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Kelly's Directory of Kent, Surrey & Sussex - 1891
Part 1 Kent - County & Localities

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Published by Colin Savage, 2018-08-09 20:14:45

KENT - 1891 (1)

Kelly's Directory of Kent, Surrey & Sussex - 1891
Part 1 Kent - County & Localities


1'6&Ching the town, passes over the Foord Valley on a viaduct since 1873, by the Rev. Claude Bosanquet :M.A. of~Oriel
of 19 arches, 750 feet long and nearly 100 feet in height.
College, Oxford, and surrogate. The area is 170 acres ;

The Folkestone and Dover line of the South Eastern rail- population in 1881, 6,869.

way, connecting those towns, passeCJ through the chalk by Holy •rrinity is an ecclesiastical parish, formed in I868:

the Martello tunnel, 766 yards in length; the Warren cut- the church is in the Sandgate road, at the west end of the

ting in the cliffs, 2 miles long, succeeded by the Abbot's town, and was partially erected by William, 3rd earl of

Cliff tunnel of 1940 yards, and at a great depth from the Radnor in 1868, and completed in 1889: it is a cruciform

surface, after which the line is carried close to the sea on a edifice of rag stone, with Bath stone dressings, in the Early

sea wall constructed of the chalk ; and thence to another English style, and consists oi chancel, clerestoried nave of

tunnel of 1331 yards through Shakespeare's Cliff. five bays, south aisle, transepts, organ chamber, vestry,

On November gth, 1881, the Lords Commissioners of and a central octagonal tower, surmounted by a short spire

H.M. Treasury, under the authority of the Customs Con- and containing one bell : there are 750 sittings, 250 being

solidation Act, 1876, appointed Folkestone, on and after free. The register dates from the year 1869. The living

January Ist, 1882, to be and continue a port, its limits is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £32, net yearly

commencing at Copt Point, being the western limit of the value £5oo, in the gift of the Earl of Ra.dnor, and held since

port of Dover, and extending westward along the coast of 1885 by the Rev. :Frederick Charles Woodhouse M.A. of St.
Kent and Sussex, to the point of the headland called Galley John's College, Cambridge. The area is 207 acres; th~t

Hill on the coast of Sussex, being the eastward limit of the population in 1881 was ;r,o6o.

port of Newhaven. St. John the Baptist's is an ecclesiastical parish, formed

The town is well supplied .with water by a company August 28, 1883, from Christ Church: the church, situated

incorporated under an Act of Parliament, with a reservoir in Foord, and formerly a chapel of ease to Christ Church,

at Cherry Gardens, and is drained in accordance with a was consecrated 21 Oct. 1879, and is an edifice of Kentish
scheme prepared by Sir Joseph Bazelgette c.B. and lighted rag with Bath stone dressings, in the Decorated style, with

with gas supplied from works near the Viaduct. Perpendicular insertions, and consists of clerestoried nave,

Telephonic communication has been established between south aisle and north porch : the Site was given by the Earl

here and Dover, Ashford, Hythe, Canterbury, Faversham of fudnor and the cost of the building was between £3,000

and Sittingbourne by the South of England Telephone Co. and £4,ooo: there are at present 470 sittings, 200 of which

The parish church of SS. Mary and Eanswythe, situated on are free. The register dates from the year 1883. The liv-

ar cliff overlooking the harbour, was founded in II37 by ing is a vicarage, net yearly value £150, in the gift of the

Nigel de Muneville, and is a cruciform building of flint, vicar of Christ Church, and held since 1890 by the Rev.

chiefly in the Early English style with later insertions, con- George Bennett Harding.

sisting of chancel with aisles, transepts, nave of five bays, The church of St. Michael and All Angels, situated on a

aisles, north porch and a central embattled tower of Per- fine site in the Dover road, was built in 1873 by public

pendicular date containing a clock and 8 bells : the interior is subscription, at a cost of £4,000, and is an edifice of red

fitted with open seats and the chancel with stalls; beneath the brick, in the Flamboyant style, consisting of chancel, nave,

tower is a stone groined ceiling ; the chancel is rich in Early north aisle, north porch and a western tower with spire,

English work and has arcades of two arches, on circular containing 8 tubular bells: the foundation stone 'Of the aisle

pillars, with rude capitals ; in the north wall is a fine altar- was laid April 30, 1883, by Emily, Lady D'Aguilar, and it

tomb of the Early Decorated period, beneath a singularly was opened May I, I884; subsequently a spire was added

elegant canopy: the tomb bears the effigy of a knight and is to the tower : the east window and several others are

enriched with a series of niches, each containing an image : stained ; the enlargement and decoration of the church has

the west window, presented by the medical profession of been effected at a cost of about £g,ooo, under the direction

England, is a memorial to Dr. Harvey, the discoyerer of the of Messrs. G. I<'. Bodley and T. Garner, architects: there

circulation of the blood, born at Folkestone 2 April, 1569: are 900 sittings. The register dates from the year 1873.

another window in the south aisle was presented by children The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £2oo, derived

and two small windows at the west end have been opened( 18go) from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, in the gift of the

at a cost of £6o: the ancient font, originally built into the wall vicar of Folkestone, and held since 1878 by the Rev. Edward

is now placed in the centre of a baptistery, the windows of Husband, of St. Aidans. Connected with this church is a

which represent the re-introduction of ChTistianity by St. "working boys' club." The population in 1881 was about

Augustine, with other incidents in his life: there is a brass to 4,46I.

Joan, wife of Thomas Harvey and mother of Dr. Harvey, ob. 8 St. Peter's is an ecclesiastical parish, formed November 13,

Nov. 1605: the reredos is of alabaster and white marble, beau- 1868: the church, erected by subscription in 1855, enlarged '

tifully carved, with a mosaic in the centre by Cappello, repre- in 1869 and with a porch added in 1882, stands on a promi-

senting angels censing: the sanctuary is adorned with an nent point of the East Cliff, at a place called "The

elegantarcading in alabaster, the panels being filled with mo- Durlocks" and is a building of Kentish rag stone, in the

saic"S of the Twelve Apostles, also by Cappello : in preparing Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays,

the north wall of the sanctuary for the alabaster work, the transepts, north aisle, west porch, a light fleche, rising from

remains of St. Eanswythe, the patron saint of Folkestone, the connection of the chancel, nave and transepts, and a

daughter of Eadbald, King of Kent t616-4o), were found western turret containing one bell: there are sedilia and a

inclosed in a leaden reliquary of the I2th century, thus credence table, and a fine reredos ; several of the windows

verifying the testimony of Lambard, who, writing in the are stained: the organ case has eight paintings on -wood of

16th century, states that the relics of St. Eanswythe were 15th century work and elaborate carvings by Hems, of

brought to the present church from the ancient church of Exeter: there are 350 sittings. The register dates from the

St. Peter, which had been carried away by the ravages of year 1870. The living is a perpetual curacy, gross yearly

the sea : the church has been thoroughly restored in and since value £106, in the gift of trustees, and held since 1868 by

18701 at a cost of £IO,ooo, the nave (previously of three the Rev. Charles Joseph Ridsdale BA. of Caius College,
bays) being extended two bays further westward: in 1890 Cambridge. The population in 1881 was 1,916.

the wall of the north aisle was decorated with a series of St. Saviour's is an ecclesiastical parish, formed August 21,

paintings and other mural ornaments by Mr. Alfred 0. 1885, from the parish of St. Michael and All Angels: the

Hemming,the paintings representing the Stations of the Cross, church, situated in Canterbury road, and opened in June,

painted on mahogany panels, and the windows are stained I882, is a temporary iron structure, seating 400 persons.

with representations of five of the archbishops of Canter- The register dates from the year 1882. The living is an in-

bury: there are 1,200 sittings, all b2ing free. The register cumbency, net yearly value £so, in the gift of the Arch-

dates from the year 1635. The living is a vicarage, net bishop of Canterbury, and held since 1887 by the Rev.
yearly value £3oo, with residence, in the gift of the Arch- Alfred Glennie Day M. A. of Christ Church, Oxford.

bishop of Canterbury, and held since 1851 by the Rev. Emmanuel temporary mission church, situated in the

Matthew Woodward, of St. Aidans M.A.cantr. and surrogate. Cheriton road, is a plain brick buildiug and will seat about

Christ Church is an ecclesiastical pari~!., formed in 1851: 250, all free ; minister, Rev. Nicolas R. Toke M. A. of Corpus

the church, built at the sole cost of William, 3rd earl of Christi college, Cambridge ; it is wholly supported by free-

Radnor, is situattld •m the road between Folkestone and will offerings.

Sandgate, and was consecrated 27th July, I85o; it is a The Catholic church dedicated to Our Lady Help of

building of Kentish rag with Bath stone dressings, in a plain Christians and St. Aloysius, in Guildhall street, was erected

Gothic style, and consists of chancel, clerestoried nave of in 1889 at a cost of about 1,"6,ooo, and is a structure of local

five bays, aisles, transepts (the north transept forming an brick with Bath stone dressings, in the Early Gothic style,

organ chamber), north and south porches, and a very low from designs by Mr. Leonard Stokes, architect, of London,

western tower containing one bell : the church has been and consists of chancel, nave, sacristies and two towers, one

several times enlarged, especially in 1885, when the chancel of which contains bells: the high altar, of carved oak, was

was lengthened 25 feet and transepts erected from plans by executed by Meyer of Munich, at a cost of £6oo, and in-

Mr. A. Rowland Barker, architect: there are I, I 50 sittings, cludes several statues and paintings of saints, and the altar

450 being free. The register dates from the year 1851. table is adorned with a copy of Raphael's " Last Supper : "

The living is a vicarage, yearly value £6oo, chiefly derived one of the minor altars is a memorial to the late Mrs.
from pew rents, in the gift of the Earl of Radnor, and held Cannon: the organ was presented by Miss Gascoyne, at a

262 .fOLKESTON:t:. .... (KELLY'S

cost or £350 t there are ab(.mt 750 $ittings: attached to the with Fagg's patent bathing carriage, which oonsists ot 29'
churc4 is a. presbytery. . cabins mounted on an iron frame fitted with wheels, running

, Here is a Congregational chapel, built in 1824; three Qn a tram line, the floor of the carriage being horizontal,

Baptist chapels ;-a Primitive Methodist chapel, seating 354, ~nd remaining so .at all states of the tide and it is drawn up
blJ.ilt .inc ri868 ; and a meeting house for the Soeiet)l of ' and let down by a wire rope. The cabins open on either

Friends, whose registers date from 1656. side into a corridor and at the sea end is placed a safety

The Wesleyan chapeh opened in 1866, is a. building in the crate for mm-swimmers to bathe in and diving boards are

Early English style and will seat about x,ooo -persons. arranged at the sides and end of the crate.

The Bradstone Hall, a structure of brick, built in 1879, is Tbe Victoria hospital,. situated on the north-east and

now the property oJ the Salvation Army, and has sittings facing Radnor park, was erected r88g-9o at a cost of np•

for 700. wards of £7,300 in place of the old hospital and dispensary

Folkestone cemetery, situated in Cheriton road, near established in 184(5, in the Dover road, and is a building of

ShorncliffEl station, was opened in ;r858, and occupies 9 acres; red brick with .Bath stone dressings, from designs by Mr.

it bas two mortuary chapels, and is under the control of a Josepb Gardner, architect, and contains 20 beds, a dis-,

burial board of 12 members. Jn 188x a monument was pensary, and consulting and operating rooms; provision

erected here by the German government in memory of being also made for enlargement, if necessary. During the

about 200 pf the crew of the "Grosser Kurfiirst," which year 1889 there were 2, II3 out-patients under treatment,
foundered off Folkestone, May~ l878., more than 100 bodies of whom sx died, 1,968 were either cured, convalescent, or

r~overed being interred here. relieved, and 94 were under treatment on the 31st December,

The Convent. of the Faithful Virgin, situated in Dover 1889. The number of in•patients was 105. Of these 9 died,

street. was founded in x875. for the purpose of affording 88 received benefit, and 8 were in the ho8pital on the 3rst

h\ghey education; delicate (bu.t not unhealthy) children be- December, 1889. The hospital is managed by a committee.

longing to the Norw6od Orphanage are "placed here, the The Sanatorium for infectious diseases (small pox ex•

average number of inmates being 57· cepted), erected in 'I877, at a cost of about [2,000 and

'),'he Town Hall, erected in x86o, on the site of the former finely situated on the East Cliff, contains 8 wards, with 14

hall. is" an edifice in the Italian 11tyle, with plain rusticated beds and detached offices. There is also a. small-pox hos•
lower ~tory; the upper story being adorned with Corin- pital, built under the hills about a mile from the town and

thian ~lumns: supporting an entablature: it has also a containing 4 wards, with 8 beds. · '

striking illuminated clock : the large hall is about 8o feet by St. Gabriel's House of Rest for Gentlewomen, founded in,

50 feet and will hold 700 persons; there are also council, 1885, is situated in Lennard roa.dt three minutes' walk from

*'magistrates', committee and other rooms in the building, & Folkestone Junction station and within a sllort distance from
police statioo and cells and market under. the sea. The home is open to gentlewomen only who desire

The Masonic :aan and Club, situated in Rendezvous rest, change of air and pleasant society ; expenses are most

ss.street, was built. in 1886 at a cost of £2,500, and is an edifice moderate and the S. E. R. Co. gran1 monthly return tickets

in the Classic style, from designs by Mr. Reginald Pope, at. from all their London stations. All oommunications
architect, of Folkestone. '£he rooms for lodge meetings and should be addressed to the Sister~in•charge.

public .p1eetmgs are on the first floor and the club premises The George Sturge Convalescent Home, established in the

on the ground floOt': the ball will hold 300 persons. J spring of 1885 for patients or both sexes, is situated on

The Folkestone Masonic Hall, situated in Grace hill, and Radnor bridge, a few minutes' walk from the Downs, and

ert~cted in x888 by a company possessing a share capital of within a short distance of I<'olkestone Junction Station. The

.£g,ooo, is a large structure of brick, fa<.oed with cement, home is entirely unsectarian, and patients are admitted on

and contain!! on the ground tloor a large reading room well payment of 8s. per week for adults and 3s. 6d. per week for

supplied with daily and weekly papers, card and billiard children. Special arrangements have been made with the

rooms, smoke and grill rooms and a bar. The lodge room South Eastern Railway Company for the transit of patients.

on the first floor is sometimes used for public meetings and The home is managed by a committee of five gentlemen and

-will hold 300 persons; adjoining it are ladies' and gentle- twelve ladies belonging to the Society of Friends; the num·

men's dressing rooms. The upper portioil of the building ber of patients admitted in 1889 was 26r, Offices: Friends'

is used as steward's quarters. Institute, Bishopsgate street without E c

The National Provincial Bank of England has a branch in St. .Andrew's Convalescent Home, East Cliff, was founded

Sandgate road. The Folkestone bank was opened 19 Dec. iR 18751 for invalids of both sexes; in 1889 the income was
1887 e there is also a savings bank at the Town hall, under £3,380 and the number of patients admitted 1,540; the

the management of government trustees. new building for Ioo patients (including children), the

.J<'olkestone is the bead quarters of No. 3 Battery, xst foundation stone of which was laid by H.I.H. the Duchess

Cinqne Ports Volunteer Brigade,- Eastern Division, Royal of Edinburgh, on Tuesda~, April 18th, 1882, is situated on

Artillery. ' the East Cliff, overlooking the sea, and has a pleasant gar-

Th.e Radnor Club, Sandgate road, is situated next to the den attached; .the cost amounted to [17,000; the home is

w'.est Cliff Hotel: admission is by ballot, except in the case managed by a council of nine clergymen and nine laymenT

of tempo.rary members, such as officers of the army and and the work is carried on entirely by the sisters of the

navy quartered in Kent, and visitors introduced by two community of St. John Baptist. Patients al'e admitted free

permanent members. · on a subscriber's recommendation or by weekly paylllilnt;

The Public Free Library and Museum, Grace hill, erected no restriction is imposed as to distance or religious opinions.

at a cost of £s,ooo, was opened to the public II April, 1890. The South Eastern Railway Company grant monthly return

The building is of brick in the Queen Anne style and con- tickets at ss. from all their London stations.

tains a library and museum and a large lecture hall in The London Medical Mission Convalescent Home at Netley

which the Science and Art classes meet. The reference cottage, Claremont road, was established in 1876: admission

library contains about 5,000 volumes. is obtained by subscriber's ticket or payment.

The Folkestone Working Boys' Club was established by The endowed, charities are numerous and amount to £t6o

the Rev. E. Husband in 1873 for recreation, and is supported yearly.

l>y voluntary contributions: it numbers about 200 members. The Tercentenary memorial to Dr. Harvey, the discoverer

7'he Young Men's Christian Association occupies premises of the circulation of the blood, is situated on the Lees, and

in Church street. consists of a bronze statue of Harvey, modelled:. by Mr.

The Pavilion Hotel, adjoining the Harbour and the Lees, Albert Bruce-Joy, the figure, placed on a. granite pedestal,

is an extensive establishment, with a winter garden, and :is was uncovered August 6, t88r, by Professor Owen, in: the

the property of the South Eastern Railway Co. presence of about 150 medical gentlemen from the Inter-

The Queen's hotel, pleasantly situated in the centre of the national Medical Congress then sitting in London. The

town and near the sea, is a fine buildin~ erected in 1884 total cost was about £2,000.

at a cost of ,£25,000 and furnished at a cost of £u,ooo; Radnor Park, to the north-west of the town and adjoining

it contains upwards of 200 bedrooms. The Lees hotel, near the Radnor Park station, covers an area of 20 acres, laid out
by the Corporation at a cost of about .£s,ooo and was
the Lees, is also 11large and handsome building.

The Post Office, erected in 1886 by H.M. Government in opened as a recreation ground 9 June, 1886, by Viscount

the Sandgate road, is a building of red brick with stone Folkestone, now Earl of Radnor, by whom it was presented
at a nominal rental of £5 yearly in perpetuity.
dressings in a modern Elizabethan style.

The Bathing Establishment, erected in the year x869 by a :Folke!'ltone pleasure gardens situated near the Shorncliffe

joint-stock company, and situated at the base of the cliff Station, contain the buildings used for the purposes of the

beneath the Lees, is a structure in the Italian style, freely recent exhibition. Thefagade facesBouverieroad west, and

treated, from designs by Mr. Joseph Gardner, architect. is opposite Trinity road, a thoroughfare leading direct from

On the lower tier is a large swimming and plunge bath the Lee$. The buildings consist of a lofty central hall or

-with every description oJ medicated and invalid baths: the nave, 70 feet w:ide and 210 feet long, with galleries on each

first floor is devoted to warm and cold baths and the upper side g8o feet long and 30 feet wide, and continuous by being

floor comprises assembly rooms and billiard and refresh- placed on three sides of a quadrangle. The centre roof is

ment room$, .besides a large saloon used for balls and con- constructe4 of arched lattice ribs, resting on wrought iron

certs and as a generallounge. The establishment is supplied columns 49 feet high, and rising in the centre to the heigh~


()f'63 feet. The side roofs between the principals are go feet Folkestone gives the title of Viscount to the Bourveri~

frQm the ground. The roofs to a large extent are glazed. family, of which the head is the Earl of Radhor, lord of tbp

In front of the central hall are the entrances and executive manor and chief landowner. t • ·~
()ftices, built of brick, with cement dressings, in the Italian The populati{)n of the municipal borough in ;r871 wa1 s

style with a large portico at the entrance ; on each eide of c1r2e,a9s5e1d.andThine 1881, 18,986, but has since considerably in•fi
po_pulation in 1881 of the parish was 1~,297;
tlie hall is a. tower about 70 feet in height with a domical ;

the--lower part of the tower is utilised for offices, and the rateable value, £150,427; the area of the parish, 4oii<lO

upper part for tanks. acres. t
'The Benedl.cti'ne pr1'ory or nunnery of SS. Mary and
Eattswythe was ori!finallv founded in 630 by Eadbald, King COOLINGE is 1 mile west~ BR0.1DMEAD1 I mile nortb-wes j

()tKent, and the Prmcess St. Eanswythe, his daughter, who HoLY WELL, 2 miles north-west.

was its first prioress and was buried here: it was destroyed RAINDEN, 3 miles north-west, was incorporated with the
by the Danes in the time of Athelstan and refounded by parish of Folkestone by order of quarter sessions, jrd July~

Nigel de Manville. 1866. Uphill Hamlet, partly in this J?arish, now forms part

Many curious fossil remains are found near Folkestone; of Hawkinge.

afso pyrites, talc and fullers' earth. To the north of the Parish Clerk, SS. Mary & 'Eanswythe, Charles H. Oldroy9,
to~n are Castle hill, Sugar Loaf hill and Folkestone hill, 26 Church street.
tlte •atter 575 feet high. The Romans had a tower here on Parish Clerk, Christ Church, Phineas Fox, 4 Gloster pt '

the hill, of which the earthworks remain. Parish Clerk, Holy Trinity, Robert Travis, 4 Coolinge til~.

'To the east of the town is the locality known as the War- 'Parish Clerk, St. John the Baptist. WiJliam John Ga~-

ren, composed of boulders and verdure between the cliffs and brill, 41 Broadmead road. ''

the shore of East Wear bay. Sexton, St. Michael & All Angels, Leonard Swain.

Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.

PoS'i'& M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- •

Postmistress, Miss Spearpoint, Sandgate road CouNcn.r.ons.

HOURS OF ATTENDANCE-Week Days.-Head "Office & Ton- North Ward.
tine Street Branch office open to the public from 7 a.~ to
Alderman appoi,nted to take the polls at Municipalelecttio]J.ll,
to p.m. ; savings bank, money order &insurance business,
tGeorge Spurgen John Dunk.
9 a. m. to 6 p. m. ; stamps sold or purchased, postal orders
I :J:William Salter
"Soltlorpaid,7 a.m. ~ telegraphbusiness, 7a.m.
*George Catt Conley
to 10 p.m. Snndays-Head Office. only.-For telegraph
East Ward. .
\msiness, sale of postage stamps & registration, 7 to 10 a.m.
Alderman appointed to take the Mun~cipalel!letioos,
5 to 6p.m
John Banks.
tCharles Joseph Pursey :J:Richard Godden San.deri
London, Ashford, Red Hill, 8.30 a.m. ; Sandgate, Shorn-
tGeorga J>rebble *Daniel Baker 1
cliffe Camp, 9.30 a.m. ; Boulogne-sur-Mer, :France, n tCharlet~ Payer
*Thomas Logan

West Ward. 1
a..m.; London,Ashford, Red Hill, II-35 a..m. (with extra Alderman appointed to take the polls at M11.njcipalelections,
fee, 11.45 a.m.); Dover, 2.15 p.m.; London & beyond, & ,.
'foreign mails, 2.50 p.m. (with extra fee, 3 p.m.); Canter- tJohn Holden John Sherwood,· J •
- I :J:Thomas John Vaughan
_bury, 3-45 p.m. ; Ashford, Dover, Red Hill, 4· 15 p.m. ; tSurg.-Major Wm. Evelyn t :J:Somerset B~ett Saunderso~
Sandgate, ~horncliffe Camp, 4·45 p.m.: London & beyond, I *Stephen l'enfold
Alston lii.D. ·
Ashford, Dover & Red Hill, 6.30 p.m. (with extra fee,
*George E\·an Tbompson
6.55 p.m.); Continent, 6.55 & 8.30 p.m.; all parts, 10.40
p.m. (with extra fee, II p.m. ). Sundays.-Boulogne-sur- Marked thus t retire in 1890.
Marked thus ! retire in 18!H.
Mer, :France, 9.30 a.m.; all parts, 10.4op.m. (with extra
Marked thus"' retire in 1892.
fee, II p.m)
Marked thus , retire in 1895.

PARC:JO:Ls-"'EEK DAYS. Mayor's Auditor, Councillor George Spurgen

London, Ashford, Red Hill, 8.30 a.m. ; Sandgate & Shorn- Borough Auditors, George Pope & Thomas L. Fearon r .
cliffeCamp, 9.30 a.m.; London, Ashford, Red Hill, 11.45 The quarterly meetings of the Corporation are held the firs~
a.m.: Dm·er & Canterbury, 2.15 p.m.; London &beyond, Wednesday in Jan. May &Aug. at 10 a.m.; & on Nov. a:o
Ashford, Dover & Red Hill, 4· 15 p.m. ; Sandgate & Shorn- at 12 noon ; the monthly meetings are held on the first
cliffe Camp, 4·45 p.m.; London & beyond, Ashford, wed. in every month at 10 a. m. at the Town Hall
Dover & Red Hill, 6.55 p.m. ; all parts, xo p.m
Hour of Town delivery. AUTHORITY.

From all parts, 7 a.m.; London & beyond, Ashford, Do•er, Town Clerk, Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority & Clerk
Red Hill, Sandgate &Shorncliffe Camp, I I a.m. ; London,
'Ashford & Red Hill, 3.20 p.m. ; London, Ashford. Dover, of the Peace, William George Southey Harrison, 4 Cheri-

Sandgate, Shorncliffe Camp & Tunbridge, 7.30 p.m. Sun- ton place ·
days. -From all parts, 7 a.. m
Deputy Town Clerk, Albert Moat, 4 Cheriton place

Borough Treasurer, Hy. Barrett Thornton, 94 Sandgate rd

PARCELS-WEEK DAYS. Medical Officer of Health, William Bateman, 32 Sandgate rd
Hour of Town delivery.
Coroner, John Minter1 6 West Cliff gardens
Public Analyst, S. Harvey, Canterbury
From all parts, 7 a. m.; London & beyond, Ashford, Dover, Borough Engineer &Surveyor & Inspector of Nuisances &
RP.d Hill, Sandgate & Shorncliffe Camp. II a. m. ; Lon- Superintendent of the :Fire Brigade, Alexander William
don, Ashford, Red Hill, 3.20 p.m.; London, Dover, Tun- Conquest C.E. Town hall
bridge, 6 p.m. ; Ashford, Sandgate, Shorncliffe Camp, Superintendent of Police, John 'l'aylor, Town hall
Inspector of Weights & Measures, Jn. W. Boorn, 26 Doverst
LocAL MAILS.-Latest time for posting, 6.30 & 10.30 a.m. Librarian, Stuart J. Hills
3 & 7 p.m. ; for delivery at 7 & II a.m. 3.20 & 7.30 p.m
~RANCH P. 0., M. 0. 0., T. 0. & Insurance & Annuity Collector of Rates, Frededck I<'rancis, High street
Town Sergeant & Coroner's Officer, James Kennett Boorn,
Office, Tontine street.-W. Elgar, clerk in charge. Dis- Town hall
PLpEaAtScUhResEaGt A8R,1D0E. NISS&PIoIs.T15&a.mM..&02..300•.3, ·5so., 6. I5,8 &9 p.m
• Annuity Borough Magistrates.
B. &

& Insurance Office, Guildhall street.-Mrs. M. Stace, The Mayor

receiver. Dispatches, 8.101 10.25 & 11.25 a.m. 2.1o, 41 John Banks, 5 Foord road
6.25 & 8.55 p.m
William Bateman, 32 Sandgate road, Folkestone
PosT & M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Francis Boykett, 17 The Lees, Folkestone
"'59 Dover road.-B. I<'erris, receiver. Dispatches, 8.15 John Brooke, Fernshaw, Radnor park .
& a.m.; 1.55, 5.50 & 9.3op.m.; sun. 9.3op.m. only Capt. Willonghby H. Carter, 23 Clifton crescent,Folkestone
PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, John Clark~ Dover road
I<'oord.-R. Wiles, receiver. Dispatches, 7 & II a.m. & 8 Captain John W. Cro-we, IO Millfield
_p. m. ; sundays, 7 a. m ,

• Colonel George de Crespigny, I9 Bouverie sq. Fo)kestone

Corporation 1889-90. ,John Dunk, 39 Manor road

MAYOR-John Holden. John Fitness, 9I Sandgate road
Capt. :Francis C. Fletcher, 19 Clifton gardens, FolkeStone
DEPUTY-MAYOR-Stephen Penfold.
Surg.-Gen. Richard Gilborne, 13 Castle Hill avenue
"RECORDER, John Charles Lewis Coward, 3 Pump court, William George Herbert
John Hoad, Whitsunden, I<'rittenden, Staplehurst
Temple, London E c. James Pledge, 180 Guildhall street
Major Stephen Penfold, 70 Cheriton road

*John Sherwood 1 ~John Dunk

*John Banks 1'-James Pledge


Henry W. Poole, 40 Sandgate road St. John Baptist, Foord, Rev. George Bennett Harding,
vicar; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m
William J'. Jeaffreson, 2 Trinity road, Folkestone

John Sherwood, 16 Manor road St. Michael & All Angels Church, Dover road, Rev. Edward

Edward T. Ward, 5 The Lees Husband, vicar; 8, II a.m. & 3.30 & 6.30 p.m.; daily

Alfred M. Watkin, 4 Castle Hill avenue, Folkestone (except moo.), at 8 a.m. &; 7.15 p.m

William Wightwick, Hilden, Cheriton place St. Peter's Church, The Durlocks, Rev. Charles Joseph Rids-

Clerk, Henry Barrell Bradley, 52 Sandg-ate road dale B.A. incumbent ; 8, 10.30 & u. 15 a.m. ; 3.30 & 6.3G

Petty Sessions held daily at the Town hall at u o'clock p.m. ; daily 8 a.m. & 7 p.m

Quarter Sessions are held at the Town hall in Jan. April, St. Saviour, Canterbury road, Rev. Alfred G. Day M.A.

July & Oct. John Charles Lewis Coward, recorder incumbent; 7.15 & 11 a.m. ; 3·45 &6.30 p.m.; daily 8p.m

Public Establishments. Emmanuel Mission Chw-ch, Cheriton road, Rev. Nicholas R.
Toke lii.A. minister; n a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; tues & thurs.

Dathiog Establismeot, The Beach 7·30 p.m

Borough Police Station, Town hall, John Taylor, superin- St. Augustine Mission, Millbay, High street, Rev. Edga:r-

tendent, 4 sergeants & 23 men Lee T.A.K.C.L. curate-in-charge; 7 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m

Cemetery~ Cberiton road, H. B. Bradley, clerk to the burial St. Aloysius (Catholic), Guildhall st. Rev. Francis J. Den-

board; James Large, Cemetery lodge, supt. of cemetery nan, priest ; 8.30 & 11 a. m. ; 6.30 p.m. ; daily 8.30 a. m

Cinque Ports 1st Artillery Volunteers Brigade, Eastern Divi- Friends Meeting House, Dover street ; u a. m. & 7 p.m. ~

sion, Royal Artillery (3rd battery), store-house & drill wed. & sat. 8 p.m

shed, 133 Doter road, Major Stephen Penfold, command- Baptist, Rendezvous street, Rev. :R. Foster Jeffery, minister;

ing; W. Bateman, sutgeon; Rev. M. Woodward H. A. hon. 11 a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; mon. & wed. 7 p.m

chaplain; John Hartley, sergeant-major ~ Baptist (Ebenezer), Rossendale road, Rev. John de Forde,.

Congregational Hall, Tontine street minister; 11 a.m. ; 6.30 p.m. ; tues. 7 p.m. ; will seat

Corporation Fire Brigade, Dover.rd. A. W. Conquest c.E. capt 300, all free

County Court, His Honor W. L. Selfe, judge; W. G. S. Baptist (Zion), St. Michael's street; u a. m. & 6.30 p.m.;.

Harrison, registrar & high bailiff; Wm. Hy. Harrison, thurs. 8 p.m .

deputy registrar ; office, 4 Cheriton pl. The court is held Congregational, Tontine street, Rev. Alfred J. Palmer,.
at the Town ball every month. Places in the jurisdiction minister; u a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m

are Acrise, Cheriton, Folkestone, Hawkinge, Paddlesworth Primitive Methodist, Dover street, Rev. John William Booth,

& Swingfield minister; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7.30 p.m

Certified .Bailiffs appointed under the Law of Distress Wesleyan, Grace hill, Rev. A. Parkes, minister; u a. m. &

Amendment Act, Fredk. Major, Tontine st.; Jas. Pledge, 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7 p.m

Guildhall st.; John Banks, Sandgate rd.; Timothy John Wesleyan Mission, Canterbury road, various ministers; 11

Harrison, Alexandra gardens ; Henry Howell Barton, a.m. & 6 p.m. ; moo. & wed. 7 p.m. ; seats 250

Guildhall st. & John Castle, Dover road Tontine Street Mission Hall, Tontine street

Custom House, Harbour, D. Dunglinson, clerk in charge; Schools.
P. Hoad, W. MallinPon, C. F. Tallack, clerks; T. Smith,

C. L. Jones, D. J. Jewell, G. W. Gaze, examining officers; Higher Technical School (under management of SirEd. Hay

R. Tsylor, W. E. Newton, assistant examining-officers; Currie), opened Sept. 1889; number of pupils, 22; head

Free Public Library, Grace hill, Stuart G. Hills, librarian; master, Robert Montgomery B.A. ; science master, F. R.

John Ashtell, sssistant curator Tennant B.A. ; language master, W. H. Moreland B.A.;

Inland Revenue Office, Custom house, Wm. Adams, officer lecturer in civil & mechanical engineering, A. W. Bevis;

Masonic Hall & Club, Rendezvous street lecturer in elect. engineering, W. Slingo

St. Andrew's Convalescent Home, East cliff, R L. Bowles Free Grammar, Foord road, founded in 1674 by Sir Eliab

M.D. hon. physician ; C- Lewis, bon. surgeon ; H. A. Harvey. was rebuilt in 1882 in the Elizabethan style, with

Cockerill, hon. sec. ; Rev. William Hedley, chaplain a tower in centre, from the designs of R. '-"heeler esq. :

St. Gabriel's House of Rest, Lennard road, C. E. Perry u.n. the building is intended for about 200 pupils, of whom 10

hon. physician are admitted free: provision is made for the reception of

Sanatorium, East cliff, John Pearson, !mperintendent 20 boarders. The school, formerly governed by an .Act

Small Pox Hospital, Folkestone bill, John Pearson, snpt of Parliament, 21 & 22 Vict. c. xx. is now administered'

Stamp Office, Sandgate rd. Miss Spearpoint, sub-distributor under a new scheme of the Charity Commissioners, ap-

The George Sturge Convalescent Home, Radnor bridge, proved by the Queen in Council, 26 June, 1886. The

Miss Maria Martin, sec. ; Frederick Eastes M. n. hon. medi- governing body consists of 10 persons, one (the Mayor of

cal officer • :Folkestone) being ex-officio, 4 representative & 5 cg-

Town Hall & Market Place, Guildhall street optative. The income ts about £6o a year; Dr. Harvey,

Victoria Hospital, W. Bateman, W. J. Tyson M.D. & Fred- a native of Folkestone, contributed by will £200 to this

ericl~ Eastes M.D. hon. medical officers; M. G. Yunge- school, which, under the new scheme, has attached to it.

Bateman, assistant surgeon; A. J. Crane r..n.s.:a.c.s.Irel. 10 foundation scholarships, each entitling the holder to-

'hon. dental surgeon; J. J. Giles, dispenser; Rd. Kerr, sec exemption from the payment of tuition fees ; Richard

Public Officers. Stead F.R.G.s. head master
Kent College for girls, on the Lees, erected in 1886 at a cost
Assistant Overseer, Frederick Petts, Shellons street
of£s,ooo, under the auspices of the Kent Wesleyan Metoo-

Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes, W. Wightwick, 8A1 dist School Association Limited, is a building of red brick
Cheriton place
sofrom designs by Messrs. Ruck, Son & Smith, architects, of
Collector of Poor Rates, Frederick Petts, Shellons street .
Maidstone, & is arranged for 5 boarders & day scbolal'S'
Deputy Steward of Lord Radnor's Manors, W. G. S. Harri- A School Board of 9 members was formed in 1882 for the

son; 4 Cheriton place borough of Folkestone; Alfred Henry Gardner, solicitor,

Harbour Master, Commander James Alfred Boxer R.N BA, Cheriton place, clerk to the board; Thomas Holloway,

Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Folkestone District, Sandgate road, attendance officer

Elham Union, William Bateman, 32 Sandgate road Board School, Black Bull road, erected in 1884, at a cost of

Medical Officer of Health for Sandgate, Charles Edward .£'5136o, & opened January, 1886, bY' Sir Edward W.

Perry M.D. Linden house, Bouverie place Watkin hart. M.P. & the Right Hon, A. J. Mundella P.c.,

Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages & Vaccination M.P., F.R.s, ; the buildings are of red brick, with moulded

Officer, William Pope Birch, Grace hill courses & stone dressings in a modified form of the Queen.

Relieving Officer, Peter Hemsley, St, Michael street style; they will bold 700 children; average attend-

Sub-Distributor of Stamps, Miss Spearpoint, Sandgate road dance, 177 boys, 120 girls, 215 infant&; T. Artbur Mum-

Vestry Clerk, H. B. Bradley, 52 Sandgate road mery, master ; Miss Marian Marchant, mistress ; Miss

Places of Worship, with times of services. Eliza Blick, infants' mistress
Board School, Dover road, erected 1.886, at. an estimatecl

SS. Mary & Eanswythe (Parish) Church, Rev. Matthew of £4,607; average attendance, 190 boys, 186 girls &

Woodward M.A. vicar; Rev. Herbert Dixon Dale & Rev. 190 j,nfants ; David L. Luck, mMter ; Miss Elean~

John Waller M. A. curates; Charles Henry Oldroyd, 26 uoacb, mistress; Miss .A. Graham, infants' mistress

Church street, parish clerk; 7, 8 & u a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; Christ Church National l(mixed), Bouverie road, fOf' 3.50

daily 8 & 10 a.m. & 5 p.m children; average attendance, 265; Johu A. Richardsoo,

Christ Church, Sandgate road, Rev. Claude Bosanquet u.A. master ; Miss Anuie Asb, infants.' mistress
vicar; 11 a. m. & 3, 3·45 & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m. ; St. Mary's National, Dover road, erected in 1855 for 575
mon. tues. thurs. & fri. 5 p.m
children ; average attendance, 200 boys. 150 girls & 125 .

Holy Trinity Church, Sandgate road, Rev. Frederick Charles infants; Henry Ullyett B. se. master; Miss Annie Hearn,

Woodhouse M. A. vicar; Rev. E. J. Hampson B.A. curate; mistress; Miss Anne Binfield, infants' mistress

8 & 11 a.m. & 3·45 & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. & fri. Il a.m. ; St. Saviour's, Sidney street, opened in 1882, for 130 children;

daily 4.30 p.m. during winter months & 6 p.m. during average attendance, 120 ; Miss Emily Hayward, mistress; t

the summer months Mrs. Wilhelmina Reynolds, infants' mistress t


St. Eanswytbe's (girls & infants), The Bayle, for 120 chil- Holbein's Visitors' List, George lane, A. H. Holbein, pub·

dren; average attendance, II8 ; Miss Alice Hammond, lisher ; published wed

mistress Hythe & Sandgate Echo, I6 Shellons street, W. J. Jeaffreson,.

St. Peter's, East cliff, built in 18721 for 304 children ; aver- publisher ; published sat
Railway Stations.
age attendance, 73 boys, 50 girls & 77 infants; Thomas

Charles Cullum, master ; Miss Louisa Miles, mistress ;

Mrs. H. '\\'right, infants' mistress Junction & Harbour, William Mitchell, station master-

Cl'tholic, Guildhall street, built in 1884, for 94 children : Radnor park, Thomas Butler, station master

average attendance, So; Miss Plummer, mistress; Miss Shorncliffe, John Cheesman, station master

Casey, assistant mistress Conveyance.
Wesleyan (boys, girls & infants), Grace hill, opened in 1871,

for 350 children; average attendance, 167 boys & girls & HYTHE-Omnibus (Denne), through Sandgate from the-
6o infants; Wm. Bramley, master; Miss C. Warren, mist . Town hall, six times a day, sundays four times

Newspapers, Carriers.

Folkestone Argus, 62 High street, Sidney Rogers, editor ; Pickford & Co. by rail to all parts, daily, Rendezvous street

published weekly DOVER-S. Anderson, daily; carts, from Rose inn, Rendez-

Folkestone Chronicle, High street & Tontine street, William vous street, leaving 'Royal Oak,' Dover, 5 p.m. ; Mackett,

Pope Birch, publisher ; published sat mon. & thnrs. 2 p.m

Folkestone Express, 31 High street, John English, publisher; AsHFORD-T. Checksfield, daily, from Tontine street

published wed. & fri Water Conveyance.
Folkestone News, 17 Guildhall street ; works, Shellons street,

published fri South Eastern & Continental Steam Packet Company's

Folkestone Observer & Times, 'fontine street, D. Sumner, Office, Thomas George Ledger, agent, Harbour

publisher ; published wed . Steam packets to Boulogne twice a day

PRIVATE RESIDENTS, Bradley Henry Barrell, 34 Manor road Cox Mrs. 6o Castle Hill avenue

Adams Mrs. 99 Dover street Bramley William, 23 Coolinge road Cox Thomas, I8 Connaught road

Adams William, 3 Copthall gardens Brancker Mrs. I5 Christchurch road Craig Mrs. 6 Christchurcl:t road

Adams Wm. Norval,2 East Cliff gardns Bray Charles, I2 Copthall gardens Craig Mrs. John, 17 Christchnrch road:

Adolphus Miss, 33 Cheriton place Briggs Mrs. 5 Kingsno.rth gardens Crane Andrew James, 71 Sandgate rd

Alien Mrs. 46 Park road Brockman Alfred Drake,78 Cheriton rd Creagh Giles Vandelier, 17 Millfield

.Allfree Mrs. 27 Brockman road Bromley Andrew, 4 Bouverie place Creery Mrs. 96 Sandgate road •

Anderson Gen. David, I8 Manor road Brooke John, Fernshaw, Radnor park Cresswell Mrs. 5 Darby place

Andrews Charles, 18 Coolinge road Brown Frederick, I2 Claremont road Croft Archer Bernard, 22 CastleHill av
Cronk George Edward, 13 Victoria gr~
Andrews Mrs. Wm. 39 St. Michael's st Brown John Thomas, 7 Park road

Armstrong Miss, 5 Millfield Brown Mrs. 15 London street Crookes John Farrar, 45 Angnsta gdns

.Ashbee Mrs. 4 St. Michael's str-eet Bruce Miss, 64 Coolinge road. Crowe Capt. John W1lliam, 10 Millfield

Ashtell John, sen. 7 Lennard road Brunger Marshall George, I Oxford ter CrozierCol. Stanley,I4Westbourne gdns

Ashtell John, jun, 14 London street Bruuies Miss, 29 Cheriton gardens Cullen Miss, 10 .Bouverie square

Aspinall Mrs. IO The Lees Buchanan Miss, 27 Augnsta gardens Cullen Miss, 2') Guildhall street

Athill Mrs. 27 Millfisld Budgen Miss, 28 Victoria grove : Cullen Mrs. 86 Cheriton road

Atkins Robert, I23 Dover street Burrows James, 7 Coolinge road Cullen Mrs. 9 Millfield

Atkinson Jas. Jn. Cranley ho. Dover rd Burton George, 86 Dover street Currie Sir Edmund Hay, 44 & 46

.Austen Miss, I Trinity crescent Burvill Thomas, I31 Dover street Castle Hill avenue

Badham Mrs. Sandgate road Bush Robert, 25 St. Michael's street Curtis Charles Wm.J.P.25 Clifton grdns

Baker Daniel, 13 Copthall gardens Butler Miss, I9 Manor road Custance Miss, l<'riern cot. East cliff

Baker John, 5 Foord road Byng The Hon. James Master Owen l Cutts Mrs. II Millfield
D.L., J.P. 2 Marine parade D'Aguilar Genl. Sir Charles
Banks Harry, 57 Dover road Lawrence.

Banks Miss, I4 Cheriton gardens Caldwell Mrs. 25 Manor road R.A., K.C.B. 4 Clifton crescent
Barclay Chas. Arthur,43 Augusta grdns Camburn Hawtrey John, 25 Coolinge rd 1 Dakin Mrs. 29 Brockman road

Barker Mrs. 8 Kingsnorth gardens Campbell William M.D. (deputy inspec- Daly Hon. Robert, I6 Trinity crescent

Barrows Hill Thomas, II Marine cres tor of hospitals), 2 Manor road Dane Edmund Augnstus, 6o Dover rd:

Bass Mrs. 14 Victoria grove Carr Mrs. 78 Cheriton road Dane Mrs. 8 Copthall gardens
Bate Mrs. ~ Guildhall street
Cartel' Capt. Willoughby Harcourt, 23 Danvers Mrs. 24 London street

BaLeman William, 32 Sandgate road Clifton crescent Darby-Griffiths Mrs. Geo. I9Clifton cres

Bates Henry Waiter, 4 Lennard road Carter Mrs. 104 Sandgate road Darley Frederiek Henry, 5 Church st

Bawen-Lindon Herbert,4 Augusta gdns Cartwright Robert, 51 Augusta gardns Davidson Maj-Genl. Rt. 4 CastleHill av

Baynes l<'ras. Hill, 24 Westbourne grdns Carus- Wilson Rev. Wm. B. A. 3 Earles av Davis Capt. ueorge, 2I5 Dover road

Beaumont Miss, 106 Sandgate road Catterall Mrs. 4 Darby road Davis Sydney, 35 Brockman road

Begent Miss, 13 Folly road Chamberlin Mios, 2I Bouverie square Davy Capt. Chas. Leigb, 68 Cheriton rd

Bentinck Walter, 17 Clifton gardens Chambers Rev. Willia.m Frederick M.A. Davy John Risdon, 8 Sandgate road

Bentley Mrs. 36 Bouverie square I4 Castle Hill avenue Dawson Mrs. 29 Cheriton gardens

Berrie Robert, 26 Christchurch road Chancellor Mrs. George, I The Lees Dawson Philip, I7 Brockman road

Berryman Miss, 12 Kingsnorth gardens Chandler Josepll, 5 Coolinge road Dawson Robert, 7 Claremont road

Bevis Alfred William, 8 Claremont rd Chapman Charles James, 7 Cheriton pl Day Rev. Alfred H. Glennie M.A. [in-

Bills Mrs. 68 Dover road Charles Edmund James, 53 Dover road cumbent of St. Saviour's]

Birch Miss, 52 Cheriton road Checkley Miss, I Earles avenue Day Miss, I27 Sandgate road

Bird William, I2 Christchurch road Cheverlier Mrs. 98 Cheriton road Day Mrs. 5 Bouverie place

Bisset Gen. Sir John J arvis K. c. M.G. ,c.B. Cheyney John George, 5oSt. Michael's st Dean lVlrs. 4 lngles road

123 Sandgate road Christian Mrs. Almaja, Shorncliffe rd Deane Mrs. Charles, 9 Bouverie square

Blackall Major Robert, 4 Clifton road Churchill Samuel M.D. I Cheriton place Death Mrs. 8 West Cliff gardens

Blades Col. Joel, 15 Brockman road Clark JamesSamuel,14Alexandra grdns De Butts Arthur,45 Cheriton road

Blake Mrs. 24 Christchurch road Clark William E. 15 Shellons street De Crespigny Col. Geo. I9 Bouverie sq

Blakeway Mrs. 29 Clifton gardens Clarke Rev. Waiter John M.A. Knoyle Deene Miss, I7 Kingsnorth gardens

Blandford Henry Fras. 7 lngles road house, Bouverie road east De Gramont Duchess, 15 The Lees

Blane Col. Artllur, 2 Bouverie rd. west Clemmans Henry, 3 Clifton crescent De Guerin William Collings Lukis, 9&
Clemmaus Geor~e Thos.86 Guildhall st
Boarer Mrs. 2 Bouverie place Sandgate road ·

BolJero Lieut.-Gen. George Neeld, 20 Cobb Miss, 18 Uuildhall street Dell Mrs. II Trinity crescent

Westbourne gardens Cobb Miss, 82 Sandgate road Delpratt Miss, 68 Coolinge road

Booth Rev. John William [Primitive CobbMrs.F.A.3Millfield vls.Cheriton rd Dennan Rev.FrancisJ.[Cath].Presbytry-

Methodist], 7 Canterbury road Cobbe Mrs. Enstace, 26Bouverie square Deuton Joseph, 34 Coolinge road

Booty Charles Frederick M.A.Stoneleigh, Coleman Mrs. u London street Dickenson Mrs. I3 Clifton gardens.

Shorncliffe road Conquest Alex. Wm. c.E.29 Dover road Dickson Spencer, 7 Trinity road

Bosanquet Rev. Claude M. A. [vicar of Corbett Hon. Mrs. 29 Millfield Digger John, 12 Victoria grove

Christ Church], 3I Cberiton gardens Corbyn Napier, 12 Folly road Dillon Col. Robert, I5Westbonrnegvdns
Dodd Percy V. B.A., T.C.D.,L.R.C.P.Lon~
Bosanquet Rev. Claude Charles Cour- Court Mrs. 62 Cheritonroad

thorpeM.A. [curate of Christ Church], Court Richard, 82 Dover street 36 Cheriton road

3I Cheriton gardens Court Stephen Joseph, I23 Dover road Donald James, 31 Brockman road

Bowles Robert Leamon M.D. 8 West ter Court William B. 4 East Cliff gardens Down Edward, 15 Richmond street.

Boxer Corn. James Alfd.R.N.Marine par Cowhan George, 5 Oxford terrace Downing Mrs. 1 Lennard road

Boykett Francis, 17 The Lees J Cowling J oseph, 29 Harvey street Drury Mrs. 55 Brockman road



Duff Geo. Ale:x. 54 Castle Hill avenue Griffith Thomas, 6 Marine terrace Husband Rev.Edwd. [vicar of St. Michael

Dungey James, IOO Guildhall street Gross Mn;:. 16 Alexandra gardens & All Angels], Vicarage, 43 Dover rd

])unglinson Daniel, 57 Brockman road Grosvenor Miss, 113 Sandgate road Huson William, 88 Dover street
Hussey Rev. Arthur Law M.A. ~rhe
Dunk John, 39 Manor road Grover Mrs. 9 Bouverie road west

Dunk Mrs. 3 Oxford terrace Gull Mrs. 34 Cheriton road Grange, Shorncliffe road

Dunn Misses, 22 Christchureh road Gunning Ml'll. Chas. 6 Bouverie square Hutchinson Wells, so Castle Hill aven

Dunsford Benjamin, 32 Guildhall street Guy Neil, 11 St. Michael's street Hyde Edgar, 33 Sandgate road •

Dyer-Maitland Miss, 28Castle Hill aven Gwyn Gen. Hamond Weston R.M.L.I. 5 Irving Sir Henry Turner G.C.M.G. 10

Eastes Frederick M.D. 4 London street Ingles road Trinity crescent

Eastes Thomas M.D. 3 Shakespeare ter Racket Miss, 53 Brockman road Irving Mrs. 10 Ingles road

Eborall Mrs. 47 Manor road Hains Mrs. 8 Coolinge road IsherwoodAlgernon,2 1Westbourne gdns

EdwardsGenl. BeavonJ. 2I Manor rd Hales Maj.-Gen. Arthur, 1 Shorncliffe rd Ismay Misses, 5 Earles avenue

Edwards Miss, 74 Cheriton road Hall Rev. Wm. M. A. 39 Cheriton gdns Iverson Charles, 34 Guildhall street

Edwards Mrs. 76 Coolinge road Hall Frederic, 7 Kingsnorth gardens Iverson Henry, 38 Castle Hill avenue

Elliott Mrs. 23 Castle Hill avenue Hall Miss, 13 Manor road Jackson Col. Wm. 6 Castle Hill aven

Ellis Edwd.Grimsby,26 CastleHill aven HaliThos. I Lorne viis. Radnor Bridge rd Jackson Mrs. 17 Earles avenue

Elphenstone Mrs. I7 Copthall gardens Halpin Joseph (staff-surgeon R.N.), 7 Jacob Miss, 76 Guildhall street

l';nglish Jolm, 2 Shellons street Christchurch road James Ed wd. Woolford, 7 Castle Hill av

English Mrs. 29 Darby road Hamilton Col. Chas. Jas. 8 Park road J ames Mrs. St. Gabriels, Lennard rd

Errington Mrs. 76 Sandgate road Hammond Francis B. 7 Richmond st Jane Mrs. I 10 Dover road

Etheridge Mrs. 82 Guildhall street Hammond Mrs. 79 Dover road Jarvis Francis, 3 Darby place

EustaceLadyKatherine, 28Clifton grdns Hammond Mrs. 27 Manor road Jarvis Frederick J. 48 St. Michael's st

Fagg WiUiam, 5 Copthall gardens Hamond Geo. B. W. 15 Bouveriesquare Jarvis Mrs. 9 Foord road

Fagg William, jun. I Park road Hampson Rev. Edward James M.A. Jeffery Miss, 24 Bouverie square

Fell Major E. J. I9 Westbourne gardns [curate of Holy Trinity], 9 West~ Jeffery Miss, I9 Millfield

Fennell Mrs. 4I Bouverie square bourne gardens Jeffery Mrs. Frederic, 37 Manor road

Finn Mrs. 4 West Cliff gardens Harben Henry, 42 Castle Hill avenue Jeffrey Rev. Robert Foster [Baptist],

Finney Mrs. 25 Millfield Harcourt Mrs.. 21 Christchurch road Melrose house, Radnor Bridge road
Fitness John, 91 Sandgate road Harding Rev. George Bennett Lvicar of J emmett Miss, I4 Langhorne gardens

FitzclarenceLadyMaria,.25Augusta gdns St. John the Baptist], Foord Jenkins Col. Edwd.Gordon, 10 Manor rd

FitzGerald Charles Egerton M.D. IO Hare Capt. Rd. R.N. I4 Augusta gdns Jennett Mrs. 9 Kingsnorth gardens

West terrace Harence Mrs. 82 Cheriton road Jinkings Richard, 72 Guildhall street

Fitzgerald Mrs. IS Copthall gardens Harrall Henry, 40 Kingsnorth gardens Johnson Mrs. 12 Coolillge road

Fletcher Capt. Fras. C. I9 Clifton grdns Harris James, 137 Dover road Johnson Robert, I Albion villa

Fletcher Frank, 6 Brockman road Harris Miss, 25 Shellons street Jones Charles Lenpolt, 73 Dover road

:Flint Mrs. 36 Park road Harrison James, I25 Dover street Jones Daniel P. W. 78 Dover street

:Flint William Sentance, 54 Cheriton rd Harrison Mrs. 4 Albion villas Jones Thomas Prynn, 43 Brookman rd

Flude Miss, 38 Manor road Harrison Mrs. I 1 Victoria grove J udd Miss, 2 Ingles road

Foad Mrs. 2 Lennard road Harrison William, 55 Cheriton road Judge James B. 29 St. Michael's street

Folkestone Viscount, 31 Augusta grdns HarrisonWm.Geo. Southey,66Sandgt.rd KeateMaj.-Gen.Edwd.R.A.7Earles aven

Ford Robert Dryden, 89 Dover road Harrold Henry, 1 London place Kelly Frederick, 10 Brockman road

Forrest Mrs. 5 Christchurch road Hart Mrs.. 11 Church street Kelson Mrs. 3 Victoria grove .

Forster Mrs. 29 St. Michael's street Hart Thomas, 23 Guildhall street Kennedy William, 36 Coolinge road

Fowle Richard, 47 Cheriton road. Harvey Miss, 32 Cheriton road Kennett Jarnes, 66 Guildhall street

Fowle William, 47 Cheriton road Harvey Miss, 74 Cheriton road Kilbee Capt. Percival, 4 CopthaH road

Fowler Edward Back, 52 Park road Harvey Mrs. Offiey, 37A, Manor road Kincaid Mrs. 82 Coolinge road

Fowler Mrs. 22 Cheriton road Harwood Charles, Broadmead manor Kine Mrs. 31 Shellons street

Francis Charles, 7 St Michael's street Hatton James William, 13 Richmond st King Miss, 3 Bouverie square

Francis Fredk. Geo. 33 St. Michael's st Hawkins George, 45 Coolinge road King Mrs. 6 Manor road

Francis Mrs. 76 Cheriton road Hawkins Horatio, 7I Dover road King Paul, 12 Millfield

Francis Palrner, I3 Bouverie road west Hawley Miss, 83 Dover road Klatt Fran<;ois, 16 Claremont road

Francis William, 5.5 Guildhall street Hawthorne Mrs. 27 Cheriton gardens Knaggs Hy. Guard M.D. 3 Lennard rd

Francis Will iam, 26 Guildhall street Hay Capt. Hy. Hird, 6 Connaught rd Kniller Godfre~ 28 Manor road

Francis William, 92 Sandgate road HayesGeo.Fras.Harbourview,East cliff Knowles Henry, 62 Guildhall street

l:<'rancois Edmund, I Claremont road Hayes Geo.Fdk.Harbourview,East cliff Knowles Mrs. 62 Guildhall street

Franks Thomas Henry, 5 London street Hayward James Spencer, 34 Park road Knox Miss, 8 Manor road

Fnnnell Edward, I9 Brockman road Hedge Henry W. I Bouverie place Knox Mrs. 95 Sandgate road

Fynmore The Misses, 41 Manor road Hedley Rev. William [Catholic], St. Lacy Mrs. 6 Oxford terrace

Gage The Hon. Mrs. 29 Clifton crescent Andrew's lodge, East cliff Ladd Capt. Jn. SunnysidE', Lennard rd

Galbraith David, I4 Christchurch road Heel Rev. Edward B.A'. [chaplain of Lake Mrs. 18 Christchurch road

Gambrill John Alfred, Park & Broad- Eltham union], 37 Cheriton gardens Law Miss, II Copthall gardens

mead Manor farms Hemsley Peter, 9 St. Michael's street LaytonCapt. Chas. 26 Bouve'rie rd. west

Gardener Corn. Alex. 12 Augusta grdns Henry Martin, 63 Sandgate road Learmont Mrs. 108 Sandgate road

Gardner Alfred Henry, 96 Cheriton rd Hensman Mrs. I6 Westbourne gardens Le Blanch Mrs. I4 Manor road

Gardner Joseph, 2 Cheriton place Herbert William, 10 Westcliff gardens Lee Rev. Edgar T.A.K.O.L. [curate-in-

Garling Henry Bailey, 25 Clifton cres Heron Thos. Geo. II Christchurch rd charge of St. Augustine]

Garrood John Charles,5 Shellons street Herring Henry, 102 Guildhall street Lee Henry, 28 Guildhall street

Gault Mrs. ~7 Coolinge road Herrington Miss, 3 Kingsnorth gruns LeedingRev. VincentRodenhurst[curate

Gelardi Ernest, 3 Clifton gardens Herve Louis, I Kingsnorth gardens of St. Peter's], 32 East cliff

Gibbons Henry, 49 Cheriton road Herwig Mrs. 17 St. Michael's street Leggett Johnj :r Priory gardens

Gigg Miss, 42 Cheriton road Hewett Mrs. D. P. I Connaught road Le Grice Col. Frederick Swain R.A. 4

Gilbert Charles, 13 I<'oord road Hicks Mrs. 14 Connaught road Shorncliffe road

Gilborne Surgeon-Gent. Richard, 13 Hill Rev. Holden Donald M.A. 40 Lemmey George Chas. 64 Guildhall st

Castle Hill avenue Bouverie road west Lennard Charles Barrett,97 Sandgate rd

Gill Albert,\Vestfield, Bouverie rd. west Hill Mrs. 14 Claremout road Lennox-Boyd Edwd. F.R.s. 22 The Lees

Girargot Maj. -Gen. Geo. 24 Clifton gdns Hilton Mrs. Musgrave, 52 Castle Hill av Lewis Charles, 67 Sandgate road

Goble Philip, 13 Christchurch road Hilton Wm. Hy. 3 Christchurch road Lewis Henry M. D. 57 Sandgate road

Goddard William, 4I Brockman road Hipgrave Mrs. 40 Castle Hill avenue Lewis Mrs. 101 Sandgate road
Goddard ·wm. Day, 89 Guildhall street Hirst Mrs. 29 Augusta gardens
Lewis Perey, go Sandgate road

Golder Thomas, 5 Connaught road Holden John, I8 Clifton crescent Ley Mrs. Bazeley, I4 Folly road

Gooday Mrs. 10 Copthall gardens Holdom Wm. Hy. Ivy ho. Guildhall st Lezlie Miss, 8 Bouverie square

Goodban Major Thomas, 4 Manor road Hopkins William, 48 Dover road Linom John Mead, 54 Park road

Gordon Mrs. IS Millfield Horsfall Mrs. 8 The Lees Lockharl Mr6l. Gordon, 36 Manor road

Gosling Mrs. 1 I Coolinge road Howland WiUiam, 9 Richmond street Logan Major-Gen. Archibald George

Gosling Mrs. 2o Manor road Hughes Mrs. 48 Cheriton road Douglas, 20 Claremont road

Gosling William Thos. 61 Brockman rd Hughes Mrs. 59 Cheriton road Logan Thoma9, 37 Cheriton road

Gossett Col. Wm. Butler, 3 Clifton gdns Hulbert James S. 35 Augusta gardens Lo~hnan Alfred Stack, 18 Millfield
Gostling Misses, 6 The Lees Humphrey Mrs. 12 Connaught road
Logie Mrs. 19 Earles avenue
Hunt Lady, I6 The Lees
Grant Miss, 13 Alexandra gardens Longe Mrs. IO Victoria grove

Green Henry H. 30 Castle Hill avenue Hunt Rev. William Thorley G, M.A. 4 l.ord 'fhomas, 7 Coptball gardens
Green Miss, 22 Claremont road Earles avenue
Griffin William, 44 Park road Hunter Mrs. 25 Bouverie square Lucy John, 58 Castle Hill avenue
rla<.:dermot Miss, 1 West Cliff gardell$-


Macdonald Lady, :a6 The Lees Phillips Miss, 3 Connaught road Slater John, 59 Guildhall street

MacG-regor Gen. John Murray, 17 Philpott Alfred, 30 Park road Smart Nelson, 9 Victoria grove

Castle Hdl avenue Filcher Capt. Wm. Roger, 4 London pl Smith - , 4 Millfield vi1a. Cheriton rd '

MacKay John, 9 Radnor Bridge road Filcher Miss, ns Sandgat.e road Smith Mrs. 68 Coolinge road .

Mackinnon Mrs. 21 Clifton gardens Filcher Waiter George, 19 Guildhall st Smith Peter, 52 St. Michael'11 street:~

Maclean Miss, 135 Sandgate road Place Mrs. 18 Victoria grove Smith Thomas Henry, 7 London street

Madden Tbomas Wm. I4 Guildhall rd Poltick Miss, 34 St. Michael's street Smith Waiter, 45 St. Michael's street

Maidwell Mrs. 9 Trinity road Pool EdwarJ, 30 Bouverie square Snee Miss, 36 Cheriton road

Ma•·chantRev.Austin[Cath.], Pope George, 8 Shellons street Somerscock Edward, 27 Clifton cres

Marsh Frederick, 69 Dover road Pope Reginald, 2 Millfield Southey William, 135 Dover road

Marsh Henry, 62 Foord road Pope William, 86 Guildhall street Spal'ks Henry, 90 Cheriton road

Marsh Thomas, 8 Victoria grove Porter Mrs. 6 MillfieM Spearpoint Mrs. 22 Cheriton gardens

Marsh William, 5 Park road Potts Capt. Henry Hal't, 6 Trinity cres Sprigg Rev. Herbert Clifford :M.A. 47

Marshali Miss, 42 Cheriton road Powell Mrs. Lennard lodge, Dover st Augusta gardens ·

Martingell Hy.Russell,s8 St.Michael'sst Praetorius Alfred P. Praetoria house, Squire Miss, 75 Dover road

Marwood Arthur, n Brockman road Grimston avenue Stag Charles Thomas, 66 Cheriton road

Mason Miss, 49 Coolinge road Prebble George, 3 Grace hill Stainthorp Mrs. 7 Darby place

Matloghlie Cornelius,14Kingsnorth gdns Prescott Mrs. 18 Clifton gardens Starkie Mrs. 1 Clifton crescent

Mawer David Kirkby, 1 Copthall road Preston Miss, 17 Clifton crescent Stead Richard F R.H.s. Foord road

~laxwell Miss, 13 Coolinge road Price Alfred, g Clifton crescent Steadman Miss, 93 Sandgate road

May Samuel Skinner, 32 Manor road Priestly ClementEdward,44Sandgate rd Stearne George, 29 Coolinge road '

Medhurst Miss, Leigh ho. Shorncliffe rd Prinsep Mrs. 33 Augusta gardens Stedman Mrs. I East Cliff gardens

MedhurstWm.I<'our Elms lo.Lennard rd Pryer Henry Slade, 33 Foord road Ste.vens George, 4 Kingsnorth gardens

Melhuish Mrs. 10 Christchurch road Pym Mrs. 38 Bouverie square Stewart Charles Wm. 74 Guildhall st

Melviile Mrs. 41 Augusta gardens Radford Wdliam Beasley, Ingles Stewart Thomas, 10 Harvey street

Mepham Lucian Edward, 15 Foord rd Ramell Frederick, 1 Harvey road Still Mrs. 11 Clifton crescent •

Mercer Henry Rye, 88 Guildhall street Ramell Fdk. lngerman, 2 Brockman rd Stisted Lady, 22 Manor road
Ramsey Miss1 Guildhall street Stock Henry, 20 ijouverie square
Merriman Mrs. 30 Manor road
Merritt Miss, 10 Kingsnorth gardens Rand Rev. Ebenezer Bacon M.A.Millfield Stocker Miss, 4 Millfield
house, ChAriton gardens Stokes Mrs. 5 Trinity road ,r
Merton Mrs. 8 Brockman road
Rayner George, 88 Dover road Stratton Frederick, 22 Coolinge road
Metford Edward, 2 Victoria grove
Rayner John Robert Richardson, 18 Sturt Mrs. The Priory
Miall Miss, 22 Park road
Claremont road Styles James, 114 Dover road
Mileham Charles, 6 Park road
Rayner Mrs. 1I2 Dover road, Suckling Corn. Thomas B.N·3 Marine pal"
Milloc ;Lady, 9 Langhorne gardens
Re1man Neibour, 74 Dover street Sumner James Thomas, 9 Darby place
Minter John, 2 Longford teiTace
Reece Miss, 39 Kingsnorth gardens Surrey Misses, 117 Sandgate road
Minter Misses, 6 Westcliff gardens
Rensford William, so Park road Surtees Gordon, 19 Trinity road .
Mitchell William, 219 Dover road
Richar.dson John Alien, 20 Park road Swain Mrs. 3 Park road·
Moat Albert, 43 Bouverie square
RichardsonMrs.St.John, 13 Trinity gdns Swinhoe Gen, Frederick William, 10
Money Mrs. 66 Coolinge road
Ridsdale Rev. Charles Joseph B.A. St. Westbourne gardens
Montgomery Robert, 3 Millfield
Peter's vicarage, East cliff Swoffer George, 2 Connau5ht road
Moon Mrs. 31 Bouverie square
Riley Mrs. xo Augusta gardens Symes Lt.-Col. William Alexander ;r.P.
~loore Miss, 15 Manor road
Riley Mrs. 12 Radnor Bridge road & The Hon. Mrs. 51 Cheriton roa.~
Moore Mrs. 5 Shorncliffe road
Riley Thomas George, IO Oxford ter Talbot John, 72 Dover road
Morford James, 7 Darby road
Morrison Mrs. East Clyffe lo.Lennard rd RobertsCol.Chas. Cramer, 8 Augsta. gdns Tapply Rev. Fredk. I I Kingsnorth gdns
MoiTison Thomas George, Chelsea Roberts Mrs. 16 Cheriton place Tatham William Meaburn M.A. [curate

house, Shorncliffe road Robinson Dav1d Squire, 67 llrockman rd of St. Saviour'sl, 53 Ci:lnterbury rd

Mortleman Mrs. 23 Christchurch road Robinson James Golder,33Brockman rd Tattersall Mrs. Edward, 9 Oxford ter
Robinson William, 30 Shellons street Taylor Henry Wm.J Bouverie road east
Morton Arthur, 24 Claremont road
Rogers Capt.Hy. Lyttelton,45 Manor rd Taylor John, 5 Claremont road
Mowll John, 2 Copthall gardens
Rogers John, 56 Cheriton road Taylor Miss, 4 Lower Sandgate road ,
::.\Iurray John, 15 Trinity gardens
Rogers 1\'Irs. 8 London street Teevan Mrs. 23 Brockman road
Musgrave Miss, n Bouverie square
Rogers Mrs. I Trinity road Temple l<'redk.. James, 61 Cheriton road
Musgrave Mrs. 12 The Lees
Rollit Sir Albert Kaye LL.D., F .R.A. s., Temple Mrs. 53 Guildhall street
Mutlett John, 6 Marine parade
Myln Col. Hercules, 34 Castle Hill aven F.z.s. The Gables, Shorncliffe road Terry Alfred, Shakespeare terrace
Ross Charles, 6 Kingsnorth gardens Thompson Edmund Stow, Pelham
Neat Frederic, 10 Claremont road
~ Neville Hon. Ralpb, 2 Clifton crescent Ross Miss, 29 Bouverie square house, Bouverie road east

Newman Frank, 23 Alexandra gardens Row Thos.Bennison,32CastleHill avenue Thompson Geo.Evan,28Uhristchurch rd ~
Newman Samuel, 61 Guildhall street Rowe Mrs. 36 Bouverie road west Thomson John, 5 :Marine terrace

Newman Thomas, 10 Darby road Rowton Mrs. Milton house, Bouverie sq Thorean Miss, 8o Cheriton road

Newport Wm.Oliver,78 Guildhall street Russell Miss, 37 Brockman road Thornton Henry, 94 Sandgate road

''rRutt Miss, 13 Kingsnorth gardens
Norderling Mrs. 40 Cheriton road Thorpe Surg.-Gen. Edward Cotton M.D.
Norman iVIiss, 33 Manor road
St. George Mary (Mother) (prin. of Con- 17 estbourne gardens
Noyes George Crispin, 9 Coolinge road vent of Faithful Virgin), 70 Dover st Tiddy William, 6o St. Michael's street
Sahvey Reginald Ernest, 48 Park road Tingle Mrs. 58 Cheriton road
Oalte Alfred, 31 Millfield
Sanders Williarn Harrison, 121 Doverst Tite George, 6 Victoria grove
Oa.key Mrs. 20 Shorncliffe road
Oborne Alfd. Montaguec.E. 32 Doverrd Sandham Robert, 3 Uastle Hill avenue Tite William, n Radnor Bridge road
O'Callaghan Mrs. 16 Shorncliffe road Satow Mrs. 27 Clifton crescent Todd Richd. Cooper M.D. xsCastleHill a.v

OJilvie ~hss, 6 Albion villas Saunders AlfredWilliam, 54 Coolinge rd Toke Rev. Nicolas RoundelM.A. [minis·

Packham Miss, 20 Coolinge road Saunders Miss, 39 Augusta gardens ter of Emmanuel l\lission Church.

Page James, 19 St. Michael's street Saunders Miss, 86 Sandgate road Cheriton road], 8 Westbournegardns

Page Josflph, 9 Lennard road Saunderson Somerset B. 35 Sandgate rd Toker Miss, 42 Bouverie square

Page Stephen, 28 St. Michael's street Scholey George Milner, 225 Dover road Tolput Miss, 92 Cheriton road
Paine Hammon, 15 Clifton gardens Scott-Donglas Miss,22Westbourne gdns Tolputt Henry, 23 Manor road
Tolputt William Bennett, 21 Millfield
Palmer Rev. Alfred Jabez [Congrega- Scrutton Miss, 2-1- Park road
Tomlinson Bri!Zade-Surgeon William
tional], 19 Christchurch road Searancke Mrs. 125 Sandgate road

Paramor Alfred, 7 Bouverie place Seddon Mrs. 119 Sandgate road Winslow, 9 Christchurch road

Parsons Rev. Chas. Jsph.lll.A.3 The Lees Selby Miss, 6o Cheriton road Trent Geo. Bramstone, 65 Sandgate rd

Parsons Miss, 44 Cheriton road Sentance Mrs. 53 Cheriton road Truman Col. Wm. R. 20 Castle llill ~V

Pa.tey William, 8 Leonard road Seth-Smith Mrs. 22 Shorncliffe road Tyson Mrs. 13 Church street

Paul Capt. James, IO Connaught road Seymoure George, 103 Sandgate road TysonWm.Jsph.u.n. IoLanghorne gdns

Paye William, 10 Radnor Bridge road Sharp James, 1 Marshall street Ullyett Edwin, g8 Dover road

Pearson William Henry, 93 Dov~r road Sharpe :Mrs. Marten, 4 Connaught road Ullyett SeaView viL Dover st

Peelan Mrs. IS Kingsnorth gardens Shaw Alexander, 5 Bouverie square Underdown Richard, 89 Dover sta'eet

Peer Miss, I6 Millfield Shaw Joseph, 8 Martello road Unwin Mrs. 22 Bouverie square

Pellatt Miss, 84 Coolinge road Sheeran Joseph, 22 Victoria grove Upton Hammond, 56 Coolinge road

Pembarton Busic E, 23 Millfield Sherwood John, x6 Manor roaq Upton Philip, 4 Brockma.n road
Penfold Major Stephen, 70 Cheriton rd Sherwood John, 5 Sandgate road
Vaughan Thomas John, 8 Millfield

Penfold ~Iiss, 70 Cheriton road Sboobridge Richard, 52 Cooliuge road Vaughan Harry, 57 Guildhall street

Pentland John, 13 St·. Michael's street Sims Miss, 5 London place Venablcs Miss, 14 Bouverie square

Per.y Chas. Edwd. lii.D. 11 Bouverie pl Sims Miss, 36 Sandgate road Verner The Hon. Mrs. 94 Cheriton rd

Petts .James Quested, .59 Dover road Slade Edmund,Martello vil. Martello rd Vernon Capt. Willoughby,94Cheriton r<l


Vincent Mrs. 8 Castle liill avenue Welch Edward, 52 Dover road . Wills Mrs. 20 Connaught road

Vine James, 91 Dover street Wellard John Prescott, 4 Victoria gro Willson Mrs. 2 Albion villas

Vivian Miss, 3 Shomcliffe road .. Wells Thomas, II Darby place Wilson Miss, 13 Brockman road

von der Osten Christian Edward, ~ West Mrs. 12 Bouverie square Wilson Miss, 6 Ingles road

Shorncliffe road Westoby William Amos Scarborough, 9 Wilson Mrs.Crawford,7Westbrne.grdn8

Waind Rt. Blackett, 5 Westbourne gdns Earl's avenue, Westbourne gardens Wilson Mrs. John, t6 Angusta gardens

Waite James, 217 Dover road Weston Mrs. W. H. ro Park road Winton Thomas, 64 Foord road

Wake Herwald, 14 Clifton gardens Westropp Lieut.-Col. William Keily, 6 Wood Alfred Stewart, 64 Dover road

Wale Mrs. 39 Bonverie square Shorncliffe road Wood Mrs. 43 St. Michael's street

Walker Miss, t West terrace Whitcomb Hy.Kensington ldg.Dover rd Woodhall Major Fredk. 8 Oxford ter

Wailer Rev.· John M.A. [<:urate to St. White Henry Lindley, 7 Millfield Woodhouse Rev. Frederick Charles 111. A.

Mary's], 9 Claremont road Whitechurch Edward, 31 Manor road [vicar of Holy Trinity], The Vic-

Wailer John, 131 Sandgate road Whitehead John, 35 Cheriton road arage, Sandgate road

Waiter Charles, 24 Manor road Whitehouse Mrs. 14 Shornclifte road Woodley M. F. 17 Manor road

Walton George Chapman L.D.S.Irel., Whitlaw Mrs. 43 Manor road Woods John Geo. 3 East Cliff gardens

F.L.S. 48 Sandgate road Whitley Mrs. 20 Clifton gardens Woodward Rev. Matthew M.A.[vicar of,

Wanstall Mrs. 45 Sandgate road Whitway Henry, 35 Kingsnorth grdns surrogate & warden of the Convales-

Warburton Mrs. 9 Copthall gardens Whylock Watkin Sandom M.D. 18 cent Home], The Vicarage

Ward Charles Walton L.R.c.P.L. III Westboume gardens Woodward Miss, 35 Manor road

Sandgate road Wiehe Major Geo. 1 Christchurch road Woodward Mrs. 14 Millfield

Ward Edward Thomas, 5 The Lees Wightwick Wm. Hilden, Cheritonplace Wooldridge Miss, 16 Christchurch road

Ward Miss, 27 Bouverie square Wildes .Miss, 13 Cheriton place Worlledge Caroli M. 24 East cliff

Ward Mrs. 4 Park road Wilkinson Mrs. 6 Clifton gardens Worsley Miss, 5 Castle Hill avenue

Ward Robe1·t John, 9 Darby road Wilks James, 16 Kingsnorth gardens Wrearne Mrs. 13 Millfield

Watkin Alfred Melior D.L., J.P. Dunedin Williams Col. Lawrence Henry, 48 Wright Charles, 14 Harvey street

ledge, 9 Castle Hill avenue Castle Hill avenue Wright Stanley Heaton, 18 Castle HI. av

Watkin Mrs. 35 St. Michael's street Williams Mrs. 105 Sandgat.e road Wynne Capt. Skevington John, St.

IWatts Arthur Edward, 38 Shellons st Williams Thomas, 17 Trinity road Bernard's lodge, Radnor road
Yates Mrs. 70 Guildhall street
W eatherell Capt. I<'k.A.R.N.5 Trinity rd Willis Henry, 38 St. Michael's street
Webster Robert, 6 Clatemont road Willis Misses, 23 Bouverie road west Young Rev.Fredk. M.A.36 Castle Hill av

COliiMERCIAL. Baker Daniel, builder & mason, 77 Tontine street

Abbott Jane Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 77 Dover road Baker Frederick William, baker, 83 Dover street

Abelseth Christr. Nicolay,lodging house, 6 & 7 Longford ter Baker Frederick William, fishmonger, poulterer & ice mer-

Abraham Thomas Saml. insurance agent, 4 Bournemouthter chant, 24 Sandgaie road

Acomb & Harvey, confectioners, 13 Guildhall street Baker Henry, pleasure boat proprietor, 3 South street

Adams Charles, Odd Fellows P.H. 34 Dover street Baker John, lodging house, 58 Sandgate road

Adams Josiah Lyon, Jubilee P.H. Stade•& Radnor street Baker Samuel, marine store dealer, 27 Sydney street

Adams Robert John (Mrs.), lodging house, 69 Sandgate rd Baker Thomas, pleasure boat proprietor, 5 South street

Adams Sydney, lodging house, 67 Dover road Baker William, cabinet maker, 18 St. Michael's street

Adolphns Helena (Miss), ladies' college for the daughters of Baker William (Mrs.), confectioner, 16 South street

gentlemen only, 33 Cheriton place Baker William Patton, gasfitter, 16 South street

Aiano Jack, dining rooms, 16 Beechstreet Banks & Son, auctioneers &c. 73 Sa.ndgate road

Aird William, Valiant Sailor P.H. Folkestone hill & Martello Banks John, lodging house, 26 London street

dairy, 26 Rendezvous street Banks Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 5 The .Bayle

Aldridge Alice (Miss), lodging house, 9 West Cliff gardens Bannon Thomas, saddler & harness maker, 2 Dover road

Allden William, lodging house, 14 Marine parade Barker Alfred John, stationer, 51 Dover street

Allebone Eliza (Miss), lodging house, 9 Cheriton place Barker Frederick, fancy repository, 75 High street

Allebone George, provi~ion dealer, 7 High street Barker Samuel, lodging house, 12 Lower l:landgate road

Alien Robert~ apartments, 122 Shellons street Barling William, groce1·, II9 Dover street

Allen William 'fhomas, apartments, 4 Collinge road Barrett William Peard, surgeon, 97 Dover street

American Dentist's Association (G. F. Hayes, manager), Bartholomew Robert, cab proprietor, Albion mews

r6A,Sandgate road ; & at Dover,Canterbury,Ramsgate &c Bartlett Ann (Miss), lodging house, 7 Marine terrace

Ames William, lodging house, 2 Oxford terrace Barton Charles, hair dresser, II Harbour street

Amos James, landscape gardener, Pavillion gardens, Foord BARTON HARRY HOWELL, auctioneer & valuer, 3&

Amos Mary (Mrs.), wararobe dealer, 2 Dover street Guildhall street

Andrews Alfred, pianoforte dealer & tuner, 89 Sandgate rd Barton John, corn dealer, 12 Beach street

Andrews Hy. auctionr. architect & surveyr. 16 Guildhall st Barton Stephen, sawyer & coal dealer, 43 Foord road

Andrews Henry, greengrocer, 95 Dover road Barwick Richard, grocer, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine

Andrews Henry, shopkeeper, 154 Dover road & spirit merchants, 53 Dover street

Andrews William Henry, baker, 7 Denmark street Bateman William, physician & surgeon, & medical officer of

Argar Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundress, 64 St. John's street health for urban sanitary authority & medical officer &

Armstrong James, greengrocer, 21 Cheriton road public vaccinator, Folkestone district, Elham union, 32

Armstrong James, lodging ho.2 Lorne vils.RadnorBridge rd Sandgate road

Arthur Sarah (Mrs.), Princess Royal P.H. 28 South street Bate's Hotel (G. L. Hart, propr. ), 37 to 43 Sandgate road

Ash Albert George, apartments, 6 Collinge road Bathing Establishment Co.Lim. (W.D.:Fagg,mgr. ), TheBeacb

Ashdown George, lodgmg house, 121 Sandgate road Bayly Misses, lodging house, 17 Bouverie square

Ashdown James, lodging house, 26 Cheriton road Bayly Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 21 The Lees

Ashley Jane (Mrs.), lodging house, 6 Marine crescent Beall Arthur James, tailor, hatter & hair dresser, 79 High

Astell Annie (Mrs ), lodg-ing house, 109 Sandgate road street & 3 Tontine street

Atkins William, lodging house, 102 Dover road Beall Walter William, builder & contractor, I Foord road

Atkinson & Co. music publishers, Cranley house, Dover rd Bean George, beer retailer, 18 & 20 Dover street

Atkinson Arthur, solicitor, lo<:al sec. to Hastings, Folkestone Bean John, baker, 20 South street

& Dover Mutual Building Society, sec. to Kent School Beasley George, corn dealer, 72 Dover street

Association (firm, Smi:th & At.kinson), 12 Alexandra gdns Beauverd Constant, lodging house, 6 West terrace

Attwood Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 7 Bournemouth ter Beck John, apartments, 52 l<'oord road •

Austen William & Son, marine store dealers, 2 Radnor st. Beckingham Alice (Miss), dress maker, 65 Dover road

& The Stade Beeching, Hodgkin & Beeching, bankers (William Fowle,

Austen Amos John~ greengrocer, 30 Foord road manager),Sandgaterd.; draw on Barclay & Co.LondonEC

Austin Amos, fruiterer, SIB, Tontine street Beer John, carpenter, 92 Guildhall street

Austin Stephen, lodging house, 15 Cheriton place Belgrave George, brewer, Gun brewery, Cheriton road

Avenue Mansion, West Lees Boarding Establishment (Mrs. Bell Sarah & Anne (Misses), lodging ho. 7 Clifton gardens

Emma Clemmans, proprietress) Belsey John, hair dresser & fancy repository, 14 South st.

Avery John Harold, agent to Singer Manufacturing Co. 42 Bennett William, lodging house, 78 Sandgateroad

Tontine street Berry & Valder, riding masters, Albion mews

Back Alfred, lodging house, 8I Dover road Bettle John James, watch & clock maker, 2r Tontine st

Badham Mrs. girls' collegiate school, Sandgate road Bevan Louisa Emily (Mrs.), lodging ho. 19 Bouverie rd. we

Bail John, tobacconist, 12 Tontine street Bevington Maria (Mrs.), apartments, 24 Coolinge road

Bailey E. E. & E. E. (Misses), lodging house, m Cheritonpl Bindon Robert William, photographer, 63 Tontine street

Bailey Edward, saddler, 122 Foord road Binfield Ayleffe, tailor, 6 Cheriton road

Bailey George, gas meter inspector, 18 Ship street Binfield Josepb, tailor, 62 Dover road

Baker Ann (Mrs.), apartments, x6 Harvey street Birch Henry George, wine merchant, 5 Guildhall street


Birch William Pope, printer, 13 Grace hill - Catterall Thos. F. pastrycook& confectioner~ I8A,Sandgte.rd

Bishop Edward James, chemist, 71 Tontine st. & Sandgate rd Cavin Louis, lodging house, 25 The Lees

IUackburn Joseph, baker, 6 Beach street Cemetery(H.B.Bradley,clrk. to the burial board),Cheriton rd

JUankley William, laundryman, 124 Dover road Chadwick Edwm, lodging house, 9 Martello road

Blaskett George, fishmonger, 64 Tontine street Challis Mark, fly proprietor, Marine Crescent mews
.Boorn Isaac William, baker, 57 Radnor street
Chamberlain Robert, lodging house, so Sandgate road

Boom James Kennett, town sergeant & coroner's officer, Champion George, shopkeeper, 37 Bridge st. Canterbury rd

Town hall, Guildhall street Champion Mary (Mrs.), lGdging house, 102 Sandgate road

:Boorn J.lhn, Harbour inn, 24 Harbour street Chanteri Thomas, dealer in antiquities, 23 Grace hill

.Boorn John W. inspector of weights & measnres,26 Dover st Chapman Thos. & Son, brewers, 43 The Bayle; & at Ashford

Eooth Harriet (Mrs.), lodging house, 3 Marine crescent Chapman Charles James, ship broker, Harbour

Booty Charles Frederick M.A.cantab, high class & prepara- Chapman Sarah Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 37 Coolinge rd

tory school, Stoneleigh, Shorncliffe road Charity Organization Soc. (J. Frank Crookes, sec.), Gracehl

llottle Emma (Miss), lodging house, 43 Coolinge road Chasmar Ann (Mrs.), dress mal{el', 27 Shellons street

.Bouverie Laundry (William Salter, proprietor), Foord Chester Phyllis (Mrs.), lodging house, 65 Dover road

.Bowles Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 10 St. Peter's street Chipperfield George, lodging house, 22 East cliff

Bowles Robert Leamon M.D. physician, 8 West terrace Churchill Samuel H.D. physician & surgeon, I Cheriton pl

Boxer Ann Eliza (Mrs.),lodging house, 16 Lower Sandgate rd Cinque Ports 1st Artillery Volunteer Brigade, Eastern Divi~

Boxer Commander Jas. Alfd. R. N. harbour mast. The Harbour sion Royal Artillery ( 3rd battery) (Major Stephen Penfold~

:Boxer William, apartments, 37 St. Michael's street cbmmanding; John Hartley, sergeant-major); store-

:Bradley Henry Barren, solicitor, commissioner for oaths & house & drill shed, 111 Dover road

perpetual C[)mmissioner, clerk to the borough magistrates, Clarence House Private BoardinJ Establishment (William

to the burial board & vestry clerk, 52 Sandgate road I'Anson Watson, proprietor), 4 Clifton gardens

:Bradnack Samuel Wesley, boarding school, 6 & 8 Clifton cres Clark Arthur Thomas, gasfiLter, 64 High street

Erenchley Henry, lodging house, 2 Coolinl!e road Clark Clement, apartments, 3 Bouverie place

Brett Henri, refreshment rooms, Shorncliffe station Clark John, Grove House boys' school, 145 Dover road

,Brett John Henry G. tailor, hatter, hosier, glover, juvenile Clark Mary Ann (Miss), lodging house, 49 Sandgate road

· clothier&; general outfitter, 32 Rendezvous street Clarke & Co. photographers, 9 Church street

·.Brett Sophia (Mrs.), linen draper, Tontine street Clarke Misses, young ladies' school, 38 Cheriton road

Brice William, lodging house, 34 The Bayle Clarke Henry, lod;,!"ing house, 4 Longford terrace

Bricknell George & Sons, corn dealers,42 & 43Canterburyrd Clarke William B. boot maker, 4 Foord road

Ericknell Frederick, fly proprietor, 13 Sydney street Clements & Son, boot makers, 10 Rendezvous street

Bridgeland James, hardware dealer, :133 Dover road Clemmans H. &Son, builders & contractors, Shorncliffe wrks

.Bridger Ed ward, lodging house, 2 Tram road Clemmans Edwin Goff, lodging ho. Trinity viis. Sandgate rd

.Bridges & Co. carriers & furniture removers & agents for Clemmans Emma (Mrs.), lodging house, 3 Clifton crescent

· the Globe Parcels Co. 54 Tontine street Clemmans James (Mrs.), lodging house, 31 Clifton creseent

Brisley George, lodging' house, c; West Cliff gardens & Trinity villas, Sandgate road • ·

.Brockman A. D. & L. J. solicitor@, 48 Sandgate road Cloake Rose (Miss), apartments, 21 Shellons street

•BrockmanAlfd.Drake,solctr.&notary,seeBrockmanA.D.&L.J Cloake Rose (Miss), dress maker, 21 Slll.ellons street

•:BrO<'kman Lewis James, solicitor & clerk to Sandgate local Cloyne Elizabeth (Mrs.), letter of apartments, 4 Bouverie sq

' board, see Brockman A. D, & L. J . Cobb Thos. Wm. (Mrs.), lodging house, 2 Castle Hill avenue

.Bromley Andrew, architect & surveyor,see Cowell & Bromley Coleman .Annie (Miss), apartments, 9 Bouverie place

Brooke J. H. & J. wine merchants, 25 & 27 Sandgate road & Coleman Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 18 The Lees

bonded stores, Tontine street Coleman George William, baker, IOI Black Bull road

lJrooker James, lodging house, 2 Priory gardens Coleman Grace (Miss), dress maker, 2 New street

Brooks Wm. builder, contractor & undertaker, 27 Guildhall st Collar Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 34 Foord road

.BrooksWilliam,NorfolkHouseprivatehotel,Langhornegdns Collins George, Railway Bell P.H. 2og Dover road

BroomMatthewShapcott,laundry,Denmark st.Canterbury rd Collins William, shopkeeper, 10 Dover street

Brown Emma Ann (Miss), lodging house, 100 Sandgate rd Collinson Celia (Miss), lodging house, 5 Manor ro~d

Brown Herbert Freeman, watch maker, 48 High street Coman Georg&, lodging house, 21 Castle Hill avenue

.Browning John Barnard, lodging house, 4 Marine crescent Coman Mrs. dress maker, Oxford cottages

Bruton Arth.Rendezvous family & commercial hotel,High st I Corner John, boot maker, 35 Harvey street

JJuensod Louis, letter of apartments, 13 Bouverie square Conley Charles, loiging house, 7, 8 & 10 Marine crescent
·Bull Charles, shoe maker, 4 Cheriton road
CONLEY GEORGE c. monumental sculptor, builder .t

;Bull William, boot & shoe warehouse, 21 High street contractor, stone &marble mason; works, 104 Foord road"

;Bundy Thomas, lodging house, 4 Oxford terrace Sussex road ·

Burbidge Edwin, dairyman, 10 Beach street Conquest Alexander William C.E. borough engineer, sur-

Bnrch George, confectioner, 25 Cheriton road veyor, sanitary inspector & supt. of fire brigade, Dover rd

Burchett Edwin George, Two Bells P.H. Canterbury road Convent of the Faithful Virgin (Mary St. George, principal),

Burgess George, Fountain inn, 53 High street 70 Dover street

Bnrnett George, Folkestone Cutter P.H. 24 Dover street Cook George Reuben, Earl Grey P.H. 35 High street

Burrows Harriet Jane (Miss), children's school,7 Coolingerd Cook Robert, boot & shoe maker, 5 Dover road

Burrows Henry, shopkeeper, 25 Harvey street Cook Thomas, confectioner, 3 Dover road

Bushel! Annie (Mrs.), lodging house, 16 Connaught road Cook William Leach, farrier & smith, High street

. Bushell Charles, lodging house, 47 Dover road Cook William Williams, shopkeeper, 5 North street

·Butler Waiter, lodging house, 1 Darby road Cooper Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 26 Victoria grove

Button .Alice (Miss), dress maker, I St. John's road_ Cooper George, apartments, J:t'ern Bank ter. Black Bull road

Button Jane (Mrs.),strawhat& bonnet maker, I St.John'srd Cooper James, grocer, 108 Guildhall street

·Buzan Frank Henry, florist, 86 Coolinge road Cooper Richard, lodging house, 8 Langhorne gardens William, florist, 46 Cheriton road Cooper Thomas, watch maker, 5 Church street

· Cadman Henry Thomas, lodging house, 3 St. Michael's st Cooper Thomas Jonatban, lodging house, 3 Langhorne gdns

Cambnrn Alfred J. & Fox George, bricklayers, I Dover road Copping Emily (Mrs.), dress maker, 169 Dover road

Camburn Alfred J. builder, contractor,; & fune- Cotterill Benjamin, dining rooms, 65 High street

raJ furnisher, I Dover road Coultham Charles George, lodging house, 16 Darby road

Camburn Hawtrey John, butcher, 39 High street County Court (His Honor William Lucius Selfe, judge; W.

· Campbell.Alexanier, .Alexandra hotel, Harbour G. S. Harrison, registrar & high bailiff), 4 Cheriton place

· Cann George, l1Jdging house, 4 Lower Sandgate road Court Edward A. shopkeeper, 27 North street

· Capp John James, french polisher, 6 Darby place Court Richard, coal merchant, 78 Tontine st. & Dover street

. Carpenter Ann Eliza (Mrs.), lodging house, 51 Sandgate rd Court Robert Dale, watch maker, 37 Guildhall street

Carpenter David, apartments, 36 Foord road Court Stephen, greengrocer, 72 High street

Carpenter Edward, greengrocer, 20 Harbour street Cowell & Bromley, architects & surveyors, 4 Bouverie place

Carpenter William Charles, lodging house, 24 The Lee, Cox John, tailor, 132 Dover road

Carter CharlesJ photographer, 158 Dover road soCox Robert, tailor, 65 Fenchurch street
Carter George, shopkeeper, 9 Dover street
Cox Sarah (Miss), china dealer, Hi~h street
Crane Andrew JamesL.D.s.R.c.s.rrel. dentist, 71 Sandga.~rd
Carter Robert, Oddfellows' Arms :P.H. 30 Radnor street

Castle James & William, grocers, 4 Harvey street Crouch William, plumber, 98 Tontine street

. Castle Charles, boot maker, 14 The Bayle Croucher Edward Stace, hair dresser, 52 Canterbury road

Castle Charles, butcher, ro New street Croucher Henry (Mrs.), lodging house, 32 The Bayle

Castle George Hill, butcher, 2 Harvey street Crowhurst Bros. M.R.c. v.s.L. vet. surgeons, 36 Guildhall st

Castle John Alfred, builder & contractor, I New st. Foord rd Crump Thomas, grocer, 22 Dover roa.d

Castle Louisa (Mrs.), dress maker, 14 The Bayle Crust Thomas, lodging house, 83 Tontine street

Castle Thomas, butcher, 6 Rendezvous street Crux Charles Frederick, bookseller & stationer, 56 High st


Culver Annie (Mrs.), lodging house, 2 Shakespeare tel'l'ace Fagg C. R. temperance hotel, Alexandra gardens

Culver Mary (Mrs.), apartments, t Bouverie road west Fagg Charles, boat'ding house, 31 Sandgate ro::t.d

Daines Henry Thomas, beeT retailer, 21 Harvey street Fagg W. D. proprietor of Fagg's new & improved safety bath.

Daines William Davis, lodging house, 84 Dover road ing carriage, 'fhe Beach
Fagg William, builder, Park road
Dainton Henry, lodging house, IS Marine parade

Dale Edward, apartments, 46 St. Michael's street Faith Louisa (Miss), lodging house, 90 Sandgate road

Dale Margaret (Mrs.), baker, 29 Radnor street Farley Harry Arthur, dairy, 13 Guildhall street

Dartnall Alfred Thomas, confectioner, 70 Sandgate road Farley James Smith, plumber & glazier, 10 Church street

David Mary Ann (Miss), lodging house, 13 Clifton crescent Farr Herbert, Richmond tavern, .t Richmond street

Da.vis & Co. carriers (Jas.:Fairy Burrell,agent). 84 St. John's st Faulkner Sehna (Mrs.), shopkeeper. 64 Bridge street r

DAVIS ADOLPHUS, general house furnisher, carpet & Fecht Francis, hair dresser, 27 Cheriton road

curtain warehouseman, Alexandra house, goA,Sandgate rd Fell William, manager to Folkestone Bank, Sandgate road

'Davis Adolphus, ladies' & children's outfitter & milliner, Fentiman John, fruiterer, florist & greengrocer, I Church st

Alexandra house, 30 Sandgate road Fernyhough Eliza (Mrs. ),lodging house,1o Low. Sandgaterd

Davis Adolphus, art needlework & fancy goods warehouse- Ferris Benj. sbpkpr. ·post & money order office, 149 Dover rd

man, Alexandra house, 28 Sandgate road Ferriss Alfred Roger, tailor, 6o Foord road

Davis Henry Edward, grocer, 41 Tontine street Fetherstone James, baker & confectioner, 17 Tontine street

Davis Henry Edwin, grocer, 14 Beach street Fetherstone William, carver, gilder & dealer in artists'

Davis Richard, apartments, 58 CoUinge road materials, 55 High street

Davison Philip, china & glass riveter, 12 South street Fidge Harry George, tailor, 2 Beach street

Davy J. R. manager of National Provincial Bank,Sandgate rd Fidge William Edward, boot & shoe maker, 2 Beach street

Dawson Andrew, lodging house, 8 Radnor place Fidge William Edward, shoe maker & shopkeeper,The Bayle

Day Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Bouverie place Field Frederick, lodging house, 4 Gloucester place

De Butts Arthur, surgeon, 45 Cheriton road Finn & Co. ironmongers, 77 High street & 5 Tontine street

Delo Sarah (Mrs.), lodging house, 36 St. Michael's street Finn Alfred, farm bailiff to J. A. Gambrill esq. Park road

Denne Richard, lodging house, 4 Christchurch road Finn Edwin, brewer, 74 High street

Deuton Robert Watson, builder, Y Trinity road FireHrigade(Corporation) (A.W.Conquestc.E. capt.),Dovend

Deuton William, builder, ·1 Trinity road Fisher, Mechanics' Arms P.H. 37 St. John's street

Dewell Charles William, cabinet maker, I4 Grace hill Fisk Jas. grocer & wine & spirit merchant, 75 Sandgaterd

Dixon Matthew, hair dresser, 3 Guildhall street Fitz!}erald Charles Egerton M. D. physician, 10 West terrace

Dixon Thomas, Shakespeare hotel, Guildhall street FitzGerald Gerald Eustace L.R.C.P.LOnd. physician & sur-

Dodd Percy Vernon B.A. 1 T.C.D., L.R.C.P.LOnd. physician & geon, 7 Bouverie :road west
Flower William1 shopkeeper, Bridge street
surgeon, 36 Cheriton road •

Dodds Ann (Miss), lodging house, 51 Guildhall street Folkestone Argus{Sidney Ro.,o-ers, editor; pnbli!shed weekly),

Donaldson Robert, The Hope P.H. Fenchurch street 42 High street

Dormer William, milliner, 26 Foord road Folkestone Cement Ca. Limited (James B. Judge,' sec.) ;

Douglas Harold Charles, auctioneer, 15 Victoria grove offices, Folkestone Railway junction

Downie David Clephane, lodging house, 19 The Lees Folkestone Chronicle (William Pope Birch, publisher; pub-

Downie Richard, plumber, 58 Dover street lished saturday), High street & Tontine street

Downing Charles William, London & Paris hotel, 26 Har- Folkestone Coffee & Refreshment House Co. Lim. 32 -Ton-

bour street. See advertisement tine st. ~ office (H. Clifford Holden, sec.). 54 Sandgaterd

Downing Joseph M. milliner, 26 Sandgate road Folkestone Co-operative Society Limited (William Latham,

Doyle Joseph Nicholas, insurance agent, 18 Young's road manager), 69 Tontine street; & (H. Hawkins, branch

Dray Charles S. cabinet maker, 36 The Bayle manager), Canterbury road

Dray Thomas, shoeing Smith, Broadmead road Folkestone Express (John English, publisher; published

Drury Reuben, boot maker, 35 Dover street wednesday & friday), High street .

Drury Wm. Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 33 Canterbury rd Folkestone Friendly Society & Medical Association (William

Dumpleton William, tailor, 29 Shellons street Peard Barrett, surgeon), 97 Dover street

Duncombe Frances (Miss), dressmaker, 5 Bournemouth ter Folkestone Gas & Coke Co.'s Works (William Medhurst,

Duncombe James Henry, lodging house, 99 Sandgate road sec.), Foord road

DUNK WILLIAM, bldr. eontracto:r & undrtkr. 46 Tontinest Folkestone Homreopathic Dispensary(Samuel Churchill :u.D.

Dunn Alfred, tea dealer, 10 Alexandra gardens medical officer), Tontine street

Dunn Ann (Mrs-.), lodging house, 11 Manor road Folkestone Lift Co. Limited (The) (Frederick Hall, solici-

Dunn Stephen Edward, grocer, no Guildhall street tor & sec.) ; offices, Bank chambers. Sandgate road

Dunsford Benjamin, tailor & habit maker, 2 Rendezvous st ·Folkestone (The) Masonic Hall Co. Limited (Frederic Half,

Ealding Daniel, confectioner, 43 High street solicitor & sec. ; Thomas Gray Holmes, steward);

Ealding Henry, baker, 45 Dover road offices, Bank chambers, Sandgate road

Earl Waiter, stationer, 62 High street Folkestone News (published on fridat); printing works, x&

East Cliff House Convalescent Home (Mrs. Mearn's) (Miss Shellons street

Emma Knapp, matron; Frederick Eastes M.D. hon. medi- Folkestone Observer & Times (D. Sumner, publisher; pub-

cal officer), East cliff lished wednesday), 32 Tontine street

Eastes Frederick M.D. physician & surgeon, 4 London street Folkestone Pier & Lift Co. Limited (Kemp 8. Ellis, sec. &;

Eastes Thomas M.D. physician, 3 Shakespeare terrace manager), The Beach ·

Easton David, lodging house, I 16 Dover road Folkestone Pleasure Gardens & Theatre Co. Limited (H. W.

Edney Frances J. (Miss), artist, 2 Church street Rowland, manager) -

Edwards Annie (Mrs.), private hotel, Salisbury honse, Folkestone Rowing Club (E. Sherwood & A. Howard, secs.),

Clifton gardens The Beach

Edwards John, apartments, 32 Coollinge rood Folkestone Sanitary Steam Laundry Co. Limited (H. H.

Edwin Harry F. draper, 2 & 4 Canterbury road Barton, sec.), Guildhall street

EILOART &. TEMPLE, auctioneers, surveyors & estate Folkestone Self-supportingDispensary (Priestley & De Butts,

agents & agents to the Royal Exchange Fire & Life surgeons), 63 Dover road
' Folkestone Trading Bank Limited (Charles Payer, manager)~
Assurance, 27 Sandgate road

Eldridge John, lodging house, 6 terrace 28 Rendezvous street

Ellen William, butcher, 5 Beach street Forbes William, lodging house, 46 Jo'oord road

Elliott Frank, lodging house, 6 Marine terrace Forsyth John, wholesale sweet merchant, 44 High street

Ellis Edward Grimsbt, high class school for young gentle- I<'oster George J ames, Dover Castle temperance & commercial

men, 26 Castle Hill avenue hotel, 95 Dover street
Ellis Franees (Mrs.), Railway tavel'n, ug Dover 110ad ~ Foster James, coal merchant, 3 Foord road

Ellis Kemp P. manager & sec. to Folkestone Pier & Lift Co. Foster J oseph, Clarendon hotel, near Harbour & Post office t

Limited, The Beach table d'hote daily, during season, 8 •routine street

Ellis Mary Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 107 Sandgate rd Foster William Bodman, laundry, Broadmead

Elvery Frederick William, boarding house, 10 Marine par-ade Fox 1\ingstone, auctioneer & estate agent &e. see Trent & Fot

Emery William John, shopkeeper, 20 Warren road Fox Thomas, jeweller, 42 St. Michael's street

English's Illustrated Visitors' List (John English, publisher; Francis Charles & William, ironmongers, 66 & 68 Higb

weekly), 31 Highstreet street ; smiths, Cheriton road & Tontine street •

English's Guide to Folkestone, Hythe, Sandgate & Dover Francis Frederick, borough rate collector, High street

(John English, publisher), 3I High street Francis Jn. corn factor & coal merchant, 48 Rendezvous st

English John, printer & publisher of the "Folkestone Ex- Francis Palmer, fishmonger & poulterer, :r5 Sandgate road

press," 31 High street Franklin Frederic, bldr. & cohtracto:r,23 & 25 Rendezvousst

English Thomas Henry, lodging house, 6 Gloucester place Franklin John, baker, 43 & 45 Do~r street

Evans Elizh. (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 32 Pavilion rd. Foord Franklin William, shopkeeper, 71 Foord road

Fagg Alexander, dairyman, 101 Dover road Franks Thomas Abrabam, plumber &e. 62 Tontine street


Franks Thomas H. sail maker, Stade ' Ha11 John, fishmonger, 5n:, Tontine street

Franks William Henry, boot & shoe maker, 2 St. John's st Hall Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 19 Radnor street

Free Grammar School (Richard Stead F.R.ll.S. head Hall Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 66 Foord road

master), J<'oord road Hall Robert, pharmaceutical chemist, West Cliff pharmacy,
1ref1 Public Library (Stuart G. Hills, librarian; John 24 Bouverie road west

Ashton, assistant curator), Grace bill Hall Thomas, beer retailer, 42 North street

Freeman, Hardy & Willis Lim. boot & shoe war~ho. 13 High st Hall Thomas, fishmonger, 12 Cheriton road

Freestone William, apartments, 27 Coolinge road Hall Thomas, Globe hotel, Bayle

Fried R. (Mrs.), lodging house, 31 Guildhall street Hall William, watch maker & jeweller, 42 Rendezvous street

Friend James Ive, Chequers P.H. Seagate street Hall William Henry, pork butcher, 68 Tontine street

Fryer George Waiter, tobacconist, 3 Grace hill Hambridge Thomas James, insurance agt. 17 Canterbury rd

Fuller Richard, lodgmg house, 5 Clifton road Hambrook Frederick James, grocer, 29 Cheriton road

Fuller Sarah (Miss). lodging house, 16 Clifton crescent Hambrook Louise (Mrs.), apartments, 54 St. Michael's st

f"nnnell Brothers, butchers, 40 Tontine streeJ; Hambrook Samuel, lodging house, 13 The Lees

Gains Charles, lodging house, 7 Radnor place Hambrook Samuel Dean, undertaker, Rendezvous street

Gambrill Jo._hn Alfred, farmer, tile kiln & lamp brick maker, Hamilton Robert, basket maker, 30 High street

, Park & Broadmead Manor farms Hammerton D. & Co. brewers (J. A. Bates, agt. ), Guildhall st
~ambnll Valentine. farmer, Coolinge Hammon John Glover, dairyman, Cherry gardens

Gammon Sarah (Mrs.), greengrocer, 28 Dover street Hams James, tobacco pipe manufacturer, u Bridge street

~ardner Alfred Henry (firm, Wi,g-htwick & Gardner), solici- Hann Edwin Charles, butcher, 31 Cheriton road

tor & commissioner for affidavits, clerk to the Folkestone Hardie M. E. (Miss), young ladies' school, 3 Trinity road

borough school board, Conservative registration agent & Harding Ben Smith, grocer, 53 Denmark street (

-40licitor to Trade Protection Society, BA, Cheriton place Harding George, hardware dealer, 35 Denmark street

Gardner Jane (Mrs.), laundry, Denmark street Harman George William, apartments, I Coolinge road

Gardner Joseph, architect & surveyor, 2 Cheritonplace Harmer Robert John, lodging house, 91 Dover road '

Garland William, builder, 28 Cheriton road Harnett John, pork butcher, 8o The Bayle
~lTett Thomas, lodging house, n8 Dover road
Gatley Susan Jane (Mrs.), lodging house, 2 West terrace Harris Edward, coal merchant, 46 East Cliff rd. & Tram r<l

Gelardi Ernest, lodging house, 2 Clifton road Harris Edward, painter & decorator, 12 Shellons street

Harris Edwin, watch maker & tobacconist, 7 South street

George Sturge Convalescent Home , Harrison Charles, lodging house, 41 Guildhall street
Gibbens William, coffee rooms, 76 Canterbury road Harrison John, beer, IO Tontine street

Gibson Thomas George, apartments, 24 Shellons street Harrison Robert, apartments, 63 Brockman road

GIFFORD & CO. auctioneers & valuers, house & estate Harrison Timothy, lodging house, 15 Folly road

agents, 62 Sandgate road Harrison Timothy John, auctioneer, 20 Alexandra gardens

Giles John James, chemist, 44 Guildhall street Harrison William George Southey, solicitor, town clerk,

Giles William, Gun tavern, I9 Cheriton road clerk to the urban sanitary authority, clerk of the peace.
Gillham Esther (Mrs.), apartments, 41 St. Michael's street
deputy steward to the manor of Folkestone & registrar &

Gillieron Edward, lodging house, 15 Longhorne gardens high bailiff of county court, 4 Cheriton place
rl6inus Frdk, boot & shoe maker, I Tontine st. & 81 High st HarrisonWm.Hy.solr.& dep. reg.of countycourt,4 Cheriton
Glasscock Edmund G. mineral water manufacturer,Doverrd Harsant .A. & F. (Misses), ladies' school, 6 Earles avenue

Globe Parcel Co. (Bridges & Co. agents), 54 Tontine street Hart George Lainson, Bate's private hotel, 37, 39, 4r & 43

Godden Thomas, apartments, 65 Brockman road Sandgate mad & Longford house, The Lees

Golden Wm.·flyproprietor & apartments; 45 Brockman Toad Hart James, Railway inn, 26 Beach street

Aioldsack George, furnished apart.menta with or without Hart William, carpenter, 23 Guildhall street

board, 7 Clifton road Hartley John, lodging house, 4 Shakespeare terral'e

Vt!ldsfl,ck George William, watch.maket•, :n Guildhall street Harvey L. (Miss), confectioner, see Acomb & Harvey

· Goldsack Stephen, chimney sweeper, 33 The Bayle Hastie John (Mrs.), apartments, 44 Foord road
Goldsmith Samuel William, lodging house, 5 Clifton ores Hastings John, linen draper, 131 Dover road

.Goldsmith Sarah (Mrs.), lodging house, 20 The Lees Hawes James, Eagle tavern, 52 High streat

Gomer James, confectioner, 25 High street Hawkins Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 12 Marine parade

Goodburn Charlotte (Mrs.), laundress, 83 Black Bull road Hayes George F. manager to the American Dentists' Associ-

Goodburn George, lime burner, Canterbury road ation, I6A, Sandgate road

.Goodliffe George, pharmaceutical chemist, x7 Rendezvous Haynes H. (Mrs.), confectioner, 10 Cheriton road

street & 97 Dover road Hayward & Paramor, builders & contractors, 34 Park road;

Goodspeed & Go, grocers, George lane works, Shornrliffe

.Goodwin & Co. grocers, Black Bull road Hayward Edward, watch maker & jeweller, 17 High street

Goodyear Frederick Wm. bath chairpropr. 40 Coolinge rd Hayward Harriet (Mrs.), fruiterer, 57 High street

Gordon Charles, tobacconist, 23 Cheriton road Hayward James Spencer, builder, see Hayward & Paramor

Gosling W.F. &Co.linen draprs.& grocrs.High st.&George la Hedges Francis Edwin, poulterer, 19 High street

Gosling William Thomas, coach builder, gas & general en- Heel Rev. Edwd. B.A. York House schl. 37 Cheriton gardns

gineer & smith, The Bayle Hemsley Peter, relieving officer, St. Michael's street

Goulden J. & K (Misses), baby linen warehouse, 4 Church st Henr:y~ Martin L.D.S.R.c.s.Eng. dental surgn. 63 Sandgate rd

Gower Henry, New inn commercial house, Jivery & bait Herbert Henry, boot & shoe maker, 74 Canterbury road

stable & lock-up coach houses, 25 Dover road Heritage Edward, shopkeeper, 14 Radnor street

Gower James, confectioner, 14 Bouverie road west . Hermitage James, shopkeeper, T6 Foord road

.Graves William (Mrs.}, lodging house, 87 Sandgate road. Hernu Peron & Co. customs agents, 15 Beach street

. Gray George Richard, phrenologist. I Bouverie road east Heron Thomas George, family grocer, provision merchant,

!Grayling Sarah (Mrs.), lodging house, 74 Dover road & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit merehants;

Green Martha (Mrs.), apartments, 28 Shellons street finest bacon & ham smoked on the premises, 61 High st.

Green William Henry, lodging house, 7 Gloucester place & Sandgate road

Greenstreet William, lodging house, 6 Radnor place Hickey Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 3 Glo'ster place

Gregory George, boarding h{)use, 5 Longford terrace Higgins William, greengrocer, x8 Bouverie road west

Grittith Bailey, bookseller & stationer, 9 Rendezvous street Higher Technical School (under management of Sir Edward

Griffith Charles, dentist, xI I Sandgate road H. Cnrrie) (Robert Montgomery B.A. head master; F. R.

· Grover Frederick James, cabinet maker, 30 Victoria grove Tennant :B. A. science master; W, H. Moreland B. A. lan..
.firover Henry, pianoforte tuner, 30 Victoria grove
guage master; .A. W. Bevis B. A. lecturer in civil & me..

~nest Elizabeth (Miss), confectioner, x6 Church street chanical engineering & W. Slingo, lecturer in electric engi-

Guy Neil, resident marine eugineer to South Eastern Rail- neering)

way Co. St, Michael's street Highland Charles, whitesmith1 79 Dover street

Gymnasium (Chas. & Wm. Francis,proprs.); St. Michael'sst Hill James, Imperial hotel, 19 & 21 Black Bull road
Haa.g & Co. dining rooms, 12 Harbour street · Hills Edward & Sons, coach & carriage builders, 'fontine st.

;Hague Arthur, grocer, i Harbour street Hills & Sons, coach builders, 36 & g8 Dover road

llaines Thomas, lodging house, 7 Alexandra gardens Hills Alfred, Castle inn, 77 Foord road

Haines Thomas, plumber, 7 Guildhall street Hills George, builder, 50 Foord road '

Hall C. A. S. (Mrs.), lodging house, 22 Cliftoncrescent Hills Graham, fancy repository, 20 High street

Hall Frederic, solicitor & secretary to the Folkestone Hills Thomas Elvin, lodging house, 2 Trinity crescent

Masonic Hall Co. the J<'olkestone Lift Co. Limited & Hills William, confectioner, 16 & x8 Rendezvous street

Silver Sprmg Mineral Water Co. Limited, Bank chambers, HILLSDON CHARLES EDWARD, GUN maker, bicycle

127 Sandgate road manufacturer & machinist, Harbourstreet & South street;

Hall George, fishmonger, 88 The Bayle & at Granville road. Sandgate

Hall Iden Austin, grocer, Bradstone road Hilton Eliza (Miss).. dress maker, x6 Victoria grove

Halllden Huggins, builder & contractor, 4 Bradstone road Hinds K. (Mrs.), fruiterer., Grace hill


Hinton James, lodging honse, 16 Clifton gardens Jones William, fly proprietor, Albion mews, Bouverie road

Hinton Edwin, lodging house, 23 Bouverie. square & 76 Jordan Alfred, Red Cow P.H. Foord road

Clifton gardens Jordan Harry, South Foreland P.H. Seagate street

Hitching Joseph, coffee honse, 2 Cheriton road , Jordan Henry, fishmonger, 18 High street

Hobday Annie (Miss), lodging house, 7 Langhorne gardens Joseph Simeon, tailor, outfitter & pawnbroker, 71 High st.

Hobday Henry Amos, tool merchant & cutler, I2 Foord & Tontine street

road; & at Chatham & Dover Keeler Abraham, apartments, 7 Foord road

Hobday John Richard, boot maker, I2A, Foord road ' Keeler William, lodging house, 100 Dover road

Hobday Miss, lodging house, 6o Sandgate road Keith Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 78 Canterbury road

Hobday Sarah (Miss), dress ma. Brook house, Bradstone rd Kemp Cecil, baker & grocer, I21 Dover road

Hobday William Felgate, tobacconist, 45 High street Kemsley George, confectioner, 73 High street

Hodge Henry, apartments & insurance agt. 39 Coolinge rd Kennedy Andrew, fishmonger, 3 Harbour street

Hoey Edward, lodging honse, 8 Marine terrace Kennett & Son~ cabinet makers, 2 High street

Hoey John, lodging house, to Marine terrace Kennett Frederick, dairyman, 18 Cheriton rd. & Coolinge rd

Hogben Ann (Mrs.), baker, 23 High street Kennett James, auctioneer, 66 Guildhall street & 2 High st

Hogben Henry M.R.c.v.s. veterinary surgeon, 13 Shellons rd Kennett Richard, apartments, 20 Cheriton road

Hogben Herbert, lodging house, 6o St. John's street Kennett Richard, lodging house, 3 Lower Sandgate road

Hogben Herbert, 'framway tavern, 4 Radnor street Kent College for Girls (day & boarding) (L. J. Chudleigh,

Hogben Waiter, baker & confectioner, 5 Dover street head mistress), close to The Leas. See advertisement

Hoile Carolina (Mrs.), lodging house, 31 St. Michael's street Kent Ice Consumers' Manufacturing & Supply Co. Limited

Hoile James, manager of gas works, Gas works, Foord road (W. H. Newman, sec.), 6 West Cliff gardens

Holbein's Visitors' List (A. H. Holbein, publisher; published Kidham Elizaooth tMrs. ), dress maker, 5 Gloucester plaee

wed.) ; George lane King Ceptima. (Mrs.), boarding house, 23 Clifton gardens

Holbein Ambrose Hans, printer &c. 17 George lane Kingsford Edmd. agt. for the Kent Fire office, 94 Guildhall st

Holden Edward John, house decorator & plumber, 6t Sand- Kingsmill George, confectioner, 76 Tontine street

gate road & 46 Rendezvous street. See advertisement Kingston Thomas, lodging house, 9 The Lea.s

HOLDEN H. CLIFFORD, brick & tile manufacturer, Broad- Knight John, pharmaceutical chemist, I2 Rendezvous street

mead, near Shorncliffe station ; office, 54 Sandgate road Knott Richard, Brewery Tap P.H. 53 Tontine street
Holdom William Henry, builder, contractor & undertaker, Knowles Henry, physician, 62 Guildhall street

21 Guildhall street Laker John, apartments, 48 Coolinge road

Roldrick John, chimney sweeper, 14 Shellons street Lamborne- Richard, furniture dealer, 67 Tontine street
Holdrick William, chimney sweeper, 20 Shellons street Laslett Frederick George, baker, n8 Jt'oord road
Holgate James, umbrella-maker, 8 Dover road Laslett George, beer retailer, 13 Beach street

Hollamby Edward Henry, general turner & french polisher, Laslett Susannah (Mrs.), apartments, It Shellons street

r8 Shellons street Lawrence Frank, apartments, gx Coolinge road

Holliday George, Wheatsheaf P.H. Bridge street Laws Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundress, 46 Coolinge road

.Hollis Alfred, apartments, 26 Coolinge road Lea Frederick .James, chemist, 43 Tontine street

Holloway Thomas, lodging house, & school attendance Lea John, chemist & druggist, 4 Harbour street

officer, 64 Sandgate road LEAS MOTEL LIMITED (managing director, H. Marcbant),

Holme Charles, lodging house, 3 Priory gardens Clifton gardens

Holmes Thomas Gray, steward to the Jt'olkestone Masonic LeBntt Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 35 Coolinge road

Hall Co. Limited, The Masonic ball, Grace bill Leckie Philip, dining rooms, 8 Harbour street

Home of Rest for SeYVants (Miss Rodwell, lady superinten- Lecture Hall (John Surrey, proprietor), Grace hill

dent), Pembrook house, Guildhall street Ledger Thomas George, custom house agent for the South

Homersham Elizabeth (Miss), lodging house, 56 Sandgate rd East•rn Railway Co. Parade house & Harbour

Hopkins George, Eagle tavern, 8g Guildhall street Leeds & Leicester-Shoe Co. (John Cairns, proprietor), boot&

Horn Barbara (Mrs.), lodging house, 21 Clifton crescent shoe warehouse, 54 High street
Howland Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 48 Foord road Leigh Hubert S. .engraver, 2IA, Tontine street

Hughes Jane (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 22 South street Lemmey AnnieEliza. (Mrs.), day school, 64 Guildhall street

Hughes William, draper, 85 Sandg-ate road Leney Alfred & Co. brewers, Beach street

Hunt Seymour, lodging house, 2 Gloucester place Lepper George, beer retailer & carpenter, 9 Queen street

Huntley Charles, fly proprietor, Bouverie mews, BouveTie sq Lepper Richard, apartments, 47 Brockman road

Huntley James, bath chair propr. Albion mews, Bouverie rd Lepper Robert, carpenter, 48 St. John's street

}IusseyRev.ArthurLawM.A.brdng.ho.TheGrange,Shorncliffe Lflpper Robert, jun.lodging house, 62 St. Joluf's street

Hyham James, butcher, 13 Dover street & 14 Tontine street Lester Frederick & Son, painters, 9 Dover road

Hythe & Sandgate Echo (W. J. Jeaffreson, printer & pub- Lewis, Hyland, Goble &; Linom, general drapers, 21 Ren-

lisher ; published sat.), r6 Shellons street dezvous street & Market place

Iddenden Thomas, builder, 56 Canterbury road Lewis Charles, surgeon, 67 Sandgate road

Illenden Hamlett Edgar, painter & decorator, 58 Dover road Lewis Henry M.D. surgeon & physician, 57 Sandgate road

.lnge John, statiuner, 66 Tontine street LewisPercy, surgeon, go Sandgate road

lngles Park Skating Rink Light Hannah (Mrs.), lodging house, 8 Gloucester place

Inland Revenue Office (Wm. Adams, officer), Custom house Lilley Edmund, boot maker, I02 Canterbury road

lnman H. (Mrs.), lodging house, t Glo'ster place Logan Thomas, tailor, 731 75, 77, 79 & 81 Tontine street
lnman Thomas, saddler, Christchurch road London, Chatham & Dover Railway Booking Office (James

Ismay Emily & Ellen (Misses), ladies' school, 5 Earles aven Cobb, agent), 4A, Church street

lverson Henry & Son, grocers, 3 Dover street London Medical Mission Convalescent Home (John Latch-

Jackson Harry, Foresters' Arms P.H. 33 Shellons street ford A.B., M.B.T.C.D., r...R.c.s.r, medical superintendent;

Jackson Henry, jobmaster & livery stables keeper, Osborne Miss Ka'te Brown, lady supt.),Netley cot. Claremontroad

mews, Bouverie road west Longley Thomas White, draper, 69 High street

Jacob William Henry, fly proprietor, Clifton mews Lord C. West Cliff hotel

Jaques Frank (Mrs.), boarding house, I Langhorne gardens Ludgate Margaret Ann (Mrs ), lodging ho. ros Dover road

Janes Jane (Mrs.), tobacconist, 22 Beach street Lukey John & Sons, wine & spirit mers. 3 Rendezvous street

J'arretl Ann (Mrs.), ladies school, 2I St. l\'Iichael's street Lummes Henry Edward1 shopkeeper, ISO Do\·er road
Jarrett Horace, shopkeeper, Pavilion road Machon John, lodging house, 2 Marine terrace

.Jarvis Frederick John & Francis, carriers, Tontine street Mackay Donald, boarding house, Langhorne ho. The Lees

.Jay Zara (Mrs.), lodging house, 8 Longford terrace Mackeson & Co. (of Hythe brewery) (established 1669), pale
.Je:lfery Dudley, Prince Albert hotel, Rendezvous street & family ale brewers; branch, Imperial brewery, Tontine

Jeffery John, farmer, Broadmead street; &at .Ashford, Hastings, Dover, Sittingbourne &c

Jeffery John, farmer, Walton farm, Canterbury road Mackey Osmond A. insurance agent, 27 Foord road

Jefford Waiter Thomas, Granville inn, fi3 Dover street Madden Thomas Wm. surveyor & estate agt. I4 Guildhallst

Jenner Charles, builder & contractor, 55 Broa.dmead road Maestrani Carlo, confectioner, 2 South st. & Sandgate road

Joad Elizabeth (Miss), lodging house, 5 Langhorne gardens Major Brothers, butchers, 5 Rendezvous street; 33 & 55

.Johnson John, lodging house, 20 Victoria grove Tontine street & 69 Guildhall street

J'ohnson Joseph, dealer in antiquities, 37 & 14 High street; Major Frederick, builde-r, 62 High street & so Tontine st

23 Tontine street & 6 South street ., Major John, butcher, n6 Foord road
Jones Dl. P. w. & Co. aerated wate-r mnfrs. I05 &I07 Dover st Major Stephen, butcher, l Rendezvous street
Jones Frances (Miss), lodging honse, 223 Dover road
Major Stephen, butcher, 129 Dover road

Jones George, laundry, 20 Marshall street, Canterbury road Major Thomas, tobacconist, 22 Harbour street

Jones John, greengrocer, 42 Dover road Major William, tobacconist, I2o Foord road

J ones John, greengrocer, 38 Rendezvous street Major William Henry, butcher, 69 Guildhall street

Jones Ma.ry Warman (Mrs.}, costumier,. I2 Harvey street Makin Thomas Frederick, grocer, 40 & 42 Guildhall street

Jones Minnie (Mrs.), apartments, 32 Foord road Maple Thomas, beer retailer, Bellevue street


Maplesden George, apartments, 54 Foord road 1Murton William, beer retailer, Canterbury road

Marchant H. managing director to the Leas Hotel Limited, I Musgrave Joseph John, hosier & draper, 18 Sandgate road

Clifton gardens · Musson Henry, hair dresser, 19 Sandgate road

Marks Alfred Henry, cutler, 7 Tontine street National Provincial Bank of England (branch) (J. R. Davy,

Marks William, confectioner, 22 Sandgate road manager), Sandgate rd. ; draw on head office, LondonE c

Marsh & Tiddy, photographers, 29 Tontine street Naylor Frances (Mrs.), lodging house, 87 Dover road

Marsh Eliza (Mrs.), dairy, 90 Canterbury road Neal James, lodging house, 7 Marine parade

Marsh Eliza Ann (Mrs.), Lord Nelson P.H. 10 Radnor street Neame Herbert, photographer, Dover road

Marsh G. J. E. lodging house, 6 Clifton road Nelson Jabez, grocer, 31 Dove:r road

Marsh George, Harvey commrcl. & family hotel, 46 Dover rd Nethersola Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 26 East cliff

Marsh George, pianoforte warehouse &general music dealer, Neve .Arthur Henry, jun. solicitor, 19 Guildhall street

2g Tontine street Neville .Arthur, apartments, 7 Brockman road

Marsh George, pork butcher. 17 Black Bull road New CathP-rine (Miss), dress maker, 36 Shellons street

Marsh George James, coal merchant, 136 Dover road Newman Frank, architect & surveyor, 13 Guildhall street&

Marsh Harriett (Miss), fancy draper, 19 Grace hill 23 .Alexandra gardens •
Marsh John, dairyman, 41 Denmark street Newman John, builder, 8o Dover road

Marsh John Philpot, linen draper, 100 Tontine street Newman Owen, lodging house, 26 The Bayle

Marsh Wm. fly proprietor, .Alexandra mews, Bouverie road Newman William, lodging house, 14 The Leas

Marsh William, miller, Bradstone mills, I<'oord road Newton Fauny (Mrs.), boarding house, 7 Trinity crescent

Marshall Lucy (Miss), straw hat & bonnetma. 9 Denmark st Nicholls Frank, fishmonger, 14 Foord road

Marshall Stephen, apartments, 32 Shellons street Nichols James, shopkeeper, 2 Rossendale road

Martin Benjamin A. & Son, shoe warehouses, I Saagate Nichols Suah (Miss), lodging house, 33 Bouverie square

street & 4 Dover street Nicholson John, lodging house, 5 Trinity crescent

Martin .Ann (Miss), lodging house, 7 Manor road Norman Christian, Blue Anchor P.IJ. 9 Beach street

Martin Robert, shopkeeper, 44 Dover street Norman Hannibal M. boot maker &chiropodist,

. Maskelll<,rancis Percy, greengrocer, 6 St. John's street Norrington John, shopkeeper, I Allendale street, Foord

Mason Joseph, boot maker & hosier, I Sandgate road Oake .Alfred, teacher of music, 3I Millfield

Mason Joseph, dining rooms, 16 Harbour street Oakley Leonard, lodging house, 13 Marine parade

Masonic Hall Co. Limited (Frederick Hall, sec.), Grace hill O'Clee John Holton, lodging house, 13 Marine parade &

Matthew Eleanor (Mrs.), stationer, n & 13 George lane silversmith, 5 George lane

Matthews Daniel, hair dresser, 6 George lane Oldroyd Charles Henry, lodging house, 129 Sandgate road

Maxted Martha Elizh. (Miss), drpr. & dress ma. 78 Dover rd Osborn Alfred, apartments, 58 l<'oord road

May Richard, lodging house, 127 Dover street Osborne Temperance hotel, .Bouverie road west

Maycock Jane (Miss), fancy repositt•ry, 8 Guildhall street Osbourne .Arthur, apartments, 78 Coolinge road

Maynard Ed ward Charles L. R. c.P. Edin. surgn. I I Sbellons st 0\"'enden J oseph, ships' smith, Stade

Meacher John, boot & shoe maker, 10 St. John's road Ovenden Stephen Parks, dining rooms, xo Harbour street

Melville Mrs. boarding house, 12 Clifton crescent Overy James, shopkeeper, 37 Dover street

Menpes Francis, gilder, painter & shopkpr. 39 &61 Dover st Owen & Hugbes, dress &mantle makers, 8 Alexandra grdns

Mepsted George Arthur, fishmonger, I South street Page Daniel, plumber, 160 Dover road ·

Mercer & Prebble, brick makers, Hawkinge Page John, lodging house, I22 Dover road

Mercer Thomas & George, smiths & wheelwrights, Io & 12 Page Stephen, gas rate collector, Gas works, Foord road

St. John's street Page William, shopkeeper, 69 Foord road

Mercer Thomas Gillham & George, wheelwrights & coac~ Pain & Holloway, brick & tile manufacturers, Canterbury-rd

builders, Queen street Pain .Alfred, tobacconist, 8 Dover street

Mercer Henry John, Royal Oak P.H. 19 North street Pain Charles, hair dresser, 124 l<'oord road

Mercer Henry Rye, builder, contractor & undertaker, 88 Pain Edward .Bumpas, watch maker, 8 Rendezvous streeii

Guildhall street & 2I & 22 Darby road Palmer William, fishmonger, I8 .Black Bull road

Mercer John, coal dealer, 28 St. John's street Pankhurst James, British Lion P.H. &fly propr. 10 The Bayle

Miller .Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 36 Guildhall street Pankhurst James, fly proprietor, Queen's mews, Guildhall st

Miller E. (Mrs.), lodging house, 9 Manor road Pankhurst Mary (Miss), dress maker, 29 Coolinge road

Miller George, surgical boot maker, 38 Dover street Paramor Alfred John, apartments, 7 Bouverie place

Minis Robert, lodging house, 14 Clifton crescent Paramor Robert Waiter, builder, see Hayward & Paramor

Minter John, solicitor & commissioner for oaths & borough Parfit William, upholsterer, 20 Darby road

coroner, 6 West Cliff gardens Parker John, boot & shoe warehouse, 6 Harbour street '

Mitchell William, station master, 219 Dover road Parker William, grocer & wine & spirit mer. 36 Rendezvous st

Moat Albert, deputy town clerk, 4 Cheriton place Park house Douglas, stationer & bookseller, 20 Rendezvous st

Moat Edward, watch maker, r46 DoTer road Parkin Joseph, lodging house, 11 Darby road .

Moat Ephraim George, grocer & baker, 14 St. John's street Parks Harriett (Mrs.), lodging house, 76 Dover street

Moat Ephraim George, lodging house, 51 Dover road Parks Thomas, beer retailer, .Bridge street

Mockridge Thomas, hair dresser, 20 Beach street Parks Waiter, fly proprietor, 29 Guildhall st. & Cheriton pl

Mohnn Miss, school, 3 Shellons street Parsons George, tobacconist, 42 Dover street

MOLCKENBUHR WILLIAM HENRY, Bouverie hotel, Bou- Parsons John, plumber & painter, Tontine st. & 6 Shellons st

verie road east, for families & gentlemen, two minutes Pash Henry, boot & shoa maker, 30 Rendezvous street

from the Leas & Pier; excellent stabling & loose boxes; Paul William Hadlow, Marquis of Lorne P.H. 15 Radnor st

riding horses kept Pavilion Hotel (Spurgen G.), The Harbour

Monger Hannah (Mrs.), boarding house, 6 Cheriton place Payer M. & M. wardrobe dealers, 28 Rendezvous street

Moody Henry Monro, builder & contractor & stone mason, Payer .Albert Edward, builder, decorator, carpenter &joiner,

51 Brockman road 28 Rendezvous street

Moody John Charles, leather seller, 18 Tontine street Payer Charles, house agent, auctioneer, furnisher & antique

Moore .Arabella (Miss), lodging house, 34 Sandgate road dealer, 28 Rendezvous street

Moore Charles John, lodging house, 47 St. Michael's street Payne Elizabeth (Mrs.), greengr.ocer, 50 Dover street

Moore Frederick, hair dresser, 8 Cheriton road Payne George Walter, ba.ker & confectioner, 12 Dover road

Moore Harry, general draper & milliner, 48 Guildhall street Peale William & Son,chimney sweepers,4Sprin~ter.Dover rd

Moore John Wright, boarding house, II The Leas Peale William Thomas, chimney sweeper, 72 Foord road

Moran Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 25 Brockman road Pearse Richard, lodging house, 29 Castle Hill avenue

Morris Frederick, tailor, I St. Michael's street Pearson Mary (Miss), True Briton P.H. Harbour street

Moser Naomie (Mrs.), florist, 40 High street Pearson William Hall, coal merchant, Grace hill

Moss Isaac William, gastitter, 28 St. Peter's street Peden James & Son, Pavilion Shades P.H. fly proprietor &

Moss William, tailor, 9 Shellons street livery stable keeper, Tramway

Moth Charlotte (Mrs.), lodging house, 3 Brockman road Peden George, fruiterer, greengrocer & florist 77, & fish-

Mount John, lodging house, I Tram road monger 83, Sandgate road

Mowll John, fancy repository, 49 High street Pellatt Daniel, shoe maker, 8 St. John's street

Mowll William Rutley, coal merchant, 82 Tontine street Pepin Thomas William, upholsterer, 15 The Bayle

Moyle Robert, lodging house, 90 Dover road Pepper .A.&Son,butchers,I2Bouverie rd. west&8I Sandgate rd

Mummery .Ann Smith (Mrs.), lodging house, 27 Dover rd Perry Charles Edward M. D. physician & surgeon, medical

Mummery Thomas & Sons, smiths, 27 Dover road officer of health for Sandga.te, I I Bouverie place

Munckton James, saddler & harness maker, 12 Sandgate rd Perry Wilham, photographer, 21 Grace hill

Murdocb Mary Brown (Miss), West End berlin wool & Pettman & Callow (Misses), apartments, 22 Bouverie square

fancy repository, 22 Bouverie road west Petts A. & Co. drapery bazaar, general &furnishing drapery,

Murray Jn. L.R.c.P.Edin. physcn. & surgn. IS Trinity grdns millinery, mantles &e. 63 High street & 19 Tontine street

K. S. & S. 18


Petts Brothers, builders & lime merchants, 54 & 56 Dover Ramell & Sons, shoeing smiths, Dover road

<¥oad & St. Michael's street Ramell & Son, fly proprietors, West Cliff mews

Petts Frederick, collector of poor rates & as3istant overseer, Ramell & Son, coach builders, 23 Dover road

IO Shellons street , Rand :Francis, pork butcher, n8 Guildhall street
'Putts Hoy Henr~·· lodgin~ house, 24 Clifton crescent Randall & Holland E. F. & G. (Misses) & E. (Mrs.), lodging

P0tts James Quested, lodging house, 9 Marine crescent house, 38 Sandgate road

P Jtts Pleasant (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I7 Richmond street Randall James Henry, lodging house, 2 Clifton road

P~tts Stephen John, 'fancy draper. 34 Rendezvous street Ransford William, manager to South Eastern Drug Co.x6A,

Petts Waiter, lodging houst:, 2 Clifton gardens Sandgate road

Phillips Robert &; Co. domestic machine warehouse, 25 Rapaccidi Joseph, shopkeeper, 5u, Tontine street

Grace hdl Rattenbury Frances (Miss), lodging house, 6 Cheriton place

Philpot James, furniture dealer. I27 Dover ro~d Reason Frederiek, lodging house, 6 Harvey street ·

Philpott John, coal dealer, 29 St. Peter's street Reason George Henry, lodging house, 49 Dover road

Philpott Samuel George, furniture dealer, 22 Foord road Reason Henry, builder, 42 Dover road

Pickford & Co. carriers, 27 Rendezvous street Redman Neibour, confectioner, 49 Tontine street

Pierson Matilda (Mrs.), costumier, 39 Guildhall street Reed Charles, marine store dealer, 5 Queen street

Piggott Andrew, grocer, 28 Foord road~ Reeve C. & E. (Misses), collegiate school for girls, Athelstan

Piggott Andrew Fletcher, oil & color man, 7 Dover street college, Shorncliffe road

Pilcher Alfred, shopkeeper, I3 St. John's street Reeves Mildred (Miss), lodging house, 34 & 35 Bouver1e sq

Pilcher A1gar, lodgin!.l" house, go Guildhall street Reich Francis Joseph, watch maker, 74 Tontine street
Pilcher George, florist & market gardener, us Dover road Renison Edward, shopkeeper, 23 Young's road
Pilcher George, 'lodging house, 4 Trinity crescent Rennie NJ:ary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Foord road

Pilcber Henry, cab proprietor & coal dealer, The Bayle Riddick Nahor, boot & shoe wareho. 20 Houverie road west

Pilche:r Roger, lodging house, 6 London place Riley John (Mrs.), lodging house, 2 Kings North gardens

.Pilcher Waiter George, greengrocer, 7 Sandgate road Riley Thomas Abijah, stationer, 33 High street

Pitney Eliza (Mrs.), lodging house, 3 Manor road Roberts Henry Stephen, professor of music, 2 Claremont rd

Pittock Albert, provision dealer, 42 Badnor street Roberts John Hall, apartments, 6o Coolinge road

Pittock Alfred, grocer & italian warehouseman, 3I Tontine st Roberts JohuRamsey Cullen, teacher of music, 7 Oxford ter

Plaistow Frederick William, lodging hom1e, 14 Coolinge rd Roberts William Henry, grocer, 35 Black Bull roa1

Player Theodore Wm. tea dealer, Moo Abri, Radnor Bridge rd Robertson John Geo. grocer, I Denmark st. Canterbury rd

.Pledge James, auctioneer & valuer, 8o Guildhall street Robinson Maria (Mrs.), lodging house, 23 The Leas

Plummer, Roddis & Beecroft Lim. drapers, 4 High street Robinson William, hair dresser, 2A, St. John's street

Polden Albert, lodging house, 3 Tram road Robinson William Hall, Swan P.H. 176 Dover road

Polden Henrietta (Mtss), lodging house, 6x Dover road Rogers Jane {Mrs.).• lodging- house, 15 Alexandra gardens

Polhill Samuel, apartments, 64 Cheriton road Rogers Sidney, editor of the "Folkestone Argus," 42 High st

Pollaru William, George Ill. P.Il. Fenchurch street Rolfe John, lodging house, I Marine terrace _

Pond Uriah (Mrs.), lodging house, I Lower Sandgate road Rolfe Lavinia (Miss), dress maker, 54 St. Michael's street

Poole Henry & Edward, ironmongers, Rendezvous street Ross Miss, boys' school, 29 Bouverie square ..

Poole George, general furnishing ironmonger & gasfitter, Rowland H. W. manager to the Folkestone Pleasure Gar·

tin, iron & zinc plate worker, bellhanger, cutlery ground dens & Theatre Co. Limited ,

& repaired on the premises, smith's work, hot & cold. water Rumney George William, lodging house, 3 Coolinge road

fitter, 4I High street Rumsey George Henry, baker &confectioner, 6Q High street

Pope Margt. & Cath. (Misses)I lodging house, 7 Clifton cresct Rumsey Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 40 Foord road

Pope William & Sons, china & glass dealers, -7- Harbour Russell Charles, George inn, 2 George lane

street & 20 Sandgate road Russell James Henry, cabinet maker, 15 Dover street

Pope & Sons, glass & china warehouse, 2 Harbour street Rust Charles, Pier private hotel, Marine crescent

Pope Adam George, apartme;nts, I5 St. Michael's street Rye George, shopkeeper, 16 Syd'ney street

Pope Elizabeth (Miss), private hotel, 13 & 14 Marine cr~sct Sadler George, Black Hull P.H. Canterbury road

Pope George, linen draper, 58 Guildhall street . Sage William, lodging house, 9 London street

Pope George L. general draper, hosier, milliner & dress St. Andrew's Convalescent Home (under the care of the

maker, 22 High st. & Foord Drapery stores, Blac~ Bull rd sister in charge ; R. L. Bowles M.D, hon. physician ; C.

.Pope Reginald, ar(fhitect & surveyor, 2 Millfield Lewis, hon. surgeon ; H. A. Cockerill, hon. sec. ; Rev.

Pope William Hughes, builder & putty manufacturer, Brad- William Hedley, chaplain}, East cliff

stone lodge, Bradstone road St. Eanswythe's Mission & School ~in charge of the Clewer

Pounds M. E. (Mrs.), lodging house, 5 Marine parade sisterhood), Mission house1 The Bayle
St. Gabriel's House of Rest (lady superior in charge; Chas.
Powell Edward, lodging house, 18 Bouverie square

Praetorius .Alfred P. boarding school for sons of gentlemen, Edward Perry, hon. physician), Lennard road

Praetoria house, Grimston avenue St. Katherine's Home for Dressmaking (sisters in charge),

Prague Charles, teacher of the violin1 16 Coolinge road 7 Bouverie road east
Pratt Sarah (Mrs.), lodging house, 42 :Foord road St. Mary Magdalene's Children's Home (Miss Porter, lady

Prebble Catherine (Mrs.), lodging house, 7 Shellons street superior), 23 & 25 East cliff

Prebble Edwin Frederick, watch maker, 4 Rendezvous st Salter William, private hotel, Westbourne gardens

Prebble George, builder & undertaker & monumental James T, wine & spirit merchant, 6 & 52 Tontine street

sculptor, Grace hill . Sanders Edwin Charles, lodging house, 9 Brockman rood

Prebble George, jun. lodging house, 3 Church street Sanders Richard Godden, jun. apartments, 9 Park road

Prebble Thomas, bnot maker, 57 Foord road Sanders Robert, boat builder, 42 Harvey street
Prebbl~ Thomas, cabinet maker, upholsterer, appraiser, Sanitorium (John Pearson, supt.)~ East cliff

valuer & undertaker, 7 Church street Saunders Clifford James, draper, 13 & 15 Rendezvous street

Prebble William, beer retailer, 38 Foord road Saunders Henry John, boot maker1 59 Tontine street ·
Preston Charles, coffee house, .Black Bull road Saunders John Thomas, boot & sbo3 ma. 6 St. Michael's st

Price John, jeweller 27, & tobacconist 29, High street Saunders Joseph Sidney, East Cliff tavern, East cliff

Priestley & De .Butts, surgeons, 44 Saudgate road Saunders Richard (Mrs.), lodging house, 25 Cheriton place

Priestly Clement Edwd.L.R.C.P.Edin.surgeon, 44 Sandgate rd Saunders Samuel, Bellevue hotel1 St. John's street
Prior George, dining rooms, 8 Beach street
Saunter Charles, boot & shoe maker, I66 Dover road •

Purdy William, lodging house, I29 Dover street Savings Bank (Albert Moat, sec.), Town llall, Guildhall st

Pursey Charles Joseph, outfitter, 99 Dover road Sawyer Benjamin, lodging house, 7 West Cliff gardens

Purssord A1fred James, pork butcher &c. 14 High street Saxby George, watch maker, 46 High street

Puttee Frederick, stationer, u High street Scaife George (Mrs.), boarding house, 5 Bouverie road west

Puttee William, printer, 76 Dover road Scotcher George (Mrs.), lodging house, 5 West terrace

Queen's Hotel Co. Lim.(W. E. Odlum,mangr.), Sandgate rd Scott John & Son, dyers & cleaners, I George lane

Quested Edward, Railway hotel, Coolinge Scott Alfred, baker, 97 Dover road

Quinn James, lodging house, 37 Bouverie square Scott John Paul, East Kent Arms P.H. 19 Sandgate road

Quintan Charles, Raglan hotel & 104 Dover road Searancke Blanche (Miss), apartments, 8o Coolinge road

Radford William Beasley, steward to the Rt. Hon. The Earl Searancke Susan (Mrs.), apartments, 15 Coolinge road

of R.adnor, Manor office Self & 1.\'IcLachlan C. P. & C. M. (Misses), girls' school, 26

Radnor Glnb (P. M. Buchanan, sec.), Sandgate road Christchurch road

Radnor (Earl of), Manor office (William Beasley Radford, Servants' Home & Registry Office (Miss B::tss, hon. sec.),

steward), lngles; Norman,Brown&Norman,Londonagnts 96 Tontine street

Ragged School Union, Children's Holiday Home (matron, Seymour George L.D.s.R.c.s.Eng. dentist, I03 Sandgate rd

Miss Alice Friend), Dover road Sharp Edward, butcher, 35 Canterbury road

Rainford Arthur Wyndham, marine engineer, 70 Dover rd Sharp William, dairyman, 2 Denmark street ·

ltalph J<'redk. Rose commercial & family hotel, Rendezvous st Shaw & Seabrook, lodging house, 74 Sandgate road


Sbaw Benjamin, lodging house, 18 ·Alexandra gardens Stockton Alfred, beer retailer, 15 Broadmead road

Sllaw Robert John, linen draper, 24 & 26 Dover road Stockwell Alfred James, shoe maker, 6 Grace hill

81lepb.erd, Neame & Co. Faversham family pale ale brewers Stokes Ed ward, lodging house, 12 London street

(Messrs. Underwood, Penfold & Co. agents), 53 & 55 Stokes Henry, dairyman, 40 Dover road
Sandgate road
Stokes Rosa (:Miss), boarding house, 8 Marine parade

Shepb.erd George William, lodging house, 24 Victoria grove Stokes Stephen (Mrs.), carman, 64 Sydney st.Canterbury ,rd

:Sb.errod Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 23 Black Bull road Storer Maria (Miss), apartments &private schl.17 Shellons st

81let'wood & Son, grocers, tea dealers & provision merchants, Stratton l<'rederick, fruiterer, 25 Tontine street

3 Sandg:~te road Strood George, baker & confectioner, 6o Gu_ildhall street

Shet"wood John, house agent & agent for furnished houses STROUD WALTER, practical printer, bookbinder, engraver

& apartments, 5 Sandgate road & die stamper; every description of work in the latest

Shoobridge Mary (Miss), lodging house, Cliff cot. The Lees styles & at ~oderate charges. 21 Coolinge road
~ibly Clarinda (Miss), lodging house, 7 Shakespeare terrace Stroud Wil!iam, bricklayer, 7 New street, Foord road

.Sider George, umbrella maker, 7 Dm·er road Surrey John, town crier, bil1 poster & chair propr. Grace hi

Silver Spring Mineral Water Co. Limited (Frederic Hall, Surry Ann (Mrs.), glass & china warehouse, Grace hill
solicitor, sec.) ; offices, Bank chambers, Sandgate road ; Surry John, bill poster & agent to Sutton & Co. Grace bill

factory, Grace hill Sutton & Co. (John Sorry, agent), Grace hill

Simmons Thomas, Bouverie Arms P.H. 33 Cheriton road Sutton Fanny (::VIrs.), private lodging ho. II Marine parade

Simpson William, printer & bookseller, 21 & 79 Sandgate rd Sutton Rebecca (Mrs.), apartments, 19 Shellons street

Sims Frederick, builder, 40 St. Michael's street Sumner David, prmter & stationer, 32 & 13 Tontine street

.Sims Frederick, shopkeeper, 2 Arthur street Swain Harry, apartments, 24 Harvey street

~inden Mary Jnlia (Mrs.), confectioner, 4 George lane Swain William, greengrocer, 8 George lane •

.Singer Manufacturing Co. (John Harold Avery, agent), 42 Swingford Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 4 Marine parade

Tontine street Switchback Railway, Thompson's Patent Gravity (R. Pope,

'Sl.adden William Richard D. tailor, 18 Foord road manager), The Beach

:Siade Edmd. brick & tile manfr. ; office & wks. Canterbury rd Swoffer Geo. & Edward, fruit & potato mers. I07 Dover rd

Small Pox Hospital (John Pearson, supt.), Folkestone hill Tabram John Edward, lodging house, 42 Sandgate road

Small John, umbrella maker, 48 Do\·er street Tame William, Queen's Head P.H. Beach street

Smiles Charles, tobacconist, Army & Navy cigar stores, 14 Tappenden Edward, shopkeeper, 13 Dover street

Rendezvous street Tappenden Febx, apartments, 26 Shellons street

Smith & Atkinson, solicitors, 12 Alexandra gardens 'fappenden Wm. shopkeeper, 2 Marshall st. Canterbury rd

Smith A. (Miss), apartments, 40 Bouverie square Tassart Louis & Son, invalid chair proprietors, Bouverie sq

.Smith Boaz, dairyman, Bradstone road Taylor Albert Edward, saddler, 16 Cheriton road

Smith Charles, lodging house, 8 Lower Sandgate road "sTaylor George Frederick, riding master, 24 Cheriton road
:Smith Edward, gasfitter, 17 Bellevue street
Taylor John, painter & house decorator, Claremont road
Smith Geo. Mence, grocer &oilman at store prices, 8 High st Taylor Mary Ann (Miss), dress maker, 55 Dover road -

Smith Henry James, dairyman, Canterbury road TayJor Mary Ann (Mrs.), medical rubber, 29 Foord road

Smith Jane Mary {Mrs.), PaP-ket Boat inn, 50 Radnor street Taylor Peter, lodging house, 72 Dover road

Smith Joseph, watch maker, 44 Coolinge road Taylor Thomas Fuller, pork butcher, 86 The Bayle

.Smith Stephen, beer retailer & shopkeeper, 57 Sydney Terry Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 49 St.. Michael's street

street, Canterbury road Thompson J. S. Phelps & S. Phe!ps (Misses), teachers of

..Smith Theodore John, solicitor, see Smith & Atkinson music, 2 Christ Church road

Smith Thomas, shopkeeper & coal dealer, 91 Guildhall st Thompson Edmund Stow, preparatory school for sons of

Smith W. J. ice merchant, Tram road gentlemen, Pelham house, Bouverie road east

.Smith Waiter, corn dealer, 84 Tontine street Thompson Emma (Mrs.), midwife, 82 St. John's street

Smith William, apartments, 19 Coolinge road Thompson John, poulterer, 9 High street

Smith William Richard, baker, II Dover street Thorley & Amos, drapers, 30 Canterbury road

.Souter Mackenzie & Co. mineral water manufacturers, 15 Thornton Hy. Barrett, custom ho. agent, Low. Sandgate rd

Dover road ; & at Dover & 82 Mark lane, London E c Thorpe W. E. & Co. bookseller, printer & stationer, The

.South Eastern & Continental Steam Packet Co. (Thomas Library, Sandgate road

George Ledger, agent), Harbour Tickell & Bull, dairyman, 33 Warren road

.South Eastern Drug Co. (William Ransford, manager), 16A, Tilbey Alfred, boot maker, 72 St. John's street

Sandgate :road Timson Joseph John, boot maker, l6 High street

.Soutlt Eastern Railway Booking Offices (Mrs. Frances L. Tite & Rolfe, baby linen warehouse, 5 High street

Edney, manager), 2 Church street Tolputt & Son, pianoforte warehouse & music seller, 14

South of England Telephone Co. Limited, 30 Rendezvous st Sandgate road

Southey Edward, carver & gilder & picture frame maker, Tolputt Hy.Lim. timber mers.Low.Sandgate rd.&Tramway

10 Higlt street Tombleson Martha tMiss), apartments, 72 Coolinge road

Spea.rpoint Thomas, lodging house, 4 Marine terrace Tombleson Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodging ho. 70 Coolinge road

Spearpoint Wm. fi~h salesman, Fish market & 14 Saffron pl Tomsett Emily (Miss), laundry, 17 Farby road

8picer Benjamin, lodging house, 5 Marine crescent Town Hall, Guildhall street

:Spicer Emma (Mrs.), lodging house, 4 Priory gardens TRENT & FOX, auctioneers, estate, land & house agents,

Spicer James, apartments, 38 Harvey street surveyors & valuers, art decorators & upholsterers, estab-

.Spillett Harry, The Star P.H. 55 Radnor street lished 1868(from Messrs.George Trollope & Sons, London),

.Spindlow Thomas, apartments, 8 Harvey street 65 Sandgate road ·

Spratt Robert, lodging house, 5 Priory gardens Trent Emily (Mrs.), lodging house, Longford terrace

.Spratt Robert, painter, Church yard Tudge Edward, lodging house, 5 Clifton gardens

.Sprinks James, grocer, r6 Bouverie road west Tunbridge L. & Co.foreig-n fruit merchant, 52 Tontine street

-SPURGEN G. Pavilion hotel, facing the sea, conveniently Tunbridge James, wine & spirit merchant, Guildhall vaults, •

situated for passengers to & from the continent; table Guildhall street ; wines & spirits of the finest brands,

d'hote daily, The Harbour bottled ales & stout

Squire Jacob, lodging house, 84 Guildhall street Tunbridge Tilden, builder, 6 Dover road & 2 Oxford terrace

Stace Arthur, stationer, 52 Guildhall street Turner Geo. jobbing gardener & lodg. ho.2 West Cliff gardens

Stainer John, dispensing chemist, 59 Sandgate road Turner Henry, engineer to Water Works Co. Cherry gardns

Stammers Harry, tailor, 37 Tontine street Tutt Daniel, lodging house, 16 London street

Stammers Marie Anne (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 72 Canterbury rd Tyler \Yilliam, fishmonger, 19 Dover street

Standing John, lodging house, 30 The Bayle Tyson Wm. Joseph liLD. physician, 10 Langhorne gardens

Stanton P. E. inland revenue office, Custom house Uden Frederick, butcher, 35 Grace hill

Stapley George, greengrocer, 12 High street Ullyett & Co. builders, contractors & undertakers, 41 & g8

Stapley John, greengrocer, 14 Cheriton road Dover road

.Starr 0. (Mrs.), lodging house, 10 Clifton crescent Underwood, Penford & Co. wine & brandy importers & mer-

Starr William Edward, tobacconist, 6 Guildhall street chants,shipping,custom & foreign agnts. 53 & 55 Sandgate

Stay Henry, greengrocer, 50 Guildhall street rd. & 28 Bouverie rd. we. ; &33 Basinghall st. LondonE c

Stedman William, lodging house, 23 Shellons street Unwin Uriah John, builder, 12 Richmond street •

Stenhouse Jas.& Son,carvers &gilders,4& 6 Alexandra grdns Upton Philip Clark, house furnisher, 26, 28 & 35 Tontine st.

Stent Frederick Charles, draper, 58 Tontine street & stationer & fancy repos. 51 High st. & 13 Saudgate rd

Stickels Herbert James, apartments, 32 Bouverie square Usher Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging bo. 6 Langhorne gardens

Stiff Joseph, greengrocer, 104 Guildhall street Usher James, grocer, 2 Warren road

Stiles William Henry, shopkeeper, Black Bull road Vaughan 'fhos. John, grocer, 56 Guildhall st. & 55 Foord rd

Stocker Henry, beer retailer, 71 Guildhall street Vickery George, boot & shoe maker, 5 Harbour street

K. S & S 18*


Vickery Thomas, boot ma. 54 Guildhall st. & 27 Tontine st Wightwick & Gardner, solicitors & commissioners for affi.

Victor & Edward, house furmsher, 16 Tontine street davits, SA, Cheriton place

Victoria Hospital (W. J. Tyson M.D. Frederick Eastes M.D. WightwiCk Wilham (firm, Wightwick & Gardner), solicitor,

& W. Bateman, hon. medical officers; Richard Kerr, hon. clerk to commissioners of taxes, perpetual cummissionel'

sec.), Radnor park & commissioner to administer oaths, agent to the Phrenix

Vincent Wm. Alfred, lodging house, Warren ldg. East cliff Fire office & jurat for New Romney ; office, 8A, Cheriton pl

Waddell James, lodging house, 41 Coolinge road Wilcox Frederick Henry, tailor, 33 Guildhall street

Wakefield ElilJI.beth (l\Irs. ), lodging house, 4.Shellons street Wilkinson Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 20 Clifton crescant

Wakefield Emma (Mrs.), furniture remover, 10 Grace hill Williams Harvey, furrier, 14 Church street
Walder James, corn dealer, Cobb's mews, Christ Church rd Williams James, dairyman, 22 Black Bull r~d
Wilhams Jas. insurance agent & apartmellts, 10 Coolinge rd
Walker James, gentlemen's school, 3 London street

Wallis & Co. milliners, 12 Church street Williams Reeves, shopkeeper, 4 Radnor place

Waiter William Henry, draper, 70 & 72 Tontine street Willis H. Co. coal & coke merchants, 7 Harbour street

Walton George Chapman L.D.S.R.c.s.uel. surgeon-dentist, Wi11is Hannah (Mrs.), lodging house, 12 Marine crescent.

48 Sandgate road Willis Mary Jane (Mrs.), laundress, 21 St. Peter's street

WampochCbas.Constant,private hotel,33&35CastleHill aven Willis William Henry, lodging house, 125 Dover road

Ward Chas. Walton L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon, III Sandgate rd Wills Charles, lodging house, 8o Sandgate road

Ward Frederick, coal dealer, 20 Sydney st. Canterbury road Wills Thomas, lodging house, 18 Lower Sandgate road

Ward Jane (Mrs.), lodging house, 5 Shakespeare terrace Wills William, tailor, 164 Dover road

Ward John, solicitor & deputy coroner for the borough, 12 Willson George, grocer, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, '\tin&

Guildhall street & spirit merchants, 117 Dover road

Ward Waltet Philip, tailor, 36 Guildhall street Willson Stephen, shopkeeper, St. Peter's street

Ware Keziah (Mrs.), lodging house, 30 Cheriton road W!llSOil Thomas, beer retailer & shopkeepar, 1 Bradstonerd

Warman George, Ship P.H. 38 Radnor street Willson Thomas, beer retailer, 1 Beach street

Wsrman Jn.lodging ho. 28 The Bayle & sail ma.Fish market Wiles Robert, grocer, draper, & post office, 11 Black Bull rd

Warman William, Providence inn, 7 Beach street Wilshere Cath. (Mrs.), lodging house, 20 St. Michael's st

Water Works Co. (Frederick Kelly, sec.), II.A, Church st Wilson John, china & glass dealer, 59 High street

Watford R. J. china & glass dealer & toy warehouse, 46 Wilson Jsph. seedsman & florist, Sandgate rd. & 28 High st.

Guildhall street; 67 High street &.-15 & 13A, Tontine st Wilson Octavious :Frederick, confectioner, 39 •routine street.,

Watford Rd. Jas. toy wareho. 15 Tontine st. & 67 High st Wilson Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 5 St. Michael's street I

Watney Samuel, apartments, 17 Bouverie road west ' Wilson Susannah (Miss), boarding house, 12 Clifton gardens.

lVatson James, Victoria P.H. South street Wilson Thomas, lodging house, 2 Darby road

Watts Arthur Edward, solicitor & commissioner of oaths, Windsor George \Villiam, perfumer, 6 Church street

38 Shellons street Winton Caroline (Mrs.), lodging house, 3 Marine terrace

Weatherhead Rot>ert William, beer retailer, Seagate street Winton Harry, painter & shopkeeper, 120 Canterbury road

Webb Henry, marine store dealer, The Bayle Wolton William, fancy draper, milliner & dress maker, Rad-·

Webb Levi, shopkeeper, 2 Young's road, Black Bull road nor house, 9 Sandgate road

Webster Robert, builder, 6 Claremont road Wood George, lodging house, 2 London place 38 Coolingetli'1
Wood Jsph. ho. decorator, plumber & glazier,
Webster Walter George, machinist, z Alexandra gardens

Weeks Charles, boot & shoe maker, 12A, Dover road Woodley Joseph Augustus, shopkeeper, 172 DO\·er road

Weeks Charles William, boot maker, 41 Black Bull rnad Woodruff George, lodging house, 17 Cheriton place

Week(John, dinin~ rooms 24, & tobacconist 49~, Tontine st Woods Ruth Frances (Miss), costumier, dress & mantle

Wellard William Rufford, hair dresser, II Rendezvous st maker, 9 Gloucester place

Weller John, bricklayer, 31 Foord road Working Boys' Club (Rev. E. Husband, pres.), 43 Dover rd

Wells William, boot & shoe maker, 31 Dover road Working Men's Institute (John Knight, hon. sec.), 70 Can- I

Westbourne Gardens Hotel (William Salter, proprietor), terbury road

Westbourne gardens Worsell William, butcher, 3 High street

Westley John, boot & shoe maker, 94 Foord road Worsley George Thomas, watch maker, 24 High street

Weston Jasper & Son, photographic artists, 2oA, Sandgate rd Wratten Henry, shopkeeper, 20 St. John's street

Weston Lambert &Son, photographic artists, 23 Sandgate rd Wratten Thomas, lodging house, 84 Sandgate road ·

Whewell John, lodging house, 47 Coolinge road Wright Emma (Miss), lodging house, 1 Manor road

White Eliza (Mrs.), picture frame maker, 26 High street Wright Fitzwilliam M.R.c.v.s.L. vet. surgn. 36 Guildhall st

White Jane (Mrs.), lodging house, 15 Clifton crescent Wright 'fhomas, whitesmith, 93 Dover street

White Richard, Martello hotel, 108 Dover road Wyborn William, painter, 5 Richmond street

White William, grocer, 27 Harvey street Young Men's Christian Association (Martin Henry, sec.)t

Whitechurch Edward, hosier, hatter, glover & outfitter, 7 Church street

Rendezvous street Young Men's Home (Martin Henry, sec.; Mrs. Carolina:

Whiting Joseph .Alien, Bricklayers' Arms P.H. 39 & 40 Fen- Naisell, manager), Pembroke house, Church street

ehurch street Young Women's Christian Association (Miss Ellen Nell.

Whitingstall George, coal dealer, 33 Harvey street superintendent), Alexandra gardens

Whittingham Joseph, tailor, 19 Guildhall street Young Mackenzie, photographer, 10 Guildhall street

Wicks William, lodging house, 8 Shakespeare terrace

FORDCOMBE, a hamlet of the parish of Penshurst, was architect : there are 230 sittings. The register dates from th&

formed into a district chapelry May 20, 1870, out of Pens- year 1849. The living is a vicarage, average yearly value:.
burst parish; it is situated on the Medway, on the Sussex from tithe rent-charge .£163, net income .£120, with glebe, in
border, 2~ miles south from Penshurst, 4 west from Tun- the gift of Lord De L'Isle and Dudley, and held since 1887by
bridge Wells and 2 north from Groombridge station on the the Rev. Franets Harrison Wright M.A. of Worcester College,
London, Brighton and South Coast railway, in the South Oxford. Here are Chafford paper milh;, worked by 1\'Iessrs.
Western division of the county, hundred of Somerden, lathe Turner and Co. which give employment to a great number-

of Sutton-at-Hone, union of Sevenoaks, petty sessional divi- of hands. The principal landowner is George Hanbury
sion and county court district of Tonbridge, rural deanery of Field esq. The soil is light loam ; subsoil, clay, sand and

Tonbridge, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Can- rock. The chief crops are hops, wheat, barley, with a large
terbury. The church of St. Peter, erected in 1847, mainly portion of pasture land. The area is 1,507 acres; the popu-
at the expense of the late Viscount Hardinge, is a building of lation in 1881 was 627.
stone in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, Parish Clerk, Robert Bullen.
south porch and a bellcote containing 2 bells: the east win- PosT OFFICE.-Jesse Young, receiver. Letters arrive from
dow and others are stained: a lych gate has been erected by Tunbridge Wells at 6.30 a.m.; dispatched at 8 p.m.; sun· j
the present Viscount Hardinge in memory of the first vis- days, 4·55 p.m. 'fhe nearest money order & telegraph .
countess, who died in October, 1865: in 1883 a vestry and or- office is at Langton Green

gan chamber were added, the chancel reseated and a mosaic Parochial School, for 170 children; average attendance, 125;
reredos erected, under the direction of Mr. E. J. Tarver, Robert Bullen, master; Miss Martha Ann Phoonix, mist

Batchelor Henry Bailey Edward, butcher Kenward Ernest, grocer & draper
Bishop Charles H. The Kennels
Naranjo F. A. Palmer's lodge Eade George, Chafford Arms P.H Lnckin Ezra, boot & shoe maker
Wright Rev. Francis Harrison M.A.
Farebrother Elizabeth (Mrs.), shop- Ovenden Albert, milk vendor
[vicar], Vicarage
keeper, Waiters green Ovenden Edgar, baker
Hammond Thomas, farmer Scrase Thomas, blacksmith,Walters grn
Ashby George, farmer, Spring hill
Hopkins William, shopkeeper Turner & Co. paper mfrs. Chafford ml&

Jamieson & Ward, frmrs. Palmer's frm ,

FORDWICH is a parish, in the Eastern division of the j lathe of St. Augustine, petty sessional division of Home,

county, within the city and county of the city of Canterbury, union of Bridge, Canterbury county court district and in


the rural deanery, arehdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury; tor and overseers for the poor of Fordwich and Sturry and

it is 2 miles north-east from Canterbury and S7! from Lon- ; the Fordwich town trust. The Town Hall, rebuilt in 1555

don and near the Sturry station of the South Eastern rail- i and since restored, is a square wooden framed building, with

way: it was formerly a place of some importance, for the 1 gaol underneath ; here is preserved an old ducking stool, in

sea, once flowing higher up the river Stour, rendered it which scolds were formerly bound and ducked in the Stour

navigable for ships of considerable size, which in consequence until they promised to reform : the feswelle (or thieves' well)

frequented this port: the Stour is still navigable for barges I is also an object of curiosity; malefactors condemned to

as far as the bridge above the town, which is the port of I death, after being bound, were executed by the prosecutor,
Canterbury and has been the site of many royal landings : whose duty it was to hold their heads under water until they

it is a subordinate member of the Cinque Port of Sandwich, were dead. Near the Town Hall are the remains of a forti-

and was until lately governed prescriptively by a corporation fied place of the 14th century ; among the archives is the
.consisting of a mayor, jurats and commonalty, town clerk "customarily," a leather-bound book of the 15th century,
and treasurer, the mayor, by virtue of his office, being containing 73 pages of ~IS. divided into 3I clauses; the first
.coroner ; and the jurats, who ranked as justices, held a 1 clause contains a copy of a charter by Henry Il. granting to

9e$Sion of the peace and gaol delivery: the Corporation, I the men of Fordwich freedom from toll and other liberties;

under the provisions of the ''Municipal Corporations Act," the 3oth clause defines what felony may be dealt with in the

of 1883, ceased to exist in 1887, and the parish is now gov- lower court and what must be sent to Shipway ; this clause
erned by a body of town trustees, consisting of 5 members. shows that Ford wich might lawfully inflict capital punish-

'Tltere is an excellent trout fishery, The church of St. Mary, ment, and that the sentence was, as in other Ciuque Ports,
a building of flint, exhibitin~ mrious styles of ecclesiastical carried out by drowning. Earl Cowper K G., P.C. is lord of
architecture, from Norman downwards, consists of chancel, the manor. The principal landowners are Henry Herbert
nave, north aisle, south porch and a plain western tower Denne esq. Isaac llugg Coaks esq. and the Earl Cowp~r

with shingled spire containing 4 bells: the nave is di\'ided K.G., P.c. The soil is light loam; subsoil, gravel. The chief

from its aisle by three rude Pointed arches on square piers: crops are wheat, barley, oats and hops. The area is 464

the windows are variously Norman, Decorated and Perpen- acres; rateable value, £r,301; the population in x88x was
dieular: the font is ~orman, square in form, with small 228.

semicircular arches, and stands upon a cylindrical shaft Parish Clerk and Sexton, William Smith.

with a square base: there are 230 sittings. The register PosT 0FFICE.-\Villiam Smith, receiver. Letters received

dates from the year 1683. The living is a rectory, average through Canterbury arriv e at 6. 30 a. m .& d12ay.4~5, p.m. ;
tyheeargl1y'ItvoafluEeafrr1oCmowtitpheer rent-chda rhgeeld£1s6m. 1c,ew1i8t5h2rebsYidtehnecRe,eivn. Box c1eared at 10.5 a. m. & 7·45 p.m. ; sun 9 a.m .
K.G. an
Edward llrailsford li!.A. of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. The Sturry is the nearest money order & telegraph office

Eigge charities amount to £s7 yearly, and were left by A School Board of 5 members was formed in 1876, but does
Waiter Bigge, December 5th, I63I ; Stephen Bigge, August not act; A. Fielding, Canterbury, clerk

22nd, 1646; and Thomas Bigge, March 13th, 1669; and are National School (mixed). under the sole charge of the rector,
derived from land at Romney Marsh and other places; the built for 40 children; average attendance, 20; Miss Eliza-
Bllrn above named is distributed at the discretion of the rec- beth Smith, mistress

B:railsford Rev. Edward M.A. [rector] Johnsou George, builder Peel George, market gardener

.Brown Mrs Kennett H. & Son, nurserymen & florists Pilcher Frank, carpenter
Denne Henry Herbert, The Firs
Manners George, Manor house :Morris Thomas, market gardener Smith William, shopkeeper, Post office
Ridsdale Misses, Tankery house
Homersham Henry, wattle maker Mountford Ann (.Mrs.), George & Watson John, Fordwich Arms P.H. &

Dragon P.H boat owner

FOREST HILL is a suburb of London, and was formed variable; it has been held since 1878 by the Rev. Frank

into an ecclesiastical parish in x855 from that of Lewisham, Jones B.D. of St. David's College, Lampeter.
enlarged by Order in Council, February 27, 188o, a portion St. Saviour's is an ecclesiastical parish, formed March x,
<>f the parish of St. Bartholomew, Sydenham, being then 1867: the church, in Brockley road, erected in x865, is a
annexed to it ; it is within the parliamentary borough of building of stone in the Decorated style, consisting of chan-
Lewisham, formed under the "Redistribution of Seats Act, eel, nave, aisles and an incomplete western tower with turret,
1885" and also by the Local Government Act, x888, within containing one bell: the east window is stained : there are

*he county of London; and is in the Western division of the 500 sittings, 100 being free. The register dates from the

.county, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, hundred and petty sessional year x866. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value
division of Blackheath, union of Lewisham, county court dis- £3oo, in the gift of the vicar of Christ Church, and held

trict of Greenwich and south-eastern metropolitan postal since x886 by the Rev. Alfred Oliver Russell, of St. John's

district and in the jurisdiction of the metropolitan police, College, Cambridge.

rnral deanery of Lewisham and archdeaconry and diocese of HoNOR OAK is a district here, taking its name from the
Rochester: the London, Brighton and South Coast railway oak associated with the ancient Honour.
have a statton here 5~ miles from London; it was rebuilt. in St. Augustine, Honor Oak, is a consolidated ecclesiastical
x885, and is a substantial building of red brick and stone, district, formed in x874 from the district parishes of Christ

.urmounted by a turret with spire and containing an illu- Church, Forest Hill, and St. Mary Magdalene, Peckham;
minated clock. In April, x886, another station, called the old parishes being Lewisham and Camberwell respec-

" Honor Oak Park," was also opened here. The public have tively: the church, erected in 1872, is a building of lime-
aecess from the north to the south of Forest Hill by a tunnel stone, in a simple style of Early English Gothic, consisting
cmder the railway, 150 feet in length. Christ Church, erected of apsidal chancel, clerestoried nave of four bays, transepts,

m 1854 and subsequent years, is a building of stone, in the aisles, vestry, organ chamber and tower at the west end of
Early Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave of six the south aisle, completed in 1888, and containing one bell:
bays, aisles, south porch and a western tower with spire 190 the clerestory is lighted by simple triplets and the west end

Jeet high, containing a clock and one bell : the east window by a large window with plate tracery ; the lancets in the

.is stained : there are sittings for 8oo, of which 350 are free. apse are stained : there are sittings for 500 persons, of which
The register dates from the year 1854. The living is a vicar- 120 are free: the church, prominently situated on the hill,

age, average tithe rent-charge £45, net yearly valae £420, con:1mands a magnificent view, and just above, on the high-
derived from pew rents and fees, in the gift of the Earl of est ridge, stands the oak which is so intimately associated in
Dartmouth, and held since r882 by the Rev. Gustavus John name with this ancient Honour or Seignory: parish mission
.Jones M.A. of St. John's Colle~, Cambridge. Parish mis- rooms have been erected near the church. The register
siou rooms have been opened in connexion with the church. dates from the year 1872. The livin~ is a vicarage, gross

St. Paul's, in the parish of Christ Church, supersedes an yearly value, chiefly derived from pew rents, £383, in private
iron structure temporarily built in St. David's road to supply patronage, and held since 1889 by the Rev. Percy White Col~
t.he needs of a congregation formed in this locality in 1878: lard l'.I.A. of Mertou College, Oxford.

-the church, situated in Waldenshaw road, erected in I88:l-3 The Pt·esbyterian church of St. John, situated in Devon-

and consecrated m 1884, is an edifice of brick, with Bath shire road, was opened on Thursday, the 13th Feb. x884:
stone dressings, in the Early English style, from designs by it is a building of red brick,. with bands, strings, labels,

.Messrs. H. D. Appleton and Edward .Mountford, architects, mouldings and arches of Bath stone, in the Uothic style of
.eonsistin~ of aps1dal chancel, clerestoried nave of seven bays, the 13th century, from designs by J. T. Barker esq. archi-
aisles and a western turret containing one bell : the cost of tect, of London, and consists of chancel, nave, transepts,
-the building was about £9,000, provided entirely by the vestries and a tower with spire 120 feet in height, contain-

v6luntary offerings of the congregation: the east window is ing one bell weighing 8 cwts.: there are sittings for 76o

.stained, and there are several small stained windows m the persons ; and near the church is a large hall holding over

trouth aisle : below the church, which stands on a slope, are 500.
large schoolrooms and vei>tl'ies: there are I,ooo sittings, 200 There is a Congregational chapel, seating 400; Baptist,

being free. Tbe register dates from the year I88.J.. The 350; Primiti,·e Methodist, 450; Bible Christian, soo and
'value of the living, exclusively derived from pew rents, is 1 420; Trinity :.\Iethodist New Connexion chapels, 370. The·


Girls' Industrial Home, the foundation stone of which was Primitive Methodi:>t, Stanstead road, Rev. W. Wray, mmi30oti

laid June 17th, I8go, by H.R.IJ. Princess Louise, is now ter; u a. m. & 2.30 & 6.30 p.m. ; tburs. 7.30 p.m
(1890) in course of constructio11, at an estimated cost of St. James' Bible Christians, Stanstead road, Rev. J. 0. Keen,

£4,00Q ; the building is intended to bold 40 inmates. There D.D. minister; n a.m. & 7 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m

are also baths here, opened in I885. The area is 837 acres; Wesleyan Methodists, Brockley road, Rev. W. Taylor B.A....

the population in I88I of Christ Church district was 4.367; minister ; n a. m. & 6. 30 p. m. ; tues. 7. 30 p.m

St. Saviour's, 5,074 ; St. Augustine's. 1,369. Wesleyan Methodist Mission Hall, HaYelock st. ; 6.30 p.m

Verger (Christ church), .Alfred Benn,ett. Wesleyan Mission Hall, Beadnell road; n a.m. &6.3op.~
DISTRICT PosT~ M. 0. & T. 0.,. S. H. & Annuity & Insurance Mission Hall, Ewart road; ro.3o a. m. & 6 30 p.m

Office, Dartmouth road.-James C. Chester, receiver. Presbyterian Mission Hall, Ewart road; n a. m. & 6.30 p.~

Letters delivered at 7 & II.30 a.m, & I.45, 4-45, 6.30 ScHOOLS:-
St. Dunstan's College, Catford bridge, was founded in r88~
& 9 p.m. ; dispatched at 6.2o, 9, 10.5 & 11.25 a.m. & I,
from funds belonging to the parish authorities of St. Dun-
3.10, S·IS, 9 & II.4o p.m.; on sundays one dispatch only,
stan's-in-the-East, in the city of London, as a school for
~9p.m .
the education of boys entering upon commercial, technical
PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,

103 Dartmouth road.-Roberts Brothers, receivers. Dis- & professional pursuits : the buildings, designed by Mr.
E. N. Clifton, architect, of Lon,don, in the Domestic Gothic-
patches at 6.55 & 8.50 a.m. & 12.55t 3, 5· xs, 9 & 11.35 style, are large & well·arranged, & comprise schuolrooms1

p.m.; sundays, 9 p.m -

PosT. M. 0, & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
J47 .Stanstead rpad.-James Price, receiver. Dispatches at dormitories for 6o boarders, masters' residences & --,
s,6.40, 8.20, 9·45 & u a.m. & 12.401 :;:.45• 9 & I;r.2o chapel; there are also laboratories & workshops fitted with
the latest appliances, & about I2 acres of land ha\·e bee111
p.m~; sundays1 8 p.m
laid out for school games ; the school is intended to holi:l
PosT & M. 0. 0.~ S. B. & Annuity & lns!lrance Office, 315 about 400 boys, over 300 being day scholars, & is con-

Stanstead road.-Emanuel Millard, receiver. Letters dis- trolled by a body of governors acting under a smeme-
approved by the Charity Commissioners; & comprising-
patched at 6.30, 8, 9.25 & Io.4o a.m. & 12.20, 2.201 4.451 the following gentlemen connected with the parish of St.
8.45 & 11. 10 p.m. ; suudays, 9 p.m Dunstan :-Alderman E. J. Gray (Tower wad), Mr. A. ·


Forest Hill Provident Dispensary, Perry vale, A. Grayling
& G. 0. Parnell M.D. medical officers; R. Dodds, hon. sec J. Capel; the Rev. J. L. Ross M.A. rector of St. Dun-
stan's; Alderman Sir Reginald Hanson bart. (Billingsgate-
Stamp Office, Post office, J. C. Chester, distributor
ward); Sir Owen Roberts kt.; the Hon. & Rev.Augustug;-
West Kent Volunteer Fire Brigade, London road. S. M. Legge M. A. vicar of Lewisham; the Rev. R. Rhodes Bris~
Eddington, superintendent, & 10 men
Forest Hill Public Baths, Dartmouth road, William Henry tow M. A. vicar of St. Stephen's, Lewisham ; & Messrs. R"
B. Portal, W. Marten Smith, W. J. Thompson, F. H.
Johns, superintendent 1 • Mitchell, G. C. Edwards, H. Spicer & W. R. Portal~

PL4CES OF WoRSHIP, with times of services:- , .
Christ Churcb., Chu.rch.road, Rev. Gustavus J. Jones M •.&. Charles M. Stuart M.A., F.S.A. head master
Board School (of London), Brockley road, erected in 187§1
vicar; 11 a. m. & 7 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m.; fri. n a.m for 250 boys; average attendance, 165; Robert Jackson,
master~ for 250 girls; average attendance, 157; Miss Mart
Svt.w• Aarugustine'.s1 Honor Oak~ Rev. Percy White Collard M.A.

St. Saviour's Church, Brockley park, Rev, Alfred Oliver Simpson, mistress: for 300 infants ; average attendance,.
197; Miss Isabella Leighton, mistre..<Js
Russell, vicar; II tt.m. & 3.30 & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m
St. Paul's Church, Waldenshaw road, Rev. Frank Jones B. D. Christ Church National, erected in 1859, for 140 boYl!;.
average attendance, 139; William Fincham, master: for
incumbent; II a.m. & 7 p.m. ; thurs. I2 noon
Mission Hall,Mayow road, in connection With Parish Church; I4o girls ; average attendance, no; Miss E. Blackgrove,.
mistress : for rso infants; average attendance, 97; Mist.
:n a.m.. & 6.3'!1 p.m.; tue». 7.30 p.m
St. John's Presbytel'ian, Devonshire ro~td, Rev. William Emily Ma.tilda Turner, mistress
Martin M. f.. ministeq :u a.·m. & 3· 30 & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. Boys' Industrial, Perry rise, erected in r 844, for 40 inmates;.
Viscqunt Lewisham M.P, president; A. C. H. Chaplin"
6.30 p.m r
hon. treasurer; T. G. Litchfield, hon. sec. ; William.
German Church, Dacre road1 Rev. Max Meister, pastor ; Hyde, superintendent ; Mrs. E. Hyde, matron ; Miss Eliza.
II a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Baptist, Dartmouth road', Rev. J .. C. Foster, minister; u Scanlon, assistant matron
Girls' Industrial, Rojack road ; Viscount Lewisham M.P.
a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7·45 p.m
president; A. C. H. Chaplin, hon. treasurer; 'f. G. Liteh-
Bible Christian, Wastdale road j I~ a.m. & 7 p.m
~ougregational, Stanstead road, Rev. S. Tomatsa Williams, field, hon. sec. ; Mrs. Webb, matron

minister; u a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 6.45 p.m RAILWAY STATIONS:-
Henry William Smith, station master
Congregational, Queen's road, Rev. Craig J.J{elly, minis- Honor Oak park, James Townley Dunmore, station mastet

ter; li a.m. & 7 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m
Methodist New Connexion \Trinity), Perry vale, Rev.

Thomas Scowley, minister; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. CARRIERS TO j.ONDON.-Carter, Paterson & Co. & Pickford

7.30 p.m & Co. daily

:PRIVATE RESIDENTS, Allen William Henry, 2 The Hermit~ A\·ory William, 51 Hurstbourne road

[Names marked thus~ receive their letters age, Westwood park Axford Mrs. 24 Garlies road

through Catford.] Allison Mrs. 45 Devonshire road AyersJas.Parker,31Kemble rd.Perry ¥1~

Abbott Adolpbus, ~ Wylen street AllpressRt.Harry M.A.34 Ravensbrne.rd Bacon Robert, 73 Houston road

Abbott Jn. Venables, I21 Devonshire rd Allwork Edward, Mayfield, Perry vale Badger William, 10 Montem road

Abbott Mrs. 4 Dacres road Anderson Sir William George K.C.B. Badham George, I Lowther hill

Ahbott Mrs. 63 Honor Oak road Anglesea house, Church square Haelz Robert, The Mount, Queen's roa<l

Acott James, 20 Malham :road Anderson Patrick R. 4 Tyson road Baker :\frs. 180 Devonshire road

Adam Geo. 3 Drockley ter. Brockley rd Andrews Henry, 10 Honor Oak road Bale Mrs. 278 Devonshire l'Oad

Adams Francis, 119 Devonshire road Andrews Jas. Hy. ~6 Ravensbourne rd Balfour Buchanan, 4 Garlies rood

Adams John, II~ Devonshire road Anson Mrs. 42 Devonshire road Balk will Francis, 6 Garlies road

Adams John, 165 Stanstead road Anstie Paul, I6 Rockbourne road Ball Mrs. IO Dacres road
Appletou Jas. W,l<'airhill, l\'Iayow road Ball Wm. Alfred, Lynton, Brockley rd
Adams Mrs. II7 .Devonshire road
Adams Rt. Audley ho, Hrockley Hill pk; Appletou Waiter P. 51. Honor Oak road Ballanty~ Geo. D. 59 St•. Germains rd

Adams William Edward, 13 Kemble Arendt Charles, 291 Stsnstead road Ballard Charles, 24 Wylen street
Arkcoll Herbert, IS Horstbourne road Banks Jn. Waters,Cornereot. l\Iayow rd
road, Stanstea.d road

A.dlam Harry, Bures, Brockley park Arliss Waiter, Llandebie, Perry rise Banks Joseph, 2 Wylen street

Ahlfeldt Frederick Carl, Kinsgates, Armistead Henry, Ashville, Perry rise Barham Harry, 13 Rockbourne road

_Dacres .road Arnold Ernest Charles, 3I Park road Darker William, 170 Devonshire road

Aitken Alex. Roseneath, Dacres road Arnold Joseph G. 25 Honor Oak road Barnaby William, 52 Rockbourue road

Akhurst Mrs. 25 Colfe rd. Stanstead rd Arnold William, :151 Stanstead road Barnard Miss, 8 Elsinore road
Albery Frank, 10 Ravensbourne road Arnott Archibald, 27 Rockbonrne road Barnet Philip, 5 Lessing street

*AAldledresretyonThMorms.as3,5219StGaanrsltieeasdroroaadd Arthur Edward, Yulee, Perry vale Barns Alfred, The Limes, Perry rise

Arthur Geo. Fredk. 58 Rockbourne road Barrow Saml. Fontainebleau, Dacres rd

Aldridge Joseph Frederick, Tenterfield Ascher Isidore Gordon, 4 Woodsome Barry William, I79 Stanstead road J.

lodge, Perry vale . villas, Westbourne road Barton John Chas.TheLimes.Queen'sl'(l

Aldwinckle Thomas William, Saratoga, Ashby William, I3 London road Bashford Henry, 1 Bovill ter. llovill rd

Dacres road Atkinson George H. Vineyard haven, Batchelor William, I5 Allenby road
Bate Frederic Geo. 21 St. Germains rd
Allam Mrs. 73 Sunderland road Mayow road Bateman George H. 19 Hurstbaume rd.

Allan Charles H, 3 Tyson road - Atkiuson Mrs. 5 Wynell road

Alla..rd Cllarles, 41 Malham road • Austin Edward, 205 Stanstead road Bate.'5 Chas. Anthony, 53 Sunderland rd



Bates Mrs. 25 Tyson's road Brookes Guillaume, Ashdown, !ngle- Chant Gilbert, 22 Montagne terrace,

Batt Robert, I97 Stanstead road mere road Perry rise

Baumgarten Hermann, I Rockbourne rd Brooks T. P. Oak cottage, Eliot bank Chapman Edwin, 38 Dalmain road

Bax William, I Whatman road roauBrooks Waiter, 4 The Woodlands, Wool- ()hard William, 70 Devonshire road
Baxter Robert, 223 Stanstead road stone road Chaverot Charles, 32 Sunderland

Bayer Charles, 32 Honor Oak road Broomfield Robert William, Highlands, Cheese Joseph, 5 Bovill ter. Bovill road

*Baynes Mrs. Frank, 8 Stanstead grove, Canonbie road Chester Edward, Observatory house,

Stanstead road Brown Chas. Edwd. 8 St. Germains rd Honor Oak park

'BeadlesArthurM.R.C.S.35Sunderland rd Brown George, I64 Stanstead road Chidley Richard, 229 Stanstead toad

· Beasley Charles, I82 Stanstead road Brown Joseph, 8 Herschell road Chopping Waiter, 88 Malham road

· Beauchamp Henry C. 70 London road Brown Miss, 51 Dartmouth road Christie Geo. Tower ho. Brockley park

Beck Henry, lvybank, Queen's road Brown Miss, 282 Devonshire road Church Chas. Hohne lo. Waldenshaw rd

Beck Richard, 14 Colfe rd. Stanstead rd Brown Miss, 4 St. Germains villas, Claridge Mrs. I I Sunderland road ~

Beckwith Robert, 89 Stanstead road Brockley road Claris Jas. Caleb, Beverley, Dacres rd

Beer Samuel, 45 Colfe rd. Stanstead rd Brownfield Constantine, I Kemble road, Clark Alfred, 30 David's road

Behrens Louis, 38 Dartmouth road Perry vale Clark Charles Alex. L.D.S. 7 London td

Bell Benjamin, 55 St. Uermains road Bruce John Henry, x Argyle villas, Clark Ernest., 27 Lessin~ street

Bell Geo. 6 Meadow cots. Devonshire rd llrockley road Clark Thos. Allen, Io7 Dartmouth road

Bennett James W. 79 Sunderland road Bryant Benjamin, I8 Elsinore road Clarke Edwd. Thos. I38 Stanstead rd

BennettThomasC.Ashdale,HonorOak pk Bryant Mrs. 17 Kemble rd.Stanstead rd Clarke Jn. Milton, I 17 Dartmoutb road

Bennie Mrs. Heathside, Perry r1se Bryer William, 43 Sunderland road Clarke Mrs. IO Benson road

, Berger Edward Otto, 28 Benson road Hrymer John Robert, 4l Honor Oak rd Clarke Mrs. Clevedon villa, Perry vale

t Best Francis, Sheldrake, Perry vale Brymer Mrs. Arthur, Ellerslie, Walden- Clarke Wellington, 5 Westbourne villas,

' Best William John, 89 Devonshire road shaw road Westbourne road

Bettson George, 76 London road Buck Mrs. 9 Beadnell road Clayton Miss, Glena, Westbourne road

Bevan Charles, I6 Montem road Buck Timothy Read, 8 Dacres road Cleaton Edmd. Rd. Vaenor, De Frene rd

Beverley Wm. 66 Colfe rd.Stanstead rd Buckham William, 29 Kemble road, Close Mrs. 72 London road •

Bingham William, 8 Wynell road Stanstead road Coates Mrs. 8 Manor road

Bird Geo.Wm.Hurley ldg.HonorOak pk Buckingham W. F. Highlands, West- Cobb Geo. Fincher, 44 Rockbourne roadl

Bisdee Thos. Mendip ho. Forest Hill rd wood park CobbettWalt. Willsun,Ashley lo. South rei!.

Bishop Albert E. 3 Allenby road , Budd George, 2 Westbourne villas, CCICk Alex. James, St. Christopher's,.
j Westbourne road
Bishop Mrs. 53 London road Ewelme road

Bithray Stephen, Everstone, Ewelme rd Bull Stephen, I Dacres road ' Cocks William, 1 Wellesley villas",

Black Andrew, I1 Bampton road j Bullett Lionel, 12 Colfe rd.Stanstead rd Westbourne road
Blackaller E. J. 40 Hurstbourne road BulleyFredk.25 Kemble rd.Stanstead rd Codd Mrs. Dacre cottage, Perty vale

Blackmore Alfred, 185 Stanstead roacl I Bunce Joseph, 49 Beadnell road Coe Mrs. I23 Stanstead road.

Blackwell Mrs. 14 Montem road BunningJsph.Jn.Snnnyside,Brockley rd Cohen William T. Oakhnrst, Mayow tdl'

Blake John, 6 Como road 1 Burbey George, 7 Wynell road Colclough William, 18 Honor Oak I"'OC:W.
Blaker Frederick, 3 Perry vale Burbey Miss, 4 Mayow road Cole Charles James, 4 Cranston road

Blanch Wm. Radnor lodge, Mayow rd Burchell John, 21 London road Coleman I<'rancis House, Tre\'en'li,..

Blatch Herbert, 147 Devonshire road Burgess Henry, I2 Kilmorie road Dacres road

Blythe William, 12 Rockbourne road Burgess Martin, 85 Stanstead road Collard Rev. Percy White M.A. St.

Board Charles, I8 Gabriel street 1 Burnes James, 5 De Frene road Augustine's Vicarage, Honor Oak pk
Col!ins William, 48 Stanstead road
'loddy Edwin Hooker, 21 Devonshire rd 1 Burnet John, Roselyon, Church road
lolton George, 69 St. Germains :road 1 Burnett Frederick Chas.2IHonor Oak rd Collinson Wm. Richd.'n5 Dartmouth rd
A~olton Mrs. 4I Rockbourne road I Burnett George Henry, 28 Garlies road Colquhoun Dugald, 4 Elsinore road
I Burnett Waiter, 26 Tyson road
Bond George, 24 Gabriel street Colson Algernon, 3 Cranston road

Booth Mrs. 7 Derby villas , Burrage William E. 202 Stanstead rd Colson William, 5 St. Germains roadi.

Borrell Ed ward, I3 Elsinore road 1 Burrell Mrs. 2 Kemble rd. Stanstead rd Coltart John, I9 Ravensbourne l'oadi

Bouquet Robert Coates, 7 Kemble road, llurridge Charles, go Malham road Conder Charles, 88 London road '

Stanstead road 'Burton Edward Jsph. 9-4 London road Condor Mrs. I The Hermitage, West-··

Bowater William Vansittart, Brough- *Bury Mrs. 325 Stanstead road wood park

ton, Church road Bnssey Mrs. I6 Stanstead road Constable Alfred, 18 St. Germains rd

Bower George Fredk. 69 Sunderland rd Butcher Joseph, Dartmouth Park villa, Cook Hngh, I The Glen, South road

Bowler Ernest F. 75 Devonshire road I Perry vale Cook Philip Inxerman M.D. I7 'fyson rd

Boxall Mrs. IS Kemble rd. Stanstead rd Butler Frederick, 26 Wynell road Cook William, 65 Stanstead road 1

Boxer Edward, 39 Hurstbourne road Butler Mrs. Wyvenhoe, Perry rise Cooke Staff-Surgeon Geor£e P. R.N. aa_.

Boycott Rev. Thomas [Methodist New Butterworth James, I9 Rockbourne rd Devonshire road

Connexion], 4 Park road Caffyn Miss, 35 Stanstead road Cooper George, 15 Sunderland roadl

Boyd James, Dunsinnan, Inglemere rd Caink Alfred, Springfield, Church road Cooper Mrs. 43 Devonshire road

Boyd John N. Glenthorne, Mayow road Calvert Alfred, 5 Cranston road Cooper Mrs. Oakdale, Mayow road

Boye Miss, 22 Rockbourne road 1 Calvert Thomas, Bowdon mount, Honor Cope Miss, 3 & 5 Park road

Boyle John, 222 Devonshire road Oak park Copeland Reginald Littlewood, '202 ·

Bradley William Hy. 186 Stanstead rd Camaschella John, IO Derby villas Devonshire road

Brady George F. 29 St. Uermains road Campbell Mrs. 1-!9 Stanstead road Coppin Wm. Hy. 58 St. Germains road

BrandenburgJohn,Fair view, Ewelme rd ! C11ney Robert, 23 Ravensbourne road Corin Edwin Philip, I62 Devl'mshire rd

Branford Frederick Jas. 1:4 Gabriel st Carman Henry, 55 Sunderland road Corin Mrs. I53 Devonshire road

Braselmann Julius,Rogart lo.Church rd Carman Mrs. 2 Aylward road Corker Jsph. Edwd. 5 Ravensbourne td

Bray Edmund Henry, I55 Stanstead rd Carmichael John, Hyndford house, Cottell Captain Charles George, Kings-

Breedon Mrs. Clayton ho. Church road lnglemere road down, Mayow road

Brettell Walter, I Colfe rd.Stanstead rd Carne Richard, 38 Garlies road Couchman Mrs. M. Fairmount lodge,

Brewer George, I4I Devonshire road Carpenter Percy, I9 Park road Brockley Hill park

Briant James, Fairfield, Brockley park Can-all Thomas, 71 Sunderland road Couchman Percival, 87 Ewart road
Carrick Wilfred, 5 Emerson terrace, Coventry Henry, 255 ~tanstead road
Brickell Alfred, 69 Malham road

Brickell Thomas, 167 Stanstead road Perry vale • · Cowen William, 20 Stanstead road

Bridgeman Charles Isaac, 23 Colfe road, Carson Edwd. 17 Kemble rd.Perry vale Cowley Mrs. 46 Dartmouth road

Stanstead road Cartelliere George, 3 Canonbie road *Crabtree James Edwd.339Stanstead rd

Brierley Fras. Wm. no Devonshire rd Carter Richard John, 94 Devonshire rd Crafter Tom, 7 Lessing street

Brigden William, 17 Malham road Cartwright Maj. James Ellis, 23 St. CrewB Mrs. 62 Devonshire road

Brig~s Henry Stringer, 4I lleadnell rd Germains road Croft Harry, 43 Malham road

Bright John M. M. D., M.R.c.s. I33 Sun- Catchpole Edward Alien, Inglemere Cross Henry, 4 Bampton road

derland road house, lnglemere road Crossland John Henry, I Elsinore road

Brinkworth Mrs. 115 Stanstead road Cave John :Edward, 154 Devonshire rd CrosslandJn. Heywood,6g Devonshire td

*Brissenden Alfred William, I & 2 Chalk Frederick, Netherleigh, Manor rd Crossland Robert Edmund,3Elsinorerd

Stanstead grove, Stanstead road Chamberlain Charles, 3 \Vestbourne Crossley Ueo.J. Twet'd mnt. Lowthel' hl

Bristow Frederick J. 213 Stanstead rrl villas, Westbourne road Crowder Benj.Belvedere ho.Dartmth;~d

Bristow Henry Syer, 211 Stanstead rd Chambers Hyde, 203 Stanstead road· Crowley James Lewis, 2 Lowther hill

Britten Arthur, 6 Hurstbourne f()ad Chambers Miss, 234 Devonshire road Crowson Mrs. I2o Devonshire road

*Britten Arthnr, 262 Stanstead road Chandler Alfred Emery, lngleside, Crui'-lkshank Matthew, 8 Como yoad

Broad Charles, 65 St. Germains road Honor {)ak park Crute James, Netherby, Forest Hill rd

Brook Arthur William, Ennismore, Chandler Mrs. 4 Wellesley villas, Crnte Walter, Stoke villa,J<'orest Hill rd
Cull Robert1 87 Devonsh{re road
De Frene road Westbonrne road




Cunningham J ames,Cumherland lodge, Eason Edward Henry Physic, Eversley, l Frank John,TheCedars,BrockleyHill pk

Brockley Hill park Westwood park Franklin Richard, 14 Wylen street

Cunningham Wm. 318 Devonshire road Easthorpe John, 218 Stanstead road Free Richard, 74 Honor Oak road

Curtis Alfred B. 3 Woodsome villas, Easton John, 92 Dartmouth road Freund Geo. Jn.Roselyn,Westbournerd

Westbourne road Eaton Miss, 178 Devonshire road Frond Geo. Wm. Brent knoll, Mayow rd

Curtis Herbert I<~d wd. 295 Stanstead rd Eaton Richard, Oak vale, Dacres road 1''ryerAndw.Ferguson,288Devonshire rd

Curtis J ames, 207 Stanstead road EbellWm.Augustus,27Ravensbourne rd :Fuller William, 208 Devonshire road

Cusel Charles, 65 Sunderland road Eddiugton Smallett, 29 Devonshire rd Fullford Edward John, 52 Ewart road

Cutbush Harry, 33 Devonahire road *Edlin Rev. Vernon B.A.g68Stanstead rd Fullford Henry, 3 Bovill road

Dadd Stephen W. 2 Derby villas Edmonds!Mrs. Westwood, Brockley rd Furneaux John R. Hoxgrove house,

Dalquen Mrs. 84 Devonshire road Edwards Dacre George, Springhill, Mayow road

Dalton John Bates,5 St. Germains villas, Bampton road Furze .Alfred, 17 Hurstbourne road

•Brockley road Edwards Mrs. Danesfield, Honor Oak pk *Galpin Thomas, 34-3 Stanstead road

Daly John, 8 Hampton road Edwards Mrs. Samuel,4rSunderland rd Gammon Rev. John [Bible Christian],

Daniel William J ames, 6 Woolstone rd EldertonCbas. Ruthin, ror Devonshire rd 127 Stanstead road

Daniels John, 107 Devonshire road Eliot Mrs. Shenstone ldg. Codringtonhl Gammon Wm.Edwd.4Colferd.Perryvl

Danks Mrs. 13 St. Germains road Ellett Charles, 7 Herschell road Gardiner Henry, 241 Stanstead road

Dards Frederick,2 Colfe rd.Stanstead rd Elliott John W. 5 Manor road Garlett George, 6 Bovill ter. Bovill rd

D'Ath Mrs. 20 St. Germains road *Ellis Hy. 3 Stanstead gro. Stanstead rd Garrood Charles, 21;9 Stanstead road

Davie David, 38 Devonshire road Ellis Richard, 40 Garlies road Garvey Richard,Arundel cot. Perry vale

Davies James Wm. 2o6 Devonshire rd Ellis Richard John, 39 Park road Garwood Richard, 75 Stanstead road

Davies Reginald Wm.uSt.Germains rd Ellwood William, 64 Honor Oak road Gasson Lewis, Rose leigll, Bath place,

Davis Leopold Frdk. 196 Devonshire rd Elworthy Hy. Deanseroft, Westbrne. rd Perry vale

Dam Miss, 62 Rockbourne road Errey Benj. Jn. 4 Colfe rd. Stanstead rd Gaston J ames, 169 Stanstead road

Daviss Mrs. 4 Aylward road Eschwege Hermn. Sunnyside,Mayow rd Gebhardt Thos. Highfield, Brockley park

Daws John Edward, 2H Stanstead ri Esgen Herrnann, Hill side,Forest Hill rd Gee Edgar, 98 Devonshire road

Day John, 4 Wylen street Etheridge Reginald Dimsdall, 36 St. George Ed wd. Vernon ho. Westwood pk

*Dayes Mrs. gr6 Stanstead road Germains road 1 Gerken Charles, 39 Devonshire road

Dean George Alfred Henry, Oaklands, *Evans Geo. Munro, 314 Stanstead rd Gething Mrs. 92 London road

Honor Oak park EvansJohnAugustus,gt Hurstbourne rd Geuth Wilhelm, 19 Tyson road

Dean Henry James, 41 St.Germains rd Everett Miss, 45 Park road Gibb James, South lodge, South road

Dean Robert Henry, 27 Honor Oak rd Fairbank Septimus, Highfield cottage, Gibbs George L.D.S. 27 Devonshire rd

Dean William Senior, 48 Sunderland rd Derby villas Gifford Henry, 37 Colfe rd.Stanstead rd

Delalande Gaston, 12 St. Germains rd }'arini Guilernio Antonio, Dartmouth Gilbert William, 76 Stanst.~ad road

Delph Car), Reseda, Brockley park lodge, Perry vale Gill Mrs. 9 Sylphide vls. Westbourne rd

De Luc Lombard Mrs. Io Honor Oak rd Farmer George, r88 Staustead road Gillard Mrs. 6 Ravensbourne road

De Mey Mrs. 10 Westwood park Farmer James, 8 Kilmore road Ginner William Peter, 19 Allenby road

Denehy Jeremiah,Islay ho.Duncombe hl Farrow Frederick Wm. 20 Benson rd Girdler'fhos.Sl.Rosedale ho.Lowther hl

Dennis David, 2 Gabriel street Faulkner John B. Quarrington house, Gits Emile Fran<;ois, 5 Elsinore road

Denniston John Thos. 73 Devonshire rd Mayow road Givan Robt. Stanstead lo. Stanstead rd

Devonshire .Adino Cyril, 6 Argyll villas, Featherstone John, Oakdene,Perry vale GladstoneJas.Nairn,299&3orStanstd.rd

Brockley road l<'eldon Waiter T. I Woolstone road *Glassup l<'rederick, 344 Stanstead road

*Dicker Mrs. 354 Stanstead road }'ell Mrs. 21 Montague ter. Perry rise Glen Alex. Bums, 226 Devonshire road

Diepp Mrs. 40 Dartmouth road Fell Sidney George, 16 Benson road Gleudining Capt. NQah, 37 St. Ger·

Diesldorff William, 141 Sunderland rd }'enner Thomas Rose, 6o Honor Oak rd mains road

Disney Fredk. Lancaster bo. Dacres rd :Fenton Charles Enos, 1:2 Wynell road Glennie William Gordon, 6 Manor road

Ditchburn Mrs. 39 Sunderland road Ferguson James, 13 Dacres road Godfrey Henry, 12 Tyson road

Diver Daniel, [05 Ewart road Ferguson John, 173 Stanstead road Gold William Henry, 133 Devonshire rd

Dixee Thomas Henry, 190 Stanstead rd Fergu,oon J03eph, 8 Westbourne villas, Goldham Mrs. 53 Dartmouth road

Dixon Mrs. 119 Rtanstead road Westbourne road Golding Miss, 4 Derby villas

*Doble Mrs. 374 Stanstead road }'erguson Mrs. 99 Sunderland road Goldup Thomas Henry, 8 Montem rd

Dodds Ralph, Hawthornden,Westwd. pk Ferrero Enrico, Riva, lnglemere road Gooch Chas. 49 Colfe rd. Stanstead rd

Dodds William, 262 Devonshire road *Fesefeld Gustave Henry Frederick, Good fellow Hy. Fancourt, 6 Derby vils

Doggett David, 4 Rockbourne road 338 Stanstead road Goold William, 20 Cranston road

Doig Leonard, Cleveland vii.Church rd Fielding Augustin, 33 London road Gould Charles, 92 Devonshire road

Donkin Edwin Bryan,The White house, Finch Miss, 4 LQrne villas, Brockley rd Gow Alex. Englefield, Honor Oak park

Westwood park Fincham Wm. School ho. Church vale Grace Mrs. 22 Ravensbourne road

Donnelly Mrs. r 5 Lessing street *Findeisen .Alfred, 321 Stanstead I"Oad Graddon Mr3. 23 Devonshire road

Dorrell Henry Benjamin, 10 Colfe road, Firth Jo:eph, 22 Sunderland road Graham George, Oakfield

Stanstead road Fitch Alfred, 32 Stanstead road GrammerGeo. Thos. Oak lo.Ewelme rd

Douglas .John Edward, 19 Colfe ro:td, *Fittock Ed win, 33l Stanstead Granger Henry, xo Como road

Stanstead road Fletcher Miss, 16 Elsinore road Grant Mrs. 48 Rockbourne road

Douse George, 5 Rockbourne road Flint Ebenezer, 14 Cranston road Gray l<'redk. 46 Colfe rd. Stanstead rd

Dowsett Henry, 35 St. Germaius road Flint Edward, Roscobel, Lowther hill Gray Miss, 3 Church road

Dowton William Lenard,u4 London rd Foaden Miss, 39 St. Germains road Grayling .Arthur M.B. 2 Mayow road

Drake Mrs. Devon house, Manor road Focke Eberhard, 18 Dacres road Graysmark George, 81 Dalmain road

Draper Charles, 44 Ravensbourne road Fo.;hill Mrs. 10 St. Germains road · Green John, 187 Stanstead road

Drewett Mrs. 51 London road Foist Ch:n·les, Lee villa, Forest Hill rd Green William Samuel, 9 Allenby road

*Drinkwater Charles, 330 Stanstead rd Foord 'l'homas .Albert Edward, 139 Greenslade Frederick, 21 Sunderland rd

Driscoll Cornelius, 5 Sylphide villas, Sunderland road Greenway l<'rancis, 9 Garlies road

Westbourne road Ford Charles William, 8 De Frene road GreenwoodFrank,1sColferd.Stanstd.rd

Drury Mrs. 6o Devonshire road Ford Henry, r6 St. Germains road GreenwoodHerbert)lelchor,sGarlies rd

Duche Claude, .Ashleigh, Dacres road Ford Mrs. Hill crest, Westwood park Greenwood Thomas, Xophil, Dacres rd

Dudley Stuart, Strathmore, Colfe road l<'orjett Major Frederick Hutchison, 40 GregoryEdwd.:Montague,298Stanstd.rd

Duffuf Alexander, 62 St. Germains rd St. Germains road Gregory Henry, 32 Montem road

Duggan Mrs. 91 Devonshire road Formoy James Arthur, 63 London road Gregory Henry Chas. 158 Stanstead rd

Duncan Alex. 16 Colfe rd. Stanstead rd I<'orrester William, 14 Montague terrace, Gritlit hChas. TheWoodlands, Queen's rd

Dunmore James Townley,13 Lessing st Perry rise Grigg William, 49 :Malham road

Dunn Adam R.N. 3 St. Germains road Fortesquieu Harry C. 18 .Allenby road Grigs Miss, 3 Hampton road

Dunn Wm. A. 2 Perry vils. Perry vale Foskett Henry, 23 Allenby road Grose Ernest Vincent, Furze bank,

Dunsmore John, 5 Cambridge terrace, l<'oss Stanley, Watcomb vil. Benson rd Forest Hill road

Brockley road Foster Rev. Jn. C. [Baptist], r Derbyvls Grose Henry, Manordale, Manor road

Dnnstan Alfred,2 Ruthella vils.Como rd Fothergill John, 6 Wynell road Grose Henry William, 26 Benson road

Dunster Richard, 107 Ewart road Fowden Albert, Eagle lodge, London rd Grose James Geo. 176 Devonshire rd

Durrant Geo. Herbert, 23 London road Fowler :Mrs. 50 St. Germains road Grose Vincent John, 174 Devonshire rd

Dyer John, 1 Nutfield viis. Brockley rd Fox: Mrs. 4 Cambridge ter. Brockley rd Gross Charles, 28 Park road

Dyer Mrs.2 Meadow cots. Devonshirerd Fox: William, 84 Stanstead road GroundsErnestAug.r4St.Germainsrd

Dyne Godfrey,22 Kemble rd.Stanstd.rd Foyson Mrs. 8 Rockbourne road Grout Mrs. Normanhurst, Church road

Eachus George E. C.E. 27 London road Francis Charles, 264 Devonshire road Groves Jas. Billingharn, Woolstone rd

Eagleton John, 7 St. Germains road Francis John Leonard, Holmwood, Gunn William Cecil, Cambridge,

EamerTheoph.Rosstellan,Honor Oak pk Perry rise Mayow road

Earl Arthur Ernest, 28 Wylen street FranckErnestFk.Chas.214Stanstead rd Gunston A. P. 25 Allenby road



Gurney John, 12 Cranston road *Hickman James, 378 Stanstead road Jackson Thomas, 23 Tyson road

Gntch John English, 22 Wynell road Hide Edward, 8 Tyson road *Jacob Philip, 326 Stanstead road

Habben Edwin, 21 Aylward road Hilbery J<'rancis, :ao Wynell road Jaeger Carl, 33 St. Germains road

Hadley Frederick, 140 Stanstead road Hill John, 36 Sunderland road James Alfred ltice, 11 Allenby road

Baine Misses, 134 Devonshire road Hind Frank, 31 Rockbourne road JamesArLh.Ovingdean ho.HonorQak pk

Hall Edward Valentine, 32 Garlies·road Hindes Aaron Wheeler, 3 Houston road James William, 43 Beadnell road

Hall William, "59 Dartmouth road Hingston Miss, 4 Honor Oak park Jarv1s Wm. EllioLt, ro Hurstbourne rd

Hallamore Rd. 4 Argyle vls.Brockley rd Hint on Howard,Kilmorie, I<'orest Hill rd Jeans James Stephen, 6 Eliot bank

Hallamore Thomas Cotton, 2 Lorne Hirth Lud wig J. 154 Stanstead road Jefferiss Henry, 3 Eliot bank

villas, Brockley road Hoar Charles, 204 Devonshire road Jenkins Miss, 156 Devonshire road

Hallett Courteney, 49 Honor Oak road Hoare Mrs. 15 Ra.vensbourne road Jenkyns Frederick Milner, I4 Kemble

Halliwell Thos. L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.c.s. Hoare Mrs. 2 Seabrook villas, Walden- road, Stanstead road

Eng. 7 Argyle villas, Brockley road shaw road Jennings Frnk.Alfd.M.66 Honor Oak rd

Hamer Mrs. II Rockbourne road *Hobbs Arthr. Owen, 336 Stanstead rd Jennings Mrs. 3 Honor Oak villas,

Hammond John, 117 Ewart road Hoc!dey Edward, 5 Mayow road Honor Oak rise

Hammond Samuel, 67 Beadnell road Hodd Edwd. Hamilton,25 Ravensbrn. rd Jobling Wm. Glengall, Codrington hill

-Hampson John, 87 Stanstead road
Bammond Wm.Thos.3 Pearcefield aven Hodges Wm. Jn. Rose bank, Perry rise Johnson Mrs. <; Eliot bank

Hodgson John, 67 Houston road Johnson Wm. Cullercoats, Pearfield rd

Hancock Thomas Jessop, 12 D~rby vils Hodgson Mrs. In Dartmouth road Johns~on Mrs. 44 Ewart road

Baneock Wm. John, 36 Rockbourne rd Hodson John Thos. 145 Sunderland rd Johnston Thomas, 21 Tyson road

Hanna. Henry, I Honor Oak villas, Hogg Herbert, 144 Stanstead road Johnston William Henry Ormsby, 8

Honor Oak rise Hoile Alfred. Charles, 40 Colfe road, Colfe road, I'errv• vale
Hanna Miss, 31 H.mston road Stanstead road JobnstoneJ.Crosse,Grass mt.Queen's rd

Hannyngton Mrs..Cl Honor Oak road HoldsworthHy.Jas. Hunt,soDevonsh.rd J ohnstoneLouis, Kinn more villa, Kemble

Harding Herbert, 220 St&.nstead road Holdsworth Jes"e, 83 Stanste:td road road, Perry vale

Harding Philip, q. Ravensbourne road Holland J n. Lucas, 20 Honor Oak road J ohnstone Mrs. 12 :VIontem road

Barding William Adam, 8 Sylphide Hollidge Miss, 142 Stanstead road Jones Rev. Frank B.D. St. Paul's

villas, Westbourne road Hollis William Joseph, 53 Beadnell rd vicarage, Manor road

Hardy Mrs. 32 Ravensbourne road Holt George Wells, Jutland, Perry vale Jone~ Rev. Gustavus John M.A. [vicar

Hardy William John, 283 Stanstead rd Holt Millner, 131 Sunderland road of Christ Church], Vicarage, South rd

Hare Edward, 16 Wylen street Holt Mrs. 259 Stanstead road Jones CharieR, 20 Wylen street

Bargreaves James, 49 Hurstbourne rd Homan Mrs. 14 Dacres road Jones Charles G. 109 Ewart road

Harmer William Knight, Sloane lodge, Hooker Fredk. Thos. 29 Sunderland rd Jones Charles Henry, 75 Beadnell road

Whatman road Hooper James, 66 Malham road *Jonl".s Charles James, 356Stanstead rd

Harms Paul, 8 Garlies road Hoppe Miss, I Sylphide villas, West- Jones Edward Vere, 25 Lessing street

Harper John William, 24 Wynell road bourne road Jones Joseph, 38 Colfe rd. Stanstead rd

Harper Mrs. 72 Stanstead road Horlock Robert, 192 Devonshire road Jones Thomas, 41 London road

Barris Alfd. Elmhurst, Ewelme road HornbuckleW. A. 15 Kemble rd. Perry va Joseph William, 7 Ravensbourne road

Barris Charles, Cornwall ho. Manor rd Hornby Charles, 43 Horror Oak road Juler Miles, ro Rockbourne road

Harris James, Brooklands, Brockley pk Horncastle Thomas, 7 Hurstbourne rd Jury Mrs. 37 London road

Barris-Burland Major-Gen. W. Gros- Home Mrs. I Horror Oak park Kahrel Thomas W. 71 Devonshire road

venor lodge, Mayow. road Horniman Fredk. 'John, xoo London rd Kallender Col. Geo. 123 Sunderland rd

*Harrison Geo. Hy. 332 Stanstead road Hosking Wm. Henry, 22 Montem road Kammer Eugen, x8 Benson road •

*Harrison Miss, 4 Stanstead grove, Hough Edwin, 2.<; Wynell road Karner Jack, 232 Devonshire road

Stanstead road HousemanHarryWebber,xgoDevonsh. rd Kayser :Mrs. 6 Kilmorie road

Barrison Mrs. Vine cottage, Perry vale Hovenden Henry I<~. 26 Sunderland rd Kedgley Misses, 8 Cranston road

*Harrison Thos. Wm. 335 Stanstead rd How Charles, 1I London road Keen Rev. John Osborne D.D. [Bible

Hart Charles, 22 Benson road Howard William, 52 Dartmouth road Christian]; 47 St. Germains road

Hart Henry Francis, 32 Gabriel street Howard-Anderson Fredk. 9 Lessing st Kees Otto, Hill holme, London road
Hart William Brooke, 88 Devonshire rd Howell .Albert, 5 Perry vale
Kell yRe\•.J. Craig[Cong.J,52Devonsb.rd

Bartung Frederick, 35 Devonshire road Howell Mrs. 84 London road Kemp Ebenezer, I Church road

Barvey Mrs. go Devonshire road Hubbard Capt. Geo.Robt. 13 Allenby rd Kennett Stephen, 22 Devonshire road

Harwood Charles Dupree, 39 London rd Huckin Wm. Henry, 37 Rockbourne rd KentWm.Ridley,Friern lo. Westwood pk

Harwood Charles Nicholson, 48 Colfe Huggins Mrs. 72 Devonshire road Kenward Albt. Edward, II Aylward rd

road, Stanstead road *Hughes Geo. Matt. 372 Stanstead rd Kerr Mrs. 29 Rockbourne road

Hast Joseph C. St. Aubyns,W oolstone rd Hughes Herbert, 34 St. Germains rd *Keshan Jn.Northouse,318 Stanstead rd

Hastings Mrs. 253 Stanstead road Hughes Jn. Albert, Clairville, Dacres rd Kesterton James, xo Sylphide villas1
Hatfield Mrs. 68 Devonshire road Hughes Miss, Ingleside, W oolstone road Westbourne road

Batfield William Henry, I Park road Hughes Mrs. 111 Devonshire road Kilby John, II Eliot bank

HavillJames, Stawell house, Church rd Hughes Mrs. 161 Stanstead road Killick Petr. Gorringe, 170 Stanstead rd

Hayes Thomas, 109 Stanstead road Hughes Robert, x68 Devonshire road King Waiter, Vancouver ho. Dacres rd

Haynes WiUiam Jacob, 9 ·westbonrne H ulbertThos.4Addingtn. ter.Brockley rd King-King Mrs. Gorrevod, Mayow rd

villas, Westbourne road Hull Thomas Harvey, I Meadow cot- Kirch Henrich, 250 Devonshire road

Hayward Sml. c.E. 212 De,·onshire rd tages, Devonshire road Kirkpatrick James, 296 Stanstead road

Head Herbert, Kemble ho. Perry vale Humm Moses, Leslie ho. Westbourne rd Kline Thorvald, 6I Houston road
Healy T. E. Melbourn lodge, Wynell rd Humphrey George, 39 Hockbourne rd Knap Conrad, Normanhurst, Dacres rd
Hnmphrey Henry, 94 Stanstead road Knapp James, 82 D~vcmshire road
Hearn Arthur, 71 Houston road

Heath Walton Mason, 276 Devonsh. rd Hunt John, Verelawn, HonorOak park Knemeyer Lewis G. 2 Wellesley villas,

Hellyer Mrs. 36 Garlies road Hunter William, I Allenby road Westbourne road

Hempson Ernest Wm. I Hurstbournerd Hutchings Charles, 95 Stanstead road Knight Thomas, 68 Malham road

Hempsted George, Normanhurst, Wool- Hutchinson Mrs. I Garlies road Knight William, 184 Devonshire road

stone road Hutchison James, 12 Stanstead road Knoop Baron Van,St.Magnus,Dacresrd

Henderson J. P. 61 London road Hutchison Mrs. 152 Devonshire road Knott John, 178 Stanstead road

Henderson Mrs. 2 St. Paul's Yillas, Hutton Charles, 3.: Devonshire road Knowles John, 24 Rockbourne road

Waldenshaw road H ntton J ames, Oakleigh, Perry \"ale Knox Mrs. 41 Devonshire road

Hendry Wm. John, 40 Ravensbourne rd Hutton Miss, 8o London road Konigs Hermann, King's oak, Dacres rd

Henley Henry Thos. 58 Devonshire rd Hutton Waiter, 103 Sunderland road Koop Paul, Kemendine, Dacres road

Bennell Alexander Uordon, Oakwood, Hyde John Martin, Wellington house, Kosmack Carl, 14 Garlies road

Mayowroad Westbourneroad Knocker Edward, 19 Honor Oak roa.d

Hennell Jas.Barclay,Ifield et. Mayow rd Hyslop Robert, 6 Cranston road Lagemann Carl, x6 Tyson road

Henry Matthew, 160 ~tanstead road lbberson Isaac, 14 Kilmorie road Laggier Paul, 294 Stanstead road

Hentsch Wm. Avenue vil. Westbourne rd Ingall Samuel, 59 London road Labme Abraham Ueor5e,Brathay bank,.

Heppelthwaite George, 86 Stanstead rd Inglis Mrs. 284 Devonshire road Mayow road

Herbert Mrs. 57 St. Germains road *Inglis William Clarke, 6 Stanstead Laing John, 300 Stanstead road

Herbert Robt. Mayow, 261 Stanstead rd grove, Stanstead road *Laing Miss, 320 Stanstead road

Herring Miss, 41 Park road Innes Wm. Grant, 28 Hurstbourne rd Lake Charles, 19 Sunderland road

Hewes Antbony, 4 Honor Oak villas, Ireland George, 11 Lcssing str<Jet Lane Robert, I Herschell road

Honor Oak rise Irish Frank, 31 Sunderland road Lansdowne Mrs. 2 St. Germains villas

Hewkley Jesse, 45 Sunderland road Ironside 'fhomas, 20 Tyson road Brockley road

*Hewitt Arthur, 348 St~nstead road J;M!kson Henry, Retreat, Lowther hill Larke John Ricardo. 29 Kemble road~

Hibbard Edward, I Aylward road Jackson Mrs. H.Todd, Keston,Church rd Perry vale

Hibbard Wm. Thomas, 2 Allenby road Jackson Robert, 24 Montem road Larner George, 48 Devonshire road


La.nrie Thomas, 26o Devonshire road I 1\Iagilll\Irs. q6 Stanstead road Moreton JosephL.Elmhurst,Brockfeyrd.

Lawrence Edwd. Sampsn.24Cranston rd Mahood Samuel, I92 Stanstead road Morgan Arthur, Ash lodge, Mayow rd

Lawrence John, 176 Stanstead road Maidlow Henry, 44 Dartmouth road Morgan Mrs. 2 Garlies roa.d

Lawrence Mrs. 66 DeY{)nshire road Maile Thomas Skeeles, u Rojack road Morgan William Jt'. 70 Honor Oak road

Lawrellj:.'e Thos. C. I29 Sunderland rd Mannering Horace John, 30 Garlies rd Morice Mrs. I Waldenshaw road

Layton John, 6I Honor Oak road Manners William Fredk. 5 Aylward rd Motris'George William, 30 Stanstead rd

Leadley Charles, 24 Hurstbourne road Manning John Ricbards, no London rd *Morris John Henry, 340 Stanstead rd

Lean Waltr. Colthouse, Honor Oak pk Manns John, 67 Stanstead road Morris Wm. Fawley ldg. Honor Oak pk

Leaphard Mrs. 37 Malham road Manwell Thomas, 254 Devonshire road Morro Leopold, Kingscote, Mayow road

Leaphard Thomas, 38 Stanstead road Margetts Mrs. 6 Colfe road, Perry vale Morson Wm. Hy. 64 St. Germains rd

Lee Ja.mes, I6 Da.cres road Marheineke Hermann, 57 Houston rd Morton Arthur Sidney, 5 Woolstone rd

Lee John Alfred, 29 Allenby road Markbreiter Felix, Woodville hall, Mote Jos. 7 Tyson road

Leeds Charles Edward, I2 Kemble Honor Oak road · Moules Mrs. 3 Hurstbourne road

,road, Stanstead road Marr Robert, Toronto ho. Brockley pk Moutrie Arth.Perry mead, Woolstone rd

Lees Leonard, 20 Rockbourne road Marrs Joseph, I6 Ravensbourne road Moutrie Miss, Ashleigh, Ewelme road

Leggott John Henry, Fontbilllodge, u MarshalJ Miss, Endrick bank, Honor *Muddell Chas. Geo. 376 Stanstead rd

Honor Oak road Oak park Muggeridge l\Hss,42 Colfe rd.Stanstd.rd

Le Grand Chas.nKemble rd.Stanstd.rd Marslani Mrs. I 59 Devonshire road Muller Charles, I7 Garlies road
ILe Mann Mrs. IO Gabriel street
Marten Alfred Ernest, 22 Tyson road Muller Otto, 14 Allenhy road

Le Mercier Charles William,Glenhurst, Marten Alfd. Rd.Rosenlaui,22 Tyson rd 1 Mulliner Henry, 4 Westbourne villa~
Colfe road, Perry vale Martin Rev. William :td:.A. [Presby- Westbourne road

LeMercierGeo.T.52 Colfe rd.Stanstd.rd terian}, IO Tyson road Mullms Mrs. 54 Devonshire road

Lepine Charles Smith, 5 Allenby road Martin David, 8 Rojack road Munday Charles, 57 Devonshire road

Leshman William, 4 Stanstead road Martin Edward Alfred, 4 Como road *Munday Clement, 364 Stanstead road

Lester Frederick Hunt,79Devonshire rd Martin Henry, 224- Devonshire road Murch James Hawke, 3 Kilmorie road

Levy Isidor, 22 Hurstbourne road Martin Joseph Henry, 9 London road Murdoch Miss, I96 Stanstead road

Lewis Miss, I2 Park road Martini Edward, 33 Rockbourne road Murray Ernest, 19 Elsinore road

Leyland John, Elm lea, Perry vale Mason James, Westcot, Duncombe bill Narraway Robt.Edwd. 215 Stanstead rd

Limbri!'k Richard, ICYJ Stanstead road Mason Miss, 2 Bampton road NarrawayRobt. Wm. 8r Sunderland rd.

Lincoln William, 8 Honor Oak road . Mason Mrs. I43 Sunderland road Nash John, 23 Kemble rd. Perry vale

Lindsay George Micha.el, Rosemont, Mason Waiter, 285 Stanstead road Neal Thomas, 2 The Glen, South road

Hono:r Oak park Massey Thos. J. Chislon, Lowther hill Neate Charles P. Wetherell, 3 Wellesley-

Lindus Arthur Strutt, Duneombe Hill Mathers Edward P. Glenalmond, West- villas, Westbourne road

house, Duncombe hill wood park Neate Mrs. 2IO Devonshire road

Linsdell Miss, 40 Dalmain road Matthew Chaston Wm. 13 Aylward rd 1 Neate Octavius, 105 Devonshire road

Litchfield lfhos. Geo. Ss Dev<onshire rd Matthew Seth, 50 Rockbourne road Needham Mrs. Orielton, BrockleyHl.plc 1
Litten John GeO'rge, 200 Devonshire rd Mattbews Alexander Edward, Primrose Neef Otto, 105 Sunderland road

Little Thomas, Woodville, Inglemere rd cottage, Como road · J Neeld Alfred E. 24 Coire rd.Stanstead r<l

Littlejohn George, :r3 De-rby villas Matthews James, 6 Bampton road Neild Harry William, 27 Tyson road
sLiversay Nathaniel, Hurstbourne rd Matthews Joseph, SI Beadnell road Nell David Wm. Ashdown lo. Perry vale

Lloyd Gabriel, 30 Gabriel street Matthews Mrs. I3 Montem road Nelson Richard, 3 Colfe rd.Stanstead rd

Llo;yd John, 8 Westw{)od park Matthias Mrs. 1 Kilmorie road Nevill Mrs. Redcott, Dacres road

Lloyd Mrs. Sidney, 7 Sylphide villas, Matthiason ThomiiSJ.Birnam,Dacres rd, Neville Ephraim Edward, 6 Wylen st

Westbourne road ' Matthiesson Wm. Hy. 40 Devonshire rd Newman Frank, I86 Devonshire road

Lloyd Wm. John, 25 Hurstboume road Matton Rt. 5 Addington ter.Hrockley rd Newman Samuel, I Woodsome villas~

Lockhart Dourt~, Neston ;vil. Perry vale *Maunsell Wm. Wray, 346Stanstead rd Westbourne road

Lodge Edwa.rd, I64 Devonshire road Maunton Walter, 116 Ewal"t road Newton James E. 46 Hurstbourne road

Loe Geo. Wyndham, r3S Devonshire rd May AugustusSquare, 273 Stanstead rd NicholsChas.Cecil,Haslemere,Perryvale

Long Nevil, 23 Aylward road May Mrs. 21 Kemble rd. Stanstead rd Nieberg Hubert, Hill view, Canonbie rd

Loog Mrs. :11 Dacres road Mayer Mrs. Ronville, Westbourne road Niesigh Mrs. I42 Devonshire road

Lorenz Ernest, So Honor Oak road Mays Chas. 6 Kemble rd. Stanstead rd Nind Mrs. 53 Stanstead road

Lorenz Hugo1 '14"3 Devonshire road Medcalf Edwin, 53 St. Germains road Nixon Alfred, 4 Zetland vils.Brockley rei

Lovegrove Miss, Meadow lodge, Honor Meierhoff Mrs. :r Havensbourne road Noaks Mrs. I Montem road

Oak park Meister Rev.Max [pastor to the German Norris John V. 99 Devonshire road

LovegroveThomas,Meadow lodge,Honor church J,sWellesly. vls. West.bourne rd North Charles Niven Mclntyre, Caistea~

Oak park Mellor William, Florence ho. Church rd Tuath, Brockley park

Lovell Mrs. Oakdale, Mayow road Melrose Jas. Grabamville, Forest Hill rd Northcote Mrs. Haretield, Dacres road

LowderGenl.Sl.N. R.lii.,C. B. 4 Manor rd Mercer Capt. Marcus, 293 Stanstead rd N orwood Wm. 5 Kemble rd.Stanstead ri!

Lowe Frederick, I62 Stanstead road Merchant Isaac, I45 Devonshire road Nunn Henry John, I22 ~tanstead roacl

Lowe Mrs. r6S Stanstead road Merry Joseph, 263 Stanstead road Oaks Col. Wifiiam Hy. I Westwood park

Lownds Matthew, 7S London road MP-ssum .Alfd.Irving, 34 Hm·stbourne rd Oelsner Isidor,Springfield,HonorOakpk
Lowthian Geo.Douglas,.Airlie,Church rd Metzgor Henry, 67 Sunderland road Ogg Ea~ton Mackie, 53 Honor Oak park

Luders Ludwig, 23 Honor Oak road Michell William, 79 Ewart road Oldham Thomas, II9 Sunderland road

Ludkin Chas. 12Montague ter.Perry rise Middleton Mrs. Robert vil. Pern· vale Osborne Charles John, 166 Stanstead rd

Lugsdin Mrs. 33 St.anstead road Miles Albert John, I7I Stanstead road Osborne Mrs. I & 2 The Woodlands,.

Lumsden James, I3 Tyson road Miles George Frederick, 17 Dacres rd Woolstone road

Lumsden Mrs. 76 Devonshire road Miles Mrs. 7 Lorne villas, Brockley rd Osborne William J. 25 Garlies road

Lunan Carl, 4 Benson road Mill William Henry, Homeleigh, Colfe Osker John, I3 Sunderland road

Luscombe Mrs. 58 Honor Oak road road, Perry vale Oswald J. S. Marhaba, Bampton road

Lye CharieR Emest, 284 Stanstead rd MiUar George, Bimam, Woolstone rd Otte Mrs. I6 Kemble rd. Stanstead rd.

Lyndall Oliver 'fhos.3 Ravensbourne rd Millar Henry, 40 Rockbourne road Owen Thomas, 96 Devonshire roacl

Lyon Charles Henry, I72 Stanstead rd *Millard Emanuel, 304 Stanstead road Owens John, 49 Sunderland road

Lyon Miss, 172 Stanstead road Milledge Alfred, I2 Ravensboume road· Owsley John William, 9 Derby villa&

Lyon Mrs. 54 Colfe rd. Stanstead road Miller Henry, go Stal1'Stead road Owston William, Roundhay, Dacres rd

McCarthy James, 4 Wbateman road Miller Mrs. 7 Rutland villas, Perry vale *Oxenham Edward Horsewill, 38o

:McCord Ha.rld. IZetland vls. Brockley rd l\lillidge Mrs. IOO Devonshire road Stanstead road

McCullagh Jas.Gordon,2I4Devonsh. rd Mills Mrs. Fairhaven, Woolstone road Pace Mrs. 49 Houston rood

McDougald Alfred, IS Kilmorie road Milne Mrs. I28 Stanstead road Page Capt. George, 47 Sunderland road

McDougald James, 150 Stanstead road MiltonChas.Ethelbert,Brierly,Perryrise PageGeorge, 27Colferd. Stanstead.rd

McGill Thos. 58 Colfe rd. Stanstead rd Minn 'Fredk. Albert, 37 Stanstead road Pag~ Mrs. 15 St. Germaios road

McGowan Mrs. 24 Park road Minuto Theodore, u6 Stanstead road Page Mrs. Henry, 28I Stanstead. :coad

MacGregor Jas. Hill side, Brockley pk Mit<"hell Mrs. 39 Malham road Palmer Hy. Geo. Fern bank~ 'Perry rise

Mclntosh Rev. Hugh M. A. [Presby- Mitchell Thomas, 26 Wylen street Palmer Henry William, 16 Allenby rd

terian3,Maria. house, Brockley Hill pk Moller Carl, II Perry vale Panton Edward Henry, 9 Eliot bank

Mclntosh William, 9 Tyson road Mong-redien Miss, 30A, St. Germains rd Parker Jn.Thos.Brecon vl.DuliiiCOlllbe hl

Mackay William, Mounteagle,Perry rise Moon Mr!!. 30 Rockboume road Parlby Mrs. I75 Stanstead rood

McKenzie Rt.Jeffrey,3o St.Germains rd Moore George, so Ewart road Parnell Gerald Crecy lii.R.c.s.. 86- Lo~

Mackintosh Mrs. Morningside, Wool- Moore John, 2 Bovill road don road

stone road Moore Mrs. 218 Devonshire road Parry Mrs. 7 Aylward road

](ackrell CharlesArth. I22Devonshire rd Moore Mrs. Thomas M. I77 Stanstead rd Parsloe Alfred, IS Wynell road
Moore Wm. 64 Kemble rd. Stanstead rd Parsons Thomas Marsh,3I Stansteatl nl
McNab Henry Black, 23 Park road

McNeil Franci& Wm. I84 Stanstead rd Morbey Samuel E. 150 Devonshire road Patrick George, 47 Beadnell road



Pattenhausen Charles Otto, Rose oot- PnlvermannMartin,Montrse.Church rd Rooke Dibney, 21 Ravensbourne road
.1 tage, Perry vale Purdue Th(lmas, 1 Bellerue villas, Rooke Thomas, 282 Stanstead road

Pavia Charles, Cothelstone, Church rd Honor Oak rise Rose Miss, 93 Stanstead road

Payne Charles Thos. 21 Stanstead road PurdueVynyan ThomasWest, 3 Bellevue Rosenthal Adolphus, 56 St. Germains rd

Payne George, 38 Ravensbourne road 1 ""illas, Honor Oak rise , Ross James, 9 Westwood park

.Paynter William, 6 Wellesley villas, Fye Kellow, 137 Devonshire road Ross John Arthur, Io Elsinore road

' Westbourne road Pyne Arth. Jsph. Heathwood, Dacresrd Ross Jn.Arth.Lowthervil. Lowther hill •

Peace Capt. .Henry, 208 Stanstead road Quaife Waiter Thomas, 23 Kemble Rothwell Thos. 157 Devonshire road
Rotton Rev. Edward Wharton •
Peacock Thomas, 6- Park road toad, Stanstead road

Peake Misses, Melrose, Mayow road Quitman Julius, 84 Honor Oak road LL.D. 101 Sunderland road

Peake William, Melrose, Mayow road Quitmann Carl, 10 Park road Rouse William, 5 Whatman road t

Pearce Alfred Robert, 312 Devonshire rd Quittmann Ernest, Hillside, Queen's rd Routh Mrs. Mayfair lo. Brockley HL pk

Pearce Chas. Waldenshaw ho. Manor rd Rabbits Mrs. 74 London road Routledge Thomas Charles, 2 Bellevue

Pearce Miss, 59 Honor Oak road Rabbits Wm.Thos.Irongates, Dacres rd villas, Honor Oak rise

Pearson John, Nithside, Perry vale Radlett Waiter, 6 Allenby road Rowland John, 26 Beadnell road

Peckham John Ellis, 10I Stanstead rd RaitMrs.IOWestbournevls.Westbrne.rd Rowson Arthur Jopson, St. Margaret's~

Peetz Emil, 7 Bampton road Hampton David, r3 Wynell road Mayow road

Pell Richard, 42 Rockbourne road Ratcliffe Thomas, 20 Allenby road Royle Thomas Chas. 237 Stanstead rd '

Penfold Frederick, 20 Garlies road Raven Mrs. 116 Devonshire road Ruffie Mrs. 28 De~onshire road

Penn Miss, Glendale, Church road Rawle Philip, 90 London road Rule Thomas, 13 Cranston road

Penney Mrs. 7 Perry vale Read Thos. C. Lulworth, Woolstone rd Rundle Richard Albert, Silverbirch,..

Pepe Guiseppe, 46 Ewart road Reade l<'rederick, 6 Montem road Inglemere road

Perken Fdk. Louis,Oakhill,ForestHill rd Reed Cha.s.Hy. Mt. Pleasant,Brockley pk Rushton Mrs. 3 Emerson ter.Perry vale.

Perrins Arthur Charles, 21 Allenby rd Reed Mrs. 22 Gabriel street Russ Andrew, 6 De Frene road •

Perrins Wilham Hy. 87 Sunderland rd ReeksEdwd.Jas.9 Kemble rd.Perry vale Russ Charles, 14 Tyson road

Perry Charles T. 72 Honor Oak road Reeks Frederick Wm. 55 Houston road Russ Miss, I3 Kemble rd. Perry vale

PerryGeo. Wm.s6Colfe rd.Stanstead rd Reeve-Jones Frank, Rosendale, Adams- Russell Rev. Alfred Oliver [vicar of St.

p~ James, 36 Ravensbourne road rill road Saviour's], 54 St. Germains road

Perry Mrs. 7 De Frene road ReevesJames,4Hennikerter.Brockley rd Russell George, 8 Stanstead road

Perry Mrs. Wilton house, Canonbie rd Reid John Barnet, 7 Manor road Russell John, 4 Allenby road

Pethbridge Capt. Charles, :15 Dacres rd Renand Waiter, 57 Honor Oak road Rnssell Mrs. 22 Garlies road "'
*Pettagrew Mrs-. 388 Stanstead road Rendle George, 113 Sunderl~J.nd road Russiano R. 3 Aylward road

Pfaff Mrs. Drachenfels, South road Rendle William, I II Sunderland road Saffell Henry Lea, 16 Rockbourntt TOad ~

Pfister Kaspar Fredk. 286 Devonshire rd Rennie Mrs. Craigendarroch, Westwd. pk Salberg Salis Ernest, Wellesley lodge, ~

Phillips Charles, 28o Devonshire road Reynolds John, 10 Bampton road , Mayow road 1 , (,

Philps Mrs. Sedholme, Mayow road ReynoldsMrs. Cardigan Io. Duncmbe.hl Salter Mrs. 14 Pearcefield avenue

Pickering Samuel, 12 Henson road Rice John,2 Woodsome vls. Westbrne.rd Sammons Mrs. 25 Devonshire road - ·

Pickering William Francis, 2 Zetland R1chards Arthur, 3 Dacres road Sanderson Walter, 30 Hurstbourne rd ,
Riehards Edwin, 37 Hurstbonrne road SandersonWm. 7Emerson ter. Perry vale.- r:
villas, Brockley road

Pickett Henry William, "to Garlies rd · Ricbards Thomas Henry, Pengarrackj Sandom Herbert,.I8 Montem :road

Pickett J obn1 112 Ewart road Lowther hill · Sarson Robert, 9 Colfe rd. Stanstead rll-

Pieraccina l'eter John, 23 Lessing street Richardson Charles, I2 Elsinore road Saunders Cecil George, Tower house•

Pierce Harold H. 104 London road IRichardson Edward, 9 Manor road Canonbie road
Pierce Walter, 5 Dacres road
Hichardson Ferdinando Charle~ 26 *Saunders J a.s. l<'redk. 342 Stanstead 111d

Piggott David, 41 Colferd.Stanstead rd Garlies road •: Savage E. T. W. 3r Colfe rd. Stanstead rd

Pilcher George, 48 St. Germains road · Richardson Francis George, St. John's Saxton Miss,6Sylphide viis. Westbrne..rti

Pinkham Capt. William Horford, IO lodge, Church road Sayer John Lastj 1o8 London road

Allen&y road f RichardsonFredk.Hy.2gHurstbourne rd Schatrer Mrs. Bavaria, Woolstone road

Piper Thomas, The Chestnuts, Brock- · Richardson Hy. Longford,55 London rd Schlund Theodore, Frankfurt house,.
soley Hill park
I Richardson Herbert William, Colfe Manor road

Pitt William, 7 Garlies road road, Stanstead road Schrattenbolz Max, 14 Benson road

Pittet Felix, 134 Stanstead road · Richardson Miss, 57 London road Schroder Jn. Ingleholme,

Plant Geo. W. Asathor, Woolstone rd I Richardson Mrs. 8o Devonshire road Scott Albert, 27 Stanstead road

Plowman Thomas, 97 Devonshire road 1 Richardson Robert, 136 Stanstead road Scott J esse, 206 Stanstead road l

Pollard Fdk. Lessey, 209 Stanstead rd 1Riches Gabriel, 10 Wynell road Scott Leman, 30 Sunderland road

Ponton C. A. IS Garlies road Riches Henry John, 174 Stanstead road Scottbush Mrs. II Wynell road
1 Richmond Philip, I Perry·vale
Poole John, 258 Devonshire road Scowley Rev. Thomas [Methodist], 7

Poole Septimus,~ Woolstoneroad Richter Edward Charles, 6 Tyson rd Westbourne villas, Westbourne road

PooleThos.Alfd.3gColferd.Stanstead rd *Ricketts James David, 9 Stanstead Scrivener Percy, 47 Houston road
Poole William, 44 Colfe rd.Stanstead rd 1 grove, Stanstead road
Seabrook Thomas, 26 Stanstead road
Porcas Mrs. 2 Brockleyter. Brockley rd 1 Rideal John, Devon lodge, Mayow road Seagrave Wm. de Blacqmere, Benson rdl

IPortal Frederick Welch, 1 Eliot bank 1 Rideal Samuel, 161 Devonl!hire road Searle Edward Jas. Wm. 2 Kilmorie Tili

Porter Saml. Biggs, 109 Sunderland rd Riley Sidney Edmond, 4 Kilmore road Searle Ernest, 34 Park road
Poupard Charles, 248 Devonshire road Ringrose Henry, 38 Rockbourne road Searle Fredk. Hy. 21 Hurstbourne rd

Poupard Thomas R. 3I Alienby road Ripley Horace, .Rocklands, Westwood pk See! John Buckley, 2 Colfe rd. Perry val&

Powell Ellis, 95 Ewart road Ritherdon Thomas Leonard, 8 Argyle Sehlbach Hugo, 63 Sunderland road

Powell Mrs. 67 St. Germains road villas, Brockley road Seifert Fritz, 23 Garlies road

Prall William, 28 Montem road Roberts Benj. Perry mount, Mayow rd Seimert Charles, 38 Sunderland road

Pratt Joseph, Shelford, Mayowroad Roberts Harper Saulby, 8 Benson road Selby Charles Edwartl Montague,.

Preece William, 35 Malham road Roberts Robert, St. Helen's, Dacres rd Ighthan, Mayow road · r;.

Preen Harvey, 2 Tyson road Roberts William, 38 St;, Germains road Selfe Jn.Hy.Jas.Highclere, Westwood pk

PrescottAlbertEdward, 2oElsinorerd Robertson Blair, I8 Garlies road Seward Mrs. 27 Park road

Prestige Sidney, 137Sunderland road Robertson Miss, 43 Houston road Share George Wade, Fores1; holme,.

Preyss Paul, 30 Colfe rd. Stanstead road Robinson Edward, 17 Honor Oak road Queen's road

Price James, 134 Malham road Robinson John, 58 Stanstead road Sharman Charles Henry, 69 Houston rc:J

Prideaux Samuel William,Bolton tower; Robinson John Robt. sr Houston road Sharp James, 42 Stanstead road

Forest Hill road Robinson Robert William, Codrington Sharrer Eugene, 24 Benson road

Pridgeon Thos. William,gRockbourne rd house, Codrington hill Sharwood Thos.Allen,4 Hurstbourne :rd

Priestley Alfred, 61 St. Germains road Rohinson William, 102 Devonshire road ShearmanRt. Sydney ldg-. Westboume rd
Priestley John Geo. 44 St. Germains rd Robson John, ns Devonshire road
Sheffield Arthur, 109 Devon~hire road

Priestley Thomas Potter, Ravensdale, Robson Miss, 33 Sunderland road Shepherd Herbert, 43 St. Germa.ins rd

Church road Robson Thos. 2 Church ''iew, Como rd Shepherd Isaac, 6 Stanstead road ) •

Prince Rev. George [Baptist], 4 Brock- Roddis Frederick W. 1.4- Elsinore road Short George, 26 Park road

ley terrace, Brockley road Rodick Mrs. 5 Woodsome villas, West- Short William, 3 Kemble rd. Perry vale

Prior Carl, Hill side, South road rd• · bourne road Shum George Charles, 63 Houston road
Pritchard Arth. Wm. G. 33 Houston Roe Miss, 292 Stanstead road Shuter Mrs. 6 Colfe rd. Stanstead road

Pritchard David,Solis vil. Westbourne rd Rogers Wm. 19 Kemble rd. Perry vale *Simmonds Mrs. 384 Stanstead road.

Prodham Wm. Maderia ho. Lowther hill Rokicki Victor, 26Colfe rd.Stanstead rd Simms Alfred, 24 Stanstead road

Pngh Miss, 56 Rockbourne road Rolfe Herbert, 4 BoviU ter. Bovill road Simpson Miss, 189 Stanstead road

Pollen Mrs. 7 Addington ter. Brockley rd Rook Rev. J oseph, 77 t:Junderland road Simpson Rchd. Springett; 1:2 Gabriel st

Pulley Rev. Henry John M.A [curate Rook Eustace Hy. l..I>.s. 68 London rd Sinclair David, 2 Eliot bank
of St.Peter'schurch],12ISundrlnd.rd ,Rookard William, 53 Devonshire road Sinkins Mrs. 34 Dartmouth road:.


Skinner Mrs. (j Cranston road Talbot John Thos. 2 Bovill ter. Bovill rd Ulrice Miss, 9 Bampton road

Skipper Henry William, 41 Houston rd Tanner ThomasCameron,6 Lorne villas, Upton Mrs. 2 Honor Oak villas, Honor

Skipper James, Woodcote, Whatman rd Brockley road Oak rise

Slagg Mrs. 78 Devonshire road Tapley Edward A. Fernleigh, Church rd Upton Stanley E. 2I6 Devonshire road

Slocombe Ernest, 4 Montem road TarltonThos.Hy.Hatberleigh,Ewelmerd Vamplew John, 28 Headnell road

Smart Frederick Cbas. 53 Houston rd Tarn Joseph, 83 Devonshire road Vear Miss, 2 St. Germains road

Smart Mrs. 8 Derby villas 'fartas Auguste Antoine, 151 Devon- Vernon John, 16 Park road

Smith Alfred James, 22 Kilmorie road shire road Verones Mrs. 14 Wynell road

Smith Charles, 7 Beadnell road Taylor Rev. William B.A. [Wesleyan], Verrall Claud John, I7 Park road

Smith Charles, I6 Kilmorie road I72 Stanstead road Verralls Mrs. 6o London road

Smith Ernest Walter,qo Devonshire rd Taylor Benj. 3 Kemble rd. Stanstead rd Vicars Albert, 37 Sunderland road

Smith Fredk. Arthur, 233 Stanstead rd Taylor Charles, 34 Garlies road Vining John Randall, I Hadfield villas,

Smith Fredk. Chas. I35 Devonshire rd 'faylor Edward, 82 Stanstead road Waldenshaw road

Smith Frederick H. IS Tyson road Taylor George, 82 London road Vming Mrs. 91 Sunderland road

SmithHy.ISeabrook vis. Waldenshaw rd Tay!or James, The Elms, Perry rise Vollenweider Albert, 24 Sunderland rd

SmithHy.Monteth, EHn view,Perryrise Taylor John Fenton, 2 Benson road Von Perglas Baron William, I4 Rock-

Smith Mrs. 93 Devonshire road Taylor Mrs. 44 Devonshire road bourne road

Smith Mrs. 17 Kemble rd. Stanstead rd Taylor Richard, 40 Sunderland road Vontom Adolphus, 51 Colfe road, Stan-

Smith Mrs. SI Malham road 'fibbit Edward Thomas, 5 Bellevne stead road

Smith Mrs. 28 Sunderland road villas, Honor Oak rise Voss Ernest Christian, St. Anna, Pear·

Smith Robt. S. Lasswade, Westwood pk Temlett Wm. I8 Colfe rd. Stanstead rd field road

Smith William, Ellerslie, Inglemere rd 'fempleMrs.IChurch vls.Waldenshw. rd Wade Alexander, 23 Hurstbourne road

Smith William, 5 Meadow cottages, Terry Mrs. I Brockley ter. Brockley rd *Wak~field Mrs. 337 Stanstead road

Devonshire road Tetley John Edward, Woodville priory, Wagstafl' John Hy. 62 Honor Oak road

Smith William, I I 'fyson road Honor Oak rise Wag-staff Miss, 3 Mayow road

Smyth Alfred Wm. 95 De¥onshire road Thomas Henry, I7 Ravensbourne road Walcot Mrs. 266 Devonshire road

Smyth Henry George, II Garlies road Thomas Mrs. 54 Rockbourne road Walcott Lyons, 3 Westwood park

Smyth Mrs. 8 Park road Thomas William, 34 Sunderland road Walker George Edward, I2 Colfe road,

Snell Joseph, 30 Benson road Thomas William Edward, Pendennis, Perry vale

Sorge Wm. 20 Colfe rd. Stanstead road Honor Oak park Walker Mrs.Mowbray,51 Sunderland rd

SoundyArth. Wm. Harris,6ISundrlnd.rd Thompson Albt. Edwd. I03 Stanstead rd Wall William Frederick, 32 Park road

South Montague,St. Helen's, Westwd. pk 'fhomp~;on Joseph Thomas, Clyde lodge, Wallace George, 42 St. Germains road

Soutbey Alfred, Rosenthal, Dacres road De Frene road Wallis Percy, 88 Dartmouth road

Spall James, 45 Malham road ThompsonRichd. Stephn. 5 Derby villas Wallis William, 2 Sylphide villas,

Sparham H. Mills,Reed ho.Bampton rd Thompson William, 22 Park rGad Westbourne road

Sparrick Thomas W 44 Hurstbourne rd Thomson Gavin, r66 Devonshire road Ward Abraham, 7 Allenby road

Spearing Owen, 231 Stanstead road Thomson Geo. Treg-antle, Woolstonerd Ward Joseph Baynes, 5 Hampton road

Spencer George, 22 Allenby road Thomson Peter D. Newstead, Perry vale Ward Miss, 7 Cranston road

Spencer Mrs. 20 Ewart road Thornbury Geo. Osborne, 65 Houston rd Warland Mrs. 20 Ravensbourne road

Spencer Mrs. 39 Stanstead road Thornbury Joseph Hartley, 59 Sun- Warren Miss, 7 Dacres road

Spon William, 48 Dartmouth road derland road Warrington R. S. 3 Honor Oak road

Spooner Miss, Hillside, Duncombe hill Thornbury John Russeli,Penrith,Honor Wasson Aaron Murray, Meadow bank,

Spouse William Jas. n3 Devonshire rd Oak park Honor Oak park

Stadden Isaac, r St. Germains villas, Thorne Mrs. 8 Ravensbourne road Watson George, One oak, Brockley pk

Hrockley road Thorne William, I8 Park road Watt Rev. George Deans Dundas

*Staite Charles, 322 Stanstead road Thornhill George Jeffery, Highworth, :M:.A. 2 Park road

Stallybrass Mrs. 33 Allenby road Brockiey park Watts Rev. James Cross D.D. 25 Park rd

Stalman Ernest M. 39 Houston road Thorpe Alfred W. 47 Honor Oak road Waugh Mrs. II Derby villas

Standing Mrs. Elm lodge, Ewelme road Tillett James, 17 Aylward road Way Capt.Nicholas, 45 St. Germainsrd

Stanford Robert F. Rookfield, Perry rise *Tilley Mrs. 323 Stanstead road Weatherdon John Hy. 27 Wynell road

Stanton Mrs. Gloucester ldg. Mayow rd Tingley I<'redk. Spring cot. Como road Weatherley Charles Joseph, 3 Zetland

Statham Amos, 6 Addington terrace, Todd Rev. John W. D.D. [Baptist], villas, Brockley road

Brockley road 'fudor hall, South road Weaver J oseph, Ledbury ho. Brockley pk

Steadman Miss, 57 Dartmouth road Todd Hruce B. Taymount, Queen's rd Webb George John, 183 Stanstead road

Stedman Arthur Cristoffer, 55 Hurst- Todd Herbert, II3 Dartmouth road Webb Matthew R. J.P. 68 Honor Oak rd
bourne road Todhunter Thomas Frank, 5 Lorne Webb Mrs. 46 Rockbourne road

Soodmanl<'redk.Wm. 238 Devonshire rd villas, Brockley road Webb Mrs. 9 Sunderland road

Steed Edward Arthur, 9I Beadnell road Tomkins Wdliam H. Duncombe lodge, Webster l<'rederick, 4 Woolstone road
Steel Charles, Highworth, Ewelme road Duncombe hill
"\-Vebster John, Ormeau ho. Queen's rd

Stephens John, I35 Sunderland road Tomlinson Edward, 35 Colfe road, Weeks Chas. 5 Colfe rd. Stanstead road

Stevens Jn. 27 Kemble rd. Stanstead rd Stanstead road Welch Fdk.Inglemount,Inglemere road

Stevens Miss, 70 Stanstead road Tong J ames, 20 Park road Weller Robert, I9 Aylward road

Stevens Mrs. 257 Stanstead road Toombs Henry Lawrence, 34 Colfe road, *Wells Mrs. 370 ~tanstead road

Stevens Mrs. 75 Sunderland road Stanstead road West Charles Loft, 209 Stanstead road

S;eward William, 23 Rockbourne road Tourle John Joseph, I72 Devonshire rd West Charles Spencer, Glenthorne •

Stewart Thomas, I2 Garlies road Tozer Alfred John, 30 Montem road villa, Perry rise

Stobbs Francis, Argyll ho. Perry vale Tracy J. Rothsay, Io Colfe rd. Perry vale West John Stapylet.on, 7 Colfe road,

Stockman Geo. Glenlea, Ewelme road Trapp Jn. Wm. Beaumont, Church rd Stanstead road

Stockwell Francis Henry, I5 London rd Treaddell William, 26 Devonshire road West Miss, 252 Devonshire road

StokesOctavius,Northumberland house, Trenchard Arthur, 314 Devonshire road ·west Mrs. 46 Devonshire road

David's road Trenchard Edwin Perry, Woodville, Westmore Wm. Thos. 93 Sunderland rd

Stone Edward George, 277 Stanstead rd Honor Oak rise Whall Mrs. 34 Rockbourne road

Stoneham Mrs. 35 Allenby road *Trickett Wm. c.E. 333 Stanstead road Wheeler Arthur Charles, xo Kemble

Stuart Capt. George Rennie, Crown- Trotter John Glass, I7 Cranston road road, Stanstead road

.brook, Mayow road Troubridge Stephen, Somerset villa, *Wheeler Robert James, 7 Stanstead

Straker Charles, 240 Stanstead road Perry vale grove, Stanstead road

StrathernAlex.Rt.sKemble rd. Perry vie TroughtonJsph.43Colfe rd.Stanstead rd Whitby Mrs.2o Kemble rd.Stanstead rd

Strutt Chas. I3 Montague ter. Perry rise Tubb William, I36 Malham road White David, II4 Devonshire road

SummerfieldGeo.Wm.I32 Stanst.ead rd Tnckett Alfred, 21 Rockbourne road White Felix Duppa, 52 St. uermains rd

Summerfield J oseph Thos. 2I Garlies rd Tullett Thomas "\V. 3 I6 De,·onshire road White Frederick Arthur, 36 Colfe road,

Summers Henry Chas. I48 Stanstead rd Turner Charles,Woodside,Brockley road Stanstead road

Sutton Fredk. I7 Colfe rd. Stanstead rd Turner Charles, 62 London road White George, 22 Stanstead road

Sutton George, 33I Stanstead road Turner l<'rancis S. 8 Allenby road White James, 29 Park road

Sntton John, 3 Bovi11 terrace, Bovill rd Turner George, 43 London road White John, 24 Ravensbourne road

Swann Frederick Robt. 23 Stanstead rd Turner Mrs. 3 "\-Voolstone road White Miss, Rosemont, Dacres road

Swanson John, Mayfield, Forest Hill rd Turney Henry James, 18 Cranston rd White Miss, go Dartmouth road •

Sykes T. E. Hillbrow, Honor Oak park Turpin William, 24 Beadnell road White Mrs. 12 Pearcelield avenue

Symes Edwd. Barnes, r6o Devonshire rd Tweedale James, 3I London road White William, 23 Wynell road

Symes Richard, I88 Devonshire road Tyler Edwart Henry, 4 Sylphide villas, Whiteha:1d Jn. SI. 4 St. Germains road

Symons Mrs. I4 Honor ·Oak road Westbourne road Whitehead Wm. Seymour,g Aylward rd

Syred John, 64 Devonshire road Tyrrell Thomas E. 269 Stanstead road Whittield Mrs. 79 ~tanstead road

";l'abor Arthur, 24 Tyson road Tyson John, 78 Honor Oak road Whiting Miss, 9 Park road


Whiting Wm. Ashby, 15 Aylward road 'Wilson Mrs. Arrandale, Adam3rill road 'Woodcock Cannam, 7 Westwood park

Whitmore Charles, 227 Stanstead road Wilson Waiter John, 180 Stanstead rJ ·woodham Henry, 2 Nuttield villas.

Whittet George, r3 Pearcefield avenue 'Wilson William M. B. 216 Stanstead rd Brockley road

Whitworth John, ro2 London road Winckler Henry, Tal bot ho. Mayow rd WoodsCapt. Wm.Fell, II7 Sunderland rcJ

\Yieler Eric, 22o Devonshire road Windle Mss. Heim lo l~e, Mayow road Woollesen Alfred, 24 Allenby road

Wightwick William, 225 Stanstead rd *Windrid;e Arthur Plant, 308 Stan- Woollett Thomas, I2 Como road

Wilde Charles, 146 Devonshire road stead road Vi"ooster Joseph Hammond,II Dacres rd

Wilkins William, 31St. Germains road '\Vinstanley Octavius, 37 Houston road Worger Dou,;las Fitzgerald, Barr BJa-

Wilkinson George E. 3 Garlies road ""intgens Henry, Penrnse, Mayow road con, Canoubie road

Williams Rev. Charles Nathaniel M.A. Wintle Hy. M. B. Kingsdown, Church rd '\\-"01·ters Charles, 125 Sunderland road

The Vicarage, Woolstone road Wolff Misses, 12 Allenby road 'Votton ·wtlliam, 4 Church road

Williams Frederick, 198 De\·onshire rd 'Volff Misses, 57 Sunrlerland road Wray William P. 17 Rockbourne road

Williams George, 27 Hurstbourne road Wolffgang Ernest G. Green bank, 1 Wrenn Mr,;. u8 Devonshire road

Williams John C. Chelvey, Dacres road Queen's road 1 Wright Alfred, Lyndale, Perry rise

Williams Jn. Wm.Ashville,ForestHill rd Wolters Henry, 267 Stanstead road Wright Henry, 53 Hurstbourne road

Williams Mrs. 77 Devonshire road 1 Wood Charles, 6 Malham road Wright l\Iiss, Eagle cottage, Perry vale
Williams Samuel Taylor, Rydal mount, Wood Ernest, 59 Devonshire road Wright Miss, 7 Park road

Dacres road "'ood John, 43 Hurstbourne road Wright ·wm. F. 47 Hurstbourne road

Willis Mrs. 6 Rutlancl villas, Perry vale Wood Thomas, 4 Malham road Wyatt Mrs. James, Perry vale
Willoughby William Henry, 33 Hurst- 'Vood William Christopher, 21 Colfe I Wyles Andrew, 28 Rockbourne road

bourne road road, Stanstead road 1 Yarnell Frederick, 13 Garlies road

Wilmot Mrs. 194 Devonshire road Wood Wm. Dunbar, 10 Kilmorie road 'Yates Frederick, 46 t::lt. Germains rd

Wilshere Isaac, 6o Ewart road Wood William P. 13 Hurstbourne road Yeates Henry Richard, 30 '~"ylen roocl.

Wilson Alexander, 6 Dacres road Woodburn William Harrison, 42 Sun- Young HerbL. Tbornbury ho.Church rd

Wilson James F. 35 Hurstbourne road derland road 1 Young Thomas, 88 Stanstead road

COMMERCIAL. I Black Andrew & Son, builders, Perry vale
Bliss '""illiam, baker, I Mall.Jam road

Ackerman Henry, Blyth Hill hotel, 313 Stanstead road Boast Henry, watch maker, 7 Malham road

Acott Thomas, wood turner, I Cook's place Boddin2"ton William C. stationer, 3 St. Germain's terrace~

A'Court Stephen, beer retailer, Perry rise Brockley road

Adams Arthur Fredk. fancy draper,roTheParade,Perry vale Bodman James, watl!h maker, 6 Dartmouth terrace

Adams Freder1ck, house decorator, 43 Stanstead road Booth William Henry, insurance agent, I2 Rojack road

Adams William Henry, professor of music, IJ Park road Boreham Emma (Mrs.), laundress, I3I l\Ialham road

Aggett John, watch maker, 1 The Fac;ade, Pavement Boston Joseph Henry, stationer, 3 Sunderland road

Airey Lucy P'Irs. ), wardrobe dealer, 3 Perry rise Bottle William, boot maker, 105 Beadnell road

Akehurst Charles Christopher, butcher, 3 Dean terrace Boyes John, preparatory school (boys'), 45 Houston road

Aland William, tailor, 29 Beadnell road Boys' Industrial Home (Rt. Hon. Viscount Lewisham M.P.

Aldous Thomas Kennard, baker, 55 Park road president; William Hyde, supt. ; 1\Irs. Hyde, matron)~

Alien Alfred, sign writer, 2 Waldram road Shaftesbury house, Perry rise

Alien Cornelius, lodging house, 21 Beadnell road Brackenbury Albert Brackwell, draper & silk mercer, 16 &

Alien Frederick William, hatter, 4, & outfitter, 6 Pavement r8 Dartmouth road

Alliance Dairy Co. Lim. (Eugene Taylor, manager), 4 The Bradfield & Pike, boot makers, 2 Adrlington ter. Brockley rd

Payement, Perry vale & 195 Stanstead road Brake Joseph, shopkeeper, 4 Railway terrace

Amer James, carpenter, 18 Stanstead road Brap Mary Caroline (Mrs.), teacher of pianoforte, 155

Amos Francis, tailor, Dean terrace Stanstead road

Anwell Madame, ladies' school, 14 Park road Brazier James & Son, furniture removers, Stanstead road

Appleby Ellen (Miss), dress maker, 98 London road Brazier James, upholsterer & undertaker, 130 Stanstead rd

Ardleigh Bread Co. Lim. (George John Powell, manager), Brigden Mary (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, Perry rise

45 Wastdale road Briggs Henry Stringer, farrier, SA, Wastdale road

Arden William & Co. dyers, I2 Dartmouth road Bright & Eyre, surgeons, 133 Sunderland road

Arnold Ernest Charles, surgeon, 3I Park road Broadbridge Joseph, inspector of police, 31 Beadnell road

Ashby & Sons, coal merchants, 1 Devonshire road Bromley Henry John, house & estate agent, 3 London road

Ashby William, ice merchant, Havelock street *Brooman Henry B. watch maker, 402 Stanstead road

Ashman Henry & Sons, coachsmiths, Havelock street Brown Amelia (Mrs. ),Railway Signal hotel, 7 Devonshire rd

Ashworth John, tailor, 20 Westdale road Brown Arthur, plumber, I Woodcock terrace, Brockley rd

Austin William, boot maker, 10 Clyde place, Raglan street Brown Eliza (Mrs.), laundry, 146 Malham road

Bailey Arthur Isaac, brass finisher, 2 Beadnell road Brown John, tailor, 41 David's road

Bailey Mary Jane (Mrs.), Chandos P.H. Brockley road Brown Martha (Mrs.), confectioner, 14 Sunderland road

Baines Thomas, grocer, 47 & 49 Westdale road Brown Thomas, greengrocer, 97 Dartmouth road

Baker Charles, wine & beer retailer, 2 Railway terrace Brown Thomas, boot maker, I91 Stanstead road

Baker Edwin James, corn dealer, 28 Dartmouth road Brubach Valentine, boot maker, 37 Wastdale road

Baker William, baker, 30 Wastdale road Brunker Henry, musical instrument dealer, 129titanstead rd

Baldwin James, marine store dealer, 34 Wastdale road Bryer Thomas .B. A. school, 7 & 8 Eliot bank

Banks Edwin & Co. cheesemongers, 24 London road Budd George, photographer, 4 Dean terrace

, Bark Mary & Amelia (Misses), ladies' school, 5 Rutland viis. *Budden Edmund, butcher, 410 Stanstead road

Perry vale Buddin Charles Richard, baker, 105 Dartmouth road

Barker Elizabeth (Mrs.), oil shop, 12 London road Bulford Samuel, carpenter, 9 Raglan street

Barker Henry, tobacconist, 2 Perry terrace, Perry rise Bundy Philip, chimney sweeper, 76 Dalmain road

Barnard James, undertaker, 30 Dartmouth road Burchell John, builder, II7 Stanstead road

Barnett Russell Charles, wine merchants, 38 London road Burroughes & Bisdee, solicitors, 32 Dartmouth road

Barry William, carver & gilder, 36 London road Burrows Henry, builder, I9 Ewart road

Bartle William Thomas, chemist., 4 Dartmouth terrace Burt Charles, jobbing gardener, 6r Ewart road

Barton John E. draper, 8 & IO London road Burt Charles George, cabinet maker, 14 '\'\'astdale road

Bassett Rowland George, printer, 15 Stanstead road Butcher Charles, jobbing gardener, 8 Ewart road

Batchelor William Edward, carman & contractor,Perry rise Cansdale William Daniel, dairy, 40 London road

Bayley Esther (Miss), draper, 195 Stanstead road *Cardwell Waiter W. plumber, 400 Stanstead road

Beadles Arthur, surgeon, 35 Sunderland road Carpenter Thomas, draper, 22 & 24 Wastdale road

Beale George, fancy draper, 42 London road Carr T. C. draper, 95 Dartmouth road

Beauchamp Henry C. solicitor, 70 London road Carter J ames & Co. The Nurseries, Houston road

Beckett Joseph J. builder, Inglewood, Brockley road Carter George E. carpenter, III Stanstead road

Beesley George, boot maker, 12 Vl'astdale road Cassinello George, photographer, 49 Dartmouth road

Bell Emma (Mrs.) & Fenner Jemima (Mrs.), dress makers, Cave Thomas, greengrocer, 1 Addington ter. Brockley road
159 Stanstead road
Chalk Fredk. pork butcher 3, & butcher 5, Dartmouth road
Bell John Charles, laundry, 8 Wastdale road
Champion Thomas, clothier, 27 Dartmouth road
Bendy Henry, oilman, 2 Dartmouth road
I Chapman George, oilman, 41 '\\-'astdale road
Bensted Charles S. surgeon-dentist, 156 Stanstead road
Chapman William, commission agent, 68 Dalmain road
Betchley Edward, shopkeeper, 44 Stanstead road
Chard "'illiam, pawnbroker, 8 Devonshire road
Beverley William, milliner, 6 The Fac;ade, Pavement
Bickford Helen (Miss), dress maker, 45 London road ICharity Organization & Mendicity Society (Sargeant Vance,
Binns John, ham & tongue warehouse, I 35 Stanstead row agent), I Clyde t-errace . --~·
Bird James, fishmonger, 1 Pavement
ICharlton Arthur, wine & beer retailer, I Dartmouth road
Charman Anne (Mrs.), shirt &c. dresser, 52 Stanstead road



Chester James C. Post office, Dartmouth road Foord Thos. Herbert Edward, solicitor, I39 Sunderland rd

Chick Thomas Henry, furniture dealer, I Chaplin street Forest Hill Brewery Limited (The) (Arthur C. Morgan.

Chismon Lily (Miss), dress maker, 23 Dartmouth road managing director), Perry vale

Chopping William, laundry, 65 & 67 Malham road Forest Hill Day Nursery (Miss M. A. Cutting~ matron), 13

Christmas Edward Charles, builder, 49A, Dartmouth road & 14 Rojack road

Clark Charles Alexander L.D.s.n.c.s.Irel. &. Son, dentists, Forest Hill Provident Dispensary (G. Grayling & G. C.

· 7 London road Parnell, medical officers ; R. Dodd!!, hon. sec.), 2 Pe~ry

Clark James, job master, Queen's road villas, Perry vale

Clark William, builder, 55 Dartmouth road Forest Hill Middle Class School for Girls (Miss E. E.

Clark William, coffee rooms, I David's road Gammon, principal), I24 Stanstead road

Clark William, general shop, 1 Raglan street Forest Hill Middle Class School for Boys (Wellington Ciarke

Clarke Albert William, boot maker,s The Fac;ade,Pavement & John Crichtun B.A.LOnd. principals), Stanstead road

Oarke ~thelbert, dispensing chemist, 145 Stanstead road ForestHill Public Baths (Wm.H.Johns, supt. ), Dartmouth rd

Clarke William Lane, chemist, 5 Pavement Furest Hill Steam Laundry (Hough & Allison, proprietors),

Clifton Daniel Newell,fishmonger,4Woodcote ter.Brockley rd 118 Stanstead road

Clow James, laundry, IO Ewart road Forest Hill Vaccination Station (tues. IO a.m. ), Mission hall,

Coates Mathew, oilman, 5 Wastdale road 48 Ewart road

Cockell Henry Edward, rate collector, 217 Stanstead road Foresters' Hall (William Hood, keeper), Raglan street

COCKS M. OXENHAM (MISS), Collegiate schoolfor ladies, Free Richard, solicitor, 74 Honor Oak road

Manor mount, Manor road Fricker Alfred, tailor, 7 Sunderland road

Cole James Charles, inspector to the Lewisham Board of Fritsche Hermann, hair dresser, 2 The Fac;ade, Pavement

Works, I4 Stanstead road Fuller George William, laundry, 83 Ewart road

Cook & Foley, surgeon, 17 Tyson road Funnell Mark, fried fish shop, 54 Westdale road

Cook William Thos. carpenter, I Montague pl.Brockley road Gallagher John, furniture dealer, 38 Wastdale road

Cooper Thomas, chimney sweeper, 28 Chaplin street Gasson James & Son (the old established firm), timber

*Coote Charlotte (Miss), stationer, 404 Stanstead road merchants, ladder, barrow & fence contractors; estimates

Copeland HobartFrederick,bicycle manufr.Iro Stanstead rd given for general repairs, Perry vale

Coppinger Thomas, grocer, 7 The Parade, Perry vale Gasson James & Son, timber merchants, 2 Stanstead road

Cordrey Waiter, tobacconist, 2 Woodcote ter. Brockley road Gasson Lewis (30 years in the neighbourhood), timber mer-

Corps Caroline Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 39 David's road chant, ladder, barrow, step & trestle maker, contractor

Corrall & Co. coal merchants, The Fa<;ade, Pavement for all kinds of fencing ; address, Bell yard, Perry vale

C-ox \Richard, watch maker, I9 Dartmouth road Gasson Lewis, timber merchant, The Fa<;ade, Pavement

Cranch James Robert, furniture dealer, 99 Dartmouth road Gerr1sh John, bottle merchant, 78 Ewart road

Crisp Richard, coffee rooms, 3 Railway terrace Gerrish Samuel, oilman, Perry vale

CrosslandRobert Edmund,architect & surveyor,3 Elsinore rd Gibbs George L.D.S.R.C.S.Irel. surgeon, ?.7 Devonshire road

Crystal Palace Times (Rowland George Bassett, proprietor ; Gillard G. B. grocer, 305 Stanstead rood

published friday, rd.), IS Stanstead road Girls' Industrial Home (Mrs. Elizabeth Webb, matron), x6

Cullum Mary Jane (Miss), ladies' school, 224 Stanstead road & I7 Rojack road

Cumming H. R. (Miss), girls' school, I39 Devonshire road Gladstone Annie Martha (Miss), high school for girls, 299

Cummings Frederick & Co. corn merchants, 2 Wastdale rd & 30I Stanstead road

Currall John, shoeing smith, 77 Malham road Goddard Elizh. (Miss), dress ma.I Brockley vils.Brockleyrd

Curtis Frederick, photographer, so London road Goddard William, cab proprietor, Brockley road ''

Darker Charles & F. lime light manufaetrs. 53 Malham rd Grainger James, oilman, I Perry terrace, Perry rise

Davies James Thomas, oilman, 2 Montague pi. Brockley rd Grammer George Thomas, solicitor, Oak lodge, Ewelme rd

Dawney Robert, Brewery Tap P.H. Perry vale Gray James, fancy repository, 49 Stanstead road

Day Samuel, umbrella maker, 3I Dartmouth road Grayling Arthur M.B. surgeon, 2 Mayow road

Deadmarsh Richard, jobbing gardener, 115 Ewart road Green Annie Charlotte (Miss), milliner, 56 London road

Dean Richard, baker & confectioner, I Dean terrace Green Arthur William, boot maker, 44 Wastdale road

Dear Alfred George, boot maker, II2 Malham road Green James, laundry, roo Ewart road

Dedman William Tom, fancy repository, 23 Dartmouth rd Green John, solicitor, I87 Stanstead road

Delahoy Isaac Waiter, dairyman, 4 Wastdale road Greenaway Richard, carpenter, 408 Stanstead road

Dell Thomas & Son, boot makers, 37 David's road Gregg John & Sons, house furnishers, 143 Stanstead road

Dick Robert & John, boot makers, 5 Dean terrace Gregg Frederick, cabinet maker, 14 Devonshire road

Dimmock Thomas William, confectioner, 4I Dartmouth rd Gregg John, cabinet ma. & furn. dealr. 2't & 23 Wastdale rd

Dorlin Eliza (Mrs.), general shop, I Henniker ter. Brockley rd Griggs William, boot maker, 8 SUnderland road

Dorrell Brothers, builders, 25 London road Grubb John, oilman, 2 Ewart road

Dowell Frederick, fishmonger, 3A, The Pai'ade, Perry vale Hagger Herbert, carpenter, 66 Stanstead road

Drake Frederick, Brockley Jack P.H. Brockley road Hallifax Chas. Thos. fancy repos. 8 The Parade, Perry vale

Dudley Stuart (Mrs.), teacher of music, Strathmore Golfe rd Halliwell Thomas L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon1 7
Duffin James, dairyman, 33 Dartmouth road Argyle villas, Brockley road

Dunmore James Townley, station master, Honor Oak park Halls William Edward, china & glaas dealer, 8 Woodcote

Eastman Bros. auctioneers, architects, surveyors & house & terrace, Brockley road

est.ate agents, valuers, builders & contractors, facing Rail- Halsey Mary Ann (Miss), chess maker, 48 Devonshire road

way station,ForestHill & Anerley SE ; &23Bucklersbury EC Ha.mpson James, boot maker, 5 David's road

Eddington Samuel M. superintendent West Kent Volunteer Hamshere Chas. greengrocer, :3 Woodcote ter. Brockley rd

Fire Brigade, London road Hancock Thomas, grocer, agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine

Edgerton Thos. verger of St. Paul's church, 7 Pearcefield a vn & spirit merchants, 39 Dartmouth road

Edmonds Daniel, draper, 20 Sunderland road Hare & Sons, grocers, 7 & 8 Dean terrace

Edwaru~ John, cheesemonger, I8 Sunderland road Harrington John Wm. chimney sweeper, 4.8 Wastdale road

Edwards Major, florist & fruiterer, Railway station & Hartmann John, teacher of music, 42 Ewart road

nurseryman, 34 Devonshire road Harwood George Rosamond, chemist, 307 Stanstead road

Elliott George & Son, grocers, 4 Cambridge ter. Wastdale rd Hatfield William Henry, surgeon, I Park road

Elliott Edward, builder, I8 Malham road Hawes Robert, chimney sweeper, 3 Chaplin street

Elliott Edward, jub. greengrocer, x6 Malham road Haydon Charles, bird dealer, 85 Dartmouth road

Elliott Wm. Thos. watchma. I Cambridge ter. Wastdale rd Heasman Henry, coffee rooms, 406 Stanstead road

EUison William, baker, 2 Church vale Heath Job, farmer, Green farm, Brockley road

Elphick Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 6 Sunderland road Henley Samuel, baker, I2 Devonshire road

Elphick Clare, greengrocer, I The Parade, Perry vale Henning Arth. confectioner, 2 Cambridge ter. Wastdale rd

Emery David, ham dealer, I3 Dartmouth road Hentsch Ralph, collar dresser, 5 Waldram road

Endersby Louisa (Mrs.), laundress, 3 Raglan street Hewes Alfred William, baker, I7 Wastdale road

Englehart Madame, teacher of music, 'I03 Devonshire road Hibbert William James, butcher, 4 The Parade, Perry vale

Ernst Robert, teacher of music, I I Kemble road, Perry vale Hillen John, chemist, 4 London road

Farmer Ada (Mrs.), confectioner, 6 Beadnel1 road Hills Thomas & Co. grocers, 9 Stanstead road

Farrance George, fishmonger, II Dartmouth road Hills Thomas & Co. confectioners, 4 The Fa<;ade, Pavement

Faulkner John Charles, fruiterer, 57 Park road Hinds F. (Mrs.), registry office for servants, 44 London road

Feldon Waiter P. architect, I Woolstone road Hinz Leo, butcher, I3 Wastdale road

Fields Isaac, shirt & collar dresser, 17 Montague terrace, Hod~es Arthur, hai:r dresser, 35 Wastdale road

Perry rise Holdham Amelia (Mrs.), confectioner, 3 Stanstead road

Fildew Charles, hair dresser, 3 Dartmouth road Holland Henry, boot repairer, IA, Cook's place

Fitch· Alfred, saddler, Ii Dean terrace Holland Philip, coffee & dining rooms, 3 Wastdale road

Fitch Fanny (Mrs.), Napier P.H. Bovill road Holmes & Sons, marine store dealers, Havelock street

Fletcher FFank, butcher, I3I Stanstead road Holt James, plumber, 138 Malham road


Home for Invalids (Charles S. Newman, principal),Oakfield, NeateCharlesP. Wetherell,physn 3Wellesley vi. Westbournerd

Westbourne road Nelki Moritz & Co. boot makers, 45 Dartmouth road

Hood William, china dealer, 47 Dartmouth road Nevill Shadrach (Mrs.), cowkeeper, 117 Dalmain road

Hook Benjamin, landscape gardener, 8r Stanstead· road Neville Waiter, gasfitter, 6! Wastdale road

Hook Martha (Mrs.), laundress, 34 Dalmain road Newson Henry J ames, beer retailer, I Dartmouth terrace

Hook William Charles, furniture dealer, r6 Sunderland rd Newton Thomas, marine stores, 16 Chaplin street

Hooker Henry Alfred, oilman, 4 Sunderland road *NicollsJohn George, builder, 319 Stanstead road

Howard Harry, baker, 309 Stanstead road NightillQ'ale Thomas, builder, I30 Malham road

Howe George, art painter, 29 Dartmouth road Norris Henry Edward, builder, 133 Malham road

Huckin James, beer retailer, 10 Dartmouth terrace Norris Henry George, fancy repository, 137 Stanstead road

Hugnes Rd.Thos.Railway Telegraph tavern,u2Stanstead rd North Charles Niven Mclntyre, architect, Catsteal 'fuath,

Hull & King, grocers, I7 Devonshire road Brockley park

Humphrays Charles, bookseller, 67 & 69 Dartmouth road Nye Charles, greengrocer, 3 David's road

Hunt Henry Hugh, builder, r63 Stanstead road Odden Thomas, builder, n8 Ewart road

Hunt Thomas, boot maker, 2 Ravensbourne road Olley Joseph Arthur, builder, 29 Colfe road, Stanstead road

Hunt Thomas, draper, 303 Stanstead road Orgies William John, nurseryman, Perry vale

Hurt Frederick, school board officer, 17 Sunderland road Orient Tea Co. (The), 13 The Fac;ade, Devonshire road

Ince & Bard, costumiers, 49 Devonshire road Osborn Thomas, draper, 5 Dartmouth terrace

Iredall John, builder, 42 Dalmain road Pallett Geo. marble mason, 20 Devonshire rd.&Waldram rd

James Jabez William, greengrocer, 42 Wastdale road Palmer Frank, butcher, 16 Wastdale road

Jenkyns Fredk. Milner, artist, I4 Kemble rd. Stanstead rd Palmer Thomas, painter, 43 David's road

Johns Wm. Hy. supt.of the Forest Hill baths, Dartmouth rd Palmer William John, oilman, 7 Stanstead road

Keen Henry, jobbing gardener, 8 David's road Parham John, builder, II3 Malham road

Keen Annie (Miss), dress maker, 8 David's road Parnell & Grayling, surgeons, 86 London road

Kemp James, builder, 83 Dalmain road ParnellMaryAnn( Mrs. ),confctr.52London rd.&12Dartmth.rd

.Kemp Joseph, builder & decorator, 12 Sunderland road Parrish James & Sons, florists, 75 & 77 Dartmouth road

Kendall Samuel & Son, fruiterers, 25 Dartmouth road Parsons Bernard vrm. butcher, 9· 11, 13 & 15 Devonshire rd

Kwnard Herbert, jobbing gardener, 127 Malham road Partridge Joseph, corn dealer, 133 Stanstead road

King Ed ward, carman, 3 Rockbourne road Partridge Robert, greengrocer, Sunderland road

King Henrietta (Miss), ladies' school, 29 Houston road Pa.tten James George, draper, 139 Stanstead road

Kingston .Arthur, linen draper, 398 Stanst.ead road Paul Edward, greengrocer, 193 Stanstead road

Knowles William Charles, bath chair propr. 10 Rojack road Pawle Charles Henry, boot maker, 6o Stanstead road

Kranz Christian, baker, 2 The Parade, Perry vale Payne Richard, dining rooms, u Wastdale road

LAING .JOHN &.. SONS, nurserymen, seedsmen & florists, Pearce Charles, confectioner, Havelock street

302 Stanstead road ; & nursery grounds, Grafton road ; PearceCharlesWilliam&Sons, chimney sweepers, 77Malhamrd

River View park ; Rutland park & Rutland rd. See advt Pearce George, grocer, 5 Woodcote terrace, Brockley road

Lander Clara (:Vliss), milliner, 5 Stanstead road *Pearce William Henry, baker, 392 Stanstead road

Lakenau Arthur & Son, house decorators, 125 Malham road Peat Thomas K. wine merchant, 9 The Parade, Perry vale

Larby John, bookseller, I Wastdale road Peerless Frederick K. grocer, 2 London road

Lasegue Eugenie (Mrs.), tobacconist, 8 Dartmouth terrace Pegg N. & Co. coal met•chants, Waldram road

Lassam Wm.E\'ans, TheDartmouthArmsP.H.7 Dartmouth rd Penn Isaac William, grocer, 2 Dartmouth terrace

Lee, Mayo & Co. drapers, r8, 20 & 22, ladies' outfitters 28, & Penny Lucy (Mrs.), ladies' school,33 Colfe rd. Stanstead rd

fancy repository, 30 London road Perks Sarah (Mrs.), news agent, 24 Dartmouth road

Lee Henry, bird dealer, 81 Dartmouth road Perks Sarah (Mrs.), stationer, 6 Wastdale road

Lewarne Richard, carpenter, 69 Stanstead road Phillips Geo. registrar of births & deaths, 17 Allenby road

Lewisham Parish Stone Yard, Waldram road Phillips William, gardener, 3 Emma cottages, Cook's place

London & South Western Bank Limited (E. Compton Phillips ·wmiam, boot maker, IA, Perry terrace, Perry rise

Crump, manager), 4 Dartmouth road Pidwell Thomas Henry, laundry, u Ewart road

Lorsch C. (Miss), ladies' school, 82 Honor Oak road Piercy William, landscape gardener, 89 Beadnell road

Lovelock Charles, boot maker, 77 Dalmain road Plowman William, bicycle manufacturer, 112 Stanstead rd

Ludkin Ann (Mrs.), shirt & collar dresser, 13 Chaplin street Podger H. & Sons, dyers. IA, The Parade, Perry vale

Lyon Theresa (Mrs.), stationer, 3 Dartmouth terrace Porter William, baker, I Stanstead road

McKinna William, travelling draper, 28 Stanstead road Potten William, plasterer, I Houston road

Madge Francis William, ironmonger, 46 London road Pounsford John, draper, 2 Dartmouth road

Mann Joseph, tailor, 6 Dartmouth road Pratt Dora (Miss), ladies' school, 19 London road

Mann Robert, draper, 6 Dean terrace Price Ann (Miss), ladies' college, 29 London road

Marsh Richard Henry, paperhanger, 77 Stanstead road Price Frederick, linen draper, 7 Pavement

Marsh Robert, boot maker, 62 Malham road Price James, grocer & post office, 147 Stanstead road

Marshall William, sign writer, I Oxford terrace, Malham rd Quitmann & Co. pianoforte hammer manufactrs. Perry vale

Marten Alfred Ernest L.D.S.Eng. dentist, 22 Tyson road Radburn Phillip Thomas, harness maker, ro Dartmout.h rd

Martin Luther & Co. dairymen, 69 Ewart road Randell John, jobbing gardener, 66 Ewart road

Martin Albert, dairyman, 6 Devonshire road Rankin John, jobbing gardener, 71 Dartmouth road

Martin George, tailor, 5 Malham road Read M. H. boot maker, 58 London road
Rendle William F.R.c.s.Eng. surgeon, n1 Sunderland road
Martin Joseph Henry, hair dresser, so London road

Martin Amy F. (Miss), teacher of music, 9 London road Renney Charles, confectioner, 55 Wastdale road

Martin Mary Ellen (Miss), dress maker, 69 F.wart road Rich W. Croft, relieving officer, for Sydenham & ForestHill,

Mash & Son, greengrocers, 26 London road Waldram road

Massey Edward & Son, paperhangers, 38 Ewart road Richardson Mary (Mrs.), sextoness of St. Paul's church, 47

Matthews Thomas, greengrocer, 34 & 46 Stanstead road Dav1d's road

Matthews William, sen. baker, 51 Stanstead road Rickard William T. analytical chemist, 201 Staustead road
Matthews William, confectioner, 87 Dartmouth road
Rickards Alfred, plumber, so Stanstead road

Maund John, boot maker, 14 Beadnell road Rickards Joseph, carpenter, 5 Malham road

Maxton Frederick, corn merchant, 32 London road Rickett, Smith & Co. coal merchants.Railway yard, Perry vl

May Aug. Square M.R.c.s.Eng. surg. 273 & 275 Stanstead rd Ricketts George, ironmonger, 5 Sunderland road

May Henry, jobbing gardener, 63 Dartmouth road Ridley William Henry, greengrocer, 15 Wastdale road

Mead Waiter, grocer, 4 St. Germain's terrace, Brockley rd Roberts Brothers, stationers & picture frame makers 91 &

Millard Emanuel, grocer, & post office, & agent for W. & A. 93, & stationers, Post office, 103, Dartmouth road

Gilbey, wine & spirit merchants, 315 Stanstead road Roberts Thomas R. & Co. builders, 4 Devonshire road

Miller James, confectioner, 43 Wastdale road Roberts Henry, carpenter, 10 Beadnell road

Mills Mary (Mrs.), stationer, 10 Sunderland road Roberts Eliza (Miss), italian warehouse, 2 Devonshire road

Misdall John T. butcher, 28 Wastdale road Roberts ·william, watch maker, Dean terrace

Minnion Hall (sun. 11 a. m. 6.3op.m.; tues. 7.3o.),Mayow rd Robinson George, plumber, 30 Chaplin street

Mitchell Samuel, laundry, I03 Ewart road RolfeJames,professor of drawing & painting, 198Stanstead rd

Mobsby John & Sons, wheelwrights, Havelock street Rook Eustace Henry L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. dental surgeon, 68

Molyneux William James, pawnbroker, 2 Pavement London road

Moore Fred, tobacconist, I Railway terrace Roser & Waite, tobacconists, 79 Malham road

Moore John, jobbing gardener, I Clyde place, Raglan street Ross Charles William, grocer, 19 Wastdale road

Moore Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundress, 38 Malham road Rowell Thomas, tailor, 2 St. Germain's terrace, Brockley rd

Morley Zachariah, bookseller & stationer, 16 London road Rudrum Samuel, boot maker, I Church vale

Mote .Joseph, solicitor, 7 Tyson road Ruffell George, builder, 121 Stanstead road

Mount School (ladies) (Mrs. A. King Page & Miss S. Mor- *St. Dunstan's College (Charles M. Stuart M. A., F.S.A. head

gan, principals), 2 Garlies road master), Stanstead road


St. John's Lecture Hall, Devonshire road Thurger James-Charles, boot maker, 141 Stanstead road

Sales Jn. Josepb, carpenter, 1 Emma cottages, Cook's place Tibbs :Misses, ladies' school, 127 Sunderland road

Sales Thomas, coal dealer, 70 Dalmain road Till Joseph, baker, 3 Montague place. Brockley road

Saltmarsh George, boys' school, 7 Mayow road Todd Rev. John "\V. D. D. & Mrs. J. W. ladies' college, Tudor

*Saunders James Frederick, surgeon, 342 Stanstead road Hall ladies' college, South road

Scantlebury Alfred, tailor, Perry vale Tolley James, district surveyor, 4 Dartmouth road

Schuetz Theodore, tailor, 17 David's road Toms Thomas, beer retailer, 37 Dartmouth road

Scott Louisa (Mrs.), draper, 39 Wastdale road Townsend Wm. coffee house, lA, Henniker tet. Brockley rd

Sealey Edward, builder, I Ruthella villas, Como road Tuc'{er George & Bird A. F. Ryder, Forest Hill House

Seaton Rt. travelling- draper, 2 Cambridge ter. Brockley rd ' school, 13 Houor Oak road

Selley George, laundry, Beadnell road Turner Christopher James, linen draper, I St. Germain's

Sharman Thomas James, slater, 74 Ewart road terrace, Brockley road

Shaw Henry, sanitary inspector, 9 Kemble rd. Stanstead rd Tye Charles Robert, grocer, Gladstone house, Perry vale

Sheldrake George, farrier, Havelock street Tye George Thomas, job master, Dartmouth road

Shelley Mary Ann (Mrs.), ladies' school, 56 Devonshire road Tye George Thomas, job master, Perry vale
I1 'I'ye Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 18 Devonshire road
Sherwood Thomas S. boot maker, 6 Rojack road

Shettle AlfredGeorge &Sons,photographers,61Dartmouth rd I Tyler Robert George, St. Germain's hotel, St. Germain's rd

Sh1rden James, nurseryman & florist, I22 Malham road 'fyne Main Coal Co. (Thomas Smellie, agent), 4 Dean ter

Shorten Henry, carpenter, 9I Stanstead road Vance Robert, emigration agent, I Clyde terrace

Sigger Jn.Jsph.Lionel,landscpe.grdnr.l Church vw.Como rd Varney John, carman & contractor, 56 Stanstead road

Sims Samh (Miss), stay maker, 48 London road Vernon John, solicitor & commissioner to administer oaths,

Skelton-Wiles John, hotel valuer, I53 Stanstead road 16 Park road

Skinner Robert, greengrocer, 3 TheFa<;ade, Pavement Victol'la Printing Works, uS Stanstead road

*Skull Ellen (Mrs.), greengrocer, 412 Stanstead road Victoria Wine Co.; branch (Emma Susan Durrant Hughes,

Slade John, boot & shoe maker, 45 Stanstead road manageress), 59 Park road

Smellie Thomas, siationer, 4 Dean terrace Vincent James, butcher, 6 Woodcote terrace, Brockley road

Smith Albert, builder, 44 London road Vining John Randall,architect,I Hadfield vls.Waldenshawrd

Smith Edward, ironmonger, 3I Wastdale road Wade Alfred, boot maker, 10 Devonshire road

Smith WaJlace, ironmonger, 6 The Parade, Perry vale Walkling Mary (Miss), dress maker, 25 Rockbourne road

Smith William, boot maker, 2I Dartmouth road Wallis & Co. florists, 25 London road

Smith 'William, corn dealer, 7 Woodcote terrace,Brockley rd Ward Bros. butchers, 3 Cambridge terrace, Wastdale road

Smith William Henry, station master, Forest hill Ward & Co. boot makers, 6 London road

Smyth John, pianoforte dealer, 54 London road Warman John, laundry, 20 Dalmain road

Sole John Ho we, builder, 19 Devonshire road Watkis Helena (Miss). teacher of music, 27 Park road

Souter Charles, plumber, 7 DaYid's road Webb Edwin, carpenter, 9 David's road

Southwark & Vauxhall Reservmr, Honor Oak road Webb Frederick George, oilman, 394 Stanstead road

Staddon Octavius,landscapegrdnr.&florist,u3Stanstead rd Webb William, carpenter, 81 Malham road

Stafford Mary (Mrs.), preparatory school for boys, 2 Church Webster William, Forest Hill hotel, Stanstead road

villas, Waldenshaw road Weeks Charles, watch maker & jeweller, I95 Stanstead road.

*Staite Charles, grocer, 396 Stanstead road Wells Joseph & Co. firework factory, Honor Oak park

Standen Thomas & Sons, carmen & contctrs. 40 Beadnell rd West Kent Volunteer Fire Brigade Station (S. M. Edding-

Standen Wm. Jas. purveyor of cats' meat, 40 Wastdale rd ton, superintendent), London road

Stanstead Laundry (William Andrew Chance, proprietor), West Waiter Woolmore, estate office, 2 Henuiker terrace,

27I Stanstead road 1 Brockley road

Stark Amos, builder, 4 Perry rise Weston Edwin, bricklayer, 54 Dalmain road

Stark Frederick, oilman, 7I & 73 Stanstead road Weston Thomas, grocer, 26 Wastdale road

Starling Joseph, carman, 121 Malham road . Whale Thomas, greengrocer, 54 Stanstead road

Steer Henry, dairyman, 63 Stanstead road Whichelo Harcourt (Mrs.), ladies' school, 3 Lessing street

Stephens Francis R. ironmonger, 20 Dartmouth road White Frank, laundry, 30 Dalmain road

Stevens Henry, grocer, IS Chaplin street Whiting Thomas, dairy, 7 Wastdale road

Stevens William, house decorator, 88 Ewart road Wightwick & George, auctioneers, 9 Dean terrace

Stevenson Edward, baker, 25 Wastdale road Wightwick William, builder, 9 Dean terrace

Stockwell Francis Henry, confectioner, 14 London road Wikstrom E. T. (Mrs.), milliner, 5 The Parade, Perry vale

Stone Harriet (Mrs.), tobacconist, 5 Devonshire road Wilcox Mary Ann (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 4 Beaduell road

Stoteu Joseph Geo. The Swiss Cottage P.H. 149 Stanstead rd Wilkiuson James G. chimney sweeper, Havelock street

Stuart Arthur, boot maker, 9 Dartmouth terrace Wilkinson Richard, Foresters' tavern, Perry vale

Stuck Julia (Madame), baby linen warehouse, 3 Pavement Wilkinson William, greengrocer, 33 Wastdale road

Suiter Alfred, magic lantern maker, 2 Como road Williams George Alfred, hair dresser, 7 Dartmouth terrace

Summerlin Edward B. butcher, 311 Stanstead road Williams Stephen, pharm. chemist, 26 Dartmouth road

Supply Co. (The) (John F. Ingram, manager), IS & 17 Wilson Annie (Miss), ladies' school, 125 Stanstead road

Dartmouth road Wilson William M.B., c. M. surgeon, 216 Stanstead road

Swanu Fredk. Rt. tobacconist, 9 The Fa<;ade, Devonshire rd Wintle Hy. M. B. physician & surgeon, Kingsdown, Church rd

Tabor Arthur, solicitor, 24 Tyson road Wood Alfred, jobbing gardener, 2 Rojack road

Tamplin James, grocer, 47 Stanstead road Woodburn William Harrison L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon, 42 Snn-

'faylor A. & G. photographers, 47 & 49 London road derland road ·

Taylor & Sons, bill posters, I2 Clyde place, Raglan street Woods Alfred, baker, 81 Ewart road

Thomas Mary (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 89 Dartmouth road Woods.William Francis, furniture warehonse,8 Dartmouth rd

Thomas S. P. cheesemonger, 10 The Fa<;ade, Devonshire rd Woodward Charles, tailor, 8 Dartmouth road

Thompson Edmund, fishmonger, 8 Beadnell road Woodward Samuel & Co. hair dressers, II Stanstead road

FOUR ELMS is an ecclesiastical parish, formed March 2, 1 the Rev. Adolphus Klamborowski B.A. of the University of 1

188o, from the civil parishes of Brasted, Chiddingstone, London. Here is a Congregational chapel. Holmwood is!

Edenbridge and Hever and the ecclesiastical parish of Holy the residence of Lord Bramwell P.C. ; and Mapleton, of·

'frinity, Crockham Hill; it is 2 miles north-east from Eden- Samuel Henry Phillips esq. J.P. The principal landowners

bridge station on the South Eastern railway, and 8~ from are Herbert Grey Williams esq. Lord Bramwell, S. H.

Tonbridge, in the South Western division of the county, Phillips esq. J.P. the trustees of the late C. R. C. Petley esq.

petty sessional division and county court district of Ton- Rt:lv. John Erskine Campbell-Colquhoun M.A. of Chartwell,

bridge, union of Sevenoaks, and in the rural deanery of Ton- John N. Hardcastle esq. and E. Burtt esq. The soil is clay

bridge, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canter- loam; subsoil, blue clay. The chief crops are hops, the

bury. The church of St. Paul, built in 1881 at a cost of greater portion is pasture land. The area is 2,6oo acres;

£4,500, is an edifice in the Early English style, consisting the population in 1881 was 588.

of chancel, nave, transepts, apsidal baptistery, south porch PosT OFFICE.-William Gooding, receiver. Letters frllm
Edenbridge arrive at 7 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; dispatched at 1
and a western turret with spire containing one bell : the a.m. & 7· Io p.m. Edenbridge is the nearest money order
& telegraph office
stained east window was presented at a cost of about £240 by

Mrs. J. H. Barclay, late of Hill Court, in memory of her hus-

band, and there are other stained windows : there are 200

sittings, 18o being free. The register dates from the year British School, built about 1824 by Robert Burfield, for 9-l.

1881. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value [2oo, in the children; average attendance, 62; John Pullen, master;·

gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since I88o by Miss Stubbersfield, mistress

I IBramwell Right Hon. Lord P.c., F.R.s., place & Athenreum & Brooks' clubs, Brown Wentworth Vardon, lngledene
LL.D., J,P. Holmwood; & 17 Cadogan London sw Hardcastle John Norman, Hill court


Hal'l'ild Robert Edward, Knowlands Four Elms Cricket Club (H. W. Hog- Sheldon Samuel, bailiff to Herbert Grey
Klamborowski Rev. Adolphus B.A. ben esq. sec) Williams esq. Boons farm

Vicarage Gooding Wm. grocer &drapr.Post office Waghorne Brothers, smiths & farriers
'Phillips Samuel Henry J".P:Mapleton Hooker Thomas, farmer & hop grower, Wells John Thos farmer, Styles farm
JVilliams Herbert Grey, Boons Whitebread J nlia (Mrs.), farmer, Sil-
COMMERCIAL. Kenward George, miller (water) yards farm
Bowr& Jane (Mrs.), farmer. Beer's farm Middleweek Frank, frmr. Mapleton frm Whitebread Renben, grocer & baker
:Brown John, farmer, Oberice farm Older John, farmer, Roodlands Winter Joseph, wheelwright
Evans Rhys, carpenter, Polands farm Palmer William, farmer, Piggotts Withers William, farmer, Deercroft
fanlkner Charles, Four Elms inn Room Chas. farmer, Four Elms farm Wood ReubeQ, farmer, Polands

FRINDSBURY is a parish, partly within the City of Rochester, which see.

FRINSTED (or FRINSTEAD) is a village and parish, 10 represents the Crucifixion, with the figures of St. Augustine

JUiles east from Maidstone, 5 south from Sittingbourne and and St. Dunstan on either side: the church was thoroughly
about 3 from Harrietsham station on the Maidstone and restored in r868, and has 240 sittings. The earliest register

.A.shford section of the London, Chatham and Dover railway, dates only from 1714. The living is a rectory, yearly value
·~the Mid division of the county, Eyhorne hundred, lathe from tithe rent-charge [266, with ro acres of glebe and

Cif Aylesford, Bearsted petty sessional division, Hollingbourne residence, in the gift of Edward Leigh Pemberton esq. and
.union, Sittingbourne county court district, and in the rural held since r888 by the Rev. George Bridges Lewis M.A. of

.deanery of Sutton, arcbdeaconry of.Maidstone and diocese Oriel College, Oxford. Here are charities of £ u annual

4lf Canterbury. The church of St. Dunstan, an edifice of value, in part derived from a devise of land in 1722 by John

rough flint, supposed to have been originally built in the Wiatt, of Milstead, for the benefit of both parishes. Wrin-

J2th century, still retains some Norman features, but is stead Court, a mile and a half south, is now (1890) un-

ehiefly Early English, with later insertions, and consists of occupied. Edward Leigh Pemberton esq. J.P. of Torry Hill,

,:ha.ncel with north chapel, nave, north aisle, south porch Sittingbourne, is lord of the manor and owner of nearly the

and an· embattled western tower of Perpendicular date, whole of the parish. The soil is stiff clay; subsoil, chalk.

:with an octagonal turret at the south-east angle and contain- The crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is r,291
jng a clock with chimes and 5 bells, hung in r868 at the ex- acres; rateable value, £1,232; the population in r88r was

pense of the late Lord Kingsdown, by whom also the north 208.
aisle was erected in 1862: the ar~de of the nave is Early Parish Clerk, George Eason.
~nglish and consists of three plain arches on circular PosT OFFICE.-Mrs. Emma Hughes, receiver. Letters de-
.columns: in the chancel is a cinquefoiled piscina and in the lh·ered by foot post through Sittingbourne at 8.45 a. m.

north chapel some screen work: the chantry chapel is Box closes at 4·45 p.m. ; sundays, ro. 15 a.m. The
.the property of Edward Leigh Pemberton esq.: it has nearest money order & telegraph office is at Doddington
several stained windows to the memory of the late Lord The children of this village attend the Church of England

, Kingsdown, d. 7 October, 1867 : the stained east window schools at Milstead

l..ewis Rev. Geo. Bridges M.A. Rectory Eason George, blacksmith & farmer Passmore James, Kingsdown .Arms P.H

Lowe Frederick Carnagie, Kippen Kendall James, farmer, Yokes court Smith Richard, farmer, Copes farm

Denny Matthew, frmr. Madames court Maxted Fras. (Mrs.), frmr.Linacre frm Williams John, farmer, Minets liill frm

FRITTENDEN is a parish and village standing on high I gether with seven houses, producing an annual rentalof
ground between two beads of the river Beult, 4~ miles north- [.92, to the two churchwardens and four other trustees,

east from Cranbrook, 3! south-west from Headcorn station, for the benefit of the poor of the parish, which amount is

•3! south-east from Staplehurst station on the main line of distributed in money on St. Thomas' Day. The country in

the South Eastern railway and 46 from London, in the the neighbourhood is dotted over with numerous small ponds.

Southern division of the county, hundreds of Barkley and Camden Hill House, the rP.sidence of Edmund Macrory esq.

Cranbrook, lathe of Lower Scray, Cranbrook petty sessional ·is a modern building with gardens in the Italian style.

division and union, Tenterdeu county court district and in Frittenden House, the residence of Sir Charles William

the rural deanery of West Cbaring, archdeaconry of Maid- Atholl Oakeley hart. J.P. is a handsome building, situated

stone and diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. Mary, near the church; there is in the grounds an extensive sheet

rebuilt on the original site in 1848 by the Rev. Edward of ornamental water. Viscount Cranbrook P.C.,G.c.s.I.,D.C.L.

Moore M.A. and Lady Harriet his wife, is a building of is lord of the manor. The principal landowners areFiennes

kentish rag with Bath stone dressings in the Decorated Stanley Wykeham Cornwallis esq. M.P., J'.P. of Linton Park,

style, from designs by Richard Charles Hussey esq. and Maidstone, Henry Hoare esq. of 22 Bryanston square wand

consists of chancel, nave of three bays, aisles, south porch William Hodges Tylden-Pattenson esq. J.P. of Dashmonden,

and an embattled tower crowned by four pinnacles and a Biddenden. The soil is various ; subsoil, clay and loam.

crocketedspire and containing a clock and 8 bells: the north The chief crops are hay, corn and hops. The area is 3,5o8

aisle was added in r861 at the cost of the late rector, who acres; rateable value,£4,309; the population in r881was 929.

also inserted a stained window as a memorial to his children : SINKSNORTH GREEN, is 1 mile north.

t.he font is elaborately worked in stone and there is a massive Sidesman and Sexton, Jabez Hope, Churchgates.

eagle lectern of brass: the tower wa"~ shattered by lightning PosT OFFICE.-James Capeling receiver. Letters from

in 1881, but restored to its original design in the same year: pdLaiosinpdda. ot cnhTaehrder iavntee a7frreopsmt. mmf.lotnapePyloeshoturadrlsetor br&dyeftreosloetagrpreaopsithsasoutfe7fdi.c1e0bsuaat.rmenao. ;tt
there are 380 sittings, of which 200 are free. The register of
baptisms dates from the year rsss, marriages and burials

from rs6r. The living is a rectory, yearly value from tithe Staplehurst &; Headcorn
rent-charge, gross £374• net £279, with residence and 21
acres of glebe, in the gift of Henry Hoare esq. and held National Church School (mixed), erected in 1845• for 2II

since 1s69 by the Rev. Thomas William Onslow Hallward children; average attendance, 132 ; Jn. Thos.Hollman,mas
li.A. of University College, Oxford. Thomas Idenden esq. CARRIER TO STAPLEHURST &: MAIDSTONE.-Benj. Hodges,

of Hawkhurst, left, some years since, 28 acres of land, to- mon. & thurs. from his house, returning same days
l IBowles Edmund, Rose mount
Carpenter Geo. E. farmer, Whitsunden King John Payne, farmer & hop grower,

Hallward Rev. Thomas William Onslow Copper Philip, farmer & hop grower, Bea.l & Old Mill farm&

M.A. [rector], Rectory Pores farm Lacey George, farmer & hop grower,

Macrory Edmund, Camden Hill house Court George, farmer, Buckhurst farm Charity farm ,

Oakeley Sir Charles William Atholl Cradduck Geo. farmer, Cherry Tree frm Lulman Hy.frmr.& hop growr.Bank fm

bart.l.P. Frittenden house Dorman William, saddler MorphettSarh.(Mrs.),frmr.& hop grwr

Durey Matthew, miller, -8inksnorth grn Nokes Edward, boot & shoe maker

COMMERCIAL. Harris Jas. frmr .& hop growr. Street fm Orpin J ane (Miss),farmer & hop grower,

Hague John, farmer & hop grower Sinksnorth green

Bearsby Dive, Bell inn Hickmott Geo. coal mer. Balcomb farm Orpin George Robert, corn & seed mer.

Baker Wm.frmr. & hop growr.l\'Iott frm Hickmott Jane (Miss), farmer & hop miller (water & steam) & farmer

Boorman Henry, farmer& hop grower, grower, Weaver's Den farm Parks Albert, wheelwright

Cold Harbour farm Hickmott William (Mrs.), farmer & hop Pearce Charles, Kncttbridge

Bowles J ames, farmer & hop grower, grower, Balcomb & Lowlands farms Pearson Jn.frmr.&hrfpgrowr.Glebe fm

Great Hungerden farm Hodges Benjamin, carrier, beer retailer Pearson William,grazier, Peasridge frm

Brattle William, carpenter & coal merchant Pope George, sen. roadman & farmer

Bu.~bridge Smith, farmer &hop grower, Hope James, farmeJ;", hop grower & Pope George, jun. shoe maker

Sandhurst Bridge farm assistant overseer, Old barn Price George, farmer & hop growers

Capeling James, farmer, hop grower & Joy Thomas, general shopkeeper & Sinksnorth green

grocer, Post office, Poundhouse farm farmer, Rose Cottage farm J Ripley William, blacksmith

K, S. & S. 19



Roberts John, farmer & hop grower, Shoobridge Percy John, grocer & drape-r Tassell Sarah (Mrs.), farmer & hop

Rock faTm Smith Josiah, farmer & hop growe-r, grower, Ayleswade -

Robinson Thomas, bailiff to Sir Charles Rock cottage Taylor Jas. frmr. & hop growr. Park fm
Southern William, · farmer & hop TaylorWm.frmr. & hop growr. Pond fm
- W, A. Oakeley barl. J.P

Rofe Thomas, fa-rmer & hop grower, grower. Great Wadd farm Usborne Jn.frmr.&hop growr. Bailey fm

Catherine Wheel & Chanceford farms Southon Lewis Benjamin, butcher Weeks Jas. frmr. & hop grwr.Ayle.<Jwade

Rootes George, blacksmith Spicer Titus, farm bailiff to Henry Worsley George Rofe, farmer, Little

Rugg Frederick G.farmer & landowner, Hoare esq. Parsonage farm Bubhur;;t farm

Broadlake farm Tassell Edward, farmer & hop grower, Wright Alfred, farm bailiff to F. S. W.

Sanders Silas, carpenter · Great Bubhurst Comwallis esq. M.i>. ,J.P. Tolehurst fm

GILLINGHAM is an extensive parish, including within annually distributed to the poor in coals and clothes. Afair

jts boundary Old and New Brompton and a small portion of is held here on Easter Monday. A battle took place here

High street, Chatham, and is mentioned in Domesday Bnok ; between King Edmund Ironside and King Cnut the Great.

it is situated on the south bank of the navigable Medway, on William of Gillingham, who wrote a history of Engiand in

which there is a pier, 33 miles trom London, in the Mid the reign of Richard II. was born here, as was also William

division of the county, lathe of Aylesford, hundred of Chat- Adams, who discovered Japan. Gillingham Castle, a fort,

ham and Gillingham, Rochester petty sessional division and built in the time of Charles I. is now destroyed. There was

.county court district, Medway union, and in the rural anciently a palace here, belonging to the Archbishop of Can-

deanery, archdeaconry and diocese of Rochester. The Lon- terbury, of which there are now no remains excepting the

don, Chatham and Dover railway traverses the centre of the cellars, which form part of the vicarage house. B. Gosling

parish and the New Brompton and Gillingham station is esq. is lord of the manor and A. I<'. W. Stephens, solicitor,

about half a mile west of Gillingham church; the parish is Chatham, is steward of the manor. The principal land-

governed by a Local Board of fifteen members, formed in owners are the trustees of John Lock, Walter Charles Stunt

I873 and is supplied with water by the Chatham Water and the trustees of Barlee and White. The soil is part loam

Company, and lighted with gas by the Rochester, Chatham and part gravel ; subsoil, chalk and brick earth. The chief

and Strood Gas Company. The church of St. Mary Magda- crops are wheat, barley and potatoes and there are a few

1ene is an ancient and spacious edifice of flint and Kentish market gardens. The area is 51015 acres; rateable value,
rag, in the Norman and Early English styles, with a cleres- £65,839 ; the population in 188I of the entire parish was

tory of Late Perpendicular date, and consists of chancel 20,865 of which, 959 are included in Chatham Urban ~anitary

with a large chapel on either side, nave, aisles, south porch district and 5,226 are attached to the mother parish. Old

and an embattled western tower containing a clock and 8 and New Brompton, forming a portion of the parish, will be

bells: the nave is divided from each aisle by four Pointed found under separate headings.

arches of irregular size, on dissimilar piers and the chancel GRANGE (or Grench), I mile east, is a hamlet or manor
and a member of the Cinque Port of Hastings. A small
from each of its chapels by two Pointed arches on octagonal chapel, built here by Sir John Philpot, lord mayor of Lon-
piers: in the north and south chapels are two piscinre: in don in 1378, is now in ruins. The area is 256 acres ; rateable.
the chancel are three sedilia. rising eastward, and a.t the back value, £1,707; the population in t881 was I86.
of the highest is an ancient lepers' window : throughout the
Verger, John F. Morris
'Whole building there are remains of Norman work and in
the nave are fragments of several once magnificent brasses,

including part of a brass to W. Beaufitz, 1438 and a small PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
bne to John Bregge, I433, a former vicar, besides many old Gillingham.-Mrs. Mary Gleadell, receiver. Letters
tombstones ; in the north chapel are traces of another brass
of a knight and lady : the font is Norman and has a cylindri- arrive from Chatbam at 7 a.m. & 12 & 7·45 p.m.; dis-
cal bowl surrounded by a carved arcade of !'ixteen Norman patched at 8 a. m. & 1.35 & 8 p.m. Sundays at 4.30 p.m

arches: the church was completely restored in I868, under PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, 71:}
the direction of Sir A. W. Blomfield kt. M.A., R.A., F.s.A.; Medway road.-Thomas Tanner, sub-postmaster. Letters
several stained windows, a stone reredos, pulpit and lectern, through Chatham are dispatched at 8.20 & II.3o a.m.1.55
the work of J. E. Lock Beveridge esq. have since been intro- & Bp.m. ; sundays, 4.50 p.m

duced ~there are 650 sittings. The register dates from the PosT & T. 0. Gad's Hill.-Thomas Wickham, postmaster.

year ISS8. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent- Letters through Chatham. Box cleared at 9.30 a.m. &

charge £405, net income £211, and was formerly a peculiar I.45 & 7.20 p.m.; sundays1 4.20 p.m. Telegrams, week
. of Canterbury, with residence and I4 acres of glebe, in the days, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; sundays, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m

gift of the trustees of the late William Rumney esq. and WALL LET'I'ER Box, Exmouth terrace, cleared at 8.20 p.m_
held since 1878 by the Rev. William Henry Robins M.A. of Telegraph office at New Brompton
Trinity College, Dublin. The church of St. Barnabas, for
which it is proposed to make a separate ecclesiastical dis-

trict, was consecrated II June, 18go, by the Bishop of Offices, Upper Gardiner street, New Brompton.
Rochester, and is a structure of brick in the Early English Board day, every alternate thursday at 3 p.m.

style, consisting at present only of nave and aisles, with sit- For names of members & officers see New Brompton.
tings for 536 persons: the Rev. Francis Robert Burrows M. A.
of Trinity College, Oxford, curate here since I888, is vicar GILLINGHAM BURIAL BOA"RD.

designate. There are WesleyanandFreeMethodist chapels. Clerk, Jos. Robert Peachall, Christmas street, Gillingham

The parisb cemetery, near St. Mary's church, was consider- National School, Church street, erected in I872, for 550

ably enlarged in 1878 and a portion is allotted for Catholics children; average attendance, 220 boys, 180 girls & 120

and Wesleyans: it is managed by a burial board of 9 mem- infants; John Ash CorUett, master; Miss A. E. Rogerst

bers. 'Ihe charities, amounting to £53 I4s. yearly, are mistress; Miss K. Castell, infants' mistress

!PRIVATE :RESIDENTS. ' Cole James Jesse, 8 Pier road Kerl' George Cochrane, Gillingham ho

Anthony Rev. Arthur Isaac [Congre- Copping Lewis, 3 Kingswood road Lardner Frederick B. 9 Christmas st

gational), 12 Kingswood road Cork Mrs. I4 Kingswood terrace Meaden Nicholas (staff engineer R.N.)t

Attree Capt. Frederick William T_ R.E. CrnysWm.Hy.Mayfield ho.Kingswd. rd 6 Kingswood villas

11 Kingswood villas Davison John Wm. 30 Kingswood road Mills Capt. James A.v.s. Darland house

Baird John, Wyles street Digby Capt. Thos. R.E. 5 Kingswood vili Moore Francis J ames (chief engmeer
;Ballands Mrs. 12 Kingswood terrace Dunford William, 4 Kingswood terrace R.N.), 5 Kingswood terrace

Barnes Thomas (engineer R.N. ), 44 Farewell Lieut.Frank R.N. sMedway vils Passby Richard James, 8 Medway villas

Kingswood road Featherby George, I3 Kingswood villas Robins Rev. Wm. Hy. M.A. Vicarage

;Beatty Lieut. Michael Stephens R.N. Featherby John, Bleak house Robinson Wm. James, 87Kingswood rd

Saltcombe cottage, Wyles street Gale Capt. Waiter Andrew R.E. 9 Kings- Rogers Edward, Woodlands

Blaxland Mrs. Gillingham house wood villas ' Roots Wm. lsaac, 2 Kingswood villas

BrennanLouis,TheCottage,Gillinghmrd Gittings John, The Elms St. John Capt. Charles William Robert

Bockner Capt. John Allen G. R.N. 4 Green Mrs. Church farm R.E. I2 Kingswood villas

Medway villas Haynes Capt. Alfred Emest :R.E. 4 Sawerthal Jsph. Rudolph (band master

Bullock Herbert, 7 Kingswood villas Kingswood villas R.E.), 7 Medway villas

Butchard James, I Kingswood terrace Hewitt Mrs. I Kingswood villas Seagar William, G:ad's hill

Callaway Richard (staff engineer R.N.), Jackson Edward (chief engineer R.N.), Smith Rev. Edward [curate], 3 Kings-

6 Kingswood terrace IO Kingswood terrace wood terrace

Campbeli Capt. John Charles R.E. I5 Jennings Robert S. (engineer R.N.), 40 SmithThos.R.N. Stanleyvil.Kingswd.rd

Kingswood villas Kingswood road Steadman Frederick, 6 Medway villas

CarrRev.Danl.Hy.[Wes.l,3Kingswd.vils Johnson James, 67 Medway road Syms Samuel Joseph, 68 Medway road

Chetlins Charles Ricbara, The Grange Kenyon Capt. Edward Randall R.E. 2 Thompson Mrs. Peckham lodge

Chippendale Major William Harold R.E. Kingswood terrace Tizard Capt. Frdk. H. Io Kings":ood viis

76 Kingswood rillas KerrCapt.Geo.CollierR.N.BKingswd.vils Tozer William, I7 Kingswood villas


TylerCapt.Hy. Wm.A.s.c.3 Medway vils ForrestThos. bicycle repair.&c.32West st Larkin Joseph, baker, Church street

WebbCapt.Geo. Aug.R.N.roMedwayvls Fowler Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 14 Laws Ellen (Mrs. ),Star P.H.Rainham rd

Wellard Caleb, 7 Pier road Duncan terrace LeeJanet(Miss ),shopkpr. rRichmond ter

Wenn Capt. John R.E. 14Kingswood vils French James,greengrocer,14 Church st Lewis Edward, farm bailiff to W. C. ·

Whiffin Jeremiah, Gordon vil. Gad's hill French Wm. dairyman, 22 Layfield rd Stunt esq. Tweedale

. Wootton William (chief engineer R.N.), Friend Alfred, boot maker, Church st Mills Francis, Ship P.H. Gad's hill

8 Kingswood terrace Funnell Robert, shopkeeper, Church st Milton Ann (Mrs.), smith, Grange·

COMMERCIAL. Gamble Wm. shopkeeper, 2 West st Mortley Sarah (Mrs.), carman & coal
A.kehurst Jn. shopkpr. 43 Burnt Oak ter Gammon Geo. corn factor, 7oVictoriast merchant, Station road

~en John, shopkeeper, Church street Gandon Mary (Mrs.), corn & flour Mounser Charles, carpenter, 2 Pier road

~derson & Cornelius, coal dealers, dealer, ro8 Medway road Mudge John, dairyman, 6 Christmas st

Supply wharf Geere Joseph Hooper, monumental Naylor Henry & Sons, timber mer-

Austin Wm. Geo. beer retlr. 96 Pier rd mason, The Green chants & contractors, Station road

Baker James Edward, Green Dragon Gibbs Herbert, baker, 38 Medway road Negus John, shopkeeper, Pier road

P.H. Church street Gibbs William Hemy, builder & con- OrchardDairy(J.French,mngr.),Pier rd

)laker Wm. shopkeeper, 84 Pier road tractor, 126 Medway road Parker Charles, beer retailer, Wyles st

~ldwin William Thomas, plumber, Gillingham Pier (Henry Hurrell, pier Passby Geo. Admiralty tavern, r Pier rd

· glazier& paperhanger,n3Medwayrd master & collector) · Passt;,y Richd. Jas. coal mer. Pier wharf

:panham Rbt. Sml. carpntr. 2Victoria st Gillingham Portland Cement Co. Lim. Pattison John, beer retlr. Burnt Oak ter

l!elbin Esther (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, (W1lliam Morgan, sec.), Danes hill Peachall Jos. Robert, clerk to burial

91 Medway road Gimber Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 96 board, Christmas street

l!elcher Sarah Ann (Mrs.), young ladies' Medway road Pocock Thomas, fishmonger, 86 Pier rd

school, 33 Kingswood road Gleadell Mary (Mrs ), baker, Post office, Pollard Albert, basket maker,Church st

Jlennett Ambrose William, barge owner, 87 Pier road Rochester, Chatham & Strood Gas

'· wharfinger & coal, sand & ballast Goatham Henrietta (Miss), greengrocer, Works (William Syms, sec. & mana-

merchant, 70 Pier road 43 Medway road ger); & at Rochester

l!ennettGeo.Blackman,grocer,SsPier rd Godden William, shopkeeper, Church st Rowlett Samuel, Clarendon inn

~nnett Henry, painter, writer & deco- Goodwin Henry Ernest, dairyman, see Roots George, brick maker, Church 11t

. rator, 17 Pier road Brooke & Goodwin Rout Wm. Hastings Arms P.H. Grange

:Sennett William, barge owner, carman Goodwin James, boot ma. 41 Church st Saywell Thomas, blacksmith, Church st

& contractor & sand & ballast mer- Grant Chas. White House P.H. Pier rd Scott George,grocer & draper,Gad's hill

chant, r8 Pier road Green John, farmer, Church green Simmons Thomas George, coal mer..

Bennett William Henry, commission 1Green Nathaniel, butcher, Gad's hill chant & shopkpr. 23 Granville terrace

agent, 19 Granville terrace Green Thomas, farmer, Woodlands frm Smith Alfred, farmer, Grange ·

.Eigg Charles, rope maker & coal mer- HALL "'AMES, ENGINEER, smith & SnowWm. Cornish,coal mer. Holbrn. whf

chant, 66 Pier road founder, Gad's hill Spark William Scivell, insurance

HinesChas.Howard, btchr. 68Victoria st Hall John, fishmonger, 19 Pier road agent, 31 Kingswood road

BowraJn.&Sons,butchers,r4Churchst Hammond William Peene, builder, 34 Spenceley George, florist, Layfield road

Bowra Henry, butcher, II5 Medway rd Kingswood road Stedman J ames, jun. farmer, Little

Brooke&Goodwin,dairymn.Gillnghm.rd Harris Henry, builder, Gillingham road Loadon farm

· Bullbrook John, brick maker Harvey Edwrd. shopkpr. 51 Medway rd Stevens Thos. beer retlr. :xog Medway rd

.Caller Emily (Mrs.), shopkpr. Gad's hill Hawker Jn. F. greengrocer, 22 Straw la Summersett John, cowkeeper, Wyles st

Cbarlton Amelia (Mrs.), smack owner, Hawkes William, shopkeeper, Wyles st Swan Geo. brick maker,9 Kingswood rd

Gad's hill Ha.wkesley Waiter, monumental mason, Swinyard Lucy (Mrs.), shopkeeper,

Church John, coal agent, n Layfield rd u Salisbury terrace 40 Medway road .

Cogger Ann (Miss), shopkpr. 7 Straw la Hayes George, shopkeeper, Gad's hill Tanner Thomas, grocer & builder, Post

CoggerChas. hair dresser, 39Medway rd Hazell & Co. drapers, 18 Church street office, 79 Medway road

CookeKate( Mrs. ),FiveBellsP. H. Chrch. st Heritage Thos. jun. grocr. 109Medway rd TannerWm.Rt.coal mer.usMedway rd

Cooper Chas. beer retailer, 55Medway rd Hodge Wm. shopkeeper, 48 Medway rd Taylor Danl.decorator,34Burnt Oak ter

Cooper James, baker, 6 Pier road Hogg Robert, builder, West street Taylor John, boot maker, Church street

CraneSarah(Mrs.),beerretlr.Medway rd Howe Frank, smith, Darland Wakefield Thos. shopkpr. 61 Pier road

Cuckow Harry, shopkeeper, Gad's hill Hurley Jas.Bernard,hair dresser,Pier rd Weeks Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper, g&

Cockow Rt. market. gardener,Burnt oak Hyett William, foreman of brick works, Victoria street

Cuckow Thomas, baker, 76 Pier road Grange road Weeks William, butcher, Church street

Daniels Chas. Geo. shopkpr. Danes hill Jeal Thomas, Plough & Chequers P.H. Wells Joseph, beer retailer, Gad's hill

Daniels Jas.Geo. Layfield rd Danes hill Wells Wm.Thos. beer retailer,Gad's hill

Davenport Alfred, builder, Gad's hill Jefferis Frederick, boot makr.58 Pier rd West Alfred Wm. potato dealer, East rd

Davenport.Alf.juu.plumbr.&c.Churchst Kemsley Wm. beer retlr.Ioo Medway rd West Louisa (Mrs. ),Lord Exmouth P.H.

Edmonds George, farmer, Grange Kent Ernest Martin,grocr.27 ehurch st 41 Medwayroad

Edmonds James, farmer, Tweedale Killick Hy. Thos. beer retlr. Layfield rd West Samuel Joseph, coffee palace,

ElfickThos.insur.agnt. 85 Kingswood rd King Philip, beer retailer, Crown street 44 Medway road

Featherby George, brick maker, Court Kite Abram, Waggon-at-Hale P.H. Wickham Thos.grocer&baker,Gad's hill

Fields brick works Darland Wood Harry, beer retailer, 44 Pier road

Finnes John, butcher, 13 :Medway rd Langley Jn.bricklayer,47 Kingswood rd Wood Wm. beer ret. & shopkpr.Grange

Fittall Joseph, shopkpr. 50 Medway rd Lardner Frederick Boultbee, surgeon, Wyles Edmund, farmer, Darland farm

Foord Charles Ross, farmer, Star farm 9 Christmas street Young & Trotter, coal dealers,Pier road

GODMERSHAM is a village and parish situated in the dates from the year r6oo. The living is a vicarage, yearly •

"beautiful valley of the Stour river, which passes through it, value from tithe rent-charge [250, with 4 acres of glebe and
and on the high road from Ashford to Canterbury, 62 miles residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and

from London, 2i miles south-west from Chilham railway held since 1876 by the Rev. Joshua Wilkinson. Finch's

station on the South Eastern r~tilway and 6 north from charity, of about i.30 yearly, derived from land left in 1705
Ashford, in the Southern division of the county, lathe o by John Finch, of Lympne, is for six poor labourers; other

Scray, hundred of Felborough, Ashford county court district small charities are distributed by the vicar and churchwar-

and petty sessional division, East Ashford union and in the dens. Uodmersham House and Park is the seat of !ohn
rural deanery of West ;Bridge and archdeaconry and diocese Cunliffe Kay esq. who is the principal landowner; the park,
of Canterbury. The church of St. Lawrence is a building of of 548 acres, is stocked with deer. Chilham Park is on the
stone, with some Norman details and other portions in the north, and King's Wood on the west. The soil is light; sub-

Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, soil, chalk. The chief crgps are wheat, beans and hops. The

nave, south aisle, south porch and a detached tower on the area is 3,106 acres ; rateable value, £4,610; the population
north side of the nave containing 5 bells: the tower, an early in r88r was 358.
work without buttresses, contracts in width towards;
,against its eastern wall is a most singular semi-circular apse, POPE STREET is three-quarters of a mile north-east;
with small Norman windows, which is supposed to be the BILTING, I mile south-west; EGGERTON, X mile east, Oil the
east end of the first church built here : the chancel has a border of the great wood called Penny-Pot Wood. .
low side window, a sedile of Early English date and a piscina.
of a later period : the stained east window is a memorial : Sexton, Thomas Cozens Burton.
the church was restored and enlarged and the interior
decorated in r865 : in the churchyard are some yew trees, Posr OFFICE.-Thomas Beering Kingsland, receiver. Let-
one of which is said to be nearly goo years old. T~e register ters received from Canterbury at 7·45 a.m.; dispatched

K. S. & S. 19* •


at 6.30 p.m.; sundays, 10·25 a. m. The nearest money National School, rebuilt in xE8d8wg,inwLitahwscolans,smroaosmterf;oMr is9
children; 72 on the books;

order & telegraph office is at Cbilham ·Sarah Campbell, mistress

Hulce Henry, Eggerton WilkinsonRev. Joshua [vicar],Vicarage Gibbs William, shopkeeper

Kay John Cunliffe, Godmersham park Benton Jeffrey, farmer Kingsland Thos.Beering,grocr.&postol

Knight Capt. Wyndham William J.P. Buss Horace 'fylden, farmer Walker Thomas, blacksmith

Bilting house

GOODNESTONE (or GoonwiNSTOWN) is a parish 1 the Archbishop of Canterbury and the trustees of the lat
mile from Graveney station on the Margate and Ramsgate John Pryce Lade esq. and held since 1864 by the Rev.

branch of the London, Chatham and Dover railway, 3 miles Henry Lambert M.A. of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge,

east from Faversham, 8 north· west from Canterbury and 5! who resides at Graveney. An acre of land in this parish,

south-west from Whitstable, in the North Eastern division now in the occupation of the trustees of the late John Hughes

of the county, Faversham hundred, petty sessional division, Murton, of Langdon Court, was devised some years ago for

union and county court district, lathe of Scray and in the the repairs of the church. Mrs. Lade, of Nash Court,

rural deanery of Ospringe and archdeaconry and diocese of Boughton-under-Blean, who is lady of the manor, Gillow

Canterbury. The church of St. Bartholomew is a small Simpson esq. and Richard Jones Hilton esq. J.P. of Preston

edificeofflintstone, in the Norman, Early English, Decorated House, Faversham, are the principal landowners. The soil

and Perpendicular styles, and consists of chancel, nave, and subsoil are various. The chief crops are wheat, barley,

north porch and a wooden belfry with turret at the west end beaus, oats and turnips. Hops are largely grown here.

containing one bell: on the north side of the chancel is a The area is 339 acres of land and 8 of water ; rateable value,

small canopied recess and there are remains of a roof loft : £943 ; the population in 1881 was So.

the church was restored in 1876 at a cost of £400 and will Parish Clerk, William Fox.

seat about go persons. The register dates from the year Letters through Faversham arrive at 7.30 a.m.; Boughton

1569.' The living is a rectory, with the vicarage of Graveney is the nearest money order & telegraph office

annexed, joint yearly value from tithA rent-charge £soB, The parish is in the Graveney United School Board district;

Iwith 3 acres of glebe and residence, in the alternate gift of I the children of this place attend the school at Graveney

Minter 'fhomas, farmer & hop grower, Minter Henry, farmer, Goodnestone crt Orman Spencer, farm bailiff to R. J.
Langdon court Smith William, smith & farmer Hilton esq

GOODNESTONE, near Sandwich (written in ancient How of this parish, who by will, dated February 3- 1867,

deeds Godwinestone), is a village and parish, deriving its authorized his trustees to invest a sum of £2,000 in the funds

name from the famous Godwin, Earl of Kent, and father of in the name of the above charity, now producing about £55

King Harold II. who once possessed this estat.e: it is situated yearly; each pensioner receives about £23 a year. A fair,

8 miles east from Canterbury, 6 south-west from Sandwich once held here on 25 Sept. is now abolished. Adjoining the

and It west from Adisham station on the London, Chatham village is Goodnestone Park, the seat of Mrs. Western

and Dover railway, in the Eastern division of the county, Plumptre: the mansion was rebuilt about the year 1700 by

lathe of St. Augustine, Wingham hundred and petty ses- Brook Bridges esq. auditor of the lmprest, and improved by

sional division, Eastry union, Sandwich county court district the late owner, Sir Brook William Bridges lll. P. for E. Kent,

and in the rural deanery of East Bridge and archdeaconry 5th baronet and first Baron Fitzwalter of that name; but

and diocese of Canterbury. The church of the Holy Cross is this title became extinct on the death of Lord Fitzwalter, 6

a building of stone in the Early English style, consisting of Dec. 1875, but the baronetcy passed to his brother, the late

chancel, nave of five bays, north aisle, south porch and an Rev. Sir Brook George Bridges hart. d. I April, 1890, and

embattled western tower containing a clock and 4 bells: the since to the Rev. Sir Thomas Pym Bridges: the manor of

chancel retains a piscina: on the north side is a mural Goodnestone has been in the possession of the Bridges family

monument to Sir Edward Engeham, knighted at Theobalds, since the reign of Queen Anne. Mrs. Western Plumptre is the

Herts, 15 July, 1619, ob. 1636; and there are brasses with principal landowner. The soil is chalk; subsoil, chalk. The

effigies to William Boys, ob. 1507, and Isabella his wife, with chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is 1,822

8 children, and others, inscriptions only, to Thomas Euge- acres; rateable value,£3,318; the population in 1881 was 402.

ham esq. and his wife Elizabeth, ob. I%8 (both), with 7 BoNNINGTON is half a mile south-west; RoWLING, a

children; Vincent Boys gent. ob. 1568, Mary (Honywood) scattered hamlet, I mile east. ,

his wife and 7 children, and to Thomas Warren esq. ob. 1591: Parish Clerk, Stephen Castle.

Sir John Boys, knighted at Redheath, 22 October, 1644, ob. PosT OFFICE. -Stephen Castle, receiver. Letters from Sand-

1664, is also interred in this church and there are monu- wich, via Wingham, arrive by foot post at 6.45 a.m.;

ments to the family of Richards, benefactors to this parish: dispatched at 7.5 p.m. The nearest money order office is

there are 250 sittings, all being free. The register dates at Wingha m & telegraph office at Adisham railway

from the year 1558. The living is a vicarage, net yearly station
value £2oo, in the gift of Mrs. Western Plumptre and held Parochial School (mixed), built about 1835 & supported in

since 1865 by the Rev. Matthew Trigg SpencerM.A. of Caius part by Mrs. Western Plumtre: there are 130 children on

College, Cambridge. the registers; average attendance, 87; John T. A. Wyman,

The parochial charities include one for two old widows and master; Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Wyman, mistress

two old widowers, maintained by the proceeds of about 20 CARRIER TO CANTERBURY.-James Clements, via Wingham,

acres of land, left for that purpose by Gabriel Richards esq. moo. wed. & sat. returning from 'Saracen's Head' at

offGoodnestone, in the year 1672 and augmented by James 4.30 p.m

Chatterley Mrs. Rowling house Bassett William, shoe maker KingslandWm.Thos.farmr.Up.Rowling

Plumptre Mrs. J. Bridges Castle Stephen, linen weaver,Post office Luckhurst Henry, inspector of weights

PlumptreHy.I<' elements Jas.BridgesArmsP.H.&carrier & measures

PlumptreMrs.Western,Goodnestonepk Dawson Valentine, tailor Mobbs Joseph Adcock, steward & gar-

Ratcliffe James Harvey Thomas, farmer,LowerRowling dener to Mrs. Western Plumptre

Spencer Rev.MatthewTriggM.A.[vicar] Hutson Henry, blacksmith Parsons John, farmer, Rowling court

COMMERCIAL. bailiff to Hy. Fitzwalter Pidduck George, jun. farmer

Atwood Alfred, farmer Plumptre esq. J.P. Bonnington farm Ratcliffe Thomas, shopkeeper

GOUDHURST is a small town and parish, 4 miles varied design : the chancel is separated from its aisles by

north-west from Cranbrook, 5 south from Marden station two Pointed arches on either side, springing from octagonal

on the South Eastern railway and 43 from London by road, piers: the tracery of all but two windows had been cut out,
in the Southern division of the county, hundreds of Marden, but all these have now been restored, and the chancel

Cranbrook and West Barnfield, lathe of Scray, Cranbrook windows are memorials to the Rev. W. B. Harrison, for 49
petty sessional division, union and· county court district and years vicar of this parish, and to Charlotte his wife; in the

in the rural deanery of Sutton, archdeaconry of Maidstone south aisle are two stained windows placed by the Hon. J. S.

and diocese of Canterbury. The place is lighted with gas Gathorne-Hardy M.P. in memory of T. Ridgway esq.: the
by a limited company. The church, with a great portion of church is very rich in tombs and monumental remains,

the t<>wn, is situated on a. high ridge 419 feet above sea- some of which are particularly beautiful: within the oriel in
level, commanding on all sides mo"t extensive and varied the south aisle is an altar-tomb with the effigies of a knight
prospects. The church of St. Mary is a building of sand- and his lady carved in wood, to represent Sir Alexander

stone of unusual size and fine proportions, in the Early Colepeper kt. of Bedgebury and his wife, date 1537 ; the
English, Decorated and Late Perpendicular styles, consisting effigies were restored by Mr. Beresford-Hope in 1843, and

of chancel with aisles, nave, aisles and a massive embattled the recessed window, in which the tomb stands, filled with

western t.ower, containing a clock with chimes and 8 bells, stained glass: in one of the jambs of this window is a sculp·
rebuilt after being burnt down in 1637 : the lower stage of tured tablet representing the same persons and their
the tower forms a porch: the nave is divided from the aisles children, surmounted by a carving of the Trinity, with the

by arcades of five Pointed arches on each side, on piers of Blessed Virgin :\1ary and Child, and St. Michael slaying the


Dragon~ date 1537: there is also a monument erecteJ to soil, sandstone. The chief crops are hops, fruit and cereals,
Thomas Colepeper~ of Bedgebury~ his son, Sir Alexander
Colepeper kt. the hon. Mary (Dacre) wife of the latter with the usual proportion of pasture. The area of the
and a child ; this monument was erected in I6o8 by Sir
Anthony Colepeper kt. to his father and brother and has whole parish is9,798 acres of land; rateable value, £I4,144;
figures of ~ir Anthony and of his sixteen children : in the
south chancel aisle is a rich brass with the figure of a knight the population in x88x was 2,764.

in plate armour beneath a canopy, to John Bedgebery, ob. KrLNDOWN, an ecclesiastical district formed from this
•424; another mutilated brass to Sir John Colepeper kt. ob.
parish, will be found under a separate head.
1480, and Agnes (Bedgbury) his wife; one with effigy, in
armour, to - Culpeper and his wife, c. I520; and the figure Sexton, William Diprose.
of a man in armour, c. I490: another marble monument
with a fine bust, commemorates William Campion of Comb- PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
well esq. I792; and there is also an altar-tomb of Perpen-
dicular date, panelled with shields and set under a canopy, North road. (Letters should have S.O. Kent added).-
besides other memorials to this family: the tower had
formerly a shingled spire, but this, together with the upper Miss Matilda Mary Stevens, postmistress. Letters arrive
stage and five bells, was destroyed by a fire kindled by a
via Staplehurst at 5 a.m. & 1.45 p.m. from Paddock
lightning stroke, 23rd August, 1637: the nave has been re-
aeated, its roof boarded internally in panels and the north Wood; delivered at 6 a.m.; dispatched at I0.30
aisle restored, by subscription; the chancel was restored by
~e Ecclesiastical Commissioners, the south chapel at the & 7·55 p.m. Money orders granted & paid from 9 a.m.

expense of the late Right Hon. A. J. B. Beresford-Hope P.C. to 6 p.m

x.P., D.C.L. of Bedgebury, and W.. H. Campion esq. of WALL BoxEsat Chequers, cleared at 8.15 p.m. & Curtisden
Combwell : the carved oak pulpit was presented by the late
Mrs. Henry Lake, of Highgate, and the organ by the family cleared at 6.20 p.m '
of R. Springett esq. late of Finchcox : the south and west PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS:-
walls of the south aisle and the vestry were rebuilt from the
foundations in I885: there are 750 sittings. The register Cemetery, George Hinds, clerk to the burial board
dates from the year I558. The living is a vicarage, gross
yearly value from tithe rent-charge £5741 with residence Weald of Kent Steam Fire Brigade, William Chester Bur•
and 8 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of
Rochester, and held since I864 by the Rev. James Sander- gess, hon. sec. ; B. Wickham, captain; James Gilbert,
son Clarke M. A. of St. John's College, Cambridge: the
National School-room at Winchet Hill is licensed for Church superintendent, &. 8 men
of England services. There is a Catholic chapel dedicated
1o the Sacred Heart, with a resident priest, and there
Assistant Overseer & Assessor & Collector of Taxes,
are also Baptist, Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist chapels.
A cemetery of 2 ro<'ds 28 perches has been added at the south William Apps

of the churchyard and is controlled by a burial board of Coroner for the Cranbrook District, George Hinds ; deputy,
9 members, appointed in I874· In I67I John Horsmonden,
of Gondhurst, endowed a grammar school for the education Thomas Joyce M.D. Shepherds house, Cranbrook
of fifteen sons of the farmers and tradesmen of this parish,
Medical Officer & Public Viccinator, Goudhnrst district,
with a stipend of [35 yearly, payable out of certain freehold
Cranbrook union, Robert Samuel Newington
lands in this parish: the school has gone to decay, and the
endowment has now been converted into exhibitions of £I5 Registrar of Births & Deaths & Relieving Officer, Jn. Mercer
each for 3 years. The charities, producing about [167 a
year, are as follows: John Pope, late of Trowsell, left Durrant, attends The Institute, at noon every thurs

£x,ooo New £3 per Cents. to widows and single women Vestry Clerk & Clerk to the Burial Board, George Hinds

above so years of age; Mrs. Bathurst left £so a year to be PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services:-

distributed in sums of £I each, to poor persons not having St. Mary's Church, Rev. James Sanderson Clarke M.A.
received parish relief within the year ; forty sixpenny loaves
of bread are also distributed on the first and third Sundays vicar; I I a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; litany days u a.m
in each month and 5 quarters of wheat in bushels are given
Sacred Heart (Catholic), Rev. John Brady, priest; 10.30
to 40 poor persons of the parish who have not received paro-
a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; week days, mass 8 a.m. ; fri. mass
chial relief : this charity was left by Sir Henry Fermor hart.
of Welches, Sussex, in the 18th century. The noteworthy 9 a.rn.service 8 p.m
residences are Trowswell, Horsmondens (now the Grange),
Lidwells, Ladham House, the residence of Lady Jessel and Baptist Rev. Joseph James Kendon, minister
Sir Charles James Jessel hart. D.L., J.P. enlarged in x88o:
Branfold, once the residence of Miss Edgeworth, is a modern Primitive Methodist, 2.30 & 6.30 p.m
Tndor mansion in red brick and stone, wiih a fine library and
a private chapel. Trowswell is the residence of Haskett Wesleyan, 2 & 6 p.m
Smith esq. Philip Beresford-Hope esq. J.P. of Bedgebury
Park, Hawkhurst; Edward Windsor Hussey esq. of Scotney ScHooLs:-
Castle, Lamberhurst; Major John Roberts Atkin-Roberts
l.P. of Glassenbury Park, Cranbrook, and Lt.-Col. William National (mixed & infants), erected in x874, for 250
Henry CampionJ.P. of Danny Park,Hurstpierpoint, are lords
of the manor and with Thomas Wick ham esq. and the Rev. children ; there are 270 on the books & an average at-
Hngh Forbes Smith-Marriott M.A. rector of Horsmonden,
are the principal landowners. The soil is various ; the sub- tendance of 126 boys & girls & 65 infants; John Gripper,

master; Mrs. John Gripper, mistress; Miss Jane Cana· ·

way, infants' mistress

Winchet Hill (mixed), built in I872, for zoo children; on

the books 94; average attendance, 70 ; William Arthnr

Bloor, master; Mrs. William A. Bloor, mistress

Catholic School (mixed), for ISO children; on the books,

57; average attendance, 30 ; Mrs. Palmer, mistress ; Miss

Palmer, infants' mistress

CoNVEYA..'<CE.-Vans to Marden, daily; for passengers &

goods & to Tonbridge, fri. ; Tunbridge Wells, four times

a week & Maidstone, daily


BRENCHLEY-Charles P. Harris (through), wed. goods &


HORSMONDEN-Charles P. Harris (through), wed. goods &


LAMBERHURST-Charles P. Harris (through), tues.fri. & sat

LoNDON-Williarn & George Humphrey leaves • Queen's

Head,' Borough, London, wed. afternoon, at 2 p.m

MAIDSTONE-Charles Thomas Collins, from his house daily,

wednesdays excepted, returning from 'Fortune of War,'

at 3 p.m.; Edward Neaves, daily

MARDEN-William & George Humphrey, daily, goods;

Edward Neaves, daily

TONBRIDGE & 'fuNBRIDGE WELLs-Charles P. Harris from

'Chequers,' tues. wed. fri. & sat. returning from 'Bridge

Tavern,' 3.30 p.m.; 'Royal Oak,' 4 p.m

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Kendon Samuel A.C.P. Bethany house •
Large William, Taywell
Bartlet Surgeon-Major Alex. Edward~ Newington Robert Saml. Tattlebury ho Baker John, farmer & hop grower
Norris Mrs. Tranquil cottages .Baker Thomas, farmer & hop grower,
Beresford road Peareth William Nepean, Lidwells
Ridley Charles N. The Grange Little Horden
Benians Wm. Alfd. A.C.P. (head master Rogers Charles W. Branfold Bartlet Surgeon-Major Alexander
Rolfe James, Holly villas
Bethany House school), Curtisden Smith Haskett, Trowswell Edward, surgeon, Beresford road
Smith-Marriott J n. Bosworth, TheGrove Beeching Samuel, farmer & hop grower
Brady Rev. John [Catholic], Yew tree Watts Mrs. Curtisden Bethany House School (Rev. J oseph Jas.
Wickham Benjamin, Gore court
Burgess William, Goldwell Wickham Thomas, Summer hill Kendon, principal ; William Alfred
Benians A.C.P. head master; Samuel
Calcutt Charles, Paynetts COMMERCIAL. Kendon A.C.P. second master), Cur.
Allwork Thomas, grocer tisden Green
Carpenter John Wm. M:. D. Great Harden Apps Jane&Hanh. (Misses), dress mas Broad Henry, bricklayer, Beresford rd
Apps William, auctioneer, appraiser, Burgeas William Chester, farmer &hop
Clarke Rev. Jas.SandersonM.A.Vicarage grower, Greentrees farm
land, estate & insurance agent & Burgess William Chester &Son, grocer!
Davis Frederick James, Holly house builder & assistant overseer& assessor & drapers
& collector of taxes Burren Thomas, blacksmith, Swiss {!Ot
Hinds George, Beechurst Cemetery (Geo. Hinds, clerk to the brd)
Chantler Jesse, Woolpack P.ll. Win-
Hinds George Parker, Maypole house chet Hill

Jessel Lady, Ladham house ; &7 Gros-

venor place, London s w

Jessel Sir Charles James bart. D.L.,J.P. •

I .a.dham house ; & 6 Cadogan man-

siollll, London s w .

Kendon Rev. Jsph. Jas. [Baptistl(prin-

cipa.l of BethanyHouse schl. ),TheFirs


Chantler Walter, farmer &hop grower, Hayler Thomas, farm bailiff to Thomas Penfold Richd. blacksmith, The Gore

Lime trees Wickbam esq. Summerhill farm Pierce William, farmer & hop grower,

Olemetson Edward, miller (water), far- Haylor Thomas, greengrocer Chequer Tree farm

mer & hop grower, Hope mill ~ Hill Arthur, baker Powell John, shopkeeper, Curtisden grn

Ooffee-Tavern (Mrs. Hobbs, managerss) Hinds & Son, solicitors Prickett Ellen (Mrs.), watch & clock ma

Collins Charles Thomas, carrier,High st Hinds George (firm, Hinds & Son), Rayner Benjamin, shoe maker

Crump James, boot maker,Zion cottage solicitor, vestry clerk & clerk to the Rootes Edward, engineer

Ourtis Henry, bea4 gardener to Lady- burial board & coroner for Cranbrook Rubridge Caroline (Mrs.), shopkeeper

Jessel district SmallJames,beerretailer,Curtisden grn

Dadswell Robert, farmer & hop grower, Hinds George Parker, solicitor, see Small James, jun. timber merchant,

Winchet Hill Hinds & Son Curtisden green

Dann James Thomas, boot ma.. High st Humphreys William & George, carriers Smith Geo.organist at St. Mary's church

Davis & Leaney, builders & contractors Honess Alfred Harold George, farmer & Smith Brothers, farmers & hop growers,

Davis Edward, saddler & harness makr hop grower, Curtisden green Crowborne

Davis William Edward, butcher & far- Honess Charles, shopkeeper Southon David, butcher, farmer & hop

mer, Etching hill Hope James, chimney sweeper grower

Dearing James Jabez, farm bailiff to Hopperton Henry, farmer, Pleasant pl Stevens Elizabeth Maria (Mrs.), sta•

Haskett Smith esq . Humphries John Laing, grocer & agent tioner, West house

D6ust Edwin, shopkeeper for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit mers Stevens Matilda Mary(Miss),bookseller,

Durrant John Mercer, registrar of Johnson James, saddler stationer & Post office, North road

births & deaths, Hawkhurst sub-dis- Lambert Jarvis, plumber Swatland William, farmer

trict; & relieving officer, No. 2 dis- Large Albert, farmer, Triggs Tattlebury House Private Lunatic

trict, Oranbrook union Large William, farmer & hop grower, Asylum (Rt. SI. Newington, propr)

Eaves Charles, farmer & hop grower, Taywell & Ladham farms . Taylor Albert Stephen,grocer & outfitter

Dodges farm Lovell Jn. carpenter & builder,Clay hill Thurgood Frederick J oseph, land sur-

Eedes George Albert, chemist,Manor ho Manktelow Jas. wheelwright, Winchet hl veyor & hop sampler

Field Richard, shopkeeper Manwaring Frederick, farmer & hop Thurgood James, Vine P.H

Foreman Saml. bootma. Curtisden grn grower, Shear farm Thurgood John, hop agent, North road

Fry Frederick, Star & Crown inn, & Manwaring Thomas, farmer & hop Tyman Henry, farm bailiff to Thomas

farmer & hop grower grower, Swan farm Wickham esq. Little Combourne fm

Gilbert James, beer retailer & farmer Mercer Amos, boot & shoe maker Underdown Waiter, farmer & hop

Giles Harriet (Mrs.), beer retailer Mercer Amos, jun. beer retailer grower, Collier's green

Goudhurst College, boarding & day Mercer Edwin, farmer·& hop grower, Usherwood Edwin, wheelwright &coach

school for young ladies (Miss Mary Collier's green builder

Ann Kendon, principal ; Miss Rebecca Messenger George, tailor • Waiter William, farmer & hop grower,

Kendon M.C.P. head mistress) Messenger Thomas, bird stuffer Moun1; Pleasant farm

Goudhurst Gas Co. Limited (William Newington Robert Samuel, surgeon & Weald of Kent Fire Brigade (James

Apps, sec) medical officer & public vaccinator, Gilbert, superintendent)

Harris Charles P. carrier - Goudhurst distr;ct, Cranbrook union Wickham Benjamin,farmer,hop grower

Harris William, Chequers inn; Charles Noakes William, farmer & hop grower, & land owner, Gore court

P. Harris, carrier to TunbridgeWells, Blue barn Wickham Thomas, farmer, hop grower

tues. wed. fri. & sat. leaving' Bridge Noakes William John, farmer & hop & landowner, Summer hill

Tavern' 3.30 p.m. & 'Royal Oak' 4 grower, Trottenden Wilmshurst Charles, hair dresser

p.m Osborne Edwin, baker - Wilson James, higgler

Harvey Edwin John, farmer & hop ParsonsEiiza(Miss),milliner & stationer, Young Horace, blacksmith

grower, Bockingfold farm Vigo house Young John, boot & shoe ma. West rd

THE ISLE OF GRAINE. situated at the junction . and burials, 1664. The living is a vicarage, average yearly

of the Thames and Medway, was once an island, and Yantlet value from tithe rent-charge £290, net income £218, witll

Creek, its western boundary, is the eastern limit of the port residence and 2 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Rev. Henry

of London ; it is reached by a good road from Rochester, Christopher Macpherson B.A. of 7 Addison road, Bedford

whence it is 14 miles north-east. Sheerness Pier, on the park, London w, and held since 1875 by the Rev. George

opposite side of the Medway, is about a mile distant. PoRT Heaton M.A. of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge. There

VICTORIA, the terminus of the branch of the North Kent is a large fort, capable of holding 300 men, and other defence

line, 3 miles from the church, is the only railway station; works. Miss Tongue is lady of the manor. The principal

from here steamers ply across the Medway to Sheerness, landed proprietors are Matthew Bell esq. George Gipps esq.

and the Continental steamers call here. The parish is in and the Wardens of Rochester .Bridge. The land is good,

Gillingham manor, Mid division of the county, hundred of chiefly occupied as off-hand farms; the chief crops are corn

Chatham 4l.nd Gillingham, lathe of Aylesford, Hoo union, and potatoes. The area is 3,177 acres, of which .about 8oo

Rochester petty sessional division and county court dis- are arable, the rest is pasture; rateable value, £4,467; the

trict and in the rural deanery, archdeaconry and diocese population in 1881 was 283.

of Rochester. The church of St. James, standing on Sexton, George Emery.

high ground and anciently belonging to the monastery PosT & M. 0. 0. & S. B.-George Levitt, receiver. Letters
of, in the Isle of Sheppy, now consists only of dispatched at 3.30 p.m. ; arrive at 9.30 a. m. by mail cart
chancel and nave and is a building in the Early English from Rochester, calling at Hoo & Stoke. The nearest
and Late Perpendicular styles, with some Norman portions: telegraph office is at Port Victoria
there are two piscinre, one on either side of the
chancel and a large sedile; on the north side are two School (mixed), built in 1864, for so children; average at-

aumbries: the pews bear the date 1645 and there is in the tendance, 6o ; Miss Fanny Pahner, mistress
chancel a brass of the 15th century : the church plate in- CARRIER TO ROCHESTER.-Jn. Jarrett, on tues. thurs. & sat

cludes a chalice dated 1615 : there are 120 sittings. The Rn\.LLWAY STATION.-Port VIctoria, George Ongley, station

register of baptisms dates from the year 1653; marriages master

Heaton Rev. George M.A. Vicarage Kelsey Thomas, grocer 'Manwaring George, farmer

Alien James, Cock P.H Lee Thomas, market gardener Miskin William R. farmer

Brooker Albert, smith Levitt Arthur, butcher Pye Henry, farmer

Dickens John Robert, grazier & farmer Levitt George, shopkeeper & post office Smith David, farmer

GRAVENEY is a village and parish on high ground, screen divides the chancel from the nave; on the south side

overlooking Seasalter level and Nagden marshes, adjoining of the chancel are two sedilia ; there are also piscinre, the

the Swale, 5 miles south-west from Whitstable and 4 north- remains of a rood loft, two mural monuments and a number
east from Faversham with a station on the Margate and of brasses, one of which has very richly decorated canopies
Ramsgate branch of the London, Chatham & Dover railway, and effigies, holding hearts, to John Martyn, justice of the

in the North Eastern division of the county, Boughton- Common Pleas, formerly resident at Graveney Court, ob.

under-Blean hundred, lathe of Scray, Faversham petty 24 Oct. 1436, and Anna (Boteler). his wife; another with
sessional division, union & county court district and in the effigy irr armour to Richard de Feversham, lord of the
rural deanery of Ospringe and archdeaconry and diocese of manor, ob. 1381, and to Robert Dodde, his father-in-law;

Canterbury. All Saints' church is an ancient edifice of flint one to Dame Joan de Feversham and John, her son, c. 1370,

and stone, varying jn styles from Norman down to Tudor, with half effigies; an inscription on brass to Joan, daughter
and consists of chancel, nave, aisles ( with a chapel at of Richard de Faversham, and wife of John Boteler, of
the east end), south porch and an embattled western tower Graveney, ob. 14o8; and to Thomas Borgeys esq. ob. 14_52,
containing one bell; the nave is divided from the aisles by and Anna, his wife, dated 1381: there are 200 sittings. The

an arcade of four arches on either side ; a Perpendicular oak 'register dates from the year 1553. The lh·ing is a vicarage,


with that of Goodnestone annexed, joint yearly value from NAGDEN is a mile and a. half west, on Faversham creek ;
tithe rent-charge £so8, with 3 acres of glebe and residence,
fiROOMSl'REET is half a mile west; SASDBANKS, one mil&
in the alternate gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury and
the trustees of the late John Pryce Lade esq. and held since west.

186-4 by the Rev. Henry Lambert M.A. of Corpus Christi Parish lo1erk, William Fox.
college, Cambridge. Thirty-four shillings, derived from
Miss Robinson's charity, are distributed yearly in fuel. PosT OFFICE.-Thomas Knowler, postmaster. Letters

Earl Sondes and Henry E. D. Blaxland esq. are lords of the through J:<'aversham arriye at 7.30 a.m. ; dispatched at
manor. The principal landowners are the Ecclesiastical
Commissioners, Earl Sondes, Mrs. Lade, of Nash Court, 6.30 p.m. 12 on sundays. The nearest money order &
Boughton-under-B\ean, and Corpus Christi college, Oxford.
The soil and subsoil are various. The chief crops are wheat, telegraph office is at Boughton I
barley, beans, oats, hops and turnips. The area is I,ggx
acres of land and 1,II4 of water; rateable value, £4,729; A School Board of five members was formed here 3rd July,

"41 x881 the population was 252. 1874, for the united district of Goodnestone & Graveney:

Allan Tassell, Faversham, clerk to the board ; Thomas

Smith, St. Mary's road, Faversham, attendance officer

Board School (mixed), erected, with mistress's house, in 1'875,

at a oost of £1,072, for 8o children; average attendance,

55 ; Miss Lucy Ellen Deathe, mistress

Lambert Rev. Henry M.A. Vicarage Knowler John, shopkeeper, Post office Wraight William, Four Horseshoes

Bushbridge William, Sportsman P.H Murton Charles, farmer, Sandbanks Wraight William, jun. wheelwright

HoughamGabrielLee,frmr.Graveney et Setatree Jacob, wheelwright

G lt A V E S E N D,


GRAVESEND is a parliamentary and municipal- borough on pier was covered in and altered 1for the purposes of the Til-
'the south bank of the Thames, with stations on the North bury railway, and has since been purchased by that com_pany!

Kent and London, Chatham and Dover railways, 24 miles further extensive alterations were made in 1885. !

from London by railway and has access to the London and The Royal Terraca Pier, opened in 1845, was erected by a

.SOuthend railway at New Tilbury, on the Essex shore, by joint-stock company, at a cost of £g,2oo, and is in extreme

.steam ferry boats from the Town Pier; by the latter line there length 250 feet, with a width of 30 feet and rests on 22 cast

is a direct communication to every part of the east, north and iron columns, the underside of the pier being 8 feet above

west of London, by the Great Eastern, London and Tilbury the level of high water at spring tides : it is covered with a

and Southend, and the North London rail ways. A branch of wrought iron roof, supported on pilasters, forming panels at

the London, Chatham and Dover railway, from Farningham the sides, between which sliding shutters are introduced:'

Road to this place, was opened 10 May, 1886. the gardens connected with it are well laid out.

Gravesend is 22 miles from London by the Dover road Ros~erville Pi~r, about half a m~le t? t~e we11tward of the
Iand 26 by the of the
from Strood
aTnhdamReosc,h7esetearst afnrdom10DfarrotfmordE,r7ithn,oartnhd-wisesat town, m the ~poasrhiesrhvlol.fleNo~ratrhdfelenest,: IS wtthm 150 yards
entrance to .steamboats to and
the !lietropohs ~nd the Tilbury railway call here frequently
union and market town and head of a county court district
--m·odfetTahcoeoltn~m.1r1y·gdtadrno'!dVuI·gdSh·iIOocanenosdfetrohuferRcao1oucdhneetaysn,tee1rar.ythoefoGf rAayv1eessefonrdda, nhdunadrcrehd-' bduuTrrymh egFsotthretea' r.1dneaafyveermsrytthheeset'asfbuolmwI'Snmheped1· GIarnadv'mesgenstdagaenodf Tthile•
" ,.. .. . . Tilbury railway at frequent mtervals. There are other
GraYes-ham was Its anCient des1gnatwn and lt IS so small piers for the Ordnance wharf and the taverns.
written in "~omesday Book;" approve.d authorities, how- Gravesend is within the port of London, where all
ever, deduce 1t~ nam~ fro~ the ol~ English t.erm Gere.f~; or vessels arriving from foreign countries take on board the
.f!r~f, a g_re~e, .m~pl~mg the ~es1de~ce of a portreev~, or revenue officers and discharge the same when outward
hmit of his JUTISdictlon: hence It re?eiVed the appellat10~ of bound. The trade formerly consisted in the supply of
Grreves-rend, b?t after~ards denommat~d Graveshende m a sh1pping and it was also the chief station for East Indiamen:
.charter conferrmg .the t1t~es of the parish upon the monas- the stores taken by ships are now few, but the watermen are

iery of St. Augustme of Canterbury. generally well employed, as emigrant and other ships here

Gravesend was made a parliamentary borough by the take their passengers on board and troops are sometimes

4 ' Representation of the People Act, 1867," and includes embarked and landed. Collier ships also report themselves

within its boundary the parishes of Gravesend and Milton, at this point to the city officer and the larger ships take a.

.and so much of the parish of Northfleet (not including its pilot for the river. The Lower Hope maintains a number

detached portion) as lies to the north of the old Roman road, of coal hulks for the supply of steam shipping, and when the:
called "Watling ~treet;" it returns one member to wind outside interferes with the free passage of vessels, it is"

Parliament. crowded with ships, like the port of London, and at night is

The municipal borough includes only the towns of Graves- lighted up like a street. Gravesend is also a great yacht

-end and Milton, which were incorporated by charter in the station. The New 'fhames Yacht Club house is on the

tenth year of the reign of Elizabeth (1567-8). Under the Clifton Marine parade and contains a spacious dining-room,

Municipal Reform Act the body corporate, now chosen by the together with billiard, smoking and coffee rooms, &c.

burgesses of the town, consists of a mayor, six aldermen The town imports coal and timber and the fishing craft

and eighteen councillors, the mayor being selected out of the are numerous, the fisheries employing many men and ves-..-

twenty-four. The Town Council is the Urban Sanitary sels, chiefly engaged in fishing for shrimps; cod, turbot and

Authority. The borough has a Commission of the Peace mackerel are also caught : it is a principal pilot station and

and Court of Quarter Sessions. has a Custom House.

The oown is supplied with water from works situated at Gravesend church, burned down in the great fire of 1727,

Windmill Hill, the property of a company; and lighted with was rebuilt as one of King George H.'s fifty new churches,
gas from works situated at the Canal Basin, also the property at a cost of £s,ooo, and in compliment to the king wa~

of a company. named St. George's : it is a plain brick building, with stone

The town is situated at the foot of the hills, whiCh extend quoins and cornices and consists of chancel, spacious nave,

for about two miles along the river Thames, and the views west porch and a western tower containing a clock and a.

are very picturesque from most points, the numerous musical peal of 8 bells: in 1764 an organ and loft were erected

towers and spires varying the long line of houses, Windmill in the church, pursuant to the will of John Ison, of this

Hill rising steeply in the midst and Northfleet Comb closing parish, who left £4oo for that purpose: a stained east win-

the prospect to the west; the upper town commands a view dow was put in in 1867: there are 984 sittings, 540 being

over 40 miles of the river from east to west and across the free. The register of burials dates from the year 1547 ;

chalk b.ills of Essex: on the south is a table land, inclosed baptisms, 1651; marriages, 1653. The living is a rectory,

to the east and west by the dividing ranges of the Medway average yearly value from tithe rent-crarge £230, with 22i

and Dart. The south landscape is very extensive and the acres of glebe, and held smce 1846 by the Rev. Robert Joynes

seaward view reaches far over the northern shores of the M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. The advowson came

Thames mouth. The country around is richly cultivated to the Crown by the attainder of Henry (Brooke), 3rd baron

and covered with villages and mausions. Cobham, of that family, in the first year of James I. and has

The Town Pier, a structure of cast iron, with a wrought continued ever since in the gift of the Lord Chancellor. The

iron lighthouse, was completed in I834 under the direction population in 1881 was 4,377.

'If W. J. Clark esq. engineor ~ the money for building being St. James' ecclesfastical parish was formed from the

raised by bonds on the security of the pier dues; in 1854 the parish of St. George, August 20, 1852: the church situated


in the London road and erected in 1851, on a site presented Virgin and the Sacred Heart have been re-.instated, the

by the Earl of Darnley,,is a building of local stone in the sanctuary screen and pulpit replaced and a fine toned organ
Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave, transept, north the gift of the late H. Hart esq. erected : the font, placed in ·

porch and a central embattled tower containing one bell: there a new baptistery, was presented by Mr. Raphael: some of

are sittings for 827 persons, of which 527 are free for ever the stained windows at the east end were the gift of G. M.

for the use of the poor. The register dates from the year Arnold esq., the Clinch family, in memory of William and

1852. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value chiefly from Edward Clinch, and of other members of the congregation,

pew rents i,271, in the gift of the Bishop of Rochester, and in memory of their late pastor, Father O'Sullivan and of

held since 1883 by the Rev. Augustine Briggs M.A. of Jesus Regina Field Jackson: there are 700 sittings. Adjoining

College, Cambridge. The population of this district in 1881 the church and school is the convent of the Sisters of Mercy.

was 4,039. The Jewish synagogue situated at TivoU House was erected

Milton parish church, SS. Peter and Paul, situated on in x88o, and has 120 sittings.

the old Dover road and screened by a cluster oJ large Here are two Congregational chapels, one in Princes street,
trees on the west, is a building of flint and stone, in the a building of stone, erected in 1838, with 400 sittings, and

Decorated and Perpendicular styles, sadly mutilated a cen- the other in Clarence place, an edifice of brick erected in

tury ago by injudicious patchings: it consists of chancel, 1874, and seating 650 persons.

nave, south porch and a western battlemented tower The Baptist chapel, Windmill street, is a structure of

containing 6 bells: within the porch is a small niche with a brick erected in 1843 and has 750 sittings: there is another

stoup: on the south side of the chancel are three elegant Baptist chapel in Peacock street, erected in 1845, with 250

Decorated sedilia, deeply recessed and adjoining these a sittings.

piscina; in 1819 a gallery and altar-piece were added and The Presbyterian church, in The Grove, is an edifice of

the church was restored in 1852; in 1862 the chancel was brick with stone facings, erected in 187o, and will seat 700

restored by the rector, when a new window was inserted on persons.

the south side and the eastern wall covered with encaustic The Primitive Methodist chapel, Darnley street, erected,

tiles ; in 1:873 a memorial clock, with south and west faces, in 1863, is also of brick and has 450 sittings.

was placed in the tower by the late Rev. W. D. Johnston The Wesleyan chapel, Milton road, erected in 1812, is a

K.A. rector, in memory of his wife; a stained east window brick edifice and will seat 700.
was inserted in x:858 by Charle.~ John Pinching esq. : the The Cemetery, opened 1839, is situated in the Old road,

walls of the church were tiled in 1867: it is now (1890) pro- within the parish of Gravesend, in the southern suburbs and

posed to restore the church nt an estimated cost of £2,500: about I mile from the town; it has two mortuary chapels

it has 350 sittings, all free. By an Order in Council, 1879, and a considerable extent of catacombs and occupies 9 acres,

Deuton was annexed ecclesiastically to Milton. The register inclosed by brick walls : the property is vested in the

of baptisms and burials dates from the year 1538; mar- trustees of the late J. R. Hall esq.

riages from 1622. The living is a rectory, average yearly The Town Hall, situated in High street and erected in

value from tithe rent-charge £242, with glebe value £25 1836 at a cost of £3,000, from designs by Mr. A. H. Wilde,

and residence, net income f,2oo, in the gift of the Lord architect, is an edifice in the Doric style with wings, includ-

Chancellor, who has two turns, and the Bishop of Rochester, . ing a spacious ball holding 200 persons and has a noble-

who has one, and held since 186o by the Rev. Richard Starr portico surmounted by a turret, adorned with figures
1emblematic of Learning, Justice, and Truth; considerable
Juk~, The population in x:881 was 3,818,
Milton, built in 1s45, at a cost of
~ Holy Trinity church, alterations and addit~ons _were effected in 1882,_ at a cost ~f
£4,539, is a building of local stone in the Decorated style, {,6,ooo, under _the directiOn of Mr. Parr, architect, and 1t.

consisting of chancel, nave, transepts, south porch and a was re-opened m Novem_ber, 1883. .
western turret containing one bell, and has several stained The mayor and magiStrates h~ld petty sesswns at the
windows : in 188S an organ was added by public subscrip- Town Hall: boro~h qu~rter sesswns a~e also held the_re.
tion at a cost of £ 1,200 : the church will seat 1,000 persons !he co~n~y court IS bel~ m the_ Cou_nty Court House, wh1~1l
and has 6oo free sittings. The register dates from the year IS a buddmg nf ~tone, Situated m Kmg: street and erected m
IS the Town Cler~'s office. .
1845. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value f,2oo, 1 1871: here also Harmer ~treet Is the Ju~1lee clo~k ~ower~
with residence, in the gift of the Crown and the Bishop of At th~ tol? of
I So feet m he1ght, erected m ~8~7 b~ pubhc subscr1ptio~, at
a cost of upwards of£1,oo_o ; 1t IS built of stone, from de~~gns.
Rochester alternately, and held since 1883 by the Rev.
George Barr M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. The
.lCJOO by Mr. J. Johnson, architect, of Lon~on, and contams 4
vwiacsargaigveenhobuyset hwe aEscbculeislitaasttiacacloCstoomf m1,i4ss,oioonoe, ros.f which bells, presented by Alfred Tolhurs~ esq. m 1890; Mr. W. H.
The popu-
lation of this district in 1881 was 4,81 5. Connected with Archer, of Grave~nd, wa~ t!te builder.
the same parish, is St. Andrew's Waterside Church and The Conservative Club IS m Berkley crescent.
Mission, which originated in Gravesend and was established There are s~veral excellent hotei.s and taverns and

in 1864; the church is a plain building of stone in the Gothie numerous lodgmg houses and baths.
There are two branch banks:-~he London. a~d County
style, consisting of nave and western turret, containing 4 Ban_k and the London and Provmmal Bank! Limited, alld a
bells. The clergy of the Mission, viz., the Rev. George Barr
and curates, visit ships anchoring off the town, and provide Savmgs ~an~; four newspape~s are p~bhshed be~e; th~
them gratuitously with Bibles, prayer-books and libraries, town mamt~ms several breweries, and uo~ foundries, and

the mission being supplied with these by gifts of books from there are bnckfields and barge and boat bmlders.

all quarters, the railway companies carrying parcels of Saturday is the market day, the market being held in the

books free : as this is the only point on the Thames where Market place. There is no separate fish market, but the

ships with their crews on board can be visited when outward sale of fish forms part of the main business in the neighbour-

bound, the selection of Gravesend for such a missiOn is hood of West street and High street : the fishing Docks and

important, and the work claims national support; the piers are in West street. A fair is held on the 24th of

mission has now extended and has stations in London at October.

the docks and at many ports at home and abroad. The The hop cultivation begins near here and the market gar·

present income is about £5,000, to which may be added dens in this lucality are celebrated for asparagus and rhu-

£3,500 worth of books for distribution on board ship. barb ; on either side the town is a rich fruit district, with.

Nearly every ship now carries these mission libraries. orchards of cherries, apples, pears, damsons and strawberries:

Christ Church ecclesiastical parish was formed from that watercress is also cultivated in the neighbourhood.

of Milton, January 9th, 1857· The church, erected in x:856, Gravesend is included in the Thames military district,
enlarged 1870 at a cost of 1.400• is a stone building in the with military establishments at Tilbury l''ort, ~ew Tavern

Gothic style and consists of chancel, nave of six bays, aisles, Fort at Gravesend, East. Tilbury and Shorne battery, and
west porch and a western turret containing one bell: the the fort~, since I852, have been repaired and the embrasures

church was restored in 1883 at a cost of £ 210 : there are mounted with heavy guns. There are extensive barracks in

650 sittings, 293 being free. The register dates from the Wellington street, Milton, and a rifle range in Deuton Marsh.
year 1855· The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £3oo,
in the gift of the rector of Milton, and held since x885 by the In Windmill street is the head quarters of the 1st Kent

Rev. Felix Augostus Marsh M.A. of St. John's College, Cam- Artillery Volunteer Brigade, Eastern Division,RoyalArtillery.

bridge. The population in 1881 was 6,253. . The branch of the Sailors' Home, opened in 18S6, at a cost,

The Catholic church dedicated to St. John the Evangelist. including site, of about £6,ooo, is a spacious edifice of brick

situated in the Milton road, was erected in 1834 at a cost of 139 feet long and 30 feet wide, and is available for I45 sea-

£7,000, and a tower was subsequently added at a cost of men.

£x:,8oo, raised by subscription, the architects being Messrs. The charitable bequests for the relief of the poor amount

Goldie and Goldie, of Kensington square: the interior of the to about £200 yearly, principally derived from Varchell'&

church suffered considerable damage from a disastrous fire Charity. The almshouses, situated in King street, were

on the xst January, r88o, since which it has been restored founded by Henry Pinnock, for thirty aged persons of both

and renovated and 8 very fine statues of saints by Froc sexes and have a small endowment, raised by subscription

Robert, of Paris, have been added: the chapels of the Blessed in memory of tJ:ie late Prince Consort.


The Gravesend Hospital, in Bath street, established in I875·
x85o, is supported entirely by voluntary contributions: the "Right Welcome ye

· object being to furnish gratuitous medical treatment and who come to staye:

advice to the destitute poor of Gravesend and Milton and And God speede

their vicinities: during the year I888, there were in attend- the•y who leave
ance at the dispensary from 45 different places, including to day."

shipping on the Thames, 335 in, and 3,-468 out-patients; SPRINGHEAD, 2 miles south-west, and a favourite resort of
a new children's ward, containing 8 beds, was opened in Gravesend visitors, is well known for its watercress planta-
I884, at a cost of [I,8oo: there are now, including those in tions and for its beautiful and extensive space of fruit and
the old building, 24 beds. In I887 two isolating wards con- flower gardens, through which the watercress streams flow.
taining 4 beds each, were built at the sole expense of the late Just outside, in Watling street, are some ancient remains.
Mrs. John R ussell.

At the time of Domesday Survey there were, as now, three
The Children's Home, Parrock Hall, Milton, opened in I875, manors-the manor of Gravesend is at present held by the
is a spacious building, standing on twenty acres of land, and Earl of Darnley; that of Milton, by Joseph Harvey esq.;
is intended for the reception of I6o boys who have not been and Parrock by the Corporation of Gravesend, who purchased
convicted of crime, but who have been committed under sec- it in I694 from George Edkin esq.; the ferry from Gravesend
tions 14, I5 and I6 of the Industrial Schools Act of I866. to Tilbury and the site of the Town Hall, with the marke1;
There are six other branches in the united kingdom, and one place and Free school, being parcels of the manor.
at Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
The area of the borough and the population in I88I were

Milton Hall, the seat of George Matthews Arnold esq. J.P. as follows:-

is beautifully situate on an eminence ; the mansion, built Rateable Popu-
Land. Water. vam• e, lation.
by the present owner in I87S• is a handsome structure of red

brick, with stone facings in the Early English Domestic style, A. A. £

and includes a grand hall adorned with valuable pictures by Gravesend parish............s64 79 4S.ss6
I90 57.742
the old masters: 1he principal window is a bay of five lights Milton parish ...............636
enriched with stained glass, and ou the upper side is a gallery

leading to the oratory, all the windows of which are stained: Total Municipal borough ..........[Io3,298

in the grounds are two museums containing a good collection

of antiquities. The whole stands in a well wooded park of Part of Northfieet parish ............................ ..

xoo acres. On a stone tablet within the porch is the follow-

ing inscription:- Total of Parliamentary borough ........ .

Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.

POST, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, I44 :\Iilton road.
Postmaster, Charles Edward Palmer.

The office opens for the sale of stamps at 7 a. m. ; closes IO p.m. ; sundays 7 a.m. to 9 a. m. Telegrams, 7 a.m. to 10

p.m.; sundays 7 to IO a.m. ; afternoon at the office, Terrace pier. Money order & savings bank 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Callers 7 & 9.30 a.m. & 2.30 & 5·45 p.m.



-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M.

( 5 30 *I 0 2 45 S 30 80 9 3° 5 3°

I (a) 4o * * (a)
6 30
General Office................................................ · *(d) 6 30
(b) 4 30 (b)

9 30 (e) p .llf.

(c) 5 o I2 0 90

----------------------------------------·----- (.f) (.q)

A.M. A. M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M, P.M.

Overcliffe..................... ........................W.B. 85 11 40 I 40 4 40 6 40 90 7 50
Rosherville ·••·····································~··P.B. 85 II 40 I 40 6 40
Pelham road ................................. ....... P.B. II SO I SO 4 4so0 6 so 90 7 50
8 IS 8 50 80
Railway Station (S.E.) ...........................W.B. II 55 I 55 4 6 55
8 20 8 so 85
NEW ROAD Receiving Office, M. 0. 0., S. B. & 4 55

soAnnuity & Insurance Office ............................. . 8 2S I2 0 7 0 9 0 8 IO


Terrace pier (W.B.) & Telegraph Office........... . 8 30 I2 IS 2 IS 5 IS 7 I5 9 25 8 20
'\\rest street ...........................................W. B. 8 40 I2 20 2 20 7 20 9 30 8 2S
5 20
HIGH STREET Receiving Office, M. 0. 0., S. B. &

Annuity & Insurance Office ............................. . 8 45 I2 25 2 2S s 2S 7 25 9 30 8 30
High street............................................ P.B. 8 4S I2 2S 2 25 9 30 8 30
5 25 7 25
DENTON Receiving Office, M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity A. M.

& Insurance Office .......................................... . 80 11 30 I 30 4 3° 6 30 8 30 7 3<>
St. John's road ......................... .............P.B. II 40 I 40 6 40 8 40
Canal ................................................W.B. 85 4 40 7 40
Milton road..........................................W.B. II 4S I 45 6 45 8 4S
8 IO I 50 4 45 6 so 8 50 7 45
8 IS li so 7 50
2 IO s 10 7 IO 9 IO 8 IO
Woodville gardens.................................W.B. 8 30 12 IO

WROTHAM ROAD Receiving Office, M. 0. 0., S. B.

& Annuity & Insurance Office ........................... 8 30 12 IO 2 IO 5 IO 7 IO 9 IO 8 I().
ss 9 I5
Windmill street .....................................W .B. 8 30 12 15 2 15 15 7 15 8 I.),
I2 20 7 20 9 20
Old road .............................................W.B. 8 40 2 20 20 8 20

Whitehill road ..................................... W.B. 8 4S I2 25 2 25 5 25 7 25 9 25 8 25
I2 30 2 30 7 30 8 30
soShrubbery road .....................................W. B. 8 2 30 s 3° 7 30 9 3° 8 30
soParrock street .................................... W .B. 8 I_2 30 9 30
5 3°
A. M.
PERRY STREET Receiving Office........................ 8 45 ...I 30 7 30 ...... IO 45
IO 45 ...I 30 7 30 10 45
Old Dover road ........................... .........P.B. 8 4sSo 7 35
Kent road .................................. .........P.B. so10 4S I 35
8 ... ---.-..--- IO SO
--------------~~----~~~~~~------- IO

*Posting IS minutes later on payment of one half-penny extra.

A. Dispatch to London & all parts. . (d) For London & all parts & Dartford.

(a) For Northfieet & ISt Local Rural Post. (General (e) For Chatham, Maidstone & Rochester.

Office only) (f) :For Northfieet.

(b) For 7 a.m. Town delivery. (General Office only). D. For 6 p.m. Town delivery.

(c) For xo a.m. Town delivery. 2nd Local Rural Post E. Dispatch to London & all parts & East Kent.

& Northfleet. F. Dispatches to Chatham, Maidstone, Rochester, Sheer-

B. Dispatch to London & all parts, Chatham & Maidstone ness & Sittingbourne.

& Rochester. (g) Dispatch to London & all parts & Dartford.

C. For 3 p.m. Town delivery. , Parcels same as deliveries & dispatches.


Member of Parliament. Certified Bailiffs appointed under the Law of Distress

John Bazley-White esq. J.P.Gennings pk.Hunton,Maidstone; Amendment Act, Henry Edward Porter, 181 Parroelt
& Carlton, Junior Carlton & Wellington clubs, London s w
street; Robert Matthews, 3 Berkley crescent; J. T.
Returning Officer, The Mayor. Cooper, King street; J. H. Willoughby, King street; &

Corporation, 1889-90. Spain & Son, New road

Customs, W. H. Hinks, inspector of water guard; J. Doig,

MAYOR, John Hanks Cooper esq. surveyor; 0. A. Hughes, C. Wilson, E. Lovell & T. Rey-
RECORDER, Morton William Smith esq. nolds, examining officers ; W. M. Stone, commander of

ALDERMEN. Vigilant cruiser; J. Evans & H. Kelly, assistant examin-

ItNettlcingbamFredc.Beckley l tRussell John ing officers
General Docks Agent, James Louis Farrell, 7 Milton place
tTroughton Medhurst Albert tEdmonds George Hubert
t Wood George ;l:Berkowitz Henry & Terrace pier

Marked thus t retire in 1892. Gravesend Hospital, Bath street, James Henry Gramshaw
Marked t thus retire in 1896.
M.D. & R. Innes Nisbett, consulting surgeons; C. J. W.

COUNCILLORS. Pinching, 0. R. Richmond L.R.C.P.LOnd. & C. Firth M.D.

Gravesend Ward. Milton Ward. surgeons; George John Lucas L.D.S.R.C.s.Edin. dental

Retire I 8go. Retire :~8go. • surgeon; Sidney Woodhams I,.R.c.t>.Lond. house surgeon;

Erown John Willoughby Sandford William Rev. F. C. Naish, chaplain; Frederick Mitchell, hon,

Rose John Williams A. W sec. ; Harry Gould, collector

Champion T. R. S Cooper John Hanks Gravesend & Mi)J:.on Cemetery, Old road, Joseph Charles

:~8gx. x8gx. Wilks, superintendent

Layborn Thomas I Jury Edward Fire Brigade (Corporation), Town hall, George Berry, super.
Tolhurst Alfred intendent, & 12 men
Paine E. C · Butchard George
Lloyd's Corresponding Agent, Captain George Edwards
I Archer W. H
I x8g2. Bulmer, Parrock lodge, Parrock road
1892. Walker Frederick Ale:x: Masonie Lodges, Lodge Freedom, 77 ; Sympathy, 483;

Homewood W. J

Tull{ J. G. L Smith Tom Pegasus, 2,205; Gordon, 364; & Mark Masons held at
Penney Stephen the New Falcon hotel, 87 West street
I Wallis Edward
Ward Aldermen-Gravesend, John Russell; Milton, George Mercantile Marine Office for Seamen, 4 Whitehall place,

H. Edmonds William Henry Loft, superintendent

Mayor's Auditor, Councillor F. A. Walker Pilot Station, Terrace pier, Arthur Ronaldson, ruler of pilots

Elective Auditors, William Geo. Penman & John A. Stirton Pinnock's Almsbouses, King street

The Corporation & committees meet at Town Hall once Pubhc Hall, New road, 'fheophilus Smith, sec

a week or as case necessitates Registry of Seamen for the Royal :iaval Reserve, William

OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION & URBAN SANITARY Henry Loft, snpt. 4 Whitehall place
AUTHORITY. Sailors' Home (New Branch), Charles Mercer, supt. Com-

Town Clerk, Clerk of the Peace & Clerk to the Urban Sani- mercial place
tary Authority, Geo. Edwd. Sbarland, Court ho. King st Surrey & Commercial Dock Co.G.E.Bulmer, agt.Terrace pier-
Terrace Pier, Jesse Lukes, pier master
Deputy Town Clerk, Charles Ed. Hatten, Court ho. King st
Town Hall, High street
Treasurer, William John King, Berkley crescent GRAVESEND & MILTON UNION.
Medical Officer of Health, James H. Gramshaw M.D. 3
- Woodville terrace Board day, alternate tburs. at the Workhouse at xo a.m.
Coroner, William George Penman, 20 Harmer street The union comprises the parishes of Gravesend & Milton;
Public Analyst, J. H. Gramsbaw M.D. 3 Woodville terrace
Consulting Surveyor, John Gould, 194 Parrock street population in x881, 23,302; rateable value, £xo3,298
Acting Surveyor, William Gould, 50 Milton rd. & Town ball Clerk to the Guardians, William John King, 4 Berkley crts-
Sanitary Inspector, Arthur Henry Lukes, Town ball
Chief Constable, Billet Master, Inspector of Lodging Houses, cent, Gravesend
Treasurer, Frank B. Garrett, London & County Bank
Weights & Measures & under Contagious Diseases Relieving Officer & Collector to the Guardians for the
(.Animals) Act, Superintendent of Fire Brigade & Inspector
of Explosives, George Berry, Town hall, High street Union, Tilden Bourner, 26 Darnley street
Sergeant-at-Mace, Usher & Crier of Quarter Sessions, Arthur Vaccination Officer, George C. Hammond, 25 Harmer st
Henry Lukes, Town hall, High street Medical Officers, Gravesend district, James Henry Gram-
Town Crier, George Everitt, 27 Bentley street
sbaw M.D. 3 Woodville terrace; Milton district, Charles
Firth M.D. xg6 & 197 Parrock street
Public Vaccinator, Jas. Hy. Gramshaw M.D. 3 Woodvilleter
Superintendent Registrar, William John King, 4 Berkley

Borough Magistrates. crescent ; deputy, Arthur King, 2 Berkley crescent

THE MAYOR & THE Ex-MAYOR. Registrar of Births & Deaths, George C. Hammond, 25

Armstrong John, Green Street green Harmer street; deputy, Lewis Gilbert, 39 Parrock street

Berkowitz Henry, Tivoli house, 91 Windmill street Registrars of Marriages, John Gould, 194 Parrock street;

Bromley William, Fair view, West bill deputy, Wiiliam Gould, so Milton road & 'fown hall

Brown John Willougbby, Lynton house, Darnley road Workhouse, Trafalgar road, a building of brick, built in

Cooper John Thomas, 199 Parrock street x863, to hold 302 inmates; J. A. Whitfield, master; 0.

Edmonds George Hubert, Canterbury house, Whitebill road R. Richmond L.R.C.P.Lond. medical officer; Mrs. G.
Whitfield, matron
Fletcber William, Bycliffs
Gutteridge Matthew, 72 Windmill streets
Royal Artillery (Coast Brigade), No. 1:0 Battery, New Tavern
Huggins Henry, 3 Clarence place
fort, Gravesend, Captain J. McCaffery
Limbert James Alfred, Ravenscourt, Pelham road
Nettleingham Frederic Beckley, Beckley house, Overcliffe Royal Engineers' Office, Lieut.-Col. G. T. Plunkett. Fort
house, commanding R.E. ; Capt. J. Sutherway, musketry
Pinching Charles John, 5 The Terrace
88Jldford William, Tudor lodge, The Grove
Sankey Lieut.-Col. John Hart J.P. Lennox house, Overcliffe Milton Barrac"ks, Staff-Sergt. Rouney A.s.c. barrack master
Kent (1st) Artillery Volunteer Brigade, Eastern Division
Sta.rtup Charles J.P. 2 Argyle villas, Darnley ro:1d
Troughton Medhurst .Albert, 5 Percy villas, Kensington, Royal Artilliery (comprising 9 batteries), head quarters,
59 Windmill street, Col. Charles Pennell, commanding i
London s W-
R. J. Fynmore & R. H. Simpson, majors ; Capt. A. H.
Clerk, Edward White Bewley, 27 Harmer street
Borough Petty Sessions are held at the Town hall every Carter R.A. adjutant ; Capt. Thomas W. Attwaters,
quarter master; R. R. Brown, C. Arrol M. D. & Surgeon-
mon. wed. & fri. at JI a.m
Majo-r R. J. Bryden, surgeons; J. I. Boswell M.B. acting
Public Establishments. surgeon; Rev. C. E. Donne M.A. & Rev. F. A. Gardiner

Bethel & Institute for Sailors, 22 West street, John Tbos. M.A. acting chaplains; Gravesend batteries (Nos. 1 & 2),

Chapman, missionary Capt·. F. A. Walker, commanding

Borough Police Stat.ion, Town hall, George Berry, chief Public Officers.
constable ; 6 sergeants & 25 constables

Clifton Baths, Charles Andrew Lukes, proprietor Ce-rtifying Factory Surgeon, James Henry Gramshaw :M.D.

County Court, Court house, King street, His Honor 3 Woodville terrace

Homersham Cox, judge; G. E. Sharland & C. E. Batten, Clerk to Varchell's Charity, Chas. Rt. Gramshaw, 27 King st

registrars & acting high bailiffs; Thomas Ca~lton, sub~ Clerks to l'innock's Charity, Sharland & Hatten, 26 King st

bailiff. The court is held monthly; the. district inclu'.les Collector <>f Assessed Taxes, for Gral"esend, H. Gould, 55

Grayesend, Milton, Denton, Northfleet, Chalk, Cobham, Windmill street; for Milton, T. B. Winnett, 6 The Grove

!field, Luddesdown, Meopbam, Nursted &; Shorne, in Collectors of Poor's Rates, Gravesend district, Frank

Kent; & West Tilbury, Grays, West & Little Thurrock, Hitchens, 39 Windmill street ; Milton district, Thomas

Chadwell, Mucking & Purfl~t, in Essex B. Winnett, 6 Grove


Collector of Water Rate, M. F. Andrus, 13 Hutchinson place Charles Dorey, master; Miss Tuffield, mistress; Miss

& 2 Berkley crescent Halliday, infants' mistress

Excise Officer, James Roche, 86 Windmill street National & Free, King street, founded in :r58o, & as

Harbour Master, Richard Marsden, :r Whitehall place regards the free school, in I85o was re-endowed by Mr.

Sheriff's Officer, John Solomon, Marion, Old road David Varchell; the two schools being united in I835;

Supervisor of Inland Revenue, Rt. Barham, 65 Windmill st there are now about 30 boys on the foundation, of whom

Surgeon to H. M. Coast Guard, Charles John William 20 are clothed: 10 boys are also educated from a charity
left by James Fry; £2o from Varchell's charity is an-
Pinching, 76 New road

Vestry Clerk of Gravesend, William Newman, 8 Sinclair nually paid to the master; John Jones, master; Miss

villas, Darnley road E. Hollingum, mistress; Miss Adelaide Walker, infants~

Vestry Clerk of Milton, W. G. Penman, 20 Harmer street mistress

Christ Church National, Russell street, for 350 children;

Places of Worship, with times of Services:- average attendance, 125 boys, 95 girls & 70 infants;

St. George's Church, Gravesend, Rev. Robert Joynes M.A. William H. Havord, master; Miss Clara Keene, mistress;

rector; Rev. Peter Tivy Tomkins, curate; II a.m. & 3 & Miss Poynter, infants' mistress

6.30 p.m.; wed. II a.m St. James' National (boys, g1rls & infants), New road,

SS.l'eter & Paul Church, Milton, Rev. Richard Starr Jukes, erected in I855, on a site given by Lord Da.rnley, for 371

rector; Rev. J<'rederick Thomas Andrews A.K.C.L. curate; children; average attendance, I44 boys, 127 girls & 69

8 & n a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 11 a.m. & 8 p.m. ; infants; L. Rushbridge, master; Miss E. A. S. Law,

fri. II a. m mistress; Miss Baker, infants' mistress

Holy Trinity Church, Milton plac~, Rev. George Barr M.A. Holy Trinity Church Schools (mixed), Milton place, built

vicar; Rev. Albert Hill Mawson M. A. & Rev. Anton Tien in 1866 & enlarged I874, for 317 childr~n; average at-

l'h.D. curates; 8 & u a.m. & 3.30 & 6.30 p.m. ; 10 a.m. tendance, 285; James E. Pressley, master; Mrs. Mar-

daily garet Clement, mist. ; Miss E. M. A. Rowe, infants' mist

St. James' Church, New road, Rev. Augustine Br;ggs M.A. St. Andrew's Mission (infants), built in 1872, for 6o child-

vicar; Rev. Hippersley Herbert Stephens M.A. curate; ren; average attendance, 57; Miss Martha Burleigh,

n a.m. & 3.30 & 6.30 p.m. ; fri. 7 p.m mistress

Christ Church, Parrock street, Rev. Felix Augustus Marsh St. Peter & St. Paul's National (mixed), Milton, built in

M.A. vicar; Rev. J<'elix de Quincey Marsh M.A. curate; I859, for 160 children; average attendance, 124; Miss

9 & 11 a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m James, mistress

St. Andrew's Waterside Mission Church, Clergy of Holy Catholic, adjoining St. John's Church (mixed), built in 1858,

Trinity, Rev. George Barr 1\I.A. vicar; Rev. Anton Tien enlarged 1889, for 260 children; average attendance, 226;

Ph.D. & Rev. Horace Henry Walker B. A. curates; 8 alter- Sirters of Mercy, Milton road

nate & 11 a.m. & 3.30 & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 8 p.m Higher Grade, Kempthorne street, built in 1845, for 300

Thames Church Mission, Rev. William Ralph Gibson, chap- children; average attendance, 140 boys & I38 girls; R.A.

lain; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 8 p. m ll1·own, master ; Miss Meggs, mistress

Jews' f::!ynagogue, T1voli house, 9I Windmill street, Rev. l'rinces' SLreet Chapel British (infants), for So children.;

Henry Berkowitz average attendance, 6o; Mrs. Grieve, mistress
St. John the Evangelist Catholic, Milton road, Rev. Joseph I
ewspapers c.
Wvatt, priest; mass, 8.30 & 11 a.m. ; vespers, sermon &

benediction, 7 p.m. ; holtdays of obligation, mass, 8 & 10 Gravesend Free Press, 4A, Windmill street ; Thomas Hall,

a m.; vespers & benediction, 8 & 10.30 a. m. & 8 p.m.; proprietor; published saturday

thurs. devotions & benedictions, 8 p.m Gravesend & Dartford Reporter, 95 Edwin st.reet; Joseph

Presbyterian, The Grove, Rev. Martin Lewis B.A.; n a.m. Groocock & F. A. Mansfield, publishers; published satur-

& 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m day. See advertisement

Primitive Methodist, Darnley street, Rev. Nathan Haigh; Gravesend Journal, I King street; J. S. Caddel, proprietor;

10.45 a. m. & 6 p.m. ; tues. & fri. 7 p.m published friday

Baptist, Windmill street, Rev. Francis Tuck; 11 a.m. & Gravesend & Dartford Miscellany & Railway Guide, 4A•

6.30 p.m. ; mon. & wed. 7 p.m Windmill street; Thomas Hall, proprietor & publisher;

Baptist (Zoar), Peacock street, Rev. Frederick Shaw; I I published wednesday

a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon. wed. & fri. 7 p.m Conveyance.

Congregational, Clarence place, Rev. T. 1<'. Touzeau, minis- Omnibus to Meopham Green, mon. wed. fri. & sat. at I. 15

ter; n a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m p.m. from Mrs. Houghton's, Stone street
Congregational, Princes street, Rev, William Tucker, minis-

ter; 10.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon. & tues. 7 p.m Railway ~tations.

Wesleyan, Milton road, Rev. Samuel Rogers Williams, North Kent, Stone street, Charles Hart, station master
minister; 10.45 a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; fri. 7 p.m
London, Tilbury & Southend (by steam ferry from Town

Schools. pier), M. Ansell, station master Holt
London, Chatham & Dover, West street, Thomas
The School Board of 9 members was formed in 1875 for
Grav-esend & Deuton; G. C. Hammoud, clerk, 27 King Shephard, station master
street; William Odell, 66 Wrotham road, attendance Tram cars run at frequent intervals to Northfleet
officer; Francis Sopp, Church street & Daniel Mobbs, 29
Water Conveyance.

Raphael road, assistant attendance officers LONDON.-Steam packets from the West street & Rosher~

Gravesend United District Board School, built 1876, Church ville piers in the summer months

street, erected at a cost of £7,000, for 6oo children; MARGATE&RAMSGATE.-FromTilburydailyduringsummer

average attendance, I52 boys, 142 girls & 155 infants; SHEERNESS & SOUTHESD.-Steam packets from London

John James Miles, master; Miss Neate, mistress; Miss bridge call at Ro3herville pier & West tltraet pier daily

IR. E. Mason, infants' mistress during the summer

Children's Home Certified Industrial (for 160 boys), Parrock London & Gravesend Steam Trader (Beresford & Co.

hall, Milton; Rev. T. B. Stephemon LL.D. principal, owners & G. Masters & Co. managers),West street, leaves

Bonner road, London E; Henry Tyson, governor 1 St.Olave's wharf, Tooley street1London, every tues. tburs.

Milton Board ::lchool, built in 1884, for 470 children; ; & sat. returning from wharf, West street every mon.

average attendance, I85 boys, 150 girls & Ioo infants ; t wed. & fri

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Andrews Rev.FrederickThomas A.K.C.L. Arnold Bernard, 25 Lacey terrace

Ackworth William, 49 Darnley street [curate of SS. Peter & Paul, Milton], ArnoldGeorgeMatthews J.P.Miltonhall

Ackworth William ueorge, 2 Ulembah Lambton, Old road Arnold John Frost, 42 The Grove

villas, Old road Andrews Mrs. 2 Clifton Marine parade AsplinFrancis,7Sinclair vils.Darnley rd

Acworth Mrs. 14 Clarence place Andrews Mrs. I2 Prospect place Austin Henry, Vine cottage, Old .::!un rd

Adcock Robert, 135 Windmill street Angilbert Mrs. 41 Cobham street Avenell Charles Henry, .Bycullah, Old

Adlington Jonathan, 130 Windmill st AnsteadWinsor,Claremont ho.Overcliffe road

Ainger Alfred, 4 Riverside villas, Canal Austed James, 2 Pelham road Bailq Geo. Ferndale, Up. Wrotham rd

Ainley Miss, 189 Parrock street Apps Hy. Wm.2 Sinclair vils.Darnley rd Baker Charles Thomas, 6 St. Andrew's,.

Aldridge Richard, 116 Milton road Apps Miss, 48 Cobham street Singlewell road

Algar Thomas, I08 Windmill hill Arathoon Lieut.-Col. Robert Lewis, Baker lsaac, 69 Edwin street

AlleiLEdmund, Stanleigh villa, Upper Parrock manor Baker Mrs. 1 Burnaby vls.Singlewell r<L

Wrotham road Archer Mrs. 4 Park villas, Parrock rd Baldwin Mrs. 13 Darnley road

AllisonWm.Ambrose,Florence vl.Old rd Archer William Archer, 8I Parrock st llarfield Capt. William, 9 Darnley sli

Ambler Miss, .Brunswick ho, West hill Archibald Lewis, IS Primrose terrace, Barlow John, 31 Cobham street

Andrew George, 39 The Terrace Shrubbery road Barlow John Kennedy,8 Cobham street>

Andrews George, 52 Windmill street Arlidge Henry William, 40 Windmill st [ Barlow William, Maryla.nds, Pelham rd


Barnaschina Anthony, Gordon villa, Chapman Thomas Terry, 139 Milton rd Edmonds George Hubert, Canterbury
Chattield William, I2 Primrose terrace, house, White Hill road
White Hill road
Edwards Samuel, 30 South Hill road
Barr Rev. George H.A. [vicar of Holy Shrubbery road
Elliott Charles, 26 South Hill road
Trinity with St. Andrews],34TheGro Child Mrs. ss Windmill street
:Bartlett Daniel, I42 Windmill street Chittenden A.lfred W!lliam,2 Rose villa Elliott John, Leyland croft, Old road
Elliott Mrs. 13 Park place, Milton road
Bateman George, 24 Damley street White Hill road

Bazett Mrs. 8 Darnley road Church Wm. r8 Lacey ter. Clarence pl Elliott Thomas, St. John's lodge, Upper

Bennett William Edward, Fair Holm, Clark James, Myrtle villa, Wrotham rd Wrotham road
Clark Mrs. 2 Madras viis. White Hill rd Ellis Mrs. I32 Windmill street
Wrotham road
BensonGeo. Rd.6Merston vls.Damley rd Clarke Charles, Clifton Marine parade Ellis 0. L: 86 Parrock street
.Berkley Francis, Henry villa, Old road Clarke James Edmund, Myrtle villa, Elsden Herbt.Frost,Sunnydene,Park rd
Emmett Mrs. ISI Windmill street
Berkowitz Rev. Henry [Jewish], Tivoli Wrotham road
Enfield Alfred,Kempthorne villa,Kemp~
house, 9I Windmill street Clarke Mrs. 55 Parrock street

Bevan Matthew, 47 Windmill street Clarke Mrs. 8 Stuart road thorne street

Bevan Matthew Henry, 2A, Darnley rd Clegg Mrs. ux Milton road • Enticknap James, Lorraine, Old road

Beveridge James, 4 Kent road Clements Mrs.2Wolseley ter.Pelham rd Essex William, 3 Pelham road ·

Bewley Edward White, 27 Harmer st Clemitson Miss, 54 Cobham street Everden Mrs. 27 Peacock street

Biggs Mrs. I22 Windmill street Clinch Frederick J oseph, I Cobham st Everett William, I Elmsley viis. Old rd

Bill Edward Walker, 6 Wrotham road Clinch George, I Gladstone vls. West hl Eves Mrs. Il.l8 Wellington street

Bird James, 2 Darnley road Clunne Mrs. 68 Milton road Fairey Richard, 19 Darnley road

Bird Miss, 114 Wrotbam road CobhamChas.The Shrubbry. Shrbbry.rd Farrell James L. 1 Milton place
Cobham George Radcliffe, 3 Edwin st Faulkner Edwin Erasmus Robert, 5
Birt James, 8I Singlewell road

Blackman Mrs. 22 Damley road Cole Mrs. 4I Peacock street Wrotham road

Blencowe Clement, 23 South Hill road Cole Mrs. xo Prospect grove FenneyGeo. Hollycot. Up. Wrothamrd

BlinnHerbert,Dorset villa, WhiteHill rd Cole Wm. Grosvenor ho. Windmill hill Field l<'rederick, 5 The Grove

Blinn John, 2 Portland villas, West hill Coles Mrs. x Prince villas, Pelham road Firman Mrs. St. Heliers, Old road

Blow William, 2 Clarence place Conder Miss E. M. Mount college, Firth Charles M.D. I96 Parrock street

Blyth Col. David, IO Kent road Parrock road Fisher Edward Pashley, Wharfdale.

Bobbitt Mrs. 9 Stuart road Connor Capt. Timothy, u Kent road Pelhamroad

Bond Alfred, 4 The Grove Conrad Clement,Paraparap,Portland rd Fisher Miss, 20 Albion road

Boorman Albert, I Io Peacock street Constable Mrs. 4 Cambrian grove Fletcher Elliott, 36 Cobham street

Boorman Ernest, I7 The Grove Constant Chal'les, I4 Darnley street Fleteher Howard, 10 Darnley street

Boorman Frederick William, 9 Wood- Cook Mrs. Ebury lodge, Singlewell rd l<'letcher Mrs. 8 Woodville terrace

ville terrace, Wrotham road Coomber Edmund, Fern cottage, Upper Fletcher William, Bycliffes

Boorman William, 3 The Grove Wrotham road Flight Mrs. 44 Cobham street

Born Henry John, 2 Kent road Coombes Wm. Arthur villa, Overcliffe Flynn Mrs. II7 Windmill street

Bourne Miss, III Windmill street Cooper John George, 5 Peacock street Foley James, 55 Milton road

Bowyer Mrs. 6o Milton road Cooper John Hanks, I95 Parrock street I<'oley Mrs. 44 Windmill street

Box Edward, 4 Merston viis. Darnley rd Cooper John Thomas, I99 Parrock st Fooks Edward John, Hill side, Old rd ·

Box William, I8o Parrock street Cooper Miss, 149 Windmill street I<'ooks Octavius E. Westcroft, Pelhamrd

.Brackpool Hy. 2Merston viis. Darnley rd Cooper Orlton, I Portland vils. West hl Ford Mrs. 9S Wrotham road

Bradley Chas. IArgyll vils. White Hill rd Copeland Mrs. I Caroline vils. Overcliffe Forss Henry, 23 Cobham street

Braine John, I23 Milton road Copelin James, I3 Kent road Forster Mrs. 2 St. James' road

Bray Philip, 3 Prospect grove CouchmanGeo.J.efevere, 12Wrotham rd I<'othergill Miss, r4 Milton place

Briggs Rev. Augustine M.A. [vicar of Courtney Miss, 2 Park vils. Parrock rd Fowle Arthur, 88 Windmill street

St. James], 3 Caroline vils.Overcliffe Cove James, 22 Cobham street Fowle Richard, 124 Windmill street

Brightman Mrs. n6 Wrotham road Cressy Mrs. 70 Windmill street Fox James, Oban lodge, Old road

Bromley William, Fairview, West hill Croft James, I45 Windmill street Freeman Miss, 11 Woodville terrace

Brookes Mrs. 36 Windmill street Crofts Robert, The Fuchsias, Darnley rd French Mrs. I Talbut villas, Old road

.Broom Henry Charles, 66 Windmill st Crook Chas. 3 Wolseley ter. Pelham rd Friday WiUiam, 29 Cobham street

Brown Rev. James !.I.A. I2 Cobham st Crook l<'ras. W. The Ferns, Overcliffe Fullagar Miss, 99 Wrotham road

Brown Henry, I St. James' road Oruden Miss, x6 Milton place Fuller George, 72 Parrock street

Brown John Willonghby,Lynton house, Cullingford Edward, 93 Parrock street Fulljames Herbert. 66 Bath street

Darnley road Cundell Albert, 9 Peacock street Fulljames James, 42 Cobham street

Brown Mrs. I4 The Grove Cnnningham Mrs. 13 Clarence place Galdie Mrs. 77 Parrock street

Brown Mrs. S. The Mount, Constitu- Curtis Mrs. 2 Sunnyside, West hill Gardner James, II5 Wrotham road

tion hill Daines Mrs. 22 Park place Gardner Mrs. 94 Edwin street

Brown Timothy, 20 Darnley road Daniels Mrs. So Wellington street Garn Mrs. 9 East terrace

Brownfield Charles, 36 Harmer street Darling Mrs. iS Albion terrace Garrett Frank B. Bank bldgs. High st

Brownsee James, I2 Prospect grove Davidge William, x Madras villas, Gates Richard, I6 Darnley street

Bryant Edward, Rose villa, Old road White Hill road Geere John Everard, Stangrove villa.

Bryden Richard J oseph, 2I Harmer st Davidson William, 33 Cobbam street Portland road

Buckle Henry Rogers, 57 Parrock st Davies Mrs. 21 Albion road Gibbons Chas. P. 3 Clifton Marine par

Buckle Mrs. xsx Wellington street DaviesMrs.Stanley cot. Up. Wrotham rd Gibbons Miss, The Limes, Overcliffe

Buley John, so Darnley street Davies William, I Sunnyside, West hill Gibbons Mrs. 3 Echo villas, Old road

Bullock John, 52 Darnley street Davis Mrs. Elmdale, Old road Gibbs Charles, Addison villa, Kent rd

Bundy Mrs. 14 Cambrian grove Dawson Frederick Groombridge, Dun- Gibson Rev. William Ralph [chaplain

Burgess John, 46 Milton road ton house, Old road to the Thames Church Mission], 43

Burleigh Mrs. 24 Harmer street Dean George Alfred, 59 Milton road Darnley road

Buries Mrs. 56 Milton road Deverson Alfred, 146 Windmill street Gibson Miss, 2 Danmark villas, Old rd

Burrows George, I I9 Wrotham road Dew John, 36 Wellington street Gipps Mrs. 39 Cobham street

BusbridgeWm. xSunbury vis. Damley rd Dinn Alfred George, 27 Clarence place Glen Geo. 3 St. Andrew's, Singlewell rd.

Busby Miss, I3 The Grove DinnFdk.Harrison,4Arthur vls.Kent rd Glue Miss, 67 Edwin street

Busby Thomas, Woodgates, Old road Dismorr Jas.S. Stewart ho. Wrotham rd Goater George, 37 South Hill road

Butchard Alex. Thompson,I20 Milton rd Dismorr John Stewart, Hillcrest lodge, Goddard Mrs. 128 Windmill street

Butchard George, Ellerslie, Milton rd West hill Goldsmith Edwd. Jas. Amoy cot. Old rd

.Bntchard John, 32 The Grove Dixon Edward, I Albert villas, Old rd Goldsmith Miss, 8 Lordship villas,

Byrne Thomas, 40 Cobham street Dobbin Rev. Orlando, 43 Windmill st Darnley road

Carpenter William, 21 Cobham street Doherty Octavius, Lansdowne, West hi Goodbarne Miss, 85 Windmill street
GoodmanMrs.Alderney vl. Singlewell rd.
Carter Arthur, 94 Peacock street Donovan Mrs. 49 Peacock street

Carter John Desire, 12 Clarence place Doughty Hemy, 87 Windmill street Gordon Miss, 5 Merston vis. Darnley rd

Cary Fras. J. Stanbrook vil. Overcliffe Dowson Mrs. 40 Darnley road Gosling Alfred, Parrock lea, Old road

Caswell William, Wee cottage, Old road Drawbridge Chas.Parker,4 Wrotham rd Gould Mrs. 64 Windmill street

Catchpool Miss, 2S Cobham street Drayson William,3Park vils.Parrock rd Grainger Robert, 104 Peacock street

ChadwickChas. SouthHl. bnk. Parrock rd Drury Mrs. 85 Parrock street Gramshaw Charles Robt. 45 The Grove

Chadwick Louis, 103 Windmill street Dry John, Fern leigh, Pelham road Gramshaw Jas.Hy. M.D. 3 Woodvilleter

Chambers Miss, qo Windmill street Drysdale John J.Belleville, White Hill rd Green Charles R. 11 Primrose terrace,

Champion Thomas Robert Sloane, 2 Dunch Charles, 3 Cobham street Shrubbery road' ;

A"rthur villas, Kent road Dunn Charles Alfred, Old road Gregory George Ifenry, 4 Cobham st

Chandler Samuel,Briscoe ldg. Lennox rd Dunstall James, 43 Cobham street Greig Morland Jn.Milton grange, Old rd

Chapman Mrs. Compton ho. Overcliffe Eagleton Hy. Augustns,I39Windmill st Griggs Mrs. 2 St. Andrew's, Singlewell

ChapmanMrs. 36 The Grove Eastwood Charles, 8 Tlie Grove road


(Troocock Arthnr Joseph, I6 Wolseley LarndenGeo.Ralph,12Park pi. Milton rd North Miss, 34 Darnley road

terrace, Pelham road Larrad J ames, 75 Singlewell road Nnon Miss, II Merston villas, Damley rd

Gnnn Miss, IO Lordship viis. Darnleyrd Lawley Charles, 14 Albion road Oates Miss,4 Sunbury villas, Darnley rd

Gurr Miss, 57 Windmill street Leeds John, 34 Windmill street Ongley George, 32 Cobham street

Gutteridge Matthew, 72 Windmill st Leveridge Mrs. Leinster ho. Overclifte Osborn Miss, 9I Wellington street

Haigh Rev. Nathan [Primitive Metho- Lewis Rev. Martin B.A. [Presbyterian], Overton Frederick 'fracey Edwards, 1

dist], 54 Darnley street Elms, Glen view Christchurch road

Bales James, Hartlip villa, Park road Lewis James, 138 Windmill street Page Richard, I7 Primrose terrace

Ball Henry, Selwood, Overcliffe LimbertJas.Alfd.Ravenscroft,Pelhm.rd Page Robert, 52 Milton road

Hallsey Daniel, 5 Waterloo street • Lindsay Mrs. 2 Primrose terrace, Paine Oharles Frederick, 48 Peacock st

Hallsey George, 17 Queen street Shrubbery road Paine Miss, 2 Park place

Bammond Edwin Wm. I9 The Grove Little Henry, Park cot. South Hill rd Pallister Blades, 45 Windmill st.reet

Batten Chas.Edwd.Rosemount,West hl Little Mrs. 10 Milton road Panton Mrs. 45 Cobham street

Hawker William, 6 Woodville terrace Loft Thomas James, 6 Darnley street Parker Alfred Edward, 56 Parrock st

Haynes George, The Hollies, Darnley rd Loveday Mrs. I48 Windmill street · Parker Frank, I Argyle viis. Darnley rd

Heathorne Miss, Herschel villa, Upper Lovell Edward, 4 Darnley road Parrett Mrs. 29 Darnley street

Wrotbam road Lucas George John, 2 Cobham street Parsons Henry, Wood Dale, Park road

Hellberg Theodore, Katoomba, Port- Lukin George Byng, 23 Darnley street Patience William Geo. I02 Wrotham rd

land road McCaffery Capt. Joseph R.A. 7 Wood- Patterson Capt. George, 2 Queen villas

Henderson John Henry, 3 Bronte ville terrace Payne George, 28 Albion road

villas, Parrock road Macdonogh Jas. Douglas, 51 Parrock st Payne George, Banchory, Parrock rd

Heuderson Mrs. 21 East terrace Mackley Joseph, 32 Bath street Pearce Geo.g Lordship villas,Darnley rd

Henry Alex. Irene villa, Singlewell rd Mackley Mrs. 137 Windmill street Pearce Mrs. 141 Windmill street

Heygate Thomas Reginald, r6 High st McKown William Edward,Alwyne villa, Pearson Miss, 36 The Terrace

Hicks William, 144 Parrock street Portland road Pearson Mrs. 35 Darnley street

Higgs Thomas, Grove ho. White Hill rd Malbey Joseph Mussellbrook Hogge, Peat George, Darenth lo. Singlewell rd

Hilder Edward, 17 Park pl. M1lton rd Fairlight villa, White Hill road Peete Mrs. 97 Wrotham road

Hill John, 4 Wolseley ter. Pelham road Mansfield Frederick Andrew, Beau- Peirson William, 2 Albert villas, Old rd

Hill Mrs. ro Cobham street champ villa, Pelham road Penman William George, 82 Parrock st

Hill Mrs. Parrock villa, Old road Marsh Rev. Felix Augustus M.A. [vicar Penniall Mrs. 35 South Hill road
of Christ Churchl, Ventnor cot. Old rd Perry Mrs. 29 Windmill street
Bills Miss, 2 Darnley street

Bilton Edwin Charles, 2 Grove villas, MarshRev.FelixdeQuinceyM.A.[curate PeiTyRobert, I7 Darnley road

' Wrotham road of Christ Church], 57 Windmill st Philco:x: Miss, I29 Windmill street

Hingston Capt. Clayton William James, Marshall Mrs. 34 Peacock street Phillips Henry Astley, 39 The Terrace

so~ 18 Cobham street Martin Edward Munns, Rosewood cot- Phillips Miss, u Albion road

Binwood Charles James, Cobham st · ta~e, Upper Wrotham road PhillipsMrs. I St.Andrew's,Singlewell rd

Hockley Edward Robt. rg8 Parrock st Martin Frederick Wm. I2 Darnley road Pick William, 5 Darnley terrace

Hodge William Henry, 46 Windmill st Martin Henry William, r8 Windmill st PiesseGeo.Augu.stus,Victor lo.OldSnn rd

llodson Mrs. 23 Peacock street Martin Mrs. I I Darnley road Pinching Charles John, 5 The Terrace

Holland Miss, 12 Peacock street Martin Mrs. 31 The Terrace Pinching Charles John Wm. 76 New rd

Bollingum John, 75 Peacock stre3t Martin Thomas, 79 Parrock street Pinero Mrs. Echo lodge, Parrock road

Hollingum Miss, 76 Peacock street Martyn Miss, 38 Harmer street Pink William Isaac, Somerville, Old rd

Hollingum Thomas, 30 Cobham street Mason Mrs. I3 Albion terrace Pitman Capt. Robt. R.N. West Hill ho

Bollingum William Jsph. 72 Peacock st Mason Mrs. Preston house, Pelham rd Pitman John Frederick, 33 Windmill st

Bolmes Marriott Preston, x Rose vilJa, Massey Thomas, Rose bank, Parrock rd Porter Hy. Edwd. Eddie vi!. Kent road

White Bill road Masters George, 38 Darnley road PorterHorace.Aug.Hawardenvil.Kentrd

Bolton Miss, ror Windmill street Matthews George, 10 Wrotham road Porter Joseph, 20 Prospect grove

Homewood Wilfrid Jas. 13 Harmer st Matthews Mrs. I Pelham road Porter Mrs. 22 Prospect grove

Bomewood William Jsph. 13 Harmer st Mawson Rev. Albert Hill M.A. [curate Posgate Jas. Tate, Acacia vil.Darnley rd

Booper Mrs. 13 Wrotham road of Holy Trinity], 24 Harmer street Posgate Mrs.s Sunbury viis. Darnley rd

'!Hopper Charles, 21 Peacock street May Mrs. 28 Wellington street Posgate Richard, IS Park pl. Milton rd

Howard J ames, 5 Clifton Marine parade May Mrs. 30 Windmill street" . Poynter Mrs. 69 Parrock street

Howling John, 5 Portland vls. West hill Meadmore Charles, I South Hill road Prescott Dep.Surg.-Gen. Albert Stanley

Hudson George, I03 Wrotham road Mee Mrs. 10 East terrace Knight, 38 Harmer street

linggins Arthur, 25 Park place MeyerGeo.Bolwell,Marlowho.Overcliffe Prevost Jas.Geo.4 Portland vils. West hl

Huggins Henry, 3 Clarence place Millen Alphonso Canney, Carlisle villa, Price John Moore, 4I Darnley road

Hnghes Thomas, 54 Windmill street Singlewell road Prior Charles, 21 Prospect grove

Hunter William Henry, 7 Clarence pl Milligan Antony, 5 Sinclair villas Probert Mrs. 163 Parrock street

Hurrell Mrs. 51 Milton road Mitchell Frederick, 48 Windmill street Proctor Rev. William Addy M..A. II3

Inwood James, I Constitution crescent Monk Miss, 103 Wellington street Wrotham road

Ives Mrs. I8 Harmer street Moore George,· 3A, Darnley road Pryce Fredk. Heath cottage, Sheppy pl

lackson Josiah, Elmhurst, Pelham rd Moore Mrs. 46 Peacock street Pryor Mrs. I White Hill road

Jackson Thomas, 134 Wellington street Morgan Mrs. Hope villa, Old road Puttick John, Surrey vi!. St. James' rd

.Jeffreyson William, 26 Park place Morris Isaac, The Ash, Overcliffe Quinn Mrs. 66 Peacock street

Jenkins Alfred, IGrove vils.Wrotham rd Morris Owen, 32 South Hill road Rackham Charles, 2 Constitution hill

Jewell Mrs. Stuart house, Overcliffe Morris Thos. 1Camden vils. White Hill rd RackstrawJos.6 Sinclair vils.Darnley rd

Johnson Isaac. Charles J.P. Mayfield Morsley Richard, n Brandon street Raine Mrs. 13 Prospect place

! house, Pelham road Mortimore Mrs. 7 Prospect grove Ramsey Henry, 6 Cambrian grove

Johnson Mrs. I9 Albion road Moss Misses, El Nido, Pelham road · Ray Mrs. 5 Lordship villas, Darnley rd

Johnson Mrs. I36 Milton road Moss Robert, I2 Darnley street RaynerAdolphs.Chas.2Constitutioncres

Jones John, I8 Edwin street Mott Edward, 7 Peacock street ReesGeorge,Woodbinecot.WhiteHillrd.

Jones Mrs. 1 Beresford vls. Singlewell rd Mudd Mrs. 8 Albion rQad Relph Mrs. 143 Milton road

Jones Mrs. Glan-Conway, Old road Mullender Mrs. 43 The Grove Richards Edwin Henry, Gordon villa,

Joynes Rev. Robert M.A. [rector of St. Mulley William, 3 Park place, Milton rd Singlewell road

George's], I09 Windmill street Multon James, The Dell, Old road RichmondOnslw.Rt.TheGrnge.Pelhm.rd

Judd James, 2 Portland rd. Wrotham rd Naish Rev. Fra.ncis Clement [vicar- Ricketts Edmonds, 14 Kent road

Jukes Rev. Richard Starr [rector of SS. designate of Tilbury,Essex],9 The Ter Rider Mrs. 48 Harmer street

· Peter & Paul, Milton],Rectory,Milton Naylor George, x6 Darnley road Rigden Thomas, I Kent road
soKeeling Mrs. 17 Windmill street Riome Henry, I4 Parrock street
Neale Miss, Windmill street

Kelly Mrs. I4 Wellington street NettleinghamFc.B. Beckley ho.Overcliffe Rising Misses, I Arthur villas, Kent rd

Kennett Mrs. 121 Windmill street Newbon Mrs. 119 Windmill street Ritchie Mrs. 24 South Hill road

Kent Dudley, 25 Darnley street NewcombHy,Thos.Clydesdale,Glenview Rivers Mrs. 7 Kent road

King George Thos. 13 Prospect grove Newman Clements Jn. 59 Wellington st Road Mrs. 5 Kent road

KingWilliam Charles G. 25 Cobbam st Newman George, I37 Milton road Robbins Wm.S.3 Portland viis. West hill
King William J ohn,2 1\Ierton vils, Old rd Newman John, 3 Darnley terrace
Robbs Charles Edward B.A.,. M.B. 116

Knight Edward, Ingleside, Pelham rd Newton William, 22 Peacock street Windmill street

KnightGeo.H.Davenport ldg.Pelham rd Nice Wm. I Myrtle villas, Darnley road Robins James, 51 Darnley street

Knight William, Ingleside, Pelham rd Nicoll Capt. Edwin, St. Andrew's villa, Robinson Mrs. 2 Myrtle villas, Darley rd John, 2 Woodville ter'l'ace Park road Roeber Oscar Julius,8 Park pl.Milton rd

Lake Mrs. 1.5 Albion road Nisbett Rt.James, The Eagles,Overcliffe Rolls Edward John, Athol ho. Overcliffe

lLangton William, Grove cottage,Clifton Noble James, I Pa.rk villas, Parrock rd Ronaldson Arthr. Norfolk vil. Overcliffe

Marine parade :Norrice Hubert Percy, 29 Clarence pl Rose Alfred Wilson, 6 Kent road


Ross Joseph John, Douglas villa, Old rd Solomon John, Marion, Old road Venables Mrs. 15 Peacock street

R<>ss Richard Varney, 32 Albion road Solomon Mrs. I Torquay villas, Old rd Venn Mrs. 2 Melbourne villas, Old road

Rossiter Jn. Melhuish, 107 Wrotham rd Southall Edwd.St. John's vil.Old Sun rd Venn William, Devon villa, Portland rd

:Rotherham Cooper Alexander, 1 Queen Southall Mrs. 48 Shrubbery road Wait Waiter, Amelia cottage, Old road

villas, Pelham road Southgate Hy. Granville ho. Overcliffe Wakefield Geo. I Clifton Marine parade

Rowe Joshua L.Fair view, White Hill rd Spain HarryAlfred,Norwood,Pelham rd Walker Rev. Horace Henry B.A. [curat&

Roxberry Mrs. I I I Wrotham road Spain Mrs. 83 Parrock street of Holy Trinity & St.Andrew'sWater-

Ruddle Henry John, 25 Wft1dmill street Spain Mrs. Alfred, Florence vl.Pelham rd side mission], 24 Harmer street

Rundall Frederick, 5 Clarence place Spencer Mrs. 18 Wrotham road Walker Edwd. Lifely ldg. White Hill rd

Russell John, Glenthorne, Old road Spicer Geo. Jn. Westbourne ho.West hl Walker Fredk.Alex. 16Park pLMilton rd

Russell John, jun. Cliveden, Pelham rd Spiers Mrs. 30 Peacock street Walker Mrs.Alex.Adisham ho.Pelbm.rd

Russell William, Bedford, Darnley road Stacey Frederick Charles, II Albion ter Wallace Edward James, 35 Cobham st

Ryan James Cornelios, 114 Milton road Standish Charles, 4 Prospect grove Waller William, 63 Milton road

Sabiston Capt. William, Ravensworth Stanton Miss, 89 Parrock street Wallis Edward, I Melbourne vls. Old rd

villa, Overcliffe Starbuck John, 39 Darnley road Wallis John Rodny, II2 Milton road

Salter William Pike, 66 Milton road StarbuckJn.Rt.rSinclair vls.Darnley rd Wallis William Emmerson,5 Darnleyrd

Sanders Misf!, Summer bank, West hill Startup Chas.J.P.2Argyll vls Darnley rd Walls John, r Portland road

Sandford Edwd. Augustus, 8o Edwin st Stedman George, 39 Wellington street Waple11 William Geo. 2 Echo vls. Old rd

Sandford Horatio, Tudor ldg. The Grove Stephens Rev. Hippersley Herbert 1\I.A. Ward Miss, 7 The Grove

Sandford Wm. Tudor lodg-e, The Grove [curate of St. J ames'], 54 Cobham st Ward Miss, I44 Windmill street

Sankey Lieut.-Col. John HartJ.P. Len- Stevens James Ebenezer, 15 The Grove Wardell John Andrews, 6 Darnley ter

nox house, Overcliffe Strange George, 39 South Hill road Waterman Jas. I !field vls. White Hill rd

Saunders Mrs. Jireh villa, Old Sun rd Strickland Mrs. 6o Peacock street Wates Miss, 4I Wrotham road

Scholes Miss, 36 Peacock street Sturips Arthur, 3 St. James' road Watess George, 6I Bath street

Schultz Thos. 1 Ulembah villas, Old rd Surridge Miss, Mavis bank, Parrock rd Webb Miss, 8 Wrotham road

Scott Edmund, 28 Darnley road Swain Miss, 42 Wellington street Webb Mrs. Stafford villa, Wrotham rd

Scott Miss, 95 Parrock street Swaisland John, 134 Windmill street Wt>bster Edwin, 43 Overcliffe

Scott Mrs. 8I Windmill street Swann John, 23 Prospect place Weedon Charles, 14 Harmer street

Seager Mrs. 33 The Grove Swann Jsph. 8 Wolseley ter. Pelham rd Welch Robert Ryder, 47 Cobham street

Sharland George Edward, The Laurels, SwetLenham Mrs. 22 Milton place Wheeldon Richard, 8 Berk.eley crescent

White Hill road Tanner Thos. The Hollies, Lennox road Whiddett Mrs. 26 Wellington street

Shaw Rev. Fredk. [Baptist], 12 Kent rd Taylor Mrs. 32 Darnley road Whitaker Mrs. I 50 Windmill street
Sheppard Edward, 3I South Hill road Taylor Mrs. 7I Parrock street Whitcombe Philip, 31 Harmer street '

Shinner Mrs. Toorak, Lennox road Teece Fredk. Holly Berry, St. James' rd White Mrs. 17 Lacey ter. Clarence pl

Shrubsole Mrs. II3 Windmill street Temple Thos. Melcombe, 3I Darnley st White Mrs. 2 Prospect grove

Sigg Fredk. Hy. I Bronte vils. Parrock rd Thomas Charles, 79 Siuglewell road Whitehead Miss, 22 Lacey terrace

Silk John Alexander, 4 Da.rnley terrace ThomasMorris, ILordship vls. Darnley rd Wiffin Mrs. Rose villa, Prospect place

Sillery Mrs. 8o Windmill street Thomas Mrs. I8 Darnley street Wilcock Miss, II2 Windmill street

Simes Fk. Walt.2Lordsbip vls.Darnly. rd Thompson Chas. Holme, 46 Parrock st WilliamsRev. Sam uelRogers[Wesleyan),

Simmonds Henry, 29 Darnley road Thompson Edward John Butt, Row- 42 Windmill street

Simmonds Henry, 2I Park place land lodge, Parrock road Williams Alfred, Taiwan, Pelham road

Simmonds Henry Chas. 36 Darnley rd Thompson Horace Waiter, Dumfries Williams Mrs. 66 Parrock street

Simrnonds Sidney, 26 Cobham l'treet villa, Kent road Williams Thomas, 107 Windmill street

Simmons Thomas, 5 Albion terrace Thompson Mrs. Charford ·ho. Overcliffe Williams Thomas Jas. I I Prospect gro

Simons Mrs. 67 Milt.on road Thorne Mrs. 7 Darnley road Williamson Mrs. I20 Windmill street

Simpson Mrs. Wm. Milton court, Old rd Thorpe Frederick, IS Darnley road Willis George, Rozel, St. James' road

Skinner Henry, 43 Singlewell road Tien Rev. Anton Ph.D. [hon. curate of Willis George, The Lions, Overcliffe

Smart Chas. Jn. New ho. Wrotham rd Holy Trinity & St. Andrew's Water- Willis Henry James, Clifton house

Smeeton Arthur, 4 Clarence place side mission], 23 Park place Willoughby John Henry, n Harmers!;

Smiles Thomas, Lily villa, Park road Tingey William, 3 Sunnyside, West hill Wilson John, Ethelwyn, Old road

Smith Albert Gordon, I Darnley street Tinsley Charles, 58 Peacock street Wimble Miss, I Merton villas, Old road

Smith Evans, 46 Harmer street Todd Miss, 7 Wolseley ter. Pelham rd Winder Herbert, 2 Victoria viis. Old rd

Smith Frederick Wm. 1 Wellington st Tomkins Rev. Peter Tivy [curate of St. Windsor Frank,4 Bronte vils. Parrock. rd

SmithGeo.Jn. NewHolme,Wrotham rd George's], I20 Windmill street Winter Mrs. 3I Peacock street

Smith Hy. Bon Accord, St. James' rd Tonge Gervase, 34 Harmer street Wise Wm. 5 St. Andrew's, Singlewell rd

Smith Henry, Grasmere, Pelham road Tooley Jn. Hy.2Sunbury vls.Darnley rd Wiskins l\lrs. 7 Cobham street

Smith John, Portland house, West hill Touzeau Rev. Thomas F. [Congrega- Wood Charles Young, 21 Darnley road

Smith Joseph Lupton, 2 Gladstone tional], 35 The Grove Wood George, 8 East street
Tovey George William, 0 Peacock st. Wood Mrs. Heath house, West hill
villas, West hill

Smith Miss, IO Darnley road Town Mrs. I Danmark villas, Old road Wood Mrs. The Hope, Old road

Smith Miss, 3 Merston vils. Darnley rd TroughtonWm.Hy.Oscar ho. Pelham rd Wood Thomas F. Heath ho. West hill

Smith Mrs. 15 Lacey ter. Clarence pl Tuck Rev. Fras.[Baptist],51Windmill st WoodfordHy.Gorham, Clifden,Overclffe

Smith Mrs. 37 Wellington street Tucker Rev. William [Congregational], Woodford Mrs. 146 Milton road

Smith Theopbilus, 4 St. James' road 2 Prince villas, Pelham road WoodhamsSidney L.R.C.P. Lond.Graves-

Smith Thos. The Fuchsias, Darnley rd Tulk Arthur, 3 Arthur villas, Kent rd end hospital

Smith William James, 7 Park place Tunstall Saml. Thos. 149 Wellington st Woolmer Shirley Grey, Ivy Bank villa,

Smith Wyndham Alfred, I Victoria Turner Mrs. I I Darnley street Parrock road ·

viltas, Old road Tyler Mrs. Eagles, Overcliffe Wraith Edward, go Darnley road ,

Smoker George, Coedgl:vnn, Pelham rd Tyson Henry, Parrock halt WyattRev. Joseph [Catholic], St.Johns

Smoker Mrs. 3 Echo villas, Old road Underdown James Andrew, 8 Kent rd presbytery, Parrock street

Smooth Maj.Arthr.2 Elmsley vls.Old rd Underwood John, 2 Darnley terrace Wyatt Mrs. 83 Windmill street

Smythe Francis V. I3 Primrose terrace, Underwood Mrs. 4 Brandon street Yardley CharlesThomas,Florence lodge,

Shrubbery road Unonius Miss, 23 Lacey terrace White Hill road

Sneezum Mrs. n8 Milton road Van Henry Frederick, 24 Windmill st Young Edward, I30 Wellington street.

Solly Julius, 5 St. James' road Van Miss, The Limes, Overcliffe Young Francis, 27 Damley street

Solomon Harry, 20 Cobham street Varcoe Fredk. Geo. 2 'falbut vls. Old rd

COMIIERCIAL. Amos Thomas, cowkeeper & dairyman,7o Peppercroft street

Abbott Brothers, dairymen, 33 High street Andrew George L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon to Customs .t

Abel Robert, shopkeeper, 72 Peppercroft street Quarantine, 39 The Terrace

Acworth William, oilman, 31 Parrock street Andrus Mordecai Francis, collector of water rates & general

Allen Lucy & Charlotte (Misses), ladies' outfitters, 184 & manager, 13 Hutchinson place & 2 Berkley crescent

I85 Parrock street Ansell M. station master London, Tilbury & Southend raily

Allen Alfred George, greengrocer, I6 Milton road Archer William Henry, contractor & builder, The Grove &

Allen Edward, pilot, 4 The Terrace 8I Parrock street

Allen Henry, undertaker, I78 Parrock street Arnold Ellen (Miss), furniture dealer, 3 Clarence street

Allen J ames, pilot, Baltic villa, Portland road Arnold Isabella (Miss),Commercial hotel, Commercial place

Allen John, pork butcher, 25 Princes street Arnold John, fruiterer, 88 West street

Alien Lucy (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 47 Wakefield street Ashdown William, farm bailiff to Major-General Henry

Allen Samuel Geo. painter, IA, Terrace st. & 3 East terrace Edmeades, Yash ~treet farm

Allen William, commission agent, I9 Cobham street AshendenGeo. &Son,nurserymen& florists, 53&54Wrotham rd

Ambler Ada (Miss),girls' school,s&6Bronte vils.Parrock rd Atkins Henry, greengrocer, 22 Brunswick road


.Atkins William, coal merchant, carman & contractor, Boorman Frederick William, solicitor & commissioner, 9

Gravesend & Milton pantechnicon for removal & ware- Woodville terrace, Wrotham road & Vestry house,

~ housing furniture, 1 Albion terrace Laurence Pountney hill, London :s c _

'Austin Alfred Thomas, butcher, 7 West street Borough of Gravesend Co-operative Society Lim. (William

AUstin Harvey, Globe P.H. 32 Miltun road John Francis, manager), 3 & 7 Harmer street;

:Austin Herbert, butcher, 24 Milton road Borough of Grat'esend Conservati\·e Club (Edward Winter

Avis Henry, beer retailer, 13 Church street Robins, sec.), 193 Parrock street

Axcell Alfred, beer retailer, Shrubbery road Bourner Tilden,relieving officer & collector to the guardians,.

Badman William, nurseryman, Springfield Old road 26 Darnley street

Bagshaw Henry John, zinc worker, 23 Wrotham road Bowen Edward, waterman, 22 East terrace

Bailey Wm. Bartholomew, gasfitter, 159 & 160 Parrock st Box George & Co. oilmen & grocers, 154 & 155 Milton road

:Baker Charles William, shopkeeper, 35 West street Box Thomas William, florist, Old road

Baker Edmund, watch & clock maker, 2 Milton road Box William, grocer, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine &.

Baker Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 16 Christchurch crescent spirit merchants, 52 Queen street & I8 High street

Baldwin John, master mariner, 10 Peacock street Braine George Duncan, pilot, 33 Overcliffe

Ball Catherine (Mrs.), Three Daws P.H. Town pier Braine John, piiQt, 34 South Hill road

Banks James, bricklayer, 62 Clareuce street Brammall James Samuel, baker, 44 Clarence street

Banks Thomas Augustus Fredk. Trinity pilot, 3 Kent road Brewer Charles William, greengrocer, Lord street

lla.nnister Edward & Co. coal merchants, East street Brewer George, boot & shoe maker, 6 Queen street

Barber Mary Creasy (Miss), private school, The Laurels, Bridge James John; cooper, 4 West street

Overcliffe Bridgland Loftus, auctioneer, see Rayner,Kidwell&Bridglancf

Barden Chas.Alfd.Clifton Shades P.H.Clifton Marine parade Broad Arthur, plumber, 2 South street

Barfield William, pilot, 6 Cobham street Broad Joseph Samuel, oil & color man, 129 Milton road

Barham Robert,supervisor of inland revenue,65Windmill st Bromley John Thomas, pilot, 53 Milton road

Barker Frederick, baker, 4 East Milton Bromley M. J. (Miss), girls' school, Io Park pl. Milton road

Barlow Arthur, insurance agent, Alice cot. Up. Wrotham rd Brown James, Echo P.H. Old road

&rnard John Vincent, baker, 29 Wrotham road Brown John William, beer retailer, 1 Parrock street

'Bamard Richard, greengroC'er, 38 Clarence street · Brown Mary (Miss), lodging house, 3 Milton place

Bamard Thomas Clinch, fruiterer, 43 New road Brown Stephen Henry, pilot, I2 The Grove

Barnaschina Anthony, upholsterer & undertaker,23 High st Brownfield James, pilot, 12 Th~-Grove

Barnett Joseph Thomas, clothier, 24 Queen street Bruce George, beer retailer, 139 Parrock street

Bartholomew Joseph, tobacconist, 27 New road Bruce Pringle, master mariner, I3 Cobham street

Barton Thomas, wheelwright & smith, Manor road Bryan James Margesson, hair dresser, 6 Milton road

Barton William, builder, 34 Parrock street Bryant & Rackstraw, drapers, silk mercers, milliners &

Bassett Thomas, Waterloo tavern, 55 Wellington street dress makers, 36, 37, 38 & 39 High street

Bates Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundress, 101 Wellington street Bryden Richard J oseph, surgeon, 2 I Harmer street

Bates Susan (Mrs.), fancy repository, 39 & 40 New road Buckland Alfred, boot & shoe maker, n Queen street

Bates William, shopkeeper, 5 Singlewell road Buckland Henry, outfitter, 25 & 26 High street

Baxter Job, boot & shoe maker, 171 Parrock street Buokland Wm. Fredk. ham & beef dealer, 3A, Windmill st

Baxter Joseph, boot & shoe maker, 710, New road Bullock William, beer retailer, 68 Queen street

Beamish Robert Jeffreys, butcher, 141 Parrock street Bulmer Capt. George Edwards, Ll()yd's corresponding agent,.

Beard Margaret (Mrs.), Pier hotel, Town pier Parrock lodge, Parrock r.Jad

Beard William George, pilot, I8 Parrock street Burdock Frederick, pianoforte, american organ, harmonium

Bebarfald Mannel, hatter, 29 High street & music warehouse ; tuning by contract, 67 High street

Beck Milton, Royal Exchange P.H. 27 West street Burgess Henry, shopkeeper, 79 Peacock street

Beichteller Ann (Mrs.), fishmonger, 97 West street Burgess John, dairyman, Lydd villa, East Milton

Belbin Charles, pilot, 92 Wellington street Burgess Kate (Mrs.), baker, 63 Windmill street

Bell Charles, Pilot P.H. East terra<'.e Burton Howard, grocer, provision, wine, spirit & beer mer..
Bennett & Co. tobacconists, 5 Railway place
chant & patent medicine vendor, 57 & ss High street

Bennett Edmond John, architect, 4 Sinclair vils. Darnley rd Burton Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2I Brunswick road

Bennett George Smith, travelling draper, 26 Windmill st Busby George, pilotj J:8 The Grove

Bennett Mark, insurance agent, 26 South Hill road Busby Joseph Luke, pilot, 5 Cobham street

Bennett William Edward, wine merchant, I90 Parrock st Busby Thomas, gasfitter, SA. Windmill street

Bennett William Stephen, fishmonger, 156 Parrock street Busby Thomas L. grocer, 21 Milton road

Benson Ellen (Mrs.), coal agent, 5 Wellington street Butchard George, engineer, Canal

Berkowitz Rev. Henry, boarding academy for boys & girls, Butler Alfred, fruiterer, 22 The Terrace

• Tivoli house, 91 Windmill street Butler John, custom house officer, I02 Wellington street

Berry George, chief constable, inspector of lodging houses, Butler Richard, fishmonger, 1u The Terrace

explosives, weights & measures, & under Contagious Cackett Edward William, greengrocer, 154 Parrock street

Diseases (Animals) Act & superintendent of fire brigade, Caddel Jn. Saml. printer, bookseller & stationer, I Kmg st

Town hall, High street . Caffold Sarah (Mrs.), lodging house keeper, 20 Windmill st

Berry William, shopkeeper, 3 Queen street Caiu William, upholsterer, 27 Wrotham road

Bethel & ilnstitute for Sailors (John Thomas Chapman, Card James, waterman, 15 The Terrace

missionary), 22 West street Carpenter Arthur, plumber, 27 Parrock street

Bewley Edward White, solicitor, commissioner for oaths, Carpenter Stephen William, painter & glazier, 38 Terrace st

clerk to borough justices, 27 Harmer street Carpenter William Bailey, ironmonger, 25 Parrock street

Bigg Thomas, pilot, 6 The Terrace Carr John, beer retailer, 22 Lord street

Biggs & Son, oil & color merchants, 8 & 9 West street CarterCaroline (Mrs.), Waterman'sArms P.H. :16 Chutch st

Biggs John Charles, Russian consular agent, 8 West street Casidy John Mumford, grocer, 74 New road

Bill Edward Walker, tobacconist, 66 High street Ceiley Geo. Robt. teacher of music, 3 Sinclair vils.Darnley rei

Billiard Rooms (L. Strickland, proprietor), Hall of Com- Chamberlain Thomas, bailiff to the county court, Sidney

merce, 1 & 2 Stone street cottage, Upper Wrotham road

Birch Bella (Mrs.), confectioner, Farringdon street Chaney George William, pilot, 3 Riverside villas, Canal

Birch James Leonard, butcher, I75 Windmill street Chaney John, Palace of Varieties P.H. Harmer street
Chapelle John Waiter, confectioner, 2~ Clarence street
soBird George, auctioneer, 26, 27, 49 & Queen street
Bishop l<'rederick Dane, Prince Albert P.H. I30 Wrotham rd Chapman George Waiter, beer retailer, Canal

Bishop John, shopkeeper, 22 Bentley street Chapman Harry, pilot, 37 The Grove

Bishop William1 pilot, I Park place, Milton road Chapman Robt.Marsh, grocer22A, & oilman 8o&81, West st
Bithrey John, hair dresser, 43 Harmer street
Black George, greengrocer, 40 West street ' Chapman Thomas Terry, solicitor, I39 Milton road
Chart Robert, Canal tavern, Canal

Black William Henry, The George :P.H. I9 Queen street Child Benjamin, gasfitter, I56 Windmill street

Blackman Harry, King's Arms P.H. 58 Peppercroft street Children's Home (The) (certified industrial branch) (Rev.

Blake Henry, Victory P.H. 63 Clarence street T . .B. Stephenson LL.D. principal, Bonner road, London K ;

Blanden Henry, Toll Gate inn, Northumberland bottom Henry Tyson, governor), Parrock hall, Parrock road

Bloomfield Joseph Edward, poulterer, 78 High street Chittenden Harriet (Miss), beer retailer, Manor road

Bogue James, New inn, I Milton road Christchurch Institute (Re¥. F. A. Marsh M.A. president),

Bond Alfred & Son, oilmen, 2I Queen street & 4 New road Milton cottage, Parrock road

Bond Mary (Miss), dress maker, 47 Parrock street Clapson James, turncock to water eo. 2 Parrock street

Bond Richard, butcher, 20 East terrace Clark Henry James, Eagle tavern, 73 New road

Bond Richard, jnn. butcher, 28 Parrock street Clarke Alexander Christopher, stationer, 7 Milton road

Boorman Wm. & Thos. Augnstns, corn dealers,I7 Milton rd Clarke Charles, manager of New Thames Yacht Club,Olifton

Boorman John Lnke, jeweller & silversmith,17 & 18 New rd Marine parade


Clarke Richard Feaver, pharmaceutical chemist, 2r High st Denney Timothy, marine store dealer, 42 West street

Clarke Richard Thos. chemist & drnggist, 131 Milton road Dent.onEdward James, pilot, 2 Edwin street

Clarke William, chimney sweeper, 56 Queen street Deuton John, pilot, I2I Milton road

Clay Edward Thomas, shopkeeper, Range road Daring John Marshal, builder, 20 Princes street

Clift.on Baths (Charles Andrew Lukes, proprietor) Dewardt Thomas, carpenter, 120 Wellington street ·

Clinch William & Co. Limited, coal merchants, West street Dewetts Thomas,boot & shoe maker, East st. & IS Queen st

Clinch Charles, Rose & Crown P.H. 168 Windmill street Dickson James, plumber, 25 The Terral'e

Clinch Frederick Joseph, corn & seed merch:1nt, 30 Stone st Dix Charles, shopkeeper, 7 Princes street

Clinch George, solicitor, see Tolhurst, Lovell & Clinch Dixon James, furniture dealer, 32 Queen street

Clinch Jane (Mrs.), Bricklayers' Arms P.H. r6 Stone street Dobson Charles, Trafalgar P.H. 36 West street

Cobham Charles, architect, estate agent & surveyor, The Dodson William, custom house officer, 5 Augustine road

Shrubbery, Shrubbery road Dodworth Coal Co. (Alexander Champion, manager), Canal

Cobham Geo. Radcliffe, architect & surveyor, r &3 Edwin st Doig Jas. custom house surveyor, 2 Caroline vils. Overcliffe

Cogger Richard, beer retailer, 48 Arthur street Doughty Henry, wine & spirit merchant, r66 ·windmill st

Cole David, pilot, 38 Norfolk road Doust George, pilot, 52 Parrock street

Colegate William, hair dresser, rA, Harmer street Doust John Lobbery, pilot, 47 Milton road

Coleman Henry, bricklayer, Range road Drake Alfred, draper, I9 New road

Coleman James, coal agent, 33 Darnley street Drake Henry, pilot, 20 Milton plaee

Collins Arthur Alfred, tailor, see Sharp & Collins Drawbridge Chas.Parker,solicitor &commissioner,36 Newrd

Collins Christopher, tobacconist, 5 Windmill street Drayson Richard James, butcher, 29A, Qu.een street

Collins John, Town Arms P.H. 51 Queen street Dryland Alfred, assistant county surveyor, II The Grove

Colonial Meat Co.(Wm. Morris, mngr.), butchers,76A,New rd Duffin Charles Richard, pilot, r6 Edwin street

Colsell Thomas Alfred, shopkeeper, ro & 42 Queen street Dumbrill Jarnes Child, fishmonger, 48 High street

Colyer Henry Charles, custom house officer, 38 Cobham st Dunn George Marchant, chemist & druggist, 158 Parrock st

Comben William, pilot, 6 St. John's road, Milton · Dunstall William, watch maker, IO King street

Commercial Club (E. Wise, sec.), Hall of Commerce, r & 2 Dyer Geor~e, boot & shoe maker, 37 Brunswick road

Stone street Easdown James, fruiterer & dairyman, 178 Windmill street

Conservative Club(Edwd.WinterRobins, sec. ),I93Parrock st Easterby Thomas James, hair dresser, Manor road

Constant Amos, pilot, I7 Harmer street Ebdon Frederick Joseph, medical electrician, 20 Darnley st

Constant Richard, fishmonger, 4 Railway place Edmeades Henry James, baker, I, 64 & 65 Clarence street

Coomber George, Roebuck P.H. 7 Queen street Edwards Ebenezer, Ship P.H. 20 Bath street

Coombes John Edward, nurseryman, Darnley rd. &7 New rd Edwards James, photographer, 3 Windmill street

Cooper J. T.&Son,upholsterer8,cabinet agents, Edwards Stephen John, grocer, I69 Parrock street

auctioneers &furnishing undertakers, 23 & 24 King street Edwards William Sha.rpe, grocer, 82 High street

Cooper Frank, upholsterer, 16, I7 & 18 Princes street Elfick John William, Bull P.H. 6 High street

Cooper John George, boot maker, ~Terrace Elfick Rebecca (Mrs.), fishmonger, 2 Railway place

Cooper Robert, pilot, 5 Whitehall place Elford Jame(', beer retailer, 9 Trafalgar road

Cooper Thomas John, Britannia P.H. 5 Bath street Elford William James, greengrocer, 31 Arthur street

Oopelin James, baker, 130 Milton road Elliott Frederick, green~ocer, 3 High street

Copelin John, baker, 35 Terrace street Elliott J ames, pilot, 3 Terrdce street

County Court (His Hon. Homersbam Cox, judge; G. E. Elliott J nstus, farmer, II Park place, Milton road

Sharland & C. E. Hatten, joint registrars & high bailiffs), Elliott Samuel, beer retailer, Norfolk road

Court house, King street Ellison John, pilot, 55 Cobham street

Couves Arthur, pilot, 14 New street Elvidge Anne (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 26 Princes street

Couves Arthur James, pilot, 38 The Grove Essenhigh Mayo Streeter, baker, I6 Peppercroft street

Couves William, pilot, I Albert villas, White Hill road Essenhigh Roland,collector for the water works,2Berkley cres

Cove SarahCatharine(Mrs. ),lodging ho.keeper,27Windmill st Essenhigh Thomas, plumber, 44 Darnley st. & Wakefield st

Coveny Jane (Mrs), shopkeeper, 32 East terrace Evans Elizabeth (Mrs.), tailor, I6 West street

Cowling John, greengrocer, 5 West street Evans James, custom house officer, 126 Windmill street

Cox Elizh. (Mrs. ),Nelson hotel, 85 New rd. & r85Windmillst Eves Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 24 The Terrace

Cox William, carpenter, 23 The Terrace Eves Henry, greengrocer, 27 Milton road

·Coy Francis John, tailor, I.L.C. villa, Kent road Eves Solomon, coffee rooms, 200 Parrock street .

Cozens Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 36 Peacock st Eves Thomas, fishmonger & greengrocer, 29 & 30 West st

Cranham Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer, x Anglesea place Eyers John, wardrobe dealer, I4 Princes street

(]reed Alice (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 78A, New road Fairey John, florist, I6 Primrose terrace & 146 Parrock st

Crittenden Alfred Stepben, greengrocer, 22 Milton road Farr Francis l<'rederick, greengrocer, x South street

Croft James Richard, oilman, 171 Windmill street Farrell Jas. Louis, general docks agt. 7Milton pl. &Terrace pier

Croft William I<'ittingham, grocer & provision merchant, 12 Fanlkner Edwin Erasmus Robert L.R.C.P.Edin. physician &

High street & qo Windmill street surgeon, 5 Wrotham road

Crofts Rt. & Wm. pawnbrokers, 173 & 174 Windmill street Felton Henry, Prince of Wales P.H. East Milton

Crone Ann (Mrs.), fishmonger, 75A, High street Fenn Kate (Mrs.), dress maker, 4Bank street

Crook Anthony, confectioner, 37 New road Fenney George, glass & china dealer, 46 High street

Crook Joseph, baker, 14.2 Wellington street Ferguson Peter, waterma.n, 8 Peacock street

Crow Charles (successor to M. Mnggeridge), nightman & Fidge William, boot & shoe maker, 33 Wrotham road

well sinker, Union street Field Samuel Wintal, fishmonger, 28 New road

· Crowhurst & Willis, tallow chandlers, 9 High street Figg Susannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 7 Shrubbery road.

Crump Thomas, baker, 35 Brunswick road, Milton road Fire Brigade (Corporation) (George Berry, supt. ), Town hall

Cruse Waiter, commission agent, I2 Hutchinson place Firth Charles M.D., F.R,c.s.Eng. surgeon, & medical officer

Cullingford John, water·mau, 19 Windmill street for Milton district, 196 & 197 Parrock street

Cunningham Martin, custom house officer, 38 Wellington st Fisher Thomas, dairyman, 72 Edwin street

Curd George Henry, Somerset Arms P.H. Somerset street Fitt Frederick, butcher, 2I & 22 West street

Curtis Edwin, beer retlr. Railway pi. & tailor, 12 Harmer st Flentge Henry Frederick Victor, interpreter, 8 Prospect gro

Dadds William, baker, 32 West street . Fletcher & Co. timber merchants, Bath street

Daines Richard Barrington, pilot, 27 Park place, Milton rd Fletcher William, chalk & lime works, Hit or Miss wharf

Daines Thomas, pilot, 53 Windmill street Fones Edward, butcher, 83 High street

Dalton George, fishmonger, 148 Parrock street Ford William, tailor, 55l New road

Dalton John, nurseryman, Old road Fothergill Augustns, saddler, 5 Stone street

Darby Thomas, draper, 29 Parrock street Fothergill Frank, grindery dealer, 56 Arthur street

Davies Julia (Miss), school, 12 Cambrian grove Fothergill William, pilot, 23 Albion road

Davis George Robert, insurance agent, 53 Cobham street Fowle Brothers, mill furnishers, 22 King street

Davy William, hair dresser, II West street Fox William George, beer retailer, g6 West street

Day David, tobacconist, 94 West street Franklin John, china riveter, 2I Stone street

Day John, Druid's Arms P.H. 17 Lord street . Freeman, Hardy & Willis, boot & shoe makers, 55 High st

Dean Harry, hair dresser, 41 Queen street Freeman Alfred, grocer, 7 Albion terrace

DeanHy. Edwd.baker,4rQueen st. & corn dealer, 91 West st Freeman Walt.Francis Berridge,shopkeeper,52 Brunswick rd

Deane Thomas, butcher, 28 High street Freeman William, pilot, r Albion road

Deare Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, I2 Augustine road French Robert, Chase P.H. 44 High street

De la Rue Thos.Atthur,linen draper, 47Highst.& IB, New rd Frost Amos, boot maker, 41 Bentley street

DenbJ Richard, fishmonger, 'r Peppercroft street Frost Thomas, shoe maker, 32 Bentley street

Dennis Charles John, Pope's Head P.H. 95 West street Fuller Alfred, wheelwright, Stone street

Dermis Edward, fruiterer, IS Windmill street Fulljames Herbert, timber merchant, 31 Bath street

Dennis Jo_hn William, greengrocer, 9 Clarence street Fulljames John, butcher, 22 Queen street


Fange John, pilot, 93 Peacock street Gray Joseph, pilot, Pelham road

Farness Arthor, groeer, 35 High street Green Arthur, pilot, 48 The Terrace

Gahan John, custom house officer, 65 Peacock street Green John, boot maker, Shrubbery road

'Galler Thomas William, greengrocer, 30 Milton road Green Wm. Rd. livery stables, 83 New road & Royal mews

Gallop Frank, bailiff to county court, 62 Milton road Green William S. linen draper, see Plummer & Green

Game Cock Steam Towing Co. Terrace pier Gregson Amelia (Mrs.), confectioner, 31 Milton road

Gardiner Thomas, insurance agent, 32 Windmill street Groocock & MansfieH, publishers of '' Gravesend &Dartford

Gardner Charles, commercial traveller, xo6 Wrotham road Reporter," 95 Edwin street. See advertisement

Gardner Edward, baker, 26 Parrock street Groves Charles Thomas, boot & shoe maker, n Milton road

Gardner Eliza (Mrs.), tobacconist, 20 The Terrace Guest William, tobacconist, 77 Bath street

Gardner George William, pilot, 12 Ea8t terrace Goon Ingram, gasfitter, 64 New road

Gardner Jonas, Cricketers P.H. 47 Arthur street Gunn John, pilot, 31 Wellington street

Garrad Harry, beer retailer, 18 Terrace street Gunn William, jun. baker, 37 West street

Garrett Frank B. mane.ger to London & Coonty Bank, High st Gunner George, beer retailer, 122 Wrotham road

· Gason John, dairy, 16 Terrace street Gutteridge Matthew, proprietary school, 72 Windmill street

Gates Richard, firewood dealer, Stone street Haill Charles Richard, master mariner, go Wellington street

Gates Robert, coach, cart & van builder, Kentish farmers' Haines Henry, butcher, 18 Clarence street

single horse truck, Gravesend steam carriage works ; show Hall Thomas, printer & stationer, 4A, Windmill street, &
china dealer, so High street
rooms, Bank street & Princes street ·

Geach William, pilot, 24 Cobham street Hallett Samuel, hosier, 13 Milton road

Geach William Albert, toy dealer, 162 Parrock street Halls Henry, beer retailer, 92 West street

Gendle Alfred & Co. perambulator depot, 187 Parrock street Hammond & Son, auctioneers, 25 Harmer street

Gilbert Lewis, dep. registrar of births & deaths, 39 Parrock st Hammond George C. registrar of births & deaths, vaccina-

Giles William Henry, pilot, 53 Parrock street tion officer & clerk to the school board, 25 Harmer street

Gillis &Robinson, shoeing forge, Princes street Hammond Humphrey, baker, I Singlewell road

Gilhs Isaac F. Queen's Head P.H. 49 Wakefield street Harrington Waiter James, grocer, 121 Wrotham road

Gladwell Ebenezer, waterman, 34 The Terrace Harris Stephen, fishmonger, 37 Queen street

. Gladwell William .Alfred, baker, 5 Bank street Harris William, shopkeeper, Range road

·Glover & Homewood, auctioneers, 13 Harmer street Hart Charles, station master; North Kent station, Stone st

. Goddard William, general dealer, 56 High street Hart James, tailor, Manor road

· Godden William, Crown P.H. Peter street Harvey William Alick, pilot, 24 .Albion road

'Goff Joseph Charles, anctioneer, commission agent, antique Haslam William, stationer, xo Windmill street

. furniture dealer, valuer & undertaker, x3 & 54 Queen st Haslip James, pilot, Whitehall place

Goldfinch John, builder, 24 Wrotham road Hatten Charles Edward, solicitor & commissioner for oaths,

Goldsmith Angles (Miss),· tobacconist, 3 Singlewell road deputy town clerk & joint registrar &high bailiff of county

Goldsmith James, shopkeeper, 19 Cutmore street court & clerk to local board, Grays, Essex (firm, Sharland

Goodwin Henry, wardrobe dealer, 63 Queen street & Hatten)

Goodwin James, shopkeeper, 28 Wrotham road Hawkey Thomas, custom house officer, 2 Zion place

Goodwin John George, news agent & tobacconist, 31 High st HawkinsAlfred, shopkeeper, South Hill road

Goose William Pymar, builder & contractor, 124 Milton rd.; Hawkins James Rupert, beer retailer, 25 Edwin street

& at High street, Shoeburyness & Roebuck la. Rochester Hawkins William, waterman, 2 Prospect place

Gould Frederick Charles, photographer, ro Harmer street Hayward Anne Isabella (Mrs.), dressma. 14 Hutchinson pl

Gould Harry, insurance agent & collector of assesed taxes, Hayward Walter James, master mariner, 32 Harmer street

. ' 55 Windmill street Hayward William, British Tar P.H. 15 Milton road

:.Gould Jn.auctioneer &consulting surveyr. to the Corporation, Hayward Wm. Topham, mineral water manfr. 15 Milton rd

mangr. of cemetery & registrar of marriages,194Parroek st Headland & Co. homooopathic pharmacy, 46 Harmer street

Gould John, beer retailer, 76B, New road Hearn William, The Peacock P.H. Peacock street

Gould William, deputy registrar of marriages & acting sur- Hedger William Henry, school for boys, 4r The Grove

veyor to urban sanitary authority,soMilton rd. & Town hall Henderson Edward James, dyer, I4 Milton road

Gowar William, baker, u Union street Henderson Thqmas, shopkeeper, Church street

Gowland Edward, pianoforte tuner, 36 Darnley street Hepworth & Son, outfitters, 42 High street

Graham Eliza (Mrs.), music seller, 36 Queen street Herbert Henry Frederick, Prince of OrangeP.H. xNew road·

Gramshaw Chas. Rt. solicitor, commissioner for oaths, clerk Heseltine & Son Limited, tea dealers, 17 High street

to theVarchell's charity&sec. to theGas&WaterCo. 27King st Heygate Thomas Reginald, manager of London & Provincial

Gramshaw James Henry M. n., F.R.c.s.L. surgeon, medical Bank Limited, 16 High street

officer of health & public analyst for the borough, & con- Rider Robert, photographer, 183 Parrock street

sulting surgeon Gravesend hospital, certifying factory Higgins & Johnson, bread & biscuit bakers, 40 Arthur street

surgeon & medical officer & public vaccinator Gravesend Higgins Charles Dutton, builder, 21 Darnley street

district, 3 Woodville terrace Higgins Henry, grocer, 55A, Arthur street

·Grant Edmund, plumber & painter, 19 Clifton gro. Arthur st Higgins Henry John, beer retailer, 30 Arthur street

·Grant George, pilot, 33 Darnley road Higgins James Richard, oil & color man, 153 Parrock street

Gravesend Cricket Club (H. Huggins, sec.), County Cricket Higgins John, printer, 72A, New road

ground, Wrotham road Highman John Thomas, shopkeeper, 6 John street

Gravesend & Dartford Miscellany & Railway Guide (Thomas Hilder Edward, solicitor, 20 Harmer street

Hall, publisher & proprietor; pub. wed.), 4A, Windmill st Hill Edward Thomas, Prince Regent P.H. 71 Peppercroft st

Gravesend & Dartford Reporter Newspaper Office (Joseph Hill James, hair dresser, 32 High street

Groocock & Frederick Andrews Mansfield, publishers;. Hill Jonas, builder, 91 Parrock street

published saturday), 95 Edwin street. See advertisement Hill Josiah, builder, 25 Terrace street & 91 Parrock street

Gravesend & District Bill Posting· Co. Limited (William Hills Lucy (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 18 West street

Youde, manager), 3 Farringdon street Hills William, grocer, 6 Harmer street

. Gravesend Free Press Newspaper (Thomas Hall, proprietor ; Hinks Wm. Hen.inspectorof water guard, Custom ho.TheTer

published saturday), 4-A, Windmill street Hitchens Frank, poor rate collector, 39 Windmill street

Gravesend Hospital (J. H. GramshawM.D. & R. Innes Nesbit, Hitchens Jesse, tailor, xo High street

consulting surgeons; C. J. W. Pinching, 0. R. Richmond Hoare Daniel James, shopkeeper, 33 Peppercroft street

L.B.C.P.Lond. & Charles Firth M. D. surgeons; Sidiiey Hockley Edward Robert, dentist, 198 Parrock street

Woodhams L.R.C.P.Lond. house surgeon; G. J. Lucas Hoddinott Henry, greengrocer, 18 Russell street

L.D.S.B.C.s.Edin. dentist; Frederick Mitchell, hon. sec. ; Hodgkin John Ward, ironmonger, 8 New road

Harry Gould, collector), Bath street Hodsell Sydney, accountant, 188 Parrock street

Gravesend Joumal(J.S. Caddel, proprtr. ; pub.fri. ), 1 King st Hodsell William, auctioneer, 188 Parrock street

Gravesend &MiltonCemetery(Jsph. Chas. Wilks,supt. ), Old rd Hogg Thomas, pilot, 17 Albion terrace

Gravesend & Milton Coal Consumers' Co. Limited (William Hoiles Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 19 Stone street

Newman, sec.), Clifton Marine parade Holbrook Geo. Milgate, custom house officer, 36 South Hill rd.

Gravesend & Milton Gas Light Co. Limited (Medhurst Holdaway T~omas, grocer, 90 West street

Albert Troughton, treasurer; James Price Nicholls, ac- Holland & Co. Limited, wine & spirit merchants & rectifiers,

countant), 9 Berkley crescent Gravesend distillery ; & bonded warehouses, Bank street

Gravesend & Milton Literary & Debating Society (John Holland .Alexander, pilot, 134 Milton road

Walker, hon sec.), Hazeldene, Old road Holland John James, pilot, 82 Edwin street .

Gravesend & Milton Water Works (C. R. Gramshaw, sec.; Holland Thomas James, Anchor & Crown P.H. 34 High st

M. A. Troughton, treas.; M. F. Andrus, genrl. manager & Hollands Richard, pilot, 16 The Grove

collector) ; works, Windmill hill; office, 2 Berkley cres Hollier Charles M. travelling draper, 137 Parrock street

:K. s. & s. 20



Hollingum Richard, waterman, 105 Peacock street Langford William George, baker, 13 Russell street

Hollingum Thomas William, master JDariner, 86 Peacock st Law Sarah Ann (Mrs.), boot maker, 30 Parrock street

Homewood .Wilfrid James, solic:tot, 13 Harmer street Lawson Brothers, wholesale grocers, 4 Harmer street

Homewood Wm. Jsph. auctioneer, see Glover & Homewood Lawson Charles, ironmonger, 15 King street

HopkinsStephen, jun. builder, 3 St.Andrew's rd. & Milton rd Lee Harry, oilman, 7 Clarence street
Leech James, fishmonger, 32l West street
Hopper John, baker & confectioner, 13 High street

Hopper Porcy, shopkeeper, 51 Arthur str~t Leeks John, boot & shoe maker, 167 Windmill street

Horton Henry, carpenter, 112 Wrotham road Leeks Waiter, beer retailer, 99 Wellington street

Houghton Emma {Mrs.), fly proprietor &c. 26 Stone street- Lejoindre H. Raphael, teacher of languages, 3 Sunbury

Howard Joseph Wm. custom house officer, n8 Wrotham rd villas, Darnley road

Hubbard Stephen, pilot, 9 The Grove Lewis Hugh, commission agent, 15 Prospect .grove

Hudson Robert Thomas, pilot, 31 'Edwin str~et ' Licensed Victuallers' Trade Protection Society (Edward

Huggins & Co. Limited, soap makers, Canal Winter Robins, sec.}, 24 Berkley road

Huggins Henry, pilot, 48 Milton road Liley Edmund, pilot, 40 Harmer street

Hughes George, wheelwright, 30 Albion road Liley John, pilot, 2A, Harmer street

Hughes-Chveo Arthur, tide sw:veyor & examining officer of Lindsey William Edwin, bntcher, 3 New road

customs, 62 street Little Hy. barge owner & lighterman,·l'ark cot.SouthHill rd

Humphrey William, tobacconist, 56 New road Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Co. (Gravesend

Humphreys John James, pilot, 27 Cobham street branch) {Lake & Sunnucks)~ 24 l:ligb street

Hnmphries George, pilot, t8 Milton place Lock Estber (Miss), dress mjj,ker, 29 Windmill street'

Hunter James, pilot, 30 Terrace- · Lodge William, marine store dealer, 28Terrace street

Burst Douglas William, painter, 5 Wilfrid street Loft Thomas B. shipping agent,4 Peacock .street

Hyde Robert Lough, tobacconist & cigar merchant, 12 Wind- Loft Thomas Jawes, tobacconist, 4 Town pier

mill street & :lA, New roo.d Loft William, fishmonger, 34 West street

Ince Frederick John, beer retailer, 53 Queen street Loft William Henry, supt. of mercantile marine, Whitehallpl

Inglis Hannah (Mrs.), dress. maker, 39 Wrotham road London & County Banking Co. Limited (Frank B. Garrett,

Inwood Charles, engineer, Stone st.reet manager), 24 High street; draw on head office, Londou E c

Ives William Henry, pilot, :tg Harmer street London Distillery & Wine Co. P.H. ·53 High street

1zod Arthur ,Tames, hair dresser, I l'he Terrace London & Gravesend Steam Trader {G. Master &Co. agents),

J ackson S. & Co. oil & color men, 33 New road, West street & 68 New road

Jackson William, pilot, 104 Wrotham road London & Provincial Bank Limited (Thomas Reginald Hey-

.Tames & Schul~, commission agents, Stone street gate, manager), 16 Hjgh street; draw on head office, 7

Jameson Elizabeth (Mrs.), school for girls~ go Windmill st Bank bui1dings, & Glyn, M\lls & Co. London E c

Jarvis Alfred Cbarles, optician, 6q New road · London, Tilbury & Southend Railway Goods Office, West st

Jarvis George, tailor, n Stone street Long Edward, Reindeer P.H. 39 & 40 Wakefield street

Je:fferys Stephen, -corn dealer, 44 Queen street Lott Joshua R. Hole-in-the-Wall P.H. 8o~ High stT'eet

Je:fford Charles, insurance agent, 6 Darnley road Lovell Edward, solicit.<>r, see, Lovell & Clinch

Jeffrey Robert, Greyhound P.H. x Terrace street , Lovell Edwin, custom house officer, 9 Prospect grove

Jenkins John, market gardener, Emily cot. White Hill road lowenglefield Jane (Mrs.}, Russell Arms P.H• .Russell street

Jewiss Henry ;Itobert, baker, 6 Albion terrace L~cas George John L.D.Sili:din. -dentist, ~ Cobham street.

Jiggins William~ butcher, 32 Clarence street , Lucas John, greengrocer,. 23 West ,street ,

Joel Henry Seath,. house decorator, 156 Milton Poad Lucas William, fishmonger, 26 West street

Johnson\ baker, see Higgins & .Johnson · Luocrarrt Richard, beer retailer, 21 Bath street

Johnson John, b~sket maker, 12 Queen street Luck Edward James, pilot, 38 The Terrace . ,

Jones Edmnnd, travelling draper, IA, Darnley road Lukes Art.hur Henry, sanitary inspector, also under Food &

J ones Joseph• fishmonger, I 9 West street ; Drugs Act, sergeant-at-mace, usher & crier of quarter

.Tones Thomas, hair dresser, xo Stone street sessions, Town hall, High street

Joublot l'auline, Swan F.R. 1-73 Parrock street; Lukes Charles Andrew, bath propriet.or, Clifton Marine par

Joy John, butcher, 3-t Queen street Lukes James, pilot, 6 Stual't road .

Joy Mark, baker, 50 Wakefield street Lukes Jesse Thomas, master mariner, xo6 Peacock street

Jury Edward, pilot, 9 Park place, Milton rofld Lunt James Toulson, fishmonger, 13 The Terrace

.Jury Edwar.d Waiter, pilot, 18 East terrace Lygo Charles Henry, pilot, 68 Parrock street

.Jury Frederick Wa.lter, waterman, 37 East terrace· Lygo Thomas Hit.ehins, pilot, Ventnor, Portland road

.Jury James, pilot, 4 Milton place McCanlis George, The Orient P.R. 75 Hi!!h street

Kavanagh John, boot & shoe maker, 19 High street Macdonogh James Douglas, surg-eon,., 51 PaTrock

Kelly Hugh, custQm house officer, I 5 Wolseley ter. Pelham rd Macey Hiram. photographer, 68 Windmill street

Kelly John, .cabinet maker, 32 Wellington street Mllockley Stephen, greengrocer, 151 Parrock street

Kemp Jane (M,iss), J,adi~s' school, 5 Woodville terrjlce McLea.JJ Jane (Ml'~.). millfner, 172 Windmill street

Kemp Thomas, upholsterer, 7 Stone street Madgett William, boot & shoe ma..ker, 53 Artbur street

Kennett Elizabet.b (MiS&)~ shopkeeper, xoo Wellington street Major John, tobacconist, 47 Queen street

K~t (xst) Artillery Volunteers Eastern Diyision(Col. Charl~s Mallinson James, boys' school, 6 Park place, 'Milton roaa

Pennell, commanding; Capt. A. W. Carter R.4. adjutant; Malloney Jame', gr{)Cer, 21 Princes street

Capt. T. W. .A.ttwaters~ quartermaster & sec. ; Nos, 1 & Mann Annie (Mrs.), baker, 147 ParrOck street

2 batteries, F. A. Walker, capt. commandant}, head qu&r- Mansfield Fredk.Andrew. publisher,see Groocock & Mansfield

tel'! <>f bri,.l:adre. 59 Windmill street Marsden Richard, harbour master; ottice,x Whitehall place

Kent Road Maintenance Stone Supply Co. Limi~ (Morland Marshall Edward, baker, 10 West street

John Greig, managing director; If. W. Clarke, sec.), Marshall William Robert, pilot, II9 ]l;lilton road

gra:qite mer-chants, The Crescent ; landin~ depots, South. Martin Benjatnin, pilot, 24 Park place, Milton road

Eastern Railway whanes, Erith; branch offices, West Martin Edward, City of London l'.R. 27 The Terrace

Boro', Maidstone · . Martin Edward Munns, ironmonQ"er, 19 & 20 Milton road

Kent }")n. M,~(:.f.S.E. veterinary surgeon, 27Windmill st Martin Edwin, confectioner, 6 Windmill street

Kiallmark Fooderick, bookseller & stationer• 10 Parrock st Martin Frederick, haberdasher, 201 Parrock street ·

.Kidwell John, auctioneer, see Rayner, Kid well & Bridgland Martin Frederick William, solicitor, 39 Harmer street

KimbeP Peroi.NaJ. Sidney, Old Parr'~ Head P.H. 63 High st. Martin Philip,. builder, I Lee villas, Park road

King Abraham, chemist & druggist, lP~. Windmill street . ~artin William Thomas, pilot, 33 The Terrace .

King Arthur, deputy supt. registrar,~ Berkley CI"eseent Mason Edward, saddler & hamess maker, 82 New road

King George Charles, generc~.l draper; ladies' & c-hildren's l-lason John .Adlington, wine, spirit, ale.& .stout

outfitter, mantle & costume warehouse, 24 &-25 New rd ment 6o & 6x, & gl'tleer & provision ~rchant; Milton

King Richard, dairyman, 44~ Queen street Hall store$, 621 Windmill street; & at 21 Ga.briel's hill,

.King William John, borough tr~rer, clerk to the board Maidstone & Sidcup hill, Sidcup ,

· of guardians & superintendent registrar, 4 Berkley cres , :Ma!!on William, master marinerr 29 .Albion road

:&iug,William John, grocer, see Spain & King Masters G. &Co. Gravesend pantechnicon for removing"&

Kirby Joseph, greel!lgvoce:r~ 1.~ ~...I7 Clarence street J warehousing furniture, 68 New road ·

"J{ivk $dwarorca.b proprietor, 37 Win<\miJlstreet ~astin Henry, Old Amsterdam P.H. 6 East street

Kir~by Will,iam, baker; 33 East terrace fdathie David, laundry, Baroda villa, -Qld Sun road

Knee J. & Son, rope makers, Clifton Marine parade Maton Waiter~ boo~tnaker, :172 Parrock stt'eet

Knight Edward & Willia.DJ., surgeons, 29 Harmer skeet Matthews Charles, pilot, 138 Miltou road .

KnQw~ J amesr carpente11, Princes street Matthews Robert, a-uctioneer & estate agent, 3 Berklef
Knowles Richard George, bak.er1 204 Par~ock street
crescent & 27 New road, Grays, Essex '
Knox R9~r~ Jlor)st, 311 Clarence place . May James, assistant harbour master, txo Milton road '

Lake & Sunnucks, land, estate & insurance agts. 24 High st Mea Alfred Thomas, pilot, 6 Milton place
Lampen Mary...S. (Mrs.~ letl.ging ho. keepr. 9 Wrotham rd Mee Frederick (Mrs.), milliner, 15 New road


Mee Richard James, pilot, I Whitehall place ' Paine Edward Casper, tea & coffee dealer, family grocer, ale .t

Meekings Henry, greengrocer, 3 South street & stout merchant, agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit

Melhuish ARn I)·Irs.), whitesmith, 38 Edwin street merchants & sole a!!ents for l<'remlin's Maidstone ales, 22

Mereantile Marine Office for Seamen (William Henry Loft, & 23 New road & 31 Clarence street .

superintendent), 4 Whitehall place Paine Harriett (Mrs.), grocer, 20 West street & 33 Queen st

Meyer Augusta (Mrs.), coffee rooms, West street Palmer Charles Edward, postmaster, 144 Milton road

Mia.ll William, Castle P.H. 2 Hig-h street Parker Alfred Edward, surgeon, 56 Parrock street

:Midlane George, waterman, 45 Terrace Parker William, Terrace tavern, 46 The Terrace

:Mil88 Mal'y Ann (Mrs.), shopkeepel', 47 Augustine road Parkinson Charles, pil()t, 36 Albion road

:Milledge Joseph William, window blind maker,g Windmill st Parkinson George, pilot, II Milton place {
Miller James, dining rooms, 2 Town pier & 79 High street Parkinson John, pilot, 19 Milton place

Miller Ma.rgaret (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 149 Parrock street 1 Parkinson John Thomas, pilot, 16 Albion road

Miller Thomas Wellsted, Albion P.H. Albion road 1 Parsonson William Whatmore, pilot, JA, Prospect grove
Miller William, pilot, 35 Darnley road I Pascoe Daniel, builder, 1 Bank street & x6 Albion terrace ,

Millhouse Edward, chemist & druggist, 26 New road Patience William, grocer, 27 Church street & 71 Bath street

Mills & Nichol, Fisherman's Arms P.H. 66 West streett Pattison Frederlck, pilot, 117 Milton road

Mills Leonard, blacksmith, 42 New road Pattison Frederick Thomas Trounbric!r, pilot, 3 Eerklel rd
Milton & Deuton Institute (C. Dorey, sec.), Range road I Pattison George A. hair dresser, 29 Milton road

Milton Mount College( Miss E.M.Conder,princpl.), Parrock rd fattison Sarah Ann (Mrs.), fishmonger, x West street

Milton Ann (Mrs.), tobacconist, 55 New road fayne Joseph, baker, & post office, RanJe road

Missing George, tobacconist, 5 New road t'earce Peter, stay manufacturer, 52 Arthur street .

Missing Hannah (Mrs.), fancy repository, 6 & 7 New road Pearcey William J. Man of Kent P.H. 30 Wrotham road

Mitchell Frederick, solicitor, 49 Windmill street Pearson Frederick1 dairyman, 6 Byclift terrace, Pelham rd

Mitchell Joe Charles, pharmaceutical chemist, 13 West st Pearson Philip Gregory, Fishing Smack P.H. 45 West street

Mitchell John, tug owner, 49 Milton road Peirce Francis William, pilot, 13 Wellington street ,

Mitchell John White, builder, 2 Prospect g-rove Peirce William, trinity pilot, 13 Milton place ',

Mobbs Danl. assistant school attendance officer,29Raphael rd Penman William Geor~e, coroner f-or the borough & vestry

Montgomery John, umbrella maker, 17 The •rerrace clerk of Milton, 20 Harmer street

Moore Henry, boot & shoe maker, Princes street; 51 & 52 fennell John, beer retailer, 4-6 Que.m street ·· · •; '

High street & 44 & 45 New road Penney Stephen, pilot, 46 Cobham street .
· Perpetual Building Society (Hy.Smith, agt. )do & 31 ~ew rd
Moore John Primus, pilot, 16 Queen street f,erry Rob3rt & Son, chemists & drug~ists, 73 High street 1

Morgan Waiter Thomas, beer retailer, East Milton '

Morley .Tohn, beer retailer, Old r.oad 'erry Chas. Hy. minerat·water manufr. & corn dlr.Manor rd

Morris Harry, grocer, 18 Terrace . Pershouse William~ pork butcher, 22 Milton road

Morris Isaac, pawnbroker, 76 & 77 High street · petrie George Alexander, pilot, II Berkley road

Morsley Abraham Gorham, tinman, 43 Bath street fett William Frank, blind maker, 202 Parrock street ,

Morton George & William, boot & shoe manufrs. 43 High st fettingale Sarah (Mrs.), lodging house, 9 Parrock street

Morton William, boot & shoe maker, 40A, Qneen street Pettman George Abraham, pilot, 23 Prospect grove ,.

Mullender Rose (Miss), greengrocer, 51 Wrotham road Philcox Frederick, beer retailer, 57 Peppercroft street

Mulley David Thomas, pilot, 33 Albion road Philcox Henry William, coppersmith, 25 Clarence street
Multon & Wallis, builders, 2 Wrotham road Phillips Robert & Co. musical instrument dlrs. 41 Harmer st 1

Munday John, printer, 14 New road . Phillips Henry Astley 1\LD., c.M. surgeon to the Customli &

Munn Richard, dairyman, Elliott street, East :Miltoh & Quarantine, 39 The Terrace '

farmer, Old Run road Phillips William, baker, 26 l\li!ton road '
Pilkinton Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 20 Wakefleld street 1
:Nunns Joh!J..James, watch maker, 1 Windmill str.eet ·

Nash James, scale tnaker, 6 Bank street ·. Pilkinton John, writer & grainer, 72 New road

Nash Josiah, ginger beer, aerated & mineral water manu- l>inchfng Charles John, surgeon, 5 The Terrace
facturer, cork,patent bottles & syphons, 22 Harmer street ; }?inching Charles John Wrlliam, surgeon, & surgeon & ag;mt 1
1 to H.M. Coast Guard, 76 New road
& at 56 High street, Sevenoaks ·

Nash Stephen, baker, 28 Cutmore street Pitt John Charles, Kent P.H. 20 High street

Nash Thomas, scale maker, 67 New road . Pizzi Angelina (Miss), ladies' school, II Parrock street

National Amalgamated Seamen & Firemen's Union (John Plant Cornelius, beer retailer, LtJve lane, Milton road •

Degnin, sec.), Plimsoll house, The Terrace Pluck William, outfitter, 182 & 183 Windmill street

Nettleingham T.& F.corn & seed merchants, millers (steam) Plummer & Green (late T. H. Rost>), linen ,drapers, silk

&whartingers, Town flcmr mills, Union wharf, West street; mercers, dress & mantle manufacturers &: ladies' out·

& at Corn exchange, London c E fitters, 6o, 61 & 62 High street

New 'fhames Yacht Club (Henry Hansley, sec.), Clif~on Poole Josiah, boot maker, 152 Windmill street

Marine parade Porter Edward, shoe maker, 182 Parrock street

Newman George, grocer, 25 Milton road :Porter Henry Edward, accountant & general rent & debt
Newman George Frederick, pilot, Erith holm, Wrotham rd collector, 181 Parrock street; & at Grays, Essex
Newman Harriet Anne (Miss), actuary to savings bank, 33 rratti Ruggers, Clarendon hotel, Terrace gar.dens 1t ,

Harmer street Preddy-Charles Richard, pilot, 3 Wellington street

Newman Thos. landscape gardener, Laurel cot. White Hill rd Prisley Chas.chimney sweepr. & beer ret.14 & 63 Clarence st

Newman William, vestry clerk of St. George, 8 Sinclair Pritchard Joseph, prlot, I'r :ltast terrace

villas, Darnley road Public Hall Co. Limited (Theophilus Smith, sec.), New r_cl

Newman William, waterman, 5 Stuart road Purcell Edward, plumber, 28 Stone street

Nichol Bayes Carlos,Fisherman's Arms P.H.see Mills & Nichol Purcell Samuel, grocer, 159 Windmill street '

Nightingale William, builder, 2 Brandon street Pure Food Co. Limited (George Albert Waterton, managing

Nisbett Robert Innes, surgeon & consulting surgeon for director), grocers, provision dealers & confectioners,

Gravesend Hospital, The Eagles, Overcliffe Raphael road; Eas~ Milton

North Kent Permanent Benefit Building Society (H. A. Puttee David, baker, 9 Harmer street

Spain, sec.), 36 New road Puttick John, rag merchant, Church street

Notton Henry, hatter, 5 Berkley crescent & 40 High street Quaife James, insurance agent, 35 The Terrace

Nnnn Thomas, bricklayer, so Bath street Quest.ed (<'rank, greengrocer, I4 Union street

Obee John, plasterer, 48 Brunswick road Quilter Arthur, draper, 30 Queen street

Odell William, school attendance officer, 66 Wrotham road Quinton George, bookseller & stationer, 151 Milton road '

Offord Henry, wood turner, 47 Peacock street Rackstraw George, linen draper, see Bryant & Rackstraw
Orphans' Home (branch) (Miss Charlotte Sharman, lady Rackstraw ~aynam, bread & biscuit baker, 81 High street

superintendent), The Cedars, Overcliffe New road Rackstraw Josiah, plumber &c. 75 West street

Orrick Robert, pilot, 14 Prospect grove Radley William, boot & shoe maker, r8 Milton road

Osborne William, market gardener, r Shrubbery road Raine Thomas, pilot, Y4 The Terrace

Osmotherley Edward, shopkeeper, 45 Cutmore street Raine 'fhomas Casey, pilot, 40 Norfolk road

Osmotherley Ellen Miles (Miss), girls~ school, 34 Darp.ley st. Raine 'fhomas Hehry, pilot, 6 Prospect g-rove

Outred George Edward, butcher, 164 Windmill street Ramshaw Priscilla (Mrs.), tobacconist, 43 The Terrace

Owen Cordelia (Mrs.), tobacconist, 5 Milton road Raphael Lewis, farmer, Parrock farm

Owen Sarah (Mrs.), tailor, 3 The Terrace Raspison George, fishmonger, 24 West street

Oxley John, beer retailer, ~ Bentley street Rawlinson EllP.n Eliza (Mrs.), baby linen wareho. 4 Milton rl

Page Edward, haberdasher, 21 New road Rawlinson Thomas, linen draper, 8 Milton road

PageWilliam, pork butcher, 152 Parrock street Rayner, Kidwell & Hridgland, auctioneers, 16 New road· '

Page William Alfred, coal a""''ent, 13 .Darnley street Rayner Wllliam Henry, builder, St. James's road

K. S. & S. ·20•



Read Alfred, pilot, 95 Peacock street · Shead Charles Ezra, Five Bells P.H. 38 Queen street

Read Arthur, pilot, 2 Riversdale villas, Canal Sheaves Abraham, beer retailer, I50 Parrock street

Read Thomas, painter, May cottage, White Hill road • Shephard Thomas Holt, station master, L.C.& D.R. West st
Reader James, pilot, 6 Edwin street Shilling James Edward, greengrocer, 19 The Terrace

Reed John, shopkeeper, 8 Shrubbery road Short James Edward, butcher, 77A, High street

Reed William, carpenter, 43 Wellington street Shorter James & Son, linen drapers, I64 & 165 Parrock st

Reeves Thomas, fishmonger, I77 Windmill street Shorter Edward, baker, 12 The Terrace

Reynolds Thos. custom ho. examining oilier. I35 Parrock st Shotton John, iron founder, Harmer street

Rhodes Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I7 Augustine road Shrubsole James Edward, New Falcon family & commercial

Rhodes Thomas, pilot, Westerfield, Daruley road hotel, 87 West street

Richards Waiter, grocer, I65 Windmill street Shuffrey Albert, ironmonger, 84 High street

Riches Henry, tobacconist, I76 Windmill street Shuttlewood Thomas, fishmonger, IS West street

Richmond & Robbs, surgeons, I I6 Windmill street & The Siggs Caleb, upholsterer, I Trafalgar road

Grange, Pelham Toad Silvester Georg~>. shopkeeper, I38 Parrock street

Richmond Onslow Robert L.R.c.P.Lond, surgeon, & medical Simes Frederick Walt-er, corn dealer, 7IA, New road

officer to the workhouse, see Richmond & Robbs Simmonds George, beer retailer, 43 Queen street
• Simmonds Henry, linen draper, 68 & 69 High street

Ricketts Edmund, butcher, 30 High street

Rider Ann Eliza (Miss), ladies' school, 6 Berkley crescent Simmons James T. commission agent, 87 Peacock street

Ridgway Alfd.secondhand bookseller,3Union st.& 22 West st Simons David J. beer retailer, 44 The Terrace ·

Ridings William, shopkeeper, 3 Bank street Simons James, beer retailer, 29 Cutmore street

Ridley Edith (Miss), greengrocer, 76 Bath street Simpson John, Old Falcoln commercial & family hotel;

Rimington Samuel Finch, custom house officer, 3 Primrose long celebrated for fish dinners, East street

terrace, Shrubbery road Singer Manufacturing Co. (branch), sewing machine makers

Riome Henry, carman & contractor; furniture removed in (George Turner, manager), 174 Parrock street

covered vans by road or rail ; estimates free ; furniture Sivey James, taxidermist, 4 Union street

bought or exchanged, 29 Princes street & 170 Parrock st Skegg EdwardAlbert, paperhanger, u Windmill street

Robbs Charles Edward B ..A.., M.B., surgeon, see Rich- Skilleter William, confectioner, 22 High street

mond & Robbs Skinner Josiah, fishmonger, 6 West street

Roberts Frederick George William, grocer, 3 East Milton Skinner William John, coach builder, Victoria avenue~

Roberts George Henry, inspector of police, 12 Milton place Windmill street & Princes street

Robips Edward Winter, watch maker, 24 Berkley road Slade James Henry, The Albion P.H. 59 High street

Robinson George, shoeing forge, see Gillis & Robinson Smedley George B- manager of Gas Co. Canal basin

Robinson John Walker, painter & glazier, 57 New road Smith Albert Gordon M,S,A. architect, I Darnley street

Robinson William, boot & shoe maker, 65 New road Smith Alfred, pilot, 4 Park place

Roche James, inland revenue officer, 86 Windmill street Smith Alfred Martin, coffee rooms, 78 West street

Roeber Oscar, bottle beer merchant, 6 Stone street Smith Charles Hooper, boys' school, I Peacock street &

Ronaldson Arthur, ruler of pilots, Terrace pier Sunnyvale, Old Sun road

Roue Thomas, insurance supt. 4 St. Andrew's, Singlewell rd Smith Edgar P. pilot, 2 White Hill road

Rose John & Co. clothiers & outfitters, 7I & 72 High street Smith Ernest, grocer, I43 Parrock street

Rose George, beer retailer, ISO Milton road Smith Evans, surgeon, 46 Harmer street

Ross William, draper, 13 New road Smith George, outfitter, 3 West street

Roswell William, boot & shoe maker, 61 Clarence street Smith George Mence, oil & color man, 45 High street

Rough Henry Thomas, shopkeeper, 5 & 6 Church street Smith Hannah Maria (Miss), shopkeeper, 30 John street

Row Henry George, pilot, 6 Terrace street Smith Henry, draper, 2 King street

Row Henry Richard, pilot, 22 Darnley street Smith Henry, tailor & general outfitter, 30 & 31 New road

Row John, pilot, 6 Sunbury villas, Darnley road Smith Herbert, grocer, I Carlisle terrace, Old road

Row John Charles, pilot, 70 Edwin street Smith James, master mariner, Benrinnes, Portland road

Rox.berry James, waterman, 32 Terrace Smith John, boat builder, Canal

Rox.berry William Richard, pilot~ I4 East street Smith Philip, Phcenix. P.H. 8 & 9 Albion terrace

Russell Charles, china riveter, 4 Union street Smith Robert Hayes, newsvendor, 3 Railway place

Russell John, brewer & maltster, West Street brewery Smith Tom, grocer & provision dlr. 18 King st. &29 Queen st

• Sailors' Home (branch) (Chas. Mercer, supt.),Commercial pl Smith William Henry, plumber, 28 Queen street

St. George's Institute & Mission (Rev. Robert Joynes M.A. Smither Bros. printers, fancy depot & stationers, 3 Milton rd

hon. sec.), I4 Church street Smoker George & Co. hatters, 49 High street

Salt Thomas, beer retailer, I68 Parrock street Sneezum Elizabeth (Mrs.), stationer, 38 New road

SANDFORD E. A. &. H. mechanical & marine engineers, Soderberg Marie (Mrs.), Queen's Arms P.H. I58 Windmillst

boiler makers & iron & brass fndrs. &c. Thames iron wrks Solomon John, sheriff's officer for Kent, Marion, Old road

Sandford George, pilot, River view, Parrock road Solomon Lewis,undertaker,7r Newrd.; &2 TheHill,Northflt

Sandford Thomas George, pilot, The Elms, Parrock road Sopp Francis, assistant school attendance officer, Church st

Sandford William, pilot, 6o Parrock street South of England Telephone Co. Exchanget 36 New road

Sands Albert William, fancy draper, 74 High street Spain Alfred & Son, auctioneers, surveyors & estate agentsy

Saunders John Chas. Heath, boot & shoe maker, 70 High st 36 New road ; & at 52 High street, Rochester

Saunders Thomas, musical instrument ma. 136 Windmill st Spain & King, grocers, 28 The Terrace & 41 New road

Savage William John, pilot, 18 Prospect grove Sparrow Thomas & Henry, greengrocers, I I High street

Savings Bank (Miss Harriet Anne Newman, actuary), 33 Sparrow John Joseph, pilot, 4 Edwin street

Harmer street Speight Richard, fly proprietor, I5 Victoria place, Stone Richard, Windmill tavern, Shrubbery road street & 6A1 Windmill street
Schultz M. E. commission agent, see James & Schultz Spencer Edward Francis, greengrocer, I7 Peppercroft street

Schultz Thos. wholesale provision merchant, 26 Harmer st Spicer Thomas, florist, St. James's road

Scott George & John, fish curers, Robert street,Wakefield st Sprado Madame, teacher of music, u8 Windmill street

Scott Arthur Harry, watch maker, 34 New road Squire Thomas J. shoe maker, 21 Walrefield street

Scott George Augustus, law stationer, 3S Windmill street Stanley George Robert, pilot, I The Grove

Scott James, beer retailer, 6 Railway place Stapley Ann (Mrs.), greengrocer, 66 New road

Scott John, shopkeeper, Range road Stapley Thomas, tobaceonist, 59 New road

Scott Walter, grocer, I5S Parrock. street S~andish Charles, artist, 4 Prospect grove, Milton road

Scott William, fishmonger, I4 West street Stannard Francis, coffee house, 47 The Terrace

Seager William, furniture dealer, I32 Milton road Starbuck John & Robert, ship chandlers, 73 & 74 West st

Seale Henry, stay maker, 20 New road Steel John, stone & marble mason, 84 New road

Selfe James Melbourne, watch maker, 70 New road Stephens Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 70 Bath street

Selmes George, coffee palace, so New road Stephenson Frederick, fruiterer, 14 High street & mineral

Selves Samuel, greengrocer, 203 Parrock street water maker, I & 2 Bank street

Shade Arthur John, baker, 20 Queen street Stephenson Henry, pilot & tug owner, I Harmer street

Shadick Thomas, leather cutter, 48 Wakefield street Stevenson Stanley Charles, house decorator, 78 Windmill st

Sharland & Hatten, solicitors & clet"ks to Northfleet local Stibbs Edward John, pilot, 16 Harmer street

board &c. Court house, King street Stickings ArthurJoseph,saddler&harness ma.43 Wakefieldrd

Sharland George Edward (firm,Sharland & Hatten),solicitor, Stirton John Anderson, milliner, 25 King street

town clerk, clerk of the peace, & clerk to the urban sani- Stocker Catherine (Mrs.), confectioner, 25 West street

tary authority, joint registrar & high bailiff of county Stone Thomas & Co. furnishing ironmongers, engineers,

court, commissioner for oaths, Court house, King street copper smiths, iron & brass founders & ship smiths, 15

Sharman Charles Richard, chemist & druggist, 2 New road High street & Town foundry

Sharp & Collins, tailors, 5 High street Stone George, pilot, 30 Terrace street
• Stone William, master mariner, 70 Peacock street
Shaw Henry, baker, I79 Windmill street


Stonbam John, market gardener, Alfred cot. White Hill rd Wallis Edmund, builder, see Multon·& Wallis •

Strange George, china dealer, 31 Queen street Wallis James, White Post tavern, Pelham road

Strange George, greengrocer, 8 Terrace street Wallis Thomas Martin, Bat & Ball P.H. 6o Wrotham road

Stratford Charles, pilot, 2I Milton place Waiter Harry, Three Crowns P.H. 82 West street

Strickland L. & Co. bedstead & bedding manufacturer, Hall Waiter Henry, clothier, 64 High street

of Commerce, I & 2 Stone street Waiter James, fishmonger, 3~ High street

Stringer Wilham, butcher, 49 Arthur street Waiter James, lock keeper, Canal

Stroud John, fishmonger, 36 Clarence street Waiter James, jun. shell fishmonger, 177 Windmill street

Sullivan Georg-e, waterman, I Norfolk road Waiter Samuel Thomas, fruiterer, 5 Town pier

Summers Frederick, Hit or Miss P.H. Clifton Marine parade Waiter Thomas, Privateer P.H. 86 West street

3ummersWm.Hy.commission agt.14 Wolseley ter.Pelham rd Waiter William Hayward, cab proprietor, Stone street

~unnncks Stephen, jun. (firm, Lake &Sunnucks), land agent Waiters Harriett Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 25 Be-rkley rd

& assistant onrseer to Strood union district, 24 High st Waple Albert, watch maker & jeweller, I Farringdon street

~urr Mary (Mrs.), boys' school, 1 Woodville terrace Ware John Thomas, insurance agent, 16 Peacock street

~urrey&CommercialDockCo. (G. E. Bulmer,agt. ), Terrace pier Warner Henry, gasfitter, II Wilfrid street

~utton &Co. railway carriers (PeterPearce,agt. ),52Ar1!hur st Warner William, boat builder, 5 East street

~affer Frank, builder, Fern lea, Old road Warren Joyce Sarah (Mrs.), milliner, 23 Windmill str!let

~wann George, french polisher, 36 Parrock street Waterman & Co. confectioners, So High st. & 18o Windmill st

lwift Edward, stone mason, Darnley road & 4 Darnley street Waterman Henry, carpenter, 2 Ighfield villas, White Hill rd

radhunter Richard, pilot, 13 Berkley road Waters Alfd. general dlr. 28 Westst.&fruiterer, 7 & 8 King st

ralbutt Clara & Lottie (Misses), school, Havelock villa, St. Waters Alfred Edward, juu. greengrocer, Windmill street
James' road
Waters Alfred Hall, leather se!Jer, 27 Stone street

Tansley George, pilot, 29 The Terrace Waters Edward, shipping agent, 43 West street

Targett John, pilot, Guernsey villa, Singlewell road Waters Fred, draper I61, & milliner I63, Wmdmill street

Taylor Edward, baker, 2 West street Waters George, coffee rooms, 8 Clarence street

Taylor Frederick Samuel,custom house officer,21 Windmill st W1ters John, boat builder, Thames terrace

~aylor James Henry, tailor, 34 East terrace Waters William, linen draper, IA, & 2A, Windmill street

TaylorJane (Mrs.), dress maker, 83Edwinstreet Watkins Thomas, pilot, 17 Milton place

Taylor Joseph Edwin, hair dresser, 6 Clarence street Watson Frederick, music seller, I6I Parrock street

Taylor Margaret (Mrs.), coffee rooms, 8 Somerset street Watson Gilmore Leigh, cooper, Manor road
'Taylor Robert Frtlderick, tobacconist, 14 King street
Watson Henry, beer retailer, 62 New road

Taylor Waiter, confectioner, 12 King street Watson John L. florist & seedsman, sole proprietor of the

'Taylor Waiter Robert, picture frame maker, :a Windmill st celebrated collection of seeds & plants as advertised,

Taylor William, grocer, 17 Russell street Manor road

'Teece Frederick, outfitter, 13 King street Watson Maria (Mrs.), florist & servants' registry office,

Terrace Pier (Jesse Lukes, pier master) Manor road

Terry David James, saddler & harness maker, I2 New road Watts Mary E. (Mrs.), Star hotel, 32 Parrock street

'Terry Isabella (Miss), ladies' school, 56 Cobham street Webb Henry, Ordnance Arms P.H. I Queen street

Theobald Jacob Thomas, dairy, I2 West street Webbe Arthur Edward, news agent, I54 Windmill street

Thilthorpe Samuel, confectioner, I2 Milton road Webber William Charles, pilot, I2 l''arrock street

'Thomas John, carpenter, 63 Parrock street Webster Edwin Payne, bookseller, printer, fancy repository,

Thomas Mary (Mrs.), cork cutter, 56 Peppercroft street stationer & publisher of Webster's Year Book & Directory,

'Thompson J oseph, hair dresser, 16 West street 65 High street, & Boro' printing works, Princess street

Thompson Josiah Joseph, clothier, I6, 19 & 20 King street Weeks Winfred, Prince Alfred P.H. 89 West street •

& linen draper, 28 Milton road Welch Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 43 Bath street

'Thorndike James, tobacconist, 8 High street Wellard Thomas Wm. Wellington Arms P.H. I x Wellington st

Tidby John William, beer retailer, 77 Windmill street Wells Albert, baker, 47 New road

Todd Anne (Mrs.), picture frame maker, I Bank street Wells George, India Arms P.H. 70 West street

Tolhurst, Lovell & Clinch, solicitors, 77 New road Wells Thomas, tailor, 42 Harmer street

Tolhurst Alfred (finn, Tolhurst, Lovell & Clinch), solicitor Wenham William, cabinet maker, 22 Princess street

Tollhurst Charles, butcher, 9A, West street West George, bricklayer, 39 Bath street

'Tomlin Mary Ann Rebecca (Mrs.), Fountain P.H.The Terrace West John, marine store dealer, 4 & 5 Princes street

'l'ong Hannah (Mrs.), Old King's Head P.H. 9 King street West Lionel John, shopkeeper, 40 Wellington street

Town Hall, High street West Samuel, shopkeeper, 9 Queen street

Town George, Grapes P.H. I53 :Milton road Westbrooke Alfred, beer retailer, 4 High street

'l'ownsend George, beer retailer, 4 Crooked lane Weston James, beer retailer, Canal

Tracey George, master mariner, 7 Stuart road Wheeldon Richard, Temperance hotel, 8 Berkley crescent

Trendall William, printer, II King street Wheeler Mary Ann (Miss), dress maker, 4 Zion place

Troughton William Henry, solicitor, 16 New road Whiddett Frederick, beer retailer, 9 Terrace street

'True Joseph G. master mariner, 54 Edwin street Whiffen David, Mitre commercial hotel & posting ho. King st

'Tryon Egerton Edward, commission agent, 42 The Terrace Whiskin Daniel, tailor, 32 Terrace street

Tudhope A. coal factor Whitcombe Philip, surgeon, & surgeon to Gravesend police

Tnffee Edwin & Charles, carmen & contractors, 24 Stone st force, 31 Harmer street

Th:l'fee William, builder, so Parrock street & The Grove White Frederick, shipping agent, 24 Milton place

Tulk Joshua George Lemon, clothier, 5 & 6 King street White Frederick Horace, waterman, 6 Peacock street

Tunbridge Fanny (Mrs.), baker, 41 High street White Robert, mineral water manufacturer, I3 Church st

Turner Richard, livery stables, 38.&, Queen street White Susannah (Mrs.), Half Moon P.H. I3 Bentley street

Turner William, butcher, 7 High street White William, coffee rooms, I High street

Turrell Paul, tailor, 12 Princes street Whitebread Ellen (Miss), shopkeeper, 73 Edwin street

Twine George, coffee & dining rooms, 2 Harmer street .Whitehead James, Brunswick Arms P.H. Brunswick road

• Tyler Sophia (Mrs.), confectioner, IO New road Whitehouse Solomon, upholsterer, I79 Parrock street

Underdown Hamlet, custom house officer, 89 Wellington st Whittaker David, coffee house, I8I Windmill street ·

United Canal Coal Co.Lim.(Thos.Simmonds,sec.)Canal basin Whittaker Thomas, pilot, 21 St. John's road, Milton

Upson John, boot & shoe maker, 32 New road . Wickenden John, leather seller, 62 Queen street

Upton Solomon, Sun inn, 46 New road Wilder Thomas, plumber &c. 8 Harmer street

Valentini Ezecehiele, confectioner, 27 High street Wilks William & Edward, stone masons, Old road

Veryard William, chief officer of coast guard, IO The Grove Willard John, greengrocer, 8 Bentley street

Victoria Wine Co. (branch), 169 Windmill street Williams Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 54 Arthur street

Vincent James Thomas, pilot, I Constitution hill Williams Henry, pilot, 15 Harmer street

Vincent Thomas, greengrocer, 155 Windmill street Williamson Walter, hair dresser, So New road

Vineett Herbert, beer retailer, 38 South Hill road Willimont Henry Howlett, gasfitter, 27 & 28 Princes street

Vineett John Hh·am, baker, 25 Stone street Willis George Thos. tallow chandler, see Crowhurst & Willis

Waite Ada (Miss), toy dealer, 78 Windmill street WillisJohnNathaniel,photographer,Manorrd.&8Windmillst

Wakefield John, coffee rooms, 72 West street Willis William Henry, refreshment rooms, I6o Windmill st

Wakeford Charles, hair dresser, 3 Town pier Willmott John, pilot, 73 Parrock street

Walden Joseph, pilot, 6 Whitehall place Willoughby & Son, auctioneers, surveyors, valuers, house,

Walker Alexander (trustees of t.he late), family ale & porter estate & emigration agents &c.; -agents for the National

brewery, Wellington brewery . Provident Clerks' & Atlas Fire offices, Accident Insurance

Walker George, government contractor for horses, Woolston, Co. & Guardian Plate Glass Assurance Cos. I7 King

Overclifle; .t Team yard at Old Brompton, Chatham street; sale room, II Harmer street; & at Grays, Essex

Walker James, pilot, 25 Prospect place Willis Alfred Thomas, master mariner, Edit.h villa, Old road

Wallia William & Edward, carpenters, Pelham road Willson Herbert, Old Prince of Orange P.H. Old road



Wilmott William, butcher, 79A. New road WOODFORD HENRY GORHAM, wine & spirit merchant,

Wilson Charles, custom house offieer1 13 Peacock street. .agent for Roberts' Capsule Stopper Co.'s mineral wateM! &c.
Wilson Henry, veterinary surgeon, I Darnley road
q6 Milton road ·,

Windiate Annie (MiSI'l), confectioner, Clarenee place Woodward Richard James, bticklayer, 44 Wrotham.road

Winepress Thomas1 Lion P.H. 70 Parroek street Worns George Wallet:, gasfitter, Manor road

Winnett Thomas Bla'cer, house agent & llPllectQf of assessed Wright Frederick Thomas, tailor, Br New road

taxes & poor rates, 6 The Grove ll Wyatt John, pilot, I St. John's road

Winter Henry & Co. coal merchants, West street · Wyatt Waiter John, carpenter, 79 Windmill street
qWiseman Ebenezer Hy. chemist & druggist, 152 Milton
Wynn William, King of Prussia P.H. 4 East street.

Wollett Robert Henry, grocer, 35 New road Yare Robert Jones, master mariner, Farringdon street ,

Wood George & Son, brewers, Gravesend brewery, East st Yonwin William, gasfitter, 122 Milton road ·

Wood Daniel, master mariner, 2 Albert viis. White Hill rd. Young Mary {Miss), greengrocer, 133 J;>arrock street

Wood Edward, pilot~ 5 Milton place Young Victor Edward Lambton, estate agent, 9 Milton road

Wood John, grocer, ro9 Milton road Young Women's Christian Association (Mrs. L. M.

Wood William, fishmonger, 3l West street more, sec.), 36 Windmill street

GREENHITHE is an ecclesiastical parish, formed Thomas Bevan esq. of Stone and S. C. Umfreville esq. The

January 13th, 1857• from the civil parishes of Swanscombe soil is gravel; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are, wheat.

and Stone, near Dartford. situated on the Thames, with a peas, fruit and hops. The population in r88x was r,870.

' station on the North Kent section of the South Eastern rail- PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-

. way, 20 miles from London, 4 west from Gravesend and II Charles Barnes, postmaster. Letters direct from London,

north-west from Rochester, in the North Western division delivered at 6 & ro.3o a. m. & 5.30 p.m. ; dispatched at

of the county, Axton hundred, lathe of Button-at-Hone, 9.50 a.m. 3.30 p.m. & 8.15 p.m.; sundays, 8 p.m

unionr petty sessional division and county court district of PosT OFFICE, The Terrace.-Mrs. Theresa Ellen Evans.

Dartford, rural deanery of Gravesend, and archdeaconry receiver. Letters delivered from Greenhithe P. 0. ; dis-

and diocese of Rochester. The parish is lighted with. gas, patched at9.20 a.m. 2.50 & 7.50 p.m; sundays, :u.roa.m

supplied by the Northfleet Gas Company. The church of WALL LETTER Box.-Ingress Abbey, cleared at~ ~~o.m. 12.15

St. Mary, erected in 1856, and situated on an eminence, is & 5.20 p.m. ; sundays, 8 a.m ,

a building of stone in the Decorated style, consisting of The ''Worcester" training ship, usually known as the

chancel, nave of four bays, aisles, south porch, and a western "'fhames Nautical Training College," lies otf this parish;

hell cot containing one bell: there are seven memorial win- 155 pupils, sons of gentlemen only, between the age of 11

dows: the church was thoroughly restored "nd re-decorated & 16 years, can be received; this institution is managed

in ·r883, and will seat about 500 persons, 350 sittings being by a committee of London shipowners, merchants & cap-

free. The register dates from the year r856. The living is ,a tains ; Sir G. H. Chambers kt. chairman, 4 Mincing lane

rectory, yearly value, tithe rent-charge £rso, and £35 E c: the Board of Trade allow that two years passed on

• from pew-rents, in the gift of Sidney Sussex College, Cam- board this ship shall cou11t as one year's sea service; the

bridge, and held since 1884 by the Rev. John Rhodes , Admiralty annually give a cadetship in the Royal Navy &

Hughes M. A. of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. A six commissions as mid~<hipmen in the Royal Naval Re-

Catholic church and monastery, dedicated to Our Lady of serve; a gold medal is granted annually by H.M. the

Mount Carmel, were erected here in :J:874• but the monastery, Queen; W. M. Bullivant, hon. sec. 72 Mark lane, London

occupied up to the year r88o by an order of Franciscan Thames Nautical College, H.M.S. "Worcester," Captain J.

Capuchins, was vacated in that year and is now used as the Henderson Smith R.N.R. commander; .Augustus Clark,

residence of the priest: the church is a brick building, con- chief officer; Sylvester Richmond .M.D. surgeon; R. C.

sisting of chancel and nave, and will seat about 300 persons: Buck, head schoolmaster

the Rev. Father l\IcKenna is the resident priest. Here are The training ships "Arethusa" & " Chichester," for the

Wesleyan and Congregational chapels. The village Club and reception of boys uncomicted of crime, also lie off here;

Hall were built in 1883, by R. S. Dunbar esq. of Eagle Cliff; they contain on an average 190 boys, & are supported by

the large hall will seat 300 persop.s and there is a library of voluntary contributions; the present " Chichester," a

r,soo volumes and a reading room. The Congregationalists brigantine of 120 tons, makes weekly cruises during the

hold services here on Sunday evenings and also use the hall summer &.has replaced a mueh larger vessel of the same

as a Stinday school. Here are whiting, brick, chalk and name

lime works, belonging to J. C. Gostling and Co. Limited, H.M.SS. "Arethusa •• & "Chichester/' Captain Georga
and some market gardens. Within view of the river is In- I Osborn Moore R.N. commander; James Ellis, chief officer;
gress Abbey, an elegant structure in the Tudor Gothic style, Sylvester Richmond M.D. surgeon; S. 0. Gibson, head

built of stone from Old London Bridge by the late Alder-! schoolmaster

man Harmer, on the site of a former mansion which was the National School, erected in 187o, for 350 children; average

residence of Queen Caroline; the grounds are well wooded; 1 attendance, 145; Josiah Ralphs, master i Miss Elizabeth

the present proprietor is Samuel Charles Umfreville esq. .-r. P. 1 Hickson, mistress

The principal landowners are James Colyer Fergusson esq. Railway Etation, Henry Vi·ood, station master

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Snell RobertCharles, The Warren Greenhithe Goal Co.(J. G.Smiles,sec.).

Arnold Waiter, Haslington 'fait Misses, 20 The Terrace coal merchants

Aspinall Rev.Jn. [Cong. ], 2 The Terrace Thompson ViucPnt, 3 The Terrace Heath Thomas, shopkeeper ~

Austin Thomas Geoffrey, Laurel house Umfreville Sl. Chas. J. P. Ingress abbey Jarmin William George, grocer

Bishop Ralph Morland, St. Hilda's Urquhart Samuel Henry, 8 The Terrace Judd William Abraham, barge owner

Brewer Gilbert Devon, J; Ingress villas Vinck Mrs. Ancuba house l & lighterman

Burrowes Henry William, Wharncliffe Wailer Alfred Mortimer, n The Terrace Junior Thames Yaoht Club (William

Drummond John Nelson, 9 The Terrace Waller George, Parkwood villas l Wilson, sec.), Pier hotel
Duke Arthur, ~ Ingress villas-
Waiter Arthur Howard, 24 The Terrace Keep Alfred H. barge owner & builder,

Dnnbar Robert Swan, Eagle cliff Watsrm Charles H. The Mount I yacht repairer,sailmaker&wharfinger,

Fradgley John Winter Miss, Oak house 1 The Wharf •

Glover Arthur, In!!ress house WybP.r Wjlham. 12 The Terrace 1Kent Conservative Association, Green·
Head Waiter GeorQ-e, Ingress cliff
COMMERCIAL. I .hithe district (T. H. Bush, agent)

Hickson Mrs. 6 The Terrac9 . BarnesChas.grocer,Post office; agent for Lane ..Ann (Mrs.);basket maker

Hope George Fo,mtain. The .Anchorage W. & A. Gilbey, wine & sptrit mers I Lockyer Robert, contractor & plumber

Hoyle John, Chff house Barnes Geo. Ingram, baker & confctnr ! Lyon Henry. Pier hotel

Hughes Rev. John Rhodes M.A. [rector], Burdes Thomas Richard, carpenter 1MargraveEnoch,otlicer in H.M.cust{)ms,

The Terrace Bush Thomas, house agent J x Elm villas

Ingall William Drew, Glenbrook Carter Thomas, hair dresser Mills John, grocer & draper

Jarvis Thomas Henry, Eli1..aheth villa Col!ins William, boot maker Moody Alfred, basket maker

J ndd William Abraham, 2 Elm villas Costme Maria (Mrs.), grf:'engrocer Moss Henry, grocer & baker

McKenna Rev. Patrick [Catholic} Cox Ed'fin Jnseph, chemist I Moss Herbert Arthur, ginger beer mfr

McMullen Rd. Turrell, l The Terrace Crouch W1lliam, pier master, boat Munns William, butcher

Margrave Enoch, r Elm villas .<lwner .& waterrnan 1 ~ettleingham William, wheelwright

Martin Mi;;ses, 7 Thll Terrace Dierden Wm. contractor & corn mer ! Nixon William, shopkeeper ·

Meet's William Sirnmons, Ingress lodge Du.rrant 'fhomas, butcher f Phillips Edwud, hair dresset"

Noble Edwa.rd, Glenavon Evans 'l'beresa. (Mrs.), Post offiee ~ Reynolds William Jn. White Hart P.R

Reindorp Joh11 Edmond Eales George, boat owner & waterman Richmond Sylvester M. D. surgeon. &

Richmond Sylvester M.D Elgar Jane (lVlissh fancy draper medical officer. medical officet of

Roberts Edward ,Arthur, Woodlands Gilham George, fishmonger health k public vaccinator, 4th dis·

Sanders James Gostling John Cubitt & Co. Limited . trict, Dartford unioll

Smith William1 Home Mead (James Sanders, manager), cement, Rot' William, boot maker

Smythe Francis Vernon, 5 The Terrace whiting & brick manufacturers Roe William John, Railway hotel

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