Oxford, Hon. Canon of Canterbury Cathed.ral, Proctor in I843, is an edifice of Kentish rag, in the Early English style,
Com•ocation for the Diocese, Rural Dean of Dcwer, and consisting of chancel, nave, aisles and a turret at the south-
surrogate. west angle containing one bell: the church was restored in
The modern church of St. James, in l\'Iaison Dieu road, is 1884 at a cost of £r,oso: there are about r,25o sittings,
a building in the Decorated style, erected near the old 500 of which arc free. The register dates from the year
church, at a cost of £12,000, and consists of chancel, nave I843· The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £350, with
of four bays, aisles, south porch and a tower at the north- residence, in the gift of trustees, and held since 1884 by the
west angle with pinnacles and a lofty stone spire and con- Rev. George Everard M.A. of St. John's CollPge, Cambridge.
taining 6 bells: there are I,4oo sittings, about 700 being free. The income arises from a small endowment and pew rents.
The register dates from the year I594· The living is a The area is 453 acres; the population in I88I was 5,429,
rectory, net yearly value £350, with residence, in the gift of but has since increased to about 6,ooo.
the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since r885 by the The Catholic Church dedicated to St. Paul, in Maison
Rev. Algernon Howell Smith M.A. of Caius College, Cam- Dieu road, was erected in r868, at a cost of about £3.500,
bridge. and has about 450 sittings. The General Baptist chapel, in
The old church of St. J ames the Apostle, St. J ames's Adrian street, was built in r82o, on the site of one erected
street, was formerly the parish church, but since the erec- in 1643, and has between 350 and 400 sittings: the registers
tion of the church in l\'Iaison Dieu road has been used as a of this chapel date from I730.
chapel of ease : it is an ancient structure of rough flints, in St. John's l\'Iariners' Church, Blenheim square, has 6oo
the Norman and Early English styles, and consists of sittings; the Rev. John Richard Martin is the minister.
chancel, with south aisle, vestry, and a low tower with The Friends' meeting house is in Queen street. Zion Con-
turret between the nave and chancel containing one bell: gregational chapel, in Queen street, was first built in 1705.
the western doorway is Norman, but of a rude character ; and has about 450 sittings. The Congregational chapel,
there is another Norman doorway, now dosed, on the nvrth, Hussell street, was erected in I8 38, and has sittings for 450
with spiral shafts and ornamented eapitals ; internally the persons. The Wesleyan chapel, Snargate street, erected in
tower has a stone grained roof, but the east and west arches I834, in place of the chapel built in 176o, in Queen Elizabeth
supporting it are Pointed and are enriched with chevron square, has between 500 and 6oo sittings, and the Centenary
work: the church was restored in I869. Wesleyan chapel in Buckland, built in I839, will seat about.
Holy Trinity district was formed June 4th, IB4I, out of the same number. Salem Baptist chapel, in Biggin street~
the parishes of St. J ames and St. Mary. The church is a erected in I84o, has 500 sittings. The Jews' synagogue is
building in the Gothic style, erected in 1833 at a cost of in NorLham pton street, and will hold I 30 persons.
[7,973, and consists of chancel and nave, with a bell cot at St. Mary's cemetery, formed in I835, on the slopa of the
the south-west. angle containing one bell: there are several hill, has a mortuary chapel ; there is another cemetery of C}
stained windows : there are about 900 sittings. The regis- acres for St. Mary's on Copt hill, consecrated in x87o, with
ters date from the year I854· The living is a vicarage, net two mortuary chapels; both cemeteries are under the con~
yearly value £26o, with residence, in the gift of the Arch- trol of a burial board of 9 members.
bishop of Canterbury, and held since 1886 by the Rev. Charlton cemetery, of about ro acres, with two mortuary
George Sarson M.A. of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge. chapels, was consecrated in IB72.
The population in I88I was 3,915, but the boundary was ex- St. James' cemetery, situated in Charlton and covering-·
tended in 1885 so as to include abont r,ooo more people. 8 acres, was consecrated in I86o, and has two mortuary-
The church of St. Andrew, Euckland, originally built by chapels.
the monks of Dover Priory, probably as early as II35 1 is an Buckland cemetery of 5 acres, has I mortuary chapel.
edifice of stone, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south Each of the three preceding cemeteries is under the con-
porch and a western turret containing 3 bells : the columns trol of a burial board of 9 members.
of the arcade are part of the ancient edifice, but the arches The Benedictine priory of St. Martin was founded in II39
were added about I 16o: the west wall to the base of the by Archbishop Corboyle and in II49 by his successor,
bell turret is Early English and was erected probably about Theobald; the Early Decorated gateway, refectory and Early
I22D-I230, while the chancel is a specimen of the best period English guest house, are now occupied by the Dover College.
of the Early Decorated (I320-135o) ; the chancel retains a There are 35 almshouses, founded by the Corporation in
piscina and an aumbry, now usecl as a creclence ; the church I824, for aged and decayed persons belonging to the
was carefully restored and re-seated in 185r and the chancel borough; the yearly income of the charity is now about £240,
re-arranged and decorated in the year r868 : and in 188o, derived from ground rents, nominal rents of the almshouses,
the west wall was removed and the nave lengthened by the rents of lancls, and dividends on Consols belonging to the
addition of three bays ; in order to accomplish this the charity.
ancient yew tree, said to be r,2oo years old, hacl to be trans- There are also almshouses founded by the late Mrs. Susan
planted; and it now stands in a position similar to that it Gorely, and erected in the year I877 for 20 aged persons,
originally occupied outside the west door of the old church, each of whom receives 2s. 6d. weekly.
having been moved a distance of 56 feet: there are 500 sit- The charities belonging to St. James' parish, are Bean's
tings, all being free and unappropriated: in r886 a new charity of £6 yearly, distributed in bread ; Dawke's charity
organ was added by subscription, at a cost of upwards of of £2 yearly, distributed in bread; Lady Boothby's charity,
[I,ooo. The register dates from the year I577· The at present distributed in February every year in sums of
living is a vicarage, yearly value from tithe rent-charge 3s. 6d. each, to about 8o poor persons ; Fector's charity of
[342, with residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Can- 9s. each to six widows, given yearly in December ; Phillips•
terbury, and held since I874 by the Rev. Turbervrlle Evans charity of clothing and coal to the value of £2 each to IO
M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford. seamen's widows, also given yearly in December; nnd
The church of SS. Peter and Paul, Charlton, is an unpre- Atherden's charity of 5 guineas to five widows, given usually
tending cruciform structure of flint ami brick, consisting of in January.
chancel, nave, transepts, west porch, and a small turret The charities belonging to St. Mary's are in the hands of
over the south transept containing one bell : th(l church was the Charity Commissioners.
re-arranged and decorated in rB74 at a cost of about £300: The Dover Hospital, High street, was established as &
there are sittings for about 350 persons. The register of dispensary in 1828 and as a hospital in r85I and contains 28
baptisms and burials dates from the year I7I5 ; marriages beds ; there is a yearly average of 4,320 out-patients and
from r69o. The Jiving is a rectory, tithe rent-charge £ 93• xor in-patients. The hospital is supported by voluntary
net yearly value £3oo, with resilience, in the gift of Keble contributions.
College, Oxford, and held since I889 by the Rev. Sidney The Uover Cottage Hospital, Tower Hamlets, was estab-
Faithhorn Green M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. The lished in r87r, for the treatment of persons suffering or
populAtion of the district in I88r was 47017. recovering from infectious diseases, and contains 40 beds.
The ecclesiastical district of St. Bartholomew was formed The National Sailors' Home and Refuge for shipwrecked
December 18, 1877, from Char! ton parish: the church, sailors of every nation, erected in Blenheim square in IB55,
situated in London road, is an edifice of stone in the Early has a free reading room and library ; since the opening 690
English style, consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave of five wrecked crews of various nations have been sheltered here,
bays, aisles and transepts: the east and west windows and consisting altogether of 6, Io6 persons : the endowment fund
others are stained: there are 76o sittings, all being free. has been augmented by several legacies : in front of the-
The register dates from the year r879. The living is a Home is a Russian mortar, taken at Irango, Finland, and
vicarage, yearly value £2oo, with residence, in the gift of presented to the Home by Admiral Sir W. H. Ha11 K.C.B-
Keble College, Oxford, and held since 1B86 by the Rev. and the officers and crew of H.l\'I. ship '' Jllenheim."
Andrew Lewis Jukes M.A. of Trin.ity College, Cambridge. The Gordon Boys' Orphanage was founded in I884 by Mr_
The population in r88r was 2,666. Thomas Blackrnan for lads who have lost one or both
Christ Church i_s an ecclesiastical parish, formed in IB44 parents, and at present contains 66 lads and 20 at a branch
from the civil parish of Hougham : the church, situated in at Twickenham. It is supported by voluntary contribu
Folkestone road, within the borough of Doyer and built in tions. The Victoria Seaside Orphans' Rests, was founded in
K, S, & S. 14*
1882 by Mr. Thomas Blackman, for the purpose of giving a Cinque Ports. From the castle a fine view is obtained over
fortnight's change to boys and girls in homes and industrial the neighbouring part of Kent. Queen Elizabeth's" Pocket
schools and to destitute children from the Metropolis and pistol," which stands here, is a cannon, 24 feet long, pre-
its environs; in 1889, I,O<Jo children were received; it is sented to that queen by the States of Holland. The ancient
also supported by voluntary contributions.· church of St. Mary, within the castle precincts and adjoin.
The Soldiers' Home, in Snargate street, consists of reading ing the pharos, now used as the garrison church, is generally
and recreation rooms and is for the use of non-commissioned believed to be a Romano-British work: it was restored by
officers and soldiers of the garrison. the late Sir G. Gilbert Scott R.A. and is a building of rough
The Soldiers' Institute is also in Snargate street. flint and brick in the Norman and Early English styles, con.
The Town Hall, opened in July, 1883, by T.R.H. the sisting of chancel, nave, transepts and a central square
Duke and Duchess of Connaught, is a building of flint with tower : the interior is fitted with open benches and has some
Bath stone dressings, erected at a cost of about [18,ooo, Perpendicular work and an early carved stone font. The
from the designs of the late Mr. BurgP~'l, architect, and church is open to the public, services being conducted bythe
contains nn assembly room to hold I,soo persons besides chaplains to the forces.
offices for officials of the corporation. This building adjoins l<'ort Burgoyne, an extensive modern work to the north,
the Maison Dieu in the High street. The Maison Dieu itself forms the real line of defence on that side.
is rich in historical aso;ociations reaching to the time of Archcliffe Fort, at the west end of the town, wa~ built in
Hubert de Burgh and the Crusades, when thousands of 1508. :Moat's Bulwark is under the Castle Cliff and WM
knights and pilgrims bade farewell to England at Dover on built by Henry VIII. : immediately in front of it is the
their way to the Holy Land. Since the time of Henry VIII. Guilford Battery, now mounted only with guns of small
its existence has been a chequered one ; once a brewery, calibre, which remain only for ornamental purposes. Bat-
again a repository for naval stores, and finally a prison. teries with heavy guns have been formed on the cliff above,
The old hall has been preserved, but on the site of the a little to the westward, and also on the Western Heights,
prison the present town hall has been built. over Snargate street, commanding the entire bay.
The Museum, erected by the Corporation in I 849, contains Two eighty-one ton guns were placed at the end of the
a good collection of curiosities in natural history, science Admiralty Pier in 1882.
imd art, the birds forming a prominent feature in the col- Dover is the head-quarters of the South Eastern Military
lection; it has been enriched by specimens of the archreology district, comprising the Cinque Ports, Kent (with the ex.
and natural histbry of the county, the former presented by ception of the Woolwich and Cbatham districts) and Sussex.
the late Rev. William Valiance, of Sittingbourne, and the The barracks, situated on the Western Heights, above the
latter by Dr. Plomley, of Maidstone; an additional room town, which were considerably enlarged in 1886, are about
has recently ( 1890) been added. to be further enlarged, and a building added for the concen.
There are five clubs :-The Royal Cinque Ports Yacht tration of ordnance stores; they communicate with the town
Club on the Marine parade, The DO\'er Club, The Granville by a curious shaft, consisting of three spiral flights of 140
Club, The Dover Carlton Club and the Dover Working steps each, and a straight staircase of 59 more steps, as well
Men's Institute. as by the military road near Christ Church and the road by
The Public Park, 22~ acres in extent, opened by T.R.H. Archchffe Fort.
the Duke and Duch~s of Connaught in July, 1883, is situ- Dover is also the head-quarters of R Troop, Royal East
ated on the north side of the town and commands a fine Kent Yeomanry Cavalry (Duke of Connaught's Mounred
view of the Dour Valley and the Channel. Rifles), the ISt Cinque Ports Artillery Volunteer Brigade,
Dover has considerable trade in the supply of shipping Eastern Division, Royal Artillery, and K Co. 1st Volunteer
and in the interchange of commodities with foreign vessels: Battalion, East Kent Regiment (The Buffs).
there are seed crushing mills and two extensive flour mills: Shakespeare's Cliff, to the south-west of Dover, is a mass
both timber and grain are largely imported. of chalk, about 350 feet above sea le\'el, which has been tun·
The market for meat and butter, which is well supplied, nelled through for nearly three-quarters of a mile for the
is held under the Museum buildings on Saturday and for railway from Folkestone, which, before reaching bover from
fish and greengrocery daily. here, passes over a lofty viaduct crossing a creek: here is
In Snargate street are situated the wine cellars of Messrs. the shaft of the Channel tunnel works, sunk with the view of
Court & Co. excavated in the solid rock and very extensive. demonstrating the practicability of constructing a tunnel
Visitors are freely permitted to view the cellars upon ap- between the English and French coasts, and a few yards dis·
plication. taut some experimental borings have been carried on to test
There are several excellent hotels, of which the principal the theory of the existence of a substantial coal seam in th~
are the Lord Warden, The Royal Oak, The Shakespeare, neighbourhood.
The Esplanade, The City of Antwerp and the King's Head. The area of St. l\1ary's parish is 120 acres; rateable value,
The Dover Proprietary & Subscription Library & Reading I £46,936. The area of St. James is 124 acres; rateable value,
Room is in Granville gardens. £32,912. The area of Charlton is 381 acres; rateable value,
The Savings Bank is at No. 15 Snargate street. £28,105. The area of Buckland is 972 acres; rateable valne,
There is a monument in Camden square to the officers [12,358. The area of East Cliffe is 9 acres; rateablevalue,
and men of the rst battalion 6oth Rifles (King's Royal Rifle [2,176; and of Guston, £2,377.
Corps) who fell in India during the mutiny of r857. The population of the borough in 188 r was :-Buckland
Dover Castle, originally a Roman fortress, has gradually (part of), 3,243, including 481 in Dover workhouse; Cbarl·
arisen from Anglo-Saxon and Norman work and has always ton (part of), 6,598; Dover Castle, r,oo2; East Cliffe, 240;
been regarded as one of the principal defences of the coun- Guston (part of), 47 ; Hougham (part of), 5,429, including
try; it contains a garrison, now (18go), of about 700 men 1,457 military in barracks and 90 in the Royal Military Hos-
and is situated on a cliff more than 300 feet high, occupying pital; St. James the Apostle, 4,371 and St. Mary the Virgin,
about 35 acres of ground. The pharos, or light tower, one 9,324.
of the most ancient portions of the structure, is manifestly Sexton, St. Mary the Virgin (new), Henry Godfrey.
of Roman workmans?ip! and was origi~ally octagonal and Sexton, St. Mary the Virgin (old), Alfred Robert Petchey,
about ~4 paces across uunde, the_ wall~ bemg not less than 10 St. Mary's cemetery Dover.
feet thrck at the base and 40 m he1ght. The towers are . :
numerous and have been built at different times some of Supermtendent, St. James the Apostle, Charles Groom·
them bemg Norman; and in the centre of the upp~r court is bridge, St. James' cemetery, Dover.
the massive keep or palace tower. In the Governor's apart- Parish Clerk and Sexton, St. Andrew, Bucklarrd, John
ments are portraits of several of the Lords Warden of the Langley, ro6 London road, Dover.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. &Annuity & Insurance Office.- way, Canterbury, Faversham, Sittingbourne, Ramsgate,
Chief office, Northampton street; William Wooster, post- Margate, Sandwich & Deal, 6.45 a.m. ; London, 1r.45
master; John Henry Neeves, chief clerk a. m. ; London, 4 p.m. ; Ramsgate, Margate, Deal, Folke-
LINES OF ROAD & CHIEF PLACES OF DESTINATION.-London stone, Redhill &c. 7 p. m. ; on sundays there is only one
delivery by letter carriers, commencing at 7 a. m. & letters
& Folkestone, 8.20 a.m. ; Continent, 9 a.m. ; London, are delivered at the office from 7 a. m. to IO a.m. only
Canterbury, A~hford, Sandwich, Folkestone, Hythe &c. PILLAR & WALL LETTER BoXES.- Park street, Priory hill,
11.30 a.m. ; Deal, Folkestone, Tunbridge, Ramsgate & Victoria park, Marine parade, Quay, Bridge street, St.
Margate, I p.m.; London, 2.50 p.m.; Continent, 9.30 John's road & Winchester terrace, Folkestone road, Buck·
p.m. ; London & places within 40 miles of London, 6-45
p.m. ; London & places on the S. E. Railway to Canter- land bridge, Guilford terrace, Waterloo crescent, St. Radi-
gund's road, Pencester road, Limekiln street, Grauville
bury, Sittingbourne, Faversham, Margate, Hamsgate, Deal gardens, Beach street & at the S. E. Railway & L. C. &
& Sandwich, 12 mid.; letters are forwarded to London &c. Dover (Harbour & Priory) H.ailway stations, mostly cleared
0 only once on sundays
at 7.50 & rr a.m. 2.30, 6, 8-40 & 9.40 p.m. On sundays
DELIVERY.-Lines of road & places from which mails are at 8.40 p.m. There is a collection, at Beach street pillar
received.-London & the Continent & places on S.E. Rail- box only, at I2 midnight every day
Those marked • are Money Order Offices.
Elyard Lieut.-Col. James, St. John's lodge, St. Peter's,
Those marked t are Telegraph Otll.ces. Broadstairs
Flint Arthur lLD. Westgate lodge, Westgate-on-Sea
*+2 Clarendon lltreet, J. "\Viles.-9.30 a.m. & 1.45, 8 & 9.50 Friend James Taddy esq. Northdown, Margate
p.m. week days; sundays, 8.30 p. m Hammond Henry Dlyth esq. 5 Royal crescent, Ramsgate
9 Granville terrace, Tower Hamlets, J. Bridge.-10 a.m. & Haunam George Emilius esq. Bromstone ho. near Ramsgate
Hatfeild Capt. Charles 'faddy, Hartsdown, Margate
1.~ 5 & 8 p.m. week days; sundays, 8 p.m
Hermitage Henry Francis esq. Portland house, Bawley
Maxton, S. Selby.-12.30 & B p.m
tt9 Priory street, J. Procter.-7.20 & 10.50 a. m. & 2.25, 5·55. square, Margate
8.40 & 10 p.m. week days; sundays, 8.10 p.m Badges Basil esq
*39 Townwall street, H. Erith.-7.30 & u a.m. & 2.30, 6 & Ingram Wm. Jas. esq. Loudwater house, Westgate-on-Sea
. 8.40 p.m. week days; sundays, 8.40 p. m Jackson Moses esq. The Vale, Ramsgate
*t84 High street, E. W. Tucker.-7. 10 & 10.40 a.. m. & 2. 10, James The Hon. Waiter By. M.P. Updown park, Sandwich
Johnson John William Denne esq. Sarre court, Margate
5.40 & 8.30 p.m. week days; sundays, closed
*72 London road, R. S. Hicks.-7 .30 & 10.40 a. m. & 2. 10, Kennett John esq. Nether court, St. Lawrence, Ramsgate
5.40 & B. 10 p.m. week days ; sundays, closed Levy Jonas esq. Kingsgate castle, Isle of Thanet
62 East Cliff (for letters, business only), J. Gibbons.-7.15 Levy Joseph Moses esq. Florence cottage, Ramsgate
k 10.50 a.m. & 2.2o, 5.50 & 8.30 p.m. week days; sun- List William esq
clays, 8.30 p. m . Matthews John esq. Brewery house, Upper Walmer, Deal
*:a3 Market square, Mrs. A. P. Calver.-7.25 & Il a.m. & Measom George Samuel esq. Arklow house, Ramsgate
2.30, 6, 8.40 & 10 p. m. week days ; sundays, 8.40 p.m Mitford AlgernonBertram esq.c.B.9 Park pl.St.James' st s w
*61 Maison Dieu road, T. Osborne.-10.50 a. m. & 2.20, 5.50 Monins John Henry esq. Ringwould house, Dover
k 8.30 p.m. week days ; sundays, closed Montresor Admiral Fredk. Byng, I5 Elvaston pl. London s w
*3 Council House street, F. G. Ealden.-7.25 & 11 a.m. & Page Henry esq
2.30, 6 & 8.40 p. m. week days ; sundays, closed Rayden Arthur Robinson esq. Birchington, Thanet
Letters for the town (Dover) delivery, or the barracks, Sanctuary William Melancthon esq. R.N. Beechlands, Lower
cleared 12 midnight for morning delivery; Io a. m. for Walmer
second delivery; 3 p.m. third delivery; & at 6 p.m. for Sheridan Henry Hrinsley esq. 6 Colville gardens, London w
evenm• g
Swinford Capt. Thomas Francis, Margate
The Steam Packets conveying London & Dover mails Cor the Tod Alexander esq. Walmer lodge, Lower Walmer, Deal
Continent leave for Calais at 9-55 a.m. & 12.55 & IO p.m. Vaile Capt. Lawrence William, I Sion bill, Ramsgate
daily; for Ostend at 11.55 a.m. & 10.10 p.m Weigall Lieut.-Col. Henry, Southwood house, St. Lawrence,
POSTAL TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT. Ram sK""''eanteyon Wood esq. M.A. Ellington, Ramsgate
The pier office open from 9 a. m. w I p.m. 2.30 to 6 p.m. &
9.30 p.m. w 4 a. m. sundays & week days. The General Woodall Frederick esq. 4 Godwin road.. Margate
Post Office open from 7 a. m. until 10 p.m. week days; & Wyatt Sir Richard Henry K.B. The Maisonette, Broadstairs
7 k 10 a. m. & 5 to 6 p.m. on sundays. Charlton & Priory :Borough Magistrates.
street open from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. week days only & (on The Mayor
Adcock William John, Cranborne, Salisbury road
account of the Post Office) at the S. E. railway station, Astley Edward Ferrand M.D. 29 Marine parade
Back Thomas Erridge, 2I Folkesklne road
day & night week days & sundays & deliver telegrams Barwn Francis El:Bkiel, 6 Cambridge terrace
Bottle Alexander, 4 Godwyne road
when P. 0. is closed; & the Harbour, Priory & Keanmey
stations 09- the L. C. & D. railway, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
& on snndays from 9 to 10 a.m. I to 3 & 6 to 8 p. m
Member of Parliament. Bradley John Lade, Cowper villa, Harrold street
Brown Thomas Viney, 15 King street
George Wyndham esq. J.P. Saight.on Towers, Chester, & 35 Court Percy Simpson, 140 Snargate street
Park lane, London w Crookes Major John Farrar (non-resident)
Crundall Sir William Henry, Woodside, River
Returning Officer, The Mayor
County Magistrates of the Petty Sessional Division Dickeson Sir Richard, Grand hotel, Charing Cross, London
of Wingha.m.
l''ielding George, 305 London road
ACTING IN AND ABOUT DOVER. Finnis John, Brook house
Astley Edward Ferrand esq. JLD. 29 Marine parade, Dover
Finnis John esq. Brook house, Dover Fry George Frederick, 46 London road
Lawes Major Robert Bartholomew, Old park, Dover Hayward Henry, St. Stephen's, Godwyne road
Lowndes Wm. Layton esq. M.A., D.L. 27 Marine par. Dover Jones R. H. Eastbourne
Phipps Filmer esq. River house, near Dover
Stevenson Major G. R. 17 East cliff, Dover Killick George Reynolds, 33 London road
Toomer George Elgar esq. Beaumont lodge, Folkestone road, Lukey Edward, Hillside, Castle hill
Dover Marshall John M.n. 13 Liverpool street
Clerk to the Magistrates, James Stilwcll; office, 4 St. Ottaway James Cuthbert. (non-resident)
Peake Henry, 16 Pencester road
James' street Pepper Matthew, High street
Petty Sessions are held on !!aturdays at 2.30 p. m. when Rees Rowland, Great Clacton, Essex
Smith J. G. Surbiton
occasion requires, & third thursday in each month & Toomer George Elgar, Beaumont lodge
fourth thursday in September at 2 p.m
Clerk to the Magistrates, James Stilwell, 4 St. James' st
Clerk of the Peace for the Borough & Liberties, Thomas
Officers of the Cinque Ports. Lewis, 7 Castle street
Borough Petty Sessions are held at the Sessions House every
Lord Warden, Right Hon. Earl Granville K.G. Walmer castle
Judge of the Admiralty Court, Arthur Cohen esq. Q.C., M.P. monday & friday, at 11 & every day for the hearing of
police charges
2 Paper buildings, Temple, London E c
Surrogate to the Admiralty Court, James Stilwell Corpora.tion.
Registrar to the Cinque Ports & Clerk of Dover Castle, MAYOR-Edward Lukey.
Edward Wollaston Knocker DEPUTY MAYOR-William Jeremiah Smith.
Sergeant to the Court of Admiralty, Cinque Ports, William
Lawrence Mead · RECORDER-Harry Bodkin Poland esq. Q.C. 5 Paper buildings,
Temple, London E c.
Magistrates of the Cinque Ports. The Managing Committee, consisting of the whole of the
council, meet every. tuesday at the Town hall at 3 p.m.
As APPOINTED BY THR LORD WARDEN. Council meetings are held the 3rd tuesday of each month.
Banks Rev. Edward Gripper M.A. Townley castle, Ramsgate Quarterly meetings are held in Feb. May, Aug. & Nov
Banks Edward Rirhard Rupert esq. Sholden house, Deal
Barrow Sir John Croker bart. Eagle lodge, Ramsgate Marked thus * appointed Returning officers for Elections.
llertTam C. B. esq
Brown Edmund csq. 181 High street, Deal ALDERMEN.
Coleman Capt. George, Rosway, Deal Castle Ward.
I *George Birch, 1895
Cotton Henry Horace Powell esq. Quex park, Birchington *Henry Stone, 1892
Crawford 1ohn esq. Margate Town Ward.
Curling W. esq. Albiou Hill house, Rsmsgate
Curtis Charles William esq. Clifton gardens, Folkestone Edward W. Fry, 1892 I *William Jeremiah Smith,
Davey Richard Staines esq. Hill house, Upper Walmer 1895 (deputy mayor)
Dicey William esq Pier Ward.
Donnan Thomas esq. New street, Sandwich Wm. J. Adcock J.P. 1892 J *HenryMinterBaker, 1895
!214 DOVER.
COUNCILLORS. Custom House, Custom House quay, Charles Edwards, col..
ICastle Ward. l~ctor; John Hayward, clerk (1st class); Wm. Bromley,
Matthew Pepper, 18go HenryFrancis Edwin, 189I
lGeorge N. Thorp & R. J. B. Hall, clerks (2nd class)·
Henry Hayward, 1890 Sir Wm. H. Crundall, 1892
I William Earl, 1892 John Carr, surveyor; Thomas P. Major (1st class,
James F. HowaPd, 1891
John Atherton, William A. Maxwell, John R. Gate, John
· Town "'ard. Corcoran, G. Alexander, R. Feddis, J. Kett & William
II George H. Mowll, r8gr Cummins (2nd class), assistant examining officers, 22
Henry Peake, x8go Edward Lukey, 1892 out-door officers & 6 boatmen
William J. Barnes, 18go
Edward W. Mowll, 1891 Frank Charles Clark, 1892 District Registry of the High Court of Justice, 14 Snargate
Pier Ward. street, Ernest Charles Fielding, registrar
Henry W. Tborpe, I8go William J. Cullin. 189I Fire Engine Station (Corporation), Town hall, High street;
John T. Hearn, 1890 John L. Bradley, 1892 Thomas Osborn Sanders, captain, & 30 police constabl~
Thomas V. Brown, 1891 Francis W. Prescott, 1892 who act as fire brigade
Mayor's Auditor, Matthew Pepper esq. High street Harbour Board, Earl Granville K.G. president ; Jame.~ Stil.
Elective Auditors, Edward Walker Spain, 16 Castle street & well, registrar ; Arthur Thomas Walmisley llf. mst.c.R.
Henry Strong Boyton, 5 St. Martin's place engineer; Henry Hayward, surveyor; John Spain, BC·
The Corporation meet at the Town hall countant; James Durden, harbour master; George Man.
OFFICERS OF THE CoRPORATION AND UnnAN SANITARY ser, deputy harbour master; Alonzo Makey, receiver of
Hospital & Dispensary, High street, F. E. Barton, consulting
f'own Clerk & Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority, E. medical officer ; I. B. Lindsey, consulting surgeon den-
Wollaston Knocker, Castle Hill house
tist; E. F. Astley M. D. C. Parsons M.D., M.R.c.s. R. E.
Treasurer, W. Ellis esq. London & County Bank
England M.n., 1\I.Ch. A. G. Osborn M.R.c.s., L.S.A. A.
Honorary Librarian, K W. Knocker, Castle Hill house
Long M.R.c.s., L.s.A.. & Charles Wood M.R.c.s., L.S.A.
Medical Officer of Health, Major K. Robinson M.D. Sea view, medical officers ; C. R. Amoore, surgeon dentist; H. C.
Pnory hill C. McNiell L. R.C.P.Edin. house surgeon; Thomas Lewis,
treasurer; Edward Elwin, sec.; Rev. F. A. Hammond,
Coroner, Sydenham Payn, Custom House quay assistant secretary ; Ed ward Parker, collector & dispenser
Public Analyst, S. Harvey, Canterbury Inland Revenue Office, I Alfred place, Thomas Skinner,
Clerk of the Peace, Thomas Lewis, 7 Castle street supervisor ; Fdk. Geo Sherren & Thos.Hoddy Todd,otlieen
Lawson Hall, 7 Market street
Surveyor & Engineer, Walter Thomas A.M.I.C.E., M.S.I., Masonic Hall, Snargate street, Leonard Marsh, keeper
M.A..A., M.S.E. & s.s. Town hall Museum (free), l\Iarket square, Edward Ferrand Astley
JILD., J. P. curator ; Charles Gordon, assistant curator;
Chief Constable, Thomas Osborn Sanders, Town hall open daily (except thurs.), from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. from
Sanitary Inspector, Frederick Sims, Town hall October to April & from 1 I a.m. to 5 p.m. for the rest of
Inspectors of Water Fittings, H. Roberts, 288 London road & the year
Saracen's Head Hall, New st. Thomas Le Fevre, proprietor
L. Burnett
!4arket Inspector, Charles Henry Baker, 27 Clarendon street Stamp Office, 187 Snargate street, l\Iiss G. Spain, distributr
Collector of Rates, Harold M. Leigh, 23 Priory hill Tax Office, I Alfred pl. Wm. Trevelyan Haworth, surveyor
Collector of Coal Dues, Hatton Brown, 63 Dour street Town Hall, High street, Stephen Chapman, keeper
Town Sergeant, Stephen Chapman, Town hall
Town Crier, Charles N. Becker, 5 Snargate ~>treet Trinity Pilots of the Cinque Ports ; office, Pilot tower; Capi.
Messenger, J. Pascall, I Portland place
Master of the Porters, Thomas Hearn Ellis, 19 Beach street
Consuls &c. John Cow, superintendent; \\'illiarn Stanton, clerk
Union Hall,· Lady well, 1\lrs. Sarah Ann Hatton, hall keeper
• Wellesley Hall, 'fownwall st. Finnis C. Bartholornew, propr
Wellington Hall, 21 Snargate st. Salvation Army barrack.!
America (United States of), Francis William Prescott & Co.
(consular agents), 37 Strond street
Argentine Republic, Sydenham Payn (vice-consul), Custom
Austria, George Hammond & Co. (consular agents), Union st
Belgium, William H. Crundall, Wood street Church of England Home for Waifs & Strays (hon. SPC. for
Denmark, Georg-e Hammond & Co. (¥ice-consuls), Unions~ diocese of Canterbury, Thomas Black man), 8 Higgin st
France, Emile Capdeville (vice-consul), Union street
German Empire, George Hammond & Co. (vice-consuls), Corporation Almshouses
Dover Institution for Trained Nurses, 31 St. Jarnes's stree~
Union street
Greece, George Hammond & Co. (consular agents), Union st Mrs. Scott, lady superintendent
Italy, George Hammond & Co. (consular agents), Union st Dover Soldiers' Institute, 157 Snargate street, Lieut..Col.
Netherlands, Geo. Hammond & Co. (vice-consuls), Union st
C. E. Harvey, hon. sec
Ottoman Empire, George Hammond & Co. Union street Friendly Societies' Convalescent Home, 54 & 55 Strond stree~
Portugal, George Hammond & Go. (vice-consuls), Union st
Russia, George Hammond&Co. (vice-consuls), Union street l\<Iiss Mary Jennings, lady superintendent
Spain, Prescott & Co. (vice-consuls), 37 Strand street Gordon (The) Boys' Orphanage; otlice, 7 Biggin streel;
Sweden & Norway, George Hammond & Co. (vice·consuls),
Thomas Blackrnan, founder & hon. manager
Union street Gorely's (Mrs.) Almshouses, Cowgatc hill
Home of the Good Shepherd, 9 & 10 Templar street, MW
Alice H. Hoare, lady superintendent
Little Sisters of the Poor, 1 & 2 Castlemount terrace
Public Establishments. Sailors' Home, Blenheim square, Rev. Benjamin Pearce,
Alien Office, Custom house, Charles Edwards, port officer sec. ; Robert Henry Davison, resident superintendent
Borough Police Station, Town ball, High street, Thomas
Soldiers' Home, II8A, Snargate st. Miss Wright, lady supl
0. Sanders, chief constable ; the force consists of 6 ser-
geants & 30 men Training Home for Orphan Girls, f.<"olkestone road, Mis!
Coastguard Station, Townsend station, George Prior, chief Hannah Baker, matron
officer; Casemates detachment, Rocket Apparatus sta-
Victoria Seaside Orphan's Rests, Victoria & Hesketh houses,
tion, Robert Hitchcock, chief boatman I & 2 Laureston place, Thomas Blackman, founder~
Cottage Hospital, Tower Hamlets, Edward Ferrand Astley
hon. manager
M.D. physician; Mrs. Emma Willson, matron
County Court, offices, Snargate street, His Honor 'Villiam Working Girls' Institute, 3 Russell street, Major.-Gen. 1.
Lucius Selfe, judge; Ernest Charles Fielding, registrar; W. Hideout, sec
Thomas Bowling, high bailiff; Thomas Holmes, assistant
bailiff; Sir Thomas Cuppage Bruce R.N. John Cow R.N. Young Women's Christian Association Home & Institute,
54 Castle street & Dolphin house,- Dolphin lane, Mrs.
Beresford Baker, hon. sec. ; Miss Rebet:ca Jane Hyde,
James Durden, Henry Hayrtes Hammond, G. B. Morrison MILITARY.
R.N. & George Teal Sebor Winthrop R.N. nautical assessors.
The court is held monthly at the Town hall : the following SOUTH-EASTERN DISTRICT
places are included in the jurisdiction :-Alkham, Buck· INCLUDING THE CrNQUE PORTS, KENT (Exc
land, Capel-le-Ferne, Coldred, Denton, Ewell, Guston, & WOOLWICH DISTRICTS), & SUSSEX I
Hougham, Lydden, East & 'Vest Langdon, Martin, Oxney, CHICHESTER HARBOUR).
Poulton, River, Sibertswold, St. Margaret-at-Cliffo, West
Cliffe, Whitfield & Wootton HEAD QuARTERS, DovER.-Offices, Guilfc
Certified Bailiffs Appointed Under the Law of .Distress STAFF OFFICERS.
Amendment Act, Chri!ltopher K. lVorsfold,Marketsquare; Major-General A. G. lYiontgomery lYioore, co1
Henry Hayward, Market square; Thomas Achee Jerson, district
27 Castle street; Thomas Wickens Fry, 23 Maison Dieu Aide-de-Camp, Lieut. Hon. J. G. R. N. Colbor
road ; Charles Andrew Grimes, 35 Maison Dieu road ; Brigadier General on the Staff, 1\lajor-Gen
Henry William ~Ieaclows, IOI High street Quesne, commanding troops, Shorncliffe
DIREGl'ORY.] KENT. . 215 .
.Assistant Adjutant General, Col. H. Kingsrote Medical Officers, No. I St. Mary's district, John Ormsby
M.D., L.R.C.P.Edin. 7 Effingham crescent, Dover; St'.
Deputy ASSistant Adjutant General, Lieut.-Col. T. B. James' district, first division, Arthur Long, r St. Martin's
place, Priory road, Dover; St. James' district, second
Stewart, A. S. corps division, Richard ~taines Davey M.D. Walmer; Hougham
.Brigade Major, Capt. H. H. Smythe R.sc.Fus. (p. s. c.), district, first. division, Arthur Long, I St. Martin's place,
Priory road, Dover ; Hougham district, second division,
D. A. A. General for Instruction, Capt. W. W. C. Verner Waiter Dixon M.B. Eythorne
(p. s. c.), Shorncliffe Public Vaccinators, rst division, John Orrnsby M.D. 7
District Inspecwr of Musketry, Major F. G. A. Wiehe, Dur-
Effingham crescent; 2nd division, Arthur Long, I St.
ham L. I Martin's place, Priory road ; 3rd division, Richard Staines
Garrison Adjutant, Capt. C. G. Donald
Davey liLD. '\'\'almer; 4th division, Waiter Dixon H.B.
Commanding Royal Artillery (Col. on Staff), Col. F. C. Eythorne
Elton C.B
Brigade Major Royal Artillery, Capt. F. G. Stone R.A. (p.s.c)
Division Adjutant Royal Artillery, Capt. the Hon. A. Lambart Superintendent Registrar, George John Carter, 46 Castle
Officer for Auxiliary Artillery, Lieut.-Col. H. N. Jones street; deputy, James Fullagar', 314 London road
Commanding Royal Engineer (Col. on Staff), Col. D. C. Registrars of Births & Deaths, Hougham sub•digtrict, Wm.
Walker R.E. (h. p) Cook, 284 London road, Dover; deputy, Edward W.
Senior Ordnance Store Officer, Major W. B. Cooke, A. C.G. Spain, 16 Castle street; St. James' sub-district., Henry
of Ordnance Giles Pain, 9 Eastbrook place, Dover ; deputy, R. S:
Chief Paymaster, Col. T. W. Drage
Principal Medical Officer, Deputy-Surgeon-Gen. F_ W. Wade Hicks, 7I London road ; St. Mary's sub-district, R. W.
Patmore, 6 Norman st,. Dover; deputy, John Wells, So
Veterinary Surgeon, B. L. Glover, Ist Class V. S Biggin street
Superintendent of Gymnasia, Capt. F. W. Greatrex, Can- Registrars of :Marriages, William Cook, 284 London ·rga.d.;
terbury deputy, Edward W_ Spain, r6 Castle street
District Inspector of Army Schools, R. W. McGoverne ·workhouse, Buckland, a building of brick for 56o inmates,
CHAPLAI:iS1 DEPARTMENT, John Skidmore Simcox, master; Rev. Turberville Evans
M. A. chaplain ; Eelwin Fenn M. D. surgeon ; Mrs. Annie
Chaplains w the Forces, Church of England, Rev. G. Mead Lavinia Barter Simcox, matron
X.A. Dover, Rev. J. Hacl{ett M.A. Shorncliffe, Rev. G. RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY.
t:lmith, Shorncliffe, Rev. W. C. Parr, Canterbury; Pres- Meets at the ·workhouse, Buckland, twice a month <Jn
byterian, Rev. H. H. Beattie LL.D. ; Catholic, Rev. W. B. fridays, after board meetings.
Clerk, Eugime Carder, 2 Market square, Dover
L. Alexander, Dover · Treasurer, William George Davy, National Provincial Bank
Officiating- Chaplains, Presbyterian, Rev. D. Arthur, Shorn- of England
Medical Officer of Health, Major Kirkby Robinson M.D. Sea
eliffe; Wesleyan,Rev. H. ~canes, Dover & Rev. C. E. Mees,
Shorncliffe ; Catholic, Hev. E. L. Coghlan, Shorncliffe
RoYAL ARTILLERY. view, Priory hill
No. 2 Batt€ry, C. S. Han•ey, lieut.-col. ; A. R. Fraser, major Inspector of Nuisances, E. Tapley, Sparrow et. Whitfield
DepOt Battery Eastern Division Garrison Artillery, head ScHoOL ATTENDANCE CoMMitTEE.
Meets at Workhouse, Buckland, on the rst friday in each
quarters, Dover castle, Col. H. N. Jones, commanding;
Capt. W. Elliott, adjutant month at I p.m.
Clerk, Eugene Carder, 2 Ma.rket square, Dover
'The Kent Artillery Eastern Division (Militia), bead quarters, Attendance Officer, E. Tapley, Sparrow court, Whitfield
Inquiry Officers, Richard William Patmore, 6 ~ orman
County buildings, near Archcliff fort; Lieut.-Col. E. L.
street, Dover ; Henry Giles Pain, 9 Eastbrook place,
F. Jennings, commanding; Capt. J. A. Tapley, instructor Dover & Robert Stephen Hicks, 71 London road, Dover
of artillery; Capt. w_ Elliot R.A. adjutant ; Lieut. w.
Jarvis, quartermaster; Surgeon-~Iajor Clement C.
Waiter, medical officer
District Provost Prison, S. R. Earl, in charge Cemeteries.
Military Hospitals, The Castle & the Westem heights . Buckland, James Stilwell, 4 St. James' street, clerk to the
VoLUNTEERS. burial board ; John Langley, superintendent
Charlton, Samuel :Beaufoy, 4 St. Jarnes' street, clerk to the
Royal East Kent Yeomanry Cavalry (Duke of Connaught's burial board; Joseph Child, superintendent
Own Mounted Rifles) (B troop), Capt. J. H. Monins, St. James', Edward W. & V. Knocker, Castle Hill house,
commanding; Sergt.-1\Tajor Henry Beeden,drill instructor clerks to the burial board & registrars ; Charles Groom..
Cinque Ports (xst) Artillery Volunteer Brigade, Eastern bridge, superintendent
Division Royal Artillery, head quarters & drill shed, near
St. Mary's (new), George Fielding, 14 Snargate street, clerk,
Guilford battery; Staff- Col. Percy S. Court, lieut.-col. to the burial board; Henry Godfrey, keeper
commandant ; Capt. W. Moore-Lane R.A. adjutant ;
Henry Hayward, quartermaster; Surgeon-Major William St. Mary's cold), Alfred Robert Petchey, sexton
Bateman, surgeon; Rev. W. Flower M. A. actmg chaplain ;
Public Officers,
Dover Batteries, Capt. F. Finnis, corn. No. I, Major H. Admiralty Surgeon & Agent, Edwin Fenn M.D. Maison Dieu
Poole, No. 2 battery lodge, Maison Dieu road
East Kent Regiment (The Buffs) First Volunteer Battalion Board of Trade Surveyor, Isaac Carver, Custom house,
Custom House quay
(K Co. ), Major R. Chignell, commandant ; Rev. F. A.
Hammond M.A. acting chaplain; head quarters, Drill Certifying Factory Surgeon, Arthur Long, t St. Martin's
place, Priory road
room, Northampton street
Dover Union. Clerk to the Borough Charity Trustees, James Stilwell, 4 St.
J ames' street
.Board day, friday, fortnightly at the workhouse, Buckland, Clerk to Commissionen of Taxes, E. Wol!aston Knocker,
at II a.m. Castle Hill house
Dover Union r.omprises the following parishes, viz_ :-Alk- Clerk to the Trustees of Nicholas Cullin's Charity, Percy
ham, Buckland, Capel-le-Ferne, Charlton, Coldred, Den- Brooke Claris, 38 & 39 Biggin street
tnn, Do\"er Castle, East Cliffe, East Langdon, Ewell, Collectors of Poor's Rates, George Frederick Hart, 30 High
Gnston, Hougham, Lydden, Oxncy, Poulton, Ringwould, street ; Douglas Foreman, xo Castle street & Henry
River, St. James the Apostle, St. Margaret-at-Cliffe, St. Pain Mackenzie, 3 Townwall street
Mary the Virgin, Sibertswold, West Cliff, West Langdon, Collector of Taxes, Henry Pain Mackenzie, 3 Townwall st
Whitfield & Wootton. The population of thel Union in District Registrar of the High Court of Justice, George
x88x was 36,8n; rateable value (x89o) £I88,262 Fielding, 14 Snargate street
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Eugime Harbour Master, James Durden, Council House street
Carder, 2 Market square, Dover Inland Revenue Office, Thomas Skinner, supervisor; Fredk.
Treasurer, William George Davy, National Provincial Geo. Sherren & Thomas Hoddy Todd, officers, x Alfred pl
Bank of England Lloyds' Agents, George Hammond & Co. Union street
Collectors w the Guardians, Richard William Patmore Officer Conducting Packet Service, Capt. Sir Thomas C.
6 Norman street, Dover; Henry Giles Pain, g East- Bruce R.N. Northampt<m street
brook place, Dover & Robert Stephen Hicks, 71 London Stamp Distributor, Miss G. Spain, 187 Snargate street
road, Dover
Supervisor of Inland Revenue, Thomas Skinner, I Athol
Relieving & Inquiry Officers, No. I district, Richard William terrace, East cliff
Patmore, 6 Norman street, Dover ; No. 2 diitrict, Henry Surrogate to the Judge of the Admiralty Court, James Stil-
Giles Pain, 9 Eastbrook place, Dover; No. 3 district, well, 4 St. James' street
Roberl Stephen Hicks, 71 London road, Dover Surveynr of Taxes, Wm. Trevelyan Haworth, I Alfred place
V!I.CC'inAtion Officer, Ed ward Tapley1 Sparrow et. Whitfield Vestry Clerk of St. James', Thomas Lewis, 7 Castle street
Places of Worship, with times of Senices. !estoration was carried out by the late Mr. G. E_ Street 1u.
St. Mary's Church, Cannon street, Rev. John Puckle M.A. m x881 ; the ~odern buildings consist of three boardine
vicar, hon. canon of Canterbury, rnral dean & surrogate houses, occup1ed by the head & senior assistant masters
& proctor in convocation for the diocese; Rev. A. H. k class rooii_Js & a gymnasium; the large playfield, situated
Barltrop & Rev. Alfred Masters Collett lll.A. curates; Rev. at a short diStance from the college, has been levelled t
Thomas ~yssen Bazely :M.A. reader; 10.30 a.m. 3 & 6.30 forms a cricket field ; there are boarding houses for 150
p.m.; daily 10 a. m. & 5 p.m. ; wed. & fri. n a.m boys & the total number is about 170 : the education given
Chr~st Church, Folkestone road, Rev. George Everard :M.A. is of. the same character as that afi'orded by our bes\
public schools. The Right Hon. Earl Granville x.G. ia
VIcar; Rev. W. A. Challacombe B. A. curate; 11 a. m. 3.30
president & Edward Wollaston Knocker esq. town clerk
& 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m. ; fri. 12 noon
c:of Dover, hon. sec. ; Rev. William Hell M. A. head master·
Holy Trinity, Strond street, Rev. George Sarson M. A. vicar ;
C. E. Spa.rke M A. C. E. Williams M.A. Rev. Charles A.
Rev. W. D. Sargeaunt B.A. curate; 8 & 11 a. m. 3 p.m. Rowlker M.A. Rev. A. H. Stevens w:.A. A. H. Davis B.A..
(for the young), 6.30 p.m.; daily, 8.45 a.m. 7·45 p.m.; William H. East, J. Jackson M.A. W. H. Pendlebury B.A.,
thurs. 7 p.m F.c.s. A. E. Wynne M.A. Louis Sers, Louis A. Happe, E,
St. Andrew's, Buckland, Rev. Turberville Evans M. A. vicar; W .. Barclay B.A.M. W. H. Thomas & I'. E. Kingford,
Rev. Arthur Stevens B. A. & Rev. Frederick .A. Hammond assistant masters; A. Dunbar, fencing & gymnastics
M.A. oxon, curates; 8 ~ u a.m. 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; daily, Dover High School for Girls (Girls' Public Day School
9.30 a. m. & 7 p.m. ; fn 7.30 & sat. 5 Co. Limited), Maison Dieu road, for 160 pupils, is a struc·
St. Hartholomew, London road, Rev. Andrew Lewis Jukes tu.re of red brick, erected in 1888 at a. cost of £3,419 ~
H. A. vicar; Rev. Edmund George L Mowbray M.A. & Rev. Miss Grace E. Frost, head mistress
Arthur L. Kekewich M.A. curates; 7, 8, 11 & 12 a.m. 3.15 School of Art, Northampton street, founded in r87o, E.
& 6.30 p.m.; daily, 7 & 7·45 a.m. & 7.30 p.m W. Knocker esq. hon. sec. ; Wm. Hy. Eas~ head maste!l
St. James', Maison Dieft road, Rev. .Algernon Howell Smith School Attendance Officer, E. Tapley, Sparrow court, Whit-
K.A. rector; Rev. John Alexander Kelly, curate; u a. m. field
3.30 & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m Christ Church National, Military road (boys), built in r88:~,
St. James' (Old) Chapel of Ease, St. James' street, Rev. average atte~dance, 170; Thomas Sutton
& infants), built in r842, for 187 girls &
Algernon Howell Smith M.A. rector; Rev. William Ernest boys;
; (girls
Evill B.A. curate; II a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; fri. 11 a.m
mfants ; average attendance, girls 16o, infants 112; Mi811
SS. ~eter & Paul Church, Charlton green, Rev. Sidney
El.len Bailey, mistress; Miss Jane Thorogood, inf!Ults'
F1uthhorn Green H.A. rector; 8, 10.30 & I I. IS a.m. 3.30 &
6.30 p.m.; week days, 7.30 a. m. & 7.30 & 8 p.m
Charlton National, Granville street (boys), built in r878, for
St. John's (Mariners'), Blenheim square, Rev. John Richard
m2~0s0tbeory;s;(giarvlse rage attendance, 16o; buMiillteisnAr.a&L4a,wfreonqce~
Martin, minister; II a.m. &6.3op.m.; mon. &wed. 7p.m & in fants) Fnth road,
St. Mary'~ .Garrison Church, Dover Castle (military); n children; average attendance, 210 ; Miss Amelia Elizabeth
~:m. mllitary only; 3.30 p.m. open to the public Booth, mistress; Miss Mary Grant, infants' mistress
MI.litary, at the Western Heights; 10.30 a. m. & 6.30 p.m Dover National (boys), Queen street, built in 1798, for 520
Sailors' Hethel, Northampton street, George Butcher, mis- boys; average attendance, 480; John William Howells,.
sionary; 2.30 & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. thurs. & sat. 7 p.m m~ster; John Wicks, _2nd master; (girls & infants~
St. James' Church Mission Room, 61 East cliff· services Prmces street, for 265 gtrls & as many infants; average
irregular ' attendance, 226 girls & 200 infants; Miss Rester Milsted
St. ~aul's Catholic, Maison Dieu road, Rev. James Laws, mistress; Miss Eliza Sims, infants' mistress •
pnest ; Rev. Thomas Ford, assistant priest; 8, 9 & 11 a. m.; Holy Trinity National, Elizabeth street (mixed & infants)
mass,. ros~ry, sermon & benediction, 6.30 p.m. ; holidays
of obhgatwn, mass 8.40 a.m. ; benediction 6.30 p. m. ; wed. built in r867, for about 520 scholars; average attendance:
450; John Henry Everett, master; Miss Ma.ry Stone, mis·
& fri. benediction; other evenings, rosary 6.30 p.m
tress ; Miss Eliza Makey, infants' mistress
Jews' Synagogue, Northampton street, Rev. Isidor Harnstein, St. Andr~w's, London road, Buckland, built in 1859 & en·
rabbi, sat. 9 a.m
Friends' Meeting Hous~, Queen street; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 larged m 1883, for 286 boys, as many girls & 200 infants;.
average attendance, 226 boys & 197 girls & 157 infants;
p.m. ; wed. II a.m
Baptist, Commercial quay, Rev. George Webb, minister; Oscar George Saville, master; Mrs. Emma Saville, mis-
tress ; Miss Hetty F. Forrow, infants' mistress
10.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
St. Bartholomew's National (boys), Wildred road, built in
Bapt~st, Priory roa~; ~~ a. m. & 6.30 P·IZ?-·; wed. 7.30 p.m
'.r-.,8'?8uod-ern, ,fmora2.s1t0erb; oy(gs i;rlsav&eriangfeanattst)enTdoawnceer'sxtrgeoei·•, Hobart-
Bamptm.isi.ts (Salem), B1ggm str eet, Rev. EliJa h John Edwards ' for 190
ter; 11 a..m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon. & thurs. 7.15 p.m
Baptist (General), Adrian st. Rev. John Farmer Kennard girls & 200 mfants; average attendance, girls 120, infants
121 ; Miss Emma Todd, mistress; Miss Mary Jane l'ope~
minister; 10.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m ' infants' mistress
Con~~gational, Russell street, Rev. Joseph J. Walker, St James' National, St. James' street, built in 1849, for 200
boys, ~61 girls ~ 136 infants; average attendance, boys.
mmister; 11 a.. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 8 p.m
Congregational (Zion), Queen street; Rev. T. H. Stewart 140, gtrls 110 & mfants 122; Henry Plowright master·
Miss H. E. Braybrooke, mistress ; Miss Marin; Stickley:
~e~f~ct, minist~r; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m
PrimitiVe Methodist, Dover, Deal & Folkestone Circuit, Rev.
George J. Cooke, 5 Connaught Park gardens, Frith road. infants' mistress
St. John's, menheim square (girls & infants), built in I857·
Chapels, Peter street, 10.45 a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 for roo ch.ildren ; average attendance, so; Miss Clal'lll
p.m.: Maxton, 3 p.m. ; tnes. 7.30 p.m. : .Uelgrave road, 11 Harvey, mistress ·
a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m St. Mary's (infants), Chapel place, built in 1870, for xoo
Wesleyan, Dover Circuit; ministers, Rev. William H. Mil- ch~ldren; average attendance, 54; Miss Alice Helen Payne,
ward, 28 Castle st,~t; Rev. Henry Sca.nes, 13 Effingham
crescent & Rev. Vhlham Bond, 1 Anchor villas De Burcrh Catholic, Maison Dieu road (mixed & infants), for 2<io
hill, Buckla.nd. Chapels, Snargate street, 1;.30 a. m."'& children ; average attenclance, 130 ; Misses Ellen & Mary.
Margaret Atherton, boys' mistresses ; Sisters of Charity.
6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m.: Buckland, 10.3oa.m. &6.30 p.m.;
thurs. 7 p.m.: Tower Hamlets, 3.15 & 6.30 p.m. : girls' & infants' mistresses
Hougham, 2.30 & 6 p.m.; thurs. 7: Guston, 2.30 & 6
p.m. ; thur.s. 7 p.m. : Shepherdswell, 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; Newspapers.
tues. 7 ·p.m.: Alkham, 2.30 & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m. :
River, 2.30 & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m.: Lydden, 6 p.m.; Dover & County Chronicle & Kent & Sussex Advertiser,
tues. 7 p.m 2 King stre~t ; Frederick Wicks, proprietor ; published
Colleges & Schools. saturday. See advertisement
Dover ~xpress, r85 Snargate street; John Bavington Jones,
Dover College, founded in r87o & situated in a close of about publisher ; published friday evening. See advertisement
4 acres of land on the west side of the town, near tbe
Priory station, occupies the site of & incorporates the Dover Standard, 17 Snargate street; Richard Turner pro-
remains of the .b~ildings of the Benedictine Priory ; the
college hall, or~gmally the refecwry of the priory, is a. prietor ; published saturday '
bea~tiful specimen of Early Norman work; the chapel,
ancwn~ly the guest house, consists of a nave & single aisle Dovl':r Telegra~h, 2 King street ; Frederick Wicks, pro-
pnetor; published wednesday. See advertisement
on the north side; the gate house, a little later in style Sou~h Eastern, terminus, Beach street; Wm. Jn. Lord, sup~
than the ~hapel, c. 1320, & now the college library, was Trams run on the Admiralty pier & work in connection witb
restored m 188o by the contributions of the people of the Mail boats
Dover, in recognition of the munificence of Sir Richard London,Cbatham & Dover, terminus,IIarbour; superintend-
Dickeson kt. thrice mayor of Dover, in entertaining more ent of Harbour & Priory stations & goods agent, Johll
than 6,ooo children on the Sunday School Centenary: the Burlingham Cass
Dover & Deal Railway, termini, the London, Chatham & Coaches & Vans.
Dovr.r & South Eastern Railway stations ALKHAM-Childs, to 'Royal Oak,' Cannon street, wed. & sat.
returning same day
Carriers by Railway.
cA,.,TEHBURY & FAVERSHA1>I-Burren, to 'Flying Horse:
Continental Daily Parcels Express (Friend & Co. agents), King street, fri. returning same day about 5 p.m
Strond s\reet DEAL-Tarns, mon. wed. & fri. from Castle street at I2
Pickford & Co. for goods, luggage & small parcels (Robert EwELL, RIVER & WHITFIELn-Uden, calls at 'Hoyal Oak;
Edgar ~ayes, agent), Custom House quay Cannon street, daily except wed
Sutton & Co.'s small parcels receiving house (John George EYTHORNE-Appleton, to 'Royal Oak,' Cannon street, every
Worwell, agent), 7 Bench street
Water Conveyance. tnes. & fri. returning same day
Mail steam packets to Calais leave Dover every morning at FoLKESTONE-Anderson, to 'Royal Oak,' Cannon street~
mon. tues. thurs. fri. & sat. returning same day; W.
10.35 a.m. & at I, 5-5 & 10.25 p.m
The mails leave Calais for Dover every morning at I.25 a. m. Tarns, tues. thurs. & sat. from 'Red Cow,' Folkestone rd
& at 4 & 7·45 p.m. ; Capt. William G. Morgan, superin- NoNINGTON-Appleton, to' Royal Oak,' Cannon street, tues.
& fri. returning same day about 4 p.m
tendent, Admiralty house
The Belgian mails are dispatched from Dover to Ostend SANDGATE & HYTHE-Tams, tues. thurs. & sat. from' Reel
daily, at n.sg a.m. 3 & IO.IS p.m. & from Ostend to Cow,' Folkestone road
Dover at 6 & IO.I5 a.m. & 8.20 p.m. by the Belgian SrBERTSWOLD-John Hammond, fri. returning same day
Go¥ernment steamers; agent, Desire Vanderhaeghen; from King street
ST. MARGARET-AT-CLIFFE--Goldsack, every day, sun. ex-
office, Strond street
Hoy, Bessie Waters, Abraham Dyer, master; leaving South cepted, returning from Castle street at 4 p. m
Devon wharf, London, every wednesday & Dover every SwrNGFIELD-Allen, to 'Royal Oak,' Cannon street, tues..
monday ; Prescott & Co. managers, 37 Strand street. thurs. & sat. returning same day
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bald win~lrs.9Randlph.gdns. Salisbry. rd Banning Alfred, 12 Selborne terrace,.
Abbott Alfred Goodlett, 4 Randolph Balfour Lieut. Alfred (7rst H.L.r.), 2S Clarendon road
gardens, Salisbury road Leyburne terrace, Leybnrne road Bonsor John, 32 Clarendon road
Abbott James, 3I Clarendon road Hampton Mrs. 42 Marine parade Boodle Mrs. I7 Victoria park
!dam Col. F.J. S. (Bombay Staff Corps), BarclayE.W.R.A.M.(asst.rnast.),Dover col Booth Mrs. 2 St. Martin's terrace
I6 Leyburne terrace, Leyburne road Barker Miss, Grove cottage, De Burgh st Bottle Alexander, jun. 4 Godwyne rd
Adams Charles Lewis, 4 De Vere gar- Barker Mrs. 3I Maison Dieu road Bottle Edwd. Swiss cot. Folkestone road
dens, Salisbury road BarkleyMrs.Chas.Fredk. 3 Leybnrneter Boulton !Charles Edward, 4 Belgrave
!dams Clare Lewis, 7 Temple street Harlow Miss, I2 Park street gardens, Folkestone road
Adams Ed ward, 6 Priory grove Barltrop Rev. Arthur Henry [curate of Bourdeaux: John, 7 Clarence place
!dams Mrs. 49 Priory hill St. Mary theVirgin], 73 MaisonDieu rd llourdeaux: John, jun. 3 G ladstone ter-
!dams Waiter Day, 2I London road Barnard Edward Ueo.88 Maison Dieu rd race, Priory hill
Adcock Wm.Jn.Cranborne,Salisbury rd Barnes Henry, 62 Folkestone road Bourne Hy. s De Vere gdns.Salisbury rd
Adley Williarn Alfred, 7 Ma.ison Dieu rd Barnes William, 7 Priory Gate road Bonrne Mrs. 299 London road
Akhurst Jas. I Gladstone ter. Priory hl Barnett Miss, 277 London road Bowles Walter Cullen, 57 Limekiln st
Alderson Mrs. 2 Effingham lawn, Barnstein Rev. Isidor [Jewish rabbi], Bowlker Rev.Chas.Arth.Christophersoa
Folkestone road 30 Liverpool street M.A. (assistant master), Dover college
Aldridge Saml. 5 Custom House quay Barron William Arthur, 2 Malvern rd Boyton Henry Strong, 5 St. Martin's
Alexander Rev. William Bernard Lyon Barton Fras. Ezekiel, 6 Cambridge ter place, Priory road
[Catholic chaplain to the Forces], Barton George William, 6 Liverpool st Brace George, 38 High street
I Eastbrook place Barwick Richard, I lliggin street Brace George, jun. 3 Castle street
Alexander Geo. I Glen vls.Folkestone rd Bass Mrs. 8 Norman ter. Priory road Bradley Augustus Montague, Cowper
Allatt Mrs. I2 Pencester road Batchcllor Thomas, 8 Albert road villa, Harold road
AllenWm.Exton, I Gordonvls. Folkstn. rd BatcmanGeo. San Juan vi!.Folkestone rd Bradley Edwin, 4 Castlemount terrae~
Alsron John, 99 ~Iaison Dieu road BaxterJn. 3 Beaumont ter. l<'olkestn. rd Leyburne road
Amoore Cha~. Robt. I Maison Dieu rd Baynes Mrs. 4 Albert road Hradley Jn. Lade, Cowper vil.Haroldst.
Amos George Hope, I Winchilsea cres Baynham)'lrs.Hartshay grange, Park av Bradshaw Capt. Augustus Hill R.N.
Amos Gilbert Richard, IS Snargate st Hazely Hev. Thos. Tyssen M.A. [reader Leyburne house, Leyburne road
Anstey Capt. Wilfred, The Chalet, at St. il'[ary's ], 8 Townwall street Brenchlev• Mrs. ro Camden crescent
llrett John, 241 London road
Salisbury road Ba~ely :Miss, 5 Marine parade
Apps Miss, 72 Maison Dieu road Beadon Mrs. 5 Templar street Brewer Mrs. 39 Maison Dieu road
Armstrong Mrs.Salisbury ho. Salisbry. rd Bean John Geo. Edwards, 276 London rd Bridges George, 33 Marine parade
Arnold Mrs. 6 St. Martin's terrace Beattie Rev. Henry Haslett LL.n.[chap- Briscoe Henry, 7 Eastbrook place
Arthur Rev. David [chaplain to the lain toH.M.forces], Winchilsea house, Briscoe William, 24 Castle street
forces], 6 Ettingham crescent Folkestone road Bromley William, 3 Priory grove
Ash George Edwd. L.n.s.Eng. I Castle st Beaufoy Miss, 36 High street llrown John Bicl.mrdsun, I De H•ugh ter
Astley Edward Ferrand M.D., J.P. 29 Beaufoy Samuel, 34 High street Hrown H.ichard, 6 Malvern road
Marine parade BeaumontSl.Endymion ho.Salisbury rd Brown Thomas Viney, IS King street
Athorne Mrs. 97 Maison Dieu road Beeching Edgar Samuel, I7 Priory hill Brownc Ed wd. William, 26 Victoria pk.
Atkins William K 10 Albert road Beeching James Arthur,21 Pencester rd Browning Harry Waiter, I2 Saxon st
Atkins William T. C. 2r8 London road Beer Miss, 7 East cliff Browning Jarnes, 71 Folkestone road
Atkinson Major Jas. Io Waterloo cres Beer Miss, 5 St. James street Browning :\'Irs. II Russell street
Austin Miss, Leith villa, Priory hill Beeston William, IS Albert road Bruce Capt. Sir Tl:wrnas Cuppage R.N...
Avery Miss, 322 London road Belchamber Capt. Ernest, I9 Priory hl Thorndean, Leyburne terrace
Avery Misses, 27 Maison Dien road BelchamberSidneyCharlie, I PrioryGt. rd Bruce Lieut.-Gen. Henry le Geyt c.n...
Ayliff Miss, 3I St. James street BellRev .Wm.M.A.(head mast. ),Dover col R.A. I East cliff
Ayres Mrs. Beethoven vil. Salisbury rd Bengoug-hllrig. -Gen. Harcourt.Mortimer Buckman George Hatton, 2 Priory gr()
Back John Henry, 21 Folkestone road c.n. 87 Maison Dien road Budden Alfred, I7 Belgrave gardens
Back Thos. Erridge, 2I Folkestone road Bennett John W. 34 Folkestone road Bullen:\liss, II Leyburri.e ter. Leybrne.r<J
Bacon Mrs. I I East cliff Best \Villiam James, x Cambridge ter Burden Ed wd. Waters, 48 Folkestone rcll
Baggallay Thos. Weston, 3 Clarence lawn Biart Charles, 4 Templar street Burfield i\lrs. Churchill ho.Salisbury r!l
Bailey Mrs. I Liverpool lawn Bick George, 39 Clarendon road Burkett John, 3I Albert road
Bailey Wilham, 66 Folkestone road Bills Fredk. I tlelborne ter.Clarendon rd Bush William Morris, 29 Clarendon rd
Baillie Capt. Thomas (Army Service Binfield John, I7 Norman street Bushell James Iggulden, 4 Eastbrook pi.
Corps), 6 Park street Bintield Timothy Harrington,4 Saxon st Bushell William, 8 Pencester road
Bainbridge-Smith Mrs. 22 Victoria park Birch Edward, 24S London road Buss J ames, I r Dour street
Baird John, 2 Castle street Bird George, 5 Priory grove Bussey James Walter, 2so London road
Baker Capt. George Duff B.A. 6 Ley- Birmingham Alfred, 28 Waterloo cres Bussey Wm. Arthur Jas. 4 Priory gm
bume terrace, Leyburne road Blackett Mrs. The Cottage, Park aven Butcher Mrs. 39 London road
Baker Capt. Willia.m Beresford (Royal Blackman Thomas, 67 Maison Dieu rd Caldecott Miss, IS Harold terrace
Scots), 2 Wellesley terrace Blackman Thomas, jun. Big'gin street CaldicottMrs. 2 Luther ter.I<'olkestone rd
Baker Henry l\Iinter, s Effingharn cres Bland J ames, Belle vue, Priory hill Campbell Capt. Allan, IS Priory hill
Baker John, 242 London road Blinkhorn Mrs. 22 Harold terrace Campbell Frederick Duncan, Ahakistha,
Baker Mrs. 66 Maison Dieu road Blythe Mrs. I86 London road Leyburne road
Baker William, 41 High street Bond Rev. William [\Vesleyan],x Achor Capdev1lle Emile, 6 Guilford ten-ace,
Baldwin John Loraine, I9 Marine par villas, De Burgh street Leyburne road
Dald....in Miss, 24 Liverpool street BonhamMrs.4 Cranbrook vls.London rd Carder Eugene, 26 l\laison Dieu road
Carpenter William, 7 f\axon street Dawes Edward ·wilson, 9 Camden cres !<'inn Richard, 2 Archcliffe road
Carter Edwd.W.12Victoriacres.Highst Dawson .Miss, 2 Guilford lawn Finnis Frederick, IO Guilford lawn
Castle Miss, 219 London road Deane Rev.Rd. Wallaceli!.A.6 Victoria pk FinnisJohn J. P. Brook ho. MaisonDieu rd
Ca'ltle Mrs. 16Selborne ter.Ciarendon rd de Bude Mrs. 4 Glen vils.Folkestone rd Firth Hobert Hammill F.R.c.s.Eng.
Castle Robert, 63 Folkestone road de Carl Mrs. 68 High street 5 The Paddock, Maison Dieu road
Catchpole Thomas, 25 Dour street de Moleyns Maj.-Gen. Townsend Arem- Fisher Lieut.-General Edward Henry,
Cavell Mrs. 97 High street berg R.A. 20 Victoria park 7 Guilford lawn
Challacombe Rev. William Allen B.A. Denne Thomas Wyborn, 37 Priory bill Fitzpatrick Thomas, 34 Clarendon road
[curate of Christ Church], Selborne Dennis Mrs. 38 Clarendon road Flashman Clement C. 23 Folkestone nl
cottage, Clarendon road Dennis Mrs. 208 London road Flasbman James B. 3 Harold terrace
Chambers Misses, 10 God wyue road Devereux Daniel, 87 Limekiln street Flashman Mrs. 23 Folkestone road
ChandlerGeo.1Voolford,r8Etllnghm.cres de Visme Mrs. Beaumont villa, I<'olke- :Forbes-Mosse B. 24 I<'olkestone road
Cbapman Joseph, 20 London road stone road Ford Hev. Thomas [Catholic], 102
Cbapman Joseph, 313 London road Dewdney Charles Jn. 24 Clarendon rd Maison Dieu road
Cbappell Edward, 43 Priory hill Dickeson Mrs. 90 Maison Dieu road Ford Herbert, 30 Albert road
Cbettle Frederick William, 19 Park st Dixon Mrs. San-Fran vi!. Folkestone rd Foreman Mrs. r Godwyne road
ChidwickGeo.Nicbols,96 Maison Dieu rd Dixon Mrs. 23 Victoria park Frankis Capt. Waiter, I2 Beaumont
Chignell Robert, Castlemount Dodd Mrs. London road, Buckland terrace, Folkestone road
Chitty George Wm. Mildura, Park avn Donaldson-Selby Major Robert Grey Fry Edward Wickens, St. Martin's
Clabon Misses, 8o Maison Dieu road (assistant commissary-general, re- house, St. Martin's terrace
Claringbould Ricbd. 33 l\Iaison Dieu rd tired), 1 I Beaumont ter.Folkestone rd Fry George Frederick, 46 London road
Claris Percy Brooke, 38 & 39 Biggin st Douglas Col. Henry, 19 Leyburne ter- Fry Thos. Wickens, 23 1\Iaison Dieu r~
Clark Andrew, Albert ho. Salisbury rd race, Le:yburne road I<'uller Miss, 4 Archclitfe road
Clark Hudson, 21 Albert road Douglas-Willan Capt. Stanhope L. 5 Gabbett Mrs. 4 Effingbam lawn, Folke-
Clark Jn. H.3 DeBurgb ter.De Burgh st Pencester road stone road
Clark William, 9 York street Douglas-Willan J ames, I Temple villas, Gambier Mrs. I6 Harold terrace
Clifton Miss, 21 lHaison Dieu road Maison Dieu rnad GambrillGeo.2De Burgh ter.DeBurgh st
Cockburn Maj.-Gen. Charles Frederick, Dowle Mrs. 107 High street GardnerWm.2Guilford ter.Leybnrnerd
3 Laureston place Dowle Mrs. S.J. Limekiln street Garrick Misses, 43 Military road
Cockburn Maj. Alexander William u.E. DownsWalt.sSelborne ter.Clarendon rd GashMrs. 12Randolph gdns.Salisbury rd
20 Guilford terrace, Leyburne road Drage Col. Thomas William, Mildmay Gasson Henry William, 7 Priory hill
I lodge, Folkestone road
Cocke Mrs. 95 Maison Dieu road Gasson Kingsley, 14 Belgrave gardens,
Cokayne-Frith~Iaj.Cokayne,sVictria.pk 1 Druce EdwardReadNelson,8Victoria pk Folkestone road
Colbeck Thomas Wm. 2 Cambridge ter Drury Richard Moutray,22Pencester rd Geddes Joseph Richard, z8 Templar st
Coleman Henry, 3 Cambridge terrace · Du~uid John, x6 Waterloo crescent Gee Thomas, 296 London road
Coleman Miss, 2 Liverpool lawn Duke Mrs.Edwin,I8 Randolph gardens, Gerald Mrs. 4 Gladsione ter. Priory hi
Coleman Hichd. Shrubbery, London rd i Salisbury road Gibbs Miss, 27 Pencester road
Coleman William, Shrubbery,- London ' Dunster Jas.8Selborne ter.Clarendon rd Gibbs Mrs. 2 Hussell street
road, Ruckland I Durrant John, 10 Victoria cres. High st Gifford George Henry, 24 Albert road
Coller Wm. John, 31 Randolph gardens I Eagle Alfred William, 3 St. John's rd Gilbert William, 286 London road
Collett Rev. Alfred Master M.A. [curate Eagles Jeremiah, 44 Clarendon road Gill Mrs. 6 Beaumont ter. Folkestonerd
of St. Mary's], 6 Liverpool street Earle AlbertJas.9Norman ter.l'rioryrd Gill William Daniel, 93 High street
Collett Mrs. 17 Randolph gardens, East Charles, 209 London road Gillespie Maj.-Genl. William John, 24
Salisbury road East William Henry, I7 Harold terrace Leyburne terrace, Lcyburne road
Collier Robert, 87 High street Eastes Mrs. 310 London road Glasmck Capt. Graham, 2 Harold ter
Collins Wainwright, 61 Limekiln street Ebbs Mrs. & Misses, 89 Maison Dieu rd Goodbun Edward, 27 Clarendon road
Coocb Col. Charles, 22 Maison Dieu rd Edwards Rev. Elijah John [Baptist], Gordon Charles, 3 East cliff
Cook Mrs. 36 Priory road II Laureston place Goring Daniel, Rose cot. De Burgh st
Cooke Maj.Wm.Butterworth (Ordnance Rdwards Charles, 4 Park avenue Gusset Maj. Frederic R. E. 4 Camden cres
S. dept.), Park house, Park avenue Elliot Capt. W. R.A. (adj. Kent .Artil- Graham Capt. Harry (Army Medical
CookeRev. Geo. Johnson [Prim. Meth.J, lery Militia). I9 Harold terrace Staff), 2 Priory Gate road
5 Connaught Park gardens, Frith rd Ellis Williarn, 6 King street Grant William, Union street
Coppard Mrs. xo Laureston place Elms Charles, 70 High street Gray Miss, 66 Bulwark street
Coram John, 30 Castle street Elve Mrs. James, 27 Albert road Gray Miss, 79 Maison Dieu road
.Cordeanx Misses, 3 & 4 Church villas, Elvery Mrs. The Cedars,Maison Dieu rd Gray Mrs. 66 Dour street
Harold street Elves Miss, 35 Castle street Greaves Misses, 6 De Vere gardens
('JOttew Charles R.N. 5 Harold terrace Elwin Edward, 2 Castle street Green Hev. Sitlney l<'aithhorn M.A.
Cuurt PerP.y Simpson, 140 Snargate st Emery Alfred, 8 Laureston place [rector of SS. Peter & Paul], Cbarl-
Coveney Benj. 7 Connaught Park grdns Emery Mrs. I2 Townwall street ton rectory, 31 London road
'Coveney Daniel, 5 Eastbrook place Emery William Ellison, IO St. James st Green John, 41 Snargate street
Coventry Mrs. 9 Belgrave gardens, England Col. Richard, 6 Godwyne road Gregory Col. Charles, Ennismore house,
Folkestone road England Miss, 41 Marine parade Salisbury road
Cover Thomas, 1I Saxon street England Miss, 7 Pencester road Gregory llenjamin, 2 Saxon street
Craddock 1\'lrs. 53 Dour street England Rd. Edwd.M.D. 20 Pencester rd Gregory Thomas, 72 Folkestone road
CresswellJsph.Chatswortb ldg.Park avn English Mrs. 43 Clarendon road Griffin Mrs. Col. ro Liverpool street
Cricbton Rev. Wm.Jn. M. A. 26 East cliff Eritb Henry, Marine place Grimes ..lndrew, 35 Maison Dieu road
Crosoer John, 2 Market street Evans Rev. Turberville M.A. [virar of Guy Thomas M.D. 8 M<.~.ison Dieu road
Crothall Jn. 9 St. Martin's pl. Priory rd St. Andrew's & chaplain to Dover Haddon Misses, 17 Maison Dieu road
Crundall Henry, 26 Pencester road union], Buckland vicarage HalkeJn.26Randolpb gdns. Salisbury rd
Crundall Henry, jun. 6 Castle street Eve Mrs. 2 Luther ter. Folkestone rd Hall Alfred John, 8 Russell street
Crundall Jas. Alfd. 77 Maison Dieu rd Everard Iwv. George M. A. [vicar of Hall J obn J ames, 26!! London road
Cuff Thomas Jarman, 301 London rd Christ Church], Christ Church vicar- Hall Miss, 64 High street
Cullen Richard Johnson, 45 Priory bill age, Folkestone road Hall Mrs. 8 De Vere grdns. Salisbury rd
Cullin 'Williarn, 36 Folkestone road Everett John, 3 Bulwark bill Hall Moses, Priory lodge, Priory hill
Culmer William, 22 Dour street EYill Rev. William Ernest B. A. [curate of Hamilton Edward, 17 Guilford terrace
Cuming Ma.j.-Gen. Thos. R.A. 2 Ennis- St. James'], I Liverpool lawn Hammond Rev.Frederick Anthony M.A.
more gardens, Salisbury road Eyre Miss, 10 Marine parade [curate of St. Andrew's, Buckland],
Cunningham Francis, 1 Saxon street Eyre::.\Irs.2rRandolpb gdns.Salisburyrd Laureston house, Laureston place
Dane Fredk.Denmarkcot.Folkestone rd Fag-ge Miss, 26 Liverpool street Hammond Miss, 8 Clarence lawn
Dane Mrs. r Effingham nllas FalconerJobn,Moray ho.MaisonDieu rd Hammond Miss, Pattenson house,
Dartnall Alfred ThomaS,I77 Snargate st Farmar William, 319 London road Folkestone road
Darwall Col. Henry, 1 Hubert terrace Fearnley Mrs. 26 Templar street Hammond Mrs. J. R. 2 De Vere gar-
Darwall Capt. Wm.E.n.N. 15 Victoria pk FearnleyThos.7Luther ter.Folkestonerd dens, Salisbury road
Darwall Robt. C. Vernoil. cot. East cliff Feddis Robt. 2 Glen vils. Folkestone rd Hancock Cbas. Fredk. II3 Snargate st
Davenport Miss, 38 Liverpool street Fenn Edwin M.D. Maison Dieu lodge, Happe Louis A. (asst.mast. Dovercol.),
Da''ey Hev. Robert, 4 Leyburne ter- Maison Dieu road 2 Christ Church villas, I<'olkestone rd
race, Leyburne road Field )<lrs. 3 Wellesley terrace Harby Arthnr, 17 Godwyne road
Davis Rev. A. H. B.A. (assistant master Fielding Ernest Charles, r3 Beaumont Harby Jamcs, 17 Godwyne road
Dover college), Priory hill terrace, Folkestone road llarcourt Mrs. 8 Godwyn road
DavisRev.Jas.2Leybrne.ter.Leybrne.rd Fielding George, 305 London road Harding Mrs. 232 London road
Davis Mrs. 59 High street Fielding Misses, 79 London road HardyMaj. -Gen.Campbell, 3Victoria pk
Davy William George, I Camden cres FilerJas.8Randolpbgrdns.Salisburyrd Harman Miss, 30 Folkestone road
Hannan Sampson, 30 Folkestone road Julian Mrs. 27 Randolph gardens, Mackenzie Patrick W. J. 18 Belgra.ve
Harriott Misses, 9 Guilford lawn
Salisbury road gardens, l<,olkestone road
Ha.rriott Mrs. 83 Maison Dieu road Keenan Arthur Henry, 9 De Vere Mackie James Burvill, 318 London road
HartHenry,Godwyne ho. 19Godwyne rd gardens, Salisbury road McManus Miss E. S. 8 East cliff
Hart Mrs. Fitzroy, 92 Maison Dieu rd Keene Edwin, 64 FolkP-'itone road Mc.Niell Hardinge Charles Christian,
HartNorman,7DeVere gdns. Salisbry.rd Keigwin Miss, 28I London road Dover hospital, High street
Hart Waiter Charles, 21 Leyburne ter- Kekewich Rev. Arthur Langstone M. A. Me'foldridge Jame_.,, 263 London road
race, Leyburne road [curate of St. Bartholomew's], 20 Major Thomas Pilcher, 2 Bessimer
Hartwell Francis Grant, 18 Marine par Templar street villas, Folkestone road
Harvey Col. Chas. R. R.A. 21 Harold ter Kelly Rev. John Alexander M. A. [curate Makey Alom:o, 8 Crafford street
Harvey Ambrose, Five Post lane of St. James'], II Harold terrace Mann James Robert,Snaefell,Priory hill
Hastings Robert, 39 Folkestone road Kemp Charles, Io Commercial quay
Mannering Edward, Lundy house, us
Hatch George, 293 London road
Kemp Mrs. 273 London road London road
Hatton Ueorge, 54 Folkestone road Kennard H.ev. John Farmer [Baptist], Marsh Alfred John, I6 Templar street
Hatwn James, 25 Folkestone road 25 Priory hill Marsh F~rnest, 9 l'riory hill
Hatton )Irs. 2 Victoria cres. High st Kennett Woldemar 0. Market lane Marsh Ernest A. Union street
Hawkes Waiter, 3 Priory Gate road Kent Thos.C.llcrkclcy vi!. Folkestone rd Marsh Henry, 265 London road
Hawkins Edward, 5 Malvern road Kentish Miss, Brook lodge,Eastbrook pl Marsh Mrs. 3 St. Martin's pi. Priory rd
Hawksfield Peter, 58 Folkestone road Kett Jas. 6 Selborne ter. Clarendon rd Marsh William, 34 Priory road
Hay Mrs. Arthur, IO 1\'Iaison Dieu road Keys Mrs. 8 St. Martin's terrace Marsh William Woodruff, 17 Selborne
Hayhill Miss, 4 Harold terrace Kidd Frank, Fern villa, Priory hill terrace, Clarendon road
Hayward Quartermaster Henry ( ISt Killick George Reynold~, 33 London rd Marshal!Jn. L.R.c. P.Edin. r3Liverpool st
Cinque Ports Artillery Volunteers), Kingsfnrd Mrs. 25 Maison Dieu road Marshal! Mrs. 34 Town wall street
St. Stephen's, God wyne road Kingsford Mrs. 4I Priory hill )'Iartin Rev. John Richard [St. John's
Hayward John, 68 Folkestone road Kite George, 17 Park street
Mariner's churchJ,2~ Northampton st
Hayward Mrs. 12 East cliff Kite Mrs. 22 Albert road Martin John, 29 High strer.t
Hayward ~Irs. 8s Limekiln iltreet Kitson Major James Edward, 22 Ley- Martin :Wrs. 302 London road
Headford William, 28 Clarendon road burne terrace, Leyburne road .;\Iartin Mrs. 251 London road
Ream Thomas, 44 l''olkestone road Knatchbull Mi:-s, 3 Maison Dieu road Mathews Mrs. Da\·id, ro Hubert ter
Heath Major-Genl. Alfred H. R.A. 2 I Kmght Major-Gen. William Henry, Matley Thos. 3 Glen \·ils. Folkestone rd
Victoria park Raheen.g, Taswell street Mathews John Floyd, De Burgh villas,
Hemmings Mrs. 5 Priory hill Knight Miss, 270 London road De Burgh street
Heritage John, 292 London road Knight William, 4I Clarendon road Maxted Miss, 270 London road
Herring Raphael, Victoria ho. Union rd Knight William George, 4 Liverpool st MaxwellGen. \Vm.Robt.10Victoria park
Hertslett George, II Athol terrace Knocker Edwd. Wolla<;ton,Castle Hill ho May Henry, 57 High street
Right Lieut-Genl. Charles, Claremont, Knocker Misses, 33 Folkestone road May William B. 52 Folkestone road
Salisbury road Knocker Vernon Edwin, Castle Hill ho Mayes Frederick, 15 llench street
Hill Charles Thomas, 61 Folkestone rd KoettlitzRev.::.\Iaurice, 75 Folkestone rd Mead Hev. George M.A. [chaplain to the
Hill James J. 4 Victoria cres. High st Krelle Waiter, 25 Randol ph gardens, forces], 23 Leyburne ter. Leyburne rd
Rill Mrs. 6 Templar street Salisbury road Mead William L. r6 Albert road
Hills Edward, Shortlands, Park avenue LambartCapt.Arth.r.Sidny. vls.East cliff Mello Adolphe, 3 Waterloo cr~scent
Hobday Waiter Daniel, 295 London rd Laming Mrs. 2 Templar street 1 Mello Mrs. J. A. 3 Waterloo crescent
Hodgson Miss, I Camden cottages, Lang Mrs. 4 Effingharn crescent Mesham Charles, 19 Victoria park
Folkestone road Lanham Edward J.0.93 Snargate street Messenger Thomas, 2 Clarence lawn
Hogan William, 26 Albert road Larkins Mrs. 9 Limekiln street Middleton Thomas, 4 r Castle street
Holden William Rose, 13 Victoria park Latham John, 27 High street Mill Mrs. 84 Maison Dieu road
Hollaway Georl!e, 23 Park street Law Capt. Thomas C.93 Maison Dieu rd Miller Lieut.-Col. John Jarnes Cahill
Holliday Mrs. Calpe cot. Folkestone rd Lawrence Miles Alislln, 3 Randolph (retired), 5 lleaumont ter.l''olkestn rd
Holmes Jas. r Perrivale viis. Dellurgh st gardens, Salisbury road Miller Henry Robert, 47 Priory hill
Holmes Miss, 2 Eastbrook place Lawrence Waiter, 21 Granville street Miller Mrs. 7 Crafford street
Homersham John,4 Alfred place Laws Hev. James [_Catholic], 102 Mills Benjarnin, 39 High street
Hood William Robert, 252 London road Maison Dieu road Mills George, 69 Maison Dieu road
Hopper John Thomas, SI Folkestone rd Laws John, 54 St. J a.mes' street Mills .Miss, 21 Priory hill
Hor.~Iey Mrs. 28 Pencester road Lawson Major-Gen. James, 3 \Vinchil. Mill~ Mrs. 3 Elizabeth street
Hoult Mrs. 8 Norman street sea crescent, Folkestone road Mills Mrs. 230 London road
Howells John William, 3 Priory hill Leigh John, s Hubert terrace Mills Mrs. 17 Templar street
Hughe.s Mrs. 9 Cambrid;!e terrace Leney Alfd. Huckland house, London rd Milward Rev. Willia.m Hy. [Wesleyan],
Hu~hes-Hallett Mrs. I Ennismore gar- Leney Alfred Charles, 9 Waterloo cres 28 Castle street
dens, Salisbury road Lenon Capt. John Fitzmaurice R.N. 7 Minter Miss, 10 Norman terrace
HumbyCharles Lonsdale,27ILondon rd Leyburne terrace, Leyburne road Moat Alfred Willia.m, 10 Park street
Humphreys Mrs. 9I Maison Dieu road Lester Mrs. 33 Clarendon road Monger John, 4 Winchilsea crescent,
Humphreys Mrs. 15 Waterloo crescent Lester Mrs. 297 London road l''olkestone ruad
Hunt Henry Parrell, IS East cliff Lewis Albert, 267 London road Montano Thos.Clibborn,4MaisonDien rd
Huntley Misses, 6 Hubert terrace Lewis George, I Connaught Park gar- Montgomery Lieut.-Col. Arthur Hill
Igglesden Henj.Alfd.23 Randolph grdns dens, I<'rith road Sandys, 5 Ennismore gardens,
Innes Lewis, 3 Park avenue Lewis Mrs. 43 Maison Dieu road Salisbury road
Ja.ckmanAug.2 Anchor vils.DeBurgh st Lewis Stephen, 103 High street Mont~omery-~Ioore Maj.-Gen. Alex.
Jackson J. (asst.. mast.), Dover college Lewis Thomas, 7 Castle street George (commanding ::louth Eastern
Ja.ckson William, 285 London road Linington Joseph, 3 Selborne terrace, dist. ), Constable's tower,Dover Castle
Jaeolette Martin, Northbrook house, Clarendon road Moon Mrs. E. 65 Maison Dam road
Higgin street Lister Capt.Matthew Ilenry,9 Albcrt rd Moore-Lane Capt. William R A.(adjt.
James John, 9 St. John's road Littlewood Mrs. Fairhaven, Folkestn.rd rst. C.P. Art. Volunteer Brigade
James Miss, 29 Priory hill Lloyd Major Thomas Prince, 4 The Eastern div. R.A.], 12 Leyburne
Jarrett Robt. Clyde ho. Maison Dieu rd Paddock, Maison Dieu road terrace, L ·yburne road
Jarvis J obn, 22 Marine parade Lloyd Miss, 24 Victoria park 11\IorganCpt.Edwd. R.N.18MaisonDieu rd
Jeffery Thomas, 29 Maisou Dieu road Lon~ Art bur, 1St. Martin's pl. Priory rd Morgan Capt. "\'Yilliam, 2s V1ctoria park
Jeken Misses, II Maison Dieu road Long James, 5 Park street Morris CoL Maxwdl Kirwan, 13
Jenkin Mrs. 2 Marine parade Lord William, 42 Folkestone road Maison Dicu road
Johnson Mrs. 37 St. James' street Loud Miss, I IO London road Morris Mrs. 27 Dour street
Johnson William, 6 Russell street Lowndes William Layton M. A., D.L.,J.P. Morrison Capt. Geo. R.N. 3 Templar st
Jones CoL Norris R.A. 19 Belgrave 27 Marine parade Mowbray H.ev. Edtnund George Lionel
gardens, Folkestone road Luckhurst William, go High street M.A. Lcurate of St. Hartholomew's],
Jones John Bavington, 35 Randolph Lukey Edward, Hillside, Castle hill Shalrnsford cottage, De Burgh street
gardens, Salisbury road Lyon William, 275 London road Mowll Henry Martyn, Ch:a.ldercot,
Jones Miss, 31 Liverpool street McBayne Col. 18 Victoria park Leyburne road
Jones Miss, 41 Liverpool street McCulloch Peter Maitland,7sLondon rd Murnford William, 6 St. John's road
Jones Mrs. 41 Maison Llieu road McDakin Capt. S. Gordon,I5 Esplanade Mumford William B. II2 London road
Judge Miss, 5 Russell street McGovern Robert William, IS llelgrave Mummery Albert Freclerick, 5 Ca~tle-
Judge Miss, 50 St. James' street gardens, Folkestone road mount terrace, Leyburne road
Jukes Rev. Andrew Lewis M.A. [vicar Mackay Miss, 14 Norman street Mummery William Gange, Maison Dieu
of St. Bartholomew's], St. Bartholo- Mackenzie John, 13 Cambridge terrace house, Biggin street
mew's vicarage, Templar street :V.L::Kenzie John Mill, 21 C1arendon road Mummery Miss, 26 Dour street
Mundy Eli, 1 Priory grove Phillips WilliarnJuhn,4o Maison Dieu rd Sangster Mrs. 3 The Paddock, Maison
Munns Mrs. 4 Waterloo crescent Phillis .Alfred Edward, 7 The Paddock, Dicu road
Murdoch Miss, 50 Folkestons road .Maison Dieu road Sargeaunt Rev. William Drake B.A.
Murray Miss, I Eastbrook place Philpott Mrs. 19 East cliff [curate of HolyTrinity & acting chap.
• Murray William J"ames, 33 Raudolph · Pike Henry, 28 Priory road
to H. M. Forces], so Limekiln street
gardens, Salisbury road Filcher Cecil, 10 Harold terrace
Sarson Rev. Gcorge M. A. [vicar of Holy
Mu!!k Mark,9 Selborne ter. Clarendon rd l'ilcher Stephen, 40 Liverpool street Trinity church], Holy Trinity vicar-
MutterGeo.nSclborne ter.Clarendon rd Pinhorn Hichard M.R. c.s.Eng., L.n.c. P. ag-e, I r Limekiln street
N eame .Alfred, 9 ~Iaison Dieu road Land. 5 Cambridge terrace Satchel! John Thomas, 10 Limekiin st.
Neeves John Henry, 22 Castle street Pinwell John, 40 High street Saven Mrs. 8 Liverpool street
N ethersole William, 36 Maison Dieu rd Pittock J ames John, 24MaisonDieu road ScanesRev..Hy.[Wes. J, 13Etlingham cres
Newby John Edward, 30 Randolph gar- Plowright Henry, 3 Norrnan street Scarlett Edward, 6 Saxon street
dens, Salisbury road Podevin Charles, 215 London road Sclater Mrs. 68 Maison Dieu road
Newman George Joseph, 289 London rd Podevin Jsph.G.2Church vils.Harold st Scott John, Taymouth ho. Harold st
Newman Miss, 317 London road Polhill Miss, 5 St. Martin's terr.1Ce Scroggs Evclyn M.A. [organist of St.
Norfar Brook Owen Wm. 5 St. John's rd Pollock Col. John Graham R.A. 17 Ley- Bartholornew's], 9 London road
Norman Mrs. 7 Park street burne terrace, Leyburne road Seaward Mrs. M. 15 Maison Dieu road
N orris Henry Griggs, II Park street Poole Benjamin, 278 London road SellensChas. ICranbrook vils. London rd
Norris Joseph, Biggin street Poole Mrs. 26 Liverpool street Sers Louis (assistant master, Dover
Norris Stephen, 8 Priory Gate road Pooley Mrs. Shalrnl'fonl cot.De Burgh st college), Norman street
N orthey Mrs. 12 l\laison Dieu road Pope Hy. Whitehead, IO Etlingham cres Sharp Anslow Ernest, 25 Albert road
Notley Adolphus Frauke, 8 St.John's rd Postletlnvaite James, I9 Randolph gar- Sharpe Capt. Marcus, 2I East cliff
Nuttall Mrs. I3 Park street dens, Salisbury road Sheppard Mrs. I8 Leyburne terrace
Ockenden Wm. Thomas, I3 Templar st Poulter )liss, 6 Pencester road Shipdem John, 8 Townwallstreet
Offord Mrs. I6 Albert road Pound Miss, 8 Victoria crescent, High st Shirley Benjamin, 25 Clarendon road
Ogih-ie Lieut.-Col. .Alexander John R.A. Powell Col. Hy .Claringbould, 2 Alfred pl Shrewsbury Mrs. 6 Limekiln street
(retired),Guilford house,Godwyne rd Pratt Mrs. IO Beaumont ter..Folkestn.rd Shuttle Mrs. 227 London road
Oliphant John Elwin, I Ingleside, Prebble Stephen, I .Albert road Sibbit Mrs. 7 Council House street
Folkestone road Prescott Francis William, 37 Strand st Sicklemore Benj.D.L. roo MaisonDieurd
Orde-Browne Capt. Chas. 16 Victoria pk Prescott John, 290 London road Simmons Charles, r6 Maison Dieu road
Ormsby John M.D. 7 Etlingham crescent Pritchard Albert Edward,264London rd Simpson.Albert George,274 London road
Osborn AshbyGreenough,2 St. Martin's Proctor John Gill, 49 Folkestone road SimpsonEdwardColeman, 236London nl.
place, Priory road PuckleRev. JobnM.A. [vicar,bon.canon Sims Mrs. wSt. Martin's place, Priory rd
Osborn Geo. Constantine, 43 Castle st of Canterbury cathedral, rural dean Single Stanley, Maxton house
OughamGeo.I4Selborne ter.Clarndn.rd & surrogate & proctor in convocation Singleton Mrs. 22 Godwyne road
Ovenden Henry .Augustus, 4 Park street for the diocese], Vicarage,2Victora.pk Skinner Thomas, I At.hol ter. East cliff
Oxenham James, 30 Clarendon road Raikes Miss, 3 Godwyne road Slack Samuel, 75 High street
Page Miss, 23 Pencester road Rainbird Rev..Alfred Palmer Th.A,K.C.L. Slater Frederick, 5 Guilford lawn
Pain ErnestEdward, w1.Maison Dieu rd 5 Clarence lawn Smallpeice Miss, 73 Folkestone road
Pain Miss, I Priory gate, l<'olkestone rd Ralph Miss, 32 High street Smart .Miss, 6 Clarence lawn
Pain Mrs. 3 Hubert terrace Ralphs Mrs.4 Luther ter. Folkestone rd Smart Mrs. 29 Liverpool street.
Paine Capt. George William Weller, Hamsbottom l\Iiss,26 Waterloo crescent Smith Rcv..Algcrnon Howell M.A.[rector
Kebir villa, Folkestone road Raw Mrs. 45 Folkestone road of St.. James'], St. James' rectory,
Paine Daniel George, 298 London road Read Horacc, Goring cot. De Burgh st Harold street
Palmer Hunter, Jessamine cot.Buckland Reed Jn.Joseph,Grecian \'il. De Burgh st Smith Fredk. liarrison, 7 Victoria park
Palmer Mrs. 38 Dour street Reed Mrs. I Clarence lawn Smith Geo. 2 Cranbrook vils. London rd
Paramor Mrs. I Malvern road Rees)Irs.2oRandolph gdns.Salisbury rd Smith George, Spencer mount, Priory hl
Paramor Robert Waiter, I6 Randolpb Reid John, 3 Norman terrace, Priory rd Smith :\lliss, 2I Castle street
gardens, Salisbury road Relf J uhn, 4 Norman street Smith Mrs. 20 Templar street
Parker Capt. Osborn R.N. 28 Ran dolph Reynolds Mrs. Mountain .Ash, Priory hill Smith Walter,2 Ingleside, Folkestone rd
gardens, Salisbury road Richards J ames A. I. I I4 Snargate street Smyth Capt. Hugo Scott (Ordnance
Parker John .Albert, 23 High street Richards Mrs. Gritlith, Char!ton lodge, Depot ),6I3elgrave gdns. Folkestone rd
Parks William Fry,34 Maison Dieu road Maison Dieu road Smythe Col. 'f. \'V. W. 2 Belgravegrdns
Parr Dept. Ins.-Genl. Thomas A.M.D. I Richardson Mrs. 27 Priory hill Smythe Benjamin, 13 Esplanade
Godwyne road Rideout Maj.-Gen. John Wood, Harold Southcy Mrs. 83 Limekiln street
Parr Thomas Macdonneli,IGodwyne rd house, Harold street Spain Edward W. I6 Castle street
Parsons Charles lii.D. 2 St. James' street Ridley George John, 10 Randolph gar- SpainHy. Gco. 4 St. Martin's pl. Priory rd
Parton J uhn, 6 St. Martin's pl. Priory rd dens, Salisbury road Spain John, I8 London road
Paterson James D. IS Leyburne terrace, Rigden Daniel Thomas,s Luther terrace Spain Mrs. 57 Folkestone road
Leybnrne road RobertsGeo. roLeyburne ter.Leybrne.rd SpainThos.Northumberlnd.ho.Strond st
Pattle 1\Irs. 5 Camdcn crescent Roberts Georgc John, 2 Park street Sparke C.E.:r.r.A.(asst.mast. ),Dover eoll
Payn Frederick, 2I Templar street Robinson Major Kirkby ~.D. Sea view, Spice Mrs. 6o High street
Payn Sydenham, 5 Leyburne terrace, Priory hill Spicer George, 32 Randolph gardens
Leyburne road Robinson )fiss,8 Lcyburne terrace, Ley- Spicer Miss, 4 Townwall street
Peake Henrv, r6 Pencester road burne road Standen John Filrner, 99 High street
Robinson Mrs. 15 Effingham crescent Stains Hobert, 28 Albert road
Peake :\'lrs. 8I High street
Pearce Rev. Benjamin,Council House st Robinson Mrs. I Harold terrace Stalkartt Hugh, 5 'Vt'inchilsea crescent,
PearseWm. rDe Vere grdns.Salisbury rd Rodick Major R. P. B. (Royal Fusiliers), Folkestone road
Pearson Edwin, 302 London road Belgrave house, Folkestone road Stanley John, 82 Iligh street
Peirce Mrs. 20 )laison Dieu road Roger .Mrs. 77 London road Stanley Mrs. 7 St. John's road
Pendlebury William Henry B. A. 6 Rogers Lt.-Col.James Thomas, Cobham StantonWm. Wellington vl. Folkestne.rd
Gladstune terrace, Priory hill house, 20 Godwyne road Steot Mrs. I8 Guilford ter. Leyburne rd
Penn Joscph Harnbrook, 4 Malvern rd Rogcrs l\Iaj. Edwin,s Gladstone terrace, Stevens Rev. Arthur B. A. [curate St.
Penn Philip, IO Belgrave gardens, Priory hill .Andrew's, Buckland], I St. Radi-
Folkestone road RogersLt. Tbos.Rolfe,sCustomHouse qy gund's road
Pepper George, 2 Winchilsea crescent, Ronget Mrs. 77 Folkestone road Stevcns Rev. Arthur Henry ?.LA. (asst.
Folkestone road Rouse Miss, 253 London road master, Dover coli.), 4 St. John's rd
Pepper :\latthew, High street Royce Thomas Cl.Jristy, 58 High street Stevens Alexander \'\'illiam, 7 Guilford
Pepper Mrs. 66 High street Rubie Geo.Crowlmrst, 22 \Vaterloo cres terrace, Leyburne road
Pepper Mrs. 214 London road Rusher 1\Irs. I4 Esplanade Stevens Edmund Matthew,24London rd
Pereira Edward, 29 Handolph gardens, Russell Jarnes, 105 High street Stevens Miss, 2 Godwyne road
Salisbury road Russell Mrs. .Maxton StevensonMaj. Geo. Rt.J.P. I7 Eastclifi
Perfect Rev. T. H. Stewart [Congrega- Russum )!rs. 42 Clarendon road S1 evenson Henry, 32 Folkestone road
tionall, roBeaumont ter .Folkestone rd Rutley Miss, I .Archcliffe road Stewart Col. Thomas Brown A.M.S. 3
Pern:y 1\Iiss, 3 Luther ter. l''olkestone rd Rutlcyl\1isses,6Luther ter.Folkestone rd Castlemount terrace, Leyburne road
l'erry-.Ayscough Hon. Mrs. 94 Maison Sackville Major Lioncl Stockford, 4 Stewart Col. Wm. Little, 15 Godwyne rd
Dieu road Ennismore gardens, Salisbury road Stewart Charles, 4 Castle street
Peters Henry, 28 Liverpool street St. George Mrs. 82 l'.laison Dieu road Stiff Gilbert, 5 RelgTave gardens
fett Mrs. 254 London road Salmon William, Granville villa, St. Stiff Herbert, Uniacke ho. MaisonDieu rd
Phillips Frederickllarnilton, ~~ Helgrave Radigund's road Stiff Mrs. IO Priory Gate road
gardens, Folkestone road Sanders Miss, 9 Hubert ierrace Stilwell James, I Victoria park
Phillips Miss, 55 High street Sanford Mrs. I4 Etlingham crescent Stockwell Fredcric, 2 .Albert road
Stokes William Waiter, II .Albert road Trafford Mrs. R. W. 2 Montpelier villas, Whish Maj.Ghas.Wm.Frs.Leyburneter
Stone Capt.r'ras.Gleadowe R. A. (brigade Harold street White Richard, 2 Camden crescent
majorS. E. Dist.J, 8 Guilford lawn Trevor Lieut.-Gen. William Cosmo C. B. Wigan Cleveland, I r Randolph gar-
Stone Henry, 303 London road 6 l\iaison Dien road dens, Salisbury road
Stone 1\Iiss, 8o High street Tucker Mrs. 3 Vict.oria crescent, High st ""'ildman-Lushington Mrs. 2 Temple •
Swne Thomas Edward,26 Clarendon rd Tucker Stephen Chambers, Sedge Mead villas, Maison Dieu road
Srorry Christopher .Austin,3 Albert road lodge, Buckland Wilkins George Thorrias,3oo London rd
Story Mrs. 4 Sdborne ter. Clarendon rd Tuke .Mrs. I Church villas, Harold street WilkinsHenryGranville,74Folkestcne rd
StrangeMrs.6 Ennismore gardens,Salis- Turner :Mrs. Hillersdon ho. Godwyne rd Wilkins J n. rRandolph gdns. Salisbry. rd
bury road Tyson Joseph John, 136 Snargate street Wilkins Mrs. 8 t-laxon street
StubbsCapt.Chas..Arthr. R.N.3r Priory hl UmfrevilleJohn, I IVictoria cres. High st Wilkinson William Boden, I Montpelier •
Stubbs Edward, Longfield,Folkestone rd Vanderhaeghen Desire,79 Folkestone rd villas, Harold street
Styan Miss, 2 Waterloo crescent Vaslet Emile Joseph, 2 St. John's road WillanMiss, 2Randolph gdns. Salisbry.rd
Sutwn Thomas, r Norman street Verey .Arthur, Brookfield ho. Buckland WilliamsC.E.M.A.(asst.mast. ),Dover call
b'utwn William M.D. 6 Camden crescent Vidler John Johnson, 15 Park street Wi\liams Mrs. Higoe, 27 Waterloo cres
Swaine Col. Leopold Victor (Rifle Vousden Mrs. 37 Maison Dieu road WillisFrdk. I5Selborne ter.Clarendon rd
Brigade), 12 Victoria park Wade Miss, 22 Randolph gardens, Salis- Willson George, 62 High street
Swainswn Mrs. Lord Warden hotel bury road W ilsonMaj. -Gen. Fras. E. E. 7God wyn. rd
Swift Benjamin M.D. (deputy inspector- WadeMrs. Leswell house, I6 Godwyne rd ""'i!Ron AllanTompkins,32 Pencester rd
general of hospitals), I4 Leyburne ''\'adling Mrs. 56 Folkestone road Windrum Mrs. 22 Granville street
terrace, Leyburne road Wadsworth Thomas William [Evange- Winslne Col. Richard William Charles,
Ta.affe Mrs. 9 Harold terrace list], 145 London road 20 Guilford house, Leyburne road
Tannar Wtlliam, 226 London road Wainwright Joseph, I Effingham lawn, "'inter Mrs. 5 Saxon street
Tapley Ed ward J ames, IO Clarenee lawn r'olkestone road Winterbourn Thomas, 8 St. Martin's
TaylorHarryJas.Myrtlevil.Folkestne.rd Walker Rev. Joseph John [Congrega- place, Priory road
Taylor John, 2 Esplanade tional],3DeVere gardens,Salisbury rd Winthrop Vice-Admiral George Teale
Taylor Mrs. 76 Maison Dieu road 'Valker .Arthur George, 4 Connaught Sebor, 9 Marine parade
Taylor William, 44 Maison Dieu road Park gardens, Frith road Wise John Stanton, Godwyne burst,
Terson Herbert William,27 Castle street Walker Mrs. & Miss, 32 Castle street Leyburne road
Terson John Usborne, 27 Castle street ' WalkerSl.Summerfield,22Clarendon rd Wollaston Mrs. 14 East cliff
Terson Miss, Riverside house, Castle st I Walker Thomas, 20 London road Wood Alfred, r I Townwall street
TE>rson Mrs. Riverside hoU3e, Castle st Walker Watson,Rosslyn, Folkestone rd Wood Benjamin, 8 Templar street
Terson Thomas Achee, 27 Castle street Walmisley .Arthur Thomas, Atherstone, Wood Charles 4 St. Martin's terrace
Thiselron Mrs. 4 Cambridge terrace Salisbury road Wood George, 73 St. James' street
ThomasLewisWilliam,42~IaisonDieu rd WalshChas.7Cranbrook vils.London rd Wood George Adams, 39 Liverpool st
ThomasWalter A.llf.I.C.E.,M.S.I.,M.A.A., Waiter Surg.-Maj. Clement Cuthbert, Wood~Irs. ro Selborne ter. Clarendon rd
M.s.E. & s.s. Ca~ilc Knoll r8 Pcnccster road Wood William Geo. 13 St. James' lane
Thompson Lt.-Coi.Jn.Baylis,3 Alfred pl Waiters :.Vlrs. 42 Liverpool street 'VoodcockJoseph, 7Victoria cres. High st
Thompson Edward, rr Priory hill Ward Col. John, r Beaumont terrace, Woodruff Mrs. 14 Victoria park
Thomson Miss, 1 Marine parade Folkestone road WoodruffWilliam, r3Randolph gardens,
Thornhill Mark, rr Waterloo crescent Warman John, I I Castle street Salisbury road
Thornton Mrs. 19 Castle street Warneford Miss, 8 Connaught. Park Woods Capt.Robt.R.A.28 MaisonDieu rd
Thorpe JohnCornelius,sClaremont place gardens, Frith road \Vooster William, 14 Pencester road
Thring Major,Lowther lodge, Park aven Warren Edwin, 4 Norman terrace Worsfold Christopher K. I Christ
Tiffin Miss, I Effingham crescent Waters George, Trevanion street Church villas, Folkestone road
Tipler J.<'ras. 2 Perrivale viis. De Burgh st Waters Miss, g8 Maison Dieu road Worsfoldl\'Iisses, Kilvinton ho. Liverpl. st
Toke Mrs.26 Leyburne ter. Leyburne rd ""'aters Mrs. 282 Lonclon road \Vorsfold William, 294 London road
Tomkinson Miss, 2 East cliff ·watts John W. Churchvil. DeBurgh st 'Vraight Thomas, 2 Clarence street
Tomlin Elias Beecham, 4 Laureston pl Webb Rev.George [Baptist], 5 .Albertrd 'VrenchMrs. IgGuilford ter.Leyburne rcl
Tomlins Henry, I5 Liverpoo1 street Webb Henry, 8 Effingham crescent Wright Col. Wm. Fredk. (retired), 26
Toms George, 2r Park street ""'ebbSydney,)Iaidstone ho.Folkestn.rd Leyburne terrace, Leybnrne road
Toms Henry, 5 Priory Gate road Webstcr Alfred William, 266 London rd "'right .Alexander, 4 Guilford lawn
Toomer George Elgar J.P. Beaumont Wells Mrs . .Albert, 19 Maison Dieu road Wright Frederick George, 14 Ramlolph
lodge, Folkestone road Wellstead Misses, 38 Maison Dieu road gardens, Salisbury road
Tordriffe Edward Wolferstan, 2 Priory "\'Venborn James, I3 W'oolcombe street Wright John Jarnes, 24 Randolph gar-
gate, Folkestone road ''Veston Lambert, I8 Waterloo crescent dens, Salisbury road
Tower Rev. Robert Beauchamp M.A. I8 Whelch Mrs. 17 Effingham crescent Wright Mrs. 73 London road
Godwyne road Whibley Mrs. 75 ~Iaison Dieu road Wynne .A.E.M.A.(asst.mast. ),Dover coli
COMMERCIAL. .Amos Wm. IIy. lodging ho. 7 St. Martin's pi. Priory road
Abbott John Richard, shoeing smith, x6o London road Andrews Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 7 Bowling Green hill
Adams Clare Louis & Ernest, grocers, 6 Market square .Andrews Junius Franklin, cabinet maker, II Military road
Adams Lewis & Co. wine & spirit merchts. r82 Snargate st Army Medical Office, South Eastern District (Deputy Sur-
Adams Alfred Hogben, baker, London road, Buckland geon-General Frederiek ""'illiam ""'ade l!.S. principal
Adams Annie (:\frs. ), tailoress, 37 Dour street medical officer), 16 Liverpool street
Adams Arthur Robert, bookbinder, 4 Ladywell Army Service Commissariat Supply Stores, Dover District
Adams George, butcher, 8 Park place (Lieut. E. W. Daws, in charge), ro Esplanade
!dams Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 7 Limekiln street .Arnold Wm. W. pilot, 4 Palmerston ter. .Maison Dieu road
Adams John Rowe, Park inn, I Park place .Ash George Edward L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. surgical & mechanical
Adams Michael, plumber & painter, 78 London road dentist, I Castle street
Adams Richard, butcher, ro Biggin street .Ash John, shopkeeper, 39 Peter street
Adams Waiter Day, wine merchant, 41 Townwall street .Ashbee George, White Lion P.H. Tower st. Tower Hamlets
Adcock William John, builder & contractor, Ladywell .Ashbee ~fary (C'.irs. ), lodging house, 4 Wellesley terrace
Adley William .Alfred, fancy draper, 27 Biggin street Ashcroft John, butcher & shopkeeper, 16 Oxenden street .
Alexander Elizabeth (:\'frs. ), lodging house, I2 Esplanade Ashdown & Hobday, paper makers, Buckland mills
Alien Office (Charles Edwards, port officer), Custom house Ashdown Charles Alfred, furniture dealer & undertaker, 95
Alien & Co. brewers, Diamond brewery, Maxton & 96 London road
Alien William, tobacconist, I Priory street .Astley Edward Ferrand M.D. physician, 29 ~farine parade
Alien '\Yilliam Brenchley, upholsterer, 3~ Biggin street Atherden Charles Matthew, beer retailer, Trevanion lane
Allright Jesse, fly proprietor, 43 Council House street .Atherden Francis John, apartments, 25 High street
Allwood Thomas Curzon, school warden, 6r Dour street Atherton John, custom house officer, 6 Albert road
American (The) Dentists' .Association, 4 Bench street .Atkins & Son, boot makers, 9 King street
Amoore Charles Robert, dentist, r Maison Dieu road .Atkins Richard, lodging house, 8 Esplanade
.Amos Alexander & Son, ironmongers, 4 Cannon street Atkins Robert, pilot, r Palmerston ter. Maison Dieu road
Amos George Thomas, photographer, I2U, Snargate street .Attwood Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 12 St. James' street
Amos Gilbert Richard, accountant & secretary of Savings Atwood John, lodging house, I3 Norman street
Bank & Dover Loan Society, & agent to Clerical, Medical .Austen & Lewis, builders, I4 Alma place, Maison Dieu road
& General Life, County Fire & Imperial Union .Accident & Tower Hamlets road
Insurance Companies, IS Rnargate street .Austin Henry, Royal Mail P.H. Stroud street
.Amos John, printer, 33 Biggin street Avann William George & Co. grocers, 122 Snargate street
Amos :Mary Ann (~iss), milliner, 3 Cannon street •
.Ayres Alfred William, builder, 13 Priory hill
.Amos Wtlliam, Prince of Wales P.H. Shooter's hill Ayres Edward, smith, Tower Hamlets road •
Ayres Helen(:\Iis~).prof. ofmnsic,Beethoven vil.Salisbury rd I Blundell Charles, butcher, 2 East street, Tower Hamlet&
Ayres Richard, blacksmith, Priory road Bolton Joseph, chemist, 10 King street
Back Thus. Erridge, silk mercer &c. see Killick, Back & Sons Bonsor George, greengrocer, 2 l'riory street
Back William Alfred, boot maker, 49 Clarendon street Roorman George, Clarence inn, 39 Council House street
Bacon Francf'S Isabella (Miss), lodging house, 25 Priory rd Boorman Isaac, shopkeeper, 2 York street & boot maker
Bacon John, watch & clock maker, 4 King street Worthington's lane '
Bailey George, china & glass dealer, S4 London road Boom George, butcher, rg Bulwark street
Bailey Jesse, lodging house, ·2 Hubert terrace l3oorn Harry, baker, SS Bridge street
Bailey John, Nottingham Castle P. H. Adrian street Boothroyd Elizabeth (:Mrs.), tobacconist & hair dresser, 9
Bailey William, farmer, Barton farm, Buckland Woolcomber street
.Bailey William, Garrick's Head P.H. Market square Bootle Alex. & Co. pharmaceutical chemists, 37 TownwaUst..
Baird John L.~.C.P.s.Edin. physician & surgeon, 12 Castle st Bottle & Gaudy, grocers, 168 & 169 Snargate street
Baker Albert Lot, baker, 12 High street Boulter Frederick S. chimney sweeper, 73 Snargate street
Baker Charles Henry, market inspector, 27 Clarendon street Bourne Celia (Miss), lodgin~ house, 6 Esplanade
Baker Charles Robert, tailor, 32 Biggin street Bourne Mary Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 6 NormaD.
Baker Ellen (Mrs.), printer, 11 Biggin street terrace, Priory road
Baker Ham, chimney sweeper, 81 Snargate street Bourner William, beer retailer, Fishmonger's lane
Baker Jeffery, fishmonger & poulterer, 36 Snargate street Bowles Eleanor (Miss), confectioner, 85 Biggin street
Baker John Emmerson, draper 18 & 19, & boot warehouse Bowles William, Hand & Sceptre P.H. 9 London road
20, Market square Bowman Alfred Charles, grocer, 41 Oswald road
Baker Mary Ann (Mrs.), fishmonger, 14 Folkestone road Bowman Joseph James, hair dresser, 73 Biggin street
Baker Richard, coal dealer, Tower Hamlets rd. & Bridge st Boyall Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 9 Worthington's lane
Baker Sarah Ann(Mrs. ),shopkpr. 2 Tower st. TowerHamlets Boyton & Son, agents to Alliance Fire & Life Assuran~
Baker William, grocer, Last lane office, 5 St. Martin's place, Priory road
Baker William B. Hotel de Paris, Crosswall Boyton Henry Strong, secretary to the Dover & East Ken~
Baldwin SarahAnn( Mrs.), Old Endeavour P. H. I 24 London rd l'ermanent Benefit Building Society, 5 St. Martin's place,
Ball Elizabeth (Mrs.), Duke of York P.H. 71, & greengrocer l'riory road. See advertisement
82, Snargate street Brace George & Son, corn & cake merchants, Stembrook
Ball George, builder &c. Clarence street Brace Edward, florist, 86 Biggin street & Buckland
Ball William, butcher, 5 Bench street Bradley Brothers, corn & eake merchants, Custom Holllleqy
Ball William Gwilliam, Hoyal Mortar P.H. 12 Military road Bradley Augustus Montague, solicitor, 6 Market square
Balls Miss, lodging house, 3 Marine parade Brand Margaret (Mrs.), dress mak~r, 2 Prince's street
Ranee Geo.nurseryman,6s High st.& Odo rd.Tower Hamlets Brazier William, builder, Hardwicke road
Banks Thos. custom ho. officer, 13 Selborne ter. Clarendon rd Brett Alfred, furniture broker, Tower Hamlets road
Bannon Thomas, saddler & harness maker, I3 Cannon st Brett Edward, shoe maker, 39 Limekiln street
Barber Waiter Frederick, shopkeeper, 31 Commercial quay Brett Elizh. Ann (Miss), corn & flour dealer, 48 Adrian st
Barker A. J. (Miss), day school for girl._, )I Maison Dieu road Brett Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 161 London road
Barker Ann (Miss), lodging house, 26 Castle street Rrett Jane (Miss), dress maker, 59 Maison Dieu road
Barker C. W. fancy goods repository, 54 Snargate street Brett Lucy (Mrs.), dress maker, 9 Dour street
Barnes William James, chemist, 54 Biggin street Bridge John, stationer & post office, 9 East st. Tower Hamlets
Bartholomew & Son, upholsterers, 5 Townwall street Bridgcr Ann Plrs. ), wardrobe dealer, 17 Market square
Bartholomew Finnis Curling, dining rooms, 6 Snargate st Bridges Barman, saddler, 25~ Market square
Barton & Parsons, surgeons, 6 Cambridge terrace Briggs George, shopkeeper, 39 Trevanion street
Barton Charles, greengrocer & dairyman, 23 "'oolcomber st Bright Arthur S. mineral water manufr. 1 & 2 Caroline place
Barton Ellen (Mrs.), fishmonger, 40 Townwall street Brinsden Helen Elizabeth (Mrs.), upholstress, 32 Yorks~
Barton Judah (Mrs.), coal & wood dealer, Townwall street Brisley George, builder, 22 Peter street
Batchelor James, marine store dealer, 16 Queen's gardens Brissenden Richard, toy dealer, 6o Biggin street, & cycle
Bathing Establishment (Henry Jarnes Goodwright, man- depot, Cambridge road
ager), Marine parade Britisl1 & Foreign Bible Society's Depot, 40 Biggin street
Batterbee Charles, Union P.H. Commercial quay British ·workman & Seaman's Rest Coffee Tavern (Samuel
Beach John, cork manufacturer, Beaconsfield road William Barber, manager), 9 Northampton street
Bean John George, boot & shoe maker, I63 Snargate street Broad John, baker, 2I "'oolc0mber street
Beasley Edward, dyer, 23 Snargate street Brockman Daniel, Duke of Wellington P.H. London road
Beaufoy Sl.clerk to the Charlton burial board, 4 St.James' st Brockman John, beer retailer, Tower street, Tower Hamlets
sBecker Charles N. bill poster, furniture dealer & town crier, Bromley John, King's Head family hotel, ro Clarence p~
Snargate street Bromley John, lodging house, 7 Seven Star street
Becker Michael, greengrocer, 69~ Snargate street
Bromley William, builder, 3 Priory grove & Maison Dien rd
Beecham Richard Gravett Hall, Carriers' Arms P.H. 12 Bromley \fm. custom house officer,7 Gladstone ter.Prioryrd 1
West street, Tower Hamletg Brook Wm. grocer, 21 Bridge st. & baker, 39 Granville st
Beeching James Arthur & Edgar Samuel, ship & boat Brookes Alfred, medical rubber, 24 Marine parade
builders, Cambridge road Brookes Ellen (Mrs.), lodging house, 24 Marine parade
Beer Edward Jas. hatter & hosier, 26 High st. & 62 Castle st Brown Benjamin, fried fish shop, 8 Commercial quay
Beer Finnis, Primrose Hall P.II. Union road Brown Caroline (Mrs.), lodging house, 49 Bulwark street
Beer Thomas, Volunteer P.H. 52 London road Brown Cornelius, Grand Shaft P.H. 74 Snargate street
Belchamber Sidney, pilot, 35 Folkestone road Brown Daniel, watch maker, 17 London road
Belchamber Sidney Charlie (Mrs.), ladies' school, I Priory Brown Edward, fruiterer, 17 'Woolcomber street
Gate road Brown Edward, lodging house, 1I2 Snargate street
Belgian Slate Railway (Friend & Co. agents), Strand street Brown Hatton, tobacco pipe manufacturer & collector of
Bell George William, pilot, 2 Norman street coal dues, 63 Dour street
Benevolent Society (Edward Ferrand Astley M.D., J.P. presi- Brown Henry, greengrocer, 8r London road
dent; John Finnis esq. J .P. hon. sec.), Brook house Brown J oscph Frederick, pharmaceutical chemist, Markel ~
Benton James, lodging house, 17 Liverpool street Brown Thomas Viney, leather merchant & currier, 15 Kings'
soBenton Sarah (Miss), apartments, 5 Norman ter. Priory rd Brown Wm. Apollonian Hall P.H. & 52 Snargate street
Beraet Charles Joseph, tailor, 43 Trevanion street Browne Fredk. Hy. music & pianoforte wareho.IWellesleyrd
Best William James M.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon, I Cambridge ter Browning Harry ·waiter, teacher of music, 12 Saxon stree'
Biden Sarah Jane (Miss), apartments, 45 Castle street Bruce Capt. Sir Thomas C. R.N. admiralty & post office
Bignall "William, shopkeeper, 77 Clarendon street packet service superintendent, Northampton street
Binfield Brothers, ale & porter, wine & spirit merchants, II Bryant James, shopkeeper, 100 Clarendon street
& 12 Market square, & grocers & cheesemonger3,Last lane Bryson Thomas, baker, I I Cannon street
Binfield Philip, coal dealer, Oxenden street Buckland Cemetery (James Stilwell, clerk to the burial
Bingham Thomas James, pilot, 216 London road board; John Langley, superintendent)
Birch Alfred J. boot & shoe maker, 22 St. J ames' street Buckland J ames, fruiterer, I Crafford street
Birch f'rances (Miss), lodging house, 15 Norman street Bullard Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 10 Effingham ere:;
Birch George, Falcon hotel, 1 London road Bullock Eli, lodging house, I4 Athol terrace
Bishop James \\'illiam, ironmonger, 77 Snargate street Buntz Marie (::\liss), dress maker, 3 Saxon street
Bishop Tom, lodging house, 8 Waterloo crescent Burbridge & Hills, drapers, 57 Maison Dieu road
:Blackford Robert, working jeweller, 16 Hawkesbury street Burbridge Edward William, greengrocer, 9 Bir!gin stroot
Blackman Amelia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I2 Commercial quay Burden James, Fountain P.H. 238 London road
Blackman Cowley John, grocer, lliggin street Burden John, pilot, 25 Pencester road
Blake James, Bowling Green P.H. 41 Hartley street BBuurrfdieelndJMohanryWC~iilrlsia.)m,,bPoryisn' csechAolobl,erCt hhuortcehl,il8l 6hoB.Siaglgiisnbusrtr)e"e~'
Blanche William Edward, baker, 10 Prince's street
Blaxland Thomas, trinity pilot, I7 Albert road Burkett John George, baker, 13 Riggin street
Burkett Mary (Miss), lodging house, 3 Dour street Clancey Thomas, ship chandler, 20 Commercial quay
Burkett William, baker, I Bulwark street Clarett Celestin, Burlington P.H. 75 Castle st. & 19 Church st
Bumett Luke, lodging holL~e, 5 East cliff Claringbould William Israel, butcher, Priory street
Burns Thomas, pawnbroker & clothier, 3 & 4 Tower Hamlets Claringbould William Israel, greengrocer, 6 Ladywell ·
road &56 Hig-h street Claris Percy Brooke, solic-itor, perpetual commissioner, corn-
Hurt William, linen draper, 15 Bi61;in street missioner for oaths &clerk to trustees of Nicholas Cullen's
BurtonNaomi (Mrs.), Marquis of Waterford P.H. Union row charity, 38 & 39 Biggin street
Bushell Henry, shopkeeper, 7 Peter street Clark & Son, butchers, 122 London road
llushell James Hosmer, builder, 67 High street Clark W. & Son, butchers, 5 Council House street
Bushel! John, baker, 25 Winchilsea street Clark Frank, builder, 40 Snargate street
Bushill Hy .greengrocer & carrier, 76 Biggin st. &7St. Peter's st Clark George, nurseryman & florist, The Floral depot, New
Buss l\Iary (Mrs.), confectioner, 14 High street Bridge; nurseries, Maison Dieu road; Frith road, Charlton
llussey George James, pilot, 2 Gresham villas, Priory hill & Old Park, Buckland
Bussey Ja.mes W. coal merchant, Northampton street, Wool- Clark George H. licensed dealer in plate, 33 Priory road
comber street, Cambridge road & New street Clark John, grocer, 119 High street ·
llutcher George, missionary, 54 Military road Clark John, lodging house, 41 St. J ames' street
Butcher Henry Thomas, master mariner, 3 .Malvern road Clark John Stanes, carpenter, 13 York street
Butler Frederick Jabez, pork butcher, 159 London road Clarke Alonzo William Alexander, baker, ro Russell street
Cackett Charles, tailor & fishmonger, Tower Hamlets road Clarke Frederick Arthur, professor of music, 6 Eric road
CadmanJas. Shuttle, baker &corn dealer,2II&212London rd Clarke Herbert, chemist & druggist, IO Cannon street
Cadman John Shuttle, butcher, II Market street Clarke James, curiosity dealer, I 54 Snargate street
Caister Henry, Salutation inn, 5 Biggin street Clarke Kate (Mrs.), greengrocer, 6r East cliff
CalverAngela Pain( Mrs. ),stationer, & post office,23Market sq Clayson Isaac Stephen, Albion P.H. 14 Hawkesbury street
Camburn Thomas Carr, pilot, 8 Park street Clements Mary Ann (Mrs.), toy dealer, 17 St. James' street
Campany James George, lodging house, 10 Saxon street Clout Charles, ironmonger, 135 Snargate street
Campbell Francis, boot maker, 72 Clarendon street Coade Charles Hy. coal dealer, 13 Tower hl. Tower Hamlets
Capdevllle Emile, vice-consul for France, Union street Cohen Reuben Lewis, furniture dealer, I5I~ Snargate street
Carder Eugime, solicitor, commissioner in the Supreme Colbeck Thomas William L. R.C. P. Lond., M.R.C. s.Eng. surgn.
Court of Judicature & clerk to guardians of Dover union & hon. medical officer,Dover Sailors' llome,2Cambridge ter
& assessment committee & to rural sanitary authority & Cole John, builder, Uarence street
school attendance committee, 2 Market square Cole Sarah A. (Miss), lodging house, I3 Marine parade
Care Naomi (Mrs.), Admiral Harvey P.H. 15 Bridge street Coleman Fredk.bandmaster,Royal Fusiliers,23Clarendon rd
Carlton Bank Limited (loan department) (Charles Hollaway, Collier Robert, saw mills & timber merchant, London road
agent), 2 Effingham villas Collins Frederick Waiter, tobacconist, 93u, Snargate street
Carpenter George Hy. boot & shoe maker,s6 Maison Dieu rd Collins John, shopkeeper, 3 Priory place
Carpenter James, watch & clock maker, 20 High street ,1 Community of the Holy Cross (Mother house, Hayward's
Carrier Geo. Hy. china dealer, r83 Snargate st.& 45Adrian st. 1 Heath, Sussex) (Sister Emily, sister-in-charge), 2 Con-
Carter George, laundry, rg High street naught Park gardens, Frith road
Carter Geo. John, superintendent registrar of births, deaths Conolly Caroline Janet (Miss), lodging house, 22 Templar st
& marriages, for Dover district, 46 Castle street Conolly Mary Ann (Miss), milliner, 89 High street
Carter Henry, lodging house, 20 Castle street Connor Ed ward, Rose & Crown P.H. 8 Clarence street
Carver Isaac, board of trade surveyor, Strand street Conradi George Norris, Prince Imperial hotel, I Strand st
Caspall Henry Hobert, boot maker, 12 York street Conservative Land Society (James Burke Terson & Son,
Cass John Burlingham, superintendent & goods agent to the I agents), 27 Castle street. See advertisement
London, Chatharn & Dover railway, Orme cot. Strond st Conservative Hegistration Office (George Henry Barnes,
Castle Edmund, greengrocer, 59 Bridge street registratwm agent), Dover Carlton club, Market square
Castle John Samuel, apartments, 49 Limekiln street Continental Daily Parcels Express (Friend & Co. agents),
Castle William Joseph, Greyhound P.H. Union row t:itrond street
Ca>e Eliza & Ellen (Misses), boys' school, 9 St. Martin's ter · Cook William,registrar of births & deaths for the Hougham
Cave Herbert William, watch maker, 62 Biggin street sub-dist. & of marriages for Dover dist. 284 London road
Cave John, boot maker, 102 High street , Cooper John Hixon M.R.c.v.s. vet. surgeon, 29 Castle street
Cessford Williarn, Esplanade family hotel, near the railway 1 Cordeaux G. & J. (:\Iisses), boys' school, 3 & 4 Church
station & steam packets, Marine promenade. See ad vert 1 villas, Harold street
Chamberlain Thomas Illenden, builder, 23 Castle street Cork Louis, lodging house, 14 Bulwark street
Chandler G. W. & Son, plumbers &c. 77 Castle street [ Cork Louisa (JHrs ), shopkeeper, 54 Tower Hamlets street
Chapman Emily&Isabel (Misses), haberdashers, go London rd , Cork Mary Ann (Mrs.), fly proprietor, 2~ Priory street
Chapman & Walker, wholesale & retail ironmongers, bar iron I Cork Thomas, greengrocer, 4 New street
& oil merchants & military mess furnishers, 3 King street ! Cornes Robert Asby, fly proprietor, Douro place
Chapman Sarah & Alice (MU:ses), lodging house, 5 Athol ter Corporation Almshouses
Chapman John, Milestone P.H. 49 London road Corsan Henry, London Packet P.H. 13 Commercial quay
Chapman Thomas, coal dealer& pork butcher, 88 London rd Cottage Hospital (Edward Ferrand Astley ;u.n. physician;
Chapple Robert Frederick, chimney sweeper, 34 London rd Mrs. Emma Willson, matron), Tower Hamlets
Chard Gabriel Allen, upholsterer & cabinet maker, 35 Bridge Cotterell Charles, tailor, 37 York street
street & Queen street Cotterell Chas. Ernest, Marquis of Anglesea P. H. York st
Charge Martha Ann (~Iiss), fancy repository, rso Snargate st Couch William Henry, hatter, 43 Biggin street
Charlton Cemetery (Samuel Beaufoy, clerk to the burial Coulson John, bath chair proprietor, 41 Trevanion street
board; Joseph Child, superintendent) Coul~on William, lodging house, 43 Liverpool street
Chatwin Frederick, bird dealer, 92 St. James' stroot Coulthard & Wilson, boot & shoe manufacturers, 5 & 6~East
Chatwin William, shopkeeper, Durham hill lane; 26 Biggin street & 34 Pencester road
Cheeseman Step hen George, hair dresser, 46 Snargate street County Court (His Horror William Lucius Selfe, ·judge;
Chettle Fredk. Wm. bookseller &c. see Underdown & Chettle Ernest Charles Fielding, registrar ; Thomas Bowling,.
Chidwick Geo. N. tobacconist, 7 Cannon st. & 35 Snargate st high bailiff; Thomas Holmes, assistant bailiff) ; offices,.
Chignell Robert, private school, Castle mount 1:4 Snargate street
(;hittenden Chas. Ed wd. working jeweller,Tower Hamlets rd Court & Co. importers of wines & spirits & agents fo~
Chtttenden John, baker & confectioner, r Northampton st Guinness's stout & Bass & Allsop's pale india ale, & sole
Chitty Geo. Wm.& Co.millers (steam & water), Charlton mill agents for Truman, Hanbury, Buxton & Co.'s London
Church of England Home for Waifs & Strays (Thomas Black- stout ; branch office, 12 Bench street ; cellars, bonded
man, hon. sec. for diocese of Canterbury), 8 Biggin street vaults & offices, qo Snargate street. See advertisement
Church of England Sunday School Teachers' Association Court Clara Jane (Miss),preparatory school,34 Clarendon st
(Dover branch) (Arthur Thomas Walmisley, hon. sec. & Court John, carrier, Union road
treasurer), Atherstone house, Salisbury road Couzens Albert E. baker, Last lane
Church of England Working Men's Society (Dover branch) Coveney Benjamin, plumber, paperhanger, decorator-.
(Frederick Nowers, sec.), 15 De Burgh street picture frame maker & wholesale paperhanging ware-
Church George, lodging house, 2 Sidney villas, East cliff house, 48 Biggin street
Church Lawrance John, oilman, go Oswald road , Coveney James Ash, contractor, 1 Tower Hamlets street
Cinque Ports (rst) Artillery Volunteer Brigade, Eastern Cow Capt. John, supt. of pilots (Cinque Ports), Pilot tower
Di\"ision Hoyal Artillery (Col. P. S. Court, lieut.-col. corn- Cox John, lodging house, 6 Eastbrook place
mandant; Capt. William Moore-Lane, adjutant; H. Cradduck Sarah (Mrs.), fishmonger, Last lane
Hayward, quarter-master ; Capt. F. Finnis, commandant Craig Albert, verger of St. l\Iary's church, 17 Caroline place
of No. I &Major H. Poole, No. 2 batteries); head quarters Cresswell & Newman, architects & civil engnrs. 54 Castle st
of brigade & drill shed of Nos. I & 2 batteries, near Guild- Crofts Alfred, manufacturing electrician, 2 Cla rendon place
Iord battery Crofts Edwin, baker, 7 Adrian street ·
Crosoer Richard Lushington, lodging ho. I4 Marine parade Dover CollegA(Rev. Wm.Bell M.A. head master),Folkestonerd
Crotch William, Shakespeare hotel, Bench street Dover District Permanent Benefit Building Society (ChriJ.
Crothall George, builder, 1 Park street topher K. W orsfold, sec.), _Market square
Croucher William, greengrocer, East street, TowcrHamlets Dover Express (John llavington Jones, publisher; published
Crnmp Caroline (Miss), day school, 77B, Snargate street friday evening), I8S Snargate street. See advertisement
Crnndall Hy.& Edwd. coal mer.& ship owner,Cambridge rd Dover Gas Light Co. (George l<'ielding sec. ; Raphael
Crundall William & Co. timber & slate merC'hants, ~team Herring, manager); offices, Rus!!ell street; works, Huck.
saw mills; & at Queenboro' ; Southampton ; & Ramsgate ; land ; & a gas holder station in Trevanion street
& 16 St. Helen's place, London E c Dover Institution for Trained Nurses (Mrs. Scott, lady
Cuff Brothers, book sellers, I & 2 Snargate street superintendent), 3I St. James' street
CullinWm.Johnson,ship repairer & boat bldr.Cambridge rd Dover Liberal Association (Arthur Harby esq. hon. sec.), 4
Cullingham Benjamin, pork butcher, 42 Snargate street l:lt. J ames' street
Cullingham James, boot maker, 87 Snargate street Dover Permanent Benefit Building Society (John Monger,
Cullis James, apartments, 4 Limekiln street sec.), IS Snargate street. See advertisement
Cummins William,custom house officer, x8 Selborne terrace, Dover Proprietary & Subscription Library & Reading Room
Clarendon road ( W. T. Viney Hrown, hon. treasurer ; J osepb Bolton, hon.
Cunningham l<'rancis, teacher of music, I Saxon street sec.) (open from II a.m. to I p.m. & from 2 to 6 p.m.),
Curling David, farmer, Priory farm, Elms road G-ranville gardens
Curling Henry, butcher, 6 Caroline place Dover Rowing Club (Sir Richard Dickeson, president;
Curling Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 87 London road James W. Hussey, sec)
Currie Ellen (Miss), lodging house, I6 Esplanade Dover Sanitary Steam Laundry Co. Limited (William Bll8-
Custom House (Charles Edwards, collector),Custom Ho. qy sey, sec.), Tower Hamlets
Dade John, interpreter, 6 Custom House quay Dover Standard (Richard Turner, proprietor ; published
Dane Alfred Thomas, Red Lion P.H. 8I St. James' street saturday), 17 Snargate street
Dane J<:dward Thomas, Liverpool Arms P.H. 38 Townwall st Dover Swimming Club (the Mayor, president ; H. H. Good.
Dane William Daniel, marine store dealer, 82 St. James' st win, hon. sec. & treasurer), 8 Biggin street
Danson Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 25 New street Dover Telegraph (Frederick Wicks, proprietor; published
Danson William, dairyman, Tower st.reet, Tower hamlets wednesday), 2 King street. See advertisement
Darling Abel, boot &shoe maker, 5 Crafford street · Dover Trades Association (Hy. Hayward, sec.), Market sq
Darracott Herbert James, jeweller, 2oA, Snargate street Dover Year-Book (John Bavington Jones, publisher; pub-
DARTNALL ALFRED THOMAS, cook & confectionP.r; lished annually), I8S Snargate street. See advertisemen~
price lists of soups, patties, entrees,jellies,creams,ices &c. DoYer & County Chronicle & Kent & Sussex Advertiser
sent to any address on application, I77 Snargate. st. ; & at (Frederick Wicks, proprietor; published saturday), 2
Sandgate road, Folkestone (next to General Post office) King street.- See advertisement
Datlen & Scott, fish dealers, Limekiln street Dover & East Kent Permanent Benefit Building Society (H.
Datlcn Charlotte Jane (Mrs.), baker, 62 St. James' street S. Boyton, sec.), 5 St. Martin's place, Priory road. See
Datlen J ane (Mrs.), lodging house, 66 St. James' street advertisement
Datlen Thomas Stephen, baker, 48 Military road Dorer & East Kent Scottish Society (Lieut.-Col. D. Forbes
Datlen \Villia.m Edward, fishmonger, I9 Limekiln street Macbean, chairman ; Lieut.-Col. T. B. Stewart, vice-chair·
Davidson Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 4 Ladywell place man; R. Martin Geddes, hon. sec.), 269 London road
Davidson William, boot maker, 5IA, Castle street DO\'er & Folkestone Permanent S3lf-Help Building Society
Davies William, tobacconist, 6 Tower Hamlets road Valyer Bean, seC'.), 20 Higgin street
Davis Isaac Jacob, furniture dealer, I3 Snargate street & I Dowle David, lodging house, 21 Waterloo crescent
& 2 Adrian street Dowle Eliza (Mrs.), boarding house, 1 Waterloo crescent
DavisJohn,furniture warehouse &c. I Queen st.&63A, Biggin st Dowle Robert, bricklayer, Spring cottage, Peter street
Davis John, jun. furniture broker, 63A, Biggin street Dowle William Thomas, builder, I9 Templar street
Davis Samuel John, boot maker, 31 Castle place Drake John, Pavilion inn, Custom House quay
Davy William George, manager of National Provincial Bank Drincqbier Ernest, fishmonger, I24 & 125 Snargate street
of England Limited, New bridge Druce Edward Read, government engineer to the Admiralty
Da.we Charle.~ Thomas, builder, Seven Stars street & 40 pier; office, Custom House quay
Council House street Drury R. Moutray, surgeon-dentist, 22 Pencester road; &
Uawes William Henry & Son, builders, 8 Gladstone terrace, at Folkestone & Deal
'Priory hill ; & workshop, 9 Crafford street Dudeney Sarah (Mrs.), milliner, 188 Snargate street
Dawes Charles ''Villiam,stationer & news agent, 5 Park place Dudman Harry Albert, cowkeeper, Ashen Tree lane
Dawes William Henry, lodging ho. 8 Gladstone ter.Priory hill Duggan Vincent, The titandard P.H. 18 Commercial quay
Day, Hill & Co. mechanical en!PneeTII, Cliff crt. Snargate st Dunford John, carter, 2 Cbarlton villas, Charlton
Day Sarah (:Vlrs.), lodging house, H Commercial quay Dunigan John, tailor, I8 Chapel place
Day Thomas (Mrs.), lodging house, 3 Park street Dunn Alfred, greengrocer, Market
Dean William, lodging house, 25 Castle street Dunn James Henry, Malvern hotel, 19 Clarendon road
Debnam Charles, grocer, 27 Tower street, Tower Hamlets Dunn James Marven, New inn, 46 York street
Decent John, Three Compasses P.H. Finniss's hill Dunn L. Now Commercial Quay P.II. 25 Commercial quay
Deiches David, watch maker, 22 Snargate street Durden James, harbour master, 1 Council House street
Delabaye Thomas Louis, confectioner, 156 Snargate street Durrnan Sarah (Mrs.), furnished apartments facing the sea,
Denne Robert, carpenter, Livingstone cottage, Maxton 4 Esplanade
Denne Robert, whitesmith, 9 Chapel place Durrant John, dairy, 7 Park place
Dennis Joseph, beer retailer, 44 Bridge street Dye George, shopkeeper, Tower street, Tower Hamlets
Densham Ellen (Miss), lodging house, 7 Marine parade Ealden Frederick Gilbert, baker, & money order & savings
Oeveson Maria (Miss), lodging house, I Marine place bank, 3 Council House street
D1ckeson Richard & Co. tallow chandlers & meltrs.l\'Iarket st Earl George, coal dealer, 4 Middle row
Dickeson Richard & Co. wholesale grocers, provision mer-- Earl William, linen draper, 2 & 3 London road
chants & army contractors, Market lane ; Park street ; Eason Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 65 Sna.rgate street
Tower street & Queen street ; & at London ; Dublin & East Kent Regiment (The Buffs) rst Volunteer Battalion
Aldershot. See advertisement (K eo.) (Major R. Chignell, commandant; Rev. F. A.
Dickeson Agnes (Miss), preparatory school for boys, go Hammond M.A. acting chaplain) ; head quarters, drill
Maison Dieu road room, Northampton street
Diggens James Thomas, greengrocer, 84 St. James' street East Anna (Mrs.), lodging- house, 9I Sna.rgate street
Dillon John, Gun P.H. Strond street East William, artist, I7 Harold terrace
. District Pay Office (chief paymaster, Col. T. W. Drage; Eastes William & Arthur, corn merchants, 51 & 53 Castle~
G. C. Fuller, paymaster), IO Esplanade Edmond Edward, greengrocer, 8 Ladywell
District Registry of the High Court of Justice (Ernest Edmonds Absolom, boot & shoe maker, 26 Oxenden street
Charles Fielding, registrar), I4 Snargate street Edmonds Thomas William, shopkeeper, 6I London road
Divers Sarah (Mrs.), greengrocer, 36 Townwall street EdwardsChas. collector of H. M. customs, Custom House quay
"uixon Charles, lodging house, 30 Marine parade Edwin Henry Francis, draper, I & 2 Priory pi. & 53 Biggin si
Dixon Mary Ann (Mrs.), stay maker, I Bridge street Eldridge Jn. Fk. stationer & hardware dealer, 53 Oxendensi
Dixon Richard, out-door supt. of gas works,57 St. James' st Elgar Richard, butcher & purveyor of meat to PrinceArthur
Doble William Henry, Prince Regent P.H. Market square H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught; small welsh & scotch
Dolbear James, Mechanics' Arms P.H. Strond street mountain mutton, from Montgomeryshire, Clun Forest~
Dunley -William, Two Brewers P.H. 67 Limekiln street the Cheviot & Grampian Hills; 4 Snargate st. See adv1
Donovan John, watch maker, I3A, Cannon street Ellis Charles William, dyer, 24 Priory road
Douglas-Willan Capt. S. L. sec. to Dover club, Liverpool ho Ellis Thomas H. master of town porters, I9 Beach street
Dover Carlton Club (Chas.Lonsdale Humby, sec.), Market sq Ellis Wm. manager of London & County Bank, 5&6Kings'
Dover Club (Capt. S. L. Douglas-Willan, sec.), Liverpool ho Elms James William, builder, Peter street
Elms Stephen Read, confectioner, no & II2 High street Fox Thomas Daniel, baker, ro Queen street
Elvey Stephen 0. inspector L. C. & D. railway, 7 Malvern rd Fox William, baker, 2 Park lane
Elwin Edward, solicitor & commissioner, 13 Castle street Fox William Hemy, City of Antwerp hotel, Market square
Emery Brothers, plumbers &c. 13 Townwall street Francis Frederick L. professor of music, 6 Council House st
Enderson Charles, greengrocer, so London road Francis Thomas, plumber &c. r1 York street
England Richard Edward M. D. surgeon, 20 Pencester road Fraser Albert, Bell inn, 23 St. James' street
Erbv John, Kent Arms P.H. go Limekiln street Frazer & Co. artists' colormen, 12 Woolcomber street
Erit.h Henry, cab & omnibus proprietor & wedding furnisher, Frazer Catherine (Miss ),preparatory school, 12Woolcomber st
&post office, 39 Townwall street, Upper Townwall street Frazer Mrs. ladies' school, 304 London road
&Wellington mews, Marine par.& agent to L.C.&D.railway FreegardJohn, carperiter, Egbert ho. & 22New st.Folkestone rd
Esplanade Family Hotel (William Cessford, proprietor), Freeman Richard, tailor, 71 Biggin street
Marine promenade. See advertisement Freud Richard & Sons, wheelwrights, Market street
Evans John, shopkeeper, 2 Military road Frend Richard, fishmonger, 7A, Priory street
Evans John Charles, lodging house, 26 Trevanion street Friend & Co. custom house agents, Strond street
Eveleigh Frank, scripture reader for St. J ames' parish, 39 Friend James Giles, pork butcher, 29 London road
Castle street Friend John, fly proprietor, 179 London road
Eversfielcl Wiliiam, beer retailer, 14 Seven Star street Friendly Societies' Convalescent Home (Miss Mary Jennings,
Ewell George, ship & general smith, Water lane, & oil & lady superintendent), 54 & 55 Strond street
color dealer, Oxenden street Frost Grace E. (~iss), head mistress of the High School for
Ewell Janc Elizabeth (:\irs.), upholstress, so York street Girls, Maison Dicu road
Ezra Albert, lithographer, so Biggin street Fry Edward Holyman, grocer & dairyman, 34 Trevanion
Fagg :\Iary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 47 George street street & 49 Castle street
Fagg Thomas, Ancient Druids P. H. Stembrook street Fry Edward Wickens, architect & surveyor, St. :Martin's
FaggetterLewis,Old CommercialQnay l'.H.I6Commercial qy house, St. Martin's terrace
PairlieChas. Archibald, Royal family & commercial hotel,Pier Fry Fredcrick James, lodging house, 44 St. James' street
Fakeley Mary (Mrs.), infant school, 68 Clarendon street Fry Mary Ann (:\'Irs.), straw bonnet maker, 5 Trevanion st
Falconer John, ciYil, military & ladies' tailor, hatter, hosier Fry Thomas Wickens, surveyor, auctioneer, valuer & estate
& general outfitter, The SL"Otch Tweed house ; tailoring agent, 23 Mai!:!on Dieu road
department, 17 Bench street ; outfitting department, 12 Full William, superintendent to the Prudential Assurance
Bench street. See advertisement Co. Limited, 8o Folkestone road
Farley John Thomas, beer retailer, Worthington's lane Fullagar James, insurance agent, deputy superintendent
Fannar Austin, boys' school, 17 Castle street registrar of births, deaths & marriage_<;, 314 London road
Farrier Hannah (Mrs.), dress maker, xo Military road Fuller Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 4 Prince's street
Farrier Waiter John, baker, 49 Bridge street Fuller J ames, cooper, 4 Prince's street
Fassum Juhn William, King William I. P. H. Tower hill, Fuller John, master mariner, 280 London road
Tower Hamlets Gandy John, grocer, see Bottle & Gaudy
Fenn Edwin M. D. physician & surgeon, admiralty surgeon & Gann John J. gre~ngrocer, 4 Bridge street
agent & medical officer to the workhouse, Maison Dieu Gannon J a ne (Mrs.), lodging house, 25 Liverpool street
lodQ"e, Maison Diru road Gardiner Wm. brass turnr.1Bradford ter.TowerHamlets rd
~ Gardner & Co. pale ale stores, Priory Station road
Fenn James, Rose P.H. Cannon street
Ferns Richard, boot & shoe maker, 9 Bridge street Gardner & Son, plumbers, 37 Snargate street
Yield John, lodging house, 19 Waterloo crescent Gardner Emma Rochford (Mrs.), lodging house, 4 East cliff
Fielding George & Son, solicitors, 14 Snargate street Gartnel Charles, Swan hotel, Strond street
Fielding Erne~t C. (firm, Fielding George & Son), solicitor, Gaskm John, assistant overseer & tax collector for Ewell,
district res-istrar of High Court of Justice & registrar of River, Guston & East Langdon, 308 London road
county court, 14 Snargate street Gatehouse Alfred, Round Tower inn, Round Tower street
Fielding George (firm, Fielding George & Son), solicitor, Gaywood Arthur, shopkeeper, 37 High street
notary public, commmissioner for oaths & perpetual com- Gerldes Joseph Richard, boot & shoe maker, 42 Biggin st
missioner, sec. to Dover Gas Co. & honorary solicitor Gee William, boot maker, 168 London road
& treasurer to Sailors' Home, clerk to St. Mary's burial George Frederick Boyce, plumber &c. IS Athol terrace
board & solicitor to Dover & East Kent Permanent Build- George Joseph, butcher, 47 Bridge street
ing Society, 14 Snargate street · Gibbons J esse, baker, & post office, 62 East cliff
File Elgar,fly proprietor & livery stable keepr. IFolkestone rd Gibbons Hichard, lodging house, 35 East cliff
Filmer George, news agent, 53 London road Gibbs Alfred, fly proprietor, 59 East cliff
Finlayson Henry Philip, pianoforte tuner, 22 Park street Gilfin John Austen, Hull inn, x68 London road
Finnis Steriker & Sons, timber, slate & cement merchants, Gill William D. marine store dealer, 57 Peter street
steam sawing & planing mills, lime & brick ma. Biggin st Gillespie Frederick Chas. lodging house, 36 St. James' st
Finnis George Wellard, pilot, 9 Norman street Gillis Sarah Ann (Mrs.),Olive Branch P.H. Worthington's la
Finnis George Willmot, pilot, 46 Folkestone road Gillman Charles D. butcher, 4 London road
Finnis James Stephen, pilot, 46 Folkestone road Gillman Eleanor (Mrs.), butcher, 49 Biggin street
Finnis William James, pilot, II Templar street Gillman James Williarn, pilot, 35 Clarendon road
Fire Engine Station (Corporation), Queen street Gillman John Charles, butcher, s6 Clarendon street
Fisher Erlwin, baker, 4 & 5 Peter street Goddeu Thomas George, pilot, 18 Park street
Fisher William Jn. saddler & harness maker, IS7 London rd Godfrey Edwin Thomas, beer retailer, 2 Northampton st
Fitz,<Yibbon John, Eight Bells P. H. New street Golder John, Five Alls P.H. & basket maker, 13 Market st
Flashman & Co. upholsterers to Her Majesty the Queen, GoldfinchWalt. Pascall,pork butchr. 32&33 Tower Hamlets st
interior decorators, auctioneers, valuers & house agents, Golding Thomas, Duke of Cambridge P.H. 72 Snargate st
Market square Goldsack George Laurence, master marinr. 40 Clarendon rd
Fletcher H. & W. ironmon~ers, 30 Biggin street Goldsack William, fishmonger, 10 Priory street
Fletcher Frederick, phrenologist, Northampton street Goldsack William, lodging house, 5 Dour street
Flint Thomas, baker, 36 Strond street Goldsmith Elizabeth (Mrs.), Alexandra House private hotel,
Flood Henry, chimney sweeper, 9 Branch street 6 & 7 Waterloo crascent
Flood William, fishmonger, 84 Biggin street & Fish market Goodbun Richard, master mariner, 8 Council House street
Folwell John Denne, Gram·ille P.H. Townwall street Goodchild Ralph Stephen, baker, 169 London road
Foord Jolm, baker, 106 High street Goodiff William, baker, 1 Clarendon street
Forbes-Mosse B. barristerS. Eastern circuit, 24 Folkestone rd Goodman Nathan, wardrobe dealer, 62~ Snarg-ate street
Ford George, White Hart P.H. Dolphin lane Goodwin Castle Smith, baker, 3 East street, Tower Hamlets
Ford Robcrt, confectioner, 39 Snargate street Goodwin Hubert H. tailor &c. 8 Biggin street ·
Foreman Douglas, poor rate collector for St. James' parish, Gordon Boys' Orphanage (Thos. Blackman, founder & hon.
10 Castle street manager) ; office, 7 Biggin street
Foreman Richard John, pilot, 2 ~ Pencester road Gordon Temperance Hotel (James Jarry, proprietor), 128
Forrester William, marine store dealer &c Maison Dieu road Swargate street
& Worthington's lane Gorly's (Mrs.) Almshouses, Cowgate hill
Forster Robert Henry, chemist &c. 52 Castle street Gould John, Gate inn, London road, Buckland
Forwood Richard, dairyman, I SA, Churchill street Gouldcn's Military Directory for Dover, Shorncliffe, Canter-
Foster Henry, pilot, 40 Folkestone road bury, Hythe, Walmer & Deal (pub. monthly; publisher, C.
Fox Frederick, lodging house, 17 Marine parade Goulden) 176 Snargate street
Fox James, Trinity Pilot P.H. 29 Commercial quay Goulden C, bookseller, stationer, printer, bookbinder &c.
Fox Kingston, auctioneer, house, estate & insurance agent, & publi:o;hr. of Goulden's l\IilitaryDirectory,I76.Snargate st
41 Folkestone road Goulden Henry J. pianoforte & music wareho. II King st
K, S. & S. 15
Granville Club (The) (Sir William Hy. Crundall, president; Hearn Thomas, lodging house, 63 East cliff
Douglas Foreman, sec.), 2 Snargate street Hearn "\Yilliam, greengrocer, Howling Green bill
!Graves William, linen draper, 131, 132 & I33 Snargate st HHeeaarthnd'e"~n"i"ll''ihaom,mgarseeGnego-rrgoec,erb, o3o3t maker, 143 Snaro-ate st~
High street "'
Gray George, naturalist, 71 Castle street
Gray John, hair dresser, 8 Priory street Hedgecock Stephen Fredk. grocr. I ""id red rd. Tower HamJe13
Gray Willmm Henry, Grapes P.H. Maison D: u rOl\ l Hcmmings Charle~, Engineer P.H. 6o Folkestone road
Green John & Son, cutlers, 126 Snarg-ate street Henn &; Popple plisses), ladies' school,2 & 3 Etlingham C!~
Green John, medicine vendor, 41 Snargate street Hennings William, temperance hotel, 45 Strand street
Green John Ben jamin, ironmonger, 21 Higgin street Herd Caroline (Mrs.), lodging house, 4 .;\farine parade
Green Mary (Mrs.), coal dealer, Round Tower lane Hernage John Alex. pianoforte tuner, 10 Chapel place
Green Thom!ls Abel, cutler, 44 ~drian street . H~rring Robe~t Alfred, sadd~c~ & harness ma. 174 Lomlon rd
Greenland l<rances & Sarah (l\Iu;ses), berlm & fancy repos1- H1Chens l\Iartm, seamen's mtsswnary, 52 Bulwark street
tory, I Victoria crescent, High street Hicks Edward, coal & wood dealer, IS Townwall stre~t
Greenstreet J olm & Fredk. boot & shoe mas. I 8 Bench st HicksFredk.jobmstr. "\'\"oolcomber st.; Esplanadc&6:\Iarine p!
Greenstreet Stephen, Griffin inn, 2 Folkestone road Hicks Robert Stephen, deputy registrar of births & deaths,
Greey Waiter, fancy draper, r67 Snargate street St. James' sub-district; relieving & inquiry otlicer of Xo
Gr~~ths .Al?e~t Ern_est, Princess Alice 1~.H. 3~ Snargate st 3 ~istrict, collect?r to the guardians & school fees inquirY
Gnfliths Wilham, hneu draper, II4 to II8 High street officer, & post otl!ce, 71 London road
Grigg Geo. Wm. tobaccnst. 4Prioryst. &printer, 15 York st Hicks William, fishmonger, 19 Bridge street
Groombridge Albert, beer retailer, Tower Hamlets street Hide Thomas Henry, grocer, 48 High street
Grossmann .Alex. Jamcs, photographer, I6 Snargate street High School for Girls (Girls' Public Day School Co. Limi~
Gurney Samuel Edward, ham & beef warehouse, 7 Last la (:\Iiss Grace E. Frost, head mistress), l\Iaison Dieu road.
Gurr Henry, Wheelwrights' Arms H.H. Bridge street Hill George, mechanical engineer, see Day, Hill & Co
Gurr Sandford, beer retailer, 6 High street Hill Joseph, lodging house, Cyprus house, Douro place
Gutsole .Alfred Henry, blacltsmith, 4 Commercial quay Hills Ed ward & Sons, coach & carriage builders, 54 Castle
Gutsole Rd.Reubn .carpntr. &c. Townwall st.& 9 Laureston pl street ; & Tontine street, I<'olkestone
Habgood Charles, George hotel, Strand st. & Snargate st Hills & Gee, dairy, Priory place
Hadlow William Francis, plumber, 72 Biggin street Hills Alfred, baker, 39 Seven Star street
Halke J ames, butcher, 96 High street & 6 Priory street Hills Caroline (Mrs.), lodging house, 20 Marine parade
Hall Daniel, bath chair proprietor, 29 Townwall street Hills John, Guildhall vaults, 2 Bench street
Hall James, lodging house, 16 J\Iarine parade Hills John, tobacconist, 18 Seven Star street
Hambrook & Son, pharmaceutical chemists, 6 Strond street Hills Louisa (:Mrs.), baker, 62 Snargate street
Hambrook Louisa Jane (Mrs.), Gran;,ille inn, 43 Limekiln st Hills W. (Mrs.), lodging house, r6 East cliff
Hammond Caroline (Mrs.), Duchess of Kent P.H.Market.sq Hills William, lodging house, r8 Norman street
Hammond Elizabeth (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer,243 London rd Hinkley Edwin, Star & Garter P. H. 8 Trevanion street
Hammond George & Co. consuls & ship agents & Lloyd's Hinklcy John, Sceptre inn, Beach street
agents, Union street; & at Deal; Rarnsgate & Margate IIird Williarn Henry, tobacconist, II6 Snargate street
Hammond George, pork butcher, ro8 Clarence street Hobday Henry, paper maker, see Ashdown & Hobday
Hammond Henry, coal dealer, 106 Clarendon street Hobday Henry Amos, tool merchant & cutler, 3I Clarenclon
Hamshire Isaac, cowkeeper, Union road road ; & at Chatham & FolkPstone
Hancock Ebenezer, draper, 42 High street Hodges James, builder & undertaker, 23 London road
Handford Charles, farrier, Fishmonger's lane Hogben & Son, wholesale & retail corn, flour, seed, cake &
Hanson Thomas, Royal Standard P.H. 7 London road fodder merchants, Market square
Harbird J ames, !>hopkeeper, 29 Hawkesbury street Hogben Chas.Finch M.R.c. v. s.r.. veterinary surgn.gi High st
Harbour Board (James Stilwell, registrar) Hogben George, coal clPaler, 56 London road
Harby Arthur (firm, Stilwell & Harby),solictr.4 St.James' st Hogben John, Fox P. H. 52 St. J ames' street
Hard Waiter, linen draper, 61 Biggin street Hogben Stephen, ironmonger, I8I Snargate street
Harding :Mary Ann (Mrs.), brewer, London road Hogbin Edward, baker, 19 Commercial quay
Harley Edward, china, glass &c. dealer, 17 Cannon street Hogbin Edward Henry, nur~eryman, Ashen Tree lane
Barman Albert, Invicta P.H. 155 Snargate street Hogwood John, chimney sweeper, 38 Adrian street
Harman William Charles, dairy, 8 Hawkcsbury street Holbourn Edward, carpenter, 3 St. James' street
Harris Alfred Osborne, shopkeeper, 5 Cowgate hill Holmes James, plumber, 28, 30, 34 & 36 St. James' street
Harris Charles S. photographer, Odo road, Tower Hamlets Holt Elizh. (Mrs.), King William P.H. 22 Woolcomber stree~
Harris Edward, Angel P.H. 54 High street Halt "\'\'illiam, manufacturing electrician, 83 Snargate street
Harris George Foord, carpenter, 38, 39 & 40 Priory road Halt "\'\'illiam, pork butcher, 72 High street
Harris Hy. high class boot & shoe ma. & imprtr. I4 King st Home of the Good Shepherd (Miss Alice H. Hoare, lady
Harris Henry W. Archcliff Fort P.H. 5 Bulwark street supt. ), 9 & ro Templar street
Harris James, boot & shoe maker, 26 Commercial quay Hood Werter, grocer &c. 15 Alma place, Maison Dieu road
Harrison George, pilot, r Gresham villas, Priory hill Hook Henry, tailor, 4 Clarence street
Harrison Stephen Kennard, pilot, 269 London road Hooker Esther (Miss), furnished apartments, 3 Esplanade
Hart & Co. pawnbrokers, 18 Cannon st.; Market st.; Market Hookham John Wm. Valentine, pilot, 3r Folkestone road
sq. & 10 .Northampton st. ; outfitters, 251\Iarket sq. & 175 Hopper Edward, custom house officer, 22 Oxendcn street
Snargate street, & house furnishers, 193 Snargate street llore Enos 'Yalter, apartments, 36~, Liverpool strl!et
Hart Florence, Edith & Fanny (Misses), ladies' boarding Horn James, dairy, Townwall street
school, 1\Iinerva college, Folkestone road Horner & Co. clothiers, 7 Snargate street
Hart Fran!<, Mogul inn, Chapel place Hornsby George Samuel, Tower inn, Tower Hamlets road
Hart George Fredk. collector of poor's rates, 30 High street Horsnaill Edward, upholsterer, II Sna.rgate street
Hart Henry Gilbert, coal dealer, Priory road Horsnaill Isabel (Miss), ladies' school, II Norman street
Harvey Ambrose (late Swoffer & Son, established nearly .'iS Horton Edmund Robert, shopkeeper, 63 Limekiln street
years), wholesale egg, fruit& potato merchant & importer HortonJohn, florist, 62 l\Iaison Dieu road
& fruit salesman, Five Post lane; stores, Queen street. Hosken Frederick, Princess 1\Iaud P.H. Hawkesbury street
See advertisement Hospital & Dispensary (E. F. Astley M.D. C. Parsons M.D. RE.
Harvey George, Robin Hood P.H. 40 Townwall street England M. D. A. G. Osborn, A. Long & C. Wood M.D. med·
Harvey Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 309 London road ical officers ; C. R. .Amoore, surgeon-dentist ; Ha.rdinge
Harvey Stephen, Cinque Port Arms P.H. Clarence place Charles Christian l\TcNiell L.R.C.P.Edin. house surgeon;
Harvey 'Valter Wiles, baker &c. Durham hill Thomas Lewis esq. treasurer; Edward Elwin, sec.;
Hatch Francis Arthur, tobacconist, 92 High street Edward Parker, collector & dispenser), High stree~
Hatherly & Co. tailors, 17A, Snarga.te street Houlden David, linen draper, 21 Snargate street
Hatton George, coal & wood dealer, Union row Hoult William J ames, tailor, 46 Dour street
Hatton George, general draper, 45, 46 & 47 Biggin street Howard James Frederick, grocer, 55 London road
Hatton Thomas, shopkeeper, I5 Union row Howdown Richard, shopkeeper, 30 Peter street
Hatwood Charles, Georg-e inn, 92 Snargate street Howe Richard, Hope P.H. 15 Council House street
Hawkins "\'\'illiam, Guildford inn, 36 Liverpool street
Howell William Henry, chimney sweeper, 7 Woolcomber st
Hawksficld Peter & Son, coal merchants, St. James' street Howgego John, pilot, De Burgh villas, De Burgh street
Haworth Wm. Trevelyan, surveyor of taxes, I Alfred place Howland Rebecca (Miss), Connaught House private hotel.
Haynes Alfred, hair dresser, 3 Snargate street 29 Waterloo crescent
Hayward Henry, auctioneer &c. see Worsfold & Hayward Howlett 1\Iary Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 31 Marine parade
Hayward Rebecca (Mrs.), lodging house, 7 Russell street Humby Charles Lonsdale, accountant, 27r London road
Hearn Frances (Mrs.), British Queen P.H. 81 Biggin street Humphery John, lodging house, 25 Marine parade
Hearn John Thompson, tailor, 66 Snargate street Humphrey Henry, tobacconist, 3A, Snargate street
Hearn Thomas, army contractor & potato merchant, II7 & Huntly & Boyles (Mrs.), lodging house, 6 ::\Iarine parade
. n8 Snargate street; & atShorncliffe,Canterbury&Walmer Hursey Kate (Miss), dress maker, 14- St. James' street
Hutcbinson Henry Eugenius, boarding school for boys, ' Knocker William, pilot, 43 Folkestone road
Prospect house, Prince's street ' Kohlhammcr John, Sussex Arms P.H. 32 Townwall street
Hutson William, shopkeeper, I44 Clarendon street Ladd Edward, greengrocer, 9 Union road
Hyams Lewis, furniture dealer, 144 Snargate street Lake Harriet (Miss), lodging house, II Lil"erpool street
Hymers Thos. Herbert, furnished apartments, 7 Esplanade Lake Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 7 Norman wr. Priory rd
Hynes Richard, bookbinder, 7 Town wall street Lambert Alfred James, grocer, r65 Snargate street
Igglesden Benj. Alfd. baker & confectioner, 7 Market square Lambert William George, master mariner, 6o Limekiln st
Igglesden Geo. Hennic, watch ma. r86, r 8g & 192 Snargate st Laming John Thomas, grocer, I Tower Hamlets road
Igglesden Hobert William, grocer, q6 Snargate street Laming John Thomas, pilot, 323 London road
Illenden George, grocer & baker, 44 High street Laming Stephen George, pilot, 30 l\Iaison Dieu road
India & China Tea Co. 25 Market square Landall Stephen, Green Dragon P.H. Strond street
Inland Hevenue Office (Thos Skinner, supervsr. ), I Alfred pi Lane George Watson,shopkeeper,South road, TowerHamlets
Irons Henry, lodging house, 33 East cliff Lane William, Town Arms P.H. 29 Bridge street
Iverson John, dming rooms, I42 Snargate street Langley Charles, fruiterer, I70 Snargate street
Jackson & Quier, builders, Eagle yard, London road Lankes August, interpreter, 53 Bulwark hill
Jackson Thomas Edward, draper, r6 Norman street Larkin Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 21 Seven Star street
Jackson William Charles, Eagle P.H. London road Larkins StephenNorwoocl,straw bonnet cleaner,r6Chureh st
Jacobs Caroline (Mrs.), la undress, 58 Dour street Laslett John Samuel, baker, 23 & 24 Oxend en street
Jacolette Martin, art photographer, North brook house, Lawrence Edward, haberdasher, qg Snargate "trcet
Biggin street; & Queen's Gate Hall studio, Harrington Lawrence George, carrier, Magdala road
road, South Kensington. See advertisement Lawrence Waiter, grocer & oil & color m:-m, 28 London road
James John, coal & wood dealer, Queen street & 3 Five Post lane
James John Thoma~, lodging house, 6 Victoria cres. High st Lawson Hall, 7 .Market street
Jarnes 1\lary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 3 r High street Lawson J ane (Mrs.), lo~lging ho: 6 King's passage, Beach st
Jamieson Hannah (Mrs.), lodging house, 1 Guildford lawn Leach Harriet (Miss), lodging house, 2 Marine place
Janes Jeffery, The Silver Lion P.H. Middle row Leeds James, lodging house, 26 Marine parade
Jarrett George, grocer, I East street, Tower Hamlets Lefevre Thomas, Saraccn's Head temperance htl. Big-gin st
Jarrett Robt. tailr. hattr. hosr. & outfitr.27 & 28 Snarg-ate st Leigh Harold M. collector of rates for Dover, 23 Priory hill
Jarry James, The Gordon temperance & commercial hotel Leigh Hubert S. cutler & engraver, 74 Biggin street
& restaurant, 128 Snargate street Leigh James, tailor, I2 Cannon street
Jarvis Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 28 Marine parade Lemon Victorine Goujon (Mdrn. ), corset m a. 57 Snargate st
Jarvis John, lodg-ing house, 39 .:\-Iarine parade Leney Alfred & Co. brewers & maltsters, Phcenix brewery,
Jarvis Thomas, ExP.ter Arms P.H. 77 Limekiln street Dolphin lane
Jasper Thomas, Old Fountain P.H. Caroline place Lester George, picture frame maker, 164 Snargate street
Jeffers John, Royal Oak P.H. s6 Oxenden street Lester Isaac (Mrs.), sacldler & harness ma. .I Bench street
Jeffery George, tailor, 2 New street Levy John, brew€r, see Wooclhams & Levy
Jenkins Frances (Mrs.), confectioner, 3~ Biggin street Lewis G. & Sons, contractors & builders, repairers of every
Jenkins Horace Alfred, baker, Tower Hamlets street description; office, 103 High street; steam joinery works,
Jennings Peter, butcher, 46 Adrian street Widred road, Tower Hamlets. See advertisement
Jessup Emily (Mrs.), lodging house, 4 Hubert terrace Lewis & Pain, solicitors, 7 Castle street
Jezard Ernest Robert, grocer, 28 ~'inchelsea street Lewis Albert Charles, builder, see Ansten & Lewis
Johnson & Reed, tailors & outfitters, New bridge Lcwis Edwin, bricklayer, 11 Crafford street
Johnson & Co. government contractors, Tower Hamlets rd Lewis George, builder, see Lewis G. & Sons
J ohnson Charles .Joshua, tobacconist, 4 Last lane Lewis Geo. jun. builder, see Lewis G. & Sons
Johnson George, builder, 73 High street Lewis Eosa (Miss), dress maker, 34 Peter street
Johnson Henry, lodging house, 65 Bulwark street Lewis Saml. builder, 5 Palmerston ter. Maison Dieu road
Johnson Jn. second hand bookseller & printer, :Market square Lewis Stephen, builder, see Lewis G. & Sons
Johnson William Henry, hair dresser, 74 London road Lewis Thomas (firm, Lewis & Pain), solicitor & notary
Johnson William Hy. shopkeeper, South rd. Tower Hamlets public, clerk of the peace, treasurer of Dover Hospital,
Johnstone James, '"'·ellesley inn, 28 Commercial quay vestry clerk of St. Jame!"', solicitor to the Dover District
Jones D. P. '\V. & Co. rr,ineral water manufacturers, I & 2 Permanent Benefit Building- Society, hon. sec. Dover
Elizabeth street ; & I07 Dover street, Folkestone Public Elementary School .Managers' Association, Com-
Jones John Ba•·ington, printer & publisher of "the Dover missioner for taking acknowledgments of married
Express" & "the Dover Year Book," 185 Snargate street. women & Commissioner for Oaths, 7 Castle street
See advertisement Lewis William George, builder, 5 Cranbrook villas,
Jones Mrs. lodging house, 3 Guildford lawn London road
Jones ·wmiam George, lodging house, 8 Castle street Licence James, boarding house, 35 Townwall street & piano..
Joyner Richard, Beaconsfield Arms P. H. Aclrian street forte warehouse & wood turner, 8o St. James' street
Judges Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 34 York street Lichtenberg Ahraham, wardrobe dealer, 37A, Snargate st
Jupp William, boot maker, 5 Woolcomber street Lichtenstein Gustavc, tailor, 48 York street
Kember Thomas, shopkeeper, 8 Edgar road Little Sisters of the Poor, I & 2 Castlemount terrace
Kemp Vyvyan Percy, nurseryman, Cherry Tree la. Bllckland Loan Society (Gilbert Richard Amos, sec.), IS Snargate st
Kennett George Fredk. coal dealer, Castle pi. &; Chapel pl Lockwoocl Joseph, shopkeeper, Woolcomber street
Kennett James, bricklayer, 6o Oxenclcn street Lockwood Joshua, tailor, II9 Snargate street
Kent Branch of the National Association for Employment of London, Chatham & Dover Railway Co. (John Burlingham
Reserve & Discharged Soldiers (Capt. F. Smith, hon. sec.), Cass, superintendent of Harbour & Priory stations), Strond
157 Snargate street; steam packet works (Thomas Messenger, super-
Kentish Isabel (Miss), ladies' schl. Brook ldg. Eastbrook pl intendent), Limekiln street
Kerwish Moses Henry, master mariner, 7 Randolph gardens London, Chatham & Dover Hailway Station Refreshment
Kidd Frank Beecher, King William IV. P.H. 77 Biggin st Rooms (Spiers & Pond, proprietors), Strond street
Kilby Alfred, Walmcr Castle pH. Market square London, Chatham& Dover Mail Steam Packet Office (Capt.
Kil!ick, Back & Sons, linen & woollen drapers, silk mercers, W. G. N. Morgan R.N. snpt. ), Custom House quay
tailors, ladies' & gentlemen's outfitters, dress makers & London & County Banking Co. Limited (William Ellis~
milliners & mourning & carpet warehousemen, Market sq manager), 5 & 6 King street; draw on head office, Lam-
King Charles, greengrocer, 30 Seven Star street bard street, London J<: c
King Henry Iott, Liberty P.H. Adrian street Long Artlmr, surgeon, hon. surgeon to Dover Hospital, &
King William Gratnell, cab proprietor, 4 Biggin street medical officer, St. J ames' district Ist division & Hough-
Kingsmill Richard, Fleur-de-lis P. H. 2 Council House street barn district ISt division, certifying factory surgeon,
Knight Joseph George, news agent, 5 Folkestone road public vaccinator 2nd division, I St. Martin's pla-ce,
Knocker E. W. & V. solicitors, Castle Hill house Priory road
Knocker Vernon Edvrin (firm, Knocker E. W. & V.), solici- Long Bertha (Mrs.), dress maker, 27 London road
tor & commissioner to administer oaths, Castle Hill house Long Charles T. & Mrs. professors of dancing, I Priory hill
Knocker Edward Wollaston (firm, Knocker E. W. & V.), Long Willie Stormount, plumber & painter, I9 London road
soliciwr & notary public, town clerk, registrar of the Court Longhurst George, hair dresser, I Ladywell
of Record & of Cinque Ports, clerk of Dover Castle, corn- Longley Edward, butcher, 28 York street
missioner of the Irish Court of Chancery, perpetual corn- Longley John Newman, Prince Alfred P.H. 55 East cliff
missioner & commissioner for oaths, clerk to urban Longley Thomas, Star P.H. Church street
jsanitary authority, to commissioner of taxes & to St. James' Lord William John, supt. of S. E. Ry. terminus, Beach st
burial board ; hon. sec. to Dover College & hon. libramm, Lucas Charles Kidman, pilot, 20 Park street
Castle Hill house Luckhurst Albert, watch maker, I27 Snargate street
K. B, & S,
Lukey John & Sons, sole proprietors of the Elgin whiskey, Mongor William, trinity pilot, 79 High street
importers & bonders of wines & spirits, 4 Bench street; Moody Harry Thos. boot & shoe maker, I St. James' lane
bonded warehouses, Custom House quay; & at 3 Rendez- Moon William, pilot, 53 Folkestone road
vous street, :Folkestone & Canterbury Moore Brothers, boot & shoe makers, 9 Bench street
Lnmbard John Harvey, dairy, I4 Limekiln street Moore John, pier master, 3 Blenheim square
Lunnuns William, Gothic inn, 29 Snargate street Morgan Ann (Miss), seminary, ro St. Martin's terrace
McCarthy Thos. Neptune P.H. 21 Hawkesbury street Morley Mrs. Harp hotel, Strond street
Macey William H. Golden Cross P.H. 13 St. James' street Morris Anne (Miss), dress maker, 53 Maison Dieu road
McGavin Waiter Rowley, greengrocer, 3 Northampton st Morris Benj. C. master mariner, 5 Victoria cres. High st
McKelvey Robert, shopkeeper, 4 Chapel lane Morris John Holmes, confectioner, 59 Biggin street
Mackenzie Henry Pain, poor rate collector, 3 Townwall st Mortimer Kate (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 64 Clarendon street
Mackenzie Patrick W. J. mineral water manufacturer, see Moss Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 23 East cliff
Souter, Mackenzie & Co Mount Edward H. grocer, 63 lliggin street
Mackeson & Co. maltsters, Buckland Mowll Edward Rutley & Co. wine & spirit merchants, 2
Mackey James Robert, Grapes inn, 29 Winchelsea street Townwall street ; Strond street & Custom House quay
Mackie Joseph, pilot, 55 Folkestone road Mowll & 1\lowll, solicitors, 34 & 36 Castle street; & at
McNeill Wallace, draper &c. I Norman terrace, Priory road Ashford & Canterbury
& 23 Wincheap street, Canterbury Mowll Edward Worsfold, solicitor (firm, Mowll & Mowll),
McNiell Hardinge Charles Christian L.R.C.P.Edin. house & official receiver in bankruptcy & for the Canterbury
surgeon to Dover Hospital & Dispensary, High street district, 34 & 36 Castle street
McNulty Eliza (Mrs.), news agent, 78 Snargate street Mowlllienry Martyn, solicitor (firm, Mowll & Mowll), 34&
1\iaddicks Elizabeth & Ruth (Misses), ladies' school, 74 36 Castle street
Maison Dieu road Mowll William Rutley, coal merchant, Wellington hall,
Makey .Alonzo, receiver of harbour rates, Dover Harbour off Northampton street ; & at Folkestone & Deal ; in con-
Malham Henry, greengrocer, 53 Castle place nection with C. H. Mowll, King & Queen wharf, Rother-
Managhan Elizabeth (Miss), lodging house, n Esplanade hithe, London sE
Mannering W. & E. millers (steam & water), Buckland & Muddle John Bennett, lodging house, rs Marine parade
Crabble mills Mnggridge William, confectioner, 3 Market street
Manvell William, tailor, 31 Snargate street Mumford Benjamin James, lodging house, 15 Dour street
Marbrook John, Green Man P.H. Erith street Mumford Harry R. stationer, 46 High street
Marchant & Tubb, clothiers, 65 Biggin street )lummery Brothers, tanners & fellmongers, Stembrook; &
Mardles IIenry, monumental mason, Maison Dieu road at Canterbury
Marks Alfred, boot repairer, 9 Queen street Munn Thomas, greengrocer, 28 Bridge street
Marks Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 48 Seven Star street Murden Edward, working jeweller, 4 Northampton street
Marks Robert Atkins, music repository, I47 Snargate street Murphy John, lodging house, r8 Castle street
Markwick Samuel, butcher, ro Folkestone road Murray Wm. garrison sergeant-major, r Clarence street
Marsh & Farley, Dour Valley dairy, 1 Townwall street Museum (free) (Edward Ferrand Astley M.D., J.P. cnrator;
Marsh Alfred, wood dealer, Ladywell place Chas. Gordon, assistant curator) (op~n every week day
Marsh Chas. Hy. Cromwell, watch maker, Five Post lane except thurs. from Io a.m. to 4 p.m. from Oct. to April &
Marsh Edmund, butcher, 11 Woolcomber street from II a.m. to 5 p.m. for the rest of the year),Marketsq
Marsh George, grocer, 36 Bariholomew street MynaH John, grocer, r8 Oxenden street
Marsh Henry Finnis, pilot, 5 Guildford ter. Leyburne road I Nadler Leon, hair dresser, Last lane
Marsh Philadelphia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 20 Clarendon place f Naisbitt Ann (Mrs.), mid wife, 27 Adrian street
Marsh Thomas, farmer, Buckland farm, Buckland Nanton Sarah Ann (Mrs.), greengrocer, 22 Council House st
Marsh Walter, mat maker, 12 Castle place Nash William, fly proprietor, 83 High street
Marshal! John, L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon, 13 Liverpool street Nash William Henry, fly proprietor, 3 Ladywell place
Martin & Taylor, photographers, 129 Snargate street National Provincial Bank of England Limited (branch),
Martin Frederick (late Mummery), military outfitter, (William George Davy, manager), New bridge; draw on
ladies' riding habits & jackets & breeche~ maker, 13 & 14 head office, London J<; c •
Bench street. See advertisement New Zealand Meat Co. 3 Biggin street
Martin Matilda (Mrs.), lodging house, 4 & 5 Marine place Newing Edward, pilot, 2 Gordon villas, I<'olkestone road
Martin Sarah (Mrs.), greengrocer, r8 l<'olkestone road Newlyn Charles, leather seller &c. 3 Chapel lane
Martin Walter, toy dealer, 63 Snargate street Newlyn Charles William, shoe maker, 28 Tower street,
Martin William, tobacconist, 129 Snargate street Tower Hamlets
Mascey Walter James, tobacconist &c. 30 Townwall street Newlyn Thomas Henry, grocer, IO East st. Tower Hamlet.B
Masey Alfred, plumber, 162 Snargate street Newman Francis, architect &c. see Cresswell & Newman
Masey Joseph Austin, plumber, 94 Snargate street Newman William Ingram, fishmonger, Queen street
Masonic Hall (Leonard Marsh, keeper), Snargate street ~ewton Mrs. lodging house, 3 Liverpool street
Masters William, hair dresser, 41 Biggin street Norman William Henry, baker, 14 Woolcomber street
Mate Charles M. tobacconist, 22 Market square Norrington Edward, grocer, 78 St. James' street
Mather Frederick, interpreter to South Eastern Rail way1 Norris Brothers,coach builders ; every description of carriage
Colstock house, Beach street built to order; estimates sent on application (patronised
Matsell Rebecca (Miss), private school, 142 Clarendon street by H. RH. the Duke of Connaught), Biggin st. & Priory st
Maxted ·waiter, professor of music & organist of St. James' Norton Benjamin Henry, shopkeeper, I Church street
parish church, 13 Castle street Norton De llruyne, dairyman, 13 Hawkesbury street
Maxwell Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeep11r, 45 Military road Norton Francis James, tailor, 178 Snargate street
Maxwell William Absalom, custom house officer, 2 Selborne Nowers Frederick Geo. boot maker, Tower Hamlets road
terrace, Clarendon road Oakley Chas. Fredc.rusticworker,St.Radigund's rd.Bucklnd
May Edwd. superintendent of Connaught park, The Lodge O'Brien Christopher, apartments, 44 Liverpool street
May Edwin, lodging house, 31 Castle street Odd l<'ellows' Club & Institute (Cinque Ports Warden Lodge)
May William Alfred, watch maker, 44 Snargate street (Thomas Dixon, sec.), (Prince Arthur Lodge) (John B.
Mayes l)rederick, silk mercer, see Metcalf & Mayes Saunders, sec.), Penc:ester road
Meadows Henry William, furniture dealer, 101 High street Oil Seed Crushing Co. Limited (The) William Bushell,
Menage Ernest, working jeweller, g8 London road manager & sec.); oil mills, Limekiln street; London
Menpes William, shopkeeper, go St. James street office, 8 Catherine court, Tower Hill E c
Mercer James, Masons' Arms P.H. 24 lligh street Oliver El ward, nurseryman, seedsman & florist, Park
Merralls William, linen draper, see Weekes & Merralls avenue & 10 High street
Metcalf & Mayes, silk mercers, mourning warehouse, french Oram Elizabeth (Mrs.), dealer in secondhand clothes, I
miJlinery, mantles,ladies' &juvenile outfitting show rooms, Commercial quay
trousseaux & layettes, costume makers, ladies' tailors, Ordnance Stores (deputy commissary general of ordnance,
Albion house, 15 & x6 Bench street Major W. B. Cooke ; deputy assistant commissary generals
Metcalfe Susannah M. (Mrs.) fancy repository, I72Snargt.st of ordnaiJce, Capt. G.G.Elrington &Lieut. F. P. Palmer),
Middleton Elizabeth (Mrs.), Red Lion inn, Charlton green Waterloo crescent
Miller Alfred William, Brussels P.H. ll~h street Ormsby John M.n., L.R.C.P.Edin. pby~ician & surgeon &;
Miller Edward James, contractor & town carman, 25 St. medical officer No. I St. Mary's district& public vaccina-
Radigund's road & I7 East street, Tower Hamlets tor rst division, 7 Effingham crescent
Miller Edward Telling, linen draper, so Castle street Osborn Ashby Greenough, surgeon, 2 St. Martin's place,
Mills Clara Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Union road Priory road •
Missionary Home (Miss E~ma S. McManus, lady supt.), Osborn Thos. shopkpr. & post office, 6I l\faison Dieu road
8 & 9 East cliff Ovenden John, eabinet maker, xa Crafford street
Moate Henry, shopkeeper, 56 East cliff Ovenden William, cabinet maker, Maison Dieu road
Moffat William., tobacconist, 25 SnargJ.te street Oven :2:: William, l~dging hous~, 9 Saxon street
Packham Edwin, fly & cab proprietor, job master & livery Pickett Peter, shopkeeper, 29 Adrian street
stable keeper, Antwerp livery stables, Castle street; Pickford & Co. general carriers & shipping agents (Robert
Marine livery stables, 7 Trevanion street & Shakespeare Edgar Mayes, agent), Custom House quay
livery stables, Townwall street. Telephone No. 212 Pilcher Cecil, tailor & outfitter, I2 King street
Page George, grocer, II Bench street Pitcher Elias, tobacconist, 4 High street
Page Henry Terrell, hosier, 8 Snargate street Pitcher Percy, photographer, IS Castle street
Page John, fishmonger, 6%- Snargate street Pilcher Robert, general dealer, Woolcomber street
Page Richard, shopkeeper, 2 Queen street Pine George, bookseller, 5I Biggin street
Pain & Son, monumental masons, 57 Biggin street Pinhorn Richard M.H.c.s.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon, see
Pain Caroline (Mrs.), lodging house, 21 Commercial quay Sutton & Pinhorn '
Pain Ernest Ed wd. solicitor (firm, Lewis & Pain),7 Castle st Piper Elizh. Ann (Mrs.), Lord Nelson P.H. St. James' lane
Pain Henry Giles, relieving & inquiry officer of No. 2 dis- Piper Jamcs, provision dealer, 51 Clarendon place
trict & registrar of births & deaths for St. James' sub- Pique & Son, hair dresser, no Snargate street
district & -collector to the guardians & school inquiry Pittham Samuel, shopkeeper, I7 Council House street
officer, 9 Eastbrook place Podevin Joseph George, sec. to the Royal Cinque Ports
Paine W. & J. G. fam~y drapers, milliners, hosiers, glovers, Yacht Club, Marine parade
haberdashers, trimming warehousemen & ladies' out- Pointer Austin Herbert, fancy repos. I73 & I74 Snargate st
fitters, 184 & 182A, Snargate street Poland Chas. Divers, Dover Castle hotel, 6 Clarence place
Paine Annie (Miss), toy dealer, 83 Biggin street Popkiss Caroline (Mrs.), lodging house, 5 Esplanade
Palfrey Joseph, lodging house, 10 Norman street Popkiss Henry Peter, pilot, 9 Park street
Palrner George Sacre, wheelwright, 3 Priory street Potter Edward, bricklayer, 1 Woolcomber street
Palmer Jacob, boot maker, 28 Clarendon street Potter John Jennings, music seller, see Sutton & Potter
Palmer Joseph, chimney sweeper, 3 Ladywell Potter William, watch maker, 38 Military road
Palmer William, Alma P.H. 19 Folkestone road Poulson Henry, lodging house, 3 & 4 Athol terrace
Panteney Rebecca (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 25 Limekiln street Powell Kate (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 7I Limekiln street
Paramor Henry, Prince Louis inn, Chapel lane Pratt Henry, apartments 44, & tobacconist 6o, Castle street
Paramor Waiter James, furniture dealer, II Biggin street Prebble Susannah (Mrs.), The Cause is Altered P.H. 14
Paramor Wiiliam, hair dresser, I7 Folkestone road Queen street
Parish Charles Jas. fruiterer & greengrocer,38 Snargate st Prescott Susan & Emma (Misses), dress makers, Russell st
Parish Wm. Dodd, storekeeper, Trinity house, I7 Dour street Prescott & Co. merchants, consuls & ship brokers, & vice·
Parker Edward, collecwr & dispenser, Hospital, High street consuls fnr Spain & consular agents for U. S. America, 37
Parker George, tailor, 32 Snargate street Strand street ; & at Folkestone
Parks George Thomas, builder, Church street Prescott Henry, bath chair proprietor, ro Woolcombcr street
Parr Thomas Macdonnell L.R.c.P. & r,.R.c.s.Edin. surgeon, I Prince Wm. Arth. supt. Refuge Assurance Co. 8I Oswald rd
Godwyne road Pritchard William, greeng-rocer, I9 St. James' street
Parsons Charles M.D. surgeon, see Barton & Parsons Pritchard William Hyde, greengrocer &c. 3 Queen street
Parson~ J olm, builder, Frith road & Beaconsfield road Proctor John Gill, house agent, stationer, & post office,
Part John, hair dresser, 33 Townwall street 9 Priory street
Parton John & Co. grocers, 82 Biggin street Proz Harriet (Mrs.), millim~r, 6 \\Toolcomber street
Partridge Charles Thomas, greem;rocer, 4 Priory place Pryer Robert William, Fountain r.n. Market sq. & 7 King st
Pascall Brothers, boot makers, Woolcomber street Pryer William Henry, grocer, 5 1\'Iarket lane
Pascall John Freclerick, King Alfred inn, Portland place Pryor & Co. fancy repository, r I King street
Patmore Edwd. Clarenbould, baker, 67 London road Pullen James, tailor, 120 Clarendon street
Patmore Richard William, registrar of births & deaths for Pursey Edwin, boot maker, 4I York street
the St. Mary sub-district relieving & inquiry officer Putley Frederick William, watch maker, La.st lane
No. I di!'ltrict & collector to the guardians & school) Pyner Edward Josepb, grocer, 8 Military road
I Quested Eliza (:\lrs. ), beer retailer, Tower Hamlets street
inquiry officer, 6 Norman street
Patrick James, lodging house, 1 Marine place Quier Fredcrick, builder, see J ackson & Quier
Pay Charlotte Amy (Miss), day school, 67 Castle street }{alph John, Wellington P.H. 4~ Eiggin street
Pay Edward Revell, news agent, 67 Castle streat Ralph Thomas Murphy, chemist & druggist, 21 High street
Pay Richard, Half Moon P.H. lllucher row Ramsay Henry Fassam, confectioner, 5 Worthington's lane
Pay Richard, master mariner, 5 Cowgate hill Rand George, greengrocer, I8 Bridge street
Payn Frederic, commercial traveller, 64 Maison Dieu road Randall James William, Crusader P.H. 3I Council House st
Payn Joseph, builder, 160 London road Randall Joseph Sutton, pilot, 16 Park street
Payn Sydenbam, solicitor, notary & borough coroner & vice- Ransom Charles. watch maker, Woolcomber street
consul for the Argentine Republic, Custom House quay Ransom Percy, grocer, 9 Park place
Payne William. boot maker, 22 Clarendon place Ransom William, pilot, 7 Norman street
Peake Alfred Henry, plumber, gas & hot water fitter, tin, Ratcliffe Esther (Mrs.), lodging house, 12 Effingham cres
zinc & iron plate worker, ships' lamps made to order & Ratcliffe William, shopkeeper, 2 Colebran street
repaired, 14 Queen street & Princes street Ravenhill Mary Elizh. (Mrs.), Cherry Tree P.H. 92 London rd
Peake Mary Ann (Miss), dress maker, 6 London road Rees Mrs. lodging house, 2 Gladstone terrace, Priory bill
Pearce Frank W. fishmonger, 2 High street Reeve George, bricklayer & shopkeeper, Io Ladywell
Reeve Joseph, baker, 28 Peter street
Pearce Henry, fishmonger, rs High street
Pearce Samuel, Mariners' Arms P.H. 15 Commercial quay Relf Alice Mary Ann (Mril. ), dress maker, 95 High str~et
Peirce Edwd. Chas. wheelwright, I73 London rd. Buckland Religious Tract Deposito;-y, 40 Biggin street
Pelbam John, shopkeeper, 55 Maison Dieu road Reynolds Edward, coal dealer, 47 Peter street
Pelham William, greengrocer, n8 London road Reynolds John, pilot, 32I London road
Felling Urbane, beer retailer, 5 La.ureston place Reynolds William H. stationer, 40 Biggin street
Penn S. & Son, furniture removers &c. 37 Castle street Richards Rachel (Mrs.), lodging house, 64 Snargate street
Penn Philip, furnishing warehouse, Last lane Richards Thomas E. tailor, 79 & 8o Snargate street
Penn Sarah (Miss), baker, I8 High street Riehards William Saxby, hair dresser, 3 Peter street
Penn William, boot maker, 10 Snargate street Richardson Harry, builder, contractor & undertaker: plans
Pennal Frederick, New Endeavour P.H. I32 London road & estimates on application, 35 High street
Pepper Joseph Virrell, butcher, 58 Castle street Richardson Harry, Victory P.H. I20 Snargate street
Pepper Matt. ironmonger, 45, 47, 49• SI, 63 & 65 High st Richarclson William George, Red Cow P.H. x Folkestone rd
Pepper Richard Wood, butcher, 108 High street Rickard William, fruiterer, 55 Biggin street
Percival William, The Mitre P.H. 77 Snargate street Rickon William, watch maker, 8oA, Big~in street
Perkins Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 25 Trevanion street Rigden Edwin, pilot, 22 Fnlkestone road
Perkins Henry Jeffery, shoe maker, 35 Limekiln street Robb Douglas, pianoforte & music warehouse, I4 Castle st
Perkins Thomas Benjamin, pilot, 29A, l<'olkestone road Robbins Henry .John, butcher, 56 Bridge street
Peters Ann Maria (Miss), first-clasg furnished apartments Robbins Walter Edwin, Golden Lion P.H. Priory street
facing the sea, II & 12 Marine parade Roberts Hamlet, chief water inspector Dover Corporation,
Pettit Charles, fruiterer, 6 Bench street 288 London road
Pettitt Susannah (Mrs.), fancy repository, I5I Snargate st Robinson Major Kirkby M.D. medical officer of health for
Pexton Brothers, clothiers, 145 Snargate st. & 5 Strand st the combined districts of East Kent, Sea view, Priory hill
Phillips R. & Co. music warehouse, r66 Snargate street Robinson William Thomas, hosier, 15 Hawkesbury street
Phillips Eliza (Mrs.), lodging house, 7 Athol terrace Rogers Charles, greengrocer, 2 Biggin street
J'hillips George, shopkeeper, 41 Adrian street Rogers John, greengrocer, I Cowgate hill
Phillips Laura (Mrs.), ladies' hatter, 44 York street Rolfe Edmund Stephen, baker & grocer, 28 Queen's gardens
Philpott Richard William, Royal Oak hotel, 9 Cannon street Rolf~ Henry William, baker, 62 Oxenden street
& Granville Arms hotel, St. Margaret's Rolfe James Marchant, fried fish shop, I30 Snargate street
Phoonix Tavern & Music Hall, 2r Market square Rolfe J osepb, laundry, George street
2:10 DOVER.
Rolfe Thomas Richard, paperhangings war'eh~. l Prince's st Singer Manufacturing Co. (Yelson Campany, manager), 2
Romney Charles, lodging house, 94 High street Cannon street
Romney Frederick, greengrocer, 93A, Snargate street Sisters of Charity (Sister Vincent, lady superior), Eastbrook
Romney Mary (Miss), lodging house, 23 Marine parade house, Eastbrook place
Rootes Helen (Miss), lodging house, 55 Dour street Skinner Thomas, supervisor of inland revenue, r Athol tar.
Rootes Margaret (Mrs.), lodging house, 13 Dour street race, East cliff
Rose James, sen. butcher, 66 Limekiln street Slater Henry Valentine, pilot, 51 Bulwark street
Ross Susannah (Mrs.), mid wife, 8 Church place Smeeth William Albert, printer & stationer, 73 Castle st~
Rowland Jsph. confectioner, 20 Snargatc st. & 52 Biggin st Smith Alexander Joel, builder, 12 Prince's street
Royal Cinque Ports Yacht Club (Joseph George Podevin esq Smith Charles John, tailor, 6 Winchelsea street
se<'. ), Marine parade . • Smith Goorge, custom house officer, 21 Oxenden street
Royal Clarence Theatre of Varieties (Charles Stewart, man- Smith George Mence, oil & color man, 23, 24 & 25 Biggin n
ager), 34 Snargate street Smith Henry, gunsmith, 37 Biggin street
Royal East Kent Yeomanry Cavalry (Duke of Connaught's Smith Henry Alfred, fly proprietor, Beach street
Own Mounted Rifles) (li Troop) (Capt. J. H. Monins, com- Smith John, bath chair proprietor, 38 Castle place
manding; Sergt.-Major Henry Beedons, drill instructor) Smith John J. Duke of Connaught P.H. 37 Oxenden str~
Roya.l· National Life Boat Institute (Lieut.-Gen. Henry le Smith Robert Pool, lodging house, 6 East cliff
Geyt Bruce C.B., R.A. hon. sec.), I East cliff Smith Stephen Thomas, shopkeeper, 26 George street
Royce Josepb, tobacconist & butcher, 7 Ladywell Smith William, fishmonger, 43 Townwall street
RoycJ William Henry, shopkeeper, 33 Castle place Smith William, fruiterer, 123 Snargate street, 36 Biggin
Hubie George Crowhurst, wholesale & retail grocer & pro- street & 3 Folkestone road
vision merchant, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit Smith William C. greengrocer, 27 Commercial quay
merchants, 56 Biggin street Smyth Thomas, lodging house, 45 Liverpool street
Ruglys Charles, grocer, 12 Priory street Snargate Studio (The) (F. Deakin, manager), photographers,
Russell Edward, outfitter, 34 Biggin street 121 Snargate street
Russell Frank James, Providence P.H. 15 Trevanion street Snarry James, temperance hotel, good accommodation for
RuRSell Louisa (Miss), lodging house, 9 Esplanade commercial gentlemen & visitors ; first-class commercial
Rutley Edward Bart.on, carrier, 9 Market street & dining rooms; terms, moderate; The Gordon temper-
Rylatt George William, superintendent British Workman's ance & commercial hotel & restaurant, 128 Snargate st
Assurance Co. Limited, 4 Eric road Sneller !''rank, :Friend-in-Need P.H. Peter street
Sailor's Home (Rev, Benjamin Pearce, sec. ; Robert Henry Snoad Charles, butcher, 48 Castle street
Davison, resident superintendent), Blenheim square Snook Mrs. shopkeeper, 8 Woolcombcr street
S:J.insbury Maurice, confectioner, 36 Clarendon place Soldier's Home (Miss Wright, lady supt.), II8A, SnargaiAl st
~t. James' Cemetery (Edwd. W. & V. Knocker, clerks to the Soldiers' Institute (Lieut.-Col. C. E. Harvey, hon. sec.), 157
burial board; Charles Groombridge, superintendent) .Snargate street
St. Martin's Society for Young Christian Men (Rev. F. A. Solly William Filmer, butcher, 6o Snargate street
Hamilton & Cowley John Blackman, bon. secs.), Church Souter, Mackenzie & Co. mineral water manufacturers,
street Crystal works, Blenheim square ; Ford road, Folkestone
St. Mary's (Old) Cemetery (George Fielding, clerk to the & 82 Mark lane E c
burial board; Alfred Robt. Petchey, sexton), Cowgate hill Souter Stephen, corn dealer, 25 Hawkesbury road
St. Mary's (New) Cemetery (George Fielding, clerk to the Spain Alfred George, baker, 35 Biggin street
burial board; Henry Godfrey, keeper) Spain Edward W. accountant & deputy registrar of births,
Sah·ation Army Barracks, 2r Snargate street deaths & marriages, r6 Castle street
Sanders John, saddler & harness maker, r62 London road Spain G. (Miss), stationer & stamp distributor, 187 SnargaiAl st
Sanders Thomas Osborn, chief constable of borough police, Spain George Charles, fruiterer, 22 Biggin street
Town hall Spain George Clayson, trinity pilot, 20 Albert road
Sanderson Andrews, music warehouse, 22 High street Spain Harry Beaufoy, WhiteHorse inn,Castle hill
Saracen's Head Hall (Thomas Le Fevre, proprietor), New st Sparrow Rubert, lodging house, 20 ~Waterloo crescent
Saunders George, beer retailer, 75 Snargate street Spouse William, pilot, I r Cambridge terrace
Savel William Henry, tobacconist, 152 Snargate street Springgay Sidney John, dining rooms, 2 Strond street
Saville Alfred, painter, 75 Biggin street Sproston John, fishmonger, see ·ward & Sproston
Savings Bank, 15 Snargate street (Gilbert Richard Amos, Stacey & Bird, furnishing ironmongers &c. 13 King street
sec.; open on saturdays from I to 2 & 6 to 7 p.m) Stanbridge John William, greengrocer, 3 Park place
Sayer Amelia (Miss), dress maker, ror Clarendon street Standen Bridger, linen draper &c. 2I Cannon street
Scarlett William & Edward, van &c. builders & smiths, Stanger Annie (Miss), lod~;ing house, ,83 High street
Market street Stanger Elizab£.th (Miss),dress maker, 9 Victoria cres.High st
School of Art (William Henry East, head master; E. Wol- Stanger Emily (Miss), lodging house, 8r Maison Dieu road
laston Knocker esq. hon. sec.), Northampton street Stanley Sarah (Miss), private school, 37 High street
Sclater E. & Sons, carvers & gilders, IC)O & 191 Snargate st Station Pay OtfiCP. (Major J. E. Kitson, staff paymaster;
Scott John & Son, dyers & cleaners, 19 Snargate street Capt. E. L. R. Thackwell, paymaster), ro Esplanade
Scott & Co. bakers & confectioners, 19 Cannon street Steele Alfred Henry, builder, Charlton green
Scott George, fish dealer, see Datlen & Scott Steer James, greengrocer, 62 London road
Scott George, Shakespeare inn, Elizabeth street Stephens Wm. Endeavour P .H. 12 Bulwark hill, off Bulwark~
Scott Harriet (Mrs.), lodging house, ro Cambridge terraca Stephenson Phillis (Mrs.), lodging house, 279 London road
Sedgwick James Robert, general dealer, St. James' lane Stevens Brothers, hair dressers, Last lane
Sellens Charles Jas. grocer & draper, 127 & 128 London rd Stevens Edmund Matthew, chemist, 13 London rd. & 6 Park pl
Shaftesbnry Tempemnce Hotel & People's Cafe (A. W. Stevens Maria (Miss), grocer, London road, Buckland
llroadhead, manager), 153 Snargate street Stevens Thomas Charles, lodging house, 12 Cambridge tar
Sharp & Enright, rope & sail makers, I7 Commercial quay Steward William, greengrocer, I4 'Vinchelsea street
Sharp William & Son, painters & plumbers, Clarence street Stewart Charles, dentist, 4 Castle street
Sharp George, Criterion P.H. Last lane Stewart John, commercial traveller, 3 Eastbrouk place
Sharp John Edward, fishmonger, 15 London road Stiff Herbert, builder, contractor, brick maker, iron & brass
Sharpe Charity (Mrs.), lodging house, 25 Waterloo crescent founder & engineer, Snargate street
Shave Waiter Ernest, Wheatsheaf P.H. Ladywell place Stiff J oseph, builder, Erith house, Erith street
Shaw "William, master mariner, 56 Strond street Stilwell & Harby, solicitors, 4 St. James' street
Sheaff Philip Albert, corn factor, 109 High street Stilwell James, solicitor (firm, Stilwell & Harby), registrar
Shelton Mary Ann Porter (Mrs.), ladies' school, Ladywell of Dover harbour, surrogate to the Judge of Admiralty ol
house, Park place the Cinque Ports, secretary to the trustees of the borough
Shelve Lydia (Mrs.), Dolphin P.H. Dolphin lane charities & clerk to the borough & county magistrates,
Sherren Fredk. Geo. inland revenue officer, 70 Folkestone rd clerk to the Gorely Charity trustees & to the Buckland
Sherwood Charles George, watch maker, 67 Snargate street burial board, commissioner for taking acknowledgments
Shilson George Hichards, Harbour temperance hotel, Com- of married women & for oaths, 4 St. James' street
mercial quay Stock well Charles, tobacconist, 36A, Snargate street
Shrnbsole George, shopkeeper, 82 London road Stockwell George, academy, 75 St. James' street
Simmons Joseph, t~mperance hotel, 3 Strond street Stockwell George, printer, 78 .Higgin street
Simmons Thomas V. hair dresser, r8 Snargate street Stokes I<'rederick, lodging house, 10 Castle street
Simpson Brothers, butchers, 63 London road Stokes Ralph, cab proprietor, 10 Castle street
Simpson Henry, tailor, & rate collector for Buckland district, Stokes Robert James, house agent &c. 29 St. James' stree&
zs237 London road
Stokes Robert Thomas, shopkeeper, St. James' street
Silllil Frederick, sanitary inspector, Town hall Stone George, furniture dealer, 54 Maison Dieu road
Sinclair Thomas, lodging house, I Liverpool street Strickland John Henry, baker, 40 Hartley street
Sinden Mary & Augusta (Misses),fancy drapers, 12 London rd Struckett Henry Jame!', grocer, 95 Clarendon place
Stuart Kate (Mrs.), dress maker, I24 Clarendon street Twiggs John, l\lail Packet P.H. IS Woolcomber street
Sutton & Pinhorn, surgeons, & medical officers to the Post TwymanWm. Thos. hair dresser,4King's passage,SevenStar st
office, I 5 Liverpool street Tyler & Son, boot & shoe warehouse, 31 Bigf,Tin street
Sutton & PGtter, music &pianoforte warehouse, 3 New bridge Tyler Annie (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 2 St. James' lane
Sutton & Co. small parcels receiving house (John George Tyler George Townsend, phaeton proprietor, New street
'""horwell, agent), 7 Hench street Tyrrell Albert Owen, grocer, I63 Clarendon place
Sutton Daniel, shopkeeper, 4 Woolcomber street Uden Albert, greengrocer, 3 Seven Star street
Sutton Deborah (Miss), lodging hou<:e, 5 Norman street Uden Jane (::\lrs.), lodging house, 32 Marine parade
.Sntton Thomas Halke, news agent, 8 Cannon street Uden Thomas, news agent, Tower street, Tower hamlets
Sutton Thomas 'Villoughby, tailor, I9 ~orman street Underdown & Chettle, booksellers & stationers, I2 King st
Sutton "\\'illiam M. D. surgeon, see Sutton & Pinhorn Underdown John, confectioner, :a Lad.ywell
Swain George, Dew Drop P.H. Tower Hamlets street Union Hall (Mrs. S'lrah Ann Hatton, hall keeper), Ladywell
Swainston John, Lord Warden hotel, Pier Vallintine Tl:wmas William, paperhanger, Church street 1
Sweeney George S. Grand Sultan P.H. 30 Snargate street Vanderhaeghen Desire, Belgian state railways & mails agent/
Swionock Edward, ~ocer, 68 London road Strand street
.Swoffer Frederick Charles, greengrocer, 45 Townwall street VasletEmileJsph.prof.of languages, Brussels ho.2St.John's rd
Tanton James, jeweller, q8 Snargate street Venner George, builder, 4-8 Oxenden street
Tappenden James, Globe P.H. 8 Peter street VereyArth. &Co.steam launch builders& engineers, London rd
!apply Albert John, bnot maker, I2 Biggin street Verroest John & Sons, coal dealers & grocers, 69 Clarendoa pl
Tapsell Eliza (Mrs.), Albion inn, 57 East cliff Victoria Seaside Orphans' Rests (Thomas Hlackman, founder
Tart Joh~, shopkeeper, 20 Stembrook street & hon. manager), Victoria & Hesketh houses, I & 12
'Tart William, boot maker, 6 St. J ames' lane Laureston place
Tax Office (Wm. Trevelyan Haworth, surveyor), I Alfred pl Videan George B.. shopkeeper, l\Iaxton terrace, l\Iaxton
Taylor & Co. Limited, butchers 70, & grocers & patent Vinall Samuel, grocer, I85 London road
medicine vendors 69, Snargate street Vincent Alfred P. tobacconist, 19 Seven Star street
Tavlor Charles, missionary, 45 Maison Dieu road Vinson John, lodging house, 61 Bulwark street
·ra)·lorCorne!ius, HavelockArms P.H.Tower st. Tower hamlets Virgo Alfred, shopkeeper, i'Iicldle row
Taylor Joseph, basket maker, 2 Queen's gardens Virgo Frederick Wm. painter & paperhanger, 4 Clarendon st
'Taylor Mary (~Irs. ), lodging house, 2 Athol ter. East cliff Virgo James Frederick, painter, r6 East st. Tower hamlets
Taylor Richard Francis, tailor, I Maison Dieu place, High st Virgo Thomas James, plumber, I7 Hawkesbury street
Taylor Robert, grocer, 17 High street Volmar-Semadini Henry, confectioner, I2A, Snargate street
Taylor William Henry, shopkeeper, r5 Dolphin lane & Granville gardens If
"'Tempest Florence (Mrs.), lodging house, r Douro place Wakefield Ed ward, confectioner, 8 Folkestone road
"'Terry Richard, carman, 147 London road Wales 1\'illiam, chemist & clruggist, 104 Snargate street
Terson James Hnrke & Son, auctioneers, valuers, surveyors, Walker James Mark, pilot, 15 Ternplar street I'
house, land & estate agents, & agents for the Union Fire W'alker Thomas, ironmonger, see Chapman & Walker
& Life Office, National Provincial Plate Glass Insurance Wall Genrge, grocer, 30 Council House street
Co. & Conservative Land Societ:o.', 27 Castle street & Wall James, furniture dealer, '2;J Seven Star street
Auction mart, Townwall street. See advertisement Waller Charles, ironmonger, 8 London road
Terson James Dickeson, printer, 42 Townwall street Waller John, carman, Chapel hill, Buckland
Tester Thomas, chimney sweeper, S Priory street Walmisley Arthur Thomas M.rnst.C.E. engineer to the Dover
Thomas A. L. & Sons, engineers, iron & brass founders, harhour board, Engineer's offic>P., Dover harbour; & at 9
botler makers & pulley manufacturers, Dour iron works Victoria street, Westminster, London s w
Thomas Emily & Ellen (Misses), stationers, 64 Biggin street Waiter Clement Cuthbert, surgeon-major in the Kent
Thomas Alfred, Avenue inn, r6r Snargate street Artillery .E.D.RA. & to the borough police force, I8 Pen-
ThomasChas.Anthony, grocer&drapr. r9&2oSt. RadiQ"und's rd eester road
Thomas Frederick, stationer & cycle agent, 8o London road vrard James, Priory P.H. Folkestone road
Thomas Joseph, sen. engineer, So London road Ward :"\'\''alter, boot maker, 6r Snargate street
Thomas Joseph, engineer & ironmonger, 84 London road vVarden William Charles, Crown inn, York street
Thomas "\\'alt. A.M.I.C.E., M.s.r., M..~.A., :lf.S.E. & s.s. borough Warneford Maria Elizabeth (Miss), ladies' school, 8 Con-
& water engineer & sun'cyor, Town hall, Ladywell street naught Park gardens, Frith road
Thompson Abraham Lewis, chemist, 181 t:lnargate street. Warren Henry & Son, monumental masons, Charlton green
Thompson Catherine (::\Irs. ), lo!'lging house, 34 East cliff 'Varren Ed win, professor of music, 4 Norman terrace
Thompson Edward, chemist, I King street "\\-'ashford George, painter & paperhanger, 5 London road
Thomson Frederick Alexander, confectioner, 2-J. Snargate st Waterworks (Waiter Thomas A.M.I.C.E., M.s.r., M.A.A.,
Thorn Elizabeth Jane (1\'Iiss),lodging house, 40 Castle street M.S.E. & s.s. engineer & manager), Castle knoll
Thorp George, Rose inn, l\Ia.ison Dieu road Watson Alexander, pilot, 88 Limekiln street
Thorp Henry Edwin, grocer, 47 Castle street Watson Charles, insurance agent, 67 Folkestone road
Thorpe Henry \Villiam, butcher, 95 Snargate street Watson Marian (Mrs.), Ship P. H. 12 Strond street
Tilley Samuel, shoe maker, 3 High street Watson Thomas, draper &c. 6 The Paddock, Maison Dieu rd
Tilt man Richard, builder, 43 St. J amcs' street I Watts Catherine (::\Irs. ), stationer, printe r, bookbinder &
Tiu.ley Henry, coal dealer, q8 London road dealer in fancy goods, I04 High st reet
"'l'inley Joshua, butcher, 26 Oswald road 1Watts Charles, shopkeeper, 4 Cowgate hill
Todd Elizabeth (~rs. ), lodging house, 38 St. James' street Watts Seth, Victoria hotel, 38 Castle street
~folputt Geors-c, shopkeeper, Shooter's hill Watts William, herbalist, 55 Snargate street
Tomlin Charles Norman, watch & clock maker, 74 High st Wayman I<'rederick, boot maker, 8 Church place
"Tomlin John, beer retailer, 26 Priory road 1 Wayte William, shopkeeper, 30 Commercial quay
Tompkins George, Flying Horse hotel, King street, & livery 'Vebb Charles Robert, baker, Tower Hamlets road
& bait stables, Flying Horse lane Webb Elias, fruiterer, 8 Bench street
~roms Joseph, boot maker, 4 Worthington's lane Webb Frederick H. butcher, r6 High street
Torr DaVId, Barley Mow P.H. 58 Strond street "'ebb Henry Jarvest, butcher, 9 Snargate street
"'l'orr Sarah (Miss), Clarendon inn, 47 Snargate street Weekes & Merralls, linen drapers, 158, 159 & 16o Snargate
Townsend Albert, dairyman, I03 Snargate street Weidman John Urich, boot repflirer, 45 Snargate street
"Training Home for Orphan Girls (~Iiss Hannah Baker, Wellden Ann Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 58 St. James' st
matron), Folkestone road Wellesley Hall (FinnisC. Hartholomew, propr.), Townwallst
Tritton Robert, baker & confectioner, 57 Strond street, & Wellington Hall (Salvation Army Barracks), 2I Snargatest
baker & post ofli.ce, R1ver Wells George Henry, leather seller, Dolphin lane
Trittou William, baker, 32 St. J ames' street Wells John, plumber & glazier & deputy registrar of births &
Tubb r'rederi.ck John, clothier, see Marchant & Tubb deaths for St. Mary's sub-district, 8o H1ggin street
'Tucker Ben jamin Austen, builder, 98 High street Wells Walter, lodging house, 37 Folkestone road
"Tucker Edward Wilbraham, grocer, & post office, 84 High st Wells William George, Hailway inn, 7 Hawkcsbury street
Tucker Frank, shopkeeper, 9 St. Catherine's pl. Char!ton grn Wcllsted William, pilot, 316 London road
Tucker Horace, confectioner, l\larket lane West Henry, draper, 8 High street
l'ucker Stephen Chambers, builder, roo High street Wcston Lambert & Son, artists & photographers to the
Tucker Wm.Holmes,confectnr. & undertaker, 136 London rd Queen, Waterloo crescent, Cambridge road & 23 Sandgate
Tunbridge Thomas, Plough inn, 83 London road road, Folkestone, opposite the Bank
Turner C'atherine C~\Irs.), lodging house, 7 Clarence lawn Wbeeler Alfred, florist, Asben Tree lane
Turner Charlotte (.\o1i:>s), lodging house, 9 Clarence lawn White Albert, fancy repository, T8o Snargate street
Turner Joseph, greengrocer, 7 Folkestone road White Henry, shopkeeper, 22 Portland place
Turner Richard, publisher & editor of ''Dover Standard," Wbite John, coal dealer, 20 Winchelsea street
17 Snargate street White John, shopkeeper, Tower Hamlets road
Turner Robert. dining rooms, I2 Folkestone road White Margaret (Mrs.), lodging house, r8 Liverpool street.
White Thomas, baker, 11 Folkestone road Woodward John (exors. of), shopkeeper, 79 Limekiln streei
White Thomas, Sportsman P.H. Maison Dieu road Woodward Mary Ann (Mrs.), YorkHouse P.H.IIS Snargate~
White Thomas William, paperhanger, 68 Snargate street Woolven William, harness maker, 7 Priory street
Whiting Jane (Mrs.), beer retailer, New street "\\'ooster William, postmaster, Northampton street
Whitnall John, shopkeeper, 44 Limekiln street Worger Edward Richard, tailor, 4 Park place
Whorwell John George, photographer, 7 Bench street Working Girls' Institute (Major-General J. W. Rideont,
Whorwell Sarah C. (Miss), teacher of pianoforte, 7 Bench st sec.), 3 Russell street
Wicks Frederick, proprietor & publisher of the "Dover Working Men's Club (Rd. Southgate, hon. sec. ),Elizabeth lit
Chronicle & Kent & Sussex Advertiser" & the "Dover Working Men's Institute (Charles Edward Clout;, hon. IICC.},
Telegraph" & printer, 2 King street. See advertisement 6 Biggin street
Wigan Clev_eland, professor of music, II Randolph gardens, Worledge Elijah, coffee tavern, I II Snargate street
Salisbury road . "\\'orsfold & Hayward, auctioneers, surveyors, estate agents &
Wild Edward, stationer, printer & paper bag manufacturer, chartered accountants & agents to the Guardian Assur-
189 London road ance Office, Market square; & 8o Cannon st. London KC.
Wiles Jn.Wm.household supply stores,Post off.2 Clarendonst See advertisement
Wiles Stephen, builder, 7 High street Worsfold Misses, high class preparatory school for sons ol
Wilkie George, boys' preparat.Jry school, 13 Guildford ter- gentlemen, K1lvinton house, Liverpool street
race, Leyburne road Worth George, dairy, 40 St. James' street
Wilkins Fredk. A. dairyman, Noah's Ark dairy, Edred road Wraight George Frederick, Rose & Crown P.li. 6o London rd
"\Vilkins George Thomas, grocer, 4 Council House street Wraith Charles, Pier inn, 3 Beach street
Willett Woodall Peter, butcher, I Queen street Wright Bros.ironmongers,15&r6 Cannon st. & 86 &88Highs<;
Williams Andrew, master mariner, 26 St. James' street Wright Thomas & Son, boot makers, 20 Cannon street
Williamson E. fancy repository, 20 Bench street Wright Elizabeth (Mrs.), Sir John Falstaff P.H. Ladywell
Willis George Robert, baker, Union road Wright Henry, reporter, 4 Maison Dieu place, High street
Wills David, butcher, Tower hill, Tower hamlets Wright Waiter, boot maker, 66 London road
Wilson Charles, shoe maker, 9 Folkestone road Wright William, foreman locomotive department S.E. rail-
Wilson George, coal & wood dealer, Durham hill way, 5 Beach street
Wilson Thomas, Deal Cutter P. H. Beach street Wrightson Thomas Perkins, grocer,39 Tower Hamlets stree'
Winnifrith George, Three Cups P.H. London road, Buckland W:yles William, pharmaceutical chemist, I New bridge &
Winterbourn Elizabeth (Miss), ladies' school, 8 St. Martin's 104 Snargate street
place, Priory road Yeoman George, hair dresser, 5 Tower Hamlets road
Wise Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 38 Marine parade Yow1g Men's Christian Institute (Edward Worsfold, hou.
Wise JohnStanton, boys' school,Godwyne hurst,Leyburne rd sec.), 66 Folkestone road
Wittams Charles, Admiral P.H. Reach street Young Men's Institute (John W. ·watts, sec.), 24 Templar st
Wood Charles M.R.C.il.Eng. surgeon, 4 St. Martin's terrace Young Women's Christian Association Home & Instituta
Wood Charles Morgan, butcher, 58 Biggin street (Mrs. Beresford Baker, hon. sec. ; Miss Rebecca Jane
Wood J<'rancis, butcher, 3 Bench street Hyde, matron), 54 Castle street; home, Dolphin house
Wood James, butcher, 44 Townwall street Young George Charles, Terminus P.H. Beach street
Wood James, umbrella repairer, 56 Snargate street Young James C. boot & shoe maker & leather & grindery
WoodWm.sheep &cattle salesman&auctioneer,3IrLondon rd warehouse, 57 & 58 Bridge street & Branch street
Woodgate James, Ordnance Arms P.H. Queen str~et Young Wtlliam Black more, shopkeeper, 4A, Market street
Woodbams & Levy, brewers, Bulwark Hill brewery Young "\\'illiam "\\'arren, ironmonger, 3 Prince's street
Woodland Thomas, dairyman, Edred road, Tower hamlets Youths' Institute (Thomas lllackrnan, sec.), Caroline place
Woodland-Weidman Jane (Mrs.), corset ma. 45 Snargatest Zoller Henry, pork butcher, 44 Biggin streP.t
Woodruff Harriet(Miss), watch maker & jeweller,2New brdg
DOWNE is a parish and pleasant village, r6 miles from ton. The vicarage house, situated on the West hill, was
London, 6 south-by-east from Bromley railway station, 4-! erected by the present vicar in the year 1872 and commands
from ChelsfiP.ld and 3~ south-west from Orpington station, very fine views of the surrounding country. The Ecclesi-
in the Western division of the county, lathe of Button-at- astical Commissioners own £"154 3s. -4d. of great tithe
Hone, Ruxley hundred, Bromley petty sessional division, yearly rent-charge. The Baptists have a chapel here.
union and county court district, rural deanery of West High Elms is the residence of the Right Hon. Sir John
Dartford, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canter- Lubbock P.c., M.P., n.c.L., F.R.S., F.S.A., D.L., J.P. The
bury. The church of St. Mary the Virgin, formerly a Hight Hon. Sir William Hart Dyke P.C., n.P., D.L., J.P. is
chapel to Orping-ton and Cray, and standing in the centre lord of the manor, and the Right Hon. Sir John Lubbock
of the village, is an ancient structure of flints, in the Recti- hart. P.c., M.P. Mr. Price and the trustees of the late Mr.
linear style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch, erected J. Smith are the principal landowners. The soil is loamy
in r885, and a western tower with a heavy shingled spire clay; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, oats and
containing a striking clock and 3 bells: the east window is mangold-wurtzel. The area is r,652 acres; rateable value,
stained and there are several others : there are two 15th £"3,700; the population in r88r was 555·
century brasses with small figures and in the chancel a Parish Clerk and Sexton, John Palmer.
larger one with effigies to John Vezeglini esq. a native of PosT & M. 0 · O., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
Venice, ob. 1606 and Elizabeth his wife, of the ancient house Alfred Herbert :Nicholls, receiver. Letters arrive from
of Vanburen and Olace, of Antwerp, ob. r6o7 and their 0. at 8.30
'l d th hh th hl rest ored · t Farnborough R.S. sundays, aar.rmi\.·e&86..3300 p.m. ; dispatche!l
c h r e n : e c urc was oroug y I 872, a a at 2_50 & 8 p.m.; a.m.; dispatched
1 1n
cost of £I,6oo, and has 220 sittings: in the churchyard is
a yew tree, said to be 700 years old. The register dates 2.so p.m. Telegraph oflice at Farnborough R.S.O
from the year 1538. The living is a vicarage, average tithe National School (mixed), erected about r856, for 120 child-
rent-charge £272, net yearly value £286, including four ren; average attendance, 97
acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Rev. John CARRIER TO LoNDON.-William Snow, thurs. 2 a.rn. to
Br od1·e- I nnes "....A. . , ~T. p . of M"1lton Rrod1' e, F'orre.s, N . H. an d 'Na.!,!>'S Head,' Borough, returning same evenin,rr
held since 1871 by the Rev. Gcorge Sketchley Ffindcn CONVEYANCE.-Omnibus to Orpington station morning t
Theol. ASSOC.K.C.L. and domestic chaplain to Lord earring- evening, Frederick Capon, proprietor
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Smith Mrs. Downe court Nicholls Alfred Herbt. baker, Post office
Cecil Lady Margaret, Crow hill Sutherland Charles Leslie, Downe hall Osborne Alfred James, butcher
Cox Richard James, Hunstanton lodge Tomkins Mrs. Petley house Reeves William, blacksmith & farrier
Sawyer Elizabeth (~rs.), fruit grower,
Darwin Mrs. Downe house COMMERCIAL.
Ffinden Rev. George Sketchley A.K.C.L. Baker Jane (Mrs.), tailoress & shopkpr Lower Hook
Vicarage; & 7Waterloo pl.London sw Baker Frederick, watch maker Sawyer lsaac, fruit grower
Forrest George Edward, Gorringes Brampton Saml. George inn, & shopkpr Sawyer J ames Frederick, baker
Good Alfred, Downe lodge Cannings Henry, fishmonger Smith Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer
Lubbock Right Hon Sir John hart. P.c., Capon l<'rederick, 'bus proptr. Crow hill Snow Ann (~rs. ), draper
M.P., D.L., ;J.P., D.C.L., F.R.s., F.S.A. Harris Charles, farmer, Orange court Snow William, coal dealer & carrier
High elms ; & 39 Berkeley square w; Hills Robert, market gardener Town Dan, builder, decorator, carpentr.
Athena:um club s w &; City Liberal Hooker George Henry, Queen's Head & undertaker; estimates for repairs
club E c, London P.H. grocer & seedsman ·weaver Thomas, grocer, clothier, dra·
Lnbbock Frederick, The Rookery
Reed William, The Laurels J essup Edward, farmer, Petley's farm pP.r, furniture dealer; british wines;
Lewis John, carpenter the best house in the neighbourh()()i
Schroeter Miss, Tower house Martin Alfred, boot maker for all kinds of grocery & provisionS
Smith John, Downe court Nicholls Alfred, baker, Downe mill Yeates Edmund, saddler
DUNKIRK, formerly an extra-parochial liberty, is a of which it was formerly a part, and on the road fro!ll
ville, lying on the borders of the forest called Blean Wood, Canterbury to l<'aversham, 4~ miles west from Canterblll'1•
4 south-east from Faversbam and 5~ from London by BosENDEN Woon, in this parish, was the scene of riots in
road, in the North Eastern division of the county, lathe of 1838. John Nicholls Thorn, better known by his assumed
name, Sir William Courtenay, took up his residence here,
St. Augustine, Westgate hundred, Faversham petty ses- but in consequence of certain lawless acts by him and his
sional division, union and county court di;~trict, Ospringe followers a warrant was issued for his apprehension; he,
rural deanery and Canterbury archdeaconry and diocese. however, shot the constable sent to arrest him, whereupon
Christ Church, situated on a lofty eminence, commanding the 45th Regiment, under the command of Major Arm-
extRnsive view!:', and erected in 184o, is a building of flint,
consisting of chancel, nave, south transept and a western strong and Lieutenant Eennett, were dispatched from Can-
tower containing a clock and one bell: in 1838 a stained terbury to put down the rioters and vindicate the law:
window was given by Mrs. Mary Woollright and a. fine- Lieutenant Bennett with his detachment met Courtenay
toned organ was presented in the same year by Henry with 100 of his followers at Bosenden Wood ; the Riot Act
Woollright esq. of Berkeley Lodge: the south transept was was then read and on Bennett approaching to discuss with
built m 1872, at a cost of £s6o and 'two other stained Courtenay, the latter immediately shot him dead: a soldier
windows were inserted at the same time : the church was then promptly fired upon and killed the ringleader, and a
completely restored and a chancel arch added in 1878, and general affray ensued, in which ten rioters were slain:
has 330 sittings. The register dates from the year r841. Courtenay's body and those of six of the rioters were buried
The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £3oo, with 4 in the churchyard of the adjoining parish of Hernhill.
acres of glebe and residence, in t.he gift of the Archbishop There is a mural tablet to Lieutenant Bennett in Canterbury
of Canterbury, and held since 1854 by the Rev. William Cathedral.
John Springett M.A. of Wadharn College, Oxford. Berkeley
Parish Clerk, Stephen Gorham.
Lodge, the residence of Henry D. Barnes esq. is situated Assessor&CollectorofQueen'sTaxes,Chas.Edwd.Pettman
on some of the highest land in the county and commands Letters through Faversham, by foot post, arrive at 9 a. m. ;
collected by postman at 6 p. m. The nearest money order
extensive views on every side for nearly 50 miles, including & telegraph office is at Bough ton
the French coast and London. Dunkirk House is the hand- A School Board of 5 members was formed in r886 ; Alien
some modern residence of John Marten esq. Earl Sondes, Tassell, solicitor, Faversham, clerk to the board; William
who is lord of the manor, E. S. Dawes esq. G-eorge Eowdler
Gipps esq. Mrs. C!arence J. Hilton, the Ecclesiastical Corn-
missioners and W. 0. Hammond esq. are the largest laml- Smith, Faversham, attendance officer
owners. The soil is loam; subsoil, day. The chief crops Board School, erected in 1848 & enlarged in 1874 & 188&,
are wheat, barley, fruit and hops. The population in r88r for 250 children ; average attendance, 150 ; Charles
was 742 and the area is 5,338 acres; rateable value, £3,6og. Edward Pettman, master; C. Warden, assistant master;
Mrs. Mary Ann Pettman, mistress ; Miss Pettman,
BosENDEN is 1 mile north-east; ,,.INTERBOURN half a
assistant mistress
mile south.
Barnes Henry D. Berkeley lodge Eldridge John, farmer, Dargate 1 Marsh Perciml H. fruit grower
Marsh S. J. Fernside G-orham William Rd. farmer, Bosenden . Marsh Wellington, Woodman's Hall P.H
Marten John, Dunkirk house Gurr John, timber merchant I Price William, farmer & wood dealer
Springett Rev. Wm. John :r.r.A. [ >icarJ Hall Stephen, jun. Gate P.H. wood dealer , Riddle J esse, fruit grower
COMMERCIAL. & charcoal merchant Stockdale Mary (l\'Irs. ), farmer, Fares-
Baker George, wood dealer Hall William, fruit grower & wood dlr ter's lodge
Ballard William Louis, Lion inn Harris G-eorge, carpenter Swaffer John, blacksmith
Divers Henry, fruit grower 1 Marsh James, potter Wood Alfred, beer retailer, Denstroud
DUNTON GREEN is a. village and ecclesiastical £8o, in the gift of the Archbi:.hop of Canterbury, and held
since July, 18go, by the Rev. James McGibbon Burn-Murdoch
parish, 1formed out of Otford by Order in Council June M.A. of Downing College, Cambridge, vicar of Riverhea~
30, 18go; it ha.s a station on the South Eastern railway, rural dean of Shoreham and surrogate, which he holds along
18~ miles from London and r~ north of Sevenoaks, with Riverhead by His Grace's dispensation. A congrega-
and is in the Western division of the county, Codsheath tional chapel was built here in 1873. Eroughton House is
hundred, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, Sevenoaks petty ses- the seat of Samuel Wreford esq. J.P. who is lord of the
sional division, union and county court district, and in the manor of Broughton estate, a manor within itself, and
rural deanery of Shoreham, archdeaconry of Maidstone and principal landowner. The soil is chalky; subsoil, clay. The
diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. John the Ev·an- chief crops are wheat, oats and roots. The area is about
1,2oo acres ; population 750.
gelist, erected at a cost of about £ 1,goo, and consecrated PosT 0FF1CE.-Joseph Martin, receiver. Letters through
24 March, 18go, is a building of red brick with Bath stone Sevenoaks arrive at 8 & 11.30 a.m.; dispatched at 8.45
dressings, in the Early English style, from designs by Mr. a.m. & 6.45 p. m. The nearest money order & telegraph
office is at River head. WALL LETTJ<;R Box cleared at B.so
Thomas Potter, architect, of Sevenoaks, and consists of
chancel, nave of five bays, organ chamber, vestry, south a.m. & 6.45 p. m. ; sundays, 12 noon
porch and a small turret on the eastern gable of the nave National School (mixed), built about 186o & since en-
containing one bell: the stained east window was presented larged, for 94 children ; average attendance, go ; Mrs.
by Samuel Wreford J.P. of Broughton House: there are 220 Anne G-lover, mistress
sittings. The register of baptisms, marriages and burials Railway Station, John Hilder, station master
begins with the year 1890; former registers are included in
Otford. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value about
Ansell Mrs. ~Iomnt's cottage Barrett Wm. Rose & Crown P.H. & hotel Macey Benjamin, beer retailer
Bowles William, Whitehouse, Station rd Collins Tho.nas, wheelwright Martin Jsph. shopkpr. & sub-post office
Davis Mrs. Station road Coomher George, wheelwright Maxwell G-eo. beer retailer, Longford
Driver Mrs Crittell David, boot maker Mills John & Charles, wheelwrights
Edmonds Henry, Rosebank, Longford Davey Thos. David, butcher, Longford
Purvis Mrs DUN MALL GEORGE,Duke'sHead P.H. MitchellliarrJ, general dealer
Reaney Rev.Geo.S.[sen.curate of River- Moon .Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper
good coach-house & stabling Robertsbaw Charles John, coffee house
head& DuntonGreenJ,Gt.Dunton frm Dunton Green Brick & Tile Works Lim. Stone John, grocer
Turner Mrs. Station road Willis Ann (Mrs.), baker
Walton Mrs (Ebenezcr Breething, manager)
Wreford Samuel J. P. Broughton house HamlinJn.miller (water),Longfordmill Woodhams Richard & Sons, farmers &
Hilder John, station master
COliiMERCIAL. J c.ssup Harold, lime burner, Grey Stone cowkeepers, corn, hay & straw dealrs
Barrett James, dealer in horses Woollett William, beer retailer
& white lime works
DYMCHURCH is an ancient town and parish, situated building of stone, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle,
south porch and a small western tower with spire containing
on the level of Homney Marsh, on the coast of the English
3 bells: the chancel arch, west and south doorways are
Channel and on the high road from Dover to New Romney, Norman: there is a brass to Captain Timothy Bedingfield,
4~ miles north-east from New Romney, 5 south-west from ob. 20 Nov. 1693, and to his wife, ob. 7 July, 1714: the chan-
Hythe, 6 south from Westenhanger station on the main line eel has been restored and most of the outer walls have been
of the SouthEastern railway to Folkestone and Dover and 81
rebuilt: there are 300 sittings, 200 being free. The register
from London, in the Southern division of the county, bun- CJf baptisms dates from the year 1637; marriages, 1624;
dred of Worth, lathe of Shepway, liberty and union of Rom- burials, 1645. The living is a rectory (with the sinecure
ney Marsh, petty sessional division of Romney Marsh, county rectories of Eastbridge Chapel and Orgarswick and the rec-
court district of New Romney and in the rural deanery of
tory of Elackmanstone annexed), tithes commuted at [257
South Lympne and archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. yearly, with 27 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of
Dymchurch was formerly a place of some importance and is the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since 1876 by the
still under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Corporation for Rev. Charles Eaton Plater M. A. of Christ's College, Cam-
Romney Marsh. A charter was granted to this place by bridge. There is a Wesleyan Methodist chapel here and a
Henry IL and subsequently confirmed by Edward VI. and Working Men's Institute. Here are charities of £,2o annual
James II. The church of SS. Peter and Paul is an ancient
'Value, derived from land left in 1693 by Capt. Timothy from J<"olkestone a.t 4.20 a.m. ; dispatched at 9 p.m.; d&.
Bedingfield. A pleasure fair is held on the last Saturday in
Whitsun week. The sea-wall, or embankment, made to re- livery commences at 6 a.m
sist the encroachments of the sea and to defend Romney CouNTY MAGISTRATES FOR RoMNEY MARSH DIVISION.
Giles Thomas esq. Ivychurch
Marsh, is about 4 miles long, upwards of 20 feet in height
and of very considerable width; it has four grand sluices for Jones Archibald Stoakes esq Grove house, Dymchurch
.draining the marsh and the expense of keeping the embank- J ones John esq. Dymchurch
Walker John Dering esq. Honeychild manor, New Romney
ment in repair and of drainage is defrayed by a scot or rate Walker Wm. Dering esq. Honeychild manor, New Romney
P~tty Sessions are held at the Court hom;e every wednesday
levied on the distriet or liberty hy the Corporation of Rom-
ney Marsh.. The soil is alluvial ; subsoil, beach and sand. if necessary, otherwise on first wednesday in every month
Thechief crops are wheat and grass. The area is 1,177 acres at 10 a.m
.of land and 385 of water; rateable value, £2,891; the popu- The following places are in Romney Marsh division :-New
lation in 188 I was 553, including 40 at the Coastguard station. Romney (partly), Old Romney, Appledore (partly), Bren-
zett, E:lnargate (partly), Kena.rdington (partly), Aldington
EASTBRIDGE CHAPEL is a small parish, 3 miles north-west, (partly) 1 Blackmanstone, Burmarsh, Dymchurch, East.
but has now no church. The living is a sinecure rectory, bridge, Hurst (partly), Lympne (partly), Newington
annexed to Dymchurch, which is the nearest place for Di- (partly), Orgarswick, West Hythe, Bilsington (partly),
vine worship. There are charities of £2o annual value, Bonnington, N ewchurch, Suave, Brookland (partly),
<lerived from land left in 1757 by John Finch, of Lympne. Ruckinge, Warehorne (partly), Orlestone (partly), Hope
The area is r, u6 acres ; rateable value,£2,123; population All Saints, lvychurch (partly), St. Mary the Virgin
in r88r was 54· PuBLIC OFFICERS : -
Clerk to the Commissioners of 'Romney Marsh, Henry
0RG.ARSWICK is a small parish, consisting of only a. farm Stringer, New Romney; !<'rank Elliott, New Hall, deputv
and some pasture land, 2 miles north-w~t from Dymchurch, Public Expenditor to Romney Marsh, Edward Case c.E •
at which place the few cottagers attend Divine worship. Surveyor to Romncy Marsh Highway Board, Frank Elliott
The living is a sinecure rectory, annexed to Dymchurch. National School (mixed), erected in r868, for 175 children;
The area is 356 acres; rateable value, £704; the popula- average attendance, 130; David Coy, master
tion in r881 was 5· OMNIBUS & CARRIER" FROM NRw RoMNEY TO HYTHI &
FOLKESTONE.-Moody, tucs. thurs. & sat. returning same
Parish Clerk, George Beazley. days
.Coastguard, Dymchurch, "\\'illiam Buckle, chief officer
.PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Odice.-
Thomas Niel. postmaster. Letters arrive by mail cart
.Bennett James Sterndale, Barn house Elliott Frank, surveyor & deputy clerk Pope Geo. Edwd. grocer & linen draper
Case Edward C.E. New hall to the commissioners of Bomney Pryer Annie (Miss), confectioner
Elliott Frank, New hall Marsh & surveyor to Romney Marsh Pryer Martha (Mrs.), farmer
Runt Leonard highway board Pryer Sarah Ann (Mrs.), baker
Jones Archibald Stoakes J. P. Grove Gates Edward, shopkeeper Ramsden Charles, cart owner
house ; & Yew Tree house, Stanford Harmer Geo. dairyman, ~ycamore house Simpson Margaret (Mrs.), cart owner
..Tones John J.P. Grove house Hoper Richard, shopkeeper Sm1th I<'dk. Aug. grocer & linen draper
Plater Rev. Charles Eaton M.A. Rectory Hunt Leonard, grazier& coal merchant Smith George William, butcher
COMMERCIAL. J ones John, farmer & seed grower Smith John Mortley, farmer
.A:shdown Euwanl, boot maker Lewis Jas. J sph. Ship commercial inn Smith William, grazier, Sycamore ho
.Ashdown Thomas, blacksmith Macket John, farmer Swift John, beer retailer
.Boulden Cha.rles,farm bailiff to A.Amos Maeket John, jun. farmer Terry Thomas, farmer, Orgarswick
& E. Bayden esqs. Orgarswick MusgraveSamuel,farm bailiff to J.Jones Tolhurst John, fisherman
Brisley William, fisherman esq. J.P. New barn, Eastbridge Waddell Arthur, butcher
.Case Edward c E. public expenditor to Niel Thomas, ironmonger, Post office Waddell Susannah (l'.Irs. ), shopkeeper
Romney Marsh, New hall Paine William, farmer West Samuel, farm bailiff to J. Jones
Dymchurch Working Man's Institute Philpott William, beer retailer esq. J.P. Sellinge farm
(William Smith, sec) PiddockThomas, farm steward to Henry Wraight Bros.carpenters&wheelwrights
Files William Stephen, boot & shoe ma Hobbs esq. Eastbridge Chapel Young James, fisherman
EASTLING is a well-wooded parish and village, plea- belongs to Charles Stuart Leese esq. and North Court, to
~antly situated, 5 miles south-west from Faversham station Lord Harris. Lord Harris, Earl Sondes, Sir John Frederick
on the London, Chatham and Dover railway and 49 from Crcft bart. B.a., J. P., F.R.S. of Doddington, and Charles S.
London, in the North Eastern division of the county, Favers- Leese esq. are the principal landowers. The soil and sub-
ham hundred, petty sessional division, union and county soil are various. The chief crops are wheat, barley, peas,
-court district, lathe of Scray, and in the rural deanery of beans, fruit, hops, oats and turnips. The area is 1,934
Ospringeand archdeaconryanddiocese of Canterbury. The acres; rateable value, £2,554; the population in r88r was
·Church of St. Mary is a building of flint and stone in the 481.
Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel,
nave of three bays, aisles, south transept, south-west porch NORTH CouRT is half a mile north; ToNG, half a mile
.and a western tower containing 6 bells: on the south side of south; AR"'OLn's OAK, 1 mile south-east; NoRTH EASTLnm,
the chancel are three rich sedilia and a piscina; on the north I mile north. DIVAN CouRT adjoins the church.
side is a canopied recess: the edifice was restored in r856,
.at a cost of about £3,000, raised by subscription : there are Parish Clerk, Thomas Bensted
.several mural monuments, including one in the transept, PosT OFFICE.-Thomas Doughty, receiver. Letters re·
with three male and three female figures kneeling, to Martin
James esq. dated 1592: there are 300 sittings: in the reived by cart from Faversham, arrive at 8.15 a. m. ; dis-
churchyard, near the entrance to the porch, is a yew tree patched at 6.15 p.m.; sundays at 11.25 a.m. The nearest
supposed to be r,ooo years old. The register dates from money order & telegraph office is at Doddington. Postal
the year 1558. The living is a rectory, yearly value from orders are issued here, but not paid
tithe rent-charge £489, with residence and 36 acres of glebe,
in the gift of the Earl of Winchilsea, and held since 1842 by A School Board of 5 members was formed here Sep. 30,
-the Rev. George Birch Reynardson M. A. of Trinity College,
Cambridge. There are two manors: Divan Court, which 1879 ; A. Tassell, Faversham, clerk to the board & attend·
ance otlicer
Board School (mixed), built in r88o, for r5o children; aver·
age attendance, 67 ; Frederic Thomas Pincott, master;
Mrs. Adela Pincott, mistress
CARRIER.-Goldup, from Charing every tues. & fri
Fright John T. Pink hall Elvy Charles, hurdle maker Long William, farmer, Arnold's oak
Leese Miss, Rose cottage Elvy "'illiam, farmer, Divan court :Vlillen George, insurance agent
ReynardsonHev.Geo.Birch M.A.Rectory Foster Charles, shopkeeper Murton Baker, farmer, North court
.Smith Rev. Hugh William M.A.[curate] Graham George, farm bailiff to B.
Pettrnan Hester (Mrs.), saddler &
COMMERCIAL. l\Iurton esq. North Eastling
:Bensted James Bates, smith & farrier Harlow Thomas, Carpenters' Arms P.H harness maker
Doughty Thomas, boot ma. Post office Hawkins James, miller (wind & steam) Robins James, farmer & fruiterer
Shilling William, builder &c
EASTRY is a parish which gives name to the hundred, earliest portions dating from about n5o, and consists of
.unicm and head of petty sessional division (petty sessions chancel, clerestoried nave of six bays, aisles, south porch,
are held at Wingham), situated on the road from Sandwich shallow west porch and a large western tower, with plain
to Dover and on the Roman road to the latter place, 2~ miles parapet, containing 5 bells and a clock; the tower exhibits a.
south-west from Sandwich, 4~ north-west from Deal and 86 singular mixture of Norman and Early English work; the
:from London, in the Eastern division of the county, lathe of west door is also ~orman, but the chancel is Early English:
St. .Augustine, oounty court district of Sandwich, rural on the north side of the nave is an eleg-ant arL"h, apparently
-deanery of Sandwich and archdeaconry and· diocese of Can- once an aumbry: there is a brass with effigies of a knight
terbury. The church of St. Mary the Virgin, situated close and a lady and an inscription to "Thomas Nevynson, of
"to Eastry Court, is a spacious edifice of flint and rubble in Estry, vb. 159o, Provost Marshal and Scout Master of ye
-the Norman, Early English and Decorated styles, the Est parts of Kent and Ann his wife, daughter of Rychsrd
Tebolde esquier ;" and a brass with ioscription only to Sir next-Sandwich, Barfreston, Betteshanger, Chillenden,
Roger Nevison,knighted at Chatham 4 July,r6o4. ob. r625 : Deal•. Ea.stry, Elmstone, Eythorne, Goodnestone, Great
the chancel arch has pierl'ed quatrefoils on either side, and Mongeham, Ham, Knowlton, Little Mongeham, Non-
above it is a row of seven medallion frescoes : there are ington, Northbourne, Preston-by-Wingbam, Ripple, St.
aumbries in the chancel and nave: an octagonal pier in the Bartholomew, St. Clement (Sandwich), St. Mary (Sand-
south aisle bears a remarkable incised circle for finding the wich), St. Peter (Sandwich), Sholden, Staple-next-Wing-
Sunday letter: the restoration of the church, commenced in h!\m, Strmrmouth, Sutton-by-Dover, Tilmanstone, Walder-
I847• is still (1890) proceeding: there are 415 sittings, 210 J share, Walmer, Wingham,Woodnesborough&Worth; the
being free. The register dates from the year 1559. The 1 area is 45,834acres; the population of the union in r88I
liviug is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge i,-294, net yearly value was 28,074; rateable value in r8go £144.470
[237, including glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee,Fredorick
Arcilbishop of Canterbury, and held since 1867 by the S. Cloke, Sandwieh
Rev. William Francis Shaw H.D. of Caius College, Cam- Treasurer, Thomas Moody Jotcham, London & County
Ibridge, surrogate and chaplain of Eastry union. Here are Bank, Sandwich
small Wesleyan and Baptist chapels. The Union chapel, Relieving & Inquiry- Officen, 1st district, George Jull,
built in 1873, at a cost of about £I,ooo, is an edifice of Sandwich; 2nd district, T. Waters, Deal
stone in the Early English style and will seat 240 ; the Vaccination Officers, Sandwich registration sub-district, J.
school. will hold above 100 children. In the immediate Hetherington. Sandwich; Deal registration sub-district,
vicinity of the village is an excavation for chall>, extend- T. Waters, Deal; Eythorne registration sub-district, H.
ing in winding passages through the chalk to a. great Maxted, Eythorne; Wingham registration sub-district,
depth; is is occasionally illuminated with excellent effect. H. E. Drury, Wingham
At Statenborough and in the. neighbourhood of Woodnes- Medical Officer & Public Vaccinators, Ash district, John
borough, the "burg" or fortification of the god Woden, are William Harrisson M.B., c.M. Sandwich; Deal district,
ancient remains. A cottage hospital, styled the" Bettes- Richard Lyddon M. B. Deal; Eastry district, Richard
banger Cottage Hospital," promoted by the late Lady Shocklidge Leggatt, Eastry; Eythorne district, Waiter
Northbourne, was erected here in 1879 : it is situated at the Dixon lLH. Eythorne ; Sand wicb distriat, John William
south end o£ the village and contains two wards with 7 Harrisson M.H., c.M. Sandwich; Walmerdistrict, Richard
beds and was built for the benefit of lhe poor of both sexes Staines Davey M. B. Walmer; Wingham district, Charles
when suffering from temporary illness and is intended Gray Montgomery Lewis, Wingham
primarily for the reception of patients from the following Superintendent B.egistrar, Fr~derick S ..Cloke, Sandwich;
parishes :-Ash, Betteshanger,Cbillenden, Eastry,Eythorne, deputy, Thomas Ayling, Eastry •
Ham, Knowlton, Mongeham, Northbourne, Nonington, Til- Registrar of Births & Deaths, Deal sub-district, T. E. Cavell,
manstone, Woldershare, Woodnesborough and Worth; the Deal; deputy, Miss Celia H. Cavell, Daal ; Eythorne sub-
number of patients in 1889 was 70. Greville's charity, of district, H. Maxted, Eythorne; deputy, G. W. Holttum,
£&o yearly, left in 1834 hy W. F. Greville esq. of Eastry, is "-"onington; Sandwich snh-dist.rid, J. Hetherington, Sand-
distributed in doles of {,10 each to 8 old persons of either wich; deputy, William West, Sandwich; Wingham sub-
sex, 6 of whom are occupants of 6 cottages, erected by W. district, H. E. Drury, Wingham; deputy, George Drury,
F. G-reville in 1834 ; there are two out-pensions connected Wingham
-wit!t. the charity and another out-pension of 1,"10 has since Regi~trars of "Marriages,J. Hetherington,~andwich; deputy,
been founded by Miss M. Boteler of Eastry : there are other William West, Sandwich; T. E. Gavel!, Deal; H. Maxted,
(;ha1ities of about {,20 yearly value, derived from legacies Eythorne; deputy, G. W. Holttnm, Nonington
and distributed in money. The Dean and Chapter of Can- The Workhouse, situated at the south-western end of the
terbury are lords of the manor and 1.he largest landowners. village, is a structure of brick to which an infirmary was
The soil i!' loam ; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, added in 1871, with 104 beds & detached wards for con-
barley and oats. Tile area is 2,732 acres; rateable value, tagious fever eases; it will hold 494 inmates ; Thomas
£6,o:,o; the population in 1881 was 1,38o, including 280 Ayling,master; Rev. Wiiliam Francis Shaw B. D. chaplain;
<>ilicers and inmates in the workhouse. . Richard Shocklidge Leggatt, medical officer; .Mrs. Anne
HKROSDEN is a hamlet, 1 mile south-west; S1<>LSON, half Ayling, matron; Miss liarriet Valentine, school!nistress
a mile north-west ; STATENHOROVGH, 1 mile north-east;
Sexton and Parish Clerk, Henry Hopper. Meets at the board room, Eastry, the 3rd tuesday in the
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., ~-B. & Annuity& Insurance Office.- month, at 12 noon.
George Foord, receiver. Letters arrive via Dover at 7 Clerk, Frederick S. Cloke, Sandwich
a.m. & 1.15 p. m. ; box closes for dispatch at 9.40 a. m. & Treasurer, Thomas ~Ioody Jotcham, London & County
9 p.m. ; on sundays at 9 p.m. Letters for Felderland,
Hay, Statenborough & Walton should be addressed Dover Bank, Sandwich
WALL LETTER Box, Statenborough, cleared at 9·35 a.m. &
. 7-40 p.m.; sundays, 7-40 p.m Medical Officer of Health, M. K. Robinson lll.D. Dover
National School (mixed & infants), erected in 1859, for 200
cb.ildren; average attendance, 120 boys & girls & so Sanitary Inspector, William Charles Page, Sandwich
Surveyor of Highways, J. ,V. ·watson, Guilton, Ash, Sanil-
wich ; assistant, J. Inge, Northbourno
infants ; John Bailey, master ; Miss Charlotte Kidder, ScHOOL ATTENDANCE CoM~UTTEE
infants' mistress
(;oNvEYANCE TO CANTERHURY.-John Waiter Luck, sat. (Eastry Rural & Walmer Urban Sanitary Districts),
Meets at the Board room, Ea.'itry, the 3rd tue :day in the
returning from 'Crown' at 4.30 p.m
EASTRY UNION. month at I 2. 30 p. m.
Board day, tuesday, at the Union, Eastry, at 12 noon. Clerk, Frederick S. Cloke, Sandwich
Eastry Union comprises the following parishes, viz. :-Ash- Attendance Otticer, William Charles Pa;r, Sandwich
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Barton Thos. tailor, draper & outfitter F'amariss;IIenry, farmer, 'Veils farm. &
Bassett Mrs. Walton cottage Bayly Stephen, grocer & draper Selson farn1
Bamard Miss, The Laurels
Boteler Miss, Brook house Beer William, market gardener, Gore Foord William, bricklayer
Belsey Frankhn, farmer; Shingleton Gibbens John Hrice,farmer, Walton frm
BetteshangerCottage Hospital (Richard Goldfinch George, boot warehouse
Bradley )lrs. The Parsonage S.. Leggatt ,lii.R.c.s. E.mcdical officer ; Griggs James, farm bailiff t_o Henry M.
Cox Lieut.-CoL John E. The Lynch
:Ewing Alexander, .Statenborough house , M1ss Jane EhzabethLanham,matron) Baker esq. Statenborough farm
j Betts Jes.se & Co. butchers & cowkeeprs Grigg~ James, jun. farm bailiff to Mr.
Grimaldi Miss, The Laurels .Francis de ll. Collard, UpperHerondcn
Harvey Mrs. Fir bank I Bowes R1chard, maltster & brewer
Holmes Hev.James Roberts M.A.[rector , Bowman Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper HammondRt.Martin,seedsman & tlorist
Bushell J ?~n, Bull inn Harnett George, farmer, Felderland ho
of Know lton], Eastry house
Lawrence Henry, shopkeeper
Lachlan Hev. Geo. Louis B.A. [curate] Butler,W1lham, saddler
Burr Fdk. Geo. market gardener, Gore Lawrence Richard, baker
Leggatt Richard Shocklidge
List.er Walter Venning ;,.P. Gt. Walton Church James, shoe maker Leggatt Richard Shocklidge, surgeon,&
Rae Mrs. Walton house Clark Thomas, miller (steam & wind) medical officer & public vaccinator for
.Sbaw Rev. William FrancisB.D. [vicar, Clark William1 miller_ (steam & win~) Eastry dist. & med. officer to workho
Stirrogat;.),&chaplain of Eastry union], ~rofts T??s. whe~lwr1ght & blacksm1th Luck John Walter, tly owner, furniture
Vicarao-e Culver J.Jms, engmeer remover & farmer, Lower Venson
Wilion William Little Statenborough Devcrson .Alfred Gcorgc, painter l\Iedgett Thomas, farmer, Hay farm
' Deverson William (Mrs.), dress maker ~Ioat Ethelbert, assistaut overseer,
.COMMERCIAL. Deveson Eliza (~rs.), market. gardener Esther cottage
.Austin Jas. grocar, baker & ironmongr & farmer, Statenborough Moat Richard, carpenter
.Ayling Ttlomas, deputy superintendent 'Drayson Geo.l''oord, farmer, Eastry crt Moat Richard, jun. beer retailer
registrar for Eastry sub-district Dungey Jame:s, marine store dealer Nower Wm. beer retailer, Hay hill
PhilpottChas.market gardnr.Felderland Setterfield Edwd. road contractr.Hill ho •Tborne William John, Five Bells P.K
Pierce Thomas, watch & clock maker
Pittock Friend, butcher & farmer Shipley Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper i Tilley William Chapman, baker &grocr
Pittock William, farmer, Cross farm &
Soames Thomas, bricklayer I Tritton Henry, shopkeeper & plumber·
Upper Venson farm
Purfield Waiter, saddler Spain Henry, marine store dealer Twyman Williarn Thomas, blacksmith,
Rodgers William, boot maker 1
Rodgers William Henry, beer retailer
Spinner Susannah (Mrs.), carrier & ' ironmonger & engineer
coal dealer 'Whitford Charles, farmer, Selson fa~
Terry William, baker WoodruffAlbt.Edwd.chemist& stationer
Thompson Edmund, plumber Young Alfred, tailor
EASTWELL, deriving its name from the springs or wells ham, d. 10 July, 1848: the east and west windows Bftl-
with ~hich it is watered, and bearing the prefix of "East" stained: there are 200 sittings, roo being free. The regiSter
to distinguish it from the adjoining parish of Westwell, is a dates from the year 1538. The living is a rectory, yearly
village and parish, 3~ miles south-west of Wye station on value from tithe rent-cb.arge £rCJO, with 29 acres of gleb&
the South Eastern railway, 3 miles north-east from Hoth- and residence, in the gift of the Earl of Winchilsea, and
field station on the London, Chatham and Dover railway, 3 held since 1890 by the Rev. Martin Reerl III.A. of Trinity
miles north from Ashford and 56 from London, in the College, Cambridge, who is also vicar of Boughton .Aiuph.
Southern division of the country, hundred of Wye, lathe of The mansion of Eastwell, now occupied by Capt. Henry
Scray, Ashford petty sessional division and county court Alexander Campbell J.P. and formerly the residence of
district, East Ashford union, and in the rural deanery of H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh K.G. stands in a retired
East Charing, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of situation shaded by trees, and is a plain modern building, to
Canterbury. The ancient church of St. Mary is a building which a considerable addition has been made; it is said to
of flint in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consist- occupy the site where formerly stood the humble cottage
ing of two equal aisles (the eastern portion of the north erected by Richard Plantagenet, the natural son of Richanl ·
aisle forming a chancel), west and south porches and an Ill. and inhabited by him till his death in 1550; and it was ·
embattled tower at the west end of the north aisle con- at Eastwell Park that he worked as a bricklayer on his flight ,
taining 6 bells: the arcade consists of four arches : in the from London after the defeat of his father at Bosworth
south aisle is the magnificent altar-tomb with recumbent Field, on 22nd .Allbrust, 1485 ; near the site of the cottage is
figures in white marble, of Sir Moyle Finch kt. of tb.is place, a fine spring of water still remaining, which retains the name
ob. 16q, and his widow Elizabeth (Heneage), created in of "Plantagenet's Well:" the park, containing about 2,500
. 1623 Viscountess Maidstone and in r628 Countess of Win- acres, presents fine scenery; it extends into the adjoining
chilsea ; also a white marble bust of their son, Sir Heneage parishes of Challock and Boughton Aluph and is well stocked
Finch kt. Serjeant-at-Law, Recorder of London and Speaker with deer. The Earl of Winchilsea and Nottingham is lord of
of the House of Commons, ob. 163r, and Frances (Bell), his the manor and principal landowner_ The soil is light; subsoil,
rst wife, ob. 1627 : in the chancel is a sepulchral arch, under mixed. The chief crops are wheat, beans and hops. The area
which is an ancient tomb, supposed to be that of Richard the is 8g.J- acres; rateable value, £r,338; the population is 113.
last of the Plantagenets,there appearing an entry in the burial WALL LETTER Box cleared at 6.45 p.m. & 12 a. m. Letters
register that Richard Plantagenet was buried at Eastwell on through Ashford arrive at 7.30 a. m. & 12 noon. The nearest
the 22nd December, 1550: in the south aisle is the small money order & telegraph otlice is at Ashford
Winchilsea chapel, containing a very beautiful life-sized re- National School for the joint parishes of Eastwell &
cumbent figure in white marble of Ernily Georgiana, 2nd Boughton Aluph, built for 6o children; average attend-
wife of George \\'illianl) gth Earl of Winchilsea amlNotting- ance, 6o; Mrs. Amy Martin, mistress
Campbell Capt. Hy.Alex.J. P. Eastwell pk I Reed Rev. ::\Iartin M A. Rectory 1 Buss Horace, farmer, Court Lodge farm
EBONY is a village and parish, containing only a few 1889 by the Rev. Edward Bacheler Russell, who resides at
Appledore. Mrs. Billington, of Kennington, in this county,
houses, 2! miles west from .Appledore station on the South is the principal landowner. The soil is mixed and rich;
Eastern railway and 4 south-east of Tenterden, in the subsoil, crowstone. The chief crops are wb.eat, beans, oats
Southern division of the county, Aloesbridge, Tenterden and and roots; the principal part of the land is pasture. It has
Oxney hundreds, lathes of Scray and Shepway, Ashford an area of 2,188 acres ; rateable value, £3,003 ; the popu-
petty sessional division, Tenterden union and county court lation in r88x was 177, of which 109 are within the borough
district, and in the rural dear1ery of South Lympne and arch- of Tenterden.
deaconry and diocese of Canterbury. Part of the parish
forms a hill, detached from the Isle of Oxney, where READING STREET is a part of this parish, on the high road
formerly stood the chapel and surrounded by marsh drains, from Tenterden to Appledore.
and part is included within the borough of Tenterden. The
chapel of St. Mary, in Reading Street, rebuilt in 1858, is a Parish Clerk, William Catt.
small and plain building of stone in the Early English style, PosT OFFICE.-William Catt, receiver. Letters from Ten-
consisting of chancel and nave and a western turret contain- terden delivered in the village per foot post, arrive about
ing one bell: there ar~ 150 sittings. The register dates
from the year 1859. The living is a vicarage, annexed to 7· ro a. m. ; dispatched about 6.15 p.m. The nearest
that of Appledore, tithe rent-charge £r84, joint yearly net money order & telegraph office is at .Appledore
value £260, including r6 acres of glebe, with residence, in Ebony National School (mixed), erected in x!i82, for 30
the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since children; average attendance, 25; Miss Mary Ann Scuda-
more, mistress: the elder children attend the schools at
Tenterden & Appledore
Bates Charles, farmer Hilder William&Sons, farmers,Ramsden Velvick Frederick, farm bailiff to E. H.
BatesNathan John, farmer& hop grower, farm Wilkie esq. High house
Ramsden farm Paine Herbert, grazier Walker George, grazier
Catt Charles, White Hart & Lamb P.H Rhodes Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper Winser Edgar, farmer
EDENBRIDGE is a small market town and parish, 32 to the Selyard and Jemett families, and an altar-tomb of
miles from London, 14 west by rail and 16 by road from Perpendicular character to the Martin family, dated 1458;
Tunbridge Wells, situated on the Surrey border and takes in r86o a stone slab bearing a monumental cross in relief
its name from its position on the banks of the little river and one with a cross in brass were discovered in the
Eden-(one of the tributaries of the Medway), here crossed tower; these are probably of the 14th century: the church
by a stone bridge of one arch, for the repair of which there plate includes a chalice and paten of the middle of the 17th
is a fund, called "The Great Stone Bridge Trust :" the century : there are 6oo sittings, all being free. The register
South Eastern and London and Brighton Railway Companies dates from tb.e year r63g. The living is a vicarage, yearly
have stations here, the former about a mile and the latter a value from tithe rent-charge £379, with residence, in the
quarter of a mile north : the parish is in the South Western gift of and held since r859 by the Rev. Charles Frederick
division of the count.y,hundreds of Somerden aml Westerham, Gore M.A. of St. Job.n's College, Oxford, and surrogate. The
lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, Tonbridge petty tOessional division "Greybury" Presbyterian church, at Marsh Green, was
and county court dtstrict, 8evenoaks union, and in the rural erected, with schools, in 1882, and has 120 sittings. Th&
deanery of Tonbridge, archdeaconry of :\'faidstone and diocese Baptist chapel, rebuilt in 1853, will seat nearly 300 persons.
of Canterbury. The town is lighted with gas by a company James Holmden, of Edenbridge, gave £3 a year in r88x, to
• formed in 1856. The churcb. of SS. Peter and Paul is a be distributed among tb.e poor of the parish; and the Rev.
large and ancient building of stone, in the Early English and Nicholas German, late of Barn Hawe, Edenbridge, the sum
later styles, and consists of chancel with north aisle, separated of£ roo, the interest to be expended annually in the purchase
from the chancel by an arcade of three arches, nave of four of coal for distribu~ion amongst tb.e poor. The stock market
bays, south aisle, south porch and a massive western tower is held every second and fourth Monday, and a fat sto£k
with shingled spire, containing a clock and 6 bells of the 18th show annually in December. The Oddfellows' Hall, situated
century: the chancel retains a piscina and the entrance to in the High street and erected in r886 from designs by Mr.
the rood loft remains on the north of the chancel arch : there W. S. Fox, architect, of Edenbridge, is an edifice of brick with
is a brass with effigies to John Selyard gent. of Brasted, ob. ornamental string courses, arches and facings, and contains
1558, his wife Alice and four children; marble monuments committee rooms and a large hall, SS feet, or with gallery,
71 feet long by 35 feet wide and about 30 feet in height, and WALL LETTER BoXES at Marlpit Hill, cleared at IO. ro a. m.
ha:. two dressing rooms at the back : tha hall is capable of & 3·45 & 8.20 p.m. week days & 8.20 p.m. sundays; at
seahng about 500 persons. Stangrove, a mansion in the Marsh Green, cleared at 7 a.m. & 7 p.m. week days & 7
Itahan style, is the residence of ::\Iajor-Gen. William Charles a. m. on sundays ; on Hever road, cleared at 10.20 a. n1. & 4
Robert )l\'lne. Captain Henry Streatfeild is lord of the & 8 p. m. & 8 p. m on sundays ; London & Brighton rail-
manor of Edenbridge, and the trustees of the late C. R. C. way station, cleared at 4 & 8 p.m
Pet ey esq. are lords of the manor of Broxham. 'fh() princi- PUBLIC OFFICERS:-
~l landowners are Capt. Henry Streatfeild, of Chidding- Medical Officer & Ptlb:ic Vaccinator, No. 6 District, Seven-
st ne, John Thomas l\Iorton esq. the trustees of the late C. oaks Union, Charles Foster Gregory
RC. Petley esq. Mrs. Cobbett and Granville W. G. Leveson Collector of Poor's Rate & of Income & Assessed Taxes,
Gower e:-.q. J.P., M.A., F.s.A. of Limpsfield, Surrey. The William E. Norman
area is 5,328 acres; rateable value, j,'rr,5r8; the polmla- Registrar of Births & D.;aths & Relieving & Vaccination
in r88r was r,942. Officer, Penshurst District, George Paine, Mill hill
)1.\RSR GnEE~ is a hamlet 2 miles south. Deputy Registrar of Births & Deaths, .}lrs. G. Paine, Mill hi
Parish Clerk, John ·winter. ScHooLs:-
National, built in 1852, for 200 children; average attend-
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity &Insurance Office.-W. ance, go boys, 56 girls & 42 infants; the school has a
E. Norm:m, postmaster. The office is open to !.he public yearly donation of £'22 ws. from the Great Stone Bridge
for ordinary business on week days from 7 a. m. to 9 p.m. Trust; Vt'illiam Burningham, master; Mrs. Burningham,
& on sundays from 7 a. m. to ro a.m. only; money order mistress; Miss Jane Ann Wdson, assistant mistress
li sa\·ings bank business transacted from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. & British, built in I 870, for 160 children ; average attendance,
on sat. 2 hours later; postal orders & stamps sold from 7 147 ; the school has a yearly donation of £22 ros. from
7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Letters dispatched to London w.3o the Great Stone Bridge Trust; William H. Cooper, master;
a. m. & 4· ro, 8.45 & 9·45 p. m. ; delivered in the town at 7 :Miss F. Palmer, mistress
a.m. I2 noon & 6 p.m.; dispatched to Westerham 5-I5 RAILWAY STATIO~S : -
a.m. ; received from \Vesterham at 8.45 p.m. Parcels South Eastern, Henry Maidstone, station master
post received & deli\·ered at the same hours as the letters; London & llrighton, vVm. Charles Norman, station master
telegraph business 8 a.m. to 8 p. m. ; sundays, 8 a. m. to RAILWAY CAHRIEI'S : -
10 a. m. only; also telegraph office at the L. H. & ~- C. South Eastern, James GrO\'eS
railway station & South Eastern railway station London & Brighton, Arthur Woolger
PRIVATE m<;smENTS. Bullivant Thomas, fruiterer Knig-ht Waiter, butcher
.Atlder Joshua, Stangrove house Bushell & Co.coal wharf, Railway station Lad brook l\1. (Mrs.), ladies' school,
Betts Robert, Eden villas Chandler Ann (1\Irs. ), grocer & draper Dudwcll house
Blow Jennings, The Grange Cheal Brothers, farmers & carriers Langrid~e Albert, farmer, Lintotts
Bowman :Misses, Poplars Cheal Charles, ironmonger Langridge Annie (Miss), saddler
Bryson William Henry, Ellerslie Cheeseman John, carpenter Leigh Edward, chimn~y swpr. He,•er rd
Burtt Edward Robt. Eagle lo.l\larlpit hl Coman George Barnes, general draper Longley Arthur, carrier
Chandler James, Alma house Cross James, farmer, Chiswell hall Lucksford Lawrence Richard, farmer &
Chandler Mrs. Mill hill Cross James, jnn. farmer, Oakhams hop grower, Skeyne's farm
Christy Mrs. A. de IIorne, Falkoners Cross Vt'illiam, farmer, Clatfields Maidstone Hy. station mstr. S.E.Railwy
Cobbett John Fielden J.P. Skeynes Crown commercial hotel& posting house 1\IapletonDairyCo. (H. A.Farwig, proptr)
CDbbett Mrs. Skeynes (James Arnold, proprietor; Charles 1\Iarchant Thomas, farmer, New house
Ellis Joseph \V. H Arnold, manager) Market Co. (W. Cheal, collector)
Farwig Hilmar Arnold, :'\lill Hill house Crundwell Benjamin, watch maker 1\Iarten John William,farmr.l\Ianor frm
Fmn-Kelcey Julms, Edenhurst Divall Francis, grocer, Marsh green Mellish & Son, grocers & corn merchnts
Foster Joseph, Holly cottage Dival!Frank,Wheatsheaf P.H.:\Iarshgrn Millen George, beer retailer
Fox }Irs. Buses Doubell Waiter E. corn merchant Mitchenall John, boot & shoe ma1>er
German Rev. John Egerton [curate], Edenbridge Fat Stock Sllow (Frederick Nicholson John, farmer, Shernden
Barn Hawe villa ~tanford, sec) 1\'orman E. (Miss), stationer & booksellr
Goodwin Louis, Hever terrace Edenbridge Fire Brigade (J. L. West,sec) 1\'ormanWm. Chas.statn.mstr.L.&ll.H.ly
Gore Rev. Charles Frederick M.A. [vicar Edenbridge Gas Light, Coke & Coal Co. Norrnan William E. collector of poor
& surrogate] Limited (W. S. !<'ox, sec) rates & income & assessed taxes, &
Gregory Charles Foster Edenbriclge :\'larket Co. (E. A. Head,sec.; postmaster
Harvey Rev. Henry Gordon, Whitelands Henry Russell, assistant sec) Odclfellows' Hall (F. G. Pullinger, sec)
Haynes Beujamin, Springfields EdwarclsWrn. bill poster,MountPleasant Paine G. plrs. ), deputy registrar of
Hoare Arthur, Mount Pleasant Ellis Joseph W. H. professor of mmic births & deaths
H ath :Mrs. Barn Hawe Emberson James, baker Paine George, relieving & Yaccination
Holmden Frank, Marlpit house Fletcher & Thorp (1\Iisses),ladies' school, officer & registrar of births & deaths
Ireland Edward, Gabriels Eden house for Penshurst district, Mill bill
Jordan Frederick, Sunnyside Fox William Stephen, auctioneer, archi- Payne Hichard, farmer, Brooms
Leigh Misses, Mill hill tect, surveyor, land &estate agent Peters Jas. farmer, Little Brown's farm
~ylne:\'Iaj. -Gen. Wm. Chas.Rt.Stangrov Friend Charles, Old llousc-at-Home P.H Peters Thomas, coal merchant, Mill hill
Powell Rev. Rowland Hill [Baptist], Oak- ·fuller George, boot & shoe maker l'layfoot Fredk. farmer & hop grower,
ville Funnell David, grocer Brook Street farm
Rose ~Irs. Eden banks Gardening Society (Professional & Pullinger & Eade, agricultural imple-
Russell Henry, Dudwell house Amateur) (Lord Bramwell,presideut; ment makers
Searle :\lrs. William, Eden cottage W. C. Norman, sec) Pullinger George, ironmonger
~tanford Frederick Gater Thomas, builder, Mill hill Rabson Stephen, grocer, Marlpit hill
St.lnford Joseph, Stanholm Glover Amm, '\Yhite Horse P.H. & Richardson Albert William, solicitor &
Whitmore Mrs. Eden banks farmer, Browning's farm commissioner for oaths
Whitmore Tom Harry, Fairfield i Goff Harriet (1\'Iiss), beer retailer Robinson Robert, Star inn
Woodgate Charles Frederick,Bella Vista ; GoodwinWm. &Louis, carpenters& bldrs Sales John, builder
COMMERCIAL. Goodwin Oscar, builder & firmer Saunders Geo. farmer, Lyndhurst farm
Alien Edward, tailor uregory Chas. Foster, surgeon, medical Seal Benjamm, butcher & farmer
Amold Jas. pharmaceutical chemist, & officer & pnblic vaccina.tor, No. 6 Seal Benjamin, jun. horse slaughterer
wine, spirtt, ale & stout mer. Batts ho district, Sevenoaks union Seal George, jnn. pork butcher
Ashby George William, farmer & hop Groves James,railway & general carrier Seal Robert James, baker
grower, Crouch house & coal merchant Sherwood William, farmer, Hole farm
Aynscombe Luey (Mrs.), boot & shoe rna Gunner Hy. (:\Jrs. ), farmer,~Iedhurst rw Smith Brothers, grocers
Barnes :Mark (Jirs. ), Albion hotel, Harrold Arthur, farmer, Greybury Smith Edward, plumber & glazier
S. E. Railway station Head G.& G.S.bankers (branch) (James Smith Thomas, watch maker
Ba.'\Sett Catherine (::\lrs. ), butcher Arnold, manager) ; draw on London Smith William, grocer
Bassett John,butcher,SouthDown house & Westminster Bank Lim. London E c Sparrowhawk Clement, boot & shoe rna.
Be cherJas.frmr.Goldstonegro.Marshm Hoare Arthur, classical & commercial Sparrowhawk Joseph, newsvendor
Bel ton William, shoeing& general smith ac-ademy, Mount Pleasant Stanford J. J. miller (water) &corn dlr
BL'!h John, ba~ket maker, Marsh green Hodge Robert, van proprietor
Stripp George, farmer, Den Cross &
Boddy Albert, grocer, & agent for W.& llumphrey John, farmer, llatchelors Cobbanberry
A. Gtlbey, wine & spirit merchants J effrey KeziJh (:\Irs. ), glover Taylor Waiter, printer & stationer
lBnne Henry, tailor .Tordan Frederick, builder, Lower wharf Tester Brothers, farmers & hop growers
Brooker _Ca:oline (:\'Irs.), beer retailer, Kelsey Hy.frmr.& hop grower, Delaware Skinner's farm
~rlptt htll
'Kelsey William, farmer Stanford end Tucker Freclerick Mission, tobaccon'st
Valler James, grocer, Marsh green WestJas. Leonard, mill wright & carpntr Wickham Lreorge, baker
WaghorneRagln.Rt.farrier,WaterLakes "Whitmore & Sons, tanners Winter John, baker & grocer
Wallis Thomas, wheelwright "'ickenden John, farmer, Ililders Winter William, shopkeeper
Walter George Miles, plumber & glazier Wickens Walter, farmer, Lydens farm WoolgerArthur,fty proprietor & carman
EGERTON is a parish, 3} miles north from Pluckley 'esq. M.P., J.P. of Linton Park, is lord of the manor and
station on the South Eastern railway, 4 miles east from I principal landowner. The soil varies considerably; soh.
Charing station on the London, Chatham and Dover railway, soil, clay or rock; the lower portion of the parish is mostly
8 north-west from Ashford and so from London by road, in clay. The chief crops are wheat, b~ans, oats and ho~.
the Southern division of the county, Calehill hundred, lathe I The area is 2,786 acres; rateable value, £4,165; the popn.
of Scray, Ashford county court district and petty sessional lation in r88r was 87r.
division, \\:est Ashford union, and in_ the rural de~nery of EGERTOY FosTAL is a hamlet, about I~ miles south-west
East Channg, archdeaconry of Ma1d_stone an_d dwcese. of from the church. A Mission room was opened here Nov. z
Canterbu~y. The church of St. James I_s an anciCnt bmld~ng I 888, at which divine service is held on Sunday eveni~
of stone m the Decorated and Perpend1cular styles, consist- durinO" winter months and on \Vednesdays during the
ing of chancel with north aisle, nave, north aisle with an sum~er.
arcade of three arches, south porch and a very large em- Sexton, Thomas Bigg.
battled tower of Perpendicular work at the west end con- PosT, ~1. 0. & T. 0. • S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
taining a clock and 6 bells: in the chancel are three unequal
sedilia and eastward of these is a piscina, witl1 a shelf and an John Luck, receiver. Letters through .d..shford, arrive at
oddly-shaped drain: the font is an octagonal bowl adorned 7· 3° a. m. & 3 P· m. ; dispatched at 7 p.m. ; sumlay at 8
with roses and the emblems of the Evangelists : the church a.m. ; dispatched at 12 noon
was restored in I854: there are 350 sittings. The register WALL L_~o;TTJo;R Box at Egerton Fostal cleared at 5 p.m.;
dates from the year 1684. The living is a vicarage, gross sundays, 9.30 a.m
yearly value £290, with residence, in the gift of the Dean National School (mixed), built in 1845 & added to in 188-~o
and Chapter of St. Paul, and held since r883 by the Rev. for 250 children; average attendance, 130; Ambrose
Francis Robert Mercer M.A. of Corpus Christi college, Ox- Chantler, master; Miss A. M. Steggall, mistress; MissS.
ford. There is a Baptist chapel. Baker's charity of Larkin, infants' mistress
£1 6s. 8d. yearly, derived from land left in r6o2 by Eleanor CARRIERS:-
Baker, of Egerton, is for clothing. A fair was formerly held J ames Ramsden, to Ash ford, on tues. thurs. fri. & sat
here on August sth. I<"iennes Stanley Wykeham Cornwallis I 1Villiam Pack, to Ashford, on tues. & fri. ; Maidstone, thun
Austin Mrs. Stone Bridge green Fowlc Richard, farmer, Wandcn Palmer Albert, thrashing machine &c.
Brenchley Mrs. Stone Bridge green Fowle Thomas, farmer, Egerton Fostal owner, Egerton l<'ostal
Mercer Hev. Francis Robert M.A. [vicarJ Harden John, farmer, Barb am mill
Palmer James, farmer
Turner William Henry Harrisson Thomas, George P.H Palmer Jas. farmer, Ragged Honsefrm
COMMERCIAL. Homewood Gco. butcher & blacksmith Palmer John, Queen's Arms P.H. Eger-
Baker James, beer retailer Hopkins Jas. farmer, Coldharbour farm ton Fostal
Baldock George, farmer, Pemble's cross Hopkins Joseph, farmer, New land grn Pearson Gwrge, farmer, Bedlam lane
'VBaldock John, farmer
Jarvis Sophia (Miss), shopkeeper Record alter Herbert, draper & grocr
Ballard Geo. shopkpr. Stone Bridge grn Ked well Daniel, farmer, Bedlam lane Roberts Philip, farmer, Bedlam lane
Ballard John Day, farmer, Malt house Long "'illiam, farmer, Greenhill farm Standen Thos. farmer, Pemble's cross
Barten James, f;,.rmer, Egerton Fostal Luck Jn. grocer & draper, Post office Turk John, shopkeeper, EgertonFostal
Bartley Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker Millgate Herbert, miller (wind & water) Turk Richard, carpenter,EgertonFostal
Beeching John, farmer, Wanden & farmer Turk Sarah (:\irs. ), be~r retailer, Eger·
Bourne Richard, wheelwright Missing Horatio, farmer, Rock hill ton Fostal
Cuthbert Jesse, farmer, "'anden Pack Charles, carpenter "'ard James, farmer, Wilderness
Day Thomas, farmer, Newland green Pack Charles, farmer, Link farm ""eeks Edmund, shopkeeper
Foster William B. land agent & farmer, Pac:k Jarnes, farmer ·weeks James, grocer, Egerton Fostal
Court Lodge farm l'ack H.obert, bricklayer White Edward, carpenter, Lark hill
Fowle Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Pack William, farmer & carrier White William, shoe maker
Egerton Fostal Palmer Charles, farmer, Egerton Fostal Young George, farmer
ELHAM is a large parish and ancient town and head of 1 in I7I9, is distributed weekly in bread to 6 poor widom,
a union and petty sessional division, on a feeder of the Stour, and an annual sum of 20s. from the poor's land, are distn·
6 miles north from Westenhanger station on the South buted yearly in clothes and coals. In a house in the Higb
Eastern railway, with a station on the Elham Valley railway, street is a curious old mantelpiece, elaborately carved alli
70 from London and 8 north-west from Folkestone, and 12 painted. The kennels of the East Kent I<'oxhounds are situ·
from Canterbury, in the Eastern division of the county, Lon- at.ed here. There are also large brick works. The principal
ingborough hundred, lathe of Shepway, Hythe county court landowners are Sir Henry Montaguc Oxenden bart. who is
district, Elham rural deanery, and archdeaconry and diocese 1 lord of the manor, W. A. Mackinnon esq. J.P. and Sir John
of Canterbury: it extends from north to south about 3~ William Honywood bart. J.P. The soil is chalk and clay;
miles, from north-westtosouth-east 5~ miles, and has within subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley,
its boundary ten manors, namely, those of Elham, Oxroad, with roots in rotation. The area. is 6,597 acres; rateable
Bowick, Ladwood, Mount and Bladbean, Shuttlesfield, Can- value, £7,027; the population in I88x was I,r92.
terwood, Clavertigh and Hall. The town stands in Nailbourn Parish Clerk, George Arnold.
valley, on the west side of the stream. The church of St. PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
Mary, built about A.D. 1200 and given to the Warden and Mrs. tlarah Smith, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive from
Fellows of Merton College, Oxford, by Archbishop Boniface, Canterbury via Barham at 7.50 a.m.; dispatched at 6.20
A.D. 1268, is a large building of Kentish rag with flint facings, p. m. ; sundays, arrive at 7.50 a.m. ; dispatched ro.JI}
in the Early English style, with later additions, and consists , a. m. Telegraph office at Elbam station
of a chancel, clerestoried nave of four bays, aisles, north and WALL LETTER Box, "'ingmore, collected at 6.35 p.m.;
south porches and a massive embattled western tower, with sundays, 10.50 a.m
a timber leaded spire, and containing a clock and 8 bells: in COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR THE ELHAM DIVISION.
the north wall of the chancel beyond the aisle is a pointed Kirkpatrick John esq. ?t!.A. Horton park, Monks-Horton,
arch and a shallow kind of stall : the west end of the south chairman
aisle is inclosed and contains a small library: within the Chichester Earl of D.L. Enbrook, Sandgate
communion rails is a marble slab to John Somner, son of the WatkinSirEdwd.Wm.bart.M.P.Rose hl.Northenden,Cheshire
learned "'illiam Somner, antiquary and lexicographer, of Bowles Robert Leamore M.D. 8 West terrace, Folkestone
Canterbury, who died in r695: there are 450 sittings. The Brockman Francis Drake esq. Beachborough, Hythe
register dates from the year rs66. The living is a vicarage, Cripps Wilfred Joseph esq. C. B., M.A., F.S.A. Cirencester
gross yearly value £498, with residence, in the gift of the Deedes Col. Herbert George, Saltwood castle, Hythe
Warden and Fellows of Merton College, Oxford, on the Denne Maj.-Gen. Lambert Henry D.L. The Down wo
nomination of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since Blandford
1846 by the Rev. Walker Wodehouse M.A. of Merton College, du Boulay Julius Houssemayne esq. West lawn, Sandgat
Oxford. Here is a Wesleyan chapel, built in 1839 and one Keyes Genl. Sir Chas. Patton K.C.B. Shorncliffe ldg.Sandg:
for Bible Christians. In xBog, Lee Warley D.D. of Canter- Ma.ckeson Henry B. esq. Hill Side house, Hythe
bury, presented a valuable library of Boo volumes, to be Mackinnon Francis Alexander esq. Acryse pi. Folkestone
deposited in the church for the use of the parishioners. The Mackinnon William Alexander esq. M.A., F.R.s. 4 Hyde P1
town had formerly a market, granted in his father'11lifetime, place, London w
by Prince Edward, afterwards King Edward I. to be held Murray George Joseph esq. Wootton court, Canterbury
weekly on Mondays. Charities of £2 12s. derived from a Porter Frederick W. esq. Moyle tower, Hythe
oequest of £so by Archdeacon Jonas Warley n.n. of Elham 1 Symes Lieut.-Col. Stuartville, Cheriton avenue, Folkesto
Tournay Wm. Tonrnay esq. n.A.Brockhill pk.Saltwood, Hythe Registrar of Marriages, William P. Bireh, r3 Grace hill,
Walker ~Iajor Edward Bacheler, l<'olkestone Folkestone ; deputy, Nelson Smart, 24 Harvey >Street,
Watkin Alfred l\1ellor esq. Dunedin lodge, Folkestone Folkestone
Clerk to the Magistrates, George 'Vilks, High st. Hythe Workhouse, Etching hill, Lyminge, a building of red brick,
Petty Sessions are held every alternate thursday in the year built in 1840, to hold 346 inmates, Charles Vi'm. Young,
at the Sessions hall, Bank street, Hythe, at r I a. m. & the master; Hev. E. Heel B . .A. chaplain ; V~'illiam Bishop,
first monday in January, March, April, June, July, Sep- medical officer; Mrs. L. V. Young, matron
tember, October & December, at I r a. m. at the Rose & Cottage Homes at Cheriton, A. W. Harvey, supt. ; Mrs. I.
Crown P. H. Elham B. Harvey, industrial trainer
The following places are in the Elham petty sessional RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY & HIGHWAY BOARD.
division :-Acrise, Aldington, Cheriton, El ham, Elmsted,
Hawkiuge, Hurst, Lyminge, Lympne, Monks-Horton, Meets at the Workhouse, Lyminge, on every 4th friday at
IO a. ID.
Newington, Paddlesworth, Postling, Saltwood. Sellinge,
Clerk, Robert Lonergan, Saltwood, Hythe
Stanford, Stelling, Stelling Minnil', Stowting & Hythe
Treasurer, John Risdon Davy, National Provincial Bank,
Board day, thurs. ro a. m. at the Workhouse, Lyminge.
The Union comprises the following parishes :-Acrise, Cheri- Medical Olficer of Health, M. K. Robinson liLD. Sea view,
wn, Elham, Elmsted, Folkestone, Hawkinge, Hythe (St. Priory hill 1 Dover
Lconard), Lyminge, Lympne, Monks-Horton, Ncwington- Sanitary Inspector, William Bishop, Elham
next-Hythe, Paddlesworth, Postling, Saltwood, Sellinge, Surveyor, A. ilambrook, Frogholt, Newington; assistant-
Stanford, Stelling, Stelling Minnis, Stowting & Swingfield. surveyor, W. R. Osborne, Elham
The population of the union in r88r was 33,769; rateable Building Surveyor for Cheriton & Sandgate, J. J. Jeal
value in r89o, £236,561 ScHOOL ATTENDASCE CoMMITTEE.
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Robert (For Elham Rural & Sandgate Urban Sanitary Districts_)
Lonergan, Saltwood, Hythe
Meets at the "'orkhouse, Lyminge, on every 4th tbursday
Treasurer, John Risdon Davy, Xational Provincial Bank, at r2 noon.
Clerk, Robert Lonergan, Saltwood
Collectors to the Guardians, P. Hemsley, g St. Michael's Attendance Officers, The Relieving Officers
street, Folkestone & C. Kingsmill, Lyminge, near Hythe A Parochial Committee of this authority has jurisdiction ia
Vaccination Officers, rst district, William Pope Birch, 75 the rural part of Cheriton under the direction of the
High street, Folkestone ; 2nd district, Comfort Kingsmill, guardians
Relieving, School Attendance & Inquiry Officers, rst district, County Police, George Sheppard, instructing constable
Peter Hernsley, 9 St. Michael's street, Folkestone; 2nd This place contributes two members to the Acrise & Paddles-
district, Comfort Kingsmill, Lyminge worth United School BJard district
Medival Officers & Public Vaccinators, .Elham district, Wm. An Endowed School was founded & endowed here by the
Bishop L.R.C.P.Edin. Elham; Folkestone district, William will, in 1720, of Sir John Williams kt. of Elham, for the
Bateman, 32 Sandgate road, Folkestone ; Hythe district, education of 6 poor boys of the parish, to be admitted at
John Hackney M.D. Hythe ; Sandgate district, William 8 years of age & clothed to the age of q, & for the appren-
Lindsay Chubb L.R.C.P.Edin. Sandgatc; Sellinge district, ticing annually of onfl boy at the age of r4; these children
Lionel Mason Snow L.R.C.P.Lond. llrabourne
·are now taught at National schoJl, built in 1844 for go
Superintendent Registrar, Robert Thompson, Saltwood, children & enlarged in 187r by the erection of a school~
Hythe; deputy, Robert Lonergan, Saltwood, Hythe
room for 90 boys ; average attendance, 56 boys, 39 girls
Registrars of Births & Deaths, Folkestone sub-district, W. P. & 25 infants; Ed ward Bush, master; Miss Clara Williams,
Birch, 13 Grace hill, Folkestone; deputy, Nelson Smart, mistress ; Mrs. E. I<'. Bush, infants' mistress
24 Harvey street, Folkestone ; Elham sub-district, William
Bishop, Elham; deputy, Stephen Pilcber File, Elbam; Railway Station, John William Hopkins, station maste1·
Hythe sub-district, Edward Palmer, Side hill, Hythe > C.ARRIER.-John Spicer, from his own house, to Canterbury
deputy, Edward Palmer, jun. High street, Hythe every tues. & sat. at 10 a.m. returning same day
b~·ames marked thus 0 receh·e their letters 1Feilder Charles, shopkeeper
.l\Iay Eel ward, farmer, Mounts court
through Folkestone.] f File Charles, corn, seed, cake, manure *May 'Villiam, farmer, 'Vinterage
Bishop William 1 & coal merchant, implement agent & Maycock Bailey, wheelwright
Bowes Mrs steam thrashing machine proprietor Maycoc~c Edward, farmer, Parkgate
Coles Rev. James [Bible Christian J 1
r' File Chas.farmer& grazier,Ottinge farm Osborne Wm. Robt. auctioneer & assist.
Finn-Kelcey Francis, jun. Yew Tree l<'ile Charles, jun. farmer & grazier, surveyor to rural sanitary authority
house, Ottinge : breeder &exporter of pure-bred Kent- Paget Henry J oseph, drill instructor
Forster John Edward M.D. Leipsic 1 ish&H.omneyMarsh sheep (established Palmer George, farmer, North Elham
Rigden Thomas, Orchard villa 1 1836), Water farm Parker Thomas Edward, farmer
White William Gurney, Fairfield house ! File Frederick, wheelwright & smith Pilcher Charles, carpenter, Wing-more
Wodehouse Rev. Walker M. A. Vicarage File Stephen 1Pilcher, grocer, & deputy Pitcher George Dixon, King's Arms P.H:
COM~fEHCI.AL. registrar for Elham sub-distrivt Pitcher Thomas Robinson, plumber,
Ames Harold, builder File William, thatcher decorator & ironmonger
Andrews l<'rdk.Alfd. frmr.N orth Elham Finn-Kelc~y l<'rancis, jun. grazier, Yew Price Percy Sidney, grocer
Andrews William, farmer, Greenacre Tree house, Ottinge Quested Richard, farmer, Bladbin
Athow Richard, hurdle maker Forster John Edwd. physician & surgn. Rigden Robert, carrier
Austin Wm. & Hy. farmers, Wick farm M.R.c.s.Eng.,L.R.C.P.Ldn.,M.n.Leipsic RootesChrltte.(Mrs.),farmr.Nth.Elham
Beale Walter, tailor Fox George, jun. farmer, Bunker's hill RoyalEastKentYeomanryCavalry(Duke
Bishop William L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon 1 Fox John, farmer, Wing-more of Connaught's Own) Mounted Rifles
& physician, medical officer & public Gammon George, farmer, Bladbin (E troop) (Major F. A. Mackinnon
vaccinator for Elham district, regis- Gatehouse Edwin, harness maker commanding; Sergt.-~1ajor Henry
trar of births & deaths for Elham Gibson William Hobday, tailor Paget, drill instructor)
sub-district, & sanitary inspector Gilbert George, farmer, Standard hill Rumbold Charles, farmer
Bowes Samuel, farmer, Mount *Goddenl<'rancis, farmer SmithSarah(Mrs.),watch ma.&stationr-
Bridges Albert W. New inn Gosby John, wood dealer Smith Thomas, shoe maker
Brinchley Henry George,Palm Tree P.H HewsonThos.Bourne, bakr.& confectionr Spicer George, farmer, Parkgate
Cal!tle Rose (Mrs.), shopkeeper i Hills William, farmer, Mount Spicer John, farmer & carrier
Chandler William Timms, ironmonger l Hogben John, beer retailer Sprinks James, g-rocer & draper
Clayson Henry, farmer Hogben John Collick, farmer, Ottinge Sutton Edward George, miller {wind)
Clayson Isaac, grazier [ Hogben William, grazier, Hornsdown Swain Gcorgc, baker
Clayson Thomas, hurdle maker i Jenkins George, farmer Tanton ]<'rank James, butcher
Cox & Elliott, grocers ! Johnson Thomas Henry, dairyman Wakefield Edmund, blacksmith
Cro1_1ch John, farmer, Exted [ Keeler Stephen, farmer Whitnall Sarah U\Irs. ), farmer, Oxroad
• DaVIson John A. farmer, Dreals · Knott George, grazier, Oxroad Wilson "'illiam, Rose & Crown corn~
~ Jodd Williarn, farmer, Rake's bole I Marsh James, farmer, Mount mercial hotel
, 'lham ValleyBrick& TileCo.Lim.(John Mawham John, farmer Woodlands Anne (Miss), shopkeeper,
Claris, managing director) May James, miller (wind) & pork but- Wingmore
E4..'len George, farmer, Bladbin I cher, Milldown
ED-·MSTED (or ELMSTEAD) is a parish and village, 5 Elham station on the Elham Valley line of the same corn-
mile -s east from Wye station on the Ashford and Canterbury pany, 6o from London and 9 north-east from A..shford, in
·~=''·on of the South Eastern railway and 4 miles from , the Eastern division of the county, lathe of Sbepway,Stowt-
ing hundred, Home petty sessional division, Elham union, leigh, tithe rent-charge [433, gross yearly value [477, in.
Hythe county court district, and in the rural deanery of
Elham and archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The eluding 22 acre!' of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the
church of St. J ames, prettily situated near a spacious green
and hard by an ancient and picturesque farm house, is a Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since 188:> by the Rev.
building of flint, in the Early English and later styles, con- Anthony Collett M.A. of Trinit~· College, Cambriclqe. Eving.
sisting of a chancel, with north and south chapels, nave, ton I'lace, the residence of Sir John ·william Hony\vood hart.
aisles with arcades of Late Perpendicular work, south porch J.P. who is lord of the manor and principal landowner, ia
and a small tower at the west end, with a wooden bell cham- pleasantly situated about a mile from the church, in a small
ber and low spire, containing 6 bells, dated about 1727: on
the east respond on the south of the chancel, is the brass but beautifully wooded park. The soil is mostly light; sub.
figure of an angel bearing a scroll inscribed "Pray for the
sowlles of Cristofer Gay, Agnes and Johana, his wyfes, &c.;" soil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, peas, beans and bar.
this Christopher died, according- to Hasted, in I50J: the
south chapel belongs to the Honywood family, and has a ley. The areJ. is 2,725 acres ; rateable value, [2,539; the
population in 188I was 433.
Sexton, Geor:!e Oldfield.
Letters from Ashford arrive at 9·45 a.m.; dispatched from
rst ".Vlarch at 4.30 p. m. ; winter months, 4 p. m. The
nearest money orcler & telegraph office is at Wye
stained window in memory of Sir Courtenay Honywood WALL LETTER Box on Bodsom Green cleart)d at 4 _30 p.m
hart. d. April 17, 1878 ; another in memory of Lieut. Arthur
Ifonywood, 66th foot (Princess Charlotte of Wales' Royal National School (mixed). built in r874, for roo childrea;
Berks regiment), killed at the battle of ~Iaiwawl, Afghanis- averag-e attendance, 70; Waiter Wetherell, master
tan, July 27, r88o: the church was restored in 1878: there CARRIERS : -
are 230 sittings. The register dates from the year I538. Hopkins, to Canterbury, sat
The living is a vicardge united to the rectory of Basting- Pilcher, to Ashford, tucs. ; & Canterbury, sat
CollettRev. Anthony M.A. Vicarage File John Marsh, farmer Stickles Charles, farmer
Honywood Sir John William bart. J.P. Greenstreet John Holtum, frmr. Hill st Sutton Jas. blacksmith, Bodsom green
Greenstreet John (:\Irs. ), farmr. I Itinge Terry Edward, farmer, Dean farm
Evington Place Griggs Henry, farmer Waters Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer,
Holliday Thomas, farmer, Court lodge
CO"!IC\iERCIAL. Newman J. farmer Bodsom green
Pettitt John Marsh, farmer, lVatsell st ·wood Georg-e, farmer, North Lye
Bartlett John (Mrs.), Rose & Crown P.H Scott John, farmer, Hill street 'Vood John, miller (wind)
Brice Thos. (Mrs.), frmr. GreatHolt fm Spicer Thomas, farmer Woodland Thos. shopkeeper, Watscllst
Corbin James, George P.II Wren Christopher, blacksmith
:File John, farmer, North Lye
ELMSTONE is a village and parish, 5 miles north-west living is a rectory, tithes commuted at £265, witl1 rr acres
fwlm Sanuwich and 3 south-east from Grove Ferry station of glebe and residence, in the gift of Robert Charles Lindley
on the South Eastern railway, in the Eastern division of the csq. and held since I839 by the Ucv. William Baldock Del-
county, lathe of St. Augustine, Preston hundred, Wing-ham 1 mar H.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. Elmstone
petty sessional division, Sandwich county court district, 1 Court, the ancient manor house, standing in 20 acres of
Eastry union, and in the rural deanery of East Bridge and land, is a handsome mansion of red brick, with somE! ancient
archdeaconry aml diocese of Canterbury. The stream which portions, and is partly surrounded by a moat: it was en-
waters this parish rise8 in a pond and separates the parishes j larged an1 put into thorough repair by the late proprietor.
of Elmstone and Preston. The church (dedication unknown)' John B. Paterson esq. Douglas C. Paterson esq. and Ernes\
is a small building of rough flints, in theNorman and Early W'. I'aterson esq. are lords of the manor and the largest lard-
English styles, consisting of a chancel, nave, north aisle and owners. The soil is loam ; subsoil clay and sand. The chef
a small tower at the north-west angle, containing- 3 bells: crops are wheat, barley, oats, beans and hops. The area l
the porch is occupied as a vestry : in the nave and chancel 438 acres; rateable value, £I, T85 ; the population in I88,
are examples of low side windows, and on the north side of I was 6I.
the latter is a single Norman window; there are also two • Parish Clerk, Ralph Solley.
Norman windows on the south side, one of which was 1 Letters from Sandwicl1, via Wingham, arrive at 7.30 a. m.
restored in r878: the church contains a few monuments ancl ' 'Wingham is the nearest money order & Grove Ferry
some stained windows to the family of Hutchsson; and it station the nearest telegraph office
was thoroughly repaired externally in 1878, the chancel and PILLAR Box at Preston cleared at 6.45 p.m. & 9·45 a. m. on
nave being new roofed and the buttresses restored: there are sundays
70 sittings. The register dates from the year 1552. The The children of this place attend the school at Preston
Delmar Rev. Wm.Baldock B.A. Rectory 1 Austin John, farmer & cattle dealer Groombridge Brothers, farmers
Paterson Douglas C. Elmstone court Cook Sophia (Mrs.), farmer West John, farmer, Sweech farm
Paterson Ernest W. Elmstone court Ford George, blacksmith
ELTHAM, calleu iu Domesday "Altebam," i.e. the" olu Sowerby M.A. uf St. John's College, Cambrid5e. Holy
Trinity is an ecclesiastical parish, formed in 186g: the
home," is a parish and small, pleasant and ancient town church, in Southend road, erected in I86g at a cost of
and suburb of London, adjoining Lee, on the road to -;\laid-
stone, with a station on the Dartford loop line of the South £6,soo, from the designs of the late G. E. Street esq. R.A.
Eastern railw:w. , 8 miles south-east from London. It is
within the parliamentary borough of Woolwich under the is a cruciform structure of Kentish ragstone, in the Early
"Redistribution of Seats Act, r885," and jurisdiction of the Eng-lish style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, transepts
Central Criminal Court and Metropolitan police, in the and north porch with one bell: there are ten stained
North Western division of the county, lathe of Sutton-at- windows and 500 sittings, 250 being free. The register
Hone, Elackheath hundred and petty sessional division, dates from the year 186o. The living is a perpetual curacy,
union of Lewisham, county court district of Greenwich,
Plumstead district Board of \Vorks, and in the rural deanery tithe rent-charge £35, net yearly value £294, chiefly
of \Yoolwich and archdeaconry and diocese of H.ochester. derived from pew rents, with residence, in the gift of the
The parish is lighted with gas by the South Metropolitan
Gas Co. and supplied with water by the West Kent Water Bishop of Rochestcr, and held since r869 by the Rev. Thomas
Works Co. The church of St. John the Baptist, rebuilt Norman Rowsell M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. The
from designs by Sir A. W. Blomfield kt. M.A., A.R.A., F.S.A. population in r88r was 1,715. St. Peter's is an ecclesiastical
at a cost of £u,ooo, and consecrated in August, 1875, is a
building of Kentish ragstone, in the Early English style, parish, formed in I 871 from the civil parishes of Eltham and
and consists of apsidal chancel, nave of five bays, aisles, Lee : the church, situated in the avenue, Eltham road, was
south porch and a western tower with spire, containing a consecrated in r871, and is a structure of red brick, relieved
with Bath stone dressings, in the Early English style, con-
-clock and 6 bells : the loftv reredos is of unusual construe- sisting of apsidal chancel, nave, aisles, north and south
porches and an unfinished tower containing one bell : there
tion, being of oak with painted panels: there is a modern are sittings for 7so persons, r 50 being free. The register
brass to Lieut. Leon. N. Malcom, d. I854: in the church- dates from the year 1871. The living is a vicarage, net
yard are interred the remains of Dr. George Horne, Bishop
of Norwich (1790-2), d. 17 Jan. 1792, and those of Sir yearly value £440, derived ·from pew rents, with resi-
Williarn Bav. nes bart. of Harefield, Middlesex, d. I Jan . dence, in the gift of the Rev. James Leonard :\'Iacdonald
1866, and of Thomas Doggett, the comedian, who bequeathed M.A. rector of N orwood, and held since r89o by the
the coat and badge to be rowed for annually, on the Thames,
on the rst of August, and died 22 Sept. I721 : there are Rev. Richard George Handcock M.A. of Christ Church,
700 sittings. The register dates from the year 1583. The Cambridge. The population of the parish in I88r was
living is a discharged vicarage, yearly value from tithe I,970. There is a Bible Christian chapel with 200 sittings,
and a Congregational chapel, seating 400. The Public:
rent-charge £435, with 31 acres of glebe and residence,
built in 187I, in the gift of Sir Henry Page Turner Barron Hall, in Elm terrace, High street, will hold 300 persons:
bart. C.M.G. and held since I86g by the Rev. Waiter James
there is a Lecture Hall, in High street, holding 2
persons, and a Working l\Ien's Club in High street, whicf
has a library of 500 volumes, and 250 members. T
Cottage Hospital, in High street, has eight beds ; a
75 patients were admitted during the year 1889:
Convalescent Home in connection with this hospital was p.m. & are delivered immediately; dispatched at xo.rs
opened at Ramsgate in August, I885. There are six: alms- a.m. 1.30, 5, 8.55 & 10.55 p.m.; Sundays, 9.50 p.m
houses, founded by Thomas Philpott in I694, and Foster's PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
almshouses for old and deserving parishioners, each of 95 High street.--George Rathbone. Letters dispatched at
whom receives 7s. per week; three more were built in I872; 9.30 a. m. 1. 15, 4.40, 8.45 & 10.45 p.m. ; sundays, 9-45 p.m
other charities, producing about £so yearly, are distri- PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
buted in bread and fuel. A market was formerly held in Pope street.-Edward George Parr, postmaster. Letters
the town, but it has fallen into disuse. In the time of arrive from Eltham at 8. IS a. m. 1. IS & 7· 30 p. m. ; dis-
William the Norman the manor formed part of the posses- patched at 9.30 a.m. 4.30 & 8.I5 p.m. Eltham, High
sions of Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, and on his disgrace it street east, is the nearest telegraph office
passed, with the palace, into the hands, partly of the Crown PuBLIC EsTABLISHMENTs:-
and partly of the Mandeville family. Edward II. resided Cottage Hospital, High street, David King M.D. & James
here, and in the ninth year of his reign ( I3 rs-6) his queen Ford, M.D. medical officers; Miss M. Hressey, lady supt
was here delivered of a son, called, from the place of his Metropolitan Police Station, High street, John Bristow,
birth, John of Eltham. Ed ward Ill. twice held his Par- inspector ; John Graves, William Miller, Thomas Reader
liament at the palace, and here also entertained, with much & John Evans, sergeants & 21 constables
m:lgnificence, King John of F1·ance. Richard II. received Public Hall, Elm terrace, High street, S. l\1itchell, G. Rath-
at Eltham, Leo, King of Armenia ; he kept Christmas here bone & G. Smith, proprietors
on several occasions, as did the next four kings and subse- Lecture Hall, High street, S. Mitchell, proprietor
quently Henry VII. ; Henry VIII. preferred Greenwich, PUHLIC OFFICERS:-
although he sometimes resided here, and in I526 celebrated Collector of Income Tax, James Lawrence, 54 High street
at Eltham the "Still Christmas," so called because the Medical Otfi.cer, Eltham District, Lewisham Union & No. 6
plague, raging in London, prevented the attendance of District, Hromley Union, & Medical Officer of Health for
courtiers: on one of these occasions, at W'hitsuntide, 1515, Eltham, D<tvid King M.D. High street
he created Sir Edward Stanley Baron Monteagle, for his Registrar of Birth'! & Deaths for Eltham district, .Assistant
services against the Scotch at Flodden Field, 9 Sept. I5I3 : a Overseer & Hate Collector, William J. Mortis, I 32 High st
survey of the palace was made by the Long Parliament, Sexton, J oseph Haywood, Court yard
from which it appears that the buildings then included a Steward of the Crown Manor, John Clutton, 9 Whitehall
chapel and great hall, 36 rooms on the ground floor, 38 place, London s w
above, and other small apartments, making 78 in all; of PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services:-
these the ancient banqueting hall, roo feet long, 36 feet wide St. John the Baptist Church, Rev. Waiter J. Sowerby M.A.
and 55 feet high, still remains, and is a remarkably fine vicar ; Rev. J. A. Dutton, curate; Holy corn. 8 a. m. ;
specimen of the Perpendicular style of Domestic Gothic ; it matins, II a.m. 3.30 & 7 p.m.; man. tues. wed. thurs. &
is built in part of brick, but chiefly of stone, and has a splen- sat. 5 p.m. ; fri. 8 p.m
did timber roof; at the extremity of the hall, on either side, Holy Trinity Church, Rev. Thomas Norman Rowsell M.A.
is a fine oriel with long windows and the ceiling is elegantly incumbent; Rev. S. H. Turner H.A. curate; II a. m. & 7
grained; the hall was till recently used as a barn, but has p.m. ; wed. & fri. 8 p.m.
been lately repaired with a view to its preservation: under St. Peter's Church, Rev. Richard George Handcock M.A.
the existing premises are extensive vaultings : attached to vicar; II a.m. & 7 p.m.; fri. II a. m. & 7 p.m
the palace were formerly three parks-1. Horne or Lee, on Holy Trinity Church Mission Hall, H.ev. Thomas Norman
the north-west ; 2. the Middle Park ; 3. the Great Park; of Rowsell, vicar; 11 a. m. & 7 p.m. ; wed. 8 p.m
these the Middle Park only remains, and lies on the right of Bible Christian, Rev. J. B. Vanstone, minister; II a. m.
the road from the railway station, and south of the road & 6.30 p.m.; tues. & thurs. 7·3o p.m
from Lee; here for some •years Mr. Blenkiron bred race- Congregational, Rev. Edwin J. Penford, minister ; 1 I a.m.
horses and held annual sales of young horses ; after his & 7 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
death the establishment was broken up and the stock sold, Pope Street Congregational Mission Chapel, Rev. D. Lloyd
when Gladiateur, for which he had given £6,fX)o, was sold Jones, minister; II a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; tues. 7.30 p.m
for£ 7,350, and Blair Atbol for £ I3, I25. At Elt barn lived ScHooLs:-
Sir Anthony Vandyck,the painter. John Lilbtirne,Cromwell's National, erected in I868, for 340 children; average
opponent, died here 29th August, I657; and William Shcrard attendance, zoo boy& & ISO girls; Frederick William
(or Sherwood) D.C. L. the botanist, whose "Hortus Eltha- Fraucis, master ; Miss Louisa Howell, mistr-ess
mensis" is well known, and who founded the professorship Infant, built in I842, for 170 children ; average attendance,
of Botany at Oxford, died at Eltham r2th August, 1728. 94; Miss Sarah Leaver, mistress
On the land of the late Thomas Jackson esq. is a well, at the Board School, Pope st. under the London School Board, built
bottom of which is a large chamber supported by three pillars. in I88r & enlarged in x886, to hold I8o boys & I8o girls;
The extensive nursery grounds of Mr. J. W. Todman are average attendance, n6 boys & 93 girls; Albert Kendall,
at the entrance of the parish from Lee. Well Hall, situated master ; Miss Ellen Howarth, mistress. Infants, for 240
about 1 mile from Eltham, dates from the middle of the 17th children; average attendance,86; MissMaryEllerbeck,mist
century, and is at present used as a boarding school. There RAILWAY STATIONS:-
is no lord of the manor. The principal landowners are the Eltham, John Rastin, station master
trustees of Thomas Jackson esq. Sir Henry Page Turner New Eltham, George Houghton, station master; there is a
Barron bart. c.M.G. British Legation, Stuttgart, Wurtem- Telegraph office at the Station
berg, Col. J. T. North and the Crown. The soil is gravel. CONVEYANCE.-Tilling's omnibuses to & from Blackheath
The area is 3,782 acres; rateable value, £48,765 ; the Railway station, II times daily
population in 187I WRS 4,046 and in r88r, 5,048. CARRIERS:-
POPE STREET is a mile and a half south of Eltham. Isa.ac Gridley & Benjamin Ford, Bexley heath, Lee, Lewis-
Parish Clerk, William J. Mortis. ham, Blackheath, Greenwich & London, daily
Isaac Chinn, to London, daily
PoST, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B., .Annuity, Inland Revenue & In- The London Parcels Delivery Co. collect twice daily
surance Office, 54 High street.-James Lawrence, post- Carter, Paterson & Co. collect 3 times daily
master. Letters arrive at 7·I5 a. m. 12.30, 6.20 & 8.30 Pickford & Co. collect 3 times daily
[For Eltham road, see Lee] Baines John, 4 Victoria road ChamberlainHy.Peachfield,Wellngtn.rd
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Barry Herbert, Chesnuts, Court road Charlton Geo. Avondale, Southwood rd
Ablett 'rhos. R. Victoria ho. Southend rd Harry Mrs. Herbert, Avalon house, Cock Frederick, Park view, Green lane
Absolom Edwd.Hrbt.Cheviots,Court rd Victoria road Collingwood J ohnNelson, I Eltham Park
Absolom Herbert, Cheviots, Court road Batterbury Thomas, Park ho. Court rd villas, Court road
Adkin John Gibb, Westbury lodge, Hayley Edward, Dunmere, Court road Collins ArchibaldE. Earlesholme, South-
Wellington road Blackney Arthur Jamcs, 87 High street wood road
Akhurst William, 4 Elm villas Bland Thomas, The Laurels,Court yard Cook Mrs. Shirley lodge, Court yard
Alexander Charles N. Black Fen, Bex- Bloxam Frederick, I Park place Cossins Geo.Dyer,Stretton ldg.Court rd
ley road, Bexley Bloxam Richard, Eltham court, Court yd Crowhurst William Henry, Thorndon,
Alexander Horace Augustus, North pk Brooker Charles, Southend Southwood road
Allpress Mrs. I7 High street Brookes Mrs. Montague ho. Court yard Crundwell Mrs. The Moat, Court yard
Anderson Edward, Court yard Brown Alexander J. Lyme Farm house Crundwell Thomas, Penshurst, South-
AndersonRobert M.Highwood,North pk Brown Mrs. E. N. Ivy court,Highstreet wood road
Andrew William, I Victoria road Brown William, r I Victoria road Cushion John, II Park place
Andrews Henry Edward, 4North park Bryans Mrs. King's gardens, High street Davis Arthr.7 ElthamPark vils.Court rd
Athil Chas.H. Rusthallldg. Southend rd Hurnand Lewis W. Percy house, High st Davis Rd.Creak,Athelstane,Southwd.rd
Bahm Alexander,The Elms,Southwd.rd Buxton Miss, 3 Park place Dawsou :Miss, I Woolwich road
K. S. & S. 16
Dearberg Geo. Clevedon, Foot's Cray rd Miles Henry, 9 Albert terrace Trengrove Alex. Grange villa, Park p1.
de Stern Baroness, Eltham park Mills Miss, Park place Trustram Mrs. Kingscroft,Court road
Dobell Henry William, 13 High street Mills Thomas \\'ilgress, Southend road Tubbs George, Merchland road
Duck Richard J. 1: delsberg, Court road Milne Alexander George, Court yard Tuck George, 2 Madras villas
Dudley John, Leinster vil.Merchland rd Milne Mrs Tucker Mrs. Langford ho. Court yard
Dugiale Jamcs J.Elm hu. Southwood rd Miskin William Thomas, Court Yard Vaughan Edwd.Caerleon, Footscray rd
Eagleton John, 3 Percy villas, High st house, Court yard Voller 'Wrn. Weston house, Eltham gm
EflgletotJ. Octavius C. T. 3 Percy villas Moore John Howard, Elm Dene Wakelin Wm.Grove End cot. TheGrove
Earl G.Peploe, Garnston,Southwood rd Moore Mrs. Oakfield, Southend road Walker T. Edwd. Cnlham,Footscrayrd
Edga.r Arthur George, Glenthorne, Mordaunt George, 9 Court yard Waller George, Forest lodge
Southwood road Muller Harry, West Chislehurst park Ward George, 89 H1gh street
Edwards Charles, 5 Victoria road :Myers Misses, 1 Wellington road Wardlaw Alex. Crown C"ottage. Parkrd
Edwards Jas. Aberfeldy, Southwood rd NaylorPrcy.Ruscott, We.Chislehurst pk \Varmington John Newton, The Elms,
E Idrad Arth ur, Holmdene,South wood rd Newman Col. Ernest P. High street Court road
Fearis Mrs. Glenwood, Southwood road Newman Miss, High street WarnerEdmund,Soutbend house,Footll·
Fenn Mrs. Southwood cot. Southwood rd N orris Charles Edward, Holmesdale cray road
Fennings James, 2 Park place· house, Eltham green Warr H. Sidney, Rose cottage, Park pl
Fleming Robt. T.Alison lodge, Court rd North Col. John Thomas, Avery Hill Watkins David, Ivy Holt,Southwood nl•
Ford James M.D. Victoria road house, Bexley road Weatherley Cornelius, 7 Merchland rd
French David, Mayfield, Cour~ road Oaks Benj. Courtlands, Victoria road Webb-·Weare Tho..~.Thorn lea, Courtrd
Fry Misses, 29 High street Oxenford Alfred, 14 Victoria road \Vilkins Mrs. Woodbine,nearHalfwayst
Gardiner Hy. John,Hurstmead,High st Page Sam I. Palgrave, Oakleigh, Court rd Wing- James, The Hollies,Southwood nl
Gardner Rear-Admiral George Henry, Parker Alfred, Chester vil. Merchland rd Wood Jn. Alfred,Kenmore, Southwd.ro
WoQdside, Victoria road Parkin Mrs. 2 Wellington road Wood John C. S. Woodside, Court rd
Gladwell Rd. Lynton vil. Wellington rd Penford Rev. EdwinJ.[Congregational], Wood Mrs. Eltham green
Gordon Hugh Mackay J.P. Court yard s Eltham Park villas, Court road
Grace Nathaniel, Fair view, West Perkins William Bracey, Rose cottage, Allison Jas.paintr.& decrtr. 74 High 8t
Chislehurst park Eltham green Andrews Elizabeth (Miss),coffee rooms,
Grain John Henry, Logrono, High st Pettafor Charles, 3 Victoria road 58 High street
Greaves Thus. Ehnwood, Southwood rd Phillips Waiter Edward,Belmont lodge, Annett.JohnFredk. beer retailr. 2 High lit
Green J n. Southend hall, Foot's Cray rd Foot's Cray road Ashman George, watch ma. Court yard'
Phi!lips William, Hazlewood, North pk Austin James & Alfred, grocers, 9ll
Greenshields Mrs. Conduit lodge
Griffith Mrs. Thorndene, Foot's Crny rd Pilditch F. Slater,Maridale, Southwd.rd High street
Guillemard Charles Edwd. 96 High st Porter Waiter, 6 Eltham green Haker Richard, ho. decortr. 4 Novar rd
Gulland John James, Hill side PothecaryThomas, Meado wcroft, South- Barratt Chas.Fredk.fishmgr. IO,tHighsti
Halkett Col. Crai~rie, Louristori, South- wood road · Barrntt Oliver, tobacconist, 4 Court yd ·
wood road Poupard Thomas · James, Gran·dlle Bartlett Arthur, linen drpr. 56 High 1t:
Hall Rev. William John M.A. [mmor house, Chislehurst road Hatchelor Alfd.chmny.swpr. 67 High 1t ·
canon of St. Paul's & rector of St. Powell Mrs. 3 Eltham Park viis. Court rd Beadle Bros. coal, timber, slate, tile &c.
• Clement's, Eastcheap, London], Powell Mrs. Park place
mers. Eltham & NewEltham stations
Brecon house, Court road PowellThos. B.3ElthamPrk. vls. Court rd & at Erith
Hall Samuel R. Oaste-Mede, Court rd Pritchard George S. Park place Bennett Jeffrey Lee,survyr. for Elt.ham
Hamilton John, 10 Victoria road Pritchard Thomas Henchman, Park pl · parishPlumstead dist. board of works,
HandcockRev.Rd.Geo.M.A.St. Peter's vie Rawlinson Ralph, Biskra, West Chisle- Eltham green
HargravesMrs.TheCottage,Southwd.rd hurst park Bentlett Robert, greengrcr. 124 High 1t
Harp~rAbrahm.Grange cot.Elthamgrn Read John Golden, Cambria cottage, Biggs Edwin Ferris,butcher,r68 Highst
Harper F. Bernard, 2 Victoria road Foot's Cray roaci BlackneyRchd.hot wtl".engnr.27High st
Harris Arthur Frederick, 7 Park place Richardson Capt. Mallcott,g Victoria rd BlanchettFras. (Mrs. ),sbpkpr. 38 High 8t
Ha.rris Henry W. 7 Park place Richardson Waiter, Rookwood,Court rd Bollen Wm. Jas. shopkpr. 140 High~
Ha.rris Henry Wm. Park lodge, Court rd Rogers Joseph R. Southleigh, South- Bowie Arthur Edwin,grcr. Footscraynl
HarveyAndrw.Tinnevelly,Foot'sCray rd wood road Brand Sam. Dennis, builder & contrac•
Hawken Rev. Alfd. B.A. [curate of Holy Ronaldson Thomas, The Grange, Foot's tor, 3 Elm villas, High street; &
TrinityJ, Meadowleigh, Southwood rd Cray road
workshop, 7 Elizabeth terrace
Henchman Miss, 10 Park place Rowsell Rev. Thomas Norman M.A.Holy Bristow John, police inspector, Poliee
Hett Edwd. Mottisfont house, Court rd Trinity parsonage station, High street
Hooper Mrs. Rolvenden, l<'oot's Cray rd Sanderson Wm. Emery Sherman, Wood- Broadway Wm. coffee rooms,_sg High st
Howard-Keeling Herbert, IS High st lands, Bexley road, Black Fen,Bexley BrookWm. dust contractr.Footscray rd
Hunt Miss, Park view, Park place Saxton !\tisse:, Shirley lodge, Court yd Brown Robert, builder, Footscray road
Hunter William, Cathay ho. Court rd Scriven Wm. H. Fernleigh,Southend rd Brown Thomas, photogrphr.52 High at
Hutchinson Mrs. Arthur villa, Park pl Scrutton Alex. Jas. Eagle house, High st Brown Wm. corn merchnt. 64 High st
Jackson :Frederic Selmes, 3 North park Scudd Stephen, Eltham green Burdett William Smith, dyer, Rosebery
Jeken James, Barnhouse, Bexley road Searles Mrs. 2 Elm villas, High street cottage, Court yard
Jellibrand Mrs. St. Margaret's, High st Sheppard Mrs. 7 Eltham green BurridgeRudolph, builder& undertake1,
Jones Rev. Daniel Lloyd [Congrega- Simson Hermon, Turnhill, Bexley road 62 High street
tional], Glenthorne, Southwood road Slingo Fcrgus O'Connor,Avilion,South- Burton Edwin, Crown P.H. Court yard
Jones Albert, Shrublands, Bexley road wood road Burton Thomas A. builder & contractr.
Kebble Fras. Arth. 4 Percy viis. High st Smith Edwin, 5 Eltham green Rose cottage, Southend
Keeler Thomas, 2 North park Smith Ed win, Tyrolese villa, Court rd Bushell Thomii.S, ironmonger, see ·white
Kelleway Harry Yeof, The Elms, Vic- Smith John Joseph J.P. Southwood & Bushell
toria road house, Southwood road Carter, Paterson & Co. Lirn. carriers;
Kemm William Henry, Myddleton Smith Mrs. A. E. 12 North park stables, Back lane, Victoria road
lodge, Eltham green Smithers John, Lemon well, Bexley rd Carter Charles, grocer, 73 High street
KendallHrbt.Brouklyn vl.Merchland rd Snow Mrs. I Wellington road Chapman Annie L. draper, 16o High st
Killik Arthur, Sefton house Soley Wm.N. The Laurels, Southwd.rd CharltonWm.King'sArm P.H.6oHigh 8t
King David M.D. High street Sowerby Rev. Waiter Jas.M.A. Vicarage Childs Thomas, nurseryman, seedsman
Langford Mrs. Thorndcne,Foot'sCray rd Spiccr Jas. jun. Penryn ho. North park · & florist, Southwood road
LawfordReginaldValentine,7Victoria rd Spur Miss, Lynton, Southwood road China Isaac, carrier, 37 High street
Ledger Miss, Glenelg Stewart Murphy, 134 High street Clark Sarah (Miss),confctnr.46 High st
Lewin Mrs. Wellington road Sturge H. Havelock, Tembu house, CockleHy.Fredk.grcr. &oihnn.32High st
Livingstone·wm.Shandon, Foot'sCray rd Foot's Cray road Cook Fredk. bkr.&confctnr. 142 High et
Lord Percy Francis Gibson, Clovelly, Sumner Edmund, The Knole, High st Cope Joseph Philip, chimney sweeper,
Southend road Symons Harry J ames, Ullswater,Foot's 12 Sun yard, High street
Lynn William, Hebron, Southwood rd Cray road Cotton Robert, hair dresser, 20 High st
. McEwan John :Forester, Pitfield lodge, 'feesdale Chas. Blenheirn ho. Court vd Cowell William & Arthur, groeers &
TeesdaleMarmaduke,Newlnds.North• pk agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine &
· Victoria road
MackenzieVice-Admiral DonaldMacleod Thame Wm. Goodwin, Court vls.Crt.yd spirit merchants, go High street
J. P. Eltham house ' · ThomasD. Croft, Glenthorne,ParkVw. rd CrouchChs. Oswald,jobmstr. 106 High st
MacTaggart William,Eskbank,Court rd Todtenhaupt Frederick, Harvestehude, DAY ELLEN (MISS), LAUNDRESS,
Marks Wm. Dairy cottage, Court yard Southwood road Footscray road
Ma.rtem Fredk. Lynfield, Court road Toosey James D. Elmslie, Court road Eagleton Jn.solicitr.2 Percy vls. High si
Martin Mr~t. 2 Wo0olwich road TraffordWilliamJohn, Belmont cottage, Eaves William, dog doctor, 20 Pelton
Massey Edmund, •Amyand lio:North pk Southwood road terrace, l<'ootscray road
ElthamCottage Hospital(Dav.KingM.D. ; King Henry, gardener, I Elizabeth ter- Roberts Mrs. laundress,Pelham terrace,
& James Ford M.D. medical officers; race, High street Footscray road
Miss M. Bressey, lady supt.)High st Kingston 'fhomas, carman & green- Rumsey William, tailor, Court yard
Eltham Public Hall (S. Mitchell, G. grocer, 83 High street Russell George, farmer, Lyme farm &
Rathbone & G. Smith, proprietors), LaceyFrances(Mrs.),statirmr.66 High st Well Hall farm '
Elm terrace, High street Lane Edwin, butcher, 23 High street Ryde Alfred, ironmonger & blacksmith,
Eltham Working Men's Institution Lawrence Jas. watch ma. &collector of I46 High street
(Wm. Lowater, hon. sec.), High st income tax & post mastr. 54 High st Saleby .Emma (Mrs.), laundress, 3
Fagg Caroline (Miss), coffee shop, Pel- Leaver Frederick, tailor, I64 Hi~h st Elizabeth terrace, High street
ham terrace, Footscray road Lecture Hall (S. Mitchell,prop),High st Samuel! Christopher, Park farm
Fairbrother Edward,bakr. Footscray rd Lee James, fruiterer & market gardenr. Savage Henry & Son, cabinet makers &
Farmers' Direct Meat Supply Associatn. Black fen upholsterers, J<'ootscray road
(The)(Chas.Cockbill,mangr.),High st Lee Mnses, horse dealet, Merchland rd Sayers Henry, tobacconist, I8 High st
Fielder George, florist, Southwood road Lill Wm. J. boot stores, 49 High street Scriven Edwin Rolfe, baker, corn & coal
Fikhener Edith (Miss), dress maker, 2 London James, fancy draper & boot & merchant, II4 High street
Eleanor villas, Court yard shoe salesman, J<'ootscray road Scriven gmma Jane (Miss), firewood
Ford James M.n.surgeon,seeKing&Ford Loney William, butcher, 78 Htgh st dealer, High street
:FosterRichardGeorge,farrier,6I High st, Lowater William,nurseryman & florist, Shepherd Jane (Mrs.), Woodman P.H.
Fraser James, beer retailer, 120 High st 8 Park place r Black Fen, Bexley ·
French George, saddler, r r8 High st Martin & Co. bankers(:~lalcolmHewitt, Shinner GeorgeWm. draper, 170 High st
Friend Geo. earthnwre.dealr.39 High st mana,aer),Courtyard; draw on head , Short Edward, boot & shoe maker, ~2
}'rost Mary Ann (Miss), fancy draper, office,98 Lombard street, London E c Pelham terrace, Footscray road
sr High street MellinChas.Jeremiah,chemst.88High st Sim Hannah (Miss), fancy repository,
Gaff James, Royal hotel, Court road Meusch William, tohaccnst. Footscray rd Footscray road
Gilbert Raleigh M. boys' boarding schl. Miles Henry & Son, smiths & wheel- Simmonds Charles, butcher, so Highs~
High street & Grove house wrights, Southend Skinner John, boot maker, 70 High st
Goody Ann (:\l:rs.),laundry,Eltham grn Mills George, cattle doctor, 85 High st Slow Mark, boot & shoe maker, 20 Pel~
Grace John, greengrocer & market gar- Miskin Geor2"e, boot maker, 44 High st ham terrace, Footscray road
dener, I62 High street, & A very hill Mitchell Simon, builder, roo High street, Smith A. & Son, boot & shoe makers,.,
Grant Thomas, boot ma. rso High st Wellington road & 1\fessetter place r66 High street
Grimson Wm. tea gardens, Woolwich rd Mortis William John, vestry clerk, Smith George & Rubert Whittaker,
Grummitt Ernest, ironmonger & china registrar of births & deaths, assistant wheelwrights & smiths, 7I High st
&c. dealer, ro & I r Court yard overseer, collector of poors rates for Smith George Mence, grocer & oilman,
HammondHorace,farmer, Chapel farm Eltham district & district agent for 144 High street •
Harris Robt. Wm. dairyman,82High st South"l\IetropolitanGasCo. 132 High st Smith John, dairyman, I5 The Grove
Hart John, fruitr. &greengro. Court yd Munyard & Cushion, Castle P.II. ro8 Smith Samuel, laundry, 9 Pound place
Haylett Abel, carpenter, Court yard High street Steer Harry, florist, Southwood road
Hayter Wm.Hrbt.linen drpr. 76 High st Narbeth William A. draper, 92 High st Stiff James Stone, Bee Hive P.H. J<'oots-
Hicks Richard Dale, grocer, 77 High st Nash Frederick, draper, 68 High street cray roarl
Higgs Richard, farmer, Coldharbour Outtrim Marquis Collingwood, butcher Stringer Thos. provision dlr. 74 High st
farm [letters through Chislehurst] & & greengrocer, 79 High street Sturge H. Havelock, surgeon, Tembu
Clay farm, Footscray road Ovenden Thos. Chequers inn,32 High st house, Footscray road
Eilder John, plumber, 20 Elizabeth tel" Owen 'fhos. boot & shoe ma. 48 High st Summer Edmund, solicitor, The Knole,
Hinves Laura (Mrs.), laundress, I Pace Richd. cowkeeper, Southwood rd High street
Elizabeth terrace, High street Palling Elizabeth (Mrs.), ladies' school, Symomls Hannah (Miss), dress maker,
Road Hy. builder& carpentr.12Roper st The Limes, Southwood road I Court villas
Hodgkinson Misses, high school for girls, Palmer Richard,greengrocer, 16 High st Thomas Sarnh (Mrs.), stationer & news-
West Chislehnrst park Parr Edward George, grocer & post vendor, 65 High street
Houghton Geo.station mstr.New glthm office, auctioneer & estate agent, Pel- Tilling Thomas, job & post master, I02
Hllg'gins John, painter & plumber, 93 ham terrace, Footscray road High street
High street Parris Alfred E. decoratr. Footscray rd Timpson George, bricklayer, r2 High st
HughesChas.& Son, bakers,Footscray rd ParsonsEd wd. Foxhound P.H.86 High st Todman James \Villiam, nurseryman,
HnghesWm.Benham,plumbr.s3High st Parsons Thomas, coffee ho. 10 High st seedsman & florist
Bumble George Henry, nurseryman & Partridge Florence (Miss), dress maker, Trevett Joseph, dairyman, Footscrny rd
florist, r56 High street n6 High street Tubbs George J esse, florist & fruit
Bumphrey George, carman & contrac- Pearson John, grocer, 6 High street grower, Merchland rd. Southwood rd
tor, Southwood road Peers Jonathan, nurseryman & florist, Waite Elizh.(Mrs. ), dress ma. I Elm vls
Hunt Barbara (Mrs), baker & confec- Laurel nursery, Southwood road WaiteWm.Man of Kent P.H. I58High st
tioner, 4 High street Pegg John, greengrocer, Footscray rd Wailer Thomas Edward, boot & shoe
Hunt Charle.~, baker & confectioner, Pheiffer Rose, confectnr. Footscray rd maker, 2 & 3 Court road
45 & 47 High street Pilditch F. Slater, solicitor, Maridale, Warboys Benjamin, baker, Footscray rd
Jack John, fishmonger, Footscray road l::louthwood road Watts J osephK. fruiterer &greengrocer,
Jackson Thos. tobacconist, 148 High st Piper Caroline (Mrs.), laundress, 5 The I<'ootscray road
James Edward A. baker, 94 High street Grove White & Bushell,irnmngrs.Footscray rd
Jeken Jas. surgeon, Barn ho. Bexley rd Potter James, grocer, Footscray road \Vilkins Waiter, corn & coal merchant
Kaufmann August, hair dresser, Court Pritchard Thomas H. solicitor, Park pi & cab proprietor, Footscray road
yard & Footscray road Rackham Rufus John, saddler & harness Willies William, estate agent, I St.
King & Ford, surgeons, High street maker, 8I High street J ames' villas, Novar road
King J. & Son, painters, 41 High street Rastin John, station master, Court rd Willis William, carman, Southwood rd
King David M. D. (firm, King & Ford), Rathbone George, stationer & china Wise RichRrd, tobacconist, II6 High st
surgeon & medical offic~r for Eltham dealer, & post master, 43 & 95 High st Wise Tiras, shopkeeper, 84 High street
district, Lewisham union, & No. 6 ReadAnne(Mrs.),laundre~s,g3A,Highst Wood Thomas, butcher, Footscrayroad
distriet, Bromley union, & medical Relph Leonard, beer retailer, Park place Wootten Mary Ann (Mrs.), coal & corn
officer of health for Eltham, High st RelphWilliam,RisingSunP.H.75 High st dealer, 35 High street
ERITH is a parish situated on the south bank of the Local Board of nine members, formed in I876. Petty Sessions
Thames, with a station on the North Kent section of the for Dartford division are held here the last Tuesday in each
South Eastern railway, standing exactly on the 12 mile month at the local bO'ard office at 3.30 p. m. ; for magis-
circle, but is 15~ miles from Charing Cross, 3 north-west trates and places in the division, see Dartford. The parish
from Dartford and IO north-west from Gravesend, in the is lighted with oil lamps by Messrs. Defries of London and
North Western division of the county, Lessness hundred, supplied with water by the West Kent Water Works Co.
lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, union and county court district of from Crayford. The parish church of St. John the Baptist,
Dartford, and in the rural deanery of East Dartford, arch- situated near the station, is a building of rough flint and
deaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. Erith rubble, in the Early English and later styles, and consists of
(ora shore, and hithe, haven) appears to have been the Saxon chancel with aisles, nave of four bays, aisles, vestries, south
name for the church ~nd parish, while Lessness, also Saxon, poreh and a western tower with shingled spire containing 8
was the designation of the manor and of the hundred. The bells : the church contains an alabaster tomb with fine but
pier, built on wooden piles in 1842, is 444 feet lung, and was mutilated effigy of Elizabeth (Walden), Countess of Shrews·
for.nerly a steamboat station, but is now a railway landing bury, ob. IS68; and a massive altar-tomb of white marble,
stage for Messrs. Beadle Bros. 'fhe parish is governed by a very elaborately sculptured, supposed to commemorate a
K &• 'Q-.,; • ' tQt... • 16*
member of the Vanacker family, formerly lords of the NORTHUMBERLAND HEATH, 1i miles south-west, is a,
manor : there is also in the north aisle a sumptuous monu- small \·illage. Here is a mission church in connection with •
ment with allegorical figure by Chantrey, to Sir Sampson St. John's parish church; it has 200 sittings; the Rev.
Gideon-Eardley hart. first and only Baron Eardley, d. 25 Dec. George Laurence M.A. rector of Midley, is curate in charge.
1824: in the south aisle are several memorials, chiefly Names of residents will be found under Belvedere.
brasses, including one with small figures to Sir Richard LESSNESS HEATH (the ancient name of the district whieb
Walden, ob. 15o6, and his wife ElizabPth, ob. 1528; another, gives name to the hundred), with Abbey Wcod, Bedenwell,
mutilated, of a man between two wives, with inscription to Picardy Hill and Erith Marshes, all form an extensive and
John Aylmer, ob. 15n, and his wives Margaret and Benet; populous district, particulars and names of which will lie
one, with effigies, to John Ailemer, ob. 1435, and Margery, found under Belvedere heading.
his wife, and others to Edward Hawte esq. ob. 1537, his Parish qerk, Thomas Marshall.
wife Elizabeth and 5 children, and to Emma (Walden),wife PoST, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Offi~
of JohnWode,ob. 1471,with efligywearing a triangular-shaped High street (Sub-Office. Letters should have 8.0. Kent,
head-dress ; there are several smaller brasses and among added).-Jonathan Thompson Gaze, postmaster. Letters
these one to" Rogerus Sencler,. quondam serviens abbatis et arrive at 7-45 & n.4o a.m. & :l·So &; 7 p.m.; saturdays..
conventns de Lesney, ob. 1421 ; " besides fragments of an only, 9.30 p.m.; dispatches at 8.40 & 11.20 a.m. &4·55,.i
inscription to Felice Attelok, ob. 1447, and some shields of 8.55 & xo.so p.m. & on sundays at 10.20 p.m
arms : there are several stained windows, one on the north PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,.
side being a memorial to Mrs. Wood, formerly of this West street.-l''rederick Charles Holdstock, sub·post-
parish: on the south wall of the chancel, outside, is a dial master. Dispatched at 8.5 & 10.40 a.m. & 4.2o, 8.20 &. 1
dated 1643: the churclJ. was completely restored and a north xo.xs p.m. ; sundays, 9.40
aisle added in 1877, at a total cost of £6,ooo: there are 6oo PoST OFFICE, North End.-Robert Yeend, sub-postmaster.,
sittings. The original registers dated from about 1625, but
were destroyed by fire in 1877. The living is a vicarage, Box cleared at 7·45 & 10.40 a.m. &; 4.20, 8 & 9·55 p.m.;,
sundays 9.10 p.m
yearly value from tithe rent-charge commuted at £575, with
8 acres of glebe, in the gift and impropriation of Lord Wyn- LOCAL BOARD. •
ford, and held since 1875 by the Rev. Thomas WilliamHardy Offices, High street.
H.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. Christ Church ecclesias. Board day, various days &; times.
tical parish was formed October 2oth, 1874, from the civil MEMBERS.
Iparishes of Erith and Crayford, and comprises the eastern Chas.Alfd.Streeton, Frederick Corbett I Samuel Plummer
portion of the civil parish and the Lesney Park Estate. chairman Thomas Heaps Dr. John Elliott
Christ Church, erected in x874, near the railway station, on William Anderson 1 Michael Hind H. T. Crump
a site given by Col. Wheatley, is a building of brick in the Frank Beadle 1
• Early English style, and consists of apsidal chancel, nave of Clerk, Frederick Parish, Wallnut Tree house, Bexley road
five bays, transepts, aisles, vestry and western porch and Treasurer, Stphn. J. Davis, London & County Bank, Dartfrd ,
has one bell: five windows in the apse are stained: the cost Medical Offic.er of Health, Richard Charles Studdert M.D , ·
B.ch. 58 Pier road
of erection was £8,ooo; and the church has about 700 sit-
~amtary Inspector, Amos J. Amos, Bexley rd. Belvedere
tings. The register dates from the year 1874. The living
Surveyor, Samuel Towlson, 15 L. Park rd. Belvedere
is a vicarage, net yearly value£166, with residence, in the
gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since x88x Collector, Thomas Kelsey, Albert road, Bexley
by the Rev. Frank Barrow Gribbell B.D. Cantuar.: the PuBLIC EsTABLISHMENTS : -
population in 1881 was 3,248. There is a mission chapel in Ballast Landing &; Wharf, J. Parish & Co. proprietors;
Arthur street, worked by lay helpers. The Catholic chapel, John Howard, manager
dedicated to ~t. Fidelis, is in West street and has 300 sit- County Police Station, Bexley road, William Harold, in-
tings ; there is a schoolroom attached. The Wesleyan chapel spector; 3 sergeants & 15 constables
is an iron building, erected in 1876. The Congregational Erith, Crayford & Belvedere Cottage Hospital & Providen\
chapel, built in 1859 at a cost of £2,300, stands on a site Dispensary, John Elliot, L. J. BarnesM.D. J. C. M. May-
granted by Col. Wheatley, and contains 348 sittings, all of nard M.R.C.P.Edin. & R. C. Studdert B.A., M.D. medical
which are free : a schoolroom to seat 250, with 5 class rooms, officers; E. W. Anderson, hon. sec
has also been built at a cost of £x,ooo; there is a memorial Main Drainage Works (Southern Outfall),Crossness, Frank
window. The Baptist chapel was erected in 1877, at a cost E. Houghton, superintendent
of £1,350; it contains 200 sittings and has an attached Masonic Lodge No. 615, St. John's & St. Paul's, Henry
schoolroom and vestries. Sainte Union Convent (des Sacres King, sec. High street, Woolwich ; held at Prince of Wales
Coours), on the Bexley road, erected in 1879 for the educa- hotel, Avenue road, Erith; 2nd wednesday from August
tion of young ladies as boarders, weekly boarders or day to April
pupils, is conducted by the Religious of La Sainte Union des Public Hall, High street, C. A. Streeton, managing direc-
SacresCreurs,and visited by theFranciscanFathers. The local tor ; Frederick Wentworth, see
charities amount to £9 ns. yearly, composed of small sums PUBLIC OFFICERS : -
left by various donors from 1704 to 1764, which are distri- Certifying Factory 8urgeon,John Clarkson Martin Maynard
buted wholly in bread. A Science and Art school in connec- M.R.C.P.Edin. Pierroad
tion with South Kensington is conducted at the Iron Room, Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, No. B 2 district, Dart-
connected with Christ Church. The Erith, Crayford and ford union & Medical Officer of Health for Crayford Urban
Belvedere Cottage Hospital was established in 1871, has 9 Sanitary District, Leopold Jn. Jsph. Barnes M.D.IO Pier rd
beds for in-patients of each sex, and is supported by subscrip-
tion ; the average number of out-patients in x889 about PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services:-
2,300; there were 63 in-patients. A Provident Dispensary, St. John the Baptist, Rev. Thos. Wm. Hardy M.A. vicar;
Q.umbering soo members, is now connected with this institu- II a.m. &; 7 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m.; fri. & holy days, 12 noon
tion. The Public Hall, built in 1871 at a cost of £1,800 by Christ Church, Rev. Frank Barrow Gribbell B.D. vicar ; 3
the Erith Public Hall Co. Limite<l, is a brick building con· & n a.m. & 3·45 & 7 p.m. ; daily matins 7.30 a.m.;
taining a hall capable of seating soo, with ante-rooms, and evensong 5.30 p.m. ; wed. & fri. II a.m. & 7.30 p.m
is nsed for public meetings, concerts and assemblies. Erith Mission Chapel, Arthur street, licensed lay helpers, William
is a favourite station for various yacht clubs, and is the head Anderson J.P. E. A. Anderson, Frederick Wood&; E. W.
quarters of the Corinthian Yacht Club. The fair is held on Anderson; services 10 a.m. (for children) & 7 p.m
Whit Monday. Extensive brickfields lie on the eastern Northumberland Heath Mission Church, Rev. George
boundary of the parish, and the excavation of the hills, from Laurence M.A. curate in charge ;. u a.m. & 7 p.m. ; thurs.
which sand is transported by steam tramways as ballast for 7·3o p.m
merchant ships in the port of London, has given to one por- St. Fidelis (Catholic}, Rev. Angelo Cardinali, superior,&;
tion of the parish a peculiar appearance ; geological retnains Rev. - Bernardine ; 8.30 & II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; daily
of much interest, including fossil tusks and bones of ele- mass 7 a.m. & rosary 7 p.m. ; holy days, mass 9 a.m. &;
phants, have been disinterred. Many villas have been built benediction 7 p.m
on the wooded heights overlooking the river, and the bank Baptist, Rev. John Eastwood Martin, minister; II a.m. k
of the Thames is occupied by various factories ; the iron 6.30 p.m. ; mon. & thurs. 7.30 p.m
foundry of Messrs. Easton and Anderson gives employment Baptist (Providence), ministers various; II a. m. & 6.30
to about 759 hands, and the Maxim Nordenfelt Gun and p.m
Ammunition Co. employ 700 hands. There is also a cattle Congregational (Avenue), Rev. Edward HarperTitchmaTSh
dock here. The Metropolitan Main Drainage southern out- M.A. ; u a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m
• fall works are at Crossness point, in this parish. The Primitive Methodist, Queen street, mmisters various ; u
Governors of Christ's Hospital, who are the owners of Abbey a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m
Wood, are the principal landowners. The soil is chalky Wesleyan, Pier road, ministers various; u a.m. & 6.30
marl; subsoil, gravel ~ond chalk. The area is 3,850 acres of p.m.; th~rs. 7 p.m
land and 763 of water; rateable value, £6o,sg8 ; the popula- Northumberland Heath London City Mission Hall; n a.m..
tion in 188x was 9,584. &7 p.m
• KENT.·
ScHOOLS:- Board, West st. (girls & infants), for 220 children ; average
A School Board for the whole of the civil parish, which attendance, I8o; Miss Laura Readwin, mistress
includes Belvedere, Lessness Heath, Northumberland Board, Northumberland Heath (girls & infants), rebuilt in
Heath, Abbey Wood, Bedenwell & Erith Marshes, was I88o, for 187 children; average attendance, 141; Miss
.established 14 March, x.871, & consists of 7 members; SLtu.cv•FiCdeullims ,Cmatihstorleicss (mixed), West street, built for xoo
1Ienry William Smith, Crescent road, clerk to the board ;
Philip Trott, Northumberland Heath, attendancce officer children; average attendance, 62; Miss Anna. Burns,
"Board, Manor road (boys), built in 1875, for 267 children; mistress, assisted by Nuns
average attendance, 240 ; Edward Ayres, master St. J oseph's Convent, Bexley road •
JJoard, Crescent road (girls), built in 1875, for 141 children; Railway Station, Richard Holton, station master
average attendance, 140 ; Mrs. Annie Bennion, mistress CARRIERS:-
1Joard, Crescent road (infants), built in I875, for 276 chil- John Baugham, Belvedere, to Belvedere, Abbey Wood &
dren; average attendance, 240; Miss Margaret Jane London on tues. & fri. returning same days
Parker Thom~ & Sons, daily, returning same day
Scott, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Laurence Rev. George M.A. rector of Tullock Conrad,2o The Villas,Bexley rd
.Acworth Joseph, The Grange,Howberry Midley [curate in charge of North- Turtle John Bainton, 6 South road
.Uderson Edward William, Roydon umberland Heath Mission Church], Twycross Mrs. 2 Lesney Park road
lodge, Lesney Park road 12 Queen's road Walker Wm. 27 The Villas, Bexley road
.Anderson Wm. c.E., J".P. Lesney house Ledger John W. Avenue ho. Avenue rd Walmesley James, St. Martin's vale
Balls Miss, The Nook, Avenue road Lester Maj.-Gen. John Frederick, Sun- Webber George Frederick, 55 Pier rd
Barnard Henry James, 3I Queen's rd dar Wari, Carlton road Whitemore William, I North End villas
:Barnes Leopold Jn. Jsph. M.D. xo Pier rd Manners Col. Richard Ambrose, 2 The Wick Charles, lnglewood
IWildsmith Matthew, 5 Lesney Park rd
~auld James, 24 Queen's road Villas, Bexley road
lleadle Frank, Oakhurst, Lesney park McNiell Mrs. Sandcliff, 73 Bexley road Willis Wm. 2 Shady villas, Avenue rd
Beadle Thomas, Beadles offices, Pier rd Markwick Mrs. 36 Pier road Willis Mrs. The Avenue
Eeard Bernard, 14 South road Martin Rev. John Eastwood [Baptist], Wood John, x8 South road •
Jlerggren Alfred Adolphe, Rosendal, 9 Queen's road COMMERCIAL.
Martin Miss, 15 Queen's road
Bexley road
Eevan Mrs. 6 The Villas, Bexley road Mathews Miss, x Park crescent Anderson William, engineer, see Easto
.."8loodsmith Mrs. 57 Pier road May Thomas William, I 3 South road & Anderson Limited
hrdman Charles Samuel, Ouseley Maynard John Clarkson Martin M.R.c s. ·Andrews Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
house, The Avenue & M.R.C.P.Edin. 56 Pier road 26 High street
Bomert !<'rank, The Knoll, Bexley road Mellish Albt, Wm.Penthorpe, Bexley rd Ballast Landing & Wharf (J. Parish &
.Bowerbank Henry, 3 Wheatley Ter. rd Miles George, 18 Queen's road Co.) (John Howard, manager)
Erown George, Hainault, Lesney Pk.rd Miles Mrs. The Venners, North end Barden Frederick, tailor,6gCrayford rd
Bull John Chas I8 The Villas,Bexley rd Moberly Charles Henry c.E. Woodhay, Barham Clara (Miss), shopkeeper, 42
Callender Thos.Ormiston,LesneyPk.rd Lesley park High street
.Cannon Miss, 33 The Villas Moon James Robert, 2 North End villas Barham Charles,plumber &c.27 High st
CardinaliRev.AngeloLCatholic],West st Moor William Arthur, 24 The Vlllas Barnard Catherine Jane (Miss), ladies'
Chivers Hy.8 North End vils.North end Morrell Miss, 4 Pier road school, 32 Queen's road
<:lark Herbt. Wm. I Wheatley Ter. rd Muggeridge Miss, 9 South road Barnes Leopold John Joseph u.n. sur·
Clark Walter, 2c Queen's road Nash Mrs. 12 The Villas, Bexley road geon, medical officer & public vacci·
Clempson William, u South road Nicholas Mrs. 39 Pier road nator for Erith & No. 2 B district,
Coulson William, 7 Avenue road Norris William Blurton, Trevethan Dartford union, & medical officer of
CoverdaleJas.Jn. 26TheVillas, Bexley rd house, Bexley road health for Crayford urban sanitary
Cox Hy.Moreton, I rTheVillas,Bexley rd Norton Mrs. Frederick, xo Queen's rd district & surgeon to Erith hospital,
Danger Henry, Park Crescent house Parish Fredk.Walnut Tree ho.Bexley rd ro Pier road
Davidson Jas. 19 The Villas, Bexley rd Parish Waiter E. Bexley road BartholomewJohn,farmer,Manorfarm.
Debney Mr~ Pleasant view Philp Mrs. 26 South road Perry street
Dietrichsen Miss, Bellevue, 8 Bexley rd Plater George, Riversfield, Lesney park Bartholomew Edgar, butcher,75High st
Dudney Mrs. Shermonbury house,Cray- Pratt James, 25 South road BartonThomas,furnituredlr.xoHighst
ford road Rice Mrs. 25 Queen's road Bayley Geo.market gardener,33 Cross st
Egerton William, 15 South road Richardson Major Alan, 30 The Villas, Bayley Henry, farmer, 78 Bexley road
Ellen Alfred John, York ldg. Park cres Bexley road Bayley James, greengrocer, 9 High st
Ellis George Thomas, 22 Queen's road Robinson Geo. Hycroft, LesneyPark rd Beadle Brothers, coal, timber, slate,tile,
Elton Henry, 5 The Villas, Bexley road Robinson Mrs. 15 The Villas, Bexley rd lime & cement merchants, railway
Essex Edwd. Chas.3 TheVillas, Bexley rd Ruck JohnThos. 10 The Villas, Bexley rd wharfingers, saw mill & ship owners ;
Everett Mrs. x6 The Villas,Bexley road Sabine Ebenezer,22 The Villas,Bexley rd Beadle's railway wharf; depots at
FisherWm.Alex.3IThe Villas,Bexley rd Sayers Arthur Mortlock, Lenox house, Lewisham; Eltham; Sidcup; Bexley;
Fox Mrs. 4 Shady villas, Avenue road Avenue road Dartford; Chislehurst; Maidstone;
Furner William, St. Martin's vale Scanes Waiter, S South road Caterham; Godstone; Belvedere; New
Gaze Jonathan Thompson, S Queen'srd Scott Hugh, The Shrubbery, Park cres Eltham ; Pope street, Plumstead ; &
Gilchrist Robert, 21 Queen's road Scott Miss, 55 West street Crayford; London office, Cannon
Gribbell Rev. Frank Barrow B.n.[vicar Shave William, 7 Queen's road Street approach E c
of Christ Church], The Vicarage Sheldrick Jas. Thos. 3 Lesney Park rd Beadle Henry, shopkeeper, Bexley road
.Hall William, ro South road Sidebotham Rev. :Fredk. Wm. Gilbert Bearman Jas.confctnr.62 Cravford road
[curate of Christ Church],25 Queen's Bell Peter, shopkeeper, ~s Manor road
Hayward Jonathan, 13 Queen's road
Hewitt J oseph, Perry street, North end road Blackman Jas. sail maker,Crown wharf.
Hewitt Waiter, n Queen's road Simpson Mrs. TheMount,Parkcrescent Blake Henry, boot maker, Bexley road
Hill Albert, Battle road Simpson Edgar,32 The Villas,Bexley rd Blaker John, baker, I02 High street
Holden Capt. Henry Capel Lofft R.A. Smith William, Park view, Erith road Blanchard William & Privett, smiths,
The Cottage, Bexley road Spencely Henry, Burleighlodge,Lesney 41 High street
How Mrs. 14 Pier road Park road Box Albert Thomas, manager of West
Howard John, 14 Queen's road Standen Frederick, 37 Pier road Kent Gas Works, Crayford, West st
Humble Miss, 5 Pier road Sterry Mrs. 23 The Villas, Bexley road BridgeJohn,WhiteHart P.H.High street
Jarvis Wm. Henry, 29 Crayford road Stoker Frt>dk. Wm. The Elms, Lesney pk Brooks Horton, blacksmith, Perry st
Jeans Williams, 3 Avenue road Stone George, 57 West street Buttery John, journalist & accountant,
.JennerEdwinOtto, Albert vil. Queen's rd Stone John, 59 West street 9 Pier road
..fubey Benj. 1 Shady villas, Avenue rd Stone Robt.Attwell, 2 North End villas Burgess James, butcher, 95 High street
Jones Thos. Simpson, x Lesney Park rd Stoneham James, St. Martin's vale Bury Charles, shoe maker, 71 High st
J-ordan Charles Fredk. 16 Queen's rd Stoneham Mrs. Orchard house, Perry st Cannon & Gaze, millers (steam), corn
Jordan Mrs. William, 4 Queen's road Stoneham Mrs. St. Martin's vale merchants & wharfingers, Old wharf
Keddell Mrs. 9 The Villas, Bexley road Stoneham Richd. Sunnyside, North end CaseltonMary Ann (Mrs.),fruitgrower,
King Waiter, 19 South road Streeton Charles Alford, Lydiard Collyer's lane, North end & High st
Kingsfonl Christopher, Wheatley lodge, Str~ckland Harold, 29 Bexley road Catchpole Harry, builder, II3 BexleyYd
West street StrlCkland Samuel, 69 Bexley road Clark John, shopkeeper, Arthur street.
.Kinnear George Edwin, North end StuddertRichd.Chas.B.A.,M.n.s8Pier rd Clarke Eliza (Mrs.), The Plough P.R•
Kyerday Mrs. 105 Bexley road Thompson Capt. Joslin, I4 The Villas, North end ·•
Ladd James, u South road Bexley road (,1arke Henry, earman, West street
Ladd Thomas William, 8 Avenue road Tedder George, Northumberland house Cole & Co. ~rocers & ship chandlers, 8
Langhorn Edward, Lesney vil. Bexley rd Tulloch Mrs. 21 The Villas, Bexley rd High street
Connah Edith (Mrs.), high class school Hill George Henry, confectioner, 6 Miles Richd. market gardnr. Paxton rd
for girls, ~ 'fhe Villas, Bexley road. Field terrace, West street Miles Thomas, market gardener, White
See advertisement HindHarold,photographic artst.West st cottage, North end
Conservative & Unionist Club (John Hind Herbert, stone & marble mason, Mitcbell & Co. farmers, Lesney farm
Buttery, sec.), Pier road 54 West street Munn Charles E. shopk.,epr. 9 Manor rd
Cooke Jas. Royal Alfred P.H. Manor rd Hind John, butcher, 74A1 High street Nevill James & Son, Wheatley & Rail-
dorinthian Yacht Club (T. G.F.Winser, Hind Michael, auctioneer, undertaker & way hotels, Pier road & Bexley road
sec) monumental mason,Higbst.&West st. Newman Amos, corn mer. 72 High st
Cummings & Co.corn dealers,9o High st Hinton Thomas, tobacconist, u West st Newman Harriet Ann (Miss), milliner~
:OaleAlbert,furniture dlr.42 Cross street Holdstock Frederick Cl:tarles, grocer & High street
Dale Obed 0. pawnbro. 63 & 64 High st sub-postmaster, West street Nicboll3 Susannah (Mrs.), midwife, 13
Davis Richard, grocer, Battle road Holton Richard, station master Pier road
Deamer Rd. greengrocer,38 Cross street Honess Thomas, painter, 13 Cross st North Kent IronWorks Limited (Richd.
Downton Jas. market gardenr. Paxton pl Howard John, manager to ballast Russell Gubbins, manager), West si
Dudney Geo.jobmaster,North End road wharves, 14 Queen's road Nuttall Bros. hair dressers, 8o High st
Dudney James, draper, High street, & Hudson Frederick, coal dealer, High st Oldfield Messrs. & Son, chemists, 49
stationer, Pier road HumfreyErnest,confectioner,28 High st Pier road
Durling Wm. shopkeeper, 40 Manor rd Hunnisett Henry, sbopkpr.28 Pier road Organ Burford, boot maker, 28 West st
Dyclr.hoff William, butcher, 36 Cross st Hunter James, confectioner, 23 High st OrganGeo. coffee&dining rms.27West st.
Eaglestone Maude (Miss), middle class International Tea Co. (William Turner, Orme James Henry & Co. grocers, Field
school for girls, 3 Pier road manager), 52 High street terrace, West street
Eaglest.one Rosina (Mrs.), news agent, Isaac George, hair dresser, 4 Field Owen Wm. Jas. ironmonger, 51 Pier rd
59 High street terrace, West street Owlett Frank Wm. grocer, & agent.
Eaglestone Wm.Thos.grocer,32 Crossst JarvisJas.Thos. bricklayer,16 Pier road for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit.
Ealy Samuel, leather cutter & grindery Jarvis John, shopkeepr. 64 Crayford rd merchants, 101 High street
dealer, 4fl Pier road Jarvis 'fhomas, lighterman, 18 High st Palmer Bros. outfitters, 46 Pier road
Easton & Anderson Limited, engineers, Jefferys Thomas, corn mercht. High st Palmer Harry, draper, 47 Pier road
millwrights & boiler makers, Erith Jenner George, farmer, V\'all Hou'le Pannell Ambrose,linen draper&clothier,
j.ron works ; & 3 Whitehall place, farm, Slades green 32 & 33 High street
London s w Jenner John, builder, 17 Pier road Parish J. & Co. loam & ballast merchts.
Edwards Henry Jn. grocer, 89 High st Jones Mary Ann (Mrs.), Crown hotel, Parish Frederick, solicitor, & clerk t<r
Egerton William, architect & surveyor, High street the local board, Bexley road
15 South road Jones William Henry,grocer,39 Cross st Parish Waiter E. auctioneer, surveyor&
Erith, Crayford, Belvedere & Abbey J uler Richard Roan, chemist & dentist, valuer, Bexley road
Wood Cottage Hospital & Provident 77 High street Parrett & Marshall, fruit growers &.
Dispensary (L. J.J. Barnes M.D.John Kent Walter, turncock, Crayford road florists, South road
Elliot, J. C. M. Maynard M.R.C.P. Kent Road Maintenance & StoneSupply PartridgeThos.Hy. music agt.41Cross st
~in. R. C. Studdert B.A., M.D.,B.ch. Co. Limited (HerbertWilliamClarke, Pearce Arthur, coffee & dining rooms,.
hon. medical officers ; E. W. Ander· sec.; Moland Greig, managing direc- Nordenfelt terrace, West street
son, hon. sec.), Crayford road tor) ; landing depot, South Eastern Pearce Frederick H. tailor, 97 High st
Erith Public Hall Co. Limited (C. A. Railway wharves Pelling Tbos. provision mer. 45 Pier rd
. Streeton, managing director ; l<'redk. Kibble Thos.Wm. nurserymn.Arthur st Peyto Edward, baker. 78 High street
Wentworth, sec.), High street Kirkstall Brewery Co. Limited (Beadle Pbilpot James, jobmaster, Pier road
Erith Times (Frederick Wentworth, Brothers, agents) Pitcher Henry, shopkeeper, Arthur st
proprietor ; published fridays) ; office, Kitber George Storey, pork butcher, Pitt David Joshua, undertkr.74 High st.,
43 Pier road Bexley road Preston Cooper, tailor, 23 Pier road
Erith Working Men's Club (William Kyerday Hy. Jn. beer retlr.Bexley road Privett Arthur, smith, see Blanctard &.
Harling & William Judge, secs.), Lambert James, baker, 22 High street Privett
Bexley road Latter Walter, china & glass dealer & Public Washing Baths(Frederick Jobey,.,_
Erith Yacht Club (WalterWithers,hon. saddler, 30 & 88 High street sec.), Bexley road
sec.) ; club house " Yacht Gypsey" Lemaire Rd. profssr.of music, 8 Pier rd Rainsbury Henry, marine store dealer,
FarmerMarta(Mrs. ),dress ma. 38 Pier rd Lewis David, grocer, Arthur street 40 Cross street
Faulkner Charles, nurseryman, West st Lewis James, clothier, 83 High street Rampton Frdk. Wm. watch ma.3High st.
Fidge Fredk. Wm. oilman, 72A, High st Lindon Isaac Wm. shopkpr. North end Richardson John S. boot maker, 24-
l''ield John E. cowkeeper, South road London & County Banking Co. Limited Crayford road
FieldJn. farmr. Alderney frm. Slades grn (sub-branch) (S. J. Davis, manager); Richardson Edward, coffee & dining-
Finnecy George, carpenter, 55 High st attendance, mondays & fridays, 12 rooms, 86 High street
Francis Frederick, farmer, The Grange, to 3; draw on bead office, 21 Lom- Rolls John, greengrocer, Manor road
Slades green bard street Ec Rose Harriett (Mrs.), shpkpr.Sladesga
French Josepb, boot maker, 61 Cross st Ludbrook Danl. watch ma. 85A, High st Royal Arsenal C-o-operative Soc. Lim.
Fry Edward, ~hip P.H. West street McLean George, market gardener, (W. A. Howard, mngr.), Avenue rd
Furner Brothers, farmers & brick Myrtle cottage, North end Rudland Robt. greengro.&c.7 Arthur st.
makers, Collyer's lane Mansfield Charles, Yacht tav. 25 Highst Russell Frdk.Job, boot ma. 98 Bexleyrd
Gaze Jonathan Thompson, baker, & Main Drainage Works (Southern out- Sanderson Wm. music seller, so Pier rd
post master, 61 High street fall) (Frank E. Houghton, supt.), Scales Geo. tobacconist &c. 65 High st
Gaze William, baker & grocer, Battle rd Crossness Sainte Union Convent (des Sacres
Gidley Mary Eliza (Miss), dress maker, Major J. B. Victoria collegiate school, Coours) School for Young Ladies,
3 Marrida villas, West street Undercliffe Bexley road
Godden Sophia (Mrs.),dairy,1o3 Bexley Marsball Fanny Gertrude(Mrs.),middle Schofield & Martin, grocers,67 High st.,
road class school, 24 South road & 6 Market buildings
Goldsmith John George & Son, smiths, Marshall Thomas, parish & vestry clerk Scougall Jas.Muir,draper, 17 Queen's rd
94 High street & wheelwright, g6 Bexley road Scruby Geo. boot ma. 61 Crayiord rd
Gower Henry, grocer, 53 Manor road Masonic Lodge (No. 615, St. John's & See ErnestAug.btcbr.s Field ter.Westst.
Grabam Charles, plumber & hot water St. Paul's) (Henry King, sec. High st. Selfe Fras. Wm. watch ma. 42 Pier rd
·engineer, 58 High street Woolwich), held at Prince of Wales Sharp Hy.& Son, fishmongrs.79 Highst.
Groom Hy. Louis, butcher,32 South rd hotel, Avenue road, 2nd wednesday Shell Frederick J. & Son, plumbers &.
Gunning William, shopkeeper, North from August to April builders, 29 Pier road & 6 Manor rd
End road Matthews Alfred, grocer,& agent for W. Shuttlewortb F. B. engineer & to:rpedo-
Gurr William, decorator, 5 Manor road & A. Gilbey, wine &spirit merchants, ship & yacht bldr. & steam boiler ma
Harding David, shopkeeper, Slades grn I Market place, High street Sims Benjamin, greengrocer, High st
HaroldWilliam,inspector,County police Mayers Philip, hair dresser, 6 Norden- Skinner William, farmer, see Hewi.tt &;
station, Bexley road felt terrace, West street Skinner ·
HarrisJosephP. beer retailer,Nortb end Mayes Richd. Walter, tailor, High st Smith Charles Wm. grocer, 82 High st-
Hart Harry, sail maker, High street Maynard JohnClarkson Martin M.B.C.P. Smith Edmond, beer retailer, South rd
Hartley John, millwright &c. Lower rd Edin. surg-eon, & certifying factory Smith Epbraim, dining rms.14 High st
Harvey Kate (Mrs.), Cross Keys P.H. surgeon, Pier road Smith George Mence, oilman, Landing
c)6 High street Maxim Nordenfelt Gun & Ammunition place & High street
Beam Jas. Corner Pin P. H. Slades grn Co. Limited (Jas. Davidson, managr) Smith Henry William, clerk to school
Hearsfield Wm. cowkeeper, 23 West st Mayzes Daniel, shopkeeper, Slades grn board, Crescent road
Henshaw Jas. Hy. Running Horses P.H Miles Geo. buildr.&contrctr. Avenue rd Smith Wm. bricklayer, 83 Bexley road
Hewitt & Skinner, farmers, Perry Street Miles James, farmer, Collyer's lane Smith William, butcher, 103 High st
farm, North End Miles Richard, farmer, North end Smith William, shopkeeper, 12 High s(
Smith Wm. Thos. butcher, 85 High st Stone Douglas, naval architect & ship Watts Thos. Geo. baker, I6 Arthur st
Snowden & Company, tailors, Market builder, Ship yard, High street
Webber Wm. market gardnr. 22 West st
buildings, High street Tall John Edwd. beer retlr. 44 High st Weeks George, shopkeeper, North end
Snowden Horace, house agent, 2 M,ar- Tall Lizzie (Miss), grngro. 29A, High st Weir Samuel Jas. grocer, North End rd
ket buildings, High street , Tamsett Thomas, blacksmith, Cross st Wentworth Fr~derick,printer, stationer
Snowden James, stationer &c. 5 Market Tamsett Thomas, farrier, 25 High st & newspaper proprietor, 43 Pier rd
buildings, High street Tasker Alfred, boot maker, 87 High st West Charles, confectioner, 5!:! Pier rd
Spells Hy. Robinson,greengro. 27 Pier rd Tedder Fanny Louisa (Mrs.), teacher of West Ellen(Mrs. ),tobacconist,41 Pier rd
Springett Elizabeth(Miss),dress maker, music, Northumberland house . West Kent Gas Light & Coke Co. (Albert
.f 5 South road
Tompsett Charles, grocer, West street Thomas Box, manager), West street
Stannard John, boot maker, Bexley rd Toyne Geo.linen draper,24 to 26 Pier rd Whatling Robt.dining rooms, 81 High st
Stapley Fredk. nurseryman, Erith road Tull John, tobacconist, I Nordenfelt White John Bazley& Brothers Limited,
Starling Elizabeth Sarah (Mrs.), Prince terrace, West street brick makers & cement manufactrs ..
of Wales hotel, Avenue road Turley William, beer retailer, Cross st White Ann (Mrs.),beer rtlr. 31 South rd
Starling J. H. F.I.c., F.C.s. analytical 'furner James, groper, g6 West street WhittinghamEiln.(Miss ),grcr.Appold sf.
chemist, Pier road Upton J::o.mes, beer retailer, West street Wiggins Thomas, beer retailer & fly-
Stevens Leonard B. butcher, 44 Pier rd Vinnels Fdk.china & glass dlr.66 High st proprietor, High street
Stokes David, draper, 3 Market build- WainFrederick J ames, Pier Hotel shades, Wood John, accountant, 18 South road
ings, High street & wine & spirit merchant WoodhamsJohn,hair dresser,31 High st
Stone Robert, barge builder & owner, Warren Henry, shopkeeper, Slades grn Wyatt Chas. beer retailer, Slades green
40 Pier road Watts Alfred Jas.ironmonger,Arthurst Yates Frances (Miss), ladies' collegiate
Studdert Richard Charles B.A., M.D., Watts Charles, greengrocer, Arthur st school, I I Pier road
B.ch. surgeon, & medical officer of Watts John Wm. fishmonger,51 High st Yeend Robert, grocer, & North End
health to local board, 58 Pier road Watts Samuel, builder, Crayford road post office, 31 South road •
EWELL (otherwise TEMPLE EwELL) is a parish, on the being free. The register dates irom the year r 58 I, The.
road from Dover to Canterbury, 3 miles north-west from living is a rectory a.nd vicarage, yearly value from tithe
Dover and 68 from London, in the Eastern division of the rent-charge £127 ros. with 54 acres of glebe and residence~
county, St. Augustine lathe, hundred of Bewsborough, in the gift of T. W. Watson esq. and held since I871 by th&
Wingham petty sessional division, Dover union and county Rev. John Turnbull M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge~
c!ourt district, and irt the rural deanery of Dover and arch- The total tithe rent-charge is £349 6s. nd. appor..:
deaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The river Dour rises tioned as follows :-To the vicar, £I27 IOS, ; impropriator,1
•t the western extremity of this parish, and the hills rise on £rg6 t6s. ud. ~ Thomas Wright Watson esq. £25. Here.
either side of the valley, which is terminated by the town is a small undenominational mission room. Thomas Wrighb
and castle of Dover. This place is called Temple Ewell, Watson esq. of Lubenham, Market Harborough, is lord oft
from having been part of the possessions of the Knights the manor and principal landowner. '!'be chief crops are
'l'emplars, and this is still the legal name used in the regis- wheat, oats, barley and turnips. The soil is chalk; subsoil,.
ter. The London, Chatham and Dover railway passes chalk. The area is t,6oi acres ; rateable value, £3.678 ..
through this parish, and has a station at Kearsney, in the The population in x881 was 570. 1
adjoining parish of River. The ancient church of SS. Peter Parish Clerk and Sexton, Thomas Baker.
and Paul is a small building of flint, in the Norman, Early
English and later styles, consisting ol chancel, nave, north PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office..
aisle extending along part of the chancel, north porch and a
-Belsey Kelcey, receiver. Letters are received through.
western tower of rough flints, without buttress or battle-
ment, containing one bell: the north door is a very fine the Dover office by cart post; arrive & leave at 5.30 a.. m.
example of Norman work and there is a small Norman win-
dow on the north side of the nave: in the porch, placed on Letter Box cleared for dispatch at 9·.55 a.m. 12.45 & 7-40'
p.m. ; foot post collection at 6 a. m. returning at 7.40 p.mt•
for Whitfield & Waldershare; sundays, same 1
three step!!, is a stone with a cross in relief, supposed to be National School (mixed), erected, with master's house, in
the cover of a t!>mb: the east window has been partially 1871, at a cost of about £goo, for 125 children; average.
filled with stained glass: the church was restored in I874, attendance, about 70 ; George Freeman, master; Mrs.
at a cost of about £,2,200 : there are about 300 sittings, all Elizabeth A. Freeman, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Popkiss James Hopper Alfred Arthur, beer retailer
Baynton Frederick Thomas Scott Mrs. Woodville villa
Horton Edward, blacksmith
Boyd Mrs. Elmbank Smith Capt. Francis, Beech grove
Boyse Major Henry Arthur Hunt Smith William Henry, White terrace Jarman William, farm bailiff to Mr.,
Coleman Henry, Woodville Turnbull Rev. John M.A. {rector &
Cow Capt. John, Temple villa Richard Higgs
Dalziel Mrs. Thomas, Wooler house vicar], Temple Ewell vicarage
Freeman Miss, Albany villa Weston John, Church Hill house Kelcey Relcey, baker, & post office
Hawkins Mrs. Higem villa
Hill Thomas, Sunny bank COMMERCIAL. Luscombe Mary Ann (Miss), Georg~ &
Hobson Rev. William Francis M.A. Beal Alfred, lodging house, Greenbank
Burbridge George, market gardener Dragon P.H
Pembroke villa Cloak James (Mrs.), lodging house
Holland George, Cross Friencl George, beer retailer Marshall George, butcher
Newing Misses, Dovedale house Groombridge John, dairyman
Pryer James, grocer .
Hodgson Benjamin, builder
Reeks William, land agent to Thomas
Wright Watson esq
Rogers Rebecca (Mrs.) & Sons, car--
penters & wheelwrights
Stanley Alfred, miller (water & steam)
EYNSFOR D (or EYNESFORD) is a parish and village mcst i and is of rich and beautiful Early English work, with three
agreeably situated on the banks of the Darenth, crossed by a fine lancet windows at the east end: there is a niche con-
stone bridge of one small arch, and on the road from Seven- taining a piscina : the font is an octagon, each face charged
oaks to Farningham, with a station on the Sevenoaks and alternately with shields and roses: a fine toned organ was
Maidstone branch of the London, Chatham and Dover rail- Ipresented by the late Mrs. Mosyer some time since: :the
way, 8 miles north from Sevenoaks, 6 south from Dartford 1 church has been thoroughly restored and has 400 sittin~s-,
and 18 from London, in the North Western dh·ision of the all being free. The register dates from the year I538. The
county, Axton hundred, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, Dartford living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge £382, net yearly value
petty sessional division, union and county court district, £220, with residence and 8 acres of glebe, in the gift of the
and in the rural deanery of East Dartford, archdeaconry of Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since r8go by the Rev.
Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. The neighbourhood Abraham Steers Hutchinson M.A. of Dublin University. The
is a very large fruit-growing district, giving much employ- vicarage house was erected in 1872, at a cost of about £2,000.
ment to labourers in the fruit season. The church of St. There is a Baptist chapel here, originally built in 1796-;
Martin is a structure of flint in the Norman and Early Charities amounting to £37 yearly are distributed. The
English styles, consisting of apsidal chancel, south transept, paper mills here, the property of Mr. Joseph Arnold, employ
na"Ve, north aisle, western porch and a western tower of about 6o bands. At the northern extremity of the village are
Norman date, with a. tall shingled spire and containing a the ruins of Eynsford Castle, the walls of which, 4 feet thick
clock and 6 bells: the tower is plain and has very thiek and built of flint, inclose an area of nearly an acre: the
walls: within the Rectilinear west porch is a Norman door-j castle was formerly surrounded by a moat, now converted
way of excellent character, enriched with the douhle chev- into an orchard, but the remains of the strong keep are still
Iron and other ornaments peculiar to the style : the north visible: this castle was formerly in the possession of the Eccles-
aisle, which does not extend to the west end, is divided from ford family, afterwards of the Uriols, and is now ~he property
the nave by two Pointed arches on an octagonal pillar: of the Right Hon. Sir William Hart Dyke hart. P.c., M.P. 1 I.P.
the sonth transept is Early English and has three plain of Lullingstone Castle, who is the principal landowner. The
lancets on each side: the chancel is by far the finest portion SQil is light chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats,
fruit and hops. The area is 3,543 acres; rateable value, 2. 30 p.m. to London direct & 6.10 p.m. to Dartford. The
£7,973; the population in x881 was x,6gg. telegraph office is at the railway station
CROCKEN HILL, partly in this parish, will be found umler ScHoOLS : -
a separate heading. National (mixed), built in the year 1834, for 112 children;
Parish Clerk, Edgar White. a¥erage attendance, 70; Richard Thomas Wheeler, mastr
PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & .Annuity & Insurance Office.- British (mixed), built in 1855, for 86 children; average
Charles Arthur Gardiner, postmaster. Letters arrive attendance, 78; Samuel Woolley, master
from Dartford at 8.xo a.m. & 1.40 p.m.; -dispatched at Railway Station, Henry Thomas Hards, station master
Ballard Miss Baker .Alfred Daniel, coffee tavern · lngmire Frances Maria (Mrs.), shopkpr
Crosley John Calvert, Saddler's ball
Engleheart Edward Curteis, Fern bank Biggs .Ann (Miss), grocer Jameson James, carpenter
Fisher Thomas, Mill house
Gibson Sidney William, Tower house Booker Waiter, lodging house Larner Henry, The Harrow P.H
Hutchinson Rev. Abraham Steers K.A.
Booker William, carpentflr Lawrence Elijah, farm bailiff to Rt.
Mabe Tom, Park House Bower Bradshaw James, shopkeeper Hon. Sir Wm. Hart Dyke hart. lri.P
Mandy Mrs
Ricbardson Rev. George B. [Baptist], Brice Benjamin, cowkeeper Millbourn Henry, beer retailer
The Manse Brice Eliza (Mrs.), Five Bells P.H Munn Joseph Henry, grocer & baker
Till Elliott Downs, The Priory
Tydd Mrs. :Fatr View house Brooks Albert, fruit grower Parker Geo. coal mer. Railway station
COMMERCIAL. Gardiner Chas. Arth. grocer, Post office Pocock Abraham, butcher
Arnold Josepb, Eynsford paper mills
Gibson Sidney William, engineer, iron Skinner William, boot maker
& brass founder &agricultural imple- Steadman Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker
ment maker & agent Steadman William, butcher
Goodyear Fdk.farmer, Upper Austin ldg Teesdale Fanny (Mrs.), Plough P.H
Hards Henry Thomas, station master Williamson Charles Thomas, grocer
Holdich John Seamark, grocer & baker
EYTHORNE (divided into Upper and Lower Eythorne) Rev. William Brandreth Th.A.II:.C.L. who is non-resident;
is a parish, 7 miles north-west from Dover, 7 south-west the Rev. Arthur Lindsay Palmes M.A. of Trinity Co1lege,
from Sandwich and 2 north-east from Shepherdswell station Oxford, vicar of St. German's, Cornwall, and prebendary of
on the London, Chatham and Dover railway, in the Eastem Bodmin, is curate in charge. There is a Baptist chapel.
division of the county, Eastry hundred and union, lathe of Several Roman entrenchments are visible in the parish.
St. Augustine, Wingham petty sessional division, Sandwich The charities amount to £7 6s. 3d. yearly, derived from
county court district, and in the rural deanery of Sandwich funds left under the wills of P. Factor esq. and- Lambert,
and archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The church and are distributed in money and bread to the poor by the
of SS. Peter and Paul is an edifice of rough flints, in the rector. Elvington House is the property and residence of
:Early English and later styles, consisting of chancel with Julian Stnrgis esq. The principal landowners are the Gover-
north aisle, nave, north aisle, north porch and an embattled nors of Bethlehem Hospital, Admiral Sir Edward Bridges
tower of flint and brick at the north-east angle, containing 3 Rice K.C.B., J.P. of Dane Court, Dover, Captain Edgell and
}>ells: the nave is divided from its aisle by two arches of the trustees of the Earl of Guilford. The soil is loam ; sub-
Early English date, resting on an oblong waH or pier ; on soil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats; the
the south side of the chancel are two rather wide sedilia of area is 1,322 acres; rateable value, £2,757; the population
the same period, and on the north side it opens to the aisle in 1881 was 468.
by two Pointed arches, mnch smaller than those of the nave : Parish Clerk, George Merton.
the font, a circular bowl of lead, bearing rode figures and PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
the date 1628, is attached to a pier: the stem seems to be John Lawson Clay, receiver. Letters through Dover by
Norman: both the east and west windows are Perpendicular foot post, arr1ve at 7.15 a. m. &2 p.m.; dispatc:hed at 11.15
and one other contains some heraldic glass: the north chan- a. m. & 8 p.m. Telegraph office at Shepherdswell, 2 miles
eel aisle has some hatchments and modern monuments : in distant
1875 the church was thoroughly resored by subscription, at WALL LETIER Box, Lower Eythorne, cleared at 11.20 a.m.
a cost of upwards of £2,000: there are x8o sittings. The & 7.40 p.m.; sundays, 7.40 p.m
register dates from the year 1597. The living is a rectory, CARRIERS TO DOVER & WALDERSHARE.-Appleton, from
yearly value from tithe rent-charge £soo, with 5 acres of Nonington, tues. & fri. at 11 a.m. returning same evening
glebe and residence, in the gift of the Earl of Guilford and 1 at 6.30 p.m
Thomas Papillon esq. alternately, and held since 1888 by the 1 The children of this place attend the school at Waldershare
PRIVATE RESiDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Gray James, ma)tster & farmer
Bailey Mrs .Amos Hy. corn dlr. baker & confectioner Harvey Philip Horn,farmer,Eythorne et
Birch Samuel, Langdown house Bean William, carpenter Hopper Charles, blacksmith
Bromley Mrs Blewitt John, tailor Hughes John, colporteur
Clark Mrs I Bromley Emma & Elizabeth (The Hmsey Jane (Mrs.), saddler
Dibben Mrs. Limehouse Misses), dress makers Keel William, butcher ·
Dixon Waiter M.B. West End house Burle:r George, tobacconist Makey John Parker, builder
Hampshire Richard Bushell William Smith, Crown inn, & Marsh John, farmer & woodman
Keith Mrs fly proprietor & jobmaster Moody Ernest .Arthur, boot maker
Moore George Chase Charles, White Horse P.H Mount Henry, saddler
Palmers Rev. Prebendary .Arthur Lind-l Clay John Lawson, grocer, & post office Odd Fellows' Club (Earl of Gnilford
say K.A. [curate in charge], The Dixon Waiter M.B., c.M. surgeon, & lodge, Manchester Unity) (George
Rectory • medical officer, Hougham district, Christmas Wiseman, sec)
Reynolds Richard, The Shrubbery 2nd division & public vaccinator, 4th Parker Richard & Mark, wood dealers
Rice Capt. Ernest R.N. Eythorne house; division, Dover union, & medical Sladden .Annie (Miss), dress maker
& United Service club, Pall Malls w officer & public vaccinator, Eytborne Tborne Brothers, grocers & drapers
Stanley Rev. George [Baptist] district, Eastry union, West End ho Wyborn Robert John, farmer
Stnrgis Julian, Elvington house Eyles .Ambrose, beer retailer Young Edward, baker
F AIRFIEJ,D is a parish, 7 miles west from New Rom- the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, and held since 1871 by
ney and 2 south from Appledore station on the South the Rev. William Baldock M.A. of Trinity College, Cam-
Eastern railway, in the Southern division of the county, bridge, who resides at Brookland. The Dean and Chapter
lower half of the hundred of Aloesbridge, lathe of Shepway, of Canterbury are lords of the manor. There are several
Ashford petty sessional division, Romney Marsh union, New small landowners. The soil is light ; subsoil, sand. The
Romney county court district and in the rural deanery of chief crops are wheat, turnips and some grass land. The
South Lympne and archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. area is 1, 205 acres of land and 11 of water ; rateable value,
The church of St. Thomas aBecket is a very small edifice of £1,958 ; the population in x88x was 53·
brick, in the Norman style, consisting of chaneel, nave and WooDRUFF is half a mile north.
a western belfry with dwarf spire containing 3 bells, two of
which have been damaged and disused for many years: Letters from Folkestone through New Romney by foot post
there are about 1oosittings. The earliest date of the register arrive at Brookland at 8.25 a. m. No ~elivery at Fairfield.
is 1558. The living is a vicarage, united with Brookland, The nearest money & telegraph office ts at Appledore
joint gross yearly value £3oo, with residence, in the gift of ; The children of this place attend the school at Brenzett
Bnshell William, farm bailiff to J. Body Ovenden William, farm bailiff to T. Wellstead Horace, farm bailiff to W.
Care Edward, farmer Bayden esq W. Hoare esq
Grist Giles, grazier Pope Thomas, farmer WellsteadWm.farm bailiff toT.Daws esq
EAST F ARLEIGH is a parish and large vi11a~e of station on the Maidstone branch of the South Eastern rail·
scattered houses on the south bank of the river Medway, way, 2 miles south-west from Maidstone and 4oi from J,on·
which is here crossed by a bridge of five arches, with a don, in the Mid division of the county, lathe of Aylesford.
Bearstead petty sessional division, Maidstone hundred, union William Hartridge esq. The soil is loam and ragstone in
and county court district, rural deanery of North Mailing, the lower part of the parish and light pinnocky in the upper
archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury, 'fhe part. The chief crops are fruit and hops. The area is
ehurch, assigned by some modern authority to St. Mary, is 2,og8 acres; rateable value, £6,838; the population in x881
an ancient building of stone in the Perpendicular style, con- was 1,668, including x65 in Maidstone workhouse schools.
sisting of chancel with south aisle, nave, aisles, south porch, CoxHEATH is a widely scattered hamlet, partly in this
parish and partly in Loose and Linton parishes, from x to 2
and a plain and massh•e tower at the west end, with an miles soutb.-east from the church. DANE STREET is half a
octagonal shingled spire and containing 3 be1Is: the nave is mile east.
separated from the aisles by an arcade of three Pointed
Parish Clerk, William Sears.
arches, on octagonal piers, and one plain arch divides the
chancel and its aisle: on the south side of the chancel is an PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
arch in the wall with a feathered canopy and in the north
wall another arch, with double feathering, inclosed by a Benjamin Small, receiver. Letters by foot post from
squarecompartm~nt: the sitnationofthechurch, overhang- Maidstone arrive at 7-I5 & II.35 a.m.; dispatched at
ing the Medway, is very pleasing, and affords a charming 11.35 a.m. & 6.40 p.m. The telegraph office is at the
prospect: there are 500 sittings, 300 being free. The regis- railway station
ter dates from the year 1586. The living is a vicarage, aver- A School Board of 5 members was formed in 1874; J. W.
age tithe rent-charge£792, net yearly value £'662, with resi-
deuce and 2 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, Springett, l''orstall farm, clerk to the board & attendance
and held since 1888 by the Rev. William Maunder Hitchcock officer
x.A. of Wadham College, Oxford, and hon. Canon of Dur- Board School, for 200 children; average attendance, 150 ;
ham. Charities amounting to £15 yearly are distributed Thomas Oatley, master; Miss Emily Moss, mistress
in bread, meat and clothing. The principal landowners are Maidstone Workhouse Schools, built in 1857, for 150
Herbert Ellis esq. lord of the manor, Leyson Lewis esq. children; William Searle White, master; John R. Jones,
Arthur and Waiter Kennard esqrs. Stephen Waiter esq. and assistant master; Hannah White, mistress
Railway Station, William Knight, station master
llcine Herbert, Oaklands Evenden John, fruit grower, Coxheath Latham Geo. Henry, plumber,Coxheath
Case Mrs. Old Vicara~e Flack James, farmer, Coxheath Lewis Leyson, fruit & hop grower &
Finch Edmund, grocer, Coxheath
Ellis Herbert, The Prtory FrenchAnn(Mrs. ), shpkpr.& fruit growr landowner, Gallant's court
Miller Henry, builder & undertaker
Hitchcock Rev. Geo. Edwd. B.A. [curate] Frond George Christopher, butcher
Hadler Edward, builder Miller John, Horseshoe P.H. Coxheath
Hitchcock Rev. William Maunder M.A. Hartridge William, farmer, hop & fruit Sands Eliza (Mrs.), farmer, Coxheath
Savage Daniel, farmer, Kettle farm
ifJ Vicarage grower & landowner,East l''arleigh ho Small Benjamin, grocer, Post office
Hickson Edward J oseph, Bird-in-Hand Springett George, farmer,Forstall farm
Ley John Carrington (H.M. inspector Stanley William Arthur, farmer, Par-
of schools, Mid Kent), St. Helens P.H. Coxheath
COMMERCIAL. Kennard Arthur, farmer, hop & fruit sonage farm
Startup William, shopkeeper, Coxheath
llusbridge Thomas Harris, farmer & hop grower & landowner, l''rith cottage Tapsfield Hannah (Mrs.), farmer & hop
& fruit grower, Pimp's court Kennard Waiter, farmer, hop & fruit
Euss Edwin, New inn, Dane street grower & landowner, Frith hall Tapsfield Joseph, Bull inn
Coppin William, wheelwright Kruse Henry, farmer & landowner, Tapsfield Thomas, blacksmith
Costen John, shopkeeper & farmer Dean farm
Day Filmer, farmer, Coxheath
Ellis Herbert, farmer, hop & fruit
grower & landowner, The Priory
WEST FARLEIGH is a small village and parish, the interest of £300, left in 1724 by Mrs. Goulston. The
pleasantly situated on the south bank of the navigable river Hall, the residence of Sir William Fitzherbert hart. is a
Medway and commanding a beautiful prospect, ~~ miles small mansion of red brick, situated in the village. The
' west from the station at East Farleigh, on the South Eastern trustees of Edward Robert Coles esq. who are lords of the
railway, and 4 miles south-west from Maidstone, in the manor, R. Leigh esq. L. J. W. Fletcher esq. J.P. and Sir W.
Mid division of the county, Twyford hundred, lathe of Fitzherbert hart, are the principal landowners. 'fhe soil is
. Aylesford,Bearstead petty sessional division, Maidstone union rich loam ; subsoil, ragstone and chalk. The chief crops
and ·county court district, rural deanery of North Mailing, are fruit, hops and the usual cereals. The area is I,I07
archdeaconry of Maidstone and Canterbury diocese. The acres ; rateable value, £3,407 ; the population in t88t was
church of All Saints, very pleasantly situated on a bank 384.
overlooking the Medway and affording a rich and delightful Parish Clerk, Edward Pankhurst.
prospect, is a building of stone in the Norman and later PosT OFFICE.-Nicholas Long, receiver. Letters by foot
· styles, consisting of chancel and nave of Early Norman post from Maidstone arrive at 8 a.m. & 12.15 p.m. ; dis-
work, south porch and an embattled western tower, of Per- patched at 12.20 & 6 p.m. The nearest money order office
: pendicular character, containing 3 bells: there are 178 is at East Fa.rleigh & telegraph office at Wateringbury
. sittings, 100 being free : in the churchyard are some fine National School (mixed), built in x845, for 76 children;
:yew trees. The register dates from 1558 and is in good average attendance, 63 ; Mrs. Elizabeth Ellen Fordham,
i preservation. 'fhe living is a vicarage, average tithe rent- mistress
. charge £245, gross yearly value £395, net £237, with resi- CARRIERS:-
dence and 13~ acres of glebe, in the gift of the Dean and Reeves, to & from Maidstone & Yalding, pass through this
• Chapter of Rochester, and held since 1870 by the Rev. village on mon. wed. fri. & sat
' William Eycott Martin M.A. of Pembroke College, Oxford. Reader, to & from Maidstone & Horsmonden, on tues. &
The charities amount to £37 yearly, arising partly from thurs
COMMERCIAL. Latter George, shopkeeper
PRIVATE RESIDENTs. Costen Charles, fruit grower, West Far- LongNicholas, ChequersP.H.Postoffice
Fitzherbert Sir William hart. The Hall leigh green Pearson George, fruit grower,Coxheath
· Fitzherbert The Misses, The Cottage Foster George, shoe maker Spice William, beer retailer
Fletcher Lionel John William B. A., J.P. Hayter Chas.Harvey, assistant overseer Tapsfield Joseph, blacksmith
Ewell manor Hodsoll Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Warde Ambrose, farmer, fruit & hop
Kentish James, farmer & hop grower, · grower, Tutsham hall
Leney Herbert M.A. Court lodge White Alfred Starnes, farmer, hop &
Martin Rev. Wm. Eycott M.A. Vicarage Parsonage farm
Morland Charles Wm. J.P. Elms croft Leney Herbert, farmer & hop & fruit fruit grower, Bow hill
Startup Miss, Parsonage Wright Robert, beer retailer, Coxheath
grower, Court lodge
FARNBOROUGH is a large village and parish, plea- Brome esq. 1673: the church is said to have been rebuilt in
santly situated on the high road from London to Sevenoaks, 1639: the nave and tower were restored in 1838, and in
4 miles south from Bromley, 14 from London and I~south- 1886 the chancel was restored and an organ chamber built
west from Orpington station on the South Eastern railway, at a cost of £x,1oo; a new organ was presented by T.
in the Western division of the county, jurisdiction of the Hamilton Fox esq. and four stained windows erected, one
Central Criminal Court and Metropolitan police, lathe of by the vicar, in memory of his mother, one in memory of
Sntton-at-Hone, Ruxley hundred, Bromley petty ses.:;ional Stanley Charles Fox, inserted by his parents and one by
division, union and county court district, West Dartford Rachel Mary Fox and Anne Agnes Bookham, in memory of
rural deanery, Maidstone archdeaconry and diocese of their aunt: there are 300 sittings, 100 being free. The
Canterbury, The cburch of St. Giles i~ an ancient fabric of register dates from the year xsss. The living is a vicarage,
chalk and flint, in the Early English and Perpendicular average yearly value from tithe rent-charge £257, net in·
styles, consisting of chancel, nave, west porch and a low come £215, in the gift of trustees, and held since 1885 by the
embattled western tower of flint and brick containing 2 bells: 1 Rev. Frederick Jessop Kelly M.A., LL. B. of Trinity College,
the font, octagonal in shape, is a good example of Decorated Dublin. 'fhe Brethren and the Baptists have meeting houses
work: in the chancel is a. marble monument to Thomas here. There is no lord of the manor. The principal land.
owners are the Right Hon. Sir William Hart Dyke hart. WALL LETTER Box, Lock's Bottom, cleared at 3. ~ & 7 p.m. t
M.'P., P.c. the Earl of Derby K.G. the Right Hon. Sir John sunday, 3·5 p.m .-
Lnhbock hart. Jl.c., M.P.• D.C.L., F.R.s. and Messrs. Fox. WALL LETTER Box, Wellbrook, cleared at 3.15 &7.45p.m.;
The soil is mostly gravel ; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops sundays at 6 p.m
are wheat, barley and oats, and there are a great number of
fruit gardens; 200 acres of land are planted with straw- PuBLIC EsTABLISHMENTS : -
berries. The area is 1,429 acres; rateable value~ £9,300; Bromley Onion Workhouse, Lockrs Bottom, George Henry
the population in 1881 was t,451, including 254 officers and Gregory, master ; Alexander Shannon M.D. medical
inmates in Bromley union workhouse.
officer ; Rev. Philip Henry Percy T.A.K.C.L. chaplain ;
GREEN STREET GREEN is a hamlet, partly in this parish Mrs. Frances Sarah Grimsey, matron
and partly in Chelsfield, on the road from Bromley to Seve,a- Metropolitan Police Station, Lock's Bottom, Charles Hub-
oaks, I mile south-by-east from Farnborough, about I south bard, resident inspector, I sergeant & 14 constables
from Orpington railway station and ti west from Chelsfield
railway station, in Orpington postal delivery. Here is an ScHOOLs:-
iron Gospel Mission Hall, erected by Mr. Ebenezer Morrison, A School Board of 5 members was formed in 187r, G.
who also conducts the services held here. Here is also an Wall, Bromley, clerk to the board; William Charles
extensive brewery. Broadway, Lock's Bottom, attendance officer
LocK's BOTToM is a hamlet, three-quarters of a mile Board, erected in t873, for x6o children; average attend-
north-by-west. Here is a Baptist chapel, a police station ance, 140; James Ashworth, master ; Mrs. Mary Ash-
and the Bromley union workhouse.
worth, mistress
Sexton, Henry Charles Cheel.
Board, Green Street Green, erected in 185r, for too chil-
PoST, M. 0. & T. 0., 8. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office dren ; average attendance, 86 ; Charles Pearson, master
(Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Kent Mrs. Pearson, mistress
a.dded).-Miss Harriett Leigh Giles, receiver. Letters Board (infants), erected in t88g, for 76 children ; average
arrive at 7 2o & 5.30 p.m. ; dispatched at 3.30 & 9 p.m. ; attendance, 40 ; Miss Georgina Stocks, mistress
dispatched sundays, 5.40 p.m
PoST OFFICE RECEIVING OFFICE, Green Street Green.- CARRIERS TO LoNDON.-Hnmphrey (from Knockholt), mon.
Henry Mussell, receiver. Letters through Orpington & thurs. ; others pass through daily; Jeffrey (from
R.S.O. arrive at 8 a.m.; dispatched at3.20&4.5o p.m. i Brasted to Spur inn, Borough), thurs. returning next
sundays, n.3o a.m · day; Carter, Pater~n & Co. daily
Farnborough. Cooper Ellen (Mrs.), refreshment rms 1Stow Joseph, fruit grower .
CutbushJames, coaldlr. Lock's Bottom Streatfield Thomas, beer retailer
:&llard Rev. Isaac (Baptist], Beulab Evans Chas. farmer, I<'arnborough hall Tile Jas. (Mrs. ),hay dealer & fruit growr
IGiles Edward, grocer & fruit grower Walker Amos, shoe maker
- villa, Lock's Bottom
· Giles Harriet Leigh (Miss),fruit grower, Weatherley J ames, New inn
Bealby Phillip, Glynton ' Post office Westbrook John, charcoal burner &
Durling William, Lock's Bottom Giles Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper farmer, Lock's BottoiiY
Fisher Augustus, Wellbrook :road Goodchild John, beer retailer Green Street Green.
F1etcher William, Wellbrook road Griffin Joseph, fruit grower
JFoonwelserEMdwrsin, Eb.ury viis. Wellbrook rd Griffin Richd. nurserymn. Wellbrook r d
[Letters through Orpington R.S.O.]
KellyRev.Frdk.JessopM.A.,LL.B.[vicar] Griffin William, farmer & fruit grower, [Marked thus o are in Chel'lfield parish.) ,
Lock's Bottom
Latter Henry Joseph, Goddendene, Hartstone William, butcher Fox Thomas Hamilton, Oak house
LaLttoecrkW's iBlloitatmomFord Fox Thomas Samuel, Beechwood
Hasell John, fellmonger Fox Walter St. John, Beechwood
*Giles Augustine
Murton George, Start's hill j Hatfield William, baker Giles George, The Poplars
Olney Frederick, Wellbrook road Hollingsworth Chas. florist, Wellbrook Morrison Ebenezer
Poole Edmund, The Larches
Phillips Thomas, Wellbrook Jackson Albert, draper, Lock's Bottom
I Kin~sland Frede;ick George, White COMMERCIAL.
Plumbridge Edward, J<'leetwood LIOn P .H. Lock s Bottom Cope John, beer retailer
P~0t.tt~.rerHMenr_sr.yB; k h Leach Peter, carman Crafter James,draper &insurance agent
oo ouse i~ *Figgess Thos. farmer, Chelsfield hall
oale Eade Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper
1 Lockyer Maria (Mrs.), dress maker
Wtlson MaJOr Henry,Farnborough lodge. Martin William road surveyor
I· Mills Aves (Mrs'.), shopkeeper
Alderson Christopher & Hope, florists, Owen William, builder, undertaker, Fox & Sons, brewers & maltsters, Oak
Wellbrook house decorator & contractor; pro- brewery
Anthony Anuie(Mrs.),George &Dragon. perty kept in order by contract or Garrett Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper
l otherwise
P.H *Gill George, farmer
.Armer Rchd.grcr.& drpr.Lock's Bottom I Penfold Henry ~athaniel, beer retailer Gladwin Waiter, Rose & Crown P.H. &
I & fruit grower
Ballard William, coach builder farmer
Batchelor George, baker & confectioner, Phillpott John (Mrs.), draper *Gregory Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Lock's Bottom Pyrke Alfred, grocer &c *Jackson Charles, shopkeeper
Cheel Henry Chas. baker & parish clerk Rudd Robert, beer retailer & fruit Morrison Ebenezer, brewer to Messrs.
Child William, florist, Wellbrook grower, Lock's Bottom Fox & Sons
Clark William (Mrs.), fruit grower, Sawyer Jesse, florist Mussell Henry, shopkeeper, Post office
Lock's Bottom Sessions Robert, farmer Stone William; Queen's Head P.H
Clement Snsannah (Mrs.), blacksmith, Springett John, marine store dealer, Thompson Isaac, blacksmith
Lock's Bottom Lock's Bottom White James, draper •
FARNINGHAM is a small town and parish, situated figures: the church was entirely re-arranged in 1871, under
on the main road from London to Maidstone and on the the direction of Mr. Ewan Christian, architect, at a cost of
river Darent, 17 miles from London, 2 south-east from nearly £8oo, exclusive of specific gifts: the chancel being
Farningham Road station on the London, Chatham and restored at 1he same time by the Ecclesiastical Commis-
Dover railway (locally in Horton Kirby parish), which is sioners, who also gave half an acre of land for the enlarge-
the junction of this company's line to Gravesend, and 5 ment of the churchyard, in which there is a mausoleum
south from Dartford ; it is in the North Western division of belonging to- the Nash family: an organ was erected in
the county, hundred of Axton, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, 1879. at a cost of £250: there are 300 sittings, 150 being.
Dartford petty sessional division, union and county court free. The register dates from the year 1589 and is in a
district, and in the rural deanery of East Dartford, arch- good state of preservation. The living is a vicarage, yearly
deaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. The value from tithe rent-charge £255, with residence and 10
church of SS. Peter and Paul, pleasantly overshadowed by acres of glebe, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury,
tall trees, is a structure of flint in the Decorated and l'er- and held since 1866 by the Rev. William John Brewer M.A.
pendicular styles, and consists of chancel, nave, south porch of Queens' College, Cambridge. Here is a Wesleyan cnapel
and an embattled western tower of Perpendicular date with with sittings for 150 persons. A fair is held on the 15th
an octagonal turret and containing a clock and 5 bell~: October, particularly for cart colts. Farningham had
there are brasses with effigies to William Gysborne, vicar, formerly a market on Tuesdays, and a great annual fair for
ob. 1451; Alys Taillor, ob. 1514; William Petham, ob. 1517 four days following the eve of St. Peter. There is now a
and Alice, his wife, and Thomas Sibill esq. 1519 and his market fol' cattle, held the second Wednesday in every
Wife, Agnes: there are stained windows: in the south wall month, and a fair on October 15th. The charities amount
is a feathered arch for a tomb and some walled-up niches, to about £130 yearly, arising from a benefaction left in
but the most remarkable object about the church is the font, 1614 by Anthony Roper, and producing about £6o yearly,
a beautiful specimen of Decorated or Early Perpendicular and the Colyer charity, left in 1846, and producing £71.
work, ootagonal in form and sculptured on each face with The principalland()wners are James C()lyer Fergusson esq"
the Right Hon. Sir William Hart Dyke hart. P.c., H.P. of at 7.15 a.m. & 12.~5 p.m.; dispatch~ at 9a.m. 2 &6.30'
L-ullingstone Castle, Dartford, William Waring esq. J.P. of
p.m.; sunday delivery, 7.15 a.m.; d1spatch, IO.IS a.m
Woodlands, Chelsfield, who is lord of the manor and Major· ~.m.
General Waiter Tuckfield Goldsworthy M.P. of 22 Hertford WALL LETTER Box near the Lion hotel, cleared at s. 45
1.15 & 6.40 p.m. ; sunday, 10.20 a. m
street, Mayfair, London. The soil is loamy; subsoil, gravel avera~e attend·
National School (mixed), for 200 children;
and elay. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and beans. ~
ance, 43 boys, 27 girls & 35 infants i Richard Lewi&
Hope are grown here. The area is 2,739 acres; rateable
Edmonds, master i Mrs. Eliza Anna Edmonds, mistress
value, £4,914 ; the population in r88r wa!l 892•
CoNVEYANCE........Omnibus to Dartford railway station three
Parish Clerk, A. Mason.
times a day each way week days & twice each way on sun-
. PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
day from the Bull inn ·.
John Thomas, postmaster. Letters arrive from Dartford
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Barnard William, shopkeeper Rashleigh Wm. Boys, farmr. Manor frm
Alderson Mrs. Hill Side house Bellingham John, corn & seed merchant Reynolds Arthur James, grocer & hard·
Allinson Mrs. Lavender bank Cross Eliza (Mrs.), baker wareman
Ashurst William Robert M.)) Dolden George, shoe maker Rich Jonathan, carman
Brewer Rev. Wm. John M.A. Vicarage Dunn Timothy Edward, Lion hotel Rogers Samuel, farmer, Maplescombe
Bush Mrs. Lavender ban,k Frost John. baker Shepherd, Neame & Co. brewers (George
Dalton Mrs. The Crofts Furlonger Harvey, blacksmith Parker, agent); stores at Station
. :Qevas William J<'redk. Mount Pleasant Gandy John, harness maker . Smith Charles Frederick, draper )
Everest Thomas, 7SoSuotuhthhatlelrrace Gandy Louisa (Miss), draper & grocer Smith Thomas Frederick HughF.R.C.s.
Lanceley Edwin,
Hales Julia (Mrs.), blacksmith Eng.surgeon, & certifying factory sur-
:Marchant Henry, Old Parsonage Hodsoll William, auctioneer geon & medical officer, medical officer
Moore William, Mill house Kent Conservative Association (Ash, of health & public vaccinator, No. 3
P~ce Henry Alfred, The Mount
~shleigh William Boys, Manor house l''arningham & Longfield district) (W. district, Dartford union, & medical
Hodsoll, jun. agent) officer to the Home for Little Boys,.
Searle Charles, Beesfield house Lines James, Bull inn see Tucker, Smith & Lace
Senior Thomas, Hampton court London & County Banking Co. Limited Smith William, farmer, Chimhams
Slaughter Miss (sub-branch) (open on market & fair Sparkes William, carman
S,mith Thos. Fredk. Hugh, Fernwood ho days from 12 tillg p.m.), Lion hotel; ThomasJn.boot ma.& stationer,Post o:tf
Solomon George draw on head office, London E c Tucker, Smith & Lace, surgeons
Waring Arthur Thomas, Hill house Marchant Henry (late Everest & Mar· Wallis Alfred, corn merchant, Brick•
Whitlock Mrs. Laurel cottage chant), contractor, coach, cart & layers' Arms P.H
Wickstead Rev. Edwin[Wesleyan] general builder, undertaker, & steam Wenman Edward Gower, butcher ·
\Villan Rev. Edwin [curate] sawing mills Whitehead Henry, watch maker
Mason William, plumber Wood George, Chequers P.H
Ashton Edward, veterinary surgeon Moore William, miller (waterY Woolley William, mason
Mummery Fanny (Miss), shopkeeper
FA V E R S H A l\1 ,
FAVERSJIAJI[, anciently "Fafresham," is a port, municipal corn, hops, fruit and wool being exported by London boys.
borough, market,' union and county court town, 7 miles Vessels of 200 tons register can get up to the town.
south-west from Whitstable, 7! east from Sittingbourne, 9 At Faversham is the principal custom house of the dis-
-west from Canterbury and 47 from London, with a 'junction trict, which includes Herne Bay, Whitstable and Milton.
station (locally in Preston) on the London, Chatham and The oyster fisheries are worked by the Company of Free
DoT"er railway, from which branches the line to Margate and Dredgermen of the manor and hundred, as tenants under the-
Ramsgate. The borough comprises that part of I<'aversham jurisdiction and protection of the lord of the manor, whose
parish known as the in-liberty, and part of Ospringe and steward annually holds a court, at which the general inter·
Preston parishes. DAVLNGTON and PRESTON are adjoining ests or the fishery are considered and regulations for its
parishes, and form part of the town: all the parishes are in benefit, if necessary, laid down. There are at present about
the North Eastern division of the county, Favetsham bun· r86 free dredgermen employed.
dred and union, lathe of Scray, and in the rural deanery of There are manufactories of gunpowder, Roman and Port·
Ospringe and archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. land cement and bricks ; also two extensive breweries; those
Faversham was a place of considerable note at a very early of Messrs. Shepherd, Neame and Co. and Messrs. W. E. and J.
period; in 812 it is called in a charter of Athelstan "the Rigden. The gunpowder mills of Messrs. John Hall and Son,
King's little town of Fafresham." In 930, a witenagemote [first established in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, cover a
was held here by Athelstan. Mary, widow of Louis XII. of large extent of ground and are contiguously situated in six
France, sister of Henry VIII. sojourned here. Henry VIII. different parishes. The Tonite or Cotton Powder Company
soand Queen Catherine visited I<'aversham in 1519 and the Limited have extensive premises, covering an area of
King twice afterwards. King Philip and Queen Mary passed acres, chiefly in the adjoining parish of Oare ; the buildings
through the town in I557· Queen Elizabeth slept two nights were erected in 1873 and are for the manufacture of tonite.
here in 1573, and King Charles Il. dined with the mayor on distress signals fol.' ships, detonators, torpedoes &c. tha
his restoration in 166o. • company also manufacture alarm signals for the Trinity
The town has four principal streets, diverging from the Board. The cement works of Hilton, Anderson and Co.
market place and forming an irregular cross, besides a are situated on the creek, where are also timber and coal
number of small streets, and is governed by a mayor, four wharves, shipwrights' yards and store-houses, and a larg&
aldermen and twelve town councillors; it has a commission steam flour mill. Hops and cherries are largely grown in
of peace and a court of quarter sessions. Water is obtained the neighbourhood.
from deep chalk wells at Copton, in Preston parish, about a The church of St. Mary of Charity, which occupies the
mile distant ; the works, erected in 1864, at a first cost of site of an earlier structure, is a large, lofty and ancient
£6,ooo, have since been extended at a further cost of crnciform edifice of flint, quoined with Normandy stone, in
£4,000; there are two reservoirs capable of holding g6o,ooo the Norman, Early English, Decorated and Perpendicular
gallons, the daily consumption being about r8o,ooo gallons. styles and consists of chancel with vestry and aisles, tran·
In addition to the ordinary means of pumping by steam, septs, also with side aisles, clerestoried nave, aisles, south
\here is an auxiliary windmill of 15-horse power, raising, if porch and at the west end a lofty embattled and crocketed
needed, ro,ooo gallons per hour. ' tower of brick with stone quoins and a pierced open parapet,.
The town is paved, and lighted with gas from works situ- and surmounted by a light stone spire, supported by flying
ated in Flood lane, the property of a company. buttresses, which serves as a landmark; the tower contains
Faversham is a port on the Swale, within the liberties of a chiming clock and a peal of 8 bells: a portion at the west
the Cinque Port of Dover, having a navigable creek, with end, two Norman arches and deeply Splayed windows of the
about II feet of water at the sluice bridge at ordinary spring same period, now closed, belonged to the former church,
tides. The creek has cost about £33,000 in improvements and are incorporated in the present building: on the sontQ
and is under the control of go commissioners, whose meet- side of the chancel are three sedilia, an aumbry and a piscina
ings are held on the second Tuesday in February, when the and in the south transept two other piscinre and a locker:
managing committee is !!elected for the year. There is a the reredos, of stone and marble, was erected in 1868 ~ the
.considerable trade in coal and timber ; agricultural producet original columns and arches of the nave have been destroyed
and replaced by columns of the Tuscan order and the clere- The Faversham Institute for the Encouragement of Lit.
story is entirely modern ; the transepts are each divided erature, Science and Art, established in 1854 and situated
from their aisles by arcades of three arches, with columns in East street, is a structure of brick, opened in June, I8611
alternately circular and octagonal: in I851 some mural and has on the ground floor a library with upwards of 6,ooo
paintings were discovered in St~ Thomas' chapel, in the Yolumes, a reading room, class and committee rooms and a
anorth aisle, and more recently. a painting representing the minor hall seating 300 ; above is a large ball holding 750,
murder of Hecket has been discovered on the north wall of The institute is managed by a body of 14 directors.
that chapel : an octagonal pillar in the north transept is The Workmen's Club, in East street, was erected in I879,
completely covered with paintings descriptive of incidents at a cost ot£1,500, aud is well adapted for its purpose.
in the life of the Virgin Mary: on the north and south of The mar"ke£ days .are Wednesday for corn and Saturday,
the tower, terminating each aisle, is an apartment and for meat, vegetables and general commodities; the fair is
beneath that on the south side is a crypt of very Early held on the nth October and two following days. A cattle
English work, with pointed arche8 and circular columns: market, held fortnightly on Tuesdays in Whitstable road,
the south porch has a groined ceiling and a circular turret: was established in 1863.
several of the ancient wood stalls rAmain and have fine The charitable benefactions are numerous and produce
carving about them and the puIpit as well as the lectern and an annual rental of about £3,500, principally derived from
communion table is of elaborately carvecl oak: within the bequests by Henry Hatche and Henry Wreight, bequeathed
vestry is a very fine and curious ancient wooden chest, with in I84o; in pursuance of a scheme, settled in I856, thirty
carving apparently of the Decorated period : in the north almshouses on the Ospringe road, with a chapel, were
transept is a recess with a recumbent effigy and three smaller erected on a site comprising aboutr two and a half acres,
figu,res and on the north side of the chancel a fine Perpen- with a frontage of 470 feet; these are built of red brick
dicular tomb, panelled, with armorial shields ; the canopy in the style of the 13th century, with a colonnade round
consists of three crocketed ogee arches with finials, the the basement and a chapel in the centre, opened for Divine
spandrels baving pierced panelling, the cornice, the Tudor service in I866, and containing about 150 free seats in
flower and the. buttres11es terminate in crocketed pinnacles : addition to those allotted for the inmates of the almshouses.
in the south. chancel is a rich feathered arch with a muti- The Rev. Henry Eldridge Curtis H. A. of St. John's College,·
lated canopy, support~td on slender shafts with foliated Cambridge, is chaplain. The almshonses are as follows:-
capitals and within it is a coffin-shaped slab: there is also a Thomas Menfield's, for six poor widows, each receiving £15
monument to John Castlock, jurat and mayor, ob. 1613, yearly ; John Foade's, for three poor old widows, each re-
and Alice his wife: there are brasses to Seman Tong, baron ceiving £15 yearly; Thomas Napleton's, for seven poor men,
of the Cinque Ports, ob. 1414; William Thornbury, vicar of who receive £36 yearly; Henry Wreight's, for six freemen
Faversham, with effigy in cope, under a mutilated canopy, of the Company of Fishermen and Dredgermen of the manor
circ. I48o; John Redborne, another vicar, with effigy hold- and hundred of Faversham (or the widows of any such
ing chalice and wafer, ob. 1531 ; .Agneta Faversham, ob. freeman), each receiving £r5 yearly; also for six poor
I427 ; to Henry Hatche, merchant and jurat, of Faversham, widows or single women, each receiving £15 yearly; also
ob. 1533, and Johan, his wife, with effigies under a large for two poor men or women, each receiving £15 yearly.
canopy ; and to Richard Colwel1, mayor of Faversbam, A cottage hospital and dispensary was established in x888
1534, 2 wives, both named Agnes, and 9 children; the in- and contains 8 beds and I cot.
.scription on this brass is quoted by Jeremy Taylor in " His In August, 186o, a recreation ground of 20 acres, situated
Holy Living and Dying;" John Haywarde, mayor, ob. at the east side of the town, was purchased and laid out by
161o, Anna (Cole), his wife, and 6 children; Edward the trustees of the Faversbam Public Charities, at a cost of
Tbomasson, mayor, ob. I494, and Emota and Margaret, his upwards of £5,500; £5oo being subscribed by the inhabit-
wives; Edward Blakewell esq. lawyer, ob. 1572; William ants and the remainder contributed from Wreight's charity:
Baker, jurat, ob. I594 ; and a merchant, c. 1580: according the grounds are inclosed by a fence and flanked by a belt of
to "Hollingshead's Chronicles," the bones of King Stephen trees with a collection of ornamental shrubs.
(who founded the abbey here) were recovered and deposited 'there is here the A Troop of the Royal East Kent Yeomanry
in the church, and there is an inscription to that effect: in Cavalry (Duke of Connaught's Own Mounted Ritles), also a
1755 the nave was rebuilt from plans by Mr. George Dance, detachment of the Ist Kent Artillery Volunteer Brigade,
architect, ai a cost of £2,500, raised by assessments: the Eastern Division Royal Artillery, consistin~ of No. 3 and 4
exterior underwent a complete restoration in 1854 and in Batteries, numbering about 96 men ; the battery is at Harty
I874, under the superintendence of the late Sir George Gil- Ferry and the drill hall and armoury, together with the gun
bert Scott B.A. when the church was reseated and a gallery repository and drill room, in Preston street; in connection
removed from the west end; the cost of the restoration in with the corps is a club.
I87i was £4,500 ; the chancel being then restored at a cost In 1147 King Stepben built here an abbey for Cluniac
of 1.1,500: there are several stained windows, including one monks, dedicated to St. Saviour, in which that king and his
in the south transept, inserted in 1869 by the trustees of Queen Matilda were interred ; his son, Eustace, was also
Henry Hatche's charity and on the south side of the chancel buried here, with many other noble personages : the abbot
is one to the wife of the present vicar : in the north transept was mitred and during the reigns of Edward I. and Edward
is a window erected at a cost of £300 in x88x by the trustees II. sat in thirteen several parliaments; the abbey had right
of the public charities: there are I-4-00 sittings, 300 being of sanctuary, and its revenues at the Dissolution were
free. The register dates from 26th March, 1620. The livin~ £355 15s. 2d.; portions of the outer wall still remain.
is a vicarage, yearly value £460, with residence, in the gift Earl Sondes is lord of the manor.
of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, and held since I866
by the Rev. Charles Edward Donne M.A. of Trinity College, The population in x88x and the area and rateable values
Cambridge, chaplain to Faversham union and surrogate. are:-
There is a Chapel of Ease in East street, in connection --
with this church, opened in 1885 and affording 26o sittings. Acres. Rateable. Population.
A Mission church, erected on the quay in 1872 and en-
Value. x88r.
larged in 1874, will seat 300 persons.
The Baptist chapel, in St. Mary's road, was built, with a
school room, in 1873, and will seat 350 persons. The Part- Faversham A. R. P. £, s. d. a8,5o6
ridge Lane Congregational chapel was built in 1789 by John parish:-
Simmons, and endowed by him with £2o annually, and in In-Liberty ••. 545 2 19* 45,621 00 1,978
Out-Liberty.. I,746 2 ot
1832 was further entiowed by Ann Gillett with the interest 00 1,217
Ospringe: 0 3 33 7,002 00 2,340
of £ :r, o8o Reduced Annuities: the chapel will bold 400, and In·Liberty.••. 2,872 3 38 00
Out-Liberty.. 1057I I 19+ 12,648 224
has a school for 440 children. In 1879 a new chapel was
erected in Newton road at a cost of over £6,ooo, in the Preston .............. 540 3 14§ 3·407
Italian style, and will seat 820 persons. The Wesleyan
chapel, in Preston street, built in 18o8, rebuilt in 1861 and Davington ....,.....
enlarged in I87o, will seat Boo persons, and has a school,
enlarged in 1872, to hold 350 children. The Bible Christian
chapel, in Abbey place, built in 1852, will hold 500 persons;
it has also a school room for 200 children. "Includes 14" acres of water. tinclndes 124 a.cres of water.
The Town Hall, or Guildhall, situated in the marketplace, §Includes 6 acres of water.
!Includes 28 acres of water.
is a redangular building supported on 19 octagonal oak
aincluding 337 officers and inmates in the Workhouse.
pillars, and its lower stage is said to be of Elizabethan date; DAVINGTON is a pleasant parish situated on a hill, on the
it contains portraits of the late George Beckett and Henry opposite side of White Hill stream and over .Stone bridge : it
Wreight esqrs. great benefactors to the town ; here are held adjoins Faversham on the north-west. The church of St.
the petty sessions, county court, corn market and general Mary Magdalene originally belonged to the Benedictine
meetings in connection with the borough ; the open basement nunnery founded here by Fulke de Newenham, in II53• of
serves as a market for fish and general commodities, and the which part of the Norman nave, north aisle, south chapel,
building has an illuminated clock tower. tower and the west side of the cloisters remain ; the church,
as now existing, is a small but interesting edifice of flint, PRESTON adjoins Faversham on the north and south, and
oonsisting of chancel, clerestoried nave of four bays, north forms part of the town, the hig-h road from London to Can-
. aisle, a short aisle or chapel on the south side, north porch terbury passing through it: the Faversham railway station
and a tower at the south-west angle containing 3 bells: in the is in the southern part of this parish, as are the Faversham
north aisle is a small niche or piscina: at the east end are two water works. The church of St. Catherine, situated by the
doors formerly leading into a private portion of the edifice, railway station, is an ancient edifice of flint in the Early
attached to the conventual buildings: it was restored in 1845, English, Decorated and Perpendicular styles, and consists of
and embellished as originally, with colour-gilding and orna- large chancel, nave, aisles (separated from the nave by
mental texts from scripture by Thomas Willement esq. ; arcades of four arches on the north and three on the south),
there is a lych gate : there are 220 seats.. 'fhe-r~ister dates porches and a tower on the south side, with an octagonal
from the year I549· The living is a donative, net yearly broach spire containing 3 bells : on the south side of the
value £Iso, in the gift of Mrs. Bramah, and held since I886 chancel are three stone sedilia of extreme richness and a
by the Rev. Thomas Gibson Hill M.A. of Queen's College, piscina; on the north side is a sumptuous altar-tomb of
Orlord. At Davington Hill was a Roman burying-place and black and white marble to Roger Boyle and Joan his wife,
on Judd Hill are the remains of a quadrangular camp, with erected by their son, Sir Richard Boyle kt. first Earl of Cork,
the corners rounded off: coins and pottery have been found born here in 1566 ; there are recumbent effigies of both, and
here and in the ruins of a small chapel, Roman bricks are in front are kneeling figures, representing members of their
tound worked up : the church and priory of St. Mary Mag- flamily; it has no date: at the east end of the nave is a.
dalene, Davington (called in Domesday "Danetone "),were quaint monument to Thomas l<'inch and his- wife, dated
constituted a manor in 1254; i11 I535 the convent became I6I2; there are also brasses to Valentine Baret, ob. 1440,
derelict as a religious house and was forfeited to the Crown and Cicely his wife, ob. I442, with effigies in very perfect.
from want of successors to the estate : it has been since condition; to William Mareys esq. to Henry V. and Cardinal
leased from the Crown and passed by descent and purchase Beaufort, 1459, with a figure in armour in fine preservation
·through many hands until the year 1845, when the freehold and to Thomas Finch esq. ob. x6r5, and Bennet.(Maycott)
manor and donative were purchased by Thomas Willement his wife ob. 1612: the'te is a good deal of wood.screen work
.esq. F.S..A. : in 1~56 a very curious brigandine cap, formed of and some finely carved desks: there are 440 ·sittings, all
iron plates and supposed to be unique, was found on the roof being free. The register dates from the year I559· 'rhe
of the priory: courts baron have been regularly held in the living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge £4I5, net yearly
manor: bricks are largely made here. value £212, with residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of
\!1.1 0SPRINGB is a parish and village, three-quarters of a Canterbury, and h~ld since I878 by the Rev. John RusseU
mile south-west from Faversham, partly within the borough, Cooke B.A. of Hertford College, Oxford. Earl Sondes D.L.,
on the London road. The church of SS. Peter and Paul J.P. is lord of the manor and principal landowner. West-
is an interesting edifice of flint, quoined with stone, wood, Copton and Macknade are manors in the parish of
chiefly in the Early English style, and consists of chancel, Preston next Faversham. Perry Court, in the parish of
nave, aisles (the south extending into a chantry called 1Preston, is an estate half a mile south west, given in 1721
t' Harts chapel"), porches and a modern square saddle-back by Lady Capell, with lands belonging to it, for the benefit of
tower, with circular turret at one angle and louvred win the twelve charity schools of Kew Green, Richmond and
dows in the upper stage, built in place of the old one, which Mortlake, in Surrey; Brentford Butts, St. Andrew's, Hol-
fell in 1695, and coutaining one bell ; the expense of its re- born, Chiswick, Hammersmith and Ealing, in Middlesex ;
erection in I866, together with that of the lych gate, being Cheltenham and Tewkesbury, in Gloucestershire; Favers-
defrayed by the late William Hall, of Syndale : the nave is ham, in Kent; and Haltwistle, in Northumberland.
divided from the aisles by an arcade of four arches on either NORTH PRESTON or THE BRENTS is a part of the civil
Bide supported by square piers : the north doorway is a fine parish of Preston, to the north of the town, of which it forms
specimen of Norman work, within an antique porch: there a part, on the opposite bank of the Creek, and was formed
are eepulchral recesses, a piscina and several monuments, into an ecclesiastical parish July 6th, 188x, from- the civil
including one of quaint character on the south side of the parishes of Faversham and Preston: bricks are largely
chancel to James Master, with a recumbent effigy and dated manufactured here, and the place is chiefly occupied by per-
I63I : the font is a square bowl of Purbeck marble supported sons employed in the brickfields. The church of St. John
on a central and four smaller shafts and is considered to be the Evangelist is a building of flint and stone in the Early
Early Norman: the church was repaired and reseated in English style, and was erected in I88r at the sole cost of the
1866, when the nave was re-roofed with open timber and the late Mrs. Hall, of Syndale, as a memorial to her husband,
reredos and some stained windows added as memorials: W. Hall esq. who died in 1876: the church consists of
there are 400 sittings, about 100 being free. The register chancel, nave of four bays, south aisle, organ chamber,
of marriages and burials dates from x6sr; and of marriages vestry and a bell-cot containing one bell: the east aud west
from I570. The living is a vicarage, yearly value from tithe windows and one in the south aisle are stained : there are
rent-charge £305, with 29 acres of glebe and residence, in 266 sittings. The register dates from July, x88I. The
the gift of St. John's College, Cambridge, and held since living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £3oo, with residence,
1848 by the Rev. William Nathaniel Griffin B.D. formerly in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since
fellow and tutor of that college and honorary canon of Can- r884 by the Rev. Nathaniel Jones Milner Stuart Amies, of
terbury. The school at PAINTERS FoRSTAL, a hamlet one St. Aidan's.
mile and a half south-west, is occasionally used for Divine Parish Clerks (Faversham), George Aylett; (Ospringe)
worship. Syndale Park is the property of the trustees of the I George Lott; (Preston) Henry Kirby; (Davington) Charles
la~ William Hall esq.
Henry Weller; (Brents) Alfred Wise.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- Day mails are dispatched to Oare at n a.m. BouJhton at
Henry John Rook, postmaster I2 noon, Badlesmere & Sheldwich at I2 p.m
HoURs OF BusiNESs.-Week days-For sale of postage *Parcels & letters.
stamps, post cards, newspaper wrappers, stamped & DELIVERIES in the town & delivery to callers take place at 11
registered letter envelopes, parcel post business, regis-
tration of letters & delivery of letters &c. to callers, 7 a.m. a. m. & 4.30 & 6.go p.m
to 9 p.m. ; for money orders, savings bank, insurance & Etherington, receiver. Letters arrive at 6.30 a.m. &
annuity business & issue of inland revenue licences, 9 12.30 p.m.; dispatched at I2.30 p.m. & 7 p.m. weekdays
a.m. to 6 p.m. ; sale of postal orders, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. ; & at I p.m. sundays. Postal orders are issued here, but
payment of postal orders, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ; telegraph
business, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays-For sale of stamps, not paid
registration of letters & telegraph business, 8 to IO a.m County Magistrates for the Faversham Division.
*Faversham-local, town & country delivery, 5.30 a.m Spinks Frederick Lowten M.A., D.L. serjeant-at-law, Brenley
*London & places beyond & all towns in Kent, 8.50 a.m. ; house, Faversham, chairman
registered until8.2o a.m Sondes Earl, Lee court, Faversham
Sittingbourne, 9· 15 a. m. ; registered until 8.45 a. m Throwley Viscount n.L. Lees court, Faversham
London & all parts, I0.3o a.m. ; registered until xo a.m Croft Sir Jn.Fk. bart.F.B.S.,B.A. Doddington, Sittingbourne
London & all parts, I2.30 p.m. ; registered until I2 noon Dawes Edwyn Sandys esq. Mount Ephraim, Faversham
London & all parts, 1.45 p.m.; registered until I.15 p.m Dean George Hambrook esq. White Hall, Sittingbourne
*Rochester, Chatham, Sheerness & Sittingbourne, 1.45 Faunce-De Laune Chapmau De Laune esq. Sharsted court,
p.m.; registered until I.xs p.m Sittingbourne ·
Canterbury, Dover, Ramsgate & Margate, g. 15 p.m. ; regis- Gascoyne William Whitehead esq. The Lawn, Sittingbourne
tered until 2.45 p.m Hilton Richard Jones esq. Preston house, Faversham
*London & forward, 7.40 p.m. ; registered until7.ro p.m Hooper Capt. Chas. Fredk. Harewell house, near Faversham
General dispatch to all parts, 8.30 p.m.; extra id stamp, Knight Richard esq. Bobbing court, near Sittingbourne
9.10 p.m. ; registered until 8 p.m - Pemberton Edward Leigh esq. D.L. Torry hill, Sittiugbonrne
254 1'AVEHSH.AM. }{ENT. (KELLY's
Pemberton Robert Leigh esq. Torry hill, Sittingbourne County Court, 21 West street, His Honor William Lucius
Rigden John esq. Court street, l<'aversham Selfe, judge; James Tassell, registrar; Henry Anderson,
Rigden William Edward esq. B.A. Court street, Faversham high bailiff; Stephen Croucher, deputy. The court ia
Tweddell Ralph Hart, Meopham court, Gravesend held monthly, at the Town hall, Market place. The
Twopeny Edwd. Maxwell esq. Woodstock, near Sittingbourne following places are within its jurisdiction :-Badlesmere,
Tylden Richard James"esq. Milsted manor, nr. Sittingbourne Boughton-under-Blean, Buckland, Davington, Dodding-
Tyler Lt.-Col. Chas. Jn. Roper, Lynsted ldg. Sittingbonrne ton, Dunkirk (Ville), Eastling, Faversham, Goodnestone,
Valiance Thomas William esq. Aymers, Sittinghourne Graveney, Hernbill, Leaveland, Luddenbam, Lynsted,
Wheler Chas. Wheler esq.M.A.Otterden Place, nr.Faversham Newnham, Norton, Oare, Ospringe, Otterden, Preston,
Clerks to the Magistrates, Tassell & Son, 20 W~t street Selling, Sheldwich, Stalisfield, Stone, Teynham, Throwley
Petty Sessions are held the first & third thursdays in each & Wicbling.
month at the Guildhall, Faversham, at u o'clock; first Certified bailiffs appointed under the Law of Distress Amend-
&; third mondays in each month, at the Police station, ment Act, Hy. Stidolph, East st. ; Jn. Minter, Perrywood
Sittingbourne, at u o'clock Custom House, 24 Court street, Thomas Lewis, principal
. The following places are in the division :-Bapchild, Bobbing, o.fficer.-Out stations, Whitstable & Milton •
Bredgar, Borden, Boughton-under-the-Blean, Badlesmere, Faversham Institute. East street ; F, C. Jackman, hon. sec
Buckland-next-Faversham, Davington, Doddington, Dun- Inland Revenue Office, J. Hay, officer, Newton road
kirk (Ville), Eastcburch, Eastling, Elmley, Faversbam, Navigation Office, West street, James Tassell, clerk; Henry
Goodnestone, Graveney, Hernhill,. Harty (St, Thomas Elvy Coulterf treasurer; Thomas M. Attwater, collectQr
the Apostle, iu the Isle of), Halstow the Lower, Hartlip, & superintendent
!wade, Kingsdowne, Laysdowne, Leaveland, Lynsted, Oyster Fishery Company of Free Fishermen & Dredgers of
Luddenham, Milsted, Milton-next-Sittingbourne, Minster the Manor &; Hundred of l<'aversham, Right Hon. Earl
(in Sheppey), Murston, Newnham, Newington-next-Sit- Sondes, lord of the manor ; Thomas Norman Wightwi<)k,
tingbourne.. Norton, Oare, Ospringe, Preston-next-Favers- Canterbury, steward; T. M. Attwater, water bailiff;
ham, Rainham, Rodmersham, Selling, Sheldwich, Sit- Thomas Eley, deputy water bailiff
tingbourne, Stalisfield, Stone-next-Faversham, Teynham, Recreation Ground, the Trustees of the Faversham Public
Throwley, Tonge, Tunstall, Upchurch, Warden Charities, trustees & managers; Francis F. Giraud, soli·
citor & clerk
Borough Magistrates. Stamp Office, 83 Preston st. Alfd.M. Edwards,sub-distributr
Tax Office, :zo West street, James Tassell, clerk to the com-
The Ex-Mayor missioners ; Robert S. Dunn, collector i Arthur William
The Reeorder Percival, 20 West street, assessor
.John A. Anderson, Hillside house, South street Town Hall, Market place, Frank Parfitt, keeper
Charles Bryant, Ventnor house, Newton road VOLUNTEERS.
Hafford Fielding, I Newton road Royal East Kent Yeomanry Cavalry (Duke of Connaught's
E. Garraway, Court street Own), Mounted Rifles (A Troop), Capt. Viscount Throw-
Charles Smith, Stone street ley, commanding; Sergeant-Major T. Smith, drill in-
· R. Watson Smith, St. Anne's house structor; Kent Artillery xst Volunteer Brigade Eastern
Clerk of the Peace, Francis Frederick Giraud, so Preston st Division Royal Artillery (No's. 3 & 4 Batteries), Capt. A.
Clerk to the Magistrates, James Tassell, 20 West street Tassell, commandant
Borough Petty Sessions held at the Guildhall on the first FAVERSHAM UNION.
wednesday in every month at 10 a.m Board day, wednesday, at the Workhouse at 12 noon.
Special Sessions at the prescribed periods, with frequent The Union comprises the following 25 parishes, viz.:-
Badlesmere, Boughton-under-Blean, Buckland, Davington,
Corporation. Doddington, Dunkirk, Eastling, Jt'aversham, Goodnestone,
I88\T90, Brick court, Graveney, Hernhill, Leaveland, Luddenham, Lynstead,
Newnbam, Norton, Oare, Ospringe, Preston next Favers-
MAYOR-Councillor Henry Ross Child. ham, Selling, Sheldwich, Stalisfield, Stone next Favers·
DEPUTY MAYOR-Alderman Charles Smith. ham, Teynham & Throwley. The population of the Union
RECORDER-George Edwardes Dering esq.
in 188x was 24,956; rateable value in 18go, j)52,638
Temple, London E c.
Clerk to the Guardmns & Assessment Committee, Allan
ALDERMEN. 'fassell, 20 West street
To serve until November, 1892. Treasurer, Richard Jones Hilton, Market place
I Lewis Shrubsole Collector to the Guardians, Alfred Greey, 4 Albion terrace,
Charles Smith
To serve until NI ovFemrebdeerr,ic18J9o5h·nson Faversham
Anderson Relieving & Inquiry Officer for the tJnion, Harry Thomas
.John A.
CoUNCILLORS. Porter, 9 St. Mary's road, Faversham
ITo serve until November, 18go. Vaccination Officer, Allan Tassell, 20 West st. Faversham
George Pordage John Long Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No: 1 district, John
John Horsford G. F. Scott Irvine Boswell, 54 & 55 East street, Faversham; No. 2
district, Frederick Abner Gange M.D. 40 Court street,
To serve until November, 1891.
Faversha.m; No. 3 district, Walter Scatchard, Boughton-
Lewis Jackson 1 Frederick Austin under-Blean; No. 4 district, Prideaux George Selby,
Green Street
Charles Holmes Benjamin Gough Berry Superintendent Registrar, Allan Tassell, 20 West stree~
Faversham; deputy, Frank Branford, 20 West street,
J. Smith ITo serve until November, 1892. Faversham
Ebenezer Chambers Registrars of Births & Deaths, Boughton sub-district,
Henry Ross Child Charles Oremer Thomas Fowler, Post office, Boughton: deputy, Herbert
F. Foreman, Hernhill; Faversbam sub-district, Robert
Town Clerk, Francis F. Giraud, so Preston street
Borough Treasurer, James TasseU, 21 West street ,
Coroner,- Harris, Sittingbourne Smith Dunn, 15 East street, Faversham; deputy, Thomas
Public Analyst, S. Harvey, Canterbury 0. Attwater, 9 Mapleton road, Faversham; Teynham
Surveyor, Edwin Pover, 54 & 55 Park road sub-district, Stephen George, jun. Green Street ; deputy,
Inspector of Weights & Measures, Reuben Pearson, 22 George W. George, Green Street
Preston street
Registrar of Marriages, William Edward Harris, 19 West
Sanitary Inspector, Edwin Pover, 54 & 55 Park road
street; deputy, Frederick W. Fuller, 20 West street
Rate Collector, Alfred Greey, 4 Albion terrace
Workhouse, a building of brick erected to hold 400 inmates,
Town Crier, Stephen Hughes, 114 St. Mary's road
Thomas Smith, master; Rev. C. E. Donne M. A. chaplain;
Sergeant-at-Mace, Frank Parfett, Partridge lane
Frederick Abner Gange M.D. medical officer ; Mrs. Char•
Billet Master, Thomas Fowle, Middle row •
lotte Maria Smith, matron
Borough Police Station, Middle row, Thomas Fowles, in- Meets at Union on the 4th wed. in the month at 12.45 p.IJl
spector, with 2 sergeants & 6 constables
Clerk, Allan Tassell, 20 West street
.Commission of Sewers for the Levels of Teynham, Tonge, Treasurer, R. Jones Hilton, Market place
Luddenham & the Level of the Island of Elmley, James Medical Officer of Health, Frederick Abner Gange M.D. 40
Tassell, clerk, 20 West street
Court street
Cottage Hospital, Stone street, John lrvine Boxwell x.n.
Charles John Evers lii.B. Frederick Gange x.n. William Sanitary Inspector, William John Coe, Ospringe road
Reeks Lyddon L.R.C.P. · & L.M. Edin. & William Alfred
Meets at Union on the 4th wed. in month at 12.45 p.m.
Phillipps x.n. medical officers; John Rigden, sec Clerk, Allan Tassell, 20 West street
Attendance Officer, Thomas Smith, St. Mary's road
l'ublio Offi.cers. tht> master & mistresses, at a·cost of about £6,ooo, Jdr
6oo children ; average attendance, 500 ; Thomas James
' Lowther, master; Mrs. M. A. Davies, mistress; Mrs•
Emma H. Lowther, infants' mistress
Admiralty Surgeon & Agent, Fredk. Abner Gange M.D. 40
.COurt street
Assistant Overseer, Robert Smith Dunn, I5 East street
Certifying Factory Surgeon, William Alfred Phillippa M.D. Wreight's School, built in r857, at a cost of £3,200, obtained
4 Court street from Wreight/s charity ; there are entrance scholarships
Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes of the Upper Division & others tenable at the school & exhibitions to any
of Scray, of Pavements of the town of Faversham & of place of higher education; A. Telfer B.A. master; F. F.
Sewers of the Levels of Teynham, Tonge, Luddenham & Giraud, solicitor & clerk to governors
the Island of Elmley & of Navigation, Treasurer to the William Gibbs's School for Girls, Orchard place, built in
Trustees of Public Charities & Vestry Clerk, James 1884, for 72 girls ; attached to the school are three
Tassell, 20 West street
1ollector of Assessed Taxes, Alfred Greey, 4 Albion terrace scholarships of the annual value of not less than £6 nor
lollectors of Poor Rates, Alfred Greey, 4 Albion terrace &
Robert Smith Dunn, rs East street more than £9; also exhibitions value £,10 to £3o; Miss
'Harbour Master, Thomas Martin Attwater, Standard quay
Inland Revenue Officer, J. Hay, 26 Newton road Culverhouse M.T.C. mistress
..Sub-Distributor of Stamps, Alfd. M. Edwards, 83 Preston st District National, built in 1851 by the Trustees of Public
Charities, at a cost of [7,700, including site; infants'
~chool added in r867, at a cost of £747 & in 1874 the
schools were further enlarged at a cost of £8I5; the
number now (189o) in attendance is r,r6o; C. Bryant,
Places of Worship, with times of Services. treasurer; Francis F. Giraud, sec. ; H. Steedman, head
St. Mary of Charity Church, Faversham, Rev. Charles master; Miss F. Moore, girls' mistress; Miss Martha
Clarke, infants' mistress
Edward Donne M.A. vicar; Rev. T. J. Sewell M..A. L.
. White M.A. W. D. Braginton (curates) ; James Tassell, Painters Forstal (mixed), Ospringe, erected in r8]I, for
sovestry clerk; xx a.m. & 3.30 & 6,30 p.m. ; daily 10 a.m. 6o children ; average attendance, i Miss Finch, mist
& 4.30 p.m. except wed. & fri. II a.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m National, Ospringe, erected, with a mistress's residence, in
St. Catherine's Church, Preston, Rev. John Russell Cooke t851, for 260 children; average attendance, 2u;. Miss
B.A. vicar; Rev. C. E. Woodruff M.A. curate ; n a. m. & Emma J ohnson, mistress
6.go p.m.
St. John the Evangelist, Brents, Rev. Nathaniel Jones M. S. Mrs. Hall's (girls), Tanner street, was originally founded
in 1848 & then occupied premises in West street: the
• Amies, vicar; II a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m present buildings were erected by the late Colonel Hall,
of Syndale Park, in r86I, for 205 children; average
.St. Mary Magdalene Church, Davington, Rev. T. G. Hill M.A. attendance, IBo; the school is supported in part by Mrs.
Hall & by a government grant ; Miss Rebecca Tilly, mist
incumbent;. I I a.m. & 3.30 & 6.30 p.m. during summer
Wesleyan (mixed), Preston street, for 400 children; average
SS. Peter & Paul Church, Ospringe, Rev. William Nathaniel
Griffin B.D. vicar; Rev. C. E. Mathews L.Tb. curate;
10.30 a.m. & 3 p.m. ; daily 7 a.m. ; winter 4.30 p.m
St. Saviour's (Iron) Church, Park road, Rev. Laban White, attendance, 310 ; Sidney Mead, master; Mrs. Painter,
infants' mistress
M:.A. curate in charge ; n a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Church Mission Room, Water lane, 10.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Almshouse Chapel, South road, Rev. H. E. Curtis M:•.A. Newspapers.
chaplain; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; u a.m. daily
Faversham Mercury, 83 Preston street ; Alfred M. Edwards,
:Baptist, St. Mary's road, Rev. Charles Augustus Slack,
minister; n a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7.30 p.m.; sat. 7 publisher ; published saturday •
-- p.m Faversham News & East Kent Journal, West street; Fredk.
·'Bible Christians, Abbey place, Rev. William Hill, minister;
Austin, publisher ; published friday
ro.45 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7 p.m
Coi1¥l'egational, Newton road, Rev. William H. Hill, minis- Railway Station.
ter; u a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p. m. ; & Partridge Preston street, William Goymer, station master
lane (old), 6.30 p.m.; mon. & sat. 7 p.m
Primitive Methodist, Brents, 2.30 & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs.
7p.m Carriers.
Wesleyan, Rev. John Palmer, minister, Preston street &
AsHFORn-Rogers, from 54 Presto~ street at 9.30 a.m. on
Painters Forstal, I0.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon. & thurs. t'ues. thurs. & sat
7p.m BADLESMERE-Collins, from the 'Red Lion,' at 2.r~ p.m.;
Wesleyan Mission Room, Brents, 6.30 p.m. & wed. ditto 'Crown & Anchor,' the Mall, at 3-45 p.m. on wed. &
Schools. fri. ; Goldup, from the 'Ship,' at 2.I5 p.m. on mon. &
School Attendance Committee, consisting of 12 members of :BAPCHILD-Shepherd, from the' Ship.' at 3 p.m
the Corporation; Francis I<'rederick Giraud, 50 Preston :BouGHTON-Burren, from the 'Ship,' daily at 4 p.m.;
street, clerk to the committee; John Cording, St. Mary's Station at 5 p.m.; Miles, daily from Market place at ro
road, attendance officer a.m. & railway station at u a.m
, faversham Education Board, chairman, Rev. C. E. Donne, :BouGHTON LEES-Linkins, from the 'Red Lion,' at 2.:15
M.A. vicar; C. Cremer, sec. & treasurer & 'Crown & Anchor,' The Mall, at 3·45 p.m. on wed. &
• Queen Elizabeth's Grammar school was founded by Dr. fri
Cole, who, in :1527, bequeathed lapds to the Abbot & Con- CANTERBURY-:Burren, daily from the 'Ship/ at 4 p.m. &
vent of St. Saviour, at I<'aversham, for the foundation of a Station at 5 p.m.; Miles, daily from Market place at xo
Grammar school, under the management of that society: a.m. &; Railway station at n a.m
at the time of the dissolution of the monastery the school CHALLOCK-Collins, from the 'Red Lion,' at 2.I5 p.m. &
lands were sequestered to the Crown ; but in 1.576 Queen 'Crown & Anchor,' the Mall, at 3·45 p.m. on wed. & fri.;
Elizabeth, by royal charter, reconstituted the school & Goldup, from the' Ship,' at 2.:15 p.m. on thurs
endowed it with a portion of the lands previously given to CHARING-Goldup, daily from the 'Ship,' at 2.15 p.m
it by the founder : the income for the year ending May CHATHAM-Shepherd, from the 'Ship,' at 3 p.m. on mon.
x8th, r876, was [492 ; the school was reorganized & its wed. & fri
endowments increased by a scheme framed by the En- DomNGTON-Hughes, from the 'Ship,' at 4 p.m. on tues.
dowed School Commissioners in 1876; the management thurs. & sat .
is now vested in 15 governors, who have power to erect DuNKIRK-Burren, daily from the 'Ship,' at 4 p.m. &
convenient school premises & create free scholarships Station at s p.m.; Miles, daily from Market place at 10
tenable at Faversham, & exhibitions to places of higher a.m. & Railway station at II a.m
education ; there already exist two exhibitions of £.6o EASTLING-Goldup, from the 'Ship,' at 2.:15 p.m. on tues.
each, tenable for three years, at Oxford or Cambridge & fri
University: a school to hold 40 boarders & 40 day scholars, GREENSTREET-Shepherd, from the 'Ship,' at 3 p.m. on
with master's house, has been erected at the south end of tues. thurs. & sat
Ospringe road, at a cost of about £.6,ooo. Rev. Frederick LENHAM-Hughes, from the 'Ship,' at 4 p.m. on tues.
Maximilian Crapper M.A. head master; F. F. Giraud, thurs. & sat ·
solicitor & clerk M.&IDSTONE-Hughes, from the 'Ship,' at 4 p.m. on mon.
A School Board of 7 members was formed in I88o for the wed. & fri.; Goldup, from the ·~)hip,' at 2.r5 p.m. on
united district of Preston, Davington & Oare; Allan tues. & fri
Tassell, 20 West street, clerk to the board ; George Wise, NEWNHAM-Hughes, from the 'Ship,' at 4 p.m. on tues.
17 Union street, attendance officer thurs. & sat
Board School, Davington, for the parishes of Preston, OTTERDEN-Goldup, from the 'Ship,' at 2.15 p.m. on tues.
Davington & Oare, erected in I882, with residences for &fri
SITTINGBOUBNE-Shepherd, from the 'Ship,' at 3 p.m. on Water Conveyance.
tues. thul'S. & sat HoYs-Daniels & Co.'s boys take in goods & merchandise 1
STALISFIEL.D-Goldup, from the 'Ship,' at 2.15 p.tn. on Harrison's wharf, Lower East Smithfield, London B, eve1
tues. & fri sat. for Faversham & neighbourhood
PRIYATB RESIDENTS, Davy Thomas, 46 Preston street Packer Mrs. 2 Albion terrace
Adkins Benjamin A.R.I.B.A. Newton Dobbie Mrs. 14 East street Palmer Rev. Jn.[ Wesleyan],7Albion fA..
sovilla, Newton road
, DonneRev.CharlesEdward M.A. [vicar], Paul Mrs. East street
Allam George, Ospringe road 56 Preston street Payn Mrs. Newton road
Amies Rev. Nathaniel Jones Milner Ely R. S. 5 Preston street Peach Mrs. 4 Sta.tion road
Stuart [vicar of Brents], Brents Evers Charles John, I Albion terrace Percival Arthur William, Ospringe road
Anderson John A. Hillside ho. South rd Fairbrass Miss, 82 Abbey street Phillipjl Wm. Alfred M:. D. 4 Court st
Attwater Thos. Chambers,9Napleton rd Fielding Hafford, I Newton road Phillips James Henry, Newton road
Attwater Thomas Martin, 8 Albion ter Filmer Fredk. Henry, Cambridge road Poll George, I Station road
Baily Wil1iam Henry, Stone street Finn George, 23 South road Ponton John William, 23 Preston street.
Barnes Henry D. Berkeley, DWlkirk Finn Geo.Wm.Westwood court, Preston Pryer Frederick, Preston lodge
Barnes Jas.P.Parsonage farm, Ospringe Gauge Fredk. Abner JII.D. 40 Court st Record Mrs. IS St. Mary's road
Barnes Mrs. Osmond, 57 Preston street Gardiner Mrs. Lewis cottage Higden John J.P. 34 Court street
Bal'Dl'S Thomas, 7 St. Mary's road Gillett Thomas, 2 Newton road Rigden Mrs. 34 Court street
Barnett William, Court street Gillow Thomas, Newton road Rigden Wm. Edward .J.P. 34 Court st
Bathurst Miss, East street Giraud Francis Frederick, so Preston st Roberson William, 54 Newton road
BatterbeeNapoleons S.Fernlea,Newtn.rd Goldfinch George, 5 St. Mary's road RobertsArtleyCarrington,45 Prestonrd
Bet·ry Benjamin Gough, 45 Newton rd Graham Charles Laurence, I8 Court st Rogers J sph. Edwd. 54 Preston Road IJii
Boorman William, 25 St. Mary's road Griffin Rev. William Nathaniel B.D. Seager Thomas, 53 Newton road
Boswell Jn. Irvine M.D. 54& 55 East st [vicar & hon. canon], Ospringe Semark Henry, Kingstield terrace
Braginton Rev. Wm. Douglas Lcurate], Griffin George Herbert, Ospringe Sewell Rev. Thomas Jackson [curate], ·
2 St. Ann's road Griggs Richard, 56 Newton road Plantation house
BramahMrs.Davington priory,Davingtn Harris Mrs. 7 Newton road Sharp Misses, 8 St. Mary's road
Branch Miss, 13 Albion terrace Harris William, 12 Station road Sherwood John William, Ospringe road
Branford. Frank, Capel road Hill Rev. Thos. GibsonB.A. [incumbent Shrnbsole Frank, 6 St. Ann's road
Breeze Charles, Ospringe road of St. MaryMagdalene], Davington Slack Rev. Charles Augustus LBaptistJ,
Broadbridge sRsicPhraersdt,on7 Station road Hill Rev. William [Bible Christian], 35 64 Newton road
Brooks Mrs. street
Newton road Smeed James, 2 Station road
Bryant Charles, Ventnor ho. Newton rd Hill Rev. Wm.H.[Cong.],2 St.Mary's rd Smith Charles, Stone street
Bunce James, SI Newton road Hills Samuel, 6 St. M1ny's road Smith Jabez, 8 Newton road
Butcher Misses, 49 East street Hilton Miss, Preston Road house Smith Richd. Watson, St. Ann's house
Butcher Mrs. 55 Newton road Hilton Mrs. 9 Albion terrace Stickells Miss, 1 Albany vils.Newton rd
Byng Mrs. Whitebill, O~ringe Hilton Richard Jones J.P. Preston honse Stunt Waiter Chas. Lorenden,Ospringe
Carter Mrs. Ospringe house Rinks James, 5 Station road Swoffer George, IO Station road
Chambers Ebenezer, 4 St. Mary's road Hogben Edward, 46 Newton road Swoffer Miss, 28 Newton road
Chambers Mrs. 5 Albion terrace Hollday Stephen, I Kingsfield terrace Tassell Allan, 3 Albion terrace
Chapman Mrs. 13 St. Mary's road Holmes Mrs. 47 East street Tassell James, 21 West street
Child Henry Ross, SI East street Hooper Mrs. 47 Newton road Taylor Stephen, Pakville, Davington
Clinch Charles Edward, 3 St. Ann's rd Horsford John,Gladstone vil.Newton rd Tett Frank, The Mall, Preston
Cole James, 2oB, East street Hunt Mrs. I Connaught viis. Newtonrd TettHenry Seymour, Oakscot.Ospringe
Cook John William, Davington Ingamells Harry Saml. 17 St. Mary's rd Tong Wm. Winford, 9 St. Ann's road
Cooke Rev. John Russell B.A. Preston Jackson Lewis, 2I Preston street Trotton Mrs. n St. Mary's road
v1• carnge
Johnson Frederic, 67 Preston street Underdown Mrs. 9 Kingsfield terrace
Comelius Henry Ri<'hd. 20A1 East street Kite Mrs. 3 Kingsfield terrace Veitch John, 9 Newton road ·
Comforth Thomas, Ospringe road Knibbs Alfred Rd. The Grove, Preston Videan Miss, 3 The Mall, Preston
Coulter HF reendreyr iEclkv, y2,7sNEeawsttosnt rreoeatd Lewis Thomas, 24 Court street Walle1' Mrs. 7 St. Ann's road
Lyddon Charles, 12 West street & Waiter Herbert, Ospringe road
Coulter Mrs. 6 Albion terrace Grosvenor club, London Waters Henry, Ospringe road •
CCorauprpt eSrtRepehve.n:,ns. Lyddon Mrs. 12 West street
Newton road Lyddon Wm. Reeks, n & 12 West st Watson Edwin, 12 Albion terrace
Maximilian lii.A.
(head White Rev. Laban M.A. [curate of St.
mast. of Grammar school),St.Ann'srd Maile William, 3 St. Mary's road Mary's & curate in charge of St.
Cremer Mrs. 49 Newton road Marsh Miss, I Queen's road Saviour's], 92 St. Mary's road
Cresswell John, Nightingale place Mathews Rev. Charles Edgar L.Th. White Mrs. Henry, 55 Preston street
Culver William, 44 Preston street [curate of Ospringe], 25 Ospringe Wildash Isaac, 11 Albion terrace
Curtis Rev. Henry Eldridge lii.A. [chap- Mearns Wm. Archibald, Davington hill Wildash John, The Cedars, Newton rd
lain to the Almshouses], Chapel Moore Robert, 21Albany vils. Newton rd Woodruff Rev. Charles Eveleigh M.A.
house, Ospringe Moore William John, Ospringe road [cUl'ateaf Preston],Alfred ho.Preston
Dan Samson, 44 East street Murton Mrs. 49 Preston street Wotton Frederick, Ospringe road
Dane Miss, I NewtonRoad pl.Newton rd Neame Charles, Copton Wright Rev. Barrington Staftord M.A.
Damey Alexander, 8 Kingsfield terrace Neame I<'rederick, jun. Machnade [rector of Luddenham with Stone-
Damey John, South road Neame Mrs. Robert, IO Kingsfield ter ·next-FaveTsham], Napleton house
Darney Robert, 6 Newton road Neame Mrs. W. B. Brogdale house Wright Miss, 8 St. Ann's Toad
Davey John, 3 Station road Neame PercyBeale, The Mount Wyles Miss, 63 Newton road
Davy A. Henry, I St. Ann's road · Nunns John. Ospringe road
COMMERCIAL. Bailey William, tailor, Stone street
Adams Edward Richard., shopkeeper, Ospringe Baker Frederick, painter, 39 East street
Adams William, Anchor P.H. Ospringe Baldock Chal'les, Park tavern, Park place
Adkins Benjamin A.R.I.B.A. architect, I3 Station road Baldock Lewis, Fleur-de-Lis P.H. I4 Preston street
Alefonnder William, tailor, u8 St. Mary's road - Ballard James Howard, basket ma. 2 Limes pl. Preston st
Alien James, Crown & Anchor P.H. Mall, Preston Barber Joseph Henry, gunsmith, 9 Court street
Amos Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 87 St. Mary's road Barker William, Windmill P.H. Preston
Amos John, farmer, Coxett, Ospnnge Barnard Elizabeth (Mrs.), pawnbroker, 23 Court street
Anderson Henry, high ba.iliff to county court, IO Albion ter l Barnes Henry & James, oil cake & artificial manure mer·
Anderson Jn. A. cement manufr. see Hilton, Anderson & Co chants, Standard quay
Anderson Wm. C. cement manfr. see Hilton, Anderson & Co 'I Barnes James P. farmer, Pal'sonage farm, Ospringe
Appleton Martha (Mrs.}, laundress, I9 Abbey street Barnes Thomas John, fruiterer, 69 Preston street
Atkinson Matilda (Mrs.), greengrocer, I Abbey street Bamett J n. jnn. dyer & registry office for servants, 2 East st
Attwater Thomas C. deputy registrar of births & deaths, Barns Thomas, photographer, I Limes place, Preston street
Faversham sub-district, 9 Napleton road Barrows Charles, shopkeeper, Mall, Preston
Attwater Thomas Martin, ship owner & harbour maste1', 8 Bartlett John, baker, 4 Market place
Albion terrace; office, Standard quay Barton Alfred, watch maker, 92 West street
Austen Thomas, farmer & hop grower, School farm Barton Richaro, boot &; shoe maker, 90 Preston street
Austin Frederick, stationer, 4 & 5 West street Bassingthwaighte Wm. french polisher, 9 Partridge lane
Austin John, refreshment rooms, 28 Preston street Bates Edwaro, draper, 1:04 & I05 West street
Ayett Richaro, Sun P.H. 10 West street Beacon Wm. Emest, Mechanics' Arms P.H. 44 West street.
Aylett George, school attendance officer, St. Mary's road Bedo Stephen, shopkeeper, Io6 West street
Aylett Susannah (Mrs.), midwife, 96 St. John's road
Berry Brothers & Co. jam makers, Union stl'eet
.J'DffiECTORY · REN'l,. •
Eerry Benjamin Gough, potato dealer, Union street Custom House (Thomas Lewis, principalofficer),2-t-Court st
Blandford G-eorge, baker & corn chandler, I08 West .street Dadson John, shopkeeper, Lower Brents
Bligh Brothers, coach builders, 27 Preston street Dale Edward Hemy, watch maker, 4 Limes pi. Preston st
Bliss Edwin, butcher, 97 Abbey street Dan lsaac & Samson, farmers, Uplees
.Boorman George W. cattle dealer, Newton road Dau & Sons, wine & spirit merchants, Preston- street &
"Boorman John Lawson, butcher, 66 Preston street brick makers, Uplees ·
;Hoorman William, plumber &c. Ospringe Dan & Co. fruit preservers, Uplees
Boots William, locksmith & bellhanger, Middle row Dane Godfrey, fishmonger, Noah's Ark
'Borough Police Station (Thos. Fowle, inspctr.), Middle row Dane John L. dairyman, 46 St. Mary's road
Eoswell John Irvine M. D. surgeon & medical officer of health Darney Robert, superintendent of the Faversham Gas &
to urban & port sanitary authorities, & medical officer & Water Works Co
public vaccinator, No. I district, Faversham union, 54 & Davey Thomas, ship smith, Quays
55 East street Davis Alfred & Sons, builders & contractors, Union street
Boulding Frank, butcher, IOI West street Davis Charles, builder, 27A, East street & St. John's road
Boulding Frank Webb, butcher, 6 Limes place, Preston st Davis Charles James, Ship family & commercial hotel &
Bourne David, boot maker, Middle row posting house, r6 Market place
Bradford John (Mrs.), baker, St. John's road DawsonWm.Goodhugh, builder,440springe rd.& Preston st
Branford Frank, deputy supt. registrar, 20 ·west street Day Henry & Son, builders, Station road
Bray William, baker, 3 Limes place, Preston street Dence John, blacksmith, 48 Preston street
Breese Ann (M-r~.). coal merchant, 6 Station road Dodd Robert, barge owner, I St. Mary's road
Brenchley George, shopkeeper, Ospringe road Drake William Hy.organist & teacher of music, 29 Newton rd
Brett Stephen & Son, grocers, III West street Duncan George, fishmonger, 57 West street
Brett Henry, baker, 4 Napleton road Dunk Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), baker, 47 West street
Brett Mary Ann (Mrs.), baker, 53 St. Mary's road Dunn Robert Smith, collector to urban sanitary authority&
Brighting & Ashbee, fancy repository, 5 Court st.reet Queen's taxes, assistant overseer for the out parishes of
Brisley Thomas Herbert, builder, 34 East street Faversham union, rate collector & registrar of births &
Broad Samuel, Bull inn, Tanners street deaths for Faversham sub-district, IS East street
Browne Edward Payne & Son, brick mas. Brents brickworks Eastman Wm. farm bailiff to Baker Murton esq. Davington
Bryant Charles & Son, linen drapers & silk mercers,7 Market Eastwood & Co. Limited, brick makers, Ham farm
Burbridge George, blacksmith, 83 West street Edwards Alfred M. publisher of the" Faversham Mercury,"
Bursley Thomas, shopkeeper, 10 East street & sub-distributor of stamps, 83 Preston street .
~utcher Henry, greengrocer, 74 West street Elfick Maxfield, grocer, 7 & 8 Court street
Butter Thomas William, saddler, 35 Preston street Ellen John, carpenter, Nelson street
'Carey Frederick, dairy, Brents Elliott & Son, grocers, 25 Preston street
Carey Stephen, shopkeeper, Ospringe road Ellis Charles, Royal William P.H. 57 St. Mary's road
Caryer Thomas, shopkeeper, 6o St. Mary's road Ellis William Henry, coach builder, Union street
Chambers David (Mrs.), servants' registry office, Stone st Elphick Sarah Ann (Mrs.), grocer, Nelson Road st. Preston
Chambers Henry, brick manufacturer, Abbey brickfields Eltham Charles, Dolphin hotel, Preston street
Chapman Herbert John, painter &c. 26 East street Ely Frederick, Globe P.H. 34 Abbey street
""Chapman William, greengrocer, Middle row Ely John, coal dealer, St. John's road .
Cheeseman Samuel, shopkeeper, 7 East street Ely R. S.resident clerk London & County Bank,sPreston st
Cheesman Harry, Holly Bush P.H. Tanners street Epps l<'rederick James, plumber, Ospringe road
Cheesman Henry, grocer, 117 West street Epps Herbert, grocer, Ospringe
Child Henry Ross, draper, 12, 13, 14 & 15 Court street Etherington Henry, post office, Ospringe
Chittick Wm. Thos. mineral water manufactr. 38 St.John's rd Evernden William, boot & shoe maker, 94 Abbey street.
Vlark William, carter & farmer, Ospringe Evers Charles John H.B. surgeon, I Albion terrace
{)larke & Whitehead, clothiers, 79 Preston street Exton Henry Edward, painter, 37 Tanner street
Clarke George Thurston, house furnisher, 113 West street Exton John, dairyman, 41 East stl'P.et
Clay Frederick & Son, butchers, I I Preston street Fagg John Robert, grocer, 9 Market place
Clay Charles Frederick, butcher, Ospringe Faversham Agricultural Association (Earl Sondes, presi-
Clay George, baker, Stone street dent; James 'fassell, hon. sec) •
·Coast Edward Henry, hair dresser, 44 Court street Faversham Bank (Hilton, Rigden & Rigden),Market place
Voe William John, sanitary inspector, Ospringe road draw on Prescott, Cave, Buston, Loder & Co. London E c
Cole Thomas James, shopkeeper, Plantation :Faversham Cattle Market Co. Limited (H. Anderson, sec. ;
Coleman Waiter John, draper, 12I & 122 West street C. Chapman, market clerk & collector ; Tassell & Son,
Collins William, baker, Brents solicitors), Market days, alternate tuesdays; office, 20
.Collyer E. farm bailiff to J. P. Barnes esq. Painters Fostal, West street
Ospringe Faversham Co-operative & Industrial Society Limited (Jesse
Cook David George, oil & color man, 7 Preston street Howland, sec.; David Keeler, manager), 6o& 6IPrestn.st
Coomber Robert, cooper, Union street Faversham Cottage Hospital (J. I. Boswell M.D. C. J. Evers
Coombs Stephen, George P.H. 5I Preston street M.B. F. Gange M.D. W. R. Lyddon L.R.C.P.Edin. & W. A.
Coomes Arthur, hair dres.ser, 6 East street Phillipps M.D.medical officers; JohnRigden,sec. ),Stone st
Cooper Richard, cabinet maker, u6 West street Faversham Educational Board (Rev. C. E. Donne :M.A.
Cording John, school attendance officer, St. Mary's road [vicar], chairman ; C. Cremer, sec. & treasurer)
Cork Agnes (Miss), fruiterer, South rd. & 96 Abbey street Faversham Gas Co. (Tassell & Son, secs. ; Robert Darney
Cornelius Henry Richard, ship chandler, Belvedere road manager) ; works, Flood lane
Cornford Samuel, grocer, 3 West street Faversham Institute (F. C. Jackman, hon. sec.), East st
"Cornhill Lewis, beer retailer, Pump yard l<'aversham Labourers' Club (J. Champ, sec.), Cyprus road
Cornhill William, baker & confectioner, Lower Brents :Faversham Mercury (Alfred M. Edwards, publisher); pub-
'Coulter Frederick, shopkeeper, 7 Water lane lished saturday), 83 Preston street
Coulter William James, grocer & baker, 86 West street Faversham Navigation Office (James Tassell, clerk; Henry
County Court Offices (James Tassell, registrar), 20 West st Elvey Coulter, treasurer; Thomas M. Attwater, collec-
Court, Pryer & Court, brick makers, Davington & Ham tor & superintendent), West street
Court Valentine, wine & spirit merchant, 75 Preston street Faversham News & East Kent Journal (Frederick Austin,
Cremer Charles, brick maker, Ham publisher; published friday for saturday), West street
Cripps Alfred, chimney sweeper, Water lane Faversham Prosecuting Society (Tassell & Son, secs.);
Crispe William, butcher, 42 Court street offices, 20 West street
~ Croser Frank, insurance agent, Market place Faversham, Sittingbourne & Lathe of Scray Permanent
Croucher Stephen, county court bailiff, St. Mary's road Building Society & Savings Institution (Tas.sell & Son,
Croucher Thomas George, baker, The Mall, Preston solicitors; W. E. Harris, sec.); office, 20 West street
Crowley John, Ship P.H. Ospringe Faversham Volunteer Fire Brigade (A. 'fassell, superintend-
Croxford Henry, St. Ann's Cross P.H. Ospringe road ent), West street
Cruickshanks & Son, grocers, 37 Preston street Faversham Water Works Co. Limited (Francis Frederick
Cruickshanks William, tailor, 5 Limes place, Preston street Giraud, sec.; Robert Darney, manager); offices, Preston
Cullen Edwin Frederick, pawnbroker, 56 East street street; works, Copton
Culling Henry, boot maker, The Mall, Preston Faversham Working Men's Club (Jn. Darney, sec.), East st
Curling John Harris, farmer & hop grower, Perry court Fearn Emily (Mrs.), beer retlr. Painters' Forstal, Ospringe
(,'urling John Harry, butcher & farmer, 12 Market place Fenske Emil, hair dresser, 88 Preston street
Curry Robt. principal engineer at Messrs. Hall's gunpowder Fentiman James, carter, Ospringe
works, Davington Field Edwin l<'rederick, shopkeeper, 120 St. Mary's road
• K. S. & S. 17
filmer Brothers, corn merchants, l East street & millers Horne John, boot & shoe maker, Ospringe
(steam, wind & water), Preston Home Thomas Frank, hosier, 19 Preston street
Filmer George, butcher, 10 Court street Horsford John, brick maker &c. Davington
Filmer Thomas, fruiterer, 28 East street Houghton Caroline (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Ospringe
Finn & Sons, farmers, Westwood • Hughes Alfred, butcher, Minster road, Park place
Fowle Thomas, billet master, Middl~ row Hughes Stephen, town crier & bill poster, II4 St. Mary'srd
Fowler George, Three Tuns P.H. Tanner street Hunt & Woodruff, drapers & upholsterers, II4 West stree\
Fox Alfred, baker, II9 West street Hutchins Henry, furniture dealer, 75 West street
Fox Henry, outfitter, 4 East street Incorporated National Society for Promoting the Education
Freeman, Hardy & Willis Lim. boot & shoe mas. 8 Market st of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Cnur~h
French ·wmiam, tobacconist, 120 West street (F. F. Giraud, treasurer)
French William, White Hlnse P.H.· 99 West atreet Indian Empire Tea Co. 15 Market place •
Fuller E. & Sons, builders, Stone street
Inland Revenue Office (J. Hay, officer), Newton road
Fuller Fredk. W. dep.registrar of marriages, 20 West $treet Jackman Frederick Colernan, tailor, 12 Market street
-Gafford Charles, plumber & glazier, Ospringe road Jackson & Quier, brick makers, The Mall, Preston
Gange Fredk. Abner M. D. surgeon, medical officer & public Jackson William James, furniture dealer, 33 West street
vaccinator, No. 2 district, Faversham union, medical James Rebecca Lydia (Mrs.), midwife, III St. John's road
officer to workhouse & medical officer .of health to rural Jarrett Elias, shopkeeper, 17 West street
sanitary authority & highway authority & admiralty Jemmett Benjamin, coffee rooms, Brents
surgeon & agent, 40 Court street Jenkins Evans, chemist, 6 Market place
1Gardiner & Hills, corn, hay, straw, artificial manure & seed Jenkins James, Anchor inn, 52 At.ooy street
Jennings George Thomas, farmer & cattle dlr. 26 South rd
merchants, West Street wharf
Gardiner George, house .agent ~ to the Sun Fire & Life Johnson Frederic, solicitor, 67 Preston street
offices, I I Court street Johnson George, builder, St. Mary's road
Gardiner Renry, grocer, IOO West street J on.es Alfred, watch maker, 2 West street
Garner J, farm bailiff to J. P. Barnes esq, Brigdale farm, Jones George Thomas, }?hrenix P.H. 99 Abbey street
Osprinlfe Jones William, butcher, Minster road, Park place
Q-eorge R1chard & Thomas, wheelwrights, Ospringe Jordan J ames, boot & shoe maker, 25 West street
Gilbert Earry, shopkeeper, Station road . Judd Henry, jobbing gardener, 30 West street
Gilbert William, Queen's Head P.JI. I West street Kemp William Henry, sa.ddler, 4 Preston street
G-illett Thomas & Thomas George, corn ;merchants, Quay Kempton Richard, teacher of music, 9 Newton road
Giraud Francis Frederick,solicitor,commissioner to admini- Kent Artillery (Ist) Volunteer Brigade, Eastern division,
ster oaths & for taking acknowledgments of married Royal Artillery (3 & II Batteries), Drill hall, Preston st
sowomen, town clerk & clerk of the peace & to &chool. at- Kirby Charlotte (Mrs.) & Son, boot & shoe mas. 70 Prestonst
tendance eommittee, Preston street Kirby Harold, stone mason. Mall, Preston
Goddard George, greengrocer, 66 St. Mary's road KirbY. Henry, monumental mason, 4-Newton road
Goldfinch John Matthew, barge builder, Standard quay Knight Henry, shopkeeper, 22 Court street
Goldsmith George Lewis, smith, East street Knowler James, tobacco pipe maker, 36 Preston street
Goldswain James, beer retailer, Brents Knowles & Son, fruiterers, 68 Preston street
Gordon William, Crown inp., Ospringe
Laker Eliza & Annie (Misses), ladies' boarding school, Ox·
Go:rdon William Thomas, grocer, Ospringe ford house, Newton road
Gower Joseph, watch maker, 32 Preston street Lancefield Richard~ printer, 8i Market street
Greey Alfred, collectot of rates, 4 Albion terrace Lane William, Railway hotel, Preston street
Griffin George Herbert, solicitor & commissioner of the Laslett Charles, shopkeeper, 30 St. John's road
Supreme Court of England & :New Zealand for oaths, Laxon Matthew, chemist, 14 Market place
Stone street .. Ledger Matilda Easter(Mrs.), Royal Standard P.H. 25 Court st.
Griggs Stephen Reid, plumber, 2 Abbey street Lenfesty Wm. Giffard M.J;>•.s. chemist & druggist, 9 Markets,t.
Gutridge Thomas Pearman, grocer, l'ark place Lewis Maria (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 42 West street
Hadlow John Wills, baker, 42 Westgate road, Park place Liddiard Harry, grocer, 87 Preston street
Hall John & Son (John W. Cook, manager), gunpowder Lightfoot Esther (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 63 St- John's road
manufacturers ; office, 79 Cannon street, London E q LightfootJas. Thos. fishmooger 26, &gmgrcr. 27, West st
Hall Charles, confectioner, 84 freston street London _& Connty Banking Co. Limited (branch of) (H. '.1;-
Harris Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, ~2 Abbey street
Claypole, manager; R. S. Ely, resident clerk), 5 Preston
Harris Arthul', writer & decorator, 69 West street street ; draw on head office, 2I Lombard st. London E c
Harris George, beer retailer, Water lane Longley William, nurseryman, Preston
Rarris Thomas, fishmonger, 67 West street Lott George, nurseryman, Whitehill~ Ospringe , )
Harris William Edward, registrar of marriages, Faversham Lott John George, sail maker, Noah's ark
union, I9' West street ' Lyddon William Reeks L.R.C.P.Ed. & L.M.Edin. physician &.
Jlarrison Robert, Brewers' inn, Mall, Preston surgeon, &snrgeon to Cottage hospital, u &; 12West11t
Harrison Thomas, beell retailer, 64 Tanner street Macey Charles, beer retailer, 95 West street
J!ali( Frederick Tuc-ker, seedsman, 8 Ospringe road Mannouch George, shopkeeper, Brents
Hart l.ydia (Miss), preparatory school, 45 East street Mannouch William John, shppkeeper, 8 Abbey street
llatchard Richa.rd, draper & outfitter, II8 West $treet & 47 Marsh Albert, dining rooms, 35 West lltreet
Court street Marsh Edward, shopkeepel,', 28 West street
Hawkins Stephen, shoeing smith, Ospringe , Marsh William, clothiel', 48 Court street
Hawkins Thomas Gooding, ironmonger & tobacconist, 8I Marshall Charles William, draper, 45 & 46 Court street
Preston street . Mason Thomas, marine store de,aler, Conduit street
Hay Joseph, inland revenue officer, 26ltewton t;oad Matcham Elizabeth Ann {Mrs.), farmer, Scookes, Ospr.ing.&
Meade l''rederick N. & Co. wool merchants
HedgecQck John, plumber, 64 West street
Higgins Robert, Brent tavern, Brents Mearns WilliaQl A. brewer to Shepherd, Neame & Co. ; res.
,Hills Horace, wheelwrigh~ & beer retailer, Ospringe Davington
Hilton, .A.nderson & Co. portland & roman cement & plaster Mercer Edwd. Randall, smith & farrier, Whitehill, Osprin~
of paris & greystone lime manufacturers, The Quay; & Merceli Richard Chambersi l?aker, 40 Tanner street
at Upnor & Halling-on-the-Medway & 9 Upper Thames Mercer William John, baker,~ Preston street
street, London B c Middleton William, boot & shoe maker, 95 Abbey street. )
Hilton, Rigden & Rigden, bankers, Market plac~; draw on Millen William & Sons, auctioneers, Syndale farm
Prescott, Cave, Buxton, Loder & Co. London Millen James, farmer, Queen's court, Ospringe
Hinchley Daniel, cabinet maker, 4I South road Millen William, farmer, Syndale farm
lloare John, mineral water maker, 20 Mall, Preston Miller Elias, draper, 14A, East street
soHobday Charles Dunn, organ builder & music seller, 13 & Millga~ George, grocer, St. Mary's road
14 West street; I & 2 Guildhall street, Canterbury & 63 Mills James Alfred, beer retailer, Partridge lane
High street, Sittingboume. See advertisement Mills William, cor~ merchant. 34 Preston street
Hodges Charles, Market inn, 42 East street ... Millsted Henry, Swan P.H. 6 Market street
Holmes Charles, grocer,& agent for W, & A. Gilbey, wine & Milsted Thomas, shrimp fisherman, Mendifield street
spirit merchants, 1 Court street
Minter John, auctioneer, Perry wold
Home Missionary & Colportage Association {.aev. W. H. Miskin Jn. sheflield wareho. 6, & furniture dlr. 41, Court~
Hill, sec.; G. T. Jennings, treasurer), South road Mitchell Henry, shopkeeper, 85 West street
Honeyball & Sons, coal merchants, West street Monger Fredk. port sanitary inspector, 92 St. ,Mary's road
Hope James F. farmer & hop grower, Elverland, Ospringe Moore George, ironmonger, 3 Preston street
Hope Wafter, shopkeeper, I Park road
r 1 Moore John, pork butcher, 97 West street
Moore William John, watch maker, 71 Preston street
Hopkins William, potato merchant, Ospringe
Hopkins William, Two BrewersP.H. Quaylane • Morgan Ernest, Teterinary surgeon, I South road
Morris James Wilkie, watch maker & jeweller, 5 Market st Semard Hy. assist. mangr.at gunpowder works,Kingsfield ter
Morrison William, horse dealer, ro Abbey street Semark James, engineer, 40 West street
Moseley Newman, hair dresser, 103 West street Shaw Z. William, tailor, 76 Preston street
Mummery Wm. Waterman, bld r. Painters' Forstal, Ospringe Sheepwash Edward, butcher, 122 St. Mary's road
Murton William & John, coal dealers, North lane Shepherd, Xeame & Co. india pale ale brewers & ma.lts~ers;
Murton George, shopkeeper, Queen's road offices, Court street
Murton William, grocer, r Preston street · Sherwood Frederick Henry, shopkeeper, Ospringe
Neame Percy & Austin, farmers & hop growers, Homestall Sherwood William, ~eterinary surgeon, South road
Neame Chas. farmer & hop grower,Copton Manor ho. Preston Shilling Alfred, shopkeeper, Preston
Neame Frederick, jun. farmer, & land agent to Earl Sondes, Shilling William Wallace, tailor & hair dressr. 12 Preston st
Macknade & Abbey farm Shove Bertha (Mrs.), farmer, Queen's court, Ospringe
Newing Daniel, grocer, 79 Abbey street Shrubsole Lewis, builder, 5 Abbey street
Odden Alfred Waiter, furniture dealer, 27 Preston street Simmons Thomas, Limes hotel, Preston street
Ospringe Deanery Society in Aid of the Society for Promoting Singer Manufacturing Co. (branch), 112 West street
Christian Knowledge & the Society for the Propagation of Skilton Henry, beer retailer, Preston
the Gospel in Foraign Parts (Rev. H. E. Curtis M.A. sec.); Smith Charles, grocer, 13 & 14 Market street
depository, 83 Preston street Smith George, shopkeeper, Preston
ettaway Austin, tailor, Ospringe Smith Henry Clarke, bookbinder, 85 Presto.ll street
Outridge Stephen, baker, Noah's ark Smith Jabez, ironmo~ger, 1 Market street
Overy William, greengrocer, n2 West street Smith John, boot & shoe maker, 96 West street •
r Owen John, confectioner, 109 & no West street Smith Margaret (Miss), preparatory school, Newton road
byster Fishery Co. of Free Fishermen & Dredgers of the Smith, Mary Ann (Mrs.), baker, 9 Preston street
Manor & Hundred of Faversham (T. N. Wightwick, Smith Richard Frederick, butcher, 3 Market street
l!teward) Smith 8ydney N. reporter, Ospringe road
Pack James, greengrocer, 43 Court street · Smith Thomas, school board attendance officer, out-districts_.
J'acker Alfred & Son, basket makers &c. 5 Market place St. Mary's road
packer Edwd. baker & miUer(steam, wind & water),Ospringe Smith Thomas, shopkeeper, 24 East street
.falmer Augustus, cutler1 31 Preston street (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 31 Abbey street
farrett Annie (Miss) & Jn. picture frame mas. 73 Preston st
Promoting Christian Knowledge (Alfred M.
fartis Edwin, builder& wheelwright, Ospringe 83 Preston 11treet
Partis George, horse dealer, Ospringe Sparrow Jas. Robert, shopkeeper & beer retailer, 70 Abbey ~
l'arton Richard Jenkings, draper, 6 Preston street Sparrow William, Abbey tavern, 28 Abbey street 1
Patching John, fellmonger, 55 & 56 West street; ware- Spencer Thomas, Lion inn, Ospringe
house, Stone bridge Spendiff George & Wm. mineral water manufctrs. Ospringe
"l>atching Thomas, tailor, 18 Preston street Spiers & Pond Limited, refreshment rooms, Railway station
Patching William, baker & shopkeeper, 31 St. .1ohn's road Spillett Benjamin Reuben, beer retailer, Conduit street
Pay Frank, tobacconist & coal merchant, 68 Preston street Spillett Charles, grocer, 10 Preston street
Payn S. & Co. corn, coal, manure & soda merchants ; office, Springford William, linen & woollen draper, Il Market pl
8o Preston street ; wharf, Brents Stanley Edwin, beer retailer, 23 West street
Payn Stapleton, linen draper & gen.ontfitter &c. 8o Preston st Stanley Thomas William, Bear P.H. 3 Market place I
Payn William, upholsterer, 71 South road Stevens John, Albion tavern, Lower Brents
Pear.se Robert Nathaniel, hair dresser, 21 Court street Stevens William, "Star P.H. Middle row
Pearson Reuben, insp. of weights & measures, 22 Preston st Stevenson Sarah (Mrs.), fancy repository, 2 Preston stre~~
Peel Waiter, boot & shoe maker, 38 West street St.idolph Henry, auctioneer, 9 East street -
Penn William, boot & shoe maker, 10 Market place Stimson Richard, wheelwright, Water lane
Perry & Co. brick makers, Victoria brick fields, Brents Stratford Edward William, Castle P.H. 76 West street
l'hillipps William Alfred M.D. physician & surgeon & certify- Stratford" Jesse LewiS, Shakespeare P.H. 82 West street
ing factory surgeon, 4 Court street Stunt Waiter Charles, landowner & farmer, Lorendon
Phipps Winifred (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 48 West street Sutton Charles, fishmonger, 107 West street
Pilbeam Edward, grocer, 107 St. Mary's road Swan frank Edward, professor of music, 11 Station road
· Pilcher Henry, Faversham Arms P.H. Ospringe road Swinnock John T. bookseller.&; printer, 91 Preston street
J'ilcher William, baker, 94 West street .Swyer Thomas, grocer, n5 West street
,Ponton John William, coach builder, 38 Preston street Tassell & Son, solicitors, 20 West street
Pope John, clothier, 82 Preston street Tassell .Allan (firm, Tassell &; Son). solicitor, clerk to th&
. Pordage George, auctioneer & upholsterer, 8 Preston street guardians & assessment committee, to union highway
Porter Harry Thomas, relie\"ing officer Faversham union & authorities, superintendent registrar, joint clerk to county
school inquiry officer, 9 St. Mary's road magistrates & deputy lieutenants, registrar to county
Pover Edwiq, surveyr. & sanitary inspector, 54 & 55 Park rd court, Sittingbourne vaccination officer & clerk to Lin·
Quarrington John, shopkeeper, 90 West street bstoeaardd1s, Graveney, Eas:tling, I;>unkir~ & l'reston ~chool
·Queen Elizabeth's Grammar Sch:>ol (1st grade) (Rev. 20 West st reet
, ,
Frederick Maximilian Crapper M.A. head master)
Quested William, builder, Capel road Tassell James (firm, Tassell & Son), solicitor, joint clerk to
Ralph Frederick Jas. corn miller (steam & wind), Gravel pits
the county magistrates & deputy lieutenantsr clerk ~
borough magistrates, to navigation office & to the com-
Ralph Kezia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Ospringe missioners of taxes & perpetual commissioner & :registriU"
, Ralph Thomas, shopkeeper, 62 West.gate road, Park place of county court, & vestry clerk, 20 West street
, Ratcliff Brothers, builders, 16 West street Taylor William, baker, 5& West stree~ ,
Ratcliff Daniel, builder, 8 Station road • Tett Henry S. & F. agricultural implement makers, m~..
Rat-cliff John Edward, auctioneer, accountant & valuer, 120 chinists & agents, Preston works. See advertisement
Tett Henry S. wholesale & retail ironmonger, bar iron & IUJo1I
West street ; & at Chatha.m
Reeves William, shopkeeper, 49 Tanner street merchant, 10 & 11 Market street ; & at Sittingbourne
Reynolds William, engineer, Noah's ark Tolhurst Charles, fruiterer, 18 West street
Ridge John, shopkeeper, 103 St. John's road Tolhurst Stephen, beer retailer, 14 Abbey street
Rigden W. E. & J. brick makers, Preston Tong John, stationer, 89 Preston street
Rigden William Edward & John, pale ale brewers & spirit Tonite or Cotton Powder Co. Limited (George Trench, mau•
merchants, Court street · ager), Oare works
Roberson, Taylor & Roberson, drapers, 2 & 3 Court street Town ~all (frank Parfitt, keeper), Market place
Roberts Astley Carrington L.R.C.P.Lond. srgn. 45 Preston st Tremain William, refreshment rooms, 77 Preston street
RobusJohn, shoe maker & toy dealer, 46 West street Trench Geo. manager of cotton powder works, 49 Abbey ~t
Rogers Joseph Edward, carrier, 54 Preston street Tritton William W. ship chandler, Quays
Rogers Richard, fishmonger, 78 Preston street Usher John, barge owner, Newton road
Rogers Thomas, china, glass & furniture dlr. 72 Preston st Valiance Waiter, butcher, 6 West street
Rook Henry John, postmaster, 2 Market place Videan John, coal dealer, 18 South road
Rouse George, shopkeeper, Davington Vidgeon Susannah Elizh. (Mrs.), leather seller, 7 West s1i
Royal East Kent Yeomanry Cavalry (Duke of Connaught's Ward Esther (Mrs.), grocer, 109 St. Mary's road
Own) Mounted Rifles (Capt. Viscount Throwley, com- Ward John, R~reation tavern, 16 East street
manding; Sergeant-Major T. Smith, drill instructor)
Ward Stephen, Coal Exchange J;>, H. & carman, Quays
Savel & Co. tobacco merchants, 4 Market street; & at 152 Warden William, furniture remover, 57 Park road
Snargate street~ Dover
Ware John & Son, builders, I Stone street
Scott ,John & Son, dyers, 15 West stree• Ware Alice Ann (Mrs.}. tooacconist, 29 Preston -swat;
Seager Thomas, engineer, Brents Warr~ Edwin, fisllmonger, Water lane
K S. & S. 17*
Watson John & Son, woolmers. Stone bridge; & at AshCord Williams Grace (Mrs.) & .Annie (Miss), fancy repository;
65 Preston street
Watson Edwin, woolstapler, Stone bridge & 12 Albion ter.
Wise Charles, fishmonger, 8 ·west street
Weaver James, boot maker, North lane · Wise Edward, sail maker, Standard quay
Webb John William, watch maker & jeweller, 8 Market pl Wise George, school board attendance officer, 17 Union street
Wood Charles, brick maker, Davington brick works
White Henry, confectioner, 3 East street Wood John, chimney sweep, 52 Tanner street
.Whitehead Joseph, Prince A.lbert P.H. 4 Preston street Wood Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2{ West street
Wood William, coal merchant, 17 South rd. & Standard qy
WhitingRobt.M.&Harry,buildrs.Ospringe&brick mas.Prestn Wraight Elizabeth (Mrs.), baker, 16 Court street
Wraight George, Red Lion P.H. Conduit street
Whittle T. A. & Co. Limited (E. Chambers, manager), tim- Wreights Middle Schoolfor Boys (A.Telfer,mast. ),Church st
Wright Robert, saddler, 1 Market place & 123 West street
ber merchants, Coal Exchange wharf Wyborn John, carpenter & pork butcher, Plantation road
Wickens Thomas, dairyman, Plantation Wyles George, baker & grocer, 92 Abbey street
Wildash Brothers, painters, Union street
Wildash Isaac, district surveyor, 11 Albion terrace
Wildish Isaac, farmer & grazier, Ham farm
Wildish John, brick & flint merchant; works at Davington
Williams William Henry, tailor, 9 West street
FAWKHAM (or FALKHAM) is a parish and scattered of Henry Booth Hohler esq. who is also lord of the manor
village, having a station on the London, Chatham and and sole landowner, excepting about 20 acres. The soil is
Dover railway, 2 miles north of village, 8 miles south-east chalky; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are grain, hops and
from DarJord and 23 from London, in the North Western pulse. The area is x,x98 acres; rateable value, £x,521; '
division of the county, Axton hundred, lathe of Sntton-at- the population in x881 was 237.
Hone, petty sessional division Bnd union of Dartford and FAWKHAM GREEN, about xi miles south, is a hamlet of
rural deanery ol Cobham and archdeaconry and diocese of this parish ; DEAN BoTTOM is three-quarters of a mile north-
Rochester. The church of St. Mary is a building of stone, west; PINDEN, 1 mile north.
in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, Parish Clerk, John Dalton.
turuth porch and a wooden belfry at the west end containing
one bell: the entire building was restored in 18T7h6e by sub- PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. &Annuity & Insurance Office.-Mrs.
scription : there are x6o sittings, all being free. register Kate Webster, receiver. Letters arrive from Dartford by
ol baptisms and burials dates from the year 1568; mar- mail cart at 8.30 a.m. & 3 p.m.; dispatched at xo.soa.m.
!'isges, 1569. The living is a rectory, average yearly value & 6.15 p.m.; sundays, dispatched at 1oa.m. The nearest
from tithe rent-charge £ 190, net income £T.14c5., with l'esi- telegraph office is at Longfield for dispatch & at the
dence, in the gift of the trustees of the late A. Adams Railway station for receipt of telegrams
esq. and S. E. Bouverie Pusey esq. alternately, and held National School (mixed), for so children; average attend-
since 1887 by the Rev. Thomas Blackall B.A. of London ance, 40; Miss Elizabeth Cobb, mistress
'University. Fawkham Manor, beautifully situated in a Railway Station, London, Chatham & Dover railway, Thos.
well-wooded park of about so acres in extent, is the ;residence Toms, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTs. Hohler Charles Dundas,Fawkham manr Brown W. R. & Co. wheelwrights &
Beech Mrs. Cross house Hohler Gerald Fitzroy,Fawkham manor smiths
Blackall Rev. Thomas B.A. [rector], Hohler HenryRobert, Fawkham manor
Rollo Hon. Eric, White house Hollands Joshua, farmer
Rectory Mills Robert, beer retailer, Green
Smith Henry, Court lodge
Bnrnell George, Pennis house Truwhitt Charles, Brandshatch house Veitch James, farm bailiff to H. :B.
Fotheringham John, Ivy bank
Hertslet Harry Lester, Churchdowns COMMERCIAL. Hohler esq. Scudders farm
Hohler Henry Booth, Fawkham manor Haselden Thos. Rising Sun P.H. Green Whiting Waiter, draper & grocr. Green
F 0 L I{ E S 'r 0 N E . •
FoLKESTONE is a fashionable bathing place, an ancient se..'\- of one car being filled with water and m its descent raising
port and a member of the Cinque Ports, and municipal another : the average number of passengers per year has
borough, parish, head of a county court district, with reached 300,000.
station on the South Eastern railway: it gives name to the The Pier was erected in x888 by a public company, with
hundred and is in the Eastern division of the county, par- a share capital of £34,700; the promenade, 68o feet long by
liamentary borough of Hythe, lathe of Shepway, Elham 3b2eiwngidue,sisbsyupx6poorfteeedt by 82 light iron columns, the headway
petty sessional division and union, rural deanery of Dover, and 16 feet above high water mark:
archdeacoury and diocese of Canterbury, 6 miles south-west at the entrance are gardens, charmingly laid out and fur-
from Dover, 70 from London by road and 82 by railway, 15 nished with two kiosks and rustic seats ; there is also a
south-east from Ashford, 41 from Tonbridge, 46 from Maid- pavilion, used as a theatre and capable of holding goo persons.
stone, 42 from Hastings, 4 from Hythe and xi from the The town is an important station on the route from Lon-
village of Sandgate, which is partly in this parish, and is don to Boulogne and is a considerable port for the mackerel
situated on a point of land to the west of East Wear Bay. and herring fishery and imports considerable quantities of
For municipal purposes the borough is divided into three timber.
wards and is governed by a corporation, consisting of mayor, The harbour is 14 acres in extent, with an entrance 123
.t aldermen and 14 councillors : the corporation act as the feet wide, and under the provisions of the South Eastern
rUrban Sanitary Authority. The borough has a commission Railway (Various Powers) Act, x885, will undergo certain
~~the peace and separate -court of quarter sessions. improvements, corresponding ultimately with those under-
The old town stands on the side of a declivity and the taken by the French Government at Boulogue ; as the coast
.streets, in consequence, are steep, besides being narrow and at Folkestone is exposed to the full force of the south-west
irregular : anciently it was of much greater extent, its present winds, the extension works will take the form of two curvei
limited dimensions being due to the encroachments of the breakwaters, respectively !!,ooo feet and 2,800 feet long,
·&e&. projecting, the one from the western side of the harbour
The modern town of Folkestone, stretching westward to station, the other from the headland to the eastward, known
Sandgate, is laid out with great regularity on the top of the as Copt Point, and embracing an area of nearly x.so acres;
cliffs, 133 feet high, protected from north winds by a range the harbour so formed will have an entrance 500 feet in
of hills, of which the " Castle" and the " Sugar-loaf •~ are width and a depth at low water of 27 feet; the present land-
the most conspicuous, and the streets have been planted with pier, 150 feet in length, has facilities for trains to set down
trees: the sea front to the edge of the cliffs is occupied by a their passengers and bring luggage and merchandise along-
wide and delightful promenade laid with turf, called the side the steamers and has a lower deck for smaller craft ;
"Lees," wwthhicehFraefnfocrhdcsoaasts:palcecnedsisdt view of the English the extension works, which have already occupied some
Channel o the beach is obtained years, are still (1890) being carried on, under the direction
by inclined roads, footpaths and steps, together with hy- of Mr. Francis Brady as engineer.
draulic lifts down the face of the cliffs, which are clothed Connected with the harbour are the Custom House build-
with verdure; pathways have been constructed, sheltered ings, erected by the railway company in 18.54·
by the cliffs, along the base of which is a road by the sea to The South Eastern railway has two stations, one in the
Sandgate. town and the other at the harbour, but Shorncliffe and
The Folkestone Lift Company Limited, formed in x887, Radnor Park stations are largely used by visitors, the har-
erected two lines of rails in that year, from the Lees to the bour principally for the continental traffic, the rails being
beach, near the Pier, and are now (1890) constructing two carried over the inner harbour by a swing bridge to the pier
• other lines ; the cars are worked by hydraulics, the base and the Harbour station on the beach ; the line, before
- '•