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Kelly's Directory of Kent, Surrey & Sussex - 1891
Part 1 Kent - County & Localities

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Published by Colin Savage, 2018-08-09 20:14:45

KENT - 1891 (1)

Kelly's Directory of Kent, Surrey & Sussex - 1891
Part 1 Kent - County & Localities

D~Cl'ORY.] I HYTHE. '361


matins; children's service, 2.30 p.m. ; 2nd sunday in the Railway Station, William Fright, station master
month, litany & baptisms, 3 p.m; w:eek days, matins, NEWSPAPERS : -
moo. tues. & sat. IO a.m. wed. & fri. II a. m. ; thurs. holy
Hythe & San~aate Advertiser (John English, printer &
communion, 8 a. m.; evensong, wed. 7.30 p.m. fri. 5 p.m.; publisher ; published sat.), High street ·
all seats free Hythe & Sandgate Echo (William J ulins J eaffreson, printer
Congregational, High street; II a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. & publisher; published sat.), I6 Sheltons st. Folkestone

7·3op.m CONVEYANCE:-
Wesleyan, Rev. Charles Eriward Mees, minister; I I a.m.
Omnibuses from the Swan hotel to & from the: station to
& 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m meet every train

ScHoor.s:- Omnibuses to Folkestone & Sandgate, 6 times a day (John
Charles Denne, proprietor, High street) & 6 times a day
A School Attendance Committee of 4 members was formed
in 1870 ; George Wilks, High street, is clerk to the com- (John Paul Scott, proprietor), High street
mittee; Edward Palmer, attendance officer, Hillside CARRIERS:-

National, built in I85I1 for I8o boys & I75 girls ; average Moody's van passes through from New Romney to Folke-
attendance, 175 boys & I40 girls ; George Wilkins J ames,
master ; Miss Sarah E. Hayes, mistress stone on tues. thurs. & sat. returning same day
Infants', built in I8SI 1 for ISO children; average attend- Checksfield's & Noad's vans pass thl"ough from Ashford to
ance, I3o; Miss Rebecca W. Spear, mistress Folkestone moo. wed. & fri. returning following days
Seabrook, built in 1882, for 200 children; average attend- Wm. Howland, to Monk's Horton thurs. returning same day
RAILWAY CARRIER.-William Mungeam, High street, t()
ance, 35 ; Miss Marion E. Meade, mistress
Hythe station, daily, 7 a.m. sunday excepted

Hythe. Johnson Sergt.-Major Walter R.E. Hill- COMMERCIAL.

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. side house Aedy J n.lodging ho.BarrackGround cots

Johnstone Rev. Edward Aubrey B.A. Amos Mary(Miss),dress ma.2 Avon cots

Andrews Edward, Grove house [curate], Parkfield Amos Thos.baker & confectnr.65 High st

Aston James, Park road Judge Mrs. Neptune cottage Amos Wm. Matt. builder, Rampart rd

Baker James, II4 High street Keith Robert, 4 Avon cottages Anscombe Alien, grocer, Stade street

Baldwin Capt. John Henry, Tynwald . Kingsford Mrs. 6 Albion villas Ashdown J. & Sons, saddlers & harness

Bates Mrs. Theatre street Lampert William, 9 Beaconsfield ter makers, 7 High street

Blaxland Charles Wilfrid Longly Mrs. Theatre street Ashdown Fdk. lodging ho. I Marine par

Bowen Mrs. Park road Lorden Leonard William, Highlands AustenJohn, fishmonger, 2I High stree~

Bull Alfred, Hardwick house Lorden Mrs. 66 High street Austin Lewis,market grdnr.Sandgaterd

Burden Mrs. East Bridge house Lovegrove Chas. M.D. I6 Douglas aven Back Richard Joseph, bill poster & town

Burton Lieut.-Col. W. B. (chief in- Lucy Henry William, Whitethorn crier, 128 High street

structor), School of Musketry Mackeson Hy. HeamJ.P. Hill Side house Bacon Henry, lodging house, Park road

Bnrton Lieut. W. S. (lieut. instructor), Macreight Hamilton, Rampart road Bailey George, ironmonger, 20 High st.

School of Musketry Mallam Harry Butler B.A. The Dene Baker Mary(Mrs. ), basket ma.22 High st

Caister Thomas Marshall, 69 High st Man William Lionel, 2 Beaconsfield ter Baker Sarah Ann (Mrs.), Duke's Head

Chester Miss MansellCapt. ArthurB.Spring ho. High st P.H. Market street

Clark Frederic, Manor house Mees Rev. CharlesEdward [Wesleyan], Ball Robert, greengrocer, I Windmill st

Clarke William, Elm villa 2 Swan terrace Banister Frederick, lodging hous&p

Coates James M.D. (brigade surgeon), Mungeam John, Eiffel cottage Wellington lodge, Park road

School of Musketry Murphy Capt. Moore (acting adjutant Barber John D. D. rate collector, Park rd

Cobb Thomas, The Cedars & paymaster & quartermaster of Barham Wm.marine store dlr.Marketst

Constantine Mrs. Arthur villa · School of Musketry), Military road Barton Alice Lydia (Mrs.), private

Coventry Mrs. Stade street Myers Henry, I Hampden vil. Stade st school, Portland place

Cullen Thomas, Mount street Nazer Mrs. Paddock house Beadle Geo. leather seller, I07 High s~

Cntbush William, Alpha villas, Park rd Nelson Miss, Park road Bean Stephen, Three Mariners inn,

Dale Mrs. Hillside Nelson Mrs. Theatre street Windmill street

Dangerfield Miss, Alpha villas, Park rd Newman Mrs. Rampart road Beech Henry, jobbing gardener, High st

Davis Arthnr Randall, n6 High street Norris George, :1 Anglo cottages Bennett Geo.Hd.tobacconist, I 5 High a$

Day Albert, Albert road North Mrs. 7 Douglas avenue Binskin Maria (Miss), lodging house,

Decker Mrs. Nelson, The Rest on the Osborne Mrs. Avenue house Lonsdale house, Park road

Hillside Osborne Mrs. Park villas Blackmore Ruth (Miss), lodging house,

de Hoghton Capt. Jas. (capt. instructor, Osburne Cecil Anthony Perrier, The Kildare villa

School of Musketry), Elm house Oaks, High street Blakey Frances (Mrs.), lodging hous&,

De la Bere Lieut. H. P. (Iieut. in- , Packman Mrs. Stade street Myrtle villa, Stade street

structor), School of Musketry Popham William V. I24 High street Blaxland Chas.Wilfrid, solctr. Dental s"t

Denne Miss, St. Leonard's hill Porter Fredk. William J.P. Moyle tower Hlunden Geo. shoe maker, 56 High st

Denne Mrs. 6 Marine parade Price Richard, Channel view Bolton Mary (Mrs.), lodging house,

Dyer Mrs. 2 The Avenue Purrier Miss, Hill side I Beaconsfield terrace

Edwards George, jun. 49 High street Rigden W1lliam, Fair view Boorman Joseph, Red Lion commercial

Eley ThomM, :Mount house Rolfe John, Spring Grove cottage & cyclists' hotel, Market street

Evenden William, Holly cottage, Sand- Scott Henrv, The Whim, Park road BoothFredk.chimney sweeper,Church hJ

gate road Sidle Robt.john,Hughenden vil.Stade st Booth William Rayner, market gal"-

Farmiloe John, 5 Seabrook terrace Slade Col. C. G. (commandant of School dener, Dymchurch road

Finn Mrs. Market street of Musketry), The Paddock Bowen Martha (Mrs.), day school, J

Fisher Mrs. Rose villa, Park road Smith Mrs. 2 Dunedin Albion villas

Frampton Rev. Thomas, 8I High street ~mith William Severn, Myrtle cottage Brenchley Thomas, grocer, I37 High st

Fryer John, Park road Snoad Mrs. I2 High street BrettDaniel, Nelson's Head P.H. Bank st

Gardner Misses, Saxon cottage, High st Spear George, 3 The Avenue Brizley George, dairyman, Ashford road

Gardner-Waterman Mrs. II7 High st Stevens George, St. Leonard's road Broadley Thomas, farmer, Dibgate

Gaskell Mrs. Tanners hill Stevens )liss, The Hermitage Brooke J. H. & J. wine mers. 36 Hi~h st

Godden Stephen, Malvern vil. Park rd Stevens William Richard, Cannongate Brunnen Charlotte (Mrs.), lodging

Guyon Mrs. I Seabrook terrace Sturt Stephen Richard, Seymour house house, 9 Marine parade
Hackney John M.D. Oaklands, Stade st Sunnock Mrs. Rampart road a
Burch George, baker & miller (water &

Hall Rev. Thomas Guppy M. A. Vicarage Thomas Miss, Park lodge steam), 25 & 26 High street

Barley Major G. E. (deputy assistant Tomsett John, Market street Burgess Jane (Miss), music seller, :136

adjntant-general),School of Musketry Tucker Joseph, Elm villas High street

Barley Mrs. Prosp&--t place Urmson Francis Birley, II Marine par Burton Sarah Ann (Mrs.), lodging ho.

Harris Mrs. 4 Albion villas Ward Edward, Rampart road 7 Marine parade & I Alexandra villas

Henry Mrs. 6 Douglas avenue Wildash Mrs. Loton house Capon Chas. Wm. boot ma. 24 High st

Hole John Rann, Stade street Wiles John, The Hollies, Sandgate road Capon Henry, tailor, 38 High street

Hollands Mrs. 3 Bancroft villas Wilkinson WiUiam, I Stanley villas Capon Wm. Charles, tailor, Theatre st

Horton Benja.min, Cold Harbour Wilks George, High street Carter James, lodging ho. Victoria road

Horton Joseph Tilbie, St. Leonard's rd Wilks George Stringer, Church avenue Cemetery (George Wilks, clerk to the

Horton William Brown, Market street Wilson Hugh, Bay cottage burial board)

Hunt Lieut. J. D. (capt. instructor Wilson Mrs. 4 Bancroft villas Chapman Wm.Fuller,cnfctnr.3oHigh s1;

left; wing School of Musketry, High- Worthington Fredenck, Shanklin house, Chester Lucy (Miss), dress maker,

land L. I.), The Elms Twissroad Mount street

lgglesden John Pembrook, Stade street Worthington William, Tanner's hill Clarabut John Giles, draper, Bank st

lgglesden Miss, 58 High street Young George, Sunny bank ClarkeEdwardDixon,lodging ho. Hill side

362 HYTHE. .KE~T. 1 (KELLY'S

Clarke Lydia (Mrs.), conrctnr. 1 High st Harris Edward Stephen, mineral water Miller Wil.liam Richardson, hardware
Cloake Esther Sophia (Miss), Hope P.H. manufacturer, Sandgate road
dealer, J40 High street
Hayeme Emilie (Mdlle.) &Wilson Anna MondsMary(Mrs. ), ldgng. ho.Victoria rd
Stade street •

Cloke Edward, lodging ho. Windmill st (Miss), boarding school ;for young Moore Emma (Mrs.), grocer, Marketst

Cloke Thomas, coal dealer, Marine walk ladies, Sutherland college Moore John, lodging house, Lochiel

Clowes John, Gate inn, Market street Hewett Hy. lodging ho. 3 Seabrook ter house, Park road

Cobay Bros. auctioneers, cabinet mas. Hoad Edward, grocer, 6 High street Mowll Wm. Richd. coal mer.127 Highst

undertakers &house agents, High st Hobbs Harry, miller (wind), Stade tnill MundsEdwd. Sportsman inn, 1 I IHigh st

Cobay John, White Hart commerciar Hobbs Jesse, lodging bou8e, Windmill st Mungeam William, ;railway & general

inn & family hotel, 125 High street Hogben James, blacksmith, Rampart carrier, furniture remover & deposi-

Cobb John Vinset, chemist, 52 High st road, & lodging house, Stade street ,. tory, 134 High street

Cole Eliza (:Mrs.), lodg. ho. 2 Albion viis Hogben John, fruiterer, Bank street Munn John P. baker & grocer, Stade

Cole George, lodging house, Oak hall Holloway Sl. lodging ho. 2 Stanley vils street & St. Leonard's road

.Cole Jas. Fredk.The OakP.H. IO High st Horton Hy. lodging house, Mount st Nelson Charles1 carpenter, Sandgaw rd
Coleman Wm. lodging house, Stade st Hyham Ann (Mrs. ),shopkpr. I04High st Nickolls M. A. & Son, bakers, 4 Highs'

Collett Charles, lodging house, Mon- Hythe Club (B. Ninnes, hon. sec.), 129 Nickolls Charles Albert, cabinet maker,

tague house, Park road High street upholsterer, house furnisher & deco-

Collins Helen Anna, Ada & Mary Eliza- Hythe Cricket Club (G. L. Mackeson, rator, 13 High street

beth (Misses),fancy repos. I33 High st hon. sec) N,innes Frederick Benjamin, jeweller,

Conley John, dairyman, 55 High street Hythe Land, Building & Investment 32 & 139 High street

Coomber James, Rose & Crown P.H. & Co. Lim. (R. J. Sidle, sec.), Hughen- Noos Adolph, lodging ho. Beaconsfield ho

butcher, 17 High street den villa, Stade street Opie &Sleeman,boarding schl.Poniac ho

Corporation Baths (Richard Crump, Hythe Liberal & Radical Club (Thomas Osbume Cecil Anthony Perrier L.R.C.P.

manager), Marine parade Watson, sec.), I20 High street Edn, surgeon, The Oaks, High street

County Court (His Hon. W. L. Selfe, Hythe Permanent Benefit Building Ovenden John, carpenter, High street

judge ; George Wilks, registrar) Society (R. J. Sidle, sec.), Hughenden Ovenden William, refreshment rooms,

Court Geo. Lowther, grocer, I9 High st villa, Stade street. See adven 62 High street

Creech Nicholas, lodging house, Park rd Hythe & Sandgate Advertiser (John Paine William Sampson, stationer &

Crunden Thos. shopkeeper, Market st English, printer & publisher; pub- postmaster, 148 High street
Palmer Edward, registrar of births &
Gumming Alien, carpenter, Park road lished saturday), High street

Cutbush Wm. lodging house, Park road Hythe & Sandgate Echo (published deaths for H ythe tmb-district & school

Davidson Rosina (Mrs.), lodging house, saturday) attendance officer, Hill side

Portland house Hythe & Sandgate Gas Co. (Robert John Palmer Edward, jun. bookseller & sta-

Davis Arth. Randall, surgn. 116 High st Sidle, sec) tioner, music seller & fancy reposi-

Day Albert, builder, Albert road Inland Revenue Office (Edward Whit- tory, & deputy registrar of births &

Denne Annie (Mrs.), Bell inn, East st tick, officer), Seymour ho. Hill side deathsHythe sub-district,129 High st

Denne Chas. Jn. omnibus propr. East st International Tea Co. 132 High street Peek Frederic, lodging house, Parkfield

DoustWm.gardnr.&nurserymn. Hill side Jackson Geo. linen draper, 130 High st PhillipsWilliam,shoe maker,Church hill

Down Robert, lodging house, 2 Oak cots James Richard, boot maker, go High st Philpott Richd. grazier, Dymchurcb rd

Dray Henry, builder, Theatre street Keeler Waiter W. ·baker, 46 High street PilcherAUd.fiy proprtr.&carman,Sunla

Dunster Albert, Prince of Wales P.H. Kember William Herbert, lodging ho. Pilcher Jas. pork butcher, 102 High st

Romney road Gordon villa, Park road PitchfordJas. chimney sweepr.Market st

East Kent Regiment (The Buffs) (1st Kemp William, coal dealer, Stade street Potter Robert, boot maker, 105 High st

Volunteer Battalion) (D Company) Kingsland Bros. butchers, 43 High st Po-well William, marine store dealer,

(Capt. Henry Mackeson commandt.; Kingsland Waiter James, dairyman, Rampart road

G. S. Wilks, lieut. ; Charles Collett, I 10 High street Price Richard & Augustine, grocers,

sergeant-instructor) ; head quarters, KITCHIN CHARLES, photographer, I35 Higb. street

Great Conduit street The Studio, Market square Randalll<'rederick William & Co. boot

Edwards Benjamin, dairyman, Sun la Kitchin William, carpenter, Stade street manufacturers, 128 High street

Edwards George, baker, I26 High st Kneale Carolina (Mrs.), furnished Richards Alfred, fruiterer, 28 High

Elgee Herbert, lodging ho. Victoria rd apartments, good sea & inland views ; street, & lodging house, Grisnez view

Elgee John, builder, Park road terms & references on application, Richards Henry James, lodging house,

Elliott Thomas, Swan hotel, family & The Elms, High street Barrack Ground cottages

commercial & posting house, High st Knott Edward, Star inn, Stade street RiddellSusan(Mrs. ), lodging ho. Stade rd
Elvery George, boot maker, Chapel st Lancaster George, dairyman, Hill side Rigden El~beth (Miss), ladieb' school,

Fagg Richard, lodging ho. Marine walk LeeHy.tobacconist&tax colctr.23High st 4 Douglas avenue

Fagg Wm. Edward, dairyman, East st Lee Richard, haberdasher, 47 High st Rouse William, beer retailer & shop-

File Elgar, King's Head P.H. Io6 High st Lemmon Robert, chemist & druggist, keeper, Theatre street

Finn Wm. beer retailer, 93 High street 42 High street Rowlstone & Co. china & glass dealers,

Foord Fanny (Mrs.), lodging house, I London & County Banking Co. Limited II2 High street

Saltwood gardens {branch) (Coleman Dunnett, mana- Rowlstone Sarah (Miss), lodging house,

Fordred Thos. hair dresser, 45 High st ger) ; draw on bead office, London E c Swiss villa, Stade street

Friend Clement John, lodging house, 3 Longly Clara (Miss),mnsic tchr.High st St John Ambulance Association (A.

& 5 Marine parade Longly Frederick William, fishmonger Williams, hon. sec.), High street

Friend John Day, gas collector & house & poulterer, 44 High street Saffell Sarah Ann (Miss), lodging

agent, East street Lorden Leonard William, outfitter SI, house, 7 Saltwood gardens

Fright William, station master & draper 119, High street Sandling, Saltwood & Hythe Estate Co.

Gammon Wm.Thos.lodging ho. Stade st Lorden Wm. Hy. plumber, 64 High st Lim. (G. S. Wilks,solctr. &sec.), High st

Gardner James, dairyman, Chapel st Lovegrove & Osburne, surgeons, High Scott John, builder, The Avenue

Gardner Thomas, Globe P H. High st street & 16 Douglas avenue Scott John, chief officer of coast guard

Gauntlett Jas. shopkeeper, 6o High st LovegroveChas.x.n.surgn.16Douglas av ScottJohn Paul, jobmaster, 67 High st

Gaywood Fredk.cabinet maker, Park rd Lovick Jas. printer & stationr. I6 High st Seabrook Estate Co. Limited (George

Gaywood Marion (Miss), schl. Theatrest Lukburst Thos. lodging house, Stade st Wilks, solicitor & sec.), High street
Gilbert John, dairyman, u High street LyonElizh. (Mrs. ),ldgng.ho. 8Marine par Seabrook Hotel (South Eastern Railway

Gillett John, fishmonger, 3 Arthur viis Mackeson & Co. pale & family ale Co. proprtrs.; John Coombes, mangr)

Godden S. & Sons, market gardeners & brewers&maltsters (established 166g), Shepherq Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging

g~-eengrocers, 59 High street agents in every town in Kent, Surrey house, 101 High street
Good 'femplars' Hall (S. Blunden, sec.), & Sussex, & spirit merchants ; head Sherwood I<'ras. lodging ho.4 Marine par

Dental street office, Hythe brewery Shilston John, draper, I2A, High street

Gower Samuel, blacksmith, Chapel st · Macmillan Wm. lodging house, Park rd Shipwash Edmund, tailor & coal mer-

soGriffitbs W. (Miss), lodging house, ManlyGeo. Wm.lodgng.ho.8Saltwd.gdns chant, High street & Stade stree~
Manning Henry, gasfitter, 92 High st Shrewsbury Sophia (Miss),dress maker,
Chesham house, Park road

Griggs Mary Ann (Mrs.), tish dealer, Marsh Mary (Mrs. ),shopkeeper,Stade st High street

Stade street Marshall C. (Mrs.), lodging house, 6 Sidle R. J. clerk of the peace & sec. to

Griggs William, fishmonger, I2I High st Saltwood gardens the Hythe. Building Society, Hughen·

Hackney & Davis, surgeons• n6 High Maycock Jane (Mrs.), Cinque Port lien villa, Stade street

street & Oaklands, Stade street Arms P.H. QI High street Simmonds Annie (Mrs.), lodging house,

Hackney John lii.D. surgeon, & medical Maycock William, plumber, 39 High st Rose cottage •'

officer & public , vaccinator, Hythe Miller Catherine. (Miss), lodging house, Simmonds George, dairyman, Stade st
Smale Fredc. blacksmith, 1 Btade villas
district, Elham union, Oakla.nds, Stade street street Miller Thomas, surveyor & sanitary in· Small Sarah (:Mrs. ),lodging ho.Rock cot

lladden Wm. stone mason, Portland pi spector, St. Leonard's road Smith David, lQdging house,. Market st


.BoubaUAlfred,confectionet,I20 Highst Watson Thos. lodging ho. 3 West par Malton Edward Henry
Booed John, grocer, 89 High street
Wheeler Rchd. hair dresser, 27 High st Murphy Major E. The Bungalow

.&anger James, lodging house, Stade st White Frank, butcher, 122 Htgh street Norwood Henry ·

\Sapleton Sarah (Mrs.), Ordnance Arms Whittrick Edward, inland revenue Raymond Thomas, 1 Malvern villas

P.B. Military road officer, Seymour house, Htll side Saunders William, Northenden

.&ebbin,O"SJames, boot maker, Stade st Wildash Caroline(Mrs.), lodging house, COMMERCIAL.

3eddy Wm. Thos. machinist, 8 High st 1 Swan terrace Austen George, grocer & draper

StickellsBrothers,fruiterers, r 18 High st Wilks Geo.& Geo.Stringer,solrs.High st Blight John, t.obacconist, & post office

&Jckells Harriet (Miss), lodging house, Wilks George, solicitor, clerk to justices Bloomfield Thomas, lodging house, a

Market street of Elham division & of the borough of Clifton villas

.Stone John, lodging house, Park villas Hythe, to urban sanitary authority, Bull Rosina(l\lrs. ),lodg.ho. 2:'dalvern vls

Jlothers Catherine (Mrs.), lodging to tax commissioners divisions of Cloke John, lodging house

house, 2 Arthur villas Elham & Hythe & registrar of Hythe Collard Ed ward, lodging house

Strover Henry, dairyman, East street county court, town clerk, commis- Collard J ames. lodging house

.'iwain George, blacksmith, Twiss road sioner for oaths, clerk to burial board, Gosby Clement, lodging ho. 1Ciifton vls

8wain Hodges, beer retailer, Market st vestry clerk, clerk to St. John's hos- Hayes Julian Philip Swindell L.K.Q.C.P.

Taylor Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 12 pital, clerk to St. Bartholomew's hos- Irel. surgeon, Eversleigh

Douglas avenue pital, clerk to school attendance com- Head Louis, confectioner

Taylor Cath. (Mrs.), milliner,Theatre st mittee & coroner Jeal John J. carpenter

JUmalin Benjamin & Co. tailors & Williams Annie (Miss), dress maker, Malton Edward Henry. surgeon

drapers, 141 & 142 High street 1 Bartholomew street Martin Rev. Septimus 1\I.A. boarding

Tonmay William, builder & contractor Wdliams Edward (Mrs.), dress maker, school, Seabrook college

& stone & marble mason, Portland rd Great Conduit street Oliver Richard, lodgin~ ho. 3 Lorne vili

town Hall (John Dray, keeper). High st Williams Harvey, feather dresser. 143 Peett Sarah (Mrs.), lodg.ho. 2Lorne vis

'Townsend Henry, dairyman, East st High street Ralph Fra.ncis, fly owner

Tucker Joseph, inspector of weights & Williams Tho:nas, gasfitter, 35 High st Stedman Edwd. Martin. Fountain hotel

measures for the borough of Hythe Wilson George, lodging ho. Trafalgar cot Weed Charles Edgar, lodging house

& Elham division, Hill side Wood Hy. army contractor,3Albion vils Young George, Sea View hotel, close to

'Turner James, lodging ho. Victoria rd Wood Henry, lodging house, Watkin sea & Sandgate station

Vden Frederick, butcher, 14 High st house, Park road West Hythe.

tsher Henry & Sons, butchers, 82 Wood John, huckster, Romney road

High street, & farmers. Scene farm Wood Llewellyn, butcher, 9 High street Cheeseman Stephen. farmer

'iridgeonAnn(Miss),drss ma.Marine wlk Worthington Bros. coach buildrs.East st Dunster James, market gardener

'f1les George, firewood dealer, Stade st Wraight Jas. confectioner, 18 High st Else William, farmer

Waiter Daniel, music teacher & boot & Wrigllt Mercer John,carpenter,S~ade st Lear Alfred, huckster

shoe dealer, 41 High street Morgctn Henry, Carpenters' Arms P.:a:

Ward Arthur George, tailor, 5 High st Sea.brook. Pain William, carrier

Jl"atches Louisa (Mrs.), lodging house, Chivers Charles Daniel Piddock George, carpenter

a8tade villas Copping Capt. Henry, Mill house Stickells Thomas, brick maker

West Daniel J. grocer, & agent for W. Glover Benj. Lucas, 2 Cavendish villas Taylor Daniel, grazier

& A. Gilbey•wine & spirit merchants. Hayes J ulian Philip Swindell,Eversleigh Uden Charles, farmer

37 & 145 High street Horton Benjamin WrattenAlbert, grazier

ICKHAM (anciently called Yecham) is a parish and con- wheat, hops and barley. The area is 2,464 acres; rateable

11derable village, situated on the lesser Stour and on the old value, £6,026 ; the population in r881 was 570.
road to Deal and Sandwich, about 5 miles east from Canter- LEE, anciently written Leigh, is situated in the south-
bury, 61 from London, 2! north-east from the Bekesbourne western part of this parish and a short distance from the
statiOn of the London, Cbatham and Dover railway, in the river. Lee Priory, the grounds of which abound in fine
Eastern division of the county, lathe of St. Augustine, t.imber and park-like scenery, is the seat of l<'rancis Philips

Downhamford hundred, petty sessional dtvision of Wing- esq. J.P.; the house is in the Domestic Gothic style, from
ham, Hridge union, Canterbury county court district, rural designs by the late Sir G. Gilbert Scott R.A. and underwent
deanery of East Bridge and archdeaconry and diocese of various alterations about 186o.
t&nterbury. The church of St. John the Evangelist is a WELL is a detached hamlet and chapelry district next
.building of flint in the Early English style, and consists of Littlebourne, on the west side of the river, and formerly be-
chancel, nave of 5 bays, aisles, transepts, south porch and a longed to that parish, but has for many years been annexed

\Yestern tower With spire, containing a clock and 4 bells : to the parish of Ickham. The ruins of the chapel may still
there are 250 sittings. The register dates from the year be seen. The Manor House, usually called Well Court, stood
1557. The living is a rectory, wtth the chapelry of Well close to the bank of the river and was formerly the property
annexed, average yearly value from tithe rent-charge £740, of the Cli:ffords.
with re~idence and 17 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Arch- SEATON is a hamlet half a mile north. Here is a mill for
biShop of Canterbury, and held since 1874 by the Rev. Ed- the manufacturing of indiarubber.
ward Gilder M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. The BRAMLING, another hamlet, is 1 mile south-east. Bram-
charities amount to £37 yearly, derived from Consols. ling House, now unoccupied, is a handsome residence in
Howletts, situated near the hamlet of Well, is the property the Elizabethan style. There is a Wesleyan Mission Hall
of George Howdler Uipps esq but now in the occupation of at Bramling Hill, erected in 1875 as a memorial to H.
Robert Ramsey esq. ; in the park, which is of considerable Hall esq.
extent, there are some very fine cedars. The Dean and Parish Clerk, George Maxted.
Chapter of Canterbury, who are lords of the manor, the Letters from Dover arrive at 6.50 a. m. & 2.30 p.m
Marquess Conyngham, Fraucis Philips esq. J.P. and George WALL Box closes at 7.10 p.m.; sundays, 9·5 a.m
Bowdler Gipps esq. are the principal landowners. The soil National School (mixed), erected iu 1872, for 120 children;
iJ rich loam; subsoi 1~ '!~vel and chalk. The chief crops are average attendance, 70; Edward John Knowles, master

-{Those marked with a are in the Canter- *Ramsey Robert, Howletts ' Holmes Joseph Churcher, farmer, Ick-
bury postal district.] ham court
Stubbs Stanley, The Cottage
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Kirby James, Duke William P.H
Baird Mrs. Ickham house Travis Rev. .lames B.A. Sea.ton Knigh' Richd.Lake, brick ma.Cherville
Davis Mrs. Chenille house Maxted George. fly proprietor
Dndley J. McDonald COMMERCIAL.
Dothoit Peter C. Treasury house *Reynolds Franklin, farm bailiff to Q-.
Gilder Rev. Edward H. A. Rectory Atkins Bourn. miller (water & steam) H. Gipps esq. Howletts
-*Gipps George Bowdler J.P. Howletts
Bing George l"ranklin, fodder dealer Seaton Mill Co. (Tbe),india rubber mfrs
Harper Percy Spicer Henry, farrier
Hatfield Miss, New place Branford Wm. beer retailer, Bramling
Philips Francis J.P. Lee priory Taylor John, fodder dealer, Bramling
Champion Wm. farmer, Treasury farm 'fonbridge Mary Ann (Mrs.), butcher

Coombs Frederick William, baker

Coombs John, grocer & draper

Cooper John, farmer, Bramling court

l<'etherstone Frank, builder & contractor

ztIDE HILL, formerly a hamlet of the parish of Sundridge, diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. :Mary the Virgin,

from which place it is miles south and 4 south-west from a structure of Kentish rag witll Bath stone dressings, in the
Sevenoaks, was formed June 29, 1852, into a separate eccle- Decorated style, was consecrated on St. Andrew's Day, r865,
Jliastical parish, out of Sundridge, Chevening and Chidding- and consist& of chancel, nave, north porch, transept, vestry
stone: it is in the Western division of the county, lathe of and a small tower ou the north at the intersection of the
Sntton-at-Hone, hundred of Codsheath, Sevenoaks petty transept with the nave and chancel, with a shingled spire go
sessional d1vision, union and county court district and in the feet in height, containing a clock and one bell: the east and

,rural deanery of Shoreham, archdeaconry of Maidstone and two chancel windows are memorials to Beilby Portens n.n.


bishop of London, 1787-rSoS, who founded the original ministered by the vicar and churchwardens: John Hyde
church and was present at its consecration, June 12th, 1807; also bequeathed in 1776 a certain property, now yielding.
the west window is a memorial to Sir Richard Henry Charles £2 r6s. yearly. Ide Hill, situated 780 feet above the level .
Rycroft hart. d. 21 Oct. 1864: one of the nave windows, of the sea, commands very extensive and beautiful views of·
given by the Rev. A. J. Woodhonse, late vicar, and Sir the surrounding country. Everlands, the property of Mrs. ·
Nelson Rycroft hart. is also a memorial to Bishop Porteus, Rycroft, is at present occupied by the Rev. Waiter Frederie

who died 14 May, 18o8, and another has been erected by Eaton M.A. The principal landowners are Earl Amherst
the vicar's wife to her mother, Mrs. E. Oxenden: in 1881 D.L., .J.P.lord of the manor, Earl Stanhope P.c., F.S.A. Mrs.
the late Charles A. W. Rycroft esq. (d. 1884) added an organ Rycroft and Charles Hoskins Master esq. of Burrow Green,
chamber, and a new organ was erected by subscription in Oxted, Surrey. The soil ·is, on the hill sides, gravelly;
the same year as a memorial to the Rev. Alfred Joseph valley, loam; subsoil, stone and clay. The chief crops are
Woodhouse M.A. vicar, 1853-80: there are 180 sittings, all hops, cereals and some pasture land. The area is 3, 1oa
free. The register dates from the year 1842. The living is acres; the population in r881 was 826.
a vicarage, net yearly value £r8o, with residence, in the Sexton, Thomas Dale.
gift of the rector of Sundridge, and held since 188o by the PosT OFFICE.-Mrs. Esther Kirby, receiver. Letters arrive
Rev. Waiter Allan Raikes M.A. of Trinity College, Cam- from Sevenoaks at 7.25 a. m. & 1.30 p.m. ; dispatched at
bridge and chaplain of Sevenoaks union. The Dissenters 10 a.m. & 6.20 p.m. Nearest money order office is at
have a chapel here. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, nee Crane, in Brasted & telegraph office at Sundridge
the year 1638, gave one part of a tenement in St. Anne's National School (mixed), built in 1852 & since twice en~
lane, near Aldersgate, London, for ever, to the poor of Sun- larged, for 250 children ; average attendance, 137; Miss

dridge parish, which charity, producing £2 yearly, is ad- I Anua Elizabeth Locke, mistress

Eaton Rev.Walter Fredc.M.A.Everlands Bassett John, jun, baker Rye Wm. Woodman P,H. Whitley row
Frost Mrs. Ide villa
Mawdsley Frank, Oak lodge Bassett Jn.sen. boot ma.Goathurst com Seares Isaac, wood dlr. Goathurst com
Perry Mrs. Cypress cottage
Raikes Rev. Waiter Allan M.A, [vicar Fooks John, farmer, Faulkner's Hl. fm Smith George, farmer, Goathurst farm

& chaplain of Sevenoaks union] Hurton Richard, beer retailer Smith George, wheelwright & farmer
Skinner Mrs
Stevens Mrs. Goathurst common Jessup George, farmer, Brownings farm Talbot Benjamin, blacksmith

COMMERCIAL. Kelsey Henry, farmer, Henden 1 Watts Robert, farmer, Brook Place frm
Bashford William, builder & carpenter
Marchant Robert Herbert, Cock inn White & Fisbenden,farmers,

Marchant Wm. farmer,Norman Whitebread Henry, smith, Goathurst

Peters Alfred James, grocer & draper Wilkins Charles, butcher

Piper John, farmer, Chains farm Winnifrith Waiter, beer retailer

Quittenden Benj, shopkpr. Whitley row ,Wynne James, beer ret, Cooper's corner

IFIELD is a small parish, situated on the old Watling Street r884 by the Rev. Newcombe Willis B.A. of Trinity College,

road from London to Rocbester, 2 milessouthfrom Gra\·esend, Dublin. Hever Court is the residence of Sir James Ranken
7 north-west from Rochester and 24 from London, in the Mid Fergusson J.P. hart. of Spitalhaugh, Peebleshire: his son,
division of the county, hundred of Toltingtrough, .Aylesford Thomas Colyer Fergnsson esq. is lord of the manor and
lathe, Strood union, county court district of Gravesend, principal landowner. There is no village near the church,

petty sessional division of Rochester and in the rural deanery the population being at SINGLEWELL, a village partly in

of Gravesend and arcbdeaconry and diocese of Rochester. !field parish and the remainder in the parish of Northtleet.
The church of St. Margaret is a very small building of stone The soil is sandy loam; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are
in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch grain and hops. The area is gr3 acres; rateable value,
and a wooden belfry with spire at the west end containing £-707; the population in r88r was 69.

one bell: in the church is an ancient brass and five modern Parish Clerk Henry Martin
stained windows: it was built in r596 and in 1838 was corn- ''
pletely restored and reseated, and contains 70 sittings, of
which 43 are free. The register dates from the year 1751. PosT OFFICE, Singlewell.-William Hales, receiver. Letters
The living is a rectory, with that of Nurstead annexed, arrive from Gravesend at 6.35 a. m.; dispatched at 6.45

joint average yearly value from tithe rent-charge £259, p.m. The nearest money order office is at Gravesend;
with 8~ acres of glebe here and residence erected in r865,
in the gift of Maj.-Gen. Henry Edmeades J.P. and held since telegraph office at Cobham
The children of this place attend schools at Cobham, Graves~

end & Perry Street

Edwards Henry Exley, Singlewell Wood John, Westfield, Singlewell Solomon Joseph, farmer & hop grower
Fergusson Sir James Ranken bRrt. .J.P. bailiff to L.Rapbael esq Troy Emma (Mrs.), George P.H
BlissWilliam, farmer & hop grower Wood John,farmer, hop grower&brick
Hevercourt; &Spitalhaugh, Peebles- HalesWm.shpkpr.Post office,Singlewell
shire, N.B Selves Samuel, bailiff to Sir James maker,Singlewell; & Temple works,
Raphael Louis, !field court Strood
Willis Rev. Newcombe B.A. [rector] Ranken Fergusson hart. Singlewell

IGHTHAM (the island home, A.s. ed. eyot.) is a village Armada and the Popish Plot, in which the Pope, cardinals,
monks and Guy Faux figure conspicuously, each representa-
and parish, 1 mile south-west from Wrotham station on the tion having appended an appropriate Latin motto: there is a
London, Cbatham and Dover railway, 6 miles east from brass with mutilated male effigy in a tabard to Sir Richard
Sevenoaks, 12 west from Maidstone and go from London, Clement kt. and Anne (Catesby), his wife, 1529; and another
in the Mid division of the county, Wrotham hundred, lathe to Jane (Dirkin), wife of John Cradock gent. 1626, with
of Aylesford, union and petty sessional division of Malling, three children; and there are inscriptions on brass to George
Sevenoaks county court district and in the rural deanery of Multon esq. J.P. ob. 1588, and Agnes (Powell), with four
Shoreham, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canter- children; and to Dorothy (Bonham), ob. 164r, and wife of
bury. The church of St. Peter, situated on the road from Sir William Selby kt. whose curious monument is mentioned
Sevenoaks to Maidstone, is an edifice in the Perpendicular above: in r867 a window was placed in the north aisle to·
style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and an the memory of Demetrius Grevis James esq. J.P., D.L. an.i
embattled western tower containing 6 bells: the nave is of Mary, his wife: by the recent removal of two western
separated from each aisle by two wide Pointed arches,
galleries a graceful r6th century arch was reopened, reveal-
springing from octagonal pillars : on the north side of the ing a window of the same date behind it : there are 250
chancel is a square-headed window of two lights, with sittings, 200 being free. The register dates from the year
elegant tracery of the Perpendicular period, and historically 1559. The living is a rectory, commuted tithe rent-charge
interesting from having been inserted in compliance with
the will of Sir Thomas Cawne, made about 1373-4, by which £450, with 6 acres of glebe and rectory house, in the gift of

a sum of £2o was set apart for its erection; beneath it, in Horace Barry e;;;q. and held since r888 by the Rev. Douglas
Barry M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford. The Wesleyans have
the wall, is a Perpendicular cusped canopy, inclosing an
effigy of Sir Thomas Cawne, ob. 1374, in complete armour, a place of worship here. Charities, producing £7 r6s. •
with a surcoat displaying his arms: a window on the south
side contains a figure of St. Peter and on the south side of yearly, are distributed in bread. A fatr is held on Wednes-
the chancel are several fine monuments belonging to the day in Whitsun week, called Cockscom be fair. In the
Selby family, also former owners of the Mote, one of which, neighbourhood is Oldbury hill, formerly a Roman station;
of Jacobean date, has two stages, with recumbent effigies of the entrenchments occupied 137 acres; in the centre of the
Sir William Selby kt. ob. I Jan. r6n; another and most inclosure are two fine springs. Ightham Court is the resi-
singular monument is that of Dame Dorothy (Bonham), dence of Lieut.-Col. Demetrius Wyndbam Grevis James l.P.
widow of Sir William Selby kt. ob. 15 March, 164r, with Oldbury Place is the residence of the Right Hon. George
John Shaw-Lefevre P.c., M.P., J.P. lghtham Mote, now the
equally singular Latin inscription expressive of Protestant
feeling, and including, besides a bust of the lady, an incised residence of Thomas Colyer Colyer-Fergusson esq. is per-
tablet of slate placed in a recess behind the bust and exhibit- haps the finest specimen of a moated mansion in the south of
ing incidents from the history of Adam and Eve and J onab, England and is not unlike its neighbour, Hever Castle, in its
strangely intermixed with scenes illustrative of the Spanish general outlines and its old ball and chapel are both perfect;;
it belonged in the reign of Henry II. to Ivo de Haut, or Eyot. i



and in 1478 and 1482 to Richard de Haut; it was next held 1 Parish Clerk and Sexton, Frederick Webb.

for eome time by the Cawne family and the oldest portions PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
ef the existing house were probably built by Sir Thomas Joshua Durling, postmaster. Letters from Sevenoaks

Cawne, already mentioned; in 1485 it was restored to the arrive by mail cart at 6.40 a. m. & 12.30 & 7.15 p.m. ;

de HautB by Henry VII. and in 1521 was purchased by Sir dtspatched at 1. 15, 3· 15 & 7·5 p.m. ; sunday, dispatched

]bcbard Clement, of Milton, who in turn disposed of it in 2.20 p.m

1.544 to Sir John Alien, and his descendant, Charles Allen WALL Box, Oldbury hill, cleared 1.25 p.m. & 1· ro p.m. ;

e&Q· sold it at the end of Queen Elizabeth's reign to Sir sunday, 2.25 p.m

l\ illiam Selby and it continued in that family till 1888, the PosT OFFICE, Ivy Hatch.-James Williams, receiver. Letters

late representative being Mrs. Lewis Maryanne Luard-Selby, arrive from Sevenoaks at about; 7.25 a..m. & 12.50 p. m. ;

daughter and co-heir of Prideaux J. Selby esq. and widow dispatched at 11.20 a. m. & 6.45 p.m. ; sunday, arrive at

Cif the late Maj. Robert Lua.rd-Selby J.P. d. 188o. At the 7.30 a.m.; dispatched, 10.20 a.m. Nearest money order

DOrthern extremity of the parish, in the midst of very & telegraph office at Plaxtole

Ipicturesque grounds, is situated the large and ancient A School Board was established in 1875 & consists of 5 mem-

m•nsion of St. Clere, the property of Sir Mark Wilks Collet hers; John Bridges Nunn, Sevenoaks, clerk to the board ;
bart. JP. The principal landowners are Lieut.-Col. Deme- Robert Crowson, Ightham, attendance officer

mus Wyndham Grevis-James J.P. lord of the manor, and Board School (mixed), erected in 1846, for 200 children;

Str Mark Wilks Collet bart. J.P. of St. Clere. The soil is sandy; average attendance, 180; George Henry Timmins, master;

10bsoil, green sand and stone. The chief crops are small Miss Alice Mew & Miss Minnie Parks, assistant mistresses

fruits, hops, cereals and cobnuts. The area is 2,604 acres ; CARRIERS TO : -

rateable value, [6,588; the population in 1881 was 1,254. Losnm•-John Stiles, mon. & thurs

BoROU(jH GREEN, partly in this parish, is three-quarters MAIDSTOSE-James Chalklin & Charles Thomas Bassett,

of a mile north-east; IvY HATCH, a. mile and a half south; from their houses, tues. & fri. ; William Davis, from

CRoWN POINT, 1 mile south-west; 0LDBURY, half a. mile 'George & Dragon,' tues. thurs. & sat

west; lGHTHAM CoMMON, 1 mile south-west. SEVE~OAKs-William Davis, mon. wed. & fri

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bassett Ann (Mrs.), laundress Institute &Reading Room (James Kerr,

:Barry Rev. Douglas lll.A. [rector], Bassett Chas.Thos.farrner & fruit growr secretary), Ivy hatch

Rectory house Bassett James, farmer Johnson John, boot & shoe maker

Brittain Mrs. The Warren Beadle David, hop grower & fruiterer, Jolly Emma (Mrs.), farmer & fruit

Collet Sir Mark WIIks bart. J.P.St.Clere 'Thrice Well house grower, Oldbury
King John, wheelwright
Colyer-Fergusson Thos.Colyer,TheMote Bennett William, fruit grower Leonard Edmond Elias, builder
Mist William, coal mer. & fruit grower
Davis Mrs. The Cottage Best Louisa (Mrs.), laundress Palmer Friend William, beer retailer
Parsons Henry, Chequers inn & job-
Gibbons Alfred, Bower house Bradley Geo. fruit grower, Ivy hatch
master &fly proprietor, open &closed
Gordon Henry Frans, Prestons Bridger George, butcher carriages; pony & chaise to let on
hire; all orders receive prompt attentn
Hale Charles George, Ivy hatch \ Briggs Henry, fruit grower Pett Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker
Pryer Richard, shoe maker, Boro' green
Hallam George, Hazeldene Chalklin James, carrier

Harris Charles Ray, Ivy hatch Cheeseman Mary Amhurst (Mrs.), beer

James Lieut.-Col. Demetrius Wyndham retailer, Borough green

Grevis J.P. Ightham court; & Army Crittle George, beer retailer

& Navy club, London s w Crowson Robt. fruit grower, Ivy batch

Langrord Alfred, The Rowans Crowson Robt. school attendance officer Selby Florence &Ellen (:\iisses),farmers

Luard Major-General Charles Edward, Crowson Thomas, baker & beer retailer, & fruit growers •
lghtham knoll Common Selby Wm. jun. farmer, Oldbury farm

MIIligan Misses, Belmont Davis William, carrier Smith William, plumber & glazier

Mobbs Edward Thomas, Fairview Diplock William, fruit grower STANLEY GORDON, ironmonger
Ray George, Hortondene Durling Joshua, wheelwright & fruit Stiles John, carrier

Shaw-Lefevre Right Hon. George John grower, & postmaster Tomkin William Stephen, farmer,
P.c., D.L., J.P. Oldbury p1ace; & 18 Eason Edward Thomas, farm bailiff to Borough Green farm
Bryanston square w &Brooks',Reform Sir Mark Wilks Collet hart. J.P.Lower Usherwood John, farmer, Fenn pond

& Athenreum clubs, London s w St. Clere Usherwood Susannah (Mrs.), straw

Steel Joseph, Nutlands Elsley Elizabeth (Mrs.), fruit grower bonnet maker

Taylor Mrs. Beacons mount, Ivy hatch Gentry Edward, blacksmith, Ivy hatch Usherwood Thos. saddler & harness ma

Towne Mrs. Eaglehurst Glover John, Sir Jeffery Amhurst P.H. VENNELL DANIEL WEST, grocer

Walker Ernest George Agars Crown point Walker Ernest George Agars, surgeon

Hale Charles, coal dealer &certifying factory surgn.Ightham pl

COMMERCIAL. Harris Charles Ray, farmer, Ivy hatch Wightwick Wm. Geo. veterinary surgn

Anquetil Hy.nursrymn.&fforist,Bellevue Harrison Benjamin, draper & grocer Williams James, grocer & baker, Post

Ashby William, Plough P.H.J:vy hatch HAYWARD HARRY, George & Dragon office, Ivy hatch

Baldwm Wm. boot& shoe ma.Ivy hatch hotel Woods Harvey, gamekeeper to Lieut.-

!arnes George, farmer, Moat farm lngram Philip, cattle drover, Ivy hatch Col. D. W. G. James J.P

IVYCHURCH is a. small village and parish 3 miles north- £700: there are 200 sitting~. The register dates from the

west from New Romney, 11 south from Ash ford, 4~ east from year 1715. The living is a rectory, yearly value from tithe

.lppledore station, 2! from Brookland station on the Lydd rent-charge £350, with eight acres of glebe and residence,

and Dungeness branch of the South Eastern railway and 70 in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since

from London, in the Southern division of the county, 188o by the Rev. William Charles Lockwood Wingate !II.A.

hundred of St. Martin's, Longport, and in the liberty and of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. The Wesleyans have a

union of Romney Marsh, lathe of Shepwa.y, Dymchurch and chapel here, built 1277. The trustees of W. Deedes esq. are
Ashford (partly) petty sessional division, county court dis- lords of the manor. The principal landowners are Sir

met of New Romney and in the rural deanery of South WyndhamKnatchbull bart. J.P.of Mersham Hatch,and Lord
Lympne and archcleaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The Brabourne P.c., D.L., J.P. The soil is dark mould; subsoil,

ehurch of St. George, an edifice of stone, consists of a chancel clay. The chief crops are wheat and turnip seed, with
of three and a nave of five bays, forming a continuous much land in pasture. The area is 4,480 acres of land

arcade, aisles, south porch and a western embattled tower and 27 of water; rateable value, £7,948; the population in

with a polygonal turret rising above the parapet at the 1881 was :;:59.
Borth-east angle and containing 5 bells and a clock; the Parish Clerk, Edward Henry Wraight Gorham.
general style of the church is Late Decorated, some of its PosT OFFICE.-Henry Orman, receiver. Letters from

features, however, exhibiting Early Perpendicular work: the Folkestone arrive at 7.15 a.m.; dispatched at 5.50 p.m. ;
chancel is inclosed by screens of wood and some of the in winter at 4.50; sundays 11.10 a..m. New Romney ill

.,rigmal Perpendicular stalls still remain: the south porch is the nearest money order office & telegraph office is at

large and embattled and has a parvise lighted by slits: the Brookland
eburch was partly restored in 1888, at the cost of about The children of this place attend the school at Brenzett

Cobb Arthur Wallace, The Moat Cobb Arthur Wallace, farmer & seed Hickman Stphn. farmer,Rhee Wall frm
Gtles Thomas, Ivy lodge grower, The Moa~ Orman Henry, grocer, & post office
Wingate Rev. William Charles Lock- Pentecost Andrew Felix, farmer
Flisher George John, Bell P.H Sims Fredk. grazier, Hook Wall farm
wood M. A. Rectory GilesThos.grazier,farmer &seed grower Wood Alfred, farmer
Alien James, farmer Harmer George, wheelwright

IWADE is a village and parish situated on the road from I Milton union, county court district of Sittingbourne and in

~ittmgbourne to Sheppy, 3 miles north from Sittingbonrne, the rural deanery of Sittingbourne, archdeaconry of Mrud-
ID the North Eastern division of the county, Teynham stone and diocese of Canterbury. The village stands high,
hundred, lathe of Scray, Faversham petty sessional division, but a great part of the parish is embanked marsh, lying ;t



between Stangate Creek and the Stratt of the Swale, both of j M.·A. of 16 Circus, Bath, G. B. W. Lushington, GeorgeWebb

which are navigable. The church of All Saints is a small esq. of TunstaU, Edward Maxwell Twopeny esq. of Wood-
and ancient edifice of flint and brick, chiefly Perpendicular, stock, Sittingbourne, and the trustees of the late Rev. G. B.

bnt with some Decorated features, and consisting of chancel, Moore. 'fhe soil is clay and marshy ; subsoil, clay. The
nave, south aisle, south porch and a low western tower, con- chief crops are hops, fruit, wheat, barley and beans. The
taining 2 bells: south of the chancel is a small and plain area is 3,221 acres of land and 209 of water; rateable value,

piscina and in the south aisle another, with trefoil head; £4,463; the population in :r88I was 235.
tho nave arcade comprises two very wide arches of Late I<'UNTON, :r mile west, has a quay on Stangate Creek. To

character on octagonal columns: the wood screen, now partly the east was the King's free ferry unto the Isle of Sheppy,
inclosing the south aisle, has fair Perpendicular tracery and but which is now reached by the railway bridge over the
a cornice : there is a brass to Symon Snellyng and his wife, Swale, on payment of Id. for foot passengers.
of the ISth century: the chancel was restored in 1875: the LowER Cor.ESHILL lies to the west ; UPPER CoLESHILL, 1
church has I20 sittings, all being free. The register of mile south; CUTNAILS, I mile south-west; CHITNEY is in the
baptisms dates from the year 1 590 i marriages, I56I ; marshes 2 mile11 to the north, where are Hole and Dodd's
burials, IS6o. The living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge oyster grounds.

£151, net yearly value £2oo, with 3t acres of glebe and Parish Clerk, William Sellan.

residence (erected in I886 from designs by Mr. Joseph Clark
F.S.A. diocesan architect), in the gift of the Archdeacon of Letters delivered by foot post from Sittingbourne at 8 a.m.
Canterbury, and held since I87 r by the Rev. Morgan Milton is the nearest money order & telegraph office
Thomas Pearman M.A. of Pembroke College, Oxford. The WAr.L LETTER Box cleared at 8.3oa.m. & 5.30 p.m.; sun-

charities amount to £6 I2S. 6d. yearly, arising from land. days, u.3o a.. m

P. T. H. Wykeham esq. is lord of the manor. The principal National School (boys & girls), built in I864 & enlarged in
landowners are Lord Harris, William Whitehead Gascoyne I884, for 6o children; average attendance, 45; MissAgnes

esq. .T.P. Bapchild Court, Bapchild, Rev. Richard Gascoyne Adams, mistress; Edward Henry, attendance officer

Chapman Mrs Anderson Edward, farmer, Moat farm Hammond John, Lord Nelson P.H.

Chapman William Chapman Frank, Woolpack P.H • King's ferry

Pearman Rev. Morgan Thomas M.A. Fagg Henry, farm bailiff to W. T. Hinge John, fa.rmei", Cutnails farm

· [vicar] Goodhew esq. Finton farm Mantle John, shopkeeper

XEMSING is a village and parish, partly in the valley Carleton Skarratt M..&.. of Downing College, Cambridge.

and partly in the chalk hills eastward from Otford, with a The impropriate tithes have been commuted for a rent-charge

station Il miles south-east from the village on the Maid- of £I79· There is an iron chapel of ease at Noah's Ark

stone line of the London, Chatham and Dover railway, 2~ erected in I887, and a Wesleyan chapel erected in 1885.

miles north-east from SeYenoaks and 23! from London, in Beechy Lees is the residence of Barclay Field esq. Lord

the Western division of the county, hundred of Codsheath, Sackville is lord of the manor. The principal landowners

lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, petty sessional division, union and are Barclay Field esq. and Capt. John 'rhornton Rogersl.P.

county court district of Sevenoaks and in the rural deanery ·of Riverhill House, Sevenoaks. The soil is chalky and dark

of Shoreham, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Can- clay ; subsoil, at the base of hill, clay. The chief crops are

terbury. The village stands at a short distance southward cereals and roots; hops are grown here. The parish is

from the foot of the hills and near the centre of it is a well about two miles square and contains 1,909 acres; rateable

called St. Edith's Well. The church of St. Mary is a plain value, £3,410; the population in 1881 was 443·

building of stone in the Early English style, consisting of HEAVERHAll, I mile east and CROWDLEHAM,three-quarters
chancel, nave, south porch and a western tower, with
shingled spire, containing two bells : the church contains of a mile east, are hamlets. ·
fragments of stained glass, an ancient screen and a brass
Parish Clerk, George Kipps.

with half effigy to Thomas de Hop, priest, ob. 1320: there PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Insurance & Annuity Office.-
are also mural monuments to the Bunce family; and one'to Andrew Holden, receiver. Letters through Sevenoaks
Michael J ermiu D.D. vicar of Kemsing-cum-Seal, dated arrive at 6.40 & a. m. ; dispatched at 1.40 & 6.50
I659: in I87o the nave was restored and open seats intro- p.m. Seal is the nearest telegraph office

duced, at a total cost of £345 I4S. 4d. ; and in I873 the WALL LETTER Box at Heaverham cleared at I.lo & 6.35

chancel was restored and reseated, at a further cost of p.m. sundays, 10.30 p.m. only

£143 I8s.: there are ISO sittings. The register dates from National School (mixed), erected in the year 1885, for 140

the year 1535. 'I:he living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge children; average attendance, 135 ; Alfred GeorgeJordan,

£133, net yearly value £73, with residence, in the gift of master; Mrs. Jordan, mistress

Lord Sackville, and held since I88g by the Rev. Thomas Railway Station, Barraby Barber, station master

Bridge Charles, Wybourne house Foster Henry William, grocer & draper, Mills George, Bell P.H

Collins Henry Beeham, Heaverham Noah's ark Reeves Jas. blacksmith, Heaverham

Field Barclay, Beechy Lees GeeringSidney J oseph,plumber&glazier Skinner Hy. John, builder, Noah's Ark

Goldney Thomas, South view Gearing William, Wheatsheaf P.H SmerdonRichard,farm bailiff to Barclay

Goose John, West house Holden Andrew, post office Field esq. Heaverham

Goose Miss, West house Holden Hezro, blacksmith Stonham Harry, farmer

Ive William Henry, St. Edith's house Ive William Hy. farmer & hop grower Stonham Thomas, farmer, Dyne's farm

Payne Henry Barrett, Box hou$e King Albert, butcher Upton James, farmer, Noah's Ark farm

Rudgard William Kipps George, parish clerk Woodmau Sarah (Mrs.), Chequers inn,

SkarrattRev. Thos.CarletonM. A.Vicrage Longley Arthur, grocer Heaverham

COMMERCIAL. Ma1•tin Chas. shopkeeper, Noah's Ark Wren Amon, butcher

Allan David, tailor

KENARDINGTON is a parish and village, a mile and 1The living is a rectory and vicarage, yearly value from tithe

a half south-west frorp Ham Street station on the South rent-charge £250, with 10 acres of glebe and residence, in
Eastern railway, 7 south-west from Ashford and 6 east from the gift of A. F. Lobb esq. and held since I873 by the !Wv.
Tenterden, in the Southern division of the county, liberty of Sydney Brooke Lobb M. A. of Christ Church, Oxford. Lowes'
Romney Marsh and Cinque Port liberty of New Romney, charity of £2 ss. yearly is for bread. Here is a. large cop-
hundreds of Aloesbridge and Blackbourne, lathes of Scray pice, called " Silcox Wood." There are remains of ancient
and Shepway, Tenterden union and county court district, fortifications, probablyraisedduringthe wars between Alfred
and in the rural deanery of South Lympne and archdea- and the Danes about 893, when a body of the latter sailed
conry and diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. Mary, up the Limene and entrenched themselves in the adjoining
placed on a commanding eminence overlooking Romney parish of Appledore. Count A. E. Bonar is lord of the
Marsh, is a small building of flint and stone in the Decorated manor. The principal landowner is Edward A. Bonar esq.

and Perpendicular styles, and now consists ot chancel, nave, The soil is a rich mould ; subsoil, clay and sand. The chief

south porch and a low western tower, recently restored and crops are wheat, beans, oats and hops. A large portion of
now used for Sunday school purposes, with a circular stair the parish is pasture land for grazing. The area is 2,149
turret, containing one bell: the church is but a portion of acres; rateable value, /.,"2,859; the population in 1881 was
the "Original edifice, which was injured by lightning in I559• :r88.
and subsequently patch!ld up so as to form the present

building: a window in the south wall contains some fine Letters through Ashford arrive at 8 a.m. Ham Street is·
tracery of Flamboyant character: it formerly contained the nearest money order & telegraph office
two aisles, but the northernmost is now destroyed : there

are ISO sittings, all being free. The register of baptisms The children of this parish attend the joint Board schools ol

dates from the year I546 i marriages, IS47 ; burials, I554· Kenardington & Warehorne at Warehorne


Lobb Rev. Sydney Brooke M.A. [vicar DowneMary.Ann(Mrs. ), frmr.&hop grwr Kingsnorth William, farmer
AI rector], Rectory
KingsnorthEmily(Mrs.) ,farmer,grazier Pearson Hy.frmr.&hop grwr.Manor frm
Ames Benjarnin, farmer
& hop grower, Kenardington place Standen Ellen (Mrs.), farmer

Blown John, farmer

B ENNINGTON is a parish and village, situated on the ing £6 ss. yearly; Mary Marshallleft an annuity of 3os. of

road from Ashford to Faversham, 2 miles north from Ashford which 2os. is gi,•en to 10 poor persons, tos. laid out in
and 69 from London, in the Southern division of the county, repairing the tomb of George Marsball, if necessary, other-

hundreds of Chart and Longbridge, lathe of Scray, East Ash- wise to be expended in repairing the church ; William Brett

ford union, county court district and petty sessional division in 1704 l~ft a house and land, now producing 2os. for cloth-

of Ashford, rural deanery of East Charing, archdeaconry of ing ; Richard Brett left in I7II a house and land, also

Maidst{)ne and diocese of Canterbury. The church of St.Mary producing 2os. ; the above charities are distributed to the

il a stone building of early date, with some Norman features poor. Bricks and tiles are made here. A fair is held

and other portions in the Early English and Perpendicular here on July 6th. Bockhanger is the residence of J ames

styles, and consists of chancel with south chapel, nave, south Salkeld Burra esq. l!.A., J.P. The Earl of Winchilsea, who

aisle, south porch and an embattled western tower with a is lord of the manor, George William Carter esq. and

mudl turret and containing 6 bells, the first dated 1804; the Mrs. Billington are the principal landowners. The soil

1eeond and fifth 16o2 and the third, 1784 ; while the fourth is light. 'fhe chief crops are wheat, beans, peas and hops.

il inscribed :-" I H S, Est amor mens," with the royal The area is 1,391 acres; rateable value, £4,803; the popu-

&rms : there is a piscina in the chancel : the stained east lation in 1871 was 642, in r881 was 740.

1rindow is a memorial to Henry Tritton, 1877: a carved oak KENNINGTON LEES is partly in this parish and partly in
11ereen divides the chapels: the church was restored in 1878 :
and has 320 sittings. The register of baptisms and burials Boughton Aluph.
Sexton, Robert Head.
dates from the year 1671; marriages, 1673. The living is
a vicarage, tithe rent-charge /.,"227, net yearly value /.,"300, PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity &Insurance Office.-
Thomas Watts, receiver. Letters through Ashford arrive
including 7 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the at a.m. & 1.35 p.m. ; dispatched at n.Io a.m. &
Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since 187s by the Rev. 7.10 p.m
James Ind Welldon M.A., D.C.L. formerly fellow of St. John's

College, Cambridge, honorary canon of Canterbury, and WALL LETTER Box, Kennington Lees, cleared daily at 7 p. m

head master of Tonbridge school, 184s-75· Here is a Con- National School (mixed), with master's residence, built m

gregational church. 'fhe poor have /.,"8 ss. yearly, as 1872 & enlarged in r886, for 2oochildren; average attend-

follows: Henry Watts left in 16o2 r! acres of land, produc- ance, 176 ; John Charles Banfield, master

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Shingleton William Peters William Grice, carpenter
Smith James, Edinburgh villa Pledge Henry & Son, millers (steam,
Allchin James, Clydesdale house
Tutt Henry water & wind), Kennington mills; &
Billington Capt. John Wyndham J.P Welldon Rev. James Ind D.C.L. [hon. Victoria flour mills, Ashford
Pledge Daniel, farmer
Billington Mrs canon of Cant. Cathedral], Vicarage Pledge Henry, farmer, Bybrook farm
Wilkes The Misses · Shelling Robert, farmer
Burra James Salkeld J.P. Bockhanger
COMIIIERCIAL. Smith & Staples, smiths
Carr Isaac, Norfolk villa .Akhurst Joseph, Golden Ball "PH Smith J ames, dairyman
Back James, market gardener Smith James Millgate, Rose inn
Cbalmers Lieut.-General Sidney, Ken- Bellamy David, butcher Spice Charles, jobbing gardener
Crux Henry, grocer Stanford Thomas, shoe maker
nington hall Hill Thomas, butcher Tabrett Frederick, farmer
Tournay Edward, builder, The Lymes
Dennett Thomas Holthum Henry, grazier Watson Samuel, farmer
Knowles George, painter Watts John, baker
Dndley Francis John, Pinewood Martin Henry, builder, wheelwright, Watts Thomas, grocer, & post office
Young William, farmer, Ulley farm
Erbromhead l.ieut.-Col. Edward Ralph, undertaker, painter & smith ; & at
Boughton Aluph
The Lodge · Martin Henry, wheelwright
Padgham John, grocer &c
JemmettWm.Fras.Bond J.P.Spearpoint

Kingsnorth Stephen

Lapping Mrs

Peters Charles

Ruff Mrs

Saxby Henry, The Swiss house

Sherwood Frederick, Albert villa

K F;STON is a scattered parish, pleasantly situated on high Holwood Hill, in this parish, half a mile north-east, are

ground, extending to the borders of Surrey, about 3! miles traces of an entrenchment, supposed to have been formed

IKluth from Bromley and 13! from London: it is in the by the Romans, near which various implements of war have

Western division of the county, Ruxley hundred, lathe of been found at different periods, as well as Roman bricks,

Sutton-at-Hone, Bromley petty sessional division, union and tiles and coins: it was inclosed with three earthen ramparts
county court district, rural deanery of West Dartford, arch- and ditches, 2 miles in circumference, parts of which remain.
deaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury, and is In the parish is a well or spring of fine water, called

within the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan police. The "Cresar's Well," or the "Roman Bath," and forming the

church (name unknown), situated on the south side of Hol- head of the Ravensbourne. In x828, at Lower Warbank, on
wood bill, near the centre of the parish, ii a small and ancient I Bla<:kness farm, the remains of a circular temple or tomb

edifice of flint and bricks in the Norman and Early English were found, 30 feet through from side to side, the walls

styles, consisting of chancel, nave, north porch (added in being of flint and tiles. In October, 1854, the remains of a

x883)and a stone bell-cote on the western gable containing one British village, with a Roman villa built on it and the

bell: there seems originally to have been a south aisle, two remains of a circular temple, which are still open, were
rude arches with a square pier being built into the south found here. Some suppose this to be the Roman station
wall : the communion table, dating from the 17th century, 1 NO'IJiomaqus; and a club has been formed, called the "Novio-
bas a very curious cross, inlaid in wood, underneath which magian Society of Antiquaries," for its exploration.
I. inscribed" In hoc signo vinces "and" Ye Keston Marke:" Holwood, the residence of the Right Hon. the Earl of
the church was restored and enlarged in 1877 and again re- Derby K.G., l'.c., D.L., .T.P. is a mansion of brick and Port-

paired in 1881, and has 170 sittings, 40 being free: in the land stone in the Classic style, built in 1825, from the

churchyard is buried Sir Robert Mousey Rolfe kt. Baron I designs of Decimus Burton esq. architect, and is surrounded

Cranworth and Lord Chancellor, d. 26 July, 1868; Maria, ; by a beautifully wooded park: the south front of the house is

Countess of Dysart, daughter of Sweeney Toone esq. of 1 r8ofeet in length, and has a semi-circular portico supported
Keston, d. 15 Feb. r8l>9; Francis Hastings Toone esq. her by columns of the Greek Ionic order: the north front has a
brother, and William Lionel Felix, Lord Huntingtower, her 1 recessed portico with two Doric columns. William Pitt

IKln, d. 21 Dec. 1872 ; here also is buried Mrs. George Lillie formerly resided at Holwood, and in the park still stands an
Craik (Miss Dinah Maria Mulocb), authoress of •• John oak tree called "The Emancipation Oak," under which Earl
Halifax, Gentleman," and many other well-known works, Stanhope has erected a stone seat, bearing ·the following

who died 12 Oct. 1887, and to whom a handsome monument inscription, taken from the diary of Mr. Wilberforce, 1788:

of red granite has been here erected. The register dates -"At length I well remember, after a conversation with Mr.

from the year IS41· The living is a discharged rectory, aver- Pitt in the open air at Holwood, just above the steep descent
age tithe rent-charge /.,"220, net income f.,; I5S, with residence into the vale of Keston, I resolved to give notice on a fit
and 8 acres of land, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canter- occasion in the House of Commons of my intention to bring

bury, and held since 1881 by the Rev. Charles HowardWright forward the abolition of the slave trade." Keston common

X.A. of Lincoln Colle,ooe, Oxford. St. Audrey's, is a private adjoins that of Hayes, and is " an open breezy space, covered

chapel belonging to Lord Sackville Cecil, and was erected with gorse and broom and abounding in wild flowers, ferns

iD x88S ; services, to which the neighbouring cottagers are and bracken ; " it includes several large ponds and an old
admitted, are held here by the rector of Keston: there are windmill. The principal landowners ate Sir J. F. Lennard

J<n sittings: adjoining is a building containing a reading hart. D.L., .T.P. lord of the manor and the Earl of Derby
room, gymnasium and bath for the use of men and boys. K.G., P.c. The soil is gravel; subsoil, mixed. The chief

There are Wesleyan and Con~o-ational chapels here. At crops are wheat, barley, oats and beans. The area is 1,479

.. •


acres; rateable value, £4,8oo; the population in 1881 was ' WALL Box, Leaves Green, cleared at 8 a.m. week days only

731· :Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, 2nd district, Bromley
Parish Clerk, Robert Wood. union, William Watkin Edwards, Fern lodge

PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- National School, erected about 1855, for 121 children ; aver-

Arthur Purdy, receiver. Letters arrive from Beckenham age attendance, 120 ; Eusebius Sears, master; Mrs. l''~n­

about 7 & 9.20 a.m. ; dispatched at 7.40 a.m. & 3·35 & ces Sears, mistress

7.25 p.m. ; on sundays, dispatched at 3.30 p.m. The CARRIERS TO LONDON.-Russell & Co. of Bromley, & Carter,

nearest telegraph office is at Bromley Common Paterson & Co. daily, sundays excepted

WALL Box, Red Cross, cleared at 6.45 a.m. & 3.20 & 7.15 CoNVEYANCE.-William Lownds, omnibus to Bromley, four

p.m. ; sundays, 3.20 p.m Itimes daily ; also by Hayes three times daily

Holland Wilmot, Heathfield Edwards William Watkin, surgeon,

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. J ehu James Davies, Holly lodge medical officer & public vaccinator for

Anderson William Charles, Hill house Pangbourn Charles, 5 Leonard's place 2nd district, Bromley union, Fern ldg

Barnes Mrs. Grove cottage Parnell Wm. Fretwilt, Heathfield villas Faires Alfred, boot maker

Bishop Joseph, 2 Keston villas Robertson John Craigie, Priors GreenS. (Mrs.), the oldest established

Bolton Alfred, The Poplars Rogers Waiter, Raymond villa private tea gardens in Keston, Ivy cot

Bowen Mr8 Roots Mrs. Mark cottages Haslett William Henry, engineer, ma-

Braithwaite Stephen Nelson, Fox Hill ho Sewell Richard, Ashmore ho.Leaves grn chinist & ironmonger

Buchanan George, Tower fields Simpson William Frederick, Fieldhead Horwood John, King's Arms P.R.

Carter Henry Bonham, Woodside Standing James, Leaves green Leaves green

Chapman Mrs. Keston house Thompson Miss, Mill house Hubbard William, butcher

Derby Right Hon. Earl of K.G., P.c., Wright Rev.Chas. Howard M.A.Rectory Milner Henry, shopkeeper

F.R.s., n.c.L., LL.D, J.P., D.L. Keston Olby Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, I

lodge & Holwood ; & 33 St. J ames' Keston villas
sq s w & Travellers' club, London s w COMMERCIAL. PiggottReuben,Crown inn, Leaves green

De Zoete Charles, Forest lodge Baggot Agnes (Miss), dress maker Pring John & Son, lime burners, build-

De Zoete Misses, Forest lodge BlakeWm.Hy.L.R.C.P.physician & surg ing flints & small chalk orders by post

Duck Mrs. Heathfield villas Borer James, butcher punctually attended to, Leaves green

Dudin James W. Leaves green Borer Levi, builder Purdy Arthur, grocer, & post office

Edwards William Watkin, Fern lodge Bryant Mary(Mrs. },fruiterer &wood dlr Purdy William, wheelwright

Gainsford Joseph Sawyer, Leafy grove Chapman Amy Maria & Elizabeth Sawyer William, cab proprietor

Goodhart George Imson, The Limes (Misses), ladies' school Smith Solona (Miss), dress maker

Gripper Arthur Banks Cheel Amos, carpenter Standing Jas. horse doctor, Leaves green

Hambro Mrs. Percival, Ravensbourne Clutterbuck John, Red Cross inn Stracey William John, baker

Haslett Thomas, Phoonix house Crisp Edward, blacksmith Taylor Richard, farmer, Keston court

Haslett Themas Cyrus Duck George l''rancis, Fox hotel Vincent Samuel, fruit grower, Fox hill

Hill Arthur Dunmall Jim, wood dlr. & beer retailer Wail Thomas, jobbing gardener

HiH Mrs. Bradfield Eagleton Elizabeth (Mrs.), road con- Wheatley Richard, farmer, Old house,

Hocking Miss, Southwood tractor, Lea~es green Leaves green

XIDBROOKE is a hberty or parish, extending from the it has 1,000 sittings, of which 200 are free. The register

Herbert Hospital, on the Shooter's Hill road, almost to Lee dates from the year 1867. The living is a rectory, average

Green, in the North Western division of the county, and tithe rent·charge, £65; net income chiefly from pew rents

within the parliamentary borough of Greenwich, Blackheath £76o, in the gift of George Absolom esq. and George Dawes

hundred, Woolwich nnion, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, jurisdic- esq. and held since 1874 by the Rev. John Cox Leeke M. A. of

tion of the Central Criminal Court, Metropolitan police and Trinity College, Cambridge. Earl St. Germans is lord of the

Woolwich Police Court, in Plumstead district board of works, manor and the principal landowner. The soil is sand and

in the South Eastern Metropolitan postal distril!t and county gravel; snbsoil, gravel. The area is 750 acres; rateable

court district of Greenwich, rural deanery of Woolwich and value, £21,697; the population in r88I was 2,433.

archdeaconry and diocese of Rochester. The church of St. Letters through Blackheath. The nearest money order &

J ames is an edifice of stone in the Decorated style, consisting telegraph office is at Langton terrace, Woodlands road,

of chancel, nave, aisles, south-east porch and a north-east Shooter's Hill road ·

tower with spire, containing a striking clock and one bell: The children of this parish attend the schools at Rlackheath

the east and west windows and several in the aisles are stained: & Lee

[The names of the residents are given with BLACKHEATH.]

XILNDOWN is an ecclesiastical parish, formed out of I son M.A. Trinity College, Cambridge and chaplain of Tice-

the parish of Goudhurst, February 28th, 1843, and pleasantly burst union. A Wesleyan chapel of red brick was erected in

situated on an eminence on the Sussex border, about 2! miles 1885 at a cost of £6so, and will hold about :150 persons.

south-west from Goudhurst, 7 west from Cranbrook, 8 south- The Village library, established in 1855, contains upwards of

east from Tunbridge Wells, 6~ east from Frant and 8 north- 1,000 volumes. Bedgebury, a noble mansion about 2 miles

west from Etchingham stations on the Tunbridge Wells and east from the village and the seat of Philip Beresford-Hope

Hastings branch, and 7 south from Paddock Wood and Mar- esq. J.P. is situated in a fine park, containing extensive lakes,

den stations on the main line of the South Eastern railway, fed by the Beult stream. Finchcocks, built by Edward

in the Southern division of the COWlty, hundred of Marden, Bathurst, in 1725, and now the property of Edward Hussey

lathe of Scray, Cranbrook petty sessional division and union, esq. D.L., J.P. is at .present the residence of Mrs. Harrison-

Tenterden county court district, and in the rural deanery of Blair. Twisden is the residence of the Dowager Lady Smith·

SuttOI;t,archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. Marriott. Philip Beresford-Hope esq. J .P. is lord of the

Christ church, erected in 1841, is a building of stone in the manor of Bedgebury; and Edward Hussey esq. J.P. is lord

Gothic style and consists of chancel, nave, west porch and a of the manors of Marden and Shingley. The principal land-

western tower with spire, containing a clock and 6 bells: a owners are Philip Beresford-Hope esq. J.P. Edward Hussey

beautifully carved oak screen with doors and decorated in esq. D.L., J.P. Henry Campion esq. and Mrs. Doubble. The

color divides the chancel from the nave: the windows are soil is various, generally good; subsoil, sand-stone. The

qlled with stained glass from MWlich: in August, 1869, a principal products are hops, fruit and grain, with about the

reredo~ in Painswick· stone, executed by Redfern, was pre- usual proportion of meadow land. About one-third is wood-

sented.hy the late Rt. Hon. A. J. B. Beresford-Hope P.c., M.F. land, which is tithe free. The area is 4,797 acres; the popu-

in m~y of his daughter: the lych-gate, a structure of lation in 1881 was 862.

Kentish sandstone, enriched with polished Peterhead granite Parish Clerk John Mitchell Brown
columns and closed with wrought iron gates was the gift of ' .·
the same benefactor: in the churchyard are monuments to PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annmty & Insurance Office.-
Field Marshal Viscount Beresford G.C.B., G.C.H., K.T.S. d. 8 [Lette~s should have S.O. Kent addedJ.-Henry Mercer
January, 1b8y54s,uabnscdrLipotuioisna Viscountess Beresford: the church Brownmg, sub-postmaster. Letters arnve through Good-
was built and endowed by the late Marshal burst fr~m Staplehurst at 7·30 a.m. & Paddock Wood at 4
Beresf'>rd, who also erected a parsonage house in 1854-5: p.m. ; dispatch~d at 9· 25 a.m. & 7 p.m. The nearest

an iron vestry room has been erected by the vicar in memory telegraph office lS at Goudhurst

of a beloved sister and is used for the Sunday school, library ScHOOLS :-

andotherparochialpurposes: thechurchaffords4josittings, Endowed (boys & girls), erected in 1846, for 100 children;

313 being free. The register dates from the year 1841. The there are 120 on the books; average attendance, roo;

living is a. vicarage, yearly vallle from an endowment in the the endowment, amounting to £210 yearly, was the gift of
fundt~ and Ecclesiastical Commissioners, £413, with resi- the late Viscountess Beresford; John Mitchell Brown,

deuce and 2! acres of glebe, in the gift of l'hilip Beresford- master; W. T. Shepherd, assistant master; MisS Jane

Hope esq. J.P. and held since 1840 by the Rev. Henry Harri- Gosling, mistress



Infants', Riseden Quar ter, built in r8~9. f£o6r 75 children: 1 CARRIERS TO TUNBRIDGE WELLS.-Samuel Blunt tues. &
average attendance, 4 yearly by the '
0; & endowed With

·late Edward Bathurst, ofFinchcocks; there are no entirely fri. ; Robert Barrow, tnes. fri. & sat

free scholars ; Miss Emily Layton, mistress

P-amesmarted thusOreceiveletters through Buss Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper *Hoadley Isaac, farmer, Rosemary
lane .
Bawthunt & thus t through QQudhurst.] Cobb Charles, wheelwright

Beresford-Hope PhilipJ.P.Bedgebury pk Crundall Robert Bruce, dog keeper to Josephs Joseph, clerk of works to Philip

*Doubble Mrs. I<'limwell place Philip Beresford-Hope esq. .J.P. Beresford-Hope esq.l.P.Bedgebury pk

fHarrison-Blair Mrs. Finchcocks Bedgebury cross *Kemp George, farmer & hop grower,

jHarrison Rev. Henry M.A. [vicar], Dengate William, plumber Bewlt bridge

. Vicarage *Dives William A. farmer& hop grower, Kyle James, head gamekeeper to Philip

Marshall Mrs. Piles heath Stone Crouch Beresford-Hope esq.;r.P.Bedgebury pk •

tSmith-Marriott Lady, 'fwisden Don George, head gardener to Philip Levett William, farmer & hop grower, •

, COMMERCIAL. Beresford-Hope esq.J.P.Bedgebury pk Gatehouse farm

Barrow Robert, carrier *Drawbridge Charles, Post Boy P.H Library (Jn. Mitchell Brown, librarian)

Barrow Thomas, farmer · DungeyWltr.frmr.&hop grwr.Pattendn Penfold Henry, blacksmith

*Barton Thomas, farmer & hop grower, Dunk Albert, farmer & hop grower, *Pilbeam George, blacksmith, Stone

Combwell Marling gate Crouch

Bishop George, farmer Dyer Alexander, farmer Richer James, Globe & Rainbow family

Blunt George, brick maker & farmer Golding James, boot & shoe maker & & commercial hotel ; horses & car-

Blunt Samuel,carrier&market gardener shopkeeper, Piles heath riages on hire

Doorman Thomas, farmer Guest John, farmer, 1'1imwell farm Stanbridge Charles, butcher

Browning Henry Mercer, grocer, draper Hilder John, land steward to Philip *Waters George, farmer, Nursery farm

& farmer, Post office Beresford-Hope esq.J.P.Bedgebury pk

K INGSDOWN (near Deal), a hamlet of Ringwould, is an Stanley Treanor M.A. of Beechwood, Deal, hon. sec. ; James

ecclesiastical parish, formed in 1850 from the parish of Laming, coxswain ; here is also a coastguard station. The

Ringwould ; it is a pleasant and increasing village on the chief employment of the inhabitants is fishing. Kingsdown

coast, a mile and a half south from Walmer station and 2~ reading room was erected in 1873, as a memorial to Thomas

miles south from Deal, in the Eastern division of the county, Sydenham Clarke, of Kingsdown house, by Mrs. Clarke and is

lathe of St. Augustine, hundred of Cornilo, petty sessional supported by voluntary contributions. In a vaJley here are

division of Wingham, Dover union and county court district, the vestiges of an ancient camp, supposed to have been of

rural deanery of Sandwich, archdeaconry of Canterbury and Roman formation. Villa Veta is the residence of the Right

diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. John the Evan- Hon. Earl Granville K.G., P.c. The principal landowners

•gelist is an edifice of flint and stone in the Florid Gothic are Earl Granville K.G., P.C. Montague Foster esq. and

ayle, erected and endowed by t.he late William esq. Richard George Pittock. The soil is loam; subsoil, chalk.

"a cost of about £4,500 and consecrated in 1850; it con- The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The population

lists of chancel, nave, south porch and a western turret con- in r881 was 520.

taining 2 bells : the stained east window was presented by EASTBOT'l'OM is half a mile south.

ihe founder ; there are also four memorial windows on the
aouth side to the Curling family: the organ was erected in PosT OFFICE.-Joseph Ralph Turner, postmaster. Letters

1881, at a cost of £21 2 ; there are sittings for 300 persons. arrive via Dover 7.30 a.m. ; dispatched, 7.20 p.m. The
The register dates from the year r85o. The living is a vicar- nearest money order & telegraph office is at Wahner. Pos-

age, gross yearly value £ 204, with residence, built at the cost tal orders are issued here, but not paid

of the founder of the ehurch, in the gift of trustees, and WALL LB'rl'ER Box cleared at 7.30 p.m. & the same on

held since 1862 by the Rev. Edwin Badger B.A. of Queens' sundays

College, Cambridge. The Royal National Lifeboat Institu- National School (mixed), built in 18431 for no children;
1 tionhave a lifeboat and boathouse on the beach; Rev. Thomas
average attendance, 86 ; Robert John Peters, master

Granville Right Hon. Earl K.G., P.c., Dawkins Emanuel, farm bailiff to Mon- Pittock Richard George, farmer & land•
LL.D., D.C.L. Villa Veta; & 14 South tague I<'oster esq
owner, Kingsdown farm
Audley street, London w Erridge William Robt.Zetland ArmsP.H
Kingsdowo Reading Room (Rev. Edwin Pittock Richard George, jun. farmer,
~r Rev. Edwin B. A. Vicarage
Badger B.A. sec) Chalk Hill farm ,
DibUin Robert, Hill side Laming Henry George, over sea pilot,
Sutton Stephen, King's Head P.H
COMMERCIAL. 12 Cliff road
.Amold William John, Rising Sun P.H Turner Joseph Ralph, grocer1Post office
Pattison Leonard Thomas, dairyman Ward Alfred, chief officer in charge,
Bingbam James Richard, Victory P.H
Pittock Margt. (Mrs),grocer,14Southrd Coastguard station
· Culver Edward, lodging house, Cliff cot

XINGSDOWN (near Sevenoaks) is a parish and scat- late Edward Colyer and Charles Truwhitt esq. are the prin-

tered village, 21 miles from London, 6 south-east from Farn- cipallandowners. The soil is clay ; subsoil, chalk and flint.

ingham Road railway station and 9 miles south-west from The chief crops are grain and hops. The area is 2,813

Gravesend, in the North Western division of the county, acres; rateable value, £2,403; the population in 1881 was

Dartford petty sessional division, union and county court 4II.

district, hundred of Axton and lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, MAPLESCOMBE, a mile and a half north-west from the

rural deanery of Cobham, archdeaconry and diocese of church, was formerly a parochial chapelry and had a chapel,

Rochester. The church of St. Edmund, situated in a wood, now in ruins. PoRTOBELLO, half a mile south of the churcb,

is a building of stone, consisting of chancel, nave, south is a hamlet of this parish. ·

porch and a belfry on the south side containing one bell: the Parish Clerk, John Ellil1. 1

church was thoroughly restored in 1888 and has 200 sittings. Letters through Sevenoaks, arrive about 9 a.m. & 2 p.m.
The nearest money order & telegraph offices are at Farn-
The register dates from the year 1725. The living is a rec-
tory, with Maplescombe, gross yearly value £3oo, with resi- ingham & Wrotham

denca, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Rochester, and
held since 1 s85 by the Rev. Samuel Smith M.A. of Trinity PILLAR LETTER Box cleared at 12. 15 & 5.30 p.m.; sundays
College, Cambridge. Here is a Baptist chapel, built in 1862. at 10.15 a.m

Oaklands is the residence of Frank Sugden esq. who is also National School (mixed), to hold 6o children; average at-

lord of the manor. Frank Sugden esq. the trustees of the tendance, 45; John Labrum, master

Edwin Misses, Bayldon house Crowhurst John, farmer, Heaver farm. Pink Edward, farmer & fruit grower
Pink Edward, Portobello house [Postal address, Farningham, Dartfd] Pointer John, farmer, Manor house
Pryor William, butcher
SharpRev.JohnBishopA.K.C.L.[curate], Green William, poultry farmer Rogers Samuel, farmer & hop grower,
Jessup Sidney, wheelwright & hoop
L'rowhurst house Maplescombe. [Postal address, Fam-
Smith Rev. Samuel H.A. Rectory merchant ingham, Dartford]
Sugdeo Frank, Oaklands Kither William, Portobello P.H Whiting Thomas, Game Cock P.H
Norton Tanner, miller (wind&; steam)
Bodiam Wllliam Thomas, grocer

XINGSDOWN (near Sittingbourne), is a village and court district of Sittingboume and in the rural .deanery of

mall straggling parish, 4 miles south-by-east from Sitting- Sittingbourne, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of

bourne and 7 south-west from Faversham, in the North Canterbury. This place gave the title of baron (28th Aug.
Lstem division of the county, Milton hundred and union, 1858) to Thomas Leigh-Pemberton esq. P.c., Q.c. 1st and

lathe of Scray, Faversham petty sessional division, county only Baron Kingsdown, d. 7th Oct. :r867. The church of

}(. s. & s. 2!


St.. Catherine is a small edifice of Kentish rag, with Bath the manor and principal hmdowner. The soil is rich; sub-
stone dressings, in the Early English style, rebuilt on the soil, clay. The chief crops are hops, fruit and wheat. The
old site in 1865, at the expense of the late Lord Kingsdown, area is 704 acres i r~teable value, £794; in I88x the popu-
from designs by E. W. Pugin esq.; it consists of chancel, lation was 77·
nave, south porch and a tower with spire at the !louth-west Parish Clerk, William Kannard.
angle, containing 2 bells: there are IOO sittings, all being Letters are delivered by foot post from Sittingbourne a~
free. The register dates from the year I56o. The living is 7 a.m. WALL Box cleared at 5-30 p.m. ; Sundays...
a rectory, yearly value from tithe rent-charge £2oo, with u a.m. At Green Street, Lynsted, there is a. receiving
18 acres of glebe and residence, in t.he gift of E. Leigh-Pem- house, whiCh is also the nearest money order & telegraph
berton esq. and held since 1856 by the Rev. Houstonne James office

Hordern M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford. Edward Leigh- WALL LETTER Box, in Kingsdown Street, cleared at 4.30

.Pemberton esq. J.P. of Torry Hill, Lenham, is lord of p.m.; sundays, IO a.m

Hordern Rev. Houstonne James M.A. Rectory

XINGSNORTH is a parish and village, situated on the beans, oats and hops. To the north of the parish is marsh
land and to the south wood land. The area is 3,252 acres;
road from Ashford to Rye, 2i miles south from Ashford and
rateable value, £3,839; the population in x88x was 6o6.
68 from London, in the Southern division of Lhe county, including II5 in the Industrial school.
hundred of Chart and Longbridge, lathe of Scray, county
court district and petty sessional division of Ashford, West Parish Clerk, James Stanley.

Ashford union, rural deanery of North Lympne and arch- PosT 0FFICR.-Horace Brissenden,receiver. Letters received

deaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. through Ashford, arrive at 6. 30 & I 1.30 a. m.; dispatched
Michaelis a small and ancient building of stone, with some at eIgIr.a3p5ha.omff.ic&e 6. p.m. The nearest money order &
~pparently Norman details and other portions in the Early tel is 5a5t Ashford. Postal orders are issued

English and later styles, consisting of a lofty chancel, nave, here, but not paid

south porch and a low western tower of rough stone and
brick, containinl! 8 clock and 5brabsesllse:ffiignietshetochHaunmcepl hirseya The Kent County Industrial School, situated here, was built
gorgeous marble tomb, with in r875, at a cost of about£ ro,ooo, & an administrativa

Clarke esq. and Mary, his wife, six sons and five daughters, block & infirmary were added in I882 at a further cost of

dated 1579 : the church has some stained glass and in one of £7,000; the whole is now available for 200 boys; Earl
the northern windows a figure of St. Michael. The register
~tes from the year 1533. The living is a rectory, yearly Stanhope, chatrman; Robert Furley esq. of Ashford.
- value of cionmtmheutgeidfttiothf eGs e£o6r3goe, with residence and 20 acres chairman of visiting committee; Rev. Henry Furley,
of glebe, Furley esq. and held since rector of Kingsnorth, chaplain ; Charles Step hen Abbott
Atkinson M. D. surgeon; James Duke, superintendent~

r886 by the Rev. Henry Furley, of Merton College, Oxford. Mrs. Sarah Duke, matron: William Charles Church,
schoolmaster; T. Holdstock, drill master; Edward Clintoo,
The Bible Christian chapel here was erected in 1 s37 and re-
band master
built in 1879· Mountford (Monntford fielde, or Mumford),
half a mile south, was 8 seat of the Woodchurch Clarkes in National School (mixed), built in I867, for 90 children;
the middle ages and is now occupied as a farm house. 'fhe average attendance, 63; Miss Elizabeth Jump, mistress

Earl of Winchilsea and Nottingham is lord of the manor. CARRIERS TO AsHFORD.-Turk, tues. thurs. &sat. returning
"The principal landowners are the Haberdashers' Company. same days for Lydd; Longhurst, tues. thurs. & sat.;
'The soil is heavy ; subsoil, clay. 'fhe chief crops are wheat, ' Barling & Francis, tues. & fri

Furley Rev..Henry, Itectory Brissenden Henry, grocer, Post office , Maplesden Frederick, wheelwright

Redgrave James, Park house Brissenden Thomas, farm bailiff to John Maplesden Frederick, farmer

. W. Saunders esq Mills Elizabeth (Mrs.), grazier

COlllMERCIAL, J Bingham Richard, farmer Penticost George, farmer

.Andrews Stephen, miller (wind), baker HancockWm.Geo. farmer, Mumford ho Swaffer Daniel, farmer, Bond farm

& corn dealer Hart Stephen, farmer, Park farm Swaffer Dee, farmer & cattle salesman

Apps Henry, farmer Hills John, farmer, G.oa.tley farm Terry John, farmer

. Barten Edward, farmer, West Hawk Holdstock John (Mrs.), grazier Venner William, shoe maker

.Barten George, farmer Kent County Industrial School (James Washford Jas. farmer, Halfway house

Barten William, farmer, Taylor farm Duke, superintendent) Washford Jeremiah, (

Barton Richard, grazier KnowlerFdk.Queen'sHeadP.R.& smith

KINGSTONE is a parish, 3! miles north from the Bekes- The living is a rectory, average yearly value from tithe rent-

bourna railway station, 5 south-east from Canterbury and charge £394, net income £330, with residence and IS acres
86 from London, in the Eastern division of the county, hun- of land, in the gift of the trustees of the late Mrs. Wilkie, of
dred of Kinghamford, lathe of St. Augustine, petty sessional Ellington, near Ramsgate, and held since r884 by the Rev,
division of Wingham, union of Bridge, county court district Christopher Hales Wilkie M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford.

of Canterbury, rural deanery of East Bridge and archdea- Denne Hill, the handsome modern residence of Francis
conry and diocese of Canterbury, comprehending within its Julian Dyson esq. is 2 miles south-east from the church.
bounds a small portion of Barbam Downs. The church of The Marquess Conyngham is lord of the manor and princi-
St. Giles is a small building of :flint, in the Perpendicular pal landowner. The soil is hght and chalky, subsoil, chalk.
-style, and consists of chancel, nave, north porch and a low The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and hops. The area
western tower containing 3 bells: on the south side of the is 1,554 acres; rateable value, x,628; the population in 1881
nave is an arched recess: in the chancel is a piscina with a was 293.
wooden shelf and an aumbry : the north porch has a stoup : lLEDEN is I mile north-east.

the chancel was restored in 1873 and two stained memorial POST OFFICE.-William Oxley, receiver. Letters arrive from.
windows inserted by the Rev. Percy James Croft, late rector; Canterbury at 6a.m. & 1.30 p.m.; dispatched at 9·45 a.m.
the nave was then also new roofed: the restoration of the & 7.10 p.m; dispatched on sundays at 1. ro p. m. The
.ehurch was completed in r886, at a cost of about £4oo, under nearest money order & telegraph office is at Barham
the direction of R. Norman Shaw esq. R.A. architect: there The children of this parish attend the schools at Barham &

are I2o sittings. The register dates from the year 1558. Upper Hardres

Dawson Mrs. Rectory cottage Coltham Charles, builder Oxley Wi1liam, post office
Dyson Francis Julian, Denne hill Coltham Mary (Mrs.), Black Robin P.H Philpot John, Dog P.H
Pemberton Loftus Leigh, Ileden Croft C.J. Wanley,farmer,Kingstone crt Smith Henry, carpenter
Wilkie Rev. Christopher Hales M.A. Hodges Edward Thomas, farmer, King- Sole Arthur, farmer, Whitelocks farm
White Mary(Mrs. ),frmr. Pheasant's frm
Rectory stone Court farm White John B. miller (wind)
COMMERCIAL. Love William, farmer, Marley farm Wood Ellen(Mrs.),farmr.WestWoodfm
Miles Thomas, farmer, Denne Hill farm
Boughton Albert Edward, blacksmith

_KNOCKHOLT is a parish and straggling but pleasant by A. C. H. Chaplin esq. as a thank-offering for the recovery

village, 5 miles north-west from Sevenoaks and 2! south of his son: two memorial windows have also been inserted

from Halstead station on the South Eastern railway, in the to the late Miss Thrale and one by the rector to his wife: an

Western division of the county, hundred of Ruxley, lathe of organ was introduced by the late rector in I864: the interior

Button-at-Hone, Bromleypettysessional division, union and was thoroughly renovated in I863, at a cost of about £soo,

county court district, and in the rnral deanery of Shoreham, and in I 8&I a north aisle was built and the church restored

aTChdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. The at a cost of £I,OI2: there are 250 sittings, ISO being free.

church of St. Katharine, situated on an elevated spot, is an The register dates from the year 154&. The living was de-

ancient building of :flint and brick and was formerly a chapel clared a rectory Oct. 30, I866, tithe rent-charge £200,

to Orpington; it consists of nave of four bay&. north aisle, y~rly value £250, with residence and 4 acres of glebe, in

south porch fUld a tower containing ~ clock and 2 bells : the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since

there is .no chancel: the stained east window was presented r883 by the Rev. Frederick Havard Jones M. A. of Emmanuel


. •

~Cambridge. Here is a small Wesleyanchapel, built Norton, of 42 Manor Park, Lee, Mrs. Henry Turner, Thomas
in 1887, and Bible Christian and Calvinistic chapels. Miss Frederick Bnrnaby-Atkins esq. n. T.., J.P. Halstead Place and

Tbrale, of Ash Grove, Knockholt, bequeathed in Nov. 1858, Sampson Copestake esq. of Sherm~nbury Park, Sussex.
to ~e incumbent for the time being, an annuity of £25 and The soil is strong loam ; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops

.anolher annuity of £25 for a curate whenever one is required, are pasture and fruit. The area is r,701 acres; rateable
bu~ the last named sum is now equally distributed to five value, £4,100; the population in 1881 was ,6g.

poor widows 1 this lady also bequeathed £so a year to be Parish Clerk, Charles Staples.

speni each Christmas Eve in bread, meat and warm clothing PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity& Insurance Office.-
for the most deserving poor of the p!irish at the discretion William Forge, postmaster. Letters arrive from Seven•
of the trustees of the charity, and a further annuity of £so oaks at 7·45 a.m. & I p.m.; dispatched at 1.45 & 6.10
1owards educating poor children of both ·sexes in this parish p.m.; sundays, II-5 a.m
in the principles of the Church of England. On a hill in this National School (mixed), built in the year 1857, Ior 150 chil-
neighbourhood is a clump of remarkable old trees, known as dren; average attendance, 109; the school has an endow-
the Knockholt Beeches, which stand 770 feet above the level ment of £so yearly as above mentioned; Henry Withers,
of the sea and are visible for many miles: from this spot master ; Mrs. Rosa Withers, mistress
views are obtained of Chevening Park and the Crystal Palace •
and on clear days the dome of St. Paul's Cathedral is also
visible. The principal landowners are Earl Stanhope F.S.A. Omnibus from the 'Royal Oak ' to Halstead station twice
daily (week days only)

the Right Hon. Sir William Hart Dyke hart. P.c., M.P., D.L., CARRIER TO LoNDON-William Hemphrey, on thurs. re-

~.P. of Lullingstone Castle, lord of the manor, Major Daniel turning on fri

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bowen John, grocer & draper LewingtonJas. beer retailer, Park corne'r

.:Bowyer Geo. Hy. Hughes, The Grange BrameAlfrd. Stoneham, baker & confctnr Luetchford Thomas, boot maker

Collins Arthur, Knockholt wood Brooker Harvey, shoe maker Morgan Jesse, fruiterer ,

Higgins Edward, Portlands Carter James, blacksmith Morgan Thomas, farmer & builder

Hold~n John, Melrose Chilton James, grocer & fruit grmver Morgan William, bricklayer, Portlands

Jones Rev. Fredk. Havard M.A. Rectory Churchill John, farmer, Shelley's Nightingale Waiter, lodging house

Moon James, The Firs ConstableSamuel,farmer,Stoneing farm PitmanGeo.fancy dealr.Knockholt wood

Peppercorn .Alfred, Castle house Cope Richard, wood broker Pitman John, grocer & draper

Samson George, Elgin house Crook George, blacksmith Staple~ Joseph, builder

Smithers Alfred Waldron, Homefield Dale Wtlliam, fruit grower, & agent to Tapsell George, carpenter

Stevens Mrs the GuardianFire & Life Insurance Co Tree Thomas Benjamin, blacksmith

Swanston Alfred, Portlands Dugal James Dridge, farmer, Berlings Verrells Henry, saddler

Tafft John, The Meadows Ede Brothers, bakers & grocers Walkling George, Crown l'.H

Vavasseur James, Knockholt house Flint Thos.fruit grower,Knockholt wood Weatherly George, grocer, Berlings

Webb Henry, Beechwood house "Forge Alfred William, farmer Wellborn Robt.farmer,LettsGreen farm

Wh1tehead Robert Forge Wm. boot & shoe ma. Post office Wells Mary Ann (Mrs.), corn &coal mer

COMMERCIAL. Goldsmith Edward, farmer & fruit Whitehead William, farmer, & farm

Adcock Richard, road contractor grower, Blueberry · bailiff to T. F. Burnaby-Atkins esq.

Bennett Jas.Rbt. Three Horse Shoes P.U GOUGH HARRIET {MISS), lodging ho Park farm

BICKERSTAFF, ELEY &. CO. NUR· Graham Abel, fruit grower Whiting George, beer retailer

SERYMEN, FLORISTS &. SEEDS• Hemphrey William, carrier & grocer Wisdom James, butcher


& 5 New Bridge street, London E c Ingarfill Alfd. carpntr. bldr. &undertkr THREE HORSE SHOES), fruit &

Bond Henry, jobbing builder Ingarfill John, carpent-er pleasure grounds; good acC<>moda-

.Bond Jesse, wood broker Jessup James, farmer, Sundridge hill tion for private parties & cyclists ;

.Bond John (Mrs.), fancy draper Jones Richard, veterinary surgeon SPACIOUS CRICKET GROUNDS,

.Bowen Arthur, corn dealer Kemp William, Harrow P.H Woodbine villa

Bowen James, fruit grower, Harrow cot 'Leigh. Thomas, carman Young J ames, butcher

XNOWLTON is a parish, 5 miles south-west from Sand- D'Aeth family: the church was restored in t841, and has

wich, 73 from London, 7 west from Deal and 3 west from IOO sittings. The re;Sister dates from the year 1550. The

Adisham station on the London, Chatham and Dover rail- living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £99, net yearly

way, in the Eastern division of the county, Eastry hundred value £132, with 13 acres of glebe, in the gift of Capt. Lewi~J

and union, lathe of St. Augustine, Wingham petty sessional Narbrough Hughes D'Aeth .J.P. and held since 1877 by the

division, Sandwich county court district, rural deanery of Rev. James Roberts Holmes M.A. of Pembroke College, Cam-

Sandwich, archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The bridge, who resides at Eastry. Knowlton Court, a fine old

.church of St. Clement is a small building of flint and stone, mansion standing in the midst of a park containing upwards

in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, but chiefly of the of 300 acres, richly wooded, is the property of Capt. D'Aeth,

latter date and consists of chancel, nave, south aisle, north and is now occupied by W. H. Peto esq. Captain D'Aeth is

}lOreh and a bell cot on the western gable containing a clock lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soil is loam;

and one bell : on the north side of the chancel is a handsome subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats.

monument to the two sons of Sir John Narbrough knt. The area is 430 acres; rateable value, £707; the population

admiral of the fleet, who were shipwrecked on the rocks of I in 1881 was 36. Thomas Bartlett.
Scilly, 22 Oct. 1707 ; and on the south side a piscina and a Parish Clerk,

marble monument to SirJohnNarbrough knt. 1688,and Lady WALL LETTER Box: cleared at 6.15 p.m. Letters from

Elizabeth D'Aeth, 1721, and a fine mural medallion of Lady Dover via Wingham arrive at 8.30 a.m. Wingham is

D'Aeth; the stained ,windows are also memorials to the the nearest money order & telegraph office

Peto William Herbert, Knowlton court

LAMBERHURST is aparishand small town, situated arches on octagonal piers and the .chancel from its aisle h:r

on the Sussex border of the county, and on the road from three smaller arches on similar piers; within one of these
London to Hastings, 4 miles east from Frant station on the arches is a stone screen with pierced panelling, forming a
Tunbridge Wells and Hastin5s branch of the South Eastern large sedile, with a stone elbow at the west end; eastward is
l'Bilway, 8 south-east from Tunbridge Wells and 40 from a rude piscina and there is an early stoup, lyin~ unfixed :
}.Qndon by road. The parish is partly in Brenchley and the chancel retains some stained glass and a few m·mn-
Horsmonden hundred, Aylesford lathe, Sou'th-west Kent ments, but none of early date or specially rem:ukable: there
and partly in Loxtield Pelham hundred, Pevensey rape, are 550 sittings, all b3ing free, with the exception of those in
East Sussex, in Ticehurst union, Tunbridge Wells county the chancel and one faculty pew: in th3 churchyard is a
court district and in the rural deanery of South Mailing, very fine yew tree. The register dates from the year 1563.
arcb.deaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. The living is a vicarage, yearly value from tithe rent-charge

Lamberhnrst was form'lrly noted for its iron smelting fur- £6oo, with residence, in the gift of th;, Dean and Chap~er of

na.oos, in which were cast the massive iron balustrades Rochester, and held since 1834 by the Rev. Robert Hawkins
which formerly surrounded St. Paul's cathedral. The church M. A. of Pembroke College, Oxford. There are Wesleyan and
of St. Mary, situated eastward of the village, is a picturesque Haptist chapels : the latter will sea.t 300 persons. The
building of grey stone, in the Decorated and Perpendicular charities amount to £40 yearly, arising from house property
styles, consisting of chancel and nave, each with a south and cha.rgas upon land left in 168-l by W1lliam Wykes and
aisle, south porch and an embattled western tower of Perpen- distributed at the discretion of the vicar and churchwardens:

dicular d.'\te at the end of the south aisle, containing 6 b'llls: there is also a charge of £6 on the m!l.nor of Lamberhurst, left

t.he nave is divid~d from the south aisle by four Pointed by L!idy HamiJy;Dec. 15th, IJI2• to be applied to the edu-

K. S. & S. ~4*


eation of little children of the parish of Lamberhurst. hops. The area is 3,525 acres in Kent and 1,922 acres in ·.

Brewing is carried on. A fair is held here on April 6th. Sussex; rateable value, £8,449 ; the population in 1881 was

Court Lodge, the seat of William Courtenay Morland esq. 271 in Kent and I, 197 in SusselC

D.L. of Kent, J.P. of Kent and Sussex, is a building of the HoATHLY is 1 mile west ; CLAY HILL, a mile and a half

time of James I. pleasantly situated on an eminence in a north-west ; SANDHURST and MOUNT PLEASANT, 2 miles

park and commanding some fine views of the surrounding north-west. Scotney is a manor.

country. Scotney Castle, the residence of Edward Windsor PosT, M. O.&T.O., S.B. &Annuity &Insurance Office (Sub-

Hussey esq. J.P. forms a noble pile of buildings, constructed Office. Letters should have S.O. Sussex added).-

of native stone, in the Tudor style. Baybam Abbey, the Augustus Padgham, postmaster. Letters arrive at 6.40

residence of the Marquess Camden (a minor) and his step- a.m. from Hawkhurst & 1.15 p.m. from London & Ton-

father, Capt. Philip Green J.P. is a noble mansion of stone in bridge; dispatched at 8.55 a.m. & 8.10 p.m.; on sun-

the Elizabethan style, erected in 1870 from the designs of days letters are dispatched at II a.m

Mr. David Brandon, architect, of London, and stands in the PosT OFFICE, Hook Green.-Alfred Looker, receiver. Let-
midst of beautiful woods.
ters arrive from Lamberhurst S.O. at 9 a. m. & 2.30 p.m.;
The ruins of the Premonstratensian abbey, founded in dispatched at 7 p.m. The nearest money order & tel&-
1260 by Robert de Thomham and Ela de Sackville, and graph office is at Lamberhurst
dedicated to SS. Mary and Laurence, are situated within
the grounds, in the parish of !<'rant, Sussex: the buildings, WALL LETTER Box, at Mr. E. Playfoot's, The Down, cleared

when complete, consisted of the church, externally 257 feet at 9· 1 5 a. m. & 7.40 p.m.; sundays, 10.2o a.m

in length, and on the south side cloisters, with almeries, WALL LETTER Box, Lamberhurst Quarter, cleared at 7
chapter house and dormitories on the east, refectory on the p.m. & 10 a.m. sundays

south, and guest house on the west : the choir was apsidal ScHooLs:-
and the transept, 86 feet from north to south, had eastern
chapels to each arm; portions of most of these buildings National, erected in 185o & enlarged in I877, for 300 chil-

still remain, and close to the ruins and not far from the new dren ; there are on the books 180 children ; average at-
residence is a private chapel, licensed for Divine worship for tendance, 130; Frederickl George Jeffery, master;" Mrs..

the use of the family, dependents and tenants on the Bayham J effery' mistress
estate. The Rev. Francis Weldon Champneys M.A. of St. Infants', built in 1877, for So children; average attend-

John's College, Oxford, is chaplain. Grantham Hall is the anee, 57; Mrs. Henley, mistress
residence of the Hon. Lewis Alexander Ogilvie Grant. The Marchioness Camden's (mixed), for about 6o children;

principal landowners are the trustees of the Marquess Cam- average attendance, 4° ; Miss Morris, mistress

den, William C. Morland esq. n.L., J.P. who is lord of the CARRIER.-Elizabeth Putland, to Frant railway station
manorandEdwardHusseyesq.B.A.,J.P. Thesoilisvarious; daily; & to Tunbridge Wells, tues. fri. & sat.; John
subsoil, sand and clay; the chief crops are wheat, oats and Campaney, to Tunbridge Wells, mon. & thurs

PRlVATE RESIDENTS. Beech William Chester, Chequers P.H.; Looker Alfred, shopkeeper, & post office

Camden Marquess &Green Capt. Philip the prinC"ipal inn &has good accommo- Leveratt Samuel, Elephant's Head P.K

J.P. Bayham abbey dation for travellers Millen Michael, boot & shoe maker

Bacon Wm. Beadell, The Down house Boorman Arthur, builder Millen Waiter James, farm bailiff toE.

Ballard Mrs. The Down Boorman John, farmer Hussey esq. J.P. Scotney castle

Clarke ~'i.ncastle George Barlow lii.D. Boorman Thos. farmer & hop grower Milsted George, blacksmith

Cogge:rs hall Burrows Henry, organist at St.. Mary's Noakes Edward, engineer & general

Eastland Mrs Burt William Stephen, grocer & draper smith & farmer & hop grower

Frere Miss, Manor house Butcher William, farmer & hop grower Noakes Edward John, farmer & hop

Graham Thoma'3 Hore Campaney John, Swan inn, & carrier grower, Bewl Bridge farm

Grant The Hon. Lewis Alexander, Clarke Fincastle George Barlow M.D., Noakes John, farmer & hop grower,

Grantha.m hall C. M. physician, Coggers hall Furnace farm

Grant Miss, Grantham hall Dean ~'rederick, farm bailiff to W. C. Padgham Aug. stationer, Post office

Harris Mrs. The Grange Morland esq. J.P Padgham Edward (exors. of), builders

Hawkins Rev. Robert M.A. Vicarage East Kent Regiment (Weald of Kent) Padgham John Rd. builder, Hook green

Horan Matthew, The Mount 2nd Volunteer .Hattalion (Capt. Peerless James, plumber

Hussey Edward B.A., J.P. Scotney castle Edward W. Hussey, commandant; Perry Charles, chimney sweeper

Hussey Edward Windsor M.A., J,P. Serg. PeterJohnson, drill instructor) Pierce John Jones, grocer & draper

Scotney castle Eastland Edward, farmer &hop grower Playfoot Edward, grocer &c. & assistant

James Rev. David B. A. [curate], Manor FisherJn.frmr.&hop grower,Beech farm overseer & collector of rates &taxes

cottage Fitzpatrick Henry, tailor Prickett Sarah (Mrs.) & Chas. butchers

Milsted Mrs. Spring bank: Fullbrook Stephen, shopkeeper Put.!and EliMbeth (Mrs.), carrier

Morland William Courtenay D.L., J.P. Fuller William, farmer, Free heath Reeve Geo. Shrewsbury, grocer &drapr

Court lodge; & Oxford & Cambridge Fuller Wm.jun.farmr.Lindridge quartr Ridley William, beer retailer

club, Pall mall, London s w Graham Thomas Hore, surgeon, medi- Rose John, farmer & hop grower

Playfoot Jeffery, Down villa cal officer & public vaccinator, Lam- Selden James, farmer & hop grower,

Simpson Mrs. Stair house berhurst district, Ticehurst union Mount Pleasant farm

'fhornycroft Mrs. The Priory l Greagsbey Charles, seedsman Sharpe Thomas William, draper

Winder John, Brewery cottage Greagsbey Frederick, fishmonger SkinnerFanny(Mrs. ),frmr.&hop grower

Greengro James, farm bailiff to Edward Smith & Co. brewers, Lamberhursi

COMME.RCIAL. Hu~sey esq. J.P. Down farm brewery

Arnold William & Sons, millers (water) Gurr William, butcher Townsend John, farmer
Wallis Wm. Hy. builder & stone mason
Avard William, shoe maker. Hammond Charles, farmer & hop Wilmot Alfred Robert, miller (water)

Avards John & Sons, confectioners grower, Hoathly & hop grower, Mill place
Winder Arthur, saddler
Bailey Susannah (Miss), milliner Hoad David, George P.H Working Men's Reading Room & Insti-

Bailey Waiter, Horse & Groom PH Jeffery George, carpenter tute (Stephen Hawkins, sec)
Ballard John, watch maker
I Lambert Hy. brick maker, Hook green

Beech Edwin, farmer & hop grower 1 Le Grand Wm. S. manager to brewery

EAST LANGDON is a parish and small village, 3i embroidered, with a representation of the Annunciation to

miles north from Dover and half a mile from Martin Mill the Virgin, accompanied by various elegant devices and
station on the Dover and Deal railway, in the Eastern division scrolls, the latter being inscribed "A ve yra. plena ..
of the county, Cornilo hundred, lathe of ~t. Augustine, Ecce ancilla dni. .• fiat mihi secundum ~c. ; " and consider-
Wingham petty sessional division, Dover union and county ing its age is well preserved: a handsome hour-glass stand
court district, and in the rural deanery of Sandwich and is affixed to the pulpit : there are about 200 sittings. The
archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. register dates from the year 156o. The living is a rectory,
Augustine is a small unpretending structure of rough flints, commuted yearly value of tithe rent-charge £164 with 2i
in the Early English style, with some Norman remains and acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the trustees of
insertions of later date, and consists of chancel, nave, south the Earl of Guilford, and held since 1886 by the Rev. John
-aisle, north porch and a wooden turret at the west end, con- Waiter Ewing B. A. of New College, Oxford. Here is a
taining 4 bells: the ·aisle extends along part of the chancel, Primitive Methodist chapel, erected in 1875. Mr. Richard
but is very narrow and is separated from the nave by one Coleman, of Langdon Conrt Farm, is master of the West
arch, but originally by two rude arches of Early English Street and Dover Harriers ; the .kennels adjoin the farm.
date: the chancel arch is Norman and its details are singu- Lord Northbourne, of Betteshanger, is lord of the manor,
lar: on the south side of the chancel is a rude recess in the and the principal landowners are the trustees of the Earl of
wall, perhaps a credence; opposite, on the north side, is a Guilford (a minor), William John Banks J.P. of Oxney
kind of aumbry : in the rectory there is an old cope, formerly Court and James and George J eken esqrs. The soil is chalk;
used as a pulpit cloth, !!omposed of crimson vervet, richly subsoil, principally chalk. The chief crops are wheat, tur-



pips, barley &c. The area is I,o86A. 2R. 22P. ; rateable Dover, via Ringwould, arrive at 8 a.m. The nearest

nlue, £1,720; the population in 1881 was 307. money order & telegraph office is at St. Margaret-at-Cliffe
PILLAR LETI'ER Box, Martin Cross, cleared at I I p. m
MARTIN is half a mile north. National School (mixed), built in 1872, for 66 children;

• average attendance, under 6o; Miss Louisa Keene, mistress
Railway Station, Martin Mill, Frederick William Jones,
Parish Clerk, William Marsh.
station master
POST OFFICE.-Henry Finnis, postmaster. Letters through

Ewing Rev. John Waiter B.A. Rectory Fiunis Henry, blacksmith, Post office Prebble Elizh.(Mrs. ),frmr.Jossing block

Oakley Joseph John, Martin lodge Finnis James, wheelwright Prebble William, farmer, East Side frm

COMMERCIAL. JekenGeo.frmr.& landownr.Martin frm Rogers Stephen T. beer retailer, Martin

Coleman Richd. farmer, Langdon court Kirby George, farmer, Church farm Strand Edwin, Four Bells P.H
Usherwood William, farmer
IEUson Thomas, miller (wind), Martin Marsh William, bricklayer
Fmnis Fras. Nicholas, carpenter, Martin Nash Henry, Station inn, Martin mill

IWEST LANGDON is a parish, 4~ miles north from share have been held since 1856, and that of West Langdon

Dover, and If miles north-west from Martin Mill station on since 1872, by the Rev. Walter Hamilton M. A. of Trinity

the Deal and Dover railway, deriving its name from the Cvllege, Cambridge, who resides at Waldershare. Here

long down on which it is situated, in the Eastern division of are the remail}s of the Prremonstratensian abbey of SS.

the county, Bewsborough hundred, lathe of St. Augustine, Mary and Thomas the Martyr, founded in 1212 by W.

Wingham petty sessional division, Dover union and county D'Auberville, and colonised from Leiston: at the time of its

court district, rural deanery of Sandwich and archdeaconry dissolution there were ten canons, the revenues being valued

and diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. Mary, rebuilt at £s6. Benjamin Taylor esq. is lord of the manor and the
in 1869, is an edifice of flint, in the Early English style, principal landowner. The soil is clay and chalky; subsoil,

consisting of chancel, nave and south porch: there are about chalk. The chief crops are barley, wheat, oats and turnips.

100 sittings. The register dates from the year 165o. The The area is 7o6A. oR. 2P. ; rateable value, £899; the popn-

living is a vicarage, annexed June 28th, 1872, to the united lation in 188x was 105.

ncarages of Whitfield and Waldershare, joint tithe rent- Parish Clerk, Charles Castle.

charge £331, gross yearly value £400, with residence at Letters through Dover, the nearest money order & telegraph

Waldershare, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, office, arrive at 9 a. m. WALL LETTER Box cleared at 8.10

•ho has four turns to the presentation of West Langdon, p.m

and the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, who have one The children of this place attend the National school at

turn in fire. The united vicarages of Whitfield and Walder- I Waldershare

.Marsh John, farmer I Taylor Benj. farme-r, Langdon abbey

I.ANGLEY is a village and parish, 4t miles south-east the gift of Siduey Edward Bouverie-Pusey esq. and held

lrom Maidstone, in the Mid division of the county, lathe of since 1886 by 1he Rev. Henry Preutice :r.r•.a.. of Trinity Col-

Aylesford, Eyhorne hundred, Bearsted petty sessional divi- lege, Oxford. The Earl of Romney is lord of the manor

aion, Maidstone county court district, Hollingbourne union, and chief landowner. The soil is loam; subsoil, loamy.

rural deanery of Sutton, archdeaconry of Maidstone and The chief crops are fruit and hops. The area is 1,493

diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. Mary, situated in acres; rateable value, £2,236; the population in x88x was

a woody churchyard adjoining the road from Maidstone to 370. ·

Tenterden, is an edifice of stone, in the Perpendicular style, PosT OFFICE. -Alfred Reeves, receiver. Letters arrive

and was rebuilt in x855, on the old foundations ; it consists from Maidstone at 8.20 a. m. & 12.40 p.m.; di!!patched at
ol chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch and a western 12.45 & 5-45 p.m. & on sundays at 10.40 a.m. The
~wer with a small shingled spire, containing 2 bells: there nearest money order & telegraph office is at Sutton
are 130 sittings, 19 being free. The register of baptisms

data from the year 1664; marriages and burials from 1665.

The living is a rectory, gross yearly value from tithe rent- National School (mixed), built in 1885, for 65 children;

eharge about £4oo, with residence and 20 acres of glebe, in average attendance, so; Miss Rester Tennant, mistress

Harnett Charles, Langley lodge Highwood John, farmer & hop grower Reeves Alfred, shopkeeper, Post office
Prentice Rev. Henry M.A. Rectory
Shadwell Thomas M Hooker Stephen, steam ploughing & Savage & Town, brick makers

COMMERCIAL. thrashing machine owner & farmer Shad well Thomas M. farmer, Ratscastle
Chambers Charles, hop & fruit grower,
Hylaud Dennis, farmer, Botton's hill I Sloman George Kemp, wheelwright &
Manor house
Chapman John, farmer, hop & fruit Kingsnorth Thomas, grocer hop sampler

grower; & at East Sutton Ledger Cornelius, farmer & hop grower Sloman Richard, farmer & hop grower

Melhuish Alice (Miss), ladies' school Tolhurst William, farmer, Back lane

Nickel Alfred Thomas, boot maker Wisenden Charles, baker, Langley heath

LEAVELAND (or LEVELAND) is a parish, situated and her son Francis Herdson, by her first husband Thomas

mostly on high ground, close to the Ashford and Faver- Herdson. The register dates from the year 1553. The

aham road, 4 miles south from Faversham, 4 from Selling living is a rectory, annexed to that of Badlesmere, joint
station on the London, Chatham and Dover railway, and 5 yearly value from tithe rent-charge £400, in the gift of Earl

lrom Chilham station on the Ashford and Ramsgate branch Sondes, and held since 1884 by the Rev. George Bryaut M. A.
of the South Eastern railway, in the North Eastern division of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and surrogate, who

of the county, lathe of Scray, J<'aversham hundred, petty resides at Badlesmere. Earl Sondes is chief landowner and
lleSSional division, union and county court district, and in lord of the manor. The soil is light loam; subsoil, clay and

the rural deanery of Ospringe and archdeaconry and diocese flints. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and peas.
of Canterbury. The church of St. Lawrence is a small The area is 381 acres; rateable value, £513; the population

building of flint, in the Early English style, consisting of in 188x was 129.
oehaucel, nave, north aisle, with an arcade of two arches and Sexton, Daniel Godfrey.
a low pointed wooden turret at the west end, containing one Letters through Faversham, which is the nearest money
bell: in the chancel is a piscina with hood-moulding and a order & teiegraph office, arrive at 9.30. PILLAR LETTER
circular bowl, and there is a niche with shelf ou the north Box, near the Rectory at Badlesmere, cleared at 5.40 p.m.;

•1de: the church contains a mural monument of the 17th sundays 11.40 a. m
~ntury, with two kneeling figures of a lady in a ruff and a The children of this place attend the National school at.
youth behind her; these represent Mrs. Katherine Rooper Sheldwich

Millen.Miss, Wilgate house Levitt Wm. shopkpr. Badlesmere Lees Smith Thos. grocer, Badlesmere Lees
'i'heobalds .:\fiss Minter Tbos. farmer, Leaveland court Stanford Thomas, b('()t & shoe maker..
.Amos Henry, farmer, Colletts Record Alfd. wheelwght.BadlesmereLees Badlesmere Lees


• ••


• LEE .

1 EE is a populous parish and suburb of the metropolis, within Herefordshire, who died July 10th, x86z; here is also a

the Parliamentary borough of Lewisham, 6 miles south-east marble tablet to Lieut. D. W. Gordon, Bengal Artillery.

from London, xf west .of Eltham, in the Western division of killed at the Alumbagh, Lucknow, 8th Jan. 1858, aged 24·

~he county, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, Blackheath hundred The church was thoroughly renovated internally in 1882p

and petty seesional division, Lewisham union, and in the and holds nearly 1,000 persons, with 350 free seats. The

county court district of Gr.eenwich, Plumstead district board register dates from the year 1854. The living is a vicarage,

of works, jurisdiction of the Central Criminal Court and gross yearly value £5oo, in the gift of the rector of Lee, and

Metropolitan police, rural deanery of Lewisham and arch- held since 1888 by the Rev. Lewis Arthur Smith M.A. of

deaconry and diocese of Rochester and in the South-Eastern Queen's College, Oxford. The population in 1881 was.

Metropolitan postal district. In Burnt Ash road there is g,6o2.

a station on the Dartford loop line of the South Eastern Holy Trinity-is an ecclesiastical parish, fonned in 1863
Railway Company, and at Grove park (the south-eastern 1 from St. Margaret's. The church, situated in the Higll

extremity of the parish) is anothoc station.on the Sevehoaks road, is a cruciform building of stone, in a simple but ex..

and Tunbridge branch. The suburb is lighted with gas by cellent form of Early English, consisting of chancel, nave.

the South Metropolitan Gas Co. and supplied with water by transept, west porch, and a circular open bell turret of wood

the Kent Water Works Co. • at the south-west angle, containing one bell: each transept

The church of St. Margaret, erected in the years 1839-41 is separated from the nave by two Pointed arches, springing'

on a. new and adjacent site, in place of an older building from a circular banded column, with foliaged capital ; the

then pulled down, is an edifice of stone, in the Early east window and the western wheel window are stained; the-

English style, and consist.s of chancel with aisles, nave, aisles, font consists of a square basin, on a short circular base, sur-

south porch and a western tower with pinnacles, surmounted rounded by four shafts, and appears to be modern : the west

,by an open lantern crowned by a short spire and containing end is occupied by a spacious gallery : the roof is of open

a clock with chimes and 8 bells: the nave is separated from timber work: the tympanum over the doorway at the:

the aisles by arcades of five arches, on light clustered col- western entrance is a beautiful specimen of· carving in

umns; the lower stage of the tower forms a baptistery and stone, representing, within medallions, the six days' work

contains an elegant 100dern font, consisting of a circular of the Creation, and in the centre the Rest of the seventh;

basin, 1inely carved in coloured marble, resting on eight each of these medallions is circular, and about 2 feet ia

shafts of the same material; all the windows are memorials, diameter: there are sittings for 85o persons, 173 being free.

and the walls are effectively decorated with various scriptural The register dates from the year 1863. The living is a.

and symbolical subjects~ on the south side of the na\"e is a vicarage, yearly value £7oo, with residence, in the gift of

canopied tablet \o Harriet, Lady Drummond, relict of Sir Simeon's trustees, and held since 1863 by the Rev. Benjamin

William Drummond, 1837; and on the north side a similar Waiter Buckle M.A. Cantaur, and of St. John'S' College"

memorial to AdQliral Sir George Martin K.C.B. 1847; at the Cambridge, and King's College, London. The population.

top of the staircase leading down to the vestries (which are in 1881 was 1,6q.

placed below the church) is a brass figure, with inscription St. Mildred's is an ecclesiastical parish, formed May 1oth,1.

to Elizabeth Conhyll, ob. September 18th, 1513 ; near this is 1881, from the parishes of St. Margaret and Christ Church..

another brass, somewhat mutilated, to ... Byrde, tJb. 24th The church, situated on Burt Ash Hill, was built in 1878-9,.

April, 1545; and an inscription inclosed in a wooden frame, on a site given by Lord Northbrook, at a cost of £7,000,

to lsabell Hatteclyf, ob. 24th December, 1582; on the north and is a building of Kentish. ragstone, in the later Early

wall, above the stairway, is a brass with arms and a kneeling English and Decorated styles, consisting of polygonal apsidal

figure in armour, inscribed to Nicholas Ansley, butler to chancel, clerestoried nave, aisles, transepts, a western vesti·

Queen Elizabeth, ob. 1593; above this and supported by a bule or porch extending across the whole west front, and a.

bracket, is the kneeling figure, executed in stone, of a gen- circular bell turret rising within the east wall of the soutll

tleman bareheaded, and apparently of later date, and over transept, with a shingled spire and containing 3 bells; the-

his head the arms of Ansley, with helmet and mantling, well whole interior is faced with white brick: the nave is separ-

carved in stone and emblazoned. The churchyard is ated from the aisles by arcades of four arches, on column$.

spacious, though now somewhat crowded with monuments of red sandstone, with foliaged capitals, supporting a.

and gravestones, of which the most striking are two tall clerestory light.ed by eight coupled windows on either side,

memorial crosses, one of which, opposite the western en· those of the aisle being chiefly arranged in triplets: the-

trance, was erected to the Rev. George Lock M.A. for 61 nave has a wagon roof of wood: the chancel is lighted bf

'years rector of this parish, who died November l7th, 1864, five stained windows, divided by clustered and banded

aged 94; the other, at the eastern end, is to Lady Adelaide shafting, well designed, as is also the reredos, constructed

Emmeline Caroline Law, who died in 188g. The old church- of oak, panelled and gilt; five windows in the apse, three

yard is situated on the opposite side of the road ; a portion of in the south aisle, one in the north aisle, and the four win-

the tower of the old church, overgrown with ivy, still re- dows in the baptistery are stained : there are 700 sittings, ot

·mains, and upon its walls are several memorial tablets, one of which 232 are free. The register dates from the year 1881.

which is inscribed to Bryan Anslye esq. of Lee, and Awdry The living is a perpetual curacy, net yearly value [400, in

-his wife, 1594: at the extreme east end is an altar tomb to the gift of the Earl of Northbrook, and held since 1879 by

Edmund Halley LL.D., F.R,s. astronomer royal, who died at the Rev. Francis William Helder Theol. Assoc. K.C.L. The:

Greenwich, 14th January, 1741-2, his two daughters and population in 1881 was 2,328.

son-in-law; this tomb was restored by the Lords Corn- The church of the Good Shepherd, situated in HandeD

missioners of the Admiralty in March, 1854; there are also road, was erected in 1881 as a chapel of ease to the parish.

other tombs of considerable size to Sir John Call F.R.s., church of St. Margaret, at the sole cost of and on a site<

F.A.s. for several years :M.P. for Callington, 1801; Admiral given by the Earl of Northbrook: it is a plain building of

Alan Henry Gardner c.B. 1878 ; and to the families of Dacre, brick, consisting of chancel and transepts, a nave with aisles'J

Boone and Fludyer. There are 900 sittings, 250 being free. under a single tiled roof and a small open turret at the in-

The register dates from the year 1579. The living is a rec- tersection of the nave and transepts, containing one bell :,

• tory, average tithe rent-charge £338, gross yearly value the building is almost wholly lighted by large semi-circular

£470, with residence and 19 acres of glebe, in the gift of framed windows, placed at the east and west ends and in

the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1873 by the Rev. either transept: the cost of the furniture for the chancel

Frederick Henry Law M.A. of Corpns Christi college, Cam- and of the seats was defrayed by a special offertory of £ss6,
bridge, and surrogate. The population in 1881 was 5,824. contributed by the coNgregation of St. Margaret's, and th~

Christ Church, Lee park, is an ecclesiastical parish,formed organ was presented by Mr., Mrs. and Miss Barnes Williams:

.August 18th, 1854, from that of St.Margaret. The chnrch, the church stands in an ample space of ground, inclosed bf

erected in 1853-4 at a cost of £8,128, and opened 3rd a wall and oak fencing: there are 650 sittings.

September in the latter year, is a Gothic building of stone St. Augustine's church, close to Grove Park station,

in the Early English style, consisting of chancel with north erected at a cost of about £8,ooo,and consecrated in October,

aisle, nave, aisles, south porch and a tower with octagonal 1886, by the Bishop of Rochester, as a chapel of ease to SL

broach spire at the west end of the south aisle, containing Mildred's, is an edifice of Kentish ragstone in the Early

one bell : the nave consists of six bays, with arcades of English style, from 'the designs of Mr. Charles Bell F.R.I.B.A.

pointed arches on plain circular pillars, the southern arcade and consists at present only of chancel, transepts and one

being shortened by the interception of the tower: the east bay of the nave: the dedication stone was laid on Saturday,.

and west windows and ten others in different parts of the 22 May, x886, by the Earl of Northbrook: there are sit-

church are stained: two of these, on the south side of the tings for 300 persons.

chancel, are memorials respectively to Capt. H. G. Bur· The Congregational church, in Burnt Ash road, W'lLI

mester, 48th Bengal Native Infantry, killed near Lucknow, erected in 1874, at a cost of £8,ooo, on a freehold site given

June 3rd, 1857, and to D. G. Huntley esq. of Weston Lodge, by Mr. John Pound, and from designs by Messrs. Osborn.


\nd Rossell, architects: there are 6oo sittings. The Bible • •

The Working Men's Institute, formerly established in

CJmstum chapel, opened in 1884, at a cost of £3,000, is a Boone street, now occupies premises in Old road, opened in
bmlding of Kentish ragstone in the Gothic style, from October, I877, and comprising a library and reading'room

designs by Mr. William Theobalds, architect, of London, ou the ground floor, well supplied with daily and weekly

and will seat 500 persons. There is also a Baptist chapel, newspapers and periodicals, with club and committee rooms

tuected in 1874, with 200 sittings. above, and in rear a hall, well lighted, with seats for 400

ThiS parish has the privilege of sending one boy to the persons.

Free Grammar school at Lewisham hill, founded by the Here are extensive nursery grounds, the most important

BeY. A. Colfe. being those of Mr. Benjamin Maller and Mr. James

The llerchant Taylors' Almshouses, for the widows and Walton.

single daughters of liverymen and freemen of that com- The Cedars, Belmont Hill. the residence of Mrs. Penn, is

pany, were built in 1825, and consist of thirty-four houses, a plain stone mansion, surrounded by a park so acres in

surrounding a well laid-out lawn and g-arden, at the corner extent, crossed by the North Kent branch of the South

or Brandr3m road and High -road. There are also alms- Eastern railway; the lake is stocked with choice water fowL
houses founded and endowed by Christopher and Thomas 'Ihe Earl of Northbrook G.c.s.I., P.C. is lord of the

Boone, for twelve parishioners over 6o years of age, of which manor.

charity the Merchant Taylors' Company are trustees;. these The area is I,238 acres; rateable value, £I35,I39; popu-

were rebuilt in 1874, on a site nearer to Lee green. latioq in I871 was I0,493, and in I88I, I4,435·

Official Establishments, Local Institutions, &c.

tPoST, M. 0., S. B. & Annuity&lnsurance Offices, IO Burnt St. Mildred's Church, Burnt Ash lane, Rev. Francis William

Ash road (Lee green).-James Martin, receiver: letter Helder T.A.I!:.C.L. incumbent; Rev. W. Williamson B.A.

box cleared at 8, 9, 9·45 & 11.50 a. m.; I2.5o, 2.5o, 3.5o, LOnd. curate; u a.m. & 3 & 7 p.m.; wed. 12 noon; fri,

4·401 5· 15, 7, 9 & 11. IS (sats. excepted) p.m. ; sun. 10. IO & holy days 11 a. m ; last sunday in month & first festivals,.
p.m. 177 High road.-Frank Petter, postmaster: letter box 3.15 p.m.; during Advent & Lent, daily prayer at s p.m

cltared at8,,9.40 & 11.40 a.m.; 12.40, 2.40, s, 5.15, Church of the Good Shepherd (Chapel of Ease), Handen

7 & 9 p.m. 226 High road.~William J. :Francis, post- road; Rev. J. A. Owen B.A. curate-in-charge; 11 a. m. k

master: letters dispatched at 8, 9, 9.40 & 11.45 a. m.; 7 p.m. ; wed. 8 p.m. ; during Advent & Lent daily prayer., 2.5c, 3.5o, 4·45, 5.15, 7.15, 9 & II.Io p.m. (sats. at 5 p.m. & on fri. a second service with sermon at 8 p.m

excepted); sun. IO.IO p.m. t I24 Burnt Ash road.- St. Augustine's Church (Chapel of Ease), Rev. W. Black-

William Grainger, postmaster: letters dispatched at 8.40, more M. A. curate·in-charge; 8 & 11 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.;

9.30 & 11.40 a. m.; 12.45, 2.40, 3.4o, 4·45· 7, 8.55 & we1. n a. m. ; fri. I2 noon; holy days, 7·30 a. m. in sum~

p.m. (sats. excepted); sun. 10 p.m. 2 Weardale road.- mer & n a. m. in winter

Miss Alice Groves, receiver: letters dispatched at 8. 15, 9, Baptist, Dacre park, Rev. W. K. Dexter, minister; 11 a. m.

9·45 & 11.45 a. m. ; 12.55, 2.35, 5, 5· I5, 7, 9 & 11.20 p.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon. & wed. 7.30 p.m

(sats. excepted); sun. 10.15 p.m. only. Grove park.- Baptist, High road, Rev. Thomas Foston B.A. minister; 1.1

George Hind, receiver: letters dispatched at IO a.m. ; a.m. & 2.45 & 7 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m

1.30, 4.30, 8.15 & 10.25 p.m. (sats. excepted); g.3op.m. Baptist, Bromley road, mmisters various; 11 a.m. & 6.30

on sun. Dacre street.-Miss Elizabeth Legrove: 7·4o, p.m
8.40, 9·45 & 11.45 a. m.; 12.30, 2.45. 5·10, 7. 9 & II.20 Bible Christian, High road, Rev. w. H. Tickell & Rev. G.
p.m. (sat:;. excepted); sundays, p.m G. Hawker, ministers; n a.m. & 7 p.m. ; mon. & wed.

Marked thus tare telegraph offices. 7.30 p.m .
Congregational, Burnt Ash lane, Rev. George Critchley
B.A. minister; 11 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
BeJ.mont Park Lecture Hall, Belmont park
Boone's Almshouses, High road Wesleyau, ministers various; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; tues. .
Lee Cemetery, Hither Green lane, Lewisham, }?rederick W.
Smith, clerk to the burial board; George Fry, supt 7 p.m
.Merchant 'faylors' Almshouses, High road, Miss Eleanor
Willey, matron 8cHOOLS:-
Metropolitan Pohce Station (sub R Division), Lee green,
John Bonney, inspector, & 150 constables Middle Class (boys), Boone street; Alfred Henry Smith
Temperance Hall, Boone street
Working Men's Institute, Old road Taylor, master

London School Board, Bromley road, to hold 420 children ;

average attendance, 9<> boys, So girls & I70 infants ; J. H.

Heathcote, master ; Miss Williams, mistress

St. Margaret's Higher Grade School (girls), Old road, built

in I888 ; Miss Gwinn, head mistress

PuBLIC OFFICERS :- National, Church street, erected, with master's residence.

Assistant Overseer, Frederick Newman, 44 Brandram road in 1838; average attendance, 150 boys & 170 girls ; Henry
Collector of Metropolitan Rates, Thos. Hy.Horne, I8 Dacre pk
Collector of Poor Rates & Queen's Tax, Thomas Henry Wedlock, master; Miss E. J. 'froughton, mistress
Home, 18 Dacre park
District Surveyor, W. L. Spiers, 5 Lee road National, Hedgley street, Lee green, built in 1884, of red
Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Lee District, Lewisham
brick with Bath stone sills, at a cost of £2,380, for 183
Union, John Edward Buckland Burroughes, x64 High rd boys & 183 girls, with master's residence adjoining; aver-
Registrar of Births & Deaths, Lee Sub-district, Alfred
Cooper Cole, 223 High road; deputy, l<'rederick Newman, age attendance, :175 boys & 185 girls; George .Bazeley,
44 Brandram road master ; Mrs. Emma Young, mistress

General Relieving Officer, William Henry Glanville Infant, Church street, built in 1834 & enlarged in 1885,
Relieving Officer, No. 2 District, Thomas Dick Higgins, to hold 200; average atteRdance, 190; Miss Nye, mistress

Infant, HeJgley street, High road, built iu I871, for 180
children; average attendance, 180; Miss Harriett Hope

Cripps, mistress

256 & 258 High road; assistants : I district, A. 0. RAILWAY STA'l'IONS:-
Saunders; 2 district, F. W. Wybourne; 3 district, Spencer Urove Park, William Bowyer, station master
Burnt Ash Lane, Francls ueorge Giles, station master

Suneyor to Plumstead District Board of Works, Henry CoNVEYANCE:-
Tilling's omnibuses, from Eltham, through Lee to Black-
Woods; offices, Woodstock road

Vestry Clerk, Frederick Wicklings Smith, Belleville, heath, u times daily each way & 6 times on sundays.;

Black:heath park from ' Tiger,' Lee, to Greenwich every 20 minutes, from

PLACBS OF WORSHIP, with times of services:- 8.20 a.m. to 10.40 p.m.; from 'Tiger,' Lee, to New Cross
every 20 minutes from 8.10 a. m. to 10.30 p.m. ; sundays:
St. Margaret's (Parish) Church, Lee terrace, Rev. Frederick to New Cross ro.Io a.m. to 10 p.m.; to Greenwich,
Henry Law M.A. rector; Revs. Herbert Wesley Dennis a.m. to I0.20 p.m
K.A. J. A. Owen B. A. G. W. Griffith B.A. & C. H. Thomp-
IIOn B.A. curates; Charles North, 39 Turner road, parish
Isaac Chinn, between Blackheath, Lee, Lewisham, Wool..
clerk; 7, 8 & n a.m. & 3.30 & 7 p.m. ; daily, 7· 15 & 8
a.m. & 5 p.m.; wed. thurs. & fri. 11 a.m.; holy days, wich & London, daily -

7.15 & u a.m. & 5 & 8 p.m Gridley & Ford, daily, between Greenwich, Lee & London

Christ Church, Lee park, Rev. Lewis Arthur Smith, vicar; Kemp & Son, daily, between Chislehurst & London

John Gnbby, 36 Quentin road, parish clerk; 8.15 & u Thomas May, daily, to & from Deptford

a.m. k 3.30 & 7 p.m.; wed. fri. & holy days, II.30 a.m. Thomas Parker, daily, between Blackheath, Lee, Lewisham,

& holy days, 5 p.m Woolwich & London
John Styles, daily, between Wrotham & London

Holy Trinity Church, High road, Rev. Benjamin Waiter Thomas Parker, jun. daily, between Sidcup, North Cray,

.Bucke X.A. vicar; Rev. Waiter Waring H.A. curate; A. Orpington & London

Williams, clerk, 12 Weardale road; 11 a.m. & 3.30 & 7 London Parcels Delivery Co. twice, & London &; Suburban
&c. conveyance, three times daily, from London
p.m.; fri. & holy days, 11.30 a.m


376 LEE.

• Bayley Mrs. 55 Lee road Budden Capt. J. Banner cross, Grove

PRIVATB RESIDENTS, Bazely George, School house, Hedgley st park, Bromley road

Abbott Fredk. Chas-. 112 Burnt Ash hill Beagley John Thomas, I30 High road Dullard Thomas, I 58 Burnt Ash hill

Abbott Saml. Denham lodge, Eltham rd BeardWm. Tregarthn ho.69BurntAsh hi Bullifant Archbld.Geo.328outhbrook rd

Abbott Samuel, 43 Manor park BeaufortRev.Dnl.Aug;aJ.A.33Belmnt.hl Burdett William, 57 Manor park

Adams W. J. 93 High road• Beaumunt Mrs. Arundel house, I Bles- Burgess Capt. Jn. R.N. 24 Blessington rd

Adkin Mrs. Silvermere, I2 The Avenue sington road Burkitt Rev. James M.A. 12 Dacre park

Adlard Percy, The Grange, The Avenue, Bell Geo. Lyndhurst, 113 Burnt Ash hill Burley Miss, 34 Lenham road

Grove park • Bell Waiter, 29 Effingham road Hurnaby A. W. Woburn lodge, 40

Alcock James, 5I Turner road Belshaw Edward, 273 High road Burnt Ash road

Alexander Josias, Highleigh, Grove Beh·ille Mrs. 33 Quentin road Hurnett Alfred R.A.M.18 Church terrace

park, Bromley road Bennett Arthur, ro Belmont park Burnie Mrs. 28 Handen road

Allan Alfred W. 259 High road Bennett Charles, 32 Taunton road Burns John, 95 High road

Alien Albert, to Dacre park Hennett Jeffrey Lee, rogTaunton road Burnside Mrs. 2 Belgrave villas
Allen Edwin, 69 Burnt Ash road
Bentley Arthur, 137 High road BurroughsJn.Edwd.Buckld.r64High rd

Allen Hy. Holly bank,q8 BurntAsh hill BernauHy.Aug.C~.are h0.79BurntAsh hl Burronghs Leopold, I64 High road

Alien James, Io6 Taunton road Betteley Edward, 48 Southbrook road Burt Miss, 7 Dacre park

Allen John J ames, 53 Burnt Ash hill lleyer Fritz, I Corona road BurtonHerbt.Campbell,Leel'k.lo.Leepk

Alien Mrs. M. C. 34 Cambridge road Biddiscombe J ohnRobt. 76BurntAsh hill Hush Leonard, I4 Lenham road
AlienWilliamThomas, 8Lampmead road Bidwell Leonard, 34 Lee terra~e
Bussell John Hodder, r6 Ulessington rd

Allin JohnSaml. Wallis,35 Cambridge rd Biggerstaff John, 12+ High road Hussell T. Arthur, 63 Lee road

Almond Capt. John C.42 Burnt Ash hill Bingemann Chas.Herbert,72 Handen rd Butler Arthur, 10 Lee terrace

Alston Mrs. 37 Southbrook road Binney Mrs. 8 Belmont grove Butler Charles, 50 & 52 Lee terrace

Alwin George, ro Dorville road Bird Mrs. ro-1- Lee High road Butler Jas. Warwick ho. 82 BurntAshrd

Ames Edward, 27 Manor park Bishop John Sebastian, 247 High road Butson l<,rederick J. 22 Lenbam road

Anderson James, 47 Effingham road Bishop Waiter, 31 Cambridge road Butt Philip, 24 Dorville road

Anderson John, I6 Dorville road Blackmore Rev. William M.A. [curate Byard Mrs. u Marlborough road

Angell Miss, 7 Quentin road in charge of St. Augustine's], Ro- Byer Mrs. 109 Burnt Ash road ,

AngierC.A.B:enheim lodge,Eltham road borough house, Grove pk. Bromley rd Caldecott Frank B. A. 8 Belgrave terrace

Annesley Mrs. 4 Church terrace BlackwellPatrickThos.2INorthbrook rd Campion Rear-Admiral Hubert C.B. 8

Anson Miss C. 89 Burnt Ash road Blake E. F. Hellington ho. Chinbrook rd Marlborough road

Archer Henry J. 277 High road Bland Hubert, 2 Birch grove Cane Lt.-Col. R. R.A. 55 Blessington rd

Armitage W. I Douglas road Blenkiron Thos. Horn park,Eltham road Cann James, Eversleigh, 7 Corona road

Amold William, 3 Marlborough road Blogg Mrs. A. Redbrook, 59 BurntAsh rd Capito Charles, 9 Belgrave terrace

Ashby Algemon C. 63 Leyland road Blogg Waiter, 20 Brandram road Cardew Maj.-Gen. Hy. R.A. 20 Lee park

Ashley Richard Sidney, 7 Bromley road Blow Thomas, 2 Eton grove Carling l<'rederick, The Limes, Grove

Aspinall William, I8 Quentin road Bloxham J. 1<'. 2I6 High road park, Bromley road

Atkius William Joseph, 24 Handen rd Bluett Fredk. Raleigh, 23 Blessington rd Camegie General George F. Upnaghur,

Atkinson Capt. George, 47 Manor park Blyth Mrs. 33 Manor park 59 Burnt Ash hill

Atkinson Edward, Northbrook house, Bond George, 2 Eltham place Carr F. 46 Handen road

2 Northbrook road Bond Miss, 51 Manor park Carr Mrs. I4 Lee terrace

Atkinson JamesWhite,27Southbrook rd Bond William Henry, 3 Effingham road Carter Edward, I Eton grove

Atkinson Mrs. 7 Church terrace Bone Francis George, I 17 Lee road Carter John Bowe, 8 Quentin road

Auerbach Leopold, IS Newstead road Bonnaud Wm. Hy. 34 Southbrook road Carter Theo. Mapperley,56 BurntAshhl

Auerbach M. 71 Lee road Hooker Frederick, 8 Blessington road Carter William H. I r Bromley road

BadenochRev.Geo.Royi.L. D.3Pagoda vis Booker Frederick E. 33 Newstead road Carty Miss, 7 Lee park

Bailey Henry F. 3 Lee terrace Booth George Henry, 3 Lee park Cass Richard W. I04 Lee road

Bailie Robert, Radnor ho. Manor way Bousfield Mrs. 3 Dacre park Catling Thos. Stanley vi. I I5BurntAsh hi

Baillie Thomas J ames, 97 Lee road • Bousfield Mrs. 42 Lee terrace Cattarns Richard, Enfield house, Grove

Baines William, Grove vi!. Belmont hill Bovell Arthut·, Eversfield, Grove park, park, Bromley road

Baker Brackstone, 8 Belmont park Bromley road Cave Richard, Glantivy, 23 Dorville rd

Ballance Edward Kemp, 82 Lee road Bowden Miss, 33 Lee park Cavell John E. 'l'he Chestnut,Elthamrd

Ballance Miss, 5I Lee park Bowden Mrs. I7 Newstead road Cawston Rev. John n.n., R.N. Manor

Bamber George, 8 Effingham road IBower Benjamin,Langley, Eltham road cottage, Manor lane
Bamber John, 214 High road BowleyEdwin, Woodcot,ro9BurntAshhl Chambers G.l<'. 8 Eton grove

Banner E. G. Cornworthy, Bromleyrd Bowley Miss, I 1 1 High road Chandler William Alfred, I Pagoda viis

Barber Mrs. I7 Brandram road Bowman Robt. Sleaford ho.Marischal rd Chinneck Edward, II3 High road

Barclay George, 3 Blessington road Bowyer Charles Henry, 29 Belmont hill Chinneck Robert, 10 Effingham road

Barff Frederick, 5 Blessington road Boyes Col. W. J. The Ferns, 40 Lee park Chorley Mr,. 4 Southorook road

Baring-Gonld Rev. Baring M.A. (Assoc. Bradford~Iiss.Cairns ho.42Brandram rd Chrestien Edward, 9 Manor park

sec. Christian Miss,6Soc. ), 65 Lee pk Bradshaw Henry LE'e,4 St. Mildred's ter Christie J. Ernest, 70 Handen road

Barker Wm. Falcon, 12 Blessington rd Bradshaw Misses, Lilian house, 38 Christopherson Clifford, 44 Lee road

Barlow James Thomas, q. Belmont hill Brandram road Church John Christian, 14 Belmont pk

Barlow Miss, Park ho: I8 Brandram road Bramley John R. The Firs, Old road. Church Miss, 24 Lee terrace

Barlow Mrs. G. Chinner, 37 Lee road BrandonAlfred, ro6 High road Clapton Edwd. M.n.Towercrft.Elthm.rd

Barnaby Sir Nathaniel K.C.B. Moray Brandram Andrew, I Lansdown road Clark Charles, 20 Belmont park

house, Belmont hill Brett Mrs. 5 Newstead road Clark John, 299 High road

Barnard Edwin Stapleton, Wildwood, Brice Mrs. 20 Blessington road Clark Mrs. 7 Belgrave terrace

34 Burnt Ash hill Bridger Joseph Chas. I5 Taunton road Clarke Major C. G. I9 Blessington road

Bamard Thos. Holmesdale, Chinbrk. rd Briggs John W. 6 Etfingham road Clarke Ernest M.D., B.S. 21 Lee terrace

Barnard W. T. 76 Burnt Ash road Brind Charles, 2 Marlborough road Clarke Henry Thomas, I2 Dorville road

Barnes George, 28 Taunton road Brock Mrs. Octavius, 4 Belgrave ter Clarke J. W. 3I Effingham road

Barnes Mrs. 220 High road Brockwell Mrs. 69 Lee road Clarke Mrs. 6r Lee park

Barnes-Lawrence Rev. Arthur Evelyn Brooker Mrs. 6 Belmont hill Clarke Reginald, 243 High road

M. A. [perpetual curate of St. Michael, Broomham Wm. 32 Effingham road Clarkson David, 27 Newstead road

Blackheath], 6 Ehurch terrace Brown George, 43 Southbrook road Claxton J. D. 35 South brook road

Barr Misses, 44 Burnt Ash road Brown John P. 3 Guibal road Clayton John, Hough vil.6A,Bromleyrd

Barranca Count, Tudor ho, Eltham rd Brown Morris William, Isleham, Clement Geo.Sydney,27 St.Mildred's rd

Bartholomew Christopher, 43 Turner rd The Glebe Clendon Hugh, 74 Lee road

Bartlett Mrs. Elizabeth, 31 Dacrepark Brown Mrs. 208 High road Cocking Francis, I2A, Southbrook road ,

Barton Arthur,Femside,44Handen road Brown Mrs. 99 Quentin road Cockle Henry, 46 Southbrook road

Barton John, 2 Marischal road Brown W. H. Woodslea, Grove park, Colchester HenryS. IS Northbrook rd

Barton Mrs. 4 Micheldever road Bromley road Cole A. C. 200 High road

Barton T. L. 4 Lawn villas Brown Wm. The Firs,23 BurntAsh road Coles Frederick, IS St. Mildred's road

Bartram Miss, 103 Quentin road Browne Clement Jdseph, Sans Souci, 4 Coley Henry, 36 Handen road

Bass Charles, 33 Cambridge road Burnt Ash hill Collier Miss, I96 High road

Batchelor Albert, 70 Lee road BrowneEdwd. Montague, 85BurntAsh rd CollinsStephn. Elsdn.lo. II2 BurntAsh rd

Batchelor Mrs. 70 Lee road Browne Mrs. 37 Burnt Ash road Collison Thomas John, 2 Upwood road

Bates Joseph, I9 BP-lmont hill Bryceson Henry, 72 Burnt Ash road Coils 1<'. W. 17 O~berton road

Bates Thos. Carleton, I 52 Burnt Ash hill Buchler Paul, 18 Dorville road Collyer C. E. 7 Marlborough road

Bavidge Mrs. Fairlight,39Effingham rd Bucke Rev.Beuj. Wltr.M.A.[vicar ofHoly , Columba Mrs. 71 Leyland road
Baxter Mrs. -4-0 Brandram road Trinity], The Vicarage, viis . Connell Jas. Megville~ I 9 St. Mildred's rd


.JDlllHOTORY KEN1.,. •


Connolly Major-General Edward Joseph Dixon Richard, St. Fillians, TheAvenue, Feasey Fredl!rick, 41 Boones road

RJdgway R.H. Annadale, 34 Lee park Grove park Fedden Mrs. Olcher, 7 Effingham road

Cooroy Henry, 235 High road Dobinson Mrs. C. E. Cheltondale, 5 Felshof Mrs. 152 High road

Cooke Charles, 103 High road Handen road Fenn Chas. Eversden ho.83BurntAsh hl

Cooper John James, 49 Blessington rd Dodd James, 287 Hig-h road Fenn James, Asbley ho. Eltham road

CooperMrs.Uro¥e ho.Grm·e pk.Brmly.rd Dodson Charles, 13 Belmont hill Fenn Joseph, Glebe Hillldg. The Glebe

Cooper Mrs. Rokeby lo. 53 Burnt Ash rd Doggett l''redk. Wm. 27 Effingham road Ferraby Edward, 19 Lee park

Copping Levi, 4 Ivy terrace Dolton Mrs. 39 Lee road Ffolliott Nicholas, Preston· house, 54

Corbishley William, 43 Micheldever rd Dolton Percy W. 49 Lee road Burnt Ash rmd

Cordrey W. Mayfield, 78 Burnt Ash rd Dotteridge Jn. Bickley ldg. Eltham rd "Field Mrs. 9 Cambridge road

Cordwell Chas. M. Manor ho. Manor la Dove ;\Irs. 17 Manor park Field William, I7 Turner road

CorkeHorace,)Iarley lo. I38BurntAsh hi Dowling Waiter, 25 Effingha.m road Fieldinz H. R. 118 High road

Cost Edmund John, 40 Cambridge road Downes Mrs. 249 High road Finch Mrs. 3 Micheldever road

Coste Saml. Ravenshoe,142BurntAsh hi Downes William, Springfield, 6o Burnt Finch Mrs. l". 17 Dorville road

Cottell Charle.<~, 8 .Hromley road Ash hill Fisher William, 99 High road

Couchman Henry, I6 Lee road Downing William George, Homelands, Fison Mrs. 245 High road

CouchmanJas.G.Southwood,Eltham rd Eltham road Fitzmaurice William, I3 Newstead road
Couchman !\liss, 3~ Lee road
Drake Misses, Cheverton, I44 Burnt FlemingMrs.Stansfield ho.28Leylandrd

Coultas William, 16 Cambridge road Ash hill Flood William W. 192 High road

Cousins Stephen, I3 Osberton road Draper Mrs. Point view, Bromley road Flude James B. 66 Lee road

Coutey David, 3 Northbrook road Drew Edward, Mayfield, Chinbrook rd Folkard Edward, I17 High road

Coveney Mrs. 20 Taunton road Drew Lewis H. JI Newstead road Ford Mrs. I34 Burnt Ash hill

Covey W. N. R.N. Warmley lodge, 63 Drew Thomas, b Northbrook road Fortune Miss E. S. 123 Burnt Ash road

Burnt Ash road Driver Wm.Montacute ho.Marischal rd I•'ossick William U. 24 B~lmont hill

CowanWilliamP.Napanee, 52 Handen rd Dubei"ly Herbert, 53 Manor park Fo!tter John Collie, 7 Cambridge road

Cox Frederick John, 7 Osbcrton road Dugan Ed ward Thomas, IO .Hromley rd Foster Mrs 46 Lee park

Coxford Mrs. 6 Cambridge road Dugget J. F. 83 Lee road Foston Rev. Thomas B.A.. [Baptist], 41

Coxwell Mrs. I 1 Osberton road Duke H. R. Hemingford house, Grove Blessington road

Crafor Frederick, 2 Newstead road park, Bromley road Fountain John, 3 Osberton road

Crafts Robert, Glenthorne, Eltham rd Dumayne Frederick John, Cumberlow f<'owlerCharlesE.Springfield,224High rd

Critchley Rev. George B.A.. [Congrega- house, 114 Burnt Ash road Fowler l<'rancis M.I.c. E. 6 Corona road

tional], 18 Handen road Duncan Charles Un~ham, 8 Pagoda viis Fowler Henry C. 9 Dorville road

Crockett Charles, 11 Taunton road Duncan Mrs. Watson C. 42 Quentin rd Fox Mrs. 27 Dacre park

Cross James, 108 Lee road Dunk Albt. Tower ho. 137BurntAsh hl Fox Mrs. 25 Quentin road

Crosskey Ernest, 10 Newstead road Dunn Mrs. I6 Lee terrace Fox Thomas, Grove park,Bromley road

Croucher Miss, Goldburn ho. Eltham rd Dunn Newton, 57 Lee road Francis Horaca, 8 Church terrace

Crowe Mrs. F. E. IS Dacre park Dunn Ratcliffe, 21 Handen road Fraser Mrs. 12 Corona road

Crowfoot Jn. M. The Lodge, Church ter Dunstan Arthur P. Conway house, French Miss S. A. 16 Bromley road

Crump J. H. 10 Eton grove Eltbam road Frown Mrs. 12 Southbrook road

Crusoe G. Heathfield, 10 Northbrook rd Dupere John William, Hillside house, Fry Mrs. Fernleigh, 55 Burnt Ash road

Cullemore W. W. Montagne house, uo 66 Burnt Ash hill l''ry Thomas, II Manor park

Burnt Ash road Durham JamesEdward,23Effingham rd Fulham-Turner Mrs. Ellen, I5 Effing·

CullenMiss,Richmond ho.8sBurntAsh hi Dwiar Miss, IOI Lee road ham road

Cnllen Miss :M. Cornworthy, Bromley rd Eames Alfred John, 2 Dacre gardens Furze Edwin, Beechleigh, 56 Handen rd

Coninghame Captain Andrew, The Earland Henry, 3 Eton grove Fyson Fredk. Wortley, 6 Southbrook rd

Limes, Belmont park I<:arle Mrs. Brantwood lodge, 67 Burnt Galbraith H. J. Blairhoyle, Eltham rd

Cunradi Paul, Scorcola, The Avenue Ash hill Gale Fk. H. Trewinian, 24 BurntAsh hl

Currey W. F Percy vil. 88 BurntAsh rd Earle Thomas Benjamin, The Cottage, Uambledownes-Norris Mrs. Somerset

Dacres Joseph, 49 Effingham road 31 Handen road lodge, Manor way

Dale Miss, 14 Belgrave terrace Earp Edwin, 5 Weigall road Game Charles, 48 Lee park

Dale Mrs. I48 High road East Miss A. 46 Manor park Game Charles V. Holland ho.115Lee rd

Dallinger Rev. W. H. LL.n., F.R.s., Easten John, jun. IO Manor park Gamon Mrs. 101 High road

F.L.s., F.R.M.S. Ingleside, 38 New- Easton John, 98 Lee road · Uardiner Basil L. 38 Effingham road

stead road Ebbs Hy. Sutton villa, 8o Burnt Ash hill Gardiner Edwin John,47 .Hlessington rd

Daniel Colonel Samuel, 6 Leyland road Eckie Charles, 45 Effingham road Gardner Henry Willoughby M.n.Uuibal

Dartnell Henry, 79 Lee road Edlow William, 76 Lee road lodge, Guibal road

Darville Mrs. 44 Burnt Ash hill Edward Mrs. Peter, 28 Micheldever rd Gardner Henry Dent,25 Northbrook rd

Davies Rev.Fredk. M.A.I8Northbrook rd Edward William, 34 Newstead road Garman Mrs. Cleveland ho. Eltham rd

Davies Rev. J. Waite, 2 Bromley road Edwards l<'rank, 25 Handen road Garnar James, 5 Lee terrace

DaviesEdwd.Chas.TheCottage,Dacre pk Edwards Henry Winchcombe, I Effing- GarrettGeorgeMcBride,39Blessi~o-tn.rd

Davies Mrs. H. Nelson, Brpnte villa, ham road Uarrett 1\Irs. Spnnyside, 14 Handen rd

132 Burnt Ash hill EdwardsJames Thos. 21 Southbrook rd Garwood Frederick G. 20 Dacre park

Davis Arthur Owen, Newcombe villa, Edwards Lee J. Fairfield house, 29! Gates Wm. 'f. Cyprus villa, Eltham rd

126 Burnt Ash hill Burnt Ash road Gatrell George, 30 Dacre park

Davis Edward George, 22 Cambridge rd Edwards :Miss, II Belgrave terrace Gatti Carlo, II llelmont grove

Davis Henry, IS Bromley road Edwards William, 8 Micheldever road Gay Henry, II Newstead road

Davis Richard, 12 Lee terrace Egan Mrs. 14 Lee park Geans CaptainCharles,4 Northbrook rd

Davison Mrs. SI Lee terrace Ellen Mrs. E. Danescombe, "\Vinn road Geary James Oakleigh, 51Burnt Ash hl

Davisson Edgar, Melbourne house, 84 Ellercamp H. McD. The Rowans, 10 GeilingerJas.J.HighElms,Chinbrook rd

Burnt Ash bill Amblecote road Geiselbrecht J. C. .Beechdale,Eltham rd

Day Arthur James, 32 Leyland road Elliot H. A. 109 Lee road Gibbs Mrs. 12 Leyland road

Deacon W. L. I5 Lenham road Elliott Miss, 5 Southbrook road Gilbert Finden, 11 Handen road

Deed Alfred, 30 :\-Ianor park Ellis Waiter, St. Deny's, 97 BurntAsh hi Gilbert Thomas, 46 Burnt Ash road

De la Mare l\lrs. 249 High road Elsdon Robt.Highlands,I4oBurntAsh hl Giles Francis George, Ashley cottage,

Delpech George M.R. 15 Micheldever rd English Alfred, 53 Lee road I4I Burnt Ash road

Dennis Rev.Herbert Wesley M.A.[curate English H. Eltham lodge, Eltham road Gill Rev. Jeremiah Creswell M.A. Shirley
of St. Margaret'sJ, 2 Belmont park Erskine General Ueorge, 53 Lee park
house, The Avenue, Grove park

Dennison Charles, Fairholme,Eltham rd Etheridge E. J. Cestrian cottage, 7 Gilmour Joseph, 38 Lee terrace

Dent Mrs. R. C. Springfield lo. 36 Lee pk Wantage road Gingell Mrs. Clare ho. 8 Leyland road

De St. Da lmas Hy. P. Emeric, 8 Dacre p k Evans JohnE. Coverley,82 BurntAsh hi Gisby ArthurWilliam, 15Southbrook rd
Gittins ~lrs. 2 Weigall road
De Salis Colonel Charles Lawson, Stan- Eyton Miss, IJ Belgrave terrace

wick house, 14 Burnt Ash hill Fagg Herbert, 31 Southbrook road Gladwell Henry Wm. 114 High road

de'Sanhes Madame, 30 Lee terrace Farman G. 19 Micheldever road Glanvill Henry, I7 Lee terrace

D'Esterre-Hughes Miss, 40 Lee road Farman Waiter, 19 Micheldever road Glasscock Percy, 4 Belmont hill

Deutgen Miss, I Lenham road FarnallMrs. Wingfield house,Manor lane Glover Richard, Rusthall lodge, 143

Devitt Frank, 12 Newstead road Farnan Francis, Elmington, Eltham rd Burnt Ash hill

Dexter Re'\"". William Knibb [Baptist], Farrer Miss, 29 Lee terrace Goadby Cromwell C. 4 Handen road

n Effingham road Farrington WiLiam, IJ Bromley road Goater Mrs. 1 I Lee park

Diek Alexander, 41 Lee road Faulkner Miss, 6 Upwood road Godbolt John William, Brendon villa,

Ditcham Mrs. 26 Lenham road Fawsitt Richard, Meredith house,6 The 28 Burnt Ash hill

Dixon Mrs. The Laurels, 89BurntAsh hl Avenue, Grove park Godfrey Charles J. M. Audley house,

Di.Ion :Mrs. C. J. M. 55 Lee park Fearon Mrs. I3.J Burnt Ash hill I24 Burnt Ash hill

378 LEE. KEKT.

Gold Charles Edward, 97 High roaa Hawtrey Walter, Burnham villa, 68 Hurter Chas. Eli lodge, 62 Burnt Ash rd
Goodban Albert, I6 Belmont park .Burnt Ash road
Hutchings Alfred B. I3 St. Mildred's rd

Goodchap Ml'!l. Roseneath, Bromley rd Hay T. W. Littleton, 44 Southbrook rd Hutchinson G-eorge, 4 Lenham road

Goodchild Mrs. I03 Lee road Hayfield Henry, I Sophia cottages Ide William, 2 Dorville road

Gordon Lewis, IS Belmont park . Hayter Mrs. 12 Marlborough road Ilsley George, IS Dorville road

Goslin John, nr Lee road ·Heard William, 6 Dacre park Inglefield Frederick, 33 Southbrook rd

Gosling Mrs. 20 Micheldever road Heath Henry George, 14 Northbrook rd Inskipp Jas. Oakdene, 93 Burnt Ash hl

Gould Mrs. Winds point, 3 Winu road . Heath Mrs. 21 Cambridge road IsaacsLioncl,Moray house,36 Leyland rd

Graham Henry John, 22 Micheldever rd Heathcote George, 19 Handen road Isherwoodltbt. Oaklands,99 BurntAsh hi

Grant Miss, 40 Dacre·park Heffernan Geo. H. Dacre cot. Eton gro Ismay Capt. John S. 37 Lee terrace

Grantham Mrs. 14 Taunton road Helder Rev. Franci;; William T.A.K.C.L. Jackson Edward, 6I Leyland road

Graves Edward, 38 Dacre park [incumbent of St. Mildred'sl, The Jackson Miss, 14 Brandram road
Gray J. W. Orlebar, 102 Burnt Ash rd Parsonage, St. Mildred's road~
Jackson Mrs. 26 Belmont park

Gray Mrs. 57 Quentin road Hemmerde Harry George, IS Lee park Jackson Mrs. Henry, 33 Lee terrace

Greaves Thomas, u Southbrook road Henderson J. W. 13 Eton grove Jackson Mrs. J. B. 20 Northbrook road

(lreen Henry M.R.c.s.Eng. Sheppy ho. Henderson John G. I3 Dacre park Jackson Robt. The Grove, Belmont hill

88 Burnt Ash hill Henderson Miss, 5 Belgrave terrace Jacob Mrs. 6 Pagoda villas

Green Miss, Cedar house, Old road Henderson Rbt.Ledcameroch,Eltham rd Jahn John George, Chesham lodge,

Green Mrs. J. G. Ash grove, The Glebe Henderson Wm. Knapp, 9 Belmont pk 71 Burnt Ash hill

Greenaway Arthur, 79 Burnt Ash road Henniker John, 34 Handen road JayGeo.H. Camden vil. 110 Burnt Ash bl

Greene Alex. M. 2 The AvPn. Grove pk Henning Wilton, roo Burnt Ash road Jeffery Frederick, 253 High road

GreerW.J.P.w.n.mdia,36Southbrook rd Henricho Theodore, Carlton lodge, El- Jenner Miss E. 22 Dacre park

Greeves Mrs. 2B Effingham road tham road Jeula Henry, 16 Manor park

Gregory George, ro8 Burnt Ash hill Herbert Miss G. H. r Belgrave terrace Johnson Capt. Charles, Boxwood, 36

Gregory Miss, 89 Lee road Herring Chas. Lestock ho. Leyland rd Burnt Ash hill

Grew Nathaniel, I9 Belmont park Hersee Frank, 69 Leyland road Johnson Rev. Andrew M. A., F.J•. s. (head

Grierson Sir Alexander Davidson hart. Hersee Henry, Io2 High road master St. Olave's Grammar school,

Sunnydale, The Avenue Hersee Waiter, I8 Etlingham road Southwark), S Belmont grove

Griffin T. PoultneyF.R.G.s. Raby house. Hesse Frederick Charles, 23 Manor pk Johnson Mrs. 10 Corona road

Leyland road Hewitt Mrs. '16 Burnt Ash hill Johnson Sidney E. 18 Corona road

Grobecker Mrs. R. 83 Burnt Ash road Hicks George M. I66 High road J ohnston Frederick, 52 Manor park

Grounds Mrs. us High road Hickson Chas. Havelock vil. I2I High rd Jonas Mrs. Cordova ho. 7S Burnt Ash bl

Grove Philip, 21 Lee park Higgin Mrs. Kimbolton, 62 Burnt Ash hi J onesGeo. Mellersh M.A.13oBurnt Ash hl

Grover F. 14 Osberton road Higham Hy.Stratton vil.52Burnt Ash rd Jones Griffiths, 8 Handen road

Groves William, 28 Manor park Htgbam Mrs. H; M. 105 Burnt Ash rd Jones Howard C. Craythorne, Grove

Grundy Rev. George, I6 Effingham rd Hill Major Herbert, so Lee park park, Bromley road

Haig Alex. M.A., M.D. Woodcroft, Grove Hill Charles, 13 Southbrook road JonesRicbd.T. Chessington, I6Handen rd
Hill W. E. 56 Lee·road .
park, Bromley road Joyce Mrs. 39 Quentin road ·

Hainze John, Lorraine villas, 98 Burnt Billiard J. A. The Oaks, Chinbrook rd Joyce Septimus C. Oatlands, 38 Burnt

Ash road Hills llenjamin, 26 Belmont hill · Ash bill

Hale Frederick Martin, 2 Amblecote rd Hills Henry, 6 Northbrook road Joyner Mrs. so Southbrook road

Hale Miss, ro Belmont grove Hills Mtss, 87 Lee road J udd J ames, 2 Sovbia cottages

Hall Miss R. J. 4 Osberton road Hilton John, 52 Soutbbrook road Judge George, 6 Micheldever road .

Hall Mrs. no High road Hilyard Mrs. 5 Dacre park Kall Edmund, 27 Handen road

HallidayGen.Jn.G-ustavus,sBelmontpk Hinton T. A. 18 Micheldever road Keeble Walter, I7 Handen road

Halliday Mrs. J. M. 17 Belmont park Hoare H. G. Cleveland, Leyland road Keell A. E. II2 High road

Halsey Mrs. S. C. 305 High road Hobson Arthur, 70 .Burnt Ash hill Keen Percy, 34 Manor park

Haly Geo. S. Sydneyvil.74 Burnt Ash hl Hockley Thos. Ovington ldg. Eltham rd Keen T. R. Wilton lodge, 26s High rd

Ham Frederick, 24 Southbrook road Hodge Mrs. I6 Newstead road Kelly Charles, 26 Cambridge road

Hambidge William, I72 High road Hodges Alfred, 42 Burnt Ash road Kelly James R, 2 Handen road

Hampson G. F. 9 Dacre park Holdaway Charles, 27 Belmont hill Kelly William IBA, Belmont park

Hancock Charles, 24 Newstead road Hole Mrs. 11 Blessington road Kemp John Dewson, Parkfield, Grove

Hancock Mrs. E. B. Woodlands, 39 Hollebone Waiter, 47 Lee road park, Bromley road

Burnt Ash road Hollis Chas. Hazelwood, 6o Handen rd Kendall The Misses, 160 Burnt Ash hill

Hansen C. P. 16 Southbrook road Holmans Stephen Edwd. 9 Wantage rd Kennard Richard, 74 Handen road

Harbord Rev. John Bradley M. A. [chap- Honeywill Mrs.Rossino,166 BurntAsh hi Kent Francis, Dullingham,Chinbrook rd

lain of Greenwich Hospital], ISO Hooker Miss, 23 Belmont hill Kent Thos. Garston vi!. 64 Burm. Ash rd

Burnt Ash hill Hookey Mrs. 27 Lee terrace Kentish Wm. Geo. Elm vil. The Glebe

Hards !<'rank W. n Cambridge road Hooper Charles, The Gables,Wantage rd Kenward J amesTurle, 26 Micheldever rcl

Hare Mrs. 21 Effingham road Hooper Miss, 29 Southbrook road Kerr David, 4 Taunton road

Hare Mrs. 59 Lee road Hopcraft G-eo. Melbourne ho. Eltham rd Kersey R~bert, Hurst lodge, High road

Hargan Philip, Oakhurst, 147 Burnt Hopkirk Mrs. 128 Burnt Ash hill Kershaw Noel, 12 Amblecote road

Ash hill Hopwood C. J. 46 Brandram road Kidd Josephu.n.Brooklands,:Manor way

Hargrave Arthur, 6 Manor park Horn W. 17 Lee park Kimpton Miss, 101 .Burnt Ash road

Harris Gordon, 65 Quentin road Hornby Mrs. St. Alban's villa, 68 Burnt Kindon Chas. J. Lacklands, Eltham rd

Harris Harry, G-oddington, I54 Burnt Ash hill King Arthur, 28 Southbrook road·

Ash hill Horne Neal Flower, Bucklebury, Io King William Hull, 40 Newstead road

Harris Miss, 4 Belmont grove Brandram road Kingsford Charles T. 7 Birch grove

Harris Miss, 6 Weigall road Horwood Francis, 87 Burnt Ash road Kirby-Johnson J. R. Cumballa, J45

Harrison .Archibald Stewart, Burgoyne Housdon Thomas A. 289 High road Burnt Ash hill

cottage, 2 Corona road Howard James, 21 Burnt Ash road Kirton Walter, Walton ldg. Eltham rd

Harrison Arthur, 40 Effingham road Howard James Emerson, Summerhill Kirwan Mrs.St.Marie, 133 BurntAsh hill

Harrison Edward, 66 Quentin road house, 16 Burnt Ash hill Knatchbull Mrs. 3 Weigall road

Harryman Edmnnd, 48 Burnt Ash bill Howard Mrs. W. Ryde villa, 50 Burnt Kni~ht Mrs. 3 Cambrid,5e road

Hart Algernon M. I9 Newstead road Ash road Knight G-eorge L. 23 Dacre park

Hart F. H. 3 Brandram road Howard William, 26 Effingham road Knott Fredk. The Laurels, Eltham road

Hart Joseph l''rederick, 157 High road HoweRev.Geo.Oak view,1o2BurntAshhl Knott John, Brickfield cot. Burnt Ash hl

Hartigan Charles Stewart, 9 Lee park Howe H. G. 38 Cambridge road Koppenhagen Joseph, Ely villa, ·SA,.

Hartley John, 15 Blessington road Howe John Foster, 5 St. Mildred's road Bromley road .

Hartmann Aug. The Lindens, 54 Lee pk HowellAlfd.GrovePark ho.Chinbrook rd Lacey Arth. Wm. Swiss cot. Dacre prk

Harvey Charles James, Haydon house, Howell John Davis, I Dacre gardens Lacey Frederick Henry M.A. Clydesdale

87 Burnt Ash hill Howell Joseph, I Bromley road house, 93 Lee road

. Harvey S. Smith, 41 Manor park Howell Richard, 2 Lenham road Lack Edward, 43 Effingham road

Hasleburst W. H. Thornden, 72 Burnt Hubbard D. J. Holly bank, Eltham rd Lamb James D. 20 Lenham road

Ash hill Hubbard Miss, Holly bank, Eltbam rd LambMisses,Alexandra ho.Chinbrook rd

Hatchett Miss, 86 Lee road Rubble E. H. 222 High road Lamb Mrs. 36 Southbrook road

Hawken Rev. C. G. [Bible Christian], Huddleston Miss, 25 Blessington road Lambert James, 107 High road

283 High road Hudson Chas. Tandlemuir,Leyland road Lambley G-eorge L. 13 Lee park

Hawken Miss, 301 High road Hugall Mrs. Simla house, 44 Lee park Lane Alfred, 31 Burnt Ash road

Hawker Edwin, 59 Blessington road Huggett William, 6 Ivy terrace Langridge Walter B. 3 Amblecote road

Hawkins Alfred Templeton J.P., n.L. Hunt Mrs. Rossmore, Eltham road Lankester John, 9 Marlborough road

32 Lee terrace Hunter Mrs. 15 Church terrace Lark E. 26 Leyland road


LarkinFdk. Geo. Cra\"en ho. Chinbrook rd Macdonald Donald, 5 Effingham road Nash John, 7 Taunton road
Larking John Wingfield D.L., l.P. The McGachen Col. A. H. H. 5 Osberton rd Nash Thomas James, 54 Manor park
Firs, Old road
Mack A.rthur, I2 Leyland road Neats William, The Hollies, Eltham rd

Later J. C. 2 Micheldever road McKenny Mrs. 4 Lee road Needham Col. John Layland, 18, 21:,

Latter Mrs. r6 Belmont hill Mackenzie Mrs. 2 Douglas road 22 & 24 Manor park

Lavers Clifton, 37 Blessington road Mackley Geo. T. Harrowfield,Eltham rd Newberry Thomas Stephen, 295 High rd

Layers Thomas Francis, 275 High road Macklin Ml't'l. 43 Burnt Ash road Newbery Alfred, I9 Southbrook road

Lavers Thomas Howard, 12 Belmont la MacLean Miss, C'amden lodge, 7 & 9 Newbery R. L. 23 Southbrook rood
Law Rev. Fredk. Hy. M.A. [rector of St. Blessington road
Newington Mrs. 8 Lee terrace

Margaret's], The Rectory, The Glebe McLure Charles, 9 Bromley road Newman Frederick, 44 Brandram road

Law A. J. 45 Blessington road Magnus Daniel, I25 Burnt Ash hill Newman Miss, IO Lansdown road

Law Miss, Eversden ho.57 Burnt Ash rd Main Robert, 12 Manor park Newman Mrs. 255 High road

Law Mrs. S. H. 42 Blessington road Maller Henjamin, ru Burnt Ash road Newport Francis, 24 Quentin road

Lawford Capt. Edward B. R.S. v. IOO Mallett Mrs. IS Manor park Newton Rev. E. J. 39 Southbrook road

Burnt Ash hill Manley Miss, 32 Handen road Nichol Robert, Louisville, Eltham road

Lawrence Charle.<J E. 25 Burnt Ash rd Manly Alfred, 2 Effingham road Nickoll Alfred, 4 Weigall road

Leach Robert, .Bingham house, Grove Marchant J. B. 22 Newstead road Nicolls General Jas. r8 .Belmont park

park, Bromley road Marden Wm. Waiter, IOS Quentin road Nicolson Peter Steele, 2 Church terrae&

Task Howard, 30 Handen road Marks William, 30 Southbrook road Noakes Henry Wm. 38 Blessington rd

Leathes William, 257 High road MarshaH Henry, I9 Cambridge road Nobbs R. P. Ph.n. 40 Handen road

Leckie James Blyth, 6 The Avenue Marshal! Waiter, 27 Cambridge road Norman Charles, SI Effingham road

Ledger Alfred, Mayfield, Eltham road Marten Mrs. 53 Blessington road Norman Ebenezer, 297 High road

Ledger Edward, 24 Leyland road Martin George, 2 Lawn villas Norman John, 22 Lee terrace

Ledger Mrs. 210 High road Martin George Wm. 26 Southbrook rd North Frederick, Granville cottage,.

Lee Capt. W. F. R.N. 8 Manor park Mason Edwin, 4 Quentin road Granville Mews road

Lee Charles Edward, I4 Manor park Mathers Wm. Young, I2 Belgrave ter North Thomas, 23 N orthbrook road
Lee William H. 22 Southbrook road Matravers Mrs. E. L. 49 Burnt Ash rd Northover Arthur, I Cambridge road

Lees Miss, r Amblecote road Matthews Orlando, r6 Corona road Northover G. A. 61 Blessington road

Le Feuvre Capt. L. 235 High road Maxwell Arth. Wellesley,7sBurntAsh rd Norton Major D. 42 Manor park

Legg Sidney A. Setna, go Burnt Ash rd Maxwell William A. IS6 Burnt Ash hill Norton J. D. Glebe lodge, The Glebe

Leigh Miss, 37 Manor park May C. Nunn, Holmleigh, Grove park, Norton J ason Delves, r I Lee terrace

Le May Wilham, Hill view, Grove park, Hromley road Nunn C. 7 Southbrook road

Bromley road Mayor M1ss, I33 Lee High road Oates Robert, 239 High road

Lenn Hy. Lawnhurst, 47Southbrook rd Meddlecoat George, 26 Burnt Ash hill Odell Frederick, 64 Handen road

Lenn John, r6 Lenham road Meers Jas. B. Springfield, Leyland road Okey Mrs. Beresford house, Grov&

Leslie Patrick, 47 Lee park Meickleried David, Glenvarlongh, Ley· park, Bromley road

Lethbridge Chrstr.Elmsdale,Manor way land road O'Neill Miss, 32 Brandram road

Lennig 1<'. 31: Belmont hill Meikle William, 57 Lee terrace O'Neill William, 39 Manor park

Levett J. Arthur, Roxeth ho. The Glebe Meiklereid George, 40 Micheldever road O'Reilly Ji'. P. 3 Belgrave terrace

Levey John, The Shrubbery, Grove Meikleried George, 32 Cambridge road Osmond Mrs. The Priory, Priory lane

park, Bromley road Mercer Major A. H. H. 17 Dacre park OuthwaiteJn. Lynton, St. Mildred's rd
Levinsohn Rev. lsaac, 5 Bromley road Merritt E. so Lee road
Outhwaite John, 59 Manor park

Lewis Miss H. 3 Belgrave villas Merryman Miss, 27 Lee park Ovendon J oseph, 4 Eton grove

Lewis William Hourne, 32 Lee park Messer Wm. Thos. Melrose, Eltham rd Paice Richard, 5 Upwood road

Liardet Miss, 6 Newstead road Metcalfe Rev. G. Morehouse M.A.Oxon. Pakeman Thos. Chas. 32 N ewstead rd

Lincoln Ph1lip, 48 Handen road 72 Lee road Palmer A. C. 21 Dorville road

Lindfield George J. 9 Osberton road Metzner F. J. 25 Belmont hill Palmer Mrs. Collingwood vil.Leyland rd

Lindley Arthur, St. Kilda, The Avenue Meyer 'fhos. Arley ldg. Hlessington rd Pannell Williarn H. 46 Burnt Ash hill

LindleyErnst.Rt.Airedle,44Newstead rd Micks Robert, The Limes, Eltham road Pantin Mrs. 37 Quentin road

Lindley Waiter, r6 Northbrook road Mtles Lewis C. 8 Southbrook road Parker G. W. Ravensdeane, Grove

Lindsay Henry, 6 Lee park Millard Mrs. 25I High road park, Bromley road

Lindsay J. 53 Lee terrace Miller James, 52 Effingham road Parker Mrs. 35 Lee terrace

Lindsay James William, 7 Manor park Miller John, I Dorville road Parkins John William, 12 Burnt Ash hl

Lindsey M. J.Shirley ho. 74 BurntAsh rd Mills Col. Herbt. Jas. c.B. 7 Handen rd Parmenter Rev. Thomas Arthur, 25 St.

Lindwall Benj. Eldon cot. I8 Lee road Mills Arthur, q Cambridge road Mildred's road

Lingham Miss, 49 Lee terrace Mills George, 4 Bromley road Parrminter Mrs. 31 Lee park

Lloyd B. 8. Sydney ho. u Helmont pk Mills Miss S. W. 86 Burnt Ash road Parry Arthur D. so Handen road

Lloyd Misses, The Shrubbery, 30 Hel- Milne Mrs. 3 Marischal road Parsons T. C. 17 MicheldevPr road

mont hill Milnes W. S. Woodstock, Grove park, Pass Charles, 1 Weigall road

Loder F. W. 204 High road MiHryrolemesleDY• arvoiadd, 107 Burnt Ash hill Pate Mrs. 441\lanor park
Lofthonse Oswald, 26 Newstead road Paxon Hy. Archibald, 5 Belgravevillas

Loftns Mrs. 6 Eton grove Mitchell George, 19 Aislibie road Payne Geor,;e William, 22 Taunton rd.

Loggin Capt. Arthr.C. 27 Blessington rd Mitchell Miss, 23 Belmont park Peacock William, 94 Burnt Ash road

Long Alfred, 4 Douglas road Mitchell Robert, 5 Birch grove Pearce Charles, 6o Burnt Ash road

Long Mrs. 23 Brandram road Montserrat Mrs. I<'. G. I3 Cambridgerd Pearce Mrs. 269 High road

Long Mrs. Wa.keman, 77 Burnt Ash rd Moolla N. J. Wantage road Pearce William, I7 Corona road

Longstaff John, Unthank, Eltbam road Moore Charles, 32 Lee road Pearson Lieut.-Col. Michael B. I1

Lord Henry Gibson, 26 Lee park Moore Emil, 22 Dorville road Etlingham road

Lott Henry, 12 Lenham road Moore Henry, 30 Taunton road Pearson Thos. Montebello, Eltham road

Lotz William Frederick, 42 Lee road Moore J. R. 48 Manor park Peete Rev. Wm. W. M.A. 11 Dorvillerd

LoveridgeThos.Braemar,66BurntAsh rd Moore Mrs. 51 Micheldever road Pegram Charles, r8 Taunton rood

Loveys Miss, Wantage ho. Chinbrook rd Moore Robert, IOI Burnt Ash hill Pell Watkin Owen Spencer, 43 Lee rd
Lowenthal L. 67 Leyland road Pellatt Miss, I9 Dacre park
Moore Thomas, 6 Lee terrace

Lucey Herbert, 40 Southbrook road Moore William, I Birch grove Pellatt Miss, I8 Lee terrace

Ludlow Samuel, 10 Southbrook road Morgan Mrs. 271 High road PenfoldMrs. Arth. Burton,22 Handen rd

Lund Wm. The Rowans, 52 Lee road Moriarty Capt. Henry Augustus R.N., Penn Alfred, The Cedars, Helmont hill

Lye Cbas. Baroona, Grove p k. Bromley rd C.B. 35 Manor park Penn Mrs. The Cedars, Belmont hill
Lynde Waiter Lucas, Brookbank, Chin- Morris John Joseph, 29 Blessi~oton rd Pennington J. J. H. Septimus M.A.

brook road Morris Miss E. Radway cot. Eltham rd Sherwood, Eltham road

McAlister John Neilson, Douglas house, Morris William, Elm ldg. 37 Handen rd Peploe Miss, 34 Brandram road

48 Burnt Ash road Morton l<'rank, 23 Burnt Ash hill Perkins Zachariah H. Oaklands, Grove

McArthur Wm. Stray lea, Eltham road Moss Arnold, 94 Burnt Ash hill park, Bromley road

McCall Chas. Oaklands west, Eltham rd Moss B. M. Gordon house, Eltham road Perks A. 73 Burnt Ash road

McCann Major Pierce, 139 High road Mossman Thos. J n. 263 Lee High road Perks Mrs. 111 Burnt Ash hill

McCracken Mrs. 45 Lee road Moulton James, 28 Lenham road Perrin Mrs. 237 High road

McCracken Robert, 20 Dorville road llount Algernon, 63 Burnt Ash road Perri n Samuel, 2 Southbrook road m
McCnllochJames, 40 Blessington road Mount l<'rancis William, 84 Lee road Peter s Frederick Edward, r Taunton

McDermott N. B. 6 Handen road Moysey James D. 77 Burnt Ash hill Pettman William C. 5 Dorville road

McDonald James, Linwood, Grove Munt Mrs. 83 Quentin road Pewtress Edmund, 5 Marlborougb road

park, Bromley road Murray Mrs. 22 Lee park Pewtress Wilfred, 25 Newstead road

MacDonald Mrs. Stafford house, Grove N alty Thomas Ed wd. 92 Burnt Ash hill Phillips John, 4 Corona road
Nash Andrew7 59 Lee terrace Phillips Mrs. Birklands, Cbinbrook rd
park, Bromley road

380 LEE. KElfi'. [KELLl''S

Pbillips Pbilipj Daore Park cottage, Remington Mrs. 37 Effingham road Simmons William, 3 Taunton road

Dacre park · · Rennels Thomas, IO Eton grove Simpson Rev. I{.. J. M.A. St. Peter's

Phillips William, u6 J:Iigh road Reynolds Mrs. 68 Handen road vicarage, The Avenue

Philo Mrs. zo6 Burm Ash road Richardson Hy• .Adair, Savile house, Simpson Mrs. E. 65 Burnt Ash road ,

Phipps Capt. W. H. R.N. 25 Lee park Grove park, .Hromley road Sims George, Granville Mews road

Pickard Vice-Admiral Benjamin. S. 34 Riches George, 2I 2 High road Skeffington Jt'red, 12 Bromley road

Blessington road • Richmond Mrs. 24 Lee park SkipworthBenj. Bassildon,6 BurntAsh hl

Pierson Mrs. 21 BlessingtQn road Richon Edward, 77 Lee road Skudder George, 12 Belmont park

Pinney William, I4 Church terrace Richter Frederick, 7 Eton grove Slater Thomas, 19 Osberton road
Pinniger Mrs. Thanet ho. Hlessington rd Slater Thomas, 52 Lee park
Rickaby Mrs. z9 Manor park

Piper C. D. The Craig, Leyland road Ritchie Captain William, 4 Dorville rd Slee Herbert, 10 Church terrace

Pitcairn John, 4 Pagoda villas Ritchie Mrs. 22 .Blessingtou road Smallman H. G. I25 High road .

Pitchil The Misses, 21 Dacre park RivoltaJohn S. Knighton bo.Manorway Smith Captain W. E. 46 Lee terrace

Pitman G.F.Derwent ho.Blessington rd Robards John, Rougemont, Grove park Smith Rev. James Ind M.A. Agra villa,

Pittman J. B. I5 Corona road Robertd Major-Gen. George Ricketts, Belmont hill

l'laistowe Edwd. E. 22 Effingham road 35 Lee park Smith Rev. Lewis Arthur M.A. [rector

Plumb Mrs. 3 Handen road Roberts Edw. Lutterworth, I4I Burnt of Christ Church], 41 Lee park

Plumbly Geo.Stanley ho. Cambridge rd Ash hill Smith Basil Wickings, 26 Lee terrace

Plummer Bemy Thomas, 1S Handen rd Roberts Mrs. 2S Dacre park Smith Bellingham, Farnah, Bromley rd

Plunkett Mrs. 34 Leyland road Roberts Mrs. 41 Micheldever road Smith Edward, 45 Manor park

· Plunkett William Alfred, r Church ter Robins William John, 9 Northbrookerd Smith H. B. Wrexham house, Winn rd

Poland Ernf'.st, Rexford, Chinbrook rd Robinson Benjamin, 36 Newstead road Smith Henry, 4 Marischal road

Polden James John, Pitlachry, Grove Robinson Mrs. 3 Douglas road Smith Henry Francis, 17 Aislisbie road

park, Bromley road Robinsou Mrs: II9 High road Smith J. E. 3 Manor park

Pollard John, 20 Handen road Robinson 'fracy Layard, 3 Bircli grove Smith Jas. Thos. Fairley ho. Eltham rd

Poison Miss, I Lenham road Rogers J. B. Lyndhurst, ChiQbrook rd Smith John, 2S Blessington road

Ponsford George, 58 Burnt Ash road Rogers Misses, 26 Turner road Smith John, 9 Handen road

Pool Mrs. Holly \fOod, The Glebe Rogers Mrs. John M. I7 Blessington rd Smith Mrs. 22 Belmont hill

Poole Miss, 34 C~uentin road Rose Mrs. S5 Lee road Smith Mrs. II9 Burnt Ash hill

Porcas ·Mrs. Nelson lodg. J:lurnt Ash hill Rosenfeld Alfred, IS Wantage road Smith 1\'lrs. S. Rydal bank, The Glebe

Porter John, 6 Lansdown road Rosenthal James, 49 Micheldever road Smith Sydney, Clovelly house, The

Porter Nicholas Ellis. 2 Belgrave ter Rosselli J oseph, I Osberton road Avenue, Grove park

Porter William, I6S Lee High road Rosselli M. A. 100 Lee road Smith William E. 32 Burnt Ash hill

Posno C. J. Tile Woodlands, Grove Rothney Mr~. M.Lennoxho. Manor way Smith Wdliam Wilson, 5 Lansdown rd

· park, Bromley road Rouse Mrs. 3 Manor way Smyth G. W. 4 Lee park

Pottle Robert, I Eltham place Routh Charles R. A. I2 Church terrace Snoed Frank, 55 Manor park

Poulter Brownlow J.P. 30 Lee park Routh Saumarez, 5 Northbrook road Soilleux Arthur Thos. 57 Blessington rd

Poulton Frank E. 41 Effingham road Rowbotham Christopher, 88 Lee road Soliague Luke,Alexandra vil.Eltham rd

Pound Henry, ros Lee road Rowell Thomas, 50 Blessington road Somerville John, Hassendean, ~ The

Powell Alfred, 41 Burnt Ash road Ruck George Thomas, I4 Dorville road Avenue, Grove park

Powell Edwin, 37 Newstead road Ruddell William E. 24I High road Somervule Philip, 62 Banden road
Powell George, 2 Lee road · SoperHy.Coles,Trafford bank.TheGlebe
Rugg Hugh, Glenorchy, ss Handen rd.-
Rush George, SI Burnt Ash hill
Powell H. G. 73 Burnt Ash hill Soutter John, 11 Corona road

Powell John H. I2 Lee road Rush Mrs. I03 Burnt-Ash road Soutter William, I3 Corona road

Powell Misses, 4I Burnt Ash road Rutley Mrs. Alberni, 9S Burnt Ash hill Spackman Thomas, 22 Burnt Ash hill

Powell Mrs. H. I Northbrook road Sadgrove A. W. Ellerslie, Eltham road Spalding Waiter, 4 The Avenue

Power Samuel B. Io Blessington road St. Quintin Mrs. 3S Lee road Spencer Mrs. Cleveland villa, The Glebe
• Prater Mrs. 37 Turner road Spinlow Mrs. 3 Southbrook road
Sales Edgar Howe, 4 Dacre gardens

Pratt Serg.-Major William, I6 Lee pk Sales Mrs. 37 Lee park Spratt William, S Lee road

Pratt Rev. Thos. C. B.D. 4 Lansdown rd SalesThos.Roland, Homeieigh,Elthamrd Spriogthorpe John W. 49 Manor park

· PrestonTheodoreJ.R.N.36 Cambridge rd Salisbury Miss M.A. 123 Lee High road Spurling Percy, The Priory, The Aven

Priday Sydney, 2 Lee terrace Salmon William, 29 Quentin road, Spyer Rt. Finkenhof, 23 St. :Mildred's rd

Prior Melton,Millington,42 Newstead rd Salter Alfred, I Marischal road Staight Stephen, 10 Leyland road

:Prior Mrs. Effingham road Salter Ernest John, I4 A m blecote road Stanhope Chas. D. F. 41 Southbrook rd

Prior Stephen Wm. 9 Effingham road Sampson Edward, 39 Lee park Stauley Arthur, S Dorville road

Pritchard Edward, Ash lawn, The Glebe SamsJn.Sutton,St.Peter's lo.Eltham rd Stanley Mrs. M. 3 Dorville road

Pritchard Wm. Glenwood, Eltham rd Samuel Henry, 92 Burnt Ash road Stanton Hugb, 31 Blessington road

Prophet James, 1IO Lee road Sanders Capt. John W. ISO High road Stap John, 4 Birch grove

Prout John Arthur, u Amblecote road Sanders :Frank W. 49 Lee park Steer Alexander, 45 Southbrook road

Purcell John S. c. H. 1S Blessington rd Sanders~arry, 29 Cambridge road Stephens Thomas, S Belgrave villas

Purnell Mrs. E. Oakfield lodge, SI Sanders William, So Lee road Stephens William Richard, 6 Lee road

Burnt Ash road Sargent George, 6o Quentin road Stephenson Arthur Joseph, 293 High rd

'Purvis H. J. Woodville, Leyland road Saunders George, I9 Turner road Stevenson Rev. J. G. 8 The Avenue

.Radford (;:harles, 4 Effingham road Saunders James Ebenezer F.L.s., F.G.s., Stewart Capt. Ezekiel, 2S Newstead rd

Raffety Robert, 19 Dorville road F.s.A., D.L., J.P. Chelvistone, Lee ter Stewart J. H. Horn Park vil. Eltham rd

Rafter Miss, 32 Lenham road Saunders Martin R. 20 Southbrook rd Stidstone C. W. 25 1\licheldever road

Raiberg Axel, Rella, Leyland road Scammell Thos. Upfield, Belmont hill Stock Miss, 3 Bromley road

Ramsay James, I6 Osberton road Scholefield Fk. Herbt. 2S Cambridge rd Stocken William, I64 Burnt Ash hill

Ramsay Miss, 49 Turner road Scholefield William, 21 :5t. Mildred's rd Stokes Graham, 17 Church terrace

Ramsay Mrs. 34 Effingham road Scott Chas. Geo. Marlow ho. Eltham rd Stokes Lennard,St. Patrick's,Eltham rd

Ramsey .Amos, 25 Taunton road Scott Ebenezer Erskine, q Marlboro' rd Stone John Morris, 29 Lee park

Ramsey Fredk. Bedford ho. Eltham rd Scott John Percy, 29 Newstead road Stone Thomas, 29 Lee park

Ramsey John, x3 Northbrook road Scriven Mrs. 48 Blessington road Storch Max, 27 Micheldever road

Ranford Mrs. 20 Belmont hill Scurtton Frank, 3S Micheldever road Stow Mrs. 46 Dacre park

RathboneClaude Russell,4 Amblecote rd Seaton Gilbert, 24 Micheldever road Strang William, 40 Lee terrace

Ratton Jas. Jsph. Louis M.D. 63 Lee pk Shalless Edwin, 91: Lee road Strawson George W. 61 Burnt Ash hill

Ravenscroft E. 96 Lee road Shapland Mrs. IS Belmont bill Streeter Rev. George T. P. Derwent

Raw Miss, 23 Lee park Sharpe Mrs. sS Burnt Ash hill house, Leyland road

Raynsford James, 30 Lenham road Shaw Capt. Francis, x Marlborough rd Stuart .1.\'Iaj.-Gen. Wm.Jas. 381\lanorpk

Read Arthur B. 35 Effingham road Shaw Charles Lionel, 9 Church terrace Sturrock :Mrs. 22 Brandram road

Read Henry William, I4 Southbrook rd Sbaw John Edward, 19S High road Sturton HenryGraham,I2Cambridge rd

Reddish Miss, IO Quentin road Shawe Miss, 45 Lee terrace Suter James, 46 Lee road

Reed Fred H. IO Belmont hill Shearing Miss, 254 High road Sutherland Charles, 2 Osberton road

Reed Mrs. Alban, 20 Burnt Ash hill Shebbeare Reginald. 27 Northbrook rd Sutherland Mrs. 30 Brandram road

Reed Nelson, Marf'.sfield, Grove park, Sheppard William, 24 Lenham road Button W. L. 32 Belmont hill

Bromley road Shillinglaw John, I2 Handen road Swann J. F. Mansfield, 65 Burnt Ash hl

Reeve Geo. Hazlemere, Chinbrook road Short I<'redck. Hugh, I7 Northbrook rd Sweet William Francis, 27 Belmont prk

Reeves G. Merritt M.A. IS Belgraveter Shove Arthur W. 42 Dacre park Sykes Mrs. 95 Burnt Ash ro'ld

Reeves John,Ecclesbouroe,Eltham road Shove Miss S. 8 Lansdown road Symous Miss. 9 Belmont grove

Reeves Mrs. 37 Leyland road Shove Percy, 36 Dacre park Tabb Edward, I Lee park
Reeves William, 11S Burnt Ash hill Shrimpton William, 36 Manor park
Tagart Mrs. H. v Upwood road
Remington Alfred, I Micheldever road Simmons John, 24 Taunton road
Tagg J oseph, 2 Ivy terrace


LE&. 381

Tagg 1.\lrs. 5 Southbrook road Wainewright Rt. Spencer M.D.39 Leetter Williams Arnold E. I2 Brandram road •

Tapson Thomas, 20 Manor park Waite Rev. Edward M.A. Lee road Williams Edwin, 104 Burnt Ash road

Tasker Alfred, 14 Effin~ham road Walduck Chas. Edward, 2 Lansdown rd Williams Henry, ~7 Burnt Ash hill

Tate Frederick, Manor lodge, Old street Walkden Mrs.Oldcastle,x22 Hrnt.Ash hl Williams Hutchins, g6 Burnt Ash road
Walker Gilbert M. II Dacre park Williams John, 7 Dorville road
Tate Henry 'f. Cornbrook, Grove park, Walker John L. Oak lawn, The Glebe Williams Miss, 7I Burnt Ash road

Bromley road Walker Thomas, IS Cambridge road Williams 1\lrs. 9 Lansdown road
Tate John Passman,32 Blessington road Wallace Hamilton Gordon,Clifton lodge, Williams Mrs. Geo. Barnes, I6 Brand-
Tayler H. W. 102 Lee road
Taylor A. H. S. 285 High road The Avenue, Grove park ram road
Taylor Chas. Hewlett, 30 Quentin road Wallace John Henry, 18 Burnt Ash hill Williams Owen, 26 Handen road .

Taylor John 'fhoma!!, 7 Amblecute rd Wallace Miss, 29 Dacre park Williams Robert A.R.I.B.A. 104 Burnt
Taylor Mrs. A. H. S. 285 High road Wallace Mrs. 303 High road
Taylor Richard Frdk. 7 Micheldever rd Wailer George, 27 Taunton road Ash hill
Wilhams Wa~ter E. 4 Upwood road

Taylor William, 49 Burnt Ash hill Ward Albert J. 114 Burnt Ash hill Wi"tl:iamso11 Rev. W1lliam B.A. [curate of

Taylor William, 63 Burnt Ash hill Ward Henry, 20 Newstead road St. l\lildred'a1, -ro5 I!Grnt Ash hill

Temple Richard, 2 Lee park Ward Mrs. I Dacre park Willis Sir William, 3 Lansdown"1'oad

Tennent Robert Bowman, 99 Lee road Ward Mrs. I05 Burnt Ash hill Willis Miss, 4 Dacre park

Tessier Herbert A. 90 Burnt Ash hill Ware William, 279 High road Willis William Q.C. I2 Northbrook road

Thebaold Robert Masters,25 Lee terrace Warmington Geo. W. I46 Burnt Ash hl Wilson Rev. James Hall D.D. 2&

Thirklt' Percy, 42 Cambridge road Warner Mrs. 5 Pagoda villas Belmont hill

Thomas Capt. Wm. N.7 St. Mildred's rd Warner Richat·d, 73 Lee road Wilson Albert, 26 Taunton road

Thomas Miss, 2 Lansdown road Warren Capt. A.R. Hillside, Marischal rd Wilson H. J. 107 Lee road

Thompson -, 19 Micheldever road WarrensEdwd.R.4TheAvenue,Grovepk Wilson Edward, 59 Lee park

Thompson Rev. C. H. B. A. [curate of St. Watchurst Mrs. 33 Blessington road Wilson Harry, 86 Burnt Ash hill

Margaret's], St.Margaret's ho. Old rd Waterhouse Thomas, 24 Dacre park Wilson James Knox, 20 Lee terrace

Thompson Mrs. 10 Marlborough road Waterhouse Thomas, 2I Turner road Wilson James M. 23 Lee terrace

Thomson Alex. 26 Manor lane Watkins Philip S. 57 Burnt Ash hill Wilson James S. I7 Southbrook road

Thomson Mrs. 31 Lee terrace Watkins William, Fairfield, Eltham rd Wilson John, I4 Blessington road

Thomson Samuel, Greenhurst, Grove Watson Herbert N. 38 Handen road Wilson John, 3 Newstead road

park, Bromley road Watson John, 4 Brandram road Wilson John, jun. 30 Newstead road

Thornton Mrs.Belmont ldg.BurntAsh rd Watson Miss, 56 Burnt Ash road Wilc;on Mrs. I Lawn villas

Thorp Miss, 47 Lee terrace Watson Miss, I05 High road Wilson Thomas George, 5 Corona road
Wilson William, 38 Burnt Ash road
Thorpe George, Shepperton ho. Lee rd Waugh George B. I Belmont park

Tickell Rev. W. H. [Bible Christian], Waymouth Ber.nard, 36 Blessington rd Windsor Thomas, 267 High road

283 High road Webb Henry, 32 Lee road Wingate Mrs.Clifton villa,Eltham road

Tidman Mrs. Priory lodge, Priory lane Webb Jsph. R. Northcote house, Grove Winter W. Julius, 26 Manor park

Tilley Stuart, 42 Handen road park, Hromley road Wiseman John, go Hurnt Ash hill

Tipping John, 107 Quentin road · Webb Misses, 28 Lee terrace Wiseman ThomasWm.gBSouthbrook rei

Tolhurst Henry, 47 Burnt Ash road Webb Mrs. 34 Burnt Ash road Witherby Henry F. 48 Lee terrace

Tomkihs Edward, 5o Burnt Ash hill Weber Friedrich August Gustav, .Al- Witherby Mrs. Dacre ho. Brandram rd

Tonnochy Mrs. 8 Newstead road mondbury, Eltham road Witherby Mrs. 43 Lee park

Toole f<'rederick, 4 Cambridge road \Iebster Wm.The Grove,Belmont grove Withers HenryHartley,22Belmont park

Toomer Mrs. 51 Quentin road Wedderspoon John, 19Northbrook road Wolffram Hy.Chas.A.Manor ho.Old rd

Toolmin Joseph, 25 Southbrook road Weightman Mrs. 6Amblecote road WolseyWalter,Brunswick ho.Eltham rd

Traer Mrs. 66 Handen road Weiss A. Ph.n.,M.A. 44 Effingham road Wood Artb.ur, 6 Belgrave terrace

Trafford Mrs. 42 Effingham road Welch Hy. P. Koo-y-ong, Grove park, Wood Henry, 5 Lee park

Travers R. 38 Lee park Br.omley road Wood Henry, 27 Burnt Ash road

Treliving Alfred, 3 La'"W"'Il villas Welding l<'rederick, I8 LP-nham road Wood Henry Charles, I I Micheldever rd

Trimmer Mrs. I9 Burnt Ash road Weldon Edward, Woodville, Eltham rd Wood Robert, 44 Lee terrace

Trist Mrs. William, 43 Blessinocrton road Wells Henry, 2 Aislibie road Wood W. W. Manor farm, Manor lane

Trivass G. W. 5 Eton grove Warner Robert, 95 Hurnt Ash hill Wood William, 36 Burnt Ash road

Trollope Edward, Firscott, Manor lane West J!'mes Bastow, 54 Burnt Ash hill Woodman Daniel James, 4 Manor way

Trotman Mrs. 26 Blessington road West John H. 67 Lee road Woodman Thomas H. 75 Quentin road

Tuck Miss, 33 Dacre park West Miss, 53 Lee terrace Woods Harry, 6 Lenham road

Tucker Mrs. 13 Dorville road Westall Mrs. 3 Belmont park Woods Henry, 23 Turner road

Tumbull John, Pendennis, Elt.ham road Wester Victor, 7 Newstead road Woods Miss, 8 Lenham road

Tumbull John Edward, I8 Lee park Westlake Arthur, 35 Newstead road Woodward John, 11 Burnt Ash road

Turner Charles Willis, 45 Lee park Westlake Samuel, 70 Burnt Ash road Woolcott Mrs. I08 Burnt Ash road

Turner F. J. 75 Lee road Whately Archdeacon, 2I Belmont park Woollven Henry, Glenacote, The

Turner George T. 54 Handen road Wheeler John, 33 Ettingham rqad A'"enue, Grove park '

Turner Henry, 4 Lee terrace Wheeler Mrs. 9 Amblecote road Wootton Thomas, I20 Burnt Ash hill

Turney Geo. Wood, 35 Blessington road White Alfred G. I7 Belmont hill Worringham Edward, 65 Leyland road

Tyack Mrs. 91 Burnt Ash road White Hubert, I Newstead road Wotton Edwin, 51 Lee road

Tyrrell Colonel F. H. 8 Brandram road White Jas.G .St.Monica, Micheldever rd Wright James, 3 St. Mildred's"road

Underwood Jn. T. Chilwell ho. Winn rd White John, Arundel house, Eltham rd Wright Matth. Myrtle lo. Eltham road

Unwin Edward, I3 Handen road White John,jun. Arundel ho.Eltham rd Wright WalterWarner,9Micheldever rd

Ure Miss, Goldburn house, Eltham road White Wm. H. Clarence ho.Eltham rd Yarmuth Charles, 90 Lee road

Valentine George, 26 Dacre park Whitebread Joseph, 85 Quentin road Yates Robert F.c.s. I62 Burnt Ash hill

Vanessen Jacob, 202 High road Whitmore Wm.Edenhurst, The Avenue Yeoman William, 4 Marlborough road

Van Kempen Mrs. 4I Quentin road Whittaker Thos.M.:Fernleigh,Eltham rd Young Rev. J. W. 6I Burnt Ash road

Venn Euston, 6 Birch grove Whyte Robert, Pentland house, Old rd Young G. F. 35 Burnt Ash road

Vickers James Kirby, 97 Burnt Ash rd Wild Charles N. 8 Corona road Young John, I4 Eton grove

Vogan Charles, 206 High road Wildsmith Matth.Jsph.I3 Effingham rd Young Miss, 36 Brandram road

Vnlliamy Mrs. I36 Burnt Ash hill Wilkins John, I7 Lenham road Young Miss, 4 Manor park

Wade Edmond William, I29 High road Wilkinson Herbert, I2 Effingham road Zurhorst Fredk. Wm. 5 Micheldever rd

Wainewright Jn. Belmont, Belmont hi Wilkinson Miss, 54 Lee road


COMMERCIAL. Apps William, umbrella maker, 44 High road

Adams Emily (Mrs.), Dacre Arms P.H. 11 Kingswood place Archer Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, 75 Brightfield road

Adams William, market gardener, Brookside cottages Attfield F. E. oilman, I83 High road

Alien George & Son, builders, 307 High road Attwood Emma (Mrs.), dress maker, I7 Taunton road

Alien James, carpenter, I I Brandram road Attwood T. W. dairyman, 45 Turner road

Alien William, sign & glass writer, 29 Turner road Austin J. & A. grocers, & agents for W. & A. Gilbey, wine &

Alien WiUiam Thomas, surveyor, 8 Lamp Mead road spirit merchants, 33, 53 55 & 266 High road & provision

Allison Emily (Miss), dress maker, 121 Taunton road merchants, I 3I Lee road

Axnbrose A. G. (Miss), milliner, I22 Lee road Austin Annie (Miss), laundry, I9 Lamp Mead road

Arnoore & Rendell, drapers, 98 High road Austin Eliza (Mrs.), laundress, 9 Dacre street

Anderson David (l\lrs. ), dress tlil.aker, I I Boones road Aylwyn Edwin, laundry, 6 & 8 Ronver road

Andrews Mary A. (Miss), dress maker, 24 Turner road Ayres William, fishmonger, 24 High road

Andre"s William, draper, 127 Lee road Backhouse Charles G. boot maker, 6 Summerfield street

Anthony Bros. CtJrn, flour & coal merchants, 2I7 High road Bailey Henry Frederick, surgeon, 3 Lee terrace
Bailey R. (Mrs.), tobacconist, 268 High road .
Appleby George, laundry, 29 & 3I Taunton road

• •

382 KENT. •

Baker Henry, hair dresser, Granville Mews road Chambers Edward J. Clay Farm dairy, go Burnt Ash road

Baker Mary A. (Miss), dress maker & pinker, 6o Church st Chandler & Sons, butchers, I87 High road

Baldry F. boot maker, 27 Church street Chapman Charles, :fishmonger, 132 Burnt Ash road

Baldry F. (Mrs.), dress maker, 27 Church street Chapman Frederick W. antique dealer, 143 High road

Balsdon James, butcher, 96 High road Chapman George, oil & ~olor man, 136 Burn1i Ash road

Banbnry Angus (Miss), costumier, 22 Lamp Mead road ChappeD Richard, jobbing gardener, 8 Hedgley street

Bangs William, grocer, 2 Boone street Cheesruan Frederick, jobbing gardener, 2 Eagle terrace

.Banks Peter, joiner, 79 Taunton road Chinneck Edward L.D.s.R.c.s.I. surgeon-dentist, II3 High rd

Bar:ff Frederick, Belmont House school, 5 Blessington road Chisuell William, jobbing gardener, 18 Brightfield road

Barker Henry, greengrocer, 12 Royal Oak place Christmas S. (Miss), berhn wool repository, 62 High road

Earlow Mary (Miss), ladies' school, r8 Brandram road Churcher J. H. carver & gilder, 185 High road ·

Barnes Emily Sarah (Mrs.), coffee rooms, 17 Chureh street Clapton Edward M.D. physician, Towercroft, Eltham road

Barnett Waltr. boot ma. 35& 246 High rd. & 'Lf:O Rushey grn Clarke Ernest M. D., B.s. surgeon, 21 Lee terrace

Barr Ellen Jane & Jessie A. (Misses),.school, 44 Burnt Ash rd Clarke Joseph, beer retailer, 4 & 6 Boone street

Baskett Thoma.s,.jobbing gardener, ror Taunton road Clarke Reginald, surgeon, 243 High road

J3a!.iien Alfred, decorator, 2I Boone street c:arke Thomas, jun. dairy, Butterfield street

Bate H. W. ironmonger, 130 Burnt Ash road Claydon George, greengrocer, 3 Brightfield road
Batty Mrs. laundress, 25 Boone street
Clayton w, F. ironmonger, 30 Dacre street·
Beadle Brothers, coal, timber, slate &c. merchants, Grove Clements John, The Baring Hall hotel, Grove pk.Bromleyrd

park, Bromley road & Granville park ; & at Erith Clifton Alfred, dairyman, 7 Brightfield street

Eeadle John Byerlee, The Swan P.H. 207 High road Clifton John A. dairyman, 3 Dacre street

.Beak Edward, laundry, 22 Boone street Cockle H. F. & Son, grocers, 7 & 8 Orchard ter. Eltham rd

.Beaumont John William, shopkeeper, 23 Hedgley street Cole A. C. & Co. pharmaceutical chemists, 223 High road

Belmont Park Lecture Hall, Belmont park Cole Alfred Cooper, registrar of births & deaths, Lee sub-

.Beneditti Gustave, photographer, 39 High road district, 223 High urosa d road
Bennett F. K. hair dresser, 78 High road Cole George, florist, Taunton

.Bennett Jeffrey L. surveyor, 109 Taunton road Collard William, carpenter, 31 Summerfield street

.Bentley A. (Mrs.), dress maker, I37 High road Colley Alfred, hair dresser, 327 High road

Bevis Frederick T. boot maker, 12 Turner road Collins Edwin S. draper, 126 Burnt Ash road

Birdseye Edward, baker, 77, 79, 8r & 83 Dacre street Collins M. builder, 5 Lamp Mead road

.Blackaller Richard T. builder &c. 2 Dacre park Colville Charles, boot maker, 29 Ronver road

Blackman S. (Mrs.), laundress, 370, Summerfield street Cook Louisa (Mrs.), laundress, 6o Dacre street

Eloomfield C. J. fruiterer & florist, I3 Burnt Ash hill Cook Waiter William, butcher, 2 Orchard terrace

.Bloxham & Co. grocers, 229 High road Cooney & Sons, hosiers, r8 High road

·Bloxham W. S. hair dresser, I86 High toad Cooper C. C. (Mrs.), school, 53 Burnt Ash road

.Bonney James Henley, GranvilleArmsP.H.GranvilleMewsrd Copper Jesse, greengrocer, 44 & 46 Dacre street

Boone's Almshouses, High road Copping Thos. & Son, florists &garden contrctrs. 87 High rd

Bowditeh.Charles E. College farm, r68 & 184 Burnt Ash hill Copping James, boot. maker, 3A., Dacre street

.Bowker William, station master, Grove park Copping Thomas, fruiterer, 20 High road

Bradshaw Hannah & Elizabeth (Misses), ladies' school, 38 Corteze E. carver & gilder, 86 High road

Brandram road Cottell Mark, carpenter, 5 Butterfield street

.Brasher David, carpenter, Old road & So Taunton road Couldrey Tom Edmund, jobbing gardener, 12 Ronver road

.Bravery Cornelius, florist, 21 Weardale road Court C. (Miss), costumier, 7 Burnt Ash road

.Brickell Richard, butcher, I Summerfield place Cox Sarah (Miss), tobacconist, I49 Lee road

J3rigden. Waiter, sanitary inspector for Lee & Kidbrook; Crawley Emma (Mrs.) & Maria (Miss), registry office for

offices, Woodstock road servants, 128 High road

J3road Charles, printer, 244 High road Crawley W. painter & plumber, 20 Church street

:Brooks Charles, tailor, 325 High road Cresswell I<'rederick, chemist, 133 Burnt Ash road

.Brown Charles, pork butcher &sausage maker, 12 Church st Crew George, bricklayer, 8 Butterfield street

.Brown W. corn dealer, 2, 4 & 6 Burnt Ash road & coal mer• Crofts William, upholsterer, 329 High road

chant, Burnt Ash hill Croll Isabell (Mrs.), general shop, 48 Church street

J3ruce William, upholsterer, zr5 Burnt ARh road Crook Henrietta (Mrs.), laundress, 71 Brightfield road

Brunning S. F. & Son, boot makers, 12 Burnt Ash road Cross J. (Mrs.), costumier, Io8 Lee road

lJrunning Jacob, boot maker, 7 Weardale road Croucher Ada Marion & Ure Alice Chapple (1\'lisses), ladies'

Brunning Louis, boot maker, 205 High road · school, Goldburn house, Eltham road

:Brunswick Christian FrederickWilliam,nurseryman & florist, Cullen M. (Miss), ladies' school, 85 Burnt .Ash bill

5 Church passage Cummings Sarah (Mrs.), laundress, 19 Ronver road

.Budds William, shoe maker, 21 Brightfield road • Curnick Thomas, painter, 3 Butterfield street

.Bullesbach Henry, tailor, 189 High road Curtis Samuel, grocer, IOI Brightfield road

Jlungay S. fly proprietor, Grove park & livery stables, South- Curtis William, tailor, 42 Turner road

brook road Cutts Charles, boot maker, 23 Dacre street

.Burnett Alfred R.A.M. professor of the violin, r8 Church ter Dale W. F. watch maker, 145 Lee road

.Burnt Ash Lawn Tennis Club, Gnibal road Dampier George, painter, 3 Royal Oak place

!Burroughs Alfred W. carpenter & joiner, 176 Burnt Ash hill Daniel Henry, draper, 34 High road

.Burroughs John Edward Buckland, surgeon & medical officer Dawe Kobert, painter1 18 Boone street
& pubhc vaccinator, Lee district, Lewisham union, I64 Dawtry James, plasterer, 26 Church street

High road Day Samuel, builder, I Butterfield street

:Burroughs Leopold L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon, I64 High road Deal Thomas George, jobbing gardener, 13 Lamp Mead rd

..Burton Herbert Campbell L.R.C.P.Lond. physician &surgeon Deighton E. J. draper, 190 High road

& medical officer of health for Lee & Kidbrooke, Lee Park Dennis J. T. butcher, 272 High road

lodge, Lee park Dice Alfred, grocer, 5 Summerfield place

:Bush George, builder, 1 Burnt Ash road Dilley W. (Mrs.), musiC teacher, 27 Turner road

.Button E. (Mrs.), laundress, 21 & 23 Taunton road Ditcham Richard 1<'. decorator, ISI High road

.Button Frederick, carman, 24 Church street Dobson Thomas, jobbing gardener, 32 Boones road

.Button Herbert, baker, 9 Church street Dodd James, boot maker, 227 High road

.Button Robert, china dealer, 5 Church street Dow James, baker, I4 & r6 Turner road

:Button Robert, italian warehouse, 7 Church street Dowell Wm.& Co. coal merchts. I 58 High rd.& I Burnt Ash hl
Button William, confectioner, 147 Lee road & I~ High rd Downes Charles Frederick, hair dresser, IS3 High road

{)aldecott Frank B.A. private tutor, 8 Belgrave terrace Dowson William, boot maker, 69 Dacre street •

.Campion & Son, tailors, 242 High road Dowson William, boot maker, 7 Stoneyard place

.Campion James, hatter, 4 & 6 High road Dring & Son, nurserymen, Burnt Ash hill

Campion John, tai-lor, IS & I7 High road Dnmayne Frederick John L.D.S.R.c.s.uel. surgeon-dentist,

<Jarey Mary Ann (Miss), laundress, u Ronver road Cumberlow house, II4 Burnt Ash road

<Jarlton & Town & Country Building Societies (G. T. Ruck, Durand M. (Miss), dress maker, 32 Lenham road

sec.), I 59 High road Durbin Albert, decorator, 4 Grove Park ter. Bromley road

<Jarpenter Waiter, sweep, 22 Dacre street Easterbrook & Co. bath & gas fitters, I Osborn terrace

<Jarter E. (Miss), confectioner, 2 Turner road Easterbrook Harry, plumber, 13 Taunton road

Carter Thomas, builder, 335 High road Edridge Herbert W, bicycle depot & brass lacquerer, 4'1

Carter William Hurman,farmer,BurntAsh farm,Bromley rd Church street

Cayles WiL.iam, fishmonger, 7-3 lligh road Eldered T. gasfitter, r Eagle terrace

Chamberlain John, jobbing gardener, 4 Wall's place Elliott Elizabeth (Miss), preparatory schl. 5 Southbrpok rd

Chamberlin William, marine store dealer, 67 Dacre street Eves Herbert, baker, 83 High road


Fellger W. carver & gilder, 28 Burnt Ash road Holdaway Charles, decorator, 9 Belmont hill

Ffolliott Nichola L.K.Q.C.P.Irel. surgeon, 54 Burnt Ash road Hollett Stephen, smith & farrier, 31 & 4oA, Turner road

Field Frederick, jobbing gardener, 21 Ronver road Holloway William Thomas, confectioner, II3 Burnt Ash rd

Fielding Robert, watch maker, I23 Lee road Holly William, jobbing gardener, 90 Summerfield street

Ford Elias, tobacconist, 343 High road Holmans S. G. & Son M. B.O. v.s. veterinary surgeons, High rd

Fortune E. S. (Miss), pianoforte teacher, 123 Burnt Ash rd Hood T. greengrocer, IS Turner road

Foster Henrietta J. (Mrs.), stationer, 145 High road Hookham Annie (Mrs.), dress & mantle maker, 144 High rd

Fowler Frederick, laundry, x6 Church street Hopgood Robert, jobbing gardener, 46 Boone street

Fowler I. florist, 8A., Wantage road Hopwood C. J. ironmonger, 197 & 199 High road

Fowler J. W. fruiterer & ftorist, 4 Rrightfield road Home Thomas Henry, rate collector, x8 Dacre park

Fowler Jacob William, fruiterer, 1:24 Lee road &greengrocer, Howe & Trustrum (Misses), dress makers, 47 Ronver road

4 Brightfield road Howes Brothers, drapers, 5 Orchard terrace

Pox Thomas, dairyman, 2 Church passage, Dacre street Boys Thos. Gray, fishmonger, 3 Eltham rd. & 203 High rd

Francis C. E. carpenter, 14 Brightfield road Bubble M. (Mrs.), nurl'I.S,.44 Turner road
Francis William James, grocer & postmaster, 226 High rd Bubble William, upholstere1·, 9 Ki"!l~'!

Frankli~ G!)orge H. pewterer, 54 High road Huckstepp A. G. hair dresser, 9 Br1ghtfield rOli.d .._., "'--""

Frazer Henry, tobacconist, 32 Higll road Hughes Felix James, hair dresser, 2IA., High road

Freame George James, printer & stationer, 131 Burnt Ash rd Humm J. jun. cabinet maker, 89 High road

Frost William Toogood, chemist, 125 Lee road; 2 Eltham Humphrey A. stationer & news agent, 121 Burnt Ash road

road & 19 Burnt Ash hill Humphrey Thomas Brigstocke, chemist, 3 Quentin road

Fullex J. G. plumber, n6 Lee road Hunt Charles W. plumber, 6 Lampmead road

Galloway W. J. baker, 270 High road & 6 Orchard ter- Hunt Francis, farrier, Granville Mews road

race, Eltham road Hunter George, builder, 33 Turner road

Gardner & Co. ironmongers, 121 Lee road Hurdidge Joseph, butcher, 219 High road

Gamer Charles, tobacconist, 5 Belmont hill Inkson Thomas H. coffee rooms, 68 High road •
Gates William T. builder, St. Peter's court, Eltham road I verson William, carman, so Summerfield street

George D. butcher, 7 High road Jackson .fudith (Miss), ladies' school, 14 Brandram road

Gerrans John B. builder, 146 High road James William, fruiterer, 154 High road

Gibbins & Everden, dyers, 234 High road James William, greengrocer, x86 Burnt Ash hill

Gibb~ George, decorator, to .Manor lane Jeffery William, bricklayer, 7 Ronver road

Gibbs George, jobbing gardener, 42 Dacre street Jenkins Waiter, wardrebe dealer, 22 High road

Glibert William, greengrocer, 3 Weardale road Jobbins Stephen, baker, 149 High road & 21 Montpelier vale

Giles Francis George, station master, Burnt Ash lane Johnson Alfred, The White Hor~ P.H. I High road

Gillan 8. (Mrs.), fancy repository, 248 High road Johnson Joseph, farrier, 252 High road

Girling George, builder, 140 High street Johnson Robert, boot & shoe maker, 7 Eastbourne terrace,

Gobey James, dairyman, 44 Boone street Eltham road

Godfrey Charles J. M. school, 124 Burnt Ash hill Jones George, builder, 39 Boones road

Goldstone & Co. butchers, 15 Burnt Ash hill Jones George, carpenter, 9 Burnt Ash hill

Gooding GeorJe, draper & milliner, 16 & x8 Burnt Ash rd Jones George Mellersh M.A., L.B..O.P.LOnd. physician, 130

Gooding Thomas, boot maker, III Taunton road Burnt Ash hill

Gosling William, fishmonger, 32 Dacre street Jones Howard Charles, solicitor, Craythorne, Grove park,

Grdham C. S. (Mrs.), dress maker, 161 Burnt Ash hill Bromley road

Grainger William, grocer & postmaster, 124 Burnt Ash rd Jones James, hair dresser, 43 Church street

Grant E. A. stationer, 158 High road Jones William, chemist, 61 High road

Gray J. jobmaster, 7, 8 & 9 Garston rnP.WS Jones William, gasfitter, 61 & 65 Dacre street

Greaves Thomas, printers' supplier, Southbrook road Joseph Frederick, cpnfectioner, 7 Burnt Ash hill

Green E. (Miss), baby lmen warehouse, 72 High road Joy John, saddler, 221 High roJ.d

Oreen Henry H.R.c.s.Eng. surgeon, 88 Burnt Ash hill Joycc William, plumber, 25 Brandram road

Green Thomas, cheesemonger, 4 Orchard terrace Jubilee Coffee Tavern Co. Limited ('f. Plumb, manager), 240

Greenfield John, jobbing gardener, 9 Taunton road High road

Griffiths E. smith & farrier, Mews cottage, Southbrook rd Julyan Thomas, market gardener, 16 Boone street

Groom Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundress, 26 Boones road Keech Robert, fruiterer, xo, 12 & I4 Dacre street & 36 Mont-

Groom J. (Miss), beer retailer, 38 High road pelier vale

Groves A. stationer, & post office, 2 Weardale road Keefe Maria (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 126 High road

Groves J. painter, 41 Ronver road Kennard David & Rd. builders, 9 Burnt Ash rd. & Taunton rd

Gubby John, parish clerk of Christ Church, 36 Quentin rd Kennard Agnes (Mrs.), general shop, 48 Dacre street

Gymnasium & School of Arms, Eton grove Kentish Fruiterers' & Greengrocers' Association, 228 High rd

Haig Alexander M,D. physician, Woodcroft, Grove park, King E. (Miss), fancy repository, uo Burnt Ash road ·

Bromley road King Joseph, builder, decorator, contractor, house agent,

Bailey Frederick, baker, 5 Brightfield road plumber & sanitary engineer, 134 Burnt Ash road

Halliday Hannah Elizh. (Miss), accoucheuse, II Belmont hl King Philip, landscape gardener, 333 High road

Hammond Abraham, builder, 35 & 40A, Turner road Kippax James, Crown hotel, 117 Burnt Ash hill

Hamden William, confectioner, 3 Grove Park ter.Bromley rd Kirk Thomas William, cab proprietor, 5 Weardale road

Harris W. J. & Co. Limited, sewing machine manufacturers, Kirke Karl, plumber & sanitary engineer, 108 High road

65 High road Knight Carolina (Miss), dress maker, 48 Turner road

Harris George, plasterer, 32 Brightfield road Knights H. (Mrs.), confectioner, 45 Dacre street

Harris William, confectioner, 42 High road Knott James, builder, Southbrook road

Harrison Helena (Miss), dress maker, 66 Quentin road Knott John, estate agent, 2 Burnt Ash hill

Harrison L. (Mrs.), draper, II7 Burnt Ash road Knott Thomas S. laundry, 29 Summerfield street

Harvie George Frederick, oilman, 3 Summerfield place Lack Edward, school, 43 Eltingham road

Hatfield Emily (Mrs.), dress maker, 89 Brightfield road Lamb E. & E. (Misses), Grove Park college, Alexandra

Havell G. F. builder, 167 High road house, Chinbrook road

Hayes Henry, carpenter, 7 Boones road Lamb Richard, boot maker, 7 Belmont hill

Rases T. H.. builder & undertaker, 35 Ronver road Laney John, shopkeeper,:x3 Summerfield street

Hayes William, Old Tiger's Head P.H. 345 High road & wine Langridg~ Waiter B. dairy, Burnt Ash lane

merchant, I30 Lee road Lankford E. A. (Mrs.), laundress, 30 Boones road

IIeath Charles, greengrocer, 6 Hedgley street Larkin Frederick George L.B.C.P.Edin. physician & surgeon,

Henley Carolina (Mrs.), dress maker, 24 Boones road Craven house, Chinbrook road

Henman Alfred, tobacconist, 161 High road Last Emma ()!rs. ), laundry, 73 Brightfield road

Hewitt M. T. carman, 52 Taunton road Law Arthur, tailor, 82 High road

Higate William, chandler's shop, Brookside cottages Lawson Edward, chemist, 147 High road

Higgins Thomas D. relieving officer, No. 2 District, Lee Lee & Blackheath Middle School (Mrs. A. H. S. Taylor,

sub-district, 256 & 258 High road principal), 285 High road

Hill Richard, jobbing gardener, 7 Butterfield street Lee Chess Club (Capt. L. Le Feuvre, hon, sec. &treasurer),

Hind G. coal merchant, & post office, I Grove Park terrace, 240 High road

Bromley road Lee Green Constitutional Club (James Shepherd, steward),

Hind Elizabeth (Mrs.), general shop, 6 Brightfield road x19 Lee road

Hindes John, upholsterer, n8 Lee road Lee, Lewisham & Blackheath Permanent Building Society

Hoare L. ()liss), tobacconist, 5 Burnt Ash hill (W. H. Lee, sec.), The Institute, Old road .

Hobson Arthur, Crown livery stables, Corona road Lee Liberal Club (Ernest qoc)de, sec.), 32 Burnt ·Ash road

Hodgson Jn. bookseller & stationer, & post office,12 High rd 'Lee Middle Class School (A. H. S. Taylor, head master),
I Boone street
Hoggan M. J. doll warehouse, 92 High road

.384 LEE. . KENT.
Lee George, tailor, 30 Turner road
Payne 'Helen (Miss), modes et robes, I38 High road

Legrove Elizab~h (Miss}, haberdasher, & post office, 13 Payne Sam, banjo academy, 6 High road

Royal Oak place · Pearce Brothers, provision mers. 125 & 127 Burnt Ash road

Leitch William, upholsterer, .j.6 Turner road Perkins & Son, photographers, 10 Weardale road

Lemmon T. (Mrs.), laundry, 45 Ronvel' road · Pescod Janette (Miss), dre~s maker, 233 High road

Lenn Charles Henry, china warehouse, 6 Eastbourne U)rrace Petter :Frank, stationer & postmaster, I77 High road

& 42 Tranquil vale Phillimore W. boot maker, 8 Summerfield street

Lenox John, coffee rooms,. 143 Lee road Philo Eleanor (Mrs.), school, Io6 Burnt Ash road

Lewis H. (Miss), school, 3 Belgrave villas Phippen W. plumber, 33 Boone street

Lintott Charles, butcher, I82 High road Pipe William, boot maker, 38 Church street

Lippard W. H. wine retailer, 238 High road Plumstead District Board of Works(Lee & Kidbrooke offices), .

Lloyd James, painter, 39 Taunton road Woodstock road ·

Loat E. baker, I22 Burnt Ash road Pocock Brothers, boot makers, 19 High road

Loat John, baker, I Summerl\c'W-pfal!e Podger H. & Son, dyers, 123 Burnt Ash road

Lock Fras. verg6J" 2 1 &~.onfctnr. 3, Grove Pk. ter. Bromleyrd Ponsford James, carpenter, 53 Turner road

Loclle Mt"s. midwife, 24 Lampmead road ·. · Poole Williat;n, florist, 19 & 21 Church street

LONDON & PROVINCIAL BANK LIMITED, branch (F. Porter Brothers, New Tiger's Head P.H. 141 Lee road

Brutton Rowe, manager), Lee Green ; draw on head office, Porter & Stevens, wine merchants, I30 Lee road

7 Bank buildings & Glyn, Mills & Co. London E c Poulton&Son,photographic publishrs.6, 8, Io & I2 Tauntn.rd

Loosley Richard, boot maker, 46 High road Powell Thomas, builder, 250 High road

Loveland.Mrs. general dealer, 7 Osborn terrace Pring George James, dairyman, 339 High road.

Mac Lean Martha (Miss), ladies' school, 7 &9 Blessington rd Pring Jane (Mrs.), laundress, 44 Taunton road

Makin J ames, city missionary, IS Ronver road l'risley T. chimney sweep, 1 Summerfield street

Maller & Son, nurserymen, Burnt Ash hill Public Hall Steam 1Laundry Co. Limited (W. P. Cawan, ·

Maller Benjamin B. nurseryman, Leyland road manager), Burnt Ash road

Manchester Alfred, greengrocer, I7 Boone street Public Vaccination Station (J. E. B. Burroughs M.R.c.s.

Manship Thomas I. general shop, 30 High road public vaccinator), 173 High road

Marks Henry, carpenter, 9I Taunton road · Pullen C. baker, 225 Higll road

Marsh Richard, grocer, I91 High road Purkiss J. J. forge, Osborn villas

Martin & Sons, stationers, & post office, IO Burnt Ash road Rabbits & Sons, boot & shoe makers, 1 E1tham road & 197

Martin Alice (Mrs.), laundress, 46 Brightfield road Lewisham High road ·

~artin E. draper, 230 & 232 High road Radford Charles, florist, Effinghaqa nursery, Effingham rd

Martin George, decorator, 4 Boones place Rafter Miss, professor of singing, 32 Lenham road

Martin Henry, costumier, 137 & 139 Burnt Ash road Rainbird G. nurseryman & florist, Manor lane

·Martin James, confectioner, 41 High road Randle Samuel, painter, 6o Brightfield road

Martin M. J. fruiterer & florist, 8 Burnt Ash road Ratton James Jsph. Louis M.D., physician, 63 Leepk

Martin Owen, laundry, I9 Taunton road Reed C. H. & Co. general drapers, I, 2, 3, 4 & 5 Eastbourne

Martin William, sawyer, 41 Dacre street . terrace & ironmongers, I Orchard terrace

Mason Charles, greengrocer, 4 Summerfield place Reed S. (Mrs.), milliner, 2 High road

Mason Edward, painter, 14 Ronver road Rice Geo. Veasey, Lord Northbrook hotel, II6 Burnt Ash rd

Matheson Hugh, tailor, 3 Hedgley street Richardson C; J. draper, I8o High road

Mathews Edward R. plumber, 3 Ronver road Richardson Mrs. laundress, 192 Burnt Ash hill

Mathews George, ironmonger, 74 High road Richardson William, stationer, 25 High road

May James, butcher, 26 Dacre street Rickaby M. E. (Mrs.), ladies' school, 29 Manor pa.rk

Mead & Sons, wheelwrights, Weardale road Ridley George, 'fhe Woodman P.H. 181 High road

Meggs Thomas, gasfitter, 54 Brightfield road Riley W. T. dealer in curiosities, 23 Boone street

Merchant Tailors' Almshouses (Miss E. Willey, matron), Roakes Stanley, hair dresser, 34 Dacre street

Brandram road Roberts iToseph, artists' material depot, 45 High road

Miles Alfred & Co. bakers, 76 High road Robinson Joseph, fishmonger, 88 High road

Miller J. H. & James, carriage builders, 319 & 321 High rd Roche A. J. printer, 84 High road

Moore Thomas F.R.c.s.Eng. surgeon, 6 Lee terrace Roe Alfred, draper, 31 High road

Morden Edward, tailor, 94 High road Rogers George, grocer, 119 Burnt Ash road

Morley Robert & Co. music warehouse, 63 High road Rolfe John B. butcher, 26 Burnt Ash road

Morley Frederick, plumber, 3 Upwood road Rolph Joseph S. photographer, 93 Taunton road

Morris William, fruiterer, I75 High road Ross J. baker, 5 Turner road

Morton Luke, chimney sweeper, 33 Church street Rossiter & Co.· wine merchants, 27 High road

Mousley Charles, painter, 42 Boone street Rowe Lewis, painter, I Boone street

Mundy William Samuel, cutler, 64 High road Ruck G. T. F.s.s. accountant, I59 High road

Munyard .Alfred, butcher, I Weardale road Ruddell William E. solicitor, 241 High road

Murrell A. china & glass warehouse, I Burnt Ash hill Rumens James, bricklayer, I7 Dacre street

Musto James C. painter, 43 Dacre street Rushbrooke J. leather seller, 6 Church street

Nash Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, 44 Turner road Sadgrove A. W. solicitor, Ellerslie, Eltham road

Neal George,_saddler, I33 Lee road &2 Williams pi. Lee rd St. Margaret's Higher Grade School for Girls (Miss Gwinn.

Nelson College (Palmer & Cocq, principals), Newstead road head mistress), Old road ·

Nelson Edward, butcher, I Brightfield road St. Margaret's Parish Room, Old road

Nettlefold H. J. corn chandler, 8 Church street St. Mildred's Hall & Church Room, Bromley road

Neve John, draper, 4 Weardale road St. Peter's Parish Room, St. Peter's court, Eltham road

New & Co. cigar merchants & shipping agents, agents for Sales Edgar Howe, auctioneer, I 59 High road

Van Oppen & Co.'s European & general express, 8oHigh rd Salisbury Samuel, boot maker, 48 Taunton road

Newman Frederick, assistant overseer, 44 Brandram road Sams John Sutton, surgeon, St. Peter's lodge, Eltham road

Newman Isabella(Miss ),school,Durban house, IoLansdown rd Sanders Robert, picture frame maker, 69 High road

Norman Henry, Summerfield tavern, Bromley road Saunders Sarah (Miss), fancy repository, 85 High road

North Abel, florist, 50 Dacre park Savage Albert, fruiterer, I35 Lee road
Savage Thomas M. boot ma. 128 Burnt Ash rd. & I37 Lee rd
North Charles, fruiterer, 231 High road

North Charles, printer, 39 Turner road . Savill James Henry, furniture dealer, 26 & 28 Church st

North Edward, jobbing gardener, 6I Brightfield road Saville Geo. nurseryman, Vine cot. Lee park & Boones road

North Martha (Mrs.), dress maker, 64 Taunton road Hearse William H. watch maker, 323 High road

Nurses' Home of Rest (Miss Emma Loveys, matron), Wan- Scott Thomas, plumber, 19 Boone street

tage house, Chinbrook road Shaw Jn. Edwd. solctr. 198 High rd. ; 5 Lee rd.& 88London s&

Oates R. W. draper, I93 &:I95 High road Shearing A. J. van builder, 252 High road

Osgood & Co. fruiterers, u8 Burnt .Ash road Sholdice (Miss), dress maker, 6 Kingswood place

Ovenden & Co. court dress makers, 14 & I6 Dacre park Shorey James, butcher. 3 Church street

Owen Henry Milner, coal merchant, II Belmont hill Sidery James, builder, 309 High road
Sidery Elizabeth (Miss), dress ma. The Lodge, Belmont gro
Palfreman William, oilman, I Dacre street
Silver George, fishmonger, 25 Summerfield street
soPalmer Ann (Mrs.), ladies' school, 42 to Leyland road
Palmer Richard, carpenter, 3 Boones place Simmonds H. (Miss), costumier, 315 High road

Parker R. (Miss), dress maker, Webster's cottages Simmonds W. plumber, 3I5 High road

Parrish Frank, florist, 196 Burnt Ash hill Simmons A. tailor, Osborn house, Lee green

Parrott Stephen, boot maker, I Williams place ~immons James, nurseryman, Upwood road

Paul E. fruiterer & greengrocer, I3 High road Simmons Rosa (Mrs.), laundress, 39 Ronver road

Payne George P. & S. builders & decorators, 50 Church street Simmons William, tailor, 33 Ronver road

. Payne George, coffee rooms, I39 Lee road Simons B. Q. corn dealer, 9 & ti High road


Simpson F. J. fancy repository, 188 High road Walker George, butcher, :135 Burnt- Ash road..
Walker T. H. butcher, 13 Brandram road
Sims William, pork butcher, 236 High road

Smger Manufacturing Co. (The), 22 Burnt Ash road Walkling George, fruiterer, 16 High road_.

Smton Thomas, cheesemonger, 3 & 5 High road Waller Mary (Miss), confectiQner, 20I High road

Skilton William, contractor, 56 High road 1 Walls John, dairy, 113 Lee road

Skmner Alfred, grocer, 2 & 4 Church street Walton J. F.R.H.s. nurseryman, 9 Eastbourne terrace

Skinner Ch&rles, boot maker, 40 High road Watson E. (Miss), general shop, ~ Belmont hill

Skinner George, shoe maker, IO Royal Oak plaee Watson H. tishmonger, 4I Church street

soSlater James, gasfitter, 33 Hoones road . Webb Francis, plasterer, 8 Boones road

Smith Charles, bricklayer, High road j Webling Charles 1<'. butcher, 128 Lee rd. & 2~7 High street

Smith George M. oilman, 23 High road 1 Webster Henry, sewing machine manufacturer, 91 High rd.

Smith James, boot maker, 53 Taunton road I & 483 New Cross road

Smith John, carpenter, 10 Rouver road rWeil H. H. (Mrs.), milliner, ~I High road
j Welch Charles, jobbing gardener, 27 Boones road
Smith (Miss), wardrobe dealer, 75 Hi~h road

Smith Florentine (Mrs.), laundress, 40 Boone street Wells A. (Miss), dress maker, 2 Aislibie road

Smith Henrietta (Mrs.), laundress, 4~ Church street Wells I<'rederick W. confectioner, II Church street

Smith W. M. grocer, 24 Burnt Ash road· - Werner Robert, professor of piano & violin. St. Cyrus, 95

Smithers Albert, jobbing gardener, I Lamp Mead road Burnt Ash hill

Southwell Edward, landscape gardener, Horn pk. Eltham rd West London Dairy Co. 25 Church street & 58 High road

Speer George, coach painter, 23 Church street West John H. solicitor, 67 Lee road

Speight T. & Sun, oilmen, 66 High road · Weston Edward, builder, 34I High road

Spiers W. L. district surveyor, 5 Lee road Westoo G. J. sign writer, Io Lamp Mead road

Spinks James, chimney cleaner, 2 Taunton road Wheeler William, watch maker, 57 High road

Spmks T. chimney sweeper, 26 High road White Wm. jobmaster &livery stable keeper, Victoria mews

Spr-clgg Henry, bricklayer, 23 Boones road Whiting Charles, house agent, 142 High road

Stephens Edward, carpenter, 28 Turner road Whitlock Gustaf, tobacconist, 77 High road

Sterritt David, tobacconist, 52 High road Whitman N. cab proprietor, IS Belmont hill

Stevens Joseph, baker, 2I Burnt ..dsh hill Whitmore Arthur, painter, 4 Butterfield street
Stockwin R. G. turncock, 15 Boone street
Whittaker Mary Ann (Mrs.), laundress, ss Taunton road
Stokes LennardL.R.c.P.Lond.surgeon, St.Patricks,Eltham rd Whittle William, boot maker, 262 High road

Stratton Jonathan, plumber, 28 Dacre street Wigzell William, carpenter, 8 Weardale road

Straub K. watch maker, 70 High road Wilkes Peter,house decorator,Garston mews& 5 BurntAsh rd

Stredwick George, carpenter, I3 Ronver road Wilkins Henry, upholsterer, I3 Brightfield road .

Streek Charles, plumber, II Burnt Ash hill Wilkins J. baker-, I79 High road

Streeter Rev.George T. P4 Derwent House school, Leyland rd Wilkinson Sarah (Mrs.), laundress, 55 Turner road

Stringer & I<'acicerall, dress makers, I Upwood road Williams Arnold Elworthy, solicitor, I2 Brandram road

Stringer Emma (Mrs.), laundress, 22 Boones road Williams ueo. china & glass wareho. 126 Lee rd. & 58 High st

Sugden Waiter, boot maker, 82 High road Williams Hutchins L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon, 96 Burnt Ash rd

Summers George, decorator, 47 & 49 High road Williams Robert A.R.I.B.A. architect, I04 Burnt Ash hill

Summers George T. tobacconist, I7I High road Williams Robert, baker, I78 High road

Suter Robert, draper, 129 Burnt Ash road Willingale & Co. dress makers, 311 High road

Suiherland Elizh. (Miss), dress maker, 30 Brandram road Willingale A. A. umbrella & parasol maker, gu High road
Wilmshurst Ebenezer, stationer, 3 Orchard ter. Eltham rd
Sweet George, corn dealer, 2 Brightfield l'oad
Wilson Frank, The Rose of Lee P.H. 162 High road
Swindale William, stationer, II Royal Oak place

Tagg Edward, decorator, Southbrook road Wilson W. J. chimney sweeper, 75 Dacre street

Tagg Edward James, painter, 2 Rouver road Winnan Joseph, carman, 37B, Summerfield street

•rappenden Alfred, job gardener, 23 Ronver road Winning Walter, house furnisher, 8 High road

Taylor Henry, boot maker, 86 Brightfield road Wiseman John, solicitor, 30 Burnt Ash hill

Temperance Hall, Boone street Wood & Co. fancy drapers, I 55 High road

Tbeobald Robert Masters, bomrnopathic surgeon, 25 Lee ter Wood Charles, bath chair proprietor, I15 Taunton road

Thompson Matthew Richard, builder, I3 Amblecote road Wood Robert, solicitor, 44 Lee terrace
soThorogood I<'rederick, grocer, 8 Brightfield road
Wood W. W. wheelwright, Boone street

Thorston Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer, 26o High road Wood Waiter William, farmer, Horn park, Eltham road

Tilling Thomas, jobmaster, Brandram road & High road Woodgate Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundry, n Hed.gley street

Tolhurst Henry, professor of music~ 47 .Burnt Ash road Woods Henry, surveyor, 23 Turner road

Tomlinson W. B. & S. J. pawnbrokers, 176 High road Woods Henry, surveyor to the board of works, Plomstead

Tovey Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, 57 Taunton road district; offices, Woodstock rood

Training School for Female Servants (Miss Wallace, lady Woodward John, fishmonger, 14 Burnt Ash road

sopt. ), 29 Dacre park Wooldridge William, general shop, 35 Taunton road

Truelove W. greengrocer, 44 Church street Woolidge William, beer retailer, 39 Church street

Turner Brothers, grocers &c. 215 High road Wooller Charles, carman, 48 Boone street

Turpin James, baker, 156 High road WoolleyMark, greengrocer, 43 High road

Tyler Alfred, milliner, II2 & 114 Lee road WoottonThos.solicitor&commsnr.for oaths,12oBurntAsh hill

Tyler Alfred (Mrs.), ladies' hatter, n2 & 114 Lee road Working Men's Institute (H. J. Nettlefold, sec.), Old road

Tyler John Edward, chimney cleaner, 24 Ronver road Wretham J. grocer, I6o High road

Upton Stephen, farmer, Durham farm, Burnt Ash lane Wright Bernard, china dealer, 165 High road

Ussell Alice (Mrs.), laundress, 9 Turner road Wright Henry R. Lee Park nursery, 334., Turner road

Victoria Wine Co. (The), I7 Burnt Ash hill & 184 High road Yorkshire & Home Made .Bread Co. Limited (David Kerr,

Viles S. & Sons, boot makers, 3 .Burnt Ash hill manager), 20 Burnt Ash road

Viner Charles, bricklayer, 59 Brightfield road YoungJ. & Co. dyers, 67 High road

'Wadman William Henry, plasterer, 29 Dacre street Young Women's Christian Association (Mrs. Atkinsou, presi

Waghom Sarab (Mrs.), beer retailer, 14 High road dent ; Miss Bradford, sec. & res. supt. ), 42 Brandram road

Wainewright Robert Spencer H. D. surgeon, 39 Lee terrace ZdzienickiLouis,ham&beef dlr. 264High rd.&373NewCross rd

LEEDS is a village and parish, 5 miles south~st from another in the north chapel, which also has a piscina. : in the
chancel are three.sedilia: the church was thoroughly teStored
Maidstone, 2! south from Hollingbourne station on the
London, Chatham and Dover railway, in the Mid division in 1879, when some fine old windows, previously blocked up
with masonry, were opened out and two of them filled with
ofthe county, Eyhorne hundred, lathe of Aylesford, Bearsted stained glass : there are 300 sittings. The register dates
petty sessional division, Maidstone county court district, from the year I575· The living is a vicarage, with that of
Holl~bourne union, rural deanery of Sutton, archdeaconry Broomfield annexed, joint gross yearly value from tithe
of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. The church of rent-charge £300, with residence, in the gift of the Arch-
St. Nicholas is an ancient stone structure in the Early bishop of Canterbury, and held since 1877 by the Rev.
English and later styles, consisting of chancel, with side Adolphus Philipse Morris H.A. of Worcester College, Oxford.
chapels, nave of six bays, aisles, south porch and a remark- The rectorial tithes are held by the Ecclesiastical Com-
ably massive western tower of very Early English character missioners. There is a Wesleyan Methodist chapel here.
and perhaps unrivalled in size, crowned by a shingled spire Leeds Castle, the seat of Mrs. Wykeham-Martin, is situated
and containing a clock and a celebrated peal of IO bells: the
in the parish of Broomfield, which see. The Abbey of SS.
Dave i8 divided from the aisles by arcades of three Pointed Mary and Nicholas here, was founded by Robert de Creve-
arches on octagonal pillars; a screen of wood crosses both creur (Croucheart) in JII9, for canons of the Augustinian
Dave and aisles at the entrance to the chancel and there is

K. S. & S. 25

386 . LEEDS. KENT. Lf(~LLY's

order; on its dissolution there were 13 eanons and revenues Parish Clerk, Horace Hollands.

estimated at £362: portions of the buil<lings remained until PosT OFFrcE.-Edward Ellis, reeeiver. Letters from Maid-

1795, situated about a quarter of a. mile south of the church : stone by mail cart to Hollingbourne, thence by foot post,

the abbey lands a.~ now the property of Mrs. Wykeham- at 7·55 a.m. & 1.45 p.m.; dispatched at 1.35 & 6.15 p.m.

Martin, the widow of 'Philip Wykeham-Martin esq. M.P. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Holling·

(d. 1878). Battle Hall, adjoining the church, is supposed bourne .

to have been built in the reign of EdwBrd II. ; it is now ·wALL Box cleared 6.10 p.m. ; no sunday collections

occupied as a farmhouse..Mrs.Wykeham-Martin and the trus- National School, for the parishes of Leeds & Broomfield

tees of the late Sir Edmurrd Filmer bart. who are lords of the (mixed), built in 1873, for 16o children; average attend-

manor, are the chief landowners, but tlwre are severat other . ance, 1o6; & supported_ by Mrs. Wykeham-Martin & by

smaller owners. The soil is loam; subsoil, ragstone. The voluntary rate; Herbert Ernest Bridge, master; Miss

chief crops are wheat, fruit and hops. The area is 1,653 Edith Teale, mistress •

acres ; rateable value, [.3,56o; the population in ·x881 CARRIERS TO MAIDSTONE.-George Page, daily, except wed.;
was 727. Edward Hillier Sloman, daily, except wed ·

Edwards Wm. David, Park Mill house Chambers Mrs. hop & fruit grwr.Caring HughesEdward, cabinet maker

Hughes Rev. Henry Robert M.A. [curate Cheesman Elizabeth (Mrs.),shopkeeper Iggulden Sarah (Miss), butcher
. of Leeds & Broomfield J ·
Clifford Eleanor (Miss), private school King George, Ten Bells P,H

Laurence William, Elsfield house Cobb Charles, wheelwright Kruse Walt.fruit grower,YewTree frm

Morris Rev. Adolphus Philipse. M.A~ Cordingly James, shopkeeper Ledger Cornelius, farmer

[vicar], Vicarage Crisfield William Brisenden, carpenter Ledger Geo.Thos. farmer & hop grower .

Newberry M. rCsO. HBMuBrgReCsIsALh.all Davis George, George inn · Page George, carrier

Bates Jane (Miss), beer 'retailer EHis Edward, harness ma.& post office Page James,farm bailiff toW. Laurence

I<'armer George, farmer & hop grower, esq. Spout house

Beale Chas. Witherden, grocel' & draper A'bbey farm Shorter Edward James, blacksmith

Betts Charles, farmer & hop grower, Farmer William (exors. of), farmers&. Skinner Samuel, farmer, hop, fruit &;

Fulling ·Mill farm · hop growers, Battle hall fruit tree grower

Betts William, jun. farmer & hop Gibbon Edward, bricklayer Sloman Edward Hillier, carrier

grower, Folly farm · Gibbons Frederick, bricklaye10 Tillman Thomas, shoe maker

Blinkhorn Alfred, mille"r (water) & Gibbons Eliza (Miss), first class apart- Tomlin James, bricklayer

baker, Abbey mill ments for tourists & invalids, High- Waghorn Jas.Obed & Wm. blacksmiths

Brown James Castleman, hop grower, wood house Weaire Jameli, grocer & draper

Arnold hill ... Goodwin George, butcher

LEIGH is a parish, situated on the river Medway and the A vicarage house was built in 1877. The impropriatetithes,

road from London to Penshurst, 1i miles south from Hilden- which for the most part belong to Lord de L'Isle and

borough station, -4 miles west from Tonbridge, 6 south from Dudley, and to a smaller extent to the Rev. Thomas May

Sevenoaks and 2 east from Penshurst station, all on the H.A. have been commuted for a rent-charge of £soo. An
South Eastern railway, in the South Western division of the undenominational chapel was erected in 1:871, with Sunday

county, hundreds of Codsheath and Washingstone, lathes of schools attached, at the expense of the late Samuel Morley esq..

Aylesford and Sutton-at-Hone, Tonbridge petty sessional There is property left by C. Budgen aud three cottages by

division and eounty court district, Sevenoaks union, rural Saxby, together of the yearly value of £73, for the use of
deanery of Tonbridge, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese the poor, and there are other charities of the yearly value of

. of Canterbury. ! The church of St. Mary is a building of flint £31 and[.17, distributed in money. There is in thiE~ parish

and stone,. in the Early English style, with some later a mineral spring, possessing properties similar to those of

insertions, consisting of chancel, nave, each with south aisle, the springs at Tunbridge Wells. Hall Place, the seat of

south transeptal chapel, south porch and a western embattied Samuel Hope Morley esq. D. L., 1. P. is a handsome Elizabethan

tower of Perpendicular character, containing 5 bells: the building of red brick with stone dressings, situated in a well-

. nave arcade has three lofty Early English arches on -circular wooded parlt of nearly 200 acres. Samuel Hope Morley esq.

columns; that of the chancel has two low Pointed arches, D.L., l.P. is lord of the manor. Th~ principal landownel'S

.with a clumsy octagonal pier, on the east side of which is a are Lord de L'lsle and Dudley, Samuel Hope Morley esq.

small square recess, and within the sacrarium a small brass a~d Frank Clarke Hills esq. The soil is clay;- subsoil, clay

with symbolical figures, inscribed : " Heholde, 0 Lord, I and gravel. The chief crops are hops, fruit, wheat, with a

I come wyllyingly-Farewell all ye, till you come to me~" considerable portion of pasture and meadow land. The area

the pulpit retains an ancient hour-glass stand: the font is is 4,720 acres ~ rateable value, £ xo,642 ;- and the population
Perpendicular, the basin being octangular in shape and in x881 was 1,293. This includes a portion of the" Hilden-

panelled 1 the chancel and west windows are stained: the borough district," ecclesiastically separated.

chancel was restored in 1861 by Lord de L'Isle and Dudley, HOLLANDEN is a hamlet in this parisp., from 2 to 3 miles

when a con$picuous turret was added l;o the south chapel, north-east.

the tower- being also rebuilt and other improvements Parish Clerk, Stephen Hitchcock.

effected: there lire 294 sittings. The register dates from PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-

the year 1639. The living is a vicarage, average yearly William Anderson, receiver. Letters arriv& through

value from tithe rent-char~e £404. net income [.351, with Tonbridge; delivered at 7 a.m. 12.45 & 4·45 p.m.; .dis-'

residence and 3 acres of glebe, in the gift ofthe Rev. Thomas patched at 12.40 & 7·45 p.m.; sundays, 11.15 a.m

May H.A. formerly vicar of Leigh, and held since 1876 National School, for 220 children; average attendance, 174;

by the Rev. Hugh Robert Collum H.B..I.A., F.B..G.s., F.s.s. Geo. H.Boby, master; Miss FannyChapman, infants' mist

Aldam Mrs _ Blowfield Joseph; farm bailiff to S. Hope Holland Frederick, baker .

Collum Rev. Hugh Robert H.R.I.A., Morley esq Ingram Avis (Mrs.), beer retailer

F.s.s., F.R.o.s., F.R.G.S. Vicarage; & Broad Henry E. farmer, Ashover farm Nye Brpthers, blacksmiths," Charcot ,

Junior Athenreum club, London s·w Burfield William, butcher Parker Abner, beer retajler

Fraser Frank u.n. The Limes - • Button.Stephen, grocer & draper Peacock Wm. GrenadierP.H.Hollanden

Gordon Alexander, Southwood CheesmanWalter,fa.rmer,CinderHill fm PearsonJn. Thos. farmer, Price's farm

Ha.rtree John Penn M. B., M. A. Upper Curtis's & Harvey, gunpowder manufrs Richardson John, Flelir de- Lys P.H

Park cott.age . ·· Davis Charles, head gardener to S. Hope Rogers William, farmer, Haysden &

Heath Mrs. Agnes, The Cottage Morley esq Ensfield farms

Hodgson Misses, The Vines Eade Amos Thomas, beer retailer .Sales Geo~ge, blacksmith

. May Misses, Parsonage • Everest George, shoe maker . Saabrook T. & Co. fariners, Rlmhurst

Morley S. Hopen.L., .J.P. Hall place; & Faircloth Harry, wheelwright Somers George,farmer,LeighPark farm

43 Upper Grosvenor st. London w · Fraser Frank M.n.,c.M. surgeon & SorsbieMary(Miss),organist,Gate house

Richards James [minister] medical officer & public vaccintr. 5th Thorn Mrs. farmer-, Hollanden

Ward The Lady Harriet, Knotley hall district, Sevenoaks union, The Limes Volunteer Fire Brigade (A. Sales, supt.;

<X>:Ml!fEROIAL. Goodwin William, farmer, Paul's farm · H. Faircloth, engineer)

Andersoli William, grocer, Postoffi.ce Gray George, manager, Curtis's & WallisJames, farmer, Barnett's farm

Baldwin, beer retailer Harvey, gunpowder manufacturers Wickenden Willia.m Henry, builder,

LENHAM is a small town and large parish, with a station division, rural deanery of Sutton, archdeaconry of Maidstone

on the Ashford branch of the London, Chatham and Dover and diocese of Canterbury. The river Len, from whichLenilam
railway, situated at the foot of the scarp or th~ chalk hills, on takes its name, rises in the parish and flows into the Medway

the road from Maidstone to Ashford, 9 miles north-west from at Maidstone, and near here is the head of the river Stonr.

.Ashford, 9}east-by-south from Maidstone and 43 from Lon-. The church of St. Mary, situated at the south end of the

don, in the Mid division of the county, lathes of Aylesford and .town, is a building in the Early English and later Styles, and
Scray, Maidstmle county court district, hundreds of Calehill consists. of chancel and nave, each with a north aisle, north
and Eyhorne.. Hollingboume union, Bea~sted petty sessional porch a.nd ~n embattled western tower with pinnacles of



ferpendicular date and containing a clock and 8 bells : the s w, are the chief landowners. The soil is chalk and loamy ;
uave has an arcade of four arches opening to the aisle, with hops are grown. The area is 6,966 acres; rateable value,

octagonal piers: on the south side of the chancel is a curious £9,4S5; the population in 1881 was 1,987.

stone seat with resting places for the arms, and an arched LE.\DING Cnoss GREEN, half a mile south-west; SAND-

bead, and near it a square recess for a piscina: in the north WAY, I mile south-west; WARREN STREET, a mile and a

•all is a slab bearing the effigy of an ecclesiastic with his half north-east ; WES'l' STREET and WooosroE GREEN, a
bead upon a pillow, and on the same side is a panelled altar- mile and a half north; BIGGIN HEATH, a mile a.nd a half

iomb: there are sevf.ral wooden stalls in the chancel; and south-west; LIVERTON STREET, 2 miles south-west; GRAFTY

&he pulpit, also of wood, is richly carved, with arabesque ·GREEN,3 miles south-west, is partly in t~is parish and partly

and other designs, including a cornice displaying grapes and in that of Boughton Malheme; SHELVE IS 1 mile south-east;

YUle lea>es and is dated 1622 : the lectern is also interesting: PLATT's HEATH ilj in this parish and has a chapel of ease.

&here are 450 sittings. The register dates from the year 1558. Parish Clerk, J ames Brooks.

The liring is a vicarage, net average yearly value from tithe p oMsTr,s.MM· 0ar·g&arTet· M0 ·a•rt'Rh·aB. D· &ayA, pnonsuttmt:fis&treIsnss.urLaonncdeoOnflfiecttee.r-s
rent-charge £459• with 8 acres of glebe and residence, in the arrive by mail cart from Maidstone at 1_50 p.m. & 7.5
gtft of the Rt. Hon. A. Akers-Douglas M.P. and held since a.m. i d. hed .._
1sj'6 by the Rev. Charles Edward Burroughs Nepean M. A. of tspatc at 12·55 "" 6·3° p.m
[niversity College, Oxford. The impropriate tithes are

nlned at£1,205 yearly, of which£z, 100 belong to A. Akers- PosT OFFICE, Sandway.-Robert Hughes, postmaster.

Douglas esq. M.P. and £ 105 to the Ecclesiastical Commis- Letters arrive by mail cart from Maidstone at 6.55 a.m.;

aioners. There is a Congregationa chapel here, which in 1881 dispatched at 6.40 p.m. Tbe nearest money order &

yas renovated at a cost of £6oo John :Foord, a native of this telegraph office is at Lenham ..

parish, in 1766 founded a school and endowed it with £345; ScHOOLS:-
Ule present annual income from this charity is [Io, which A School Boardwof 5 members was formed in 1872; Fredk.

amount is given away in prizes. In 1622 Anthony Honywood Day, clerk to the board ; James Bridger, Egerton,

esq.erected and endowed six almshouses here for widows, each attendance officer

of whom receives £3 ss. quarterly; four other widows in the Board (mixed), built in I855, for 340 children; average

parish have houses rent free and IS. per week and, tvo more attendance, ISO; William James Underdown, master;

Widows a house free and ss. per week. Robins' charity of . Miss Elizabeth Clancy, mistress

{.3 yearly, left in 1720 by the Rev. Francis Robins, is dis- Board (infants), Platt's Heath, built in 1874, for 6o chil-
&nbuted on 25th of March to the most industrious poor. dren; aver~o-e attendance, 55; Miss Louisa Reeves, mist

lames Stoddard Douglas esq. erected six almshouses in 1866 ; Railway Station, Jam,es Bleeze, station master
each inmate receives £x zos. 4d. per month. Torry Hill is CARRIERS TO:-

now occupied by Robert Leigh Pemberton esq. J.P. A. 1 FAVERSEIAM-Thomas Hughes, tues. thurs. fri. & sat

Ak.ers-Douglas esq. M.P. who is lord of the manor, and 1 MAIDSTONE-Thomas Hughes, daily ; Thomas Goldup,
Edward Leigh Pemberton esq. of 5 Warwick square, London 1 tues. & fri ·

Akers Mrs. Swadelands .

Coast Jn. Parks, builder &deputy regis- Player ~orm"n, builder, wheelwright&

Bottle The Misses, The Limes trar of births & deaths, Lenham sub- smith ; & at Boughton Malherbe

Brooks Frank, The Square district, Hollingbourne union PopeBros. farmers, Home farm,Sandway

flaridge Napolean Ainger Coast William, carpenter Powell Thomas, farmer, hop grower &

Clark John Collins Edward, dairyman estate agent, Lenham farm

Fteld Adolphus Theodore Coppins Willi1m1, shopkeeper Record Waiter Herbert, grocer •

Hatch James Troup, Grove house Crump John, draper Roberte Elizabeth (Mrs.), White Swan

Lurcock William Bottle, High street CutbushWm.farmer,Low.Runham frm P.H. Platt's heath

Nepean Rev. Charles EdwardBurroughs Day Frederick, grocer & registrar of SmithGeorge, beer retailer, Liverton st

x.A. Vicarage births & deaths, & vaccination officer Smith William Henry, smith

Northcote Richard for Len:ham sub-district& postmaster Sutton Alfred, farmer & fruit grower,

Pemberton Robert Leigh J.P. Torry hill Day Jesse, farmer, Grafty green Court lod~e

COMMERCIAL·. Else John, shoe maker Tanton WilliamFrederick,miller(wind),

AmbroseCbas. sen.farmer, Tanyard frm Field Adolphus Theodore, surgeon & Lenham heath

Avann Alfred, farmer, Sand way medical officer & public vaccinator, Tanton Wm. miller (water), Burnt mill

Baker Evelyn (Miss), Dog & Bear hotel 4th district Hollingbourne union Tanton Robert, corn & hay dealer

Barden Henry Martin, shopkeeper Filmer John, Chequers P.H Tappenden Geo.miller (water) & farmr

Beeken Jn. shopkeeper, Lenham heath Gilbert Peter Thomas, farmer Terry Albt.miller& baker(wind&steam)

Bensted James, farmer, Lewsome farm Grace Geo. White Horse P.H. Sandway Tidy William Henry, farmer

Boorman William, beer retailer j Grant Thomas & S~oInorsel(olaf Maidstone), Tippen Edward, plumber & painter
Bowsher Alfred, plumber & glazier fruit preservers, Cherry wrks Town Ernest James William, black-

Brooks Alfred Herbert, coal merchant, Harrison Holden, baker smith, Lenham heath

furniture remover & agent for the Hatch Ja'!l.Troup,frmr.OldShelve manr Turk Edward, Harrow P.H. Warren st

London, Chatham & Dover railway, Hughes Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Turk John, watch maker

Prospect house · Hughes Thomas, carrier Turner William, beer retailer & shop-

Brooks James, wheelwright Hughes James Weeks, shoe m'Lker keeper, Woodside green

Burbridge Geo. blacksmith, Platt's hth Jell William, butcher Wakefield James, sews agent

Burton Henry, butcher Lurcock Edwin, grocer Walder Robt. grocer & agent for W. &

Buss Edwd. farmer, Upper Ham farm Lurcock Thomas John, draper A. Gilbey, wine &spirit mers.Sandwy

Case Sydney, tailor Marshall Richard, wheelwright · Walker Alfred, Bull P.H
Chambers George, Red Lion P.H
Maylam Wm. farmr. New Shelve farm I Walker William, farmer & hop grower,
Chaney William, farmer, Runham Moore George, blacksmith ,. Grant's gate

Chapman Thomas & Sons, farmers, Neeve Harriett (Mrs.), farmer, West st WalneSusannah(:\Irs.), farmer, Lower

Beedsmen, maltsters & hop growers, Norris George Thomas, tailor Ham farm

LenhamForstal; & brewers atAshfrd Offen Gaorge, farmer, Marlow farm Weeks Amos, farmer, Elmston hole

Chapman Henry, machine owner Palmer & Walker, farmers Wiffen Bros. wheelwrights, Biggin hth

Clark Brothers, builders & lime burners Palmer Ellen (Mrs.), ladies' outfitter Wiffin John, farmer, Ridding farm

Clark. Thomas, corn & seed merchant Parkins James, farmer, Chapel farm Wilson Lewis,shopkeeper, Platt's heath
• Clements Jsph. farmer, Flint Ba:rn frm Philpott Charles, farmer, West ~treet Winder George, saddler

Chflord James, farmer, Waterditch Philpott Robert, beer retailer Wood Marsh. farmer, Warren street

L E \V I S H A~~ .

LEwiSHAM is a suburb of the metropolis, a parish, the head London and 1 from Greenwich, in the Western division of
of a union, a parliamentary borough under the "R~distribu- the county, lathe of .Sutton-at-HtJne, Blackheath hundred, .
petty sessional division, Greenwich county court district,
tl n of Seats Act, z88s,"comprising the parishes of Lewisham rural deanery of Lewisham and in the archieaconry and
diocese of Roch~ter, being aL<~o within the jurisdiction of the
and Lee, and under the Local Government Act, 1888, is Central Criminal Court and the Metropolitan p01lice and in
11'lthin the "County of London," situated on the river the South Eastern )letropolitan postal distnct.. ·

Ravensbourne, with stations on the North Kent, Mid Kent

and London, Chatham and Dover railways, 5 miles fNm

. K. S. & S. 2-5•


.. Lewisham has a select vestry of 39 members and a district spire, and has 1,2oo sittings. The Congregational church in

Board of Works of 27 members, including six representatives Algemon road, erected in 1881, is a brick building, with sit-

of the hamlet of Penge. The Lewisham union guardians tings for 300 persons. There is a Wesleyan chapel in Albion

have jurisdiction over the parishes of Eltham, ~ee and road, with 1,000 sittings ; a Baptist chapel in Clarendon road,

·Lewisham ; but the parish guardians are concerned with with 170 sittings ; and a meeting room for the Brethren,

the parish of Lewisham only. It is supplied with gas by in Loampit vale, seating 100,

the South Metropolitan Gas Co. and with water by the Kent Blackheath Charity chapel was founded by Mrs. Susanna

Water Works Co. Grrehme, deceased, by indenture bearing date 1he 14th day

The. church of St. Mary is an edifice of stone and consists of December, 1697.

of chancel, erected in 1882, nave, south porch, rebuilt in 1777, Lewisham Cemetery, situated at Ladywell and opened in

·and a western tower of 15th century date (circa 148o), con- March, 1858, comprises 15 acres with two chapels, and is

taining 8 bells : in the church is a monument by Flaxman to under the control of a Burial Board of nine members

a member of the Lushington family :_ there are ten stained Lee Cemetery, Hither Green lane, also in this parish, was

-windows: in the year 1882 the interior of the nave was re- opened in 1873: it comprises 9 acres with two chapels, and

. . modelled and reseated in oak, the old west entrance restored is under the control of a Burial Board of nine members.

and a new chancel erected: th8 chancel was rebuilt by the The Board of Works offices for the Lewisham district,

Earl of Dartmouth and the nave restored by the late George Catford, is a building of stone in the Gothic style, erected in

Parker esq. J.P. of Lewisham House; there are I 1 Ioo sit- 1875, at a cost of about £151000. ·
tings, Boo being free. The registers were partially destroyed All Saints' Boys' Orphanage, Granville park, Lewisham,

by fire 29th December, 183~ and the present registers date conducted by the " Sisters of the Poor~· of All Saints, Mar-

from that time only. The living is a vicarage, yearly value garet street, was opened March, 1886, the foundation stone

from tithe rent-charge £400 and ground rents £sso, net having beell laid by H.R.H. Princess Christian in March,

£630, including 72 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift 1884: it is a red brick building with stone dressings, in the

of the Earl of Dartmouth, and held since June, 1879, by the Tudor style, designed by Mr. K L. Swatman, architect, and

Rev. the Hon. Augustus Legge M.A. of Christ Church, Ox- will hold 120 bovs.

ford, hon. canon of Rochester, chaplain tQ the Bishop of Lewisham Public Baths and Washhouses, situated in

Rochester, rural dean of Lewisham and surrogate. Ladywell road, near St. Mary's church, and erected at a

St. Stephen's is an ecclesiastical parish formed in 1865. cost of upwards of £u,ooo, were opened April, 1885, and

The ehurcb is a fine building of stone in the Early English are of a red and white brick, with stone facings, in the

style, designed by the late Sir G. G. Scott R.A. and erected French-Gothic style, from designs by Messrs. Wilson, Son

and endowed in 1865 at the sole cost of the Rev. Septimus and Aldwinckle, architects; there are two swimming baths,

Russell Davies M.A.: it consists of chancel, nave of five bays, 90 feet by 30, and ladies' and gentlemen's slipper baths:

aisles, south transept, south porch, organ chamber, vestries the establishment is mana~d by a committee of 7 mem-

and a tower on the n()rth side containing one bell : the bers, elected by the vestry, the meetings being held monthly

reredos, an elaborate work, includes a representation, in at the offices of the Board of Works, Catford.

coloured relief, of "The Last Supper: " the font is of Colfe's almshouses, founded in 1664, by the Rev. Abraham

alabaster and has a conical cover, wrought in brass: the Colfe, vicar of Lewisham, are now under the control of the

space reserved as a baptistery, at the south-west angle of Leathersellers' Company; and other almshouses were erected

the church, is inclosed by a lofty screen of iron work : there and endowed in 1840 by the late J. Tbackeray esq. for six

are 750 sittings, 250 being free. The register dates from poor females, with an annual allowance of £,10 and one ton

the year L865. The living is a vicarage, with an endowment of coals to each. There are five almshouses at Rushey

of £62 and pew rents in addition, net y.early value £485, in Green, built in 1857 and endowed from the proceeds of the

• the gift of Keble College, Oxford, and held since 1868 by Ha.tcliffe .Charity fund, to which one other was added by

the Rev. Richard Rhodes Bristow M.A. of St. Mary Hall, subscription and subsequently endowed with £ r2 yearly by

• Oxford. The population in 1881 was 6,261. the late Thomas Watsou Parker esq. ; and in 188r two

The Mission Church &f the Transfiguration, in Algernon more almshouses were built and endowed out of the im-

road, erected in 1882, is a structure-of brick in tahrechEitaerclt•v, proved income of the charity : the Lewisham parish officers
English style, from designs by Mr. Jsmes Brooks, also nominate six inmates to Queen Elizabeth's College at

of London, and consists of chancel, na,•e, aisles and a turret Greenwich, founded in the year 1558;'by William Lambard,

over the chancel arch containing, one bell : there are about. each of whom has a house rent free with two tons af coal

. 6oo sittings. ~ . annually, and a pension of £2 ss. per month and gifts

St. Mark's is au ecclesiastical parish formed August 1, amounting to 12s. 3d. a year out of Macey's charity. Other

1871 : it adjoins St. Stephen's and is bounded on the charities, producing £200 yearly, are distributed.

south-west side by the line of the ~outh Eastern railway to Here are some extensive nursery grounds, belonging ro
• Tonbridge. The church1 situated in Clarendon road and Messrs. Maller and Sons and others. There are also large
consecrated July 2oth, 1870, is a building of stone in the brick works and two breweries.
Decorated style, from the designs of Mr. W. C. Hanks, con- The Earl of Dartmouth is lord of the manor and holds a
sisting of chancel, nave and aisles and a western turret con- manorial court towards the latter end of October, at the
taining one bell l the east window and nine others in the Green Man hotel, Blackheath.
aisles and baptistery are stained : the church is built on the
College Park estate, upon land given by the Mercers' Com- The area of the parish is 5,774 acres; rateable value,
pany, as trustees of Trinity Hospital, Greenwich, commonly £477,685 ; the population in 1871 was 36,525; and the
population of the parish of Lewisham, which comprises a
called Norfolk.College and founded by Henry Howard, Earl portion of Blackbeath, Lewisham, Catford, Southend, Forest
of Northampton, in 1613 ~ there are 720 sittings, 17o- being
free. The l'egister dates from the year 187x. The living is Hill and Sydenham, in 1881 was 53,053, of which 28,476are
a vicarage, net yearly value £450, in the gift of the vicar of in Sydenham and including 291 officers and inmates in the
Lewisham, and held since 1871 by the Rev. Thomas John workhouse; the population of the Board of Works district in
West M.A. of Wadham College, Oxford. The population in
1881 was 71,715.

188x was 3,825. Southend is a considerable hamlet of Lewisham, on the

St. Swithun's ecclesiastical parish was formed Nov. 23, road to Bromley, with some well-built residences. Lower

1888 : the church, situate in.Lanier road, Hither Green lane, Sydenham station, on the Mid Kent line, and the Beckenham

and erected in 1884, is an edifice of brick in the Early Eng- s!ation on the London, Chatham and Dover line, are each

lish style, consisting of chancel, nave, transepts and a turret about a mile and a quarter distant. Here is a chapel of

containing one bell : there are 250 sittings. The register ease, built and endowed by the late John Forster esq. of

dates from the year 1888. The living is an incumbency, The Hall, Southend ; it is a plain, rectangular edifice of

yearlY'value £150, in the gift of the vicar of Lewisham, and brick. with a small apse at the east end and will seat 150

held since 1888 by the Rev. Samuel Luffman. persons, half the sittings being free ~ this chapel is served by

· The Congregational church in High street is an edifice of the Rev. Herbert Ellington Hicknell B.A. of St. Edmund

brick, with a highly decorated tower, surmounted by a lofty Hall, Oxford, curate of St. Mary's.

Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.

PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, p.m. (saturday excepted); sundays, IO.IO; neares'

192 High street.-Charles Chester, receiver. 7·55· 9 & telegraph station is at L. C. & D. Railway station, Loam-
pitt hill. 82 Lewisham road.-Henry V. Potts, receiver:
9·45 a,m. ;, 12.45, 3, 5.15 (general), 7, 9 & 11.20 dispatched at 8.40, 9·45 &; II.30 a.m. & 12.40, 2.401 5.10,
7, 9 & ll.15 p.m. (saturday excepted); sundays, rop.m.; .
• ,P.m. (Saturday excepted); SUndays, 10.20 p.m nearest telegraph station, Dartmouth row. 7 Loampi~.
PosT & M. 0: 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Offices :-II2
Hither Green lane.-William James Wheeler, receiver:

dispatched at 7·45, 8.50, 9.30 & n.35 a.m. & 12.35, 2.35, vale.-Misses Caroline & Sarah Green, receivers: 8, g, '

4·45• 7, 9 & u. 15 p.m: (saturday excepted) ; sundays, Io 9·55 & u.55 a. m. & 12.55, 3, 5· 15, 7, 9 & n.25 p.m. (satnr- • ; nearest telegraph station, 192 Higq street. 92 day excepted); sundays, 10.20 p.m.; nearest telegraph !
Loampit ·vale.--:-John Baldwin Lander, receiver: dis- · station is 192 High street. Southend.-Alonzo Myat~

patched 8.10, 9.5o & II.45 a.m. & 12.45, 315.15,7• 9 & n.2o receiver: 9·45 & u.35 a.m. & 5 & 8.30 p.m.; sundays,


!J.liO p.m. ; nearest telegraph station is at Rushey green, LEWISHAM UNION. •

Oatfonl Board day, thursday fortnightly.

MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT. . Offices, Hip"h street, Lewisham.

Right Hon. Viscount Lewisham P.C., J.P. Woodsome, Ho.d- The Union comprises the parishes of Eltham, Lee & Lewis·
ilersfield; 55 Manchester street w & Carlton, Marlborough, ham; the population in x881 was 72,533; rateable value,
SL Stephen's & Travellers' clubs, London s w
Unming Officer, John Charles Charlton B. A Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Henry

Charles Mott, Union offices, High street, Lewisham

LEwisHAM DISTRICT BoARD oF WoRKS. Assistant Clerk, Hy. Wm. Wybourn, Union offices. High st
Treasurer, William Hodgetts, London & Provincial Bank,
Offices, Catford.
Consisting of 27 members-21 elected by the Vestry of 95 High street
Collector to the Guardians, Charles Atkins, 15 Thornrord
Lewisham & 6 by the Vestry of Peuge. The district com-
prises the parish of Lewisham & the hamlet of Penge. road, Lewisham
Meetings held every alternate wednesday, at 4.30 p.m. at Relieving Officers, No. I district, John William Mot~ re-
the Board's offices, Catford
lief station, High street, Lewisham; assistant, Arthur

Retire June, 1891. Alfred Saunders; ~o. 2 district, Thomas Dick Higgins,

T. A. Mitchell Samuel J. Jerrard relief station, Lee green, Lee ; assistant, Frederick Jol:m

John Denn MartinS. Johnson Wybourn, relief station, Lee green, Lee sE; No. 3 dis-

•Bryce Grant *Alfred J. Keen trict, William Croft Rich, relief station, Waldram road,

A. H. R. Trenchard Thomas Jones Forest Hill ; assistant, Spencer Lamb

Theo. W. Williams General Relieving- Offices, William Henry Glanville, Union

Retire June, I 892. offices, High street. Lewisham

R.l. S. Beeton F. Crockford Vaccination Officer, Chas. Atkins, 15 Thornford rd.Lewisham

J. C. Charlton R. Hardy Smith District Medical Officers, Eltham district, David King K.D.

T. M. Whittaker A. L. Guy High street, Eltham; Forest Hill district, Augustus Square
*George E. Dod8on May, Gresham house, Stamtead road, I<'orest Hill ; Lee
I. T. Arlt,rd
district, John Edwar 1 Buckland Burroughs, Manor villa,
*C. H. W. Wimshurst

Retire June, I 893. Lee; Lewisham district, John Challen Duke, 161 Lewi-

*Thomas Blake MarkS. Luck sham road; Sydenham district, William Riddell Brunton,

1. W. Elliott William Melior 43 Kirkdale, Sydenham

David K. Forbes W. H. Morson Public Vaccinators, Eltham district, David King M.D. Hi6h

*Charles Grt>en J. Archer Smith street, Eltham; station (same place): Forest H1ll district,

Richard Wooff Augustus Square May, Gresham house, Stanstead road,
•Elected by tbe Vestry of Penge•. Forest. Hill; station, the Mission Room, Ewart road, Forest

Clerk, Edward Wright; office, Catford Hill: Lee district, John Edward Buckland Burroughs,
Cuhier, Eruest Roberts Manor villa, Lee; station (same place): Lewi.~ham di8-
Bookkeeper, Henry P. Hall
trict, John Challen Duke, 161 Lewisham road; stations,
Hospital Medical Officer, Harman Visger, 279 High street,
Lewisham Lewisham Public Hall, Avenue road, Lewisham & St.

Public Analyst, Charles Heisch, 79 Mark lane, London E c Laurence Mission Room, Rushey green, Catford: Syden-
Medtcal Officers of Health, Frederic Eachus Wilkinson M.D.
ham district, William Riddell Brunton, 43 Kirkdale,
Wycb Elms, Sydenham park, Sydenham & S. :SlakeJolly, Sydenha~; stations, Lonsdale lodge, Wells road, Syden·
Godstone house, West hill, Sydenham ham & 6 Crown terrace. Bell green, Lower Sydenham
Slll'Veyor, John Carline c. E. Board of Works offict>.s, Catford
Assistant Surveyor, Ernest Van-Putten, Board of Works Superintendent Registrar, Henry Charles Mott, register
office, High stree~ Lewisham; depnty, Henry \Villiam

Wybourn, register office, High street, Lewisham

offices, Catford Registrars of Births & Death··, Eltham sub-district, William

Sanitary Inspectors, Blackheath & Lewisham Division, John Mortis, High street, Eltham; deputy,l''rederick W.

Henry Broadbrid~e, 2 Harvard road ; Sydenhf!m & Forest I<'rancis, High st-reet, Eltham ; Lee sub-district, Alfred

Hill Division, Henry Shaw, Board of Worl(s offices, Cat- Cooper Cole, 223 High road, Lee; deputy, l"rederick

ford; Hamlet of Penge, John R. Shelt6n, 3 Woodbine Newman, 44 Brandram :road, Lee; Lewisham sub-dis.

terrace, Woodbine grove, Penge sE trict, Thomas Allan Belcbam, 152 High street, Lewisham ;

LEWISHAM VESTRY. deputy, William Henry Glauville, Union offices, High
street,Lewisham ; Sydenham sub-distri<.-t, George Phillips,

Alfred Newton, Vestry clerk. Bardfield villa., Allenby rood, Perryrise, Forest Hill;

Collectors of Poor Rates, Frank Ernest llarrett, SI Rushey deputy, Waiter G. Bradley, Silverda.le house, Lower
gteen, Catford; George Gurr, 97 Lewisham road ; Thomas Sydenham

Chitty, 28 Sydenham park, Sydenham sE; Henry Ed- Registrar of Marriages for the Union district, Thomas Allau

ward Cockell, 217 Stanstead road, Forest Hill s B Belcbam, I52 High street, Lewisham ; deputy, William

PuBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS: Henry Glanville, Union offices, High street

A. 0. F. (Court Lord Byron, No. 3,565), Courthill hall, Workhouse, High street, a plain brick building, certified to

Courthill road accommodate 479 inmates ; James Fra~klin, master;

All Saint:>' Boys' Orphanage, Granville park; Rev. R. R. Rev. Herbert Ellington Bicknell B. A. chaplain; John

Bristow M:.A. warden Challen Duke, medical officer; Mrs. Mary Salter, matron

Board of Works Hospital, Hither Green lane, Harman PUBLIC OFFICERS:-
V1sger, 279 High street, Lewisham, medical officer; Mrs. Assistant Overseer, Charles Atkins, 15 Thornford road
Lydta Brown, matron
Collector of Water Rate, Edmond William Wade, 129 High
Fire Escape Station, Avenue place
road, Lee
Leathersellers', High street, Rev. Thomas Collectors of Assessed Taxes, No. 1 district, Harry Heaton
Bramley D.D. chaplain
Codnngton Ball, 7 High street; No. 2 district, Thomas
Lee Cemetery, Higher Green lane, Frederick W. Smith, Hodge, 24 Rnshey green, Gatford s E ; Nos. 3 & 4 dis-

clerk to the burial board; George Fry, superintendent tricts, Wm. James Raymond, 78 High street9 Sydenham
Lewisham Cemetery, Ladywell road, Rev. Frederic John School Board Officer for tbe South Eastern District of the

Hammond A..K.C. chaplain; Edward H. Oxenham, clerk Greenwich Division, Wm. Thompson, 6 St. John's 'errace,
to the burial board; William Bugg, superintendent
John street, Avenue road
Metropolitan Police Statwn, P Division, 233 & 235 High Steward of the Dartmouth Manor, Alfd. Newton, x8o High st
street, Waiter Wren, inspector for the Lewisham section;
Thomas Butcher & William Brown, inspectors, 3 sergeants PLAcEs OF WoRSHIP, with times of services:-
St. Mary's Parish Church, High street, Rev. the Pnn.
& 43 constables
Public.Batbs & Washhouses, Ladywel1 road, Edward H. Cahon Allbustns Legge lll.A. -vicar; Rev. Tom Horat10
Foster B.A. Rev. Herbert Ellington Hicknell B.A. Rev.
Oxenhaw, clerk
St. Stephen's Industrial Home for Training Domestic Frederic John Hammond A.K.C. Rev. Charles Jasper
Palmer B.A. Rev. Richard Polgreen Roseveare B. A. & Rev.
Servants, 23, 251 27 & 29 High street, Carolina Hilda, Harold Athelstan Sawyer B.A. curates; matins, mon.
sister in charge
tues. thurs. & sat. 9 a.m. w_ed. fri. & holy days at 1r.3o
Thackeray's (John) Almshonses, High street
a.m. ; evensong, tues. 4.30 & other days 7 30 p.m.: the
• church is open daily for private prayer between the hours

Guardians of the Poor. of matins & evensong; sun. 8 a. m. ·holy communion ;

Meeting held every 4th tuesday at the Board of Works xI a. m. matins, holy communion & sermon, & grd

offices, Catforo. sun., matins, litany & sermon, other sundays ; 3 p.m.

Solicitors, Messrs. Newton & Newton children's service, holy baptism (last sun. in month); 6.30

Clerk, Edward H. Oxenham p.m. evensong & serrr.on

&9'0 LEWlSH.!M. KENT.

Chapel of Ease to St. Mary's, Southend, Rev. Herbert the yearly examination to boys who have been two years

Ellington Bicknell B.A. curate; u a. m. & 7 p.m. ; first in the school, & parish scholarships of {;20 a year to pupils

sun. in the month 3 p.m from Public Elementary Schools are also provided: a sum

St. Mark's Church, Clarendon road, Rev. Thomas J. West of not less than £xoo yearly will be applied in main-

- Jri.A. vicar; Rev. Hamilton Smyth Cobb M. A. curate; :n taining exhibitions of a yearly value of from {,20 to £so

a.m. 4 & 7 p.m.; daily 10 a.m. ; wed. & fri. 12 noon & each, tenable at other places of higher education, includ-

7.30 p.m.; holy & saint days 10.30 a. m. & 8 p.m ing the Universities, & will be awarded on- the result of

St. Stephen's Church, High street, Rev. Richard Rhodes examination tA boys who then are & have for not less than

Bristow Jri.A. vicar; Rev. Charles Herbert Griffith :r.r.A. three years been in the school, Rev. Thomas Bramley

& Rev. Charles Burrard Lucas M.A. curates; sun, 7, 8, D.D, head master

• 9, 10.30 & u.45 a,m, 4 & 7 p.m. ; daily 7-IS & 8 a.m. & East London Industrial (boys), Porson street, James Cart-

5.30 p.m. ; w.ed, & fri. 12 noon & 8 p.m wright, sec. & supt

St. Stephen's (The Transfiguration) Mission Church, London ~chool Board, Lewisham bridge ; the boys' school

Algernon road, Loampit vale ; sun, 8 & I r a.m. & 7 was erected in x875, for 450 boys ; average atteQdance,

- p.m. ; thurs. 8 p.m no; the girl~' Se; infants' school was built in I88o, for 36o

St. Swithuns, Lanier road, Rev. S. Lufiman, incumbent; girls & 325 infants ; average attendance, 200 girls & 210

Rev. Benjamin Hamilton M.A. curate; sun. 8 & :n a. m. infants; William John Pope, master; Miss Jane Hilton

3 & 7 p.m.; week days, 7·45 a.m. (except wed. & fri. at Selkirk, mistress ; Mrs. Maria Harris, infants' mistress

n a.m.); wed. 8 p.m · London Sch<10l Board, Albion street, Lewisham road,

Holy Trinity Mission Rooms, Bennett street erected in 18'80, for 36o boys, 36o girls & 420 infants;

Baptist, Clarendon road, Rev. James Crook, minister; II average atte~ance, 300 boys, 287 girls & 375 infants;

a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7·I5 p.m Wm. Hy. Drinkwater, master ; Mrs. Clara Mary Bunker,

Congregational, High street, Rev. J. Morlais Jones, mistress ; Miss Lou~ Mary Hopwood, infants' mistress

minister; n a. m. & 7 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m London School Board, Beacon road, erected in x885, for

Congregational, Algernon road, Rev. George Lyon Turner 240 boys, 240 girls & 310 infants; average attendance,

M.A. pastor; u a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; tburs. 7.30 p.m 190 boys, I8o girls & 300 infants; Arthur William Hiscox,

'The Brethren tiuspel Hall, Loampit vale; sun. 6.30 p.m master ; Miss Althea Crane, mistress ; Mrs. Davinia

Wesleyan, Albion road; sun. n a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. Richards, infants' mistress
- 7.30 p.m •
St. Mary's National, High street (boys & girls), erected

.Granville Hall, I High street (Baptist Union) ; sun. II 1830 &enlarged in 1872 for 214 boys & 214 girls; average

a. m. & 6.45 p.m attendance, 185 boys & I8o girls; infants', erected 186o,

Mission Room, 64 Cold Bath street; sun. 7p.m.; tues. 7 p.m for 152 children ; average attendance, I20; Wm. Burgess

.Canterbury Hall, High street; sun. II.I5 a. m, •& 6.45 Dunston, master ; Miss Alice Ellen Roope, mistress ; l\1iss

p. m~ ; wed. 8 p.m Jane Elizabeth Bassett, infants' mistress

Mission Hall, St. Germaine's villas St. Stevhen's, Jerrard street, for 218 boys, I35 girls & 105

Mission Hall, La.dywell; sun. 6.45 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m infants; average attendance, 205 boys, 138 girls & 103

SCHOOLS:........ infants; Henry Morle, master; Miss ..\lice Butler, mis-

Colfe's Endowed Grammar School, Lewisham hill, founded tress ; Miss Fanny Aldridge, infants' mistress

· in 1652 by the Rev. Abraham Colfe, vicar of Lewisham, National~ Southend (mixed), built in I885, for 90 children;

-for the hundred of Blackheath, to educate on the foun- average attendance, 40; Thomas West, master

dation 3I boys & the sons of the vicars of the hun- RAILWAY STATIONS:-
. dred, rebuilt in I 890 by the Leathersellers' Company, & North Kent & Mid Kent, Lewisham Junction Station,
now carried on under a scheme, dated 15 Sept. 1887.
Railway approach, James Keefe, station master
· The new buildings, completed in May l89o, at a cost of South Eastern, Ladywell Station,Jas.Martin,station master
about £6,ooo, from designs by Me8srs. Giles & Gough, London, Chatham & Dover, Loampit hill, William Lncy,

of Craven street, Strand, are of red brick with Ancaster station master

& Bath stone dressings, in the late Tudor style, & consist CONVEYANCE:-
of a ground floor & basement only : in the latter pro- Tilling's omnibuses to & from Greenwich, Catford, New

vision is made for a heating ·chamber: the ground tioor Cross & Lee, also from Rnshey green to Forest Hill, several
comprises a spacious entrance hall with ante-room, head times daily
South Eastern (Lewisham & Greenwich) Tramways, from
- master's & assistant masters' rooms, a great hall, 74 by Greenwich to Rushey green
· 32 feet, with a rai.sed dais at th& western end, three class
1 rooms divided by sliding partitions, & two other class

, rooms & cloak rooms: the lavatory & sanitary arrange- CARRIERS FROM LEWISHAM TO:-

ments are at the rear, approached by a covered way: the LONDON.-Carter, Paterson & Co. ; J. Chinn ; Gridley &

main entrance is in Camden road: the site admits of a :Ford i W. & (,i. Hemphrey; E. Quinnell; & Russell &

good sized playground & affords space for extending the Co. daily; T. Jeffrey, tues. & fri.; & E. Quinnell, tues.

1 buildings. Foundation scholarships, tenable at the school, & fri. evening & sat. morning ; & others pass through
daily; from Southend, W, & G. Hemphrey,. daily
& reducing the fees one half, are awarded on the result of

' Lewisham. ·

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. ArmstrongHenryEdward F.R.s., Ph.D. Bain Mrs. 67 Mount Pleasant road

Abbott George, 69 Brookbank road 55 Granville park Bainbridge Waiter, 3 Bertrand street
nsAbbott George, 1 I Holly Tree terrace Armstrong Rd. Darid, 22 Clarendon rd Baines A. Lewisham road
Abbott Robert, 6 Holly Tree terrace Arnold Charles Vesey, 35 Thornford rd Baird Percy, n Embleton street

Adams George, 8 Branscombe street Arnold Frederick, 155 Hither Green la Baker Forster, 185 Algernon road

Adams George, 2I Brookbank road ArrighiEdwinSebastian,87 Algernon rd Baker Thomas, 6 Mount Pleasant road

Adams John, 1 Eliot hill Artbur George Edward, 10 Vicar's hill Baker William, 20 Branscombe street

Adams Mrs. 19 St. Stephen's road Arthur Henry George, 30 Thornford rd Baker William, 99 Hither Green lane

Adams Thomas, 136 Lewisham rood Ashenden Robert, 6 Bertrand street Baker William Edwd. 6 Morden grove

Adkin John, Brandon house, Morden hl Ashford Chas.Ridley,25Cressingham rd lialdock George, 23 Brookbank road

Adkin Jo!'leph Fletcher, 173 High street Ashton Charles James, 6 Thornford rd Ball Edwd.Hanleyvil.tsBlackheathrise

Adkin Robert,4 Lingards road Ashwell Miss, 24 Thornford road Ball Mrs. 2 Danby vils. Ladywell road

Aldham Arthur Robt. 9 Beaufort gdns Ash'win Gerald, 2 Ladywell road Ball Thomas, 77 Elswick road

Aldons Richard, 17 East Down park Ashworth Rev. Chas. 74 Algernon road Banham Frederick, I East Down park

Aldrich H.t. Frost RN. 47 East Down pk Asprey Mrs. 22 Thornford road Banks Wm. Coppard, 10 Slaithwaite rd

Aldridge Edward, 3 Bonfield rood Atkinson Fredk. Charles, 287 High st BanisterEdwd.Vincent,125Lewisham rd

Allbeury Edward, 24 Algernon road Atterbury John Thos. I59 Algernon rd Bannister John, I6 Georgelane

Alstone Miss, Erskine, 6o Granville pk Attwood Mrs. 21 Elswick road Bapty Miss, 44 Cressingham road

.!lwood Kitson, 69 Ellerdale street Aubrey W. H, 19 Ryecroft road Barber Chas. Leggatt, 40 Mt. Pleasant rd

Anderson Claude, 56 Ellerdale street Austin Mrs. Grasmere, Morley road Barber Mrs. So Lewisham road
Anderson Harry, 150 Lewisham r~li Austin Mrs. 7 Sunning HiU terrace, Barff Miss, Kingston vil. Bonfield road

.Anderson John, 41 Algernon road Loampit hill Bargen Gustav, 108 Lewisham road

Anderson Mrs. 9 Gilmore road ' Austin Waiter George, 36 George lane Barker William, 14 Camden road
~ndrews Alfred Steed, 65 Courthilird Avern George, 3 Holly Tree terrace
Barnard John, 47 'fhurston road

Andrews Mrs. 8 Fordyce road Avery Albert Arthur, 49 Thurston rd Barnes l<'rederick, 22 Elswick road

Anthony Thomas, 4 LewishamPark cres Ayers Miss, Elliot lodge, Lewisham hill Barnes George Planta, IS Granville pk

Appleby Charles. 5 Ravensbourne ter- Bagdon-HuntJas.Oscar, Barnett F. Septimus li.D., M.R.c.s. 19
Bagg Miss, 121 Algernon road SHigh street
J race, Ladywell road . • , Bailey Edward, I2 Albion road
Appleby Henry, 23 Harrard road Barrett Charles, Trinity terrace

Arbuthnot William Robert, lO }!;liot pk Bailey Thos. 5 St. Mary's vils.Pascoerd Barrett Charles T, 56 Elswick roag
Archer George Berated, I7 Vica.r'J l;lill Bailey William, 82 Ellerdale street
Barrett James, 27 Algemon road


Barrett Thomas, 17 Algernon road Bonlter Thos. David, 38 Thurston road Bull Thomas Kerwin, 45 East Down pk

BarronHy.Stracey C.JI!. 152Lewisham rd Boveingtonl<'k.Glencoe,Lewshm. Pk.cres Bullivant Jas. Arth.52 Knowles Hill crea

Bart01 Mrs. de, 119 Hither Green lane Bowden Edmund, 87 Granville park Bundey Frederick, 3I Ellerdale street

Banell Wm. Valentine,I07 Algernon rd Bowden William, I Ruthin street Burbury Mrs. 58 Cressingham road

Baskett John, 181 Hither Green lane Bowdige Walter, 42 Molesworth street Burch Miss, 24 Sunning Hill road
BurcheLt William Thos. 27 Ellerdale st
Bass Thomas, 19 Ladywell park Bowes Alfred, 33 Courthill road

Batchelder William, 7 Alexandra. ter- Bowman William, 37 Gilmore road Burden William, 4 Harvard road

race. Ennersdale road, East Down pk Box Waiter, 18 Sunning Hill road Burgess John, 2 Ravensbourne villas,

Batcheler Frank, 10 St. Mary's villas, Boyce Isaac, 34 Mount Pleasant road Ladvwell road

Pasooe road Boyd Albert Harry, 46 Cressingham rd BurgeSs Mrs. 8 Morden grove

Batchelor Gem·ge, 64 Court Hill road Boyle George Arthur, 37 Wisteria road Burgess Peter Slader, 1 Sydney place,

Batchelor Samuel, 65 Brookland road Boyle Miss, I2 Clarendon road Mordcn hill

Bates Frederick, 8 Alexandra terrace, Boynton Charles, 32 Wisteria road Burgess Purnell, I Lanier road

Ennersdale road, East Down park Brabant Mrs. Albert vil. Albacore cres Burns John, I3Victoria terrace, Enne1'8-

Bates James, I Radford road Brabrook Edward William, I77 High st dale road, East Down park

.Bates John, 75 Brookbank road Bradford Miss, 38 Gilmore road Burnside Wm. Clarence cot. Woodlands

.Baugh Mrs. 61 Algernon road sBradford Samuel, 2I Thornford road Burrell Henry, 27 Branscombe street •

Jluter J. 48- Court Hill road Bradford Samuel James, Dermody rd Burrows Thomas, 13 Thomford l'oad

.Bayley George S. 3 Blackheath rise Bradford Wm. Barnes, 23 Thomford rd BurrowsWm.Hy.s Morley vls.Morley rd

Bayli1!8 Charles, 34 Molesworth street Bradly Joseph James, ISI High street Burt Miss, 165 Hither Green lane

Beach Mrs. 33 Cressingham road Bradly Mrs. 39 Limes grove Burton J ames, 1 Branscombe street

Beal William, 39 Elswick road Bradly William, 39 Limes grove Rurton John Francis, I I Ellerdale street

Beames l''rancis, 150 High street Bradshaw Mrs. 265 High street Bush George, 30 Elswick road

Bean Charles [city missionary], 4 Holly Bradshaw Mrs. 68 Knowles Hill crescant Bushell Benjamin, I3 Dartmouth ter

Tillas, Dermody road Brain James Emelius, 20 Albion road Buskin Henry Mason P. 79 Granville pk

.Bean Frank, 2 Morden grove Bramley Rev. Thomas D.D. [head n1as- Buss Joseph, 13 Ellerdale street

BeardshawH.C.Springdale,Lewishm. pk ter of Colfe's Grammar school & Butcher Charles, 93 Algernon road

Beare William, 28 'fhornford road chaplain to the Leathel' Sellers' Co. ], Butcher Mrs. I6 J errard street

Beattie Henry, 86 Court Hill road IO Dartmouth row Butcher Thomas, 235 High street

Beaumont Alfred, I53 Hither Green la Brand Theophilus, I4 Branscombe st Butler Chas. Hope cot. Hither Green la

Beck Sydney, I Knowles Hill crescent Brander William Reade, 8 Ueorge lane Butler William, 19 Alexandra terrace,

Becker Misses, 1-4 Gilmore road Brazier F. H. SI Thurston road Ennersdale road, East Down pal'k

Beckett John, 29 Knowles Hill crescent Brazil Frank Wm. Kelso cot. Morden hl Buttertield Mrs. 26 Limes grove

Beecbing George, 23 Windsor terrace, Brazil Joseph, K~lso cottage, Morden hl Cabban John, 3 Belmont road

Elthruda road Brent Miss, 3S Limes grove Cadreman Thomas. 49 Cressingham rd

Belcham Alfred, 109 Lewisham road Breton Waiter Herbert, Albacore cres Callow George, Fern villa, Morley road

Belcham Mrs. 2 Albert villas, John st Brewster Peter, 6o Knowles Hill cres CalverJn.I Ravensbourne ter. Morden hl

Bell Frederick Wm. 2 Lingards road Bridge Samuel, 207 Algernon road Campbell George, 1 Alexandra terrace,

!Jell Mrs. 29 Avenue road Bridger George, 6 Horton street Ennersdale road~ East Down park

.Benbrook Miss, 87 Lewisham road Bridges Alfred, 37 Molesworth street Cannon Jame.'J, 41 Harvard road

Bending Henry, 7 Thurston road Bridges Henry Thomas, 22 Albion road Cant John, 14 Beacon road

.Bennett Robert, 72 Ellerdale street Bridgman William, 50 Granville park Cant John, 7 Windsor ter. Elthruda rd

.Bentley Thomas, 20 Harvard road Brien Edward, 4 Bertrand street Cantor Henry, I9 Albion road

so.Bemau Mrs. 2I Courthill road Brig!{S Mrs. I5I Lewisham road Carpenter Andrew, 45 Mordell grove

Berre MillS, Cressingham road BrightFk.Denny,Devonia,Slaithwaite rd Carpenter George, I8 Victoria terrace,

Berry Miss, 36 Mount Pleasant road Briselden J ames, So Ellerdale street Ennersdale road, East Down park

Berry William, 2 Vicar's hill Briselden Mrs. 62 Ellerdale street Carpenter Henry, 10 Victoria terrace,

Berryman Edwd. Geo. jun. 1Granville rd Bristow Rev. Richard Rhodes M.A. St. Ennersdale road, East Down park

Berryman Edward Geo.92 Lewisham rd Stephen's vicarage, Cressingham rd Carter Austin, 34 Courthill road

Bertram Mrs. 68 Thurston road Broadbent Mrs. I4 Mount Pleasant rd CarterJamesCharles,jun. 84 Courthill rd

Betts George Thomas, 9 Elswick road Broadhurst Harry Cecil, 17 George lane Carter Joseph, IS Morden grove

.Betts William, 26 Limes grove Broadribb Alfd. Wm. 20 Morden grove Carter Miss, 76 Thurston road

:Bevan Misses, I9 Clarendon road • Brockelbank G. Seymour, 9 Eliot park Carter Mrs. 37 High street

Biddle Samuel, 234 High street Brock-Hollingshead Mrs. Jubilee house, Carter William, Fern cottage, John st

.Bidwell Mrs. H. 4 Sunning Hill road Woodlands Carthew George, 21 Radford road

Bill Thomas Morgan, 99 Lewisham rd Bromiley Arthur J ohn,Swa:ffham house, Case John, 46 Molesworth street

Billinghurst Henry 1<'. 35 Granville pk Lingards road Casley Jas. 11 Windsor ter. Elthruda rd

Birch Joseph, 22 Wisteria road Brookes Joseph William, 6 George lane Castle Samuel James, n Morden grove

Birdseye Edwd.Jsph.I99 Hither Gm. la Brookes Robert S. I6I Hither Green la Catford George Wadsworth Cragg,

Birtchnell Frederick, 3 Morden grove Brooks Mrs. 2 York villas, Morley road Strathearn, Lewisham park

Bishop Edward F. 45 Ladywell road Brooks Robert, 59 Knowles Hill crescent Cave Mrs. 3 Fordyce road
Brown Alfred Charles, 129 Algemon rd Chambers Orlando Gustave, 65
.Bizzey Mrs. 9 Pascoe road

Black Mrs. 59 Brookbank road Brown Charles Francis, 17 Ellerdale st Gilmore road

Blacknell Edward, 75 Lewisham road Brown Charles, 11 Grar.ville road Chaning George, 4I East Down park

Blackwall William, 8 Ladywell park Brown Emest, 52 Clarendon road ChannonCharlesJames,Buroham house,

Blake Jsph.Hammond,9 Dartmouth ter Brown J ames, Morden cliff, Morden hill Woodlands

Blake Peter, 12 Granville park Brown James 'rhos. 61 Cressingham rd Chanter Samuel, 5 Pascoe road

Blake Richd. Speed, 2 Priory vis. High st Brown J ames, 54 Thurston road ChaplinMrs.Sidney,s Mount Pleasantrd

Blancbard Mrs. H. I Dartmouth ter Brown John, 49 East Down park Chapman Clement Wm.3 Slaithwaite rd

Blight Herbert, 42 Elswick road Brown John J. Beacon cott. Beacon rd Chapman George, 18 Bonfield road

Bliss William, 11 Eliot park Brown Mrs. 5 Cressingham road Chapman George, 237 High street

Blizard Alfred Jas. 48 Ladywell p1nk Brown Mrs. 34 Harvard road Chapman Henry, 134 Courthill road

Bloomfield Cbas.Cottesmore, Morley rd Brown Samuel, 25 Embleton stroot Chapman Henry, 51"hurston road

Bloomfield James, 6 Harvard road Brown William, 5 Bertrand street ChapmanHerbertSidney,28 Algernon rd

.Boaes AHred, 57 Elswick road Brown William [city missionary], 22 Chapman Joseph, 13 Morden grove

.Boden Robert H. 14 Slaithwaite road Loampit vale Chapman Joshua Judd,21 East Down pk

Bodle Mrs. Mapleton lo. Lewisham hill Brown William George, 25 Wisteria rd Chapman Mrs. 54 Ennersdale road,

Boehr Albert, :a Gilmore road Browne Ueorge, 73 Brookbank road Hither Green lane

Boggis William, 33 Harvard road Browse Charles Marshall,s8 Thurston rd Chapman Philip Montague, 2I Enners-

.Booallack Jaeob, 9 Ellerdale street Bryant Shettelworth S. 183 dale road, Hither Green lane

Bond Wm. Septimus, 53 Courthill road Bryer Miss, Oak Dene, Granville park ChapmanWilliamEdward,63 Elswick rd

Bonner Horace T. Point ho. Harvard rd Buchan Wm. Douglas vil. Bonfield road CharltonJohnChas.B.A.4Blackheath rise

Bolmer Mrs. Point house, Harvard road Buck Henry, 83 Gilmore road Chase William Henry, 168 High street

Bonney George Edwin, 5 Ravensbourne Buck Richard H. 21 George lane Gh~ude Gustave, 38 Wisteria road

~rrare, Morden hill Buckland Charles, II Thurston road Chedzey Josepb, 23 Moleswol'th street

Bonney Samuel Robert, 19 Avenue rd Buckland Henry, 4 Belmont road Cheese Mrs. 177 Htther Green lane

Booby Sidney Waiter, 67 fo:lswick road Buckland James, 52 Loampit vale Cheesman John, 171 Algernon road

Booth Arthnr Charles B. Clarence lodge, Budding Edwin John, 17 Ennersdale Cherry Francis William, 16 Limes grove

George lane road, Hithel' Green lane Chiesman Harry,. 47 Moun' Pleasant rd

Borkett James, so Moleswt)rth street Buffey Edward, Mill cottage, Mill road Chiesman WaltPl', 9 Camden road

Boneher Waiter Fredk. II Ruthin st Bull Geo. Blackbum, 147 Childs Henry, 20 Molesworth street

Boul~r Job George, ~ Thnrston road Bull Henry, Rose cottage, Eliot park Chillingworth J ames, 32 Granville park

392. • • [I{ELLY'S


Christie Alexander, 69 Courthill road Cowell Frederick, 6 Dartmouth terrace Dismorr Henry, 2 Ryecroft road
ChristmasCavendish Benj.63 Gilmore rd Cox Roland ~'. M.R.c.s. 146 Lewisham rd Dixon John, 55 Brookbank road

Churcher John Henry, 23 Ennersdale Cox Vincent, .26 Sunning Hill road Dixon William, IA, Ellerdale street

road, Hither Green lane Craddock Miss, Braemar, Lewisham Dixon Wm. John, Holly lo.· Wisteria rd

Churchill Mrs. 10 East Down park Park crescent Dodds Mrs. 12 Thornford road

· ChurchwardFrederick,Ciarendon house, Crane James Edwin, 32 Horton street . Dodgson Edward Benj. 45 Wisteria rd

Granville park Crawley Daniel, 6o Courthill road Dolman Mrs. 16 Avenue road '

Clare Mrs. 2 East Down park Crawley Mrs. ir East Down park Donaldson Mrs. Lesbia villa, Morley rd

Clare Samuel Parks, I9 Radford road Creasey Mrs. 65 Clarendon road Donmall Mrs. 2 Molesworth street

Clark James, I76 High street Creese Edmund Spencer, Rose!, Eliot pk Donovan Michael Jsph. 65 Algernon rd

Clark Waiter, I97 Algernon road CreweHenryThomaa, 17 SunningHill rd Doran Mrs. IS Claremont terrace

Clarke Capt. Geo. R.A. I4 Clarendon rd Cripps James, I8 Thurston road Dorival Augustus, I Courthill road

Clarke Mrs. 5 Radford road . Crisp Mrs. 59 Ladywell park Doughty Thomas, 159 Hither Green I&

ClarkeWm.Edmd.Grey,I73Algernon rd Crittall Richard, 7 Lewisham Park cres Douglas Jn. William, 153 Lewisham rd

Claydon George Thos. 29 Embleton st Croft William Waiter, 75 Elswick road Douglas Thomas, 145 High street

Clayton Henry, so Harvard road Crook Joshua, 89 Lewisham road Douglas William Henry,47 Ladywell pk

Clear Mrs. 2 Morley road . . Cross Frederick, 85 Algernon road Doust Charles Henry,68 J<:llerdale street

Clear Wm. May, 127 Hither Green lane Crowden Charles Thomas, I2 Enners- DouthwaiteJohn, Brightside, Woodlnds

Clements James, 8 Slaithwaite road dale road, Hither Green lane Dowley Alfred,48 Knowles Hill crescent

Clemow Robert, 66 Granville park. CrowtherFrederick Goorge, I4George la: Dowley Pearce Waiter, 77 Gilmore road

CloughGeo.Smythe, Fontenay,Ruthin st Crozier Miss, 6 Ryecroft road Down Templer Lethbridge, Downe ho.

Coat Charles, 25 Ellerdale street Crump James, 36 Courthill road Lewisham park

Coates Edgar, 22 Algernon road · Cuff Mrs. 76 Granville park DowningArthr.Matthew,8sGranville pk

Cobb Rev. Hamilton Smyth lii.A. [curate Cullen Alfred James, ro Ellerdale street Doyne Mrs. 8 Granville park .

of St. Mark's], 4I Clarendon road Cunningham Mrs. 16 Alexandra terrace, Drake A. Thomson M. B. 16o Lewisham

Cobbam George, 16 Ellerdale street Ennersdale road, East Down park High toad

Cock Samuel Brent, 39 Cressingham rd Cunnington John, I Jerrard street Drake George William, 7 Elswick road

Coghlin Thomas, 19 Molesworth street Curnow William, 65 Cressingham road Drake Henry, 64 Limes grove

Cohen James, I2 Elswick road Curtis Richard J ones, 73 Courthill rd Dray Frederick, 19 Bonfield road , 1

Colaoo Benjamin, 6 Colfe villas Cutts Miss H. I7 Dartmouth terrace Dray Waiter, 137 Algernon road .

Cole Frederick Alfred, 70 Algernon road Dadd Stephen Thomas, 24 Gilmore rd Drew Ernest William, 12 Ryecroft road

Cole George, 73 Cold Bath street Dagworthy Joseph, 53 Cressingham rd Drew Henry, 79 Courthill road

Cole Richard, 9 Courthill road Dalcho Mrs. 13 Ennersdale road, Hither Drew Henry, 14 Lanier road .

Coles Edward John, 35 Algernon road' Green lane Drinkwater William Henry, 3 Sydney

Coles Mrs. 10 Horton street Dale Mrs. I9 Embleton street place, Morden hill

Celgate Mrs. IS Radford road Dalladay J ames T. 189 Algernon road Dry William Henry, 77 Ennersdale road~

Collingwood Alfred,I57 Hither Green la Dalton William Broekwell, 3 York villas, Hither Green lane

Collingwood James, 20I Hither Green la Morley road Drysdale John Wm. 187 HitherGrn. l&

Collins Albert, 58 Harvard road Dandridge Waiter James, 16 Albion rd Duke John Challen M.n.c.s.B. 161

Collins Arthur George, 24 Brookbank rd Daniell Willie Clarke, 54 La.dywell pk Lewisham road

CollinsCharles,6St.Mary's vils. Pascoe rd Dann Emanuel, 26 Molesworth street Dun Thomas, 49 Wisteria road

Collins Harry, 52 Wisteria road Davey Richd. Henry, 31 Cressingham rd Dunbar Charles, 45 Gilmore road

Collins Mrs. 38 Embleton street Davidson Mrs. n Branscombestreet Duncan Henry, 10I Algernon road

Collis David, IO Morden grove Davidson Wm. Cook, 177 Algernon rd Duncan John F.I.A. 6 Hlackheath rise

Collis Thomas James, 3 Lewisham park Davies Edward C. 173 Hither Green la Duncan Leland Crosthwait, ROSlllairy
Colsell George Dannatt, I Dermody road Davies Mrs. 96 Hither Green lane
. Lingards road

Colyer Misses, I48 Lewisham road Davies Mrs. I8 Limes grove Dunlop Wm. M. 25 Mount Pleasant rd

Congdon James, 7 Vicar's hill Davies Rt. Oswald, 54 Mt. Pleasant rd Duun Henry Edward, 6o Thurston road

Connorton Thos. Fernbank,Lewisham hl Davis Chas. Hy. 2 Lewisham Park cres Durham Alex.Anthony,147 Algernonrd

ConronPhilipRonayne, 168 Lewisham rd Davis Edward, Ravensdale cottage, St. Durnford :Frederick, 39 Harvard road

Conyers-Haycraft Alfred, Westcourt, Germain's villas IJussee Arthur Wilmot, x8 .Bonfield road

Lewisham hill Davis George, 13 Ladywell road Dyer Mrs. 2 Branscombe street

Coo William, 39 Embleton street Davis Hy. Tadwell, 97 Algernon road Dysart Miss, 28 Cressingham road

Cook George, 30 Courthill road Davis Thomas Henry, 35 High street Eales Charles, 14 East Down park

Cook George, 16 Ennersdale road, Davis William, 7 Horton street Eames Thomas Rogers, I4 Fordyce rd

Hither Green lane Dawbin James, 14 Molesworth street Eardley-Wilmot Mrs. 184 Lewisham rd

Cook George Arber, 51 Gilmore road, Dawe Ernest .Manscawen,2 Granville pk Earle 'fhomas, 87 Elswick road

Cooper Charles Henry, 43 George lane Dawes John1 64 Wisteria road Earnshaw Daniel A,lii.I.C.E. 23 Mount
Cooper Joseph, 6 Clarendon road Dawkins Miss, 39 Brookbank road Pleasant. road

Cope Waiter, 5 Algernon road Dawson Charles, 69 Granville park Earnshaw Thomas, 208 Algernon road

Coppin Mrs. 14 Ennersdale road, Hither DawsonMrs.:zLeamingtonvls.Belmnt.rd East Albert; 10 Sunning Hill road

Green Dawtrey William Francis, 79 Enners- Eckersall William, no Lewisham road

Corbett Mrs. 212 Algernon road dale road, Hither Green lane Eckert Mrs. 6o Wisteria road

. Corbett Mrs. 295 High street Day Arthur :Francis, 5 Embleton street Eddey John, 46 Wisteria road

Corby William Watson, 3 Granville rd Day Joseph James, 26 Ryecroft road Ede Mrs. 30 Granville park

Cordrey John, 163 Hither Green lane Deadman Stephen, 32 Molesworth st Ede Percy, 3 Camden road

Cornford Mrs. 242 High street Dean George, 45 Thurston road Edmett James, Analakely, Morley road

Cortissos Charles Joseph, nAigernon rd Dean Henry, 19 George lane . Edwards Alfred, 26 Albion road

Cotsell Thomas William, 33 George lane Dean Thomas William, 39 Brookbank rd Edwards Charles, 75 Algernon road

Coucher George, 7 Granville road Deane Frank, 6o Brookbank road Edwards Francis, I Beacon road

CouchmanTheodoreE. 7 Blackheath rise Dencer William, I 3 Tburston road Edwards George Fredk. 14 Hrookbank rd

Court George, 17 Elswick road Denn John 12 Slaithwaite road Edwards Mrs. 52 Granville park

Court William, 39 Ennersdale road, Dennis James 29 Branscombe street Eeles Robert Edward, 18 Vicar's hill

Hither Green lane Denny Wm. Evans, 44 Granville park Eggleden Jesse, 12 Alexandra terrace~

Cowen George, 1~5 Hither Green lane Denyer Miss, 27 Granville road Ennersdale road, East Down park

Cowen William, 199 High street De Pledge Bradley, Beaufort lodge, Elcomb William, 20 Algernon road

Cowley William James, 41 Ennersdale Loampit hill Elkington Clement,52 Ennersdale road.

road, Hither Green lane Derby Joseph, 71 Algernon road Hither Green lane

Cox Robert levers, 18 Gilmore road Dernocour James, 31 Embleton street Ellingsworth John, 14 Bonfield road

Cook Charles, 46 Brookbank road Derry George, 73 Elswick road Ellins Mrs. Bonfield villa, Bonfield roall

Coomber John, Gotha cot. Morden hill De Rusett Henry, 1 Beaufort gardens Elliott John, 30 Harvard road

CoppingerOctavius, East bank,Princesrd De Rusett Mrs. 7 Radford road Elliott John George, 21 Limes grove

Corbett John William, 24 Lanier road Desvignes Peter Hubert,HitherGreen la Elms William, 2 Alexandra terrace,En-

Corbet.t Miss, I3I Lewisham road Deverell Francis Drake, 291 High street nersdale road, East Down park

CorbettThomas Edwd.20Dartmouth ter Dewick Edward, Io Granville park Elsey Miss, 98 Hither Green lane

Cordrey Edwd. Athens house,Morley rd Dewick Joseph, 59 Clarendon road Emmerson John, 55 Courthill road
Dibblin Hy. Alfred, 107 Hither Green la Empson Mrs. 2 South vils. Loampit hill
Cotton Waiter, 9 Thurston road

Courtenay Miss, z 19 Lewisham roarl Dickens-Smith John, 50 Brookbank rd English Mrs. 3 Princes road

Courtice Henry, 21 Ryecroft road Dickerson Mrs. 95 Hither Green lane Escombe Miss, 3 Dartmouth terrace

Coutts James Forrest, 31 Avenue road Dickin Rowland, 18 George lane Etheridge Herbert, 87 Gilmore road

Covill William Thomas, Acorn house, Dickinson Mrs. W. J. Bx Courthill road Evans Charles, 17 Ladywell park
Digby Benja.min, 44 Elswick road Eva.ns Willia.m, Boston vil. Bonfield rd
Shrubbery road

DIRECTORY.] KENT. LEWISHAM. 39a-, Mrs. 4 Limes grove Gate George, Newton ho. Granville pk Green Mrs. 42 Courthill road

.Everard Capt. George, 24 Albion road Gatfield Miss, I Harvard road Green Mrs. n Elswicl; road

Everett Robert John, a83 High street Gatfield Miss, I76 Lewisham road Green Richard Horatio, 43 Ellerdale st

lverett Sidney Turner, 2<) Thornford rd Gattey Henry Robert, 100 Coorthill rd ureenaway Alfred, 4 Ebwick road

lwins John, 64 Thurston road Gattey Rd. Carter, Suffolk lo.Morley rd Greeoaway \\'alter, 21 Branscombe st

Ji'&~rclough Arthur, St. Aubyn's, Lewis- Gattey William Robert Slaughter, Greenaway William, 34 Horton street

ham hill Leahurst, Pascoe road Greene Arthur, 19 Cressingham rd

Faithful Charles, I45 Algernon road Gay Albert Clifford Wainhouse,7 Alger- Greenwood Thos. Wm.133

Faithful Harry, ~9 Hrookbank road non road Gremer Henry, 12 Cressingham road

Ji'alkner Mrs. I8 'fhornford road Gaylor William, 77 Thurston road Grevel Herrmann, 43 High street

Parley Frederick, 10 Harvard road Gazeley John, 29 Harvard road Greves Henry Wm. 38 Elswick road

Farmer Alfred, 43 Cressingham road Gear J oho, I 3 Molesworth street Greville Mrs. 4S Clarendon road

Farmer Charles, 19 Victoria terrace, En- Gedge Rev. Edward Lionel B.A. [curate Gribble Miss, 40 Limes grove

nersdale road, East Down park of Holy Trinity] 12 Camden road Griffin William, 12 Brookbank road

Farmer Ernest Wm. lii.D. 159 High st Gell Mrs. 77 Lewisham road Gritlith Rev. Charles Herben ILA. [cor-

Farmer Henry, I4 Elswick road George Edwd. Henry, n Beaufort gdns ate of St.Stephen's],19Cressinghm.rd

Farrington James, 42 Brookbank road Geveke John George, 2 Camden road Griffiths Lawrence James, 27 Enners-

Fawcett Arthur James, 63 Ladywell pk Gibb Lachlan, Heathbank, Princes road dale road, Hither Green lane

Feak Luke James, 40 Ennersdale road, Gibb Mrs. 154 Lewisham road Gr1ffiths Mrs. 85 Courthill road

Hither Green lane Gibbons Charles, 55 Thurston road Grimmett David, I24 Lewisham road

Featherstooe Albert, 20 Brookbank road Gibbs Miss, 202 Algernon road Grisbrook William, I93 High street

Feely James, 102 Hither Green lane Gibson William Thomas, 5 Albion road Groombridge Mrs. 8 Sunning Hill ter

Ferm Edward, 7 Courthill road Giggins William, 19 Algernon road Grounds Thomas Collier, 3 Limes gro

•Fentiman John, 22 Mount Pleasant rd Gilder Fredk. Hy. 62 Mnt. Pleasant rd Grove Jn. St. Mary's cot. Woodlands

Fenton Robert, 5 Holly Hedge terrace Gill Clucas, 29 Eonersdale road, Hither <.Trove Mrs. Lullingstone ho. Woodlands

Ferry Geo. Hart, Shakespeare house, Green lane Groves Misses, 30 East Down park

Ladywell road Gill Henry Unwin, 36 Wisteria road Groves William S. 4 Dartmouth ter

Ferry Henry Rumsey, 73 Granville park Gill Joseph, 23 Ryecroft road Grneber Thomas, 20 Granville park

Ferry James Rumsey, St. Gothard, Gill Mrs. Tregony, Lewisham park Grundy Thos.Cromwell ho.Ladywell rd

Princes road Gillespie Mrs. 9 Sunnin~ Hill road Guest George Fredk. 30 Algernon road

Fever Jt'rederick, 3 Branseombe street Gilliat Mrs. I8 Granville park Gullagher Alex. 78 Brookbank road

Field Mrs. 8 Mount Pleasant road Gilliland Mrs. 66 Thurston road Gunn James, I93 Hither Green lane

Fielder Edward, 46 Elswick road Gingell John Hy. Rose vi. Bonfield rd Gunn Samuel William, 17 Lanier road

Fieldztlch von Fritz, Villa Esther, Lewis- Ginham Wm. Jas. Avenue cot. John st Gunn William, 16 Brookbank road

ham park Ginman Benjamin, 62 Elswick road Gunton Robt. Edwd. 2 Shrubbery road

Filby Charles, 48 1\Iolesworth street Girdlestone James, 25 Branscombe st Guy Albert L. A.lU.B.A. 78 High street.

Finch Ernest Waiter, 5.'i Enoersdale rd. Girdlestone John, 83 Elswick road Gwilt Geerge Newport, 3 Algernon rd

Hither Green lane Gladwell Alfred T. 16 Dartmouth ter Bagger George, I Ennersdale road

Finch Miss, Aylesford lo. Lewisham hl Gladwell Henry Wm. 125 Algernon rd Haggers Misses, 54 Limes gro\""e

Fish Augustus, 48 Clarendon road Glanville Miss, 18 Camden road Hailes Walter Tnos. I59 Lewisham rd

Fisher Alexander, 12 Dartmouth terrace Glanville Mrs. 77 Courthill road Haines Charles Alfred, 8 Harvard rd

Fisher J 0.36 Ennersdale rd. Hither Glanville Wm. Home vl. Lewisham pk Hale George Poynder, 14 Limes grove

Fisher Mrs. 4S Avenue road Glanville Wm. Hy. 9 Holly Hedge ter Hall Alfred William, 175 Hitherurn. la
Glass Thomas, 53 Molesworth street HallAlfd. Wm. Cambridge vl. Bonfield rd
Fisher Mrs. ss Loampit vale

Fisher William James, 5 Ennersdale rd. GlassborrowFredk. Thos.48Thurston rd Hall Charles John, sen. IS Vicar's hill

Hither Green lane Glassborrow Mrs. 40 Thurston road Hall Jas. Wm. Ashley vil. Loampit hill

Fitch Norris, a Holly Tree terrace Glasscock William, 5 Camden road Hall John, II Slaithwaite road

Flatt Mrs. I4 Claremont terrace Glassford Charles F. 0. 33 Algernon rd Hall Mrs. 3 Mary's villas, Pascoe road

Fletcher John James, So Algeroon road Gleaves Wm. Jas. Alfd. 12 Morden hill Hallam Edwd. John, 93 Lewisham rd

Flicker Mrs. 33 Ladywell park Gluckstad Christian, 13 Radford road Hallett Sidney, 8 Ladywell park

Flint Wdliam Sanderson, 201 High st Goddard Miss, 26 Avenue road Halstead Obadiah,Aiithea vil. Ruthin st;.

Flowers Waiter, 66 Limes grove Godden Robt. 49 Mount Pleasant road Ham Edwin, 3 Sugning Hill road

Folkard George, 79 Elswick ruad Godfrey Alfred, I Lewisham hill Ham Mrs. 1I Sunning Hill road

Foot Charles, 32 Avenue road Godwin Mrs. 54 Ellerdale street Hambelton Mrs. I47 Lewisham road

Forbes Donald, 98 Courthill road Goetz George, 88 Lewisham road HamiltonCapL.Beresford,36uranville pk

Ford Frederick H. George lane Golding George, 47 Brookbank road Hamilton Rev. Benj. lii.A. [curate of St. ,

Foreman Charles Nuthall, I78 High st Golding Thos. Edwd.Io3 Gilmore road Swithins], 7 Ladywell road

Forrest~r William Henry, :ro Lanier rd Goldup Mrs. 13 Brookbank road Hammerton Thomas, 25 Bonfield road

Foster John Robert, 133 Algernon road uoodale Arthur, 28 Horton street Hammond Geo. Chas.

Foster Rev. Tom Horatio B. A. [curate of Goodchild Edwin, I49 Lewisham road Handsombody I<"rdk.Jn. 1 Lewisham pk

St.Mary's], Wimborne ho. Goodchild Samuel Hy. 44 Thurston rd Handyside Colonel Wm. 45 Limes gro

Fountain Adam, IOI Lewisham road Goodchild Wm. Hy. 165 Algernon road Harcourt Albart Chapman, IJ9 Lewis-

Fowles Ernest, 20 Wisteria road Gooderham William 8 Hortoo street ham road

Fox Daniel John, 53 Granville park Goodes Alfred George, 2I High strdet Harding Mrs. so Gilmore road

Fox John Parker, 43 Ladywell park Goodman Albert, 21 Ladywell park Harman John, I3 Cressingham road

FoxJosephWesley,Charlemont,Eliot pk Goodman Mrs. 76 Brookbank road HarperEdwd.N.Oakhurst,Lewisham hl

Francis George, 25 Horton street Goodwin Charles, Clarendon,Lewisham Harper Jabez, I6 Avenue road

Fraser William, 29 Wisteria road Park crescent Harrington Chas. Tayler, 6 Limes gro

FraserWm.Grant,Clarence lo.George la Goodwin Frederick, 13 Algernon road Harris Capt. George, 13 Camden road

FreebodyCapt.Alfred Jas. 39Algernon rd GoodwinHy.Horbliog lo. Lewisham pk Harris Cha.s. A. uc•; Hither Green lane
French l<'rederick, 47 Elswick road Goodwin James, 14 Graoville road Harris George, 21 Embleton street

Friedrich Carl, 54 St. Stephen's road Goody J esse Pearson, 37 Ladywell pk Harris Henry, 3 Granville park

Friedhe1m Robert, 4 Bonfield road Goodyear Charles, 64 Granville park Harris Herbert Aynscomb, 54 Cressing-

Frost John, I Brook bank road Gorrum Geo. Walter, 46 Limes grove ham road

Fryatt francis, 7 Honfield road Gosling Henry Wm. 79 Brookbank road Harris James, 8 Brookbank road

folkes Edwd.John Ashton, 2 Morden hi Goss Edward William, 8 Bonfield road Harris John, 20 Ladywell park

' Fuller George Frederick,81. Granville pk Goss Mrs. 40 Cressingham road HarrisJohn William, 31 Harvard road

Fuller MountjoyS. J. 15 A~ernon road Gottlieb Frederick Henry, Friedrichs- Harris John, 4 York viis. Morley road

Fuller Walt. a St. Mary's vils.Pascoe rd Kron, Albacore crescent Harris Lawrence, 6 Lewisham Pk. cres

Fuller William, 27 Gilmore road Goulden Henry William L.S.A.LOnd. 18 Harris Mrs. 22 St. Stephen's road

Fnlton Robert, 126 Courthill road Ladywell park Harris Mrs. 4 Victoria terrace, Boners-

Forniss Miss P. 22 Limes grove Goulder William Blyth, 8 Dermody rd dale road, East Down park

Galzini .Alfonso, 7 Beaufort gardens <.Trace .Miss, 9 Church grove Harris Peter Henry, 25 George lane
Garden John James, 4 Camden road Harris Thomas, 6 Lewasham Park cres
Graha.m Herbert, .so Thurston road
Gardner Henry John, 43 Clarendon rd Graham Mrs. 5 Dartmouth terrace
Harris Waiter, 5 Lewisham Park cres

Gardner James, 10 Thornford road Graham Mrs. 4S Hither Green lane Harris William, 9 Knowles Hill cres

Gardner Mrs. 33 Granville park Granger Miss, 57 Ellerda.le street HarrisWm.Jas. 4 Mary's viis. Pascoe rd

Garland Miss, 34 Ellerdale street Grant John, 4 Ryecroftroad Harris William Thos. I7 Embletoo st

Gamett. Thomas, 47 Clarendon road Graset Mrs. 8 Dartmooth terrace Harrison Richard, 5 Avenue road

Garrineoton Miss Ellen, Percy villa, Green Charles, I Holly Tree terrace Harrison Waltr.Rt. I Priory vls.High st

Boofield road Green Edward John, 63 Brookbank rd Harry Herbert Edwd. 205 Algernon rd

Garrington Mrs. 25 Limes grove Green Misses, 3I Limes grove Hart John, 13 Ryecroft ruad


Hartmann Anthony, 13 Bonfield road Hollands ThomasFredk.lll Molesworth st Inwood Alfred, 26 Alexandra terrace,

Hartmann John Conrad, 27 Radford rd Hollands Thos. William,4 Molesworth st Ennersdale road, East Down park

Hartree Wm.Havering ho. Lewisham hl Hollis Edmund Potter, 75 Ennersdale Irwin Mrs. 5 Limes grove

Harvard Mrs. 6 Lingards road road, Hither Green lane Irwin Richard, 8 Elswick road

Harvey Charles Jones,42 Algernon road Holmes Albert, 8 Ennersdale road, J Isaac Charles J ohn,6 Ravensbourne ter-

Harvey Edward, 4 Dermody road Hither Green lane race, Morden hill

Harvey George, 2S Harvard road Holmes Alfred, 21 Limes grove Jackson Geo. Ambrose,g Branscombe st

Harvey John, 4 Thurston road Holmes Henry Smith, 21 Alexandra Jackson William North, 17 Ruthin st

Harvey Mrs. 121 Hither Green lane ter.Ennersdale road, East Down park Jackson William Northover, Rosairo,

Harvey Robert, 10 Horton street Holmes James, 16 Elswick road Lewisham Park crescent

Harvey William Geo. 181 Algernon rd Holmes John, 41 Elswick road JacksonThos.Silverthorne,xAlgernon rd

Barwood Mrs. 62 Wisteria road Holmes William, 56 Brookbank road Jago Henry Couch, 45 Courthill road

Haselup Mrs. I Belmont road Holmes William, The Elms, Eliot park Jakeman Christopher J. W. Bouldnor

Hassell Mrs. 3 Radford road Holt George, 49 Brookbank road lodge, Lewisham hill

HatcherJsph. Barber, 59 Granville pk Holt Henry William, 26 Granville road James George Trevelyan, 2 Cambridge

HattonMrs. 38 Mount Pleasant road Bolt Mrs. 6 Sunninghill ter. Loampit hl terrace, Hither Green lane

Hawes John James, r8 Branscombe st Home Charles, 14 Granville park James Miss, 47 Ennersdale road, Hither

Hawke James John, 27 Vicar's hill HomesArthr.Paget,43MountPleasant rd Green lane

Hawken William, 6 Brookbank road Hooper Mrs. 49 Gilmore road JamesMisses, n Gilmore road

Hawken William, x6 Victoria terrace, Hope Hy.Vincent,39 Mount Pleasant rd James Perceval, 13 Horton street

Ennersdale road Hope Thomas John, 30 Thurston road Jarman Alfred, 27 Avenue road

Hawker Robt. Thos. 42 Thornford road Hopton Henry, I Albacore crescent Jay Mrs. 33 Gilmore road

Hawkins George, 42 Clarendon road Horlock Robert Hambidge, I Holly Jeal William, 63 Thurston road

Hawkins Robert Geo. 191 Algernon rd villas, Dermody road . Jeans Lewis, 39 Gilmore road

Hawkins WilliamThos.29Molesworth st Homsey Thomas, 29 Thurston road Jeffer1es Mrs. 15 Ryecroftroad

HayesHenry, 2 Ladywell park Horsey George l''uller Stanley, 55 JefferyMrs. 85 Elswick road

Hayes Wm. 3 Morden Algernon road Jefferys Mrs.38 Ennersdale road, Hither

Hayhow Mrs. 2S Molesworth street Horwood Mrs. 17 Albion road Green lane

Haymen Talbot l"ortescue, 144 Hit-her Hoskings Arthur Herriman, Ventnor Jeffries William, 27 Embleton street

Green lane cottage, Bonfield road Jenkins Alfred, 7 Fordyce road

Hayne Henry James, 68 Algernon road Hoskins William Thorn, 17 Thurston rd Jennings Misses, 123 Lewisham road

Haynes Henry P. 7 Ellerdale street Hostombe Louis, 64 Mount Pleasant rd Jennings William, 41 Grdnville park

Haynes Mrs. 4 George lane Hougham Mrs. 43 Brookbank road Jerrard Samuel John, l<'airview, Vicar's

Haynes Richard, 45 Harvard road Howard Alfred, 8 Lanier road hill, Ladywell

Hayward George, xs The Retreat Howard John, 97 Gilmore road Jerrard William, J Vicar's hill

Haywood Mrs. 3 Cambridge terrace, Howard John, 66 Wisteria road Jesing Max, 16 Wisteria road
j Howard Mrs. x6 Granville park John Thomas Henry, gt Algernon road
Hither Green lane

Hazelton Rev.Wm.[Bapt.],n Pascoe rd Howard William, xs Ennersdale road, Johncock Edwin, 43 Ennersdale road,

Healey Mrs.H.Heathfield,Lewisham hill Hither Green lane Hither Green lane

Heard Mrs. 93 Elswick road Howarth Albert, 45 Brookbank road Johnson Augustus,27 Knowles Hill cres

Heath William, 195 Algernon road Howe Geo. Chas. 205 Hither Green la Johnson Augustus William Henry, 9

Heaton Charles, 9 Morden grove Howe William, 11 Brookbank road Ennersdale road, Hither Green lane

Hedges Mark, 29 Ladywell park HowellThomasCharles, 133Lewisham rd Johnson Charles, 2 Horton street

Heinig Alfred, 20 George lane Howell William, 9 Granville park Johnson Charles, 4 Vicar's hill

Helm E. Ward, 67 Courthill road Howgrave Wilham G. 56 Granville pk Johnson James, 70 Thurston road

Helmer Frank, I4 St. Stephen's road Howland Charles James, 13 I<'ordyce rd Johnson Robert, 66 Mount Pleasant rd

Henwood Nicholas Penitan, xo8 Court HowlandWm. Thos.3 MountPleasant rd Johnson Thomas, 7 Ladywell park
Hoyle John,;;~ St. Gm·main's villas
Hill road Johnson Thos.Garbutt,22East Downpk

Heritage Frederick, 33 Molesworth st Hoyles Edwin, 23 Vicar's hill JohiiSton Waiter, 17 Limes grove

Herrmann Henry, xoo Lewisham road Hoyles Joseph, 59 Ellerdale street Johnstone William, 15 Horton street

Bett Mrs. 24 Wisteria road Hoyles Joseph Samuel, 1 SunningHill rd Jolit Mrs. 164 Lewisham -road

Hewitt Chas. Hy.I<'elday vil. Bonfield rd Hoyton Henry Elvins, 24 Ryecroft road Jones Rev.J. Morlais (Congregational],

Hewkley George, 5 Ellerdale street Hubbard Alfred, 15 Gilmore road 50 Clarendon road

Hierons James Jn. 39 Hither Green la Hubbard Benjamin, 2 Elswick road Jones Alfred Bennett, 53 Ellerdale st

Hierons James, 22 Ladywell park Hubbard Capt.Robt.Rd. B.N.9Vicar'shl Jones Charles, 71 Gilmore road

Higby Joseph, 40 Thornford road Huddart Alfred Charles, 20 Limesgro Jones Charles, 7 Holly Hedge terrace

HigginChas.Christopher,26Clarendn.rd Huddart Mrs. 3 St. Stephen's road Jones Chas. Savery,Hillside,Dermody rd

Higgins James Henry, 7 Pascoe road Hudgell William Thos. 26 Algernon rd Jones Dennis Geere, 37 Embleton street

Hill Edward, 3 Knowles Hill crescent Hudson John, Glen-Helen, Loampit hl Jones Edmund, 27 "isteria road

Hill Joseph, 11 Ennersdale road, Hither Huggett Frederic, 26 Thurston road Jones George, 23 Embleton street

Green lane Hughes Alex. The Briars, Lingards rd Jones Ueorge, Montrose, George lane

Hill Miss, 25 Thornford road Hughes Ebenezer, 38 Harvard road Jones Henry John, 122 Courthill road

Bill William, 14 Vicar's hill Hughes Felix, 79 Gilmore road Jones James, 29 Elswick road

Billiard Henry, 9 Molesworth street Hughes Mrs. 44 Algernon road Jones Joseph, 8 Mary's vils. Pascoe rd

Hillman Miss, 105 Gilmore road Hughes Thomas, 40 ~.\venue road Jones Miss, 36 Cressingham road

Hills Richard, 31 Thurston road Hughes Thomas Wm. R. n: George la Jones Mrs. 127 Lewisham road

Hilton Frank, 49 Elswick road Hughes William, 4 Cressingham road Jones Mrs. Keppel, 20 Vicar's hill

Hinton Henry Oastler, 246 High street Hughes WilliamHuntley,3 South villas, Jones Richard, 52 Ellerdale street

Hinton Mrs. 178 Lewisham road Loampit hill Jones Thomas Ewing, 5 Ruthin street

Hinves Miss, 4 Granville road . Hulbert Henry. xo Algernon road Jones Thos. Richd. 41 Brookbank road

Hiscox Arthur William, 4 Cambridge Humphreys Henry, 40 George lane Jones William, x6 Morden grove

terrace, Hither Green lane Humpbreys Henry Newman, 15 Slaith- Jordan Chli.rles Henry H.I.N.A. 132

Hitchcock Chas. Belvedere,Dermody rd waite road Lewisham road

Hitchman Mrs. 14 Wisteria road Hunt Francis Gibbs, 42 Harvard road Jordan Charles Warwick Hus.DOC, IS7

Hoare John, 7 Brookbank road Hunter A. James, 39 George lane Lewisham road

HoareJJohn Joseph, 197 Hither Green la Hunter George, 34 Thornford road Jury William, SI Elswick road

Hobday Mrs. 46 Courthill road Hunter JohnRicbard,x3East Down park Karlowa Otto, 33 Avenue road

Hochbrunn Von Otto, Hither Green Hunter Mrs. 7 Morley villas, Morley rd KatschAlbertEdgar, 21 Mnt.Pleasantrd

lodge, Hither Green lane Hunter William, 19 East Down park Kayser JosephHenry, 2oSunningHill rd

Hodge James, 149 Algernon road Huntley Frederick, 183 Algernon road Keefe James, 27 Cressingham road

Hodge Mrs. 56 Knowles Hill crescent Huntley Mrs. 9oAlgernon road Keeley John, 27 Alexandra terrace,

Hodges Edwin, 5 Clarendon road Burst Miss, 36 Thornford road Ennersdale road, East Down park

Hodges William James, 5 Thornford rd Hutchings Thomas, 13 Albion road Keeley William, 42 Ellerdale street

Hodgetts William, 95 High street Hutchins Fk.1sWindsorter.Elthruda rd Keell John, 59 Elswick road

Hodgson Eustace, 39 East Down park Hutchinson Thomas, 43 Granville park Keen Mrs. 138 Lewisham road

Hodgson John, Fernleigh, Chestnut rd HuttonHowd.Rainger,23Cressinghm.rd Keen William, 45 Cre..'ISingham road

Holborow WalterJoseph, 78 Algernonrd Hyett Thomas, 105 Algernon road Keene Misses, 6 Camden road

Holborow Joseph, 143 Algernon road Imhofe Arthur George, 21 Thurstonrd Keetley Amos, 18 Morden grove ·

Holderness Lewis Atherton, Oakdene, Ingersoll I<'rederickRichard H.R.c. v.s.L. Kemp Geo. Woodneuk, Lewisham park

Lingards road 10 Lewisham park Kempson f'rederick, 15 East Down pk

Holding Joseph, 33 Limes grove Ingoldby Miss, 31 Radford road Kempster William, 89 Gilmore road

Holland John William, 2 Chestnut rQ8d Ingram WilliamThomas, 19Thurston rd Kendall Mrs. 2 Church grove


'f Kennatd David, 5 Elliott park Levermore Frederick, 51 Gilmore road Martin James, 8 Ellerdale •treet

' KennedyGeo.P.Ormonde cot.Woodlnds Lewin Robert, II7 Lewisham road Martin Mrs. 1 Eliot park

Kennedy Samuel, 38 Molesworth street Lewis Da"Y"id, 7 Holly Tree terrace Martins Miss, 36 Gilmore road

Kerswell Miss, 5 Vicar's hill Lewis Henry, 65 Thurston road Martyr Harry, 33 Thurston road
IMMaarsyoonnG, Weoirlgliea,m39HTyh. uIIrsDto1n1rrtm~outh ter
Keys .Mrs. 6 Beaufort gardens Lewis Mrs. 7 Lanier road
Kibble Mrs. IBI High street Lewis Mrs. 15 Wisteria road

Kibble Mrs. I30 Lewisham road Liddal Arthur Stuart, 2 Sydney place, Mason Miss, 33 Elswick road

Kicks Ham, 15 Victoria terrace, Enners- Morden hill Masters Charles, 89 Granville park

dale road, East Down park Lindley Robert, 8 Eliot park Masters Richard, 142 Hither Green la

Kidman Mrs. 215 Algernon road Lindsay Alexander, 9 Blackheath rise Mather Robert, 77 Algernon road

Kightly Chas. Thos. I5 Clarendon rd Lingham Frederick, Chancer house, MathewsGeo. 1Ashbrtn. vls.Dermody rd
Ladywell road Ma.tley Thomas, 5 Branscombe street
Killick Richard, 6o Lewisham road

Kimberly John Marks, 99 George lane Linstead J ames, 1 Bonfield road Matthews John Thos. The Knoll,Eliot hl

King Benjamin Isaac Frederick, 23 Litchfield Willia.m, 2o6 Algernon road Matthias John Jackson, 238 High street

Courthill road Littell Mrs. Ryecroft road May l<'rederick Chas. 47 Loampit vale

King George William James, Silver- Livermore Henry, 97 Elswick road May Thomas, 10 St. Stephen's road

dale, Lewisham Park crescent Lloyd Henry Charles, 34 Algernon rd Mayhew Tbomas Hartwell,23Limes gro

King John, I Albert villas, John street Lloyd William, 107 Gilmore road Mays Mrs. 11 Molesworth street

King Miss, I I Camden road LloydWilliamGolding, 156Lewisham rd Meadows John, 4 ,Ladywell road

Kingston John, I Albion street Lock Edward, 22 Horton street Meakins John, 115 Algemon road

Kingston John Wm. I9 Morden grove Lock John, 11 Wisteria road Melvin George William, 8 Algemon rd

Kinnear William Thos. 3 Molesworth st Locke Waiter Thomas, 51 Elswick road Mennie Mrs. 4 Sla.ithwaite road

Kirby Martin, I Lewisham Park cres Lockhart Wm. F.B.o.s. 67 Granville pk Men.zies William, 144 Courthill road

Kirkpatrick Alfred, 5 Ladywell road LockwoodThos.Holly ba.nk,La.dywell rd Mercer Edward, 150 Courthill road

Kirkpatrick Arth. Renton, I2 Bonfield rd Lockyer Mrs. 8 Cressingham road MeredithSaml.Bult,Cleveden,Morley rd

Kistruck Ja.mes Syer, 42 Limes grove Loe James Johnson, 3 Lady well road Merrett James, 53 Thurston road

Kistruck J ohn,E. I Mary's vils. Pascoe rd Loines William James, 56 La.dywell pk Merrtttl<'redk. Humber vil. Bonfield rd

Kitchen William, 29 Ellerdale street Lomas John Duncan, 7 Ruthin street MerryweatherJas.C.The Hollies,Eliot hl

KnechtliJohn, Linden vil.Lewisham pk Long James, JIJ Gilmore road Metzner .Arthur Wm. 65 Mt.Pleasant rd

Knevitt Mrs. 17 High street Loms Herbert Duncan, 18 Lanier road Metzner Willia.m Gibson, 46 Harvard rd

Knight George, 44 Clarendon road John, 71 Elswick road Michie Jas. Richd. 55 Mount Pleasant rd

Kraushaar Thomas Hy. 27 Ryecroft rd Low Edwin, 3 Eliot park Middleton Henry,a4 Branscombe street

KuchenmeisterHugo, 13Beaufort grdns Low Harry, 1 Ladywell road Miles Mrs. 17 Cla.rendon road

Lacey Charles Craven,23 Gilmore road Lowman Edwa.rd, 19 Brookbank road Miles Thomas, 19 Horton street

Ladds Capt. William,21 Granville park Lowman George, 149 Hither Green la. Milla.rd Alfred, 87 Courthill road
Lucas Rev.Charles .Burrard M. A.[curate Miller Benjamin, 10 Wisteria road
Laidman John,2 Limes grove

Laker Abbott Godfrey, 132Courthill rd of St. Stephen's], St. Stephen's vic-'r- Miller Charles,s Moleswonh street
age, Cres:>ingham road Miller Francis, Oakfield, Eliot park
Lamb Charles, 3 Beacon road

Lamb Henry, 4 Fordyce road Lucas Charles, 4Ravensbourne terrace, Miller Gordon, 37 Granville park

Lamb William, 25 Knowles Hill cres Ladywell road Miller James, I9 Ruthin street

Lambert George, 12 St. Stephen's road Luccock Charles Muskett, 34 George la Miller John Cains, 40 Embleton street
Luckhnrst Frederick, 11 Fordyce road Miller Leonard, I57 Al.;ernon road
Lambert Miss, 2 Lethbridge road
Lambert William, 10 Holly Hedge ter Lucy William, 20 Ellerdale street MillerThos.Fitzwilliam,a9 EastDc wn pk
Ludlow Edwin, 5 Alexandra terrace, Mills Ja.mes~ 21 Harvard road
Lampard John, 46 Lewisham road
Ennersdale road, East Down park Mills Mrs. 14 Ladywell park
Lance Mrs. 17 High street
Land Victor Hugo, 38 Thornford road Luff John, 3 Albion road Mills Waiter, 138 Hither Green lane

Land William 0. 137 Hither Green la Luffman Rev. Samuel [incumbent of Milne Alexander, 26 Brookbank road
St. Swithun's], 19I Hither Green la Milne Robert, 42 Thurston road
Lang J ames, 7 Ha.rvard road
Langridge Thomas, a Morden villas, Lydall Robert, 13 Gilmore road Milner Miss, 21 Sla.ithwaite road

Hither Green lane Maberly Miss, Cedar lo. Lewisham hill Minter Hy. Ba.rtlett, 14 Sunning Hill rd

Langton Frederick Wm. 14 Ryecroft rd McArthur Willia.m, 162 Lewisham road Mitchel Francis W'alter, 9 Windsor ter-
McClure John, 68 Mount Pleasant road race, Elthruda. road
Langton Miss, 10 Ryecroft road
McClure Thomas, I93 Algernon I'Oad Mitford Brtrm.Hy.Ja.s. :r3St.Stephn's.rd
Large Enstace, 5 George lane
McCullagh David, 25 Algernon road Mobsby Mrs. IO Holly Tree terrace
Large Josiah, 7 George lane
Large Leslie, I Cambridge terrace, McDona.ld Henry, 32 Elswick road Monsom Mrs. 22 Ryecroft road

Hither Green lane McEwen John Patrick, 43 Gilmore road MoodyThos.JLeamingtn vls.Belmont rd
Larke Mrs. 77 Granville park
so1 McEwen William, Knowles Hill cres Moore Arthur, 46 Granville park
Larke Wm. Jas. Sunnyside,Dermodyrd David, I97 High street MooreFredk.Matthw. II3

Larkin Frederick John, I51Algernon rd Mackenzie Alex.Geo. 12 Beaufort grdns Moore George, 35 Cressmgham road

Larkins Mrs. 38 Avenue road McKenzie Josepu,2o Mount Pleasant rd Moore Harry, 17 Morden grove

Larkins Zachariah Wm. 36 Avenue rd ~IcKenzie Mrs. 39 High street Moore James, 78 Granville park

Latten William Fk. 18 St. Stephen's rd McLachlan RobertF.R.S.23Clarendon rd Moore Thomas, 59 Gilmore road
Langhton John llenry, xo Thurston rd McLaren ArchibaldGeo.2oClarendon rd MordueJas.Gib.-m.Myrtlecot.Bonfield rd
Lanndy George, 36 Embleton street McLean Alexander, 2 Sunning Hill rd Morgan Ernest Rd. Clavelly, Ruthin st

Laurence Herbert, I 17 Hither Green la. MacLean Robert, 6 Eliot hill Morga.nJas. Michl. 179 Hither Green la.

Laurie Peter, 139 Hither Green lane McMahon Mrs. 24 St. ~tephen's road Morga.n Mrs. 13 Blackheath rise

Laurie William Henry, 4 Ravensbourne Maconachie Surg.-Maj. 27 Granville pk Morgan Thomas, 73 Ennersda.le road,
Macphail A.lex. Jn. 19 MountPleasant rd Hither Green lane
terrace, ]dorden hill

Lawrance John, 9 Albion road McQuestionHughHunter,2IEllerdale st Morgan Thos. 7 Ma.ry's vils. Pascoe rd

Lawrence Alfred, 12 Sunning Hill road Madagan Edward,4 Alexandra terrace, Moritz Leopold, 69 Mount Pleasant road

LawsonRichardDurant, 138Courthillrd Ennersdale road, East Down park Morle Henry, 82 Algernon road

Laying Mrs. 39 Ladywell park Maddox Perey, 140 Lewisham road Morlet Mrs. 39 Wisteria road

Leaphard Edmund, 37 Ellerdale street Magee Miss, 211 Algemon road Morley Hy. Astley bank, Lewisham hill

Lear Samuel, 28 Elswick road Maggi Vincent,1Da.nby vls.Ladywell rd Morley John, 130 Courthill road

Leaver Joseph, 29 Radford road Major Joseph, 153 Algernon road Morley Miss, u Clarendon road

Lee Misses, Loampit ho. Loampit hill Malinwhite William, 5 Ladywell park Morley Robert, 2 Albion road

1......-Js Daniel, 7 Gilmore road .Malone Robert, 91 Algernon road Morrant Geo.Anscombe,6 East Down pk

Leeming Henry Spencer, 5oEllerdale st Malone Thomas Jennings,3Thurston rd Morrell Herbert Towning, The Villa,

Leggatt James Thomas, 52Thurston rd Ma.lschinger Ja.s.Hy. IooHitherGreenla Lewisham park

Legge The Hon.& Rev. CanonAugustus Manger Thos. Rt.J York vls. Morley rd Morris Bamard, 142 Lewisham road

K •.&. [vicar of St. Mary's], 222Iligh st Mansbridge George, 36 Algemon road Morris David, 30 Horton street

Le Jeune Harry, u Blackheath rise Mansfield Edward, 64 Algernon road Morris Henry, 4 Eliot hill
Lemmy George, 6-J Ellerdale street
March Thomas, 22 Vicar's hill Morris Henry, Smith vil. Morden grove

Lemmy Mrs. 83 Ennersdale road, Marlow Miss, 23 Horton street· Morris Henry Grave, 42 George lane

Hither Green lane Marriott Henry, 1 Granville park Morris James, 54 road

l.emmyWm.Hy.May villa.,Orchard hill Marriott Mrs. I I George lane Morrison Mrs. Bouldnor lo.Lewisham hl

I.emon Mark, 7 Knowles Hill crescent Marshall Miss, 5 Colle villas Mort Herbert B. 214 Algemon road

LetcbfordJames,sSnnning Hill terrace, Martin Alfred, 10 Ennersdale road, Mortimore Thomas, ~9 Horton street

Inampit hill Hit.her Green lane Mote Charles, 6 Slaithwaite road

Lethbridge Mrs. Granville house, Gran- Martin Alfred, 24 Horton street Mote James, I Morley road

nlle park Martin David, 13 Wisteria road :Mott Henry Charles, 2 Wisteria road

Le'te Mrs. 9 Harvard road. MartinFras.Walt.sSt.John's ter.Jo!mst :Mouncey Christopher, 27 Clarendon rd


Moverley Miss, SI Ladywell park 1Papworth Miss, 45 Ennersdale road, Pinkney William, 30 Branscombe street

Mowat Magnus, 47 Granville park ~ Hither Green lane Pinnock Mrs. 49 Harvard road

Muckle Edward James, 28 Avenue road Parfitt Henry Thomas, I61 A.lgernon rd Pipkin Charles, 12 Avenue road

Munday William, 65 Elswick road Park William Charles Cunningham, Playfair George, 4 Eliot park

Munn James,Newtonhouse,Ladywellrd Beacon lodge, Hither Green lane Pollock Jn. Warrenderlodge, Eliot park

Munro William, 84 Algernon road Parke Arthur, 33 Thornford road Pollock Miss, 3 Lewisham Park crescent

Murch John Gregory, 8 Jerrard street Parker Mrs. Vine cottage, Mill road Pouter Henry, 14 Algernon road

Murphy William, 28 Harvard road Parker Thomas, 57 Ladywell park PookLt.-Col.Hy.Wm.17Cressingham rd

IMurram William Hy. 63 Ellerdale st Parker William James, 7 Cam:len road Pook James~ 1 Lingards road
Murray William, 16 Camden road ParkinJohnLaurence,s6Cressingham rd Poole Charles Baker, 57 Clarendon road

Murton Henry William, 19 Windsor Parkinson Ernest 'fhos. 72 Thurston rd Poole George Fredk. 43 AlgP-rnon road

terrace, Elthruda road Parnaby George Craven, 9 Radford rd Poole William, 27 Harvard road

Musgrave Mrs. 49 Ladywell park Parnaby Mrs. 141 Hither Green lane Pope James, 15 Honfield road

Musgrove Alfred William, 4 Ravens- Parr Ebenezer BrowiJ., 'l6 Granville rd Pope Mrs. 134 Lewisham road

bourne villas, Ladywell road Parsons Mrs. 22 Branscombe street Pope W. J. The Chestnuts, Porson st

Muskell William, 26 Ennersdale road, Parton Misses, II3 Gilmore road Porter Charles, 26 Gilmore road

Hither Green lane Pass Edwin Francis, 3 Ravensbourne Porter Mrs. 32 Thurston road

Musson William Francis, 25 Alexandra terrace, Morden hill Pothonier Herbert de, 26 Branscombe st

terrace, Ennersdale rd. East Down pk Patch Miss Emmeline, 28 Courthill rd Potter Edward John, 37 Courthill road

MyersJas.StrugnallBovill, 23 Ruthin 11t Paterson Ernest M. 26 Granville park Potter William, 74 Brookbank road •
Narst Louis, 14 Alexandra terrace, Paterson John, 35 Ryecroft roau Potts William Anthony, 62 Limes grove

Ennersdale road, East Down park Paterson Mrs. 24 Clarendon road Pound Mrs. 7 Ennersdale road, Hither

Nash Mrs. go Albion grove Patison James, 185 Hither Green lane Green lane

Nelson Edward, 298 High street Paton David, 34 Embleton street Powell Mrs. 4 Albion road

Nettleton HarryThomas R.N.,M.R.C.S.E. Pattle Arthur John, 37 George lane Powell William Charles, 19 Vicar's hill

4 Wisteria road Pawsey William, 8 St. Stepben's road Pratley George, 9 Victoria terrace,

Nenrd William, 8 Holly Tree terrace Paxton Waiter John, 79 Lewisham road Ennersdale road, East Down park

Nevens William, 28 Brookbank road Payne A. H. 67 Algernon road Pratt Miss, 11 Radford road

Newbery Frederick, 18 Dartmouth ter Payne Mrs. 39 Com·thill road Preston Edwin James, The Hermitage,

Newland Maj. W. H. 297 High street Payne William, 23 Knowles Hill crescent Lewisham hill

Newman Frank Barker, 14 Harva;rd rd Payne Wm.JonathanJas.sB Wisteria rd Preston Waiter J. 29 Granville park

Newman Stephen John, 4 Church ter- Peacock Ernest Harley,4St.Stephen's rd Price Charles, 27 Thurston road

race, Ladywell road Peacock William, 35 Courthill road PriceDavid Arth. Hunter,25 Radford rd

Newman William, 3 Ellerdale street Peacock William John, Claremont, Price Edwd.Ebenezer, 148 Hither

Newton Albert Ymcent,31 Granville pk Lewisham Park crescent Price Fk. J n. Langton ho. Lewisham hl

Newton Alfred, 180 Hig·h street Pearson Jas. Wm.Phillips,2o Ryecroft rd Price Lewis, 19 Slaithwa.ite road

Nicholas Griffin, 58 Ellerdale street Pease Joseph Ambrose, 23 Wisteria road Pricbard Illtyd Moline, 12 Wisteria rd

Nicholls Ernest, 46 Ellerdaie street Peate George, 4 Holly Tree terrace Priest Alfred, 64 Elswick road

Nicholson Ralph James, 13 Lanier rd Peck Charles, 10 Cressingham road Prince William, 4 Colfe villas

Nickols John Mark, 24 Elswick road Pegg Thomas, 129 Lewisham road Pringle H.obert M.D. 4 Gram·ille park

Nicolson William, 158 Lewisham road Pell Bennett, 6 Granville park Prior Henry, 25 East Down park

Nightingale Wm. Saml. 58 Granville pk: Penfold .1ohn, 9 Brookbank road Privett Frederick Paul, 31 Ryecroft rd

Nisbet Closs, Bentley ho. Orchard hill Penn Mrs. 169 High street PrynneHo wardFellowes, 39Clarendon rd

!Noak Walt.2 Penner John, 109 G ilmore road
Pennington Alfred, 23 Slaithwai
Ashburton vls.Dermodyrd 1 te road Pull Thomas George, 14 'fhurston road
Granvillecot. Granvillepk Pussey Arthur Aligustus, 12 Horton st

Nobbs William, 5 Bonfield road 1 Penton Charles, 19 Branscombe street Putnam Ch<~rles, 24 Molesworth street

Nt:~ble James, 52 Algernon road Penton Waiter, 34 Avenue road Pykett Mrs. 13 Holly Tree terrace
NoltingkFranzBernhard,72Granvillepk 1 Pentreath Henry Cundy, Elerden, Raban John Daniel, 33 Embleton street

Norfolk Mrs. II4 Lewisham road 1 Lewisham Park crescent Race George, 29 George lane

Norman HenryHilton,goMt.Pleasantrd Percy James, 4 Branscombe street Radburn William, 18 Molesworth street

Norris Miss, 3 Pascoe road Perkins William, 5 Church grove Ramsay George, 16 East Down park

North Henry, 54 Knowles Hill crescent Perman Sydney Henry, 18 Morley road Randall Mrs. n2 Lewisham toad

NorthcoteEdwn.Sil\Iorley vls.Morleyrd Perrin Edwin, 38 Algernon road Randell Robert, 34 Hrookbank road

NortonChs.Edwd.2St.John's ter.John st Perry Henry, 6 Holly Hedge terrace Rankin Mrs. so Ladywell park

Norton Cbas. Herbt. 46 Ladywe!l park · Petavel Mrs. 8 Wisteria road R:J.nsom George, 3 St.John's ter. John st
I Peterson Alfred, 117 Algernon road Raven Henry, 22 Gilmore road
Noyes John, I39 Algernon road

Nunn F. W. Hawthornvilla, Bonfieldrd Peto Waiter, 24 Tburston road Ravenscroft Byfieet Chas. 3 George lane

Nunn Henry Thomas, 75 Thurston rd ! Petter Fras. Albert, II St. Stephen's rd Rawle Charles, 63 Clarendon road

Nurse Josepb, 26 Elswick road Pettifer Eli Henry, 42 Avenue road Read Rev. Samuel Sabine [Congrega-

Oakley Miss, 61 Granville park Pettigrew Mrs. 46 Gilmore road tional], Burton lodge, Loampit hill

Oakley Willia.m, 28 Branscombe street I, Pettit James, 25 Ennersdale road, Read Geor~e Herbert James, Park
O'Connor James Josepb, 21 Algernon rd Hither Green lane view, Lewisham Park crescent
~ Pettit Mrs. 22 Ellerdale street
Odd Stephen, 34 Thurston road Read George Smith, 7 Trinity terrace

Odhams Matthew Geo. 32 Limes grove' Pettit William Carter, 13 Slaithwaite rd Read Joseph, 17 Horton street

Oblsen Charles Henry, 5 Belmont road Pettman Wm. Stanley vil. Albacore cres Reading John J oseph, 22 Lanier road

Olbertson William, 129 Hither Green la Petty Henry Willsen, 11 Courthill road Recknell Henry, 33 Hrookbank road •

Oldfield Alfred, 1 Ravensbourne villas, Pewtress Ernest, 10 Clarendon road Reek Mrs. 7 Dartmouth terrace

Ladywell road Pfeil Leopold Henry, 44 Ellerdale street Reeve Arthur, 52 Gilmore road

Oliver Thomas, 53 Mount Pleasant rd Phelippault Mrs. 95 Algernon road Reeve Mrs. 141 road

Olyett Edward J. 26 Mount Pleasant rd Philipps Mrs. 10 Dartmouth terrace Reid Mrs. 45 Granville park

Ord Christr. Knox M.D.,R.N. I 55 High st Philipps Thos.Lewis,4 St.Germain's viis Relton Francis Henry, 16 Lanier roac1

Ord Mrs. W. P. 54 Granville park Phillips£dwd. West,nMnt. Pleasantrd Retford Charles, 71 Thurston road

Ormsby Henry Leigh, 6 Ladywell road Phillips George, IO Claremont terrace Reuter Albert, 21 St. Stephen's road

Orwin Mrs. 49 Ellerdale street . Phillips Henry, 154 High street Revill Marmaduke Selby Mills, 45

Osborn Mrs. 15 Cressingham road Pbillips Josepb, 41 Molesworth street Mount Pleasant road

Osborne Edwin, 11 Horton street Pbillips Mrs. 32 Harvard road Reynolds Charles, 2 Ennersdale road,

Ovenden William Alfred, 18 Harvard rd Phillips Thomas Wm. 53 Brookbank rd Hither Green lane

Owen Edwin, 17 Ryecroft road Pickermg George Alfred, 13 George la Rice Samt1el, 51 Ellerdale street

Owen Thomas. 145 Hither Green lane Pierce George William, 9 Lanier road Rich Miss Marion, 224 High streat
5Owens George, 30 Embleton street
Pierce John C. H. 32 Thornford road Richards Williams, Oxford terrace,

Oyns Frederick Kossutb,76 Algernon re Piers Maj. Claudius R.N. 9 Dermody rd Hither Green lane

Page Edward, r Pascoe road Pigott Robert T. D.C.L., F.R.G.s. South Richardson Charles, 152 Courthill road

Page James, 27 Brookbank road bank, Lewisham bill Richardson Edmund, 179 High street

Pain Alfred, 135 Algernon road Pilbeam George, 213 Algernon road Richardson George, 40 Harvard road

Pallett Richard Nelson, 6 Morden hill Pilbeam Thomas, 99 Algernon road Ricbardson Hy. Saml. 163 A~urnon rd

Palmer Rev. CharlesJasperB.A.[curate Pilgrim Mrs. 160 Lewisham road Richardson Jame11, 9 Fordyce road

of St. Mary's], r6 Ladywell park Pincombe David William Pendry, I3 Richardson Jas. William, 6 Furdyce rd

Palmer Alfred, 151 Hither Green lane Embleton street Richardson John Jas. 28 Molesworth st

Palmer Lionel James, 13 Branscombe st Pinder Richard, I Horton street Richardson Wm. Edward, 4 Lanier rd

Palmer Mrs. 3 Thomford road Pinfold William, 18 Alexandra terrace, Richbell Philip, 6 Bonfield road

Papinean Charles Robt. 91 Gilmore rd Ennersdale road, East Down park RickerbyMisses, Lan,<TClale vl.Loampit hl

Pa.pworth Thos. Hodges, 47 Wisteria rd Pinhey William Barnard, 6 Albion road Rickman Mrs. 33 East Down park


RiddleA.lbt.Hy.2Ho1lyvils.Dermodyrd! Sellar James Anderson, Woodpark, Smith Mrs. 199 Algernonroad

Rider Pbilip, Saugor villa, .Honfield rd Lewisham Park crescent Smith Mrs. 23 Bonfield road

Riding John William, 66 Ellerdale road Selous Mrs. T. D. 94 Lewisham road Smith Mrs. I I Granville park

Risbee Henry Daniel, 23 Radford road Selves Richard, 28 Thnrston road Smith Mrs. H. 6 Algernon road

Ritchie John, 64 Harvard road Sercombe Horatio, I5 Lanier road Smith Niemann,Clevedon,Lewisham hl

Nix Mrs. 46 Mount Pleasant road Seward Wm. Jay, Kent cot. Woodlands Smith Philip Albert, 16 Bonfield road

Roberts Henry, n;~ Lewisham road Sewell Mrs. Sunnyside, Ladywell road Smith Richard, 76 Ellerdale street

Roberts Jn. Cambridge ho.Dermody rd Seymour Thomas, 26 Conrthill road Smith Robert Hardy, 23 George lane

Robert.s John, 68 Granville park Shadbolt Waiter, 56 Ennersdale road, Smith Sidney Charles, 38 Ellerdale st

Roberts Miss, 6 Vicar's hill Hither Green lane Smith Thomas Porteen, 3 Eliot hill

Roberts Robert Arthur, I95 High street Shand Harold, 6o Cressingham road Smith Waiter, Heathville, High street

RobertsonRev.George L.M.A. 71<:liot pk SharoodEdward J.M.D.2Blackheath rise Smith William, 48 Mount Pleasant road

Robertson Alfred Jas. 16 Branscombe st Sharp George, 48 Harvard road Smoker George, 56 Thurston road

Robins John Joseph, 34 Cressing-ham rd Sharpe Mrs. 48 Gilmore road Smythers Waiter, 2-1- Alexandra terrace,

Robinson Henry, Cayuga ho. Eliot park Sharpe Mrs. I9 Granville park Ennersdale road, East Down park

RobinsonLouis .M.B., M.R.c. s. 162High st Sharratt Thomas, 45 Algernon road Snowden Mrs. C. 39 Rycroft road

Robinson Rice Harvey, 9 Algernon road Shaw Mrs. 13 Courthillroad Soal Edward, 5.5 Hither Green lane

Robinson Thomas, 8 Albwn road Shelley Wm.Rangeley,28 SunningHI.rd Soppatt William, 3 Ruthin street

Rock Thomas Dennis, 65 Granville park Shelton Jas. Alfd. 63 Monnt Pleasant rd Sorge Mrs. 8 Sunning Hill road

Rogers George, 11 r Hither Green lane Shepard Harry S. I23 Algernon road Southorn Augustus, IO Limes grove

Rogers Geo. Waiter, 43 East Down pk Shepherd Mrs. 58 Mount Pleasant road Sparks Rev. Frederick B.A. 20 Enners-

Rog-ers HerbertNol'ris, Woodland house, Sheppard Sl.2 Oxford ter. Hither dale road, Hither Green lane

Woodlands Sherris John Foster, I George lane Sparks Harry, 20 Bonfield road

Rogers James, 29 Gilmore road Sherwood Edward, 6o Algernon road Sparks Henry, 32 Courthill road

Rogers John, 35 'fhnrston road Shillingford Richard, II Albion road Speller William, 12 ThuriJton road

Rokeby Mrs. 3I Clarendon road :Ship Mrs. 25 Thurston road Spence Edmnnd John, 102 Lewisham rd

Roper Arthur, Lewisham hill Sbipp Tressillian P. 39 Granville park Spencer James, I2I Lewisham road

Roper Fredk. I Windsor ter. Elthruda rd Shorter Thomas J ames, 53 Algernon rd Spencer William, 35 Elswick road

Roper Mrs. 9 Holly Tree terrace Shorter William, I69 Hither Green la Spicer Charles, 19 Ennersdale road,

Rose Charles Larking, 21 Gilmore td Shott George, 2 Ravensbourne terrace, Hither Green lane

Hose George, 27 Molesworth street Morden bill Spicer George, 7 Cressingham road '

Rose Henry, 25 Granville road Shove Miss, 8 Thornford road Spicer Lieut. Napoleon R.N.2I Ruthin st

Rose Henry Lawrence, 8 Oxford terrace, Shuttleworth Artbur, 4I Gilmore road Spikesman Hy. Brett, 44Brookbank rd

Hither Green lane Shuttleworth Thomas, Repton, 6 St. Spinks James George, 15 Brookbank rd

Rose Thomas, 29 Hither Green lane Stepben's road Spooner Mrs. J. Colfe ldg. Lewisham bl

Rotherham Joseph B.3o Sunning Hill rd SibsonJosephHy.6Morley viis. Morley rd Springman Thomas, 293 High street

Round Alfred, IS Embleton street Sidery Miss, 24 Bonfield road Spnrge Alfred, 8 Vicar's hill

Rowan Andrew M. D. 34 Ladywell park Sidery Wm. II St.Mary's vils.Pascoe r~ Spurr Mrs. 35 Ladywell park

Rowe Abiezer, r8 Albion road Stmes William Alien, Wilton villa, Squire Harry, 210 Algernon road

Rowell Haines, 40 Clarendon road Loampit hill Stafford Ernest William, 5 Lanier road

Rowland Alfred, 2 Beaufort gardens Simmons John, 2I Horton street Stahl Hermann, 2I Clarendon road

Ruddock Mrs. 4 Beaufort gardens Simmons Mrs. sr Brookbank road St.ahlschmidt Mrs. 281 High street

Rundle Richard, 30 Wisteria road Simpson Frank, I6 Vicar's bill Staines Mrs. Sunnyside, Lewisham park

Ruse Mrs. 4I High street Simpson George, 7 East Down park Stainton Henry Tibbotts, Mountsfield,

Russel Edward L. I3I Hither Green lane Simpson Thomas, 6I Elswick road George lane

Russell Mrs. 96 Algernon road Sims Charles John, I6 Clarendon road Stallard Frederick, Hope Woolith,

Russell Mrs. 53 Glarendon road Sims Edmund Wm. I43 Hither Green la Lewisham hill

Hnssell Thomas, 41 Wisteria road Sims George, 54 Elswick road Stammers William, I7 Windsor terrace,

Ryder William, 8 Holly Hedge terrace ~inden Miss, 31 Knowles Hill crescent Elthruda road

Saddler John, 45 Moles worth street tiinger George, 12 Branscombe street Stanlake William, 9 Thornford road

Sadler Joseph, 5 Cambridge terrace, Sinkler Mrs. 55 Clarendon road Stanton Artbur, 70 Granville park

Hither Green lane Sizer J. 20 Horton street Stanton Charles Edwin,r2 East Down pk

St.Aubyn Geoffrey Peter,Spenser house, Skan Alfred Herbert, 40 Algernon road Stanton Frederic, Silk mills, Morden hl

Ladywell road I Skeffing-ton Thos. Josh.E.37Algernonrd Stanton Mrs. ro4 Lewisham road

Salisbury Hy.Wm.4r Mount Pleasant rd Skelt Wtlliam, 22 GranviUe road Stap Mrs. 14 Albion road

Salisbury Mrs. 48 Wisteria road SkeltonFdk.Jsph.9"Mary's vils.Pascoe rd Starkey Henry, 24 Mount Pleasant road

Salisbury Waiter Sermon, 6r Mount Skelton John Henry, 5 Ling-ards road Starling Thomas, 3 Sunning Hill ter-

Pleasant road Skilton William, I37 Lewisham road race, Loampit hill

Salliss Stephen, 48 Brookbank road Skinner Mrs. I2 Gilmore road Steadman Richd. 31 Molesworth street

Salter Waiter H. 2 Lewisham hill Slader George, 207 Hither Green lane Steede Mrs. 8 Gilmore road

Sanders Frederick, 109 Algernon road Slater Abram. Francis, 298A, High st Steel Peter, 145 Lewisham road

Sanders James, r Ellerdale street Slater Thomas, r8o Lewisham road Steele Pbilip Richard, 44 Wisteria road

Sanders Tbos. Wm. 57 Cressingham rd Sleigh Rev.Jas.[Cong.J,qoHither Stepbens Frank, 22 Courthill road

Sanders Thomas, 6I Thnrston road Slight George, r8 Brookbank road Stephenson William, 9 Clarendon road

Sandy Thomas, I South vils.Loampit hl Slight George, 5 Horton street Steuart Geo. Waverley ldg.Lewisham hl

Saul Alfred, ro9 Hither Green lane Smale Frederick W. 5 Granville park Stevens Charles Fredk. A. 20 Lanier rcl

Saunders EvelynWigton, I6Ladywell pk Smallcombe Jas. Chas. 58 Moles worth st Stevens George Henry, 48 Limes grove

Saunders John Henry, III Algernon rd Smiles Samuel, 48 Granville park Stevens John, 65 Ellerdale street

Sawyer Jn. Craythorne ho.Lewisbam hl Smith Alfred, I03 Algernon road Stevens Marsball Hy. 15 Branscombe st

Saxby James, 35 Wisteria road SmithCharlesEd ward, I3SunningHill rd Stewart Fredk.Albert, 24 East Down pk

Saxby Miss, 23 St. Stephen's road Smith Charles Horatio, 5 Beacon road Stiles Waiter, II Knowles Hill crescent

Scammell John, 35 Molesworth street Smith Edward, 62 Lewisham road Still Frank Murray, 32 Sunning Hill rd

Scharbau Henry c. E. 7 Morley road Smith Edward Stobart, Offerton, Stocken Jas. .Heynon,64 Cressingham rd

Schoof Williaru, 5 Knowles Hill crescent Lewisham Park crescent Stocken Mrs. 62 Cressingham road

Schultze Max:, r Slaithwaite road Smith Edwin J. C. rr Lanier road Stocker Arthur, 46 Algernon road

Schultze Mrs. 209 Algernon road Smith Fredk. Hy. M. D. g8 Lewisham rd Stockham J. 55 Gilmore road

Schutz Henry, I7 Gilmore road Smitli l<'rederick William, Hollywood, Stockwell Richard, 7 Embleton street

Scoble Samuel Wm. 49 Clarendon road Lewisham hill Stollery John, I7 Harvard road

Scorey Andrew John, 4 Holly Hedge ter Smith George, Westbank, Lewisham hl Stoltenhoff Cbas. Emile,

Scott Mrs. 67 Brookbank road Smith George Samuel, Io Bonfield road Stone Geo. Rodborou~h vil.Dermody rd

Scott Mrs. 4 Ladywell park Smith Henry, I58 High street Stoneham Frederick Wm. 35 George la

Scott Sacknoy, 2 Dartmouth terrace, Smith Henry, rso Hither Green lane Stoneham J ames, 8 Victoria terrace

Lewisham hill Smith Henry Robinson, 2I9 Algernon rd Ennersdale road, East Down park

Scudamore Mrs. 23 Granville park Smith Herbert, 44 Mount Pleasant road ~torey Alfd. Barker,Grove ho. Woodlnds

Scudamore Sherwin, 23 Granville park Smith James, 6r Brookbank road Stoten Mrs. 38 Avenue road

Scudamore Thos. Wise,62 Brookbank rd Smith James, 8 Thnrston road Stott Alfred E. 45 Ellerdale street

Seager Edwin, 4 Morden hill Smith John Benj. 22 Granville park Strachan Charles, 131 Algernon road

Seager William, 6 I Gilmore road Smith John J oseph, 30 George lane Street William, 244 High street

Searle George, Devonia villa, Ruthin st Smith Jonathan, 240 High street Strevens Harry Weller, I Woodhonse

Searle James William, 56 Algernon rd Smith Joseph, 82 Courthill road Grove cottages, Albion street

Sedman Mrs. 42 Ladywell park Smith Louis, 22 Harvard road Strickland James Thos. 63 Algernon rd

Sell Chas.s8Ennersdale rd.Hither Smith Miss, xo l<'ordyce road Struss Albert, I6 Gilmore road



Stuart Mrs. 14 Dartmouth terrace Turner Artlmr Parker, Gordon villa, Weatherhead Mrs. 30 Limes grove

Stump Samuel, 10 Brookbank road Bonfield road Weatherley Leooard Barnet, 1 Morden

Summers Henry, 64 Ellerdale street Turner James, 74 Ellerdale street villas, Hither Green lane

Sumner James, 17 Branscombe street Turner Miss, 29 Albion grove Weatherley Wm. Edwd. 13 Harvard rd

Sutherland Chas. Fredk. 26 Thornford rd Turner Mrs. 2 Belmont road Weatherstone Wm.Hy.7 SuoningHill rd

Sutton Mrs. 35 Ennersdale road, Hither Turner Richard, 7 St. Stephen's road Weaver John P. 6 Sunning Hill road

Green lane TurnerRobt.Alderson,5IMt,Pleasantrd Weaver Mrs. 16 Harvard road

Sutton Thomas, 23 Algernon road Turner William, u2 Courthill road Webb Montague, S3 Lewisham road

Sutton William, u Vicar's hill Turner Wm. Frederi_ck, 9 Slaithwaite rd Webb Robert, 26 Horton street

Swain Henry Rd. Morley ldg. Morley rd Turney Frank M. 204 Algernon road Webb Thomas Wm. I Thurston road

Swan Miss, I St. Stephen's road Turpin Miss, a Albion street Webber William, IS Avenue road

Swann Richard Rhode, 156 Courthill rd Turquaod Leonard, 1 I Holly Hedge ter Websdale Herbert John, I2 Vicar's hill

Sweny Capt. Eugene, 8 Camden road Turvey Harry, I St. John's ter. John st Webster Samuel, 36 Harvard road

Swete Mrs. 16 Ryecroft road Tyerman Frederick, .119 Algemon road Weeden George, 3I ffortoo street

SwinbourneJohn William, 13 Vicar's hl Tyler Alfd. Wioterburn,IS Elswick road Weekes Thos. Edwd. IO Branscombe st

Swinfien Charles Francis Edward, Bel- Tyler Perrin, 143 High street Wegg Jo. Warriogton, 34 Gilmore road

vedere, 2 Lewisham Park crescent Tyler Robert, 30 Avenue road Weightman John, 3~ Embletoo street

Talby George, 50 Courthill road Tyrrell Thomas, 147 High street Weldon Mrs. Charles, Morden hill

Tallett John, 45 Elswick road Underhill Thomas, 40 Elswick road Weller William, 6 Thurston road

Tamm Geo. Fredk. Wm.74 Granville pk Uptoo Edward, IS Ellerdale street Wells Frederick, I7 Slaithwaite road

Tanner Henry Peter, 1o6 Lewisham rd Van-Putteo Emest, 16o High street Wells John, 2 Thurston road

Tanner John, Hilldrop house,Morley rd Van-Putten James, I6o High street Wells Samuel Richard, 69 Algernon rd

Taylor Edward1 63 Courthill road Varrall Giles, 21 Windsor terrace, El- Wells William, 37 Harvard road .

Taylor Fras. Richmond house, :t:liot pk thruda road Welteo Mrs. 3 Gilmore road

Taylor George, 74 High street Varrall John Giles, 42 Wisteria road Wenboro Robert John, 22 Bonfield road

Taylor Henry, 166 Lewisham roaq Varty Mrs. IS6Lewisham road Weosley John Mark, 175 Algernonroad

Taylor John, 40 Brookbank road Vaughan Geo. Spencer,3I East Down pk Wescott Fredk. William, 20 Elswick rd

Taylor Miss, 3I High street Vaughan Henry, 6x Ellerdale street Wesley John, 11 Thomford road

Taylor Miss E. 113 Algemon road VaughaoMrs.Cheshunt lodge,Morleyrd West Rev. Thomas John M •.&. [vicar of

Taylor Mrs. 13 Ellerdale street Vaughan Nathaniel, 21 Cressingham rd St. Mark's], 4I Clareodon road

Taylor Thomas, IS Algernon road Venn Benjamin, 3 Laoier road West Alfd. Thos. 15 Lewisham Pk~eres

Taylor Wm. Edward, I9 Elswick road Veno Mrs. 203 Algeroon road West Edmund, 24 Eonersdale road,

Tearle Wm. North, 45 Albacore crescent Vercoe J oseph Hy. 28 Mount Pleasantrd Hith9l' Green lane

Tebbutt Arthur Thomas, I Bertrand st Veysey Henry John, 5 Brookbank road West Henry William, 21 Lanier road

Tempest Joe Webb, 9 Wisteria road Vickery Charles Henry, 32 Enoersdale West John, 47 Algemon road

Temple Mrs. I5 Albion road road, Hither Green lane West Mrs. u Ladywell park

Temple William Woods, 4 Sunning Hill Vickery Henry, 4 Ennersdale road, West Mrs. 22 Thurston road

terrace, Loampit hill Hither Green lane West Rohert R. III Lewisham road

Terry Mrs. 9 Ruthin street Viddler Samuel, 4 Brookbank road West William, 102 CourLhill road

Terry Thomas Henry, I35 Lewisham rd Vince Mrs. 5 Beaufort gardens West William, 8 Morden hill

Theobald Morell, 62 Granville park Vincent Thomas, 7 Slaithwaite road Westley C. I2S Courthill road

Thiede Mrs. 9 Bonfield road Vine John, 35 Harvard road Weston John, 142 Courthill road

Thomas Charles, 127 Algemon road Visger Harman, 279 High street Westray John, 7I Granville park

Thomas David Edwin, 12 Algernon road Vivish Miss,. 3 Leamington villas, Westworth Robert, x8 East Down park

'Thomas Edwin, 3I Hither Green lane Belmont road Wethered Edward H. 43 Limes grove

Thomas George, 6 Ellerdale street Wade Horace Charles, 25 Brookbank rd Whale John William, I9 Limes grove

Thomas James, 2S Limes grove Waghoro Joseph, 64 Brookbank road WhalleyChas.Plowman,32Brookbankrd

Thomas Mrs. S9 Algernon road Wagner William Albt. 6 Cressingham rd Wheatley Frederick, 3 East Down park

Thomas William Grove, 7 Morden grove Wakeford Robert, I7 Courthill road Wheble William, 28 Ennersdale road,

Thompson Edward, 30 times grove Walker Charles Hy. 19 Harvard road Hither Green lane

Thompson Hy. Turner,5 Sunning Hill rd Walker Henry, 8 Lewisham park WheelerHy_Jo.Cleveland priory,Highst

Thompson James, 35 Embleton street Walker Henry, I6 Thurston road Wheeler Mrs. S East Down park

Thompson Mrs. 56 Harvard road Walker Henry A. Park vil. Loampit hi WhicheloeHo11andHy. 146Courthill road

Thompson Thomas, 66 Cressingham rd WalkerJames Thomas, 6 Gilmore road Whiffio Edward, 49 Graoville park

Thomson Lewis Cbas. I3 Granville park Walker John Robert, 3 Lingards road While Samuel, 2 Sunninghill terrace,

Thomsoo Thomas, 31 Thornford road Walker Miss, 15 Dartmouth terrace Loampit hill

Thorn Francis, I5 Molesworth street Walker William, 8 Limes grove Whitaker Mrs. 3S Clarendon road

Thoro William, I2 Limes grove Wall Mrs. L. 44 Thornford road White Col. Finch, Hutwa ho. Princes rd

Thorp Harry, 48 Ellerdale street Wallace Alexander, 140 Courthill road White Alfred M. 5 Eliot hill

Thrower Edward Harry, 7 Dermody rd Wallace John, I Elswick road White Charles Ja~ I5 Sunning Hill rd

Thrupp HughScott,56MouotPleasant rd Wallace Mrs. 38 Limes grove White Edward, Vine cot. Orchard hill

Tiarks Miss, I4 Gilmore road Wallace William, SI Gilmore road White Fredk. Wm. 26 Harvard road

Tilbury George, I Fordyce road Wailer Joseph, 68 Limes grove White Geo. Whitefield, 12 Ladywell park

Tilling Richard, I36 Courthill road Wallers Wm. Ledward, I9 Ellerdale st White Harry Dow, 26 Wisteria road

Tinkley Jiarry, 91 Elswick road WallisJames, 285 High street White John, 13 Claremont terrace

Tinsley Samuel, 7I Ennersdale road, Wallis John, Riverdale White Waiter Thos. 29 Courthillroad

Hither Green lane Wallis John, jun. 156 High street Whitehead Levi, 33 Horton street

Tobitt Thomas Beighton,32 Algernoo rd Wallis Mrs. 54 A1gernon road Whitehead Thomas, 73 Algeroon road
Whitehouse Arthur Edwd. I2 Lanier rd.
Todd Thomas Osborn, Elvington,Lewis- Wallis Peter, 6 Dermody road

ham hill Walster Samuel, Io Trinity terrace Whiteway Mrs. 70 Brookbank road

Toplis Edward, 3 Beaufort gardens Walton Richard, 37 Ennersdale road Whitfield Sml.Lahee, nCressingham rd

Tothill Waiter, 5 Slaith waite road Waosbury Mrs. 21 Molesworth street Whiting Mrs. 174 Lewisham road

Towers Edward, 7 Molesworth street Want Mrs. I9 Thornford road Whitmarsh Thos. Webb,go Lewisham rd

Towler Charles Albert, 50 Limes grove Ward John, 36 Molesworth street Whittaker Samuel, 5 St. Stephen's rd

Towoer William, 66 Courthill road Ward William, 52 Harvard road Whittle George, 20 Gilmore road ·

Towosend Edward Wm. 15 Ruthin st Wardale Henry Septimus, Wiltoo villa, Whomes Mrs. Robert, IS5 High street

'fowosend Edwin Thos. I Mordeo grove Loampit hill Whorwell Nathaniel Wm. 5 Fordyce rd

Trench Miss, 79 Algernon road Wardrop Robert, 92 Algernon road Wickes Walter Cope, 78 Ellerdale street
Wicks Henry, 6 Ale:xaodra ter. Enners-
Trenchard Henry Albert, I Camden rd Wareham Mrs. 32 Ladywell park

Treverton William, u Glenview road Warr Mrs. 40 Wisteria road dale road, E~st Down park

Tribe Wm. Harry, I69 Algerooo road Warringtoo Thomas Alid. 7 Limes grove Widlake George, 7 Albion road

Trotter Mrs. 9 Lewisham park Watcham Stephen, I Chestnut road Wiggins Tressilliao Percy, 6 Lanier rd

Troll ell Mrs. IS George lane Waters Miss, 289 High street Wigham George, 2S Wisteria road

"Tucker Alfred William, I49 High street Wates Charles, I7 Radford road Wigzell Eustace Ernest, Lato Zalo,

Tucker William, 47 Cressingham road Wates Joseph, 4 Princes road Lewisham Park crescent

Tully William, 3I Enoersdale road, Watoey David W. 7 Granville park Wilkins Harry, IS Harvard road
Watsoo Capt. J. 5 Blackheath rise · Wilkins Miss, 3 Embleton street
Hither Green lane

Tunley John Thomas, 10 Gilmore road Watsoo John Percival, 23 Avenue road Willcox Waiter Henry, I Sunning Bill

Topper Mrs. 34 Granville park Watson Miss, 6o Granville park terrace, Loampit hill .

Turnbull Henry, 179 Algernoo road. Watt Andrew, 49 Courthillroad 1 Williams Capt. William, 6 Eliot park
Tumbull Mrs. I8 Granville road Watts John William, 25 Vicar's hill
1 W i l l i a m s C. H. 57 Brookbank road

Turner Alfred, 3 Harvard road Watts Thomas, 35 Horton street Williams Edward, 53 Gilmore road


Williams Harry Thos. 13 Ruthin street Wiskin Mrs. 2 Eliot park Wright David, 30 Gilmore road •

Williams Herbert Boyne, 35 Mount Witham William, 77 Brookbank road Wright Frederick, 20 Tburston road

Pleasant road Witherden Isaac, I48 Courthill road Wright John, Valetta house, Ladywell rd

Williams John, 43 Elswick road Withers Edmnd. Jsph. 46 Thurston rd Wright Misses, 8I Ennersdale road,

Williams Misses, 9 Cressingham road Wood Henry, 174 High street Hither Green lane

Williams Mrs. 13 Elswick road Wood Henry, 23 Thurston road Wright Mrs. 23 Branscombe street

Williams Mrs. 41 Limes grove Wood Mrs. 20 Brookbank road Wright Thomas, 31 Brookbank road

WilliamsTerrick J. Oaklands, Lwshm. pk Wood Mrs. 18 Cressingham road Wright Thos. Higham, 7 Lewisham pk

Williams Wm. Henry, 6 Branscombe st Wood William, 21 Victoria terrace, Wright William, 27 Mount Pleasant rd

Williams Wm. Henry, 58 Brookbank rd Ennersdale road, East Down park Wyatt William, 42 Mount Pleasant rd

Williamson Henry Wm. I Molesworth st Woodham Mrs. 17 The Retreat Wybourn HenryWm.63 Cressingham rd

Willis John Vickers, 59 Algernon road Woodman Alfred, 6 Trinity terrace WybournHy. Wm.jun.sxCressinghm.rd

Willis Mrs. 3 Limes grove Woodruff Frank, 42 Cressingham road Wye Job, 3 Horton street

Wills Charles, 3 Chestnut road Woods Mrs. 21 Albion road Yapp Joseph Henry, I Church grove

Willsher Mrs. 18 Lethbridge road Woodward Thomas, 56 Moleworth st Yeldham Miss, 203 High street

Wilmott John Geo. 18 Dermody road Woodward William Henry, 3 Holly Yeomans Charles, 47 Limes grove

WilsonAllan,Heath Royd,Lewisham hill villas, Dermody road Yerbury Mrs. 57 Gilmore road

Wilson Edward, 96 Lewisham road Wooff Thomas, 78 Thurston road Young Arth.Nicholson, I44Lewisham rd

Wilson Mrs. 11 Bonfield road Woolfe Thomas, 217 Algernon road Young Arthur Wm. 83 Granville park

Wilson William, 41 George lane Woollett George, I55 Algernon road Young Henry Thomas, Llawrenny villa,

Wilson William, 14 Horton street Woollett James, 97 Hither Green lane Loampit hill

Wilson William Trafford, I35 Hither Woolverton Henry Arthur,4Algernon rd Young John Henry, 1 Branscombe st

Green lane Worboys Mrs. I4 Morden grove Young Miss, 27 East Down park

Wilton Mrs. 25 Ryecroft road Wordingham John Douglas Penningten, Young T. 75 Courthill road

Wiltshire Rev. Thos.M.A.25Granvdle pk 29 Mount Pleasant road Zapata Felipe, 11 Limes grove

Winder Edward Andrews, 3 Ennersdale Wordsworth Jn. The :Firs, Morden hill Zimmermann Adolph, 5 Windsor ter.

road, Hither Green lane Wornham Joseph, 6 Molesworth street Elthruda road

Windsor Jehu, 6o Harvard road

COMMERCIAL. Barton Ansley Adah & Emily (Mi,ges), boys' school, S

Abbott Alexander, vermin destroyer, 20 Vian street Clarendon road

Abbott Thomas, builder, 17 Hither Green lane Baston John, fruiterer, 84 Lewisham road

Abrahams Richard, coal dealer, 26 Bennett street Batchelor Charles, baker, uo Loampit vale

Adsms Henry, jun. coal merchant, I07 Hither Green lane Bateman John, groengrocer, SSA, Loampit vale

AdsmsJames Fdk. picture frame maker, 25 Hither Green la Batho Mary (Mrs.), tobacconist, 71 Lewisham road

!de Mary (Mrs.), dairy, I Railway terrace, Ladywell road Batty Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer, 269 High street

!de Sarah (Mrs.), dairy, 6 Church terrace, Ladywell road Bauer Henry, confectioner, 190 Lewisham road

Aird John & Son, contractors, 78 Cold Bath street Bayliss Charles, tailor, Lewisham junction, High street

.Airey George, butcher, 114 High street Bayne William, boot maker, So Cold Bath street

Alderton Edwin, carman, Ravensbourne cot. Ladywell road Bazley & Co. ironmongers, 94 High street

Allda.y Harry Edgar, pianoforte tuner, x8 Horton street Beadle Brothers, coal, timber, slate &c. merchants, Gran-

Allday John, jobbing gardener, 54A, Lethbrtdge road villa park ; & at Erith

Allpress George, carpenter, 36 Brookbank road Bean Charles, city missionary, 4 Holly villas, Dermody rd

Allpress William, builder, 48 Elswick road Beard Joseph, baker, 54 High st. & 223 Lewisham High rd

All Saints Boys' Orphanage (Sister Etheldreda, matron), Bedford & Co. auctioneers, house, estate & dairymen's

Granville park & Lewisham road agents, uo High street

Ames Percy Willoughby, school, Park ho. Lewisham park Belcham Matilda (Mrs.), laundress, 46 Avenue road

AndrewsCaroline Rose (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Ladywell road Belcham Thomas Allan, undertaker & registrar of births &

Andrews Frederick, french polisher, I6 Lewis grove deaths for Lewisham sub-district & marriages for the

Andrews John, confectioner, 214 High street union, I52 High street

Andrews John Robert, stationer, 30 Loampit vale Bell Carolina (Mrs.), laundress, 33 Drysdale road

Anscombe James Phillips, saddler, 133 High street Bell Thomas, dining rooms, 19 Lewi'lham road

Anstee John George James, boot maker, 45 Lewisham road Belton Frederick, wardrobe dealer, n6 Loampit v-ale

Archer George, baker, x Trinity terrace Bendall Samuel, carpenter, 12 Holly Tree terrace

Arrighi Edwin Sebastian, barometer maker &c. 29 Elmira st Benjamin Arthur Henry, builder, 43 Ryecroft road

Artbur Alfred Henry, Ladywell tavern, Ladywell road Bennett & Bird, chemists, 188 Lewisham road

AshbyMary Louisa (Mrs.), boot maker, 65 Lewisham road Bennett Mark, baker, 120 Lewisham roau

Assessed Taxes Office (Harry Heaton Codrington Ball, col- Bennett Waiter, builder, 23 Hither Green lane

lector), 7 High street Berry Edward, butcher, 29 Lewis grove

Atkins Charles, agent to the Phcenix fire office & collector Berry Lydia (Mrs.), greengrocer, 46Ennersdale road,Hither

to the guardians, vaccination officer & assistant over- Green lane

seer, 15 Thornford road Berry William, boot maker, x8 Lewisham road

Atkins Harry, florist, 277 High street Biggs F. painter, 5 Elswick road

Attle Henry, monumental engraver, 37 Thurston road Bignell & Pelling, corn dealers, 8I Hither G-reen lane

Attwater George, baker, 130 Loampit vale Billett Lucy (Mrs.), laundress, 21 Avenue road

AllStin James & Alfred, grocers, 1 Lewis grove; 131 Lee Billing9oo-ate Fish Supply Co. (John Raban, manager), 87

road & 162 Rushey green Loampit vale

Axford Henry Robert, news agent &c. 28 High street Bindon William, butcher,46 Highst.&225 LewishamHigh rd

Ayres William Richard, gaslitter, 18 Loampit vale Bishop Edith Mary (Miss), school, I8 Ryecroft road

Backhouse Nathaniel Ife, locksmith, 4 High street Blazey James, beer retailer, 57 Elmira street

&dger Charles J. district surveyor, 63 Lewisham road Blomfield Carolina Ada(Mrs. ), ladies' school, xMt.Pleasant rd

Baggett Eliza (Miss), dress maker, I4 Loampit vale Blomfield Rev. John Beza, Catford Collegiate school, Clifton

Baker Frederick, carman, Brockley cottage, Ladywell road house, George lane. See advertisement

Baker Jane (Mrs.), laundress, 148 High street Blyde George, wholesale confectioner, 30 Lewisham road;

Baker William, auctioneer, 35 Avenue road 73 London street & 267 New Cross road •
Balcombe Stephen, wheelwright, 3 Court Hill road , Boakes George, coffee tavern, 27 Loampit vale

Ball G-eorge Henry, hair dresser, 212 High street Board of Works Hospital (Harman Visger, medical pfficer

Ball Harry Heaton C. collector of assessed taxes, No. x dis- Mrs. Lydia Brown, matron), Hither Green lane

trict, 7 High street Boas Bernard, insurance agent, 2 Avenue road

Balsdon John, butcher, 245 High street Bonds J oseph, plasterer, 11 Garden row

Banham George, coffee rooms, 35 Lewisham road Bone Barnan, commercial traveller, 44 Avenue road

Banks Edgar, builder, 255 High street Bone Jane (Mrs.), dress maker, 44 Avenue road

Banks Thomas, florist, 8 Claremont terrace Bonner Horace Thos.architect& surveyr. Point ho.Harvard rd

Banks William Coppard, architect, Io Slaithwaite road Boots George William,general shop, I Mill cottages,Mill road

Barber Henry, carpenter, 67 Cressingham road Botterill Daniel, Holly Tree P.H. Holly Tree terrace

Barham Charles Ashby, carpenter, xo Avenue road Botterill John Benjamin, butcher, 115 High street

Barker William, draper, 218 High street Boucher Edward William, china & glass dealer, 229 High st

Dames George, bricklayer, IS Drysdale road Brain E. (Mrs.), tobacconist, 243 High street

Barnett F. Septimus M. D. physician & surgeon, 19 High st Bray John, commercial traveller, 12 Courthill road

Bamett Walter Alfred, boot maker, 8I High street 1 Brazil Joseph, pork butcher, 47 Loampit vale

Barrett Mary Ann (Mrs.), corn dealer, 31 Loampit vale Breese Henry John, ironmonger, I22 Hither Green lane

Barton Richard Fisher, Walmer Castle P.H. Jerrard street Brett Arthur, plumber, IS High street


Brewster Harry, joiner, 45 Knowles Hill crescent Coates Charles, boot maker, 24 High street

Brice Charles Elly, hair dresser, 15 Granville road Cole John, cab proprietor, 2 Cressingham road

Brice Mary Ann (Mrs.), laundress, 73 'fhurston road Cole Miss, laundry, 43 Molesworth street

British&ColonialMeatCo.(Jsph. Thelenberg,man.)1o4High st Colfe's Grammar School (Rev. T. Bramley D.D. head

Broadbridge Henry, sanitary inspector, 2 Harvard road t master), Lewisham hill

Broadribb Elizabeth (:Miss), china wareho. 61 Loampit vale I College Park Estate Office (William Charles Webb, agent),

Brockas & Co. cycle makers, 6 Church gro. & IA,Belmont rd 5 Gilmore road

Bromley Margaret Lucy (Mrs ), Angel P.R. Loampit hill Collett Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 32 Gilmore road

Brook Sarah (Mrs.), laundry, 66 Knowles Hill crescent Colley Ann Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundress, 8 Ladywell Park ter

Brooker Robert, boot maker, 17 Molesworth street CollingwoodJas.fancy drapr.8o,82184&86,& hosierg2,High st

Brooks William, commercial traveller, 2 Claremont terrace Collis James, carpenter, 89 Ennersdale rd.Hither Green lane

Brown & Watling (Misses), dress makers, 3 Albion street Collis Rebecca (Mrs.), milliner, 40 Lewisham road

Brown David Richard, artist, 47 Harvard street Colls Henry, smith, Hither Green lane

Brown Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 2 Porson street Colton Aaron, wheelwright, Gladstone cot. Shrubbery road

Brown George Moor, boot & shoe maker, 96 Loampit vale & Colyer Ja.mes, draper, II2 Loampit vale

5 Ryecroft road Constable William, smith, 45 Elmira street

Brown Josiah, rent collector, 3 Lethbridge road Conteto Charlotte (Miss), laundress, :n Trinity terrace

Brown Thomas, carman. 37 Porson street Cook Annie (Mrs.), laundress, I Tabor cottages, Orchard hill

Brown William, carpenter, I89 Hither Green lane Cooke Charles James, grocer I5 & I92 1 & oilman 194, Lewis-
Brown William, city missionary, 22 Loampit vale ham road & 142 Rushey green

Brown William, coffee house, I39 High street Cooke S.C. &E. E. (Misses),ladies' outfitters,167Lewisham rd

Browne Louisa Fanny(Miss),teacher of pianoforte,6 Ravens- Cooney Edward & Sons, boot makers, 2 Clarendon road

bourne villas, Ladywell road Cooper Charles. tobacconist, 6 Courthill road

Bryant Edward, greengrocer, 26 Loampj,t vale . Cooper Henry, ticket & facia writer, Io Elswick road

Bryant William Sidney, insurance agent, 106 Courthill road Cooper William Plowden, leather seller, 1 Station road

Bryer Miss, ladies' school, 17 Granville park Copeman Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 16 Loampit vale

Buckland Wiiliam, auctioneer, I9 Dartmouth terrace Cornes Ellen Maria (Miss), dress maker, I7I High street

Bugden Henry, decorator, 7 St. Germain's villas Cornish Louisa (Mrs.), fishmonger, 219 High street

Bugg William, supt. Lewisham cemetery, Ladywell road Corns Geo. stone mason, 3oEnnersdale rd. Hither Green la

.Bull Ellen (Mrs.), latmdress, 4 Claremont terrace Cotton John Hynde B.A. private tutor, 3 & 4 Church grove

Bullen Richard, Woodlands nursery, Woodlands Couldery Edmund, boarding school, 45 High street

Bunker Edwin, bookbinder, 73 Lewisham road Couldery Wm.Robt.(Mrs.), ladies' college, 165 &167 High st

Burdon Edward, watch maker, 2 Brookbank road Courthill Hall, 2 Courthill road

Burfoot }'rederick, shorthand writer, 55 Ellerdale street Cove John Willi;s.m, milk can maker &c. x86 & x88 High st

Burgess E. M. hair dresser, 1o8 Hither Green lane Covill Frederick, carpenter, 9 Porson street

Burgess George, stationer, 134 Loampit vale • Covill Henry. furniture d~ler, 15 Loampit vale

Burkett Joseph, butcher, r Clarendon road Cowell Henry. bricklayer, SI Cold Bath street

Buries George, carpenter, 38 Brookbank road Cox Edward, coal dealer, 72 Cold Bath street

Burr Lizzie (Miss), dress maker, 24 Courthill road Cox Roland Fredc. H.R.c.s. surgeon, 10 & 146 Lewisham rd

Burrows Samuel, fruiterer, 44 High street Cozens Alfred Henry, carver & gilder, 94 Loampit vale

Burton Frederick Charles, watch maker, 40 High street Crabbe John, laundry, Cambrian villa, Morden hill

Bush Ann Heleua (Mrs.), tobacconist, 3 Loampit vale Craddock Tom, greengrocer, 98 Loampit vale

Bush George Stephen, upholsterer, 33 Lewis grove Crane Edward, scale maker, 20 Loampit vale

Butler Harry• china & glass dealer. 9 Lewisham road Crawley William, chandler's shop, 69 Hither Green lane

Buttle I<'rances (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer,38 Lewisham road Crew Elizh. & Caroline (Misses), dress mas. 95 Loampit vale

Cain Edward, Roebuck tavern, 34 High street Crispin Thomas, sweep, 39 Porson street

Cakebread William John, boot maker, 44 Harvard road Crockford Wm.Hy. printer, 64 High st. & 77 Blackheath rd

{::ann Brothers, tailors, 86 Lewisham road Crook J oseph, boot maker, Loampit hill

Carpenter Herberlt George, boot maker, I 16 Lewisham road Cross Louisa (Mrs.), coffee rooms, 53 Loampit vale

Carr Robert George, mariner, 24 Ellerdale street Curtis Amelia (Miss), teacher of music, 17 St. Stephen's rd

Carrod Charles, jobbing gardener, 43 Harvard road Curtis Robert James, commercial traveller, 55 Elswick road

Carter Carolina (Mrs.), toy dealer, 182 High street. Cycle Cigar Co. ( William Pollard, manager), tobacconists, I

Carter James Charles, undertaker, 182 High street The Terrace, Ladywell road

Carter Waiter, florist, I Ravensbourne terrace, Ladywell rd Dalley David, jun. greengrocer, I Albion grove

Cartwright Amos, tailor, 1 Victoria terrace, Ennersdale road, Dance George William, draper, 51 Loampit vale

East Down park Davey Benjamin, wheelwright, High street

Cash Supply Stores (Richards & Williams, proprietors), Davidson John, tailor, 48A, High street

215 & 217 High street . Davies Edward C. solicitor, J:73 Hither Green laJte

Castelli John, boot maker, 74 Thurston road Davies Regina (Miss), kindergarten school, Malvern house,

Castle William Thomas, marim~r, 1 Embleton street 1 Lewisham park

Catford Collegiate School (Rev. J. B. Bloomfield, principal), Davis Annie (Mrs.), confectioner, 169 Lewisham road

Clifton house, George lane Dawe Susan (Miss), dress maker, 42 Loampit vale

Catberin carver & coffee rms. 20 Lewisham rd Dawson Clara (Mrs.), dress maker, 53 Hither Green lane

Catterns Charlotte Maria (Mrs.), ladies' schl. 46 Clarendon.rd Day Alfred, upholsterer, 14 Courthill road
Cawthorn Thomas Alexander, Castle P.J:I:. 184 High street Dean Olive (Mrs.), d~~oiry, 8 Price's cottages, Station road

Chambers Samuel & Co. wine & spirit merchants, IA, High st Dea~h J obn Joseph, baker, 9 Orchard hill

ChapmanFrederick Joseph, decorator, 49 Lewisham road De la Court Tito Phippard (Mrs.), school for little girls, 37

Chapman George, oilman, 1 Rycroft rd. ; I36 Burnt Ash rd. ; Clarendon road

44 London st.; 41 Wastdale rd. & 4 Lower Woolwich rd Desboronghl<'rederick, beer retailer, 32 High street

Chapman Isabell (Mrs.), oil warehouse, 140 High street Dickson Alfred, grocer, 89 Loampit vale

Charity Organization Society (John Robert Jennings Bramly, Dine Susan (Mrs.), laundry, Orchard house, Loampit vale

hon. sec.; Patrick ·McCarthy, agent), 29 High street & Dismorr Henry, surgeon, 2 Ryecroft road

(William Denniston, agent) 29 King William street Dixon Edward Pulsford, fruiterer, I36 Hither Green lane

Chester Charles, stationer &c. & post office, I92 High street Dodd Harry, upholsterer, I2 Knowle~ Hill crescent

Chiesman Brothers, fancy drapers, 51 to 59 High street Dodge Frederick, upholsterer, 78 Lewisham road

Childs Charles, ham & tongue dealer, 101 High street Dorer Primus watch maker, 2 Lewisham road

·Chitty Francis Jas. commercial traveller, 12 Claremont ter Dorsett Thomas, flour factor, 28 Lewisham road

Church of England Society for Providing Homes for Waifs & Dow James, baker, I24 Hither Green lane

Strays (Miss K. Keene, sec.), 6 Camden road Dowell William & Co. coal merchants, I r6 Lewisham road

Churcher George, carman, 32 Porson street Dowley Jesse (Miss), confectioner, 46 Knowles Hill erescent

Clare Samuel Parks, solicitor, I9 Radford road Down 'fempler L. solicitor, 2 Lewisham park

Clark E<twin Douglas, fruiterer. 208 High street Dowse Abram, zinc worker, 26 Orchard hill

Clark John Henry, tailor, 5 East Down park Drake A. 'fhomson H. B. surgeon, 62 Loampit vale & 16o

Clark Stephen, dairyman, 8 ·courthill road Lewisham road

Clark Thomas, house decorator, Kings well, Ladywell road Dray Lydia (Mrs.), teacher of music, I8 Jerrard street

Clark William, florist, 51 Molesworth street Dresser Richard, laundry, I~ Church grove
Clarke Gibson Wm. B.A.Lond., H.Ph.s. tutor, sa Elswick rd Drinkwater George, greengrocer, 46A, Knowles Hill crescent

Clarke Sarah (Mrs.), scientific dress ma. 71 Hither Green la Driver Maurice, tailor, 52 Court.hill road

Cleall Elizabeth (Miss), laundress, 11 Willow grove, Mill rd Dubois Emest Arthur, hatter & hosier, 5 Lewis grove

Clement Joseph Frederick, tobacconist &c. 42 High street · I Duke John Challen M.B.c.s.R. surgeon, medical officer &
Clift & Crow, pharmaceutiJal chemists, 85 & 87 High street public vaccinator tp Lewisham district, & medical officer

CloverWilliam Henry, boot maker, IS KnowlesHillcrescent wworkhouse, I6I Lewisham road


l>nligall Sidney, leather seller, 25 Lewis grove Gillespie Charlotte (:Mrs.), dress maker, 23 Ladywell park

Durham Clara (Mrs.), dress ma. Martha cot. Hither Grn. la Gilling Robert, plasterer, 48 Parson street

Dye Arthur, grocer, 3 Trinity terrace Girling Robert Henry, carpenter, I04 Courthill road

Dyer William Alexander, tobacconist, 130 High street Girls' Orphan Home (Henry Toye, manager),64, 66, 70, 72 &

Eades Sarah Elizh. (Miss), dress maker, r6 Molesworth st 74 Lewisham road

Earle Ellen (Mrs.), dress ma.49 Ennersdale rd. Hither Glanville William Henry, general relieving officer of Lewis

East London Industrial School (James Cartwright, supt.), ham union & deputy registrar of births, deaths & mar-

Porson street riages, Union offices, High street

Easterbrook David Thomas, plumber &c. IIoA, High street Gleaves William James, monumental mason, I03 Lewisham

Easterbrook Thomas John, whitesmith, 39 Loampit vale road & 2 I3 Hig'l street

Edwards Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, so Loampit vale Glock Martin, fishmonger, 2I Lewis grove

Edwards Mrs. nurse, I7 Brookbank road Glover Henry, dairy, 6 Loampit vale

Eldred Ann (Mrs.), laundress, 48 Lewisham road Glover Susannah (Mrs.), laundry, 39 Lewisham road

Eldred Charles George, Olive Branch P H. Cold Bath st Glover William, domestic machinery depot, 4I Lewisham rd

Eldridge George, machinist, 126 High street Glyde Jas. Louis, plumber, 3 Ravensbourne ter. Ladywell rd

Eliot Fanny Maud (Mrs.), tobacconist, I44 Loampit vale Goddard William, carpenter, 9 Lewis grove

Elleston William, travelling draper, 3 High street Goddard William, shopkeeper, 39 Morden street

Elliott Emily (Miss), confectioner, 118 Loampit vale Godfrey John, bottled beer stores, 20 Maybank cottages,

Elliott John, general shop, 49 Knowles Hill crescent Nightin~ale road

Elliott William Thomas, news agent, 3 John Penn street Golding Frederick, hair dresser, I07 Loampit vale

Ellis Lydia & Charlotte (Misses), ladies' outfitters, rso Goldsmith George, beer retailer, 92A, Loampit vale

Loampit vale Goode Samuel, furniture dealer, 98 High street

Ellis Edwin, hair dresser, 173 Lewisham road Goodes Ebenezer SI.& Alfred Geo.tobacco manufrs.71High st

Elliston Caroline Mary Ann (Miss), dress ma.4 Courthill rd Goodman Annie (Miss), ladies' school, 3 Cressingham road

Elmer Allen, tailor, 41 Hither Green lane Goodwin James, jobbing gardener, 10 Queen street •

Emmerson James, cabinet maker, IS Thurston road Goodwin William, bricklayer, 29 Algernon road

Enderby Frederick Luke, beer retailer, 97 Loampit vale Goss Edward, baker, 6 Jerrard street

Etherington Emily Matilda (Mrs. ),dress ma.8 Shrubbery rd Gossage Charles Corah, boot maker, 62 Courthill road

Evans Edward, tobacconist, 44 Ennersdale rd.Hither Goulden Frederick, estate agent, see Skelton & Goulden

Evans James "\Villiam, watch maker, 97 High street GouldenHy.Wm.L.s.A.Lon.surgn.·accoucheur, I8Ladywell pk

Evans Wm. Henry, paperhanger, 2 Knowles Hill crescent Gowers Charles, boot maker, 63 Loampit vale

Failes Harriet (Mrs.), confectioner, 22 High street Grace William Henry, city missionary, 62 Harvard road

Farmer Ernest William M. D. surgeon, 159 High street Granville Hall (Baptist Union), High street

Farrant William, boot maker, 99 High street Green Carolina & Sarah (Misses), stationers, & post office,

Faulkner John William, shopkeeper, 28 Cold Bath street 7 Loampit vale

Fell Mary (Mrs.), laundress, 38 Drysdale road Green Charles, tailor, 257 High street

Fendt Henry Willia.m, boot maker, I9 Loampit vale Green Charles, shopkeeper, r8 John Penn street

Fenton Harry, boot maker, 77 Hither Green lane GreenChas. Alfd. M. s.A.architect&surveyr. 32Mnt.Pleasant rd

Fielder Waiter, butcher, 156 Loampit vale Green Clara (Miss), dress maker, so Loampit vale

Figg George, tobacconist, 32 Lewisham road Green Roland, beer retailer, I6 Courthill road

J:<'inch Alfred, cowkeeper, 68 Cressingham road Greenham Isaac, nurseryman, George place, George lane

Fisher James, plumber, 220 High street Greenwich Industrial Bread & FlourAssociation(John Sidney

Fisher William, florist, Nightingale grove Woollett, manager), I Orchard hill

Fitzgerald John William, boot maker, 23 Alexandra terrace, Grover Charles, tobacconist, Io8 Loampit vale
• Ennersdale road, East Down park
Guest Mary Tremayne (Mrs.), dress maker, 30 Algernon rd

Fiveash Charles John, builder, I8 Hither Green lane Gunn Richard, gardener, 6 St. Germain's villas

Fletcher Ezra, boot maker, 124 Courthill road Gunn William, boot maker, I2 The Grove

Fletcher H. V. T. brewer, 99 Loampit vale Gurr George, poor rate collector, 97 Lewisham road

Flowerdew Fr~derick Charles, ham & beef dealer, 56 High st Guthrie Samuel, pawnbroker, 45 Lewis grove

Floyd Ellen Charlotte (:Mrs.), Mid Kent tavern, Station rd Guy Albert Lewis A.R.I.B.A. architect, 78 High street

Forbes Donald, accountant, 98 Courthill road Gwilt George Newport, saw mills, Loampit vale

Foreman Charles Nuthall, solicitor, I78 High street Haarer William, butcher, 227 High street

Fortune William, florist, I Price's cottages, Station road Hairs John Edward, boot maker, 52 Avenue road

Foster Cornelius, tobacconist, 200 Lewisham road Halfhide Geor~e William, jeweller & oyster bar,I25 High st

Foster Jane (Mrs.), baker, 6 The Terrace, Ladywell road Hall Alfred William, solicitor & commissioner to administer

Foster Mary Ann (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 3 Angel cot- oaths, I75 Hither Green lane

tages, Loampit vale Hall Annie (Miss), laundress, 9 Rennell street •

Fox Alfred, hair dresser, 66 High street Hall James, wardrobe dealer, 63 Hither Green lane

Prances EdmundGeo.decorator&fancy repository, I32High st Hallam Edwa!'d John, solicitor, 95 Lewisham road

Franklin Kate (Mrs.), laundress, 5 Alma place, Ladywell rd Hallam Henry Wm. tailor, 8 Victoria cots. Mount Nod sq

Frean Ellen (Mrs), dress maker, 48 Loampit vale Hancock Charles, photographic engraver, 6 Ennersdale road,

Freeman Edward, jobmaster, 267 High street Hither Green lane

Freeman Frederick, greengrocer, I8 Vian street Hansley Enderby, dairy, 43 Lethbridge road

Freeman William Samuel, shirt dresser, 35 Loampit vale Hargan David Amner, watch maker, 15 High street

French Jn. cab proprietor, St. Edmund's lodge, Drysdale rd Harley Alfred, carpenter, 2 Bertrand street

French Mary Ann (Mrs.), monthly nurse, 36 Molesworth st Harman John, Prudential agent, 22 Ardmere road

Friern Manor Dairy Farm Limited (Charles Taylor, sec.), Harper James, beer retailer, I9 Lewis grove

I96 High street & 86 Loampit vale Harpe-r James, greengrocer, n Lewisham -road

Frost Henry, french polisher, 52 Elswick road Harrington Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 8 Mill road

Frost Miriam (Miss), laundry, 66 Harvard road Harrington Frederick, greengrocer, I03 Hither Green lane

Frost Reuben C. upholsterer, 135 High street Harris Charles, decorator, 9 Avenue road

Fry David, eorn dealer, 223 High street Harris Mary Ann (Miss), prepamtory school, 95 Gilmore rd

Fry Mary Ann (Mrs.), dairy, 141 High street Hart Henry, cab proprietor, 3 Clarendon road

Fuller Robert, laundry, 226 High street Hartrop Emma. (Mrs.), stationer & news agent, I05 High st

FullerSarah(Miss),laundress, 2Ravensboume ter. Ladywell rd Harvey George Alfred & Co. bath manufacturers, metal

Furlong Charles, window blind maker, 23 Lewis grove perforators, galvanizers & zinc workers (for home &

Ganz Henrietta (Madame), professor of music, 19 Gilmore rd export), 65 & 65A, Loampit vale; metal perforating

Gardiner William, secondhand bookseller, 64 High street works, Shrubbery road & Vian street ; & at 276 Borough

Gardner Harry, grocer, 44 Knowles Hill crescent High street, London s R

Gardner Henry, greengrocer, 114A, High street Harvie John, oilman, 19 & 21 Porson street

Garlick & Wells, photographic printers; 28 Ladywell park Haswell William John, oilman, 8 Lewish:~m road

Garrud George, hair dresser, 6 Lewis grove Hawes Percival, beer rf\taile-r, 37 Loampit vale

Gawthorn Elizabeth (Miss), fancy repository, 59 Enners- Hay John, Fisherman's Arms P.H. n John Penn street

dale road, Hither Green lane Hayes John, shopkeeper, 42 Lethbridge road

Gee Ellen (Mrs.), laundress, 65 Knowles Hill crescent Hayhow Edward John, fruiterer, I09 High street

George Frances (Mrs.), laundry, 9 Ladywell Park terrace Hedger Maria (Mrs.), umbrella maker, 18 Lewis grove

Gibbins George, shopkeeper, 10 Garden row Hedgman Daniel, grocer, 78 Courthill road

Gilbert George Clement, fancy draper, 27 Lewisham road Hempel Frederick, plumbe-r, 56 Lewisham road

Gilder Thomas, baker, 57 Lewisham road Henderson Mary (Miss), ladies' school, Welbeck house,

Gill Edward, Hope tavern, 73 Loampit vale Lewisham Park crescent

K. S. & S. .26



Henry Edward Laurence M.P.S. chemist, 32 Loampit vale Jordan Charles Henry, naval architect, 132 Lewisham road

& 128 Hither Green lane Jutson Susan & Ellen (Misses), dress makers, 11 Hi>!h st

Herbert Jane (Mrs.), laundry, 3+ Porson street Kearsley Frederick, beer & wine merchant, 42 Ennersdale

Herrick School (J oseph Fernandez B •.&.. head master), road, Hither Green lane

Ellerslie house, Loampit hill Keefe Joseph, boot maker, 65 Cold Bath street

Hever Mary Elizabeth (Mrs.), tobacconist, 106 High street Keen Jenny (Miss), dress maker, 45 Cressingham road

Hewens Arthur John, ironmonger, 249 High street Keigwin John William, assurance agent, 48 Algernon road

Hewlett William, beer retailer, 45 Loampit vale Kelsey ~Iary (Mrs.), grocer, 206 High street

Heywood Robert, baker, 25 Porson street Kelvie Thomas, carman, The Grove

Hichisson Jsph. Gild art & Son, timber dlrs. 12 Loampit vale Kennard Brothers, builders, Loampit vale

Hickmott Edward, commercial traveller, 4 Avenue road Kennett George Henry, shopkeeper, I Alma place

Higgins Charles, heraldie artist, 54 Courthill road Kent & Surrey Permanent Building Society (The) (George

Hill Alfred, plumber, 1 Glenview road Bryceson, sec.), g6 High street

Hill Edward, tailor, 3 Windsor terrace, Ethruda road Kentsley J oseph William, tailor, I Mount Nod square

Hill Sarah (Mrs.), laundress, 10 Molesworth street Kenwood Richd. laundry, 51 Ennersdale rd. Hither Green la

Hills Eliza (Mrs.), laundress, 75 Cold Bath street Kidner Alfred Samuel, grocer, 131 High street

Hinds Mrs. dress maker, 64 Ennersdale rd. Hither Green la Killeen John, upholsterer, 47 Knowles Hill crescent

HindsRd. carpntr. I 4Victoria ter. Ennersdale rd. EastDown pk Kiileen Mrs. costumier, 47 Knowles Hill crescent

Hine Mary Booth (Mrs.), fancy draper, 198 Lewisham road Killick James Longhurst, boot maker, 49 Molesworth street

Rinks George, greengrocer, 59 Lewisham road King E. M. (Mrs.), fancy draper, n8 Lewisham road

sHitchcock Charles, soli('itor, Belvedere, Dermody road King Frank, grocer, 49 Loampit vale
King George, shopkeeper, 9 Alma place
Hitchin William, laundry, The Grove
Hitchman Waiter, laundry, 70 Cressingham road King William George, boot maker, 48 High street

Hoare Henry Thos. s~n writer, High st. & 67 Thurston rd Kirk Henry Charles, cab proprietor, 12 Victoria terrace,

Hoare John, builder, 38 Loampit vale Ennersdale road, East Down park

Hoare Rt. Jas. provision dealer, 7Victoria cots. Mount Nod sq Knight Edgar, watch maker, 14 Porson street

Hoare Robert William, builder, 62 Thurston road Knights William George, plumber, 85 Cold Bath street

Hoath Ann (Mrs.), laundress, 3 Queen street Kreckeler Mary (Mrs.), laundress, I7 Willow grove, Mill rd

HodgettsWm.mgr.of the London&ProvincialBank,g5High st Ladbrook Charles Henry, greengrocer, 120 High street

Hogg Waiter John, hair dresser, 13 Lewisham road Ladywell Public Baths (E. H. Oxenham, clerk; James

Holdernass Henry Edward, oilman, I7 Loampit vale Weeden, superintendent), Ladywell road

Holliday John & Son, corn chandlers, 74 Loampit vale La Feuillade James, music seller, 91 & 93 High street

Home for Gentlewomen (Miss Keene, hon. sec.), Little Laidman John, solicitor, 2 Limes grove

Bolmont, Lewisham Park crescent Lambert Ewen, carpenter, 16 The Retreat

Homersham Charles, dairy, I3o Hither Green lane Laming Henry Thomas, confectioner, 53 Lewisham road

Hook George H. builder, 57 Hither Green lane Lamont Albert Chas. professor of music, 201 Algernon road

HookMiriamElizabeth(Mrs. ),leather seller,57HitherGreen la Lancaster P. & Co. tailors, 39 Lewis grove

Hopwood Alfred Owen, beer retailer, 25 Lewisham road Lander Chas. Edwin, Duke of York P.H. 7 Lewisham road

Horrocks Harriett (Mrs.), chair caner, 55 Knowles Hill cres Lander John Baldwin, grocer, & post office, 92 Loampit vale

Horsfield Thomas, carpenter, 17 Avenue road Lane James, shopkeeper, 34 Cold Bath street

Horton Benjamin & Son, timber merchants, 13 Loampit Lane John, tailor, 21 Granville road

vale & Railway station, Westerham Large Thomas Josiab, grocer, 71 Loam;_>it vale

Horton Emma Phcebe (Miss), dress maker, u Avenue road Lark William, watch maker, 2 Station road

Houlgate John Richard, house fmnsher, 62 & r42 High st Latham Afred, jobbing gardener, 66 Ennersdale road,

Housden Joshua, dairy, 34 Lewisham road Hither Green lane

Howard Annie (Mrs.), dress maker, 3 St. Germain's villas Latter Eliza (Miss), dress maker, I55 Lewisham road

Howk.ins Robert, confectioner, 27 Lewis grove LawranceH rbrt. Wilcox,teachr. of the violin, 172 Lewisham rd

Howlett Isabell (Mrs.), Lion & Lamb P.H. 70 High street Learner Thomas, paperhanger, 7 Glenview road

Hubbard Edwd.Archer Scott, boot maker, 1o6 Loampit vale Leather Sellers' Almshouses, High street

Hudson William, oilman, IOI Lo1.mpit vale Lee Cemetery (Fredk. W. Smith, clerk to burial board;

Huggett Alfred & Son, bakers, 29 Loampit vale George Fry, superintendent), Hither Green lane

Hug-hes Richard, shopkeeper, 9 John Penn street Lee Alfred, lath render, 5 Park street

Hughes Thomas Wm. Roht. naval architect, x1 George lane Lee Edmund (exors. of), brick merchant, Loampit hill

Hughes Wm. Huntley, solicitor, 3 South villas, Loampit hill Lee Martha (Miss), l11.undry, 41 Knowles Hill crescent

Hunt Charles Scott, commercial traveller, 63 High street Leftwich Wilton, beer retailer, 23 John Penn street

Hunt Frances (Mrs.), laundress, 3 Albion ter. Osborne ter Leggatt John D. rent collector, 41 Thurston road

Hurll Alfred, shopkeeper, 1 Porson street Leigh Jas. Richard, boys' & girls' school, Congleton house,

Hutchings Geo. Hy. verger of St.Stephen's, 8 St.Stephen's rd Albacore crescent

lngerMoll Frederick Richard M.n.c. v.s.L. veterinary surgeon, Leitch William Frederick, printer, 9 East Down park

10 Lewisham park Le Mattre Louise (Madame}, teacher of french,67 Gilmore rd

Inde George, linen draper, I, 3 & 5 Lewisham road Lemon Sarah Louisa (Mrs.), prep. school, 35 Clarendun rd

lngrey Miss, school, 37 East Down park Lennox Ellen (Miss), dress maker, uoA, High street

lrons Charles Clarke, wood engraver, 59 Cressingham road Leppard Brothers, dairy, 2 Trinity terrace

lsles Emily (Miss), dress maker, 5 Granville road Leroy & Ward, ladies' school, 13 Limes grove

lsles Julia (Mrs.), dress maker, 24 Granville road Leroy Edward, professor of language:~, 13 Limes grove

Ive Stanley, dairy, 9 Ueorge place, George lane Lester James, laundry, 7 Victoria terrace, Ennersdale road,

Ivimy George, boot maker, 127 High street East Down park

.Jackson James, fried fish shop, 16 Lewisham road Letchford George Robert, nursery, 53A, Thurston road

Jackson William, greengrocer, 20 Dermody road Lewis Henry, fancy draper, 200, 202 & 221 High street

.Jacobs Edward, plumber, 11 Alexandra terrace, Ennersdale Lewis Samuel, corn dealer, 69 Lewisham road

road, East Down park Lewisham Bicycle Club, Gilmore road

Jacobs Thomas, tailor, 10 Alexandra terrace, Ennersdale Lewisham Cemetery (Edward H. Oxenham, clerk to burial

road, East Down park board ; William Hugg, superintendent), La_dywell road

.Janes Frederick, tailor, 35 Hither Green lane Lewisham Conservative Club Co. Limited (Alfred Newton~

Jaques John, painter, 36 Tb.urston road hnn. sec.), 172 High street

Jarman Charles, shirt & collar dresser, 44 Courthill road Lewisham Conservative Club (Francis W. Cherry, hon. sec.)k

Jarman William, gardener, 27 Horton street 172 High street

.Jatratt Edward John, decorator, II Albion street Lewisham Liberal Club (F. E. Marshall Steele, sec,), 170

Jarrett Alfred Edward, dairyman, 22 Alexandra terrace, High street

Ennersdale road, East Down park Lewisham Self-Supporting Dispensary (T. Garnett, hon.

.Teal Ambrose, greengrocer, 31 Lewis grove sec. ), 29 High street

.Jerrard Samuel John, builder, contractor, sawing & plan- Ley William, baker, 263 High street

ing mills ; works, 40 Loampit vale & Elmira st. ; lime & Little Edward, boil~r maker, liA, John Perm street

cement wharf, Phremx wharf, Norman road, Greenwich Lock Hannah (Miss), dress maker, 3 Jerrard street

Jewell Henry William, railway inspector, I3 High street Lockhart William F.n.c.s. surgeon, 67 Granville park

.Job Frances, watch maker, 37 Brookbank road London & ProvincialBankLimited (Wm.Hodgetts, mana!!er)

.Tobson Catherine (Mrs. ),Crown & Anchor P.H.66 Algernon rd 95 High street; draw on head office, 7 Bank buildin.:,:75,

.Johnson George S. coffee rooms, 102 Loampit vale Lothbury, London E c

Jones & Co. sewing manufacturers, 9 Loampit vale Longstaff Fredk. Stephen, gro. 2 The Terrace, Ladywell road

.JONES HENRY .lAMES, florist, Hither Green lane Lot Edmnnd, draper, So Loampit vale

Jones HMeanryrr(JMarms.e)'s,1lfaluonrdisT~es1s,H1opHeocpoettcaogtse.s,LLooamamppiti t vale Love George William, coffee rooms, 73 Hither Green lane
Jones vale Loveriug William, confectioner, 68 High street


Lowe Jane (Miss), dress maker, 4 Orchard hill Musgrave Geor.;{e Hamilton, teacher of the violin, '167 Hither

Lucas George Stephen, painter, 49 Hither Green lane Green lane

Lucas William, jobbing gardener, 51 Hither Green lane Myall Joseph, naturalist, 47 Hither Green lane

Lnck Mark SI. & Son, coach builders, 9I & 93 Lewisham rd Nash Sidney E. grocer, 61 Hither Gr'*'n lane

Luck Matthew, sign writer, 47 Lewisham road Nettlefold Emily & Marion (Misses), ladies' school, 27

Luck Waiter Mark, general ironmonger, 71 High street Courthill road

Lndlow William, laundry, 3 Ladywell Par:.. terrace Nettleton Harry Thos. R.N., M.R.c.s. surgeon, 4 Wisteriard

Lydall Robert & Son, stationers, 7IA, High street Nevill David J<'rederick, plumber, Loampit vale

Maberley Miss, ladies' school, Cedar lodge, Lewisham hill Nevill Mary E. (1\Irs. ), teacher of dancing, 52 Ladywell pk

Mabil.le Ursmar Augustin, tobacconist, 52 High street Neville George, hair dresser, I34 High street

McCune Robert, boot maker, 25 Elswick road I .\Tewby Sidney John, coffee rooms, 108 High street

McDowaH Sophia (Mrs.), stay maker, 36_Elswick road Newman Susan (.Miss}, ladies' schl.4 Church te:r.Ladywell rd

Mc:Farlane William, confectioner, 24 Loampit vale ~ewson John, greengrocer, 90 & 92 Courthill road

McGavin Isabella & Janet (Misses), dress makers, I97 High st Newson William, chandler's shop, 53 lleacon road

Mackenzie William Sharp, tobacconist, 4 Lewisham road Newton & Newton, solicitors, I8o High street

McLanachan John, chemist, 231 High street Newton Alfred, so!icitor, vestry clerk & steward of the Da'rt-

McLean Gilbert, beer retailer, Ladywell road mouth manor, I8o High street

McLeanJoseph, beer retailer, 86 Cold Bath street NicholiH.&V.Lim.brewers,Anchorbrewery,r7oLewisham rd

Madden Sarah (Mrs.), oil warehouse, 46 Cold Bath street Nicholls Samuel, baker, I 12 High stre&t
Nicholson Mark, chimney sweeper, 6 Alma pl. Ladywell fd
Major John Moor, tailor, gA, Loampit vale

Maller & Sons, nurserymen, 6I High street Nicholson Samuel, coffee rooms, I4 High street-

Malyon Charles, nurseryman, I Blackheath rise Nickells Ambrose, carpenter, IO The Retreat

Malyon Henry, florist, High street Noakes Thomas, naturalist, 3 Charles place, Ladywell road

Mansfield Edwin, greengrocer, 30 Park street Noble Trevor John & Co. fancy repository, 75 High street

Mansfield George, greengrocer, no Hither Green lane Nokes E. & E. boot warehouse, 5 Obelisk buildings, High st

Mansfield Thomas, coal merchant, 40 Ellersdale street North Charles, jobbing gardener, 3 Holly Hedge terrace

Marchant Charles, fruiterer, 8 High street North William Henry, jobbing gardener, 2 Holly Hedge ter

Marchant Charles, painter, I Drysdale road Norton William ·Edmund, shopkeeper &c. 5 Jerrard street

Marchant Edward, florist, I6 Drysdale road Nunn John Godfrey, corn dealer, 6IA; Loampit vale

Marchant George, boot maker, I5 Cold Bath street Nursing Sisters of St. John the Divine, Morden hill

Marchant Richard, smith, Lewisham road. Oakley E. T. (Miss), boarding- school, 6I Granville park

Marks Alfred, greengrocer, 59 Hither Green lane Odell Emily (Miss), dress maker, 43 Lewisham road

Marks Edward, fishmonger, 65 Hither Green lane Oldham Emma (Mrs.), beer retailer, 5 Courthill road

Marshall Harriett (Mrs.), dress maker, 26 Ladywell park O'Neill Anne (Mrs.), boot maker, IA, High street

Martin Alex. George, greengrocer, 38 Cold Bath street Orves J oseph, farrier, 45 Loampit vale

Martin Emma (Mrs.), furniture dealer, 22 Lewisham road Osborne William, greengrocer, 66 Loampit vale

Martin James, station master, Railway station, Ladywell rd Oxford Aara.h (Mrs.), laundress, I Mid Kent cotts. Station rd

Martyr John, carpenter, 48 Lewisham road Paddon Henry, beer retailer, 29 Bennett street

Mason Alfred Jas. commis. agent, ro St. John's ter. John st Page Alfred, draper, I02 High street

Massey Mrs. dress maker, 44 Algernon road Paine Charles, shopkeeper, 87 Cold Bath str-eet

Mathews George, ironmonger, I09 High street Paine Valentine, decorator, I Holly Hedge terrace

Matthews William & Co. drapers &c. I, 2, 3 & 4 Obelisk Palmer Charlotte (Mrs.), laundry, I7 Victoria: terrace,

buildings, High street. Ennersdale road, East Down park

Maxeiner Lavinia (Madame), dress ma. I09 Loampit vale Palmer Robert, watch maker, II Victoria terrace, Enners•

Maxwell Edward, boot maker, I38 Loampit vale dale road, East Down park

Maxwell Thomas, blind maker, 68 Lewisham road Parham Harry, greengrocer, 7 Ryecroft road

May Ro3e & Sarah (Misses ),dress makers, 55 Cressingham rd Park Thomas, estate office, 33 Ellerdale street

Mayston Samuel James, beer retailer, 57 CourLhill road Parker David, tobacconist, 204 High street

Mead Eleanor (Miss), ladies' school, 75 Gilmore road Parker Robert, confectioner, I03 High street

Mears Rebecca (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 8 Drysdale road Parker Thomas, insurance agent, 6 Cbremont terrace

Measures William, bird dealer, I2 Lewis grove Parks Frederick James & Co. dairy, 51 Lewisham road

Meech Mark, cooper, 59 Thurston road Parnum Alice (Miss), teacher of pianoforte, 52 Lewisham rd

Meller Joseph, fancy repository, 82 Loampit vale Parnum Ethelbert, insurance agent, 52 Lewisham road

Mellish Isaac, writer & grainer, 23 Elswick road Parsons John Churchill, boot maker, II3 High street

Merchant Thomas Humphrey,nurseryman, roo Loampit vale Patch Robert, house agent, 114 Courthill road

Metropolitan Association for Befriending Young Servants, Pate Cassandra Benson (Mrs.), day school, I Avenue road

High street & King street, Deptford New town Pate Edgar Thomas, teacher of dancing, I Avenue road

Miles Richard Edward, teacher of singing, IO Albion road Payn John, grocer, I26 Loampit vale

Millbery George, jobbing gardener, 67 Knowles Hill crescent Pearce Chas. Wm. chimney sweeper,Mercy cot. Hither

Miller George, house decorator, I John's place, High street Pearce Ueorge Edward, beer retailer, so High street

Miller James, blacksmith, 26 Essex place Pearcey & Harris, dairymen, I46 Loampit vale

Miller John William, marine store dealer, 8 Lewis grove Pearl James, gardener, 4 Charles place, Lady well road

Miller Robert, paperhanger, 89 Elswick road Peck James, greengrocer, 19 HithcJ.I!' Green lane

Miller William John, dairy, no Courthill road Penn John & ~ons Lim. marine engineers, John Penn street

Mills George, commercial traveller, 24 Avenue road Percy Frances (.Mrs.), laundress, 3 Osborne terrace

Milne Jn. sur1r00ns' antiseptic dressing manfrs. Ladywell rd Perren Harriet (Mrs.), laundress, 2 Vickershill villas,

Milner Robert Wills, jobbiug gardener, 42 Hither Green la Ladywell road

Mitchell George, photographer, I37 High street Perren :::lamuel, boot maker, 273 High street

Mondy Samuel, boot maker, 3I Lewisham road Perrin Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 3 The Retreat

Moody Thomas, surveyor, I Leamington villas, Belmont rd Perry Samuel, bricklayer, 6 Victoria terrace, Ennersdale

Moore & Co. tea dealers, 83 High street road, East Down park

Morey George, tool dealer, II7 High street Perseverance Bakery Co. (Miss Frances J<'orster,manageress),

Morgan Arthilr, boot warehouse, Ig8 High street 17 Lewisham road & 76 Loampit vale

Morgan Isaac, news agent, IA, Drysdale road Peters Henry, carver & gilder, 1 IIA, High street

Morley Arthur, decorator, Montague villa, Thurston road Pettit John, beer r<Jtailer, Mill road

Morris William, greengrocer, 30 High street Phebey William Thomas, plumber, 207 High street

Mort Herbert .B. L.:R.C.P.physician & surgn.214 Algernon rd Philipps Abrabam, tailor, 44 Loampit vale

Moss Ann (Mrs.), corset maker, 54 Loampit vale Phillips Daniel, Bridge House farm, Ladywell road

Mote Charles, solicitor, 6 Slaithwaite road Phillips John, florist, II The Retreat

Mott Henry Charles, clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Pickeriug Thomas, beer retailer, 120 Loampit vale

Committee & supt. registrar, Union offices, High street Pickernell Jonathan Case, carman, 4 George pl. George lane

Mott John William, relieving officer No. I district, Lewis- Piggott Caroline (Miss), The Neuk laundry, Ladywell road

ham union; relief station, 284 High street · Pilgrim Hannah (Mrs.), tea dealer, 33 Loampit vale

Mott Robert Henry, wine merchant, IIB Hither Green la Pilgrim Harriet (Mrs.), laundross, 3 Drysdale road

Mowland Pleasance (Mrs.), teacher of pianoforte, 52 Pin key William Barnard, surveyor, 6 Albion road

Ladywell park Pink }<;dward, plumber, 55 Morden street

Moyce Henrietta (Mrs.), laundry, 19 Railway ter. Ladywell rd Piper Ed ward William, decorator, I4 Drysdale road

Mucklow George, laundry, 2 Church terrace, Ladywell road Pittock Edwd. cabinet ma. 57 Ennersdale rd. Hither Grn. lR

Mnsgrave George (Mrs.), teacher of the piano, I67 Hither Plum Sarall (Miss), teacher of music, 6o Limt}s grove

Green lane . 1 Pont James John, l~undry, 6} Knowles Hill crescent

K, S.. & ~. 26*


Potts H. V. &Co. grocers, & post office, 82 Lewisham roa.d. Savage Susan (Miss), confectioner, 136 High street
• Powell Mary Ann (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, ro Lewis grove Sayers William Charles, pharmaceutical chemist, 63 High at

Powell William, butcher, 36 High street Sayers William John, chemist, 63 High street

Pratt Henry, missionary, 5 Morden grove Scales Thomas Richard, bricklayer, I9A, Lethbridge road

Pratt Wa.lter Henry, hair dresser, 25 Loampit vale Scard Thomas Deverell, certified bailiE, 16 Church grove

Prebble John Henry, tobacconist, 103 Loampit vale Scoble William John, boot maker, 36 Loampit vale

Presland Thomas, perambulator maker, 104 Loampit vale Scott George, shopkeeper, 29 Albion street

Priest Walter, boot maker, 23 The Grove Scudder John, joiner, 56 Cold Bath street

Prince John, grocer, 78 Loampit vale Scudder Mary (Mrs.), laundress, IOI Hither Green lane

Prince Mary Ann (Mrs.), laundress, 6 Granville road Sculthorpe Wm. Lennox, boot maker, gA, Holly Tree. ter

Prince William Smith, greengrocer, 20 Lewis grove Searle George, greengrocer, 209 High street

Pringle Thomas Alfred, baker, I94 High street Sears Charles Wilson,provision salesman, 4 Knowles Hill cres

Prosser Sophia (Miss), servants' registry, R4 Loampit vale Seddon Giles, grocer, 34 Loampit vale

Provident Dispemary, Shrubbery road Sexstone Henry, florist, 6 George place, George lane

Public Baths & Washhouses (Edward H. Oxenham, clerk), Seymour Harry, french polisher, 9 Esplanade ter. Mill road

Ladywell road Sharman Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 271 High street

Pursell & Dickinson, fancy drapers, 259 High street Sharratt Abraham, city missionary, 57 Algernon road

Quelch John, plumber, I The &treat Shaw Charles, hair dre~ser, 105A, Hither Green lane

Rampling Alfred, boot maker, 1 Ravensbourne place Shaw Frederick, tailor, 15 Elswick road

Rayner Mary(Mrs. ),laundry,22 Ennersdale rd.Hither Shaw Leonard Barrett, printer, 68 Loampit vale

Read Charles, laundry, 5 Harvard road Shayler Emily Ray (Mrs.), berlin wool repos. 49 High st

Read Nelson, boot maker, 39 Cold Bath street Shearman Isaac, boot maker, 4 John Penn street

Reader George, greengrocer, 29 Porson street Shepherd Thomas, jobbing gardener, 13 Alexandra terrace,

Reed Charles William, chemist, 190 High street Ennersdale road, East Down park

Reeve George, wardrobe dealer &c. n Lewis grove Sheppard Edward, North Park farm, Hither Green lane

Reeve Henry, oilman, T34 Hither Green lane Sheppard Samnel, farmer, Elliott lodge, Hither Green lane

Reeves Harry, photographer, 24 Harvard road Shore Brothers, oilmen, I24 Loampit vale

Reeves Joseph, Ravensbourne Arms P.H. 31 Albion street Shott Emma(Mrs. ), dress ma. 2WoodhouseGro.cots.Albion st

Reeves Thomas, boot maker, 214 High street Shove John & Son, corn merchants, 6o High street

Registrar's Office (Hy. Cpas. Mott, sopt. registrar), High st Sidery Lizzie (Miss), dress maker, 9 Trinity terrace

Reynolds Alfred, confectioner, 3 Porson street Sier Charles, corn dealer & baker, 35 & 37 Lewis grove

Reynolds Harriett (Mrs.), laundress, 27 Hither Green lane Simpson Thomas William, boot maker, Vian street

Reynolds Sarah (Mrs.), laundress, 14 The Retreat Simpson William, chimney sweeper, 3 Elmira street

Reynolds Thomas, gardener, I2 Molesworth street Singer Manufacturing Co. (The), 73 High street

Richards Walter, grocer, 63 Lewisham road Sinton Adam, laundry, 3 Victoria terrace, Ennersdale road,

Richardson Charles, sweep, :;o Molesworth street East Down park

Richardson William Henry, boot maker, 24 Courthill road Skilton & Goolden, estat-e agents, 177 Lewisham road

Riley John, shopkeeper, r6 Albion terrace, Osborne terrace Skilton William, upholsterer, 177 Lewisham road

Robe Philip Eden, decorator, 30 Porson street Skinner Andrew James, boot maker, go High street

Roberts Henry, architect, II3 Lewisham road Skinner Henry Charles, plumber, 37 Cressingham road

Robertson Fanny Hart (Mrs.), registry office for servants, Skinner James, grocer, 38 & I28 High street

I9I High street • Skinner Mary Ann (Mrs. ),laundress, 5 Georgepl.Georgelane

Robertson James, patentee, 191 High street Slade John E. Herbert, Plough Railway tavern, 2 High st

Robins John Edward, fruiterer, I40 Loampit vale Smart Elizh. (Miss), dress & mantle ma. 22 Brookbank road

Robinson James W. stationer, u6 Hither Green lane Smith Charles & Co. wine merchants, 98 High street

Robinson Joseph & Henry, millers, Deptford bridge &Bridge Smith Arthur, <;Iairy, 2A, Holly Tree terrace

flour mills, Mill road Smith Arthur, dairy, 2 Loampit vale

Robinson Louis M.B. surgeon, I62 High street Smith Charles, boot maker,4 Morden villas, HitherGreen lant:

Robinson Fanny (Mrs.), laundress, 7I Knowles Hill crescent Smith Charlotte (Mrs.), dress maker, 26 High street

Robson Charles, builder, I Albion road Smith Frederick Henry M.D. surgeon, 98 Lewisham road

Robson Lucy (Miss), dress ma. 5 Church ter. Ladywell road Smith George, cheesemonger, 251 High street

Roe William, butcher, 55 Lewisham road Smith George Charles, surgeon-dentist, 153 High street

Roff Evangeline,Teresa & Edith True (Misses), confectioners, Smith George E. draper, 79 Hither Green lane

72 Loampit vale Smith Henry, laundry, 124 High street

Rogers Hannah Catherine & Marion (Misses), berlin wool Smith James Edward, furniture dealer, 57 Loampit vale

repository, 41 Lewis grove Smith John B. grocer, r8 Coorthill road

t Roper Arthur M. R.C.S.E. surgeon, Lewisham hill Smith John Christopher, painter, 7 John's place

Rosam Lucy (Mrs.), dress maker, 31 Lewisham road Smith Mary Ann (Miss), dress maker, 64 Loampit vale

Rosam Mary (Mrs.), laundress, I Victoria cots.Mount Nod sq Smith Mary Ann (Mrs.), laundress, 27 Morden street

Rose Joseph Henry, job master, 21 Wisteria road Smith Obadiah, oilman, I23 High street ·

Rose Mary Ann (Mrs.), The Sir John Morden P.H. 62 Hither Smith Sidney Russell, professor ofmusic, 69 Elswick road

Green lane Smith Thomas, coffee house, 89 High street

Rowan Andrew M.n.homreopathic surgeon,34 Ladywell park Smith Thomas John, plumber, 31 Elswick road

Rowe Alfred, decorator, 9 Alexandra terrace,Ennersdale road Smith Whitenight Franklin, tailor, 6o Ellerdale street

Rowe William, butcher, 88 Loampit vale Smith William, blind maker, Loampit hill ·

Rowles Thos. W.cabinet ma.87 Ennersdale rd. Hither Grn. la Soal William & Son, greengroce:t:', 253 High street

Ruff John, watch maker, 68 Courthill road Soilleux Madame, dress maker, 40 Courthill road

Roshbrook Robert, tailor, 43 Thurston road Solomon Thomas, corn merchant, 21 1 High street

Russell Fitz Hardinge, school, I2o Courthill road Southall Augustus Mark, decorator, 175 Lewisham road

Sadler Sarah (Mrs.) & Esther (Miss),dress mas.2 Drysdale rd Spiller Eliza (Mrs.), laundress, Station road

Sainsbury John, provision mer. 6 & 7 Obelisk bldgs. High st Spinks Henry, chimney sweeper, 2 Lewis grove

St. John's Hospital, Morden hill Spinks William, baker, 23 Lewisham road

St. Mary's Mission House, Young Men's Institute & Self- Sprunt James & Son, pawnbrokers,75 Loampit vale

Supporting Dispensary (William Hook Longsdon, sec.), Stafford Alice (Miss), confectioner, 41 Loampit vale

189 Hither Green lane Stalford Maria (Mrs.), district midwife, 20 Molesworth st

St. Stephen's Industrial Home for Training Domestic Ser- Stanford James, builder, 2 Lanier road

vants (Caroline Hilda, sister-in-charge), 23, 25, 27 & 29 Stanley George Valentine, tailor, 14 Rennell street

High street Stanton Frederic & Edwin, gold & silver thread manufac·

St. Stephen's Institute & Reading Rooms (Alfred Henry turers, Silk mills, Lewisham road

Coz-ens, hon. sec.), 33 High street Stanton George, boot maker, I George place, George lane

Salm'Jn Herbert, cab proprietor, 7 Thornford road Star Boot Works (Wm. Wray, manager), 23 Loampit vale

Salvation Army Hall, Avenue roa.d. Stebbing Albert, draper, 142 Loampit vale

Salveson Alfred Rt. oil & italian warehouseman, 5 Trinity ter Steel Eliza (Mrs.), laundress, 2 Osborne terrace

Sams Matilda (Mrs.), dress maker, 47 Molesworth street Stevens Charles, dairy, 122 High street

Sancto William, shopkeeper, 8 Nightingale grove Stevens Frederick, schoolp1aster, 27 Elswick road

Sandell Herbert, job master, 33 Hither Green lane Still Edwin James, decorator, 89 Hither Green lane

Sanders Tryon, butcher, 69 & I28 Loampit vale • Still James, bricklayer, 42 Cold Bath street

Sanderson Arthur Alexander, decorator, 15 Avenue road Still Thomas Jones, decorator, 93 Hither Green lane

Saunders Arthur Alfred, assistant relieving officer for No. I Stocker F. & William, auctioneers, Station road

district, Lewisham union ; relief station, 284 High street ; Stockwell Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 9 Orchard hill

res. I7 Evelyn terrace, Glenview road Stoddard Harry Fox, baker, 230 High street
S~Wage Herbert, dyer & cleaner, 216 High street
Stokes Henry, barrister-at-law, 24 Granville park


Stone Mary Ann (Miss), apartments, 9 St. Stephen's road Wallis Lucy Maud (Miss), teacher of the pianoforte, 41 •
Storey George Ralpb, builder, IA, Avenue road Algernon road
Story Charles, builder, Hawthoms, Glenview road
Streek Thomas Mabs, registered plumber, 12 Harvard road Waiter Fanny (Miss), dress maker, I Gilmore road
Street William E. beer retailer, 46 Porson street Waiter John Henry, table glass cutter, I Gilmore road
Strongitharm Wm. Geo. pharm. chemists, 132 Loampit vale Ward John, butcher, 43 Loam Pit vale
Stroud George, fancy draper & silk mercer 65 & 67, & china
Warr James Charles, tea dealer, I05 Loampit vale
& glass warehouse 69, High street
Stump Eliza (Miss), dress maker, 9 Jerrard street Warren Henry George, OrdnanceArms l'.H. 37 Lewisham rd
Sturley Joseph, fishmonger, 83 Cold Bath street Watkins James, jobbing gardener, 56 Courthill road
Stnrman Pauline (Mrs.), laundress, 8 Molesworth street Watling John Morgan, insurance agent, 40 Lethbridge road
Swain Edmund, carman &c. 4 Elmira street Watson (Miss) & Alstone Erskine (Miss), boys' school &
Swanson Frederick, professor of music, 30 Ladywell park
Sweetland Arthur, baker, 83 Hither Green lane kindergarten, 6o Granville park
Swindell Thomas, greengrocer, II4 Loampit vale Watson Emma (Miss), milliner, 7 Albion street
Symon Lewis Paterson, florist, IS High street Wayte James, dairyman, IS Parson street
Symonds Frank, saddler, 241 High street Weatherley Barnett, cycle agent &c. 26I High street!
Syred I<'rederick, plumber, 88 Courthill road Webb James & Son, tailors, 90 Loampit vale
Taylor Ellen (Miss), beer retailer, 232 High street Webb Edgar, beer retailer, 129 High street
Taylor William John, butcher, I20 Hither Green lane Webb Sophia (Mrs.), laundress, I9 Granville road
Temple Wm. Woods, solicitor,4 Sunning Hill ter.Loampit hill Weeks Alfred, plumber, 3 Elswick road .
Thackeray's (John) Almshouses, High street Weir Robert Edwin, builder, I Thornford road
Thomas Arthur Samuel, Black Bull P.H. 210 High street Weir Thomas, farrier, George place, George lane:
Weller William, jobbing brardener, Io Courthill road
Thomas Charles, monumental mason, I5 Ladywell park Wells Ellen Jane (Miss), beer retailer, I4 Lewisham road
Thomas James, boot maker, I38 High st.reet Wells Henry, baker, 67 Loampit vale
Thompson Clara Kate (Mrs.), cutlery depot, I 19 High street
Thompson Mark, greengrocer, 4 Trinity terrace Wells John Butcher, carpenter, 38 Cressingham road
Thompson Thomas, shopkeeper, 9 Ryecroft road Wells Sophia (Mrs.), laundress, I3 Willow grove, Mill road
Thompson William, school board officer for the south- Wesley Charles, draper, II4 Hither Green lane
West Charlotte (Miss), dress maker, 6o Loampit vale
eastern district of the Greenwich division, 6 St. John's Westbrook John, scripture reader, 58 Lewisham road
terrace, John street, Avenue road West Kent Water Works, Cold Bath street
Thornton Henry, florist, 38 Courthill road West Joseph, road contractor, Albacore crescent
'fhorpe Joseph, tob8.<'.coni!lt, II Ryecroft road West Wilkinson, hair dresser, I2I High street
Thurgood Ellen (Mrs.), laundress, 2 Fordyce road
Till Thomas, baker, I Loampit vale Westover George, grocer, 247 High street
Tilling Thomas, job master & livery stables, 68 High street Wheal Mary Ann (Mrs.), laundress, I Charles pl.Ladywell rd
Tindall George & Co. wine merchants, 205 High street Wheeler Wm. James, baker&post office, II2 Hither Green la
Tofts Harry, shopkeeper, 7 Mill cot.tages, Mill road Whelan Jos. Charles, boot maker, :u8 High street
Tompson MaryAnn(Mrs.), White & Sons, grocers, Io6 Hither Green lane
Townsend William Herbert, laundry, 33 Knowles Hill cres White Alfred James, ironmonger, 67 Lewisham road
Triggs Robert Waddington, watch maker, 228 High street White Ellen (Miss), dress maker, n6 Courthill road
Tucker William Castledine, chemist, IA, Loampit vale
Tugwell Wm. Hy. pharmaceutical chemist, 6 Lewisham rd White Lewis, beer stores 17, & greengrocer I8, Ardmere rd
Tullett Henry, builder, 4 Horton street
Turnbull George, decor-dtor, 67 Ladywell park White Samuel Daniel, umbrella maker, 20 Alexandra ter-
Turner J ames, boot maker, Ladywell road race, Ennersdale road, East Down park
Turner Philip Sebastian, grainer, 5 Albion grove
Turner Theod. cabinet maker, I John Penn street White Thomas, photographer, 2 Victoria terrace & 133
Turner Thos. John, Sydney Arms P.H. 122 Lewisham road High street, Ennersdale road
Turner William, shirt & collar dresser, IO Hig-h street
Tutt James & H. fishmongers, 55 Loampit vale White William Thomas, grocer, 126 Hither Green lane
Tyers Arthur Sharpe, berlin wool warehouse, 79 High street Whitehead Annie& Sophia (Misses), laundry, :n Rennell st
Tyler .Alfred Winterbourn, solicitor, I8 Elswick road Whitehouse Arthur Edward, artist, I2 Lanier road
'l'yler Frank, market gardener, 77 Loampit vale Whitten Kate (Madame), milliner, 47 High street
Tyne Main Coal Co. 3 Station road Whittingdale John, oilman, 239 High street
Umfreville William H. cowkeeper, 8o Courthill road Whitworth Arthur& Co. florists, I52 Loampit vale
Underwood Jonah John, shopkpr.7 The Terrace,Ladywell rd Whybrow James, chimney sweep, Ladywell road
Universal Ventilating & Sanitary Engineering Co. Limited Widdows Charlotte (Mrs.), greengrocer, 196 Lewisham rd
(The) (Alfred Belcham, sec.), 6 High street Wilcox Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, I Drysdale road
Vellenoweth Alexander, decorator, 45 Porson street Wilkin John, greengrocer, I7 John Penn street
Venables John & Co. cricket bat makers, 29 Elmira street Wilkinson George, greengrocer, 24 Cold Bath street
VickermanChas. Rd. painter, 85Ennersdale rd.HitherGreen la Wilkinson Thomas, general shop, 94 Conrthill road
Victoria Wine Co. 225 High street Willey J oseph, beer retailer, I65 Lewisham road
Vincent Thomas, confectioner, 6I Lewisham road Williams Charles, firewood dealer, 2I Bennett street
Viney Frederick Robert, baker, 17 Lewis grove Williams George, china & glass dealer, 58 High street
Vingoe Richard Herbert, grocer, 20 High street Wilmshurst Ebenezer, bookseller & stationer, 202 Lewisham
Visger Harman, surgeon & hospital medical officer, 279
High street road ; 3 Orchard terrace & 9 'rranquil vale
von-Poseck Julius Anthony Eugene William, professor of Wilson Edward L.D.S.R.c.s.xrel. dentist, 96 Lewisham road
languages, 2 Algernon road Winbush Alfred, White Hart P.H. II6 High street
Wade Mark, grocer, 3 Ryecroft road Wood Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 24 Ardmere road
Waghom Waiter, teacher of music, 20 St. Stephen's road Wood Christopher, oilman, 54 Lewisham road
Wooder James, shopkeeper, I Essex place
Walker Thomas, bricklayer, so Elswick road Woodgate Eliza (Mrs.), lanndress, 53 Knowles Hill cres
Wray Alfred H. designer, 25 Avenue road
Walker William, artist, 8 Limes grove Wright JoshuaHy. pork butcher24,&bntcher26,Lewisham rd
Wall Alfred, analytical chemist, IOI Gilmore road Wright Edward, clerk to board of works
Wallis John, family miller (steam & water) & baker, River- Wyatt George, upholsterer, III High street
Wybourn Henry William, assistant clerk to the Guardians
dale mills, High street
& deputy supt. registrar, Union offic~s, High street
Yallop Thomas, news agent,65 Ennersdale rd.HitherGm. la
Yorkshire Dairy Co. (Alfred Powell, ma.ngr. }, I09 High st
Young Edward, oilman, 59 Loampit vale
Young Henry, butcher, 21 Lewisham road
Young James, jun. firewood dealer, 1 Albion street

I Southend.

[Marked thus • receive their letters through Bicknell Rev. Herbert E. B.A. [curate Mercier Chas. Arthur lii.B. Flower house
Beckenham.] of Chapel of Ease to St ~Madary's] *Owens Mrs. Woodlands, Southend rd
[Marked thu~ t receive their letters through Bloomfield house Bromley. ' Renshaw Alfred George, The Hall
Lower Sydeuham.] ' *Stubbs Miss, Branxholm, Southend rd
[The remainder through Oatford.] Bush George Hy. Ravensboume lodge
BymeJohnMatt.Bracklynn, Bromley rd Vallott Charles, Woodlands, Bromley rd
Harding Alfred Bennett, Belmont, tWickwarJas.PullHill ho.Southend lane

Arrup Fredk. Ravenscroft, Bromley rd Bromley road tWilliams Wm. Fir hill, Southend lane

COMMERCIAL. Catford... Laing John & Sons, nurseryman &c.
Southend park
Allen Waiter James & Hugh P. farmers Covell Edwin, farmer •
Debbage Benjamin, laundry, Ivy cot Lomas William, Tiger's Head l'.H
Baker Thomas, coffee rooms tHome of Rest (William Chorley, direc- Marchant James, Green Man l".H

Bunce Henry, shopkeeper tor), Southend house, Southend lane


Mereier Charles Arthur M.B., 1!'.B.c.s. Phtllips Daniel9 farmer, Holloway farm Tapley Anna St, Clair (Mrs.), farmel'1
Ridewood Wm. farmer, Shroffolds farm Sangley farm
Eng. physician, & private lunatic
asylum, Fl"wer house Sargent Charles, shoeing smith Tillott George, baker

Myatt Alonzo, post office So:'P Arthur, ste1.m & water miller West Thomas, teacher of music
Panther Cricket Club, Bromley road
StantouWm. jobbing gardnr.2 New cots

LEYBOURNE is a parish and village, on a small brook 1877 by the Rev. Charles Cusac Hawley M.A. of .lesua

tributary to the navigable Medway, in a pleasant country, 1 College, Cambridge, and Wells Theological College. Close to

mile north from Malling station, on the London, Chatham the church stand the dilapidated remains of an ancien'

and Dover railway, si miles north-west from Maidstone, in castle, said to have been built in the reign of William the
the Mid division of the county, Larkfield hundred, lathe of Conqueror. The mansion of Sir Henry James Hawley hart.

Aylesford, union of Mailing, petty sessional division and who is lord of the manor and chief landowner, known f1o1

county court district of Maidstone, rural deanery of North The Grange, is a noble structure, situated a mile north oi

Mailing, archdeaconry of Maidstone aud diocese of Canter- the church and surrounded by an extensive park ; it is now

bury. The church of SS, Paul and Peter is a small build- vacant. The soil is sandy ; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops

ing of mixed flint and Kentish rag, in the l<;arly English are wheat, oats, potatoes and hops. The area is 1,521
and later styles, with some Norman features, and consists ! acres; rateable value, £3,054 ; and the population in 188~

of chancel and nave of three bays, both with north aisle, south I was 277.

porch and emb11ttled western tower containing 2 bells : jn LITTLE CoMP is a hamlet of Leybourne, 2t miles wes;

the north aisle is a curious niche4 of the Transitional period I' froPmarWishesCt lMerakl,liWngi.lliam Butler.
from Early English tll Decorateq, circ. 1245, which has been

shown by the late Rev. Lambert, B. Larking, in a paper con- Letters through Maidstone & East Malling, arrive at 7 a..~

tained in the "Archreologia. Cantiana," vol. v. to be the The nearest money order & telegraph office is at W~

heart-shrine of Sir Roger De Leyburn, who died in the Holy Mailing

Land during the Crusades: the nave has two Pointed arches ' ScHOOLS :- ·

springing from an octagonal pier: the church was restored j Holme's Endowed, founded by the Rev. Edward Holme,

in 1874 by the late Sir Joseph Henry Hawley hart. (d. 20 1 formerly vicar of Birling, Kent, together with other

April, 1875), to whose memory a stained window has been I schools of similar character at East Mailing & South-

erected: there are 150 sittings, 100 being free. The regis- borough; enlarged in 1886, the school will hold 75 children1

ter dates from the year 1612. The livin~ is a. rectory, gross average attendance, 40; William T\lck-Brown, master

yearly value £4oo,including 194 acres of glebe,with residence. Church of England (mixed), built in 1876, for 40 children;
in the gift of Sir Henry James Hawley hart. anq held sin~ average attendance, 22; Miss Elizabeth Bolton, mistrt~ss

Burne.Mrs. Leybourne wd. Little Comp Ashdown George, jobbing gardener Page Elizabeth (Mrs.), WheatshealP.R

Hawley Rev. Chas. Cusac lii.A. Rectory Hartnup John, jobbing gardener Phillips Thoma.•; {of West Mailing), stud
Haselden Yeoue01 Brooker, farm bailiff j farm propr. Leybonrne Grange farm
Homewood Christopber

Tolputt James to Mr. Downes Wigglesworth Whisking David, stud groom

LIN'l'ON is ~ parish and picturesque village, delightfully lies and has 400 sittings. The register dates from the year

situated on an eminence, on the road from Maidstone t;o 1570! The living is a vicarage, average yearly value from

(Jranbrook, 4 miles south from the former and 5 north from tithe rent-charge£ 18o, with one acre of glebe and residence,

Staplehurst, in the Mid division o( the county, petty ses- in the gift of the trustees of the late Viscountess Holmesdal~,

sional division of Bearsted, hundred, union and county court and held since 1886 by the Rev. Thomas .Fawcett Burrax..a..

district of Maidstone, lathe of Aylesford, rural deanery of of University College, Oxford. There are almshouses for
Sutton, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of ('anter- eight persons maintained by Fiennes Stanley Wykeham
bury. The Ghurch of St. Nicholas, originally a Norman Cornwallis esq. The Maidstone Union Workhouse at Cox
structure, to which a south aisle and a private chapel were HEATH in this parish, has, including officers, 300 inmates.
added in the tiiJle of Edward Ill. was considerably enlarged Linton Park, the ~t of Fiennes Stanley Wykeham Com-
and completely restored in J:86o : it consist~ of chancel, with wallis esq. H.P., J. P. the chief landowner and lord of the
side chapels, nave of four bays, aisles, south porch and a manor, is a splendid mansion, the south front of which is

magnificent western tower of Kentish ragstone, surmounted graced by four columns of the Corinthia.n order : it is sun-
by a spire constructed of Bath stone and containing a clock rounded by a well wooded park of about 500 acres and cow
and 6 bells ; the whole of the new work is in the Perpendicu- mands very extensive ''iews of the weald of Kent. The soil
lar style, except the additional arch on the south side of the is for the most part clay, and produce~ hops and fruit. The

nave, which is of a Decorated character, like the two old area is 1,388 acres; rateable value, £'5,043; the populatio-.
arches with which it is connected : a rich screen {>f carve<! in 1881 (including the officers and inmates of the Maidstone
oak separates the .chancel from the south chape, and the Union workhouse) was 874•.

reading desk and pulpit are also of carved oak: the north Parish Clerk, Thomas Wood.
chapel was at the same time completely restored hy the
trustees of Julia, Viscountess Holmesdale, only surviving PoST, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.
daughter and heiress of the last Earl Cornwallis; she died -Frederick Danells. Letters arrive from Maidstone at
1 Sept. :x883: there is a very handsome monument with 6.30 a.m. & 12.20 p.m.; dispatched thereto 1.5 p.m. ~

recumbent figure in white marble, executed hy Baily, to 7·5 p.m

Charles James, Viscount :Brome, only son of the late Earl National Schools (boys & girls), bnilt in 1844 & enlarge!)

Cornwallis, d. 27 Dec. 1835: the church contains several in 1864, for :150 children; average attendance, uo f
other monuments to the Co~nwallis, Mayne and Mann fami- Robert James Bennett, master ; Miss Jane Sparrow, m~

Burra Rev. Thos. FawceLt H. A.Vicarage Butcher Elizabeth Gillett & Sons, far- 1 Martin William, Bell inn, Coxheath

Cornwallis Fiennes btanley Wykeham mers, Loddington Philpott William, farmer & hop grower•

tli.P. 1 J.P. Lintun park; & Carlton Butcher Edward Smart, farmer, Hill ho Toke place
clubs w & Bachelors' club w,London Collins Rachel(Mrs. ),shopkpr.Coxheath Rowe William, farmer

Fleming Alfred William Danells Frederick, grocer, & post office Russell William, Bull P.H

Jones Re\'; William[chaplain Maids~ne Grant John, farmer & hop grower Shadgett William, inspector of weighw
union1, Stone house
Greensted Thomas, butcher & measures for Bearsted district

Kennard Dal·id, Wester hill l Hunt Robert, farmer Smith Frederick, farmer. Loddingt.on
Kennard llrothers, farmers & hop Wood Thomas, farmer, Clock house

Brooker Lawrence & Fredk. grocers growers, Court lodge

LITTI·EBOURNE is a village and parish. situated nn character ; on the south side are three very plain Pointed

a branch of the Little Stour and on the road from London to arches, eastward of which appears the rood door: the
Sandwich, a mile and a half from Bekesbourne railway sta- church was restored and reseated about I86o, and contains
tion, on the London, Cbatham and Dover railway, 4 miles memorials to the Dennes: there are 350 sittings, all being
east from Canterbury and 6o from London, in the Eastern free. The register of baptisms and burials dates from the
.division of the county, city and county of the city of Can· year 1559, marriages from 156o. The living is a vicarage,
terbury, Downhamford hundred~ lathe of St. Augustine, yearly value from tithe rent-charge £360; net income
petty sessional division of Wingham, Bridge union, county £248, with residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of
court district of Canterbury, rural deanery of East Bridge Canterbury, and held since 188r by the Rev. Nicolas Howard
and archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. 'fhe village McGachen B. A. of Pemhroke College, Oxford, and domestio
occupies part of the highway and a cross street. The church chaplain to Lord Rolle. Here is a Congregational chapel.
of St. Vincent is a building of flints, with portions of all the The charities amount to £18 yearly, derived from Consols
Pointed styles, especially the first, or Early English, and and a small allotment of land. The Ecclesiastical Commis-

consists of chancel, nave, aisles, ~outh porch and a western sioners are lords of the manor, and Henry Denne esq. ~.p..;.
tower with ~bingled spire containing a clock and 5 bells; l<'rancis Philips esq. J.P. and John Knowler Pembrook esq,

• the north ~rqade of the nave is modern and has piers pt light are the principal landowners. The 80il is rich loam, Bllbsoll.




gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and hops. National School (mixed), built in '18711 for 145 children;
The area is 2,151 acres; rateable value, £5,195 ; the popula- average attendance, 130 ; Henry Holman, master; Miss

tion in 1881 was 757· l<'auny Philpot, mistress ; Miss J. Housden, infants' mist

GAR.RINGTON is 1 mile south. CONVEYANCE TO : -
CANTERBURY-Hooker's omnibus from Sandwich, stopping
Parish clerk, TE.dwo.a,rds.RBy.e.& Annuity&Insurance Office.-
PoST, M. 0. &

Henry Jones Holman, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive at the Anchor inn every morning at II, returning on the

from Sandwich through Wingham at 7 a. m. & from Dover way to Sandwich, at S p.m

at 1.30 p.m.; dispatched at 12 noon & 9 p.m; sundays, GooDNKSTONE-Clement's omnibUB, mon. wed. &i sat. ;

arrive at 7 a.m. & dispatched at 9 p.m Luck's from Eastry, sat

Foreman Edward Thorp • Pembrook John Knowler,farmet & land-

1Coleman Waiter, grocer & draper

Kingsford Montague 1Collard David, farmer & hop grower, owner, Littlebourne court

Lound Stanley Hamilton, Elmleigh Garrington Reakes George, veterinary surgeon

McGachen Rev. Nicolas Howard B. A. Davison Alexander, farmer Reynolds Stephen, bailiff to Alfred Sole

Vicarage Duthoit John Powell, butcher esq. Higham farm

Morris Edward Griffith Freeman Fetherstone Frank, builder & contractor Rolfe Chas. basket ma. & beer retailer

Ogilvie Mrs. Manor hoUBe Fostall William (exors. of), saddlers Rye Edward, watch & clock maker

Pembrook Jn. Knowler, Littlebourne et Gardener William, maltster Sands William Lewis, Anchor P.H. as·

Rippington Crews Havens Rawdon & Hugh, brewers sistant overseer & insurance agent

Taylor William C. Elbridge house Holman Henry J ones, grocer & draper f Silk Edward J ames,- market gardener

Willetts Mrs & sub-postmaster Sladden ~eptimus, district surveyor,

COMMERCIAL. Maxted John Dean, farmer & hop The Cedars

Alien SeptimUB, tailor grower, Lower Garrington Smith David Thos. farmer, Woolton frm

Ansley Benjamin, dairyman Morris Edward Griffith Freeman, sur- Smith George, plumber & glazier

.Ash William, dairyman geon, certifying factory surgeon, Smith Joseph, miller (steam & water)

Back George Wiiliam, shoe maker medical officer & public va.ccinator, Stringer Charles, beer retailer

Batterley George, boot maker No. 4 district, Bridge union Sole Alfred, farmer, Elbridge

Brenchley Benj. John, pork butcher Newing James, beer retailer Terry William, Kmg William IV. P.~

Castle Andrew Edward, blacksmith Prebble George, baker & pork butcher Wood l<'rancis James, baker

sLONGFIELD is a small scattered village and parish, 22 Iwill now seat 180 persons. The register dates from the year

miles from London and south-west from Gravesend, in the 1558. The living is a rectory, average yearly value from
North Western division of the county, Axton hundred, lathe titherent-charge.£'176, net income, £'n8, mcluding 6o acres

of Sutton-at-Hone, Dartford petty sessional division, union of glebe and house, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor and the

and county court district, rural deanery of Cobham and B1shop of Rochester alternately, and held since 1886 by the

archdeaconry and diocese of Rochester. Fawkbam station, Rev. William Hare Duke M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin.

on the London, Chatham and Dover railway, is in this There are no manorial rights. The principal landowners

parish, and adjoins the village. The church of St. Mary are the trUBtees of the late Thomas Colyer esq. Mrs. Golds-

Magdalene is a building of flint and brick, chietly in the worthy, Mrs. Doherty and Mr. Samuel Crowhurst. The

Gothic style, prettily situated near the station, and consists j1 soil is vari ous, pr inci pally lo am ; subso il, cha l k and gravel.
of chancel, nave of three bays, north aisle, north porch and The chief cro ps are grain, hops and pu lse. The area is

a tower at the north-west angle, with an open belfry and 6os acres; rateable value, £4,338; the population in 1881

pointed roof, and containing one bell : there is a small Norman · was 328.

window in the aisle; the east window is Decorated and the Sexton, George Parker.

west wi~dow is stai~ed: t~e chancel has sedilia, an aumbry National School (mixe d), built in 188 1, for 6 4 children;
avera«e attf'ndance • Miss Sage mistress
and a ptscma : here IS buried Thomas Plume, archdeacon of 6o
Rochester, founder of the Plumian professorship of astronomy
a~ Cambridge, d. Nov. 1704, and to whom there is a me- " '' ' ..
morial window in the nave, besides others to the Jennings PosT, M. 0. & T. 0. & S. B.-:- Henry Tomhn, receiver.
L~tters through Dartford arrive at 7·45 a. m. & I.I5 p.m.;

family: in 1889 the church was thoroughly restored and dispatched at 11.50 a.m. & 6.30 p.m

much enlarged, by subscription, at a cost of £1,oss and/ WALL LET fER Box, at Longfield hill, cleared at 6 p.m

Anderson Mrs. Pescot Coulson Thomas, butcher, Station road Longhurst Edward, builder, Station rd

Binckes Philip, The Villas Crouch James, dairyman Lynes John, shopkeeper, Longfield hill

Clitford Charles Edward, The Briars Dalton Geo. l<'redk. grocer, Station rd Noakes Mrs. dairy

Doherty Mrs. Longfield hill l''awkham Brickfields (JohnJ.Hickmott, Phillips Charles Jas. Railway tavern

Duke Rev. William Hare M.A. [rector] prop1ietor; W, E.Stewart,manager); Smith James, farm baihff to J. F.

Ford Alfd. Napier F.a.c.s. Longfield et London office, 4 Beaumont street, Edmeades esq. Nurstead Hill farm

Fraser Mrs. The Elms Mile End road E Stewart William Edmund, manager

Hickmott John Joseph, The Villas Fraser Harry Lacy, coal & oil merw Fawkham brickfields

Hickmott John J. jun. The Villas chant, Fawkhalll station Sutton Louie(Mrs. ),dress ma.Station rd

Moneylaws Mrs. Tbe Villas GambrillThos.marketgardnr.TheVillas Tomlin Hy. grocer & baker, Post office

Seabrook Mrs. The Villas Gear Thomas, farm bailiff to James Wakeman Philip, carriage proprietor,

COMMERCIAL. Alien esq. Middletons Station road

Bishop Frederick, Green Man P.H. & Gilham Robt. Wm. builder, Station rd Woodward Jas. Wm.frmr.& fruit growr

blacksmith High William, blacksmith, Station rd

LOOSE is a picturesque village and parish, situated on the held since 1883 by the Rev. James Durant Kingdon M.A. of •

high road from Maidstone to Cranbrook and surrounded by Trinity College, Cambridge. The Loose stream turns •
hop and fruit gardens, 2i miles south from Maidstone, in several paper and corn mills and here is also a brewery.
the Mid division of the county, lathe of Aylesford, petty Charles Marfield Hodsoll esq. who is lord of the manor and •
aessional division of Bearsted, hundred, county court district J. R. Coles esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is

and union of Maidstone, rural deanery of Sutton, arch- loam ; subsoil, rag stone. The chief crops are hops and fruit.

deaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. The The area is 983 acres ; rateable value, £6, 393i the population

church of All Saints is a building of stone in the Decorated in 1881 was 1,465. To the south are some stone quarries.
and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave, north WELL STREET is a part of the village; HAILE (or Hayle),
aisle, south porch and low tower at the south-west angle of a mile and a half north ; SHERNOLD PoND, I mile north-east.
the nave, with a clumsy shingled spire and containing a Sexton, Richard Larkin.
clock and 3 bells: the aisle is modern and has no arcade: on PosT & M. 0. & T. 0., S. 8. & Annuity & Insurance Office,

the south side of the chancel is a piscina, under a. trefoiled Frederick Stace, sub-postmaster. Letters by mail cart

arch: in January, 1878, the church caught fire from the from Maidstone, arrive at 6.10 & 11.40 a. m.; dispatched at
heating apparatus, the interior fittings and roof being 1.30 & 7· IS p.m. ; sundays, 12 p.m
completely destroyed; but these were restored in the same National School, built in :~840 & since enlarged, for 200

year : there 6oo sittings, So being free. The register children ; average attendance, 250; Tom Griffin Richards,

dates from the year IS59· The living is a vicarage, average master ; Miss Cook, mistress
yearly value from tithe rent-charge £36o, net £267, with CARRIERS TO MAIDSTONE-Richard Humphrey & William
l'esidence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and H. Miller, every da.y

l'RIVATE RESIDENTS. Coveney Miss, Bridge house Horn Mrs. Wellington villa
Alfree Mrs. Coxbeath Day William Thomal!, Shernold house lsherwood Captain John Richard Rams-
Barker Josepb, Hill house Fai•rey -,Upper Bhernold h•ouee
Barker Levi, Sherno]d cottag~ Green John, The Limes bottom, Wood lawn
Cole James Redman, Peale house Hodsoll Charles Marfield, Loose court Jendwine Mrs. Sion cottage

I Jones Isaac StephensQn, Derwent house



KingdonRev.Jas. Durant M.A. Vicarage Foster Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Jones Reginald, beer retailer

Marsham George J.P. Hayle cottage Froud Will, butcher King Frederick William, Paper Makers'

McAlley Mrs. Fern bank l''roud Thomas, Bockingford Arms P.H Arms P.H

Moore Mrs. Rose mount Fryer Wm. Henry, Star P.H. Coxheath Larkin Richard, shopkeeper

Olive Rev. Edward Robert A.K.C. Fullager John, King's Arms P.H Masters Albert, farmer, Pickering

[curate], Rose cottage Goad Thomas Albert, beer retailer cottage

Pitt Col. Thomas Henry, Hayle Place Gurney Henry, millboard manufactr Pearne Thomas, music seller

Shadgett Thomas, Holly lodge Harris George,carpenter &wheelwright Phipps Edward, grocer

Skinner William, Coxheath Harris John, blacksmith Skinner 'Thomas, farmer

Spencer Mrs. Shernold house Harris William, beer retailer Sl?urgeon Henry, blacksmith & wheel-

Vinson Edward, Parsonage Hickmott Matthew, saddler wright, Coxheath

Wilson William, sen. Hillside house .Hobrow Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper Stace Frederick, shopkeeper, Post office-

COMMERCIAL. Humphrey Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer, Startup Ambrose, farmer & hop grower

Coxheath White William, carpenter, Coxheath

Antrum Edward James, miller (water) Jones Isaac Stephenson L R.C.P.Edin. Wilkins Edward, builder

Barker J oseph & Son, brewers, Sher- surgeon, & medical officer & public Wilson William & Son, millers (steam

nold brewery vaccinator sth district, & medical & water)

Carman Chas. boot maker, Coxheath 1 officer to workhouse, Maidstone Wood & Son, builders

Coulter Edward James, Chequers P.H union, Derwent house

LUDDENHAM is a parish, 2 miles north-west from Wright M.A. cantuar. and T.A.K.C.L. who resides at Faver-

Faversham, in the North Eastern division of the county, sham. A great part of the parish is improved marsh.
Faversham hundred, petty sessional division, union and There is a commission for the sewers and draining this and
county court district, lathe of Scray, and in the rural some adjoining parishes, which is paid for by a rated levied
deanery of Ospringe and archdeaconry and diocese of upon the owners and occupiers of land. The trustees of the

ICanterbury. The church of St. Mary is a small but ancient late Sir Edmund Filmer hart. M. P., D.L. of East Sutton Park,

edifice of flint and stone, in th& Norman and Early English Staplehurst (d. 17 Dec. 1886), are lords of the manor. Tbe
styles, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a modern . principal landowners are Henry Lipyeatt Hilton esq. The
tower of red brick at the south-west angle of the nave con-I Drapers' Company, St. John's College, Cambridge, the
taining one bell: there are some ancient encaustic tiles in the representatives of W. Hall esq. and C. L. Hannam esq. The
chancel: in 188r the church was restored by private sub- soil and subsoil are various. The chief crops are wheat,
scription, when two windows with stone mullions in the barley, beans, hops, oats and turnips. The area is 1,323-
Early English style were inserted in the nave, in place of acres of land and 84 of water; rateable value, £4,787; the
the wooden lights; the chancel was restor~d in 1884 and population in 1881 was 236.

in 1889 a new south porch was e;ected at a cost of abol!-t Sexton, John Turner.
£75: the church is now fitted With open benches and will
seat about 130 persons. The register, which is in good pre- PILLAR Box cleared at 10 a.m. Letters by foot post through
servation, datesfrom theyear 1547· The living is a rectory, l''aversham arrive at 9 a.m. Faversham is the nearest
with the vicarage of Stone-next-Faversham annexed (March money order & telegraph office

n, 1870), yearly value from tithe rent-charge £385, with 2 Parochial School (mixed), for 70 children; average attend"
acres of glehe and residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancel- ance, 70; Miss Eliza Ann Finch, mistress. The school ia
!or, and held since 1881 by the Rev. Barrington Stafford held at the old rectory house

Millen William Denne Harry, farm bailiff to H. S. Trigg Henry, farmer, '''ildmarsh

Cole J. farm bailiff to Wm. Millen esq Shove esq. Luddenham court Willis James, Windmill inn

Dane George, Shipwrights' Arms P.H. Hambrook Thos. farmer, Oxen beadles Wood Charles, brick maker
I Ralph Fk. Jn. miller (wind), Oare mill
Hollow shore

LUDDESDOWN is a village and parish, 3! miles from chalky loam; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are pasture,

Cuxton station on the South Eastern railway, a mile and a grain and hops. The area is 1,995 acres; rateable value,

half south•east from Sole .Street station, on the London, £1,437; the population in 188r was 268.

Chatham and Dover line, 6 miles south from Gravesend and LEYwoon, near Boghurst Street, is about 3 miles from

6 south-west from Rochester, in the Mid division of the the parish church. Leywood School, erected in r87o, is a

county, Toltingtrough hundred, lathe of Aylesford,Rochester building of flint, faced with brick, in the Gothic style, with

petty sessional division, Strood union, Gravesend county a small chancel at the east end, erected in r883 and a turret

court district, rural deanery of Cobham and archdeaconry on the west end gable, containing one bell and is used on

and diocese of Rochester. The church of SS. Peter and Paul week days as a school and on Sundays for Divine worship.
is a building of rou~h flints, consisting of chancel, nave of PouNDGATE, 31 miles south-west and HENLEY STREET, 1

two bays, south aisle, south porch and a low western tower mile north-east are hamlets of this parish.

containing 3 bells: in the church is a brass supposed to belong Parish Clerk, Alfred Hollands.

to the Montacute family: it was mostly rebuilt in 1866 WAL...
principally in the Perpendicular style, the chancel and nave Letters through Gravesend arrive at 9· 1 5 a.m. ..

were re-decorated between 1875 and 1877: there are 15o LETTER Box cleared at 8.3o a.m. & .'i p.m. Cobham is

sittings. The register dates from the year 1681. The living the nearest money order & telegraph office

is a rectory, average yearly value from tithe rent-charge ScHOOLS:-
£344. with residence and 2~ acres of glebe, in the gift of Mrs. National (mixed), Luddesdown, built in 1863, for 6o chil-

Alfred Wigan, and held since 1889 by the Rev. Francis dren; average attendance, 34 ; Miss E. Gaye, mistress
William Wigan M.A. of St. John's College, Oxford. The National (mixed), Leywood, built in 187o, for 70 children;

principal landowners are William Allan Smith-Masters esq. average attendance, 42; Miss E. Costin, mistress; this

(who is lord of the manor), Charlru Gustavus Whittaker school is attended also by children from the outlying

esq. Mrs. Wigan and the Earl of Darnley. The soil is light hamlets around Meopham, Snodland & Hailing

Wigan Mrs. Rectory Bennett Sarah(Mrs. ),farmr.Boghurst st Hollands Alfred, farmer, Brookers farm
Wigan Rev. Francis Wm. M.A. [rector], Bennett George, farmer, Poundgate Hollands George, farmer, Oakenden
Filmer Harriet (Mrs.), White Horse P.H. Taylor Thomas,bee-r retailer, Poundgate
Rectory Tuff Charles, farmer, Court farm
Askew Robert, beer retailer & grocer Poundgate Wood Thomas(Mrs.), farmer, Henley at
Beach John, farmer Heaver Thomas, Cock P.H. Henley st

L ULLINGSTONE is a parish, 1 mile west from Eyns- the body guard to Henry VIII. ob. 1522; in the chapel

ford station on the London, Chatham and Dover railway, itself is a large altar-tomb of alabaster to Sir George Hari
which runs through the parish, 7 miles south from Dart- and family, with effigies of himself in armour and his lady
ford and 7 north from Sevenoaks, in the North Western and with four other figures at the angles of the tomb, daU!d
division of the county, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, Axton hun- 1587: south of the communion table is the splendid tomb
dred, Dartford petty sessional division, union and county of Sir l'ercyval Hart, ob. 1550, "Chief Server and Knight
court district, and in the rural deanery of East Dartford, Harbinger to four sovereigns," and his wife : in the chancel
archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury, on is also a brass to Sir William Pecche, ob. 1487: there are
the river Darent. The church of St. Botolph, standing others to Mrs. Alice Baldwin, ob. 1533, and Elizabeth, wife
within the park and close to the north side of Lullingstone first of John Hart, gent. father of Sir Percyval Hart, ancL
Castle, is a building of flint and stone in the Decorated and secondly of George Brooke; she died in 1544: there is an-

Late Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel with north inscription on brass to John de Rokesle, ob. 1361, and a
aisle or chapel and a wooden bell-cote on the western gable, memorial to Elizabeth Huldynohe, "gentlewoman to the
c·cntaining one bell : the north chapel is late Gothic of the Lady Mary, Queen: "all the chancel windows are stained:
16th century and between it and the chancel is a very fine there are 6o sittings. The register of baptisms dates from

canopied tomb with effigy, to Sir John Peche, captain of the year 1578; marriages, 1582; burials, 1579. The living


is a rectory, gross yearly value from tithe rent-charge £36o, The soil is clay in some parts and gravel in others; subsoil;
with 6t acres of glebe, in the gift of the Right Hon. Sir chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley, fruit, oats and
William Hart Dyke hart. P.c., M.P. and held since I877 by roots. The area is I,556 acres;. rateable value, £2,202.;
the Rev. Albert Brooke Webb lii.A. of Caius College, Cam- the population in x88I was 73·
bridge, who resides at Granville road, Sevenoaks. Sir John Parish Clerk, John Drake Abbot.
Peche, of Lullingstone Castle, in the reign of Henry VIII.

left £9 4s. yearly for the minister and poor of this parish. Letters from Da.rtford through Eynsford arrive at 8 a.m. ;

Lullingstone Castle, the seat of the Right Hon. Sir William dispatched, 8.20 a.m. & 6.Io p.m. Sundays arrive 8 a.m.;

Hart Dyke bart. M.P., P.c., D.L., J.P. lord of the manor and dispatched, 10 a. m. The nearest money order office is at

owner of the whole of the parish, is situated in Lullingstone Eynsford & telegraph office at .Fatningham. Letters for

Park, a large domain well-wooded' and stocked with deer. Park Gate farm through Chelsfield

I IDyke Right Hon. Sir William Hart lingstone castle; & Carlton &White's Waterman John,farmer,ParkGatefarm
bart. P.c., lii.P., M.A., D.L., J.P. Lul- clubs, London s w

LUTON is an ecclesiastical parish, formed October 22nd, style and will seat 300 persons. The Brompton, Cbatham,

I852, from the civil parish of Chatham, about a mile and a Gillingham and Rochester water works are in this parish.

half south from Chatham, in the Mid dinsion of the county, Colonel Best is lord of the manor. The land- -is held by

lathe of Aylesford, hundred of Chatham and Gillingham, 1 numerous small owners. The soil is loamy ; subsoil, clay.

Rochester petty sessional division, Chatham union and The chief crops are wheat, beans, oats and hops. The area

county court district, Rochester rural deanery, archdeaconry is 3,000 acres ; the population in x88I was 4,924.

and diocese. Christ Church, situated on the Luton road, Sexton, Frederick Nicolls.

and not far from the old church, now used for school pur- Kent's & Pilcher's omnibuses leaves 'Hen & Chickens' daily

poses, was erected in :r883-4, at a cost, including site, of to Rochester & Strood '

about £6,ooo, and consecrated Tuesday, July 141 I885; it p M 0· ~ T 0 ., S B & A •t ~ 1ns~~ance Offi
is an edifice of Kentish ragstone, with Bath stone dressings OST, · · · · nnm Y ce,
"" ""
in the Decorated style, from designs by Mr. E. R. Robson, Luton road.-Mrs. 9harlotte Lambert, recetver. Letters
architect, of Westminster, and consists of chancel, nave, · ~h;ough Cllatham dtspatched at g.IO & It-4° !1-.m. 2- 25•

transepts, vestries, north porch and a belfry containing one · 5d7· 15 & 9·25 p.m. to head office,. There IS no sun-

bell: the pulpit and eag-le lectern are of oak: there are 747 day 1Spatcq

sittings. The register dates from the yeat,-I852. The living SCHOOLS:-

was declared a rectory May 25, 1866, average yearly value National, Old Church (boys 1t girls), for 190 boys & ISO

from tithe rent-charge {,I6l, net income £245, with resid- girls; average attendance, I90 boys & 150 girls

ence and 3 acres of glebe, in the gift of the rector of St. Infants', Luton road, for I8o children; average attendance,

Mary's,. Chatham, and held since I888 by the Rev. James I66; Miss Annie Valsler, mistress
Henry Skinner M.A. St. John's College, Oxford. The Bible National Mixed (junior), built in 1872, for 235 children~

Christian chapel, on the Luton road, erected in I885, at a average attendance, I8o; Miss Florence G. Hardwidge,

cost of about £2,020, is of red brick, in the Early English mistress

PRIVATE RESIDENrs. Cranfield Samuel, ba1mr, 10 Luton road Langridge Jn. Thos.Hen & Chickens P.H

Barnes George, Sunderland house Crook Thomas, assistant insurance Lightfoot Samuel, draper, 15 Luton rd

Beckham Mrs. I 12 Luton road superintendent, 92 Luton road Linwood Wm. builder, 8o Luton road

Bryant Henry, Luton road Crittenden Robt. farmer & hop grower Luck William, bricklayer, I4 Luton rd

Burgess Wm. Melbourne ho. Lnton 1'oad Crittenden Wm. cowkeeper,Luton road Mannington Thos.boot ma. 37 Luton rd

Bush John, Weymouth cottage Daffey Fredk.boot mllker,rs6 Luton rd Maycock George,foreman to the Br.omp-

Dives William Thomas Daines John, greengrocer, IO Luton rd ton,Ch&tham,Gi\lingharn &Roehest-er

Edgcombe Rev. Richard [Bible Chris- Deuton music,24Luton rd Water Works Company

tian], St.anley house Driver Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Con- Miles Sarah (Mrs.) & John, wardrobe

Field Sidney, Martin villas, Luton road stitution hill . dealers, 29 Luton road

Goodman Mrs. Luton road DungeyWalter,Clarendon P.H.Luton rd Monday Richard, beer retailer

Gowers Thos. Herbert (warrant officer Dunstall John, lime burner Monday William, shopkeeper

A.s.c.), 66 Luton road Edwards George, shopkeeper, Luton rd Naylor George, blacksmith, High street

Gransden John, Ash Tree villa Epps Alfred G. sausage skin manfactr. Parker Jas. smith & wheelwl. Luton rd

Grey Geo. I Martin villas, Luton road Street end. See advertisement Payne Amelia.(Mrs.),draper,36Luton rd

Hammond Rev. Horace B.A. [curate], Evernden Richard, wheelwright PearceAgnes{Mrs. ),dressma.Cb,urch ter

Fernleigh, Luton road Eves Charles, shoe maker Pepin Francis, tobaceonist,234 Luton rd

Hart Henry, Harry's cot. Luton road 1Eves William, boot maker Pope John J. inspectoJ;' of weights &-
i l<'ilmer Edward, builder, 47 Castle st
Hart Sidney John, Dorset house measures, 26 Luton road

Hunter William, Constitution hill 1 l<'owle Charles, carpenter, builder & Price Thomas George, beer retailer;

Jones ArthurCrosby Brett, 25 Luton rd undertaker. Luton road Constitution hill

Kellaway-Baulkwill Rev. William Robt. Good William, dah·yman, ;l8o Lnton rd Prior Walt. inspector for the Prevention
[Bible ChristianJ, Luton road
' Goodsall William, grocer, 264 Luton rd _ of Cruelty to Animals, 266 Luton r.d

Kelman Geo. M.B.Leyton ho. Luton road Goodwin Jn.Thos. bricklyr. IooLuton rd Redsell Stephen, farmer

Mackney Jas.Herbert villas,Luton road Gransden George, lime burner Relf ;I'homas, £arpenter, 57 Luton road

Mills Capt. James A. v.s. Darland house HarrisAnnie(Mrs. )tday schl.;r44Lutn.rd Salmon James, beer retailer

Olfjj James, II4 Luton road 1 Harris Jn. farm bailiff to Geo. Webb esq Sands William, painter, 9 Luton road

Seymour John, Herbert villas,Luton rd Harris Richd. shoe maker,26o Luton rd ~elves Edward & ,John, farmers
Skinner Rev. James Hy. M.A. Rectory rHewett George Harry E.grocer &dealer Simpson George, grocer 1
Skinner Wm. T. baker, 236 Luton road
Smith Peter, 254 Luton road iu wines; Constitution

Straker Rev. Harry B.A. [curate pf St. Hills Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer Smith Daniel, fishmonger,I96 Luton rd

Paul's], 86 Luton road , Hinkley Wm. builder &c. Castle Toad SmithermanJas. beer ret.& hurdle makr
Taylor Charles Wilson, Luton road ~Hitches David,ironmonger1232Luton rd Smitherman Thos. hurdle ma. Luton rd
Vinall Edward William, r Sidne~ villas Holroyde John, Ryburne ho. Luton rd
Howard Elizabeth (Mrs.), ~;~hopkeeper, Statham Mary Ann (Mrs. )1 shopkeeper,
Webb Peter, I3 Luton road 1 I68 1..uton road Albany road

Willmott Mrs. Luton road Stote Emma( Miss),dress· maker,Amelia

Wood John, Hampton house, Luton rd Howe Frank, blacksmith cottage, Luton road

Wyles James, The Limes Hunnisett Henry, shopkeeper Swan James, shopkeeper, I.uton road
Wyles John, no Luton road James William, grocer, I Victoria roa~ Taylor Robert, tailor, 32 Luton road

collmERCIAL. Jeyes Edmund J. builder, 53 Luton rd Thomas Henry, shopkeeper, Castle road

Alexander James, hatter, I47 Luton rd Jezreel James J. baker, 42 Loton road Trueman Alfd. John, painter, Luton rd

Auger George, farmer · Johnson Herbert,hair drssr.7oLuton rd Trueman John Lemuel, builder &

Austen Charles Wilsun, chemist & Jones Arthur Crosby Brett, surgeon, painter, Luton .-oad 1,

druggist, I26 Luton road 25 Luton road TruemanWm. Lisle, beer retlr.Luton rd

Bames George, lime burner JordanAda(Miss),dress ma.Io6Lut.on rd Turner Thomas, grocer, Luton road

Bamett Mary Ann (Miss), dress maker, Jordan Chas. carpenter, 2o6 Luton road Turner George, wheelwright

276 Lnton road Kite Abram, Waggon at Hale P.H Wallis Henry, beer retailer, Beacon hill

Bilney Robert, grocer1 78 tuton road Knight Edwin, shopkeeper Wallis James, greengrocer

Burgess William. miller (wind) 1 Kyle Joseph, laundry, 72 Luton road· Waiter Sarah (Mrs.), day school, Ply-

Callaghan Charles William, refresh- Lambert Charlotte (Mrs.), grocer, Post mouth house, Luton road

ment rooms, 238 Luton road office. 62 Luton road Wanstall James, beer retlr. 6 Luton rd

Clark Thomas, smith, 27 Luton road Lawrence Henry Charles, nurseryman, Webb George, Elephant & Cas~le P.H

Cole Edwd.shopkeeper,Constitution hill [ seedsman & florist, Albany Road Webb George, farmer, Capstone

Collins William T. butcher, & postoffice nursery; kat Chatham Wells Johq Waiter, baker



Weston Albt. Ernest, beer ret. Luton td Whitteh Wm. 'butcher&grocer,Luton rd WoolleyiMay (Mrs.), dress maker, 21ti

Weymouth Harry,tobacconist,Luton rd Wilkins Thomas George, undertaker & Luton road~ ~ ,..,..

Whittaker Elizabeth (Miss), dress shopkeeper, Luton road Wyles Alfred, farmer, Darland

maker, Constitution hill Willmott John, brick maker 1Wyles Edmuud, farmer, Darland farm

LYDD (anciently named "Hlyden") is a small town, become a military establishment for testing heavy artillery

municipal borough and parish, situated in marsh land on in place of Shoeburyness. Turnip seed is extensively 2'fOWn,

the coast of the English Channel and at the southern ex- some of the farmers cultivating as much as 70 or So acres

tremity of the county, with a station on the Lydd and of it. There is a brewery here. The area of the parish is

Dungenes.s branch of the South Eastern railway, 72 miles n, 175 acres of land and 1,040 of water ; rateable value,

from London, 17 south from Ashford and 4 south-west from £10,419; the population in 1881 was 2,r28, including 109

New Romney, in the Sow.tpern division of the county, on board ship, :il62 at coastguard stations, and 20 at Dunge-
• liberty and union of Romney Marsh, lathe of Shepway, ness lighthouse•

petty sessional division of Lydd, New Romoey county court DuNGENEss, 4 miles from Lydd, is a point of land formed

district, rural dt>.anery of South Lympne and archdeaconry by the movement of the shingltl to this spot and is very

and diocese of Canterbury. The municipal government was dangerous to shipping, but the east and west bays on either

formerly '6;;ted in a bailiff, jurats and freemen, who from side afford good anchorage. The Dungeness Lighthouse

old times were called Jirchbishop's men; but in 1885 the was erected in the year 1784, at the sole expense of the late

town received a charter of incorpQration and is now governed Earl of Leicester (d. 1842), nnder thee superintendence of

under the provisions of the Municipal Corporation Act, 1835 the late Mr. Wyatt. Lloyd's signalling station is adjacent.

(5 and 6 William IV. c. 76), and the Borough of Lydd There are batteries of the coast brigade here and coastguard
Scheme, 1885, framed under 46 and 47 Vie. c. 18, s. 7 (June stations. The branch line of railway from Appledore on the

30, x885), the Corporation consisting of a mayor, 4 alder- South Eastern railway to this place passes through to a

men and 12 councillors, who also act as the Urban Sanitary point about a hundred yards north-east of the lighthouse,

Authority. Lydd enjoys all the privileges of the Cinque which is the nearest point on the English coast to the Con-

Ports from its being attached to New Romney, of which it is a tinent, being only 20 miles from Cape Grisnez. Fishing is

member. A small portion of the parish is withinthe jurisdic- carried on here to some extent.. •

bion of the to:·ougb of New Romney. The town is lighted Parish Clerk, Henry Jell.

with gas by the Lydd Gas Works Company Limited, estab- PosT, M. 0. &:; T. 0.9 S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.

lished in 1867. The church of All Saints is a noble building' (Sub-Office. Letters should have S.O. Kent added).-

of stone, in the Early English, Decorated and Perpendicular John Theophilus Butler, receiver. Letters from Folkestone

styles, 199 feet in length. consisting of chancel with aisles, nave by foot post, Romney at 1 & Ashford at 11.30 a.m. ;

of seven bays, aisles and a very lofty and beautiful Perpen- dispatched 9 a. m. & 7 p.m. >sundays, 10.50 a. m
dicular embattled tower at the west end, 13~ feet in height,
with an octagonal turret at the south-west angle terminating
Finn E Procter J. C
in a crocketed pinnllCle and plain pinnacles at the other
Bass E. T Samson George
angles ; it contains a clock and 5 bells : there is a brass
Finn Arthur Samson William
with effigy in academical dress .and reversed inscrivtion to
John Mottesfont LL.B. vicar, ob. 1420; a brass to Thomas Clerk, Henry Stringer, New Romney

Godefray, of Romney, ob. 1430, and Joan (Tamworth) his Petty Sessions held at the Guildhall first sat. in every month

wife, with effigies under a rich double canopy ; the inscrip- CORPORATION.

tion, dated 15o6, is mutilated ; a later brass with effigies to MAYOR-Edward 'I:homas Bass

Peter Godfrye, and Jone (Eppes) his wife, ob. 1556, with DEPuTY MAYOR-E. }<'inn

nine children ; there are also brass inscriptions to Mary ALDBRMEN.

(Partridge), wife of Thomas Godfrey, gent. ob. 1580; John, fEdwin Finn, fEdwin Thomas Bass, §W. lllacklocks, jun.
his son, of Hart Hall, Oxford, ob. 1612; Robert, son of §William Samson
Richard Godfrey gent. ob, 1616; the remaining brasses are
to Thomas Harte, yeoman and bailiff of Lydd, ob. 1557, and t"William Blacklocks, jun
•• tJames Cooper Procter
Malyn, his wife ; Thomas Bate, jurat, 9b. 1570 ; John Berry, tWilliam H. Hook tArthur Finn
jurat in 1558, and fhe times bailiff, ob. 1597 ; Clement tGeorge Samson
Stuppeny, jurat in 1565, and seven times bailiff, ob. x6o8; tGeorge Godfrey *John Butcbings

Lawrence, his son, jurat and bailiff, ob. 1613, and to three fFrancis Finn *Charles Cole

civilians unidentified, c. 1510, 153d and 1590: in the north tJobn Lewis Hutchings *John Godden

aisle of the chancel, beneath a Pointed arch is the effigy of *John Leaver
Marked thus t retire in 1890,
a cross-legged knight in chain armour, dated 1333, and as- Marked thus t retire in 1891.
Marked thus • retire in 1892.
signed to Sir Waiter l\Ienil: there is also a bust of Thomas
Marked thus § retire in 189•.
Godfrey of this parish, date 1623, and five stained windows
and the chancel retain~ a piscina: the upp~r part of the Mayor's Auditor, Councillor William Hughes Hook
Elective Auditors, John T. Butler & Charles Thomas Sellens
tower, which is the most modern part, is supposed to have The Corporation meet at the Town hall the first thursday in

been built by Cardinal Wolsey, who was vicar of the parish, the month at 6 p.m

a1 was also Cardinal Prosper Colonna: extensive improve-

ments and alterations were made in 1887, under the direc- OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATiON.

tion of J. 0. Scott esq. F.s.A.. architect, at a cost of £r,sco: Town Clerk, Henry Stringer, New Romney

at the same time a new churchyard was consecrated, the Treasurer, Adolphus Finn .

old one having been closed by Order in Council: there are Medical Officer of Health, Richard Bevan, Cobbs ball

about 1,2eo sittings. The register dates from the year 1542. Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, George Godfrey, jun

The living is a rectory and vicarage, tithe rent-charge£1,459, Collector, William Whitehead, New Romney

with 28 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Arch- PuBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS : - .

bishop of Canterbury, and held since 1887 by the Rev. Coastguard, Edward Daniel Young R.N. divisional officer

Frederic Spencer Dale M.A. lf Trinity College, Cambridge, Trinity Light House, Dungeness, Hy. Thos. Jenkins, keeper

and surrogate. The Wesleyan chapel, erected in 1886, at Town Hall & Assembly Room, Charles Fisher, keeper

a cost of £1,450, will seat 400 persons. A fair is held on County Police, Jabez Trill & Reuben Kite, constables

the last Monday in July. Harte's charity of £146 yearly, PUBLIC OFFICERS:-

derived from a farm, left by Thomas Harte, of Lydd, Admiralty Surgeon & Agent & Medical Officer & Public

ob. 1557, is applied for the repair of the church, for public Vaccinator, Lydd District, Romney Marsh Union, surgeon

uses and relief of the poor, in flqual parts. The Grange to Trinity Lighthouse & Coast Brigade Royal Artillery,

is the residence of Mrs. Alured Denne (who resides prin- J ames Cooper Procter, Beach house

cipally at Hythe) ; the mansion is surrounded by pleasure Collector of Taxes, William Whitehead, New Romney

grounds and planted with ornamental shrubs. There is no Registrar of Birt-hs & Deaths, John He.tchings, Lydd

lord of the manor. The principal landowners are the Duke Inspector of Weightt1 & Measures, Thomas Morgan, Ashford.

of Cleveland K.G. Lord Hotbfield, Mrs. Alured Denne, the Inland R<rrenue Officer, John C. Turner, Lydd

War Department and All Souls' College, Oxford. The in- Medical Officer of Health, No. 1 District, Romney Marsh

habitants are {lbiefiy engaged in agriculture and in grazing Rural Sanitary Authority, Richard Bevan L.R.C.P.Lond.

so,ooovast numbers of sheep on the rich maTshes in the vicinity, Cobbs ball
calculated to contain a.cres, while nearly 6,ooo acres PLACES OF Wo&smP, with times of services:-

of the parish consists of shingle : the sea, gaining in the All Saints Church, Rev. Fe. Spencer Dale M. A.. rector; early

west bay, has covered the Abnor and Wigmore pits; the communion 8 a.m. & service at 10.45 a.m. 2.30 & 6.3op.m

other part is grazing land running out seaward in narrow Schoolroom Chapel, Dungeness, & at different coastguard

tongues, under the name of ''The Rypes," half a mile from stations, time of service varying, Rev. Cyril A. W.

the town, on which a military camp has been formed ; it Robins B.A. curate

is usually occupied for about six weeks at a time by various Wesleyan, Rev. William Attfield Leach, minister; 10.45

regiments belonging to H. M. atmy, and Lydd is expected to a.m. & 6 p.m

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