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Kelly's Directory of Kent, Surrey & Sussex - 1891
Part 1 Kent - County & Localities

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Published by Colin Savage, 2018-08-09 20:14:45

KENT - 1891 (1)

Kelly's Directory of Kent, Surrey & Sussex - 1891
Part 1 Kent - County & Localities



Smart Jamest baker Thames Con8ervancy Pier (William' West Kent WateTworks (George San-

Smiles Jsph. Geo. The Brown Mare P.H Crouch, pier master) ham, tnrncock)
Smith James, shopkeeper
Smith Samuel, blacksmith Tibb!l llary Ann (Miss) draper Wheatley Elizabeth (Mrs.), baker
Spo:fford Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Taylor John, Hull Trader P.H Village Club & Ball Wills James, shopkeeper

Wailer George, coal merchant Wood Henry, station master
Westbrook Charles, greengrocer


GREENWICH is a large and populous paris'J, parliamentary porch and two western towers, with 1>ne bell:· it has t,mo

.borough, head of a union and county court district, situated sittings, 6oo being free. The register dates from the year

on the south bank of the Thames, adjoining Deptford to I868. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £365,

the east, and separated therefrom by the river Ravens- with residence, in the gift of the vicar of Greenwich, and

bourne: it is in the North Western division of the county, held since 1887 by the Rev. Samuel Fry Hooper M ..!. of

Blackheath hundred, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, within the Jesus College, Cambridge. The population in r881 was 6,n3.

jurisdiction of the Central Criminal Court and Metropolitan St. Paul's is an ecclesiastical parish, formed Ang. 30, 1864,

Police, in the South Eastern Metropolitan Postal District, from that of St. Alphege ~ the church, situated in Devon-

.and in the rural deanery of Greenwich and archdeaconry shire road, was built in t868, at a cost of £7,ooo, and is an

and diocese of Rochester. Greenwich, with the parishes of edifice of stone, in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel,

Charlton, Kidbrooke and St. Nicholas (Deptford), form the nave with west gallery, aisles, south transept, vestry and an

Parliamentary borough of Greenwich under the "Redis- unfinished tower on the south side, with a turret containing

tribution of Seats Act, I88s,'' sending one member to one bell: it has 1,028 sittings, 500 being free. The register

Parliament, though previously with an extended area it sent dates from the year I868. The living is a vicarage, net
two members ; it also contributes four members to the yearly value £soo, with residence, in the gift of trustees,

London School Board, and under the " Local Government and held since 1878 by the Rev. Alfred Love Theol. Assoc.

Act, 1888," is included in the county of Vmdon. Here is a K.C.L: The area is So acres; the population in 1881 was

Metropolitan Police Court, at which two magistrates attend. 5·794·
The South Eastern Railway Company have stations here in St. Peter's is an ecclesiastical parish, formed from that of

the Greenwich road and at Maze hill and Westcombe park, St. Paul, May 2I, I867: the church, situated in 'Bridge

vn their direct line to Woolwich and Dartford, and the street, occupies the site of the old Greenwich fair dancing

London, Chatham and Dover Company have a branch from booths, and is a structure of brick in a nondescript style,

Loughborough Junction, with stations at Blackheath hill from plans by Mr. Fl. S. Teulon, architect, consisting of

and in Stockwell street, the latter being the terminus. Tbe chancel, nave, north porch, aisles and contains 8oo sittings,

London Steam Boat Company's boats call at the pier. The of which 6oo are free. The register dates from the year

market days are Wednesday and Saturday, and the market 1866. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £263, in

is commodious and well supplied. Fairs are held on Easter part derived from endowments and seat rents, with resi-

Monday and Whit Monday. dence, in the gift of trustees, and held since I87o by the

Greenwich is governed by a district board of works, con- Rev. Francis Storer Clark M.A. of St. John's College, Cam-

sisting of 99 members, which district includes the parishes bridge. The area is 31 acres; the population in tSar was

of St. Paul and St. Nicholas, Deptford. 4·9 19·

The church of St. Alpllege, situated in the Church street, The church of the Ascension, Dartmouth row, formerly a

is a spaciOus but heavy building of stone, in the Italian style, chapel of ease to St. Mary's, Lewisham, and now tile church

consisting of nave with shallow segmental apse, transepts of an ecclesiastical district, assigned Sept. 4, 1883, from the

and a western tower containing a clock and ro bells: it is parish of Lewisham, is a plain edifice of brick, consisting of

the mother church and was rebuilt under the Act of Queen chancel, nave, aisles and a western turret containing one

Anne, about 1714, the interior being altered in r869, when bell: there are 635 sittings, 400 bei,ng free. The register

the high pews were cut down and the pew doors removed: dates from the year [ ]. The living is a vicarage, gross

the transepts serve only as porches and contain stairs leading yearly value about £400, in the gift of the vicar of Lewis-

to the galleries, which surround three sides of the interior : ham, and held since 1884 by the Rev. Walter Allan Moberly

the east end, next the street, exhibits a huge pediment, M.A. of Christ Church, Oxford.

supported on lofty angle piers and two central columns in St.Mary's,KingWilliam street,a chapel of eac;e to the parish

front of a recessed portico : the tower is of three stages, the church of St. Alphege, erected about 1825, is a rectangular

upper stage being pierced with openings and surmounted edifice of stone, in the Italian style, consisting of nave and

by a cuvola, from which rises a short spirelet with vane: in aisles under a single roof, western portico, supported by

ibe crypt is the tomb of Lieut.-Gen. James Wolfe, killed in four Ionic columns, and a square western tower, the upper

the moment of victory at the battle fought before Quebec, stage having a plain parapet with small pinnacles and con-

13 Sept. 1759, and subsequently interred here: at the east taining one bell.

end of the church is a mural brass, placed in 1876, to The Catholic church, on Croom's hill, dedicated to Our

Thomas Tallis, the father of English church music, who died Lady of the Sea, is an elegant building of stone in the

23 Nov. I585, and is also buried here: in the churchyard, Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles and a

on the south side of the tower, is an altar tomb, railed in, to western tower with pierced pal'apet and pinnacles, an octa-

Sir John Lethieullier kt. sheriff of London, d. 14 Jan. 1718 : gonal stair turret at the north-east angle, and a spire with

there are sittings for 1,ooo, of which 100 are free. The two tiers of spire hghts : the buttresses, the spirelet of the

register dates from the year 1616. The living is a ,·icarage, turret and the spire lights, are all richly crocketed: adjoin-

tithe rent-charge £300, which is the net yearly value, with ing is a presbytery, and at No. 70 above is an Ursuline

residence, in the gift of the Crown, and held since t88o by convent with a private chapel. St. Joseph's Catholic church

the Rev. Brooke Lambert B.C.L., M.A. of Brasenose College, is in Pelton road.

Oxford. The great tithes belong to Morden College, Black- There are Baptist chapels in South street and Devonshire

heath. road, and Congregational chapels in Greenwich road and

Christ Church is an ecclesiastical parish, formed 31 Jan. Park place. The Wes:eyan chapel, London street, is an

1868, from that of St. Alphege: the church, situated in edifice of stone in the Geometrical Gothic style ; the prin-

Trafalgar road, was built in 1849, at a cost of £8,ooo, and cipal front being flanked by spired turrets ; there are other

ia an edifice of Kentish rag stone and Suffolk brjck, with Wesleyan chapels in Trafalgar road and Blackwall lane, and

parapets of Caen stone, in a modern Gothic style, consisting one for Bible Christians in King George street, besides St.

of chancel, nave, aisles, north porch and a western tower with Mark's Presbyterian church in South street, an edifice of

four crocketed pinnacles : it has I,4oo sittings, Boo being free. stonejn the Late Deco;ated style, with a tower and spire.

The register dates from tba year I849· The living is a The Cemetery at Kidbrook, Shooter's hill, covers 16

'ricarage, gross yearly value £509, in the gift of the vicar acres, 12 of which are consecrated ; there are two mortuary

of Greenwich, and held since 1874 bJ the Rev. David Reith chapels ; the cemetery is under the control of a Burial Board

X. A. of the University of Aberdeen, and rural dean of Green~ of nine members.

Wich, who resides at Christ Church vicarage, Westcombe Greenwich in the time of Edward I. was a royal residence.

Park road sE. The area. is 950 acres; the population in By Henry V. the manor was granted to Thomas Beaufort,

:r881 was 14.487, including 1,379 officers and inmates of the Duke of Exeter and Earl of Dorset, I4I6-26, and it after-

workhouse and infirmary. . . wards came into the possession of Humphrey, Duke of

Holy Trinity is an ecclesiastical parish, formed 31 Jan. Gloucester K.G. (ob. 1446), who rebuilt the palace and

:r868, from that of St. Alphege: the church, situated on inclosed the park. Edward IV. Teceiving it as the dower of

.Blackheath hill, is a structure of brick. in the Gothic style, his queen, Elizabeth Woodville, spent large sums upon its

and consists of apsidaL ehancel, nave with galleries, north improvement; it was als& the birthplace of Henry VIII.

312 GREENWICH. • •4


who made it a favourite residence and· here married Cathe- obtained of the present building: seamen are admitted

rine of Arragon and also Anne of Cleves; his daughters, without recommendation, and when convalescent are re-

Queens Mary and Elizabeth, were both born in the palace. tained until fully capable of resuming their duties on board

Edward VI. was also a resident and died here in July, 1552, ship: the society receives no aid from government beyond

and Queen Elizabeth used it as a summer residence. The the free u~e of the building: in 1884-5 the drainage was

assizes were held at Greenwich in her reign and two mem- reformed and improved, and a chapel erected: during x81i9,

bers were sent to Parliament by the town in 1577. the last year afloat, there were r,892 in-patients and r,o3o

Greenwich Hospital stands on the site of the old palace, out-patients ; and in r889 the in-patients were 2,401 and the

which Charles II. pulled down to construct a new one, granted out-patients 6,914 ; the total expenditure was£ u,632: there

in the reign of William and Mary,as the commencement of the are now 225 beds in the Hospital at Greenwich : the society

present magnificent structure, of which Sir Christopher maintains a branch hospital with 14 beds and an out-patient

Wren was the chief architect : the building consists princi- department at the Victoria and Albert Dock E and two

pally of four great blocks, separated by a green 273 feet wide Dispensaries for out-patients, one at the London Docks and

and overlooking the river, with a terrace on the river side the other at Gravesend; sailors attending the dispensaries

· 875 feet long. The two northern blocks, next the river, are who are in need of treatment as in-patients are sent to

of stone, rusticated and relieved with Corinthian columns; Greenwich.

the two southern blocks are of greater extent, each inclosing Greenwich is abundantly provided with noble charities;

three sides of a quadrangle with open colonnades on the the most worthy of not:ce are the following :-Queen E\iz.a.

inner side, returned at the angles ; they are chiefly built of beth's College, Greenwich road, the first public charity estab-

stone in the Italian style. The north-western portion is lished after the Reformation, founded in 1576 by William

King Charles's building, the north-eastern Queen Anne's Lambard esq. of Lincoln's Inn, and endowed with£104 yearly

building, the south-western block being King William's i for the maintenance of twenty poor men and their wives:

building and the south-eastern Queen Mary's. In King the original endowment has been augmented by subsequent

William's building is a grand saloon, ro6 feet long, 56 feet bequests and the revenues of the charity are now under the

wide and 56 feet high, and also the upper hall : these balls 1 management of the Dra pers' Company, the annual stipend
contain the Naval Gallery, which is open to public inspec- of each almsman being £2o : the college, rebuilt in 18rg,

tion and contains pictures of illustrious admirals and famous\ consists of 34 houses, constructed of white br:ck in a plain

battles, principally formed by the exertions of Edward style, and surrounding three sides of a turfed court, open

Hawke Locker esq. together with relics of Lord Nelson and towards the north; in the centre of the south block is the
various other objects of interest. In Queen Mary's build- 1 chapel, which has a stone pedimented portico, supported on
ing, on the opposite side, is the chapel, of the same dimen- 1 Ionic columns, and above the roof is an open turret of wood,

sions as the grand saloon, and containing an altar-piece by i1 with cupola, containing one bell : in the chapel of the college

West, representing St. Paul's shipwreck at Melita: both the. is a black marble sarcophagus, with effigy of the founder,

hall and chapel are surmounted by domical towers, boldly; who died in 1614, and whose remains were removed here in

but elegantly designed: on the green is a 32-pounder gun, : 1696 from the chapel of Dover Castle: on the gables of the

dug up at the back of St. Mary's island during the formation building, next the road, are the arms of Lambard and of the

of Chatbam dockyard, and believed to have formed part of Drapers' Company.

the armament of the "Mathias," a vessel taken from the Trinity Hospital, commonly called Nol'folk College, was

Dutch: in the centre of the green is a stone statue on a founded by Henry Howard K.G. Baron Howard of Marnhill

square pedestal, and on the river front stands an obelisk, and Earl of Northampton, lord warden of the Cinque Ports,

erected by public subscription, to Lieut. Joseph Rene Bellot, in the :year 1613, for the relief and support of poor men of

who perished by drowning in the Arctic regions, 18th Aug. the parishes of Greenwich and of Shottesham, in Norfolk,

1852• while conducting an expedition in search of Sir John and endowed wit.h £66o yearly; this foundation is divided

Franklin. into three branches, called respectively, the "Hospital,"

The Hospital formerly received about 2,700 pensioners; "PensiOn" and "Residuary" branches ; the first-named

but by a late Act of Parliament out-pensions were substi- includes the hospitals at S.bottesham and Greenwich, the

tuted and the buildings are now occupied as a Royal Naval former maintaining eight and the la:ter twenty pensioners,

College; receiving for this purpose 700 students ; all officers each of whom receives a money allowance of not less than

of the Royal Navy and Marine Artillery and Engineers being 1os. or more than 15s. a week, together witt. a gown and

admitted, as well as a limited number of officers of the provision for washing, fuel and light; the attached officers

Mercantile Marine: the course of study includes the higher are nurses, a medical attendant, chaplain and warden; the

branches of mathematics, pure and applied; astronomy, latter is provided with an official residence and receives a

bydrographic surveying, experimental sciences, marine stipend of £2oo yearly; the chaplain having an annual

engineering, naval architecture, fortification, international stipend of£100, and the aggregate amount of expenditure at

and maritime law, modern languages and hygiene. ·Greenwich is not to exceed £1,300.

Greenwich Hospital school for training the sons of petty The Pension branch supports at Greenwich twenty pen·

officers and seamen and non-commissioned officers and sioners, each receiving£36 yearly ; and the Residuary branch

privates of the Royal Navy or Coast Guard and other sea- provides for the payment of an annual sum of not exceeding

faring persons is situated south of the College on the oppo- £xoo to the trustees of the Jubilee Almshousesat Greenwich

site side of Nelson street; the buildings, chiefly of stone, in and an annual sum not exceeding £2o as a contribution to

the Italian style, take in plan the form of the letter E 1 the funds of any medwal institution in Greenwich; the nn-

the open space being towards the north, and present a front applied income is invested in the £3 per Cents.

consisting of the old" Queen's House" in the centre, begun, 1 The Jubilee Almshouses, for the reception of aged and

as an adjunct to Greenwich Palace, by Queen Anne of Den- indigent widows, were erected by the inhabitants of Green-

mark, and finished by Queen Henrietta Maria, with two wich by voluntary subscriptions, .A. D. r8og, in honour of the

wings, united by a co onnade x8o feet long: in front of the j jubilee of the soth year of the reign of King George Ill.

school stands a full-sized model ship, completely r;gged, 25th October, 1809: to these six other houses were added at

and used for training purposes: the sc:10ol educates I;OOO the expense of the Loyal Greenwich Volunteer Regiment of

boys, who may enter between the ages of eleven and fourteen Infantry, in commemor-.1tion of the centenary of the acces-

years, and remain for a period of four and a half years: the sion of the illustrious house of Brunswick to the Bntish

course of study comprises the usual elements of an English throne, and three by the vicar and churchwardens from

education, in addition to practical seamanship and swim- legacies left in their hands ; the whole of these however

ming; and in the "Upper Nautical Division," elementary were taken down and rebuilt in r887-8 and now form a

mathematics and mechanics, navigation, nautical astronomy handsome block of 14 houses, facing Greenwich road, the

and French are taught: the school has good playground~, foundation stone of which was laid by H.R.H Princess

a swimming bath and gymnastic apparatus : in one of the Beatrice in July, r888, and the houses were opened 2 March,

rooms is a model of a full-rigged ship, fitted with a large r88g, by the Earl of Dartmouth: in 1852 and 1853 twodwel·

double steering-wheel, which causes her to swing round lings were built by suhscription and incorporated with the

on a circular rail on the floor; on the walls of the room Jubilee Charity as a testimonial to Arthur, rst Duke of

the points of the compass are marked; boys are instructed in Wellington K.G. and two others in 1859· by gift of Miss

this manner in navigation and use of compass. Elizabeth Warham, and there is one erected in memory of

The old Infirmary of the Hospital, situated to the west of the Rev~ W. A. Soames, a former vicar of Green\\ich: each

the main buildings, has been occupied since 1870 by the of the inmates now receives a stipend of £10 yearly. In

Seamen's Hospital Society, establislled in 1821 and incor- x865 six almshouses for poor aged women were erected by

porated in x88J, for the purpose of affording medical and Widow Smith in Trafalgar road, and in 1882 two almshouses

asurgical relief to sick and diseased seamen of all nations : were erected and endowed in memory of the late Ebenezer

the society first organized hospital on board the "Gram- Larwill esq. and family, by his youngest daughter and sole
pus,'' a so-gun ship, granted by the Board of .Admiralty; survivor. The Penn Almshouses, in South street, were

subsequently the institution was transferred to the" Dread-- erected in 1884 by Mrs. Ellen Penn, in memory of her bus·

no~t," 104; replaced in 1857 by the "Caledonia," 120, band, the late John Penn esq. and consist of nine houses,

which was re-named the "Dreadnought," and continued to including one for the matron ; these are built of brick lrith

serve as the hospital ship until a lease for 99 years was Bath stone dressings, in the Gothic style, and surround three



sides of a well-kept lawn, open towards the street. Near telescope, which in 1890 was mounted in the 18-feet dome

Maze Hill station are other almshouses for poor aged women, specially constructed for it, is for taking photographs of stars;

called Hatcliffe's Almshouses, erected in 18571 and about on the north-east turret is the sliding ball which fd.lls daily
{.100 is distributed yearly in kind.
at one o'clock, being connected for this purpose with the

The Greenwich Society for the Diffusion of Useful Know- mean time clock in tha north dome, and at 10 and I daily

ledge, established in I837 and supported by subscription, the exact time is telegraphed to the General Post Office in

occupies large buildings at Royal hill, comprising a lecture London.

hall, licensed for dramatic parformances and holding nearly The works of the South Metropolitan Gas Company, situ-

J,ooo persons, and a concert room holding about 400, a ated in Greenwich Marshes, occupy a tract of land inclosed

library containing upwards of 10,000 volumes, and reading within a sharp bend of the river, oppo.;;ite Blackwall, and

room, supplied with the principal newspapers, ma.gazines and inclosing an area (inclucling the Ordnance Wharf adjoining)

other periodical literature ; there are also several class rooms of I27 acres, having a total extent of river frontage of 1,400

which may be hired for public meetings &c. ; other portions yards ; th~ land reserved for the gas-works amounting to 96

are let as vestry officlls, offices of the borough surveyor and acres and available for plant to produce 6o million cubic

rate collector, and Greenwich Industrial Building Society: feet of gas a day. The water frontage includes a coal jetty

weekly entertainments, dramatic and otherwise, are given or pier for colliers, from which a line of rails, on an inclined

by the society on Tuesday evenings from October to March, viaduct, conveys the coals to the stores and retort-houses ;

which are free to subscribers ; the society is managed by a these, as well as the lime and oxide sheds and purifiers, are

committee of 21 members; Mr. G. C. Pulsford, chairman; arranged in rows, from east to west, parallel with the river;

Mr. I<'rederick Orr and Mr. Vivian Orchard, secretaries; the gasholders have a diameter of 254 feet, with four lifts,

Mr. W. J. Hill, librarian. the tanks being 6ofeet deep. Mr. Frank Livesey M. Inst. c. E.

There are two theatres here, viz. Morton's, late the Prince is chief engineer.
of Wales', in London street, and the Parthenon Theatre of The offices of the District Board ot Works, in Greenwich

Varieties, in Silver street. road, are of stone, in the Italian style: the building is of

· The Royal Blackheath Golf Club, 93 Blackheath hill, was two storeys, with a semicircular portico, supported on

established in 16o8 and has 106 members. columns, and above the centre of the roof rises a square

At Greenwich are large factories for telegraph cables, tower with a dome and containing a cloc~r : the court in front

extensive soap works and iron foundries and engineering is inclosed and planted with shrubs.

establishments. John Penn, the originator of great improve- The London and County Bank, Church street, opposite the

menta in marine engines and founder of the firm of John parish church, is a building of three storeys, with a stone

Penn and Sons, was born in Greenwich in 1805 and died frontage in the Italian style, and includes spacious offices

at Lee in I878. and a residence for the manager.

Greenwich Park comprises about 200 acres of The Workhouse is in Woolwich road, and has an infirmary

land and contains some fine specimens of elm, Spanish ches- containing 428 beds, added to it in W18a7s6h, haotusaesc,ositn of about
nut, fir and oak trees. As a royal;park it is under the control The Public Baths and London
£ I8,ooo.

of H.M. Commissioners of Works, but is open to the public. street, are of brick and stone, picturesquely designed in

The Royal Observatory, founded in r675, occupies a pie- the Elizabethan style, and include a fine swimming bath:

turesque group of buildings, situated in the park, on a hill they are managed by a local committee.
about 154 feet above the level of the river and affording a
fine view of the Thames and the metropolis ; the observatory The Miller Hospital and Royal Kent Dispensary, in Green-

contains apparatus of various kinds for the purposes of wich road, was established in 1783 and rebuilt in 1:883-4, at

recording meteorological phenomena and those of terrestrial a cost of about £6,ooo, the foundation stone of the hospital
magnetic currents, as well as for investigating the positions being laid Aug. I, 1883• by the .Hight Hon. the Earl of

and motions of the heavenly bodies ; two turrets surmount Dartmouth, president of the instttution, to celebrate its

the building and in one of these is a self-registering anemo- centenary and to pet•petuate the memory of the late Rev.

meter worked by a large vane, which rises to height of Canon Miller D.D. vicar of Greenwich (I866-8o), and the

about 225 feet and by a circular disc, shifting its position with originator of " hospital Sunday : " the number of out and

the vane; these, by means of mechanism wit.hin the turret, home patients for the year ending March 31St, I889,.was

record accurately the direction and pressure of the wind. I8,4oo, including I,682 casualties; the hospital contains 23
The pluviometer, for registering the amount of rainfall, works beds.
simultaneously with the anemometer, and consists of a cop- On Blackheath hill, near 'frinity church, is a remarkable

per vessel which empties itself with every quarter inch of cavern, extending for about 150 feet under Point hill ; it

rainfall, the rapidity of the falling rain being marked by the consists of four irregular apartments, communicating by

pressure of the fluid on a delicate spiral spring attached to a small avenues, the whole being excavated in a stratum of

pencil point; near this apparatus is another anemometer chalk and flint, and in the farthest apartment is a well of

consisting of four hemispherical cups, fixed to the ends of pure water.
horizontal arms at right angles, revolving round a perpendi- The area of the parish is 1 •74"l acres of land anu 317 Qf
cular axis; there is also apparatus for determining the de- water; rateable value, £ 2 77,484.

elension and variation of the magnetic needle, for photo- The population of the new parliamentary borough is as

graphing magnetic curves and for conducting other pro- under :-

cesses of magnetic registration, which have been regularly; r88I.

pursued here since 1847 ; in the court-yard behind the ' Greenwich... ........................... 46,s8o
magnetic observatdry are four deep sunk thermometers for Charlton .............................. 8,764

ascertaining the terrestrial temperature, the bulbs of which St. Nicholas, Deptford •.•.....•... 7,90I
are placed at different depths below the surface of the Kidbrooke ............................... 2,166

ground, others intended to mark the temperature of the

atmosphere being fixed in sheds above ground ; here also

are barometers, a photo-heliograph, by which sun spots are

delineated, and a contrivance for indicating the continuance Parish Clerk, Samuel Sims, 51 Blackbeath road.

or interruption of sunshme; the great equatorial telescope, Parish Clerk (Holy Trinity), Charles John Heryet, 95

26 feet long, erected in I847, occupies a huge cylinder- Blackheatb hill.

shaped building, and is so hung that its position can be Parish Clerk (St. Paul's), John Poole, 18 Egerton road.

shifted in a moment with the greatest ease and precision; Parish Clerk (St. Peter's),Jn. Newton, I Little Thames st.

there is a lessjlr equatorial, placed in a small domed chamber ; Verger (Christ Church), H. S. Campbell, IS Woodlands

the 13-inch photographic refractor, with a 10-inch guiding Park road.

Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.

PoST, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Greenwich District Board of Works.

I7 Nelson street. Sorting Office, Circus street. Offices, 14r Greenwich road. Days of meeting, alternate
PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Offices.- wednesdays, at 7 p.m.

F. H. Dawe, 17 Blackheath hill ; James Justice, 195 MEMBERS ELECTED BY TBE VESTRY OF GREENWICH.
Greenwich road ; Miss Mary Ann Ttlbury, 61 Trafalgar

road; Miss Ame!ia Bailey, 2 Orchard place, Woolwich Elected until June, I89r.

road, East Greenwich (& telegraph office); John Pettit, Wiliiam Benjamin Blackmur, 3I Church street

Blackwall lane, East Greenwich (& telegraph office); William George Sutton Bromley, The Laurels, Vanbrugh hl •

Charles Blanchard, receiver, Dartmouth row (& telegraph George Burney (the elder), T.he British Queen P.H. Lower

office) Woolwich road .

Member of Parliament. Frederick George Cox, 12 The Grove, Blackheath

Thomas William Boord esq. F.s.A. q. Berkeley square w & John James Ditton, 1 Annandale road

Carlton club, London s w Charles Fowler, 3 Nelson street

Returning Officer, Charles Horatio Smith, 88 London street, Rev. Brooke Lambert B.C.L. The Vicarage, Greenwich park

Greenwich George R. Steward, 1 Annandale road

314 KENT. [KELLY'i

· , Edgar Sydney, 9 The Circus .Aubrey Crawley, 7 Rolt street

Willia.m George Watts, 29 Blackheath road John Dixon, 81 Breakspears road
William Whiteway, 103 Old Woolwich road Charles Gallehawk, 72 Evelyn street
Edward Negus Wood, 12 Burney street • Samuel Giles, 86 Tyrwhitt road

Elected until June, 1892. Jesse Green, 5 Lausanne road ·
Edward Thomas Bailey, 24 Blackheath road George Hemmings, 455B, New Cross road
Alfred James Brown, Glenmohr, Vanbrugh hill
George Davis, Belle Vue house, Park place Frederic George Landon, 59 Tressillian road
Robert Gibbs, .Alma villa, Vanbrngh hill
Harris Scott Hancock, 3 Park villas, Cbarlton road George Leidig, 48 Broadway
Henry Howard, Maitland house, 134 Greenwich road
·.Alexander Jeans, Church street Thomas Dawson Leng, 55 Czar street
Benjamin Mitchell, Essex villa, 6 Vanbrugh hill William C. Martin, 9 .Argyle terrace, Penmartin road
Charles Newbery, 32 .Annandale road George Robert Mason, Lower road
William John Newell, 487 New Cross road
Henry George Pitt, 22A, Evelyn street.

John Yenn Yonge, 18:.1 Malpas road

Walter Richardson, 52 Annandale road OFFICERS OF THE BOARD.
William Sterndale Scarr, 17 .Annandale road
John Edward Shaw, 88 London street Clerk, James Spencer, 82 London street

Elected until June, 1893. Trea.surer,'Thomas Mote, London & County Bank, Church
Charles Henry .Allworth, 57 London street
William Fox Batley, 12 Vanbrugh park, Blackheath .Med:cal Dtficers <>f Health, for Greenwich, Charles Hen
William Charles Birt, 38 Devonshire road
George Henry Boncey, 17 London street Hartt, ·so London street, Greenwich; for Deptford, Hen.

Henry Bride!, 3 Union wharf William Roberts, 166 Lewisham High road, Brockley '

·Dr. George Hughes Cable, 59 Royal hill Public .Analyst, Robert Henry Harland, Plough court, 37
Arthur Carr, John's terrace, Woolwich road '
John Coneybeare, 83 Vanbrugh hill Lombard street E c
Richard Stephens Jackson, Tudor boose, 120 Greenwich rd
Donald McCall, 32 South street Engineer, John Nidd Smith, 85 South street ·
J oseph Mead, 14 Ormiston road
Road Surveyor, Jas. Rd. Heward, 52 Wickham rd. Brockley
C~rles Oliver Pook, 65 Blackheath road
.Auditor, Peter Blake, 18 Nelson street
Accountant, F. Dudley Keen, 138 Lewisham road

Assistant Clerk,Vivian Orchard, Dartmouth row,Blackheath

Inspectors of Nuisances for Greenwich, Thomas Corden, 29

Norman road, Greenwich ; for Deptford, Thomas Bors-

bery, 2 Florence road, Deptford

Caretaker & Messenger, Samuel Sole, Offices of the board

DEPTFORD. County Magistrates.

Electeq until June, 1891. BLACKHEATH DIVISION.

Arthur Golding, 208 Church street .Adams Mayow Wynell esq. The Old house, Sydenham,
George Newnham, 78 Welling-ton atreet

Elected until June, 1892. Truro The Right Hon. Lord D.L. Falconwood, Shooter's Hill
John David Urry, 19a Evelyu street
Lewisham The Right Hon. Viscount M.P. 55 Manchester
Edward Whatley, 64 Wellington street
st.reet, London w ·

Elected until June, 1893. Whitehead Sir James bart. Highfield house, Catford

Henry J obn .Akam, 73 Creek road WilsonSirSpencerMaryonMaryon bart. Char!ton ho.Charlton

George Warry, 4 Watergate street 0 Ande;rson William Curling esq. "'IS Queen's mansions, Vic-

MBMBERS ELECTED BY THE. VESTRY OF ST. PAUL, DEP'I'- toria street, London s w ·

FORD (INCLUUING HATCHAIII). Gordon Hugh Mackay esq. Courtyard, Eltham

· Eleeted until June, 1891. · Jolly John Robert esq. The Oaks, Plumstead Common
Kirby Lieut.-Col. Sir Alfred, Fairlawn, New Cross sE
Alexander Anderson, 9 Penmartin road
Knill_Stuart esq.•':fhe.Grove, Blacklleath (alderman & sheriff)
Joseph Field, 77 .Amersbam road Larkmg John Wmgfield esq. D.L. The Firs, Lee

John Hamlyn, 47 Shardetoes road · Low Stephen Philp<>tt esq. Round Hill villa, Sydenham
, Lowther-Crofton Admiral Stphu. S. Broom hall, Shooter's ffi
Benjamin Hills, Regent street
Daniel Hines, 1~3 Break<~pears road MacKenzieVice-Admiral Donald Macleod,Eltham ho.Eltham

Edward J. Knight, 86 Manor road Poulter Brownlow esq. 30 Lee park, Blackheath
ltobertson-Shersby Captain Thomas Harvie Shersby R.N.
James Knight!, ~g Church street
T~omas Lawrence, 17 Pep~•s' toad Little Heath house, Old Charlton

Str Samuel Sayer Lewes, 163 Lewisham High road Sannders JaS'. Ebenezer esq. Chelvistone, Lee ter. Blackheath
Henry Nuding, 16 Cliftrm road, Brockley
William H. Reynolds, 22 Camplin street Soames James esq. Maze hill, Greenwich
Benjamin Roberts, 4 High street Wa~ker Edward Bacheler esq. Lewin road, Streatham
Whtte Robt.Owen esq. 18o Cromwell rd. Sth. Kensington sw
Col. Francis Shearman, 25 Endwell road
George Simmonds, Casella house, Casella road Winkfield Jn. Thos. Cox esq. 10 St. John's pk. Blackheath SE
Clerk of the Division, John Batchelor, 52 Groom's hill
William Richard Smith, 19 Tressillian crescent
James Stagg, 31- Hi;;h ·street Petty Sessions are held every month, but on irregular days,
Friend Stow. II St. Donatt's road at the Gree~ Man hotel, Blackheath hill. The following
.Albert Henry Trenchard, Church street
William Walker, Arbuthnot road plraces .are tncluded in the Petty Sessional Division:-

'" oolwiCh, Plumstead, Charlton, Lee, Eltham, Kidbrooke,
Lewisham, Greenwich, Deptford (St. Nicholas & St. Paul)

Elected till June, 1892. Government Establishments.

Joseph Alwin, 23 .Ashmead road GREENWICH HOSPITAL.·

George Barson, 68 Draketell road Visitor & Governor, Admiral Sir Lewis Tobias Jones G.C.B

Ernest Coll~rd, 96 Tyrwhitt road Chaplain, Rev. Wilham Law, R.N
Curator of the Painted HaU, Sir Oswald Brierly F.R.G.s
H. Spencer A. I<'oy, 125 Brockley road , 1 Receiver Qf Rents, William Bristow,· solicitor, 78 London st

William Dyer Harry, 8:2 Brea,kspears road

Richard Hick, .J8 .Abinge~ road

Benjamin J. Jacob, 64 Lewisham High road GREEXWICif HOSPITAL SCHOOL. •

soKenry Keylock, 71 Evelyn street Superintendent, Capt., William Calli:p.s
1 Chaplain, ReY. William Law, R.N
Thomas King, Canterbury road
William Stevenson Moriey, 279 Lewisham High l'oad
Medical Officer, George William .Armstrong
Frederick John OldiQan., 57 (A).sella road
Additional Medical Officer~ William Willes ~
William Pierpoint, 71 Lewisham High road
Cashier & Storekeeper, Edward M. Roe, fleet paymaster R.N
George Pitt, ~ Evelyn street
Assistant Civil Engineer, J. G. Loughborough
Edward Smith, 17 Crescent road J

James George. Thomas. 7Q High ~Jtreet , UPPER 1UUTICAL DIVISION.

William John Wadman, 51 Casella road Head Master & Training Master of Pupil Teachers, Alberfi
Henry Wagstaff, g8 Breakspears road •
James Wehster. 70 Lewisham ~igh road • •
Masters, William F. Card, James .Baker, Williarri Wallis &
Ebenezer. Wood, ~21 New Oross road
G. C. Pnlsford
Elected until June, 1893· Music Master, Henry Stanley Cockton
John Andersonr 30 LeyJ.a.nd road

Benjamin Avery, 24 Lewisham Hiooh road ROY~ N!VAL COLLEGE.

Alexander Beattie, 57 Pepys' TOad"' r0 Governor, The Right Hon. The Lord George Hamilton !tl.P
President, Vi~Admiral Sir William Graham K.O.B ,
'George CoHins, 91 Jerningham road

Henry Conyers, 36 Argyle terrace, Penmartin road Captain, Capt. Atwell P. M. Lake R.N

DIREcrtORY.) • GREE:JtWICH. t315


Chaplain, Rev. John Lovell Robinson li.A., R.N , '~ Woodland cottages, Fenton street, Greenwic~ r Henry
Turner Newton, 8 High street, Sydenham; Jesse Palmer,
Medical Officer, G. W. Armstrong esq 24 Qatford hill; Edwaro George Parr, 7 Pelham terrace,
~dditional Medical Officer, William Willes esq

Storekeeper, Cashier & Librarian, Francis Huskisson esq New Eltbam; James Robert Slade, 308 New Cross road;

.senior Cl.erk, F. E. Raven esq. (for correspondence &c.), & a Thos. Deverill Scard, z6Uhurch grove, Ladywell; Richard

Second Division Clerk James Shorter, 48 Coulhurst road, Blackheath; George

Clencal Assistant to the Director of Studies,- Henry F. Ernes& Selby, Ravensbourne park, Catford; Charles

Buller esq Horatio Smith, 88 London street, Greenwich; Charles

,Assistant Civil Engineer, J. G. Loughborough esq Thorp, AI bert villas, Catford bridge~ John Henry Thorn-

~tor of Naval.Museum, Mr. William Rees R.N son, 8 Church street, Greenwich; William Wilkinson, 39

PROFESSORIAL STAFF. Lucas st. Deptford; CharleS" Whiting, 134 High rd. Lee

Director of Studies, W. D. Niven esq. M.A., F.R.s. Greenwich Hospital New Cemetery, Lower WQolwich road,.

Mathematics. Rev. John Cawston D.D. chaplain; John Keane, supt

Professors, Carlton J. Lambert esq. M.A. & William Burn- Greenwich Institution, Royal bill, Alfred Rhodes, librarian
G-reenwich & Woolwich Police Court, Blaekheath road, R.
side esq. M.A
Instructors, Wm. Gleed e'q. !>!.A. & Nicholas Fletcher esq, B. A H. H. ~arsham :u.A. esq. & Uilbert G. Kennedy esq.
Instructors of Acting Sub-Lieutenants,James R. Clark M.A., magistrates; H. P. Newton, chief clerk ·

:R.N. & Rev. J. L. Robinson B.A., R.N Greenwich Provident Dispensary, 24 Nelson street, Sir Geo.

Applied Mechanics. Airy K.C.B., F.R.S. president; Miss C. Airy & Carlton J.

.Professor, J. H. Cotterill esq. M.A., F.R.S Lambert esq. M.A. hen. secs. ; Rtchard Fegan M.D. D. H .

Instructor, John H. Slade esq. chief engineer R.N Hartt L. K.Q.C. P. Irel; Frederick Moon M. B. W. Nicholson

Physics. M.D. John P. Purvis, J. !<'. Tabb & W. Willes L.R.C.P.

Professor, A. W. Reinold esq. M.A., F.R.s Edin. medical officers

Assistant, J. W. W. Wag-horn esq. staff engineer R.N Land Tax Commissioners' Office, 167 Greenwich road,
Instructor in Physics & Mathematics, Thomas H. Blakesley William Charles Bell, clerk
Market (market days, tuesday, thursday & saturday),
esq. M.A. C.E
Septimus Charles Burgess, collector ,
Demonstrator, A. Haddon esq
Metropolitan Board of Works Pumping Station, Nor·man rd
Metropolitan Fire Brigade Station, Urove street
Professor, Vivian B. Lewes
Metropolttan Police Stations (R dtvisi<tn), Blackheath road,
Demonstrator, William P. Bloxham
Christopher Henry McHugo, supt.; Ueotge Dudman,
. Fortification. chief inspector; John Pitman, reserve inspector; ~amuel
Professor, Capt. John B. L~ef~ R.M.A William Robinson, Keiran Qui~ley, Edward Stilwell,
Assistant, Lieut. L. Conway Gordon
Henry Drew, George Folkard & Henry Phillips C.I.D. in-
Nautical Astronomy & Navigation.
spectors; I3 sergeants & 83 constables. (R division),
Instructor & Lecturer, T S. Oborn esq. R.N
Instructor inNavigation&Mathematic.s, Geo. Williams esq. R.N 23 Park row, Terence Maguire & William Joseph Dowty,
inspectors: 5 sergeants & 27 constables. (R division),
Steam & Marine Engineering.
Uoombedale road, George Hocking, inspector in charge ;
Instructor, John Yeo esq. F."R.S.N.A. fleet engineer R.N
2 sub-inspectors, 6 sergeants & 36 constables. (Thames
Assistant, William J. Anstey esq. engineer R.N
division), East G-reenwich, diviswnal inspector, William
Nautical Surveying &c. & Meteorology.
King; 10 sub-inspectors, 2 s~rgeants c. I. D. & sS con-
Instructor & Lecturer, Staff Commander Wm. R. Martin R.N
Assistant to Instructor in Nautical Surveying, Lieut. Henry stables
Miller Hospital & Royal Kent Disp(msary, Greenwich road,
M. W. P. Johnson R.N
Edward Williams Marshall L.R.C.P.LOnd. sen. house sur-
Naval Architecture.
geon & Courtenay James Fuller L.R.C.P.LOnd. junior
Instructors, W. H. Whiting esq. & J. J. Welch esq .•
house surgeon; Maj.-Gen. G. R. Roberts, hon. se~
Freehand Drawing.
Morton's Theatre {late Prince of Wales), LQndon street,
Instructor, A. Ackland Hunt esq
William Morton, lessee ·
Foreign Languages.
Instructors in French, M. Henri Testard B. A., l!.D. & Mons. Parthenon Theatre of Varietias, Silver stteet, A. A. Hurley,
sole proprietor
A. Huguenet
Port of London Sanitary Office, 33 King Will.iam street,
Instructor in German, Dr. Eugene Oswald M.A
William Collingridge .M.A., M.D. medical officel'
Naval History.
Public Baths & Washhouses, London street, Edward J.
Lecturer, John K. Laughton esq. M.A., R.N '
.Puddephatt, superintendent

Assistant to Director of Studies {for examination duties), Seamen's Hospital Soniety (late" Dreadnought"), the Hon.

Henry B. G-oodwin esq. ·M.A., R.N Francis Egerton, chairman of committee; P. Michelli,

ROYAL OBSERVATORY. secretary; Robert Ba.rnes M. D. &i Richard Quain H.D. con-
snlting phys icc.iIa.En.s;V·JlSo·lht·mn gCpuhrnyosw·ic.iMan.Ds.; JNoh. nCA. nDdaeVr·Iseosn-
wtI.lrlo~' naommHerenroryyaMl; a9hoanaesyistCanhtrsistie M.A., F.R.s., F.R.A.s. as- M.D., F.R.s., &
Colley M.A., M.B., c.M. consulting surgeon; G. R. Turner
~ Civil Establishments. · ·
1 • F.R.C.B.l!:ng. visiting surgeon; W. Johnson Smith F.R.c.s.

Burial Board, London street, John Carpenter, clerk; Eng. principal medical officer; Otto Jaekson Kauffman

Cemetery, Kidbrooke, Rev. Q. E. Berry, chaplain; G. M. D. house physician; Robel't Ritson li!.A.I M. B. house

Dean, superintendent surgeon; Rev. H. T. Heffell, chaplain; Walter Adams,

County Court, .Burney street, His Honor John Joseph assistant secretary; Miss Cooke, matron; F. W. Howell,

Powell Q.C. judge; Charles Pitt-Taylor, registrar & high steward ; Thomas Hart, dispenser

bailiff; Alexander .Mackintosh, 24 Railway approach, Stamp Dffice, 15 Stockwell street, Wm. Hudson, distributor

LondQD bridge. 'fhe court is held every :£4 days. The j Surveyor of Taxes Office (BlackheatR. district), I67 Green-

district CQmprises the parishes of St. Paql & St. Nicholas, 1, wich road, Thoma s Stordy Fisher9 surveyo r
Deptfard. Lewisham, Greenwicb, Kidbrook.e, Eltham & ax Commissioners' Office, 167 Gre enwich r
IT oad , W1lliam

, the hamlet of Mottiugham, Sydenham, Forest Hill, (Jat- Charles Bell, clerk •

ford & Brockley AI.MSHOUSE8.
Certified bailiffs appointed under the Law of Distress

~mendment Act, 1888 :~Charles Atkins, 28o High street, Queen Eli;eabeth's Colle~e, Greenwich road, Rev. Br~nke

Lewisham; Thomas Blow, z Eton grove, Lee; !<'rank Lambert B.C.L. chaplain; l<'rederick .Moon M.D. surgeon;

Ernest Banett, 78 High .street, Sydenham; A. W. J. James Parsonson, warden

Budds, 16 Stockwell street, Greenwich; Alfred Barber, Hatcliffe's, near .Maze Hill stati(}n

17 Brandrnm road, Lee;. John B. Chapman, 2 New Cross Jubilee!, between 8!t/ & 90 Greenwich road, the. viear &

road;, 'fhomas William Dannat, 18 Nelson street, churchwardens & 8 elected & 12 non-official trustees.

Greenwich; William F. Dennant, 239 Lewisham High. managers 1 Henry Major, hon. treasurer

road i Cb.arlie George, 9 Dean terrace; Forest Hill ; La.rwill1 Egert0m roa.d 1 1
.Augustine Ulassborrow, 104 Greenwich road, Greenwich; Penn, between 85 & 97 South st. Mrtt. Sarah Horton,matron

Arthur..C?arles Herring, Loughmo.:>, Effingham roa_d, j Trinity Hospital, Crowley's wharf
Lee; \hlluu;n ThQmas Hunt, 461 New Cross rood; James ~ Warham, Egerton road

Howgego, :1 Browning pla~ Greenwich; John F. I Wellington, Egerton road · ·

Hamlyn, t"-4-7 Shar-deloos road, New Cross; John J. I Widow Smith's, Trafalgar road, George Smith, warden

Jenkins, I7J. Lewisham road; John Ilarrage Lepper, I

Brornley1 Kent; JQhn 'l'homas Holmes Moss, g58 New 1 GREENWICH UNION,

Cross road; Henry Norden, uq Doug-las street, Deptford; Board day. thursday fortnightly, at the Union workhouse,

ICharles Newman, 36 King street, Deptford i William Greenwich.

John Newell, 487 .New Cross- road; Henry T~eruas The Unio~ comprises the parishes of_ Gr~enwich & St,. Paul
Newton, 8 High street, Sydenham; Samuel N1chol~, & St. Ntcbolast Deptfortl; populatiOn m z88I, 131•233



Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Samuel Places of Worship, wit.h times of services.

Saw, 2 Park place, Maze hill, East Greenwich St. Alphege (parish church), Church street, Rev. Brooke

-;Assistan!'o H. K: Lewis, Union offices, Lower Woolwich road, Lambert M.A., B.C.L. vicar; ~:r a. m. & 3.30 & 6.30 p.m;

East Greenmch • • wed. n a. m. & 1· 15 p.m. ; fn. n.15 a.m

Treasurer, Thomas Mote, London & County Bank, 2 I Christ Church, Trafalgar road, East Greenwich, Rev. David

Church street , Reith M. A. vicar; II a. m. & 3.30 & 6.30 p.m.; wed.

Collector to the Guardians, Henry Samuel Campbell, 15 7.30 p.m

Woodlands Park road, East Greenwich Church of the Ascension, Dartmouth row, Rev. WalterAllan

Relieving Officers, Greenwich, North East.district, John K. Moberly M.A. vicar; 8 & u a.m. & 7 p.m.: daily, 8 a.m.

Orsman, 2 Bridge terrace; South East district, William & 5 p.m. ; wed.&fri. 12 a.m.; Ist month,n.3o a.m

H. Peters, 62 & 64 Old Woolwich road, Greenwich; John Holy Trinity, Blackheath hill, Rev. Samuel Fry Hoopeuu.

·waiters, assistant; West district, William Wates, Peyton vicar; u a.m. & 7 p.m. ; wed. 8 p.m

place, Greenwich; Thomas F. Goodwin, assistant; Dept- St. Paul's, Devonshire road, Rev. Alfred Love Theol.ASSoc.

ford, North district, Benjamin Darke, Mary Ann's build- x:.c.L. vicar; II a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; last sun. in the month

ings, Deptford; George H. Fordham, assistant; South at 3.15 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m

·district, Geo!'ge William Taylor, Deptford ; Alfred E. St. Peter's, Bridge street, Rev. Fras. Storer Clark H.A. vicar;

Rossiter, assistant; West district, William Thomas Street, n a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m

Simla street, Woodpecker road, Deptford; Charles J. St. Mary's Chapel of Ease, King William street, Rev. G.

Webb, assistant Mallows Youngman, curate in charge ; u a.m. & 7 p.m

Medical Officers, Greenwich, Central district, Charles Henry St. Andrew's Mission, Blackwall lane, Rev. John Kyle; n

Hartt L.K.Q.C.P.Irel. So London street, Greenwich; North a.m. & 7 p.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p.m

East district, Williams Nicholson M.D., c.M. 3 Christ- Our Lady Star of the Sea (Catholic), Croom's hill, Very

• church street, East Greenwich; South East district, 1 Rev. Canon Michael O'Halloran, Rev. Joseph Minnett &
Alexander :Forsyth M. D., c. M. 12 Park place, Greenwich; Rev. Charles C. Hogan, priests; mass, 8, 9.30 & II a.m.;

West district, Hubert Wilson South Sturton, 2 South rosary & benediction, 3.30 p.m.; vespers & benediction,

street, Greenwich ; Deptford-Central district, George 7 p.m ; holidays of obligation, mass 8 &; xo a.m. : vespers

Pigott Rogers·L.R.C.P.Edin. II9 Douglas street, Deptford; or compline & benediction, 7.30 p.m. ; days of devotion,
• North district, William Freke Hingston B.A., H.D., mass 8 & xo a.m.; daily mass, 8 a.m. ; tues. & thurs.

Evelyn street, Deptford; North West district, William mass 8 & 10 a.m. ; wed. & fri. mass 8 & 9 a.m.; wed. &

Henry Brecknell M.D. 225 Evelyn street, Deptford; South fri. meditation & benediction 7.30 p.m
• district, Henry William Roberts, Ashdown villa, Lewis- St. Joseph's (Catholic), Pelton road, East Greenwich, Rev.

ham High road; West district, Edmund Frederick Auguste Boone, priest; mass, 8.30 & n a. m. ; rosary &

Bindloss L.R.C.P.LOnd. 2.p New Cross road benediction, 6.30 p.m. ; holidays of obligation, mass 7 &

Public Vaccinators, Deptford district,Patrick Kavanagh M.D. 9 a. m. ; vespers & benediction, 7.30 p.m. ; daily, mass

186 Lewisham High road; stations, Lecture hall, High 7.30 a. m. summer & 8 a. m. winter
street, Deptford & All Saints school, Hatcham; Greenwich'1 St. Mark's Presbyterian, South street, Rev. George Elder

district, John Prior Purvis M. B. 38 Royal hill, Greenwich; M. A. minister; II a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m

station, Lecture hall, Royal hill, Greenwich Baptist, South street, Rev. Charles Spurgeon, minister;

Dispensers, Greenwich, J. Mitchell, Dispensary, Royal hill, II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon. & thurs. 7.30 p.m

Greenwich; Deptford, G. Keats, Dispensary, 24 Creek Baptist, Devonshire road, Rev. John Boorne, minister; n

road, Deptford a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; thnrs. 7 p.m
Vaccination Officer, T. W. Maslen, Dispensary, 24 Creek Bible Christians, George ~treet Hall, King George street;

road, Deptford n a.m. & 6.30 p.m

Sup~rintendent Registrar, Samuel Saw, 2 Park place, Green- Congregational, Greenwich road, Rev. George Norton;
w~ch; deputy! James E. Wates, 2 Park place.
. Registrars of Births & Deaths, Deptford St. N Icholas sub- minister; n a.m. & 6. 30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m ~I.nch-
district, Edward T. White, 14 Creek road, Deptford; C,o~regat~o. n~l, Par~ _plac~, East
Greenwich, Rev.

deputy, J. J. White, Clifton road, Deptford; Deptford St. cliffe Higgms, mmtster • 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. • wed.

Paul sub-district, W. T. Hunt, 459 New Cross road; 7·3° p.m

deputy, T. Wilkinson, 459 New Cross road; East Green- Wesleyan, Rev. Owen Davies, Rev. James Bolton & Rev.

wich sub-district, H. K. Lewis, 7 Park place, East C. W. Barber, circuit ministers, Blackwall lane, East

Greenwich; deputy, W. C. Cornish, 56 Annandale road; Greenwich: 6.45 p.m. ; tues. 7 p.m. London street, II

West Greenwich sub-district, Charles H. Allworth, 57 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m. Lower Woolwich road,
London street, Greenwich; deputy, Arthur Allworth, 57 ~:r ~:m. & 6.30 ~.m. ; th.urs. 7 p.m

London street, Greenwich Prtmitive Methodist Meetmg Room, 63 Trafalgar road;

Registrars of Marriages, H. K. Lewis, 7 Park place, Maze II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 1 p.m •

hill, East Greenwich; deputy, W. C. Cornish, 56 Annan- MisSION RooKs.
dale road, East Greenwich; William T. Hunt, 459 New

Cross road; deputy, T. Wilkinson, 459 New Cross road, Chester street

Deptford East street

Workhonse, Woolwich road; new east & west wing added Grove place, Royal hill; u a.m. & 7 p. m. ; tues. 7.30 p.m

in 1886 at a cost of about £16,000; total accommodation, Marsh lane, East Greenwich ; n a.m. & 7 p.m

1,152 & of infirmary, x,538; WilliamHenryJordan,master; Old Woolwich road ; sun. tues. & thurs. 7 p. m

Rev. William Gumley M. A. chaplain; Waiter C. S. Randel place, Roan street ; sun. & thurs. 7 p.m

Burney M.K.Q.C.P.Irel. medical officer; Mrs. Rebecca E. 49 Roan street

Jordan, matron Schools,
Infirmary, Vanbrugh hill, built in 1876 for 247 inmates, &

now (1890) being enlarged for 538 inmates, Waiter St. Paul's Middle Class (girls), Royal hill, mistress vacant

Charles Scardon Burney M.K.Q..C.P.Irel. medical officer; Roan Endowed, East street (boys), built in 1877 at a cost of
Henry James Dixon, assistant; Edward Tyler, steward; £6,ooo, for 370 children ; average attendance, 370; C. M.

Emma Donovan, matron Ridger B.A. master; Devonshire road (girls), built in 1878
Po.blic Officers
at a cost of £6,ooo, for 320 children ; average attendance,

320; Miss Mary l\'1. Blackmore, head mistress: these

Certifying Factory Surgeon, Fredk. Moon M.B. 79 London st schools were established under the authority of the Royal

Coroner for West Kent, Edward Arundel Carttar, 31: Black~ Commission, from the funds of an ancient endowment now

heath road; deputy, Edward Negos Wood, 12 Burney st producing about £2,000 a year ; the buildings comprise a

Clerk to Burial Board, George Carpenter, London street lofty hall, class rooms & a dining hall & lavatory

Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes, William Charles Bell, London Board, Albion street, Lewisham road (mixed &

167 Greenwich road infants), erected in 188o & since enlarged, to hold 36o

Collectors of Poor's Rates, Thomas Joel Smith, 2 Annandale boys, 36o girls & 48o infants; average attendance, 221

road, East Greenwich ; Adam I<'ountain, Royal hill & boys, 210 girls & 275 infants; William Henry Drinkwater,

Wm. Hy. Holding, Mount Lebanon villas,West Cornbe hill master; Mrs. Bunker, mistress; Miss Louisa Hopwood,

Collectors of Queen's & Property Taxes, John Dougherty, 43 mistress

Devonshire rd. & Danl. Waiter Moynahan, 156 Trafalgar rd London Board, Woodland place (mixed & infants), for 785

District Surveyor, Benj. Tabberer, Lecture hall, Royal hill children; average attendance, 520 boys & girls & 240

Inspector of Weights & Measures, Ed win Cornelins Town- infants ; David J utson, master ; Miss Sophia Rogers, mis-

send, 53 Ashburnham grove tress ; Miss Fanny Ellison, infants' mistress

Park Keeper, John Giles London Board, Blackheath road (mixed & infants), erected

Sheriff's Officer, Charles Horatio Smith, 88 London street in :r875, for 238 boys, 238 girls & 291 infants; average

Surveyor of Taxes, Blackheath District, Thomas Stordy attendance, 237 boys, 215 girls & 172 infants; Waiter
Smith, master ; Miss Mary Smith, mistress ; Mrs. J. F.
Fisher, 167 Ureenwich road

Vestry Clerk, William Bristow, 78 London street Hobbs, infants' mistress



London Board, Randal place, Roan street, erected in 1876, St. Anne's (Catholic), Croom's hill, for about 130 children;

for 76o children; average attendance, 248 boys, 235 girls Miss Phoobe Lawrence, mistr~ss; Miss Mary E. Duggan;

& 218 infants; Thomas John Jenkins, master; Miss E. infants' mistress

Bracher, mistress; Miss Alice Pittard, infants' mistress Wesleyan (girls), built in 1878, for 350 girls; average_ at-

Lendon Board, Calvert road, for 36o boys, 450 girls & 315 tendance, 204 ; Miss Clara Ball, mistress

infants; average attendance, full number of boys, g8o Newspapers.

girls & 26o infants ; Charles Tye, master ; Miss Harriet Kentish Mercury, 6 to I2 Blackheath. road, Merritt &
.McKenzie mistrtlSs; Miss Sarah Hughes, infants' mistress Hatcher, printers, proprietors & publishers ; published
London Board, Old Woolwich road, for 750 children; average friday morning
attendance, 300 boys, 2I2 girls & 219 infants ; Richard
Daniel Goddard, master ; Miss S. Bernard, mistress ; Miss South Eastern Herald & Advertiser, Kent house, Greenwich
Albrey, infants' mistress road, South Eastern Herald & Advertiser Newspaper Co.
Blne Coat (girls), Point hill, founded in 1752; Miss Elizabeth Limited, publishers ; published friday

Rhoda Howarth, matron; Miss F. J. Howarth, mistress Railway Stations. •

Christ Church National, Christ Church street, erected in South Eastern, Greenwich road, William Broadbridge,
station master ; Maze hill, Henry David Smart, station
1870, for 450 children; average attendance, 140 boys, 175 master; Westcombe park, J. 0. Pearson, station master
girls & 183 infants; William Watts, master~ Mrs. Annie
Watts, mistress; Mrs. Jessie Brown, infants' mistress London, Chatham & Dover, Blackheath hill; Waiter Chave,
station master ; Greenwich, Stockwell street, Henry
Holy Trinity National, .Hlackheath hill, erected in 1846 & Edwards, station master
since enlarged, to hold 208 boys & 191 girls; average
attendance, 200 boys & 181 girls; George Hollom, master; Conveyance.

Miss Hannah Ellis, mistress

Holy Trinity Infant, Trinity street, Maidenstone llill, for Trams to Blackfriars &; Westminster every quarter of an I
about 200 children; average attendance, 154; Miss Alice
Emily Toussaint, mistress hour from East Greenwich •

S,. Peter's National, Bridge street, erected in 187o, for 650 Carriers to London. ~

children; average attendance, boys 243, girls & infants Gridley & Ford, daily, from 62 Church street ; also to
Eltham, Blackheath, Lee, Lewisham, Woolwich, Charlton,
351; Thomas Click, master ; Miss Je:ffkins, mistress ; Mrs.
Emma Laura Connor, infants' mistress Mottingham, Shooter's Hill & New Cross

Catholic, Pelton road, East Greenwich, for goo children ; Water Conveyance.

average attendance, 64 boys, 64 girls & 70 infants ; Steamboats to London leave the pier every half-hour from

Thomas Brogan, master ; Miss M. Bancroft, mistress ; 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. during winter; & 8.30 a.m. to 7.30

Miss Frances Poole, infants' mistress p.m. during summer

PRIV.!.TE RESIDENTS. Ball Mrs. 94 Blackheath hill Bird Miss, :r.8 The Circus

Ball William Edmund LL.D. Maiden- Birt William Charles, 38 Devonshire rd

Abbott Charles, 72 Calvert road stone house, Maidenstone hill Bishop Edwd.76Lorne ter.Annandale rd

Acheson Alex. Wm. x8 Devonshire road Ballantire Donald, 34 Guildford road Bishop John, 40 Guildford road
!dams Alfred, 67 Sou~h street
Ballard Wakeham, 12 Annandale road Bitare John, 157 Greenwich road

!dams George, IO Asbburnham grove BanfieldErnest,Cornwall vl.Devonsh. rd Blackmore Thos. John, 40 Annandale rd
!dams Henry, 48 Devonshire road
Banfield William Ellis, 21 Circus street Blackmur William B. 20 South street

Adams Hy. M.R.(],P.Edin., L.F.P.s.olas. Barker Gabriel, 43 Devonshire road Blair Edward, 21 Park place

78 South street Barker James, 65 Burney street Blakey Capt. William, 34 Annandale rd

!dams John, xo Gloucester place Barker James Wm. 36 Guildford road Bland Maurice G. 3 ,Egerton road .

!damson Charles J. 4 South street Barker Mrs.Devon house, Devonshire rd Blaxland Mrs. 14 Park street •

Adkin Henry Adams, 4 Lansdowne pl Barker Mrs. 8 Gloucester place Blocksidge William, 7 Oxford terrace,

Ainge Mrs. 27 King William street Barnes Joseph, IS Park place Dartmouth row

Airy Sir George B. K.C.H.,F.R.s., LL.D., Barnet James, II Hyde Vale cottages Blow Wm. Beverley ho. Devonshire rd

D.C.L. White house, Crooms hill Barry Cornelius Chas. 35 Greenwich rd Bloxam Wm. P. B. se. I6 Gloucester pl

Airy Wilfred, 2 The Circus Barry-Norbert Geo.28 Ashburnham gro Blundell Thomas, 51 Devonshire road

A.lbrow Henry, 7 Calvert road Bartch Ernest, 10 Hamilton terrace Boardman William, 34 Calvert road

A.lbry Mrs. 64 Lorne ter. Annandal3 rd Bartle Wm. Fredk. 15 King William st Bolton Rev. James [Wesleyan], West-

Alder John, xo Christ Church street Baskcomb Wm. B. 39 .Ashburnham gro grove house, Point hill

Aidwell John Penn, 49 South street Batchelor James Epbraim, 30 Circus st Bone Mrs. Maidenstone cottage, Maiden-

Allan John, 31 Ashburnham road Batchelor John, 7 Lansdowne place stone hill •

Allen William Geo. I28 Greenwich road Bateman Mrs. 20 &; 22 Crooms hill Bone Mrs. 11 Park street

A.llison Thomas, I 1 Royal place Bath James, 19 Woodlands Park road Boone Rev. Augustine, St. Joseph's

Ambrose Harry, 15 Coombedale road Batty Frederick John, 66 Annandale rd presbytery, Pelton road

Ambrose Miss, 107 South street Baulf Mrs. 48 Ashburnham grove Boorne Samuel, 64 Blackheath road

Anderson I<'rancis, 2 Diamond terrace Bayley Rev. George James B.A.. [curate Boothby Mrs. 52 South street

Anderson Miss, 42 Ashburnham grove of St.AlphegeJ, The Vicarage, Park pl Borthwick Edwin, 4 Guildford road
Baynham WalterL.46 .Ashburnham gro Botham Wm. Robert, 24 Annandale rd
:A.nderson Thomas, 34 Park street

Andrew William, 8 Park row Beadle Mrs. 30 Park street Bowden Rev. William [Cath9lic], 4

Andrews J. 37 Burney street Beale Arthur Griffin, 92 London street Cambridge terrace • _

Andrews Joseph Thos. 39 Hlackheath rd Beale Mrs. 6 Ashbnrnham grove Bowles:Mrs.sBridge ter.Low. Woolwh.rd

Apel Frau Marie, 76 Blackheath hill Beaumont George E. 44 Devonshire rd Bowley Chas. Wm. 2 Hamilton terrace

Archer ArgentGolding,3Coombedale rd Beaumont Samuel, I I Egerton road Bowman Thomas, 7 Coombedale road

Armstrong Geo. Wm. Royal Naval coil Beaumont William, 21 Park street Bracher Edwin, 81 Ashburnbam grove

Arnold Mrs. 40 Ashburnham grove Beckett Stephen H. 18 WoodlandsPk.rd Braidley Mrs. 26 South street

Arnold Thomas, 1 The Circus Beddous Thomas William, 7 Weedon Brasier Daniel C. 25 Ashburnham road

A.shcombe Miss, 21 Maze hill terrace, Lower Woolwich road Brasier Mrs. 1 Guildford road

Ashdown David, 101 South street Bedford Jas. 8 Lorne ter. Annandale rd Brearey :Fk. Wm. Mai1enstone hl

Asten Frederick, 18 Guildford road Bell John H. 4 Langdale road Brecknell William Henry M.D. IOI Old

Atkin.son John Edwin, 33 Egerton road Benbrook Miss, 98 .Blackheath hill Woolwich road ·

Anmonier Miss, 90 Blackheath road Bennallack Wm.John,2 Ashburnham rd Bredon Miss, 61 Burney street

Aylmer Miss, 5 Park row Bennett Bertram B.A. 7 Hyde Vale cots Brennan James, 36 Burney stree~

Aylmer Mrs. 7 Park row BennettWm.Cox LL.D. 7 Hyde Vale cots Bristow Mrs. 78 London road

Bailey James,7oLorne ter.Annandale rd Bentley James, 6o Culvert road Bristow Mrs. 113 South street

Bailey PhilipJas. LaBagatelle, TheGrove Benwell John. Pearson, 7Dartmouth row Brockelbank Frederick M. IO Foyle rd

Baillie Lieut. Charles Wm. R.N.,F.R.A.s.. Berry John, 16 Calvert road Bronson Thomas, 46 Calvert road

10 Crooms hill Berry Thomas, 10 Blackheath road Brook G. V. 12 Clarence street

Baillie Miss, 40 South street Bevan Miss, 2 Hyde Vale cottages Brooks Thomas, 2 Dartmouth hill .

Baille-Hamilton Miss, 1 Hyde Vale cols Biddiscombe Edward, 13 Silver street Broomhead George, 2 Gloucester place

Bailly Emile Henry, 83 Blackheath hill Biggs Miles, 28 Guildford road Brown George, 65 Annandale road

Bain Thos. Verandah cot. Conduit vale Billingsley Frederick, 51 Annandale rd Brown J ames, 36 Calvert road

Baker Cbas. Edgar, 48 Greenwich road Bills James, 16 South street Brown John William, 7I Trafalgar rd

Baker Miss, 151 Greenwich road Billson Mrs. 6 The Grove Brown Mackley, 5 Weedon terrace,

Baker William Henry, 56 Blackheath rJ. Bing Albert Fill, 6 Coombedale road Lower Woolwich road

Baldry Ebenezer Wm. 45 Annandale r l Bingham Frederick Charles, I2 South st Brown Thomas John, 53 Devonshire rd ·

Baldwin Edwin, 41 Blackheath road Binns James, 66 Ashburnham grove Brown William, 20 Calvert road
Birch Geo. Fredk. 49 King George st Browne George Henry, 14 Royal place
Baldwin Mrs. us Royal hill
Ball Miss, 40 .A.shburnham grove Birch William H. 52 Calvert roa.d BrowneR. W. 67 Annandale road


Brownson Samuel, 9 Weedon tel'rl1ce, Coles Mrs. 45 Devonshire road Domville Maj. Hel"bert Winnington.t.t>.

Lower ·woolwicb road Coles Mrs. 7 Gloucester place 16 The Grove

Buck William, 6o Blackbeatb road ·. Collings William, I l=i Ashburnham road Dorrell Stephen, 7 Farrridale road

Bucqtlet.Mrs. 23 Egerton road Colliniiton Alfred Hy. 5 Egerton road Doust Mrs. 14 Clarence street

Building Edwin, 94 Blackheath roa.d Collins Captain Wm. Royal Navy school Dowling John, 3 Napier villas, Lower

Budds Alfred Wm. Johnson, 6 South st Collins Frederick John, 12 Bridge ter· Woolwich road

Buller Henry F. 2 Dartmouth place race, Lower Woolwich road Dowman Frank, 18 Clarence street

Bullock Wm.Reece,41 Ashburnham gro Collins Hurace, 138 Woolwich road Dowsett George H. II Gloucester piace

Bumstead Edwd.J.B.4o KingWilliam st Colsell John, 5 Hamirton terrace Du Bochet Richard, 19 Circus street

Burdge George, l Ashblll':p.ham villas 1Common John Smith, 4I Egerton road Duckham Frederick Eliot,4o Crooms hl
•I Conybeare John, 9 Vanbrugb hill
Burke John, 7 King George street Dudman George, 39 Guildford road
Burls George B. 13 Lan~dale road
Cook Williarn, 37 Greenwich road Dumayne Mrs. I3 Ulen Mohr terrace

Burney Herman K. 6 Foyle road Cooke Waiter, go Ashburnham grove Duncan Miss, 9 Langdale road

Burney Walter Charles Skardon,Greeh- Coomber Thomas, 92 Blackheath road Dunn Robertson William, 2 Maze hill

wich Union infirmary, Vanbrugh hl I CoombsChas.4Combe vls. Westcombe hl Dupere Mrs. 44 Guildford road
Burrows Charles, 42 Devonshire road i Cooper Alfred, 27 Bridge terrace, Lower Dussee Mrs. 46 South street

Burrows James, 36 Greenwich road 1 Woolwich road Duvall Colonel John, 4 Devonshire road

Burton Miss, Dar~mth.ho. Cooper Geo. Albert, 1 Ashburnham gro Dyer Edward, 16 Clarence street

Burtt George, 39 Egerton J,"oad Collard Joseph, 13 Maze hill Eades Wm. 14 Lorne ter.Annandale rd

Burtt Miss, 68 Royal hill Corbett James, 6 Annandale road Eaglestone W. F. 4 Royal place

Butterfield James, rr Guildford road · Cornish Stephen Hy.37 Ashburnhm.gro Earle James, I2I Royal hill

Butterfill Henry, 59 Ashburnham gro Cornish '\Vm. Cooper, 56 Annandale rd Earnshaw Charles Eastley, 24 Bridge

Byles George Henry, 18 Lorne terrace, Cornwell Cyrus, 43 Guildford road terrace, Lower Woolwich road

Annandale road · Cotterill James H. M.A., F.R.S.I8 Glou- Eden William Ross, 9 Hyde Vale eotts

Cabban James, 34 South street cester place Edgington Frederick, 88 Calvert road

Cabban Mrs. 57 Bli:lckheath road Court William, 71 Annandale road Edwards Henry, 29 Burney street
Cable George Hugh~s, 59 Royal hill Cowen William~ 86 South street
_Elder Rev. George ALA. [Presbyterian},

Cain George, 2 Calvert road Cowie Hugh, 6 Calvert road 4 The Grove

Campbell Samuel, 30 Devonshire road Cox .Albert, 33 Greenwich road Elder Gordon, 42 Calvert road ·

!Camroux George 0. II The Grove ; Cox J<'rederick George, 12 The Grove Ellenden Geo. Rd.I29 Ashburnhamgro
Cannbn Frederick, 86 London street Cox John, 15 Egerton road Elliott Wm. Richard, 94 South street

Card William Freela:hd, 6 Maze hill Cox Martin, 8 Farmdale road Ellis William, I Hyde Vale villas
! England Rev. Alfd.Jn. 54 Annandale rd
Carpenter George, 179 Greenwich road 1 Cox Mrs. 61 Blackheath road

Carpenter James, 58 South street ! Cox Samuel, 7 Maze hill Enticott George, 11 Ashburnham road
Carter D~vid, I3 Bridge terrace,
Woolw1ch road · Lower 1l Cox Winter, 21 Farmdale road. Eperon Alfred-Wm. So Blackheath hill
Coxhead Mrs. 4 Ashburnham VIllas Evans Lewis Henry, 26 Crooms hill

Carter Geo.16 Lorne ter. Annandale rd Coy}e William, 7 Park street I Evans Mrs. 21 King William street

Carter Geo. 26 Lorne ter.Annandale rd 1 Crane Chas. Hy. Samuel, 32 Burney S't Evans Thomas Percy1 Halstow road ·
Carter Robt. William, 2 Dartmouth ro'f j Cranfield Jn. William, I4 Farmdale rd
1 Evans Wi!liam Jobn1 :1 Maze hilJ ,
CAJ.rter Tholnas, 15 Gloucester place : Creed Thomas M. b. 6 Crooms hill · Everest Mrs. 32 Pal"k s treet
Carttar Edward Arondel (coroner for Crickmore Robert, 50 .Ashburnham gro I Everett Thomas H. 152 'frafalgar road

West Kent), 3I Blackheath road 'Crisp Geo Claremont cot. George pi 1 EyreMrs.14Weedon ter.Low.Woolwh.rd
Gartwr~ght Mrs. 37 South street ·
1 Crockford \Villiam H. 16 Devonshire rd Fairbrother James, 22 Lorne terrace,
1 Crompton Alfred, 43 Annandale road
Casey Misses, 8 Maze hill • Annandale road ·

Castle John, u Langdale road j Crosse Edward, 32 Egerton road · Fearn Mrs. rr Hamilton terrace 1

C&teS James, 6 Dartmouth hill ; Croucher Joseph Schroder,3 The Grove Fearon Mrs. 38 South street '

Ca_vgill Frederick, 29 Bridge terrace, Crowley John, 6o Annandale road Fenn Peter, 5 Ashburnham villas, Ash• 1
, Cunliffe David, 26 Calvert road 1
L<>wer Woolwich road burnham road

Challace John, '99 South street 1Dadd Frank, Wilton ho. Conduit vale Fenn Peter, 13 King George street
Challis Edward, 26 Burney street
\ Dalton Patrick Waiter, 12 The Circus l Fenner 'Frederick, 42 Burney street .,

Challis Edward, 35 King William street ' DancE-r Mrs, 41 Devonshire road Ferguson James, 26 Devonshire road

Challis Frederick, 33 Burney street Daniells Mrs. 7 Guildford road ' Ffinch Miss, I Hamilton terrace '

Champ Francis,3 Bridge terrace, Lower. Daniels Alfred William, Halstow road Fiddes Rt. 20 Lorne ter. Annandale rd

Woolwic'h rbad + Dannatt William, 19 The Circus Fincham Albert, 4liloucesterterrace ·
lChandler Isaac, 130 Greenwich road · i Dashwood Edmund Saml. 18 Crooms h Fisher Wm.Benj.Erfurt lo.Diamond ter
Chambers Robert, 3 Glen 11-Iohr terrace 1 Dards James, r22 Greenwich road l<'isher Simon, 30 Burney street

Chandler William, 38 Greenwich road i Davies George, 70 Blackheath hill Fisk Charles, 6 Langdale road

Chapman George, 62 South street I Davies :Wrs. 14 Egerton road 1Flanders Frederick S. so Calvert road
Chapman Joseph, 77 Blackheath road J Davies Thomas, 109 South street Flavel Jonah,6 Lorne ter..Annandale rd

Chappell Thomas, 19 Park street 1 Davies Thos. Askew, East lo. Marsh la l<'letcher Horatio, 13 Grooms hill 1
Charlier Andl'ew, ~ · Oxford terra1.:e, 4 Davis George,. t'J Park lane
l<'letcher Nicholas, 91 lllackheath hill' 1
~ Davis Miss, 79 & 81 King George street j l<'ludger Stephen, 8 Hamilton terraw 1
Dartmout.h row Ford Walt.Foster, 69 Ashburnham gr&
jCheesman GeOJ'gt'i, 12 Browning place. 1 Davison Samu~l,' !9 Point hill
Chenery Edward, fo Weedon terrace, Da.wes Edward James, 33 Guildford rd Ford Mrs. 4 Calvert road '1
Forrest John, 32 Devon;~hire toad 1
Lower Woolwich road · Dawson Albert, 17 Egerton road

Chilvers Georg-e, 'l'/ Weedon terrace, j Dawson Mrs. 4 Oxford terrace Forsyth Alexander .M.D. I2' Park placeT
i Dawson Robert Lyon, 5 Oxford terrace Fountain F'rederick, 44 Crooms hill · ·
Lower Woolwich road
Christie Wm. Hy. MahoueyM.A.,F.R.s., j DawsonRt.Stanhope,26Woodlnds.Pk.rd Fountain Henry, 6o Ashburrthamgrove

F. R.A.s., Royal Observatory, Green- Deal Alfred, 3 Devonshire road Fountain Mrs. 4 Circus ter. Circus st

wich park Deal George, 9 Annandale road Fox Mrs. 17 Guildford road •l

Chubb Harry, z1 Ashburnham grove Dennis Mrs. 35 South street Fowle Mrs. 92 South street

Churchill Charles, 5 Annandale road Denniss Ueorge, 61 Blackheath hill Frampton Esau, 25 Maze hill

Churchill James, 22 Farmdale road 1Denniston William, 34 Ashburnham Francis James P. 64 Calvert road

Clack Thomas Augustua, 38 Calvert rd grove ' Fraser Geo.Fk.32Lorne ter.Annandl.rd

Clark Rev. Francis Storer M.A. St. Dickie David, :r6 Langdale road Fraser William, 36 South street

Peter's vicarage, 3 Gloucester place Dicks John, 49 AnHandale road l<'rench Miss, 149 Greenwi.::h road

Clark Charles, 82 Greenwich road Dimier Charles, 5 Hyde Park villas Freshwater Capt. Jn.Rt. 13 Clarence st

Clark Michael, 8 Park street Dinwiddy Thomas F.S.I. 12 Crooms hl Frier Walte'l', 23 Guildford road

Clarke James, 4 Conduit vale Disney Mrs. 77 Blackheath hill FristFk.B.SouthBank lo.Dartmonth rw

Clarke James Georg-e, 17 Devonshire rd Ditton John. I Annandale road Frooms Wm. John, 56 Calvert road

Clarkson George Thomas, 4 Weedon Ditton Stephen, 20 Br1dge terrace, Frost Charles Robert, 28 Park street

terrace, Lower Woolwich road Lower Woolwich road Fry Edm1md, 2 Lombart villas-, Ash-

CJ.ayton John William, I6 Royal place Dixon Henry James, Greenwich Union burnham road
Fuller Courtenay James L.:R.c.P.1L(ntif.
Clifford Henry, I Lansdowne place infirmary, Vanbrugh hill

Cochrane Miss, 34 Ashburnham road Dodd James, 4 Annandale road Miller hospital, Ureenwich road

Cockayne Mrs. 4oA, Ashburnham grove Dodd Wilham, 8 Weedon terrace, Fuller Mrs. Io The Circus

Cockton Edward Stanley', 26 Park row Lower Woolwich road Fung Capt. George, zi Weedon terraee,

Coghlan David, tg Egerton road Dodge Rev. George, Mission house, Lower Woolwich road 1

Colby Alfred Chas. 17 Ashburnha.m grl:i 1Randel place, Roan street roFGuasrsdenlleJroMseipssh,1524CPoanrdkuisttreet.
Cole Alfred Joseph, 8 South street Dodge George, 77 Annandal~ road vale r
Garlick Alfred H. ItA. 1:4 Langdale
Coleman Edmund Kennett,31 Burney st Dodge George, 3 Ashburnbam grove
Dolphin Frederick, 1 Farmdale road
Colemao Mrs. 13 Egerton Foad ,, .Garlick Henry Edward, 6 Oxford t&r


Garrett William, 26 Bridge terrace, Hart John, 17 Park street •

Lower Woolwich road Hart Mr~. 16 The Circus
Jeffery John William, 18 Annandale rd
Jeffkins Mrs. 13 Royal place

Garrod John,Robt. 183 Greenwich road Hartridge John, 24 Devonshire road Jeff'rey Peter, 70 Annandale road

Geering Richard, 46 Greenwich road Hartt Charles Henry, 8o London street Jelley Alfred, 14 The Circns ·~

Gibb Andrew, 30 South street Hartwell John Baker, 8 Royal place Jenkins Jarues, I Calvert road

Gibbons Alfd. Parker,37 Devonshir~ rd Harvey Albert Wm. 17 Clarence street Jenkins John Henry, uo Calvert road

Gibbs Hy. Chas.Beaumont, 19 Maze hill Harvey l\Irs. 39 Burney street Jenkins Mrs.. 67 Asbburnham grove

Giddy Manfred, 40 Greenwich road Harvie Jas. 46 Lorne ter. Annandale 1:d Jennings James, 75 Blackheath road

Gilbert Charles, 29 Ashburnham road Haslett Edward, 2S Blackheath road Jex Joseph, Halstow road
Johnson Andrew Pay, 39"'Annandaler1l
GilbertFrederick, 22 The Circus Hatch Harry, 7 Devonshire road

Giles John, 5 Devonshire road Hatfull George, 6o Greenwich road Johnson Henry, 96 Calvert road

Gill Charles Henry, 9 King George st Haviland Miss, 62 Blackheath road Johnson James Henry,84 hl

Gillard Jn. Ebenezer, 74 Blackheath hi Hawkeos George, 4 Ashburnham road Johnson John, IS Farmdale r{)ad

Gillett Mrs. 8o Greenwich road Haycraft Mrs. I Egerton road Jobnson Peter, 63 Blackheath road

GillisChas.18Bridge ter.Low.Woolwh.rd Haylock Herbert, 27 Guildford road Johnson Robert, 31 Guildford road

Gilpin Henry, 34 CrGoms hill Haynes Miss, II Devonshire road J ohnsonThos.4oLorne tcr. Annandale rd

Gispert Mrs. 18 Burney street Haynes William, 20 Ashburnham road Johnston Edward E. 6o Guildford road

Glaisher James, 62 Ashburnham grove Hazleden Mrs. 35 Ashburnham road Jolliffe Tbos.38 Lorne ter.Annandale rd

Glaisher James F. n.s. I Dartmouth pi Heath Joseph, 22 Ashburnham road Jones Alfred, 108 Calvert road
Glanville William, 20 Pa rk street 0 Heffel!Rev.Hy. Thos.44Ashburnham gro Jones James, 12 Gloucester place

Gleave Joseph W. 14 Annandale road Henderson Geo.Rt.7o .Ashburnham gro Jones James, 25 Guildford road

Gleed William M. A. 9 Foyle road Heuner ::\Irs. 6 Ashburnham villas Jones James Edgar, 15 Guildford road
Glenn John, 83 Ashburnham grove Hildyard }li:~s, I Park row J ones Maurice, I Dartmouth hill

Glynn Henry, The Vicarage, Park place Hill William McCullough, Hyde villa, Jones Miss, 9 Park placa

Goldring Frank, 3 Hyde Vale villas Conduit vale Jones Mrs. 49 Burney street

Goodall George Bambridge M.B, I Hills Ed wd. 12Lorne ter. Annandale rd J ones Mrs. 20 Egerton road

Earlswood terrace, Edwardstreet Hills Henry, 49 Blackheath road J ordanJsph. Blackheath lo. Greenwch. pk

Goodall Mrs. 16 Hyde Vale cottages Hills Mrs. Tho t•as, 8 The Grove Joyce Michael John, 29 Annandale rd

Goodgame Charles, 5 Farmdale road Hine Henry, 100 Calvert road Judge George, 26 Ashburnham grove

Goading Ralph B. A., M.D.Lond. 5 Glou- Hiscock Alfred, 71A, Ashburnham gro Jutson David James, 55 Devonshire rd

cester terrace Hobbs John, 43 Ashburnham grove Kauffmann Otto Jackson M.D. Seamen's

Goodrum Mrs. 2 Circus ter. Circus st Hobbs Mrs. 4 Dartmouth row hospital •
Goqdsir Mrs. 30 Ashburnham road I Hockey Chlls. 56 Lorne ter.Annandl.rd Kaufmann :Michaelj 8 Devonshire road
IGO!ldwin HarJ:y Thos. 4~ South street Hocking George1 20 Farmdale road Keating Mrs. R. 35 Guildford road
Keeler James, 70 South street
Goodwin Henry, no Blackheath hill Hodder William, 6 Clarence street
Gotdon Henry Francis, '2 Fark row Holding J osepb, 25 Park place Kemp John, x Park place·
Gorman Mrs. 44 Annandale road t Holding Samue~ I-32 Greenwich road . Kenyan Mrs. 67 J3lackheath hill

Gonlstone George WJ;ll. 34 Egerton rd 1 Hollis Rd.Montague Jn.2Devonshire rd Kibble Miss, View lodge, Dartmonth hi
Gower Goorge 'rhos. 26 Guildford road Hollom George1 40 Egerton road Kidd Mrs. 24 Egerton road
Gmbam Edward, 12 I)mronshire road r Holmes Edward, I6 Bridge terrace, l{illick Alfred, II4 Calvert road
King Geo. William, 33 Ashbuvnham gro
Graham Rohert, 2 .t\shburnham villas Lower Woolwich road King J ames, 26 .Farmdale road
Grant Cap~.Jn.6oLorne ter.Annandl.rd Holmes James, 90 Blackheath hill

GJ"Qves James, n Lansdawne place Holmes Thomas ViO£ent, 28 Crooms hl Kinnear Henry James123 DJvonshire rd
Graves William, 42 Greenwich road 1 Holmstead Georg~, 59 Blackheath hill Kirby George, 18 Langdale road

Gray Rev.ArchibaldCa..mpbell [Baptist],; Homer James, I7 Br1dge terrace.Lower Kirstein Henry Chas. Fredk. 1 Maze hill
Kirton Mrs. 15 Hyde Vale cottages
92 Blackhe&th bill , WooLwich road r

GraydonJames Alexander, 10 Park st Hooper Rev. Samuel Fry M.A. Holy Knapman Jn. Geo. 65 Ashburnham gro

Green Rev. Walford, :\:lacartney house, Trinity vicarage, 87 Blackheath hill Knight Mrs. 9 Ashburnham grove

(,Treenwicb park , Hooper Giffard, 28 Park place Knill Alderman Stuart J.P. The Cross-

Green Fredk. Chas. 7I Ashburnham gro Hooper Harry, 46 Grooms hill lets, The Grove
Knotts MFs. 38 King Wilham street
Green Mrs. 51 Ashburnham grove Hopper Waiter H. 28 Calvert road Knowlden Richard, go London street

Green(l Mrs. 56 Greenwich road Hopps Georg•:J, 8 Christchurch street Knowles .J. G. 12 Langdale roa.d

GreJory .aichard, t3 Guildford road Hore William, 32 Ashburnham road Kunz Mrs. 20 King William street
Greive Miss, 14 Hyde Vale cottages j Hough Wm. Augustus,35 Annandale rd Kyle Rev. John, 20 Annandale road

Gridley Arthur, 86 Blackheath road Howard Henry, 134 Greenwich road

Grieves Wilson, 40 Devonshire road Howard Joseph Jackson LL.D. (Mal- Laing Mrs. 53 South street

Griffin Mrs. II Crooms hill travers herald extraordinary), 3 Lambert Rev. Brooke M.A., B.C.L. The

Griffin Mrs. n Farmdale road Dartmouth row Vicarage, Park place

Griffiths W. John. 24 Farrndale road Howarth William, 29 Egerton road Langford Arthur H. 2 Langdale road
Langford John, 35 road
Gtrome Wm. Jas. 1..6 Ashburn ham gro 1Ho.we Mrs, 69 Trafalgar road rd
Groundwater Wm. Coombedale r oad How~ William Luke, r6 Guildford Langford Miss, 79 South street
I Langford Thomas, 73 SoQth .street

Groves Jn.Holmes, 26 King William rd 11lHloowweelsl Richard, 29 l<'armdale road tar- Large Miss,. 14 Devonshire road
Groves Mrs. 3 Guildford road CharlM Henry1 24 Weedon Lark James, 30 Guildford road

Groves Mrs. 17 King William street 1 race, Lower Woolwic.h road

Gumley Rev. William M.A. ·[chaplain Howlett Robert, 74 Ashburnham grove Lash Rev. Augustus Henry [curate of

!lf Greenwich workhouse], Conduit Hoy Williatn, 24 King Wil!iam street St. Peter's], 56 Crooms hill

house, Woolwich road Hudson Washington, 6 Egerton road Latham Thomas, 28 Ashburnham road

Gurney William, 18 Farmdale road· Hudson William Kilby, 68 Lorne ter- Lavell Frederick, 82 Calvert road

Gurr Alfred, 4 Farmdale road • raee, Annandale road Lavis Miss, 47 Ashbnrnham grove

Haddon Arthur, I I The Circus Hughes Alfred George,69 Anna.ndale rd Lawes Alfd. 26 Lorne ter. Annandale rd

Haddow Thomas Wright, 3 Foyle road Hunter Mrs. 2 Egerton road Lawford Sydney, I l<'oyle road

Hadley J<'rederick~ 33 Park streeb · Huntley William John, 5 Langdale rd Lawrence John, 13 Ashburnham road

Haire Joseph, 42 Annandale road Huntley Williani Robt. 4 Hyde Vale vls Lawrence Miss, 6 Circus street

Hall William, 20 Coombedale road ' Hurndall John Sutcliffe,2Gloucester ter Leach Arthur, 63 Annandale roadj

Haly John, 16 Ashburnham road HusbandEdwd. 20rchard ter.Edward st Leake Thomas, 36 Egerton road

H<immond Henry, 13 Coombedale road Hutton David, 94 Greenwich road Ledgard.Hy.Geo.24Lornetr.Annandl.rd

Hannell Miss, 4 Foyle road !nee Geo;rge, t3 Weedon terrace, Lower Lee Charles Adolphus, 6 Gloucester pl

Hanson Thomas John,48 Lorne terracey Woolwich road LeeJohn M.A. Hillside lo.Dartmouth row

Annandale road IncledonLewis,2WestGrove ter.Pninthl Lee Miss, 27 Ashburnham grove

Harding Arthur, 12 .Royal place Irving Mrs. 9 Conduit vale Legg Mrs. 30 Crooms hill

lfarding Edwd. Wm. 13 Devonshirerd !lrwin John; SQ South street Levett Charles, 32 King Willia.m street

Harding Henry, 24 Park place lverson Mrs. 16 Coombedale road Lewes Vivian B. I9 & 20 Pa.rk row

Harding William, 24 Ashburnham gro J"ackson Mrs. 26 Park street Lewis Charles, 16 Woodland Park road

Barker Henry Richd. 153 Greenwich rd J ac!,son Rd. Stephens, 1:20 Greenwich rd J.ewis Wiiliam, 5 Diamond terrace

Harper Thomas, 21 Park street Jackson Waiter~ 69 Blackheath hill Lidgett Georg&, 1 The Grove

Harris George, 6 Guildford road Jackson William, I 1 Clarence street Linnell Jam~s, 54 Greenwich road

Harris Miss, 43 King William street Jakeman Christopher J. W. 72 South st Linsdell Mis3, .,s6 Ashburnham grove
soLittle Andrew, 19 Annandale road
Ham. Mrs. So Lorne ter. Annandale rd James John, 32 Calvert road.
Littlejohns William, Crooms hill
Hart Edwin A. r6 Park street James Thomas, 150 Trafalgar road

Hart Frank W. 8 Langdale road !Jameson John, gThe.Grove Llewhellan Arth.Jones, 112 Blackhth.hl

Hart James Thomas, I Gloucester t& JaquM Miss, 5 The Circus Loan James, 71 Blackheath road ·
Bart; lo~ n6 C3h·ert road
Jeffery John W. 12 Calvert road Loci)e.. Georse, 5 Coombedale road



Lodge Chas. William, 55 Blackheath rd Murrin Josiah, IS Park street Pickett Thomas, 68 Annandale road

Loftus Mrs. I8 Weedon terrace, !..ower Narraway William Frederick, Crooms Pierpoint Mrs. 53 Annandale road

W oolwich road Hill house, Crooms hill Pilkington Alfred, 14 Christchurch road

Long Hiram Alex. 2I Guildford road Nelson Mrs. so Blackheath road Pinchback Mrs. 53 Guildford road

Longburst Mrs. 6 Glen Mohr terrace Nelson Robt. H. A. E. R.N. 42 South st Pink Mrs. 22 Park place

Longman J oseph Henry,6 Hamilton ter Nesbitt Alexander, 12 Glen Mohr ter· PiperJas. Rchd.2Lorne ter Annandale rd

Lonsdale Geo. Fk. 79 Ashburnham gro New Arthur, 47 Guildford road Pither John, 82 Blackheath hill

Loughborough John Geo. 2S Park row New Charles, 3 Conduit vale Flatten Frederick, 86 Calvert road

Love Rev. Alfred :M. A. St. Paul's vicar- Newble John, 6 Christchurch street Plumb George A. 70 Calvert road
• age, 97 South street
Newell Percival Wm.22 Christchurch st Pollard Robert, 2S King George street

Lovibond Edward, 165 Greenwich road Newstead Edward S. 1o6 Calvert road Pontifex Misses, Manor bo. Crooms hill

Lowe Jacob, 58 Calvert road Newton Alfred, 28 Egerton road Pook Charles Oliver, 6S Blackheath rd

Lowell Misses, IS The Grove Newton John, I2 Weedon terrace,Lower Pook Thomas, I2 Ashburnham road

Lowson Charles Geo. 32 Guildford rd Woolwich road Poole Miss, 18 Egerton road

Lucas Charles L. I7I Greenwich road NiblettGordonEdward,2o Devonshire rd Poole William, 4I Guildford road

Lucas William George, I9 Guildford rd Nicholls Thomas, 6 Farmdale road Potter Charles, n Ashburnham grove

Luck Mark, 24 Guildford road NicholsonWilliam M.D.3Christchurch st Poublon W. Bradley, 2 Foyle road
McCall Malcolm, 8 Ashburnham grove Nightingale Henry, 56 Guildford road Poulton Henry Thos. xs Devonshire rd

McDonald James, 8 Bridge terrace, ·Nightingale William, 18 Calvert road Powell Harry, 27 Ashburnham road

Lower Woolwkh road Nimmo Mrs. I4 Gmldford road Power John, 23 Park street

McDougall Jn. Clifton ho. Crooms hill Noakes Abel, 34 King William street Pratt Edward Robert, 38 Guildford rd John, 72 Trafalgar road Noakes David Wm.Ernest cot.Peyton pl Prest Mrs. 28 South street

McHugo Christopher By. 35 Egerton rd Noakes Mrs. 2 Clarence street Prior Georg;>, II2 Greenwic:1 road

Mclntyre William, I7 Coombedale rd Norfolk William, 42 Crooms hill Prior John Yrillian1, 29 King William st

Mackenzie David, 8o Ashburnham gro Norton J. S. I2 Hamilton terrace sPryor John, 98 Calvert road
McNeil Col. Christian Wm. II Maze hl Norton StP.phen, xo Calvert road
Pryor Thomas, Circus street
Nye John Luther, 106 Greenwich road Puddifoot James, 5 Asbburnham road
McPhee Daniel, 37 Annandale road

Maddox George, 9 Guildford road Oake Thomas, 40 Calvert road Pulham Joseph, 12 Park street

Makins John, 4 Lombart villas OakeshottArthur Chas. 58 Greenwich rd Pullan Charles, Dartmouth grove

1\Iajor Henry, I26 Greenwich road Oakley Augustus Henry, 30 Calvert rd Purver Walter John, 63 Royal hill

Malyon Frederick, 63 South street Oakman Thomas, 63 Ashburnham gro Purvis John Prior, 38 Royal bill

Mann William, I9 Farmdale road O'Connor Thos.M.A. ,R.N. I Gloucester pl Purvis Prior M.D.LOnd. 5 Lansdowne pl

Mannering Henry, 4 Coombedale road Ogilvie Chas. I West Grove ter.Point hill Putner Zaccheus J. I8 Christchurch st

Manning Percy, 59 Devonshire road Ogilvie Misses, I32 Blackheath hill Quick Thomas, II Weedon terrace,

Manning William, 73 Blackheath road Ogilvy Charles, I West Grove terrace Lower Woolwich road

Manwaring H~nry, 2I Devonshire road O'HalloranVeryRev. Canon,66Crooms hl Rainsford Andrew, 46 Guildford road

Marcus Charles G. 4 South street Olivant Arthur Edwd.7 Ashburnham rd Ramsey John, 28 Farmdale road

Marcus Waiter Binden, 38 Egertonrd OliverJames,GlenMohr cot.Diamond ter Randall Alfred James, 4 Park row

Marks Frederic, 21 Egerton road Olley John, 55 Annandale road Randall Richard, 7 Royal place

Marks James, 39 Devonshire road Orr Frederick, 8 Circus street Randall Walt. Condnit vil. Conduit vale

Marlow Edward James, 27 Farmdale.rd OrsmanJn.2Bridgeter.Low.Woolwch.rd Rankin Alexander, IO Guildford road

Marrott Mrs. 54 South street Osborn John, 19 Clarence street Rattle Henry, 22 Calvert road

Marshall E. Williams L.R.C.P.LOnd. Osborne William Jas. 2 Christchurch st Rllven Mrs. 11 Bridge terrace, Lower

Miller hospital, Greenwich road Owen Rev. Crawford Hunter, I4 Glou- Woolwich road

Marshall James, 154 Trafalgar road cester place Read William, u2 Calvert road

Marshman Benjamin, u Annandale rd Owen Arthur, IS Annandale road Reed Mrs. 37 Egerton road

Martin Alfred, 23 Bridge terrace, Owen Samuel, The Yews, Crooms hill Reed Mrs. I7 Royal place

Lower Woolwich road Padgham George Herbert, 56 South st Reeve Wm.44Lorne ter.Annandale road

Martin James, Io Egerton road Page Henry Thomas, IS Bridge terrace, ReevesJames,goLorne ter.Annandale rd

Martin Mrs. 35 Ashburnham grove Lower Woolwich road Renshaw Mrs. 90 Calvert road

Martin Mrs. 10 Hyde Vale cottages Paine George, 58 Ashburnham grove Reynolds Richard, 2 Ashbumham grove

Mason David King, 25 Egerton road Palmer George, 28 King William street Reynolds-Read William, 36 Crooms hill

Mason James Moore, 4 Napier villas, Palmer John Alfred, 39 South street Rice William, 14 Ashburnham road

Lower Woolwich road Parish Richard, I3 Annandale road Richards Daniel, 28 Annandale road

Mathers Mrs. 2 Hyde Vale cottages Parke Charles, I9 Annandale road Richards Daniel, So Calvert road

Matthews Edward, 44 Calvert road Parker Mrs. 20 G-loucester place Richardson M1ss, 34 Burney street

MatthewsJohn S. 36 Ashburnham road Parker Mrs. I Langdale road Richardson Waiter Wickliff, u8 Green-

Maxworthy Mrs. 27 Blackheath road Parkinson Frederick, 2 Napier villas, wich roa4

Meager Mrs. 74 South strret Lower Woolwich road Richold Thomas, 6 Royal place

Medgley Mrs. I3 Ashburnham grove ParkinsonRt.Hardress,62 Greenwich rd Rickard William, 2o Ashburnham gro

Meeking Scott, g6 Blackheath road Parsons General Robert Mann F.R.s. 8 Riddle Miss, I4 Glen Mohr terrace •
Metzgen W. S. I9 Gloucester place Hyde Vale cottages Ritchie J oseph Horatio, Cedar bank,

Michie William Adam M.D., c.M. 45A, Parsons Mrs. I I7 Royal hill Diamond terrace, Hyde vale

Blackheath road Patterson James, 9 Hamilton terrace Ritchie Miss, 88 Blackheath hill

Milburn Mrs. 36 King William street Paul William, 2 Oxford terrace Ritson Robt. M.A. ,M.B.Seamen's hospital

Miles Charles, 13 Calvert road Payne Robert, 5 Lombart villas Robbens Frederick Waiter, 74 Lorne

Miles John, soLorne ter. Annandale road Payne William Fredk. 38 Annandale rd terrace, Annandale road

Mills Alfred, 55 Burney street Pead J oseph, 4 Ch:."istchurch street Robbins Alfred, I47 Greenwich road

Milne Geo.Fredk.Manor lo.Conduit vale Pearce Edward Raikes, 76 London st Roberts Francis, I Napiervillas, Lower

Milner William, 3 Park place Pearce Thomas, I02 Calvert road Woolwich road

Miskin Philip, so Greenwich road Peckett Thomas, 59 Annandale road Roberts Miss, I7 Guildford road

Moberly Rev. Walter Allan M.A. [vicar of Peckitt Thomas J. 7 Foyle road Roberts Thomas H. 23 I<'armdale road

Church of Ascension],8Dartmouth rw Peirce Mrs. 82 Ashbumham grove Robien Mrs. so Devonshire road

Mobsby Philip, 23 Greenwich road Pembroke William, 15 The Circus Robins John, 22 Devonshire road

Monday Misses, 64 South street Pennell Martin, 54 Calvert road Robinson Rev. John Lovell B.A., R.N.

Montmorency Mrs. de, 8 Glen Mohr ter Peppercorn John, 32 Crooms hill Royal Naval college

Moon Frederick M. B. 79 LoQSlon street Peppercorn Waiter Jas.85 Blackheath hl Robinson George, I7 Gloucester place

Moor Henry, 68 Greenwich road Perkins Mrs. 4 Glen Mohr terrace RocheWm.( fleet srg.R.N. ),8Diamond ter

Moore Charles, Io :Farmdale road Perren John, 3 Ashburnham road Rock Mrs. 26 Annandale road

Moore Daking Ireland, 7 Circus street PerryJas.Hy.36Lorne ter.Annandale rd Rock Mrs. Richd. Hyde cliff,Croomshill

Morfey J abez, 64 King George street PetersHy.28Bridge ter.Low.Woolweb. rd Rock Wm. Fredk. Hyde cliff,Crooms bl

Morpeth Edward, 26 Egerton road Peters William Henry, 58 Annandalerd Rogers George, 58 Guildford road

Mort Rev. Emest B.A. 89 Blackheath hl Phillipps Walt.g West Grove ter.Point hl Rogers James, 5 Circus ter. Circus st

Moss George, IS Silver street PhillipsCharlesAlfred,23Coombedale rd Rolington Alfred,76 Ashburnham grove

Mote Thomas, 2 Church street Phillips George A. 7 The Grove Roper Frederick, 17 Ashburnham road

Motley William, I9 Coombedale road Phillips Miss, 4 Ashburnham grove Rose John, IS Royal place

Mott Thomas, I04 Calvert road Ross Herbert, 23 Annandale road
Moubray Mrs. 73 Blackheath hill sPhillips Mrs. 84 South street
Phillips William, 20 Weedon terrace, Rowbotham John Edward, Foyle rd

Munday William Thomas, 22 Circus st Lower Woolwich roae Rowcliffe James, 24 Calvert road

Murphy Miah, 8 Park place Phillips Wm. Peacock, u8 Calvert rd Rowe Henry, 71 Blackheath hill

Murray Daniel, 84 Ashburnham grove Philpott George, 52 Guildford road Rowland Harry, 25 Farmdale road

Murray Richard, 61 Annandale road Pickernell Fredk. Chas. 2 Lansdowne pl Rowland William, 77 Ashburuham gro



'nudland Francis, 70 Trafalgar road Smith Mrs. 6 Devonshire road Todd Henry, 77 South street

Rummery Joseph, 24 Glen view, Wood- Smith Mrs. 28 Devonshire road Tompsett Mrs. 26 Ashburnham road

lands Park road Smith Mrs. 22 Guildford road Tonking Richard Harvey, 78 Lorne

Rnssell Alfred, go Annandale road Smith Mrs. 22 Park street terrace, Annandale roa.d

Rnssell George, ro Langdale road Smith William, 21 Ashburnham road Towers Henry, 65 South street

Russell Joseph F. 1 Clarence street Smith William, 12 Egerton road Townsend Ed win C. 53 Ashburnham gro

Rntter James Richard, 15 Circus street Smith William Johnson F.R.c.S.Eng. Treeby James Henry, 64 Annandale rd

Saddler John, 67 Blackheath road Seamen's hospital Tremlett Mrs. 52 Blackheath hill

Salter Thos. Cambridge ho. The Grove Smithers George, 52 Ashburnham gro Trill Richard A. 7 Egerton road

Samuels William Geo. 66 Blackheath rd Smyth Archibald, 20 Woodland Park rd Trimlett John Edwin, 78 Greenwich rd

Sanders Major-General, 58 Crooms hill Snelling George C. 3 Gloucester terrace Tripp George William, 78 Blackheath rd

Sanders James, 51 South street Soames James J.P. 17 Maze hill Tritton Richard Moss, 98 Blackheath rd

Sanders Miss, 58 Crooms hill Somerville George, 5 Dartmouth hill Tritton Thomas Mills, 2 Guildford road

Sanders William Henry, 10 Burney st South Frederick, 2 Farmdale road Troughton John Nichol, II Park place

Sanderson Edwin, 22 Weedon terrace, Sowerby Thomas Brougham, Sherwell, Trundle Frederick Wm. 9 Egerton rd

Lower Woolwich road Dartmouth place Trundle I<'rederickWm. 17HydeVale cots

Sands J. J. 1 Royal place Spencer Harry, 9 Ashburnham road Tuck Henry Barlow, 27 Annandale road

Sapte Harry, 6 Hyde Vale cottages Spencer Thomas H. 90 South street Tucker George Frederick, 77 Pelton rd

Sargeant James Clement, 71 South st Spillman Thomas, 32 Ashburnham gro Turley George, 73A, Ashburnham gro

Sargent Capt. Charles, so Blackheath rd Spinks Edward J. so Guildford road Turner Albert, 102 Blackheath hill

Saunders George Jas. 5 Gloucester pi Spitty J ames, NorfoJk house, Circus st Turner Albert, 74 Calvert road
Turner H. H. u, Dartmouth hill
Sanndry James Baynard M. D. Br Green- Spooner James,' 65 Blackheath hill

wich road Spry Arthur, 59 Burney street Turner Mrs. 8 Egerton road

Saw Samuel, 9 Maze hill Stacey Edward, ro Coombedale road Turner Reuben, 24 South street

Sawyer John William, 12 Farmdale rd Standen William, 7 Langdale road Turner Robert, 22 Egerton road

Saywell Mrs. 18 Park street Standing George, So Blackheath road Turner William Henry, 21 South street

Scard John Cowper, 48 Blackheath rd Stapleton HoracePaula,5 HydeVale cots Tuson Henry James, 1 Christchurch st

Scarr Wm. Sterndale, 17 Annandale rd Stapleton James, 3 Crooms htll Tutt Henry, 57 Ashburnham grove

Schans W. V. D. Wilton cot. Point hill Stead George, 18 Coombedale road Twin Cha.rles James, g Lombart villas

Schelff Arthur, 111 South street Steddy Silas John, 64 Ashburnham gro Underwood Arthur,23 Ashburnham gro

Schloh Car!, 1o6 Blackheath hill Steel John Henry D. Holly mount, Unwin Mrs. 22 Burney street

Scholey Thomas, 36 Devonshire road Blackheath hill Upton Mrs. 61 South street

Scott Admiral Robert, 7 Hamilton ter Stein Andrew, uo Greenwich road Upton Mrs. 2 The Grove

Scott David, 72A, Ashburnham grove Stevens Fredk. H. A. 45 Guildford road Vasey William, 17 The Circus

Scott Fredk. William, 3 Cambridge ter Stevens Miss, 38 Ashburnham grove Veale Joseph, 3 Hamilton terrace
Venn Wm.Webb,Point ho.Blackheath hl
Scott George Gordon, 3 Hyde Vale vils Stevens Mrs. go Royal hill

Scott Mrs. 1r6 Greenwich road Ste-rens William, 3 Calvert road Vine Thomas, 16 Weedon terrace,

Scott William, ro Devonshire road StevensonEdwardAlfred,gAnnandale rd Lower Woolwich road

Seager Mrs. g5 Devonshire road Steward George, 7 Annandale road WadeJoseph Henry, 16 Annandale rd

Seago Charles Samuel, 5 Guildford rd Steward James, 23 King William street Wade William, 78 Ashburnham grove

Seale Jn.St.Margaret's lo.Greenwich pk StidolphEdwd.Spencer,rg6Greenwch.rd Walker James, 86 Greenwich road

Seaman Henry, 5 King George street Stirling Miss, 6 Dartmouth row Walker Joseph, II9 Royal hill

Searle James, 40 Burney street Stirling Thomas, 13 Gloucester place Walker William, 21 Coombedale road

Seed William, 6 Diamond terrace Stone Edward, 3 Lansdowne place WalkerWilliamLawrence,ILombart vis

Selfe James Dawkins, 3 The Circus Stone Miss, 48 Guildford road Wall John Verrall, 54 Guildford road

Sewell Charles Joseph, 46 Annandale rd Stone Thomas, 6 Lansdowne place WaUace James, 13 Park place

Sewell Harry B. 34 Royal hill Stotesbury John, Halstow road Wallen William, 25 Devonshire road

Seymour Charles, 51 King George st Strand William, 33 Annandale road Wallis William, 4 Maze hill
Strattou Waiter Charles, School house, Ward Edward Dudley, 21 Park row
Shalless Miss. 36 Royal hill
Ward George, 27 Park street
Sharp William Joseph C. 2 Conduit vale Old Woolwich road
Shaw Mrs. 3 Circus terrace, Circus st Straw Edwin Henry, 64 Crooms hill Ward John, 8 Guildford road

Sheffield Miss, 9 Dartmouth row Stubbings James, 10 Annandale road Ward Mrs. 13 Circus street

Sherman Alfred William, Rosette villa, Sturton Hubert Wilson S. 2 South st Ward William, 19 King George street

Halstow road Suckling John, 33 Ashburnham road Wardly Mrs. 16 Christchurch street

Sherman Arthur, 8 The Circus Summers James Benj. 3 Hyde Vale cots Ware Mrs. go Royal hill

Sherman Mrs. 4 The Circus Swayne Albert, 88 Blackheath road Warren Mrs. 3 Royal place

Shipley David, 120 King George street Sweet Mrs. 62 Calvert road Warry Daniel Robert, 22 Park row

Short Harry, 8 Annandale road Sweet Thomas George, 4 Lorne terrace, Wates Mrs. 53 Blackheath road

Short Mrs. 62 Lorne ter. Annandale rd Annandale road WatkinsErnest, Havelock ho. Halstow rd

Showell George, 25 Woodlands Park rd Swindell Thomas, 48 Calvert road Watson Alex.66Lorne ter.Annandale rd

Shucard GeorgeChas.72Ashburnham rd Sydney Edgar, 9 The Circus Watson James, 51 Guildford road

Shute Gay F.R.C.s. 14 Crooms hill 'fabb John Fredk. Vale ho.Woolwich rd Watson John Charles, r Cottage place,

Simmons Arthur, 25 Annandale road Tadhunter George, 75 Annandale road Maidstone hill

Simmons Edgar, I Weedon terrace, Tappin James, 21 Woodlands Park road Watt Mrs. 47 Blackheath road

Lower Woolwich road Taylor Baron, 9 Devonshire road Watts William Geo. 29 Blacliheath rd

Simmons John, 124 King George street Taylor ErnestHerbt. 68Ashburnham gro Waymonth Henry, 9 Glen Mohrterrace

Simmons Samuel, 76 Calvert road Taylor George, 23 Weedon terrace, Weatherall Thomas E. 2 Park villas,

Sims Samuel, 51 Blackheath road Lower Woolwich road Annandalo road

Sinden Henry, 75 Ashburnham grove Taylor Miss, 5 Dartmouth row Webb William, 124 Greenwich road

Sladen Rev. St. Barbe tlydenham M.A. Taylor Mrs. 19 Egerton road Webber Josiah, Trafalgar lo. George pl

[curate of Christ Church], ro Park pl Taylor Mrs. 3 Langdale road Wedekind Joseph, 68 Crooms hill

Slater Robert, ro Lansdowne place Taylor Thomas, 94 Calvert road Weekly Mrs. 27 Ashburnham grove •

Sloan Rev. Frederick James [curate of TaylorWilliamWatkins,8rAnnandale rd Welch Chas. John, 49 Ashburnham gro
St. Paul'sJ, I 2 Guildford road
Temple John, 14 South street Wells Edward Ogbourn, 27 Park place

Sloley Robert Hugh, 7 The Circus Thomas George, 26 Weedon terrace, Wells Miss, so Annandale road

Smart Albert William, 48 Annandale rd Lower W oolwich road West Alfred, 14 Coombedale road

Smith Charles, 66 Calvert road Thomas Mrs. 52 Lorne ter.Annandale rd West Benj. ro Lorne ter. Anuandale rd

Smith Edward, 75 Blackheath hill Thompson Charles George, 45 South st West Edwion, 12 Ashburnham grove

~mith Frank, 55 Ashburnham groYe Thompson George, 53 Burney street West John William, 76 Blackheath rd

Smith Frederick, 27 Egerton road Thompson James, 34 Devonshire road Western Frederick Wm. 30 Egerton rd

Smith George, 6r Royal hill Thompson Miss, 28 Burney street Weston Mrs. 41 Annandale road

Smith James, 63 Burney street Thompson Miss, 6 The Circus Weston William, 9 Crooms hill

Smith James, 32 Royal hill Thomson Fras. Elrington, 18 South st Wetherfield Da.vid Arthur Fasham,

Smith Joel, 52 Devonshire road Thomson J. H. 7 Ashburnham grove 8 Crooms hill

Smith John, 23 Blackheath road Thomson John, 73 Ashburnham grove Wheatley Mrs. 94 London street

Smith John Henry, 73 Annandale road Thorpe Mrs. Colonel, 4 Hamilton ter WheelhouseJoseph, 4 Park place

Smith John Nidd, 85 South street Threader George, 78 Calvert road Whelan Miss, r8 King William street

Smith Misses, 52 Crooms hill Tilbrook William, g Park row Whibley George Charles, 82 South street

Smith Mrs. 54 Ashburnham grove 'I ill Miss, 81 South street Whistler Edgar, 13 Farmdale road

Smith Mrs. 4 Circus street Tipping Henry, g8 Crooms hill Whitaker Richard T. 11 Coombedale rd

x. s. & s. 21



White Albert, 23 Ashburnham road Williams Waiter; 52 Greenw1ch road Woodman Theodore, 72 Lorne terrace,
White James, ~s Coombedale road Williams William Henry, 17 Park row Annandale road

Whitehead George, 31 Farmdale road WilsonJohn Baillia, 19 Bridge terrace, Woodmore William, 30 Farmdale road

Whitehead John Edward, II Edward st • Lower Woolwich road Woods Mrs. Robert Hunter, I8 Parkpl

Whitehead Mr~. 31 Ashburnham grove Wilson WilliamHenry,Montague house, Woolcott William Jn. 88 Greenwich rd

Whitehouse Miss, 47 King George st Dartmoutb hill Woolfe Samuel, 33 Hlackheath road

Whiteway Wm. 103 Old Woolwich rd Wiltshire Chas. Wm. 62 Annandale rd Woolmer John~ IS Ashburnham grove

Whiting J:t'rank, 16 Park place Winchester Capt. Alex. 22 South st Wootton Mrs. 57 Annandale road

Whitnall William, I4 Calvert road Winstanley John, 8 Ashburnham road Worley Lawrence John, 26 Park place

Whittome Joseph, 6o South street Wire Lieut.-Col. Travet•s, 54 Crooms hl Wrigbt Alfred Henry, 135 Greenwichrd

Wicks Bernard, Halstow road Wire John, 14 Circus street Wright Richard, 9 Royal place

Wicks James, 46 Devonshire road Wittrick Waiter Augustus, I9 Weedon Wyatt Edwin, 2 Royal place

WigginsEdward Joynes, 20 The Circus terrace, Lower Woolwich road W ybroo George, I Conduit vale

Wilbee Frederick, 57 Burney stree·t Wolseley Gen. Viscount K.P., G.C.B., Yates William, 20 Guildford road

Wilkinson John, 19 Ashburnbam grove G.C.Y.G.,D.C.L.,LL.D. Rangers huuse, Youell Mrs. S. Eyre cottage, The Grove

Wilkinson William, 1I Calvert road Greenwich park Young Alfred, 169 Greenwich road

Willes William, 24 Crooms' hill Wood Charles, 48 Crooms hill Young Mrs. 9 Coombedale road

Williams Benjamin, 6t Ashburnham gro Wood Edward N. 12 Burney street Youngman Rev. G. Mallows [curate],

Williams George R.N. 4 Gloucester place Wood James, 98 Greenwich road 24 King- William street

Williams Henry, 21 The Circus Wood Robert, 22 Ashburnbam grove Yqlesias Mrs. 16 Bnrney street

·williams Miss, 44 Sonth street Wood Waiter, 6 Bridge terrace, Lower Zoppi William, 51 Burney street

Williams Robert H. 64 Crooms hill Woolwich road Zorn John Theodore, 59 Blackheathrd

·williams Thos.Brooking,sGlenMohr ter Woodings Mrs. 49 Devonshire road

COMMERCIAL. Bailey William, ice merchant, New Sun wharf, Norman rd

.Abbey George, barrow proprietor, 26 Haddo street Bailly Emile Henry, professor of french, 83 Blackheath hill

Abrahams John James, fruiterer, 86 Trafalgar road Hain 'fhomas, boot maker, Dartmouth hill

Ackland Julia (Miss), general shop, 27 Winforton street Bainbridge Wm. baker, 4 Brunswick pl. Straights mouth

Adams & Son, builders, 56 King George street Baird Robert, draper, 72 Greenwich road

.Adams Henry, coal mer. Ravensbourne wharf, Norman rd Baker Charles, general shop, 54 Church street

Adams Henry M.R.C.P.Edin. physcn. & surgeon, 78 South st Baker Forrester, Freemason's Railway tavern, The 'terrace,
Hatcliffe street north
Adams James, gasfitter, 19 York street

.Adams Sidney, general shop, 40 Hatcliffe street, Peltou road Baker Frederick, chemist, 16 Church street

Adcock William, shopkeeper, 85 Old Woolwich road Baker Thomas, boot maker, 6 West avenue

..Aeronautical Society of Great Britain (Fredk. W. Brearey, Baldwin George & Son, herbalists, 7 Deptford bridge
Haldwin Daniel, grocer, 32 Lenthorp road
hon. sec.), Maidenstone hill
Baldy Reuben, boot maker, 41 Royal hill
Akers William, farrier, Woodland place
Bale William T. Ship hotel, King William street
Albinson Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker, 63 Blackheath hill
Balmer Wm.F.confectioner,4 Weedon pl.LowerWoolwich rd
Allcock Charles, bricklayer, II5 Vanbrugh hill
Bambery John James, tailor, 75 Greenwich road
.Alien George & Son, upholsterers, 36 Couthurst road
Allen & Son, lightermen,' Creek Bridge wharf, Bridge street Banham George, bird dealer, Old Woolwich road
Banks Charles Edwin, builder, I Cambridge terrace
Allen James William, lighterman, 62 Bridge street

..Allen John Cole, lighterman, 2 Horseferry road Banks Francis George, zinc works, 40 Blackhetlth road

..Allen Thomas, general shop, 79 Bridge street Banks James, plumber, Brand street

Alien Waiter William, furniture dealer, 9 West avenue Bansback Cbas. David, Ironfounders' Arms P.H. Pearson st

.Allen William George, lighterman, Billingsgate street Barber Cbas. Wm. grocer & wine & spirit mer. 6 Church st

.Allworth Arthur, deputy registrar of births & deaths for Barham Charles, builder, I8I Greenwich road

West Greenwich sub-district, 57 London street Barker Misses, ladies' school, 46 Brand street

Allworth Charles Henry, undertaker & registrar of births & Barnard Henry, boot maker, 63 Bennett street '
deaths for Greenwich west sub-district1 57 London street Barnes Henry, baker, 29 Blackheath hill
Barnett E. & Co. engineers, 62 Guildford road
Allworth George, undertaker, 87 Royal hill

Allwright James Henry, ladder maker, IA, Burling street Barnett Edward, farrier, Marsh lane
.Andrews James William, umbrella maker,62 Trafalgar road Barr Mary (Mrs.), wardrobe & furniture dealer, 5 North ter

Andrews Joseph, general shop, 67 Roan street Barr Robert Henry, general shop, 62 Lenthorp road

.Annal William, greengrocer, 2 High bridge Barratt Thomas, ships' blacksmith, Union wharf

Apel Marie (Frau), prof. of germau,Grove ldg.76 Blackth. hl Barrell Alice (Mrs.), laundress, 3 Maidenstone terrace

.Appleyard George Alfred, dining rooms, 5 King William st Barrett Frederick, paperhanger, 55 Couthurst road

.Apps Robert William, boot maker, 49 Lower Park street Barrett Henry, plumber, 13 London street

Archer George, beer retailer, so Trafalgar road Barrett Henry F. plumber, 34 Coombedale road

Argent Samuel, boot maker, 13 Greenwich road Barrett Joseph, saddler, 55 Couthurst road

Armstrong William, cooper, Bellot street Bartle William Frederick, dentist, IS King William street

Asbridge James, &mith, 6o Chester street Basing Emma (Mrs.), carpenter, 42 King George street

Ashhy & Co. Lim. Portland cement works, East Greenwich Bason John, boot maker, 19 Calvert road

.Ashby John, hatter, 4 Nelson street Bass Edward, fishmonger, Norman road

.Ashford Charles H. shopkeeper, 24 Pearson street Bassett Charles Joseph, beer retailer, 57 Greenwich road

Astill Richard, baker, 2 John's terrace, Woolwich road Bassett Thomas, grocer, 32 & 34 Bedford place

Atkinson Leo & Co. chemists, I93 Greenwich road Bastard George J. builder, 83 Annandale road

Austin Alfred, furniture dealer, 9 Turnpin lane Bate John Watson, furniture remover, 63 Greenwich road

Austin .Alfred, licensed refreshmentho. 22 Greenwich markt Bateman A. H. & Co. engineers & emery wheel makers,

Austin Thomas, White Swan P.H. 83, Ss & 87 Greenwich rd 93 Pelton road
Avent St. John, wine merchant, 25 Church street & beer Bateman A. H. engineer & emery wheel ma. Westcombe hill

retailer, Norman road Bauer Jacob, confectioner, 62A, Greenwich road

Avery Charles Thomas, general shop, 130 Old Woolwich rd Beadle Thomas, corn merchant, 101 Blackheath road

Avis James Jonathan, turncock, 9 Plumbridge street Beale Henry & Son, oilmen, 68 Pelton road

Ayliu (i-eo. dining rooms, 64 London st. & 317 New Cross rd Beamish FannyJ ane(Mrs.), The Cricketers P. H. I Turnpike la

Ayres E. (Mrs.), general shop, 4 Haddo street Beaver Alfred William, china wareho. I8 Greenwich market

Bacon Benjamin James, confectioner, I69 Trafalgar road Beaver Charles H. boot maker, u & I2 Greenwich market

Bacon Robert, coffee house, 64 Trafalgar road Beaver George Henry, leather merchant & harness maker,

Badge William, boot maker, I IS South street 44 & 46 Church street .

Badger Charles James, district surveyor for Lewisham, 45 Beaver Lucy (Mrs.), library, 9 Stockwell street

Blackheath road Beckett Henry, draper, I09 Trafalgar road

Baggarley John, Horse & Groom P.H. 6o Blackheath hill Beere Alfred, poultry dealer, 8 West avenue

Bailey Amelia (Miss), stationer, & post office, 2 Orchard Beere George, dairyman, 49 Church street

place, Woolwich road Regent William Jas. grocer, 8 John's terrace, Woolwich rd

Bailey Amelia (Mrs.), dress maker, 3 Edward street Behde Edward Thomas, general shop, 9 Trinity street
Bailey Annie (Miss), general shop, I3 Orchard street Belbin Frank, jeweller, 6-J. Blackheath hill

Bailey Edward Thomas, house furnisher, 22, 24, 26, 28 & Bell Eliza. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 6 King street

30 Blackheath road Bell Hannah (Miss), dress maker, 19 Bridge street

Bailey Nicholas, contractor, I24 Old Woolwich road Bellsham Job, boot maker, 177 Trafalgar road

Bailey Robert G. beer retailer, 26 M:arlborough"street Belton Henry,The Maltster Beer & Wine Stores,u Bridgest

Bailey Wil1iam.. builder, 12 Northumberland street Benjamin William, builder, 17 College place west

Bailey William, wenbam lake ice stores, Norman road Bennett Anne (Mrs.), grocer, 94 Royal hill


lJennett Bertram B.A. tutor, 7 Hyde Vale cottages Brown George, confectioner, r6 London street

Bennett Edward, jobbing gardener, IO Blissett street Brown John George, general shop, 35 Thames street

Benson Francis, George & Dragon P.H, 2 Blackheath hill Browne R. Woodthorpe, professor of music, 67 Annandale rd

Beresford Ellen (Mrs.), general shop, 3 Church fields Browning John WiUiam, dyer, I8 Blackheath hill

Berry John, professor of music, 16 Calvert road Browning William, shirt & collar dresser, 3 Royal hill

.Berryman E. G. & Sons, printers, lithographers & manu- Browning William Henry, fruiterer, 74 Royal hill

facturing stationers, 84 Blackheath road Brownnutt William Hy. coffee house, 20 Greenwich market

:Betteridge Daniel, grocer, 68 Trafalgar road Bruin Daniel & Sons, builders, I05 South street 1

.Bettles John (Mrs.) & Sons, plumbers, 30 Bridge street Buck James, fruiterer, 109 Greenwich road

Biddiscombe Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 40 Derwent street Budd Henry & Son, carmen, s Bedford place

Biddle Alice (Mrs.), baker, 91 & 93 Blackheath road BUDDS ALFRED WILLIAM "OHNSON, auctioneer,

Bigel Charles, hair dresser, 45 LClwer .Park street valuer, surveyor, land & estate agent & mortgage broker,

.Biggs Alfred John, sign writer, 46 Hassendean road 16 Stockwell street

Biggs John, beer retailer, 40 Claremont street Bull George Richd. butcher-, 6 North terrace, Woolwich rd

Hilbee Emma (Miss), fancy repository, 128 Trafalgar road Bundy William, sawyer, Norman road

Bilby William John, news agent, 7 Point hill Burburry John Charles, fish salesman, 93 Bridge street

Bing Henry, greengrocer, 55 Old Woolwich road Burgess Henry, plumber, 4 Percy terrace, Point hill

_. Birch Arthur, butcher, IS London street Burial Board Office (George Carpenter, clerk), London st

Birch George Frederick, 49 King George street Burney George, British Queen P.H. Woolwich road & William

Bishop George, gas engineer, 66 Blackheath hill the Fourtn P.H.155Trafalgar road & Bricklayers'Arms P.H.

.Bishop Thomas, The Lord Napier P.H. Napier terrace, Lower 92 Trafalgar road & grocer & wine & spirit merchant, 90

Woolwich road Trafalgar road

.Blackmur William Benjamin, provision mer. 31 Church st Burrett Charles, chair caner, IIA, King street

Hlackwin James, fried fish shop, Grove place Burton Miss, ladies' school, Dartmouth ho. Dartmouth row

Blair Joseph, artist, 25 Prior street Bushell George, farrier, Bedford place

BLAKE & DANNATT, auctioneers, valuers, house, land & Bushell Josiah, restaurant, 31 Stockwell street

estate agents, 18 Nelson street BusseU Charles Joseph, beer retailer, 96 Roan street & general

Blake Charles, coffee house, 142 Trafalgar road shop, I Haddo street

Blake James E. draper, 13 & 15 Trafalgar road Butcher Stephen, greengrocer, 46 Lenthorp road

8lake Maria Louisa (Mrs.), Alexandra dairy, :n South st Butler John, shoe maker, 49 East street

Blake Nancy (Mrs.), smack owner, I Union wharf Cable George Hnghes, surgeon, 59 Royal hill

Blanchard Charles, grocer, & post office, I Dartmooth row Calderwood Waiter, greengrocer, 46 Royal hill

Bland Joseph, wardrobe dealer, 39 East street Caldwell Robert, toy warehouse, 14I Trafalgar road

.Blocksidge William, teacher of the violin, 7 Oxford terrace, Callaway Edward, tobacconist, 44 Trafalgar road

Dartmouth row Camm Darius William, baker, 36 Trafalgar road

.Blow John, draper, 54 Trafalgar road Campbell Henry Samuel, collector to the Board of Guardiani,

Blow William, baker, 53 Trafalgar road 1 Greenwich Union, IS Woodlands Park road

.Board of Works Office (Greenwi(,'h district) (James Spencer, Candy Emma (Miss), general shop, 61 Pelton road

clerk), 14I Greenwich road Cann Brothers, tailors, 3 Nelson street

.Boardman Joseph, tailor, 12 Circus street Cannon & Co. engineers, 86 London street

.Bodega Co. Limited, wine merchants (Cuthbert Coiling- Cannon John, watch maker, 135 South street

wood, agent), 5 Crooms hill Cannon Samuel, baker, I Alfred place, Walnut Tree road

.Boncey George Henry, Portland hotel, 77 London street Card William J. insurance agent, 84 Calvert road

.Booker G-eorge, barge builder, Norman road Carpenter Ellen (Mrs.), chimney sweeper, 26 .Bedford place

.Booker George, confectioner, 9 Trafalgar road Carpenter George, clerk to the burial board, London street

.Booth Walter Abraham, auctioneer, see Richardson & Booth Carpenter Harriet (Miss), dress maker, SA, Brand street

.Borough of Greenwich Conservative Association (Robert Carr Arthur, cheesemonger 4, confectioner & wine & spirit

Wilson, sec.), 1S9 Greenwich road merchant 5 & grocer 6, John's terrace, Woolwich road

Bottomley Hy. & Son, undertkrs. 8 Orchard pl.Woolwich rd Carr Thomas, coal dealer, 66 East street

Eowden James Thomas, hair dresser, 10 Stockwell street Carter G. (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 15 Hatclifie's buildings

.Bowdidge Joseph, builder, 29 Edward street Carter William, beer retailer, sLower Woolwich road

.Bowman Edward G. printer, 26 Trafalgar road Carter Edwd.Arundel,coroner for West Kent, 3r Blackhth. rd

Bowring & Sons, scale makers, 42 Church street Cashman Thomas, butcher, 7 & S Turnpin lane

Boyd James William, boot maker, 8 Bedford place Castle Waiter Albert, carpenter, I Georgestreet north

.Boyles James, boot maker, IOS Blackheath road Cave J acob, saddler, 28 Lower Woolwich road

.Boys' Orphanage (The) (William Henry Wilson, master), Cawthorn William, tailor, 25 King William street

Montague house, Dartmouth hill Cawthorne John, confectioner, 9 KingWilliam street

.Eracewell Joseph Henry, beer stores, r.7 Woodland Park rd Cayzer & Haws, printers, 5 Parade buildings

Bradford Direct Trading Association (George Mason, man- Chadwick Cornelius, greengrocer, I Claremont street

ager), 104 South street Chadwick William, beer retailer, 78 Roan street

.Bradley William, auctioneer, see Hards (Frank) & Bradley Challis Edwl}rd &Son, ship chandlers, 64, 66 & 6S Church st

Bravery Charles, jobbing gardener, 45 King George street Chambers Angus Henry, tobacconist, 4 Greenwich road

.Braxil Joseph, pork butcher, 7 Blackheath hill & r.77 Lew- Chambers William, news agent, 41 Church street

isham High road Chambers William, The Sun F.H, Wood wharf

Brecknell William Henry M.D. physician & surgeon, 101 Champion James Robert, wardrobe dealer, 42 Blackheath rd

Old Woolwich road Chaney Robert, ship chandler, I & 2 Rivereterrace

.Erett William Henry & Son, naturalists, 61 Greenwich road Chapman Brothers,plumbers & decorators, 3 Queen's terrace,

Brewster Wm. The Coach & Horses P.H. 109 Blackheath rd Woolwich road
Chapman & Marshal!, builders' ironmongers, ss Trafalgar rd
Bridge Frederick, gasfitter, 37 Trafalgar grove

Bridgman John, stationer, 30 Trafalgar road Chapman Alfred, house decorator, 14 Haddo street

.Eridle Robert, beer retailer, 12 Edith terrace Chapman George, oil & color man, 44 London street

.Brien George, builder, 2 East street Chapman James, bricklayer, 5 Churchfields

Brigden Mary (Mrs.), general shop, 5 Brunswick place, ChappellJohn, laundry, 24 Edward street

Straights mouth Chapman Wilham Claydon, machine agent, 2I Tyler street

JJriggs James, shopkeeper, 53 Vanbrugh hill Chappell John, The Duke of Edinburgh F.H. 20 George street

Bright George, hair dresser, 98 South street Cheeseman George, professor of music, 12 Browning place

Bright Waiter, sign writer, IS Greenwich road Cherry & Son, ho~iers & shirt makers, 52 London street &

.Bristow Catherine (Mrs.), laundress, 3 Albert terrace 45SA, New Cross road

llristow William, solicitor, & commissioner for oaths & Cheshire Martin, furniture dealer, 17 South street

vestry clerk, 78 London street Chesterfield George, draper, 6o & 63 London street

.Broadbridge Henjamin, boot maker, 1o6 Blackheath road Chinn George, coffee house, 103 Greenwich road

Brockwell Henry John, beer retailer, 23 Trafalgar road Choppin Goualdan O.grngrcr. 2 Napierter.Low. Woolwch rd

Brooker Thomas Lionel, photographer artist, So South street Christian James, greengrocer, n Royal Hill

Brookes John George, provision stores, 52 Haddo street Churchill James, engineer, see Flavell & Churchill

.Brooks Thomas, gasfitter, 9 Park street Clapham Samuel, bricklayer, 87 King George street

Brooks Thomas, plumber, Creed place Clark Elizabeth (Mrs.), dining rooms, Blackwall lane

.Brooks William, beer retailer, I8 Horse Ferry road Clark George, grocer, 112 King George street

Brown & Son, oilmen, 45 Glenister road Clark Richard, chimney sweep, Richardson's place

Brown Alfred James, chemist, 55 Trafalgar road Clarke Charles Alfred, stationer, 108 South street

Brown Edward, boot makP.r, 26 Bennett street Clarke Jeremiah, refrigerator builder, 7 Gale's row

K S. & S. 21*


Claydon William, ham & beef warehouse, I2 Church street_ Divers William, furniture dealer, 6 &8 Bridge street.

Coates Henry, boot maker, 8 Roan street Dixon David, printer, 52 Church street

Cobley Charles, grocer, II3 Greenwich road Dixon John, jobbing gardener, I Frederick street

CochraneHy. drill instructor, R.N.schools,rg KingWilliam st Dixon William, marine store, 46 Bli!lsett street

Cockle Hy. Fredk. & Son, oilmen, 4 Blackheath hill Dodd Henry, fishmonger, I3 Church passage

Cocks Richard, marine store dealer, Hatcliffestreet north Donovan John, cowkeeper, 56 Hassendean road

Cogswell Thomas, carver & gilder, 55 Royal hill Dorrington Ellen (Mrs. l, wine & beer retaile.,., 52 Royal hill

Cole Isaac, livery stables, 27 Park row Dougherty Capt. John, collector of assessed taxes, 47

Cole John, decorator, 99 Blackheath hill De\•onshire road ·

Colebeck Charles Thomas, boot maker, 6 Roan street Doust Thomas, sign writer, 79 Vanbrugh hill
Coleman Edward Penny, tobacconist, 3 Deptford bridge
DOWELL WILLIAM lit. eo. coal merchants, Creek Bridge

Colley George, greengrocer, 9I Greenwich road wharf, Norway street ; offices, 28 Montpeher vale ; n6

Collins Francis, wardrobe dealer, u York street Lewisham road ; 158 Lee High road ; I Langton terrace.

Collins Horace, solicitor, 138 Greenwich road & I Burnt Ash hill

Collins William, baker, 103 Bridge street Downing G. & W. E. maltsters, Cross street &Spread Eagle

Collis James, butcher, So Trafalgar road yard, Silver street

Coneybeare John, engineer, Hatcliffe street & Pelton road Downs. W. & Sons, coopers, I4 East street

Connell George, beer retailer, 56 Royal hill Downs Annie (Miss), confectioner, I3 Park row

Conquer John Robert, boot maker, 7 Parade buildings Downs William, cooper, I Park Tillas, Annandale road

Cook Rt. & Co. dyers & cleaners, I43 Trafalgar rd. & South st Drake Charles, boot maker, I9 Grove street

Coombe Charles, Union P.H. Union wharf Drinkwater David, boot maker, 164 Trafalgar road

Coombe H. J. boot maker, 95 Trafalgar road DrummondSusanna(Mrs. ),GuildfordArmsP.H.55Guildford st

Coombes Harry, general shop, 4 Claremont street Duce Charles Welch, tobacconist, 32 Greenwich road

Cooney Edwd. & Son, hatters & boot mas. 2 & 3 Turnpin lane Dudley Sarah Emma (Miss), dress maker, 84 South street

Cooney John, boot maker, 20 Browning place Duke Humphreys Coffee Tavern (W. E,·eritt, manager), 15

Cope Henry, wardrobe dealer, 28 King street · Park row

Copp Samuel, oilman, 1 Weedon place, Lower Woolwich rd Dumbleton Arth. E. mechanical draughtsman, 26 Fearon st

Copper E. (Mrs.), catholic repository, IO Tyler street north Dunster John, wheelwright, 70 Roan street

Corbett James, boat builder, Crane street Dupere William, fishmonger &poulterer, I3 Stockwell street

Corbett William H. boat builder, Crane street Durrant Waiter, butcher, I Queen's terrace, Woolwich road

Corder & Haycraft, maltsters, Hope wharf, Greenwich road Eaglestone Robert Fredk. plumber, 27 Catherine grove

Cornish Williiam Cooper, deputy registrar of births & deaths Earl Thomas, bird dealer, 8 Hatcliffe bldgs. Woolwich road

for East Greenwich sub-district & marriages for Greenwich Early William, laundry, I8 Ashburnham road

union, 56 Annandale road East Greenwich Mutual Benefit Building Society (Charles

Cornwell Cyrus, cofiee house, I65 Trafalgar road F. A. Stevens, sec.), 76 Trafalgar road

Couldery F. butcher, 5 Point hill East Greenwich Ragged Schools (James Newton, master),

Couldry J ames Edward,whip & walking stick manufacturers, 8o Old Woolwich r.oad .

4 Stockwell street East Greenwich Relief Office (John K. Orsman, relieving

Coutts Charles Frederick, carman, ¥, Merton place officer, north-east district, William Henry Peters, reliev·

Coutts William, boot maker, 6 Merton place ing officer, south-east district), 62 & 64 Old Woolwich rd

Cowley Robert, shirt dresser, 66 Greenwich road Eaves Joseph, fishmonger, 75 Marlborough street

Cowley Robert, shirt & collar dresser, 78 Trafalga'r road Edgley David Thomas, painter, ro Conley street

Cox James, builder, 34 Brand street Edmonds.Augnstus Robt.& Co.ship & barge bldrs.Point wharf

Creed Thomas M.D. physician & surgeon, 6 Crooms hill Edney David, The .Morden Arms P.H. Brand street

Crockford William Henry, printer, 77 Blackheath road Edwards Joseph, tailor, 70 Church street

Croft Henry James, insurance agent, 66 Trafalgar road Edwards Thomas, house decorator, 83 South street

Crook Henry, nurseryman, 89 Vanbrugh hill Eldridge Edwin John, grainer, 6 Ashburnham road

Crosse Edward, architect, 32 Egerton road Eldridge John, general dealer, 125 Roan street

Culverwell Henry, bookbinder, 46 Pelton road Eldridge Robert, boot maker, 7 Bennett street

Cummings Frederick George, corn dealer, 23 Church street Elen Alfred, butcher, 2 Ship & Billet ter. Woolwich road

Curd Charles Alfred, farrier, 54 Blackheath hill Elliott Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Blackwall lane

Curlew Rowing Club, High bridge Elliott Charlotte (Mrs.), chemist, 3 Orchard pl. Woolwich rtl

Currey Amos A. H. fruiterer, 52 Trafalgar road Elworthy Albert, solicitor, 32 Royal hill

Cushway Charles, pawnbroker, 17 Blackheath road Epps Frank, beer retailer, 78 Church street

Damiral George, wholesale confectioner, 24 & 26 Church Evans William Harry, builder, 19 Upper Tyler street

street & Roan street Everett William, Old Loyal Britons P.H. 62 Thames street

Daniells Joseph, general shop, ro Pelton road Everitt & Co. grocers, 29 Church street

Daniels James, dairyman, IOI Vanbrugh hill Everson James, waterman, 58 Church street

Dann Robert B. watch maker, 14 Burney street Ewens Louisa(Mrs.),oil shop,rr Hatcliffe's bdgs.Woolwichrd

Darby William, coffee house, 13 Lower Woolwich road Faldo Robert, tobacconist, 44 King William str~Jet

Dards James, barge builder, Wood wharf Fassett S. (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, 4 Old Woolwich road

Dark Henry, refreshment house, rr Silver street Fauchon Robert, general shop, I Hatcliffe street north

Dart James R. beer retailer, I Gale's row Feltham William E. M. cabinet maker, 58 Royal hill

Darter Edwd. Geo. The BritanniaP.H. 69 King George street Fenn John, watch maker, 16 Nelson street

Dashwood Edmund Samuel, surgeon, 18 Crooms hill Ferris & Sons, saddlers, 83 Blackheath road

Davis David, general shop, 5 York street Fifield Joseph John, The George inn, 23 & 2S Maze hill

Davis Edward, hair dresser, 2 Edith terrace Finch Charles George, beer retailer, 2 Church fields

Davis George, school, 17 Park place Finch James Barbrook, baker, 44 Pelton road

Davis Henry, job master, Dartmouth row Finch William, furniture dealer, 9 Royal hill

-Dawe Fredk. Hy. bookseller, &post office, 17Blackheath hill Fiorentini Giacomio, confectioner, 58 London street

· Dawkins Edward, news agent, 16 Church passage Fisher Edward, The Lord Hood P.H. 29 Bridge street

Dawson Andrew, barge builder, Wood wharf Fisher Thomas Stordy, surveyor of taxes, r67 Greenwich rd

Dawson Francis, hairdtesser, 24Blackheath hill Flavell & Churchill, engineers, Bellot street

Dawson Robert, general shop, 88 Old Woolwich road Flegg Hercules, saddler, I3 Pala~e buildings

Day Edward, umbrella maker, 6 Point hill Fletcher Charles, ham & beef dealer, 39 London street

Day George, chemist, 43 Trinity street Fletcher William, Spanish Galleon P.H. 48 Church street
ssDaycock l<'redk. Charles, general shop, 9A, Old Woolwich rd Flide Thomas, ironmonger, Trafalgar road
Dean Henry, marine stores, 92 Royal hill Flight J"ohn, carpenter, 3A, Norman road

Deer Alfred James, The Beehive P.H. 7S Bridge street Flight Thomas James, wardrobe dealer, 86 Royal hill

Dell James William, ironmonger, 36 London street Fludger & Morton, grocers, I I3 Trafalgar road

Dennis Mary .Anne (Miss), confectioner, I7 Royal hill Fludger Stephen, grocer, 98 Royal hill

Deptford Pumping Station, London County Council (James Forbes, Abbott &Lennard, manufacturing chemists,Ordnance

Hooper M.E. superintendent), Norman road wharf

Derry Thomas, draper, rr2, 114 & rr6 Blackheath road Ford Benjamin, carrier, see Gridley & Ford

Devile John, carman &c. 62 Christchurch road Foreman William, house decorator, 71 King George street

Dewer William, beer retailer, SI Thames street Forsyth .Alexander M. D., c.M. physician & surgeon & medical

Dewey Willia.m,. tobacconist, Norman road officer for south-east district, Greenwich union, 12 Park pl

mngle Benjamin, Three Tuns, I8 London street Fortt Beverley &Son, monumental masons,9 Beaconsfield ter

Dinwiddy Thomas F.S.I. architect, I2 Crooms hill Forward James, beer retailer, 6oA, King street

District Office of Sheriff of Kent, ~8 London road Foster Daniel R. general shop, 28 Aldeburgh street

District Surveyor's ·Office (Benjamin Tabberer, surveyor), Foster Henry Charles, baker, 47 Church street

Royal hill Fowler Charles, tailor, 3 Nelson street


Fowler Wm. fruiterer & greengrocer, 3 Alma pl. Woolwich rd Greenwich Hospital School (Capt. William Collins, s~tpt)

Fox .Alfred, hair dresser, 64A, London street; 66 High street Greenwich Institution (Alfred Rhodes, librarian), Royal hill

& 30 Broadway Greenwich Provident Dispensary (Miss Airy & Carlton

France Wm. Pulsford, timber mer. Saxon wharf, Norman rd Lambert, hon. secs.), 24 Nelson street

Francis & Co.provision stores-3,4 & s,Matilda pl. Woolwich rd Greenwich Reform Club, Park row

Francis Elizabeth (Mrs.), music warehouse, 89 Greenwich rd Greenwich Society for the Acquiring & Diffusing of Useful

Franklin Goorge, fisherman, 99 Church street Knowledge (F. Orr & Vivian Orchard, hon. secs. i W. J.

.Fraser William, tailor, I Orchard terrace, Edward street Hill, hbrarian), Royal hill

Freame George J. & Co. dyers, 2 Clarence street Greenwich Society for the Relief of Distress (W. Fox Batley,

French Charles Henry, boot maker, IS Royal hill hon. treas.; W. Eardley Holding, hon. sec.), 21 Clarence st

French William, jobmaster, Portland yard, London street Greenwich Unionlnfirmary (Waiter Charles Skardon Burney

l''reshwater George, greengrocer, 6g Roan street M.K.Q.C.P.Irel.medical officer; Henry James Dixon,assist-

.Freshwater Joseph, greengrocer, 112 Roan street ant), Vanbrugh hill

Fricker, Smith & Co. paint, varnish & lubricating oil manu- Greenwich Union, West Greenwich Relief Office & Dispensary

facturers, Albion mills, Marsh lane (WilliamWates,relieving officer; John Mitchell,dispenser),

:¥ry Edmund, road contractor, see Woodham & Fry Peyton place

l''ry George Frederick, horse slaughterer, 20 River tet:race Greenwich Union Relieving Office, Royal hill

Fuggles Richard, tobacconist, 2 Queen's ter. Woolwich road GreenwichVestry Otlices(Wm. Bristow, vestry clerk),Royal hl

Follbrook John E. builder, 31 Annandale road Greenwich Young Men's Christian Association (Charles 1\I.

Furlong Alfred Thomas, music seller, 8 & 9 Parade bldgs Schomberg, hon. sec.), 18 Nelson street

Fnrner William, plumber, 37 King William street Gregory & Co. shirt & collar dressers, 119 King George st

Gabell Edward, confectioner, 5 Point hill Gregory Thomas, marine store dealer, II .Bedford place

Gale William, draper, I3 & IS Church street Greig & Co. pearl barley &c. manufacturers, The Mills

-Gallehawk Charles, corn dealer, 6g London street Gridley & Ford, carriers, 62 Church street

Gamble Stuart Thomas, baker, 67 Thames street Gridley Augusta (Mrs.), fancy warehouse, 139 South st

oGardner William, hair dresser, 7 Greenwich road Gritlith & Co. lightermen & contractors, 5 Maze hill

Garthwaite George Henry, fishmonger, 22 Royal hill GriffithsThomas & Son,oilmen8~,&greengrocers84,Blissett st

Gavell Edward, confectioner, so Blackheath hill Gritliths Waiter James,mechanical engineer,22 Annaudale rd

-Germer Otto, baker, 37 Church street Grinley Arthur Wm. boot maker, 7 North ter.Woolwich rd

Gibbins & Everden, dyers & cleaners, 21 Blackheath road Gripton George, blacksmith, I7 Trafalgar grove

Gibbs Andrew, wholesale & retail pork butcher, 73 Pelton rd Groombridge Alfred, dairy, Norman road

oGibbs Samuel, greengrocer, King William lane GroveS. (Mrs.), dress maker, I Oxford terrace

Gibson & Co. fishmongers, 43 Church street Gurney James, beer retailer, 56 Glenister road

Gidley Richard, wheelwright, Norman road Gurnsey Charles Richard, draper, 7 South street

Gill George, boot maker, 2 Whitworth street Gutteridge Mary (Mrs.), laundress, I4 Blissett street

<Gillett George Alfred, jun. oil dealer, 33 Church street & oil & Haggerty William, fruiterer, 10 Clarence street

color man, I Hridge street Hagley William, confectioner, 36 Blackheath hill

<Gillham William, boot maker, 9 Nelson street Haine David, greengrocer, rr Hatcliffe street, Woolwich rd

Girls' Blnecoat School (Miss E. R. Howarth, matron; Miss Hall E. (Mrs.), dress maker, I Aldeburgh street

F. J. Howarth, governess), Point bill Hall James, sweets dealer, 57 Trafalgar road

Glaisher Henry, bookseller, 63 & 65 London road Hall Keziah (Mrs.), Wheatsheaf P.H. 6o Church street

Glass John, tailor, I Tuskar street Hallam Frederick George, fancy repository, 6o Royal hill

Glover Eugene S. Albion hotel, 2 King William street Hallam George, beer retailer, Blackwalllane

Glover George, hair dresser, 9 London street Halliley Robert Thomas, boot maker, Trafalgar road

Glover Martha (Miss), general shop, 3 Point hill Hambly William, photographer, 5 Silver street

GLOVER WILLIAM, general & fancy draper, costume & Hammer William Jacob, builder, 62 Guildford road

mantle maker, milliner & ladies' outfitter, hosier, glover & Hammond Thomas, builder, 4I Trafalgar road

family mourning warehouse, Stockwell street Hampshire J. W. timber yard, 27 Bennett street

fiodfree Alfred, general ironmonger, 8 Blackheath hill Hanham John, tailor, 20 Edward street

Goff Matilda (Mrs.), general shop, 33 Bridge street Hannaford Albert William, tailor, I25 Trafalgar road

Golding T. & E. wardrobe dealers & furniture dealers, 67 Hanscomb George, The Telegraph P.H. Maidenstone hill

Marlborough street Hausford Carolina (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 5 Bridge street

Goldsmith Amelia (Miss), furrier, I6 Crooms hill Hansford John, bandmaster, 5 Bridge street

Goldsmith Henry, general shop, 42 Claremont street Hansing Frederick, tailor, g Deptford bridge

Goldthorpe Henry, firewood dealer, 97 Roan street Hanson Frank, provision dealer, 4 Orchard ter. Edward st

Goodall Edward, grocer, 3 Napier ter. Lower Woolwich rd Harding Alex. barge builder, 35 Horseferry road

Goodall George Bainbridge M.B., c.M. physician & surgeon, Harding John, dinmg rooms, 34 Church street

I Earlswood terrace, Edward street Harding M. A. (Mrs.), dress maker, 47 South street

Goode George, King's Arms P.H. IO King William street Hards(Frank) & Bradley,auctioneers & land & estate agents,

Gooding & Cable, surgeons, 59 Royal hill 8 Church street

Goodwin Frank, florist, I07 Blackheath road & fruiterer, I Barley Thomas Henry, plumber, I8 Roan street

Stockwell street Harman Henry, tripe dresser, 25 Greenwich market

Gordon J. J<'. dining rooms, Church street Harris Bros. confectioners, I34 Blackheath hill & I33 South st

oGorham F. J. builder, Heathside, Point hill Harris John & Son, tailors, 57 Royal hill

Gorton William, tobacconist, King Wil1iam street Harris William James & Co. sewing machine depots, 66

Gosling Emma (Mrs.), ladies' outfitter, 29 Guildford road London street, & 65 Lee High road

Goss Alexander, Sea Witch P.H. East Greenwich Harris A. (Miss), fruiterer, 23 Greenwich market •
Govan Robert William, grocer, I Marsh lane Harris Lucy (Miss), beer retailer, 97 Greenwich road

Graham Waiter & Co. seed crushers, Headley oil mills, 38 Harris Mary Ann (Mrs.), news agent, 3 Stockwell street

& 40 Norman road Harris Zaccheus, fruiterer, 6 Deptford bridge & 24 Green-

Gt-antham k Co. provision dealers, I Bridge terrace, Lower wich market

Woolwich road Hart Fraucis William, lime mer. Norman wharf, Norman rd ·

Grasses Alfonso, hatter, I37 Trafalgar road Hartt Charles Henry L.K.Q.C.P.Irel. physician & surgeon &

(iray George T. boot maker, 34 Haddo street medical officer of health & medical officer central district,

(ireen George, boot maker. 6 Lower Woolwich road Ureenwich union, 8o London street

Green George, fancy bazaar, 5 Nelson street Hartshorn Emma (Mrs.), tobacconist, 32 Church street

Green George, general shop, 59 Bridge street Harvey James, contractor, 30 Burney street

-Green George, The Bell P.H. 28 Haddo street Harvey Robert John, The Victory P.H. I Trafalgar road

Green Robert. shopkeeper, 8 Telegraph pl. Maidenstone hill Harvey William, carman & contractor, 33 King George st

Greenfield William Samuel, builder, 41 King William street Harvey William D. grocer, 42 Prior street

Greengrass Brothers, boot makers, 3 South street Harvie James, oilman, 99 Trafalgar road

Greenwich & Charlton Permanent Benefit Building Society Harwood Henry, confectioner, 9 lllackheath hill

(H. N. Humphreys, sec.), 4 Alma pl~ce, Woolwich road Haseler Charles Henry John, beer retailer, 7 Trinity street

Greenwich Coffee Tavern Co. Limited (E. E. Alexander, hon. Hatley Alfred, decorator, go Royal hill

sec.), IS Park row Hatley Frederick, decorator, 28 King George street

GreenwichConservative Club (Valentine Coombes,sec.),High Hatley James Thorne, ironmonger, I3 Royal hill

bridge Hatley Loftus, gasfitter, 18 Circus street

Greenwich Constitutional Club Limited (JohnEdward Shaw, Hawfield James, shoe maker, 6o Blissett street

sec.), 88 London street Hawkins David, beer retailer, 43 & 45 Horseferry road

Greenwich County Court (His Honor John Joseph Powell, Hawley, Smith & Co. grocers, 29 Church street

Q.C. judge; Charles Pitt-Taylor, registrar & high bailiff), Haylett Benjamin,boot maker, I Simmonds cots. Egerton rd

Bnrney street Hayling William, boot maker, 138A, Trafalgar road

' 0


Haynes & Son, butchers, 28 Church street Howe Charles, timber· merchant, Bridge Street timber yard

Haynes Caroline (Miss), professor & teacher of music, II Howell George, boot maker, 45 Thames street

Devonshire road Howgego James, house agent, I Browning place

Bays William Louis, pianoforte tuner, 74 Trafalgar road Howlett .Alfred, baker, I33 Greenwich road

Hayter William & Son, builders, I63 Trafalgar road Howlett William, florist, Park row

Hayward Henry, fruiterer, see Ongley & Hayward Hubbard James, beer retailer, IOI Trafalgar road

Heasman Waiter, carman, 37 Horseferry road Hudson J. & Sons, carpenters, I22 Old Woolwich road

Heath Joseph, The Princess Alice P.H. 9 Old Woolwich road Hudson & Son, opticians & philosophical instrument makers,

Heather Waiter, dairy, Norman road · 15 Stockwell street

Heather Waiter, dairy, 3 Brunswick place, Straights mouth Hudson Catherine {Miss), draper, 22 Chester street

Hemmings William Deacon, British Queen P.H. 67Churchst Hudson Charles, plumber, 27 Church street

Hemstead Eliza (Mrs.), general shop, 26 & 28 Thames st Hudson William, stamp distributor, IS Stockwell street

. Henderson John, tobacconist, 2 The Terrace, Hatcliffe st.nth Hughes Frederick .Augustus & Co. barge builders, Providence

Hennessey Michael, greengrocer, 37 East street wharf, River bank .

HENRY RIFLED BARREL, ENGINEERING &. SMALL, Hughes Louisa (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 5 Turnpin lane

ARMS CO. LIM. ammunition manufacturers (Richard Humphreys, Skitt & Humphreys, auctioneers & survey~

- Bird, sec.), Lower Woolwich road 28 London street
Henry James, wharfinger, Brewery wharf, Bridge street •

Humphreys Charles, bookseller, 114 Sonth street

Heritage Frances (Mrs.),. general & provision shop, 24 Humphreys David, baker, Trafalgar road

Bennett street · Humphries Henry, general shop, 2 William street

Hermod Elizabeth (Mrs.), confectioner, 4 Parade buildings Humphries Maria (Mrs.), laundry, Marsh lane

Heryet Charles J. jun. architect, 143 Greenwich road Hunt William James, grocer, 81 Trafalgar road

Heryet Charles John, builder, 95 Blackbeath hill HuntleyThos.Rd.coal mer. Sun wharf; oftice,9 Brewhousela

Heseltine William & Son Lim. provision dealers, 4 Orchard Hurdle Samuel, Angerstein hotel, Weedon terrace, Lower

place, Woolwich road Woolwich road

Hettenbach George, pork butcher, 35 Church street Hurley .Alfred Ambrose,The Rose & Crown P.H.I Crooms hill

Hewett Frederick, boot maker, I2 Blissett street Hurndall John SutchffeM.R.c.s. veterinary §urgeon, 2Glou-

' Hibbins Mary (Mrs.), sweets dealer, 2 Bennett street cester terrace, West grove

Hickman Elten (Mrs.), tobacconist,1 North ter. Woolwich rd Husband Edward L.K.Q.c.P.Irel. physician & surgeon, 2

Higgins Charles, greengrocer, 2A1 Point hill Orchard terrace, Edward street
Higgins Peter, toy shop, 99B, Blackheath road Hutchinson Frank William, hair dresser, I22 Trafalgar rd

Higgitt W. ~ Co. boiler makers, Peyton place agent,SEarlswood

Higham Mrs. shopkeeper, 15 Bedford place Illman John Thomas, The Crown P.H. Woolwich road

Hill Arthur James, baker, II4 Blackheath hill Imperial Stone Co. Limited (James W. Butler, managing

Hill James, chair caner, King William lane director), East Greenwi("h

Hill James Henry, hair dresser, 3 Orchard ter. Edward st Improved Wood Pavement Co. Limited (William Micbie,

Hill Susan (Mrs.), dress maker, 35 Park street sec.), East Greenwich ·

' Htlldrew Robert, shipwright, 2 Romney place Industrial Building Society & Savings Bank (Peter Blake,

Hillman Joseph, grocer, 3 Ship & Billet ter. Woolwich road sec. ), Royal hill

Hillman William, grocer, 6 Queen's terrace, Woolwicb road Irish Emily (Mrs.), grocer, 55 Church street

Hills Frank, Clarke & Co. chemical manure works (f. A. Isaacs Henry & Co. coal merchants, 9 South street

Davies, manager), Marsh lane lszatt Thomas, general shop, 22 Edith terrace

Hills A. M. (Mrs.), laundry, 89 Blackheath road Jackson Richard Stephens, solicitor, I2o Greenwich road

Hills William Henry, cabinet maker, 22 Blackheath hill Jackson Samuel William, Royal George P.H. 2 Blissett st

Hinks George, jun. fruiterer, Blackheath hill " James l''rank, builder, 72 Annandale road

Hinves George, greengrocer, 8 Haddo street James George, dairy, I6 King William street

Hiscock Arthur, fishmonger & poulterer, 6 Turnpin lane James Henry, leather seller, 25 Lower Woolwich road

Hiscock Caroline (Miss), costumier, 7 Eaton ter. Edward st James Henry, pharm. chemist, 4 Queen's ter. Woolwich rd

Hiscock E. J. builder & decorator, 99 Old Woolwich road, James Thos. Wm. Coach & Horses P.H. Greenwich market.

62 Marlborough street & 41A, Hatcliffe street north Jarman Harry, baker, 12 Lower Woolwich road

Hiscock Thomas John, builder, 52 Blackheath road Jasper Thomas, draper, 4 Deptford bridge

Hobbs Mrs. ladies' school, 4 Dartmouth road Jay Maria & Mary (Misses), boot makers, 139 Trafalgar rd

Hockey Robert John, tobacconist, 70 London street Jeans Alexander, baker, 5 Church street

Hodgson James, coffee rooms, I Parade buildings Jeans .Arthur, corn dealer 84, baker 82, Trafalgar road
Jeans Elizabeth (Mrs.), fancy draper, 45 Royalliill
Hoffmann :F. mechanical engineer, I6 Circus street
Jeans Henry William, oil warehouse, 43 Royal hill
Holding Henry & Son, tailors, 71 London street

Holding William & Son, builders & decorators, 50 Church Jee Thomas, photographer, I Deptford bridge

street & 21 Clarence street • Jeffery Charles Thomas, boot maker, 37 Thames street

• Hollamby Mary (Mrs.), greengrocer, 7 Chester street Jeffery John, fancy repositor:r, 33 Trafalgar road

HollandCharles, Duke of Wellington P.H. 128 OldWoolwich rd Jeffery William, tailor, 64 Royal hill

Holland Richard, beer retailer, 114 Trafalgar road Jenkins Robert, house decorator, 5 Royal place

Ho1ley John Warren, boot maker, Norman road Jennings & Co. refreshment rooms, 123 Trafalgar road

Rollick & Co.cement manufrs.Morden works,EastGreenwich J ennings Hrbt. Thos. mechanical engineer&cutler,3Turnpinl~~o
Holliday Henry,toot maker,2 Hatcliff11's bldngs. Woolwich rd Jerrard Samuel J. wharfinger, Phcenix wharf, Norman road.

Holliss Robert Henry, outfitter, 95 Greenwich road Jewkes Benjamin, general shop, II Merton place

Holloway James, coffee roaster, 15 Merton place Jilley Thomas, dining rooms, Blackwalllane

Holmes Andrew, tailor, 127 South street Job William, butcher, 9 Bridge street

Holmes Frederick, brk·klayer &c. 3 Bellot street Johannes Carl, baker, 4 Edith terrace

Home & Colonial Stores Limited (Archibald M, Gilfillan, John Penn's Almshouses, South street

acting sec.), 11 Greenwich road Johnson George, farrier, Marsh lane

Home for Friendless Women (Miss .Anna White, matron), I4 Johnson Louisa (Mrs.), firewood dealer, Horseferry rood

Prior street Johnson William, dairy, 8 Silver street

Hook Robert, coffee house, 48 Trafalgar road Jones & Co. cheesemongers, I74 Trafalgar road

Hookhan H. T. electrician, 2 Turnpin lane Jones Abraham, plasterer, 12 Coombedale road

Hookhan Henry Thomas, house decorator, 65 Trafalgar rd Jones Charles, baker, 28 Marlborough road

Hope Brothers, hosiers, 22, 24 & 26 London street J ones Clara (Mrs.), confectioner, 7 Bridge street

Hopkins .Alfred Edward, baker, 39 Upper Tyler street Jones David, general shop, 53 Hatcliffe street north

Hopkins Charles, who. confectioner, 2 Alma pl. Woohvich rd Jones Emily (Mrs.), dress maker, 23 Lower Woolwich road

Hopkinson Louisa (Mrs.), dress maker, 20 Fearon street Jones James, baker, 38 Blackbeath hill

Hopwood Robert, fruiterer, 143 South street Jones Stephen, contractor, 2 Glenister road

Horn Benjamin, photographer, 2 Croomshill Jones Waiter, plumber, II Blackheath road

Horrocks Richard, chair caner, 4 .Albert terrace Jubilee Almshouses, Greenwich road

Horsham Aaron, greengrocr. 8 Douglas pl. Walnut Tree rd Justice James, baker & post office, 195 Greenwich road

Horsham Robert, contractor, 27 Lenthorp road Kay William, saddler, 45 Blackheatb hill

Horton Benjamin, •rhe Fortune of War P.H. 19 East street Keech William G greengrocer, 23 Bedford place
KEELL ALFRED, upholsterer & cabinet maker, 2, 3 k 6
Horton Mary .Ann (Mrs.), grocer, 1 B:ackheath bill

Hoskins Kezia (Mrs.), laundress, 26 Charlotte street Stockwell street

Hougbton George, bookseller, 33 London street Kelly George, sweets dealer, 8 Collerston road
Howard Henry, solicitor, Maitland house, 134 Greenwich rd Kelway John Henry, fancy repository, 6o Trafalgar road

Howe Alfred G. house decorator, 33 Horseferry road Kempster C. A. (Mrs.), confectioner, 1 Blissett stree~

Howe Alfred Henry, nmbrella maker, 21 Greenwich market Kennard Henry & Son, plumbers, 7 Silver street

.nowe Charles, shoeing forge, 24 Bridge s,treet K:mt James Frederick, tailor, 56 Trafalgar road

DZRE0"£0RY.] •• • GREENWICH• 327 .


Kent (2nd) Artillery Volunteer8 (4th & 5th batteries) (Capt. Lovegrove Walt. Richd. King's Head P.ll. 8 Old Woolwich rd

T. W. Hutchings, <;ommanding), Dartmouth place . Lowe Alexander, wardrobe dealer, 22 Nelson street

Kent William, herbalist, 18 Trafalgar road Lowe Amos, general shop, 21 Pelton road •

KENTISH MERCURY (THE) (established 1833) (Merritt & Lowe William, hair dresser, Turnpin lane

Hatcher, printers, proprietors & publishers; published Lowrey Geo. Alexander, Greenwich distillery, 22 Church st

friday morning}, 6 to 12 Blackheath road Luck Waiter, shopkeeper, 5 Editb terrace

Kentish Mercury printing & publishing office (established Lurie Charles, bicycle manufacturer, 19 Blackheath road

I833 ; certified sale, I6,ooo weekly), 6 to 12 Blackheath rd Lusby William, beer retailer, 103 Royal hill

Keymer Abraham John, baker, 9 North ter. Woolwich road Lynch James, tailor, 68 Blackheat.h hill

Kiddell Geo. Elijah, Kenilworth Castle P.H. Blackwalllane Lyon John Holmes, builder, 97 Trafalgar road

Kilbe George, shopkeeper; Blackwalllane Lyons Robert A. Star & Garter hotel, 6o Old Woolwich rd

Killick Joseph Henry, news agent, 25 Tyler !;treet McHryde, Orl" & Haswell, linen collar mfrs. 4I Greenwich rd

King Charles Albert, mantle warehouse, 30 London road McCall Donald, mel"chant, 32 South street

King George. carpenter, 15 Lamb lane McClean Thomas, tobacconist, 34 London street

Kingsford Eliza (Miss), dairy, 4 Point hill McClelland A. (Mrs.), dress maker, II Circus street

Kingsnorth Elihu, carriage builder, 46 Blackheath hill McDowell David, carman, 3 West avenue

Kinnear Mary Ann (Miss), dress maker, 50 Bridge street McDowell Henry L. greengrocer, I & 2 West avenue

Kirby G. artist, I8 ·Langdale road McFarlane Francis, tailor, 3. Gothic place, Marlborougb rd

Kirkup Thomas, chemist, 5 Weedon pl. Lower Woolwich rd McFarlane Fras. wholesale confectioner, 1o6 Trafalgar road ·

Klein A. (Mrs.), tailor, 20 Clarence street MacGavin John L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon, 72 Trafalgar road

Knight & Son, furniture dealers, 72 Blackheath road Macgill Edward, boot maker, 34 George street

Knight Frederick William, tobacconist, 3 Trafalgar road Mackness Edwd. Greenwich laundry, Lawn ho. Wellington gre

Knowles Alfred Edward, watch & clock maker, 53 Royal hill McLaren M. A. (Mrs.), general shop, 72 Glenister road

Koch John, baker, 47 Trafalgar road Magnum Bonum Crucible Co. (The), 64 Chester street

Knrtz Jn.unredeemed pledge stores,3 John's ter.Woolwich rd Malyon Fdk.The Glo'ster hotel,z Silver st.& I KingWilliam st

Lacy George, greengrocer, 20 Blackheath hill Manchester Charles, general dealer, 22 Miles street

Lambert Mary (.Mrs.), corn merchant, 107 Greenwich road Manchester M. A. (Mrs.), greengrocer, Miles street

Land Tax Commissioners' Office (William Charles Bell, Manning William Thomas & Son, wholesale, retail & export

clerk), I67 Greenwich road stationers, account book manufacturers & printers &c. 30

Langford James, baker, I I Albert terrace King William street & Clarence street

Larwill Almshouses, Egerton road · Manning Thomas Hy. insurance agent, II Glen Mohr ter

Law William, Hatcliffe Arms P.H. Hatcliffe street north Mansell Beverstock, beer retailer, 19 Hatcliffe's buildings~

Lawes Alfred, farl"ier, I3 Roan street Woolwich road

Lawrence James, dairy, 8 Greenwich market Mansfield Samuel, general shop, 36 Marlborough street

Laxton Herbert William, butcher, IOI Greenwich road Mansfield Sarah (Mrs.), Morden dairy, 58 Chester street

Lazell Thomas Wm. Star in the East P.H. Blackwall lane Manton Martha Ann (Mrs.), Yorkshire Grey P.H. 34

Lee C. J. & Co. coal merchants, Westcombe hill Blackheath hill

Lee Cornelius, coffee house, 113 Bridge street Maplestone Thomas,baker, I Devonshire road & confectioner,.

Lee John, loan office, Royal hill 2I London street .,.

Lee John M.A. school, Hillside lodge, Dartmouth row March Edward, rag dealer, 13 Hatcliffe's bldgs. Woolwich rd

Lee William E. upholsterer, I Ashburnham road March John, boot maker, 4 Ship & Billet ter. Woolwich road

Lefevre William George, boot maker, 59 London street Marchant Thomas, cabinet maker, 39 Blackheath hill

Lemar Henry, general shop, 42 Glenister road Mardell William & Sons, coal dealers, 20 Selcroft road

LesterSusan(.Mrs. ),furntr. dlr.9Hatcliffe's bldgs.Woolwich rd Marris E. (Mrs.), general shop, 58 Old Woolwich road

Letchford Jane (Mrs.), laundl"ess, I Albert terrace Mars Eliza (Mrs.), greengrocer, 32 Conley street

Leverett, Frye & Nicholas, grocers, & agents for W. & A. Marshall Alfred, coffee house, 19 Greenwich road

Gilbey, wine & spirit merchants &c. I2 Nelson street · Marshall Frederick, builders' ironmonger, 59 Trafalgar roac:JI

Lewis Alfred, saddler, 171 Trafalgar road Marshall James, carpenter, 8 Bromley pL Walnut Tree road

Lewis Arthur, dairy, So King George street Marshall James, timber dealer &c. George street

Lewis Hermon King, registrar of births & deaths for East Martin Annie E. (Mrs.), confectioner, 76 Royal hill

Greenwich sub-district & marriages for Greenwich union, Martin Benjamin, jun. corn merchant, r6o Trafalgar road

7 Park place Martin George, mast & block maker, Brewhouse lane

ILewis William, Admiral Hardy P.H. Clarence street Martin William, mast maker, 50 Thames street

Liberal &Radical Club (John Southard, sec. ),3 Earlswood ter Marzi Nicholas, baker, 21 Haddo street

Licensed Victuallers' Protection Society (Blackbeath Mascall George & Son, builders, 4 Brand street

division) (William Fisher, sec.), II4 Greenwich road Masters Charles Henry, tobacconist, 129 South street

Liddon Joseph, bellhanger, 69 South stretlt Mathews Robert, greengrocer, 6 Collington street
LightupRd.Wm.stationel"&bookbinder,I75&177Trafalgarrd I Matson Edward, coach painter, Norman road

Lilley Sidney, pork butcher, 105 Trafalgar road Matthews Emma (Mrs.), general shop, 16 Pelton road

List Peter Phillip Frederick, baker, 96 Royal hill Matthews Hy. Greenwich Brewery tavern, 36 & 38 Bridge st

Little Ge'lrge EJward, The Mitre P.H. r Church street Mattocks William, news agent, 5 Royal hill

Little Wander.3rs' Home (J. W. C. Fegan, go\"ernor), 137 Maudsley, Sons & Field, engineers, East Greenwich

Greenwich road Maxwell George, law writer, 4 West avenne

Liverpool Victoria Legal Friendly Society (Henry Moor, MAY ALFRED, hay & straw salesman, Railway wharf,

agent), 68 Greenwich road Norman road

Lloyd Maria (Mrs.), dress maker, 99 Bridge street May Jane (Mrs.), coffee rooms, Io Parade buildings

Loader C. (Mrs.), confectioner, .S Armitage street May William, watch maker, IO Lower Woolwich road

Lockwood George, news agent, Claremont street Mead William, leather seller, 35 Trafalgar road

Lockyer Joseph Ernest & Co. chemists, 70 Royal hill Meader W. H. farrier, Horse & Groom yard, Blackheath hill

Loft Albert, shopkeeper, Blackwalllane Mee Joseph, boot maker, 8 Armitage road

Lohr Henry, hair dresser, I7 Trafalgar road Mees Charles Samuel, general shop, 23 Marlborough street

London & County Banking Co. Limited (Thos. Mote, resident Melling James, tobacconist, 48 Blackheath hill

manager), 2 Church st.; draw on head office, London E c Melmoth James, coffee house, IO Roan street

London Tramway Co. Limited (William Henry Andrews, Mercer James, pork butcher, 7 Orchard pl. Woolwich road

sec.); offices, 158 Trafalgar road & Greenwich road & Merrett Benjamin, coal merchant, I Bellot street

stables, Old Woolwich road Merrett John, coal dealer, 25 Woodland grov-e

Long"Hiram, bill poster, ~45 Greenwich road MERRIT & HATCHER, printers, proprietors & publishers

Longburst James, toy shop, 28 Blackheath hill of the "Kentish Mercury;" published friday morning

Longhurst James Christopher, carpenter, 75 Royal hill (established 1833), 6 to 12 Blackheath road

Longman Thomas & Son, Victoria iron works, Norway st Merryweather & Sons, fire engine, tramway engine& general

Longman Thomas & Son, iron & metal merchants, Victoria engineel"ing wks.Greenwichrd.; &63Longacre,Londonwc

iron works, Norway street Mew Edward, laundry, I3 Couthurst road

LOVIBOND .JOHN & SONS, brewers, maltsters, wine & Mexson Francis, general shop, 68 Thames street

spirit merchants & manufacturers of aerated waters, Michie William Adam M.D., c.M. physician & surgeon, 45A,

Greenwich brewery ; stores, 22oA, High street, Stratford Blackheath road

E; Union street, Kingston-on-'l'hames; 64 Wellesley road, Miles & Ingleton. perfumers, I6 Stockwellstreet

West Croydon; II3 t)t. John's h1ll, Clapham Junctions w; Miles Sarah (Mrs.), laundress, 13 Calvert road

2 Pine gro\"e, Tollington Park N; L. & S. W. Railway Miller Hospital & Royal Kent Dispensary (E. Williams

station, Farnborough, Hants; 4 Clarence road, Windsor; Marshall L.R.C.P.Lond. house surgeon; Courtenay James

Bell street, Reigate; Station road, Woking; High road, Fuller L.R.c.P.LOnd. jun. house surgeon; Maj.-Gen.

Bromley; Waltham Cross; Main road, Bexle;y Heath; R. Roberts, hon. sec.), Greenwich road

14 High street, Acton & Arsenal square, Woohnch Miller Shrofield, blacksmith, 5 West aveuae

... 328 GU:Ii;ENWICH. • ·KENT. (KELLY's

I Osborne Francis S. fishmonger, 3I Bridge street
Miller William, bricklayer, 29 Devonshire road

Millins Arthur W. tripe dresser, ;12 West avenue Osmond Charles, draper, II7 Greenwich road

Mills William & Edward, builders, 25A, Whitworth street Owen Mary Ann (Miss), dress maker, 34 Ashburnham road

Mills Elizabeth (Mrs), wardrobe dealer, 23 & 24 William st Page George William, pie shop, 3 Bridge street

Millward Henry William, dairyman, 1I 2 Trafalgar road Page Mary Anne (Mrs.), wardrobe dealr. I29 Trafalgar road

Mission Rooms & Working Lads' Institute, :; East street ·Paling Thomas E. photographer, 63 Bridge street

Mitchell Benjamin, tailor, 6I London street Palmar William, grocer, I Hassendean road

Mitchell James, gasfitter, n Trafalgar road Pankhurst Jamt>.s, tobacconist, 2 Trdfalgar road
soMitting William, indiarubber manufr. 53 Greenwich road Paris Peter, tailor, Royal hill
Monday :Misses, ladies' school, 64 South street Parker Henry, wood turner, I5 Prior street

Monday George, fruiterer, 53 London street Parkinson Robert, Trinity pilot, 23 Creed place .

Monk William Henry, The Globe P.H. 6 Royalliill Parr Henry William, provision dealer, 24 Trafalgar road

Monks :Froncis Albert, watch maker, 55 London street Parry Thomas Hy. & Sons, tailors, I Alma pl. Woolwich road

Montin Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, 72 Blackheath hill Parsley Edmund Robert, ironmonger, 93 Trafalgar road

Moody William, fruiterer, Lower Woolwich road Parsons Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, xo6 South street

Moon Fdk.M.B.physcn.&certifying factory surgn.79London st Parsons Sarah (Mrs.), school, I I7 Royal hill

Moon William, hair dresser, 1 Roan street Parsons William, chemist & dentist, 47 London street; u

Moorat Edward, tobacconist, 113 South street Nelson street & chemist & post office, 4 Eastcombe terrace

Moore Isaac, supply stores, 32 Blackheath hill Parthenon Theatre of Varieties (Alfred A. Hurley, proprie·

Moore John, chemist, I 10 Blackheatli road tor), Silver street

Morfey Jabez, professor of music, 64 King Geo~ge street Pash & Co. boot makers, 27 London street

1. Morgan & Kidd, photographers, 51 Royal hill Patmore Joseph Henry, cycle manufacturer, 4I South street

Morgan Hugh, fishmonger, 96 Trafalgar road · Pattenden Edward, general dealer, 101 Roan street

Morgan William, shopkeeper, 14 King street Pattenden James, grocer, 14 Blackheath road

Moriarty & Co. wire workers, :UJ South street Pattison Rt. Ashburnham Arms P.H. 25 Ashburnham grove

Morley & Son, pianoforte & music warehouse, 7 Crooms hill Pauli Lucy (Miss), manufacturing furrier, 42 Royal hill

Morley William & Richard, fruiterers, 94 Trafalgar road Paxman James, dairyman, 6 Silver street

Morley Robert, paperhanger, 42 Brand street Paxton & Co. wine & spirit merchants, 16 Blackheath hill

Morley William, house decorator, ro Royal place Pay Charles, The Grey Coat Boy P.H. 88 Roan street

Morris Amelia (Mrs.), Fubb's Yacht P.H. Brewery lane Payn l<'rancis, coal dealer, 8 Weston terrace

Mortoo Henry, chemist, 7 Parade buildings . Payne Edward, oilman, 3 & 4 North terrace, Woolwich road

Morton James, general shop, 8 Bennett street Payne George, general shop, 24 Chester street

Morton John, grocer, see Fludger & Morton Payne James, poulterer, uo Royal hill

Morton's Theatre (late Prince of Wales') (William Morton, Payne John, tailor, 3 Deptford bridge

proprietor), 75 London street Payne Sardh (Miss), laundress, 90 King George street

Moseley Charles Henry, The Golden Anchor P.H. Bennett st Payne William, general shop, 5 Billingsgate street

Moseley William, beer retailer, 26 Blackheath hill Payne William,greengrocer, 6 Hatcliffe's bldgs. Woolwich rd

Moses H. & Son, florists, 45A, Devonshire road Peake Charles Henry, bookbinder, 4A• & 8 Browning place

Mote Thomas, manager of the London & County Bank & Pearce & Steer, watch makers, 5 South street

treasurer to the Greenwich district board of works & to I Pearce Charles, bricklayer, 8 Miles street

the Union, 2 Church street Pearce Edward R. dentist, 76 London street

Mott Isaac, oilman, 16 Haddo street Pearcy Thomas, eel pie house, 145 Trafalgar road

Mowlem John & Co. stone mers.; works, East Greenwich 1 Pearman George William, general shop, III Bridge street

Moynahan Danl. Walt.collectr.of Queen'staxes,xs6Traflgr.rd PearsonJ.O.station master, Westcombe(S.E.R.),Orrniston rd

IMuggeridge William James, furniture dlr. 124 Trafalgar rd Peirce George, general shop, 23 Haddo street
Mulcock William, coffee rooms, 26 Horseferry road Penn Jn. & f\ons Limited, marine engineers, 12 Lewisbamrd

Mullins Thomas, grocer, 49 Marlborough street Penn William, greengrocer, 65 Marlborough street

Mumford Bros.pawnbrokers,25 Nelson st.& I2KingWilliam st People'& Co-operntive Permanent Building Society (Henry

Mumford Samuel Pretyman & Charles, steam mills, Albion Hodg-son, sec.), I77 Greenwich road

& Ravensbourne wharves, Greenwich road Peppercorn Brothers. grocers, 54 & 56 London street
Mumford William, dairy, 9 Lower Woolwich road
I PERFORATED BLOCK FUEL,Sussex wbarf,EastGreenwch

Mundy William Samuel, cutler, so London street Perkins Henry James, butcher, 7 John's ter. Woolwich road

Munyard Matthew Herbert, butcher, 48 London street Perkins James, butcher, 147 Trafalgar road

Murley Jane (Mrs.), sweets dealer, 136 Trafalgar road Perkins Richard, florist, 59 King street

Murrin William, The Prince Albert P.H. 72 Royal hill 1Perren Samuel Jas. corn merchant, I & 3 King George st
Musgrove John, undertaker, 7 George street Perry Henry James, cutler, 5 Greenwich road
Naylor Thomas, greengrocer, 74 London street

, Peters Henry, carver & gilder, 15A, So.uth street

Neale J ohn,pharmaceutical chemist,2 Lombard ter. Lower rd Peters Richard, green!!"rocer, xo Circus street

Neighbour Edwin, florist, 30 Greenwich road Peters William H. relieving officer for East district Green·
Neville Hezekiah, travelling draper, 82 Royal hill 1 wich union, 62 & 64 Old 'Vool wich road

Newbery & H.ussell, coal merchants, 32 Annaudale road I Peterson Charles H. umbrella maker, 20 London street

Newbery Charles, insurance agent, 32 Annandale road Peterson Edward J ames, umbrella maker, 44 Blackheath rd

Newble Alfred, insurance agent, n Upper Tyler street Pether Rosetta (Mrs.), milliner, xo8 Blackheath road

Newton Waiter & Co. drapers, 168 Trafalgar road Pettit C. John, decorator, 64 Marlborough street

Nicholas H. G. hair dresser, 4 Bridge street Pettit Frederick William, builder, 1 Payne terrace

Nicholas William Henry,grocer,see Leverett,Frye & Nicholas Phillips Hy .inspector of the C. I. department, 21 Frobisher st

Nichols Martha (Mrs.), dress maker, 99 King George street i Pierse Hy. de Lacey, ho. decorator,2 North ter. Woolwichrd
Nicholson William M.D. surgeon & medical officer for North Piggott Thomas, chimney sweeper, 2 John street

East district, Greenwich union, 3 Christchurch street Pilkington John, boot maker, 2 Edward street

Niven Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundress, 68 Blackheath road Pinchback Benjamin G. cabinet maker, 53 Guildford road

Noakes David & Son, magic lantern & photo lens makers, 9 Pine John, The Yacht tavern, Crane street

Billingsgatestreet Pinnegar James, bricklayer, 99 Royal hill .

Noakes & Son, forage factors, Billingsgate street Pitt·Taylor Charles, registrar & high bailiff of County Court,

Nobbs Frederick, fishmonger, 15 East street Burney street

Nottage John, general shop, 44 Roan street Platts James Osmond, collar dresser, 102 South street

Nourse Edwd. greengrocr. 25 Bridge ter. Lower Woolwich rd Playle Augustus, Kent dairy, South street

Nunn John, general shop, 91 Bridge street Plowman John, boot maker, 6 l"rederick street ·

Nunn WiJiiam, livery stables, 34lx; 36 King George street Police Court (H. P. Newton, chief clerk), Blackheath road

Nursery (Miss Connerton, matron), 9 East street Pollard & Megrah, builders, 65 Royal hill; & workshops,

O'Brien Elizabeth (Mrs.), general shop, 22 Selcroft road Hyde vale

Odden James, confectioner, no South street Pook Charles Oliver, solicitor, 65 Blackheatb road •

Offices (The) of the Surveyor & Commissioners of Taxes Pook Mary (Mrs.), printer, 3 London street

(Thomas Stordy Fisher, surf'eyor; William Charles Bell, Poole Lucie B. (Miss), ladies' school, 18 Egerton road

clerk to commissioners), 167 Greenwich road Pooley George, silversmith, xo Old Woolwich road

Oldman Mrs. dress maker, u Blissett street Port of London Sanitary Office (W. Collingridge M. D. medi-

Oliver Thomas,, Io Church street cal officer), KingWilliam street

Olley & Co. brush makers, 5 Deptford bridge Porter James, watch maker, 144 Trafalgar road

Ongley & Hayward, fruiterers, 132 Trafalgar road Poynter Brothers, oilmen, 64 Greenwich road

Orchard Eliza Susan (Mrs.), Green Man P.H. & Green Man Pratt Abraham, cab proprietor, 72 Blissett street
Preddy John, pilot, 25 Weedon terrace, Lower Woolwich rd
assembly rooms, Dartmouth row

Orsman John K. relieving officer for North-East district, Prescott D. greengrocer, 47 East street

Greenwich union, 2 Bridge terrace, Lower Woolwich road Preston William ueorge, coffee rooms, 2 Silver street


Price Josepb, marine stores, 86 Old Woolwich road Royal Naval Cemetery (Jn. Keane, supt.), Low.Woolwich~d •

Provan William, general shop, 146 Old Woolwich road Royal Observatory (" illium H. M. Christie x.A•• F.B.s-.• -

Pryer James, jobbing gardener, I2 Couthurst road F.R.A..s. astronomer royal), Qreenwich park

Pryor William Alfred, The Wondman P.H. 105 KingGeorge st Rnddle William Ezra, solicitor, J I4 Greenwich road

l'ublic Baths. & Washhouses ( Kdward J. Puddephatt, supt. ), Rudling & Parsons, drapers, 108 Trafalgar road

London street · RufRe John, h®t maker, IA, Hlil'Sett street

Public Vaccination Station (John Prior Purvis, vaccinator), Russell Alfred, coal merchant, see Newbery & Ru.;;sell

Royal hill . Rnssell Amelia (Mrs.), tobacconist, 191 Greenwich road

Pncknell James, greengrocer, 2 Miles street Russell George E. boot maker, 6 Greenwich market •

Pudney Mary (Miss), dress maker, II King George street Russell Henry Herbert, baker, 2 Marsh lane

Pullen Henry, baker, 75 Church street · Russell Jsph. Fitzmaurice L.:a.c.s.I. surgeon, x Clarence ~

Purvis & Son, surgeons, 38 Royal hill Russell Samuel, tobacconist, 2 Weston terrace

Purvis Alfred L.R.c.P.LOnd. physician & surg.87Trafl)lgar rd Rust Philip, clothier, 18 Church street

J.>urvis John Prior M.B. surgeon & public vacciuator for Rye William James, confectioner, 58 Hlackheath hill
Saberton John, city missionary, s Calvertroad
Greenwich district, see Purvis & Son

Pyne Cha.s•.:\.lbt.plumber&c.IsWeedon ter.Low. Woolwich rd Saint Alphege Club (Alfred Wright, sec.), I Park street

Quint Samuel, dairyman, 67 London street St. Paul's Middle Class Girls' School (Miss Taylor, bead

lwlley Anme (Miss), upholstress, 12 Luton place mistress), 109 Royal hill ,

Raine John C. Barley Mow P.H. 89 Royal hill St. Peter's Hall, Bridge street

Randall Alfred Henry, cheesemonger, 11 Church street Sallinger Louis, carver & gilder, I9 London street

Randall Elizabeth (Miss), tobacconist, 9 Church street Salter Isaac John, boot maker, 4~ London street

Randell John, bicycle repairer, 4 Norman road Salter H.obert, Spread Eagle P.H. 2 ~tockwellstreet

Rattle Henry, smack owner, 9 Circus street Salvation Army Uarrison (Miss Mary Anderson,captain), 70

"Rattle Henry Garrad, sad maker, Brewt10use lane Blackheath road

Ray William Frederic, chemist, & dentist, 2I Nelson street Samouelle Frank, greengrocer, 8o East street

Read George, cordwainer, I 18 Trafalgar road Samuell Christopher, cowkeeper, 4 Dartmouth hill

Read William Charles, boot maker, 11 Edith terrace Samuell Robert Edward, cowkeeper, 3 Dartmouth hill

Redfearn Richard, butcher, 40 Claremont street Sanderson Alexander R. decorator, 6 Lombart villas

Redley & Wright, greengrocers, 2 Hassenden road Sanderson .John W. builder, 7SA9 Blackheath. road
SanerGeorge, fruiterer, 170 Trafalgar road
nsReed George, dairy, 8 Upper Tyler street Sargeant Elias Charles, muffin maker, 17 South crescent

Reed Henry, butcher, Greenwich road

Reason John, corn dealer, 40 Trafalgar road &tch William Edward, ironmonger, 48 Royal hill

Reeves George, boot maker, 8 Point hill Saundry James Haynard M.D. physician & surgeon, 81

Rennie J. & G. Limited, boiler works, Norman road, & iron Greenwich road
Saw & Son, solicitors, 2 Park place
ship builders, 'fhames street .

Reynolds Charles, confectioner, u Greenwich road Saw Samuel, solicitor & clerk to the guardians & superin-

Ribbins George & Robert, general dealers, 18 Bridge street tendent registrar, 2 Park place

Richards A. J. zinc worker, 126A., Old Woolwich road Scard John C. solicitor, 48 Blackheath road

Richards T. domestic machinery depot, 135 Trafalgar road Schelff Arthur, wire worker, 70 London street

RICHARDSON &. BOOTH, auctioneers, house & estate Schloh Carl, artist, I04 Blackheath hill ,

agents & undertakers & agents for Phcenix Fire & Pelican Schmidts Moss Litter Co. Brewery wharf, Bridge street

Life Offices, 3S London street Scholey Thomas, barge owner, lighterman, sand & ballast

Richardson Charlotte (Mrs.), baker, 36 Roan street merchant, 36 Devonshire road; & Somerset wharf, Rother•

Richardson Emily (Miss), dress maker, 9 Bridge terrace, hithe street. s B

Lower Woolwich road School Hoard Offices (Greenwich division) (Waiter John

Richardson George, general shop, 16 Grove place Purver, superintendent of visitors), 63 Royal hill

Richardson Hy. printer, bookseller & stationer,54 Church st Schwar Stephen, watch maker, 20 Hlackheath road

Richardson Louisa (Mrs.), chimney sweep, 66 King street Schwenk Cb.arles William, baker, 167 Trafalgar road
Schwenk Philip, baker, us Trafalgar road
Richardson Waiter, cowkeeper, 52 Annandale road

Ridgewell Edwin, upholsterer, 66 Royal hill Scoble Arthur, timber merchant, SI Church street

Riley James, fishmonger, 30 Thames street Scotield William, cabinet maker, u Luton place

Riley Thos.Geo.S.'fheNaval Reserve P.H.470ld Woolwich rd Scott Emma (Miss), dress ma. 19 Earlswood cots. Edwardpl
Scott George Robert, baker, 68 & 70 East strt~et
Riordan Peter, greengrocer, u Old Woolwich road

Rivers Frederick James, butcher, 77 Bridge street Scott Harry, beer retailer, Billingsgate street

Roan Estate Office (Henry Bolton, agent), 64 Roan street Scott Thomas, gas engineer, 74 Hlackheath road

Roan Girls' School (John Batchelor, clerk to the trust; W. Seago George John, builder, 37 Guildford road

Huck, sec.), Devonshire road Seago William, builder, 73t & 88 Soutb street

Roberts Hy. & Co. wholesale l"Onfect ioners, 49 & SI London st Seaman's Hospital (late Dreadnought) ( W. J ohnson Smith

Roberts Edward, laundry, Milton road F.R.C.S.Eng. principal medical officer; Otto Jackson

RobertsJulia (Mri!.), wat·drobe dealer, 6o Bennett street KaufimannM.D. house physician; H.obt. Ritson M.A., K.B.

Roberts Robert, tiorist, 37 London street house surgeon ; Pietro Mtchelli, sec.), King William st

Roberts Sophia (Miss), ladies' school, 17 Guildford road Seamer Marcus R. poulte1 er, 31 Stockwell street

Roberts Wlltiam, sweets dealer, 19 Greenwich market Sear.:> James, dairy, 30 Trii.ity street

Robertson Alfred, greengrocer, 5 Uouthurst road Selkirk Arthur, baker, IS Hlackheath hill
Robertson Harry, refreshment rooms, 16 Park row
Seymour George, general shop, s George street north

Robinson Cbas.&Son,iron,glass& bone mers.270ld Wlwich.rd Seymour William, rag merchant., 9I Roan street

Robinson ,Joseph & Henry, Deptford Bridge flour mills & . Shalless Charles, The White Swan P.H. 13 Blackheath road

Bridge mills, Lewisham Shalless Edwin, solicitor, 53 Royal hill

Robinson & Son, iron & metal merchants, Anchor iron Shalless Henry, furniture dealer, 81 London street

wharf, East tireenwich Shane I<'rederick, beer retailer, 21 Upper Tyler street

Robinson Frederick John, boot maker, 97 Bridge street Sharp George, news agent, 42 Blissett street

Robinson Harriet (Mrs.), tobacconist, 8 Stockwell road Shave W. G. & Son, tea dealers, 17 Circus street

Robinson N. H. {Miss), teacher of the pianoforte, 32 Creed pl Shave Jane (Mrs.), butcher, 84 Royal hill

Robinson William, jobbing gardener, 13 Park street Shaw John Edward, solicitor, 88 London street

Robinson William, greengrocer, 19 Browning place Shelley Peter, general shop, 7 Hatcliffe street north

Rock Marianne & Louise (Misses), professors of music & Shenton Tyrrell, fruiterer, 8 Trafalgar road

singing, 26 Annandale road Shephard William, The Fox P.H. 12 Haddo street

Roddis John, boot maker, 4 & 5 Deptford bridge Shepheard Charles, clothier, 9 Greenwich market

Rodesano Gatti & Conceprio, restaurant, 69 London street Shepherd John, greengrocer, II9 South street

Roff ,Sidney Herbert, confectioner, 2 Deptford bridge She!Jherd John, provision dlr. I Station viis. Westcombe hill

Rogers Thomas, baker, 36 & 38 Chester street Shepherd Samuel, oilman, 2r: Greenwich road

Rollinson Samuel, confectioner, 99 Greenwich road Sherwood William C. boot maker, 61 Devonshire road

ltomang Theophilus, oilman, 4I llridge street Shields Thomas, The Royal Standard P.H. 67 Pelton road

Rood ueorge,, 93 Royal hill Short E. (Mrs.), general shop, 39 Old Woolwich road

Rose ueorge James, shopkeeper, 13 Marsh lane Shute & Dashwood, surgeons, 14 Crooms hill

Rose Mark, watch maker, 8 J>eptford bridge Sibley Eliza (Mrs.), dimng room~, 7 King William street

Rose William Charles, baker, 6o & 62 King George street; Sibley Thomas, metal dealer, 49 Old Woolwich road

I Nelson street & 6A, John's terrace Silk Thomas Guy, beer retailer, 78 Blackheath road

Rowe John, beer retailer, 33 Old Woolwich road Simmons H. &Son, carriage bmlders, 90 k 92Greenwich road

RoyCharles, dining rooms, 14 Church street Simmons & Sons, carpenters,2 Weedon ter.Low. Woolwichrd

Royal Blackheath Uolf Club (l''rancis Gilbert, hon. sec.), 93 :5immons Harold S. solicitor, 8 Deptford bridge

Blackb.eath hill 3imons Miss, dress maker, 26 Ashburnham road

• KENT• • [KELLY'a


• I Stringer Richard T. Ship & Billet P.H. Woolwich road

Simpson Jane (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, I9 Haddo street

Simpson William, house decorator, 10 Ashburnham road Stuart Charles, general shop, 44 Marlborough street

Sims Henry, coffee rooms, 5 Clarence street Sturton Hubert Wilson South, surgeon, & medical officer for

Sims Henry, fly proprietor, South street West district, Greenwich union, 2 South street

Sims T. Hood, photographer, 11 King William street Submarine Mining & Torpedo Explosives Co. Limited

Singer Manufat:turing Co. (Thomas William Brown, man· (Alfred Wright, sec.), Westcombe hill

ager), 131 South street Sullivan Charles, provision dealer, 6 Blissett street

Sizer Brothers, corn me:-chants, 75 & 77 Trafalgar road Sullivan George, jeweller, 9 Greenwich road

Skipper Samuel, haberdasher, 78 Royal hill Suter Elizabeth (Mrs.), marine store dealer, 37 George st

Slade Joseph, hatter, 88 Trafalgar road Sutton Thomas, boot maker, 9A, Circus street

Slark William Henry, boot maker, 102 Royal hill Sweet & Venone, tailors, 130 Trafalgar road

Sly George Warren, builder, ISS Greenwich road • Symons Edward, ham & beef dealer, 138 Trafalgar road

Smalley John, Lord Nelson P.H. 6 Trafalgar road Tabb John Ji'rederick, surgeon, Vale house, Woolwich road

Smart Alfred, fruiterer, 24 Royal hill Tanner Hy.P.ironmonger, 162 Trafalgar rd.&45Tranquil vale

Smart George, farrier, 43 Bridge street 'fate Joseph, grocer, 40 Glenister rd. & 126 Trafalgar road

Smart Henry David, station master (Maze hill), S. E. R. Taylor Margaret (Mrs.), Ordnance tavern, Blackwalllane

35 Creed place Taylor Miss, ladies' school, 5 Dartmouth row .

Smart M. A. (Mrs.), laundress, 44 Upper Tyler street Taylor William, marine store dealer, 8I Old Woolwich road

Smart Robert Ernest, corn dealer, 13 Bridge street Taylor William, wardrobe dealer, 116 Old Woolwich road

Smith Alfred & Frank, builders, Devonshire road Taylor William Charles, carpenter, Peyton place

Smith & Batchelor, solicitors, 52 Crooms hill • Taylor William Isaac, plumber, 21 Trafalgar road

Smith & Co. auctioneers, 88 London street. Telegraph Construction & Maintenance Co. Limited, tele-

Smith Abraham, fishmonger, 93 Roan street graph cable manufacturers (Henry Clifford, manager),

Smith Alfred, house decorator, 25 Little Thames street Enderby's wharf, East Greenwich

Smith C. J. (Mrs.), dress maker, 73 Annandale road Terrington George, dairyman, 2 Bedford place

Smith Catherine (Mrs.), organist, 22 Guildford road Tharp George John, baker, 47 Marlborough street

Smith Charles Horatio, returning officer for the borough of Thomas & Dobell, drapers & hosiers, 10 to 14 Blackheath'hl

Greenwich, 88 London street Thomas Annie (Mrs.), grocer, 85 Trafalgar road

Smith E. (Mrs.), newsvendor, 103 Trafalgar road Thomas Jt'rancis Benj. draper, 5 Queen's ter. Woolwich road

Smith E. A. (Miss), shirt maker, 59 South street Thomas Ji'redc.J. oilman,n9 Greenwich rd.& 83 Trafalgar rd
Smith Edward, The Plume of F~athers P.H. 19 Park place Thomas Frederick, tailor, 3 South crescent

Smith Edward G. grocer, 9 Miles terrace, Walnut Tree road Thomas Jn.Reed,gen. fancy drpr. x&2Matilda pl. Woolwich rd

Smith George Mence, oilman & resin merchant, 25 & 31 Thompson Charles, draper, 5 Orchard place, Woolwich road

Trafalgar road & 20 Church street Tbompson Sarah (Mrs.), midwife, 73 Trafalgar road
Smith H.J. drapers,& house furnisher n: & 13,Blackheath hill Thomson John H. draper, 70 Greenwich road

-Smith James, house & estate agent, see Weedon & Smith Thorne John M. M.R.c.v.s. veterinary surgeon, Seymour

Smith John, greengrocer, IS Church passage cottage, Conduit vale

Smith John, naturalist, I Atlas street Thornton Harriet (:Mrs.), general shop, 22 Collerston rood

Smith John LD.S:.R.c.s.ll'el. surgeon-dentist to the Royal Thorp Sophia (Mrs.), baker, 9 John's ter. Woolwich road

Kent dispensary, 3 Blackheath road Thorpe Sydney, prov. stores, 2 Weedon pl. Low. Woolwich rd

Smith Joseph, baker, 54 Claremont street Three Cups Coffee Tavern (John George Ward, manager),

Smith Joseph Henry, carpenter, 58 Pelton road 7 Matilda place, Woolwich road

-Smith N. carman, 51 Roan street Tidy William, butcher, 110 Trafalgar road

Smith Sydney James, news agent & confectioner, 3 Weedon Tigg E. cabinet maker & upholsterer, 28 Royal hill

place, Lower Woolwich road TilburyMaryAnn(Miss),st.ationer & post office,6xTrafalgar rd

Smith Thomas Henry, The Pilot P.H. Ceylon place Tilling Thomas, Jobmaster & livery stables, Station yard,

Smith Thomas Joel, rate collector, 2 Annandale rolad Greenwich road

Smith William, butcher, 55 Claremont street Tindley William, oilman, 5 Alma place, Woolwich road

Smithson Millar, grocer, 26 Royal hill · Tippen Thomas, fruiterer, 54 Royal hill

Smoker Thomas, barrow maker, 71 Old Woolwich road Todd Charles, fisherman, 97 Church street

Snashall Edwin, fruiterer, I & 2 Greenwich market Todd Emily (Miss), 'fhe Three Crowns P.H. High bridge

Snashall George, greengrocer, 10 John's ter. Wool";ch road Todd Joseph, The Little Crown P.H. 45 East street

Snashall Henry, greengrocer, x John's ter. Woolwich road Tomlin Emma (Mrs.), grocer, I Marlborough street

Snashall Henry, nursery, 87A, King George street Tomlinson Jas. carpenter, 7 College pl. we. Maidenstonehill

Society for Organizing Charitable Relief & Repressing .1.\'Ien- Tompsett George, picture frame maker, 10I Blackheath hi

dicity {Wm. Denniston, sec.) (branch), 8 King William st Tompsett James, decorator, 26 Ashburnham road

Sorrell Thomas, Pelton Arms P.H. Pelton road Tookey Eunice Jane (Mrs.), milliner, 38 Trafalgar road

South Eastern Herald & Advertiser (South Eastern Herald Tookey William Henry, insurance agent, 38 Trafalgar road

Newspaper Co. Limited, publishers; published friday ), Tovey James, furniture remover, I7 Wellington grove

Kent house, Greenwich road Towers Henry Robert, North Pole P.H. 131 Greenwich road

South London Christian Institution (:Frederick W. Warm- Townsend Edwin Cornelius, inspector of weights & measures,

ington, president), 55 South street 53 Ashburnham grove

South Metropolitan Gas Light & Coke Co. (F. Bush, sec.; Townshend Tom, dairyman, I Couthurst road

Ji'. Livesey, chief engineer; J. F. Braidwood, resident Townsend Frederick, greengrocer, I26 Roan street

engineer), Thames street & Marsh lane Toynbee William George, painter, 4 Brand street

Southorn Wm. Catherstone, meat carrier, 2 King George st Tracey John, mast maker, Crane street

Spencer Edward John, carman, 53 Chester street TraceyJsph. boat buildr.EastCrowley's wharf, EastGreenwicb

Spencer James, solicitor & clerk to Greenwich district board Training Home for Girls (Miss M. W. Styles), 22 Woodlands

of works, 82 London street Park road

Spencer Thomas H. dentist, go South street Tranter Daniel, general shop, 25 Bellot street

Spiers & Pond Limited, White Hart P.H. 1 London street Treamer Horatio, boot maker, 6 Point hill

Spreyer Elisabethe (Mrs.), baker, 6 Orchard pl. Woolwich rd Tremearne George Eustace, solicitor, 86 London street

Stacey G. Middlemas, shopkeeper, Blackwall lane TRENCHARD &. SONS, TILERS, SLATERS & MASONS,

Staite Abel & Co. grocers, x6 Greenwich market TILE, SLATE, BRICK, CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER,

Stampton William, chimney cleaner, 37 Roan street hair, sand, ballast, STONE, FIRE GOODS & TIMBER

Stanley William (Mrs.), tea gardens, 8 King William street merchants, Albion & Ravensbourne wharves, Greenwich

Starkey Robert, undertaker, 46 Trafalgar road road

Steel Charles, stationer, 127 Greenwich road Trice Mary (Mrs.), midwife, 13 Blissett street

Steer James, carver & gilder, 9I 'frafalgar road Trimmer Richard Charles, fruiterer, xo Deptford bridge

Stephens Geo. beer retlr. 3 & 4 Hatcliffe's bldgs. Woolwich rd Trinity Hospital (Henry Waiter Parker, warden), Crowley's

Stephens William, tobacconist, I73 Trafalgar road wharf, East Greenwich

Stevens Joseph, shopkeeper, 8 Horseferry road 'frowell Henry, registered lodging house, 45 Church street

Stevens Lindsay Ernest, Prince Arthur P.H. 173 Greenwich rd Truphet John, sports outfitter, 108 Blackheath hill

Stevens Thomas, tobacconist, 100 Trafalgar road Trute Charles Fredk. The Volunteer P.H. 6 King William st

Stevenson Robert, shoo maker, 5 Frederick street Tucker Henry, carpenter, 7 Merton place

Steward John, greengrocer, 65 Church street Tuke Alfred, news agent, I02 Trafalgar road

Stiles G. general shop, 6 Old Woolwich road Tuley John, jun. building material dealer, 76 Christch11rch

Stirling M. (Miss), ladies' school, 6 Dartmouth row street & Bellot street

Stirling Reginald, florist, Dartmouth row Turkish Bitumen Dep(>t (Thomas Curran, manager),

Storey Robert, basket maker, 95 Royal hill Brewery wharf, Bridge street

Straw William & Son, tool makers, 34 Greenwich road Turnbull Charlotte (Mrs.), sweets dealr. IA, 'fyler st. north

Streat Frank, watch maker, 133 Trafalgar road Turner & Sons, wire workers, IS & 16 Trafalgar grove


. •

'l'urner Arthur, coffee house, 28 Greenwich market Wellington Almshouses1 Egerton road
Turner Charles, boot maker, 17 Blissett street WellmanFrdk. Thos. rag mer. I Brunswick pi.Straightsmou1;h

'I'nrner Charles, boot maker, Dartmouth place Wells George, grocer, 46 London street .

Turner Charles M. boot maker, 17 Point hill Wells James, oilman, 3 Blackheath hill
' Turner Edmund, confectioner, 125 South street
Wells John, decorator, 87 Blackheath road

Turner Edmund, confectioner, 28 Trafalgar road West Greenwich Constitutional Club (Robert Wilson, 86C),.

. Tumer George, tobacconist, 42 Pelton road 159 Greenwich road ,

. Tumer Reuben, physician & surgeon, 24 South street West Greenwich, Co-operative Society Limited {George

~Tnurrnneerr William, grocer, 161 Trafalgar road grove Brewer, manager; Jn. Stokes, sec.), 31 & 33 Blackheath hl.
William, jun. wire worker, 14 Trafalgar West Greenwich Ragged School & Working Lads' Institute

Tdson Hy. Jas. clothier 166, & pawnbroker 1721 Trafalgar rd (Robert McClare, sec. ), 37 & 39 Bridge street
Tnrrell Geo~e, laundry, 24 Bedford place
Tutt Alfred, fishmonger, 6 Matilda place, Woolwich road West Kent & Greenwich Carlton Clnh Limited (C. D. Lang

& Sidney Clarke, hon. secs.; W. H. Boothby, sec.), Point.

Tntt Ja.mes, fishmonger & poulterer, 103 Blackheath road house, The Grove

Tutt James, house decorator, 21 Browning place West Kent Mutual Permanent Building Societies (6th &

Twin Benjamin, boot maker, 38 Church street 7th) (B. Mitchell, sec.), 7 Nelson street

.Tyler Henry, baker, I Horseferry road & 140 Trafalgar rd West London Dairy Co. Limited (H. T. Warren, sec.), 45

Tyrrell Charles, carpenter, 7 Douglas pl. Walnut Tree road Trafalgar road

Universal Whole Meal Biscuit Co. Derwent street West Jonathan, news agent, 55 Greenwich road

Untbank Charles, sweep, 16 Point hill . West Martin Thos. coffee & dining rooms, 98 Trafalgarroa<l

Untbank Wm. chimney cleaner, 9 Hatcliffe st. Woolwich rd Wheeler John S. florist, 15 Blackheath road

Urry & Son, pawnbrokers, 35, 37 & 39 Blackheath hill Wheeler Thomas, builder, 22 Edward street
Urry George, Dover Castle P.H. 53 Church street
Wheelhouse Jsph. but-cher, 34 Trafalgar rd. &3Weston ter
Ursuline Convent of Our Lady Star of the Sea, 70 Crooms hl Whiffen William, shopkeeper, Blackwalllane

Usberwood George, grocer, 21 Lower Woolwich road Whitlin Edward, beer retailer, 57 Church street

Vance Cyprien Vielo & Co. fruiterers & florists, 14 London st Whiffin Henry, Man in the Moon P.H. Old Woolwich road

Varnham William, under waterman, 95 Church street Whitaker Francis, mode1ler, 17 Farmdale road

Venn John, tobacconist, 23 London street White Norman & Co. tailors, 16 & 18 Blackbeath road

Venone Henry Percy, tailor, see Sweet & Venone White Ephraim, general shop, 29 East street

Ventris Frederick William, confectioner, 4 Blissett street White George, hair dresser, 38A, Church street

Vernez & Co. provision merchants, 17 Stockwell street White Geo. hair dresser, 18 Hatcliffe's bldgs. Woolwichrd'

Vickers Richard, hair dresser, 88 Royal hill White Geor5e, hair dresser, 153 Trafalgar road '

•Vinten Sarah (Mrs.), laundress, 2 Albert lerrace White Jane Hannah (Mrs.), dining rooms, li1 Blackheath rd

Vohmann John George, baker, 22 Ularence street White Robert Henry, beer retailer, 52 Roan street

Wack William Conrad, tailor, 7 Stockwell street White William, hot water engineer, 20 Grove street ·

Wade Charlotte (Mrs.), corset maker, 5 Stockwell street Whitehead Charles, dairy, 16 Hatcliffe's bldgs. Woolwich rd

Wade William, grocer, 34 Roan street WhiteheadThos.fried fish dlr. 17Hatcliffe's bldgs.Woolwich rd

Wagstaff J. T. butcher, 131 Trafalgar road Whiteway William & Co. coal merchants, Greenwich wharf

Wagstaff William Henry, butcher, I Orchard pl.Woolwich rd Wickens Ellen (Mrs.), general shop, 65 Thames street

Walkem Miss, depot for ladies' needlework, 2 Cambridge ter Widow Smith's Almshouses, Trafalgar road

Walker Alfred, horse flesh dealer, n Frederick street Wilcox John, chair caner, 67 Old Woolwich road·

Wall Charles, Prince of. Orange P.H. 189 Greenwich road Wild Robert, pawnbroker, 37 & 39 Trafalgal' road

Wall George, undertaker, 121 & 123 South street & 49 & 51 Wild Thomas, leather warehouse, 14 Church passage
Wilday George1 laundry~ 22 Greenwich road
Trafalgar road ·

Wailer Edward, oilman, 68 Blissett street Wilkie &Soames,'fhames soap &candle works,EastGreenwch

Wailer Emily (Miss), dress ma. 22 Lorne ter. Annandale rd Wilkins Thomas, grainer, 103 South street

Walpole Thomas, plumber, 4 Creed place Wilkinson Mary (Mrs.), sweets dealer, 14 Park row

Walton John Charles & Co. coal merchants, 6 Nelson street Willan Henry, tobacconist, 105 Greenwich road ·

Ward G. & Son, barge builders, Phoonix wharf, Norman rd Willes William L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon, 24 Crooms hill

Ward Caroline (Miss), tobacconist, 85 Church street Williams Richard, fruit grower, Morden plantation, Morden

Ward Henry, gree~arocer, 41 East street road, & potato salesman, 26 & 27 Greenwich market

Ward J. A. hosier &c. 138B, Trafalgar road Williams Wm. general shop, 21 Derwent rd. &48 Chesterst.

Ward James, boot maker, 35 King Geurge street Willis Elizabeth (Mrs.), general shop, 75 Thames street

Ward James, general shop, 79 Roan street Wilson Alfred, bird fancier, 127 Trafalgar road

Ware & Son, builders & decorators, 40 Royal hill Wilson Thomas W. carpenter, 82 Blackheath road

Warham Almshouses, Egerton road Wilson Waiter, carpenter, 125 Calvert road & 9 Burney st.·

Waring Frederick W. photographer, 41 Trafalgar road Windmill Charles, general shop, 19 Charlotte street

Warner Mary (Miss), confectioner, 7 Church street Windmill William, confectioner, 99A, Blackheath road

Warren Charles, Rose & Crown P.H. Thames street Wingett Henry, shoe maker, Billingsgate street

Warren Elizabeth (Mrs.), Red Lion P. H. 17 Greenwich road V\'insall Charles, hatter, 137 l:louth street

Warren George, boot maker, 91 Royal hill Winter James, fishmonger, 120 Trafalgar roa.d

Waters James E. deputy superintendent registrar for Green- Wire Henry, plumber, 10 Edward street

wich district, 2 Park place Wise William, tobacconist, 2 Nelson street

Waters John, beer retailer, 18 John street Withrington Alfred, dining rooms, 59 Greenwich road

Wates Wm. relieving officer for Greenwich, 42 Guildford st Woitowitscb Gottieb, watch maker, II London street

Watson Jn. Cbas. accountant, I Uottage pl. Maidenstone hl Woitowitscb Herman, watch maker, 104 Trafalgar road

Watson Lacy C. (Miss), haberdasher, 100 Royal hill Wolfe Rowland, confectioner, 7 Royal hill

Watson William, dairy, 40 Church street WooG. Edwd. & Co. forage dealers, Wood's wharf, Thames st.

Watts George, confectioner, 125 Greenwich road Wood Charles, builder, 9 Calvert road •

Watts William Hambidge, general shop, 18 Trinity street Wood Charles, distillery, 32 London street

Waugh Henry, tobacconist, 159 Trafalgar road Wood Charles, Norman Arms P.H. Norman road

Way Benjamin, carpenter, 63 Old Woolwich road · WoodEdward Negus, solicitor, 12 Burney street

Wayment George, shopkeeper, Blackwelllane Woods George, blacksmith, 5 Old Woolwich road

Waymouth Henry, boys' school, 9 Glen Mohr terrace Wood George, general shop, 7 Old Woolwich road

Webb Eliza (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 77 Greenwich road Wood Lewis John, Ship & Sailor P.H. 71 Church street •
Webb Robert, grocer, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & Wood Mary (Miss), grocer, 63 King George street

spirit merchants, ·113 Blackheath road, & provision mer- Wood William H. Duke of Kent P.H. Point hill

chant, 116 South street Woodcroft Elizabeth (Mrs.), dairy, 175 Greenwich road ,

Webb William, fruit salesman, 15 Greenwich market Woodgate Edward, carpenter, 11 Thames street

Webber Josiah, architect, Trafalgar lodge, George place Woodgate William Henry, plumber &c. 3 Grove place •

Webster Aun (Mrs.), oil shop, 149 Trafalgar road Woodham&I<'ry,road contra<-otors, Lion wharf,

Webster John, corn merchant, 4 Weston terrace Woodward Charles, wheelwright, 16 Stockwell street

Wedderburn Henry & Son, scale makers, 46 Blackheath rd Woodward George James, greengrocer, 89 Bridge street

Wedderbnrn John, scale maker, 116 Royal hill Wooff Thomas James M.R.c.v.s. vetery. surgeon, 13 Roan st

Weeden & Smith, house & estate agents, 140 Trafalgar road Woolford William, general shop, 26 Claramont street

Weekley Arthur, piano manufacturer, 57 South street Woollard Leonard,ham & beef warehouse,2 Deptford bridge

Weiss Matthew, baker, 17 Greenwich market Woollard Samuel, butcher, 14 Greenwich market

Welbrock John Henry, Eight Bells P.H. 3 Church street Woolley Arthur1 Pioneer dairy, 2 Parade buildings
Welcome & Co. boot makers, 12 Parade buildings Woolley Thomas, fishmonger, I Weston terrace, Marsh lane

WeBer & Tremearne, solicitol'S, 84 London street Wootton Peter, greengrocer, 5 Bannett street

Weller George, saddler, 47 Royal hill Workshop for the Blind of Kent (Major-Genl.A.S.Moberley,

Weller William, refreshment rooms, 4 Silver street hon. sec.; W. F. Batley, hon. treasurer), I South street

332 • :KltNT• [KELLY's


Wright Thomas & Co. coal merchants, Providence wharf Young Davhl, butcher, 141 South street

. · Wright Joseph, general shop, 42 Thames street Young George Henry, baker, 49 Royal hill &39 London at

Wright Joshua Henry, butcher, 44 Royal bill Young Henry, butcher, 6 Blackheath hill& ~I Lewisham rd

Wrigley Edmund, emigration & shipping agent, 44 Green- Young Men's Friendly Society (Christchurch branch) (W.

wich road P. Grant, hon. sec.), 6 Christchurch street

Wyres Thomas, chimney cleaner, 7 Hatcliffe's buildings, Young Women's Institute (Miss Stone, lady principal), 139

Woolwich road Greenwich road

'Young Charles Frederick, basket maker, 107 Bridge street

GROOMBRIDGE is a village,hamlet and manor,partly ancient brick mansion with stone dressings, surrounded bya

in the parish of Speldburst, and partly in the parish of broad and deep moat, which is supplied with water by a

Withyham, Smsex, situated on the road from Tunbridge stream flowing through the garden: the Duke of Orleans
Wells to East Grinstead, with a station half a mile south who was taken prisoner by Sir Richard Waller, at the battle
from the village, on the London, Brighton and South Coast of Agihcourt, October 25th, I4I5, was confined here for

railway, and 4 miles west-by-south from Tunbridge Wells, many years ; in the library is some fine carved oak panel-

in the South Western division of the county, hundred of ling, dating from the reign of Henry V. and bearing the

Somerden, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, petty sessional division arms of Sir R. Waller. Burr's Wood, the seat of Lady
and county court distnct of Tunbridge Wells, union of Caroline Stirling, is a handsome stone mansion, situated in
Tonbridge, rural deanery of South Malling, archdeaconry of a park about three-quarters of a mile west from the chapel.
Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. Mrs. Streatfeild and the Misses Saint, who are ladies of

Thomas, built in 1884, and consecrated in 1886, is an edifice the manor, Lady Caroline Stirling and George Hanbury
of stone in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, :Field esq. are the principal landowners. The area aud
.nave and west porch: there are 220 sittings. The register population of the portion of the village which is in Kent are

dates from the year 1886. The living is a vicarage, net included with Speldburst.
yearly value [, I4o, with residence, in the gift of the rector Sexton, William Bish.
of Withyham, and held sin<.-e I89o by the Rev. Samuel PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity &Insurance Office.-

Waite Tidswell M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford. The Horace Sumner, receiver. Letters arrive from Tuubridge
chapel of St. John the Evangelist is a small structure of Wells at 5.30 & II.4o a. m. ; dispatched at 1.20 & 8.15 p.m
brick in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, PosT OFFicE, New Town.-I<'erdinand Field, receiver.

nave, south porch and a bell cote over the chancel arch Letters dispatched ati.25&7.55 p.m.& 7·55 p.m.snndays.
containing a clock and one bell; it was built in the yeal' Nearest money order& telegraph office is at Groombridge

:1625 by John Packer, clerk of the Privy Seal to Charles I. ScHOOLS:-
and was a private chapel belonging to the Estate of National (mixed), erected in x86o, chiefly at the cost of
Groombridge Place until I872, when it was consecrated Sir Waiter Stitling bart. for I20 children; average at-

and became a chapel of ease to Speldhurst church : there tendance, 40 ; Miss Sarah Carter & Miss Lillie Martin,
are two ancient stained windows on the south side, and x8o mistresses
.sittings. The Rev. Benjamin Whitelock M. A. of St. John's National (mixed), St. Thomas', converted from the Mission

.College, Cambridge, is curate. Fairs are held here on the church in x887, for ISO children ; average attendance,
:17th of May and the 25th of September. Groombridge xoo; Owen Russell, master; Mrs. Russell, mistress
Place, the seat of Mrs. Streatfeild and the ~Iisses Saint, is an Railway Station, Joseph White, station master

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bailey Charles, lodging house Goodwin William, tobacconist

Boardman Rev. Edwin, Glen Andred Bailey George, shoe maker Hall Alfred, miller & corn dealer

Fenwick Mrs Balls William George Joye, farmer, Hall Thomas, carrier & coal dealer

Halford William John, The Firs Top Hill farm Hill Spencer Edgar, The Crown P.H

Hodges Mrs Barden Spencer, blacksmith Jeer Jesse, butcher

Milbnrns Misses .Hetchley Abraham Richard, miller Kemp Alfred, watch maker

Oswell William Cotton l!'.R.G.s. Hill side (watf\r) & farmer Killick Richard Spencer & Frederick,

Rodwell Edward, Wood mead Hocking Fanny (Miss), ladies' school grocers & drapers

Saint Misses, Groombridge Place Botting Louisa (Miss), haberdasher Killick Frederick, baker

.Stirling Lady Caroline, Burr's wood Brown James, bnilder Kingsbury Thomas, tanner

Streatfeild Mrs. Groombridge Place Brooman Harriet (Mrs.), heel' retailer Luxford Richard, farmer

'Temple James William, Leyswood Butler Jane (Mrs.), grocer Sands Saml.& Sons,carpenters &joiners

Tidswell Rev. Samuel Wa,te M.A. St. Camfield Alfred, coffee house Smith William, farmer, Corsley farm

Thomas' vicarage Dray William, blacksmith Tanner Edwin, Junction hotel

Wallis William Field Ferdinand, grocer, & post office, Tompsett Samuel, butcher ·

Wbitelock Rev. Benjamin [curate] New town Wallis William, surgeon

Whitmore Herbert, Sunnyside Francis James William, plumber, Watson Henry, cowkeeper

COMMl!JRCIA.L. decorator & sanitary engineer West George, saddler

.Ashdown Jasper, boot maker Gilbert Jane (Miss), day school Wightwick Charles Meadow, saddler

GUSTON is a parish, about 2! miles north from Dover, Earl of Guilford (a minor) and the Ecclesiastical Commis·

in the Eastern division of the county, Bewsborough hundred, sioners, who are lords of the manor. The land in the parish

lathe of St. Augustine, Wingham petty sessional division, is chalky and poor. The chief crops are, barley,

union and county court district of Dover, and in the rural oats and turnips. The area is I,4ox acres of land and 20

deanery of Dover and archdeaconry and diocese of Canter- of water; rateable value, [,2,377; the population in 1881

bury. The church of flt.Martm is a small building of flint, was 481, including 170 in Fort Burgoyne or Castle Hill fort.

in part c,f Norman date, and consists of chancel, nave, north Parish Clerk, William Rolfe.

_porch and a western tower containing one bell: there are Letf.ers through Dover, the nearest money order &telegraph

'l:OO sittings. The register dates from the year 1571. The office, arrive at 8.30 a.m

lijing is a vicarage, with that of River annexed, joint WALL LETTER Box cleared at 9 a.m
average yearly value from tithe rent-charge {,197, net
income £240, with 56! acres of glebe and residence, in the A School Board of 5 members was formed in 1873, John
gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held sim~ I86] Gaskin, clerk to the board & attendance officer

-• by the Rev. Charles Morice B.D. of St. John's College, Cam- Board Sehool (mixed), for 6o children; average attendance,
bridge, who resides at River. Here is a Wesleyan chapel. 40; Miss Mary Davies, mistress

H. M. convict prison is situated in this parish, close to the H. M. Convict Prison, Captain William Edward Buller,

sea, about a mile from Dorer, and will bold 6oo convicts, governor; Chas. Henry Mayhew L.R.C.P.LOnd. surgeon

whom it is proposed to employ in the formation of a harbour in charge ; Charles Millar Overton, acting steward &

of refuge. The principal landowners are the trustees of the chief clerk

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. ' Coleman Thomas, farm bailiff to Alfred Hobday George, beer retailer
• .Huller Capt. William Edward (governor Leney esq. Broadlees farm
Mummery John, miller (wind)

of H.M. convict prison) Dilnot Thomas, blacksmith Prickett Ann (Mrs.), farmer

Bailey William, farmer, Frith farm Eastes Wm. & Arth. farmers, Gnston et White George, beer retailer

Caister Caleb, carpenter Ellen George, shopkeeper

HADLOW is parish situated on the main road from of Canterbury: the Bourne stream flows through the

Maidstone to Tonbridge, IO miles south-west from the parish and the village is lighted with gas, from works built
former, 4 north-east from the latter, 33 from London and I in 186o. ThP church of St. Mary is a building of Kentish
mile north from the navigable Medway, in the South rag, in the Early English and later styles, and consists of
· Western division of the county, Tonbridge petty sessional, chancel, nave. north aisle, north porch and a western tower
union and county court district, Aylesford lathe, hundreds with heavy shingled spire, containing a clock and 8 bells:
of Hadlow, Littlefield and Twyford, rural deanery of thete were originally no aisles, so that in I839, when the
North Mailing, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese chancel was rebuilt, considerable enlargement was effected:



the nave has now arcades of four wide Pointed arches en fruit and wheat. The area 5,682 acres; ratf>.able value

either side, resting on piers alternately circular and oc- £14,422; the population in 1881 was 2,471. •

1Bgonal: a new organ was built in 1881 and a new organ Sexton, James Allaway.

chamber in 1883 and in 1887 an oak reredos, erected to the PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office~

memory of Sir William and Lady Yardley, late of Hadlow R. Lloyd Griffiths, postmaster. Letters arrive from

Park, by their children: there are Boo sittings, all being free. Tonbridge at 6.50 & 12 a. m. & 5 p.m. & dispatched at 9.30

The register dates from the year 1569. The living is a vicar- a. m. 3·45· & 7.40 p.m. Money orders are issued & paid

age, averag-e yearly value from tithe rent-charge £34-2, net from 9 a. m. until6 p.m

income, £939, with residence and 4 acres of glebe, in the I RECEIVING OFFICE, Golden Green.-Thomas Hayward~
gift of and held since 1873 by the Rev. Phillips Howard receiver. Letters arrive from Tonbridge at
6.30 a. m. ;

Monypenny M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. There is an 1 box cleared at 7· 10 p.m. & on sundays at 6.40 p. m. ; the

iron church at Golden Green. in connection with the parish nearest money order & telegraph office is at Hadlow

church. Here also are Baptist and Wesleyan chapels. A PILLAR LETTER BoxEs, Haughfield, cleared at u.1o a.m. &

eemetery, containing 4 acres of ground with two mortuary 7· 10 p.m.; sundays 11.10 a. m. ; Tonbridge road, near

chapels, was opened in 1881, and is under the control of a "Squirrels," cleared 9·35 a. m. 3.50 & 7.50 p.m. ; sundays,

burial board of 5 members. The charities are White's of 11.35 a. m. & Stair hill, cleared at 9· 45 a. m. 4 & 7. 55 p. m. ;

{.16, yearly value, arising from land and Consols left in 1619 sundays 7 p.m

by Robert White, of Hadlow, for clothing, and Wells's of 21s. PURLIC OFFICERS:-

left in 1697, by John Wells, of Hadlow, and distributed in Assistant Overseer, William Stow

bread. The Literary Institute, established here in 1859, has Clerk to the Burial Board, William Stow

reading rooms and a library of I,ooo volumes: a coffee tavern Inland Revenue Officer, Connor Howard

with reading and lecture rooms was opened in February, Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, 4th District, Tonbridge

1882, Alfred Knight, proprietor; and there are also two Union, Henry Major Lawrence L.R.C.P.Edin

breweries and several brickfields. Hadlow Castle, the seat A School Board of 5 members was formed in 1881; William

of Mrs. Rodger-Cunliffe, is a mansion in the Domestic Gothic Stow, clerk to the board; William Croxford, attendance

style: the principal or north entrance has a. spacious hall officer

with a stained window in the centre representing "The Board School, for 184 boys, 151 girls & 125 infants; average

Ascension;" a corridor, 120 feet long from east to west, attendance, 119 boys, 99 girls & 93 infants; John Elphick.

divides the north from the south side; in the latter are ex- master; Miss Kate H. Kerle, mistress ; Miss Mary Ann

tensive drawing-rooms, overlooking a noble park of about Jenkins, infants' mistress

250 acres: the lawns are very tastefully laid out and orna- CoNVEYANCE.- Omnibuses to & from Tonbridge station

ment.ed with fine cedars of Lebanon: there is also a tower, three times daily

170 feet high, which commands an extensive view of the sur- CARRIERS TO:-

rounding country and is a conspicuous object for many miles MAIDSTONE-Thomas Weston, from his house, tues. thurs.

on either side of the village. Sir Francis Geary hart. who is fri. & sat. ; William S. Ongley, mon. wed. thurs. & sat.

lord of the manor, Mrs. Rodger Cunliffe, Robert Henry returning same days

Bowman esq. and Thomas Kibble esq. are chief landowners. ToNBRIDGE-Joseph Henry Whiting, from his house &

The soil is clay; subsoil, various. The chief crops are hops, Edward Gooding Pine, from the' Greyhound' daily

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cole Henry, beer retailer ·Mercer Walter,farm bailiff to SirJulian

Ashwell David Corney William, grocer, & agent for Goldsmid esq

Bowman Robert Henry, Grange W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit mers Morphew George, blacksmith

Cowley Thomas, boot & shoe maker Ongley William S. carrier
Boyd Thomas Lunham, North Frith Creasy Arthur, grocer, Prospect house Pack John, farmer
Clayhill Col. Jas. Menzies, The Bourne Croxford Wm. school attendance officer Palmer Edward, carman & brick maker
Court John, The Close
Crundwell Joseph, watch & clock ma Palmer William, shopkeeper
Dicks Valentine, The Vicarage
Doggett William Barry, confectioner Paris Thomas, baker
Evans Mrs. Hermitage house
Everest William, butcher . Parker Henry, Bell P.H. Golden green
Forbes Mrs. Gold Hill house
Fox John Jas. farmer,Mid Kent fruit fm Peckham John, butcher
God win John SamuelStrutt,Hazlewooa Gardiner George, Albion
Pine Edward Gooding, Greylfound P.H.
Green Augustus William, Faulkners Gardner John,bricklayer& beer retailer &omnibus proprietor
Harvey Henry E. New house
Gates John, baker Red House CoffeeTavern(AlfredKnight,
Howard Conner, Bournsides
Gibson Harry, shopkeeper . proprietor)
Kibble Thomas, Green trees
Godwin John Samuel Strutt, farmer & Reed James, beer retailer
Lawrence Henry Major, Chesfield
hop grower, Hazlewood Samway Henry, farmer
Lempriere Major W. Thompson's farm Griffiths Rd. Lloyd, chemist, fost office Segar Mary (Mrs.), grocer
Manwaring George, Hadlow stair
Hadlow Gas, Coal & Coke Co. Limited Sharp Edwin, beer retailer
Monypenny Rev. Phillips Howard M.A. (William Croxford, sec)
Vicarage Sherry William,shopkeeper,Haughfi eld

Palmer John, Pitts Wood house Hayward Thomas, blacksmith, Post Shriven :Frederick William Edward,

Platt John Harold J.P. Dene park office, Golden green farmer, Thompson's & Bournside frns

Rodger-Cunliffe Mrs. Hadlow castle Hollands Albert, miller (water), Gold SimmonsGeorge,beer retailer,Haughfld

Seaward G. A. New house Hill mill · - Simmons Henry, brewer &c. (George

Howard Connor, inland revenue officer Simmons, manager)
Shriven :Frederick W. E. Hope house Ismay Ellison, grocer, Golden green Smith George, beer retailer
Taylor Thomas, Falklands
J effreyEdward, beer retailer,Golden grn Smithers Edgar, plumber
Wagner Joshua Watson
JennerEdward,brick maker,Titheward, Stanford Annie (Miss), dress maker
Warren Maxy
Golden green Stapley Joseph, grocer
Woodward Frederick W
Jenner Gideon,wheelwright,Golden gm Steveuson George, King's Head P.H

COMMERCIAL. JonesThomas,farmer,Parker'sGreen fm Stevenson Robert George, builder
Kenward & Court Limited, pale, stock Stow Wm.saddler&assistantoverseer&

Ashby George, farmer ale & stout brewers, The Brewery clerk to the burial & school boards

Bailey Charles, farmer Killick & Son, farmers, stone, sand & Symonds H. J. & Co. corn & hay mers

Baker Edgar, boot maker gravel merchants, Hope farm Symonds Herbert James,miller(water),

Banfield Hezekiah, carpenter Killick William, jun. farmer & hop Oxon iloath mill

Barnes John, tailor grower, Park farm Taylor Edmund (Mrs.), wheelwright

Barnett & Shrivell,aerated water manfs Lambert Thomas, water miller,& manu- Taylor George, coach builder

Barton Harry, draper facturer of the " Cereal" meals for Taylor Reginald Arthur& Chorley Wm.

Beech James, farmer poultry &c. Bourne mill. See advert farmers & hop growers, Falklands

Bennett William, baker LawrenceChas.wheelwright&blacksmth Terry Mary Ann (Miss), fruiterer

Best George, fishmonger Lawrence Henry Major L.R.C.P.Edin. Tester Richard, boot & shoe maker

Bowles Stephen B. farmer, Spring ho surgeon, & medical officer & public Tucker William, beer retailer

Bowles Stephen, beer retailet:.. vaccinator, 4th dist. Tonbridge union Warnett David, beer retlr.&blacksmith

Cattell Charles Francis, nurseryman, Leeds Emily (Miss), grocer & draper WarrenFrankM.R.C.v.s.veterinary surg

Bourne nursery Literary Institute (H. M. Lawrence, Warren Maxy & Son, builders

Cemetery (William Stow, clerk to the hon. sec) Waterhouse Jas. farmer & hop grower,

burial board) Mankelow George, brick maker & beer Little Fish hall

Chapman James, grocer, Haughfiel<'l retailer, The Common Weller Jeremiah, hair dresser

CharltonJn. Sills, farmer, Winchester fm Manwaring Thomas & Co. corn dealers Wells William, boot maker

Churches John, farmer Mariner George, fruiterer, Elm cottage Weston Thomas, carrier
Clapson William, farm bailiff to 1 T. Marshall Percy, beer retailer
Weymouth John, tinplate worker

Simmons esq. Barn street Martin Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer WhitingJsph.Hy.flyproprietor& carrier

Coomber Robert, bricklayer May Robert, shopkeeper, Golden green Wollett Thomas, blacksmith


XIGH BALDEN is. a parish and village, situated on the Percy Herbert Collins M.A. of Corpus Christi college Cam-

road from Tenterden to Ashford, 3 miles north-east from bridge. There is a Wesleyan chapel re-erected in x884t and

Tenterden, 6 south from Pluckley station and 9 south-west seating 120 persons. Earthenware is made here of a

from Ashford station on the South Eastern railway, in the superior clay found in tbe parish. Harboum, the seat llf

Southern division of the county, Blackbourue and Barkley Mrs. Latter, is half a mile south, and Halden House is the

hundreds, lathe of Scray, Cranbrook petty sessional division, residence of Capt. John Richard Russell .J.P. The principal
Tenterden union and county court district, and in the rural landowners are Fiennes Stanley Wykeham Cornwallis esq,

deanery of West Charing, archdeaconry of Maidstone, and M.P., J.P. of Linton Park, Henry Samuel Norton esq. Capt.

diocese of Canterbury. The Tarn and another stream run Sir William Cecil Henry Domville hart. R.N. of Brunstath
through the parish. The church of St. Mary is an ancient House, Bournemouth, Thomas Large esq. Miss Ga~ae,

edifice of stone and rubble, in the Decorated and Perpen- Arthur Thomas Schrieber esq. of Hengherst, Woodchurch,

dicular styles, with some remains of Norman work, and R. Croucher esq. and Captain J. R. Russell J.P. The soil is

consists of chancel with south aisle, nave, south aisle, tran- clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are hops, wheat and

septs, south porch and a wooden belfry, with spire, set upon oats. The area is 3,729 acres; rateable value, £2,675; the

the roof of the western porch and containing a clock and 5 population in x88x was 637.

bells: .the Perpendicular nave is separated from the aisle by HooKSTEAD GREEN, half a mile west; WAGSTAFF, 2 mile~~
an arcade of three arches: the chancel, divided from the north-west.

110uth transept by a screen of carved oak, has a stained east Parish Clerk John Hukins
window and retains a double piscina: 'the entrance arch of ' ·.
the western porch is formed of two solid -pieces of oak, the 1 PosT OFFICE.-John Rofe, _receiver. Letters from Lond?n

upper part of the side supporting the roof is of carved open through Ashford by mail cart 3·55 a.m. & I p.m.; dis-
patched at 10.5 a. m. &_ 8. 55 p. m. The n~rest. money
work, probably of the 13th century and in good preservation: order & telegraph office 1s at Tenterden, 3 miles diStant
in the south doorway is a stoup : the wood frame work of the

steeple, consisting of massive uprights of solid oak 22 inches ScHOOLS :-

square, running from the ground on each side into the steeple Endowed (girls & boys under 6), founded & endowed by

to support the upper frame work and the immense cross- the late James Tilden; the income, now amounting to

beams interlacing each other, form a remarkable specimen £3o yearly, is derived from a·farm in Biddenden parishr

of old timber work: the font consists of a square basin set the schoc.l will hold 25 children; average attendance, 25 >

on a. cylindrical stem, with four legs and resting on a square Mrs. Jane Palmer, mistress

plinth: the church has been restored and re-seated, and has National (mixed), erected about 187o, for 70 boys; average

230 sittings. The register dates from the year 1556. The attendance, 54; Samuel Stocks, master

living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge £300, net yearly value I CARRIERS TO AsHFORD.-Hook, daily (twice on tuesdays),

£270, with xi acre of glebe and residence, in the gift of the at 7 a.m. returning at 7 p.m. ; Stephen Skinner, tues.

Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since x887 by the Rev. thurs. & sat

· PRIVATE RESIDENTS. 1 CarterWm.Bassett,butcher&shopkeeper Parker Wm. farmer,Burnt House farm

[Letters marked thus • should be addressed , Chandler James, beer retailer Pinyon Aaron, miller (wind)

St. Michaels.) Davis Harriett (Mrs.) & Geo. farmers Ransley Stephen, farmer

*Bennett William Woodside' FarranceDanl.tile&earthenware manufr Read Edward, farmer
l<'uggle Frank, beer retaile~ Rofe John,grocer &draper,& post office
*Bridge Miss, Wo~side villa
Collins Rev.Percy Herbert M.A. Rectory , Gates Thomas, farmer, Bridge farm Rootes John, blacksmith
Small Alfred, farmer, Old House farm
Croucher Robert, Eugene villa Gray Thomas,, farmer
Gauge Miss Homewood Eh, farmer, Durran~green Swa:ffer Frank, farmer & hop grower,
GrimaldiWynfordB.Hathewolden grnge 1 Honeysett George, farmer,Martm farm Bachelor farm
1 Hukins George, farmer, Tanden farm Trowell Thomas, farmer
*Latter Mrs Harbourn Judge William, farmer & hop grower Tyler George, farmer
Norton Hen~y Samuel Hookstead & assistant overseer, Ransley farm Tyler William, farmer & hop grower,

Prebble William ' · Bourne farm

Russell Capt. John Rd. .J.P. Halden ho Kelson George, farmer Vane John Henry, traction engine propr
Kirkbank Stephen, farmer

COMMERCIAL. LargeThos.frmr &landownr.Gates frm Waterman lsabella (Miss), farmer

Adams Samuel, farmer Ledger Alfd. brick & drain pipe manufr Whitehead Thomas, farmer, Littl~

Akhurst Frederick William, potter & Luxford Alfred, farmer & hop grower, Ti:ffenden farm

brown ware manufacturer Old House farm Wiles Frederick, shoe maker

Baker Charles Eaton, surgeon McLeod Wm. farmer, Peartree farm Wilson James, farmer, Lotland

Bartholomew Wm.farmer,Church farm Martin Alfred, farmer Woodcock Alfred, farmer, Broadlands

Batt Edwin, farmer Martin John, farmer, Bales place Woodcock Alfred Woodgate, farmer

Batt William, farmer Maylam George, farmer &hop grower, Woodgate Edwin B. farmer & hop

.Bentley William & John, bakers ' Crampton house grower, Lion farm
WoodgateWm.Chequers P.H.& carpentr
Bentley Richard, farmer · Milton Edmund, farmer Woodgate William, jun. farmer, Gas-

BishopFrank &,Dents farm Milton William, baker & shopkeeper

Burch John, farmer & hop grower More George, farmer, Byrl farm coigne cottag~
Carpenter William, farmer 1Oliver William, farmer

LOWERHALLINGisaparishontheMedway,4~miles tive Methodist chapels here. A Working Men's Club and

south-west from Rochester with a station on the North Kent Institute was erected in 1889, at a cost of about £x,6oo; it

raill\ay, in the Mid division of the county, lathe of Ayles- consists of reading, smoking, games, billiard and class

ford, Shamwell hundred, Rochester petty sessional division rooms, a library containing about x,ooo volumes and a con·

and county court district, Strood union, and in the Cobham cert hall seating about 300 persons. The Mid Kent Water·

rural deanery and archdeaconry and diocese of Rochester. works Co. ·Limited, formed in 1889, have works now in

The church of St. John the Baptist is a building of flint, course of erection here which on completion will supply five

stone and brick, in the Early English style, and consists of neighbouring parishes, the Company having power to extend

chancel, nave, aisles separated from the nave by arcades of the supply to six other parishes. Lime burning and the

three acute arches on octagonal piers, north porch and a manufacture of Portland cement are carried on here on a

plain western tower, containing 5 bells: there is a piscina very extensive scale. Messrs. Hilton, Anderson and Co. are

niche on the south side of the chancel and some traces of old lords of the manor. The principal landowners are the Earl

monnments in the south aisle: near the porch is a stoup: of Darnley, Hilton, Anderson and Co. Max Hammond

on the north wall of the nave is an ancient brass, in good Dalison esq. J.P. of Hamptons, and Col. W. H. Roberts. The

preservation, to Silvester, wife of William Dalyson, ob. 1587, soil is chalky; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat,

an ancestor of the present Dalison family: there are traces barley and oats. The area is 1,852 acres; rateable value,

of wall-painting over the chancel arch: the church was [1,451 ; the population in x88x was 1,273 and in x8go,

restored and enlarged in 1888, under the direction of Mr. 2,100.

Hubert Bensted, arrhitect, of Maidstone, -at a total estimated UPPER HALLING is half a mile north-west.

cost of £2,100: a north porch has since been added and an Parish Clerk, John Lee.

organ chamber and vestry are now (1890) in course of p osT, M. 0 . & T. 0 . , S. B. & AnnUI'ty & Insurance Office.-
erection : there are 450 sittirtgs. The register of baptisms Miss Sarah Brigden, receiver~ Letters through Roehester

and burials dates from the year 1705 ; marriages, 17o6. arrive at a.m. & 5:Up-4.m5 .a;.md.isopnatscuhneddaayts 12 noon &
The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £250, 6.20 p.m. ; d1' spatched

net yearly value £255, with residence and 31 acres of glebe,
in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Rochester, and held WALL LETTER Box, Upper Halling, cleared at 5-45 p.m. i

since x888 by the Rev. George Plumptre Howes M. A. of Pem- sundays 8 a.m

broke College, Cambridge. The church of St. Laurence, A School Board of 5 members was formed in 1874; R. T.

Upper Halling, erected at the cost of Col. Roberts,. is a:n iron Moore, Rocheste-r, clerk ; Tom Hilder, SODdl.and, aiteod·

structure and has 150 sittings. There are Baptist ud.1?rimi- ance officer



.Board School (mixed & infants), eJIBCted in 1876, for 26o Railway Station, Alfred Charles 1\liller, station master

children & enlarged in x888 for so additional; average CARRIERS TO:-
~ attendance, 200 boys & girls & 95 infants; John Scholey, RocHESTER-W. H. Tillbrook, tues. thnrs. fri. & sat

master; Mrs. Scholey, miBt.; Miss Olliver, infants' mist MAIDSTONE-Charles Morris, mon. wed. & fri

Couchman George, The Paddock Formby's Cement Works Co. Limited Miles Esau, shopkeeper

Formby James M. Marsh house (John Coker, manager) Mills Albert, shopkeeper

Ho.wes Rev. George Plnmptre M.A. Hailing & Wouldham :Ferry (A. E. Mills Henry, shopkeeper, New town

Vicarage Gash, ferry keeper) Mills Waiter, beer retailer

Lepine Stepben, Hailing house Herrington Charles, builder, New town Morris Charles, carrier

Simmons John, Yew Tree cottage Higbam Hy. shopkeeper, UpperHailing Norman Allen, Plough P.H. & farmer

Wall Wm. Herbert, Orchard cottage Hilton,Anderson & Co. portland cement Parris Amos, beer retailer

Weekes Edward Scales, Bedford house manufacturers Pavis Richard, shopkeeper, New town

Weekes Thomas, Tinnoth house Hogstlesh Wm. shopkeeper, New town Pring Daniel, hair dresser

Holland Thomas, farmer, Whittings Rayner William,shopkeeper, New town

COMMEUCIAL. Jessup Frederick, beer retailer Sedgwick Benj.farmer, Clement's farm

Adams William, beer retailer Jessnp Geo. Black Boy P.H. -up.Halling Thomas William, boot maker

Ashby Robert, butcher Lee William, Son & Co. lime & port- Watts Alfred, baker, New town

:Brigden Sarah(Miss),draper,l'ost office land cement manufacturers; & 15 Weekes Thomas & William, lime &

Brigden Henry, carman &contractor & Up. Ground st.Blackfriars,London SE portland cement manufacturers &

farmer, 1\lanor farm Lingham Thomas, farmer, Court farm barge owners; &Halling wharf,Strat-

Brown Wm. greengrocer, New town Long John William &Arthur, coal mer- ford, Essex

Brown John William, grocer, draper & chants & waggonette proprietors Wood Stephen, grocer & butcher

carpenter, Upper Hailing Luchford Jemima (Mrs.), shopkeeper Working Men's Club & Institute (Geo.

Cook Henry, shopkeeper, Up. Halling Luchford Richard, Five Bells P.H Couchman, sec)

Dunford James Wm.grocer, The Stores Mid Kent Water Works Co. Lim. (F. L. Worsell Charles, butcher, New town

Edmonds John, dairyman Ball, sec.); London offices, 20 Buck- Worsen Thomas, builder, New town

Foreman Stephen George, herbalist lersbury E c

HALSTEAD is a village and parish with a station on the Atkins esq. M.A., D.L., J. P. Lord Sackville G.C.M.G. is lord

main line of the South Eastern railway, about a mile north- of the manor. The principal landowners are Thomas

east of the village, 6 miles north-north-west from Sevenoaks Frederick Burnaby-Atkins esq. '.fhomas Hicks esq. and

and x8 from London, in the Western division of the county, Henry Bingham Mildmay esq. n.L., J.P. of Shoreham Place,

hundred of Codsheath, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, petty ses- near Sevenoaks. The soil is tliut and clay ; subsoil, chiefly

&onal division, union and county court district of Sevenoaks, chalk. l<'ruit is largely grown here and hops in a small

and in the rural deanery of Shoreham, archdeaconry of proportion; the area is 923 acres; rateable value, [2,673 ;

Maidstone and diocese of Cisaantbeurbiludriy•n.g The church of St. the population in 1881 was 474·
Margaret, rebuilt in 188x, of flint stone, in the Parish Clerk, George Robert Wood.

Early English style, consisting of chancel with south aisle, PosT OFFICE.-Charles Jarvis, sub-postmaster. Letters
nave, south porch and a bell gable at the west end contain- arrive by foot post from Sevenoaks at 7·35 a.m. & I
ing one bell : the east and west windows and three others are p.m. ; dispatched at 2.25 & 6 p.m. The nearest money
stained: the organ was erected in 1868 and enlarged in order office is at Knockholt. There is a telegraph office at
x88x: there is a fine carved reredos, and the church affords the railway station
~oo sittings. The register dates from 1561 for all entries.
National School (mixed), built in the year x87x, for 150
The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge £xso,netyearlyvalue children ; average attendance, 55 boys & 40 girls ; William
Wilson White, master; Mrs. Janet White, mistress
£7o, with residence and 8 acres of glebe, in the gift of the
Railway Station, Charles Alfred Prikler, station master
Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since x887 by the Rev.

Alleyne Ward Pearson M.A. of Pembroke College, Cambridge.

Halstead Hall is the residence of Herbert Fullagar Scales esq. CARRIER TO LosnoN.-William Hemphrey, mon, & thnrs. ;

and Halstead Place the seat of Thomas Frederick Burnaby- returning tues. & fri

Bowen Percyvall, Wheatsheaf farm Bowen Matthew Henry, farmer & fruit MayAlfd.frmr.&frnitgrowr.Broke frm
Burnaby-Atkins Thomas lt'redk. M.A., grower, Witmore farm Ounstead William, fruit grower
Payne Isaac, shopkeeper
D.L., .r.P. Halstead Place BOWEN WILLIAM, timber merchant,
Prinkler Charles Alfred, station master
Johnson Murray, The Village house fencing contractor, wood gate manu- Reeson John, fruit grower
Pearson Rev. Alleyne Ward M. A. facturer & farmer
Skinner Robert, fruit grower
Rectory Cockl!edge James, farmer, Stonehouse Walton Charles, Rose & Crown P.H.
Scales Herbert Fnllagar, Halstead hall Gibson Alfred, gardener toT. I<'. Bur-
White William Wilson & fruit grower
naby-Atkins esq. D.L., .T.P Walton Joseph, grocer & blacksmith
COMMERCIAL. Henshaw Alfred, fruit grower ·walton Thomas, fruit grower
Bath Edwin, farmer Jarvis Charles, grocer, ironmonger &
Beavan I<'rederick, punnet maker Ward James, fruit grower
Blundell James, carpenter & builder post office
Working Men's Club (W. W. White,
Macey Edward, Cock inn hon. sec)
1\lantle Richard, fruit grower

HIGH HALSTOW is a parish and village situated on land left in x6xo by John Cromp, of Hoo, for widows; £9

high ground, near the marshy borders of the Thames, with was left by the late vicar ; 30s. by Richard White Chalk, in

a station, SRARNAL STREET, on the Hundred of Hoo branch x622 ; and xos. by Nicholas Heard, in 1690. The Earl of
railway, 5 miles east from Higham station on the North Jersey P.C.,G.C.M.G. is lord of the manor. The principalland-

Kent railway, 34 from London and 6§ north-east from owners are John Murton, Henry Pye esq. and William

Rochester, in the Mid division of the county, lathe of Ayles- Moore esq. the Ecclesiastical Commissioners and St. John's
ford, Hoo hundred and union, Rochester petty sessional divi- College, Cambridge. The Mean is a tract of 262 acres,
sion and county court district, and in the rural deanery, belonging in moieties to High Halstow and St. Mary Hoo,
archdeaconry and diocese of Rochester. The church of St. but without any defined divisional line ; opposite the .Blythe

:Margaret is a stone building of the 12th century, with resto- Sahds is a coast-guard station. The soil is clay; subsoil

rations in the Perpendicular style, and consists of chancel gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, beans and

with aisles, clerestoried nave, aisles separated from the nave hops: in the marshes are reed beds. The area is 2,890

by arcades of three arches, south porch and a massive acres of land and 1,781 of water; rateable value, £3,748;
western tower, surmounted by a small shingled spire and con- the population in 1881 was 376.
taining 5 bells: the arcades of the nave are good examples LETTER Box cleared at 8.30 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; sundays
of Early English work : the font is probably coeval with the 6.30 p.m. Letters through Rochester arrive at 8.30 a. m.
foundation of the church : piscina niches still extst in the 'fhe nearest money order & telegraph office is at Hoo, St.
chancel and its aisles: there are 200 sittings. The register Werburgh

dates from the year 1653. The living is a rectory, yearly Parochial (Endowed) School (mixed), erected in 1872, for
value from tithe rent-charge i,"62o, average £560, net 100 children; average attendance, 6o: the endowment

income [4n, with residence and 4 acres of glebe, let for amounts to £6 yearly; Miss Marie George, mistress

£ xo, and held since x885 by the Rev. Charles Longfield. The Railway Station, Sharnal S~reet, Hy. J. Bowles, station mastr

charities amount to £4o yearly, arising from a house and CARRIER TO RocHESTER.-Richard Hogben, tues. & sat

l:.ongfield Rev. Charles, Rectory Hilder Waiter, beer retailer Pye Henry, jun. farmer
Hogben Richard, carrier ReedThos.Ed.fmr.& hop grwr.Duck's et
Castle William T. farmer
Davis Charles, grocer Izaby Alfred, wheelwright Smith William, farmer, Clinch street
Edmund~ Abram, blacksmith
Miskin William L. farmer Wallis Edward, Red Dog P.H. & grocer
Goard Richard, farmer, Decoy farm
Osenton Alfred,farmer,Solomon's farm Wood Ernest, farmer, Dalham farm

Osenton Wilham,farmer,Buckhole farm ,"WoodhamFrank,farmer,Wybourne frm


LOWER HALSTOW is a l'illage and parish, situated P. T. Herbert Wykeham esq. is lord of the manor. The

near a creek of the Medway, on which it has a quay, 4! principal landowners are the Dean and Chapter of Rochester,
miles north-west from Sittingbourne, 7~ east from Chatham Lord Harris and George Webb esq. of Tunstall. The soil is
and 2 north from Newington station on the London, Chat- principally brick earth; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops
ham and Dover line, in the North Eastern division of the are fruit and wheat, with some land in pasture. The area is

county, hundred and union of Milton, lathe of Scray, Faver- 1,553 acres of land and 280 of water; rateable value, £4,523;
sham petty sessional division, Sittingbourne county court the population in 188x was 701 1 chiefly employed in brick
district, rural deanery of Sitltingbourne, archdeaconry of making.

Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. BABKSOBE is grazing land in this pari!!h,
Margaret, situated on the edge of the creek, is a small and Parish Clerk, James Rainer.

ancient building of flint and stone in the Early English style, PosT OFFICE.-Alfred Waiter Carlton, receiver. Letters by

consisting of chancel, nave of two hays, aisles, south porch foot post through Sittingbourne arrive at s a.m,; dis-
and a tower, containing 3 bells: the chancel was restored in pmaotcnheyedoardt e5r_3o0ffpic.em&. :toenlesgurnadpahyosf,fi5c.e30ispa. mt U. pcThhuercnhearest
x879: the church has 200 sittings, 6o being free. The early
registers appear to have been lost: the date of the oldest A School Board of 5 members was formed Jan. 29, 1875; J.
remaining is 16p9o1rt,ioTnheoflitvhienggirseaatvitcitahreasget,oy£ea3r0l0y, value aug-
mented by a with resi- Basset, Rochester, clerk to the board ; Alfred Waiter

dence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Rochester, and Carlton, attendance officer

held since x878 by the Rev. Joseph Vernon Theed M.A. of St. Board Schools (mixed), erected in x876 & enlarged in x884,
John's College, Cambridge. ·The charities amount to £2 Ios. for 200 children ; average attendance, 170; Frank Datson,
yearly, arising from land. Here is a Bible Ghristian chapel. master ; 1\'Il"s. Clara Alice Datson, mistress

Theed Rev.Joseph Vernon M.A. Vicarage Chapman Ann & Emma (Misses), Lewis Eliza (Miss), draper
COMMERCIAL. farmers & graziers Lewis John, farmer, Elm farm
Lewis Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Bark·
Andrews William, beer retailer Crayden John, baker & grocer
Beaumont Jane (Mrs.), dress maker Crayden William, baker sore farm·
Boast Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper Goble John, miller (water) Lodge George, Three Tuns 'P.H
Carlton Alfd.Walt.postoffice, & shpkpr Halstow Brick Co. (The) (Josiah Jack- Philpott Thomas, shopkeeper
Castle Newbery Jesse, beer retailer South Henry William,market gardener
Chapman Frederick, grocer son, manager) Stevens Daniel, fruit grower
Chapman William, market gardener Hodge Reuben, grocer
Hughes Thomas, fruit grower

HAM is a parish, 2! miles south from Sandwich, 4l value £,202, including 10 acres of glebe, with residenre, in
north-west from Deal and 70 from London, in the Eastern the gift of Lord Northbourne, and held since r867 by the

division of the county, Eastry hundred and union, lathe of Rev. John Worthington Bliss B.A. of Trinity College, Cam-

St. Augustine,Wingham, county court district of Sandwich, bridge, rural dean of Sandwich and hon. canon of Canter-

rural deanery of Sandwich and archdeac:onry and diocese of bury, who resides at The Rectory, Betteshanger. Updown

Canterbury. The church of St. George is a small building House is the seat of the Hon. Waiter Henry James M.P.,

of flint, partly in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chan- D. L., J.P. Lord Northbourne, who is lord of the manor, and

cel, nave, south porch and a small wooden turret at the west John Iggulden esq. are the largest landowners. The soil is

end containing one bell: the stained east window, dated loam ; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley

x862, is a memorial to the Thompson and Harris families, and oats. The area is 321 acres ; rateable value, £690; the

former owners of Updown House, and there is to population in 188x was 57·

the Rev. Charles Dale, late rector: in the chancel, which Parish Clerk, Thomas Drake.'
was restored in 1861, is an aumbry: a further restoration of
the church was effected in 1879 : there are So sittings. The Letters are collected by the Sandwich postman at 6.30 p.m.
register of baptisms dates from 1552; marriages, 1574; & delivered at 8.30 a. m. Eastry is the nearest money
burials, 1562. The living is a rectory, united with that of order & telegraph office

Betteshanger, tithe rent-charge (Ham) £177, joint net yearly The children of this place attend the school at Northbourne

jJames Hon. Walter Henry M.P., D.L., gardens & Travellers' & National Clark Alfred, farmer, Updown farm
J.P. Updown house; & 6 Whitehall Liberal clubs, London s w Nethersole John, farmer, Ham farm

• HARBLEDOWN is a parish forming part of the city of Canterbury, which see.

LOWER HARDRES is a village and parish, near the owners are the Marquess Conyngham, Col. Robert Peter

Roman road called Stone Street, 3~ miles south from Can- Laurie M.P., c.B. Matthew Bell esq. George Ash esq. and
• terbury, in the Eastern division of the count.y, Bridge and John Baker White esq. Mrs. Digby Collins is lady of the

Petham hundred, lathe of St. Augustine, petty sessional manor. The soil is stiff loarn ; subsoil, chalk. The chief
division of Home, Bridge union, county court district of crops are wheat, barley, oats and hops. The area is 1,179

Canterbury, and in the rural deanery, archdeaconry and acres; rateable value, £1,897; the population in 188r was
diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. Mary, rebuilt in 284.

1831, from funds left by the late J. Tillard, is an edifice of Sexton, George,Hayward.
flint in the Early English style, and consists of chancel,
nave, south porch and a western tower with spire containing PosT 0FFICE.-Mrs. Jane Daniels, receiver. Letters arrive
a clock and one bell: there are 200 sittings; go being free. through Canterbury by mail cart at 7·30 a.m. & 12.10
The register dates from the year 1558. The living is a p.m. i dispatched at 12· 1 5 & 7·3° p.m.; sundays, 12·3°
p.m. The nearest money order office is at Petham; tele-
rectory, average yearly value from tithe rent-charge £ 28s, graph office at Canterbury

net income £270, including residence and n acres of glebe, National School (mixed), erected in 1846 & enlarged in
1884, for So children ; average attendance, 6o; William
in the gift of St. John's College, Oxford, and held since 1874 James Drew, master; Mrs. Phoobe Drew, mistress
by the Rev. James Gram Brine B. D. late fellow of that
college and rural dean of Canterbury. The principal land-

Brine :8ev. James Gram B. D. Rectory Daniels Jane (Mrs.), post office Marsh Thomas, farmer, Butt's farm
COMMERCIAL. Regis George, farmer, Sunnyside
Jones Harriet (Mrs.), grocer Stupples John, farmer, Youngs farm
Arter Julius, farmer, Great Cat's farm Tapley Charles, farmer, Corstans farm
Carey Henry, Granville P.H Marsh John, Three Horse Shoes P.H Tuff Edward, farmer, Eaton's farm
Court George, farmer, Little Cat's farm
l\'Iaxted Cephas, farmer & hop grower,

i1. North Court farm ·

UPPER HARDRES (or GREAT HARDRES) is a parish similar glass: there are several brasses to the family of

adjoining Lower Hardres to the south, 5 miles south from Hardres, dated respectively 1485, 1575, 1579 and 1583; a
Canterbury, in the Eastern division of the cotmty; the chief fine one to John Street, a former rector, with his effigy,

part is in the upper half-hundred of Bridge and the re- kneeling and wearing a hood, 1405; and several ancient

mainder in that of Loningborough, lathe of St. Augustine, memorials: there are 150 sittings. The register of baptisms

petty sessional division of Home, Bridge union, Canterbury dates from the year 1566; burials, 1565; marriages, x567.
county court district, rural deanery of West Bridge, arch- The living is a rectory, with the vicarage of ~telling annexed,
deaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The church of S~. joint yearly value from tithe rent-charge £656, net yearly

Peter and Paul is a small and ancient building of flint and value £448, with residence and 45 acres of glebe, in the

stone, in the Early English and later styles, and consists of gift of F. Sandys Lumsdaine esq. and held since 1871 by the

chancel with south chapel, nave, south aisle, south porch, 'Rev. Frederick Metcalfe M.A. of Corpus Christi college, Cam-

and a tower between the chancel chapel and south aisle con- bridge. The Wesleyans have a chapel here. Mrs. Chesshyre,
taining ~ bells: two Pointed arches springing from a cir- who is lady of the manor, Colonel Robert Peter Laurie c.B.,

cular column with•octagonal capital divide the nave and M.P., J.P. of Hardres Court, Edward Staines esq. and J. B.

aisle: in the east wall of the chance] is an aumhry and two White esq. of Street End, are the principal landowners. The

lancets containing some ancient stained glass of fine quality: 1 soil is partly heavy loam and partly light loam ; subsoil, cla.Y

the Perpendicular west window of thP :r..ave is also filled with 1 and chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and hops.



.The area is 2,039 acres ; rateable value, £2,057; the popu- WALL LETTER Box, Bossingham, cleared at 7 p.m.; snndays
Jation in I88I was 293· I2 noon. Letters through Canterbury arrive at 7-IO

BossiNGHAM is a hamlet I mile south. a.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at
.Parish Clerk, David Swaffer. The children of this parish attend the school at Stelling

Laurie Col. Robert Peter c. B., M.P., J.P. Foreman Lydia (Mrs.),grocer & draper, Nash Waltr.Webb,shopkpr.Bossingham
Hardres court; & 55 Eaton square &
Carlton club, London s w Bossingham Setterfield George, farmer

:Metcalfe Rev.Fdk.M.A.[rector],Rectory Hayward Arthur, shopkeeper Stickels Alfred, carpenter & wheel-
HolttumCharlotte(Mrs.),frmr.Palmstd wright, Bossingham
·Andrews William, farmer, Bossingham HolttumThomas,farm bailiff to Edward Swaffer David,boot maker,Bossin~rham
Atwood Henry, farmer
Beer George, Star P.H. Bossingham Staines esq. Lynsor court Tanton Albert, blacksmith,Bossingham
Champion Albt. farmr. Little Brox hall
Fox William George, farmer Jarvis Wm. Rd. farmer & hop grower Tuff Alfred, farmer, Bossingham
IUden Richard, farm bailiff to Col. R. P.
Jones Isaac, farmer, Brox hall Laurie M.P., J.P
Mantle William, farmer

MilL~ John, pork butcher, Bossingham White James, boot maker, Bossingham

RARRIE'l'SHAM is a parish and pretty village, situ- commuted at £567 a year, average £46o, with 62 acres of
ated at the foot of a chalk scarp, on the river Len, a feeder glebe land and residence, in the gift of All Souls College~

of the Medway, and on the road from Maidstone to Ashford, Oxford, and held since 1888 by the Rev. Cloudesley Dewar

. 'With a station on the branch of the London, Cbatham and Bullock Marsham M.A. of Merton College, Oxford. Harriet-

. Dover railway, 7! miles south-east from Maidstone and 42 sham Rectory chapel, built in I88I, in East Harrietsham,

·from London, in the Mid division of the county, lathe of as a chapel of case, will hold I20 persons. The charities

'.Aylesford, Eyhorne hundred, Bearsted petty ~essional divi- amount to£,22 annual value for bread, £9 I 3s. 8d. in money,

lion, Hollingbourne union, Maidstone county court district, arising from bequests made by the late Sir Charles Booth.

· Button rural deanery, Maid~~tone archdeaconry and Canter- There are also some other small charities and I2 almshouses,

bury diocese. The church of St. John the Baptist is a build- founded in 1642 by Mark Quested esq. a native of this place,

ing of Kentish rag and flint, chiefly in the Early English for twelve poor persons; six of these are natives of London

. and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, with north and receive 15s. each weekly, with coals; the other six are

and south chapels, nave, aisles, south porch and an em- natives of Harrietsbam, each receiving 6s. per week and

battled western tower, of Perpendicular date, containing 8 coals. A fair used to be held here on· June 24th. Stede

bells: arcades of three wide arches on either side separate Hill, the seat of Captain J. H. Baldwin and now in the occu-

: ~e nave and aisles, the font, an early one, being attached to pation of Cornwallis Philip Wykeham-Martin esq. J.P. is a

:one of the octagonal columns on the north side: at the east handsome residence, situated on an eminence commanding

'end of the north aisle is a portion of an older building, ran- extensive views of the Weald of Kent. Captain J. H. Bald-

ging partly beyond the chancel arch and once formmg in all win is lord of the manor and chief landowner ; but there are

probability part of the central tower of an earlier church : several smaller owners. The soil is chalk, clay and sandy ;

~e lower part, which is used as a vestry, has Norman fea- subsoil, various. The crops are wheat, oats, barley and

'ures, and the roof is groined in stone: the story above is hops. The area is 2,484 acres ; rateable value, £3,630; the

approached by a staircase in the north turret and has also population in x881 was 679.

a small door, wh!ch may once have_ led to the roof: wit~in PoLHILL (or Pool Hill) is half a mile south-west; FAIR-

the chancel arch IS a good PerpendiCular wood screen, With BOURNE x mile .,0 uth · HJoohLMn CMuItLbL~h1 mile west
five compartments on either side: two plain arches connect Deputy Parish Clerk ·
. the chancel with its south aisle or chapel, in which are tombs ' .. ·
.0·' 1f the Stede family, one of which stands under a depressed PosT & M. 0 . & S. ~.-WIIham C~tbush, postmaster.
ll'Ch, flanked by pinnacles and surmounted by an ogee Letters ~rrnve by matl cart from Maidstone at 6.50 & n
canopy: there is also an altar-tomb to Sir William Stede, a.~. ; dtspatched at .12 a. m. & 6.40 p.m. Telegraph

ob. 1574, and a brass to Susan, wife of Edward Partheriche, office at Lenham, 2 miles

ob. I6o~, with figures of two daughters and one son: the National School, with an endowment of £67 yearly, under
, church has been restored and has 400 sittings. The register the will of the late Sir Charles Booth; erected in 1842 ;

:dates from the year I538. The living is a rectory, tithes average attendance u8; William Folket.t, master

Brenchley Joseph J Betts Alfred, farmer, Court lodge Cutbush Wm.grocer,butchr.& postmstr

Crump John, Elm villa Higgo Frederick George, baker Fetmor Richard, carpenter

Keeble Henry Bodium Robert, beer retailer Frost Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer

.Marsham Rev. Cloudesley Dewa.r Bul- Bond Emily (Mrs.), Roebuck inn Green Wm. farmer, Pollhill Manor farm

lock M.A. The Rectory Boorman William, blacksmith Hughes Richard, butcher

.Mons Miss Bottle William, builder Jones Samuel, shoe maker

Oford Misses, Ivy cottage Howles William, blacksmith Longley Wm. market gardnr.Holm hill

Bedgwick Rev. Abraham [vicar of St. Burton Jacob, farmer, Goddington frm Milieu Brothers, millers (water) & corn

Stephen's, Tovil], Polhill Clancy John Daly, tailor merchants & farmers, Polhill mill

Vinson Mrs. Polhill Clark Daniel, shoe maker Ovenden I<'rank, wheelwright

Wykeham-Martin Cornwallis Philip J.P. Clark Thomas, corn & seed merchant Reeves George, jun. cattle dealer

Stede hill Corke Horace Hook, farmer & miller Stunden Flint, Bell inn

COMMERCIAL. (water), Fairbourne mill Sutton Frank, shopkeeper

I.Ambrose Alfred, farmer, cattle dealer Coveney John, farmer & hop grower, Williams George, farmer, Holm hill
& hop grower Fairhourne Woolley John, farmer

Bamden Frederick, beer retailer Crump William, g-rocer

HARTLEY is a parish and village, 24 miles from Lon- William Whitton Allen M.A. of Trinity College, Oxford.

don, I south from Fawkham railway station, 6 south from Hartley Manor is the property of Frederick Dallas Barnes esq.

Gravesend and 6 south-east from Dartford, in the Nort.h J.l'. of Bickley, who is lord of the manor, and with James Thos.

Western division of the county, Axton hundred, lathe of Smith esq. the principal landowner. The soil is light and

Sutton-at-Hone, Dartford union, petty sessional division, and stony; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are grain and pulse.

c:onnty court district, rural deanery of Cobham, archdeaconry The air and climate is very bracing and dry, situation ranging

and diocese of Rochester. The church of All Saints, erected from 300 to 400 feet above sea level, country undulating and

in the 12th century, is a small building of flint and rubble, wooded. The area is I,2II acres; rateable value, £4ti66;

'With buttresses of brick, consisting of chancel, nave, south the population in 1881 was 254·

porch, vestry and a wooden belfry with a small spire on the GRUBB STREET is half a mile west and IDLEY 1 mil&
western gable, containing 2 bells : north of the nave is a south-east. -

IDlall and narrow Norman window, high set, and on the Parish Clerk Elvey Cooper
aouth another : the west window is Early Decorated : on '•
the south side of the chancel is an ancient lepers' window: WALL LE'M'ER Box cleared at 5.30 p.m.; no collection on

there are I05 sittings. The register of baptisms and mar- sundays. Letters through Dartford arrive at 9 a.m. The

riages dates from the year 1713 ; burials from 17I2. 'fhe nearest post, money order & telegraph office is at Longfield
living is a rectory, average yearly value from tithe rent- National School (mixed), Hartley Green, built in 184o, for

charge [,279, net income £,230, with 13 acres of glebe and 54 children; average attendance, 52; Miss Emily Jane

Iresidence, in the gift of and held since 1870 by the Rev. I Hillyear, mistress

.Alien Rev. Wm. Whitton M.A. [rector] Hartley Lieut.·Col. Joseph LL.D., D.L., Cooper Elvey, blacksmith
l3arnes Frederick Dallas J.P. Hartley J.P. The Old Downs Coulson Thomas, farm bailiff to James

manor Smith James Thomas Thomas Smith esq·

Bames Henry Kendall Tait Adam, Hartley court Dean Thomas, wheeluw,.right
Bradley Charles William
Allen Wm.I<'rdk.farmer & mrkt.gardnr WansburyGeo.Chas.BlackLionP.n.&gro

K. S. & s. 2~


HARTLIP is a village and parish, half a mile south 140 being free. The reJister dates from the year r

from Wailing Street and 5 west from Sittingbourne, adjoin- The living is a vicara~e, yearly value from tithe rent-eh:
ing Newington, where there is a station on the London, £283, with 7~ acres of glebe and residence, in the gift oJ
Chatham and Dover railway; it stands on high ground, Dean and Chapter of Rochester, and held since 1876 by

commandin!! extensive views of the surrounding country Rev. Frederick 'fhomas Scott M.A. of Worcester Coil
and overlooking the Medway, in the North Eastern division Oxford. Here is a chapel for Bible Christians. Ha1
uf the county, lathe of Scray, Milton hundred and union, Place is the seat of Henry Godfrey-Faussett-Osborne

Faversham petty sessional division, count.y court district of Dane House is the seat of Mrs. Locke. The quit rents

Sittingbourne, and in the rural deanery of Sittingbourne, paid to the manor of Gore. The principal landowners
archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. The Lord Hothfield, Henry Godfrey-Faussett-Osborne, the t
parish church of St. 1\fichael, supposed to have been erected tees of the late Frederick Locke esq. D.L., .J.P. John SI

in the latter part of the 13th century, is of flint and stone, esq. and George Webb esq. of 'l'unstall. The soil is vari<
in the Early English and later styles, consisting of chancel subsoil, in the higher parts chalk and in the lower part
with north and south chapels, nave, aisles, south porch and a rich loam. The chief crops are, besides its famous eh'

a low western tower, of Perpendicular date, containing 6 orchards, good wheat and hops. The area is 1,423 ac

bells~ against the tower on the north side is a small shed- rateable value, £3,165; the population in 1881 was 380
like building, lighted by small slits: the chancel is Early YAUGHER, on the Hartlip Place estate, is half a mile,
English, aud is divided from each aisle or chapel by a wide of the village, on which farm, in a field called "Danes,"

plain pointed arch : eastward of the aisles the chancel ex- the remains of an extensive Roman villa.
hibit!j a curious irregular arcade of similar architectural Parish Clerk, Edmund Stevens.
charaeter, consisting of three arches, dissimilar both in PosT 0FFICE.-Edmund Stevens, receiver. Letters through

shape and size: there is a piscina of the same date: of the Sittingbourne, -via Newington, arrive at 7·35 a.m. & 5·55
two chapels, one, the Osborne chapel, was restored by its p.m. ; box closes at 7.30 a. m. & 5.50 p. m. ; sundays 7·35

owner, the lat6 William Bland esq. of Hartlip Place; the & II.Io a.m. The nearest money order& telegraph office
other belongs to the Stunt family, who possess considerable is at Newington
land in this parish: the font is a good reproduction of a fine Endowed School, founde::l & endowed by Mrs. Mary Gibbon
Decorated font at Swaton, in Lincolnshire: there are brasses in 1655, & rebuilt in 1855 at the sole expense of her rela~
~ Jobanna. Northampton, ob. l5SI, and to John Osbourne, tive, the late William Bland esq.; the endowment, arising

ob. 1577: the church was thoroughly restored by subscrip- from land & rent-charge, is of the yearly value of £9o:
tion in t865, at a cost of £1,485: the tower was restored in there is a master's residence; the school w-ill hold 105

1885, at a cost of £350, by the late Miss Scott, sister of the children ; average attendance, 64 ; Edmund Stevens,

vicar: a large turret clock ~as presented in the same year master
by Henry Webb esq. of Kensington: there are 300 sittings, .Attendance Officer, Edward Henry

-Boorman John COMMERCIAL. Godden George, shoe maker

Godfrey-I<'aussett-OsborneHy.HartlipPl Barton Henry, boot maker Hollands William, farmer, Grainy farm

Godfrey-Fanssett-OsborneMrs.HartlpPl Black Charles, dairyman, The Warren Kitchingham 'l'hos. Rose & Crown P.H

HippisleyCapt.R.E. Queen Down warren Black Henry, fruiterer Lampkin George,farm bailiff to George

Locke Mrs. ·Dane house Bodiam Stephen, hay & straw dealer Webb esq. of TunstaU

Scott Rev.Fredk. ThomasM.A. Vicarage Boorman John, farmer Maddocks Sarah & William, butchers}

Wakeley Arthur, Pope's Hall farm CbapmanJ Alfred, farmer, Place & Stevens Edmund, post office

Webb Henry, The Parsonage house Yaugher farms Wakeley Arthur,farmr.Pope's Hall frm,

HASTING LEIGHis a village and parish, 4 miles south- vicarage of Elmstead, yearly \"alue from tithe rent-charge

east from Wye station on the Ashford and Canterbury £433• with 22 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the

brancil of the South Eastern railway, 8 north-east from Ash- Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since t88o by the Rev.

ford and '75 from London, in the Southern division of the Antbony Collett :r.r.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, who

-county, "Bircholt barony, lathe of Shepway, .Ashford petty resides at Elmstead. The principal landowners are the

-sessionpl division, East Ashford union, Hythe county court trustees of St. Thomas'· Hospital. The soil is various ; sub-

district, rural deanery of Elham and archdeaconry and dio- soil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, beans, peas and hops.

cese of Canterbury. The church of St. Mary is an edifice of The area is 1,515 acres; rateable value, ,£1,332; the popn·

stone, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, \ation in.1871 was 231, in t88t, 229.

south aisle with an arcade of twg arohes, west porch and a Sexton, Thomas Hooker.

tower at the west end of the south aisle containing one bell: PosT OFFICE.-George Tappenden, receiver. Letters

the chancel is divided from the nave by an oak screen ; there through Ashford arrive at 9Tah.emn. e;ardeisspt amtcohneedyaot r5dper.m&.
is a piscina in the chancel and in the south aisle, and a brass
in the nave to John Halke, ob. x604t and Anna his wife, ob. 4te,l3e0grpa.pmh. winter months.
office is at Wye

15<)6: the nave and aisle were restored in t88o and the chan-
cel in 1886: there are 200 sittings. The register dates from CARRIER.-Pilcher, to Ashford, tues,; Canterbury, jtat

the year 1730, The living is a rectory, consolidated with the 'fhe children of this village attend the school at Elmstelj.d

Cobb William, farmer Marsh John, Bowl P.H Stickels George, farmer
Stupples Geo. farmel', King's Mill down
.Fagg Stoddal'd, farmer, Crab Tree farm Marsh Robert, farmer 'l'appendenGeo.grocer&bakr.Postoffice

Hayward Richard, farmer Mills George, farmer, Little Combe

Marsh Frederick, farmer, Staple farm Sankey Richard, farmer, South hill

liAWKHURST is a large village and parish, partly in stained glass by Lieut.-Coh Edward Loyd .J.P. of Lillesden,

Sussex, situated on rising ground, 5 miles north-west from in this parish, the former being a memorial to his parents:

Etchingham station on the Tunbridge Wells and Hastings the east window of the south chapel was presented by E. J.

section of the South Eastern railway, 62 from London by rail Jenings esq. in memory of his wife : on the south side is a
and 48 by road and 4 south from Cranbrook, in the Southern m~morial window to Sir John F. W. Herschel hart. M.A.,
division of the connty, in the hundreds of Cranbrook, Great n.c.L. d. May 1:t, t871, and another, the gift of Lient.-Col.
Barnfield and Selbrittenden, lathe of Scray, Cranbrook petty Edward George Hartnell, to his son ; the east window of the

sessiOnal division and union, county court district of Tenter- north chapel, a memorial to Edmund John Jenings esq. of
den, and in the rural deanery of West Charing, archdeaconry Elm Hill, mentioned above, was presented by Caroline, his
of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. The village is second wife, and his only child, Charles Edmund Jenings ~

· lighted with gas by a company formed in 1868. The church the font, an admirable example of the Perpendicular style,
of St. Laurence, founded by the Abbot of Battle, in the reign is octagonal in form and panelled with alternate shields and

of Edward Ill. is a building of stone, in the Decorated and roses ; the church was thoroughly repaired and re-seated in

Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel and nave under a 1863, at a cost of nearly £3,000: there are about 730 sittings.
continuous roof, aisles extending from the tower to the ex- The register dates from 1550 for all entries. The living is a

treme east end, large north and south porches, and a western vicarage, gr'osslearly value£250, with residence, in the gift
embattled tower containing a clock and 8 bells in the key of of the Dean an Canons of Christ Church, Oxford, and held

E flat, the tenor bell weighing 23 cwt.: the edifice, including since 1839 by tbe Rev. Henry Anthony Jeffreys lll.A. of

the porches, is embattled; both porches are of two stories, Christ Church, rural dean of West Charing, hon. canon of

the south porch having a groined ceiling: the nave is divided Canterbury (1872), and proctor since 1875 of the clergy for
from each aisle by arcades of four arches on octagonal pil- the diocese of Canterbury. All Saints' chapel of ease, erected
lars ; the chancel has two arches on each side, much flattened at Higbgate in I 861, at the cost of the present vicar and his

and of late date, on piers of like shape ; the east end is one sister, is a building of native sandstone, in the Florid Gothic

of the finest examples of ecclesiastical architecture in the style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and a

county, and its central window of five lights exhibits Decor- tower with spire on the north-east containing 3 bells: the
ated tracery of a rich and singular design ; on the north side stained chancel windows are in memory of the foundress,
of the church there is an octagonal turret in a line with the who died in 1873: there are 430 sittings, all being free.

chancel arch: the east nnli west windows were filled with The chapel has an endowment of£100 yearly, the gift of the


founders, with a house added by the vicar in 1886; the Rev. the manor. The principal landowners are Philip Beresford-

George Rideal-Lock M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford, is Hope P..sq. J.P. Lieut.-Col. Edward Loyd D.L., J.P. Right

curate. There are chapels for Wesleyans and Calvinists. Hon. G. J. Goschen P.c., M.P. Lieut.-Col. Edwa.rd George

Hawkhurst village hospital, erected in 1876, and situated Hartnell, Mrs. Gow-Steuart, Mrs. Springett and Jesse Piper

~ about 1t miles from the village, on the Ticehurst road, is esq. The soil is a transition from the clay of the Weald to

supported by endowment given by four legatees under the the Hastings sand. The crops are wheat, beans and hops,

will of the late Mrs. Dering Adams, of Springfield, Hawk- but the larger proportion is in pasturage ; there is also a.

burst, by whom, in her life time, the site (2! acres) was large area of woodland. Hazelden farm is in Sussex.

given, and the edifice built and furnished. The hospital is The area is 6,487 acres in Kent and 135 in Sussex; rate-

managed by a body of 6 governors conjointly with the vicar able value, .£14,210; the population in r88r was 3,o~n:

and churchwardens: the average number of admissions a. there are 3 houses and a population of 13 in the Sussex por-

year is about eight. By the same four legatees a charity tion.

was established in x889, called "Mrs. Margaret Adams' HIGHGATE and GILL'S GREEN are in this parish. )
Parish Clerk, George Taplin.
Ladies' Charity," from which four poor ladies resident in Sexton, Frederic Piper.

Hawkhurst receive .£5 a year, paid quat"terly. There are six

almshouses for three aged men and three aged women of the

parish, endowed in 1723 by Sir Thomas Dunk, formerly of. PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Insurance & .Annuity Offi.ce.-

this plaee, who left certain lands in the neighbourhood for F. H. Knight, postmaster. Letters arrive by mail cart

their suppon ; the income of this charity was increased on from Staplehurst station at 12.44 a.m. ; delivered at 7

'the decease of the late Miss Margaret Hannah Springett in a. m. The box closes at 12 p.m. There is also a day mail

1865, who left about£1,200 to the charity; each inmate now for dispatch at 9· 10 a. m. & 5· 15 p.m. for London & for-

Teceives about 9s. weekly. At the Moor are four almshouses, ward letters & delivery of letters at 1.15 p.m. Money

~rected and endowed in memory of John Springett esq. of orders granted & paid from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; saturdays,

Ashfield, Hawkhurst, Oct. nth, 1872 ; each inmate here also 9 a.m. to 8 p.m

Teceives about 9s. a week. Certain houses, producing £57 PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Insurance & Annuity Office,
yearly, were conveyed in 188o by the present vicar to the
minister and churchwardens of the parish of Hawkhurst for The Moor.-W. J. Pridgeon., receiver. Letters dispatched
-the time being in trust for the repair of and maintenance of
the service in All Saints' chapel of ease, but in such a manner at 9· 15 a. m. & 5.30 & 8 p.m. week,days only
-that no portion should be applied to the payment of the clergy-
man. The Kent Sanatorium consists of three houses, called WALL BoxEs at Four Throws, cleared 8.15 a.m. & u.2o
p.m. ; sundays, n.2o p.m. : Gill's Green, cleared 8 a.m.
Te.Spectively "North grove," "Cranecroft" and "Myrtle;" & 8 p.m. ; sundays, 8 p.m.: Moor, cleared I;I p.m.; sun·
days, n p.m.: & Pix Hall, cleared 8.30 a.m. & 10 p.m.;.
.and is a home for care and treatment of persons suffering Sundays, 10 p.m
from mental and nervous diseases and is available for 50

:patients; voluntary boarders and friends of patients can also PuBLIC EsTABLISHMENTS : -

reside here. William Milsted Harmer F.R.C.P.Edin. (regis- Fire Brigade, Walter Maskell, superintendent, & 12 men

tered) and Mrs. W. M. Harmer are the proprietors. "North Village Hospital, Edward Young, visiting surgeon; Rev.

grove," was established in 1839 by the late William Harmer Canon Jeffreys M.A. hon. sec. ; Mrs. Hannah Turley,

~q. who was proprietor and superintendent for 42 years. matron

Babies' Castle, a nursery home for infants in connection The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), 2nd (Weald of Kent)

with Dr. Barnardo's Homes, Stepney, London, was opened Volunteer Battalion (B company), Capt. G. J. Goschen,

in 1886; and is a structure of red brick, available for commandant; Sergeant Clements, .drill instructor

.about roo children ; it is supported by voluntary contribu- PUBLIC OFFICERS : - l

-tions: H.R.H. Princess Mary Adelaide, Duchess of Teck, is Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Hawkhurst District,

president. · Cranbrook Union, Charles James Hardy Smith M.B

The Hawkhurst District Conservative Association Club was Sanitary Inspector to Cranbrook Rural Authority,•Willia.m

()pened in. 1887, and contains reading and billiard rooms 11nd Collins, Cranbrook road

a library of about soo volumes, of which 400 volumes were Registrar of Births & Deaths, Hawkhurst Sub-district,

issued to members during the year 1889. The Lecture Hall, Relieving & Vaccination Officer, No. 2 District, Cranbrook

erected in 1875, is a building of red brick, in the Queen Union & School Attendance Officer, John Mercer Durrant,r

Anne style, and will seat 300 persons : it is used ror enter- Cranbrook road

tainments and religious services are also frequently held Deputy Registrar of Births & Deaths, George Morris,

bere on Sundays. A reading room was opened on the Moor Hawkhur$t

in 1886. The Hawkhurst Fire Brigade consists of a super-
intendent and 12 firemen, and has an engine purchased by SCHOOLS:-
voluntary contributions; it is stationed at Sir Thomas Dunk's Public Elementary (Endowed), re-established in 1873
school. A fair, established in 1331-2, the fifth year of Ed- under the Elementary Education Act of :t87o : this school
-ward II. used to be held here on August 1oth and nth, but was originally founded in 1723, under Sit Thomas Dunk's'
was discontinued ·in 1873. A market, granted 5 Edward I. charity, for the free education of 20 boys ; in 1868 the
(1276-7) to the abbey of Battle, was anciently held here schoolroom was enlarged, & there are now 50 children
every Tuesday, on the green at the Moor, but was discon- taught on payment of fees ; average attendance, 39 ; this
tinued before 1659 and the market cross taken down : a fair, school has also an endowment of £1,200 under the will of
()nee held on St. Valentine's Day, is also extinct. There are Miss Margaret Springett, mentioned above ; Alfred Chas~
numerous residences of some importance; Lillesden, tha.tof Moore, master

Lieut.-Col. Edward Loyd D.L., j.P. is a mansion of brick, National (boys & girls), erected in 1863, for 300 children;
partly in the Elizabethan style, standing in a well-wooded there are on the books, 240; average attendance, ro8 boys
and extensive park: Tongswood, that of William Cotterill & II2 girls; Thomas Humphrey, master; Miss Harriet
~q. is an extensive and richly decorated edifice, also Eliza- Porter, mistress
. '
bethan: Elm Hill, the property of Charles Edmund Jenings Infants, erected for 101 childran; average attendance, 95;
esq. and now occupied by Sir William Reynell Anson hart. Mrs. Sarah Warren, mistress
oon.c.L., J.P. Warden of All Souls' College, Oxford, is a sub- •
.stantial building of red brick in the Gothic style, which, NEWSPAPER:-
from its great elevation, commands extensive views; from
its east front may seen Bodiam, :Fairlight and the neigh- Kent & Sussex Post, 6 Colonnade ; Frank. Williams, pub-.

lisber & proprietor ; published saturday

bourhood of Hastings : Elfords, formerly the seat of the CoNVEYANCE:-

Roberts and Boys families, now occupied by Col. Lewis de- Bennett's omnibus from Tenterden on tues. & fri. meeting

"feissier Prevost F.G.s. is an ancient Elizabethan building: & running in conjunction with E. T. Rodmells' omnibus

Risden is the residence of George French esq. J.P~ and from Hawkhurst, which latter takes passengers on to-.

Collingwood, of Major-General William Drummond Scrase- Etchingham station from Highgate, Hawkhurst

Dickins J.P.: Copt Hall is the properly and residence of Barues' Wagon from Newenden td Cranbrook wed. & fri.

Major Henry Fothergill; this mansion was considerably returning same day ·

improved in 1886, and has a fine view of the surr()unding Charles Albert Collins, from Hawkhurst to St. Leonards &

country: Fowler's Park, the property of Mrs. Gow-Steuart, Hastings, tues. & fri. returning same days ; to Etching-

is now occupied by Sir Edmund Stracey Hardinge hart. J.P., ham station twice daily 1

D.L. : New Lodge is the property and residence of Edward L. Lockyer, to Maidstone, mon. & thurs. returning follow-

Hardcastle esq. M.P., D.L., J.P. ; Tbeobalds, of Mrs. Charles ing days

Rollings; Springfield, of Col. Richard Worsley; and Ellers- {J-eorge Drake, to Etchingbam station, daily except sundays

lie, of Col. John Tobin Ready : Oakfield is the property of E. T. Rodmells, omnibuses, from Highgate to Etchingham

the Misses Maynard, and The Lymes is the residence of Capt. station, four times daily, to meet trains '

Henry Stephen Swiney. The Earl of Winchilsea is lord of Medhurst, from Post office to Ticehurst, daily

K. S & S. 22*


PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bugler JohnU. jun. ironmongr.Highgate Kent & Sussex Post (The) (Franl
BurtonGeo. Thos. farm~r,TubbsLake fm Williams, publisher ; published sat.)
Anson Sir WilHam Reynell hart. D.C.L., CampaneyEdwn. boot&shoe ma.TheMor 6 Colonnade
.T.P. Elm hill; & Brooks' club, St. Chacksfield Alfred, butcher, The Moor Kent Fire Insurance Co. (Miss Hopkine
James' street, London s w
Chapman Thomas & Sons, brew~s, agent), Higbgate
Beecham Miss, Moor side
Four throws ; & at Ashford Kent Middle Class School for Boy

Brine Philip, Maisonette . Channing Benjamin, head gardener to (Francis Heath, principal)

Burrows Rev.John Henry A.x.c..[curate Lieut.-Col. Loyd J.P Killick Geo. farm bailiff to Mrs. Mollie

of St. Lawrence], The Moor Cheesman Edmund, grocer Kingston Benj. boot maker, Talbot roa

Butler Mrs. Pierce, Ulcombden Clements Fredk.Queen's hotel,Highgate Lavender James, farm bailiff to Charle

Cla.rke Misses, Maryville house Coleman William,George & DragonP.H.t Edmund Jenings esq

Coles Mrs. The Moor good stabling, Four throws Lecture Hall

CookMrs Collins Charles Albert, carrier,Talbot rd Leonard John, farmer, Prospectcottag

Cotterill William, Tongswood Collins Thomas, farmer . Liddell Robert, dairyman

Coveney James Henry, The Roost Gollins William, draper & sanitary in- Lockyer Lige, carrier

Crum Mrs. Chittenden spector to Cranbrook rural authority, London & County Banking Co. Limiteu

Dickins Maj.-General William Drum- Cranbrook road (branch) (Frederick Foreman, of

mond Scrase- J.P. Collingwood Conservative Club (W. Adams, sec. ; Cranbrook, manager); draw on

Fisher Mrs. James Carr, Fir Tree F. V. Hill, steward) head office, London E c

Fothergill Major Hemy, Ccpt hall Cook George, farmer, Great Pix hall Luck Robert, plumber, Highgate

French George J.P. Risden Cooper Albert, grocer, The Moor • Marchant Benjamin, shopkpr. Highgat&

Hardcastle Edward M.P. D.L., .T.P., Cooper George,EightBells P.H. TheMoor Marcha.nt Gideon, baker, Moor

.New lodge ; &Oxford & Cambridge & Cooper Henry, saddler • Marchant Walter, farmer, 'fickners frm

Carlton clubs, London s w Coppinger Seymour, tailor Marshall Wm. beer retailer, 'fhe Moor

Harden Charles Wood, Prospect cottage Couchman Fras. Thomas, confectioner Martin HenryThos. florist, Cranbrook rd

• Hardinge Sir Edmnnd Stracey bart.J.P. Couchman Thos. M. builder, Highgate Maskell George, builder
D.L. Fowler's park ; & Carlton & Couchman Wm. boot ma. Four throws Maskell James, grocer, Talbot road

Junior Carlton clubs, Pall malls w Davis John Thos. E. builder, Highgate Mear lsabel (Miss), ladies' boarding sch)
Harmer Mrs. (.,'raue croft
Delves & Son, drapers &; upholsterers, Mills George, farmer & hop grower,

HarmerWilliam Milsted(surgeon-major Highgate Tanyard farm

Army Reserve), Kent Sanatorium, Delves David, farmer, Ockley Mills Sarah (Mrs.), dress ma. Tory rd

Northgrove Delves Ernest, farmer Moore Waiter, builder, The Moor

Hatch Robert, Holly lodge Delves Frank, farmer, Attwaters farm MorrisGeorge,assistant overseer,farmer

Hodges Mrs. Myrtle cottage Dixon William, hair dresser,.. Highgate & deputy registrar of births & deaths

Hopkins Mrs. Highgate house Doubell William, accountant Mott Joseph Owen, commission agent

Jackson John Archer, Sunny side Drake George, carrier, Highgate Muddle John, beer retailer

Jeffreys Rev. HenryAnthony M. A. [vicar. Durrant John Mercer,registrar of births Nash Jas. boot & shoe maker, Talbot pl
hon. canon of Canterbury Cathedral & deaths for Hawkhurst sub-district, Nickels John, boot maker
& rural dean of W. Charing],Vicarage relieving & vaccination officer for No. Oakley Thomas, engineer, High street

Longley Edwin, Oak cottage 2 district, Cranbrook union &; school Oliver Albert & Co. coach & carriage

Loyd Lt.-Col. Edwd. D.L., .T.P.Lillesden attendance officer, Cranbrook road builders, Highgate

Maynard Misses, Highgate cottage Dyer C. H. (Mrs.), ladies' outfitter, 8 OliverThos. beerretlr.&grocr. Highgat&

Morris Moses, Highgate Colonnade Ovenden Geo. Stphn. coal mer.Talbot rd

Piper Jesse, Conghurst East Kent Regiment, 2nd (Weald of PannettChas. & Son, saddlers, High,aatAt

Pratt Henry Arthur, The Moor Kent) Volunteer Battalion (B Co.) Philpott&Callaway, solicitors, Highgate;

Prevost Col. Lewis de Teissier F.G.s. (Capt. G. J. Goschen, commandant; & at Cranbrook

Elfords Sergt. Clements, drill instructor) Piper Frederic, builder & contractor;

Ready Col. John Tobin, Ellerslie Easton Josepb, groeer, Four throws estimates given for repairs, Moor

Rideal-Lock Rev. George M.A. [curate Edwards Lewis, builder & contractor Piper Jesse, farmer,grazier, hop grower

of All Saints] Feaver Geo. Osmond, dentist, Highgate & landowner, Conghurst

Rollings Mrs. Charles, Theobalds Fillery James, grocer, The Moor Piper Jesse, jun. farmer, grazier, & hop

Russell Mrs. G. Franklin villa Fire Brigade (Waiter Maskell, supt) grower, Conghurst

Smith Chas. Jas. Hardy M. B. Stonedene Fremlin Brothers, ale stores Piper Robert, stone mason, The Moor

Springett Mrs. Ashfield lodge Friend William, farmer Potter Henry, shopkeeper

Stoughton Miss, Pix hall Gas Co. Limited (George Morris, sec) Pridgeon Waiter John, chemist, P~

Swiney Capt. Henry Stphn. The Lymes Giles Charles, coal dealer office, The Moor

Thomas Alfred, Prospect house Goodwin Alfred, beer retailer Ransley Samuel, basket maker Pipsden

Thompson Miss, Fairview Guess Henry, ironmonger, The Moor Reading Room, The Moor

Thomson James, Hensill Gurr Fredk. Ashton, grocer, Highgate Reed Edward, nurseryman, The Moor

Tinne Theodore, The Beeches Hall Thomas, grocer, & agent for W. & Reeves James, boot & shoe maker

Treharne David li.B., c. M. Highgate hill A. Gilbey, wine & sph·it merchants, Relf Waiter, laundry

Walker Miss, Highfield Highgate Rodmell Edward Thomas, Royal Oak

Wicken Miss, The Moor Hall William, baker P.H. Highgate

W orsley Col. Richard, Springfield Harmer Elizabeth (Mrs. ),lodging house, Rumens Gideon, milk seller,High street

Young Edward, Tates Rose cottage Russell George, miller (water & steam),

Harmer Stephen, shopkpr.Cranbrook rd Furnace mill

COMMERCIAL. Harris Thomas, watch & clock maker, Russell William, miller (water & steam)

AdamsEliza(Mrs. ),butchr.Fothersby ho Cranbrook road " & baker, Slip mill

Alien James Albert, veterinary surgeon, Harvey Mary (Miss), fancy repository Sands Eliza (Mrs.), blacksmith ·

Winchester road Hawkhurst Cricket Club (Lieut-Col. Santer Wtlliam, jun. frmr. Potter's frm

Arnold Joseph, farmer, Limes grove Edwd. LoydJ.P. pres.;W.Warren,sec) Shouesmith John Barden, beer retailer,

Ayerst Geo.Hood, farmer, Primrose hill Hawkhurst Village Hospital (Rev.Canon Gills green

Babies Castle (H.R.H. Princess Mary Jeffreys lii.A. hon. sec. ; Edward Smith William Thomas & Son, land &

Adelaide, Duchess of Teck, president) Young L.R.C.P. visiting surgeon; Mrs. estate agents, auctioneers & valuers

Baker James, farm bailiff to W. Hannah Turley, matron), High street Smith Charles James Hardy lii.B. 8111'-

Cotterill esq. Tongswood farm Heath Fras. middle class school for boys geon & medical officer & public vacci·

Ballard Geo.frmr. & hop grwr. Park frm Hellier William, draper nator, Hawkhurst district, Cranbrook

Banister ina.Highgt Huggins Henry, farmer & hop grower, nnion, Stonedene

Barham George & Son, watch & clock East Heath farm Smith Miss, school, Highgate

makers, North Road house Huggins Jesse, shopkeeper Southern Sarah (Mrs.), farmer

Barnes Lewis, head gardener to W. M. Huggins Samuel, hurdle maker Stanger Annie (Mrs.), grocer & draper

Harmeresq Huggins Samuel, shopkeeper, Cock- Stedman George, plumber

Billson Henry, coal merchant, Highgate shott bridge . Stedman Wm. shopkeeper, Gills green

Birt George, farmer, Cockshott Jamieson C. ttmber merchant & sur- Tanner Edwin, plumber, painter, gla-

Blackwell James, farmer & hop grower, veyor, coachbuilders' & wheelwrights' zier & paperhanger, North Grove rd

Gun Green farm timber, oak & fir laths, plank, board, Taplin George, gardener & parish clerk

Blake Thomas, dairyman scantlings, posts &rails, W.oodbury rd Taylor Thomas, farmer

Blinks Albert, butcher, Highgate; & at Jenner Alfred, shopkeeper, Pipsden Thompson John. farmer, Yew Tree frm

Salehurst • J ohnson Benj. blacksmith, Gills green Tickner Edward, grocer ·

• Brakefield Donald,farmer & hop grower, Kemp Richd. Geo. coach bldr. Gillsgrn Tickner Waiter, farmer

Stream Hill farm . Kent Sanatorium (William Milsted Vinson & Feaver, chemists, Highgate

BrooksHenryFrederick, tailor,Cockshotl Harmer F.B.C.P, Bdin, proprietor) Vousden Jesse, chimney sweeper


WadlowAlfd.(Miss),blcksmith.TheMoor Wenman Wait. chimney swpr. Gun grn Willard Frederick, shopkeeper, Hornes

Waghorn George, carpenter West Henry, boot & shoe maker Williams Ebenzr. photogrphr. Highgate

WaghornOlder,whlwright. Winchestr.rd Whigham John, farmer Williams Frank, stationer, 6 Colonnade

WaghornOtto,miller(wind),Knowles ml Wibley Ambrose, head gardener to Wilhams Samuel, hair dresser

Waite Joseph Frederick, butcher Edward Hardcastle esq WilmshurstAlfd. Alex.gro.Cranbrook rd

Walker Elizh. (Mrs.), farmer, Clay hill Wicken Edward Thomas, brewer & Wilmshurst Jonathan, farmer

Ward Robert, butcher beer retailer, Moor Young Edwd. L.R.C.P. Edin. surg. Tates

Warren William, millwright Wickens Edward, beer retailer, Pipsden

HA WKINGE is a parish, situated on the chalk hills to and barley. The area of the whole parish is 2,338 acres;

the north and on the high road from Folkestone to Canter- rateable value, £2,639; the population of Hawkinge in 188x
bory, about 2! miles north from Folkestone, in the Eastern was 492.
division of the county, Folkestone hundred and county court UPHILL, on the high road from Folkestone to Canterbury,
district, Elham union and petty sessional division, lathe of is a hamlet, once belonging to Folkestone parish, but now
Shepway, rural deanery of Dover, archdeaconry and diocese forming a part of Hawkinge parish, having bEen annexed to
()f Canterbury. The church of St. Michaelis a building of it by the Local Government. Board and transferred foreccle-
rough flints in the Anglo-Norman style, and consists of siastical purposes 10 July, 1874. The united Nonconformist
chancel and nave, with south porch and a small turret over chapel, erected in I832 and used by various denominations,
the western gable containing one bell: on the south side of was restored about I873 at a cost of£I,500; and is a build-
the chancel is a rude piscina, and opposite, a plain arch : ing m the Gothic style, with two turrets, one of which con-
-there is a tablet to the memory of the Rev. George Saunders tains a clock with two dials: the windows in the apse are
Elwin M.A. late rector: the church was restored in 187.5. filled with stained glass in memory of a former pastor and
The church and gr~veyard were rifled by King John A. D. his wife.
J2I6, and the record exists of a Yisitation by Archbishop UPPER and LowER STANDEN are I mile north-east, DRIL-
Warham in 1511. The register dates from the year 169I. LINGCOUR a mile and a half north-east; MunsHOLE, half a
'The living is a rectory, with the vicarage of Swingfield an- mile west.
11exed, joint average tithe rent·oharge £I 1 I, net yearly value Parish Clerk, Moses Bedingfield,

£240, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held PosT & M. 0. 0., s. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
mce I872 by the Hev. William Legg M.A. of Hertford Col- Moses Bedingfield, receiver. Letters received through

lege, Oxford. The church of St. Luke, erected in 1889 and Folkestone at 8 a.m. ; dispatched at 6. 30 p.m.; sundays,
licensed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, is a small build- I0.20 a.m. Folkestone is the nearest telegraph ·office
ing of iron, with a turret at the west end containing one

bell: there are 15o sittings. The principal landowners are A School Board of 5 members was formed in 1879 ; Charles-

the Earl of Radnor and Stephen Finn Castle esq. The Earl Woollett, clerk; Arthur Creswell, Ashford, attendance

of Radnor is lord of the manor, formerly held by the Abbot officer
.of St. Radigund, but granted to the Archbishop of Canter- Hawkinge Board School (boys, girls & infants), Canterbury
bury in the reign of Henry VIII. The soil is chalky; sub- road, built in 1879, for Ioo children; average attendance,
~Soil, limestone and chalk. The chief crops are wheat, oats 44; Miss Emily Ann Gurney, mistress

Castle Stephen Finn, Uphill house Finch Ellen (Mrs.), lodging house, Mummery James, fa1·mer, "''hitehall
<Jourt Mrs. Prospect house. Uphill
Frew Mrs. Uphill Myrtle eottage, Uphill Ney Edward Fredk. dairyman, The l''irs

Gibbens Frederick, farmer, Up. Standn Parks George, farmer & miller (wind),

Legg Rev. Wm. M.A. [rector], Rectory Gouden John, cowkeeper, Gibraltar Maypole farm

Major Miss, Shrubbery cottage, Uphill Hambrook Joseph, farmer, Flegis court Pilcher Richd. shoe maker & dairyman

COMMERCIAL. Harris Thomas, blacksmith, Uphill Rigden William, farmer, Pay street
JJaker William, grazier Hogben Thos. veterinary surgn. Uphill Savage Edward, shopkeeper, Uphill
Bedingfield Moses, assistant overseer, Kettle Hy,miller(wind) & grazier,Uphll Seath Marsh&Harry,frmrs.Low.Standn
Major Edwin, White Horse P.H Seath John, farmer, Hope farm
& parish clerk, Post office, Uphill Marsh James, cowkeeper Smith James, bricklayer
Castle Stephen Finn, farmer, grazier & May Hills, cowkeeper, Uphill Taylor Joseph, cowkeeper, Mudshole
Mills Hobert, carpenter 'fucker Ingram, carpenter, Uphill
Daniels Adam, farmer, Terlingham
Daniels John, farmer, Coombe

HAYES is a village and parish, with a station on the £10o yearly, has been apportioned by a scheme of the •

&nth Eastern railway branch from Beckenham, 2 miles Charity Commissioners, two-thirds being allotted towards

.:aonth from Bromley and I3 from London, in the Western the support of the school and one-third expended in medical

division of the county, within the jurisdiction of the Central relief and in coal and clothing for the deserving poor. Con-

Criminal Court and Metropolitan police, in Rnxley hundred, tiguous to the church is Hayes Place, formerly the seat of
lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, Bromley petty sessional division William Pitt, xst Earl of Chatham, who died here 11 l\'Iay,
and union and county cgurt district, rural deanery of West I778; it was also the birthplace (28 May, I759) of his
Dartford, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canter- son, William Pitt, the distinguished statesman, and is now
tmry. The church of St.. Mary the Virgin, standing in the occupied by Everard A. Hambro esq. D.L., J.P. Pickhurst
centre of the village, is a building of hammered flint and Manor is the residence of Charles Frederick Devas esq. J.P.

stone in the later Early English style, and was thoroughly Col. Sir J. 'f. Lennard hart. is lord of the manor. The
~estored by the late Sir George Gilbert Scott R.A. and a principal landowners are E. A. Hambro esq. Charles Lloyd

north aisle added in 1856 at a cost of.£2,500: the tower was Norman J.P. Robert Howard and Charles Goodhart esqs.

.restored and a spire erected in 1862 and a south aisle and Mrs. Lee and Robinson Latter esq. The soil is gravel and
transept built in I878 by J. Oldrid ~cott esq. son of Sir G. sand ; subsoil, gravel and sand. The area is I,28I acres ;

oGilbert Scott, at the sole cost of a parishioner, on condition rateable value, £6,soo; the population in 1881 was 694.
that the 90 new sittings in the south aisle should be free HAYES COMMON, comprising 200 acres, Jies to the south
.and unappropriated : the church now consists of chancel, of the village and is under the management of a board of
eave of four bays, aisles, west porch, transept and an em- conservators, first appointed in I869 and elected annually
lllattled western tower with spire containing a clock and 6 by the vestry; at the north-west extremity, where there
bells; the old peal of 3 being augmented in 1882 by the are some oaks of great size, fine views of the surrounding
munificence of a parishioner: all the windows except one scenery are obtainable. In Baston Manor House, now
.are stained: there are brasses with demi-effigies to three occupied by Capt. A. Torrens, some curious frescoes repre-
former rectors, John Osteler, Sir John Andrew and Sir senting scenes in Saxon history were discovered about 183o.
..John Heygee, I523; and there was at one time another to PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
..John Hoare, I8 years rector, ob. 11 Feb. I584 : the church James Harrod, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from
has also a few monuments to the Scott family, including one Beckenham at 8.30 a. m. & 7.30 & 11 p.m. ; dispatched at

'to Sir Stephen Scott, gentleman pensioner to Charles I. : 8.30 a. m. & 4· IS & 8.30 p.m. Sundays at 4·45 p.m•
.and a memorial to Sir Vicary Gibbs kt. Lord Chief Justice Telegraph office at the station

4lf the Common Pleas, d. February 8th, I82o: there are 420 WALL Box, at Peckhurst green, collected at 8.20 a.m. &

.sittings, of which about 70 are appropriated, the remainder 4.25 & 8.40 p.m. No sunday collection

being entirely free. The register dates from the year I539· PILLAR LET'I'ER Box at station cleared at 3.30 p.m
JUJd includes records of the baptism of William Pitt, and of Church of England School (mixed), established about 1780;
the marriage, about I76o, of James Bruce, the African it will hold about 200 children ; average attendance, 149 ;
traveller. The living is a rectory, average yearly value William Plant, master ; l\'Irs. Plant, mistress
lrom tithe rent-charge £I9o, net income 1,"183, inc1uding Railway Station, George Wraight, station master
14 acres ef glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Arch- CoNVEYANCE.-Omnibus passes through between Bromley
bishop of Canterbury, and held since 1887 by the Rev. & Keston three times each way daily ; twice on sundays,
George Clowes M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. There from '·white Hart,' Bromley
are two charities, of about .£8 yearly value, connected with CARRIERS TO LONDOK.-Russell & Co. (of Bromley) &.
the school; and a property, the gross rental of which is Carter, Paterson & Co. ·daily, sundays excepted

• •

342 HAYES. '. [KELLY'S

PRIVATE :RESIDENTS. Paine Harold, Ash lodge, Hayes commn Jones Benjamin, carpenter
Akers Miss, Hayes common [in West Roberts Rev, William Masfen M.A. Keech William, carpenter

Mitcham parish] [curate], Hayes house Martin & Co. bankers (attend friday

Bedwell Capt.Fk.Le Breton,Woodgrnge Rose Charles l\larston, Hayes grove 11.30 to 1: o'clock)

Cecil Lord Sackville Artbur M.A., J.P. Russell Mrs Martin George, shoe maker, Common

The Oast house, Hayes common Selby William, Hayes lane Mills George, painter

ChotleyThomasl''oorncombe,2Elmhul'St Smith Charles Cbaloner, Hast hill Moon Edward Mercer, The George P.H

villas, Hayes lane Smith Martin, The Warren Nicholls Alfred & Son, baker

Clowes Rl'lv. George M.A. Rectory Stuart Capt. Dudley R.N. Pricklewood Pearce John, market gardener

Devas Chas. Fredk. J.P. Pickhurst mnr Till Frederick Pearce Robert, florist

DevM Horace George, Hartfif'ld Torrens Capt. Alfred, Baston manor l'earce Thomas, florist

Friend Coke, Hayes common Whitmore Mrs. W. Hayes common [in Pornter Frederick, blacksmith

Gripper Charles Edward, Hayes cottage West Wickham parish] Prwe Edwin, carman & contractor,.

Hambro Everard Alexander D.L., J.P. COMMERCIAL. Station road

Hayes place Beale Benjamin, gardener to E. A. Reed Wm. Walt. farmer, Pickhurstgrn,

Hammersley Capt.ArthurCharles,Pick- Hambro esq. D.L., J. P. "fl.objant George, beer retailer

burst mead BlakeWm.Hy.L.R.C.P.Lond.phys.&surg Russell James, shoe maker & draper

Hopkins John, HayeS court Boxall Noah, builder Stacey Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper

Hoskier Herman C. Hayes lane Cborley Thomas Fearncombe, solicitor, Trencbard Joseph, beer retailer

Kettle Miss, Hayes common ' 2 Ehnhurst villas, Hayes lane Village Club & Reading Rooms(William

McLennan Mrs. J. F. Hawthorndene com Coal Co-operativeSocietyLim, Station rd Plant, secretary)

Mann Horace, Grove cottage Elliott John Lermore, steward to E. A. Walker Frederick, butcher •

Morris Huson, The Nest Hambro, esq. D.L., J.P Warner Frank, boot maker

Morris Mrs. Five Elm ,..ottage Harrod James & Sons, grocers, corn Williams Wm.jobbing gardnr. TheCom

Morris Thomas M.D. Hayes common dealers, & post office Wraight George, station master

Munster Edmund, Elmhurst villa Harrod Wm. farmer, Hayes Street farm Yeoman Nicholas, cab prop. Station rd

Norman Henry John, Gadsden Johnson James, farmer

BEADCORN. in the Weald of Kent, is a parish and ing. In this parish was Moddenden or Motynden, a honse

village, situated on the Beult, an affluent of the Medway, of Trinitarian or Crouched friars, founded in 1224 by Sir

and on the road from Maidstone to Tenterden (the bridge Robert de Rokesby: the revenues at the Dissolution were

over the stream is a primitive structure of timber, sup- £6o 13s. ; the site was granted to Thomas, Lord Cromwell~

ported by brick piers and timber upright~), with a station subsequently Earl of Essex: K.G. and after his attainder in

on the South: Eastet'n main line of railway, 46 miles from 1540, to Sir Anthony Archer kt. The manorial rights are
London, via Sevenoaks and 9 south-east-b,y·south from divided. J. H. Grant esq. the trustees of the late Sir
Maidst-one, in the Mid division of the county, lathes of Edmund Filmer bart. d. 1886, the Viscountess Holmesdale
.Aylesford and Scray, hundreds of Eyhorne, Teynham, ()ale- and William Mercer esq. are the chief landowners. The

hill, Cranbrook and Barkley, petty sessional division of soil is clayey; subsoil, clay. The area is 5,004 acres of
Bearsted, Maidstone county court district, Hollingbourn land, a small portion of which is devoted to the cultivation,

union, and in the rural deanery of West Charing, arch- of hops, with some good pasturage bordering the river;,

deaconry of M'lidstone and dwcese of Canterbury. Tl.e rateable value. £r3,909; the population in 188r was 1,493·
church of SS. Peter and Paul is an ancient building of HAWKENBURY, 2~ miles west, and TATI'LEBURY, 1 mile
Kentish rag in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, con- north-west, are hamlets in this parish.
sisting of chancel and nave under a single roof, with a Parish Clerk, Samuel Carter.
continuous south aisle, south porch and a massive em- PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
battled western tower with an octagonal turret at the north- Thomas Paige, ret.!eiver. Letters arrive from Ashford at,
east angle an~ containing a clock and 8 bells: an arcade of 7 a.m. & 1.26 p.m. ; dispatched at 5 & 7.50 p.m.; sun-
five arches, springing from octagonal columns, divides the days, arrive at 8.50 a.m. ; dispatched at 8 p.m
nave from the south aisle, and two arches on a polygonal WALL LETI'ER Box, near Railway station, cleared 4.25 lt-

pier with une'lual sides separate the chancel and its aisle : 7.40 p.m. ; sundays, 7.40 p.m
in this aisle 1s a piscina, and beneath one of the south A School Board of 5 members was formed June 6, 1871;
windows is a fine Perpendicular tomb, with effigy probably Thomas Witherden Burden, clerk to the board ; Jame&
of the founder, a member of the family of Colepeper, under Hinkley, attendance officer

a. rich feathered canopy: the elaborately carved rood screen Board School (mixed), established in 1873, for 410 children;.

still in part remains : there is one brass with the figure of there are on the books 250 children ; average attendance,

ji kneeling child and an inscription to John Byrd, son of 195; Theakston Robert Julius, master; Miss Louisa.

William Byrd, of Headcorne, 1629-36: in the north windows Ralph, infants• mistress
are remains of very fine stained glass, exhibiting figures of Railway Station, Frederick William Capon, station master

saints, under canopies: the church was restored in 1855-78 CoNVEYANCE:-
at a cost of £1,000 and an organ was introduced in 1879 at Bennett's omnibus from Tenterden passes through at 10.1.).

a cost of £226: there are soo sittings: in the churchyard a.m. for Maidstone, returning at 5. IS p.m. daily, sun-

is an oak of great age, measuring 40 feet in circumference. day excepted ; & van to Tenterden from railway stationr •

The register dates from the year 1535. The living is a at 8.15 a.m. daily, sunday excepted, returning at 7 p.m

Ticarage, tithe rent-charge £410, net yearly value £357, Elijah Couchman's van for passengers & luggage leaves the

with residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 'King's Arms,' Headcorn, at 8.40 daily; extra van thurs.
and held since 1886 by the Rev. George Alfred Lewis M.A. 12 a.m. to Star inn, Maidstone, returning at 2, & from
of Trinity College, Cambridge. St. John's College, Cam- the' Fortune of War,' at 4 p.m. thurs. 6 p.m. to London

bridge, are impropriators of the rectorial tithes. There are & Dover. On thurs. van leaves Headcorn at 12 noon, &
Baptist and Wesleyan chapels. A Working Men's Club was the' Fortnne of War,' Maidstone, at 6 p.m
opened in 1887. There is a detachment here of "C" Com- William Martin's van for passengers & luggage leaves the-

pany of the 2nd Volunteer Battalion (Weald of Kent), East 'King's Arms,' Headcorn, at a.m. mon. (via Hawk·

Kent Regiment. The charities are of about £so yearly enbury) wed. fri. & sat. for Maidstone, returning same

valne, arising from lands left at various times between 1616 days from the 'Fortune of War,' at 3.30 p.m
and 1716 and are distributed at E11ster, WhitsuntiJe and James Buss Wood's van to and from Maidstone & Smarden

Christmas, at the discretion of the vicar and churchwardens. passes through three days weekly, calling at Railway-

Bricks and tiles are made in the parish. A fair is held here hotel about 9 a. m
on June 12th. The Old Hall, a half-timbered structure, Giles' van to & from Maidstone & Biddenden passes throngb

some time belonged to the Clothworkers Company, of Lon- on tues. & thurs. about 9 a. m
don. The George Inn is a gabled quaint timbered build- Henry Larence's omnibus to Tenterden, daily

PRIVATE RBIIIDENTS. Monk William, Water Lane house Barford George, market gardener

[Marked thus • receive letters through Parks Thomas Barnes Charles, boot & shoe maker

Staplehurst.] Poole Miss, Bankside Barnes Edward, beer retailer

Boorman Thomas, Sunnyside mills Sanders Thomas Bates James, farmer & hop grower,

Burden Thomas Stuart Artbur Edward, Sbenley house Pheasant farm

Christmas Tilden, Austen cottage Thurston John, jun. Oak farm *Bates Jane (Mrs.),Hare& Houndsr.JI.

Jephson Miss, Shenley house Unicume Thomas, Yule lodge Hawkenbury

Keener John Jacob, Beult honse Warren Phillip Somerville, Home villa *BellinghamPhilip,farmer,Hawkenbll1'1

Kingsland Henry Majer1 Frank's place Warrillow Mrs Boorman Jesse, butcher

Leblanc Henry, The Hall Watmough Rev. Joseph [Baptist], The Bowles Hannah (Mrs.), blacksmith

Lewis Rev. Geo. Alfred M. A. Vicarage Manse Brakefield John, gate maker

Milner Mrs COMMERCIAL. Brakefield William Alexander, farmerli;
Ames George William, tailor hop grower, Lee Bridge farm
Monk Mrs. Summerhill


Brandley John, baker Gibson Thomas Charles, Railway corn- · Ottaway Horace, farm bailiff to Henry

Brown Wm.farmr.&hop growr.Lit.Grig mercial hotel & assistant overseer Oyler esq. Kelsham farm
~ Oyler George, farmer & hop grower,
Burbridge James, wheelwri:!ht Growns John, pig dealer

Burden 'fhomasLawrance,miller(steam Gurr Ephraim, builder & fontractor Great Tong
Hayward Charles, fly proprietor ; close ! Oyler Thomas & George, farmers & hop
& wind) & baker

Burden Thomas, Witherden, miller & open vehicles always to let growers, ~ummer hill

(wind), corn dealer & seedsman-& Headcorn Coal Co. (Tilden Christmas, Packman Thomas, grocer & draper

clerk to School board manager) Paige Thom::ts, corn factor, & post

Capon FrederJCk William, station maStr Headcorn Hall Co.Limited (Thomas W. office
Carter Samuel, shopkeeper ~
Burden, sec) Potter Charles, corn factor

Chaplin Charles James (exors., of), Headcorn Working Men's Club (R. J. Powell Patrick, hair dresser

grocers & drapers Theakstone, hon. sec.), Institute hall Prebble George, blacksmith

Children Robert, farmer & landowner, Heathfield John, farmer & hop grower, Pyner 'William James, printer

Plum 'free farm Homestall 1 Reynolds Wtlliam, pork butcher

Children Silas, farmer & hop grower, Hickmott Silas, farmer & hop grower, Shilling Abraham, bricklayer

Four Oaks farm Water lane *Sloman Charles, farmer & hop grower,

Collison Alfred, buf..cher- Hinkley James. shopkeeper & school at- . Hawkenbury

Collison Daniel, higgler "' tendance officer ,· Suiter Charles, farmer & hop grower,

*Collison Stephen Loudwell & Philip, Homewood George; faPmer & hop Dray corner

farmers, & hop growers, Hawkenbury grower, Hazelpit's & Bearford farms Tassel! John, grocer, draper & furniture

Cook Geo.farmer & hop grower,Chantry Hoskins Fredk. Alfd. grecer & butcher dealer, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey,

Eooper Eli, shopkeeper & beer retailer Hosmer John, farmer & hop grower wine & spirtt merchants

•Cornes Henry, farmer & hop grower, Johnson John, basket maker 1 ThorpeJn.frmr.&hopgrower,Motynden

Hawkenbury Jones John & Charles, farmers & hop; 'l'horpe Edward, farmer & hop grower,

Couchman Elijah, carrier_ growers, Wick farm Stone stile .

0\:lveney Wm. M.R.c.v.s. vet. surgeon Jones Thomas, King's Arms P.H Tippen Harry, stationer & tobacconist

Dawkins Charlotte (Miss), The G"eorge Law Philip, farm bailiff to Mr. William Tippen James, watch & clock maker

& Dragon P.H Thomas Bean Turk Edwin, builder

Dawson Margaret (Miss), coal merchant Mallion John, bailiff to Charles Harding Unicume 'fhos. L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon,

*Dungey Thomas,farmer & hop gr6wer, esq. Rolvendon, Fostal farm Yule lodge

Hawkenbury Marshall Thomas, chimney sweep Upton lVil!iam, farmer & hop grower,

Durey Mark, farmer, Luckhurst farm Masters Albert, shopkeeper Burnt house

Elliss Charles & George, farmers & hop Mercer Geo.farmer,hop grower & miller Waiters John, farmer & hop grower,

growers, Bletchenden farm (wind & steam), Moat & Manor farms Pinkhorn green

Evenden John, saddler ; Mercer George, farmer & hop grower, WardEdwd.frmr.&hopgrowr.Vine frm

Excell Ambrcse, farmer & hop grower, ureat Grig Warren Philip Somerville L.R.C.P.Edin.

Hawkenbury Mercer William, farmer & landowner surgeon, & medical officer & public

Exell Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper Mills Thomas, builder vaccinator, Headcorn district,Holling-
Field James, shopkeeper MooreEdwd.'fhs.practical boot&shoema I bourn union, Home villa

Foreman Charles, corn factor • 1Nekwapil Francis, professor of modern 1 Waterman Edward, farmer & hop
! grower, Hawkenbury
Foreman Edward, assistant superinten- languages, Willow house

dent Prudential Assur. Co. BP.ult cot Newman I<'redk farmer & hop grower ' Watts William, brick & tile maker )

*FreemanRichard,farmer &hop grower, Offen Thomas F. farmer & hop grower, White Edward, shoe maker

Harnden green Gibbs Hill farm , Williams Richard, farmer & hop grower

IGibson James, farmer & hop grower, Ottaway Alfred, farmer & hop grower, Young Charles, carriage builderI
Ston"l stile Little Tilden

HERNE is a parish, situated 6 miles north-east from which is distr;buted chiefly in clothing. Archbishop !slip,

Canterbury, 2 south from Herne Bay station on the London, in the 25th of Edward Ill. (I351-2), obtained a grant of a

Chatham and Dover railway, 4 north from Sturry station on weekly market, now obsolete and a fair to be held on the

the South Eastern railway and 61 by road from London, in feast of St. Martin and the day following. The workhouse

the Eastern division of the county, lathe of St. Augustine, of Blean union, situated on Herne common, was erected in

hundred of Bleangate, Home petty sessional division, Bl'lan 1836 and is a square brick building available for 298 inmates;

union, county court district of Canterbury and in the rural in 1875 an hospital was built, with beds for 6o patients and

deanery of Westbere and ardfdeaconry and diocese of Canter- a smaller hospital for infectious cases. Strode Park is the

bury. Herne street or town, stands about the centre of the residence of Charles William Prescott-Westcar J.P. Earl

parish, which for civil purposes includes Herne Bay. The Sondes and the Ecclesiastical Commissioners are the lords

church of St. Martin is a large building, chiefly of flint, in of the manor. The principallandowners are Earl Sondes,C.

the Perpendicular and later styles, consisting of chancel W. Prescott-Westcaresq. J.P. and G. C. A. Dering, Mr.James

with aisles, nave of four bays, aisles, north porch and a Amos and William and J. J. Wacher esqrs. The soil is marl;

tower at the west end of the embattled north aisle, contain- subsoil, gravel, clay and sand. The cnief crops are wheat,

ing 6 bells: the chancel is divided from either aisle by two barley and grass. The area is 4,929 acres of land and 640

Pointed arches and contains much good screen work and of water; rateable value, £34,266; the population of the

some carved stalls: a reredos of alabaster, marble and Caen whole parish in 188r was 414ro, and of Herne district, 2,816,
stone, of delicate detail and richly carved, has been given including 154 officers and inmates in Blean Union work-

by Mrs. Smith in memory of her husband : the church con- house.

t.ains a monument to Nicholas Ridley, some time vicar here BELTINGE HAw (or Hawe), half a mile east; HAliPTON,

and afterwards Bishop of Winchester (1547-50) and uf Lon- 3 miles north-west, on the coast; THORNDEN, west; STROOD,

don, burnt at Oxford, 16 Oct. 1555: there is a brass with HuNTER's FosTAL, north-east; EnDIKGTON, north; BROOM•

effigies to Peter Halle esq. and Elizabeth ( Waleys) his wife, FIELD, north-east and UNDERDOWN, north, are hamlets in

~. 1420; another to Christina, wife of Matthew Phelip, this parish.

citizen and goldsmith and mayor ( 1464) of the city of Parish Clerk, John Thorp.

London, ob. 1470, who is also buried in this church; and PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., s. B. & Annuity & Insurance Offi~

one with effigy in academical dress to John Darley, vicar, c. Herne street.-John Dilnot, postmaster. London letters
'~4So; there are others to Elizabeth, wife of Sir John
Fyneux kt. ob. 1539; and John Sea esq. of Underdowne in arrive from Canterbury at 6 a.m. & 12, 50 p.m.; dis-
ap.amtc.h;edd'taspta9tc_4h5edas.m. 1.0 & 8. p.m. ; sunday arrive at 6
H(Beomyse),,oba.ndr6om·4s, carnt·pdtwh· ins swoivne1syMtoarAthnato(HnyamLmovoenrdy)kanesdq.Saorba• p.m 20

ISII and Constance his wife, and .Andl'ew Benstede, vicar PosT OFFICE, Eddington.-Edward Partington, receiver.

(15II-31): the font consists of an octagonal basin with Letters arrive from Canterbury 6.10 a.m. & I p.m.; dis-

panelling and shields, supported on a pedestal enriched patched at 9-40 a. m. & 8. xo p.m ..,;,
with tracery. The reg ist er dates from the y ear The Blean Union House, John Bowes, medical officer; Rev.
living is a vicarage, gro ss yearly v wit h reside nce, William Ernest Malaher M. A. chaplain; Edward Ayre,
£alue 400,
in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since master; Mrs. Ayre, matron; Frederick W. Scott, master

1866 by the Rev. James Robert Buchanan Theol.Assoc.K.C.L. A School Board of 5 members was formed m 1881; extended

There is a Wesleyan chapel, built in 1887. The cemetery, to 9 members in x885; T. W. Collard, Herne Bay, clerk

opened in x88o, consists of three acres with one mortuary to the board

chapel, and is under the control of a burial board of 9 mem- National School (mixed), erect-ed in 1866, for x6o children;

bers- The l'harities amount to £,26 yearly, derived from 3~ average attendance, 132; A. Carey, master

acres of land, left in 1778 by various persons, the rent of FoR CONVEYANCE, see Herne Bay

PRIVATE RESID"ENTS. j Arnold John Wilham, Broomfield hall Benton Thos. M. Th~ Priory, Eddington

Adams George, 4 Eddington villas 1 Baskerville Misses, Eddington Bird Fred~rick, Old Meadow grange



Buchanan Rev.James Robert T.A.K.C.L. Ayre Edward, master of Blean union KING RICHARD S.maltster& desicated

Vicarage workhouse, Herne common grain manufacturer, Eddington; res.

Burge George, North Wood house Bean Edwin Isaac, Prince Albert P.H Herne Ba•v
Carey Alfred, Herne common
Brice Daniel, farmer, Broomfield Marsh James, Huntsman's Horn P.R.

Carr Richard Henry, Hunter'sFostal Burge George, civil engineer & land- 1 Broomfield

Clarke Mrs. Hunter's Fostal owner, North Wood house Minter Albert, farmer, Blackshole

de Svertchkoff A. Berne common Cemetery (Egerton Collard,Herne Bay, Partington Edward, Post office

Fawcett Mrs. 2 Ridley villas, Herne st clerk to the burial board) Petley John, farmer, Maypole farm

Grey Henry, Ridley house Christian Thomas, farmer, Beltinge Port Henry, farmer, Albion place

llall Thomas, North Beltinge house Clinch Wm. farmer, Eddington lane Port James, blacksmith

Hawksworth Wm.Prospect ho.Eddingtn Dilnot Jn. grocer & baker & postmaster PoutEdward Jsph.jun. farmer,Bullock.

Hilton Alex. Musgrave, Gothic house Dilnot Thomas Edward,relieving & vac- stone, Prospect & West End farms

Hitchin-Kemp F. W. 7 Eddington villas cination officer to No. I district & Ramuz Marie Elizabeth (Mrs.), Ramp-

Hooper Charles Adams, Cranemoor registrar of births & deaths, Herne ton inn, Hampton-on-Sea

lnderwick Edward, 5 Eddington villas sub-district, Blean union Read William, shopkeeper, Broomfield

Leaf Mrs. Firwood GibbsSarah(Mrs.),blcksmth.Eddington Rogers Thomas, farmer, Badcock fann

Matchin Corbit, The Lodge Goodwin Hy. Jas. farmer, Studd's farm Rootes Elin (Mrs.), grocer

Mullins Mrs Goldfinch Edward, farmer, Beltinge Rowden Nathaniel, farmer, Westbrook

Pembrook John Knowler, Maypole ho Harris James, beer retailer, West end Sayer George, builder

Prescott-Westcar Charles William J.P., Harrison George, boot maker Smith Richard, shopkeeper, Beltinge

JJ.A. Strode park HeardThomas, beer retailer, Herne corn SolomonWm. Simmons,farmer,Beltinge

Shearman Hy.Eddington ho. Eddington Hotness Gayler, farmer, Herne common Spratt Jas. Hy.Rising Sun P.H.Beltinge

Sneyd Miss, Meadow house Holness John, baker Stuppell Daniel, builder, Eddington

Ware Thomas, 6 Eddington villas Hotness John, Red Lion P.H. Herne st ~winford Stephen, farmer, Strode fann

Willmott Colliss, Eddington lodge Button William, rate collector& deputy Taylor,Steph.(exors.of),frmrs.Aibion pl

Young Mrs. Elm cot. Hunter's Fostal registrar of births & deaths, Berne Taylor Mary Ann(Mrs. ),frmr. West end

COMMERCfAL. sub-district, Hlean union, Herne st Wacher Arthur, maltster, Eddington
Ingleton Ernest George, Upper Red WacherWm.frmr.&lndownr.Underdwn

Allen Hubert, baker Lion P.H. Herne street Wootton Thomas,miller(wind & steam),

Amos Gilbert Pembroke, frmr. Ford ho Lawrence Jonathan, baker Herne mills

AmosJas. farmr. &land ownr. Broomfield Leach Richard, beer retailer Wraight George, grocer, Broomfield

HERNE BAY is a watering-place, situated on a beauti- LocAL BoARD.

ful bay on the northern coast of the county, 8 miles north- Office~, Town hall, High street.

east from Canterbury and 63 from London by the London, Board day, the second & fourth thursday in the month

Chatham and Dover railway, which has a station here; it at 6 p.m.

is in the Eastern division of the county, Herne civil parish, Jones H. C. (chairman) Pettman T

lathe of St. Augustine, Bleangate hundred, Home petty Adams John Rogers G

sessional division, Blean union, Canterbury county court Collard E. D Rowden N

district and in the rural deanery of Westbere and arch- Farley G Turner H

deaconry and diocese of Canterbury. Herne Bay was Hogbin J White J. H

constituted a town by Act of Parliament, obtained 28th June, Keen T Wilbee F. H

I833; this Act was repealed in I88o-I and it is now Clerk, Thomas White Collard, Town hall, High street

governed by a Local Board of I2 members under the Public Treasurer, W, J. Dinnis, London & County Bank, Canter-

Health Act, 1875, and is lighted with gas from works in bury

King street belonging to the Herne Bay Gas Company and Medical Officer of Health, M. K. Robinson :rti.D. Dover

supplied with water from works situated on Mickleburgh Surveyor, Thomas White Collard, Town hall, High street

hill and Ford, the property of a company formed in r867. Inspector of Nuisances, William Higgins, 5 Brunswick villas,

The parade is a promenade, about so feet wide, extending Station road

for a mile along the coast, on which are situated the baths Collector, Wi1liam Thomas England, Sea Street house

and also the clock tower, erected at the sole expense of Mrs. PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS:-
Thwaytes and serving as a landmark. The iron pier, 416 Coast Guard Station, George Hyde, chief officer
feet in length, erected on the site of the former wooden pier Fire Brigade, Town hall, High street; F. W. Wacher capt.;
at a cost of £2,500, was opened in August, 1873. The G. F. Bagley, sec

pavilion is a building of wood, resting on a concrete founda- St.George's Baths, St. George's parade, Phi lip Ashwell,propr
tion, and was built in 1884 at a cost of about £r,8oo. The South Metropolitan School District Convalescent Home, St.
ecclesiastical parish was formed by Order in Uouncil, 12th George's terrace, Rev. W. E. Malaher M.A. chaplain;
January, r84r. Christ Church is a modem structure of Frank Owen, superintendent; Mrs. Ann E. Owen, matron
brick in the Early English style, consistin~r of chancel, nave Town Hall (Tom B. Watson, managtlr), High street
and transepts : the east window and one other in the chancel
are stained : in 1878 the church was restored at a cost of PURLIC OFFICERS : -
£2,000 and an organ was added: there are 950 sittings, of Assessor & Collector of Queen's Taxes, George Frederick
llagley, \Yater Works office, Mortimer street
which 300 are free. The register dates from the year 1841. Certifying Factory Surgeon & ::\<Iedical Officer & Public
The living is a vicarage, net yearly value£35o,with residence,
in the ~?ift of Simeon's trustees, and held since 1887 by the Vaccinator, No. I District, Blean Union, John Bowes
Rev. William Emest Malaher M.A. of All ~ouls' College, .L.n.c.P.Lond. 7 Marine terrace
Oxford, chaplain to Blean union and to the Convalescent Clerk to the He1·ne School Board, Thomas White Collard ;
Home. The Catholic church, dedicated to Our Lady of the offices, Town hall, High street
Sacred Heart, which adjoins the Passionist Retreat of that Registrar of Births & Deaths & Relieving Officer, T. E.
name, is a building of stone in the Gothic style, consisting I>ilnot, High street ; & at Herne
of nave and aisles and will seat 400 persons; superior, the Vestry Clerk for Heme Parish, John Hogbin, William st
very Rev. Wilfrid O'Hagan. Here are Wesleyan, Congrega- Inland Revenue Officer, John Henry Gwyther, I Calverley
tional and Baptist chapels and one also for the Brethren. villas, High street
There are reading rooms with billiard rooms attached and Town Crier, Stephen Gihbs, Ellington villa, Mortimer st

libraries. The area is xoo acres; the population in x871 was PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services:-

2,097 and in I88r, 2,650 including 131 in the South Metro- Christ Church, William street, Rev. William Ernest Malaher

politan Convalescent Home. M.A. vicar & Rev. John Samuel Treglown B. A. curate;

Parish Clerk, James Griffiths. 8 & n a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; saints' days, 8 a.m. & 7 p.m. ;

PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office wed. 7 p.m

(Sub-Office. Letters should have S.O. Kent added).- Iron Church, Hanover squar~, Rev. William Eruest Malaher

Alfred Warren Gibbs Philpot, postmaster, 6I William M.A. & Rev. John Samuel Treglowu n.A. ; sun. II a.m. &

street. London letters arrive from Canterbury by mail 6.30 p.m. (opened in the summer season only)

cart at 6.15 a.m. & p.m. & from London direct at Baptist, High street, Rev. William Dickens, minister;

IO.I5 a.m. & 4 p.m. week days only. Letters are de- 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7· 30 p. m

livered at 7 a.m. I2 noon, I.3o & 5 p.m. ; dispatched, Catholic Church of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Avenue

local letters g.2o a.m. London & forward 8 a.m. 12 noon road, Very Rev. Father Wilfrid O'Hagan, rector; Rev.

& I.2o p.m.; all parts 7-45 p.m. LETTER Box closes at Chrysostom Rothwell, vicar & Rev. Mark Gavin, lector

8 & 9.20 a.m. 12 noon, 1.20 & 7·45 p.m ; sundays at of students ; sun. mass at 8 & 11 a. m. ; evening devotions

4.50 p.m. WALL LETTER BoxEs, east & west ends, cleared at 7 p. m. ; week days, mass at 8 a.m. & devotions on wed.

at 11.30 a.m. I p.m. & 7.15 p.m.; sundays 4.30 p.m. & fri. at 7 p.m

Telegr.tph office open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; sundays 8! Congregational, Mortimer street, Rev. Robert Laver,
lo ro a. m. Sunday delivery 7.30 a. m
• minister; II a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m


Wesleyan, High street, Rev. J. E. Lewis, minister; u a.m. Herne Bay Press, James Watkinson, proprietor & pub-
& 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m
lisher : published fri. for sat. ; office, Lower parade
The Brethren, Mortimer street; 11.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Berne Bay Herald, Alfred Edwards, proprietor: published

ScHOOLS:- • fri. for sat. at 2 William street

Board, under Berne School Board, King's road, erected Railway Station, George Sherwood, station master ; R.

in I887, for I70 boys, 170 girls & I99 infants; average Tyhurst ( Wacher & Co. ), Dolphin street, agent to the

attendance, 128 boys, I I7 girls & 9S infants ; William London, Chatham & Dover Railway Company

John Flower, master; Mrs. Sarah A. Flower, girls' CONVEYANCE:-
Omnibus to Canterbury, from the Divers' Arms hotel,
mistress; Miss Barbara Ann Young, infants' mistress
daily, at 10 a.m. returning from the Sun inn at 5 p.m.;
Catholic, opened in 18901 will hold 8o children
from the 'New Dolphin,' William street, at IO a. m. daily,

NEWSPAPERS:- returning from the Fleur de Lis & Victoria hotels at 5
sBerne Bay Argus, J. H. Brabazon, editor; Sheppard & p.m. & also leaves the 'New Dolphin' at p.m.;

St. John, publishers, 6o William street; published fri. for Tyhursts' omnibuses to railway station to meet every

88t train

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. 1Faulkner Wm.Elstone vil.VictoriaPk.rd Longbotham William, 2 William street

A.bbott Mrs. Sunny side, Mortimer st , Fayers Freeman, 34 Brunswick square Lovell William, 5 St. Ueorge's terrace

Adams John, Berne villa, High st. east Fenoulhet Edward Cooper, Hollamby L uxmooreArthur C.H.4 St. George's ter

A.lporL Mrs. 2 Parade villas house, Canterbury road Mackenzie Mrs. 3 Eversley vis.South rd

Ashwell Philip, 2llrunswick sqnare :Fielder Mr~. Holly villas, High street MackettJn.Beach cot.St.George's parde

BadcockMisses,TheHollies,Victria.Pk.rd FitzRoy Mrs. 3 Sunny side, Mortimer st Mackinley John, Colaba, The Parade

BagleyGeorgeFrederick, Paragon house, l''lowerWm.Jn. Walmer ho. Uavendisb. pl Maddocks J sph. 9 St. George's parade

Canterbury road Forss Miss, S3 High street Major William Wreford, Oxendon villa.

Baker Miss, 4 Park terrace Fraser John, 16 High street Malaher Rev. W1lliam Ernest M.A. The

Banks John L. 17 Underdown terrace :Freshwater Henry Thomas, 20 Clifton Vicarage, l\Iariue parade

llamwell Rd. Thurlaston,Canterbury rd I villas, South road Mann Robert, Stafford ho. Marine par

Barton George,Wellesley house, High st 1 Furber George Ernest, Brewery house, ManningJosepb, 1:;1 Underdown terrace

Bassington Arthur, 3 tit. Thomas' cot- William street Matson John, 1 Brunswick villas

tages, Charles street Gardener George Ashburton, High st Maynard Thomas S. 9 Underdown ter

Beedell Edwd.2 Sunnyside, Mortimer st Garland Mrs. 5 Clifton villas, South rd Massey 1\'Iichael,l''avorita,Canterbury rd

Bell Miss E. Melrose cottage, Charles st Gavin Rev. Father Mark [lector of Mehl Mrs. Prospect place

Bensoll Miss, Linden villa, High street students], Retreat of the Passionist MellissRev.Andrew[curate ofReculver],

Blomfield Joshua M.D. -42 High street Fathers, Avenue road I I Marine parade

.Booner Edwin, 2 Park terrace, High st Glazier Mrs. Io Clifton villas, South rd MessinghamMrs.2Eversley vls.South rd

Boosey Jn. Tennyson ho. Canterbury rd Glennie Miss,6 Victoria ter.Mortimer st MichellMannell,CarnBrea,Canterbry.rd

Bowes Charles Hessick M.A., M.B. Percy God win Jas. Lyndhnrst, Canterbury rd Millar Mrs. The Cedars, Victoria Pk. rd

villa, Station road Goldfinch Edward Joseph, I Eversley Miller R. Ss High street

Bowes John, 7 Marine terrace villas, South road Mobbs S. Neal, Kent Coast college,

.Howes Wm. Hy. M.A., M.:R. 7 Marine ter Goldsworthy Miss, 2 Gordon villas, Canterbury road

Brabazon James Hy. 3 Cavendish place Beltinge road Morrison Pearce, 84 High street

Bradwell Edmund,4 Hazelwood terrace, Gore John, jun. I2 Clifton viis. South rd Nash Edmund, Westcroft, Oxendon st

Charles street Gore Miss, 11 Clifton villas, South road Neale Frederick Herbert, The Oaks,

"BramwellMrs.6Hazelwd. ter.Charles st Gould Mrs. 7Market street Victoria Park road

Brinsley Geo. East Cliff lodge, East cliff Gray Lieut.-Col. 8 Marine terrace Newman SI. 4 Victoria ter. Mortimer st

Broad Edward, 2 Cavendish place Gray William, 75 High street Newton A1fd. V.Ciarence ho.Clarence rd

Brown Rev. Archibald G. I Marine ter Greenhill Mrs. Tintagel, High street Nicholls Mrs. C. A. 87 Mortimer street

Burge Misses, Osbornevilla, Station rd Gre,enland William, 6 Underdown ter O'Hagan Very Rev. l''ather Wilfrid

Capes Mrs. 10 Cavendish place Hall John, 8 Eversley villas, South rd [superior & rector], Retreat of the

Carey Mrs. Kintore house, High street Harden Mrs. I4 Underdown terrace Passionist Fathers, Avenue road

Carr Richard, J<'lorence Vll. Oxendon st Harington Emanuel Thomas, May Pace Edward, 4 Gordon vls. Beltinge rd

Carter Jonathan, 1S Charles street lodge, Marine parade Palmer Fredk. 9 The Marina, High st

Checkley J tJhn llarkly, Canterbury rd Harnden Alfred, 2A, Mortimer street Pearce Mrs. 4 Albion ter. Mortimer st.

Chessir Miss, Ethel villa,Canterbury rd Harnett J. B. 7 Sea View sqnare Pegg Mrs. 35 Gloster place, High street

Clark William, 21 St. George's terrace Harrison Mrs. 18 Underdown terrace Percy Miss, Avenue road

Clarkson Jonathan, ss Avenue road Harrison Thomas, 5 Albert ter. High st Phillips Mrs. The Burrs, Marine parade

Clarkson Luke Hall, 4 The Grove, Harrisson Mrs. 5 Cavendish place Pilcher Frederick, 7 Beach street

Victoria Park road Harvey John, 37 llrunswick square Pullen Frederick Albert, 94 High street

Collard Egerton, East street Harwar Wm.Hy.I3 Clifton vis. South rd Rapley Miss, Ivy cottage, Charles street

Collard Edward D. 1 St. George's ter Hawson Mrs. South View ho. High st Hawlings Alfred, The Lodge, Marine par

Collard Mrs. F. 13 St. Gcorge's terrace Helby - , The Poplars, Victoria Pk. rd Reynell Mrs. William street

Collard Thomas W. The Chestnuts, Hickinbotham Mrs. 14 St. George's ter Hichards Mrs. 32 Gloster pl. High st

Victoria Park road l:iobson Miss, 20 High street Roberts Thomas, 1 Marine parade

Collard William, 2 Clarence road Holland Philip Sydney,Sea Side cottage, Robinson Hev. Ueorge Richard M.A.

CollardWilloughby R. 1 Brockley villas, East cliff The Elms, Victoria Park road

High street Hulburd~Iisses, Oaklands,VictoriaPk. rd Romney Miss, 40 Brunswick square
Collins Mrs. St. Helens, Canterbury rd Humphrey C. E. 12 Sunny side, Morti- Roth wellRev.FatherChrysostom[vicarJ,

Concanon James Blake, Fair view, mer street Retreat of the Passionist l''athers,

Canterbury road HuntHarry,7TheGrove,VictoriaPark rd Avenue road

Cooper Misses, 6 Clifton villas,South rd Hutchins Mrs. 23 William street Rowley Waiter, I Park terrace, High st

Cooper Mrs. 44 Mortimer street Iggulden Edwin, 5 Marine terrace Rutter Thomas, 59 .Avenue road

Coronio Mrs.&aView cottages, East cliff Ingleton Alfred S.Calverley villa, High st Sage Mrs. 4 Calverley villas, High s.t

Courtney Chas. Wm. IS St.George's ter Jackson:Mrs.2St.Thomas'cots.Charlesst Scoones Miss, West View house ·

Cotesllaj. Chas.St.John's ho.Charles st Johnson Mrs. W. 79 High street Sewell George, 6 Parade villas

Creasy Jn. Duncon,Clifton vils.South rd I Johnson Richard Goldsbrough, 1 Hazel- Shelford Rev. Leonard Edmd. T.A.K.C.L.

Crowdy Captain William James, 2 St. wood terrace, Charles street Claremont house, Canterbury road

George's terrace Jones Hy. Corbett, Kenwood,Avenuerd Sherrott Augustus,Lynwood,Station rd •

Cruttenden ErnestAnderson, The Firs, Judd Jas. I Clarence cots. Clarence rd Simkins Richard, 7 Cavendish place

Victoria Park road Keen Thos. Sydney ho. Marine parade Skeffington Mrs. 9I Mortimer street

Day John, 20 St. George's terrace Kin~ Richard Sydney, 7 Sunny side, Smith Henry, 3 York terrace

De Lavat Madame, Seaton villa, Canter- Mortimer street Smith Waiter Ueorge, 36 Brunswick sq

bury road King Samuel, 6 The Marina, High st SmithWilliam T.s St.Thomas' cottages,

Dickens Rev. William [Baptist], 9 Lake Miss, 9 Telford terrace Charles street

Snnnyside, Mortimer street La.ughton Mrs. 93 High street Smythe Mrs. Spray cottage, East cliff

Downing Mrs. 9 Sea View square Laver Rev. Robert [Congregational], Steel Mrs. :Milton house

Dunn Wm.ISt.Thomas' cots. Charles st The Manse, Marine parade Stones Mrs. 19 William street

Eldon Mrs. 4 Brunswick street Laver Mrs. 6 Park terrace, High street Strouts Mrs. 5 Prospect place

England Wm. Thos.Sea Street ho.Sea st Lee Geor_5e, The Beaches, Victoria Pk.rd Taylor Mrs. 14 Parade vtllas

Fairbank Josiah Forster C.E. Garibaldi Lewis Rev.J.E.[Wesleyan],8Paradevils Thomas Mrs.Shakespeare villa,Victoria

house, High street Linford Mrs. Harbledown house, Can- Park road

Fairbrass Frederick Wm. IO Telford ter terbury road Thomas Octavius Spedding, 15 Under.
.Fanlkner Geo. 14 Clifton vils. South rd , Lockwood Mrs. Rosemead, High syeet down terrace

346 BERNE BAY. • •


-Touleau Madame, 4 Cavendish place Blogg Elien (Mrs.), laundress & shop- Compton Llewellyn, printer, 23 High st

Treglown Rev. John Samuel B.A. ke~per, 74 Mortimer street Cook George, lodging ho. 16 William st

[curate], 7 Victoria terrac·e Blogg Emily (Miss), laundress, 69 Mor- Cooksey James William, boot & shoe

Trotter Wm. Ingleholme, Oxendon st timer street maker, Mortimer street

Trow Mrs. 5 Charles street Blogg Thomas, lod~ing house, 8 St. Cooper James, lodging house, 17 Clifton

Twyman Miss, 7 Clifton vils. South rd Thomas' cottages, Charles street villas, South road

Usher Alfred Musgrave, I6 Clifton Blogg William,lodging house,89 H1gh st Coppins Jn.lodging ho. 4 Hazelwood ter

villas, South road Bodin Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, Couch Wm. Jn. boys' school, 78 High st

Vallack Robert, IS East street I7 Parade villas Coulson Thos. pork butchr. Mortimerst

Wacher Frederick William, Pier villa, Booth Elizabeth Jane (Mrs.), lodging Craik Jas. photographer, The Pavilion

St. George's terrace house, I5 Sunny side, Mortimer street Crouch John, plumber & china & glass

Wailer Miss, 90 Mortimer street Booth Frederick, draper & boot maker, dlr. 16 Mortimer st.&3o Underdown st

Walpole Mrs. Canterbury villa, Victona 49 & SI William street Crouch Wm. lodging ho. 45Mortimerst

Park road Borst Fdk. dining rooms,43 &44 High st Crowe Maria Goldsmith (Miss), lodging

Watkinson Jas. St. Heliers, Marine par Rotten Emma (Miss), lodging house, house, 10 The Grove,Victoria Park rd

Watson Miss,SeaView ho.Canterburyrd 74 High street Cullen John, family grocer, tea dealer

Weaver Mrs.4Clarence cots. Clarence rd Botting John, fish salesman, Brunswick & provision mer. & retailer in wines&

WelbyJamesWalt.sBrockleyvls.High st house, Brunswick square beer, Mortimer street.& Chapel street

Wells Fredk. Geo.llriton,9 Cavendish p~ Boulding FrankWebb,butchr.Station rd Curling Alfred, farmer & dairyman,

Westwick Thomas, 4 Park ter. High st Bowes Charles Kessick M.A., !I. B. & B.s. Herne Bay dairy, King's road

White Edward, 45 High street oxon. surgeon, Percy villa, Station rd Curling Herbert, butcher,68Mortimer st

Whiting Mrs. 57 Avenue road Bowes John L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon & Cutting Nathaniel,baker &confectioner,

Whybrow Mrs. Albert villa, Oxend~m st certifying factory surgeon & medical Mortimer st.&lodg. ho. 13 Parade vills

Wilbee Frederic Henri,Grosvenor house, officer & public vaccinator, No. I dis- Davey James, umbrella ma. I2 High st

Victoria Park road trict, Blea.n union, 7 Marine terrace Denne Emily (Miss), lodging house, 15

Wilkinson Mrs.Blackburn ho.Station rd Bowes William Henry M.B., B.S.Lond. William street

Williamson Mrs. Baytield, Oxenden st physician, 7 Marine terrace Devine James, upholsterer, 23 Under-

Wilmshurst James, Warwick ·lodge, Bowles Charles, lodging house, u down street ; workshop, 32 William st

Canterbury road Sunny side, Mortimer street Dilnot Thomas Edwin, registrar of

Wiltshier George,7 St. Thomas' cottages Bownes Thomas, tailor, 19 High street births & deaths for Herne sub-district,

Wolfe William,6 Brockley villas, High st Bray Wm. watch makr.6u,Mortimer st & relieving & vaccination officer, No.

Wood Benjamin, 20 William street Brett Eliza (Mrs.), lodging house, Fern I district, Blean union, High street

· Wood Mrs. 9 Market street lodge, William street Dimmock George John, lodging. house,

Woodruffe Major-Gen. Charles Lorrain, Brice George, lodging house, 4 North st -&jobbing gardener, 22 Underdownst

39 Brunswick square Broad Elizabeth (Miss), lodging house, Durtnall William John, lodging house,

Wrench Alfred, Red Holme Recel house, Station road Salisburv house, The Parade
COMMERCIAL. Brown Rev. Archibald G. Seaside home, •
Edwards Iodg. ho. 7 East st

:r Marine terrace Eldon Kate(Miss),lodg. ho.Brunswick sq

Ackland Harriet (Mrs,), lodging house, Brown -, lodging house, 14 Charles st Elkes Samidodg.ho.2 Albertter.Highst

liereford house, Station road Brown George, lodging house, Petrell It:! Is J n. Steven,beer ret. 7 Underdown st

Adams Edwd. Thos. John, builder & con- cottag-e, New street England & Prouse, convalescent home,
tractor,Mortimer st.&yard,Market st Brown 'H· y. lodging ho. Vine cot. New st Sea Street house

Adams Frederick John, lodging house, Brown John, lodging house, ::l4 High st England William Thomas, collector t()

19 East street Brown William, bookbinder & picture local board, Sea Street house

Adams William John, ironmonger, frame maker, 2I Hig-h street Everard Kate (Mr~.). lodging house, 3

Mortimer street Browning Fanny (:.\lrs. ), laundress, Brockley villas, High street

Addis Sarah (Miss), lodging house, Salt's lane Fairbrass Frederick William, ship-

86 Mortimer street Browning- Jas. lodging house, 6 Beach st owner, IO Telford terrace

Adgo Harriet (Mrs.), lodging house, Bushell William, jobbing gardener, I Fairbrass Herbert Wynne, naval archi-

I Clifton villas, South road King's cottages, King street tect, The Bungalow

Admans George, builder & ironmonger, Butler EdwinJames, carter, 16 Queen st Farley Charles, builder,& lodging house,

22 Mortimer street & High street Butler Rebecca (Mrs.), greengrocer, I4 I Parade villas

Anderson Absalom, coal dealer, see High street Farley George, builder, 7 Parade villas

Rogers & Anderson Cade Brothers, florist-s & grape growers, Farley Henry, auctioneer, surveyor &

Ashwell Philip, bath proprietor, St. HerneBay nursry.Avenue rd.& High st valuPr, Richmond street

George's baths, St. George's parade Cane Arthur Batley, fishmonger, & Fenoulhet Edward Cooper, physician &

Atherden Frederick William, Prince of lodging house, 28 Mortimer street & surgn. Hollamby ho. Canterbury rd

Wales P.H. & livery stable keeper; II Underdown street Feetham William, lodging house, South

good accommodation for tourists ; Cane John George, lodging house, & fly View villas, Station road

recognised booking office for 'buses · proprietor, 35 Underdown street FieldTbomas, fishmonger, 32MorLimer st

& flys to the station, Mortimer street Carswell Arthur Thomas, lodging house, Fleet Frederick James, Iod,;ing houset

Austin Geo.lodging house, I7East street 28 Underdown street 21 Underdown street

Bagley George Frederick, Water works CarterJonathan, watch mkr. 1William st Flint Esther (Miss), holiday home, 4

manager & assessor & collector of Carter Stephen, lodging house, 5 East st llrockley villas, High street

taxes,·waterWorks office,Mortimer st Casselton Benjamin, lodging house, I4 Flmt Frank William Charles, lodging

Baldwin Brown's Cottage Home (Miss Market street house, 8 Queen street

Lizzie Jackson, proprietress), 3 Chambers Daniel Chas. lodging house, Flint Jane (Mrs.), lodging ho. 6 East st

Hanover square II Marine terrace Flower Clara (Mrs.), 2 Brunswick villas,

Barnwell & Son, grocers & provision Chandler Matilda (Miss )1 lodging house, Station road
merchants, 53 William street & 4 Sunnyside, Mortimer streJt FlyAnnie(Mrs. ),lodging house, East cliff

mineral water manufrs. Mortimer st Chase Charles, lodging house, 81 High st Foad Thos. fly proprietor, I Charles st

Barnwell Rd.grocer&c.seeBarnwell&Son Christian Frances (Mrs. ),lodging house, Foley Geo. lodging ho. I Underdown ter

Barnwell Jn.grocer &c.seeBarnweli&Son I9 Underdo wn terrace Foreman Hy. lodging house, 5 Queen st

Barringer Druscilla (Mrs.), lodging Clarkson John, lodging ho.s8 Avenue rd ·Foreman John C. lodging house, Bengeo

house, I Sea View square Clay Mark, tailor, 3 l\'~ortinter street house, Station road

Bartlett Thomas George, baker & con- Clayton Mrs. lodging ho. 4 Parade villas Prier Alfred, shopkeeper, Turnpike

fectioner, 4 William street Collard Egerton, surveyor & clerk to cottage, Canterbury road

Barton Fanny( Mrs. ),draper, High street Herne burial board, East street Fright Jsph.lodgng.ho.19Underdown st

Bawcomb John, Dolphin family hotel, Collard Edward Denne, corn, hop &seed FURBER G. E. &. CO. brewers &

Dolphin street factor, & agent for Barclay, Perkins mineral water manufctrs. William st

Beale Chas. Alfd. lodg. ho. I5 Charles st & Co. East street Furley Edgar Frank S. lodging house,

Bean John, lodb>ing house, 6 Telford ter Collard John William, restaurant &con- I2 lleach street

Bean Mrs. lodging house, m High street fectioner, & livery & bait stables, Furley Henry, furniture & marine store

Biggleston William, baker,Io William st Tower par. & wheelwright, High st dealer, 10 & u Mortimer street

Bird Augustine, lodging house, Rich- Collard Thomas White, clerk & sur- Gallehawk John, lodging house, 6 St.

mond villa, Richmond street veyor to local board & clerk to Herne Thomas' cottazes

Bird Hy.Jn. fly proprietor,Io Market st school board ; offices, Town hall, Gambrill Jane (Mrs.), lodging house,

Bird's Nest & Grange House Convales- H1gh street 34 Underdown street

cent Home (The) {Sister Charlotte, Collard William, lodging house, I3 Sun- Gammon Jane (Mrs.), lodging house,

superior), 41 & 42 Brunswick square nyside, Mortimer street I5 Parade villas

Bish William Clifton Dann, lodging Collingwood MaryAnn()!rs. ),laundress, ·Gibbs Stephen, town crier, Ellington
villa, Mortimer street
house, 9 Queen street 14 King street


(iibbl Stephen, veterinary surgeon & Hibble Geo. Thos. grocer, 29 William st · Je:fferies John Thomas, lodging house

ironmonger, 19 Mortimer street, & Hicks Fanny (Mrs.); lodging house, 2 6I Avenue rd. & I2 St. ueorge's ter'

farrier, High street Prospect place .Jenkins Caleb,lodging house, Fernleigh~

Gipson Fanny (Mrs.), lodging house, Higgins William, lodging house, & in- Avenue road

De Bockhonse, Canterbury road spector of nuisances to local board, 5 J ennings J emima (Mrs.), lodging house,.

Gipson Frederick (Mrs.), marine baths Brunswick villas, Station road 5 St. Augustine's terrace

& lodging house, !Z Marine parade Hill Charles, writer & grainer, 17 Jennings Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodging

Gipson Wm. boat proprietor, & lodging William street house, 4 Prospect place

house, Beach house, East cliff Hill Hannah (Mrs.), plumber & deco- Johnson Thos. Soars M.D. physician &

Godden Mary J ane (Mrs.), coffee rator, 46 William street · surgeon, 33 High st.; & at Canterbury

tavern, 47 William street Hill Matilda (Mrs.), lodging house, I Jones Henry Corbett, solicitor & corn-

Goldfinch Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 2 Beach street missioner, Kenwood, Avenue road

k 3 Marine terrace Hills WilliamL. draper, 41 Mortimer st Jordan Charles, White Horse P.H. 52

Goldfinch Edward Foster, butcher, 5 Hogben Frederick, lodging house, I St. Avenue road

Underdown street & Mortimer street Augustine's terrace Keel Geo. lodging ho. 7Park ter.High st.

Gore Jane (Mrs.),fruiterer,16Charles st Hogbin Isabella (Mrs.), lodging house, Keeler Richd. King's Head P.H.7 King st.

Gore. John, clothier, 5 William street u Parade villas Keen Thomas, fishmonger & poulterer,

Gray Mary Susan (Mrs. ),lodging house, Hogbin John, auctioneer & house agent 6 William street

10 Parade villas & vestry clerk, William street Kemp Jas. lodging ho. 2 Underdown ter

Gray Selina. (Mrs.), lodging house, East Hog-g Thos. lodg. ho. I I Underdown te:r Kmg .l<'anny (Miss), ladies' school, Belle-

Hill villas, East street Holbourn James, lodging ho. 4 York ter vue house

Gray Wm. Fras. lodging ho. 75 Htgh st Holbnrns Jesse (Mrs.), lodging house, King Henry, New Pier hotel, Station rd

Gftlen Geo. lodging ho. 92 Mortimer st 48 St. Augustine's terrace Kirby John,instructing constable,Sea st

Greenland Charles, lodg. ho. 2 York ter Hollaway Theodore, lodging house, 4 Knight Edwin, lodging ho. 7I High st

Greenland Maria (Mrs.),lodging house, Clifton villas, South road Knight Frederick John, lodging house,

1 & 2 East cliff Holliday Henry Thomas, lodging house, 9 Clifton villas, South road

Greenland (Mrs.), laundress, 6 Under- 2 Calverley villas, High street Knight John Harris, lodging house, .12

down terrace Holman Geo. shoe maker, 17 Charles st Park terrace, High street

Greenland William Jas. lodging house, Holness Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, Knight Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, r3

!I South View villas, King's road 3 Underduwn street Market street

Griffith Charles, dentist, I8 Charles st Holness Fredk. lodging house, Spring- Lamborn John Sherley, lodging house,.

Griffitbs J ames, parish clerk,72 High st dale, Beltinge road Rose cottage, Richmond street

Griggs Charlotte (Mrs.), lodging house, Holness Henry, greeng-rocer & pork Law .John, Railway family & commer~

Cleveland house, Station road butcher, r2 Mortimer street cial hotel; good accommodation for

Griggs Robert, lodging ho. Mortimer st Holness Nathaniel John, lodging house, tourists, close to the L C. & D. rail-

Griggs Robert Thomas, lodging house, Banks villa, Canterbury road way, Station road

14 Underdown terrace Holness William, Divers' Arms hotel Lawrence John, lodging ho. 3 High st

Gwyther John Henry, inland revenue (near the.clock tower); good accom- Lee Abraham & Son, grocers, & agents

officer, I Calverley villas, High street modation for visitors & tourists, for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit.

Hall Charles John, Ship inn, Marine par Towe-r parade merchants, 33 Underdown street

Hall Jemima (Mrs.), lodging house, I2 Holness William Alfred, lodging house, Lee Edgar, grocer &c. see Lee Abraham

& 13 East street 26 Mortimer street & Son

Hammond Arthur, lodging house, 13 Home of Rest (The) (Sister Helen, Legg Henry. gasworks manager & col-

Mortimer street superior), Sea View square lector, Gloucester place, High street

Harford Thomas, lodging house, 3 Cal- Homersham Edward J ame11, dairyman, Leighton Carolina Blair (Mrs.), lodging

verley villas, High street I8 Mortimer street house, 6 Sunnyside, Mortimer street

Harlow James, lodging house & fly pro- Homersham Catherine (Miss), lodging Lilley George, lodging house, 3 Under-

prietor, 89 Mortimer street house, I6 Parade villas down terrace

Bamett William, lodging house, 3 St. Hooker Celia(M1ss),lodging ho.2 High sL London & County Banking Co. Limited

Augustine's terrace Hopper John, lodging house, Market st (sub-branch) (Waiter John Dinnis,.

HarnockHy.ldg. ho. 3Cliftn.vls.South rd Horn Hy.painter, Brunswick vii.High st manager) (open on tuesday & friday),.

Harris Waiter Colin, lodging house, 3 Horn :Mary Ann (Miss), dress maker, William street; draw on head office,.

Garibaldi terrace, High street 27 Underdown street London E c

Harris John, builder, Brunswick square Horn Thomas, lodging house, 3 Rich- Long George, lodging ho. 2 Telford ter

Harrison Geo.shoe maker,4 Mortimer st mood terrace, Richmond street Longley Mary (Miss), confectioner, 17

Harrison Mrs.lodg.ho.2o Underdown ter Horn William, lodging ho. 2 SeaView sq William street

Hart Ellen Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, Horton Charles & John, china & glass Lumley Emily (Mrs.), lodging house,.

I4 Sunnyside, Mortimer street warehouse & ironmongrs. Mortimer st 3 Telford terraca

Hawes Robt.Iodging ho. 10Underdown st Horton Harriet (Mrs.), lodging house, McDonald Alice (Mrs.), lodging houser

Hawson Edith (Miss), private school, 2I Underdown terrace Granville house, Station road

South View house, High street Hoult Wm. master mariner, & lodging MarshallElizb.(:Mrs.),laundrss.36Kingst.

Hawson Mary (Mrs.), lodg-. !lo. High st house, Glenmore, Brunswick square Martin Henry Jarvis, lodging house,.

Heaney Peter, lodg. ho. 9 Parade villas Hoy Alfred, lodging house, I4 Queen st I Cavendish place

Heard Maria (Mrs.), dress maker, 3 Hudson David, lodging house, I & 2 Maskell George, Kent tavern, 2 St.

Victoria terrace Oxenden villas George's parade

Beer Hy. lodging house, 2 Hanover sq Hudson William, lodging house, 8 :May John, boot maker, 6 Garibaldi

Heme Bay Argus(J.H.Brabazon,editor; Underdown terrace terrace, High street

Sheppard & St. John, publishers ; Hunt Frances(Miss),schl.7&8Telford ter Mayer Clara (Miss), lodging· houset

pub. fri. for sat.), 6o William street Hunt Harriet (Mrs.), lodging house, Brunswick villas

Berne Bay Club (H. C. Jones, hon. sec. ; 8 Clifton villas, South road Mazzoleni Giovanni,refreshment rooms,.

E. D. Collard, treas. ; Philip Ashwell, Hunt Rester (Miss), lodging house, 9 The Pavilion
:Miller Henjamin, boot & shoe maker~
hon. manager), St. George's parade The Grove, Victoria Park road

Berne Bay Fire Brigade (F. W. Wacher, Hunt Thomas, lodging ho. 3 Albion !er IS Mortimer street

capt.; G. F. Bagley, sec.), Town HurstSarahAnn (Miss), lodging house, Miller Edmund, shoe maker, 47 King st.

hall, High street 5 Sunuyside, Mortimer street Millgate William, lodging house, Russell

Berne Bay Gas Works (Henry Legg, HydeGeo.chief officer,CoastGuard statu cottage, High street

collector & manager), King street ; Hyles Isabella Ann (Mrs.), lodging Mills Jas. lodging ho. !ll4 Underdownst

office, Gloucester house, High street house, 8 Sea View square Minter Frederick William, draper, 23

Berne Bay Herald (Alfred Edwards, Iggulden Edwin, house agent & house Mortimer street •

proprietor; published fri. for sat.), 2 furnisher, I & 2 Mortimer street & Minter Henry, lodging house, 6 The

William street St. Augustine's house Grove, Victoria Park road

Berne Bay Institute (George Lee, hon. Iggulden John, lodging house, Ashleigh, Minter John Harrison, lodging house,.

sec.), 29 High street Station road 4 Underdown terrace

Berne Bay Pavilion, Promenade & Pier Ing-leton AHred Sneller, carpenter & Minter Sarah Harrison (Mrs.), fancy

Co. Limited (Henry C. Jones, sec.), builder, William street repository, 7 Victoria terrace

6o William street Janes Arthur, lodging house, 8 Beach st Minter William (Mrs.), lodging house,.

Berne Bay Press (James Watkinson, Janes George, plasterer, II High street I2 Victoria terrace, Mortimer street

pl'OprietoT & publisher; published fri. Janes Wm. lodging ho. 20 Mortimer st Mitchell N S. cycle depot, 28 High st

for sat.) ; office, Tower parade Janes William jun. lodging house, 2 :Mobbs S. Neal, school, Kent Coast col-

Berne Bay Waterworks Co. CGeo.Fredk. Reach street lege, Canterbury road

Bagley, manager) ; office, Mortimer Jarvis Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, Mohun Martin,pharmacentical chemist

IJtreet; works, Mickleburg hill & Ford 6 Market street 56 William street


Monger John,lodging ho.2Richmond ter Rogers George, bath proprtetor & lodg- Sutton John George, lodging house, 9

Moore Robert, grocer & provision mer- ing house, East cliff Park terrace, High street

. chant, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, Rogers James, lodging house, Fairmont Sutton Louis Wm. beer retlr. Charlesst

wine & spirit merchants, 7 William villa, Beltinge road; & see Rogers & Swain John, greengrocer, 11 Charles st

street & Mortimer street Anderson, coal dealers Swain Wm. baker, Little Charles street

Morris Thomas, brick maker, Belmont Rogers Thomas, pork butcher & farmer, Taylor Edward, carpenter, Beach street

villa, Avenue road 24 Mortimer street Taylor Edward, provision merchant,

Morris Henry, lodging ho. S Market st Root & Clark, refreshment contractors, 25 Mortimer street

Mount Thomas, landscape gardener, The Pavilion Taylor Harriet (Mrs.), lodging house,

The Nursery Root John, oyster mer. The Pavilion 14 Parade villas
Mount William, shopkeeper, so King st Root Mary A. (Mrs.), lodging house, 6 Taylor Jehu, lodging house, Cambridge

Moys Samuel, whitesmith, High street George's terrace & 3 Parade villas house, Tower parade

Murphy Geo. lodging ho. Richmond ter RoseStephen,lodgng. ho. 2 Underdown st Taylor Mary Eardley (Miss),laundress,

Nash Edmund, surgeon, Westcroft, Rose William,lodging house,& mariner, I7 Queen street

Oxenden street • 12 Market street Terry Ellen (Miss), lodging house, 6o

Nash J ames, greengrocer, 9 East street Rowden Nathaniel,frmr.9Brunswick vis Avenue road

Neale l<'redk.chemist,33 &34Mortimer st Russell Jsph. lodging ho. u Marine ter Tester James, lodging house, 2 Northst

Norris Emma (Mrs.), lodging house, St. George's Baths (Pbilip Ashwell, Thomas Arthur Charles, oil & color

IO Queen street proprietor), St. George's parade man, 67 Mortimer street

Oakenfull Harriet (Mrs.), laundress, Sackett Frederick Charles, lodging Thorpe Arabella (Mrs. }1 lodging house,
5 Underdown terrace house, 2 Garibaldi terrace, High st 22 High street .

Ouldman Ann(Miss),lodging ho.High st Sage John, boot & shoe ma. Station rd ThundowSamuel,shopkeeper, nSalt's la

Owen Frank, superintendent to the Salari Charles, lodging house, 9 Vie- Tilley John Edward, master mariner, &

South Metropolitan School District toria terrace, Mortimer street lodging house, 44 Brunswick square

Convalescent Home, St. George's ter Salter Thomas, shopkeeper & green- Timperley Alice (Mrs.), lodging house,

Packer Jonathan, lodging ho. I9 High st grocer, Mortimer strest I Albert terrace, High street

Page G.eorge, fancy repository,&; hair Sandon Alfred Thomas, Hall-by-the- Town George, lodging ho. I3 Queen st

dresser, Mortimer street Sea P.H. Parade Tomlinson George, lodging house, 1

Parkinson Mrs. private hotel & boarding' Sands John Thomas,. greengrocer & Telford terrace

house, J.<'ranklin house, Canterbury rd florist, 61 Mortimer street Town Hall (Tom B. Watson, manager),

Parren Amy (Mrs.), lodging house, 9 Saunders George, lodging house, :a High street

Underdown street Brockley villas, High street Topper Frances E. (Mrs.), library, k

Pearson George,lodging house, 2 King's Sawyer Clara (Miss), lodging house, 3 stationer, St. George's parade

cottages, King street Clarence cottages, Clarence road Turner Henry, drapery, millinery,fancy

Perie Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, IS Sayer Henry, omnibus proprietor & goods, stationery & general furnishing

Clifton villas, South road · shopkeeper, 7 Queen street warehouse, 78, 79, So, 8x & Ba

Perry Geo. Chas.lodging ho. 3 Albion ter Sayer William, Queen's Head P.H. 37 Mortimer street
Turner John Bunce, school, Berne Bay
Pettman Edward, lodging house, 39 William street
Scott Alexander Thomas L.D.S.R.c.s. college, 7 & 8 St. George's terrace
Mortimer street

Pettman Edwin John, butcher, 36 Irel. dentist, 56 William street Tyhurst (Richd. ), Wacber & Co. railway

Underdown street Scott Charles, stationer, 48 William st agents, job & postmasters, omnibus

Pettman 'Ihomas, lodging house, & ShearingJames William,lodging house, & carriage proprietors, coal mer-

builder, Telford villa, Power parade Rose villa, South road chants &c. sole agents by appoint·

Peyman Fredk. shopkpr. 51 Avenue rd Shepherd,Neame& Co.brewers,Statn.rd ment to the L. C. & D. railway,

Philpot Alfred Warren Gibbs, hair Sheppard Hy. pork butcher, 2 New st Dolphin street

dresser, stationer & printer, Post Sheppard Mary (Miss), ladies' school, Tyburst Richard, lodging house, 5

office, 61 William street 8andall house, High street Parade villas

Philpot Frederick, builder, 75 High st Sherrott Augustus, veterinary surgeon, Tyrrell Walt. The Rose P.H. Mortimer st

Philpot George Michael, builder, Button Lynwood, Station road Uden Sarah Ann (Mrs.), lodging house,

cottage, Little Charles street Shersby Edwin, lodging bo. So High st 8S Mortimer street

Philpott Geo. sen. builder, 3 North st Sherwood George, station master, L. C. Upex George, baker & confectioner, 50

Pilcher George Alexander, lodging & D. Railway station William street

house, 5 Market street Sidwell Henry Thomas, rural sanitary UppardOliver,lodging ho.38Mortimer st

Pilcher Alfred Thomas, Rodneys Head inspector for Blean union & assistant Vickery Fanny (Mrs.), lodging house,

P.H. 5 North street overseer for Whitstable,36 William st 21 Underdown terrace

Pitcher Thomas, lodging house, 3 Park Skinner Robert, lodging ho. 18 East st Vincett Margaret (Mrs.), lodging house,

terrace, High street Smeed Fredk. lodging house, 8 East st Lansdowne house, Station road

Pope Annie & Emilie (Misses), ladies' SmithAlbt.Wm.lodging h0.12Charlesst Wacher Arthur Maynard, farmer, Sea

school, Eastwell house, High street Smith Alfred, watch ma.62 Mortimer st Street farm, Sea street

• PoweH Thos.Geo.lodging ho. 11 Beach st Smith Arthur, lodging house, 2 The Wacher Emily (Mrs.), lodging house, 3

Pronse Wm. & Co. omnibus & carriage Marina, High street Sea View square

proprietor, Dolphin mews, Dolphin st dresser,71Mortimer st Wacher Frederick William, coal, seed

Pollen Alex. lodging house, I6 East st Snow Jemima(Miss),laundress,Beach st & corn merchant, Tower stores

Quick Samuel, lodging house, 4 Bruljl.s- South Metropolitan School District Con- Wacher Jn. Jas. frmr. II St.George'ster

wick villas, Station road valescent Home (Rev. William Emest Wacher Thomas Ford, lodging house, 5

Rabson William, lodging ho. 9 Beach st Mah1her M.A. chaplain ; Frank Owen, 'felford terrace

Randall Thos. lodging ho .• 2 Market st superintendent; & Mrs. Ann Elizbth. Wanstall Mary (Mrs.), lodging house,

Rawlings Alfred L. R. c.P. Lond. physician Owen, matron), St. George's terrace 26 Underdown street

& surgeon, The ~odge,Marine parade Spenceley Frederick William, grocer, Ward Mary Ann (Miss), ladies' school,

Rayner Henry Wm draper,54William st 37 Mortimer street Beaconsfield, Canterbury road

Redwood Geo. fruiterer, 2 Station road SpermanWm.lodging ho.46Mortimer st Watkinson Charlotte (Mrs.), lodging

Redwood Rose (Miss), dress maker, 29 Spice John, lodging house, 'felford cot- houses, St. Aubins & St. Heliers,

Underdown street iage, Telford terrace Marine parade & 4 Gordon villas,

Redwood William, sen. lodging house, SpinksJsph.Jas.lodging ho.2IWilliam st Beltinge road

29 Underdown street Spry William, lodging house, 4 East st Watson Mary (Miss), ladies' school, Sea

Redwood William, jun. lodging house, Spratling Emily (Mrs.)~ lodging house~ View house, Canterbury road

4 Underdown street 43 Mortimer street Watson Hrotbers, linen drapers, 64

Revell Thomas, lodging house, 2 St. Spratling Margaret (Miss), lodging Mortimer street; William street &

Augustine's terrace house, S Parade villas Tower house, Parade

Reynolds Elizabeth (Mrs. ),dress maker, Standen Edward, lodging house, 7 · WatsonEdwd.RoyalOakP.H.23Salt'sla

I6 North street Underdown terrace Watson James Thomas, lodging house,

RichardsonHy.lodging ho. IO Marine ter SteeleMary(Miss),tobacconist,& bazaar, I3 Underdown terrace
I Webb William, lodging ho. 6 Queen st
Richardson Richard,shopkpr. 20 King st Station road

Richardson Thos.lodging ho.4Marketst StentGeorgeH. greengrocer, Towerpar. Webber Samuel, lodging house, 8

Ridout & Flower, printers, 2 William st Stewart Sarah (Mrs.), lodging house, I I Sunnyside, Mortimer street

Ridout Frarrk Alaric, stationer & t.o- The Marina, High street Welby Elizabeth (Miss), stationer, 55

bacconist, 2 William st. & Tower par Stonham Jas. grngrcr. 77 Mortimer st William street

Robertson Thomas William, butcher, StroudHy.lodging ho.I6 Underdown ter Welby Harry, lodg. ho.43 Brunswicksq

I3 High street Stupple James, lodging house, IO Vie- Welby Hose (Mrs.), builder, I Sunny·
I side~ Mortimer street
Robinson Edwd.Vietoria P.H.30 High st toria terrace, Mortimer street

Rogers & Anderson, coal dealers, Mar- Sutton Jane (Mrs.), lodging house, 2 Wells Edwin, lodging house, IO Sunny·

timer street Clifton villas, South road ' side, Mortimer street


West Charles H. lodging house, 20 Wilbee Frede~ic Henri, estate, land, Willis William, lodging ho. 13 Charlesst.

Underdown street house valuation, surveying, insurance Wolfe A. lodg. ho.6 Clifton vls. South rd

WestonMaryAnn (Mrs.),lodginghouse, & general agent, contractor, builder, Wood Sara.h. (Mrs.), lodging house, 8

5 Richmond street - decorator, cabinet maker,upholsterer, Underdown street

Wetberly Albert, lodging house, West- furniture remover, undertaker &corn- Woodcock Henry, saddler, 4 Mortimer st

leigh, High street plete house furnisher, 29, 30 & 31 Wootton Edwd.& Son, grocrs.4r High st

Wheeler Ernest Foreman, confectioner, Mortimer street Wotton Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, r6

Station road Wilkinson Emma & Sarah (Misses), Sunnyside, Mortimer street

WbiddettJas.Alfd.lodg.ho.uMarketst lodging house, 12 William street Wotton Thos.lodginghouse, n Queenst

Wbiddett David, Richmond inn, Rich- Wilkinson Alfred, baker & confectioner, Wotton W1lliam, sen. lodging housep

mood street 10 East street 11 Victoria terrace, Mortimer street

Wbiddett Henry, lodging house, 4 Rich- Wilkinson Fanny (Miss), ladies' school, Wraight John, painter,& lodging ho"OS8p

mond terrace, Richmond street Blackburn house, Station road 5 Albion terrace

White George,lodging house,s Garibaldi Wilkinson Henry, lodging house, 10 Wright Jesse (.Mrs.), lodging house, 22

terrace, High street Sunnyside, Mortimer street Underdown terrace

White James Stephen, New Dolphin P.H. Williams Caroline (.Mrs. ),lodging house, Wright J n. shoe maker, 27 Mortimer st
sS William street
4 Albion terrace Young Frank Rt. butcher, 8 William st

HERNHILL, situated on the declivity of a hill, is a There is a chapel of ease at Lamberts Land, erected by the

well-wooded, picture~que and scattered village and parish, Rev. Henry Swale in 1847, with IOO sitting!!. The poor
a little north of Watling Street, near Boughton-under- have £8 yearly in bread, derived from charges on land and
.Blean, ri miles from Graveney station on the Kent <:oast endowments left by Bethel Dawes and others. Kemsdale
branch of the London, Chatham and Dover railway, 3~ miles House, beautifully surrounded by woodland, on the slope or
fl88t of Faversham, 6 south-west from Whitstable, 6 north- a hill, is the seat of Mrs. Warton. Mount Ephraim, a
west from Canterbury and 55! from London, in the North spacious mansion of brick, is the residence and property of
Eastern division of the county, lathes of St. Augustine and Edwyn Sandys Dawes esq. .J.P. The Bounds, the seat of
Scray, hundreds of Boughton-under-Blean and Whitstable, Thomas Wilson esq. occupies an imposing position, com-
Faversham petty se~>sional division, union and county court manding magnificent views of the undulatmg country.
district and in the rural deanery of Ospringe and arch- Court Lees, situated in a detached portion of the parish, is
deaconry and diocese of Canterbury. 'l'he church of St. the property of the Hyder family. The Ecclesiastical Com-
Michael, situated on high ground, near the village green, missioners are lords of the manor, and Edwyn Sandys
where there are several fine walnut trees, is an edifice of Dawes esq. .J.P. Mrs. W. Carter, Mrs. Warton, the Rev.
rough flint, in the Early Perpendicular style, and consists of Henry Burvil1 Rashleigh B.A. vicar of Horton Kirby, and
chancel, with north aisle, nave, aisles with arcades of three Mrs. Lade, of Nash Court, Bonghton-under-Blean, are the
arches, north porch and an embattled western tower con- largest landowners. The ~il is stiff loam ; subsoil, clay ancl
bining 8 bells ; an ancient Perpendicular carved oak screen sand. The chief crops are wheat, barley and peas; hops
divides the chancel from the nave: there are piscinre, an and fruit are grown here. The area is 2,8I6 acres of land
aumbry in a rebated recess, the remains of a rood loft and and 8 of water; rateable value, £7,I34 ; in r88I the
an old octagonal font: the pulpit, of carved oak, is Perpen- population was 748.

dicular: in the chancel is a handsome reredos, erected in There is a small Wesieyan chapel seating So at DARGATE,
IB8s, in memory of the late Charles Warton esq. : in r867 r mile north-east; MoNKS HILL is Ii miles north; WAY
the chancel was restored by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners STREET, I mile north-west ; WATERHAM, half a mile north;
at a cost of about £240; and the remainder of the building THE :FosTAL, half a mile north; CROCKHAM, quarter of a
was restored in 1877, the church reseated with open benches mile south-east; Sl'APLB STREET, quarter of a mile south;
and the bells re-hung at a cost of£1,400, raised by voluntary RouGH HILLS, 2! miles north.
contributions : the stained east window is a memorial to Parish Clerk, Charles Page.
Jane Drake, I853: subject to allotments by the church- Letters through Faversham arrive at 8.30 a.m. WALL
wardens, there are 305 sittings. The register dates from the LETTER Box cleared at 5·45 p. m. ; sundays, I I. IS a.m.
year 1557. The living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge £2ro, The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Houghton
yearly value £267, with 5 acres of glebe and residence, in National School (mixed), built, w1th master's residence, in
the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since r883 r87r, on a site given by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners.
by the Rev. William Douglas Springett D.D. of Queen's at a cost of £8oo, for rso children; average attendance,
College, Oxford. The vicarage house, built in I868 by the 130; the school was first opened in March, 1872; Alfred
Rev. John F. Thorpe, late vicar, is close to the church. Nixon, master; Mrs. Nixon, mistress

Bea.sley Robert St. John, Mountfield Curling Edward, farmer, Crockham HumphreysSaml. farm bailiff to Edwyn

Carter Mrs. Dargate house Curling Samuel & Frederick, black- Sandys Dawes esq. .J.P. Mount farm

Clinch Charles William, Way street smiths, Staple street Jacob James, boot maker, Staple street

DawesEdwynSandyS.J.P.MountEphraim Eldridge John B. farmer, Dargate Jennings George, farmer, Waterham &

Smith. Mrs. Plantation house Faversham Co-operative & Industrial Fostal farms

Springatt Rev. William Douglas D.D. Society Limited, farmers, Dargate Kay Archibald, farmer, Mount Pleasant

Vicarage Foreman Edwd. & Herbt. wheelwrights Knowler Wm.fannr.Lavender&Dargate

Warton Mrs. Kemsdale house Foreman Herbert F.deputy registrar of Maynard Richard, farmer, Dargate

Wilson Thomas, The Bounds births & deaths for Boughton sub- Mercer Alfred, fruiterer & farmer

COMMERCIAL. district, Faversham union Miles Edward, market gardener

:Berry Benj.farmr.&fruiterer,Church fm Goodwin Jane (Mrs.), beer ret. Dargate Morley William, farmer, High street

Olrlton David (Mrs.), farmr.Waterham Goodwin George, shopkeeper, Dargate Plommer Stamford, farmr.Lambert'sla

Carlton Geo. farmer, Water Ham farm Hadlow Herbert & Alex. fruiterers Saddleton Celia (Mrs.), RedLionP.H. &

Carter Wm. (Mrs.), farmer & land- Hadlow Edwin, farmer farmer -

owner, Dargate house HadlowFrances(Mrs.),fruiterer,Dargate Sims James,-Three Horse Shoes P.H

Clinch Charles, farmer, Way street Harnett Wm. Smart, farmr. Town farm Wood John, farmer & hop grower,

Curling Albert 'rhos. farmer & grazier, Harris Richard, farmer & hop grower, Monk's hill

Yorkletts Bessborough Wraight Joseph, shopkeeper, Fostal

REVER is a large parish of scattered houses, situated on' 1538; an altar tomb, with brass inscription, to John de

the western confines of the Weald, midway between Chid- Cobham, of Devonshire, esq. ob. 12 Nov. 1399, Joan, his
dingstone and Edenbridge, 9 miles south-east from Seven- wife, and Renaud, his son ; another brass, with effigy in

oaks, 27 by road and 35 by rail from London, with a station mantle, to Margaret, wife of William Cheyne, ob. 23 Aug.
t mile north on the Tunbridge Wells branch of the London, 1419; and others to William Todde, schoolmaster to Charles

Brighton and South Coast railway, in the South Western Waldegrave esq. ob. u March, 1585, and to Sybell, daughter

division of the county, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, hundreds of of Roocke Greene esq. of Sampford, Essex, ob. 6 Aug. 1614 ;
Ruxley and Somerden, union of Sevenoaks, Tonbridge petty and memorials to Robert Humfreys esq. lord of the manor
eessional division and county court district and in the rural · of Hever, ob. 21 Jan. 1736; and to members of the Waldo
deanery of Tonbridge, archdeaconry of Maidstone and family : there are 200 sittings. The register dates from the
diocese of Canterbury. The river Eden flows across it · year I558. The living is a rectory, yearly value from tithe
towards Penshurst, passing near the walls of Hever castle, rent-charge £602, with 16 acres of glebe and residence, in
about a quarter of a mile north from the village. The church 1 the gift of the Ven. R. W. Browne M.A. archdeacon of Bath,
of St. Peter is a small stone building, in the Perpendicular :and held since 1890 by the Rev. Robert Charles Lathom
ltyle, consisting of a chancel with north aisle, nave of three Browne H.A. of Downing College, Cambridge. The charities

bays, north aisle, south porch and a western tower with a amount to £12 IOS. a year, derived from £soo, in Consols,

lofty shingled spire, containing a clock and 5 bells: in the left in 1784 by Sir Timothy Waldo, of Hever, and distributed

ehnrch is an altar tomb of marble, with effigy in brass, to in clothing to those poor of the parish who do not receive
Sir Thomas Bullen or Boleyn K.G. Earl of Wiltshire and alms. A sum of £8, derived from land in Lingfield, Surrey,
Ormond, and father of Queen Anne Boleyn, ob. 12 March, is also distributed yearly in flannel.


Hever Castle is, perhaps, one of the most interesting end of the gallery a part of the floor lifts up, and discovers a

specimens of the Domestic architecture of the 15th and 16th narrow and gloomy descent, called "The Dungeon," said to

centuries existing in England: it appears to have been lead as far as the moat which surrounds the building: tha

erected iu the reign of Edward IlL by Thomas de Hever, castle is now the property of E. W. Meade-Waldo esq. and

who had liberty, by charter from the king, to embattle his is occupied by Edwin Heard esq.: the public are permitted

mansion at Hever, and free warren annexed to his lands: to view the castle on Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
.loan, one of the daughters and co-heirs of William, son of E. W. Meade-Waldo esq. of Chiddingstone, the lord of the

Thomas de Hever, living in the reign of Edward IV. carried manor, and Capt. Henry Streatfeild are the principal land.

this castle, by marriage, to Reginald de Cobham, of Star- owners. The soil is stiff clay ; subsoil, clay. The chief
borough: it afterwards passed by purchase, in the 37th crops are wheat, beans, oats and peas. The area is 2,640

of Henry VI. into the hands of Sir Geoffrey Boleyn, Lord acres; rateable value, £3,883; population in r881 was 670.
Mayor of London and grandfather of Anne Boleyn, queen of POI.EBROOK is half a mile north ; How GBEEN and
Henry VIII.: on the attainder of George Boleyn or Bullen, WHISTLERS I mile north.

Viscount Rochford, in 1536, it escheated to the crown, Parish Clerk, John Eastman.
where it continued till King James I. granted it to Str PosT OFFICE. ~John Harrington, postmaster. Letters
Edward Waldegrave hart. and subsequently his descendant arrive by foot from Edenbridge at 7 a.m.; dispatched a~

.Tames, Lord Waldegrave, conveyed it to Sir William Hum· 6.30 p.m. in winter & 7 in summer. The nearest money
freys kt. and hart, and Lord Mayor of London in 1716: the order office is at Edenbridge ; the telegraph office is at
inner buildings form a quadrangle, inclosing a small paved the Railway station
.court, and the external elevations exhibit some fine gables National School (mixed), for 70 children; average attend-

Iwith spacious bay windows : the great staircase communi- ance, 38 boys & 26 girls; John Eastman, master; Mrs.

oeates with various wainscoted chambers and a long gallery, Eastman, mistress
which has an ornamented ceiling in stucco; at the upper Railway Station, Artbur William Marchant, station master

COMMERCIAL. Humphrey Benj. farmer, Whistlers farm

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cheal George, farmer, New house Leigh John, shopkeeper

Erowne Rev. Robert Charles Lathom Clifton Percy, farmer, Buckhurst Lickfold John, farmer, Chittenden

H ..A. Rectory Davis Alfred, farmer, Crouch house Outram Edward, grocer & beer retailer

Charrington Mowbray Vernon, The Divall Thomas, farmer, Meachlands Reid William Henry,farmer, Buckhurst

Warren Ford James, brick maker & farmer Skinner William (exors. of), farmers,

Davenport James, West cottage Hall Edwd. & Chas. frmrs. Hever lodge Brocas farm ,

Da\·is Charles William, Pig downs Harrington Jn.blacksmitb & postmaster Streatfield Casseblinous, frmr. Polebrk

Heard Edwin, Hever castle 1. Harrington Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper Swa:ffer Waiter John, Henry VIII. P.ll

::Morley Rev. George ll.A. Chippens bank Holmden Robt.farmer,How Green farm

RIGHAM is a village and parish, situated on the edge of 1the marshes to the Thames, over which was formerly a ferry,

-the marshes extending to the Thames, with a station in the and the Shornemead battery, one of the defences of the river,
oeentre of the parish, on the North Kent railway, 4 miles is situated here. Near the station is a barrow. A nunnery

north-west from Rochester, 5 east from Gravesend and 29 formerly existed here, which was given by Henry VIII. to

lrom London, in the Mid division of the county, lathe of St. John's College, Cambtidge, who are lords of the manor

Aylesford, Shadwell hundred, Rochester petty sessional and the principal landowners. The soil is light sandy loam ;
division and county court district, Strood union and in the subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley, hops and

rural deanery of Gravesend and archdeaconry and diocese of potatoes ; garden ground in general. The area is 22,g65

"Rochester. The church of St. Mary is a building of flints, acres of land and 1.76 of water; rateable value, £ ro,6o3 ;

oehietly in the Decorated style, with some Norman remains population in 188I was 1.,344.

and examples of other styles, and consists of chancel with GADS HILL on the Rochester road in the south-western
north chapel, nave, north aisle, south po;ch and ~ ~mall part of this parish, is chosen by Sh~kespeare as the spot
wooden belfry, at the west en~ of _the atsle, contammg 2 where Prince Henry and Falstaff robbed the travellers.
be~ls: between the _nave and atsle .ts an arcade of th~ee Gads Hill Place, formerly the seat of Charles Dickens, the
Pot!ltE:d arches, on ltght O?tag:onal ~ters: the chancel t~tams
a ptsct~a, w~tward of whtch IS a wtde sepulchral arch_m the distinguished novelist, who died Ih<e'rreedeJruicneB9u,d1d8e7no,.r.iPs. now
the residence of ·Major Austen
wall, t~closmg a mode~ tomb of black marble: m t~e Kent Artillery Volunteers. The property was purchased in
oehapel1s a Late Perpendicular.tom~ ~nder a. flat recess m I890 by Franci.s Law Latham esq. M..A. advocate-general for
the wall and above tt a brass mscrtptiOn to Robert Hylton, the Bombay Presidency
'I$23 : there is aannodthtwerobrcausrsioounsaonldaltcahers-tt.o<~m; binto Elizabeth ·
:Boteler, x6xs; the north LIL~<:HURC~, OAKLEY and MOCKBE_GG.AR are to the east

aisle is a. tombstone of the l:4th century: the north chancel and Withm a mile and a half of the pansh church.

aisle or chancel was formerly the chapel of the nunnery Sexton. Robert Dartnall.

founded here in the reign of King Stephen: the church was PosT & T. 0. Lower Higham.-William Rigden, receiver.

renovated in r863: and has 250 sittings. The register dates Letters arrive from Rochester at B.;o a. m; dispatched at

from the year 1653. The living is a vicarage, average 10.35 a.m. & 5·45 p.m. on week days & ·on sundays dis..-
yearly value from tithe rent-charge £437, net income £250, patched at 10.55 a. m. & delivered at 8.45 a. m. Mid-
with residence and two acres of glebe, in the gift of' St. Higham is the nearest money order office
.John's College. Cambridge, and held since -r.875 by the Rev. PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Mid~
William Spicer Wood D.D. formerly fellow of that college. liigham.-Sidney Emery, receiver. Box cleared week
'The vicarage house, erected in 1878, is situated a quarter of days, n.xo a.m. & 6 p.m.; sundays, II.IO a.m.
:a mile from St. John's church. St. John's church (a chapel Rochester is the nearest telegraph office

d ease} is a building of stone in the Decorated style, erected GADS HILL W.ALL LB'M'ER Box cleared at 11.15 a. m. & 6.5

in x86o at a cost of £3,000, and consists of chancel, nave, p.m. on week days & n.3o a.m. on sundays
aisles, 8outh porch and a western tower containing a clock National School (mixed), erected in 1870 for 26o children;

:and 5 bells: there are 350 sittings. Shawe's charity of £14 average atendance, 220; William James Taylor, master;

yearly, arising from an ancient bequest left by a person of Mrs. W. J. Taylor, mistress

~bat name, is for bread. An ancient causeway leads across Railway Station, Thomas Day, station master

Budden Major Austen Frederio J.P. Crittenden Alfred, market gardener Martin John, shopkeeper

Gads Hill place Crittenden Job, market gardener Missing George, Sir John Falstaff P.H.

Cobb Herbert M. Gads Hill house Dapson John, grocer, Mid-Higham Gads hill

Cobb Robert Lake, Mockbeggar Dartnall Jane (Mrs.), beer retailer Nash Albert, butcher

Cunliffe Mrs.Pickersgill,TheHermitage Dolden. Ralph, boot & shoe maker NashAlfd.crpntr.undertkr.&whlwrght

Dodd Rev. Henry GeorgeM.A. [curate] Easdown I<'rederick, market gardener, Nash William, market gardener

[nman Robert Edwin, Gads Hill cot Mid-Higham Pellatt Thomas, Railway tavern

Lake Charles, Oakleigh Edmonds William, market gardener Philpott Hezekiah, baker

Rosher Mrs. The Knowle Emery Sidney,grocer, Post office, Mid• Rigden William E. grocer, Post office

Thompson Capt. Cecil, Abbey house Higham Rose John, miller (wind)

Wood Rev. WiHiam Spicer n.n. [vicar] French George, market gardener Taylor John, baker & shopkeeper

Youens Mrs. Upshire farm Fuller William, market gardener White Edward, market gardener

COMMERCIAL. Goord Alfred, Chequers P.H Whitebread George, jun. farmer

Brooker Richard, farme:e . Hewitt Rober~ A. beer retailer Whitebread James, market gardener

Burbridge Isaac, blacksmith Hinds George, beer retailer Whitebread Jemima (Mrs.), farmer

Butcher George. market gardener Hollands Henry, farmer Whitebread Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper

Cheesman Henry, shoe maker Ind Emily (Mrs.), beer retailer Whiting Edward, baker
Cobb Herbert M. land & estate agent lnman Rober~ Edwin, M.R.c.s..surgeon, Wright Henry, land measurer

Cobb Robert Lake,land & estate agent, Gads Hill eot'l.age · Wright William, farmer

Mockbeggar {,'barles, lanner, Oa.kleigh . Youens Mary (Mrs.). farmtl"


liU·DENBOROUGH is a pleasant hamlet andecclesi- •

provided by E. Jewell esq. and contains rooms for reading

astical parish, formed October 18th, 1844, from the civil and indoor games; it is self-supporting. Here also is an ex-

parishes of Leigh and Tonbridge: it is situated on the road tensive cricket ball and bat manufactory, established in 1825

from London to Tonbridge, with a station on the South by the late Robert Dark, and now carried on by Mr. Thomas

Eastern line to Tonbridge, about 2 miles north-west from FranCis. The landowners are the Earl of Derby K.G. Sir

Tonbridge town and 28 from London, in the South Western Julian Goldsmid bart. M.P. J. H. Johnson esq. and Charles

division of the county, lathe of Aylesford, Tonbridge F. Kemp esq. D.L. and several smaller owners. The soil is

hundred, union, county court district and petty sessional clay ; subsoil, various. The chief crops are hops, wheat,

division, rural deanery of Tonbridge, archdeaconry of Maid- barley and turnips. The area is 3,380 acres; the population

!&one and diocese of Canterbury. St. John's church, erected in 1881 was 1,239.

in 1844, is a cruciform building of stone in the Gothic style, Parish Clerk, Thomas Thorne.

consisting of chancel, nave, aisles and a tower on the south- PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-

~ with spire and containing clock and one bell: there are Edwin Hendry, receiver. Letters arrive from Tonbridge;

18Veral stained memorial windows and 550 sittings. The delivered at 75.1&5 & 11• 15 a.m. & 5 p.m. ; dispatched at
register dates from the year 1844. The living is a vicarage,· ; sundays, 10, 50 a. m
I I. IS a. m. & 8 p.m.
gross yearly value £150, with resid~nce and six acres of
glebe, in the gift of the vicar of Tonbridge, and held since WALL Box, Hildenboroughstation, cleared at 2.45 & 7 p.m.;.

188I by the Venble. Markby Janeiro Thornton Boys M. A. of sundays, no collection

lfadham College, Oxford, formerly archdeacon of Bombay. National School, built for 201 children; average attendance,

There is also a. small Baptist chapel. The poor have £15 165; Henry James Sparkes, master; Mrs. Harriett

yearly in bread, the gift of George Children esq. of 'fon- Sparkes, mistress .

bridge in 1718. The Working Men's Institute is a building Railway Station, Alfred Horwood, station master

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Wickins Henry White, Philpots Francis Thomas (late Dark),cricket ball
Wingate Robert, Oakhurst & bat manufacturers, Watts cross; &

rBoys Ven. Markby Janeiro Thornton COMMERCIAL. at Lords' cricket ground, London
Jf.A. vicar 1, Vicarage Hendry Edwin, grocer, & post office

Brown Rev.Walter Henry B.A. [curate] Banks William, farmer Hitchcock Horace H. cricket ball makr

Cecil Lord Arthur Gascoigne, Orchard- Barkaway Charles, cattle dealer Hodge Edward, plumber

roam• s Barton J ames, shoe maker Holmwood William, builder

Cecil Lord Lionel B.A. Orchardmains Bassett George (Mrs.), farmer, Old Hu~gett James, farm bailiff to Sir

CuAliffe Roger, Meopham bank House farm Julian Goldsmid, Bourne farm

Francis Thomas, Watts cross Bassett Thomas, farmer Humphrey Mary (Mrs.), grocer & drpr

Greenwood Edward, Hilden cottage Batchelor Thomas, farm bailiff to D. Jeffery James, butcher

Jewell Edward, Hollanden park Evens esq. Selbys farm Kemsley Alfred, New Cock P.H

Johnson John Henry, Mountains Betts Robert, thatcher, Watts cross Knight Henry, coal merchant

Kemp Charles Fitch D.L. Fox bush Brown Hy. D.Gate hotel,Railway statn Knight William James, tailor

Kingscote Thomas, Great Trench house Burfoot Richard (Mrs.), miller (wind), Lidster John, Old Cock P.H

Lawson Misses, Noble Tree cross Watts cross Sales Jesse, blacksmith, Watts cross

Lowrey Misses, Colebarbour park Castle Edward, baker Spratley Henry, grocer

Nevins Reginald D. G. Pembroke lodge Cavie Albert Will, Old Half Moon P.H Stallard bailiff toE.Jewell esq

Nicholson Sir Richard F.S.A. Oak hill Chantler William, blacksmith Thorn Charles, Flying Dutchman P.H

Pinyon John, Nizells heath Collins Thomas, steward to Earl of Thorn Charles, tobacconist

Stanley Col. C. Oaklands Derby K.G., P.c. Fairhill Thorn Mrs. farmer, Riding lane

Stewart Charles, The Burst Crowhurst Chas. coach builder & smith Treadwick Ric-hard, organist

Welch John, St. John's cottage Francis John, inspector of weights & Wightwick Wm. J. farmer, Trench frm

Welch Miss, Oak lodge measures & of prevention of cruelty Working Men's Institute (Henry James

Welfear William, I<'ir Tree farm to animals for Tonbridge Sparkes, sec)

HINXHILL (anciently called "Hengestelle ") is a vil- since 1837 by the Rev. John Philpott M. A. of St. John's

lage and parish, 70 miles from London and 3 east from Ash- College, Cambridge, who has also been rector of Brook, in

ford, in the Southern divisioh of the county, lathe of Scray, the same patronage, since 1852, and chaplain of East Ash-
hundred of Chart and Longbridge, Ashford petty sessional ford union since 1840. In 1727 a subterranean fire broke

division and county court district, union of East Ashford out in the valley between Godcheap, in this parish, and Wye,

and in the rural deanery of North Lympne and archdeaconry which lasted six weeks and consumed three acres of ground,
and diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. Mary is a burning it to red ashes. Capt. John Wyndham Billington

III!all building of Kentish rag, in the Early English and later J.P. of Kennington, in this county, and Mrs. Billington are

ltyles, consisting of chancel with north aisle, nave, north the principal landowners. The soil is sandy; subsoil, sandy

aiele with an arcade of two archE>.s, south porch and a gravel. The chief crops are wheat, heans, hops and barley.

western tower of Early English date with shingled spire con- The area is 717 acres; rateable value, £865; the population

taining 2 bells: in the chancel is a Perpendicular piscina and in 1881 was 138.

a single sedile: in the chancel aisle is an Elizabethan monu- Parish Clerk, George Shorter.

ment to Robert Edolph esq. and Cicely his wife; and there WALL LETTER Box cleared at 6 p.m. on week days only.
18 a small brass to one Gantey, dated 1518 : there are five
L h h Ashf d · Th
stained windows: the church was restored in 1881 : there meotnteerysotrdreoru&g telegroarphaorfrfrivcee iasta7t·3W° iall.emsb. orougehnearest
are 200 sittings. The register of baptisms dates from the
year 1586; marriages, 1577 ; burials, 1578. The living is a This place is a contributory district to Willesborough School
rectory, tithe rent-charge [200, with 12 acres of glebe and Board, sending two members

residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury The children of this village attend the board school at

and Sir John William Honywood bart. alternately, and held Willeshorough

Philpott Rev. John H.A. Rectory Rolfe George Carter, farmer & hop Mace David, farmer
Eldridge William, farmer grower & land steward to Sir Wynd- Rolfe Waiter, farmer & hop grower
Mallion William, farm bailiff t.o Mrs. ham Knatchbull bart. J.P Whitewood John, farmer


HOATH is a parish and village, in the Eastern division has about 200 sittings. The register of baptisms dates from

of the county, lathe of St. Augustine, hundred of Bleangate, the year 1554; marriages and burials, '1559· The living is
Home petty sessional division, Blean union, county court a chapelry, annexed to the vicarage of Reculver, tithe rent-
district of Canterbury, rural deanery of Westbere and arch- charge £323, joint net yearly value [230, in the gift of the
deaconry and diocese of Canterbury, 2 miles north-east Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since 1874 by the Rev.
from Grove Ferry station, 58 from London (by road), 4 1 Robert Healey Blakey M.A. and formerly fellow of University
south from Herne Bay and 6 north-east from Canterbury. College, Durham. There is a Wesleyan chapel here. The
The church of the Holy Cross, built in 1303, is a small principal landowners are Earl Sondes, the Archbishop of
edifice of flint and rubble, in the Early English style, con- Canterbury, who is lord of the manor, and Mrs. Rammell.
sisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch and a wes- The soil is stiff clay; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops
tern tower with spire containing 3 bells: on the south side al,'e wheat, barley, oats and hops. The area is 897 acres;

of the chancel is a plain niche with a piscina and shelf: in rateable value, £1,927; the population in 1881 was 335·

the nave is a small brass, with effigies to Antony Maycot, ob. MAYPOLE STREET and OLD TREE are places in the parjsh;

1532, his wife Agnes, with two sons and five daughters; the SHELVIN is 1 mile north-east.
brass figure of the wife is a palimpsest : there is another in Sexton, George Bulger.

ihe chancel, with mutilated effigy, to Isabella Chakbon, c. Letters received through Canterbury. The nearest money

1430: the church was restored and enlarged in 1867, and • order & telegraph offices are at Chislet


IWALL LETrEB• Box is cleared at 8.I5 a.m. & -4·45 p.m. week National School, opened in I86o, for So children; average
days; sundays, IO.IS a.m attendance, so; Miss Mary B. Hocken, mistress

Blakey Rev. Robert Healey M. A. [vicar] 1Collard William Lasey, farmer & hop Miles Francis, carpenter & farmer, Par.

Collard Robe.rt, Maypole street grower (Jesse Finch, farm bailiff), sonage farm

DeedesMaj.-Gen. WilliamHenry c.D.s.o. Shelvinford Larkin Edgar Albert Cooper, engineer,

Old Tree house Eden Harry, baker steam plough & thrashing machine

Larkin Richard, Maypole street Gardner William, baker & grocer proprietor & agricultural implement.

COMMERCIAL. Hammond Mary Ann (Mrs.), shop- agent, Millbank house. See advert

Bulger George, Gate inn, Marshside keeper, Maypole street Marsh John Rohert, blacksmith

Carden Harry, carrier, Marshside Harrison William, boot maker Smith Frederick, grocer & beer retailer

Castle Charles, Admiral Rodney P.H Holness Richard, farmer Taylor Thomas, miller (wind)

Clackett John, carrier Janes George, grocer, Marshside Wacher Cooper, farmer, Ford

HOLLING::SOURNE is a village and parish and head Parish Clerk, George Tillman.
of a union, with a station on the Maidstone and Asbford line PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.

of the London, Chatham and Dover railway, 5 miles east -William Hudson, receiver. Letters received from Maid-

from Maidstone and 40 from London, in the Mid division of stone at 6.25 a.m. & I2.30 p.m. ; dispatched at 7·5 a.m.

the county, Eyhorne hundred, lathe of Aylesford, Bearsted & I.2o p.m

petty sessional division, Maidstone county court district, A School Board of 5 members was established in 1875; J. S.

Sutton rural deanery, archdeaconry of Maidstone and dio- Roper, clerk to the board; Waiter Blinkhorn, attendance

cese of Canterbury: it is lighted with gas by a company, office, Hollingbourne

formed in 1867. The church of All Saints is an ancient :ijoard School, built in 1877, for 16o children; averags of flints, chiefly in the Perpendicular style, con- attendance, 90 ; William Williams Snell, master ; Mise

sisting of chancel with north aisle, nave, aisles, north porch Elim Hunt, assistant mistress

and a battlemented western tower, containing a clock and 6 Railway Station, Henry May, station master

bells: arcades of three arches, on octagonal piers, divide the CARRIER TO MAIDSTONE.- Mrs. Rebecca Honey, daily,

nave and aisles: there is no chancel arch : the north chapel except wed

appears to be nearly as late as the time of Elizabeth and is HOLLINGBOUUNE UNION.

chiefly remarkable for its embattled parapet, inlaid in flint Board day, alternate thursdays at n a. m. at the Board

and stone, in a kind of chequered form, as is seen in Norfolk room, Union workhouse, Whiteheath, Hollingbourne.

and Suffolk; this chapel is raised on steps, with a vault The Union comprises 23 parishes, viz. :-Bicknor, Boughton

beneath, and contains a tomb of black and white marble with Malherbe, Boxley, Bredhurst, Broomfield, Chart next

the figure of a female to Lady Elizabeth, wife of Sir Thomas Sutton Valence, Detling, East Sutton, Frinsted, Harriets-

Culpepper kt. and daughter of John Cheney esq. 1638; and ham, Headcorn, Hollingbourne, Hucking, Langley,Leeds,

there are other memorials to the Culpeppers and a mural Lenham, Otterden, Stockbury, Sutton Valence, Thum-

monument by Rysbrach to two members of the Duppa ham, Ulcombe, Wormshill & Wichling. The population

family: the family of Culpepper are again represented by of the union in 1881 was 14,047; rateable value, £86,700

various marble monuments in the chancel, where is also one, Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, George

dated 1610, to the family of Barnham: there is an ancient Hum, 36 Earl street, Maidstone

pulpit of wood, the embroidered velvet coverings for which Treasurer, Samuel Mercer, Kentish Bank, Maidstone

and for the communion table were wrought by the Ladies Relieving & School Inquiry & Attendance Officers & Collec-

Culpepper during the Commonwealth and presented at the tors to the Guardians, No. I district, Waiter Blinkhorn,

Restoration: there are 250 sittings, all being free exrept a Hollingbourne; No. 2 district, Edwin Chittenden, Chart.

faculty pew belonging to Richard Duppa de Uphaugh esq. Sutton

of Hollingbourne House. The register dates from the year Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. I district, Herbt.

I556. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £230, with Jl'rederick Henry Barham, Maidstone; No. 2 district,

residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and Charles Sedgwick, Hollingbourne; No. 3 district, John

held since I866 by the Rev. William Grreme Gibson M.A. of James Langston L.K.Q.C.P.Irel. Newington; No. 4 district,

Worcester College, Oxford. There is a Wesleyan chapel in Adolphus Theodore Field, Lenham; No. 5 district, Philip

Eyhorne street. The Working Men's Club, established in Somerville Warren L.B.C.P.Edin. Headcorn; No. 6 district,

the buildings of the old charity school, has 30 members. Herhert Alan Hosier McDougall L.R.C.P.Edin. Sutton

There are charities of £120 yearly value, derived partly Valence

from land left by Dame Norton and partly from money left Superintendent Registrar, George Hurn, 3(t Earl street,

by Mrs. Long, and in the gift f)f the churchwardens for the Maidstone; deputy, Arth. Jsph. Ellis, 35 Earl st.Maidstone

time being ; there is also a sum of £32 for apprenticing. A Registrars of Births & Deaths & Vaccination Officers, Hol-

hospital for infectious diseases was erected in 1886, at a cost lingboume sub-district, Waiter Blinkhorn, Hollingbourne;

of upwards of £2,000, and has 10 beds. Here are flour and deputy, Harry Oxley, Hollingbourne; Headcorn sub-dis-

paper mills. Hollingbourne House, the residence of Richard trict, Edwin Chittenden, Chart Sutton; deputy, Thomas

Duppa de Uphaugh esq. is situated on the summit of Hol- Joy, Button Valence ; Lenham sub-district, Frederick

lingbourne Hill, the highest point on the chalk range travers- Day, Lenham ; deputy, John Parks, Coast Lenham

ing this country, and the house, therefore, commands ex- Registrar of Marriages, Edwin Chittenden, Chart Sutton;

tensive views over the surrounding scenery. The Manor deputy, Thomas Joy, Sutton Valence

House, the property of Major E. Bengough Ricketts, a build- The Workhouse is a commodious building, on the road from

ing in the Tudor style, was erected by the Culpeppers in the Maidstone to Ashford & will hold 400 inmates; John Hy.

15th century. Godfrey House, the property of Richard Balch, master; Rev. Henry Charles Pryce Jones, chaplain;

Gerard de Visme Thomas M.A., J.P. and now the residence Charles Sedgwick, medical officer; Mrs. l<'annie S. Balch,

of Major-Gen. Sir Frederic John Goldsmid K.c.s.I., c.B. was matron

built in 1587 and restored in .1859, and is a fine specimen of RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY.

the half-timbered style. The Dean and Chapter of Canter- Meets alternate thursdays at the Board room, Union

bury are lords of the manor. The Fishmongers' Company, Workhouse.

Richard Duppa de Uphaugh esq. the trustees of Major-Gen. Clerk, George Hurn, 36 Earl street, Maidstone

Knight, the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, Richard Treasurer, Samuel Mercer, Kentish Bank, Maidstone

Gerard de Visme Thomas M.A., J.P. and John Roper esq. Medical Officer of Health, George Montague Tuke, Sutton

are the chief landowners. The surface soil is red loam, Valence

overlaying the chalk; underneath is blue lias. The chief Sanitary Inspectors, Edwin Chittenden, Chart Sutton &

crops are hops, corn, fruit and roots. The area is 4,6n Waiter Blinkhorn, Hollingbourne

acres ; rateable value, £6,678 ; and the population, includ- SCHOOL ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE,

ing- 181 inmates in the union, in 1881 was x,rsx. Meets at the Board room, Union Workhouse, about once a

EYHOB..."iE STREET is half a mile south-west of the church fortnight at ro.15 a.m.

and gives name to tha hundred. NEw ENGLAND, a mile Clerk, George Hurn, 36 Earl street, Maidstone

south-west; WOODCUT HILL, 2 miles south-west; GREEN· Attendance & Inquiry Officers, the Relieving Officers

WAY CouRT, I mile south-east, is a fann house; BROAD HOLLINGBOUBNE DISTRICT HIGHWAY BOARD.

STREET, 1! miles north. Clerk, Samuel Harman, 8 Middle row, Maidstone

PRIVATB RESIDENTS, Harrison Dering Hill Arthur Cape!, Whitestone Augustus Mayberry M.B.,

Frog's hole The Limes

Botten George, Upper street Mason Alien Edward, The Cotuams COMMERCIAL.
Butler Thomas, Beaufort house Pell Henry, Oakfield house

de Uphaugh Richard Duppa, Holling· Ricketts Maj.E.Bengough,TheManor ho Alexander James, farmer, Ringlestone

bourne house Sedgwick Charles, Eyhorne street Apps William, farm bailiff to Richard

Gibson Rev. Wm. Grreme M. A. Vicarage Thomas Mrs. Eyhorne house Duppa de Uphaugh esq

Goldsmid Major-General Si\' Frederic Thomas Richard Gerard de Visme :M. A., Atkins Frances (Mrs.) (Boxley),licensed

John Jt.c.s.I., c.B. Godfrey house J.P. Eyhorne cottage maltster


' JJett;s William, boarding school, Elno- Farmer Rd. Wm. watch ma.Eyhorne st Oxley Harry,deputy registrar of births
t &hington house
Fuller William, shopkeeper & deaths & vaccination officer, Hol-

· Blinkborn Walter,relieving,vaccination, Hadlow John, blacksmith lingbourne sub-district .

, «hool inquiry & attendance officer, HollandsAlfd.fmr.& fruit grwr.Broad st RansleyRichard,shoe maker,Eyhorne ~

No. I district & registrar of births & Hollingbourne Gas Works Lim. (George Roper Maria (Mrs. ),farmer& hop &fruit

deaths forHollingbonrne sub-district, Lampard, sec) grower, Pencourt farm

& inspector to the rural sanitary au- HomewoodHerbert,farmer,Eyhorne gn Roper John,farmer, hop & fruit grower

thority & collector to the guardians Honey Rebecca(Mrs. ), beer ret.&carrier & landowner, Greenway court

Bel~n Jn. jobbing gardener, Eyhorne st Hudson Thos.Steed,plumber&ho.decrtr Sedge William, baker, Upper street

Bolton William, farmer, Broad street Hudson Wm.tailor,&post off.Eyhorne st Sedgwick Chas. surgeon, med. officer &

Branchett Henry, farmer, Ringlestone HughesGeo.OldEngland P.H.Ashford rd public vaccinator 2nd dist. Eyhorne st

Batler ThomM, surveyor, brick, tile & Hurd Alfred, farmer, Woodcut farm Slingsby William, farmer, Ringlestone

drain pipe manufacturer, insurance Kingsnorth George Stephen, miller Smith Thomas Alfred & Son, millers

agent for life,fire,accidents,employers' (water), Mote hole (water)

liability, plate glass, hail:storm, steam Lampard George, tailor,Eyhorne street Taylor Thomas, King's Head P.H

boilers, live stock, horses & carriages; Lampard Samuel, coal dlr. Eyhorne st Taylor Naomi (Mrs.),baker,Eyhorne st

overseer, assessor & collector of taxes Lampard William, shoe maker & shop- Tillman George, shoe maker,Eyhorne st

for the parishes of Broomfield, Har- keeper, Eyhorne street Tong William, builder

rietsham, Hollingbourne, Langley, Locke Richard Goord Edwal, vrivate Warman William, bricklayer

Leeds Otham, Lenham, Otterden & estateagenttoRd.Duppa de Uphaugh WestonWm.Jn. butcber,Eyhorne street

Wichlinz, Beaurort house esq. Estate office, Hollingbourne ho Weston Percy, shopkeeper, Eyhorne st

elements Isabel (Miss), ladies' school, Long Stephen, farmer, Broad street Whitestone Augustus Mayberry. M.B.,

The Limes :Matthews James, farmer, Ripple farm surgeon, The Limes

Collins George Owen,Sugar Loaves P.H May Henry, station master Willis Valentine, farmer,Tanyard farm

Coveney Thomas, farmer, Mill farm Meades Edward, farmer, Broad street Wilson Geo. Windmill P.H. Eyhorne st

Day George, farmer, Park Gate, Snag- Oxley Brothers, grocers & drapers, & Working Men's Club (Horace Warman,

brook & Musket Stone farms agents for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & sec)

Doswell John, Ringlestone inn spirit merchants, Eyhorne street

ROO-ALLHALLOWS is a parish in the Marsh dis- and Chapter of Rochester, and held since 1874 by the Rev.
trict, 4 miles north-east from Sharnal Street station on the Edward Barnett Wensley B.A. of King's College, London. Mrs.
Hundred of Hoo railway, 9 miles north-east from Rochester, David Day is lady of the manor. The principal landowners
in the Mid division of the county, lathe of Aylesford, Hoo are the Drapers' Company and Huggins' Charity trustees.
hundred and union, Rochester petty sel:"sional division and The soil is clay ; subsoil, heavy clay and gravel. The chief
county court district, and in the rural deanery, archdeaconry crops are wheat, barley and beans, with see~s. The area is
ar~d diocese of Rochester. The village lies high, but is sur- 2,459 acres of land and 3,o66 of water; rateable value,
rounded by marshes. The Thames bounds the parish on the £3,451 ; the population in r88r was 313.
100rth. Yantlet Creek, an inlet of the Thames, dividing this BrNNEY is half a mile east ; SLOUGH, half a mile north-
parish from the Isle of Graine, marks, by a stone on its west; BELLS, three-quarters of a mile north-west, on the

right or eastern bank, the eastern boundary of the jurisdic- Thames ; AVIARY, three-quarters of a mile north-east ;
tion of the conservators of the Thames, and on the opposite DAGENHAM, I mile west; NEWHALL FuRLAND, half a mile
eide is a coastguard station. The church of All Saints is a south-west.
building of stone in the Gothic styles of the 12th to the 14th j Sexton, Edward Barty.
century, consisting of nave and aisles and a wooden turret Letters through Rochester, arrive at 10.30 a. m. Stoke is
at the west end, but a chancel is now ( 1890) in course of the nearest money order & Sharnal Street the telegraph
erection: there are some monumental brasses, and the office
church has 200 sittings. The register dates from the year "WALL LETTER Box, cleared at 4 p.m. on week days & u
1629; churchwardens' accounts from I555· The living is a a. m. on sundays
Yicarage, average tithe rent-charge £rso, net income £169, This parish is included in the Stoke U.D. School Board. The
"With 41! acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Dean children of this place attend the Board School at Stoke

Wensley Rev. Edward Barnett B.A. Everist Richard, farmer RichardsAndrewJohn,Rose& Crown P.H
Smith Robert, shopkeeper
Vicarage Goord Richard, farmer, Dagenham Tuff Charles, farmer

Bell John, carpenter, Lower Slough Hedgcock William, farmer

Castle Thomas, farmer

HOO ST. MARY is a parish and village, 2 miles north Wheeler Theol.Assoc.K.C.L. The Earl of Jersey G.c.M.G. is

from Sharnal Street station on the Hundred of Hoo railway, lord of the manor. The principal landowners are the Eccle-

8 miles north-east from Rochester, and in the Mid division siastical Commissioners. The soil is light loam ; subsoil,

of the county, lathe of Aylesford, Hoo hundred and union, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, potatoes, seeds and

Rochester petty sessional division and county court district, hops. The area is 1,937 acres of land and 926 of water;

and in the rural deanery, archdeaconry and diocese of rateable value, £2,933 ; the population in 1881 was 309.

Rochester. The village lies high, but has a belt of marsh on FEN STREET, a small hamlet, is I mile south-west.
the Thames. The church of St. Mary is a building of stone Parish Clerk, John Topley.
in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave, north porch
and a western tower containing one bell: the church has re- PILLAR LETTER Box, in Fen Street, cleared daily at s.xo

cently been restored and repewed, and a new pulpit erected, p.m. & ou sundays at I2.45 p.m. WALL LETTER Box,

at a cost of about th£eI,y7eoaor :15tsh3e•re are 250 sittings. The Barnet street, cleared at 4.25 p.m. Letters received
register dates from The living is a rectory, through Rochester, arrive at 8".3o a.m. Hoo St.Werburgh
£sso,yearly value from tithe rent-charge
average £ 486, is the nearest money order & telegraph office

net income l,"427, with residence and II acres of glebe, in the National School (mixed), erected in I868, for 70 children;

gift lof and held since 1887 by the Rev. Alfred William average attendance, 59; Miss Lucy Buck, mistress

Guy John, Fen street Bradley Thomas, farmer Miskin ·wm. Love, farmer, Newlands

Pye Henry, St. Mary's hall Crow William, shoe maker Pye Henry farmer & hop grower, St.

Wheeler Rev. Alfred William T.A.K.C.L. Day Time Of, Fen Bell P.H. Fen street :Mary's hall

[rector], Rectory Edmonds Abraham, blacksmith, Fen st Pye Herbert, farmer

HOO ST. WERBURGHis a parish and ancientvillage and a massive western tower surmounted by a fine shingled

dating from the time of King Edward the Confessor, and is spire containing 6 bells, dated respectively 178r, I738, I825,
the bead of a union and hundred, situated near the north 1662, 1641 and 1588 : on the south side of the chancel are
bank of the Medway, ou which there are salt marshes cut three equal sedilia and a piscina: a rood loftdoorandanother
up by creeks and a quay for landing; it is 4 miles north-east piscina remain iu the north aisle: the east window is a
by a circuitous route from Rochester and 2 south from the memorial to the late Thomas Hermitage Day and there is
Sharnal Street station on the Hundred of Hoo railway, in another memorial window, placed in 1885, in the south aisle,
the Mid division of the county, lathe of Aylesrord, petty to the late W. H. Nicholson esq.: the roof has some portions
sessional division and county court district of Rol'hester, and finely carved, and there are many brasses on the floor of the
rural deanery, archdeaconry and diocese of Roehester. The chancel and in the centre aisle, including one to Dorothy
church of St. Werburgh is a spacious structure of stone, Plumley, 16rs, and others to John Beddyet, 1500, Richard

chiefly in the Perpendicular style, and consists of chancel, Bayly and John Brown, former vicars, and one of a knight
clerestoried nave, aisles separated from the nave by Early and lady with their hands joined: two stained memorial

English arcades of three arches, north and south porches windows have been placed in the church, one at the east end

K. S. & S. 23



oi the north aisle to. Mr. Aveling, of Rochester, and one at Collector of Poors Rates, GeorgP, Comport, Hoo Allhallows <I

the west end of the same aisle to Mrs. Aveling's mother: Relieving Officer for the Union, John William Wilson, Boo

this church is a well-known landmark to the Medway mari- Vaccination Officer, Thomas William Dearn Price, Hoo ·

ners, and has 450 sittings. The register dates from the year Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Albert Edward Swayn&

:1587~ The living is a. vicarage, yearly value from tithe rent- L.R.C.P,Edin. Hoo St. Werburgh

charge .£3oo, average .£254, net income.£191, with residence Superintendent Registrar, James Basset, High st.Rochester;

and 2 acres of glebe, let for .£1, in the gift of the Dean and deputy, George Harris, Rochester

Chapter of Rochester, and held since 188t by the Rev. Percy Registrar of Births & Deaths & Marriages, Albert Edward

George Benson B.A. of Magdalene College, Cambridge. Swayne L.R.C.P.Edin. Hoo St. Werborgh; deputy, John.

Walker's charity of .£5 yearly is for bread. Here are pot- William Wilson, Hoo

tery and tile works. The Earl of Jersey o.c.M.o. who is lord Workhouse, a building of brick, built to hold 150 inmates,

of the manor, and the Dean 'and Chapter of Rochester are John William Wilson, master; Rev. Percy George Benson

the principal landowners. The soil is various; subsoil, clay. B. A. chaplain; Albert Edward Swayne, medical officer;

The chief crops are cereals. The area is 4,490 acres of land Mrs. Mary Ann Wilson, matron

and 33 of wateT; rateable value, {,8,o57 ; the population in RuRAL SANITARY AuTHORITY.

1881 was 1,322, including 49 officers and inmates of the Meets at Hoo St. Werburgh Workhouse on alternate thurs-

Union Workhouse. days at u a.m.

BROAD STREET is half a mile west; CocKHAM WooD, half Clerk, Richard Phillott Smyth, High street, Strood

a mile south-west ; CHATTENDEN, a mile and a half north- Treasurer, Richard Cracknell, London & Provincial Bank,

west; BELLUNCLE, a mile and a half noTth-east. ltochester

Sexton, William Hammond. Medical Officer of Health, Augustus Charles Alfred Pack-

PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insmance 'Office. man M.D., M.R.c.s. The Friary, Strood

-Jabez Whitehead, receiver. Letters arrive from Roches· Sanitary Inspector, John William Wilson, Hoo

ter at 7 a.m. & 4.30 p.m.; dispatched at 6.20 & 1 p.m.; ScHOOL ATTENDANCE CoMMITTEE.

Plllldays at 1.30 p.m Meets at Hoo St. Werburgh Workhouse on alternate thurs.

RECEIVING OFFICE, Hoo Common.-Christopher Digweed, days at ro a.m. "

receiver. Letters arrive from Rochester at 7·45 a.m.; Clerk, Richard Phillott Smytb, High street, Strood

dispatched at 5.30 p. m.; sundays, I p.m Attendance & Inquiry Officer, John William Wilson, Hoo

Hoo UNION. A School Board of 5 members was formed in r874; Alfred

Board day, every alternate thursday, "at the Board room, at Augustus Amold, Rochester, clerk to the board; Thomas'

10 a.m. William Dearn Price, Hoo, attendance officeT

The parishes in the union are :-Cooling, High Halstow, Board School (mixed), erected in 1876, for 250 cluldren;

Hoo Allhallows, Hoo St. Werburgh, St. James {Isle of averageattendance,I7o; ThomasHenryMousley, master;

Grain),HooSt.Mary, Stoke. Thepopulationin188rwas Misses Edith & Ada Goble, assistant mistresses; Miss

3,397; rateable value in I89(>, £30,256 Ethel Mousley, infants' mistress

Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Richard ' CARRIERS TO RocHESTER. - The Stoke carrier passes

Phillott Smyth, High street, Strood through every day, except tues. & thurs. from 10 ton

Treasurer, Richard Cracknell, London & Provincial Bank, a.m.; the carrier from Graine on tnes. thurs. & sat.; &;

Rochester Hemy Brown, mon. wed. fri. & sat

Benson Rev. Percy George B. A. [vicar,& Castle William, farmer, North street Stunt Warwick, farmer, Abbotts court

chaplain to Hoo union], Vicarage Clark Sophia (Mrs.), day school Swayne Albert Edward L.R.C.P.Edin.

Bishop Edward Crump Henry, farmer surgeon, medical officer & public

Swayne Albert Edward, Star Elms Cuckow Alfred, shopkeeper vaccina.tor & registrar of births,

Wyllie William L. Hoo lodge Day David, boot & shoe maker deaths & marriages for Hoo union, &

COMMERCIAL. Digweed Christopher,shopkpr.Hoo corn certifying factory surgeon, Star Elms

Armytage George, farmer & landowner, ELLE N CHARLES, builder, contractor Tassell Philip J esse, foreman to Willson J

Hoo lodge & undertaker, Acorn works BrotheTs, brick makers

Ballard Robina (Mrs.), miller (wind) Hilton Philip, farmer & landowner, Thomas Henry William, shoe maker

BeaumontThos.carpenter&wheelwright Hoo common Turner George, builder r

Baker James, manufacturer of chimney Miskin Walter, farmeT, Belluncle Usher Thos. Edwd. beer retlr. Mill hil1

pots, socket pipes, flower pots, vases Pankhurst David, Five Bells P.H Vidgeon Robert, farmer

& all kinds of brown ware,Hoo pottry Peek Geo. beer retailer, Hoo common Webb Richard, beer retailer

Blackman Wm. sen. market gardener Potts Alfred, cowkeeper Whitehead Jabez, grocer & postmaster

Blackman William, jun. beer retailer PriceThomasWilliamDeaTn,varcination Willson Brothers, brick makers

Bradley Edward, farm bailiff to War- officer for Hoo union & attendance Wilson John William, relieving officer
wick Stunt esq
officer to the school board for Hoo union, sanitary inspector t~
Broad Benjamin, butcher
Broad Maria (Mrs.), coal dealer Richards David, farmer the rural sanitary authority, deputy
Broad Samuel, groceT, baker & draper
Robertson Charles, Chequers P.H registrar of births, deaths & mar~
Brooker William, blacksmith
RogeTS Wm. carpenter,Parsonagehouse . riages, school attendance & inquiry

Smith William, shoe maker 1 officer & master of the workhouse

. HOPE ALL SAINTS is a parish a mile and a quarter Dering, is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The

north-west from New Romney, in the Southern division of kennels of the Romney Marsh barriers are situated here :

the county, hundred and union of Romney Marsh lathe of William D. Walker esq. master. The soil is light and fer..

Shepway, petty sessional division of Romney Marsh, and tile ; subsoil, sand. The land is chiefly pasture. The chief

New Romney county court district. 'fhe church is in ruins. crops are wheat and turnip seed. The area is 1,493 acres;

The living is a rectory, now united to the vicarage of New Tateable value, £2,671 ; the population in x88x was 31.

Romney, tithe rent-charge (Hope) [157, with 8 acres of LETTER Box, at St. Mary's, three quarters of a mile distant,
glebe, joint gross yearly value £409, in the gift of the pre- cleared at 5·5 p.m.; sundays, 10.5 a.m. Letters through
sent rector and the Lord Chancellor alternately, and held New Romney S.O. which is the neaTest money order &.
telegraph office; arrive at about 7 a.m
since 1876 by the Rev. Richard Muspratt South M.A. of
Trinity College, Oxford, who resides a.t New Romney. Sir

Edward Cholmeley Dering bart. D.L., J.P. of Surrenden- The children of this place attend the school at St. Mary's

Walker John Dering Romney Marsh Harriers (W. D. Walker WalkerJohnDering, landowner,farmer
WalkerWm.DeringJ.P.Honeychild manr esq. J.P. master)
& seed grower ·
coMMERCIAL. Sbarpe Charles S. shepherd to W. D.
Hinds Thomas Fredrick, whipper-in to Walker esq. J'.P Whitehead Edward, farm bailiff to G.

the Romney Marsh harriers Tickner Peter, farm bailiff to W. D. Sampson esq
Masters William, grazier Walker esq. l.P
Wimble Alfred, grazier

HORSMONDEN is a village and parish xo miles south- and is about a mile from the river Teise, a f.ributary of the

east from Tunbridge Wells, 40 from London, 5 south-west Medway. The church of St. Margaret, beautifully situated

from Marden station and 5 south-east from Paddock Wood on rising ground, in the midst of lovely and richly-wooded
station on the South Eastern railway; from the latter a scenery, at some distance from the village, is a structure of
branch is now (I8go) in course of construction to Cranbrook gTey stone in the Early Decorated and Perpendicular styles,
and Hawkhurst and will pass near this place. The parish consisting of chancel with south chapel, lofty clerestoried

is. in the Southern divi11ion of the county, Brench1ey hundred, nave, aisles, north porch and a noble embattled western

lathe of Aylesford, Cra.nbrook petty sessional division, Ton- tower of Perpendicular date, containing 6 bells : the nave is
bridge nnien: Tunbridge Wells county court district, and in divided from the aisles by three Pointed arches on each side,
the rural deanery of South Mailing, archdeaconry of Maid- springing fTOm piers alternately circular and octagonal : the
stone and diocese of Canterbury. The village surrounds a chancel, which retains a cinquefoiled niche on the south side,

green called " The Heath," near the centre of the parish, opens to the south chapel by two ar<>hes of a contracted form


lpringing from an octagonal pier; within is a screen of woo~ bert ; clerk to the trustees, Henry Foord. Capel Manor is
inscribed "Orate pro bono statu Alicie Campion: "the font a mansion in the Italian style, erected by John Francis

has an octagonal basin, the sides of which are relieved with Austen esq. J.P. Sprivers and Shirrenden are large and
alternate shields and roses: the church has several stained I comfortable residences, standing within well-wooded grounds,

windows and contains a fine monumental brass, with effigy, the former being the seat of Lieut.-Col. George John Court-
of John de Grofhurst, or Grovehurst, priest, ob. 1330, who hnp~ M.A., J.P.; the latter, occupied by Lieut.-Col. Frederick

was lord of the manor of Leueshothe, or Lewes Heath, which W11liam Burr, has a fine lake of nearly 20 acres in ex-

he presented to the monks of Baybam Abbey, of which fra- tent. Near the rectory, on an eminence 491 feet in height,

temity he was a member, in order to provide a chaplain for is a tower, erected in r858 by the late rector the Rev. Sir '
this church, and for a chapel at Leueshothe: there is another W. M. Smith-Marriott bart. in honour of Sir Waiter Scott

brass to Joane (Berry), wife of John Austen, ob. r6o4, with hart. and containing a collection of his works: from the
9 children: there are also monuments to the Austen family, summit of the tower a magnificent view is obtained over a ·

who for many generations were woollen cloth manufacturers large extent of the counties of Kent and Sussex. The chief
in this parish and occupied the ancient mansion of Broad landowners are the Rev. Hugh Forbes Smith-Marriott H.A.
Ford, and others of modern date to the family of ~:farriott : rector, J. F. Austen esq. J. P. who is lord of the manor, the
over the west door are the arms of the families of Poynings trustees of Richard Tyler Tivort esq. Lieut.-Col. George C.

and Fitzpaine: the building has been restored, and has 373 Courthopeesq. M.A., J.P. and William Com·tenay Morland J.P.

sittings. The register dates from the year rs6r. The living J. P.of Court Lodge,Lamberhurst. The soil is rich but various,
is a rectory, net yearly value £sso, with residence and glebe and pro:luces large quantities of hops, fruit and corn. The
land, in the gift of and held since r866 by the Rev. Hugh forest trees, consisting of oak, chestnut, elm, beech and

Forbes Smith-Marriott M. A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. ash, are of remarkably luxuriant growth. The parish con-

The rectory is pleasantly situated in a fine well-wooded park. tains 4,6o4 acres; I acre of this parish is in Sussex, but.
The church of All Saints, situated about 3 miles north without houses or population; rateable value, £7,020; th&

ol the parish church, to which it is a chapel of ease, is a population in r88r was r,451.

structure of red brick in the Early English style, erected in Parish Clerk, Thomas Lambert.

1870 at a cost of about £r,6oo, and consists of apsidal chan- PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office·

eel, nave and south porch and contains some stained glass: (L"ltters should have S.O. Kent, added.)-Miss Adeline

there are r8o sittings. There are Primitive Methodist and Huntley, postmistress. Letters by mail cart from Staple-

Plymouth Brethren chapels. Bricks are made here. A fair burst arrive at 5.30 a.m.; dispatched 7.30 p.m. Arrivals.
is held here on July 26th On the river Teise, near here, via Brenchley 1.30 p.m.; dispatched a.m

are large flour mills. Charities : William Wykes, in r682, WALL LETTER Box, Broad Ford, cleared II. 20 a. m. & 7.40

left 15 acres of land in Horsmonden, producing £7o a year, p.m. daily & 7.40 p.m. sundays
for the benefit of the poor of the parish: R<1chel, Lady WALL LETTER Box, Rams Hill, 6.50 p.m. week days; 8.20

A:bergaveuny, in r6r7, left £r,ooo, with which 40 acres of a.m. sundays
land at Southborough were purchased, but this property has East Kent Regiment (the Buffs) 2nd (Weald of Kent)

recently (1890) been sold and the produce invested in £2! per Volunteer Battalion, detachment of E Company, Captain
Cent. Consolidated Stock, making up the amount invested to Richard E. Marchant, commandant; William Parfitt~

£6,952 : there is also a farm called " Norwood," in the parish sergeant-instructor

ofTicehurst,producing £4o yearly,and the "Heath" cottages, ScHOOLS:-

producing £ r7 annually: these charities are administered All Saints (mixed), built in r87r, for 6o children; there are·

by nine trustees, under whose management the income has so on the books, with an average attendance of 46 ; Mrs.

increased from about £roo to nearly £300 yearly: in rBog Sarah Ann Nuth, mistress
ihe Rev. James Marriott LL.D. left £285 145. in £3 per National Endowed, erected in 1853, at the cost of the late

Cent. Consols, for the purpose of educating the children of Rev. Sir William M. Smith-Marriott hart. & his brother,

the poor: in 1797 Sir Charles Booth kt. left£1,492 ros. 9d. the late Sir John Smith bart. for r8o children; there are
in the 3 per Cents. for the same purpose, which, with the on the books 170 children; average attendance, r6o: the

previous bequest, now produces £53 6s. IOd. a year: in endowment, amounting to £53 yearly, was left in 1797'
t8r9, Mrs. Catherine Marriott, relict of the preceding by Sir Charles Booth ; Clarke Daykin, master; Miss Emily
benefactor, left to the poor the interest on the sum of 1 Jukes, mistress

[,556 ros. 6d.: in r852 Mrs. Harriett Frances Morland, CARRIERS TO:-

relict of the Rev. Henry Morland, left £355 19s. 6d. New 3 MAIDSTONE-Amos George Streeton, to the Queen's Head
per Cents. for the purchase of food and clothing for the inn, daily, returning at 2.30 p.m
poor, which is distributed by the rector on New Year's day: TUNBRIDGE WELLs-John Lambert, to the' Sussex Shades, r

the nine charity trustees ahove mentioned are Messrs. Thomas tues. & fri.; George Cheesman, tues. & fri. to the ' Hand &

Wickham, George Tabor, the Rev. Hngh Forbes Smith- Sceptre,' returning same days; William Harris (through)

Marriott, L. E. Maude, George J. Courthope, Benjamin on wed

Boss, sen. William Waters and Samuel and William Lam- ToNBRIDGE-George Neve (through), fri

[Names marked thus • receive their letters Bnss Thomas, farmer & hop grower, Lambert Alfred, farmer & hop grower-
through Goudhurst.]
Lower Rams hill Broad Ford

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. CChaerees•yemJa<mtnesG, eboargkee,r carrier Lambert Geo. miller (water & steam)~
Rams hill
.Austen John Francis J.P. Capel Manor Cogger John, farmer & hop grower, Lambert Samuel (exors. of), beer re-
Boorman Thomas, Hoath hatch
Burr Lieut-Col. Fredk.Wm. Shirrenden Northiam & Smalls tailers, farmers & hop growers

*Boss Benjamin, Spelmonden Crouch John, blacksmith Lambert Thomas, carpenter

Courthope Lieut.-Col. George John Crump J sph. smith & mechanical engnr LambertWilliam, farmer & hop grower,.
K.A., J.P. Sprivers; & St. Stephen's Edwards Samuel, builder & contractor engineer & machine owner, Haze\
Fancett William, hair dresser Street farm '
club, London s w
Foord Henry, boot & shoe maker Larkin Brothers,farmers & hop growers,
Hind Capt. The Rectory
Golding Mark, farm bailiff to Benjamin School House farm
Humphrys Charles B. The Poplars
Bnss esq. Baybrookes&LowerRams hl Larkin Jas.Barten, farmer, hop grower~
Maude Ludlow Eustace, Broad Ford
Goldsmith Richard, farm bailiff to tax collector & assistant overseer
Simpson Samuel, The Cottage
Smith-Marriott Rev. Hugh ForbesM.A., Benjamin Buss, Kirkins farm Larkin John, farmer & hop grower,
Hartridge James & Robert, farmers & Ashdown'R farm
J. P. [rector], Remingtons
hop growers LuckHy.farmr.&hop growr.August pits
Waters Mrs. Woodbine cottage
Willard Jas. Lambert, Sherrenden villa Harvey Frederick, livery stables LevettGeo.frmr.& hop grower,Hale frm

COMMERCIAL. Harvey Henry James, butcher Mancktelow Bros. builders &contractors
Harvey John, Gun P.H
Martin Alfred, builder, \The Heath

Ashdown John, farm bailiff to Mr. C. Hawes.Ann&Sarah(TheMisses),farmers MartinJn.Miller, farmer & hop grower,

Calcutt, Crouchers farms Henham Henry, tailor Remingtons farm

Bird Frederick Horace,King'sArmsP.H Hodges Wm. saddler (attend tues. & fri) Maude Ludlow Eustace,land\& estate

Brown Richard Henry, head gardener Humphrey John, grocer & draper agent, Broad Ford

to J. F. Austen esq. J.P. farmer & Humphrys Charles B. L.R.C.P.Edin., Mercer John, farmer & hop grower,

hop grower, Capel cross L.F.P. & s. Glasgow, physician & sur- Tanyard & Brambles farms

Bnrr Edwin, farm bailiff to J. F. Aus- geon, The Poplars Miles George, tailor

ten esq. J.P. Ash farm Huntley Adeline & 'Mary (Misses), Noakes Richard, farmer & hop grower,

*Bnss Benjamin, farmer & hop grower, stationers, Post office . Hayman's hill

Spelmonden Huntley Henry, wheelwright, black- Roberts Samuel, farmer & hop grower

*Bnss Edwin, farmer & hop grower, smith, farmer&; hop grower Saunders William, farmer, hop grower

Elphicks & Park farms I Lambert John, carrier, Oak house & brick maker

K. S. & S. 23•


~eale Edwin, farmer & hop grower Tabor Mary & Elizabeth (Misses), Vigor George, grocer&. draper
Waters William, grocer & draper,&agt.
Seale Mrs. farmer & hop grower, Capel ladies' boarding & day school
for W.& A. Gilbey, wine & spirit mers
cross Tabor George, gentlemen's boarding & Wells William, grocer, Brambles
Wilmshurst George, farmer, Doghouse
Smith Albert, farmer & hop grower day school Wilson Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Working Men's Institute & Reading
Southon Thomas, butcher & farmer Thompson Frank,farm bailiff to Messrs.
Room (Edwin Seale, sec)
Standen Emily (Mrs.), farmer & hop James & Robert Hartridge Young Geo. boot & shoe ma. Manor cot

grower, Bassett's Tolhurst James, farmer &-hop grower,

IStanden James, farmer & hop grower, Bennett's farm
Swigg's bole Towner Thos. blacksmith & hop grower

Streeton Amos George, carrier

HORTON KIRBY is a village and parish, 4 miles light loam ; subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief crops are

south from Dartford, 23 from London by railway, ro north wheat, oats, barley and beans. The area is 2,831 acres;

from Sevenoaks and half a mile south-east from Farning- rateable value, £13,845 ; the population in 1881 was

ham Road station, in the North Western division of the I,54I.

county, Axton hundred, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, Dartford PENDEN and DEAN BOTTOM are two miles north-east;
petty sessional division, union and county court district, MUSSENDEN and EGLANTINE are half a mile south; SPEED•
rural deanery of East Dartford and archdeaconry of Maid- GATE, 2 miles south-east ; and SOUTH DARENTH is half a
stone and diocese of Canterbury, situated on the river mile north.
Darenth: it is lighted by gas supplied by the Dartford Gas
Company. The church of St. Mary is an ancient cruciform Parish Clerk, George Ableton.
structure of flint in the Early English and later styles,
PosT & M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,

consisting of chancel, nave, south porch arul north and south South Darenth. -Alfred Swaffer, receiver. Letters

transepts and a modern tower rising from the intersection through Dartford arrive at 7.20 & 12 a. m. ; dispatched

and containing 3 bells: in the north transept is a small niche at a. m. & 6.50 p.m. Sunday delivery at 7.30 a.m.:

and piscinre: there are brasses, with effigies, to John Browne dispatch, 10.30 a.m

esq. ob. 1595, and Elizabeth (Batherst), his wife, and a slab PosT OFFICE, Horton Kirby.-George Durling, receiver.

with a floriated cross; within the south porch is a plain Letters through Dartford arrive at 8.30 a.m. & 12.25

stoup: there is a stained memorial window to Mrs. Brad- p.m. ; dispatched, at 10.35 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; sunday

ford, of Franks: the church was restored in x863 and will delivery, 8.35 a. m. dispatch, 10.15 a. m. The nearest

seat about 270 persons, 200 sittings being free. The register money order & telegraph office is South Darenth

of baptisms and marriages dates from the year r684 ; The Farningham Home fur 300 Little Boys, erected in r866

burials, r678. The living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge to 1870, at a cost of £23,ooo, for boys under the age of 10,

£266, with 34 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the who are either homeles~ or in danger of falling into crime:

Rashleigh family, and held since 1874 by the Rev. Henry the buildings comprise II houses, with workshops, steam

Burvill Rashleigh B.A. of Exeter College, Oxford. The laundry, cottage infirmary, band house, drill hall & gym-

charities for distribution amount to about {.87 yearly; of nasium, reading room & library of 1,000 volumes, chapel

this sum £34 6s. Bd. is for the general benefit of the poor of & swimming bath : a school house was built in 1872 &

the parish; £25 6s. Bd. for the education of poor children the schools are regularly inspected by the Government as

and £25 6s. 8d. for annuitants selected by the trustees of Public Elementary schools : the Home is divided into ten

Roper's charity : Terry's charity of ;{,2 yearly is for bread to families of 30 boys, at the head of each being a Christian

be given in January to such poor persons as are most regular man & his wife, who are as father & mother of the family;

in their attendance at church. An interesting discovery boys may remain till the age of 14, but all over 10 are

was made at South Darenth in 1872, of an Anglo-Saxon half-timers, attending school & work alternately: the

burying ground, extending for a considerable distance from trades taught are superintended by the Fathers of the

the north side of the railway embankment towards Darenth houses, stocking knitting by machinery & sewing being

church. Near to Farningham Road station are the exten- taught by the mistress: attached to the Home is a

sive paper mills of Messrs. Spalding and Hodge, at South spacious cricket field and au "Old Boys' Lodge," so that

Darenth: they afford employment to a large number of those boys who are out in situations may occasionally

hands in this locality. Franks, the residence of Frederick visit their old Home: boys are received at the Home

Power esq. about a mile from the village, is a fine old build- either free by election, or on payment of 6s. a week;

ing in the Elizabethan style, erected in 1591. The Master Benjamin Clarke esq. sec. ; John Henry Gregory, superin-

and Fellows of Queen's College, Oxford, are the lords of the tendent; London offices, Bank buildings, Ludgate circus,

manor. The principal landowners are Frederick Power esq. London E c

the trustees of the late Thomas Colyer esq. of Wombwell National School, built in 1857, for 180 children; average

Hall, Gravesend, and William Muggeridge esq. The soil is attendance, 135; Ambrose Keddell, master

Horton Kirby. Lawley Henry, steward to Frederick Dartnall James, baker

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Power esq. Franks Elliott Frances (Mrs.), carman

Lewis John, Fighting Cocks P.H Gentry Robt.blacksmith&wheelwright

!\ldworth Thomas, Reynolds place Martin Jabez & Son, farmers, Pinden Hall John, blacksmith
Huntley Mrs. Ash Tree cottage
Keath William, Mussenden 1\'IitchellRichd.carpenter & beer retailer Hertson William Henry, beer retailer

Thompson Arthur, beer retailer Horton Kirby Village Club (F. J. A.

Kipps Mrs. Pinden South Darenth. Currne, sec)
Howard William, carman
Millhouse Thomas, The Mills Charlton Thomas Johnson Fredk. Ernest, tailor &draper
Morrison Mrs. Eglantine Dungate Mrs. The Retreat Millhouse Thomas, miller (steam &
Power Frederick, Franks
Rashleigh Rev. Carleton [curateJ,Risely Emmerton Young water), linseed cake, corn & seed
Rashleigh Rev. Hy. Burvil B. A. Vicarage Higginson Arthur, Holmsdale merchant, & agent for Lawe's
Russell Mrs. Court lodge Muggeridge William manures, Steam flour mills ; & at
Salvage John, White house Parker Ernest Horton Kirby mills
Shuter Leonard Allen, Kirby hall Parker Henry Edwin Riddle Alfred, grocer & draper
Dimpson William Harness, The Cottage Russell Mary (Mrs.), butcher

COMMERCIAL. Spalding Edward Stanton, Riverside South Darenth Co-operative Society

Bean John, carman Spalding Mrs. Riverside (William Lawton, manager)

Bicknell Oliver, butcher Spalding Sidney Thomas, Avenue house Spalding &Hodge,paper manufacturers,

ChandlerGeo. farm bailiff to Col.North coMMERCIAL. Horton Kirby paper works

Farningham Home for Little Boys Acton Thomas & William, carpenters Vickery Charles, shopkeeper

(Benjamin Clarke esq. sec.; John Boyce Eliza (Mrs.), registrar of births & Wells George, boot maker

Henry Gregory, superintendent) deaths for the sub-dist.of Farninghm Whatson William, Jolly Millers P.H

French Samuel George, shopkeeper Cripps Jeremiah, beer retailer Whiffin Benjamin Thomas, farmer

Hall Alfred, veterinary surgeon Dalton George, baker & grocer, The Wood Alfred, shopkeeper

Hall John, blacksmith People's supply stores, & agent for Young Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper

Harris William, grocer & draper Guardian Fire & Life office

HOTHFIELD is a parish and village, situated on the Charing, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canter-

high road from Ashford to Maidstone, with a station on the bury. The church of St. Margaret is a small building of
Maidstone and Ashford branch of the London, Chatham and stone in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel with

so.Dover railway, 3 miles north-west from Ashford, 57 by rail aisles, nave with arcades of four arches, aisles, south porch

and by road from London : the river Stour runs along the and a western tower with a shingled spire containing 5 bells

south side of the parish, which is in the Southern division of dated about 1600: in the chancel is a double piscina and a
the county, Chart and Longbridge hundreds, lathe of Scray, stained east window, erected in memory of Sir Richard

Ashford petty sessional division and county court district, Tufton hart. d. 20 June, 1871: in the north chancel aisle is 1:

West Ashford union, and in the rural deanery of East a marble monument with life-sized figures of Sir John


Tulton, knight and baronet, d. 2 April, 1624, and dame is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soil is

Christina. (Brown), his 2nd wife, surrounded with small light; subsoil, loamy. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
figures of their children; there are also various tablets to beans and hops. The area is 1,829 acres ; rateable value,
·tile Tufton family: the church, partly burnt and rebuilt in £4,720; the population in 1881 was 325.
1624, was thoroughly restored in 1876. The register dates Parish Clerk, Philip Edwards.

.from the year 1570. The living is a rectory, tithes corn- PosT 0FFICE.-William Gaunt, receiver. Letters from
-muted at £330, with 28 acres of glebe and residence, in the London arrive by foot post from Ashford at 8 a.m. & Ill

-gift of Lord Hothfield, and held since 1849 by the Rev. p.m. ; dispatched at 6.30 p.m. ; sundays, dispatched 1
Richard Cha.rlesSwanM.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph offices are at
Various legacies, amounting altogether to about £100 Ashford & Charing. Postal orders are issued here, but
~r~' have been left to the poor of this parish by the not paid

n family. This place has given the title of baron,
since 1881, to the Tufton family, baronets; and previously Endowed School, built by Lord Hothfield in 1874, for 130
Barons Tufton (x626) and Earls of Thanet (1628), but the children; average attendance, no; 36 children being ad-
latter titles became extinct on the death of Henry, nth mitted free by the endowment of Margaret, Countess

earl, in 1849. Hothfield Place, the ancient seat of the of Thanet (c. 163o), & others; Harry Burton Fox, master

Tuftons, Earls of Thanet, is a large mansion of stone, sur- Railway Station, Henry Thomas Willis, station master

rounded with soo acres of park land, commanding lovely CARRIER TO AsHFORD.-Marchant, every toes. thurs. & sat.

views, and is the residence of Lord Hothfield D.L., .J.P. who returning the same evening

Hothfield Lord D.L., .J.P. Hothfield Pl.; COMMERCIAL. Fox Harry Burton, assistant overseer

& 2 Chesterfield gardens, Mayfair, Bean Ellen (Mrs.), Thanet Arms P.ll & rate collector

London w Brown Alexander, land agent to Lord Long William, farmer, West street

COMMERCIAL. Hothfield, Home farm Payn William, shopkeeper

Austin Alfred, Old Manor ho. Swinford Brown Edward, farmer, Ripper's cross Pickard Sackville Harry, frmr. Hurst h1

Elliott Robert, Little Hothfield Coast John, estate carpenter Rigden Henry, farmer, Yonsea farm

Swan Rev. Richard Charles M:.A. [rec- Craik William, gardener to Lord Hoth- Roberts George, farmer

tor], Rectory field n.r.., J.P Sharp G. miller (water)

HOUGHAM is a parish, adjoining Dover and forming r for and found at a depth of 1,000 feet and the boring is being

part of the town on the south-west, in the Eastern division of continued. On the western heights in this parish are the

the county, hundred of Bewsborough, lathe of St. Augustine, Citadel, the Shaft, and the South Front Barracks, belonging

Wingham petty sessional division, Dover union and county to the Dover garrison, as well as the Royal Military Hospital.

court district, rural deanery of Dover and archdeaconry and Abbott's Cliffe House is the residence of John Morris esq.

diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. Lawrence is a I The Abbott's Cliff tunnel through the chalk, over one mile

building of rough flints, with some admixture of stone, in 1 in length, belongs to the South Eastern railway. The prin~

the Early English style, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, cipallandowners are the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, Major

south porch with a chapel eastward of it and a western Robert Bartholomew Lawes D.L.,.J.P. of Old Park, Dover, who

tower with a pointed roof containing 3 bells: the arcade is lord of the manor, and John Morris esq. The soil is in

between the nave and north aisle has two arches on a circu- parts clay; subsoil, chalky. The chief crops are roots and

lar column; there is a rood door in the eastern pier on this corn. The area is 2,917 acres, including 280 acres of sea

side, and some of the windows are stained: the church was beach; rateable value, £25,858, including that part of the

enlarged and thoroughly restored in 1884 and has 250 sit- parish situated in the Borough of Dover. The population of

tings. The register dates from the year 1613. The lh·ing is the whole parish in 1881 was 50919, of which 490 are in the
a vicarage, yearly value from tithe rent-charge £348, rural portion, 5,492 in Christ Church district, including Ii457

with i acre of glebe and residence, in the gift of the in the Barracks and go in the Royal Military Hospital.

Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since 188o by the Rev. WEST HouGHAM is a hamlet one mile north-west of

Edward Redman Orger M.A. of Pembroke College, Oxford, HouO'ham church. Here is a Wesleyan chapel.

hon. fellow and late sub-warden of St. Augustine's College, P;rish Clerk John Knott.
Canterbury. The ecclesiastical parish of Christ Church,

zswithin the town of Dover, was formed out of this parish in
Letters ' foot post from Dover at 8 a. m. & 6. p.m.

J844· On the foreshore within the boundaries of this parish Dover IS the nearest money order & telegraph office

and to the west of the famousShakspeareCliff, theprelimin- WALL LETTER Box, West Hougham, cleared 8 a.m. & 6.50

ary works for the proposed Channel Tunnel were until re- p.m. ; Church Hougham, cleared at 7.20 a.m

cently carried on by the South Eastern Railway Company; National School (mixed), built in 1866, for so children;

a siding is laid into the works from the adjacent line of rail- average attendance, 47 ; Miss Agnes Witt, mistress

way ; since the suspension of the works coal has been bored Coast Guard Station, Lydden spout.- - Dell, chief officer

Hougham. Hambrook Thomas, farmer, Elms farm
Evenson Arthur McDouald Chilverton Lilley Alfred, milkseller
Elms ' Lincoln Edward, Three Horseshoes P.H Andrews John, beer retailer

Morris John, Abbott's Cliff house Sawkins Edward, Royal Oak P.H. Atkins HenryJohn, builder,wheelwright •

Orger Rev.Edwd.Redman M.A. Vicarage Folkes~one road . & undertaker & steam saw mills

Stevens Charles William' Houo-ham lo Seath M1ehael, graz1er Barber Ellis, blacksmith

COMMERCIAL. "' Spauton Albert & Troward Furley, far- Bridgeland Edmund, boot maker

mers & dairymen, Maxton Ferridge Frederick, dairyman

Adams Henry, dairyman, Elms vale StokesThos. S. farmr. LittleHougham crt Friend William, cowkeeper

Broadley Edward, farmer, Farthingloe Tapley John, farmer, :Farthingloe Hoghen George, grazier

Bromley John, farmer, Church farm Vickers Thos.farmr.Gt.Hougham court Jenkins Alfred Briggs, Chequers P.ll

Brooks John, beer retailr. Folkestone rd Wood Mark, dairyman, Folkestone rd Kingsmill John, dairyman
Maxted Richard, farmer
Castle Benjamin George, blacksmith Young Amos, beer retailer, Maxton Pepper George, jun. farmer
Tanton Edward Austen, farmer
Curling David, farmer & dairyman, West Hougham.

Priory farm, Elms road &. Coldred

Court farm, Coldred Broadley J obn, Rose hill Tanton Henry, miller (wind) & baker

RUCKING is a village and parish 44 miles from London, joint net yearly value {,220, in the gift of the Lord Chan-

7 south-west from S:ttingbourue, 8 north-east from Maid- f!ellor, and held since 1882 by the Rev. Waterman Gardner-

stone and 2~ from Hollingbourne station on the Maidstone Waterman M.A, of Trinity College, Cambridge, who resides

and Ashford section of the London Chatham and Dover rail- at Bicknor. The Dean and Chapter of Canterbury are lords

way, in the Mid division of the county, Eyhorne hundred, of the manor. The chief landowners are Edward Leigh

Aylesford lathe, petty sessional division of Bearsted, Holliug- Pembertou esq. J.P. of Torry Hill, and Richard Duppa de

bourne union, county court district of Maidstone, rural Uphaugh esq. of Holling-bourne House. The soil is flinty

deanery of Sittingbourue, archdeaconry of Maidstone and marl; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are corn, grass and

diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. Margaret is a roots. The area is 1 1205 acres; rateable value, £852; the
building of flint, in theNorman and Early English styles and population in 1881 was 133·

consists of chancel, with north chapel, nave, north aisle, Parish Clerk, Joseph Cheesman.
north porch and a western belfry containing 2 bells: the
nave is separated from each aisle by two very plain round Letters through Sittingbourne arrive at 8.50 a.m. Tha
arches resting on huge piers and there is a rood door high nearest money order & telegraph office is at Hollingbonrne

up in the angle of the north aisle : the church was restored WALL LETTER Box cleared at 9.30 a.m •

in the year 187o, when a new font of red marble was intro- National School (mixed), built in 1876, for 100 children;

duced: there are 200 sittings. The register of baptisms average attendance, 30: the children from Bicknor attend

dates from the year xs66; marriages, xss6 ; burials, IS60. here ; William T. Maynard, master ; Mrs. Maynard, mis-

The living is a chapelry, annexed to the rectory of Bicknor, tress ; William Blinkhorn, attendance officer


KENT. Hadlow Wil1iam, blacksmith
Green John Philip, Rucking hill Long William, farmer, White house
A.shby William, farm bailiff toR. D. de Jackson Edward, Hook & Hatchet P.H.
• Uphaugh esq & farmer, Scragged Oak

HUNTON is a village and parish, situated near the junc- schoolmistress. Hunton Court, the seat of Mrs. Henry

tion of the Beult and Teise with the navigable Medway, 3 Bannerman, is a mansion pleasantly situated in a .well-

miles east from Yalding station on the South Eastern rail- wooded park; Gennings Park is the residence of J. Bazley-

way, 51 from London, 5 south-west-by-south from Maid- White esq. M.P., D.L.; the Right Hon. Henry Campbell-

stone, in the South Western division of the county, hundreds Bannermann M.P., n.L., J.P. who is lord of the manor and

of Twyford and Maidstone, lathe of Aylesford, petty ses- the Dowager Viscountess Falmouth and T. D. Eden esq.

sional division of Mailing, :Maidstone union and county court are the chief landowners. The soil is of a rich friable nature

district, rural deanery of North Malling, archdeaconry of in the valley and becomes more stiff as it approaches the

Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. ragstone range, which runs towards the northern boundary

'Mary is a buildihg of stone in the Early English and Norman uf the parish. The area is 2,075 acres, a large portion of

'styles, consisting of chancel, nave of three bays, south aisle, which are hop plantations; rateable value, £5,428 ; the

south and west porches and a western tower with shingled parish contained in 1881 a population of 870.

spire containing a clock and 6 bells : in the church are PosT M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
monuments to the noble family of Fane: a new organ and John Henham, receiver. Letters through Maidstone arrive
south chancel aisle were added in 1866 : there is a memorial at 7.10 a.m. & 2.20 p.m.; dispatched at 6.30 p.m. The
¥indow, erected in 1885, to General Drummond and to · nearest telegraph offices are at Linton & Yalding
Robert Alexander esq. : the interior was restored and re-
seated in 1876, and contains 300 sittings, 100 being free. National School, built in 1837, for 120 children; average
The register dates from the year 1585. The living is a rec- attendance, 100: the school was endowed by Bishop
Porteus, as stated above ; the ground & buildings were
tory, tithe rent-charge £761, net yearly value £476, includ- given by Robert Moore M. A. in 1837: George Winter,
ing 22 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the master ; Mrs. G. Winter, mistress
Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since 1865 by the Rev.

John Robert Hall M.A. of Christ Church, Oxford, and hon. CARRIERS.-Hemsley, from Yalding, passes through to

canon of Canterbury. Dr. Beilby Porteus, bishop of Maidstone, tues. thurs. fri. & sat. returning same days;
London (1787-I8o9), left £1,000 in £3 per Cent. Consols, Collison, from Marden to Maidstone, passes through mon.
the interest of which is for six poor cottagers; and there wed. thurs. & sat. returning same days ; Boughton, from

is another sum of £ I,ooo, the interest of which is to be Horsmonden to Maidstone, passes through tues. thurs. &
used t-owards the maintenance of a schoolmaster and sat. returning same days

'Bannerman Mrs. Henry, Hunton court Fletcher Lionel John William, farmey Rubble William Whibley, farmer, hop

l3azley-White.John M.P., D.L. Gennings & hop grower & fruit grower, Tanyard farm

park; & Carlton, Junior Carlton & ForemanOwen,grocer & draper,& agent Manwaring Frederick, farmer & hop

Wellington clubs, London s w for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit grower, Stonewall

Eden Thomas Duncombe, Cheveney merchants & assistant overseer Martin Thomas & William, farmers &

Hall Rev. John Robert M.A. Rectory Gilbert John, Bull inn hop growers

Jones Frederick O'Connell, Clock house Godsmark Michael, bricklafer Munn Elgar, farm bailiff to Messrs. W.

COMMERCIAL. Hall John, farmer L. Rubble & Sons

Allard James & Son, wheelwrights Henham John, blacksmith, Post office Neal Richard, clocksmitb

Bush William, shoe maker ' Hickmott Sarah (Mrs.), ladies' school, Skinner Alfred, farmer & hop grower

Chapman Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper East street Stanley John, Prince of Wales P.H

Collings John, carpenter Hodsoll George, beer retailer Waters Alfred, grocer

Dann John, wheelwrigh~ Rubble William Lee & Sons, farmers, White Geo. farmr.& hop grower,Buston

:Frond Edward, butcher hop & fruit growers, Hunton count

HURST (or FAWKENHURST) is a parish, containing but Francis Marten Cameron M.A. of Christ Church, Oxford,

few houses, 7 miles south-east from Ashford and 6 south- who is also vicar of Bilsington and rector of Bonnington,
west from Westenhanger station on the South Eastern rail- where be resides. The principal landowners are George
way, in the Eastern division of the county, partly within the William Carter esq. lord of the manor, and the trustees of
limit of Romney Marsh and the liberty and jurisdiction of the late James Sneller esq. Goldenhurst, which has secret
its justices, the remainder being in the hundred of Street, passages, is believed to have been a residence of the Jesuits.
lathe of Shepway, East Ashford union, Elbam petty sessional The soil is clay; subsoil, stiff clay. The crops are grass.
division, Hythe county court district, and in the rural The area is 457 acres ; rateable value, £576 ; the population
deanery of North Lympne and archdeaconry and diocese of in 1881 was 31. Thirty-two acres of Newington-next-HJ the
Canterbury. The church of St. Leonard does not now were added to this parish under the Divided Parishes Act of
exist ; the churchyard only remains: the inhabitants attend 1876 (39 & 40 Vict. c. 61 ).

Bonnington church. The living is a sinecure rectory, tithe Letters through Hythe arrive at 10 a.m. Aldington is the
rent-charge £59, net yearly value £8o, including 22 acres nearest money order office; & telegraph office at Sellinge
of glebe, in the gift of G. W. Carter esq. (pro hdc vice,
by lapse, the Crown), and held since 1877 by the Rev. The children of this place attend the school at Bonnington

Bailey Thos. farmer, Falconhurst farm I File Elgar Edward, farmer 1 Rolfe Walter, farmer

HYTHE is a bathing place on the South Eastern coast, ' Parliament. The Cinque Port of Hythe consists of Hythe,

a parliamentary and municipal borough, parish, Cinque 1 St. Leonard, with parts of Aldington and West Hythe.
Port and the head of a county court district, with a station The earliest Cinque Ports charter in the possession of the
on the branch line of the South Eastern railway from Sand- I Corporation is dated 26 Edward I. (1297-8), but they claim
liDg junction to Sandgate, 66 miles from London by rail and to have been added to the Cinque Ports by the Conqueror;
71 by road, 12 from Dover, 18 from Canterbury, 25 from the municipal insignia include two maces.
Rye, 41 from Maidstone and 5 miles west from Folkestone, Hythe is pleasantly situated on the side of a bill stretching
in the Eastern division of the county, lathe of Shepway, towards the sea, its neighbourhood abounding in beautiful
·Elham union and petty sessional division, and in the rural walks and rides, through a varied country enriched with
-deanery of Elham and archdeaconry and diocese of Canter- several interesting ruins and other remains of antiquity,

bury. The name "Hythe" signifies a haven, and the among which may be named Saltwood, Lympne (the Portus

place appears to have been formerly of great importance, Lemanis of the Romans), Studfall Castle and Westenhanger,
since Leland states that it had four parish churches and a whilst its fine open beach affords excellent bathing. The
fine abbey. In the reign of Queen Elizabeth a charter of in- greater part of the town is built on shingle and the remainder
corporation was granted, under the name of the "Mayor, on a declivity of Kentish rag, rising to some altitude on the
'Jurats and Commonalty of the Town and Port of Hythe," northern side, protecting it from cold winds. At the eastern
but it is now governed, under the provisions of the Muni- end, a stream flowing from Saltwood has cut a ravine in its
cipal Reform Act, by a mayor, four alderman and twelve descent towards the sea. At the western end of the town
councillors and burgesses, who form the Urban Sanitary another stream descends from a well-wooded park: the
Authority. The borough has a commission of the peace declivities between these two streams are studded with trees,
and separate court of quarter sessions. The municipal and the whole of the southern and western sides of the town
borough consists of the parishes of Hythe, St. Leonard and are also lined with trees. The High street is paved and

parts of West Hythe, Aldingtoo and Saltwood, with Cheriton lighted with gas by a company formed in 185I. The water
and Newington (since annexed to Hythe parish under the supply, derived from the lower graensand and from two
Divided Parishes Act, 1882); these and the parishes of natural springs on the side bills, is ample and of excellen~
·Folkestone, Cheriton, Saltwood and Newington-next-Hythe quality and is supplemented by a well at Saltwood, the
form the parliamentary borough returning one member to supply from which is obtained from the same source. A


• •0

of drainage, designed by Mr. Brady, engineer to the and the hall is also available for public meetings. entertaitt·
ztth .Eastern railway, was carried out in 1876, with an out- ments &c.; it contains a portrait of Charle$ James Fo~.d.
fall about miles distant. 13 Sept. 18o6, also one of Stewart Marjoriba.nks esq. of Bushey

The church of St. Leonard, situated on a. lofty eminence Grove, Herts, and K.P. for the borough 18x8-47, who died

!· 110rth of the High street, is a fine eruciform ~difice of stone , Sept. :r863: the. clock -w:_hi<:h overhangs th~ stree~ ~
in the Norman and Early English styles, wtth some later purch~ed by publtc subsenptton ; near the hall1s a d~mkm~
insertions, consisting of choir aisles, with triforium and fountam, presented ~y the late Thomas Judge durmg ~18
derestoried clwir, nave of four bays with clerestory, aisles, mayoralty a~d unvelled 1:2th May, 1886, by Lady W~tkin.
Varulepts, south porch with parvise, and a battlemented Quarter Sesswns are held here before the Recorder', m ~
western tower with pinnacles, rebuilt after its fall in 1739, Town Hall. The Sessions Hall, Hank street, wa.s er~ted m
and containing a ~lock and xo bells: the exterior of tbe I82I at a cost of [,700. Here is a sub-branch of the London

dlurch is plain, but the interior of the choir, affords one I and County Bank. St. Bartholomew's hospit.a.l was founded

ol the finest and best examples of enriched Early English in 1336, by Hamo, Bishop of Rochester, for five pool' men

extant : it is approachP.d from the nave by a flight of nine 1and eight women, each of whom receives [,5 IOS, a quarter;
.teps, the sacrarium being three steps higher, and is sepa- St. John'.s hospital supports two men and seven womenj who

rated from its aisles by arcades of two bays, consisting of receive quarterly £4 xos. each. A Ma.sonic Lodge (Prince
piers with detached shafts of Bethersden marble, supporting 1 Edwin, No. 125) hold~ its meetings at the Old Bank-. in

richly moulded arches, with the dog-tooth ornament : the High street. The sea wall and parade between Hythe

triforium is of four bays, with two pointed openings in each, and Sandgate, now the property of the South Eastern

inclosed by a circular arch: the clerestory, which has a. Railway Company, after being additionally extended to I'

passage on either side, continued over the chancel arch, is distance of 2 miles, was formally opened by T.H.R. the

-of three bays, with a single light in each; the roofs of the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Edinburgh on Wednesday,

.choir and its aisles- are now vaulted, the vaulting, which had October 12th, :r88t : this important work occupied two

beeJl originally left unfinished, having been completed dur- years and a half in construction and completes a line of 5

the restoration in t886; the east end is filled with a triplet miles along the coast to the west or Folkestone, with an un·

()( .la.ncets, all containing stained glass, and a banding of interrupted carriage drive all the way : the wall is of con--

pierced works runs across below it, and is returned along crete, faced with Kentish rag and is strengthened at inter-

the 11ide walls : the reredos, designed by the late George vals of :ao feet by counterforts, its total length being abodt

Edmund Street esq. R.A. incloses a representation, in low 6,ooo feet; it is 8 feet wide at the base and 4 feet at the top,

relief, of tlie "Entombment," executed in Carrara marble, and has a depth in some places of :r9 and in others of' 2:a

...bJ H. H. Armstead esq. R.A. the total cost of which, about feet; the asphalted promenade, of which it is the bulwark,

.Jl,x,xoo, was defrayed by the Rev. Claude Brown M. A. clll'a.te measures 20 feet across, while the roadway beyond it, when

()( Hythe, :r877-9, wl}o presented it in memory of his wire; finished, will be So feet broad. It is connected ~th the ?Id

there are two sedilia., a good double piscinQ. ~nd a credence; town of Hythe by a broad and pleasa~t path lmed Wit~

in the south choir aislejs another piscina, and aumbry and wych elms, numerous seats being proVIded for the oon-

a bracket, and on the north side is a turret staircase, for- venience of visitors.

merly leading to the rood loft, th_e \"'assage over ~he ebancel The Royal Military Canal, which begins at Seabrook, runs
Arch and the roof ; un~er tire c~mr 1s a large gromed crypt, through Hythe and thence along the borders of Romney
~nter~ on the sout~ std~ and hghted by lancets ~t th~ east Marsh, to Rye, and affords very pleasant views as well ~

t?at~: m x886 the sod whtch had accumula~ed agatnst 1t a boating and fishing and the banks are lined with trees fo"(

hetght of 14 feet was. cleared off and a. beautif_ul E~rly English many miles. The Seabrook Hotel, erected in x88x by the
~oorway wa_s then dtscovered on t~e north s1de: m the crypt South Eastern Railway Company, is a commodious ho~
JS a lar~e ptle of huma?-1 bones, satd t~ be remams of Saxons standing in eight acres of garden ground. A bathing
and ~rttons who fell m battle. on th1s sp?t, A..D. 456: the establishment adjacent to the sea, with waiting rooms and

11ave 18 rather later than the chmr, and the pters of the arcade guides' residence, was erected by the Corporation in I854, at
.are either ~ound or octa~onal and carry a_rches with h?ld a -cost of upwards of [,2,000. Early summer and autumn
hood monldmgs, above wh1ch, on the north stde, a~ remams are the best times for visiting Hythe, and persons with pul·
~~Norman masonry: the clerestory has three wmdows on mona.ry complaints or dyspepf!ia are generally benefited

.each llide : the north transept, the walls and buttresses of dhiesree~seassofalcshoildthhoeodc.hloTrohteirce and those suffering from the
which are Norman, has a rather late Norman doorway in is a local Cricket Club, Mr.G.

the west wall, and in the east wall an Early English piscina L. Mackeson, hon. sec. The Hythe Bullding Society, which
a~d some maso~ry of the 14th century, pr?bably connec~ed holds its meetings at Bank buildings, wa.s established m
With an altar: m the no~h wall there r~mams some can~pted :~:865, and is in receipt of an income of over [,3o,ooo,
'!Fork a~d an aumbry: m the. south atsle of t_h~ nave Is an annually. Here is a brewery. Hythe School of Musketry~
mterestmg brass to John Bndgma~, last bathff a~d ~rst at the western extremity of the town, on the Ashford ro~
mayor of ~ythe,_ ob. 3 Dec. 1581 : m the south ch01r aisle established by Viscount Ha.rdinge o.c.B. commander-in-
are memorml Wl~dows to M~. Mac.keson, Mr. Borne and chief, in x853, occupies a range of substantial buildings
General Saul Hallt~ay.: there Is one m the north transept to
Thorn~ Quested Fmms esq. of Wanst_ead, Essex, alderman originally erected in x8o7 and x8o8, for the reception of the
royal staff corps; here officers and non-commissioned officers

()f the c1ty of London and lord mayor m 1856, d. 1883; and of the army receive instruction in the theory and practice of
another, ereeted jointly by friends in Hythe a~d ~~e officers musketl'y by a selected staff, nnder a commandant; the
£Dd_ men of the School of Mus~etery, to Maxtmt~mn D. D. training consists of .. blank firinJ" without ball; "target
.Dahson, eapt. Scotch Gua~s, k_tlled at Has~een, m, Egypt, practice" in squads at the butts, which extend over a mile
~Marc~, x885, when se~mg '_Vlth Ge~eral ~raham s f?r~: and a half on the shingle, at ranges varying from 150 to
the pulptt, a fine work, 1s ennch~d w1th ~nches contam_mg 1,700 yards; "position drill," at miniature targets in the
ti~. of the_ apostles, executed m mosa1cs: the exte~wr, parade ground, and lectures in the rooms-certificates

Wh1ch 18 masstvely buttressed, has a noble aspect, especmlly are given : disappearing and movable targets are used here :

"When viewed from the south-east : the ea111tern buttresses the premises afford room for 300 men, besides officers'
were pier~ed so as to f~rm a passage w~y fro~ north to quarters, mess, lecture and other rooms: one wing is appto.

-.outh; thiS passage, whteh had been ~mlt up, IS now re- priated to the officers and another to the sergeants: the

()Jl81led: the south transept was repa1red by the Deedes officers' mess-room is a fine hall, hung with. portraits of

lamily, of Sandling Park and Salt wood, in the last century: faofrimneercoclolemctmioannodfanatns~iaenntd the lecture-room is adorned with
arms. l''ort Sutherland is in this
part of the church, including the north transept, was re-
stored in 1875 by the late G. E. Street esq. R.A. at a parish. The area is 2,498 acres of land and 6o of water~
cost of over .£4,~, and in x886 the choir was restored rat~ble value [,20,o8o; the population of the parish in i88.i
under thE! d1rect10n of John L. Pearso~ ~q. R.A., F.S.A. was 3,513; of the municipal borough, 4,1:73, and of till;
at ~ cos"t of £ xo,OOC?: there are 8~o s1ttmgs, 30 only of parliamentary borough, 28,239.
which are approl!~ate~. Th~ regtster dates from th:e SEA.BROOK, formerly a portion of dheriton, now annexeq
Jf!8r 1566... T~e liVln~ 18 a VIcarage, exempt from archl·
to Hythe, under the Divided Parishes Act, x882, is on the
dvStaaallcutowenoa£old2,2V108a,1ntadWt~lothhnes,lrdets~tsdtm·heenccere~1tm8-7c3htahrbegyeg.ttf[ht ,euofSR,tehven.erteTchytoeoamr raloysf
road from Hythe to Sandgate and adjoining Sandgate rail-
Gnppy Hall li.A... of St. Peter's Colle!re Cambridge. stati.on. . ·MI.SSI.On Hall, wdhere serV.IcesLaere
way Here 18· a lS also used as a ay school. t.
held regnlar~y
and which
The Wesleyan chapel, bm·1t m· :r846, has 3"5' 0• s1· tt·mgs, and terPsaanr.sehreCeleetrvke•dwth·1lrlioaumghTSoaunrndagya,
the Congregational chapel, built in x867, seats 400 persons. illa


The Cemetery, which consists uf the churchyard, together West Hythe, consisting of a few straggling houses~

with half-an-acre of land added about x88I, covers an area of was formerly a. separate pa.risb, but in 188S was adde~ for

about two acres and is nnder the control of a burial boa.rd of civil purposes, partly to Hythe and partly to Burmarsh

nine members. The Guild Hall, in High street, rebwlt by parishes; it is situated about 2~ miles west from Hythe and

tb.eCorporation in 1794. is a structure of brick resting on six 2 miles south from Westenhanger station, on the South

Jtooe pillars; the large l'OOm is capable of seating 250 per- Eastern, railway : at an early period_ it was a harbo~r ~or

~; council meetings and quarter sessions are heid. here shipping till the sea receded from 1t, and m the reJgir pf


Edward the Confessor was a. place of such resort as to be Archdeacon of Canterbury, and held since r882 by the Ru.

esteemed one of the Cinque ports. The church has long been Henry Brydges Biron B. A. of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, who
in ruins; the inhabitants attend that of Lympne. The resides at Lympne. Edward Broadley, who is lord of the
register dates from the year 1736. The living is a vicar- manor, E. Covant esq. Col. Herbert George Deedes ~.P.
age annexed to that of Lympne, tithe rent-charge (West of Sandling Park, Hythe, and Richard Friend esq. are tha
Hythe) £34, joint net yearly value £3oo, in the gift of the principal landowners.

_ Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.•

PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office. I COUNCILLORS.
tJ. J. Jeal
-William Sampson Paine, postmaster, 148 High street. tDaniel J. West

Letters are deliYered at 7 & rr a.m. & 7.30 p.m. Money tJ. Cobay tThomas Elliott

orders are issued& paidfrom9 a.m. to 6 p.m. &onsatur- tAlbert Day *William Maycock

days from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Telegraph business from 7 tH. T. Cobay *Benjamin Horton

a.m. to 9 p.m. xst day mail, London & all parts, 9.25 tRichard Price, jun *John Scott

a.m.; 2nd day mail, rr.4o a.m.; 3rd day mail, 1.40 p.m.; tDaniel Waiter *Edward Palmer, jun

. 4th day mall, 6.40 p.m. London & all parts 9·45 p.m.; Marked thus t retire in 1890.

box closes 9·5 p.m.; sundays 9·5 p.m. There are three 1:9;.Marked thus! ret~re i? 1891.
deliveries daily; sunday delivery 7 a. m. only ; sunday
telegrams sent from 7 to 10 a. m . Marked thus • ret~re ~
Marked thus§ retire m 1 9 .
. Mayor's Auditor, George Cobay
PosT _OFFICE, Seabrook.-Jo~n Blight, receiver. Letters Elective Auditors, E. Palmer, sen. & R. Worthington

arrive through Sandgate, dispatched at 9·5 & a.m. The Corporation meet at the 'fown hall every second wed·

& at r.s, 4.40 & 8.50 p.m.; sunday at p.m nesday in the month.

Sir Edward William Watkin hart. J.P. Rose hill,Northenden,
Town Clerk & Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority&.
Cheshire; & Reform Clubs w, London Coroner, George Wilks, High street

Returning Officer, The Mayor Treasurer, Henry Myers, Stade street

Clerk of the Peace, R. J. Sidle, Hughenden villa, Stade st
Medical Officer of Health, Maj. Kirkby Robinson M.D. Dover-

Kirkpatrick John esq. Monks Horton, Hythe, chairman Sanitary Inspector & Surveyor & Inspector of Commoo

Chichester Earl of D.L. Enbrook, Sandgate Lodging Houses, Thomas Miller, St. Leonard's road

Keyes Gen. Sir Charles Patton K.C.B. Shorncliff Lodge, Collector, John Daniel Day Barber, Park road
•Watkin Sir Edward William bart. M.P. Rose hill, Northen-
Cemetery, George Wilks, clerk to the burial board, High si
den, Cheshire
Bowles Robert Leamon M.D. 8 West terrace, Folkestone Coast Guard, John Scott, chief officer
Brockman Francis Drake esq. Beachborough, Hythe Corporation Baths, Marine par. Richard Crump, manager

Cripps Wilfred J oseph esq. c. B., M.A., F.S.A. Farleigh house, County Court (circuit 49), held in the Sessions hall every
Sandgat.e S.O other month, His Honor W. L. Selfe, judge; George Wilks,.
registrar & high bailiff; G. S. Wilks, deputy registrar-;
Deedes Col. Herbt. Geo. 4 Lyall street, Belgrave squares w Leslie Creery, Ashford, official receiver. The following
DenneMaj.-Gen.Lambert Henry,The Down Wood,Ulandford places are included in its jurisdiction :-Aldington, Bon-
Du Boulay Julius Houssemayne esq. West lawn, Sandgate nington, Elham, Elmsted, Hurst, Hythe, Lyminge~
Mackeson Henry Bean esq. Hill Side house, Hythe Lympue, Monk's Horton, Newington, Postling, Saltwood,
Mackinnon :Francis Alexander esq. Acryse park, Folkestone Sellinge, Stanford, Stegllin, Stowting & West Hythe
Mackinnon William Alexander esq. 4 Hyde Park place, Certified Bailiffs appointed under the Law of Distress.
Amendment Act, H. T. Cobay, High street; W. & B..
London w Hobbs, Sellinge; W. R. Osbome, Elham
Guild Hall, High street
Murray George Joseph esq. Wootton court, Wootton, Inland Revenue Office, Seymour house, Hill side, Edwartl
· Canterbury Whittick, officer
Porter Frederick William esq. Moyle tower, Hythe Sessions House, Bank street
Town Hall, High street, John Dray, keeper
Symes Lieut.-Col. Wiiliam Alexander, Stewartville, Volunteer Fire Brigade, J. V. Cobb, captain, High street
East Kent Regiment (The Buffs) rst Volunteer BattalioD
Tournay William Tournay esq. Brockhill park, Hythe (D Co. ), Great Conduit street, Capt. Henry Mac~eso~
Walker Edward Bacheler esq. Lewin cottage, Lewin road, commandant; G. S. Wilks, lieut. ; Charles Collett~
Streatham s w
Watkin Alfred Mellor esq. Dunedin lodge, Castle Hill

avenue, Folkestone
Clerk to the Magistrates, George Wilks, High street

Petty Sessions are held at the New Sessions hall every alter-

nate thursday & the first monday in January, March, ScHOOL OF MusKETRY.

April, June, July, September, October & December, at Commandant, Col. C. G. Slade (late Rifle Brigade)
Elham, at eleven a.m
Deputy Assistant Adjutant Gen~ral, Major G. E. Barley,.

The following are the places included in the Petty Sessional (East Kent Regiment)
Division :-Acrise, .Aldington, Cheriton, Elham, Elm- Chief Instructor, Lieut.-Col. W. B. Burton {late Scottish
sted, Folkestone, Hawkinge, Hurst, Hythe, Lyminge, Rifles)
Lympne, Monk's Horton, Newington, Paddlesworth, Post- Captain Instructors, Lieut. J. Dutton Hunt (Highland L.L}
ling, Saltwood, Sellinge, Stanford, Stelling, Stelling & Capt. J. de Hoghton (Lincoln Regiment)
Lieutenant Instructors, Lieut. W. S. Burton (Royal Lanca.-
Minnis & Stowting shire Regiment) & Lieut. H. P. de la Bere (R. Scots Fus~

BOROUGH MAGISTRATES. Quartermaster & Acting Adjutant & Acting Paymaster,.
Capt. M. Murphy (late Durham Light Infantry)
The Mayor
Surgeon, J. Coates M.D. (hon. brigade surgeon)
Bull A. Hardwicke house Horton Benjamin, Seabrook
Lovegrove C. M.D. High st PUBLIC OFFICERS : -
Cobay H. T. High street Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes for Elham Division &.

Cobay George, High street Porter F. W. Moyle tower Hythe, George Wilks, High street

Clerk, George Wilks, High street Collector of Taxes, Henry Lee, High street
Inspector of Weights & Measures for the Borough of Hythe
Borough Petty Sassions are held every alternate thursday at
the New Sessions hall at n a.m & Elham Division, Joseph Tucker, Hill side

CORPORATION. Medical Officer &Public Vaccinator, Hythe district, Elham

r88g-9o. union, John Hackney M.D. Oaklands
Registrar of Births & Deaths for Hythe Sub-Distriet,

MAYOR, Daniel J. West Edward Palmer, Hill side; deputy, E. Pa.lmer, jnn.

DEPUTY MAYOR, Albert Day High street
RECORDER, George Darell Shee LL.B. 12 King's Bench walk, Town Crier, Richard Joseph Back, rz8 High street

Temple, London E c PLACES OF WoRSHIP, with times of services:-

ALUERMEN. St. Leonard's Church, Hill side, Rev. Thomas Guppy Hall

M.A. vicar ; Rev. E. A. J ohnstone B. A. curate ; holy com. g

*George Cobay 1§Henry Bean Mackeson a..m. ; matins & sermon, rr a. m.; evensong, 6.30 p.m.;
*William Rigden rst & 3rd sundays in the month, 2nd celebration after
I §William Brown Horton

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