser, 6o High street
union & medical officer fJf health to local board, 17 High st Goulden & Wind, booksellers, stationers, printers, engravers
Coleman Edward, tobacconist, n3 High street & pianoforte dealers, 35 Bank street
Collyer William, baker, New town Graham William George, Royal Oak family & commerciat
Colville Ernest Geo.F.R.c.s.Eng. surgeon, see Wilks &Colville hotel, special accommodation for fishing & shooting gentle-
Cooper Venn, butcher, 8 ~ew rents men, High street '
Coppins Stephen, shopkeeper', 71 New street Green Hy. Harris, corn & seed merchant, see Eastes & Greeu
Corke Edwin, muffin baker, Dering road Gregory & Prentis, wool staplers (Richard Strouts, agent)
Corn Exchange (James Fraser, sec.), Elwick road stores, New street
Coulthard Andrew, shoe maker, 65 New street Gregory Mercy (Mrs.), fishmonger, 17 Marsh street
Coulthard Thomas, linen draper & silk mercer, 54 High GROUT .JOSE PH, agent for the British EquitableLife,Queen
street; & tailor, 4 North street Fire & Life, Equitable Fire, Ocean, Railway & Generat
County Court (His Honor Wil!iam Lucius Selfe, judge; Accident & the Allan Steam Ship Co. & principal lines &.
John Oreery, registrar; Thomas Bowling, high bailiff): rent & debt collector, I5 Marsh street
office, r r Bank street Hall Robt. Wm. Locomotive P.H. Beaver rd. South Ashford
Creery John (firm, Hallett, Creery, Welldon & Creery), Hallett, Creery, Welldon & Creery, solicitors & stewards to
solicitor, clerk to the justices Ashford division, registrar the lords of the manor of Ashford, It Bank street
of Ashford county court, clerk to the Wye school board & Hallett Frederick Hughes (firm, Hallett, Creery, Welldon &
hon. sec. to the Ashford club, "II Hank street Creery), solicitor, clerk to the Wellesborough burial hoard
Creery Leslie (firm, Hallett, Crcery, Welldon & Crcery), & school board, sec. to Ashford Cattle Market Co. Limited
solicitor, 11 Bank street & to Asllfurd public rooms, clerk to the Ashfurd burial
Crispe Emma (Mrs.), boot maker, 52 High street board & to the Ashford local board, sec. to A.shford Gas ~
Crust William, butcher, 4 Middle row Coke Co. Limited & East Kent solicitor to the Kent Fire &.
Culmer John, greengrocer, 3 New street Life office, Maidstone, I I Bank street '
Culver Mary, Kate& Lucy (Misses), ladies'schl.sSomerset rd Hamblin Reuben, gun maker, 39 New street ·
Daniels John, farmer, 70 Chat terrace Hamilton Horace, clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Com-
Daniels William, lllanufactnrer of the improved adjustable mittee East Ashford Union, to rural sanitary authority &
crutch & ambulance materials, 1 I N orwuod st. See advt to school attendance committee Mersham school board &.
Davis James Woodgate, George family & commercial hotel & to the Orlestone United District school board, to the Gover-
head quarters C. T.C. 68 High street nors of Ashford Grammar school & to the trustees of the
Davis Josepb, timber & slate merchant, see Peters & Davis Ashford parochial charities & d~puty supt. registrar, I r
Day John, carpenter, rr Park road~ Bank street ·
Denby Eliza (Mrs.), tobacconist, 103 New street Hamman Hy. Houghton, Duke of Marlborough P.H. East hl
Denness Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Beaver rd. South Ashforcl Hammerton & Crispe, grocers, 78 High street
Denness William Gibbard, grocer, Beaver rd. South Ashford Harman William Faulkner, baker & confectioner, 29 High st
Deverson Thomas J. watch maker, 23 Edinburgh road Harper George, upholsterer & furniture dlr. 8 & ro Castle st
Dodd William, Queen's Head P.H. 17 East hill; & coal & Harris A. E. butcher, 27 New rents
coke merchant, Railway Station yard Harris Alfred Henry, taxadermist, 87 New street
Dorman & Co. tanners & curriers, 'rhe Whist ; & brick Harrison Richard, butcher, New town, South .Ashford
makers, at Beaver Harrisson Charles, farmer, East Stour
Down Agnes (Miss), milliner, 23 Hempsted terrace Hart & Tatnell, corn, cake & agricultural seed merchants &.
Drvland Edward, builder, ~Iiddle street .sole agents for Ashford & distriet for Odams' chemical
Dryland Edwin Arnold, boot maker, IS Park street manures, North street
Dnnnett Coleman, manager of London & County Hank, 20 Hart, Stephen, farmer & grazier, 2I High street
High street Harvey & Son, grocers & provision merchants, High street;,
Durey Ellen (Miss), fancy depository, 25 Marsh street 28 Beaver place & 54 & 56 Torrington road
Durham John, Denmark Arms P.H. 12 Lower Denmark Hatch & Waterman, auctioneers, 2 Elwick road
road, South Ashford Hatcher George, chimney sweep, 4 West street
Eagles Wm. toy dealer, 56 Lower Denmark rd.South A.shford Hayward Brothers, watch makers, 32 High street
Eastes & Green, corn & seed merchants & agricultural seed Hayward Charles, hair dresser, 2 Bank street
growers; stores, Dover place & Railway Station yard Hazlewood Fred, tailor & hair dresser, 23 Marsh street
Edbrooke George, outfitter, 3I High street
Head Brothers, tailors & hatters, so & 74 High street
Edwards Fras. grocer, 31 Bank st. & butcher, Torrington rd Head Charles, bill poster, 59 Hempsted street
Eeles George, tailor, I W olseley road Headley Herbert D1msdale & Burgess, printers & stationers,
Elgar William Henry, station master, South Eastern railway 44 High stree.t
Elliott Thomas, agent, 49 Hardinge road Headley Henry, grocer, 46 High street, New street, Tarring-
Elwick Club (H. J. Bracher, hon. sec.), Bank street ton road & New town
Epps Francis, Old Prince of Wales P.H. New street Headley Herbert D. deputy supt. registrar, 44 High street
Evans David White, ironmonger, Io New rents HEARNDEN GEORGE EASTON, wholesale & furnishing
Everest Frederick, house decorator, 7 Brewer street ironmonger, 28 Bank street
Ferneley Harriet (Mrs.), basket maker, 5 Castle street Heitefusz Frederick E. berlin wool warehouse, 23 High st
Ferneley William Honess, cabinet maker, 7 Castle street Henbest James, grocer, 2 Upper Denmark rd. South Ashford
Fife Jonathan, baker, 65 Marsh street Heyman Frederick, tobacconist, 36 Bank street
Finn Wallace, grocer, 95 High street Hill Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Hythe road
Flint Abrhm. coal merchant (Frank Davis, agent), I7 Bank st Hill William, Beaver inn, Beaver, South Ashford
Forth Wm. clerk to A.shford Savings Bank, 29 Somerset rd Hinton Albert, currier & leather seUer, St. John's lane
Forth William Pilcher, chemist & druggist, proprietor of Hobbs W. & B. auctioneers &c. Bank street
farmers' horse & cattle medicines, 3 Bank street Hoile Robt. ErnestM.R.c.v.s. veterinary surgeon, 8 Queen st
Foster Albt. Hy. Kent Arms commercial hotel, Railway statu Hole Elizabetli & Mary (Misses), fishmongers, 4 Bank street
Foster Henry, watch maker, 28 North street Holmes Edmond G. A. H. M. inspector of schools, Highworth
Fox Frederick William, gas & electric engineer, 39 Bank st Holt William, surgeon, 5 East hill
!<'ox Henrietta (Mrs.), dress & mantle maker, 39 Bank street Holtum Daniel, coffee rooms, 5I & 53 High street
Fraser James, solicitor, clerk to commissioners of taxes & Hopper Leonard, post office, New town
Ashford school board, 87 High street HORNER & COMPANY, clothiers, 4 Castle street
Freeman, Hardy & Willis Lim. boot & shoe mas. 21 Bank st Horton Henry & Son, boot makers, g6 & g8 High street
French Joshua L. china & glass warehouse, 2IA, New rents Howland Brothers, builders, 5 Edinburgh road
Friend James, greengrocer, 35 New rents Howland Jane (Miss), milliner, 77 High street
Fright James, greengrocer, 5 Regents place Howland John, grocer & confectioner, 2A, & 121 14 & x5
Fraud William, tinplate worker, 6r High street Bank street; 105 High street & Norwood street
Fuller Joseph S. professor of music & music seller, 6 Bank st Howland Thomas, upholsterer, 39 High street
Gardner & Ca. ale stores, Park street Hughes Charles, oilman, Hythe road
Gardner J ames, coal dealer, 36 Torrington rd. South Ashford Hughes Job E. builder, Beaver road, South Ashford
Gibbs Rt. Sidney, gen. draper & silk mercer, 70 & 72 High st Bughes John Richard, baker, Kent avenue
Gibbs Stephen, butcher, 44 Up. Denmark rd. South Ashford Hull George, brazier, 59 New street
Giles, Burden & Giles, stone masons, 79 & 8r New street Hunter George Harrisson, clothier & outfitter, 64 High st
Giles William, carpenter, Tufton road Igglesden, Friend & Igglesden, printers, proprs. & publishers
Giles Winiam, china & glass dealer, 30 Bank street of the '' KentiBh Express & Ashford News," 94 High street
Goddard 'Frank, shopkeeper, 14 Hempsted street Ingall Joseph M.P.S. chemist & druggist, & agent to Man-
Godden Hy. & Son, coal, coke &; wood mers. 39 Hempsted st chester Fire Office, 42 High street. See advertisement
Godinton Brick Yard (James Mercer, manager) Inland Revenue Office (Fras. l"'ops, supervisor ; & Alexander
Goodwin Henry, chimney sweeper, I6 New rents Arthur .Allam, officer), Middle row
.32ASHFOR!}.- KENT. • •(KELLy's
International Tea Co. (branch of), (Harry Burnard Hancock, MorseCharlotte(Mrs. ),confctnr.Torrington rd.SouthAshford
manager), 103 High street · Mowll & Mowll,solicitors, 17 Bank st.; & at Dover&Canterbry
Jackson William James, woollen draper, 27 Edinburgh road Mowll Edward Worsfold, solicitor & official receiver in Bank.
]ames Hannah Mary (Miss), draper, 37 New rents ruptcy, see Mowll & Mowll
James Richard, Eight Bells r.H. New rents; & mineral Mummery William, seedsmau, x8 East hill
water m~nnfacturer, 18 New street Munn John Henry, postmaster, Bank street
Jarvis Daniel, fishmonger, 38 High street Munro David, Alfred Arms P.H. New town, South Ashford
Je:ffery Henry James, architect & surveyor, 26 North street Newman Alfred, grocer, ll Regent's place
Je:ffrey William Rickman, watch maker, 37 Bank street Newton Ann (Mrs.), plumber & glazier, x8 Marsh street
Johncock Job, stationer &c. 7 Hempsted terrace Noad John Thomas, oil & lamp warehouse1 22 & 24 New 1t
Johnso"n Henry Jesse, tobaceonist, 2 Middle row Nops Francis, supervisor of inland revenue, Middle row
Jone~~ John, tailol', si Hardinge road Norley Philip, bookseller & stationer, 95A, High street
Jones Mark; dairyman, Beaver Norwood Charles, solicitor, commissioner for oaths & super•
.Jones Wm. Edmund, grocer, Torrington rd. South Ashford intendent registrar of West Ashford union, 27 High street
Joy Stephen Harrison, tobacconist, 3 New rents Norwood Edwd.solici~or & commissioner for oaths, 27Highst
Kedward William, butcher, 29 New street Norwood John Dobree, solicitor, commissioner for oaths &
Kennett Thomas, Wellesley inn, Somerset road perpetual commissio_ner for taking acknowledgments of
Kent County Examiner (Barham Pratt Boorman, proprietor deeds by married women, x6 High street
& publisher; pu"blished friday),-44 High street Oakley William George, New inn, New street
Kent, Sussex & General Land Society Limited, 26 Bank st Packham Alfred, pork butcher, 65 High street
Kentish Express & Ashford News (Igglesden, Friend & Paine & Stone, provision dealers, 58 High street
Igglesden, proprietors ; published sat.), 94 High street Painter Alfred, greengrocer, 41 Hempsted street
Kettle William, grocer, 73 New street Palmer Francis Joseph, general dealer, 21 Marsh street
Kew William, watcu maker, 12 Middle row Palmer William Culter, cutler, umbrella maker & gun·
King Eerbert, butcher, 99 High street smith, 47 High street
King William, greengrocer, n High street Parker Edward Turner,. butcher, 13 New street
Kingsford Julius, solicitor, Hall, Bank Street hall Parkinson Benjamin, umbrella maker, ~ Forge lane
Kingsnorth Frank, coal, coke & corn merchant, L. C. &. D. Paterson Thomas Brenchley, bird stnffer, 5 New street
Pattenden Rebecca (Mrs~), beer retailer, 26 East street
Railway station; & at Pluo'kley
Kite Alfred, shoe maker, 30 Queen street Pearson Robert, tailor, ux High street
Knock Henry, builder, 4 Barrow Hill place Pellatt Rowland, British Volunteer P.H. 56 New street
KNOWLES GEORGE, auctioneer, valuer & house furnisher, Peters & Davis, timber & slate merchants, Station yard
xo6 High street & Elwick auction rooms Phillips John, tobacco pipe maker, 91 New street
Lander George, grocer, 97 & 99 New street Philpott Johu Russell, insurance agent, 4 New street
Lauder (Miss), ladies' seminary, 31 Hardinge road Pilcher Charles, pork butcher, 45 High street
Lee Frederick & Son, furniture dealers, 4 & 6 High street Filcher John Freder~ck Augustine, boot maker, x Marsh st
Lee George, horse dealer, x Apsley street 1 Filcher William, leather seller 86, & toy dealer 88, High st
Lee Herbert, deputy registrar of births & deaths, Ashford Piper Horace, boot maker, 19 New street
sub-district, West Ashford Union, 47 Hardinge road Pledge Henry & Son, Victoria flour mills; & at Kennington
Leeson William Richard, gun & rifle maker by appointment Pledge Daniel, farmer & stock salesman, 3 Queen street
to H. R. H. the Duke of Edinburgh, manufacturer of im- Pledge Thomas, stock salesman, 3 Church road '
proved hammerless guns, with patent .screw grip action, Pledge William, farmer, Barrow bill
& ejector rook & rabbit rifles, 38 Bank street Pomfret, Burra & Co. bankers, Bx High street; draw on
Legge Alfred, organist of St. Mary's, 55 Raglan pl. Marsh st Smith, Payne & Smiths, London ,
Lewis & Hyland, linen & woollendrprs. 15, 17 & 19 New rents Poole Howard Washin~on, hair dresser, 3 Castle street
Lewis, Hyland & Co. outfitter~ & tailors, 93 High street
Pope John Wm. Cooper, veterinary surgeon, 4 Hempsted ter
Link John Alfred, Wellington mn, Hempsted street Potter Henry, shopkpr. 24 Lower Denmark rd. South Ashford
Linom Misses (The), fancy drapers, 83 High street Price Brothers, watch & clock makers, 101 High street
London & County Banking Co. Limited (branch of) (Cole- Price Charles & Co. tobacconists, 33A, Bank street
man Dannett, manager), 20 High street; draw on hea,d Prime Downing Oldring, grocer, 30 East hill
office, 2r Lombard street, London E c Rabson Peter, linen draper &c. 55 High street
Long Thomas Blair, pawnbroker, 15 Bank street Ramsden James, watch maker, 13 Church yard
Longhnrst Florence (Miss), dress maker, 47 New street RANDALL WILLIAM 1 bicycle & tricycle maker & maker of
Longley Henry, butcher, 68 'forrington road, South the Elwick safeties, 19 Marsh street
Ashford Raysbrook David, cowkeeper, Bybrook cottage
Longley James, coal dealer, 53 Whitfield rd. South Ashford Read Charles Henry, grocer. :o~I New rents
Longley William, plumber &c. 2 New street Read John, pork butcher, I:oJ Forge lane
Lord John, boot maker, 40 Hempsted street Rechenberg Ellen (Mrs), hair dresser, 6x Hempsted street
Luckhurst John, greengrocer, 17 _New street Reece William, draper, Beaver road, South Ashford
Lyle & Marshall, mineral water manufacturers, 48 New REEVE JOHN, auctioneer, appraiser, house agent, cabinet
street. See advertisement maker & general furnishing warehouse; depot for all
McDaid John, Castle inn, Castle street kinds of sewing machines, pianofortes & harmoniums &
Mackeson & Co. ale stores, Dover place agent to the Caledonian Fire & Life Insurance Co. ; office,
McMicking Gilbert, travelling draper, 59 Raglan pl. Marsh st 24 High street
Maldram William,·marine store dealer, 67 New street Reeves John, tailor, 25 Hempsted street,
Manktelow Joseph, saddler, Tufton street · Reeves Samuel, coa~ merchant, Sturge's road
Marchant Shindler Thomas, fancy repository, 26 High street Reeves William, hair dresser, 7 New street
Marsh Francis, secdsman, 36 High street Relf Robert Hart, coach makAr & Smith, Tufton street
Marsh Robert, horse slaughterer, sx New street Richardson James & Sons, cabinet makers, 14 North street
Marshal! Bros. coach builders, 38 New street & Middle row Richardson Louisa Beatrice (Mrs.), bakr.& cnfctnr. 57High st
Marshall Edward, Park inn, Wolseley road Richardson Waltr.Marshall, brewer, see Walter&Richardson
Marshal! John Wackford, mineral water manufacturer, see Rifle Volunteers (II, Company, .ISt Battalion, East Kent
Lyle & Marshall Regiment; Capt. Welldon, commandant; Jarnes Mar·
Martin George, boot~ shoe maker, 20 Bank street shall, drill sergeant), Norwood street
Masters William, house decorator &c. 48 High street Rigden Mark, lamp & oil dealer, 63 Hempsted street
Mather George Moore, iron & brass founder, St. John's lane. Rofe Fredk. EmanueJ.. Elephant & Castle P.H. Hempsted ter
Matthews Henry Paget, Ghemist, 4Q Lower Denmark road, Rogers Annie & Emily (Misses),preparatory ~chool, 2gBank st
South Ashford , Roots William James, watch maker, ,I I New rents
Maxted John, farmer, Ripton farm Rossiter Charlotte (Mrs.), dairy~ Beaver rd. South Ashford
Maylam Lydia (Mrs.), coffee house, 5 Hempsted terrace Rossiter Thomas, Victoria P.H. Railway station
Mercer James, beer retailer, 26 Hempsted street Russell Frederick, painter, 43 New street
Miles Archibald, registrar of marriages, West Ashford union, Rutter John Andrew, newspaper reporter, 2 Lower Denmark
x8 Hempsted street road, South Ashford .
Miller William, bookseller & stationer & deputy registrar of Sankey Sarah (Mr.s. ), family grocer, 19 High street
marriages, West Ashford union,, & sub-distributor of Sargent Daniel Wycliffe, Saracen's Head family & commer-
stamps, Bo High street cial hotel & posting house, 56 High street
Mills Albert, Marlborough Shades P.H. Brewer street Savage Charles Wesley, furniture dealer, 9 ;New rents
Mills James, shopkeeper, 20 Somerset road Savory William Harmsworth, surgeon, 2 New rents
Moore Chas.Wm. coachsmith,14Torrington rd. South Ashfrd Sharp Thomas, beer retailer, Park street ,
Morgan Thomas Heming, inspector of weights & measures; Sharpe W. & Son, see Bank Street restaurant
office, Police station Shaxby Brothers, wine & spirit merchants & mineral water
'\Iorris l\:Iary Eli=abeth (Miss), ladies' school, x8 High street manufrs. x6 New street; & at Jewry lane, Canterbury
Shepherd, Neame & Co. brewers; stores, under Corn ex- Tutt John, laundry, I & 3 Hardinge road ·
change Tutt Samuel John, confectioner, r27 New street J - ~.
Sherwood Elizabeth (Miss), milliner, 41 High street Underwood Isauella (Mrs.), haberdasher, 44 Lower Denmark •
Sillibourne Stepheh, farmer, 'Vatercress farm road, South Ashrord _-
Singer Manufacturing Co. 5 Bank street Uridge William, dairyman, 62 Lower Demnark road
Skelton George, ironmonger, 8 High street Uttin Robert, hair drasser, 55 Beaver road, South Ashfm·d
Skinner John, blacksmith, 7 North street Vaughan Jane (Mrs.), tobacconist, 13 CasL!e street
Skinner John D. coach builder, 33 & 35 Marsh st.& Raglan pl Vaughan Mary Ann (Miss), tailoress, 14 New street
Slimman Marion (Miss), stay maker, 7 Bank street Venn George, shopkeeper, 23 New rents •
Slingsby John, nurseryman, Mtllbank nursery Vincer Henry, grocer, Beaver road, Sou,th Ash ford
Smith & Tilley, photographers, 32 Bank street Volunteer !<'ire Brigade (Frank S. Hart, captain); stat_iun1
SMITH ERNEST &. STANLEY, hosiers, tailors, hatters, 24 New street ·
outfitters & shirt makers, 34 High street Wallis Thom3.s Fleet, baker, t New rents
Smith IIenry, teacher of music, 82 !•'airfield terrace Waiter & Richardson, brewers, Brewer street
Smith William, smith, IO Providence street, South Ashford Warner Alfred, butcher, IO<) High street ·
Snell Benjamin M:.A. head master of Ashford Grammar Water & Steam Flour Mills Co. (The) Limited (Frank Trew
school, Hythe road Cantrell, manager), East hiH •
Soane Waiter, fancy draper, 40 High street Watkins William Henry, leather seller, 6 New sllreet
South Eastern Railway Mechanics' Institute (Henry Black- Watson John & Son, wool mers. East hill; & at l<'aversham
burn, sec.), New town Watson Charles, plumber, Beaver road, South Ashford .
Spain George Alfred, grocer, & agent for ,V, & A. Gilbey, Watson Stephen, harness maker, I New street
wine & spirit merchants, 62 High street Watts I<'rederick George, Invicta P.H. 78 Hempsted street
Spain John, blacksmith, Brewer street Watts Hamuel, school attendance officer, School house, Bea-
Sprin,.,o-ate Richard, greengrocer, 3 Hempsteu terrace ver road, South Ashford
Stace John, carpenter, 13 Forge lane Weightman Charlotte (Miss), dress maker, 71 Hempsted st
Stamp Office (William l\'liller, sub-distributor), 8o High st Welldon James Turner (firm, Hallett, Creery, Welldon &
Stanford Ann (Mrs.), blacksmith, 3 Hempsted street Creery), solicitor, I I Bank street
Steddy & Co. builders & monumental masons, Marsh st Wenham George, fmiterer, 3 Middle row
Steddy Edward, builder, 22 Somerset road Wenham William, superintendent of police, Tufton street
Stedman Frank William, chemist & druggist, 76 High st West Ann (Mrs.), dairy, go New street
Stevens Richard, The Greyhound P.H. 74 New street West Sergeant Charles William, drill instructor East Kent
Stickells John, grocer, 33 New-rents Mounted Rtfles, 46 Kingsley terrace
Stickells William Piety, stationer, 31 New street White Charles Thomas, chemist & druggist, I02 High street
Stone William, dealer in ale & !Jorter, 46 Lower Denmark Whitfeld Hall, Bank street •
road, South Ashford Whiting Waiter, boot maker, 59 High street
Stone William, linen draper, 8 & 10 Bank street Wilding William Edgar, tailor, 8 Hempsted terrace
Stately Ernest, grocer, 33 .New street Wildsmith Alfred, tailor, 28 High street
Sutton & Co. carriers (Francis Marsh1 agent), 36 High st Wiles Frederick, Somerset Arms P.H. Somerset road
Sutton Edward, butcher, 2 Providence st. South Ashford Wilkinson John Cooper, surgeon, see Thurston & Wilkinson
Swaffer & Wood, cattle salesmen; office at the Elwick iron Wilks & Colville, surgeons, 22 North street
works, Cattle market Wilks William, wine & spirit merchant & manufacturer of
Swaffer Waiter Edwd. tailor, clothier & outfitter, 79 High st aerated waters ; offices, 27 Bank street ; bonded stores,
Sylvester Thomas, dentist, 2 Canterbury villas, N_orth st East hill; & at Sittingbourne
Tamsett William, Red Lion P.H. North street Willard Robert, baker, 20 New rents
Tanton E. & Co. house, land & estate agents, business trans- I Williamson Marcus, furniture dealer, Beaver rd. Sth.Ashford
fer agents & valuers, 26 Bank street Williamson Samuel Pennell, birmingham &c. warehouse, I3
Tappenden James Dodd, assrstant bailiff of county eourt, & I5 High street
47 Hempsted terrace Willsher ~tephen Henry, cattle food manufacturer; office,
Tatnell William Henry, corn merchant, see Hart & Ta.tnell , Cattle market; stores, Corn exchange; attends persanally
Taylor Arthur, beer retailer, rrr New street on tuesday from n till 3; agent for Ratlway Passengers"
Taylor George, tailor, 82 New street Assurance Co
Taylor George Galloway, registrar of births & deaths for Wilson & Co. boot makers, 69 High street
Ashford sub-district & relieving & vaccination officer No. Willson John, surveyor & sanitary inspector to the local
2 district, West Ashford union & collector to the guar- board, 2 Claremunt villas, Beaver road, South Ashford
dians, 22 Park street Wind Charles, bookseller, see Goulden & Wind
Taylor William, corn dealer, 75 High street 1 Winder Thomas, baker, 20 North street
Taylor William, gasfitter, 43 Marsh street Wiseman Henry, linen draper & silk mercer, 104 High st
Teliord Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 63 New street Wood Eli, grocer, 82 Barrow bill
Thompson Wm. James, printer & stationer, I Middle row Wood James, builder, I Norwood street
Thorne Brothers, music sellers, 6 Castle street Wood William, butcher, 20 Marsh street
Thorpe Richard Foord, auctioneer & valuer, Middle row; & Woodhams William M. station master L. C. & D. railway
at Smeeth Woolley Philip James, dyer, 8 East hill
Thurston & Wilkinson, surgeons, 8 Elwick road "\Vorger & Son, corn dealers, 16 New street
Thurston Edward Whitfield L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon & medi- Wotton Charles Atkey, butcher, 7 & 9 High street
[!lll officer & public vaccinator No. 2 district, East Ashford Wraight John & Sun, fruit & potato dealers &c. 82 High st
nnion, 8 Elwick road Wright John, bicycle maker, 24 Hythe road
Thurston George, tailor, 13 Hempsted terrace Yuuens Jane (Mrs.), British Flag P.H. 2I Forge lane
Tomkin John George, horse dealer, 5 Queen street Young Men's Christian Association & Heading Rooms
Tournay John & Son, builders, Wolseley road (Wallace Finn, hon. sec.), Bank street
Trewella Martock, linen draper & silk mercer, 33 High st 1 Young Men's Friendly Society Institute (George Meacher,
Tufton Street Marine Stores (William Rabson, manager), sec.), 52 Hempsted street
Tufton street 1 Young Charles Thomas, tobacconist, I Marsh street
Turner Henry (Mrs.), dress maker, 62 New street j Young William, greengrocer, SI Hempsted street
Tntt James, nurseryman, 33 Hardinge road
ASHURST is a village and parish situated near the river the rerelos contains the emblem> of the Evangelists and
Medway, on the Sussex border, 32 miles from London, 5 there are three stained windows: the church was restored
west from Tunbridge Wells, with a station on the London, in 1862 and contains roo sittings. The register of baptisms
Brighton and South Coast railway, in the South Western and burials dates from the year 1692, marriages from 1693.
division of the county, lathe of Aylesford, Washlingstone The living is a rectory, average yearly value from tithe
hundred, Tonbridge union, Tnnbridge Wells county court rent-charge £155, net income £us, with residence and 40
district and petty sessional division, South Mailing rural acres of glebe, ill. the gift of Lord Sackville, and held
deanery, Maidstone archdeaconry and Canterbury diocese. since r86I by the Rev. Henry Western Onslow Polhill H.A..
The church [name unknown] is a small edifice of stone of Univer<~ity College, Oxford. Ashurst Park is the seat of ·
in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, and con- Geor5e Hanbury Field esq. J.P. ; the m'lnsion is a stone
sists of chancel and nave (undivided), south porch, dated edifice, situated in a park, with a pleasant south-west aspect
1621 and a wooden turret with short spire, containing 3 and commanding extensive views. Stone Ness is the resi· ,
Tmbells: the ancient stone font consists of a square bowl on a denc3 of Arthur Charles Ramsden esq. J. P.
cylindrical stem, surrounded by four s'1afts at the angles: Jlan-Iowners are Lady Carolina Stirling, who is lady of the
at the north-ea't corner of the ch~mcel is an arc'! in the wall: m:~ nor, George Hanbury Field esq. J.P. and Arthur Charles
K. S. & S. 3
Ramsden esq. The soil is loam and clay; subsoil, various. LETTER Box cleared at 7-45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. The
The chief crops are hops, barley and wheat. The area is nearest money order office is at Langton. The nearest
884 acres; rateable value, £1,885; the population in 1881 telegraph ollice it-~ at Ashurst station
was 222. National School (mixed), built in r8sg, for 40 children;
average attendance, 30; Miss Emily Box, mistress
Sexton, Walter Marchant. Railway Station, Henry Langley, station master
Letters through Tunbridge ·wells arrive at 7.30 a.m. 'WALL
Cowel Mrs. Church villa Ashby Ernest, farmer, Claytons farm Hollamby Henry, farmer, Manor farm
Field George Hanbury J.P. & Lady Burtenshaw John, Baldfaced Stag P.H
Caffyn Thomas, farmer & miller Killick Henry, carrier ·
Georgiana, Ashurst park Hollamby Charles, farmer, Park farm
P o l h i l l R e v . H y ..Westrn.Ons!w,:ll..A.Recty Miles Wm. grocer & earthenware dealer
Ramsde nArthur Chas. J.P. Stone Ness
Semark Thomas, farmer, Stone cross
A YLESFORD is a parish, pleasantly situated in a ' was buried here ; of the original buildings many interesting
valley on the north bank of the navi<Yable Med way, at the I portions still arnedmai~ino: ccthuepipedropbeyrCtyapnot.wAblferleodngHs etnorythCeaE~arrl
of Aylesford
fwoaoyt ,of32t~hemcihleaslkfsrcoamrpLownidthonstabtyiorno o; the North Kent rail- i
ad, 3 north-west from
. R.A. "The Friars " was -visited by Samuel Pepys in 166g.
Maidstone and 6 south-w~st from. H.ochester, givi?J[? ~ame i The parish was formerly an ancient royal demesn~ an_d_ is
to the lathe of Aylesford, m the M1d or Medway diVISIOn of mentioned as such in "Domesday Book," and the farmhes
the county, Malling union, Maidstone cm.mty cour~ ~istrict, of De Grey, Wyatt, Colpepper, Sedley and Cosenton. sub-
Aylesford hundred, Mallmg pcrtty sessiOnal dtvlsiOn and sequently res~ded here, or held considerable property m the
rural deanery of Cobharn, Roches~er archdeac<_mry and • place. Ancient Roman and other relics collected on this
diocese; it was formerly a town and IS of very ancient date, I spot have been deposited in the Maidstone Museum. It
deriving its name from Eigil, the hero archer, and from the was here that the battle, fought about 455 between the
ford which existe:l here across the Medway, superseded I Britons and Saxons, in which both Catigern and Horsa were
by an old stone bridge of six arches, the one across mid killed, struck the keynote of the whole English conquest of
stream. being more lofty and wider than the others, the only Britain : it was here also that Edmund Ironside desis~ed
()ne acr?ss that river bet_ween Roch~ter and Maidstone. This from his pursuit of the Danes und~r Can~~e: upon Blue
place, smce 1714, has given the title of ea~l to a branch of 1 Bell Hill, near Kits Coty House, anc!Cnt military mtrench-
the Finch family. The church of St. Peter IS a structure of ments are still clearly traceable. Aylesford is a favourite
flint and stone, in th3 Decorated and Perpen~icular styles, place of resort for the geologist, who, amongst the numerous
with some portions of Norman work and consists of chancel stone quarries, chalk works and sand pits, can always
and nave, each with a north aisle, south-west porch and an I prosecute his particular study with profit; but in the
~mbattled western tower containing a clock and 8 bells: the possession of Druidical remains the parish is e-ven mon
nave is separated ~rom the aisle by five point~d a~ches, rest- remarkable: one of these, a cromlech, named KITs CoTY
ing on clustered p1ers, and the chancel from 1ts aisle by st_~wdoe 1 HousE, situated near the main road, between Rochester
arches springing from an octagonal pier ; on the south [ and Maidstone, is composed of four large stones, three of
()f the chancel arch is an embattled octagonal turret, ~h1ch I them placed in an upright position, one across at the back
-contained the stairs once leading to the rood loft: m the I between the other two, forming a rude shed and the fourth
church are some ancient and costly monurne~ts to the Col- lying flat upon the top of them, forll_ling a roof ; the two
peppers, Rycauts and M1lners a~d lJ: memonal to Sir J~hn I1 outside stones are each about 8 feet high, 8 feet broad _an_d
Banks bart: of Londo~, who d1ed m 1699, when the title 2 feet thick ; the back stone is not so broad, but of a Slml·
became extmct: there IS a brass to John _Cosyngton esq. ?b. l1 iar height; the top stone is about rr feet long, 8 feet broad
1426, and his wife Sarra, and a small palimpsest _brass With · and 2 feet thick ; the structure is capable of affording
inscription to John S.1ve~l, gent. servant to S1r :rhomas shelter to several persons and is thought to be a place of
Wyat, ob. 1545 : tl~e stamed east wmdow was. g1ven by sepulture, once supposed to be the burial place of Catigern.
Archdeacon Grant m r878 ; another chancel wmdow '!as At a short distance, and near to Aylesford, there was
put _in_l_>y the Dowager Countess of Aylesford and C?ntams originally a larger structure of a _similar kind, but its _s1<?nes
t~e ~mtlals of all the mem~>ers of ~he Aylesford family who haviug fallen down at some penod unknown now hd 1~ a
he m the vaults : the wmdows m the south wall of the confused heap and are partly overgrown by trees, formmg
chancel are in memory of Herbert . Wit_herby and Miss a ruin called "The Countless Stones." In a field adjoining
Frances Margare t Green, the el a t~ttel1r erb emmegmmo ns.earl twedm. bdyowMs rtso. the Tdoetsticnr<i.pY.., ttioonn farm ybiunigldidn<isY"p'Se r m a nv verv larO'c stones of a
Cheer~ in r_878 ; and th3re, ar l1ke are l se d , aoJs weloJl as at..., the botto_m
Georgmna Agnes (ll~got) first w1fe of Charles prese~t Earl of of the pond upon the same farm; and at. a fe~ yards ~IS·
Aylesford, d. 14 Apnl, 1874: the frescoes on each s1de of the tance lies a solitary flat stone of huge d1m2nswns, whiCh
~ast window are in memory of the Ven. Antho~y Grant from its shape is cailed "The Coffin : " this spot and indeed
n.c.L. archdeacon of Rochcster, 1846-82, and v1car here the whole district (see Addington) was evidently one ol
1862-77, d.r885: the tower was completely restored and 3 new some importance among the Druids. Preston Hall, formerly
bells added in r885 by H. A. Bra..ssey esq. M . .A., J.P. at a cost belon"in(J' to E. L. Betts esq. and now to Henry Arthur
()f upwards of £r,ooo: the c11urch was restore~ in r878 and Brass~y ~sq. )I.A., D.L., J.P. is of yery ancient ori,;in and
1n 1876 the churchyard wa.s enlarged by _land g1ven by Arc~- was formerly the seat of the Colpepper family, who were
deacon Grant and !I. A. Brassey esq. : m the churchyard IS proprietors of Preston Hall estate, wh:ch comprises the
a marble monument to the infant children of the latter: there I manors of Aylesford Eccles, Tottin"'ton and Cussin >ton:
are 550 sittings, 300 ~ming free. ~he regi.ster. dates from t he the present stone edifi'ce was erected b..y., Mr. Betts (who"' pur-
year 1653 and con~ams many entnes of marr1a~es performed chased the estate from the Milners), upon _a more elevated
at Cossmgton by George Duke esq. one of the JUStices of the site than that occupied by the old mansion, but not far
peace within the county between the years 1653 and 1657; distant from it: near the site of the latter there is still an
the parish accounts date from 16oB. The living is a vicar- ancient barn with the letters "T. C." and date. Mr. B~tts
age, yearly value from titl1C rent-charge £sso, net income established here large brick and pottery works, which
£6o7, with residence. i~ the gift of the Dean an_d 9hapter afford employment to many of the inhabitants, and he also
of Rocljester, and ~eld smce r878 by the Rev. Cynl .Fletcher greatly improved t.he village Ly th~ substitution of modern
Grant M. A. of Balhol College, _Oxford. and comfortable dwellings for the drcayed structures which
T~e Potte~y school-roo:n IS also used on Sundays for formerly disfigured it. There is a literary institution,
pnbhc worsh1p, and there IS a Wesleyan chapel. Here a:e which in r865 was renovated, at a cost of about £3,ooo, by
almshouses for a warden and six poor persons, endowed m the late E. L. Betts esq. at whose expense also th~ village
r6os b_y the will of John Sedley esq.. ~nd r~stored _by an was supplied with water, conveyed from a spring at Tot·
Order m Chancery m 1841, and an additwnalmmate IS now tington. H. A. Brassey esq. M •.A., n.L., J.P. has erected
supp_o:·ted fro~ _the funds 0~ s~dley't>, Selvage's and Faunce's I hydrants at different parts of the village and also pro\·ided
ch~~onhes ; eacu mmate r2ce1ves 7s. weekly and the warden I several lengths of hose.
gs,.' the aggregate incorn~ of the charity b:!ing about£ 194 1
. a . d'1str~.ct b 1 • h.
ye:uly. Avlesford compris 3s the several manors of Ayles- popu1ous a out nort west_.
EccLES IS 12 m11es
the ch_urch o~ St. Mar~ will scat. 350 ~ersons : there iS
ford,. Eccles, Tottington an:l Cossington.
A,~tacped to The Hermitage farmhouse was formerly a a _Pubhc H.ea~mg Room, m connectwn With the Aylesford
chapel. Cossington, now a f.lrmhouse, was anciently a place Liter~ry Institute. Henry A. Brasscy esq. M.A., D.L., J.P.
wpr~~onc11_ps ~llor ethe~aEn~srhl o~fr~Asyelveesfroalrdexaternes1~vhee
()f muc hofnCootseean~nodn.gavAe both resident-e and surname to the I d of the manor and
building called "The :friars," which land owners. I n th
stands here upon the bank of the Medway, was the first brick, hme an_d cement works. The soil_ IS chalk, clay and
gravel; subsml, clay and stone. Tbe chief crops ar~ "heat,
foandation in Englaml of C.1rmelite Friars, who were beans, ~mrley! hops, oats an~ potatoes. The ~rea IS 4,377
brou<Yht over by Richard de Grey, of Codnor, in 1240, on acres, l£ncludm~ 4:1 acre~ ~~ M~re"~~rth- pariSh; rateable
hi:~ r~turn fro m the Holy Land and establis:Ied iu this priory, value, 17, 256 • t e pop~ ~twn _m 1 _1 was 2•71 4·
founded by him, but afterward dissolved by Henry VIII. .
Richarl Lord Grey; of Codnor, whose remains were brought Part of HER~E Pou.s-n 1s m th1s pansh,_ though locally m
from Normandy, ilS well as other members of that family, Mereworth parish, 5 miles south-west, 1nth an area of 441
acres, whicB. belong to the Dean and Chapter oi Rochester esq. combined with local subscriptions; & enlat"ged in r
and Viscount Falmouth. 1887 by Mr. Brassey, for 320 boys & 180 girls; a.vera66
Parish Clerk, J. l\'Ionson Shaw; Sexton, Wm.narris. attendant;e, 160 boys & no fi:ls.; Thomas Ramsayti
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & lrumrance Office.--.:... master; Miss Daisy Goodman, miRtress
Robert Upton Gibbs, postmaster. Letters arrive .from Infants' (PNston hall), built in 1853, .by E, L. Betts esq.
Maidstone ; deliveries commence at 7 a.m. & 1.30 p.m. ; for 250 children;- average attendance, go i• Miss Ada.
dispatched at ro.45 a.m. & 7.15 p. m. ; sunday, 12.25 p.m Durban, mistress
PQST & M, 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & InsuranceOffice,Eccles. Pottery, erected about 1876, for 100 childr.en ; average
-Jesse .Hawke~. sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from attendance, so; & supported by H. A. Brassey esq. ; :Miss
Maidstone; deliveries commence at 7.30 a. m. & 5.30 p. m.; Emma, Cole, mistress 'l
dispatched at 8.40 a. m. & 6.40 p.m. ; sunday, no post ; Eccles (infant), built about 1877, for 20C> children~ average
telegraph .office at Aylesford attendance, ISO ; Miss M. Dobson, mistress
•• CARRIERS TO MAIDSTO~E.-Parker from Burbam, passes
:fhe detached part of the parish at Herne Pound i.s included through daily, to & from; Green from llurham, passes-
in the Mereworth United School Board district through daily, to & from ,
l.National, erected in 1872, by the aid of Henry A. ~rassey Railway Station, John Akehurst, station master .
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. ButlerChas.Geo.WalnutTreeP.H.Eccles' Muirhead Islay Burns M.A., M.D., C. 'M
Baker Rev. Henry Grant B. A. [curate] Butler J oseJ.lh, ~ed Bull P.R. Eccles. ~ olas._ surgeon, medical ~fficar ~ publie
I vaccmator for tbe Malhng umon, 2nd
Boyd Rev.Herbt.Buchanan B.A.[curate] Caryer Benpmm, butcher
Brassey Henry Arthnr M.A., n.:r.., .:f.P. Cole James, farme~, Little Cossington ~istric~.' :r'he Lod.;e
Preston hall; Bath house, 82 Picca~ Cook John, ba~er
. • Ohver \\1lham Henry, grocer... Cork st.
Co~som Taylor, teacher of musiC ~I Eccl~ cottages, E~cles
dCiallmy bwrid; "Bercoloukb'ss,snwood&leC'si,tvOxLfiobr~dra&l I Danes Thomas,brewer, Anchor brewery , Pam Rober,, beer retailer, .,
club Lo;;'don E c • Dockrill William, baker, Eccles 1 New Brickfields
Bucha~an Rev. E: A. [Weoleyan],Mount Durban Thomas Morris, plumber I
Pleasant Epps Harry Ellis, George P.H Perrin JPe~stsaer, ~fIaoromree,r f a r m e r
I Perrin
Flint M"rsh, coal & corn mer~ I Perrin Wm. grocer & btiteher, Eccles
Butler Edmund, Burham works Sa~dford ?enry Thom:ts &· Edward
Carter Capt. Alfred Hy. R.A.The Friars chant, M1ll hall .
French John, foreman of works to H. A. George, hme b~rn~rs _
Cole Mrs. Forstal house
Day Thomas, The Hermitage _ , _Brassey esq Seymour R. A. Ham1lton, land agent to
Grant Rev. Cyril Fletcher M.A. [vicar] G1~bs Ro?ert Upton, grocer & draper, H. A. Hrassey esq. D.L., J.P. Preston
MuirheadislayBurns M.A.,~r.B.TheLdge , ~ ost office , Hall fa.~~
SeymourR.A.Hamilton PrestonHall fm 1 GrJCe John, grocer & butcher Sharp \hlham, huntsman to H. A.
Shaw John Monson R~we place
Groombridge William, baker Erassey esq. Preston Hall kennels
Hawkes Jesse, butcher; & clothier, Smith Ann ~~tilda,(Miss), dress tnaker
Tylden Mrs. Brookfleld house
Wagon Silas Riverside I.outfittr.&btcbr.&sub-postmstr.Eccles Stanger W1lham Turner, LoWel' Bell
' Hawkes William, farmer, Eccles P.H. Rochester road
COMMERCIAL. Hogwobd Stphn.J. George P.H.Mill hall Thomas William, gardener to Capt. A.
Akehnrst John, station master Hook Holland, farm bailiff to H. A. H. Carter R.A
Austin Edward, shoe maker Brassey csq Verrell Samuel, sand merchant
Aylesford Pottery Co. (Joseph Hamblet, Hoppe John, farmer Wagon Silas, barge owner, sand, flint,
manager~ London office (Thomas Iggulden Thomas, boot maker gravel & manure merchant, assistant
Stanfie.ld), 150 York road, Lambeth I Jones Joseph, grocer, Pratling street overseer for Aylesford, Burhaiil &:
,jl E. See advertisement Joy & Sons, saddlers Ditton & tax colleetor for Aylesfard,
Aylesford Sand Works (Silas Wagon, Joy .Alfred, maker of bee hives&apiarian' Jlurham & Wouldbam, Riverside
proprietor) appliances, The Apiary Walker Joseph, blacksmith
Baker George, shopkeeper, Eccles 1 Jupp Frances (Miss), Bush P.R Waterman Alfred, head gardener to H.
Bensted W. II. & Son, stone merchants 1 Knott William Henry, hair dresser A.Brassey esq.TheGardns.Prestn.halt
Brooks George William, Ch11quers P.H May Stephen, jun. carman West Kent Gault Brick & Portland
Brown Jane (Mrs_ ), farmer, Cowl11aze MP.asrlay Maurice, bead gamekeeper to Cement Co. Lim. ~ offices at Burham
Brown Thomas, farmer, Little Culand H. A, Brassey esq White Isaac, grocer & draper
Bunyard Henry, beer retailer Morris George, news agent Woolley Henry1 organist '
Hurham Brick, Lime & Cement Co. Lim Mount John, cab pro:prietor, Mill hall
BADLESMERE (usually corrupted int.o BASMERE) is a r yearly valtt~. from tithe rent-charge £4oo, with I3 acres of
parish adjoining the Faversham and Ashford road, 3~ miles glebe and residence, in the gift of Earl Sondes, and held
from !Selling station on the London, Chatham .and Dover since -1884 by the Rev. George Bryant M.A~ of Emmanuel
railway, 4 from Chilham station on the Ashford and Rams- College, Cambridge, and surrugate; Sir 'L'bomas Randolph
gate branch of the South Eastern railway, 5 south from kt. an eminent statesman and diplomatist in the :reign of
Faversbam1 10 south-west from Canterbury and 52 from Queen Elii!labeth, was born in this parish in 152:3; he was
London, in the North Eastern division of the county, upper sent as ambassado~ to Scotland, Frauce and Russia, JBndJ
division of the lathe of Scray, Faversham hundred, petty died 8 June, 1590- Near the church stood ,the ancient
sessional division, union and. county court district, and in mansion of the Badlcsmcres. E11rl Sondes;o.L.,- J.P. is lord
the rural deanery of Ospringe and archdeaconry and diocese 1 of the man or and chief lapdown~1r. The soil is a light loaill
of Canterbury. This place gave the title of baron by writ I1 with some clay; subsoil, ·clay aml chalk. The chief eropi
of summons to a family of the same name from 3 }:dw. I. are wheat~ badey, oats, peas, bean!l' and hops. The area iB
(1274-5) until the death of the 2nd lord in 1338, ~hen it. 782 acres i rateable yalu~ ,£"95-t i the population in iL88I
passed to the de Vere family, and fell into abeyance on the was 157,
demise of John de Vere, fourteenth Earl of Oxford, 5 April, Sexton, Daniel Godfrey.
1626. The church of St. Leonard is a small ~difice of flint Letters through .FavershaqJ. arrive Qt g. go; Faversham i3
stone, in the Early English and Decorated styles, consisting the nearest money order & telegraph otliee J
of chancel, nave, north porch and a small western. tower PrLLA.R Box,. near the l{ec~oryl cleared, 5.40 p.m. i on SU!lto
containing one bell: in the chancel are some remains of days at lll-40 p.m I
elaborately carved medireval stalls with inscriptions and a. CA.RRIE~ :fO AsHfORD & FA'~~R~~rof"Josaph Rogers1 e\"ery
representation of the Archiepiscopal hall: there are 150 thurs. &. sat . 'J •
sittings. The register dates from the year ~558, The I The chil~ren of this place attend the National seb.oJ\ 111i-
living is a rectory, with that of Leayeland aqne4ed 1 joint Sheldw!Ch
Bryant Rev. George M. A. Rect0ry Godfrey Thomas, farmer MerryfieldWaltei', farmer, Wood's coutt
George .Albert, farmer ~ hop grower1 .Merton Robert, farmer & hop p-rower, 'famsett George, blacksmith
. Stringmans Badlesmere court ·
:BAPCHILD is a parish and ancient village, .situated on insertions, and consists of chancel with porth ai~l64 nave
Watling Street, 1 mile east from Sittingbourne and uea~ the north aisle, south porch. and a tower with shingled spire onl
41st milestone from London, in the North Eastern division
of the county, Milton hundred and union, upper division of th~ south, co.r;ti;aining on~ bell ) the nave is divided from the
the lathe of Scray, :Faversbam petty sessional division.,
aisle by four low Semicircular a.rches on massive octagonal
Sittingbourne county conrt district and in the rural deanery
of S1ttingbourne, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of columns with square Norma11 capitals: and tbe ehaneel
Canterbury. The church of St. Lawrence is a small build-
ing of flint, of Norman and Early English work, with latJr from its aisle by two Early English arches ; this aisle is said!
to have belonged to the Sinclairs, and four of the windows aTe
s~ained, that at the ea..<>t end being $. memorial t()" William
w,i.nciow1 1ha. gia
a•and Mary Ann Lake:inI884 a of
-~- s. & s~
F. Grayling esq. was placed at the west end of the aisle; and in the year 790 another council of the kingdom of Kent
there are two Early English niches forming the .canopy of a was held here by King Alric. Bapchild Court is the resi-
piscina and on the north wall is an arcading in the same dence of William Whitehead Gascoyne esq. J.P. who is lord
style ornamented with the five-leaved flower : the chancel of the manor, and with S. Dean esq. the principal landowner.
was repaired in 1872, and in r883 the basement of the tower The soil is heavy; subsoil, clay and chalk. The chief crops
was fitted up as a general vestry : there are 150 sittings : are hops and fruit. The area is 1,085 acres; rateable value,
the churchyard has been extended by land, the gift of W. £3,920: the population in r88r was 412.
W. Gascoyne esq. The register dates from the year r 562. .MoRRIS CouRT adjoins Bapchild; HEMPSTEAD is a
The living is a vicarage, tithes commuted at £267, with 22 quarter of amile north-east; RADFJELD, I mile east on
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Dean and Watling Street.
Chapter of Chichester, and held since 1881 by the Rev. Parish Clerk, John Moss.
James Horan, of the University of London; recvorial tithes, PosT & T. 0.-Walter Morley, receiver. Letters b:li foot
£434· There are about 22 acres in the parish of Teynham post from Sittingbourne arrive at 6.30 a. m. & 1.25 p.m.
annexed to the vicarage, besides 130 acres of hops. ·william Box closes at II.55 a. m. & 7 p.m. ; sundays, 12.30 p.m.
Houssin, in 1783, bequeathed £2oo, the interest amounting The nearest money order office is at Sittingbournc
to £ro 12s. 6d. to be applied to the education of poor chil- National School (for Bapchild & Tong) (mixed), built Jn
dren of the parishes of Bapchild, Tong and Murston. At r852, for 149 children ; average attendance, 95; Thomas
Bapchild, Wihtred, King of Kent (694-725), held a great A. Thompson, master; Mrs. Edith J ohnson, mistress;
council of the nobility and clergy of the kingdom of Kent, Edward Henry, attendance officer
Chapman .Arthur D. B. Wood Street ho Wood Walter Daniel, Radfield Storr Elizabeth (Mrs.), butcher ·
Horan Rev. James [vicar] Baker George, baker TerryJas.Aifd.wheelwright&blacksmith
Mason Rev. George Holdich M. A. [rector Loader Wilham, farm bailiff to William Thomas Lewis, fruit grower, Chalton ho
Triee Richard, Fox & Goose P.H
of Elmley], Little Radfield Whitehead Gascoyne esq. J".P WoodWalterDanl.farmer,Radfield farm
Gascoyne William Whitehead J.P. Bap- Morley ·walter, grocer, Post office
Rye Andrew, maltster, Bapchild plot
child court
BARFRESTON is a parish and village, 8 miles north- 1 square-headed and in the centre of the tympanum is repre-
west from Dover, 7 south-east from Canterbury, 76! from sented Our Saviour enthroned on a cloud, around which is
London and about 1~ north from the Sl1cpherdswell station foliated and scroll work, with medallions, inclosing heads of
of the London, Chatbam and Dover railway, in the Eastern saints and bishops; the circular arches and windows on the
division of the county, Eastry hundred and union, lathe of outside are adorned with a profusion of wreaths, heads,
St. Augustine, Wingham petty sessional division, Sandwich figures and other devices in carved stone: the church was
county court district, and in the rural deanery of Sandwich repaired and the ancient sculpture restored in 1840 by sub-
and archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The church scription : there are about 50 sittings, all being free. The
of St. Mary, an edifice of stone, is a curious but very fine register dates from the year 1572. The living is a rectory,
specimen of Norman architecture and arrangement and has, gross yearly value from tithe rent-charge £2oo, with resi-
perhaps, been more frequently figured and referred to than deuce and 8 acres of glebe, in the gift of St. John's College,
any other church of this style: it is exceedingly small, con- Oxford, and held since r854 by the Rev. Edward Thomas
sisting only of chancel and nave, separated by a circular Austen M.A. late fellow of that college. The principal land-
arch, ornamented with chevron work, and having on either owners are the governors of Bethlehem Hospital, who are
side a similar arch of smaller size: the chancel has two cir- lords of the manor, and Lieut .-Col. Charles John Plurnptre
cular-headed windows on the north side and a similar arcade J. P. of Fredville, Dover. The soil is chalky ; subsoil, chalk.
ranging with them: on the north side is a like arcade with Tile chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips; the area is
two pointed windows: the east end has a richly-carved soo acres; rateable value, £6o3 ; the population in 1~1
wheel window in the gable and below it three small round- was II7.
headed windows: on each side of the chancel is a small Sexton, Robert Friend.
square recess or aumbry; the nave has two round-headed Letters through Dover arrive at 7.20 a. m. & 6. r5 p.m; col·
windows on either side and in line with these, on the ex- lection from WALL L~o;TTER Box, 7 p.m. The nearest
terior is a range of arch recesses ; the north doorway is small money order & telegraph office is at Shepherdswell
but has some chevron and other ornaments: that on the CARRIER TO DovER.-George Appleton, tues. & fri. return-
south side is very rich and beautiful and has mouldings ing same evening
filled with elaborate sculpture ; the entrance door itself is The children of this place attend the school at Nonington
Austen Rev. Edward Thos.M.A. Rectory 1 Holladay George William, beer retailer Pegden Waiter, wood dealer
Minter Thomas, Church Hill house Spanton Jn.(Mrs.),farmer,Barfreston et Young Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Mitchell John
BARHAM is a parish, delightfully situated on the Dover pington, opened upwards of 300 barrows and greatly enriched
road, with a station on the South Eastern Railway Com- his valuable collection of Anglo-Saxon and Roman antiqui-
pany's Elham Valley branch from Folkestone (via Shorn- ties by the numerous coins they contained: this collection
cliffe) to Canterbury, 5~ miles south-east from Canterbury, is now at Liverpool. The Roman military way, or Watling
9 north-west from Dover, 4 south-south-west from Adisham Street, from Canterbury to Dover, passes along the lower
station on the London, Chatham and Dover railway, in the side of the downs. Matthew Bell esq. is lord of the manor.
Eastern division of the county, .Kinghamford hundred, lathe The principal landowners are Sir Henry M. Oxenden bart.
of St. Augustjne, Wingham petty sessional division, Bridge and G. E. Dering esq. Broome Park, a mile and a quarter
union, Canterbury county court district, East Bridge rural long and containing about soo acres, is the property of Sir
deanery and Canterbury archdeaconry and diocese. The Henry M. Oxenden bart. but is occupied by Percy Dixwell
church of St. John the Baptist is an ancient building of Nowell Dixwell-Oxenden esq. J.P. The soil is gravel, loam
flint and rubble, chiefly in the Decorated style, with portions and chalk; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, oats,
of Early English and Perpendicular work, consisting of barley and peas. The area is 4,699 acres; rateable value,
chancel, nave, south aisle, and a western tower with a copper £5,816; the population in r88x was 1,012.
sheathed spire, containing 4 bells and a clock: the north DEHRINGSTONE is a hamlet, half a mile south, with a
transept belongs to the Dering family and the south transept Weslcyan chapel; BROOME, r! miles south-east. One half
to that of Oxenden ; the nave is divided from the aisle by of the village of WooTTON, 2~ miles south-east, and one half
three pointed arches on light octagonal piers, the chancel of the village of DENTON, 2 miles south, are in the parish of
retains a piscina : the church was restored by public sub- Barham.
scription in 1886, at a cost of£2,ooo, the interior being re- Sexton, Walter Rose.
seated, new roofs fixed, a north porch erected and the aisle PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. H. & Annuity & Insurance Office.
embattled as originally ; there are stained windows in the William Sprinks, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from
Dering transept, and in the chancel, and the church affords Canterbury by mail cart at 6.15 a.m. & 2.30 p.m. ; dis-
about 450 sittings. The register dates from the year 1558. patched at 9·35 a.m. & 7.20 p.m. There are two de-
The living was declared a rectory March I, 1867, gross liveries daily, viz: at 7 a.m. &(2 30 p.m. Sundays, de-
yearly value £750, with residence, in the gift of the Arch- livery at 7 a. m. ; dispatched at 1.20 p.m
bishop of Canterbury, and held since 1886 by the Rev. WALL LErrER Box at Derringstone, cleared at 7·5 p.m. ; on
Arthur Patteson Wharton B.A.. of Downing College, Cam- sundays at 11.45 a.m
bridge. The living was formerly attached to Bishopsbourne National School (boys, girls & infants), opened in r857 &
but was separated by an Order in Council in 1846. Barham will hold about 210 children; aYerage attendance, 57
Downs have many remains of Anglo-Saxon works, entrench- boys & 97 girls & infants ; John Carter, master; Miss
ments and barrows. On Breach Down, I mile south-west, Charlotte Elizabeth Carter, mistress
are a number of tumuli or barrows, in which many skele- RAILWAY STATION.-Frederick Bowlcs, station master
tons have been found; one of these had round its neck a OMNIHliSES TO CA:'IiTERBURY.-Spicer's from Elham, sat.
string of beads of various forms and sizes and close by it lay 10 a.m
a sword, dagger and spear, The late Mr. Fausset, of Hep- Willis's from Derringstone, daily, at 9 a. m
CummingRev. SI. Frank B.A. [curate] Colyer L. Napoleon, farmer, South 1Quested Alfd. blacksmith, Derringstone
Dixwell-Oxenden Percy Dixwell Nowell Barham farm Quested John Egerton, coal merchant,
J.P. Broome park Driver Henry Waiter, carrier Barham station
Graham Miss Ellen Stephen, cowkeeper, Derringstone Quested Thomas E. farmer & brick
Harrisori Miss, The Lawn Fagg William, farmer, Derringstone maker, Digges place
Long Mrs. Out ElmstBad house Foord Emily (Miss), seminary, Der- Reader Agnes (Mrs.), laundress
Long Chas. Fredk. M. D. The Shrubbery ringstone Rose Thos. beer retailer, Out Elmstead
Osborne Mrs Foster Emily (Mrs.), cowkeeper, Der- Sims Geo. Sportsman P.H. Derringstone
Parker Mrs. The Lawn ringstone Sprinks Williarn, grocer, Post office
Quested Mrs. Derringstone Gibson John, coal dealer, Derringstone Stevens Mary Anu (Mrs.), Duke of
Wharton Rev. Arthur Patteson B.A. Hills Chas. baker & grocer, Derringstone Cumberland P.H
Rectory Hobday William,shoe ma. Derringstone Syson William, farm bailiff to Joseph
Yorke Mrs.TheRed house,Derringstone Hobday Wiliiam Henry, shopkeeper Thomas Goble, Ropersole farm
COMMERCIAL. Knight Gcorge, builuer & contractor, Wales James, farmer, Derringstone·
Alien Thus. tailor & assistant overseer Rose cottage Waiter Richard,miller (wind) & farmer,
Arter Augustus Clifford, engineer, Hilly Long Charles Frederick M. D. physician, Out Elmstead farm
Field works Tne Shrubbery White Edward, carpenter, Derringstone
Ar.ter Edward, Halfway House P.H. Moody John A. sawyer White Francis .Alexander, brewery
Canterbury rd.; &farmer,Sheldn frm Mount sfoseph, grocer, Derringstone stores, Derringstone
Bourne Geo. boot maker, Derringstone Page Mark, boot maker, Derringstone White John Browning, miller (wind)
Boughton Edwd. farmer, Upper Diggs pl Page Thomas, butcher White Southey, farmer, Breach farm
Broadley Thomas, farmer, Breach farm Page William, carpenter, Church street Wilson John C. chemist & druggist
Colyer Emily (Miss), lodging house, Perry William & Co. grocers & drapers Wise Jesse, Woodman's Arms P.H.
Boughton villa Pysden James, baker Derringstone
EAST BARMING is a village and parish, situated on of Wadham College, Oxford. The heath was inclosed in
the west bank of the navigable Medway and on the road r865: adjoining it, in the parish of St. Michael and All
from Maidstone to Tonbridge, with a station 2 miles north Ang-els, Mmdstone, is the County Lunatic Asylum, for
of the village on the London, Chatham and Dover railway, which a cemetery, with a chapel, occupying a portion of
2~ miles south-west-by-west from Maidstone, three-quarters the incloserl heath, was consecrated in 1871. Gale's charity,
of a mile from East Farleigh station on the Maidstone branch of £6 yearly, derived from £2oo left in 1777 by John Gale,
of the South Eastern railway ancl 38 miles from London, in of Harming, and now invested in Reduced Annuities, has
the Mid division of the county, lathe of Aylesford, Maidstone been distributed every year at Christmas to the industrious
hundred, union and county court district, Bearsted petty poor of the parish, £5 being given in bread and £r in linen.
sessional division, North Mailing rural deanery, Maidstone Here is a reservoir, the property of the Maidstone Water
archdeaconry and Canterbury diocese. There are here two Works Company, with a storage capacity of soo,ooo gallons.
bridges over the Medway, one of three arches communicat- Barming House is the seat of Charles Whitehead esq. D.L.,
ing with East Farleigh and a wooden bridge, built on piles, J.P., F.S.A., F.R.G.s., F.G.s. .Herbert Ellis esq. who is lord
leading to West Farleigh. The church of St. Margare1, of the manor, Rev. T. W. Carr M.A. Roger Leigh esq.
situated in a lovely and picturesque spot and surrounded by trustees of the late C. G. Whittaker esq. and C. Whitehead
elm trees and hop 1-,Yllrdens, is a building of stone in the esq. are the chief landowners. 'fhe soil is a rich loam;
Norman and later styles, consisting of chancel, nave of four subsoil, chalk and ragstone. Hops and fruit are extensively
bays, north aisle, vestry, south porch and an embattled grown here. The area is 753 acres; rateable value, £3,671 ;
western tower with an elegant shingled spire containing 5 the population in r88r was 684.
bells: the chancel is plain and is very early and is lighted Parish Clerk, Horace Coppard.
by three small Norman windows : some other windows are PosT 0FFICE.-Elias Burgess, receiver. Letters are received
Decorated: the tower 1s Perpendicular: the north aisle and from Maidstone at 6.15 a.m. & 1.30; dispatched at
vestry are modern: a new roof was put on the chancel in 1.20 p.m. & 7.25 p.m.; sundays, 11.45 a.m. The nearest
1871 and some very curious oak stalls, apparently of the 13th money order office is at Maidstone ; telegraph office at East
century, were then replaceu in it: there are 200 sittings. The Farleigh station
register dates from the year 1541. The living is a rectory, National School, built in 1856, for 120 children; average
yearly value from tithe rent-charge£490, net£350, includ- attenuance, 94 ; Ambrose Hoberts, master; Mrs. Roberts,
ing glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, sewing mistress ; Miss Elizabeth Jaques, assist. mistress
and held since 1865 by the Rev. Thomas William Carr M.A. Banning Railway Station, William Henry Rose, master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Reader Thomas, farm bailiff to Hcrbert
Alison Rev. Henry Sylvester B.A.[chap-
Leney esq. Hall Place farm
lain to county asylum], Heath
Carr Rev. Thomas Wm. M.A. Rectory Boakes John, Bull P.H Roberts Henry Saml. assistant overseer
Ellis Jesse, Scraces
Golding Mrs. Court lodge Bunyard George & Co. (of Maidstone), & collector of income taxes, Pralls wd
Hobbs William, Heath house nurserymen & florists, next L. C. & Sampson Friend "William, farmer
Whitehead Charles D.L., J.P., F.S.A.,
Dover station Small .Bcnjamin, grocer
F.R.G.s., F. L. s., F.G.s. (agricultural
adviser to the board of agriculture), Burgess Elias, blacksmith, Post office Smart Alfred, farm bailiff to Herbert
Barming house; & Reform club,
London s w Cooper Elizabeth (Miss), beer retailer, Ellis esq. Soltth street
Whittaker Mrs. Barming place
& shopkeeper Stallard Sidney, sanitary inspector,
Coppard Stephen, farmer South street
Coppard Stephen, jun. beer ret. Heath Startup Barnabas, market gardener
Day Septimus, farmer & hop grower Stevens Edward, l:;>eer retailer
Henham Alfred, Victory P.H. Station la Weeks David, farmer, Bell farm
WEST BARMING is a small parish adjoining East there is also some land in the parish belonging to R. Leigh
Barming and is in the :.VIid division of the county, lathe of esq. The soil is a rich loam; subsoil, rock. The chief crops
Aylesford and Maidstone hundred, union and county court are hops, fruit, the usual cereals and roots. The area is 324
district and .Bearsted petty sessional division. There is no acres ; rateable value, /..,"677 ; it contains only 6 houses and
church: the tithe is an appendage to the neighbouring parish the population in r8B1 was 34-
of Nettlestead. Barnjet is the seat and property of Miss Letters through Maidstone. The n~arest money order office
Whitehead, the lady of the manor and chief landowner: is at Wateringbury & telegraph office at East Farleigh
Whitehead Miss, Barnjet I Whitehead Rev. Decimus Herbert M.A. [curate, East Barming], Barnjet
"BEARSTED is a village and parish, and head of a petty 1 respectively of St. Mark, St. Luke and St. Jolm: the tower
-sessional division (meetings held at Maidstone), situated on contains 6 bells: the nave is separated from the aisle by four
the road from Ashford to Maidstone, with a station on the pointed arches, on piers of difftJring design ; south of the
Maidstone and .Ashford branch of the London, Chatham chancel arch is a turret, formerly conducting to the rood
and Dover railway, 2~ miles east from Maidstone, 45 from loft: a new organ chamber, south of the chancel was erected
London, in the :Mid division of the county, Eyhorne hun- and opened in 1887: several of the windows are stained :
dred, lathe of Aylesford, Maidstone union and county court the church contains various monuments and has-been corn-
district, Sutton rural deanery, Maidstone archdeaconry pletely restored at different times since 1863 : there are 200
and Canterbury diocese. The church of the Holy Cross is a, all being free. The register dates from the year
building of stone, chiefly in the Early English style, anu 1651- The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £26o, with
consists of chancel, nave of four bays, north aisle, a cbantry residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Rochester,
belouging to the trustees of the late Major-General Lewis and held since 1884 by the Rev. John Scarth Th.ASsoc. K.C.L.
Edward Knight, Norman south porch and an embattled and hon. canon of Rochester. Milgate Park, one mile
western tower of Rectilinear date, with an octangular cm- south-east, the property of .Mrs. Knight, is now occupied by
battled turret at the south-east angle, and at the other Capt. Arthur William Fulcher J.P. The representatives of the
angles figures of a lion, an ox and an eagle, the emblems late Philip Wykeham Martin esq. the Earl of Romney and
gg Sexton, Charles Wilkinson. :
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance bffice.
the Eccleslasfic'.al Cl\mmiss1oner~ are the reprrterl lorda- of
-Thomas Potter, sub-postmaster. Letters receiveil by
tha manort. Tho Lushingtort family, Mrs. Knight, the Earl
of Romney an:l Mrs. Whatman are the principal landowners. mail cart from Maidstone; delivered at 7 & II.JO a.m.;
The soil1s, in part of the parish, a. sandy loam and in other dispatched at 7.25 p.m
parts a strong clay; subsoil, the same; about !5o acres ara
J,>lanted with hops. The area is 6ro acres; gross rateable National School (mixed), ;b. uJoilht ninD. a1y8,39m, aisotrer127 children·
averag e attendance, u8 ~
value, £2,838 ·; the population in r88r was 6.:n.
R:.tilway Station, James Vowles, station master
CRo~s KEYB is a quarter of a mile east; RosE AcRE STREET,
about a mile west. CARRIER TO MAIDSTO~E.-Edwin Hickmott, daily
l. •• OOM:\I:ERCIAL . Lockyer Fredk. fruit dealer, Rose acre
PRIVATE RESIDE"'TS. ' A'rard George Thomson, training home Luff John, beer retailer, Rose acre
Adams MattJ.Algern6nF.R.c.s.TheKulm for weak-minded boys, Hearsted ho Ovenden Henry, wheelwright
A'vard George 1fhomson, Bearsted ho Boscley James, shopkeeper· Ovenden William Austin, saddler
Colgate William, Eccentric cottage Brakefield George, farm bailiff to· Mr. Perrin John, household stores ; meat,
Connolly Mrs. Moat Hall villas James W. Larking provisions, tea, groceries, drapery,
Crispe Miss, Moat Hall villas Bridge Stephen, brick maker clothing, boots & shoes, china & glass,
Darby Edward, The Green Butterfield Thomas, tailor earthenware, iron & tin ware, lamp·
Davies John William, The Green Carr Allen, Kentisl} Yeoman F.H. Ash- oils, drugs &c
Dunk Robert, Moat Hall villas ford road Pine Robert, farm bailiff to Mr. W.
Fulcher Capt. Arth.Wm. ,'f.P.Milgatepk Cheeseman George, builder, carpenter Laurence, Ottridge
J ewell John, Rose acre & undertaker; & at Thurnham Potter Thos. boot & shoe ma. & post off'
Phillips Herbert Thomas, The <ireen Darby Edward, assistant overseer · Shaw Henry, grocer & draper
Scarth Rev. John T.A.K.C.L~-(& hon. Ellis James Robert,farmer, & poor rate Smith Wm. Royal Oak hotel, The Green
canon of Rochester]1 Vicarage collector for Hollingbourne union Stanford Charles, beer retailer
Simpson John, The Firs
Freed Henry, Rost P.H. Ashford road Stephens Jsph. White Horse htl. TheGrli
Talbot Major-Gen.Robt. R.A. The :Mount Fuller Ed ward, farm hailiff to Dowager Tomsett William, baker
Tapply Mrs. Charl9tte, Rose Acre cot Ladylloward deWalden,Fauchons fm Wakefield George, farmer & fruitl
Taskcr Henry, Snowfield Hickmott Edwin,carrier,fiy prpr.&frmr grower, Rose acre
Tarry J oseph, W oodbury cottage Knowles Henry J~;ph. plumber & glazier WilkinsonChas.Oscar,bldr.MoatHall vils
Wood Mrs. Moat Hall villa> Lamkin James,. bopt & shoe maker Wood John, blacksmith
BECKENHAM is a larg-e parish, suburb of London ancl the eastern gable of the nave is a turret containing a sanctu.s
railway station, l-oituated ~m the head of the Ravensbourne, bell: the church at present holds 450, but on completion
10 miles from London and 2 uorth-west from Bromlcy, in will have about r, xoo sittings. In the churchyard, beneath
the Western division of the county, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, a sarcophagus, lies buried Edward King F.R.S., P.soc.Antiq.
Bromley and Beckenham hundred, Bromley petty sessional author of" Munimenta Antiqus,"and some monographs on
division, union and county court. district, West Dartford the Antiquities of Oxford, d. April 16, 1807; the entrance
rural deanery, Maidstone archdeaconry, Canterbury diocese to the churchyard is by a picturesque lych gate, whence
and i8 within the ~urisdiction of the Metropolitan police. The I an avenue of clipped yews leads to the south porch : the
London, Chatham and Dover and the Mid-Kent railways former church had 6 bells. The register dates from the
· ,ha,·e joint use of Beckenham Junction station, and the year 1538, and under date of October 24, !740, has an entry
Mid-Kent has a station at New Beckenham. Kent House of the burial of Margaret Finch, queen of the gipsies, aged
station was opened here in 1884 by the London, Chatham 109. The living is a rectory, average yearly value from
and Dover railway. The parish is governed by a local t.ithe rent-charge £623, with residence, in the gift of
board of 15 members, formed in 1878, and is lighted with Albemarle Cator esq. and held since 1885 by the Rev.
gas by the Crystal Palace and Bromley Gas companies, and Henry Arnott, of the University of London and F.R.C.s'.
supplied with water by the Lambeth and Kent Water corn- St. James', erected in 1879 as a chapel of ease to the parish
panies. The church of St. George, situated on high ground -church, is a large building of red brick in the Gothic style,
at the eastern end of the village, and wholly rebuilt in 1886, collSisting of chancel and nave, and has sittings for 200
at a cost of about £x6,ooo, replaces a structure in the persons, all free; the Rev. George llroadley Howard n.A. of
Perpendicular style, dating in par.t from ~he time of St.John's College, ~ambridge~ ha~ been ct;'rate in charge since
Edward HI. : the new church, which occupies- the same 1 l887. St. Paul's IS an ecclesiastiCal parish, formed June :.!8,
general site, though on an enlarged scale, is an edifice 1 1872; the church, situated near the New Beckenham railway
of Kentish ragstone, in the Late Decorated style,. from i station, is a stone building in the Early English style, con-
. designs by Mr. lV. G. Bartlcet F.R.I.B.A. architect, of sisting of chancel, nave of five bays, aisles, south porch and a.
London, consisting of pentagonal apsidal chancel, with western tower with fine spire containing a striking clock and
organ chamber and vestries on the north, and on the 1 one bell: the flooring of the chancel has been laid in mosaic
south a chapel with semicircular apse, to be called "~he marble and all the windows are stained: there 1,x6o sittingff,
,Cator chapel," transepts, clerestoried nave, aisles, south 330 being free. The register dates from the year 1872. The
porch, narthex or west porch, baptistery and the lower living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £48, net
stage of the tower: the windows of the apse are filled with yearly value chiefly from pew rents £go8, in the gift of
stained glass presented by Mr. Jackson, Mr. Bil:knell, the Albemarle Cator esq. and held since 1875 by the Rev.
Misses Gosling, Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. C. Hoare: in the Charles Green. The population in 188r was 1,033. Holy
south transept are slained windows given by Mr. Vian and Trinity is an ecclesiastical parish, formed August 30, 1878;
Mr. C. Lea Wilson, and in the north transept is on~ inserted at the church, situated in Penge lane, and consecrated 1878,
the expense of Mrs. Carr: the new chancel has a credence is a building of Kentish rag with white stone dressings, in
and s~ilia on the south side, and a seat for the archbishop, the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave of four
and an aumbry on t!1e north: the communion table is en- bay~, aisles, south and west porches, and a western tower,
richl'!d with tracery and its coverings wem worked and added in 1883, and containing one bell : all the windows are
given by the ladies of Beckenham ; above it is a reredos of stained :· there are about 950 sittings, of which 6oo are free,
alabaster: the chancel fittings are uf carved oak: di1·iding 1 the remaining 350 being rented. The register dates from
the chanccl~~ond nave is a low wall of marble and alabaster,- the year 1:878. The living is a vk-arage ; the income iS
erected at the cost of Mrs. Lendon; the Cator chapel has a derived from pew rents and an annual endowment of £200
communion table anj reredos of carved oak, and an ancient from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, in the gift of trustees,
piscina removed from the old building; here also have been and held since r878 by the Rev. Samuel Whitfield Daukes
placed the fine old monuments of the Style family, including M. A. of Christ's College, Cambridge. The population 1n
an altar tomb and mural brass to Sir Humphrey Style, 1881 was 4,224. Christ Church is an ecclesiastical parish,
knighted at Dover in 1544: tlie former church contained formed August 27, r 878 ; the church is a building of white
monuments to the Raymonds, to the Hurrells, Barons Gwy- Suffolk brick, with Bath stone dressings and columns of shap
dyr, including .Alberie, 3rd baron, d. August 26, '1870; to granite, in the Goth:c style, and was erected partly at the
Catherine Isabella (Eden), wife of ~icholas (Vansittart), rst cost of and on a site gi1•en by C. Lea Wilson esq. J.P. of the
Baron Bexley, d. August ro, 1810; Mrs. Jane Clarke, d. 1757, Cedars, Beckenham; and consecrated on May 20, 1876: the
with epitaph by Gray; Ilarriet (Cholmoncleley), first wife of church consists uf chancel, nave of three bays, aisles, north
John George Lambton esq. afterwards Earl of Durham, d. porch and a western tower with spire containing onll bell:
July, rBxs ~ William (Eden), rst Baron Auckland, d. May 28, the organ was the gift of Mrs. C. Lea Wilson: there are 750
x8r4, and Eleanor (Elliott), his wife, d. 'I818; a remarkuble sittings, roo being free: adjoining is a large lecture hall,
brass to Margaret, wife of Sir William Damsell kt. d. 1563; seating 300 persons and used also as a Sunday school. The
'• and mural tablets to- Captain Hedley- Virars, 97th (Royal register dates from the year 1876. The living is a vicarage,
West Kent) Regiment, who fell at Sebastopol; and to Dr. gross yearly value from pew rents £Boo, in the gift uf
William Marsh, late vicar of Beddington! the exterior of th6 trustees, and held since 1883 by the Rev, John HaJdingM.A·
f chancel has an enriched stone parapet with pinnacles, and on of Brasenose College, Oxford. The population in r88x was
896. St. :M:ichael and All Angels is an iron church, opened ham Mission, inauguratecl abou~ tB79, at Chancery -ane, .
in 1877, on the Birkbeck estate and has 300 sitt.ings ; the Beckenham, has been removed· to a more commodious build- f~ -
Rev. Edward Rivaz Fagan B. A. of Oxford University, has ing in the Bromley road, erected for the combined <purposes·
been curate in charge since 1883. St. Barnabas is an eccle- of mission 'Work and ·as a coffee house: the chief founder of
siastical parish, formed in 1877: tha church is an iron this mission was Captain P. W. Stephens R.N. who died in
building; the foundation of a permanent church was laid 1882 while holding a commission on H ..M:.8. "Thetis,n on
Jnne n, 1878, but only the chancel, erected in r885, hns the South Pacific station: ths Stephens Hall, dedicated to
yet been built; in connection with the church, which has his memory, contains a memorial- brass to him artd ~o' Mr.
400 sittings, there is a parish room, situated in the Bromley Roddam Tate, an aged ani respected promoter IOf the
road and capable of seating 220 persons. The register dates mission: the Young Men's Christian Association bold 11iheir
from the year 1877. The living is a. perpetual cmacy, net services in this hall. The Arthur Road Mission, established
yearly value £rzo, in the gift of Keble College, Oxford, and about 1876, has now a permanent building; th~ work is of
held since r88I by the Rev. George Oc'avius Fletcher a purely Evangelical character. · Bcckenham Charitable
Griffith B.A. of Pembroke College, Cambridge. The Baptist Society was established in March, 1876, for the relief of the
Chapel, Elm road, erected in 1883-4 at a cost, including site , necessitous and deserving poor, and its affairs are managed
and fittings, of £4,500, is a structure of grey and red brick by 11. committee of ladies and gentlemen, residents-of Becken-
and Doulton stone, in the Early English style of the 13th ham. The Abbey School, established in r866, is a high-
century, from designs by Messrs. H. D. Appleton and E. class school, principally preparatory to -the public schools :
W. Mountford, architects, and consists of a chancel or 70 boarders and a few day pupils can be received; there is
baptistery, clerestoried nave, aisles, transepts and a. tower an extensive playground and cricket field, gymnasium,
flanking the west front 100 feet in height, with high pitched and swimming bath; principal, R~v. T. Lloyd
gabled roof, and an open fteche rising from the ridge; in the Phillips M.A., F.s.A. with eight resident masters. The King
rear are schoolrooms and vestries: the interior is partly William IV.· Naval Asylum, Penge lane (Penge parish), waa
surrounded by galleries, and will seat about Boo persons. built and endowed by Queen Adelaide, for 12 widows of meri'-
The Congregational chapel at Elmcr's End, opened in r885, torious naval officers, as a memorial of King William IV.
is an edifice uf brick, in the Gothic style, and will seat 175 There is a local llorticultural and Cottage Garden Society
persons: there is also a Congregational chapel at L:1ngley here, which holds a show every year. There are several
road, one at Oak hill with sittings for 5o:J, and another at fine re.•idences, including Beckenham Park, Langley Park
Penge road, with sittings for 700. The Wesleyan chaps!, and Eden Park, and many good houses, Albemarle Cator
situare in the Bromley road, is a building of Kentish rag and esq. who is lord of the manor, C. E. Goodbart, C. A.
will seat 9<JO. The Public Hall, Bromley road, the founda- Hoare, Lewis Loyd, 0. L. Wilson and W. H.. Mace €sqs. are
tion stone of which was laid on Saturday, October r3, 1883, chief landowners. The soil is sand and gravel, with clay on
and the opening of which took place in July, 1884. is an elevated spots; subsoil, sand und clay. 'l'hC< crops are
edifice of red brick with a bell turret containing I large bell wheat, oats, barley and roots. The area is 3, 856 acres of
and was erected at a cost of £7,000 from designs by Mr. land and 25 of water; rateable value, £164,719; the popn-
Vigers, architect: there is a large room seating 500 persons, lation in 1871 was 6,og:> and in 1881, 13,045·
and a smaller one seating 200, both of which are let for KELSEY MANOR is the seat of Charles Arthur Richard
concerts and other entertainments:. chairman of directors, Hoare esq. ; a private chapel, dedicated to St. Agatha, is
Dr. Sturges; hon. sec. Mr. Alfred Wright (London and attached to the mansion, of which Mr. Coad was the
County Bank): a local lodge of Freemasons and the Becken- architect: divine service is held here on Sundays; the Rev.
ham Conservative Club bold their meetings here. There G. 0. F. Griffith B. A. incumbent of St. Barnabas, is chaplain.
are three almshouses in Bromley road, er.3cted in I694, by There are almshous~s Rnd a cottage hospital, built by the
Anthony Ra.wlins esq. of Beckenham, for three poor widows, late p. R. Hoare esq. i the latter is supported by .voluntary
each of whom receives 7s. weekly : since the revision of all contributions.
the charities by the Charity Commissioners in 188o the
customary gifts uf coals and bread have not been bestowed. CLAY HILL is half a mile east; ELMERS END is a hamlet,
The Cottage Hospital, Croydon road, established in 1 872, I mile south-west ; LANGLEY, 2 miles south ; EDEN, half a
contains x3 beds and has an average of about g 1 patients; mile south; Fox GROVE, a quarter of a mile north-east.
its affairs are managed by a committee. The Old Becken- Parts of PENGE and SYDENHAM are also in this parish.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Kent PoBLIC EsTABLISHMENTS:~ •
House lane.-Mrs. E. Longford, receiver. Dispatched at Alrnshouses, Bromley road
8.35, 9·40 & II a.m. 12.35, 2.401 4-55, 8.40 & II p.m.;
sunday, 9 p.m Cottage HDspital, Croydon road, J. F. Wilkin M.D. H. A.
PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Kent
House, Penge road.-.M:rs. Eva Wright, receiver. Dis- Powell & Frank Sturges M.D. hon. medical officers ;
William C. Jones, hon. sec. ; Miss Costford, matron ;
patched at 9 & 11.35 a.m. 2.30, 4.3o, 6.25 & 8 p.m William Lawrence, collector
PosT, l\1. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Public Hall Co. Limited, Bromley road, Alfred Wright, sec
Albemarle road, near Railway station.-Mrs. Jane Mary Metropolitan Police Station (P division), High street, Henry
Peverall, receiver. Letters arrive at 7 30 a.m. 12. 10, Brown, resident inspoctor, 3 sergeants & 33 constables
St. Agatha's Convalescent Home, Crescent road, Mrs. Digby
3.10 & 7 p.m.; dispatched at 9·35 & II a.m. 1.25, 3.10,
5, 7·45 & 10.30 p.m.; sunday, 7.30 Cullins, hon. sec
PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuit.y & Insurance Offices, Volunteer Fire Brigadl'1 Bromley road, Charle3 Purvis,
High street, Old Eeckenham.-Henry Russell Ellis, re-
captain, &. 8 men
ceiver: dispatched at g.15 & II.3o a.m. r, 4.45, 6.25 &
PLACES OF 'VORSHIP1 with times of scnices ; -
10 p. m. g6 Bromley road, Isaac J oseph Fisher, receiver : St. George's Parish Church, Rev. Henry Arnott F.R.c.s..
dispatched at 9 & 11.35 a.m. 2.r5, 4.2o, 6.2o, 7·45 & rector; 7, 8, 10.30 & 11.30 a.m. & 3.30 & 7 p.m.; daily,
10 p.m. ; sundays, 4·45 p m 5-15 p.m
REcEIVING HousEs: Elmers End, George Wall, rcc:oiver; Christ Church, Rev. John Harding M. A. vicar;, II a.m. &
dispatched at 9 & rr.r5 a. m. 2, 4.20, 5.50, 8 & 8.30 p.m.; 3.30 & 7 p.m.; fri II.15 a.m ~•
no dispatch on sunday. Avenue road, Stephen Tong, re- Iloly Trinity, Rev. Samuel Whitfield Daukes M.A. vicar ;
ceiver; dispatched at 8.45 & 11.5 a. m. 2.5, 4·5• 6 & 8 p.m II a.m. & 7 p.m
LOCAL BOARD. St. Paul's Church, Rev. Charles Green, vicar ; II a.m. &
Offices, 2 Bromley road.
7 p.m.; wed. 5-I5 p.m. i fri. 11.30 a.m
Board days: for Works & General Purposes Committees St. Barnabas, Rev. G. 0. I<'. Gritlith H.A. incumbent; II
tneet twice monthly on a monday ; for Finance, once a
month on a monday a.m. & 3.30 & 7p.m.; wed. 5 p.m.; fri. 11.15 a.m
MEMBERS. St. Michael & All .Angels, Rev. Edward R. Fagan B.A.
curate in charge; 11 a. m. &3.30 & 7 p.m.; daily, 5-Isp.m
St. James' Chapel of Ea..<~e, Rev. George Broadley Howard
Ralph Skene Archbold, chairman; A. H. Baker; C. E. Baker; B. A. curate in charge; II a. m. & 7 p.m.; daily, 8 a.m
F. A. Bromolm; James Douglas; Dr. J. J. Eyre; J. E. Baptist, Elm road, Hev. J. W. Lance, minister; 11 a. m. &
Fqx; W. J. Lavington; W. H. Lendon; W. Lovelock; 7 p.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p.m .
Thomas Price;· J. G. Rhodes;,~. Bradford; H. N. Gren- Congregational, Elmers End
side; Peter McKinlay ..., Congregational, Oak hill, Rev. Thomas Sissons, minister;
Clerk, Frederick Stevens, Local Board offices 11 a.m. & 7 p.m. j wed. 8 p.m .
Treasurer, George Dennen, London & County Bank Congregational, Penge road, ministers various; u a.m. k
Medical Officer of Health, Harris Bntterfield, .Brynmawr, 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p,m
Sevenoaks 1 Congregational, Langley road, Rev. Joseph Ha.lsey, minis-
Surveyor, George H. Carlton c.E, Local Board offic:!s ter; II a. m. & 6.30 p.m, ; thnrs. 730 p.m
&nitary Inspector, George Rootst Birnam, Mackenzie road Wesleyan, Rev. T, 0. Taylor. minister 1 II a.m. & 7 p.m.~
Collector, Henry Manger, 30 St. George's road. . wed. 7 p.m •"
Old Beckenham Mission, Bromley road, George Gatton I girls' room will hold 2o8, No. on books 2ro, average
L.C.M. resident missionary; 3.30 & 7 p.m attendance 175 ; infants 233, average attendance 200;
Beckenham Young Men's Christian Association ; services George Palmer Ollett, master ; Mrs. Mary Ann Ollett,
• held in the Mission hall mistress; Miss Edith Watling, infants' mistress
Mission hall, Parish lane; 7 p.m Mixed, Elmers End, El!is Albert Short, master ; Mrs. Lucie
ScHOOLs:- . Short", mistress
A School Board of 7 members was formed in 1875 : R. G. Infants', Elrners End, Miss Mary Ribbens, mistress
Mullen, Local offices, clerk to the board; William Webb,
· CARRIERS TO Lo~moN.-Carter, Paterson & Co. & Rus3en &
attendance officer
Board, Parish road, completed 1879, with the exception of Son, daily, sundays excepted; Henry John Holmes, High
street, tues. thurs. & sat; returning same day
the west wing, added in 1884; it will hold-boys 340,
average attendance 3 ro; girls 340, average attendance RAILWAY STATIONS:-
290; infants 400, average attendance 400; William Beckenham Junction, Robert Blackboro', station master
Goodman, master; Miss A. !'aton, mistress ; Miss R. L. Clock House, C. H. Porritt, station master
Badcock, infants' mistress Eden Park, Robert Bowles, station master
Board, Bromley road, erected r8r8, enlarged r857, with Elmers End, Thomas Cramp, station master
residence attached for master & mistress; boys' room will Kent House, Gustavus Fairall, station master
hold 245, No. on books 26o, average attendance 220; New Beckenham, George Hannan, station master
[Marked thus eo receive their letters through 1 Barlow Edvrard Geo. 32 Bromley road Bremner Alexander, I 52 Croydon road
Barnard George, 10 Burnb.ill road Bremner Coles Fk. Barton ville, TheAren
PRIVATE HESIDE~TS. • Barnes Frederick Dallas J.P. Boughton Bretherton Charles, 9 "\\'estgate road
IAdams Ernest, 9 Harcourt terrace, house, Fox Grove road
Brice Charles John, 8 Ravcnscroft road
Ravenscroft road Barnes Mrs. Kynard, 35 Wickham road Bridges William Booth, Chandos villa,
AdamsGeo.2Stanhope vls.Ravenscrft.rd Barnett Charles, n6 •Penge road Mackenzie road
A.dams Harold John, 25 Cedars road Barnett Jas. "\\'oodstock, Albermarle rd *BridgmanW.D.J. D.C.L. 86 Croydon rd
Adams Mrs. 21 Manor road Barnett William, ro H.avenscroft road llrindley Samuel, r 14 Bromley road
Adams Mrs. 3 Caper's Cope road
*Barry Samuel M. so Up. Lennard rd Brooker Orestes Nathaniel (chief en;r.
Adams Rd.4 Church ter. Ravenscroft rd Bartler.tWm. Gibbs,Kirkrlala, Brackly.rd 1 inst. R.N. ), 27 Penge road
Adams Thomas, I4 Barnmead road Bartlett Edwd. H.Woodfleld,Rectory rd. Brooks Samuel Burd, Heathfield,
Adams Thomas, Dunkeld, The Avenue Barton Francis Alexander L.R.C.P.Lond., I Albemarle road
*.Agambar Mrs. Eltville, Courtenay rd B.A. 3 Penge road Brooks Victor, 56 Croydon road
Akroyd Thomas Heaton, Skircote, Bassett John, 2 Ravenscroft road Broomfield John Josiah, Esbourne, The
Albemarle road *Bassett John D. 70 Lennard road Avenue
Alderman Rd. Lonsdale, Mackenzie rd Bateman William, 26 King's Hall road Brotherhood Henry, 6 Richmond ter·
*.Alien Charles, 40 Upper Lennard road Batham William, Elmwood, Hayne rd race, Birkbeck road
.Alien Hcrbert, 26 Bromley road Bausor Mrs. 29 King's Hall road Brown Alired, Willougbby, Rectory rd
Allfrey Edward Robert, South Eden Baxter George, 59 Penge road Brown Anthony, Hillingdon, Park road
park, Wickham road Bean William, 35 Penge road Brown E. T. Ormonde, 8 Elm road
Alston Henry Carter, 5 The Avenue Beardshaw Wilfred, 13 Elm road Brown Edwin Lynton, 37 Manor roaj
Ambridge \\·m. Augustus, II5 High st Beavis Jn. W. The Laurels,Albemarle rd Brown F. C. S1dbury, 38 King's Hall rd
*Amy Adolpbus Philip, 1 East view, Beck Lister, Courthope, The Avenue Brown James Jn. Westtield, The Aven
Morland road Bccker George, 7 Harecourt terrace, Brown John, 40 Burn Hill road
AndersonChas.4Burnhill ter.Burnbill rd Ravenscroft roacl Brown Mrs. Latham, Fernbank, Fox
Andrew James George, 62 Penge road Beckford Joshua, 5 Harecourt terrace, Grove road
Andrews Charles, 10 Church terrace, Ravenscroft road Brown Wm. Jn. Selina vii.Mackenzierd
Ravenscroft road Beddoe James, \\'interdyne, Lawn road Browning Mrs. 3 Richmond terrace,
AnnootEdwardLeoj>old,45King'sHall rd Beesley James, 25 King"s Hall road Birkbeck road
Annoot Frank, 4 Barnmead road Bell Herbert Maude, Cola Cumbay, *Brownsrnith Thomas George,Homelea,
Anns Albert, 24 King's Hall road Hayne road 61 Lennard road
ArcherJas. IIChurch ter.Ravemcroft rd Bell Mrs. Lyndwood, Hayne road Broxholm Frederick Allan, Hosendale,
Arnott Rev. Henry F.R.C.S. [rector of Beney William, 49 "\\'ickham road The Avenue
St. George's], The Rectory, High st *Bennett Isaac Newton, 91 L:mnard rd Bruce John H. ~ferton, Mackenzie road
Ashworth William Edwin, Cyprus Bennett John Arthur, 2 Southview, *Bryce James Alex. 55 Lennard road
lodge, Mackenzie road Birkbeck road Bryce Wm. Coneyhill, Fox Grove road
Astell John, 20 llurnhill road Bennett Thomas, 86 Penge road BucklerAlex. Clanua f'alls lo. 31 Manorrd
Astell William Henry, IS Burnhill road Bentley George, 41 Barnmead road Bucknall James Loyd, Langleycourt,
Atkins Fk. I4 Clifton ter.Ravenscroft rd Berk Robert, 17 Penge road Wickham road
*Budd Charles D. 97 Lennard road
AtkinsSidney,Burford ho.:Mackenzie rd Bernal Isaac, so Barnrnead road
.Atkinson Charles Edwarcl, .Algoa lodge, BerridgeGeo. Wm. Dunton Id g. TheKnoll Budd Herbert 0. 66 Barnmead road
Brackley road *Bertling Louis, 109 Lennard road Budd William, 30 Burnhill road
*Atkinson Thomas, 78 Lennard road Bertram Thos. Hardy, 1 Fox Grove rd Budgett Samuel, Kirton, Albemarlerd
Atkimon W1lliam, Er wood ho. TheAven Biddle Fk. Wm. Lanherne,Albcmarle rd Bullivant Fredk. Arthur, 46 Bromley rd
Attenborough John, Rosslyn, Park rd Bird Charles B. 9 Clifton terrace, Bullivant Williarn Munton, Homewo!Jd,
Attree William Gregory, 41 Penge road Ravenscroft road South Eden park, Wickham road
*Atwell Alfred, 54 Upper Lcnnard road Bishop Albert John, 1 Cathcrine villas, Bumfrey William, 9 Burnhill road
Audsley William, 6 Harcourt terrace, Birkbeck road Bumpus William Henry, Hemingford,
Ravenscroft road Bishop Waiter Beacall, Cefn-y-Bryn, The Avenue
Auscnder Thos. Logside, Albcmarle rcl Fox Grove road Burton ·wm. 5 Linden vils.:\1ackenzierd
Austin Chas. Alma villa, Birkbeck rnacl Rlackborow Rd.Rutland cot.Southnd.rd Butcher Lewis, 82 Barn mead road
AustinChas.8R;chmond ter.Birkbeck rcl 13lake Charles, 40 Barnmead road Butler .Arthur G. 124 Penge road
Austin Mrs. 28 Burnhill road Blanch Hcrbert John, 43 Barnmead rd Bye Arthur, 35 Kent House road
Austin William, 5 Christchurch villas *lllogg Edmund M. 38 Up. Lennard rd Caddy Pascoe, Holly lodge, Upper
Ayden Mrs. 10 Elm road Blow Alfd. Lister,Glenthorn, The Knoll Elmer's End road
Aylott Charles Edward,6Ravenscroft rd Hocquet Frank, Hrooklyn, Hayne road Callaway Charles E. 4 Belgrave villas,
Aytoun Miss, Lorton, The Knoll Boot H. E. 2 Elm road Mackenzie road
Bailey Chas. I The Ferns, .Mackenzie rd Booth Rev. Samuel Harris D. D. Oakley Callender Mrs. Loehim-ar, Albemarle rd
*Bailey William Hy. 3 Kent House rd house, Hayne road Cameron Mrs. 1 Park road
Baird Mrs. 56 Barnmead road Boraston John, r2o Bromley road Camp Richard Gillard, 3 Sout:wiew,
Baker Alfred Jn. Westgate,FoxGrove rd BosleyE:lwd.Jas.3Park ter.Mackenzierd Hirkbec:k road
Baker Arthnr Henry, Elderslie, South *Boultarcl Jsph. Acacia vil. Morland rd . Campbelll\1rs. TheChestnuts, Gwydor rd
Eden park, Wiekham road Bourne Chas. Acton lodge, Southend rd ' *CanningChas.Geo.2East vw.Morlnd.rd
Baker Aveling, 43 Caper's Cope road Bourner Mrs. 59 Coper's Cope road Carlton George B. c.E. I3 Cedars road
Baker "\\'illiarn, Clairvaux, Rectory rcl Bowman Henry, 6 Birkbcck road Carpenter Edward, Trevathan, Albe-
Baldock William, 22 Burnhill road Boyce Mrs. Oak bank, I7Coper'sCope rd marle road
Ball :Mrs. 2 Darwin viis. Ravenscroft rd Bradford Milton, Beaver lodge, Albe- Carr Ambrose Patient, Boyton house,
Barber Fredk. Chas. 38 Barnmead road marle road The Avenue
Barclay M. Murtle, King's Hall road BradstrePt Arthur, 7 King's Hall road Carr Geo. Rock house, Ravenscroftroad
Barfield Geo.2Clifton villas,Birkbeck rd Brand John, Fernside, Albemarle road Carr John, 37 Barnmead road
BArham Mrs. Fernside, Ravenscroft rd Brandon George S. 150 Croydon road Carrell George, 6 St. George's road
*Barker James, 59 Lennard road Branston Hy.Hall,Clovelly.Albemrle.rd Carter Mrs. ·2 Chawton villas, RavellS"'
*Barker Mrs. 93 Lennard road Bray Arthur, Holm lea, l<'ox Grove rd croft road
Carter Frank, 64 Penge road *Curryer Thomas, 105 Lennard road Eyre John J. M. K.Q.c. P.I. Claremonty ·
Castell Jn. lla.wthornden, The Avenue Curtis J oseph William, 20 Bromley road Albemarle road
*Castle Ed ward Abraham, Watton Curtis Miss, II Wickham road Fab~r George Kinloch, I<'ux Grove road
¥ilia, Morland road Curwen Henry, 7 Westgate road *Faber Harold, 92 Lennard road •
Caston Harry, Lorne vil. Mackenzie rd CurwenJn.Mier, Northbnk.Albemrle.rd Fabricus Neils I<'oss, Croftonville, The
Cator Miss, I4 St. Georg~'s road Cutbil!r\lk.Thos. Holmewd.Albemrle.rd Avenue
Cawley Geo.Grange Thorpe,22 Manor rd *Da~· Robert, 19 Kent House road Fagan Rev. Edward Rivaz B.A. [curate
Challis Tbos. 7 Hartington vils. Penge rd Dale Wm. 8 Richmond ter. Birkbeck rd in charge of St.Michael & All Angels],
Chambers Sir George H. Langley lodge, DaltonHy. Neale,3 Relic viis. Birkbeck rd 90 Penge road
Wickham road · *Daukes Rev. Samuel Whitfield M.A. *I<'alconer George, 63 Lennard road
*Champ Walter, 27 Upper Lennard rd [vicar of Holy Trinity], Vicarage, Farish Edwd. Garthwaite, 9 Elm road
Chandler Arthur, 3 Lorne vils. Penge rd Lennard road Farmer Mrs. Colville ho. Brackley rd
*Chapman A. P. Camille, Lennard road Davenport G. F. 8 Crescent road Farmer Mrs. Rutland house, Parkside,
*Charity William, 126 Lennard road Davidson Andrew, I Darwin villas, Southend road
Charleton Chas. Alndyke, Albemarle rd Ravenscroft road Farwig John Frederick, Rolandseck,
Charman Daniel, 9 Church terrace, Davie.!!Hbt.Foster, Aventine,Albemrle.rd Albemarle road
Ravenscroft road Davies Jn. 3 Darwin viis. Ravenscroft rd Feltoe Francis, Parkside house, Park-
Charrington Waiter Vernet, IO Caper's Davis George, 52 Cop~r's Cope road side, Southend road .
Cope road *Davis Wm.Chas.J<'erndle.Courtenay rd Felton Ebenezer, 5 Avenue road
Chartere.!l Nicholas, Brackley house, Davison George, 3 Havenscroft road Fenner Mrs. Rest, Hawthorndene,
Brackley road Davison H.obert W1lliam, I Richmond Southend road
Chater Mrs. 4I Manor road villas, Birkb~ck road Ferber Gustavus, Brockley cottage,
Chatfield Thomas, 9 Wickham road *Daws Arthur, 31 Kent House road Ravenscroft road
Chew Alfd.Noel, Edithvlle.Ravenscrft.rd *Daws l''redk. Dendy, 45 Kent House rd l<'errier Waiter, Elim cot.Elmer'sEnd rd
Cheyney Charles, Hythe, Avenue road Dawson Charles R. 64 Croylfon road *Fidge Thos. Richd. 29 Kent House rd1
Cheyney Charles, S.-mdgate, A~·enue rd Deal! Sidncy T. Elmlea, Mackenzie road *FieldGeo. Lyon,Elmside,KentHouse rd
Chiesman John Walker, 35 Manor road deBruin Charles H. 52 Bromley road Field John, 9 Southview, Birkbeck road
Christmas F. C. Brackley road *deBruin William, 9 Keut House road J<'ielder Miss, 23 Penge road
Church George Frederick, 94 Penge rd De Crespigny Eyre, 75 Coper's Cope rd Fillingham Peter, 92 Barnmead road
Clapham Benjamin Fisher, The Mount, Defriez George F"' u8 High street *Finch :\1rs. John, 10r Lennard road
The Avenue Defray Charles, 9 Ra,·enscroft roa1 Firmin Chas.Edwd.Ellerslie,Langley rd
Claricoats Collins, Lea pk. Ravenscrft. rd DJiano-Osborne Mrs. 27 Manor road Firth Fras. Helme, Mounthill, Park rd
Clark Chas. Douglas, 83 Croydon road DeLasaux H.. A. Grafton bo. Tho Avenue Fletcher George John, 2 Harcourt ter-
Clark J<'rederick, 17 Burnhill road Deliginere.!l J<'erdinand, 72 Penge road race, Ravenscroft road
Clark J sph. H y. Laurel cot. Mackenzie rd De Maid Abrabam, 19 Burnhill road Fletcher .Mrs. 3 Manor road
Clark Thomas, Winona, Kemerton road *Denman William B. 27 Kent Housa rd Fletcher Samuel James, I Linden villas,
Clarke George, 13 Burnhill road Dennis Denzil,. ro Clifton terrace, Mack~nz:ie road
Clarke Mrs. Lauriston, Blakeney road Ravenscroft road . Foote Itev. John Andrews M.A. I6
Clarke Theophilus Hughes,Atlingworth, *Denyer James, Rose cot. Courtenay rd Mackenzie road
Southend road Dow Geo. 4 Hichmond ter. Hirkbeck rd Ford George Harry, 47 Kinis Hall rd
Claxton M1ss, I 16 High street Dickenson Wm. Treswell, Mackenzie rd *l<'ord William, 23 Kent House road
Clear Thomas Henry, 18 Barnmead rd Digby William c. 1. 1!:. I Elm road *Foreman Ernest, 2 Lennard road
Clegg John, Newcastle, Mackenzie road Ditcham William Vooght L.D.s.nlas. Forman E. C. 22 King's Hall road
Glow Jas.4 Stanhope vils. Ravenscrft. rd Connau.;ht house, Southend road FosberyArth. The IIollies,Elmer'sEnd rd
Cobbett Mrs. 27 Hayne road Dobbie William Bell, Kirkmichael house, Foster Henry, 2 Park ter. Mackenzie rd
Coboett William, 6o Caper's Cope road Mackenzie road Fowke Henry, South~lla, The Avenue
*Cole Thomas C. 5 Aldcrsmead road Doble Fredcrick, 84 Croydon road Fox Charles, Roslin, Rectory road
Colebrook Miss, 45 Caper's C!,Jpe road Doble H. 8 Cedars road Fox Charles A. 32 St. Geor~e's road
Collard Ernest, 72 High street Doughty William Henry, 5 Richmond Fox George, Cassiobury, .Mackenzie rd
*Collier Augustus Delves, Littleworth, terrace, Hirkbeck road *FoyerHenjaminRobins,4Aldersmead rd
Morland road *Douglas James, I Keut House road Francis George H. II2 Hromley road
CollierEd wd. Alfd. Stonydwn. Brackly. rd *Dow John, roo Lennard road Freeman George, IO Richmond terrace,
Collins Mrs. Mountlands, Albemarle rd Dowler Mrs. Ellerslie, Oakhi:J road Birkbeck road
Collins Philip George, 10 The Avenue *Downes Joseph Oliver, 95 Leunard rd Freeman Stomhewer Parker, Lynd-
Collister Jn. Aspen cot. lllakeney aven Downham Francis, 2 St. Ueorge's road hurst, Park road
Colman J ohu Winn, 1l Elm road Drake :Mrs. 104 Penge roJ.d French Matthew Hy. 5 Birkbec1c road
Conway Seymour, 46 Caper's Cop a road DraytonHy. Philip Ernst.47 Wickham rd Freyberg Herbert, 34 Hromley road
Cook Wm. 2 Newportvils. Gwydor road Dresser Joseph Wm. 15 Coper's Cope rd Frieake George, 27 Barnmead road
Cooke Mrs. N orthcote, 35 Goper'sCope rd Drew William, 39 Manor road !<'oyer Waiter Hatton, 62 Harnmead rd
*Coom,bs Alfd.. Ellerslie, Kent House rd Duncan William, 78 Penge road Fuller Frank, 3 Harecourt terrace,
Cooper Frdk. Albemarle lo.Albemarle rd Dunu Alfred H. 18 King's Hall road Ravenscroft road
Cooper Henry, 2I Burnhill road Dunu Wm. Newton,Hadley,FoxGro.rd l<'uller William, I Stanhope villas,
Cooper Mrs. 2 Cedars road Dunnill Benjamin, 31 Coper's Cope road Ravenscroft road
Cooper Mrs. Ravensbourne, Rectory rd Durham Wm. I Sydneyvils.Birkbeckrd Furze Frederick, Home, Brackley road
*Coote Rev. A. E. B.A. [curate of Holy Durra.ntFredk. Wm. Oakhurst, TheKnoll Furze George, 19 King's Hall road
Trinity1 Al bemarle college, Lennrd. rd Durrant Mrs. 49 Caper's Cope road Gabillet VictorH.Fern vil. l\1ackenzie rd
Uorbin E. R. St. Clair, 91 High street Dutton William S. 24 Bromley road Gaite Frederick, 74 Barnmead road
Cornabe Wm. Alex. Wyefield, The Knoll Duval Miss, 77 Coper's Cope road Gardener Jamcs E. 79 Coper's Cope rd
Cory Mrs. 2 Adelphi cots. Hirkb~ck rd Eales Mrs. 35 Caper's Cope road •Gardener John, 44- Upper Llmuard rd
Coulborn Mrs. 2 King's Hall road Eames J o.:>eph, 47 Cop er's Cope road *Gardner l<'rancis, 2 Westbrook villas,
Covell Edwn.Beckenham pl. Southnd.rd EarlyWm.Edwd.1Percy vils.Birkbck.rd Morland road
*Covill Thomas, 72 Lennard road East :Mrs. 39 Burnhill road *Ga.rdner John, I Westbrook villas,
CowardChas.Rt.4 Park ter.Mackenzie rd Eastrop Wm. Gilston cot. Birkbeck rd Morland road
Cowley Miss, 2 Lorne villas, Penge road Ebner Joseph Francis, Horton house, Garrard Mrs. Robt. I3 Coper's Cope rd
*Cox Benjamin, 99 Lennard road Albemarle road Garrard Thos. St. Airl1an,Kmg's Hall rd
Cox John, 85 Caper's Cope road Eckett Rd. I The Hollies, Birkbeck rd Garra.rd Thos. Edwd.Campsie,Haynerd
Cox William, Conway vil. Mackenzie rd Edgecombe James, 27 Wickham road Garwood William Henry, II4 Penge rd
Crabbe Hbrt.G.Heatherlie,Albemarle rd Edmonds Walter Thomas, u8 Penge rd Gasgoyne William, 7 Manor road
Craig Jame.!l M.D. 14 Caper's Cope road Ed wardes Miss, 50 Manor road Gate.!! John Henry, x Church terrace,
Craker James, Stockdale, Mackenzie rd Edwards Charles, I Christ Church vils Ravenscroft road
Crawley Mrs. 6o Barnmead road Elcock Henry, 12 Mackenzie road Gerich Fredericl{, 54 Coper's Cope rd
Crawshaw George, 20 Manor road Eldaton Charles Keith, 15 Cedars road Gibb Col. William Edward, Glenlyon,
Cree Arthur William, 124 Bromley road Elliot Charles, Elmer villa, Gwydor rd The Avenue
Crosdale Alfred, Banavie, The Avenue Ellis George Henry, 48 Bromley road Gibbi.lS Chas. x Southview, Birkbeck rd
CrossleyEdwd.Gladstn.cot.Mackenzie rd Ellis Henry, Elmcroft, Albemarle road Gibbons John Abel, 6 Elm road
Crowther Herbert Oakes, 7 Elm road Ellis Miss, Highclere, 45 Ha.rnmead rd Giblin Er.u.e.!lt B. 8 Uhfton terrace,
Crowther-Heynon Rev. Samuel Bryan Elsden Charles, Alfriston, Hayne road Ravenscroft road
M.A. Westtield, Park road Elsden John, 33 Wickham road Gibson Godfrey William, Waltbam
Cumberland J. S. 3 Cedars road Elwin Re\·. Warwick M.A. [curate of St. house, Mackenzie road
*Cumberland Mr".41 Upper Lennard rd George], 6 Church road Giddings Geo. T. x.n. 26 Manor roai
Cuningham John William, Egerton *EssamWm.Paxwell,53 Up.Lennard rd Gifford Misses, to8 Penge road
house, Southend road *Evens Hy. Cornish, I07 Lennard road. Gill Charles, Java lodge, Rectory road
Gilles William ·c. 3 Elm road •
Hawkes Charles Samuel, Stone!eigh, Hughes William, Inverbope cottage,
*Girling Ernest, 94 Lennard road . Albemarle road Birkbeck road
G!ennie George Frederick, 5 Park road Hawkins Waiter, 42 Burnhill road Humble Henry, 14 Burnbill road
Glover Alfred, Oak villa, .MackPnzie rd Hawthorne Mis,:, I Crescent road Hummel Horace,Ashlynn,Albemar:e rd
Glover Alfred, 36 Barnmead road Haxell Arthr. Barron, 28 Bromley road Hunot George, 5 Elm road
Glover F. Kendall, 2 Caper's Cope road Hay Thomas, 8 Westgate road *Hunter William Thomas, 6o L'pper
Goddard Ed" in, Mossley, Fox Grove rd Hayman Frederick, 23 Wickham road Lennard road
*Goddard George, Stockwell cottage, HaynesW.B.Harbledown,TheAvenue rd Hyland Alfd. Young, 54 Croydon road
Courtenay ro~d Hayton Fras.Hy.8andon ho.'fhe Avenue Hyslop Robert Murray, 12 Penge road
Goddard John, Elmer lodge, Croydon rd Hazzledine Fras. Arthur, 23 Cedars road Imray James Frederick, St.Catherine's,
Godfrey Chas. IAlice vils.Ravenscroft rd *Hearn H. D. 47 Upper Lennard road Fox Grove road
Godwin George Alfred, 1 Albemarle rd Hearson William, 38 Bromley road lngall Fred, 25 Barnmead road
Gooch Ellis, The Cottage, Mackenzie rd *Ileasman Edward Henry, Aldersmead Inglis Hon. Lady, Binfield, Hayne road
Goodhart Charles Emanuel J.P., D. L. villa, Aldersmead road Ingram Thomas, 4 St.. Michael's terrace,
Langley park, Wickham -road Heath J n. Pembroke cot. Ravenscroft rd Birkbeck road
Goodhart Frederick E. Langley park, Heckrath E. W. Mayflcld lo. Brackley rd Ingran 'l'hos. Southficlds, The Avenue
Wickham road Hedley Edward, Rainham, The Avenue Ironside Thos. Almeria, Birkbeck rotd
Goodwin Jas. Wm. 41 Coper's Cope rd Hedley John, Northumberland house, lsger Alfred J oel, Hersham house,
Gosling Miss, Cheverells, Brackley rd Birk beck road Mackenzie road
Gosnell Alfred, 20 Cedars road Hedley Mrs. I Harlowhill cottage, *Jackson Charles Edward, 56 Upper
Grain William, I8 Caper's Cope road Mackenzie road Lennard road
Grange James, 98 Barnmead road Hedley William James, 2 Harlowhill J ackson Geo. H. Sandhurst, Albemarle rd
Grant Cardros!', Broadwater, Hayne rd cottage, Mackenzie road Jacub Daniel Charles, 8o Barnmead rd
*Grant Geo. Reg-inald, (x; Lennard rd Heepe I<'redk. Aug. 25 Cover's Cope road Jacobs Alfred, w8 Bromley road
Grant Mrs. 33 Penge toad Heginbotham :Mrs. Ve1·non house, Jacqmain Edward, 5 Wickham road
Grapes William Henry, 29 Barnmead rd Albemarle road *Jagged George, 17 Kent House roal
GraHS Boydell, Carlsrube, AIbemarle rd Herring Edgar, 53 Barnmead road James Thomas, 25 Manor road
Gray Frederick George,28 Barnmead rd Hersee Alfred, Beaconsfield, The Avenue Jarvis Edward S. Denman cottage,
Green Rev. Charles [vicarofSt. Paul's], Herzfcld Gustave, 96 Croydon road Elmer's End road
The Vicarage, Park road Hewlett John Cooke, 63 Caper's Cope'rd Jeffs William, 4 Edinburgh terrace,
Green Cbas. Hy. Ryde ho. Brackley rd Heywood Benjamin Arthur Banner, 2 Ravenscroft road
*Green Charles OliYer, 122 Lennard rd Westgate road Jenkins 0. W. Elsinore, Albemarle rd
Green Robert Wm. 30 Barnmead road Hicks William, Ifield ldg. Mackenzie rd J enningB Misses, I I Fox Grove road
Green Thos. Jsph. Lilburn, Hayne rd Hickson John, 42 Penge road Johns Richard, 1:5 Penge road
Greene Col. George N. Fuirholme,l'ark- *Hogginbotham Chas. 67 Lennard road Johnson Lawrence Hawkins, Cosford,
side, Southend road Higgins Thomas Lea, 45 Penge road The Avenue
Greene ArthurWeguelin, 8 FoxGroverd Higgins '\Villiam, 35 Barnmead road J ohnson Miss, 5 Langley road
Greene Mrs. 8 Fox Grove road Higgs William, 9 Cedars road Johnson Rubert Arthur, Newsham
Grecnslade Miss, 37 Coper's Cope road Highsted Henry, 33 King's Hall road ,-ilia, MackP.nzie road
Greenwood Charle~, 58 Coper's Cope rd Hill Charles St€phen, Oak grange, *Jones Charles Arthur, 3 Lennard road
Gregory \\Talter, 6 Penge road Albemarle road J ones Harry Elmyn, Mclvillc lodge,
Grenside Henry Nicholas, Brockhurst, *Hill Franklin, 3 Upper Lennard road Parkside, Southend road
Southend road *Hill W. 57 Lennard road *Jones John, 73 Lennard road
Grenside Mrs. Norfolk house, Parkside, Hills David, I7 Elm road Jona~ John Jas. Ivy Elm, Mackenzie rd
fouthcnd road Hills Mrs. Graham, 30 Bromley road Jones Mrs. 5 Park ter. Mackenzie road
Greswell Mrs. 27 Caper's Cope road Hills Richard, I6 King's Hall road Jones B.obert Hesketh, St. Augustine's,
Gribble Charles W. London & Provincial Hind Thos. Prospect C'ot. Mackenzie rd Hayne road
Bank, High street IIinton Mrs. Ashleigh, The Avenue *Jones Thos. Albemarle lo, Kent Ho. rd
Griffith Rev. George Octavius Fletcher Hitchcock John, 92 Penge road Jones William Anastasius, Staplegrove,
B.A. [incumbent of St. Barnabas], Hitching Thus. Henry, 3 Barnmead rd The Avenue
Vicarage, 122 Bromley road Hoare Charles A. R. Kelsey manor Jones William Chas. Elmside, Lawn rd
*GrinleyWalter Davison, 102Lennard rd Hockin John, 7 Caper's Cope road Joy Dayid, 42 Manor road
Gripper Harold, SI Wickham road Hodes Francis P. How vil..Mackenzie rd Kendall John George, 130 Lennard rd
Groom William Trustham Han-ey, 2 Hodge Joseph Samuel, 21 Wickham rd Kennard Alfred, Cranbrook eottage,
Kirton villas, Birkbec:k road ~. Ilodges James Hill, 2 Eaglescroft, Mac- Ravenscroft road
*Grose Richard, 77 Lennard road· kenzie road Kensit George, 10 Crescent road
GullyEdwd.S. Worthy va!e, Mackenzie rd Hodgson John, 32 Burnhill road Kent Stephen Williarn, 88 Penge road
Halkett Col. Brooks legh, Albemarle rd Holbrook William, 7 Church road Kentish Miss, 12 Burnhill road
Hall George J ames, 1 St. Geurge's road Hollebone Charles Vine, Deepthorne, KPrr Mrs. Dun-Reigh, A,bemarle road
HallJn. Wm.IBelgrave viis. Mackenzie rd Rectory road Killick William, 3 Church terrace,
Halls Henry W. 3 Church road Hollely Frank, sB Barnmead road Ravenscroft road
Hammond Henry, 5 Edinburgh terrace, IIollingsworth Charles, IS Wickham rd King Fredk.Jas. Ryde, Blakeney avenue
Ravenscroft road Hallway :Mrs. Ravensleigh, The Avenue King Mrs. 94 Barnmead road
Hankin Miss, Ardmore1 Brackley road Holman George, Ridgemont, Park road King Thomas, 5 St. Michael's terrace,
Hankinson John William, 5 Church ter- Holmes John, Ringwood, Pa.rkside, Birkbeck road
race, Ravenscroft road Southend road Kinson George, I6 Burnbill road
Hanks Jn. Jas. flalsette, Blankeney rd Home F. Wyville, 16 Cedars road Kipps Edward, 45 Wickham road
Harber George, Severn cot. Birkbeck rd *Honey James, Stetchworth villa, Mor- Kirby Edmund AdoiphusM.o.Kelseypk
*Harbert Edward, 37 Upper Lennard rd land road Kirkman Henry F. 32 Manor road
Harding Rev. John M. A.{_viea-r of Christ· Hoole Mrs. Madehurst, The Avenue Kirlew Daniel, Tezpor, Hayne road
Church],Christ Church lo. The Avenue Hooper George Norgate F.R.G.S. Elm- Knight James Richard, I Clifton ter--
Harding Miss, rHartington viis. Penge rd leigh, Hayne road race, Ravenscroft road •
Harding Mrs. 1 Hartingtou vils.Penge rd Hooper Mrs. Vanbrugh, 49 Manor road Knight James Wm. 6 Mackenzie road
Ha.rding Mrs. 8 Penge road Hors· Charles Clavell, Bayfield, Albe- Lachlan J oseph, Grasmere, The Avenue
Hardwick Winter Digby,9King's Hall rd marle road *Lale Horatio Harry, 65 Lennard road
*Hardy Charles, 2 Upper Lennard road Hore Chas. Fredk. Hilden, The Avenue Langford Henry, Wilsden, Blakeney av
Harford Fredk. Bosbury, Fox Grove rd Horlock George, 2 Richmond villas, Langham Arthur C. 5 King's Hall road
Harley Misses, 9 Fox Grove road Birkbeck road Langridge Robert, 3I Burnhill road ·
Harman Edwd. Boston vil. Mackenzie rd Horner Francis, 43 Wickham road Langton John Gordon, 15 Barnmead rd
*Harms John, II9 Lennard road Horsley Wm. Hy. Maitland ho. Park rd Lapworth Hy. Jas. St. Helens, TheAvenue
Harris Ernest Charles, 21 Cedars road Horton Isaac, Hayne house, Hayne rd Larchin Edward H.obert, Shirley view,
Harrison Rev. Alfred B.A. Ferniehurst, Hose Mrs. I 1 Manor road Langley road
Larsson Petr.x Swiss ter.Elmer's End rd
Albemarle road ·' Houchen Mrs. 73 Caper's Cope road
Harrison Chas. M. Whitmores,Kelsey pk Howard Rev. George Broadley B.A. Larter William Alfred, 2 The Hollies
Harrison M. D. Cedar vil. Mackenzie rd [curate of St. George], 66 Croydon Mackenzie road
Hartley Mrs. 33 .Manor road road, Elmer's end Laurence John Philip, Albemarle road
Hartt Charles Browne, 86 Barntnead rd Howard Alfd. 1 The Hollies,Macknzie,rd Lawley Wm. 3 Newport vils.Gwydor rd
Hasslauer Henry, 19 Penge road Hoyland E. Douglas, 87 High street Lawrence I<'rank, 50 Bromley· road
Hatcher Mrs. Fir eot. Ravens<.'roft road .Hubble Mrs. 23 Manor road • : ' Lawrence Fredk. \Vm. F.B.G.s., M.R.A.S,
Hatfield Charles William,- Faith lodge, Hudson Jn. Geo. Glenhaven, Hayne rd Oakleigh, Parkside, Southend road
Birkbeck Toad • 1 •1 Hughes Ambrose John, Myrtle villa, Lawrence George, 6 Clilton terrace,
Hauser Adolf, 4 King's Hall road Ravenscroft road Ravenscroft road
:Lawrence William, 6 H'artington nllas, Mather Michacl, 5 Tirackley road Xewth Robert Boulcott, I8 Cedars rd
Penge road *Mathew Waiter, I Lennard road Newton Mrs. 3-1- Caper's Cope road
Lawrie David, Ravensbec, Albemarle rd Matthews George Kelly, St. John's Nicholl Mrs. The Firs, Blakeney road
*Lawson Ry. Watts, 89 Lennard road lodge, Fox Grove road Nichols Jn. Edwd. Mayfield, Oakbill rd
Layman Charles Noel, The Firs, Albe- MatthewsPeter,Northcoates,Blakeny.rd Nichols William John, II Barnmead rd
marle road *Maxted Henry A. Beckenham lodge, Nicholson James B. 40 King's Hail road
Layzell Jeremiah, 20 Mackenzie road Kent House road Nicolas Peter Jas.Eclen ldg.Wickham rd
*Ledicott Alfd. 49 Upper Lennard road May Reginald Holland, 13 Penge road :\'ixon Alfred, 16 Barnmead road
Lees Wm. Jas. Thombury, The Avenue *Mayle Henry, 6 Upper Lennard road Noakes Wickham,Fairfield,The A\·enue
Lefebure Albert, 2i Rim road Maylor William M.r.c.E. Chesterleigh, Nordenfelt Thos. St. Hubert's,Hayne rd
Le Mesuricr Winter Mrs. Shcnley, Albemarle road Norman Ernest, 48 B:unmcad road
Albemarle road Meadows Waiter, 5 Stanhope villas, Nort,h Robt. Tamworth, King's Hall rd
Lendon Wm. Hy. 26 Caper's Cope rd Ravenscroft road XorthcoteGilbertChas.soCoper'sCope rd
Leonard Edward, 74 Penge road Meates Sidney Edwin,n King's Hall rd Northfield John, 33 Burnhill road
Le Petit Miss, I Lorne viis. Penge road Medcalfe Arthur, 10 Mackenzie road Norwood John, 65 Coper's Cope road
Levens Harry Wm.~ St. George's road Medwin James, The Grange, Lawn road Obee William, 7 Wickham road
Levens Wm. Fransfield, Albemarle road Meek George, 13 St. George's road Obicini Fredk. Peter, Llanfair, Park rd
Lewis James Smith, 34 Barnmead road Mehl William, 3 King's Hall road Oldham Frank, 64 Barnmead road
Ley Major H. Treneglos, Kemerton rd Mercer Cecil, 8r Coper's Cope road Omer Joseph, 57 Caper's Cope road
Lillingston Miss, 37 Caper's Cope road Merrett William, IS Kent House road Opie Edwd.Augustus M.B.I26 Penge rd
Lingeman Mrs. Glenmore, Rectory rd Merritt William, 2 Roseneath villas, Ovey Mrs. Ballygunge, Park road
Link David, Fairlight, The Avenue Ravenscroft road Owen Capt. Wm. Fk. 39 Caper's Cope rd
Linwood William, 12 St. George's road Merry William L. Ely~tan, The Avenue ..Owen Herbert, 120 Lennard road
Littlll Hales Eldred H. Kennebec, The :Mertens Henry William, Melrose, 15 Owens Clement Edwin, Speldhur8t,
Avenue King's Hall road The Avenue
Lloyd Edward, 94 Croydon road Metherell George, 76 Barnmead road Owens Mrs. 'Woodlands, Parkside1
Middleton Chas.Maryville,Mackenzie rd Southend road
Lloyd Jn. 4 Clifton ter. Ravenscroft rd
Lloyd Mrs. ID Westgate ro&d Midd!etonGeo. IBnrnhill ter. Rurnhill rd Owtram Charles Hy. 8o Croydon road
Lloyd William, 43 l'enge road Miers Fras. Chas. Eden cot. Wickham rd Packe Rt. Christphr. 42 Caper's Cope rd
Lock Thos. I Clifton viis. Birkbeck road Milburn Robt. Cintra, Albcmarle road Palmer Edward Richd. 17 Wickham rQ.
Lomax Wm. Hazlewood, The Avenue Miles Charles, 22 St. George's road Pamphilon Alfred, Abbotsleigh, Albe~
Long William L. 37 Bumhill road *Miller l<'ras. Sidney, 75 Lennard road marle road
Longhurst Miss, I04 Bromlej road Miller :Frank Henry, 2 Alice villas, Pannctt Alfred, 38 Penge road
Longhurst Edward Macauley, Bryn-y- Ravenscroft road Pantin Henry, Oakleigh, The Avenue
Mor, Mackenzie road Miller Ja~. 7 Clifton ter. Ravenscroft rd Parker A1 t!iur, go Croydon road
Lovell Lionel, Camclut, Rectory road Miller Jsph.Chas.Lynmouth,Langley rd Parker :Mrs. gB Croydon road
*Lowe Jn. Hatton,35 Upper Lennard rd Miller Mrs. Springfield ha.Mackenzie rd Parkes Ueorge, 23 llurnhill road
Lowry Arthur Stephen, g8 Penge road Mills William, 12 King's Hall. road Parkbouse Hobert, I] Manor road
Lowson Jn. A. The Cottage, Oakhill rd Milner Hy. Southview, The Avenue rd Parkyns Sir Thomas George Au;;ustus
Loyd Lewis, Monk's Orchard, Upper Minty John, 41 BurnhHI road bart. D.L., J.r.Staplcton, Brackley rd
Elmer's End road Mitchell James, 8 Harcourt terrace, Parrott Rt.Jn-4 Southview,Birkbeck rd
Lncas Wm. Fredk. 37 Wickham road Ravenscroft road Parry Jn. Chas. Lacklands, The Arenue
Lnff Chas. Delhi villa, Ravenseroft rd Mitchell Johrt, 40 Caper's Cope road Parry Miss, 6 Crescent road
Lynch Capt. Ed ward A. Strode house, Mitchell Mrs. 1 B Mackenzie road ParryW.G.Grosvenor lodge, Rectoryrd
Fox Grove road Moodie "'illiam, 33 Barnmead road Partridge W. P. (deputy surgeon-genl. ),
Macadam Alfred c.E.2 -catherine vi:Jas, :vfoody Charles, 48 Penge road Bclla Vista, Parkside, Southend road
Birkbcck road MrJOre Hcrbert Ernest, 72 Barnmcad rd Partridge Frederic William A.R.A.M. 19
McArthur Rev. John Donald Tilston B. A. Moore John, Oakwood, Bromley road St. George ·s roacl
[curate of St. Barnabas'J, Beckenham Moore Michacl, Maybank, Albemarle rd *Partridge Jn. L. 3I Upper Lennard rd
lodge, Penge road Morrell Thomas ·waldo, 8 Church road Pascall Charles Montaguc, Lenzburg
MacDonald James, I 5 Elm road · Morgan Daniel, I Chawton villas, house, Ancaster road
Mace James, 8 Mackenzie road · Ravenscroft road '• *Pater Thompson, Earlsville, Kent
McGaw Ernest, 12 Elm road · Morgan Jn.r2 Clifton ter.Ra\'enscrft. rd House road
Mack Geo. 3 Stanbope vils.Ravenscrt. rd MorganJn. Eclwd.Kelvin gro. Rectory rd Patrick Miss, Suffolk vi!. Mackenzie rd
*McKee William, 5 Upper Lennard rd Morgan Wm.Waverley, Albemarle road Patric;kson John, 5 Westgate road
McKenna Leopold, 29 Wickham road Morgan Wm.A~fd.Brae side,TheAvenue Paul Bernard R. 52 Croydon road
Mackenzie Dnncan, Radnor house, Park- Morphew Mark, Ashlea, Mackenzie nad Pearce Arthur, Bexley ho. Southend rd
side, Southend road ' *:\'I:orris Charles, I I7 Lennard road PearceMrs.St. James's lodge, TheAvenue
MackenzieM urdoch, BlairAthl. Cedars rd Morris Thomas, 8 Langley road Peel I<'redk. Cheynehurst, Brackley rd
McKinhy John D. 22 Mackenzie road Morrison Edwd. Ivy cot. Ravenscroft rd Peel Mrs. Moore ho. Overbury avenue
McKinlay Peter, II2 Penge road Morse Thomas \Vallace, Pine cottage, Pentreath Richard, 49 Bammead road
McLatchie Robert, 96 Penge road Blakeney ar-enue Perkins Fras. Geo. 28 King's llall road
McMullen Leonard, Homehurst, tipper Morson Thomas P. 74 Croydon road Perkins Thomas, SI King's Hall road
Elmer's End road ' Mortlock William, 4 Penge road Perks Mrs. n8 Bromley road
McXeill Adam, Mowbray, Albemarle rd Moss Wm. Johnson, 51 Caper's Cope rd Phclp;; Thomas John, 31 Tiarnmead rd
Maddock Richard, 46 Barmead road Moss William L. 35 BurnhiJI road Phillips Capt. Bathurst n.A. 102 Pengi! rd
Mallett Edwin, 6 Southview, Birkbeck rd *Moulton Wa!ter,52 Upper Lennard rd Phillips Rev. Thomas Lloyd M.A., F ,S.A.
Maltby Hugh, 3d Caper's Cope road Muller Bamard, 12 Crescent road The Abbey, Brackley road
Manger Henry, 30 St. George's road Murden Elijah, 2 Church terrace, Phillips Cbas. Wm. II St. George's rd
*~!ann Alfred, Dorasinga,Courtenay rd Ravenscroft road Phillips George, Earlsmead, Hayne rd
Mann Frederick,Copehurst,The Avenue Murphy Capt. 29 Manor road Phillips JamBS, 43 Burnhill road
Mann Thomas, 32 King's Hall road Murrav Wm. Fox Grove, Fox Grove rd *Phillips Robert, 29 Up. Lennard road
Mansell Fk. Wm. Grassington,Hayne rd Mnrray William Tho'l. 27 Cedars road Philp Andrew Bell, 28 Caper's Cope rd
Mark Hy. Robt. Cheriton, Albemarle rd Murrell Charles, 3 Burnhill terrace, Phippen Alfred, 2 Christ Church villas
MarshWm. 2 Richmond ter.Birkbeck rd B urnhill road *PiggottWltr. Cotswold, Aldersmead rd
MarshallArthurEdwd. 48Coper'sCope rd Nalder Fras. Coniston, Fox Grove road *Pilbeam George, 5 Kent House road
MarshallHrbt. 3Lindn.vils. Mackenzie rd sNash Chas. Farington, Barnmead rd *Pilbeam Thomas, 7 Kent House road
Marshall Jn. r3Clifton ter.Ravenscrft. rd Na.~h Fras. Wm. 44 Caper's Cope road Pilcher Chas.Rd.Colebrook, TheAvenue
Marshal!Miss, 2 Sydney l'ils. Birkbeck rd Nash J. T. C. 36 King's Hall road Pillin Harry Linsell, r3 King's Hall rd
Marshall Norman, 2 Belgra-ve villas, Nash Wm. Hilton, The Dell, Rectory rd Pillin Septimus J. 8o Penge road
Mackenzie road · Nasmyth M. G. 39 King's Hall road Pink Goorge, 2 Surrey vils. Pelham rd
Marsh:~ll Thomas Edward, Lindum
Naylor Jas.Theophilns, 4r Wickham rd Piper William Thomas, Littlehampton,
lodge, Brackley road Neame Miss, Belmont, Southend road Blakeney avenue
Martenango Adolph, King's Hall ~:td
Neate Geo.Isaac, Ye Gotte,Mackenzie rd Pitcher Waiter, 13 Ravenscroft road
Martin Frederick M.D. Holmhutst, Neeves Arthur, 17 King's Hall road Pitt Arthur, 2 Penge road
Parkside, ~outhend road Newall Mrs, 50 Croydon road Pitt George, ~t. Agatha's lo. The Knoll
*Martin Mrs.Normanhurst,'Lennard rd N ewcombe Fredk.Sl. 6gCoper'fl Cope rd Poffiey Jn. I Adelpbi cotS'. Birkbeck rd
Martin Wm. Bentham, tg Barnmead rd •~ewington Mrs. 79 Lennard road ..Pollard Charles, 96 Lennard road
Mason Williarn James Peake, Willscott, Newman Ebenezer, 29 Penge road Ponder Frank Milton, 3 Hartington
' Fox Grove road · · Newman Henry George,2 Linden villas, villas, Penge road "
Massey Henry Richd. S. 'r7 Barnrhead rd Mackenzie road · r ' · Porter Hy.Geo.Hometield,FoxGrove rd
Mather H·. L. Lunesdale, Fox Grove rd Newman Mrs. Oakwood, Southend road Porter Nathaniel, 'I I Penge road 1 •
Porter Rd. Thos. Raleigh, Fox Grove rd Scholpp Gustave, 42 Barnmead road Stevens Wm. Hillside ho. Fox Grove I'd
Powell Henry Albert M.A., L.R.C. P.Edin. SchulLer J oseph, 36 Bromley road Stewart Andrew Ross, Appin villa '
I The Avenue Schwieger Hugo, IO King's Hall road Blakeney road
Prance Herbert"'Charles S. 2 Harting- *Scott llernard C. 62 Up. Lennard rd Stewart Mrs. Seafield, Blakeney road
ton villas, Penge road Scott Miss, 68 Barnmead road Stileman !''rank, Thurstonville, Over.
Prest Stanley F. Logie ho. Hayne rd Scott Thomas Waiter, Ceylon villa, burg avenue
Price Hcrbert, 42 Bromley road Ravenscroft road Stillwell Mrs. Springcroft, Park road
Price Miss, 13 Manor road Scovell Col. Edward Whitmore, St. Stokes Frederick, I9 Coper's Cope road
Price Thomas, Lymore, 72 Croydon rd Audries, The A¥enue Stone Mrs. Brook cot. Kelsey Park road
Price William James, St. Margaret's, Scale John, Luther vil. Ravenscroit rd Stoneham Alien, Ravenswd. Bromley rd
I3eckenham Place park, Southend rd Seaman Chas.4Linden vls.Mackenzie rd Straton Miss, 4 Fox Grove road
Pringle Charles Stuart, Fairnlie, !''ox Secretan Philip, Nuthurst, Rectory rd Street Jn.Bantield,Duryard, TheAvenue
Grove road Seeley Adolph L'na, I Barnmead road Stubbs Miss, Branxholm, Southend ni
*Pullen Daniel, 8 Upper Lennard road *Sclby Edgar, II3 Lcnnard road Sturges Frank L.R.C.P.Lond.44 Bromley
Pulley Mrs.Campsbourne, Albemarle rd Selby-Lowndes Capt. William Seymour, road
Purdue Geo. Hy. Eskdale, Hayoe road Beryl lodge, Hayes lane Sturges Montague James M. D., A.K.C.L,
Purvis Gilbert, Ingle-Neuk, llrackley rd Semark James, 44 Penge road The Limes, t-louthend road
Puzey Thos. Quarryton, Hayne road Sewell Mrs. Elmstone ho. Southend rd Summers John James, I3 Barnmead rd
Pyne Mrs. I I Cedars road Sbarland Charles, 3I Wickham road Sutherland James Mead, Hazlemere
*Quick Chas. Wm. 4 Up. Lennard rd Sharp John Robt. I9 Wickham road lodge, Southend road
Radcliffe John Edward, llroomhill, Shearman John Gabriel, Springfield, Sutherland William Paton, Hazlemere
Parkside, Southend road Brackley road lodge, Parkside, Southend road
RadleyEdwd.Tan-y-I3ryn,Fox Grove rd Sheldon Charles, Church terrace, I2 Sutton George, 6 King's Hall road
Radley Wilham, 36 Penge road Ravenscroft road Swabb Fredk. Glenisford, Mackenzie rd
*Rainbird Alfred, :Sorfolk villa, 43 Shepeard P. 5 Cedars road S wann Fdk. The Crescent, Blakeney aven
Upper Lennard road Shephard John, Ellesmere, Hayne road Swann Robt. North view, lllakeneyaven
Rait George Thos. Milton, Hayne road Shepherd Dennis Coulson, g6 Barnmead Swindels Mrs. 20 Caper's Cope road
Ralph HenryS. Kildare,44Barnmead rd road t-lyrne J ames, 76 Penge road
Ralph Philip, 54 Bromley road Sherwood George, I Maitland road Symons Herbert, 40 Brornley road
Ramage Mrs. Westwood ldg.I<'ox Gro. rd [letters through Sydenham] Tanner Henry, Rothbury, Brackley rd
Ramsay Alick, 8 King's Hall road Shipman George, 6 Christ Church villas Tarn Mrs. Melbecks, Albemarle road
Randall John, 156 Croydon road Short Ellis A. Tracey villa, Gwydol" rd Tarrant Walter, IO .Harnmead road
Randell R.M.H.M.D. 8 Caper's Cope rd Short John Lock ll. 53 Coper's Cope rd Tasker John William, 5 Swiss terrace,
Raper Henry, Hollybank, Hayne road Shutt William, 30 :Manor road Elmer's End road
Ratford Jn. 4 Hartington viis. Penge rd Sier Henry Walter, 43 Manor road Taylor Rev. T.Ogden[Wes.],IoCedars rd
RawleyThos.2Victoria viis. Mackenzie rd Silva Jn. The Wood ldg. Albemarle rd Taylor Andrew, Kingswood, Park road
Rayment Harry, 54 Barnmead road *Simonds Wm. Slade, 83 Lennard road Taylor John, 2 Burnhill ter. Burnhill rd
Recknell George, 20 King's Hall road Simpson F. W. Thornhury, Southend rd Taylor John, 32 Penge road
*Redward Geo. Bulbeck,I2I Lennard rd Simpson John H. Oak lawn, Bromley rd Taylor Josiah, 70 Croydon road
Reed Thomas, The Mount, llirk beck rd Simpson Miss, l>assy ho. Brackley road Teetgen Wm. Park house, Southend rd
Reed Wm. J n. The Cot. 26 Barnmead rd SimpsonThos.Silbury vil.Ravenscroft rd Tenbruggenkate B. J. Kemerton,
Reid Jarnes, Hill;;iJe, The Avenue *Sinclair John, ro Upper Lennard road Kemerton road
Reid Mrs. Oaklands, The Avenue Sissons Rev. Thomas B.A. [Congrega- Thomas Thos.Jeremy,r6 Coper'sCope rd
*Relf T. J. Hope vil. 48 Up. Lennard rd tional]. Elm lodge, Albemarle road Thompsett William, 7 St. MIChael's ter·
RhodesJohnGeo: Oakdene, Brackley rd *Skellorn Isaac, 58 Upper Lennard rd race, Birkbeck road
Richard Mrs. 5 Penge road Skinner James Martin, 6 Barnmead rd Thompson John, Oakfield, South Eden
*Richards Haslock, TeYiotdale, Courte- Skinner Mrs. 88 llarnmead road park, Wickham road
nay road Skinner Thos. M.D. Waylands,TheKnoll Thompson J n. 4 Parkside, Southend rd
Riches Philip, 58 Bromley road Slater Harry, Lime vil. Mackenzie road Thompson Saml. Lindifferon,Rectoryrd
Rider - , 55 Caper's Cope road Small William, Avenue road T homsonJohn, I G wydor vils. Gwydor rd
Ridpath Thoma~ Alexander,Ravenhead, Smith Chas. Alex. 42 King's Hall road Thomson John Mason, 67 Wickham road
Fox Grove road SmithFrank,2Clifton ter.Ravenscroft rd *Thomson Miss, 23 Kent House road
Ridsdale T. H. Caper's Cope house, Smith George, 24 llurnhill road Thomson Thomas,Chalfont, South Eden
Southend road Smith Hay, 21 Barnmead road park, Wickham road
Ripley William, 29 Coper's Cope road Smith Henry Dolling, 19 Cedars road *Thornton Alfred, 39 Up. Lennard rd
*Risdon Charles James, The Nest, Smith Horace, Ivy bank, The Avenue Thorp Walter, roo Penge road
Aldersmead road Smith Jas. Williarn, 9 Caper's Cope rd Thorpe Charles, 30 King's llall road
Ritson Josepb John, I8 Bromley road Smith Joseph, 5 Adelin ter. Penge road Thorpe Walter Ed ward, I 22 Penge road
Ritter Christian, Lyndhurst, Hayne rd Smith J oseph Alfred, 4 W estgate road Till Richard, L:J,isterdyke,Balkeney aven
Roberts Charles, 82 Croydon road Smith Miss, Eton ball, Fox Grove road Todd Charles, 31 King's Hall road
Roberts Mrs. Owen, 71 Coper's Cope rd Smith Mrs. North view, 22 Bromley rd Tolhurst Jn.J.P., F.s.A. 6Cop<~r'sCoperd
Roberts Octavian, The Thorns, l\'Iac- Smith Richard Alfred, 23 Barnmead rd TolhurstJohn G.St.Albans.47 Manorrd
kenzie road Smith S. A. Oakside, Ravenscroft road Tozer William, Dalchosnie, Hayne rd
Roberts Wm. Rosenberg, Fox Grove rd Smith Sinclair Trevone,52 Barnmead rd Traill Mrs. Waratah, Hayne road
Hobinson Charles, 29 Burnhill road Smith Thomas William, 4 Harcourt ter- Trapp Ludwig, 61 Caper's Cope road
Robinson Edward John, 2 Cavendish race, Ravenscroft road Trist Mrs. 22 Coper's Cope road
villas, Elber's End road *Smith Walter James, II5 Lennard rd Trollope Chas. Brown, 13 Westgate rd
Robinson James, 92 Croydon road
Smith Wm. Charlton lodge, Hayne rd Trollope Howard Woolwright, St.
*Robinson Russell, 46 Up. Lennard rd Snow John, Florence villa, Langley rd Leonard's, Hayne road
Rogers I<'rederick M. Tweedsmuir, 47 Snow Robert, I Newport vils.Gwydor rd
t-lolomon Walter, 1 Cedars road Tucker Mrs. Upton house, Mackenzie rd
Barnmead road
*Spears Wm. Frost, 33 Kent House rd Turnbull Charles, so Penge road
RolfeErnest,3Clifton ter.Ravenscroft rd Spencer Charles Smith, I Westgate rd
Rolfe Wm. 5 Clifton ter.Ravenscroft rd *Turner Hy. Decourcy, u KentHouse rd
TurnerJn. I St. Michael's ter.Birkbeck rd
Roots George, Birnam cot. Mackenzie rd Spencer-Phillips John, I2 Westgate rd Turner Mrs.7Church ter.Ravenscroft rd
Rose Abraham, 6 Church ter. Ravens- Spring Paul, Cbaseleigh, Hayne road Turner Stephen, 34 llurnhill road
croft road Springbett J. C. 27 King's Hall road Turner Waiter I<'itz, 45 :Manor road
Hose Joscph, r4 Ravenscroit road
Stagg Roland, Woodbury, The Avenue Vardon Mrs. W akehurst lodge, Park rd
lwund llerbert T. 2 Crescent road Stanton J oseph, 7 Langley road Vardon Percy J. Wakehurst lo. Parkrd
Hule George, I8 St. George's road Stapleton H. L. 20 Barnmead road *Veraguth Theod, I24 Lennard road
Rule Miss, Beckville, Southend road Steele Isaac, I Laburnum villas,Ravens- Vian Wm. John, Fairview, The Knoll
*Rumble Frederick, 8o Lennard road croft road Vincent William, 40 Penge road
*Rush F.C.2 Hamilton vils. Morland rd Steil Jas. Wm. Wellan lodge,Langley rd Viney John Daniel, I3 Coper's Cope rd
Russell Mrs. 6 Park ter.Mackenzie road Stein Andrew, 24 Coper's Cope road Vipan Mrs. I Manor road
Stenning John Cuthbert, Oakfield, Fox vonGaisberg Ludwig, 12 Barnmead rd
Samuels Mrs. 4 Cedars road
Sanderson James, 21 King's Hall road Grove road Waddington John, Sandhill cottages,
Sargeant Edwd. Hy. 35 King's Hall rd Stephens Mrs. ro Penge road Kelsey park
Saunders Thomas, 38 Burnhill road Stephens Mrs. Tyringham,Albemarle rd Wade Charles A. 50 King's Hall road
Savage Hy. Fras. 7I Lennard road Stephenson Rev. C. 56 Coper's Cope rd *Wade Mrs. 85 Lennard road
Sawyer Robert, 6o Croydon road Stephenson Geo. Elmhurst, Langley rd *Wahler Max, 87 Lennard road
Sayers John, 15 Manor road Stevens Frederick,Pickerage,OakHill rd Walker Joseph M. D. 36 Coper's Cope rd
Saywell Jas·.J Swiss ter.Elmer's End rd Stevens Richard J.P. Maywood, Becken- Walker Nathan, Hawthorns,Fox Gro.rd
Wallace John, Clock house, Penge road
Scarrott Henry, 84 Barnmead road , ham Place park
Wancke Herman Frederick Hemmet, 7 ·white Mrs. 9 Barnmead road "Wilson John, 26 :Wackenzie road
Cedars road White ThomasJohn,Rossmore,Hayne rd I Wilson John, Rosetta, Brackley road
Wanostrocht Henry, Keston view, White Wm. Maybank, Ravenscroft rd Wilson Thos. Church view, Brackley rd
Mackenzie road Whitehouse David, 2 Belle Vue cottages, Wilson W'illiam, 34 Penge road
Wardle Jsph. r Eaglescroft,Mackenzie rd Mackenzie road 'Vimble Charles, Thirlmere, Parkside,
Waring Albert Wynne, 82 Penge road Whiting James David Charles M.R.c.s. ~outhend road
Warren Mrs. Egrove, The Knoll 23 King's Hall road Windle Mrs. Claverley ho. Langley rd
Warren Otto, Hollington, Albemarle rd Whiting Thomas, 49 King's Hall road *Wisson Wm. Thos.Hy.47 KentHouse rd
*Warwick Thos. Peachy, 8I Lennard rd Whittaker Thomas Earle, 23 Caper's With Lars, 8 Westgate road
Wass Edward W. 56 Bromley road Cope road Wohlgmuth F. W. St. David's, Albe-
Watkins Edwin, Strathmore lodge, Whitteridge Hy. Unwin,24 Mackenzie rd marle road
Mackenzie road WigginsJoseph,Oleander vil.Birkbeck rd Wood Charles Smart, 22 Barnmead rd
Watson James, 34 King's Hall road Wild Mrs. I6 St. George's road Woodlly. Drew,)ieadow view,Rectoryrd
Watson John, Colintraive, Park road Wilkin John Frederick M.D. The War- Wood John Sadler, Hyde, Albemarle rd
Webb Alfred, 36 Burnhill road rcn, Southeml road Wood Miss, 9 St. Gcorge's road
Webb Samuel, 14 King's Hall road Wilkins John, 4 Christ Church villas Wood Waiter, 37 King's Hall road
*Webb William, Everleigh, Morland rd Wilkinson Roland, I Winslow cottages, Wood Wm. Nicholson, n6 Bromley rd
Webb William, The Beeches, Rectory rd Birkbeck road Woodforde James Edward, 2 Langley rd
Webber George, 12 H.avenscroft road Wilkinson Miss, Lorton, The Knoll Wooclhams Jsph. Siclney cot. Pengc rd
Weil John Charles, I Cavendish villas, Wilkinson Thos. James, 25 Penge road Woods Mrs. ro6 Penge road
Elmer's End road Wilks John Harvey, 120 Penge road Woollcott George, 2 Edinburgh ter-
Weir John Jenner, 21 Caper's Cope rd Wilks John J. B. A. 63 Wickham road race, Ravenscroft road
Weiste Diedrich, Elmsdale, Hayn~ road Williams Albert, 5 Ravenscruft road *Wuollett Wm. 33 Upper Lennard road
Welch Thomas L. 12 Cedars road Williams John, The Briars, Birkbeck rd *VI'oolverton Miss, 2r Kent House road
Wellard Chas. 5 South view,Birkbeck rd Williams LeonardJas. Oakhill, TheKnoll WorthingtonEdwd.Glyn,3gBrnmead.rd
Wells A. Primrose, 7 St. George's road Willis Fredk. James, go Barnmead rd WorthingtonMisses,Minshill ho.Park rd
Wells Henry Charles, II Burnhill road Willis Matthew Mar wood, 32 Caper's Wright Alfred, Lomlon & County Bank,
IWells James William, 37 Penge road Cope road High street
Wright William Austin, 6 Cedars road
Wescott Mrs. 9 Richmond terrace, Willis William, 25 Burnhill road
Birkbeck road Wills Brigade-Surgeon C. S. c. B. 25 Wright William Austin, r4 Cedars road
Wheatley Mrs. Rock ho. Ravenscroft rd 1 Wickham road Wrightson Miss, rr Brackley road
Wheeler David, 53 Wickham road i Wills Mrs. 28 Manor road Wuidart Jules, 33 Caper's Cope road
Wheeler George Brash, 39 Wickham rd *Willsmer James, 13 Kent House road Wynne Fredcrick Gcorge, I Belle Vue
*Wheeler Mrs. 45 Upper Lennard road 1 Wilmott Harry, I Harcuurt terrace, cottage"!, Mackenzie roaJ
Wheeler Mrs. 78 Barnmead road I Ravenscroft road *Yeoman Edwd. Penshrst.Courtenay rd
Whelon Charles Edmund, 2r Penge rd Wilson Alex. Gatewick, The Avenue Young Gcorge R. Woodthorpe, Park-
*White James, r Upper Lennard road Wilson Cornelius Lea D.L., J.P. Cedars, side, Southend road
White Jn.Frdk. TheHollies,FoxGrove rd IIO High street · Young Wm. Roddam, Fox Grove road
White Miss, 22 Caper's Cope road Wilson George, r8 Burnhill road
COMMERCIAL. Beckenham Provident Dispensary (Albert Primrose Wells,
medical officer; F. H. Firth, sec.), High street
Abbey School (Rev. T. Lloyd Phillips M.A., F.S.A. principal) Beckenham Public Hall Co. (Alfred Wright, hon. sec. ;
*Albemarle College (Rev. A. E. Coote H.A. head master), I George Bolton, caretaker), 4 Bromley road
Lennard road , Beckenham Journal (Turn William Tlwrnton, publisher;
All Saints Home for Married Women & Infants (Sister Jane I published friday), 42 & -H Hi~h street
Mary, in charge), Holyrood house, The Avenue lleckcnham School of Embroidery (Mrs. A. J. Hall, prin.
Almshouses, llromley road cipal), 4 High street
Andrews James George, marble mason, 62 Penge road Beckenham School of Music (Ormond Yearsley, sec.), 10
*Andrews Thomas, dairy, 72 Parish lane The Parade
ArmisteadWm.landscapegardener,2 TheHollies,Birkbeck rd Beckenham Volunteer Fire Brigade Station (William DaYis,
*Ash Alfred, confectioner, 69 Parish lane superintendent), Bromley road
Astell Emma (:Miss), dress maker, I 5 St. Gcorge's road Benard Mdlle. milliner, 38 High street
A.stell William, builder, 20 St. George's rmd Benskin W.&Co.ale & stout stores, Railway approach, High st
Atkin John George, butcher, 6r High street Blackboro H.obert, station master,Rutland cot. Southend rd
*Atkins James, wardrobe dealer, I Whatley road *Blandford George, plumber, So Parish lane
Austin Charles, stone mason, Alma villa, Birkbeck road Blundell William, fishmonger, 7 A.lbemarle road
Austin Chas. Thos. cowkecper & pork butcher, 85 High st Boase Robert .Alien, builder, Rockhead, Mackenzie road
Ayling Edwin, boot maker, 13 Bromley road Booth Brothers, coal & coke merchants, Railway bridge
Bailey Brothers, fruiterers, r9 High street · Booth Sarah (Mrs.), grocer, & agent for W. & A. Gilbcy,
Bailey Charles, cycle works, roo High street wine & spirit merchants, 28 & s6 High street
Baker William, greengrocer, 8 Chancery lane BourdonWalt.& Go. bicycle mnfrs.Railway approach, High st
Baker William, nurseryman, seedsm':l.n & florist, Victoria Bowles Henry, station master, Eden Park station, Upper
nursery, Bromley road Elmer's End road
*Balcombe Pettlr, shopkeeper, 29 Thesiger road BowlesRt.station mast. Railway statn.Eden pk. \Vickham rd
*Bannister Alfred, sign & glass writer, 12 Upper Lennard rd Breed William, nurseryman, Ravenscroft road
Barber James, saddler, 86 High street . Bright l<'rederick, chemist, 6o High street
Barnard William, farmer, Kelsey Manor farm, Wickham rd I BroweU John B. auctioneer, Park road
Barnett Alice (Mrs.), certificated nurse, 2 The Ferns, Brown Henry, carriage builder, Croydon road
Mackenzie road Brown Henry, fly proprietor, 12 Acacia road
Barrett George, fishmonger, 84 Bromley road Brown Henry, livery stable keeper, !:<'airfield road
Barton F. A. L. R.C. P.Lond, B. A. physicn. & surgn. 3 Penge rd *Browning ~Iary (Miss), dress maker, 9 Parish lane
*Bassett Alfred, clothier, 71 Parish lane * B r u s h Gcorgc Thomas, shopkeeper, 5 Thesiger ro:td
Batehelar & Son, house furnisher, 2 High street *Budd John, landscape gardener, 2 Tennyson road
Bateman George, greengrocer, Avenue road Budd Percy, William the Fourth P.H. Croydon road
Batham William, solicitor, Elmwood, Hayne road Burland Thomas Henry, grocer, Penge road
Baxter, Payne & Lepper, auctioneers, valuers, house, estate *Burt Mary (Mrs.), laundress, 14 Thesiger road
& land agents & surveyors, Railway bridge i Butcher Sarah (Mrs.), boot maker, 40 High street
Baxter William, baker & confectioner, ro_~ High street Butterfield Harris, medical officer of health to local
*Beaver Joseph, shopkeeper, 54 Thesiger road board, Local Board offices, Bromley road
lleckenham Charitable Society . Cakebread John Smithers, Railway hotel & posting house,
BeckenhamConsen·ativeClub( ArthurWarner,sec. ),7oHigh st I I High street
Beckenham Cottage Hospital (W. C. Jones, hon. sec. ; J. F. Candy Thomas, marble mason, Elmer's End road
Wilkin :M.D. ; H. A. Powell & Fr-d.nk Sturges M.D. con- Candy Thomas, monumental mason, Birkbeck road
suiting medical officers; Miss Jane Costford, matron), Carlton George B. C.E. surveyor to the local board, Loc:1l
Croydon road Board offices, Bromley road
Beckenham Cricket Ground, Fox Grove road Carpenter & Craig, surgeons, I4 Caper's Cope road
Beckenham & Penge Advertiser (Jesse Ward, proprietor; Carpenter Edward, surgeon, Trevathan, Albernarle road
published thurs.), Southend road Carpenter Henry, writer & decorator, 62 Bromley road
BeCkenham & Penge Brick Works Limited, Kent House rd Carr Henry & William, corn & coal merchants & forage
*Beckenham & Penge Co-opemtive Society (Charles Foskett, contractors, 64 High stre3t; Railway stliltion, Southend
manager)14 Parish lane road & 102 Hromley road
*Case Georgc, green grocer, 31 Thesiger road Geer John, beer retailer, 9 Chancery lane
Caston P. & E. fancy clrapers, 15 .Albemarle road General Agency Offices (TomWilliam Tbornton, proprietor)
Cato Susan (.:O.lrs. ), coffee rooms, 117 High street Public hall, 4 Bromley road '
Cator Estate Offlce(Thos.H. Burroughes,agent), Southend rd Giblin Harriet (::O.lrs. ), laundress, 2 St. Michael's terrace
Cawse Samuel, upholsterer, Broomfield cot. Mackenzie road l3irkbeck road '
Chalk Vernon B. butcher, 86 Bromley road Giles Thomas Oliver, draper, 66 High street
Challis Thomas, nurseryman, Pem;e road Glazebrook H. & Son, chimney sweepers, I30 Croydon road
Chandler Frederick, boot maker, 78 High street Glazebrook Henry, chimney sweeper, 63 Arthur road
*Charlett John Thomas, dairy, 54 Parish lane Glover Henry, shopkeeper, 4 Avenue road
Chegwidden Waiter, carpenter & builder, 101 High street *Godsmark George, oil & color stores, 51 Tennyson road
Church Elkanah, ironmonger, 8o Rromley road Goodhart I<'rederick E. solicitor, Langley park, Wickham rd
Churcher Edwin ·william, boot maker, Io6 High street Goodwin John, insurance ag2nt, 5 Church road
Clamp Frederiek .Arthur, cab proprietor, High street Graham Thomas, builder, High street
Clarke & Son, carpenters, High stre~t Green Frederick "William, plumber, 6o Pcnge road
Clarke John Gillard, builder, Bleak house, Mackenzie road Greene Arthur \Yeguelin, solicitor, 8 Fox Grove road
Cluh(The)CWm. Gregory, hon.sec. ),Public hall, 4 Bromley rd Grifiiths Edward, farmer, Wards farm, Croydon road
Coal Co-operaLve Socit~:y Limited, 21 High street Grinstead Daniel, corn chandler, 6 High street
Cole Joseph Schropcr, draper, 7 High street Guymer William, greengrocer, 146 Croydon road
Collier & Co. coal mers. l{ailway station, Elmers End road Gwillam Thomas, laundry, Pembroke house,Havenscroft rd
*Combe James, news agent, 73 Parish lane Hadden Tbo:nas Alfred, linen draper, 82 Bromley road
Conn Thom&s, dairyman, 3 .Avenue road Hampson James, laundry, 707 & 708 Birkbeck road
Cook Thomas, nurseryman, seedsman & florist, Railway Banish Charles, shopkeeper, Avenue road
approach, High street Hannan Gcorge, station master New Beckenham Railway
Coombs Henry, hair dresser, 78 Bromley road station, Park road
Cooper Frederick, builder, timber & brick merchant, steam Harding Merel (Miss), ladies' schl. I Hartington vils. Penge rd
joinery works & saw mills, Bromley & Wickham roads; Harman George, landscape gardener, Birkbeck road
office & art decorator, 12 The Parade, High street Harnett George, Manor coffee tavern, 45 High street
Cooper James, tailor, 7 The Parade Harris James, watch maker, 140 Croydon road
Cooper Thomas, dairyman, Stone farm, Wickham road. Harrison Robert, butcher, 17 Croydon road
Cooper Walter, watch maker, 6o Bromley road Hartwell Henry, carpenter, Roseneath villa, Ravenscroft rd
Copeland Henry, builder, 9 Bromley road & New Beckenham Hatfield George, The Rising .Sun P. H. Upper Elmer's End rd
station, Park road Hatfield John, beer retailer, Elmer's end
Corbin E. R St. Clair, surgeon, 91 High street *IIawkins George, jun. dairy, 67 Kent House road
*Corney Jonathan, grocer, 64 Parish lane Hayes Chas. Hy. & Co. milliners & drapers, 18 & 20 High st
Co'l"ell Edward, farmer, Langley farm, Langley park *Hayter Henry, dyer, 15 Upper Lennard road
Cox Thomas, builder, 98 High street Heard George, baker, 15 Croydon road
Craig James l\f.D., c.M. physician, I4 Caper's Cope road *Hearn Elizabeth Ann (Miss), general shop, 52 Parish lane
Cramp Thos.station master, Railway station,Elmer's End rd *Hedges Frederick, butcher, I Clifton terrace, Parish lane
*Crawley Thomas, boot maker,5 Clifton terrace,Parish lane Hefl'er Robert J ames, grocer, 39 High street
Crease J ames, greengrocer, 43 High street Herrington Alfred, boot maker, IO] High street
Cross Alfred Geo.general shop, 15 Hope town ter.A rtlmr road Hewlett James, chemist, see Deacon & Hcwlett
Crystal Palace District Cemetery Co. (James W_ Forhes, Hibbins Eleanor (Mrs.), beer retailer, 129 High street
sec.; Thomas Mack, superintendent), Elmer's End road Hill Thomas, carpenter, 2 Winslow cottages, Birkbeck road
Curtis Cornelius, upholsterer, 58 High street Hillier E. & M. (Misses), fancy repository, 9 Albermarle rd
Dallender WI!!iam, french polisher, 89 High street *Hillingsworth James, builder, Morland road
Dash & Co. fruiterers, I I .Albemarle road Hitt William George, grocer, 95 & 97 High street
Davis John, stone mason, 2 Darwin villas, Ravenscroft road Hoare Samuel, boot maker, 5 Chancery lane
Davis Richard Ernest, plumber, 31 High street Hoath John, laundry, Pembroke cottage, Ra-y-enscroft. road
Deacon & Hewlett, chemists & drnggists, 9 Hi;;h street & Hodges Mary Ann (::O.Irs. ), tobacconist, 56 Penge road
15 Bromley road *Hold~r Arthur, baker, .<;9 Kent House road
Dean John, coach builder, 103 High street & 8 Bromley rd Holifield Har1'iet (Mrs.), house breaker, Croydon road
De Brent Henry Benjamin, watch maker, 2I High street Hollely & Co. oil & color men, 47 High street
Dennis John, to~acconist, 54 Hi;;h street Holmes Henry John, carrier, 7I High street
*Dick R. & J. boot makers, 68 Parish lane *Holtham John, plumber & glazier, 42 Tennyson road
DitchamWm.YooghtL. D. s. G las.ameriean dntst. 1Southend rd Home of Compassion (Miss Minnie Purchase, in charge),
Doughill James, shopkeeper, I Avenue road 110 Bromley road
Downham Francis, boys' sc~10ol, 2 St. George's road Hopkins William, laundry, St. Cecil, Ravenscroft roa'i
Duncan IVilliam, builder, see Syme & Duncan Hoare Ch~rlcs Fredcrick, solicitor, Hildcn, The .Avenue
Dyball Robert, boot maker, I Arthur road Harsham Thos.nurs.!ryman, Th'1yer's Park nursery, Penger~
Dymond Hermon Robert, greengrocer, 6r Arthur road Howard John, cheesemonger, 65 H1gh street
Ebbs James, dairyman, 79 High street Howell Leonard, boot maker, 23 High street
Edgcombe J. fishmon;;er, 94 High street Howes Robert Howard, ironmonger, 62 High street
Edgcombe James, fishmonger, 12 High street Hoyland E. Douglas, architect, 27 High street
*Edmonds Selina (:\Irs. ), ladies' school, 6 Parish lane Hudson John, builder, 4 St. George's road
Edwards Edward, laundry, Upton >illa, Ma.ckenzie road Hudson Thomas, dairyman, Thayer's farm, l3eckenham rd
Eely William, plasterer, 2 Myrtle villas, Birkbeck road Humbcrston Mary (Miss), laundry, I Park ter. Mackenzierd
Elliff John, jobbing gardener, Wickham road J acobs Frederick, builder, A venue road
Ellirman Sarah (Mrs.), laundry, 3 Ravenscroft road J arvis Thomas, bricklayer, I R)lic villas, Birkbeck road
Ellis Il<!nry R. grocer, & post o!tice, II3 High street Jeffery Absalom, greengrocer, Avenue road
Engleheart Messrs. auctio:1eers, Railway bridge Jennings Benj. builder, Elizabeth villa, B.avenscroft road
Evans Thomas, tailor, 2 Church road Jennings Henry, baker, Mackenzie road .
Everard Eliza (Miss), fancy draper, II9 High street *Jones John, physician, 73 Lennard road
Ewins Jarnes, shopkee1Jer, l''ickharn road Jones Thomas W. ironmonger, p6 Penge road & builder &
Fairall Gusta vus, staii~m master, Kent House station contractor, Crescent works, Barmea:l road
*Farnell Charles, boot maker, r8 Thesi~er road Keable Thomas William John, tailor, I2I High street
Ferris Robert & Sons, saddlers, 52 High street Keeler .Ann (Mrs.), nursery, Park road
Filby Edward Georgc, hair dresser, 15 High street Kennard .Alfred, carpanter, Cranbrook cot. Ravenscroft rd
Fisher Isaac J oseph, baker, & post office, 96 Bromley road Kenzie Edward, cattle dealer, Hayes lane
Ford Williarn, boot maker, 138 Croydon road Kick George John, builder, ro Bromley road
Foster Agnes (Miss), confectioner, 104 High street Killick George, beer retailer & dining rooms, SS High street
!<'ox & Co. drapers & milliners, 37 High street Killick John, laundry, 57 Penge road
Fox C. .A. solicitor, High street
*King William, dairyman, x Thesiger road
Fox Henry, fancy repository, 132 Bromley road KirbyEdmund Adolphus M.D. physician & surgeon,Kelsey pk
*Francis John Henry, Alexandra tavern, Parish lane Knights Edward, dairyman, Croydon road
Freeman James Plater, grocer, 17 Bromley road Koch James K. house decorator, 2 .Art.hur road
Freemantle Stephen, carpenter,Birkbeck house,Birkbeck rd Kydd Richard, builder, Lunan bank, Cedar's road
Frostick Henry Richard, chimney sweeper, 67 High street *Langlands JohQ, farmer & dairyman, Kent House fanllr
*Fry Francis, boot maker, Somerville road Kent House road
Furze William, stationer, 102 Hrgh street *Langlands Robert, hay & straw merchant, Kent House rd
*Gammon Arthur, groeer, 32 Parish lane Lawrence William, dairy, .Avenue road
*Gardner \Yilliam, shopkeeper, 7 Thesiger road Lawrence William, tobacconist, IO & 76 High street
Garratt George, builder, Kent villa, Ravenscroft road Le-Petit Ada (}Iiss), ladies' school, I Lorna viis. Penge rd
LEVENS WILLIAM, auctioneer, home, land & estate agent Page Charles, chimney sweepJr, 6 Chancery lane
& valuer, 13 High street & Railway brid~e *Page Madame, dress maker, 51 Upper Lenna.rd roa 1
Levens Wi!liam, baker & confr.ctioner, 13 High street Palmer Ed ward Richard, builder & sanitary engineer, 13 &
*Lewis A. J. & Son, pape!rhangers, 2 & 4 Thcsiger road 17 Wickbam road
Lifiord William Thomas, shopkeeper, 8o High street Pankhunt George, plumber, 2S St. George's road
Lomas Henry, dairyman, 50 Arthur road Parker John & Co. music sellers, 24 Hi~h street
London & County Banking Co. Limited (Geurga Dennen, *Parrell Walter, Kent House tavern, Thesiger road
managPr), High street Parsons Bernard W. butcher, 19 Albem:ule road
London & Provincial Bank Limite:l (branch) (Charles w; *Parsons Edwin, shopkeeper, Morland road
Gribble, manager), High street Partri:lg~ Fk. Wm. A. R. A.M. pro f. of music, 19 St. George's rd
*Longford Thomas, stationer & post office 63, & green- Pearce Arthur, solicitor, Public ball, 4 Bromley road
grocer 61, Kent House road Peck Arthur David, oil & color man, 9 Croydon road
Longlmrs~ Alfred., dairyman, Croydon road Peverall J ane Mary (Mrs.), postmistress, 5 Albemarle road
Lovel.l John, builder, 156 Croydon road Phillips & Robinson, livery stahles, High street
Lovelock William, m:lrble mason, 51 Hig!1 street *Pilbeam Brothers, builders, Suffolk villa, 7 Kent House rd
Lovely Ernest, chemist, 70 Pen_2"e road Pip3r William, statuary & monumental mason, opposite tha
Lownds William, job & postmaster & om1ibus propri13tor, Cryst~l Palace cemetery, Elmer's End road
Bromley road & livery stable keeper, High street *Pob6ee Henry, greengrocer, 45 Parish lane
Luff Miss, servants' registry, 17 Albemarle road Podger & Sons, dyers & cleaners, 17 AlbCJmlrle road
Lufkin Fmncis Edward, greengrocer, go High stree; Porritt C. H. station master, Clock HousCJ station
*Lyon Andrew, baker, 3 ThJsiger road Potter Thomas, butcher, 1~ Roseneath ter. Arthur roacl
Lyons Eliza. Ann (Mrs.), Oak hill P.H. go Dromley ro:.d Powe\1 Hy.Albt. M.A. 1T. n. c. P. surgeon, Briton ho. Th~ Avenue
McArthur Rev. Donald, school for young gentlemen, Preston Ed 1vard, carpenter, 3 Chanc )ry lam
Becl!:enham lodge, 1 PenJe road *Prior Thomas, tobacconist, Kent House road
*~clntosh .Alexander, carman & contractor, Kr.nt HousJ rd Pun·is Charles, corn merchant, 57 High street
Mack Thomas, superintendent Crystal Palace Cemetery Co. Pyrke Bertram Stewart, provi~ion dealer, 54 Pen:;e road
(lo:ige), Elmer's End road Rabbits & Sons, boot & shoe dealers, 22 High street
Mackadam Alfd.Chas.E.pianist, 2 Calherine vils.Birkbeck rJ Rand ~n Joseph, nursJryman, Brook nursery, Blakeney road
McKenzie Murdock, greengrocer, 99 High street R.mddl Reginald Maurice Henry 111. D. physician & surg3on,
McLellan E. & L. art studio, 93 Hi~h street 8 Caper's Coptl road
*McLeod Horatio, boot maker, 69 Kent Hous2 road *Reed James Frederick, china rivetter, 8 Parish lana
McMullen & Co. ale, stout & porter brewers, West. Kent Reed Mary (Mrs.), coffee rooms, Chancery lane
brewery, Elmer's end, Up!Jer Elmer's End road Reed Waiter Adams, builder, 32 Barmead road
Manger George Holtum, linen draper, 3 & 2r Albermarle rd Ribbens George Joseph, baker, 52 Penge road
Manger Henry, rate collector, Local Board offi,~es, Bro:nley Rich Frederick William, butcher, 3 & 92 High street
road & 30 St. George's road Rickett, Smith & Co. Lim. co1l & coke mJrs. R \il w.1y bridge
Marchant John Thorne, dairyman, 49 High street *Ridgwell William, landscape gardener, Montague villa,
Marriage Henry, tobacconist, IO<] High streJt Morland road
Martin Frederick M.D. surgeon, IIolmhurst, Southend road Rippr.ngal Alfred, greengrocer, 1 I Bromley road
*Maskell Henry, boot maker, 33 Parish lane Ritson Joseph John L.D.S.I. dentist, 18 Bromley ro~d
*Maskey Willia.m, shopkeep2r, 24 Pl'incess terrace Rivers "\\-'illiam, whtlelwright, Harris yard, Hi~h street
Mason Jos2ph, laundry, Westbury house, Birkbeck road Robinson Arthur, livery stahles, see Phillips & Robinsrm
Maternity Home (.Miss A. L. Parry, lady supt. ),4 Crescent rd Rockett James, mariner, I D:1rwin villas, Ra venscroft road
Mathew Waiter, coal merchant, S3e Yl:oore & Ma.th3w Rogers John, pork butcher & dairyman, 92 Bromley road
M<lynard Frederick, nurseryman, Ravenscroft ro~d Ro!fe ~tephen, carpenter, 25 Chancery lane
Maynard Mary (Mrs.), laundry, Sussex cot. Ra venscruft rd RootsGeo. sanitary inspector, Local Board offices, Bromley rd
Meadows George, landscape gardener, 10 St. George'ci ro.1d Roots Thomas, florist & seedsman, 114 HiJh street
Medcalf Henry, jeweller, II l'arade Rose Henry J ames, collector to th3 guardians of Bromley
MetropolitanCoalConsumers' Associ<ltionLim.Elmer'sEnd rd union, relieving & vaccination officer ~ o. 1 district &
Metropolitan & Suburban Milk Supply Association Limited, registrar of births & deaths for Bromley sub-district,
r3 "Albemarle roaJ Local Hoard office~, llromley road
Mid Kent Building & Contracting Works Limited (Henry Rose James, general shop, 5 Hope Town. ter. Arthur road
Heathfield, sec.), Coper's Cope ro:ld Rosnnberg Walter, builder, Dart villa, Ravenscourt road
Miles David, shopkeeper, Croydon road *Russel William Frederick, undertaker, 2 Princess terrace
Miller Ernest, tailor, 41 High street St. Agatha's Convalescent Home (N. HawthQrn, sec.; Mr.>.
Miller James, blacksmith, 39 Chancery lane Digby Collins, hon. sec.), 1 Crescent road
Mills William, wheelwright, Croydon road Sandercock Thomas, uphol~terer, I Church road
Moore & Mathew, coal merchants & agents for Fremlin *S~mnders Henry, general shop, r Courtenay road
Brothers, pale ale brewers, l\l.tidstone; Railway station I Saunders John, fish shop, 52 Arthur road
l'lloore Arthur !II.B.c.v.s. veterinary sutgeon, High street Scoley James, landscape gardener, 4 Church ro:1d
Moore Sarah (Miss), dress maker, 24 St. George's road *Scott Bernard Charles, surgeon, 62 Upper Lennard ro:1d
Morell Tnomas W aldo, profe3sor of music, 8 Church ro:~.d Sewe Anna (Miss), maison d'art, 3 Kelsey Park road
Moreland William, grocer, 142 Croydon road Shambrook William, butcher, 33 High street
Morland William, grocer, 10 Cllanccry lane Shearman John Gabriel, solicitor, Springfield, Bra.ckley rl
Moss Alfred, confectioner, 59 High street Shelton Mrs. Harriet, launlry, II Croydon road
Moss Alfred, plumber, 59 High street Sherwood James, plumber, 46 Penge road
Moss Emma. (Miss), dress maker, 64 llromley rmd Sinnock Mary (Mrs.), laundress, Lime villa, Birkbeck road
Moss Frederick, farrier, 21 Eden road, Elmer's end & Skinner Gtlorge, builder, Leonard villa, Blakeney road
Harris's yard, HiJh street Smith Emma (Mrs.). shopkeilper, 15 Chancery lan3
Moyle William John, greengrocer, 13 Croydon road *Smith George F. painter, 50 Tennyson road.
Mundy Harry, draper, 13A, Bromley road Smith Harry, plasterer, 1 Myrtle villas, llirkbeck roa:l
Murrells William A. cabinet maker, 33 High street Smith John, draper, g6 High street
Nash J. T. C. sur,:;eon, Kingshalllodcie, 36 Kin_;shall ro::td Smith Robert, boot maker, 63 High street
Neate Geo. L. house, lani & estate agent, King's Hall roal Sparrow George, baker, 83 High street
*Xeeves Jane (~Irs.), confectioner, 51 Parish lane
Spriugett Herbert M.R.c.v.s. vet. sargaon, High strJe· &
Nddrett Charles, upholsterer, ro8 High street shoeing forge, Fairfield road
Newell John William, Three Tuns P.H. 8I High street Standing Robert, grocer, Croydon ro:J.d
*Sewham Edward, oilman, 3 Clifton terrace, Parislllane Steele John, The Greyhound P.H. 49 H1gh street
Nicholls William, greengrocer, 2 Birkbeck road Stevens Frederick, clerk tu local board, Loc:tl Bo:J.rd otlices,
*~icbols George, shopkeeper, Parish lane Bromley road
Norton Edward, gasfitter, 69 High street Stewart Danl. laundry, I & 2 Wheatsheaf viis. Mackenzie rd
Nottle David, fancy repository, 17 High street *Stratton Thomas, boot mak3r, 29 Tennysun roal
Oaten Frederick, beer retailer, Fairfield road Sturge.s Frank L.R.C.P. & M.B.c.s.Edin. physician & surgeou,
O.d Beckenham (The) Mtssion & Coffee Rooms (B. A. Hey- 44 Bromley road
wood, hon. sec. ; George Gatton, suptlrintenJent; Mrs. SturgesMontagueJa.mes M. D. surgeon, TheLimes,Sou th3nd rd
Mary Hemfrey, managere3s), Bromley road Sutherland Jas. Mead, solicitor,Hazlem2re ldg. S1uthenl rd
Opie E1ward Augustus li!.B. physician, 126 PenJe road Sylven Thos. Geo. gun maker, Lansdowne vil. Mackenzie rd
Otford Greystone Lim~ Co.(J.ll Lowe,mngr. ), lbilway statn Syme & Duncan, builders, Bhkeney road
Ottaway Ann (~Irs.),laundry, 13 Chureh ter. Raven,croft rd Taylor Joseph, cowkeeper, Ancaster road
Ottaway James, oil & color man r Chancery lane Temp3rance L'lundry (Th2) (Miss R~ady, •mpt.), 45, 46 &
Ou.sley Frederick, dairyman, 65 Penge road 47• Arthur roJ.d
Terry Fun,,, d1irym::m 1 Pdha!Il road
Paclr.l.!am William, chaesemon;;er, 48 High streat
Thornton Tom William, printer & stationer, 42 & 44 High West Kent Stone & Marble Works (Mrs. Sarah Wheatley,
st.& IS Bromlcy rd.& stationer,Trinity ho.7Up.Lennard rd proprietress), Elmer's End road
Thorpe William John, greengrocer, 4 Kelsey Park road "'estcott Francis Dorninick, stationer, Avenue road
Tilling Thomas, job & post master, Bromley road Wheeler George Brash, solicitor, 39 Wickham road
Tolhurst Charles, Prince Arthur P.H. Penge road Wheller James George, George inn, 55 High street
Tong Stephen, shopkeeper & post office, Avenue road Whiting James David Charles M.n.c.s. surgeon, Derogate,
Town Thomas, shopkeeper, so & SI Arthur road 232 King's Hall road
Tricker Alfred Charles, boot maker, Croydon road Wilkin John Fredk. M. D. surgeon, The Warr~n, Southend rd
*Turle Charles, jobbing gardener, 12 Somerville road Willian J ames, chemist, 9 The Parade
Turle Richard, wine & spirit merchant, 8 The Parade Williams Genrge, boot maker, 23 Limes rd. Chancery lane
Turner George, oil & calor man, so High street Wilson Eliza (Mrs.), grocer, 84 High street
*Turrel Francis, rustic workP.r, Lennard road Wilson William, plumber, r3r High strP.P.t
Umberstone Daniel, laundry, II Ravenscroft road Windsor & Co. china & glass dealers, 8 High street
Valery Frederic, photographer, 8 The Parade Winnan Joseph, laundry, 2 Percy villas, llirkbeck road
*Venthan James, photographer, I Hamilton vils. Morland rd Withers John, shopkeeper, 29 Ed~n road, Elmer's road
Waitt John, hair dresser, 63 High street Wood Annie (Miss), kindergarten school for girls, 9 St.
Wall George, grocer & post office, Croydon road
Watson Charles, coffee rooms, 6 Fairfield road George's road
Watkins Edwin, architect & SUr\'eyor, Strathmore lodge, Worthington Mary (Miss), ladies' boarding school, Minshull
Mackenzie road road, Park road
'\Varden George, butcher, 7I Kent House road ""'right Eva (Mrs.), stationer & post office, 68 Pen:;e road
*Warne C. W. pianoforte warehouse, Parish lane *Wright Charles, boot & shoe maker, 23 Princess terrace
·warrilow John, laundry, Stafford house, Ravenscroft road Wright Henry, butcher, Penge road
Webb Henry, dairy, 144 Croydon road Wright Thomas, auctioneer, house, land & estate agent,
*Webb Thomas Webb, tobacconist, so Parish lane
·weeks George, ironmonger, 5 High street Kent House station, Barnmead road
'\Vell & Wedgwood, surgeons & dentists, 1 Albemarle road Yearnsley W. & S. bakers, 14 Bromley road
WellsAlbertPrimrose L.R.C.P.Edin. surgcon,7 St.George'srd *Young George, chimney sweeper, 77 Parish lane
West Benjamin William, linen draper, 46 High street *York Ha~riet (Mrs.), dress maker, 2 Whatley ro.1d
Young Men's Christian Association (Ernest F. Lawrence &
J. A. Stoneham, secs.), High stre3t
BEKESBOURNE is a parish, situated on the Little free. The register dates from the year rsss. The living is
Stour, with a station on the London, Chatham and Dover a vicarage, average yearly value from. tithe rent-charge
railway, 3 miles east-south-east from Canterbury and 59 £186, net income £157, with re::,i:lence, in the gift of the
from London by road and 64! by railway, in the Eastern Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since 1881 by the Rev.
division of the county, St. Augustine lathe, Bridge hundred Henry John Wardell M.A. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge,
and union, petty sessional division and county court district and chaplain to the Marquess Conyngham. There is an
of Canterbury, East Bridge rural deanery and Canterbury ancient house in this parish, formerly a country residence of
archdeaconry and diocese. This parish is a member of the the Archbishops of Canterbury, and now in the occupation
Cinque port of Hastings and was formerly a borough. The of the Rev. Henry John Borrow B. A. George Bawdier Gipps
church of St. Peter is an ancient building in the Norman, esq. J.P. of Howletts, who is lord of the manor, and the
Early English and later styles, and consists of chancel, nave, Marquess Conyngham are the principal landowners. The
south transept, in which is placed the organ, and a small soil is clay, gravel and chalk ; subsoil, chalk. The chief
embattled western tower of modern date containing 6 bells, crops are wheat, barley, oats and hops. The area is r,u5
two of which, the gift of Miss Jane Gipps, were adcled in acres; rateable value, £2,769; the population in r88r was
r89o: the church contains memorials to the families of 33S·
Palmer, Hales and Faggc, and was restored in r882-9 at a Parish Clerk, Henry Taylor.
cost of abouL £3,000, defrayed principally by the members PosT 0FFICE.-Letters arrive from Canterbury, via Bridge,
of the Gipps family and the Ecclesiastical Commissioners: at 7-IS a.m.; dispatcheLl at 7-IS p.m. & I2.IO on sundays.
there is a memorial window to George Gipps esq. and his The nearest money order office is at Bridge. The tele-
wife, and one to Mrs. Mary Wardell and Mrs. Mary Ramsay, graph office is at the railway station for dispatch & at
besides others erected in 1886 to George Gipps esq. J.P. Bridge for delivery of telegrams
Canon Robertson, 12 years vicar of Bekesbourne, John Xational School (mixed), for 6o children; average attend-
Mears esq. John Sharpe esq. and his wife, and Austen ance, so ; M:iss Trees, mistress
Gardner esq.: there are sittings for 15o, about 100 being Hailway Station, Freclerick Ryder, station master
Gipps George Bowdler J.P. Howletts ! Baker Henry Minter, farmer & land- : Heynolds Franklin, farm bailiff to G.
I owner, Cobham court
Oldershaw Miss, ·wanstalls B. Gipps esq
Ramsey Robert, Howletts ; Bartlett Elijah, beer retailer ·. Sherrard l<'rancis, beer ret. & coal mer
Sarl!ent Miss, Mulberry cottage Gardner William, farmer j Whale Abraham J. Prince of Wales P.H
• 1 j
WardcllRev. Henry John M.A. Vicarage Jarvis Edward (miller), wind
BELVEDERE (or LESS'NESS HJ<:ATH) and ABBEY Woon, for indigent merchant seamen, being 6o years of age : the
is an ecclesiastical parish, formed in 1Bbi from the civil building is available for soo inmates and is supported by
parish of Erith, with a station on the North Kent section voluntary subscriptions: it at present contains roo inmates,
of the South Eastern railway, I2 miles from London and who are fed and clothed, and there are also about 200 out-
1 mile west from Erith, in the North Western division of door pensioners in various parts, each of whom receives£12
the county, Lessness hundred, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, yearly: Captain Thomas Park, house governor. There is a.
petty sessional division, union and county court district masonic lodge in the grounds of the institution. The Bel·
of Dartford, rural deanery of East Dartford, archdeaconry vedere and Abbey Wood Proviclent Dispensary, established
of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. The parish is in 1855, was made provident in r888, and has an average
lighted with oil lamps and supplied with water by the number of about 140 patients : it is supported by voluntary
West Kent Company from Crayford. All Saints' church, contributions.
Erith road, is a building of cut flint with stone dress- Abbey Wood lies to the west and has a station on
ings, in the Early English style, and consists of chancel, the North Kent ra1lway; near it is llosTAT,L HEATH, a tract
nave of five bays, transepts, aisles and a western tower 155 acres in extent, situated on the table land which bounds
with spire containing a clock and one bell: it has four the Thames marshes below Plurnstead and commanding a
stained windows and will seat 6oo persons, 280 sittings being pleasant prospect : it is under the control of the London
free. The register dates from the year 1861. The living is County Council as an open place. St. Mary's iron mission
a vicarage, net yearly value £3oo, with residence, in the church was erected here in 1888 at a cost of £r8o, and
gift of three trustees, and held since I 887 by the Rev. will hold 200 people. The population in 188I was 4,6oo.
Samuel Bickersteth M.A. of St. John's College, Oxford. St. PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office
Augustine's is an iron church, erected upon the marshes, (Sub-Office. Letters should ha>e S.O. Kent added), Bexley
and has 300 sittings, all free : the organ was formerly in road.-James Gillard Trott, postmaster. Mails arrive
Lambeth Palace chapel. There are Congregational, Baptist at 8 & II.4S a.m. & 3 & 7 p.m. ; & the box closes for dis·
and Primitive Methodist chapels and one for Plymouth patch at 8 & 11.20 a.m. & 4.35, 8.50 & 10.40 p.m
Brethren. The Public Hall, situated in Erith road and PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Offic
built in r87r at a cost of £r,soo, is a structure of brick in Picardy.-Miss Minnie Goos3, postmistress. l\Ia.ils arri,
the Gothic style, consisting of a hall capable of seating 300 at 7.6 a.m. ; box closes for dispatch at 8.50 & 11.35 a.n
persons, with ante and Mmmittee rooms, and is intended for & 4-SO, 9 & 11 p.m. ; Sunday, 10.45 p.m
assemblies, concerts and public meetings, but ie at present PosT, M. 0., S. ll. & Annuity & Insurance OffiC3, Abbl
closed. The Royal Ailred A..,o-ed Merchant Seamen's Institu- Wood.-Walter Vobe, sub-postmaster. Letters di
tion is a large building, pleasantly situated in 24 acres of patched 7.50 & ro 35 a.m. & & 8.20 p.:n. Neare
ground, commanding a view of the river, and is an asylum telegraph office is at l'icardy
PoST, M. 0., S. B. & Annunity & Immrance Office, North- boys & r6o girls & infants ; Horace Plummer, master;
umberland Heath.-F. F. G. Herring, sub-postmaster. Miss Eliza Morris, mistress
London Board, Knee hill, Abbey Wood (girls & infants),
Letters dispatched at 10.50 a.m. & 4·5 & 8.20 p.m. built in 1Bgo, for I3I children; average attendance, 8o ;
Nearest telegraph office at Belvedere Miss Flora Painter, mistress
Board (girls & infants), Northumberland Heath, rebuilt in
PuBLIC EsTABLISHMENTS : - I88o, for 187 children; average attendance, 141 ; Miss
Lucy Culm, mistress
Provident Dispensary, F. Spurrell L.R.C.P.Edin. J. Elliot, All Saints' Church (girls), for 200 children; average at-
H. Cane M.D. & A. S. Greenway, medical officers: tendance, r6o ; Miss Kate Matthews, milltreess
All Saints' Church (infants), for 200 children; average
Thomas Dixon, hon. sec attendance, 140 ; Mrs. Georgina Amos, mistress
Metropolitan Police Station, R. Division, Inspectors, Abraham RAILWAY STATIONS:-
Saunders, John L'lnce & William Wright, 4 sergeants & 30 Abbey Wood, Stephen Wilson, station master
Belvedere, Station road, Charles Hawkins, station master
constables CARRIERS.-J. M. Baughan, to London & Belvedere, mon.
tnes. & fri. ; T. Parker, daily; Parker Thomas & Sons,
ScHOOLS:- daily, returning same day
Erith Board (boys), Albert road, Lessness Heath, built in
1875 & enlarged in 1889 for 240 children: average attend-
ance, 200; Richard Ambrose Burrows, master
Board, Picardy (boys, girls & infants), built in r88g, for
240 boys & 240 girls & infants ; average attendance, 100
Belvedere. Egerton William, Bridgewater house, l\'lorrell Commander Gcorge Truman
Woolwich road , R.N. The Laurels
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Elliot John, The Firs, Picardy road 1\'lorrisFrdk.P.Orchardleigb,Picardy hl
Abrathat Mrs. John, 3 Albert cottages, Etheredge Mrs. 39 Bedonwell hill Moseley John, Bedonwell road
Woolwich road Eversham Mrs. 9 Woodley terrace, 1 Mott Mrs. Montealto, Woolwich road
Asser Robert Verney, Tower, The Park Grosvenor road Neal Arthur, 4 Eria terrace
Atkins Henry Sampson, Dale side, Farr Harry G. Grosvenor ho. Abbey rd 'Newman CharlesO.Osborn ho.Bedonwll
Woolwich road 1 Flicker William, Albert road Oulton Wm. Prospect cots.Picardy hill
Atkinson James Robert, 4 River view 'Fowera.kcr James, Halt Robin road Pagct Miss, 24 ·woolwich road
Avery Mrs. Bedonwell hill Gade Douglas Byron, Pomfret hc..use, Palmer Mrs. Tower hill, ·woolwich rd
Baggs William, Gladeswood road Woolwich road Park Captain Thomas, Belvedere park
Baker Miss, 36 Abbey road ' Gash Thomas Cotter, Florence villa, Pask Miss, 24 Woolwich road
Barker Mrs.2 Laurel villas, Bedonwell hli Picardy road Pine William, Abbey Wood villas
Barnes Mrs. 44 liexley road 1 Gibson Samuel William, Weymouth Pinnock William, Heathfield house,
Bateman Arthur Henry,TheWoodlands ! villas, Picarely hill Berkhampstead road
Beadle Charles, Bedonwell house Gifford Geo. Douro ldg. Essenden road Player James, Craiglan vils. Picardy hl
Beadle Miss, Park road Goldsmith ·waiter, 59 Woolwich road I Ralfe Mrs. Eaton vil.Berkhampstead rd
Heeston William, Gladeswood road Goodman Re\·. William B.A. [Baptist], Reynolds Mrs. 1 Gloucester road
Belcher James Willis, The Briars, Heath house, Bedwell road Rice Mrs. Dunraven, Lessness park
Lessness park Goodman Charles Ilerbert, lleath ho , Robinson Wilham Owen, 2 ltutland
Bellars Wm. Eardley villas, Picardy rd Greenway Alexander Stevenson M.D. 1 gate, Erith road
Bendall Robert, I Magdala villas, Erith Heath villas 1 Ronald Henry, I8 Lower Park road
Lower road Greenwa.y Mrs. I Heath villas Raper Henry. Gladeswood road
Bickersteth Rev. Samuel M.A. Vicarage Greig Henry Alfred, Eaves, Picardy hill Rowan John, I4 Gladeswood road
Bilby Edward, 2 Picardy hill Griggs Mrs. Thanet cottage, Bedon- Rudkin Jn. Glendore ldg.Freemantle rd
B\ake Mrs. 14 Lower Park road well hill Scarlett Henry, Thorn ldg.Essenden rd
Blandford Mrs. 2 Magdala villas, Erith Grimley Wm. Montford ho. Picardy hill Scott Jn. Gordon, The Cot, Woolwich rd
Lower road Gubbins Richard Russet!, Howrah Seager William, 52 Bexley road
Blandford Mrs. Glenbrook, Essenden rd villas, Woolwich road Seal Charles, I3 Woolwich road
Blathwayt Mrs. Fern lodge, Picardy rd Guyot Peter, Annbank house, Erlth rd Selfe Rev..Fras. C. [Congregational],
BlaxlandGeorge,Sunny hill,Lessness pk Hardy Rev. Thos. Wm. M.A. [vicar of 1 Llandudno house, Bexley road
lBlyth Francis Creswick, II Erith road St. John the Baptist], IS Erith road Smith Henry William, The Cottage,
I Bedwell road
Blyth HerbertC.Glenmora, Woolwich rd Harris George, I Abbey road
Bond William, 36 Woolwich road Hart Wm. T. Tynedale, Woolwich road SmithHy.Woodrow,Myrtle vil.Abbey rd,
Bromley James, 9 Gladeswood road Hatton George Henry, I Lower Park rd • Smith Mrs. James, Oak lodge, Wool-
Yrown Thomas, Bedonwell hill Havergal Rev. Eustace M.A. [curate], wich road
BnrrowsRichd.Ambrose,s3Woolwicb rd Evelyn villa, Bexley road SmithJohnPassam,TheCedars,Heron hl
Burton Joseph, Swiss cot. Bedwell road Hayles Arthur W. 9 Park road Smith Mrs. Joshua, The Retreat,
CaneHowardM.D.TheGables,Eardleyrd Hazle Mrs. 52 Woolwich road Essenden road
Cartwright Miss, .Bexley road Heaps Thomas, Norman lodge, Erith rd Smith Mrs. The Willows
CauserJohn, Lynndon road Herbert Rtawell, 7 Erith road Spiers Henry, II Gladeswood road
Chandler Horare Edward, Kearsbrook Hodd Henry, Eria terrace, Lower road Spouse Edward, 9 Park road
lodge, Bedwell road Holloway Robert, Stapley road Sprules Robt. W.3l\'lyrtle vils.Lower rd
Chapman Mrs. 3 Grosvenor road Holmes James Park, Yew Hurst, Spurrcll Fla:x:man, Picardy road
Chard Mrs. Bed well road Upper Park road Stickland Henry, South villa, Bexley rd
Charlwood Walter, 6 Woodley terrace, Halt William, 22 Picardy hill Stone Henry, go Bedonwell road
Grosvenor road Hood Alfred, 51 "'oolwich road Rtone Arthur, Norfolk villas,Picardy hl
Child Mrs. Cupressus, Bedwell road Hooker Ayerst, Court lodge, Erith rd Stubbs George Lawrie, Picardy house~
Clements Thomas, 41 Woolwich road Houghton William, I Harrow road Halt Robin road
Collins Horace, The )farshes Humfrey Geo. IMyrtle villas, Picardy rd Taylor Mrs, 6 Albert road
Collins Miss,2TheShrubbcry,Glo'ster rd Iromponger Charles Frederick, Fern- ThomasWm.Hy.Ormonde ho.Picrdy hl
Coils Frederick William, Marlborough leigh, Woolwich road ThomsonDavid,Craighead,Woolwich rd
villas, Woolwich road hens Mrs. 8 Gloucester road Thorpe Miss, 7 Gloucester road
Colman John Winn, The Homestead Knoblauch Louis, Clyde ho. Picardy hl Todd George,Chilton lodge, Picardy rd
Colman Waiter Joseph, The Homestead Lambert Thomas, TheYews,lledwell rd Todd Mrs. The Croft, Woolwich road
Cook George, Lessness park Laurent Constant, 5 Gloucester road Tresson Mrs. Hume Leigb, Picardy rd
Corbett Fredk. Carswell vi!. Picardy rd LeeJohnDuncan, The Oaks, Belvedere pk Varty Miss, Bexley road
Cowles Mrs. The Chesnuts,Woolwich rd Leigh Rev. Charles [Baptist], 17 Vickery Mrs. 38 Woolwich road
Cozens Samuel James, 58 Bexley road Woolwich road Wain vYilliam, r8 Woolwich road
Craddoek Richard Whitehou~e, Myrtle Lightbody Charles Russell, TheGrange, Wall Mrs. 2 River view
villa, Bexley road Eardley road Watts James, 20 Woolwich road
CrawfordBartholomew, 54 Woolwichrd Long William Benjamin, Weymouth Weller Charles, The Bays, Bedwell road
Crump Henry, 48 Woolwich road villas, Picardy road West Thomas William, Camden lodge
Cushion John, Bletchington house Longcroft George, 8 Park road Whaley Jn. The Hawthorns,Bedwell rd
Custance George, I3 Woodley terrace, Lyster Alfred Charworth, Gisburne Whitham Fredk.Longhope,Essenden rd
Grosvenor road house, Woolwich road Willoughby Major Herbert Percival R.A_
DaldyFredk.Richd.Aldine ho.Bedwell rd Mercer Capt. Alfred Drew, Elmburst, Preston lea, Woolwich road
David Edward, 2 Alfred road Bedonwell Winser Thomas George Frederick,
Da""kins Mrs. 54 Bexley road Moens A. F. Holm hurst, Erith road Lyndhurst, Woolwich road
Dodd Arthur, Riverview Monkland Frank,Yeatton, Woolwich rd Wise Edwd. Croft,Retreat,EssP.nden rd
Dymes Henry, Abbey road l\iorley George, IO Lower Park road WoolfeJsph.3Lessness vils. Woolwich rd
K. S. & S. 4
Wright Abraham, 1 Marlborough villas, Houghton Francis Evelyn, superinten-' Weekes Mary Ann (Mrs.), coal dealer,
Woolwich road. dent main draina12e works, Crossness William street
Wright J ames, l<'ern cot. Gloucester rd Houghton Wm. shopkeeper, Harrow rd 'Weller Charles, butcher, Bexley road&
COMMERCIAL. HumfreyGno.Fredk.coal mer.Station rd Station road
Abbott James A. grocer, Albert road HumfreyWilliam,clothier &c. Station rd Wheeker John, Eardley Arms P.H.
Amos Amos James, sanitary inspector Idenden Francis, butcher, Bexl<>yroad '-\'oolwich road
' to the Erith local board, Bexley road IvesElizabeth(Mrs. ),hoot ma.llexley rd Whitmore Wm. carman, Bedonwell hi
Amos Thos. writer & gr~iner,Bexley rd Jiggens Wait. Wood, middle class school Whitrod Hobert, boot ma. Hexley road
Amos William, painter, Bexley road for boys, Pif'ardy hill Wieland Ernest, baker, Hexley road
Ayles Samuel, farm bailiff to R. V. Johnson George, builder, Lynndon rd Woodley Jn.jobbing grdnr.Bedonwellhl
Asser esq. Erith road Jones Christopher, carpenter, Bexley rd Wright MissEmily,draper125Eardley pi
Bag~s Thomas; landscape gardener, 13 Jourd Cbas. Edward, draper, Albert rd Wright Thomas,fishmonger,33Albert rd
Gladeswood road Judge Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Wyatt Wm. beer retlr. Bedonwell hill
Baker Hannah (Mrs.), lanndry, Bedon- Albert road Wyman Hy. wheelwright, Victoria s~
well hill · Kilian Jn. tailor & hair dresser, Bexley rd Wyman Wm. blacksmith, Heron hill
BarnesEllen(Mrs.),laundry, Sherston vl KnowlesJn.llill&Co.chemists,llexley rd Yeomans George, earthenware dealer,
Barnett Ann(Miss),laundress,Heron hl Lambert Robert, dairyman, Station rd 3 Castle terrace, Albert road
Baughan John Matthew, fly proprietor Lambert Robt. fly proprictr. Station rd Abbey Wood.
& carrier, I Cheshunt pl.Lessness pk Langman Henry John, cooper & beer
BeadleBrothers, coal&timber merchants retailer, Abbey road PRIVATE RESIDENTS.
Bedwell William, plumber, Albert road Lavender Thomas, boot ma. Bexley rd Ayres Ed ward, Woodland villa
:Belvedere Coffee House Co. Limited Leverett & !<'rye, grocers & wine & spirit Bailey William, 5 Abbey terrace
(Arthur H. Bateman, sec.),Bexley rd merchants, & agents for W. & A. Beasley Charles, The Cottage
.Belvedere & Abbey Wood Provident Gilbey, wine & spirit merchants, 6 Birts Thos. Wm. Ugie bank, West heath
Dispensary (Flaxman Spurrell Castle terrace Blundell Mrs. B.ose villa, Station road
> L.R.C.P.Edin. John Elliot, H. Cane Marshall Henry, general gardP-ner, Boyd Miss, Addingtuu house
• M.D. & A. S. Greenway M.D. medical Chesnut cottage, Woolwich road Church Henry, Shornells
officers ; Thomas Dixon, hon. sec) Meyer Jacoh,watch maker, 15 Bexley rd Daley Mitchell, Bostall house
Eelvederc Glue & Charcoal Works, The Middleton Wm. plasterer, Railway pi Ed wards Philip Ardley, West Heath ldg
Marshes Millington James, florist, Woolwich rd Gray Matthew, Lessness pk.West heath
Billings Wm. painter, u Woodley ter Morgan Henry, baker, 17 Bexley road Griffin George, Lower road
BlayJane(Mrs.),laundress, Woolwich rd Oxley James, draper, \Voolwicb road Hamlock Mrs. Abbey Wood lodge
Bowderey James,shopkeeper,Station rd Page Geo. shopkeeper, Grosvcnor road Ilickie John, Furze down, Woolwich rd
Bowie Arthur Edwin, grocer, Bexley rd Page William, boot ma. Bedonwell hill Joss Thomas Duff, Albert villa
Boyce John, beer retailer, Station road Parris James, boot ma. 32 Bexley road Knight Waiter, West Heath house
Broad Horace, corn dealer, Lower road Partrick Alfred, beer retlr. Victoria st Lofts David, Lower road
Brown Jn. The Chequers P.H.Picardy rd Perfect Frederick Hy. draper, Bexley rd Mitchell George John, Lessness lodge
Burrows Samuel,tobacconist, Albert rd Pigou, Wilks & Laurence Limited, Gun- Monkland I<'. G. Yeaton
Callender's Telegraph & Waterproof powder magazine, The Marshes Rutter Frederick, West heath
Co. Limited, Erith marshes Player Chas. naturalist, 23 Picardy rd Shacklock Henry Francis, 6 Abbey ter
Cane Howard M. D. surgeon,The Gables, Plummer Samuel, baker, Station road Sharp William, 3 Abbey terrace
Eardley road Price Chas.& Co. oil wrks.Erith marshes Shuter John, Heath lodge
Cbapman Alfred, market gardener,Bel- Prockter & Bevington, manure works, Singer Rear-AdmiralMorgan,AshMount
vedere gardens, Erith road . Erith marshes Walter Weever James, The Rise retailr.Erith marshes Public Hall, Erith road Wood Frederic, Bostol bill
Cook Henry, cowkeeper, Bedonwell Reddy Mrs. Ellen,dress ma.13Bexley rd Wood Ylajor Alexander, Der el Saleem
Court James, beer retailer, Victoria st Robinson Stephen, New Marsh tavern, CO:IIMERCIAL.
·Creane Robert, Leather Bottle P.H. The.Marshes Boarer Henry, farmer, Railway farm
• Lower road , Roberts Geo. wheelwright,Lessness hth Golding HoraceBcrtram Edward,Abbey
Crisp Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 26 Roberts Samson, Fox P.H. Bexley road Arms P.H. Station road
· Eardley place, Picardy hill Royal Alfred Aged Merchant Seamen's Gurnett Isaac, builder, The Grove
-Gross WalterJames, baker, Woolwicb rd Institution (Capt. Thomas Park, house Havelock Henry, nurseryman, 4 Abbey
Crump Henry, farmer, Abbey farm, governor ; W. E. Denny, sec. ; John Wood terrace
Woolwich road • Elliot, hon. surgeon) McWilliam George Edward, grocer,
.CUrtis's& Harvey,gunpowder manufac- R ussell John, beer retailer, Lower road Plumstead road
turers ; magazine, Erith marshes Sartin George, grocer, 25 Bexley road Sales Hy. Richd. shopkeeper, r Abbey pl
DaleWilliam,chimney sweeper & furni- Short Samuel, grocer, 5 Hexley road Sidertin Jn. nurserymn.Station nursery
ture broker, Albert road Sims John, farrier, Stapley road Stapley Alfd. farmer, LessneyAbbey frm
Dorrell J ames, greengrocer, Bexley rd Singleton Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 15 Tinker George, farmer, Buckle's farm
Dray George, boot maker, Hexley road Abbey road Vobe Waiter, grocer, Post office, Plum-
Dunham Robert,decorator,Woolwich rd Skinner Alfred, jobmaster, Bexley rd . stead road
Edwards John, dairyman, Bexley road Smith Christiana (Mrs.), boys' prepara- West John, Harrow P.H. Lower road
Elliot J n. snrgeon, The Firs, Picardy rd tory school,The Willows, Woolwich rd Wilson Stephen, station master
:Flicker Thos. fruiterer, 2 Station road Smith Warren, grocer & greengrocer, Wood Frederick, boys' boarding school,
Ford Arthur, shopkeeper, Lower road II & 12 Bexley road Bostol hill
French Charles, boot ma. 29 Bexley rd Spratling Edwd. Hy. beerret. Albert rd Northumberland Heath.
FullawayHenry,linen draper,Bexley rd Spurrell Flaxman L.R.C.P. Edin. phy-
Gee Basil, Belvedere hotel sician, Picardy road PRIVATE RESIDENTS.
GilbertEdwd.markct gardner.Heron hl Stapley Alfred, saddler, Bexlcy road Aubury Mrs. xg Bedonwell road
Gilbert Henry, cowkeeper,Cheshunt rd Stickland Henry, estate agent, Belve- Clements William, Mill road
GilbertThos. markt. gardnr. Picardy hill dere Estate office · Davidson James, Testcombe cottage
Giles Caroline & Ellen (Misses), milli- Steedon Thomas, boot maker,Albert rd Fletcber Richard, I Mill road
ners, 5 Station road Stickland & Chandler, builders, con- Hitchins Charles, Belmont houso
Giles James W. boiler maker,Belvedere tractors & decorators Innes Hendrick W. J. 38A, Bexley road
iron works Stone Henry, blacksmith, Bedonwell J oss Capt. John, Oakhurst, Bexley road
Goose Minnie (Miss), postmistress, Tarr Edward, Royal Standard P.H. Miller Henry, 36A, Bexley road
Station road Bexley road Morgan George, 40 Bexley road
Greenway Alexander Stevenson M.D. Taylor James & Co. wine, spirit & beer Ratcliffe George, 35A, Bexley road
surgeon, Heath villa merchants, 2 Albert road Wickham John, 67 Bexley road
Grose William, cycle depot, 14Albert rd Thames Fish, Guano & Oil Co. Limited Wilson James Tidy, 7 Mill road
Grnbb Walter James, shopkeeper, (Wm. Cooper, manager), Marshes COMMERCIAL.
Bedonwell hill Towlson Samuel, surveyor to the Erith Bellingham Lionel, market gardner, 35
Hancox Edward, butcher, Albert road local board, 15 Lower Park road Bexley road
Hawes Alfred, greengrocer, Victoria st Trott James Gillard, stationer & post Bleeze George, builder, Brook street
Hawkins Charles, station master master, Bexley road Booth George, shopkeeper,Brook street
Hawkins MaryAnn (Mrs.), dress maker, Vinson William & Ed win, farmers, The Brazier J!l.mes, market gardener
Bedonwell hill Parsonage farm Bridge William, Pheasant Arms P.H.
HaylesAlfd. Weston,survyr. Wyndfrd.ho Watkins Wm. Thos. oilman, Albert rd Hedonwell road
Hetlyer John Hall, baker, Albert road Watts Ann (Mrs.), bookseller,stationer, Bridges John, plumber, x!l Brook street
Hill William, dairyman, Heron hill printer, fancy repository, berlin wool Brown Mary (Miss), shopkpr. Brook st
llonniball Robert & Co. saddlers, 26 warehouse, news agent, toys &c. ; & Catlett Thomas, builder & beer retlr.
Bexlry ro!id ·- circulating library, Bexley road 38 Brook street
Chaplain Georg-e, farmer,Higham farm Hill John, butcher, Mill road Pitman Mark,markt. grdnr.23 Brook st
Innes James, beer retlr.36Bexley road Philpot James, tiorist, 50 Bexley road
Clark Sa.rah (Miss), draper, Mill road Kenny Samuel, shopkeeper, 36 Brook st Richards Jn. Edwd. plasterer, 3 Mill rd
Lee William, potter, brick, tile & pipe Robinson Geo. mkt. grdnr. University pl
Clement Jas. jobbing gardener, Mill rd Scougall Thomas, builder, Mill road
maker, Brook street Stratton Wm.Jas. baker, 6 Bedonwell rd gardener,Brook st Martin Wm.fruit grower, Bedonwell rd
Dyball Wm. beer retlr. Bedonwell road May John, beer retailer & market gar- Strickland Samut>l, corn mercht.Mill rd
Ellard Robert, shopkeeper, Mill road
dener, 26 Brook street Toon Amos, cowkeeper, Mill road
Eves Sarah (Mrs.), market gardener Munday James, grocer & carpenter, 45
TroddJn.H.Royal OakP.H.49 Bexley rd
Field William, fishmonger, Brook street Bexley road
Green Waiter, farmer, 27 Brook street Oliver Joseph, shopkeeper, 29 Bexley rd Trott Philip, school board attendance
Griggs Clement, farrier, Bedonwell rd Orme James Hy. & Co. grocers, Mill rd
Hate Thomas, bricklayer, 33 Brook st officer, 34 Bexley road
HerringFredk.F.G.grcr.Post off.Mill rd
13ENENDEN is a pleasant village and parish, 8 miles style, erected in 1861, near 1he site of an ancient house of
$!Uth from Staplehurst station on the Tunbridge and Ash- the same name, once occupied by the Guldeford family,
ford section, and the same distance north-east from Etching- and stands on an eminence in a spacious and well-wooded
ham station on the Tunbridge and Hastings branch of the park of 300 acres; the south and east fronts are beautifully
South Eastern railway, 63 from London and 4 south-east laid out with terraces and pleasure gardens. Viscount
from Cranbrook, on the road between that town and Ten- Cranbrook is lord of the manor and owner of the greater
torden, from which latter it is 5~ miles west. The parish part of the parish. The soil is clay and loam, producing
is in the Southern division of the county, Cranbrook, Rol- good wheat and beans. Hops are also extensively grown
venden land Selbrittenden hundreds, lower division of the here. The area is 6,672 acres of land ; rateable value,
lathe of Scray, Cranbrook petty sessional division and union, £7,425; the population in 188r was x,sg8.
Tenterden county court district and in the rural deanery r>f At E E 2.12 .m1·1es n~ rth ~east • · a ll b·k h1
West Charing, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of AST rlc c ape
:sn, IS sma
Canterbury. The church of St. George, thoroughl y rest ored I offt ease, where d1vme serviCe IS performed every Sunday
in r86x and x862 by Viscount Cranbrook, is a building a ernoon.
of stone, in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave, InEK GREEN, r mile south; STANDEN STREET, a mile and
aisles, north porch and a western tower, with a turret at a half soutb ; NINEVEH, 2 miles south-west ; Gonn.A.RD's
the north-east angle containing a clock and 8 bells with GREEN, a mile and a half north-east.
chimes : the chancel and nave are surmounted by an Sexton, Frederick Puxty.
embattled parapet ; the former has three stained windows PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
and there are others of a memorial character to Miss Arthur Albert Wenman, receiver. Letters from London,
Hardy, the late T. L. Hodges esq. Thomas Neve esq. and via Staplehurst, arrive by mail cart at 6.30 a.m. & x p.m. ;
one commemorating the marriage (12 June, 186]) of the dispatched at 7·55 a. m. & 8 p.m
Hon. John Stewart Gathorne-Hardy M.P., J.P., D.L. to PnLAR BoxEs.-Iden Green, cleared daily at 7 p.m.; & East
Cecily ~I. W. daughter of Joseph Ridgway esq. of Brand- End, cleared daily at 6.40 p.m
fold: there are several monuments to the Hodges family ScHOOLS : -
and one to the Right Hon. Sir John Norris kt. admiral of Endowed (boys), founded by Edmond Gybbon esq. of the
the fleet, d. 1749; also an ancient brass to Edmond Gybbon Hole, Rolvenden, in 1609, for 8o boys; average attend-
e;q. founder of the Free school : there are 6oo sittings. ance, 70; the annual endowment amounts to £100 & is
The register dates from the year 1653. The living is a derived from the rents of ftlrms; Henry Gibbs, master
vicarage, yearly value from tithe rent-charge [214, with National (mixed), erected by Viscount Cranbrook in I86I,
residence, in the gift of Viscount Cranbrook, and held for upwards of 200 children ; average attendance, 150 ;
.since 1887 by \he Rev. Samuel Joy M.A. of ·worcester Mrs. Susannah Wenman, mistress ·
College, Oxford, and hon. canon of Ripon. Here is a small East End, erected, with mistress's house, by Viscount
Congregational chapel A fair is held on the rsth of May, Cranbrook in 1872, on a site given by him, for 100 chil-
for cattle. St. George's Club, erected at the expense of dren; average attendance about 6o; Mrs. Hilliam, mist
Viscount Cranbrook, and opened in November, 188r, has CARRIERS TO:-
re:~.ding rooms and a library of 300 volumes. There are MAIDSTO~E-Levi Beeslce, through Headcorrt & Sutton
several charities in the parish, amounting to £so yearly, Valence, every tues. & fri. ; Stanford, from Rolvenden,
arising from land, and money invested in Consols, left by through Benenden to Staplelmrst daily .
Dr. Curteis and others and distributed in bread and money. CRANBHOOK-Hook, from Tenterden, through Rolvenden &
Hemsted Park is the seat of Viscount Cranbrook G.c.s.r., Benenden, wed. & sat
P.c., n.c.L., D.L., J.P.: the mansion is an elegant structure STAPLEHURST-Joseph Higglesden, through Sissinghurst,
Q/. red brick, with Bath stone dressings, in the Elizabethan daily
Cranbrook ViscountG.c.s.r., P.c.,n.c.L., Clarke William, farmer, Stream farm Jenner Joseph, farmer
D.L., J.P. Hemsted park; & 17 Gros- Cockett William, farmer, Dingleden fm Jenner Richard, farmer & hop grower,
venor crescent, Belgrave tlquare & Coley George, beer retailer,l\Ioore wood
.A.thenamm&Carlton clubs, Londonsw CollinsThos.Jn.farmer & miller (wind), Babb'sfarm
Judge James, farmer & hop grower,
lloys .Miss, Clevelands Beacon mill & (steam) Mill St. mill
Coliins Thomas John Cork George, beer retailer Goddard's green
Joy Rev. Samuel M.A. Vicarage Cranhrook Viscount, brick & tile yard JudgeJohn & Stephen,farmers,Chitten-
Judge James, Goddard's green
Lansdell George, Eaglesden (Peter Smith, manager) den farm
Legh John RobertPennington, Woodside CranfieldSml. vet. surgeon, Ramsden ho Kemp David, farmer, New House farm
Neve :\l:iss, Ash lawn Croft Charles, farmer, Hinksden farm Lambkin Chas.grocr. & baker,Iden grn
Neve Richard, Pullington Crump John, bricklayer Lansdell George, farmer & hop grower,
Rycroft Rev. Edmun'd Hugh [curate] Doust Edwin, farmer, Mount Pleasant
Stevens Percy Richard, Rose cottage Drury Thomas, farmer, Hinksden farm Eaglesden farm
Dungey James, farmer, Bishopsden Malpass Edward George, blacksmith
COMMERCIAL. East Kent Regiment (2nd) (Weald of Marshall Reynolds, boot ma. Iden grn
Avery Charles & Thomas, farmers Mercer Alfred, blacksmith, East end
.Bartholomew Isaac, butcher Kent) (F Co. ), Armoury Mills Montague, farmer & hop grower,
.Birt Ambrose,farmer, l''rog's Hole farm Evenden T:k.omas, farmer, Moat hole
Blackwell James, farmer Ford Edmund, wheelwright, East end Mount-le-hoe
Body Albert, grocer, Iden green Morphee Thos.'farmer, Springhill farm
.Body John Geo. farmer, Bexhill farm Guest Joseph James, farmer, Netters- Munn Eli, farmer & hop grower, Bea-
hall farm
.Boys Charles Octavius, farmer con farm
Hammond Edmd. frmr.Starvenden fm Munn Geo. (exors.of),faTmrs.Iden green
.BrandleyRobert,farmer, Playfoots farm HartridgeFrank,farmer,Maplesden frm Neve Herbert & Arthur Curteis,farmers
Hayes Thomas, farm bailiff to Viscount
.Bridgland John, farmer, Beston farm & hop growers, School House farm
.Buckett Charles, Bull inn, & farmer Cranbrook Neve Rd.farmer & land agt. Pullington
Butcher Charles Brett, draper, hatter, Higglesden Joseph, carrier, Iden green Piper William, wheelwright
Hinkley George, foreman of works to Prosser William, farmer, Frame
hosier, haberdasher, grocer & wine & Puxty Frederick, cowkeeper
spirit merchant, stationer, hard ware Viscount Cranbrook Ripley Charles, shoe maker
& earthenware dealer & valuer & ap- Hodgkins William, blacksmith Russell Wm. & Thos. grocers & drapertt
Honess John, farmer, Bishopsden farm, Sharp Charles, farmer, East end
praiser, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, Sharp I<'rederick, carpentel\
East end Shoobridge Ebenezer, plumber & glazr
wine & spirit merchants Jenner Bros. farmers, Field farm
Jenner Edward, farmer & hop grower, & farmer, Iden green
Chapman William, farmer,Pump farm, Southon Benjamin, farmer
-Crithole farm
Ea11t end K. S. & 9. 4*
Southon Edgar Dennis, butcher Stace Dean, farmer, Red house Wenrnan Arthur Albert, watch & clock
Southon ·william, farmer & hop grower, maker, Post office
· Little Nineveh Thurstain R. T. farmer, Cleveland farm,
St. George's Club (Henry Gibbs, sec.; Wenman Edward G. farmer & tax col-
East end & Colebarn farm lector & assistant overseer
Edward Gower Wenman, steward) Tweedie Alexander Forbes, farmer,
Stevens Percy Richard L.R.C.P.Lond. Wenman Thos. beer retailer, Iden green
Mount Pleasant Wemnan Williarn,dealer in jewellery &c
physician & surgeon,& medical officer Vclvick William, farmer, Green lane VVeston Henry Thomas & Son, farmers
& public vaccinator, Benenden dis- ·weeks George, farmer, Catsford farm
trict, Cranbrook union, Rose cottage ·weeks William, farmer, Dingleden farm .& hop growers, ~tan den street
·wenman George, carpenter
BETHERSDEN is a'viUage and parish, situated near a parish at Smarden school, founded by him ; but a Board
school having been built there, the sum is now devoted to
feeder of the river Beult, and on the road from Ashford to
Smarden, except a small amount of 21s. which, by the
Tenterden, 6 miles south-west from Ashford and 3 south-
east from Pluckley station on the South Eastern railway, sanction of the Charity Commissioners, i!! retained as com-
in the Southern division of the county, Char\ and Long- pensation. This district was once famous for its stone,
bridge and Blackborne and Calehill hundreds, lathe of Scray,
Ashford petty sessional division and county court district, called Bethersden marble, and used in many of the architec-
West Ashford union, and in the rural deanery of West Char- tural monuments of Kent. Low-Wood is the residence of
ing, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. Capt. John Duncan Cameron J.P. Fiennes Stanley Wykeham
The church of St. Margaret is a building of Kentish rag, in
the Perpendicular style, consisting of chaneel with aisles or Cornwallis esq. M.P., J.P. of Linton Park, who is lord of th"
chapels, nave of three bays, aisles, south porch and an em- manor, Lord Hothfield D.L., J.P. 1.<'. W. Curtis esq. William
battled tower at the west end containing a clock and 6 bells, Henry Mold esq. Joseph Daniels esq. Sir Edward Cholmley-
Dering hart D.L., J.P. of Surrenden-Dering and H. H.
dated about 1670: in the chancel are monuments to Samuel Rulings esq. are the principal landowners. The soil ~
Witherden and his wife, 1779 ; to George Witherden and
wife, 1778 ; and I<'rancis Whitfield and wife, 1784 ; in the heavy: subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans, hops.
north chancel aisle is a monument to Sir George Chute hart. oats and tares. The area is 6,372 acres; rateable value.
of Hauxfall Place, d. 1721, and in the south chancel aisle a
£8,261 ; the population in r881 was 1,015.
mural tablet to Cicely Hulse, ob. 1672; there are also brasses
to William Lovelace gent. ob. 1459, and Thomas Lovelace, Parish Clerk, Thomas Roots.
his son, serjeant-at-law, ob. 1591: the church was restored PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity &. Insurance Office.
in 1873 at a cost of nearly £r,3oo: there are 500 sittings, -Wi!liam Watts, postmaster. Letters received through
Ashford; delivered at 7 a.m. & 12.40 p.m. ; dispatched at;
all being free. The register dates from the year 1556. The 10.15 a.m. & 9.20 p. m. ; sundays, received at 7 a.m. ~
living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge£98, yearly value£243, dispatched at 9.20 p.m. The nearest telegraph office i~r
exclusive of 9 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the
Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since r884 by the Rev. at Pluckley station
Robert Palmer "B.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. Here are
Wesleyan and Baptist chapels. A fair is held on the third A School Board of 5 members was formed 6 March, r883 ;
Monday in April, for cattle and pedlery. Stephen Dadson,
A. R. Cook, Bethersden, clerk to the board ; Thorn~
of Bethersden, in the year 1716 left certain lands in this
parish, the proceeds of which, now amounting to £6o yearly, Padgham, sen. Bethersden, attendance officer
were to be applied for the education of six poor boys of this Board School (mixed), built in 1852, for 220 children; aver-
age attendance, 140 ; Robert Dixon, master ; Miss A. H.
Brissenden, infants' mistress
CARRIERS TO AsHFORD.-Richard Woodcock & Thomas
Kingsno.rtb, tues. thurs. fri. & sat. at 9 a.m. returning
same days
Cameron Capt. John Dum-an J.P. Low Buss Mary (Mrs.), milliner Kingsnorth Thomas, carrier
Lee Herbert, bricklayer & saddler
wuod Curtis Richard J ames, farmer & hop Link Harry, farn1er
Link John, butcher
Cook Alfred Rowland, Snettisham ho grower, Vine Hall farm Millen Alfred, farmer
Millen Frederick, farmer
Mold William Henry, Oakhurst Dixon Robert, school Moore Charles, farmer
Murrell George, farrier
Padgham Mrs. Melville house Durey William, farmer, Court lodge Nash George, shoe maker
Oliver Emily (Mrs.), beer retailer
Palmer Rev. Robert M.A., The Dyke Caroline (Mrs.), Bull P.H Padgham Richard Henry, baker
Padgham Thomas, builder & carpenter
Vicarage Dyke Waiter Digby Fisher, farmer
Roots Thomas C. assistant overseer
Sabbage Mrs. Crownfield house Edwards Joseph, George P.H Skinner Stephen, farmer
Terry John, shopkeeper
Tanton Mrs. The Thorne J Filmer Edward, blacksmith Terry Th0mas, coach builder
Venner George, smith
COMMERCIAL. Hickmott David, farmer WattsWilliam,groc~r&draper, Post office
Howland William, farmer Woodcock Charles, farmer
Woodcock Richard, shopkeeper
Adams Charles, miller (wind)&. farmer Hyland Robert, farmer, Etchden
, Adams Eli, wheelwright Hyland Saml. B. farmer & cattle dealer
Adams J ames, farmer & hop grower Jarvis Elizh. (Mrs.), farmer,Runsell grn
Atkins Charles, shoe maker Jarvis George, builder & saw mill proptr
Attaway Thomas, farmer Jarvis Horaee, grocer & draper
Barnes George, farmer, Fridd farm Jarvis Jame;;, tarmer
Barton Edward, farmer, Gablehook Jarvis Stephen, farmer, Runsell green
Barton George, butcher Jarvis William, farmer
Brown George, farmer IKingsnorth Sophia (Mrs.), farmer,
Brown John, farmer, Winter farm Snoad Green hill
BETTESHANGER is a parish on the Roman road dows are stained: the church was restored in 1853-4 and
from Richborough to Dover, and seemingly the site of a has 120 sittings. The register dates from the year 1562.
small Roman station, at the meeting of several roads, 4 The living is a rectory united in 1876 with that of Ham,
miles south-east from Sandwich and 5 east from Deal, in joint average tithe rent-charge £272, joint net yearly valu~t
the Eastern division of the county, lathe of St. Augustine, £138, with residence and 10 acres of glebe, let for £2o, in
Eastry hundred and union, Wingham petty sessional divi- the gift of Lord Northbourne D.L., J.P. and held since r866
sion, Deal county court district, rural deanery of Sandwich, by the Rev. John Worthington Hliss B.A. of Trinity College,
archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The church of Cambridge, hon. canon of Canterbury, and rural dean of
St. Mary is a very small building of flint and stone, in the Sandwich. Lorrl Northbourne D.L., J.P. who is lord of th~
Norman and Early English styles, situated within the park, manor and principal landowner, has a seat here. John
and consists of chancel, nave, south porch, and a tower on Nethersole esq. is also a landowner. The soil is light loam:
the north side with broach spire and containing a clock and subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and
3 bells : the porch is beautifully ornamented and has a hops. The area is 395 acres ; rateable value, £8gr ; tha
semicircular arched entrance, a modified copy of that of population in r881 was 68.
Barfreston, executed at the expense of Henry, first Viscount Parish Clerk, William Herrington, sen.
Hardinge : the reredos, representing "The Lord's Supper," WALL LETTER Box, Little Betteshanger, cleared at 9
was erected in 1871 by Sir W. C. James bart. J.P. (now & 7 p.m
Lord Northbourne), who also presented an organ to the
church in 1864 : under the tower, on the east side, is a fine Letters via Dover arrive at 7.30 a. m. Eastry is the nearest
memorial about 20 feet high, with marble bust, by Schee- money order & telegraph office
maker, to Vice-Admiral Salmon Morrice, dated 1740; there The children of this parish attend the school at North-
are also memorials to the Boys family: several of the win- bourne
Northbourne Lord M A., D.L., J.P.; & 6 'BlissRev. JohnWorthingtonB.A.Rectry' Selway John, head gardener to!Ion.W.
Whitehall gardens, London s w & Lawrence George, head gardener to H. James M.P
Travellers' clubs w Lord Northbourne
..BBXLEY, anciently " Bekesley " and " Bixle," is a large the dining hall, which is panelled in oak and has a fine stone
-pansh and v1llage in the North Western division of the mantelpiece and ornamented ceiling: from the entrance hall
.county, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, hundred of Ruxley, Dart- there is a good Jacobean staircase: the gardens are laid out
ford union, petty sessional division and county court district, in the style of the olden time and the river Cray runs through
.and in the rural deanery of East Dartford, archdeaconry of the grounds. Hlendon Hall, anciently called "Bladindon,"
Maidstone a11d diocese L'f Canterbury. The village is r 3 in the hamlet of Bridgen, is the res1dence of William Cunliffe
miles from London, with a station on the South Eastern Pickersgill esq. J.P. William Camden, the celebrated anti-
~North Kent Loop) railway and one also at Halfway Street. quary and historian, was formerly owner of this manor and
The river Gray crosses the centre of the village in its course devised it to the University of Oxford for the endowment of
-to Crayford. The parish is governed by a local board of 15 a professorship of ancient history, now held by the Rev.
members formed in 1879, and the district is lighted with George Rawlinson M.A. canon of Canterbury. The manor
gas by the West Kent Gas Company and supplied with house, which adjoins the church, was rebuilt by John Thorpe
water from the West Kent Water Works, both situated at about the middle of the last century. The principal land-
'Crayford. This place formerly gave the title of baron to owners are Col. John Wingfield Malcolm M.P., J.P. and
the Right Hon. Nicholas Vansittart F.R.s., F.S.A. on whose Alfred \Villiam Bean esq. J.P. of Danson Park, Welling, Mrs.
death, 8th Feb. r851, the title became extinct. The church Dashwood and the University of Oxford. The soil is gravel
of St. Mary is a structure of fiint, chiefly in the Early and sand. The crops are cereals of all kinds and much
English style, and consists of chancel, nave, north aisle, fruit. The area is 5,278 acres; rateable value, £57,553;
with an arcade of five arches, north and south porches and the population in 188r, including Bexley Heath and part of
a low western tower, with heavy shingled spire, containing Welling, was 8,793.
-a clock and 6 bells: the walls of the present church appear HALFWAY STREET is a village near the Sidcup station, on
to be earlier than the 12th eentury ; there is a finely moulded the loop line branch of the SouthEastern railway, x mile west.
~orman arch above the Early English south doorway and LAMORBEY1 formerly called "Lamienby," converted, in
and one or two lancet windows, the remainder being Deco- modern times, into "Lamabey," and" Lamb Abbey," is an
rated and Perpendicular: the chancel has three fine sedilia ecclesiastical parish formed in 1878: the church of the
ascending eastward and a plain piscina: the light and grace- Holy Trinity, erected and endowed in 1879, by John Malcolm
1'ul screen was completed from Vt>rious fragments which had esq. is a stone building in the Early English style and con-
been bidden away: there are monuments to Mr. J uhn Style- sists of chancel, nave of four bays, south aisle and south
man, d. 173-4-1 and Mary his wife, who founded the alms- porch and has one bell : there are three stained windows,
bouses, d. 1750; to Oswald Smith esq. of Blendon Hall; Sir given by a parishioner : there are 352 sittings, 120 being
John Champneys, lord mayor of London, knighted 1533, d. free. The register of baptisms dates from 1840. The living
-:rss6, with kneeling effigies of himself and his lady ; Sir is a vicarage, gross yearly value £100, in the gift of J. Mal-
Edward Brett kt. and to the families of Austen, W uolrych, colm esq. and held since 1878 by the Uev. Samuel Henry
llereworth, Gerard and others ; there is a brass to Thomas Beamish n.A. of Clare College, Cambridge. The population
~parruw, d. 1513, and one to a member of the Castellain in 1881 was 661.
Jamily of Blendon, with shield of arms and a hunting horn : Vestry Clerk (fur whole parish), Philip Robert Chapman.
the church was carefully restored in r882-3, at a cost of PmT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office
~bout [4,000, under the direction of Mr. Hasil Champneys, (Letters should haveS. 0. Kent added).-Joseph Gammon,
architect, when the floor was relaid, the oak stalls and sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Bexley Heath S. 0.
monuments restored, and some external buttresses added : at 7.30 & 8 a. m. 3·45 & 7·45 p.m. & saturday 8.45 p.m.;
there are 450 sittings, 100 being free: the churchyard is dispatched at 9 & 11.15 a.m. 5 & 8.45 p.m.; box cleared
entered from the south-west by a lych gate. The reg1ster fur dispatch at 10 p.m. sundays
dates from the year 1678. The living is a vicarage, tithe PosT & M. 0. 0., S. H. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Half-
rent-charge £5341 net yearly value £2oo, with residence, in way Street.-Mrs. Sarah Jaue Muure, sub-postmistress.
the gift of the Countess Sydney, and held since 1874 by the Letters through Eltham delivered at 9 a. m. & 2 & 8 p.m.
Rev. John Mee Fuller M.A.. late fellow of St. John's College, Box closes for dispatch at 9.30 a.m. & 4 & 8 p.m. The
Cambridge, professor of ecclesiastical history at King's nearest telegraph office is at bidcup
College, London, rural dean of Dartfurd and examining LocAL BOARD.
chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury. The church of Offices, Oxford place, High street, Bexley.
St. John, erected on the Park wood site at a cost of upwards Meets first monday in the month at 5.30 p.m.
of [4,000, was consecrated in June, 1882, and is a building Members.
()f Kentish ragstone in the Gothic style, consisting of
-chanc-el, nave, aisles and north porch: there are 6oo sittings, BEXLEY HEATH.
.200 being free. Here is a Baptist chapel, erected in 1846, Bristow H. J. (chairman) I Jackman John
-with 250 sittings; a Primitive Methodist chapel, erected in I Lane R
.z88r, with 150 sittings, and a Congregational chapel, erected Chapman P. R I Willmore John
m I8go, from designs by :\fr. George Harnes, architect, of Dale 0. 0
London, at a cost of £3,000, which has 400 sittings. There CannonS BEXLEY.
Hudson W. V
are almshouses for 12 poor persons, founded by Mary, wife Kelsey W I Lake J
of John Styleman esq. of Danson Park, Welling, in 1755, and
Beamish Lieut.-Col I Thompson P
ilndowed with a rent-charge of £ xoo: the Charity Com- Vacant
missioners have issued a scheme for the management of all LAMORBEY.
I Scrutton G. C
the existing charities of this parish, whereby each inmate Vinson E
:receiyes £5 per quarter. Bexley has some curious examples Clerk, Sidney Matthews
()f shell formation. The town was given by King Kenulf tu Treasurer, T. M. Stancornb, Martin & Co.'s Bank
the See of Canterbury between A.D. 823 and 829 : in Domes- Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, Edmund Reeve Boulter,
day book it is called "Bix," and is recorded as having a Bexley Heath
.church and three mills. Hall J>lace, the property of the Collector, Frederick William Francis Ranger, Myrtle house,
Dashwuod family and the residence of Morris Jewell esq. is a Bexley Heath •
mansion begun about 1320, and in which it is said Eel ward l'um.IC OFFICERS:-
the Black Prince was either born or lived :it was at an early Collector of Poor's Rates, Thomas Kelsey, Eugenic cottage,
period the inheritance of a family who assumed their name Albert road
lrom it, calling themselves " At Hall." In the year 1366 a Medical Otficer & Public Vaccinator, No. 2A district, Dart-
member of this family sold the mansion to Thomas Shelley ford Union, vacant
-of G-aysum, in Westerham, who is said to have built a ~CHOOLS : - built in 1834, for 330 children; averag~
castellated mansion on the site of the original structure:
I Bexley National,
HaJ.l Place remained the property of the Shelley family fur attendance, 89 boys, 76 girls & 62 infants ; Charles Gold-
Bj years-i.e. until 14411 when John Shelley, who then smith Upton, master; Mrs. Upton, mistress; infants'
possessed it, di~d and was buried in Bexley church, together mistress, Miss Lizzie Hodgkinson
with Ioan his wife in 1537; lVilliam Shelley sold Hall Place Bridgen (mixed & infants), built for 120 children; average
"to Sir John Champneys kt. who two years before had been attendance, 6o; Miss Emma Thompson, mistress
lord mayor of London: Richard Champneys, about r6so, National, Halfway Street (mixed), erected in r88r for 150
·sold the house to Robert Austen of Tenterden, who was children; average attendance, 140; Benjamin Juseph
.created a baronet by patent, July wth, 166o, and was hi~h i Chesney, m::tster; Mrs. Chesney, mistress
sheriff of the county during this and the following year: he CARHIER TO LoxnoN.-Thomas Parker, from his house.
:added to the mansion the portions in brick: on the death of Urrton, ro a.m. tu all parts of London
.Sir Rohert Austen bart. in 1772, that barunetcy became ex- RAILWAY STATIO~s : -
otinct, and the manor was vested in Francis Lord Despencer, Bexley, \Vil!i,~m Henry James, stati on master i on m a st er 1
Sidcup & Halfway Street, I<'redk Jn. M oye, stat
"lt'ho devised it tQ I'!lr. Francis Dashwuod: the front includes
Bexley. . Le Riche Edward M. Ninharn villa Bexley Working Men's Club & Institute
Little Wm. Geo. Blendon cot. Blendon (William Stewart, sec)
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Lucas Miss, ·woodlands, Cold Blow Boyce\Vm.inspcctor of"\\restKent sewers
[Names marked thus • receive their letters Lucas William, Park house Boyton Charle::~ .Edward, laundry
through Eltharn.]
Maby J oseph Chas. Fair!awn, Cold Blow BraidwoodJn.M.A.boys' school,Vpton rd
Braund William, tailor, Freemantle pl
Adams Edward George, Holmleigh Manger John, Parkhurst road
Alien Thoma::~ C. Hurst terrace Marshall William, Auchinraith BrowningTbomas,shopkeepcr,Albert rd
Allsop Robert, Oakdene Mason Alfred, Northdene Burggy Harry, carman, 6 Hartford rd
Arbuthnot Mrs. Bridgend place Molesworth Sir Guilford Lindsey, Buxton Sophia Bayiis (:\lrs. ), plumber
Atkins William P. Dane cotta~re K.C.I.K Manor house Campkin George, shopkeeper, High st
Bailey William George, 20 Salisbury rd Muore Thomas, Long-wood Candler Clement, gardener to M. Jewell
Morehouse John B' ower, Moorcraft, esq. Hall place
Barnett Waiter, Hall Place house
Barrett Ashley William, Everleigh Gravel hill CannonStphn.corn millr. (watr.&steam)
Barry Harry J. Parkhurst road Occlcston Samuel, Derby villa Clarke Thomas, tobacconist, High st
Bayldon John Creswell, Heatherside Odell Waiter I. Vale side Clifford Henry, beer retailer
Baynes Lister, Selwood Ollison Donald Henry, North Cray road Cook Henry, baker
Bentley Frank, 2 Salisbury road Parkes Henry J oseph, Parkdene Corps A.nnie(Mrs. ),fishmonger&fruitrer
Black Mrs. Tylehurst Pearson George, 2 Hurst villas Cousins Henry, blacksmith, Blendon
Bostock Decimus C. Meadowcroft Perry A.rthur, 14 Salisbury road Crick Wm. shopkeeper, North Cray rd
Bostock Mrs. Sam I. Peacock, TheUplands Pickel Rudolphe Henri, Eaton villa Crockford Charles, tobacconist, High st.
Boulden Albert, 3 Park hill Pickersgill Wm. Cunliffe J. P. Blendon hall *Crowhurst George, farmer, .Black fen
Boyce Wm. Spring villa, North Cray rd Potter John Alexander, Hazeldene Cunningham Wm. boot & shoe maker
Boyton Charles, North Cray road Reffell A.rthur Henry, Bourne street Dann Henry, auctioneer, High street
Bradshaw Mrs. 3 Salisbury road Reffell William Robert, Parkhurst road Davis Jn. W. The Blackbirds P.H.Blendon
Braidwood John H.A. Upton roarl Reid A.rchibald, Westray ho. Knoll rd Dennis Wm. blacksmith & beer retailer
Brown Mrs. Robert, ro Salisbury road Richardson Henry D. North Cray road Ditton Thos. G. BlueAnchor P.H. Bridgen
Bullard John William, Bridge cottage Robinson William, Parkhurst road Edwards & Co. butchers, Bourne street
Candy Frank, High Street house Rogers John Innis, Oakwood Edwards George Frederick M.B.,
Cannon Stephen, Heathcroft,Cold Blow Rogers Robert Hargreave, The Laurels surgeon, High street
Careless Algernon Hy. Hurstbourne ter Rotbery Howard, Tresco ElmsMaryA.( :Ylrs. ),RoyalOakP.H. Uptn
Carter James H. The Cottage Rowsell Samuel John, St. Lawrence Elms Wm. market gardener, Blendon
Cassidy Rev. Mark Mortimer B.A. *Sanderson William Emery S. Wood- Foot Richard, tailor
[curate of St. Mary's], High street lands, Black fen Fowler James, dairyman, High street
Christmas Sami.Hy. Cecilldg. Upton rd Sandon Alfred George, Warwick lodge J<'rancis William, butcher, High street
Clapham W\lliam Charles, Knoll road Savery Edwin, Elm cottage, Bourne st Franklin Albt. Jas. farmer,Bourne farm
Clare Edward A. Neuwied, Knoll road Sharpe Ernest Rolls, Hurst lo.Gravel hill French Frederick, builder
Cook William J. Merryville, Knoll road Shearmart Mrs. Millers-Dale Fricker Elizabeth C~Iiss), ladies' school
CooperRobt.Sprin~ lawn, North Cray rd Sheffield Miss, Plevna lodge Gammon Jsph.grocer & sub-postmaster
de la Cbaumette Chas. A.. r 8 Salisbury rd Silva Alfred Spencer, Heathfield, Park- Ginger William James, fishmonger
Denny Charles F. Neville cottage burst road Goodwin Ilarriet (Mrs.), preparatory
Donkin Chas. Stafford cot. Upton road Slade George, Bourne street school, Parkhurst road
Edwards Geo. Fredk. M.B. High street Smallwood Mrs. 19 Salisbury road Green Thomas Butler & Co. builders•
Edwards Mrs. Lullington cot. Hartfrd. rd Smith John J. Cromwcll lodge, North &c. ironmongers
Eyles John, Iwerne cottage, Knoll road Cray road Green Jn. Stevcns, Coach & Horse::~ P.K
Fair Rev. Robert Herbert M.A. [curate Smith Joseph Richard, Wyecroft Green Walter, farm bailiff to J. A~
in charge of St. John's] Sopp Henry, Knoll road Hankey esq. Upton
Flower James, Basildon Southwell Jas. Frederick, Heathbourne Grevatt George Henry, fly proprietor
Franklin William, Heath villa Spencer William, Park bill Grey Chas.teacher of music,Hartford rd
Freemantle William, I Freemantle pl Staples ):lichael, Carlton villa Hardy William, fruit grower, Upton
Fricker Miss, Hurst terrace Steadman William Thomas, Church vi! Henbrey Edward, baker, IO Oxford pl
Fry Thomas, Hartford villas Steel George Radcliffe, Woodlands villa, Hill Wm. IIerbert, shopkecper,Albert r~
Fuller Rev. John Mee M.A. [vicar], Parkhurst road Hills Thomas, fruit grower, Upton
Vicarage Stuber Alfred, Wibbandune Hudson William V. farmer, The Elms~
Furness Edward, Knollcroft Symonds John, Castle house, Park hill Cold Blow
Garratt John, Holmwood Taylor Sydney, Brookside, Hartford rd Isted James, carpenter, Albert road
Garwood John Alfred, Hartford villas Tubby Miss, Marle house James William Henry, station master
Gaze Robert, Hall place, Mill cottage Turner Cyril J arnes, Titlield Jordan Henry, cowkeeper, Marl ~ottage
Graccwood Geo. Vale ldg.North Gray rd Turner Robert, The Myrtles Kelsey Burdett William, Tower inn &
Grant Alexander, Park bill Turner Robert, jun. Heath view Railway tavern. See advertisement
Grant J obn, Bradbourne house Van A.erde Madame, Holly ldg. Upton rd Kelsey Frederick Arthur, collector of
Greenop Stanley, Crowhurst Venner Ericus Robinson, Albert road queen's taxes, Park hill
Greenwood Mrs. Salisbury road Wackberbath Mrs. Kingswood lodge, Kelsey Thomas, poor rate collector,
Haines Mrs. Mark, Sidney vi!. Knoll rd Harlford road Eugenic cottage, Albert road
Hallett Chas. Bernard, Hurstbourne ter Walker Joseph Eagland, Huntcliffe, KelseyWalt. asstnt. rate collctr. Albert.rd
Hankey J amcsonA.lers, The Mount, Uptn Parkhurst road Kelsey William, butcher & farmer
llansford Mrs. Knoll road Wailer John T. Park bill Kemp Samuel, boot & shoe maker
Harris William J oseph, West Boulton Warburton A.ndrew, Cilmary Kimpton Benjamin, watch maker
Haslett Henry, Spring fields Warren Mrs. 4 Bath villas, Albert road Knipe Thomas A. tailor, High street
Heath George Wilson, Devon lodge Wheeler Frederick John, Parkhurst rd Laimbeer Edwin, boot maker, Hurst-
Helby William, Woodville White Hichard, 7 High street bourne terrace
Hibben A.rthnr, North Cray road Whiteley Charles, Bournside Lane Alfred, hair dresser, High street
Hickman John Roe, Ravenswood Wilson Alfred, Wood ea, Parkhurst rd *Lee J ames, fruiterer &c. Black fen
LeighJsph. Wrn.drght::~rnn. r2Salsbry.rd
Holmes Williarn Carter, Hartfurd cot Wiltshire Asdail, Southgate
Holt Mrs. Halcot Windridge Thos. Woodland cot. Upton Lincoln Wm. fly proprietor, Albert rd
Hooper Alfred, Cold Blow Woolfall Miss, Park hill Lock DavidD. glass&china dealer, High st
Horner Francis, Elmhurst, Cold Blow Wray George Courtney, St. Cuthbert's Martin & Co. bankers (Theodore l\1.
Howe Edward, Coombe-Martin Yates George, Claremont Stancomb, manager), High street
Hudson Mrs. 4 Salisbury road Young Mrs. Cold Blow (attendance from Bexley Heath daily
Hudson William V. Cold Blow Young Robert, North Cray road from 10.30 to 12.30); draw on Lon-
Hnggin Godfrey, Bridge house COMMERCIAL. don otlice, 68 Lornbard street E c
Hull Miss, Wood vale Allen Thomas, fly & 'bus proprietor Mason Alfred Jas. chemist, 3 Oxford pl
Jackson John Flower JP. Bourne place A.llenson A.nnie M. (Mrs.), fancy reposi- Matthews Alfred, grocer, & agent for
Jesse Waiter, Cray side tory, Oxford place W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit mers
Jewell Morris, Hall place Austin Joseph, greengrocer, Bridgen Matthews Sidny, solicitor & clerk to
Johnson James, Dachurst, Cold Blow Banks Elizh. (Mrs.), laundress. Upton the Local Board, Oxford place
*Jowett Mrs. Blenheirn cot. Black fen Bass Alfred & Co. drapers, High street Mitehell Joseph, farm bailiff to Mrs.
Kemp-Wright Wallace, Fairholme Beadle Brothers, coal merchants Arbuthnot, Bridgen farm
Lacey Charles, Rosenaw, Upton road Beech George Thomas, grocer Morehouse John Bower L.R.C.P. &
Lake J ames, Ferndale Bexley Conservative Association (John L.R.c.s.Edin. physician & surgeon,
Lawford Arthur, Holmfield T. Radcliffe, hon. sec) Moorcraft, Gravel hill
Layton Mrs. Parkhurst Bexley & District Starr-Bowkett Build- Morley Susannah (Mrs.), confectioner
Ledger Henry, Glendale, Upton road ing Society (F. A.. Kelsey, sec) Odd J obn, basket maker & toy dealer
Parker Thomas &Son, carri3rs, Upton Temple Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundress, 1 Egleton Charles, Fern cottage
Penfold Wllliam, blacksmith North Gray road Egleton Mrs. White house
Pointer George Henry, King's Head P.H Thompson Johanna (Mrs. ),dress maker, Heineman Emil, Lamorbey park
Pottle John, saddler, Bridgen 3 Bath villas, Albert road tHolt Vessey, Penhill
Provident Dispensary Thomson Peter J steward to:\lrs. Lane Jasper, Victoria cottages
Randall Ellen(Mrs. ),dress m a. Albert rd. Dashwood, Brookfield, Gravel hill Liebenrbod Fitzhardinge, ReJ. house
Smith Charles, I'he Limes
Reeve Edward l'almer, manager to I Tin~ley Ed ward, fruiterer
Lantern coffee tavern, High street Twitchen.Jn . .iobbing- gardener,Albert rd tWatkins Thomas, Bexley lane
Beeves George Thomas, beer retailer & VaneLizzieRebecca(Miss),mllnr.High st COMMERCIAL,
wine merchant, High street Vessey Will!am, plumber &c. to the
Reeves Thomas, builder West Kent waterworks Barker Sarah (~Irs.), laundress
Reffell Bros. brewers &wine&spirit mers Walker JosephEagland, surgeon, Hunt- Barnaby Jethro Julius, corn & coal met
Relph William &Sons, auctioneers, sur- cliffe, Parkhurst road Brown Jam~ William, confectioner
veyors, house agents, furniture, china Watkins Edward Bowler, farmer, Tan- Brown Sidney, plumber ·
& glass warehouse. See advert yard farm, Bridgen Cousins Ed ward, sm~th & farrier
Rogers John, boot & shoe maker Wear Joseph,draper & milliner, High st Dowling & Co. jobmasters
Sheldon gardener, Upton rd Webb Henry John, wood dealer, Blendon Dunn Henry, carpenter
*Shepherd Mrs. Jane, Woodman P.H. Westbrook George Thomas, wine & Lane Waiter, wood dealer .
Black fen spirit merchant, High street Leigh-White Wm. Geo. Black Horse P.H
Shiers DecimusThos.&Co.dyers&cleanrs Wheeler Yk.John,surgeon,Parkhurst rd Martin John, painter
Skinner Joseph Henry, tailor, Albert rd Whitby Thos.cbimney sweeper, High st Moore Sarah J ane (Mrs.), baker & sub-
Smith George Mence, oil & color man, I Woolfall Fanny (Miss), school for girls postmistress
Oxford place Wright James, plumber, High street Moye Frederick John, station master
StaceyThos.&.Sons,plumbers&decoratrs I Young Men's Christian Association Pamfl~tt Jn. Stephen, provision dea!el"
Staples Charlotte (Mrs.), preparatory (Edward R. Kelsey, 8ec) Pickett John & Son, builders &c
school for boys & girls Young Women's Christian Association Reave.ll Frederick H. boot maker
Starkey John, beer retailer, .Albert road (Miss Clara Symonds, sec) Tyr~r Harry & Co. coal merchants
Steel William, George P.H. & saddler Halfway Street. Vinson Ed ward, farmer
Stewart William, verger & hon. sec. to tVinson William farmer Hurst farm
&Working Men's Club, High street
[Marked thus t receive letters thro' Bexley]. 1 Ward Wilham, butcher grm;er
Stone William Edward, coach builder Beamish Lieut.-Col. Edward Spread Wood Robert, market gardener
Strand Thos. Hy. confeetioner, High st R.A., J. P. Halfway Street house Wooder Renben, Sidcnp hotel 8{. P. H
Sweetland Edwin,laundryman, High st t Beamish Rev. Samuel Henry B.A. [vicar Workman's Reading Rooms(JohnWalsh,
Tarr Mary (Mrs.), laundress of Lamorbey], Abbey hill hon. sec)
BEXLEY HEATH is an ecclesiastical pansh, formed April 13th, 1 Welling is a village at the foot of Shooter's Hill, z
r866, from the civil parish of Bexley, situated on each side • miles north-west from Bexley: the south side is in the
of the road from London to Dover, r2 miles from London, 6 1 parish of Bexley Heath, and the north in the parish of East
south-east from Woolwich, 3 west from Dartford and I~ Wickham. Here is an iron church, erected in I869, by A.
north from Bexley. J<'or civil purposes it is within the parish W. Bean esq. and holding about 230. Sir Julian Goldsmid
ofBexleyandismtheNorthWesterndivisionofthecounty, bart. M.P., J.P. of Somerhill, Tonbridge, is a large landed
lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, Ruxley hundred, Dartford petty proprietor. Danson Park, a seat built by Sir John Boyd,
Set>Sional division, union and county court district, and in standing in grounds laid out by Lancelot (Capability) Brown,
the rural deanery of East Dartford, archdeaconry of Maid- is the residence of .Alfred William Bean esq. J.P. ; it has an
stone and diocese of Canterbury. The district is lighted extensive and well-wooded park, containmg a large lake.
with gas by the West Kent Gas Co. and supplied with water Sexton, William Isaac Reeve.
by the West Kent Waterworks Co. _from wor_ks situated _at PosT, M. 0.· & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office
Crayford. Bexley Heath and Wellmg, formmg the Chnst (Sub-Office. Letters should have S.O. Kent added) .......
Church War_d, return SIX mem~ers to t~e Bexl_ey_ Local Stephen Mesnard, postmaster, Bexley Heath. Letters
Boar?. Chnst C~urch, erec~d m I877, IS _a bmldmg of arrive from London & all parts at 7·45 a.m. 2.20, 6.10 &
Kent1sh ragstone, m _the Gothic style, cons1stmg of chancel, I 1 . 45 p.m.; saturdays only ,9 p. m.; dispatched at 9· Io a. m.
nave of four bays, aisles, south tra~sept, v~stry and n?rth :1 2. 10, 4. 10 & 8. 20 p. m. ; sundays, 9 p. m. Money orders
a~d south porch~s: the church contams a senes of I2 stamed are granted & paid from 9 a. m. till 5 p. m
wmdows,_ the g1ft. of John Edensor esq. ~f l!,pton Lodge,
f!!presentmg stud1es from L~onardo ?a Vmc1 s cele~rated PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Crook
Log.-Edward Farr, Brocklesby, po:;tmaste:-. Letters
piCture of t?e. Last Supper! stx of wh1ch are placed m the through Bexley Heath S. 0. which is the nearest telegraph
north a?-d st~ m the south atsle: there are al~o ~everal other
memonal wmdows: th_e church has 900 Sittmgs, half of office. Dispatches, 9.5 & II. IO a. m. 3·55 & 8 p.m. ;
~h.tch _are f~ee. The ~egtster dates from the year 1842. The sundays, 9 p.m
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
livmg IS~ vicar_age, tit~e rent-c~arge £ 150~ net year!?· value Welling (Sub-Office. Letters should have S.O. Kent
an?£3oo, wit~ residence, m the g1ft of the Countess Sydney,
~el_d smce 1888 by_the Rev. Henry L~wrence Fry M.A. added).-William Charman, postmaster. Letters arrive
from London at 8 a.m. 2.5, 5·45 & 9·5 p.m.; dispatched
of fnmty ~ollege, Dublm. Here are Baptit~t, Wesleyan and at 9. 10 a. m. I 2. ro, 4. 10 & 7·45 p. m. ; sundays, 8.35 p.m.
9ongregatwnal chapels. A cemetery of 5 acres was formed Money orders are granted & paid from 9 till 6 p.m
m r88o, at a cost of £2,700, and has onP. mortuary chapel:
it is under the control of a burial board of 9 members. The PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS : -
Public Hall, built, here in 1870, at a cost of about£2,000, for Cemetery, P. R. Chapman, clerk to the burial board
concerts, meetings and bazaars, is a structure of brick in the Cottage Hospital & Provident Dispensary, Upton road;
Gothic style, with a handsomely decorated concert room, medical otflcers, N. W. Barrington M. D. T. May, "Oliver
capable of seating 500; it has in addition three large rooms, Sunderland L. R.c. P.Edin. & !<'. J. Wheeler; Herbert Geo.
and is owned by a limited liability company. A cattle Bristow, hon. sec. ; F. M. Cowie, collector; Miss Harriet
market is held here every Wednesday. The Cottage Hospit,J.l Fuller, nurse matron
and Provident Dispensary, in Upton road, built at a cost of Foresters' Asylum
£r,54o, from the designs of Messrs. A. and C. IIarston, Metropolitan Police Station, Main road, R Division, John
architects, and opened in March, r884 and enlarged in r887, Cooper & Wm. Wilder, inspectors, 4 scrgts.& 28 constables
is intended for nine adult patients, in addition to a provident Public Hall, Thomas Jenkins, hon. sec
dispensary: the rooms, except the nurses' sleeping ap;.J.rt- ScHOOLs:-
ments and store room, have been placed on the ground floor ; Christ Church National, Albert road (boys, girls & infants),
the two wards are for five men and four women on the basis erected in 1883, & enlarged in 1886 at a. cost of £3,5oo,
of r,ooo cubic feet of air space per patient: the number of for 250 boys, 250 girls & 250 infants; average attend-
patients in 1889 was 49: the mortuary and fuel stores form ance-boys 208, girls 154, infants I85 ; Arthur Marsh,
a detached building- in the rear. The Foresters have an
asylum here, erected in 1872, with 5~ acres of freehold land, master ; Miss .Agnes Witworth, mistress; Miss Rose Anne
Remnant, infants' mistress
for 16 pensioners, who are allowed 6s. per week, with free Foster's Endowed, endowed by William Foster, in 1727,
house and firing. The principal landowners are Mrs. Dash- with £247 yearly ; it will hold 400 children; average at-
wood and Alfred William Bean esq. J.P. of Danson Park and tendance, 317; John Thomas Dale, master; Mrs. Eleanor
the University of Oxford. The soil is gravel and sand ; sub- Dale, mistress
1!0il1 gravel. The chief crops are cereals of all kinds and
much fruit and flowers. The area is 2, 500 acres. The popu- Co:svEY.\NCE.-Omnibuses to Woolwich & Bexley railway
lation of Bexley Heath, including the south side of Welling, stations several times daily
h r88r was 5,933. CARRIERS TO Lo:snoN.-Parker, daily, returning same day
:Bexley Heath. Corthorn Frederick, Main road Jennings John, Park villa, Main road
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Coulson Henry, Laurel viis. Gravel hill J ohnson Edmund E. Fair home
Adams Francis, Warren road Crowe Mrs. Neptune villa, Lion road J ohnson J n. J assimine cot. Brunswick rd
• Culbert James, May vi!. May Place rd Johnson Mrs. Heathfield road
Allan Mrs. Chapel road
Alien Capt. John R.N. Holmwood Dalby Mrs. 2 Richmond villas J ones Miss, I Crofton villas
Ames John, Oneida villa, Church road Daniels Thomas, Ossett vil. Chapel rd J ones Mrs. Holford, Church road
Amies Mrs. Langham place Dashwood Mrs. .Acacia cot. Main road Kemp John Edwin, Chapel road
Amos Thomas, 5 Sherston pi. Main rd Denman Miss, Ripley villas, Chapel rd Kimber Thomas, Rutland lodge
Andrewes Miss, Clapton villa Dickman Robert, Southbrook lodge King James, 2 May Place terrace ·
Andrews Major-Gen. Charles, Allinum Dimond Charles, Upton road Knight Joseph Jordan, Mera lodge,
lo:ige, Woolwich road Dodd Henry, Alma house May Place road
Angles George, May Place road Dollman Fras. Stonefield, Woolwich rd Lacey Mrs. Rose cottage
Applebee Fisher William, Avenue lodge Dresser Arthur R. Springtield, Main rd Ladds Philip, Brighton lodge
Arnitt Mrs. Waddingtnn ter. Main road EarleEdwd.Arth.Ex~tr.cots. Standrd. rd Lane Hezekiah, North street
Ashdown Mrs. Brunswick road Ebrcy Mrs. Devonshire road Lathy Mrs. Fair view, Warren road
Ashford Mrs. Brooklands Eccles Mrs. Anne, Tintern ldge. Lion rd Lauric John B. Highfield, Albion road
Ashton J oseph, Lion road Ede Mrs. The H.est, Avenue road Lawes Geo. Vine cottage, May Place rd
Assiter George, Church road Edensor John, Upton lodge Leslie James Leith M.D. Main road
Austin Thomas R. Lewin road Edwards Henry, 2 Sherston pi. Main rd Lewin Miss, 2 Rose villas
Avenell Mrs. Melrose terrace Ellard M:·s. Harcourt road Lister Edward Willows, Kingston cot
Ayers Henry, Main road Elms Miss, Myrtle villa · Little Mrs. Fern villa, Chapel road
Ayers ·william, May Place road Emerson Miss, I Rose villas, Church rd Littlehales Frederick, Clovelly
Ayliffe George William, May Place road Errey Robert, Chapel road LlewellenMrs.I Nelson vils.Woolwichrd
Ayling David, Upton road Evans Mrs. Lion road Lodge Henry, Markhall villa
l~ailey Mrs. Bristol villas, Church road Fairman Wm. Florence cot.Sandford rd Longhurst Mrs. .'\1ain road
Baker Edward, Main road Farmer Nicholas William, Stanthorpe, Lyne Richard Stephcn, Bridgen lodge
Baker William, Erith road Glynde road McGuinness Mrs. Victoria road
Barnard William Henry, Lion street Flather Hobt.Heynolds, West Kent lodge Mady William, Sunnyside, Main road
Barrington NicholasWilliam B.A.,T.C.D., Fletcher Mrs. Kent villas Marchant Geor,,g_ e, Avenue road
Marsh Thomas, 2 Dacre villas, Lion rd
M.D. Heath lodge Fontaine Miss, 2 Albert villas
Bartlett Miss, Heath house Ford Thomas, I Warren road Marshall Alfred, West Heath house
Bates Mrs. Acacia cottages, Main road Francis Henry, Camden villa Marshal! Richard, Lily cottage, Main rd
.Beadle Mrs. Millfield ho. May Place rd Freer Mrs. Thanet villas, Woolwich rd Mech Mrs. Brapple villa, Chapel road
Bean Wm. I May vils. Devonshire road French David, Gursla villa Mein Mrs. 3 Victoria road
Beck John Wm. 2 Alpha viis. Chapel rd French George Frederick, Hope villas Meinertzhagen Edward, Lilford lodge
Beckham Horatio Augustus, Mill cot- Fry Rev. Henry Lawnmce M.A. [vicar], Mellows Alfred W. Lion street
tage, May Place road The Rectory Mendell Henry, Grove cottage
Bell John, 4 Montague villas Fuller Tom, Brampton lodge Millns Jas. A. Spring cot. May Place rd
Bellew Mrs. Church road Gardner Major David,Fern pl. Chapel rd Mitchcll George, Chapel road
Bennett Wm. Wellington cot. Woolwch.rd Geddes Rev. James [Cong.J, Thanet vl Mitchell Mrs. 1 Norfolk villas, Lion rd
Bentham Robert Henry, Main road Gilbert Thomas, Flora villa Mitchell Thos. Turner, May Place road
Bernard Edward, Hillcote,Brampton rd Glister John, Lion street Moody Alfred, Devonshire road
Best John, Cairnsmore lodge Goddard :.VIiss, Exeter cot. Standarrl rd Morgan William, Erith road
Bex Alfred, Paddock road Godfrey Fredk. A.nnesley villa, Lion rd Morris The Misses, Dudley villas
Bird Mrs. James, Chapd road Goodwin John, Oak villas, Church rd Morrison Thomas, Chapel road
Blackett Jas. D. Morden lodge, Lion rd Goslin Samuel B. Brampton road Morrison Wm. I Kent villas, Church rd
Blake Miss, Paddock road Gosling Edward, Heathfield road Mudge William, Picard road
Boughton Mrs. Main road GowerMrs.2 Northall vils.Devonshirerd Mudie Wm. Garden cot. Woolwich rd
Boulter Edmund R. Holly cot. Lion rrl Greensill Miss, Fern place, Chapel road Munday Miss, 2 North ter. May Placerd
Box Eliab, 4 Sussex terrace Greey Edward, Sandown villa, Main rd NNeeawveWMilrlisa. rRn,a-ySntasfnileelyd vil. Devonshire rd
Branch William, Oak villas, Church rd Griffin William, Main road house
Bray James, Lion street Hall Mrs. Nelson house Norman Miss Frances, Summerhill
Brazier Richd. Sydney v~l. Woolwich rd Halliday William, Erith road villa, Pickford road
Brewer Thomas, L' pton road Harbour Robert, Heathfield road O'Neill Mrs. 2 South terrace, Main road
Bridger Mrs. Upton road Uarris Christopher, Rose villas Oxley George E. M.A. Oak house
Bristow Hjnry Joseph, West lodga Harrison Mrs. Ashleigh, Albion road Palmer Mrs. 2 Langharn place
Brown Miss, Vine cottage, Church road Harrison Paul, Belgrave lodge Parham James, Ellerslie, Heathfield rd
Brown Mrs. I Alton villas, Chapel road Harrison Rwhard, Hope villas Parish Major, 3 Sussex terrace
Brown Wm. I Russell viis. Woolwich rd Harston Christr. The Chesnuts, Main rd Parker Albert, Lion street
Burt Miss, Denbigh cot. May Place road Harvey Mrs. Alfred Henry, Chapel rd Parker Ed ward, Torre villa, Avenue rd
Burton Alexander, Lion road Harvey Mrs. Lawton house Parris Alfd. 3 J arnes cots. Standard rd
Buss The Misses, 2 Crofton villas Hasell Henry, Verbena cottage, Lion rd Partridge Geo. The Limes, Brampton rd
Butcher Mrs. Heathfield road Hatfull Robt. I North ter. May Place rd Patten George, Fern villa, Church road
Butler John, Main road Hawes Henry John, Lion street Pavey J ames, Raleigh villa, Lion road
Butler Richard, The Laurels Hawke Chas. Wm. lvanhoe ho. Lion rd Pay Adam S. Mossley house, Main rd
Butler William Daniel, Avenue road Ileath Richard Clarke, Crook lodge Payne Mrs. I Langham place
Cabban Miss, Rolvenden, Main road Hewby Richard, Stanley cot. Pick ford rd Pearman Miss, Stanley ho. Pickford rd
Camp Mrs. Mansfield villas, Chapel rd Hibben Robert, Clyde cot. Upton lane Pearson Mrs. 1 Stanlcy villas
Cannon Albert, Lion road Hibberdine Miss, Chapel road Pilbcam Thomas, 4 May Place terrace
Carman Henry A. North terrace Hitchins Mrs. Frederick Hardwick, Pincott Miss, Clyde villa
Carnegie John, Hillcrest Hayes villa, Standard road Pitman J ames, North street
Carter Mrs. I Church road Holder Thomas, 1 H.utland villas Plaw Mrs. John, Church road
Cavey Mrs. Glenmore lodge Holmes J ames, Stanmore Pope Edmund T. Fern cottage
Chapman Gcorge B. Bayard cottage Hood Edmund, 2 Alfred place Poppleton Wm. Clarence ho. Main rd
Chapman Phillip Robt. I Montague vls Hope Mrs. Glenthorn villa, Pickford rd Prescott .Tames, Erith road
Chapman Stcphen, Heathfield road Hopkins George, Church road Purncll Geo. Myrtle cot. Devonshire rd
Charsley Jarnes, Pickford road Hopping Edward L. Warren road Quallett Geo. Wm. Lord Hill cot. Main rd
Chivers Mark Andrew, I Richmond vils Hornby Robert, I Dann's cottages H.adcliffe John Thos. Wye lodge, Lion rd
Chre_tien Misses, Prospect place Hudson Benj. Jas. The Roses, lVarren rd Rangl)r Fredk. Wm. Frail. Myrtle house
Clark John, Lion street Hunt Edmd. Portland vil. Standard rd Redrnond Mr8. Heathfield road
Clementson Dcp. Surg.-Gen. Frederick Hunter Wm. Ward, Woodroffe cottage Reed Miss, Fern place, Chapel road
Lewis, Elmhurst Ingledew Miss, 2 Oak villas Reed William, Harcourt road
Clempson George, Devonshire road lngledew Mrs. Leinster house, Main rd Rulph Jas. Tullctt, Birchmoor, Lion rd
Cole James Ferguson, Tower house Ison \Villiarn, Laurel cottage, Lewiu rd Richardson Joseph, Erith road
Collins Edward William, Lismore, Ivey George, Southside, Warren road Richmond Mrs. 2 Barrowden villas
Heathfield road Jackman Edward R. The Cottage Ripley Mrs. North lodge
Cook Charles, Holly cot. Devonshire rd Jaye Mrs. H.hoda villa, Chapel road Rix Hobcrt, Heathfield road
Cook Robert, Erith road Jefferey John Ruxton, Laburnum cot- Roake William, Walcot lodge
.Cope Thomas Barrel, Montpelier cot- tage, Church road Robins Hy. Temple, 4 South ter.:Main rd
tage, Lion street Jeffery Walter, The Villa Robins l\hss, !farrow cot. Church road
Corner J olm Wm. L. Harlyngham villa J enkins Thomas, Montgomery cottage, Robinson William George, Oxford lodg~
Corner William C. 2 Rutland villas Station road Rogers David, Brunswick house
Roots Martin, Elizabeth terrace Adams Iienry(Mrs.),shopkeepr.Main rd Chambers Geo. Lord Hill P.H. Main rd
Rudland Miss, Tester vil. Devonshire rd Addis Thomas, chimney sweeper, Royal Chaplin Geo. market gardener, Lion st
Saul Mrs. Warwick villa, Woolwich rd Oak lane Chapman ~rthur, boot maker, Main rd
Saunders Mrs. Ripley villas, Chapel rd Aldred Eldred William, florist, Main rd Chapman Brothers, clothiers, Main rd
Scaddon Mrs. Pickford terrace Alexandra Hall (H.. Tate, proprietor) Chapman Philip R. vestry clerk, I Mon-
Scott Renjamin T. Church road Alien Thomas, fly & 'bus propr. Main rd tacYUe villas
Sell Augustus, Church road Allen William, carrier, ~tandard road Chauvidon Auguste, pork butcher, May
Sharp George, 2 Pickford terrace Andrews Thomas, natumlist, Main road Place road
Shoebrook John, Park villa, Avenue rd Argent Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, Cheeseman Geo. beer retailer, Long lane
Skelt Wm. Nelson villas, Woolwich rd Devonshire road Christopher Daniel, hair dresser
Skelt William Charle.'!, 2 Dane villas .Arnold & Co. english & foreign timber, Clark Edwd. painter & glazier, Main rd
Skene Mrs. Woodland place, Chapel rd laths, slate, brick, tile, lime & cement Clark Jas. (Mrs.),day school, 2 Hart viis
Slade Jeremiah, Hrapple vil. Chapel rd merchants & sawing & moulding Clark William, bricklayer,Devon~hire rd
Slade Misses, Acacia villa, Chapel road mills, West Kent sawing mills Clarke James, beerretailer,MayPlace rd
Slade William George, Fountain villas, Ashdown Emma (Mrs.), baker Cook John, laundry, Church road
Woolwich road Ashton John. builder, Lion road Cook William George, baker, Main rd
Smith Rev. George [Baptist], .Albano Atkinson William, beer retailer, Main rd Cooper Phi lip Henry & John, florists,
villa, Church road Austin Edward, greengrocer, Main road Avenue nursery
Smith Henry James, Avenue road Austin James, greengrocer, Lion road Cooper A. Wm. fishmonger, MayPlace rd
Smith Joseph, Cleeve house Austin Thomas .Arthur, coal merchant Cooper Henry, florist &seedsman, Hope
Smith Joseph, I Rosslyn viis. Chapel rd & oilman, Lion road & Shrubbery nurseries, Main road
Smith Wm. Geo. Sydney cot. Upton rd Bailey John, boot maker, Lion road Cord~r John, bill poster, Albert road
Smith William Sydney, Montague villa Baker Joseph, tailor, Main road Corrigan Anthony, veterinary practitnr
Smyth Mrs. 5 Langham place llaldry Henry,boot maker,May Placerd Coult Ernest Harold, ironmonget·, I The
Snow Capt. William P. I Victoria road llarham Geo.marketgardener,Lewin rd Parade, Main road
Snowden Charles James, Brakspear BarhamJohn,market gardener, Upton la Craker Freclk. George, grocer, Main rd
villa, Church road Barham Richard,shopkpr.May Place rd Crickett Norman Hanley, linen draper
Soloman Lacy, D~nbeigh lodge Barker Henry, grocer, Market place CrowhurstEdward,corn dealer,Erith rd
Spencer M1·s. Emily, Ravensbourne Barnett Joseph, shoe ma. May Place rd Crump John Holland, Rose inn,Main rd
Springthorpe .Amos, Stanhope cottages, Barrington Nicholas William B.A., M.D. Cunningham Wm. boot & shoe manufr
Woolwich road surgeon, Heath lodge Dale Obed 0. pawnbroker, Main road
Statham Mrs. Bath cottage, North st Bassom Frederick, turncock, Main road Dartford ·Express (Thomas Jenkins,
Steel Harry, 3 Langham place Bates .Annie (Miss), dress ma. Main rd publisher ; published friday)
Steele Mrs. Glo'ster villa, Warren road BeadleBrothers,coal merchants, Main rd Davey William (Mrs.),florist, Church rd
Stevens Miss, Dayrell vil. Devonshire rd BeavenChas. printer&stationcr,Erith rd Dimond Charles, butcher, Main road
Still John, Lion road Beeson Joseph Edward, dairyman, 3 Dodd Thomas, florist
Stradley Renjamin, Chapel road The Parade, Main road Dollman Francis, solicitor, Woolwich rd
Stratton Nelson, Paddock road Bell Jn. nurseryman, Montague nursery DuplockEiizh.( Mrs.), toy dealer,Main rd
Stuart SamueJ..Robert, Brunswick road Bex Clara Ann (Mrs.), tobccnst.Main rd Ebbutt Burgamy, grocer, Main road
Stunt Jnn. 'fwydall ho. Abhey Wood rd Bex James, shoe maker, Main road Eddes Margaret (Miss), girls' boarding
Styles August, 4North ter.May Place rd Bexley Cottage Hospital & Provident school, May Place road
Styles Charles, Rose Tree cottage Dispensary (Hcrbert Gcorge J}ristow, Ellingham John, builder, ~Iain road
Sunderland Oliver, Main road hon. sec. ; 1''. M. Cowie, collector ; England Henry, greengrocer, Main rd
Swann Thomas, Milton villa, Church rd Miss Harriet Fuller, nurse matron), Errall George, jobmaster, Main road
Swinger Miss, Haven, Upton road Upton road Field Mary(Mrs. ),Lord EexleyArms P.H
8ykesJn. G.W. Cheveley ldg.May Pl. rd Bexley Heath Co-operative Society Forbes George, grocer & confectioner,
'fate Robert, Rose villas (James Ashton, manager) Harrington cottages
Taylor R:Jbert, Harcourt road Eexley Heath & Erith Observer (Thos. Ford Isaac,groccr&beer retailer,Main rd
Tennant David, Eron Seirol,Warren rd Jenkins, publisher; published friday) Foresters' .Asy1urn
TheobaldMiss,2Mansfield vils. Chapelrd Bexley Heath Public Hall Co. (Thomas Fra.ncis Henry, traveller, Camden villa
Thomas Henry, Maud cot. Standard rd Jenkins, hon. sec) :FranklinEdmnnd, beer retailer,Erith rd
Thompson Peter, Gravel hill BirchWm. Hy.Golden Lion P.H.Main rd Franklin Frederick, farmer, Long lane
1'ills Miss, Devonshire road Blake Martha (Miss), milliner, Main rd Franklin Waiter, cowkeeper, Erith road
Tinker Charles, Rose villas Boswell Edward, wheel wright,Station rd Freeman Wm. wardrobe dealer, Main rd
Titcombe .Arthur, Erith road Botterill Thos. Wm. confectionr. North st Gardner Minnie & May (Misses), ladies'
Tovey Thomas, I .Albert vils. Chapel rd Boulter E. Reeve, surveyor & sanitary school, Main road
Townley Mrs. Main road inspector toBexley local board, Lion rd Gaskill John, confectioner, Main road
Townley Sydney, 6 Rose villas Bourne George,coal & coke dlr. Erith rd Godfrey Frederick, coal agent, Annesley
Tremearne Arthur H. N. Gravel hill Bowry Eliza (Mrs.), girls' day school, villas, Lion road
Trowell Francis, Brampton house, Erridge villas, Chapel road Gordon Albt. markt.gardnr.MayPlace rd
llrampton road Brackley George Alex. butcher, Main rd Gospel & Blue Ribbon Temperance Hall
1'urtle Edward, Fern villa, Lion road Rraybrooks Thomas, draper, Main road & Coffee Tavern (Wm. Hy. Oldring,
Unwin Mrs. Brnyere place Braz1er Richard, gasfitter, Woolwich rd mana;;-er), Main road
Vennils Charles Samuel, May Place ter Brewer Thomas, timber merchant & Grnndy Thos. coach painter, Chapelrd
Vile Stephen, St. Leonard's cot. Upton rd saw mills, Main road Greenhill Wm. coach builder, Main rd
Wade Miss, Stebonheath villa Briggs Charlotte (Miss), dress maker Grove Mrs.Chas.A.fancy repos.Main rd
Walliuck Thos. Hy. Lorne viis. Main rd Briggs Frederick, blacksmith, Main rd Hall Frederick, gardener to C. Harston
Brocklesby Bros. dairymen, Main road esq. Standard road
Wailer Mrs. I Devonshire road
Walmesley Miss, Leamington villa, Brocklesby Edward Farr, stationer & Halsey George, carpenter, Upton road
~ post office, Crook log Hambly Henry James, grocer, Main rd
Woolwich road .
Weaver Joseph, Erith road Brown Edward, greengrocer, Main rd Hammond Robert G. baker, 4 Erith rd
Weaving Waiter, Stanhope cottages, Brown William, builder, Main road HancockJsph.markt.grdnr. Woolwich rd
Woolwich road Buckland Edward, butcher, Main road Harbour Robert,school board inspector,
Webb Benjamin, Lewin road Buckley Sarah (Miss), dress maker,May 4 Heathfield road .
Webb Mrs. Carey cottages, Lion road Place road Harris George, tobacconist, Main road
'Weekes Mrs. Lewin road llurton Thomas & Son, builders, con- Harvey Geo. OldCrook Log hotl.Main rd
West Mrs. Hartley villas, Church road tractors, hot water engineers & horti- HazcllEliza (Mrs. ),laundry, Standard rd
Wheeler Frederick John cultural builders, Erith road Heward Frederick, grocer, :Main road
Wilcher Mrs. Chapel road Eurton Alexander, agent to Pha;nix Fire Hide George & Co. linen drapers
Wilkinson George, Lewin cot. Lewin rd office, Lion road Hi~!gs Mary .Ann (Miss), dress maker,
Williams James, Rose vil. Brampton rd Butler Richard & John, builders &c. Magdala place, Erith road
Willmore John, May villa, Main road Steam saw mills · Hills Edmund, pork butcher, Main road
Wilson Frcderick William, Elm lodge Butler Henry, locksmith, Lion road Hitchman Chas. police sergeant, Ivy cot
Wilson Samuel,2Hatfield viis. Church rd Button Thos. boot&shoe m a. Woolwich rd Hobday George Chas. tailor, Main road
Wood George, Osborne lodge Carnegie John H.A. solicitor, Hillcrest Home Mission House, May Place road
Wood Henry Decimus, Homewood CartwrightJames,wheel wright,Bank's la Honeyhone Thos. Hy. watch & clock ma
Wright Henry, Brunswick road Castcll Castcll, baker, Main road Hood Frcdcrick, baker, Main road
Wright Thomas, I May Place terrace Castell Harry, boot & shoe ma. Main rd Hood Sophia (Mrs.), nurseryman &
Wyatt Geo. Wm. Carey cots. Lion road Cave .Aibert Geo. hair dresser, Main rd scedsman, Crook log
CO'Mli!ERCIAL. Cave Frances (Mrs.), shopkpr. Main rd Hopkins Geo.Alfd.carpenter,Church rd
Adams Francis, or~anist to Congrega- Cemetery (P. R. Chapman, clerk to the Hopkins Richard, fishmonger, Main rd
• tional church, Warren road burial board) HorrellArth. butcher,Main rd.&Erith rd
Hubbard George Ashdown, auctioneer, Purnell George, tlorist & hot water en- "\Vestwood Dan. wire worker, Church rd
architect & surveyor gineer, The Lion nursery, Lion road Whatmore John, shopkeeper, Upton rd
Hudson dealer&undertakr Rani!er Fredk. Wm.Francis,accountant, Wheeler Frederick John, surgeon
Hudson John M. confectioner,Market pl insurance agent, collector to Bexley "'homes Edmund, pianoforte ware-
Hunt Eliza (Mrs.), secondhand clothes local board, & registrar of births & house, Main road
dealer, 2 May Place road deaths & vaccination officer for the Willey William, fishmonger, Main road
Hyde Albert John, plumber, Main road sub-district of llexley, Myrtle house Williams Robert, baker, Main road
Jackson Emma (Mrs.), Upton hotel, Reeve William Isaac, sexton, Church rd Willing William, greengrocer, Lion rd
Main road, Crook log Relph Wllliam & Sons,auctioneers, sur- Willmore Violet & Henrietta (Misses),
James Edwin, draper, Main road veyors, house agents, furniture ware- furniture dealers, Main road
Jenkins Thomas, bookseller, stationer, house, china & glass warehouse, Willmore John Russell, ironmonger,
printer,& office of the "llexley Heath undertakers, & agents to the Norwich Main road
&ErithObserver," "DartfordExpress Union Life & Fire Insurance; & at WillmoreWm. painter & statnr.Lion rd
& North Kent Observer " & ''.St. Bexlev. See advertisement Wilson Cornelius & Sons, corn & hay
Revett J• os~ph, china dealer dealers, Main road
Mary Cray & Swanley Express "
Jewiss Herbert, draper, Main road Reynolds Charles, grocer & wine retailr Wood George, gardener, Pickford road
Johnson Theophilus, printer, Acacia Reynolds William,plasterer, Paddock rd Wood Thos. Hy. ironmonger & statnr
villa, Chapel road Ripper Jonathan, market gardener, Wooderson Geo. gardener, MayPlace rd
Keeble James Fredk. market gardener Woolwich road Woodhams Rd. cowkeeper, Gravel hill
KemptonAnn(Mrs. ), shopkeepr. Erith rd Rix Robert B. builder, Heathfield road Yell Marian (Miss), select day school,
Lane Reuben, builder & baker Robinson Alfred, plumber & gasfitter, Woodbine, Market place
Latter Hy. painter, 3 Alfred pl.Main rd Harcourt road Welling.
Lawford Robert, florist & nurseryman, Rogers David,pbarm.chemist & dentist
Clarence nursery Rudland M. A. (Miss), girls' school, PRIVATE RESIDEN"TS.
Lawrence Charles, baker, Lion road Devonshire road Baldwin John, East Wickham lane
Lawrence John, grocer, Main road Russell Alfred, beer retailer, Lion road Bean Alfred William J.P. Danson park
Lawrence William, cooper, Erith road Russell George Thos.gardener,Lewin rd Butcher Mrs. Bellgrove
Lee John, marine store dealer, Lion rd Sawyer Edward James, florist, High Catt George, East Wickham lane
Leopard Henry, confectioner, Main rd Elms nursery, Woolwich road Crabbe Miss
Leslie James Leith M. D. surgeon,Main rd Saxby Alfred, cowkeeper, May Place rd Fernley James, Bcllgrove villas
Lilly Thomas, umbrella ma. Main rd Scadden Sarah (~rs.), apartments, Harris Salem Constable
Lindley John William, inland revenue Pickford road Harvey Miss
officer, Harts villas Scamell Joscph, shopkeeper, Erith rd Head William Barnes, Bellgrove villas
Little Hy. Prince Albert P.H. Main rd Sears Wm. Ily. beer retailer, Main rd Jackman John, Holly house, Bellgroye
Lovibond John & Sons, brewery stores, Sharp Eliza(Mrs. ),laundry,Standard rd Livermore Isaac, Bellgrove
High road SharpGeo.florists' salesman,Pickford rd McDougall John c.E. Woodland cottage
Mace Alfred Best, hay dealer, Lion st Sheldon Fredk. fruit grower, Upton rd Milstead George 'fhomaR, Rose cottage
McLeod Alex. relieving offer.Woolweh. rd Shove William, shoeing smith Raynor Rev. Edwin [curate in cha.rge1
Malin Ann Maria (Mrs.), dress maker, Singer's Machine Co. (EdwardWebster, Simpson Sidney, Moat house
34 Lion road manager), Main road Storer John, Bellgrove "
MansfieldAlbionJames, butchcr,Main rd Skelt Wm. coal merchant, May Place rd Starer Mrs. llcllgrove
Mark ham Sarah (Miss),market gardenr Slade Annie & Mary (Misses), milliners Thomas Mrs. Bellgrove
Martin & Co. bankers (Theodore M. Smith Alfred, blacksmith, Lion road Tidy Henry, Bellgrove
Stancomb,mgr.),IDtill4daily; draw SmithEdward, market gardener,Wood- Wills Mrs. Bellgrove villas
on London office, 68 Lombard st E c lands farm, Church road COIIIMERCIAL.
Mason Alfred James, chemist & dentist Smith George Mence, oilman, Market Ball James, Guy Earl of Warwick P.H.
Matthews Alfred, grocer, & agent forW. place & Main road BeerJohn, farm bailiff to A. W.Bean esq.
& A. Gilbey, wine & spirit merchants Smith James, builder, Chapel road Danston Park farm
Matthews James llenry, basket maker Smith Maria (Mrs.), laundress, Lion rd Benewort.h Elizabeth (Mrs.), draper
Meacham Henry, saddler, Main road Smith Waiter, plumber, Market place Bentley Thomas, confectnr. &
Medhurst Rei. M. paperhngr. 12 Lion rd Snow W. Parker, master mariner, I Bond George, florist
Mellon Paul M. tobacconist, Main road Victoria roil.d Brightling Thomas M. builder
MesnardStephen, bookseller & stationer, Snowdon & Sons, grocers Hurls "\Vm. Walt. farmer & fruit grower
& post office, Main road Southgate Mary (Miss),confctr.Erith rd , Burstow William, boot & shoe maker
Michell Bath, painter, Harcourt road Southgate Saml.(Mrs. ),grocer,Erith rd : Charman William, grocer & post office
Minty Frank, linen draper, Main road Sptdell John, King's Arms P.H.Main rd Clayton Alfred, coach painter
MitchellElizh.(Mrs. ), confectnr.Main rd Spink Alfred, saddler, Main road Cockman Elizabeth (Mrs.), ladies board·
Mitchell Samuel, shoe ma. Market pl Spinks Henry, stone mason, Main road ing school
Mitchell Wm. bricklayer, Sandford rd Styles Joseph,greengrocer,MayPlace rd Cole Frederick, grocer
Morgan J ames, plumber, Station road Sunderland Oliver L. R.C. P.Edin. sur- Constable Benjamin, coach trimmer
Nash George Edward,market gardener, geon, Main road Cousins Edwin, blacksmith
Manor nursery, Erith road Sutton Lucy (Miss), milliner, Main rd Currey Thomas (Mrs.), Nag's Head P~H
Neave John, boot & shoe makr. Main rd Sutton :-<amuel, carman, Woolwich rd Freeman Rd. boot & shoe makr. High st.
New William, day school & insurance Swan William, Robin Hood & Little l<'reeman Theophilus, news agent
agent, Stanley house John P.H. Lion road Gibbs Robert, butcher, Bellgrove
Newman John H. watch maker Swann Thomas, boys' school, Milton Hardige William, coach builder
Nicholls Charlotte(Mrs. ), baker, Main rd villa, Church road Hunt John Pain, farmer & fruitgrower1
Nicholls Charlotte( Mrs. ),girls' boarding Tate George,mrkt. ga.rdener,Church rd Westwood farm
school, May Place road Tate Robt.professor of music, Church rd Jones William & Son, tailors
North Kent Observer (Thomas Jenkins, Terry James, baker & corn dealer Kingsland Thus. beer retailer, Bellgrove
publisher; published friday) Tingley Thomas, King's Head P.H Mitchell Andrew Charles, baker
Odd William, butcher, Main road Toop James, watch maker Pamment Henry, grocer
Osborne Albert, stone mason, Lion st Townley Sydney, fruit grwr. 6 Rose viis Payne Eliza (Miss), corn dealer
Ottaway Geo. beer retailer, Main road Tritton Wm. Fredk. baker, Market pl Reeves Thomas, shopkeeper, Bellgrove
Oxley George E. M.A. boys' private Tuffin Broad land nursry Ripper Thomas, dairyman, Bellgrove
academy, Oak House school Tuffin Charles, jun. florist, Avenue rd Rogers Wm. G. wheelwright, Bellgrovll
Pace J as.schl.attendance officr.Erith rd Turner John Fredenck, furniture dealr Sheldon Edward Wm. farmer, Bellgrove
Payne Edward, boot maker Tye Fredk. Royal Standard P.H.Lion rd Sizer Thomas Edwin, grocer
Payne Hy. Chas. greengrocer, Main rd Vennils Robt. hurdle ma. May Place rd Starer Henry & John, florists, Bellgrove
Penfold Ambrose, baker, Church road Vinnells Henry, insurance agt. Main rd Taylor Thomas, Rose & Crown P.H
Perfect George, market gardener Voss Joscph, greengrocer, Main road Tompkin Henry, florist
Perfect Geo. jun. greengrocer, Main rd Ward Alfred, jobbing gardnr. Church rd Turtle John, builder
Pickett Albert R. photographer,Main rd Wasey:Mary(Mrs.),laundress,Church rd Turtle John, florist, llellgrove nurseries
Pickett Alfred, bricklayer, Woodland pl Watkins William, bootmaker, Portland Vale John, shopkeeper, ilellgrove
Pink Thos. sausage maker, May Pl. rd terrace, Main road Vale Mary Ann (Mrs.), baker
Pink Thos. jun. sausage ma.May Pl. rd Weekes Edmd. market gardnr. Main rd Webb Samuel, butcher
PittDavidJoshua, undertaker&c. Main rd West George, beer retailer Williams Henry, market gardener
Prescott Jas. Thomas, carman, Lion rd Westbrook Jn. beer retailer, Church rd Williams Robert, farmer
BICKNOR is a village and parish, 5 miles south-west Ashford section of the London, Chatham and Dover rail-
from ;Sittingbourne, 9 north-east from Maidstone, and 3 way, in the North Eastern division of the county, AylP-~ford
miles from Hollingbourne station on the Maidstone and and Scray lathes, Eyhornc and MilLon hundreds, Favershalll
petty sessional division, Hollingbourne union, Sittingbourne Garoner-Waterman M. A. of Trinity College, Cambridge.
The rectory house for the joint parishes stands in the road
oounty court district, and in the rural deanery of Sitting- from Hollingbourne Hill to Hucking. Edward Leigh Pem-
berton esq. J.P. of Torry Hill, Lenham, who is lord of the
bonrne, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canter- manor, and Rowland Wedgwood esq. are the principal land-
owners. The soil is flinty marl; subsoil, chalk. The chief
bnry. The church of St. James is a building of flint and crops are earn, hops and roots. The area is 634 acres ; r"te"
stone in the Norman and Early English styles, consisting of
chancel, nave of two bays, aisles, vestry, south and west
porches and a western tower with small spire containing 3
bells: the church retains the remains of a Romano-British able value, £462 ; the population in 188r was 37- ·
doorway: it was thoroughly restored in 1860-1 and has 120 Parish Clerk, Edward .Atwood.
sittings. The register of baptisms and burials dates from Letters received by foot post through Sittingbourne at 8.50
the year 1571; marriages, 1577. The living is a rectory, a.m. The nearest receiving house & money order office
with the chapelry of Hucking annexed, and includes the is at llredgar. Letters to llicknor Rectory through Maid-
eastern part of Stock bury and the northern part of Hailing- stone. Telegraph office at Hollingbourne
bonrne, net yearly value £220, in the gift of the Lord The children of this parish attend the National school at
IChancellor, and held since 1882 by the Rev. Waterman Hucking
Gardner-Waterman Rev. Waterman Clinch Wm. farmer, Court Lodge farm Wisenden Wm.(Mrs.),farmr. Bicknorpl
X.A. Rectory Hollands John, farmer, Belts green
BIDBOROUGH is a village and parish, 2t miles south- 1701. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge
£36, net yearly value £283, including residence and 64
south-west from Tonbridge and 4 north-west from Tun- acres of glebe, let for £74, in the gift of John Deacon esq. and
held since 188o by the Rev. Henry Christopher Elliss, of St.
bridge Wells, in the Mid division of the county, South .Aidans. The charities amount to about £30 yearly, left by
Western division of the lathe of .Aylesford, hundred of Sir Thomas Smythes and distributed in coal and bread by-
the churchwardens. Boundes Park is occupied by Mrs.
Wa.shlingstone, Tonbridge union and petty sessional division,
partly in the county court district of Tonbridge and partly
in that of Tunbridge Wells, rural deanery of Tonbridge,
archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. The Blackburne-Maze. Sir Edmund Stracey Hardinge bart.
church of St. Lawrence, prettily situated, with a high bank who is lord of the manor, and Lord De L'Isle and Dudley
on the north, is a small and ancient stone building, in the and John Deacon esq. are the principal landowners. The
Norman, Early English and later styles, consisting of chan- soil is clay and sand ; subsoil, clay, sand and rock. The
eel, nave, aisles, south porch and a low western tower con- chief cr(•ps are hops, barley and turnips. The area is 1,832
ta.ining a clock and 2 bells: south of the nave is a small acres; rateable value, £3,449; the population in r881 was
gabled chapel, apparently modern; two plain and low Early 278.
English arches divide the nave from the aisle and rest on a Sexton, Stephen Brooker.
square pier: the south doorway retains portions of the PosT OFFICE.-Mrs. Esther .Ashby, receiver. Letter~
original Norman work; in the chancel are memorial tablets through Tunbridge Wells arrive at 8.30 a. m. & 1.5 p.m.;
to the Hardinge family: the church was enlarged and dispatched at 8.30 a.m. 1.5 & 6.55 p.m. The nearest
thoroughly restored and reseated in the year r877; and money order & telegraph office is at Southborough
oontains r48 sittings. The register of burials dates from National School (mixed), built in 1856, for 6o children;
the year 1593; baptisms from 1632; and marriages from average attendance, 30; Miss Emily .Agnew, mistress
PIUVATE RESIDENTS. j COMMERCIAL. Hoadley Isaac Thomas, farmer, Prim.-e
Arnold. Mrs
Ashby Esther (Mrs.) ,shopkpr. Post office Stile farm
Bla.ckburne-Maze Wm. P. Boundes park Eade Luke, Hare & Hounds P.H Kimber.Albt. wheelwright, Marlpit crnr
Elliss Rev. Henry Christphr. The Rectory Funnell .Amos, chimney sweeper Milton Wm. farmer, Chalklands farm
Lidlow Mrs. Upper Haysden Gillett Wm. & Jas. farmrs. Church fm Oliver Albt. miller( wind), llidboro' mill
Maynard Misses, Ridgelands Gillett William, jun. builder, Rosemont RogersWm.farmr.Ensfield frm.Haysden
Shepheard-Walwyn Mrs. Glensyde Harris Frank, rate collector, Wag- Seale Henry, farmei", The Gate farm
Tidd Frederick .Andrew, Elm court horn's farm Southborough Local Board SewageFarm
Usherwood Mrs
White Rev. Charles, Ladstock Harris Herbt. D.surveyr.Waghorn's frm (Thomas Elliot)
Hoadley Henry, f!lrmer, Old farm Young Horace, farmer, Upper Haysdel}
BIDDENDEN is a parish and village, situated on the restored and reseated in 1857: there are 250 sittings. The.
road from Tenterden to Maidstone, 4 miles south from register dates from the year 1538. The living is a rectory;
Headcorn station on the South Eastern railway, 6o from yearly value from tithe rent-charge £512, with 19! acres ot
London, 5 north-west from Tenterden and 13 south-east glebe and residence, in the gift of the .Archbishop of Canter-
from Maidstone, in the Southern division of the county, bury, and held since 1882 by the Rev. William Peterson.
lower division of Scray lathe, Harkley and Cranhrook hnn- The Particular Baptist chapel, Headcorn road, was erect~d
dreds, Cranbrook petty sessional division, Tenterden union in 1879. .Attached to this parish is a benefaction of great.
and county court district, and in the rural deanery of West celebrity and to which a singular tradition is attached; a
Charing, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canter- farm of 30 acres was left by two sisters, Eliza and Mary
bury. The church of All Saints is a building of stone in the Chuckhurst, called the "Biddenden Maids," who were sup-
Early English and later styles, consisting of chancel with posed to have been bum joined together by the hips and
aisles or chapels, nave, aisles, with arcades of four arches shoulders and who died at the age of 34, within six hours of
each, south porch and a lofty embattled western tower in each other: from the proceeds of this farm about 500 loaves
the Perpendicular style, with pinnacles and containing a and a portion of cheese are distributed on Easter Sunday and
clock and 8 bells: on the south side of the chancel are three the following Tuesday among the poor of the parish ; and irt
equal sedilia, of the Decorated period, and a piscina with order to preserve the memory of the above tradition, a
• Bhelf; on the north side is an aumbry ; the chancel is sepa- quantity of small flat cakes, made only of flour and water,
rated from its aisles by arcades of two arches, springing bearing the impression of the two sisters, united as above
from octagonal pillars; the south aisle or chapel is inclosed related, are also given to those who may apply for them.
on the west by a Perpendicular wooden screen and contains The country west of Biddenden is dotted over with numerous
a piscina. and a marble tomb, also of Perpendicular work, small ponds. A cattle fair is held on November 8th.
with a brass to one of the Wildgoose family, 1541: in the Dashmonden is the residence of Captain William Hodges
north chapel are several monuments, including one to Sir Tylden-Pathmson D. L., J. P. and Randolphs of Robert Wells
'Thomas Mayne kt. ob. 1566, a brass with effigies to John esq. F.R.C.s. Viscount Cranbrook G.c.s.I., P.C., :o.c.L. who.
Mayne esq. sheriff, ob. 1566, Margaret (Jonson) his wife is lord of the manor, Capt. W. H. Tylden-Pattenson J.:P~
and 14 children, and a canopied tomb with brass effigies to Henry Samuel Norton, of Huokstead, High Halden, Fiennes
William Hoddingdam, ob. 1579, his two wives Juliana and
Anneand 8 children; there are other brasses, with effigies, to Sanley Wykeham Cornwallis esq. M.P., J.P. of Linton Park
Margaret, wtfe, first of Laurence Hensell, ob. 1452 and second and G. B. Pinyon esq. are the principal landowners. Tbe
of John Goldwell, ob. 1499, with 3 children; she died in 1499;
Richard Allarde, alderman of Rochester, ob. 1593, his 3 soil is clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are hops, whe~d,
wives, Helen, Joan and Thomasin, and 9 children ; John
Eurenden, ob. 1598, his wives Joan and Jane, with 4 child- oats, beans and peas. The area is 7,195 acres of land and
ren; Josiah Seyliard, gent. 16og, his wives, Judith (Bod-
denbam), ob. r6o2, and Anne (Austen), with 9 children; 58 of water; rateable value, £5,052; the population in 18&1
Bernard Randolph, gent. ob. 1628, and Jane (lloddenden)
his wife, with 6 children; William Randolph, gent. and was 1,352.
Elizabeth (Curtis) his wife, both ob. 1641, with 8 children;
Parish and Vestry Clerk, John Bourne. 1
J. H. Randolph, ob. 1685, and Elizabeth (Hest), his wife;
PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
Alfred WisP., receiver. Letters arrive from Staple.o
burst, via Cranbrook, by mail cart at 7·5; sundays 7-35
a. m. ; dispatched at 7 p.m. ; sundays 10.50 a. m. The
nearest telegraph office is at Smarden, 4 miles distant
PILLAR LETTER llox, Newcastle corner, cleared week days
there are other brasses, in good preservation, to the :Stede at 6.45 p.m.; sundays 10.35 a.m. ; & at Three Chim-
family and marble tablets to the families of Beale, Trent, neys, cleared week days 7· 25 p. m. ; sundays 11.10 a. m
Kirkman and Po:nfret: the east window and two smaller ~ational Endowed Sehool (mixed), now incorporated with a.
ones in the chancel are stained: the church was thoroughly school for boys, fvunded in 1522 by John Mayne & endowed
·60 • •
by him with the sum of £2o 3B. 4d. derived from three CARRIERS TO : -
farms lying in the parishes of Biddenden, Tenterden & HEADCOR:s- RAILWAY STATION-R. & J. Bennett & Co. from
13ethersden; the present schools, erected" under an Act of
Tenterden, three times a day; Henry Lavence, from Ten.
Parliament in lieu of the old endowed school, now removed, terden, daily
will hold 250 children & include a residence for the master
& mistress; average attendance, 190; "'illiam Warren, MAIDSTONE-Richard Giles, every tues. & thurs.; R. & J
Inaster; Mrs. Warren, girls' mistress; Miss Sarah Watkis, Bennett & Co. from Tenterden, daily
infants' mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Drury Mrs. farmer, Clapper hill Norton Selby M.D. surgeon & medical
Hickmott William James, Lashenden Elliott Frank Jas. & Turner Geo. grocrs officer & public vaccinator,Biddenden
Kemp Rev. John [Particular Baptist], Elmestone Rd. farmer, Three Chimneys district, Tenterdcn union, Hindon bo
Farris John, carpenter Offen Ira, farmer, Worsenden farm
Headcorn road
Field William, miller (wind) & farmer Oliver Arthur, farmer
Norton Selby M.D. Hindon house
Friend Thomas, farmer Oliver Mary Ann (Mrs.) (exors. of),
Oliver Stephen, Curtis corner
l'eterson Rev. William[rector], Rectory Goodsell Henry, baker farmers & landowners, Curtis corner
Pinyon George Beale, Elmstone Goodsell J ames, farmer Oliver Stephen, farmer & landowner,
Thorpe Mrs Gower John, farmer Curtis corner
Thurstou Jaznes, Hendon house Grounds Jacob, farmer Parks William, farmer & hop grower,
Thurston Miss Grounds James Day, plumber Short's farm
Tylden - Pattenson Captain William Hague Jenkin, farmer & hop grower, Pearson John, farmer, Fasten green
Duesden Pearson George, farmer, West Ongley
Hodges D.L.,J.P. Dasbmonden
Tylden-Pattenson William Boys J.P. Harris John Hy. miller (wind) & farmer Reeves Bcnjamin, farmer, Crampton ho
Hinds Charles, farmer, Rat's castle Rootcs Th,lmas, farmer & hop grower
Hodges Peter, King's Head P.H Samson Richard, farmer
Wells Robert F. R. c. s. R.andolphs
Hornewood .A.lbert, grazier Smith Seman B~ale, shopkeeper
lVeston Mrs. New house
Homewood Charles, grazier Southern Oliver, farmer,Catsweazelfrm
COMMERCIAL. • Homewood Charles, jun. butcher
Standen John, farmer
A.usten Alfred, farmer Homewood Thomas,farmer, V\'ashenden Stapley Henry, Rose inn & farmer
.:Avery Nasey Griffon, harness maker Hook Geor:!e, farmer, Bush farm Stapley John, grocer & draper & agent
I3allard William, farmer Jeffery James, farmer, Turk farm for W. & A. G1lbey, wine & spirit men
.Bennett William, wheelwright Judge John, farmer, Low Poles Stapley John, farmer, Heartsop
.Bentley Thomas, farmer, Rose cottage Kadwell James, farmer, Rogley Stedman l<'rederick, Red Lion inn &
13ingham Josepb, farmer, East Ongley Kadwell Ellen(Mrs. ), frmr.Mockbcggar assistant overseer
:Body John ueorge, horse dealer Kemp Jesse, far.mer, Frog's Hole farm Taylor Charles, beer retailer
Bourne Mary Ann (Mrs.), blacksmith Lavence Henry, farmer, Spill land TbirkellFrancis, Pinnock, frmr. Goldwell
13onrneJohn, shoe maker, parish &vestry Ledger John, farmer & hop grower, Thorpe Edward, farmer, Pell house
clerk & inspector of weights & mea- Standen farm Vane Thomas, farmer
sures for Cranbrook or Lower Scray Ledger John, jun. farmer Watts Charles, farmer
division Lefeavre John (Mrs.) & Sons, farmers Watts William, brick maker
.Brakefield Jos. farmer, ThreeChimncys Levett Alfred, farmer Weeks William, farmer
Erandley Robert, farmer, Clapper hill Luckhurst Charles, farmer Wells Alfred, tailor
l3usbridge William, farmer Mackinder Henry, farmer Wenham J ames, grazier
Carr George Chequers P.H Mannering Edward, Castleden's Oak P. H Whibley David, shoe maker
.Carter George, farmer Mannering Thomas,farm bailiff toHugh Wise Alfred, shopkeeper, farmer & hop
Chambers George, builder Boxall esq. River Hall farm grower, Post office
. Chambers James, builder Maxted Henry, farmer, High Poles Witherden Charles, farmer, Common
Chantler John, farmer, Omenden Missing John, farmer, Newcastle Witherden Charles Hy. frmr.Hare plain
Coleman Richard, carpenter Moore Frederick Wickens,farmcr,Little Witherden l<'rank,frmr. Summerhill frm
Cradduck James, farmer & hop grower Randolph farm Witherden Geo. farmer, Worsenden grn
Dean Albert Noah, miller (wind) Morley Mace, farmer 'Vitherden John, farmer
Dean Clarence, beer retailer Morphet Stephen, farmer Witherden John, jun. farmer
Dean William, farmer, Fostal farm Morphett Jn. & Wm. farmrs. Monk's hl Witherden Joseph, jun. farmer
Dobell Charles Marshall, baker Newman Frederick, farmer
.BILSINGTON is a village and a parish, 3 miles east the other two turns, and held since 1861 by the Rev. Fmncis
from Ham Street station, 7 miles south from Ashford, 8 Marten Carneron M. A. of Christ Church, Oxford, who is also
west from Hythe and 4 from Smeeth station on the South rector of I<'awkenhurst and resides at Bonnington. A tire
Eastern railway, in the Southern division of the county, engine is kept at Bilsington Cross, Henry Clark, engineer in
lathe of Shepway, partly in the liberty of Romney Marsh, charge. There was formerly here a priory of l:llack or Aus-
<>n the margin of which it lies, at the foot of the hilly dis- tin Canons founded in 1253 by Provost Manse! of Beverley
trict, and partly in Newchurch hundred, Ashford petty ses- and dedicated to SS. Mary and Nicholas: the possessions of
sional division, East Ashford union and county court district, this religious house included some property in the northern
and in the rural deanery of North Lyrnpne and arch- part of the parish: the revenues at the Dissulution were
deaeonry and diocese of Canterbury. £81 rs. 6d. and there were then 7 canons; the estates were
The church of SS. Peter and Paul, situated remotely from granted to the Archbishop of Canterbury; such remains of
lthe village and curiously cut off in its communications by the buildings as still exist now form a farm house. This
the moat of the adjoining house, is a small building of stone parish contains a few small hop gardens. On a hill south of
in the Early English and Decorated styles, consisting of the village stands a monument to Sir William Cosway knt.
chancel, nave, south porch and a very low western tower, who unfortunately met his death by a fall from a st.age coach
constructecl of stone in its lower portion and in the upper in London ; this memorial was erected by his friends and
stage of wood and containing 2 bells: on the north side are the reformers of East Kent in 1835. William Halliday
some good Decorated windows, with fragments of ancient Halliday esq. M. A. of West View, Torquay, who is lord of the
glass: a stained east window was inserted in 1883 by D. manor, and Sir Wyndham Knatchbull bart. J.P. of Mersham
.Gorham Harris as a memorial to his parents: the church Hatch, are the principal landowners. The office of cup·
was completely restored in 1883, under the direction of Mr. bearer to the king is appurtenant to the lordship of the
J oseph Clarke F. s. A. architect, of London, when the walls manor of this parish. The soil is clay; subsoil, stiff clay.
were partially rebuilt and buttressed, the roofs renewed The chiCf crops are hops and grass. The area is 2,831
.and the chancel stalls, sedilia and credence renovated; some acres; rateable value, £2,954 ; the population in r88r was
Norman windows, discovered during tile progress of the work, 382.
care now shown: there are 190 sittings. The register dates BILSINGTO:s- CROSS is the centre of the parish.
from the year 1562. The living is a vicarage, consolidated Parish Clerk, James Francis.
with the rectory of Bonnington since 1878, yearly value from
.tithe rent-charge £220, with residence and 45 acres of land, PosT OFFICE.-Walter Brooks, receiver. Letters arrive
partly purchased with money given by Sir Philip Boteler, from Ashford at 8.5 a. m.; dispatched at 5· 15 p.m. Ham
:and is in the gift of W. Halliday Halliday esq. of West View, Street is the nearest money orcler & telegraph office
Torquay, who has o11.e turn in three, and of Philip Oxenden ~ational School (mixed), built in 1838, for 90 children;
Papillon esq. of Crowhurst Park, Battle, Sussex, who has average attendance, 58; Miss l\iary Jane Witt, mistress
Gurrs Misses Barton Samuel,wheelwright & carpenter Bates Thomas, grazier
Waddell Mr.". Cross farm & collector of rates & taxes Bates William Jn. farmer, Stone cross
Bingbam Thos. & Sons, farmrs. New bO
CmiMERCIAL. Bates Rebekah (Mrs.), White Horse P.H. Brooks Waiter, blacksmith, Post office
& shopkeeper, Bilsington cross
Ba.ldrek George, carpenter •