BOBSON'S OF THE SIX COUNTIES FORMING THE NORFOLK. CIRCUIT : VIZ. BEDS, BUCKS, CAMBRIDGESHIRE, HUNTS, NORFOLK, AND SUFFOLK, WITH OXFORDSHIRE; AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE NAMES, RESIDENCES AND PROFESSIONS OF THE COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS IN THE ABOVE COUNTIES: A CLASSIFICATION OF TRADES To all Market Towns therein, with every Information connected with the Arrival and Departure of Mails and other Coaches, Posting Houses, Commercial Inns, &c. &c. Accompanied by an Historical and Statistical Display of the Area in Statute Acres; the Annual Value thereof, as assessed to the Property Tax in 1815; the Annual Income of the Beneficed Clergy, as returned to Paliament in 1834; WITH A BEAUTIFULLY ENGRAVED MAP OF EACH OF THE SEVEN COUNTIES, ON WHICH IS DELINEATED THE NEW DIVISIONS OR PAROCHIAL UNIONS, - FORMED UNDER THE POOR LAW AMENDMENT ACT OF 3 & 4 WILLIAM IV. 1834. ALSO, THE NAMES OF UNIONS, NUMBER OF PARlSHE!'I AND GUARDIANS TO EACH UNION, THE DATE AND PLACE OF MEETING, WITH THE NAMES OF CLERKS TO EACH BOARD OF GUARDIANS THROUGHOUT THE ~EVEN COUNTIES ABOVE NAMED; • .. SUPEB.INTENDEN'l' REGISTRARS, REGISTRARS OF MARRIAGES, AND OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS' QtoacJ)tfS, ~arrttrfS, ~oafSttng VtfSfStl~, .;:team UacftrtfS, INLAND NAVIGATION & RAILROADS • • WILLIAM ROBSON & CO. LONDON DIRECTORY AND COURT GUIDE OFFICE, 4, CLOAK LANE, CHEAPSIDE; SOLD BY Simpkin, Marshall, & Co. Stationers' Court; Sherwood, Piper, & Gilbert, Paternoster Row; Varnbam, Strand; Richard & Wilson, St. Martin's Court; W. Houghton, Bond Street; Gray, Son, & Fell, Piccadilly; W. Allason, Bond Street; Ridgway & Son, Piccadilly; J. Fraser, 215, Regent Street i P. Richardson, Cornhill; Staunton & Son, Craven Street, Strand; Samuel Rowsell & Son, Cheapside ; Roake & V arty, Strand; John Booth, Duke Street, Portland Place ; Laking, Curzon Street; and Houlston and Hughes, Strand. Price to Subscribers, 15s. Non-Subscribers, 17s. 6d. RICHARD CLAY, PRINTER, BR.EAD-STREBT-HlLL.
ROBSON'S CLASSIFICATION OF TRADES FOR LONDON May be had bound rvith this Volume, or separately, at the extra charge of 15s. ROBSON'S ROYAL COURT GUIDE AND PEERAGE May be had boond with this Volume, or separately, in a Neat Pocket Edition. Price 5s.
INDEX TO 10BSON'S DIRECTORY OF THE SIX COUNTIES FORMING THE NORFOLK. CIRCUIT, WITH OXE'OB.DSHIB.E .. ,~vTE.-Every County commences with page 1 : for example, to find Lynn, Norfolk, look to the top, in the body of the work for Norfolk; and at page 48, gives the required place. It is also of importance to observe, that all the principal places in each County are arranged alphabetically ; but small villages are frequently of necessity united with them, as .Alpington and Burghapton; consequently, in most cases it is desirable, in order to ensure the finding of any place, to have reference to the Index. A. PAGE ~dderbury East & West, Oxon 36 Udborough, Suffolk............ 7 ppington, Norfolk .. ... .. . • .. . 118 fmbrosden, Oxon............... 56 ~mersham, Bucks • ...... .. .. • 6 lmpthill, Bedfordshire .. .. .. 5 bthall, Ox on • . . .. • • .. .. .. .. .. • 83 !ttlebury, Norfolk ............ 9 \yleburgh, Suffolk ............ 21 lylesbury, Bucks............... 8 \ylsham, Norfolk............... 11 1 B. Jallingdon, Suffolk ... ... .. .... 94 Sjampton, Oxon ........... .... 37 ~.anbury, Oxon.................. 38 ~arnham, Norfolk .. • .. • .. • .. • 43 3arnwell, Cambridgeshire ... 26 ~:arton Mills, Suffolk ..... ... • 79 1-eaconsfi.eld, Bucks............ 14 Beccles, Suffolk.................. 9 Bedford, Bedfordshire .. ... ... • 7 Bensington, Oxon............... 51 Jlicester, Ox on .. . .. .. ... .... .. .. 52 13iggleswade, Bedfordshire ... 15 ~ildeston, Suffolk............... 14 mney, Norfolk • .............. 29 ~lakeney, Norfolk ............ 13 Sloxbam, Oxon.................. 51 Uuntisbam, Hunts .. .. .... .. .. 4 3oddicott, Oxon ............... 37 ilotesdale, Suffolk............... 15 Bottisbam, Cambridgeshire .. • 48 Brampton, Hunts............... 5 Brancaster, Norfolk............ 16 Brancaster,Thornham,Norfolk ib Brandon, Suffolk .. ... • .. .. .. .. • ib Brickhill, Gt. & Lit. Bucks... ib Brickhill Bow, Bucks .. .. .... • ib Brinsley, Norfolk............... 29 )lrockdish, Norfolk ............ 38 lBrooke, Norfolk ............... 118 Buckden, Hunts • • • .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 Buck en ham, New and Old, Norfolk..................... 14 'Buckingham, Bucks............. 18 Burford, Ox on . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • 56 Bun gay, Suffolk .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. 18 Burghapton, Norfolk ......... 118 Burn ham, Bucks • .. .. .. .. .... .. 21 Burnham Market, Norfolk... 15 · Burnham Norton, Norfolk... 16 Burnham Overy, Norfolk...... ib llurnham Sutton, Norfolk ... ib llurnham Thorpe, Norfolk •• • ib PAGE Burwell, Cambridgeshire • • .. • • 48 PAGB Eton, Bucks . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . • 29 Bury, Hunts..................... 6 Ewelme, Oxon.................. 52 Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk .. • 22 Exming, Cambridgeshire • • • • • • 49 c. Eye, Suffolk . . . . . .•. . . . . . . . . . .. .• 36 Cambridge, Cambridgeshire... 10 Eynesbury, Hunts • ............ 27 Carrow, Norfolk ............... 118 F. Castle Acre, or East Acre, 1\Torj(olk ....................• Cavendish, Suffolk .......... .. Cawston, Norfolk •.••.••••••.••• Charlbury, Oxon .............. . Charlton, Oxon ............... . Chatteris, Cambridgeshire .. .. Chenies, Bucks ................. . Chesham, Bucks ............. .. Chesterton, Cambridgeshire ... Chipping N orton, Oxon ..... .. Church En stone, Oxon ........ . Clare, Suffolk ................. .. Cley, or Clay, Norfolk ....... .. Colnhrook, Bucks ............. .. Cookham, Bucks .............. . Cottenham, Cambridgeshire .. . Coveney, Cambridgeshire ..... . Creake, N. & S., Norfolk ..... . Cromer, Norfolk .............. . D. Debenham, Suffolk .......... .. Deddington, Oxon .......... .. Denton, Norfolk ............. .. Diss, Norfolk ................. . Ditching ham, Suffolk ....... .. Ditton, Cambridgeshire •..••• Docking, Norfolk .............. . Doddington, Cambridgeshire Dorchester, Oxon .............. . Downham Market, Norfolk .. . Dunstable, Bedfordshire .... .. E. Earith, Huntingdonshire ..... . Earsham, Norfolk .......... .. East Dereham, Norfolk ..... . East Harling, Norfolk ....... .. Ea ton Socon, Bedfordshire ••• Elham, or N. Elham, Norfolk. Ellingham, Great and Little, Norfolk .................... . Elm, Cambridgesltire ........ . Ely, Cambridgeshire ........... . Emneth, Cambridgeshire ..... . Ensham, Oxon .................. . Enslow Bridge, Ox on ....... .. Enstone, Church & Neat, Oxon 17 Fakenham, or Fakenham Lan .. 35 caster, Norfolk • .... .. .... • 34 17 Fen Stanton, Hunts .. .. .... .. .. 7 59 Fenny Stratford, Bucks ....... 30 88 Foulsham, Norfolk ............ 37 29 Framlingham, Suffolk .... ..... 39 21 22 27 59 63 33 18 27 61 28 38 19 ib G. Garveston, Norfolk ............ 28 Gaywood, Norfolk .. ... .. ..... 65 Gillingham, Su.ffolk ............ 14 Godmanchester, Hunts ...... 7 Gorleston, Norfolk ............ 148 Granchester, Cambridgeshire • 28 ._ Great Rinstead, Norfolk ...... 123 Grundisburgh, Suffolk ......... lOO Guist, Norfolk.................. 37 H. Hackford, Norfolk ............ 121 Haddenham, Bucks............. 31 35 Haddiscoe, Suffolk .. ...... ... • 14 64 Hadleigh, Suffolk............... 41 41 Halesworth, Suffolk............ 43 21 Hampton Gay, Oxon ......... 88 21 Harleston, Norfolk ............ 38 28 Harling, East, Norfolk......... 42 23 Hartford, Hunts................ 9 44 Haverill, Suffolk ............... 46 65 Heacham, Norfolk ............ 43 24 Heighton, Norfolk ............ 118 19 Hemingford Abbots, Hunts... 9 Hemingford Grey, Hunts...... ib Hempnall, Norfolk ............ 125 6 Hempton, Norfolk ............ 37 27 Henley-on-Thames, O.ron ... 66 28 Hillesdon, Norfolk ............ 119 42 His ton, Cambridgeshire • • .... 28 22 Hitcham, Norfolk .... ........ 43 34 Hockering, Norfolk ............ 32 Hockliffe, Bedfordshire • • • • • • 22 33 Holkham, Norfolk ............ 143 64 Holt, Norfolk .................. 44 33 Hook-N orton, Oxon............ 71 64 Horton, Bucks................... 32 66 Houghton, Hunts ............. 9 88 Hunstanton, Norfolk ......... 44 63 Huntingdon, Hunts............. 10
' INDEX. ======~=============================================~ l. PAGE T. 1 AGE PAGE Ipswich, Suffolk •...••••••••..• 50 Norton Subcourse, Suffolk ••• 14 Taplow, Bucks.................. 50 Norwich, Norfolk.,............. 69 Terrington, Norfolk............ 65 I slip, Oxon •••••••. .• ••••••••••• 88 I ver, Bucks • • . • • • • . . • . • • • • • • • • • • 32 o. Tetsworth, Oxon . • ••• .•• . .• . .••• 72 'fhame, Oxon •• • •• ••• • •• •••• •••• 73 Ivinghoe, Bucks •.....••.••••.• 33 Ixworth, Suffolk •. . • • .• • . • . .. . . 68 Old Stratford, Bucks •••..••.••• OlneyJ &c. Bucks ••••••••••.••.• Orford, Suffolk •••••••••••••••••• 46 Thetford, Norfolk .•••••••••..•.• 131 42 Thorn ham, Norfolk • • • • • • • . • • • • 16 81 Thorney, Camb........... .••.••• 60 49 K. Thorpe, Norfolk ••.•••••.•••••.• 120 Kenninghall, Norfolk •••..•.•. Kidlington, Oxon ...••.••••.••.• "Kimbolton, Hunts ...••••.•.•. L. Lakenham, Norfolk ........... . Land Beach, Cam b ••••••••••••• Langley, Bucks ••....••••••••. Launton, Oxon ••••••••.••••••••• Lavenham, Suffolk ......••.••• Leighton Buzzard, Beds ...... Letheringsett, Norfolk ••••.•••• Leverington, Cam b ••• ••••••••• Limpenhoe, Noifolk ••.••.••• Lin ton, Camb. . ..••••••••••••••• Little Marlow, Bucks •••••.... Long Crendon, Bucks ••.•..... Long Melford, SU:tfolk ...•..•.• Lopham,North & South,Norf. Loudwater, Bucks ........... . Outwell, Camb .•••••.•.•••••••••• 46 Oxford, Oxon •••...••••••••••••••• 89 5 Thurlton, Suffolk •• . ••••• •• •••.• 14 Thurton, Norfolk ••••.•••••••..• 120 Trowse, N orjolk • • . . • • . • •• . . . . • ib Trumpington, Camb.. •• ••• . .• •• 29 Tuddenham, Norfolk .••••••••• 2Bl 15 119 29 33 56 69 23 46 64 166 39 34 32 71 43 55 P. Pockthorpe, Norfolk ••.••.••.••• 120 Poringland, Norfolk............ ib Potton, Beds..................... 29 u. Princes Risborough, Bucks • . • 44 Pulham St.Mary, Norfolk.... 41 Upwell, Camb.................... 51 R. Ramsey, Hunts ..••.•••••....••• Redden hall, Norfolk .......... . Reedham, Norfolk ..••.••.•....• Reepham, Norfolk •....••....... Rymerstone, Norfolk .•..•..•.• s. w. Walsham, North, Norfolk...... 66 17 Walsingham,Old &New,Norf. 135 24 Wangford, Suffolk............... 84 166 Warboys, Hunts ............... 29 121 Warebam, Norfolk ............ 143 33 W aterbeach, Camb.... .......... 29 W atlington, Oxon............... 76 Watton, Norfolk .•••••••.••••.•• 137 Wells, Norfolk • • . • • . •• ••• . • ..... 139 St. Ives, Hunts.................. 19 Wendover, Bucks............... 50 Lowestoft, Suffolk • . .• ..• .• . . • 72 St. Neots, Hunts ............... 24 West Lynn, Norfolk............ 65 Salt Hill, Bucks .• . •• . .. • . • . •• •• 46 W eston U nderwood, Bucks... 43 Luton, Beds..................... 26 Saxmundham, Suffolk ••••••••• 82 Weybourne, Norfolk .......... 18 Lynn Regis, Norfolk .....•••• 48 Sculthorpe, Norfolk ............ 37 Wheatley, Oxon................ 78 M. Maids' Moreton, Bucks •••••• l\1arch, Camb. • ..•••.••••••••••• Marlow, Gt. & Lit. Bucks ••• Mattishall, Norfolk ••.••••••••• Melton, Suffolk .•.......••••••••• Mendlesham, Suffolk ••••••••• 1\! epal, Camb. • •••••••••••••••• ~ Mildenhall, Suffolk ••.•.•••.••• Milton, Camb. • .•••••.•••••••••• Minster Lovel, Oxon .••••••.• Missenden, Great, Bucks •.• Mulbarton, Norfolk •...•••.••.• N. Narborough, Norfolk ••••••..• Nayland, Suffolk ••.•.••••••••.. Neat En stone •••••••••••••••••• N eedham, Norfolk ...••...•••• Needham Market, Suffolk •.• N ettlebed, Oxon •....••••••••. , New Catton, Norfolk ........ . Newham, Camb . ••••••••••••••• Newmarket, Camb . ..••..••••.• Newport Pagnell, Bucks •.••.• North Lop ham, Norfolk •.•.•• North Tuddenham, Norfolk •.. North Walsham, Norfolk ••.... 19 41 34 32 77 ib 38 78 28 83 52 120 Sedgford, Norfolk ............... 123 Whitchurch, Bucks .,........... 13 Sbereford, Norfolk ............. 37 Whittlesey, Camb............... 53 Sherrington & Neighbourhood Whitwell, Noifolk............... 122 Bucks .......................... 40 Wickham Market, Suffolk •••• 94 Shotisham, Norfolk •.••.••••••. 126 Wimblington, Camb............ 44 Snettisham, Norfolk ............ 122 Wing, Bucks..................... 52 Slough1 Bucks................... 45 Winslow, Bucks .••.•. .......... 53 Somersham, Hunts............. 28 Wisbeach, Camb...... •••••... .• 56 South Lopham, Norfolk....... 43 Witcham, Camb................. 38 South Town, Norfolk ......... 148 Witney, O:ron.................... 78 Southwold, Suffolk.............. 84 Wiverton, Norfolk.............. 18 Stiffhey, N orj'olk ... . . ... . •• •• . • 143 W oburn, Beds •• . • ... . •• . . • ... . • 33 Stilton, Hunts................... 29 Woo burn, Bucks ••••• .......... 54 Stoke Ferry, Norfolk .......... 1 4 Woodbridge, Suffolk............ 95 Stoke Holy Cross, Norfolk ••• 126 Woodton, Suffolk............... 22 Stoke Pages, Bucks • ••. . ••.••.. 46 W orstead, Norfolk.............. 69 130 Stonham, Suffolk ............. •. 86 W oodstock, Oxon............... 84 79 Stony Stratford, Bucks .••. •• • . 56 Worthing, Norfolk . ••• • . ....... 33 64 Stow Market, Sujj'olk .. . .....•. 17 Wortwell, Norfolk ............. 44 41 Stratton, or Stratton St. Mary, Wroxton, Oxon.................. 51 80 Norfolk ........................ 125 Wycombe, High & West, Bucks 50 72 Sudbury, Suffolk ............... 90 Wymondham, Norfolk ••..•.•.• 145 120 Sutton, Camb....... .••••••• ..... 38 Wyverton, Norfolk............. 18 29 Swaffham, Norfolk •••...•..••• 127 45 Swaffham Bulbeck, Camb..... 50 Y. 38 Swaffham Prior, Camb......... ib. Yarmouth, Norfolk •••••.•••••• 148 43 Swafield, Norfolk............... 69 Y axham, Nor:folk............... 33 33 Swan ton, Norfolk............... 33 Y axley, Hunts .................. 30 66 Swinbrook, Oxon............... 84 Yoxford, Suffolk ................ 101 The Parochial 1J'nions, Guardians, and Clerks to Boards of Guardians, Superintendent Begistrars9 :Registrars of Marriages, of Births and Deaths, will be found in the Second Page of each County.
B E D F 0 R D S I-I I R E. B£DFORDsHIRE is an inland county, and one of the of marl. The streams are bordered by fine meadows, smallest in England, bounded on the north by the but the proportion of pasture laud is not considerable. counties of N ot·thampton and H untingdon, east by The Ouse intersects the county from west to east, Cambridgeshire,south-east and south by Hertfordshire, separating it into two distinct but 'Very unequal parand west by Buckinghamshire. Its greatest length is tions; the northern extremely fruitful and woody, lhe 38 miles from north to south, and the extreme breadth southern and larger less fertile, but under the most 22; in circuit it is about 145. The extreme road admirable cultivation, affording large. supplies of distance from London to Knotting, in the north-west, wheat aud barley. The elevated tract of the south, is 61 miles, and traverses this county 32 miles by comprehending Dunstable and Luton Downs, BarLuton, and 24 by Shefford. The road distance to ton, Warden, and White hills, and terminating the Eaton-Socon, in the north-ea!t, is 55l miles, 18 being Chiltern range, is bleak and uncultivated, crossed by through the county. The distance, by a road across extended sheepwalks; but in many pat·ts comisting the county, from Eaton-Socon east, to Turvey in the of a hard chalky mass, called hurlock or cluncb. west, i! 18 miles. Leighton Buzzard, in the south- slightly covered with loam, that will barely nourish west corner, and a railroad station, is 40k miles dis- an indifferent herbage. These eminences rise to a tant from London. The whole superficies is 296,320 great height, are the steeptst in the county, and acres, or 463 square miles. sometimes project into the lower grounds in a bold In ecclesiastical jurisdiction this county lies within and abrupt manner, their northern face being inaccesthe province of Canterbury, and is entirely included sible to the plough. Both sides command expansive in six deaneries, under the archdeaconry of Bedford, prospects from Chalkhill, over which the Liverpool formerly annexed to the diocese of Lincoln, but trans- road is carried by a tremendous embankment at its ferred, by the new church bill of 1836, to that of Ely ; foot, and deep excavation of the summit; the view the parishes are 129. Bedford is one of five con- embraces the rich and undulated lowlands of Bucktiguous counties which have no cathedral among inghamshire. In the intermediate dells the land ia them, the others being Buckinghamshire, Hunting- hard and sterile, presenting a cold, dreary, uncomfortdonshire, Hertfordshire, aud Essex. It is in the able aspect; but beyond this region, waste lands Norfolk circuit, and divtded into nine hundreds, un- occupy a very small proportion of the surface. Of der the Lieutenancy of Earl de Grey. The popula- the old wold very little now remains. About Wobmn tion, as returned in I831,amounted to 20,016 families, are many large dairy farms, supplying the London comprising 95,483 persons, of whom 13,392 men markets with butter. Eastward ilretches the valley were employed in agriculture, and about one-third of of the Ivel, distinguished for the richuess of its meathat number in trading and mechanical pursuits: the dows, where the breeding and fattening of calves houses in the county we-re 18,302. The amount of forms a prolific source of profit. In addition to corn, property tax in 1814 was 460,555l., and the whole chiefly barley, great profusion of garden vegetables rental 272,621l. The market towns are, beside the are raised in the valley. The sandy bell, so remarkborough and county town of Bedford--Ampthill Big- able a feature of Bedforrlshire geology, extends from gleswade, Dunstable, Harrold, Leighton Buzzard, near \Voburn in a north-easterly direction, and termiLuton, Potton, and W ob urn. This was one of the nates this valley ; skirting the foot and partly ascendfirst counties subjected to the operation of the poor ing the ridge of the central hills, at the extremity of law amendment act; it is consolidated into six unions, which is the junction of the I vel with the Ou.~e. The and the expenses of pauper maintenance, before the opposite declivity of this range is finely clothed with last year's severe winter, which occasioned some in- wood, and overlooks in the west a flat and sandy, but· crease, had been reduced above one-hal( Bedford- productive agricultural district; and farther east, the shire sends four members to Parliament; two for the finely wooded vale of Bedford, celebrated for its county, the present representatives being the Lord plentiful crops of wheat, barley, and turnips; the Viscount Alford, eldest son of Earl Brownlow, and soil is a rich gravelly loam, its natural fertility enthe Lord Chades Russel, son of the Duke of Bedford; creased by the frequent overflowings of the Ouse. The and two for the borough of Bedford. The polling rivers of Bedfordshire are the Lea, which, rismgat Leaplaces for the county are at Ampthill, Bedford, Big- grave near Houghton Regis, flows into Hertfordshire~ gleswade, Leighton, Luton, and Sharnbrook. on its way to join the Thames at London; the manyThis county offers but little attraction to the ad- branching Ouie, which, with the above exception, remirers of picturesque scenery, yet the general flatness ceives all -the waters of the county, and discharges. of the surface is pleasingly varied by small hills tra- them into the German Ocean, after ha,·ing passed versing its entire breadth in three principal chains. throu'gh Huntingdonshire and Cambridgeshire ;-the· The air is healthy, and the soil chiefly a deep clay, bel, which springs from the south side of the central. stiff and tenacious, but, by a due mixture of chalk htlls, and flowing eastward to Shefford, there, by the- •-i lime, susceptible of high cultivation. Woods of aid of a short canal, becomes navtgable through it• W <(, ash, and elm, are interspersed throughout, but remaining course, and changmg its direction north- 't soil most congenial to them, called here wood- wards, is afterwards joinecl by the small TJvers Rile~ dt 1d, is a light wet cold clay, resting on a subst.atum and Hiz; the Ou~el, rising under Dull5table Down~ tuf Bedfordshire.] B 1
BEDFORDSHIRE . .:::::=:.=========:::::==~========================== =::::::: which forms for a while the boundary between Bedfordshire and Buckin~hamshirs, and flows through the latter county to Newport Pagnell, after receiving a stream called Crawley Brook, from the neighbourhood of Woburn. The sluggish waters of the Ouse, on entering this county from Bucks, first visit Turvey, where the Barons Mordaunt, afterwards Earls of Peterborough, were seated, then wash the small market town of Harewood or Harrold, where they are spanned by a stone bridge. At this spot, Camden records, that 11hortly before the breaking out of the wars of the Roses, and again only two days previous to the unhappy death of Charles,the :First, " this river stood still, and the water retirmg both ways left a passage on foot through the channel for three miles together, to the astonii>hment of the beholders." Marvellous as this fact appears, and difficult to explain upon the ordinary principles of nature's operations, the learned author's veracity is not que~tioned by succeeding writers. From Bedford the river is navigable. The vale of Bedford is watered north of the Ouse, by a number of rivulets, all deriving their source from the northern range of hills, running eastward and carrying their tnbute to the principal stream below Bedford. With the exception of the inconsiderable work which continues the na"·igation of the lvel, this county possesses neither canal nor railroad, but enjoys some of the benefits of both, through Leighton Beaude~ert, corrupted to Buzzard, which may properly be termed the gate of the county, being touched by the Grand Junction Canal, and a station of the present leadmg rat! way, that which connects London wuh Birmingham. The great turnptke road to Birmingham and Ltverpool runs about 10 miles through Bedfordiihire, in the line of the ancient Watling S.ret>t, by Market Street, Dun~table, and Hockley-inthe-Holt>, all of which subsist by the travelling upon it. The high road to IIol)head by Newport Pagnell, branches from this northwards at Hockley, and anotht!r road to Aylesbury diverges south from the same point. Two road!!! from London meet at Bedford, from "'hich cen1re other six radiate south, west, north, llnd north-east, to the limits of the county. The Peterborough road runs up the eastern side of Bed ford~hire from Bleak hall, to Eat on Socon, sending off branches at B1ggleswade and Tempsford. Bedfordshire, when the Romans landed in Britain, formed a part of the small territory inhabited by the Casti or Catieuchlani, whose renowned prince, Cassibelaunu<l, headed the whole forces of the island, in a valiant but unsuccessful resistance to the invaJers. The subsequent S\\ay of the conquerors is still attested by their roads and earthworks. On the e~tabli~hment of the Saxon Heptarchy, this county fdl to the k injidom of Mercia, and once boasted the tomb of Offa. The posi>esston of Bedford Castle was a frequent object of dtspute to the various factwns of those turbulent times which succeeded the Norman conquest. HP.nry the Eighth had a royal seat at A mptlull, where his Queen Katherine of Arragon resided, '"hen summoned to appPar before the Kings Commissioners sitting at Dunstable Priory. At Luton Hoo, in this county, Katherine'a unfortunate 2 successor, Anne Boleyne, had her birth. During the great civil war, Bed ford was again the alternate prey of both the contending parties. The Roman roads in this county were, Watling. street, whose course through it is already described; Ikenild-street, still existing under the name of Hick~ nill, and said to connect the cities of Oxford and Cam~ bridge, which entered at Leighton, crosied Wat~ ling-street at Du nstable, ~nd inclining northwards over.Warden hills, proceeded to Balrtock in Herts; la thud ratl from Potton to Sandy and Bedford, at•d thence across the Ouse to Newport Pagnell. A Mi~ lttary way came from Hertfordshire to Sandy, and passed thence northwards to the Hermen-street, at Godmanchester, in Hunts. The Roman stations were at Sandr and Dunstable, both distinguished by remarkable instruments, and by yielding, when the ground is turned up, irr.;perial coins, Roman pottery, &c. There are also Roman imrenchments at Tod~ dington and Leighton Buzzard; a Roman amphithea~ tre at Bradford Magna; a camp, said to he Danish. at Tempsford; and many similar, as well as Norman remains, which will be found noticed under the towns in their vicinities. The principal seats of Bedford .. shire, besides West Park, the seat of the Lord Lieutenant, Woburn Abbey, Luton Hoo, and AmpthiU Park, are Melchbourn Park, the seat of Lord St. John, Col worth and Moggerhanger Houses. and some others, mentioned under the various towns. Thread-lace and straw-plat are the chief manufactures, and afford healthy, easy, and pl'ofitable oecupation to a large proportion of the poor inhabitant~ even children being capable of executing them in the open air. A manufacture of whiting from the neighbouring chalk-downs, is carried on at Dunstable. There is a considerable sale Qf Fullers-earth at W oburn, though the only pit now worked is situated in the parish of Wavendon, in Buckinghamshire. The delicate flavour of Dunstable larks Is well known to the epicure. Corn, butter, and vegetables, cucumbers in particular, are sent to London ; much timber is carried by the Ouse to the sea; and from the sedgy margin of that nver, a number of rush mats are manufactured. There are quarries of freestone and limestone at Totternhoe, and gravel and stone pits at Puddington, in the north, where sharks teeth and ostroides are occasionally found ; some stones, seeming to consist entirf'ly of very minute shells ; man tili and other ihells of the same family, with echini, abound in the chalk and clay. A supposed gold mine was dtaco• vered at Pulloxhill, near Ampthill, but the vein proved insufficient to defray the expense of working it. Petrifying sprin~s exist at Puddington and at Apsley Guise, which are said to impart their property to the surrounding soil. The title of Duke of Bedford was rendered famous in Engltsh history, by John Plantagenet, third son of King Henry the Fourth, regent of France, and con• stable of England, who died without issue in 143-5. The earldom was conferred on the house of Russe!l by Edward the Sixth; its fifth earl was creat€d Duke of Bedford, by William the Third, and in his descendants the title still :flouribhes.
BEDFO RDSHJRE. BEDJ'OBDSHIBE, As subdivided into PAROCHIAL UNioNs under the Poor Law Amendment Act of 4 & 5 WILLIAM IV. 1834, showing the Number of Parishes, the Number of Guardians appointed thereto a also a ST-ATEMENT show. ing the Days on which the several Paro~hial Unions in the County of Bedfordshire hold their Meetings, the Places at which they meet, and the Clerks to each respective Board; as arranged in the order in which they have been lettered on the accompanying Map of the County. " ' • . • ----~--~--r-----------------· ' --------------- ..... ... . 0 • o"' Ill .. ~ Letter ot RefereQce 011 1..: 'lop, the red Utfe showing the diferent UNIONS. lo<CI> Cl> .Coo s·-- ::s:d Cl>''"" ,c"O s"' .. ! Clerks to the Boards. Days on which the Boards meet weekly. Places at which the Boards meet. Unions. jil;~ zo · ' --~.----~-------------------:------------------------------------------------------ ... 25 Geo. Robinson, Dun- :a ~ J. AmpthiH... .•• .• •.••.• ..•. 19 2. Bedford . . . . . • . . . . . . ••• . • . 44 stable Street •••....•• Thursday, 11 ••. Union Workhouse. 45 Samuel Wing, Bedford Saturday, 10 ... Workhouse. 3. Biggleswade . • • . . . . • •••• 26 81 Edward Argle~:~, SoliciD 4. Leighton Buzzard ••• •• . 15 tor, Biggleswade ... Wednesday, 10 Biggleswade Workhouse 20 Jos. Woodman, Leighton Buzzard ......... Friday, 10 ...... Leighton Buzzard Work· house .5. Luton ...................... 15 22 Thos. Erskine Austin, Luton .............•••.• Friday, 10 .••••. Luton Workhouse. 6. Woburn . . .. . .. ... ........ 16 fl9 William Cole, Aspley, • near Wobum ••••• Monday, 10 •.. Union Workhouse. SUPERINTENDENT REGISTRARS, REGISTRARS OF BIRTHS, DEATHS, &c. BEDFORDSHIRE. As subdivided•into DISTRICT~ under the Registration Act of William IV., of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, showing thta several Parochial Unions, with the REGISTRARs• DISTRICTs, the Name anq Address qf the Superintendent Registrars, Registrars of Births and Deaths, and the Registrars pf Marriages, i~ the several Parochial Union!! in the County. ' f,..:t T(le letter 4, B, gc. rifers to the several Divisions cif Unions on the accompanying Maps f!! Bed_fordshire, and the.figure re,fers to the TaMe of Unions. --------------~--~~~~~-----~---------------------------------------------~~.~--~. UNIONS. Name and Address of Sqperintend. Registrar. Registrars1 Districts. Name and Addresl of Reg-istrars of :Births an!l Deaths. Name and Address of Marriage Rfgistrars. A 1~ .Ampthill. . • Cranfield ......... D. Bull, Cranfield, Newport Pagnelf Charles Austin, Amplbill• Geo. Robiuson, > Sq\tlington ...... D. Simpkins, Huthington~ Hitch en f Ampthlll 1\mpthill ........ John Marshal!, Ampthill B 2~ Beq{ord. Bedford~& Card- Wm. Bailey, Bedford ............... J. Mackenzie, Bedford S. Wing, Bedford. ington ....•••• , Wm. Blower, Bedford J3edford & ~imp- J. Gregory, Risley, Kimbolton ston .••.••.•.... J. Humbley, Gt. Barford, St. Neots ~ Risley ............ J no. Williamson, St1arnbrook I Barforq ............ Nath. Godfrey. Turvt>y l Sharnbrook ,., ... William Woottqn2 Harrold Turvey • Harrold C 3. Biggleswade. ~ PottoP' ............ Robt. Barker, Sandy, Biggleswade .•. F. Snitch, Soul hill, near Bi~- Edward Argles, > Biggleswade .•..•. f. Snitch, Southill, ditto gleswade Biggleswade. W. Barker, Sandy, ditto D 4. Leighlou Bux .. : Leigh~on Buzzard Rich. Doggett, LeightenBuzzard ... R. Doggett, Leighton Buzzard :;.ard. ~ Wing ... , ........... Wm. Mortimer, Wing, near dttto ·J0sh. Woodman, Edle&bonmgh ... J. Mead, Ealesboro, nr Dunstable Leighton Buzzard. hiughoe ....... to William Collyer, Ivinghoe, Hemel Hempstead B 5. Luton. ~ LutQn , ..... ! .... Wm. Meed, LQton .................. E. Taylor, Luton T. E. Austin, > Dunst~ble .••...••• S. Stimson~ Dunstable Luton. · ~ r 6 Woburn. Wobum .•.•••.••... John Dexter, Woburn ............... G. Brid, Aspley Guise, Woburn W. Cole, Aspley > Toddiogton •••••• P. W. Wagstaffe, Toddin~ton, Dun Ouise, Wobum. · stable 3
• BEDFORDSHIRE. LIST OF PARISHES AND ADJACENT POST TOWNS. FORMING THE VARIOUS PAROCHIAL UNIONS OF THE COUNTY OF BEDFORD. *:}(/'' The letter (A) rifers to tl1e County Map. AMPTHILL (A.) 'BIGGL:SSW A.D:S-(C.) PARISHES. POST TOWNS. Ampthill ... ....................................... Ampthill Cloph ill ................................................ ditto Cranfi.eld . . .............................. ... ... . . . . . . W"'oburn Flitton ..•.................•........................ Ampthill ditto clitto dilto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto Flit wick ........................................... ' .. ' . Gravenhurst, Upper Gravenhurst, Lower ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Hawnes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ................ ' Higham Gobron •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Hough ton Conquest ................................ . Lidlington ........... ···••oK~······· ................... . Marston Moretaine ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Maulden Milbrooke ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Pullox hill .............................. . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Shitlington ................................. Hitch en, Herts Lilsoe Steppingley ...........•..•......••.•••.......•.......•• , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ampthill ditto W estoning ................................................... . ditto St. Paul St. Mary St. John St. Peter St. Cuthbert BI'D:E'OBD-GB.) 1 I l>- Borough if Bet/ford. J Bar f<lrd, Great ................................... . Bec!ford ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Bidden ham Bletsoe Bolnhurst Bromham ........................ ' ..... • ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••• Cardington .. .......................................... . Cart ton Chellington •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Clapl1am ..... ....................................... , .. . Colon worth •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Cop le .............................................. . ... djttu ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto Eastcotts ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• El stow •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• }'elmensham Goldington Harrold ..... • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·····················~···················· ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Kt-n)pston •.....•..............•..............•........ ditto Kevsoe ... '" ................................... . • Kimbolton Bedford • Knotting •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Melchbourne Milton Ernest ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Kimbofton ........................ ' .......... . Oakley •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Odt"ll ...............•.•..................•.••••......... Becfford ditto ddto ditto ditto ditto Pavenham .............................. ' ............. . Raven sham •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• }{en hold ...............•••.••...•••....................• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Risely Roxton Stagsden Steventon •••••••••••• Kimbolton St. Neots Becifurd ditto ditto ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sharnhrook ....... ....................••................ St,uldrop ......................•...................... ditto Turvey ............................... , , . , . . . . . . ~rewport Thurleigh ........................................... Be4forrl Wildin ...............•.•...•.......................... ditto Wilshamstead Wellington ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Wootton •.•.. ....•........•............................. ditto ditto ditto Yield en , ... , . , ........•••. , , ............ Heigha1n J?errers 4 PARISHES ...... ' .............................. . POST TOWNS, Biggleswade Baldock Biggleswade St. Neot• Arsley Astwick Biggleswade Blunham Camp ton Clifton •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Biggl~swade •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Cockayne Hatley ................................... . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ditto dillo Dun ton ditto Edworth . ........... ' ............................ . Baldock E verton ...................................... . Biggleswade Eye worth ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Henlow ............................................... . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ditto ditto ditto ditto Langford Meppershall Muggerhanger Northill Potton ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• St. Neots ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Biggleswade Sandy .. Shefford Sou thill •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ···············································~· •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Stondon .. .................•........................•... ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto Stotfold ... , ..•••......•..............••............. Baldock Sutton •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Biggleswade Tern psford ••. ••• . . . . . . . . .•.•.••.. .. . .••... .••.... St. Neots Warden ........................••.•......••... Bigglewade Wrestlingworth ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ditto LEIGHTOK BUZZABP (D.) Billington .............................. Leighton Buzzard Cheddington .................................. .......... ditto Edlesborough .................................... Duns/able Egginton ............................... .. Leighto-n Bu2zard Grove .............................. , .................... ditto Heast & Reach ........................................ ditto I vinghoe ........... ...................... Hemel Hempstead Leighton Buzzard ................. .... Leighton Buzzard lJinslade .................................•...........••. ditto .............................. , .............. ditto ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mentmore Slapton Soul bury Stanbridge .. . ditto · · · • •• · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · · · · ....................... . ditto .............................................. ditto Stoke Hammond ....................... Fenny Stro!ford Wing .................................... Leighton Buzzard LVTON-(:S.) Barton ...........................•.•............... Ampthill (,add ington Beds ................ , ................... Luton D1tto, Herts .......................... .... Markyate street Dunstable .....................•.•...•........... Dunstahle Ea ton Bray ...... , ......................... ............. ditto H oughton Regis ...................................... . ditto Humbershoe .............................. Markyate street Kensworth ............................•................ dittu Luton ..................••...................•.•.....•.. . Luton Streatley .......................................•.•...... ditto Studham, Beds ........................... Markyate ltreet Ditto, Iferts .....................•••......•••......•••... ditto Sundon •.....•.•...••............................ Dunstah~ Totternhoe .............................................. ditto \\ 7 })ipsnade ... , ..............•....................... .••• ditto WOBVBN-,(r.) Aspley Guise ...................................... Wol,urr Battlesden .....................•.•..................... dit:' Chalgrave ......... , ...........•................. Dunsta
- AMPTHILL. BEDFORDSHI:RE. PARISHES. POST TOWNS. Eversholt .......................................... Woburn Harlington ..... , ...........................•..... 11mpthill Hock liffe ...... ,, .................................. Dunstable Holcutt ..... .......••.............................• Wo~urn Husborne Crawley ................................... . ditto Milton Bryant .. ........................................ . ditto Postgrove ......••• , ... , , ... , , ....•••.................... ditto &MPTH%!.1., In Redborerestoke hundred, contained fin 1831 a population of 1688. Though its soil is sandy, the town is pleasantly situated between two hills, in the heart of the county, 8 miles south from Bedford, 45 north-west from London, and 12 north-east from the station of the London and Birmingham railroad, at Leighton Buzzard. The church, dedicated to St. Andrew, is a handsome edifice, in the decorated style of English architecture, cruciform, with a square tower springing from the centre. It is a rectory, value 330l., in the presentation of Lord Holland. The town is neat and regular, amply supplied with water, and contains many good houses, an extensive brewery, and a convenient market-house. The two pnncipal streets are paved with pebbles, and cross each other at right angles; in the central point is an obelisk of Portland stone, covering a pump. There is a considerable Thursday's market for corn, and cattle fairs on the 4th of May, and the saint's day, the 30th of November. The petty sessions for the hundred are held here, but there is no town-hall; it is a polling place for the county. There is a school for 44 children, with an endowment of 30l. a year ; and another foundation has a rent charge of 51. per annum for the instruction of 16 children: The town also enjoys a fourth share of a fund of 700l. for apprenticing poor children. Ampthill is the centre of a union under the Poor Law Amendment Act, including 8 other parishes in the same hundred ; 8 in the adjoining hundred of Hitt, and 2 in those of Manshed and Clifton, and a population of 14,357. Amptl:lill Park, the rich and fertile domain of Lord Holland, was er~cted into an honour by Henry the Eighth, whose castle there was the retreat of Queen Katherine while the question of her divorce was agitating. An octagonal stone cross, raised on three steps, with a poetical inscription, by Horace Walpole, commemorative of this event, stands on an eminence, the site of the ancient castle. The present mansion is a superb edifice, entered by an ascent of two flights of steps, and contains a valuable collection of paintings, some ancient marbles, and a cabinet of natural history. The gardens are well diversified, and command pleasing vistas of the surrounding grounds, which abound in fine old oaks. In the park is a water scene of much picturesque beauty. Near its entrance is a pear-tl·ee, under which Sir Philip Sydney is said to have written a great part of his Arcadia. By exchange with the Duke of Bedford, it has been enlarged with the addition of Houghton Park, the old house of which is preserved as an ornamental ruin, on an elevated spot at the end of a grove. Ridgemont, or Rugemont House, so called from its situatian on a hill, and the redness of its soil ; Brogborough and Bickering Parks ;'.and Segenhoe, the site of an ancient castle, are all in this neighbourhood. Houghton Conquest, a village 2 miles north of Ampthill, contains a free-school and almshouses. Here resided as rector, the editor of Hudibras. Houghton Bury, 'the seat of the Conquest family, is now a farm-house, distinguishable by it.s antique and singular architecture.Nearit are the caves called Great and Little DanesPARISHES. POST TOWNS. Ridgmont .................. , ...... , .. , . . .. . . ...•... Wobnrn Salford .................. , .... , ...... , .. , , ••••.........••. ditto Filsworth ....................... ..........•.•...... Dunstahle Fingrish ......... ...... , ............................. Woburn Toddington ...................................... . Duns table W ob urn ......... , , , , , , . , . , . , , .....•••.... , .......... Woburn fields. Three miles N.E. from Ampthill is Hawne!i the seat of Lord Carteret. Wrest Park,!five miles S.E., called the Stow of Bedfordshire, was for centuries the residents of the Grey family, from whom it descended by female inheritance to the present Earl de Grey, lord lieutenant of the ·county. The apartments of the spacious stone man'Sion have been recently dE-- stroyed by fire, to the great damage of the noble pictme-gallery; the whole, however, is restored w1th more than its former splendour. The beautiful gardens and pleasure-grounds, laid out by Brown, are embellished with a serpentine river, fine spreadin(J' trees, and many architectural ornaments ; one ~ which, called the Hill house, enjoys an extensive view, and a fine and lofty obelisk, on a rising ground, is conspicuous for many miles around. The small obscure village of Higham Gobiou, adjoining, was the rectory of the learned oriemalist, Dr. Edmund Castell, author of the Lexicon Heptaglotton 7 and of the Polyglott Bible. Name, :R.esidence, &. Profession. ':'1 (For CLASSIFIC..&. TION cif TRADEs, seep. 6.) Abbis, Richard, lYoburn st ............... Blacksmith Abbis, Thomas, Dunstable st ............... Blacksmith Abbis, William, Woburn st ............... The George Ab bott, John, Church st ........................ Butcher Axim,.jElizabeth, Dunstable st ......... Straw Hatmaker Barfoot, William, ditto .............................. Tailor Bartram, , Church st ........................... Baker Battison, Samuel, ditto ........................... Builder Battison, William, ditto ... , ........... Cabinet Maker Bright, William, Market pl ......... King's Head Inn Brown, John, Dunllable st ............... Beer Retailer Bowden, Henry, Woburn st ..................... Cooper Bowden, J oh a, Dunstable ~t ..................... Cooper Buncher, Miss, ditto ........................ Dresiiimaker Burge, James, Church st ........................ Butcher Burge, William, Dunstable st ...... Brewer & Maltster Burrows, John, Woburn st ..................... Builder Cato, John, Bedford st ........................... Saddler Chapmau, Thomas, Dunstabfe st ............... Surgeon Chignell, William, ChuT"ch st · ... Printer & Stationer, and Agent to the Phrenix Fire, and National Loan Fund Society Claridge, Wm. Market ltill, Grocer & Tallowchandler Coleby & Phillips, Market pl, CheJl)ists & Druggists Coleman, Edw. Woburn st, Grocer & Tallowchahdler Coles, J ames, Beijord st .•..•........•....... Hairdresser Cook, John, ditto .............................. Cornfactor Davis, Samuel, Church st ..................... Solicitor Eagles, John, Dunstable st ... Solicitor, and Agent to the Suffolk :and General County Amicable Fire Insurance Company Eayrs, J. Beijord st .n ........ : ..................... Tailor Eling, James, Dun&table st ............... Beer Retailer Farnell, Ann, Woburn st ........................ Brazier Farnell, William, ditto .............................. Baker Foskett, Richard, Beriford st ............... Shopkeeper Furze, Robert, Woburn st ... Auctioneer, Appraiser, and Surveyor Gascoin, John, Dunstahlt st ... The Compasses, and Hairdresser !)
BEDPORDSHIRE. AMPTHILL~ --- • • • - t A' - - : •: • :• '': .::: .• -:- :::' '*;"':! i£:0 ...... '!" l : :: .. t: '1 • :: I . ! . =· .. :· ..... I $ • • .' • , • • , "" A • I ;1 ; 0 _ J; 0 I • . ._.. . Goode A. D unsta bl e st ................. ·...... MI 'll' mer l'ire &. Life Assurance Age~ts. 2 T S Hall worth ' & Parks, Ch urc h st .. . ... . .. M'll' 1 mers, & c. Curriers & Leather S~llers'. ~ ,J3ec.lfd st~ •. May ~ C' trange Hamilton Andrew, Du nsta bl e st S Phrnni~ Fire & National Loan Fund Society, t&urch .............. · urgeon ""' ll W'll' Handscomb, ' , Woburn st .. . B k ro er & A ncti~n.eer · st, Chigoe • 1 1am Handscomb, E d. S 1 t Sufrolk & Gen, Cou{ltv Amicable Fire~ Dumtabte •t, . ztto ........................... a ICI or .s ..E 1 J Q Handscombe, Isaac, Dunstable 1t ......... U_pholsterer ag es, o n Harris, M. ditto ........................ Boardmg School S:x:ciae Offi.ce, Haynes, T. ditto .............................. Lace Dealer King•s Arms Inn, Chu'l'elut Hensman, Samuel, Woburn st ..... ,. .... ,Wheelwright Herbert, , .l'rlarket pl ..................... Shoemaker S~am~ S 0 ffi.ce, Hickson, Samuel, Dunstable st .................. Farrier ecifor treet. . ib Hinds, Henry, Market pl .................. Watchmaker May & Strange ........................... Sub-d1str utora Horspool, Richard, Wohurn st ... · .... · ... Ropemaker Coach !.1st. Howes, Mrs. Duns table st ......... · .. Straw Hatma~er To :f.oqdon 'fhe Civility ~on. Wed. and Fri. i c~lls Kingston, William, ditto ........ ,Plumber~& Gla:uer at fhe White Hqrt. ~ Kirkley, Elizab~th, ditto .................. Dressma~er To :Pitto '.fhe S~lf-:Pefenc~, M on~ )V e~, ~nd fri.; Lawrence, Carolme, Church st ................ ~ed Lwn calli ~t lhe White Hart. Mars hall, , Woburn st .... ·.Registrar of ~uth~ a~d To ~arpl>ridge The Oxford Coach, Mon. W ~~· and Deaths for Ampth11l District fri., and return~ Tue~. 'f~llfS, and Sat.; eaU~ ~t May & Strange, Bedford st .. _. ... Grocers and Drapers~ the White Hart. and Agents for the Curners1 and Leather Seller& FireJ and Life Insurance Company, and Sub- Carriers' !.fat. Distributors of Stamps To Bedford Geo. Walker, Wm. Field, and Hem7 May, Saml. Woburn st ... Secretary to Savings' Bank Billington, ~wice a week. Morris, W. & Son, Dunstable st .................. Bakers To London_:_Webb & Co.'s Waggons, from the Cross Morris, John, Bedford st ......... , .............. Brewer Keys, twice a week. Morris, Joseph, Cllurch st ...... Ironmonger & Grocer Ramsay, T. G. ditto ..................... Cabinet Ma~er Classification of Trades. Rees, Sarah, Wohurn st ............ Plumber & Glazier Auctioneers q .Appraisers. Furze Robt. Woburq ~t Roberts, George, Dunstablest .................. Old Sun HanqscQmb 1 Wo"Qurn st Rock, Mary2 Woburn st .. , .... , ............. Shopkeeper Baker~. Bartralll, Church st Rogers~ John, Bec!ford st ........................ Draper Farnell William~ Woburn st Rowe, Thomas, Woburn st .. ................ Shopkeeper Morris W. & Son, Dun stable st Rushbrooke, George, Marketpl ... Linen & Woollen Basket .Maker. Wells Henry, Dunstable st~ . praper B~er P,etailers. Brown ~ohn, Dunstable st Sexto'Q, Robert, ditto ... Whtte Hart Comm_erctal Inn ~lipg James~ D\mstable st . and Postmg ~ouse Veal Edward, Wpburo st Shaw, Ann, ditto ............ StatiOner & Postmistress - Wesley Joseph, Woburn st Sheffield, Samuel, Dunstable st ............ Shoemaker Blacksmiths. Abbis Richard, Woburn st Slim, William Samuel, ditto .................. ~urge_?n Abbis Thomas, Dunstable st Sm~th, J. ditto ................................. Whu~smtth Booksdler~ ~Stationers. Chi~nell Wm. Church st Smtth, John, Beciford st .......... ,.Crown and Scf'l?tre Shaw Ann, 1\iarket pl Smtth, John, Dunstable st ........................ :r~IIor .8oot ~ Shoemakers. Herbert, Market pl Smith, R. ......................... :.Mtllmer Sheffield Samuel, Dunstable st Spurford, George, CIIUrch, st ...... Plumber & Glazier &tapleto11 Joseph2 Bedford st StapletoH, Josh. Bedford st .................. Bootma_ker Brazier. farnell Ann, Wobnrn st Taylor, William, Dunstable 1t .................. Ta~lor Brewer ,f. Burge W illiam, Dunstable s( Veal .Edward, Wohurn st ............... Beer Retailer Morris John Bedford st Webb, John, Be4ford st, Cros$'- Keys Commercial Inn Brpker.-Hanscomb, , Woburn st Wells, Hemy, Dunstable st ............ Basket Ma~er Builders. Battison Samuel, C~urch st Wesley, Josh. Woburnst .............. _. .. ~Beer Retailer :J3urrows John, Woburn st Whitbread1 George, Church st ... Kmg s A~ms, and Butcher~.-Abbott John~ Church st . Excise Office Burge J ames, Church st Wh~thread, John, Market pl ...... · .... ·Watchmaker Whitbread Henry~ Chur~h ~t Wh1tbread~ Henry, Church st ·~· .. , ............ Butcher Cabinet Maker.~. Battison Wilham, Church st Wh~tehurst, Rev. Thomas, Ch1~rch sq . ......... Rector Ramsay T. Q. Church st . Whnema,n, Frances, Beciford st . ·.Licensed to Let ChPmists .t. Dr.wr.D"ists.-Coleby & Phillips Market nl Horses C r··· '=' oo H W b ' t' . . oopers. Bowden enry, o urn st Young, M. & R. Woburn st .......... , ....... Mtlhners Bowden John Dunstable st .xoung, Jose?~~- Becifor~ ~r· .................. Plasterer Cornfa,ctor. Coo~ J~hn, Bedford;t Poat Office. Sbaw, Ann .................................... Postmistress Letters received f past 5 morn., delivered at 7 Sum. mer & 8 Winter, and despatched :i past 10 night. Farrier. Hickson Samuel, Dunstable st Grocers. Claridge William, Market hill Coleman Edward, Woburn st May & Strange, Bedford st Morris Joseph, Church st HairdreSSf"S· Coles James, Bedford st :Posting House, Oascoin John, Dunstable st White Hart ........ u ....... w,,. .... ,, ..... Sexton, Robert Inns, faverns, ~Public Houses. Compa,ses, Gascoin John, Dunstable st May, Samuel 6 Savings' Dank. Cross Keys Commercial Inn, Webb Johq, Dumtabl~ Street, Bedfor4 •t .................................... Secretary ~ro1£n 4' Sce:Rtr~, Smith /ohn, Bedford ,t
BEDFORD. BEDP'ORDSHIKE. AMPTHILL CLASIHFIC.ATION~ continued. Gfflrge, Abbis William~ Wobum st King's Arms, Whitbread George~ Church st King's Head Inn, Bright Wm. Market pl Old Sun, Roberts Georgef Dunstable st Red Limt, Lawrence Caroline, Church st White Har·t Commercial Inn, St:xton Robert, Irotlmonger.-Morris Joscph, Church st Maltster.~ Bnr~ William, Duns table st Market pl Milliners~ Dressmakr:rs. Buncher Miss, Dunstbl st Goode A. Dunstable st Hallworth &. Parks, Church st Kirkley Elizabeth, Dunstable st · Smith R. Bedford st Young M. & R, W oburn 11t Plasteref'. Young J o!leph, Bedford $t !:'lumbers. Kingston W11liam, Dunlitable st Rees Sarah, W obu rn st Spurford George, Church st Printer. Chignell W illiam, Church st Laredealer.-Haynes T. Dunstable st Licensed to Let Horses. Whiteman Frs. Bedford sL Linen Drapers. May & Strange, Bedford st Rogers John, Bedford st Rushbrooke George, Market pl Ropemaker. Horspool Richard, VVoburn st Saddler. Cato John, Bedford st School (G-ents.) Harris M. Dunstable st Shopkeeper&. Foskett Richard, Bedford st Rock Mary, Woburn st Rowe Thomas, Woburn st Solicitors. Davis Samuel, Church st Eagles John, Dunstable st Handscomb E. \Voburn $l St7't!W Hatmakers.-Axim Eli~abeth~ Dunstable Howes Mrs. Dunstable st ~evere sieges before its fortifications were demolished, by order of Henry the Third. The foundations of its ramparts alone can now be traced, the site, overhanging the river, being converted into a bowling-ween. Camden describes the town as more eminent for itii antiquity and pleasant situation, than for beauty or exteut; but the richness of its public endowments. having drawn residents fl'Om all parts, it has of late years been immensely enlarged and improved. It ia seated in the ,·ery midst of a fertile vale, watered by the Ouse, which divides it, like the county, into two parts, connected by a handsome stone bridge of five arches. The bridge was erected in 1813, to replace one of great antiquity, yet said to have been constructed from the ruins of the castle. Its principal street crosses the river by this bridge, and is about a mile in length, intersected by smaller ones, all well paved and lighted with gas. The town is healthy, well supplied with water, in its general aspect handsome and modern, though with many ancient houses interspersed, and is not deficient in the usual amusements of a county town races. assemblies and literary institutions. The assizes and quarter sessions for the county are held here, and it has a weekly corn market on Saturday, north of the Ouse, a cattle market every Tuesday in the south, and six annual fairs the first Tuesday in Lent, 21st .April,OldMidsummer day, 21st August, 12th October, and 19th December; besides a wool fair at St. Leonards farm, on the 17th of November. The population, especially women and children, are much employed in the lace and straw manufactures, and there is a consider• able trade in corn, by way of the Ouse, with Lynn Regis, whence coal and other necessaries are received in return, and through Hitchin and Hertford markets, with London. Bed ford is a very ancient corporation, and sent two Surgeons. Chapman Thoma9, Dunstab1e lilt Hamilton Andrew, Dunstable st Slim William Samuel, Ounstable st Surveyor. Furze Robert, Woburn st Tailors. Barfoot Williat11, Dunstable st Eayrs J. Bedford st Smith John, Dunstable st Taylor Willian1, Dutlstable st • members to Parliament in 1295; its present corporation consiats of a may01·, assisted by 20 town councillors. It is a polling place for the county, and has still two representatives; the present being Samuel Crawley, Esq., and Captain Frederick Polhill. The constituency, consisting of the burgesses, freemen, and inhabitant householders, not receiving alms~ was Tallow Chandlers. Claridge William, Market hill Coleman Ed ward, W obllrn st Upholstere'r. Hanscombe lsaac, Duhstable st WatcAmakers.-Hinds Henry, Market pl Whitbread John, Market pi Wheelwright. Hensman San.uel, Woburn st Whitesmith. Smith J. Dunstable 6L Woollen Draper. Rushbrooke George, Market pl no otherwise modified by the Reform Act of 2d William the Fourth, than by the disfranchisement of non-residents. This borough is the centre of a Poor Law Union, consisting of 44 parishes, with a population of 28,033. The town consists of five parishes, each having a church : St. Pauls, a vicarage in the presentation of Lord Carteret. contain- . ing 3956 inhabitants, and valued at 2361. per annum,; St. Cuthberts,arectory, annual value 129L., population 733;.& St. Peter Martin's rectory, comprising a popuBEDI"'O &D. lation of 905, and enjoying a net income of 204l., both • in the patronage of the crown. These three parishes, The borough of Bed ford, 50 miles N. N. W. of constituting by far the more c~nsiderable portion ofthe London, on the 1·oad to Whitehav~n, and 20 from the town, lie north of the river; St. John's and St. Mary's Leighton Buzzard station of the Birmingham railroad, rectories south, containing, the first, a population of contains 1074 hou~es, and a population of 6959, ac- 486, and the other 879, and valued respectively at cording to thelatest returns. It is the only. market 149/. and 273l. annually; patrons, the corporation of town in the county north {)f the Ouse~ The Britons Bedford and the Bishop of Lincoln. St. Paul's church, were overthrown here in 572, by Cuthwulph, the a spacious and venerable structure in the Gothic style, Saxon. The place was of sufficient importance in finished with a tower and octagonal spire, is the glory the time of the Danish inroads, to attach the de vas- of the town; its interior boasts an embeUished stone tating 'Visits of that people; and destroyed by pulpit, and among several ancient monuments, one to them, was repaired by Edward the Elder, who added Sir William Harpur, the great benefactor of the town. a village on the south bank of the Ouse, called Mikes- This church was collegiate prior to the Conquest, and gate, now incorporated with it ; and a fort, from so continued till the prebends were removed to New1Yhich was probably derived its present name, in enham, under Henry H. St. Peter's is also an ancient 8axon, Bedanford, a fortress on a ford; interpreted edifice, still retaining a fine Norman arch. Bedford however by some writers, beds on a ford. Its castle, contains besides, a sessions-house, a well-constructed built in ibe reiga of W iHiam Rufus, sa~tained three county gaol, and a county penitentiary, both .accolll• 7
BEDFORDSHIRE. BEDFORD. modated with a treadmill; a house of industry for the Allison,W m. St. John st ............ Boot & Shoemaker five consolidated parishes, a little out of the town, Ames, J oseph, Wells st ........................... Butcher erected by parliament at an expense of 50001., at Anthony, Jacob, High st ............. Assurance Agent which a flannel manufacture is carried on; a county Anthony, Jacob, ditto ........... Chemist & Druggist lunatic asylum for 65 patients, and a well-endowed Armes, Joseph, New market .................. Butcher county infirmary, both substantial brick buildings, on Attick, Daniel, High 1t ................... Beer Retailer the Ampthill road, the latter fronted with stone; Ayres, Mrs. Offa 1t .................. Straw Hat maker Christie's almshouses for eight unmarried persons, Bailey, John, Conduit st ....................... Ship Inn with a school for 40 children; St. John's Hospital Bailey, William, Priory ter ..................... Surgeon for a master and ten brethren, the mastership annexed Baker, Sarah, Newnham st ... Dealer in Spirits and to St. John's rectory; a blue-coat school for 25 boys, Beer now attached to the national school) and clothed only Bandy, Joseph,'Cauldwell st .............. Beer Retailer on its mvn foundation ; and another school f.,r 10 Bannister, Thomas, Wells st ...................... Baker boys and as many girls. But the endowment which, Barker, T. H. Conduit st ........................ Surgeon in its unparalleled increase, has proved most benefi- Barnard, Thomas, High st ....................... Banker cial to the town, is an estate assigned by Sir William Barnard, T. ditto ........... Coal & Timber Merchant Harpur, a native of Bedford, and Merchant Taylor Barnes, John, Mill st ..... Saddler & Harness Maker and Lord Mayor of London, to the corporation, for Barratt, John, New Market pl ...... Coach & Horses supporting the Protestant free-school founded by Barratt, William, St. Loyes st ........... Confectioner King Edward the Sixth, and for portioning maidens Barton, Thomas, New market .................. Butcher in marriage. For this estate, 13 acres and one rood Barton, Thomas, St. Loyes st .................. Butcher of meadow lawl, situate in the united parishes of St. Bartram, Robert, High st .................. Haberdasher Andrew Hoi't(,t,} 'ari-d St. George the Martyr, Loo- Basi, Richard, ditto ... George Commercial Inn and don, Sir VVilliam gave, in 1566, the sum of 1801.; Posting House the whole is now built upon, and its rental produces a llaster, John, Tavistock st ...................... Butcher yearly income to the trustees of 13,000l.! The legis- Bellamy, Ann, St. John st ...... Registrar for Hiring lature having interfered to regulate the disposal of Servants this prodigiously augmented revenue, not only does it Berrill, William, Potttr st ...................... Builder now efficiently maintain the school, allowing eight Bettle, William, Conduit st .. ""." ....... Corn Dealer exhibitions for four years of 80/. a year each, and pro- Bithrey, E. St. Loyes st ............................. Baker vide marriage portions to the amount of 800[. annu- Bithrey, John, High st ...................... Hairdresser ally; but further supports an English school for boys, Bithrey, Thomas, St. Mary's ............. Colilfectioner a national school for both sexes, a hospital for the Bithrey, Thomas, High 1t .................. Postmaster maintenance and education of 50 children, giving an Blower, W m, .. Hill st ... Registrar of Births & Deaths apprentice fee with ten boyi annually of 30l. each ! Blower, William, Mill 1t ........................ Surgeon and of 15l. each with 5 girls, who, on the expiration Bolton, , Tavistock st .......................... Currier of their indentures, receive an additional gratuity of Bowers, William, Silver st .. ................. Joiner, &c. from lOl. to 201. each; also 20 almshouses with four Buwers, William, Russell st ............ Cabinet Maker apartments each, for aged and decayed housekeepers, Bradley, John, High st ........................... Grocer ten of either sex, with a comfortable allowance; and Bradshaw, Mary, Ampthill it ............ Beer Retailer 46 more for aged couples, with a pension to the wi- Brashier, John, High st ................... Confectioner do~; besides 500l. distributed annually in pecuniary Brereton, Rev. J . .S~. Paul's sq ... Master of the Free rehef to decayed housekeepers. The cloisters and Grammar School refectory of a house of Grey Friars in this town, are Bridcut, Robert, George yd .......... Old George Inn now part of a farm-house, as is the hospital of St. Brimley, William, St. Loyes st .................. Grocer Leonard's. A monastery of uncertain foundation ex- Brooks, Joseph, Wells st ........................ Butcher isted here in the Sax on time11, and was selected by Brown, Charles, St. Peter's green ............... Carrier Off a, King of .Mercia, for his burial-place ; but a sud- Brown, Henry, ditto ...................... Basket Maker den and unusually high inundation of the Ouse swept Brown, Misses, ditto •••• Seminary for Young Ladies away his sepulchre. Three quarters of a mile west Brown, T. Conduit st .............................. Tailor of Bedford, on the river, are some remains of Cald· Brown, W. :St. Peter's gr ... Auctioneer & Appraiser well Priory, those of Newenham one mile east, and Brown, William, New Market pl ............. Butcher the interesting ruins of Elston Nunnery as much Browne, Joseph, High lt ............... Wine Merchant south. In the village of Elston, the c~lebrated.John Brownhill, Wm. Conduit st ............. Beer Retailer l3unyan was born ; Bedford gaol was for 1~ years the Bryant, C. St. Loyes st ......... Shoemaker & Grocer scene of his imprisonment, and the old Independent Bryant, T. Grt!J Friars walk ... Carpenter and Beer meeting house in Mill lane, of his spiritual labours, Retailer till his death in 1688. Risinghoe Castle is two miles Buck, Thomas, St. Mary st ........ J{ina's Arms Inn west, the mound of the keep complete. 'fhe seats Buckingham, W. Grey :Friars walk, Straw Hatmaker around Bedford are Brick hill, within the liberty, How- Bull, John, High 1t ......... Jeweller & Watchmaker bury House, Clapham Park, Oakley House, the resi- Bunting, Thomas, ditto .......................... Draper dence of the Marquis of Tavistock, Bromham Hall, Burnaby, Rev. Gustavus ............ Vicar of St. Peters and Kempston Bury. Burnham, George, High st ...... Chemist & Druggist Burr, Ebenezer, St. Loyes st ..................... Grocer Burr, James, High st ..... ................... Ironmonger Burrell, Joseph, St. John st .................. Bricklayer Burt, , St. Mary's .............................. Draper Caporn, J. G. High st ...... Linen & Woollen Draper Carling, Thomas, St. Mar·!J's 1t ... Plumber & Glazier Carter, John, Harpur d ......................... Butcher Case, Ann, Cannon st ..................... Beer Retailer Hame, B.esidenee, &. Profession. (For CLAsSIFICATION if TRADEs, seep. 10) Abbey, R. High st, St. Peters .. . Gunmaker & Cutler Abbott, David, Conduit st ......... Carpenter &Joiner Ager, , St. Loyes st ..................... Leather Seller Allen, Edward, Ojfa st ...................... Shoemaker Alien, .lames, Tavislock st .................. Bootmaker Case, John, Wells st ....................... Confectioner CatliD, J. St. John 1t ...... Parish Clerk of St. Johns Alien, Mary, Harpur st ..................... Shopkeeper Allison, Ann, St. Loyes 1t ........... "'"'"".Red Li9n 8 •
BEl) FORD. BE))FORDSHIRE Chandlet·, J. Russell st ...•••.................. Gardener Gardner, Rev. Robert, New town Chapman, T ......................... Surgeon to Infirmary Garrod, John, Tavi.~tock st ........................ Dyer Chatman, James, St. Cuthbert st ............... Butcher Gascoin, James, Well~st ..................... Shopkeeper Cherry, James, Chandos st ............... Beer Retailer Gaskin, Chas. St. John st ..................... Gardenet• Chester, Ed ward, Greg Friars walk •••......... Baker Gasworks, Grey Frim·s walk ..... . Smith, H. Engineer Church, Benjamin, St. Loyes st .......••...... Butcher Gell, Richard, St. Joltn st ........................ Baker Church, John, ditto ................................. Baker George, John, Harpur st .................. Confectioner Clare, Daniel, High st ......... Watch & Clock maker Gibbs, John, St. John st ..................... Shopkeeper Clare) John, ditto ............................ Hairdresser Gidding, John, Potters jitlds ...•........... Wheelwright Clare, 'f. P. GreyFriarswalk ............. Tea Dealer Gray, George, Tavi~tockst ............ Draper&Tailor Claridge, Wm. Silver st ... Grocer & Tallow Chandler Green, T. & J. St. Mmys .................. Merchants Clark, Francis, High st ........................ The Bear Green, Arthur, P1·iory st ........................ Butcher Clark, John, St. Cuthhert st ............ The Wrestlers Green, J. Castle la .............................. Cdrpenter Clark, Thomas, St. Loyes st ............... Hnirdresser Green, John, St . .Nimys ........................ Magistrate Clark, William, Silver st ........................ Bell Inn Green, John, St. Johns .............................. Dyer Clarke & Whiffin, St. Cuthbert st ... Coach Builders Green, Medwell, Tavislock st .............. Carpenter Clarke, Ann, Mill st ............ St. George & Dragon Green, T. Higlt st, Agent to London Union Assurance Clarke, George, Tavistock st .................. Meal man Green, Thomas, ditto .............................. Groce1· Clarke, William, NPw market ................. Butcher Grigg, Samuel, Harpur st ....... ................ Butcher Claydon, Samuel, High st ... Milliner, Hatter & Boot- Haines, W. St. Johns st ..................... Watchmaker maker Halihead & Trapp, Corn, Coal & Timber Merchants Clayton, Isaac, Cauldwell st .................. Carpenter Hall, Charlotte, Wells st .... ................. Shopkeeper Clayton, John, St. Mary st ................ Hairdresser Hall, George, High st ...... Saddler & II 'mess Maker Clifto:n, Benjamin, High st ................ Corn Dealer Hands, Richard, Harpur st .................. Carpenter Clifton, George, ditto ...................... Confectioner Harle, J ames, St. lUarys ............... The Wind mill Clifton, Thomas, ditto ........... Cooper & Toy Dealer Harris, John, High st .............................. Grocet· Cobb, John, Adelaide st ......................... Butcher Harris. John ............ Surgeon to the Private Asylum Coleman, An ne, Harpur st ........................ Baker Hart, J ames, Tavi~tock st ........................... Baker Coleman, William, Cauldwell st ...... Cabinet Maker Hart, R. St. Cuthbert st .................. Beer Retailer Coli ins J. New .J.lfarket st .................. Hairdresser Hart, T. Tf'ells st .............................. Bootmakel· Colson, , High si .............................. Butcher Haskins, Joseph, Ampthill st ................. Lapidaty Cornish, Thomas, Tavistock st ............. Shopkeeper Hasledine, "\V. Grey Friars walk ............... Gutcher Carries, Charles, St. lJfap_y's ..•.. . Chemist & Druggist Hatchard, , Tavistock st ..................... Surveyor Cotsworth, Moses, Russelt st ...•••....... The Peacock Haynes, 'V. H arpur st ....................... . Shoemaker Cottam, John, St. John st ............ Horse & Jockey Hearn, Thomas, St. Marys ............... Trussmaker Covington, J. Newnham st ........................ Tailor Hensham, T. St. Loyes st ...... Gl'ocer & Shoemaker Craddock, Thomas~ Russell st .................... Tailor Henshaw, H. St. Johns st .................. Hairdresser Crawley, James. Tavistock st .................. Butcher Hester, T. Silver st .... ~ .......... China & Glass Dealer Crawley, William, New Market pl ...... Whip maker Hick man, J oseph, St. Jo!tns st ......... Saracens Head Culling, Henry, St. Loyes st ............ Beer Retailel' Higgins, C. & Sons,High st, Brewers & Wine 1\Ierchts Davey, A. 'J(,vistock st ........................ Staymaker Higgins, Charles ........................ Common Brewer Davis, Barnard, New market ................... Butcher Higgins, Charles, High st, Swan Commercial Iun & Dawson, Joseph, Silver st ........ : ............ Bull Inn Posting House Dawson, W. M. High st ......... ; ... Draper & Tailor Hill & Sons, Silver st ............ Printers & Booksellers Day, S. St. Loyes st ....•............ Carver & Gilder Hill, George, George yard ........................ Farrier Denyer, John, Conduit st ........................ Grocer Hill, Wm. High st ................................. Grocer Denyer, Joseph, Harpur st .................. Shoemaker Billhouse, J. P. Tavistock st .................. Teadealer Doune, Rev. James .................. Vicar of St. Pauls Hills, George, High st ..................... Robin Hood Dowselt John, St. Cuthhert st ............... Sm·(J'eon Hilliard, B. ditto ........ ....... Corndealer & Seedsman Dunton, J. Offit st ........................... Blacks~ith Hinde, John, St. Pauls sq ...... Plumber, Painter & Eagle, F.. Dame A lice st ........................ Solicitor Glazier El den, J oseph, T£tvistock st ................ Hairdresser Hipwell, S. St. J(Jhn st .............................. Tailor Edwards, William, NewMarket ............... Butcher Hockliffe, Wm. St. Loyes st ..................... Painter Eiger, Isaac, St. Mary's ........................ Surgeon Hodgkins, 1\Iary, Harpur st ..................... Cooper Eiger, T. G. ditto .............................. Surv-eyor Hodgkins, Mary, Silve1· st ........................ Cooper Farr, , Grey Fr.iars walk ... Grocer & Beer Retailer Hollowman, J. St. Loye.~ st ............... Trunkmaker Fitzpatrick, N icholas, Clapham rd ........... Physician Horeford, J ames, _Wells st ........................ Builder Fletcher, William, St. Mary's ... Boot & Shoemaker Howanl, John, Htghst ......... Ironmonger & Founder Flood, George, Wells st ................... White Horse Huckell, H. Wells .st .. . Straw & Tuscan Manufacturer Flood, J~hn, St. Mc£ry's ................. Ironmonger Hudson, John, High st ........................ Checkers Ford, JCfseph, St. Joltn st ................ Sow & PiO's Humphrey~, Emma, Wells st ............... Shopkeeper Forster, Edward, Cauldwrll st ..• Hearse & Horse rr;'n Burst & Wootton, High st ........................ Draper Fowler, Charles, New Market .................. Butcher Burst, M. Wells st ........................... Dressmaker Francis, George, Cauldswell st ............... The Angel H yne; C. Tavistoclc st ........................... Physician Francis, John, Tavistock st .............. Beer Retailer llling, John, Gre.'IJ Friars walk .................. Baker Francis, Samuel, Silve1· .~t .. ...................... Builder Isitt, J ames, St. J'•hns st ........................ Butcher Francis, \ViJliam, St. Petels st ................. Builder J ohnston & Redden, Brewers, Maltsters, Coal &. }'ranklin, William, St. Jo!tn st .................. Farrier Timber Merchants Franklin, William, St. Mar!J'S .................... Tailor Jones, Edw. High st ........................... Shoemaker French, Brooks, T<Vells st ...... 'Watch & Glockmaker Jones, W. ditto ........................ Draper & Halter Freshwate1·, Samuel, Cllstle z(, ............... Carpenter J.ordan, Elizabeth, St. John st ......... Leg of Mutton. Frohock, John, Silver st ..... , .................. Carpenter l\ennmg, J oseph, II::~rpur st ............ Harness Maker Gamby, Sarah, High st ., ................... Pawnbroker Kent, Henry, Tavi$loclqt .. , ........... .... Confectioner Bedfordshire.] C 9
BEDFORDSHIRE . BEDFORD. • Kent, W. High st ..................... Boot & Shoemaker Pearse, T. & Son, Potter st ~ .. Solicitors, and Clerks Kilpin & Son, ditto ........................ Ironmonger!! to Magistrates Kilping, Joseph, St. Margs ............ Assurance Agent Pear~on, Rev. R. Crescent ...... Chaplain to Asylum King, H.ol:>ert .................................... New Inn Pearson, Rev. Richard ............ Curate to St. Pauls Kingston, Thomas, St 1l1.arys .................. Butcher Pearson & Trapp, High st ..................... Bankers Lacey, James, New Market ..................... Butcher Pearson, , St. Loyes 1t ..................... Blacksmith Lamb, Miss, High st ........................ Dressmaker Peer, Williarn, Dame Alice st ............ Beer Retailer Lamb, W. ditto ... .............................. Hairdresser Peel, J. St. Loges st .............................. Tailor La.ngley, G. & J. ditto ...... Linen & Woollen Drapers Perfect, William, Conduit st ... Bookbinder and Beer Langley, Edw. St. John st ..................... Surgeon Retailer Larkins, , St. Logesst ......... .............. Carpenter Peters, B. Silvtr st ...... ,. ...................... Butcher Last, W.Bt. Marys 1q .................... Coachbuilder Pettifier, James, ditto ..................... Beer Retailer Lavender, R. St. Pauls sq ........................ Carrier Phillips, Thomas, Priory $t ............... Shoemaker Lester, , Tavislock st ........................... Draper Philips, William, Wells st ....... , .......... Shopkeeper Levy, Lewis, Conduit st ..................... Watchmaker Pickering, J ot=eph, St. Margs ......... Upholsterer, &c, Levy, L. High st .................................... Watch Pierce, John, High $t ... u ......................... Tailor Lilburn, Thos. High st .............................. Tailor Plackett, Mark~ St. Cuthherts ••• Parish Clerk of St. Lilley, Joseph, ditto ........................ Fishmonger Cuthberts Lockwood, Rev. E. J. Cauldwell st, Curate ofSt Mys Pool, W. B. Queens Head lane •• Maltster and Corn I .. oftus, J. Cannon st ................................. Baker Merchant Lovelage, T. St. Pauls ............... Curate ofSt. Pauls Powers, Bartlett, Tavistock 1t ......... Beer Retailer Lovelidge, T. W. Wellsst.. .. ................. Dayschool Prior, John, Conduit st ........ Statuary and Mason Lovell, J. Castle la ......... Currier & Leather Cutter Prior, John, Union st ......... Stone & Marble 1\Iason Lovell, S. St. Margs ...... Coal Merchant & Maltster Prior, Stephen, Harpur st ........................ Tailor Lyon, L. Adelaide sq .............................. Surgeon Prior, Thomas Fowler, Silver st, Chemist & Druggist M'Ciare, Rev. G. Cauldwell.~t ..• Chaplain to the Gaol Pulley, Henry, Iliglt st ...... Draper and Auctioneer Mackness, Elizaheth, Newnham st ......... Shopkeeper Pursey, John, St. John st .................. Beer Retailer lVlakam, W. Greg Friars walk .................. Butcher H.andall, J. New Market st .................. Carpenter Maiden, Benjamin, High .tt ........................ Baker Rawlins, Edward, HilJ,h st ... Distiller, Rectifier, 'and Maiden, Da,rid, ditto ............ Baker & Confectioner Wine and Spirit Merchant Mallows, S. St. Cu.thbert st ............... Milliner, &c. Rawlins, Thoma!l, ditto ......... Chiua & Glass Dealer Mann, Edward, St. Loyes st ..................... Draper Rayment, W. D. St. Peter.t green ......... Accountant Ma.nn, James. ditto ........................ Confectioner Rayment, W. D. ditto ...... Agent to Protector Life Manning, Wm. High st .. Wine and Spirit Merchant fAssociation Mantle, John, Milt st ........................ Hairdresser Rayner, Thomas, High st .................. Saddler, &c. May, Charles, Silver at ........................... Tailor Redhead, Edward, .J.lfill 1t ............... Beer Retailer Mayes, George, Priory st .................. Shoemaker Redman, John, St. John st ............... Beer Retailer May le, Henry, High st ........................... Grocer Redman, Samuel, Harpur st ..................... Butcher Mayle, John, ditto ........................... Cross Keys Reynolds, T. Conduit &t ........................ Carpenter May le, Jose ph, Dame Alice st .................. Grocer Richard son, W. C. St. lliary• ... Fountain Comrcl Inn Mayle, J. L. High st ............... Plumber & Glazier Rickwood, G. F. Wells st ......... Veterinary Surgeon May le, Miss, ditto ........................... Dressmaker Riley, , Harpur st ••• Master of Preparatory Charity Maynard, John, St. Peters green ...... Wheelwright School Merry, Clark Barber, High st ... Printer, Bookseller, Robinson, Charles, ditto ........................ Surgeon and StatiOI;er Robinson, Rd. St. Pauls sq, Wine & Spirit Merchant Mesham, R. Conduit st ........................ Physician Robinson, Richard jun. ditto ......... Wine, Brandy, Miller, George, Highst ...... Stone and Marble Mason and Hop Merchant Miller, Sophia, Tavistock st ... TU$Can & Straw Manfr Robinson, William, Silver st ................ -.... Grocer Moody, Jas. St. Peter1 st ... Parish Clerk of St. Peters Roff, William, ditto ........................ Confectioner Moody, James, Offa st ........................... Tailor Rogers, William, ditto ... Agent to the Phamix Fire Moo re, George, Silver st ........................... Tailor Insurance Office Moss, James, New Market st ......... Saracens Head Roger:5,'iWilliam, ditto ..................... : •• Solicitor Muosey, Jacob, High st ........ ~ ............ Bootmaket· Rogerson, Thos. Wm. St. Jolm st, Veterinary Surgeon N alden, J. ditto ............ Linen and Woollen Draper Rose, ltobert, High st ........................... Organist Nash, G. P. & Sons, St. ll-farys ... Brewers, Maltsters, Rudge, B. Tavistock st .............................. Artist and Wine and Spirit Merchants Sa bey, George, St. Loyes st ............... Beer Retailer Nicholas, John, Wells st ........................... Baker Sanders & Williams, High st, Ironmongers & Foundrs Nicholson, , Potter st ........................... Tailo1· Sanders, Thomas, Silver d .................. Porkbutcher Norman, Ann, St. John st .................. Shopkeeper Sargeant, John, High st ..... ~ ..................... Tailor Norman,•Joseph, Grey Friars walk ......... Carpentet· Sargeant, Thomas, St. Pauls sq .................. Carrier North, Thomas, Wells st ... Carpenter & Beer Retailer Savage, Charles, Dame A lice si ... Parish~-{;Ierk of Nunn, , Crescent .............................. Organist St. Marys Odell, William, Chandas st ............... Beer Retailer Savage, John, High st ............ Glover & Fell monger Os born, George, Harpur si ............... Watchmaker Sa well, Elizabeth, Cauldwell st ......... Beer Retailer Palgraves, J. &. C. High st ... Chemists & Druggists Sear, Henry, ditto ....................... .... Beer Retailer Parrotts, William, OJ!a st .................. Bootmaker Seargeant, Robert, High st ........................ Hatter Partridge, Thomas, Clmldwelt st ......... Cherry Tree Sergeant, Jane, St. Mary.t ..................... Milliner Payne, Joseph, Adelaide sq ......... Plumber & Glazier Sergeant, William, High st ............ Tailor & Draper Peacock, Mary, Harpur st ...... Second-hand Clothes Sharman & Tumley, St. Cuthberts ............ Solicitors Warehouse Sharman, A. ditto ••• Agent to Sun Fire & Life Office Pearce, Rev. , St. John st ...... Curate of St. Johns Shelton, R. Silver st .................. Carver & Gilder Pears, Humphry, High st ••• Butcher k Lace Dealer Sheppard, James, Tavistock st ..................... Tailor 10 Shilton, Thomas, High st ............... ........ Butcher
BEDFORD. BEDFORDSHIRE. Short & Hurst ........... , ................... , .••• Surgeons Wells, George & Co. Hi'gh st ...... Hat Manufacturers Sin field, William, Callldwell st ............ Saddler, &c. Wells, George, ditto ..................... Fancy Bazaar Skene, George, Mill st, Bedford Murcury & Hun- Wells, J. ditto .............................. Basket Maker tingdon Express Office Wells, William, Harpur 1t •• , ........................ Star Skennington, W. St. Marys ........... _ ........... Baker West, Robert, Tavistock st ............. , .......... Grocer Skerman, John, St, LU!Jes st ...................... Brazier West, William, St. Loyes st .. u ................. Grocer Skevington, Susan, Castle lane .. . .. . ... Beer Retailer White, William, High 1t, Agent to the RC:yal ExSmall, J ames, High st ............... Plumber & Glazier change Insurance Company Small, N. W. Lurke la ...... Brewer & Beer Retailer White, W. ditto ... Printer, Stationer, & Bookbinder Small, N. W. St. Pelers st ... Maltster & Corn Dealer Whitehead, E. Conduit st ... ...................... Baker Small, T. ,High st, St. Peters ...... Plumber & Glazier Whitehead, Edwarcl, Prior!J st ..................... Baker Smith & Partridge, High st .................. Milliners Wild man,- E. Newnham .~t .................. Be~r Retailer Smith, Peter & W. W. Cauldwell st ......... Cooper!! Wiles, James, St. Marys .................. Hairdresser Smith, James, St. Marys .... .............. L~atherseller Wilkinson, Robert, Silver st ..................... Grocer Smith, James, IIigh st ............... Plumbet· & Glazier Williams; Samuel, Tavistock st .................. Baker Smith, Joieph, Wells st ....... u ...... ". Wheelwright Willmott, James, St. John• st ................. Grocer Smith, Richard, High st ......................... Butcher Wilshire, William, ditto .................. Basket Maker Smith, Thomas, Wetl.t st ...................... Bricklayer Wing, T. Potter st ................................. Mason Smith, Thomas, Silve1.' 1t ... Broker & Clothes Dealer Winning, Rev. T. Crescent ........................ Curate Smith, Thomas, High st ......... Currier &Shbemaker Withy, George, Potter ~t ........................... M. D. Smith, William, St. Loyes st .................. Gardener Wolston, Charles, High st, Rose & Crown Corn. Inn Smith, William, St. lHary's ...... Plumber·& Glazier Wood, John, Mill st .............................. Tailor Stevens, , Co11duit st ................ ··~··~·. Su!'¥eyor W oodroffe, J. & Son, St. Cuthberts, Surveyors & Bldrs Stock, John, New ]}Jarket pl ......... Furniture Broker Wooldram, Mi1s, High st .. ................ Confectioner Stock er, George, St. Pauls sq ....... .., ... , ..... Maltster W oot-ton, Charle!!. St. Loyes st ............... Carpenter Stou bridge, , Offit: lit ........ , ........... Flower Pot Wootton, Mary, ditto .................. Straw Hat maker Studds, John, St. John st ...... ...... Gardener & :Florist \-Vootton, William, Castle la ............ Beer Retailer Sturgess, Nathaniel, ditto, Linen & Woollen Draper Young & Pestill, St. Pauls sq .................. Brewers Swepson, William, High st ................ ~ •. Ironmonger Young, William, Harpur st ............... Beer Retailer Tacchi, Anthony, St. Johns ......... Carver & Gilder Young, W. C. Mill st ........................ Bootmaker Tansley, Charles, Harpur st ..................... Butcher Tansley, Joseph, St. Loyet~ st .................. Butcher Tassell, Samuel, St . .J.lfary st ....• , ............... Saddler Tatham, Rev. Henry, St. Cuthberts st, Vicar of St. Cuthberts Taylor, Thomas, Wells st ................... Beer Retailer Taylor, Thomas. High st ...................... Carpenter Tebbs, William, ditto, Red Lion Commercial Inn, Auctioneer & Estate Agent Thody, William, New llfltrket ............... Butcher Thompson, D. & C. High st ................... Milliners Thurley, Thomas, Wells st . .,. ............. Beer Retailer Timacus, C. F. High st, Printer, Bookseller & Stationer Timacus, Miss, Priory terrace ....... Boarding School Toms, W. N. New Ma,.ket pl ... ,. .............. Butcher Trapp, Benjamin, High st .................. Draper, &c. Trapp, B. ditto, Upholsterer, Cabinet Maker, Draper, &c. Turner, George, St. Jolms ••• Rope & Sacking Maker U pton, Martha, St. Jolmpt ............... Shopkeeper Vickers, John, Wells st ... Cooper, & the Nags Head W agstaff, C. W. High st .. ........ , .. , .. ,.Linen Draper Waldock, T. St. Loyes st, Butcher, & the Barley Mow Walker, G. nrezzs st .......................... ~···· Brazier v~· alker, Thomas, ditto ..................... Beer Retailer Walker, William, Higl• st ......................... Hatter Walton,.J. W. ditto .............. , ...... L .. Ironmonger Walton, Mary, ditto .............................. Grocer Ward, George, St. Cutllberts st ... ,. ................ Ship '\IV ard, Mary, Mill st .............................. Grocer Ward, S. St. Peter~ st, Carpetltex &. Cabinet Maker Ward, T. Offa st ................................. Poulterer Warden, Miss, St. Peters st ...... Professor of Music Warner, James& Co. High st ..... L ...... Drapers, &c. \Varren, C. Tavistock st ... Auctioneer, Plumber, &c. Corporation. ,. Mayor. Thomas Gwyn Eiger, Esq. "Aldermen • • 1 George Peregrine N ash 2 Charles Short 3 Nichola11 Fitzpatrick 4 J ames Small 5 Alexander Sharman ~ 6 Charles Higgins Councillors. Eastern Ward. 1 Chas. Fred. Palgrave 2 John Sanders 3 Henry Mayle 4 James WoodrofFe 5 George Hurst 6 Isaac Elger 7 Thomas Wooldridg~ 8 Thoma!! Abbott Green 9 William White • Western Ward. 1 Rt. Wilkin Robinson · ~ John Howatd 3 Charles Robinson 4 (Now M£.lyor) 5 William Rogers 6 Samuel Lovell 7 George Langley 8 William Blower 9 \\rilliam J ones J ohnstontTown Clerk. Theodore Pearse, jun. ~ Warrington, Thomas, Russell st .-........ Beer Retailer Post Office, '\Vatford, Thomas, Mill st ........................ Tailor HigJ, Street. Webb, James, High st, Agent for the County Fire & Bithery, Thomas .............................. Postmastel' Provident Life Insurance Offices Letters received from London 1 morn., despatched Webb, J. ditto, Printer~ }3ookseller, &Sub-Distributor 9 even., one delivery each day 7 morn. summer, of Stamps and 8 in the winter. 11
BEDFORDSHIRE.t BEDFORD. Posting Houses. To London Sergeant, Thos. Waggon every Saturday, George Inn, High st ........................ Bass, Richard and returns on Monday evening. Swan Hotel, ditto ..................... Higgins, Charles To Ditto Lavender, Richard, Waggon, every Thurs. Bankers. ~nd return~ on Sat. . Barnard, Thomas, High st-draw upon Sir Charles To Dxtto-Garhc:, Wm; Waggon, every .Thursday Price & Co., London. morn. from o.:Jt. Paul s square. . Pearson & Trapp, ditto-draw on Bamard & Co. To Northampton Douglas, John, Tues. and Fnday, and returns Mon. and Thursday. !"ire & Life Assurance Agents. County Fire & Provident Life, Webb, James, High si London Union ..................... Green, Thomas, ditto Phcenix, & Clerical & Medical I.ife Assurance Co., Kilpin, Josh. SI. Marys Phrenix ........................ Rogers, William, Silver st Protector Life ............ Rayment, W. D. Peters green To St. Neat's Wood, , every Wed. and returns same day, from the Rose Commercial Inn. To Wellington Brown's Waggons, Tuesday and Saturday, from thence to London, and returns to Wellington, Sat. and Tues. from Brown's Wag. gon Office. Protestant Dissenters ...... Anthony, Jacob, High st Class:lficatlon of-I'rades. Royal Exchange .................. White, William, ditto .Accountant. Rayment W. D. Peter's green Sun ........................... Sharman, A. St. Cuthbert.~ Artists. Budge B. Tavistock st Stamp Office. Sub-distributor .............................. W ebb, J arnes Newspaper. Bedford Mercury, published on Saturdays by George Skene, Milt st. Public Officers. Solicitors & Clerks to Magistrates, Pearse, T. & Son, Potter si Public Schools. Free Grammar School, St. Pauls 1q. Brereton, Rev. John ........................ Master Preparatory Charity School, Harpur st. l{iley, ..............................•••...... Master Coach List. To Cambridge The Eagle Birmingham Coach, Tues. Thurs. and Sat. at l pa~t 3, and returns Mon. Wed. and Fri. from the Swan. To Coventry and Binningham-The Eagle, from the Swan Inn, leaves Bedford i before 11 every Tues. Thurs. and Sat. morn. Passengers by this .i:l.uctioneers ~ .Appraisers. Brown W .St. Peter's green Pulley Henry, High st Tebbs William, High st ·warren Charles, Tavistock st Bakers. Bannister Thoma:s, Wells st Bethrey E. St. Loyes st Chesher Edward, Grey Friars walk Church John, St. Loyes st Coleman Anne, Harpur st Gell Richard, St. John st Hart James, Tavistock st Illing John, Grey Friars walk Lofts J. Cannon st Maiden Benjamin, Htgh st Maiden David, High st Nichols John, Wells st Skennington William, St. 1\Iarys Whitehead E. Conduit st Whitehead Edward, Priory st Williams Samuel, Tavistock st Banker. Barnard Thomas, High st Basket Makers. Brown Henry, St. Peter's green Wells J. High st co~ch are booked through, to, and from Cam- Wilshire William, St. John st • • bndge, by the O_xford Coach. Beer Retailer.~. Attick Daniel, High st lo Londo~. Camb~dge an~ Oxford, Mon. Wed. Baker Sarah, Newnham st and Fr,tday at 4 past 3 m the aft. and returns Bandy Joseph, Cauldwell ilt ~ues. 'I hurs. and Sat. at l past 11 morn. Bradshaw Mary, A mpthill stl To Dttto The Mancheste~ Peverell, every morn. at Brownhill William, Conduit stl ~' and returns every mght l past 11.. Bryant Thomas, Grey Friars walk To D1tto Leeds and London Hoyal Mat!, every day Case Anne Cannon st ;t before 1 in the aft: and every morn. at :i past Cheny Ja~es, Chandos st 1_, for Melton, Sheffie~d, and. Leeds. Culling Henry, S!. Loyes st To Dttto-The Bedford Tun~s, ftom the ~wan, every Farr , Grey Fnars walk morn. ! past 8, and returns f past 7 m the enn. Francis John Tavistock st To n;uo The Uppingham Coach, throu_gh Bed~ord, Hart Richard', St. Cuthbert st 4 before 12 every 1\lon. Wed. and Fn. mor~mgs, North Thomas, Wells st and returns the alternate days, at ~ past 2 m the Odell William, Chandos st: afternoon. Peer William Dame Alice st To.Ditto-r~'he Self-Defence Coach, every Mon. Wed. Perfect Willi;m, Conduit st and Fn. morn. ! before 7, and returns alternate Pettifier J ames, Silver st days. Powers Bartlett, Tavistock st Carriers' :List. Purser John, St. John st To Higham and adjoining Places-Tues. Thurs. and Redhead Edward, Mill st Sat., from thence to London, and returns to Hed man John, St. John st Higham, Thurs. Sat. and Tues., from Brown's Sabey George, St. Loyes st Waggon Office. Sawell Elizabeth, C~uldwell st To 1\euering-Thurs. and Sat. from thence to Lon- Sear Henry, Cauldwell st don, and returns Sat. and Thurs. to Angel Inn, Skevington Susan, Castle Ja I<ettering. The above from C. ~rowu's Waggon Small Nathaniel Wells, Lurke la Office, St. Peter's Green. Taylor Thomas, Wells stJ To London--Brown's Waggons, every Tuesday, Thurley Thomas, Wells st Thurs. and Sat. even. to the White Hart, St. Walker Thomas, WelJs st John's st, and returns Mon. Thurs. and Sat. '\Varrington Thomas, Russell st aft. from Brown's Waggon Office. Wildman E. Newnham st 12
BEDFORD. BEDFORDSHIRE .. BEDFORD CLASSIFICATioN, continued. Wootton William, Castle la. Yo11ng William, Harpur st Blaeksmit/11. Pearson, -, St. Loyes st · Dun ton J. Offa st Bookbinders. Perfect William, Conduit st White William, High st Booksellers.·-Hill k Sons, Silver st Merry Clark Barber, (Stationer, &c.) High st Timacus Charles Frederick, High st Webb James, High st White William, High st Bootmakers. Alien Edward, Offa st Alien J ames, Tavistock P~t Allison William, St. John st Bryant Charles, St. Loyes st Claydon Samuel, High st Denyer J oseph, Harpur st Fletcher William, St. Marys Hart T. Well st Haynes William, Harpur st Hensham Thomas, St. Loyes st Jones Edmund, High st Kent William, High st Mayes George, Priory st Parrott William, Offa st Munsey Jacob, High st Phillips Thomas, Priory st Smith Thomas, High st Young W. C. Mill st Brazier~. Skerman John, St. Loyes st Walker G. '\V ells st Brewers. Higgins Charles & Son, High st Higgins Charles J ohnstone & Jledden Nash G. P. & Sons, St. Marys Small N. W. Lurke lane Young & Pes tell, St. Pauls sq Bricklayen Burrell J oseph, St. John st Smith Thomas, Wells st Broker. Smith Thomas, SilTer st Builders. Berrill William, Potter st Cobb John, Adelaide sq Francis Samuel, Silver st Francis William, St. Peters st Horsford James, Wells st Woodroffe J. & Son, St. Cuthbert Butchers. Ames Joseph, Wells st Armes Joseph, New mkt Bar ton Thomas, New mkt Barton Thomas, St. Loyes st Baxter John, Tavistock st Brooks Joseph, Wells st Brown William, New market pl Carter John, Harpur st Chatman James, St. Cuthbert st Church Benjamin, St. Loyes st Clarke William, New mkt Colson, , High st Crawley James, Tavistock st Davis Barnard, New mkt Edwards William, New mkt Fowler Charles, New mkt Green Arthur, Priory st Grigg Samuel, Harpur st Hasledine \-Villiam, Grey FriarS' wafk Isitt James, St. John st Kingston Thomas, St. Marys Lacey J ames, New mkt Makham William, Grey Friars walk Pears Humphry, High st Peters B. Silver st Redman Samuel, Harpur st BEt>FoRD CLASSIFICATioN, conlinued ... Shilton Thomas, High st Smith Richard, High st Tan~ley Charles, Harpur st Tansley Joseph, St. Loyes st Taylor Richard, Silver st Thody William, New mkt Toms W .'N. New market pl Waldock T. St. Loyes st Cabinet Makers. Bowers William, Russell st Coleman Wil1iam, Cauldwell st Trapp Benjamin, High st. Ward Samuel, St. Peter st Carpenters. Abbott David, Conduit st Bowers W. Silver st Bryant Thomas, Grey Friars walk Clayton Isaac, Cauldwell st Freshwater Samuel, Castle lane Frohock John, Silver st Green J. Castle lane Green Medwell, Tavistock st Hands Richard, Harpur st Larkins, St. Loyes st Maxey Thomas, High st, St. PetersNorman Joseph, Grey Friars walk North Thomas, Well~ st Rand all J. New Market pl Reynolds T. Conduit st Taylor Thomas, High st Ward SamueT, St. Peter st Wotton Charles, St. Loyes st Carriers. Brown Charles, St. Peters green· Lavender Richard, St. Pauls sq, Sargeant Thomas, St. Pauls S'}- Carvers ~ Gilder&. Day S. St. Loyes st Shelton Robt. SilTer st Tacchi .Anthony, St. Johns Chemists~ Druggists. Anthony Jacob1 High st Burnham George, High st Corrie Charles, St. Marys PalgraYes J. & C. High st Prior Thomas Fowler, Silver st China ~ Glass Dealers.-Hester Thomas, Silver st Rawlins Thomas, High st Clothiers. Peacock Marr., Harper st Smith Thomas, S1lver st Coaclt Builders. Clarke & Whiffin, St. Cuthbert st;. Last William, St. Mary sq Coal Dealer. Barnard Thomas, High st Coal Merchants. Halfhead & Trapps J ohustone & Redden · Lovell Samuel, St. Marys Co7ifectioners. Barratt WilJiam, St. Loyes ~st Bithrey Thomas, St. Marys • Brashier John, High st Case John, Wells st Clifton George, High st George John, Harpur st Kent Henry, Tavistock st Maiden David, High st M ann J ames, St. Loyes st Roff William, Silver l!t Woolldram Miss, High st Coopers. Clifton Thomas, High st Hodgkins Mary, Harpur st Hodgkins Mary, Silver st Smith Peter & W. H. CauldwerT st..' • J V1ckers John, Wells st Corn Dealers. Bettle William, CoRduit st Clifton Benjamin, High st Billiard Benjamin, High s.t Small N. W. St. Peters st Corn Merchants. Halfhead & Trapp t ]3
BEDFORD. BEDFORD CL4SSIFICATioN, continued· Poole ,V, B. Queen's Head la BEIH'ono C~ASSIFICATION, continued' Inns, Tavrrns, q· Public Iiouses .. - Curriers.-Bollon, , Tavi':!tock st J ... ovell John, C3stle la Smith Thomas, Hiah st Cutler. Abbey Robert, lligh $l, St. feters Distiller q Rectifier. Rawlins Edward1 High st Dyers. Garrod John, Tavistock st Green John, St. Johns Estate Agent. Tebhs William, High st Fancy Bazaar. Wells George, High st Farriers. Franklin William, St. John st Hill George, George yd Fellmonger Savage John, High st Fishmonger.-Lilley Joseph, High st Furnitu1·e Broker.-S~ock John, New M<~.rket pl Gardeners. Chandler J, Russell st Gaskin Charles, St. John st Smith William, St. !.oyes st Studds John, St. John st Glass Dealer. Rawlins Thomas, High ~t Glover. Savage John, High st Grocers q Cheesemongers. Alien Mary, Uarpur st Cornish Thomas, Tavistock ~Jt Gascoin James, Wells st Gibbs John, St. John street Hall Charlotte, Wells st Humphreys Emma, Wells st1 Mackness Elizal;leth, Newnham st Norman Anne, St.:Joho it Philips William, Wells st ~ Upton Martha, St. John st Grocers 4' Teadealers. Bradley John, !Iigh st BrimJey William, St. Loyes st Bryant Charles, St. Loyas st Burr Ebenezer, St. L9yes st ClareT. P. Grey Friars walk Cleridge W illiam, Silver st Denyer John, Conduit st Farr , Grey Friars walk. Green Thomas, High st Harris John, High st Hensham Thomas, St. Loyes s,t Hill William, High st Hillhouse J. P. Tavistock st Mayle Henry, High st . MayJe Joseph, Dame .A.lice st · Hobinson William, S1lver st Walton Mary, High st Ward Mary, Mill lit 'Vest Robert, Tavistock st West William, S£. Loyes st w-ilkinson Robert, Silver st • Willimott James, St. John st Gunmaker. Abbey Robert, High st,. St, Peters Haberdasher. Bartram Robert, High st Hairdressers. Bithrey John, High stj Clare John, High st Clark Thomas, St. Loyes st Clayton John, St, Mary st Collins J. New Market pl Ebdon Joseph, Tavistock st Henshaw Henry, St. Johns st Lamb William, High st Mantle John, Mill st Wiles James, St.Marys Harnw Maker. Kenning Josh. Harpur st Hatters.- Claydon Samuel, High st Jones William, High st Sergeant Robert, High st Walker William, High st Wells George & Co. High st Hopmercha11t.-Robimon R, W, jun. St, .Pa\lli S<! 14 . I I An,;el, Francis George, Cauldwell st Barle.1J ftlnw, \Yaldock Thomas, St. Loyes st Bear, Cbrk Fra11ci,;, High st Bell, Clark William, Silver st Bull, Dawson Joseph, Silver st Check~rs, Hudson John, High st Cl!erry Tree, Partridge Thomas, Cauldwell st Coach~- Horses, Barratt Jno. New Market pi' C1·o.~s Ke!ft, Mayle John, High st • FlfJwer Pot, Stonbridge Anne, Offa st Fountain Commercial Inn, Richardson W.~G. St.'Marys George Commercial Inn, Bass Richard, High st Hearse&) Horses Inn, forster Ed. Cauldwell st Horse q Jockey, Cottam John, St. John st Kings Arms Commercial Inn, Buck Thomas, St. Mary st Leg C?f Mutttm, Jordan Elizabeth, St. John at Nags Head, Vickers John, Wells st New Inn, King Robert Old George Inn.,. Bridcut Robert, George yd Peacock, Cotsworth 1\lm:es, Russell st Red Lion, Alii sou An ne, St. Loyes sl • Red Lion Commercial Inn, Tebbi' \V m. High st Rd;inhood, Hills John, High st Ro.~e 4· Crown Commtn;ial Inn, V\r olston Charles, High st St. George ~· The Dragon, Clarke Ann, l\ltll st Saracens Head, Hickman Joseph, St. John st Saracens Head, Moss J arnes, New Market pi Ship, Ward George, St. Cuthbert st Ship, Bailey John, Conduit st Sow 4' Pigs, Ford Joseph1 St. John st Stm·, Wells William, Harpur st Swan Commercial HotelJ Higgins Cs. High st lf7hite Horse, Flood George, Wells st Windmill, Harle James, St. l\Iarys Tile lf'rntlers, Clark John, St. Cuthbett st lrorifounders. Howard John, High st Sanders & Williams, High st Imnmongen Burr James, Hi"h st_; Flood John, St. Marys Howard John, High sl Kilpin & Son, High st Sanders & Williams, High st Swepson"'William, High st Walton J. W. High st Jeweller. Bull John, High st l.ace Draler. Pears Humphry, High st1 Lupidary.-Ha~kins Joseph, Ampthill st Leutller Cutter.-Lovell John, Castle lane Leather Sellers. Ager, , St. Loyes st Smith J ames, Bt • .1\larys Linen Drapers. Bunting Thomas, High st Burt , St. Marys Caporn John Goode, High st Hurst & vVootton, lligh it Jones William, High st Lester , Tavistock st Langley, G. & J. High st Mann Edward, St. Loycs d: Maiden, J. High st Pulley Henry, High st Sergeants William, High st Sturges Nathaniel, St. Johns st Trapp Benjamin, High st Wagstaff C. W. High st Warner James & Co. High st l:falt6ters. J ohnston & Redden Nash G. P. & Sons, St. Marys Poole W, B. Queens Head lnn
BEDJ.i""ORD .. BED FORDS HIRE. BED FORo CLAssiFICATION, continued Small N. W. St. Peters st Stocker Geor~e, St. Pauls sq Mealrnan. Clarke George, Tavistock st Merchants. Green T. & J. St. Marys Milliners. Claydon Samuel, High st Hurst M. Well st Lamb Miss, High st Mallows S. St. Cuthbert st Mayle Miss, High st Sergeant Jane, St. Marys Smith & Partridge, High st Thompson D. & C. High st Mulic Prifessor. Warden Miss, St. Peter st Newspaper Office. Skene George, Mill st {Bedford Mercury & Huntingdon .Express Organists. Nunn -,Crescent Rose Robert, High st Pawnbroker. Gamby Sarab, High st Plly.ricians. Fit!patrick Nicholas, M.D. Clapham rd Hyne C. (M. D.) Tavistock st Mesham R. (M. D.) Conduit st Witt George (M. D.) Potter st Plumbers, Painters, q Gla~iers. Carling Thomas, Hinde John, St. Pauls sq Hockliffe William, St Loyes st Mayle J. L. High st Payne J011h. Adelaide sq Small James, High st St. Marys at Small Thomas, High st, St. Peters Small Thomas, St. Peters~ Smith James, High st Smith William, St. Marys' Warren Charles, Tavistock st Poulterer. Ward T. Offa st Porkhutcher. Sanders Thomas, Silver st Printers. Hill & Sons, Silver st Merry Clark Barber, High st Timacus C. F. High st Webb , High st White William, High st Ropemaker .-Turner George, St. J oh ns · Sacking Maker. Turner George, St. Johns Saddlers. Barnes John, Mill st Hall George, High st Rayner Thomas, High st Sinfield William, Cauldwell st Tassell Samuel, St. Marys st Schools (Gents.) Brereton Rev. John, St. Pauls sq Lovelidge Thomas William, 'V ells st School& (Ladies.) Brown Misses, St. Peters green Timacus Mis~, Priory ter Seedsman. Billiard Benjamin, High st Solicitors. Eagles E. Dame Alice st Pearse T. & ~on, Potter st Rogers William, Silver st Sharman & Turnley, St. Cuthberts Staymsker. Davey A. Tavistock st Stone ~ Marble Masons. Miller George, High st Prior John, Conduit st Prior John, Union st Wing T. Potter st Straw Hatmakers. Ayres Mrs. Offa st Bucking-ham 'Villiam, Grey Friars walk Wootton 1\lary, St. Loyes st Straw o/ Tuscan Mamifacturen Huckle H. Well st Miller Sophia, Tavistock st Surgeons. Bailey William, Priory tcr Barker T. H. Conduit st Blower William, Mill st Chapman Thomas Dowsett John, St. Cuthbertl st BEDFOBD CLASSIFICATioN, continu1d. .Eiger Isaac, St. Marys Harris John, Private Asylum Langley Edward, St. John st Lyon L, Adelaide sq Robin son Charles, Harpur st Short & Hurst Sun~egors. Eiger T. G. St. Marys Hatchard , Tavistock st SteYena-, Conduit st Woodroffe J. & Son, St. Cuthberts Tailor1. Brown T. Conduit st Covington J. Newnham st Craddock Thomas, Russellst Dawson W. M. High st Franklin William, St. Marys Gray George, Tavistock st Hipwell Samuel, St. John st Lilburn Thomas, High st May Charles, SilYet !!t j Moody James, Offa !!t Moore George, Silver st Nicholson , Potter st Peet J. St. Loyes st Pierce John, High st Prior Stephen, Harpur st Sargeant John, High. st Sergeant William, High st Sheppard James, Tavistock st Watford Thomas, Millst Wood John; Mill st Tallow Chandler. Claridge William, Silver st Timher Merehantl. Barnard Thomas, High st Halfhead & Trapp Johnston & Redden: Toydealer. Clifton Thomas, High st Trunkmoker. Hollowman John, St. Loyes st Trussmaker. Heam Thomas, St. Marys Upholsterers. Pickering J. St. Marys Trapp Benjamin, High st Vete1·inary Surgeons. Itickwood G. F. Wells st Rogerson T. W. St. J obn st Walchmaken.-Bull John, High st Clare Daniel, High st French Brooks, Wells st Haines William, St. John st Levy Lewis, Conduit st Levy L. High st Osborn Geo. Harpur st Wlleelwriglits.-Giddings John, Potter st Maynard J. St. Peters green Smith Joseph, Wells st Whipmaker. Crawley Wm. New Market pl Wine ~ Spirit Merchants. Baker Sarah, Newnham st Browne Joseph, High st Higgins Charles & Son, High st Matming Wm. High st Nash G. P. & Sons, St. Marys Rawlinson Edw. High st Robin son R. W. St. Pauls sq Robinson R. W. jutl. St. Pauls sq Woollen Drapers. Caporn J. G. High st Langley G. & J. High st Nalden J. High st Sturges Nathaniel, St. John st Wagstaff C. W. High st BIGGLE!JWAD:E:. This prosperous market town, in the hundred of the same name, agreeably situated on the !vel, th~ navigati~n of which to the Ouse suppJies it with coals, 1~
_BEDFORDSHIRE. BIGGLESW ADE. "'timbet", and oats, is 11 miles E. S. E. from Bedford, Dalton, T. Short Mead st Beer Retailer & Boot Maker and 45 from I~ondon on the great York road, and, Dean, John, High st ...•••...•••...•••••• Beet· Retailer including the hamlets of Holme and Stratton, con- Dean, Thomas, Slwrt il1ead it ............... Halfmoon ~tu ins 3226 inhabitants. l t is noted for its horse fairs, Docura, Montford, ditto .........•••... Brewer & Baker ;increasin~ population, two &tone bridges, and fine, Elston, J. Market pl ........................... Bricklayer :Strong, old church, in the early English style, and Farmer, John, Lm1g.(urd st ............ Bagketmaker formerly collegiate. The church is a ,-icarage, valued Farringdon, William, Short Mead st .. .... Boot Maker .at 300l., in the gift of the Prebendary of Biggleswade. Fisher, William, lYiarket pl ...... Veterinary Surgeon 'The market, on Tuesday, is one of the greatest in Fone, John, Short Mead st ......... Hatter & Clothier England for horse-corn and pulse, and there are four Foster, John, High st ............... General Merchant :annual fairs for cattle of all sorts-the 13th of February, Fowler, E. Market pl ..................... Hair Dresser. Saturday in Easter week, Whit-monday, and 8th of Franklin, Jane, Short Mead st ............... Milliner November. The Petty Sessions for the hundreds of Gardnt>r, W. C, High st ...... Stationer & Bookseller Biggleswade, Clifton, and Wixamtree, are held here. Graves, Mary, lJiarket pl ...... White Swan Coml. Inn This is also one of the polling places for the county, Gray, William, Langjord st .. ............. Beer Retailer under the Reform Act, and was constituted by the Green, J. M. Short )}fead st ......... Assurance Agent Corn missioners of the Poor Law Amendment Act, Green, W. M. ditto ... Organist --to the Parish Church the centre of a union, comprising 25 parishes, and a Gudgin, John, High st ............... Tailor & Draper population of 18,129. The buildings are chiefly mo- Gurry, Eben, ditto ................................. Baker <I ern, a terrible fire in 1785 having laid the greater Haines, William,. Short ~lead 1t ......... Wheelwright part of the town in ashes, including 150 dwelling Handley, Mary, ditto ......................... Milliner houses, to which apparent calamity iLs present im- Hardy, William, ditto ..................... Wheelwright proved condition may be attributed. A smart shock Hart, Elizabeth, ditto ........................... Milliner <>f an earthquake was felt here in 1792, and ex- Haster, Robert, ditto .................. Black Swan Inn tended as far north as Doncaster. There is an en- Haynes, William, Langford st ............ Black Bear dowed school for 12 boys, large national schools, and Heath, J. Short Mead st ... Grocer & Tallow Chandler an inconsiderable lace manufactory. At Holme is a Henry, John, High st ..................... Bootmaker foundation school. The town is surrounded by ele- Henshaw, Charles, Sun st .............. Beer Retailer gant villas, the principal of which are Sportmead Hide, James, ditto .......................... . Beer Retailer House in the north, and Stratton ParkS. E., and has! Hoades, R. Short Mead st ............... Bootmaker some picturesque scenery in the neighbourhood. In Hodges, T. ditto ................................. Gardener the last century an earthern pot was turned up by the Hogg, William~ ditto ............... General Merchant pl~mgh, containing 300 gold coins of Henry the Humberstone, R?bert, lYiarket pl ..... .••• White I-~art Eighth. Hunt, Joseph, H1gk st .... ................. Beer Retailet• Impey, Elizabeth, ditto ........................ Milliner Name, lteatdence, &. Profession. I 1 F d ng e, · k Sh l '!!K d t s re enc , or J.r.1.ea s .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • urge on (For CussrFICATION of TRADEs, seep. 17.) Jackson, Henry, Sun st ..................... Ropemaker Argles, Edward, High st ............ ............. Solicitor Jakes, Thomas, ditto ........................ Ropemaker Ayres, Thomas, ditto ........................ White Horse Jefferies, John, Market pl ............... Watchmaker Banks, Isaac, Short Mead st ........... ...... Carpenter Kingley, James, High st, Rose Coml. Inn & Brewer Barker, An ne, Langford st.. .. ........... Beer Retailer Larkim;, J. dittu .............................. Blacksmith Barker, Charles, Short Mead st .......... Beer RP.tailer Larkins, J ames, Market pl ..................... New Inn Barker, William, Market pl.. ................... Chemist Luck, John, ditto ......... .......................... Tailor Barratt, Thomas, Short Mead st .......... Wheelwright Maiden, John, Short Mead st ..................... Baker Bartlett, Samuel, Ma;ket pl ................ Bairdresser I Maiden, J ~Js~ph, High st ... Auctione~r ~ Appr.tiser Bear, Samuel, Langjord st ...................... Butcher Marsh, W1lham, Market pl ...... Chermst & Drugg1st Benson, S. Short Mead st...Beer R~tailer & Bricklayer Marson, S~tmuel, Rig" ~l.. ................ The Checkers Bond, John, st .................... , ...... Baker Medlock, John, Short Mead lane ............ Blue Bell Brooks, R. Market pl .... Grocer & Tallow Chandler Miles, William, ditto ..................... Ongley Arms Brooks, Robert, ditto ...... .. Linen & Woollen Drapet· Millard, Jarnes, Market pl ............... Beet· Retailer Brown, George, ditto ........................ Bootmaker Mitchell, An ne, Sun st, Royal Oak, & Posting House Brown, Joseph, Hi~h st ...................... Millwright Monk, J ames, Short Mead st ............... Fell monger Brunt & Dalton, .Market pl ......... Drapers & Hatters Morton, Thomas, Ma1·ket pl .... , .......... Ironmonger Brunt, George, Short Mead st .................. ,.Grocer Moseley, Thomas, Short frlead st, Boot & Shoemaker Brunt, John, ditto ............ Linen & Woollen Draper N ash, Charles, Mill lane ........................... M iller Burton, Elizabeth, ditto ........................... Butcher Newbery, George ..................... Assurance Agent Burton, William, High st, Grocer & Tallow Chandler Norman, John, High st ........ ................ Bricklayer Butterfield, Arthur, Short Mead st ..... .......... Grocet· Peachey, Richard, ditto ........................ Surgeon Carrington, Catherine, Hi'gh st ............ Shop Keeper Peggram, Thomas, Short Mead st ...... Leather Seller Cater, John, Short Mead 1t ..................... Surgeon Pepper, John, Market pl .................. Watchmaker Chapman, W. F. ditto ... Solicitor & Insurance Agent Perkins, William, High st, .. . Crown CommPrcial Inn Chew, E. Market pl ......................... Shopkeeper Piearson & Pope, Short Mead st .. . General Merchants Cocking, Samuel, Sun st ........... ................ Carrier Plowman, Nathaniel, High st ............ Beer Retailer Conder, Samuel, Market pl, Auctioneer, Appraiser, Pointing, Joshua, Short Mead st ............ Bootmaker and As!urance Agent Pope, William, High st ........................ Maltster Conquest, J. Short Mead st ......... Boarding School Potts, Mrs. ditto ........................ Boarding School Conquest, William, ditto ........................ Plumber Powers, Thomas, ditto ..................... Ironmonger Cook, Henry, Market pl ............... Baker & Broker Race, John, ditto ................................. Butcher Cook, Titus, Sun st ........................ Beer Retailer Race, Rachael, ditto .............................. Butcher Course, H. ditto ............................ Wheelwright Randall, William, Strattrm ~t .................. Hed Lion Crouch, Joseph, High &t ........................ Butcher Revitt, John, Short Mead st ............... Stonemason Culver, John, Back st ..................... Beer Retailer H.ichardson, John, High st ...... Clothier, Hatter, &c. Da.lton, Richard, Shorl l,tlead st ..... ~ ......... Grocer Robarts, Abraham, Lcmgford st .................. Grocer 16
BIGGLESW ADE. BEDFORDSHIRE • Robarts, Joseph, High st ........................ Butcher The Oundle Coach-to London every Monday, Wed~ Robarts, Martha, Slwrt Mead st ....•...• Upholsterer nesday, and Friday, at 12 morn. and returns Roberts, Mary, ditlo .............................. Grocer Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday, 11 night. Robinson, James, :Market pl ..................... Tailor The High :Flyer-from York to London, every morn. Ryland, B. & J. ditto ...... Linen & Woollen Drapers at 10, and returns at i past 2 in the afternoon, Ryland, John, High st ............... Assurance Agent from the Oak. Sabey, Elizabeth, Sun st ............... Horse & Jockey The Glasgow Mail-to London at 1 morn. and re~ Sael, Francis, High st ........................ Bootmaker turns at 1 morn. from the Post Office. Sale, Charles, Langford st ........................ Butcber The Lincoln Mail-to London at 1 morn. and retwrns Samuel, Thomas, Short Mead st ......... Pat ten Maker at 1 morn. from the Post Office. Sandon, Edward, High st ..................... Plumber ~arriers' List. Sheffield William, Short Mead st ............... Tailor Cocking Samuel Waggon to I.ondon every Tuesday Sims, John, St. Andrews st .................. Carpenter and Friday, Sun st. Sloper, A. Market pl .................. Straw Hatmaker A carrier from Ct·own, to Fenny Stratford and Ampt- · Squires, William, Langford st .... ........ Two Brewers hill, twice a week. Sutton, Miss, High st ........................... Milliner Arnold, from Crown, to Pot ton and Cambridge every Sutton, William, Short Mead st ............... Butcher Tuesday and Friday. Swenscoe, Henry, Langford st ........... .... Bootmaker Samuel Mar~ons Waggons to London evQry Tuesday Taylor, Frederick, High st ............... Shoeing Smith and Fnday, and returns every Thursday and Taylor, Samuel, Market pl .. ...................... Saddler Sunday, from the Checkers Inn. Taylor, Thomas, High st ..................... Saddler, &c. Classification of Trades. Tilmus, .Benjarnin, Market pl ...... Catherine Wheel Auctioneers g- Appraisers ........ Conder S. Market pl Tomlinson, John, Sun st .... ................. Shopkeeper · Maiden J oseph, High 8t Twelvetrees, William, High st .................. Build er Bakers. Bond John, Langford st Walker, Mary, Short Mead st ............... Blacksmith Cook Henry, Market pi Warren, William, ditto .................... Hairdresser Docura Montford, Short Mead st Wells & Co. High st.. ............................ Brewers Gurry Eben. High st Wells, Hogg, & Linds~ll, ditto .................. Bankers Maiden John, Short Mead st Wells, James, Short .Mead st ............ Basket Maker West John, Short 1\lead st West, John, ditto .................................... Baker Bankers. Wells, Hogg & Lindsell, High st White, William, High st .................. Beer Retailer Basket Makers. Farmer John, Langford st Whiteman, William, Short Mead st ... Coach & Hor!!es Wells J ames, Short J\1ead st~ Whitworth, Henry, High st ..................... Surgeon Beer· Retailers. Barker An ne, Langford st Williams, Thomas, Short,.Mead st ............... Saddler Barker Charles, Short .Mead st Willsden, Thomas, High st ...... Chemist & Druggist Benson Samuel, Short Mead st Winepress, William, Langford st ............ Gardener Cooper Titus, Sun st, Wolfrey, John, Sho1·t ll-lead st ............ Parish Clerk Culver John, Back st Wright, William, Market pl ............... Postmaster Dalton Thomas, Short Mead st Dean John, High st Gray William, Langford st Post Office., Henshaw Charles, Sun st Market place. Hide James, Sun st Wright, Wm ..................................... Postmaster Hunt J oseph, High st · Letters received from London at 1 morn., de~ Millard James, Market pi livered at 7 room., and despatched at 9 even. Plowman N athaniel, High st Posting House. 'Yhite Willi~m, Hig~ st R 1 0 k M . h 11 A s Blacksmzths. Larkms J. H1gh st oya a , 1tc e nne . . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. un st ·n:r lk l\/r Sh l\Jf d n a er .tuary, ort ·~ea st Bankers. Bookseller g. Stationer. Gardner W. C. High st Wells, Hogg & Lindsell, Higll st draw upon Barnetts, Hoare & Co. London. rtre & Life Assurance Agents. Equitable ........................ Ryland, John, High si Boot g. Shoemakers. Brown George, Market pl Dalton Thomas, Short Mead st l<'arringdon William, Short Mead st Henry John, High st Norwich Union ........................... Newbury, Geo. Royal E11:change ...... Chapman, W. T. Short .1.llead si Sun ........................... Conder, Samuel, llJarket pl Excise Office, At the White Swan Inn. Hoades R. Short Mead st Moseley Thomas, Short Mead st Pointing Joshua, Short Mead st Sael Francis, High st Swinscoe Henry Langford st, Brewers.-Docura Montford, Short Mead st Kingley James, High st <:oach List. Wells & Co. High st The Rockingbam from Leeds to London! past 12 Ben:mn Samuel, Short Mead st morn. and returns at! past 9 night, daily from Brickla_lJers. Elston J. Market pl the Crown. Nor man John, High st The Express from York to London f past 5 morn. Broker. Cook Henry, M-arket pi and returns 12 morn., from the Crown. Builder.-Twelvetrees William, High st The Boston Perseverance-to London every Mon- Butchers. Bear Samuel, Langford st day at f past 1 afternoon, and every Friday at Burton Elizabeth, Short Mead st 12 night, and returns same days at 12 morn. from' Crouch Joseph, High sl . the Crown. Race John, High st The Union from Leeds to London 12 every morn. Hace Rachael, High st and returns at 12 at night, from the Swan. Robarts Joseph, High st The Express-from Lincoln 9 morn. and returns at Sale Charles, LaBdord st g night, daily (except Mondays) fi·om the Swan. Sutton William, Short Mead st Bedfordshire.] D 17
BEDPORDSHIRE. BIGGLESW ADE, BIGGLESWADI!: CLASSIFICATioN, continued. Carpenter.~. Banks Isaac, Short Mead st Sims John, St. Andrews st Carricr.-Cocking Samuel, Sun st Chemists g. Drul!cists. Barker W, Market pl Marsh V\ illiam, Market pl Wil&don Thomas, High st Cloiltiers. Fone John, Short Mead at Richardson, John, High st Farrier. Taylor Frederick, High st Fellmonger. Monk James, Short Mead st Gardeners. Hodges T. Short Mead st WinepresS~ William, Langford st Grocers.-Brooks Robert, Market pl· Brunt ~eorge, Short Mead st Burton William, High st ' Butterfield Arthur, Short Mead st Dalton Richard, Short Mead st Heath Joseph, Short Mead st Robarts Abraham, Langford st Roberts Mary, Short Mead st Hair Dre.~sers. Bartlett Samuel, Market pi Fowler E. Market pl Warren William, Short Mead st Hatters.-Brunt & Dalton, Market pl, Fone John, Short Mead st Richard son John, High st Inns, Taverns, g. Public Houses.- Black Bear, Haynes William, Langford st Black Swan Inn, Haster R. Short Mead st. Blue Bell, Medlock John, Short Mead st Cathfrine Wheel, Titmas Benjamin, Market pi: Tile Checkers, Marson Samuel, High st Coach g. Horses, Whiteman W, Short Mead st Crown Commercial Inn, Perk in• W. High st BrGGLFSWADE CLASSIFICATION, continued. Saddlers. Taylor Samuel, Market pl Taylor Thomas, Hi~h st Williams Thomas, Short Mead at School (Gents). Conquest John, Short Mead st School (Ladies.) Potts Mrs. High st Shopkeepers. Carrington Catherine, High st ~ j Chew E. Market pi Tomlinson John, Sun at Soliciton.-Argles Edward, High st Chapman W. T. Short Mead st Stone Mason. Revitt John, Short Mead st Straw Hat .. Wak~r. Sloper A. Market pl Surgeons.-Cater John, Short Mead st Ingle Frederick, Short Mead st Pechy Richard, High st Whitworth Henry, High st Tailors~ Drapers. Gudgin John, High st Luck John, Market pl • Robinson James, Market pl Sheffield William, Short Mead st Talloro Chandlers.-Brooks Robert, Market pl Burton William, High st Heath Joseph, Short Mead 1t Upholsterer. Robarts Martin, Short Mead at Yeterinary Surgeon. Fisher William, Market pl Watchmakers. Jetferie1 John, Market pl Pepper John, Market pl Whetlwri~hts. Barratt Thomas, Short Mead st Comse H. Sun at Haines William, Short Mead st Hardy William, Short Mead 1t Woollendrapers. Brooks Robert, Marht pl Brunt John, Short Mead 1t Ryland B. & J. Market pl Half Moon, Dean T. Short Mead !!t Horse <S- Jockey, Sabey Elizabeth, Sun st New Inn, Larkins James, Market pi DUNSTABLE &. HOOK.LI~I'JJ. Ongley .Arms, Miles William, Short Mead st Dunstable is a great thoroughfare on the high road Red Lion, Randall William, Stratton st to Manchester and Liverpool, situated in Manshead Rose Commercial Inn, Kingsley J. High st hundred, on the borders of Hertfordshire, 20 mile• Royal Oak Commercial Inn, Mitchell Anne, south of Bedford, 33! north-west from London, and Sun st six east from the railroad station at Leighton Buz'fard. Two Brewer1, Squires William, Langford st Its population, which varied little during the last cenWhite Hart, Humberstone R. Market pl~ tury, was by the last return 2307. It is a rectory W/,ite Horse, Ayres Thoma!'l, High st dedicated to St. Peter· and St. Paul, in the crown Market pl acres, laid out in small farms, principally pasture. Ironmongers. Morton Thomas, Market pi There are no waste lands. For the purposes of the Powers Thomas, High st Poor Law Amendment Act Dunstableiscomprehended Leather Seller. Peggram Thomas, Short Mead 1t in the Luton V nion. The name is derived from Dun, Linen Drapers. Brooks Robert, Market pi a hill, and staple, a commercial mart. It ia aeated on Brunt & Dalton, Market pl a chalky hill at the entrance of the Chilterns, and Brunt John, Short Mead st composed of four streets intersecting each other in the Ryland B. & J. Market pi direction of the cardinal point•; these are neither Maltster. Pope William, High st pa,·ed nor lighted. The houses are ancient and built Merchant.-Foster John & Son, High st of brick. The town, supported entirely by the traffic Hogg William, Short Mead st on the great north road, is celebrated only for its nu· Piearson & Pope, Short Mead st merous good inns and its delicate larks, which latter Miller.-Nash Charles, Mill la are sent in tin cases to all parts of the kingdom. Each Milliners. Franklin Jane, Short Mead st street is accommodated with a de~p pond dug in the Handley Mary, Short Mead st hard chalk for preserving rain water, formerly all the Hart Elizabeth, Short Mead st supply of the inhabitants; but ,by excavating to the Impey Elizabeth, High at depth of 116 feet, springs have at length been attained, Sutton Miss, High st which are wor){ed by machinery. There is a weekly ldillwright. Brown Joseph, High st market on Wednesday, and four annual fain, Ash• Organist.-Green W. M. Short Mead st wednt>sday, 2~d May, 12th August, and 12th NoPatten Maker.-Samuel Thomas, Short Mead st vember; the last of which is the largest sheep fair in Plumhers, Painters, 9' Glaziers. Conquest William, the county. The present parochial church is almost Short Mead st the only remaining portion of the.celebrated priory p( Sandon Edward, High et Henry the First, destined by the Eighth Henry for a Rope Makers. Jackson Htnry, Sun at cathedral. It wa3 originall1 a magnificent and e~· J akes Thomas, Sun at tensive edifice in the form of a cro~s, anc:J Cl'QWped iP IS
DUNS TABLE. BEDFORDSHIRE. the centre with a square' tower. It now exhibits have been reconstructed under the direction of Mr. various styles of architecture. The ceiling is of fine M'Adam. About a mile north-west of Hocklitfe is carved oak, its beams supported bv figures of angels ; Lht' well-watered park of Battlesden, the cradle of and the altar-piece is decorated with a picture of the the Bathurst family. lord's Supper, by Sir James Thornhill, who painted Name, :aesidence, &. Profession. the interior of St. Paul's Cathedral. An ancient altar-cloth of crimson and rold brocade exquisitely (For CLASSIFICATION ifTRADEs, seep. 20.) wrought, though upwards of 300 years old, is still Arnold, John, Iligh st ........................... Butcher existing in all its original freshness. The King h. Bailey, J ames. West st .................... Schoolmaster LOI'd of the Manor, and the Duke of Bedford his Bartram, John, High st ...... , ............... Tea Dealer lessee. The straw hats manufactured here are well Bass, James, ditto .................. Veterinary Surgeon known; and, together with a number of fancy articles Batchelor, William, ditto ....................... Surgeon in straw plait, for which travellers furnish a ready sale, Bateman, James, West st ..................... Seedsman employ great part of the poor female part of the Bennett, Benjamin, Hi[Jh st ..................... Brewer population. There is also a large whiting manu- Blackerby, J. Back st ........................ Hairdres~r factory. Considerable fortunes were formerly made Black well, Ricbard, High st ...... Sb-aw Manufacturer here by breweries, now all removed to London. The Blackwell, W. ditto .•.•••.•. Straw Hat Manufacturer town contains a school endowed with 300l. a year, Bloys, Benjamin, ditto ..................... Corn Dealer which provides apprentice fees for its pupils; 5ix Botteri!l, John, ditto ............... Shoulder of Mutton almihouses for single women, called the Maiden's Bowen, James, Church st .................. Beer Retailer Lodge; and two sets of almshouses for six widows Brown, Benjamin, Highd •••••• Grocer & Straw Plait each. There is also a workhouse, whose inmates are Manufacturer employed in plaiting straw. Burgess, Samuel, dillo ............... Tailor & Draper Dunstable is supposed to have been a British town Burr, Edward, ditto ............. u ............... Brewer named Maes-Gwyn, white field, from th~ colour of its Cartwright, Nathaniel, West st .................. Solicitor soil. It was certainly a Roman station lying at the Chambers, Samuel, High st ••• Grocer & Ironmonger point of junction of two principal roads, still pre- Cheshire, Henry, ditto ............................. Grocer served in the four leading streets. These were Wat- Cheshire, Joseph, Church st .................. Carpenter ling-street, traversing the island from London into Cheshire, Sand bridge, West st ............... Carpenter Wales, and now forming the great north-west road ; Clarke, T. B. High st ........................... Chemist and lkenild-street, which, running between Abingdon Collings, T. G. ditto ....................... Watchmaker and Cambridge, caiTied on the communication from Cooper, John, West st ........................ Hairdresser the wall of Antonine, by York, to Southampton. The Crawley, George, High st ... Wine & Spirit Merchant immense earthen ramparts on the adjacent downs, Custance, Jaroes, ditto ........................... Saddler Totternhoe Castle, and Maiden Bower, indicate the Daniels, Thomas, ditto .................... Shoemaker ancient fortifications; the Five Knolls, oyer looking Darlow, John, Church st ..................... Carpenter the latter, ~esemble the barrows frequently found in Darwin, John, ditto ...... H ......................... Tailor the west of England and believed to be British ; and Derbyshire, George, ditto close to these, as often seen in Wiltshire, is a round Edmunds, Thomas, ditto .................. Beer Retailer cavity called Pascombe Pitt. The present town owes Elliott, John·, High st .......................... Butcher its origin to Henry the First, who built a royal seat at Elliott, Wm. ditto .................... Straw Hat Maker Kingsbury, and once kept his Christmas and received Farr & Son, ditto ................................ Surgeons an embassy here. He also founded the priory, where Farr, Joseph, ditto ................... _. ........... Surgeon the sentence of divorce between Henry the Eighth and Fassey, Thomas, ditto ...................... Confectioner Ka.therine his first quetn was pronounced. An ele- Field, Charles, Butts .............. h ...... Beer Retailer gant stone cross, in the centre of the town, once Finch, Miss, High sl .................. Ladies Seminary marked it as a resting place of Queen Eleanor's corpse Flowers, John, Church st ..................... Bricklayer on its way to interment, but was destroyed in the Franklin, J obn, ditto ..................... ~ hite Horse civil war. Here was made the first attempt at dra- Fryer, E. High st ................................. Draper matic representation in England, in one of those Geddiog, George, Church st ..................... Painter religious pie~es or mysteries, favoured by the Romish Giddings, William, ditto ............ Painter & Glazier Clergy. Tottemhoe Castle stands upon a lofty emi- Gilbert, D. High 1t ...... Crown Inn & Posting House nence, and commands a beautiful view over the vale Gilbert, James, ditto ........ Rose & Crown, & Butcher of Aylesbury. A little below it are excellent quarries Gilbert, William, ditto ........................ Swan Inn of freestone and limestone. At Houghton-Regis 1! Goddin, David, ditto ....................... Coal Dealer mile north is Hough ton House. At Tilsworth 3! Goosey, Robert, ditto ............................. Grocer miles N.W. is the gatehouse of a delapidated family Gostelow, Thomas, ditto ........... Waggon & Horses mansion; an1l at Eaton-Bray, 4t miles west, once Gutteridge, Richard, jun. West st ............ Maltster stood a baronial castle. Hallifax, Joseph, High 8t ......... Boot & Shoemaker Hockcliffe,commonlycalled Hockley in the Hole, 4 Hallifax, Thomas, West st ........................ Baker miles north west from Dunstab\e, 37! from London, Has tie, , High st ........................... Tea Dealer and 3! northweast from Leighton-Buzzard, is on the Hawk ins, Robert, ditto ............................. Baker same high road with the former place, and, like it, Hemerson, James, J. West st .. ................... Gr<lCer supported by travellers, consisting of little else than Henly, William, ditto ........................ Plait Dealer inn:; and public houses. It is in Mans head hundred, Herbert, George, High st .................. King's Arms and included in the \'Voburn Union. Its church, Higgs, James, West it ..................... Beer Retailer dedicated to St. Nicholas, a rectory, Yalued at 393l., Higgs, Mary, High st ......... Swan with Two Necks in the gift of Trinity Hall, Cambridge; the population Hitch man, Mary An ne, ditto ........... Straw Hatmaker 460. It has a small free schcwl. The soil is a loose Holmes, John, ditlo ..................... Saracen's Head red sand, and Cam den observe! at this place "a dirty Holton, John, ditto ......................... ~.Shoemaker road, extremely troublesome to travellers in winter Hooper, George, West st ................. : ...... Solicitol:' time;" a character no way improved till within tQe Horn, Charles, High st ..................... Corn Dealer preaeut generntioD, wb.en all the wads of .Ensland Humpbrey, Mn, ditto ..................... Dressmaker 19
DEDFORDSHIIt~. DUNSTABL~. Inwards, James, High st .................. Wheelwright Varney, James, West st ...•••...............••• Blacksmit~ Impey, William, Back 1t ........................ Butcher Walton, Richard, High st ........................ Draper Jarvis, John, High r.t ....................... Corn Dealer Waterfield, S. ditto ............ Straw Hat Manufacturer Jarvis, John, ditto ............ Straw Hat Manufacturer Waterfield, T. ditto ............ Straw Hat Manufacturer J ohnson, John, ditto .. . Suga1· Loaf Hot~al and Posting W atson, J obn, ditto .............................. Anchor House White, , ditto .............................. Shoemaker Johnson, D. 1¥est st ........................ Tea Dealer White, G. ditto ... Carpenter & Whiting Manufacturer Keene, Thomas, High st .................... Shoemaker "\Vhite, H. ditto, Carpenter &. 'Vhiting Manufacturer Kenr, W. H. ditto ................................. Carrier Willougbby, W. ditto ............... Plumber & Glazier Lewis, Mark, ditto .............................. Clothier Young, John, Church st ........................... Baker Lightfoot, Isaac, Church st ............... Beer Retailer Young, John, High st .............................. Baker Lumbrey, Henry, Westst ........................ Brazier Young, John, ditto ................................. Grocer Lockhart, , ... Agent to the Royal Exchange Institution Post Office, Lockhart, Edw. Higl~ st ... Straw Hat Manufacturer High Street. Lockhart, Henry, ditto ........... Draper & Tea Dtaler Squires, Joseph ......................... , ..... Po•tmaiter Lockhart, John, West st ........................... Draper Letters received from London j past 11 at night, Lockwood, Wm. ditto ...... Currier & Beer Retailer despatched 3 morn. One deli,•ery each day Maddocks, Jas. High st ..................... White Hart 8 morn. Mails, Jas. West st ........................... Shoemaker Posting Mails, Jas. Church st .............................. Grocer Crown I11n Gt"lbert Dan1"el Ht"gh-·t ' , ..................... . Marriott, Miss, Hi.nh st ..................... Dressmaker Surrar Loaf Johnson John d."tto ·o ., ' ' ............................ • Marshall, W. ditto ........ . Red Lion Commercial Inn :Sankers • .Masters, J. ditto ............... Straw Hat Manufacturer Bassett & Grant draw upon Barclay & Co. Mathews, Wm. ditto ........................ Blacksmith Mead, J. Church st ........................ Fishmonger :Fire de. Life Asliura.nce Agents. Mellor, John, ditto ........................... Auctioneer County Fire .................. Gutteridge, Richard jun. Munt & Brown, High st ... Straw Hat Manufacturers Royal Exchange ........................... Lockhart,- Nicholas, , ditto .............................. Organist Coach Liat. N~cholls, Mary, ditto .............................. (7~ocer The Rapid Coach from Sheffield to London, passes N ~cholls, Wm. W:est st ........................... Pam ~er up 5 morn ., and returns -! past 9 at night, from Nachols, 1\fary, Htgh st ..................... Blacksmith the Crown Inn. Noble, Thomas, ditto ........................... Shoemaker The Birmingham Star, to London, every morning at Odell, Thos. ditto .............................. Hairdresser 7, and returns every evening at 11, calling at Oliver, Jas. Clwrch st .............................. Baker Crow" Inn, Dunstable. Olliver, James, Highst.. ....... Nags Head, & Butcher The Times to London, Mon. Wed. and Fri., returns Olliver, John, ditto ................................. Draper same day from Sugar Locg' Inn. Oll~ver, Thos: ditto ........................... Shopkeeper The Leeds Express Coach from London, 9 even.,and Olh\'er, W. dztto ............... Straw Hat Manufacturer returns 6 in the morn. from the Crown. Osborn, George, ditto ......... Draper & Woolstapler The Northampton Coach to London, 1 at noon, reOsborn, James, West st .............. ~ ..... Wheelwright turns 4 aft, eve1y day, Sunday excepted, from the Os born, J. High st .............................. Maltster Crown. Os born, Thomas, ditto ........................ Shoemaker Wellincrboroucrh Coach to London, every day at 11, H. ditto ............................... ~ .... Bu.tcher m~rn., r~turns ! past 3 in the aft. fro~ the Pat·tridge, Thos. Church st ..................... Stauoner Crown Inn. Piggott, Rev. S. West st ........................ ... Rector ,. ri , ... 1 t P t J H . o-h t G var era .. s • P ottet r,Mamesd, "tt 'o 5 .. ·" ·" • • .... " .. " ...... M. roc~r Kent's Cart to Leighton, Luton, and Hitchen,' every ra , ary, 1 o ................................. agpae T d F · Pratt, Thomas, ditto ........................ Beer Retailer B' . uebs. anW n. L d h h h' P t J h ur t t C 1rmmg am aggons to on on, pass t \'oug t IS ur on, o n, ,,. es s . . . . . . • •• . . . . . . . . .. ••• . . . • •• . . . ooper Ratt, 1 Francis, Iligh st .: ............................ Crown ll ace. Read, Jabez,ditto ................. , ............... Butcher Classification of Trades. Richard son, Lawrence, ditto ..................... Baker Auctioneer. Mellor John, Churth st Robinson, John, ditto ............ , ................. Grocer Bakers. Faunch John, Back st, Rogers, Josiah, ditto ......... Straw Hat Manufacturer Hallifa.x Thomas, West st Saunders, John, West st ... , ....................... Tailor Hawkins Robert, High st Saunders, Robert, ditto .............................. Tailor Oliver J ames, Church st Scott, J oseph, High st ........................... Butcher Richard son Lawrence, High st Sham~ an, John, ditto ............ Tailor & Beer Hetailer Young John, Church st Sbarman, J oseph, Clturch st ........................ Tailor Young John, High st . Sibthorp, E. High st ......................... ..... Butcher Beer Retailas. Bowen James, Church st ~ Simcox, An ne, ditto .......................... . Dressmaker Edmunds Thomas, Church st Smith, John, ditto ........................... Beer Retailer Field Charles, Butts Smith, Thomas, ditto ............... Straw Manufacturer Higgs James, West st Southam, Mrs. ditto .......................... . Dressmaker Lightfoot Isaac, Church st Squires, J. di.tto ........... , ...... Grocer & Postmaster Lockwood William, West st Stevemon, Samuel, ditto ........................... Tailor Pratt Thomas, High st Stimson, Stephen, Butts ..................... Shoemaker , , Sharman John, High st Stocker, L. High st ........................... Hairdresser Smith J ohu, High st, Sudborough, J. ditto ... Straw & Trimming Manufactr Taylor John, High st Taylor, Job?, ditto ........................ Beer Retailer Bl«cksmiths. Mathewii 1\lrs.lligh at Tumbull, Ntcoll, Church st ..................... Teadealer Nichols, Mary, High st Twigg, Joseph, High, 8t ..................... Blacksmith Twigg Jose11h, High st 20 •
~DUNS TABLE. BEDFORDSHIRE: DuNSTABLE CLASSIFICATION, continued. Boot ~· Shoemaker£. Daniels Thomas, High st Hallifax Josh. High st Bolton John, High st Keene Thomas, High st Mails James, West st Noble. Thomas, High st Osborn Thomas, High st Stimson Stephen, Butts :. White , High st Brasier. Limbrey Henry, West st Brewers. Bennett Benjamin, High st Burr Edward, High st 13ricklayers.-Flowen; John, Church st Higgs Thomas, Back st Butchers. Arnold John, High st Elliott John, High st I mpey W illiam, Back st Olli,·er J ames, High st Parratt Henry, High st Read J abez. High st Scott Joseph, High st Sibthorp Eli, High st Carpenters. Cheshire Joseph, Church st Cheshire Sandbridge, West st Darlow John, Church st White George, High st White Henry, High st Carrier. Kent W. H. High st Chemist. Clark T. B. High st Clothier. Lewis Mark, High st Coaldealer. Goddin David, High st Confecticmer. Fassey Thomas, High st Cooper. Purtons John, \Vest st Corndealers. Bloys Benjamin, High st Horn Chal'les, High st Jarvis John, High st Currier. Lockwood Williall), West st Dressmakers. Humfrey Mrs. High st Marriott Miss, High st Simcox:Anne, High st Southam Mrs. High st Fishmonger.-Mead Jonathan, Church st Grocer, Shopkeeper, '-\'c.-Oiliver Thomas, High st Grocers 4- Teadealers. Bartram John, High st Brown Benjamin, High st Chambers Samuel, High st Cheshire Henry, High st Goosey Robert, High st Hastie, , High st Hemerson James, West st Johnson D. West st Lockhart Henry, High st M ails J ames, Church st Nicholls Mary, High st Potter J ames, High st Robinson John, High st Squires Joseph, High st Turnbull Michael, Church st Young John, High st Hairdressers. Blackerby J. Back st Cooper John, West st Odell Thomas, High st Stacker L. High st Inns, TaiJerns, &; Public Houses.- Anchor, Watson John, High st Black Horse, Varney James, \Vest st Crow, Ratt Francis, High st Crown Inn, Gilbert Daniel, High st King's Arms, Herbert George, High st .Magpie, Pratt Mary, High st Nag's Head, OlHve,l' James,:High st DuNsTABLE CussiFICATioN, continued· Red Lion Commerciallnn, Marshall William. High at Rose 4· Crown Inn, Gi1berl James, liigh st Saracen's Head Inn, Holmes John, High st Shoulder of Mutton, Botterill John, High st Sugat· Loaf Hotel, J obnson John, High st Swan Inn, Gilbert William, High st Swan witlt Two Necks, Higgs Mary, High st Waggon ~ Horses, Gostelow Thomas, High st lVhlte H('rt, Maddocks James, High st White Horse, Franklin John, Church st. Ironmonger. Chambers Samuel, High st Linen Drapers. Fryer E. High st Lockhart Henry, High st Lockhart John, West st Olliver John~ High st Osborn George, Higb st Walton Richard, High st Malto~ters.-Gutteridge Richard, jun. West st Osborn Joseph, High st Organist. N icholas, , High st Painters, Plumbers, ~ Gla~iers. Giddings George. Giddings William7 Church st Nicholls William, West st Willoughby Will1am, High st Saddlers. Custante James, High st Fox William, West st School (Gents.) Bailey J ames, West st School (Ladies.)-Finch Miss, High st Seedsman. Bate man J ames, West st Solicitors.-Cartwright Nathaniel, West st Hooper George, West st Stationer. Partridge Thomas. Church st Church st $traw Manufacturers. Black.well Richard, High st. Smith Thomas, High st Sudborough J oseph, High st Straw Hat Manufacturet·s. Black well Wm. Hi&h st Elliott William, High ~t Hitchman Mary Anne, High st Jarvis John, High st Lockhart Edward, High st Masters John, High st Mum & Brown, High st Olliver William, High st Rogers J osiah, High st Waterfield Samuel, High st Waterfield Thomas, High st Straw Plait Dealer. Henly William, West st Straw Plait .1\lamifactm·ers. Brown Benj. High st Surgeons. Batchelor William, High SL Farr & Son, High st Farr Joseph, High st Tailors. Burgess Samuel, High st Darvin John, Church st Sanders John, West at Sanders Robert, West st Sharman John, High stJ Sharman Joseph, Church st Stevenson Samuel, High st Trimming Mam.ifacturer. Sudborough Jos. High st Veterinary Surgeon.-Bass James, H1gh st Watchmaker.-Collings T. G. High st Wheelwrights. Inwards James, High st Os born J ames, \Vest st Whiting M amifacturers. White George, High st White Henry, High st Wi11e ~· Spirit i.J'lerclwnt. Crawley George, High st WooMapler. Osborn George High st 21
BEbFORDSHIR11.:. EATON SOCON. HOCKLIFFE, EATON SOCOH Near Dunstable. Is in Barfurd hundred, in Bedfordshire, on the Ayer, John .................................... Shopkeeper borders of this country, and is situated on the Ou~e, Barn well, George ........................... Beer Retailer at a distance of 55 'miles north west from London, on Bird; Henry .................................... Shopkeeper the road to St. Neots, of which it is a mile and t Bird, John ................................... Blacksmith short. The Benefice is a vicarage, net income, -438l., Chase, William .............................. Saddler, &c. in the patronage of the Duke of Bedford ; its inhaCrouch, Mary .................................... Star Inn bitants in 1831, were 2490. Its castle was the seat Cillmau, Michael ..................... Grocer&. Draper of the distinguished and powerful baronial family of Green, William ........................ Draper & Grocer Beauchamp. At no great distance was the priory of Heckford, John .............................. Kings Arms Bushmead, of which only the refectory now remains, Holmes, Jane .................................... Bell Inn Under the authority of the Poor Law Amendment Inwards, John .................................... Bull Inn Act, this parish is included in the St. N eots Union. Inwards, William ................................. Butcher Dame, Beaidence, & Profession. James, Joshua .........•••........•............... Red Lion Anderson, James: .................................. The Crows Phillpot, John .....•...•••...•••.•.•..•••......••.... Tailor Archer, Mary ............................................... Baker Read, Frederick ............••••........•••......... Butcber Beard, Thos ............................................ Smith Rvbert~, David ................... ,.Baker & Corn Dealer Beauford, Rev. H. W.Incumbent ............... VIcarage Roberts, Jilmes .............................. Wheelwright Bedford, Duke of ......... Rector & Lay lmpropriator Rob,nson, John, Rev •....•••...•................... Vicar Boot, T .•••...• , •.......•.•••.•••••.•.••..•.•••••• Shoetnaker Sinfield, James .............................. Toy Dealer Bradshaw, M ............... ~ ............. Retailer of Beer Summerly, William ........................... Shopkeeper Brightman, Thomas ............... ~ ............... Butcher Tingey, John .................................... Bootmaker Brown, James ............................. Painter & Glazier Tom k ins, J ames ............................... ~·bite Hart Brown, R .....•.....•..• , ........................... George Inn Tomkins, Thomas ........................... Blacksmith Burt, Thos ......................... Auctioneer & Builder Tompkms, Elizabeth ........................ Fleur de Lis Burt, Thos. Agent to the Yorkshire Fire & Life Turney, James ................... Baker & Corn Dealer Assurance Company Walker, Cbristopher, White Horse Inn and Post- Cant, Griffin .............................. Retailer of Beet ing House Cooper, G ....................... " .... Plumber & Glazier · Watts, Thomas .............................. Parish Clerk Croft, Wm ..................................... Shopkeeper Watts, Thomas~ ................ " ............ Day School Deighton,G ...................... " ............. Shoemaker WooH .ls ' Rt'chard ··~·••••••·••••••••••••••••••• Wht'te Lr'on Dennis, H ................................................. Tail~ Dexter, John ..................... Old Wag~on & Horses Post Office. Ekins, T. B .............................. .,Tailor & Draper Walker, Christopher ........................... Postmaster Elliot J. H ....................... ., ...... (Gents) School Letters received at5 in themom. and delivered at 8, Emery, James ............................ 4 ....... Builder and. d~spatched at 0 in the even. per Leighton Emery, Joh~ ........................... Grocer & Draper Ma1l Cart. Flanders, Wm .............................. , .•••...... Smith. p i H , Flanders, Robert .................... "'"'"Parish Clerk Wh.t H o&t ng ou,Vsel.k Ch . 1 Flawn, Sarah ............................. ~ ................ Smith 1 e orse ••• ....... ..... •• ... . a er, nstop 1er Fl' t J B R ·1 10 , ························-········· .. -·. eer eta1 er Coach List. Fosket, J ..................... - ............ Retailer of Beer The Northampton Coach to London, at 5 even. and Franklin, Thomas ....................... u .. _. .Shopkeeper returns at 12 morn. daily, calls at Whate Horse. Fuller, W .............................. Vetermary Surg:eoD The Rapid to Nottingham, -I past 6 even. and returns Georg~, W ..................................... Wh~~lwnght to London at 10 morn. daily, calls at White GMdllffe, Samuel ............................ Handresser Horse. HaJI, C ..........•..•..•..••.....•.. ····-·····Rose & Crown The Wellingborough Coach to London, at 12 morn. Hall, F ................................................ Falr.on and returns at l past 3 aft. calls at White Horse Hall, W •• ........ · ................................... Butcher The Leicester Coach to London, at 3 aft. and return Hall, .M .................................. Grocer & Draper at 12 morn. daily, calls at White Horse. Hall, W ............................................. Maltster The Defiance, from Manchester to London, at 1 aft. Hewitt, Ann ..................................... -. ••. Baker and returns at 12 night. Hibbert, John ....................................... Grocer The Swallow, Birmingham Coach to London, at 3 Hobson, John ............................... Coal Merchant morn. and returns at 11 night daily, calls at Hobson, John ...................... u ............ .Maltster White Horse. Hob!lon, John ....................................... Miller The Economist, from Birmingham to London, at 3 Holyoak, Wm ............................................ Sun . morn. and returns at 11 night daily, calls at Howard, Wm .................................. Shopkeeper White Horse. J ubb, J ........................................ Builder, &c. The Derby Mail to London, at 3 morn. and returns Law, Wm ............................... Grocer & Draper at 12 night daily, calls at Wllite Horse. Ma~thews, James ........................ Retailer of Beer The Carlisle Mail to London, at 3 morn. and returns NatiOnal School. ................. Em~ry, Mary, Mistress at 12 night, calls at White Horse. Neal, John .................................... Shopkeeper Needham, R. H. Eaton Ford .................. Surgeon c:Jarriers' :List. Neel, Wm ........................................ Carpenter Clark, from Luton to Leighwn, and back every Northern, J. Eaton Ford ..................... Auctioneer day, ealls at the B~ll. Northern, J.ditto ............... Stone & Marble Mason To Northampton Pollard's Van, every Tues. and Paxton, W ........................................... Grocer Fri. from the Belt Inn, and returns to Dunstable, l{ichardson, W. .. ........................ Basket Maker Mon. and Thurs. Robinson, J. . ....................... Boot & Shoemaker From Stony Stratford to London-Curtis's Waggon, Hobinson, W ................... Beer Retailer & Grocer every Tues. and returns on Thun. calls at the Sargeant, T .............................................. Bell Bell Inn. Shephard, E. C .. , ...... ~"''"""""""''"'"''rdilliner 22 •
LEIGHTON BUZZARD. BEDFORDSHIRE. Spence, S ...... ·····"·•·••• ........................... Miller Arnold, William, Chelsea .••. _.,. ........... Wheelwright Starrant, Rev. M .................................... Curate Ashfield, & Woodman, Leek st ................ Solicitors Stoughton, M ...................................... Milliner Ashfield, Arthur. ditto ......... Agent to the Norwich Taylor, J ................ White Horse Commercial Inn Union Insurance Company Tbompson, John ............... Beer Retailer & Grocer Avelin, George, High 1t ................ Cabinet Maker Topham, J. .. .................................. Co1·ndealer Bas~;ett & Grant, ditto ........................... Bankers Walker., H ......................... Cock Posting House Bal'sett, J, D. & Co. ditto .......... Tailors & Drapers Bassett, J. D. ditto ... Agent to the County Fire & !-oat 011ice, Provident Life Insurance Office Oakley, Anne ................................. Postmistress Bates, James, Leek •t ........... ~ .................. Saddler Letters arril·e from London at 6 in morn. and are Ba1ker, Thomas, North st ................... Greyhound despatched at 8 in even. Birdsey, Charles, North end , ............. Black Horse :Posting House. Birdseye, John, Jrffs la .......... Earthenware Dealer The Cociq ............................. , ....... W~lker, H. Bishop, John, Market pl ... Saddler & Harnessmaker Coach List. Blencowe, Ben jam in, Leek st .................... Draper Glasgow Mail calls at George 11 night, arrives from Brown, George, ditto ......................... Whiteslilith London i past 2 morn. Brown, Thomas, Je.ffs la ................... Basket mak,er Leeds Royal Union calls at Cock Inn 10 morn. Bushell, Mary & Jno. Higli 1t ••• Swan Inn & Posting arrives from London 12 night. House Lincoln Mail calls at Waggon 4' Hor1e$ at i past Chew, William, North end ......................... Baker 11 night, arrives from London 2 morn. Chubb, John, Castle $t .............. Boot & Shoemaker York Express-calls at White Borie i past 3 morn. Church, Wm. Letk st ...................... Nurseryman arrives from London t past 2 aft, Clare, Thomas, ditto ............................. Saddler Ditto High }'Jyer calls at Cock In11 9 morn, arri•es Claridge, C. & W. ditto ~ ....................... Carriers from London 4 aft. Clat·idge, Daniel, ditto ... Unicorn Commercial Inn Claridge, Daniel, Chelsea ... , ............. Beer Retailer l:.:BJGHTO:N BVZZA&D. Clarke, Jeremy, Norlh end ..................... Maltster This considerable market town, •o much increased Culverhouse, Thomas, Leek st ............ Wheelwright in importance since the opening of the London and Collingi, Haonah, North end .........• ~.Beer Retailer Birmingham Railroad, of which it is a station, lies in Cooper, Geo. Leek # ..... ····~·······., .... ,.Blacksmith the hundred of Manshead, 40f miles north·wes\ from Cotching, John, Church sq ·•u•······~ ......... .Bell Inn London by the railroad, and 41 by the turnpike road Cotchin!!', Robt. High st .......................... Grocer through Dunstable; from Bedford it is 20 miles Cox, Rich. West e11d ........................ Bt:er Retailer south-west. It is a rectory, in the patropage of the Dawson, E. &. W. ditto ,.,., ..... - • .,.4••""•·~ Builders prebendary of the same place, valued at 193/. The De,·erell, An ne, ~Iarket st .. . , .... -............ Hatmaker population in 1831 was 3330. Under the Poor Law Dickins, William, High sl ., ................ Raven Inn Amendment Act, Leighton is established as the Dicks, Frederick, Canal st ...... , .... "'' ... Hairdresser centre of a union, in~luding 10 parishes in Bucking- Dodwell, Henry, North end ... ., ........... Shopkeeper hamshire with 6675 inhabitants, in addition to its Doggett, R. Leek st ...... Postmaster, & R~gistre~r of own for dependant chapelrie& in this county; viz. Births and Deaths for Leighton District, and for Bellington, Eggington, Heath and RPach, anJ Stan. Old Union RP~Jstrar of Marriage~. bridge, having a joint population of 1819. The town, Drage, John, Market pt ... Watch and Clock maker, seated on the banks of the Ouzel and border• of and Pathh Clerk Buckinghamshire, consists of one wide street, branch~ Dumpleton, 'Villiam, ditiQ , .... , .................. Tall or ing off at the extremity. The wat~r is obtained from EJliott, James, North end ..................... Bricklayer wells. The market, one of the oldest in the county, Elmes, James, High st ............... Hatter & Clo1hier is held on Tuesday, and makes a good show of cattle, Feary, John, ditto ....................... : ...... B.ooqnaker corn, grocery, lace, plaited straw, &c. There are five Felts, John, Leek 61 .............................. Falcon annual cattle fairs, on the 5th of February, the second Fleet, Charles, High st .. ......................... Builder Tuesday in .April, the largest for horses especially, Flint, John, ditto ......... Auctioneer, Appraiser, Land Whit Tuesday, July 26, and October 24. Tbti Agent, &c. Grand Junction Canal, capable of carrying vessels of Flint, Jobn, ditto ... Printer, Stationer, and Bookst'ller, 80 tons burdens, runs within a furlong of the town, and Sub-Distributor of Stamps and in conjunction with the railroad, opens for its Franklin, Henry, Leek st ... George and Dragon, and inhabitants and commodities a ready communication . . M~hster both with the metropolis and the northern counties. Gardner, , Jeffs la .............................. Surgeon The manufactures of Leighton, as of the greater part Gas Work!!, Leek at ... Matthews, Wl.lliam, Enp;meer of this county, are chidly lace and straw plait. A Gartside, Elizabeth, North st .................. Roe Buck pentag·onal stone cross, near the market house, is a Gartside, John, ditto .............................. Butcher beautiful specimen of architecture, adorned with Gee, Edward, Leek st ........................ Whitesmlth statues; it was repaired in the 17th century, by a Gilbert, James, ditto ...... MiUwright, & Peacock Inn rate of 4d. each on the inhabitants. The church is Gin~er, Thomas, Hip}' st ..................... Bell Inn an antique stone fabric, covered with grotesquP Goodman, Thomas, Leek st ...................... ,.Bdker carvings. Its height to the top of the spire is 193 Grace, George, Chelsea .. , ........................ Fanjer feet. The parish is mostly laid out in open fields, Grace, William, Leek st ..................... Shoemaker and contClins about 300 acres of common. It is sup .. Gurney, Thomas, Chelsea •••. ~ .... \ ..... Bedford Arms posed to be the Sax on Lygean Burgh, taken by Harris, Eli~abeth & Son, Market pl ......... Boot and Cuthwulph from the Britons. Shoemaker Uame, Besidence, 41. :Profession. (For CLASSIFICATION tifTaADES, seep. 25.) Alien, William, Market pl ... Grocer & Agent for tht Phamix .I!'are and Ltfe Insurance Office Harris~ George, Higlt, st ............. ~.Tailor & Dr.aper Harris, Waiter, J.'Viar·ket pl ........................ Currier Hart, W illiam, North end .................. SI opkeeper Heley, Snsauah, H1gh st ........................ Gl·ocer Hide, John, Jfjfs la ......... u ................ .l\lealman
BEDFORDSHIRE. LEIGHTON BUZZARD. Hopkins & Crown, Higl, st ............... Dressmakers Rogers, William, Leek st ........................... Baker Hopkins, James, ditto ........................... Butcher Samuel, Henry, Market pl .................. Cross Keyt Hopkins, John, Leek st ........................... Butcher Saunders, James, Jeff_s la .................. Shoemaker Hopkins, Samuel, High st .................. Black Lion Saunders, Thomas, North end ............ Wheatshear Hopkins, Samuel, No1'th ,,t ..................... Butcher Savings' Bank, Leek st ... Lawford, William, Agent Hopkins, Samuel, Leek st ... Gardener & NmsE'ryman Seabrook, Mrs. High st ......... Straw Bonnet Maker Horwood, Austin, Chelsea .................... . Carpenter Sell, Charles, Corn market .....•..........•...... . Groeer Hughes, Jabez, Leek st ..................... Fellmonger Sharp, Joseph, Back la .......................... Brazier Inns. J O!!eph, Back la ........................ Fishmonger Sherwood, J ames, Leek st .................. Shoemaker Inwood, John, High st .................. Cabinet Maker Simmons, William, ditto ............. Sun, & Mealman James, Joseph, Back lcr ........................... Butcher Smith, Jesse, Higl' st ............... Plait Manufactory Jepson, Richard, Ca.nal st ... Bookseller&. Stationer Smith, Joseph, ditto .............................. Grocer Johnson, William, Leek 't ............... Watchmaker Smith, William, North end ............... Beer Retailer Kent & Whc:eler, High st, Ironmongers & Basket Snoxall, James, Leek st ............ Bell & Woolpack · Makers Stonhill, Anne, High st, Bull Commercial Inn and King, George, North end .................. Beer Retailer Maltster Kipling, J. P. High st ........................... Solicitor Strapp, J. North end .................. ~ ..... Shopkeeper Kiteley, Thomas, Back la ..................... Gardener Strapp, Jesse, North &t ..................... Confectioner Knott, J. Chelsea .................................... Tailor Swinstead, Barnard, High 1t ..................... Saddler Lawford, Edward, Grand Junction wha~f, Corn, Thorn, John, Chelsea ........................ Shopkeeper Coal, & Tim her Merchant Timms, Danie 1, Leek st ..................... Blacksmith Lawford, Willia.m, Leek st, Land Agent, & Agent to Turney, Charles, ditto ........................... Grocer Savings' Bank Turney, Edward, Canal sl .................. Shopkeeper Lock, Richard, North tmd .................. Coachmaker Turney, James, ditto .............. . Shoulder of Mutton Loke, William, High st ......................... ~.Baker Turnham, Robert, North st .... ~ ............... Butcher M'Chain, Robert, ditto ......... Draper & Tea Dealer Turnham, Thomas, North end, Crown Inn & Butcher Makepace, John, North end ............... Shoemaker Wagstaff, Thomas, High st ..................... Surgeon Maltby, Richard, ditto .................... , ......... Baker Walker, Richard, ditto ........ r ..................... Baker Mal ton, Anne, Market pl ............... Curriers Arms Warner, 1 ohn, Canal st ........................ Malh;ter Marshall, John, Corn market ...... Baker & Mealman Watson, William, North end ... , .......... Tea Dealer .Martin, Elizabeth, NortlJ end ............... Shopkeeper Waters, Thomas, Jdfs la ............................ Baker Mathews, J. F: Market pl ............ Cabinet MakeJ Watkins, John, Prospect pl.. ................... Plasterer Mathews, William, Leek st, Engineer to Ga~ Works Webb, James, Church. sq ........................... Tailor Mathews, William, Market pl ............ Watchmaker Webb, Josiah, Canal st ........... , ............... Tailor Matthew, Rev. Henry, Canal st Webster, John, Not<th end .................. Shoemaker Matthews, J. High st ... Watchmaker & Ironmonger Webster, William, Canal st.. ................ Bootmaker Matthews, Thomas, ditto , .............. Cabinet Maker ·white, Thomas, North st .. ...................... Butcher Mead, Thoma!t, Leek st f ............... Cabinet Maker "Wilding, Geo. & Jas. High st, China & Glass Dealers Mead, William, Chelsea ... Bricklayer & Beer Retailer Willis, D. L. & F. ditto ........................ Solicitors Miller, Thomas, High st ........................... Hatter Willis, D. L. ditto, Registrar of the Peculiar Court of Morgan, John, Back la ..................... Shoemaker Leighton Munday, Martha, Canal st ........................ Grocer Wilson, Rev. John, Church sq ......... , .......... Vicar Norman, Robert, Jdfs la ........................ Cooper Woodman, Joseph, Clerk to the Board of Guardians Osborn, John, Grand Junction Canal & Briclifields, of Leighton Union, and Superintendent Regis. Coal, Corn, Timber, & General Merchant trar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages. Page, Charles, Hi!fh st, Watchmaker & Ironmonger Wright, Elizabeth, .North end ............... Pastrycook Parrott, Daniel, Nortk end ............... Beer Retailer Wibrow, William, ditto ..................... Whitesmith Parsons, Thomai, Leek st ............ Coach & Horses \Vyton, William, Corn market .............. ..-... Brazier Partridge, Jesse, Hil{h st .................. Hairdresser Yerrell, Thomas, Leek st ...... Nags Head, & Maltster Partridge, Michael, Leek st ............... Confectioner Young, Frederick, High st ... Land Tithe AF:ent and Pointer, Edward, North end ............... Shoemaker Surveyor Poole, George, North st ...... ; ........ Cabinet Maker Young, George, Corn market ... Feathers Commercial Poole, 'fhomas, North tnd ........................ Glover Inn and Waggon Office Poulton, An ne & Son, High st .................. Groctr Price, John, ditto ............... Grocer & Tea Tealer Post Office. Price, Tomall, di.tto .. ....... Linen & Woollen Draper Doggetl, Richard .............................. Postmaster Proctor, John, dztto, Baker&. A~ent to the Sun Ftre Letters received between 12 noon and 4 morn., and and Life Insurance Offi.ce delivered at 7 morn. summer and 8 winter, desPurser, Jabez, Lt~k st ......... - .... Plumber & Glaz~er patched at! past 11 morn. and 10 night. Purser, Mary, H1gh st ............ Plumber & Glazter Odell, Thomas, Corn market ..................... Baker PostiD&" Hou•e Ratt, Esther, J.lfarket pl ............ Tailor & Clothier . " J Read, J. Canal st .............................. Shoemaker Swan Inn, lhgh st ..................... Bushal11 M. & , Read, William, Leek st ........................ Gardener BMlkerB. Read man, J. B. High 1t ......... Chemist & Druggist B G H' h d Ree Ed d d'tt B t h assett & rant 1g st raw on Barclav & Co R ve, S warl,d:lto ........................... Bu c er Savings' Bank Leek st ... Agent, Lawford, WiJlia~ eeve, amue , l o . . . ... •.• . . . . .•••••.. .. . ... • •. • . rewer ' ' Reeve, William, Ctznal sl .................. Shoemaker Richmond, Robert, High st ...... Chemist & Drug~ist :Fire ck Life Assurance Agents. Ridgway, Charles, Corn market, Linen & Wollen County Fire & Provident Life, High st, Bassett, J. D. Draper Phcenix, Market pl.. ...................... Alien, Willialll Roberts, John, Leek st ........................ Blacksmith Norwich Union, Leek st ............... Ashfield, Arthur Rogers, G. Chelset' ................. , ............ , .•..•. Baker Sun, High st ...•• , .•..•..•.••..•..••.•. , .. Proctor, John .24
LEIGHTON BUZZARD. BEDFORDSHIRE• • Stamp Office. LEIGBTON BuzzARD CussJFICATioN,!continued. Flint~~John, High st ~ .................... Sub-distributor Hopkins James, High sL Hopkins John, Leek st :Law&. :Public Officers. Hopkins Samuel, North st Registrar of the Peculiar Courl of Leighton, Willis, James Joseph, Back lane D. L. High st Reeve Edward, High st Clerk to Board of Guardians of Leighton Union, Turnham Robert, North st Woodman, Joseph Turnham Thomas, North end Coach List. White Thomas, North st The Oxford Coach to Cambridge, every Mon. Wed. Cabinet Makers. Avelin George, High st and Fri. at 1 morn. and returns to Oxford Tues. lnwood John, High st Thurs. & Sat. at l bef. 2; calls at the Swan Inn. Mathews J. F. Market pl Matthews Thomas, High st Carriers' :List. Mead Thomas, Leek st To London-Claridge's Waggon, every Wed. & Sat. Poole George, North st and returns Sun. & Thurs. Carpenter. Horwood Austin, Chelsea To. Ditto Young, George, Waggon, every Tues. Chemists ~ Druggists.-Readman J. B. High st and Fri. at '12 noon to Cross Keys, St. John st, Richmond R. High st and retur!ls Wed. & Sat. at 12. China 4- Glass Dealers. Wilding Geo. & J. High st Waggon to Wmg, Soulbury, Stewkley, Fenny Strat- Clot/tiers. Elmes James High st ford, Little & Great Brickhill, Hockliffe, Ea ton, Ratt Esther, Market pl Bray, and Eddlesborough. Coachmaker. Lock R. North end Cla.ssification of Trades. Auctioneer 4' Appraiser. Flint John, High st Bakers. Chew William, North end Goodman Thomas, Leek st Loke William, High st Maltby Richard, North end Marshall John, Corn mkt Odell Thomas, ·Corn mkt Proctor John, High st Rogers G. Chelsea Rogers William, Leek ~t Walker Richard, High st Waters Thomas, Jeffs lane Bankers. Bassett & Grant, High st Basket Makers. Brown Thomas, Jeffs lane Kent & Wheeler, High st Beer Retailers. Claridge Daniel, Chelsea Collings Hannah, North end Cox Richard, West end King George, North end Mead William, Chelsea Parrott Daniel, North end Smith William, North end Blacksmiths. Cooper George, Leek st Roberts John, Leek st Timms Daniel, Leek st Booluellers. Flint John, High st Jepson Richard, Canal st Boot 4" Shoemakers. Chubb John, Castfe·st Feary John, High st Grace William~ Leek st Harrison Elizabeth & Son, Market pi Makepace John, N{)rth end Morgan John, Back lane Pointer Edward, North end Read J. Canal st Reeve William, Canal st Saunders James, Jeffs lane Sherwood James, Leek st Webster John, North end Webster John. Jeffs lane Webster \Villiam, Canal st Bra%iers. Sharp J oseph, Back lane Wyton William, Corn mkt Brewer. Reeve Samuel, High st Bricklayers. Elliott James, North enct Mead William, Chelsea Builders. Dawson E. & W. North end Fleet Charles, High st Butcl!ers. Gartside John, North Ill Bedfordshire.] E Coal Merchants. Lawford E. Grand Junction wharf Os born J. Grand Junction Canal & Brick fields Corifectioners. Partridge M. Leek st Strapp J esse, North st Cooper. Norman Robt. JefFs la Corn Merchants. La.wford E. Grand Junction wharf Os born J. Grand Junction Canal & Brick fields Currier.-Harris Walter, Market pl Eartlienware Dealer. Birdseye John, Jett~ la Engineer. Matt hews W. Gas works, Leek st Estate .Agents. Flint John, High st Lawford Wm. Leek st Young F. High st Farrier. Grace George, Chelsea Fellmonger. Hughes Jabez, Leek st 'Fishmonger. Inns Joseph, Back la Gardeners. Hopkins Samuel, Leek st Kitely Thomas, Back la Read Wm. Leek st Glover. Poole Thomas, North end Grocers. Allen Wm. Market pl Cotching R{)bert, High st Heley Susannah, High st McChain Robert, High st Munday MarLha, Canal st Poulton Ann & Son, High st Price John, High st Sell C. Corn mkt Smith J osiah, High st Tumey Charles, Leek st Watson William, North end Hairdressers. Dicks F. Canal st Partridge J esse, High st Hatters. Deverell Ann, Market st Elmes J ames, High st Miller Thomas, High st Inns, Taverns, ~ Public House! .. - Beclford Arms, Gurney T. Chelsea Belllnn, CotchiAg J. Church sq Bell lnn,1 Ginger Thomas, High st Bell~ Woolpaclc, Snoxall James, Leek st Black Horse, Birdseye Charles, North end Black Lion, Hopkins Samuel, High st Bull Commercial Inn, Stonhill Ann, HigbST Coach~ Horses, Parsons Thos. Leek st Cross Keys, Samuel H. Market pi Crown, Turnham Thomas, North end Curriers Arms, Malton Ann, Market pl Falcon, Fetts John, Leek st Feathers Commercial Inn, Young G. Corn mkl George ~ Dragon, Franklin H. Leek st 25
BEDFORDSHIRE • LUTON. . === LEJGHT~N BuzzAlP CJ.AaBIFI.C4TUY, eontimted. Greyl!nund, Barker Thomas, North st Nags Head, Y erreU Thomas, Leek tt Peacock Inn,Giloort James, Leek at Raven Inn, Dickin.s Wm. lligll st Roe Buck, Gartside Elizabeth, North 1t Shoulder of J.l/utton, Tmney J ames, Canal st Sttn, Simm,ons William, Leek at • • -· ..... · •"- . . -- - - LEIGHTON BuzJAJU> CL.AS!IJFIC.ATioN, continued, Wllitesmilhs-. l3rown GeQrge, Leek et Gee Edward, Lee~ st WJbro" Witliam. North end W'Qollen J)r~pers. Price Thomas, High st Rid~way Charles, Corn JD3rket Swan Inr,, Bu~eld Mary & Jobll, High st LVTOB. Unicorn CommetY:.ial Inn, Cw.itlge D, .1J1ek at Luton, a market towp tll the HtJndred qf flitt, is :H Wheatslmif, Saunder~ Tboma5, North eod m ilea froQl London on the road to Bedford, from Ironmongers. Kent & Wheeler, High st whi.cl1 it i9 20 (Ililes d.istapt, and 10 froJP 1,he }3Qxmoor Matthews John, Uigh .st station of the Birmingham railroad. It is supposed Page Charles, High 4>t to have been colemp9JilJ.'f wiHt ~ing Otfa, stands Land Sut·veyor. Young Frederwk, H}gh-st pletlspntly am~ngst hille Q111~ -riy~ L,a, which JiSJ!I Linend1·ape1-. Bl£npowe Benjamin, Le.ek it at Leagrave within the parisb, t.nd iJ 1 lQJ}I irregular Me Chain Robed., J-ljgb ~t tQw.n. tJi• priw;ipaJ ~r~cn djveriilll Qbliquely frOIIl Price Thomas, High Jt t~ mar.k~ h9U~!J ~bolJt thQ ~entre. ;It h¥ a Mon. Ridgway (,pa:rlea, Cm.u lflljlrket . day's market and twQ ~JJual Aitt, po tbe 18th of Maltstas. Clarke Je~emy, N,wtb Md. April, Jlil~ J8th pf O.etober' DWl is >i polliJJg pl~J~:e Franklin Henry, L~k st f91 the ~nty, JlJld the; t:.eRtJ:~ of JL pow Jaw union, Stonhill Ann, H~gh st containing 15 parishes. tJ.ld ~ populatiQQ. qf 15,483, \Varner, C;u~al t>t The parish, including 13 adjacent hamlets, is a vicar· Ye{rell Thoro•s, Leet st age, value 830l • ., f>W.r<m Jhe l\;lar.quiJ of Bute; inha. JJ/ealmen. Hida J'Qhn, J~ff• lane bitants 56j}3, The ~reb ~ti U,rge, ~nc~nt, aoq h~d.. Marshall John, Car11. m~ket some, terminated ~~ lh~ }Vest ~Pd. by a tine .emba~t~ Simmons William, ~ek at square tower of ch.ecker,d Bin.t Qn<l fr~$loJJe. It Merchants. Oshom Jolw. Gr~ Juootion Ca.nal contains some very ancie.nt mQnum~tlj ~ll,Q ~painted ;md Brickfidds east window ; but it$ cqief )loa~ is aJJ he~p.gooal stone Milliners.-HopkiJHl & Crown, ffigb -s~ font, enclosed in a lqfty \VoQdeQ b•pti~»"Y jq the de • . Millwrigltt, G~lbert Jam~ ~k ~· corated pointed styl~A Us grctine4 J.()Q{ EJJJ"i~bed with Nurserymen • . Chur.ell Willill'IJI~ ~el< 1ft allegorical carvings. Hopkins Samuel, Leek ~t Luton Hoo, the seat of the Ma.r9u~ of J3ute, about Pastrycook. Wright Eli~ahetll, ;Nottb eg4 2 miles from the towo, ~ .pn WJ.e4!v~ted spot at the Plait Mamifacturer. Smith Je,se, lJiglut edge of the: Downs, has -a v,lt.Ja.blt! lw~;a.ry Md some Plasterer. Watkins John, pj fine Gothic wainscoUiJli preservetl ju Vi~ chapel. The Plumbers, ~-c. Jab#!~~ Ledl it inequalities of gropnd. 1n tq~ well...wooded. park, ~oQl ... Purser Mary, High t>t bined with the ~roups m .fipe 9e.e<=h.es1 ~ery JCarce jq Printer.-Flint JobiJ, Higb -st Bedfordshire, and t~ Jllean&rs d ~h~ ]..ea, which Saddlers. Bates Jame•, ~f!J_{ st spreads into an -e.xpan~iv' l.ak~ hegeath lhe b®sta Bishop John, Mark~ pl present scenes wortby the aU!i!Pt.i.Oll pf 3 landscape Clare Thom~s, Lee1c. 5l painter. One of its ch~f QrRa[JleiJ~~ js a riclJ portico, Swinstead Be,nard, lJigh .at the only completed portjQn pf a ..slaWy l;wqse comS!wpkeepers.--Dodw~Jl Uervy, ~nd. menced by John Lord Ww)~k1 ~ !fer~tjJ.e noble· Hart William, Norm ~nij. man whose allegiance with ~vely conte5t Martin Eliz.a~~. No.rt~ ~d between Henry the Si~t}l. .f).Qd E.dwiU'd. •h~ ,Fourth. Strapp J. North e~ The same persQnagc al~g l>uilt .u. ,re$id.eoc~ i=los~ tq Thorn John, Chels~" Luton Park, of which t)le pt,eh.oAA$' ,al.~ Jemains, Turney Edward, Cll.n~ 't now called Someries Towu. £~t Jly~ fJlrk lies Solicitors. Ashfield & Wood~.IJI.)J Leek •• farther west, and StockwQ~~ ff.o»t~e l>et,w"u ~~ p~ Kipling J. P. High 41t and town. Willis D. L. & F .. lligh st Straw Hat Maker. Seaboook Mrs. iljgh n Name, B.esidence, 4c. IIT4)fe;~siqn. Surgeons- Gm·dner .. · 1 J~8's Ja~e (For CussrFICA'liOJf iffSU.DEI, 116 p. !8.) WaistaffThomas, loUgh~ Adams, Willi~ro, (Je~ Id .._.,,#·-····• ........ Boatmaker Tailors~· Drapers.-..... Basset.t J, P. & Cq. ~h -t;t Adams, William, :Pif".k,ll ,..,. .... , ...... l3rewer & Maltstf'r Dumpleton William, ~rke~pl A.insworth, Samuel, d#~Q ..,., .. .,.., ............. .shopkeeper Harris George, lligh st Allingham, James, i);'f.l.r~4 JJ.,.,. ••••• Butcher &t Baker Rnott J. Almond, J ames, George st ••• ,.., •• Boot & Shoemaker Ratt Esther. Marke~ pl Arnold, William, Park .lt,,•-.... - .... uBootmaker Webb James, Chur.da-$q Attwood, James, N~ TOW1.I 1t __ ........ Beer Retailer 'V ebb Josiah, ~t Attwood, John, City r4 ..... 'l ............. .Beer Retailer Timher ,Mtrclwnts,. Lilwford Ec;lward, Gxand June] Axton, John, Park 8t ._.., ...... Chioa & Glass Dealer tion wharf Bardley, George, Georga 1t ,.m ........ u.•*•••••· Butcher Osborn John, Gnmd JunctiO» Canal Barratt, John, CastJ.e u m"'•••.-. ................. Bricklayer W.atcb 4" Clorkmakers.-.Drage J-ob~, pi Beale, E. J. George 4t ,.,..,, ... Jjnea & Woollen Draper Johnstor;a W~l~~m, Leek~ I Bedford, Thomas, Ch~elft.,.. ......... aa ..... HShopkeeper Mathews WJlltaul, M4Uket pl Bell, Ann, George st ,., 14 .., ............................ Grooct l\1atthews John, High~ Bennett, John, dj,tttl.f}o~,.,.,.,.. ............. ......... Baket P~ge Oha.rles, H ig~ tt Bigg, John, Clwpel st .... ~_.. ...... , ................ Iroofou uder Wlleelwrtghh. Alnold W,i,lliam. Ch~l~ Billimore, WilliaJJh ~ttp ...... ~ ........... _ ••• Queens Head CulverhousJ!l'l.lolliji.S1 Leek Sl I Bishop, Benjamin, P-rk lt,,~•••• .................... Grocer 26
·ttJTON. Blundell, Josepli; Chui'cA u, Straw Hat Manufacturer Hawlfes, Amos, Cit!f rd ....................... Baker, &c. Bolton, Benjamin, Chapel S'l •• w. Sttnw Pla:it Dealer Hawkes, Jamett, George Jt .................. Cro$s Keys Bolton, William, Geotg6 se ...... u. Stt!lW Hat Maker Hawkes, Thomas, City1·d ...... , ........... Limeburner Bond, Joseph, Chapel si .•. , ... .,\w,. .. , .......... Baker Higgins,'t, Taviltoch st ......... Plumber & Gtazie,r Booth, John. Parklt olohooOoWoil ...... Leather Seller Higgills, Sarah, George st ............ Horse&. Jockey Brickwood, E. L. dittoJ Agent for the Legal Assurance Higgihs, Wm. Castle st ............ Straw Plait Dealer · Office Hill, Wm. George si. •'• ............ Printer & Bookseller Brickwood, E. L. dittou .. ~o, ... ,. .. t ............. Solicitor Hooker', 8. ditto ............. .~ ................ Collarmaker Brown, Daniel, ditto.! ....... , .............. Fldur Dealer I-ldp\'\'ood, James, Parhsl ..................... Butcher Brown, Frederick, George st ............... Ironmonger How, R.. G. George lt ............ Plough I11n & Bak~r Brown, Henry, City rd ........................... .'.MaJtster How, Robert, Park st .............................. Baker Brown, Henry, Ge&rge lt ............ Timber 1\ierchant Hunt, Wm. Georgt! at ........................... SI)}icitot· Brown, H. C. Park st .................. Corn Chandler Hunter, John, Donkey !tall, Stra\Y Plait Matmfacturer Brown, John, ditto ........... 1 ............... Blacksmith Hyde, T. Park at ....................... ,.Land Surveyor Brown, Richard, Breach mill ..................... Miller Jones, J. George st ............... Earthenware Dealer Brown, Thomas, Pa,.k st ................. Wh~elwright Jone!f, John, Dunstable la ... Straw Hat Manufacturer Brown, William, Cht~rck st ..... , ......... Corh F~ctor Jordan, John, George 1t ......... Chemist & Drnggi~t Brown, William, Dunstahlt la ........................ Fbx Keeling, John, Par/ut ............... Tin Plate Worker Burg~1 James, Qt,een it ........................... Cretwn Keeling, J. ditto .................................... Grocer Burr, F. & C. Park st ........................... Brewers Kentish, C. Church st.. ................ Bo:trding School Buthin, Elizabeth, Getwgt! If, Oe6tge Commercial Kidtnan, T. Castle sl .............................. Maltst~r Inn, Postin~ Hou!e, & Exci!le Office King, J. DunJtable /a .............................. Cooper Carter, Samuel, Park~~ ........................ Bull Inn King, Satmrel, Park Jt ............ ........ Wheelwright Cawdell, James, Ge01'gt 81 ............... Hairdresser Lll1¥ford, George, Church st ............... Beer Retailer Cawdell, J. T. Matket pl ..... , ............ Saddler, &c. Lawrence, W. Park st ........................ Bricklaye_r Chambers, George, Castle lt ............ Coach Builder I ... edbeter, Elizabeth, ditto ........................ Milliner Chase, Edward, Park st ........................ Surgeon Leftly, W. G. Church sL .. Master of National School Clark, John, ditto ; ......................... The Checkers McDougall, Rev. W. Coptlwll .................. Vicar Clark, Will iam, Chttrch 'it .r. : •• .... Boot & Shoemaker Mantua, P. Market pl ..................... WatchQlaker Clark, William, Market p~e ...... Boot & Shoemaker Mead, J. Park .ft .................................... Grocer Clarke, F. dittd .................. , .................. Surgeon Moody, Wrn. Geotge st ............ d ............. TaiiQr Clarke, William, Park d ••. , ..... Cock Inn, & Carrier Muggleton, Wm. Park Ill ... Straw Hat Manufacturer Cole, Thomas, ditto .............................. Butcher National School, Church st ...... ~dfern, C. 1\Iistre~s Cook, Elizabeth, Maf'ket pl.., .................. Maltster Oclee, John, Park .ft ............ Watch &: Clockmaker Cooper, ThomM, Geot'gt st ........................ Baker Oliver, S. ditto ............... Draper Clothier & Hatter Crawley, Eli~abeth, ditte1 ....................... ; Hut~her Parsons, J. Dunstabl6 la ........ d ........ Beer Retailer Dance, VVilliam, ditto ........................ Shopkeeper Partridge & Jordan, Georgt $(,\Vine & Spirit l\lrchts Dancer, M. Park st .............................. Butcher Paters, Ann, Ca:rtle Jt .......... ., ..... , ............... Dog Darley, James, ditto ..................... ~ ....... , Grocer Paybody, R. ditto ......... Ued Lion Commercial lnn Dimock, Robert, Chu1'ch st .••............... Wheatsheaf Payne, Charles, Parlt sl' ......... .-..... u ............ Saddler Drewett, William, Patth st ....................... Baker Peach, Ann, New Town st ., ... , ........ Beer Retailer Dunham, J. City rd ................................. Tailor Pearmao, Daniel, Queen 1t, Agent for the Phcenix Ellerd, Sarah, ditto .............................. Vine Inn }'ire Insurance Office Ellison, T. & W. Mat'ket pl ...... Plurnbers & Glaziers Peat·man, Daniel, Castle sl Wine & Spirit Merchant Euinton, W. Park st .... ............ ... • . . .. Bootmaker Phjlips, Wm. Queen Bt ...........• Chemist.& Druggist Everet, Joseph, George sl.. .......... Crowh & Anchor Pigott, Francis, George st ................ ~ ....... Butcher Everett, Samuel, Church st ............... Beer Retailer Pressfy, Debora, City rd .................. Bee1· Hetailer Eyles, John, ditto ........................... Parish Clerk Seabrook, H. George st ............ Boot & Shoemaker Eyles, John, ditto .................................... Tailor Sell, Edward; Churcla d .............. ..., ........ Maltster Farmer, Thomas, Matket pl ............... Kings Arms Sell, H. CJeorge 1t .. OA., ..................... Wheelwrigh\ Fenson, Richard, Castle st ~ ................. White Hart Sharples, Exton & Co., Market pl, Bankers Branch Field, F. Donkey halt ...... Straw Plait Manufacturer of Hitch in Bank. open on Mondays and Fridays, Finch, Thomas, Geo1'gt lt ................... · · · · from 9 till 4 Foster, John, Park tt ......... ~·, .......... Beer Retailer Shepherd, John, Market pl ........ ~ •• , .Straw Ilatmaker Foster, Thomas, Geor(!tl st .... \ •• ~ ........ Basket Maker Sherlock, Mary, Park st ........................ Plumb9t Fountain, Abraham, NetiJ. Town st ......... Carpenter Sikes, Rev. T. Vicarage ........................... Curate Gardener, Henry~ Pt4rlt If \.................... Tailor Smith, John, Chapel st ........... , ......... Beer Retail~r Gardner, J oseph, Church st .. \ .... ................. Grocer Smith, R. Park st ....................... ; ... U pholsteret Gillham, William, Gtorge st ... Watch & Clockmaker Smith, Sophia, Castle st ............ Straw Plait Dealer Glenister, Amos, Langi-ey st ........................ Baker Smith, Thomas, Langley st ............... Deer Retailer Gougon, Samuel, GeorgeJt,Sttaw Plait Manufacturer Spencer, Sarrt. George st, Grocer & Tallow Chandler Gray, .John, George 81 .............................. Builder Stevens, George, ditto ............... Boot & Shoemaker Griffiths & Jordan, Church d .................. Milliners Stone, R. Cit!f rd ........................... Beet Betailer Griffiths, Eliza, George '' .................. Postmistress Storm-er, T. Ctzrtle st .............................. Tailor Grootll, Thomas, Ckurclt lt ............... Beer Retailer Swain, E. Gtm"ge t~t ........................... Gunmaker Gutteridge, Ruth, Gel1rgt 1t .• 1 ............. ..... Grocer Swanson, S. Clturclt .rt.. ...................... Hairdresser Hargra,•es, John, D.Jtnstablelane ......... Two Brewers Taylor, E . .lVI.arket pl .... ,. ...................... Carpenter Harris, James, George si .......... ........ Dukes Head Terry, Dianah, George st .... ~, ........ ~- .. Shopkeeper Harrison, Benjamin, Park st, Life Annuity & County Thorogood, W. Chapel st ............. The Compasses Insurance Office Tipladyy Geo. New Town st •• ~ ......... Beer Retailer Harrison, F. & C. ditto ... Linen & Woollen Drapers Todd, Robert, Gcorge ~t ......... Printer & Engraver Ha~elgrave, Thomas, CIH1pel st, Ma$"ons Anm, & Tomalin, John, Chapel st ................. , ........... Baker .- Stonemason Tomalin, ~I. Park st .............................. Baker . . 27
BEDFORDSHIRE. LUTON. Tomalin, Thos. Park st ......................... '"Baker "lassification of Trades. Tomlin, Thomas, ditto .............................. Baker Bakers.-Allingham James, Churc;h st Tomlinson, Thomas, George st ............ Black Horse Ben nett John, George st Townrow, Richard, ditto .................... J ... Belllnn Bond Joseph, Chapel st Townrow, Wm. Church st •••.•••••.••.••.• ., ...... Brewer Cooper Thomas, George st 1'uffnall, Geo. City rd ........................... Grocer Drewitt William, Park st Underwood, John, Queen st ..................... Tailor Glenister Amos, Langley st Underwood, Wm. Chapel st ......... Boot & Shoemaker Hawkes Amos, City rd Vyse, Thos. Par~ st ....... Straw Hat Manufacturer How Richard George, George st Walker, Henry, Georgc st .................. Bootmaker How Robert, Park at Walker, Wm. Church st ........................ Butcher Tomalin John, Chapel st Waller & Jordan, George st, Linen & Woollen Draprs Tomalin Matthew, Park st Waller, John, ditto ........................... Woolstapler Tomalin Thomas, Park st Waller, Thomas, J.lfarket pl, Chemist, Druggist, & Tomlin Thomas, Park st Surgeon Waters Samuel, Castle st \Valler, Thomas, George sl .••••...••••••• flait Dealer Waters Sarah, George st Waring, Richard, Castlest ••• Dealer in Roman Cement Bankers.-Sbarples, Exton & Lucas, Market pl Waring, Richard, Market pl ... Grocer & Ironmonger Basketmaker. Foster Thomas, George st Warr, Javis, Queen st ............ Watch & Clockmaker Beer Retailers. Attwood James, New Town st Waters, Samuel, Castle st ..................... .,. •••• Baker Attwood J onathan, City rd Waters, Sarah, George st .................... w ...... Baker Everett Samuel, Church st Webdale, John, ditto ......................... Hairdresser Foster Joh~, Park st Westley, William, Chapel st ............ Beer Retailer Groom Thomas, Church st Weston, J. Park st ................................. Tailor Lawford George, Church st Williams, John, George st, Corn Chandler & Builder Parsons James, Dunstable la WilJiamson & Austin, ditto ........ u ........ Solicitors Peach Ann, New Town st Wilson, Elizabeth, Market pl ••. Shoulder of Mutton Pressley Deborah, City rd Wilson, Thomas, Park st ............ ~ ..... Blacksmith Smith John, Chapel st Wingrave, Thomas, Market pl ..... - .• , .. Cooper, &c. Smith Thomas, Langley st Woakes, Edward, George st .................. Surgeon Stone Richard, City rd 'V ootton, Peter, Park st ......... Chemist & Druggist Tiplady George, New Town st Wright, Jeremiah, ditto ............................... Dyer Westley William, Chapel st Wright, Samuel, George st ............... Greengrocer Blacksmit~s. Brown John, Park st Young, James, Park st ........... ..,. •• Breeches Maker W1lson Thomas, Park st J'ost Office, George Street. Griffiths, Eliza ............................... Postmistress Letters received at 6 nlorn. delivered at 7 Summer and at 8 in the Winter, and dispatched at 8 even. Posting House. George Inn, Butlin, Elizabeth ............... George st Bookseller. Hill William, George st Boot & Shoemakers. Adams William, George st Almond James, George st Arnold W illiam, Park st Clark William, Church st Clark William, Market pl Euinton Wi1liam, Park st Sea brook HilJ, George st Stevens George, George st Underwood William, Chapel st Bankers. Walker Henry, George st Sharples, Exton, & Lucas, Market pl Branch of Breechesmaker. Young James, Park st Hitcbin Bank, open on Mond. and Frid. from Brewers. Adams William, Park st 9 till 4. Burr F. & C. Park st rtre &. Life Assurance Agents. County ..................... Harrison Benjamin, Park st Legal & General ............ Brickwood, E. L. Park at Ph<Znix ..................... Pearman, Daniel, Queen st :E:xcise Office. George Inn •••••••••.•••••..•••.•••..•...•••.•..•. lie•rire st Coach :List. To London The Fnourite Luton Coach, from the George Inn, 6 morn. and retums at 9 night daily, Sundays excepted. To Bedford The Bedford and Ampthill, from the George Inn, Tues. Thurs. & Sat. t past 5 even. and to London Mon. Wed. & Fri. i past 9 morn. To London Thomas Finch's Omnibus, from the Gtorge Inn, Mon. Wed. & }'ri. 11 morn. and returns Tues. Thurs. & Sat. i past 4 aft. Carriers' :List. To London-Ciarke, from his own house, 6 even. and retnrns 12 morn. daily. To Ditto-Haydon, from his own house, Mon. & Thurs. even. and returns Wed. & Sat. aft. 'J'o Leighton-Deacon, S. from his own house, daily. ~g Townrow William, Church st Bricklayers. Barratt John, Castle st Lawrence William, Park st Builders. Gray John, George st Williams John, George st Butchtrs. Allingham James, Church st Bardley George, George st Cole Thomas, Park st Crawley Elizabeth, George st Dancer Matthew, Park st Hopwood James, Park st Pigott Francis, George st Walker William, Church st Carpenters. Fountain Abraham, New Town st Taylor Edward, Market pl Carrier. Clark William, Park st Chemists 4' Druggists. Jordan John, George st Philips W illiam, Queen st. Wailer Thomas, Market pl Wootton Peter, Park st China Dealer.-Axton John- Park st Clothier. Oliver Samuel, Park st Coachhuilder. Chambers George, Castle st Collar ltlaker. Hooker Samuel, George st Coopers. King J. Dunstable la
MARKYATE STREET. BEDFORDSHIRE• LuToN CLASSIFICATION, continued. Wingrave Thoma9, Market pl Cornchandlers. Brown H. C. Park st Wilhams John, George st Cornfactor. Brown William, Church st Dyer. Wright Jeremiah, Park st Earthenware Dealer. Jones J. George st Engraver. Todd Robert, George st Flourdealer.-Brown Daniel, Park st Greengrocer. Wright Samuel, George st Glassdealer. Axton John, Park st Grocerslf Cheesemongers. Ainsworth Sam. Park st Bedford Thomas, Chapel st Dance William, George st. Finch Thomas, George st Terry Dianah, George st Grocers '-'r Teadealers. Bell Ann, George st Bishop Benjamin, Park st Darley James, Park st Gardner Joseph, Church st Gutteridge Ruth, George st Keeling J oseph, Park st Mead Joseph, Park st Spencer Samuel, st Tuffnall George, City rd Waring Richard, Market pl Gunmaker. Swain Edward, George st Hairdressers.-Cawdell James, George st Swanson Solomon, Church st W ebdale John, George st Hatter. Oliver Samuel, Park st Iron founder. Bigg John, Chapel st Inns, Taverns, ~ Public Houses.- Belllrm, Townrow Ric)lard, George st Black Horse, Tomlinson Thomas, George st Bull Inn, Carter Samuel, Park st Checkers, Clark John, Park st Cock Inn, Clarke William, Park st Compasses, Thorogood William, Chapel st Cross Keys, Hawkes James, George st Crown, Burge James, Queen st Crown q Anchor, Everet Joseph, George st Dog, Paters Ann, Castle st Dukes Head, Han-is James, George st Fox, Brown William, Dunstable la George Cmn. Inn, Butler E. George st Horse 4' Jockey, Higgins Sarah, George st King., Arms, Iarmer Thomas, Market pl Masons Arms, Haselgrave T. Chapel st Plough Inn, How Richard George, George st Queer's Head, Billimore William, Chapel st Red Lion Com. Inn, Payhody Rob. Castle st Shoulder cif Mutton, W ilson E. Market pl Two Brewers, Hargraves John, Dunstable la Vine Inn, Ellerd Sarah, City rd Whmtsltel!f, Dimock Robert, Church st White Hart, Fenson Richard, Castle st Ironmongers. Brown Frederick, George st \V aring Richard, Market pl Land Surveyor. Hyde Thomas, Park st Leather Selter. Booth John, Park ~t Limehurner. Hawkes Thomas, City rd Linen Drapers. Beale E. J. George st Harrison F. & Co. Park st Oliver Samuel, Park st Waller & Jordan, George st Maltslers. Adam1 William, Park st Brown Henry, City rd Cook Elizabeth, .Market pl Kid man Thomas, Castle st Sell Edward, Church st Miller. Brown Uichard, Breach mill LuToN CLASSIFICATION, continued. Milliners. Griffith & Jordan, Church st Ledbeter Elizabeth, Park st Plaitdealer. Wailer Thomas, George st Plumbers, ~c. Ellison T. & W. Market pl Higgins Ann, Tavistock st Sherlock Mary, Park st Printers. Hill William, GeoJge st Todd Robert, George st Roman Cement Deale1·. W a ring Richard, Castle st Saddlers. Cawdell J. T. Market pl. Payne Charles, Park st School. Kentish C. Church st Solicitors. Brick wood E. L. Park st Hunt William, George st Williamson & Austin, George st Stonemason. Haselgrove Thomas, Chapel st Straw Hat Mamifacturers. Blundell J. Church st Bolton William, George st Jones John, Dunstable la Muggleton William, Park st Shepherd John, Market pi Vyse Thomas, Park st Straw Plait Dealers. Bolton Benjamin, Chapel st Higgins William, Castle st Smil.h Sophia, Castle st Straw Plait Manufacturers. Field F. Donkey hall Gougon Samuel, George st Hunter John, Donkey hall Surgeons. Chase Edward, Park st Clarke F. Market pl W aller Thomas, .Market pl Woakes Edward, George st Tailors. Dunham J. City rd Eyles John, Church st Garliner Henry; Park st Moody William, George st Stormer Thomas, Castle st Underwood John, Queen st Weston J. Park st • Tallow Chandler. Spencer Samuel, George st Timber Merchant. Brown Henry, George st Tinplate Worker. Keeling John, Park st Upholsterer.-Smith Robert, Park st Watch~· Clock Makers.-Gillham Wm. George st Mantua P. Market pi. Oclee John, Park st Warr Javis, Queen st Wheelwrights. Brown Thomas, Park st Lane Samuel, Park st Sell Henry, George st Wine ~ Spirit Merchants. Partridge and Jordan, George st Pearman Daniel, Castle st Woollen Drapers. Bea]e Edward James, George st Harrison F. & C. Park st Wailer & Jordan, George st Woolstopler. Wailer John, George st MABK.YATB STitE:ST. A parish in the hundred of Dacorum, Herts, and partly in the hundreds of Flitt and Manshead, county of Bedford, 3t miles S. W. from Luton, on the river Verlam, or Muse, and 27 from London; containing 243 houses and 1392 inhabitants. It was formerly called Verlamstede, and is said to. ha\·e been a market-town. In the Conqueror's time, this part of the country being much infested with robbers, the manor hereof was granted to three valiant knights, on condition of their defending the surrounding lands from depredation. The soil in this neighbourhood is a clay, favourable to the growth of corn, but so thickly 29
B~bFOitDSllfR.~. PO'l,TON, intertnbted with flints, thst after a shower, nothing is to be seen but a heap of stones. The curacy is in the patronage of University CollE!ge, Oxford. Name, Besidence, &. Profession. Adams, Daniel ,,,,,,,.,,-,..,,u •.•• ......... Baker Bedford, Barnard ...... ,.. ... , ........... Boot & Sh(>emaker Bedford, Richard ............... ,. •• , ................ TailOr :Pos'G Oftice. N ore ut Thomas ................................. Postmastet Letters received by Mail frortt London, Barnet,a:nd St. Alban'~ 11 night, and llte despatched 4 morn. A Durt!!tabte bag also artivea 4 morn. and des. patched 5 even. Biggs, Samuel, the Green Man ............ Butcher, and lit!ensed to let Horses and Gigs From London to the following places, calling at tbt Biggs, William ... .. , ............. ~e ..... Butther Sun Inn, going attd returning ... Bingham, Samuel.. .... w.m .•.• : .... ~< ...... Blacksmith Birtnit1gham Tally Ho, daily, motn. f past 11, ahd Birdsey, John ............... wOrocet & Cheesemot1ger returns 4 aft. Blackabey, Thoniat a ....... h ................... Red Lion Derby Mail, 1 nighf, tttld return~ t past g tndrn.: Blincow, John ................ Board in~ & Day Academy Dunstable Coach, daily (Sunda1 excepted) even 7, Blinker, John ......... ,u.n;o, .................. Bticklayer and returns morn. 7. Bond, Noah .,., ••. wu; ...... Baker & Retailer of Beer Halifax Mail; 11 night, and tetutM -J a:st xnotn. Bull, Ehza ........... u ..... ".Drilper~ Haberdasher, &c. 8, and returns morn. ! past 1 . Bunker, Thomas .............. .'failor & Retailer of Beer Leeds Express, daily, even. a, 1 utbs tnom. 7. Carter, John ........................... ~,.Retailer of Beer Leicester Union, daily (Sunday excepted) morn. Caven, J .............. <l •• u ••. to.<~•l~or ....... Linendraper i"past 11, and returns 4 aft. Chase, Thomas ...................... ~..u ... Collar Maker Liverpool Star, daily, night 9, and tettltnUft. l past4. Custance, F.d\"fatd ... u ....... Oollar & Harness Maker ~orthampton, daily (Sunday excepted), aft. 4, and Donaldson, George .~~ ........................ Swan Inn returns aft. -l past 1. Elkerton, Charles ............ Breechu Maker & Glover Shrewsbury Swallow, daily (Sunday except~d), even Emerson, Francis ............ Grocer&. Cheesemonger ~past 9, and returns morn. 4. Goody ear, Cornelius ".Gtot:er & Straw Rat Manuftr Ditto Wonder; daily, rnorn. t past 9, and retllrn!l Good year, T. .. .Straw, Tuscah, & Chip Hat Manuftr even. 7. Goodyeat, L ........ hCoach ProptiHor &. Plait Dealer Wellingboroucrh, daily (Sunda1 excepted), af\. i past Good year, Thomas, sen ....... ucOrocer & Plait Dealer 2, and returns morn. ! past 11. Green, John ...•....•••• u, ........... u ........ Bull's Head Griffiths, Mary ............................ u ...... Butcher oarrfers•s X.tst. Halford, Thomas ....................... '"."· Carpentet T L d _... M d M and rThurs. Hickson, Mary ......... Whol!lslll~ Shoe Manufacturer 0 on on \Jeorg~ essen en, on. • Higgins, Henry ....... "·"·-.·•·•Baket & Confectioner h!>. €\'en. Yretudrnmg Wed. and Sat. 8 morn. from H . M. M"ll' & D M k IS own ar Irons, 1ss ...... u.......... 1 mer ress a er T d' J h K~ M d Th 6 lredale, William .................................... Baker 0 Itto. 0 wn dmg, d son. au urs.r mho!n. reK . J h c · turnmg e . an at. 8 mom .rom IS own 1ng, o n ········•···~~·''·•··U•Il••··•"•""'•'' .. ·· arr1er y d ' Lightfoot, Richard ............... Carpenter & Builder ar • Lightfoot, Richard '"''"'•"• ......... Grocer & Draper Messendet. J ames ... u., .. a ...... • .... Retailer of Beer Messender, George :POTTON, •• ,.~ ............................ Carrier Montague, James, •• , .. i ........ Grocar & Cheesel11onger Forty-eight and a half miles from Lcmdoh, on the Newtnan, John ....................................... Baker Doncaster road. is a flourishing market tu\fll, at the Norcut, Thomas ............................ , .... Carpenter foot of a gentle hill, on the borde111 ofCambtidgeshire, North, Sarah ...... Straw Hat Dealer&. Manufacturer It is a sandy barren soil, but well watered and eurOclee, Edwin John ............ Watch & Clockmaker rounded by woods and parks. It is temarkllble that Pearman, James ............ Brewer & Retailer of Beer on the very day of the conflagration at Bigg1eswade, Perry, Thomas ................................. Shoemaker only 3-l miles distant, this town also waA 60 entirely Perton, Daniel. ................. Oroc~r & Chees~monger destroyed by fire, that the inhabitants Wt>re driven to Powell; Thomas ... 1. ·•••••••• .......... Five Horse Shoes the shelter of tents in the open fielde. The market, Punter ....................................... Blacksmith held on Saturday, is well supflied with grain of all Queen borough, Daniel ,,, ..... , .• ,, •• Grocer & Draper sorts. There are three annua fairs for caule, on the Risley, John ....... , ............. 1 ... •• .......... Ironmonger last Tuesday in January And April• and ihe first Sanders, James ...... , ................................ Tailor Tuesday in July; also a large horse fair otl the 2d Sharman, Joseph ................... ~o ................. Tailor of February. The parish is a vicaragt! in th~ patron• Shemeld, Robt .•. Maltstet, Corn Chandler, & Brewer age of the crown, value 5161. the inhabitant!! 176S, Spary, Uriah ............... Coach & Cart Wheelwright and is incorporated by tht Poor Law Amendment Stain er, John ............ Cabinet Maker, Appraiser, and Act in the BigglesWade Union. The town possee~e8 Auctioneer some small endowments for schools. Within a dtcuit Stainer, John .w., .•. Agent to the Clerical, Medical, of 3 miles round Potton are the Hassell8~ Cochyn• & General Life Assurance Office Watley, Sutton Park, in which is a tnoated sit& Stevens, Richard .......................... ~o .. , .. Surgeon called John of Gautit'• Castle~ ahd Snndy l'lace, all Sweeny, Thomas ....... m ....................... Surgeon gentlemen's seats. Sandy W!\s a Romatl station, and Taylor, W ................ u .......... , •• Painter & Glatier is believed to be describeel by Ptolotny a8 a city. On Tu mer, James ·••• ...... .,,,, .. . .u •• ,, ............... Smith Gaily Hill, overlooking it, is llh entrenchment ~on lain• Ward, William ............... Grocer & Cheesemonger ing 30" acres strongly fortififd by natlh'e, Roman Warr. William ............. u~ •• Watch &. Clockmaker coins, Samian ware, and other antiquities• ha1e been Wells, J ames ............. , ... " ..... , .... , Sea bright Arms occasionally found here, and at a t~~pt>t called Chester· 'Vingrave, Mary .................................... Cooper field, adjoining. In thf! valley is a s~cond earthworkr Woodward, John •• Sun Comtnerciallnn &. Posting known by the name of Cmsar's Camp. The !!oil House around is sandy, a rich, loose, black sand, produciog 30
POTTON. BEDFORDSHIRE. ~ ~ != i.;::; ;;' ;;; ; ~=======;;:::;· ,.:;;:• !=;;;;;;;: ::0 " ,;, pj I cucumb~rs _..d otheJ.' garden vegeW.bles jn prodigious Simms, Edward ......... u., .. Boarding & Day School abundancfl, Sutton was the rectory of Bishop Smith, Chas ............ ,.,Shoemaker & Le~lthercutter StilliQgfl~fi't,. Smith, William ......... Agent for the Sun Fire Office Stnith, Wm •................•....... ,,,,,., .•••. lronmonger :Name, D.esidence, ~:Profession. Smith, Wm ................ , ....................... Solicitor Alien, Jacob ......... , ........... Carrier & Beer RetaileF Strickland, Thomas , .. , .. , ............. ,._.., ..... Brewer Bennett, James ............... George Commercial Inn Tear, Thos ................ George_ the Thll'd, & Butf)her Bingham, Francis ............. Cooper & Beer Retailer Tear, Wm .... : ..... Three Black b1rd11 Inn, & C_arpenter Bodington, Henry .............................. Clothier Tebbutt, Dav1d .. ,,,.,, ••. ,,.,. ••••••••••••• Hairdres.ser Bond, Richard ............ Grocer & Tallow Chandler Town send, Samuel ............. ,.,. .•••••. Beer Retailer Brabrook ·nr1 "ti1 "am Fellmon(Yer Tyler, Henry ........... ., • .,., ..•. ,.,. .• , ••• , ••• Shoemaker J Vl' • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • b Brown, Jesse ................................. Beer Retailer Tyler, John, Swan Commerciu1 llln lSc. Exoise Office Brown Ni~>bolas Uricklayer Tyler, w m ....................................... Shoemaker I'J ,.. •••• ,~.-~,.,,f,fJI••·•··"'''''~ w fi J h B D- "1 T . Carter, James. , ............................. Beer Retailer agsta , o l) ., •••• ,, .. , ••• ". eer .L\.ataJ et· & allor Chapman nhtlip Day ~chool Warren, Robert ................... , .• , ...... Shopkeeper ' A- •• ,,, •· •• • ••••••••••• • •• • • •• • • o . . rr. . Ctark, J avis .................................. Beer Retailer Wh1ttmgham, Rev. R. P olton r1carage ......... V I car Compton, Pavi«! ... fl.ose Corn. Inn & Posting House Youd, Mary ,,,,,.,.,,,.~ •• ~., .• ,, • ., .• Woalstapler Comptoo, Thomas ... , .................... Parish Clerk Darby, William ••.....•.•••.................• Ironmonger Deq.r, Mary .•• ,.# •••••• , ••• ,,~, •••••••••••••• Queens Head Deeble1 Samuel •...•..••.•..•.•••.....•.........••. Brazier Dicklgson, John ....•..•...•....•.....•...... , .•. , ".Glover Dison, J, J, ..................... Watch & Clockmaker Post Office~' Curtis, Hannah ., ......... , ..... , ... u., .... Po~tmistress Letters received from Bigg1eswad~ 8 morn. and despatched 7 even. ~me delivery at 8 JDorn. Edwards, Charles ............................ , .•• , ... Baker Posting House. Edward.s, John .............................. Saddler, &c. Rose & Crown .............................. Compton, D. Emery, John ·····~~······r•·····•••···•·•····Hairdresser Emery, Williafl) ............................. Stwemaker . Exctse, Felts, W!ll~am,, ...................... Carp~nter & Joiner Swan Commer,nal lnq ,. ... ,,.,.,.,.,_" ... Tyler, John Felts, Wtlham ................................ ,Shopkeeper rire & Life Assurance Agent. Fisher1 James •...•...••..•••...•••... Painter & Glazier Sun •••......•••..•...••••••.•.... ! ••••••••••• Smitb, William Fisher,_ James H .................................. Surg~on CaJ';rier~. Frapkhn, J ames .. · · .. · · .. • .. • ........ · .. · .. · • ...... Tailor J b All t B dr d S t rd and to St Q • aco en, o e 10r ~very a u. ay, , F~ser, An drew .................. Bookseller & NtatiO,ner N eots every Thur~day, ~nd J'EttQrn same d!lyll, Gilbert, James ... ., ......................... Beer }tetaiier R. Rowells Waggon to Londoq fi!VEtfY Friday morn. Giles, J ........................................ , ........ Tailor and returns every Monday JllQrn. Good games ~ Co ............. Linen & WoQllendraper$ Gravestock, Samuel ............................ ,.New lqn Classification of Trades. Hagger & Carrington ......... Auctioneers & Maltsters Auctioneers. Hagger & Carrington Halt, 'fhQmas ................ ,., ........... ., ..... , .. Baker Bakers. Edwards Charles Jbbott, ThQ.mas .... ~ ..................... ., •. Blacksmith Hall Thom~s Johnson, C ............................. " ...... ,, .. ,.Drap~.- Kitching George .T~dd,._ James .............. r ................... , •••• Grocet Payne John Kitc~Jng, Oeorge ...... • ........... " ....... "• .. '.";.Baker Beer Retailers. Allen J a cob Keehng, Jo.seph ....... ~ ...................... Runng S?n Bingham Francis Lee, ~eremtah ........................ Plumber it ~lazu~r Brown Jesse Lunnt~, E .. ,, .•..•.....•....•...•.....•.... , •..•.• ~.MI1lj~er Carter James Maddox, Oeorge ... ~ ............. , ............ Blacksmtth Clark Javis Masters, ~cjward ........................... Cormuerch~nt Gilbert James M~ad, t:hz~beth ............................ Beer Retq.t~ef Mead Elizabeth Mtller, John ........................ Plumber & Glazter Norman John MunnJ, George ........................... The Sportsman Parkin Joseph Munsey, Ch11rles .............................. Bootmq.~er Parkin William No_rman, John ................ , .... ., ....... Beer Retmler Peters George Pam~, Abel .......................... , ............ Butc~er Seamer Dav-id Park!", .Jo~eph ............................. Be~r Reta~ler Seymour Thoma~ Parkm, Wdham ........................... BeerJRetaller Town send Samuel Parr~tt, William ....................... , ......... Butcher Wagstaff John PartT!dge, John ................... • ...... · ... Shopkeeper Blacksmiths. lbbott Thomas Partnd~e, Thomas .•• Three Horse Shoes,~ Plum~~f Maddox George · ~nd Glazu~r Stationer 4' Book$eller. Fraser Andrew Pa:yne, Job-n ......... ~· ................ .-............. , •• Ba~er Boot 9- Shoemakers. Emery P~ters, George ...... : ................... ~ ... Beer Retatler Munsey Charles P1erson & Pope, ........ Corn, Coal, Ttmber, and Iron Smith Charles · · · Merchants Ty ler Henry Purser, Ann .................................. ., ...... Glover Tyler William Raynes, Henry .................................... Surgeon Br,zzi(!f',-Deeble SamqeJ Reynolds, H ................................... Watchma~er B1'ewer$.--&se WiiHam ~ynolds, Joseph. •·•••••• .......... • •· .............. Tailor Stricklancl Thomas Rtchard~o~, George ............................ '.Bull Inn Brickl(lyer.--Brown Nicholaa Rose, Wtlha~ ........................ Cooper & Bre~er Bute/tfrS. Paine A bel Seam er, Dav!d· ............................. Beer Ret~Iler Parrott William 8eamer, DaV"td · ...... .-............... .-....... Wheelwn~ht T~f\f Thomq$ Seymour, Thon;lai' ............. , ...... ._., .. , .. Beer Retaller l 3 1
BEDFORDSHIRE; SHEFFORD. POT'FON CLASSIFICATION, continued. Carpenters, g-c.-Felts William , Tear William Carrier. All en Jacob Clothier.-.Bodington Henry • Cnal Mercluznts. Pierson & Pope Coopers. Bingham Francis Rose W illiam Corn :Merchants. Masters Edward Pierson & Pope Fellmonger. Brabrook William Glovers. Dickinson John Purser Ann • Groc~rs q Cheesemongers.--Felts William Partridge John · Wanen Robert Grocers g. Tea Dealers. Bond Richard · Judd James Hair Dressers. Emery John Tebbutt David Inns, Taverns, and Public Houses.,- Bull Inn, Richardson George George Commercial Inn, Ben nett J ames · Geoq;e the Third, Tear Thomas New Inn, Gravestock Samuel Queens Head, Dear Mary Rising Sun, Keeling J oseph ' Rose.~ Crown Coml. Inn, Compton David Sportsman, Munns George Sw(m Commercial ,Inn, Tyler John . Three Blackbirds Inn, Tear William Three Horse Shoes, Partridge Thomas lronmerchants. Pierson & Pope Ironmonge'T'$. Darby, William Smith William Leatl1er Cutter. Smith Charles Li'{len Drapers. Goodgames &:Shrosbury Johnson C. Maltsters. Bagger & Carrington Milliner. Lunnis E. .Plumbers, Painters, q Glaziers. Fisher James Lee Jeremiah Miller John Partridge Thomas Saddler, «c. Edwards John _,Schools ( Gents.)-Chapman Philip Sims Edward Solicitor.-Smith William Surgeons. Fisher J. Ra:r_nes Henry Tailors. F ranklin J ames Giles J. Reynolds J oseph Wagstaff John Tallow Cltandler. Bond Richard Timber Merchants. Pierson & Pope Watchmakers. Dison J. J. Reynolds H. Wheelwrights-Gm vestock J ames Seamer David Woollen Drapers.-Goodgames & Co. Woolstapler. Youd Mary SHErro:aD. • A chapelry, dedicated to St. Michae1, in the parish ofCampton, and hundred of Clifton, 41 miles N. W. from London, 9 S. E. from Bedford, and 20 N. E. from the Leighton station. of the Birmingham &ilroad ; contains 763 inhabitants. The consolidated benefice is valued at 374l., in the presentation of Sir J. Osbornt!, Bart.; and is comprehended by the ~oor law commissioners in the Biggleswade umon. The 32 market has been discontinued, but it is still privileged with four fairs annually. Chicksands Priory, a mile west, on the banks of the Ival, retains much of th~ conventual building ~ in the mansion are exhibited some cunous portraits,... and the bed on which the Pretender was born. A mile and a half north is the extensive park of Southill, with its fine lake ; close adjoining are the ruins of Warden Abbey, and beyond them lckwell Bury, and the ancient and once collegiate church of Northill, adorned with a painted window by Oliver. • Name, Besidence, & Profession. Austin, George ........................... Assurance .Agent Austin, George ..................... Chemist & Druggist Austin, George ..................................... Solicitor Barber, Mrs ...................... Ladies Boarding School Barber, R. G. . ..........•.•. ..............••. Day School Barber, Sarah ......................................... Saddler Barker, William ......... White Hart Commercial Inn Betts, John .....................••••••.. · ....... Auctioneer Badger, William .............................. ....••.•. Miller Brad well, George .............................. Fishmonger Brittain, William ........................... Beer Retailer Brown, John .............................. Tailor & Draper Bunyan, Jas .... The Three Horse Shoes,&. Blacksmith Caherty, John ........................... Black Swan Inn Carrington, William ..................... Coal Merchant Carter, Charles .............................. Beer Retailer Chapman, J . .......•................••................ Tailor Clark, Sarah ........................... Old White Swan Clark, William ....... ,., ... , .................... George Inn Clarke, llenry ........................................ Broker Cooper & Arch ...... : .............. : •• Grocers & Drapers Devereux, John .............................. Parish Clerk Downing, John ........................... Beer Retailer Eldred, John .......... , ................ , ......... Woolpack. Fane, Thorn as ... ..................................... Grocer Foster, J. & Son, and at 13iggleswade General Merchts Freeman, William .......................... Day School Gaye, Charles & Son ........................... Surgeons Haddow 1 J ames •••.................................. Tailor Haddow, Mrs . ..................................... Milliner Harwood, Thomas •••••• Wheelwright & Beer Retailer Head, Robert .....................•••..... n •. Blacksmith Heditch, Jose ph ........................... Collar Maker Hog, WiUiam, ancl at 1Jiggleswade, General Mercht. Impey, Henry ......•••..... ............ · ....... Ironmonger Inskipp, Thomas ........................... Watchmaker J arvis, J oseph ........................................ Carrier Kempson, George ...............•. , .. , ......•••... Grocer Lark ins, George ............... Brewer & Beer Retailer Layman, J ames Miller ........................... Surgeon Lewington, Francis ........................ Postmistress Lovel1, John ...............•••.•........ .,,,,, ... Bootmaker Morris, Mary ......•••.•..•..••••••••••••••••• Grocer, &c. P arro tt. Ed ward ......••••••••••••..•.....• ,,.. ...... Butcher Parrott, James •••. u, ........... Crown Inn., & Butcher Parrott, Mrs . ...•••..........•.•••...•••••• ••• ...... Milliner Roberts, Edward ........................... Beer Retailer Smith, Emery ........................................ Baker Squires, John.· ........................ , ........ ,., ...... ,.Baker Stafford, Charles ................... ~."Assurance Agent Stanton, William .................. u ....... Saddler~ &c. Staple ton, Charles ...............•••. ..., ................ Tailor :raylor, Benja~in ................. ·~, ~·· •.••••• Hairdresser Taylor, llenry ................... , ...... 1rh·•t-'•••••&•!Tailor Thomas, Isaac ................... ~ .. ,,. • .,. •••. Confectioner Tingey, Charles •.............. , ........... ~·····••, .... Grocer \V all er, J ames .............................. Beer Retailer Wailer, James .........................••..•... Green Mao Waiter, \Villiam .................. , .............. Carpenter \
WOBURN. DEDFORDSHIR E•· Wells, Hog & Lindsell, Branch Bank of Biggleswade adjoining Woburn Park~ broken fragments of tbe West, Edward •••... , ••.•....... Linen & Wollendraper trees are frequently picked up from the ground in a Whit bread, Edward_ .......... , ..•••••.•••..• Blacksmith petrified state, a circumstance ascribed to the extreme Williamson, Rev. Edward, Campton 'Vicarage Vicar coldness of the soil, said to be derived from a neighPost Office. bouring petrifying spring. Camden mentions that a Lewin11;ton, Frances ......................... Postmistress wooden ladder was to be seen in Aspley monastery, Letters arri,·e and are despatched at 8 morn. and which having been buried in the earth for some time, are despatched at~ past7 even. was dug up a perfect stone. . Post~ng House. . . . Name, :aesidence, & Profession. Whtte Hart Commercial Inn .•.•••... Barker, W1lham (Fc C ~.rT ) Bankers. or LAt!siFICATlON q, RADES, seep. 34. . Wells, Hog, & Lindsell (Branch of Biggleswade) Angle, Thomas, Back la ............ Piu,mber & ~laz1er· Draw on Barnetts, Hoare, & Co. London. Attwood, G~orge, Bniford st .. . Goat Commercml Inn Excise Office, White Hart. Baker, G. W. George st, George Hotel & Postg House· :Pire &. Life Assurance Agents. Bennett, J. D. Bedfm·d st._. ...................... Butcher Atlas Insurance and Stafford Medical & Clerical Life Bennett, Thomas Eyre, dztto, Land Steward for the A · ' A t" G Bedford Estate ssurauce ..••••••• ., ........ ~ .. -·,··~··· us 1n, eorge B l Phrenix Fire & Life ..................... Stafford, Charles ~st, B. B. Ma_rket P .. ,. ........................... Draper ~oach List. Buchnall, Wllham, Lnghton st ............ Stohemason· To London-the Leeds Mail, caJls at the White Hart Brown, George, Beqford st ................... .,..Butcher at 2 aft. and returns at 1 .morn. Bunker, Thom~s, Market pl ............... Shopkeeper To ditto-the Kettering Coach, calls at the White Burt, Ann, Lezghton 8t ............... Hare & Hou!lds· ·Hart every aft. at 1, and returns at l past 1 aft. Butler, Joseph, J?edford st .... · · .. ·• .... ·: ....... .'!allor · To ditto-the Bedford Times, calls at the White Hart Button, .John, datta ........ , ......... Brazier & Tmman every morn. at! past 6, and returns at! past 6 ~apell, Job!', P~rk st ..................... Rose & C1own e\·en Clark, Dav1d, drtlo ........................... Grocer, &c. To ditto • the Peveril from Manchester, calls at the Cob~, William, Chapel st ...... ...... : .. ........ GiOcer White Hart every mern. and returns 11 night. Corb1shly, Joseph, Balford st, Archuect .. Surv~yor,. ~arriers' List. and Bmlder To London-Josh. Jarvis's \Vaggon, every Tues. and Crick, Jo~~' ditto ............... Baker & Confect~oner Fri. and returns Thurs. and Sun. Croft, W1lham, IJfarket pl.. .... Bookseller &. Statwner To Bedford, Mon. and Fri., returns same days. ~rox~n, 0. _B. drtto, Wheatsheaf Commer~Jal Inn Curtnss, M1ss, George st ........ , ... Boardmg School WO.BUB:N', Day, C. D. High st .............................. Solicitor Fifteen miles S.W. from Bedford, 42 from London Devey, T. S. ditto ........................... Upholsterer on the Leeds road, and five from the Lei~hton Buz- Dexter, John, George st, Registrar of Births and zard station of the Birmingham railroad, contains Deaths for the Woburn District 1827 inhabitants. The town is particularly neat, Dodd, Stephen, Be4ford st, Postmaster, Bookseller· more than a quarter of a mile long; about the centre, and Stationer, &Agent to County Fire Office and at the intersection of Leighton and Park streets, Provident Life stands an appropriately designed market-house, and Fowler, James, Leighton st ........................ Brewer near it a reservoir for the supply of water in case of Fowler, John, Gearge st ........................... Draper· fire (from which destructive element Woburn has Frances, James, Leighton sl ...... Shoulder of Mutton twice suffered), both recently erected by the Duke of Freeman, William, Market pl ... Chemist & Druggist Bedford. There is a Friday's market and four fairs Garling, Frances, Be4ford st ........ , ...... Saddler, &c •. in the year, January 1st, March 23d, May 4th, and George, William, ditto .... -· ............... Shopkeeper July 13th. The Petty Se11sions fo.- the Hundred of Green, John, High st, Solicitor and Clerk to MagisManshead, are also held here. The endowments of trates for Ampthill Division this town, derived almost entirely from the Bedford Hall, George, Market pl ...... ~ ... , ................. Baker family, are considerable schools both for boys and Hannell, John, Cllapel st ..... ~ ............ Beer Retailer gn· s, almshouses. It is a curacy valued at Hanscond & Son, High st, W~tchmakers & Jewellers 2Stl. a year, itt~lhe presentation of the duke, to Harding, John, London rd ........................ Tailor whom the church, dedk'"a.ted to the Virgin, is indebted Harland, William, Market pl, Booksdler, Stationer,. for its pretty pinnacled towo.r finished with an octa- and Straw Hat Manufacturer gonal lantern and vane. The \'icinity is improved by Harris, James, Betijbrd st ......... Boot & Shoemaker his grace's evergreen woods, and tb~ town is enlivened Haynes, Henry, ditto ................... ~ .... Blacksmithby the hospitality constantly mainta1hed at the Abbey Heighington, E. & .1. High st .. . Grocers & Druggists. and occasional winter assemblies. Woburn Abbey, Heighton, Thomas, Market pl.. .... Boot & Shoemake11 conferred by royal favour upon the first tord Russell, Hensman, William, Bec{/ord st, Agricultural Impleon the dis~olution of monasteries, still retains its con- ment Maker ventual appellation. It is a capacious quadrangular Hill, John, ditto .............. 1\lagpie Commercial Inn· mansion, remarkable for its noble sculpture gallery, Hurley, Joseph, ditto ,. , ............ Plumber~ Glazier supported by elegant pillars of various marbles from Huthon, Rev. Henry, Beqfmd si ...... r ..... ~ ... Curate the ruins of ancient Rome, and containing Canova's Judge, Thomas, Lmzdon rd .................. Royal Oak group of the·Graces, and the Lanti vase; for its fine King, Thomas, Beqford st .................. White Lion collection of paintings, its well furnished library, par- Kinn~, Cornelius, Market pl ..................... Tailol" ticularly rich in maps, and a mosaic pa,·ement from Lancasterian School, Ba!fiJrd st, 1\1illard, C. Master a Roman villa. The park is very extensive, a111ply Lucas, Nathaniel, Market pl, Saddler & Harness Mkrstocked with deer, and tastefully diversified VVith Meadows, Samuel, LondOI& rd .. · .......... Beer Retailer abundance of wood and water, and many obje~t:- :\'Iellor, GeOI'ge, Market pl .... .....: ........... - ....... Draper worthy of note. Sidlington Park is another demesbe Miller, Peter, Park st ............... Painter & Glazier of the Duke's at a small distance. In the romantic Newman, Jo~eph, Chapel st ........................ Baker wood of Aspley belongi~g to the duke, and nearly Udell, George, Leightcm st ............... \Vheclwright. Bedfordshire.] F .. · 33
JJEDFORDSHIRE~ WO BURN. Osborn, , Market pl •••. , ...................... Grocer WoBURN C'LASSIFICATlqN, COI}tinued. Parker, Thomas, Beclford st ..................... Surgeon Booksellers~· Stationers.-Croft William, Market pl Parker, Thomas, George st ..................... Surgeon Dodd Stephen; Bedford -st Pearson, John, Market pl .................. Hairdresser Harland William, Market pl Pleasant, Edward, Becijord st ............ Black Horse Bootmakers. Harris James, Bedford st Roberts, William, Market pl ............... Shoemaker Heighton ·Thomas, Market pi Rogers, George, Chapel st .................. Beer Retailer · Roberts William~ MarT,et pl Rosson, T. London rd ............................... Suu Bra.,.ier. Button John, Bedford st Seaton, John, Park st ............... Plumber & Glazier Brewer. Fowler James, Leighton st Sharp, Daniel, Leighton end ............... White Horse Bricklagers. Staniford William, London rd Shepherd, William, Bedford st ............... En~Sineer Stevens George, Bedford st Sibthorpe& Martin,Georgest ............... Milliners Builrler. Corbishly)osh. Bedford st Slim, John, j,farket pl ................. ~ ......... Draper Butchers. Bennett J. D. Bedford st Snooks, Frances, Begf"ord st ..................... Bell Inn Brown George, Bedford st Stanif01·d, William, London rd ............... Bricklayer Steers John, Bedford st Steers, John, Bccfford sl ........................ Butcher Chemists l)- Druggists.-Freeman William, Market pl Stevens, George, ditto ............ Bricklayer & Plasterer Heighington E. & J. High st Stratfoid, C. R. ditto .~.~ ••. ~ .... , ........... Parish Clerk Confectioner.-Crick John, Bedford st Timacus, William, ditto ................ ~ .• - ...... Baker Engineer. Shepherd William, B~dford sl Whiffen, B. George st ........................ Ironmonger Grocers. Clarke David, Pa1k st Whiteman,cDavid, Berjford ~t ..... ~ ......... Shopkeeper Cobb William, Chapel st Heighington E. & J. High st Osbom -,Market pi Hairdresser. Pearson John, Market pi · · · · · · Post Office, Be4fo1·d ~tr:~et. Dodd, Stephen ............ _. .......... _. .......... Postmaster Letters received from London 7 morn., and despatched to London 2 mom., & letters despatched to the North 1 past 12 noon; one delivery each day 7 morn. . . .. . Posting House. ' George Hotel ................................ Baker, George rire &. :Life Assurance Agents. County Fire & Provident Life ... Dodd, S. Be4ford st Phoenix }'ire Office ..... ; ... : ..... Shepherd, Wn~. ditto Excise Office •. Wheat Sheaf Commercial Inn ................. Market pl Coach List. The Leicester Union To London "every a.ft. at 2, and re-turns l past 12 morn.; calls at thtl Goat Inn, (Sundays excepted.)~ The Wellington To London every morn. at 11, and returns at 4 aft., from Goat Inn. The Oxford Coach-To Cambridge evet-y Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and returns Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ; from ditto. The Defiance To London i past 1 every day, and to Manchester at 12 night ~ from ditto. The Sheffield-To ditto at 3 morn., and returns at & past 10 morn. ; from ditto. The Leeds Expres:~ To ditto at 5 morn., and returus 9 night; from diuo.• The Old Northampton Tb ditto at 12 morn., and returns 5 even.; from ditto. The Halifa:lli Mail To ditto 2 morn., and returns at 12 night; from ditto. The Derby Mail To ditto at 2 morn., and returns at 12 night; from ditto. Carriers' List. . To London Atterbury, Hy. Thos. Waggon, Tues. and Fri. morn., returns Sun. and Thurs. c:Iassifica tion of Trades. Agrirult Implement .J.lfkr. Hensman Wm. Bedford it Architect. Corbishly J os h. Bedford st Bakers.-Chick John, Bedford st Hall George, M<,U"ket pl Newman J osh. Chapel st Timacus William, Bedford st Beer Retailers. Hannell John, Chapel st Meadows Samuel, London rd Rogers George, Chapel st Blacbmith&. ltaynei lle··,.y, Bedford st 31 Inns, Tavetus, ~- Public Houses.- . Bell Inn, Snooks Frances~ Bedford st Black Horse, Pleasant Edward, Bedford st George Hotel, Baker G. \V. George st Goat Commercial Inn, Attwood George, Bedford sL Hare q. Hounds, Burt Ann, LPighton st Magpie Comme1·cial Inn, Hill J. Bedford st Rose ~- Crown, Capell John, Park st Royal Oak, Judge Thomas, London rd Shoulder tJf JJfutton, Frances Jas. Leighton Jl Sun, Rosson T. London rd lV!uatsheqf Commercial Inn, Croxen O. B. Matket pl White Horse, Sharp Daniel, Lei~;hton t:nd White Lion, King Tbomali, Bedford st Ironmonger. Whiffen Benjamin, George sl Jewellers. Hanscood & Son, High st1 , Linen Drapers Best B. B. Market pl Fowler John, George st Melior George, Market pl Slim John, .1\larket pl Millhurs. Sibthorpe & Martin, George st Plasterer.-Stevens George, Bedford st Plumbers; Painters, ~ Glaziers. -Angle Thornu, B~..- Hurley Josh. Bedford st Miller Peter, fJark st ~ Seaton John, Park,~t Saddler.~. Garling Fraoces, Bedford st Lucas Nathap1el, Market pi School (Ladies) .!,.;urtress Miss, George st Shopkeepers. BunkerThomas, Market pl George William, Bedford st Whiteman David, Bedford st Solicitors. Day C. D. High st Gr~tm John, High st Stonemason. Birchnall William, Leighton ~t Straw Hatmaker. Ilarland William, .Market pl SurgP-ons. Parker Thomas, Bedford st Parker Thomas, George st Surve!/or. Corbishly Joseph, Bedford sl Tailors. Butler Josh. BedforJ :;t Harding John, London rd Kinns Cor. Market pl Tirtman. Button John, Bedford st Upholsterer. Devey T. S. High st Watchmaken-Hanscond & Son, High st J;f"llcelwriglit. Odcll George, l.eighton st
B U C I{ I N G H A lVI S H 1 R E. Tms inland county lie~ chiefly north-west of the London; commencing at Braunston in NorthMetropolis, from which its nearest point is dis· ants, where it joins the Oxford canal, it runs tant 14 miles due west of the extremity of Picca- direct to the left of the London and Birmingham dilly. Its entire southern bounda1·y is formed Railway, which it crosses near the Crick Station by the river Thames, which separates it from and from thence keep~ a parallel line with the Berkshire, from half a mile below Henley in Ox- railway, allowing for the sinuosities of the canal, fordshire, to a mile above Staines in Middlesex. almost to Watford, whence it takes a. very cirThe remaining boundary is an irregular line, cuitous course to its termination, in the river with few natural land-marks adjoining the coun- Thames, at Brentford; a distance, in the whole, ties of Middlesex, Hertfm·d, and Bedford, on the of 130 miles. Having continued in N orthampeast; Northampton on the north; and Oxford tonshire about four miles longe1· than the railon the west. It is of an oblong form, compris- way, though still running in the same direction, ing an area of 740 square miles, or 473,600 and within a very short distance of it, the canal statute ac1·es; being 45 miles in its greatest enters Buckinghamshire near the Wolverton length from north to south, 18 in breadth, and station, where it is thrown across the stream and about 138 in circumference. valley of the Ouse by an aqueduct three-quarters There is perhaps no county in the kingdom of a mile in length: it enters Hertfordshire at the more remarkable for the important roads by same ,point with the railway. This canal was which it is traversed. The great Western or completed in 1805 by means of a capital raised Bath road passes 8~ miles through its southern upon 11,600 shares of 100l., which shares now extremity, from Colnbrook, 17, to Maidenhead- produce a dividend of l2l. each. bl·idge, over the Thames, 25! miles from Lon- The rivers of Buckinghamshire are, the don ; and from south-east to north-west it is Thame, which, rising near the borders of Bedcrossed by the high roads, to Dxford 18 miles, fordshire, and receiving many little streams in ei}te1·ing- 14! at Uxbridge, and running through its course across the country, passes into OxHi~h Wycombe, to the distance of 32! miles fordshire; where having formed its junction with from London; to Birmingham and Holy- the lsis, it returns towards this county to conhead, which also enterin~ at Uxbridge, runs 49 stitute, as the imperial and beautiful Thames, miles through the county, to Brackley in North- its southern boundary. It receives near Hedsor amptonshire, 63! from London ; to Chester and the small stream of the Wyke, from above High Holywell, entering 41 miles from London, and Wycombe, and between Ankerwyke in this rU:nning 11 miles through the county, all upon county, and Staines in Middlesex, the numerous the ancient Roman \Vatling-street to Stony branches of the river Colne, which, after rising Stratford, distant 52 miles from London; to in this county, and making a small circuit in Liverpool 15 miles, running from beyond Wo- Hertfordshire, forms through the remainder of bHrn 43! to 58! m1les from London. These are its course the boundary between Middlesex and crossed diagonally by several other roads, the Buckinghamshire. The Ouse, after rising in principal of which is one from Cambridge to Ox- Northamptonshire, forming for a short distance ford, passing through Newport Pagnell, Stony the boundary between that county and BuckingStratford, and Buckingham. Of the few rail- hamshire, then for another sho1't space dividing roads which are yet open for conveyance out of Buckin~hamshire from Oxfordshire, crosses fhe I .. ondon, two pass through the county of Buck- whole north of the county by Buckingham, Stony ingham: the Great Western enters the county Stratford, Newport Pagnell, and Olney, to pass immediately after having passed its second sta- into Bedfordshire,and thence through Huntingdon tion at West Drayton, has its third station at and Cambridgeshire, to the German Ocean. In its Sl0ugh, and its fourth within this county, near course through Buckinghamshire, besides receiv- M~idenhead, to which place it runs nearly ing many smaller streams, it is joined at Newport parallel with the Bath road, keeping to the Pagnell by the Oltzell. which separates this north of the latter till it crosses it about a mile county from Bedfordshire for some miles from its from the present terminus of the railroad at the source, and then flows past Fenny Stratford to Maidenhead station. The London and Birming- the Ouse. ham Railway enters the county about 33 miles Buckinghamshire is divided into two portions, from London, and there meets the line of rail- of very different characters, by the chalky range way, about nine miles in length, by which it is called the Chiltern Hills, which occupy a conproposed to connect the town and rich vale of siderable space in the south of the county, and Aylesbury with this road. There are two sta- run entirely across, in a direction from southtions within the county, that of Leighton Buz- west to north-east; bein~ part of the great chain zard, taking its name from the town in Bedford- of chalk hills which extend from lJorsetshire, shire, from which it is half a mile distant, and north-eastwards, into Norfolk. Between these ' 40! from London; aHd that of Wolverton, 52! hills and the Thames a very large portion of the from London. The railway passes into North- land is covered with fine beech woods, which inamptonshire four miles and a half further on, deed are supposed by the learned Camden to making its line through Buckinghamshire about have given name to the county, thi Saxon word' 24 miles. The Grand Junction canal conveys " bucken" l!ignifying' beeches; bu't this etyrnothe water-traffic of nearly all the midland and logy and, indeed, the orthography of the Saxon northern counties thrcugh Buckinghamshire to 1 word, have been controverted by later commenBucks. B I 1
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. tators. The small angle lying on the extreme ancient seat of the Grenville family, and now south-east of the county, enclosed by the rivers the residence of the Marquis of Chandos, eldest Colne and Thames, and an imaginary line drawn son of the Duke of Buckingham; and on its from Maidenhead to Uxbridge, difi'crs in its soil eastem extremity, abutting on the counties of from the rest of the county, being chiefly a Bedford and Hertford, is Ashridge-park, near gravelly loam upon hard ~ravel. Within this I vinghoe, under which town it will be noticed; circuit are found I ver, Stoke, and Fulmer- but south of the Chiltern range the country is heaths, which, with Wycombe-heath, not con- thickset with the parks and mansions of the siderably distant, form the only waste lands of great, sevf'ral of which are mentioned in the any consequence in the county. The subsoil of notices of Beaconsfield, Wooburn, Buckingham, the Chiltern-hills is chalk of different qualities, Colnbrook, and Wycombe. with some beds of gravel, sand and brick earth. The first inhabitants of the Buckinghamshire. The surface-soil is of littl~ depth, but so ski!- hills of whom any tradition exists, appear to have fully and sedulously cultivated, as to have be- borne the name of Ancalites, signifying in the come extremely productive. These hills, and the ancient British dialect inhabitants of the High. country southward to the Thames, consist en- lands, as distingl:lished from the Taveini a tribe tirely of arable farms. On the western side of settled on the low grounds in the neighbourhood the county, at the distance of a few miles north- of the Thames; both these gave way by conquest wards, rises another range of a similur composi- to the Dobuni, who in their turn were driven out tion; and between them lies the fertile vale of hy the Casi, a tribe originallyinhabiting BedfordAylesbury, consisting of rich clay and loam, shire, Hertfordshire, and the neighbouring parts which is chiefly cultivated as grazing and dairy- of this county, over the whole of which they had farms, the latter preponderating. Stretching spread themselves at the time of the Roman northwards from this vale, the lowlands bear the invasion. Under the Romans it formed a part of same luxuriant aspect, the soil continuing of the their district called Flavia Crosariensis, and _near same description; but in the uplands it is chiefly Buckingham, their General Aulus Plautius, sura thin clay upon a calcareous substratum. Rich prised and routed the Britons under Caractacus meadow-lands track the course of the Ouse, and and Togodumnus, the sons of the British King north of it an admixture of gravel with the clays Cunobelin, better known by the Shakspearian and loams forms good turnip-land. From the name of Cymbelyne; who is supposed to have borders of Bedfordshire gentle sand-hills enter, had his residence on the side of one of the Chiltern and diversify the face of the country ; and in hills near Ellesborough, and about three miles the same district is found a rich blue marl, used from Wendover, where some strong earthworks for manure. and a high mouht still bear the name of Castle Buckinghamshire has 1ong been famous for its Hill, or Kimble Castle. The remains of the produce o( com and cattle ; and its dairy-farms Roman station, Magiovintum, are still visible in send a great quantity of butter to the London the Auld Fields, a quarter of a mile from Fenny market, which is also larg-ely supplied with ducks Stratford, and a square camp formed by a single from the neighbourhood of Aylesbury. These di- ditch and wall, enclosing an area of about seven versified features of the country, presenting on acres, may still be recognised on the banks of the every siue wood-crowned hills and luxuriant Thames near Medmenham, three miles south-west vales, plentifully watered by the majestic of Great Marlow. The Roman roads, the Wat!ingTltames, the rising Ouse, and their innumerable street, Theneld-street, and Akeman-street crossed tributaries, produce of course the most enchant- this county where many portions of their lines ing prospects; whether the home landscape is may be distinctly traced. On the departure of seen in a bounded view, or whether from some these civilizin~ conquerors, Buckingham-.hire, well-situated eminence, the eye ranges at liberty like most other parts of the island, became the over an extensive circuit. Throughout the theatre of many battles and revolutions, till on southern division the bold promontory crowned the complete establishment of the Hep1archy, it by the Royal Castle of Windsor, rising, in strong fell under the dominion of the kings of Mercia. relief, immediately across the watery boundary These princes had a palace at Bril1, on the borders of the county, forms the most attractive point of Oxfordshire, which was also the occasional d'appui to the eye, and from its elevated terrace residence of Edward the Confessor, and some of a grand panorama. of the adjacent district of the early Norman kings. The long enduring Buckinghamshire is embraced, the Chiltern warfare between the Saxons and Danes has lefl Hills forming the limit of the horizon t<\ the left many mementos in this county. Edward the and north, while the prospect to the right elder resided for a time at Bucldngham, and stretches into Middlesex, taking in Harrow and fortified it against the Danes; circular intrench· even Hampsteall. ments are found at West-Wycom be, Danesfield, The principal seat in the northem part of Cholbury, and HedgerlyDean; a considerable ram· Buckinghamshire, and the great ornament of part of earth called Grimesdytre runs nearlyeastand the county is Stowe (of which see some parti- west upon the Chiltern hills through a part ofthis culars in the account of the town of Bucking- county, and a great cross called White leaf cross, ham). Near Newport Pagnell are the ancient cut in the side of the chalk hills near Risborough, mansions of Tyrringham and Gothurst; and is supposed to commemorate some victory gained on the borders of Bedfordshire, near Leighton by the Saxons over the invaders. Near this Buzzard, is Liscombe-house, a handsome edifice memorial of the valour of a people over whorn of the Elizabethan era, commanding a beautiful his ancPstors achieved a lasting victory, the view, and standing upon an estate which for above gallant Black Prince had a palace, of whom all 500 years has been the property of the Lovett old distich says, family. In the western district of the vale of " Tring-, Wing, and I vinghoe did go, ,Aylesbury lies Wootton-under~Bmntwood, the For striking the Black Prince a blow 2
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. butbywhomdoesnotappear. This county has not This cannot be called a manufacturing county, been the scene of any remarkable event in modern though the ttia.rtufacture of thread-lace has history, but witnessed a display of religious flourished here to some extent, especially m the fanaticism towards the close of the s8venteenth neighbourhood of Hanslape and Olney, and the century which attracted the attention of the whole straw plait manufacture of Bedfordshire extends country. The Reverend John Mason, Rector of for some distance within this county. Several Water Stratford, had persuaded himself, and mills on the Wyke, in the neighbourhood of succeeded in convincing his flock that the Lord Wycombe, are also employed in an. extensive Jesus would appear in that village, and come to manufacture of paper. judge the world on the ensuing Whitsunday; So Buckinghamshire formerly returned in all 14 impressed were his parishioners with this belief, members to parliament; under the reform act it that they gave way to the most extravagant now sends 11 : viz. two for each of the four demonstrations of joy, which were somewhat boroughs of Aylesbury, Buckingham, Great checked by the Minister being struck speechless Marlow, and High Wyconibe, Amersham and near the appointed time, .and dying very shortly Wend over Which formerly returned two each being afterwards, no doubt from the strong excitement disfranchised ; and three knights of the shite of his feelings. A sect, however, continued to hold instead of its former two. The election takes his tenets for near half a century, though they place at Aylesbury ; Buckingham, Beaconsfield, were obliged to admit that their prophet had been and Newport Pagnell bein~ also polling places. mistaken in the time announced for the consutn- The ducal title derived from this county has mation of their hopes. been very celebrated in English history. It was Buckinghamshire contains 28,966 houses, and first borne by the family of Staffotd, descended 31,84 9 families, forming a population of 146,52!1 from Anne Plantagenet, daughter of Thomas of persons according to the census of 1831. The Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester, seventh son of amount of value assessed to the property tax for the King Edward III. who, as well as Humphrey hi~ county in 1814 was 887,851l., of which the rental son, had been Earls of' Buckingham; and wa~ amounted to 498,677l. The civil division is into forfeited by the attainder of the third duke, whose eight hundreds, and the new poor law act has head was so unceremoniously disposed of by the constituted 12 unions for the administration of tyrant of Shakspeare's spendid tragedy. The its powers. · next noble house ott which it was conferred was The ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the county is that of Villiers, whose two dukes flourished with in the province of Canterbury, the diocese of equal favour under the dissiniilarrei~ns ofthe two Oxford, and Archdeaconry of Buckingham, Charleses, and have both been made personally divided into seven rural deaneries, which col- familiar to us in the vivid portraitlires of Sir lectively comprise 202 parishes. Before the new W alter Scott. It ls noW borne by Richard ecclesiastical arrangements, it formed a part of Plantagenet Grertville, Duke of Buckingham lind the See of Lincoln, with the exception of two Chandos ; Lord Carrington is Lord Lieutenant of rectories and two chapelties in the peculiar juris- the county. The family of Hobart bear the title diction of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and Earls of Buckinghamshire. four vicarages which belonged to the deanery of St. Alban's, in the diocese of London. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. , As subdivided into PAROCHIAL UNIONS unde,r the Poor Law Amendment Act or 4 & 5 '\VILLIAM IV. 1834, showing the Number of Parishes, the Number of Gm.rdians appointed thereto, also a STATEMENT showing the Days on which the several Parochial Unions in the County of' Buckingham hold their Meetings, the Places at which they meet, and the Clerks to each respective Board; as arranged in the order in which they have been lettered on the accompanying Map of the County. Letter ·or Reference on q • · Map, the red UNIONS. line showing the different Unions. --~------------------------- ---------- "Clerks to the- - Boards. Days on which the Boards meet weekly. Places at which the Boards . meet. -----1----------- --· ·-------------1-----·--1----------- A B c D E r G I. Amersham ••••••. , . 12 2. Aylesbury , • • • • . • • • 4 0 3. Buckingham • • • . • • • 30 4. Eton............... 19 5. Newport Pagnell . , • "45 6. Winslow , , • • • • • • • • . 17 7. Wycombe •••• , •••• , 33 17 Thos. Marshal!, . A rhersham WorkAmersham ••••••• Tuesday, I 0 • • house. 48 Acton Tindal, Aylesbury Work~ Aylesbury •• , •••• Wednesday, 10 house. 31 Thos. Hearn, Buckingham WorkBuckingham .••.•• Monday, 10.. • house. 22 Chas.PrenticeBarrett Slough Central Eton ••• ; •••••••• Tuesday, 10 • • Workhouse. 48 William Powell, N ewpo1·t Pagnel1 Newport Pagnell, Saturday, 10.. Workhouse. 18 David T. Willis, Sol.. Winslow WorkWinslow ••••••••• Monday, 10 • • house. 39 Charles Barman, Wycombe TownHigh Wycombe. 11 Friday 10 , , • , hall. 3
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. SUPERINTENDENT REGISTRARS OF BIRTHS, DEATHS, &c. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. As subdivided into DISTRICTS under the Registration Act of vVil· Jiam IV., of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, showing the several Parochial Unions, with the REGISTRARs' DISTRICTS, the Name and Address of Superintendent Registrars, Registrars of Births and Deaths, and the Registrars of Marriages, in the several Parochial Unions in the County. * * * The letter A, B, <S-e. 'J'ejers to several Divisions of Unions on the accompanying Jrfaps of Buckingham, and the figure reje1·s to the Table of the Unions. UNIONS. '· Name and Address of Superintendent Registrar. Registrars' Districts. Name and Address of Registrars of Births and Deaths. Name an•l Ad1hess of Marriage Registrars. A 1. Amersham Thos. Marshall, Amersham. - Amersham ••.. Rich. Sims, A:ersham •...••. 1James DorreU, Amersham.- Gt. Missenden . J no Coughtrey, Gt. Missenden. Chalfont .•••.• John Crisp, St. Peter's Ger. crs. Beaconsfield ••. .John H utchinson, Beaconsfield. Chesham •.••• Wm. Ford, Jun., Chesham. B 2. Aylesbury. Ashton Clinton. Hum. Bull, Aston Clinton, Tring Henry Bird, Aylesbury. Thos Lands Chap- Haddenham .•• D. T. Forster, U. Winchndn, Ay man, Market pl, Waddesdon •••• T. Horton, QuaintonAylesbury. Aylesbury. · Aylesbury •••.• Henry Bird, Aylesbury. C 3. Buckingham. Thos. Hearn, Buckingham. D 4. Eton. C. P, Ban·ett, Eton. E 5. Newport Pagnell. Wm. Powell, Newport Pagnell. F 6. 1Yinslow. David Thos. \Villis, Winslow. Buckingham •. John King, Buckingham ••••.. Tingewick ••••. J. Phillips, Tin~ewick, Bcknghm Leckhamstead. Robt. Roper, Maidemorton, uo. Eton .•••.•.•• T. J. Hammond, Eton ..•..•.. C. F. Barfon, Eton. Iver .•..•.•..• E. W. Norblad, Iver, Uxbridge. Burnham •.••. J. Williams, Burham, Maidenhd. T. Chew, Gt. Bucknell, FennyiD. N orris, Newport Pagnell. Fennv Stratford Stratford •.....•........••. ~ N ewprt Pagnell Wm. White, Newport Pagnell. Olney ••.•.•.. Saml. Griggs, Sherington, do. Winslow •.•••• John Cowley, \Vinslow •••••• ,IJohn Cowley, Winslow. High Wycombe Rich. Turner, High Wycombe . J. Harman, High Wycombe. G 7. Wycombe. West Wycoml>e R. Holmes, Stokenchurch, Oxn.J. B •. Allnutt, Chinnor, Wye. C has. Barman, Great Marlow • J. Reading, Great Marlow. High Wycombe. Wendover, .•.. John Cox, Wendover. " Princes· Risboro H. Curtis, Bledlow, Prins' Rsbo. 1 * * :t The Clerks to Bom·ds of Guardians being eligible are, in most cases, Superintendent Regis, tra1·s. For days of Meeting of Guardians, see Table nf Unions for the County, page 3. LIST OF PAI{ISIIES AND POST TO,VNS. FORMING THE VARIOUS PAROCHIAL UNIONS OF THE COUNTY OF BUCKS. * * * The lettPr (A) refers to tlte County Map. AMERSHAM--(A). PARISHES. POST TOWNS· Chesham •••••.•••.•...••..••.•.•• C!teshmn PARISHES, POST TOWNS. Chesham Bois • , • , • , , , ....•.••••... , •.• ditto Amersham., •.••••• , •.••.••.••..• Amersham Co!eshill .••••......•...••••.••.. Ame1·sham Beacons field •..••••...•....•.•.. Beacons.field Great Missenden .....•.•... , .•••.•.. , .. ditto Chalfont, St. Giles ... ' ...•...• Germrds Cross I .. ee ..•...••..•.....••• , •• ,., .. , ...• ,. ditto Ditto, St. 11 eter •••••....•.•....•..•.•. ditto Penn •••.••.............• , •.•.. Bearonsjield Chenies ••.•••••••• , •••.••••• Rickmansworth Sear Green .•. , ••..••• , . , , •• , , Gerra·rds Cross 4