DIRECTORY.] .KENT. . UPC.ll CRC!!. 661
a cover dated 1759: the church was restored in 1870, when wheat and superior hops. The area is 3,545 acres ; rateable
•arious frescoes of the 14th century, representing" Lazarus value, £3,878; the population iu 1881 was 656.
and Dives," the "Crucifixion," " St. Michael overcoming PYE CoRNER and EASTWOOD are one mile south-east;
Satan," were uncovered on the south arcade of the nave: GREAT and LITTLE BoY COURT, 3~ miles south. FAIRBORNB
there are 300 sittings. The register dates from the year HEATH, Ii miles north-east, is in this parish.
156o. The living is a rectory, gross yearly value [379, with Parish Clerk, Friend Chapman.
87 acres of "glebe and residence, in the gift of the Marquess PosT OFFICE.-Charles Tappenden, receiver. Letters arrive
from Staplehurst at s.45 a.m. &;
-of Ormonde, and held since 1868 by the Rev. Joseph n3eapr.emst. ; dispatched at
Lanphier B. A. of Trinity College, Dublin. Near the chnrch 5.30 p.m. Sutton Valence is the money order &
is Ulcombe Place, the residence of Francis Ford esq. and the telegraph offi('.e. Postal orders are issued here but not paid
property of the Marquess of Ormonde, who is lord of the
manor. The Marquess of Ormonde, trustees of the late Sir Church of England Sch.ool, built in 182o, for 101 children ;
Edmund Filmer hart. (d. I886), the representatives of the average attendance, 72; William Henry Parren, master;
late Philip Wykeham-Martin esq. and the Stringer family Mrs. Ellen Parren, mistress
.are principal landowners. The soil is loamy, gra¥el and CARRIERS (through) TO MAIDSTONE.-Wickins, tues. thurs.
Kentish ragstone; subsoil, various. The chief crops are & sat. ; E. Chantler, mon. wed. & fri •
.Ford Francis, Ulcombe Place Chapman Friend, carpenter 1Mercer George, farmer, Poplar farm
Lanphier liev. Joseph B.A. [rector], Chapman Henry, farmer & hop grower, Moss Joseph Robert, butcher
Rectory Eastwood · Sharp Stephen, farmer, Little Boy court
Paine Percival Andrew Collinson Ann (Miss), farmer & shop- Tappenden Charles & Son, grocers &
COMMERCIAL. keeper, Eastwood drapers, Post office
"Benstead George, farmer & hop grower, Crump Rachael(Mrs. ),frmr.Mansion fm Tassell Jesse, farmer & hop grower
Street farm Davis John, bricklayer Tassell Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer & hop
JJenstead James, farmer & hop grower, Dury Thomas, farmer grower, Knole Htll farm
Chegworth court Gibbs Charles, farmer Tassell Thomas, boot maker
JJentley James, farmer & hop grower, Gibson Thomas, beer retailer Tassell Waiter, farmer & hop grower,
Chegworth Hayward William, Harrow P.H Kingsnorth wood
"Bowles George, smith Knight, George, farmer & hop grower, Upton Eli, farmer & hop grower
:Butler Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, hop k Great Boy court Whiffen William, carriage builder
fruit grower Knight James, farmer & hop grower, Wicks Alfred, miller (water) & b&ker,
Butler John,blacksmith,Fairbourne hth Peckham house Chegworth mill
Eutler William, farmer, Baker farm Ledger Charles, wheelwright Williams Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer,
<:hambers Charles, farmer, Eastwood Ledger Geor~e, wheelwright Kingsnorth wood
Chantler Edward, farmer, Kingsnode Mackelden William & George, millers Woolley George, farmer, Knole hill
Chantler Charles, farmer & hop grower, (wind) & bakers Woolley Waiter Henry, farmer & hop
Stone hall Mackelden William, farmer, Poplar la grower, Knole hill
'ChapmanEdward,farmer,Pheasant frm Orpen Daniel, farmer Wraight Thomas, beer retailer
2tUPCHURCH is a village and parish, 5 miles north-west held since 1887 by the Rev. Henry Samuel Cooper :N'.A. of
Jrom Sittingbourne, 6 east from Rochester and north-west that college. The charities amount to £25 yearly, derived
trom ~ewington station on the London, Chatham and Dover from land and cottage property. There are extensive
railway, in the North Eastern division of the county, lathe gravel pits in the parish, in which antediluvian remains
o0f Scray, Milton hundred and union, Faversham petty have been discovered; the more solid bones, such as the
:sessional division, Sittingbourne county court district and teeth and jaws of the elephant, have been found! in good
in the rural deanery nf Sittingbourne, archdeaconry of Maid- preservation. The Salterns (or Saltings) consi~t of m'\ny
.stone and diocese of Canterbury. The village lies rather insulated spots intersected by the creeks of the Medway; the
bigh, overlooking the creeks of the Medway, in which neigh- largest of these is 2 miles by x}, on which is Burntwick;
oourhood brickmaking is carried on very extensively. The and there is another, a mile and a half by three-quarters, on
.church of St. Mary the Virgin is a structure of flint, chiefly which is Greenborough ; Twinney is one mile long by a q oar-
in the Decorative style, with some portions of Early English ter of a mile wide; and there are other smaller islands. In
work, and consists of chancel with aisles, nave with arcades the Saltingsa great many vessels of Roman manufacture and
-of three arches, aisles, south porch and a western tower jars containing very early Roman silver coins have been dis-
with heavy shingled spire containing 6 bells: the chancel is covered, and there exist evidences of a Roman pottery having
.separated from its aisles by two arches on either side, been established here. Lord Hothfield D.L., J.P. and P. J.
rising from a clustered pier of four marble shafts with Digby Wykeham esq. are lords of the manor. The principal
.finely-foliaged capitals: the ancient altar dai:s remains, and landowners are the Hon. Mrs. Hay, All Souls College, Oxford,
south of it are three sedilia ascending eastwards; beyond Lord Hothfield n.L., J.P. George Webb and J. W. Stratford
there is a ('anopied piscina, and in the east wall are two esqs. Messrs. Wakeley Brothers and the trustees of the late
double aumbries: on the north side of the chancel is an Early G. Smeed esq. The soil is mostly of a loamy nature; sub-
English arch on circular shafts : the east end of the north soil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, hops and fruit.
.aisle forms a vestry and contains a trefoil-headed piscina The area is 3,120 acres of land and x,520 of water, 1,073 of
-and a monument with canopy flanked by crocketed pinna- which are Saltings; rateable value, £9,049; the population
.cles, and a brass of the 14th century; the south aisle retains in 1871 was 777 and 1881, 1, no.
-an ancient reredos, a recess with fine shafts and foliaged GORR Woon is half a mile south; HoRSHAM, a quarter of
capitals; and in its east wall is a piscina: the rood-loft steps a mile north-west ; 0TTERHAM QuAY, a mile west; HOLY-
.remain and there is a crypt, approached by a spiral stair- WELL, a quarter of a mile south-east; WETHAM GREEN,
case: above the windows of the south aisle some portions of half a mile north-east; HAM G-REEN, It miles north.
owall painting of the 13th century have been disclosed repre- Parish Clerk, George Dennis.
.senting scenes in the life of a bishop: within a recess at the PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
east end of the nave on the north side is a fresco of an arch- Thomas Wraight, receiver. Letters through Sittingbourne
.bishop, and the east wall of the south chancel chapel displays arrive at 8.10 a.m. ; dispatched 5.20 p.m. ; sundays 10.20
.figures of two priests and two combatant knights: the church a.m. WALL Box, Ham Green, cleared at 8.30 a.m. &
was carefully restored in 1876, when the fine oak roof of the 4·45 p.m. ; sundays, 9 a.m
chancel was brought to light and many other improvements SCHOOLS:-
made at a. cost of £1,700; 90 additional sittings were also National (mixed), enlarged in 1870 for 154 children;
provided: there are now 300 sittings. The register dates average attendance, 90 ; Charles Bishop, master ; Mrs.
from the year 1633. The living is a vicarage, yearly value Ellen Bishop, mistress; Edward Henry, attendance officer
how tithe rent-charge £243, net £280, with 5 acres of glebe Infants' built in 1887, for 120 children ; average attend-
;i\Dd residence, in the gift of All Souls College, Oxford, and ance, 84; Miss E. Woodley, mistress
Cooper Rev. Henry Samuel M. A. Eastwood & Co. Limited, brick makers, Larkin Alfred, wheelwright
[vicar], Vicarage Otterham Quay PettitEdwd. Jn. sail ma. Otterham Qy
Hubbard James, Otterham vale Hinckley Frederick, Crown P.H Robinson James, farm bailiff to George
COMMERCIAL. Horn Thomas, farmer, l''rog farm Webb esq. of Tunstall, Ham green
.Andrews Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Holman Edward, beer ret.Otterham Qy Sellan Charles, farm bailiff to Joseph
Barron F. C. & Co. Falcon cement wrks. Horton Charles, beer retailer, Horsham ' Ledger, Horsham farm
Otterham Quay; & at Rainham (W. Hubbard James, farmer& brick maker, Smitherman Michaet, beer retailer, Ot-
Sampson Charlesworth, manager) Ham Green & Otterham Quay terham Quay
CastleDanl. shopkeeper,OtterhamQuay Knight Alfred Joseph, brick maker, Stevens James, farmer, Boxsteds &
Che~m&n Thomas, Anchor & Hope P.H Otterham Quay Holywell farms
Clark Geo. Three Sisters P.H. Quay lane Knight William, coal merchant & barge Wakeley Bros. farmers & brick makers
Cozens Ernest, grocer & baker owner (Thomas Martin, manager), Waters Wm.R.farmer,HamGreen farm
Dawson George, boot & shoe maker , Otterham Quay Wraight Thomas, grocer, Post office
• KENT. 1
W ALDERSHARE is a parish, 6 miles south-west from 1pulpit, reading desk and choir stalls are or oak and there
Deal, 5 north from Dover and 3 east from the Shepherds- is a piscina and a holy water stoup: there are about 200
well station on the London, Chatbam and·Dover railway, in sittings: the churchyard was enlarged in 1886, The register
the Eastern division of the county, lathe of St. Augustine, of baptisms dates from the year 1561, burials from 1564 and
Eastry hundred and union, Wingham petty sessional divisiOn, marriages from 1599. The living is a Yicarage with \he
Sandwich county court district and in the rural deanery of vicarages of Whitfield and West Langdon annexed, the latter
Sandwich and archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The June 28th, 1872; joint tithe rent-charge £331, total gross.
church of All Saints 1s a very small building of flint and yearly value £4oo, with residence, in the gift of the Arch-
stone, some portions of which are Norman, and consists of bishop of Canterbury, who has four presentations to West
a chancel with north and south chapels of late date, nave, Langdon, the fifth being in the gift of the Dean and Chapter
south porch aud a low and massive western tower contain- of Canterbury; the united livings of Waldershare and Whit-
ing one bell: the chancel chapels are of brick in the Late field have been held since 1856, and that of West Langdon.
Perpendicular style with square-headed windows; that on since I872, by the Rev. Waiter Hamilton M.A. of Trinity
the south side belongs to the family of North and contains a College, Cambridge. Waldershare Park is the seat of the:
Norman window: there are several stately memorials to the Earl of Guilford; the park is extensive, richly wooded and
Monins and l''urnese families, including a monument to Sir stocked with deer; from the tower of the Belvedere within.
Henry Furnese bart. pyramidal in shape and finely executed its pale very extensive views of land and sea are obtainable.
in white marble, with four life-sized female figures support- The trustees of the Earl of Guilford (a minor) are lords or
ing the base, on which are inscriptions to various members the manor and principal landowners. The soil is light loam~
of that family : in 1876 a stained window was inserted by subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats.
the Countess of Guilford in memory of her late infant son, The area is 1,245 acres, of which 225 is a detached portion,
Dudley Francis, Lord North, b. and d. 3rd May, I875: a adjoining Ripple and Sutton; rateable value, /),617; the:
brass, subscribed for by members of the Dorsetshire Hunt, population in 1881 was I32.
has been placed in the church to the memory of Dudley Letters through Dover arrive at 8; a second mail arrives at
Francis, 7th Earl of Guilford, d. 19th Dec. I 885 : the church Eythorne at 2. IS, when letters may be bad by calling for
has been restored from plans by Ewan Christian esq. : the them. The nearest money order office is at Eythorne &.
chapels have been new-roofed, the arcades separating nearest telegraph office Shepherds Well
them frotn the chancel rebuilt and filled with carved oak National School (mixed), built in 1824, for about 100 child-
screens: a marble reredos with mosaic panels has been ren; average attendance, 90 ; & supported in part by the
erected by the vicar, the east window filled with stained glass Countess of Guilford; Frederick John Hallett, master;
and the walls decorated with figures of the Evangelists: the Miss Jane Friend White, mistress
Guilford Earl of, Waldershare park Wynne-Eyton Robt. Wm.TheHomefrm Wynne-Eyton Robert William, estate-
Guilford theCountess of, Waldershare pk Cousins Geo. farmr.Easling Down farm agent to the trustees of the Earl oi
Hamilton Uev. M •.A. Vicarage PrebbleFrederick, farmer, Malmains Guilford, The Home farm
W ALMER is a parish, forming a populous suburb to the in 1795, and was for many years occupied as a coast-
town of Deal, with a station on the South Eastern and guard station, but during the Crimean war it reverted to-
London, Chatbam and Dover joint branch railway from Its original use and its wards were fitted up with beds for
Deal to Dover : it consists of two parts, Upper and Lower the sick and wounded of the Baltic fleet as a reserve hos-
Walmer, and is in the Eastern division of the county pital; and is now used as a marine hospital. There are, be-
lathe of St. Augustine, petty sessional division of Wingham, sides this establishment, the North and South Barracks and
union of Eastry, Deal county court district, rural deanery Cavalry Barracks, the whole, with the grounds, covering an
of Sandwich and archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury: area of 22 acres and affording space for 1,000 infantry and
it is a member of the Cinque Port of Sandwich and, with a troop of horse. The local charities include the interest oi
Ringwould (a member of the Cinque Port of Dover), £so £2! per cent. Consols, which is distributed to the poor
constitutes the Deal division of the liberties of the Cinque m coals. Walmer Castle is the official residence of the Right
Ports and is under the jurisdiction of Cinque Port justices, Hon. Earl Granville K.G., P.c. as Lord Warden of the Cinque-
who bold their sessions at Deal. The local board of 18 Ports ; the fortress is similar to that of Deal and was built,
members was formed May 27th, 1865. The town is lighted at the same period, in November, 1842. Her Majesty once
with gas by the Deal Gas Company and supplied with water honoured Walmer Castle with a visit and remained twenty-
from works situated at Upper Deal, the property of the three days, and the great Duke of Wellington died here
Deal Water Company. The old parish church of St. Mary, Sept. 14th, 1852. Mrs. Leith is principal landowner. The
now closed, is a modern structure of rough flints, in the area is 866 acres of land and 52 of water ; rateable value,
Norman and Early English styles, consisting of chancel, £1s,743; the population in 1881 was 4,309, including 56&
nave, south porch and a western tower with a turret con- milttary and 200 in the Royal Marine Hospital Barracks.
taining a clock and one bell : the fine Norman cbancel UPPER WALMER is pleasantly situatel on rising ground
2 miles south from Deal, overlooking the town and the
arch has zigzag and nail-head mouldings ; the north and Downs; it contains several handsome residences.
south doorways are of similar character : the or~an was
presented by Mrs. Caton-Monins in remembrance of her hus- Parish Clerk and Sexton, John Coleman.
band, Major-General Caton-Monins, colonel 8th King's Own
Regiment, who died at Wellesley House, 16 June, r861: the PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
new parish church of St. Mary, erected in 1887-8, is a Upper Walmer.-Thomas Golds, receiver. Letters are
delivered from Deal at 6.35 a.m. & 12.30 p.m.; sundayd.
building of Kentish rag with Bath stone dressings, in the
Perpendicular style, from designs by Sir Arthur Blomfield, 6.35 a. m.; dispatched at 9·45 a. m. 1, 7.30 & 10 p.m. &.
M.A., .A.R.A., F.S.A. architect: it has a belfry with one bell,
sundays, 10 p.m. for all parts
and sittings for 6o2 persons. The register of baptisms PosT, M. 0. & 'I'. 0., S. B. & Annuity, Insurance & Parcels
and marriages dates from the year 1561, and burials from Post Office, Walmer road.-.Miss Hnnorah Simmons,
1560, and there is also preserved here a copy of the "Solemn receiver. Letters are received through the Deal office &.
League and Covenant for the Reformation and Defence of delivered at 7 & 11.40 a.m. & 4.20 & 7 p.m. & sundays,
Religion," signed, m 1643, by the nobles, knights, gentlemen 7 a.m.; dispatched at Io.IO a.m. & 1.10 & 7·45 p.m. &
and citizens of the United Kingdom. The Jiving is a sundays, 10 p. m. Letters can also be posted for all parts
vicarage, tithe rent-charge £294, average £238, net until 10 p.m. ; dispatched by mail cart for Dover at
yearly value £250, including a residence and 10 acres of 10.15 p.m
glebe let for £18, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canter- WALL LETTER Box, Middle rd. cleared 10.5 a. m & 7.4op.m
bury, and held since 1883 by the Rev. Fow!er H:.tbington WALL Box, Drum hill, cleared 9.50 a. m. 1.5 & 7·35 p.m. &.
Blogg M.A. of Oriel College, Oxford. St. Saviour's chapel sundays 10 p.m
of ease, situated near the barracks, was founded August LocAL BoARD.
15th, I848, and consecrated July 2nd, 1849, and consists Board day, first thursday in every month, at 5.30 p.m.
of chancel and nave and a western turret containing one
Henry Page, chairman
bell: the east window is stained, and there are sittings for
380 persons ISO beinfl' free A cthhaep~ele soefrvitnhfl~' also as a ' x89Uo-PCPeE_RciW~ AJL.MMERerWcAerRD. 1890-I<'rank May
school, was' erected i; 1858·, for marines.
Henry L. Simmons
The Catholic convent of the Visitation at Roselands is Wtlltam Denne
William Cook
beautifully situated at a short distance from the sea, of W. H. Burch Rasher
I89t-James Ansell
which it commands a fine view, and is surrounded by 1 x891-Thomas T. Denne
Alex. Bruce Payne
extensive grounds: it includes a school for young ladies Henry, Page, .
Waiter C. Mackins
of the upper class, in which all the advantages of a sound Rev. E. C. d Auqmer
1892 Alexander Tod
English and superior Continental education are combined: 1892-Thomas Golds
Stepben Hinds
attached to the monastery is a church, erected in 188x, Israel Heap .
William 'faylor
in the Gothic style, after designs by Messrs. Pugin; the Wmd M.d Martm-
Right Rev. Mgr. Ladislas Da.niewski is the priest. The E mun s
Royal Marine Infirmary is an extensive building, erected I Clerk, George Mercer, Deal
Treasurer, Samuel Mayo, National Provincial Bank, Deal Coast~uard, Denis M<\honey,' chief officer, 3A, Strand
Medical Officer of H.n.lth, Richard Staines Davey u.n. Li•fe Boat Institution, Lower Walmer, R~v. T. S. Trear10r, sec
Upper Walmer
Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, Joseph Everett Turner'
Collector, Joseph Joshua Tinley, 4 Strand, Lower Walmer Royal Marine Dapot School, Lower Walmer, for 8o:> men,
PuBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS:- - I8o children & I6o.infants; average at~endant;8, 7SO man,
Royal Marine Light Infantry De;?3t, Barracks, Lower rso children & 140 infants; John Hobert Sheppard, Jame~
Richardson, Frcd Fnlford Hore, Henry Richard Leonard
Walmer, Colonel Nowell F. Way c.B. ; Major Edw!'rd E. Botting & George Stephen Starner, masters; Mrs. Eliz&
Pyne, instructor of musketry; Major Louren<;o Edye, in- Sheppard, infants' mistress
structor of gymnastics; Capt. Charles H. Willis & Capt. National, Lower Walmer, erected in 1851, for 300 children;
Frederick White, adfutants; Wm. Arthur Samuel Rowe & average attenlance, 93 boys, 78 girls & 75 infants ; Philip
George Foster Harding, quartermasters; Lieut.-CoL G. M. Card, master ; Mis~ Mary Cave, girls' mistress ; Miss
Shewell, paymaster; Major Thomas Everard Hungerford, Josephine Corner, infants' mistress
barrack master; chaplain, Rev. Benj. Chas. Pidcock M.A
Royal Marine Infirmary, James W. Fisher M.D. (fleet sur- National (infants), Upper Walmer, built in 1874, for 8o
geon) & A.rthur S. Nance M. D. surgeons children; average attendance, 7o; ~riJ. Br()wning, mistress
Board of Trade Rocket Apparatus, D.!nis Mahoney, supt Railway Station, Elward Allen; su;_:~erinten~hnt
Lower Walmer. Robinson Capt. Hy. R. 7 Russell ter Finnis George Wilmot, Sir Colin Camp-
Robinson Miss, Harefield, 7 Beach bell P.H. Campbellstreet
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Roget John Louis, I3 Beach Finnis Thos. H. Lifeboat inn, Campbell st
Backhouse Mrs. I Strand terrace Ross Mrs. s Strand terrace Frost Henry Gandar, sanitary &. elec-
Benson Mrs. 3 Palmerston villas Rowe Quartermaster William Arthur trical engineer, plumber, painter,
Bird Mrs. 5 Beach terrace Samuel R.M. North Barracks paperhanger, ~,rlazier & house decora-
Bland Mrs. 3 Alexandra terrace Royse Mrs. Nantenan cot. Clarence rd tor, 45 The Strand
Boteler MISs, Beachland terrace Saunders Mrs. Beachland terrace Foresters' Hall( William Edward Robin-
Byam Lt.-Col. Edward W. G. R.M. 3 Scobell Miss, 3 Clarence road son, sec.\, North Barrack road
Royal buildings, Strand Sharpe Miss, 4 Alexandra terrace Giles William, stationer, '13 Strand
Calvert Miss, 3 Richborough villas, Shewell Lieut-Col. George Maunsell Hall James Thomas, bricklayer, 3 Chat-
Alexandra road (paymaster) R. M. North Barracks ham place, Cambridge road ·
Cannon Mrs. 9 Clarence road. Smith Mrs. Sidney, 3 Strand terrace Hall Thos. coal dlr. Sandon pl. York st
Carson Mrs. 4 Clarence road Soward Mrs. Beachland terrace Hall Thos. lodging ho. Shaftesbury ho
Cook William, 3 Lorne cottages Staples Evan P. Delta villas, Dover rd Haslip Sergt. Franc1s R.M. 4 Canada rd
Court John Wyatt, 'fankerton house, Taylor Col. William R.A. I6 Beach HINDS STEPHEN &. SON,house agnts.
North Barrack road Tod Alexander J.P. Walmer lodge auctioneers & valuers, 21 Strand
Dale Mrs. Ely house, Clarence road Tottenham Mrs. 2 Palmerston villas Hookham ·william, oversea pilot, Strat.
Dean Mrs. II Strand · Wadsworth Mrs. I Palmerston villas ton villa, Cornwall road
Dinwiddy Thomas, 5 Clarence road Way Col. Nowell F. c. B., R.M. I & 2 Holgate Simon, fruiterer, so Strand
Douglas Rear-Adml. Richard Gordon, Royal buildings, Strand Hopper Waiter Jas. Queen's Head P. R
Seafield house, 19 Beach White Capt.Fredk. R.M.Sonth Barracks Jenn£>r George, boatman, 2 Castal~
Eagleton J. H. Rodber, Beach Willis Capt. & Adjt. Charles Hope R.M. cottages, King street
Edwards Miss, Arnold, Dover road South Barracks Kingsnorth William, grocer & provision
Edye Major Laurenc;o R M. Seaford Wright Major William R.M. 2S Beach merchant, SI Strand
Elvin Rev.Charl!ls RobertStebbing M.A. Wood Miss, 2 Alexandra terrace Knight Stephen Fagg, fly proprietor, 2
[curate], s Alexandra terrace Wood Mrs. Fernery, Canada road Cambridge terrace, Cambridge road
Fisher James W. M.D., R.N. (fleet ur- COMMERCIAL. Light Richard, greengrocer, Dover rd
geon), 4 Royal buildings Alien Stephn. lodging ho. 3 Castalia vis Loyns Samuel, grocer & draper
Fisher Miss, 22 Beach terrace Ansell James, builder, 9 Castalia villas Mackins Waiter Chapman, builder,
Fleet Thomas Horn D.L.,J.P. Terrace ho . Ansell James H. jun. bldr.4 Castalia vils Cambridge place
Gattie Charles H. Terrace ho. IO Beach 1 .Argrave Frank M. Rising Sun P.H. Mercer John, beer retailer, Strand
Green Mrs. Charle<, Terrace cot. Beach Cambridge place Mercer Richard,fish dealer,C'ampbell st
Hannam Mrs. Eastlands, Beach Arnold Jas. marine store dealr. Yorkst Miller William John, tly proprietor,
Harding Quarter-:VIaster George Foster, Atkins Edward, painter, I Castalia vils Granville mews & 9A, Strand
North Barracks Ayers William, fly proprietor, 3 Cam- Millett C'apt. Claude H. R.N.command-
Hardman l<'rederick William Le D. 6 bridge terrace, Cambridge road. ing officer cmst guard, 2 Park ter-
Delta villas, Dover road Baker James Thomas, baker & confec- race, Alexandria road
Harris Capt. Henry R.N. Glen Cairn, tioner, 20 Strand Murray William, tobacconist,3A,Strand
Clarence road BakerJas.Thos.fishmonger, 1 Canada rd Newton Benjamin, bakel', Dover road
Hewlett W. 0. Fairholm, 2I Beach. Baker James W. draper, IO Strand Norris Ellen (Mrs. ),grngro. Campbell st
Hight Miss, 2 Clarence road Barwood Ingram, builder, Dover road Norris James, Wellesley Arms P.H.
Homann William, Marlboro' cot. Strand Botting Henry Richard, master of Royal Dover road
Hore Frederick Fulfod, 8 Rosslyn ter- Marine school, 8 Canada road Norris Waiter, boot maker, Strand
race, Cornwall road BowdenEiizh.(Mrs. ),shopkpr.Canadard Pain Emily & Hannah (Misses), ladies'
Horne Staff-Corn. Wm. I Clarence road Bowles Jane (Mrs.), lodging house, 2 school, 8 Ru~sell terrace
Hinds Stephen, 2I Strand . Castalia villas Parker Chas. Military tavn. Canada rJ
Hughes Maj.-Gen.Rt.Jn. c. B. 17 Beach Bowman Eliza & Julia (Misses), lodging Payne Alexander Bruce L.R.C.P.Edin.
Huggins Capt. Michael Alfred Colin house, Sylvan house, Strand surgeon,& medical otlicer,Dtal Urban
R.M. South Barracks Brazier William, lodging house, 2 Rus- & Port sanitary districts & Admiralty
Hnngerford MajorThomasEverard R.M. sell terrace, Strand surg-eon & agent, 8 The Beach
North Barracks Brown Maria (Mrs.), lodging house, 6 Pearson C'harles Stephen,lodging hous~,
Jack;;on Miss, 18 The Beach Russell terrace Cumberland house, Strand
Jefferson Samuel Robinson, 1 Rosslyn Bullen Wm. The Dolphin P.H.Rope walk PearsonChas.Stephn.Alma tavn.Strancl
terrace, Cornwall road BushellWltr.Dixon,army bakr.I2Strand Pearson Emma (Mrs.), lodging house,
Jermain Capt. Edward John R.N.Beach- CattJamesRandall, Lord Warden hotel, Sea View house, Strand
lands, The Strand North Barrack road Petters William, beer retailer. Strand
Kelly Mrs. 9 Beach terrace Cavell Edward & Son, fishmongers, Piper Frederick, lodging house, 3 Rus-
Mandale Miss, Brooke cottage, Beach poulterers, pork butchers & game sell terrace, Strand
Maskery Mrs. I Richborough villas dealers, ss. s6, 57 & ss Strand
Pittock Richard, butcher, 2 Strand
Mason R. S. Hughenden, B.mch Collyer George A. builder, Canada rd RedmanGeo. Rd. TrueBriton P.H. Strand
McCreagh Lady, 8 Clarence road CourtJohnWyatt,mineral water manu- Rose E. T. & Son, tailors, 7 Strand
May Frank, Park house, Beach facturer; manufactory, North Bar- Rose Herbt.Vincent, butcher,48 Strand
Millett Lieut. Claud H. R.N.(mspecting rack road. See advertisement Sawyer William Arthur, photographer
officer of coast guard), 2 Park ter- Dewell William, coal dealer, Canada rd & stationer, 3 Strand
race, Alexandria road Deal & Walmer Union Club ('f.J.Coast, Simmons Henry Luxford, grocer &
Moxon Richard, May house sec. & treasurer) earthenware dealer, & agent for W.
Payne Alexander Bruce, 8 The Beach Dillon Rebecca (Mrs.),Royal Arms P.H. & A.Gilbey, wine & spirit merchants,
Phillips Mrs. 2 Strand terrace Canada road 3A & 5 Strand
Pidcock Rev.Benj. Chas. M.A. [chaplain Drew Ann (Mrs.), laundress, Balaklava Smith Wm.Hy.clerk of wrks.TheBeach
to R. M. Barracks], Cambridge rd cottage, York street Spain Louisa Mary (Miss), lodging
. Pott Miss, 7 Beach terrace Drew Henry, pilot, 5 Rosslyn terrace house, Sydenham house
PyneMajor Edward E.R.M.N.Barracks Duffill William E.CambridgeArmsl'.H. Sponder Susannah (Miss), shopkeeper,
Rippin Daniel, 8 Beach terrace Dover road North Barrack road
Streeting Mary (Miss), grocer, Cam- Caine Mrs. Eton villa, Station road Bowditch George, boot maker
bridge road Cannon Mrs. The Glen Braund Edward Albert, The Collegiate
Strong James Branford, lodging house, Coleman John, Dover road school, Castle road
Branford house d'Auquier Rev. E. C. M.A, St. Clare Burnap Rd. Whitewood, baker, Dover rd
Sutton Edwin Hy. beer retailer, Strand college Daniewski Rt. Rev. Mgr. Ladislas,
Sutton Thomas, Granville Arms P.H. Daniewski Right Rev. Mgr. Ladislas boarding school for young ladies,
Cambridge road [Catholic], Roselands Convent of the Visitation
Swain Herbert, coffee tavern, Dover rd Davey Richard Staines Ill.D. Hill house Davey Richard Staines M.D. surgeon, &
•rapper Emily (Miss), confectioner, 7 Denne Thomas T. Home side medical offieer & public vaccinator,
Cambridge place . Denne William, Wellington house Walmer district, Eastry union
'ferry Henry, greengrocer, York street Farnworth Miss, Glenside Denne William & Thos. builders, con-
Tinley Joseph Joshua, blacksmith, & Foord Mrs. 2 Lonsdale viis. Station rd tractors, brick makers & lime burners
collector to urban sanitary authority, Granville Right Hon. Earl K.G., P.C. Flower Henry J oseph, boot ma.Dover rd
4 Strand (Lord Warden), Walmer castle; & 14 Foreman Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging
Trigg Wm. boot & shoe ma. 18 Strand South Audley street, London w house, Castle road
Trollope James, builder & contractor, Green Mrs. Alfred, The Lawn Forward Thos. piano. tuner, Castle st
Grove house Gregory Wm. Anally house, Dover road Golds & Co. grocers & drapers, post
TurnerJoseph Everett,builder &inspec- Haines Mrs. Dover road office, & agents for W. & A. Gilbey,
tor of nuisances, Albany cottage, Halse Miss, Glenthorn cottage wine & spirit merrhants
Cornwall road Harvey Fdk. N. Wellington cot. Dover rd Hinkley Thomas W. black~mith
Verrier John, rope maker, Rope walk Heap Israel, The Downs, DoT'er road Hogben George Henry, greengrocer
Walmer Boatmen's Reading Rooms Holtum Mrs. J. S. Claremont, Castle rd Hogben James Henry, Queen Adela:de
(William Bowles, manager), Strand Ingram Chas. I Lunsdale viis. Station rd P.H. Church street
Walmer .Building Co. Limited (Edmund Leith Mrs. Liverpool house Lloyd Margaret l\1. M. (Mrs.), ladies'
H. Hinds, sec.), Strand Marsh Mrs. Seymour house, Castle rd boarding school, The Downs
Walmer Court Estate Office (Mercer Martin Mrs. Walmer cottage, Dover rd Mantle Boroughs Dawson, plumber,
Edwards & Co. solicitors; 1". T. Martin-Edmonds Wm. Hy. Groton ho Church street
Honeyball, agent), Strand Massey Hugh Tilsley, Seldon, Dover rd Marley George, commercial traveller
Walmer Law~ Tennis Club ('f. J. Matthews Arthur J.King's cot. Dover rd Martin Henry Adolphus, Cinque Port
Coast, hon. sec) Matthews John J.P. Dover road Volunteer P.H
Watkins Henry T. boot maker, Strand Matthews Miss, The Chalet Massey Hugh Tilsley L.R.C.P.Edin.
West William, butcher, Strand MatthewsWm.Peter,King'scot.Dover rd surgeon, Seldon, Dover road
Whitnall George, shaving, hair cutting McCall Robert Alf. The Knoll, Dover rd May & Davis, carpenters
& shampooing saloon, 54 Strand Mercer Cecil John, West lea May Edwd, lodging house, Castle street
Williams Waiter T. Lord Nelson P.H. Moat Mrs. Jessamine cottage Mercer Cecil John, solicitor & commis-
Strand Moreton Alexander, Hillside, Dover rd sioner for oaths, West lea
Wilmshurst Frederick, wheelwright, Ommanney Mrs. Sheen house Minter William Robert, The Drum P.H.
North Barrack road 1 Packard Clarence Lewis, The Cottage, & fly proprietor
Wincote Staff-Sergt. William R.M. 4 Dover road Norris Emily (Mrs.), ladies' school,
Albany terrace, Canada road Page Henry, Walmer court Sydney house, Castle road
Wood Arthur, greengrocer, 8 York st Purkis Misses,3 Lonsdale vils.Station rd Page Henry,farmer, Walmer Court farm
Wood Henry, chemist, 8 Strand Rosher Wm. Hy. Burch, The Laurels St. Clare College (Rev. E. C. d'Auquier
Worsley William, Bricklayers' Arms Sampford Jn. 4 Lonsdalevils. Station rd M.A. head master)
P.H. Dover road Searle Mrs. Wingrove house, Church st Spears Geo. :Frost, Hare & Hounds P.H
Wyborn Wm. watch maker, Dover road Shipwright Thomas, Station road Swinnard Jas. gardnr. to Earl Granville
Upper Walmer. 8~ock Joseph, .st. Mildreds, Castle road 'l'hompson & Son, brewers & maltsters,
T1money 'f>atnck, Dover road Walmer brewery
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Warman Mrs. Castle street Vickery Joseph, shopkeeper
Austen Rev. Benjamin M.A. Belvedere Wilson Mrs. St. Clair house, Dover road Walker & Son, bakers, Church street
house, Castle road Woollaston Arthur Naylor, Glenhill Waters George Hurst, farmer & dairy
Axtence Miss, Dover road COMMERCIAL. farmer ; corn & forage supplied
Bannister Percy, The Shrubbery Alien Edward, station master Webb John William, butcher
Beasley Mrs. Hampton house, Church st Atkins William, painter & paperhanger, Williams Harriett (Mrs.), George &
BloJg Rev.Fowler BabingtonM.A. [vicar Church street Dragon P.H. & pork butcher
of Walmer with St. Sa\'iour's], Vicar- Baker Sarah(Miss),lodging ho.Church st Wise James John, farmer, dairy farmer
age, Dover road Barwood lngram Hammond Harry,bldr & corn factor, Wellington farm
BrowningMrs. Schoolhouse, Churchst Beer Elizabeth Harlow (Miss), boys' Woodco~k George Wells, grocer
Bushe Capt. Chas. Percy R.N. Leelands preparatory school, Glebe house · Woodcock Richard Thomas, blacksmith
WALTHAM(styledinancientrecordsTempleWaltham, bart. J.P. and held since 1837 by the Rev. James Hughes
from the Knights Templars having been formerly possessors Hallett M.A. of Or1el College, Oxford, 1\ho is also sinecure
of the same) is a village and parish,7 miles south from rector of Bircholt and rural dean of West Bridge and resides
bury,xonorth-eastfrom.Ashford ands east fromWyestation, at Higham, in the parish of Bridge. Here is a Wesleyan
on the Ashford and Canterbury branch of the South Eastern chapel. Sir John William Honywood hart. J.P. of Erington
railway, in the Eastern division of the county, lathes of St. Place, is lord of the manor, and Henry Ramsay Mackay esq.
Augustine and Shepway, hundreds of Bridge and Petham of Petham House, near Canterbury, and John Cunliffe Kay
and of Stowting, Home petty sessional division, union of esq. of Godmersham Park, are the principal landowners.
Bridge, Canterbury county court district and in the rural 1 The soil is various; subsoil, clay and chalk. The chief crops
deanery of West Bridge and archdeaconry and diocese of are wheat, peas, beans, oats and hops. The area is 3,272
Canterbury. The church of St. Bartholomew is an ancient acres; rateable value, £2,89r; the population in x881 was
structure of flint and brick, some portions of which may possi- so6.
bly beNorman, but it has other features of Decorated and Per- Parish Clerk, Elvey Stickles.
pendicular character; the church consists of chancel, nave, PosT OFFICE.-'fhomas Cloke, receiver. Letters received
aisles, north porch,and a tower between the nave and chancel, through Canterbury, arrive at 8.30 a. m. Box cleared,
very narrow from east to west and resting internally on week days at 5.50 p.m. & sundays at 9 a. m. The nearest
Pointed arches opening to both, containing 4 bells : on the money order office is at Petham & nearest telegraph office
south side of the chancel are three Perpendicular sedilia; on at Wye railway station
the north is a cinque-foiled niche: there are 300 sittings. A Schoollloard of 5 members was formed Nov. 18, 1873 ; 'f.
The register dates from the year 1538. The living is a Vickers, hon. clerk to the board
vicarage with that of Petham, annexed in x6g8, tithe rent- Board School (mixed), opened November, 1875, for 104
charge (Waltham) £320, joint gross yearly value £6oo, with children; al'erage attendance, 57; Elijah Carter, master
4 acres of glebe and residence, in the alternate gift of the CARRIERS TO CANTERBURY.-Stephen Coleman, thurs.;
Archbishop of Canterbury and Sir John William Honywood Wm. Dilnot, mon. wed. fri. & sat. returning same days
COMMERCIAL. Dilnot William Henry Prior, farmer & Richardson Chas. frmr.Walnut Tree frm
Bartlett George, farmer miller (wind) Rodwell Thomas, farmer
Brice Daniel, farmer, Yorkletts Scott Geor:re, farmer, Ashenfield farm
Cloke Thomas, miller (wind) & farmer, I<'earn William, Penny Pot P H Scott Thomas, farmer
Field Henry Strevans, harness maker
& post office Stickles Elvey, carpenter &c
Coleman Stephen, carrier File Stphn. Pilcher, farmer; & at Elham 'J'odd Moses, farmer
Daniels Albert John, Lord Nelson P.H Harvey S:1mson, carpenter &c Vickers Thomas, farmer, Sarness farm
Daniels John, blacksmith Haywood Richard, farmer Warden Sarah (Mrs.), farmer
Dilnot Julia (Miss), beer retailer Moon George, beer retailer Waters Henry, farmer, Well farm
Newport John, farmer
WAREHORNE is a parish and village, I mile south- with 42 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Lord
west from Ham Street station on th~ South Eastern railway Chancellor, and held since 1866 by the Rev. Thomas Rabett
and 7 south from Ashford, in the Southern dh·ision of the Mayhew M.A. of Queen's College, Oxford. Here is a Bible
eounty, partly in the libe:.:ty of Romney Marsh, Ham, Aloes- Christian chapel. A fair was formerly held yearly on the
bridge and Blackborne hundreds, lathes of Scray and Shep- 2nd and 3rd of October for toys and pedlery. Lord Hothfield
way, Ashford petty sessional division and county court and Sir Edward Chnlmeley Dering D.L., J.P. are lords of
district, East Ashford union and in the rural deanery of the manors. The principal landowners are Edmund and
South Lympne and archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. Roderic Oliver esqs. of Burnt Oak, Orlestone, and Daniel
The church of St. Matthew is of rough stone and flint, in the Norton esq. The soil is mc>nld; subsoil, clay. The chief
Early English and later styles, and consists of chancel, nave, crops are wheat, beans, peas and oats, The area is 2,883
aisles (divided from the nave by an Early English arcade or acres; rateable value, £3,759; the population in 1881 was
three arches on slender shafts of black marble with moulded 532.
caps), north porch and a western tower, once damaged by WAREHORNE LEACON is an adjoining hamlet. HAK
lightning but partly rebuilt and encased in brick in the GREEN is 1 mile south-east, in Romney Marsh.
year 1777, and containing 5 bells: there have been altars at
the east end of each aisle, and window s~ats, formerly Parish Clerk, John Maylam.
serving as sedtlia, still remain: in the south aisle is a square
aumbry with a shelf and a trefoil-headed piscina w1th a PosT OFFICE.-Charles Albert Cork, receiver. Letters re-
wooden shelf: the north-east and south-east windows of the ceived through Ashford on week days only, arrive at 7.40
chancel have their sills extended downwards, so as to form a.m. & dispatched at 5·35 p.m. The nearest money order
& telegraph office is at Ham Street
seats, and in the east jamb of the latter is an elegant ogee
piscina: there is a memorial to John Coventry, ob. x68I, and Board School (under the Orlestone, \Yarehorne & Kennard-
a brass to Thomas Iekyn, a former rector, ob. 1483: there ington board), built, with master's residence, in x875, for
120 children; average attendanca, 82; Rt. J. Dash, mast
are 300 sittings, all being free. The register dates from the
year 1727. The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge £302, CARRIER TO R 'iE.-Lonkhurst, from Ham Street, wed. fort•
.Buss William Butler Arthur, grazier Johnson James, farmer, Bridge farm
Mayhew Rev. Thos. Rabett M.A.Rectory Catt Stphn.Edwd. wheelwright & smith Link James, farmer
Cork Cbas. Albt.draper & grocr.Post off Lonkhurst Brothers, farmers
COMMERCIAL. Down l<'raser, grazier Parsons Arthur, farmer
Barling George Lester, farmer Edwards 'William, Woolpack inn Parsons Charles, carpeuter
Barling Henry, farmer & hop grower Else Henry & Sons,farmers,Tinton farm Pearson Ellen (Mrs.), miller (wind)
Barling Lester, fa1·mer Godden Robert, farmer Tickner & Son, horse dealers
Bourne James, beer retailer Harden Thomas, farmer,Bromley green
Brown Henry, grazier
WATERINGBURY is a parish and large village, situ- situated about a quarter of a mile from the church, on the
ated on the road from Maidstone to Tonbridge, with a station main road to Tonbridge, and is under the control of a burial
on the Maidstone branch of the South Eastern railway, 31 board of 9 members. £4 12s. derived from land left in
miles from London, 5 south-west from Maidstone, in the Mid 1630 by H. Wood esq. is distributed yearly, £2 of which is
division of the county, lathe of Aylesford, Twyford hundred, in bread once a year, and the rest fortnightly throughout
Mailing union and petty sessional division, county court dis- the year. There are two extensive breweries in the parish,
trict of Maidstone, rural deanery of North Ma.lling, arch- where the celebrated Wateringbury pale and other ales are
deaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. The produced. Wateringbury Place is the property and residence
village is lighted with gas, from works established in of Lient.-Col. H. D. Davies .J.P. alderman of the city of Lon-
1856, the property of Messrs. Fredk. Leney and Sons. The don. Gracedieu is the residence of Lady Login, widow of Sir
church of St. John the Baptist is a building of stone in the Spencer Login. The Dowager Viscountess Falmouth, who
Early Engli!!h and Rec~ilinear styles, consisting ot chancel, is lad;t of the manor, and B. Cook eSq. of Roydon Hall, East
nave, north aisle, south porch and a western tower of Early Peckham, Augustus Leney esq. and &. H. :Fremlin esq. are
English date with low shingled spire containing 6 bells : on the principal landowners. The soil is principally a rich
the south side of the chancel is a. Perpendicular niche, and loam ; subsoil, rock. The chief crops are hops, fruit and
on the north a very large and gorgeous Jacobean monument the usual cereals and roots; the neig-hbourhood abounds in
to the family of Style : the church was restored in 1884 at a hop gardens and fruit orchards. The area is :r,466 acres;
cost of upwards of £2, xoo, from designs and under the rateable value, £9,586; the population in 1881 was 1,279·
11uperintendence of Mr. W. 0. Milne, architect, of Lo~don: : LILLYHOO is a detached hamlet, locally in Brenchley
~he chancel was lengthened about 9 feet, a n~w east wmdow parish. CANON HEATH is half a mile north-west; PIZEIN
1nserted, the south wall o_f the chancel rebuilt, th.e nave re- 1 WELL and LATTERS BUILDINGS half a mile south-west.
seated and a new north aisle erecte<l : the east wmdow was I .' • •
given by Mrs. H. Stevens in memory of her husband, late I NORT~ PoLE and RED HILL are m this parish.
vicar of the p athrieshp·r'etsheentrevriecdaorsa, naddohrnisedwwifeithinglmasesmmoorsyaiocf' Parish Clerk, Henry Anderson
was given by PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
their child; the window on the south-east side of the chancel Jeremiah Harris, postmaster. Letters received by mall
is a memorial to Frederick Leney esq.: in February, 1886, cart from Maidstone at 6.40 a.m. ; delivery at 7 a. m. ;
ih.e shingled spire was consumed by fire and the bells in- dispatched at 1.50 & 6.45 p.m. week days & on sundays
jured, but the whole was restored in the same year: there at II. 15 a. m. ; second arr1val by messenger & delivered by
are 420 sittings, rso being free: the churchyard is shaded him at I. IS p. m. Money orders are granted & paid from 9
with trees and contains a remarkahly fine yew. The register a. m. till 6 p.m
dates from the year 1705. The living is a vicarage, avera~e National School, for 250 children; averag-e attendance, 65
yearly value from tithe rent-charge £6s6, with residence boys, 6o girls & so infants; David Kingston, master;
-and si acres of glebe, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Miss Loui:!a Nockold, mist.ress; Miss Julia Clark, infants'
Rochester, and held since 1877 by the Rev. Spencer William mistress
Phillips M.A. of Unirersity College, Oxford. The cemetery, Railway Station, Frederick Henry Cockle, station master
one acre in extent anti consecrated in February, r882, is C.>..RRIER TO MA.IDSTONE.-Geo. Baker, to and from daily
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Schneider Gen. Frederick Cockle Frederick Henry, station master
BlestWilliam Wigram, Broomscroft Stevens Mrs. Gransdon Coote Thomas, boot maker
Bourchier :\fiss, Broomscroft cottage Stickings Rev. Charles M~rcer [curate], Copley Phillimore Herbert, boarding
Davies Lieut.-Col. Horatio David .J.P. Belle vue school (boys'), Claremont house
Wateringbury Place Tapply Richard, Thorndale Dolton Thomas, inland revenue officer
Fremlin Richard Henry, May lodge Tobler l\liss, Ivy cottage Dray Jas. & Son,bldrs. & ho. decorators
Fry John William White Henry, The Lodge Featherstone John, plumber
Goodwin Miss, Rose cottage COMMERCIAL. I<'remlin Rchd. Hy. farmer & hop grower
Holding Benjamin Allwork Misses, ladies' boarding school, l''rench Richard, coach builder
Jude William, The Laurels Red H1ll house Fry John William, surgeon, & medical
King Miss I Allwork Henry, farmer & hop & fruit officer & public vaccinator, No. 4 dis-
J..-mey Augustus, Orpines grower, Red Hill fann trict, Malling union, Linden house
LoginLady, Gracedieu Anderson Benj. beer retailer & plumber Gas Works (Fredk. Leney & Sons,prprs)
McClay Mrs. The Hermitage Baker Amos, grocer & draper Goodwin Edward John, farmer & hop
Newington William, The Limes Barber William, shopkeeper grower, Canon farm
Nicholls Mrs. Bow villa Boorman Charles, butcher Goulding Eliza (Miss), dress maker
Paterson Miss, The Beck Cemetery (James Dray, clerk to the Harris Henry, butcher
Penton James, Brewery house burial board) Harris Jeremiah, butcher & assistant
Phillips Rev. Spencer Wm. M.A. Vicarage Clark Thomas, fly proprietor overseer, Post office
Russell Francis, Red house Clementson Richard, miller (steam & Harris Sarah Ann (Mrs. ),harness maker
I water) & corn merchant, Warden ml &stationer
Saxby John, Warden house
Hawes William James, coal, coke, hay Mills Thomas, beer retailer, Pizein well Smith Edward, baker
& straw merchant &c.. Bow road & at Muggeridge William, Duke's Head PH I Taylor Rachel (Mrs.) & Jn.gros.& drprs
· Pearson James Knight, ironmonger~ Vidgeon Barbara (Miss), dress maker
S. E. Railway coal wharves
Hodge Thomas William, carpenter Phillips Thomas (of West lHalling), Wallond Chas. beer ret. & fishmonger
.JUDE, HANBURY &. CO. pale ale farmer & hop & fruit grower Warne George, North Pole P. H
brewers, The Kent brewery; & at Reeves Francis, farmer & hop grower, Wateringbury Working Men's Club &
Chatham & TunbridgeWells. -See advt ~Wateringbury hall ..
Institute (W. W. Blest, hon. sec)
Leney Fredk. & Sons, brewers, malt- Rose George, King's Head P.H Waterman Young, farm bailiff to Mr.
sters, farmers & hop growers, Phoenix Rousseau Albert Philetnon, farmer & A. Leney, Pelican
brewery; & at Chatham & Tunbridge fruit grower, 'Little Canon 1 Wells William, builder & contractor &
·wells; London stores, 182 Brompton Shepherd Hy. blacksmith,Latters bldgs red brick & tile manufacturer
rd. South Kensington s w. See advrt Smith Henry, grocer, & agent for W. & Woodger Thomas, beer retailer
Martin Henry, beer retailer, Pizein well A. Gilbey, wine & spirit merchants
WESTBERE is a small village and parish on the north church was partly restored in I8S8 and completed in I88S at
bank of the navigable river Stour, 3 miles north-east from a cost of £8oo: there are five stained windows, one being a
Canterbury and one mile east from Sturry station on the memorial to Miss Louisa Harriet James: the or~an was
South Eastern railway, in the Eastern division of the county, erected at a cost of £200: there are 170 sittings. The regis-
lathe of St. Augustine, hundreds of Bleangate and Westgate, ter dates from the year IS67. The living is a rectory,average
Blean union, Canterbury county con.rt district, petty ses- yearly value from tithe rent-charge £222, net income £r72,
sional division of Canterbury, rural deanery of Westbere and with residence and 2 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Lord
archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury: this parish ancient- Chancellor, and held since I888 by the Rev. William Francis.
ly formed part of the possessions of St. Augustine's monas- Fraser M.A. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. 'fhe charities.
tery. The old road from Canterbury to Margate crosses the amount to £6 2s. for bread. 'fhere is a Catholic convent
parish. The church of All Saints, situated at the base of a here, dedicated to Our Lady of Missions and St. A.nne, and
hill in the centre of the parish, is a small building of flint in formerly known as Summer Hill House. :Frederick Flint
the Early English style, consisting of chancel and nave and esq. who is lord of the manor farm, and the trustees of }lajor
a western turret containing 3 bells: this church belonged F. G. S. Parker, Thomas Wotton and Henry Scott are the
partly to the priory of Hersing (now Haseden) in this parish principal landowners. The soil is light loam; subsoil, gravel
and appertained to the Abbot and Com·ent of St.Augustine, The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and hops. 'fhe area
Canterbury: the exact date of its foundation is uncertain, but is r, 173 acres; rateable value, £3,604; the population in
on the north side of the chancel is a tomb of the I2th century I 88I was 240.
bearing a cross fleury and believed to be the tomb of the Parish Clerk, Henry Howard.
founder: the chancel arch springs from two crouching mon-
astic figures : the interior and exterior mouldings of the win- Letters through Canterbury arrive at 7 a. m. & I p.m.
dows and the exterior mouldings of the doorways and the Sturry is the nearest money order & telegraph office.
piscina are enriched with sculptured heads; these, together PILLAR LETTER Box cleared at IO a.m. & 7.40 p.m.;
with the tracery of the windows and the triple sedilia, are Sundays, 12·S0 p.m
fine examples of I4th century work: on the north and south National School (mixed), for 33 children; average attend-
walls of the chancel are traces of I2th century frescoes: the ance, 30; Miss Elizabeth Frisby, mistress
COMMERCIAL. Gurney William, farmer
Couper Mrs. Brooklands Andrews Charles, wood dealer Hogbin Edward (exors. of), farmers
Fraser Rev. Wm. Francis M.A. Rectory Beale Isaac, market gardener Hutchinson William, coal merchant
Hutchinson Miss, Woodland house Brice Daniel, farmer Mead John, cattle salesman
Hutchison Charles Thomas Clark James, market gardener Pilcher Thomas W. baker
Mead John, Friendly hall Convent of Our Lady of Missions & St. Pritchard Waiter, bricklayer
Pont Miss, Myrtle cottage Anne (Madame Euphria Barbier, Scott Henry, farmer & landowner
Sworder Charles lady superior) James, bailiff to William
Wotton Miss Frisby Zipporah (Mrs.), grocer Robert Young esq. Hopland farm
Young Percy, Rushbourne house Gore George, wattle maker Tolputt Henry Ueorge, bottle merchant
WESTERHAM is a parish and market town, situated with residence, in the gift of Major John Board J.P. and held
on rising ground, on the Surrey border and on the road from since I86o by the Rev. Henry Charles Bartlet.t M.A. of Em-
Sevenoaks to Godstone, with a terminal station on a branch of manuel College, Cambrid~e. There is a Congregatioml
the South Eastern railway from Dunton Green,sf miles north chapel, erected in I839, with 200 sittings, and a Baptist mis-
from Edenbridge station,t>! west from Sevenoaks and 2I from sion chapel, erected in I889, to hold 40 persons. Westerham
London. The parish is in the Western division ofthecounty, Public Hall, a building in the Tudor style, erected at a total
Westerham and Edeubridge hundreds, lathe of Sutton-at- cost including furniture of about £2,000, includes a large
Hone, Sevenoaks petty sessional division, union and county hall capable of holding 300 persons and a billiard room, to-
court district and in the rural deanery of Shoreham, arch- gether with rooms for the housekeeper ; the committees of
deaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury; it extends various benevolent societies meet here. In the market place
northward to the summit of the chalk hills,where it is boundeci stands a ~ranite drinking fountain, erected by subscription
by Cudham, and southward beyond the sand hills into the I887. The market, granted in the 25th of Edward Ill.
Weald. The river Darent takes its rise in this parish at a (I35I-2} to the Abbot of Westminster, who possessed the
small distance from Squerryes. The town is lighted with gas manor, is held every vrednesday at the King's Ar~ns hotel
by a company formed in I88s, and supplied with water by a and a cattle fair on the 3rd of May. The H company of 1st
company from works situated here. The church of St.Mary, Volunteer Battalion Queen's Own West Kent Regiment have
beautifully situated on a rising ground, is a building of stone head quarters in the town. Two remarkable landslips oc-
in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel with north curred here on the southern escarpment of the sand hill in
and south aisles running to the extreme west end of the I596 and I7S6; in the former nine acres of ground continued
church, nave of four bays, south porch and a western tower m motion for eleven days; and in the latter, two acres and~
with spire containing a clock and 8 bells : there are brasses h!!.lf, some parts of the ground sinking into pits and other
with effigies, one to Thomas, son of John Potter esq. ob. portions rising into hills. Dr. Benjarnin Hoadley, succes-
6 June, IS3I; Richard Hayward, ob. IS29, and Anne, his sively bishop of Bangor, Hereford, Salisbury and Winchester~
wife, with 8 children; John Stacy, ob. 1533, and Margaret was born here NoY. 14, I676, and this was also the birth-
and Joan, his wives; William Myddilton esq. ob. IS571 and place, Jan. rs, I726, of General James Wolfe, the victor of
his wi¥es Elizabeth and Dorothy; William Stace, ob. I5S6, ~uebec (Sept. I3, I7S9); a tablet in the church and a ceno-
and Jone and Alice his wives,with 15 children; to SirWilham taph in the grounds of Squerryes have been erected to his-
Dye, parson of Tattisfield, ob. IS67; the other brasses are in- memory: Westerham was also the birthplace, in 1503, of
scriptions only, to Richard Potter esq.ob.IS63; Elizabeth,Anne John Frith, the martyr, who was burned at Smitbfield in
and Alice, his wi¥es, and 20 children: there are also effigies the reign of Henry VIII. July 4, IS33· The charities are of
of two civilians, c. IS4S ; six daughters, c. I520 (palimpstl.St) the annual value of £2s. A block of 12 almshouses and a
and seven sons, c. IS40: the east window and several others cottage hospital were erected in I874 by Miss Moreton, one:
are stained,and the south aisle retains two piscinre: the church of the sisterhood of Clewer,near Windsor,at a cost of £g,ooo;
plate includes a chalice dated ISS6: the interior has been re- each house is endowed with a weekly allowam·e of ss. to single
seated with oak benches, and was restored in I883 at a cost of and 7s. 6d. to married persons. Squerryes Court, the seat>
£6,ooo: an organ was also erected, at a cost of £8oo, by of Lieut.-Col. Charles Arthur Madan Warde D.L., J.P. who is
Lieut.-Col. Warde in memory of his father, Admiral Warde, lord of the manor and principalland!)wner, is a noble building
and in I89o new gas brackets and standards of brass were of the I6th century and has a spacious entrance hall contain·
placed at the cost of £sS: there are 6oo sittings, I40 being ing some fine paint.ings: on the staircase and in the picture
free. The register dates from the year I5S9- The living is gallery i~ h?ng a splen~id collection of family portraits ~nd
a vicarage, tithe rent-charge £480, net yearly value £240, . other pamtmgs: frontmg the south-western entrance IS a.
lake, supplied from springs in the park. Valence, the seat Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment, xst Voluntee!"
of Norman Watney esq. .J.P. is an extensive mansion of red Battalion (H Co. ), Capt. R. B. Drabble, commanding;
bri~~ with stone dressings, erected from ?esigns by Mr. F. J. C. Watney, lieutenant
Robmson, architect, and standin~ on an eminence in well laid Public Hall Co. Limited, C. Hooker, sec
out and thickly timbered grounds,watered by natural springs Fire Brigade, Edward Parish, captain & x6 men
winch form a tributary of the river Darent. Dunsdale, the PUBLIC OFFICERS : -
property of Norman Watney esq. J.P. is also pleasantly Assessor & Q~Jllector of Taxes, Charles Hooker, Hi(0J'h street
situated on an eminence, adjoining the grounds of Valence. Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes for the Godstone District.
Lieut.-Col. C. A. M.Warde, N. Watney esq. and Major John & Steward of the manors of Westerham & Oxted, Alex. F .
.Board J.P. are the principal landowners. The soil is friable, • Rooke ·
loam and various ; subsoil, gravelly or Kentish rag and Collector of Rates, George H. Okill, Sevenoaks
various. The area is 5,8o3 acres; rateable value, £13,439; Inland Revenue Officer, Wm. Robson Arrowsmith, High st.
Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator for No. 4 District,
the population in x88x was 2,3ox.
Sevenoaks union, Charles Henry Whitcombe F.R.c.s. Edi111.
Parish Clerk, Henry Remnant.
Old.Vicarage house
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insmance Office
(Letters should have S.O. Kent added).-Thomas Newton, Vestry Clerk, Edward Betteridge
ScHOOLS:- ,. ·
postmaster. Letters delivered at 7.30 & xo a.m. & 6 National, for x6o boys, x,to girls & xoo infants; average at-
p.m.; dispatched at 10.5 & a. m. & 3.30 & 7.50 p.m. tendance, g8 boys, 84 girls & 66 infants ; George Barratt,
Only the morning delivery on sunday. Box closes at 7.50 master ; Miss MeNamara, mistress ; Miss Haskayne, in-
p.m. Money orders are granted & paid from 9 till 6
fants' mistress. The girls' & infants' school was built in
WALL Box, station, cleared at 9.50 & 10.30 a.m. & 7· 15 p.m. r86o, enlarged in r8go at a cost of £r,xoo & the boy$
No sunday collections school, built in r828, was enlarged in r872
WALL Box, High street, cleared at 9·45 & xx a.m. & 3 & RAILWAY STATION, Charles William Wood, station mastel"
An omnibus from the King's Arms hotel meets all incoming
7.30 p.m
PuBLIC EsTABLISH~ENTS : - Omnibuses to Oxted railway station twice daily •
Inland Revenue Office (Maidstone district), George & CARRIER TO LoNDON.-John Cumplen, to & from Spur in111,.
Dragon hotel ; commissioners attend every three months Borough, mon. & thnn..; returning tues. & fri
AshdownEmma(Mrs. ),shopkpr.High st Fox Wm.chemist & druggist,M:arket pl
Acworth Rev. Carr Glyn M.A. Moreton Ashton John William, veterinary sur- Francis Wm. Grasshopper P.H. High st.
geon, Springfield cottage Friend Alfred, farmer, Force green
Akers Henry Herbert, Herbert lodge Askew Edward, watch & clock maker & Fuller James, shopkeeper, High street
Atkinson Mrs. A. K. Manor house silversmith, jeweller & electro-plater
Atkinson Mrs. Emma, The Limes & gilder, High street Fuller Thomas, shopkeeper
Bartlett Rev. . Henry Charles M.A. Genge William, ironmonger, High st
Atkinson Emma (Mrs.), grocer, &agent
[vicar], Vicarage for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit George & Dragon Family & Commercial
Bellchambers Miss, Bellevue merchants, High street · Hotel(CharlesHulcup,propr.),High st
Betteridge Edwd. Kirkgate ho. High st Aylward Ann (Miss), milliner & dress Green Alfd. baker & sho~keeper,High st
Board Major John J.P. Springfield maker, High street
Boyes Mrs. Springfield cottages Harris John &Son, !tailors & drapers
Boyle Miss, Magdala house Baker John, boot maker
Brigden Mrs. London road Barnett lsaac, road surveyor, High st High street
Bushell Benjamin Collard Beal William, shopkeeper, High. street Harris Thos. (Mrs.), tob:~.cconist, High st
Coker Mrs. Manor house Bell Albert Berridge, general draper,
Coulter Rev. Lancelot M.A. [curate], Hart Edward, boot & shoe ma. High st.
milliner, hosier &outfitter, Market pl Higgins Alex. U. architect, Betsomes hill
Manor house Bell R. M. (Mrs.), )adies' boarding & Hooker Charles, printer & stationer &.
Dadds George, Spring gardens
Davis Henry William, Darenth towers day school, Rosevdle assessor & collector of taxes, High st.
Dumaresq Charles Wm. Rose cottages Bellchamber Nahomi (Miss), dress Horseman George, stone mason
Dye Mrs. St. Catherine's, London road
Edwards James, Pilgrims maker, High street Horton Benjamin & Son, timber & coal
Betteridge Edward, vestry clerk merchants, Railway station
Horeham Charles, baker, High street
Brown & Rooke, solicitors, High street Hubbard James,corn dealer, High street.
Humphey Mary Ann (Mrs.), General
Wolfe P.H
InglefieldGeorge&Son, butchers, High st.
Genge Misses, Fairlight Bushell & Co. brewers, maltsters & wine Ingram John, bricklayer, Ho3ey hill
Grant Mrs. London road & spirit mers. Black Eagle brewery Jarrett George, boot & shoe ma. High st
Griffith Mrs. Squerryes lodge Canfield Geo. fruit grower, French st Jeffkins Artbur, nursery, seedsman &
Grover Samuel Carr, Market place Carreck Charles, boarding & day school florist, Darenth nurseries (established
Higgins Alexander U. Betsomes hill for boys, Wolfe House school 1789), High street. See advert
Horton Ernest Charles, Springfield villa Clarke John, farmer & hop grower Jenner 'fhomas, shoe ma. High street
Howard Fredk. Quebec lro. east, High st Clark John Westley, dairy, High street Jewell Joseph Hy. bookseller, Market pl
Clarke Geo.saddler&harness ma.High st Kimber Frederick, baker, High street
Knipe Rev. Thomas Wenham M.A. The Clemans Arihur, farmer, Currant hill King's Arms Family & Commercial
Grange Clemans Tbos. farmr. Court Lodge frm
Cloke & Wintle, builders & contractors Hotel (Arthr.Gibbon l<,reund,propr. ),.
Lashmar Turner, London road Collins Jas. furniture remover, High st High street. See advertisement
Le May Charles, Oak lodge Lee William, tailor
Mande Arthur, Winterton house
Coomber Edwin, farmer & hop grower, Leney Annie (Miss), dyer, Hi6h street
Osenton George, Mariners
Force Green farm Leney George, plumber, High street
Palmer D. W. London & County Bank Cowlard William, shopkeeper, High st Lockyer Herbert, cabinet ma. High st
Rathill Robert Mostyn, High street Conchman Jesse, beer retailer, High st
Remnant Frank George, I Gratitude pl Covers Farm & Brick Field (Bushell & London & County Banking Co. Limited
Remnant Henry, London road
Rooke Alexander Frederick, Farlowe Co. proprietors) (branch) (D. W. Palmer, manager);.
Skinner Rev. Joseph Allison Theodore open daily; draw on head office, 2I
Crown Family & Commercial Hotel
Lomba.rd street, London E c
B.A. [Congregational] (John Lear Ford,propr.), Raily. statn London Road Brick, Tile & Pottery
Smith Ernest Henry, Yew Tree cottage Cumplen John, carrier to London Works (Henry Remnant, manager),
Smith Frederick, Canterbury cottage DeanArthr.Tbos.photogrphr. London rd London road
Stenning George, Pear Tree cottage Edmunds'f. W. seedmerchant&grower I Marchant Robert,linen draper, High s1;
Stephenson Edward S. Grosvenor house
Streatfeild Mrs. Chart's edge & florist, High street; & at Brasted. Martin Edward, builder, Stratton houS&
Warde Lieut.-Col. Charles Arthur
See advertisement Martin Edwd. (Mrs.), lndrss. Stratton h()
EDMUNDS WILLIAM, wholesale & Martin Martin, builder, cabinet makel"
Madan D.L., J. P. Squerryes court family grocer, wine, spirit, ale, china, & furniture dealer, Hosey hill
Warde Misses, Squerryes lodge glass & general provision merchant, Maude Arthnr L.R.c.P.Lond. surgeon,.
Watkins John, Stakes The Stores ; & at Caterham Winterton house
Watkins William Finnis, Cygnet cottage Evans Williams Hy. valuer, London rd NewmanJohn (Mrs.),chimneysweeper,.
EVENDEN EDWARD, coach builder, London road
Watney Norman J.P. Valence
West Charles William, Vicarage cottage wheelwright & agricultural imple- Newton Thomas,postmaster &stationer,.
ment agent (established 1822), The High street
'Whitcombe Charles Henry, Old Vicar- Forge. See advertisement Nicholas Alfred, blacksmith,Higb street
age house, High street ForemanEdward, farm bailiff to Lieut.- Outram James, boot factor & leather
COMMERCIAL. Col. C. A. M. Warde D.L., .J.P. seller, High street
.Allen Henry, confectioner, High street Squerryes farm Ontrim John E. umbrella ma. High st
Arrowsmith William Robson, inland Fountain Coffee Tavern (George Collins, Palmer D. W. manager of the London &
revenoe officer, High street man3.o<rtlr) County Bank
• KENT. •
Parish Edward, drill instructor, 2 Smith Alfred, miller, Elm View & West George, fishmonger, London road
Gratitude place Darenth water mills Westerham Gas Co. Limited (Charles
Parkhurst Jabez, linen draper, London Smith Ernest Henry,organist at church, Hooker, sec. & manager)
house, High street Yew Tree cottage, Westerha.m Horticultural Society (Ed-
Pope William, lodging ho. London rd Smith John, fishmonger & greengrocer, ward Evenden, sec)
Potter Alfred, boot & shoe ma. High st High street Westerham Nurseries & Seed Co. (T.
Pywell Jane (Mrs.), ladies' outfitter, Smith Philip (Mrs.), plumber & house W. Edmunds, proprietor) (late John
High street decorator, High street Cattell), florists, seed growers &
Queen'sOwuRoyal West Kent Regiment, Smith Thomas, boot maker manure merchants & agricultural
ISt Volunteer Battalion (HCo.) (Capt. Smith Wm. pork butcher, Quebec cots implement agents &c. High street.
R. B. Drabble, commandant; C. South William, wood carver, London rd See advertisement
Watney, lieutenant) Stone Robert, bricklayer Westerham Public Hall Co. Limited
Richardson George, marine store dealer Sutton Edwin Caldecot, grocer, High st (Charles Hooker, sec)
Robinson Henry, farm bailiff to Major Tatham Mary(Mrs.),boot ma.Londn.rd Westerha.m Water Works Co. Limited
J. Board .J.P. French street Townsend John,Warde Arms P.H.& colt (Edward Evenden, sec)
Rooke Alexander Frederick (firm, Brown breaker, Highstreet Wheeler Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
& Rooke), sclicitor & commissioner Townsend Thomas, pork butcher & London road
_ for taking oaths. steward of the manor baker, High street Whitcombe Charles Henry F.R.c.s.Edin.
of Westerham & Oxted & clerk to the Twort Mary (Mrs. ),frmr.Graysham frm
surgeon, & medical officer & public
magistrates & commissioner of taxes Vans Sydney, plumber, Spring gardens vaccinator, 4th district, Sevenoaks
for Godstone division of Surrey Verrall Geo. Hy. blacksmith, High st union, Old Vicarage house
Saxby Charles, grocer, Quebec square Warn George, hair dresser & furniture Wintle Joseph, marine store dealer
Saxby Robert, grocer & provision & dealer, Hig-h street Wintle Mary (Miss), dress ma. High st
china & glass dealer, Market place Wa.tkins & Son, maltsters & brewers, Wood Albert, gamekeeper to Lieut.-Col.
Shawyer Charles Henry, hatter, hosier Swan brewery C. A. M. Warde D.L., .J.P. Force green
&gentlemen's outfitter, Commerce ho Wa.tkins Carolina (Mrs.), brush & basket Wood Charles William, station master
SIBLEY ..IOHN (late E. Dye & Son), warehouse, The Green Wood Ellen (Miss), milliner & dress
wholesale ironmonger, upholsterer & Webster Charles, farmer, Bishops farm maker, Rose cottages
implement agent (18 SPACIOUS Weller Thomas H. builder, High street Wood John, coach builder & wheel-
SHOW ROOMS) Wells Abraham, lime burner, Wester- wright, High street
Skelton Robert, farmer, Charman's frm ham hill Woods Edwin, wheelwright, New street
Skinner Ed wn. farmr.Betsomes Hill frm Westerham Cricket Club (E. S. Stephen- Woollett William, carpenter
Smethurst Geo. Arthr. boot ma. High st son esq. hon. sec) Wright David, carpenter, High street
WESTGATE-ON-SEA is an improving watering of 9 acres, and the Westgate club occupies premises on the
place on the north coast of Kent, 2 miles west from Marga.te Sea road. The Beach House hotel is pleasantly situated on
and 72l miles from London, with a station on the London, the top of a gentle acclivity of about 100 yards in length,
Chatham and Dover railway, and is built upon a. range of running from the sea wall to the hotel, the intervening space
ehalk cliffs, and on the shores of two bays, respectively being laid out as a garden, with lawns ; a lawn tenuis ground
named St. Mildred's and Westgate, separated by a pro- flanks the building on the right. The manor of Westgate,
montory, and it is noted for the salubrity of its air: sea then part of Minster, is said to have been given by Egbert,
walls have been built along the curves of the bays forming King of Kent, to the abbey of Minster, which he founded:
two promenades over a mile in length, with steps giving it was afterwards held by a family taking its name from the
access from the summit of the cliffs to the sands, which are place, and then passed to the noble family of de Leybourne,
Jirm and safe for bathing ; gardens have also been formed and by various assignments came to th3 Dennes, a daughter
with walKs at different levels facing the sea., giving protec- of which house took it as her portion on her marriage with
tion against keen winds, and a marine drive has been con- Sir Nicholas Crispe, knighted January I, 1639·40. During
structed along the top of the cliffs for about 2 miles: the sea the Commonwealth Henry Crispe was carried off by one
here has formed caverns in the chalk, and in some places Golding, a royalist shipowner, from Quekes (now Quex), to
masses have been isolated from the m3iu land by the action Bruges, and there kept until rausoned for i,"I,ooo. The
of the waves: water of great purity is supplied by the West- population in 188I was I,67o, but much increased since.
gate-on-Sea and Birchington Water and Gas Works Com- Garlinge is a small hamlet about I mile west from Mar-
pany, by whom also the town is lighted with gas: it is in
the civil parish of St. J ohu's, Margate, Isle of Thanet divi- gate, ecclesiastically attached to Westgate. In 1724- up-
sion of the county, lathe of St. Augustine, hundred of wards of twenty ancient instruments, like adzes or chisels, of
Ringslow, union of Isle of Thanet, Margate county court mixed brass or bell metal, Iwere found here.
district, rural deanery of Westbere and archdeacoury and DAUNDELION (or Dent-de-Lion) is an estate situated iu the
diocese of Canterbury, and under the jurisdiction of the north-west extremity of the parish of St. John, and was
Cinque Ports justices. The ecclesiastical parish of St, James anciently the seat of a family of that name ; William Dauu-
was formed out of Margate, Februar~ nth, 1873: the delyom or Daundelyon held it in the second year of Richard
church, situated on the high road to'Canterbury and conse- II. and his grandson, John Dandelyon, dying seisf'd of it in
crated January 3rd, 1873• is an elegant structure of Kentish 1445, was buried in the north chancel of St. Augustine's
rag aud Bath stone in the Gothic style, designed by l:vlr. monastery. There still exist the remains of an ancient em-
C. N. Beazley, architect, of London, and consists of chancel, battled mansion, built of alternate courses of flint and brick,
nave of four bays, aisles, transept and a. tower at the south- with a square tower at each angle and a castellated gate-
vest angle with shingled spire and containing one bell, the way with an upper chamber; over the main entrance are
lower part of the tower forming a porch: there are nine the arms of this name, viz., sa. on a fess dancettee arg.
stained windows : the total cost of the building was about 3 lions rampart of the first, and in a window of the
£3,600; the site, with a donation, was given by the Gover- dining-rooms are the same arms, quartered with those
nors of Bridgewell Hospital: there are 420 sittiugs, half being of Pettit : in 1703 a room was discovered under the right
free. The register dates from the year 1873. The living is I side of the gateway large enough to conceal eight or ten
a vicarage, gross yearly value £280, from the Ecclesiastical persons, and in it were found many fragments of urns of
Commissioners, with residence, in the gift of the vicar of earth and glass. There is a Catholic chapel and a Wesleyan
Margate, and held since 1873 by the Rev. George Collis, chapel, built in I86g.
Theol.Assoc.K.C. L. St. Saviour's is an ecclesiastif!al parish, Parish Clerk Richard Catt
formed in 1884 from the civil parishes of Minster and Birch- ' ·.
ington West, Acol and the ecclesiastical parish of St. James: PosT, ~· 0. ~ T. 0., S. B. & An~mty & Insurance Office,
the church, situated at the junction of the St. Mildred's and St. Mildreds road, Westgate (Railway Sub-Office. Letters
Westgate roads, on a site given by Messrs. Parker, of Lon- should have R.S.O. ~ent added).-James L. Hume, post-
dofoni;6i,s3oaob, uainlddincgonofsiKstesnotifshchraa.ngdeel,reccleteredsitonr1ie8d84~aavteaofcosisxt master. Letters arrive at 7 a. m. & II.2o & 5.30 p.m.;
dispatched at 9.40 a.m. 1.5, 4·30 & 8.10 p.m. to all
bays, aisles, north and south porches, and a. tower at the parts & 10.25 & 11.55 a..m. for local letters; sundays
nort.h-west angle, containing one bell; the lower portion of B.Io p.m
the tower forms the north porch: there are 6oo sittings, PosT OFFICE, Garlinge.-:.vliss Emma Jutton, receiver.
300 being free. The register dates from the year 1884. The Letters arrive from Westgate 8.30 a.m. 2.30 & 6 p.m.;
living is a vicarage, gross yearly value, derived from the dispatched at 10.25 & u.30 a.m. & 7.25 p.m. Westgate
Ecclesiastical Commissioners, £2oo, in the gift of the Arch- is the nearest money order & telegraph office
bishop of Canterbury, and held since 1884 by the Rev.
Augustus Adolphus Lyne Theol.Assoc.K.C.L. and formerly PUBLm EsTABLISHMENTS:-
R.N. The Congreg.1tional chapel, built 1884 at a cost of Assembly Rooms, Sea road
£4,ooo, has 426 sittings. There is a temporary Wesleyan Baths, Sea road
chapel. The local cricket and lawn tennis club has a ground Coastguard Station, I<'rederick Davies, chief officer
ScHOOLS:- St. James' (mixed). Garlinge, built in I86o & enlarged
St. Saviour's (mixed), built in 1885, for 150 children; I873, for I20 children; average attendance 90; Mrs. W.
T. Solly, mistress
average attendance, I30; Edwd. W. H. :\Iusselwhite, mast I Railway Station, Henry J. Bines, station master .
Westgate-on-Sea. IPerkins Miss, Lowestoft vil. Westgate rd 1 Burridge James, baker, I8 Station road
Perryn Richard Hy. 27 .Adrian square BushellJohn, lodging ho.g Roxburgh rd
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. 1 Pike Miss, Ethandene, Westgate road Button James, lodging house, The
Ackery Miss, Ellmhyrst, The Grove Quested Mrs. St.Mildred's lodge,Streete Cedars, Westgate road
Allen Mrs. Mountfield, Canterbury road Quispell\Iadame, I9 Adrian square Candler Eliza (:\'Iiss), boarding house.
Alien Mrs. South croft, St. Mildred's rd Ramskill Mrs. 7 Roxburgh road Ledge point
Beardsworth Mrs. 4 Ethelbert square Rawlings Henry Deux, Eversleigh Candler Harriet (Miss), lodging house.
Bettison Mrs. S. J. 4 Athelstane terrace Richardson Ernest L. B.A. Doon house, St. .Austell, Westgate road
Beuttler Mrs. 9 Westgate road Canterbury road Case Kate f~Irs.), lodging house, 3
Beuttler Thomas Breame, Loudwater, Richardson Henry B. B.A. Doon house, Norman road
I Sussex gardens Canterbury road Cater Robt. lodging ho. 15 Westbury rd
Bidgood William Fisher, 4 Harold road Rogers Wm. Bennett, Danehurst,Sea rd CloakeGeo.bldr.Montagueho.Westgt.rd
Birch Rev. Chas. :r.t:.A. Cliff side, Sea rd Rymer Edward,Kidbrooke, Westgate rd Cobb & Co. bankers (sub-branch of
Bird James Collins, l::lea tower Sear William Lane, The Briars, Can- Margate) (Georga Henry Hitchin,
Blandford Rev. Thomas [Congrega- terbury road manager), 20 Station road; business
tional], The Grove Smith Martin Ridley, Corsbie, Sea road hours, IO to 3; sat. 10 to I; draw on
Blandford Misses, Holland ho. The Grove Smith Thomas John, 1I Queen's road Lloyds Bank Limited, London
BlythEdmd.Kell,Yeoveney,Roxbrgh.rd Snow Harry, Glenelg, Westgate road Coles Bros. ironmongers, 7 Station road
Bowman Thos. Fair view, Westgate rd Sowter Miss, I Gordon grove CrumpFk.Wm.smith&farrier,Station rd
Brown Jn. Hy. Tower ho.Canterbury.rd Sparrow Deputy Surgeon-Gen. John, Cullen Fredk. fly proprietor, Chester rd
Bull Rev. Herbert Arthur M.A. Well- 7 .Adrian square Day Jabez, lodging ho. I4 Westbury rd
ington house, Rowena road Spreck Miss,St.Margarets,Roxburgh rd Denne Frederick Thos. lodging house.
Burrows Sir l''rederick Abernethy bart. Sprighton Ernest, Westbury house, Dumfries, Ethelbert square
Highclere, St. Mildred's road Harold road Duff Ann Elizabeth & Emily (Misses),
Cbapman Hy.Jas.TheFirs, Westgaterd StorrJohnHardy, Glenmere,Elm grove ladies' school, 6 Adrian square
Collins Miss,Gordon bo. St.Mildred'srd Street Alfred Francis M.A.,M.D. Burgh- Durston Anthony, lodging house, 7
Collins Mrs. St. Mildred's road field, St. Mildred's road Ethelbert terrace
Collis Rev. George T.A.K.c.L. [vicar of Strong Fdk. Wm. Herga,St.Mildred's rd Dyke dlr.S~.Mildred's rd
St. James], Vicarage Stunt Mrs. 3 Ethelbert square Eavery Frances (Miss), lod.;ing house,
Crawford Col.H.P.Ralston, 2 The Grove Temple Mrs. 6 Roxburgh road North lawn, Sea road
Cullen Frederick, 2A, Canterbury road Temple Richd.Stanley house, Station rd Eldridge Peter,greengro. I2Westbury rd
Daykin Mrs.Eastwood lo.St. Mildred's rd Vargas:\Iiss,ICambrdg. vls.Canterbry.rd Emmens George, hosier, IO Station rd
DellerMrs. Carlton ho. Westgate road Ward Mrs. Belairs, St. Mildred's road Evans Harriet (Mrs.), lodging house.
Dore Samuel L. Springfield Warmington Richard, 13 Ethelbert ter 3 Collingwood terrace, We~tgate road
Down shire Dowager Marchioness of, St. Weekes William, 2 Cuthbert road Faver Amy (Mrs.), lodging house, 18
Mildred's court Whittingham Alex. E. lngleton, Sea rd Westbury road
Duff Misses, 6 Adrian square Wickham Wm. H. Glenthorne, S0a rd Finch Barnard, photogrphr.8 Station rd
Duffin-Thomson Mrs. Westleigh 'I Widnell Mrs. 8 Adrian square FitzGerald Mrs. boarding house, Sea
Edgcome James, Coombe bank, Sea rd Williams Miss,Norlands,St.Mildred's rd grange, Sea road
Ellis Edmund, 6 Roxburg-h road Willoughby Thomas, St. Clement's rd Flint Arthur M.D. physician & surgeon,
Flint Arthur J.P., M.D. Westgate lodge, Withy Mrs. Alleyne, 3 Harold road Westgate lodge, West.!ate road
Westgate road Woodward Harry, Kingsclere, St. Foreman Elizabeth (Miss), lodging
Forbes Mrs. 4 Ethelbert terrace Mildred's road house, Adelaide house, Westgate road
Forster Mrs. 4 Gordon grove Woolf Barnard Samuel, 3 Westgate rd Fortune Charlotte (Mrs.), lodging
Fraser Mrs. 9 Egbert road Woollatt Rev. Edward William [curate house, 2 Norman road
Frostick Mrs. 7 Harold road of St. Saviour's], 6 Ethelbert terrace Fulcher Sarah (Mrs.), lodging house,
Gasson Miss, Bazelmere, Sea road COMMJmCIAL. IO Ethelbert terrace
GodsonClementM.n.Sharsted,Harld. rd Abram Henry, pianoforte warahouse, Garment Daniel, lodging house, Glen-
GreeneThos.Leeds,Gaytonlo.Westgt.rd 23 Station road loyle, Sea road
Harrison Miss, Penrhyn lodge, Sea road Allen John, lodging house, I Queen's rd Gascoyne Emily (Mrs.), lodging house,
Harrison Robert, Cecillo. Westgate rd Andrews Geo. Wm.bazaar,u Station rd 2 Cliff terrace, "\\'estgate road
Hawtrey Rev. E. M. M. A. St. Michael's, Archer Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, Genini Speranzino, refreshment house,
St. Mildred's road Langhorn lodge, Egbert road 5 Station terrace
Heinemann Mrs.Ashleydene,Rxbrgh.rd Armstrong William, lodging house, 8 Gilford Susan (Miss), lodging house,
Hilder Mrs. Rockleigh, Westgate road Ethelbert terrace ~ Beach view, Westgate road
Hill Right Hon. Lord Arthur William Assembly Rooms, Beach road (W. J. Goodwin Emily Sarah (~rs.), cook &
M.P., P.c., J.P. St. Mildred's court; & Rason, manager) confectioner, 6 Cuthbert road
22 Chester squares w & Travellers', Ball Hugh James, lodging house, 3 Grantham Ehzabeth (Mrs.), lodging
Carlton, Junior Carlton & St. Ethelbert terrace house, 11 Roxburgh road
Stephen's clubs s w & Constitutional Bates Ellen (Mrs.), lodging house, Griggs James, lodging house, 2 Ethel-
club w c London Somerville house, Westgate road bert terrace
Hill Miss, Cliff lodge, The Bungalows Batterson Jas. lodging ho. 5 Egbert rd Haismer Thos.lodging ho.1Westbury rd
Hill T. Wood, Clovelly, St. Mildred's rd Beach House Hotel, Beach road Hales Louis, lodging ho. 16 Westbury rd
Hitchen George Henry, 20 Station road Beaumont& Son,boot makrs.gStation rd Hall MaryFrances (Miss),lodging house,
Hobday Henry Jas. 4 Cambridge villas Bessant Frederick Railton, pharmaceu- Dane court, Sea road
· Holloway "\\'m. Egmore, St. Mildred's rd tical chemist, 24 Station road HawtreyRev.E.M. M.A. St. Michael's schl
Hon..<~eman Henry, Clevelands, Sea road BestChas.Edwd. tailor,3 St.Mildred's rd Henderson Robert, lodging house,
Hovenden Rt Hockeredge,Canterbry. rd Biggleston Jn. Davis,butchr.3 Station rd Coombe craig, Roxburgll road
Jnderwick Edward S. Cuthbert house Bines Henry J. station master, London, Hobbs Jane (Mrs.), lodging house,
Ingram Wm.James B.A. The Bungalows Chatham & Dover railway station Adrian house, Westgate road
Jaquet Miss, I Roxburgh road Blandford Misses, ladies' school, Hol- Holley James, fruiterer,24 Westbury rd
Jarrett Wm.Jsph.Hattonho.Cntrbry.rd land house, The Grove Honeyball & Son, coal merchants
JarvisJohn, 7 Cuthbertterrace Bradley George,shopkeeper,13 Essex rd Hume James Lashbrooke, baker &
Jones Lieut.-Col. Lewis, .Appleshaw, St. Brenchley Herbert W. cabinet maker, confectioner, Post office, 4 & 5 St_
Mildred's road 22 Westbury road Mildred's road
Knight Mrs. I Epple ter. Canterbury rd Bright George Money (Mrs.), boarding Hunt Edward & Barnes Charles, plum-
Lockwood Alfred Goodwin, Beaumaris, house, Danemeade, Sea road hers, 4 Cuthbert road
Roxburgh road Britton Wm. plumber, 33 Westbury rd Hutchins Wm. laundry, Waterworks rd
Lyne Rev. Augustus Adolphus [vicar 1Brown Edwd. lodging ho. 7 Queen's rd Jackson Joseph, livery & bait stables,
of St. Saviour's], The Vicarage, West- Brown Frederick, lodging house, 2 Station road
gate road Collingwood terrace, Westgate road Jarman Robert Thomas, sanitary en-
Macqueen John Potter, Street villa, Brown John Henry, licensed retreat for gineer & decorator, 17 Station road
Canterbury road inebriates,Tower house,Canterbury rd Kennedy Mary (Mrs.), lodging house,
Moxon Charles, Beach cliff, Sea road Bull Rev. Herbert Arthur M. A. prepara- 2 St. Mildred's terrace, Westgate rd
Nicholson Mrs. 7 Ethelbert square tory school, Wellington ho.Rowena rd Kenny & Son,boot makers,3Cuthbert rd
IOckerby Miss, 5 Collingwood terrace Burbridge Henry, nurseryman, Grove Kinmont John, florist & fruiterer, 5
Orchardson Wm. Quiller R.A. Ivyside , nursery, The Grove Cuthbert road
Lamb Robert, lodging house, Wood- Rogers Jas.Thos.lodging ho.6Queen's rd Williams Henry Waiter, Station hotel,
bridge, Canterbury road St. Michael's Home (branch of the Lon- St. Mildred's road
:tettyO.(Mrs.),lodging ho.s Ethelred rd don Diocesan Deaconess Institution) Williams (Mrs.), lodging house,
Lockwood Alfred Goodwin & Co. (Lavinia A. Hardy, sister in charge; Goodwin house, Sea road
builders & contractors, The Grove A. F. Street esq. M.D. hon. treasurer), Wilsher Charlotte (Mrs. ),lodging house,
LoYeMiss,lodg.ho.Normanhurst, Seard 4, S& 6 Westbury road Abbotsford, Sea road
Lm·e A,(Miss), lodg.ho. Sea croft, Sea rd St. Mildred's Hotel, Beach road Winter Francis George, lodging house,
Loveman Ernest, sanitary engineer, 13 Scott Waiter, greengrocer, 8 Essex rd 10 Harold road
Semark Albert Hy. grocer, 5 Station rd Woolmer Mrs.lodging house, 5 Cuthbert
Harold road
Mackness Geo. grocer, St. Mildred's rd SmithWalker,grocer&c. 1,2&4Station rd terrace, Cuthbert road
Maple Annie (Mrs.), lodging house, 4 Southon Fredk. draper, St. Mildred'srd Workmen's Club (Jas. Baigent, mana-
Queen's road Sowter Ellen (Miss), ladies' school, I ger), Chester road
March :Frederick, chemist, 8 Station rd Gordon grove Wyatt John Wheeler, butcher, I4 Sta·
March <fflo. West Cliff hot.el, Sea road Spratt Robt.lodging house, 2 Queen's rd tion road
Marsh John (Mrs.), lodging house, 6 & Rpreck Bertha (Miss), ladies' school, St. Young Women's Christian Association
7 Sussex gardens Margaret's, Roxburgh road (Miss E. Alien, hon. sec. ),4 Station ter
Matt hews Jane (Mrs.), lodging house, Stewart Johu, fishmonger, 12 Station rd
9 St. Mildred's terrace, Westgate rd Storr John H. builder, 4 Station terrace Garlinge.
Miller Henry, lodging house, 4 Coiling- Storr Martha (Mrs.), steam laundry, Burge George Kelsey, Hengrove house
wood terrace, Westgate road Elm grove Gay William, Grove home
Hadaway JamesM.D. Dent-de-Leon villa
:Minter Hy. wine merchant, 13 Station rd Street Alfred :Francis M.A., M.D., B.S. Smith Bridgman F.R.G.s. Walton house
Minter William, general draper, 21 Sta- surgeon, St. Mildre"d's road Woodward John Henry, Crow hill
tion road & 1 Station terrace Tappenden Mary (Mrs.), laundry, xo
Queen's road
Mockford Jane (Mrs.), Golden Acre
laundry, Waterworks road Taylor Edwd.lodging ho. x Etbelred rd
Mockford Joseph Chandler, florist, Thurley Jsph. boot maker, 3 Station ter COMMERCIAL.
Waterworks road Tucker Marion & Rose (Misses),drapers, Allen Johu, market gardener
Noakes Edward Jas. florist, 6 Station rd St. Mildred's road Brett Thomas, market gardener
Nutting Ann (Miss), lodging house, 1 & Venis Isaac, stationer, x6 Station road Bugden Chas. lodging ho.Abingdon villa
2 Westgate road Ward Annie (Miss), lodging house, Clark James R. blacksmith ·
Osbourn Wm. (Mrs.), dairy, The Hun- Avondale, Roxburgh road Doughty Augustus, grocer &c
dreds farm, Canterbury road Ward Ellen (Mrs.), lodging house, 4 FoatStephen, Hussarinn,&teagardens.
Pearce Fredk. builder, 1 Norman road Ethelred road See advertisement •
J>emble J ames & Sons, butchers, 2 Cuth- Watler Albt. chimney swp. 17 Chester rd Gambell Stephen, butcher
bert road Westgate Club (Wm. Wigmore, pro- Goodner Edwn.lodging house,Crow hill
Perkins Emma (Miss), lodging house, prietor), Osborne house, Sea road Harlow James, market gardnr. Mutrix
Lowestoft villa, Westgate road Westgate-on-Sea Lawn Tennis & Harlow Richard, dairyman, Mutrix:
J>errins. Jn.Fk. dairyman, 22 Station rd Cricket Club (Lord Harris, president; Harlow Robert, carter, Mutrix:
Pike J ane & M. A. (Misses),ladies' school, A. :Flint J.P. M.D. esq. hon. sec. & Hobbs George William, lodging house
Ethandene, Westgate road treas.); club grounds, Canterbury rd Horn Henry, carrier
Pike William Albert, fruiterer & florist, Westgate-on-Sea Bathing Establish- Impett John, shopkeeper
IS Station road · ment (W. J. Rason, manager), Sea rd Jarman William, carrier
Poole Miss, Simla boarding house, St. Westgate-on-Sea Tradesmen's Club (T. Jezzard Saml. lodging ho. Victoria ter
Mildred's road H. Doe, sec.) Ethelbert square Jutton Emma (Mrs. ),shopkeepr.Post off
Porter &Foster (Misses), lodging house, Westgate-on-Sea & Birchiugton Gas & Kemp George, cowkeeper
3 & 4 Sussex gardens WaterWorks (W.A. Valon, engineer); King Frederick Alfred, florist
Price Geo. lodging house, 4 Queen's rd Gas works (Geo. Pedder, manager), Knight George, baker
Putwain John, lodging ho. 4 Adrian sq Gas Works road Lawrence Thos. Wellard, lodging house
Quispel Madame, ladies' school, I9 Weston Wm. upholsterer, 25 Station rd Marsh William, butcher
Adrian square White Laura (Miss), preparatory school, Miller Ebenezer, fly proprietor
Rawlings & Curtis (Misses), lodging I The Grove Miller Edward, tly proprietor
house, Cambridge ho. Ethelbert sq Whittaker Edmund, lodging house, I2 Munns John, wheelwright
Read Alfred, lodging house, Ly111ington Roxburgh road Nethersole Thomas, lodgin~ house
house, Ethelbert square Whittingham Jn. Paine, house & estate Padley Alfd. farmer, Dent-de-lion farm
Richardson Henry B. B.A. & Ernest L. agent, 2I Adrian square Paramor Louisa (Mrs.), farmer
B.A. St.Elphins school, Canterburyrd Whyte Wm. Nottingham Castle hotel, Pegden John, farmer, Twenty's farm
Robeson William & Rickett George, Beach road Pritchard Ann (Miss), lodging house,
builders, Station road Widnell Carolina (Miss), preparatory Walton cottage
Robinson Thomas, lodging house, 7 & 8 school, 8 Adrian square Setterfield Robert, market gardener
St.. Mildred's terrace, Westgate road Wiederhold Francis, hair dresser, 7 Short Wm. lodging house, Kelvin house
Rogers & Temple, auctioneers, valuers, Cuthbert road Sillifant Wm. lodging ho. 2 Victoria ter
land & house agents, valuations of Wigmore William, proprietor of the Solly Wm. market gardener, Myrtle ho
furniture made for probate or transfer, Westgate eluh, Osborne house, Beard SollyWm.Thos. mrkt.gardnr. The Elms
furniture sales efficiently conducted Wilkinson Mary W. (Mrs.), boarding Theobald Francis, fly proprietor
.& speedily settled, rents collected, house, 5 Adrian square Ward Edwd. lodging house, Vict.oria ter
agents for Provident Life & County Williams Geo. watch ma. Ethelbert sq j Williams David, Rodney inn
Fire offices (estab. 18o6 ), Station road
WESTWELL is a village and parish, 3l miles north from English roof, a handsome triplet east window and florid
Ashford, one east from Hothfield station on the London, sedilia of Bethersden marble, and beyond these a cinquefoil·
Chatham and Dover and 5 west from Wye station on the headed piscina: the most curious and beautiful portion is,
South Eastern railways, in the Southern division of the however, the lofty triple-arched open chancel screen, dating
.county, lathe of Scray, Calehill and Wye hundreds, Ashford from I25o: in the north aisle there is some remarkable
petty sessional division and county court district, Ashford stained glass, probably unique in England, exhibiting the
union, and in the rural deanery of East Charing, arch- arms of Anne of Bohemia, wife of Ric~ard II., and of
deaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. The Edward the Confessor and his queen, the daughter of God-
-church of St. Mary is an ancient and very intf>resting win, Earl of Kent : the east window has three equal lancets,
structure of flint in the Early English and later styles, entirely filled with ancient glass of the richest c;olouring and
-and consists of chancel with aisles, nave, aisles, sonth exactly resembling some examples in Canterbury cathedral :
J>Orch and a western tower with a spire containing 4 bells: in different parts of the church are various arched recesses,
the nave is divided from each aisle by arcades of four arches some of which are groined and adorned with tabernacle
resting on columns alternately circular and octagonal, and work : and there are three monumental slabs bearing
the chancel has on each side two arches similar to and form- crossM, one of which has a mutilated inscription in Lom-
ing a continuation of those of the nave: a stained window bardic characters : the font is inclosed in wood : the church
has been inserted at the expense of Mr. Barling Sharp, of was completely restored in I884 at a cost of [2,200: and
this parish: the church dates from the middle of the 13th has 28o sittings, xso being free. The register dates from
.century (about A..D. 1240 to I26o), and to this date belong the year I558. 'fhe living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge
the west door, the east window and the tower arch: the [320, net yearly value {,28o, including 7 acres of glebe,
nave is probably coeval with the tower (about 1250 or 126o), with residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury,
although by some archrelogists the tower is believed to be and held since I868 by the Rev. Henry Honywood D'ombrain
Saxon, and is elegant both in design and detail : the chancel B.A. of Trinity College, Dublin, and chaplain of the West
is of the same date, with internal arcade, a groined Early Ashford union workhouse, which is situated here; par·
ticulars of the union are given under Ashford. The Wes- Ashford, arrive at 7-35 a.m.; dispatched at 6.go p.m.
leyans and Baptists have each a chapel here. The principal The nearest money order office & telegraph office is at
landowners are Lord Hothfield D.L., J.P. who is lo~d of the
Charing. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
manor, and the Earl of Winchilsea. The soil is various ; WALL LETTER BOXES :-Hothfield Heath, cleared at 6.30
subsoil, gravel, chalk and loam. Th3 chief crops are p. m & sundays at 6.30 p.m. ; Westwell Leacon, cleared
wheat, beans and hops. The area is 5,x8o acres; rateable at 9 a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; sundays, 9 a.m
-value £6,484 ; the population in I 88 I was 9::15· including 131 West Ashford Union Workhouse, John Thoma.s J ones,
()fticers and inmates in the West Ashford workhouse. master; Miss Constanca F. B. Jones, matron; W. F.
HoTHFIELD HEATH, a mile and a half west, and WEsT- Johnson, medical officer; Rev. H. Honywood D'ombrain
WELL LEACON, two and a half mile; north-wJst, are l:Ja.mlets B. A. chaplain; Miss Emma Scott, schoolmistress
()f this parish. National School (mixed), built in 183o, for 70 children t
Sexton, Edward Clements. average attendance, 43 ; Miss Maria Simmons, mistress
PosT OFFICE.-EdwardBishopp, r«.>caiver. Letters through CARRIER TO AsHFORD.-Edward Bishopp, tues. & fri
Cheesman Miss, The Cottage Uheesman Robert, farmer, Court lodge Jone.'!Rd.wheelwright,Westwell L':lacon
Davis Miss
DavisAlfred Davis John, wheelwright Kedward William, farmer
D'ombrain Rev. Henry Honywood B A. Down Joseph, farmer Kennett Henry, Wagon& Horses P.H
(chaplain to the West Ashford Union Earl Mrs. farmer, Tutt hill Kennett Thomas, farmer & hop grower,
workhouse], Vicarage
Gant Ann (Mrs.), grocer Castle farm
COMMERCIAL. <riles Sarah (Mrs.), farmer Marsland Bros. farmers, Sandhurst frm
Hart Stepben, farmer, Kingsland farm Maylam Clark, farmer, ParkHousefrm
Hobday Valentine, Wheel inn Maylam Edward, farmer, Digge farm
Amos William (Mrs.), Woolpack P.H Horne John Austin, farmer MillenJohn, farmer & brick maker
Baldock Geo. sbopkpr. Westwell Leacon Isteed Thomas, Olive Branch P.H. Settatree Thos. farmer,Westwell Leacon
Benton George, farmer, Ripple farm Sharp Ueorge, miller (water)
Bishopp Edward, shopkeeper& carrier, Westwell Leacon Stanford James, blacksmith
JenningsEllen (Mrs.),farmer,Westwell Stone Rd. blacksmith, Westwell Leacon
Post office Vant l<'raderick, wheelwright
Brown David, farmer Leacon
Chapman Thos. farmer, Monkery farm Jennings William, farm bailiff to Mrs. I
WHITFIELD (or BEAUXFIELD) is a parish and village, Canterbury one turn out of five: the united livings of Whit-
situated on very high ground, in an uninclosed country inter- field and Waldershare have been held since 1856, and that of
sected by the new road to Sandwich and near the Roman West Langdon since I872, by the Rev. Waiter Hamilton M.A.
way from Richborougb to Dover, 3 tp.iles north from Dover, of Trinity College, Cambridge, who resides at Waldershare.
and I~ north east from Kearsney station on the London, Here is a Congregational chapel. The Ecclesiastical Com-
Chatham and Dover Railway: the parish is in the Eastern missioners are lords of the manor. Tha principal land-
division of the county, Bewsbury hundred, lathe of St. owners are the trustees of the Earl of Guilford (a minor)
Augustine, Wingham petty sessional division, Dover union and the Rev. Henry S. Hilton. The soil is light and chalky ;
and county court district, and in the rural deanery of Sand- subsoil, chalk. ·The chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips
wich and arcbdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The &c. . The area is 9I4 acres ; rateable value, £1,644; the
church of St. Peter is a small edifice of flint and rubble in population in x88x was 317.
the Norman style, consisting of chancel with aisle, nave, AsHLEY, including NAPCHESTER and WEsT STRUDALL, in
south porch and a wooden turret at the west end containing the parish of Northbourne, are in this parish for ecclesias-
~ne bell: the church contains a monument to George tical purposes.
Stringer, esq. late of Archer's Court : there are ISo sittings. Parish Clerk, George Moseley.
The register dates from the year 1585. The lidng is a
vicarage, united to the vicarage of Waldershare and (June PosT OFFICE.-George Moseley, receiver. Letters received
~8th, 1872) to the vicarage of West Langdon, joint tithe through Dover arrive at 7 a.m. ; dispatched at 6.45 p.m.
rent-charge £331, gross yearly value £4oo, in the gift of the & snndays same. The nearest money ordor & telegraph
, Archbishop of Canterbury, who has four turns in the pre- office is at Ewell.. Postal ord,ers are issued here, but not
' eentation to West Langdon and the Dean and Chapter of paid.
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Vickers Rev. Valentine Shilleto[curate], Marsh John, shoe maker
Crundall Henry, Westfield cottage Rolls court Mummery Frank, miller (wind)
Davison Charles, Elvington cottage COMMERCIAL. Sutton Ma~gt. J ana( Miss), RoyalOak P. H
Haseldine John Collard Isaac, shopkeeper Tapley Edward, surveyor & inspector
Hills Mrs. Cambridge house Davison Thomas, corn factor of nuisances for Dover rural sani·
Marx Rudolph Gardner George, provision dealer tary authority & vaccination officar
Mayes Frederick, Whitfield house Gardner Wm. farmer, Archer's court for Dover union, Sparrow court
Mowll Edward Worsfold, Beauxfield Grant John, thatcher Turner Benjamin, farmer
house Holttum William, carpenter Williams Joseph Alexander,nursaryman:
Tapley Ed ward, Sparrow court Marsh George, grazier
WHITSTABLFl is a seaport and watering place on the bay of company: the town is lighted with gas by a company formed
that name, 6 miles north from Canterbury, 6! north-eastfrom
Faversham and 59 from London by the London, Chatham in x85o, and supplied with water from works situated
and Dover railway, which has a station here: the South at Bostal bill, the property of a company formed in 1877.
Eastern Railway Uompany has a branch to the town from The church of All Saints, situated on an elevated spot in the
hamlet of Church Street, at a distance from the town, is a
their main line at Canterbury : it is a polling place for the building in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, and
• Eastern divi'lion of the county, lathe of St. Augustine, consists of chancel with aisle, nave, north aisle, north porch
· Bleangate, Westgate and Whitstable hundreds, Horne petty and a tower on the south-west containing 6 be.lls; the nave
8eSSional division, Blean union, Canterbury county court is wide and has an arcade of four arches. with large octa-
district and in the rural deanery of Westbere and arch- gonal piers, the chancel arcade being of two arches : on the
deaconry and diocese of Canterbury. Wbitstable and Sea-- south side of the entranca to the chancel are traces of the
&Iter include what was formerly known as the "Borough rood door and steps: in the nave is a brass inscription of
~~ Harwich," but its boundary is said to be now unrecog- early date, and there is another to Joane, wife of Christopher
uizable. Whitstable is remarkable for its oyster fishery, the Govlsonn and afterwards of Thomas Gold, ob. 8 Jan. 1629:
produce of which is highly esteemed: beside the natives the church has been restored at a. cost of £4.000 raised by
grown here spat from other districts is laid in these subscriptions, the walls being rebuilt, the window mullions
beds to mature: this fishery is under the control and renewed, the nave roof reconstructed, the chancel entirely
management of the Incorporated Company of Dredgers, rebuilt and a new vestry erected: the stained east window,
whose affairs are administered by a foreman, deputy foreman erected at the cost of the late Rev. Artbur Conrad Graystone
and a jury of twelve men, chosen from among their body; LL.M. vicar of Durleigh, Somerset (1879-86), is a memorial to
the Company numbers about soo members, admitted by tbelateWynnEllisesq.whogaveapieceoflandasanaddition
. right of inheritance and taking up their freedom at the age to the churchyard in the year 1875, and erected a costly man-
. of 21, unless disqualified by previous marriage : the freemen soleum, in which his remains, together with those of his wife,
.of the Company share all its property and-privileges, non- are deposited: an organ, purchased by subscription, was
·working members and widows receiving about one-third of placed in the church in the year x889: there are 450 sittings.
a full member's share, and sick members rather less than The register dates from the year 1556. The living is a
full pay : a fleet of smacks is employed in carrying oysters vicarage, net yearly value£300, including 20 acres of glebe,
·to London and in dredgmg. The trade of the town, arising with residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury,
, both from its fishery and coal trade, is considerable, and it and held since 1871 by the Rev. Henry Macdonald Maugham
.has a good harbour, the property of the South Eastern railway 1\I.A. of Oriel College, Oxford. Here is a Wesleyan chapel,
with sittings for 550 persons; a Congregational chapel, seating 1 land and 564 of water ; rateable value, £18,624; the popu.
650; Baptist, with 450 sittings, and a Primitive Methodist llation of the parish in 1881 was 4,882.
chapel for 350. The cemetery, situated about half a mile In the neighbourhood are SouTH STREET, three-quarters
south of the town, consists of 7 acres, with two mortuary of a mile south; RAYHAM, I mile south-east; CHURCH
chapels, and is under the control of a burial board of I 1 STREET, half a mile south-east; ST. ANNE's BARNS, a
members. The Whitstable Institute, for the promotion of quarter of a mile east ; FROG HALL, 1l miles south ; MILL
literature, science and art, was established in 1864; in 1885 8TROOD, a quarter of a mile south; CLAPHAM Hu,L, I!
a museum containing a small but carefully arranged col- miles south; and PEAN HrLL, 2 miles south. In Tankerton
lection of specimens, illustrative of zoology, botany, geology Bay, is a bank called" The Street" running from the shore
and ~~orchreology, was added and a marine aquarium formed : into the sea for about a mile.
the _circulating library in connection with the Institute BoRSTAL HILL,'half a mile south, is in Whitstable parish.
consrsts of about 2,000 volumes. The almshouses, erected Deputv Parish Clerk & Sexton Henry Wood.
in 1873 and endowed by the late Wynn Ellis esq. in memory • '
of his wife, consist of six dwellings, occupied by eight single Seasalter, called in Domesday Book a small borough, is
women. and four married couples, each single inmate a parish in the hundreds of Seasalter and Westgate, occupy.
receiving four shillings weekly, and each married couple five ing a retired situation and bounded by the ocean on the
shillings weekly and £2 in coals yearly; each occupant or north ; the east and southern parts consist chiefly of coppice
pair of occupants of a house pays one penny weekly to the wood, the soil being a deep clay. There is no village, but a
owner of Tankerton as rent., and undertakes to give up pos· considerable part of the town of Whitstable stands in this
session on receiving one week's notice. Before the deprecia· parish. The old church and churchyard are now used only
tion in the value of land the charities of the parish amounted for burial purposes : the site of a still more ancient church
to over £400 yearly; in I84o Thomas Foord esq. of Canter· was discovered some years since on the falling away of a
bury, left [300 in £3 per Cent. Consols to the vicar of portion of the cliff, owing to the encroachment of the sea.
Whitstable for the education of poor children. In dredging The church of St. Alphage, erected in 1845, stands in the
for oysters round the Pudding Pan sand much Roman High street and is an edifice of brick and stone in the Early
pottery has been found, bearing the names "ATILIANUS, English style, consisting of chancel, nave, transept and an
CINIUs," and others; this ware probably formed the cargo embattled western tower containing one bell and a clock;
of vessels from Italy bringing merchandise for the use of the the east window and two others in the chancel are stained:
Roman colony in Britain, but which were wrecked near the there are 952 sittings, all free. The register dates from the
coast, as no traces of Roman occupation have been met with year 1588. The Jiving is vicarage, net yearly value [3oo,
on this spot : Tankerton Castle is a handsome structure of with residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of
Kentish ragstone, standing in extensive grounds beautifully Canterbury' and held since I868 by the Rev. William Blissard
wooded to the edge of the cliff; a company has been in- M.A. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. The charities for
corporated named, the Tankerton Estate Limited, with a the poor of Seasalter amount to £35 yearly, derived from
capital of [25,ooo, to develop for building the seaside por- waste lands. The manor belongs td the Dean and Chapter
tion of this property, which has a splendid sea frontage of Canterbury. The chief landowners are Mrs. Lade, of
nearly a mile in length. The Company, with Charles E. Boughton, Earl Sondes, G. W. Finn esq. and the Hyder
Newton-Robinson esq. who is lord of the manor of Whit- family, of Milton. The area of the liberty is I,483 acres of
stable, Stephen Cladish esq. of Blean House, Messrs. Hilton land and 2,268 of water;· rateable value, £6,]89; the
Brothers and John Baker White J.P. of Street End House, population in 1881 was I,257.
Petham, are the chief landowners. The area is 3,598 acres of Deputy Parish Clerk, Joseph Wetherley.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, St. Alphage Church, Seasalter, Rev. William Blissard M.A.
High street.-George Daniels, senr. receiver. London vicar; 10.30 a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m
letters arrive from Canterbury, delivered at 7 a.m. & I St. Peter's Mission Church, in connection with All Saints
& 4.30 p.m.; dispatched at 8.30 & 9·5 a. m. & 12,30 & Parish Church, Bexley street, Rev. Henry Macdonald
7·45 p.m.; sundays at Io.15 p.m. only. Telegraph office Maugham M. A. «.Rev. William Barket· Drawbridge LL.B.;
open on week days from 8 a..m. to 8 p.m. & on sundays
from 8 to IO a. m sundays, 8 a. m. & 3 p.m. ; daily services at 8 a.m. & 7
p.m.; holy communion e¥ery sunday & holyday at 8 a. m.
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS:- Baptist, Middle wall, ministers various; 10.30 a,m & 6
Assembly Rooms, Horsebridge, T. G. Browning, propr1etor p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m
Cemetery, David Daniels, clerk to the burial board Congregational, High st. Rev. Thomas Clare Jones, minis-
Coastguard Stations: Whitstable, William George Price, ter; 10.30 a. m. & 6 p.m.; mon. 7 p.m. & wed. 7 p.m
chief officer ; Seasalter Cliff, Magnus Teeling, chief officer; Primitive Methodist, Albert street, Rev. George Chunn,
Swalecliffe, Henry Jenkins, chief boatman in charge minister; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; moo. & wed. 7 p.m
County Police Station, 'fhos. Dunk, instructing constable Wesleyan, Argyle road, Rev. William John Hedley,
Foresters' Hall, Oxford street, John T. Reeves, sec minister; 10.3oa.m. & 6 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m
IHarbour, William Buddle London, harbour master ScnooLs :-
Incorporated Company of Oyster Dredgers, Thomas Kemp, A School Board of 7 members for the united district of
jun. foreman; John Thomas Reeves, treasurer; Plummer Whitstable & Seasalter was formed in 1875; Thomas
George Browning, Oxford house, Oxford street, clerk to
& Fielding, stewards ; Absolam Anderson, clerk the board; Charles H. Rowden, 7 Victoria terrace, atten-
dance officer
Whitstable Institute, Museum & Marine Aquarium, Horse- Board Schools, Oxford street, built in 1876, for 200 boys,
200 girls & ISO infants; average attendance, 144 boys, 70o
bridge, S. Saunders, sec. & curator girls & I20 infants ; George Kirkby, master ; Miss H.
Lepingwell, mistress; Mrs. Mary George, infants' mis
Admiralty Surgeon & Agent, Charles Etheridge, Ivy house,
Assistant Overseer, Edwin Johnson, Swanfields ·
Certifying Factory Surgeon & Medical Officer & Public
Vaccinator for Whitstable District, Blean Union, John Board School (infants), Albert street, built in 1879, for rso
children; average attendance, 46; Miss Julia S. West,
William Hayward, Western house, Oxford street
Clerk to the Burial Board, David Daniels, High street mistress
Clerk to Charity Trustees, Thomas George Browning, Whitstable & Seasalter Trust (boys & girls), built, with
Oxford house, Oxford street residences for master& mistress, in 1845, for 400 children;
Collector of Assessed &Income Taxes, Thomas Alfred Hum- average attendance, 300 ; Henry John Thorogood, master ~
phrey, Victoria street Miss Frances Mary Masters, mistress
Deputy Superintendent of Mercantile Mal'!ne, John Stam- St. Peter's Mission (infants), erected in 187o, for 83
children; average attendance, So; Miss Kate Noyes,
mers, 4 The Grove mistress
Officer of Customs, John Stammers, 4 The Grove
Registrar of Births & Deaths for Whitstable Sub.district, St. Alphage (mixed), erected in 1875 for I75 & enlarged in
Edwin Johnson, 6 Swanfields; deputy, George Richard I885 for 200 children; average attendar:;.ce, 157 ; Miss
Hellen Appleton, mistress; Miss M. Reeves, infants'
Johnson, 5 Swanfields mistress
Town Crier, William J. Gammon, High street
VacCination Officer Whitstable Sub-district, Edwin John· NEWSPAPER.-Whitstable Times, High street ; Frederie
son, 6 Swanfields
Mudford, proprietor; Alfred Edwards, publisher;
Water Bailiff, Edwin Johnson, 6 Swanfields
published Saturday
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services:-
All Saints Church, Whitstable, Rev. Henry Macdonald RAILWAY STATIOSS : -
Maugham :r.r.A. vicar & Rev. William Barker Drawbridge South Eastern Harbour (Canterbury & Whitstable branch),
LL.B. curate; sonday&greaterfestivalsatio.3o a.m. & 6.30 William Buddle London, harbour & station master
p.m. ; holy communion every sunday during mor:ning London Chatham &. Dover, Oxford street, Alfred Bridal,
servr• ce
station master
CARRIER TO CA:-lTEBBURY.-Merritt's vans daily, returning John Wall, every wed. to the Black Eagle wharf,
same day
\Vapping, returning every sat. evening
WATBB. CoN"'V""BYANCE TO LoNDON, from the Horsebridge.-
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Goldfinch Thomas, Fernlea terrace, Ward Thomas, Thorpe house, West cliff
Acors Miss, 2 Canterbury road Canterbury road Warner Mrs. 54 Sydenham street
Alien Mrs. 23 Canterbury road Goldsack Mrs. 7 Swanfields WarrenEdwd.Osbrne.ho.Canterbury rd
Alexander Alexander, 2 Victoria cot- Greenwood Mrs. 6 l''ountain street Weatherley James, Argyle road
tages, Swanfields Handley J ames Thomas, Oxford street Wheeler Richard Theodore, Ansdell ho
.Amos Mrs. J. Grasmere cot. Swanfields Ha.rris Misses, West cliff Whitnall Mrs. Borstal hill
Anderson Absalom, Cambridge house, HaywardGeo.Fernlea ter.Canterbury rd Whorlow Mrs. Kitchenham place
Oxford street Hayward Jn.Wm. Wastern ho. Oxford st Woodruff Ralph, Westfield viL West cliff
Andrews Mrs. Oxford street Hedley Rev. William John [Wesleyan], COMMERCIAL.
Andrews William, 4 Argyle road Kitchenham place
Barker Alexander, West cliff Hill George Andrew, Argyle road Alce Elizh. (Mrs.), grocer, Harbour pl
Beaney George, West cliff Holden George, Belmont, Oxford street Allen Chas. master mariner, Harbour pl
Beckett l''rederick Thomas, Clayton Holden Henry, Oxford street Alien Fredk. Owen, tailor, Harbour st
villa, Canterbury road Holla.way Mrs. Harbour street Alien Matt. Jn.mast.marnr.Middle wall
Bell Thomas Petman, 9 Albion place, Hoult Charles, Harbour street Alien· Thomas, greengrocer, 7 Swan
Canterbury road lngram Mrs. Fernlea ter. Canterbury rd terrace, Canterbury road
Belsey Mrs. Essex street Johnson Fea.kins A. L.R.A.M. Oxford st Allen William, master mariner, 13
Benfield Mrs. West Cliff road JohnsonHarry,Hermon vil. Canterbry.rd Sydenham street -
JUackwell William, 9 Argyle road Jobnson John Alfred, Oxford street Amos &; Foad, builders &; contractors,
Blissard Rev. William M.A. [vicar], J ohnson Mrs. I2Albion pl. Canterbury rd Church road
St. Alphage vicarage, West cliff Jones Rev. Thomas Clare [Congrega- Amos James, jun. baker, Oxford street
Bolton Mrs. Ashbourne ho. Oxford st tional], Albion place, Canterbury road Anderson Absalom, nautical assessor to
Brand William Henry,Laburnham villa, Kemp Capt. William, Swanfields the board of trade, Oxford street
Canterbury road Kemp Fredk. Albion ho. Harbour place Anderson Robert, ship owner,Oxford st
Brown John C. Kitchenham place Kemp Miss, Oxford street Andrews Frederick,dredgerman,2 Rose
Brown Sydney, Deepdene, West cliff Kemp Mrs. Kitchenham place terrace, Middle wall
Browning Frank, West Cliff road Kemp Thomas, 3 The Grove Andrews John B. rope mer. Tarry's la
Browning Mrs. Sea wall Lambert-White Mrs. Cliff end Appleton Alfred, shopkeeper, Victoria st
BrowningThos. Geo. Oxford ho. Oxford st Laslett Mrs. Kitchenham place Appleton Stephen, dredger,g6 Albert rd
Bryant Richard, West cliff Lawson John, jun. Nelson street Appleton Stephen H. master mariner,
Burch William, Mossleigh, West cliff . Lawson William G. 27 Middle wall 1 Victoria street
Burn J. R. Nelson street Leworthy George, West cliff Appleton Wm. dredgerman, Essex st
Butcher Jame~, I5 Albion place, McMahon Mrs. West cliff Arrowsmith George, chemist & mineral
Canterbury road MarshMrs.Thos.Borstal ho. Canterby.rd water manufr. High st. & Harbour st
Butcher James, jun. I3 Albion place, Maugham Rev. Henry Macdonald M.A. Ashby Fk.master mariner,25 Victoria st
Canterbury road [vicar of All Saints], The Vicarage Ashby Jacob,master marinr.Island wall
Butcher Robert Charles, Oxford street :Measday Geo. Norman villa, Essex st Ashby Sarah (Mrs.), grngrcr. Albert st
Callingham Arthur, Borstal hill Murton Mrs. Richard, Hermon villa, AssemblyRooms (Thomas G. Browning,
Callingham Ernest, Ingle nook, Canterbury road proprietor), Horse bridge
Canterbury road Newton-Robinson Charles E. Tankerton Austin Alfred, master mariner, 38 Syd-
Callingham James, Borstal hill Tower enham street
<Jallingham William, Seasalter place, Nicholls Charles Holman, Observatory Austin Jn. Alfred, shopkeeper, High st
Canterbury road house, Oxford street Baker l<'redk. mast. marinr. Bexley ter
Camburn Miss, Harbour street NichollsEl~ar,Fernlea ter.Canterbry. rd Baker Geo. ship owner, 36 Oxford st
Camburn Mrs. Harbour street Nicholls Henry, Argyle road BakerHy.J.grngrcr.& coal dlr.Oxfordst
Carlton Mrs. 3 Argyle road Nicholls Mrs. 5 Albion pi. Canterbry. rd Baker Henry, dredgerman, Sea wall
Carr William, Canterbury road Nicholls William, West cliff ... Baker Richard, grocer, High street
Cherrison Mrs. West cliff Norton John, Oxford street Barden Henry, master mariner, 2 Swan
ChunnRev.George[PrimitiveMethodistJ Ougham Mrs. Thomas, IO Albion place, terrace, Canterbury road
Fountain street Canterbury road
BardenThos.master marinr.2 Norfolk st
Claris Hampton, Boston vi!. Fountain st Peall Octavius Francis, Rose cotttage, Bartlett Henry, diver, Copeland house,
Coleman Henry Pearson, Thorndene, Oxford street Island wall
Oxford street Peters Mrs. Canterbury road Barton John, dredgerman, Island wall
Coleman Mrs. Oake cot. Canterbury rd Pettman Geo. Robt. Canterbury road Barton Thomas Edward, dredgerman,
Colem~m Wm. Pearson, Kitchenham pl Pettman Mrs. Harbour street Harwich street
Cotton Mrs. Argyle road Powell Lewis, Cadogan house Bayton William, master mariner, 49
Court John, Argyle house, Sea wall Putwain Charles, I The Grove Sydenham street
Court Mrs. Robert, 4 Albion place, Radford John, 27 Canterbury road BedwellWilliam,lodging house,I3 Swan
Canterbury toad Randall Mrs. Oxford street terrace, Canterbury road
Cox Wm. John, Kitchenham place Reeves John, Canterbury road Belsey George William,master mariner,
Cross :Misses, The Firs, Kitchenham pl Reeves John T. Oxford street Canterbury road
Cross Charles, Vyner cottage, West cliff Reeves Josiah, Harbour street Blaxland Edward, master mariner, 4
Curling Edwin Henry, West cliff Reeves Mrs. I8 Harbour street Belmont terrace, Church road
Daniels Geo. Dunholme, Kitchenham pl Rigden Mrs. Canterbury road Bolden John, greengrcr. Victoria street
Daniels J ames Robert, Borstal hill Rigden Mrs. Island wall Bolton Emily (~Irs.),dress ma.Swanflds
Dawking Geo. Prospect ho. West cliff Rigden Mrs. 8 Middle wall Brannan William, Bear & Key hotel,
Deakin Samuel Thomas, Fountain street Robinson Hy. Manor house, Seasalter commercial, family & posting house
Deacon Mrs. 25 Canterbury road Rowden Alfred, Albert street (est.1703); billiard & smoking rooms;
Denner Mrs. Albert street Rowden Charles, Argyle road head quarters of the C.T.C. omnibus
Drawbridge Rev. William Barker LL.B. Rowden Chas. Hy. Rosebank, West cliff meets trains, Cheapside
[curate of All Saints' t'hurchJ, Har- Sandwith George, 2 The Grove
Bridal Alfred, station master,L.C. & D.
bour place Saunders Sibert, High street Railway station
Dunsford Frederick, 6 The Grove Shilling Mrs. Feltham ho. Middle wall Brown Israel, secondhand clothes dealer
Dyson John, Middle wall Sladden Staines, Oxford street & coal dealer, Harbour street
Edenden Jn. 2 Albion pl. Canterbry.rd Snow Mrs. Old School ho. Middle wall Brown Sydney, coal & cok.e factor &c.
Etheridge Chas. Ivy house, Oxford st Spenceley John, Sea wall see Gann & Brown
Foad Cephas, West cliff Stoe Thomas, Argyle road Browning & Sons, coal merchants &
Foreman Mrs. Middle wall Sutterfield Mrs. 5 The Grove wheelwrights, Canterbury road
Fowle Mrs. 2 Regent street Taylor Geo. Wavertree, Canterbury rd Browning Frank Jutson, coal merchant
Gann Alfred, Melrose vil. Oxford street Terry John, Sea wall &c. see Browning & Sons
Gann Henry, Woodleigh,Canterbury rd Terry Mrs. Middle wall Browning Hy. mast.marinr.Middle wall
Gann James, Albert vil. Canterbury rd Thorp Alfred, Argyle villa, Argyle road Browning Isabella R. A. (Mrs.), green-
Gann Miss, 5 Albion pl. Canterbury rd 'Thunder Mrs. 26 Argyle road grocer, Harbour street
Gann Misses, Ashton ho. High street Walker Thos. The Limes, Canterb1;1ry rd BrowningJas. dredgarman,71Vk-toria st
GannThos.Jas.Albert vil.Canterbnry rd Wall John, I4 Canterbury road . Browning Osias, lodging ho. Sea wall
Gilbert J oseph; West cliff Walthew Edmund George, West cliff Browning Waiter A. furn. dlr. High st
K. S. & S. 43 •
'BrowningThomasGeorge,auctioneer&c. Collar Bros.ship&boot bldrs.Island wall Frend Robert, ship owner, Island wall
& clerk to theWhitstableCharityTrus- Cope Wm. customs agent, Bexley street Gambrill Alfred, mariner, Middle wall
tees, sec. to Whitstable Gas Co. & Copins William, farm bailiff to G. W, Gambrill Wm. dredgerman,Island wall
Gammon William J. ship centurion,
Whitstable Water Co. & agent to Finn esq. Cross farm
Royal Insurance Co. Oxford house, Cornelius Thomas, builder & decorator, town crier & bill poster, High street
Oxford street Horse bridge Gann & Brown, coal & coke factors &
Burniston William, master mariner, 3 CourtWilliam Norman,master mariner, ship owners & fish manure merchant&;
Norfolk street 17 Albion place, Canterbury road office, Ludgate hill & South Eastern
Burton George, master mariner, 43 Cox John, farmer, Seasalter Railway wharf
Sydenham street · Cox Percy, greengrocer, Harbour st Gann l\'Iartha J. & Elizabeth (Misses).
Bushell Jn. bricklayer, Kitchenham pl Cox William John, stationer, High st ladies' school, Ashton house, High st.
Buss Brothers, drapers, High street Cozens Richard, grocer, High street Gann Alfred, ship broker, Oxford street
Butcher Austin, shopkeeper. Harbour st Curling Edwin Hy. expenditor for the Gann Florence (Miss), day school.
Butcher Hy. dred~erman, Island wall commissioners of sewers, West cliff Argyle road
Butcher Thomas, dredger, r Regent st Custom House(J ol;m Stammers, officer), Gann Frank, farmer, Court Lees farm
Butcher James, master mariner, Can- 4 The Grove Gann Frank Ralph, corn & fruit mer-
terbury road Dadd Henry, beer retailer, Harbour st chant, Cheapside
Butcher Walter, dredger, Middle wall Dadd Thomas Robert, master mariner, Gann Geo. Alfred, butcher, Harbour st
Butler Abraham, refreshment rooms, Canterbury road Gann Geo. (Mrs.), draper, Harbour st
Tankerton beach DaddWm.master marnr.Canterbury rd Gaun James, ship owner, Alberta villa,
Cage Jn. carrier,Seasalter eot.Seasalter Dale George, shopkeeper, Island wall Canterbury road
Callingham Brothers, millers & bakers, Daly Henry Lawrence, grocer, High st Gann James, ironmonger, Cheapsicle
Borstal hill Daniels David, stationer, & clerk to Gann James Hoult, grocer, Harbour st
Callingham Arthur, miller &c. see Cal- burial board, High street Gann Thomas, master mariner, Moneta
lingham Brothers Daniels George, postmaster, High st house, Oxford street
Callingham Ernest, miller &c. see Cal- Daniels Geor~e, jun. hatter & estate Gardner Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments,
lingham Brothers · agent, High street Victoria house, Sea wall
Callingham William,miller &c. see Cal- Daniels James Robert, ship surveyor & Gardner Robert, Pearson's Arms P.H.
lingham Brothers Lloyd's agent, Borstal hill Horsebridge road
Can;tburnChas. mast. marinr.Island wall Dawkings George & William, bakers, Geering Fanny (Mrs.), shell fish dealel',.
Camburn Edward, master mariner, Canterbury road Ludgate hill
Victoria street Deal William, farmer, St. Ann's farm Gibbens Stephen, mariner, Suffolk st
Camburn Geo. dredgerman,Island wall Driffield Charles Martm, grocer,& agent Gibbs Frederick, farmer,Church Street
Camburn George, master mariner, so for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit farm, Church street
merchants, Cheapside GibbsWilliam,dairyman,Canterbury rd
Sydenham street
Camburn Nathaniel, master mariner, Dunk Thomas, instructing constable, Gilbert James, rent collector, Argyle rd
Island wall Bexley street GilbertJn.master mariner, IOSwanfields.
Camburn 'fhomas Edward, beer re- Durrant Emil~· (Miss), draper, High st Gilbert Thos. dredgerman, Victoria st
tailer, Albert street Dyason John, boat builder, Middle wall Giles Richd. Railway inn,Canterbury rd
Camburn Wallace, carpenter & under- Dyason John Brown, master mariner, Gloster Mourice, officer of customs,.
taker, Oxford street 19 Sydenham street Belmont terrace, Church yard
Camburn William Jas.master mariner, Edenden Jane (Miss), lodging house, Golden Thomas Samuel, outfitter &
52 Sydenham street Middle wall hatter, High street
CardenEdward,Fisherman's Arms P.H, Edenden John, dredgerman, 2 Albion GoldfinchBros.ship builders & breakers,
& marine store dealer, Island wall place, Canterbury road Island wall
Carden William, tea dealer, Harbour st EdendenJohn Thomas Knowles,grocer, Goldfinch Alfred, stationer, High street
Carlton Charles, master mariner, 6 High street Goldfinch Charles, master mariner, x6-
Sydenham street Edwards Sl. P.marine diver,Fountain st Sydenham street
Carlton Celia (Mrs.), Two Brewers P.H. Eliot Lawrence Henry, master mariner, Goldfinch George Henry, ship owner,
Canterbury road The Elms 4 Marine parade, Middle wall
Carlton Wm. master mariner, West cliff Elliott George, greengrocer, Forge lane Goldfinch George, jun. shipwright,.
Carr John, baker & corn dlr. Oxford st Etheridge Charles, surgeon,& admiralty Middle wall
Cemetery (David Daniels, clerk to the surgeon & agent, Ivy house, Oxford st Goldfinch Hy. lodging ho. 9 Bexley tel."
• burial board) Fairbrass Frederick Wm. ship owner Goldfinch Jas. dredgerman, Argyle rd
Chambers George William, draper & & builder, Island wall Goldfinch Jas. Thos. grocer, Harbour st.
milliner, High street Fairbrass J n. master marinr.5 Bexley st Goldfinch John, hair dresser, Harbour st
ChandlerWm.carpntr.& joinr.Oxfordst Feakins Robert( exors. of),millers(steam Goldfinch Jn. lodging ho. Fountain st
Church Geo.& Co. ironmongers, High st & wind), Oxford street Goldfinch Thos. dredgerman, 4 Essex st
Cladish John, carter & coal merchant, Fielding Fred, The Shades P.H. High st Goldfinch Thomas, builder,Hor~ebridge
Harwich street Fisher Elizabeth (Miss), lodging house, road, Horse bridge
Clarabut Annie(Mrs.),ldg.ho. West cliff Ludgate hill Goldfinch William, ship builder &c.
Claris Arthur Hampdon, editor of the Fishel' Hy. Cheeseman, master mariner, see Goldfinch Bros. ; res. West cliff
"Kent Herald," Fountain street 2 Albert street GodwinGeo.master marinr.4Swanfields
Clark Edwd. fruitr. & grngrcr. High st Flick Sml.master marinr.Canterbury rd Goodwin Edmund & Norman, fanners,
Clarke Geo. mast. mariner, Middle wall Foad Cephas, builder & house agent, Clapham hill
Clifford William, farmer, Down's farm High street Goodwin Hy.Jas.farmer,Highgate farm
Clothier Fk. Chas.mstr.mrnr. West cliff Foad James, dredger, Middle wall Goodwin William Thos.mastermariner,
C• lothier Henry, master mariner, 44 Foad John, boot maker, Church road 57 Sydenham street
Sydenham street Foad John, cycle agent, Albert street Gor~: Hy. fmr. Wrakehill fm. Seasalter
Clothier Henry Wm. master mariner, FoadWallace, shell fish merchnt.; stores, Grace Henry, leather seller, Harbour st
Kitchenham place Horse bridge Graves John, sail maker, Middle wall
Clothier Saxby, master mariner, 48 Fogg Charles, shoe maker, & lodging Gray Wm. master mariner, Essex st
Sydenham street house, Sea wall Green J n. Gulliver,confectioner,High st
Coleman Edward Pearson, tobacconist Foreman Edward John, baker, Essexst Greenland Sarah (Mrs.),shopkeeper,Old
&stationer, Harbour street Foreman Eliza (Mrs.), lodging house, Kent Road cottages, Canterbury road
ColemanEdwin,markt.grdnr.Borstal hl 7 Argyle road Greeves GeoPge, baker, High street ·
Coleman Geo. smack owner, West cliff Foreman John, fruiterer, Harbour st Griffith Charles, chemist, High street
Coleman George Edward (Mrs.), dress Foreman Jn. shoema. Horsebridgerd Griffiths Edwin,Guinea P.H.Island wall
maker, Oxford street Foreman William, joiner, Argyle road Groombridge Richard, master mariner,
Coleman George Edward, dredgerman, ForemanWm.White,ship owner,Highst Victoria street
Oxford street Foresters' Hall (John T. Reeves, sec.), Gurr Chas. Duke of Cumberland family
Coleman Henry Pearson,coal merchant, Oxford street & commercial hotel, near the sea,
Thorndene, Oxford street Foster Daniel, master mariner, Kitchen- carriage proprietor,job &post master,
Coleman Jas. Pearson, butcher, Highst ham place billiard & smoking rooms, Cheapside
Coleman Mary (Miss), dress maker, Foster Geo. master marinr.8 Victoria st Hadlow Edward, beer retailer,Bogshole
Canterbury road Fox Geo. Hy. dairyman, Norfolk street Hall Alfd.Jas. fish salesman,Middle wall
Coleman Thos. oil & color man, High st Francies Peter Lawry, master mariner, Hall Geo. master mariner, Fountain st
Coleman William, coal dealer, Albert Kitchenham place HallidayStephenThos. farmer,Churchst
• st. & refreshment rooms, Ludgate hl Freemantle Fredk. grocer, Island wall Hammond & Co. bankers (branch of
Coleman William Pearson, marine sal- Frend John Solly, Prince of Wales P.H. Canterbury Bank) (Sibert Saunders,
vage contractor & oyster merchant, High street manager), High street; draw on
Kitehenham place Frend Richard, greengrocer,Harbour st Glyn, Mills & Co. London E c
Hancock Jn. lodging house, 8 Bexley ter Johnson Edwin, assistant overseer & 'Moor William John, clothier &furniture
Harlow John, dairyman, Oxford street registrar of births & deaths for Whit- dealer, High street
Harnett William, builder, Argyle cot- stable sub-district, vaccination officer Morris Hy. master mariner,g Swanfields
tage, Sea wall & water bailiff, 6 Swanfields MoyesArchbd.Wm.bootma.Middlewall
Harris Jane(Mrs.),fruiterer,Harbour st Johnson George Richard, deputy regis- Mungean John, farmer, Bogshole
Harris James William, baker & confec- trar of births & deaths for Whitstable Newing Charles Peter, dredgerman,
tioner, Oxford street sub-district, Blean union,s Swanfields Victoria street
Harris John, butcher, High street JoinerEdwd.mast.marnr.Canterburyrd Newing James Danl.painter,Harbour st
Harris John, farmer, Ballsdown farm, Joiner George, stationer, High street Newing Robert,dredgerman,Island wall
Seasalter Joiner John, master mariner,Fountain st Newton J ames Henry,baker, High street
Harris John George, master mariner, Jutson Alfd.Edwn.dredgermn.2Essex st Nicholls Alfd.ship ownr.24Canterbry.rd
3 Elvi11e,ooton villas, Oxford street Jutson Charles, master mariner, Nicholls Alfred, ship owner, Sea wall
Harrison&Nicholls,painters,Fountain st Kitchenham place Nicholls Arthnr, dredger, Middle wall
Harrison 'rhos. greengrocer, High st J utson Cyruto Charles, master mariner, Nicholls C. E. (Mrs.), lodging house,
Hart Henry Jas. butcher, Harbour st Pine villa, Canterbury road Oxford villa, Oxford street
Hayward John Wm.surgeon, & certify- J utsonFanny(Mrs. ),lodging ho. Westclft' Nicholls Clara (Miss), school, Stancliff
ing factory surgeon & medical officer Jutson James, dredgerman, Oxford st villas, Canterbury road
& public vaccinator, Whitstable dist. Jutson J ane (Mrs.), dress ma. Oxford st Nicholls Geo. master mariner, West cliff
Blean union, Western house, Oxford st Jutson William George, dredgerman, Nicholls Hammond, master mariner,
Hills Henry, Nelson P.H. Harbour st 28 Sydenham street 12 .Argyle road
Hilton Alexander, farmer,Millstrude hl Kean Henry, beer retailer, Island wall Nicholls Henry Wootton, dredgerman,
Hilton Henry Lipyeatt, farmer, Burgess Keeler Samuel, shoe maker,Seymour st Canterbury road
farm, Millstrude hill Kemp Sarah Ann & Fanny (Misses), Nicholls Jack, dredgerma.n, Island wall
HodgesCharlotte(Mrs. ),Monument P.H. milliners, High street Nicholls J n. dredgerman, Canterbury rd
Kemp Aaron, grocer, Victoria street Nicholls Louis Charles, tobacconist &
Church street
Hodges Geo. master mariner,Norfolk st Kemp Ann (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, italian warehouseman, High street
NichollsOsborne,mast.marinr. Oxford st
Hodges Samuel, blacksmith, Church st Tankerton beach
Hodges William, greengrocer, Hig-h st Kemp Charles, master mariner, 20 Nicholls Roland, dredgerman, Belmont
Hogben George Thomas, The Rising Sydenham street t.errace, Church road
Sun P.H. Harwich street Kemp Danl.dredgermn.4o Sydenham st NichollsStephen,mast.marinr.Oxford sti
Holden & Gann, ship owners, Oxford st Kemp Frederick, ship owner, Albion Nicholls Wallace Burwood, grocer, 7
Albion place, Canterbury ro:~.d
Holden & Son, grocers, Harbour street ·house, Harbour place
Holden Charles, baker, High street Kemp Edward,dredgermn. 8Fountain st Norris John H. beer retailer,Middle wall
Holden George, ship owner, Belmont, Kemp Henry Hubert, market gardener, Northwood Alfred, co:ffeetavern,Highst
Oxford street Borstal place Nutten Susanna (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 3-
HoldenGeo.dredgerman,42Sydenbam st Kemp Herbert, dredgerman, r Rose Victoria street
Holden Henry, ship owner,Clifton villa, terrace, Middle wall Nutten Thomas Albert1 coal dealer &
Oxford street Kemp James Edward, beer retailer, 13 carter, Victoria street
Holden Osborne, grocer, High street & 14 Harbour place Odden Stphn. &Co.ho. furnishers,High st.
Holden William, watch maker, High st KempJas.Edwd.mariner,Canterburyrd O:ffredi Manotti, refreshment rooms,
Holloway William & Edward, ship & Kemp Leonard, toy warehouse,High st. Harbour street & Tankerton beach
boat builders, Island wall & Tankerton beach OliverJ.&Son,shipsmths.Horsebridgerd
HolnessRobt.Hy.farmer,Rayham farm KempMark,bathingmachine proprietor, Oliver Edward, lodging house, 2 Bexley
Hooker Henry, farmer, Millstrude farm Tankerton beach villas, Bexley street
Hopkins Edwd. Jn. shoe ma.Middle wall Kemp Peter, refreshment rooms, Oliver James, beer retailer & green•
Horan Fdk.M.(Mrs. ),mason, Harbour pl Tankerton beach grocer, Canterbury road
Horn William, shopkeeper & chimney Kemp Thomas, greengrocer, High st Ongham Jsph. mastermariner,KitcheA
~weeper, High street Kemp William,sail maker, The Harbour ham place
Honlt Chas. mast & block ma. Sea wall Kemp William, ship owner, Swanfields Packman Frederick, mariner, Bexley
Hoult Eliza (Mrs.), clothier & draper, Kemp William, jun. ships' husband, r4 cottage, Bexley street
Harbour street Swanfields Padbury William Francis, Railway
Honlt Thomas Wm. master mariner, Kemp William D. bathing machine pro- tavern, Harbour street )
Harwich street prietor,Tankerton beach &Island wall Page George, hair dresser, High street
How Frederick, butcher, Oxford street Kew1ardEdwn.EastKent hotei,Oxford st Page Thomas, basket maker,Harbour st
How George, grocer, Canterbury road Kennedy Jsph.Sovereign P.H.Victoria st Page William, boot maker., HarbQur st
Howland John, master mariner, 33 King Charles, greengrocer, Victoria st Parfett Reuben, Long Reach tavern,.
Sydenha m street Knight Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, High st Borstal hill
HubbardFd k.marine diver, 10TheGrove Knight John, beer retailer, Island wall Parsons Alfred, shopkeeper, Oxford st
Hubbard Geo. mast. mariner,6Albert st]Sydenham st Parsons maker,High st
Hudson Ellen (Mrs. ),tbccnst.Harbour st Lawry Thomas, saddler, Oxford street Pearce l<'redk. master mariner,Oxford st
Hughes John, milliner, High street Lawson John,jun.builder &upholsterer, Pearce John, marine diver, 9 Victoria st
Humphrey Edward John, Golden Lion High street Pepper J ames Wm.lodging ho. West clilf
P.H. Church road Lawson Wm.Jn.sail maker,Ludgate hill Pettmau & Court, drapers & milliners,
Humphrey Geo. leather seller, High st Lissenden George, master mariner, High street
Humphrey Henry Tilbe, dredgerman, Horsebridge house PettmanFred.King'sHeadP.H.Island wll
Victoria street LissendenSarahSusannah(Mrs.),green- Pettman Richard, baker, High street
Hnmphrey ma.Highst grocer, Harbour street Philpott Martha (Mrs.), berlin wool
Hnmphrey Thomas Alfred, collector of London Wm. Buddle, harbour & station dealer, Harbour street
assessed & income taxes, Victoria st master, Harbour house Philpott Stephen, outfitter,& boot war~
Humphrey Waiter Charles, boot maker, Longbottom William Thomas, beer house, Ludgate hill
Plummer George, farmer, Brooklan~
Red Lion lane retailer, Middle wall
Humphrey Wm. master mrnr.Nelson st Lott Alfred Charles,greengrocer,High st farm, Millstrude hill
Hunt Elizh. Ann(Miss), beer ret. Seasaltr LottHenry,beer retailer,Horsebridge rd Poate Lewis, master mariner, 12 Swan
Hnson Thomas, m!l.Ster mariner, 53 Luckhurst John, carrier, High street terrace, Canterbury road
Sydenham street Madams Emma. (Mrs.), lodging house, PookEmma(Mrs.),lodgingho.Oxfordst.
Incorporated Company of Oyster Island wall Porter Thos. Wm. builder, Harbour pl
Dredgers (Thomas Kemp, jun. fore- Mann Jane (Mrs.), draper, .Albert street Pout Alfred, master mariner, 3 Marine-
man; John Thos. Reeves, treasurer; Marsh Henry, Royal Naval Reserve P.H. cottages, Harbour place
Plummer & Fielding, stewards ; High street Pout Geo.mast.mariner,siSydenham st
Absolam Anderson, clerk) Maxted Ann (Mrs.), draper, Oxford st Pout Henry, ship owner,Bexley terrace-
International Tea Co. (The), tea dealers Merritt Chas. Peter, carrier, Victoria st Pout James,master mariner,7Bexley ter
(WilliamBlackwell,manager), High st Merritt Geo. master mariner,Victoria st Pout John,mast.mariner,7Sydenham st
Jacobs William, mariner, Middle wall Merritt John, carrier, Sea street Pout John Jas. boot maker, Harbour st
Jarrett Thomas Wm. grocer, Oxford st MilesMaryAnn(Mrs. ),shopkpr..Albert st Pout Joshua, master mariner, 37
Jarman William, shopkeeper, Essex st Miller Elias, draper & milliner, Albion Sydenham street
Jennings John, Bricklayers' Arms P.H. house, Canterbury road Powell Lt-wis L.i:.C.P.Bdin. surgeOQ•
Harbour place MillerJn. Wm.mast.marinr.Middle wall Cadogan house
Johnson Alfred, dredgerman,Swanfields Mills George Henry, South Eastern PrettAustin,refreshment rooms, Tanker-
Johnson Feakins A. L.B.A.M. professor tavern, Harbour street ton beach
of music, Oxford street Mitchell Isaac, tailor, High street PriceWm.Geo.chiefofficerofcoastguard
K. S. & S. ·43*
l'utwain Charles, coal merchant & Sheepwash Jn. lodging ho. Fountain st Warner George, marine store dealer,
mineral ·water manufacturer, High st Sheppard Catheriue (Mrs.), lodging Horsebridge road
PutwainClement,dredgermn.Victoria st house, Canterbury road · Warner Lewis, marine store dlr.Sea wall
Putwain FrancisHommersham,butcher, Shingleton George, mariner, Island wall Waters David, ship owner, West Cliff
9 Swan terrace, Canterbury road Silk John, cowkeeper, Chestfleld house, Oxford street
Putwain Frederick William, dredger- Smith Jas. master mariner, Suffolk st Waters Geo.mstr.mrnr.8Ganterhury rd
· man, Canterbury road Smith Wm.mast.marinr.Canterbury rd Waters Hy. mstr. mrnr. Kitchenham pl
PutwainGeorge,shoe maker,22Aibert st Snow William, builder, Middle wall Waters Rd. master mariner,Middle wall
Putwain Seymour Jas. master mariner, Solly Edward, confectioner, Harbour st Weatherley Edwn.dredgrmn.Island wll
7 The Grove Solly Henry, shipwright, The Harbour, West Thomas, butcher, Harbour street
Read Herbert, dairyman & cowkeeper, & china warehouse, High street West Thomas, Four Horse Shoes P.H.
9 Church road St)ulsby Hy.Isaac,greengro. Island wall Borstal hill
Reading Institute(Sibert Saunders,hon. Southwell Alfd. Wm. baker, Bexley st Wheeler Richard John, master mariner,
sec.), Horsebridge road Sparkman, Co.draprs. Harbour st Kitchenham place
Reeves John Thomas, auctioneer, join- Spenceley Brothers,blacksmiths & block Wheeler Richard Theodore L.R.C.P.Edin.
ing the harbour makers, The Harbour physician & surgeon, Ansdell house
Reeves Josiah, timber merchant & ship Spenceley Cha.pmanWm.draper,High st White John, furniture dealer, High st
owner, Harbour street Spencer William, Stag P.H. Sea. wall Whitnall Herbert, master mariner, 9
Reeves Robert B. commercial traveller, dressr.High st Victoria street
Belmont terrace, Church road Springthorpe Geo. photographr.High st Wheeler Richard (Mrs.), shell fish-
Rigden Alien, dredgerman, Island wall Stammers John, officer of customs, monger, High street
Rigden Anne (Mrs.), lodging house, 12 deputy superintendent of mercantile Whitstable Gas Co. Limited (Thomas
Fountain street marine & wreck, registrar of shipping George Browning, sec. & manager);
Rigden Dan.Peter, boot ma. Middle wall for the Port of Faversham, 4 The Gro works, Church road ; offi<"e, Oxford
RigdenEdwd.C.dredgerman,Middle wll Staniland Thomas, clothier, & boot & house, Oxford street
Jligden George, dredger, Middle wall shoe warehouse, Cheapside Whitstable Mutual Marine Association
Ridgen James, mariner, Island wall Star Mutual Maritime Assurance Co. (George Baker, sec.), Sea. wall
RigdenRd.Edwd.dredgerman,Oxford st (J. T. Reeves, sec.), Ludgate hill Whitstable Oyster Co. (John T. Reeves,
Rigden Steph.greengrcr.6oSydenham st Stickells Frederick,Dredgerman's Arms sec.), Sea wall
Rigden Steph. dredgerman, Seasalter pl P.H. Sea wall Whitstable Shipping Co.Umited(James
Rigden Thomas,marine diver,Oxford st Stokes Geo. Queen's Head P.H. High st R. Daniels, manager), Sea wall
Rigden Waiter, dredgerman, Albert st Stone Thomas, china & glass dealer, Whitstable Times (Fredc. Mudford,pro-
Rigden Wm.Fnk.dredgermn.Middle wll Harbour street prietor; Alfred Edwards, publisher;
Rigden Wm. Rd. dredger, Middle wall Stroud Hrbt. master marnr.Middle wall published saturday), office, High st. ;
RitchieGeo.mast.marinr. Kitchenham pl SweetmanThos.mast.marnr.gTheGrove & at Canterbury
Robinson Henry, bricklayer & chimney Tankerton Estate Limited, Tankerton Whitstable Water Co. Limited (Thomas
sweeper, 4 Norfolk street castle George Browning, sec.); office, Oxford
Robinson Henry, The Boy P.H. High st Taylor Agnes (Mrs.), Steam Packet inn, house, Oxford street
RogersAlfd.Saml.Alma P.H.Middle wall Tankerton road Whorlow Albert, greengrocer, High st
Rowden Charles H. master mariner & Taylor Edwin, farmer, Canterbury rd WillmotWilliamHenry,master mariner,
school attendance officer, 7 Victoria st Taylor Jam£>s, general dealer, High st Harwich street
Rowden James, outfitter, High street Teeling Magnus, chief officer of coast WillsKennett,blacksmth.Canterbury rd
Rowden James, dredgerman, Island wll guard, Seasalter cliff Wilson William, master mariner, 56
Rowden John,dredgerman,26Victoria st Terry John, shopkeeper, Island wa1l & Sydenham street
RowdenJn.Geo.dredgrmn.16Victoriast refreshment rooms, Tankerton beach Wilson William Henry, master mariner,
Rowden Thos.dredgerman, 5 Victoria st Thunder Jn. mast. marinr.26 Argyle rd 13 Argyle road
Rowden Thos. Wm. shoe ma.:Middle wall Tilley Albt. grcr. 46 & 47 Sydenham st Wood Alfred George, Fountain inn,
Rowden Wm.Jas.dredgrmn.8Victoria st Tilley James, Globe P.H. Victoria street 15 Sydenham street
.Rowden William Thomas, master mari- Totty Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging Wood John, llChool, Whitstable college,
ner, Canterbury road house, West cliff
Oxford street
RuckFrederick Richard, Coach & Horses Turner William, confectioner, High st Wood John (Mrs.), ladies' school,"Wnit-
P.H. Oxford street Uden David, butcher, Middle wall stable college, Oxford street
Saddleton Stephen, farmer, Grimsell Uden Ralph Leggett, house, land & Wood John Twyman, deputy foreman,
farm, Canteroury road estate agent, & assistant overseer for Whitstable harbour
Saddleton Thomas, farmer, Borstal Hill Seasalter, High street Wood Henry, deputy parish clerk &
farm, Seasalter Uden Waiter, dredgerman, I•'ountain st sexton, Church street
Saffery Hy. master mariner, Harbour s• Vennall Charles, watch ma. Harbour st Woolley Mary Ann (Mrs.), confectioner,
Saffrey Stephen, mineral water manu- Vidgeon Thomas, dairyman, Seasalter Harbour street
facturer, Essex street Walker Martha (Mrs.), farmr.Church st Wraight Alfd. beer ret. Seasalter cross
Sampson Wm.mast.mariner,Victoriast Walker Thomas, corn & seed merchant, Wraight William, Blue Anchor P.H.
Sandy Alfd.Dvd.mast.marnr. Suffolk st The Harbour Seasalter cross
Sandy Harold, tailor, Middle wall Wallis William, shopkeeper, Island wall Wyburn Edwd. Alfd. beer ret.Oxford st
Saunders Sibert, manager of Hammond Wall John, wharfingel', Horse bridge & Wyver James & Co. plumbers, glaziers
& Co's. Bank, High street High street & decorators, sanitary engineers &
• & Ham Oyster Co. (Hy.Gann, Walthew Edmund George, solicitor & gasfitters, electric bells fixed & re-
manager) commissioner for oaths, Horse bridge paired, 13 High street
Setterfield Hy. master mariner, High st Warner Albt. marine store dlr. Essex st Wyver Geo. house decorator, High st
SharpGeo. master mariner, Fountainst WarnerBenj. master marnr.Island wall
WICKHAM BREAUX is a parish and village, 5~ Wesleyan chapel is now (1890) in course of erection. The
.miles east from Canterbury, 8 east from Sandwich,,~ south poor have £8 3s. 6d. being part of a charity left by one Lloy-
1rom Grove Ferry station on the South Eastern railway, in den, of Littlebourne. The Marquess Cflnyngham is lord of the
the Eastern dtvision of the county, hundred of Downhamford, manor and principal landowner. The soil is rich loam;
lathe of St. Augustine, petty sessional division of Wingham, subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats
Bridge union, Canterbury county court district, and in the and hops. The area is 2,370 acres; rateable value, £s,xs8;
rural deanery of East Bridge and archdeaconry and diocese the population in x88x was 485.
of Canterbury. The church of St. Andrew is a building of
flint and stone in the Early English style, consisting of GROVE is a place in this parish, 3 miles north-east ; here
chancel, nave of three bays, aisles, south porch and an is a Wesleyan chapel.
embattled western tower containing 6 bells; there are Parish Clerk, J a.mes Rye.
several memorials to the families of Beake and Larkins ; the PosT OFFICE.-Edward Southee Laker, receiver. Letters
'Church was re~ored ia 1878 at a. cost of about £3,000, and arrive from Dover at 7 a.m. & 3 p.m. ; dispatched at 7
a new organ in'troduced at a cost of £300: there are 250 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at
sittings. The register dates from the year x687. The living is Littlebourne. Letters for Grove through Canterbury;
a rectory, gross yearly value £6so, with residence, in the gift
of the representatives of the late Narbrough Hughes D'Aeth sunday, arrive 7 a. m. & dispatched 9 a. m.
esq. D.L., J.P. (d. x886), and held since 1873 by the Rev. Parochial School (mixed), erected in x869, for xoo children;
G-erald Hyde Smith B.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. A average attendance, 8o; Edward West, master
·· Wickham Breaux. COMMERCIAL. Collard Edward, farmer & hop grower,
Bing Jarvis, farmer, Newnham Supperton
Kelsey Edwin
Meiggs John G Bradley William Thomas, beer retailer Goodale Frederick Albert, plumber
Smith Rev. Gerald Hyde R.A. Rect.ory Brown :I'homas, farmer, Grove Hewson Waiter, baker
Jordan Thos. bailiff to EdwinrKelsey esq Waiter Jabez, miller (water) ChampionPercy,farmer,Undertrees frm
Fairchild John, farmer
Kelsey Edwin, farmer & hop grower, West James, market gardener Goodwinlsaac, farmer,lv} House farm
Johncock Henry, carpenter
Wickham court Young Alfred Charles, blacksmith Lilliott Joseph, farmer, Hook farm
White Edwin, market gardener
Laker Edwd. Sonthee, grocer,Post office Grove. White George, farmer
Minter John, farmer, Frognall LLetters received through Canterbury.]
Rudd Waiter & Co. india rubber mnfrs Bing John, Rising Sun P.H
Rye James, boot & shoe maker Bing Thomas, farmer, Newborn's farm
Sole John, Rose P.H
EAST WICKHAM is a village and parish, on the road D.L., J.P. of Somerhill, Tonbridge, Mrs. Morgan Yeatman
from London to Dartford, 10 miles from the former and 5 and Richard Jones esq. The soil is various, but is chiefly
north-west from the hLtterplace,andabont2milesfrom Plum- gravel ; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are cereals of all
stead and Abbey Wood stations on the North Kent section kinds and much fruit. The area is 895 acres; rateabl8
of the South Eastern railway, in the North Western value, £4,895; the pojmlation in 1881 was 1,182.
division of the county, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, Little and WELLING is a hamlet, part of which belongs to this parish
Lessness hundreds, Dartford union, petty sessional division and the remainder to Bexley ; particulars and list of resi-
and county court district, and in the rural dP.anery of Wool- dents will be found under Bexley Heath, to which ecclesias-
wich and archdeaconry and diocese of Rochester. The tical parish it belongs.
church of St. Michaelis a small buildin,g- of flint and brick in BELGROVE and SHOULDER OF MUTTON GREEN are in this
the Early English style, consisting of chancel and nave, south parish.
porch and a wooden belfry at the west end containing 2 bells: Parish Clerk, Thomas Stiles.
the east window is a memorial to the late Mr. and Mrs..
Thomas, of Belgrove Park, and was erected by their chil- Letters from Welling S.O. which is the post & money
dren in 1889. The register of baptisms dates from the year order & telegraph office. WALL LETTER Box, Belgrove,
1730; marriages, 1754; burials, 1715. The living is a cleared at 7·55 a.m. & 3·45 & 7.30 p.m. ; sundays, 8 p.m
vicarage, gross yearly value £172, in the gift of the Rev. WALL LE'ITER Box, Wickham lane, cleared at 8 & 11.35 a. m.
Thomas Edward Wynne D.D. of Trinity College, Dublin, 3-35 & 7.15 p.m.; sundays, 8.20 p.m
rector of Llanfadres, Mon. and vicar of East Wickham Endowed School, founded & endowed by William Foster in
1883-6, and held since 1886 by t.he Rev. John Middleton 1727, the annual income now amounting to £247; the
Beynon M.A. of Jesus College, Oxford. The Provost and present schools, with residence for master, were erected
Fellows of Queen's College, Oxford, are lords of the manor. in r879 for 400 children; average attendance, 317; John
The principal landowners are Sir Julian Goldsmid bart. lii.P., Thomas Dale, master; Mrs. Eleanor Dale, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Pnrkiss James, Woodville villas · Crew Joseph, beer retailer
ArnoldGeorgeE.Woodville pl. Belgrove Exall Sarah (Mrs.), market gardener
BeynonRev.JohnMiddleton M.A.[vicar] Quarterman William, Dantzic villas Greening Charles, florist
Bicknell Wm. Montigny place, Belgrove Jenkins Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Birts John, Westwood house, Belgrove Ripper Thomas, Westwood lodge Locke Richard, florist
Brownlow Robert, East Wickham PalmerWm.James,OldFoxP.H.Belgrove
Carr Henry James, Rose villa Sewell William, Oxford cottage Robins Wm. Jas. farmer, Monks farm
Frond Bernard, Oamanville Smi~h Richard, fruit grower
Hall Mrs. Dovedale villa Sheldon Edwa.rd Ware Emi1y (Mrs.),We Anchor in Hope
Jones Richard, East Wickham house
Lawson Richard, Woodville villas Upfield George, Helena villas, Shoulder P.H
Macrae Andrew, Woodville villas Weeks EdwardAbraham,markt.gardnr
McDongall Alexander, Dantzie villas of Mutton green Werner John, baker, Wickham lane
Moreton Charles Edward, The Cottage Wren Mary (Mrs.), Duchess of Edin-
Porterman William, Dantzic villas Webb C. Oak cottage
burgh P.H
Wheeler R. Belmont cottage
Wren Thomas Christbpher,Merton villa
Bennett George Alfred, beer retailer,
Shoulder of Mutton green
Brnwn Geo.farmer,East Wickham farm
Constable trimmer,Belgrove
WEST WICKHAM (the prefix of "West'' having been Brasenose College, Oxford. The chapel of ease, in Wick
given to distinguish it from the two other parishes named ham street, formerly an infants' school, was converted for
Wickham in this county) is a large parish and village, ecclesiastical purposes at a cost of about £I,ooo, defrayed
pleasantly situated on the borders of Surrey, with a station by L. Loyd esq. of Monks Orchard, and has 200 sittings.
on the Beckenham and Hayes branch of the South Eastern There is also a Congregation~! chapel. Here is a parochial
railway, 12 miles from London, 3~ south-west from Brom- lending library, consisting of nearly 4oovolnmes. A charity
ley, 4 south-east from Croydon and 2~ south from Becken- of /.3Jionnnal value, left by Lady Slaney, and payable by the
ham, in the Western division of the county of Kent, Grocers' Company, is for apprenticing poor decayed trades-
Metropolitan police district, Rnxley hundred, lathe of men's sons; there is alsf) a charity of £3 annually, left by
Sutton-at-Hone, Bramley petty sessional division, union the late Samuel Lennard esq. to be distributed to the poor
and county court district, rural deanery of Croydon, of· Wickham, Keston, Hayes and Farnborough on the 5th of
archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. The November. Wickham Court, a noble castellated building,
church of St. John the Baptist, situated on high ground, is the seat of Col. Sir John Farnaby Lennard hart. D.L., l.P.
one mile south-east from the ¥illage and contiguous to the who is lord of the manor. Wickham Hall is the residence
mansion called Wickham Court, is an ancient building in of Gustave Mellin esq. The principal landowners are Col.
the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel and nave, Sir J. I<'. Lennard hart. Chas. Emannel Goodhart and Lewis
each with a north aisle, and an embattled tower south of Loyd J.P. esqs. The soil is gravelly loam; subsoil, chalk.
the nave containing 5 bells, the lower part of the tower The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and turnips. The
being groined and forming a porch: the nave is divided area is 2,657 acres; rateable value, £7,900; the population
from the aisle by two plain Pointed arches resting on a in 188r was ~3·
massive octagonal pier with square capitals; the ~hancel Sexton, Joseph Dnrling.
also opens to its aisle by two arches sprjnging from a PosT & M. 0. 0. & S. B. Annuity & Insurance Office:-
similarly shaped pier of lighter character; between the nave
and chancel is a wooden screen coeval with the fabric; the Alfred Carter. postmaster. Letters arrive from Becken-
chancel aisle has some fine remains of old glass representing ham at 9·5 a.m. & 7.50 & 10.40 p.m.; dispatched at 9·5
the Virgin, SS. Catherine, Christophey and other saints, and a.m. & 3·55. 7.50 & 10.40 p.m. ; dispatched, 5.50 p.m.
is hung with ancient banners and helmets ; there are also Telegraph office at the railway station
here several monuments to the Hohbes and Lennard families,
a piscina with trefoiled niche, and well-preserved brasses of WALL BoxEs, High street, cleared at 8.40 a. m. 3.20 & 7.20
two former rectors: in 1889 an organ chamber was erected
and the church re-seated and re-arranged: there are 220 p.m. & Railway station cleared at .8.50 a.m. 3.30 & 7.30
sittings. The earliest register bears date 1558. The living p.m
is a rectory, average yearly value from tithe rent-charge National school (mixed), for 210 children; average attend-
ance, r66 ; Hy. Jas. Plant, master ; Mrs. Plant, mistress
Railway Station, John Ridge, station master
about £401 ; net income. £204, with residence and 33 acres CARRIERS TO LONDON.-Pickford & Co. pass through from
of glebe, in the gift of Sir J. F. Lennard hart. and held Croydon daily, snnday excepted; also Carter, Paterson &
since 1884 by the Rev. Harry Bertie Roberts B.A. of Co. & London Parcels Delivery Co
[Names marked thus • should be addressed Bliss Thomas, Glennsk, Grosvenor road Carter Fredk.Holwood vil.Grosvenorrd
Ha.yes, Beckenha.m.] Bosworth Thomas, Laurel cottage Cowdell Henry Seaward, Cotleigh
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bowman JosephClementson,Ennerdale, Crittall Richard, The Elm house
Airey Chas.Alfd.Ferndale,Grosvenor rd Grosvenor road Danby John Collinson •
*Akers Miss, Hayes-common Browning-Hall The Misses,Ravenswood Dickinson WalterReginald,Rose mount
Alcock Rev. John Mark B.A. [curate] Bnrt MajorGeorge Mead,Orchardleigh, Grosvenor road
Beath David, WoJd lodge Grosvenorroad Divan James, Haynescot. Grosvenorrd
Blake William Henry, Bedford cottage Butcher William Garside'fhos.Rt.Fairview,Grosvenorrd
Gripper Edward, Oak lodge Barnes Arthur, grocer, tea dealer & Hain James Ashton, farmer, Wickham.
Gripper Ernest J. The Nest provision merchant, dealer in british Court farm
HeywoodPharoah,Ingleside,Grosvnr.rd wines,china&glass,generl.warehoman Hollamby Wm. builder & undertaker
*Hoskier Herman, Coney hill Beall John, baker Killick James, builder
Humphrey Thomas, Grovenor villas BlakeWilliam Hy.L.R.C.P.Lond.phys. & Lilley Joseph, dealer .
Johnston James Harvey, Khartoun surg.Bedford cot.&atHayes &Keston Marshall Thomas, farm bailiff to Geo.
villas, Grosvenor road Boram David, gardener to G. Mellin esq Churchman esq. Hawes farm
Lennard Col. Sir John Farnaby bart. Brooke George, blacksmith Matthews Mercy (Mrs.), laundress
D.L., J.P. Wickhamcourt; & Carlton Butcher William (Mrs.), school Olive Ellen (Mrs.), laundress
& United Service clubs, London sw CarterAlfd.draper&coal mer.Post office Paskins Phillip, boot maker
Lennard HenryArthur HallamFarnaby Carton Alfred, shopkeeper Powell Henry Albert M.A.,L.R.C.P.Edin.
J.P. Wickham court Cassidy William, grocer surgeon, High street
McAndrew RobertAlex.Wickham house Chapman Henry (Mrs.), laundress Reading John (Mrs.), beer retailer
Mellin Gustave, Wickham hall Cbapman James, painter Ridge John, station master
Moule Charles W. Pond house Chapman Thomas (Mrs.), laundress I Rutley Ernest, but.cher
Oakley Charles, Wickham green Clarke Joseph, blacksmith 1 Sargent Wm. baker & grocer, The Green
Packe Mrs. William *Clinch William Thomas, farmer,Rowes South MaryAnn(Mrs.), Wheatsheaf P.H.
Pame George Edward, Launderdale, farm & hvery & bait stables; near the
Grosvenor road Cooke Thomas, nurseryman Shirley hills & Hayes common; &
Roberts Rev. Harry Bertie B.A.[rector], Cooper John, shopkeeper & blacksmith resort of cyclists
The Rectory Coote George, cowkeeper & dairyman; Sparrow George, wheelwright
Rolt James, Parkstone, Grosvenor road milk has been testetl & found pure by Sparrowhawk Richard, draper
Sedding Joseph Dando, The Croft the public analyst Stevens George, greengrocer
Stevens George Corps John, coal merchant Stokes William Henry & John Waiter,
Thomasset Mrs Creed Charles Alexander, Railway hotel farmers & dairymen, Coney Hall farm
*Wells FrederiCk, Waites house Crittall William, butcher Tompson Joseph (Mrs.), laundress
*Whitmore Mrs. W. Hayes common Danby John Collinson, artist WelbornDnl.&Hy.dairymn.Yewtreecot
Wright Mrs. Nethercroft,Grosvenorrd Dumbre11 George, bricklayer West Wickham Working Men's Conser-
COMllfERCIAL. Durling Joseph, shopkeeper & sexton vative Club (J. C. Bowman, hon. sec)
~Ashcroft Wm. farmer, Layham's farm Goby Ernest, Swan P.H William William, boot maker
WILLESBOROUGH is a village and parish, pleasantly land, a cottage and the interest of £ wo, left by John
situated on the high road from Ashford station to Hythe, Ii' Masters, David Ladd and Henry Cook, of Willesborough.
miles south-east from the former, 9~ north-west from the Here is the East Ashford union workhouse; for particulars,
latter and 57 from London, in the Southern division of the see Ashford. The ancient house opposite the church once
county, hundred of Chart and Longbridge, lathe of Scray, belonged to the family of Wm. Harvey M. D. the discoverer,
Ashford petty sessional division and county court district, about 1628, of the circulation of the blood, and is now the
East Ashford union, and in the rural deanery of North property of Thomas Perkins esq. The Earl of Winchilsea
Lympne and archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The and Nottingham, who is lord of the manor, Mrs. Billington,
church of St. Mary is a building of stone in the Early Eng- of Kennington and Mrs. Warton, of Kemsdale House, Hern-
lish, Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting of hill, Kent, are the principal landowners. The soil is light;
chancel with south chapel, nave, south aisle with an arcade subsoil, loamy. The chief crops are wheat, beans, peas, hops,
of five arches, south porch and a western tower with shingled with some pasture. The area is 1.487 acres ; rateable value,
spire containing 6 bells and a clock with two dials erected by £12,031 : the population in 1881 was 3,2oo, including 124
public subscription in 1887 at a cost of £162: in the chancel officers and inmates m the East .Ashford workhouse
are sedilia and piscina of Decorated work and a priest's door- NEWTOWN, near the South Eastern Railway factory, is a
way: there are three stained windows; the east window, dis- new town or suburb of Ashford, partly in that parish and
tinguished by the richness of its tracery, being a memorial partly in Willesborough, increasing in population; particu-
to G. Gregory, 1866; those on the north and south sides are lars will be found under Ashford. AYLESFORD (or Alesford)
filled with ancient glass of the 14th century : on the south GREEN is a hamlet one mile north.
side of the chancel is a monument to Charles Warton esq. At SouTH WILLESBOROUGH is a new Wesleyan chapel,
and there are also various memorial tablets to the Perkins built in 1889 at a cost of .£460~ ·
family: the church was restored and the north aisle added Sexton, Thomas Drowley.
in 1868 at a cost of over [3,000 and has 700 sittings. The PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
. register dates from the year 1538. The living was part of John Cornes, jun. sub-postmaster. Letters received
the possessions of the monastery of St. Augustine in the through .Ashford arrive at 6.20 a.m. & 12 p.m. ; dis-
reign of Edward II. and remained so until the final Dissolu- patched at 10 a.m. & 7 p.m.
tion under Henry VIII. who settled it on the Dean and WALL LETTER Box, cleared week days 10.5 a. m. & 7·5 p.m
Chapter of Canterbury, to whom it still belongs ; it is a SCHOOLS:-
rectory, tithe rent-charge £330, net value [270, including A School Board of 9 members was formed Oct. 13, 18 71,
5 acres of glebe with residence, and is held by the Rev. with Hinxhill & Sevington, contributory districts, each
Thomas Featherston Dixon M.A. of Christ's College, Cam- sending 2 members & Willesborough 5; Frederick Hughes·
bridge. The expenses of the church, including the repairs Hallett, Ashford, clerk to the board ; Stephen Price,
of the fabric, are defrayed partly by endowment and volun· Wlllesborough, attendance officer
tarycontribution. Christ Church (Free Church of England) Board School (boys, girls & infants), built, with master's
is a building of stone, erected in 1874 by the late Joseph residence, in 1873 & enlarged in 1882, for 520 children;
Jl'oster esq. in the Early English style, and consists of chan· average attendance, 330; John Trussler, master ; Miss
eel, nave, west porch and a turret on the eastern gable con- Anne Trussler, mistress; Miss Isabella Wright, infants'
taining one bell. A cemetery, of about 3 acres, was formed mistress
in 1882, and is under the control of a burial board of 7 CARRIER TO FOLKESTONE.-Checksfield, from Ashford, mon.
members. The charities exceed £19 yearly, derived from wed. & fri. returning tues. thurs. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Sparkes Mrs. Bersted croft Gibbons Henry, shopkooper
Adams Miss, Castlemaine Spicer Mrs. Romney house Greenwell James, Albion P.H
Andrews George, Dunn's Hill house Taylor John, Street End house Goodwin Henry, shopkr. Aylesford grn
Bland Rev. James Tenant [Free Church Whitaker Rev. John [Baptist], 2 Church Hall Joseph, miller (water & steam)
of EnglandJ
villas Harvey Mary (Miss), shopkeeper
Bromwich Henry. Albermarle road Wood John Frederick, Boys' hall Hills Edward, shoe maker
Cook Henry Bond Hewitt COMMERCIAL. Hyland Brothers, wheelwrights
Cornes Leonrd. Westbry. ho.Hunters rd Boakes Richard, coal mer. Romney rd Jones Wm.Edwd.Blacksmiths'.Arms P.ll
Cornes Mrs. Albermarle road Boorman Edward, grocer Long Thomas, farmer, Court lodge
Cornes Walter,Melrose villa,Hunters rd Bull Edward, baker Miller William, carpenter
Culmer Frederick, Lees house Bunyard Thomas, nurseryman Morgan Thomas Heming R.N. chief
Dixon Rev. Thos.FeatherstonM.A.Rectry Butcher George, market gardener inspector weights & measures for the
Durtnal John Cemetery (F. H. Hall et, Ashford, clerk County of Kent, manager to the Ash-
Edwards George H. Hunters road to the burial board) ford Cattle Market Co. & expenditor
Foster Henry, ·The :Firs Cook Susannah Brothers (Mrs.), smith of the River valleys, Fair view
Hayward Mrs. Hythe road Cornes Brothers, grocers, bakers, roil- Mummery Stephen, shopkeeper
Jordan James, Romney road
Jordan Thomas, Albermarle road lers (wind, steam & water) & corn Newport James Arthur, builder
Morgan Thos. Heming R.N. :Fair view
Redgrave Jas. Aylesford ho. Church la factors, Post office Phillips James, farmer
Sladden Miss, Hythe road
Earl Edward, farmer Price Stephen, school attendance officer,
Earl John, carman Willesborough
Fordham GeorgeM.R.c.v.s. vet.surgeon Rayner James, grocer, Aylesford green
Reeve William, shopkpr. Albermarlerd 1 Terry John, The Rose P.H TimminsJsph. beerret. Sth. Willesbom
Withall Caleb, l<'ox P.H
ShorterGeo.shopkeepr.Sth. Willesboro' Terry Miss, dress maker, r Bell villas Woodland John, Crown & Anchor P.if.
Smith George, butcher, Hunters road Tucker Thomas, superintendent regis- South Willesborough
Stevens John, laud agent trar of East Ashford union
"'aylor Henry, White Horse P.H
WILMINGTON is a parish and village and suburb of Lodge, No. 2,148 also meets here, and there is a Royal Arch
Dartford, pleasantly situated near the road leading from Chapter, a Mark Lodge and a Preceptory of Knights
Dartford to Sevenoaks, and the river Darent, a mile and a Templars. The poor have £37 yearly in bread and fuel,
ha.lf south from Dartford station, in the North Western divi- arising from a charity left in the 17th century by Sir Thomas
sion of the county, lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, hundreds of Smith, of the Skinners' Company, and by the Bathurst and
l)artford and Wilmington, petty sessional division, union and Langworth families, and £.24 is annually given in awards
cmmty court district of Dartford, and in the rural deanery for good attendance at the Board schools, this sum being
of East Dartford, a.rchdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of furnished by the rent of a small estate of seven acres within
Canterbury. The parish is beautifully situated and sur- the parish, by certain small rent-charges, and by the surplus
rounded by gardens and cherry orchards. The church of rents ar1sing from house property within the City of London.
St. Michael, standing on the summit of a hill, near the high There is a retreat here for aged governesses, consisting of
road, is a building of Kentish rag, for the most part in the five cottages, which have been converted into twice t~t
Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, number of sets of rooms ; there is no money payment a~
aisles and a_western tower with spire containing 3 bells: the tached; Mrs. Satterthwaite, of Kingsfield, is the owner ~
south aisle, added at a cost of about£ x,2oo, was consecrated the houses and has the sole power over the arrangements ._
by the late Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Tait, 2 Nov. the cottages are prettily surrounded by well-kept gardens.
188r : there are four memorial windows, including the east Heath Side is the residence of Thomas Finigland Hamilto#
window, inserted in r889, by Mrs. F. C. Capel, of the Mount, esq. The manor house was, in the reign of Edward IV. the
Wilmington, in memory of her mother-in-law, Mrs. residence of Sir Richard Nevill K.G. Earl of Warwick and
Georgina Capel, of North Cray Place: in r883 the chancel Salisbury, better known as "the king maker," who was
was rebuilt with the addition of side chapels, vestries and slain at the battle of Barnet on Easter Day', April q, H7I'
orgau chamber, from plans by Mr. Ewan Christian, archi- nothing is now left but the wall of the kitchen garden. Johu
tect, at a cost of about £2,000, defrayed by the Ecclesiastical Bazley-White esq. M.P. of Gennings Park, Hun.ton, is lord of
Commissioners and by private subscription, and was conse- the manor. The principal landowner is Colonel Hulse. The
erated 17 Nov. r884, by the Bishop of Dover: in the course soil is loam; subsoil, gravel, chalk and clay. The chief
of the alterations several interesting discoveries were made: crops are wheat, oats, barley, beans and fruit. The Qrea ~
at the west end of the nave there are now exposed two un- r,715 acres; rateable value,£n,o24; the population in I88i'
doubtedly Saxon windows; the original Saxon font, which was 1,388.
was lying in the churchyard, has been restored to its place, PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-Miss
:and a Perpendicular holy water stoup, formerly in the south Lily Munn, receiver. Letters arrive from Dartford at' 1
porch, has been placed in the sanctuary as a piscina! there a.m. & 12.45 & 7 p.m. ; dispatched at ro a. m. & g. 3d &
are about 400 sittings, of which nearly 300 are free. The 7.30 p.m. Sunday, arrive at 7 a.m. ; dispatched at loa.~
register of baptisms dates from the year 1694; marriages, The nearest telegraph office is at Dartford
1685 ; burials, 1683. The living is a vicarage, tithe rent- A School Board of 5 members was formed in 1873 ; Claudius
charge £270, net yearly value {,220, including 11 acres of Robert Rowlatt, clerk to the board & attendance officer
glebe with residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Board School (mixed), built in 185o, for 220 children;, and held since 1876 by the Rev. Robert Jamblin average attendance, 8r boys, 65 girls, & 48 infants; the
1\I.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. premises are rented by the School Board from the trustees
The Masonic hall and buildings were erected in r883 by & managers of the Church of England schools, in whom
ihe Lullingstone Lodge of Freemasons, No. r,837, at a cost of the property is vested; James Cole, master; Miss Louise
nearly £r,6oo: the principal hall when not required for Phillips, mistress; Miss Matilda Foster, infants' mistress
Masonic purposes is available for parochial use, the parish CARRIER.-Alfred Warland, to & from London daily, passing.
2laving contributed the land and £2oo. The Walsingham through Dartford
jBright William, beer retailr. Hawleyrd Munn Jane (Mrs.) & Lilly (Miss), dress
Alexander John, Row Hill grange Brooks George, fruit grower makers, Post office
Bites Henry, Laurel house Brooks Henry, farmer Parsons George Frith, farmer
.Brown James, Common lane Burfield Edward Cotterill, fruit grower Parsons Mary (Mrs.), hoop n::aker
Came Charles, Hawley road Butters Charles William, grocer Parsons William, market gardener
Capel Frank Charles, The Mount Carpenter Charles, farmer & carman Pearson Edmund William, florist
Clifford James Thomas, Hawley road Casselton Alfred, beer retailer Penfold Wm. beer ret. & frmt grower
Cooper John, Beliingham lodge Casselton Charles, beer retailer Pennycard William, hoop maker
Davis Sydney H. The Wood Caswall & Taylor, brewers, wine &. Prosser William, farm bailiff to J. B.
Denne Thomas, The Woodlands spirit merchants & mineral water Lloyd esq. Hook Green farm
Dunster Thomas May, Hulsewood maufrs. Wilmington brwry. See advt Quiddington Thomas, shoe maker
Durnford Earle Herbert, Hawley road Christmas Ernest Alfred, baker & grocr Read Enos, fruit grower, Row hill
Gibson Charles Reginald, Manor gate Clifford Alfred, plumber & sanitary en- ReevesHy.Edwd.Owen,mechancl.engnr
Hamilton Thomas F. Heath side gineer, Hawley road Richardson Mary Ann (Mrs.), Game
Hayward John Camden, Monks orchard Eastwood John, farmer Cock P.H
Heberden The Misses Elliott Daniel, florist Rowlatt ClaudiusRobert,clerk & attend·
Hind Charles, Hawley road Everest Charles, hoop maker ance officer to the school board
Idle John, Hawley road Everest Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker Simmons William, beer retailer
Jamblin Rev. Robert M.A. Vicarage l<'arley Esther (Miss), dress maker Smith Mary(Mrs.),beerret.Puddledock
Kay Mrs. Gothic cottage Gorringe Charles, shopkeeper Starr-Bowkett Building Societ1 (Urban
Lloyd John Buck, Wilmington hall Gower Richard, boot maker Judge, sec.), Masonic hall •
Morgan Charles John, Clayton croft Griftiths James, baker Stubbs George, builder
Parker Thomas, Broomfields Hilbert George Fredk. market gardenr Thomas Aun (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Qnait Emery Alexander, Hulse lodge Hilbert Nathan Peter, Plough inn Thomas Isabella (Miss), cowkeeper
Rowlatt Claudius Robert, Coombe cot Hilbert PhilipWm.dairymn.&mkt.gdnr Thomas John, fruit gruwer,BarnEndla
Sharp David M.D. The Bungalow Huxley Hy.Latter,blcksmth.& wheelwt Tulett James William & Alfred Stephen,
Tasker Fredk. Talbot, Wilmington ho Huxley James, fruit grower florists & fruit growers
Taylor Herbert, Barn end Hymas Eltham, shopkeeper, Hawley rd Warland Alfred, carrier
Wall Miss, The Cottage Jarrett Jethro, fruit grower Whitehead Samuel & Edward, farmers,
Longhurst George Henry, greengrocer Hook green
COMMERCIAL. Lunn William, bricklayer Wibley Edward, grocer
Alien William Fredk. farmer, Stone hi Mackney John, beer retailer Wilson Robert, carman, Hawley road
Baillie Thomas, tlorist & fruit grower Martin Thomas, poultry & pig dealer Wood Samuel, fruit grower
Blackman William, Orange Tree P.H Muun George, grocer
WINGHAM is a considerable village and parish aud the diocese of Canterbury. It was once a market town, but the
head of a petty sessional division, situated on a small brook market, granted by Henry Ill. has long since fallen into
and on the road from Canterbury to Sandwich, 6 miles east disuse. The village is lighted with gas by the Wingham
from Canterbury, 6 south-west from Sandwich, 2 north Gas Company Limited, formed in rB85 and is about (18go)
from Adisham station on the London, Chatham and Dover to be supplied with water from Dambridge spring l:ly the 1
Railway and 62 from London_ It is in the Eastern division sanitary authoritif:S c,f Eastry Union. The parish church
of the county, lathe of St. Augustine, hundred of its own of St. Mary the Virgin is a building of flint, with some ad-
name, union of Eastry, Sandwich coun~y court distrid, and mixture .()f stone, and is chiefly in the Decorated and I
in the rural deanery of East Bridge, and archdeaconry and Perpendicular styles ; it consists of chancel with aisles.
nave, south aisle, south porch and an embattled western Lowndes William Layton esq. M. A. 27 Marine parade, Dove:r
tower with spire containing a clock and 8 bells: the Monins John Henry esq. Ringwould house, Ringwould,Dove:u
chancel retains two piscinre and sedilia, and both the Philips Francis esq. Lee Priory, Sandwich
chancel and its aisles contain examples of Decorated work, Phipps Filmer esq. River house, near Dover
especially in the windows ; all the original stalls, with Plumptre Charles John esq. M.A. Fredville, Dover
their misereres, remain : a wooden screen of the 17th Plumptre Henry Fitzwalter esq. Goodnestone, Wingham,
century with twisted columns divides the chancel from Sandwich
the nave : in the north chapel is a fine alabaster monu- Rice Admiral Sir Edwd. Bridges K.CoB. Dane court, Sandwich
ment to the memory of James Palmer, dated 1627; the Sladen Lieut.-Col. J oseph D.L. Ripple court, Deal
south chapel belongs to the Oxenden family and has a Stevenson George Robert esq. 17 East cliffe, Dover
superb Decorated window of five lights on the south side ; Toomer George Elgar esq. Beaumont lodge, Folkestone road,.
in this chapel is a vast pyramidal monument of marble, witll Dover
Cupids and other pagan adornments, to one of the Clerks to the Magistrates, Kingsford & Wigbtwick, I Wat-
Oxendens and dated x666: the organ was erected in October, ling street, Canterbury
x886, at a cost of £goo: the church was partially restored Petty Sessions are held at the Sessions House, Wingham,.
in I875 and has s6o sittings, I50 being free. The register first thursday in each month at u a.m. & at the Town
of baptisms dates from 1568; marriages and burials, 1569. Hall, Dover, at 2 p.m. third thursday in each month&;
The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £ n5, with resi- fourth thursday in September
dence, in the gift of Mrs. Western Plumptre. There is a The Sessions House, erected in x882 is a structure of red
Congregational chapel, erected in 1835, and restored 1885 at brick standing by itself about a quarter of a mile south-
a cost of about £400, with sittings for 200. The Wesleyan west
chapel is now used as the Drill Hall for the I Co. of the 1st The Division comprises the following places~ Wingham
Volunteer Battalion The Buffs (East Kent Kegiment). This Section-Adisham, Ash, Barham, Betteshanger, Bishops-
place gives the title of Baron Cowper of Wingham to the bourne, Chillenden, Denton, Eastry, Elmstone, Goodne-
Cowper family, Earls Cowper. Henry de Wingham, a stone, Ham, Ickham, Kingstone, Knowlton, Littlebourne,
person highly favoured by Henry Ill. and a native of this Nonnington, Northbourne, Preston, Staple, Stodmarsh,
parish, was Bishop of London, 1259-63. In July, x88I, Stourmouth, Tilmanstone, Wickham Breaux, Wingham,.
auring excavation in a meadow near the bridge, some re- Womenswould,Woodnesborongh&Worth; DoverSection-
mains of a Roman villa were uncovered, including three Alkham, Barfrestone, Buckland, Capel·le-Ferne,Charlton,
mosaic floors, one having decoration of the Greek key Coldred, Ewell, Eythorne, Guston, Hougham, East Lang-
pattern. Sir Henry Montagu Oxenden hart. who is lord of don, Lydden, St. Margaret's Cliff, Great Mongeham,
the manor,Earl Cowper K.G. ,P.c. and Mrs. Western Plumptre, Little Mongeham, Oxney, Poulton, Ripple, River, Sholden,
of Goodnestone Park, are the chief landowners. The soil Sibertswould, Sutton, Swingfield, Waldershare, Westcliff,.
is rich loam: subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, Whitfield & Woolton
barley, oats aud hops. The area is 2,647 acres of land; PuBLIC EsTABLISHMENTS:-
rateable value, £6,872 ; the population in x88x was x, 153.
East Kent Regiment (the Buffs), xst Volunteer battalion.
TWITHAM x! miles east, WINGHAU WELL :i of a mile west (I Co. ), Lieut. H. W. Plumptre, commandant ; Sergeant
and CROCKSHARD 1 mile south are in this parish. Richard Newsham, drill instructor
Sexton, Charles Hogben. Volunteer Fire Brigade Engine Station, next door to the
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office. 'Red Lion' inn, :Francis Philips, hon. captain ; J. W.
-Henry Edwin Drury, postmaster. Letters arrive from Robinson, captain, 2 lieutenants, 4 district officers & 7 men
Sandwich at 5.20 a. m. & 1 pom. & delivered in summer at
7 p.m. & 8 a.m. in winter; dispatched at 9 a.m. & 8.15 PUBLIC OFFICERS :-
p.m. Box closes at 8 p.m :Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator for Wingham District,.
Eastry union, Charles Gray Montgomery Lewis
DIVISION. Registrar of Births & Deaths for Wingham Division, Henry
The Senior Magistrate is Chairman. Edwin Drury ; deputy, George Drury
Northbonrne Lord JILA., D.L. Betteshanger, Sandwich National School (boys), built about 1868 by the late Lord
Astley Edward Ferrand esq. M. D. Marine parade, Dover Fitzwalter & conceded to the parish by his brother, the:
Banks Edward Richard Rupert Geo. esq. l:!holden ho. Deal late Rev. Sir Brook G. Bridges bart.; there are 6o boys
on the registers; average attendance, 53; Alfred Filcher,.
Banks William John esq. Oxney court, Dover
master. (Girls & infants), with 112 children on the,
Bell Matthew esq. M.A., D.L. Bourne park, Canterbury
registers; average attendance, So; this school has an en-
Coleman George esq. Rosway, Deal
D'Aeth Capt. Lewis Narbrough H ughes, Maydeken, Denton dowment of £x6 yearly, left by Sir James Oxenden in
1686; Miss Helena Foreman, mistress; Miss Emma.
Finnis John esq. Brook house, Dover
Fortescue Francis esq. 75 Eaton pi. Belgrave sq. London sw King, infants' mistress
Gipps George Bowdler esqo Howletts, near Canterbury CONVEYANCE:-
Gipps Herbert Leigh esq. Elmleigh, Wingham Luck's omnibus from Eastry to Canterbury, sat
Godfrey Ingram Fuller e~qo Brook house, Ash, Sandwich Clement's omnibus from Goodnestone to Canterbury, on
Hammond W. Oxenden esq. D.L. St. Alban's, Wingham mon. wed. & sat
Harvey John James esq. Statenborough house, Sandwich Hooker's omnibus from Sandwich to Canterbury passes
Henderson John esq. 24 The Beach, Walmer, Deal I through in the morning at 10.30, returning in the evening
James Hon.Wltr. Hy. B.A., DoL., M.P. Updown ho. Sandwich at 5.30
Lawes Major Robert Bartholomew D.L. Old park, Dover I Stringer's omnibus to Canterbury g.3o a. m. returning in
Lister W. Vey, Great Walton, Sandwich the evening at 5·30 p.m
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. DruryGeorge,whitesmith &ironmonger, 1 Howard Henry John, grocer & dealer in
Beaumont Edward, Wingham house & deputy registrar of births & deaths british wines
Chandler Miss
Clarke Rev. John [Congregational], Drury Henry Edwin, registrar of births Hudson Anne (Miss), seminary
The Manse & deaths for Wingham sub-district, 0 Hudson George, plumber & glazier
Coleman Jesse
Collard Mrs & postmaster Kelsey Charles, farmer, Wenderton frm
Dean Samuel Hill, The Green
Elgar Mrs. James East Kent Regiment (The Buffs), xst Kendall Mary Ann(Mrs.),boot&shoema.
Elgar Mrs. Richard, Wingham lodge
Eves James Volunteer Battalion (I Company) Kendall Stephen, grocer
Harris Mrs
Harvey Mrs (Lieut.H.W.Plumptre,commandant; LarkinWm.linen weaver& twine spinner
Larkin John
Lewis Charles Gray Montgomery Sergt. Richd.Newsham,drill instrctr) Larkin William, Dog P.H
Phillips Mrs
Sandcroft Mrs Elgar James Edward, land agent & Laslett Anthony, farmer, Dean farm
COMMERCIAL. farmer, Crockshard Laslett Robert, farmer & grazier,.
Austen Henry Phillip, beer retailer Ford Frances (Mrs.), laundress Wingham Well farm
Bishop Henry, shoe maker
Fostall John, saddler Laslett Leonard Wm. corn merchant
Branford John J. grocer
Goodban Edward, shoe maker Lawson Caroline (Mrs.), baker
Coleman Augustus, linen draper
Deverson Daniel, hurdle maker Hambrook Charles, tax collector for Lewis Charles Gray Montgomery, sur-
Deverson Rd. ladder ma. Wingham well
Staple, Lime villa geon, & medical officer & public vac-
Hambrook Hazeldine Charles, market cinator, Wingham dist. Eastrynnion
gardener, North court Lovell Thomas Henry, builder, con-
Hammond Robert Adam, beer retailer, tractor & blacksmith
Wingham well Lnckhurst Waiter, hardware &gen. dlr
0 Maplesden Alfred lnge, miller (steam&.
Harris Charles, builder
Hayward Lizzie (Miss), dress maker wind), Wir.gham well
Hogben Chas. chimney sweep & sexton Marsh Geo.pork butcher, Wingham well
HolnessHy.farmer,Heart'sDelight farm Matson Henry, farmer
Honeyball & Son, coal merchants (Wm. Mepsted Edward, farmer, Twitham
Rigden, manager) . Miles Noah, farmer, Twitham
Newsham Sergeant Richard, drill in- Phillips Henry Kendall, beer retailer 1Sinnock William, rope & twine maker
structor of I Company, 1st Vol.Batt. Pittock William, butcher Smith Harry, clothier
East Kent Regiment Pollard James, jeweller, High street Syckelmoore J as.Pierce,grocr..draper&e
Orger Alfred, cab proprietor Pyner Wm. Rt. farmer, Trapham fa..,rmm Taylor gardener,Crockshard
Palmer Henry Bridges, chemist & Ralph John, market gardener,Twitham Wellard William, hurdle maker
stationer.& agent for W. & A.Gilbey, Robinson James, farmer & landowner, Wingham Agricultural Implement C.:o.
Lim. (William Rigden, sec)
wine & spirit merchants Wingham court
Payne Charles, tobacconist . Rye Stephen, market gardnr. Rushims W"inghamGasCo.Lim.(Wm.Rigden,sec}
Petley Chas.farmr.Brook & Staple frms Saddleton Hy. farmer, Beechtree house Wrake John, baker
Phillips Charles, beer retailer
WITTERSHAM (or WITTRISHAM) is a parish and of supplying the parish with pure water. A fair is hel<f
village, situated on high ground on the Sussex border, 5 here for pedlery on the 12th of May. The trustees of the-
miles north from Rye and 6~ south-east from Appledore late Rev. E. H. M. Sladen M.A. who are lords of the
stations on the South-Eastern railway, and 5 south from College manor, Col. Lawrence Heyworth, of Palstre
Tenterden, and, with the parishes of Stone and Ebony, is Court, who is lord of Palstre manor, Mr. William Curtis
surrounded by the river Rother and its branches, forming and the Rev. George Curteis Luxford M.A., J.P. of Higham
the Isle of Oxney. The parish is in the Southern division of House, Hurst Green, Sussex, are the chief landowners. The
the county, Oxney hundred, lathe of Shepway, Ashford soil is mixed; subsoil, .crowstone. The chief crops are
petty sessional division, Tenterden union and county court hops, wheat, oats and beans. The area is 3,591 acres;
district, and in the rural deanery of South Lympne and rateable value, [,4,495; the population in 1881 was 886,
archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The church of but it has decreased of late years and the increasing num-
St. John the Baptist, which is a conspicuous landmark, ber of empty houses causes it to have a decayed appearance.
is a very fine building of stone in the Decorated style, Parish Clerk, Edward Fautly.
consisting of chancel, nave, aisles and an embattled p 0 sT, M. 0 . & T. o., s. B. & Annu1"ty & I nsurance Offic&
western tower with a turret at the north-east angle, con- (letters should have S.O.Kent added).-Miss MaryForster,
taining a clock and 5 bells: the chancel was rebuilt and postmistress. Letters arrive at 7.50 a.m. ; dispat-ched
beautified by the Rev. E. R. Nares, late rector: the choir at p.m •
stalls are of carved oak, and there is some good stained
glass: the church ayfefoarrds1575500, sittings. The register dates National School (mixed), incorporated in 1874 by direction
at least from the but there is an earlier book, of the Charity Commissioners with the Free School
said to be "very old and illegible." The living is a rectory, founded in 1820 by the Rev. William Cornwallis, for
yearly value from tithe rent-charge £ o5f90th, ewAithrc1h7biaschrqeps of so years rector of this parish, .for the education of poor
glebe land and residence, in the gift of boys of Wittersham, who were entitled under this foun-
Canterbury, and held since 1872 by the Rev. Samuel dation to instruction for five years; the endowment>
dd d consists of 18 acres of land at Small Hythe, now (1890)
Ha en Parkes M.A. of Jesus College, Cambri ge, rural producing [,38 yearly; the school buildings are of blue
stone, faced with red hrick, in the Gothic style, & wer~
dean of South Lympne. Dr. Beilby Porteus, Bishop of erected, with residence, for the master & mistress,
London, 1787-tSog, was once rector of this living. Here at a cost of about £1,900 & opened in November, 1874 ~
is a Wesleyan chapel. J. Greenland, of Beckingham, in they will hold 173 children; average attendance, I29 ;
the ear1y part of the present century left ~r 700 in trust, William Henry Thorpe, master ; Miss Lucy Thorpe, mis-
the interest of which· is given in bread; and £100 in
addition is invested to provide remuneration for two per-
sons from Tenterden to audit the accounts. A fountain tress ; Miss Annie Thorpe, assistant mistress
with reservoir was constructed in December, 1884, at the CARRIERS TO RYE-R. & J. Bennett & Co. daily, through
expense of the late Rev. Edward Henry Mainwaring from Tenterden, returning same day; John Dengate,.
Sladen M.A. of Wittersham Court (d. 1884), for the purpose junr. daily from his own house
Austen Mrs ' Dengate John, painter & bricklayer Neve Waiter, farmer, Mount Pleasant
Body John, The College Dengate John, jun. carrier Packer Henry, saddler
Collard Thomas William DennissJacob, wheelwright &carpenter Packham Edwin, fruiterer
Delves Alfred Henry, Potman's heath Dunster Charles, fanner Packham Mary Ellen (Mrs.), dress ma
Lingham Benjamin, The Cottage :Forster Frederick, beer retailer PadghamAlfred Wm.(exors. of),groceT~:P
Padgham Charles J<'rost John, farmer, Little Stocks farm Paine Frank, butcher
Padgham Mrs Fuggle Henry, fruiterer Pankhurst Wm. farmer, Pound farm
ParkesRev. ~ami. Hadden M.A.Rectory Fuggle Richard, assistant overseer Pilbeam James, miller (wind)
Pullen Thomas James, The Hall Gosbee Soda, farmer, Beech's farm Smith Stephen, farmer, Ham green
Terry Joseph Garside, Tile house Grace Thomas Joseph (exors. of),brick, Springett George, butcher
COMMERCIAL. tile & drain pipe makers Springett George, jun. fruiterer
Ashbee Henry, registrar of births & Highwood John, shopkeeper Standen James, farmer, grazier & hop-
deaths; attends 2nd & 4th wed. in Hinds Albert, baker grower, Acton house
each month, 10 to II o'clock Hinds Albert, jun. lime burner & coal Standen Spencer, farmer, grazier &hop-
Ballard John, farmer, The Stocks merchant, Blackwall wharf grower, Blackbrook farm
Brann Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Holdstock John, fruiterer & farmer Terry Joseph Garside,surgeon & fatmer
Brignall John, farmer, Mumford Hollands William, farmer & medical officer & publicvaccinator,
Burley James, The Swan P.H Martin Edward, shoe maker Wittersham district,Tenterden union,.
Chittenden Jas.farmr.Peenings quarter Martin Richard, farmer & farm bailiff Tile house
Cooper Stephen, farmer to Col. L. Heyworth,Yew Tree farm Terry \Villiam, butcher
Curteis William, farmer Masters Samuel, carpenter Winton Silas, blacksmith
Davis John, Ewe & Lamb inn Neve Thomas Rootes, grocer & draper Winton Thomas, shopkeeper
Dengate Charles, baker & farmer
WOMENSWOULD (or Wymynswold) is a small vil- contains several ancient monuments of the Winchesterr
lage and parish, to the north of the Dover road, 7 miles Nethersole and other families: it was thoroughly restored in
sonth-east from Canterbury and west from Deal, 10 north- 1870, and has 151 sittings. The register dates from the
west from Dover and 2i miles south from Adisham station year IS74· The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-
on the Loudon, Chatham and Dover railway, in the Eastern charge £41 9s. net income £145, including 2A. gR. of glebe-
division of the county, Wingham hundred and petty session- and residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury,
al division, lathe of St. Augustine, Bridge union, Canterbury and held since 188o by the Rev. James McKeen.n. of Trinity-
eounty court district, and in the rural deanery of East College, Dublin. Here is a Baptist chapel, erected in 1887.
Bridge and archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbut"y. The Percy D. N. Dixwell-Oxenden esq. J.P. is lord of the manor.
parish church of St. Margaret is a building of flint and The principal landowners are C. J. Plumptre esq. and Frank
stone, chiefly in the Early English style, consisting of chan- Dyson esq. of Denne Hill. The soil is chalky; subsoil,
cel, nave, a small transeptal chapel, south porch and a chalk. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The
western tower containing one bell: in both the north and area is 1,410 acres; rateable value, .£1,785; the population
south walls of the chancel there is a pointed sepulchral in x881 was 226.
arch, and on the south an oblong aumbry, three sedilia and Parish Sexton and Clerk, Thomas Burvill.
a piscina: another piscina remains at the south-east eud of
the nave: the chancel windows are stained, two being the PosT OFFICE.-John W. Holloway, receiver. Letters arrive
gift of Major Dyson in memory of his son, who was killed through Canterbury at 7 a. m. & dispatched at 6.go p.m.
in the Zulu war: there are other memorial windows, pre- The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Barham.
sented by Mrs. Parker in memory of her late husband, Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
father, two brothers and sister, and also two windows given National School (mixed), erected in t86o, for 100 children;
by the Rev. William Clementson, late vicar: the church average attendance, 52; Miss Eda Coombs, mistress
McKee Rev. James D. D. Vicarage :Fox James, beer retailer, Woolwich Miles Arthur, farmer
Arter Edward, Halfway House P.H. Holloway John, carpenter Ratcliffe Charles,farmer,Woolwich frm
Holloway John W.carpenter, Post office
Canterbury road Lawrence George Stephen, beer retailer Button & Ratcliffe, auctioneers
Ayers George, pork butcher & farmer, Button J. farmer, Nethersole farm
WOODCHURCH is an ancient village and large parish, den esq. ob. 1558, and Elizabeth (Watno), his wife, ob. 1539;
6 miles north-west from Appledore, 4f west from Ham and Margaret, his wife, with 10 children; Roger Harhlkyn·
Street and 7! south-west from Ashford stations on the South den esq. ob. 1523: and Martin Harlakinden esq. 1584 &
Eastern railway and 5 east from Tenterden, in the Southern Deborah (Whetenhall) his wife: there is a memorial win-
division of the county, hundreds of Blackborne and Aloes- dow to Mr. Smeeth, for many years churchwarden : the
bridge, in the liberty of Romney Marsh, lathe of Scray, Ash- church was restored in 1846, and has 420 sittings, all being
ford petty sessional division, Tenterden union and county free. The register of baptisms dates from the year 1539;
eourt district, and in the rural deanery of South Lympne marriages and burials from 1538. The living is a rectory,
and archd.eaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The church net yearly value [,537, with residence, in the gift of the
of All Saints consists of chancel with north and south cha- Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since :z889 by the Rev.
pels, nave, aisles, north porch and a western tower with Andrew Welch. There are Wesleyan and Bible Christian
spire containing a clock and 6 bells ; it stands on high chapels. In some excavations in the parish traces of a Roman
ground, on the borders of Shirley Moor, and was erected by road were discovered. The charities amount to £28 yearly.
one of the Woodchurches, an ancient family which took its Hengherst, the residence of Arthur Thomas Schreiber esq.
name from this parish and exchanged it for that of Clark on J.P. is pleasantly situated in a park, surrounded by woods,
succeeding to Mountford, in Kingsnorth : the church is a plantations and grounds tastefully laid out. Col. Herbert
large building of stone, and its prevailing features are those George Deedes J.P. of Sandling Park, is lord of the
of very good Early English, the interior being decidedl:v im- manor. There are several landowners. The soil is heavy;
posing; arcades of four arches on columns of polished Kent- subsoil, clayey. The chief crops are wheat, beans and
ish rag alternately circular and octagonal divide the nave oats, and there are about 8o acres of hops. The area is
and aisles : the north porch has a parvise, with a staircase 6,982 acres ; rateable value, £6,o88 ; the population in 1881
door opening into the north aisle, and a like staircase north was 1,240.
of the chancel arch formerly led to an upper rood loft; a HARLACKENDEN and PLURRENDEN are 2 miles north;
similar stone staircase (now usad for pulpit steps) led to a BROOK STREET, 1 mile south-west; REDBROOK STREET, I
lower rood loft: the chancel is a remarkably fine example of mile north.
Early English work, and has three sedilia ascending east- Parish Clerk, John Milliner.
ward, a double piscina and on the north an aumbry: the PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.
tower is also Early English, but has a Decorated west win- -Horace Jarvis, postmaster. Letters received through
dow: the font is an Early one, with a bowl of black marble, Ashford at 7·55 a.m. & 2.5 p.m. for callers only; dis-
sculptured with a rude Norman arcade, and stands on a patched at 5.50 p.m. &sundays 9.50 a.m
()ylindrical stem with shafts at the angles : there are also PILLAR LETTER Box, Cherry garden, cleared on week days
many ancient monuments to the Woodchurches, Clarkes, at 6 p.m. & sundays, 10.15 a.m ·
Harlakyndens and others: Sir Simon de Woodchurch, buried WALL LETTER Box, Shirk oak, cleared at 5· 15 p.m. week
in this church, was one of the Kentish nobles knighted at days only
the siege of Caerlaverock by Edward I. and sumamed National School (mixed), erected in- 1844 & enlarged in
"'Malleus Scotorum," or" the hammer of the Scots:-" Sir 1872, for2oo children; average attendance, 133; Thomas
John Clarke, who distinguished himself at the battle of C. Kenward, master; Miss Hill, assistant mistress; Mrs.
Poictiers, 19 Sapt. 1356, is also buried here: in the south Sims, infants' mistress
ehapel is a fine Late tomb of marble to Sir Edward Water- CARRIERS:-
house, Chancellor of the Exchequer in Ireland, knighted in George Tanton, to Ashford, every day, sunday excepted,
1:584 by Sir John Perrott kt. lord deputy, ob. 1591 : there is at 9 a. m. retuming same day; George William Trowell,
also the brass of a priest, said to be Nichol de Gore, with to Rye, tues. thurs. & sat. at 9 a.m. & to Tenterden, mon.
effigy and an inscription in French in Lombardic characters, wed. & fri. at I p. m. r~turning same days ; John Arthur
circ. 1320 ; and there are other brasses to Thomas Harlakin- to Rye, mon. wed. & fri
Curtis Richard James, The Bower Curtis Richard James, far!ller & hop Pearson Wm. farmer, Little Ingham
Schreiber Arthur 'rhos. J.P. Hengherst grower, ~andhill & Vine Hall farms, Putland Thomas, grocer, & agent for W.
Terry Edward Bacheler .Bethersden & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit merchants
Welch Rev. Andrew, Rectory Davis John, farmer, Cherry garden Reader Thomas, farmer, Brook street
Wilson Mrs. Red Brook house Dunster Frederick, farmer, :Frogshole Reeves James, farmer, King farm, Red
Wisdom Wm. Ebenezer, Melrose house Fitch Daniel, farmer, Red Brook street Brook street
COMMERCIAL. Fullagar Ann (Mrs.), shoe maker Reeves John, farmer, Susan's hill
Alcock George, farmer, Weeks farm Fullagar Thomas, butcher Reeves William, farmer
.Arthur John, higgler Gold Edward, farmer, High oak Rogers Arthur, watch ma. & jeweller
£anks James, gra1ier, Small Profits Goodsell Sarah (Mrs.), Bonny Cravat Schreiber Thomas, farm~r, Harlacken-
Banks Stepl.en, farmer, Coleblow farm commercial inn den & Mayshave farms
Earham John, baker Hawkett Henry,farmer,Malt Housefrm Stratton Joseph Thomas, fruiterer
:Ba.rton Thomas, shopkeeper Hayland Juhn, farmer, Mount Pleasant Tanton Albert, corn dealer
.Beslee David (exors. of late), farmers, Homewood Rd. beer retlr. Stonebridge Tanton George, carrier & farmer
Red brook Hook Frank, farmer & hop grower TantonJas. Wm.miller (wind) & farmer
Eoume Albert, farmer Humphrey Henry, farmer, Shirk oak Terry Edward Bacheler, surgeon, &
£ourne Rd. (Mrs.), farmer, Grove farm Jarvis Horace, grocer, draper & farmer, medical officer & public vaccinator,
J3ourne Waiter, farmer, Red Brook st Post office Woodchurchdistrict,Tenterden union
Bourne Wm.Hook,builder & blacksmith Killick Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Waiter Terry Thomas, Six Bells P.H: & farmer,
:Bright Henry Hassell, farmer, Brook st House farm Park farm & Orange&· Berridge frms
Brown James, grazier Kingsnorth Jn. farmer, Highland farm Trowell George William, carrier
Bunn George Wi..:ks, grazier, The Cot KingsnorthJsph.Potter,frmr.Red brook Trowell William, farmer ·
Button Frederick Edward, carpenter Linderage Charles, butcher Turner Daniel, saddler & stationer
Button George Bond, grazier Linderage Joseph, farmer, Diamond Watts Chas. &Son,farmers, Place farm
Button Samuel, farmer,Brickwall farm farm, Brook street Watts Samuel Law, farmer, Little
Carpenter George, farmer, Hendon pl Mace David B. farmer, Great Ingham Robhurst farm
Chant ·waiter, gamekeeper to Arthur MarkwiCk Thomas, farmer, Coleham Wells Richard Barber,farmer & grazier,
Thomas Schreiber esq green & :Frights farm Court Lodge farm
Chaplin Thomas, cowkeepr.Susan's hill Markwick Wm. farmer, Robhurst farm Wilkinson Herbert, farmer
Chapling Wm. farmer, Red Brook st Marshall Geo. Charles, grocer & draper WilkinsonNaomi Jane(Mrs.},shopkeepr
Chapling Wm. jun. farmer, May wood Marshall William, carpenter WilsonFredericaCath.(Miss),ladies' schl
Chasmar George, tile & drain pipe Orms John, farm bailiff to ArthurThos. Wisdom WilliamEbenezer, commercial
manufacturer, Spring place Schreiber esq. Hengherst farm & classical boarding & day school for
ChasmarJohn Thomas, farmer &assist. Orpin Charles, farmer, Plurrenden young gentleman, Melrose house
overseer, Little Stonebridge farm Palmer Harman, farmer, Beacon farm Woodcock John, farmer, May Shaves
Coleman George, farm bailiff to Arthur Pearson Alfred, carpenter, Red brook Woodgate Saml.farmer,Hombrookfrm
Thos. Schreiber esq. New Hurst farm Pearson Alfred, jun. farmer Young John, tailor, The Green
Collick Henry, farmer, Myrtle house
WOODLANDS, a hamlet of Wrotham parish, 4 miles Shoreham parish, formed into an ecclP.siastical parish in
north-west of the town, 2 north of Kemsing station on the 185o, in the Medway division of the county, lathe of Sutton-
London, Chatham and Dover railway, and 6 north-east from at-Hone, hundred of Codsheath, petty sessional division of
Sevenoaks, was, together with a portion of the woodlands of Mailing, union of Malling, county court district uf Seven·
oaks, and in the rural deanery of Shoreham, archdeaconry J.P. of St. Clere, Kemsing and Barclay Field esq. of Beechy
of Maidstone and diocese of Canterbury. The church of St. Lees, Kemsing. The soil is chalk and clay; subsoil, clay.
Mary is a building of flint in the Early English style, consist- The chief crops are barley, oats, hops and fruit. The area
ing of chancel and nave and a small western belfry contain- of that portion detached from Wrotham is 493 acres; the
iitg one bell: there are 100 sittings, all free. The register population in 1881 was 102. •
ydaetaerslyfvroamlueth£e1syse, awr it1h85roe.sidTenhcee living is a vicarage, net Letters through Sevenoaks arrive at 9 a.m. & 1:2.30 p.m.
and 3
acres in glebe, in
the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since The nearest money order office is at Kemsing & telegraph
x86o by the Rev. John Harward Jessop Handcock. The office at Seal. LETTER Box cleared at 10.15 a.m
principal landowners are Lord Dunsany M.P. Mrs. Vincent, The children of this place attend the school at Kemsing &
Edmund Boscawen Evelyn esq. Sir Mark Wilks Collet hart. I Kingsdown
Handcock Rev. John Harward Jessop, Butler Stewart, farmer,Goodberry frm Golby H. farmer, Week farm
Vicarage Clark Samuel, farmer, Woodlands farm Richardson Thomas, farmer
Bensted John, Rising Sun P.H Cole George, farmer Russell Richard,frmr.Woodlands manor
Booker Henry, farmer, Romney street Farley Frank, Fox & Hounds P.H
WOODNESBOROUGHis a parish and village, deriv- 1835, left the sum of £700, now in 2£ per Cent. Consols, the
ing its name from Woden, a mile and a half south-west from interest of which is distributed annually amongst the most
Sandwich, on a Romau road, at the foot of a spur of a chain deserving and necessitous poor of this parish, professing the
<Jf hills which command an extensive view of the surround- religion of the Established Church. On Woodnesborough
ing country; it is in the Eastern division of the country, Hill great quantities of Saxon antiquities have been found
lower half hundred and union of Eastry, lathe of St. Angus- at different periods. Lord :Yorthbourne D.L., J.P. is lord of
tine, Wingham petty sessional division, Sandwich county the manor of Grove and Shelving Court, and George Cola-
court district, and in the rural deanery of Sandwich and man esq. is lord of the Parsonage manor: the great tithes
archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. The ancient church are held by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. Lord North-
<Jf St. Mary the Virgin, picturesquely situated at a short dis- bourne D.L.t J.P. Mrs. Western Plumptre, of Goodnestone
tance from the village, is an edifice of stone in the Early Park and the trustees of the late Thomas Collett are the chief
English and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave landowners. The soil is loam ; subsoil, c.lay. 'fhe chief
<Jf four bays, aisles, north porch and a western tower con- crops are wheat, barley, oats, potatoes and general garden
taining 5 bells; on the south side of the chancel are three produce. The area is 2,933 acres of laud; rateable value,
beautiful stone stalls of Rectilinear character, each with a £7,188; the population in 188l was 936. Woodnesborough
crocketed ogee head; the divisions are formed by clustered and Marshborongh seem to have been Roman towns or
shafts, and above the whole runs an embattled cornice ; near villages.
these is a small piscina: in the chancel is a brass to John MARSHBOROUGH half a mile north. CoMBE I mile north-
Parker, vicar, ob-. 4 Oct. 1513, and one to Sir Nicholas west, HAMMILL 2 miles south-west and Su.MMERFIELD 2i
Spenser kt. ob. 1593 : in the churchyard is a sun dial dated miles west, are hamlets in this parish.
1738: the church was partially restored in 1884, and has Sexton, John Dilnot Smith.
25a sittings. The register dates from the year 1561. The PosT OFFICE.-Thomas Pettmau, receiver. Letters through
living is a vicarage, commuted tithes £438, net yearly value Dover, arrive at 6.30 a. m. ; dispatched at 7.30 p.m. The
£220, including 3~ acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift nearest money order & telegraph office is at l:landwich
of the Dean and Chapter of Rochester, and held since 1881 National School (mixed), built in 1849, for 120 children:
by the Rev. Francis Savage M.A. of St. John's College, Cam- average attendance, 120; Samuel .Hurbidge, master;
bridge. There is a small Congregational chapel. Mrs. Sarah Mrs. Lilian .Hurbidge, mistress
Stewart, of Woodnesborough, by will, dated :February 6th, CARRIER TO SANDWICH.-Henry Rowe, daily, sun. excepted
Beake Mrs. Canterbury gate 1Drayson Charles, market gardener Marsh William, boot maker & market
Browne Mrs. Coliis, The Grange Friend David, mrkt. grdnr. Summertld gardener, Marshborough
Collett Mrs. Ringleton Gardner Francis, hawker Orpin HenryMaxted, farmer, Ringleton
Harvey William Horn, Russell house Groombridge Brothers, market gar- Ovenden Albert, market gardener,
Savage Rev. Francis M.A. Vicarage deners, Marshborough I Marshborongh
COMMERCIAL. Groombridge John, farmer Ovenden John, beer retailer, Oak hill
Armstrong Frederick George, market Hammond Robert, market gardener Parson gardnr. Onion beds
gardener & farmer, Pareonage farm Harvey William, farmer, Each farm Pettman Albert, grocer & baker
Armstrong Geo. farmer, Marshborough Harvey William Horn, corn factor Pettman James, boot & shoe maker
Attwood William, Royal Oak P.H Hatcher Henry, farmer, Summerfield Pettmau Thomas, ooot maker & over-
Beerling John, farmer, East street Hills Wm. Jn. Red Lion P.H. Each end seer & assessor, Post office
Buley Geo. farmer & brick & pipe mnfr Holness Henry Richardson, market Ralph Albt Ernest,farmer,Gt.Flemings
Bushell William, farmer, Poulton gardener, New street Rogers Charles, market gardener,
Clark Waiter Hy. farmer, Hammill crt Johnson Thomas, farmer, Ringlemere :Marshborough
Cobus Wm. market gardener, Fleming Kingsland Court, farmer, Hammill Rowe Thomas Henry, Charity P.H
Cornes George, market gardener, Laslett Thomas Knight, market gar- Smith John Dilnot, sexton & carpenter,
Marshborough dener, Marshborough Beacon lane
Couchman George, farmer, Ringlemere Laslett Walt.Thos.linen, sack, sail, rope Solley James, market gardener
Denne Thomas, farmer, Denne court & twine manufactr.; & at Sandwich Spratt Alexander, market gardener
Deveson 'l'hos. market gdnr. Beacon la Lawrence Pierce, farmer, Summ•rfield Stanley Thos. miller (wind & steam),
Dilnot Thomas, farmer, Barnsole Long William E. farmer & land steward White mill
Dixon William, blacksmith, Oakhill & to Lord Northbourne D.L. J.P. Grove TaylorJames, beerret. Drainless drove-
Drainless drove Marsh John, baker Wacher Thomas, farmer, Flemings
WooLWICH is a parliamentary borough, garrison and union The town is built in a healthy situation on the northern
town and parish, situated principally on the southern bank declivity of Shooter's Hill, sloping down towards the bank
of the river Thames, 8 miles below London bridge by land of the river, the summit of this slope forming a spacious
and 9 by water, owing to the windings of the river; it was level known as Woolwich common. There are two piers, at
within the parliamentary borough of Greenwich until the which steamers from London Bridge call daily during the
passing of the" Redistribution of Seats Act, 1885." when it summer months, and at Greenwich, Blackwall South Wool-
• was made a separate parliamentary borough, comprising wich, Rosherville and Gravesend ; and other steamers, start-
the parishes of Woolwich, Eltham and Plumstead, and is ing from the Old Swan pier, also call daily (summer months
now, under the provisions of the "Local Government Act, only) en route for Clacton-on-Sea; there is also a steam
1888," included within the "County of London ; " it is in ferry in connection with the Great Eastern railway at North
the North Western division of the county of Kent, lathe of Woolwich, on the Essex side of the river. The Woolwich
.Sutton-at-Hone, Blackheath petty sessional division and free ferry, agreed to by the Metropolitan Board of Works in
hundred, rural deanery of Woolwich and archdeaconry and 1887, and opened March 23, 1889, by Lord Rosebery, chair-
diocese of Rochester, and in the Woolwich branch of tbe man of the London County Council, is the first free ferry
Greenwich connty court district; it is within the juris- established on the river Thames : the site is about a hun-
diction of the Central Criminal Court and Metropolitan dred yards east of that b3longing to the Great Eastern rail-
way ; and the land approaches, with bridges, floating stages
and two ferry-hoats, have cost £6o,ooo: each boat, which visitors are admitted on Tuesdays and Thursdays only, be-
will hold r,ooo passengers, crosses in three and a half tween ro and rr.3o a.m. or between 2 and 4.30 p.m.
minutes, and the ferry is at work from 5 a. m. until 12.30 at On the right of the road leading from the Arsenal to the
night, and on Sundays from 8 to rr. The North Kent rail- garrison is a spacious building, used as barracks for the
way and the South.Eastern system have stations at the gentlemen cadets of the practical or upper .class. •
Dockyard and Arsenal, and the trains of these companie3 On the left of the entrance to the garrison is the Hospital,
run frequently throughout the day. The. South. Eastern fitted up with 700 beds, and under the charge of an Inspector-
Railway Company has a direct line from this place to Green- General of the medical establishment.
wich and London. Woolwich, besides having the Government manufacturing
The town is governed by a J,.ocal Board of Health con- and store establishments within its borders, is also the head
sisting of 21 members, r8 of whom are elected by the rate- quarters of a Military command and the depot of the Royal
payers and the remaining 3 nominated by the authorities of Horse and Field Batteries of Artillery, and also of the Army
the Royal Arsenal and the garrison. Two gas companies Service Corps. .
have been established for lighting the town, which is supplied The Royal Artillery Barracks have a south frontage to the
with water from the Kent Water Works, situated in Plum- common of nearly one-fourth of a mile in lengt.h, the east
stead. · square being devoted to Service Batteries and the west
Within the area of the parish are a series of important square to Depots of Royal Horse Artillery. The buildings
Government establishments connected with the War Depart- comprise officers' quarters and residences for the non-com-
ment, the chief of these being as follows : - missioned officers and men, and also the garrison chapel of
The Royal Arsenal, situated at the east end of the town St. George, a building in the Italian-Gothic style, erected in
and covering 350 acres and employing a vast number of per- r86r by Messrs. Wyatt, in which divine service is conducted
sons, comprises three departments, viz., the Royal Gun Fac- by the garrison chaplain. The officers have a library, rich
tories, the Royal Carriage Department and the Royal Labor- in military literature and supplied with all the publications
atory, as well as the Ordnance Store Department, perhaps of the day. Opposite is a fine monument by Bell, erected
the largest depot for army stores in the world. by their comrades to the memory of the officers, non-com-
The Royal Gun Factories are almost exclusively employed missioned officers and men of the Royal Regiment of Artillery
in the manufacture of rifled wrought iron and steel ord- who fell during the war with Russia in the years 1854-6; it
nance, other descriptions of artillery being also produced in consists of a bronze figure of Victory on a lofty pedestal
this department for experiment; and the machinery, which bearing suitable inscriptions.
is of the most powerful description, is especially adapted On the east side of the barracks, facing the military
and arranged for modern requirements, including enormous hospital, is the Royal Artillery Institution-an establish-
steam hammers for welding the coils of metal used in the ment containing a museum (not open to the public), a.
construction of heavy ordnance; this department is under theatre for the delivery of lectures on military or scientific
the immediate superintendence of Commander F. C. Young- subjects, and an excellent laboratory, the whole supported
husband R.N. by the voluntary subscriptions of the officers of the Royal
The Royal Carriage Department supplies every description Artillery : a small observatory, near the Royal Military
of gun carriage used in the service, as well as pontoon Repository, belongs to this institution. There are als<>
trains, baggage and store waggons and ambulances for the libraries for the sergeants, gunners and drivers of the Royal
sick and wounded ; the machinery in this department is of Artillery.
a very varied description and includes many ingenious sub- At the west end of the barracks is a mortar and howitzer
stitutions for hand labour, among the most prominent of battery, and on the south-west an observatory and schools
which are the gigantic saw mills and planing machinery: for the children of soldiers ; while beyond these are the
this department is under the management of Lieut.-Col. J. Repository grounds for the exercise of the Royal Artillery in
B. Ormsby R.A. fortification duties : in the low grounds are large sheets of
The Royal Laboratory produces every description of am- water for practice in pontooning and in transporting large
munition used in the service, comprising shot and shells of guns over canals and rivers. Near to the entrance is a.
all sues from the smallest, of one inch in diameter, to monument to Major-Gen. Sir Alexander Dickson K.C.B.
the largest size of r6~ inches diameter, for heavy artillery, On the northern part of the high ground stands the
also fuzes, rockets, cartridges and powder barrels; the Rotunda, which contains models of all Her Majesty's dock-
whole of the machinery in this department is of the most yards and of the principal fortifications in the world, as well
elaborate and delicate description, the machines for making as an interesting collection of the various kinds of arms used
bullets by compression, the hydraulic and steam apparatus in ancient aud modern times, down to the last taken during
for producing powder barrels, and the machines for manu- the war in the Crimea. The examples of ancient armour
facturing seamless paper cartridges being among the most are inferior only to those in the Tower of London, and ther&
conspicuous : this department, which is of great extent, is is one suit said to have belonged to the Chevalier Bayard.
under the control of Colonel W. R. Barlow R.A. This remarkable collection is open to public inspection daily,
The Torpedo Factory is for the production of this modern except from I to 2.
implement of warfare, now brought to great perfection, and South-east of the Repository grounds, on the side of the
furnished to most of H. M. ships. common, and rather more than a quarter of a mile from
In the Ordnance Store Department are vast quantities of the Museum is the Royal Military Academy, where all the
shot, shell and ammunition of every description, military officers of the Royal Artillery and Royal Engineers must go
and entrenching tools, gun carriages, ambulances and through a course of study as gentlemen cadets before they
saddlery ; in fact, ·all the stores made by the several manu- obtain commissions. The buildings were erected in r8o5;.
facturing departments: this department, which is also very the gymnasium and school of arms are extensive, and
extensive, is under the direction of Commissary-General M. the dining-hall has stained windows and is decorated with.
J ..T. lngram (hon. colonel). weapons.
East of the Laboratory is a park of large guns, shot and A memorial of the late Prince Imperial, for two years a
shells, arranged according to their various-sizes. In the ex- student of the academy, who was killed in Zululand, June
tensive range of buildings near the wharf, and under the rst, x879, while serving as a volunteer, was erected in r88z
charge of the principal superintendent of stores, outfittings on the green. The memorial, which has been obtained by a.
and every equipment for ro,ooo horses for artillery service military subscription, consists of four marble steps and two
pedestals, on the second of which is placed a statue of the
are kept ready for use.
Prince, modelled by H.S.H. Prince Hohenlohe; each side of
At the extreme east end is a butt or mound for firing into the upper pedestal is adorned with the French eagle, and on
when proving the large guns used on board Her Majesty's the front face is a wreath inclosing the imperial cypher and
ships of war and in the fortifications at home and abroad, surmounted by a crown.
in addition to those of the Royal Artillery ; but Shoebury-
ness, on the Essex shore, is at present the chief place used A monument was erected in r882, at the entrance to the
for testing artillery, although it has been proposed to trans- Gun Park, to the officers and men of the Royal Artillery
fer this department to Dungeness in Kent. On the south who fell in the Zulu and last Afghan wars, 1879 and r88o:
side of the butt are capacious powder and rocket magazines, it consists of massive granite blocks and is about 18 feet in
and to the· westward are the saw mills and the carriage de- height. On the side facing the road is a marble slab bear-
partment, where ship, garrison and field carriages, lance ing the names of those killed ; on either side of this list are
poles, rocket staves and various other articles are made for trophies in bronze, representing spears, assegais, Afghan and
the service of the army and navy. Zulu shields: beneath have been placed two Afghan guns,
taken at Cabul. The monument, erected by voluntary con-
Near to the entrance of the Royal Arsenal are several tributions from the officers and men of the Royal Artillery,
buildings inhabited by the heads of the various departments. t"he subscription being limited to one day's pay, was designed
Admission to the works in the Royal Arsenal can only be by H.S.H. Prince Hohenlohe.
procured by an order from the War Office, Pall Mall, ob- A range of buildings called " The Camp," devoted to the
tained by written or personal application; and foreigners use of Field Artillery, stands at the south-west corner of the
are admitted only by an order from the Minister for War, common, near to the Shooter's Hill road, but will shortly
obtained throngh the intervention of their own ambassador; (r8go) be replaced by new buildings of stone.
The Herbert Hospital, aituated on the ~estern slope of Oxford, and held since 1879 by the Rev. Hugh Ryves Baker
Shooter's Hill, is bounded on the north by the Dover road, lii.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. The population in 188x
and on the east by the road from Woolwich to Eltham; was s,224.
it consists of seven separate pavilions, connected by a Woolwich Arsenal chapel, local1y in Plumstead and situated
corridor extending the whole length of the building on the in the Plumstead road, is a very plain brick building, with
basement and ground floors, the first-floor wards being 250 sittings. The living is a Government chaplaincy, net
united, however, only by an open terrace; at the west end yearly value £r8o, with residence, in the gift of the Secre-
is the operating theatre, adjoining the operating ward: each tary of State for War, and held since 1873 by the Rev.
pavilion contains four wards, two on the ground floor and Charles Alfred Berry, chaplain of Shooter's Hill Cemetery.
twQ on the upper, excepting the centre pavilion, in which There are also the Garrison, Ordnance and the Dockyard
the chapel, recreation room and day room are placed. There chapels, and a Catholic chapel, erected in 1843 and dedicated
are 620 beds for the hospital, besides 28 for the prison ward; to St. Peter, with 6oo sittings.
in addition, a ward for contagious diseases, with access from The Presbyterian church, New road, erected in 1842, is
the terrace garden only. 'fhe cubic space per bed in each of brick with stone dressings, and has 1,200 sittings.
ward is upwards of r,2oo feet, with a superficial area of 87 The Congregational church, Rectory place, erected in
feet. The mortuary and post mortt!ln room are outside the t.8S9o is a building of stone, and has 8oo sittings. The Welsh
hospital, on the basement level. There is also a pharmacy, Congregational -chapel, Parson's hill, erected in 1857• is of
a dispensary, bath rooms, a library and a museum for the brick, and will seat 150 persons.
officers of the Army Medical Department and a board room There are five Baptist chapels : the Baptist chapel, Sand
for medical conferences. Tile kitchen, dispensary and offices street, erected in 1844, will seat ISO persons; Carmel chapel,
are in, or adjoining, the basement. An orderly medical Anglesea road, erected in 1857, is of brick, and has 8co
officer, detailed for that duty daily, is always on the spot. sittings; 1Enon chapel, erected in 1761, will seat 250 ; Par-
The daily medical attendance is carried on by a staff of son's Hill chapel, erected in 1858, has 6oo sittings; and
medical officers under the medical officer in charge. Queen Street chapel will seat wo.
Wooiwich dockyard, established by Henry VIII. was Sun Street Primitive liethodist chapel, erected in 1818,
closed in 1870, and is now no longer used for naval purposes, has 400 Sittings.
but part is occupied as officers' quarters and as a store de- The Free Methodist chapel, Beresford street, erected in
partment. 1840, has 700 sittings.
The parish church of St. Mary Magdalen, well situated The Wesleyan Methodist chapel, William street, erected
on an eminence in the centre of the town, is a plain rect- in r816, has 8so sittings.
angular edifice of brick, consisting of nave, and with a The Brethren have a meeting room in Trafalgar street,
western tower of the same material, with stone dressings, with 200 s1ttings.
containing 8 bells: the church was rebuilt under an Act of The Woolwich cemetery of 12 acres, opened in 1856 and
Parliament, sth George II. 1726-39 : there are many monu- situated on Plumstead common, has two mortuary chapels,
ments to officers of the Royal Artillery : in 1884 the church and is under the control of a burial board of 9 members ;
was reseated and new roofed, and has 840 sittings. In the here are buried 120 persons (then unknown, but the ma-
churchyard is a monument to Tom Cribb, the boxer, ob. jority since identified) out of about 6oo who were drowned by
1848. The register of baptisms and burials dates from the the sinking of the saloon river steamboat "Princess Alice" in
year 16~; marriages, 1694. The living is a rectory, ave- a collision with the screw steamer" Bywell Castle." off Wool-
rage tithe rent-charge £120, net income £6oo, with resi- wich, on the evening of September 3, 1878 ; a marble cross
dence, in the gift of the Bishop of Rochester, and held since has been erected close to the graves, as a memorial, by a
1883 by the Rev. Samuel Gilbert Scott M.A. Magdalen sixpenny subscription. In 1885 the cemetery was enlarged
College, Oxford, rural dean of Woolwich, and surrogate. by an addition of 20 acres, at a cost of£14,ooo, and the new
The ecclesiastical parish of Holy Trinity was formed portion was consecrated December 12th, 1885, by the Bishop
March n, x881, from that of St. Mary Magdalen; the of Rochester. ·
church, situated in Beresford street, near the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich has three weekly newspapers, the" Kentish Inde-
is a plain but spacious building in the Classic style, consisting pendent," devoted to army, navy and local news, and the
of chancel, nave, aisles and a tower: there are I, roo "Woolwich Journ~~ol and Army and Navy Gazette," monthly,
sittings, 700 of which are reserved for the workmen of the devoted exclusively to the army and na"fy, and the "Wool-
Royal Arsenal. The register dates from the year t88r. The wich Gazette," devoted to local news. Here are branches of
living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £450 (including a the London and County Banking Company Limited, the
sum of £150 paid to the vicar by the War Office for his London and Provincial Bank Limited and of the Capital and
services as chaplain), with residence, in the gift of the rector Counties Banking Company Limited.
of St. Mary's, Woolwich, and held since 188o by the Rev. The Cottage Hospital, Shooter's Hill road, the memorial
John William Horsley M.A. of Pembroke College, Oxford. stone of which was laid by H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge,
The area is 70 acres; the population in 1881 was 4•495· 12th September, t88g, will shortly (1890) be opened.
St. John the Evangelist's is an ecclesiastical parish, formed Sir Martin Bowes's charity, administered by the Gold-
in r869; the church, situated in Wellington street and smiths' Company, consists of five almshouses for five widows,
erect.ed in 1847, at a cost of £4,500, is a building of stone in who each receive £26 yearly, with coals and candles: other
the Ear~y English. style, and consists of chancel, nave, alm'!houses, called "The Parochial Almshouses," founded in
transepts, aisles, north porch and a belfry containing one I7S4 by Mrs. Ann Withers, are for eight persons, each of
bell: there are sittings for 1, 100 persons. In 1887 the whom receives £20 yearly. l,70 yearly, derived from several
interior was renovated. a new inner roof fixed, the floor charities, is distributed in bread.
relaid, and some of the windows re-constructed. The regis- The Marine Society's ship, •' Warspite," lying off Woolwich,
ter dates from the year x869. The living is a perpetual is for training boys for the Royal Navy and merchant ser-
.curacy, gross yearly value £400, in the gift of the Bishop of vice, and contains 300 boys ; the offices are at 54i Bishops-
Rochester, and held since 1868 by the Rev. John Oxenham gate street, London E c.
Bent M.A. of Pembroke College, Oxford. The area is. II2 The Soldiers' Institute in William street, built in r88g-90,
acres; the population in x881 was 7,562. and opened by Gen. Viscount Wolseley G.C.B., G.C.M.G. con-
St. Michael and All Angels is an ecclesiastical parish, tains a library and reading room.
formed August 26th, 1879; the church, situated in Station The rateable value of Woolwich is £r38,871; the popula-
road, and built in 1877-8 at a cost of £5,000, is a brick tion in 1881 was 36,665, including 3,920 military; the area
edifice with stone facings in the Early English style, and of the parish is I,II3 acres of land, of which about 400
consists of chancel, nave, side chapel, vestries and an in- acres, or one-third, called NoRTH WooLWICII, is on the
complete tower: it will seat 400 persons. The register dates Essex side of the Thames, and, being locally in that county,
from the year 1878. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly is given with it.
value £232, with residence, in the gift of Keble College, Parish Clerk, John Walker :Moore, 65 Brewer street.
. Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
DISTRICT PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance p.m. ; sundays, 9 p.m. tArtillery place.-Mrs. Ann
Office, 30 Green's end.-Postmaster, George John Lock- Cattermole, receiver: dispatched at 6.30 & 9·35 1!-.m. &
wood 12.40, 1.40, 2.40, 5.10, 5.50, 8, 9 & 11.45 p.m.; Sundays,
g.15 p.m. tChurch street.-George J. Champion, re-
Office open for telegrams on week days from 7 a. m. till 10 ceiver : dispatched at 6.30 & 9· 30 a. m. & 12.40, 1.40, 2.30,
Ip.m. & 7 to 10 a.m. & 5 to 9 p.m. on sundays
Letters & parcels are delivered at 7.30 & 10.25 a.m. & 5.10, 5·40, 8, 9 & 11.40 p.m.; sundays, 9-10 p.m. Hare
2.25, 6.25 & p.m street.-John C. Parkes, receiver: dispatched at 6.3s
Letters dispatched at 8 & ro a.m. & I, 3~ 5, s.3o, 9.30 & & 9.40 a.m. & 12.50,, 2.40, 5 IS,,, 9.10 &
12 p.m.; sundays 9.30 p.m. ; local letters only dispatched II.5S p.m. ; sundays, 9.20 p.m. Hill st.reet.-Samuel
Goddon Guyer, receiver: dispatched at 9 3S a.m. &
at 7.15 & a.m. & 2.10, 6.10 & 8.35 p.m 12.30, 1.25, 2.25, 5, s.3o, 8, 8.55 & n.4o p.m. ; Sundays,
g.Io p.m. Prospect place.-George Corbett, receiver:
POST & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Offices:-
dispatched at g.2o a.m. & 12.30, 1.30, 2.1s, 4·55, s.go,
tAibion road.-Edward Lewis, receiver: dispatched at
9.15 a. m. & 12.25, 1.25, 2. to,, 5.25, 8, 8.45 & 11.30
8.5, 8.50 & n.3o p.m.; sundays, 9 p.m. Station road.- RIDING ESTABLISHMENT (ROYAL HORSE ARTILLERY).
Thomas F. G. Lockwood, receiver: dispatched at 9·35 • . STAFF. •
a.m. & 12.40, 1.35, 2.35, 5.10, 5.40, 8 & 9 p.m. ; sundays, Superintendent, Lieut.-Col. J. M. Murray
9 p.m. tWoolwich common (Herbert road).-Herbert Major, F. A. Yorke
Richard Adams, receiver: dispatched at 6.30 & 9·35 a.m. Riding Masters, Major W. Johnston & Lieut. J. Nicholas
& 12.35, x.4o, 2.35, 4·55, 5·45• 8, 8.55 & u.45 p.m. ; suo- Lieuts. C. H. de Rougemont & H. L. Powell
days, 9· 10 p.m
PILLAR & WALL LETrER BoXEs at Arsenal, Arsenal railway Inspector of Remounts, Lie11t.-Col. B. L. Tollner
station, Brook hill, Herbert Hospital, Huts, Royal Artillery Staff Capt. J. J. Porteous R.A
Camp, King street, Mill lane, Maryon road, Royal Artillery
Barracks, E square & W square, Royal Artillery mess,
Royal Dockyard, Royal Military Academy, Royal Military Col. T. M. Hazlerigg
Repository, Samuel street, Sandy hill, Town Hall, William Adjutant, Capt. E. Di:x:on
Quartermaster, Lieut. A. Seath
street & Wellington street Paymaster, Major C. B. Piers
Marked thus tare telegraph offices
Member of Parliament. Royal Military Academy,
Col. Edwin Hughes, Oaklands, Plumstead ; 38 Green's end, Woolwich Common.
Woolwich ; & 6 Lancaster place w c & Carlton club s w, President, Field-Marshal H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge
K.G., K.P., G.C.B., G.c.s., G.c.M.G. Grenadier Guards
Returning Officer, Henry George Cox, 76 Brewer street, Governor, Major-Gen. W. Stirling c. B., R.A
Commandant & Secretary, Col. A. Harness c.B
Woolwich Lieutenants of Cadet Company, Lieut. A. C. Currie R.A.;
Local Board. Lieut. R. P. Benson R.A
Offices-Town hall. Adjutant & Quartermaster, Capt. G. G. Simpson R.A
Board days, 2nd & 4th tuesday in month, at 7 p.m. Surgeon, Surg.-Major W. C. Gasteen M.B
George James Champion, chairman & ex-officio member of Professor of Mathematics & Mechanics, H. Hart esq. M..A.
Instructors of Mathematics & Mechanics, E. F. S. Tylecote
all Committees, 36 Church street, Woolwich
esq. M.A.; Capt. F. W. Bote]er R.A. ; W. Foord-Kelcey esq.
John Robert Jolly esq. J.P. The Oaks, Plumstead common
B1A. ; E. J. Brooksmitb esq. B,A., LL.M
Samuel Barnes, 47 & 48 William street Professor of Fortification & Geometrical Drawing, Major M.
Major H. Elsdale R.E. Royal Engineers' office, Woolwich H. Pur~ll R.E
A. Fenn, 48 Wood street Instructors of I<'ortification & Geometrical Drawing, Capt.
R. Green, 23 Hare street S. D. Cleeve R.E.; Capt. R. P. Leach R.A.; Capt. W. D.
E. T. Hughes, Green's end Conner R.E.; Capt. J. E. Edmonds R.E
A. W. Jackson, Thomas street Professor of Artillery, Lieut.-Col. E. Kensington R.A
A. Penfold, 43 Woolwich common Instructors;of .Artillery, Capt. J. Shiffner R.A. ; Capt. F. A.
T. R. Richardson, 42 Hanover road, Plumstead
Captain W. J. Robertson R.H.A. 30 Victoria rd. Old Charlton Curteis R.A. ; (temporary), Capt. G. J. F. Talbot R.A
Professor of Military Topography, Major I<'. Mascall R.E
E. W. Sampson, 12 Parson's hill
Instructors of Military Topography, Capt. R. C. Foster R.A.;
C. Sargent, Powis street
Capt. E. S. May R.A. ; Capt. E. A. Gartside-Tippinge R.A
W. J. Squires, 95 & 96 Wellington street
Instructor of Military Topography (temporary), Capt. C. E.
J. Stratton, Church street
H. Heyman R.A
John Taylor, Hig-h street
Quartermaster Tims, H.M. Ordnance Store department, Professor of Tactics, Military Administration & Military
Law, Lieut.-Col. H. D. Dunlop R.A
Royal dockyard
Professor of French, Monsieur Albert Barrere
W. T. Vincent, 189 Bnrrage road, Plumstead
Instructor of French, Capt. H. France
R. J. Warren, 8 & 9 Hare street Instructor of I<'rench (temporary), R. de Villier!l esq
J. Watts, Rectory place Professor of German, F. Lange Ph.D
E. West, 6o Wellington street Instructor of German, Herr A. Weiss
Clerk, Andrew C. Reed, William street
Assistant, Alfred T. Rayens, 214 Burrage road, Plumstead Instructor of German (temporary), Dr. Karl Neuhaus
Professor of Landscape Drawing, W. Paris esq
Treasurer, W. H. Lewis, London & Provincial Bank
Instructor of Landscape Drawing (temp.), J. B. Jameson esq
Solicitor, Edwin Hughes M.P
Surveyor, Herbert Oliver Thomas, Town hall, William st Assistant Instructor in Drawing (temp.), G. E. Corner esq
Sanitary Inspectors, John Carty, 20 Brewer street & Adam Professor of Chemistry & Physics, W. R. E. Hodgkinson
esq. Ph.n. &c
Mackie, 25 Thomas street
Collectors, Jame.~ Blest, Hill street & Edward Mosley Sergeant-Major (Warrant Officer), F. McGill R.A
Superintendent Clerk, W. G. Alien R.A
Taylor, Godfrey hill
Military & Naval Establishments, THE ARTILLERY COLLEGF..
Director, Col. C. Trench
WOOLWICH MILITARY DISTRICT, Assistant Director, Major J. F. Harman R.A
Comprising the Garrison of Woolwich, North Woolwich, Instructors in Artillery, Tactics &c. &c. Lieut.-Col. J. M.
Feilden R.A.-; Majors E. M. Baker R.A. ; E. V. Elwes R.A.;
Royal Albert & Victoria Docks & Purfleet.
H. P. Willoughby R.A
Major-General, Major-Gen. A. H. W. Williams Instructor in Electricity, Major J. R. J. Jocelyn R.A
Aide-de-Camp, Capt. V. F. W. A. Paget Prof. of Applied.Mathematics, A. G.Greenhill esq. M.A., F.R.S
Lecturer on :Metallurgy, H. Bauerman esq. F.R.S
Assistant Adjutant-General {A), Col. J. Alleyne R.A Lecturer on Armour Plates, Capt. C. Orde Browne (lateR.A)
Lecturer on Chemistry & Physics, W. R. Hodgkinson Ph.n.,
Assistant Adjutant-General (B), Col. A. W. Anderson A.s.
F.R.S. {Edin)
corps Lecturer on Practical Mechanics, H. W. Jones e3q
Commanding Horse & Field Artillery (Col. on the Staff), Veterinary Lecturer, G. D. Whitfield
French Master, Mons. A. Barrere
Col. W. S. Curzon German Master, Dr. F. Althaus
Commanding Garrison Artillery,Lt.-Col.B. de B. Tupper R.A
Commanding Royal Engineers, Lt.-Col. A. C. Ward R.E
Commanding Auxiliary Artillery, Lieut.-Col. H. de S. ROYAL ARTILLERY INSTITUTION.
Isaacson R.A (R. A. Barracks.)
District Paymaster, Chief Paymaster T. P. Senior (hon. col)
Principal Medical Officer, Deputy Surg.-Gen. J. Warren Secretary, Major H. H. Crookenden
Inspecting Veterinary Surgeon, F. Duck
Under the superintendence of the Committee of the R.A.
(A. S. C. Barracks.) HERBERT HOSPITAL.
Officer Commanding, Lieut.-Col. T. P. Shannon Principal Medical Officer, Deputy Surg.-Gen. John Warren
Adjutant, Capt. H. P. Tate Registrar & Secretary, Surg.-Major C. W. Moore-Keys M.D
Riding Master, Lieut. A. C. Cooper (,!uartermaster, Captain Joseph Hunt
Lady Superintendent of Nurses, Miss A. E. Caulfeild
(Royal Artillery Barracks.) ROYAL :MILITARY REPOSITORY.
STAFF OF THE DEPOT. Chief Instructor, Col. E. Lyons R.A
Lieut.-Colonel, Lieut.-Col. J. M. Murray Instructors, Capt. A. S. Pratt R.A. ; Capt. W. E. Blewitt
Adjutant, Capt. Sir G. V. Thomas, bart
R.A.; Capt. A. C. Hansard R.A. ; Capt. J. F. Manifold
Riding Master, Capt. G. Williams R.A.; Sergt.-Major H. Essam R.A
Quartermaster, Capt. J. Sculley
(R.A. Earracks.} Medical Staff Corps, Woolwich district, 3rd Division ;
bead quarters, Barracks; Francis L. Stephenson M.B. (in
Rev. J. H. S. Moxly B.A. principal chaplain command); C. H. Hartt, W. Collingridge M.D. S. Davies
Catholic Chaplain, Rev. J. Corbett
PENSIONERS' DEPARTMENT. M.D. & R. C. Studdert M.D. surgeons
(Dockyard.) Kent (3rd) Artillery Volunteers (Royal Arsenal) (comprising-
Staff Officers of Pensioners, Lieut.-Col. R H. Burke (No. 2 a Eatteries) ; head quarters, Royal Arsenal; Staff-Col.
Office); & Lieut.-Col. H. G. Rogers (No. I Office)
H. M. Hozier, commanding ; Hon. Lieut.-Col. H. Hudson
Royal Arsenal. & W. H. Hudson, majors; Major Granville Deedes,
adjutant; Captain William A. Weston, quarter master;
ROYAL ORDNANCE FACTORIES. Surgeon-Major William W. Coleman, surgeon; Rev_
Director General of Ordnance Factories, W. Anderson esq. Alexander Israel M'Caul M.A.. hon. chaplain; batteries,.
M.Inst. C.E., D.C.L No. 1, CaptainS. E. Paul; N·o. 2, Captain R. E. Hickie;
First Assistant, Commander B. H. Chevallier R.N s,No. 3• Captain H. A. De Pinna; No. 4, Captain A. G.
Second Assistant, Capt. F. L. Nathan R.A., Weatherby; No. Captain T. C. Carr; No. 6, Captain
E. Chambers; No. 7, Captain H. _W. S. Brown; No. 8,
Civil Assistant, George M. Tapp esq Major J. Forsdyke, commandants
Senior Clerk, Sidney Clarke esq
Clerks, Justin Theo. La Brooy esq.; Joseph Hunt esq. ; John Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment), 3rd Volunteer
M. Minards esq. ; F. C. Green esq
Battalion l head quarters, Eeresford street; Staff-CoL
Civil Paymaster, A. R Williams esq
J. D. C. Farrell, commanding; Lieut.-Col. W. F. Despard
ROYAL LABORATORY. & C. D. Davies, majors; Captain 1<'. B. Fanshawe,
Superintendent, Col. W. R. Barlow adjutant ; Captain R. T. Smith, quarter master; Surgeon
Officers in charge of Danger Buildings, Capt. G. T. Kelaart
Major W. R. Smith M. D. surgeon ; H. Smith M. D. acting
R.A.; Capt. C. E. English R.A.
Principal Clerk, W. E. S. Oram esq surgeon; Rev. J. W. Horsley M.A.. acting chaplain.
Junior Clerk, J. A. Kettle esq
Lower Division Clerk, Mr. C. E. Norton Companies-A, Lieut. J. J. Murphy; B, Major R. J.
Terry; C, Captain E. J. Moore; D, Major E. Deuton;
ROYAL GUN FACTORY, E, Captain E. H. Short; F, Captain W. H. Matthews;
G, Major R. Pidcock; H, Captain W. Hunt; I, Captain
B. J. Barlow; K, Captain J. W. Gidney, commandants
Superintendent, Commander F. C. Younghusband R.N •
Principal Clerk, C. D. Davies esq
• Civil Establishments.
Senior Clerk, P. E. Durnford esq Eowes' Almshouses, High street
Lower Division Clerk, Mr. W. Pink Eurial Board Office, William street, Andrew C. Rt:ied, clerk ;
ROYAL CARRIAGE DEPARTliiENT, cemetery, Plumstead common, John Anderson, supt
Superintend\'mt, Lieut.-Col. J. B. Ormsby Cottage Hospital, Shooter's Hill road
Principal Clerk, C. D. Piper esq County Court (Greenwich & Woolwich branch), holden at
. Junior Clerk, F. J. Jelley esq
Town Hall, William street, every alternate wednesday at
BUILDING WORKS DEPARTMENT. 10.30 a.m.; His Honor J. J. Powell Q.C. judge; Charles
Pitt-Taylor, registrar & high bailiff; office, 8 Brewer
Superintendent, Lieut.-Col. M. T. Sale c.M.G., R.E street; A. Macintosh, 4 Pavilion buildings, Erighton &
xst Assistant, Capt. S. H. Exham R. E Station approach, London bridge, official receiver; Charles
2nd Assistant, Major H. H. Muirhead R.E Alfred Norris & Edward Bryant, registrar's clerks ;
Traffic Manager of Railway Traffic (Royal Arsenal), 2nd Henry Tufnell, execution officer & auctioneer; E. G.
Lieut. E. P. C. Girouard R.E Westlake, summoning officer. The district comprises
Surveyors, R. Lear esq. ; R. A. Dobbin esq within its jurisdiction the following placas :-Woolwich,
MACHINERY DEPARTMENT, North Woolwich, Plumstead, Shooter's Hill, Shoulder of
Mutton Green, Bostol, part of Abbey Wood & Old & New
Inspector of Machinery, J. A. C. Hay
Clerk, G. Graham Certified Bailiffs appointed under the Law of Distress
CHEMICAL DEPARTMENT. Amendment Act :-Henry Tufnell, Wellington street,.
Chemist to the War Department, W. Kellner esq. Ph.D., Woolwich; Thomas Mason, 74Albion road; G. A. Horton,
F.C.S., F.I.C Powis street; E. C. 'faylor, Star & Garter, Arbour
Senior Assistant, W. H. Deering esq. F.c.s., F.I.C square, Stepney
Assistants, C. G. Duncan F.I.c. ; T. H. Dodd F.c.s., F.I.c. ; Royal Arsenal Police, Robert W. Congdon, supt. ; inspectors,.
0. Trigger F.c.s., F.I.c., esqrs
George·Cavell, James Keevill, John RandaU, James Tait;
Temporary Assistant Chemists, J. G. Mactaggart & J. C. George Mould, inspector (dockyard)
Burnham esqrs Homes for Working Boys, 85 Beresford street, Hon. T. H.
MEDICAL DEPARTMENT.. W. Pelham, hon. sec.; H. B. Wallen, sec.; John David
Surgeon-Major, B. R Connolly M.A.., F.R.C.S.I Hill, superintendent
Surgeons, A. Keogh -r.r.n. & W. G. Macpherson M.A.., M.B Inland Revenue Office, Royal Mortar, New road
Marine Society's Ship "Warspite," Rear Admiral A. W.
Chief Dispenser, George Stevens
Gillet, superintendent
Ordnance Committee. • Metropolitan Police Court, William street, Robert Henry
President, Lieut.-Gen. R. J. Hay c.B Bullock Marsham esq. E. N. F. Fenwick esq. & G~lbert
Vice-President, Capt. C. E. Domvelle R.N., A.D.C G. Kennedy esq. magistrates
Metropolitan Police Station, R Division, William street ; in-
Secretary, Lieut.-CoL D. D. T. O'Callaghan R.A
spectors, Thomas Clark, P. Reid, W. French & J. O'Shea.
Assistant Secretary, Commander Sir H. A. Ogle hart. R.N Parochial Almshouses, Ropeyard rails
Soldiers' Home & Mission, Hill st. Mrs. Digby Dent, supt
Chief Clerk, J. Edwards R.A Soldiers' Institute, William st. W. Warry, secretary .
Town Hall, William street
Superintendent Clerk, T. E. Anderson B,A
Military Staff Clerk, R. Bruce R.A
B, C & D Companies stationed at Woolwich. WOOLWICH UNION.
Commissary General, Col. M. J. T. Ingram Board day, thursday.
Deputy Commissary Generals, Col. H. Morgan & Col. Woolwich Union, separated from Greenwich under the
H. Taylor Metropolitan Poor Act, 1867, comprises Woolwich, Chart-
ton, Kidbrooke & Plumstead; the population in I881 was
Assistant Commissaries General, Lieut.-Col. W. R. Mayo;
8o,368 ; rateable valne, £351,422
Major E. J. de Salis & Major A. N. St. Quintin Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Tom
Deputy Assistant Commissaries General, Capt. C. G. Jeans; Cutter, Woodville lodge, Woodville road, Blackheath
Capt. M. T. 0. Travers ; Capt. R H. B. Taylor; Capt. Treasurer, Richard Rabson, London & County Bank
Collectors to the Guardians, Joseph Moore, The Dispensary,.
C. F. Beville
Rectory place, & Alfred James Godfrey, The Dispensary,
Quartermasters, Capt. D. Deeves; Capt. J. Pitt; Lieut. F. Rectory place, for Woolwich; Cyril Henry Lee James,
Tims; Lieut. W. H. Ward; Lieut. C. F. Hunter; Lieut.
J. M. Roache; Lieut. J. Genders
ORDNANCE STORE CORPS. · The Dispensary, Rectory place, for Cbarlton; & Henry
Commanding, Assistant Commissary General, Lieut.-Col. Smith, Horsley park, Plumstead, for Plumstead
· Relieving Officers, No. :1 district, J oseph Moore, The Dis-
• C. E. Vansittart
Deputy Assistant Commissaries Geneml, Captain W. B. pensary, Rectory place, Woolwicb; No. 2 district, Alfred
Greenwood · James Godfrey, 64 Brewer street, Woolwich; No. 3 dis-
Captain G. Hearn & Captain E. S. Combe trict, Richard Padgham, Charlton lane, New Charlton;
Adjutant, Captain C. W. Bowlby No. 4 district, Henry Smith, Horsley park, Plumstead
• Vaccination Officer, Charles C. Jolly, 143 Burrage road, Baptist, Queen street, Rev. T. Jones, minister ; II a.m. &
Plumstead 6.go p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m
Medical Officers, Cbarlton district, Richard Fegan M.D. Old Baptist, Sand street, II a.m. & 6.go p.m.; thurs. 7 p.m
Cbarlton; Plumstead district, Andrew Wise L.R.C.P. Brethren's Meeting Room, Trafalgar street
Edin. 207 Burrage road, Plumstead ; East Woolwich dis· Congregational (Welsh), Parson's hill; 6 p.m
trict, William Harris Butler L.R.C.P. Edin. 15 Thomas Congregational, Rectory place, Rev. A. J. Viner, pastor;
street, Woolwich; West Woolwich district, Thomas J. II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m
Hughes M.D. Rectory place, Woolwich; North Woolwich Primitive Methodist, Sun street, Rev. T. Peatfield, minister;
district, William John Vance L.R.C.P. Edin. North u a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; tues. 7 p.m
Woolwich United Methodist Free Church, Beresford street; II a.m. &
Public Vaccinators, Charlton district, Richard l<'egan M.D. 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7 p.m
St. Thomas schools, Charlton; Woolwich district, William Wesleyan Methodist, William street, Rev. Thomas Chope,
Harris Butler L.R.c. P. Edin. 15 Thomas street, Woolwich; u a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; tues. 7 p.m
North Woolwich district, W. J. Vance, National Schools, Gospel Hall, Nightingale vale
North Woolwich; Plumstead district, Andrew Wise Schools.
L.R.C.P. Edin. Plumstead road, Plumstead
Superintendent Registrar, Tom Cutter, Woodville lodge, London School Boat'd, Wellington street, opened in I872,
Blackheath; Deputy, C. E. Peplow, 7 Parthenia villas, transferred May 1st, 1888, for ISO boys, ISO girls, & 202
Plumstead common, Plumstead infants; average attendance, I34 boys, 122 girls, & 129
·Registrar of Births & Deaths, Charlton sub-district (includ- infants; Charles Henry Stone, master ; Miss Isabella A.
ing Kidbrooke), James Wilson, 22 Church lane, Old A. Henry, mistress; Miss Mary W. Thompson, infants'
Charlton ; Deputy, Miss .Alice Wilson ; East Plumstead mistress
sub-district, William Thomas Vincent, 189 Burrage road, London School Board, Powis street, erected 1873, for 208
Plnmstead; Deputy, George C. S. Godwin, 181 Maxey boys, 2I2 girls, 249 infants ; average attendance, 203
Toad, Plumstead; West Plumstead sub-district, Alfred boys, 2os girls & 247 infants; Wm. J. Bull, master; Mrs.
Thomas Raynes, 214 Burrage road, Plumstead ; Deputy, Fanny Smith, mistress ; Mrs. Fanny Bishop, infants'
H. Fletcher, 32 Coxwell road, Plumstead; Woolwich mistress
Arsenal sub-district, Mrs. A. E. Tuffield, 16 Anglesea London School Board, Union street, built in 1884, for 240
Toad, Woolwich; Deputy, Miss Laura Tuffield, 17 Angle- boys, 240 girls & 320 infants; average attendance, I93
sea road, Woolwich; Woolwich Dockyard sub-district, T. boys, I66 girls & 200 infants; W. H. Tyler, master;
W. Anderson, 18 Station road,Woolwich; Deputy, Joseph Miss Martha Herdman, mistress; Mrs. A]ice Rose, infants'
Moore, Rectory place, Woolwich . mistress
Registrar of Marriages, Cyril Henry Lee J ames, The Dis- London School Board, New road (temporary) (boys), trans-
pensary, Rectory place, Woolwich; Deputy, Ed. Palmer, ferred in 1874," for 192 children; average attendance, 86;
jun. 120 Powis street, Woolwich Robert J. P. Campbell, master
Workhouse,Plumstead, a building of brick, erected in 1870, London School Board, Wood street, erected in 1883, for 360
& will hold 473 inmates; John E. Rigden, master ; boys, 360 girls & 480 infants; average attendance, 3S6
Rev. C. H. Andras M.A. chaplain; Miss Jane ~iddleton, boys, 328 girls & 446 infants; Charles James Swiss, head
matron master; Miss Annie Smith, head mistress; Miss Emma
Infirmary, Plumstead, erected in 1872 for 213 inmates, Richards, infants' mistress
Waiter Ernest Boulter L.R.C.P. Edin. medical supt. ; National, King street, erected in 1840, for 300 boys, 243
Thomas Nesbitt Wright M.R.c..s., L.R.C.P. assistant girls & 209 infants; average attendance, 200 boys, I64
medical officer ; George Moore, steward ; Miss Annie girls & Ig<> infants ; John Morphew, master ; Miss
Louisa McKie, matron Louisa B. H ughes, mistress ; Miss Amelia Donkin,
Dispensary, Rectory place, Thomas J. Hughes M.D. William infants' mistress
Harris Butlel' L.R.C.P. & Richard Fegan M.D. medical Enon Endowed (girls), High street, built in I82S, for so;
officers; W. Moody, dispenser average attendance, 18 ; Miss Hannah Colby, mistress
Dispensary, Horsley park, Plumstea.d, A. Wise L.R.C.P. St. Thomas' National, Sand street, for zso boys, 230 girls &
medical officer, also dispenser 150 infants ; average attendance, 135 boys, III girls &
108 infants ; Henry Richard5, master; Miss Clara Cree,
Public Officers. mistress ; Miss Clara Suggars, infants' mistress
Surveyor of Taxes, R. Caird, William street St. Michael & All Angels, Station road, erected in 1878, for
238 boys, 238 girls & 210 infants ; average attendance,
Assessor of Queen's Taxes, William Woodford, 3 York 234 boys, 190 girls & 200 infants; George W. Boyling,
crescent, Nightingale terrace master; Mrs. Fanny Morton, mistress; Miss Carolina
Kilmaster, infants' mistress
<Jertifying Factory Surgeon, William Warman Coleman, 10
Woolwich common St. Peter's Catholic, New road, for 630 children; average
attendance, 178 boys, I6o girls & 155 infants; Stephen
Medical Officer of Health, William Robert Smith M.D. 74 John Fell, master; Miss Katherine McCarthy, mistress;
Mrs. Hannah Egan, infants' mistress
Great Russell street, Bloomsbury square w o
"Public Analyst, Dr. H. Smith, 74 Great Russell street,
Bloomsburv square w c
Vestry Clerk of Plumstead,Edwin HughesM.P.38Green's end Newspapers.
. Jackson's Woolwich Journal & Army & Navy Gazette, 18
Thomas street; J. P. Jackson, publisher; published first
Places of Worship, with Times of Services:-
.St. Mary's Parish Church, Church street, Rev. Samuel of every month
Gilbert Scott M.A. rector; 8 & n a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; Kentish Independent & County Advertiser, 18 Thomas st.;
daily, 7.30 p.m J. P Jackson, publisher; published sat
.St. George's Garrison Chapel, Woolwich common, Rev. J. Woolwich Gazette; office, 37 Green's end ; A. M. Chapman,
H. S. Moxly B.A. principal chaplain; IO & n.30 a..m. & 22 Broadway, Deptford ; published fri
6 p.m. ; daily, Io a.m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m
Royal Arsenal Chapel, Plumstead road, Rev. Charles Alfred Railway Stations.
Berry, chaplain North Kent, Arsenal station, Geo. Willmott, station master
Holy Trinity, Beresford street, Rev. John William Horsley Dockyard, William Angus, station master
M.A. vicar; 8 a. m., I I a.m. & 6.30 p. m. ; daily, 7 30 p.m
St. John's, Wellington street, Rev. John Oxenham Bent Water Conveyance. •
M.A. vicar ; 11 a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. II a.m
St. Michael & All Angels, Station road, Rev.• Hugh Ryves
Baker M.A. vicar; 8 & n a. m. & 7 p.m. ; daily 8.40 Free Steam Ferry to North Woolwich ; & also Great Eastern
steam boat ferry from their station at North Woolwich
a.m. & 8 p.m. ; thurs. & saint days, 7.30 a.m
;it. Mary's Mission Room, Back lane
Presbyterian, New road, Rev. William Raitt D.D. minister; summer season the company run vessels between London
II.1S a.m. &; 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7 p.m & Sheerness, starting from Old Swan pier
St. Peter's Catholic, New road, Rev. Seraph Fieu M.R. & In summer season, steamers from Old Swan pier daily, for
Rev. James Duggan, priests; 7, 8, 9.30 & II a.m. & Clackton-on-Sea, ~!ailing at piers in route; & from
6.30 p.m. ; tues. wed. & thurs. 7 p.m. ; daily mass, 7 & London Bridge, calling at Greenwich, Blackwa.ll, South
Woolwich, Rosherville & Gravesend
8 a.m
;Baptist (Carmel), Anglesea road, Rev. Burlington B. Whale, Carriers to London.
minister, II a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m
Baptist (...Enon), High street, Rev. W. Knibb Squirrell, Piekford & Co. from Mortgramit square, Hare street
minister; n a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m C. & C. Tufi, High street
Baptist, Parson's hill, Rev. John Wilson, minister; 1I a.m. C. & J. Wootton, 21 Union street
& 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p.m W. T. Wootton, Powis street
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Fludger Henry John, 3 Campbell ter- Miles Alexander, 31 Wood street
Adcock William, 36 Wood streat
race, Brook Hill road Miller Wm.Edwd.Jn.33UpperMarket s~
Allinsou Mrs. 23 Wood street Fludger William Henry, 17 Dundas Mills Thomas, 29 Wood street
Anderson W. M.I.C.E., n.c.L. (director terrace, Brook Hill road Mittelhausen Julius, 28 Wood street
general. of Ordnance factories), Royal Forrest Robert, 5 Woolw1ch common Monday Mrs. 16 Unity pl. Samuel st
arseRal, Green's end Foster Capt. J. R. R.A. 6B, York cres- Monkton Maj.P.C.R.A.54Woolwich com
Arnold John, 5 Linden ter. Samuel st cent, Nightingale place Moore Arthur, 3 Unity pl. Samuel st
Ashdown Henry, 47 Rectory place Foster Thomas, 27 Wood street Morley Lieut.-Col. C. R.A.. 5 Nightin-
Baker Rev. Hugh Ryves M.A. [vicar of I<'owler Maj. W.J.R.A..52 Woolwich corn gale terrace, Nightingale place
St. Michael & All Angels],3 Samuel st Fraser Lieut.-Gen. George Henry John Morrell Alfred, 2I Nightingale vale
Baker Miss, 5 Nightingale vale Alex. &.A. Io York cres.Nightingale pl Morris Edwin, 6Q Wood street
Bally Maj. J. F. R.A. 57 Woolwich corn Fuller James, 36 & 37 Rectory place Morris Mrs. 2 Brewer street
Barlow Col. W. R. R.A. (supt. Royal Graham Willia.m Victor, 4·I Campbell Moulder William, 24 Wellington street
laboratory)Royal arsenal,Green's end terrace, Brook Hill road Moxly Rev. Joseph Henry Sutton B.A..
.Barnes Frederick, 24 Rectory place Gray Daniel, 4 Linden ter. Samuel st [principal chaplain], Woolwich com
.Barnes Samuel, William street Guthrie-Smith Lieut. Herbert R.A. 7 Musguin William, 49 Wood street
Barrow Brigade-Surgn. Thomas Saml. York crescent, Nightingale place Newington George, 72 King street
Lloyd M.D. 9 Nightingale terrace, Gyde George, 66 Brewer street Nichols Col. R. 34 Wood street
Nightingale place Hackett Miss, 16 York crescent, Night- Nugent Edwd.Jsph. M. D. 55 Artillery pi
Barrow Thomas Wailer (inspector-gen. ingale plac& • Ogilvie Mrs. IQ Nightingale terrace,
of hospitals), 6 Nightingale terrace, Hallam William, 7 Bowater crescent Nightingale place
Nightingale place Hancock Lewis, 3 Rectory place Osborne Charles Hy. 24 Mulgrave place
Batson George, 59 King street Hann Hy. I8 Unity place, Samuel st Palmer Edward, jun. 120 Powis street
Bayly Alfred, 23A, Wood street Harris George Fredk. I Cambridge ter Parker Henry, 13 Brewer street
Beadnell Maj.C.E.R.A.59Woolwich corn Harris Mrs. 59 Wood street Parsons Henry, 42 Campbell terrace,
Bedford Mrs. 61 Wood street Harvey Richard, 94 Powis street Brook Hill road
.Belam Mrs. 4 Cambridge terrace Harwood John, 19 Nightingale vale Pa.vitt Henry, 5 Bowater crescent
.Bell Caleb, 12 Unity place Haynes Percy Octavius, 49 Rectory pl Penfold Abel, 43 Woolwich common .
Bell Jas. I3 Dundas ter. Brook Hill rd Boar Fredk. 7 Unity place, Samuel st PerkinWm.22Campbell ter.BrookHill rd
Bell Robert, 3 Nightingale place Hobbs Henry, 4 Bowater crescent Perry Henry, IQ Bowater crescent
.Bent Rev. John Oxenham M. A. [vicar of Hobson Charles Walshaw, 26 Wood st Pidcock Richard, 61 & 62 Church st
St.John's], 1I York cres. Hobson Mrs. 37 Wood street Pidcock Richd. Geo. 61 & 62 Church st
Bethell George Wm. 2 Cambridge ter Hodgkinson Robert, 17 Ueorge street Pilcher Capt. T. D. Rose mount, Hill st
.Beven Alex. 3 Linden ter. Samuel street Horsley Rev. John Wm. M.A. [vicar of Porter Henry Edward, 30 Wood street
Bittleston Capt. George H. R.A. 42 Holy Trinity], 22 Rectory place Pratt Capt. Arthur Spencer R.A. (in-
Woolwich common Howard Robert Burket, 16 Rectory pl structoruf gunnery),I2Woolwich corn
Blanchett Geo. Wm. 13 Rectory place Hughes Col. Edwin M.P. Oaklands, PurvisMrs.1 1Campbell ter.BrookHill rd
Boddy Geo. I Dundas ter. Brook Hill rd Plumstead common ; 6 Lancaster Rabson Richard, III Powis street
Brooker Caleb, I Nightingale terrace, place w c & Carlton clubs w, London Rahtz Geo. Wm. Ruxley ho. Parson's hl
Nightingale place Hughes Thomas, 35 Wood street Raitt Rev. William D.D [Presbyterian
Brooks John Shirley, 24 Wood street Hughes Thos. John M.D. 12 Rectory pl chaplain to the forces],
BrownMrs.21Campbell ter.BrookHill rd Hunt Mrs. 2 Campbell ter. HrookHill rd Raven William, 33 Wood street
Brown Robert S. 20 Parson's hill Hutchinson Col. Wm. Francis Moor Robe Miss, 3 Woolwich common
Bugden Charles, 23 Mulgrave place R.A. 25 Woolwich common RonaldJas. 10Campbell ter. BrookHill rd
Burnett Albert, 2 Unity pl. Samuel st Hutchinson Mrs. 52 Wood street Roosmale-CocqF.O. Y.45Woolwich corn
Butler William H. 15 Thomas street Ingledew George, 84 Beresford street Rowland Julian H. 38 & 39 New road
Butterick Miss, 5 Unity pl. Samuel st Jones Thomas Hawes, 41 Rectory place Ruegg Richard H. 54 Wood street
Chapman Maj. Lionel James Archer Jordan Frederick, 8 Brewer street Russell Arthur, 69 Wood street
R.A. 53 Woolwich common Keard James Robert, 15 Bowater cres Scott Rev. Samuel Gilbert M.A. [rector
Charlton Miss, 44 Wood street Keast Capt. Wm. 44 Woolwich common of St. Mary, rural dean of Woolwich,
Chope Rev. Thomas [Wesleyan], 40 Keep John, 32 Upper Market street & surrogate],The Rectory, Rectory pl
Rectory place Kidd Rt. 8 Campbell ter. Brook Hill rd Sculley Capt. John &.H.A. (quarter-
Clarke George, 15 Unity pi. Samuel st Knell George, 10 Rectory place master), 22 Wood street
ColemanWm.Warman,IOWoolwich corn Lacey T. Warner, 9 York crescent, Shannon Lieut.-Col. T. P. A.serv.c. 2
Collins William John, 45 Rectory place Nightingale place Belmont villas, Nightingale vale
Connolly Thomas, 11 Brewer street Langrish John, 12 Wood street Shaw Maj.-Gen. George C.B., R.A.. 63
Corbett Rev. J. n.n. [Catholic military Lett Mrs. 32 Rectory place Wood street
chaplain], 65 New road Lewis Mrs. 39 Rectory place Shepherd Geo. I Linden ter. Samuel st
Court J oseph West, 5 Rectory place Lewis W. H. 106 Wellington street Shone Miss, 62 Wood street
Craig Charles, 2Q Wood street Lloyd William B. 43 Wood street Smith Miss, 18 Rectory place
Crimp Henry James, 5 Cambridge ter Locke Frederick, 21 Wood street Smith William, 17A, George street
Crofton Miss, 25 Wood street Logie James, 23 Rectory place Spinks Capt. George, 21 Mulgrave pl
Crookenden Maj. H. H. R.A. (sec. Royal Lovey Alphonse, 2Q Woolwich common Spragge Col. Charles Henry R.A. 55
Artillerylnstitutn. )37 Woohyich corn Luntley John, 14 Rectory place Woolwich common
CurzonCol.W.S.R.H.A.58 Woolwich corn McBride Thomas Henderson, 18 Wool- Standing George, 9 Brewer street
Cnthbert George, 18A, Nightingale vale wich common Stepbenson I<'rancis Lawrance M.B.
Davidson George D. 14 Wood street McKenzie Lieut. Gordon R.A. 28 Wool- Hill house, Hill street
Davidson William, 13 Wood street wich common Stevens Lieut.-Col. :Frank E. A.serv.c.
Davis Joseph, 45 Brewer street McKnight Alex. 7 Linden ter.Samuel st 15 York crescent, Nightingale place
DentWm. Yerburv,BelleVue ho.Wood st Macpherson William Grant M.B., C.M. Stirling Maj.-Gen. William c.B. Gover-
Dowding Rev. William Berkeley [chap- (army med. staff), 17 Woolwich corn nor's house, ·woolwich common
lain to the forces], 7 Nightingale Mandeville CapL. Henry A. R.N. 34 Stone Ebenezer Ingram, 46 Wood st
terrace, Nightingale place Woolwich common Stua.rt Isaac Offord Phillips, 30 Wool-
Duggan Rev. Jas. [Catholic], 65 New rd March Charles Tolly, 46 Rectory place wich common
Du Plergny Mrs.15 Woolwich common Marsh Decimus, 7Q Brewer street Suart Maj. W.H. R.A. 61 Woolwich corn
Eggbrecht Frederick, 1 Rectory place Martin Rev. Henry Jeffery [Baptist], Tapp Geo. Washington,5 Nightingale pl
Ellercamp Henry, 44 Rectoryplace 7 Nightingale vale Taylor John, 32A, Rectory place
Ellis Col. C. H. Fairfax R.A. 6A, Yorke Martin Arthur, 26 Rectory place 'J'aylor Richard, 12 Brewer street
crescent, Nightingale place Martin John, 7 Campbell terrace, Taylor Septimus, 20 Campbell terrace,
Elsdale Maj. Hy. &.E. 64 Wood street Brook Hill road Brook Hill road
Estler Paul, Godfrey house, Godfrey hi Mascall Maj. Fra.ncis R.E. (professor of Taylor William, 6 Linden ter.Samuel st
Evans Mrs. 38 Woolwich common topography,Royal MilitaryAcademy), Tees James F.R.o.s. 144 High street
Fairland Frederick S. 4 Woolwich corn 13 Woolwich common Thomas Herbert Holloway, 24 Wool-
Farrell Col. J. D.C. 35 Woolwich corn Mascall Frederick Charles, I Belmont wich common
Fanlkner Edwin Augustus Trapnell, villas, Nightingale vale Thompson James, II Bowater crescent
14 Woolwich common Mason Robert, 7 Rectory place Thomson Miss, 14 Unity pi. Samuel st
FennAmbroseJn. 4 Unitypl.Samuelst Maturin Surg,-Maj. John L.R.C.P.Edin. Thurlow Maj. R. H. 36 Woolwich corn
Ferguson John, 6 Bowa.ter ·.!l'escent I2 York crescent, Nightingale place Tickner George, 25 Mulgrave place
Fieu Rev. Seraph M.&. [Cath.],6_5New rd Maxwell Theodore B.A., M.D. 23 Wool- Tocock Edward, 23 Campbell terrace,
Fitz-Patrick Charles, 17 Bowater cres wich common Brook Hill road
• K. S. & S• 44
Towl Jn. 14 Dundas ter. Brook Hill rd Watts John, 43 Rectory place Woolley·Dod Capt. Anthoiiy Hurt R.A.
Tucker Geo.9 Campbell ter. Brook Hl.rd West Mrs. IS Campbell ter.Brook Hl.rd 14 York crescent, Nightingale place
Tucker Ueo. Fras. 9 Unity pi. Samuel st Whale Rev.Burglington Benj. [Baptist], Worthington Sidney M.D. 49 Rectory pi
Vignaux Capt.. Joseph R.A. I2 Duntlas 4 Dundas terrace, Brook Hill road Wray William, 47 Wood street·
terrace, Brook Hill road Williams Maj.-Gen. Albt. Hy. Wilmot Wtight Charles John, 25 Rectory place
Ward James M.orton, 4 Rectory place R.A. Commandant's ho. Woolwich corn Wright Edward, 40 Eleanor road
Ward Wm. Pearson, 33 Woolwich corn Wood William John, ro Brewer street Wright Mrs. C. J. 3r Woolwich corn
Warner Mrs. 20 Nightingale vale WoodfordWm.3York Yorke Maj.F.A.R.H.A.56 Woolwich com
Watson Jas. Holywood ho.Bowater cres Woodhouse Tom Percy (Army Med. Younger Mrs. 6 Campbell terrace,.
Watson John Richd. 32 Woolwich corn Ser\'.), 6 York cres. Nightingale pl Brook Hill road
COMMERCIAL, Bedford Anne (Mrs.), beer retailer, 45 Artillery plare
Bedford William, greengrocer, 27 Jackson street
Aaron Charles, timber dealer, 26 Lower Market street Bee David, tobacconist, 49 Wellington street
Abbott Josep~, boot maker, IOIA, Powis street Bell & Co. chemist, 29 Anglesea road
Ackroyd Ma'I)" (Mrs.), dress maker, 25 Hill street Bennett & Cohen, watch makers, I4I High street
Acton William, violin maker ; only maker possessing the old Berry Brothers, IS & 16 Queen street
Italian amber varnish, 26 St. Mary's street Berry & Son, grocers, 30, George street
Adams Albert J. Powerful P.H. Chapel street Biddle James, coffee rooms, 3I Albion road
Adams Herbt. Richd.chemist, & Post office, 22 Woolwich corn Bidgt>od James, plumber, 30 Mulgrave place
Adamson James Francis, Empress of India P.H. 8o Henry st Birts & Sons, upholsterers, 33, 34 & 35 Green's end, &.
jewellers & pawnbrokers, 79, 8o & BoA, Powis street
Aillud John1 Crown & Anchor P.H. S7 High street Bissett Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 58 Lower road
Akers John, baker, 26 Hill street
Albert Rooms (John Furlong & Sons, proprs.), Eleanor rd Black Wm. & Co. machine & pianoforte dealers, 46 New rd
Black Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, 3 Station road
Alexander Henry, hosier, 6I Powis street
Blanchard William C. butcher, I38 High street
Alexander Raphael, tailor, 147 Htgh street
Bland Thomas, butcher, I7 Hare street
Alfred James, boot maker, I Parson's hill I Bland William, butcher, 42 Thomas street
Allen Alfred, warrant officer, 3 Brewer street
Bleaney George, carpenter, 2 Millward street
Allen Charles Edward, grocer, I23 High street
Blest James, collector to Urban Sanitary Authority, & rat&
Allen Richard, eel pie shop, I3I High street
collector for West Woolwich district, Wellesley ho. Hill st.
Alien William, tobacconist, 14 Green's end
Blest Melville Alexander, Bull tavern, Cross street east
Alliance Box Co. fancy b(')x maker, Chapel street
Bliss Frederick John, beer retailer, 33 William street
Ames Thomas, tailor, I2 Wellington street
Anderson Thomas W. registrar of births & deaths, Dockyard Bloomfield John Wm. Royal Albert P.H. 20 Prospect place
• sub-district, I8 Station road Bloomfield Richard William, Travellers' Home tavern,.
Andrews Thomas, gun maker, 25 New road • 4 Trafalgar street
Anell .Kda (Miss), confectioner, 17 Edward street Bloxham John Charles, boot maker, 45A, Wellington street
Angell Emma (Mrs). oil warehouse, 2 New road Blyth Henry J. shopkeeper, 42 & 43 Prospect place
Angus William, station master, Dockyard Tailway station, Blyth Henry James, confectioner, 4 & 5 Prospect row
BGdy Samuel Wm. oil & calor man; I3 High street
station road
Ansell Emma (Mrs.), confectioner, 6 Cross street east Bolton John Richard, baker, g8 High street, & confectioner,.
Ansell William, confectioner, 47 Wellington street 4I Beresford street
,A.rmstrong Eliza (Mrs.), Gun tavern, 62 New road Bond Thomas, Barrack tavern, 9 Woolwich common
Armstrong Thomas, draper, 56 New road, Woolwich Boniface William Henry, confectioner, 55 Church street
Arnold Samuel, hair dresser, 6 Albion road IBonnet John C. & Son, tailors, 97 Wellington street
Arnold William Henry, baker, I Lower Pellipar road Boon George, butcher, I9 Albion road
Arnsly Lot, fancy goods dealer, I39 High street Boon Richard, dairyman, 6o William street
Arrell James, greengrocer, g6 Mulgrave place Boorer Jas. Government contractor, 2 Gough yd. Union st.
Artistic Portrait Co. photographers, 78 Wellington street Boorer John, ironmonger, 97 High street
Ash John, wheelwright & coach builder, 16 Powis street Booth Alice (Mrs.), dress maker, 73 Church street
Ashby George, Three Daws P.H. 78 High street Boston Thomas, provision dealer, 55 Wellington street
- ·Ashdown Henry, coach builder, 65 St. Mary's street Boulter "Richard Robert, greengrocer, 9 Mulgrave place
Ashton Charles Turner, haberdasher, so Church street Bourke Edward, cab proprietor, 12 Station road
Atkins Ernest, surgeon, 68 Powis street Bowes Almshouses, High street
Atkins Francis Thos. pharmaceutical chemist, 68 Powis st Bowes Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 27 Queen street
Attenborough James, baker, I2 Albe t street Bowles Chas. goods agent S.E. Raily. t Unitypl. Samuel st.
Aubry & Co. grocers, 78 Powis street Bradbury & Co. Limited, sewing machine manufacturers,.
Baillie William Robert, shoe maker, 35 New road 46A, Wellington street
Baines Thomas, shopkeeper, I Brook Hill road Bradshaw Alfred, confectioner, 3 Green's end
Baker Brothers, dairy, ISA, Powis st. & 2 & 3 Wellington st Bradshaw Edwin, wardrobe dealer & plasterer, 2 Bowling
Baker James, beer retailer, no High street green row
Baker James, shopkeeper, BA, Millward street Brain Frederick, fishmonger, I3 Sand street
Baker James, shopkeeper, 27 Samuel street Brain Joseph W. leather seller, 47 Thomas street
Baldwin Charlotte (Mrs.), greengrocer, 26 Harden street Brand John, cheesemonger, 25 Campbell ter. Brook Hill rd
Baldwin George Wm. herbalist & druggist, I3o Powis street Brandon Joseph, dyer, 44 Chapel street
Banister Emma Elizh. (Mrs.), undertaker, 74 & 75 Church st Brazil William, butcher, 740, Powis street
Banks Henry, watch maker, 87 Powis street Breeze Edward, tobacconist & news agent, I4 Beresford st
·Bardin Emma (Miss), ladies' school, 27 Samuel street Brew John, coal merchant, 7 Neptune terrace, Trinity st
Barnes Samuel & Co. cabinet makers, 103 to 107 Powis st Brewer Henry, french polisher, 58 Beresford street
Barnes Frank, Ship P.H. 3 George street Bridgden Robert, boot & shoe warehouse, 62 Powis street
Barnes George Alfred, stone mason, 28 Queen street Bridger Charles, furniture dealer, 7 Union row, New road
Barnes Wm. Geo. insurance agent, 8 Cornish ter. Wood st Brill Henry, shopkeeper, 54 High street
Barnett Joseph, tailor, 38 Rectory place Brill James, beer retailer, 7 Market hill, High street
Barnett Morris,glass & paperhanging wareho. 39 Beresford st Bromwich Thomas, pharmaceutical chemist, 48 New road
Barrett John, coffee rooms, :o~o Edward street Brooker William Thomas, gasfitter, 48B, King street
Barry Frederic, chemist, II Green's end & 59 Artillery pl Brooks Shirley, army contractor, 6 Artillery place; & at u
Barthelmas John, pork butcher, 30 Hare street Station road, Aldershot
Bartholomew Harry, oil & calor man, 49 Artillery place Broughton Emma (Mrs.), dress maker, 34 Samuel street
Bartholomew Harry, hardway dealer, 21 Hill street BroughtonJn. Rt.Edinburgh Castle tav. I9Unity pl.Samuel st
Bartlett Charles, butcher, I Church st. & 25 Artillery place Brown Capt. Orde, bible & tract depot, :roo Wellington st
Barton Mansell, beer retailer, I8 & I9 George street Brown Alexander, watch maker1 5 New road
Batson Anne (Mrs.), florist, Cross street east Brown Charles, coffee rooms, 45 Albion road
Bayliss William, hatter, 72 Powis street Brown Elizabeth (Miss), shopkeeper, r Upper Market street
Ba.yly Edward Brown, grocer, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, Brown George, shopkeeper 35, & baker 36, Chapel street
wine & spirit merchants, 39 Frances street Brown John, beer retailer, Chapel street
Bayne Alexander, greengrocer, I42 High street Brown John, tailor, 20 High street
Beadle George, shopkeeper, 32 Hill street Brown Nicholson, govt. emigration agent, 25 Wellington st
Beal Alfred, fishmonger, I8 Waterman's fields Brown Peter Edmund, Ordnance Arms P.H. 27 Green's end
Beard Arthur, tobacconist & florist, 65 Wellington street Brown Thomas, tailor, :r33 Powis street
Beaver Ann (Mrs.), Fortune of War P.H. x New road Brown William, beer retailer, go Francis street
Beaver Mary Ann (Mrs.), Queen's Arms P.H. 35 Artillery pl IJrown William A. tailor, 48 Thomas street
Beckford Alfred, 'Shopkeeper, I Nightingale vale Browning Frederick, commercial traveller, 53 Wood street
Browning William, laundry, 103A, Wellington street Cooper Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 94 High street
Brydon Allen Chas. boot & shoe maker, _s8 Artillery street Co-operative Hall Co. 96A, Powis street •
Buck Matilda (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 1 Pellipar pl. Ogleby st Coote Brothers, ironmongers, 89 & 90 Powis street
Bull John, beer retailer, 8 Mount street
Corbett George, boot maker, 2S Prospect row
Burley Ernest Waiter, greengrocer, 14 Queen street
Corder Thomas W. shopkeeper, 18 Charles street;.
Burnett Andrew, greengrocer, 4S Church street
Cosson Edith & Augusta (Misses}, baby linen warehouse, 36
Burrage Estate Office (Chas. Coupland, agent), 22 New rd
Anglesea road
Burton George, beer retailer, 44 Thomas street Cosson J osepb William, milliner, 69 Wellington street
BussellJas. grocer 8 &47, & cheesemonger 7 & 8, Artillery pi Coton Malby, hair dresser~ u Church street
Butcher William, Royal Standard P .H. 88 High street Cottage Hospital
Bute J:<'rederick, Nelson P.H. 3 Coleman street Course Alfred, gasfitter, 12 John street
Butler Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 6 Francis street Court Chas. Hy. coffeetav. 63Beresford st& ISWellington S1i
Butler William Harris L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon &; medical offi· Court Joseph Emest, furniture dealer, 12 Albion road
cer for East Woolwich district & public vaccinator for Courtois Honore, french polisher, 7 Henry street
Woolwich district, IS Thomas street Coutt.s John F. watch maker, 37 Thomas street
Butter Epbraim A. dairyman, 10 J ackson street Couture Robert Edward, tripe dresser, 10 Hare street
ButtonJonatban, china & glass dealer, 9 High street Covil Edward George, builder, 73 Brewer street
Byrne Sarah Matilda (Miss), stationer, 72 Wellington street Covil Edward Sampson, builder, 118 Powis street
Cadets' Hospital (Surgeon-Major W. C. Gasteen M.B., M. E.), Covil Emily (Mrs.), milliner, n8 Powis street
Woolwich common Covil George Nathaniel, house & estate agent, 58 Woods~
Caird Robert, surveyor of taxes, 24 William street Cowell John, shopkeeper, 25 Church street
Calcraft Eleanor (Mrs.), beer & wine retailer, 48A, King st Cox Elizabeth (Mrs.), greengrocer, 10 Trinity street
Calvert Arthur, tobacconist, 56 Artillery place Cox Hy. Geo. returning offcr.boro'ofWoolwich,J'(>Brewer s~
Campbell George Henry, White Hart P.H. 8 Hare street Craig George, boot maker, 3 Artillery place
Campbell William Waiter, Old Sheer Hulk P.H. 3 Church st Crawford Grace Amelia (Mrs.}, tobacconist, 9 Frances st. ~
Canty Micbael, tobacconist, 146 High street s8 Wellingt.on street
Capital & Counties Banking Co. Lim. (branch) (Frederick Crisp John, umbrella ma. 62, & plumber 63, Wellington st
Hayward Gonld, manager), 30 Green's end; draw on head Croly Thomas James, greeng-rocer, 31A, Green's end
office, 39 Threadneedle street, London E c Croucher George, tailor, 2 High street
Capon Alfred David, Earl of ChathamArms P.H.21Thomas st Crow William, baker,.6 Church street
Capon Daniel Christopher, Navy & Army P.H. 12 Francis st Cruickshank Elizabeth (Mrs.), boarding \tonse, 2 Nigh,tin..
Carr Elizabeth (Mrs.), confectioner, 3 Francis street gale terrace, Nightingale place
Carr William Robert, bird dealer, 12 High street Cuff Sydney H. & Co. fancy drapers, 38 & 39 Powis street
Carter Edmnnd, draper, 84 Powis street; Cumberland Thomas, corn dlr. see Starling & Cumberland; r
Carter Elias William, draper, 13 Green's end Cummins William, wardrobe dealer, 40 Church street
Carter George, hatter, 52 & 114 Powis street Cumper George, saddler, 57 New road
Carter John, chemist, 4 Melville terrace, Cross street east Cutter Tom, superintendent registrar of births, deaths &
Carty John, sanitary inspector, 20 Brewer street marriages & clerk to the guardians, Rectory place
Cashfield Geo. Randall, Steam Packet tavrn. Bell Watergate Cutting Waiter, Anglesea Arms P.H. 59 New road
CassinelloJohn, photographer, 9 Church street Dagnall James, carpenter, 29 Thomas street
Castle Henry & Son, ship breaking yard, Long's wharf, Har· Dale Robert Brownlow, linen draper & silk mercer, .1~ I9t
rington road 20 & 21 Hare street
CattermoleFredk.Jn.printer&stationer,20,21& 22Artillery pl Dalladay Benjamin, boot maker, 44 Church street
Chambers William, Star&. Garter P.H. 30 Powis street Dallada:v Thomas, jun. boot maker, 9 Cross street east
Champion Geo. Jas. corn dealer, & post office, 36 Church st Dalton Chas. Edwd. tobaccnst. & news agent, 19 Edward st
Champion John, plumber, 28 Hill street Dalton Jacob, smith & farrier, Back lane
Champman Arthur, boot & shoe warehouse, 26 & 27 Hare st Dalton Richard G. cheesemonger, 52 New road
Chapman Edmund, milliner, 70 Powis street Dandridge Sarah Ann (Mrs.), marine store dlr. ,to High st
Chapman Maria (Mrs.), midwife, 2 Mulgrave place Daniels Joseph & Co. military tailors &outfitters, I Artillery pi
Chard Henry, dairyman, 16 Upper Pellipar road Daniels David, Cas1;le P.H. 13 Edward street
Charity Organization Society (branch) (Charles H. Grinling, Darking Savina (Mrs.), confectioner, 6:z Wellington street
sec.), 153 Powis street Davidson Wm. tailor & clothier, 43 Hare st. & 4 Artillery pl
Chennells Jesse, butcher, see Packman & Chennells Davies George Boyer, photographer, 22 Wellington street
Chester Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 41 Chapel street Davis Brothers, news agents, 2 Union row, New road
Church Henry Hudson, architect & surveyor, 24 William st Davis David & Co. upholsterers 1, & jewellers & clothiers 7,..
Church of England Soldiers' Institute (Rev. W. Berkeley 8 & 9 Green's end
Dowding, sec.), 57 Wellington street Davis Ebenezer & Co. drapers, 104 &105 High street
Churchill Isaac, lodging honse, 48 &49 Woolwich common Davis David, basket maker, so Powis street
Clacton-on-Sea Building Society (Horace R. Spence, sec.), Davis Frederick, news agent, 8 Francis street
Wellington street . Davis William, beer retailer, 19 Francis street
Clacton-on-Sea Land & Investment Co. Limited (Horace R. Day & Ginger, greengrocers, 3 New road
Spence, sec.), Wellington street Day James, greengrocer, 51 New road
Clarke Louisa (Mrs.), laundress, u Millward street Day Thomas, wholesale confectioner, 55 Powis street
Clement Henry, greengrocer, 29 Queen street Deep Vein Coal & Coke Co. (J. C. Snllivan, district
Clemson Maria (Miss), dress maker, 2 Sprays street manager), 72 Wellington street
Cli:fford James, stationer, 46 Thomas street De Grey Henry, Freemason P.H. Station road
Clothier William Charles, baker, SI Albion road De Jersey Arthur Chas. glass & china dealer, 21 Edward st
Cocks Sarah (Mrs.), baker, III High street Dennen & Co. hair dressers, 6o Artillery place
Cogger Alfred, shoe maker, 67 Warwick street Dennis Harry, baker, 20 Waterman's fields
Cole James, shopkeeper, 58 King street Dermott Patrick. draper, 129 High street
Cole William, dining rooms, II3A, High street Devene Carolina (Mrs.), lodging house, 4 Nightingale ter-
Colebrook Silas, leather seller, 22 Hare street race, Nightingale place
Coleman William Warman. surgeon & certifying factory De Voil Arthur, haberdasher, 10 Francis street
surgeon, 10 Woolwich common De Winter John, stationer, 20 Church street
Collard William, shopkeeper, Ritter street Dhonau George, baker, 18 Prospect place
Collier Susannab (Mrs.), straw bonnet ma. 9Waterman's flds Dinmore .Angustns, rope maker, 51 Powis street
Collins J:<'rederick, shopkeeper, 47 Lower road Dinmore Edward, confectioner, 29 Green's end
Collins James John M.B.D."-. dental surgeon, 17 Thomas st Dinmore Edward, refreshment bar, New road
Collins John, tailor, 5 Eleanor road Dorling John P. boot maker, 17 King street
Colmar Eliza (Mrs. ), greengrocer, 7 Frances street Down William George, boot maker, 13 Francis street
Combes William Henry, glass cutter, 6 Chapel street Drieselmann Charles, hair dresser, 4 Albion road
Conder Alfred, district surveyor, Parson's bill DugganjCornelius, insurance agent, 3 Eleanor road
Condon William Anthony, beer retlr. 27 Waterman's fields Duggan Jeremiah, shopkeeper, 48 High street
Congdon Mary (Mrs.), coffee rms. 10 & u Market hi.High st Duke George, baker & confectioner, 21 Albion road
Cook John, greengrocer, 24 Church street Dunlop Frederick, shopkeeper, 34 Sand street
Cook John Oliver>t architect & surveyor, 1A, Eleanor road Durham Joseph, shopkeeper, 40 St. Mary's street
Cooke Benjamin, beer retailer, 14 St. Mary's street Durrant Joseph, shopkeeper, 53 Ordnance road
Coombes William, shopkeeper, 6 Lower Wood street Dutton George, photographer, see Schreiber & Dutton
Coombs Charles, dining rooms, 39 High street Dye Arthnr, corn dealer, 1 Ordnance road
Cooper Joseph, baker, 24 Chapel street Dyer Edmund John, ham & beef dealer, 86 Powis street r
K. 8 & S. 44•
Eady John Henry, tailor, 5 Wellington street Gibberd John, boot maker, 88 Powis street
Earl John, grocer, 25 Hare street Gibbs Charles, dairyman, 52 King street
Earles Henry, hair dresser, 6 High street Gifford Alexander, blacksmith, 17 William street
Edgar John, coal merchant &wharfinger &c. Bell watergate Gill John, beer retailer, 99 High street
Edwards Henry John, grocer, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, Gillings Sl. Edward, news agent & tobacconist, I Station road
wine & spirit merchants, 108 High st. & 53 Lower road Ginger Eliza Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, 35 Wellington st
Edwards Samuel, greengrocer, 7 & 8 Cross street east Ginger Mark Willis, greengrocer, see Day & Ginger
Edwards Silas (late W. & E. Weller), stone, marble & granite Ginno Joseph B. beer retailer, r & 2 Trinity street
monumental sculptor, 77 Church street ~ Ginns Frederick, fishmonger, 8 Chapel street
Edwards William, Earl of Warwick P.H. 66 Warwick street Girling George Godfrey, artificial stone manufr. 7 High st
E~rton & Co. hatters, 65 Powis street Glasson Jane (Mrs.), Duke of Sussex P.ll. 30 Beresrord st
E1sele Roumald, greengrocer, I9 Hare street GlosterMargt. (Mrs.), boarding ho. I York cres. Nightingale pl
Glover Alfred, leather seller, II Mulgrave place
Ellard Robert, glass & china dealer, 32 Albion road Glover James, boys' school, 25 Rectory place
Ellicott Thomas, shoe maker, I6 Sand street
Ellis Charles, Queen Victoria tavern, I Mulgrave place Glover James, fancy draper, 49 New road
Ellis George, Black Eagle P.H. I5 Church street Godfree Mary Ann (Mrs.), boot maker, 155 Powis street
Ellison Arthur, grindery dealer, 22 Chapel street Godfrey Alfred James, relieving officer No. 2 district, Wool-
Etherington Thomas, saddler, 27 Hill street wich union & collector to the guardians for Woolwicb, The
Eustace Charles, shopkeeper, 4 Charles street Dispensary, Rectory place; residence, 64 Brewer street
Evans Mary Ann (Mrs.), milliner, IONew road Goldsmith Alfred, oilman, 25 Hare street
Everett Eliza (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 5 Cross street west Goldsmith John, confectioner, I35 High street
Everett George Sidney, shopkeeper, 27 Union street Goodall Richard Alfred, shopkeeper, 15 Henry street
Ewell Edwin, baker, 38 Artillery street Goodwin Alfred, shopkeeper, 44 Brewer street
Excelsior Club (H. J. Hinche, sec.), 56 Church street Gordon Jenny (Mrs.), teacher of music, 36 Brewer street
Fairland Frederick S. M.R.c.s. surgeon, 4 Woolwich common Gordon Mary (Mrs.), George&Dragon P.H. 47 High street
l''arlie Charles James, photograph, 74 Wellington street Gordon Thomas, boot &shoe maker, 9 Hare street
Farnell Arthur, grocer, I Lewis place, Union street Gorman John, greengrocer, 13 Francis street
Farr Frederick Clement, fish.monger, 23 Prospect row Gowen Edward, confectioner, 5 Bowling Green row
Farthing Charles, dining rooms, 4 George street Gradidge Herbert, cricket &c. manufacturer, 36 Artillery pl
Faulconbridge John, Red Lion P.H. 13 Mulgrave place Gradwell Sarah (Mrs.), coffee rooms, 3 Melville terrace,
Faulkner Edwin Trapne11,photographer, 82 Wellington street Cross street east
Fenn Ambrose &Son, builders, 48 Wood street Gr"nt George Alexander B.A. Middle schools (boys & girls),
Fenn Ambrose J. builder, 5 Thomas street Upper Market street
Fenn William Arthur, undertaker, 66 Wellington street Gray & Co. auctioneers & house agents, 2 Green's end
Fennell George & Son, boot makers, 4 Church street Gray Thomas, tobacconist, 2 Green's end
Fennell George, leather seller, Io John street Great Eastern Railway Booking& Parcel Office,32Green's end
Ferris William, wardrobe dealer, 136 High street Green Joseph & Co. oil merchants & drysalters, 25 Powis st
Field Alfred Thomas, greeng-rocer, 35 Ogleby street Green Charles, confectioner, 34 High street
Fifield Alfred, draper & milliner, 66 Powis street Green Emma (Miss), shopkeeper, 7I Church street
Fillmore Anna (Mrs.), milliner, 15 Prospect row Green Robert, chemist, 31 Hare street & 2 Francis street
Filmer Robert, butcher, 37 Anglesea road Greenep Francis Michael, solicitor, 4I William street
First Woolwich, Plumstead & Charlton "Richmond" Build- Greenhill Alfred Henry, coal merchant, Cross street east
ing Society (The) (W. J. D. Fairbrother, sec.), 12 Griggs Sarah {Mrs.), lodging house, 6 Woolwich common
Parson's hill Grimes Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer, Ordnance road
Fish William & Son, tailors, 70 Wellington street Grinley Arthur Watts, boot maker, 82 Powis street
Fish Alfred, tailor, 3A, George street Grinley Arthur Wm. jun. boot ma. 24 High st. & 82 Powis st
Fish Peter, tailor, I High street Gurney Edward, butcher, 83 Powis street
Fisher Jacob, military outfitter, 34 .Artillery place Guyer Samuel Goddard, grocer & post office, I Hill street
Fisk John, butcher, nA, Chapel street Gwillim Thomas, news agent, 25 Samuel street
Flagg Jacob, greengrocer, 56 Wellington street Gwinnell Edmund, herbalist & dentist, 73 Powis street
Fletcher Jonathan, baker & confectioner, IOO Powis street ; Gyde George, tailor, 85 Powisstreet
I8 New road & 34 Anglesea road Hackman Charles John, confectioner, 35 Francis street
Fletcher Joseph, shopkeeper, 27 Ogleby street Hadlow Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 5 Ogleby street
Flood Benjamin, baker, 3I Beresford street Hafford Harriet (Mrs.), dress maker, 35 Brewer street
Flory Benjamin, hair dresser, 3 Market hill Hall & Co. tea & coffee dealers, 36 Hare street
Flory•John, fried fish shop, 2 Market hill Hall John, stationer, 96 King street
Flower Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 6o Henry street Hall Thomas, coffee rooms, 57 Artillery place
Fngatt William Henry, carpenter, 67 Henry street Hammond & Co. stationers, 102 Powis street
Folkes Frank, Powis Arms P.H. 8oA, Powis street Hammond .Amelia Carolina (Mrs. ),Albion tavern,33Albion rd
Fort Albert, tailor, I3 New road Hancock Benjamin John, professor of music, 3 Rectory pl
Francis James, greengrocer, 44 Lower road Hancock Caius William, upholsterer, 33 Anglesea road
Francis Leonard, shopkeeper, 65 Warwick street Hannaford James Henry, tailor, 142A, High street
Francis William James, oilman & grocer, 4 & 5 Green's end Harmer Ebenezer, tailor, I29 Powis street
Franckeiss Charles, draper, 77 Powis street Harold Samuel Harrold, shopkeeper, 22 Sand street
Frankling James, ironmonger, 9 & IO Albion road Harper Thomas, shopkeeper, 20 Unity place, Samuel street
Frederick Wm. Thos.B. stationer& music seller, 5 Churchst Harris John & Co. clothiers, ,;r.27 High street & IOI Powis st
Free Ferry (Edward Martin, pier master), 29 High street Harris W. J. & Co. sewing machine manufactrs. 54 Powis st
l''reeman Henry, hair dresser, I Edward street Harris Charles, fancy repository, 9 Wellington street
Freeman Hy. hair dresser, 3A, Eleanor road & I Edward st Harris Richard, glazier, 26 Green's end
Freemantle Thomas. tobacconist, 49A, Beresford street Harris William, leather seller, 39 t hurch street
Fremlin Brothers (of Maidstone), family pale ale & stout, Harrison John George, news agent, 7 New road
brewers & maltsters, Bowater crescent Hart Abe & Son, military contractors, 22 Frances street
Frost Alice M. (Mrs.), confectioner, 63 Powis street Hart Charles & Son, coal merchants, Globe lane
Fullbrook Annie (Miss), lodging ho. I9 Woolwich common Hart & Son, clothiers, 67 Wellington street
Fuller James, surgeon, 36 & 37 Rectory place Hart Charles, Ship & Half Moon P.H. Rodney street
Furlong John & Son, auctioneers, upholsterers & furniture Hart Judah, hardwareman, I02A, Powis street
removers, I35, I36, I37 & 138 Powisstreet Hartley Leoline (Miss), art studio, 7I Powis street
J<'urlong Louisa (Mis~), seminary, 59 Wood street Harvey & Son, grocer, Ritter street & 39 Green's end
Harwood Ben, dairyman, 4 Cross street west
Furst Albert, hair dresser, 46 Artillery place
Gabriel Isaaif, tailor, I Hare street Haslett Joseph, army & volunteer contractor, 4I & 42
Gallagher John, watch maker, 32 Beresford street Artillery place
Gallienne Alben Henry, boot & shoe maker, 3 Albion road Hawkes William, tobacconist, 40 Anglesea road ·
Gant Robert Boddy, chemist, 39 Artillery place Hayden George, furniture remover, 33 Rope Yard rails
Gardner Maria (Mrs.), ironmonger, 43A, Thomas street Haynes Jll.mes, butcher, 95 High street .~
Gardnerizing Timber Co.Lim. (Wil:son &Watson,managrs.), Haynes Percy Octavius, surgeon, & surgeon to Marine
Royal Dock Yard wharf & 9 Gracechurch st. London E c Society's training ship " Warspite,'' 49 Rectory place
Head Peter John, fishmonger, 40 Hare street & 53 New rd
Garrett & Co. Limited, drapers & house furnishers, 43 to 49
Hedley Robert, tailor, IO Beresford terrace, Hill street
Powis street (Douglas Sedgley, sec) Heekes Th<1mas William, butcher, 6o & 6I New road
Gaston John, furniture dealer, I King street Hegarty Thos. Lord Clyde P.H. I Campbell ter.Brook Hill rd
Gaston John Richard, shopkeeper, ~9 Coleman street Hellier Wm. marine stores & furniture dlr. 43 Mulgrave pl
Gee Alfred~ painter &c. 43 New road Hemmings James, shopkeeper, 59 St. Mary's street
Gee Charles, beer retailer, 40 High street
Hencber Susan (Mrs.), tobacconist, 4 Francis street Jeakins William,hair dresser 5I, & dairyman 52,Beresford st
Henderson Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 7I Brewer street Jobbins Ernest, shoe maker, 30 Sand street
Henderson Oliver, clothier &c. n6 Powis street Johnson Eliza Rnssell (Miss), tobacconist, 9I High street.
Henke Frederick, hair dresser, 7 Chapel street J ohnson Henry, tailor, 3 High street
Henshall Charles, tobacconist, 2 Artillery place Johnson John, dairyman, 3 Edward street
Hepworth Joseph & Son, clothiers, I27 & I28 Powis street Johnson Julius, clothes dealer, 23 Artillery place
Herbert Hospital (Deputy Surg.-Gen. John Warren, princi- Jolley Alfred, beer retailer, 28 Beresford street
pal medical officer; Surg.-.Maj. C. W. 1\'Ioore-Keys M.D. Jones Elizabeth B. (Mrs.), fancy repository, 10 Green's end
registrar & sec.; Capt. Joseph Hunt, quartermaster) Jones John Henry, shopkeeper, 13 Waterman's fields
Herring James, grocer, Post office, IA, Prospect place Jordan Frederick, dentist, 91 Powis street & 8 Brewer street
Hewett William, tobacconist, 2 Melville ter. Cross st. east Juler Richard Roan, dentist, no Powis street
Hicks Richard, greengrocer, 5 Waterman's fields Kaiser Hermann, boot maker, 48 Lower road
Hill Frances Louisa (Mrs.), confectioner, 49 Church street Katte Charles, hair dresser, 6 Sprays street
HillMary (Mrs.), Golden Cross P.H. 54 Church street Kavanagh John, boot maker, II3 High street
Hillier Edward Benjamin, tailor, 92 Powis street Keating William, draper, 95 Powis street
Hills & Sons, tallow chandlers, ICYJ High street Keay Mary Ann (Mrs.), diploma midwife, 19 Campbell ter-
Hills Alfred, baker, 94 Church street race, Brook Hill road
Hills Alfred Henry, tobacconist, 33 Church street Keeble William Henry, Cambridge hotel, Cambridge terrace
Hind Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 23 King street Keep John & Son, hatters, 23 Hare street
Hinds Thersa (Mrs.), baker, 29 Artillery place Kelly William, dairyman, 6 Prospect row
Hinkley Thomas, corn dealer, I3 Wellington street Kempin William, grocer, 4 Sprays street
Hirst Thomas Thompson, King's Arms hotel, I Francis st. Kenchington Charles, grocer, 40 & 41 Powis street
Hiscock Arthur Thomas, builder, I4 .Bowater crescent Kendall William, fishmonger, 2I Church street
Hobbs Samuel, baker, 74B, Powis street Kent (3rd) Artillery Volunteers (Royal Arsenal) Col. Henry
Hobday Ebenezer, butcher, 24 Henry street M. Hozier, commanding; Major Granville Deedes, ad-
Hocking John, tailor, I7 Hill street jutant; Captain William A. Weston, quartermaster;
Hodge William Henry, haberdasher, I3 John street head quarters, Royal Arsenal, Green's end
Hodgson John & Son, tailors, 14 Thomas street Kent Reliance Permanent Building Society (G. E. Holmes,
Hodgson Edward, hair dresser, 35 High street sec. ; John Watts, solicitor), I4 Thomas street
Hodgson John T. corn dealer, 17 Albion road Kent & Surrey Permanent Building Society (George Bryce-
HodsollAlfred, butcher, 46 Lower road son, sec.), 37 Green's end
Hoeftmann Alexander, tobacconist, 34 Albion road Kentish Independent & County Advertiser (J. P. Jackson,
Hogg Adam, shirt manufacturer, see Maclntyre, Hogg & Co publisher: published saturday), I8 Thomas street
Hogg William, watch maker, 33 Powis street Kentish Mercury (branch) (Mrs. E. B. Jones, agent), xo
Holcombe Thomas, baker 45, & shopkeeper 47, Warwick st Green's end
Holder Jane (Miss), ladies' school, 33 Prospect row King Henry, hosier, 3B George street
Holdway Owen, bassinatte maker, 75 Wellington street King Herbert, credit draper, 14 & 15 High street
Holleyman Mrs. lodging house, 7 & 8 Woolwich common King James, haberdasher, 4 Bowling Green row
Hollingum James, Hell inn, 5 & 6 Bell watergate Kingsnorth George, cheesemonger, 29 Hare street
Holloway Misses, dress makers, 32 Wellington street Kipping Charles, fruiterer & greengrocer, 5 Hare street
Holt George, ironmonger, 3I Green's end Kirk & Randall, builders & contractors, Warren lane
Home Counties House Property Co. Limited (A. Bayly, Kirkby Edwin, china & glas;; dealer, 104 Wellington street
see.; A. W. Stone, solicitor), II7 Powisstreet Kirkman Wm. Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 54 Wellington st
Home for Fallen Women (Mrs. Jane Clayton, matron), Knight Abraham, butcher, 28 Hare street
10 Wood street Knight J oseph, confectioner, 9 Artillery place
Homes for Working Boys (branch) (Hon. T. H. W. Pelham, Konigs William Durra, tobacconist, 134 High street
hon. sec.; H. B Wallen, sec.; John David Hill, superin- Lacey Elizabeth (Miss), girls' school, 6 Rectory place
tendent), 85 Beresford street Lacey Thomas Warner L.R.c.P.Lond. surgeon, York crescent,
Hornsey Alfred John, beer retailer, 79 Heresford street Nightingale place
Horton George Augustus, broker &auctioneer, 15 Powis st Lambert Edward, stationer, 20 Green's end
Hosegood & Co. clothiers, 97, 98 & 99 Powis street Lambert Waiter Martineau, Pier tavern, 103 High street
House Investors' Corporation Limited (Charles A. Lawson, Languam Eliza Louisa (Mrs.), grocer, 68 .Beresford street
sec.), 36A, Green's end Lascelles Thomas, fishmonger, 133 High street
How Alfred, plumber, 35 Thomas street Lash Letitia (Mrs.), grocer, 53 Albion road
Howard Charles, Wellesley P.H. Hill street Lawes John, shoe maker, 24 Station road
Howells J. builder, 7 Eleanor road Lawrance George, news agent, 28A Ureen's end
Hudson, Matthews, Lopez, Coupland & Co. solrs. 22 New rd Leaney James George, sho}Jkeeper, 29 Mount street
Hnghes Edwin M.P. solicitor & commissioner for affidavits, Leavy John, bird fancier, I32 Htgh street
&vestry clerk of Plumstead & solicitor to Woolwich local Lee G. J. & Co. coal merchants, Harrington road; II7 Powis
board, 38 Green's end ; & Maxey road, Plumstead street & Trinity wharf
Hughes E. Talfourd, solicitor & commissioner for affidavits, Lee Sophia (Mrs.), confectioner, 43 Thomas street
& solicitor to the Modern Permanent Building Society, 38 Leisten Charles, hair dresser, 30 New road
Green's end Lemon William, wheelwright, IA Parson's hill
Hnghes Thomas John M.D. surgeon, & medical officer West Letton Geo.Henry,Duchess of Wellington P.H.36 Green's end
Woolwich district, Woolwich union, & to dispensary, 33 Levett Charles, beer retailer, 8 Sand street
Albion road & I2 Rectory place Lewin Charles, hosier, I02 Wellington street
Hurst Frances Elizabeth (Mrs.), wardrobe dlr. 51 Church st Lewis Edward, dining rooms & post office, 54 Albion road
Hutchins George, shopkeeper, I9 Hill street Lewis John, boot & shoe maker, 4I William street
Huxford Brothers, shopkeepers, 61 High street Lewis W. H. manager of the London & Provincial Bank, xo6
lnd, Coope & Co. Limited, brewers, 8 Wellington stree~ Wellington street
Ingledew George, surgeon, 84 Beresford street Liddell Charles, coffee rooms, 36 Beresford street
Inland Revenue Office, Royal Mortar, New road Limbrey Edward, grocer, 24 Hare street
Ives James Mingay, greengrocer, 40 Lower Wood street Lindsay Mary (Mrs.), servants' registry office, 27 Brewer st
Ivison James, grocer, 8 Cambridge terrace Ling Louisa Ann (Mrs.), greengrocer, 2 Chapel street"
Jackman Elizabeth (Mrs.), confectioner, 44 New road & 34 Lingley Edward, carter, 19 Sun street
Heresford street Lister Maria (Mrs.), laundry, 3 & 4 Belmont villas, Night-
Jackson James, shopkeeper, 3 Rope Yard rails ingale vale
Jackson Joseph Pemberton, printer, I8 Thomas street Littlewood Benjamin, watch maker, 374 Church street & 57
Jackson's Woolwich Journal & Army & Navy Gazette (J. P. Powis street
Jackson, publisher; published ISt of every month), 18 Lloyd & Son, ironmongers, 6 Wellington street
Thomas street Loader Thomas, Royal Oak P.H. 24 New road
Jago William, tobacconist, 52 Church street Lock John James, bird dealer, 9A High street
James Alfred & Co. tailors, 94 Powis street Lockett John Arthnr Pope, surgeon, see Wilcox & Lockett
James John & Co. shirt manufacturers, I Eleanor road Lockwood George John, postmaster, 30 Green's end
James Cyril Henry Lee, registrar of marriages for Woolwich Lockwood TbomasFoulder Gumey,tobacconist,& post office,
& collector to guardians for Charlton district, 2I Station 9 Station road
road ; office, Dispensary, Rectory place Lockyer Samuel, house agent, 17 Unity place, Samuel street
Jayne k Co. tea dealers, 30 Hare street • Logan Agnes (Mrs.) linen draper, 77 King street
Jetieries & Co. cricket bat manufacturers, I Lower Wood st Logie James M.B., C.H. surgeon, 23 Rectory place
Jelley William, tailor, 6 Brewer street Lohr Carolina (Mrs.), hair dresser, 19 High street; 18 New
soJellis Waiter, insurance agent, 6 Warwick street road & 45 Wellington street ·
Jemini Antonio, confectioner &c. Beresford street London Boot Co. (The), boot makers, 32 Powis street
• London & County Banking Co. Limited (Richard Rabson, Mills J oseph & Co. dyers, 98 Wellington street
manager), III Powis street~ draw on head oflice, 21 Lom- Mills Ellen (Mrs.),drass ma. &c. 15Dundas ter. BrookHLrd
Ibard street, London E c Mills Lacey, civil & military tailor, 6 Green's end
London, Edinburgh & Glasgow Assurance Co. Limited Mill ward Albert, hair, I Anglesea road
(Edwin Broughton, district manager), 40 William street Mitchell James & George, butchers, 33, 34 & 35 Hare street
London Equitable Finance&; Discount Co. Limited (Alfred Mitchell Colin, baker, 53 Wellington street
Bayley, sec.), II7 Powis street Modern Permanent Building Society (William Narborough,
London & Provincial Bank Limited (W.H. Lewis, manager), sec.) 38 Green's end
Io6 Wellington street; draw on Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co. Molloy John, grocer, 56 Beresford street
Lombard street E.C Molyneux John, printer, I05 Wellington street
London & South Western Railway (C. & C. Tuff, agents), Monday William J. flour factor, 9 Hare street
· carriers, 16 & 17 High street Moore John Walker, parish clerk (St. Mary's), 65Brewerst
Lonergan Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, Nightingale vale Moore Joseph, relieving officer, No. 1 district, Woolwich
Long Edward, recruiting sergeant, 39 Wellington street union, collector to the guardians for Woolwich & deputy
Long Sadler, auctioneer & valuer, house & estate agent, registrar of births & deaths, Dockyard sub-district, The
45 Thomas street. See advertisement Dispensary, Rectory place
Louis Eugene, watch maker, 103 Wellington street Moran Patrick, shopkeeper, 42 Mulgrave place
Lovibond John & Sons, brewers & wine & spirit merchants, Morehouse John Bower L.R.C.P.Edin. physician & surgeon,
3A Plumstead road · .. I Rectory place
Lowe J. & Co. chemists, n2 High street Morgan Hy. Geo. tobacconist & hair dresser, 21 Green's end
Lucas Walter, baker, I Melville terrace, Cross street east Muckle Charles, marine stores &wardrobe dealer,3o Henry st
Lumley Fanoy (Miss), dress maker, 4 Brewer street Mullins James, chimney sweeper, 5 Ordnance road
Lumley John, builder, I St. Mary's street Munyard John, cab proprietor, 89 Wellington street
Luntley & Powell, architects & surveyors, II7 Powis street Murra.y John, jobmaster, 1 Cross street west, Powis street
Lynn James Edward, homceopathic chemist,44Wellington st & King's Arms yard, Hill street
Lyon & Sons, boot mkrs.28B Green's end &141 Plumstead rd Muskett Geo. Jn. Fredk. solicitor, 24 William stl'eet
Lyons Edwin1 army cnntractor, 28 Samnel street Myers Hannah (Mr~.), midwife, 6o Ordnance road
McBride Thomas & Sons, tailors, 16 Thomas street Nash James, dairyman, 61 Wellington street
McCarthy Laura (Miss), lodging house, 27 Woolwich corn Nash Thomas, timber merchant, 49A, Powis street
McCollough James M. painter, 48 Eleanor road Naylor Brothers, ironmongers, I24 Powis street
Mace William, fishmonger, 24 George street Neale John, pharmaceutical chemist, 21 George street
MeFetridge Mary Jane (Miss), milliner, 29 Brewer street Neary Thomas John, shoe maker, II Francis street
l\'lcGratten James, shopkeeper, 20 Frances street Neighbour Walt. Lord Whitworth P.H. 37 Charles street
Macintosh John, watch maker, 40 Thomas street Neill James, shopkeeper, I Millward street
Mclntyre, Hogg & Co. shirt manufacturers, 4 Mulgrave pl Newell Waiter, confectioner, 2 Hare street
McKenzie Frederick Montrose, carrier, 23 Powis street Newman John Benjamin, builder & barrow maker, 48 King
McKenzie James, beer retailer, 29 Hill street street & I Queen street
Mackie Adam, sanitary inspector, 25 Thomas street Newman Thomas Fairbrother, confectioner, 58 New road&;
McKnight William, tailor, 21 Wellington street baker, 94 Wellington street
McLachla.n Willia.m, shopkeeper, I7 Frances street Newstead Robert, c:othier, 7 Hare street
McRae Joseph & Co. leather sellers, 8 High street Nightingale William D. butcher, 38 .Frances street
MacVicars Donald, cheesemonger, 47 New road Noakes James, confectioner, 137 High street
Magenity Peter, greengrocer, 8 Hare street Norree Elise (Madame), surgical appliance & stay maker,
Maguire John, shopkeeper, 26 Artillery place 3 Cross street wast, Green's end
Malem Elizabeth (Mrs.), fishmonger, 92 High street Norris Charles Alfred, clerk to the registrar, County Court
Malings Henry, manufacturer of rackets &c. 26 Frances st office, 8 Brewer street
Mandy Thomas K. solicitor, 91 Powis street Northam William George, confectioner, 77 Wellington street
ManningSarah (Mrs.), portmanteau maker,73Wellington st Nugent Edward Joseph M.D. surgeon, 55 Artillery place
Manning Thomas, dining rooms, 4 New road Nunn Frederick Charles, fancy repository, 123 Powis street
Mansell William, shopkeeper, 19 Orchard street Oakley l<'rederick, tobacconist, 3 Plumstead road
Marchant William, shoe maker, 1 Chapel street O'Heron Patrick J. stationer, 63 New road
Markham William, Marquis of Granby P.H. So High street O'Leary Daniel, wardrobe dealer, 7, 9 & 19 Jackson street
Marks Eli Henry, greengrocer, 12 Jackson street Orren Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer & wine retailer, I4 New road
Marsh Decimus, china & glass dealer, 24 Hare street Overall George, confectioner, 5 John st. & 22t! George st
Marsh Emily (Mrs.), draper, Ritter street Owen Amelia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 35 Coleman street
Marsh Joseph, hair dresser, 29 Beresford street Owers Frederick James, grocer, 20 Albion road & 31
Marsh Joseph, greengrocer, 31 New road John street
Marshall Sarah (Miss), shopkeeper, 17 Waterman's fields Packman & Chennells, butchers, 124 High street
Martin Alexander, plumber, 3B Plumstead road Packman Henry Tillett, butcher, 3I Powis street
Martin Edward, pier master, Free ferry, High street Page Edward, boot & shoe maker, 31 Anglesea road
Martin Gustave Louis, baker & confectnr. 16 Woolwich corn Paine J. K. & Sons, drapers & outfitters, 1:2 Hare street &
Martin Harry, Director General P.H. 27 Wellington street 117, IIB & II9 High street
Martin Jacob Adam, baker & confectioner, 1 Jackson street Palfreman Joseph, window blind maker, 2 Cross street west
Martin Jacob Adam, Perseverance P.H. Ordnance road Palfreman Joseph Henry, greengrocer, 15 King street
Martin Robert, umbrella manufacturer, 58 Powis street Pal mer Edward, army clothier & contractor & woollen &
Martin Susannah (Miss), hair dresser, 4 Wellington street Manchester warehouseman, II9 & 120 Powis street
Mason Edwa.rd, fishmonger, 32 Church street Palmer Edwd. jun.deputy registrar of marriages, 12oPowis st
Mason Henry, Royal Arsenal Hotel, New road Parish William, painter &c. 46 Warwick -street
Mason Henry~· Royal Mortar P.H. New road Parkes Jn. C. pharmaceutical chmst. & Post office,41Hare st
Mason Robert F.R.c.s.Eng. surgeon, 7 Rectory place Parochial Almshouses, Rope Yard rails
Mason Thomas, confectioner, 28 High street Parrett Thomas, confectioner, 89 High street
Mason Thomas Charles, tobacconist, 14 Albion road Parsons James John, tobacconist, IA, Wellington street
Matqews Barbara (Mrs.), North Pole P.H. 29 St. Mary's st Payne Thomas, coffee rooms, I George street
Matthews Matthew, butcher, 2 Ritter street · Payne Thomas, fishmonger 12I, & greengrocer 122, High st
Matthews Rebecca (Mrs.), news agent, 2 Church street Henry, shopkeeper, 43 Chapel street
Matthews Thomas, shopkeeper, 106 King street Pearce Waiter Hill, provision dealer, 39 Anglesea road
Maxwell 'l'heodcra B. A., lii.D., surgn. 23 Woolwichcom Pearson Jn. & Chas.Edwn.ironmngrs. 5 & 6 Union rw.Newrd
Meaden John, tobacconist & wardrobe dealer, 6o Chnrch st Pennell William, shopkeeper, 23 Engineers' road
Mearn Emily (Miss), dress maker, 7 Cornish ter. Wood st Perkins Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, 10 Htll street
Mellish Albert William, miller, Glass yard Perry Charles, linen draper, 76 Wellington street
Mendez Joseph, wardrobe dealer, 23 Union buildings Perry George, coffee house, 5 Market hill, High street
Mendez Robert, wholesale fruiterer, 4 Thomas street Peters Charles, wardrobe dealer, 32 Anglesea road
Mercer Wait, Thos. Trafalgar Distillery P.H. 22 George st Phebey Fanny (Mrs.), confectioner, to Church street
Messent John J. undertaker, 67 Powis street Philborough George, hair dresser, 18! Albion road
Metropolitan Police Court (Robt. Hy. B. Marsham esq. ; E. Phillips Edward, boot maker, so Artillery place
N. I<'. :Fenwick esq. & Gilbert G. Kennedy esq. magis- Phillips George Henry, grocer, 2 Jackson street •
trates), William street Phillips Reuben Albert, grocer, 42 Church street
Meyer Frederick, baker, I Samuel street Phillips Robert, boot & shoe makers, 35 Anglesea road
Midland Railway (C. & C. Tuff, agents), carriers, 16 & T.7 Phillips William, Walpole Arms P.H. 26A, Waterman's fields
H1gh street Pickett Albert, insurance agent, I4 Anglesea road
Milbank Alice (Mrs.), dealer in paper hangings, 51 Powis st Pickford & Co. general carriers, Mortgramit sq. Hare street
I Pidcock Richard Georgfl, solicitor, 61 & 62 Church street
Milligan Robert, wardrobe dealer, 30 Artillery place
DIRECTORY.] KENT. woo~WICfi..r 69.5.
Pidcock Richard, solicitor & commissioner & perpetual corn- Russell Ja~es, coffee rooms, ~6 High street
missioner, 61 & 62 Church street Ryan William & Co. Lim. coal merchants, 36 Union street
Filcher C. G. & Co. shoeing smiths, 69 Powis street Ryan John, furniture broker, 37 Union buildings ,
Pitt-Taylor Charles, high bailiff·& registrar, County Court Sackett Edward & John, ironmongers, 3I & 32 Hare street
office, 8 Brewer street Sacre Edwin William1 greengrocer, I3 ALbion toad
Plaisted Harry, Criterion P.H. 43 Church street Saker Ernest, grocer, 24 Artillery place
Pluckrose Henry, greengrocer, 27 Artillery place Sales A. R. & S. government contractors, Globe lane
Plume George, Carpenters' Arms P.H. I8 High street Salmon George Henry, painter &c. 4 John street
Plume John, Mitre P.H. I45 High street Sampson Edward William, solicitor & commissioner f.o-o
Ponter Fredk. Arthnr, furniture dealer, 52 Wellington st oaths, I3 Parson's hill ,
Pope &Co. Limtted, brewers, opposite Arsenal station Sanders & Webber, watch makers & jewellers, 36 PowiS st
Pope Richard, ironmonger, 9 & 10 Queen street Sanders John, shopkeeper, 6 Sand street.
PorterGeorge, baker, 29 Charles street Sanderson Andrew, plumber, 11 Wellington street
Porter John, furniture dealer, 12 Church street Sanderson John, sign writer, 26 Wellington stree~
POBtle Frederick, baker, 33 Upper Market street Sargent Charles, upholsterer, 112 Powis street
Potter John, insurance agent, 37 St. Mary's street Saunders & Son, boot & shoe makers, 74 Brewer street
Powell Frances (Mrs.), lodging house, 8 Nightingale terrace, Saunders Frederick, greengrocer, 2 Fenwick street
Nightingale place Saunderg John, wardrobe dealer, 42 Anglesea road
Powell Frederick A. architect, See Luntley & Powell Saywell Edward, beer retailer, n Union buildings
Power Patrick, ironmonger, 28 Artillery place Scarborough Sarah Ann (Mrs.), greengrocer, 28 Henry st
Powis Estate Office (By. H. Church, agent), William street Schneider Albin, hair dresser, 31 Artillery place
Prance John, Duke of Wellington P.H. I2 Low. Market street Schneider Albin, hair dresser, 46 Wellington street & ·3~
Prance William, Navy Arms P.H. 6 Queen street Artillery place
Pratt Ebenezer Leonard, baker, 27 Harden street Schrieber & Dutton, photographers, 101 Wellington street
Price Henry Robert, fishmonger, 6 Bowling Green row Scott Owen, confectioner, II3 Powis street
Prince Edward, shopkeeper, 10 Mulgrave place Scott Wiliam, grocer, 6 Hare street .
Seale Charles, rule maker, 9 Belmont villas, Nightingale val~
Provis Henry, draper, 31 Church street
Pryce Henry & Son, printers. 96 Powis street Sedgley Douglas, sec. to Garrett & Co. Limited, Powis st~
Pollen John Alfred, grocer, 64 Powis street Selby Joseph, confectioner, 54 Artillery place . .
Purland Georgina (Miss), chemist, 42 Chapel street Self Clifford, coffee tavern, I Bell Watergate
Pnrnell Chas. Geo. grocer & provision dealer, 41 Anglesea rd Selves Charles Alfred, beer retailer, 28 Green's end
Purves Robert, grocer, 5 Albion 1•oad Seward Frederick, blacksmith, 4 Chapel street
Purvis Brothers, grocers & tea dealers, 15 & 16 Green's end Shalless Alexander, Prince Regent P.H. 63 King street
Putt Susan (Mrs.), boarding house, 1 Woolwich common Sharman Chas. Fredk. prov. & poultry dlr. 121 & 122 Powis '~
Pyer James George Wm. plumber & painter, u Albion road Sharp Charles H. boot maker & photographer,31 Artillery
Queen's Own (Royal West Kent) Regiment (3rd VoL Batt.) Sharp Charles John, dining rooms, go High street
comprising A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I & J Cos. (Lieut. J. Sharp Charles, turncock to Kent water works, 9 Thomas st
D. C. Farrell, commanding; Captain F. B. Fanshawe, Sheen 1\'Iary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, S3A, High street
adjutant; Captain R. T. Smith, quartermaster; Sergt.- 1 Sheerman Henry Alexander, baker, 140 High street
Maj. J. Jones, senior drill instructor); headquarters, 12 1 Sheppard Benjamin, tobacconist, 36 High street
Beresford street Siemens Brothers & Co. Lim. telegraph engineers, Telegraph
Rabson Richd. man. of London & County Bank, u I Powis st works, Bowater road
.Raine Henry, shopkeeper, II Trinity street 1 Silver Alexander, tailor, 35 Beresford street
Rayner Henry, tailor, 18 Brewer street
j S ilv erstone Adolphus, tobacconist, IooA, Powis street
Redman William, music warehouse, 51 Wellington street Silverstone Jude, tobacconist, 24A, Hare street
Reed Andrew C. clerk to burial board office & to the local Simm Elizabeth (Miss), dres.s maker, 74 Brewer street
board of health, William street I Simmonds James, tobacconi::~t, 38 Chapel street
Reed Hugh, linen draper, 17 Green's end & 81 Powis street Simmons John, tinman, 32 Henry stree~
.Reed Wm. Hy. Crown & Cushion P.H. I Murket hill. High st Simonds H. & G. Limited, brewers (George Reuben Nichols1
Regan Cornelius, beer retailer, 5 Jackson street manager), 51 Artillery place
Reinhold Herman Adolphus & Co. sewing machine, bicycle, Sims Alfred l''rank, baker, 23 George street
& perambulator manufacturers, 7 & 99 Wellington street Singer Manufacturing Co. (William Moore, agent), sewintr
Richard Abraham & Co. pawnbrokers, 13 Thomas street machine manufacturers, 42 Powis street
Richardson Sarah (Miss), dress maker, 19 Rectory place Sisters de Notre Dame School, ~Nightingale vale
Riley Henry, hosier, 91 Powis street Skillen Thomas, butcher, 3 Jackson street
Rimer Alfred, Duke of Connaught coffee tavern, New road Smith & Son, hair dressers, 59 Wellington street
.Risby Charles, shopkeeper, 69 Henry street Smith Alfred, builder, 2 Rectory place
Ritchie David, watch maker, 2 Albion road Smith Alfred, toba~o:conist, 3 Bowling Green row
RobertsJosiah Henry & Sons, music sellers, I Wellington st Smith Alfred T. baker, 37 l<'rancis street
Boberts George, pawnbroker, 54 & SS Lower road Smith Charles, beer retailer, 34 Chapel street
Robertson Henry, hair dresser, IS Jackson street Smith Frank, furniture dealer, 35 Church street
Robinson Andrew, shopkeeper, 11 John street Smith George, painter &c. 21 New road
Robinson Ellen (Miss), draper, 19 Prospect place Smith George Mence, oil & colorman,1 & 55 Albion road; 33'
Robinson George, linen draper, 13 & 14, & boot dealer 21 & & 33 Francis st.; 18 & 19 Green's end ; 39 Hare st.
38 Hare street 54&. 55 New road; 59 Powis street & 11· Thomas street
Robson William, linen draper, IOOA, High street Smith George W. boot maker, 40 New road
Roffey Edward, baker, 100 High street Smith Henry, shopkeeper & news agent, 39 Sand stree~
.Roffey James, baker, 48 Church street Smith John, beer retailer, Rope Yard rails
~gers George, grocer, 11 Lower Market street Smith Margaret (Mrs.), fly proprietor, Barrack 1TaveriJ
Rogers Henry, dining rooms, 96 High street yard, Woolwich common ,
.Roosmale-CocqFredk.OwenYoung,surgeon,45Woolwich corn Smith 1\'Iary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 54A, S~. Mary's st
Bose E. J. & Co. Prince Albert P.H. 11 Hare st. & Cooper's Smith Robert, greengrocer, 42 William street
Arms P.H. 120 High street Soldiers' Home & Mission(Mrs.Digby Dodnt,lady supt.. ),Hill st
Rose Ann Mary (~1rs.), George IV. P.H. 93A, King street Soldiers' Institute (William Warry, sec.), William stree~
Rose James, shopkeeper, 12 Lower Pellipar road Sortleet Barker, blacksmith, Gongh yard, Union street,
Bo~ William, miller, Steam flour mills, New road
South London Boot Co. Limited, .115 Powis street
Ross George, greengrocer, 7 Church street Southgate Samuel E. tobacconist, 109 High street
.Rowe Frederick, cricket bat manufacturer, 56 Samuel street Spencer George William, fancy draper, 56 Powis str!¥lt
Rowland Julian Haverfield, surgeon, 38 & 39 New road Squire William James, bookseller & stationer, 42 Hare st
Boyal Arsenal Co-operative Society Limited (Alex. McLeod, Squires Wm.Jas.booksllr.& st.&42 Harest
sec.), 147, 148, 149, ISO, 151 & 152 Powis street Squirrell John, tool dealer, 33 Beresford street
Stace William John, carriage buil<ter, smith /Jr. farrier, .1¥
Royal Assembly Rooms, New road
Royal Engineers' Barracks, New road Edward street & 3 Parson's hill
Royal Engineers' Office, Mill lane Standard Freehold Land Co. Limite<l (Wil1iarn George
Royal Infantry Barracks, Frances street White, sec.), 71 Powis street
Royal London :Friendly Society (Horace Duffell, superin- Starling & Cumberland, Cl)rn & flour dealers, zo Ret;tory plr
tendent), 6 Cambridge terrace Startup Sarah E. (Mrs.), baker, 38 High street. 1
Royal Military Academy (Field Marshal H.R.H. the Duke Stehfest Oscar, General Abercrombie P.ll. 17 Artillery plae11
of Cambridge K.G., G.C.B. president; Major-Gen. William Stephens Henry JamtlS, builder. 4 Hill street
Stirling c.B. governor), Woolwich common Stephenson Arthur J. hatter, 12 Green's ~nd
Rumsey Edward, shopkeeper, 4 Edward street Stephenson Francis Lawrance M.B., c.M. physician, Hill
RU$861l Hannah (Mrs.), lodging house, 46 & 47Woolwich com house, Hill street
Sttles John, carpenter, Mortgramit square, Hare-street Wates James, carver &gilder, 129A1 Powis street
Still David Usborne, chemist & druggist, 37 Church street Watkins Robert, shopkeeper, 46 King street
Stockwin Arthur, grocer. see Watts & Stockwin Watson James L.R.C.P.Edin. physician & surgeon, Holywood
Stoddart Joseph, watch maker, 22 Church street house, Bowater crescent •
Stokvis Woolfe Meiyers, outfitter, 5 Artillery place Watson Joseph F. fishmonger, u New road
Stone Ann (Mrs.), baker, 41 New road Watts & Stockwin, grocers, Ritter street
StoneArthr.Wm. solicitor &commsr. for oaths, II7 Powis st Watts James, shopkeeper, 6 Henry street
Stone l''red. hosier &c. 4I Thomas street Watts John, solicitor to Kent Reliance Permanent Benefit.
Streatfield Edward W. corn factor, 3 Hare st. & 29 High st Building Society, 14 Thomas street
Striek George, clothier, 27 High street Weavers James John, Britannia P.H. 59 Henry street
Sturgeon Thomas, ironmonger, I2 New road Webb George, coffee rooms, 17 New road
Suburban Property Co.Lim.(Jn. Baglow,sec. ),38Green's end Webb George, lodging house, 20 Thomas street
Summerfield Henry, shopkeeper, 21 Waterman's fields Webb Jas. Benj. butcher, ro6 Highst & 125& 126Powisst
Suter John, marine store dealer, I Prospect row Webb Robert, grocer, provision dealer & cheesemonger, 74-
Sweeting Austin, oilman, 49 Eleanor road Herbert road ; 30 Church street ; 4 & u Hare street; 114,.
Tailby Mark Alfred, tabacconist & news agent, 18 Albion rd 125 & 126 High street; 93 Wellington street; 9A, Wool-
Tamsett James Wellsted, fancy repository, 47 Church st wich common ; & go Anglesea road
Tasker Alfred, boot & shoe maker, 28A, Green's end Webb Younger, dairy, 28c, Green's end
Tassell James Henry, plumber, 3 Union row, New road Webber John, tobacconist, 37 Artillery place
soTaylor John & Son, coal merchants, Glass yard & 20 High st Webber John George, pork butcher, New road
Taylor Edwd. Mosley, collector to local board, Godfrey hill Weller Alfred, shopkeeper, 57 Church street
Taylor Frances (Mrs.), hair dresser, 36 New road Welling Jane (Miss), teacher of music, 37 Brewer street
Taylor George l<'uller, saddler, 101 High street Wells S. & Sons, builders, 41St. Mary's street
Taylor Richard, draper, II & 12 Hare street Wells Charles, shopkeeper, 2A, Fenwick street
Tees James L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon, 144 High street Wells George, grocer, 79 High street
Tenenbaum Joseph, picture frame maker, 57 Powis street Wells John, boot & shoe dealer & clothier, 53 Church st
Terry Flora (Miss), dress maker, 5 Samuel street Wells Mary (Mrs.), haberdasher, 26 Church street
Tharp Amor Augusta (Mrs.), dress maker, 9 Brewer street Wells William Henry, confectioner, 13 Beresford road
Tharp Jas. P. pawnbroker 67, & furniture dlr. 66, Churchst West Edward, Star P.H. 6o Wellington street
Thiselton Herbert, wardrobe dealer, 40 Beresford street West Frederick George, fishmonger, 19 Artillery place
Thomas Albert, shopkeeper, g Cornish terrace, Wood street West George, baker, 10 King street
Thomas Herbert 0. surveyor to the Woolwich local board of West Stephen, outfitter, 43 & 44 Artillery place
health, Town hall, William street Weston Sarah (Mrs.), dairy, 46 Church street
Thomas Lettice (Mrs.), furniture dealer & pawnbroker, 22, Whale George, solicitor & clerk to Plumstead District Boar<i
23 &25 High st. & 2 George st. & clothier, 2 Plumstead rd of Works, 39 William street
Thompson James, saddler, 6 High street Wheeler Grace (Mrs.) & Caroline (Miss), dress makers, 24'
Thompson Sophia (Mrs.), greengrocer, 52B, Beresford street Campbell terrace, Brook Hill road
Thompson M'illiam M.A. academy, 40 Woolwich common White, Palmer & Co. Limited, wbarfingers (Frederick Cross,.
Thorn Charles Frederick, printer, 68 Wellington street manager), Harrington road
Thornton Thomas, confectioner, 59 Church street White Henry, greengrocer, I Bowling Green row
Thorogood Chas. G. butcher, 47 King st. & 17 Prospect pl White Israel, beer retailer, 15 Warwick street
Thrall Alfred, shopkeeper, 13 Church street White Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 93 High street
Tillman George, clothier, 4 Union row, ~ew road White William Waiter, saddler, x8 Artillery place
Topley William & Sons, wholesale grocers, provision mer- Whitefield William, shopkeeper, 29 Henry street
chants, army & navy contractors ; war~house & offices, Whitely Henry, naturalist, 28 Wellington street
New road; also at 148 Upper Thames street, London E c White's Royal Artillery Ag-ency, 5 Frances street
Topley Samuel, butter importer, 4 Market hill Whomes Jsph. professor of music, Lime Tree cots. Parson's hl
Townsend Richard, watcll maker, 93 Powis street Whybrow Charles Alfred, chimney sweeper, 7 Church st
Triptree James, dyer & scourer, 4 High street Whybrow Stephen, greengrocer, 28 Sand street
Tucker .Henry William, beer retailer, 8 Prospect row Wiggins Mary Ann (Mrs.), marine store dlr. 42 Beresford st.
Tucker William A. Salutation P.H. 25 Green's end Wilcox & Lockett, surgeons, 2A, Eleanor road
TUFF CHARLES & CHARLES, government contractors Wilders William, Prince of Wales P.H. Rope Yard rails
& general carriers, Barths & Tuff's wharf, 16 & 17 High st Wilkening Louis, baker, 72 Henry street
Tuffield Ann Elizabeth (Mrs.), registrar of births & deaths, Wilkie Charles, hair dresser, 33 Lower road
Woolwich Arsenal sub-district, 16 Anglesea road Wilkins Sarah (Mrs.), greengrocer, I Kidd street
Tuffield Laura (Miss), deputy registrar of births & deaths, Wilkinson Charlotte Mary (Mrs.), draper, Fenwick street
Woolwich Arsenal sub-district, 17 Anglesea road Williams Elizabeth (Miss), ladies' school, 31 Rectory place
Tufnell Henry, auctioneer, 81 Wellington street Williams George, Lord Howick P.H. Trinity street
Turk James Richard, grocer, 10 & II Artillery place Williams Thomas William, dining rooms, 2 Station road
Turner John, beer retailer, 24 Sand street Wilsou & Watson, timber, slate, brick, tile, lime & cement.
Twin Thomas, Greyhound P.H. 27 Church street merchants & sawing & moulding mills, Royal Dockyard
Twining I<'redericlr, Globe l'.R. 7A, Church street wharf, High street; 52 Sprays street, Plumstead; & 9"
Tyers Horatio J. fancy repository, 6o Powis street Gracechurch street, London E c
Tytheridge Daniel, shopkeeper, 94 King street Wilson Alexandrina (Mrs.), dress maker, 3 Nightingale vale-
UpsonJn. & Co.boot makers, IO Rarest. & IoB & 109 Powis st Wilson Caroline(l\Irs. ),picture frame mkr.9Markt.hl.High st.
Vallis Alfred, plumber, 83 King street Wilson Joseph, shopkeeper, Ordnance road
Vasey Wm. Robert, baby linen warehouse, 34 &35 Powis st Wing Arthur Joseph, chemist, no Powis street
Vicars Hedley, butcher, 41 Church street Winter Henry & Co. coal merchants; office, 6r Powis street ;
ViC' Joseph Burwood, house & estate agent, 63 Church st Rodney street ; & Victoria. & Albert wharves; & Com-
Vohmann George J. baker, 37 Hare street mercial wharf, Gravesend
Volunteer Medical Staff Corps (surgeon in command, Francis Winter William, hair dresser 8, & tobacconist g, New road.
Lawrance Stephenson M.B., c.M.), head-quarters, Wool- Wood Charles, wardrobe dealer, I43 High street
wich division; barracks, Artillery place Wood Frederick, fried fish shop, 9 Chapel street
Wadsworth Charles, commercial traveller, 32 Wood street Wood John, greengrocer, I6 Albion road
Wagner Philip, baker, 20 Hare street Wood William Henry, fly proprietor, IA, & 4 Jackson street
Wagon Stephen, shopkeeper, 37 Chapel street Woodford William, assessor of queen's taxes, 3 York
Walker AieL & Son, boot & shoe makers, I9 & 20 New road crescent, Nightingale terrace -..
Walker George, watch maker & gilder, 15 Brewer street Woods William Waiter, oilman, I9A Millward street
Walker J oseph Street, watch maker, soA, Artillery place; & Woolfrey William, dining rooms, 76 Powis street'
photographer, 48 Wellington street Woolwich Burial Board Office (Andrew C. Reed, clerk to
Walklin Alfred Jn. insurance agent, 2Linden ter. Sam'uel st burial board), William street; cemetery (John Anderson,
Wailer Hayward William, butcher, 52 Albion road supt. ), Plumstead common
Wallis & Sons, drapers, 74 & 74A, Powis street Woolwich Chess &Draughts Club (J.Dhonau,86(l.),Charlesst
Walls Daniel, oil & colorman, 23 Church street Woolwich Conservative Club (S. H. Hatton; sec.), 62 k 63
Waiter Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer, 45 New road Brewer street •
Waiter Nathaniel John, linen draper, 38 Anglesea road Woolwich County Court Offices (court held at Town hall,
Waiters Ellen (Mrs.), midwife, 14 Parsons hill • His Honor J. J. Powell Q.C. judge; Charles Pitt-'faylor~
Ward Henry, shopkeeper, 11 St. Mary street registrar & high bailiff), 8 Brewer street
Warden Eliza (Mrs.), boot maker, 130 High street WoolwichDistrict Radical Club(FredChaplin, sec.),William st
Warren Robert J. watch maker, IS & 16 Hare street Woolwich Equitable Building Society (George Bishop, see.),
Waterman James, shoe maker, I4 Artillery place 131 Powis street
Wates Ruth &Naomi {Misses), ladies' school, 6x Brewer st Woolwich Fire Brigade Station (Fk.Lawrence,eDoonr), Sun st
Woolwich Furnishing Co. furniture dealers, 48 Artillery pl Woolwich Union Dispensary, Rectory place
Woolwich Gazette (Liberal) (Albert Mortimer Chapman, Woolwich & Plumstead Coffee Taverns Co. Lim. (Fre:lerick
publisher) : published fri. 37 Green's end Johnson, sec.), New road
Woolwich Inland Revenue Office, Royal Mortar P.B'. New rd Wootten J. & C. carriers, 29 Union street
WOOLWICH MIDDLE SCHOOLS (George Alexander Wootten William T. carrier, 28 Powis street
Grant B.A. head master) (boys & girls) Upper Market street Worthington Sidney M.n., F.R.c.s.Eng. surgeon &divisional
Woolwich Mutual Benefit Building Society (Augustus Charles surgeon to police, 49 Rectory place
Woodley, sec.), 134 Powis street \Vright Alexander, boot maker, Ritter street
Woolwich Police Court (R. H. B. Marsham esq. E.N.I<'. Fen- Wright Charlotte (Mrs.), plumber, 43 William street
wick esq. & Gilbert G.Kennedy esq. magistrates), William st Wright 'fhomas, painter, 22 Thomas street
Woolwich Town Hall, William street Young Elizabeth (Mrs.), tobacconist, 38 Church street
Woolwich Turkish Baths (Henry Wiseman, proprietor), 71 Young Willia.m James, Shakespeare P.H. 75 Powis street
Wellington street Young Women's Christian Association, loo Wellington street.
WOOTTON (or WOOTON), anciently Woodton, is a parish charge £262, net yearly value £237, includin~ residene&
and 16acres of glebe,in the gift of George Joseph Murray esq.
7 miles south from Folkestone, 8 north-west from Dover and and held since 1879 by the Rev. Reginald Norman Durranto
M.A. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Wootton Court,
3 south-west from Shepherdswell station on the London part of which is supposed to have been built in the reign of
King John by John de Gestlinge, is the seat of George
Chatham and Dover railway, in the. Eastern division of the Joseph Murray esq. .J.P. lord of the manor and principal
county, Kinghamford hundred, lathe of St. Augustine, landowner, who purchased it of the Brydges family in 1876:
Wingham petty sessional division, Bewsborough and Dover
union and county court districts and in the rural deanery it has been partially rebuilt, and stands in a. well-timbered
of Elham and archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury.
The church of St. :Martin is a small building of flint in the park of about 100 acres. The soil is loam; subsoil, chalk.
Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is
porch and a low western tower of rough flint containing one x,o19 acres ; rateable value, £I, 19<1 ; the population in
bell; there were formerly three, but two were sold many 1881 was J:53·
years ago by the parishioners and the proceeds devoted to
the repair of the church: at the south-east part of the GEDDINGE is a hamlet one mile east.
nave is a plain Pointed piscina : in the chancel is another Parish Clerk, Austen Deal.
piscina, and there are stone seats in the chancel wall: the
poor box bears date 1662 : the church was restored by PosT OF.FICE.-Mrs. Mary Ann Dunn, receiver. Letters re-
public subscription in 1878-9, and in 188r the chancel was ceived from Canterbury at 7.go a. m. & 6 p.m. ; dispatchecf
restored, a stained window inserted and a richly carved at 9 a. m. & 6.go p.m. The nearest money order & tele-
reredos of alabaster erected: there are 120 sittings. The graph offices are at Barham & Sibertswould
register of baptisms and marriages dates from the year
1546, burials, 1566. The living is a rectory, tithe rent- The joint school for the parishes of Swingfield, Deuton &.
Wootton is at Selsted, in Swingfield parish
Durrant Rev. Reginald Norman M.A. Broadley John, farmer, Geddinge farm Hobbs Henry, farmer
Rectory Dunn Jn. Endeavour inn, & carpenter 1\'Iummery Wm. frmr. Wootton St. frm
Murray Geo. Joseph J.P. Wootton court Dunn MaryA.(Mrs. ),shpkpr. Post office Rose Fanny (Mrs.), blacksmith
Barrow Wait. farmer, Hill House farm Fagg Thomas, farmer, Pickleden farm Seath Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Brice George, carpenter & wheelwright ·
WORMSHILL is a parish and village, 5 miles south London, and held since x888 by ~he Rev. Henry Charles
from Sittingbourne and 45 from London, in the Mid division Pryce Jones M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford. There is
of the county, Eythorne hundred, lathe of Aylesford, Bear- an endowment for the school of[,7 I2S. annual value, derived
sted petty sessional dtvision, Hollingbourne union, Sitting- from money in the funds. The principal landowners are.
bourne county court district and in the rural deanery of the Governors of Christ's Hospital, who are lords of the
Sutton, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of Canter- manor (the Earl of Aylesford also holding a small manor
bury. The church of St. Giles is a plain structure of flint, here), Richard Gerard de Visme ThomasM:.A.,J.P. of Eyhorna
with some interesting Early English features, and consists cottage, Hollingbourne, A. E. Isherwood esq. 21 West-
of chancel with north aisle, nave of three bays, and north bourne gardens, Folkestone, Roland Egerton Wedgwood
aisle, south porch and an embattled western tower contain- esq. of· Bredgar, Edward Leigh Pemberton esq. .J.P. of
ing 4 bells : it was restored, with the exception of the tower Torry hill, Lenham, the trustees of the late Rev. R. J.
and porch, in 1879 at a cost of £1,200: the roof of the chan- T. Dolling, William Brice, Henry Hudson and Edward
cel and nave, together with the seating throughout the Homewood, of Tunst.all, esqrs. The land is clay on chalk
church, has been renewed: during the restoration some with flint stones, but produces good hops. The area is
very interesting discoveries were made, including an ancient 1,476 acres ; rateable value, {,1,214; t.he population in
piscina and, in a blocked-up window in i!he north wall of the 1881 was 213.
chancel aisle, formerly a mortuary chapel, the arms of BEoM:ONTON is one mile north-west.
Simon de Norwood and his wife Margaret, daughter of Parish Clerk, Edward Young.
Hamo de Gatton, once lord of the manor of Wormshill and
owner of large estates in Kent and Surrey : in the same PosT OFFICE.-Benjamin Browning, receiver. Lettel'S'
place is a memorial to William Tylden, ob. 1613 : the oak through Sittingbourne, received at 8.45 a. m.; box closes
pulpit is an interesting work of the Tudor period and there at 4.25 p.m. & sundays, 9·55 a. m. The nearest money
is a curious Norman font of Kentish ragstone : there are order & telegraph office 1s at Doddington. Postal orders.
120 sittings. The earliest register now in possession of the are issued here, but not paid
incumbent dates only from 1700. The living is a rectory, Parochial School (mixed), built in 1872, for 40 children;:
yearly value ct;~mmuted tithe rent-charge £260 and 30 average attendance, 25; a school b.ouse was built in 1878 ;.
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Christ's Hospital, Miss Mary Ann Wood, mistress
Fairweather Alexander, Hill house Browning Benjamin, grocer, Post office Fairweather Alex. farmer, Hill house
Couchman Charles, farm bailiff toR. G. Goodhew Thomas, farmer & hop
Jones Rev. Henry Charles· Pryce lit:.A.
de V. Thomas esq. J.P. Yew Tree fl"tn grower, Bedmonton
(rector], Rectory Eason Alfred, farmer, N orwood & Hadlow Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer
Luckhurst Charles, bricklayer
Alexander Charles, grazier & farmer, Court Lodge farms Saywell Herbert, farmer, Bedmonton
Day George, wheelwright & carpenter
Street farm & Bedmonton •
Bourne Richard, Woodman's Arms P.H.
Little Norwood •
WORTH is a parish and 'Village about a mile and a half tains paintings by W. H. Westlake esq. ofthe Resurrection of
south from Sandwich, in the Eastern division of the county, our Lord, with types and antitypes: there are 240 sittings,
Eastry hundred and uaion, lathe of St. Augustine, Wingham all being free. The register dates from the year 1726. The
petty sessional· division, Sandwich county court district, living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge £g68, net yearly value
and in the rnral deanery of Sandwich and archdeaconry and [325, with residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canter-
diocese of Canterbury. The church of SS. Peter and Paul is bury, and held since r88o by the Rev. Walker Flower H.A..
a very ancient structure of rough flint in the Early English of Exeter College, Oxford. The Dean and Chapter of
style, much modernized, and consists of chancel with north Canterbury are the impropriators of the rectorial rent-
chapel, nave of six bays, south aisle, north porch and a charges, commuted yearly value £623 48· 6!d. Upton
western tower with short spiTe containing a clock and 2 House is the residence of W. J. Green esq. Here are two
bells: the church was originally Norman, as indicated by a coastguard stations. The Dean and Chapter of Canterbury
pillar still existing at the west end and by a doorway on the are lords of the manor, the Earl of Guildford being the
aorth side: the chancel retai~ a piscina, and there is a principal landowner. The soil is loam ; subsoil, clay. The
stoup at the north door: the chancel was restored in 1864 chief crops are wheat,· barley and oats_ The area is 3,925
by the Dean and Chapter of CaJiterbury: the reredos con- acres of land and 1,439 of water; rateable value. £s,f44.;
- •
~98 . WORTH;..
the population in x881 was 443, including the coastguard Coastguard Station, No. 2, William Lee, chief officer
stations. . Coastguard Station, Sandwich station, Edward Smith, chief
:FELDERLA.ND, x mile west, on the road from Sandwich to officer
- Eastry, and HACKLINGE, I mile south, are hamlets here. A School Board of 5 members was formed in 1871 ; W. R.
Parish Clerk, John Sackett.
PosT 0FFICE.-William Sansom, receiver. Letters received Harrison, Sandwich, clerk to the board; W. C. Page,
from Dover at 7.15 a.m. & dispatched at 7.30 p.m. The
Sandwich, attendance officer
nearest money order & telegraph office is at Sandwich Board School (mixed), erected in 187x, for 75 children;
WALL Box at Upton House cleared at 7.2oa.m. &7.2op.m. average attendance, so; Mrs. ElizaJaneSansom, mistress
week days & 7.20 p.m. on sundays
Collard Edward, Old Vicarage Baker William, farmer Laslett William, farmer & grazier &
Flower Rev. Walker M. A. Vicarage Clark Troward, engineer, Ivy cottage builder,. Felderland wood
Green Waiter James, Upton house Cobus James, farmer Packer Stephen,mrkt.grdnr.Stone cross
COMMERCIAL. Durban William, farmer, Hacklinge Pidduck William, market gardener
Baker & Giles, auctioneers & valuers, Farrier Thomas, beer retailer Pratchett Robert, bead gardener to the
Felderland Farrier Thomas, jtin. market gardener Rev. Walker Flower M.A.
.Baker Ebenezer, market gardener, j Hogbin Alfred, blacksmith, Stone cross 1 Solley Albert, farmer
Prospect cottage Hogbin Richard, farmer, Hacklinge Spinner Charles, farmer
Billing Frederick George, miller {steam Kemp Artbur, market gardener · Wood Thomas, market gardener
& wind) & baker, Worth mill Neame Susan (Mrs.), shopkeeper Young Edward, Crispin P.H
WOULDHAM is a village and parish, situated on the by the Rev. Charles Gerrard Andrewes M.A. of Hertford
bank of the navig-dble Medway, opposite Lower Halling, 3 College, Oxford. A Mission Hall of iron was erected in
miles south from Rochester and 2 north from Snodland I887 by Henry Peters esq. and is now used by the Salvation
sostation, in the Mid division of the county, lathe of Aylesford, Army : it will hold I persons. The Primitive Metbodis~
Larkfield hundred, Malling petty sessional division and chapel, erected in I867, is an edifice of brick, seating 250
union, county court district of Rochester, rural deanery of persons, Henry Peters esq. is lord of the manor and
Cobham and archdeaconry and diocese of Rochester. A principal landowner. The soil is chalky; subsoil, chalk.
small portion of the parish is within the borough of Rochester. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is
mThe church of All Saints is an interesting structure of flint I,539 acres; rateable value, £7,546; the population 188t
~nd stone in the Early English and later styles, and consists was 1,268.
Qf chancel with aisles, nave, aisles, south porch and a massive Parish Clerk and Sexton, Henry Smith.
Perpendicular embattled tower containing 4 bells, 2 of which PosT, M. 0. & ,~..· 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
are dated 1624: the nave has on the north an arcade of four
Eal'ly English arches on piers alternately circular and oc- Thomas Hartridge Watson, postmaster. Letters received
tagonal; on the south is an arcade of three plainer arches from Rochester at 7·45 & Io.35 a. m. ; cleared at 10·5°
with dissimilar piers: north of the chancel arch is the rood- a.m. & 5·45 p.m.; sundays, delivery at 8 a. m, ; cleared
I oft door, and the rood screen also remains: there are stone at n.3o a.m ·
seats along part of the chancel, two piscinm and aumbries: SCHOOLS:- was thoroughly restored and re-seated in 1881 ; National (mixed), erected in 1868, for 149 children; average
during the restoration a leper wmdow was discovered, as attendance, 133 ; James Beetba.m, master
well as a curious bagioscope in the south aisle: there are Infants', erected in 1883, for 140 children; average attend·
:264 sittings. The register dates from the year 1702. The ance, uo ; Miss Lucy Harding, mistress
living is a rectory, gross yearly value £320, with residence, CARRIERS.-Kemp, Norris k Parker, to Rocbester, daily;
in the gift of the Bishop of Rocbester, and held ~ince 1866 Norris, wed. to Maidstone
.Andrewes Rev. Charles Gerrard III.A. Edmonds John, grocer Pearce Alfred John Hilla.s, farmer &
Rectory Featherstone James, shopkeeper landowner, Starkey's castle
.Chambers-, Grayland Higham George, Medway inn Sawford Thomas, shopkeeper & farmer
Cramphorne James, Wouldham court Hook Samuel, beer retailer Scammell John, shopkeeper ·
Margetts:William Geo. F.R.G.s. Rings lo Keeler Edwd.frmr. Wouldham Hall frm Spillett Frank, shopkeeper
Peters Henry, Wouldham hall Kemp George, carrier Styant Clara (Miss), beer retailer
COl\11\IERCIAL. Kemsley & Sawford,frmrs.Free Thorpe Friend, grocer
Kemsley Wm. butcher, grocer & farmer Vallins Frederick Charles, beer retailer
.A.bbott Edward, boot maker King Louisa (Mrs.), shopkeeper Watson Thomas Hartridge, grocer,
BakerEdwd. Thos. Wlrterman'sArms P. H Mayhew Waiter, shopkeeper draper & general stores, Post office
.Bridges Thomas, smith Norris Henry, carrier Wouldham Cement Co. (A. Willoughby
Brown 'William, shopkeeper Parker Charles, carrier Spans, manager, London E c)
Burrell Charles, carpenter Peters Bros. portland cement manufrs.; Wouldham Working Men's Club (John
Clifford James, baker & shopkeeper & Victoria mansions,28Victoria street, Williamson, steward)
Collins William, butcher London s w .
WROTHAM is a town and parish, situated at the foot pulpit, of Caen stone, is elaborately carved, from designs by
.of the chalk hills, on the road from London to Maidstone, the Rev. Charles Lane M. A. late rector, under whose direction
24 miles by road from London, m north-west from Maidstone the chancel was thoroughly restored in 1858 ; during the
and 8 north-east from Sevenoaks, with a station I mile progress of the restoration an ancient tomb, supposed to be
south on the London, Chatham and Dover railway. It is in that of William of Wrotham, governor of Dover Castle,
the Mid division of the county, hundred of its own name, temp. Henry II. and probable founder of the church, was
lathe of .Aylesford, petty sessional division and union of discovered; the coffin was composed of several stones and
Nailing, county court district of Sevenoaks and in the rural the skeleton inside was entire: there are brasses with effigies
-deanery of Shoreham, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese to Thomas Nysell, ob. 1498, and Alice, his wife, with xo child·
-of Canterbury. The Local Government Act, x8s8, was ren; John Burgnyn, c. I500; .Thomas rekham esq. and
-adopted by the parish May 26, 1863, the board consisting of Dorothea, his wife, 1512 ; Reynold Pekham the elder esq.
8 members. This place, which is of very remote antiquity, ob. 1525, and Joyce (Colepeper), his wife, ob. 1523; James
i-s supp<>sed to have been a British settlement, various dis- Peekham esq, (?) ob. 1533, and Agnes, his wife; William
cweries having been made of British coins and fragments of Clerke esq. ob. I6n, and Ann (Cartwright), his wife, with
brass armour and military weapons. A palace of the Arch- 12 children; and Elizabeth (Norton), wife of Henry Crispe,
bishops of Canterbury formerly stood here, adjacent to the gent. ob. I615, with 9 children: there is also an inscription
church, of which the terrace and a few offices alone remain. on brass to James Pekham esq. ob. 1:500, and Margaret
Wrotbam Hill, just above the town, affords a fine prospect. (Burgoyn), his wife, with 9 children; and an incised slab,
On Terry's Lodge farm is a hill no feet above the level of with figures of a civilian and his wife, and a modem monn·
"tpe sea and perhaps the highest land i:q the county. 'l'he ment to Mistress Helen Betenson, who bequeathed large
.church of St. George is a building of stone, chiefly in the sums to ]lrqmley College and other institutions: there are
Decomted ~md Perpendicular styles, and consists of chancel, 420 sittings.. The register dates from the year 1558. The
.nave, aisles, south porcb with parvise and a western tower Jiving comprises a rectory and a vicarage, gross yearly value
vf J>erpendicular work, containing a clock and 8 bells, with from tithe rent-charge {,1,o2o, with residence and 20 acres
a curious arched passage through its lower part, strongly of glebe, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and
.groined in stone: the nave is separated from each aisle by held since xS79 by the Rev. William Frederick .Erskine
four E"-rly English arches on circular pillars, and the chancel Knollys M, A.. of Merton College, Oxford, honorary canon of
.arch inclosed by a. handsome oak screen of the 14th century ; Canterbury Cathedral and late preacher at the Chapel Royal,
"there are nine stained windows, one of which is a. memorial Whitehall. There is an almshouse for eight poor parishioners,
to three daughters of the late rector, Frances Lennox Ber- endowed by Mistreslt Helen Betenson with an allowance of
Tington, Alice Howley Lane and Blanch~ Emma Lane: the 3s. pd, each weekly. Wrotha.m Hill Park. the property oJ
Frederick Charsley esq. but now vacant, is' a residence
standing in extensive grounds and situated on the high range
Board day, monthly, at 5 p.m. on mondays, at the Borough
of hills north of the town. Lieut.-Col. Demetrius Wyndham Green hotel.
Grevis James J.P. of Ightham, who is lord of the manor, and
Sir Francis Geary hart. D.L. of Oxon Hoath, Tonbridge, Members: Thomas Golding (chairman), John BacoU;
Edmnnd Boscawen Evelyn esq. J.P. and Sir Mark Wilks Hezekiah Beadle, Isaac Crowhurst, Philip Fremlin, Wal~J;"
Collet bart. .J.P. of St. Clere, Kemsing, Sevenoaks, are the Morgan, Henry Phelps, Thomas G. Semark, James
principal landowners. The soil is light; subsoil, chiefly I
sand. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and hops. Clerk, G. F'. Carnell, Sevenoaks
The hop plantations average between 700 and 8oo acres of Treasurer, T. Jackson, London & County Bank, Maidstone
the total area of 8,73I acres; this includes Plaxtole, Platt Medical Officer of Health, John Co~ns Kent
and Woodlands; rateable value, £2o,8gr ; the parish con- Inspector of Nuisances, Surveyor & Collector, John Thoma!J
Ledger, Platt
tained in I886 a population of 3,500.
WooDLANDS, PLAXTOLEand PLATT, hamlets and ecclesias- SCHOOLS:-
National, built in 1875, for 200 children; average attend-
tical parishes, will be found under separate headings. • ance, r6o; Geo. Wait. Barber, master; Mrs. Barber, mi•st
BoROUGH GREEN, I! miles south, on the road from Seven- Infant, Borough Green, built in 1870, for 6o children;
average attendance, 42; MissCath.Sarah Rattenbury,mist
oaks to Gravesend, and NEPICAR, I mile south-east, are
Railway Station, Thomas Mackie Kennett, station master
partly in this parish.
Parish Clerk, George Barham.
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office
(S.O. Kent).-H. D. Fowler, sub-postmaster. Letters CARRIERS TO :-
received at 7.10 & 11.25 a.m. ; dispatched at n.2o a.m. LONDON-John Styles, mon. & thurs
& 6.35 p.m.; sundays, received at 7.10 a.m.; dispatched MAIDSTONE-John Upton, tues. & sat
at 1.50 p.m ·
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Carlow Frdk.baker &gro.Wrotham hth Neale Philip, jeweller, Borough green
Bailey Captain Edmund ~yndham Cheeseman Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer Osborne George, carpentel'
Grevis, Nepicar house retailer, Borough green Ovenden William, George &; Dragon
Cragg Lt.-Col. Ceoil Webb,Wrotham Pl Collins Henry John, butcher, Boro' gm Pearce George, Borough Green com-
Cooper William, The Elms Corfe Alfred Felix, chemist mercial & family hotel ; open & close
Dubost Miss, Mill wood, Wrotham hth Crowhurst Isaac, farmer, Hognore carriages & hGrses on hire .
Evelyn Edmd. Boscawen J.P. Terry's ldg Denn James, baker Pierson J ohnNorton,tailor,Borough grn
Hale William Chalton, Ivy house Dutnall Hannah (Mrs.), toy dealer · Poltick Ann (:Miss) 1 butcher
Kent John Cozens
Dutnall Thomas, boot maker Poore Henry, dairyman, Wrotham htb.
Knollys Rev. William Frederick Erskine East Edward, painter & glazier Pope & Co. Limited, brewers
M.h.. [hon. canon of Cantrb. ],Vica1;age Flint Abraham, .coal dealer, Boro' green Pope Charles, beer retailer
Leonard Patriek Fremlin Philip, farmer Sanders Miles, relieving & vacc. officer,
M'ClevertyGen. Wm.Anson,TheRectory Fry Alien, engine proprietor, Boro' grn No.2 dist.®istr.of births, Wrotham
Martin Mrs. West bank, Borough green J<'uller John, shopkeeper, Borough gm sub-dist. Mailing union, Boro' green
Matthews Miss Fuller Wm. beer retail6i', Boro' green Semark John & Co. drapers k grocers,
Monckton Waiter J.P. Basted house Goldsmith Alfred, butcher,Borough grn & agents for W. k A Gilbey, wine &
Montgomrie Mrs. North lodge Harmsworth Wm. shopkpr. Boro' grn spirit merchants; & at Borough grn
Spencer Miss, Bishop's lodge Hayward John, Red Lion P.H. Boro' grn Semark Thomas George, builder
Webb Mrs. Wrotham Place · Hoppe Henry, butcher Simmons James, lime burner
Whale Mrs Hubble Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Stanley George, ironmonger
Whitehead 1\lrs. Sudhury house lggulden Stephen, builder Stanley Zebulon, Rose & Crown P.H
COMMERCIAL, Jessup Richard, wheelwright Trepess John William, Bull hotel
Annett William John, agent to W. S. Joy & Son, saddlers Trigg Wm. farmer, Park Farm house
Pope & Co. brewers Kent John Cozens, surgeon, & medical Upton Thomas, sen. (exors. of), farmers
Assiter Staines, hair dresser, Boro' grn officer,Malling union& public vaccina- Wakeman Thomas, builder,Borough grn
Earka.wayRichd. Thos.butcher,Boro' grn tor,medical officer of health, Wrotham Walls Joseph & Co. grocers, brick
Barron Alfred, family grocer & provision urban sanitary district makers, & agents for W. & A. Gilbey,
merchant, draper, milliner & general Leftley Fredk. nurseryman, Boro' grn wine & spirit merchants
outfitter, London house, Eoro' green London & County Banking Co. Limited Walmsley Benjamin Henry, lime &
Easted Paper Mills Co. Limited (sub-branch) (Thomas Jackson, man- brick maker, Borough green
Bennett Hezekiah, farmer, Boro' green ager) (open on friday); draw on head Wagland lsaac, baker
Brown Wm. Henry, baker, Boro' green office, 21 Lombard st. London E c Webster Thomas, farmer
Burton Waiter, Spring tavern Mercer Horatio, plumber & glazier Weeks Edward, fishmonger
Callow Jesse, watch maker, jeweller, Mist William, coal merchant, Boro' grn Whiffen Waiter, beer retailer
stationer, music seller &c. Post office Morgan Waiter, brewer Williarns John Thomas, butcher
WYCHLING (or WITCHLI~G or WICHLING) is a parish,; Torry hill, Lenham, are the principal landowners. The so~
2f miles from Lenham station on the London, Cbatham and ) is stiff loam ; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat,
Dover railway, 48 from London, 8 south-west from Favers- hops and grass. The area is1,316 acres; rateable value,
ham and 8 south from Sittingbourne. The church of St. £820; the population in r88r was 144.
Margaret is a building of flint and stone in the Early English Parish Clerk, Jesse Clements.
style, consisting of chancel and nave and a western tower WALL LETTER Box cleared at 5.30 p. m. week days; sundays•
eontaining 2 bells: on the north side is a fine Norman arch 11.30 a.m. Letters through Sittingbourne arrive at 9
and the font is an early example of tb.e same period : the a. m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at
church was thoroughly restored in I887, at a cost of £I,8oo.
A School Board of 5 members was formed in 1875 for the
The register dates from the year I577· The living is a united district of Doddington & Wychling, in which
Newnham was included, March 14, 1876; the children
rectory, yearly value from tithe rent-charge £277, with 27
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the trustees of
Mrs. Norton, and held since I88I by the Rev. Thomas
Norton B.A. of Clare College, Cambridge. The trustees of attend the Board school at Doddington
the late Sir Edward Filmer bart. d. 1886, who are lords of CARRIER TO FAVER5HAM.-Hughes passes through from
the manor, and Edward Leigh Pemberton esq. J.P. of · Lenham, tues. thurs. & sat
Norton Rev. Thomas B.A. [rector] Cheesman Henry, beer retlr. & shopkpr Harling William, farmer, Stapleton
Pamell Hon. Victor Alexander Lionel Fisher George, farm bailiff to W. E. Mercer Henry Wreight, blacksmith
Dawson, Court lodge Rigden esq Morgan George, farmer
Bradley Thomas, farmer Harling Matthew, .farmer, Green Neaves Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer
W YE is a small town and parish situated on the river originally erected by Cardinal Kempe when he founded his
Stonr, with a station on the South Eastern branch railway college here, under Henry VI. and then comprised three
from Ashford to Canterbury, 58 miles from London, 4 north- aisles and as many chancels, with a central tower and spire ;
east from Ashford and 9 south-west from Canterbury, in the latter, however, fell down on the 21st March, I68s, and
~ Sonthern division of the county, hundred of Wye, lathe the church remained in a dilapidated state until I701, when
of Scray, Ashford county court district and petty sessional it was repaired : the present edifice is a building of stone,
division, East Ashford union and in the rural deanery of consisting of modern apsidal chancel, clerestoried nave with
West Bridge and archdeaconry and diocese of Canterbury. arcades of four arches, aisles, south porch, mostly modern,
The town is lighted with gas. The church of SS. Gregory and a. low and massive embattled tower with pinnacles at
and .Martin is a building in the ,Perpendicular style, the east end of the south aisle containing a clock and 8 bells ~
in the chancel is a monument to Lady Johanna Thomhill, charities to the extent of [175 are distributed in money. A
dated 1708 : there is a brass with effigies of a female and two fair is held annually on October I Ith, and there was formerly
civilians, and below, a group of 11 children, with an in- a market, which has been long discontinued. Races are held
scription to Alice, successively wife of John Andrew and in May. The Earl of Winchilsea, who is lord of the manor
Thomas Palmere, ob. c. 1440 ; there was formerly in the and Wanley Ellis Sawbridge-Erle-Drax esq. of Holnest Park,
church a monumental inscription to Thomas Kempe, father Sherborne, Dorset, are the principal landowners. The soil
of the cardinal, who died in 1428 : a stained window has is clay; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, beans,
been erected at the west end, and the church has been re- peas and hops. The area is 7,348 acres; rateable value,
seated and has 636 sittings. The register of baptisms and £10,506; the population in t88I was 1,543· In the neigh-
burials dates from 1538, marriag11s from 1545. The living bourhood are Withersden, 1 mile east and Olantigh, I~ miles
is a vicarage, endowed with £240, paid by the Ecclesiastical north.
Commissioners, net yearly value £277, with residence, in the PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held since 1877 Mrs. Betsey Ottaway, receiver. Letters received from
by the Rev. John Hulke Dixon M.A. of Trinity College, Ashford at 7.20 a.m. & 2 p.m.; dispatched at IO.IS a.m.
Dublin; the Rev. Waiter Henry Trelawny Ashton-Gwatkin & 6.45 & 7·35 p.m
B.A. of King's College, Cambridge, is in charge; the vicarial WALL Box at station cleared at to a. m. & 6.30 p.m
tithes, amounting to £640 15s. yearly, are p3id to the ScHOOLS:-
Archbishop of Canterbury, the rectorial, commuted to Grammar, nominally founded by Robert Maxwell, of Wye,
£655 ws. were leased by the archbishop to the late J. S. to whom in I63o Charles I. granted certain property on
W. S. E. Drax esq. n.L., J.P. Wye has from the earliest condition that he should provide & maintain a school-
times been styled a royal manor. John Kempe, Cardinal master to teach grammar, paying him yearly £x6; &
and Archbi~hop of York (1452-4), obtained a royal licence this sum is still paid by the Earl of Winchilsea, the pre-
for the foundation of a college here, January qth 1447, but sent owner of the property, the school being managed by
this was suppressed by the king January 19th, I545, and a board of governors under a scheme approved by the
the college building became private property. John Kempe, Charity Commissioners. Henry Holmes is mastet•
the founder, was born at Olantigh, in this parish, in I38o, Lady Thornhill's, founded by Lady J ohanna Thornhill, who
and was the son of Thomas Kempe and Beatiix his wife, in 1708 gave the residue of her personal estate for the
daughter of Sir Thomas Lewknor : he was of Merton College, support of a school for the children of the poor of Wye, &
Oxford, and LL.D. of that University; subsequently he be- this was invested in the purchase of 160 acres of land,
came Archdeacon of Durham, and was vicar general to now producing [203 Ios. 6d. ; there are now about go boys
Archbishop Chicheley while that prelate was Chief Justiciary & So girls in the school; John Herbert, master; Mrs.
of Normandy; in 1441 he was made Bishop of Rochester, Lucy Herbert, mistress
and was afterwards successively Bishop of Chichester and of A School Board of 5 members was formed here 8 June,
London ; in 1430 he was created Cardinal Priest, in I427 1875, for the united districts of Wye & Brook; Charles
Archbishop of York and in 1452 Archbishop of Canterbury; John Creery, Ashford, clerk to the board
he died in I454· · This family was of very ancient standing Board School (infants), built in I849, for so children;
in Wye, and Ralph Kempe, great-grandfather of the cardinal, average attendance, 65 ; Miss Lydia Eves, mistress
is said to have held much landed estate here in the reign of RailwayStation, Uriah Baker, station master
Edward I. In I724 Sir George Wheler, of Wye, who was
then the owner of the college and building founded by CARRIERS TO:-
Cardinal Kempe, gave it by will, one-half for the master AsHFORD-Jn. Nash,daily; Wm. Linkins, tues. thurs. &sat
and mi-tress of Lad•y Thornhill's school to reside and teach CANTERBURY-Greenstreet, mon. wed. fri. & sat. at 8 a.m.
in, and the other half for the grammar master of Wye. returning the same days
IThere is a Wesleyan chapel in the town. Here are alms- FAVERSHAM-William Collins, wed. & fri. at 8 a.m. return-
houses for six almspeople, who receive £20 8s. a year each: ing same days
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Beard Frederic, land agent & valuer, Lepper William, painter & glazier
Withersden Lilley Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Alien Miss Long Thomas, farmer, Withersden
Amos Miss Brenchley William, boot maker Lusted Joseph, whiting maker
Amos Mr.s. Glenthorne Brook Waiter, farmer Manning Joseph, surgeon, & medical
Amos Mrs. Emily, Yewtree house Chittenden Charles William, baker
Back Frederick, Church street Clarabut Frederick Giles, furniture dlr officer & public vaccinator, No. I dis-
Back Miss Clarabut John Giles, draper trict, East Ashford union
Bolding James, Bridge street Cook William, farmer, Pett street Nash John, carrier
Collier Jesse, Church street Cook William, grocer Nickolls Edward, farmer, Amage farm
Cummings Miss, Glenthorne Dodd John, baker Nickolls William, farmer
Dixson John East Dodd John, carpenter
Furley Mrs. Oxenturn house Dodd Thomas, butcher Ottaway Betsey (Mrs. ),stationr.Post off
Gallaway Benjamin Edwards John, grocer Pemble John, wheelwright
Gladdin John, Scotten street England & Co. chemists &c Pilcher Thomas, blacksmith
Gwatkin Rev. Waiter Henry Trelawny File Chas. I<'redk. farmer, Belting farm Rains Frederick, grazier
Fisher Charles, George inn Rains George, baker, & deputy registrar
Ashton- n.A. [curate], The Vicarage Gittings Colin Wm.coal mer.Raily.statn
Holmes Hy. (master of Grammar schl) Goldup George, farmer, Wye downs of births & deaths, Wye sub-district~
Manning Joseph Grammar School (Hy. Holmes, master) East Ashford union
McGregor Mrs. Bridge street Green Peter, Victoria P.H Rains William, grazier
Osment John Greenstreet Henry, carrier Reynolds & Son,outfitters &shoe makers
Packston Miss, Back street Harris George, miller (wind) Rolfe George Carter, jun. farmer & hop
Pilcher Thomas, Claremont house Haycock Silas, blacksmith grower, Plnmpton
Robinson Mrs. Bridge street Head Charles, boot maker Slaughter Walter, builder
Stickings Mrs Head James, builder Smith Fredk. farmer, Coldblow farm
Watts Miss Stickings HarryHarpur,auctnr. &valuer
Herbert Jn. organist &teacher of music Sutton Fredk. Wm. farmer, Wye court
Sutton Frederick, Swan P.H
COMMERCIAL. Howard Frederick, wood turner Sutton William, butcher
Huckstepp Charles, hair dresser Terry Stephen, nurseryman
Allard James, Old Flying Horse P.H Jeffrey Henry, grazier Thorpe Thos. New Flying Horse P.H
Amos George, whiting manufacturer Kennett George, farmer Tippen John, general dealer
Amos Robert, farmer, Perry court KennettMaryCurtis( Mrs. ),miller(watr) Wadhams William, blacksmith
Back John, grocer Knight George, farmer, Bilting Whitehead Wm. shoe maker, Withersden
Bailey George,relieving officer, first dis- Knowles Hy. Granville, house painter Wratten Thomas Samuel, watch maker
trict & registrar of births & deaths, Ladd William, wheelwright Wye GasCo.Limited( WilliamLewin,sec)
Wye sub-district, East Ashford union Lamberton William, tailor
YALDING is a parish, 6 miles long and 3} to 4 miles petty sessional division of Mailing, Maidstone union and
wide, and includes the ecclesiastical district of CoLLIER county court district, North Mailing rural deanery, arch-
STREET, and several hamlets; it is situated at the con- deaconry of Maidstone and Canterbury diocese. The church
ftuence of the Beult and Teise with the navigable Medway, 7 of SS. Peter and Paulis an ancient cruciform building of stone
miles south-west from Maidstone, 8 north-east from Ton- in the Early English and later styles, and consists of chancel,
bridge and 39 from London; a branch of the South Eastern nave, aisles, transepts, north and south porches and a mas-
railway skirts the pa1 ish between Tonbridge and Maidstone, sive we.<~tern tower, of earlier date than the other parts of the
and has a station about a mile west from the village: it is church, containing a clock and 6 bells: the nave opens to the
in the South Western division of the county, Brenchley and aisles by four arches on either side springing from octagonal
Horsmonden and Twyford hundreds, lathe of Aylesford, piers: in the south wall is a tomb under a fine Perpendicular
arch, and there is one of like character on the north side, gross yearly value £3oo, with residence, in the gift of Miss
besides several monuments of the Ward and Akers families Fletcher, and held since r882 by the Rev. Franklin Folger
and some stained windows: there are about 6oo sittings, Starbuck M. A. of Christ's College, Cambridge; a sum of
half being free: the church was wholly closed against inter- £r,4oo was granted May r8th, 1883, by the Ecclesiastical
ments, and the churchyard with modifications, by Order in Commissioners for the erection of a parsonage. Here is also
Council6 Nov. 1857; additional ground adjoimng the old a Baptist chapel, endowed with 10 acres of land. The
churchyard was consecrated in 1884. The register dates from population in 1881 was 773·
the year 1558, and there are several ancient books in a good Parish Clerk and Sexton, Edward Lawrence.
state of preservation in the parish chest. The living is a. vicar- PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
age, net yearly value £1,100, including 36 acres of glebe, Yalding.-Gabriel Hards, postmaster. Letters arrive
with residence,in the gift of Miss l''letcher, and held since 188a from Maidstone at 7. 30 a. m. & 12.45 p.m. Box cleared for
by the Rev. David Lamplugh M.A. of St. John's College, dispatch at 11.50 a.m. for & through London; 12.50 p.m.
Cambridge: the vicarage house is picturesquely situated for Yalding & Hunton ; 6 p.m. for all parts. On sundays,
and is entirely surrounded by an ancient moat. The Brethren 10.45 a. m. only
hold services in a room at Benover. A sum of £125, derived PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. jo Annuity & Insurance Office,
from bequests left at different periods, is distributed yearly Collier Street.-Nathaniel Worsley, receiver. Letters
in charitable and educational purposes. Kenward, the seat arrive from Marden R.S.O. (letters should have R.S.O.
of Lady Frances Fletcher, is a fine building'. The repre- Kent added), at 8.go a. m. ; dispatched at 5·45 p.m. The
sentatives of the late Edwin Adolphus Cooke esq. of Roydon nearest telegraph offices are at Marden 8.0. & Yalding
Hall, are lords of the manor; and Lady ·Frances Fletcher, WALL LETrE.R BoxE~: Congelow, cleared at 5.20 p.m. week
Thomas Frederick Halsey esq. the Rev. C. W. Shepherd, days only; Benover, cleared at 5· 10 p.m. ; Laddingford,
the trustees of the late J. R. Mills and the Earl of Strafford cleared at 5.20 p.m. & on sunday at 10.20 a. m
are the chief landowners. The soil is of various kinds; sub- 8cHOOLS:-
soil, stone, gravel and clay. This is the largest hop-growing J<'ree Grammar, founded & endowed in r665 by William
parish in Kent and in England, upwards of 1,400 acres being Cleave esq. a citizen of London, who resided at Yalding
annually cultivated in this parish; fruit is also grown in during the plague & founded the school as a thank-
abundance. The area is 5,771 acreli of land and 72 of offering for his escape from sickness ; it was reconstituted
water; rateable value, £17,633; the population in 1881 was in 1874 by the Endowed School Commissioners, & is
2,513. situated at the upper end of the village, on comparatively
Parish Clerk and Sexton, Yalding, William Longley. high ground ; the master is allowed to take a limited num-
BENOVER and CONGELOW 2 miles south-east, LADDING· ber of boarders ; Samuel Williams, head master
FORD 1 mile south-west, and FowL HALL 3 miles south, are 1 National (boys), Yalding, built in 1873• for 16o children;
hamlets. average attendance, 98; (girls & infants) built in 1856,
CoLLIER STREET is from 3 to 4 miles south-east and 2 for 180 children; average attendance, 140; William Gal·
miles west from Marden station, and was formed into a pin, master; Miss Lavinia S. Hope, mistress ; Miss
separate ecclesiastical parish August 31st, r&ss, portions Wilson, infants' mistress
being afterwards assigned to Paddock Wood, October 3oth, National (mixed), Collier Street, for II5 children; average
x86o. The church of St. Margaret is a modern stone build- attendance, II5; Isaac Langley, master
ing, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles and a low tower with National (mixed),-Laddingford, built for So children; aver-
spire, containing a clock and one bell, placed in 1884 : the age attendance, 6o; Miss Ellen Stanford, mistress
church was renovated in 1883-4 at a cost of about £6oo, the Railway Station, HenrySaxby Agent, station master
alterations and additions including the introduction of choir CARRIERS TO MAIDSTONE.-From Queen street, Brenchley,
stalls and the erection of several stained windows. The re- Reader, tues. thurs. & sat. ; from Collier Street, Reeves,
gister dates from the year r858. The living is a vicarage, mon. wed. fri. & sat.; Hemsley, tues. & sat
Yalding. Honess Henry, beer retailer & carpenter Treasure Richard, relieving, school
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Hope David, cowkeeper inquiry & vaccinatiou officer, No. 3
Chapman Mrs. Willow grove Hubble Henry, house decorator district, assist. overseer & vestry clerk
Ellis Robert Ridge, The Court lodge Jenner Thomas, farmer & hop grower, Trice John, harness maker
Fletcher Lady Frances, Kenward Laddingford house Tuck Henry, George P.H
Gibbs Miss, Church cottage
Jeffery Misses, Fox pits Killick William Cassam, grocer &draper Tulley Myles C. brick maker
Kingsland Daniel, shoe maker Unicume Caleb, Woolpa(:k P.H. Benover
Lamplugh Rev. David M.A. Vicarage Knight William & Thomas, farmers, Weston James, farmer & hop grower
Norton Robert H.P., D.L., l.P. Downs Parsonage farm Whitehead John U. farmer & hop
house; & Carlton & Union clubs, Lamb Alfd. bailiff to Mrs. Price, Yew ldg grower, Wood falls
Langridge Edward, tailor Whyman Sophia. (Mrs.), dress maker
London w o Latter Al~ert, beer retailer Wood EdwardJoshua B.A.,M.B.surgeon,
Latter Thomas, bricklayer
Pout Frank Law Edward, Two Brewers P.H & medical officer & public vaccinator,
Price Mrs. Yew lodge Lipscombe George, grocer, Laddingford No. 3 district, Maidstone union &
Warde Ambrose John, The Elms Loud & Wickham, brewers certifying factory surgeon, Lees lodge
Warde Mrs. Parsonage Marks Charles F. agricultural manure Young Thomas Henry, grocer, & agent
White Edwd.Albt.(landowner ),Beltring for W.& A. Gilbey, wine & spirit mers
White Mrs agent, Yalding hill
Williams Samuel (head master Cleave's Masters Sidney, Anchor P.R Collier Street.
Medway Navigation Co. (Edward Thos.
Grammar school) Milles Rev. Thomas B. A
Wood Edwd.Joshua B.A.,M.B.Leeslodge Field, wharfinger), coal merchants Starbuck Rev. Franklin Folger M.A. St.
COMMBRCIAL. Morphew Wm.blacksmith& ironmonger Margaret's vicarage
Appleton Jesse, gardener & seedsman Noakes Charles, farmer & hop grower, COMMERCIAL.
Ashby William, shopkeeper, Wolsey The Lees house Batten Charles, farm bailiff to Mr. A. S.
Baker Thomas Charles, tailor Norton Charles, hop & fruit grower White, Crow plain
Beaching Richard, grocer, Laddingford Norton William, grocer, Benover
Overy Alfred Thomas, farmer, hop & Caryer Thomas, buteher
Bolton Philip, Railway inn Crossby Anthony, builder ·
Boys Albert, farm bailiff to M~. Charles fruit grower, Laurels
Page William, farmer & hop grower, Gurr George, farm bailiff to J. P. S.
Chambers, Shingle barn
Brenchley Alfred, shopkpr. Laddingford Fowl hall Hervey esq. Spitbrook
Butler James, coal merchant Pilbeam George Wm. beer retlr. Wolsey Hartridge James, landowner & hop
Chantler Robert Edmund, wheelwright Randall Thomas, butcher & harness grower, Bockingfold farm
& smith, Benover maker & tax collector Hemsley Waiter, carrier, Clay gate
Cheeseman John, farm bailiff to Mr. Reader Henry, farmer & hop grower, Hemsley William, shopkeeper
Herbert Wqite, Congelow 1 Pike Fish farm Hills Silas, White Hart P.H
Eltham John, wheelwright,Laddingford j Reader Thomas, farmer Manwaring Herbert, farmer & hop
Everest Alfred John, grocer Sales Wm. Chequ~rs P.R. Laddingford grower, Brandenburgh
Gibbs Charles;- farmer & hop grower, Savage Daniel, Prince of Wales P.H. Reeves Henry, carrier
Laddingford Collier street Savage Frederick, Duke P.H
Goodwin Charles, butcher Smeed Arrow, New inn, Fowl hall Tomkin l\Iargt.S. (Mrs. ),fruit & hop gro
Goble Esther (Mrs.), smallware dealer Startup Edward John, Bull P.H Tompsett Henjamin Frederick, jun.
Gurney & Son, paper makers, Hamsted Tidey William, farm bailiff to Mr. Chas. farmer & hop grower, Moors
Lock mills Chambers, Rugmore hill Tompsett Charles, farmer
Bards Gabriel, baker, Post office Tippen Percival James, watch maker Tompsett William, farmer, Den farm
Jlodge John, builder Town Charlotte Elizabeth (Miss},farmer Worsley Nathaniel, grocar, draper,
Homewood Robert, coal merchant & hop grower coach builder & smith, Post office
Published •
' Rllt C 'CONTAINING ABOUT e•ta ass rs,
PRICE, 16s.
The object of this Book is to include, in one general alphabetical list,
all those who have any definite position, or title, from Hereditary rank,
or order conferred on them by the Sovereign, or from any of the higher
grades of the Military, Naval, Legal, Clerical, or Colonial Services of
the State; also Deputy Lieutenants, Royal Academicians, Presidents and
Vice-Presidents of Learned Societies, County Court Judges, and the larger
landowners of the United Kingdom. It is to be observed that it is the
only book which enables any one, by reference to a sing1e list, to determine
whether any person having a particular title exists, and if so, to discover
his residence.
"Not the least valuable of Messrs. Kelly's Directories is the' Handbook to the Titled, Landed and Official Classes.' This, of course,
travels over much the same ground as the' Royal Blue·Book' and other books that have been noticed, but the method of treatment is
different. Almost the whole of the Handbook is an alphabetical list. This obviates the necessity of consulting a variety of book~, and
makes the most perfect form of reference book that can be fnund."-The Times, February 11th, 1890.
"One of the best books of reference known to us is 'Kelly's Handbook to the Titled, Landed and Official Classes,' a most convenient
work, containing as it does all county magistrates and all members of the various 'Orders,' and enabling the reader to find in a moment
all those persons who are commonly described as' somebody.' "-The .Atheflceum, February 15th, 1890.
"No effort has been spared to give the latest information, and of this we have found some unexpected proofs. We are, from our own
knowledge, in a position to recommend the work as a manual of the greatest utility."- The Queen, February 11ith, 1890.
" For general use there is no more compact work than' Kelly's Handbook to the Titled, Landed and Official Classes.' "-Daily Chronicle,
February 7th, 1890.
"Is an invaluable work of reference, as the names of all classes having a social status are contained within its pages, whereby the
necessity for referring to various works for different sections of society is avoided. The corrections have been brought down to the latest
possible period, and the volume will be found equal to any of its predecessors in accuracy.''-Court Jourrurl, March 1st, 1890. ·
"Is one of the handiest and completest books of reference of its kind. The volume for 1890, which has just been issued, is to the full
8'1 complete, as concise, and as exhaustive in range as it has ever been. There are many names here which may be looked for in vain else-
where; and the vast amount of information in the book is so well arranged that what is required may be found in a moment."-St.JameJ'
Gazttte, February 25th, 1890.
"It is stated that the proof of every entry has been submitted to the person referred to, in order to ensure accuracy. As the result
of frequent use, we can speak highly of its utility and trustworthiness."-TM Globe, February Brd, 1890.
"It is, of coune, a book that calls for no criticism, but it may be stated that the work has been very carefully built up, and with an
accuracy not always to be found in companion publications. Every writing.table and ought to have a copy,"-The White·
hall Review, February 8th, 1890.
"Among the tables prefixed is one of the relative rank and precedence in the Army and Navy, and lists of the regiments of the Lin~
and Militia according to their old and new designations, are alsc given."-The .Army and Navy Gautte, March 15th, 1890.
"This work hu for sixteen years supplied a much·felt want, because it is not se cumbersome as Burke's Peerage, takes in a. larger
number of names, and is alphabetically arranged so as to be very convenient for reference."-2'"he Civil Serfliu Gazette, Feb. 8th. 1890.
" It should certainly find a place in the library of all who make a point of possessing every refl'rence book calculated to prove of use
in everyday life."- City Pre1s, February oth, 1890.
"This excellent reference-book, which now reaches its sixteenth annual edition, is one of the most complete things of its kind in
existence. It saves those interested in knowing who'll who a world of trouble, and is a. condensed peerage,, knightage, Court
.guide, and county family directory all in one."-The Echo, January Slllt, 1890.